16 values
'Thanks for the reply. The compensating for something else definitely sounds interesting. I know I don't feel completely like myself as of late but its more because I am dating someone who is very...|||Hi all! So I've got a strange one (or maybe not?): So what I am finding lately is that I am feeling pretty down usually on my second day off. For some background, I'm a nurse and work in a pretty...|||For whatever reason this post suggesting nature kind of resonated with me. I think thats the direction I need to take for now.|||I think my 'conversations' could be similar to praying though I have never really prayed before. For whatever reason I don't like the idea of praying. I think because of my perception of the person...|||Any recommendations for spiritual readings?? :)|||This makes a lot of sense. My belief in 'god' is fairly similar it seems. For whatever reason looking inward doesnt feel quite right right now. I feel like external is more towards the answer, so...|||Hi all! So I'm in this little town called Valemount in bc (Canada) and decided to do some stargazing just cause its so gorgeous here. And, as if on cue, came that feeling of elation as I realized...|||I do this a lot especially if I'm in a really good mood. And most of the time in the car. Though not as much anymore I just realized. I do like humming to myself though. I don't care if people are...|||Just another thought. Do you not enjoy singing because perhaps you feel like you're not singing for you anymore? Is there a part of you that feels like its 'expected' of you or that since you have...|||I love science fiction in that I enjoy reading about or pondering new ideas or new ways of thinking about common things. In general, I love stuff thats 'out there'. Anything that pushes the envelope...|||Naa, I don't mind. It wasn't obvious for me at the time. I remember feeling really distraught about it and it took me a bit to figure out why I was feeling down. I must have had the blinders on as I...|||Im starting to think this is true. Nice quote!|||So awhile ago I found this forum and was stunned that I had not found it earlier. Here was a place where like-minded individuals could share their innermost thoughts and feelings in what I deem a...|||Hmm! Ive always wanted to go out in nature, like maybe freezing to death in the arctic (assuming something went wrong) or defending myself against an animal attack. Something natural. Or some sort of...|||Did it twice via effort. Enjoyed it but found the time commitment involved to make it happen was more than I was willing to put forth for the experience I got. Now it happens rarely and randomly....|||This was absolutely gorgeous! Loved it.|||You know those days when you feel your best and at one with the universe? Today was one of those days... :)|||The ol' lol made an appearance on this post! :)|||... I guess so!! :) Nice post! Love it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMgPHLTS3Qw|||I guess mine would be reading others, simply because Im more interested in that. Im no rock star at it but I get by :)|||I remember a doctor telling me about this at my last job. She was calling the I need to victim language and suggest we start saying I want to. Good article!|||Like a kick in the ass! Much appreciated :) The result doesnt matter. I think Im placing too much importance on that. That and the ol'...|||Do you guys ever experience times where the desire to be creative in a tangible way is overwhelming and so you try to do something about it, only to find yourself saying to yourself that what you...|||I had a good conversation with a close friend of mine the other day and he has been going to therapy for many many years, the group kind. I asked him about it and he said, You know, some days I...|||Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card Anything by Michael Crichton (light on character development but put great research into his books) Monster Island by David Wellington Containment by Christian...|||Oh fun! I love these kinds of questions. And I wonder if the video game is based off of the book? (One quick google... and it is) What are your beliefs on predestination (fate, destiny, chosen...|||Gotta plug this album again... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOB3G6WeZrQ Sometimes mainstream aint all that bad :)|||I just cant wait to be finished school in approx one month when I graduate. Im sick of having 'assignments' to ensure that I am learning something. Like I am not responsible enough on my own to...|||Yea! And seeing a finished program, no matter how insignificant, I think is neat as well. Knowing you did it from start to finish and it does the job it was intended to do.|||I am not a teacher but I think if its something you really want to try to go for it. If it doesnt work out its not like you cant go and do something else, correct? Plus what are some of the...|||Did not know this thread existed. I would like to try dating an infp so Im gonna go find that quiet, shy, loner-in-a-good-way gal and proceed to charm the crap out of her. Then marriage, children,...|||I know in a few of my relationships there are patterns of communication that have developed (ie i call them all the time or they call me). I think that just naturally happens in some relationships....|||I consider myself quite good at math and at computer programming. At least good by my standards, maybe not good compared to others who make a career out of it. I did programming in school and for my...|||This I agree with: I'd say she is trying to spare your feelings. And honestly, the 'why' in my opinion does not matter. Maybe she just doesn't feel the connection that she thinks she should...|||Oh man. Story of my life. One thing that I usually regret is when friends ask me to come out to a party and a lot of the time I will say no because I'm not in a party mood. However, I know if I do...|||I was gonna plug nursing but I see its already been plugged and requires schooling so cant be done as a quick buck. I worked at a golf course cutting fairways. That was great in a way. The others...|||When I feel really good, I imagine myself as the 100% light side from knights of the old republic character screen. Odd, I know. Something like this: ...|||Nice! Might I also add, my favorite song from that album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_98Gyg1er-k It still puts chills in my spine!! Just the despair in the song. Its soaking through the...|||I make rules now for things that drive me crazy and create a small wedge in my relationships and let the offenders know of said rules. One example is I absolutely cannot stand it when somebody is...|||My two cents... I have a lady friend who used to call me a lot. She would open up to me about her problems etc and I would listen. When I tried to ask her questions to get her to explore the...|||Ive got the following that Ill watch now and again: -Back to School (Rodney Dangerfield) -Dead Poets Society -One Crazy Summer -Clue -The Burbs -The Money Pit -Star Wars 4-6 TV stands out...|||Deliciously dark... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBcXe2B97TQ|||I remember seeing them when they opened for NIN many years ago and thinking, Who is this!. Good stuff!|||I agree, the quiet one does contribute. But if you're looking to contribute more my suggestion would be to let those crazy INFP thoughts of yours come to life! :p Are you holding back or anything...|||I find I'll talk to myself in the car on trips. I find I talk out loud when the radio is on. Like when a commercial comes on and says its the best pizza in town I'll go off on that asking if it...|||Im not a huge voter but Ive voted for the past three elections. I voted new democrats in the last one, but really dont lean towards any party. I find that I tend toward individuals rather than...|||How about we each print out our favorite you know you're an infp when and post it somewhere in our city! Could also take a pic and post it on here afterwards|||Lately I find myself missing my sister more and more (she died a few years ago). She was the one family member who I could call up at any hour and talk about anything with, and vice versa....|||Im a big fan of smaller schools, especially smaller class sizes. At the big universities with huge class sizes I had no motivation. I really felt the school did not care in the least who I was or...|||They don't call us idealists for nothin! :p'
'My friends call me Hangry when I'm angry. Because I only usually show I'm angry when I'm hungry. -____-|||Dear ISTJ, I wonder what you would say, or how you would react, if I told you how I feel about you? I think you are so beautiful. I think you are my perfection. It's scary because you are...|||Four more sleeps till my 5 week trip to Canada and America to perform at various international festivals! I Love My Life For Real Now. :) Eeeep Exciting!|||I have procrastinated this stupid little assignment, that I have told myself is beneath me but really, I'm just scared of it. And now it's overwhelmed me. #Sighs. Sometimes, I hate it when I...|||My best friend's little adopted sister committed suicide a few days ago. She had hung herself on a playground near her boyfriend's house where she was staying. Growing up in a small town, we all...|||Prayers for Myers Briggs Types ISTJ: Lord help me to relax about insignificant details beginning tomorrow at 11:41.23 am e.s.t. ISTP: God help me to consider people's feelings, even if most of...|||Grabs maltesers, sits back, and waits for knowledgeable answers that ensue...|||I had to move cities to realize that I had it too. But not anymore either. (:|||I chose Video games, because I'm not much of a movie connoisseur. But me and Crash Bandicoot? We go WAAY back. :)|||I don't think I have a problem so much with people trying to speak over/for me. My problem was with my mother who always spoke for me in a different sense. Volunteering me to help people that she...|||When you would rather hibernate that socialize. When you wander off exploring lil' exerts of nature by yourself.|||Another idea borrowed from our ISTJ friends and whoever else they borrowed it from before then etc. Mine First: You doubt you're an ENFP when... you write up To Do lists everyday and tick...|||1. I don't have a best friend. 270 12.75% 2. ENFP - The Inspirers 211 9.96% - Does this mean we ENFPs are good at being Best Friends? :) 3. INTJ - The Scientists 208 9.82% 4. INFP - The...|||This because I feel connected to my land: http://www.southernrata.co.nz/site/southernrata/images/large/550x9999/greenstone%20pendant%20kawkawa%20variety%20lightened.jpg These have always always...|||I'm still REALLY happy since my last post up there ^... About the same thing really. That I'm self-actualizing! Like I always dreamed I would. Finally. I love my life, really and truly now!|||I think one of my big ones is Eye Contact. If I'm really interested in any person, I will make an effort to gaze intensely into the windows of their soul and try and read their minds.|||I'd sing me heaps of songs, I'd go exploring heaps, and I'd make me a friend to keep me company. Reference: Cast away and Wilson.|||I live for language. I speak Samoan (my native language), French, a bit of Spanish and my favorite is english. It is my dream to learn the following languages: Maori, Sign Language, Italian, more...|||I'm an ENFP and I hate when people are just generally unaware.|||Gryffindor hard. So I could be next to Ronald Weasley.|||KookyTookie i LOVE that your dog is your bestie. REALLY wish I could have a dog! What's stopping me? I dunno! I want a nephew/niece of a dog. One I could babysit and love, and then give back to...|||Well, she seems bored because all she does is mope around the house. If I were her, I would be exploring, walking round our local mall (which is literally a 5 minute walk away), walking up all the...|||liza_200 I think I might have found a Instinctual Variant finder test thingy: check it out and see if it works for you! I think it did for me (: Cheers. Enneagram Variant Test|||I need to get out more.|||My Random Joke for today: Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day, Mary my wife and I went into town and...|||Copied from our friends over at ISTJ (thanks niss) This is a forum for anything and everything Random, that can't fit into any of our other awesome ENFP threads.|||Current Mood: Annoyed Because I am currently having to babysit a 17 year old for these school holidays, that won't use any initiative and be proactive.. Instead she insists to mope around home,...|||Thanks Liza! Finally have my tritype! Question, do you know how I know find the letters that go on ze end? sp/sx/so?|||Viva: 4w3 7w6 8w9 so/sx Ace Face: 7w8, 8w7, 3w2 cue5c: 3w2 so/sp The King of Dreams: 9w1 7w6 2w1 so/sx Alysaria: 7w6, 2w3, 9w8 sx/so MusicBird: 7w6, 9w8, 4w3 Eerie: 7w8-1w2-4w3 sx/sp Finaille:...|||Viva: 4w3 7w6 8w9 so/sx Ace Face: 7w8, 8w7, 3w2 cue5c: 3w2 so/sp The King of Dreams: 9w1 7w6 2w1 so/sx Alysaria: 7w6, 2w3, 9w8 sx/so MusicBird: 7w6, 9w8, 4w3 Eerie: 7w8-1w2-4w3 sx/sp Finaille:...|||I recorded this song on to my tape cassette recorder off the radio when I was young. I've always known the lyrics (well, my version of the lyrics anyways), but every time I tried to google it, I...|||viva And that's exactly the tattoo my ENFP bestie and I want to get! Enfp thing? lol.|||I quit my job last year to pursue my dream. I am older than most of the students in my class... In the beginning, I was gutted that I was one of the oldest. Mourning my lost time, since I should have...|||I have to do mop the floors, do grocery shopping, and do my washing. And perhaps make some dinner. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO do NOT want to do ANY of the above. Sighs. #wastingtime|||Why a hammer and sickle?|||Ya. I is like you. I don't have any either, because I wouldn't be satisfied with a stagnant design forever more. I wish I could have one though. Like, a small music note somewhere no one would know....|||Do you have a tattoo? If so, cool! What do you have? And what is the meaning behind it? If not, and you do want one, what would you get and why? If not, and you will never want one, why not?|||I asked a similar question myself not long ago either; this is part of what a wise person responded to me with: Itx92s at times like this that we need to hang on to faith in the future, even though...|||Username: Minesweeper Queen - Because I consider myself to be extremely good at Minesweeper AND I also didn't realize I could not change my username at a later date. Age: 24 Location: New...|||I'm too stingy to spend money on something as superfluous & unnatural as cigarettes; I'd rather spend money on other superfluous & unnatural things such as bubbles (the ones you blow) and eating out....|||Oh no... It's not going according to my plan. It's hard enough for me to PLAN shiet. Let alone try & deal to it once it doesn't work out. :/ I was banking on my pay out from work once I finish, to...|||I am a changed person; I have discovered the remedy to loneliness (and thus escape of this), which is solitude. I am learning to love me. And to rediscover me. In the realest essence of me. And I...|||I took a MAJOR risk in a life changing decision. Where there was an easy option, and a hard option. I took the hard option and was NERVOUS and ANXIOUS as hell. And then, it climaxed in the end....|||Smarties; You are what you eat.|||I feel better today.|||.. I don't know whether I've done the right thing or not... Man I'm so mixed up... Should I move in with them, or should I stay with them? I DON'T KNOW. Why does my gut feeling keep telling me NO. To...|||I had a few conversations with me mother dearest, where she hung up on me each time, and PerC just happened to be opened on me comp... So away I went... I was SO ANGRY. I feel much better now. lol...|||MY GOD. I can't believe you are SO MANIPULATIVE and SO IMMATURE. You are my mother, so competent, so wise, so intelligent, so respected... WELL FUCK YOU YOU BITCH you may be all those things BUT a...|||Hurt people, hurt people.|||O ISTJ, ISTJ! Wherefore art thou ISTJ?'
'I'm a graphic designer. I currently work part time at a job that is in direct opposition to my values and beliefs, and it stresses me out for that reason tremendously. I previously worked at a...|||It's true, my smile definitely doesn't go up. In fact, it's so sideways, it almost goes down. It's a very sloppy smile and I hate it. It also doesn't reach my eyes. I don't want to say my smile is...|||Narcissism: 1.1 (4) Machiavellianism: 2.6 (40) Psychopathy: 0.8 (2) But I feel this is inaccurate, since while I did say I think it's wise to keep secrets from people, etc, I don't actually DO...|||Yes, I do this! And once I've fleshed out my ideas properly via this method, I write them down and save them in a big document to use later. I actually did a real magazine interview about my art this...|||I don't really understand this instinctual variants stuff - I kind of wandered in here because the MBTI forum was boring tonight so maybe what I say will be irrelevant. Still, I've scored so/sp on a...|||This sounds so appealing, I am tempted to learn UI and UX design. They're big and daunting, though, I have no idea where to start.|||Do you like Carpenter Brut? I feel like you'd like Carpenter Brut. You've got the bright neons/old cars/ epic, slightly-Satanic imagery going on.|||If I like something and it's not a popular thing but I think it should be, I'll attempt to tell lots of people about it. Once all of them have shown me how much they don't care, I go back to my...|||I don't really like dollar stores but I DO like getting candles from them. Or cheap art supplies (like canvases, sequins, glitter, stickers, etc).|||The one ENFP I know is too busy judging other people to see her own flaws, so I think your friend is just really nice. Sounds like someone I'd love to be friends with, actually.|||You're pretty much right! I like to comb through different concepts until I find commonalities/links that will sit well together. It's a sort of obsession with finding the middle ground. I like to...|||I'm probably answering this wrong but I really love graphic design and art. I'm a Ni-dom and I like to take opposing/seemingly conflicting things and analyse them for similarities. The more abstract,...|||WHAT IF!!! You date someone really, really busy, who just has like, no time to see you except a couple times a week It's like long-distance but without the long distance I'm only half serious...|||No. That punishment doesn't fit the crime.|||A BAD fashion moment was my whole early teens, when I wore knee-length skirts over baggy jeans. It looked hippie in a terrible way.|||What do you think about online dating and long distance relationships? Those have allow for heaps of space and are super low maintenance. You can have as meaningful and intimate a connection as you...|||I fear it but I fear it more for my partner. I hope they die before I do and I hope I am able to be with them when it happens.|||I don't really get bored unless someone is talking to me about something I don't care about (eg. explaining in great deal how to do a task I have no interest in doing, or telling me a whole bunch of...|||I don't know but my advice is to refrain from giving of yourself to people who don't properly appreciate it. I actually cut people like this out of my life when possible but sometimes, that's hard to...|||I think that, given the abuse that's been heaped upon the ESTJs throughout this thread, any ESTJ who comes across it is well within their rights to be belligerent. :tongue: Even if you didn't intend...|||Do you write?|||Hitler's pretty unfortunate|||OP, Stranger Things didn't grab me at first but it does get better. I went into Anne with an E with low expectations due to bad reviews and one rave review from someone who usually has crap...|||yayayayayayay|||^ I second Peaky Blinders. Most people haven't seen it but it's SO good.|||Ayyye, fellow fan! <3 I saw him live a month ago and he was the SWEETEST.|||Why would an ESTP struggle? All the thinking types seem pretty employable to me.|||YOU GET IT. I was actually explaining this to my ESTP brother just yesterday, telling him that I can't really enjoy life because this whole plane of existence is mediocre at best. He didn't get it....|||I would like to be fearless and dangerous. Actually heartless, not so much. Heartless characters are wonderful in fiction but loathsome IRL.|||My friendships are all pretty surface level so things like honesty and loyalty are not important to me. I also have no problem with them talking about me behind my back. As long as they like me...|||When you say this is your first social site....do you mean you don't use Facebook or anything? :O Wow. And welcome!! I hope we don't disappoint|||This whole time, I've been thinking of Medieval public hangings! We're on the same page lol. YES.|||I think they're great. My favourite type. Perfect, flawless beings.|||INFJ. I liked this test because even though I try hard not to ever choose 50% on tests like this, I sometimes really can't decide. This test forces you to select either 40 or 60. I found myself using...|||I rarely agree with my old religion anymore but on this, I do: The death penalty should only be used to prevent someone from harming others, and only as a last resort. Since there are almost no...|||I got the Idealist too. Your advice is a high priority, so you are often asked for your opinion. Your answers are often intuitive and therefore do not work This is clearly a language mistake...|||Hunchback is one of my fave Disney films precisely because it's so dark and unhappy. But it was a strange choice for Disney and I think i read on Wikipedia or something that it did poorly due to the...|||No. Most strangers or new people will find me pleasant and inoffensive but everything I say is bland and lacking in substance until they show me in some way that it's ok to give them more. So they...|||No. I like the visuals enough to be tempted to start but the bit where I die a slow death while hurting all my loved ones is just too much of a deal-breaker.|||....wow. That's a lot. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through and had to deal with. I know what it's like to be stressed for prolonged periods of time and it can be hard to get out of that...|||I love travelling - in comfort. Not having access to certain amenities like clean, private bathrooms stresses me the fuck out. In China, I was ok with squatting for the toilet. I WASN'T ok with the...|||I used to not care about animals as a kid because they couldn't talk, and I found anything that couldn't communicate with me verbally to be boring. Now, I really like them. I'm still very...|||Yeah, I'mma say Se. I don't set out to overeat in times of stress but when I'm really stressed, I'll eat out more often in an attempt to treat myself. If I'm stressed/unhappy, I need a light at...|||INFJ, 4w5. I got 90. As people said, it's obvious which answers it wants you to choose but some of those were ridiculous and impractical. I'm not going to waste time trying to suggest ways my 4yo...|||This is fascinating and I'm keen to see how you go. I also got Dual N-Back for the sake of increasing memory and IQ (after I did this, an IQ test confirmed my memory was terrible by literally telling...|||Sort of but probably not for the same things as you. It happens a lot when I'm doing art of design. There's a lot of problem-solving involved in the process and I spend most of it in this zone.|||Racism, sexism, etc all demonstrate a lack of regard for others. Sometimes, it manifests as a lack of respect. At its worst, it manifests in much more aggressive ways. Fuck just doesn't carry...|||I've seen you mention your aversion to teasing somewhere else too. How do you signify to others that you see them as more than an acquaintance? Because the main way someone can know I consider them a...|||You sound fun. Welcome to the forum!!|||I drew the pig facing sideways because I have no idea how to draw one from the front. I don't care that there's no right or wrong way to do it; I want accuracy.'
'What inconsistent? :tongue:|||There are two reasons I would say that this has little bearing on your personality type. You're talking about a chick You're both young and male. It doesn't really matter what your...|||Pressyourluck: I suggest you ignore the sarcastic comments here, take a test, and read about the personality type the test says you are, and maybe read about some of the other ones as well. Most of...|||I don't think anyone here is going to be able to type you more accurately than a test itself. :wink: Having you throw out a few statements at random is anecdotal evidence, and is not conclusive. ...|||Ix92d say itx92s a LOT different than being an S. Ix92m in school studying Math and Computer Science, so because of that I spend all my time doing abstract thinking, even more than most INTPx92s. I hardly...|||Well, see that's the beauty of answers like this. You can be very, very specific, and still account for other possibilities. Doctors are famous for answers like these. They'll say, I'll be there,...|||Well, clearly that's an excessive amount of 'niceness'. I think you just need to find some balance, but if you find yourself going as far as you describe, then I agree, it is a problem. As to...|||Orthopod: You just have to be very specific with your answers and caveat everything. For example, if somebody asks if you are going to some event, you say: If all goes according to plan. I...|||Will you marry me? :happy: No, seriously, what you are talking about is being generous and self-less. These are admirable traits! It sounds like you just need a little balance. Too much of...|||You know if somewone were to leaf through the DSM-IV long enough they willl find another half-dozen syndromes, complexes, and disorders that fit their symptoms. Everything is a malady in that book,...|||Very correct, it doesn't say INTP's anywhere in the title, because I chose to not put it there. I didn't want to limit the discussion to only INTP's, but I did post this thread in the INTP forum...|||Sorry, I'm afraid there are always going to be at least a few liberals around. :wink:|||I think I would get bored. It would be fun for a while though. :happy:|||One could call that apathy.|||Maybe it's a tumor - Kindergarten Cop :happy:|||I don't wish for world peace. There are too many evil people in the world. War sometimes is the answer, i.e. for slavery, oppression, fascism, totalitarianism, gross injustice, et al. It's...|||ok, then, I'll cross you off my list. No wishes for you. :laughing: Aren't you a protector? Don't you want to protect things?|||Kevin, I'm not saying that we are fools in believing the things we've learned from science. The knowledge we have now is the best that we have. I think science is terrific, and I love physics and...|||Kevin, did you even read my post? Ix92m talking about the progress science has made in understanding the universe. Astronomy, physics, chemistry, they all construct models to fit the available data. ...|||That's a nice wish, but, sadly, one of the critieria was that you have to spend it on yourself. :mellow:|||Ok, you've been granted one wish. You can only spend it on yourself, and you can wish for anything. I'd wish for 50 more IQ points, and the ability to remember anything I wanted with as much...|||I always finish, sometimes quicker than I'd like. :wink: Oh, I imagine you could feel differently about that pretty quickly. *chuckle* You just need some discipline. Try joining the...|||The earth is flat. The sun, planets, and stars revolve around the earth. The earth and the planets revolve around the sun. The stars a lights hanging from a big black sphere. These are all models...|||I listen to podcasts almost continuously, but occasionally I'll listen to an audio book. In order of preference: GRC|Security Now!|Featuring episode #213 The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo...|||Selene, why are you thanking me? You don't even eat meat. *puzzled look*|||I grilled out tonight for the first time in two years. Ix92ve just been too busy with classes. When I grill out, I really grill out. I have a Weber Performer, which is a 22 1/2x94 charcoal grill...|||I take it he has never studied any physics. :frustrating: Or calculus...|||I know what you mean. I have an incredible sense of humor that no one else seems to understand. I like to say that I play to an audience on one. :happy:|||have you tried masturbation? :laughing: Also, a lot of people seem to enjoy drinking and/or online gambling. Maybe you should give those a try. :tongue:|||good one.:happy:|||Reading Politics – [reading about] Writing code [computer programming] Mathematics Listening to technology podcasts Neverwinter Nights computer game [d&d] Dungeons & Dragons – reading or...|||I have to admit, that is a disturbing video, and it did give me something to think about. :unsure: I did some looking around the web, and found and watched a series of videos on a beef slaughter...|||Where to start? Well, domestic turkeys are one of the dumbest animals around. I have been told they must be kept out of the rain, or they will drown. I don't know that that is true. I always...|||First off, I will say that it was very forthright and, if I may say so, mature of you to outline your motivations as you did. It speaks well of you both to notice and to reconsider what you termed...|||Here’s something I read recently in an INTP type description, “INTPs are not often aware of others’ feelings…They concentrate almost entirely on the content of any conversation. They simply do not...|||I've been in charge of a lot in my life. It's not very rewarding, not for me/us anyway. The money is sometimes good, but it distracts one from contemplating the conceptual puzzles we all know and...|||I'm not going to get in between you two, but you did say one thing which I seized on. Humans have morality, and consciousness. Yes, they do, and it is orders of magnitude different than that of...|||Selene, I don't know why you backed off, and thanked me on top of it. :unsure: It seemed like you had a strongly held belief, not one that I agree with, but one to which you had given some thought. ...|||Only if they are not gay. :tongue: And only if they don't contract vaginitis. :wink: Vaginitis - Clips - South Park Studios|||I'm aware of all that, and I still like meat. It's delicious. If we weren't meant to eat cows, then they wouldn't be made out of steak. I had some steak yesterday, in fact, simply...|||I think it would be more accurate to just say you don't like meat. Applying the label, vegetarian or pescetarian, implies you've chosen not to eat meat, not that you just don't care for it. :wink:|||I just checked my scoring code, and as far as I can tell it should score the same way as the printed version I have here in my book. I can't do anything about ties, other than find a better test...|||The horror! Think of all the poor peanuts!|||hehehehhehe|||hmm, if a bunch of people get weird results, then I'm going to have to check my program logic. :confused:|||Thanks. eh, 20 hours or so over 2 days. I think it's around 1600 lines of code.|||Wow, isn't that your opposite? :tongue: Sorry, I didn't create the test. I copied it verbatim.|||As long as I don't cause a syntax error in my class project page, I'll be ok. I'm querying the same database. :cool:|||this is why I needed test subjects. :) It should work now. thanks|||Well, it's not a very good test. *chuckle* It has eight questions for each attribute, which allows for ties. It's not new or original, and there are certainly better tests out there. But it...'
'This is a link to an article quoting multiple sources in this regard. In a 1996 Annals of Clinical Psychiatry study of 249 widows and 101 widowers, 61 percent of men and 19 percent of women were...|||well, bluebird, I have not posted nor responded in I don't know how long but you have shaken me out of my negligence. I will not answer your (highly intrusive) questions. I will say, as others have...|||Yep, me too. Been one of those days...|||21(fear) + 11(avoidance) = 32 Do not suffer from social anxiety.|||Intelligent Kind-hearted Loving Intelligent (can't stress this enough) Great sense of humor Someone I'm comfortable with, can be myself with, that is comfortable with me Demonstrative (in...|||Thank you for your response; always interesting to see the thoughts/opinions of others. You said if “it falls into an acceptable range” for yourself…what do you consider an acceptable range? My...|||Happy hugs for all!! (I'm in one of those moods...)|||I despise gossip. I don't like to be around anyone who is gossiping, and I don't want to hear it. There is no benefit to gossip - not for the people who are doing it and certainly not for the victim...|||My former boyfriend is an ENFP and it was a frustrating match-up. I am sure there are tons of INTJ/ENFP matches that work out well, but it did not in my case. I just think there are too many...|||YAY to INTJ/INTJ pairing! :tongue:|||The only thing I can say about this suggestion is to be careful with the presentation of it. Several years ago I went on a few dates with this very intelligent man. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no...|||As a female INTJ who is extremely cuddly and loving with my partner, I would have to whole-heartedly disagree with that. That might be the case with you, but it isn't with all female INTJs.|||It is not uncommon in these situations for the man to say, but it was going so well... or I thought we had a good thing. I'm not really sure why that is, but I've experienced it and I've heard...|||I am a lady, first and foremost. I used to teach school (K-12) but now I teach adults in corporate settings.|||I can only speak from my own experience, but when I'm done I am completely done. When it got to the point I asked for a divorce, I wasn't able to consider any other option. It wasn't a matter of was...|||Thanks! Two hours and counting...can't breathe. Sigh. There's a reason I'm not an ESFP!|||I need a hug today!|||I agree with you lily - my biggest obstacle was the kids. Very sensitive issue and area. I would not want to ever do anything that would mess up our relationship, and we have a really great one right...|||SO...my kids' father decided it was time for them to come back to his house for awhile - they've been here two months straight - and that just fell right into my lap (with a little genius on my...|||Ok INTJs, I need some immediate advice! I'm not a spontaneous person (no surprise there). I have the opportunity to fly off for the weekend and be with someone I care very much about. BUT I didn't...|||I will hug someone I am really attached to or care very much about, family or friends. If I haven't seen a friend in awhile I don't mind initiating a hug. With a significant other, I'm a cuddle bug...|||No problem! Whenever you need one (or two, or three), just let me know. I'm happy to help!|||Are you still in need of hugs?? More hugs your way (just in case...)|||Awww, why the sad song Al?|||Awww, jeb, lots of hugs your way.|||Beautiful and true. Thank you for that.|||LOL nope! Apparently he picks up on hints very well.|||I've now had several dates with an INTJ. Wow! Why did I ever wait so long for this? What does one INTJ do on a date with another INTJ? Wonderful things. And even the silence that happens because I'm...|||Awww, shucks, thanks! I've really been in need of some hugging lately. :wink:|||Yes, please!|||I find it amusing when people are floored by a female INTJ. How would you identify one? Can only speak for me but - I'm constantly observing, generally quiet. I might be watching intently, or I...|||Thank you! I'm feeling the love for sure tonight. :) We are going to give it a try, so that's the good news! Cautiously optimistic. Taking things slowly. There are certain obstacles and I'm not...|||Aww, thank you. I'll take the armour AND a hug. I like hugs. Though it might just work out yet...we'll see. Stay tuned...|||Look up Gallop's StrengthsFinder. Strengths-based companies (and the theory behind it) put in an effort to 1. create balanced teams by hiring team members whose strengths compliment one another 2....|||Thank you, but it didn't work out. I'm super sad about it - to the point of tears (which is not like me at all). But it is what it is. Sometimes things are just not meant to be. The really sucky...|||Independent, strong, will not ask for help (or admit any is needed). Direct (I prefer that word over blunt). To the point. Gets things done when they need to be done. Despises laziness. Leader....|||It seems you just described me! Well, without the debates. I don't mind discussion with differing opinions but I do not like debate.|||Thank you for this. I've had way more acceptance of the idea from nearly everyone I've told despite the 18 year age difference. The biggest gap I've ever had before was when I was 3.5 years older or...|||In high school people thought I was stuck up, but because I was very quiet and held myself with dignity not because I debated positions on things. People can and do sometimes mistake confidence for...|||I can relate with some of this - listening to a song I like until I can't stand it anymore, for example. Other parts not at all - I don't mind having a hair out of place (that might be because I...|||My hardware apparently also needs updating! I wake up way earlier than my two children. I purposely start work early so that I can have a few hours with absolute silence in the house. Because life...|||Oh, I see...the plan won't work unless/until I interrupt internet! Otherwise all the INTJs will be in their homes online and won't be outside to witness my awesome bulldozing skills. :tongue:|||Not sure why but the term love-eyes made me laugh! I'd kinda like to have a man all love-eyed at me again. :wink:|||Sadly, that was my nickname all through high school - the bulldozer! You can't shake something like that entirely...|||The only good reason I can see for wanting to be a cat is how spoiled they often are! Now that I wouldn't mind...|||LOL yes but I was in middle school then; I've learned how to be a little less bulldozer since then. :laughing:|||I can honestly say I have never wished to be a cat! Or even to have one... Isn't that a little fuzzy wuzzy for an INTJ?|||Well that is truly something to appreciate! Many men (in my experience) love to string along a woman even if their own interest isn't high. I've never been able to figure out why they enjoy doing...|||I can't agree with that since I've never been in a relationship with an INTJ and don't know first hand...but the women coming in are trying to figure out if the guy even likes them so they haven't...|||What is the deal with all these women coming here asking for advice about the INTJ man they are totally in love with? I'm just floored at the number of times this happens (and I haven't been around...'
'Okay, I meant to create this thread here but I accidentally created it somewhere else, so I'll just copy and paste it here. Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I've visited this forum. I...|||Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I've visited this forum. I have something on my mind, and I'd like to hear (read?) your thoughts on the matter. Well, let's start from the beginning....|||I usually tune on a jazz radio station and let it play, but when I want something specific I always go for Bill Evans or Miles Davis. Their music is beautiful and relaxing in a whole other level :)|||Jazz. Lots and lots and lots of Jazz. I listen to Jazz music along the day too and it helps me to cheer up, but it's also the only fail-proof remedy for me to sleep. Also, meditation and a...|||I've actually started studying to become a filmmaker this year. I can't really think of myself doing anything else as a job, I think I can say it's my dream. I have high hopes and high excpectations...|||Her. And it sucks.|||Well, I consider myself a very social person even though I'm INFP (Introversion is my weak letter), but to make friends, REAL friends... That's something that really takes a while. One of my...|||I was talking with three girls I've recently met at the university, all INTx's, when one of them (INTJ) mentioned the Myers Briggs theory and the MBTI. We began to talk about the subject and she said...|||I'm really sick of this bad habit of mine of keep recalling only the stupid/bad things I've said during the day. If I say 99 things that make people smile or laugh with me and one little thing that...|||I'd like to live in a city that never sleeps. Full of young people with young minds and ideas, full of places to go and stuff to do. Pubs, cafes, whatever, I'd just like to be sure there would always...|||I'm a buddhist, and I believe that the world we experience is nothing but a illusion of the senses. Only with evolution and control of our minds we can experience true reality. That means that...|||It's because we're green and our shells are cool as hell and we live like forever|||Very, very anxious! I'm going to start studying something I wanted all my life, but it only starts March 12th. I don't know what I'm going to do to occupy my mind until then!|||That's perfect, haha :)|||I'm a Gemini. The description of my sign is most likely one of an ENTP. But again, rising Cancer. I'm never really sure if I believe this stuff or not.|||I always wanted a NF friend myself, btw. All of my close friends are NT's, it's cool most of the time but there are subjects that I just can't talk about with them =/|||An INFP invinting an ENFP to a party? Now that's new, lol. But seriously, it's always such an awesome thing for an INFP to find someone that they can relate and have as a really good friend. When...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XshG3NVx3o This is how it works You're young until you're not You love until you don't You try until you can't You laugh until you cry You cry until you laugh...|||lol, that must be really, really cute to see. Don't think it would work for me, having such a low voice :P I think rawring or mooing (like yoyocita said) would suit me better, hahaha|||Yeah, not often but I do. It's funny, two years ago I would laugh at your face if you told me I would start drinking and smoking. I'm not worried about it at all, though. I'm really not as worried...|||Diamondeyes Body Language - What you need to know, by David Cohen|||I once read a book on body language that said that when a stranger keeps eye contact and smiles it is probably a sign of interest. The normal reaction of person who doesn't like the other is to look...|||Yeah, I suppose. I'm pretty good at logical and rational stuff, and I have a great interest in science (Astrophysics mainly). Of course, if I would feel much more comfortable in a academical career...|||Wow, I'm really surprised there aren't many Gothic Horror fans among INFPs. Those stories are very dark, emotional and tragic, just like most INFPs I know :P If you still haven't read Mary...|||I think the message is that you can't predict who you'll fall in love with. We love to create all those perfect people in our minds, but then out of the blue we are starting to like someone who's...|||The Love Chronicle, by Arnaldo Jabor Nobody loves the other person because of the qualities they have, otherwise the honest, kind and non-smoking would have a line of interested people knocking...|||I respect your opinions, and I don't know how different it is for boys and girls, but... Sincerely, I think having all those high standards can often be a harmful attitude. If you keep a tunnel...|||Some music from Brazil! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OoTvxclld0 This song's lyrics are really beautiful. They're based on a true story about a homeless man who wandered the streets of...|||So, I ran into this image some months ago, saved it and left it to rot in a folder, but today I found it and realized it's pretty interesting.http://www.viruscomix.com/gotes.jpg I wanted to know...|||1. Gemini 2. Nothing worth mentioning, I guess. A bit of this, a bit of that, nothing really serious.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49z0kntkqts Placebo, always Placebo.|||If I had to choose, i would say Mary Shelley's Frankenstein I love the all the madness, darkness, immorality and chaos in the gothic horror story, and Frankenstein is my favorite novel of the...|||Hey guys, I just need to get some things off my chest and I don't feel like talking about it to anyone else, so... how can I start... Well, to put it simply, I'm graduating from High School this...|||P 91% F 60% N 59% I 57% Well, if we take on account small imprecisions of the test, I guess I am simply a daydreamer. I always knew I had strong P and weak I, lol|||lol, that was funny|||I've noticed that many people here are not from english-speaking countries, so what about we show some bands and singers that sing in our mother language? Of course, it would be nice if we post the...|||Some brazillian pop rock from the 80's :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teki6asOqe0|||I was just wondering, do you fellow INFPs drink alcohol? If you do, how do you behave when you're drunk? I just got really drunk for the first time last week, at my best friend's birthday party,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS_DcqPkEYM Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying Belle & Sebastian Ooh! Get me away from here I'm dying Play me a song to set me free Nobody writes them like...|||I really like INFPatty. I was so sad when I heard she would stop posting videos :(|||Major Depression:High Dysthymia:Moderate Bipolar Disorder:High-Moderate Cyclothymia:High Seasonal Affective Disorder:Very Slight Postpartum Depression:N/A That's not a good result :(|||The Smiths - Please, please, please let me get what I want All the feelings I keep deep inside boil and fight for freedom every time I listen to The Smiths|||I really suck at talking. I usually talk too fast or too low, so I end up having to repeat what I want to say several times, and it only makes me even more nervous. Writing is just so much better,...|||Mine is from Tim Burton's first stop-motion, Vincent. Abacrombie is the name of Vincent's (horrible zombie) dog.|||I actually feel kinda bad whenever I achieve some power, be it a large sum of money or a lead role in any social situation. I feel better staying on the backstage and not letting people know about...|||You find out it's someone's birthday via facebook, but you don't send a Happy Birthday message because you spend too much time thinking how to write a really special birthday message, and when you...|||Well if this is accurate then I'm definitely an INFP. I don't have any close INFJ friend though, so I not familiar to the type.|||Damn, I feel exactly the same way.|||Is there something bothering you? No, dad, I'm fine. Really? Cause you should really tell me if there's something wrong It's okay, there's nothing wrong. Is just that you've been so...|||Oh, I REALLY have to this this one of these days. Sounds like a really spiritual experience.'
'So true! I said earlier that my face was very expressive and it got me into trouble. The real reason it most often gets me into trouble is because my faces are involuntary responses to internal...|||Dear ENFJ, I think I finally figured out why your sudden turn from being friend-who-I-could-talk-about-anything-with, to person-who-wants-to-pretend-we're-just-casual-acquaintances bothers me so...|||I have a decent tolerance for certain kinds of pain (cuts, needles, etc.). I can't handle pain mixed with pressure, though. I had so many people tell me that, because of the drugs/epidural, I...|||My husband and I are INFP/ESTJ, too! It's so rare to come across that. Really interesting. My mom is ISFJ. I thought she was an ESFJ for so long because of all the insane emotional guilt trips...|||Yeah. Two of the three people who recently referred to me as intimidating have witnessed me being passionate about something (and also my emotional intensity). I think the other one might just be...|||INFP-indigo...but that probably doesn't count so...PURPLE.|||Misconceptions: I have opinions (about trivial things) that I am concealing from other people Truth: when I have an opinion that I am not concealing from myself, you'll know it. It probably...|||This is really interesting. I don't know too many people who feel this way about their values (being personal) and their religious beliefs. I feel the same way, but articulating it to people (who...|||Yeah. I think that when my values are crossed and I get angry (and vicious, and somehow simultaneously passionate and fiery and cold) I might be a bit intimidating (or, you know, utterly...|||That's the same reason that I didn't sleep last night!:laughing: Thinking in terms of being a 4, then yeah, I can see being intimidating. I'm super intimidated by other 4s, and I even understand...|||This happens to me constantly! I think with a lot of people, the introversion/extroversion thing might play a big role. I'm scared of other introverts (heck, I'm scared of other...|||For real?! Crime?! Hilarious! Nope. I'm pretty much daydreaming about scenarios where people notice/care about me (rather than forget that I exist). I do think the zoning out/daydreaming thing...|||I think the English teacher thing is so funny, because I had an English teacher tell me the opposite...that she could read me like a book by my facial expressions! The thing is, I often do zone out...|||I have so many involuntary facial expressions. They used to get me in trouble when I was a kid, because my face was giving away my true emotions in a very animated way, without my even knowing it. ...|||Despite being the exact stereotype of the fluffy, emotional, cute, dreamy INFP, and despite being the type of person that goes out of her way to be self-deprecatingly funny and make other people feel...|||I just got a new job, and everyone there is shocked to discover that I have children. I am 30, but everyone there, independently of one another, has thought that I was 22 or 23. I think it's...|||Yes! I'm usually so quirky-sweet-pacifistic and self-effacing, but if I am made aware of injustice, or someone harming someone else (or someone doing something I believe is wrong), I snap. I'll...|||I have been married (inexplicably) to an ESTJ for eight years. I don't tend to be attracted to SJ types at first, but it turns out that I need the J to balance my extreme P-ness. I have a lot of...|||My cat (known as Mean Kitty to my friends) is a super-diabolical INTJ.|||Socially-23 Spiritually-101 Mentally/Intellectually-45 Physically-70 Emotionally/Psychologically-6|||Pisces. And I'm such a Pisces...but that's probably completely coincidental (my ESTJ husband is also a Pisces, if that tells you anything).|||I got 80/100, but the page that shows your score out of 100 only seems to show your score for one section of the entire test. If you look into the sample of the full report, it shows your score out...|||Only when I'm right. :wink:|||I was just thinking exactly the same thing, myself. My 4 might make me very jealous of my unique nature. On the other hand, I'm not really hesitant to type people as type 4...maybe because that...|||I actually have the opposite problem. I have trouble seeing anyone else as an INFP. I readily type people as pretty much anything else that seems to apply, but can't quite put anyone else into the...|||Thanks! I feel like the mismatched shoes are an accurate representation of who I am (for better or worse). I would have left the house that way, too, if my 5 year old hadn't pointed it out to me...|||Noble 1 Socratic 4 Reflective 5 Candidate. I love that it suggests that I think I can solve any problem by talking about it long enough. It's right. I do. INFP, 4w5 so/sx, 4-9-5|||Dear SJ new bosses and coworkers, You are scaring me to death. Sincerely, Your extremely NF new hire|||I really don't like to write. It was always what I was best at in school. People have always said, That's your gift! You should be a writer! It certainly is what comes most easily, but I loathe...|||Dear ISTJ daughter, I don't think I'll ever understand you...and I can empathize with almost anyone. I wish I knew why you seem to be so caught up in/anxious about the trivial, mundane details of...|||I'm was the only N in my family, growing up, and I'm the only N in my family now. I think I've got enough N to go around. My family: Dad-xSTP Mom-ISFJ Me-INFP Sister-ESFP Me-INFP...|||I've been noticing how awful this is for me recently, as I've started a new job. I take things that should be simple to learn, by the dictates of common sense, and complicate them so much in my...|||Dear ENFJ Friend(?), I really don't regret one minute of the time that we spent letting you into our home/lives, listening and being there for you when you went through some really awful times,...|||Please know that you aren't alone. I feel this way so often (sometimes to extremes for extended periods of time). I feel dependent, self-doubting, advice seeking/rejecting etc. I know it...|||I agree. I really like the ENFJ/screenplay writing and acting choice. That seems to fit all of the ENFJs I know. The ENFPs are less likely to engage in solitary endeavors (although it's been known...|||This, exactly. They're super personal...or else really forced and awkward. I NEED them from my husband, like them from my kids, feel smothered by them from my mother, wish I could get a few from my...|||Dear ESTJ husband, Yes, you probably are a better person than me because you can work 80 hour weeks without complaining, while I come home weeping every day from my part-time job. It's not like I...|||I was very lucky, in that my high school was huge enough that there was basically a niche for everyone...even the strangest of us. I had a group of friends in theater and other activities that were...|||I've always heard that it was the people with flaws similar to your own that were supposed to bother you the most, but this is never the case for me. I always find that I empathize with the people...|||30...but really a blend between 3 and 83.|||I think that this is actually why I thought that I was INTP (rather than INFP) for a while. My family had a lot of emoting going on, and because I tended to be less sentimental than they were, I...|||empathetic compassionate anxious self-loathing adorable (not my favorite, actually, but I think that's how I come across when I'm trying to compensate for my goofy awkwardness and make everyone...|||My daughter is an I*TJ (we're thinking S, but we could be wrong). When she was a toddler she displayed significant savant behaviors and seemed oblivious to social cues. Needless to say, we...|||If I were ruler of the world, I would immediately find a way to stop being ruler of the world. It sounds just awful. Terrifying, corrupting, frightening, futile, etc. No thank you. I'll find...|||The S's are most likely to annoy me with their irritating attention to the mundane. I like them, but their insistence on paying attention to their surroundings at the expense of, for example, having...|||I so completely relate to this. And in the (extremely) rare case when I actually do something (create something/say something/start something), I almost instantly doubt myself and immediately regret...|||Wow. I just did this exact thing recently with a friendship. I had to physically stop myself from calling the person, because I felt I had analyzed what went wrong for months and wanted to discuss...|||I wish I could say desire to live, but it turns out that I live defensively, so I guess mostly I'm trying to avoid death...or at least, suffering. I never feared death until I had kids, though. The...|||A very INFP unfriendly suburb in Michigan. Not so happy here.|||I assume the worst about everything (especially social interactions and my role in them). I have a tendency to become so consumed in fantasy that I am disappointed/bored with reality. I am...'
'after all this time, INTJ is still on top of my preference in terms of relationships (and friendships too) lol but it's been hard to find one. Where can I find an INTJ? hahah|||Kirjuri Edisthgirb Thanks for your insights :D I have contacted him again and we went out for lunch. Everything seemed normal like before and he didn't bring up anything about the cancelled...|||I have a huge problem with my INFJ friend, I hope you guys can help me since I don't know what's the best thing to do.. He's a very close friend of me. We would talk/text everyday on random -very...|||ENFJ must be fun to hangout with! I have only been friends with an ambivert INFJ and I wonder if it's going to be the same with you ENFJs!|||-Haven't been here for such a very long time. and I thought the confession thread was this one thread xD It's amazing to go back. I wasn't an active user who posted a lot but I used to check...|||I wonder why my romantic journeys haven't really turned out right.. This is getting frustrating for me and I'm such a huge feeler (we are all here...) I've expected too much out of nothing. This...|||HAHA I like how you say INFJ as our cousins. I do get along very well with an INFJ and we're best friends. A bit judgmental at times, but if it's in a good context, it can help us INFPs to grow...|||LOL :tongue: you're both introverted, so it's not a bad thing it's been 4 pages already. and looking at the dates, it's not that long at all.. don't be discouraged! :cool: it's normal to think...|||Haven't been here for a while and now it's already 4 pages :laughing: How's it going though? if the two of you aren't much closer than before, I would say to back away from this question...|||I'm interested in people around me. Since you two are in the same office that would be easier to take notice of what's going on around you two and talk about it (not gossiping ok lol) Just don't...|||Cheap..|||Even just to swipe and look around?? I'm curious.. lol|||My brain is always 'on'.. to daydream.. Lol You may not really interested in INFPs since it's not on your list, but I have some free time, so I'll answer this :D Te is not my main function, but...|||Sounds to me that he's just shy, and not confident enough in contacting you, since you said he kept apologizing for messaging you. But he still likes and comments your posts anyway, it means he wants...|||I don't think he had doubts about you because the two of you didn't have the same common interests. As an INFP, being together with people of different interests is interesting because we get to...|||Thanks, that's a really good point :) But when the feelings are too strong, it really bothered my thoughts and ended up feeling worse.. ah well..|||I can't decide which is worst: Feeling suicidal or wishing someone else's death|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYSonDBAYls The title means Let's end it here Yes, a breakup song Some of the highlighted lyrics because it's in Korean: Feels..|||It is for me too, sadly... SantaFox Like I mentioned before, yes it's always been the same guy. Just some record for others as well.. Patience will be much rewarded then? lol|||I don't know who's in your profile picture, maybe your ex? But you looked so happy, and my heart hurts looking at it. It feels so stupid and I feel so stupid. But my heart still hurts.|||This. I actually have the same thought deep down but to get this reaffirmed by someone else only makes it more convincing.. But to talk about my past experiences, maybe I failed a lot because I...|||As I had times before where I would think maybe I'm an ENFP, I still am sure that I'm an INFP, an outgoing one (sometimes) xD The bold parts are both me, eventhough I'm more about meeting new...|||even when the signs are obvious, why do I still feel frustrated...? Is it about me being an INFP or him being INTJ or it has nothing to do with types at all..? Enlightens me please|||My ESTJ older brother always says to me that I should never initiate any contact to any guy, even if I like him, and to only answer when guys talk to me first. I found it impractical when there are...|||I'm so glad I've got transferred to a new office. Although the pressure is bigger and I feel shitty most of my time out of a few hours there.. At least there's a Starbucks on the ground floor xD I...|||second this. But sometimes those validation are so subtle that I missed. But still, it should be extravagant no? lol xD|||I wish I could be stronger I wish I could be more positive, on every single things I wish I could be stronger by myself I wish I don't have to depend on anyone I wish I could stop time, so I...|||XD I know I've been sooo weak and too apologetic!!! >__< I'm sorry (again) I will try again laterr XD|||Edit: I was too emotional, It wasn't appropriate. sorry|||sorry blank post|||Is it too much to ask you to be understanding of me, when I have given my understanding and trusted you. I don't ask you to always understand me, I just need you to understand that people are...|||Please be more sensitive about this! You're so heartless...|||Falcon5 Haha I remember when I nagged him to do the MBTI test and he didn't seem interested, he seemed avoiding the topic of MBTI. when I finally send the link to him, he said he actually done the...|||We have a lot of similarities in our interests so most of our discussions are something we're interested mutually. Well, sometimes he talks about something I don't really care, but I just nod along...|||Yep he'd been working until midnight last week and maybe still up until now. when he's quite free he would text me in the morning through the afternoon, but none when he's busy, which I don't mind...|||I have an ISFJ friend who I enjoyed talking to. He always seems like he's enjoying his time talking to me, like he always answers enthusiastically when we're in a discussion. But sometimes when I...|||Thx for the input! I will try to speak maybe one day when we're in the middle of long conversation or can I say that you give excuses, say, to protect whatever relationship you have with the...|||Noble Tartis thanks for your insight.. I was pretty emotional when I wrote it and looking back at it now, it really is not clear on the context, it sort of looked like an emotional rant.. I'm...|||Thank you Green Girl SantaFox Dabbling very much appreciated I'm sorry if I tried to generalize INTJs here... Never meant to say it that way.. Thanks anyway.. I don't think I'm able to confront...|||Do you guys INTJs really mean what you say? Would you put up a thoughtful smart excuse, so as not to be seen as a rude person? Are you also part of those people who drop signs subtly and...|||I'm an INFP and my older brother is an ESTJ. Total opposites. There are times when we fight and argue, most of them in a healthy way though.. Back in the days we got along very well, I was so...|||I was about to recommend a book for you, but nevermind, I forgot you don't read romance...|||Oh, I did send him a ping message asking how's thing going and he replied the day after texting with his usual style, as if nothing happened. well, nothing happened actually, so.. yeah nothing...|||ah, my opening up pace really depends how the other person reacts. Once I opened up in no time to an INTJ, but it had been light-years ago :tongue: I mostly read fictions, preferably those of Haruki...|||125. But the description doesn't suit me. It's irrelevant.... :unsure:|||I'm not, it IS messy :tongue: I'm too absorbed in unreality to tidy things up :laughing: Whoa, I said the wrong line? :blushed: *put them on the ground* :laughing:|||My bookshelves so messy I just can't show it. :laughing: you have to wait until I open up slowly :blushed:|||Now go and recharge yourself :laughing: well, I always thought he has enough interest in me, since we met on dating site (meaning he's looking for a gf rite..) but tbh, I don't know, since...|||Mostly I go what my feeling tells me first. Of course, we're INFP ;) But then as time goes by, I also have to consider what my brain says. Then I don't know which one to listen to: my heart or my...|||I've never met an INFP guy before.. well, not that I know of Would like to know what's it like to talk to one. But that would be impossible, because we're shy and none of us would initiate...'
Its a bizarre condition of mine, gets me into trouble|||Does this happen to other ENFPs?|||ENFP porn is finding out about other people|||Its better cause you know you're real self before youre a teen. In the developmental stages of 3-4 years old when your purely your real self.|||review how you are when youre younger and see how your psychologist treats and reacts to you|||How could you be sure?|||And there's also my ability to achieve my desired test results(I like doing personality tests)...I know a lot of people could do this. Though I like to talk about auras and how certain people feels...|||I'm an INTP who have the longings of an INFJ. Enlightment, togetherness, talking about feelings. How crazy is that? I saw glimpse of emotions, I want to jump right in and help. How? I dont know whats...|||just web search it i think it suffice|||I just read a webcomic called 'Illusions of Adulting'. It seems so accurate with my condition, I think its an NT thing or specifically an INTP thing that I dont feel like a grown up(low functioning...|||I am well aware of it too, we do have our Ne(intuition). And I think being aware of someone whose flirting with you doesnt count as a really intricate emotion to be consume by an NT.|||i didnt notice this wasnt already an experiment method. is this in illegal category? or arent they permits made for this situation to happen?|||its practice, i think, the only way to get out of your data addiction. i have a shameful gross data addiction exactly how you phrase it and explain it and i just come to terms with it then slowly...|||what happen? i miss out valentine perC. i mean what is this for, what is this all about, i cant comprehend the jizz about this thread, dont answer anyone i just want to have the privilege to be...|||Attack on Titan anime Sword Art Online anime|||im good at...hmm...much and not much at the same time|||any tips? i really want to be spontaneous and engage with my intuition|||they thought i was extroverted(or maybe they are just being nice saying im that), laidback, quirky and simple. They could see from first glance my social muscle is lacking and a lot of the times they...|||women arent attracted to looks only, or status only. Both. Its much more flexible how a woman attracted to a man(most women have a list in their minds, and for the most part, individually speaking,...|||i havent had a good quality sleep for 4 months. i kept getting awake in the middle of the night and its a bad habit. i just gotten into cleaning my ear properly to improve my coordination. it gives...|||I had a dream of me riding a car, and then I go out of the car to call someone, then I park the car near a U intersection, the phone was someone saying 'hello! hello!' and then I turn because there...|||Fuck logic INFPs! Stop perspective shifting too/putting yourself in anyones shoes! Make sure you are always in your subjectivity forever! Its what nourishes you and what would give you luck in your...|||I want to try mint and white chocolate cookies but i like chocochip cookie and|||Respect is when I just realize you do it on whether the circumstance rises and its socially logical to do it.|||Other than it be disingenuous , people have a radar whether you actually meant or feel the need to do politeness and social niceties. They'll express it either indirectly or directly through words...|||i did snoopy roller coaster game|||maybe, i think doubt is healthy as long as you dont waste too much time on it|||we are probably at home watching tv|||i usually experience this with my knack for eating snacks and sweets|||i think its just generally male NTs are pretty funny, i dont know why|||Instant noodles, put on egg yolks on it, with the seasoning and fry it. Yum.|||I do. Not all INTPs will get this though. The INTPs who aren't as eager to develop their other function, just the normal order will just come of as bland, reliable, smart and presentable, the one who...|||I wanted to become a witch, or a song writer. I did it partially by learning tarot cards and guitar song writing.|||I will be an ISFP, or an INTJ|||I am an INFP 4w5 sp soc though I was in a debate team. Is that normal?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZLZtH5hnKo Marques Brownlee, I think he is an INTP enneagram 3w4 soc sx|||MBTI , Myers Briggs Indicator. Consist of Jungian Functions : Fi Ne Ti Se Ni Fe Si ...|||I think you're not an INTJ, but an INFJ/ISTJ. But I cant be sure only through your post. There's a couple of INTJ males in my institution who met an INTJ women and most of them only shares passing by...|||I've met an INTJ a couple of times...How we fought? The parameters are by whose the wittiest, whose the weirdest or who between the two have the best skillset/appearance. Battling more on the stuff...|||It could be you are an INTJ 4, self revelation obsessive is normal.|||I think he's just going through mid life crisis...Best bring him to a psychiatrist and ask for prescribed medicine. If he's an INTJ he just got in contact with his Fi in his age, let him figure it...|||My favorite celebs at the moment are : - Naomi Campbell, she's so posh and brash! - Jourdan Dunn the new brit black supermodel(she's really sweet and down to earth) -Karlie Kloss is a ray of...|||Its the Si actually. If you want to sort out your problems you have to face your feelings.|||4w3 : Subtle reckless air, repressed anger, with a touch of a stable personal flare that has zero intrusive energy, even the stylish annoying ones too. Usually they have inward heavy disgusting...|||I identified strongly with Miyu from Ufo Baby, Kagome from Inuyasha, Buttercup Powerpuff girls, Harry in Harry Potter, Echo the nymph and Hekate in Greek mythology.|||1) Where do you all hide? Did the factory just explode at some point? We're good at faking it and mimicking other types. I know I do. 2) Why are you the only type I can't read - why such...|||Unconditional romantic love? Sure. There's still books.|||I'm finishing a couple of novels now. I haven't got publish, I'll work hard!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-167jtg40lY She got INFP but I doubt it. She looks more ISFP to me.|||We have similar experiences. I'm used to it though, and yeah I usually share my slightly off interests in online forums. Though I think every one I know, who have deep interests, they don't...
'Well, then I will relent. I think he is clearly an ISFP. There has been asked for a show of Ne, and no one has provided it, or even pointed out specifically where they saw it besides off-the-wall...|||Obama is an Fe dom. He does not seem strongly extroverted, at least classically, but Fe is what he strives to at all times he appears. One gets the impression that when pressured, he has standards...|||Wednesday Mermaid I do not often see a very bubbly ISFP either... often, that is. There are many odd and special case types roaming about. I have a complicated view of ambiversion myself. It does...|||That is some risky stereotyping. I have known plenty an ISFP who are constant smilers, heavy gigglers. However, I am watching more of his videos - the one you provided and two others - and he is...|||ISFP. There is nothing truly Ne about him - at least not in that interview if that is a good view as to how he is nominally, nor is his music alike that of strong Ne artists. His songs are about...|||After much learning and departing from old knowledge, a newer, better, Revised List: Steven: ESFJ Connie: ISTJ Rose Quartz: ENFP Garnet: ISFP Pearl: ISFJ|||You are describing Te - which Homura is too. Contention or not. Do you even know what you are talking about? You are going to describe a thinking process that is always oriented outwards as Ti? Ti...|||I was never into Homestuck so your reference is lost upon me but, being a kill joy here, psychic and magical powers are not indicative of functions. Why is he communicating with animals? That is...|||While you are right that Madoka is an SFJ, saying Si/Fe makes reluctant hero is a non-reason. As is this... And this...|||I read the whole thing, and I still stand that you come off as an STJ but I take back ESTJ. I saw verrrry little Ne at all except in a low position, and almost no glaring Fi indicators - though that...|||By this questionnaire, a massive Se dom. A heavy thinker too, but the thinking was not very introverted, so a Te as well. Very little feeling but even less Fe, soooo... Se, Te, Se, Te - so very...|||Not an INFJ. I think you present a pretty solid case for INFP, and 90% of what you spoke of speaks to introverted functions, so a tightly introverted one? I did not see much intuition, but you are...|||An ISTJ, absolutely. High ideals backed by firmly grounded beliefs, a vividly personal manifestation of aspiration, and a heavy habit of self-reflection. Pretty straightforward. Just may I...|||My apologies, it is an expression that means all or nothing - it is saying, you are an ISFP or you have no type (and we all know you have a type).|||Yeah no, I just read through all of this, and you, an ENFP? No way. Rather, have you considered ESTJ? By the sounds of it you are mildly extroverted or ambiverted, but a definite Te-Si and with a...|||Why would this make you question whether you are an ENFP? This more so, not your response in the situation, is giving me suspicions.|||Not an INFJ, at all. I do not think you are an INTP either. Definitely Fi, definitely a thinker, little to no mention of Si things, so definitely an INTJ. In fact, the majority core of what you...|||Much of what you explained strengthens my perception that you are a consistent Fe user... ETP with strong Fe though is strange to me. It would come off as manic, I think, since ETPs are perceiving...|||That is fine, and actually tends to help very much to indicate ones type, as much as and even more at times than what they actually say. But, now I am convinced. The whole 'give what you get'...|||Buy me a drink or three and I'll tell you my controversial MBTI observations that prop up these skills.|||trvlgrl1981 That humoured me, as in all honesty, I cannot recall off the top of my head an ISFJ who ID'ed as such off the bat. The vast majority have in my experience swore they were INFP or INFJ (or...|||You are very likely the Fe-Ti to my Te-Fi, an INFJ. What this sounds like to me is the swept up bystander, the brick in a wall, the deconstructionist - one who loses everyone into the whirlpool,...|||A definite Se dom, no questions asked. I see a lot of indication of Ti and Fe: analytic and expansive answers, overt expressiveness, a high octane energy to that which piques interests... lots of...|||Three questions in and my answer is ISFJ (I did read more though). Strong common sense and highly imaginative in a fantastical manner, priority is lent to the immediate effects a concept has on real...|||ISFJ, definitely. Very sensible and grounded, prone to balancing and logical justifications of any point to any conflict, quickest to realise and admit that your viewpoint is just one little view...|||Between the two, ISFP seems more likely. For ISTP, I ask for where is the analysis? The strong tendency to rationalisation? The almost compulsive need to reason or justify faults? What you mention...|||An Se user, probably dom, ESFP who is possibly introverted or generally shy in real life. Comes off as straightforward to me: simple statements, direct and laid out honestly, zero introspection...|||My, it may not be much, but you read just so much like ENFJs I have come across. Also I should hope this cookie is chocolate chunk. I wrote a bit much, so I put it below a spoiler. If this really...|||ToStand I do not want anything. I do not want you to be an SJ - that is entirely missing the point. What I want is the truth, the obvious truth. I think you are an ISFJ, maybe ESFJ, maybe ISTJ -...|||ISTJ, came across as moderately introverted, and more or less balanced overall. You strike me as straightforward and levelheaded, but hint that you intensely internalise your worth and emotions -...|||Your video is only more proof to me that you are an SJ. In fact, I am now very, very certain. Everything that you say is Si material. I have made it five minutes in, and you talk that you cannot...|||I do not know what the individual scenarios are, but ENFJ, and well rounded it sounds. You speak very rationally, very plainly, and your focus is on value. I see almost no personal perspective,...|||This is precisely my thought. I do not read any responses before I comment on the original post, but ISFP... hm. Besides the fact that EFJs by far at the ones attracted to organisation and causes,...|||Two paragraphs in and she sounds like an Fe. Dom, I think. I do not see anything that indicates Ni, so it is either not present or has been invisible to you. Why not consider ESFJ? She could be an...|||Se is not ambition, it is action. Look at how he consistently answers questions: by giving examples, or better said, by relating points from his personal perspective and weaving it all together. Se...|||What I see here is: -a person who tends to accept things at face value, and hence repeats them with only passing, literal commentary -proactive in doing things, such as research -... but...|||You are not an NJ. No, I think you are an ESFJ. I do not think you are very extraverted, but I think you are an Fe-dom over an Si-dom. You very clearly use Extraverted Feeling and Introverted...|||I read the answers to the first questionnaire and my evaluation is that you exhibit Ti with Si and Fe in inferior positions - so yes, very likely an INTP.|||Out of the four, ENTP. You are very much not an NTJ, extrovert or introvert. Between the remaining two, you come across as being far too entrenched in experience itself. Your whole energy comes...|||Well well well... first of all, INFP is very, very likely not an option. You mention handling stressful interactions comfortably and being able to calm others down to work rationally - this is maybe...|||God you sound awful. An Se dom, though, that is certain, and overwhelmingly so. I want this and I want this NOW and who tf are you to say NO to ME what the FUCK It does not even seem to be...|||I think you sound like an EFJ, maybe introverted in person, but extroverted in cognition. For the moment I will think ESFJ, but I have an inkling that ENFJ is not impossible. You seem immediately...|||Sure, but later. I will say that this can implies ISTJ even more though, because introverted sensors do not take everything in all at once so much as take everything in through their own filters...|||I will call it like I see it, obscurity be damned. I neither know nor care what you or other people type you as, as I have no way to ensure the accuracy of criteria - which is something you should be...|||I am open to ISTP and think there is a solid case for it based on what he has provided so far: analysis and action with a tiny spurt of introspection, need anyone say more? However, I am a dominant...|||I will be honest with you and say it straight: it is not. In fact, it was that very analogy that leapt out to me as indicative of sensation. Look at what it employs: I feel that I am always...|||You seem to have an intensely impressionistic and personal world you want to build and make real, and are very inviting to the people around you. Cautious and quite rational in a common sense sort of...|||You sound like an INTP to me, and one who would most likely do well as a professional student, if such an option existed for you. I say INTP because, and I have found this true of every INTP I...|||I saw, in this post, about zero intuitive things. The only thing I read that sounded intuitive was your curiosity about the business world, which itself seems firmly grounded in thinking. Otherwise,...|||Eren is Fi-Te, and has Si of some order. ENFP is the most probable choice. I could be swayed for ESFP, but he behaves like an Ne user when he is not out getting himself killed, and Si inferior would...'
Numerically I lean towards being a late 2000s kid. However, I consider myself both a mid and late 2000s kid. Both of those eras were just as important during my core childhood. I also spent some of...|||Since I live in the Southern Hemisphere, it's a bit easier for me. I would defintly say that early 2010s culture peaked in the 2011 school year. Then I would say that mid 2010s culture peaked in the...|||Yup, your right. When referring to the '90s', it basically means any year with ninety in it so Bascially 1990-1999, however you are correct when you say that the 10th or final decade of the 20th...|||LOL true! Ah well, not gonna affect me anyways since I'm class of 2017:wink:|||I'm 17!:cool:|||Sorry, I'm gonna have to disagree. Also, this chart seems to over analyse things.|||Let's not get too picky though! 2002 borns are 50/50, as simple as that.:wink:|||Ok. That's fine. The point that I was trying to get across was just that being born in the 2000s doesn't automatically make you an 00's kid.:wink:|||You do realise that's not how it works:rollseyes:. Being born in the 2000s does not make you a 2000s kid, because people say born in 2009 can't even remember the decade. 2000s kid: Born 1993-2001...|||I would say your a 2010s kid, but your free to think otherwise.|||Meeeee. 2000 to be exact.|||Tbh I have no idea, becasue I will be an old person in like 2080! And I have no idea what the world will be like then. There's so much time before then for stuff to happen.|||I'm pretty sure mine was 1. 2016 2. 2015 3. 2011 4. 2010 5. 2012 6. 2017 7. 2013 8. 2014|||It's just ridiculous, seriously Gen y is only 14 years long but then Gen z is 26 years long, what?!?|||Only 6 more months until I'm officially an adult! (technically) :smile-new:|||COOL!!:welcome: haha, your childhood went from 2008-2017, have fun while it lasts|||NOTE: This list is not a definition of what era your childhood peaked in, it shows anyone who was in any part of their childhood during that era. Early 00's: 2000-2003--Born 1988-2000 Mid 00's:...|||I consider 2007 to be my peak childhood year.:pride: It was a great year!|||Yeah, 1997 borns are the ultimate 2000s kid since they were in their childhood for every single year.|||Yeah becasue nostalgia seems to go in 10-20 year cycles|||2000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC3y9llDXuM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo-KmOd3i7s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CduA0TULnow|||Just asking what makes you think that 2013 was the peak?:distracted:|||Maybe because it's more recent, people remember the time better and more of us were around them, I don't know but that's funny because Britney Spears is more of an 00's thing anyway.|||No one said you were though, we all know that you had some childhood years in the 2000s, but the majority was spent in the 2010s. Therefore when someone is trying to distinguish you between a 00s or...|||Well, I'm born in Feb 2000 and I guess also consider myself the end of Gen Y. I'm not sure why but that's just the way I feel, I could also be influenced by my two older sisters and trust me it...|||Oh wow! Rip. Funny first memory though, I always used to play that game on the N64 aswell, except that was when I was 7.|||Well if I wanted to be technical, then I was alive as we entered the new millennium which actually started in 2001, but I know what u mean lol! One of the things I hate the most is when everyone...|||Crap! I hate thinking about that. We are also closer to 2030 than 2002!|||Completley agree:joyous:|||Well I actually have some vivid memories from age 3 believe it or not, does that mean I think I was in my core childhood in 2003, well no actually. I think childhood is more defined by the stage of...|||Your mum should have turned it off|||Literally everyone I knew had an iPod touch 4g back in 2011/12|||LOL! Guess we just have opposite opinions then. I think 2016 was GREAT!:cheers2:|||As previosly mentioned, I'm pretty sure most people agree that ages 3-12 are someone's childhood years, not 5-12. So I guess my childhood went from 2003-2012 using that definition. Also, I think at...|||Yeah probably 60s. I think the 00s definitely changed alot too. Depending on what aspects you look at though.|||Yes but that was his whole point, he was older at the time then you who was only 5. People who were younger at the time are going to get more nostalgia for that year earlier than others simply...|||IKR :suspicion:, seems kinda random|||Yeah! You had 3 years of your core childhood in the mid 2000s and I had 2 years! (2005/6) haha:encouragement:|||Well if you were born in 2004, the only year of your core childhood in the 2000s was 2009. At this point in time 2010s culture was starting to take over 2000s culture anyways. Just my opinion though.|||For me, 2013 was easily the worst year of the 2010s.|||If you remembered the 2000s well enough then you would have known the PS2 was much more of a thing during the decade than the PS3. Also, please stop saying that you became VERY mature!! Your were...|||I was born in 2000, therefore my core childhood was 2005-2010, so I get childhood nostalgia way more for the 00s than the 10s. But I was preteen/ early teens back in the early 10s and there is no...|||What about your perceptions of gen z?|||You identify your teen year withe the early 2000s the most?!!:laughin:|||Hmm, being born in Feb 2000, I don't think of myself as being a 'partial' 2000s kid. I just consider myself as a 2000s kid simple. My childhood took place in all eras of the 2000s (early/mid/late)....|||Why do you include 2011 but don't include 2016??|||I was born in 2000!:redcard::redcard:|||It's simple, 1993-2001 born being 2000s kids and 2002s being hybrids:m0827:! At least that's what I think|||Sorry, I completely disagree with that:dry:! I personally think that 2005 borns should definetly not be considered 00's kid. They never spent one of their core childhood years in the 2000s at all :)|||Yup, the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake happened just a few weeks after I started intermediate school aswell, strangely though I cannot remember it maybe because I didn't feel it or it didn't affect me...
'From theory and interactions with people of both types I would say there are some pretty big diffrences. INFPs tend to be more set in their ways and rigid than ENFPs due to a higher Si influence...|||Sp/So|||Enfj|||Sp/So or So/Sp (Very Sx last)|||ESTJ TMLT to alternative between being a wallflower and a party animal?|||ESTP TMLT to be the person trying to hug the wall puncher above to calm them down.|||Ennegram= 369 MBTI= xxFJ TMLT to whine all day and not listen to solutions.|||MBTI= IxxJ Enneagram= 6w5 TMLT to refuse to celebrate Chrismas (Not for religious or moral reasons but out of grumpiness).|||9w1 7w6 4w5|||Sx/So|||Unhealthy INTJ Type most likely to be very pleasant and nice 99% of he time but when someone angers them they are like volcano then they go back to being super nice like nothing happened.|||7w6 9w1 4w3 So/Sp|||Sp/Sx|||INxJ|||Nah hes ENTP :) he he eh . As for Ferrel hmm id say ExTP Type most likey to dance all day|||ISxJ (Tolkens writing style and design of story world is very Si) TMLT to be a Willy Wonka?|||Istp|||IxFJ TMLT to spend one week alone then spend the next non-stop socializiing and rinse and repeat.|||ExTP TMLT to enjoy mosh pits?|||Socially maladjusted= IxTx Behaviourally maladjusted= ESTP TMLT to consider pop music high class|||xxFP TMLT to want to dissect insects.|||ISxJ (Infeiror Ne) TMLT to have a amped up tert function|||1. I can be really outgoing and energetic with friends, but quite shy with new people in new places. 2. I tend to come up with the most rediculous ideas, and stupid things to do. 3. I will be...|||1. Not type related but maybe pointing to a 4 influence with Si in your stacking with the focus on how senations affect your body. 2. Precise steps seems STish but mostly T in general. The rest...|||ExTP TMLT to go to martial arts classes to beat people up to release stress from life.|||Interesting and thanks a lot for commenting. BTW I identify strongly with 7w6 core and 2w3 and 1w9 are both possible fixes for me. Out of curoisty what made me seem 1w9 and 2w3?.|||INFP TMLT to get 100% marks despite being semi-comatose in class|||Hmmm for your collage overall Id say maybe hmmmm looking at it I see a 7 and 4 combo of sorts with the zany and unquie combo. I think 7 leads here as I dont see as much image focus as I see a sense...|||Hmmm I can say yes and no for this question. It is true us ENTPs tend to not brood over emotions the way xxFP types tend too so we are less likely to have that persistent level of awareness of...|||ISTJ TMLT to play WOW all day. TMLT to design sonic levels for fun TMLT to sleep only 5 hours a day on average|||This is typism in its worse and most pure forum!. ENTPs are not criminal scum. Well no more than those ESTPs who do stunts or those ESFJs who manipulate people.|||ESTP TMLT to read only famous authors.|||1. I am a lover of ideas and bizarre debates such as What would a whale space ship look like and What if our oceans were made of methane not water as they get me going. 2. I love helping and...|||1. I am a lover of ideas and bizarre debates such as What would a whale space ship look like and What if our oceans were made of methene not water as they get me going. 2. I love helping and...|||ISFJ TMLT be conflict phobic.|||Frodo - INFP 6w5 9w1 2w1 Sp/So Sam - ISFJ 2w1 6w7 9w1 Sp/So Pippin - ESFP 7w6 2w1 9w8 So/Sp Merry - ESTP 7w8 3w2 9w8 Sp/So Gandalf - INFJ 1w2 5w6 3w4 So/Sp Aragorn - ISTP 5w6 1w9 3w4 Sp/Sx...|||INxP (Tert Si is very clingy to routine). TMLT to love video games|||1. Judger type. 2. That shows a strong Ji function. 3. Hmmm Si is below tert if you struggle with recall. 4. No type related 5. Not type related. Overall IxxP leaning towards ISxP due to...|||For makeitrain xSTx TMLT to be triple reactive tri (846) TMLT to be triple pragamtic (135) TMLT to be triple postive (297)|||5. Extrovert with withdrawn triad ennegram. 2. That shows a good Pe function, Depends on the focus of the brainstroming, If more real world then Se and if more abstract ideas then Ne. 3. Shows...|||IXTJ 1w9 lol :) TMLT to not do any work in college and only go there to have a good time.|||INTJ TMLT hate math.|||Krayfish I see a heavy 7w6 element first of all with the fun and exploration of more abstract landscapes as opposed to the more real nature of a 7w8. Next down I see a 9w1 as there is a feeling of...|||I wouldn't use my post as a know all guide personally since im no expert but hmm another factor I would take into account is tritype as this can also affect the way the types present, ya could say in...|||The biggest difference is their usage of Si and Ne. INFPs Si is far more rigid and childish than an ISFJs Si as its not as complex and mature as a dom Si is. Dom Si is not narrow minded or...|||Jesus lol :). Hmm maybe a very immature ExxP TMLT to enjoy simple foods all the time|||Ill try to tritype a few based on memory and guessing. Mickey mouse 2w3 7w6 9w1 So/SX (Triple postive as hell). Donald Duck- 6w7 8w9 3w4 Sp/Sx Goofy- 9w1 2w1 6w7 Sp/So Alice in...|||Been playing a few sonic games and I can type a few characters based on my best guess. Sonic- ESTP 7w8 3w2 7w8 Sx/So Tails- INTP 5w6 9w1 2w1 Sp/So Knuckles- ISTJ 1w9 6w5 2w1 Sp/Sx Dr...|||Pitching in as a ESFJ since I know a few. INTPs are very cool folks who typically are pleasant company to be around with and they can be loud once you get them going lol. However I find the Ti/Si...|||xSTP TMLT to alternate between extreme extroversion and extreme introversion.'
'Interpersonal Thinker apparently...|||okay that music video is totally random compared to the lyrics lol *first time I've actually seen the vid* hahaha|||hehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cumTHJHoHIM|||not alone..|||http://cdn.head-fi.org/7/76/76d31508_c851d40e_Derail_1.jpeg :laughing:|||Would not posting a contribution into this thread increase my expectations of this thread? I already had high expectations for this thread... :P|||you can read all you like you can do all the dating courses you like too many fn variable to get close to a perfect formula sure you can zoology the shit out of some of the grunt work but if it's...|||arriving at work and thinking to myself, `Wow that was dangerous surely.. I have nfi how I managed to get here'|||*Waves* Sydney NSW here for me :)|||Well for starters, don't play a victim. You fall into that trap and you're fucked. It's very hard to get motivated when you've little to get motivated about, so give yourself some space to accept...|||*hugs*|||When it comes to being there for those down and out and they end up `in love' with you.. It's natural for people who are feeling lost, lonely etc to become very smitten by someone who is taking the...|||I started zoology and then moved to film school, did online editing then switched to 3D animation for the last 12 years but i'm well over freelancing atm and thinking it's time for a change, just...|||I Am Right You Are Wrong: From This to the New Renaissance: From Rock Logic to Water Logic: Edward de Bono, Ivar Giaever, Brian Josephson, Sheldon Lee Glashow: 9780140126785: Amazon.com: Books|||I only have one thing to say to this.... NSFW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTIorwtJbhE ... doesn't support the death penalty? ... I wonder fucking why....|||I attended a private boarding school where they draw a big fucking line in the sand and said `Cross it you get caned' Capital punishment is like that imo. You do this.. you die. Now the problem...|||now..i think i played perfectly just the right balance of everything. i was gonna right a list but i think its better maybe not to share how to play you infjs Here's the deal Don't try Just be...|||I haven't had time to reply... soz Basically aspirations are good, but they're bad when you forego your basic values to get them. If you want to be a millionaire great, but don't suddenly forgo all...|||Unhealthy if it is attaches to things and their sense of self worth is attached to the wrong kinds of aspirations Healthy to want to get fit... change a diet... learn to ope with stress better be...|||I'm glad you showed yours first.. there is no way I'd show you mine if you hadn't shown me yours :P Pretty sure this one has saved me from myself a few times over :P Wish You Were Here (Pink...|||I agree with Sedem It's all a matter of what your own capacity is. You know your limits. Never pass over what you need. If he was being emotionally black mailed by a previous ex to get in a...|||Tell him to read `10 Stupid things men do to mess up their lives' and make sure you're the right kind of woman to date :) *wink* IMO bad ex relationships for me = extremely guarded for a long...|||*hugs*|||I love doing it for personal reasons. Also helps to just put pen to paper to work through personal issues etc|||+1|||So your mum is under 5 foot yeah? :P For me it's inconsistencies in behavior, say one thing do another.... like taking forever to get back to an sms question or email, but check your phone when...|||INFJ - unhealthy traits Selfish? Never?? hehe|||*oh f me I started writing this thinking it was going to be clear cut but I can see this from at least 3 different perspectives and each have different responses...gahhhhh* true friends: For me...|||weirded the f out for 2weeks...|||lol wtg JungleDisco you could have at least freaking spoiler alerted that for spiderman! :P|||SAFE!! For the love of .. make her feel safe. Be open with each other non judfing and have a freaking sense of humor :) it is supposed to be fun after all|||Dumbfounded Inquisitive Take your pick :p|||somethings I've fucking terrible with!!!! others not so much.... but generally yes...|||75700|||Def having some outlet in life that is a form of expression is a freaking must. Writing, music, art, exercise event... If your parents are toxic judgers you may have to chill a bit with your art...|||Does masturbation count as a super power?|||characters characters characters for me it is essential that the people in the book are interesting and written well, I am not interested in a diatribe of description about some robot in the corner...|||oops double post, stupid mobile :) Thanks again..|||I recently gave up nicotine over a month ago.. I had a coffee yesterday and one today and I freak out... I think there is a strong relationship. ... Thanks so much for the advice will be copy...|||3d animation film/tv|||FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Seriously anxiety SUCKS SHIT I've never had it before, but after all the crap I've been through and the uncertainty in my `relationship'...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDVW81bXo0s&list=PLNbZwlogRI0v9v5b4CDimrf6LNm-mf5rv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7ar0wdK4vc&list=PLNbZwlogRI0v9v5b4CDimrf6LNm-mf5rv|||Too much social anxiety on the social anxiety forum? never....|||Schadenfreude - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia|||very dry very sarcastic at times sometimes just plain gutter humour cheeky though pretty much 90% of the time to those I enjoy the company of and yep prone to just finding myself laughing out...|||This is how I like it. I'm not a painting on a wall for you to just randomly dump your opinion of on. There are plenty of positive, open, direct and to the point ways of doing things and especially...|||regina spektor apres moi live|||oh erm trust issues... why does she find it hard to trust u?|||Atheist with a massive amount of respect/curiosity for the unknown....|||Disappointing people who count on me.... entirely dependable, trustworthy etc as a result Regret.. try to think ahead on everything.. everrrrryyyttthinnnnggg... and if I think that I will regret not...'
That's cause watching a screen just before you go to bed blocks your melatonin. You're postponing your sleepiness, especially with videogames. Try reading a book before you go to bed and keep a lot...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFFx5KHxzlw|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTFFQkdhw6Q|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9Hj8bVqcig|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNSGCVPPXvk&feature=kp Dr. Jekyll is wrestling Hyde for my pride.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PO4r9m_6Xk I love The Walking Dead for spreading such epic unexplored music|||Oh, the sin! Thou shall be punished for thou unholy spam.. with little kittens! :kitteh::kitteh: Welcome.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s3iGpDqQpQ|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5yLGm4jaiY|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFMPLEqAK6w|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjY1x9RgbdE|||RainyAutumnTwilight I've been having little boxes stuck in my head for months hahah! It's so memorable. Anyways, since last week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj-fk8Q-oRc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj-fk8Q-oRc I'm stuck in the Tardis Trapped in hyperspace One minute, snake charming The next in a motorcade All the right moves and in the right places Watch...|||Love this song! One of their most melancholic masterpieces, it just makes your head float.. Radiohead rules. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdOHxh9-1Yo|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdBym7kv2IM|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GemKqzILV4w|||Sorry for not posting! Something came up :sad: Your initiative is awesome.|||How is this proof? Once again i must ask, why does one link everything with god? The more i discuss the more i realize that any discussion between a theist and atheist is completely useless...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5IeT9ZRiRw In love with Snow Patrol <3|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOBs8dU4Pb8|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D64eOFwWUd0|||If someone ignores me i want to know why, because i think it is extremely rude. I perceive it as rejection of my personality. At the very least i expect a bit of honesty on why I'm being ignored. I'd...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRtvqT_wMeY|||Aaaah yes, beautiful capitalism gives free reign to these kind of scams haha. :laughing: For me it is the same for Christmas and Birthdays. I don't even know the back story of Christmas that well and...|||Hahaha! You just made my day|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znQii6mB8Hw Come and join the party, leave anxieties behind. When the weight of all the world is pushing down.. Just push right back!|||I'm not sure if i get the reference to my comment.. Compulsively over-thinking and over-analyzing is contradictory/paradoxical to one's mental health and getting it out of your system terminates the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx7FN1LHphk|||Dat eye... :shocked: So pretty.|||Lolololl@!!! Best thread ever :laughing:|||Thanks for posting! And congratulations on your first post, hehe. Actually, I started meditating about a month ago and i agree it helps. Sometimes when I'm feeling a bit down i choose to meditate...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znQii6mB8Hw|||Is that it then? No outlet?.. What do you think ENFP'S specifically need an outlet for? This sounds intriguing to me. Maybe i can take a lot of stress as an ENFP, but it just builds up too much...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RN6pT3zL44|||Can't afford one right now :/ It's quite expensive here.|||I get what you're saying, i've had times without having any real friends and that's just a fucking nightmare.. The thing is, i am not really surrounded by a stressful environment, unless you count...|||I think learned technique. Ninety percent of painting and drawing is about the fundamentals, knowing light/anatomy/perspective and all that stuff. All i do basically is observe the world and try to...|||So I'm probably not an INFP it turns out but i will still bother you lovely people with my crap, if ya don't mind. :tongue: http://oi59.tinypic.com/288ctht.jpg 'Hidden Orchestra - Flight'...|||I like how catchy and uplifting it is, although one instrument (organ?) kind of pissed me off. :tongue: Little bit too 'churchy' that instrument. Lyrics not really interesting to me. ...|||How does an unhealthy ENFP heal? I came across this little quote by Kiproco: ''Unbale to communicate his feelings into words, both fed up and craving for others affection. Probably, you'd find...|||30 Secs is awesome! Such unique deep emotion put into their songs.. Love the huge dynamics in their music as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acIU7yxzJ70 ''I aaaam finally FREEEE!!''|||Lovely <3 Perhaps i shall i delve some more into the INFJ world :blushed: I checked the previous page, didn't see anything as aggressive but i suppose that's just in terms of speed, hehe. :kitteh:...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJfqAgdmr5E 2 Minutes of energy release. Warning, it's not exactly soft. Also, 'From The Inside' By linkin park greatly speaks to me when I'm frustrated.|||1) Who do you think you are? Who do you think YOU are?! I mean, idk.. Some random guy? 2) What do you love to do? Do you do it often? If the answer is no, why not? Hang out. Yes, way too much. ...|||Freddie's voice never fails :kitteh: I like it, it's catchy and mellow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atuJzivuF1o|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A2F3eMKpmE|||And so the troll was banished from Middle Earth to return to his basement in Isengard.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzJj5-lubeM|||And why would we take the opinion of some kid with the word 'penis' misspelled in his username seriously? Damn trolls.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNy8llTLvuA
'Nailed it.|||Bingo. From my own experience (others may be different), my OCD is definitely a factor in my ADHD. With my thoughts running rapidly, it's hard to sort them out and prioritize them. I have always...|||From what I've read, it's a result of dopamine deficiency or the brains lack of efficiency in regulating it. Other disorders do not necessarily cause it, but accompany it. The two have some symptoms...|||To some extent, we have to conform, unless we have some talent that is so extraordinary that it can catapult us into importance (importance based on some need).|||I'm in retail management, currently in bridal jewelry. I went to school for history and english. I didn't have a clear plan in college, but now in my thirties, I realise a career in personal training...|||For I, it's quite ironic. I feel the same as you, but my depression fuels my poetry. My poetry draws people in, but I only let them see so little of me. Then again, I want people to have more of me....|||Here I am 166826|||Quietly in a chair with a pen in my hand and my final poem near completion. That|||Thanks you, and yes 1981 was an excellent year.|||ATWA is a song by System of A Down on the album Toxicity. I was born in 1981.|||I'm dating an INFJ. She is the second woman I've ever fallen in love with. Our connection was instant and I was surprised that she could get me to express my feelings so quickly. I almost forgot how...|||Are any INFJ in a relationship with an INTP? I'm curious as to how that works out for you, though I know any two types can work out.|||Without a doubt. My mother is ESFJ. I'm 32 with kids and she actually tries (unsuccessfully) to control who I date and how I raise my kids.|||ESFJ mother and sister. INTP father. ENFP sister. Our upbringings sound very similar.|||Conversing with you requires an act of Congress. Your head is in the clouds (Nope, just gathering information) You're weird You always have to be different from everyone else (no, I just am)...|||I enjoy being kind and doing things for people at times, until it bites me in that backside. Then people try to volunteer me to take care of things, rather than ask. I have to put my foot down,...|||Oreos and hard cider. I think it's worth a shot|||These oreos taste great.|||How do you suppose we get these two INTPs together? Personally, I've never dated a woman that didn't have an E or F, if not both.|||I grew up as the first, then college happend and I progressed into the second by the time I was 21 (dropped the ivory tower crap around 25). Thank god I got laid at 19. Looking back on it, that...|||Aaaah, the I was misdiagnosed, so everyone else is too! thing. It's very real. Ne has no fury like adhd. It's one thing when I have a ton of thoughts running through my head, but the impulse...|||My father and I are INTPs. My mother and younger sister are ESFJs. My older sister is ENFP. My younger sister and mother are basically the same person, two overbearing, judgemental women. We disagree...|||Welcome!|||The part about the stereotype that ESTJs are usually male. I personally didn't see that stereotype (or every other stereotype), since I've grown up around so many in my family. Maybe I'm a little...|||Nope. My female boss is one. I find her pretty awesome. Actually, I've met a few cool ESTJs and some I couldn't stand. That's with every type.|||Why???? Is this an attempt at trolling?|||Sums it up nicely. :-P Really though, each person will have deviations from this, so it is not absolute. Heck, most of my test end in a near 50/50 P/J.|||1.) 40 living at home in their parents basement. 32, moved back in, bout to get back out (child support hurts). 2.) 40 year old virgin Two kids 3.) Socially deprived Never really cared 4.) Game...|||Sagittarius, I doubt it.|||The religion topic wasn't about her, but people in general. I realise I didn't clarify that. When she and I talked about religion, it was short and quick. Her- Why won't you come to church with...|||Doesn't talk much, military (hell no), an asshole, in my own world and intimidating. When I decide to open my mouth, they find I'm open-minded, funny, and will talk a lot to people I trust and like....|||So many people act like attractiveness is a set standard. There have been many women who are considered attractive that I never saw the big deal about. Attractiveness for me is more than how a woman...|||I agree completely. A lot is assumed based on appearances. I have a muscular build, short haircut and wear fitted clothing. People are surprised that I write, used to draw and graduated in history....|||I did this often to an ex-girlfriend. She hated me for it. I'm still surprised that we lasted for so many years. I still feel the itch to do so when religion pops into conversations, but I hold back....|||I googled some mbti topics and I was brought here. I read interesting things and signed up a few days ago. I think I'll stay.|||It's a song from the System of a Down album Toxicity.|||Aside from avoiding the crowds, I know I'll never do anything after work, so mornings it is. I have two kids who stay with me at varying times of the year, which makes morning easier as well.|||What is your job?|||I almost said four, but it's five. I've done too well of a job forgetting about my regrettable first.|||Grey or green. My outlook for the future of this world is not promising.|||I like running two or three times a week as well. The one thing I will add is that I go to the gym super early, b/c I can't stand when a lot of people are there. Some don't mind, but it drives me...|||I've been a gym rat for eleven years. I wake up early to get my day started. I can't imagine not lifting and keeping my body in shape, which some say INTPs are prone to. What is your physical...|||I've been in leadership roles in different jobs for nine years now. It has its good points and some I can't stand, like the tedious paperwork and other administrative duties. People say I have a...|||Pisses me off? People who talk down to you like you're an idiot when you don't agree with their opinion, though you use logic to show them that it's not an opinion. They are just wrong. In other...|||How have you not throttled her by now? I'm lucky enough not to have run into someone like that, but it sounds like an inconsolable pain.|||Sevendust - Denial|||I don't have any words for this. Oh wait, I do. You just described the tempest I slowly trudged through, on and off, for ten years, only b/c we had a kid involved. That ISFJ woman was the worst...|||I'm an agnostic atheist. No person can say they know for certain the existence or non-existence of deities, though I feel the likelihood of one is slimmer than a strand of baby hair. I grew up with...|||Actually, yes. I know exactly what you mean. I have felt the same way in the past. As you mentioned, most people will not listen unless you have a strong ability to appeal to the emotions and senses...|||The more I understand of myself, the more I crave to learn. I know the journey to understanding myself as I am right now is endless. How could I stop trying to understand myself as I grow and change....'
Extreme and utterly hopelesse romanticism. Growth: Turning dreams into reality. Fantasy>Competency.[/QUOTE] Wow how do you do that?|||I don't yet have a very strong grasp of it, but this is how I live it. For me, being sx dom just adds to the conflict. SX vs 9: energy vs rest 4 vs 9: truth vs peace 7 vs 9: adventure vs comfort...|||Hey all! I'm starting a thread for this tritype. Anything is welcome. For myself, I recently decided I have a 947 tritype, with a core of 9w8. Not sure about the order after that, 7w8 and...|||I think that for every type and person, the only reason to change one's vote for an unanimous vote would be if it was more advantageous that way. It's just that the causes of it being more...|||True. Suppose I'm extroverted, what type would I be?|||Hey everyone, In the end, I told my parents only a few small things to test them. Their reaction showed me that they can only accept me as their perfect product who meets their quality...|||Makes sense, thanx. Why I over E though?|||That's how most people type me. What makes you think that?|||Everything about her. It's not even a question for me. It's funny, aside from rare exceptions, I'm able to type everyone around me, but I can't type myself.|||Hey! Thanx, sorry it took so long to reply. The thing is, my mom is an ISTJ and we work and think in completely different ways. One thing I forgot to mention, my friends accuse me of...|||0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||Ok, like what? I don't really have patience to write long answers to questionnaires, and I was sort of hoping this would at least negate some types.|||What could I be, based on this information alone? I'm a girl, if that helps, though I've noticed these dynamics with both girls and guys.|||What is your MBTI type? xSTP What would you consider your deepest rooted fear? Being trapped, rejection, being vulnerable, and I think more, but they are too subconscious. Which of your fears...|||I have this problem exactly with my mom, an ISTJ, who's also closed-minded to these kind of theories. :rolleyes: :frustrating: Does some kind of SJ fit?|||Just wondering... when you need to be alone to unwind to be able to go to sleep?|||INFJ Introvert(78%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(88%) Judging(56%) You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%) You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%) You...|||BxAT. For the x, I'm definitely not A, about B, I'm confident in my abilities to find new friends, and about C, I'm confident in my abilities to flow with my mistakes in life. I don't know what I...|||A little about myself, yes, and also just to clear up a lot of past things, how I really felt and was affected by their past behavior to me. There are many differences between us that have caused...|||So you're saying it's best if I just go ahead now and do what I want?|||Well, I'm taking a break next year and leaving, but after that I'll be back, I don't know how long. I want this cleared up before next year, so that I know exactly what I'm coming back to and I don't...|||I've never fully opened up before, and any time I partially opened up, it usually ended with lots of stress and more misunderstanding. If I write a letter, they might still misunderstand, and then...|||Allergic to stifling. Contents may pop unexpectedly. Should stifling or popping occur, leave the vicinity immediately. For best results, join the fun, maintain a high level of stimulation,...|||Is opening up to controlling parents a good idea or will I just get hurt? I think family is important, and I don't want to hurt my parents, but I do need to live my own life and figure things out on...|||Uh... I can answer yes to all of them :) I'm xSTP btw.|||No tears, but on the verge of crying. Extreme stress and frustration, whenever something that bothers me that I've suppressed for a very long time comes up, whenever someone actually gets me...|||Thanx. I relate to most of these responses, but nothing specific enough to tell me which one I am, since I think most people would relate to at least some of these responses, so whatever. I think...|||ESTP Jewish|||What were you like when you were 3-7 years old? BTW, while the stiffness is a stereotype of ESTJ, in many ways they are not like that, and certainly not younger healthy ones. Not commanding...|||Actually, ESTJ. There's a 'control' element to your responses which ESFPs don't have. You seem very well-rounded and healthy. That combined with ESTJ leadership and affected by your tritype would...|||Every person has different aspects to them. You are writing about Finn, not an ESTP stereotype. Besides, ESTPs can lash out emotionally, can cry, and can succeed at anything they put their minds too,...|||Female xSTP. All depends on my mood, no set habits. I usually end up being healthy though, because I like to move, and I prefer the taste of most healthy foods over junk food. My biggest challenge is...|||I don't relate at all to 6, 1 and 4 (except about 4, I like drawing attention to unique positive things about me- a bit of an individualist). I think I'm Id driven. Based on that, what type am I most...|||Thanks, I relate to some of what you wrote, but not everything or to the same extent. I'm still not sure. I'll wait for more responses and whatever. Just another question, Do ISTP's or ESTP's tend to...|||I'm not sure. I have little patience for it. It usually involves a lot of sympathy, empathy, back and forth, reassurance, confusion, etc. It's easy to say something that will upset the person more....|||OK then. True. I guess your way just differs from others... like everyone else... Just take care not to hurt people because of it. I came here for curiosity's sake. I'm sort of bouncing around...|||I would have also thought so, maybe not for long, but it would definitely make a short interesting conversation. I don't know. Weird. I wonder if he's purposely putting up a front of total...|||You could also follow his lead. In the first conversation, he said it's stupid, so you can ask him why. That might have led to an interesting debate. For the second conversation, it seem he was just...|||ESTP's: -Do you have strong concentration skills? -Do you enjoy and/or need a break for peace, quiet and solitude when you have a packed schedule going over a long period of time? -Are you quiet...|||The XNTJ thing was just out of curiosity, nothing to do with the rest. About the rest, YES about the different approaches. It gets even more complicated because they also differ with each person....|||Judis, are you XNTJ by any chance? Anyway, emotional reactions evolve differently than logical reactions. Applying the way logical reactions work to emotional reactions is pointless and can hurt...|||Pro-life. After conception, the baby has a right to live. It no longer belongs to the mother. Why is it different from killing a born baby? (If it endangers the mother, it's a different story, the...|||Using Ti as a tool when necessary fits with me. What does constant Ti look like with aux. Se? Also, what is the difference between Ti and Ni?|||Showing Se behaviors to other people. Se is always on, I can't think of a time when I don't use it, but I don't show it to other people. By Se behavior, I mean specifically aggressive and spontaneous...|||Have you ever been in a situation where you hid your Se from other people? As a kid? If as a kid, are you more introverted and inhibited as a result? What would you say about someone who hid their Se...|||My sister is an INFP 4w5. We can have some good conversations which, along with a mental reminder that we're sisters, help us stay close. We shared a room from when she was born = :frustrating: ...|||Mother: ISTJ + Father: ENFP = Me: ISTP Sister: INFP Brother: ENFJ Sister: ESFP Sister: ESFJ Sister: ESTJ Very interesting but close dynamics with strong NF + a little SJ influenece... still...|||6.5/10 I was very well-liked and friends with almost everyone. I went group hopping a lot (whichever was doing stuff I wanted to do at the moment) or kept to myself. I had no close friends because...
'I agree, but that makes me think well what does it even matter if it doesn't even exist objectively and then I have like an existential crisis smh|||Hey y'all. I was wondering if any of you have ever had any deep philosophical thoughts that bothered you and you didn't know how to respond to them. That's been happening to me a lot lately. I'll...|||Can relate to both. If I'm in a good mood I tend to act like a complete retard and lose control of myself. Smh it feels good but afterwards i feel like a retard. :frustrating:|||I fucking love castles :D|||Game of Thrones Breaking Bad South Park Naruto Death Note That's all I can think of. Game of Thrones is the only one I've watched recently. It's so fucking good.|||So much...when something doesn't seem that important to me in the moment I won't do it. I think us NFs are short term gratification minded :dry:|||I used to get ISTP at first but I think I was in a different state of mind at the time.|||I kind of want to get to know some INFPs in person. Anyone interested in doing a meet-up of some sort? If so give some ideas. Where would we meet? How would it be organized? etc. Just looking for...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIOrQasR18|||Don't make your goal people related. Focus on doing something you like such as a sport. Hang out with whoever has the same interests as you and don't cling on to certain people if you don't like...|||I feel this drain in the back of my mind after spending a long time socializing. If I do it long enough I can't even think straight and become sad.|||It can be anything? ENTJ who just took over the world baby...|||No. The more the better.|||Your heart is in whatever you're focusing on the most. Maybe your heart is in personalitycafe.|||Make an idiot out of myself for humor. Since I would not have to live with the consequences.|||Anything by the sex pistols. You don't know rage until you've listened to them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP3LzKUulhg|||It's happened to me a few times where I'm close with someone and all of the sudden they decide I'm not awesome enough to hang out with. I just say Id rather be hated for who I am than loved for who...|||Thank you.|||I'm Batman.|||I think of everyone as innocent. If there are people who do bad they are just retaliating for something bad that happened to them. I think people are generally good.|||I don't exactly know what the question is but judging from some of the answers I'm assuming you're asking what pisses you off the most? For me it would be people with too much pride. I can't stand...|||And your tendency to not give a fuck. :mellow:|||My best friend is an ENTJ. You guys are just badass I really don't know how else to put it.|||Yup. Left to right with me. The present to me is like a moving point on the line.|||I think you should do whatever you'd be happy doing, but what we're naturally good at is being creative so I guess being a writer or director would be good.|||People who make you feel really good about yourself. Really friendly. Chill.|||I am of the belief that the less I can wear the better. I feel like wearing excess clothes is like I'm carrying useless weight. FOr example its summer where I'm at and I walk around without a shirt...|||Rebel that shit|||When you say reality you mean the world and how it works. I hate it. I hate the system. The world is run by Satan and it is shit. Heaven is where its at.|||I got Ravenclaw on this one test. ...Wanna be Gryffindor tho...So much more badass...|||Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.- Robert Kennedy Not sure if it's INFP, but its so true.|||I hope I'm wrong too.|||Unfortunately you will find no indication of this in the real world.|||Hell no. I think we can be cool and respected to a degree, but jock implies that you're loud and aggressive. I think you would need to have strong sensing to be a jock. (If your definition of jock is...|||Stylez 2016|||I really wish there was some type of historical fiction where Hitler, Stalin, and Mao have to go on an adventure in Narnia to save the world when they were teens and in the end they learn the value...|||Moose|||When you get stepped on to the point of breaking, but don't because your guilt outweighs your desire for revenge|||I would hope|||Water slide transport system in the sky anyone?|||Much more satisfying that actual porn.|||You owe me gas money now because after seeing your post I had to get some of those cookies!|||Not gonna lie, I would love to see a girl wearing something like that :bored:|||Don't take it seriously. Talk if you have something to say but if you really don't feel like it don't strain yourself just to be social. Other people are just like you. They're not some kind of...|||Just list some of your hobbies, maybe something funny, don't take it too seriously and keep it simple. You want to get to know someone in depth in the actual date not your profile. That should just...|||By facts you probably mean science. And science cannot be used to find the meaning in life. That does not mean it doesn't exist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y184H70tM3o This vid explains it...|||For me its a cycle. Depression->RageMoDe-(Come to a conclusion)>Joy->Minor problem which leads back to depression I've been in joy stage for a while tho|||When you have to choose between a model and a pornstar for a girlfriend #INFProblems|||Yes. Nice snake OP|||You don't wanna go there. I don't even know what's going on in my mind.'
Stop Loafing around, Dan! :laughing:|||Probably working mad hours. And Dying. :laughing: Here's a tune for you guys. The band is quite cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4ifSSg1HAo|||Ok, this is the very first and roughest version of spreadsheet to gather information from UK resident XNFPs for the meeting. There's bound to be issues with it, but for now it'll do. Please feel free...|||If anyone needs I could be the bossy XNFP who plans everything and makes thing make sense. :wink:|||How about Leicester then? I know a nice place called 'Cosy Club' where we could hang out. It's a very eclectic, random, quirky and warm place. There's one in Manchester, Leicester, Birmingham,...|||Hello, A Supposedly-INFP here from West Midlands! Would gladly participate if it wasn't on December or somewhere lightyears away from where I live. Birmingham sounds very convenient because it's...|||First book of the 'Horus Heresy' - 'Horus Rising'. Gotta admit I wasn't much of a fan of this genre before, but it's growing on me and I like Garvi a lot. He's an Astartes with such a touch of human...|||Just revising and gotta say: GO FOR ENFJ FOR GOD'S SAKE. i've met one (probable 3w2 or 5w6, I'm a E6) about a month ago and he is blowing my mind so far with his confidence, flirt and overall...|||Dear ENFJ I like, I can't tell if you're messing about or you're serious about liking me. Fact that we don't have time to meet up isn't helping either, tho your ocassional snap or message does...|||Dear ENFJ, Why the hell I can't stop thinking about you and your smile when I have a spare minute? I am going to make sure you feel wanted and cared for, even if we are just going to be friends....|||You guys are hard to figure out. i've met one at work and we kind of clicked easily, given we had some mutual interests and he's easily approachable. His body language is very open and he always...|||It's clear I'd fall unto ENFP and a bit under INFJ (sigh, I know, Fe and Fi differences).|||Hello all, A silly XNFP girl is trying to get ENFJ guy's romantic attention. Is there any way I could ask out ENFJ in a remarkable/interesting way? A bit of the side info: There's an ENFJ guy at...|||I think it was a severe misreading. During stress I pick up and exagerrate details to some extent. Thanks :)|||Thing is, I asked some girls if he seems flirty with them and they told me he doesn't seem to be a person to be flirting with everyone. So I don't know how to take it, but thanks. Gonna tell him if...|||How do I know that ENTJ is flirting with me or just being friendly? Today I've noticed my ENTJ coworker has been zooming around me sometimes and trying to stand by me, or sits by me, stares at me...|||I'm seriously gonna have beef with ENTJ coworker being up in my grill today. Or I might be just reading too much into the body language and misreading actually...|||387786|||OP, you can rest assured I'm one of the worst flirts EVER. Seriously. I'm the worst at that and the effort will make every living soul cringe internally.|||I'd like to have a bigger blanket and more nice and huge sweaters. Weather's getting cold and I need a hot water bottle in my bed to warm up before sleeping.|||Dear INFJs in this thread, Never give up, love yourself and make sure to take care of yourself. I love you all and would like you to know that there's always at least a single person to listen to...|||Isfj?|||Having an identity crisis is a f*ck suck! I'm an INFP who likes to care for others and doesn't stick with her values 100% of the time... http://cdn.meme.am/instances/400x/57781246.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur17pfjIRVo I'm hooked onto this.|||Usually Khaleesi is either INFJ or INFP first choice of avatar, just an observation. I'd say INFP.|||I'm secretly jealous of all those extroverts having fun with masses of people... But just a bit :happy:|||Intj.|||Now that is just... LETHAL! Both for my heart because of the hard laughing and for him...! Brilliant! :laughing:|||For some reason usually I cannot sound serious after the junk he does to me, but I'll do my best. Thank you! :proud:|||I am not naturally agressive and I think being like that would lead to a bit harsher battles. I've talked with her and she vocally disapproves of his behaviour. He just seems to proceed and keep...|||I actively fight him back as well as vocalise my frustration with his behaviour and that doesn't help. Next!|||What do you think about? I think men and women CAN be friends. We are not such animals that relationship/sex should be the only option between a man amd a woman. I find both sexes equally exciting...|||Hey guys! What a nice bunch you are, so I thought you might help me find a solution. It's gonna be a bit of a whine, but please, be understanding. I've moved to another country and been...|||Seen several. Quite confused people, tho I get they mean nothing evil or silly by that. At first I thought you meant that 'not so smooth' as in foot-in-mouth syndrome some of the ENTPs have. It is...|||I'm not an INFJ, but enneagram 6w5. I get the second hand embarrassment too. It's hard sometimes to stay in social situations because of this. One of the most hardest feelings of embarrassment...|||getting rekt on MH with a mate and it's fuuun. hunting pretty black ice ponies ^____^|||Midly pissed off because I woke up to my housemates blasting Youtube poop and Taylow Swift on max vol at 9am. Well, at least I'm out of bed before 2pm lol.|||Gunther get back. Don't touch that|||*slow clap*|||you're boring, get out of my face! OMG YOU'RE UGLY AS WELL. no, I do not feel attracted to that totally rad INFJ guy. I'm not gonna ask him out! OMG I'm gonna flirt with that dude until he...|||https://soundcloud.com/sexmusic/dont-move-phantogram I love this music. Phantogram is an amazing band. It makes me feel like I'm full of love.|||Sorry, I'd rather have ENFJs invade here. I need some of that Dom Fe.|||Excuse me while I pick up my Anchor Spear and shoot off to hunt an ENFJ!|||This is the most adorable thing ever! But sadly I'm usually the one doing this. Being around people I like makes me unsettled and all scatter brained, as well as my legs get weak and I have a...|||Probably you mean INFPs stuck in Fi-Si, which is quite similar to what we call PTSD in a way. I've noticed a pattern of INFPs usually experiencing something quite traumatising in young age and that...|||'you talk a lot of shit' 'wow, you can actually think smart sometimes' 'I like your (Insert a random clothing piece). It's so cute!' 'did you make this yourself?' 'my god, you're so fun. Wanna...|||http://orig05.deviantart.net/0374/f/2013/088/2/c/hilarious_face_switch_of_mori_and_honey_senpai_by_kotome_chan-d5zr4h8.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19CMfFJuaO4|||Yo guys. Has anyone watched Sengoku Basara? Any ideas what types the characters are?|||I'd go outside, flap my hands like a bird and make a 'raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' noise. The skies would answer to me. Joking. I'd start over with analysing my own inner frameworks and how...
'You found out someone was cloning you and selling copies for $500 a piece? I would find the person responsible, force them to hand me over a number of clones and then I'd strike a business deal...|||Hmmm It'd probably be the result of them overreacting to something I'd said to them so I wouldn't take it to seriously and it might even make me smirk as conflict sometimes does to me. However if it...|||Also I'd be very strict about certain social structures such as health and education. In order to avoid more negatitive aspects developing consistently for humanity I'd heavily support education and...|||Personally I think my main inspiration would be that of Napoleon Bonaparte but beyond that let's see. Hmmm I think, drawing from my day dreams of wanting to be an ethereal but powerful...|||I'm afraid I may have unknowingly decieved you all and myself, after a bit of introspection as well as looking into Jung's type descriptions and the like, it seems that I've found that there to be a...|||The human mind is very malleable by nature with an innate need for adaptation. Nature itself seems to be constantly shifting, take forests for example. Although it may seem to us that the trees are...|||Oh no I don't think I'm better than everyone that doesn't make sense, for me its more like just a need to be in control and sometimes be the center of the group. I gennerally go by how much I respect...|||Maybe I am not an ENFP for I myself rather enjoy competing for the top throne among others unless of course it is a role or subject I don't have interest in, in that case I'm apathetic but otherwise...|||I agree and have felt similiar experiences and thoughts myself as well. I enjoy the idea that we are all islands in a sense interconnected by a massive ocean, we are seperate people seemingly but...|||I commend you on posting this as I have had very similiar thoughts. I myself am a Type 8 on the Enneagram, I know this not just from taking the test but from introspection, self analysis and simply...|||When it comes to people or situations its more of the aggresive fight response. I've never been in a dangerous situation with a wild animal but I'd imagine I'd flight in that case unless I had...|||Lion The lion personality has the unmistakable presence of nobility. Moving with the unruffled calm of a cat and the dignified gait of someone in command, lions have no need to walk or talk...|||I know very little about them and thus I can rely only on personal experience. From this I can tell you that I find I respect their inventive and mechanical cabapilities very well. I haven't gotten...|||2194221941219402193921938 http://personalitycafe.com/images/styles/AnimatedArena/misc/pencil.png|||I am not truly sure if I am an ENFP after a bit of introspection I've been exploring the possibility that I am in fact an ENTJ instead (that is a conversation for another thread though) however I...|||I to am guilty of this. During debate I tend to be or think that I am more intelligent or at least logical then most even my close friends as we often debate, however I know when to admit that...|||I can't really seem to identify any sort of feelings I have for her one way or another, my heart does not go out to her nor do I feel the need to loathe her for simply existing. As a musician on the...|||Here's your link me droog old chap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gg1AwB7sMo|||I suppose mostly I'd be considered in the 8 or 9 register by those around me and not just friends of course and I think that is mostly due to my mindset, you look how you feel of course and so when...|||Wow this guy reminds me of myself when I'm angry. These London riots give anarchy a bad name as if it can only be chaos and destruction. I don't really feel like getting into a political mood right...|||I understand the onfusion between ENFPs and ENTPs, often they will strive for and accomplish similiar goals but their motivation and purpose for doing so is the major differiental factor. There seems...|||Haha yes to some extent I find I do the same and sometimes with people I barely even know not just friends. I don't know why but imagining what someone may become or trying to feel where they're...|||In response the magority of people constantly connecting the ENFP personality type to the 7 personality type I decided to list different possibilities of ENFP variations as I'm tired of the concept...|||I like the way you think :P To me a true leader is not someone who takes his role to attain power and control only for themself but someone who uses their influence and position to inspire others to...|||When it comes to the whole pride topic I suppose I the way I consider it the reason I am prideful or glad about my type is not because I think it is the best type of all objectively but because it is...|||Very well put and I agree wholeheartedly except for the not wanting to be in control part. I concur with the independence and avoiding being controlled but for me personally I like to be in control...|||True, I just tried to keep more of a main idea of ENFP so that more people could relate to it as saying personally acted and thought wouldn't be as general ENFP as I was trying to keep it. I agree...|||Well I thought I might list some reasons as to why I think it is great to be an ENFP. So here we go: - Ne as our primary function grants us the ability to percieve a myriad of oppurtunities and...|||Also there would be no need for money or any currency and whatever possessions you so desired you would attain. There would be weekly festivals where people gathered together (yet somehow it wouldn't...|||My ideal Promise Land would consist of a vast and varied land in which there would be vast rolling green hills, forests that seem to flow with enchantment, powerful snowy mountains extending to the...|||Also with women I like if they have an intimidating presence about them. Like some guys say if a girl intimidates you you should just put yourself in the mindset of she is just another fish in the...|||I seem to be most attracted to NT women actually. I like girls who are strong and independent (to an extent, not ones who aren't willing to ever be with anyone), they have to have smarts and ambition...|||I am often called clumsy and have never been very good in sports, at least the ones mandatory in gym class, that doesn't mean I'm not physically fit in fact I exercise often. When not engaging in a...|||My posts have been sincere both times. I often change my emotions and how I function. I act the second way when I feel emotionally worn or stressed out completely which is often msot of the time I do...|||I was angry that I didn't have control over the situation I felt weak thats why I struck back. Thats why it is 8.|||Oppessive forces or people Government People trying to control me Someone else being in a leadership position when I can think of ways to get around the problems stumping them Not having control...|||I have a desire for respect, that's how I work gennerally is I must respect someone if I'm going to befriend them. I suppose that could be said as being a desire to be liked but I only desire to be...|||I know this to be true from personal experience as for example the other day I was extremely worried about something and I couldn't stand being in a public place and with family with all the axiety...|||This is very true for me thank you for posting this. I used to think I was a Type 7w8 though it always seemed like something was off and then I looked into both Type descriptions more and took the...|||What else would you base your information on his personality on besides the Bible that doesn't provide a similiar lack of solid information though? I don't like looking for details very much but when...|||I like your ENTJ description because I like and value/favor ENTJs. However I must say it seems a tad bit biased my friend, like for example some types are described as lazy or likely to drop out and...|||I agree with the rest of what you said here but you can't type based on soley on behavior, that is redundant because every type can do the same actions but for different purposes and in certain ways....|||I also sometimes like to imagine being this non physical divinity of sorts that would allow me to be with every living person at the same time at will and know their thoughts, feelings and past and...|||A great majority of my daydreams are similiar to your own :crazy: For me along with author/writer I would add actor and singer. I also like to imagine leading or taking part in a glorious revolution...|||I've never met a lazy ENFP or ENTP most seem to be very driven and as for the changing partners you just need to find the right one and continue to impress and love them, seems simple enough. Its...|||I think this theory makes sense and personally agree as I have had similiar results as others have posted. Ne lets all the possibilties flow and gives you the gut feeling of what is the right path...|||Fi users like INFPs or ENFPs or the like may only by loyal and trustworthy if you gain their respect and true friendship as I myself am mostly only loyal to myself, my ideals and very close friends...|||I think an MBTI class based RPG would be great. Your cognitive function layout could translate into abilities as I described above and when you dropped to low health you could transform into your...|||Impersonal to you yes but Fi and Fe alike are used and manifested differently by each person. Germany at the time was suffering from the aftershock of World War I and volatile conditions can easily...|||ENTJ, that way I would be more directly commanding and wouldn't care as much for the affects my choices had on others and simply make progress a great deal faster. Even though it gets me into trouble...'
'K this sounds really out there but meditation can be really helpful. Ever since I started meditating for 20mins twice a day and I have been less depressed, more clear-minded, and more energetic ever...|||one of my closest friends is ESTJ... love her lots! They are fun and I always feel like I can be myself around her. I like people who take control. She is inpiringly confident and easy to be...|||the ginger? seems more like enfp to me but funny|||congrats! thats amazing|||I think our awesome imagination + the awesomness of nature = the perfect adventure I have always had a passion for nature and great sense of adventure. When I was little my INFP friend and I...|||YES! I think as idealist we almost have to believe in love, it is the ultimate ideal. I love my friends, I love my family, I have even loved old boyfriends, but I have never really been in love. ...|||I'm afraid of those things too. But my biggest fear (I have never told this to anyone before) is that I will lose myself to mental illness. I used to be such a whole and wonderful person but I...|||I am drawn to how passionate and intense they are. I wish I had that kind of drive. I don't think I could ever handle dating one though.... well maybe. I wonder what that would be like. I feel...|||all of this is probably the most useful thing I have ever done online. Thanks everyone! This was actually extremely helpful.|||wow, this was incredibly helpful thank you. I'm so scared to make myself vulnerable. Eeep. Well here we go, wish me luck and good luck to all who struggle with vulnerability and would like to change...|||Do you ever struggle with maintaining or establishing emotional connections with others? I know it is supposed to be our specialty or something but sometimes I tend to drift away from people. What...|||No, actually, you sound a lot like me. Are you leaning towards t? I'm right between, I guess it make for a little less empathy and a little more critical thinking. Also i have no idea what it is...|||i admit it... I AM SO LAZY I wish to change it though, and I totally agree with the idea that it stems from lack of motivation|||don't fear it, don't seek it out, and don't over think it because no one REALLY knows what happens, just respect it and focus on live while you're alive|||GUILTY. It's awful because I am also completely capable of convincing myself that i am in love with people i have only met once or twice after some heavy duty lurking. If i never talk to them again...|||There is every reason :) if you're lackin the love just spread some and it will come back to you guaranteed. Never take anything too seriously. Do something that make you happy. Eat an avacado,...|||I lied to someone who did not deserve to be lied to. I am still afraid to tell the truth. Again. This stops NOW.|||You are my best friend and I used to think you brought out the best in me. I love how fun you are, I love how comfortable I feel around you, I love everything we do together. I know you really care...|||-when stopping to smell the roses is something that comes quite naturally to you -when you read books for the sake of reading, not to analyze and criticize -when your room looks like a pretty...|||if you're like me a cup of tea doesn't do much alone... though i do love it! I usually go sit on my roof or just generally get away from people, because usually it's people that make me feel that...|||so. long. O__O haha i guess whatever you relate to the most is what really matters. We are all different people some might apply more to different people depending on their levels of each category...|||I made this a while ago with my childhood friend and I believe fellow INFP. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNkO8PnT7jA|||nostalgic- i love you signature! that's my favorite poem|||ehem** I am 16 going on 17...|||me too, more than you can imagine. Lets run away with huck finn and tom sawyer to narnia!|||I am the one who loves to be with friends but often needs to be alone. I am the one who doesn't care about the size of of my house, but who wants a huge backyard to dream in and play in, even when...|||dumbledore :) though I'm not as brave as any of those characters|||SAY ANYTHING THE BREAKFAST CLUB yayy 80's movies :)|||Whatever you like! I may not be the best to speak her because I am right in between t and f (but still leaning f), but I love biology and chemistry. Both would make for realistic job opportunities...|||A man can believe in anything and he has the courage to know when he is right and stand up for what he believes in but also to admit when he is wrong. A man treats a women with gentle respect and...|||YES...but in a way i think everyone is, INFPS just take it to the extreme i know him too well he is dark and handsome and picks me violets and dandilions in my dreams, too bad its only a dream|||modest mouse :) I cry every time i hear ocean breathes salty|||When I stop thinking of all others as anything more than platonic friends.|||it comes at random and not very often, usually in creative pieces when puting together the final touches I become a perfectionist.|||my first job was making sandwiches it was hot and smelly but I loved all the old ladies|||I completely agree. Let's move to Spain where they all get siestas.|||I agree. I am currently taking an anthropology class and it is very interesting. I live in Hawaii and believe it or not there are lots of jobs for anthropologists here, mostly archeologists which...|||What is your dreams job? What about your real job (if you have one)? I'm INFP I think but very borderline to INTP and looking into careers. Suggestions?|||What is your dreams job? What about your real job (if you have one)? I'm INFP I think but very borderline to INTP and looking into careers. Suggestions?|||haha oh, ok I should have known when I saw the neuroscience book bit :crazy:|||Haha ok buddy. Are you being serious? I honestly can't tell. If you are then I'm sorry you got the impression that we think ourselves to be better than everyone else. We are just poking fun...|||hai im not an infp anb i tYpe lyk dis lets hook up with a randum stranger sum tym and have a threesome, then we can get ahead on all our work for NASA so we c@n have some time to host a raging...|||I think there is a big difference b/w believing in God and being religious and it is a disction that must be made. The point is that the belief in a God is something pure and to be cherished, yet...|||Thank all of you guys so much! I think the biggest thing I got from this thread is that I am helping her in some way just by doing what I am doing. I know it sounds weird. Sometimes when she is so...|||Gatsby! He HAS to be INFJ. But guys, never go for a daisy, she just ain't worth it.|||So I have this friend who I think is is INFJ (possibly ISFJ) and she has been really down recently. The problem is she never really opens up to me and when she does she doesn't listen to what I have...|||I just came across this amazing video. It is for anyone who who has ever doubted that they are beautiful aka the whole world so.. EVERYONE WATCH THIS RIGHT NOW YouTube - Let's talk about body...|||Wow, they say INPF are usually calm and sweet except for the rare occasion when their morals get stepped on. Calls us psycho sluts and BAM a whole thread of usually peaceful INFPs gone wild. This...|||My best friend (ENTJ) and her boyfriend (INFP) make the cutest couple ever. She brings out the best in him and he gives her all the love and support she needs without being a jerk (something most...|||This is not about you anymore. We are not attacking you, we are defending ourselves. When you come onto a board full of INFP women and basically generalize us as deluded little whores, why the fuck...'
'My handwriting is terrible! 190610190610|||155930|||Me too.. But sometimes it sucks but sometimes it is better than going out ^^ It aaaall depends on the people|||I think clubs could be a blast! But being in the library could also be tons of fun! Just because I have an more intellectual mindset dosen't mean I can't enjoy those clubnights out when you are so...|||Här kan vi alla vara deppade ensamma NT-nordmän/kvinnor T_T|||Ja precis! Likadana reaktioner får jag av mina vänner.. Men men! Jag är 20! Sj?|||Tror inte mbti är så himla vida känt, dessutom är det ju pseudovetenskap så då är folk skeptiska och då är det nog inte så många entusiaster och ännu mindre svenska entusiaster :(|||You lost me halfways :sad:|||I don't have anything to say actually, just wanted to say that I will be lurking in the dark because this thread is really interesting! However I do want to say this whole Fe vs Fi really gets me...|||This thread is full of bright happy people!|||Indeed, maybe Sasuke found a way to jump between different dimensions|||Haha in what language? :laughing:|||That is exactly what I'm saying|||I believe Uchiha Sasuke looks exactly like Keanu Reeves ...!|||130689 with my awesome post :crazy:|||Haha oh myGod yes I love you !! The video rocks!!|||123418 123426|||Maybe, depends on the cause and my opinons etc However I do perfer to just stay out of all it and just observe.|||Hmm very interesting! I got two big sisters however my eldest is only half sibling but we all are very keen on keeping up the sisterhood. Though I'm very close to my sisters but haha they are not...|||I was discussing with my older sister about responsibilties as siblings and protection etc.. We noticed that my older sister's friends that had a kid brother were very very protective of them....|||122362|||122178 Fuc**** hate unicorns...|||Hmm actually there are alot of threads about synaesthesia. I don't see the colors but I associate letters/numbers with colors, also they have traits, like little personalities if you would...|||Can't we all agree on a certain date and a certain time?!? I'm always too late T_T|||Supernatural Animated GIF|||121002 I am so confused by this thread, I just don't understand it...|||but it is nice to see people who take the stuff on the internet serious and wants everyone else to be serious :proud: I don't really care for what people think of me here on PerC as it won't...|||Haha I'm having a great time atm!! You know ,you should try not to take everything so serious .. I'm not being destroyed by anyone and especially not by you, something like this can't destroy me...|||See there is my point :laughing:|||Hihi this is a cute thread.. It is like watching my isfj friend getting her scary angry outbursts. :crazy:|||I loved France's song and I was rooting for it.. I didn't like the winner, sure it is nice to give the finger to Putin and this was one stepstone for LGBTQ but the song sucked.. Yeah I agree...|||Late yet again..|||My god! Sarcasm! Have you heard of it?!|||.....Calm your tits woah..... I didn't say that I believe that there are masucline and feminime but sadly we are living on a planet with many people who actually believe that women and men should...|||120394|||120362 120370 120378 I just love this picture :blushed:|||No, I just live in a male dominated world :proud: Hmm I don't know about the date thing actually but they are precieved as very feminime and how the ideal woman should be. Like it or not, the ideals...|||I would say ISFJ and INFP.. All introverted feelers in general. Society likes them quiet softspoken ladies, death to them cold rational talkative ladies! :angry:|||120330 Is this thread for real?|||117762 <---- Isn't he just just ridiculously handsome?! Hmm nothing more to say so I will just keep on lurking around|||Dat moment when you were too late|||Nah, we have known each other for quite some time now, kind of just given up besides he is out of my league so I will just keep on lurking in the friendzone ~~|||This friday, this friday!!!|||No I'm in the friendzone with the guys that I'm interested in but with their friends I'm not in the friendzone, basically I'm in the wrong guys friendzones and those who I wouldn't mind be in the...|||Isn't ESTJ the most hated ones?|||It is an evil circle, your guyfriends that you are interested in has friendzoned you and those you have friendzoned are the ones that hasen't friendzoned one..yet.. If that makes sense?!|||Oh you can be.. Sadly.. The worst thing ever|||Geez move on.. Aren't you an NT? I think I read somewhere that NTs are good at moving on.. Seriously it is an lost cause, realise that and then just move on, don't go and let your negative emotions...|||112210|||Because I'm happy, happily drunk! Think I got out of the friendzone which is nice!! This thread has no point what so ever I'm just happily drunk! 111882'
'Im good mane, just bad with cameras as we can all see haha. I remember skimming 48 laws, its useful but I feel its hard to incorporate all of it as an NF. Ill leave it to the NTs to put it to its...|||Yeah I get nervous in front of the camera because I dont want to pause too much and make the video boring. Yeah its silly but whatever, also I dont have a person to reflect emotions/ideas off of so...|||Its me, enoy...I guess? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkpBWfj00j8 theres earlier videos in my account|||Made another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkpBWfj00j8|||lolwut u banned now son anyways heres another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkpBWfj00j8|||The holidays seem to have everyone busy, maybe after new years it would be easier.|||cant see shit captain, too bright|||me again http://i42.tinypic.com/ungvt.jpg|||Sweet a second invite|||I live on the edge of etobicoke, scarlett and eglinton but I commute downtown almost everyday of the week for school and work.|||Lets team up with my INTP friend and find ENFP and ENTP girls, poetry slams, comedy shows, w.e else we can think of. All we have to do is sit down, be entertained by them and wave at them once, go...|||I refuse refuse refuse to ever take the easy way out of anything (in terms of big life choices and perspectives) being lazy is easy, pessimistic easy, dumb easy. I make sure Im optimistic no matter...|||Never forget that the strongest steel is forged in the hottest fires, keep your chin up. Thats all, I wouldnt change any of the hardships Ive gone though for anything in the world.|||Rap to angry eminem songs to boost myself back up. Meditate Weed|||My opinion is that he likes you very much. For a shy INFJ rejection is a big burden to carry, for him to put himself out there was a big move for him. The reason I say he is being shy now is...|||To be honest I had to catch my breath because I was taking short breaths due to nervousness. Like I said, Ive never done a video and thinking this was going on the internet didnt help. I think I did...|||- Binural beats -White noise - Rainymood.com any of those can be combined with meditation|||My bad my Fe is pooped it seems. I dont have a link just the questions 1.) What is your type? 2.) What are you primarily interested in? 3.) How do you relate to your temperament? 4.) What got...|||Dear estp shadow thanks for teaching me what it means to have balls|||Its just answering questions, not really a challenge|||hah youre not the first one to point that out :P I also made a second video to expand on some of the things I talked about.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAo1gh31ndA made in one take, never done a video before, shh|||I made this in one take and have never done a video before, dont make fun of me kthx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAo1gh31ndA|||I dont mean to crash your thread but, if you guys could answer this for me Id appreciate it. Do you usually start as friends or do you go straight into the courting phase?|||OP is a faggot|||Thats what they all say :cool:|||sup cutie :wink: I see you have our dinner table picked out, hope youre ready for the best night of your life :cool:|||Lets get this party started!@#! !!! heuheuhehueheu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SANw5o7O2N0 :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: Fuk Yeh!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:|||I would say yeah, exactly like a T-break. Or exactly like when I had to stop fapping to porn on the reg cuz I couldnt get it up on a one night stand...fml.|||Psychedelics breh Or Introspection Or Meditation Or all 3 Or therapy|||EDIT: forgot the humor, Ill come up with something.|||- When im talking to multiple girls - When emotionally involved in an anime - When listening to music that out speeds my brain (metal, hardstep) - Listening to music with a good flow (rap, edm)...|||So your Ni has had its fill for this particular subject and are now moving on to find novelty again.....AH! So you are in INFJ huehue. Kidding aside, I hope you find something else to obsess over...|||I'm sorry for your loss :angry:|||INTJ in HR: We need to get a better microwave so people don't waste as much time heating up their food which will help the line move quicker. INFJ in HR: We need to get a better microwave so...|||Hit it while you can but stay emotionally detached until you know its safe. win/win This is only the second date, youre thinking way too much into it.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g5wBoLqrTc|||33/36 Surprised myself with that score tbh, awesome how much just the eyes can tell|||My response|||INFPs on this forum that think theyre INFJs and think being an INFJ is all about martyrdom -_-|||Dont worry too much about it, sometimes its a matter of your brain maturing and being able to use our tertiary (Ti)and inferior (Se) functions more easily/efficiently.|||This is a pretty good read http://personalitycafe.com/infj-articles/86391-mystic-order-infjs.html Welcome to the hand that will give you a grip on your madness :) That's my way of saying...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsFgg7G_4-8 12!@@!!!ENFP POST SWAG!!@!:angry::kitteh::ninja::cool::crying::confused::shocked::cool::laughing::laughing::laughing:@!!|||Marijuana has 2 types of strains(?)/types. Sativas are known as head highs and can cure depression, anxiety, and other brain related things/behaviours and are the ones that can most likely give you...|||Smoke indica strains.|||A credit card that pays itself.|||That pole is too big. ( thats what she said) Seriously so many options.|||1. Yo, name is Luis. I live in Toronto, if you live here too then add me on Skype. Currently doing my last year at GBC. Skype: squives1 we can exchange #s after. 2. Id like to meet someone...|||I mostly meant the numbers game as in get over the fear of approaching. This is one of the only things I've conformed to but I mostly decided it was something to get over because it is/was a fear...|||And its our job to get over it. The world isn't going to change just for us. It's a numbers game and we know it. Either play it or get left behind, or lucky, either one works I guess but Id rather...'
'What sort of stuff were they doing to try and make you fit? Btw, we are similar with respect to the answers to those 8 vs 7 differences :) Except that I don't have a problem with staying grounded...|||1) Sevens are primarily interested in variety–they want to sample as many different experiences as possible and become practical in as much as their practicality gives them the means to pursue the...|||I'm curious about what you think about this part...? If my interests are at stake, then I am intensely focused. Generally though, when they aren’t? The former. Mental versus physical energy: I...|||That's not aimed towards you. I meant there are people that like the stereotype of a certain type and they are content with the result without having to analyze. And they can easily play along the...|||Oh. Yeah I don't tell myself ok let me try and dominate lol. Same. I just end up doing it, and then it gets pointed out to me afterwards. I am more aware of myself doing it now because it's been...|||Most of her answers revolve around being in-control and dominating, plus her answer to my stress scenarios also pointed to 8. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg for me. Some thing’s not quite...|||What is your fear about that like? Just curious. How do you mean Se is more correct as opposed to Ne in your case? I 'fear' that I haven’t collected enough information, accumulated enough...|||User Name Tritype Instinctual Subtype deSouza 1w2, 7w8, 2w3 sx/sp|||Yep, I got caught, and same :frustrating:. Occupational hazard.|||Noted, about the enneagram. I'm apparently wing 7, so that may account for that, but yeah, I'll keep an open mind. *edit* I'll add my breakdown: Type 8 - 14 Type 7 - 11 Type 3 - 8.7 Type 9 - 3...|||Socionics? Well maybe that's why I relate to the Se one here pretty well (I'm Se-dom in socionics too). Though I would say a few points don't apply to me. But overall it makes sense, I'd just refine...|||Yes. I'd sit and burn through a whole box of matches, just watching the flames. I was a somewhat clumsy child, so it's a minor miracle I didn't set the house on fire. I would also fool around in the...|||I do think ENTP is the one that fits, yeah. Still, I am definitely keeping an open mind. Thanks for the input, although we differ in conclusion you've definitely provided me with insight and given me...|||(Half) Serb, ENTP ,fellow newbie here. Hey! :cool:|||Well, I'm aware of the subjectivity of perception, that my sense of something is just that: mine. I won't therefore take something immediately at face value, I'll consider different...|||Nah, I'm not generally paranoid, that only occurs when it's a particularly stressful situation. However, the distrusting the senses thing *is* spot on, my natural inclination is to assume there is...|||Fair enough on the cognitive function tests. I've heard negative stereotypes about a few of the types, wasn't aware there was specifically an anti-Sensor sentiment, and I can't say I understand...|||I tried to build myself wings. I saw no reason why I couldn't fly if I built myself a pair of wings (sticks tied together with twine and hairbands, and ripped out pages of notebooks - I was 5) I...|||The Sixteen Personality Types - High-Level - well this site was helpful. The description of ENTP there described me entirely. Also I've looked at these: ENTP Personality Types Psychological...|||Well, when I read all the literature on ENTP and ESTP, I'm finding ENTP is the one that fits me best. I see a lot of ESTP in myself, but ENTP is the one where I'm going 'yes, that's me EXACTLY'. Then...|||I'll be a total whore and throw my pictures up everywhere. 475974759947600|||It's Ne again there, and again slightly. If I had to choose between being mentally stagnant and physically stagnant, I would reluctantly choose to be physically stagnant. I get far more frustrated...|||Yep. It's dreadfully annoying to see. x_X I know many Se-users who are brilliant and intellectual. :) Yep! One of my best friends was ESTP and he was possibly the most intellectually brilliant...|||Thanks! Again, Ne is spot on there for me, more so than Se.|||I think Ne is more okay with it depends answers. Afaik... Yeah, I donx92t actually have a problem with it depending at all, Ix92ll take things as they come and if Ix92m not consistent? Well then, Ix92m...|||I remember my ENTP friend who I used to chat with online and how we talked hours about a topic, and we defended our opinion, then ended up at a different topic, then at a different topic again. Nice...|||<snipping for space> @Vesper, you seem to be a really good example of Se+Ti. Take that as a compliment. Most descriptions of Ne make Ne seem like the more imaginative, creative, and intellectual...|||Well what you said about the human condition was pretty idealist. But then maybe we use different definitions for this word. Possibly. I tend to, erroneously, equate idealism solely with utopian...|||LOL, I'm going to say this is a fine example of a truth said in jest.|||I've got a lot of acquaintances but those relationships are very superficial and I could walk away from them without a second thought. I have a revolving door of acquaintances, actually, I'm always...|||That's me. I do that in the vast majority of debates I'm involved in. I don't really have set opinion on many things at all, so usually I just debate as an exercise (or to stir), not because I have a...|||That questionnaire doesn't give questions about an in-depth analysis of cognitive functions. By the way, @OP, you yourself can only type yourself correctly, but it would depend how much you'd like to...|||Hmm, if I do that, I'll feel compulsion to not lose any idea/stream and I really don't feel comfortable with it for long. This is supposedly introverted form of intuition because it aspires to go...|||I couldn't post the picture unfortunately, my post count wasn't high enough, and I've since lost it :/ Yes, what I trying to describe the picture to highlight what I assumed the photographer wanted...|||The guy I'm with (INFP) said the other day that he would never have approached me first, due to feeling intimidated. I have a couple of female acquaintances, but no close female friends. I get on...|||Not sure what my mother is, possibly a 6, but I know my father was an 8w7 when younger, and an 8w9 now. I am an 8w7, and I do believe that's due to my father encouraging those traits in me.|||ENTP Taurus here! Got Leo as my Ascendent, I feel like adding.|||Wahaha, I also score 50/50 on some tests. I always either score ESTP or ENTP. I would put the breakdown at 60/40 in favour of ENTP, and then of course there was that breakdown that put me at...|||The short attention span. I'm horrible when it comes to finishing what I start, and trying to get my brain to focus on one thing at a time. I can start something with a lot of enthusiasm, yet when it...|||Thanks everyone for the help! :happy: It's been difficult trying to figure it out, but I'm now confident that ENTP is the best fit.|||SCUEI (3.3% of women; 5.3% of men) not afraid of doing the wrong things, does not value rules and regulations, prefers unpredictable to organized, does not accomplish work on time, needs to...|||Okay, out of those two, extroverted intuition fits me exactly, and whilst I can still see myself in the extroverted sensing, it's to a far lesser extent. Actually, this is the first explanation I've...|||Thanks :) I'm definitely an ETP, yeah! It's the Se versus Ne that perplexes me. Right now I'm fairly confident, based on the examples, that I'm Ne dominant, but only barely. ENTP fits me...|||Out of those I would actually say N is more applicable, in regards to both examples. I can definitely see myself in the S, but N slightly more so. I guess I am inclined to type myself as ENTP,...|||Good questions. I would say, frustratingly I know, that I'm 50/50 on the big picture versus the details. I keep the big picture in mind (and indeed can daydream about the ways in which the big...|||Need some assistance figuring out whether I most resemble an ESTP or an ENTP. I score both on tests, and one breakdown had me 50/50 on sensing and intuition, which really cleared matters up. Right!...|||8w7. Tri type is 8-7-3.|||Female 8-7-3'
'7w6 1w2 4w3 ? xD that pole dance tho|||I just finished the series Angela - INFP 4w5 Rayanne - ESFP 7w6 Ricky - ISFJ 4w3 Brian Krackow - ISTJ/INTJ/INTP 6w5/5w6 Jordan Catalano - ISTP 9w8 Sharon (the ex best friend) - ESFJ 2w3 ...|||He is either a Ne dom or a SP. He is awesome though, great actor and his band is great too.|||366130 I am 7w6 and I think I am a squirrel. Squirrels live in the woods and are nervous and electric, like to play and eat and can be defensive and opinionated, when they aren't climbing the...|||sp/sx or sx/sp|||sp/sx|||enfj|||Definitely ESFP or ENFP, I feel she strongly uses both Ne and Se.|||ENTP , hes awesome|||favorite: 147, 259, 379 less: 126, 136, 268 I don't know why..|||1w2 4w3 6w7 The Crusader (6w7) sp/so Unique Ability: Religion lol.|||Twisted motherfuckers, kinda messy... 331969 Andrew VanWyngarden of MGMT. Probably the softer of them all, but I have such a crush on him. 331977 Christian Bale. I think is the smile. ...|||I didn't knew the existence of this thread, fuck yesh they are my favorite band (or were, or are again,.. complicated) Ethan is an NT, and probably an I, since he works behind the scenes, don't...|||So much stereotype in this thread|||Superfluous every song from billy idol sounds like sx/so or so/sx imo I think I have already posted this song/video in this forum, but its probably my favorite song, at least from the past few...|||Awwww they are so good I can't!!!! xD But I still have to watch a lot of them|||4w5 sx/sp 6w5 8w9|||3w4-9w1-7w8 sx/sp|||4w3 - 1w9 - 6w7 sp/so|||9w1 - 2w1 - 7w6 sp/sx|||9w8 so/sp|||Just watched the movie, the feels... Let me see Mason: hmm he seems ISFP but he sounded intuitive to me, so IXFP Mom: ENFJ Dad: ESFP Samantha: EXFX 2nd Husband: ESTJ 3th Husband: ESTX|||Lol I love how people describe esfps versus enfps. You guys really glamorize the N's right? fucking stereotypes..|||I relate with these 5 tritypes (without order), But actually, none really stands out. The 7 is my core though.|||I have a huge crush on this guy, he has this humble and chill vibe, yet he is also very fucking funny. And his music is awesome. I bet his enneagram type is 9w8, perhaps. But I am not sure about his...|||I watched this movie yesterday. My review: wow. the visuals, the music, the sounds, the plot. The whole feeling about saving humanity really touched me. 10/10 Easily the best movie I ever saw, it...|||They both affect me in very different ways. Alcohol makes me feel like I'm floating or something, it feels very good actually, is a peaceful feeling, I am so tune out of this world that I don't care...|||Yes! I am kinda unemotional, I hate gushiness and too much sensitivity. But I am definitely a feeler... too loud to deny.|||Are you kidding?? I love Se humor! Its way more straightforward than Ne, and less nonsense, and thats exactly why I find it funny!! EJ-Arendee videos are awesome, I almost pee myself when I watch his...|||Ahaha yes, thank you!|||Yeah I felt the same way when I read about mine, actually, astrology is a lot more complex than this.|||Yessss! *high five* I am feeling kinda out of place here, because everyone has their moon in signs that are very much like the ENFP description, and I have, like, in virgo XD Its fascinating to know...|||I don't know, all the songs are a little bit...dry. They lack the energy of 7. The themes are also very 5ish.|||Join the club, it's good to know that I'm not alone.|||Yes I am one of those astrology freaks. You can calculate your moon here. I am a Virgo Moon, which is quite weird for an ENFP. But...whatever :cool:|||There's a lot of melodrama in the songs, so I think the heart is 4w3. The gut is definitely 8, probably 8w7. The head, which I think is the core, is in the 5/6 line, either 5w6 or 6w5, but I am...|||lazy wacky funny confused blunt ??? I think so anyways|||Cool. (without order) High: Acceptance Idealism Independence Romance Tranquility Average:|||what a retard|||I can read people fairly well, but sometimes I just can't shut my mouth. I can talk shit in the worst moments, some people think it's funny, other people want to slap my face.|||I don't think anyone on here knows me, but anyways I am almost sure I am a 7w6 4w3 9w8 so/sx but yknow, we never know for sure...|||Female 7w6 so/sx 7w6-4w3-9w8 ENFP All shades of purple/dark blue/green Cats ^-^/koalas/pandas|||Dear Anonymous Teach me how to let you go Go away but don't forget to come back|||1.) Manipulators Yeah 2.) Suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder Yes, someone is talking to me and its like 'so, do you wanblablablaa..' 3.) Players Nop 4.) Obnoxious Yes, people just are...|||I love this thread! I look like a homeless most of the time lol My style is a mix of ripped clothing, hippie/esoteric fashion and something 'druggie' and dirty. Something like this: 207858|||I can relate unfortunately... Because I am so nice and light-hearted people always think they can take advantage of me. I feel like a clown most of the time.|||Does anybody know him? He is cute :kitteh: He is kinda shy in interviews, never makes eye contact, but I don't know if he is an introvert. He seems to use Ne, always somewhere else and RANDOM, but...|||You’re a Striver Communication is like, totally your thing. Upbeat, chatty, and ON… the whole damn time. When do you ever come down? Resourceful; you’ve got drive, bags of enthusiasm, and you can...|||You are really hard to type... In every song I sense some 6, probably 6w5. Some of them are 4ish, very intense and others are simple 2ish romantic songs. The Virgin Queen one is 9w1 with some 7,...|||The song was freaking good, really liked the 3:40 part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdEY2WmXFW4'
DreamingAngel is here! I guess I'm here to vent about my mental health. I honestly sometimes lie to myself about what I'm thinking or feeling. I do think negative and I do feel things I shouldn't...|||DreamingAngel: My worst shadow side is..... When people always think they can beat me up when they really can't. I'm that type of girl who doesn't really fight fair. When I say I don't fight...|||DreamingAngel: I have this huge brick wall standing between me and the world. I have always dreamed of me climbing over it to forget about my fears and my trust issues. I also dream of having this...|||Invictus. By: William Ernest Henley I love this poem, It's one of my favorites!!!!! Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods maybe For my...|||DreamingAngel: I have talents. I am a singer-songwriter. I am a poet. I write books (working on two right now). The thing I like about my voice is that I don't really find it normal that I can...|||DreamingAngel: I love to daydream anytime anyplace as long as I'm dreaming. I dream day, night, or even in between. Even when I try not to, I still can't help but to dream about my future. I love...|||DreamingAngel: I love this song. See, listen................ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMV27YOoxZk|||DreamingAngel: I'm not sure if I have an eating disorder, but for a while now I've been having a hard time eating my food. It's like if I'm hungry I'll fix a plate, but when I get ready to eat I...|||DreamingAngel!!! Please explain!!!!!!!!!!!|||DreamingAngel!!! Thank you so much, that really helped a lot! I do understand, but it seemed like at the time that some people were upset about me starting this thread!|||Good, go ahead and hate this thread, but I actually said I was sorry to everyone who dislikes this thread and got upset. I'm that type of person who apologizes when I know I did something wrong, but...|||DreamingAngel!!! Good For You!!! That's a good thing to do...............focus on the good I see. I do the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||DreamingAngel!!! Thank You For Replying! This is what I was trying to get people to do after they read their 10 things! I just wanted INFJ's to accept themselves not criticize...|||I'm also trying to figure out the word hate. Honestly, I don't want people to hate themselves! I just wanted to see what people hated!|||DreamingAngel!!! You are absolutely right! I totally agree 100%!!! Honestly, I dislike parts of my body because of things I've been through. I actually wouldn't change anything unless I know I'm...|||DreamingAngel!!! It might seem like it's negative, but think about it. I told everyone after they write their 10 things look back over it and think about why they hate this part of their body,...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! Honey, don't say you hate yourself! I have problems in my life and I don't even hate myself (not to compare our lives because I feel everyone is different). Don't ever say...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! I'll start off first...... 1. My teeth (not all that perfect) 2. My nose (it looks big to me) 3. My hair|||DeamingAngel is here!!! I wanted to start this post because I was a little curious about how people view themselves. I wanted to see what every INFJ hated or disliked about their body or face....|||DeamingAngel is here!!! I don't know anybody likes Good Charlotte, but I do!!! So This Is How I'm Feeling Right Now....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=desJKYvdq9A&feature=relfmu|||DreamingAngel is here!!! Happiness is........ when you have love all around you. when you're in love with that special and perfect someone. when you can't stop thinking about how GOD is so good...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! I feel secure when I know my family is financially stable. I feel insecure about my teeth, hair, body, uneven skin tone, and my heart!|||DreamingAngel is here!!! I feel the exact same way! I always feel like if I fall for someone they might use and take advantage of me and my heart. I also see the world in a different way unlike...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! 1. What musical instruments do you play? I don't play any musical instruments right now. I did played the clarinet for 2 years in my middle school band. 2. Did you...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! I like this thread. Thanks for starting it!!!|||DreamingAngel is here!!! Someone once told me that I was amazing, but honestly I don't think so, I really wouldn't agree with them!!!|||DreamingAngel is here!!! *I'm in love with music*, would be the 5 words I would use to describe myself! Honestly, it would be.......*jawz is kind of interesting*! LOL I can't believe I just...|||I guess I will go first then!!! If You Really Knew Me, you would know that....... Sometimes I feel lonely I feel as if the world has no room for me I am always scared that I will get hurt ...|||DreamingAngel is back!!! Okay, I got this one from MTV. MTV had a show called If You Really Knew Me. It's when students sit in circles and tell others what they don't know about them. I thought...|||I don't really like wearing makeup like that! If I do wear some then it will just be mascara, eye liner, eye shadow, and lip gloss or lip balm. My hair is always messy, but if it does look good then...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! I love to write! I write songs, poems, and stories! I also sing. I am in love with music! Honestly, without music my life would be so sorry!!!!!|||DreamingAngel is here!!! 1. Do you remember your dreams and if so how well? I remember some dreams that I've had, but how well I remember them kind of go half and half (half remember them,...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! I feel this way about high school. I feel like high school is too much for me to handle! I hate the fact that the hallways are crowded, I hate when people bump into me,...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! I always hated speaking in front of people. I get really nervous. When I try to talk I start to get nervous, I get hot, I start to stutter, my head gets dizzy, my heart...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! I love this song and it helped me really think about my dreams!!! Take A Look...... http://www.youtube.com/watch/v=FQBvZu0189M|||DreamingAngel is here!! The worst thing in the world for an INFJ is........... when no one loves them when they are vulnerable and people use that to their advantaged when no one seems to...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! 1. No, it is not easy at all! 2. For me it doesn't matter who the person is, I just don't like to look anyone in the eyes period! 3. Yes it does! I never liked...|||I will totally be honest with everyone. I always thought what would happen if I had did it when I was 13. I still remember that day like it was yesterday! I was already having a really bad day....|||I'll start.... 1. Old School R&B Pop Rock, but basically I like all types! 2. Besides my mom and grandma it would be Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, & Mariah Carey. ...|||DreamingAngel is here! I think that most INFJ's love music like me!!! This is so easy. Answer 3 questions and then let me see your favorite music video! Let's Start..... 1. What types of music...|||DreamingAngel is here!! Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!! 175661756217564 1756517563|||I really don't know what sparks my interest in someone except for their love, kindness, good heart, weirdness, humor, beautiful mind, and anyone who gives off that kind of weird vibe like I do! I...|||DreamingAngel is here!!! 1. Do you drink coffee? Yes and almost everyday. I like it with lots of cream, I put milk in it, and I use 4 sugars! I hate my coffee strong. 2. Are you dependent on...|||If I was there and a kid was getting picked on by older kids, I would react and not think (hands down)! I wouldn't want anybody to do my little sister like that (because she's short)!!!|||Dear Brother Mysterious, I really don't care what your race is, all colors look good to me, You're energetic, courageous, and brave, so please come rescue me. I love you because you're solid,...|||DreamingAngel!!!! - I love white doves because they are so beautiful! - I am also insecure. - I have 2 types of walking styles. One for my family and one for my friends at school. - When...|||I'll get it started! 1. - Mom & Grandma 2. - Future - Quiet - Work - Caring & Sharing - Love - I like boys! Maybe girls for experiment.|||Hello, DreamingAngel is here. My friend actually gave me this little test and I kind of like it. I really hope you all like it too. 1. Who is in your life more? - Mom/Dad/Other 2. Choose...|||Well, here I go.............. 1. Mom:Stressed & Dad:Disappearance 2. Family (GOD is family too) 3. Extramarital affairs are normally wrong, but there could be exceptional circumstances in...|||I know one song that describes how I feel right this minute......... FlyLeaf's song Missing!
'I think he did a great job taking care of the lawn and leak in the bathroom, and was incredibly accommodating today by taking care of the baby so I could have some alone time after a hard day at...|||My husband is an ENTP in Hufflepuff.|||How do you know everything isn't going according the plan?|||I'm married to an ENTP, so I would biasedly say that he's my best match. One of his brothers is an ENFP and he drives me nuts, I'd like to strangle him sometimes.|||I had my second child the first of June. My first child, my son, died ten days later. 98% of those around me have been nothing but supportive and empathetic. My father, however, attempts to...|||INTJ and Slytherin.|||Houston, we have a TOOTH! An honest to God tooth! Take that you doctors who wanted lots of money to do tests even though you TOLD us he was going to be developmentally delayed. He has a tooth at...|||The husband wants to go to the beach for our anniversary. He has never been to a beach. I hate the beach. ....We are going to the beach....that man is lucky I love him more then I hate the beach....|||Cryptozoologist or a taxidermist.|||Anytime someone remarks they have faith/belief in a God/Higher Power and are told they cannot believe in such things because they are INTJ. Or any time a person voices any opinion that is somehow...|||Attacked or disregarded. That's why I'm such a lurker of a member. Most times I write a reply to a thread and then just erase it. What is the point? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk|||Well I used to sit in my PJs all day and drink coffee/soda while I did fiction writing all day, sometimes for a literal 24 hour period. I don't and have never smoked. Sometimes I'm able to bum...|||Seconded. From personal experience, as an INTJ female who was never much for physical affection, I had to learn to acquiesce to my husband's need for physical affection, such as cuddling. We've been...|||https://31.media.tumblr.com/5f293f225378461d0ac0ec125ab431be/tumblr_n0dlcfTpNS1qmvxavo1_500.png|||Seconded. But they sure know a lot about nothing. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk|||Cable companies in the United States with their backwards logic and of punishing 'cable cutters.' You have a consumer base who does not have cable. They use the internet. Capitalize on it! It's...|||Thank you. I know what I'm doing tonight :) Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk|||No, missed it. Hubby worked late and the baby is sick. Watched Winnie the Pooh for the nth time. That's some deep stuff. Anyone know where I could watch it? Please please? Out had to be posted...|||The line in Lord of the Rings: The Return on the King movie where Frodo says There's nothing between me...and the Ring of Fire! because every time I hear that line I start to cackle as Johnny Cash...|||Because that's when you do your best work. At least that's what I tell myself when I do it. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk|||Ah, your reply made my day. Very valid points and I will agree internet rage is preferable to.....other extracurricular activities. At the time, I was merely venting and annoyed. Sent from my...|||There are. I am a parent of a child who has heart disease and DiGeorge syndrome. I can't fix that. I am powerless. I will grant you there are scant few times. But I never knew what true...|||It boggles my mind how quickly a group of fans can go from 'This person is perfect, I love them, they are amazing, let me build a shrine in my closet' to 'This person is so stupid and ignorant, they...|||And that's a shame, though I understand why they do. I was told by many relatives to take it as well to help me get into a 4-year-college. However, being homeschooled since 1st grade, I knew I wasn't...|||I was homeschooled and opted not to take the SATs. I saw no point in it. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk|||When you have to accept that sometimes you are in fact powerless and can do nothing. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk|||Pride Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk|||Why do these catchy tunes just get so stuck in my head and then I end up listening to them on repeated for two hours?! They are stupid. They don't make sense. But...catchy....I do not understand! ...|||I well-up or get a bit misty-eyed at times. I don't really bawl or properly cry during movies. I tend to get misty-eyed when there's something to do with a character(s) I've come to care about (If...|||Not Sure Oh my god, I am dying right now. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk|||I am more humanities. I am interested in the sciences, but not so much to major in them. As a writer, I tend to do a lot of research at times. I am currently looking deeply into nuclear disasters,...|||Car salesmen. We told you we were just looking. We told you we couldn't afford that truck. STOP CALLING ME! WE WERE LOOKING!|||I would get rid of any and all evidence of Disney sequels with the Princesses in them. In fact, I'd get rid of just about every single Disney sequel ever. They just make it worse, with very, very,...|||Along those lines....funny how the first competent princess didn't come out of Disney studios. Fiona got tired of waiting for the fairy tale to come full circle. Shrek almost got eaten by a dragon...|||I can't see it either. I can see Belle as an INTJ, but...Disney Princesses fit a formula so 'every girl' can see themselves in that Princess. It's more about the message the princess is giving. Which...|||I share your pain. I find it very difficult to be around other females. The close relationships I have with three other women is because one was based on growing up together and the other two was...|||I tend to dream vividly and, on occasion, lucidly. My dreams are usually in color, not always. Sometimes they're sort of 'color blind': I remember one dream anything red was grey. My dreams can...|||There are three people (besides my husband) who I would consider best friends. 1. My cousin, six months my junior. We met when I was a year and a half and she'd just turned one. We lived two...|||I used to be a bit more polite with call center people. Now...I just don't have time to deal with their scripted bull. Especially since every time we have an issue or question and have to call our...|||Actual conversation I had with a representative of our ISP last night: Rep: Is this Mr. MacKellar? Me: No, this is his wife. Rep: Well, Mrs. MacKellar. I am calling about a special offer. Do...|||Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Haribo Gummy Candy, Sugarless Gummy Bears, 5-Pound Bag The reviews for this product are priceless.|||I am already a mother of one. I was not interested in having children until after I just happened to find a good man to marry. (I wasn't interested in having a spouse either, but he was just so...|||https://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbaqynz9q41rqj8wbo1_r1_500.gif|||mighty_mumu I understand. This is why I am so hesitant to try to form new friendships. I end up being pushed back or unfriended when I reach that point of Hey, you seem like a decent human being; I...|||My evening 'Writing Time' if I'm not too tired from the day.|||Francis Urquhart, fictional politician created by Michael Dobbs. The character features in three books: House of Cards, To Play the King, and The Final Cut. The character is played by Ian Richardson...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/8d81e3f7103e309b2c6e8038d1f80ed1/tumblr_myi9pltcPy1rhpn4yo1_500.jpg (This would also fit in the What pisses INTJs off thread)|||Variations of the sentence: You only care about/love me when it's convenient for you.|||I am female. I like to do masculine things. I've always been a bit of a tomboy. I don't identify well with other females. A great deal of their preoccupations and I find exhausting and trivial. I...|||I've heard a lot of good things about Rosetta Stone. I'll bear your additional information in mind if I ever feel so inclined to give it another go...or I find the time.'
'Well, everyone is unique and brings something different, so I try not to think much abou- ENTP.|||'Sup, fellow NeFi people. I have a potentially interesting topic of discussion. I've noticed that, even though I'm very adept at making a mess of my room and leaving it like that for some time,...|||My guess would be that it's how these two types are sort of the 'counterparts' of each other (note: counterparts, not opposites). Both types are similar in that they focus on 'potential' features,...|||Er. Sorry if this reply is too logical and structured. I just got out of an argumentative exam, so I'm pretty logic-y right now. I've been officially half-tested positive. I was answering the...|||Leave it to the ENTPs to give me all the tips I need to stop getting distracted and study for my maths final. You people rock. I'd only add: stimulants. Some sort of stimulant, whatever works for...|||I think LostTheMarbles is right in drawing the distinction between logic and feeling. I'm not going to argue with reference to definitions or anything like that, but, after all, this distinction is...|||For me, if I am bouncing very excitedly, I most likely like you. It's kind of... I don't know. I think you can notice if we like you in the enthusiasm we show. If a Ne-user likes someone, you WILL...|||Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. Although a nice story (moreso characters than plot) is great as well, that's not why I play games. If I want nice characters, I watch a show/anime, read a book, or...|||I have very good (sensitive) hearing, to the point where, if a quiet sound that others in the room do not hear occurs, I will hear it. One ear moreso than the other. However, I have very bad...|||I'm sorry to hear that, breaking up with close friends is always a devastating blow that makes us doubt ourselves and what we are doing. :/ If I were you, I'd talk to a friend about these doubts......|||Our ENTP brothers and sisters have got one of these, so I figured we should have ours as well! Have you people thought you were a different type at some point? What type was it, and why did you...|||(I'm assuming here that you ask this because the breakup was recent, agreed by both, and not over anything too controversial. Correct me if I'm wrong.) Weeeell... I'm not an ENTP, but I'm a bit...|||A grilled sausage and mashed potatoes, with some herbs. Kind of like this: 69211 Probably not the healthiest thing around, but it sure looks tasty.|||Haha, just now, I was talking to a good mate who was telling me about how she's going to break up with her boyfriend (even if they get together later after he realises what he did) because he asked...|||Thanks... Really. I wouldn't be this way if it weren't for you... Thanks for believing in me. Y'know, since we tend to regard people higher than they regard themselves (well, except for...|||Duuuuuuuuude, seriously? Glee club? Seriously? :dry: No way, I'm not nearly as dramatic and loud. The reason I seem to be more talkative and loud here is because I am verbalising this I usually...|||Now that you mention heart rate, I have a surprisingly low heart rate. As I write this post, it is just below 50, and, if I get very, very relaxed when lying down, I can get it down to below 40. It's...|||I see. A thread with pictures of cats, rainbows, and ponies. 68941 Please help yourselves and proceed, I shall watch and eventually contribute.|||Yes! Let's do it! Oh guys, we can follow this plan A, or plan B, or plan C, ... (2 hours later), or plan GEQ, or plan GER, or plan GES... Okay, that's enough for now, this was a productive meeting,...|||There kind of is one already... http://personalitycafe.com/enfp-forum-inspirers/130050-things-make-enfps-laugh.html Anyway, a guilty pleasure of mine is watching people fall in Total Wipeout....|||Hey, my intuition was right, you were going to be a bit embarrassed and apologise fiercely (well, I'm assuming three exclamation marks are pretty fierce), even though I said I wasn't offended to...|||(Yeah, that, that was what I thought you meant, I just wanted to make sure.) Um... Her? Oh god, again? Archetype also made the same mistake earlier... I'm a guy, guys. Yeah, yeah, not...|||Yeah, that was the ambiguity that confused me, I wasn't sure if he meant just contrast as in Oh, this is a person, this is another person, INFP acts this way, ENFP acts this way. There is an...|||What do you mean when there's an ENFP there for contrast? I laughed my head off when I saw what you did with the post quote. Text. Yeah, much more convenient than quoting all that crap hahaha.|||Yeah , but not as much as when I write. Except when I have coffee, that is, which I had a couple of hours ago. Maybe it's because I can type fairly fast, so I ramble on for many paragraphs. True,...|||Wow, lots of INFP-ENTP tension here! Hahaha. I can see where you're all coming from, though, there tend to arise A LOT of problems between these two types. I have another INFP friend, and she also...|||Yeah... I'm not sure if it has anything to do with cognitive functions, or with just being young, or what, but I do tend to have the same problem with my sleep schedule. I find it really hard to get...|||(Sorry about the double post.) I also tend to be the ultimate singer/dancer. And I don't mean good, decent songs. I mean the worst among the worst. A few weeks ago, I was in a car with some...|||Ultimate hugger... Yeah, I can relate to that. Especially when combined with alcohol, such as after an Irish coffee (I'm quite sensitive to alcohol). I have a pretty embarrassing story about...|||Yes, this! The confusion about what led to that and the expected reaction from him. Yeaah... Things is, as you probably already know, I tend to ramble on and write long stuff. So. Not at...|||Oh no, not feelings as in negative feelings or things like that, just regular, positive feelings. Although rarely he has asked about my negative feelings and past experiences, which surprises me a...|||Oh dear. Caffeine and energy boosts. No. Just... no. Let's leave it at that. ... Fine, I'll answer the question. At least for me too, it's a thing as well. My sleep schedule has a tendency...|||(Argh, I replied but it wasn't sent correctly. Oh well, here it goes again.) omg, you like totally get me!! Yeah, I also like a lot how maths teaches you to think critically and in innovative...|||Oh god. The other day, a couple of friends left my house around midnight. That night, I had an incredibly graphic dream of another person I know being killed by a bomb. The next morning, one of the...|||Er... Sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm not doing psychology (not that the thought never crossed my mind, though...). I am currently studying Maths & Philosophy at uni. Yeah, not quite the...|||How chilled you tend to be. And yet, full of energy, doing stupidly fun things. Your insights. Those moments when you say brilliant things, things that hadn't occured to others. Especially, the...|||Awesome, thanks for having such a thread, ENTPs! So! Question time. How do you guys feel about receiving sudden displays of affection from people close to you? My ENTP best friend and I get...|||Because yolo. (best explanation to piss people off ever)|||It may considerably vary between different ENFPs, but generally speaking, based on the functions, I'd say... - Be a good Ne companion. This means that you'll have to go along with spontaneous...|||ENFPs love everything and everyone, and will get along with every single person. You clearly haven't seen us when someone goes against our deepest moral convictions...|||Kind of, but not at the core. My default behaviour is set to reserved/observing for self-preservation purposes, unless I'm around someone who I know won't mock/dismiss/deprecate my convictions and...|||Erm. Well... Slightly more important than I'd like to admit, to be honest. They must be from people I feel close to, though... People whose hugs say I see who you really are, and I like it, I...|||This must be SimulatedWorld's description... It was originally posted in another forum, I think (PersonalityNation), which, unfortunately, is now deleted. He's a pretty knowledgeable fellow. I...|||1st level- 40% 2nd level- 56% Meh, I was lucky.|||Sup people. :happy: I was thinking about this today, about the way each INFJ interacts with their culture, how their culture affects them and what causes each INFJ to feel part of their culture or...|||That you should spend as much energy in yourself as you do in others. The only one who is always going to be there for you is yourself, most people will eventually leave you, so you should have a...|||Maybe some of you will enjoy this article I found. Who Feels the Pain of Rejection--And Who Doesn't | Psychology Today|||Ok, here it goes. Sorry for the long post, I couldn't resume the conversation. Some background info: there are some people at my school who I call the artsies but some others call the...|||... I was thinking of creating this thread a few hours ago. Synchronicity?|||Yes, I can imagine how you probably feel right now, with everything happening at once. When I had a similar situation with my parents who wanted me to go live with an uncle, I was also suffering from...'
'I find myself fitting in the military category for sure. However I don't like the name. People with military jobs or behavior do not feel like they can be more personal with anyone; they also don't...|||I'd say all these options are pretty standard and represent stereotypes only. I can't do something just for myself or just for the greater good. I work to make money and to have a purpose; I work to...|||You listed all types but ENFP. I was wondering what you think their theme is|||Test complete! 36% ENTP 25% INTP 11% INTJ 8% ENTJ 5% INFP Not really accurate.|||I don't believe it has so much to do with types but with how each of us is raised. Were you raised to commit to a certain amount of rules and principles and nothing else? Were your parents super...|||I was a loner. In school, organisations, even work. I've always been the one standing outside of any group. What changed over the years was my desire to be part of multiple groups instead of just...|||What about ENFP?|||I am finally catching you here, sister. Gotta say I am surprised we never crossed paths before on the site. Welcome (a little too late, haha I know)!|||I think they're aliens. Just like ENFPs. :P However, I am drawn more to dogs than cats so I dunno hahah|||Well if we take it like that, all studies can be useless unless you really have connections in the field (at least in my country - Europe/Romania) or a great deal of luck to get the good...|||Most times I have 10000 thoughts per second. Lots of them are about my dreams and plans regarding my career or how I want to change the world haha. Also, I like to think about dynamics of...|||Ohh yeah this is for sure one really hard question - and right on point as well! I find it terribly hard to follow my plans of hanging out with any people, be them friends or new people in my circle...|||Hey there! I haven't been in your situation - or not very similar but I do know that if you decide to do something so drastic, so out of your comfort zone, you need to make sure you have something...|||Hey guys! I'm posting here again because I had a great time outside of this forum and I want to be more active again. So here it goes again. I'm Dana, a almost 25 years old Romanian...|||Texting has all sorts of types haha. I hate small talk texting. If it is to exchange information about something urgent yeah, sure. By texting is easier to get to me, than by phone (I don't enjoy...|||I used to care a lot about how a person responds to my text or how long does it take. A lot more after this new trend with the ability so see when the other person has 'seen' what you told them and...|||Took it again. It has to do with MBTI and the result wasn't surprising. I got ENFP-T. My assertive level is 19% haha. However, any enneagram test confuses me and so learning more about the theory...|||Hey! I did and several times actually. But all my results differ some way or the other. I kinda stopped taking tests and trying to understand better the theory behind them. The same goes with MBTI....|||About my Enneatype I'm not very sure. I might be 2w1 too haha. But thanks. I think I am. But I work everyday to get better and re-assure myself that I am being part of a change in good. :)|||I have a license in Psychology. I'm ENFP. I love what I'm doing which is Teen Counseling. I don't see myself doing anything else. Maybe Social Worker...|||ai.tran.75 Congrats! You have a beautiful baby. Hope for the best for you both. Now you have two birthdays :) We, the community of ENFPs, are super happy for you!|||I would say ISTJ for you. 1. Robin Hood 2. Pocahontas 3. Little Mermaid 4. Camille from Ensemble c'est tout by Anna Gavalda 5. Sailor Neptune 1. Robin Hood...|||I would like to know what it means to the user and why did they choose it. I also think it matches with their avatar, at least the first part -- odyssey.|||First of all, I don't think I would like to travel alone. I would have to bring someone with me and decide together where would we like to go. I had the pleasure to meet an art teacher from Ohio who...|||I believe thanks and likes are a good way of making other feel welcomed. When you are new to a certain forum, you feel a bit awkward until you get used to it and it's vibe -- seeing people approve...|||I'm not sure how should I use it ... if there is a certain way to use it, lol. I have 1-2 friends on that list on my profile, other ENFP or other Romanians with whom I've talked a bit but I don't...|||I want to learn Irish because I love their mythology, their names, their expressions, their fairies lol. I just want to go travelling to Dublin and all the green cities and I think it would be so...|||Just posting around as I want to make my mood a bit better than it was all day today|||halep (it's the name of the most popular & best ranked romanian tennis player at the moment; given the huge time difference between romania and ohio - 7 h - i have to check her results on google)|||I love almost all videos this woman is creating. She usually makes funny videos but this one is a bit more 'real talk'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfmolgS-xHg|||Sick. I hate feeling sick it's like everything is overwhelming and I have no control over my mood. I hate it.|||I am fluent in English & Romanian (which is my native language). I've also learned Spanish alone (from soap operas, websites, movies, songs & different translations) but I am still bad with writing...|||1- what have you tried? many times: weed twice: hash, ecstasy once: weed cake, dmt 2- how long/often do or did u do it? i've had a very intense period of almost 6 months at 21 years old. i was...|||INTJ, ENTP, ENFP. I know for sure the most challenging would be an INTJ lol. But their perspective is just too interesting!|||Well yes, but that specific phrase isn't a thing only an ENFP would say. Everyone likes to be right. I would say an ENFP in particular would get upset if you say that told you back to them. At...|||Hmm... in my experience, NTs only pay attention when they are having a strong view on something, if the topic isn't catching their attetion they stay quiet. I would love to see them become so fiery...|||I really don't think that is something only ENFP use or something used too much by ENFPs. It depends a lot on the situation. I don't use it unless I am with people I know will understand the way I'm...|||The title of this topic just proves me I'm 500% an ENFP. If I was wrong before, now I know it for sure lol. I have this terrible need of apologising I have no idea why, but I just feel that some...|||For me a serious person is a down to earth person and a rational one. I'm far from being any of those. Also, 6s from what I've read do not often let their projects unfinished (thing I do almost all...|||If there is anyone willing to make any assumptions about my type ... go ahead. I tested as type 6 more than once. But I'm not that strict and serious as they are. Also I can't be type 7 because I'm...|||I wanted to put IIsuperwomanII on this thread too. I don't think the above video is the best to type her. Is she ENFP or ENTP? Anyway those are the types I came up with.|||LOL Sensors are far worse with birthdays than any Intuitive type.|||The only video game I play is Dungeon Hunter 4. On my tablet. Too bad I lost my tablet these days ... somewhere in my room ... can't find it anywhere GRRRR. But anyway, most times I play I do it...|||I'm definitely more an ENFP-Fi. And thanks for this thread. Now I know for sure I wasn't ever an INFP as told before haha.|||That's kinda my situation as well.|||Once I set the date (with a friend, work, whatever) it's settled. I won't be late. I will be a bit early most times.. 5-7 mins. BUT ... because there's a big BUT haha ... until you reach me, many...|||I'm listening to a very nice mix on SoundCloud. Here is it: https://soundcloud.com/musica-hermosa/the-return-of-the-comsic|||For a few days I kinda believed I mixed up my type and I'm in fact an ENFJ. After reading lots of stuff on both types I realized how stupid that was. We are sooo different from ENFJ's. The thing...|||Quinn (Homeland). Some people say he's an INTJ. INTJ are the best match for ENFPs. Sooo we could have a pretty good start knowing this lol.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WIvIe0FYig&list=PLGDEvAOeGnpy8BIS0R1loHKZ7E-IWrMIY&index=35 Bucovina is a romanian metal band. The lyrics are in romanian but you should give it a try. :)'
'My latest work is a Corellian light freighter, the Bold Eagle (not Bald). She has a similar hull design to that of the YT-1300 series (for example the Millennium Falcon), yet she has a different...|||I made a new Star Destroyer model a few days ago: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/181/7/8/new_and_old_star_destroyer_model_comparison_by_deirgderc-d6beui4.jpg ...|||Look into my eyes...http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/117/1/9/look_into_my_eyes_by_deirgderc-d637p0d.png|||The Reaper: a)http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/009/9/9/the_reaper_i_by_deirgderc-d5qxr6j.jpg b) (in a nebula)...|||First part of a possible series: If they met In the first episode we see Spawn and Deadpool meeting. (Spawn is created by Todd McFarlane (published by Image Comics), Deadpool is a character of...|||Thanks! :happy: Yeah, that's why I wrote Me, Myself and I, because the werewolf with Earth, and Gabriel symbolize me. :wink:|||Just Me, Myself and I chilling, no Earthling Humans invited. :wink: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/269491_525881670778734_57029055_n.jpg|||Emma Frost (I finished this picture on 25th January) http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/026/4/c/emma_frost_by_deirgderc-d5stsha.jpg|||Emma Frost -work in progress- Based on a cover of Uncanny X-MEN. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/017/9/c/emma_frost__wip__by_deirgderc-d5rsorr.jpg|||My second Star Trek themed starship model: USS Curiosity She's a Connie refit, with more modern weapon and shield system, and ablative armour....|||On 9th of January I created a new ship model: The Reaper http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/009/6/7/the_reaper_in_a_blue_nebula_by_deirgderc-d5qxrbj.jpg ---- Today I drew a new...|||So I decided to make a flyby animation with my new TARDIS model: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUbpG6bJ6xk :happy:|||Thank you! :)|||Mister Bubbles and a Little Sister http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/336/6/0/mister_bubbles_and_a_little_sister_by_deirgderc-d5mv48d.jpg A random woman, I drew without reference photos...|||Return of Gabriel http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/357/9/0/906369249e1313f28dc2be868a8424b8-d5owvts.jpg My new TARDIS model...|||Gabriel (one of my alter egos) returns once more, now as a traditional drawing. -Work in progress- http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/348/7/f/return_of_gabriel__wip__by_deirgderc-d5nzr1c.jpg|||A few days ago I drew her. She's just a random woman. I didn't use any references, just my fantasy. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/336/f/3/a_random_woman_by_deirgderc-d5mv4mm.jpg ......|||I played through BioShock for the first time a few days ago, and I thought it would be great, to draw a picture about it. So, here is a Bouncer (aka Big Daddy, aka Mister Bubbles) and a Little...|||I played through BioShock for the first time a few days ago, and I thought it would be great, to draw a picture about it. So here is a Bouncer (aka Big Daddy, aka Mister Bubbles) and a Little Sister...|||A question from Shadow (Here is a translation for you: First part: There is a shadow in every one of us... Second part: ... The question is... Third part:|||A question from Shadow Here is a translation for you: First part: There is a shadow in every one of us... Second part: ... The question is... Third part:|||Darth Revan-preview-(the scanned version will be better) http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/316/7/9/darth_revan__preview__by_deirgderc-d5kta1r.jpg|||Darth Revan-preview-(the scanned version will be better) http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/316/7/9/darth_revan__preview__by_deirgderc-d5kta1r.jpg|||They will never see, what they don't care about... http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/316/e/3/sorrow_by_deirgderc-d5kriwz.jpg|||They will never see, what they don't care about... http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/316/e/3/sorrow_by_deirgderc-d5kriwz.jpg|||Back to the pencil... Yesterday I decided to draw Darth Revan. This is how the sketch looks now. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/310/8/3/darth_revan_wip_2__by_deirgderc-d5k6ps2.jpg ...|||So, yesterday I decided to draw Darth Revan. This is how the sketch looks now. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/310/8/3/darth_revan_wip_2__by_deirgderc-d5k6ps2.jpg ...|||I seriously don't know why I didn't make this picture before. Allons-y! http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/307/9/7/allons_y__by_deirgderc-d5jvwav.jpg|||I seriously don't know why I didn't make this picture before. Allons-y! http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/307/9/7/allons_y__by_deirgderc-d5jvwav.jpg|||My comic book superhero, Shadow. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/303/c/d/cdcf996479394ac2e8bc9f2aa50c21dc-d5jhcqa.jpg|||Haha! This made my day! :laughing:|||So this is how my comic book super hero (Shadow) would look like without his shoulder guard and wristblades. (Model created and rendered by me with Blender) :happy:...|||I decided to update my TARDIS model. Well... It looks much better now, but still needs some work. :) http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/302/0/1/the_tardis___version_2_by_deirgderc-d5jdsdr.jpg|||I decided to update my TARDIS model. Well... It looks much better now, but still needs some work. :) http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/302/0/1/the_tardis___version_2_by_deirgderc-d5jdsdr.jpg|||It took a while for my laptop to render this picture (5464x3072) of the two ships... The Hammer of Justice (Vigilante class) and the Thunderstorm :happy:...|||I created her a few minutes ago. She is a Vigilante class Ardian cruiser. (I created her to be an illustration for my book.)...|||I created her a few minutes ago. She is a Vigilante class Ardian cruiser. (I created her to be an illustration for my book.)...|||My latest drawings, sorry for the bad quality, but that's the maximum my phone can do. Wereskunk sketch - full...|||My latest drawings, sorry for the bad quality, but that's the maximum my phone can do. Wereskunk sketch - full...|||Red five standing by. :happy:http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/289/b/8/x_wing_fighters_ii__by_deirgderc-d5i0iwh.jpg|||And so I returned to 3D modelling... :happy: X-wing class fightershttp://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/289/b/8/x_wing_fighters_ii__by_deirgderc-d5i0iwh.jpg|||Rico, you can post them. I'm pretty sure that your digital drawings wouldn't be the first ones on the thread. So, go on... amaze us with your drawings. :happy:|||The Imperial fleet (Recommended music: John Williams - Imperial March) :happy: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/282/3/7/the_imperial_fleet_iii_by_deirgderc-d5hbn4m.jpg|||Today morning :) https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-hABsfAj13ag/UHJyz0zSUSI/AAAAAAAAAiE/N4SH9gJLbAs/s680/K%C3%A9p036.jpg|||SPOILERS River Song's diary https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/178283_476778759022359_339583511_o.jpg|||What if you found a diary from your future, written by someone else about you? Would you read it? https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/178283_476778759022359_339583511_o.jpg|||Today I made a smaller landing craft for my book's main character, the ship's name is Thunderbolt https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/430154_476613555705546_454335942_n.jpg ...|||Today I made a smaller landing craft for my book's main character, the ship's name is Thunderbolt https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/430154_476613555705546_454335942_n.jpg ...|||Well... I tried out Blender (a freeware 3D program) and made some models. A random Star Trek themed starship:...|||Even though I promised myself to suspend 3D modelling with Blender for a few weeks, I couldn't stop, and I created a starship for the main character of the book I'm writing. I present you... the......'
LOOOL. i was only in richmond for 2 weeks in dec 2015 so i can't speak for that but 1 out of every 3 filipino males i know is esfj, including the one at my office here in singapore.|||How do I deal with this? I'm competent and intelligent, but my boss doesn't seem to believe in me, doesn't respect or care for me. That's fine--to each their own--but I'm going to be working at this...|||hey sorry for the late replies--didn't mean to ignore, i've been on a business trip! heyhey, thanks for your perspective! :) you're right, i shouldn't pretend to be optimistic when i'm...|||@KC Ahaha first off I'm genuinely sorry for bringing chaos and confusion to the ENFJ forum! Being the self-absorbed person that I am I just had to have another relationship thread ALL TO MYSELF. ...|||Long post to follow. My boyfriend is an ENFJ (27), and I'm an INFP (24). We met while doing our Masters last year, and have been inseparable (i.e. 24/7) for close to a year. We're the love of...|||nooooooooooo! Seeker you are so lovely and intelligent and i always look forward to reading your posts. if you haven't noticed i even stalk you from time to time because i want to know what you're up...|||with the exception of keeping organized, not only do i do all those things but i actually do them better than my enfj significant other lol|||infp here. my boyfriend is enfj, and the past six months have been completely transformative for the both of us. i've dated other xnfjs in the past, but they didn't work at all like this relationship...|||eh it depends. i'm an all-or-nothing person. i was quite flaky when i casually dated a couple of guys because subconsciously i knew that they weren't quite right for me: too alpha, too conventional,...|||love it! clumsy yet intelligent is me too :o) and you might be the first infp i know that likes rap!|||i really love that your guiding emotion is hope, because i think it's a core component of fi-ne. just like you say, its absence or presence determines whether there's a vacuum or wellspring in our...|||in pixar's 'inside out,' the boss of riley's emotional headquarters is joy (her parents' emotions seem a lot more mature/stable and share the power a little more evenly). who is the 'boss' in your...|||in pixar's 'inside out,' the boss of riley's emotional headquarters is joy (her parents' emotions seem a lot more mature/stable and share the power a little more evenly). who is the 'boss' in your...|||just finished my masters! don't know if i'll make it through a phd, though there's nothing i want to do more than to remain a student.|||thanks for the solidarity guys! yeah, it sucks. it especially hurts because when we let people in, we really, really let them in and give them access to the most sacred bits of ourselves--we've...|||fellow infps. do you find yourself losing friends a lot? i have a history of people wanting to get really close to me, but then backing off when they detect signs of disinterest. worst of all--i have...|||sorry i'm not an enfj, but i'm at a similar place in my life and i just wanted to solidarity fist-bump you. being somewhat more future-oriented than past-oriented, i find that i get a lot of anxiety...|||this isn't a special snowflake post, nor is it an attempt to start an infp circlejerk. ain't nothing inherently better about being an infp, and i also don't think we're more misunderstood than...|||hey fellow infp! obviously i'm not an enfj but since my current partner is one, i thought i'd give a few cents based on what he's told me. your profile is interesting and i've no doubt that there...|||i used to think there was something wrong with me because i felt 'horny' all the time, haha. turns out it was more a case of needing to have a target for focusing my introverted feeling on. at the...|||i have a far greater capacity for loving less-than-perfect situations than i thought i had. i am brave enough to put my heart on the line. i see darkness all around me, but even if i wouldn't have...|||bill and hillary clinton?|||ai.tran.75 and papillons you guys are right that if she's so willing to drop an 11-year friendship she's not worth fighting for. and no, i won't be contacting her again after she bitch-slapped me--i...|||my enfp best friend of eleven years verbally bitch-slapped me and door-slammed me a few months ago, and i wish i no longer cared but unfortunately, i still do. we don't live on the same continent, so...|||what do you guys dream about while asleep? notice any themes, patterns? do your dreams tend to be realistic or fantastic, or both? also, how would you explain dreams? unconscious vehicles for...|||I don't think it'd take anything more than a direct and sincere exchange about trust. He clearly has nothing to worry about.[/QUOTE] ha, y'all are so consistent with your advice: just be...|||Uh, they're friends? Is there something you're implyyyyinggg?[/QUOTE] haha, well. i think it's backward looking to suggest that guys and girls can't be friends. he should be able to be friends...|||if you're in a committed relationship where you see your partner as 'the one,' what are some reasons that would make you go out of your way to go hang out with other girls alone?|||Or maybe he literally was really irritated because of some other issue...I mean...I've snapped at people before...as long as it isn't a pattern, is it really something to obsess about? Has this...|||wow, you're beautiful. aside from really nice eyes, i've noticed that all the enfjs i've met have very compelling noses.|||yeah, it does! i agree with you completely about people not being able to find total fulfillment in any one relationship, and about needing a network of relationships to fuel their self-growth. i...|||not exactly sure. that's what i was hoping to find out through your answers. :) i don't know if there's an absolute definition for it, but i suppose i would say something along the lines of desiring...|||oh please interview eggsies! it would be so cool to meet a devoted member of personalitycafe. i'll admit i'm especially curious because eggsies mentioned being chinese, and i too am ethnically...|||do you consider yourself emotionally promiscuous?|||fe is cool and all, but it's the auxiliary ni that makes enfjs irresistibly attractive. not to be presumptuous coz i'm not enfj, but i think it's quite easy to exaggerate their 'niceness' and...|||alright, thanks for the advice and solidarity. yes, i think i do tend to allow myself to be victimized--i will watch out for that. he hasn't blown up on me since the incident i wrote about, but if it...|||hehe, i don't think it's a bad thing either! i'm learning that using fe can be quite fun--being with my enfj and watching him deal with people has taught me to have better rapport (and better...|||i wonder if an fe/fi couple might not start to resemble each other? are fe and if necessarily two ships passing each other in the night? as an fi-user, being with an fe-user has helped me to...|||extremely true. i am absolutely fascinated by ni--the elegance which which it drills down to the essential. this is why ni-users strike me as much more intellectually rigorous than ne-users, who are...|||hey, thanks for all the thoughtful responses! Seeker thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities regarding love. i've lurked here quite a bit and i have to admit that for some reason i find myself...|||well i know that this enfj had a rather troubled childhood, the details of which i won't divulge out of respect for him. the short version of it is that he has experienced a shortage of love...|||anyway, i know i can be quite annoying sometimes--absent-minded and a little slow to react. i think enfjs prize efficiency, and also seem to expect more of those they love. so i really need to...|||there literally isn't. which is why it's all the more baffling. he's still apologising a day later, so it must legitimately be an anger management issue?|||yesterday my enfj lost his temper with me while we were out and about and raised his voice at me. it was because i was fumbling with something while on public transport, and he gets impatient when...|||The hardest part about being INFP is that Fi is fucking insatiable.|||one thing i've come to conclude about my enfj boyfriend is that he does not relive emotions the way i do. that is, he isn't able to return to the embodied experience of a specific feeling. sometimes...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSQgCy_iIcc|||hello! i'm a female infp (4w5) who is currently with a male enfj (who i suspect is 6w7 or 7w6). we seem to be inseparable. it's a passionate yet mature relationship where we both feel like we are...|||thanks for this. my enfj significant other has a rather pronounced public/private split and sometimes it confuses me. i don't know which one is the 'real' him, or if there is indeed a 'real' him....|||@Eggsies @FromFarAway thanks for your responses! :) it's interesting that you are both so open to the idea of it. the objective side of me really like that enfjs are not automatically enslaved to...
'I find myself attracted to a wide variety of men but I do think many Arab men are especially gorgeous, like this one: :) ...|||I have been dating an ISTP man for 6 months. It nearly didn't work out because it seemed as though he just wasn't that into me... but I decided to just go with the flow and accept the lack of...|||(I posted this in the INFP forum but I thought I should ask the ISTJs also:) Hi everyone, Do any of you ISTJs have xNFP children?... If so: what has it been like for you? are you...|||So cute :)|||Hi everyone, I'm just curious to know whether any other INFPs have an ISTJ mother... what has it been like for you? are you close? do you understand each other? I recently made my mum take...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wsk0BNSaNE&amp;feature=related|||My soul sings when with you. Can you please stop stalking me? I thought you felt the same. You broke my heart on purpose. I wish we had never met.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36jo1BYSY0A been listening to The National a lot lately, love this video too :)|||31439 Me when I was 5|||^ This also. It is rare for me to have strong feelings for someone - but when I do it's overwhelming, and it is a deep die for you love and once I love someone then even if they got fat or sick or...|||Yes absolutely! I am too romantic. But even though I know that sometimes the way I am is seen by nearly all other people as being over the top or just plain weird/crazy/stalkerish, I do it anyway...|||I'm a Kiwi (you know.. New Zealand - don't expect too much - you'll love it!) but I live in Australia now where i spend my days riding around on kangaroos in the sunshine :)|||hi guys, i always test the same - 95% introverted, 95% intuitive, 68% feeling and 95% perceiving|||Hi Lunawolf, high school can be terrible for introverts at times, and your experience above reminds me of how glad I am that those years are behind me. please don't worry about what some ignorant...|||This is beautifully said! Thanks for bringing tears to my eyes first thing in the morning lol with your words in my mind i think it will be a better day today :)|||Aww you are sweet :) i'm sorry you are feeling sad and rejected... don't worry you will find someone and it may not seem like it right now but it was really a blessing that she was so upfront and...|||Hi Yello, I don't exactly know what to tell you bc at this stage i'm kind of in a similar state of mind, although not to the same extent.. but I just wanted you to know that you're not alone and i...|||This thread is really interesting. I know that for a lot of INFPs - myself included - it is a huge relief to find out about our type and realise that there are other ppl out there that think and feel...|||Chocolate-nut-coated marshmallow flavour bc I'm a bit hard and nutty on the outside but soft and fluffy on the inside :)|||oh and in case anyone here is curious about the welsh folk song this is it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvFi2pNWTyI|||Thank you so much, you are truly wonderful! :) I read your post at the same time as I was listening to a beautiful welsh folk tune and that music along with your lovely and understanding words has...|||btw, hope you don't all think I'm a freak now lol... I don't always go for guys so much older than me, he's just an exception you know :)|||That is so awesome! I love your attitude lol|||Hi, sorry I actually meant to respond to your post ages ago but I think something distracted me :) anyway I don't have much more to add to the great advice above except just to say that you sound...|||lol u make me laugh Mike :)|||I love how you describe this! I feel exactly the same :happy: lol that's neat. Your parents must be very cool too. You should do what you're interested in bc it's obvious you have a great...|||Hi Tyler, Welcome :)|||... are there any other INFPs doing Law? When I'm finished I hope to study philosophy and literature and history... but according to many ppl that's not practical bc I'm very much a grown up now...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjDojEOiMcE|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMt3_p04XaQ|||I bolded the points that I especially agree with. I really find it so annoying when ppl gossip and bitch about others and seem unable to see things from other perspectives, and this happens...|||Thanks, that's very good advice. For me it's not that I need to see them all the time, but I do like to know if they're even thinking of me and whether or not we'll see each other again. It's the not...|||Thanks everyone for your responses! I really appreciate it and it helps just knowing that there are ppl out there who understand what it's like to be this way. You are all so lovely!|||Lol - maybe bc you speak their language too - so it doesn't really count :)|||The texts he'd send were generally very short and he never replied to my emails and often wouldn't reply to my texts straight away - if at all, it would take days. So yes I think you are right that...|||I am ridiculously heartbroken over a man ridiculously older than me after (quite ridiculously) only 2 dates in person. This is not normal is it... ? Why do I already feel like I would rather die...|||My guess would be that Lily is Infp... but I'm new and don't really know MBTIs that well yet. What would be your guess for her and for him? Thanks :happy: ...|||I don't listen to the radio much so it's always great to hear some lovely new (to me at least) songs, thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5FhRZ7aunU|||Thanks for these great suggestions I'll put them on my list and have a look! :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nZGv8VTBVE|||That's lovely Snail I'd never heard it before - thanks for sharing. Your description is v well put and spot on :)|||I did a philosophy class at college this sem just for fun, I'm majoring in something else but I really loved it and want to learn more about it as my knowledge at the moment is still at a basic and...|||Dewey, Cheetham and Howe :) lol!|||Hey thanks, that is a much better approach to it, I don't know why I've always felt like it had to be all or nothing.. I guess it's that terrible tendancy to try to do things flawlessly perfect or...|||haha I'm tempted to suggest the possibility that they're both gay and Mr business drives Mr Clown to the party and Mr Clown rubs Mr Business's sore neck and again 1 thing leads to another... but the...|||I love this song, I think the lyrics have lots of infpness to them. What do you think? Share any songs you like too :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ti4OERTiw I don't wanna be adored...|||He's GAWJUSS! And I've always loved that song :)|||I was hyper-sensitve to criticism, I could sense tension between others and was very unsettled by it. I felt like I soaked up the feelings of others and had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I...|||These beautiful words of yours have just made me tear up. Beauty and sadness alright..|||I'm so glad I'm not the only one that does this sort of thing! After I do this though I feel weird and hypocritical bc I am not a vegetarian and am therefore part of the chain of ppl responsible for...'
'1) i kinda need to be corralled. don't approach in front of everyone!:blushed: 2) be clear about what you are after, otherwise i might under-react. Hey INFP, I think you're awesome...|||wandering contemplative birthing caring intelligence|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m85tpdLUHf1qeohtuo1_r1_1280.gif Harassment and it's legitimate use with a certain INTP!:tongue:|||http://media-cache-ak2.pinimg.com/736x/36/53/c0/3653c0cb37b3169bb4c36e52c72c5a8c.jpg http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/36/6d/1f366d0fdb24b771c3b34fe329e3c5a5.jpg ...|||I am falling in love with your city!:blushed: A few animation shorts for punctuation. The Diary of Tortov Roddle http://youtu.be/i7F6cM_TMjI|||http://media-cache-ec3.pinterest.com/736x/71/64/49/716449c9f7bb955c4a46f610d110e11a.jpg http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f3/62/4c/f3624c9bddef167f23839d4faeb1541d.jpg ...|||The gift of the magi! :) http://media-cache-ec3.pinterest.com/550x/db/42/c4/db42c4462f0de653077c89dc478cb961.jpg|||To be Miyazaki's successor...|||@android654 http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/upload/270004940129174912_hVta9KDT_c.jpg http://media-cache-ec3.pinterest.com/upload/165718461258963367_dpblPL4l_c.jpg A monk prays for an...|||http://media-cache-ec6.pinterest.com/upload/90775748709255434_Y9Ad6jFl_c.jpg http://media-cache-ec3.pinterest.com/upload/208713763952321419_HWEYWCw6_c.jpg ...|||http://media-cache0.pinterest.com/upload/223350462739840427_oHUJevd8_c.jpg http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/upload/81275968245251119_cwrEkKm2_c.jpg ...|||http://media-cache0.pinterest.com/upload/82331499407375549_cTQDGGWj_f.jpg http://media-cache-lt0.pinterest.com/upload/91831279871356095_T0Ws59iz_f.jpg ...|||thanks:blushed:. i was inspired by all the recent postings!|||http://media-cache0.pinterest.com/upload/52213676899933799_PRY64vEV_f.jpg http://media-cache-ec6.pinterest.com/upload/164240717631156755_orxOncqf_f.jpg ...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0s7ovUDsN1qceuw4o1_500.gif this thread...|||mushr00m ,That was fantastic! :shocked:|||http://media-cache-ec0.pinterest.com/upload/985231138044889_FsT4f2qz_f.jpg http://media-cache-ec1.pinterest.com/upload/67272588153664491_3eNIoPGV_f.jpg ...|||I must third The Fountain, it is a truly beautiful movie. http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/upload/16888567322117245_HrNUv6Fk_f.jpg Into Great Silence - a very quiet and intimate look at the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABl6aMT8NQc&amp;feature=related http://media-cache-ec3.pinterest.com/upload/85357355407686583_nABm07QF_f.jpg ...|||<font color=#ff0000> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfsFlbh7Mzo&amp;feature=my_liked_videos&amp;list=L LUp4tOLLgesuqfSbFkjK7gw|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WcWHZc8s2I|||http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/3991170_700b_v1.jpg http://media-cache3.pinterest.com/upload/165718461258748451_GUPylCvR_f.jpg ...|||http://media-cache2.pinterest.com/upload/110830840799913742_SOOOq6GB_f.jpg http://media-cache3.pinterest.com/upload/165718461258583712_aNBHe0DI_f.jpg ...|||Yes! My little board|||http://media-cache1.pinterest.com/upload/166985098653729105_0o7u3gx7_f.jpg http://media-cache6.pinterest.com/upload/165718461258559841_JebXDSrG_f.jpg ...|||Hm. Can anyone explain this one to me?|||Bookmarked! Thank you kindly, Sir! http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/99149629265932657_pWYcTzBU_c.jpg|||^^^ Look at all those amethyst hue!! I do this as well! It's kind of a coping mechanism, I suppose. Whenever I get bored or am bothered by something I experienced, I do a little mental show of...|||adverseaffects Thank you! I am glad you liked it. It just so happens that those two are among my favorites two. I almost didn't post them because they are sort of odd ones out.|||http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/242912973621221099_SceUffOQ_f.jpg http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/263249540688150412_WBWqRzag_f.jpg ...|||I am not entirely sure why, but this brought a tear to my eye. Lovely. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz5mh6fotW1qidd4to1_500.jpg|||Oh my, I feel a slight tug of kinship...|||http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/165718461258198613_6ECLSGXr_f.jpg http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/84020349267922244_XgWG2B7H_f.jpg ...|||Aww farmer and wife :blushed:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9P2Fqlgxn0|||There is no need to apologize, I am glad you felt you could speak out here. I have no real advice other than be forgiving of yourself and take everything one step at a time. This particular article...|||Thank you! http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/191684527859612384_tI8s0PYC_c.jpg http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/49610033364762656_NV1XLMnk_c.jpg ...|||I got 62.5%.|||I heard a while back that someone wanted to start a farm for INFPs... maybe i should look into becoming a resident! Lol! I sooo agree with your points. The freedom of living on your own is super...|||So today I made some potentially dangerous mistakes. I was boiling a pot water to make soup and walked back to my room to get something, ultimately getting distracted. An unknown time later I finally...|||http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/163466661444279677_DHHhct5a_c.jpg http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/94575660894298383_65Q5hPQV_c.jpg ...|||At the moment I am pretty partial to puzzle games. Love the Professor Layton series, Phoenix Wright and many of the nintendo platforming games. I used to play WoW, but sort of lost interest in it...|||exactly what I was thinking. It should be one of those traditional ones with the head of a stallion at the top, lol!|||Thank you Theodore! http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/181340322465555370_GM4emqD9_c.jpg http://media-cdn.pinterest.com/upload/165718461257992365_8OClOfmT_c.jpg ...|||Aye, pretty much the same with me. When I get in the mood to watch it though I pop in one of the oldies and sit back in my rocking chair, lol! That first video was really beautiful. That...|||Wanna be an angel. Not in english... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQSx87o1Vuc|||Theodore #2 reminds me of an MC Escher drawing. I wonder how folks cross the loop? #13 is so engrossing. It is like the spirit of the old building looms over the present. Creepy and beautiful at...|||I got Lawful Neutral. The description didn't resonate with me all that much...|||Yes, I love travel very much! I am lean heavy on the journey aspect of it, though. Planes, trains, and long car ride are very refreshing for me (mentally and emotionally) and I take them whenever I...|||*Be more devoted in my spiritual life *Make new friends *Lose the last of my weight *Finish an art piece a week I love the idea of living a more minimal life. I have already cleaned out much of...'
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRRUXaElOf0|||Or they could find their niche in making more R rated comic book movies, but that may be a bit of a stretch. And speaking of an X-Force movie, it's quite possible. They are supposedly introducing...|||I saw it yesterday and I agree. It was a bloody great movie. Much better than the other Fox comic book movies, but that's not saying a lot. Compared to something like the Deadpool videogame this...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekFWPsXXcg0|||Well, I have subdued the beast that is the social anxiety disorder. I used to be at the line where I couldn't leave my house, but then I managed to get back up to the state of can talk to people,...|||That's why most INTP villains are all powerful beings with no clear motives. They're like Galactus. When you get down to the nitty-gritty of it, he's pretty much just a guy looking for something to...|||Yeah! Let's get so warm that we'll melt the polar ice caps and doom humanity!|||I don't know. Probably a mammal of some kind... Definitely not a bird though. I fucking hate birds.|||After a bit of research I've come up with these types: Goku - ISFP Vegeta - ISTJ Gohan - ENFJ Piccolo - INTP Krillin - ESFJ Bulma - ESFP Future Trunks - ISFJ Freeza - ISTJ|||I'm not superstitious or religious and I do not buy into things which don't have much evidence behind them. I question everything and if I do not get my answers I simply abandon it. Religion is a...|||I think an INTP villain would have to be quite insane, unfeeling and lacking morals to work. He'd do disturbing experiments and the like in order to gain knowledge or merely as a way of spending his...|||What you said there sounds more like Te behaviour than Se. Te is a Judging function. It's the one that makes the decisions based on the data. Se is Percieving, it does not make the decisions, it only...|||I see him as an ISTJ. His Si is beyond apparent. His fixation on Saiyan traditions, his insistince on calling himself an elite and a prince and being treated as one. He really seems to have a...|||It probably won't... But hey, atleast it wrote off GT as non-cannon. So that's something. Anyway, you can watch this instead of the ending. I think it's much better: ...|||Yes! I agree. You can also go by the ending of Z when Goku takes Uub under his wing to train him, leaving his friends behind. He really prefers fighting and training over his social life.|||This may be more of a personal theme than an INTP one, but what the Hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGi8LvE9Afk|||Kids write jokes - Album on Imgur|||I place my Ne over my Ti when it comes to socialising. I don't like making my Ti known in most social situations. It's reserved for my friends and such.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReOw_2f4lpY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euXQbZDwV0w|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6WmfurFWBM|||I'm quite aware of his existence, but I don't think he's aware of mine. I think it's for the best. Who knows what he would do if he found out that his God is real. Oh crap, he just read that.|||I am insanely indecisive. I can spend days, weeks, months thinking about what to do and even when I do pick an option after such long periods of contemplation I doubt if I made the right one. Even...|||I try to avoid them, but when shit irks me, I speak up. However, that usually ends up in a cycle of me giving a logical reason and the other person denying my point because they are too arrogant to...|||ENFJs are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk, and nothing makes them happier than leading the charge, uniting and motivating their team with infectious enthusiasm. ...|||I'm gonna have to disagree with you on Mark. He's definitely more ENFJ than anything else.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjxggGYHYOk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKffm2uI4dk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw1C5T-fH2Y|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqTvN_jddaM|||I'm pregnant and the father is... ME!!!|||Who cares about what some geezer did 50 years ago. The only thing that's important is the now! I heard a girl say this in history class.|||http://www.pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF268-Cuniculus_Vulgaris.png http://www.pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF267-Loring's_First_Principle.png http://www.pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF262-Dreamcatcher.png...|||Welcome to the forum, GrimDork. I hope you enjoy your stay.|||Reminds me of a time my friend told me a joke. Friend: Do you know how to get a nun pregnant? Me: By fucking her! Friend: No. By dressing her up as the altar boy! Me: ... I still think my...|||http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Seterotypical+facebook+post+a+funny+description+that+makes+you+look_ef7d56_3519889.jpg...|||It doesn't help the post when your avatar has those expressionless, googly eyes and that strange pseudo-smile.|||37 posts and not a single mention of YOLO? I'm disappointed. Why are you always so upset? - I'm not? Au reste, après nous, le Déluge. - This is the saying I've ever heard. Period.|||I remember writing a work for school and I ended up getting a low grade because I didn't make a single statement, writing questions instead.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caN_gc4pmnQ|||I read a book once in which time travel was used for research purposes, where researchers would travel back in time and infiltrate ancient cultures and study them posing as members of those cultures....|||So basically you are advocating time tourism?|||I'm curious to hear how eating food can become a spiritual experience.|||Yes, but only if I was immortal in the sense of never aging. Otherwise, no.|||But how would you say the kill phrase if you were in the vacuum of space, your throat was crushed by a boulder or if you were underwater? That's overthinking it.|||If I like a person and I deem him trustworthy, I have no problems connecting with him or expressing my feelings. However, sometimes I have my moments of doubt. I would start thinking Maybe I...|||http://36.media.tumblr.com/4887ca57f81f1e1f5b0ec1dc13427d85/tumblr_nfb174mRGw1t3tqcuo1_1280.jpg|||I don't like looking at blood, but I do like the taste and will suckle and lick my own wounds.|||What is the answer to this question?|||While I personally have no experience living alone, I've never met someone who lives completely alone. They have a dog or a cat to fill in the emptiness of their house.|||Never do anything phenomenally stupid. That's the only rule I live by.'
'I really like the way you put that. It makes a lot of sense, especially the dramatic, raw, and self-sacrificing bit. Blood does carry those implications as does the idea of love (self-sacrificing...|||I don't feel this way myself (I've already said earlier in one of the sticky threads that I associate it with pain, so I find it somewhat difficult to romanticize, at least in the way you're...|||I sometimes feel like I'm being mocked when people try to reassure me. My self-confidence has been pretty low lately, but because participation is a huge chunk of my grade in my writing classes,...|||I can't tell if my recent lethargy and idleness are results of pure laziness or if depression is beginning to settle in once again. My head feels too heavy and my body feels too empty for it to be...|||I had a dream 2 nights ago that I was trying to save parakeets from some random person selling them at my school for some reason. I was afraid to take them back to the dorm because I didn't know if...|||I feel more beautiful when I put less effort into my appearance than usual. I didn't plan on leaving my room today, so I didn't put any effort into my appearance. Then I realized that I was out...|||I didn't sleep last night, so I took a quick nap before class and had a dream. I was riding my favorite horse in a group with several other riders that I once knew from several years ago when we...|||I would say I get nervous often, but my responses depend on the situation. Sometimes I acknowledge that I'm nervous but proceed with whatever I must do without any sort of hesitation; I hide it...|||I didn't realize how much I take electricity for granted until the hurricane knocked the power out for a few days. The lack of air conditioning mixed with intense heat and humidity gave me one of...|||A friend sent me something a few days ago. It was a multimedia message; no text, just an image. It was a picture of a flyer she found in the central area of campus about an ongoing social anxiety...|||I think that would somewhat depend on the circumstances, but from what I've personally seen, none of my friends (assuming we're talking about Gen Z in part-time jobs) stayed with a part-time job for...|||It makes me furious when people drag religion and politics into current natural disasters and make petty remarks in the face of a catastrophe. I'm rather close to Hurricane Irma's predicted...|||Unless my food is going to kill me for some reason, I won't say anything about it if it's subpar or missing anything. I'll eat it and continue to be polite to the waiter/waitress. I also hate wasting...|||I've been home for a few hours now. I'm so happy and finally feel like I belong once again, but it feels so surreal. Ever since I went off to college, I would sometimes hear a voice inside my head...|||I get to go home tomorrow night! I'll get a solid 2 hours or so of night driving (one of my favorite things!) and I'll get to see my family and my pets when I get home! It'll only be for about 4...|||I need to have a 2-4 paragraph discussion post submitted for an online class by 8 AM. One of the books I'm required to read and cite in my post is about 140 pages long, but I just found out that I...|||Actualized type: INFP (who you are) Introverted (I) 78.13% Extroverted (E) 21.88% Intuitive (N) 64.52% Sensing (S) 35.48% Feeling (F) 53.33% Thinking (T) 46.67% Perceiving (P) 67.74% Judging (J)...|||I just drank the most mediocre milkshake I think I've ever drank in my entire life. It tasted like iced whole milk with a few tasteless candy pieces mashed up in there. Now that I look back on it, it...|||When I woke up this morning, I was enveloped in confusion and sadness. I don't really know where it came from, but it has only gotten worse as the day has gone on. I realized how truly inferior I...|||I almost forgot the main reason why I don't like school. I love learning and applying the things I've learned, but everything is done in an overly simplified and repetitive way. I started to get...|||I'm not grossed out by blood, I even think it's cool, but the sight of it does stir a lot of discomfort in me. I associate visible blood with pain, and I almost always begin to feel some sort of pain...|||It's a mess but here goes. I'm so naive. There's never been any denial of that. I try to act like I'm a mature individual, but I still know deep down that I view the world through the eyes of a...|||It seems that the more I try to untangle the tortuous ball of thoughts in my mind, the more tangled it becomes. I'm in a lot of emotional discomfort at the moment, but every effort to decipher my...|||I was going to go for a walk to clear my mind, but there was an armed robbery in the area and 2/3 suspects fled. Their location as of right now is unknown. Yeah, I'm staying indoors, thanks...|||Women's bathrooms are so gross, and now I can't escape them. I used to hold it in for hours until I was able to get back home and use the bathroom in my house. Well, now that I'm not at home and...|||I want to text my friends and see how things are going for them, but I'm afraid to. They're roommates, so I don't want to text one of them and spark a conversation between them like: 1: Oh,...|||I guess I was really quiet and liked to be left alone according to my parents (I communicated more with distinct hand gestures than sounds too, apparently; there's photographic evidence of that). My...|||I met someone today. She decided to sit behind me in one of the lectures today, and we had to introduce ourselves to each other and the few people around us. So of course, we said our names and...|||If there's one thing I've realized over the past few days, it's that I'm a lot shyer than I initially thought I was. At least it doesn't bother me until I perceive it as a weakness, but even then,...|||^^ I agree with a lot of what she said. Perhaps your girlfriend recognizes that she is not in a good situation (financially, with the unhealthy aunt...), and she's thinking about the past as a...|||I held a fidget spinner once. Once. And I will never do it again. I started feeling the anxiety crawl up my spine as soon as it started spinning, and that anxious feeling wouldn't stop so I'm...|||I had a dream that I decided to stop by my friends' residence hall on the way to my first class. One of them had been waiting for me, and the two of us decided to go for a short walk since we had a...|||It wasn't a present for any particular occasion. It was something I gave my best friend on one of our last days hanging out together before I went away for school. When we were sophomores in high...|||Other. I'm not the most educated in economics (hardly at all, so don't take me too seriously), but here's my explanation: Coins are very annoying. My purse is clogged with nickels and pennies...|||Time seems to pass by so slowly in the dorm. Classes haven't started yet, so maybe that'll change once I have to start studying and writing papers, but I could sleep for what feels like an hour and...|||Last night, I had a dream that I was reunited with my bearded dragon (I moved into my college dorm yesterday, and I had to leave her at home with my family), but I also received another baby bearded...|||If you do A level work for your other classes in my class, you will get a C. In order to get an A or even a B in this class, you must not make any mistakes. I say that because I'm assuming all of...|||I haven't been all that resistant to change lately. I've actually been quite open to it. But now I feel nothing but dread. It's rattling my whole being in a way I've never experienced before. I...|||I'm doing fine and I'm not afraid, but something feels so wrong. I feel like I made one of the worst decisions of my life... I don't know if that's true or not yet, but something on the inside is...|||This was something I wrote a while ago, but I saved it because I really liked it for some reason. One might even say I was in love at the time I wrote it and naturally felt strongly about it, but...|||Today was the first time that I ever heard my voice inside my head say, I'm not going down without a fight! I was in danger of falling off a bolting and bucking horse when I heard it, but I felt...|||I had a dream that actually made me cry. I don't remember the early bit of the dream, but I remember that I was in the hall leading out to the arena where my graduation ceremony was held, and I...|||I feel so weak whenever I have to rely on pain medication to do basic everyday things. Luckily it doesn't happen that often, but I still feel so weak and useless when it does. I hardly trust...|||I found a video on YouTube that had some clips of children's television shows (mostly for children aged 2-5), and it included many of the shows I used to watch when I was in that age range. I...|||I had a dream that I was navigating this area that looked like an amusement park with a male companion who I really don't know in reality, but we were apparently good friends in the dream. He was...|||Aww, I appreciate it. I'm pretty sure they meant one-on-one. For some context, on one of the occasions, one of my friends told me that one of our other friends told her that she hadn't heard from...|||I feel like I should talk to my friends because it has been a while, but I don't want to. (I'm not referring to my best friend though; we've been talking and things have all been good there.) ...|||I wasted 5 hours of my life desperately grinding for items and EXP in one of my video games today in order to unlock a secret cutscene in the game... and it was painfully underwhelming in the end....|||Ah, that changes things. Makes things more confusing, at least. Maybe she's got something else going on too, but I don't know her and can't just make assumptions on the matter. I don't have any...|||I'll say INTP. I've either received INFP or INTP as a result on all of the simple 4-letter tests I've taken. The only reason I decided I was an INFP over INTP was because of my consistent results...'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQhteUqFuAM&feature=related|||Hahaha, loved this one. 1. Husband 2. a wild cat 3. staring at each other 4. medium sized 5. No 6. a vase, a bowl with fruits 7. ceramic 8. pick it up|||Disorganisation for sure!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Mov5cIe24|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QSgNM9yNjo|||Cutenesss overload everybody!!! You are amazing :)|||http://personalitycafe.com/members/maria-urbel-albums-maria-picture12413-ogaaaep-loilzqkewvcixj7-b22hbjvntbbhxmp4d-gmpblrpwcrapf2k3yj-hda1qva5q-9bfgwitslk6uwhca6n0qam1t1ulkctk3xdpq9gfgbrizrikmhwgha.jp...|||Simple Man (Lynyrd Skynyrd Cover) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Th0HT2i-T4&feature=related|||Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me cover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQj9zk-Htww|||I love love.. when its clean around me. I tend to clean after everyone else around the house quite often(it bothered me when i was younger now ive just learned that its a way to serve...|||Dancing (in a dancegroup..for about 7 years now), playing piano, reading, writing, cooking.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQSU5nn76hM|||Haha, thanks.. that made me laugh :):)|||I agree... :)|||Here's another Infp... :blushed::unsure: http://personalitycafe.com/members/maria-urbel-albums-maria-picture12294-a.jpg...|||Are you real? You are really weird in a good way You have a strange sense of humor I was called Error 404 in high school :D|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wNKEBWD378&feature=related|||I don't think there is anything wrong with you.. its the other way around. I think its the way it should be. You sure dont have to be able have meaningless detached sex.. cause you are not supposed...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmhIUwUzcNE|||Painful it was to limit this list only to 50 songs! But here they are 1. Kings of Leon - Revelry 2. Kings of Leon - Cold Desert 3. Kings of Leon - Closer 4. Burhan G - A Song For Her 5....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MRupiLnleg|||ah one more.. SAD.. incredible song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MRupiLnleg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmhIUwUzcNE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSiMYOXkTJg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id2UmvucqbQ ...|||I am an INFP and I am the one who just wants to love everyone. I am the one who wants someone to see how much love I have to give from my heart. I am the one who can cry days after knowing that I...|||Hammock - The air between Us YouTube - Hammock - The air between us|||I believe that sex belongs into the marriage. So I am waiting. As someone said above, it is weird to talk about these matters being a virgin, but that's how it is. To me it is something important,...|||I think these pictures of me are kind of INFPish ........... ? :)|||I love sports too. I love dancing. A great way to express myself and feel good.|||Two results. You are a Musical Thinkerhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/science/leonardo/images/thinker_quiz/results/musical.jpg Musical thinkers: Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms...|||virgin, waiting till marriage.|||i am 18. ::|||type 2 ! :)|||hazel, INFP :)|||Thank you for sharing about yourself.. i really hope you will meet the people who truly deserve your friendship and love in your life and who want to understand you. wish you all good from the...|||my pleasure :)|||well they have been together now for about 20 years or more.. i know they love each other very much, but i guess as all parents do, they get into arguing.. but it has never been seriously seriously...|||My mother and father are both INTJs so different and yet so similar.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtFPdBUl7XQ|||that made me laugh|||Thanks for finding the right words for us :) thats the way it is|||ive felt that since being little.. i was alyways the youngest in the class as i went to school early.. but there were always some people who told me that they are scared of me, cause i seemed more...|||Capricorn .|||well thank you :):)|||:D no i still consider myself to be INFP most of the time.. i actually met and ENFP and here i am.. reading all your posts trying to figure him out a little :D oh yes...i like doing that. makes...|||totally me. does that make me an ENFP ? :D|||thats what i love about myself :)|||yay, so nice to know that there are people like me out there :D|||hahah sticky notes.. so true :D|||so true . . .|||exactly :D'
I play Sitar as well as sing Indian Classical music. So obviously this is artistic, and useful too - mostly for me when I am blue and sometimes to others too. It's very much comforting for me -...|||About 95% of he time I have taken the MBTI tests, I have been typed as an INTJ, which I identify with. However, recently in two tests I took, I was typed as INTx and ISTJ, the latter of which I...|||http://badges.mypersonality.info/badge/0/22/220827.png Books - 1. Romeo and Juliet 2. The lost symbol 3. Timeline 4. Coma 5. Hamlet|||We get really mad when people are irrational and too much emotional:angry:. These things cloud the ability to see things clearly. Also it's maddening when people use wrong grammar and words.|||I am mostly at home - reading, or watching TV or surfing internet. These are the typical places you would find an INJ|||I am currently not playing Sitar though. just couldn't due to the seemingly endless load of enginnering submissions.:sad: Now very much likely to resume in next month.:happy:|||My major is Engineering, specialization in Computer Science and Engineering.:happy:|||Oh by the way, I have also read many Marathi books, since Marathi is my mother tongue. 'Yayati' is one of those books.|||Mu favorite types of books - science, science fiction, fiction, novels etc. State of Denial State of Fear Romeo and Juliet The Lord of the Rings trilogy Nostradamus A Brief History of...|||Name - Sudeep, Male Location - Born in Sangli, Maharashtra, India. The name Sangli has its origin in Marathi language. In marathi 'Saha' means 'Six' and 'Galli' means 'Lanes'. So in original city,...
'devastated! Rest in Peace Lou Reed!|||Welcome to the forum, we're glad to have you:laughing:|||yeaaah, i have a little Irish heritage:tongue:|||1. Run out of the room and lock the computer inside! I would then worry constantly, hypothesis why my computer changed into a creature, and check periodically to see if it had changed back. 2....|||I wish so much for a wife or girlfriend who makes more money than me!!|||Isn't Darth Vader considered INFP?|||I'm a cook, it is not a bad job but I am not content. Regarding school, I am finishing my undergraduate degree in sociology and I plan on gaining a masters in sociology, cultural anthropology, or...|||I felt many similar things while I was in high school. To be honest, I didn't know how to change things then and I wouldn't know how to change them now. I am sure you have heard people say life gets...|||Banned for using your powers so willingly!|||I can be these things at times, but all the time or most of the time I try to be as caring, compassionate, and understanding as possible. We all have bad days, and we all can do mean things from time...|||Beautiful Quotes, and I like to put a little cola in my hot apple cider:tongue:|||x93For these beings, fall is ever the normal season, the only weather, there be no choice beyond. Where do they come from? The dust. Where do they go? The grave. Does blood stir their veins? No: the...|||I think many of us have a hard enough time telling what is reality without the help of drugs=P Personally, I never found getting high or drinking enjoyable. I always felt too anxious, depressed,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCdZcIOTsoc|||Hair waving in the wind. Social Norm|||Sociology, I realize my than instead of then is not really reflective of that haha!|||I graduate with a bachelors next summer! Than going on to my masters!|||We're excited you have you here=) Welcome to the forum!|||One of my co-workers speaks Hindi, it is a really nice sounding language!!|||Yes! if I remember it was a bus! I saw your are Portuguese=D that is great=)|||Both actually, my professor teaches European Portuguese while his T.A. teaches Brazilian! We get some lessons on Mozambican and Angolan Portuguese too!|||November!!|||Always glad to have another ENFP on board!|||heyyyyyyyyyyy=D|||Welcome to the site!|||hey, welcome to the forum! We're glad to have you!|||Existentialism! Coool! There is a book store close to my house, and whenever I by a Camus book the clerk gives me a nasty look!|||Work, homework, and rock!!!!|||:wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:|||I tried learning Icelandic, on my own, when I was a teenage, unfortunately there weren't that many resources available back then!|||Personally, I don't want anyone else in there!|||5'6'' - 169 cms, I stopped growing around the age of 14, I have been self-conscious about my height in the past, but I like my height now!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln7OIyhEUiA Sad scene, but nice kiss!|||I take classes at University! I am in the Latin American Studies program . . . I find that area of the world very interesting! I also use youtube videos/CDs/Books that i find on my own.|||That is really great!! I have been learning Portuguese for the last year!|||Looks like a lot of fun, telepariah|||what is this 'love life'?|||How many INFPs here have ever worked, studied, or volunteered abroad? I have signed up for an internship to Bosnia and Herzegovina and I thought it would be helpful to hear other INFPs' stories on...|||I am sure someone has already pointed this out, but the ban thread got banned=P ha! Banned for pursuing the forbidden love, ESFJ love!|||Hey Everyone, Perc is full of people from all over the world, so I thought it would be a great idea to make a thread for people who need help with a language they are learning!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLIGh3Ir2_A&feature=relmfu Of course the guy with the username 'fishsticks' wants to hear dirty jokes=P|||haha thanks, much appreciated!|||I graduated almost 5 years ago and I never went to prom. I didn't go because I was in a new school and I really didn't know anyone. I think it would have been nice to go, but at the same time I don't...|||My parents are, but I am from Montreal=P|||Philip Glass! a true master!|||Mulan for sure!!!|||Social Sciences! I Major in Sociology and minor in Latin American studies!|||Go for it! I would say it is the most practical, in regards to economics, of the writing classes!|||Welcome Earthling, to the Alphane moon!|||Glad to have you! Welcome to the forum=)!'
curly fries|||oatmeal with honey, walnuts, & blueberries~ part of my attempt to eat healthier|||coconut cake and bubbly apple juice~|||cheesy chex mix and white tea.|||12-grain bread with nutella, cinnamon and walnuts. one of my favorite sandwiches - it's even better if you add fresh strawberries.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYi9Vr8bHJY|||Jellybeans!!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6Db7RSUpGQ|||Music: Owl City (especially his older stuff) Sky Sailing Lights Lorde Marina and the Diamonds Ellie Goulding (specifically the Halcyon album) Imogen Heap (specifically the Speak For Yourself...|||Chocolate-covered pretzels with peanut butter. <3|||I'm not absolutely horrible at chess, I can beat some people, sometimes. I used to play it with my dad on occasion and nearly every time, he beat me. It made me so frustrated! I still enjoy playing...|||I've also been listening to Lorde, she's quickly becoming one of my favorite artists. <3 This song's been stuck in my head for hours. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j39lUgonEv0|||Right now i'm eating a piece of my mom's homemade pumpkin pecan cake. She goes crazy with pumpkin this time of year. :P|||a piece of 'apple french coffee cake' and some white tea|||canteloupe but for lunch I had a grilled cheese with pepperoni, small salad w/italian dressing and some yummy chicken noodle soup <3|||Chicken noodle soup & half a grilled cheese w/pepperoni mmmm|||Vanilla has always been one of my favorite, if not my most favorite, smell. It's so comforting and pleasant - plus I've always had a real sweet tooth. :P|||a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie :proud:|||Thank you!!! Finally, someone has put this into words. My reading preferences, especially as of late, seem to be very similar. I can especially relate with the first paragraph. I've never been big on...|||INFP Favorite artists: Lights and Adam Young (Owl City, etc.) (i c u there ShadowedSilhouette) Favorite band: Run River North Genres I listen to most often: electronic pop, ambient,...|||Earlier, I was wearing a sheer sapphire blue sleeveless button-up that had a long, flow-y back and shiny rhinestone things on the front with black skinny jeans and red open-toed flats that have a big...|||Haha actually I've gotten various compliments on my eyebrows throughout the years, though I don't really know why. I don't normally bother to pluck/trim them or whatever (hey, it's painful!) so...|||I've always wanted the ability to teleport, possibly fly and/or turn invisible, and to heal people (emotion-wise, mostly) because it seriously hurts when someone you care about is hurting (especially...|||Personal~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? - Any nicknames? Grace; I normally don't mind if people come up with their own nicknames for me. * Male/Female/Trans?
'1. Be crazy, it's your charm. You'll only hate yourself if you be one of those 'standard kids' 2. I'm certain there's more. Just forgot about it|||What is your definition of 'amazing'?|||Yep. Started college last week, after taking a gapyear because I just could not decide on what. A few of my choices are: Linguistics (Had to take a different course before that, because our system...|||I find myself staying concentrated for an extended amount of time if I have some sort of background noice. Music with meaningless lyrics, things that can't work as distracting. About the staying...|||I usually don't do anything, or step up the sarcasm. Depends on the person, normally|||4 INFP's, a ENFP, 2 ISFJ's and a ISFP|||I used to be, haven't played it in a long time. Still should be. Dunno how I memorize it, I just.. do? The moment I see a picture and the card is turned back, I still see the picture. So like, for...|||Lol don't sweat it, what is time on a timeless site? Hmmmhm feel u, once you get the basics, it's quite easy to figure out the technical part behind it. Yet typing yourself is completely different xD|||Hello and welcome~ Nice to meet you! Hopefully you have a nice stay here :)|||As the thread states, you can 'write a minimum of 9 facts'. Nothing stated the max|||Pinina I got an INTx feel woops.. Lumosaria Hmm, IxTx AltruisticMisanthropist xNxJ 1. I like making plans, but I usually forget them after 2 days, so I stopped sticking to them. 2. My parents...|||Gender: undetermined Age: 24-34 Intelligence: superior Openness: early-adopter MBTI personality profile: ENFP Closest alternative we found: ENFJ I'm 17 and nowhere near ENFJ tho, but okk :)|||Maybe I am, maybe I am not.. Who knows HAHAHAAHAH thanks but knowing that someone pretends to care is even worse than just not caring at all :) Although I know what you mean|||AHAHAHHA poor people that cross your path I was brought up with the If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all attitude, so I'm kinda quiet around people. Ahwell, I feel...|||Ahahha, it's not that I noticed it at myself. But more like, when you look at the younger ones and the older ones, you see a certain.. difference? Kinda. If you get me?|||I am good at singing, although my parents and neighbors probably think otherwise|||Drunk Parrot I did lol. Although this wouldn't be the first time I noticed|||Diamante 1. I couldn't agree more. When I start reading something because I find it interesting, I'll get to, like, maybe half of it, or if I don't find what I was looking for/what I thought would...|||1. I like to read up on it, but other than that I have absolutely no knowledge of it 2. I'm quite young, so I wouldn't say I have had any serious romantic relationships, but my two closest friends...|||AceTrainerGreen sure, why not AHAHAH|||Hey there! Nice to meet you :) I was the same (still am woops), lurking and trying to figure out if I'm ENTP or ENFP xD|||Hey! Welcome to PerC and nice to meet you, too. A lot of new ENTP's are joining lately :)|||I'll just give my two pennies. Look up the difference between Ne-Ni and Ti-Te. What fits you best? I don't really know a lot about MBTI, so I can't tell for sure, but it might clear up some things...|||Hi there! Welcome and nice to meet you! This site is really good for understanding and learning more about a lot of different things!|||I'm not all that debative, and easily think to myself Don't even talk about it, they won't understand anyway. Also when someone comes off too strong, or if I'm not sure of people's intentions, I...|||Irmalair1689 Apparently there are a few more, but I have yet to meet them :) Once you jimin, you can never jimout.|||INFJennifer Yes hahaha, I'll just stuck with ENxP really. I'm still young, so maybe when I matured a bit more, I'll type myself again :)|||Obv: I admit, you proved me wrong. It is interesting :)|||That's okay! I wasn't really expecting another explanation, just a reference to a page or something ;)|||Obv if you look at it, we are all just a bundle of nerves and shit. Everything we do is programmed. Not just our decisions. Everything. I just like to think I have an own will, as you said it so...|||I said I don't know how to classify what drives me to make the decisions I make. And honestly, the information you gave is so little I have nothing to go from. So no, it does not help nor confuse me.|||Obv but what's the fun in that? Making a new thread to address something that will probably only get 2 reactions. Just say it here and then continue with the previous topic or a new topic. Isn't that...|||Drunk Parrot Thanks! I realised I am too young to fully type and can't fully express myself, because English isn't my first language.|||Ab but now I am curious as for what you do for a living. What kind of industry? Medicine? Sports? Serial killing? I haven't read the whole thread, sorrynotsorry. If you already answered that, well...|||Drunk Parrot Oh are you serious? I always see married people and people who work and stuff But that's the main point, I have no idea how I make decisions. Decision's are made so it benefits me...|||I got INTP, quite striking if I might add.|||Irmalair1689 UNDERAGED BUDDY. I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE HERE ;-;|||Hello again xD Basic Questions: 1) Age or Age Range? Nearing my 18th birthday 2) City, Country and/or Region? Netherlands, Zeeland 3) Tell us something about your social life? Pretty...|||Drunk Parrot wasn't the problem that I was too young? xD IDontThinkSo exactly this.|||Toilet INFJennifer I wanted to thank you again! I've been hanging around the ENFP forum and I feel in place! Thanks!|||I don't, simple as that. No alright, I usually sleep around 2/3am and wake up around 6/7, bright as always.|||Drawing, painting, knitting, sewing, crochet (if those three are considered creative), writing, acting, cosplay, sometimes I'm making games. Name it and I've done it :)|||Used to do various kinds of karate, because that was one way to channel my energy. But due to medical reasons, I had to stop. ENxP :)|||Dem logics Hahaha ok Ill stop|||And what if I just did that, would you believe me? Maybe I waited 20 years before this moment. Maybe I'm just trolling. Who knows.|||Hmm, hands does sound appealing.. AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH YES IM 17. SORRY HAHAHAAH|||Try me.|||INFJennifer Ah thank you! Sometimes its easier to type others than to type yourself|||HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAH u guys, seriously|||Woaa, thanks! This makes sense! I think of an xNFP then (still not quite sure if Im an I or an E) :)'
'I'm cautious too, I like to think I don't take stupid or useless risks. But when conditions are good, I'm very decisive. I have this approach at things, a sort of default strategy, which I...|||Benvenuta!|||My dearest friends are: ENTP, ISFJ, ESTP, ESTJ. About romantic relationships: INFJ, INFP, INTJ. (Not sure) I am afraid I can't help you much with your research... Not doing your business,...|||I can relate a lot with this, overall with the ENTJ explanation of promiscuous women. This is an argument quite often discusses between boys... make the muscle here :laughing: When talking with...|||Sometimes it felt like that, but I was really young, like 15-16 years old. When I hit 18-19 I was through that... I mean if I had a breakup I could be sorry, or feeling sad for a while.. but I...|||Deicida And you are intelligent, for you to be able to distort facts in such an intelligent manner. I (or others) could reply to you, showing where you are wrong and you will just continue to...|||Yes, I am interested in neuroscience. Every research by the Max Planck Institute is much appreciated. I get your point and you are right - people are more likely to defy authority if they aren't...|||Sure the results would have been different, but how much? The instinct to obey autority is deeply embedded in every culture and throughout history you can find a ton of demostrations about it. ...|||Both Stalin and Hitler were firmly into the paranoid personality disorder AND they were both psychopaths. As you may know, psychopaths are amoral (indifference or disregard for moral beliefs, ethics...|||Yes, I forgot to include this. It's almost second nature to me.|||I don't hate types, I hate people, evil people. ... Is this a joke? You can't be serious.|||I have an ENTP friend and yes, I have noticed what you describe. He decides quickly and, from my viewpoint, badly. As a J, yes, it's true, I take my time to make decisions about money and time,...|||Yes, no further trouble. It all went smooth. Reading through this thread made me remember another episode. Curiosly, I didn't think about it, but posts above were related to dad. I respect my...|||Ahah that was great. When I was about to obtain my graduation, the General secretary went through my academic transcript and found that one of my exams was badly registered and I had ONE day of...|||I used to think that people are an important part of a business; instead, now I think that people are the business. You need to take a step back, because you are getting more and more frustratred...|||I found this some days ago; it's a sort of odd description of ENTJs (but I think it's true)|||Self-esteem issues and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) during my late childhood and my early teens. It fixed over time, thanks to sport and some conscious efforts on my part. In my late teens I...|||So, two centuries of Enlightenment and then... Kidding, kidding. Aren't you into financial astrology, RIGHT? I know of investment bankers and fund managers using financial astrology to make...|||Yes, keeping track of long term goals can be quite an issue. So easy to get lost into everyday life. It's easy to lose focus, too. What I've done here is keeping a journal for my long term goals....|||I was afraid of being inadequate, overall when I started studying at university. It came back when I started working. Reality checking made me understand that I was wrong and the average is very...|||Lust is my weak point. Sometime I indulge in wrath. Triggered by incompetence, negligence, stupidity and many other things. And pride.|||Done. Results were pretty accurate.|||It has passed some time. First I want to thank all the people that have taken time to reply here. So, I am coming back to normal (confidence, mind clarity, no more back painx85) and it feels good. I...|||I can be result oriented if a deadline is near or there is some urgency. Or if I'm trying something new. When things are more relaxed or if I'm successful at my attempt, however, I prefer a...|||Job satisfaction? I will never be happy with a job, when someone else is my boss. Even if the boss is a great guy, with a lot to teach me, I'm not the one in control. I was lucky enough, when I...|||Me at high school, climbing a door (?!) 297578 Me last summer, at my cousin's marriage (a little drunk, too) 297586|||Oh yes. As a teenager, I was obsessing relentless, jumping from an obsession to another. Back in the days, I felt somewhat overwelmed and sometimes I thought I had OCD, but my obsessions weren't...|||It seems so. No offence intended but, if you are looking for help/insights why don't you just start a thread addressing your issue? You're not going to resolve anything random-posting complaints. ...|||This. I usually connect all topics at the end of my speech and my point becomes clear to anyone. Plus, I often use metaphors to simplify complex situations/concepts.|||Dominant. Sometimes too much - but girls like it so... never mind.|||Actually, it took me sometime to reflect on those questions. As a child and teenager I had a richer inner world; I was more sensitive, I remember writing some poems, or being able to clearly...|||I know what you mean. Look, I not even believe in relationships (I think humans are not naturally monogamous). Just I couldn't ignore the fact that my friend was/is, well, my friend. ......|||L'Enfant Terrible Speaking of morality, I live by and stand firm to my principles (for example, never betraying a friend; never manipulate people; never cheat and so on). Same here, people...|||Humans are social animals afterall... Not trying to assert myself like a psychology or MBTI expert here, but I don't think that using a dominant extraverted function automatically makes you a...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2x1RKAVGw8|||skydreamer Do you expend energy in interacting with people or do you get energized by it? In the first case, you're likely INTJ.|||I am quite good at maths. In high school, I was a member of the mathematics team :rolleyes: But I was one of the worst in the team. I would say I'm skilled but not as much as physicists or...|||Ahah yes; I would have to talk about that with more details. At first my smiles (when forced) looked like: - a sort of evil grin (!) - a sort of sexy smile (!?) Obviously I didn't want to...|||I would say the ability to solve problems and difficult situations in a smooth and quick manner. That and the ability to ensure efficient execution.|||I faced this same issue some time ago. I'm not able to tell how I come off to people; gauging their reactions I realized I was often perceived as intimidating or unapproachable; that was true both...|||8w9 sp/sx/so. I also have some traits of Ones. Sorry if I can't contribute more but I am still studying enneagram and it's still a little confusing.|||1) Lack of empathy. 2) Satisfaction for accomplishments comes to an early end... I want always more. 3) I'm so impatient at times. 4) Poor understanding of emotions/feelings. 5) Hard to...|||Femme fatales...|||I tend to be myself and authentic most of the time. However, I choose to appear dumber when someone is trying to fool me (most of the time I can tell very well if someone is being unfair); I find...|||This reminds me so much of my arguments with my ENFJ mother. She distorts facts with feelings, that really makes me angry and I have the need to, yes, destroy her arguments. Then she takes the...|||I don't like to get drunk; I am not able to bear eye contact with people and that annoys me so much. But... I love tequila; and sometimes I drink too much of it and I cross my limit. Usually I...|||Thanks OP for these links, I gained a better understanding of myself and the phase I'm trough. I would say that my favourite triggers are the ending of a relationship and failures. Same...|||In my teenage years I liked them; now I am not interested anymore.|||In many fields - ranging from programming, economics, financial markets - I've proved to be really good at solving problems. I can see the full picture, and at the same time I can see the many, tiny...|||Thank you all for having taken the time to reply this thread. I have started to work on my issues and I feel I have made some improvement - just a baby step. I'm more positive now. I am doing...'
'The first, no doubt. Explaining why is somewhat difficult since it is just a part of who I am. Finding someone who loves me would be great but I have never felt the need for it. I would rather be...|||I think it can be decided between NTP and NTJ very quickly, at least. One question: Do you think this thread is a waste of time? :mellow:|||Let's put it this way: There is a reason I only have three friendships that lasted more than a month. Family has learned to deal with it. Took them 15 years but they got used to it eventually.|||That is me in a nutshell. Love it. That has gotten me into trouble too many times to count, though, so I'll often be silent until I am sure no one is carrying a weapon.|||Yep. I'm trying to control this even though I am not as horribly afflicted as others. I only have a slight preference for extroversion, really. I can be alone for days or weeks and it won't bother me...|||I wish I could find an INTJ in person. Even another ENTJ would work. It would be lovely, as you say. Closest I got was an INTP; that was great since I could be myself but, as expected, we had...|||Yes, you are right. I say these things out loud all the time since I do tend to talk without thinking. I should learn from the INTJs and keep these things to myself. One day I will get this right....|||At least your daughter listens to you. I was one bossy, hardheaded kid. I'm pretty sure I would have hated myself if there were two of me. I'm also surprised I did not end up stabbed to death or shot...|||Ah, stereotypes. I really don't care what strangers are feeling but I those I care about are a different story. Emerson: What lirulin said. You can also just go on a whim and say Hi! My name...|||Elaminopy: Overthinking, much? Maybe it is just me... *shrug* INTJ, ENTJ, close enough. My mom got this on video. I was around 12, family get-together of some kind. Said to everyone, I bet I...|||ENxPs can be the most introverted extroverts. I can't say ENTPs usually score above 50 on a test or whatever. It really depends on the individual. It depends on what you believe about yourself, too....|||Haha, yes! Try explaining objective truth to a stubborn 7 year old. Tell me what happens. I don't think so. I'm stressed and feel like eating ice cream isn't emotional, either, but it is the...|||Cool. I will try to be detailed but there may be the occasional handwaving. Feel free to ask questions if that happens and you don't get it. If there is something in particular you have questions...|||This is a really interesting topic. I don't relate to many of the overexcitabilities (perhaps I have just gotten used to them and see them as normal?) but I was always different from others. My...|||Thickfreakness: I also have some specific Si-like traits but I believe they came about through the interaction of Ni and Se. A lot of the Si dependability can also be seen in an ENTJ through Te. ...|||Elaminopy: I see you went back to unknown personality. Are you still interested in finding a type? I would agree with bethdeth that you are INTP. I can try to get together specifics if you'd...|||He does seem like an SP from your description. ESTP sounds like a possibility. I would say ESTP rather than ISTP because he likes being the center of attention. The fact that he won't do...|||This thread made me feel better about typing all my friends, lol. ESFJ: Great friend; we're almost always together when there's something social going on but I somehow managed to offend her every...|||ISFJ mom + ESTJ father = ISFP brother and E/INTJ (me) We were a dysfunctional family. =/|||I'm in a similar situation. I've come to the conclusion I am E rather than I but I look at the INTJ forums and I'm pretty much at home there, too. I think you are E rather than I from what...|||I understand what you mean. I think this can happen a lot to F's and I've read INFP's in particular like to think of themselves as INTP's. The T preference is sometimes seen as better by society...|||The link myosotis provided should be helpful. Like she said, INFP's are Fi-dominant and there are plenty of threads about Fi all over the forum. Is there any specific reason you changed your mind...|||Like myosotis, I sense a good amount of Ne in this post, too. I think ENTP is a good match for you. Have you looked at any of the ENTP threads?|||I'm most likely a Type 9. Good to know I may come across as a buddha, lol.|||Welcome. I was also typing myself as INTJ. This morning I woke up and realized I was an extrovert. it was life-changing. No idea how that ENTJ-ENTJ partnership would be; it depends on the...|||Questions if you want 'em: 1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? 2) What do you yearn for in life? Why? 3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your...|||*pokes the ESFP's* :mellow: I am gonna go make plans to take over the world or build a mind control device or some other silly thing to make me feel better about not being ESFP. ...|||FreeSpirit: Similar things have happened to me so many times I won't talk anymore. ... This is so depressing. -__-|||n00b here too. Welcome. *waves* You sound like an IxTJ to me. The only other choices for an introverted Fi-Te are ISFP and INFP and according to this post, Fi-dom is out. ITJ's can be lazy as...|||I am sorry for taking this thread so off-topic but I just have to let this out. IT WAS/IS SO FRUSTRATING - especially with regards to my mom, who is definitely ISFJ. She is an awesome mother and...|||There isn't another N in my family except for my great-grandfather. I can't be sure, though; my only evidence: everyone always thought he was special. Almost everyone, except my brother (likely...|||Hey, I remember your intro thread. I was the one who mentioned also being torn between NT and NF. Welcome, again! My opinion: I agree with Kelly617. You sound like an INTP. I think people depend...|||Paradigm: Yess! Someone got the Mass Effect reference. I was surprised no one had until now. I think how you grow up does affect you a lot. I always had major problems communicating with my ISFJ...|||I'm sorry you still don't know your type. I am not confident in saying you are any one type since you seem so unsure of your own self. The jumping between feeler and thinker and then going from...|||Hey, I'd totally join the Idealist Scientists group! Sounds like my kind of place. @ Paradigm: Thanks for helping me on my own thread. I am pretty much set on being INTJ... an atypical one...|||I disagree with the INTJ diagnosis. Have you looked in-depth at the definitions of the functions and such? I know that test is not always the most accurate and it is too easy to cheat and check...|||Thanks for your input. I started looking more into 9w1 and 1w9 and I can't decide which describes me better. I never considered being a type 9 before. Yay for self-discovery. XD|||I'll give the full story, because it is a bit complicated... XD; When I first picked the major as a freshman, it was because I wanted to make money. I come from a pretty poor family so that was my...|||Thanks for the help, everyone. :) Paradigm: Actually, I stalked the NTJ forums and I identify a lot with them - the problem is, it seems a lot of them actually take pride in their lack of emotion,...|||Don't worry about being weird. I love debate and such like an NT but I am more like an NF. It's all good. Welcome :) btw: you cannot hide. XD|||Thanks for the reply. I was considering ENTP for a while except I am definitely an introvert. Regarding INTP: We are not that much different but she is much more detached than I am. I can't attain...|||Ix92m pretty familiar with the cognitive functions and all that jazz yet I find myself unable to definitively say which functions I use most. I relate to all of them. This is very problematic. Please...|||Woo, ketchup is always good. Welcome to the forums!|||You'll take that back once I burn a cake or put brownies on fire by accident, LOL.|||I agree that you sound xNTP. Not really enough information to determine ENTP or INTP, but you seem more Ne than Se. Se, as far as I understand it, is more action-oriented, which you said explicitly...|||I found these questions on another thread; hopefully these will help. Edit: I see you've already decided on a type but you can always answer them anyway, haha. 1) What aspect of your...|||Interesting - I wasn't aware she offered free sessions. So I take it you wouldn't have considered ISFP otherwise? Well, I'm glad you figured it out. :)|||I'm just that awesome. And no, it totally isn't a premade mix that I just stuck in the oven... I totally made them from scratch. :mellow:|||bigtex1989: Here is your totally awesome, virtual cookie, in your favorite variety. ^_^ *gives cookie*|||:0 Betrayal! I gave you a cookie! >O Really though - I have no soul, ahaha.'
'Wow, what a great way to think of them! That image will help me dislike them less. Hugs for my feet... Uh... Doesn't the seam of the sock toe ever bug you by gouging into you toes?|||Which answer?|||Fear of mediocrity I understand only to well. What is the aversion to street sweepers about?|||What do you mean? Why does not finding a fear scare you?|||Catch 22?|||Well, I may not relate exactly to fear of socks but I definitely dislike them and they are so irritating in my shoes... Course my supposed understanding may built completely on a false...|||Here's what I wonder, and I might be wrong of course, do those people who are closer to the norm have the luxury of being more 'genuine' only because the way they are is acceptable? Folks further...|||Just curious, do you ever get a chance to reflect back to judge which decisions DID lead to happiness? I forget to do this sometimes because I am always looking toward the future...|||Does it ever keep you from trying things, because you might fail?|||Any kind of failure, or failure to do specific things or in specific arenas?|||Wow. That's definitely big-picture.|||That's a mean trick. As far as babies go, keep in mind that even though YOU may have been plotting mischief at that age, the average child is sitting there thinking about how wet his diaper is.|||Ok, I'll bite. Why butterflies?|||Seriously? I mean, I understand the socks, but butterflies?|||I've been thinking about this since my girlfriend made the comment the other day, for the 100th time, that I am not afraid of anything. I know that's not true. Everyone is afraid of something whether...|||Yeah I doubt a man would ever say something that sweet about a woman. All the guys would make fun of him! Don't have to cook to eat. I like sandwiches, soup, salads and juicing. I will eat pretty...|||Well that's probably good since there are so few of us. :snickers:|||Well, it appears we are pretty rare as some personality analysts believe there is a link between the y chromosome and INTJ (no mechanism provided), and estimate that INTJ men outnumber women 4 to 1....|||My aussie and little rat terrier stalk each other starting 200 feet apart. They glide through the grass, stepping quietly, carefully, closer, closer until they are nose to nose. They sniff each...|||If people would just give me some space, I wouldn't have to push them away with my tongue.|||Bad weather always looks worse through a window. - Tom Lehrer|||You guys are a blast! Thanks for being you...|||I guess it's just a basic difficulty with social science. Human behavior is so unpredictable that the reliability in any one equation to predict it is often as low as chance. So... What are the...|||I mean no offense when I say that the man appears to have a lot more pressing issues than just being INTJ. There are major trust problems there that, in my experience, are much more likely to be the...|||I am have a difficult time applying 'objective' rules to what appears to me a classification system of an illogical and inconsistent belief system. What is the point?|||Good grief, no offense taken! Just analyzing...|||That's my conclusion. However, he's very cuddly and good in bed.|||You have expressed my curiosity, exactly.|||Those are just labels made up by people. Where is the value in that? How is that applied to a larger system?|||To display one's privatistic non-belief is not to assert its superiority. The two are not one in the same. Be careful of your assumptions.|||Thank you. The comment was so flabergasting who knew where to start?|||Of course, to which he responded it feels like you are probing me for negative traits, to which I responded above.|||NOT I was raised Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopalian and Presbyterian. I have a brief memory from when I was five years-old riding in the elevator of our huge methodist church by myself. I...|||On the disclaimer, did you mention that your opinion is humble? That's always a good one...|||That's excellent. See, I knew an intuitive would be able to explain it in a meaningful way to another intuitive.|||A good example is analyzing the personality. He has no interest/patience and thinks I'm attacking him instead of just trying to understand. I tell him 'that's your problem you feel attacked.'...|||Can someone explain to me in NT language how to figure out which of these is used? Thanks!|||Is that laziness, or just efficiency?|||It's not that anything particular happened, it's the general inability to relate to each other's way of perceiving, I guess. I've only just been able to make any sense of this since joining this...|||If I could only find that moment.|||I was thinking about how ENTPs and INFJs are supposed to compliment one another. It may be hard to believe but to me the thought of having a relationship with a protector is intriguing and appealing....|||Aaarrrrgggghhhhhh!|||A male INFJ! Always good to have a new 'recruit' with the rarest of personality types...|||Don't expect us to be nice just so we don't pass you off. If we are are encouraging it's because there's a good reason to be.|||It's likely that the scores will be biased toward the higher end because those with lower IQ are less likely to have been tested and have less motivation to share their answers if they are lower.|||What's the warranty?|||You absolutely abhor hypocrisy and point out to others when they are being hypocritical, actually expecting them to see.|||Phew, that's a relief.|||Here's the game: you need to be able to time an activity in seconds, and you want to use something handy - your smartphone. So, look at apps and widgets that perform this function, and download one....|||Both, but even those I do know closely always type themselves differently from how I type them. Could very well be I have no idea what I'm doing when typing.....'
'I'm an ENTP mother with an ENFP daughter. Arguing with her is like trying to persuade a lamp-post to bend. I'm happy to talk alternatives and if there is a difference of opinion, to find a third...|||Your scores are: Care 77.8% Fairness 83.3% Loyalty 38.9% Authority 30.6% Purity 47.2% Liberty 63.9% Your strongest moral foundation is Fairness. Your morality is closest to that of a...|||It's about preferences, and the strength of your preference indicates mostly how you would respond in any situation. I can use Si...I think...but almost never do. Helps to understand how you...|||MBTI ENTP (E 56%; N 100%; T 85%; P 60% on full test) Enneagram (with wing) 6w7 but suspect Enneagram is bollocks. Alignment ...|||I'm not sure my cognitive type was made by anything around me. I think I've always been this way. At least, have always been NT. Possibly the E/I and J/P bits have shifted around a little over the...|||When you... oh, hang one a minute. What was the question again?|||When somebody brings you an emotional problem wanting support and you explain the motives of all of the people involved, and look at them as if to say ta-da! there, I sorted it out for you and they...|||mmmm that doesn't describe me. Does describe INFP though. I relate a lot to other posts here about symbolic thinking. And I talk in metaphor a LOT. I jump off conversations with surreal leaps...|||Agreed. Happens occasionally. Doesn't need any fancy personality typology thinking, just know yourself. Know it passes. You're having an off day, go easy on yourself. That's it, really. I get less...|||Can affect: yes. Can as the sole agent cause dangerous rises in intra-ocular pressure, no. You should perhaps get a second opinion from another eye specialist as you are seriously concerned. Or,...|||Well, why would they? Intra-ocular pressure is a function of production and outflow. Unless you have a blockage to outflow (glaucoma) then pressures are unlikely to rise high enough to be a problem,...|||I've been working in healthcare for 30 years. I'm bored, but pension and mortgage. I wasn't always bored, but it's been a long time.|||The only way in which I could use my ears to subvert others was if they were so large I could trip people up with them.|||Seems there is a lot of overthinking going on here. Men are simple beasts, and ENTP men (guessing here, as I'm female) are very simple beasts. If you like him and he's available, say so. But if he's...|||My personal values are dictated by rational thought. So it isn't a dilemma for me.|||No idea what the links are for, but the answer to your question is a simple No.|||Never been diagnosed with any psychological disorder. Had a short bout of depression in late teens related to OCP, resolved when I stopped it, have had overwork-related anxiety, resolved when I took...|||The starting premise is faulty, there is no evidence really that 'ENTPs are at the bottom of society. All it shows is that on average they are associated with a slightly lower household income. ...|||I have trouble remembering where I parked the car, and if you ask me what I did yesterday it takes me around two full minutes to remember it. I can't remember lists very well. In fact I need that...|||Well, INTJ daughter dealt with it. I sent her back home to talk with her parents the night before the party, her Mum welcomed her and said they'd all talk when Dad got home. He did, and was just...|||ENTP extraversion is not social, it's about ideas. How do you solve problems, do you lock yourself in a room until you have figured it out, or do you bounce ideas off people? Do you think up cool...|||Your insights are spot on. Your approach is ISTJ's. The dispute is that ISTJ forbids INTJ to attend said party and she intends to go. In the event that she goes, ISTJ has told her she is not welcome...|||Hi I wonder if I could ask the hive-mind for some insights on how a conflict could be managed between an ISTJ woman and her 17 year old INTJ daughter. Things have reached the point where the...|||Hi all I find myself as the go-between in a dispute between my ISTJ sister in law and her 17 year old INTJ daughter. This has reached the point where the daughter is threatened with eviction, and...|||OP, don't stop being you. Nothing wrong with being honest with people. But some people will misinterpret it, and either love you or hate you for it. Their problem. You sound just fine as you are. ...|||I think that parenting is a three-way process (if you are lucky enough not to have to be parenting on your own, then it's a two-way process) and depends on the combined types. So for what it's...|||Sometimes this is a subliminal message: do you REALLY want to do this? Does it REALY matter? If you can answer that question objectively and the answer is yes, then I find the timer method works...|||I think the Extrovert thing is more about how you problem solve. I behave like a social introvert, hate small talk, often silent in gatherings (years of letting people see the content of my head as a...|||I'm rubbish at competitive sport, and bored by the gym. I run off-road, when I can find the energy (goes in bursts) and do Pilates because it is Good For Me. That's it.|||I suspect morality has as much to do with learned values than personality type. I would say that I approach moral decisions logically. But my values would lead me to make decisions that do not...|||You know you're a mature ENTP when....people tend to assume you're an introvert, and when you think about it you realise that you've been very quiet in gatherings for quite a while now, simply...|||- Personality type of your partner: ENFJ - Your age: (approximation is OK) 52 - Length of your relationship (is it still going on?): (approximation is OK)23 years (married 20) - Did you find a...|||David, you don't sound all that well, to be honest. Hard to say from what you've posted, but it comes across like you have been over-thinking yourself into an anxiety state. Suggest a visit to your...|||Ezzackly. Most standup revolves around either shocking/surprising people or generating a feeling of nostalgia. You might use the surreal to get subject matter for your set, but that's what you...|||Ne is good for standup. However your average standup audience won't get the degree to which you use it, you might have to tone it down. It's also...standup is highly scripted, you can't just stand...|||Honesty is important. Truth is important. If I HAD to choose between being truthful (according to your own perceptions, of course, truth is relative) and being kind, I would have to be truthful....|||Han Solo isn't?|||Loki does chaos because he is hurt. He doesn't like it, except in a revenge sort of way. His sense of self has been attacked and it is NOT ok. Speaks of unhealthy Fi to me. He doesn't think very far...|||Loki is INFP, I reckon. Too much resentment of past wrongs to be INTP. Tony Stark is ENTP. Black Widow...ISTP. Captain America ESTJ. Thor...agree, ESxP. Bruce Banner I think INTP. He and Tony...|||You are all too kind. We have a great and supportive (for a fee, of course) bunch of accountants. I'm being as supportive as I can. I think it will get easier.|||I'm not sure it's that easy to file any type as understood. I think we might be more difficult than many types. Look for paradoxes.|||Aye well, at the end of the day the mood is much more upbeat than at the beginning...as if the beginning never happened. After all these years, I still find myself surprised by this...that the kind...|||Hmm. My husband of 20 years. Anchored into a business lease on premises for at least 3 years. Lots of money tied up. Think crash and burn is really an option. That's my current strategy, but it...|||Hi folks. Can I pick your brains for advice on stopping my ENFJ from drowning in anxiety? He's just started a new business, everything is new and difficult, and as with many startups, he is...|||I dunno, how long have you been together? Needing a couples therapist after only a few months...whatever type he is, do you really want to be with him? You can't select someone based on type and make...|||There isn't a direct correlation with enneatype and MB type, they are looking at different aspects. Neither system really takes into account values, beliefs, shared history etc so I'd be wary of...|||There isn't a direct correlation with enneatype and MB type, they are looking at different aspects. Neither system really takes into account values, beliefs, shared history etc so I'd be wary of...|||Interesting thread. From the other side, in general I can sometimes struggle with xNxJs as their certainty that they are right (the Ni thing) is just not consistent with the several other...|||Thanks. I was interested to know how it might go in a work environment.|||Do you two types get on well? How would you balance out, if you had to work together? This may be related to another thread I have posted here. But just wondering.'
'I had a sideways facing pig but I saw the future as in front of me. the first test is very inaccurate in my opinion. I would have the natural instinct to draw it sideways draw the pig from left...|||Hey Guys, I don't know what you know about philosophers but I have been studying for my masters in philosophy. I noticed that celebrity types has him typed as an ENTJ and I dont get that at all. ,I...|||Really nobody is going to try|||Really why would you say Braxton is an ISTJ he seems to be very extroverted and has a sharp humorous wittiness about him which would point to Ne also him picking upon when Lamar said I new that...|||Hey, i was watching the movie The Accountant and was kind of trying to figure out the MBTI types of the characters. Does anyone want to take a stab at typing them? Not great a typing but I will...|||I thought istp at first too but in better call Saul he seems very Si He is always calculating risk Good at planning Remembers all his moves and stories from his cop days and relies on past...|||Hey guys I was thinking of Mike from BB/BCS and I am having trouble nailing down his type from these two and can't tell if he is Ti SE or Si TE what do you think|||Really nobody?|||I just took a strengths finder test and my results of my top 5 strengths are: 1 Ideation pontaneously creative and bring new and fresh perspectives. They have a natural sense of innovation 2...|||Apparently 3 are stratigic thinking and 2 are influencing i guess that fints INTP introverted thinking extroverted intuition ?|||I just took a strengths finder test and my results of my top 5 strengths are: 1 Ideation pontaneously creative and bring new and fresh perspectives. They have a natural sense of...|||Interesting you say that I have take the MBTI test several times in my life (High School College MBA, Semianry). When I first took the test in Highschool and undergrad I scored an ISTJ. My parents...|||If you look up how stats it shows these two types Rank among the most common. This puzzles me I am 27 and I have only run in to about 1 or two people that I would characterize as an ISTJ and not...|||I can understand that too. But he seems to be too much a dreamer to be an XSTJ. He had a dream and was critisized for daydreaming. which points to a more introverted intuition or introverted...|||The title says it all. What is MBTI type for the main character (rudy ruettiger) in the movie Rudy Thanks|||For those that have seen the new movie The Accountant, anyone want to take a shot at trying to type the main characters|||really nobody?|||I am a big civil war buff and love studying it. One figure that intrigues me is general Sherman and I have been trying to figure out his type. Most places I look say he is an ENTJ however I dont...|||Yes for sure. I have to go outside to sit and Think, Pray, or Meditate.|||I had felt the same way for a long time and did not want to accept that I was I always justified told myself I was an INTP or ENFP or ENTP or even ISTP. However I know I am an INFP now and have...|||yes for sure I do. The key for INFPs to unleash their full potential is the need for a passion or cause for the skills they want to achieve. If an INFP wants to lean to do something like art or...|||I could have written this myself. I went through what you are going through for a long time. After graduating with my MBA I worked as a entry level business analyst for 2 years while looking for a...|||Yes My college Cush was a very outgoing, daring, strong-willed, athletic, in your face type of person. Unfortunately, as an INFP I was too shy to ask her out before she got in a relationship and...|||Yes My college Cush was a very outgoing, daring, strong-willed, athletic, in your face type of person. Unfortunately, as an INFP I was too shy to ask her out before she got in a relationship and...|||Hey guys I recently have come to the conclusion that I am an INFP (still not ruling out ENFP but pretty sure its INFP) when I though I was an XNTP but after looking deeper into it I conclude I am an...|||Hey guys I don't know how much you know about stoic philosophy,but basically it is all about accepting your fate removing emotional reactions (especialy distress). They accepted reasonal: feelings...|||He seems to be a little to wacky to be an istj. Also he said himself to Harvey I'm emotional. I dont see ISTJ's as very emotional.|||I agree with this now that I think of it he seems very Se.|||Bump|||He also shows extreme hospitality to clients and people he cares for|||I love the sho suits. And one of the most entertaining character is Louis. I tried to type him but I am having trouble. At first glance he looks like an ISTJ hard worker hates slackers and...|||Me personally I think that extroverted feelers Fe have an advantage in life. Being so goo at naturally being able to relate and talk to people is an extremely valuable skill that will allow them to...|||One of my favorite fictional characters ever is Snoopy. I got on-line to see what people thought his personality type was and I have hardly seen a more disputed character. I have seen him labled as...|||Kramer from Seinfeld Vinny from my cousin vinny Sherlock Holmes from Movies And one more for fun Coach Migurk from home movies|||i guess your right. in my instance I just have to know either way ENTP or INTP, my two dominate functions are Ne and Ti and just try and act naturally with those two strengths in mind.|||got to be Saul Goodman|||Interesting you say that I score almost no preference on my N/S category. only a 3 question preference towards N.|||Thanks first it was interpreted by a professional. I scored no preference on the S/N category I know what you mean about being able to manipulate the results and I can manipulate all the online...|||I had come to the conclusion that I was an ENTP and most online tests had told me that too. However as I have mentioned before I am going into the seminary. I have been here for 3 weeks and they had...|||Hey guys I was wondering If you had any experience with meditation or meditative form of prayer I have mentioned before that I am entering the seminary soon and planning to be a priest and I talk...|||Yes when I first read it I thought it was BS too. Now based on KGB reports and more believable stories like Bella Dodd's I believe there was an infiltration. So it is plausible she could have found...|||ENTP's lead to the coup|||) It is a very interesting and compelling book, and one of the things that made me (an ENTP) favor the more structured service in the pre-Vatican2 times. However as I said before I really dont know...|||Thank you I did go back far in church history, and reading in the Bible for instance of priests and bishops being married it caused me to question and i my discernment one of the toughest huddles...|||To articulate the quandary more like people have asked. I am an ENTP but when it comes to my religion I seem to be abandoning my ENTP traits and now that I think of it seem to revert to my shadow...|||well it is funny you mention it because My view is exactly that. Not only that I don't know everything but really that I don't know anything but that is where my faith comes in. I don't know anything...|||I am the typical ENTP. I used Ne to the extreme. I am always looking for possibilities. I am theory minded. When ever I get something the first thing I think of is How can I use innovation to make...|||Was watching My Cousin Vinny yesterday. Normally I can tell an ISTJ from an ESTJ but I was looking at the Judge and couldnt had a little bit of trouble telling because we see him always in the Judge...|||Possibly Breaking bad I think I can see both Heisenberg and Gus as INTJ|||Been going over the Lord of the Rings characters and have been trying to come up with the type of Boromir and Faramir. What is their type? Not great at typing but i thought: Boromir: ENFJ ...'
'When I was younger I was more daring. I lost my license from points(too many speeding violations), and from a single speeding ticket(30mph over). Now that I have a wife and child. I try not to...|||I answered post #97 in post #100.|||Azrael Point #1. Atheism is a belief that there is no god. If Atheist claim to not know exactly how the universe came to be--they are being dishonest. If you really do not know(or have a belief),...|||I personally do not really believe in human spirits existing in our universe because there is no observable evidence to support them. I am not saying they do not exist. I just do not see any reason...|||Kestrel BioGhost Comparing God to dragons and pink unicorns is a bit dishonest. There is not direct and definite evidence in a Judeo-Christian God, but there is evidence in a creative presence...|||Your point is valid. Perhaps I should say the God I believe in. Also, the actions you are referring to were done by irrational an imperfect people. The same could be said for anything....|||I never claimed that only God is good. Just that goodness is the character of God. And for a direct response to your silly question--Why have similar words at all? We could simplify everything...|||I am not saying a person cannot be good without believing in God. Some of the best people I know (and some of the people I admire most) are Atheists. I am saying there is no finite goodness/morality...|||ENFP: love to chitchat with anyone and everyone about anything and everything. This is really not a critique as much as it is an observation.|||I am usually doing something else while listening to music; walking/hiking, driving, working, etc. I rarely listen to music with lyrics, because most people do not have properly tuned vocal cords.|||If you are a believer in God, you believe God is good. Goodness is God's character. If you are an Atheist, good is an abstract term that has no true definition.|||I try to simplify as much as possible, but it really depends on the audience. Strangers get no answer, associates get short answers, close friends get answers to questions they did not ask, and my...|||Spatial. That sounds about right.|||Most people thought my ISTJ friend(he now has a serious girlfriend) was homosexual for the longest time. I am not sure why though. He never had a girlfriend, but he also never had a boyfriend. I...|||I eat oats with cocoa nibs and honey with regularity(for regularity), but not daily.|||I need an option for, has distracted me from work quite a bit|||I have rage issues, but I am getting better with age. When I was younger I would let things boil up inside me and then lose control. These days I try to stay as objective as possible. I like what...|||I have had a lot of one night stands. Wow... now that I think about it--almost all of them were one nighters. Maybe one night was all they could handle.|||I would like to start a dance revolution, but I am not sure how I would go about it. I am also not sure I would want it to end.|||I was hoping someone would catch that. (I drink whiskey because I like the taste. I have been thinking of taking up cigar smoking)|||I enjoy playing sports like basketball, football, soccer, racquetball, golf. I cannot get into watching others play them though... well, maybe golf...|||Sure thing. We do not have regular meetings, but we do have T-Shirts|||Sometimes I feel like less of a man because I have zero interest in sports. What do you think about sports?|||Our brains see what they want to see.|||I feel for you. I am not tall, but I used to shave my head. I constantly had people bugging me about it. I guess that was something I could change(and did). This also reminds me of a current...|||Same tired old points. I am very well read on the subject. And I am also not interested in a discussion. I too could care less what you believe.|||That is silly statement. Our republic was designed in such a way to allow anyone to amass wealth. Wealth is not finite. It is not something that has to be guarded from the masses. Anyone arguing...|||I wish I knew his secret for keeping cocaine off the mustache.|||George Carlin was an entertainer. Humorous, but stupid... Like most entertainers. Lobbyist are a symptom of the disease in Washington. We have allocated way to much power to our leaders by way of...|||The rich stay rich by not spending their money on a bunch of crap they don't need.|||I agree to a point. I have always thought church was a waste of time. It took me a long time to find a Church that made me want to wake up and spend half a day with people. The church I go to is...|||We have some talented members who volunteer a lot of time and money.|||I am planning my exodus to TX.|||I was raised in a Christian home, but I was an Atheist until a few years ago. I started to see a creator as I studied the universe. I have become a Christian recently. I attend a small Church in...|||I almost always have a light beard/scruff. I keep a beard for the sole purpose of laziness. I just trim it 2 times a month.|||I am a classical liberal, known today as Libertarian. I believe in individual liberty. I believe people wholly own their lives, and thus should be free to live their lives as they see fit without...|||I just bought my summer wardrobe today: Four pairs of khaki shorts, three blue v-neck t-shirts, two red pocket t-shirts, a green v-neck t-shirt, two pairs of blue flipflops and one pair of green...|||I studied from afar until I could find an entry. (pun intended) I honestly cannot remember how I flirted.|||My brother is an ISFJ. I have spent 27 years with him, and I still do not know much about him other than the fact that he is extremely private. We fought constantly as children. We were not done...|||I watched this film thousands of times.|||Today's scientific fact is a laughable fallacy tomorrow.|||In my free time I am here, playing my bass, reading, working on a sculpture, or (lately) playing Portal 2.|||I am an Engineering and IT Recruiter. I work as a contractor for one company full time. I also have my own business on the side which I am trying to get up and running so I can stop working for other...|||It is not absurd. You are making an argument that your life is more important than someone else’s. Most people would be happy to help someone in this situation(myself included), but no one should be...|||I would advise you to just ask him to do something alone. Personally, I would have never turned down an invitation from a lady when I was single if I had even the slightest interest in her. At that...|||You are misinterpreting my point, yet again. I agreed that one cannot profit without someone else's expense in the literal sense. If I charge you $100 for a widget it is at the expense of your $100,...|||I learned to just be 100% myself at all times. I scared a lot of women off this way, but ended up with a wonderful woman who loves me despite my many faults. The women I pursued when I was...|||I am straight. Kinsey scale would likely be a 0 or 1. I cannot say I have never thought, there is a good looking dude, but I would not want to pursue a sexual relationship with a guy.|||We are talking in circles, and I do not care enough to continue much further. I will address this last point since you asked me to do so. A person's life is made of of a material being along a...|||A different argument all together, so I am happy to leave that alone. Yes and no. They may have worked hard enough to own a house but squandered the money on frivolous things. I do not own a...'
'tyler: INFP josh: ISFP i think these two show the differences between ISFP & INFP rather well|||i'm gonna be honest, i couldn't remember his character very well so you're probably right lol|||also going by tv show hehe hannah: ESFJ (?) clay: IXTX alex: ISFP justin: ESTP jess: ESFP courtney: ESXJ bryce: DICK|||Hannah: EXFJ? Clay: IXTX Alex: ISFP Tony: IXTP? not sure Bryce: DICK (the only one i'm 100% sure about) Courtney: ESXJ Jess: ESFP Justin: ESTP Zach: ESXP? can't remember his character very...|||Dipper: INTP Mabel: ENFJ Grunkle Stan: ESTP Wendy: ISFP Soos: IXFP Ford: INTP|||Well said!:octopus:|||I wish I was her to be honest:laughing:|||Same:drooling:|||I remember my best friend being borderline OBSESSED with her back in like 2007-ish:tongue: I only ever listened to a couple songs ;)|||I watched videos and I've seen gif's of Lady Gaga and it was awesome!! I wouldn't consider myself a huge fan but I loved it :tongue:|||I'm not sure if I've ever watched a Super Bowl.. I mostly just sit in the back eating all the snacks :D|||hahahahahahahahaha I LOVE YOU|||I'd like to get to know people on this website better, so I thought what better way to get to know people than by hearing useless, random facts about them? I'll go first. I have freckles across my...|||Hello fellow newbie! I joined a couple months back & still get confused over lots of stuff :/|||If I watch any sport, that's all I watch it for:kitteh:|||I'm sorry :laughing: My dad used to watch football with my sister, but they eventually lost interest :rolling:|||Oh, I had no idea:laughing: I'm not really sure who the people I know were rooting for...I hang out with mostly theatre geeks and none of us really care about sports:tongue:|||[QUOTE=Mibble;34368018]Same! That's why I'm never usually watching the super bowl :laughing: unless it's the commercials haha I'm still not quite sure who even won...:confusion:|||I don't know if they have them in Texas, but where I live they sell these things called Pickle In A Pouch I'm not a fan of them XD|||I went to my first football game a couple months ago and I was so confused throughout the entire thing...I guess I'm bad at being southern :idunno: I've never been very sporty though. Too clumsy for...|||I hope it all goes well!!! I do that too. Anytime I'm around a guy I like, I get so nervous and quiet...the complete opposite of my natural personality XD|||AWWW THAT'S SO CUTE!!! I sincerely hope everything works out well :D|||Hi hello, just an ENFP browsing through and I just wanted to say, I LOVE INTP'S :D That's all :)|||I originally thought of the party popper things, but the FOOD POPPER THINGS ARE SOO GOOOOOD MMMMM :love-struck:|||awesome and waaay better than mine :0|||HAHA nice! :D|||It's my favorite food :D What's yours?|||*stares back with a mouth full of pizza and a happy grin*|||Ooh lets play a game!!|||...Sorry... LET'S PARTY THEN :rolling:|||*acts like she understands what's going on* ... *still confused as hell*|||...I'm slightly scared|||I'm sorry, but I'm new to this and honestly, I'm very confused... what's going on...?|||My best friend is an INFP and I love you guys!!! Well, I love every type but I love you guys a lot!!|||THANK YOU FOR EXISTING!!! One of my best friends is an INFJ and she's so much fun!!!!!|||YAY!!!!! I woke up this morning feeling great and after stumbling back over this thread, I feel so happy my face hurts from smiling so much :D|||Some of my favorites are the Mandela Effect, MK Ultra, JFK, and of course, Bigfoot. Actually, any kind of spooky creature thing. I love 'em! :D|||This is the cutest thread ever holy shit I hope it worked out :D|||I hate pretty much everything about ENFP's on tumblr because almost all of them portray ENFP's as: OMG I LOVE BUTTERFLIES SO MUCH IM GONNA CRY!!11!111!!!111 OOOOO SOMETHING SHINY!!!1!!1!!! LOL SO...|||I know one INTJ, he's pretty weird, but funny. We play video games with my cousin, ISTP, and my best friend, INFP. It's an odd combination, but we have fun :D I wish I knew more INTJ's my age...|||Hi!! ENFP here! I was wondering what other types think about conspiracy theories! Feel free to talk about them below, I LOVE theorizing about stuff :D|||Pros: I like how creative ENFP's are, and how generally friendly we are :D Cons: I struggle a LOT with anxiety and fears of not being good enough, that everyone actually hates me they just don't...|||The things I do the most are probably: I prioritize others' happiness over mine. I feel like I am personally responsible for everyones happiness, and if anyone is sad, I feel like I failed. You know...|||Awesome! His N was the one I was the least sure about so it's good to hear that you agree! I got an ENFP vibe when I first watched his videos, and I was curious if it was right. After binge-watching...|||OOOORRR Pewdiepie as ESTP. The only ESTP I Know is unhealthy so....that may not be right haha|||Jacksepticeye: ENFP. He fits almost every characteristic of an ENFP, I don't really see him as anything else tbh CrazyRussianHacker: ISTP Markiplier: INFP. Madeyewlook: ENFP Glam&Gore: ESFP or...|||I personally think: Jacksepticeye is an ENFP (He just fits it so well, and since ENFP's are known for being energetic, positive and loud, I'd say its a safe bet ;) Markiplier: I see as an INFP....|||I actually don't know any ESFP's, so that one will be hard for me to figure out. I know a couple people have put him down as a J but, Luckily, ENFPs know how to relax, and they are perfectly...|||Hello fellow ENFP's! I was wondering what you all thought Jacksepticeye's MBTI was. I keep seeing stuff saying he is an ENFP, and I honestly can see it so well, but I can't tell if it's just wishful...|||YES! Let's get this to happen! Can I bake lots of sweet things for it?:welcoming:'
'From day 1, Miss. Even tho I initially thought you had an issue with me. 😱:shocked:|||Nah, you're only any good because of the mod status. :tongue:|||Pssst...I love you ladies/guys :). Off to work...boo!!|||You should work on your ability to interact with others in an innoffensive manner. Did I miss part of the discussion? Maybe. Don't have time to read through 5 pages and filter through. I have a...|||You're using champion in the wrong form when ratings g it to ENFP, I believe. champion noun [C] (SUPPORT) x9b a person who enthusiastically supports, defends, or fights for a belief or principle:|||This is such a load of bs I can barely contain myself. I find the need to make decisions without the consideration of emotions to be more illogical than always making decisions based solely on...|||Try a 3-6 month legal/agreed upon separation. See if your husband would agree to that. Pick a date that it ends and have no contact or limited contact with each other. If after 6 months you...|||That's awesome..congratulations!!|||indigo moon I relate to so much of this...but, sadly, I'm not there yet myself. I've still got some work to do...but this was inspiring to read and, as he said^^^, absolutely beautiful. Thank...|||Morning sickness&#58; Causes, concerns, treatments | BabyCenter I know my mom, cousins and sister (lived with or spoke to all about pregnancy) swore by gingerale. Also, staying hydrated seemed to help.|||When you upload, uncheck the box that says allow PerC to store file locally or something like that. You'll see it. Or...type the code [ img ]insert url here[/ img ] but with no spaces.|||Why can't you?|||What about the INFPs?|||I'll see yo rap and I raise you fiddy Sorry ass rhymes jus' like p-diddy you ain't got shit to give me you came in yappin yapping All I see is gums flappin' flappin' thinkin' you might win's...|||When I think back to that day The tears that fell so easily And all the anger washed away But what once was would never be When you looked deep into my eyes We both saw eachother naked ...|||What sucks is...the charity is not gaining from others' dislike of her. Too bad....really. Even bad people do good things...and she seems to be here. Like her or not, I'd prob donate just to help the...|||Dear kittycatwindow, I think, maybe, you're overanalyzing which maybe what often leads to your social anxiety/awkwardness in the first place. Do they even wish to talk? They probably only...|||In many cases, it's because they don't want you to see details.|||Yeah....I like INTJs better than INTJs too|||' Whoa...I wasn't upset with you...not at all. I appreciated your frankness. I just think not including the contrasting good points is similar to taking comments out of context. It can paint a...|||Try clearing cookies, history and cache, then searching. Also, start the search question off with science question''. ...|||Lol, me too... Had to remove it....too warm. Now I'm stuck in a v-neck white t-shirt and look....well, not as I'd like . Ahhh well.|||While there's some truth within the stereotypes you've given, they're very much generalizations and fail to take into consideration the utter loathing we have for disappointing people we care about....|||Amen!|||See...I just read it and thought Awwwe...scientists with an overactive imagination and a god complex. That's cute, but common. :tongue:|||Yeah...in my teens and early twenties, I had this really hard shell. Those who knew me well knew I had a sensitive and caring side but, others thought I was a fun, cool guy you just shouldn't mess...|||I wonder if it's one they slide out of...push in and slide|||Thank you...this was I don't know...just..thank you.. Looking at it, it seems dramatic the way I wrote it but it was literally what happened. He's sensititve but, YA know, this summer...he's shown...|||Love the advice..I told him. He broke down momentarily, but composed himself fairly quickly. I made a mistake, and told him while we were driving. But, when I asked how school was, he said good,...|||Borderline personality disorder or BiPolar disorder? Both are bad, unmanaged, I believe. But, the worst part about BiPolar is getting someone with it to see they need treatment, from what I've...|||I was thinking similar in regards to how introspective and deep her posts often are. Even the simpler posts are often so thought provoking. She has an ENFP fan, too.|||Thank you, so much. And, sorry FePa ... Thank you too|||Tap menu on top left of home screen 199282 Tap exit 199290 Tap ok 199298|||Agreed on being old enough. He's just a really sensitive kid. I guess just curious on approach. She had a stroke and fell down stairs last night. He knows there was an accident but the decision was...|||Anybody have advice for how to tell an 11 year old his aunt has died? I think I have this...I went through it enough as a kid..but, any advice on what to do/not to do would be greatly...|||Prob too late but, Advil Cold and Sinus always takes the foggy head edge off well enough for me to function. If you have time/means to, I'd pick some up...it's behind the pharmacy counter because of...|||I lost my father when I was 8 months, my stepfather when I was 9 yrs...and, my mom to Cancer 9 years ago... if you need someone who might....maybe...understand a little..I'd be happy to lend an...|||King...c'mon. What is this BS?!?! I'd be sorry if you didn't ! If you didn't live 1300 miles south of me, we'd have beer together a lot....even thogh I don't really drink anymore. You're...|||Damn you, Wanderlust94.:tongue:|||Write her a note expressing your interest...but, keep it short. End it with, There's so much more I could say...that I want to say, but I'd much rather say it to you than write it... Maybe we...|||Fall in love with someone who: -Is passionate enough to fight when they believe they're right....but humble enough to admit/concede when they're wrong -Someone unafraid to say your wrong who...|||You're still the man!|||You crazy.|||Just move to New Hampshire, U.S. then, I won't be too far.|||You work for a tire company, by chance? Edit:nevermind...just saw the beer and smokes comment.|||Post it in both. Fuggit.|||lol....I didn't mean I just moved here. I've been in New Hampshire foralmost 15 years. I grew up in Connecticut.I still go down to visit family all the time. you are right that we have not had very...|||I moved from CT, where its more mild for New England Weather, to NH......How bright I?|||Didn't realize you were a fellow New Englander.|||:shocked: Deal. :mellow::proud:'
'>where You sure you're INTP? I keed! I keed! :D|||I don't feel guilty for thinking objectively. People berate me for downing their ideas. It's not like I call them out and smash their lego castle; I just prefer to introduce a different angle to...|||I smoke roughly a pack of cigs every 2 days. I mainly smoke Cheyennes because they're really cheap. REALLY cheap. It's kind of an on and off thing. I'll smoke for 4 months, quit for 2 months, then...|||lol, I can totally relate to this.|||Bed then school. TXT MEEE!!!11!!eleven!!!1!1 <3 EDIT: Okay, I guess this post isn't totally non-INTP. Typing eleven out was pretty smartass.|||Someone told me I look like Glenn Beck, today..|||mmmm, Mary Jane. You so FINE!!!|||I'm an INTP.|||The manufacturer is Geo (Earth). I think they were just trying to be clever.|||I have the weirdest boner right now.|||I'm talking about someone I can sit down and have a conversation about zombies or Dungeons and Dragons.|||I'm beginning to think nerdy girls don't exist. My life goal is to meet one.|||Yep, I hear you. I haven't talked to her since then, except for the occasional thumb on a Facebook status. It's been about a month. When things don't look promising, I tend to break things off...|||*Watching movie in the theater with a good friend. I'm absolutely in love with her. I feel like she might like me, too (of course, I'm always second-guessing it. Over analyzing suggestive...|||Me: INTP (derp) Little sister: ESFJ (She can be fun to hang out with. She usually doesn't give me the time of day, though.) Mother: ENFJ (NIGHTMARE. Not because she's my mom, but the fact she's an...|||I would convince him that I'm the clone, and he needs to get his ass to work. I think we could probably solve problems together and come up with ideas so much more easily after just a day of being...|||I'm always visualizing something. It's why lyrical music isn't very entertaining for me.|||Alcohol + me = ENtp|||Same car, except it's tan. 1993 Hyundai Excel. I've never seen another car like mine. Makes me feel unique in a sense. :D...|||When someone changes the volume on the TV.. And it's NOT a prime number..|||Deep Purple. I love purple!|||fml /thread|||I relate to everything in red. I'm not entirely ready to call myself gifted in a general sense, but it's definitely an entertaining thought! PS: Hi again! It's been a while :)|||I'm not a Grammar Nazi. I prefer to be called a Syntax Specialist. ~Trey|||People who speak so quietly, you can't hear them. So, you smile and nod, hoping they didn't ask you a question.|||Loneliness.. I am definitely not immune. It's nice to be alone, but it's frustrating to feel like there's no one else out there in the real world you can relate to. My desperate desire for...|||As it is; sarcasm.. For someone who knows about programming, you're very dense.|||Ahh, but it has been defined: the principal or dominant course, tendency, or trend: the mainstream of American culture. In regards to the hidden method, the context around it was meant to be an...|||As a kid, did you not ride bikes, play hide-and-seek, have sleepovers, climb trees, or any of that stuff? I have a feeling this thread is going to end up in spam world.|||Head-on *apply directly to the forehead!* It's an old commercial that was really annoying: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is3icfcbmbs&feature=related When she says secret, she's talking...|||I don't think I've ever had anyone ask me what my favorite number is before.. My conversations usually go something like this: ESFJ sister: So, how do you like your mcDouble? Me: It's...|||Actually, it looks like she tackled the matter at hand completely head-on *apply directly to the forehead!* MBTI and Enneagram are not necessarily correlated. A type 8 INTP is possible. OH....|||You're really depressing, you know that? I'd argue that sitting in your house doing nothing all day is a waste of time. Even if you find that a social situation isn't going your way, at least you're...|||http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9lRTk4xV2vvJIPudKlOFxG1T2C7jJzmZVp0CphIJox8ubmbqx&t=1 Trypophobia - Irrational fear of clusters of holes. These images give me chills down my face and...|||Actually, it does not.. A person with antisocial personality disorder may: Be able to act witty and charming Be good at flattery and manipulating other people's emotions Break the law...|||Sorry, I wasn't trying to point the finger at you specifically. :D|||If I were to compare INTP to any sort of mental disorder it'd be Schizoid Personality Disorder; NOT Asperger Syndrome. Schizoid personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Also,...|||Oh, the lethargy.. I'm too lazy to argue I have my ticks (constantly wiggling toes, clenching muscles, etc), but a social engagement doesn't provoke them. Eye contact can be excruciatingly...|||I'm not even sure if you're trolling anymore. Nihilism - We love to speculate about these things, but we don't typically deny them completely. Melancholia - I wonder how enthusiastic and...|||this is something we already endure You don't really believe that, do you?|||Okay, and it's up to the speaker to be mindful of his tone. It's not very realistic to act suspicious of someone because their avatar is a snazzy dresser.|||I want to sit on the top of a big-ass mountain and rip a milky bong load as I bask in the vastness of the horizon below. Traveling's great. I love it!!1!!eleven!!1|||He's already posted another thread about how we need to keep our children intellectually pure, lol.|||I hear you. I try not to look at it as an EXACT definition of myself, but as a tool, used to help us understand ourselves and the people around us a little bit better.|||It's because the subtext reads pretty condescendingly; something INTPs are pretty good at understanding.|||You're not very knowledgeable of how this personality stuff works, are you?|||Give him space. LOTS of space. One thing that always drives me away from people is when they try to shove their explanations and feelings down my throat. Give him a chance to come around. We INTPs...|||And, that's the beauty of art. Everyone who goes to an art museum walks away with a different impression; that would refer to seeing. Everyone who goes to a classical concert creates a different...|||Culinary arts. I'm done here.|||I'm trypophobic, not nice!'
'Ahahahahahahahahaha omg|||If I wasn't at work right now, I'd take the time to read through all of these and respond when the urge takes me.... Semi on topic - there's a joint in my bra. I can't wait for my lunch hour. ...|||I was wondering, INTJs, what's your take on recreational drugs? And if you've partooken, well, what did you partake? Also, how do you think being an INTJ influences your relationship with...|||My level of caring depends on who you are and how much I care for you. My 7 year old little half-brother -- I tell him I love him constantly (my mother did this to me, and I appreciated it when I...|||I work at a Ford dealership. My official title is Internet Director and Head of Social Media Marketing Which is a fancy way of saying I have a fancy title. But it doesn't come with the...|||It IS a valid argument if they're especially dumb.|||1. Yes, my voice is deeper than other girls. 2. No, I naturally project. People say I'm too loud. I tell them to shove it. I'm 23 I live in Tennessee I work at a Ford Dealership as the...|||Yes. I do this easily and often. However, I don't bother with many people, so I'm mostly cutting out one at a time instead of several.|||tl:dr No one ever one ups me on the textually fighting front. Of course, everyone who seems to textually fight me are legit idiots, and therefore, their arguments are invalid. :kitteh:|||Type 5 INTJ -- When I find myself faced with the question of who's going to take charge of the project, I wait to see if anyone acts first. If someone steps up the the plate, and it's obvious that...|||*that last one has been rectumfied, and no longer applies|||sales training blows i miss college why does my room smell like feet? Oh, god, i've got to go take a shit|||Hola!|||Hola carlaviii !!! I am an INTJ as well. :proud:|||Sales clerk at an antique store Maid Nanny paralegal's aassistant at a law firm cross country driver for a 50 year old eccentric gay trust fund baby Car photographer for a Ford dealership ...|||1) Yes, I enjoy tea. My southern sensibilities are offended if tea is served unsweet. I enjoy hot tea as well. With a dash of cream. Little sugar. Or plain. My favorite is Earl Grey. 2) ...|||Well, there's quite a few people in my family with ADHD, and I've always sort of believed that I may have it, as I've heard genetics play a roll, and it would explain a few of my quirks, but I've...|||I roll paper/napkins between my fingers. I continuously rub the paper product between my thumb and finger until its a soft little ball of crumbling paper bits. I do this unconsciously, and by the...|||Sarah Beth! Why don't you ever smile? My mother, a very happy and exuberant woman, was always so bothered by my lack of facial expressions. She was convinced that I was never happy because my...|||Crono91 -- hahahaha im glad you popped by. Yeah, i can relate. I hate pooping in strange places ThatUglyGirl -- hahaha i know a girl who has to get naked when she poops. Hilarious. Its all...|||I'd get a nose job!|||I'm a pooper. As are all of you. But not many people are as candid or forthcoming when it comes to our bathroom habits as I. I mean, who'd wanna know, right? WRONG! Inquiring minds tend to...|||I grew up believing in ghosts. And there have been incidences where I honestly believe that I may have spied one darting out of the corner of my eye. However. While my visual experiences are...|||Stoffers macaroni and cheese|||Sherlock from BBC. I definitely see myself in him. More than most people would, because I've got better impulse control!|||My avatar is a picture of myself. I'm a closet narcissist. You'd never know if you met me in real life. I like to keep my love of myself to myself, but still. I am what I am what I am. ...|||Woah. I didn't know Riku was an INTJ. Huh.|||I was the loner/smart girl/seemed like a straight lacer/quiet one. Didn't socialize much. I got better at it. LOL. I never was straight laced....|||I just don't like the way they look. And they all look the same.|||Yes, it is, if you get hit in the head hard enough.|||Well, of course so, I thought everyone knew that. :laughing:|||Hi. I'm new too. Also an INTJ. And, yes, death stares come naturally. :proud:|||I did write that. It took me a minute to figure out how I personally define it, but I figured it out. Thanks! :proud:|||throw me to the cannibals|||I've only test as an INTP once. I figured it was a one off, because I've consistently tested as INTJ since, on a multitude of different tests. That, and it jives with me. INTP, not so much.|||Macaroni and cheese from KFC. I only go there once a year. And God, this year was a mistake.|||God no|||open minded - having the ability to perceive and understand thoughts, ideas, views, beliefs, etc that are contrary to one's own beliefs or convictions without judgement or bias. *Willing to...|||Yes, Ms. Langley, the $10,000,000 check went through. Would you like to make a withdrawal?|||My mother was a very eccentric individual for the Bible belt, and so I grew up believing in reincarnation. I woke up from a vivid dream when I was 16 years old, sobbing. I can count the number...'
'In college, I had two classmates that would argue over those most random things, leaving me to zone out their sibling-like bickering. For some reason I had inspiration to write today... so here it...|||I'm usually somewhere in between a small group of people, not leading nor hiding, but listening. As a cultural anthropologist and as a person that loves people, I may come off as far away from...|||How's life? is a pretty open question i use frequently with both one on one and in groups. It's such a broad question that it'll usually lead to interesting places. From work to personal life,...|||...would the concept of growth exist? What are your thoughts? This just randomly popped into my head on my walk home.|||I really like this a lot. I will have to try this word play stuff you mentioned sometime in the far future. :)|||I guess oneness would work too, but looking back i would say it was madness. it wasn't pleasant at all. I was really in a state of utter chaos...but then i guess oneness could also incorporate...|||I came to use the word vines, because i care deeply about the people i surround myself with. And lately, i've been super-boged down with several of my friends' problems and other events in their...|||[2-24-2012] The Chaos of Mescaline and Psilocybin -Agenda- For this trip the initial things on my mind were: 1)To catch a sunrise 2)To gain some perspective on my life again|||To be able to remember a good childhood memory will be my happiness when im older. That shade of sun at 600pm when you had to go hoem for dinner always sticks in my mind at least a couple times a...|||farming (10char)|||Be yourself. As cliche as it is, that's all it takes. If you are wacky, then be wacky, quiet? then be quiet. Whoever you really are wil attract the people you want. at least most of the time. ...|||I've been daydreaming all day while studying for a final and came up with a quote that sorta makes sense in this thread... As hard as we sometimes try to tie up loose ends into nice little bunny...|||That's why you always give it your all in any relationship. Never go half-assed so to speak. Give everything and make each relationship seem like your first love then youll see that it is worth it to...|||From the looks of it, she sounds really stressed. Instead of trying to make her make time to do something with you, why not doing something spontanous and nice for her? I'm not sure what relationship...|||I have the initial sniffing around period where I scout a new friend or girl out, but I don't have trouble being vulnerable or letting people in. My philosophy is let people in with 100% of...|||1. Have the Fuck it attitude, easier to dismiss things and allows one to stop over-analyzing. 2. Things never go the way you plan, so never be disappointed if it doesn't go your way; just adapt....|||I would recommend couchsurfing through europe. It's free and an infj's dream. You meet so many good people, and sometimes it's life changing how hospitable people are. I've been in Sweden for the...|||I completely agree, I didn't mean to state a formula that always works. Of course different girls/situations work out differently. But in my experience, It doesn't really pan out to become romantic...|||I had this problem more so in highschool than currently in college. You really just have to make sure from the get-go that you either make it known that you are pursuing that person romantically not...|||Facebook etiquette: Do what you want, there's always consequences for everything you do anyways. Life, as well as trivial things such as facebook, should be about what makes you happy/comfortable....|||Personally, I like to think I'm a pretty well rounded-infj and very maneuverable/permeable when it comes to social dynamics. As long as I can pick up the particular context/feel of a group, I can...|||I mostly learn the most about myself through experiences of hardship because you go through a myriad of different emotional phases which in turn means that you will always look at whatever problem...|||A fight with someone inspired me for this short scene, enjoy :) Our voices clash against the emotional floodgates of anger as we begin arguing again. She said that she had told me to take Jen out...|||We only know what happens in life, the period between birth and death, and we as humans endeavor so hard to try to explain/understand the gap between them with such futility that we perish not...|||As of right now, Caffeine is getting me through the days. But for drug drugs I've numerous life-changing breakthroughs with Ayahuasca (a Mixture of Syrian Rue and Mimosa hostilis). Though...|||I live in a relative small Swedish university town so almost everything is walkable :) its quite nice not having to worry about gas. I'm way ahead of you on dinner ;) I'm cooking her dinner...|||I should've clarified a little more haha. This would be our official date-date we've hungout numerous times and I'm pretty sure both of us know were together already at this point. It's quite...|||Well I'm taking this girl I've been hanging out with on a first date. I've browsed through the options like bowling, billiard, movies but I want to do something outside the box. So I thought up of a...|||lol 11:11 is actually one of my few pet peeves... it may or may not have to do with one of my ex's superstitious ways haha. This and knocking on wood, hitting the roof of your car all seem reasonable...|||My friends make fun of me b/c they say im mostly if not all the time monotone. haha I think it's hilarious, i dont mind it.|||Interesting random fact: Did you know that natural hallucinogens such as DMT, magic mushrooms, mescaline-containing cacti...etc are natural anti-depressants? They do not work over time as...|||Some people, are really put off by it. A lot of the people I meet say I'm quite deep maybe I scare them away? haha at least some of the girls I met here in Sweden tell me that I'm really oddly calm...|||Nothing is a failure, because at least you learn something new from things that don't go according to plan.|||I thought you infj's would enjoy this :) http://vimeo.com/21081764|||think you would like First Aid Kit. They have a similar sound.|||Probably said before, but FB is a really great tool to network. As of right now, the fact that I am studying abroad in Sweden, lets me keep in contact with all the people I've known, met...etc....|||Inspired by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u37RF5xKNq8 (I recommend listening to this while you read this haha) Would you care to dance? It is still early in the evening as I...|||Are you going to have a car? I would recommend a drive to Pasadena. Specifically the drive up to Art Center of Design is incredible. 1700 Lida Street, Pasadena, CA|||Would it be trivial to say my motivation starts with a cup of coffee? haha at least lately it has been...|||Phlegmatic over here. Almost exactly true haha.|||Wrote this in a cafe n Stockholm this week. I took a day to myself... The fresh snow gave way to the cold gravel underneath with each step where I meet my mother every year. I begin to remember...|||Inspired by a dream I had while napping. I awoke to the scent of spring lingering within the bedsheets of my night's slumber. I blink several times to rid myself of the cloudiness of sleep as I...|||Going for a walk always helps me think. Walk a path less taken. You'll be surprised at the things you've never known existed even if it is in your neighborhood.|||At a party last night, I had a really interesting interaction with a friend's friend (We'll call her X). I've met X several times before, but didn't know her too well. I guess you can call X an...|||Short creative blurb I wrote on the train in Mongolia on my transiberian trip this winter... It's 3am and the rocky, caramel elixir of whisky on the rocks has me feeling my own warm cheeks. The...|||studying abroad really made me embrace spontaneity and chance. There have been countless occasions where I've been invited to something by an aquantaince or talking a spur-of the-moment walk and...|||I feel like adhd, add...depression is not about a chemical imbalance, but a perspective & perception imbalance. I think talking to people about your problems are a lot better than resorting to...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kR-eUxkW3s|||1. 20 2. male 3. 7-8hrs|||http://www.vimeo.com/6376466'
'The way you structured this post is VERY Ti heavy, but you seem Ne with the witty humor (I especially liked the evaluation joke...). You'd fit fine with either xNTP type, I'd say you lean more INTP...|||I've flirted with addiction, whether it be marijuana or foods such as tea. Also because of this inferior Se, I will become very awkward or extremely euphoric in situations where I am in constant...|||There are definitely people who still appreciate the artistic value behind music, although not as much as people used to. Usually underground communities do the best.|||My personal favorites are Undertow and Lateralus (the artwork is my favorite and Reflection is just so awesome). Choose yours! :kitteh:|||Hi there, and welcome to PerC :>|||136. But my EQ sucks.|||INFP's all the way, they feel like a big ball of your Fi. And much better at lifting you up in a more subdued way.|||I've always felt as if I wasn't part of the INTJ mold because I much preferred stuff like English over Math, and Art over Science (although I do love a lot of science classes but my passion is art)....|||For an example in my songwriting process, I can write songs just about anything and I rarely have a set plan when I do. I just pick up my guitar and get a tune sometimes it seems out of the blue, and...|||I am an INTJ, my functions are Ni, Te, Fi, Se. But I have a deep loving for creating odd or unordinary theories which in definition is more Ne than Ni. And I overall feel Ne dominant or auxiliary. ...|||INFP, I have the undying empathy for others probably because of how I was raised and I seem very Ne.|||I analyse the contents of the problem, and think I don't know the question when I actually do but I have no idea to apply it correctly aka know I'm correct.|||I'm an INTJ and I relate to Kurt so much that I still feel like I need to re-evaluate my type... :laughing:|||I love my INFP friend, he's the only one I spare my INTJ wrath on. :proud:|||:proud:|||His lyrics are very Ne, and he definitely seemed Fi, I'd say INFP in his younger years, and grew to be more of an extrovert as he got older (typically).|||So that's why I unnecessarily wrote so much when I did essays?|||Had a friend who was ESTP, stopped being his friend in a matter of a week. He was unnaturally distant and would act angrily and rudely around my other ISTP friend Ian. The only ESTP I've ever had an...|||I prefer my music to be unemotional... Are you dumb? I can't have my pens missing man, It just doesn't feel right. Well maybe if you had paid attention instead of talking about what you...|||I think my Se is extremely high, I still love to fuck around with my friends outside and explore the things around me such as animals (there is a large amount of rabbits around here).|||When you're angry, but still cold and calculating :proud:|||I feel stupid and contagious.|||I dunno, I really love my ENFJ art teacher :o|||I am not too fond of the typical metal bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, but I love bands such as Helmet, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, but I'm really more of a punk INTJ (they do exist!)|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI9EatxER6w :proud:|||<iframe width=420 height=315 src=https://www.youtube.com/embed/YI9EatxER6w frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe> :proud:|||I'd say INxP's since they are kinda more in their own world than J's, But I don't know a lot of J's besides me, and I'm in my head and pretty philosophical too for an INTJ.|||I'm actually having a hard time finding any guys in the ENTJ forum...|||What is it about you guys that turns me into a snuggle monster?|||Like everyone else, but you would never wanna hear how I talk/what I talk about in my head. I like to play along with people who expect me to break, sometimes I'll purposely give in to stupidity...|||Is there any huge differences between INTJ's and ENTJ's besides understanding of emotions/introversion and extroversion?|||I'd say INTP's simply because they don't always have to plan a move like INTJ's and they could catch us off-guard.|||I dunno, I really like INFP's but dislike every other NF, SJ's bore me to death (with the exceptions of a few ISFJ's), SP's are fun to watch get in trouble and my best friend Ian is ISTP, and other...|||I knew INTJ females would be more common. :kitteh:|||I was the kid so unconscious of my surroundings that I would roll around the floor pretending I was a character from the Harry Potter books I had read.|||I tend to visit ESxx forums to see the differences in what they post/enjoy. Besides that, I post sometimes in the INFP forum (I just like INFP's a lot for some reason...)|||Of course, every type can be creative. Are N's more likely to be the typically creative type? Definitely. But remember that each letter is a preference. Not a special code that puts everyone who...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI9EatxER6w My favorite alt-metal band ever.|||Why are you guys so adorable? :kitteh:|||Porn addiction? Not really, but I do have an addiction for thinking about it.. :blushed: Kinky? Not really sure, but I am really interested in being a female dominant in terms of a sexual...|||Just list any INFP pass-times and those would be mine.:kitteh:|||It's interesting that you say that because songwriting for me comes really easy, maybe because of my ennegram 5w4.|||I feel as if a lot of INTJ descriptions give us props on creativity, but we are rarely seen as artistic because of our thinking (T) preference. Is it just highly-developed Fi in INTJ's that grants...|||You think too much! Why do you look so angry? Is there something wrong with me? Lighten up will you? I am silently strangling you in my head.|||ENTP's, these types are usually loads of fun to be around, and they can help me chill went I'm being such a nazi about my work/organization. As for the least, I'd have to say ENTJ's, I just envy...|||With an INFJ: This won't get anywhere, these guys are more stubborn than some SJ's I know... With an INFP: I like how interested and open they are to what I have to say c: With an ENFP: STOP...|||Most of what you said doesn't sound too abstract :kitteh: You really sound like an INFJ though.|||Yeah, it's alright, some GREAT images are on tumblr.|||Not an NT (an NF) but I do the same thing to others, especially SP types.|||Yes, to me Stone Temple Pilots should deserve a lot more credit, especially after Scott Weiland's death... ESSENTIAL GRUNGE ALBUMS: Dirt (Alice in Chains) Nevermind (Nirvana) Core (Stone...'
'Tall Big hands!! :D Teasing smile and eyes that look right into my soul...|||Small talk is so BORING!! I don't really want to get better at it...I find it so fake and constructed, I'm always wondering what the other person is really thinking...and WHY we are doing this??|||I'm feeling sooooo excited!! I think I'm high or something:laughing: I don't know where all this energy is coming from! It's almost scary! Exclamation mark!!|||You look sooooo INFP!! :laughing: (In a good way :wink:) Edit: how could looking INFP NOT be in a good way??? Excuse me for being so stupid :D|||http://i56.tinypic.com/dxjq61.jpg[IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/316p215.jpg at first i looked so boring and TIRED so i had to mix it up a little ;D|||ok i know i probably seem really strange but i just felt so shy for some reason! i just wanted to say hi to all of u, hope u have a good day! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6-gLDT0y48 ...|||Hi, I'm an INFP who would really much like to get to know an ENFJ because you guys are all so friendly and nice, and fun! :)|||Hi!! :happy:|||I was super happy and active but very shy around strangers... When I was alone I spent a lot of time daydreaming and making up stories...and I loved reading Pretty much the same as I am now...|||Hahaha I hope it will find me :D|||My Disney crush isn't on the list! It's the beast from Beauty and the Beast!! I was secretly in love with him when I was a kid....he seems so scary at first, but when you get to know him he's so...|||Oh, that sounds interesting! I'm going to read it then, thanks :)|||What is it about? I've only read two book by Margaret Atwood, Alias Grace and Cat's Eye, and I loved them both. I was thinking about reading something more by her.|||I just have to tell all of you that in this moment I'm really, really happy!! And I don't know why:laughing:|||....when INFP's can't get enough of you!! :laughing:|||Ohhhh I can relate so much to this!! I always tested as INFP but actually I think I feel more at home in this forum...maybe I'm INFJ after all :)|||I love animals! I wish I had a cat and a dog. Unfortunately I don't have the possibility to care for any of those animals right now...but in the future maybe :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWf-eARnf6U|||I feel like the biggest challenge in my life is to go out into the world and LIVE with other people, and still be able to stay myself... Up to now I feel like I am always doing one of following: -...|||Could you please shut up for a minute??!!|||Cinderella The Beauty and the Beast The Little Mermaid All of these are stories about girls who feel like they don't belong, and finally their dreams come true... :) I also love The...|||Shutter Island Inception if you are in a sort of dark mood... ;)|||I feel sorry for people who are not being genuine. At the same time I'm very careful and I don't tell them anything that they could possibly use against me.|||Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy is the ultimate INFP novel! :happy:|||My favourite word is hi combined with a friendly smile.... :happy:|||When it comes to fashion, I am super-clueless!!! I have some ideas about what I like, but when I buy clothes and try to make myself look nice the result is just weird!!|||Sometimes when I'm excited about something or I'm having a lot of difficulty to explain something to someone, I use a lot of gestures, and they tend not to make it clearer what I'm trying to say but...|||The most important qualities I search for are: - stable, trustworthy - kind-hearted - open-minded - self-confident - brave - not afraid to show feelings|||I had a problem with this before, but lately it hasn't been hard at all! I think it's because I have a different view of life nowadays... I have started to accept life as it is, and I am just...|||I've been doing this all my life! :D I can entertain myself for hours that way. But sometimes it makes things confusing when I don't remember what I've been saying in real life and in my...|||I've been someone's muse...but secretly this person was my muse too...he never knew :)|||Hahahaha I've been sooo wondering how to look OK!! Sorry APPLES I don't have an answer yet...I doubt I will ever have ;D|||Said by strangers/acquaintances: Are you OK? You are so quiet What are you thinking about? Are you listening? Do you understand? (Appearantly I come off as very stupid or something) ...|||Hey you guys, don't wait too long! You're missing out on life!! Sex is great and it CAN be a soul-connecting, magical experience. But actually it doesn't HAVE to be, and I assure you it's not...|||A love greater than life itself. Someone who I would be ready to die for any minute. Someone who makes me feel like a child again, admiring the world for the first time. Someone who makes me feel...|||i'm never attracted to broken souls, since i am one myself|||Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling Blonde by Joyce Carol Oates The Old Man and the Sea by...|||I did the test again, and I thought I would end up with pretty much the same result as last time (70% introvert preference). But this time I got 80% extraverts! I'm not sure what this means...|||I did a test on BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Mind - Face Perception 1 where you look at two faces at a time and click on the one that you find the most attractive. ...|||I don't pursue relationships...random people just find me... This aspect of my life hasn't been that successful yet. :unsure:|||I am a big fan of Star Wars!! I love the idea of the Force, and the characters are awesome... I agree with Ectoplasm that many of them seem like NF types, the whole story is very NF...I like all...|||I've had a friend who is a pathological liar, and it was certainly an experience. We became really close friends really quickly, she totally manipulated me from the beginning. She is really...|||I LOVE male INFP's and I wish I knew a larger number of your species! You are awesome!! :D|||I'm always obsessed with something! It's fun but also somewhat painful...I don't know why... I tend to go to the extremes with everything I do.|||Loving this thread! Me: -fidgeting -touching myself as I speak and as I think -never being able to be completely still -making a lot of very strange hand gestures as I speak, that don't...|||I love staying at home more than anything else... I feel safe and happy when I'm at home. I like going out to make adventures, but not for too long. Home is where I can relax and think.|||I feel very uncomfortable when people compliment me, because 1. I don't know how to respond to it in the moment and 2. I take it way too seriously and I feel like I will now have to 'live up' to that...|||I was shy, awkward, had a few friends but nobody that I could relate to. In the last year I gave up on all the social stuff and resigned to loneliness. I was a ridiculously good student, such a...|||My family: INTJ + INFP = INFP, INFP, INTJ I consider myself very lucky! :D My family is strongly influenced by logic and rational thinking from my dad. My mom has taught us to love and always...|||I do this too! But the periods of thinking rationally are just very short...like wake up calls that makes me get up and ACT...but then I go straight back to my emotional chaos again hehe'
'Yes. I can carry conversations. Just this underlying tension. I feel like they're barely tolerating me and if I say one thing wrong they'll hate me. It could be my hypersensitivity though. Edit:...|||Except I'm a really genuine person. I'm in relationships with these people, but I don't want there to be so much tension.|||I've moved around a lot, I've lost count. Also, I live with my dad who is really INTJ. I'm just counting the people that flaunt it. It's part of my personality. I mean we're friends and all, but...|||How can I get an INTJs approval? I know this sounds SO ridiculous, but I'm an INFJ and I clash soo badly with INTJs. I just want to know what I can do to get them to at least like me as a human....|||I think it's a western idea to be able to care for people too much it hurts me sometimes, but I'm usually into self sacrifice. I make sure i don't go too far because if i do i crumble|||I feel the same way. I want to actually perform my piano playing for more outcasted people|||My life is one long awkward moment. Like one time when i was in second grade i had to pee, and i was in the woods with my friends. they convinced me it was cool to go commando or whatever, so i did...|||Sexy pensive :p|||You are all soo pretty!!! I'm super average :/|||This has probably been asked a million times, but am I the only INFJ that feels profoundly alienated from other people? This could be a bipolar thing. I used to go onto these forums a lot, I grew...|||My dad and brother are, they are very intelligent people. But not very understanding or empathetic.|||383953839338394hai guise these are just some pictures of me :)|||I think I posted something but I don't kn ow|||I feel you brother.|||Only TV characters? These people have obviously not seen Supernatural|||Story of my life hahah|||YES. I know that. It's lame, but I use these things of being a girl to my advantage.|||Haha I have been really busy- moving around- but now I'm posting a little bit more. I'm doing great! How are you? Me neither. I got rid of facebook and myspace. Prefer real relationships. I figure pc...|||I never do it for creepy reasons. And I've actually stopped because I've stopped using facebook/myspace. No I don't use it as a substitute ever. I actually have excellent social skills, strangely...|||You're fat.|||ME TOO. But he's a man, so I forgave him. Even though that's a pretty lame reason. I also really like Goethe's Faust. That's kind of hard to read though. Even for me. 21 Balloons is a kids book but I...|||I am. I love shopping. I love buying stuff. It's something I love to do. I actually, normally buy for other people. But it's an instant gratification for me.|||Dante: The Divine Comedy Any reading is really good with me. I liked the Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas|||This is a fantastic idea. Maybe I'll open a little INFj- thought based cafe one day. Actually that's a pretty good idea. Hum.|||Hear hear.|||Yo, it's the environment shaping us. It is a rare person whom society reflects, and refuses to be a mirror of society.|||The Expression of Art. And Art is everything, so I love everything. The end.|||Come on, who really cares? It's just an internal need to eventually reproduce. Move past that. Love for the sake of loving. Who cares about kissing? It really just makes you seem kind of whiny. I...|||Fuck yes./|||All classical. Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Cui, Chopin, Liszt, Mozart....Bach, Beethoven, Hummel... ohh, too many to list. I can listen to anything, but it doesn't mean much to me... and to...|||YES. And I LOVE sunflowers. :)|||I know everyone has their moods. But I have the gift of having many personalities... The most obvious, are two. A. Kind, loving, benevolent; same words. You get the idea. I'll be forgiving...|||YES> I want to be a piano teacher! :)|||Hey- I'll miss you too. Hope to see you around.|||Female INFJ! This is random- but i didn't respond to that one post--i've not been on in like... 2 years...2 weeks more like... but i wasn't ignoring you! as always, i enjoy your posts and can relate...|||I don't really find it all that depressing. I think it's stating the obvious. I should probably get over it. It depends on the day. Like right now... it's like... why do I have to be me? I'm from...|||Nothing. I do everything that I want to do.|||Mine is lame, I don't write too often, but there are lots of pictures: It's Just me isn't it?|||My dad is an INTj, my brother is an INTj, a friend I know is an, INTj. Idk. You haven't known her for long. To be honest, I've never really seen that kind of relationship that works well. There's...|||Myself. That's the most consistent problem with being...me I guess that's INFJ wow, I'm really tired, you can just ignore this post.|||I mostly listen to classical. I love Pinkly Smooth, The Mars Volta, At the Drive in, and...Muse...sort of. I love Pinkly Smooth though.|||Wonder Woman|||Something like this, and I am too lazy to type out my long winding beliefs.|||Playing music and getting everything organized in that anal way that I do. Then sitting down in my ridiculously clean room and thinking This is going to look like shit in about 3 days Then I'll...|||I don't appreciate sympathy, if anything it annoys me. Empathy is much more valued in my heart.|||I find dark humor, sarcasm, sardonics, irony all very funny. And outright toilet humor, along with crude stuff. I have a very wide range of affable things. I don't even know what affable means. I...|||I hate socializing, because people like to hear me talk, to they'll like invite me into the conversation. What they don't understand, is that I spend a lot of time thinking of the perfect way to...|||They lead themselves on.|||I think they were kidding....|||How about, if you give an INFJ a cookie? Anyone heard those?'
'You're fired.|||That's another silly misconception. That approaching is logically is going to be the key to unlocking whatever it is you think you are entitled to. Nobody wants to be approached with BS...|||But guys... he REALLY wants to go on a super-duper-long-ass vacation. C'mon guys. His boss just doesn't listen or get it. He even approached him logically and everything.|||Never mind. Just go on permanent vacation.|||Two months? I wouldn't be crazy about the idea. If you are really his best employee, then that's what may be cooking him. Who wants their most reliable asset gone for that long? ENTJ employer...|||Lol. Its not like our views were unsolicited. What a victim.|||Sometimes I just really like impoverished rap music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh0vA6_8mv8|||I probably would have lost it too. His stonewalling was insignificant. He was being an idiot over semantics that didn't have any impact on anything. It's one thing to stone wall on critical shit, but...|||I would have just taken the project and gave them something later.|||The court deposition wasn't a skit. That actually happened. It was a verbatim reenactment.|||And her ass.|||I'll flirt a woman for a piece of candy at the grocery store. Of course. I use whatever I have at my disposal to get what I want in the most efficient manner possible. If that means flirting that...|||http://youtu.be/PZbqAMEwtOE|||Yes. In the comments she gave more info, then was shut down because she went from having a crush on her boss and wanted to know how to impress him, to her boss is married and she wasn't interested. I...|||What's this we thing about?|||Callaendia are you the same INFP girl who was on the ENTJ Facebook forum with this similar question? I just have to ask because the times are so close together, and the scenario is so similar.|||3X|||11/25 I do not modify myself to suit others, however I do like the spotlight.|||I think the easiest and most efficient approach is a tarp, jigsaw, and mulcher. But that's just my personal preference. Not all ENTJs are the same.|||Just don't hump my leg...|||What are you like a chihuahua or some shit?|||I once dumped a girl in college who I was having a 6 month romp with over making me late for class. She said I was petty for it.|||DEAD XD http://youtu.be/PaghIdSJKvQ|||MBTIPC perfect. I don't like dealing with middle men either. You can talk directly to me. ;)|||I can sell you the dream...|||LOL DEAD. Ha!|||The point is that when you are making a point of thinking critically but not thinking beyond common sense, you aren't using your brain. A little bit of effort now to have an understanding of the...|||That's just common sense No, that's just a value judgement backed by popular opinion from social stupidity/laziness. That's only doing what works instead of pushing harder and doing what is...|||When it comes to children, they either cry or climb all over me. There is never a gray area.|||I don't drink, but when I drank: Beer: Hardcore ciders and sweet brown ales. Liquor: VODKA chased with cran or water. < my preferred drink Wine: Anything dark, dry and sweet. There are so...|||Well that escalated quickly.|||https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDA-GNSWRqDgxZibQPN3dfS2LlChp8tO6FCCeVBHuIlYUVfjzkVH2sGAv_ You deal with them.|||tl;dr fuuuuu|||Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do IA|||@Darth Alpha I would never claim it to be healthy either. Just in my best interest.|||On loyalty: I am loyal to the vision. I am loyal to those who share the vision. I am not into co-dependency in terms of the vision cannot be accomplished without others involved. I stay on course,...|||Your answer was worth more time to entertain than the OP.|||Hey @MsBossyPants are you down for a debate on Ayn Rand vs Marx? Maybe we should talk about our poor Fi? Oh I know- let's try to correlate testing ENTJ with being sociopathic. :laughing:|||Hitler was no exception- this concept has, is and always will be a principle, tenet, and rule. Politics, ideology, religion, eating, shitting usual. And if it's not ,then there is nothing to...|||Hitler thought he was doing great things. Stalin thought he was justified. These guys thought they were uncorrupt. They viewed any heretic to their dogmas as morally bankrupt, and so did many of...|||Meh. There were plenty of evil people who did good things, and plenty of good people who got blood on their hands achieving and attaining higher goals. Bad situations that had good long term effects,...|||You would have to ask the OP. He is asking ambiguous questions. I would go with whatever is more efficient/effective vs what is perceived as good every time in the good vs evil dichotomy. It in my...|||Good vs Bad =/= Good vs Evil One is an objective positive vs negative dichotomy, the other is a subjective interpretation of characteristics. NameUser So to be evil may be a better solution and...|||I think they are for sure idiots, but I also think these people went out of their way to fuck their lives up. Did they expose themselves on the internet? Yes. Does this warrant or validate a reason...|||I really REEEEEEAAALLLY hate rigidly PC thumb sucking nanny bitches. They remind me of five year olds who are trying too hard to gain their parents approval by taddling. These are the same people,...|||I think people need to get some skin. Even if these people are wrong or racist. That's just a waste of time, energy, and resources. These people end up being the focus for being petty and overboard...|||http://www.penciltribe.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Brian_snowflake-300x225.jpg|||http://www.penciltribe.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Brian_snowflake-300x225.jpg|||I'm not trying to be condescending when I tell you- all those things you have mentioned people saying and have written off as all I have been met with are legit arguments. They don't need to be...|||The brevity of my posts is because you don't take much to refute. Just because you aren't acknowledging what people are saying doesn't mean they are saying nothing.'
'This makes me wonder if having Te for a dominant function exacerbates the typical inferior function issues. Te is inclined to push aside other concerns and focus on obtaining goals, so a ExTJs...|||That's really interesting. I admit it's an alien concept, because I never have an emotion sneak up on me. Perhaps some preemptive Fi strengthening is needed to at least alert you when something's...|||Not sure if you want to hear from a Fi dom, but I'd thought I'd offer an observation. For EXTJs I've noticed that with all that overwhelming thoughts/feelings an occasional 'controlled detonation'...|||Everyone seems to be emotionally scarred by that INFPs trying to understand ENTJ thread. I really must read it - it sounds like fun. :tongue: I've come to enjoy a good old fashioned flame war (as...|||No, it wasn't a reflection on the ENTJs! :tongue: It's just that you guys won't share certain stuff voluntarily (which is 100% understandable) and sometimes it take the right question to prod you...|||Just hypothesizing out of curiosity. Although it probably will help in general with understanding ENTJs I know and come across. Also there's not enough questions with depth in this thread and...|||Thanks for your honest answers, guys. I found them very interesting. Just some follow up for clarity: @MsBossyPants you're right about weakness and incompetence being different, but the line...|||From reading a bit here about ENTJs, I've noticed that loyalty and commitment come up a lot. It's clear that you guys take relationships seriously and will fight hard to help, protect, and stay...|||It would have been nice if she had let on that she was struggling with this earlier. There's not much you can do if she's made her mind up before you can get around to revealing your underbelly.|||This is you and your INFP? What a pity. It seemed to be going so well. This sounds like mentally you were a good match, but perhaps not a good enough match emotionally (for her anyway). It's hard...|||- What question(s) do you want to be asked? IOW, what subject are you keen to talk about but rarely get to, for one reason or another. Bonus round - what question(s) do you hate being asked...|||I test Neutral Good, but I know some NFPs that would be Chaotic Good. NFJs probably tend toward Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral.|||Never mind the fact that 'pure' capitalist theory operates on the false assumption that society is completely egalitarian and that all people have equal access to resources. Libertarianism is based...|||That's awesome and rather interesting @stiletto and @Sophia1. I'm very much on the same page. We should compare notes. We may have some crossover on our favourites and some good suggestions to...|||Wow, I'm surprised to hear this. I thought it was only people like me that liked depressing movies. :D Does it have to be brutal on a large scale or do you like quiet, twisted and dark...|||Yeah, this sort of behaviour makes things pretty shitty for Js. It must seem crazy or a sign of total incompetence, but there are reasons for it. Perceivers have great difficulty making plans...|||There's been some good advice here but I just want to add this. Speaking as a INFP, I'm all for Te systems; I need the order and the clarity when I feel chaos taking over. The fact this guy hired...|||@Dumaresq puts it very well but I will also add to this. You understand your idea better than others because you know all the factors and thought processes that went into shaping it. Sometimes...|||You can have all the right ideas and say all the right things, but often it comes down to expressing it in the right way. You may present an argument in a way that is meaningful and convincing to...|||Hm this is one way of looking at it, I suppose. INFPs believe that (and I'm pretty sure TJs too. You'll have to set me right on that) having the right perspective/mindset/understanding will often...|||@rommzu90 Maybe I should explain my thinking: I'm looking for common threads across the different problems and seeing how they tie together. I need to know what differentiates the things that bother...|||OK @rommzu90 more clarity needed. Tell me, what are the barriers you think are stopping you from resolving things or finding closure? Obviously they're there but I can't pinpoint what form they...|||Then forgive me, rommzu90, but I'm going to be more blunt and talk to you straight up like a ENTJ would: :wink: Based on what you've said it seems like you are choosing your situation. To put...|||@rommzu90 there's a couple of things that might help: 1) Acknowledge those simmering emotions, but don't let them overwhelm you. They're just signs - information like any other, telling you that...|||Yeah, well I thought so but I'm biased and perhaps I think better of my type than others do. Intriguing. What would be your list of essential INFP qualities and how best to approach them?|||More a list of potential pitfalls than a how-to guide. I really wanted to know all the clever ways ENTJs win INFPs over. I'm not sure if you wish to discuss her view of INFPs or the difficulties...|||I see. Fair enough. I used to see the two types as oil and water, but as I mature (and as ENTJs mature) I think we grow more alike - well, at least more complementary. Not to sound condescending,...|||I don't understand. Isn't the fact that your position is irrational, and therefore logically untenable, enough of a reason? Doesn't personal consistency matter to you? And could you explain your...|||@Easy I hope you see the irony of your situation. If not, let me help you out: - You know several INFPs who have problems that stem from illogical thinking that they are very aware of yet are...|||Sorry to butt in - I was just wondering about your last paragraph. It's an interesting comment to me, especially as it seems like the other ENTJs identify as well. Do you mind explaining that...|||Also: - You make a list of weaknesses for your type and they're all work-related...|||I've had two ENTJ lecturers at uni, both in limited entry courses (ie. less than 12 people): one was the worst teacher I've ever had and one was the best. ENTJ #1 was belligerent, nasty,...|||Johanna Mason - The Hunger Games series Martha - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf Patty Hewes - Damages Becky Sharp - Vanity Fair Lady Mary Crawley - Downton Abbey Sloan Sabbith - The Newsroom...|||I'd have to know details to give more specific advice but here goes... FPs aren't persuaded by objective language as much as they are driven by their instinctual/gut impressions of things. ...|||Hey, I'm totally with you on that. I'm the same way. How you get around this sort of problem I don't know. There's got to be a way of getting the paranoia out of the way and getting to the good...|||Yeah, this can't be easy. Even if you have honourable intentions, you're fighting against a precedent set by other guys. However, you need to see this from the woman's perspective too. If she's...|||Do you think you're not coming across in the the way you intend, or do you think you're going after the wrong sort of women?|||Actually, few types can imagine and consider different perspectives like a INFP. You have the type pegged entirely wrong. If your mum is in fact a INFP and a relatively healthy version of the...|||I agree. I think healthy development is necessary for a INFP-ENTJ relationship to work - perhaps more than any other type combination. Up until a few years ago I seriously thought ENTJs were the...|||Yeah, that Fi vulnerability is a killer, huh? I've learned to hide it away most of the time. Fi works in manner that adds complexity to a person's understanding of a situation. For a Fi dom this...|||Yeah, I've always identified a little too much with the socially awkward animal meme - particularly the penguin. It always surprises me they're people as inept and neurotic as I am about such...|||Yeah, I've always identified a little too much with the socially awkward animal meme - particularly the penguin. It always surprises me they're people as inept and neurotic about such things as I am.|||I'm a first born and do agree with much of the description. I'm not sure that its a particularly accurate depiction of first-borns, though. My younger sister and I fit rather well into the...|||I have a great sense of direction and spatial awareness. Navigation and map reading is no problem. I don't usually pay much attention to street names, though. I can drive down a road everyday day...|||1. Does your first name fit you? Your last? My first name fits me I suppose. I don't really have an opinion about my last name and don't have a problem with it. I've never really been one of...|||Any other astronomy nerds here?:blushed: http://startalkfm.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/9bfb8_CARINA-NEBULA-PHOTO.jpg...|||I love 3D street art! http://www.womansday.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/3d-street-art-lifestyle-05/860462-1-eng-US/3D-Street-Art-LifeStyle-05.jpg...|||http://gallery.photo.net/photo/10201750-md.jpg http://d3uwin5q170wpc.cloudfront.net/photo/98596_700b.jpghttp://d3uwin5q170wpc.cloudfront.net/photo/78808_700b.jpg...|||Some NZ pics :happy: http://www.thetravelrag.com/photo_gallery/images/698LRG.jpg http://ih2.redbubble.net/work.6841093.1.flat,550x550,075,f.sunrise-over-mitre-peak-new-zealand.jpg...|||I love the Jenny song too (and the Conchords in general)! I shall receive this compliment on behalf of New Zealand :wink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv5iEK-IEzw&feature=related...'
'Comprehensive Enneagram Quiz: You are a Type 4 with a 5 wing: The Bohemian Your tritype is 4w5, 7w6, 9w1. SelectSmart: The Individualist (TYPE FOUR) - (100%) The Peacemaker (TYPE...|||Mum: ISFJ Dad: ENFP|||The Arcade Fire - Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) Love the lyrics.|||Aesop Rock - Daylight|||I've had symptoms of OCD since I was very young, but only got diagnosed and helped with medication at the age of fourteen or so. A similar story with my anxiety.|||My best friend is an INTP. In some ways we're quite similar. We both like our own space and are quite reversed in social situations for one thing.|||Dad, you make little comments about how you wish an actor who plays a character you love wasn't playing a gay person. You make little statements like this on quite a regular basis. How could I tell...|||Chaotic Good Chaotic Good- A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He...|||The Field - Is This Power|||My Bloody Valentine - When You Sleep|||Hello, welcome to the forum :)|||I am in love with this thread.|||Super Furry Animals - It's Not The End Of The World?|||Very much to the left Bisexual|||You're friendly, warm and genuinely compassionate about other people. And have brilliant quotes. :happy:|||Earthbound soundtrack. :crazy:|||Very humble and sometimes shy, and a kind and thoughtful person who thinks about others before themselves. And values knowledge and wit if you're a Ravenclaw! XD|||I have had CBT for my OCD and anxiety disorders, and it helped.|||I'm fascinated by conspiracy theories, but I don't believe in many.|||I don't know what to say other than I really do relate. This summer I had so many chances and I missed so many opportunities, and I kept beating myself up over it all. I hope this helps... in...|||I really hated Maths. I loathed P.E. :sad:|||English. I also enjoy Sociology and Ethics.|||I'm currently playing FFVII after finishing XIII (which I loved!) because I played VII so long ago and didn't finish it and had forgotten everything. So much fun. I love all the characters and...|||I'm a Scorpio. Wow, it's strange how many of us INFPs have water signs...|||I also dislike capitalism.|||I really relate to this.|||My best friend is an INTP. Some of my other friends: INFJ, ENTP, ESFP|||Once this is over the little things will seem so much more.|||I'm always singing but don't want anyone to hear. =(|||Mandrakes. I have to wear ear plugs when I handle them.|||I adore shoegaze. My Bloody Valentine are my favourite band. <3|||Hello! :happy: Welcome to the site, Ang!|||Hi Ms Dee I think a trackback is when another website links to the topic. I think :unsure:|||Hello. Good to have more ESTJs! :proud:|||5'2 :proud:|||I don't want to do my work.|||argh this topic is so great =D I wish I could go XD|||I think all types can be evil, though perhaps fuelled for different reasons.|||UNKLE - Mayday|||Oh wow. That was creepy. XD I don't believe this sorta stuff but- haha!|||So true. I'm way more talkative online.|||One of my best friends is an INFJ and he was one of the only people who was equally invested in wacky flights of fantasies and hour long discussions about aliens as me. XD|||Thom Yorke is an INFP... is he? Could he be?|||Sometimes when I'm with people I don't know I try and seem less... me. Though I've stopped doing that so much when I realised I wasn't so bad after all. :)|||When you sit down at 1:30 with a spare piece of paper and start doodling, get a cool idea, and then look up at the clock thinking its a few minutes later and its 3 in the morning and your 'scribble'...|||I kinda dislike buying my friends' presents. Did I get them the right thing? Will they like it? I spend ages deciding. >_>|||A sense of belonging. :crazy: That might sound weird.|||My Bloody Valentine - When You Sleep|||Hiya there!|||I'm more a roombody than a homebody. XD'
'I know that mood affects a large part of how someone answers a questionnaire, that's why I didn't answer a new one because I keen I was in a bad mood. That questionnaire I answered was from when I...|||There's this really snooty and pretentious person in my life right now who obviously knows next to nothing about MBTI. He is constantly teasing me about my test results and saying You couldn't...|||Ravenclaw|||Istp|||Welcome, fellow female INTJ|||A letter to you: It's a pity you don't know me; but no, we are not strangers. We are long-lost soul mates, we are the friends who whisper secrets to each other in the dead of night. I am the calm...|||Hufflepuff|||Abraxas 5-3-9 Abx 9-5-3 Action Potential 1w9, 4w5, 6w5 (sp/so) Amaterasu 5w6-3w4-1w2 Antiant 5-9-3 Athena Avril 7w6-1w2- 3w2 Axe 5w6-1w9-4w5 BeardedAgam 5-1-3 Bethdeth 9w8-5w6-3w4...|||INTJ: killed by revolts after plan of world domination is successful and people realize the INTJ is completely clueless at learning how to run the world|||Goddamn all you people, I have work to do!!!! XD|||163234 Yep..... :laughing:|||Having to put up social masks is very tiring- believe me. I had a brief discussion with my new friends about MBTI and they all thought i was some kind of sensor-feeler type because I was cheerful...|||Actually I don't really doubt my type, but a little certainty always helps. Thanks!|||Hmm, this looks interesting. I could certainly use another opinion when it comes to judging my personality type. Well, Here I go: 0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the...|||I think the term for on the fence is grey-sexual? I suppose its an umbrella term for people who don't consider themselves as fully asexual or allosexual.|||While I was reading the romantic relationships page in the INTJ section of 16personalities.com, a question struck me. I've read that INTJs were typically fiercely independent, and are absolutely...|||ESFPs are so SO hyper to me... people with this type either are very fun to be around or someone you can't stand. Just to prove a point, both my closest friend and my godawful roommate are ESFPs.|||Agnostic atheist, INTJ|||I have an ISTJ who I'm pretty good friends with. Though, he gets annoyed with me when he says I'm not being 'focused' enough :proud: Probably because he thinks i spend too much of my time in my...|||yay for extremely subtle jokes (actually you can just google it)!|||Hello fellow INTJ. Welcome to the pack:cool:. We have cookies, if you know what I mean:wink:.|||I get INTJ most of the time, but i get INTP sometimes. One time I got ISTJ. I've got a triple personality :laughing:|||Have anything to say to us INTJs? Tell us here! I'll start: Thanks to all my fellow INTJs for sharing your colorful opinions and inspiring views! Here's to more debates and discussions!:happy:|||Dear ENFP mom, please have mercy on this poor little INTJ. Remember that not all people think like you. sincerely, Your daughter|||Hmmm are people who answer that even INTJs? Well what floats their boat...|||Hey everyone, I just want to run a poll to see what the type with the most numerous members here in Personality Cafe for scientific purposes (actually no, I'm just really nosey:tongue:) Any good...|||Hey everyone, I just want to find out what the type with the most numerous members here in Personality Cafe for scientific purposes (actually no, I'm just really nosey:tongue:)! Any good guesses...|||Welcome to the forum :)|||I agree with the statement that religion relies more on emotion. I believe the reason why not a lot of people are atheists is because many people are reluctant to let go of their childhood religion,...|||I'm skeptical and inquisitive, two traits that didn't mix well with my old christian faith. For a while i thought about it, weighed evidences and compared the two sides. After looking through...|||I'm Melancholic.|||Obviously you all are wrong. Everyone knows that an INTJ's most common romantic match is with him/herself. We don't rely on anyoooooone!!!:cool: just kidding lol. But in my opinion it really depends...|||INTJ and INTP.|||-Are you sure about that? The INTJ's dreaded favorite words. -Someone smiles at you, then you smile back. The next time you see the person he asks if you're snubbing them. Then you realize you...|||I also had some difficulties typing myself. I guess online personality tests will never be fully accurate.|||INTP because it's mysterious.|||INTJ agnostic atheist here.|||But you wouldn't be able to start that revolt in the first place, INTP.|||Since I have an INTP friend, I can understand sometimes their behavioral pattern. INTPs are really (really) hard to get to know better. They may seem a bit aloof, but like us, they become kinder once...|||Sorry for the late reply, but anyway thanks for the test! It says that my type is unclear but I have a preference for Introverted intuition and Extroverted thinking. But my sensing and feeling are...|||Love tests, but I don't like the objective part like remembering dates. I like a challenge; analysis questions that force you to answer in essay form is more my speed.|||Sometimes I prefer listening to soothing Mozart pieces rather than listening to the popular but meaningless trash that comes up on the Internet nowadays.|||I find all of you to be extremely humorous. Now, to find other specimen to observe.|||Squishy superhugs? bring it!:cool:|||So flattered lol!:laughing: But anyway, perfect way to put it:happy:|||Q1: I can't go a day without sarcasm. It's a powerful tool in my everyday life.:happy: Q2: What's dishonesty? Q3: Sometimes, but I've stopped doing it because it drives people crazy when I do...|||ENFP mom + ESFJ dad = INTJ daughter (???) How is that possible? I know that type isn't inherited of course, but if a parent raised you, wouldn't it be natural for their traits to rub off you?|||LOLs at this thread :D all the ENFPs I know would randomly check In with someone when they're bored|||As an INTJ with a family that mostly consists of NF and SF types, I feel your pain of being accused of assholery every once in a while. My advice? Try to hold back your instinct of blurting out...|||Agree. And I mean this with no sarcasm at all.'
'Dear INTP, I enjoyed our conversation the other day. Esoteric gabbing about the nature of the universe and the idea that every rule and social code being arbitrary constructs created...|||Dear ENTJ sub, Long time no see. Sincerely, Alpha|||None of them. All other types hurt in deep existential ways that I want no part of.|||Probably a sliding scale that depends on individual preferences, like everything in humanity.|||Draco Malfoy also. I'd say he's either 358 or 368.|||I'm either 358 or 385, though in which stacking to me is a somewhat arbitrary distinction to make as I believe that the core indicates primary motivation and has a hand in every action. Therefore, a...|||I'm not particularly introverted or extraverted, personally. That said, I would say I'm somewhat unphased by either social interactions or being alone. What I'd say I crave more so than anything is...|||Dear Type 9 INFP, Your absolute admiration of me is refreshing. You're a great girlfriend and I wish we both didn't have such busy schedules so we could be around one another more often. Keep...|||2% still means about 1/50 people. I've probably seen 1-2 others today. I never understood fascination by virtue of rarity.|||So, you're on the ESFJ train also, right?|||I have toyed with the idea of the OP being an extrovert also for awhile now, actually. After many conversations with him, however I'm disinclined to believe it due to OP being much too close with Fi...|||Still ESFJ|||I disagree. Definite ESFJ. Fe- Si ALL up in this.|||Where have you been? Your mother and I have been worried sick.|||Similar feelings concerning ENTPs.|||I collect shoes. I do so because I like status and nothing communicates such a thing as much as a pair of Jordans.|||Sure. Let's get weird. Back. Off.|||Best...|||[Insert other into previous post.]|||Wow, don't nobody got time fo' dat... Jk, u kno u mah boi.|||Well, as I'm sure everyone knows, being social primary doesn't necessarily equal being social. I like other people just fine, but lately I've been on a bit of a break when it comes to my...|||That's pretty crappy of her. Your sex life is definitely not her business. If I were you, I'd definitely talk to her about it.|||Yeah, I had a lot longer to think about it. That said, I don't think you're Te, so if we operate under the assumptions in the OP, you're INFJ because nothing else makes sense. I'm not saying I...|||Whether or not you actually are, your mom makes fun of you for being a virgin? Is this playful teasing?|||Just stab in the dark here, I don't think that's Te under the hood. If this here is all I'm given to work with, I'd have to say INFJ. Compare your idea of 'logic' to mine: Logic is a series of...|||What makes the most sense?|||Tentatively INTJ. Still reading. EDIT: So far, I am of the belief that you're most of the things you say you are. I appreciate the level of detail. EDIT: Also relatively certain you are Ni...|||Refreshing self with reading about instinctual variants. God, I'm a hard social type.|||WOW! Useful thought you had there! Wanna know what my favorite part was? The fact that it ended...|||I am both annoyed and intrigued by xxFPs. As far as I can tell, I dislike all J types in my normal life.|||I'm not of the mind that any enneatype/MBTI combination is impossible because cognition =/= the things that motivate us. That said, we can clearly observe many types being more common than others...|||Sx as hell... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uelHwf8o7_U|||Very seriously toying with the idea of being 351. I can be pretty aggressive and controlling, but I have a massive 'holier than thou' streak once you get to know me with any depth (like more than 1-2...|||I'd say it's a mostly emotional experience.|||Because I find in depth study of cognition more interesting. Included MBTI in my answer to illustrate how much I enjoyed socionics. Interpret the post as wholehearted agreement with what she was...|||No real argument here. I know what I am, and what I am is an asshole that is, for a second baring his teeth at the people that seemingly have a lot to say but refuse to address me beyond a single...|||I would refer you to the OP. If you need a literal analysis, I'm happy to provide it. That said, I'm going to assume you're able to read and interpret symbolism, so I doubt you'll need that much help.|||And this was sort of my thought process. The initial post and how it connects the generally accepted view of the type 3 and what the type 3 is motivated by doesn't seem to be in need of explanation....|||Oh my... I am quite crushable, huh? Back atcha.|||I was, but it's 5am. I'll take what I can get.|||I wanted to come up with something clever, but it's almost 5am. I would give you a lot of sex.|||So then why do you even bother asking if you've already made up your mind that you are an extravert, intuitive and feeling? If you've already decided you are these things and have evidently done the...|||Wasn't sure I listened to sx music until now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hcYx_y5xdo|||INFP messaged me with a picture of herself before going to bed. Asked me to say goodnight to her. Asked me to say goodnight to her again. I did. I thought it was weird, secretly. I like...|||Either way, you see my point. The actual rarity is skewed and makes a type seem rarer than it likely is in real contexts. I may have been the only one of my type in a class room in High School, but...|||WOW my math was off! I literally just said numbers. See how over glorified the type is? Even so, though. I saw around two-hundred people (REALLY rough estimate) between both of my jobs. It's...|||Rarity in the context of the entire planet is somewhat silly. Even if we assume the greatest reports of our 'rarity', we (INTJ) encompass 1% of the planet, which sounds rare when you don't think...|||One could say that whatever the culmination of all of our actions are throughout our lives equal our potential. In this sense, everybody does, but as we all know, not everyone's potential is the...|||I would agree, however, those that profess to know their type not stating anything about their type's motivations strike me as either not wanting to touch on them or not being able to. If they don't...|||Lol.'
Well I have 17 ppl on fb & post almost daily but my friend who's also an INFJ hates social media. I know a few E's but they just repost stuff they like. It looks like the I's post more personal...|||Hi dude Its a shame about mbti job discrimination. Granted, a certain type can be naturally better at something like an istj would find it easier to program a computer than an infj but the infj...|||From experience. Even if he's mad over you & suspects you like him he wont make the first move... he needs permission as we're concerned about offending you & rejection will hurt us hard. To engage...|||Yep sounds like an infj. I behave just like that in my office & it took a couple years before I would speak to my colleagues socially or actually act like an extro. Note, he prob knows you already...|||Hehe sometimes it can feel like walking a tightrope when the person you're talking to is more dominant. Naa just sit back relaxed & maybe pretend in your thoughts that you're the stronger person. I...|||http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161231/63869bd2b660d339bcb9419e6a6b53ee.jpg Xmas party pic. I dont like parties with being INFJ as always struggle chat at first. Tho after a few drinks get to...|||Remain upbeat, positive & happy around ppl. Ya neva know. Im 45 & still single & positive. If i don't meat anyone ive had a good life & still have hope Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk|||The new film Passengers, a dream film for the introvert. As for being alone I work with people in a team but at weekends or a week off the most converaation I usually get is with the pizza delivery...|||As an INFJ when growing up I was often mistaken for being shy. When actually I just didn't know the 'protocols' of socialising as they didn't come naturally from a need to talk. Small talk I know is...|||What's one of them. I like a Costa? Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk|||I always test as INFJ but am terrible with music. I don't hear the words when listening to a song even if I heard the song 50 times I wouldn't remember more than 3 words. Although I can write a poem...|||Every same type can vary but as a male infj id have tried to help steve come to terms with the situation first & dismissed homer as lost it mentally. Also id have found it hard to form social bonds...|||How can 2 people of the same MBTI type get completely different results Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk|||Self 4 Spatial 3.14 Language 3 What does this test mean exactly regards a job etc other than what we already know from our MBTI? Injf Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk|||How I understand it... Eg. ESTJ who's 1st function of extroverted thinking would talk through events or thoughts & make sense of things with someone else. INFJ whose 1st function is introverted...|||Hi fellow INFJ'er. Noo I've not met religious ppl that suck. Just I've always believed from a child there is no God etc. Sure it's fine if ppl need to believe in such things. I'm just so...|||INFJ No religion. Never believed in a diety & always felt it's hokum. Pity the weak minded who are brainwashed into serving one of the God's. Fear those who believe their cult is the truth & hate...|||I'm infj & coded in the 80's but then got more of a buzz overclocking PC's. Wish I'd stuck with coding lol Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk|||How dare some people say it's unhealthy to have few social connections. Are those the E's letting their J's get the better of them? I've never felt more alone than being with someone who just talks...|||Fellow infj here. I don't believe in astrology or being born on an eclipse would have an effect unless science proved it. When younger I was extremely quiet but now when I get to know people I can...|||Well I have no family bar a brother I've not spoken to in years. 1 real friend who's also infj but only text him 99% of time. With 11 contacts on fb but they're just acquaintances I don't feal I can...|||Oh yes. Infj I find easy. Like just lost beard & had a skin head cut. Feel like a new man. Also easy cut friends off if they do something I find really wrong. Never to speak again, inc brother ...|||What mbti r u? It don't show on tapatalk. As infj yes I feel like I'm a good judge of character. I just get a vibe from somewhere even from their expression. When ppl start talking I get a lot more...|||I'm an INFJ but can't understand an ESTJ & vice versa. Would not say hate tho. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk|||Selfies here when out taking pics on my own which I love doing no matter the weather.|||Yeah not much social life. I'm infj & have 11 friends on fb but never chat on fb or anywhere socially. I have 1 friend who's infj as well but we don't speak much since he had a family. I know someone...|||Is that if you're right handed tho. Well, being introvert I just threw all my chips away & left pronto cus I couldn't stand all the jibba jabba around the poker table. Plus couldn't think about...|||I talked some women i know into taking the mbti... there is an intj & enfp I can converse with easily but another is an estj & after 2 years i can still only hold small talk. Guess I must have been...|||Yes. Its strange I want the commitment but always end up losing myself & confess to leaving a trail of angry women which grinds on me to the point where I'm really trying to be sure the next is...|||Single 26 of 28 years since 16 Is being single for so many years all down to my INFJ personality type & introversion? With every relationship failing because I gave too much at the expense of my...|||My take... Chivalry is like 2nd nature for INFJ unless he could see you were not a nice person. Deffo would not make the first move, even if you were really close for years & then you'd be lucky...|||Careful of abusing the need of the INFJ to help as if his needs aren't met, in the end it won't last. Speaking from experience. Be yourself & give him space now & again. Treat him as an exposed...|||I just use small talk to fit in & find it really boring. Though if I've not spoken to anyone for a few days it's nice to 'catch up'. When speaking with someone 1 on 1 small talk is beyond useless & I...|||Yeah he could throw small talk your way when alone but as an INFJ that's kinda fake. Sounds like he's waiting for you to initiate conversation. Try talking about a problem you have to get things...|||I'm an INxx but really dislike reading anything unless it's short snippets with pictures. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk|||I've taken the MBTI a few times over the years & it always comes back as INFJ but because I dont like reading books people find that odd & question my type. I'd guess there are different levels of...|||Just did a jungs male/female test but non the wiser Te (Extroverted Thinking) (50%) your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods Ti (Introverted Thinking)...|||I did a test 5yrs ago about 50 questions. Then again last month. Yeah, maybe I need take a more thorough test. Walking through the woods atm with camera, happy as Larry. Sent from my SM-G935F...|||My best mate took the MBTI test recently & to my surprise he's INFJ too. I knew he was introverted & not a party person but he's a commercial electrician & different than me. He doesn't read books...|||I used to read lots of comics as a kid but they had pics lol. The only TV I watch is the news before work but binge watch some Netflix shows. I also do techy projects with computers such as...|||Hya. Maybe hate books is a strong thing to say. I've tried reading books but get bored & find it hard work so have grown to loath them. Although I like listening to a story. Strange Sent from...|||I know the MBTI Myers Briggs personality test should just be used as an approximate guide. After my first INFJ result years ago I thought I'd have improved to something else now as I'm not so shy,...|||I've ran through the mbti a few times over the past 5 years & its always the same result. Even though I feel a different person, as in less shy. Maybe the percentage of each trait changes slightly...|||I have a F in my type and have not had success in relationships or a career. I find intellectual prowess and confidence make you successful in this world with feelings just getting in the way as most...|||I think really smart people are missing something human, or what I regard as being human which is someone who you talk to and shows their true self and doesn't just recite information. Or maybe its...|||Being a natural introvert but able to act like an extrovert I understand the quiet types & try to leave them be. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk|||Well there are some women I've hit it off with in 2 days but others in the same environment its still like talking to a robot after 2 years. I agree yes some types are suited for each other. Sent...|||Lately knowing & learning about my type has explained a lot about why historically ive done the things ive done. Also while these behaviours may seem unusual to the masses they're normal for me. ...|||Cashay number 1 please. My first post & a pun at queuing,.. what us Brits are supposed to excel at :laughing: Hello, I'm Wayne or junofirst as a nic. I took the the Myers Briggs test a few years...
'Spacechem. Still haven't managed to finish it. But the War of the Chosen DLC for XCOM 2 is pretty brutal... I mean, before the DLC I finished a campaign on commander difficulty without much of a...|||I have the same dinner almost every day: affordable meat like hamburgers or chicken, pre-cut veggies and beans, with a bunch of sriracha for flavor. It's not that I can't cook anything else, but I...|||I like the idea of memes as open source comedy, in the sense that a meme provides us with a template for humor that we're encouraged to improvise on... but more often than not, the humor seems to be...|||What I'm noticing is a tendency to define truth as a purely descriptive truth that regards objective reality; what things are and how they work. This is an amoral domain of reality, the domain of...|||First of all there's the historical context. It's only a few decades ago that segregation and lynchings were still a very real thing; people who lived in the tail end of that era are still alive...|||https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100609111312.htm|||I have several pairs of New Balance. They're the most comfortable shoes to me and I also dig the designs... plus I like the fact that they're relatively uncommon. I mean, I see some people wear 574...|||Shoutout to Saucony, the true underdogs of the sneaker world. https://thesolesupplier.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Saucony-Grid-9000-Hallowed-Pack-White-Black-02.jpg ...|||True... but these are very complex questions. My inclination is that nobody really has any idea how this works exactly, myself included. Obviously some people know a lot more than I do, but...|||It can't be just me who thinks this line is dumb. Not that I presume to know the answer, but how do these reasearchers propose to research the reasons for the existence of an attitude that has...|||I had a Latin teacher who was a bit... eccentric. He would occasionally take a bite of his chalk, he used a broomstick to poke the names of Greek deities in the ceiling, and he once kicked someone...|||Yeah that whole place is going to smell like a towel that should have been laundered a month ago.|||Other than cabinets with unique input devices or some other experience that you can't get at home (like the hydraulics system that some versions of After Burner had), I don't really see the point...|||How about Have One On Me by Joanna Newsom. That bish made a two hour long triple album with no filler songs... a few tracks on the third disc may not impress at first listen but they're great, just...|||54/100 masculine 65/100 feminine 56/100 androgynous Male INFP|||https://68.media.tumblr.com/12fc63c5d2b2d37b52b7b0603b77f05d/tumblr_mv3lfzB06Z1r4liiio1_500.gif|||I agree that it shouldn't be held up as the golden standard that all music must conform to. The album is a medium that's losing its relevance due to the internet (although they only started becoming...|||I've only watched three series in the past 5 years or so: South Park, Rick and Morty, and Louie.|||IMO there's an important distinction to be made between mirroring (which is a healthy way of empathizing with people and creating a rapport) and changing who you are in an attempt to appease others...|||Oh snap I can't let this thread go on without mentioning Bent Knee and the Ben Levin Group. The level of musicianship in these groups (who share several members) blows my mind every time. ...|||True... Keep in mind that this is definitely among their least accessible songs, I just like it even if it might feel disjointed. IMO Gentle Giant had some of the best composition chops in rock...|||These are some good ass songs IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLWvj6VyYGg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD1XhBTtraY|||I believe Charles Dickens said it best: As you might have guessed, I like King Crimson. Other favourites include Gentle Giant, Soft Machine and Camel. Then outside of the UK (which not...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6g8lFmsCXhg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuTaM5eTVeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi1LrNtVltg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCZnXg0vNs0 ...|||This asshole showed up at the worst possible times. First a relay protection mission where I would have had little time even without worrying about his bullshit, then a really nasty retaliation and...|||Today's chivalry is more inclusive: you have to involve your lady in the process. Where the old chivalry was all about making her feel special, the modern woman wants to feel empowered. So, for...|||LMAO women still believe in democracy.|||As much as I love a good movie, music has been more valuable to me as an artform. I've heard some of my favourite records literally hundreds of times and I still enjoy them every time, and I don't...|||Cyberpunk is a form of science fiction set in the near future, typically ranging from a couple of decades to a century ahead. Instead of fantasizing about things like interstellar space travel, what...|||To me personally, it's not much more than a curious phenomenon, but I wondered what it was about for a while. I mean, I totally get the philosophy behind cyberpunk. Steampunk though... it's not as...|||I have to give that honour to The Residents. I've heard music that was more unconventional in terms of composition/instrumentation (I've heard a fair bit of avant-garde stuff in my time) but there's...|||http://i65.tinypic.com/29aw681.png|||Well I was listening to some Mark Hollis but that shit too subtle when I'm gassy. Felt my luck tumbling down... TOOT Left no life no more BRAP|||http://images.gawker.com/qkyksdf8zhdyyaiqmdzr/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636.gif|||Are we talking 80s Seagull or current Seagull? I mean I'm confident I can take on this candy ass ...|||It's understandable, life can be very shitty and most of us have at least one aspect of our lives we have every reason to be unhappy about... but self-pity is also completely counter-productive and...|||I've actually disabled ads earlier today because it's been a problem recently. My computer is pretty powerful (i7 7700) but lately it's been rather often that ads keep loading constantly (tab keeps...|||OP you have to understand that evil is not merely an external force. Evil is something that resides within all of us, at least in potential (the Milgram experiment or the Stanford prison experiment...|||I can't really make broad generalizations about this TBH. My personal experiences range from slightly negative to positive though. Some have been rather cunty, but the one time I had to rely on...|||All those shitposts... are... lost.. in time like... farts in the wind.|||*Twilight Zone theme plays in the background*|||Same here. I can see my own post history no problem, and threads do appear on the main community page as having recent posts, but if I either go to a subforum or click the go to fist unread post in...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKrf7mX_R6M|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGaBZpa6xqI|||Deerhoof, Mr. Bungle, Talk Talk, King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Camel, Soft Machine, Magma, Can, Ween, Kayo Dot, Dinosaur Jr., Soundgarden, D'Angelo & The Vanguard, The Beatles, Frank Zappa/Mothers of...|||I've never had JWs at my door who weren't nice people TBH. I don't mind them at all, not in the least because they actually believe in what they're selling.|||People who try to sell me stuff at my door, especially when they're hired by big corporations (lots of energy providers do this). With drug dealers on the streets you can just say nah I'm good...|||I'm just glad I'm a guy because that shit takes so much time. I mean, I like to look presentable so at the very least I have to shower, keep my finger nails trimmed, maintain various hairy parts and...|||6 - 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23F2KD2zn_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fce41OOpUPk|||1 - 5. New Grass is #1 hands down, the rest is in no particular order. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuYNidNgQic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq-5TvY4BEA'
'Nay, I am not high. I just simply accepted the truth of reality, of the MBTI, and have chosen to Never Forget.|||Also of use to you from the Incompatibilia ISTP|||Indeed! Our leader has stated it before numerous times. I highly recommend you read the following chapters and subsections from the Incompatabilia ISTP: Volume 54 chapter 68 verse 2063; Volume 61...|||As stated by SniperPanda in the Incompatabilia Istp, Volume 10, during a sermon to the deluded, huddled masses he wished to save from ISTPness and mediocrity ->|||My eyes have been opened and so has my heart and my jimmies. The Based One revealed to me that I am fated to open a branch of the Church of Sniperpandaism right here. Behold His Glory, Never Forget!|||My eyes have been opened by the based one #neverforget|||#neverforget|||/exec enigmatic shitpost Maybe having a fair bit of amusing in-forum chaos planned at some point, not sure yet. /end enigmatic shitpost|||Watch it, it is definitely worth it.|||Also, if Avatars still exist.. since I do not see them anymore... I am so renaming myself as 'The Rickle' and changing my avatar to pickle rick. The latest episode of Rick and Morty was absolutely...|||This somebody now brews beer for a living. Doesn't help though when you have to go through a DUI checkpoint on the way home from work and get held for a blood test because you smell like where you...|||hmm been a while since one of my music posts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD5atCVRL24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7a3q6YBQxM|||Glad the woman I was talking to the past few weeks was respectful about reconnecting with an old crush of hers instead of ghosting/completely ignoring me/leading me on. I can definitely respect her...|||voted other, I am perfectly fine with my weird ass eyes. Yes, they are weird to me anyways, so I provided examples. ...|||Aaand back of the cliffs edge of a psychotic break.|||Lets see, going off of looks only, and based off of my own preferences... here are a few I would rate 10/10. It is a bit of an atypical list IMO, and I can always expand this list, these are just the...|||What is the running current on the motor that is on the faceplate? Starting/locked rotor amperage will always be quite a bit higher, and I believe that you can get away with a different breaker....|||Yeah, was laid off from the place building fire trucks. If I get this maintenance job, it still is not a 100% given. The interview that happened was my 3rd in total with them. I have to pass a...|||Laid off for the past 3 weeks, so looking for work again :/ Interview today though for an Electrical Maintenance position so I hope it goes well.|||The Necro Gods are displeased. ^^^|||if needed I will go abstract, if it isn't. then I won't. Regarding systems and problem solving, If a system needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt/replaced entirely I will do that. I refuse to...|||physically, not old. Just feeling it mentally/emotionally. gonna be 29 in september. Yeah the standard lifestyle people my age tend to want just doesn't appeal to me, never really has.|||I think I am starting to feel old, I Kinda feel like pulling off an old school, homestead style living nowadays. Get a plot of land, perhaps a an acre or two, and a house that isn't too big nor too...|||bit late to the party. Current project is.... well, my part to play in it is done for now, just gotta play the waiting game until bottling time. 682442|||Well, the easy work is done. Now all I have to do is be patient and let this baby ferment for a while, let the yeasties do their work. 682306|||1st part of prepping for my strawberry-kiwi wine is done. Everythings been chopped and frozen, with the idea behind it being the freezing bursts the cells apart, helping to get more juice out of it...|||Pulling away means letting go to me. If people want to play mind games, let them, but if they expect me to play along, I am build psychologically counter-meta, that shit wont fucking fly around me.|||Today so far after working a 10hr overtime shift. 1) Go to mcdonalds to get an iced coffee. A sorta-elderly couple push their way in fron of me as I was walking to the register. Told them that I...|||Got a new 5-gallon glass carboy and fermentation bucket. This homebrewer is back in business :D Just gotta wait til wednesday for payday and I can pick up what I need for this strawberry-kiwi wine...|||You need a big change to shake things up. Despite not feeling like driving, maybe take that drive. Do things you have never done before, put yourself out of your comfort zone to try and snap...|||seems like it from my own experiences. Can also be a sign you need to engage the Se a bit more intensely.|||current playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_prgRNF-pE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5abamRO41fE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFqBTSvBPAU|||Been there done that. I have honestly tested as ISTP, INTP,INTJ,ISTJ,ESTP, ENTJ, ISFP and INFP. ISTP is the only one that even makes remote sense to me. I am just one of those weird outliers in...|||I am that nontypical ISTP. those who know me long enough might agree with me on that at the very least. Nubb GinningPuma4011 cursive Murdock come to mind in that regard. I really do not do...|||Newer pics pretty much equal out to me looking worn out/haggered and white-trash to hell. Blaming the new job on that one. Maybe sometime soon I will post a new one.|||Pro/con method usually, unless it starts triggering depression/anxiety, then the fuck it and see approach works.|||More auto work done. Swapped out my front sway/stabilizer/roll bar. Old one was 33mm, hollow and rotted out along with the bushings. Can blame pennsyltucky winters for that. New bar is 34mm and...|||Love being able to afford good food again, especially the more expensive dishes at my local chinese shop. Gotta love seared scallops, shrimp and lobster in garlic sauce.|||I can't legitimately get butthurt about it because I was the fool who started modding my car and killed my gas mileage. Averaging 18-20MPG at the moment. before mods it would consume a nice 26-28mpg.|||I cannot function unless I get around 7 hours of sleep, so usually 8:30 to 9:30.|||I know that feeling due to going from a 2nd shift 3PM- 11PM job (so waking up around 10am-noon), to a 7AM - 3:30PM job and waking up at 5AM. Know what helped me adjust? Just enough alcohol combined...|||You, you get my type of humor. Alas haven't had real success offline with the dry British-style deadpan snarkery I am prone to doing. Can sum up my sense of humor as a cross between that, Monty...|||pretty much this.|||A rule I pretty much live by. Say things without a regret to the world as long as it needed to be said, and if you were wrong, then acknowledge it. Hurting some sods feels does not necessarily...|||All types think they know everything about the other types in some convoluted way when they in essence know nothing. You are all a collecting of Jon Snows. You know nothing.|||Thats it, I am permanently relegating myself to the bitter old man who hates everyone and everything crowd. Done with relationships as a whole anymore. Yet another bust because Not funny/witty...|||Well, off to enjoy a WWE show in a few hours. Looking forward to a New Day vs Gallows and Anderson match in particular.|||Sorta familiar with philly. Mostly familiar with the northern end and center city,Roxborough sounds familiar... near Germantown?|||GinningPuma4011 still snowing like fuck. Already hit the 2ft mark. this was measured at 9AM... snow isn't supposed to stop til tonight yet. Right now snowing at 2 to 4 inches/hour... yeah this shall...|||They get their energy from unicorn farts.'
'Tear Gas OC Spray Other then that I haven't cried in 16 years. Last time I cried was when my mother died.|||My kill list would get shorter every year......|||For some reason this video comes to mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JVwfJGfins Just tell him you can't hug a rollin stone..|||It may be just me but.... It is, what it is .....yes captain obvious...so annoying to me|||I find games like league of legends boring as hell. It just takes way too long to actually start getting into some real action. I tend to like games with convoluted game mechanics that you have to...|||The funny thing about ISTPs is that we are primarily thinkers. But if we see a cause worthy of our time we go all out and can get emotional about it, which tends to be an explosion because we keep...|||Only thing that scares me....Is miscalculating something and being totally screwed with no way out and no backup plan...|||I haven't cried in 16 years so I really don't know what would make me cry anymore.....I suspect that most things that make people cry just make me angry...|||2005 Subaru Outback XT...with all the modifications of a WRX/WRC Impreza....tinkering with the ECU to use ethanol more efficiently right now..slowly making it to E70...fun to drive and does what I...|||DemonAbyss10 yeah I have no problem with it being for entertainment, heck I did a butt-ton(that's a measurement now lol) of research on tarot cards and astrology back in the day after playing Persona...|||Are you sure you have a document saying that you are smarter than me..I think what you have is this thing called nothing..judging from your asinine posts and lame attempts to make fun of me..lol|||OK....I do medical research..lol..and eat every night O_o..actually as a kid I hated gym class..but as an adult I love the gym kinda strange...I really don't see why you would make fun of ppl that...|||Wow...apparently you don't read what you type. Sigh..and epeen waving is a sign of someone losing. But, I will indulge you. 1) I also have documentation of having a more than above average IQ. 2) IQ...|||LOL...this from the person that believes in astrology. Your IQ is already pretty low if you believe in that crap..|||Oh god not this crap again....I hope you don't seriously believe that what constellation the sun rises in on the day of your birth, actually influences your personality in anyway..if so ...|||http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/195/326/OIaBg.png|||I can see where you're coming from, some of the vids are just not well done imho....but a few gems stick out... for me anyway..|||That's kinda a lame reason....and a bit stalkery...is 1000 posts some big deal in your world? I would estimate most istps have a low post count for their join date..|||So you're done then? Just wondering...because I stopped caring a while back..now its just entertaining.. :P|||You done?|||Nope..Its just that stick..may want to pull it out of your dictionary|||Uh how is it inappropriate.....its called a jooooookkkkkkkeeeeeeee....damn is this serious day or something on the ISTP board? I don't remember it being this serious...is it just the new people..I've...|||Did it touch you in your no no spot?|||uh its suppose to be funny....get a sense of humor...and if you didn't notice eastwood is dressed as blondie.an istp....you know from the good the bad the ugly...sigh..|||Sorry had to post this lol.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHCyaJS4Cbs&feature=em-unknown|||Yes its reliable its rader/laser...detected every cop car I've past by on the highway|||HAHAHA...no I have a radar detector...|||If by dancing you mean...hopelessly random and rhythmless movements...then yes....that being said I did learn the Superman and Cat Daddy LOL.....but still lack rhythm of any kind...|||Its all fun and games till Jupiter rises on the moon of your birth..while the planets are aligned..then all hell breaks loose...... I'm still waiting for the chicken bone readings..maybe ill get...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lsd2xjYLmY|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfeys7Jfnx8&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJVt8kUAm9Q|||1. Is eye contact comfortable for you in general? Yes 2. What would make you avoid eye contact with someone temporarily? What conditions? What feelings? What people? Cleavage (Yes, I know I'm a...|||The rogue...or ninja... oh wait...|||Apparently using ............., not being an outright dbag, and being a scientist....defies the ISTP stereotype......|||Michael Mike Ehrmantraut (Breaking Bad) http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110620221525/breakingbad/images/thumb/0/0f/Bbs4mike.jpg/250px-Bbs4mike.jpg Don't know if someone already posted it|||oops...........|||I am an ISTP and I am dangerously low on my supply of fucks to give....|||Even though I'm a marksmen with the M16 and M9. I'd rather have a Sig SG 500, M14, or anything chambered for 30-06 because its the most common ammo..... Machete, Crossbow (for silent take downs),...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI3UjZO2DfA&feature=youtu.be Dubstep..Because I Wub It|||I guess I'm one of those people that's not depressed, not suicidal, but has no interest in life it self. The only thing I really enjoy in life is learning something new. Interactions with others is...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PLyq9TVMpk That's me baby... :cool:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU-VA3BYzmg|||I don't know, as a kid I think I was more an ISTJ, and as I got older I learned life is to short to not do what I want, and eventually settled into ISTP with some ISTJ tendencies...but I'm just...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBKlm-RX2zU&feature=related Everybody needs WUB...|||...Video games are entertainment...you know like movies...books...etc.....I don't know though Jensen seems like to much of a feeler.. .imho...I never asked for this every time I hear that line...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgVwv0ZuPhM&feature=channel_video_title It's been more than 30 years since the wolf in the winter cold. And now, as then, it's not fear that grips him......only...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNDT7EInclo&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z9TdDCWN7g&feature=relmfu|||You know something I didn't even think about that, I guess all their looking for is awareness. Its probably because in my view, if your going to fight for something awareness isn't enough you need to...|||Wait what? Am I getting deported?..They may deport me...but their not taking my guns though :P|||I know what its intended for. But its 2 different questions... 1. What are your thoughts on the blackout....do you think it will actually get the message out... I'm highly skeptical like i...'
'Ya girl if she is a prima donna like you've described than it really has nothing to do with her Ne tendancies. The example I give a lot about this whole land of ideas/S reality is my long time...|||Ok let an entp explain the enfp ability to do this...it is NOT personal at all that she would say hey I should have you over and than not invite. It is the the cross wiring of the IS vs EN...enfp...|||Well..I am an ENTP and I've heard of the same thing for the ENTPs but I am a believer. I will quote you something I wrote on a thread to a self absorbed person who thought the world was going to pot...|||@loseralwayzwins How do you ask out a lady normally?|||INFJ---which i knew already and have only met one as far as I know. I have been in love with various types..mostly introverts and one introvert who thinks he's extroverted but please whatever LOL|||If you all haven't noticed the types that have responded are INTJ and INTP types who actually think this is a worthy subject to dive into. AND if you all haven't noticed the HUGE LONG WINDED well...|||Have you given up yet?|||I would atleast try cheddar on pie but I make no promises in liking it LOL|||It's like we had the same childhood LOL. Some people think entp are little einsteins at 2 years old but my experience is very similar to yours however I didn't enter the medical field. I chose...|||Yes I definitely agree there with the whole clone thing. The mystery reels me in every time! Curiosity kills the cat ;)|||I think you are on to something Orion on all accounts..I do like the strong silent types..some people think silence is a weakness because they mistake it for not thinking. The reality is it is a...|||I relayed this question to a friend recently: Why am I so drawn to introverted men and her reply was that it's because it's easier than relating to someone who is on my same level. My snarky reply...|||Ya only if you don't like who you are|||The most two of the most aggravating things to an ENTP is someone trying too hard (over compensating/not being true to self) and incompetence. We can tell if you are being yourself and if you don't...|||Yes I can obviously see the attraction to MBTI typing for N's or shall I say infj's and entp's. I don't see a lot of isfp's...maybe they are just lingering in the background absorbing as they usually...|||You think so? Maybe it has to do with S peeps want facts and N's just let things flow lol idk|||Yep sure do. His posing started out with me trying to take a pic of him at the festival of lights thing we went to. He was all squinty in all of them and he made the remark that he always looks like...|||The very first math class I tanked was freshmen year geometry in high school. Until than I had been in advanced placement math. ugh math. It's something I worked hard at but geometry NEVAH again lol|||The Consultant who ran the seminar I went to on this said that the Myers-Briggs chicks said that everyone was born a certain way and through out our life and experiences we LEARN to be the opposite....|||Thanks sweet! I hope so :)|||I wish I were. He wanted to stay friends. Guess all this charm was wasted lol :)|||I am an entp woman who fell in love with an isfp. He literally was plopped down in front of me for 8 months for me to notice but like what Cholate said when an entp starts to care it is very humbling...|||lol love the Shania quote! Eventually an entp will quiet down like I have and wonder and prode and grow in this area. So I agree with the previous posters who say he is immature. A well developed...|||I live small town NC and let me tell you I did NOT want to move back here after leaving from high school. But as the previous posts indicate you make it what you make it. There are only a few people...|||Aww lol. Well I wouldn't go as far as calling love evil BUT..what I think you are referring to is (excuse the term ugh) the love bubble. I read a book once called the 5 love languages where he said...|||Going out with a guy who is dating another woman...that's deceiving ones self. Even if it was just hanging out it should of been with him and his girlfriend. By just going out with him she was...|||It was not unrealistic of her to believe a man she met IN CHURCH and who's father is a PASTOR to at some point find God or refind Him. She probably didn't take him seriously the times he mentioned it...|||I can relate to this as an ENTP..the one thing I fear is the one thing I desire the most. I like the way you described it. I step away a lot when I'm getting too close but how does one become loved...|||Amen! :) He's telling you no he isn't going to dump the other chick but if you two want to continue to grow your friendship than he's ALL game. How else are you going to get close to him but than...|||I didn't bother reading all of the posts because some of them were really weird so I stopped reading lol. If you think your chick will dig it than go for it. I have a million ideas but no one to do...|||Gosh nothing better than a bully to push my buttons. I'm pretty much the same as you tanstaafl28 and I'm generally a calm cucumber but a bully sets me OFF. Just thinking about it makes me mad lol.|||I can make even the most introverted laugh just by laughing :)|||Honestly, I would as an entp stay in a long term relationship if the pay off in the end was worth it. You being a law student..worth it! Reach out and initiate skype email and phone..not to the point...|||I got one once to pose for pictures for me. He did an amazing job considering his type. He said his discomfort level was a 4 out of 10. I eat 4's for breakfast lol. www.facebook.com/knottyart he's...|||lol well I took this entirely too long seminar on MB typing and she said the NT's Achilles heel is incompetence. Teaching my mother how to use the computer is so taxing! lol. Bullying is also a...|||Depending on how evolved either of us are I think two entp would get to a point where they would frustrate each other trying to prove themselves right. Also, when nothing got done because of lack of...|||Ya it seems more often than not with this type, those who are high on the IQ, suffer in other social areas. I don't want to generalize a whole temperament but it just seems the case to me.|||Yes with introverts you ARE the spontaneity and most extraverts love that. But since you are an introvert it will get on your last nerve lol. I for one don't mind coming up with the cool ideas bc...|||I have a guy infj friend who was complaining how this one chick who jilted him was the only girl who got his jokes. So he spins one to me and I smile. It was cute not hilarious kinda corny and not...|||I thought that power was a super secret inner circle power..unless of course you are at the blunt end of it. I rather dislike that part of me..the desire to do that when I've been severally wronged....|||Why?? Aren't you an entp male? Wouldn't we clash or something lol|||I'm in love with bagpipe music LOL. People would always stare at me because I'd be rockin' some Shania Twain and than start rapping to some Jay-Z especially when I'm a hardcore alternative rock fan....|||The male infj I know has had many many adventures. The stories he has shared but he also has a slight case of aspergers and well maybe that has something to do with it. But i'm glad to hear...|||This is true. I hear some entp women up here who have absolutely no Fe and I'm like EVOLVE already! lol. I'm attracted to isfp types and it has helped a lot in that department. Talk about eggshells...|||I have kept finding that I have never dated another extrovert. I have plenty of extroverted and introverted friends and this is how it goes with them. I am drawn to the introverts and other...|||You're right there..I love isfp's. For me being an entp it's very humbling dealing with one. It's kinda like a pitbull in a china shop with an isfp for me but it makes me stop think and...|||Have you dated a lot of ENTP's? And how would you rate it?|||I'm a Christian NT..is that rare?? LOL well I've been put on my arse and a true experience with God is what brought me back up. I'm crushing on a Christian isfp who is VERY VERY introverted. God...|||You are right on the money with your assessment of isfp. 8 months of friendship and boom I got there before him and I think I scared him into an awkward corner. It's a long road and it hurts...'
'I imagined other kingdoms with linguistic variations, different mores and laws and created neologisms. Of course the other rulers were incompetent and I had to intervene.|||You know you're an INTJ when you didn't have an imaginary friend but an imaginary kingdom and you weren't the king, but the kingmaker.|||A childhood pic. I'm told I look menacing here. I though I looked 'cute'.http://i.imgur.com/FiXDV.jpg|||You know you're an INTJ when two people you've known for over 10 years, meet and bond over you quicker (in 10mins) than you've bonded with either of them in 10 years.|||when you scroll through the 200 odd entries in your phone list and realise that there are perhaps just 1 or 2 people with whom you'd consider spending time. The others are co-workers, plumbers,...|||An INTJ knows you're an ENFP when you're not dissuaded from talking to us despite our usual 'I'm not interested,' demeanor; you keep changing topics mid-sentence and have already jumped 3 topics...|||Vent Alert: You know you're an INTJ when just being yourself is enough to make people think you're rude and selfish. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!|||My dad was an INTJ and my mum is an INTP. My mum and I get along well because she is pretty laid back (NP?). I often think of her as the more agreeable / sociable version of me (an INTJ). I find it...|||Oh no, it's Judge Dredd. (Overheard in the hallway, prior to final year vivas.)|||It's Intel again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OQ1Nu1koyQ|||Boiled Sheep Head....yum. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_oGAjBir4nCw/TaVNpXdNQ0I/AAAAAAAAGEU/y9L8njy0-XE/s640/IMG_3666.JPG|||In such situations, I have the tendency to offer short responses or none at all, if I can help it but I do see how explaining one's own point of view might help with an F one cares about........|||Oh! I like that! That's thinking 5 moves ahead! My conversation went like this: ENFP: Don't you like people? INTJ: Er...I like some of them. ENFP: Then why don't you spend time with them?...|||Today, I got asked, Don't you like people? How do you answer an ENFP who asks you something like that? Without being rude.|||I got that while chatting last night. Chatting!!! Why? Because I don't follow every sentence with a :happy: ?|||This is an all-time uni. favourite in India. Goes well with chai. Egg Puffs Hard Boiled Eggs-4 Puff pastry-1 pkt/sheet Salt and Pepper - to taste Paprika Pwd/ Chili Pwd/Curry Pwd - to taste ...|||Welcome ........|||Yeah, people presume I've taken some sort of religious vow. Now, that is scary. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-ash1/v134/162/84/857005234/n857005234_1223051_3419.jpg?dl=1|||I've scored 74.|||Sure we do. Except, our dates aren't like their dates. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm3FEOGnS3c&feature=related|||Reminds me of one of my former house-mates/work colleagues. Everyone thought he was a jerk. In fact, as an intervention they got us all to do the MBTI. Surprise, surprise! He turned out be an INTJ....|||You know you're and INTJ when, while you're thinking of how to phrase a question to ask someone or type out, you simultaneously come up with at least three possible answers, while evaluating the pros...|||Moin! I'm Indian but lived in Ostfriesland for a year. :)|||I was wondering if this is an INTJ thing. On the rare occasions I do emote, I find that it's usually to express negative emotions such as annoyance, irritation and in some rare cases, anger. I don't...|||Yeah, I can dance..... in private and with the lights off.|||LOL!....and I'm partial to redheads too. Too bad polyandry isn't allowed where I come from!|||Amen! I cannot abide books or people that waste words on irrelevance!|||One of the fondest memories I have of my childhood is spending monsoon afternoons reading with my INTP mum. We would each choose an article from an encyclopedia and read it out to each other. I...|||You always knew you were an INTJ when, as a child, instead of bed-time stories you'd rather be read to from an encyclopedia.... better still, you'd read yourself to sleep.|||Psychology|||Pleads guilty to being impatient with FPs on numerous occasions. :confused:|||You know you're an INTJ when you go into stealth mode when other people are around. People tend think you're daydreaming/reading/not around, etc and proceed to have a discussion when suddenly, BAM!...|||Pink, the best kind of revenge. Unfortunately, copying is more the norm than the exception where I live.|||More like two.|||Oh, I learnt my lesson alright. The next time I was asked I suggested they have everything redone in pink.|||You know you're an INTJ when your boss asks you what you think of the new website and you give him your recommendations along with a couple of templates only to have them rejected because they don't...|||I have 2 female friends whom I've known for years. One's an ENFP and the other is a an INTJ. Having an ENFP friend has taught me how to deal with other F types as well as women. I still run things by...|||You know you're an INTJ when someone asks you for feedback and halfway into it, they bust into tears and you have no idea why.|||Cyrus thinks he's a cat. Does that count? https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_oGAjBir4nCw/TX07GrYd1XI/AAAAAAAAGBU/wN5UaTGGmlE/28481_10150217736930235_857005234_13216580_4933411_n.jpg...|||[QUOTE=MKMason;818786]Drawings: http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s91/enigmaticartist/1Osmosis-small.jpg I think this is my favourite so far!|||Sorry, the picture isn't very clear. I did this when I must have been around 10 and wanted to become an archaeologist. ...|||While I have already done part of what Rhee said, (asked for feedback and gave examples of how the changes have benefited the students and department through raised pass percentages, increased...|||I still think this one's cool http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tPZzR7EpIjg/TMTg8SkAk1I/AAAAAAAAAQ4/uN4Z3U6yTgQ/s1600/t-1000.gif|||Phone calls. I hate it when people interrupt my train of thought.|||Hi! I'm an INTJ with an ISFJ boss and we've been having trouble dealing with change. She was on sabbatical when I was appointed and while she was away, the syllabus underwent an upgrade and more...|||Bah! No wonder! Thanks!|||Hi! I'm an INTJ with an ISFJ boss and we've been having trouble dealing with change. She was on sabbatical when I was appointed and while she was away, the syllabus underwent an upgrade and more...|||<--- An INTJ at an INTJ afterparty.|||You know you're an INTJ when your student comes up to you and says, Y'know when I first met you, I thought you were scary. And you ask, And now? And the students replies, Well, er I was...|||Ah, that explains the HAL 9000 bit.'
'I'm extremely cold, bitter, and sarcastic on the outside. On the inside though I am quite sensitive. I can sometimes notice when somethings up with my ENTJ friend. Even though he's quite good at...|||1. Do you use emojis? (If so, when and for who) I use basic emoticons, (;), xD, xP, :P, :D, :), ;P, >;D, etc.) I use them with my friends/family/kinda anyone. I use them when I'm trying to portray...|||If someone came to you and asked you to make a decision about something, what would your thought process be? Wait what? Now? Uh... Idk... This?! If you had to choose between being alone in a...|||Introversion (I): 17 versus Extroversion (E): 2 Sensing (S): 6 versus Intuition (N): 16|||Introversion (I): 17 versus Extroversion (E): 2 Sensing (S): 6 versus Intuition (N): 16|||Warning Is highly unstable, if used incorrectly could be toxic. Use at own risk.|||I commonly question whether I'm a Feeler or Thinker. First off, I am ridiculously sarcastic. Too the point where I almost hurt an ENTJ friend of mine. I also make harsh comebacks as well.. When I'm...|||I have 2 bunnies... Reading that she killed 2 rabbits by stepping on them made me cringe. Poor rabbits. :unsure:|||3.57: Language 3.57: Nature 3: Musical ------------------ Self: 3 Spatial: 2.71 Logic/Math: 2.14 Social: 2.14 Body Movement: 1.71|||It's seems as just xxxPs in general are just clumsy. I'm incredibly clumsy, I once knocked over a huge frame and it shattered... I'm also prone to running into things and walking backwards. Lol..|||I'm a Dandere with a little Kuudere...|||1) What is your perceived mbti type? How certain are you of this assertion? INFP, I'm confident that I'm Fi dom, then I would definitely say I have Ne. So definitely INFP. 2) Where you...|||xNFJs are so easy to talk to IMO. I know an ENFJ and an INFJ. They are both very close friends of mine. ENTJs are cool, but definitely not my favorite. I'm around one too much to favorite them. lol|||That's exactly what I do. I mean, recently I learned to make a redstone clock so I can make a automatic cobblestone generator in skyblocks, but even then sometimes I mess up. My ENTJ friend LOVES...|||If there was truly a cat around, I'm sure they would love to cuddle up against you. Of course after murdering and devouring the fish in your avatar. :) Edit: If I failed the whole blackhanded...|||I mainly play mini-games. I also sometimes play factions. I'm also a big fighter, lol. I'm extremely competitive, which I guess apparently isn't a popular INFP trait? I also build a lot, sometimes I...|||Thank youuu! I hate to be posting so much, I feel like I'm spamming. Oh well. ISTJ seems accurate. I've known a few ISTJs so it seems to ring true.|||Mine? Lol, I did. I've been drawing since I was 4. Though, I do love to draw. I can't say I can put my emotions into my drawings. Though when it comes to poetry and stories, I most certainly can. ...|||I've read some of your other posts and INTJ seems about right.|||I would definitely say INFP. Alas, I do like Ninjas sooo. ;P|||Not quite sure, maybe xNxP maybe INxP?|||INFP It really depends, lol. I enjoy writing somewhat morbid stories and poetry (How stereotypical, lol.) I would say the ones you posted would be a solid 6/10 for they made me smile.|||I'm an INFP I play on servers most of the time, but when I'm alone I can still do well. I generally build, and try to farm animals. I hate to kill animals, especially bunnies. Though nonetheless...|||1. What's you're mbti type? INFP 2. Do you think people gravitate towards opposite or same types in friendships? I generally gravitate to somewhat similar (Even though one of my best friends is...|||Oh that's hard. I'm not very skilled with either. Too bad pencils, markers or inks are not an option. Though I'll probably go with oil. I feel I can blend better with them and I like the texture. ...|||I'm really interested in you guys, but unfortunately don't know any of you Irl, and I rarely get out of the house unless going with friends. What were the things you were interested in and where did...|||Trace|||Fluffy horses are adorable. Stick a horn on them and they'll be a fluffy unicorn. Unicorns are cool to me, sure a lot of people view them as magical rainbow creatures. Though, I can easily imagine...|||I'm an INFP. My Mom is an ISFJ (She studied this before she got married so I don't think being a Mom would change that.) I'm pretty sure my Dad is an ESFP.|||I always get ISFP on that site. I used to rely very heavily on it until I started studying the functions. On that site ISFP fits me a lot, but I'm still an INFP. I would say it gives a general idea,...|||After a lot of research, I have come to the conclusion that I'm an INFP. Thanks everyone for your help, I greatly appreciate it!|||After a lot of research, I have come to the conclusion that I'm an INFP. Thanks everyone for your help, I greatly appreciate it!|||I have also studied both of them a little bit, and I just don't know which I use more. Though, are people with the Se function generally good at finding lost things, or noticing little differences....|||I know I'm definitely Fi Dom. I'm not completely sure what functions I'm still developing the most. I would say I've acted the same though for most of my life, except in Elementary school I was quite...|||Well, another thing is. I am still quite young, in my early teens. So, my functions are probably just still developing as well. I would like a general idea what type I am though.|||Haha, I just overthink things way too much. Sometimes I need to slow down with myself. LOL!|||That's probably true. Half the time I get overwhelmed by my own emotions. xD|||I wish I wasn't so confusing. xD|||Thanks, sorry, I'm still new here. 1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it. ...|||Questionnaire? As in which questionnaire? Are you going to ask the questions? Sorry, not following. Haha. xD|||I would like to know your process of thought, and what for sure makes you think I'm a INFP, just so I have something to pull together. Also, It would also make sense, since I grow up in a family of...|||I can relive the emotions I had, and feel those emotions. My memory isn't the best, but the memories I do have, I focus more on what I felt, then the surrounding.|||My parents are both Sensors, my Mom is an ISFJ, and my Dad an ESFP. I really don't hear them comment that I'm in my own world that often, because I mainly generate my Ideas when I'm alone. Say laying...|||I studied the differences of both a bit. While I do think of lots of different ideas, and sometimes can be quite random like Ne, If I'm interested enough, I'll study it down like Ni, then maybe will...|||I was quite aware of that possible outcome, though, I wanted to give it a shot. If nothing, I could always go back to researching on my own. I'm still open for ideas though, and could definitely...|||Well, I'm just trying to imagine my friends doing this, and seeing what I would get irritated by more, and honestly, I like the jumping ideas, It can be quite intriguing. Though in other terms, It...|||So, I originally posted a thread like this in the INFP forum, though I probably should've posted here. So, I got into the MBTI last year. When I first took the test, I came out as ISFP, and since...|||I'm also willing to answer any more questions if it will help.|||That's just a sample, now with my other best friend, he's a ENTJ. Boy do our conversations get interesting. From arguing about kindness, and what's right. To arguing about random topics like whether...|||We've been friends for 7 years, haha. I'm still not completely convinced with anything yet, I guess my main focus right now is really figuring out which cognitive functions I use the most. Ne-Si or...'
'Urahara never seemed very introverted, and he seems far more Ne dominant than he does Ti dominant which is mainly why I get the ENTP vibe. I would maybe be able to agree on INTJ for Aizen but I...|||I always thought of Urahara as being ENTP and Aizen as ENTJ. Also Byakuya seems pretty Si dominant. So I still think ISTJ for him. Hitsugaya seems more ESTJ also. I'm also not sure about...|||So true, and you're right I think the best way to describe her was a queen, haha. She certainly acted like she was expecting to be pampered or something. NEVER AGAIN. Seriously NEVER AGAIN will...|||I had a disgusting relationship with an ISFP for a few months. Its weird because I wanted it to work very much but it was just a disaster. We honestly were just completely incompatible. I would just...|||I agree with these typings, except for Donna. She doesn't seem very ENTJ to me. Also, I think Kitty could go either E or I, but I lean towards E.|||I could see Conan as an ENxP, Leno is certainly ESFP. I dont know where the hell people get ENTJ for letterman the guy seems very STJ to me. Also his Ni must suck hardcore just watch him in this...|||I've known a lot of cool ISFP's and I don't think Ive ever disliked one per se. Its only that we don't seem to be able to interact as well as I'd like to lol. With some of the ones I knew in school...|||he sounds like a good NPD candidate. (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) Dear lord no.|||I felt exactly the same way about Starcraft 2. I eventually bought it anyways purely because its the only RTS my retarded friends will play because of how user friendly they've made it. The MP...|||ENTP for sure. He even has that stereotypical xNTP child-like fascination with science, or at least that's what he exudes.|||Hmmm... well, now it seems like you're more INTJ. I would explain the fact that you don't relate to the knowing part of the Ni description because the description is a little bad. Many people have...|||The worst way to type, honestly. I know way way too many weird Se users. I'd go as far as to say most of the Se users (especially ESxP's) I know are far more outwardly weird than the N's I know. ...|||It might just be me, but for some reason your voice reminds me of George Clooney. (I may just be bat shits crazy though) I will eventually post with your type, I'm still thinking though.|||I think you prefer Ni over Ne and Se over Si. So Ni will be somewhere in your function order along with Se... but the F v. T is fuzzy for me still. Although you say you get hurt by criticism (I never...|||Answer these questions for me. When working on a project where do you place your emphasis? the process of putting it together? or the final product? (Do you experiment with your perspectives to...|||I always thought Snake was a stereotypical ISTP. Very bad ass Clint Eastwood-y type.|||I always thought she was an ISTP|||Dammit, I lied, I'm not that sure about my type. I have an important question though. Which process would this point to? Auto creating something similar to a compare and contrast table in your...|||Thanks everyone, I've now decided I'm definitely some kind of xNTJ. Any help on deciding between E or I for xNTJ's? (any specific, noticeable traits? or is it just the same E vs. I distinctions?)|||She reminds me of this ISFP girl I used to know. (I know, that's a really inaccurate way of typing. Just had to say it anyways) I have seen other forums try and peg her as an intuitive, and that's...|||Well, after reading almost every sites descriptions on all the types; the ones that really clicked with me the most were ENTP, INFJ, and ENFP. (A few ENFJ ones clicked very well, but then others were...|||I don't think it will help much but I took that test. Extroverted (E) 50% Introverted (I) 50% Intuitive (N) 83.33% Sensing (S) 16.67% Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50% Judging ...|||I'm still afraid to tell him, especially since hes so irrationally clingy to her. I guess I'll show him all the texts next time I see him.|||I'd say that INTP's definitely act a little more goofy and talkative when in a comfortable situation. (like with a couple of close friends) I've known them to make really funny off the wall jokes and...|||Hello all, since I know people don't want to hear me ramble about all my theories on my personality type in a long two page incoherent paper, Ive decided to make a simple description of myself to try...|||Hoorah! I just avoided all contact with her, and now shes stopped sending me creepy text messages lol. Although I did get a lot of angry texts about how I'm an asshole for ignoring her for a while......|||yes, shes definitely simple minded and clingy lol. I guess it wont hurt to try this out. Ill report back with the results!|||I've experimented already and she's definitely serious. I don't want to really be mean either.... lol So I'm not so sure I'd do it that way lol.|||That's exactly what I'm worried about. Which is why I am searching for an alternative. I feel I'm going to get adverse reactions from both sides.|||Long story short. I went to a party over the weekend that was being held for my good friends girlfriend's birthday. (God knows why?) The awful thing is that the entire time his girlfriend was hitting...|||I thought Ryan was an ENTJ with all his routines and things, but yeah I guess he did seem kinda ENxP'ish besides the routines.|||So I'm thinking INFJ? whachoo guys think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmXltMkWDwM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CpEpPbc4g8|||Lol, I couldn't even get myself to kill somebody who was actively trying to kill me. I just couldn't lol. but yeah, it probably would solve some problems lol.|||Nope, he definitely does not lol. He may pretend too, but in the end he always believes hes right. Yeah, Ive actually considered counseling before. It seems like it could be potentially...|||LOL, well thanks :D Its always good to know there are people who actually DO care :) . And I guess that goes along with your type as well lol. That's also another thing that made me feel...|||Lol, Yeah I actually said that to my mom, but she just ignored me and told me to shut up so... lol. Guess Ill try again when the social worker comes or I mean my brother will.|||Lol thanks, Yeah, actually a social worker is coming to our house automatically because of the run in with the cops, so maybe that will turn out well. Also, my brother is being appointed an...|||I appreciate the gesture, but... I'm a little confused as to what you were trying to say lololol.|||As long as I'm not going to get arrested or something for kidnapping him I'm perfectly fine with taking him with me. Then we'd deal with some of the legal issues later. My brother says he will go...|||So this is a little embarrasing, because this incident made my family kinda looked like one of those gross families you see on cops but oh well here goes. My dad has NPD and a few other personality...|||When I was little I used to troll the lord of the rings forums under the alias Bunghole Baggins.|||I agree towards the beginning of the series he seemed very much xSTJ (he was practically michaels lap dog) but their was this point a couple seasons through where he became this independent schemer...|||I dont think Jim is an ENTP. Hes either an ISFP or ISTP. Pam is an ISFJ. Ryans character abruptly changed when he got promoted. He at first seemed INTP then ENTJ after the promotion. I...|||The flaming lips baby! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jTuKHKIT4w&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htQX4R9yHWc|||So true. I really am open to any type of music. But for some reason my friends thought I was the biggest dork when I was little because I was obsessed with funk music. Heres a song I think...|||LOL, I guess thats a legitimate enough reason.|||I dont mind the hijacking. But I can tell you that their is already a thread about how F's can be just as rational as T's somewhere in these forums. But uhh.. yeah I wanna hear a good...|||In debates it seems he only engages in them so that he can show off his verbal dexterity or his knowledge. (a lot of the time its just that me and him literally end up not arguing about anything and...|||Yeah I guess it does. Do you know of any other ways Fi would manifest itself? Like maybe in everyday speech or actions or something? lol.|||I dont mind you moved the thread lol. But to answer your questions for I vs. E. Well I mean I dont know what else to say besides that he doesnt shut his face when we hang out. The more...'
'I guess that's a really personal decision for each Witness. My own sister is disassociated and I talk to her. I didn't find it helped anything to cut off my relationship with her. Some might...|||Go back a few pages and you'll find the answer. It was in the first few pages of the thread I believe.|||It depends on the situation. If the person is actively trying to draw away other witnesses and spreading ideas that are contrary to the Bible, they would be considered apostate and disfellowshipped...|||What you're talking about is called disfellowshipping. Other religions may call it excommunication. It's based on a scripture in 1 Corinthians 5:11-13: but now I am writing you to quit mixing in...|||Laney is right, you're thinking of Mormons. That is not one of our beliefs.|||Thank you Pippin! I believe Blue Butterfly hasn't been around for quite some time, but I'm still here if any questions are posted. It's nice you're here too, maybe you could contribute some answers...|||Oh gosh, I'm alright. It's just this thread has been a thorn in my side for a long time now. Just one of those stupid things I wish I'd never done.|||I'm really sorry I posted the link to that test now! I really just wanted feedback from other INFJ's about whether or not the test meant anything. I pretty much already have determined that it's a...|||You are talking about the doctrine of the Trinity. There was quite a detailed discussion about this a few pages back in the thread. Most of Christendom holds to the Trinity doctrine, which states...|||We believe the same thing.|||We go door to door in immitation of first century Christians, who also did it. The method makes sense because it's methodical and allows us to contact as many families in our community as possible. ...|||We love a worship Jehovah God, the Father. We follow and obey Jesus, and he is our intermediary to God. We believe that Jesus was raised a spirit: Christ died once for all time concerning...|||What Mr. Beer said is true. We are remarkably united. You can go anywhere in the world and find Witnesses doing that exact same things as they do in your hometown. They are all united in their...|||I don't know, how do Adventists portray him? I know some about Adventist beliefs, but that's on detail I don't know.|||All true. Where did you hear about those things?|||Paul here was speaking about teaching in front of congregation. That is something women are not to do, and Witnesses do not permit this. But, there are examples of 1st century christian women...|||Thanks for chiming in Dulcinea! Welcome.|||No, the Earth in its present state is not a paradise. It is rapidly being ruined by the greed and selfishness of man. Revelation 11:18 says that the the time will come when God will have to bring...|||We are definitely in favor of non-violence. We do acknowledge that there may come a time when we would have to defend ourselves in case of attack, but we would never go on the offense against anyone...|||There is a large amount of evidence to support this date. There are two lines, Bible chronology and the events since 1914 in fulfillment of prophecy. The prophetic dream spoken of in Daniel...|||We do speak of our organization as a spiritual paradise, but this is far different from the future physical Earthly paradise spoken of in the Bible. This is not an attempt to save face after 1975. ...|||I'll take question #3 for now, the first one involves a lot of math, which will take some time, but I will get to it. But anyway, no, we do not believe that we are currently in the thousand year...|||Well, I didn't know INFJ's had a tendency towards weight problems until I came here. I've never had a problem, but that's mostly because I inherited a great metabolism from my parents. Neither of...|||Sorry about the double paste! I'm afraid to try to edit it as the edit function hasn't been working lately. Here's what the second one should have been: ...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf42IP__ipw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf42IP__ipw&feature=related|||[/B] So true! My weight battle has been with the tendency to be underweight, but I totally agree with you. When I first started thinking about nutrition and trying to improve my health, I was...|||I sort of forgot I started this thread, sorry! Thank you for all the replies. It really seems like nutrition consciousness must be mostly related to either having been overweight or not feeling...|||I've noticed a little of that tendency in myself too, don't know why. I may have something to do with the fact that stress (and winter is very physically stressful) can really upset bodily...|||It occured to me to wonder if type has anything to do with food choice. I find that if I restrict myself too severely, I become angry and depressed. So I try to eat healthy, but will...|||I second the college idea. It's a very different environment. I've done a lot of research into the subject of public schooling, and it's my belief that the public school system is not a healthy...|||I don't know if I can help much since my only career at present is mothering and homeschooling my kids. My last job was one I hate to have to own up to on a site like this, ack! But here goes:...|||Right! so the key is to identify what it is you great at, what it is you love (which is usually the same thing), and allow yourself to become immersed in it as much as time allows. For many us, there...|||Many INFJs are counselors. We seem to be drawn to that because we love to make a difference in the lives of people, but we do it better one on one. There are many professions that lend themselves...|||From my experience, most people who have an ounce of humility don't want to assert that they are extraordinary, even if they are. Just because you don't make a living at what you are good at does...|||Personality certainly doesn't dictate levels of intelligence, but it might dictate what type of intelligence. I think that the reason the quiz seemed to be describing many of the traits of INFJ is...|||Intellectual giftedness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia There are lots of different theories on what it is. There is even disagreement about the appropriateness of the term itself.|||Absolutely! I think it's as much a mistake to determine giftedness based on personality traits as it is to base it on IQ. If you are an artist through and through, but can't make heads or tails of...|||True. And what I'm wondering is, what about all the gifted people who aren't particularly empathic, don't really care about big issues, don't really look at the big picture, etc? I know they're out...|||On lopsidedness: I can really relate to that as well. I struggled mightily with math in school, which gave me the idea that I was a moron. But reading and writing came so easily that I thought my...|||True. I know there are many gifted individuals who do nothing at all of consequence for various reasons, and know there are many average to above average people who excell in all kinds of pursuits. ...|||Absolutely! That's very close to what I was thinking as I took the quiz. Sometimes I wonder if the only purpose of those types of questionaires are to make people feel good about themselves rather...|||My latest obsession has been the subject of intellectual giftedness, sparked by an interesting article in Rolling Stone about a profoundly gifted child from Colorado. So that led to lots of reading,...|||I think the concept of soulmates screws up more relationships than anything else. There's something to be said for loyalty and commitment in the face of difficulties. Yes, Im INFJ, but I don't get...|||Truth exists, but God help the person who claims to have found it. Patriotism is the most brutal of all virtues -The Red Baron (that's an approximate quote, I can't remember his exact words) ...|||Try impossible, at least at this point in time. True, but it also doesn't rule it out. My intention in using those quotes was to demonstrate that, although the existence of a higher being...|||I, once again, thank you very much for your respectful attitude. We often encounter the opposite. I understand your desire to share what you believe, as I have that desire as well, obviously. But...|||I really appreciate your polite and respectful approach, but I'm not going to address each of those scriptures until I say this. First of all, to accept only one version of the scriptures is very...|||Arclight: Those are some really thoughtful and intelligent questions, and I really appreciate the opportunity to have a deep discussion such as this. First of all, I want to make it clear...|||We have no dietary restrictions. And you will not offend her most likely. We are used to being different and having to explain why we don't participate in things like birthdays, holidays, and...|||I know this was already answered, and correctly. We are indeed politically neutral. I just wanted to explain a little as to why that is. We believe that we are now under God's messianic...'
Most of this things could be intuitive, too.|||Well, they are quite popular on twitch community. But I getch ya. Mercer is quite a good DM, and there was a campaign of late, Frost Giants, which is good to look at.|||There's always a reason behind it.|||I was bored at the battles at some point, it reminded me of rock, paper, scissor. And the ambiance was so still. Like everyone prepared for their deaths. But the atmosphere was so great. It was...|||Did you like tenth game?|||That's quite many hands.|||I suggest to make all our enneagrams a 9.|||Happy birthday O_o|||It's like she found some inner order, and don't want you to disturb it. If you will be at home, find something useful to do for family and think your situation through.|||It's the eyes you usually see on a war photos.|||Still hate the loudness.|||Fought for hour with gulp. That's the life of a human who can't even code. I was so horrified when I tried to play Tabletops with people from other countries.|||Actually talking with people on it in real life helps.|||Very nice example. I wanted to bring body in that. But nature just covers it all. Everything have structure to not fall apart. But divergence is always there - other way you will not know where to...|||Don't know. First, you have some new social experience. Then, environment may allow it. To be more yourself. I was feeling myself like this amongst friends when they were eagerly and happily...|||It's like something clicks and you are happy around everyone?|||Very good. Always have to deal with this things myself. Leave out so many things to deal with. Life would be like very comfortable : ) Don't know if that says about 6 or stj. But this things are...|||I'll agree. It would be quite a false thing to enjoy things the same way if you only saw them, not experiencing them by yourself. But sometimes it's just more fun to watch your friend play and share...|||Umbert put quite a line to it. That it's imaginary things built on theories - which in their turn are not supported by anything. It's like creating a world of fear and stress, trying to sustain them...|||Oh, you are closing to the ending. Plus I think 6s have more grounded look on work that they are doing. Like why and for what? According to their life.|||Vasaris reminded me of this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7FmsNQyNOs Nice party.|||That's very great.|||nburns. You seem to be frustrated by things. Relax. And make better judgments.|||Maybe this might help a little. https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/the-peacemaker-overview-of-type-nine/|||In honesty, I know one russian man, who moved in Australia with family, friend of my friend. Put a lot of strength in all that roleplaying stuff, I mean, tabletop. You might move maybe one time...|||Haha! But, really, it depends in which circle you will get. I mostly met people who were in rpg's, and we met in cafe and discussed all this stuff. Not often.|||I lived with people who discussed this stuff all the time. Happy memory -_-|||I think so. It's the ability to walk together, see places, share something on more then text level. Senses.|||No, not at all. I met very nice people in my life, which had great impact on me, when I met them on social network. It's just, that you can know person better when you meet him in real life.|||Wondered on what differs between 'internet' and real life. Thank you. I do think people could have strong connections on boards. But only if they met in real life.|||Do we have close connections?|||http://poorlydrawnlines.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/beauty1.png|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/25/7d/c3/257dc3a12d8d36648257d8310ff06798.jpg|||Hey!|||Literally history of every star formation is interesting. Of every galaxy. Planets around the sun, asteroid belts, debris flying in the gases. Supernova blowing up and scattering as a nebula.|||Actually thinking that he is delusional is more appropriate. In this case 'lies' is a simple inner emotion. Nothing have to do with reality. Like when your beliefs are being pressured to doubt...|||Nno, I don't see this as a lie. It's this person business, if I know I'm right, then I'm right. If I'm not, well, ok. I can attest for my mistakes. Phrase might be objective if it's a general...|||Yes, something like that.|||Can you delve into your mind and recognize what you feel as ISTP?|||Yes, that's what I meant. That this phrase is subjective.|||Yesterday I've read about schizophrenics. Very interesting thing about them was - 'hearing voices'. Some study show up, that when we think something - we unintentionally use our voice muscles,...|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/73/d0/c2/73d0c2ae67368848c519125c55cca26a.jpg|||I think it's for everyone hard to open up with certain experience.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47h6pQ6StCk The First Trailer for ‘Loving Vincent,’ an Animated Film Featuring 12 Oil Paintings per Second by Over 100 Painters | Colossal|||Looks good.|||KotOR|||Yes, it's how I usually write - like talking with people aloud. Thing is, some times what you write is unerstandable to ones but not really much to others. Not so much on meaning of sentences, as...|||Yes, but not not so much in content as in word count. So I get read of too long adjectives (and russian is good on them), adverbs, leaving mostly what needs to be said. But I'm not doing very...|||When I'm usually editing it becomes an occam's razor. So phrases could become even more chopped. I should be more conscious of that! Have you read Sasha Sokolov - A School for Fools?|||How much to the end? Of the story.
'WHY AM I STILL UNEMPLOYED???? WHY? WHY? WHY????!!!?!?!?!?!?! http://i.giphy.com/ePeHKwWSed0Ag.gif I HAVE HAD THREE INTERVIEWS IN A WHOLE YEAR! http://i.giphy.com/11ADmvDkfXGQOk.gif WHAT IS...|||Just want my meds to kick in so I can be a normal human being. Darn you, symptoms of anxiety and major depression.|||http://i.giphy.com/dcubXtnbck0RG.gif|||Totally forgot this website existed for a few days. http://i.giphy.com/c3XM8SZ4g2Teg.gif|||america vs. europe|||The doctor was nice. Gave me samples of the expensive meds that helped last time. Boom. Hopefully I can be feeling better soon.|||The weekend was great. I'm emotionally (and physically) exhausted. Wow.|||Going to a freedom weekend at the church I've recently started attending. It's going to be interesting. Never been part of a religious organization so...this is going to be very new. I'm not...|||first world problems: I have so many clothes, time to give some to goodwill.|||That there should be SO MANY MORE mental health facilities like...everywhere. Everyone should get to see a therapist at least once a year, free of charge, just cause. Adoption shouldn't be so...|||Whenever I see a potted plant in the middle of no-where (like the street alley beside my office), I always wonder who would just abandon the plant/pot like that. I mean, it's perfectly fine being in...|||~feels guilty about not having job ~feels guilty for feeling guilty ~feels too bad to look for job ~feels guilty about feeling bad...|||Also, I almost only post things about my unstable mind here. I swear I'm not just a crazy lady. But that's what's on my mind lately. Hmmm. I'm never really good at representing what I am...|||If someone heard the playlist I've been repeating this past week they would have me see more therapists. lol|||meh|||I do like to help others shop if they ask me to. But if I'm shopping for me, it's for something specific and I can't focus on anyone else's concerns at that point. It's a one-track-mind mentality...|||Yeahhhh I am very guilty of listening to intently to my instincts about a person. At the same time, I give them the benefit of a doubt, let them try to prove me wrong with their good qualities...|||Tomorrow I head to the beach for shopping with my mother and grandmother. Party hard. /not|||Thanks to all those who have replied. Glad I'm not going crazy here.|||I've been there. :( It's like a masochistic need for stress. Which is nonsense. Best of luck to you!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55OK26tYDfY|||yay! http://i.giphy.com/JoY20YFjKwIve.gif|||And I hate that I can't say your name Without feeling like I'm part of the blame And it's never gonna feel quite the same But it's never gonna change|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh2LWWORoiM Spend my days locked in a haze Tryin to forget you, babe I fall back down Gotta stay high All my life To forget I'm missin you|||New therapist at 1 today. Oh my god, no ohhhhhhhhhh no. It's been near a month since I saw the last new therapist and she was weeeeiiiirrrd. So weird. The first appointment is always so tiring. All...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPqTCrm61-I|||^This, this so much. Allow yourself to feel sad a little while, but then just approach the situation in a I'm doing this for ME, not YOU attitude?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hig5uLy2fe0 Dreamed of you. Again. Of that night seven years ago this day. Wouldn't be picked unless you were drunk out of your mind. The best and worst moment of...|||Matthew 6:9-15 This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread....|||The next week is going to be people filled. Hmmmmm. Very sure I do not want.|||I'd like to see the input on this. As a recent graduate, being unemployed for 6 months and getting very few interviews despite the near thousands of jobs I've put in for, my confidence isn't...|||For me, HECK YES STARS. When I was little I thought my songs could control the wind and I would sing for HOURS outside as the sun went down. Once the sun went down, the stars were my reward for...|||This is fairly normal sounding to me. When you meditate, you are getting towards peace for yourself. Once the problems within are addressed, it makes sense that you would be (EVEN) more susceptible...|||Yesterday was a good day, probably because I didn't leave the house. lol|||I am probably the most annoying person on the planet when I am sick. The pre sickness must be pure agony for everyone around me, as I tend to freak out and think HOLY BALLS I HAVE ALL THE CANCERS...|||My bro Mactheknife is an INFP. We get along pretty well, even as little kids we got along. The worst he would do was pretend he was a dinosaur and chase me around the house until I admitted I was...|||A full day of people = 2-3 days alone. A few hours with people = one nights sleep alone, maybe a quiet breakfast.|||OP, I'm right there with you but I'm a lady and 25. Just keep your chin up and try and meet someone nice. :) Everyone else has great advice. Plus, with all your descriptors it sounds like you are...|||A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they're not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances. Did you hear how Dave...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjwofYhUJEM|||When my dog and cat are terrified of the thunder storms, I suddenly feel like I should be afraid as well. Maybe they know something I don't. ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)|||Don't be deceived by my delightful signature/avatar. :/|||I'm actually going through this thread in hopes of seeing a hobby that looks interesting. Having fun is hard....|||( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)|||I keep praying for the same things, and it hasn't seemed to do me much good (at this particular moment anyway). Maybe if others pray as well something will change. I need a change, friends....|||I can't take this anymore And I'm almost pretty sure I've been here before I can't take this any longer I won't heal until I'm stronger Strong enough to not be afraid -I Walk Alone by...|||It makes sense for me. Moderator is a better way to look at it for me. Many times in my life when others are fighting, I was always the person to listen to both sides of the story. Once both...|||For YEARS I tested as INTJ. Every time I took the test. But, recently I took more in depth tests, filled out questionnaires and studied the type. Turns out I was INFJ all along.|||Coughed this morning and tree jizz came out of my mouth. Pine trees, you win again this year. *shakes fist at the pine trees*|||Getting the urge to pack up my camping gear and going on a road trip out west. I miss the outdoors.'
'I love John Lennon's Imagine song. I also love George Harrison's song Within You and Without You, because this song has the same basic message that INFPs keep trying to communicate to the world...|||I am non-judgmental, so I can look past stuff. There are so many songs I still have yet to hear - I just wish I had more free time. An absolutely beautiful song. I am going to tell all of my...|||Thank you immensely Phil. I never heard this until you posted this song. I absolutely love this song. Now I cannot stop listening to it. I had to add it to my Youtube channel. According to the...|||Thank you for this thread Oh_no_she_DIDNT. I met my INFP girl friend approximately 3 years ago. When we first met and began speaking with one another, we had an instant connection with one...|||Thank you and welcome to PerC cityofcircuits. Yes, I am all those things you mentioned, but I am also non-judgmental. I genuinely love, care about, and respect people. I sincerely love helping...|||First and foremost, I need an extended VACATION. The Terminator looks so much better than I feel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WEKcjRRnzw. A 10-hour massage, and I want to sleep through...|||Hi and thank you xEmptiness. You asked me why everyone matters. I did not compare human beings to anything else that exists in the universe, nor did I claim that mankind is the most important...|||Hi @xEmptiness and thank you very much for your excellent, deeply profound questions. Questions 1: In what meaningful sense does everyone matter? Why does everyone matter? Answers 1: I want...|||Hi @xEmptiness. I agree—it is unethical to lie to people. I am not lying to anyone when I say that everyone does matter. You do matter. In my past, I was chronically depressed and suicidal. I...|||Hi andrewjonathan. It is a shame when people fail to accept, love, and respect others as they are. The only solution I have found is to surround myself with people who accept, love, and respect me...|||It depends upon what prompted my wanting to shut down. If my energy feels drained when I attend a party and speak with numerous people, or when I go to a jam-packed shopping mall with hardly any...|||I think everyone has their unique strengths and weaknesses regardless of their MBTI personality type. I love being an INFP, and I love and respect INFPs. While some individuals perceive a...|||Although I have not allowed abusive people back into my life to protect myself, I can still forgive them. Forgiveness is a separate issue for me altogether. Until I feel satisfied that an abusive...|||Anytime that anyone is rejected for who they are is WRONG!!! Rejection only causes unnecessary pain and suffering. Rejection can even lead to violence and war. In general, human beings have a...|||vividgrim. I am so sorry that you encounter so many issues while living your day-to-day life. The older I get, the more I realize that the only way in which we can live in a world where everyone...|||The more I read INFP males' posts, the deeper I fall in love with you. You have no idea how much you truly melt a woman's heart in the most beautiful way. You have the best advantage to reach a...|||Hi amethyst_butterfly. I have always been extremely hyper-sensitive to people and my surroundings. I can feel another person's feelings, which helps me to be extremely compassionate towards others....|||Hi @Cetanu. Depressed people are not dead inside. They are suffering. Depressed people have not given up. They are basically searching for solutions, help, and healing, so they can live a...|||Thank you precious INFPs. Wow! I am actually not the only person in this vast universe with this experience! I can always convey what I am thinking better in writing than I can when I am...|||Mental illness has nothing to do with MBTI typing. Mental illness is very complex. I met someone who is bi-polar. Once, when he was experiencing the euphoric extreme of his illness, the police...|||Thank you kindly wisdomdreams, and you are most welcome. :) I think children have not been exposed to overwhelming responsibilities, shoulds, destructive criticism, etc. as long as adults have...|||Thank you KindOfBlue06. I agree with everything you wrote. I know we all have our daily responsibilities that we must realistically complete and this is very important. I think setting aside 60...|||Thank you kindly AllorNuthin. Understood. For those who believe that God exists, the only thing I will definitely emphasize is that God is all-loving, compassionate, and merciful. I was...|||Cetanu. There are no positive impacts of suicide - none whatsoever. Everyone does matter - that is the truth. Knowing this truth is not limiting.|||Cetanu. The woman in the video was depressed. Everyone matters and is needed. The loss of anyone impacts themselves and others.|||Hi @AllorNuthin. First of all, I sincerely hope you have healed and have overcome all of your painful issues. I will continue to pray for you. I was chronically depressed and suicidal, and I...|||Hi @andrewjonathan. For some weird reason, I have been trying to log back into PerC since late Saturday night, but due to a PerC website/computer glitch I kept getting a blocking page (very...|||Thank you so much for your reply andrewjonathan. I have several guests coming to my place momentarily, and I have to go offline until they leave. I simply do not want to give you a quick,...|||You are most welcome Wanderlust94. Yes, I agree with you, but you do have the special insight of someone whose relative committed suicide. You can still help people - and you do. :) I have more...|||Wanderlust94 it was excruciatingly painful, but I had no choice but to endure it. I was there for both of my parents. As much as I miss my precious father, I would not want him to endure that pain...|||andrewjonathan. I have been praying for you. God created you and loves you as you are. Your parents love and accept you as you are. (Aside to those reading this - andrewjonathan wrote that his...|||Thank you Wanderlust94 for being so helpful, loving, and respectful to/of others and for being willing to continue helping others. I think you have a special insight to help those who are suicidal,...|||Seralya - I am not certain if there are any good websites by those who help women leave abusive husbands or who run safe houses to get some general advice. It is good that your friend has her own...|||You are most welcome Le Beau Coeur. :)|||Thank you clowder. You are correct - problems are a part of life. I think people need to help others who struggle with problems or avoid problems in any way whatsoever. This will help everyone...|||Hi saintless. I am so happy that you did get the message that I wanted everyone to get from the video. I think we must grow to live fulfilling, happy lives and to be able to help support those...|||Hi clowder. When people feel accepted for who they are and regardless of whatever illnesses they may have, then it will help them in every way possible. I agree with you. I think we need to...|||Thank you Wanderlust94. Family and friends of suicide victims have a difficult time understanding why their loved one chose death instead of seeking their help, because they would have helped them. ...|||Thank you ethylester. I will be more sensitive to those around me, even those who appear to be happy and have no problems. You are correct, some people are so concerned with appearances that they...|||Hi Wanderlust94. No need to apologize. I think the video is mainly responsible for that, so I do not think it is your fault. My reason for trying to avoid the topics of religion and Hell is due...|||Thank you Bago for bringing this awareness to me. I will be even more sensitive to those around me.|||Hi TJSeabury. I think every person impacts the world at large even by doing their daily tasks - sort of like throwing a pebble into a pond and causing the ripple effect. I will give you one...|||Hi Bago. Yes, some people identify themselves completely with their job, family, children, money, company, etc., etc., etc. Some people have even committed suicide whenever they lost something they...|||Seralya. I completely agree with Maeve's advice here.|||Seralya Both links work for me, but if you let me know which link does not work, I can do a cut and paste of the relevant information in my next post for you if you like. I think if your friend can...|||Hi Bago. I am happy that you are learning how to be your best and achieve what you want. I will pray to God that He helps you to be a mother. :) What you wrote is extremely important for...|||Hi Maeve. My father had a terminal illness, and his doctor told me that if they were to resuscitate him that he would end up being a vegetable on life support and that my mother and I would then be...|||Hi Bago. Yes, we all impact one another. I am not a therapist, but I did help two suicidal teenage girls (separately) to truly see and appreciate their true self-worth and to finally value...|||Hi Wanderlust94. Sorry, my job responsibilities prevented me from returning to PerC or this thread sooner. I still have not figured out how the Visitor Messages tab works to reply to you there. I...|||Thank you Wanderlust94. I truly love your insightful comments. According to the woman in the video, she said she went to Hell, so I cannot dispute her reality. I am sorry if the controversial...'
'Gratitude|||Transition, Transition, Transition|||Dear Dating Game, I don't wanna play anymore. Sincerely, An INFJ|||I get migraines too and I was scared the headache yesterday was headed that way.|||Dear Headache, Go Away!!! In pain INFJ|||For fast-acting relief, try slowing down. Lily Tomlin|||hopeful|||Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?|||By accepting the love given|||Today taking care of me is getting back to the gym.|||Transition|||To stop breathe and enjoy each moment|||“Don’t use words too big for the subject. Don’t say infinitely when you mean very; otherwise you’ll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.” ― C.S. Lewis|||Feeling Happy today|||Sometimes what makes one beautiful is how we feel about them|||Allow the changes...they are good.|||Busy|||Sit on the beach with a good book.|||Time alone to take care of me from time to time|||Good things really are around the corner if one looks.|||This silly guy of mine.|||Taking care of me by eating healthy.|||Go to the beach|||Happy today :happy:|||Relieved|||Throw us in jail and we will still love you. Threaten our children and bomb our homes and our churches and as difficult as it is, we will still love you. Send your hooded perpetrators of violence...|||Drained. This cold is kicking my butt.|||Dear New Neighbor, What are you building over there? You are making a lot of noise. I am kinda over it okay. Wishing for quiet INFJ Belle|||No amount of money is worth staying in a bad job.|||'Breakfast of Champions' by Kurt Vonnegut|||Rising to it by accepting the gifts right in front of me.|||Today I will take care of me by resting. Have to finally kick this cold.|||New job|||Transitions.|||I would go on a trip. Have not traveled in a while.|||My joy today is resting at home.|||Dear Horrible Cold, Why won't you let go? Over it INFJ|||Dear Sinus Pressure, Please Please PLEASE GO AWAY! Sick of the pain INFJ Belle|||Dear Horrible Cold I have had, Thank you for finally starting to go away. You were/are no fun. Starting to feel better finally Belle|||Relieved that this cold is finally easing up on me.|||Feeling icky today|||Lazy....|||unsure in some areas and absolutely confident in others....|||So very Happy|||Dear PerC Friends, I just wanted to let you all know how very happy I am these days. Grateful Belle|||Full of hope and anticipation|||This is meant to be a happy thread. That being said....How do you react to those unexpected, happy, incredible, great,and wonderful, things that sometimes come into your life. Those times when...|||To take a leap of faith...worth it on every level.|||So very happy|||I know that feeling well these days...came here to write how I was feeling today and your words say it better than I had planned.'
'I think it's difficult to derive something from your examples to answer this question you posted. Reason being, I think this isn't about going with others' decision, but that it is about making...|||I've read the descriptions, but I'm still fairly confused, since there are other things that come into play. If w1 is about the right thing to do, what would w3 be about? I think this is...|||I saw your thread yesterday and have been thinking whether to respond, since I don't know any type 2 INTJs but I do have a type 2 ISTJ parent and an ISFP friend. While I'm not type 2, I'm core fix 4...|||People are always looking for a way to organize information, and that includes information on groups of people. Regardless if we're N or S or TUVWXYZ, we automatically look for patterns. The reason...|||I think these are the reasons for that: - ISTJs don't question the point of the thread unless the thread begins with a dubious premise. / INTJs either ponder the point of the thread, or the point...|||Taking a shot at NFs and NTs: xNFJs - Personally want to investigate how people see and what they think of strippers, so they try to be one, understand what it's like to be strippers, then become...|||It's a cycle under a different name or context. First, people subscribe to the stereotype (since top Google searches are the first sources of reference.) Next, they find a community to find...|||Reminds me of the motto, The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem. It makes a lot of sense to me - if every action is an evaluation of a person's character (e.g. you forgot the...|||Very much agree, that typology can have positive/negative effects depending on which hands it lands into. Scenario A: I introduced MBTI to a friend, who was repeating a self-sabotaging pattern...|||Jumping to conclusions. There's a lot of it around here recently.|||Does that mean both of you are not officially together? It doesn't sound mutual to me at all if you are in love with him while he thinks you two are a wannabe couple. It seems that your account...|||Their sense of humor. After some theorizing, my ISTJ friend is convinced that my puppy is a dangerous being from outer space. As such, she has warned me to get an armor from eBay, but when I said...|||Being unable to identify momentarily would be more accurate than misreading. I know I'm feeling something, but what it is and where it's come from might be unclear. I do not think of it as an...|||I was playing this online game and in a squad of random people. There were four of us. Two left the dungeon for a while for some troublesome thing that was unnecessary and a waste of time, and so I,...|||You haven't. I know I have a problem of not conveying things very well, and I tend to realize that only after someone has pointed things out. I am not sure how to explain this reactivity....|||Thanks all, that was clear. marzipan01 Although your comment that reactive ennea-types cannot control their reactivity is directed to SOM, I thought I'd share what I think. As a 4, I pick up...|||Interesting thread. TBH I am confused at the definition of reactive of reactive triad in this thread. From what I understand, this reactivity is more about noticing something and wanting to...|||choccrunchie Are you currently under any form of stress? That can make finding your type harder.|||I don't know how much help I can be but I'll give my personal account on this disconnect I used to and sometimes still do experience. As a child, I was emotionally expressive and quite intense....|||I could barely read anything in the middle of the entire thread, so I've skipped it. Apologies for anything that may have been repeated. I don't know how off the track I am, but the Fi-doms I...|||mizzcasual Did you notice how the ISTJs in here have been tactful to you? It's likely a similar thing with your friend, except the situation is more delicate because he's been a friend of yours. ...|||Ugh. It's bad enough when a friend with a loose mouth randomly bitched to me about a stranger in detail, especially when I know she often doesn't get her facts right, and even worse when she had...|||I think Goku is an ISTP. As mentioned, he lives in the moment and doesn't worry so much about the future. The thing that stands out to me though is that most of his thinking is done internally and...|||I know I've been there. Knowing is a start. Enneagram certainly helped me understand the flaws I have in ways MBTI couldn't. It was ironic that I didn't know I, as type 6w5, came across as...|||I think you might be an xNFJ, but I'm not really sure. I'm supposing you're new to type, so hopefully the rest of my post doesn't look confusing. You seem to use a lot of Fe (extraverted feeling)...|||The lack of paragraphing, not the content, made it a tad bit confusing to read for me. The long post looks like a direct translation of inner thoughts though, so if it is, it looks similar to my...|||Colleague had a farewell dinner. During idle chat afterward, I started reading Dilbert comics on my ISTP sister's phone. I don't recall which particular comic, but an original message was...|||I don't really understand your example. I'd say that the cue is Te, not Ni. I don't play snooker either, but I'll attempt to relate to your example. Ni does care about the directions of where the...|||I don't notice the obvious enough apparently. It amazes and appalls myself sometimes. It's like looking at the full picture and having your eyes go everywhere and eventually spiral down to the main...|||Oh my god. This is the first time I'm seeing this thread, somehow. It's so much a better read than most threads around in this sub forum! Now I can't figure out why I didn't see this earlier...|||Observations of myself: The repeated use of metaphors and analogies, asking several questions and having ambiguous speech patterns. Saying never mind/forget it a lot and choosing a course of action...|||Reading this thread. The massive amount of misreading is disturbing.|||This! I've always felt that introspection makes a lot more sense to me. For a long time, friends and family alike ask me to express my feelings, but I don't know how to - it tends to come out in...|||Sorry, I just had to edit this: Why of all NTs did you have to choose this guy...ah well... Carry on!|||Your response to Napoleptic confused me for a while. They were just saying what they think and feel in response to your open letter. The you they were referring to in their post is a general...|||Nothing's wrong with your approach. Something's wrong with your assumptions and the way you're looking at this. My guess of your assumptions based on what you wrote: 1. That we all have a lot of...|||Corrected for you.|||I find it funny that when lirulin says something to the effect of the above, she usually gets a response as below:|||This is a standpoint I find interesting to consider. But at this moment, I'm inclined to disagree with the notion that the F way is any more real than T; I find it far more abstract than T (this is...|||You phrased your title as Why the mind games. Why do you not instead phrase it as, Is this INTJ playing mind games with me? It makes a whole lot of difference to perception. Are you just grabbing...|||Yeah, precisely. There was a period of time that I was reading up on the subject of emotional blackmail and manipulation. I wanted to understand why people engaged in it - is it necessarily malicious...|||A lot of things to address, but I'm having some problems synthesizing everything into proper words, so I might leave out things in the midst. I'm unsure how to respond to this (the part in...|||A few months ago, both before and after I joined the forum, I read the threads. I learnt a lot from them, and I was prompted from then to figure out the entire mess that made up my history. It's...|||I would attribute it to popular notions of confidence and arrogance, projection and comparisons. Confidence is trust in one's ability, while arrogance is exaggerated opinion of oneself. Both I...|||Doesn't that mean the INTJ's gonna die in the end? I play a decent cleric though...|||teddy564339 Thanks for the explanation. It's very comprehensive. I'm going to rearrange your post for a bit and edit for length. (Rest assured though, I'm not disregarding them.) I think I...|||I don't know about other NTs, but I don't reject details. The issue for me is not about the amount of details, but what kind of details, and in what order of priority they're put into. I need to...|||I see what you mean by the manipulation. I'm not sure what to explain here, except that while Riku seemed to change, I'd say that he realized the mistakes he was making, and he wanted to make up for...|||I can only work with what little you've provided, so consider my speculations, but don't treat them as facts or truth. Remember that every type faces esteem/confidence issues. - Being emotional...|||My confession: When I hurt, I want to be hugged by a child, who expects nothing in return. When wronged and cornered, I feel I have no voice of my own and need someone else to be my voice, but...'
'I think that that can absolutely be true of infjs, and we shamefully have much potential in that department. Not gonna lie, I am guilty of some unwarranted door slams, and maybe it may seem cruel at...|||A lot of people here seem to say for themselves that if they door slam someone, there is always a justifiable reason. However, to be honest, for myself I would have to say that that is not always...|||For me, stability and constancy is very important in a partner. So you are right in that she very well may be testing you to see if this is real. People make a lot of empty promises in the heat of a...|||This question was interesting to me because I have never really thought about this before. I think that I really do dream about the future more than the past, however . . . funny because I've always...|||I have, in recent years, begun to suspect that I am a little delusional. I think that this is how I cope with the harsh truths of reality. I have always sort of despised the fact that I am a rather...|||It doesn't have any words, but sometimes feelings are not best expressed by using words .. https://youtu.be/UXFWrVTqIko|||Maybe you felt so calm and peaceful because you were staring into the sun then, because you had your eyes fixated on something brighter. Optimism? Haha I am curious if you had any theories about...|||This dream seems very strange to me because I see conflicting elements. You are in a prison, so it is possible that you feel trapped. But you are also lying in a big field - this represents more...|||This dream seems very strange to me because I see conflicting elements. You are in a prison, so it is possible that you feel trapped. But you are also lying in a big field - this represents more...|||Root: Underactive -56% Sacral: Underactive -38% Navel: Open 6% Heart: Underactive 0% Throat:Open 25% Third Eye:Open 50% Crown: Open 19%|||Complaining strikes me as something that is a very self centered and whiney thing to do. Usually it is whenever I am dealing with problems of my own that I can't stand it the most though. ...|||I would say that when I'm around someone I truly have feelings for, I definitely feel awkward and nervous. And the stronger the feelings are, the harder it is for me to act natural and flirty. ...|||I understand what it feels like to have a busy mind :p I have had people lable some of the things I say as too complicated . . . haha. My mind is in a constant state of overanylizing the blood and...|||Haha. No, I suppose awkward wording. It is still there :)|||In order for me to really trust someone, there has to be a constant display of dependability on their part over a long period of time. As of right now, I would sadly say - I trust no one. The...|||Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. I had this tattooed on me. It has followed me throughout my life.|||I thought your ideas on parenting were very interesting - about control, determining who the child becomes, sleepless nights. There are definitely certain aspects of those things in parenting. While...|||It seems as though many INFJs struggle with a similar problem - fear of being a burden to others, and/or fear of showing any signs of weakness or vulnerability. For me, I know that this is the case...|||I have maybe had my trust violated a time too many in my life. When I was younger, I was quicker to forgive and give people a second chance. As I grew older, it almost began to feel like an issue of...|||Humans are strange creatures.|||It takes a lot to make me angry, and even when I do get angry, I never let it all out. I have done so on one occasion or two and absolutely hated how it made me feel and the coldness and remorse that...|||http://www.buzzfeed.com/laraparker/cats-who-have-made-very-poor-life-choices?bffb&utm_term=4ldqpgp#.brwQQPL4Gg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5uFxg-Q298 :kitteh:|||I definitely can see people's auras. Typically when I see auras it is more something I think of in the context of feeling, however, as opposed to colors. So I can feel someone's aura and feel the...|||I like that. That is interesting.You say a wall is there only when you need it to be, does it serve as a protection or support in a way? And I will have to try that memorization technique :wink:|||How funny because I was just pondering over why I am this way the other day! I get really weird if people simply ask me how old I am - I start acting evasive and playful because I really don't want...|||That's an interesting question! I've never really seen my mind or inner world as a room. My mind and inner world have always felt like an infinite space to me, maybe even a space that is outdoors or...|||Also this! This annoys me too.|||I have read INFJ hate boards, out of curiosity, :playful: and find most of the complaints to be from people who had a bad encounter with an INFJ or people who actually do not know INFJs at all....|||One would think that self confidence should really lean in one direction or the other - you either are self confident or you aren't - and then all the levels of such in between. For instance, some...|||This might seem strange, but I am a complete sucker for a man with tattoos and pierced ears. haha..Regardless of the little things, though, what really captures my attention is when a man has...|||I spent an unnecessary length of time mulling over what my confession would be, if I could confess one thing - so I guess there it is. I over think things a to a painful extent.|||Also, I just thought I'd point out that this fairly accurately describes what I have been feeling lately! Why do you think we may slip into that zombie mode with day to day tasks? It doesn't seem to...|||Lad Thank you! That was really interesting to read. You probably could've gone on further and I wouldn't have minded :smile: That definitely gave me something to think about.. Chris Merola. I...|||It is good to hear I'm not the only one :hugs: How interesting that yours seemed to have a trigger. That is something to think about - was there some kind of trigger for me? Thank you for sharing,...|||I was curious to see if any other INFJs (or really just anyone) have ever felt this way. I used to struggle with feeling as if I had entirely too much emotion - lately I have felt completely the...|||....Thank you. Love the quote. This actually made me feel better :)|||The most deep, complex, and sweet INFJ guy asked me out last night. The whole thing was kind of a surprise for both of us. It just happened. Everything fell into place so naturally. It was a really...|||I have discovered that the heart has a surprising capacity to heal. While bullying often feels consuming in the moment, and very painful, it never lasts. I just keep going. My instincts often tell me...|||I think I must be an odd mix of both. When I am fully comfortable in my situation and having a good time, I can display the ethical traits... where as when I am uncomfortable or around people I don't...|||203786|||I desperately hope that it is possible to find someone who can see all my layers. It feels like there should be. Without it, it feels as if something is missing.|||teanigami You sound so much like me. I am also prone to constant migraines. I have one right now as a matter of fact.. haha.. I also have heart problems so I struggle with feeling overstimulated...|||teanigami You sound so much like me. I am also prone to constant migraines. I have one right now as a matter of fact.. haha.. I also have heart problems so I struggle with feeling overstimulated...|||Vive Thank you for sharing your story. It did not come off as lecturing at all and definitely helped me :happy: It is probably true what you say about it being all about perspective.... I guess...|||Lad Interesting you say that most people probably don't even understand themselves, because I am constantly thinking that. Whenever I found out about my personality type and began reading about...|||Thank you for sharing that. Yes I understand completely how that feels. I'm not sure why some think we're fascinated by violence either......violence is.. painful. And the worst of it is definitely...|||I am an INFJ..and I have been struggling so much, especially lately, with just feeling so lonely, as if no one could possibly understand what I am feeling or going through, so I bottle it up and...|||This post explains me so well. I have been struggling so much, especially lately, with just feeling so lonely, as if no one could possibly understand what I am feeling or going through, so I bottle...|||My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26|||Oh! I forgot to mention acting like you think you know me better than I know myself, and then proceeding to tell me I'm wrong when I make a statement about myself! That is pretty annoying to me as...'
'Key to stress reduction is physical exercise (especially aerobic exercise) and a healthy diet.|||Lifting helps as well as aerobic exercise. And soothing music, of course.|||School is one of the easiest things that you'll ever have to do. I know that it doesn't seem that way from your perspective now. But trust your elders on this one. We've all been through it, and if...|||Jeans, sweaters (I like turtlenecks the most) and a nice overcoat. I do like colors, but for some reason I always end up getting something that's either black, grey or white. Wearing coats and...|||Frollo is one of the greatest Disney villains of all time. Also, a lot of the books that animated films are based on are seriously fucked up.|||I never developed a habit of watching porn because my internet was shitty when I was a kid and all throughout high school. Later on I read some studies about how much it can fuck with your brain so I...|||There's no should or shouldn't. You can't fake forgiveness. It comes from within, before the words are actually uttered.|||An elegant solution to your everyday problems. I concur.|||That's very sweet. And it's why I like INFJ's :)|||I have a tendency to feel contempt for mental weakness. When someone is complaining about something I find it difficult not only to relate but to feel anything other than contempt for that person. I...|||Oh I did. But I also didn't because it doesn't exist. It never did. I'm not suppressing bad memories. La-la-la-la-la-la-la.|||I don't feel like I belong in any fictional universe. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to visit or stay in a few of them because they're more fun than the real world. I'm sure that most people...|||Quack|||Here's a reminder from an INTP as well. I'll add to the list by saying that there seems to be some kind of rule that all ENFP chicks have to be hot as hell.|||y tho? If he shuts your idea down ask for an explanation. Use his Ti to your advantage as a filter for your own ideas. Eventually you'll learn more about how his mind works and you could develop...|||I like Still Ill a lot. But I don't know a lot about their music to have a real opinion. I'll try listening to some of them songs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9aydqNXtOw|||#Triggered|||Yeah, I have a ton of folders with stuff divided into categories divided into subcategories. And depending on the nature of the data they're not all on same drives and same partitions. I even use a...|||Well, duh. You're just a bunch of avatars for me. There's no way that I could connect with people online.|||Pretty much how I've always seen it. The more I have, the less I have to worry about things and do stuff that I'd rather not have to do. The less I have to worry about things the more freedom I am to...|||He's still an INTJ. Being disorganized about certain things in your private life doesn't have that much to do with typology. The guy started like 3 or 4 companies and they all became multibillion...|||What the hell is up with this forum? I tried replying several times only to get a database error and now all of the posts are here and it looks messy.|||It's the way civil law works. You'd need to prove that you have a legal right to that money. The government can't just give you stuff without any legal basis behind it. You have to sue for damages...|||I like it. It relaxes me.|||It's how civil law works. You can't get something if you don't ask for it, or more precisely if you don't sue and win. So the EU can't give that money to anyone else because nobody has asked for...|||It's how civil law works. You can't get something if you don't ask for it, or more precisely if you don't sue and win. So the EU can't give that money to anyone else because nobody has asked for...|||It goes to EU budget. So basically it goes to the government. But it does have an effect on member states because their financial contributions to the EU are lowered accordingly.|||Not necessarily. It depends on the nature of the monopolistic practice in question. The EU doesn't even punish certain monopolistic practices if they conclude that they don't have a negative effect...|||You're forgetting that monopolies stifle growth and innovation. If you're not hungry or interested you're not going to make the bow and arrow and go hunt. And if you're the only one around that has...|||Because it's literally illegal according to article 101 of TFEU. EU laws are designed to protect every citizen, regardless of which search engine they use or what their IQ is or how much money they...|||Where's the best one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GibiNy4d4gc|||Ah, you saved her from Trump's America just in time.|||Mindfulness helps. Doing one thing at a time focused entirely on that thing without thinking about all the other responsibilities until the current task is done. Physical exercise helps. Healthy diet...|||I was just trying to be funny, actually.|||When am I gonna get some lovin'?|||I was just thinking about this yesterday before I posted and I thought of writing about it. For those of us who put a lot of stock in personality, it makes sense that it would be difficult to fall in...|||I've never been in love with anyone real. The closest thing, and man this is so fuckin' sad to admit even to a bunch of strangers online, but the closest thing for me was kinda sorta having feelings...|||I don't even have a dog man, but that's still beautiful. Anyway, overclocking my CPU until it hertz does the trick.|||I think that I have narrowed down this problem to the fact that I don't spend almost any time talking to other people. And conversational skills have to be exercised as any other skill.|||It's a very bad idea. Adults aren't gonna take you seriously with a sock puppet. If anything, they're gonna tell everyone else to stay away from the weird sock puppet person.|||And that's fine. I can't appreciate many things that other people do even if they do those things brilliantly because I am not interested in those things. Like fashion, for example. Everyone...|||All I need to satisfy is my own curiosity. Praise and appreciation from mouthbreathers is remarkably easy to get. People are so easily manipulated into liking you.|||Most of them are like movies with elaborate plots. Sometimes I'm not even a character, sometimes I join in later in the dream but most of the time I'm the protagonist. I have very vivid dreams and I...|||You don't need a purpose to be happy. You need a healthy diet, some exercise, some sunshine, sex and a shitload of hobbies. Then try to enjoy the purposeless life until one day you just drop dead...|||Using your INTP-ness as an excuse not to better yourself in any capacity that you can is kind of pissing me off. For instance, just because you don't enjoy physical exercise (I don't either, it's one...|||It sounds like he's interested in you from the way you wrote it. But the problem with topics like this is that we can't know if what you perceive as signals isn't just your completely wrong...|||God bless you.|||I'm done telling people what's wrong. I might do it on the internet for the sake of discussion and because there's a chance that someone, someday will read it and see the light, but in real life -...|||It's always subjective.|||I'm old enough and smart enough to know better. That being said, compared to most people I am a lot more honest than average.'
'Lol Silly, why would you want friends? Other than professional relationships and business outings I segregate myself from the rest of the human race as much as I can. I socialized a lot in high...|||That's a difficult question, I've cuddled with, made out with, slept with girls just because I'm attracted to them and their available and I've left the same girls which from their perspective makes...|||I did when I was a teenager, at the moment I don't smoke, drink or anything, just eat and sleep and work :P|||Authority and Self-sufficiency max, vanity medium with a dash of entitlement, level 20, I do love me :P Haha I always knew I was a Narcissistic d-bag it's not a surprise :P|||I have at the moment three friends that I respect and trust, I have many acquaintances though they are just a means to an end socially :P giving me potential access to others I may connect with. ...|||Well if your already in close proximity regularly to these people on a daily basis you're halfway there. Engage them find out their interests and motivations take the initiative and ask to...|||It's hard for me to know what it's like for feeling types because feelings are not part of my decision making process. I tend to simply observe situations and make a rational judgment call on what...|||You scored 100 out of 100 masculine points, 24.167 out of 100 feminine points, and 49.167 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points. Lol that's right ladies|||She's not wrong bro, lots of sex appeal in the INTJ picture thread, Plus you obviously haven't seen my picture yet the Stern but lovable face of masculinity :P Lol|||PZelda I'll pm respond to you we kinda high-jacked this thread Lol|||Um who cares? Lol Lol young people.. You just can't think like that, everything is subjective your looks your personality. Strength and confidence make you attractive and it comes from...|||I've never actually met one to my knowledge, though I like bugging them in their forums occasionally.|||Absolutely all my decision are primarily based on my interpretation of the outcome to the larger objective. I prefer to control the world around me for a lot of reasons, I don't trust...|||Maybe however I like hearing myself talk. :P Ya I like to weigh in :P Lol, I like you, you're almost as a cold as I am.... almost :P quite easy to antagonize though LOL :P|||Umm, me :P For an INTJ manipulating people to get to the top is easy if your driven, however as much as people annoy us we care about their well being in an Egalitarian, logical, rational,...|||Easy (hard to rank the first two though) Lust Greed Wrath INTJ 8w7 ladies, I'm deranged :P|||I cannot be hurt so I'm going to have to believe it is at least feasible that you cannot be either, this would be by definition an exercise of futility. P.S. I care about as much about grammar and...|||Don't get her wet or feed her after midnight..... Lol but seriously never got that dude, I am an INTJ guy and I had an INTJ woman and it wasn't great. I couldn't deal with the I love you, I...|||Lol I actually totally understand, Like I said I connect with so few people and they all share the NT coincidence? and that is why I am here as well. Exactly I would never start anything but...|||My younger brother is an INTJ, Older brother and sister are INTP's my two best friends are INTJ and INTP so I lucked out in that area but I came here to try and understand why I really connect deeply...|||I'm used to talking to the rest of the mundane population so it's difficult to get used to talking to people similar to myself. I find cheating and hitting unacceptable behavior on both...|||Lol same all my girlfriends were literally girlfriends at one point.|||1.) Why do people say that INTJs hate humanity/people? Hate is a strong word, I feel that I dislike that most people have a tendency to be irrational and illogical. In addition I dislike that...|||Lol, what I mean is outside a relationship.|||It's my fault as an INTJ myself I should realize everything I say will be over analyzed and scrutinized by other INTJ's to come up with what they believe to be the most logical interpretation of what...|||I didn't mean to generalize to the extent that I am saying the entire female population, rather a large portion, much like when I say people are stupid I mean at least the majoring or greater then...|||Lol don't worry I'm not offended I can be quite the a-hole, I am perfectly comfortable with that. Don't misunderstand me I would prefer a relationship that is equal and has equity for both...|||I don't conform to anything :P so I feel you|||In any professional setting I am solid, rational and logical, I don't honestly feel comfortable sharing my feelings with other INTJ's, INTP's etc because I need to maintain a high standard of logic...|||INTJ's make great friends but its difficult to understand them in a romantic way after dating one myself I have a better appreciation for those that are in touch with their feelings for sure :P lol,...|||Lol, there was a reason for her lashing out, the problem is most INTJ's are not comfortable or in touch with their feelings they spend a lot of time dissecting them and over analyzing them from a...|||I'm 6'0 tall, brown hair which but I buzz my head, brown eyes, usually have five o'clock shadow or a goatee I weight 200 lbs right now and am around 11% body fat because I just finished a winter...|||Life is not a static entity, it is a living dynamic entity if we are not willing to change with it we well go extinct. I live my live very dynamically I would say that nothing I do, nothing I believe...|||_s.il Ok I'm going to give you some advice that I wish someone would have told me when I was 16. F$#k other people, it doesn't matter what they think it only matters what you think. Happiness...|||Lol, now your starting to understand me :P If you could compress all the I don't give a f%$ks in the world and infuse it into one individual that sir would be me :P|||Ya I don't proof read anything because I don't really care about your ability to properly understand me :P you're lucky if anything I type is even feasible English.|||Lol my brother and I are both INTJ's and are both workaholics, both work 70 hours + a week, I spend most my free time working out and he spends most his free time painting. not enough time seems to...|||I feel similar I would rather only live while I'm making an active contribution to society, I would rather die saving people from a burning building or taking a bullet for someone to be completely...|||I was referring to myself as interpersonal, yes much like there is a difference between internet and intranet, controller and comptroller, in and out. Ash is my actual name however the nonymous you...|||I'm motivated if I really want something, the only two things that regularly is work and workout, because I am motivated by money professionally and my hobby weight training. It's all basically about...|||Interpersonal :P|||What about NF guy's you mistook for females?|||Ya It gets old real quick Lol,|||Well guy INTJ's I met are the closest friends I have, I dated a female INTJ though once the sexual component exhausted it self it was cold hard logical conversation wasn't the greatest relationship...|||I appreciate the visual education :P lol|||Lol, I love cloths and bodybuilding so I know how you feel, I'm like the way I look don't really give a d*mn what anyone else thinks though I'm an a-hole :P haha I'm pretty good at flirting with...|||Hello Ya same, I asked around as well I've never met one but I tend to gravitate towards INTJ's because their normally kinda a-holes like I am LOL You're going to throw up a Nyan Cat on me?...|||I meant more that they are not particularly the most cuddly / lovable people to people they are not close to :P lol Lol no they can't. untameable /unchainable brother, however I'd love to...|||I just don't want people I know that I have a heart otherwise I lose my power over them :P 8w7 ftw,. Lol I don't mind internet hugs from strangers just not real strangers. That's...|||I did answer thread 1 but I feel compelled to answer this as well. I like to have control over things, especially initially in a relationship I like to gauge the other person and remain...'
'Congrats Liz! Well-earned :-)|||Hey, just wanted to say thank you to people who liked my singing. Far as I'm concerned, everyone who posts themselves here is awesome for doing so, but it's also nice that people liked it back. ...|||For my fellow ENFPs :-) Vocaroo link|||Oh! Okay, I'll try to make something happen Saturday afternoon then. Supposed to rain here, but a bike ride to my place in the rain sounds nice anyway :-)|||I'll figure something out Liz, I promise. Just probably won't be until the end of the weekend when I'm not dog-sitting anymore. Just remind me Sunday not to shirk my duty to represent ;-)|||Could also try a friend's iPhone at some point, but that'll have to wait for now.|||Nope, doesn't work. And when I try the upload version, the iPad only sees photos and video. Not sure I can partake - but I will if I can.|||People are uploading their singing? How do you do that on a tablet?|||It's not showing off! ... It's leading by example :wink: *flamethrower blast!*|||I'd suggest keeping an ENFP around if you don't want a group of survivors falling to pointless in-fighting. Plus, who else is gonna volunteer for rearguard action with his candy-colored...|||Holy crap! I'm at 1000?! *sunburst smile and thumbs up* It's all 'cause I have mad love for the people in this community and keep coming back! (*mumbles* even if I have that nasty habit of...|||Despite my reputation as an incorrigible PerC flirt *winks* I'm quite happy with the INFJ I'm seeing right now *boyish grin*|||Oh yeah, I'll totally do this. I'll sense someone's into me, and then seek out space to sort out my feelings about them. *sheepish grin* It's been a learning experience to just be up front with...|||Yeah, I was gonna suggest exactly this. IME, developing relationships follow a path of increasing vulnerability (and reward for showing that vulnerability). I step a little outside my comfort zone,...|||http://cdn.mommynoire.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/tumblr_mj81ln5xNJ1qabld6o1_500.jpg Used to have such a thing for Claire Huxtable. Strong, intelligent, and yet undeniably feminine. Whatta...|||pureheart9 ENFP here. Personally, I don't have many rules about compromising pictures and whatnot. I know I can be trusted, and I know I enjoy them, and I tend to have good instincts about who to...|||Playful Proxy, it's not a question I can remember ever asking, but that's not my shortcut I guess - I'll hit on anyone I find attractive. :-P I don't have to deal with those questions specifically,...|||Oof! Didn't read this bit... Well, the local LGBT*** resource centres have always had warm people staffing them in my experience, and so have any student groups that address those issues. Society...|||Playful Proxy, in my experience, never underestimate the power of approaching people you find interesting. It still remains a bit nerve-wracking for me every time I start up a conversation with a...|||These backpacks could use a little less color...|||Big enough for company, and firm enough for bouncing. *suckles lollipop*|||I simply could not possibly add another piglet to this cuddle-puddle.|||*pulls out an old-fashioned mic stand and starts doing karaoke to Whitney Houston's 'I'm Every Woman'*|||*pops in* Mafia has turned out to be both fun and stimulating. I make no apologies for finding it enjoyable. *impish grin* It is however a huge time suck. I think I'll leave it be after this...|||*catches you anyway* *self smile* Definitely not perfect. I'm competitive, overly confident, and too ready to take charge of situations as a result. I'm maddeningly unpredictable because I can be...|||Lolz I don't write straight poetry too often, but it's an original. Writing is a performance art for me. I enjoy channeling the feeling of a moment through analogy and illustration.|||I too have gotten way more attention of late than in my twenties, but there are so many possible confabulating reasons. I work out these days. I have a job that pays well. I dress better because I...|||*strokes the hair away from your face* Ask not the salmon if the air is wet Ask not the beaver if forest grows Both are home in summer's glade The sweetness all they know Affection is a...|||*invites you to look directly at his eyes* Any time you doubt my affections for you Fepa, ask me, and you will doubt no longer. *kisses hand*|||I'm pretty sure we all love you too. *smiles* sittapygmaea, I returned to school to update my credentials as a therapist. The program is geared toward adult students, so plenty of classmates are...|||Indeed! Here here! Let us celebrate our dreamy-ness! *starts making placards* Hmm... What shall I write on them?...|||Okay, you just literally named all my childhood memories of toys and television. I don't care what Wikipedia says, we're clearly the same generation. *smiles*|||I think we can all agree it's just plain fuzzy where the lines are. I remember G.I. Joe and Transformers on Saturday morning television, and thinking Sesame Street and The Muppet Show were...|||The key to longevity - and immortality - lies in transformation. - M.M.|||*smiles into his mug* Older doesn't mean any less attractive. I'd be interested in hearing more about this psychological death/transformation.|||*hand on your thigh* *sudden vulnerability* I've always struggled more with those intangible markers. My body aging has bothered me less over the years, but the other markers of a hard won life...|||*sipping his own tea calmly, though it's out of a Tim Horton's travel mug* There are certain markers for aging aren't there? Grey hair is a common one, and saggy breasts another *looks at FePa,...|||Obviously not - but I do think it's damn sensible if a man takes his time to figure out what he wants, Fortitude *kicks back*|||Only one older sister here - and we're fairly disimilar as well. Sorry I've been so absent everyone. The current mafia game I'm in is actually so confusing that I'm just going to leave it alone...|||^^ This *winks*|||The avatars may be false, but the feelings and people are real. Keeps drawing me back too. *calm smile*|||Lizabeth operates the same way I do, jumping in and out of her regular workaday. ;-) sittapygmaea, any addiction is difficult, but there are services out there to help, and don't believe he has...|||Soda, please believe that if I thought I could give you a complete answer on this, I would. Often my current situations reflect my growing edges, and those edges always abut blind spots, so there...|||Heya Sodaude. Chellenging questions, but I'll do my best. As always, other ENFP men are invited to contribute as well. Especially for that first one. *sheepish smile* I can't think of any women in...|||*perches on the edge, impish grin on his face* Amazing how often that happens to me, huh? *belly laughs*|||Which is why I chose to rest there gorgeous. *starts to give a hot smile when a pillow-missle knocks him clean off and onto the floor* *head pops up, glasses askew again* *grinning from ear to ear*|||I personally like spiders *ducks a thrown pillow* and I always carry them outside my house when I find one *gets smacked by a second one* Really! Spiders and dragonflies perform a valuable service!...|||That was an amazing riddle Euphoria. Really. Totally twisted my brain. :-P You come up with any more, or want to invite more people to post, you just give yourself all the license you need. *warm...|||Sounds like you've got plenty of sound thinking there. *not a funny pun, but still kind of giggle-worthy* I definitely have gone throught the experience of discovering new sides of myself in...|||*wraps warm arms around you* How 'bout this sandwich?'
'The last post I made before this one, I mentioned forgetting what my password was and getting it right on the 5th try. This time, I'm here to announce that I forgot it this time and had to reset it....|||I haven't been on this forum in months, but the forum came up in my search results so I ended up deciding to log in. I ended up forgetting that I changed my password. I got it right on the 5th try....|||Threads I didn't expect to see: do you meditate in the INTP section. In all seriousness though I have tried and I'm not quite sure I see the appeal. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.|||I think my Ti must have been on vacation when I decided to take another creative writing class. If I didn't do that well last semester what was the point in signing up for another one before I fixed...|||Why don't emotions come with a 'pause' button? I have less than a week to complete my essay now and all because I was upset over something that I can't quite put my finger on. If my emotions made...|||This post is about my boyfriend. I hope someone here can shed light on how my boyfriend functions, because so far his logic makes no sense to me. First off, I am primarily wanting to understand,...|||Google, it was funny the first time, but please quit assuming I'm a robot. It's rude to stereotype a person's research speed as being indicative of inhuman abilities.|||Best: INFP. I'm not sure what it is about them, but so far the people I click with the most are this personality type. I get along with ISFJs and ENFPs too. Most people I get along with don't know...|||I wanted to be a teacher then a nurse then after I became 11 years old I stopped wanting to be like my mom. At 11 years old I decided to be a writer and so far I haven't changed my mind. My actual...|||My secret skill is being able to lose an argument against myself. How does this work? Well, I don't know.|||Dynamic quadrupod is the closest to how I use my pens. I don't use pencils. I bear down pretty hard so the led is used up in two seconds. My handwriting is readable just as long as you can read...|||I got ESFJ or ESFP the second time. What part of me is extroverted? Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I hope they improve their game so that one day I can get my real personality type on this test.|||I value rules. If rules weren't there we'd have some people doing stupid shit just because there is nothing against them doing it. Unfortunately, there is such thing as having too many rules. Who has...|||It said I'm an ISFP. What part of my random sentence structure makes me an ISFP? I'm retaking this test when I'm allowed and this time I'm going to type more than just two sentences.|||If I started hanging out in the other forum sections I bet they would notice that I am not their type even if I decided to change my profile information to claim otherwise. I would then have to...|||I doubt there's any correlation, but it is an interesting topic to explore. For me: 1.) Pride 2.) Lust 3.) Sloth 4.) Wrath 5.) Envy 6.) Greed 7.) Gluttony|||Cyborg. In my personal opinion, this test was stupid, but I wanted to see what I'd get.|||I started dating at 10 years old. I wish I was lying.|||INTJ was the only one I mistyped myself as. After all, I get it on almost every test. To this day, I still occasionally get it, because cognitive function tests make no sense and mainstream MBTI just...|||Degree: English. I have not declared a minor. To be honest, that is probably for the best. MBTI: INTP. Do you actually like it / would you rather be doing something else?: I love my major, but...|||I loathe being called cute, but I typically accept it as a compliment while inside I'm raging hard and trying not to let the disgust show in my facial expression. You see, I try not to care, but...|||I've made blog after blog after blog. After a while, I stop maintaining them. It's irritating, but it's a fact. Maybe one day I'll be able to successfully keep a blog going.|||I have yet to figure out a preference. This is mainly due to not knowing enough people who tell me their personality types. Based on the descriptions I've read, ENTP is probably my preference. I...|||I see what you're saying. That makes perfect sense.|||I think you actually make valid points. It would be nice if soulmates were defined like that, but based on what I've experienced two people can be mature and open-minded, be together for a certain...|||Do you believe in soulmate-like connections? No. I have heard of other people experiencing soulmate-like connections and I don't know what to make of that. Have you ever encountered someone that...|||I cry pretty regularly these days. It's some kind of emotional release. To be honest, however, I've also been less angry since I started crying more often. But, it's still embarrassing to be seen...|||If I'm with people, almost nothing can make me cry unless I'm in extreme physical pain. When I'm alone, I cry over things that normal people cry over. Sad music, sad scenes in books, sad scenes in...|||I've seen just about everything now. I don't blame my bad driving on my personality type, but I definitely struggle with the task. You have to pay attention to all your surroundings when you drive...|||I tend to be good at finding errors, but I am not perfect. My own posts will sometimes have errors; if I catch errors in my post, you better believe I'm touching the 'edit' button. English is,...|||Well, these two things do seem to make no sense in the same list, but nihilism is more a conversation topic for me and self-improvement is as well. I do try to improve myself a lot, but generally I...|||Here are the things I also like that you've listed: -World building -Dreams, lucid dreams -Writing -Psychology -Board games -Nihilism, life, death, and philosophy -Computers -Self-improvement|||I had to do this once, so I am able to do it. Under no circumstances, however, should I be forced to do it on the spot. This exercise requires intense thinking, preparation, and studying. It's...|||Actually, I like my type forum. I feel at home there. Sometimes I like going to other type forums though. I spend quite a bit of time in the ISFJ and ESTJ forums. I still haven't figured out what...|||The Internet, an education, and quality interaction with at least one person in my life. Oh, and I hate this one, but I do need time out of the house. Yes, I admit it. I can't be at home 24/7.|||I don't understand my own problems. They seem so simple to fix until it comes time to work on them. Example: I can write a 10-paragraph response on a forum, but I end up struggling with a...|||I'm going to offer my own outside perspective. ISFJs have needs. That isn't inherently bad, but they ignore them. I know all about neglecting your needs. I have seen the worst of what happens when a...|||This single paragraph is exactly what I'm experiencing right now. You can bet I'm uncomfortable with openly discussing my feelings. I'm still in that phase where I'm asking, Feelings? Do I say this...|||I want better follow through ability. I do sometimes follow through, but evidently my procrastination tendencies get in the way here. Also, I want more social resistance. In other words, I want to...|||Someone wants to know my feelings? That's unfortunate. I seem to have lost them somewhere. Wait...i think I stepped on something.|||All-nighter streak: 3. At least, I think it's 3. Maybe it's actually 4. Oh, man, I've lost track. This isn't good at all.|||I am currently writing an essay comparing ancient literary heroes, one of which is not very heroic to me. I must do this for my World Literature course. If we're talking Creative Writing, I have...|||I'm going to guess my family's types. I don't have official confirmation or anything, but NO ONE in my family would take the test if I asked them to, so here it goes. Mom: ISFJ Dad: INTP...|||I accidentally dropped a knife on my foot and now I can't stop screaming like I broke something. I didn't break anything. My foot is fine. But it HURTS. I'm not sure why I'm still screaming though,...|||I eat pretty fast compared to most people. I'm not sure why this is, but it is something I've noticed. As for my writing, I have the problem you do and this is because I am a huge perfectionist. I...|||I'd give up my T and become an INFP. Why? Well, you see...I hate my brother's personality and he's an ISTP. He's the ONLY exposure I have to what an ISTP is like unfortunately. Getting to know the...|||Somewhere between E and F with a strong leaning toward E. I usually experience the F part during arguments. The relationship is otherwise fulfilling and pleasant.|||You know what? No. I'm tired of this. I understand my boyfriend's skepticism, but he has to stop being an ass. Maybe those 4-5 hours I can't talk to him will make him THINK about his actions. Of...|||When someone changes plans on me last-minute. I think anyone would be angry with this though, not just me. Unfortunately, I get frustrated even if it's just a small change in the plan. For example,...|||Type: INTP Due to the subject matter being discussed, I have chosen to keep my answer brief and simple. Yes, this is brief and simple. If no one cared about me, I would commit suicide. I do not...'
'Im rarely around women because of my job so I suspect this has a lot to do with it. I kind of always remember having this problem though so who knows. But, I have a big issue with growing instantly...|||I just watched a show set in a medivial time period. I now look forward to thinking to my self exclusivly and uncontrollably in an old timey, knights and castles manner for hours.|||That's funny you mention your living space. I'm a hoarder basically and have trained my self to look at something and decide if it brings me happiness or if it has utility. If neither of those apply...|||That's interesting. I do love trying to figure out what people are feeling and make up stories about why they are this way but now that I think about it I completely omit the physical part. I don't...|||I mean what I pay attention to is what people are feeling or thinking based on what I pick up. I seem to only really notice things that are not tangable. And when I do notice the actual world around...|||That's funny because I get that a lot too. I'll point something out proudly that I'm happy I noticed and I always expect a reaction like oh wow, I'm suprised you noticed! Or thank you for...|||Depends if I know you very well. If were super cool then leaning on me is both cute and comforting to my sense of security. If your an acquaintance then prepare to have your eyes gouged out.|||So I have a quick question. My attention to physical detail is little to none. Everything I pick up on is from an emotional and mental standpoint. That all seems pretty standard with infps. I have a...|||I think the best think you could do would be honest with him. He probably has no idea you like him and its clearly tearing you apart. You opening up to him will give you the answers you crave one way...|||Its funny you say this. I'm not all that big on the forums and haven't been here for long but from what I've seen and read from you I do find my self thinking wow she's kinda critical and...|||Sweetdreamin Going back to what you said a couple days ago about turning down that guy. I know if I heard you being that critical I'd be a bit turned off. He might see it as an indication of you...|||I generally don't attatch my self to people either. I don't care what happens to 99% of the filler people that are just there to make my life more interesting. But when I do find someone that I think...|||: / the message I wrote and sent yesterday just didn't feel like life I guess. I'll sum up what I said. It sounds like you got this and know what needs to be done. If you open up a bit like you...|||I understand where some of you are coming from as far as being an infp can be difficult but I really don't think that's an infp thing perse. Its just hard to go against the grain for anyone and us...|||Its funny how people put up so many walls and all we want is for someone special to break them down. No one wants to be the first to leave the safety of their castle and so sits a stalemate. Infps...|||I went through that list and wow its extensive. I liked it though and it makes me reevaluate how I express my self to others and the things I could do better on. I find my self agreeing with so much...|||Well written and I totally agree with everything you wrote. As long as people are open minded and unconfrontational in the way they criticize me I'm all for it and a lot of times use it as a welcomed...|||I think that's a good way to ease your self into a conversation. I know I really dont like just talking to people out of the blue either so I get what you mean. I suppose its unfare of me to want...|||Just realized I rambled on without actually answering the straight up questions you convienantly layed out there. I apologize I'm so long winded >.< Yes, I'm very awkward when I like someone. I...|||As you know he wants to find a way to work into the conversation. I think that's obvious and its cute how nervous he is (i don't blame him at all) It doesn't sound like your losing him at all if he's...|||I'm actually really glad you wrote this. I hadn't realized how much I show affection through caring about other peoples health. Its big for me. Someone I like coughs and I'm busting out the meds and...|||Generally actions. Words are great and communication is beautiful but there its something that cant compare to a soft touch and an unspoken look of love. Things like just holding hands while silently...|||Some have held on and were great friends at this point. I can't put all of the pressure on others though and hope that other people fill the void I create as I irrationally pull away but I digress....|||Its kind of dumb how so many infps (me included) don't just say when something's wrong and it can be problematic. I get your frustration and I know I personally have severed several close...|||Well that was kind of difficult to understand but I do like the way you wrote it. Honestly I'd say just apologize and tell them how much they mean. At this point said infp most likely won't bring it...|||Well if your set on him doing the asking the I'd say one way to ease it for him would be in situations that he could express his feelings comfortably. Go somewhere fun where the two of you could be...|||I'm sorry, I got a bit of a laugh reading that. I understand your frustration and I'll see if I can help at all. First off he's probably not going to ask you out whether he likes you or not so thats...|||Maybe this is kinda late but personally as an infp I hate when things are put directly. Its awkward and weird and puts a lot of pressure on me. It makes me want to run. Idk about others but I'd much...|||You feel bad for grass when you step on it...idk how good I am at this.|||I guess I don't have anything of great input to contribute but I want to say reading things like this is always refreshing. In my head I know all kinds of people exist and love all different types...|||I have a job that has me getting yelled at regularly and it is definatly not acceptable for me to cry. I often times feel my emotions building at work and especially if I don't get enough sleep I...|||Ahhh! Just mentioning that drives me crazy. I hatttee when people interrupt me when im focusing/thinking. It drives me nuts and gets people upset with me because I get upset with them. My bad that...|||Couldnt have said it better. I know exactly what you mean.|||Thats hilarious because this is EXACTLY how I feel today. Its usually something I struggle with but my roommate just informed me that he has been tuning my story out for the last 10 minutes and now I...|||Nooo! Franklin!!!|||I have no idea why I found that so hilarious but I did. And I agree with what a lot of people have been saying. There are lots and lots of gorgeous INFPs on these forums based on the pictures, both...|||Jeeze. Harsh, but id say true in a lot of cases ive seen. Ive found a lot of INFPs need to work on not constantly trying to bring our selves up in conversation (not discluding my self). It does get...|||Id be down..untill someone criticized my decorating style. Then id be really butt hurt : )|||Personally id say that no, were not too good at telling if someone is being friendly or actually likes us. I know right at the beginning of getting to know someone if they are nice to me at all my...|||Saying nothing. Just walking in, dropping off his topic and walking out. I think that would make for an interesting time lol. I dont know about you guys but I always much prefer my interactions to...|||Its funny you mention your work trip. I just went on a trip a couple weeks ago and stayed in a hostel. I haatteee small talk so much and dreaded having to deal with the others there. While I didnt do...|||I can picture everyone quietly waiting for someone else to start the conversation off. Sure, once it starts rolling you wont be able to stop us but I know I wont be the first to put my self out there...|||Whoops, double post|||I busted out laughing when I read this. I was afraid I might have woke my roomate up. If someone came up and said this to me I would be liable to become overly attached in a heart beat. And as far...|||Its funny, I feel the exact same way (but reversed). I wish I knew an INFP female so maybe I would feel like someone understood me. Most of the time I dont bother explaining my self because I feel...|||For as many of these threads that I've read with ppl asking where all the infps are or how much they want to meet one I wish I felt that in the real world. Oh how much I would love for someone to...|||Unfortunately this is me to a T. It was kind of a strange feeling reading this and thinking back to a friendship that just recently broke up. Im glad that you see both your friends strengths and...|||I feel compelled to give my input as I am both an INFP and currently in the military. For those of you looking to join I thank you for your service even though I don't necessarily recommend it for...'
'HRH Dark Gay Lord Baron Darth Peter Benjamin Geraldine Mandelson of Penistone of the Privy Council, Leader of the Labour Party, King of Great Britain, Prince of Darkness, Master of Puppets, A Man...|||I think a big political and economic change will occur. Not as drastic as the New World Order hopefully. I voted for the bunnies....|||I think that Alejandro, Fernando and Roberto are the Holy Trinity and she is leaving God to become a Luceferian priestess. There is a lot of symbolism in the video e.g The All-Seeing Eye. More info...|||Lol. My computer fucked up.|||Look what I found! <object width=660 height=525><param name=movie value=http://www.youtube.com/v/8dNERMSTn_0&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1?color1=0x402061&amp;color2=0x9461ca&amp;border=1></param><param...|||Mal was scary.:dry: Why is she an INTJ?|||Just wondering. Might also let us know if Cam and Clegg will work well together.:happy:|||Celebrate, because I killed everyone else.:laughing:|||You can do it online at: Splashup :happy:|||Photoshop it.|||Love it!:happy:|||http://www.tinyjoke.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/poster6.jpg Are you dead now?|||Dead people don't post. Go away.|||http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1001/here-lies-mr-smartass-well-they-were-his-last-words-assignme-demotivational-poster-1262422121.jpg That wasn't too hard.:tongue:|||http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/8/15/thevoicesinmy128633284546207962.jpg|||http://www.badgehabit.com/images/How%20very%20dare%20you%20Badge%20-%201%20Catherine%20Tate%20pin%20dvd.jpg :angry:|||http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/0805/failure-of-logic-fail-demotivational-poster-1209989155.jpg I'm a girl!|||You're awesome!:tongue:|||http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/0810/cunt-destroyer-cubby-demotivational-poster-1224266665.jpg To DarkestHour: LOOK! IT'S YOU!|||To Schadenfreude :Awesome!:happy: To DarkestHour: I guess that makes me a freaking lunatic.|||NO! NO! MINE!!!:angry:|||I was going to but then I found this: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/101/9/a/INTJ_Motivational_by_nothingunusual.jpg :laughing:|||*rolls eyes* Not AlcoholicsAnonymous, Anonymous as in the group that fights Scientology. Togreen4keeps: I know, I had the same feeling when I first joined!:happy:|||Cautiously hugs NSG... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Bu_5XEh7rZE/SwRmNi489-I/AAAAAAAABRU/F2Q8tIqciuo/s1600/Robo-Thug2--+(2).jpg :crazy:|||A robot would mean that we are controlled. Which INTJs are not. http://www.jimmydelama.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/freemason-298x300.jpg How about this? :crazy:|||I have decided we need a logo. One that sums up our character and general ownage of everything. Any ideas? I'm thinking pyramid with an eye.:crazy: I'm kidding.|||This happens to me. I was about to cross a road, so focused on how crap my biology teacher is (I had to correct her on flame tests.) :angry:Anyhoo, a car was coming. My intuition stopped me from...|||I do find them hot. Maybe it is becuse they are quite feminine (not wishing to stereotype) like Kurt from Glee.:crazy: I also like yaoi!!!!!:wink:|||I am Hindu, but believe in the energy concept of God. So, I think I'm a panthiest:happy:|||Real: Niels Bohr, Stephen Hawking (probably a load of other scientists.):laughing: Fictional: House, Sheldon Cooper, Gandalf, Stewie Griffin:crazy:|||DAVE, NICK AND GIDS IN A JEEP! What more could you want? *EPIC EPIPHANY* I SHOULD PUT STEPHEN HAWKING IN! :crazy:|||Just finished reading it. My head hurts. It isn't even a physics book. So I don't really know why. I feel all religious and weird now. I have the urge to become a Freemason. I know what you're...|||Do me! Do me! Do me! *gasps* That came out wrong.:crazy:|||Hi! Nice to see another INTJ!:laughing:|||I HAVE to get good results too. If they're not in the nineties, I feel really pissed.:dry: With school hw, my handwrighting may be REALLY messy, but all the information has to be absolutely...|||*hugs Elessar* *realises self as an INTJ and bitch-slaps him* :crazy:|||Aww.:tongue:|||Whose? My pet is adorable. I had to get that out my system.:laughing:|||Its on bitch.:crazy:|||PHYSICS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!! *crazy dance* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! See, I posted random shit. Can I have my limerick now? If this is one of those threads that people use to psychoanalyze you,...|||In answer to your question: Yes, considering you said you were one in your previous post on this topic.:proud:|||I value kindness, as it is Darwinian nature to value altruism because it generally will provide benefits for yourself.:wink:|||I hate it when people overuse the word like, or when texting use the word cum instead of come. Always makes me snigger.:tongue: General indifference when discussing important issues regarding...|||I find ENFPs attractive. I think I once read they were supposed to be the INTJ's ideal partner. Anyway, they are just so damn cute. Especially JD from Scrubs.:laughing:|||It is not a question of if you can watch it. Of course you can, unless you are blind. You mean whether you think it is okay to. You could watch Brokeback Mountain and no-one would care....|||It is possible to be annoyed with someone and also be able to point out some redeeming features. I do understand where you're coming from though, as I used to be an INTP. :happy: Thanks for your...|||Thanks for your help! The reason I don't want to tell her properly, is because if the word gets out about this and she goes and tells the teachers, I could look really bad. It would also look bad on...|||How should I deal with her? I am in Year 9 and when the school year began a girl from America joined our class. (My school is in England.) Anyway, she seems to have got the idea that she is my BEST...|||I wouldn't say I'm really serious. When you have to be serious e.g when it concerns exams, then I am. But I love witty comedy e.t.c , so I'm not too serious.:happy:|||Hey, nice to have another INTJ here.:happy: Good to see an INTJ who likes science!:laughing: So, yeah have a great time!:crazy:'
'I really like music and feel happier when it's on, but it's the middle of the night so I'm just listening to a fan and a clock ticking.|||There are some tasks that I do regularly and can focus on the details. It's like that is time when I can switch off my brain and take a break from the what-ifs. I wouldn't want to deal with details...|||Hi. It's been almost a year since I was on here. I'm not sure why I've been gone so long. I don't know if anyone is still here from a year or two ago and remembers me. Overall I have a lot to be...|||I'm 48. It's been a while since I've been active on this site (busy going through a divorce and raising three kids)... I'll come back tomorrow and answer the questions.|||I was struggling with this today, which is why I'm up so late. I was feeling repeatedly criticized at work and letting it get to me. I am trying to figure out how not to get so upset and defensive....|||I have an INFP pin, but I just wear it at work. I would feel weird wearing it anywhere else. It's pretty cool to find other INFPs IRL. I only know who some are because most people at work talk...|||My sister is an ISTJ and my mom is an ESTP. I love them both, but we don't have long heart-felt conversations. Neither of them are intentionally hurtful at all, so I don't have a problem with them...|||huuump dayyy! yup-yup! (This is what my two older kids tell me everyone says on Wednesdays now. It's from a Geico commercial. It was pretty funny when they got my three year old saying it. lol)|||My aunt is an ESFJ. She's very focused on family, loves kids, and is very kind and loving. I enjoy spending time with her - but I don't feel like she gets me at all. Also, being an extrovert, I...|||Good list... I love to sit on the beach at night. Daydreams are good too, and I can daydream while hanging out with my kids. And lying in my hammock looking up into the leaves when the weather...|||What works for us might not work for you. I am a single mom with three children, so my me time is whatever I can find time for, like going shopping, reading, or watching some TV alone before...|||My dad is an ESTJ and my mom is an ESTP. (They got divorced many years ago.) My sister is an ISTJ. I was quite different from the rest of the family. My soon-to-be-ex is an ENTP. My older...|||That does sound beautiful. : )|||The hot chocolate sounds good, but the nighttime hot air balloon ride sounds scary. I think I would be terrified that I might start to wonder what it feels like to fly... Maybe I would enjoy it if...|||I LOVE your ideas! They all sound like so much fun (except for the 10 and 7 hour movies) - SO much more fun and unusual than the usual...|||1ofakind Where is your photo?|||Lao Tsu (taoism) - very INFPish philosophy and 99% of it rings true|||Brian1 Even if she is real, you won't know if there's any chemistry until you meet in person. Are you planning to meet? I'm an INFP and my mom is an ESTP. INFP-ESTP in a romantic relationship...|||Thanks! When I was in my 20s finding someone and having children was a top priority. I broke up with guys because they didn't want kids. Now I have my children, so I have people who love me. I'm...|||This is me... 62837|||I'm going to read through this thread when I have a bit more time. I'm a white, 40-something woman living in Northern Virginia. Quick BIO... (Don't laugh - This is what I put on Chemistry.com)...|||Are any of your family members caring? Maybe instead of hiding how you're feeling, maybe you could try a new tactic and tell them you're feeling depressed. Just don't make it sound like it's their...|||Oops - sorry! I should read more carefully!|||A lot of this rings true. I think that's why we hang out here - so we connect with people and get to be alone at the same time. It's the best of both worlds! (Actually, best would be finding my...|||Hello. My daughter is in middle school, has ADD, and is an INTP. She was diagnosed with ADD about three years ago. I was wondering if this is common for a lot of INTPs (or maybe it's a common P...|||I think most of us would rather avoid people than control anyone... I also have a drive to help people (which keeps me from avoiding people all the time) and from what I've heard from other INFPs...|||hornet I'm not sure I have any useful advice. It sounds like you're being honest with her and trying to understand her. Those things are huge to INFPs. The problem will come if she loves you and...|||That sums it up. Fi is about following your personal values, which are different for everyone. Who he should marry may be a deeply held personal value, or it might be something he got from his...|||I think we posted at about the same time... If the problem is who he should marry, then it may be possible for him to change his values, if they aren't deeply held. It still comes down to Fi - what...|||If there's a clash between someone and my values, I don't think I could truly love him. What specifically is the value that she's clashing with? If he values good health to the point of clashing...|||I hear you. I wish I was doing something creative. I spend my free time drawing floor plans and coming up with all sorts of different ways I renovate my house. I should have been an architect. ...|||Congrats on retiring in your early 50s! That's hard to do. A lot of people I know retire from their primary career in their 50s, then go out and get another job.|||A lot of careers require a college degree. If you're interested in a career that doesn't, then don't go to college. If you are interested in one that requires a degree, get a degree... I don't...|||I don't want to be mean, but I think hinky is a great word for it... It's like we're all connected to God on the inside, so that's where we should look for answers and values. Looking externally...|||What are your favorite quotes? Here are some of mine: Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. ...|||I would think that most INFPs would come out Negotiator and Explorer, in either order. Anyone get a different result?|||Being typed by a certified professional doesn't make you a certified INFP. It means the person administering the test has been through training to help you self-validate and to conduct the test...|||Unfortunately many people do think being an intravert is a negative thing. If you say quiet and reflective or some other neutral/positive description, people are much more receptive.|||I'm not sure how much of a correlation there is, but I wonder how the Chemistry.com personalities equate to MBTI. I'm and INFP and Chemistry.com says I'm Negotiator / Explorer Explorers are...|||I think everyone wonders. I don't know if it's better to know or not know. It's a nice little ego boost, but... I found out that someone I know IRL has a crush on me. At first I was flattered,...|||I knew one or two INFPs when I was in my 20s. Until a couple months ago there were about five of us in the office. One left on a rotation, one changed jobs, and one retired. Now there's just one...|||I think I tilt mine to the left. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/532076_10200097907629973_1878696762_n.jpg|||Where are you in your six year cycle? I seemed to stumble into a relationship every year or two in my 20s. We'll see how that goes in my 40s... I think I'm even pickier now. I know I don't want...|||I'm sorry to hear that. Don't give up! I went into online dating (haven't actually dated anyone from it yet) expecting that maybe eventually I might find someone. Or I'll find him by joining some...|||I've been separated about five months. I'm hoping to start dating again, but am not sure where I'll find anyone. I've looked at match.com, but everyone sounds the same (SJs). Anyone know where...|||And I'm great at logic - I took several logic classes in college and easily aced them. I think I got 100 on every assignment and test. Math and logic are something fun to play with. They have...|||I was terrible in math in elementary school (memorizing multiplication tables, etc.), but got much better when we got to algebra. A plus A equals 2A seemed so obvious to me. I did well in calculus...|||I don't think they're my cup of tea... I wonder if the Owl City guy is INFP. With his imagination he must be an N - or on some heavy drugs... LOL|||I love his music. He sounds like he might be an INFP. My favorite songs are Wake Me Up, U.N.I., This, and (of course) The A Team. Thoughts?|||It can be hard to see what someone introverts - so it can be hard to tell the difference between Fi and Ti and see the difference between Si and Ni. I have a friend I've know for years and no...'
'transvestites with a love of 14th century literature that turn into psychopathic mice during the full moon.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdOUyoUdnvA|||Well, there's a special kind of poetry written especially for idiots called moronelle poetry. So, no, I doubt that you're an idiot for not liking poetry since there's poetry for idiots out there. ...|||The reptilian overlord, Judge Judy. To this day I still frequent the internet to look at pictures of her.|||http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_5Oin3hfPrc4/S8wKl63oqdI/AAAAAAAAANM/aT6OlEzJLnM/s320/How-to-Build-Self-Confidence.jpg|||http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_jIjJWynVdIM/TJK1JLfAStI/AAAAAAAAAHI/veHOKIXUt-U/s1600/Terry+Pratchett%27s+Discworld+Novels+1+-+38.png|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZSCawZ9jmA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox0geKDC-S0|||I rip their heart out with my good old trusty metal claw and feed it to the ducks :) I've almost been arrested for it before, tee-hee.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmzZlgrTpAc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYwn0idQG1M&feature=related|||Nope, the Queen of England. It happened to me once and I've been trying to block it out of my memory ever since it happened. Needless to say, I haven't been able to. It's probably the worst thing...|||Drinking too much wine will put you in a situation where you'll end up saying, why, your majesty, that appears to be my buttocks you have fondled. So, no.|||I've never heard of that site before and it intrigued me so I just decided to join. It's pretty cool. CptMagicSandwich - CptMagicSandwich's Drawings at RateMyDrawings - CptMagicSandwich's drawing...|||So I decided to make my own TARDIS console room... http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x462/Transgressive_Lunch/MyTARDIS2-1.jpg|||Ziggy Stardust's zygotes zap Zappa in a Zimbabwe zoo, zeroing in on zingy, zealous, Zen Buddhist zebra butterflies that zigzag on the z-axis of Zeus's zwitterion.|||If someone is incredibly obnoxious or if they try to spread their belief in scatomancy, I'll gnaw on their leg.|||(8);Z. It means, to the contrary, I'd love an extra five pints of seahorse milk. I use it a lot more than I should on some forums.|||That sort of thing is for humans, not me thank you.|||If I do eat them, I eat them with something to mask their flavour because I like their health benefits, but I really hate the way they taste.|||Modern music is crap. In fact, if you modernize something it will probably be ten times worse than it originally was. If you care about animals emotionally, you probably shouldn't eat meat. Drug...|||I do a lot of art, like drawing (I've been drawing my entire life), painting (not so much these days though), writing, poetry, creating videos, creating comics, music, and creating different games...|||It's crap in the form of a TV show.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ1J99feOZw|||Pigeon water, soak my toast in shades of beige. I'd give you my liver for a dime and a currant, and skip to the centre of my hand. When I arrive there I'll pickle my sinuses, what a shame I'm not...|||I've never been in a band, so I have many one-man-band names. Here are some of them: Mother Earth and the Satellites of Mars The Electric Buddha's Ever Cosmic Mind Theatre Electric Orange Mellow...|||I, too, agree with the bible on something.|||Many times I've felt like this http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_pwvpOb-iD5I/R-nAQV2JSSI/AAAAAAAACq4/r0qlldzQA68/s200/Mr%2BWhipple%2BCharmin%5B1%5D.JPG|||Once I awoke and found myself married to Ethel Merman, but it was the 1930's, people did some wild things back then.|||1. An intro song (theme song for yourself) White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7oEg7xwmVE 2. A song for a comedic scene She's Goin' Bald - The Beach Boys|||I have a severe case of espanism.|||Mumbling catastrophes fix xylophones for the head master of an upside-down school for Death's fish. They dance and sing in a submarine made of confusion in the beard of Neptune as ten thousand Norse...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCU5hTCynkQ|||Monty Python's The Meaning of Life|||That MyAnimeList website looks great, I think I'll create an account there. Ha, that was cool to see Mushishi ranked #14.|||Ah okay, I like (among many other things) the psychedelic element of it. I thought that it wasn't very well known. I just found out about it a couple of years ago, haha.|||I like some anime and dislike some anime. Ones I love are: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Excel Saga FLCL, or Fooly Cooly What I've seen of Mushishi. I've been meaning to see more episodes, but I haven't...|||How much flamingo plumage should I bring?|||I'm dancing in the nut tree, I'm dancing in the nut tree, I'm dancing in the nut tree, I'm dancing in the nut tree, I'm dancing in the nut tree, I'm dancing in the nut tree, I'm dancing in the...|||This trash I found:|||Jodie Foster is one of the various forms I take, so obviously this hasn't happened to me (yet).|||Dinner: red kidney beans, cashews, broccoli, cauliflower, crumbed mushrooms.|||I frequent Tumblr to feed my addiction to pictures of the reptilian overlord, Judge Judy. Here I am: PsychicKafkaTea!|||Oh my god! I was just going to post this exact video.|||Chloroform candy canes witness a tree exploding in the eye of God. Oh, lord, can you buy me a point of view, one as sharp as a blade? I'd give my third personality just for this one thing. But, who...|||You'll have to breed them.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6h5tL1amXg|||I agree. He's so cool you'd swear he's actually a freezer and not a fridge.|||Wow, that's pretty cool.|||Theme for King Lunatic #4 The cosmic mantid tastes the mushroom god Suns grow in gardens of gold Hypnotic rabbits ride a stained glass caravan The smiling windowpane harvests glowing organs...|||Losing a rainbow eating match against The Council of Villainous Pink Baboons )o:|||http://www.borite.com/images/cockroaches_clip_image004.jpg :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:'
'I have found software development, business development and organizational leadership to be fulfilling for myself.|||No.|||Sounds more like a Socionics influenced video than an Enneagram influenced video. Acceptance and love are psychological needs that when unfulfilled will result in someone being more needy of them...|||Mmm....yes. Lots of pacing, lots of gestures.|||No, I did not compare the Enneagram to astrology. I used astrology as an example of how many people can believe something that is not true.|||Mensa Home Test: https://www.us.mensa.org/join/mht/ I forget if you get a score but it will help determine if your score is high.|||According to more than 21 people, astrology is also reliable, but many people thinking so doesn't make it so. A real investigation would take time and I'm not feeling interested because it's rooted...|||Mindfulness techniques have been practiced for thousands of years before the Enneagram of Personality. From what I've read of Ichazo's work, the creator of the Enneagram of Personality, I haven't...|||I'm not sure if I buy into the Enneagram thing. I plan to look into it more but my intuition is already wary of it so I never get around to doing so. That said, I've taken the test two times. The...|||Not really. I study mindfulness and well-being techniques which have benefited my life. I recognize that I am most often unaware of my emotions, unless they become strong, and even then I used to...|||I have words of the moment. My word of the moment is radical -- the latin root of which is radix which means at the center or essence of something.|||If I like someone, I don't hide it x97 they'll know pretty quick x97 but sometimes there's a reason to not disclose , perhaps political or strategic; perhaps it would cause troubles or perhaps I'm...|||I used to wander around the city a lot, a walking city, but I now live in a different city where that's pointless. So I started going to the gym and doing interval training on the treadmill, but...|||I practice acceptance with tough emotions. I let them happen, whatever they are, and allow them to play themselves out within me. If I feel an emotion is clouding my judgment, I will procrastinate...|||This title made me laugh. It'll be a miracle if I ever get married. Sorry but I'm of no help.|||Pretty good but I don't usually let off.|||Means you have nothing of value to do.|||Pro-choice baby|||Will you be staying drunk throughout the duration of this topic?|||Most of what we know is false. Here's another quote: Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light wonx92t come in. x97 Alan Alda|||Father is ESTJ and mother was ESFJ. Got along better with my mom than I get along with my father, but neither really understood me. They both thought I was too smart for my own good and that I...|||I stick to mostly practical math and I like it because it gives me more abilities. Some theoretical stuff poses interesting philosophical problems that are all the more exciting knowing that they...|||I try to be.|||No, but I've heard that a part of wisdom is knowing when not to speak.|||If I'm intrinsically motivated, it's easy and automatic once I allow myself to sink into it. If I'm not, it's really hard.|||Currently a software developer. Ideal job is heading an organization primarily concerned with improving others' well-being.|||If you missed The Wire, watch it. Breaking bad is awesome. So is Californication. Mad Men is good. Parks and Recreation was a cheap thrill.|||It depends on context, but I'll say 8. At work I stick to handshakes and nods, but with people I'm good with I often do a half hug. If I'm really good with them, or if that's the context, or...|||Typically, for an ENTP, no, but there's nothing which prevents us from using our other functions, although it might get tiring and they are not as well developed. My guess is that you were very...|||Those things aren't going to help you with your social anxiety. Realizing your anxiety is based on silly fears, that you're not really in any danger, and allowing yourself to experience it as you...|||Sorry about that. I'm the owner of ENTP.org. I closed registrations a few days ago, and reopened them a few minutes ago. Our chat rarely has anyone on it, and I'm unaware of any popular ENTP...|||The excerpts provided are stereotypical of healthy ENFPs as well. But let's take a closer look at of the other parts in the article: Realistically oriented, SA persons have a more efficient...|||Still figuring out.|||Some things that help me is regularly reviewing my priorities (and updating a note file in my phone) as well as keeping a to-do list that is modeled after the Eisenhower method (split up as Urgent &...|||What may be of help is Lenore Thomson's descriptions of Ne types and Ti types. Her descriptions are really good. Descriptions of Ne types, INTPs and ENTPs from her book are posted in...|||I had some tear-jerker moments during Beasts of a Southern Wild (my favorite film of 2012).|||I tend to like them, and when we get along, it's great. But when I don't like them, it tends to be really bad. That's been my experience.|||I vote ISTP because they'd be very sensible. I haven't given this much thought.|||I smoke heavily. I hate it. I got addicted a long time ago and can't seem to kick it. I guess a part of me still enjoys it. It's horrible though, for so many reasons.|||I was talking with another Ne dominant tonight and we both share an enjoyment of being in motion, be it traveling in a car, on a train, or otherwise. Sometimes, when I'm working on something...|||Definitely. I used to scare the crap out of my cousins by telling them horror stories I made up on the spot about mummies coming back alive, and one time I got them convinced that mega-mouth was...|||I can get obsessive when there is intrinsic motivation there, but otherwise it just needs to be better than most. If I don't care, then...don't care.|||I've never desired to have a pet on my own. For one, the responsibility of insuring that it is happy and secondly, the limitations it may bring to my life. However, I dated a girl that had a cat...|||I was a crammer. I would have probably made it further if I had more discipline.|||When I'm not serious my flirtations are more just compliments. When I'm serious I get more serious; it's more thoughtful and I tend to mix in more personal disclosure. I am actually getting to know...|||Aloneness and loneliness are two separate things. You can be alone and not lonely. You can be not alone and be lonely. What helps me with loneliness is reflecting and being grateful for all the...|||Ok, and I hope you feel better. Maybe you'll like Sean Hayes and perhaps you haven't heard of him. Check him out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IAgXuw5fcI&list=PL49A6D60F060A2936 Want to...|||Recently I went to see the Oscar Nominated Shorts and there was a documentary category. I liked Inocente, Kings Point, Mondays at Racine and Redemption. They are shorts so if you can find them,...|||No, not at all, but I do enjoy some superstitious hippie-type people, for their positivity and interest in improving themselves and others. For example, I went to see a new masseuse recently and...|||I continue to be very busy but I do not want to keep you waiting on me any longer. I have turned the site back on and it should be available as soon as the server changes have propagated to your...'
'estj to the max|||What is Caitlyn?|||Hmmm I'd say judging from the new episode, Wind Rider is an _NTJ? He's a really good schemer, uses many manipulative tactics to get Spitfire out of the Wonderbolts solely for his benefit and is a...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e12Vsd0CwGs lol|||__fp?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbXgHAzUWB0|||e_fp lol|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6120QOlsfU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6120QOlsfU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ugkg9RePc|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sc-ir2UwGU|||Isfj|||isfp? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJrIpDpGpFA|||entj|||looks esfp to me fairly sure that's illegal|||YESSSSSS!!!!!!! I saw e s t p too :D!!!!|||I'd totally agree with you! :D|||What type is Keith Lemon? It's now time to grab some Celebrity Juice and peek through the Keyhole to get his type!|||I'd say Tamaki is ENFJ; as an ENFJ I can totally relate to his attitude towards others (even when he is so reactive during difficult situations people find it hilarious); in fact I'm like a carbon...|||Hetalia!!!!!!!!! And Ouran too sailor moon? Sword art?|||E n t j|||I actually did consider ENtP as a type ages ago but in real life I'm actually sensitive to others and their reactions... A lot... I found out that Ti is very low on my function stack- it needs loads...|||deez entj nuts|||isfp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFBDv_IH9P8 type deez nuts|||esfplolitslieksooooobviouslerl!|||isfp lol|||estj #ickyface|||Tremor- Dimitri Vegas QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!|||I'd say infp! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilw-qmqZ5zY|||NAO!!! I'd say she is ISTP|||entj|||esfp wild wild risky adventure lurver, walking through a path of red roses. a hopeless romantic that shows off his reckless stunts to everyone|||Well done everyone who did GCSEs!!! :D No matter what your grades are, you did your very best and that is all that matters. (I got 8*s, 3as and 1b)|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2rte3QoSNM Yes, it's actually called The Evil Demon Summoning Song. And to get some pure beat drop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vMh9f41pqE|||Waiting for Love!|||I can agree with your typing for Wyatt!|||Willkommen! Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!! :D|||No but the fact is that the Earth provided the right temperature and the right conditions for people to live on. I do not mean to start an argument or anything but that is what I see and as a person...|||No, that's not the point. She is an xSFJ (less bubbly CAN mean introvert like what another poster has put) and you just simply want her to be more related to you as a Thinking Perceiving type. Well I...|||Still. That is what I experienced when I went to Germany. People seemed ISTJ like and the culture is very ISTJ like, which is why I put ISTJ for Germany.|||No, ESFJ is the only thing that fits. The Si is too much since the world favours tradition while allowing for some new experiences and twists (Ne) but it is obviously a Fe dom. It is not a...|||we all know Pakistan is ESTJ LOL|||^ And Canada is ESFJ. Do we even need to explain. Look- the culture is so FJ like- they love supporting one another no matter the situation and can lend a hand to you when you're in need! Also...|||Ne ne Papa, wine s'il vous plaît[1] Ne ne Maman, ne ne Maman I can never forget those flavors Of the pot-au-feu[2] I ate so long ago Draw a circle, it's the Earth, Draw a circle, it's the...|||Which country is Francis Bonnefoy?? Apparently it says I'm Francis Bonnefoy|||Denmark is highly Fi and Ne- they're into fairy tales, amusement parks and crazy stuff which makes me think Ne. They crave innovation (Lego? I watched a documentary on it...) and again they seem Ne....|||Yes it is. We learn naturally as we age like any other being on the planet and knowledge about relationships with others matures comes naturally. It is Fe whether you like it or not- and this is...|||Woo hoo!|||Everybody!! :D|||It's.... Fe. Everybody is learning to deal with people getting along and the world is one large dinner table. So, Fe.'
WHY are we rare? In the end it just comes down to the human brain and what the natural variations in personality are, for both solid evolutionary, and random, reasons. For whatever reason people who...|||Ohhh yes, of course. I couldn't maintain any kind of attraction to a man who not only is smart, interesting, and can teach me about things I don't know - but also one I am confident is more...|||I could make it work with almost any personality type, I think, depending on the person. I have friends and family of nearly every MBTI type and my two serious relationships are of exactly opposite...|||I am an INTJ woman (Ni, Ti, and Te are my dominant functions without any doubt) but I also have well-developed Fi and decent Fe (I have zero Ne, Si, and Se by all tests I have taken.. haha). While I...|||This is a huge issue for me, and I wasn't familiar with the term before. Crazy.|||I only know two ENTPs, and the fascination seems to be mutual. I'm very happily dating one right now. We are so, so different... and yet somehow we are so similar. I can't really explain it.|||ISFPs seem to hate being told what to do or how they 'should' feel about things. In that way, we are very similar.|||- Mental Self - Romance/Significant Other (when in serious relationship - give it my all. When not in relationship - no effort, haha. They come to me.) - Family & Friends - Physical Self -...|||All of that stuff is stupid and I don't do it. I have adapted to aping some social rituals for the sake of winning friends and influencing people, but I have to draw lines somewhere, goddamit.|||I don't understand what 'lonely' feels like. When I was younger I was more solitary, now I am more social but I always feel content with the amount of time I spend alone vs. with other people. But...|||I shamelessly add everyone I don't hate who I have gone to school, worked with, or had any positive interaction with... Then I un-friend everyone who is annoying. I have a very wide base for...|||I am practically Facebook famous. I am interested in people and in socializing (mostly from an intellectual standpoint of course), and the more people that like me, the more advantages I have....|||Hm. I express myself in a plain and precise way, and favor that style when I am trying to absorb information. But I'm not given to short remarks when there is something interesting to be discussed....|||I retreat onto my cold, stony, ultra-logical mountaintop where I almost silently watch them splatter their emotions, and then I pick apart their feeble arguments and make cutting remarks as...|||I only know one probable INTJ IRL, and she is the only other person I know who is as anal as I am about her nutrition, health, strength and body composition. All the online INTJs whose pictures I...|||I had several IQ tests when younger (5 to 16 or so). I was a precocious kid and was in 'Gifted' programs at school. I didn't get consistent test results, though, which makes sense because a]I have a...|||At 27, I have ditched almost all of my social anxiety and learned how to socialize effectively, so; I deliberately come off as an often quiet but kind and humorous sort who is frequently smiling and...|||^You kidding? I'm so jealous, you have the best of both worlds. I am pretty social at this point, after years of practice, but I can only 'turn on' for so long... still need plenty of 'off' hours in...|||I wanted further ability to accessorize. And at this point in my life I've finally achieved some level of comfort expressing a 'personal style'; for many years I dressed deliberately to avoid...|||I'm a 27-year-old woman and I just got my earlobes pierced for the first time in my life. Thought that one over for 20 years. Not really my thing.|||Right there with ya, buddy...|||Internet friends are a good intermediate step. Don't be afraid to pursue what closeness online relationships allow, in the spirit of connecting with likeminded people. At this point (27) I am a...|||Romantically, or generally? I have a couple close friends who are ISFPs, as well as my sister. We relate very well, although it's always very much a situation where I am supportive, nurturing,...|||While I'd try with someone I was attracted to on multiple levels of any personality type; if I have to choose, I know I find the various qualities of E/I NFPs and E/I NTPs to be very compatible with...|||While I'd try with someone I was attracted to on multiple levels of any personality type; if I have to choose, I know I find the various qualities of E/I NFPs and E/I NTPs to be very compatible with...|||Speaking only for myself, I feel very loved. Women in particular, I have a special connection with, and I have always had tons of very close female friends... Romance has been a bit of a challenge...|||Romanticism isn't really predictable by MBTI type, I don't think. Though NTs as a whole tend to be a bit more reserved and 'dry' when it comes to feelings than other groups of types.. but the...|||I weigh 100 lbs, have big blue eyes, curly blond hair, and a high-pitched voice, and still can pass for a teenager. I've always assumed this is why people tell me I am cute. Also that if my...|||I was the smallest in my class, super weird in a variety of ways, badly dressed, awkward (though I have a pretty face and always have)... and I have never been bullied, at any age. Sometimes kids...|||I'm really good at predicting the issues in romantic relationships that will ultimately tear a couple apart.. but that's usually pretty easy.|||xNTP - he's always tested as an INTP, but I think he's ENTP for sure - quite developed Fe, and much more flamboyant and social than I've ever heard of an INTP being. My ex was a heavy Fe user as...|||My boyfriend got upset with me (mostly because we hadn't seen each other for far too long) and told me that my idea of intimate connection was like a man's - as though it were an insult! I was...|||I was born at the end of June and my astrological chart is perfectly balanced (my yoga teacher did it for me, I indulge her). I think astrology is nonsense. However, my intelligence is completely...|||I have a ton of friends, most of them are women and SFs and I love them. But then I have so much Fi I'm practically an INFP. :D|||I kind of hate how you share most of my strengths, and are also very good in my weak areas. :p|||I was raised a conservative Protestant and I celebrate Christian holidays (in an incredibly half-assed way) but I never considered myself to be religious (even as a kid, it didn't speak to me) and...|||All of my best friends are Sensors. Seriously. There is a lot to be said for learning how to not offend people...|||My only confirmed fellow INTJ friend is online only (not from PercC), but we talk a lot. Especially interesting is comparing his textbook INTJ-ness vs to my slightly atypical version. We definitely...|||At work, at home (usually in my room since I have three room mates), walking my dogs, biking around my city (usually alone), or over at a (usually introverted) friend's house. Although since I...|||Yes. But only in romantic situations, these days (making friends with people I like comes easily). I hate it. Luckily my boyfriend is patient and liked me for a long time before we went out,...|||High school dropout, never got my GED, no plans for further formal education.|||I believe I am of above-average facial and general attractiveness, yes, based not only on the research I have done on both aesthetic and sexual attractiveness, but also of course on people's...|||Yes. Since I am extremely self-confident about my appearance, physical compliments leave me pretty cold. I know I am attractive and I look how I want to, I don't care about anyone else's opinion...|||Ah, this is a fascinating topic for me. I don't have a self-image at all like anyone I know, with the possible exception of my boyfriend (who is an E/INTP) - but he invites attention and revels in...|||100% introvert 85% intuitive 70% thinking 51% judging. Seriously. My cognitive functions are consistently super-strong Ni, more Ti than Te (though both are strong), and fairly developed Fi...|||I'm sorry you are being taken advantage of, and do not feel appreciated by your family. I'm sure they do love you very much. I'm also sorry you're feeling so tortured in your soul over who you...|||Two of my bestest friends and my ex (7 year relationship) are ISFJs. They are all lovely people; incredibly caring, responsible, loyal, morally upstanding, sensitive, with an eye for beauty and a...|||OP, I agree with PPs that you need to set clear boundaries ASAP. Speaking as another INTJ: it's so vastly rare for me to be strongly interested in someone that I don't give a damn about...|||I'm much more into learning about Jungian cognitive processes than I am in the results I get on whichever MBTI quiz. I'm super-strong Ni and strong Fi with balanced Ti and Te and barely existent...|||(1) Do INTJs think INFPS are all sappy over-sensitive people who waste lots of time with unnecessary mannerisms? Absolutely not. Most of my loved ones are Feeling types so I have a ton of sympathy...
'Well ! That's exactly what I had in mind... Sounds a bit shallow and selfish, no ? I just hope I'm not too much like that.|||So sorry for driving you nuts, it's totally independent of my will. Still so do I, I love you too. Am I really hedonistic ? That must be terrible !!! :laughing:|||Please, let me give you an ENTP point of vue of what you call being harsh. That's true. Sometimes, INFJs may look harsh to people. But, for me, sharpness is a more suitable name for it. ...|||Hypothesis of two guys during their studies : Guy 1 : Study all day, very focused, do 5 hours/day homework. Get a 95% final grade rate. Guy 2 : Do not care too much of teachers speach, do not...|||Hello. Try using the IMG code : yourimageURL (in source mode, first icon) Your pictures will appear bigger.|||Bed or no bed, it is not the question. The real thing is can we envisage sex/love as some king of humdrum routine ?! My personnal pov is : no way ! Any routine in love is boring. Not only for...|||Excellent ! Plus it's a Dali !! Really a great Idea !|||It must be terribly painfull... :frustrating:|||Yes it as been scientifically proven. But it's nothing like 'sex was good or not'. It's because of the male brain secreting (hope it's the right word) a drug just after coitus to make him sleep......|||Here is another of my artworks. Made with Photoshop. Hope you enjoy. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/338/4/a/yet_another_fantasy_by_myrddin66-d5n0upc.jpg High res version on my devianart...|||Even if i'm not INFJ, here is one of my artworks. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/336/4/1/imaginary_land_by_myrddin66-d5mttj7.jpg More soon.|||The Shut Up Kiss should be forbidden by Geneva Conventions. It's too hard to resist it. Combined with the Give me your opinion on... sentence, it's an efficient tool for psychological torture...|||Here is my advice, from an ENTP beeing with an INFJ, even if I can't be really sure if it is really the 'key' of the ENTP-INFJ relation. The thing that seems to be the more important is...|||Very serious about you being good. Really. The rest is just my habitual craziness.|||William I am : Man, you're good ! Really really good ! That made me want to make a therapy... Too bad I am already so perfect :-(|||It's a strange hard to explain feeling. Like some kind of evidence. And it has nothing to do with 'getting used to the other one' or things like that. It's more like 2 people spending time...|||amen.|||In fact this is particularly attractive.|||Yes ? What is it ?... ...Hmmm... Did you say PLOTS ??? I never talk about Plots ?!! You're the one who talk about plots... I just give my POV, no more. Well, the fact is that I am perhaps a bit...|||Hi ! My girlfriend, an INFJ, often tell me such things, about people playing games, ... I must confess, if I did noticed such things long ago, I never not really cared... it was more like Wanna...|||No one. Just a metaphor to illustrate a possible, but not necessary, temporary break in mutual understanding in a particular area.|||We talk about it very often ! Our communication is a lot about... Our communication... ?!!! (Isn't that Ouroboros ?) I never said that she meant to make me feel this way... It was a humorous note....|||In fact, I think she mean objectivity... I do like that about myself !|||I'm actually dating an INFJs, she's kind and very concerned about anything. Always nice and open-minded...Well nearly always, but I'm not better myself. We really talk a lot, no doubt she is the one...|||Indeed. I was ironic. This definitely would not be a paradise for any N. And you're right we still see it far too often.|||Truth. We should live in tribes where alphas males have all the females and the others just wait the alpha to be too old, so one can kill him and take his place. A paradise for NTs and NFs.|||As an ENTP, let me say: Thank you, thank you, and... Thank you.|||Well this thread is certainly very edifying. Even if some post seems quite shallow for NFs. Some of us, ENTPs, seems to feel the same about INFJs. There is hope. Here ! For you ! 54213|||Classy|||Except opinions not always about facts. And facts not always applies to opinion. Plus, who said it was you who known the truth (even of facts) except yourself... Which is your opinion that anyone...|||+ + + = 1. Data recorded, formulas corrected, programmation altered|||<SERIOUS ON> This might be the smartest thing I read on the subject till now <SERIOUS OFF> Still... No way I let you MY study ! Fool !|||Yes I would !|||And 'vice-versa'...|||Actually, I do think that there might be a correlation ! At least, it certainly deserves further study.|||50 bucks on the big one with the red shorts|||This would not be a very pragmatic approach. Instead, we should create a committee of experts to 'cut the issue'.|||A young adult ? Oh, I really start to like you... Sorry but I do not feel like explaining my pov, it's too much work. I'll just say : yes, you're right, there is a real 'physical' world... but...|||This might be the most romantic thing ever !... Well, this and the nuptial rite of snails.|||Someone told me there was a cock size competition, somewhere here... Is it here ?|||Lol ! That for sure was a bright ENTP comment... Still, I can be quite delusional indeed, for most people. And what's worse, pretty proud of it ! :confused: Now the real question is : was my...|||OMG ! We really have good tastes ! :cool:|||You know you're a ENTP when you feel the same and do not hesitate to send it right into their face ;-)|||Fine, fine, my bad ! The thing is so obvious for me that I certainly did not explained it enougth. So let me be a little more precise. By telling Easy !, I did not want to say it will be easy...|||The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. Aldous Huxley ...|||lol|||There is no such thing as Real World... Everything is illusion|||Interresting subject here. Quite intriguing for me since I had some kind of traumatic similar experience yesterday. This make you very open minded about the subject. I would love to read any idea...|||@Ningsta Kitty : Yes, you derailed : I do not play D&D !|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmeyocnsEIk'
'I couldn't agree more with Cormo. Inflation in degrees is a very accurate description of what has happened with the relationship of the economy (jobs) and education (your degree). A bachelor's...|||I too would like some confirmation on that one....haha|||I am 28 years old living in Phoenix, AZ. I moved here from the midwest when I was 19 so I could go to school, become a teacher, save the world. I am NOT teaching currently, and I plan to write a...|||...as well as on my macaroni and cheese.|||Oh, and I like to put ketchup on my macaroni and chesse|||This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, from Stephen King: Despite my ghoulish reputation, I really have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk|||I'm realizing, after years of struggling with thyroid issues, and lately doing some thorough research, that medical doctors don't give a SHIT about you. Either that, or they refuse to adopt more...|||I can relate so much to what you're saying here, and I DO have a child. I think I've realized the last few days that I cant have another child because the post-partum depression was terrible, and...|||just realized im in an Idealist forum....yep. SO! So! I do what i want!|||blast! another Idealist....I'll get you next time, gadget!|||...too many Idealists on this page....there, that's better.|||Yes, indeedy, you do! And it may or may not involve a buffalo and a nine-iron....apparently your'e not a golfer...|||@cue5c I'm not sure in what sense you mean beautiful, but goddammit I'll take it! Thanks :) AND current events sounds right up my alley! Thanks again!|||Well it originally was my face. I did, in fact, change it to the sara silverman photo...and I think ill keep it! Glad u like it :-)|||DustOfShard...again PS. thanks for doing a little research about me in order to make a savvy recommendation for my avatar. Appreciated :)|||sounds so cliche, but I push people away. I do. And I am starting to resent myself for it. I am so stuck. I've always been stuck; no one has ever shown me how NOT to be stuck. And the few who have...|||...to quiet the incessant chatter in my brain and just CHILL for once.|||I like your style...well played|||I think I need to come up with a more interesting avatar for one...any suggestions? haha|||Oddly enough, me too. Holidays not agree with you either??|||Just another thought: In my opinion, medication seems more necessary in regards to anxiety as opposed to depression. This is just my experience and opinion, but I have had both types and medications...|||thanks, DustofShard :) I wish there was a quick reference in regards to these personality types...I'm gonna have to get used to the terms. I'm sure I will though, since I find it so interesting. ...|||Hi :) I can relate to the depression thing myself. In fact, this is a very hard time of year for me and always worse around the holidays. I have taken three kinds anti-depressants, and I am still...|||Hello, So I'm new, and have been playing around with this site since yesterday after googling chatrooms for semi-intellectuals, haha. There is sooo much here, and I just don't know where to...|||Now THAT i can relate to! It was a DAMN funny, and if I say so myself, witty joke...why did no one laugh?!! Not even a chuckle...really? Aw man.'
After a stretch analysis, I realize that Sherlock is an INTJ with some traces of INTP. First, Sherlock can understand the crime scene and create concrete images - see the whole picture in your mind...|||I think that's the only way to know what my true type.|||Akatsuki from Naruto: Pain - INFP (with mask INTJ) Konan - ISFx Itachi - INxJ Kisami - xSTP Tobi/Obito - ENFP Kakuzo - xSTJ Hidan - ESTP Sasori - ISTJ|||Batman - IxTJ Nightwing - ENFJ Robin [Tim Drake] - INTP Red Hood - xSFP Damian Wayne - ESTJ Catwoman - ESTP Batgirl - INFJ or ENFP Gordon - ISTJ Two Faces - ESTJ Joker - ENxP|||Its me!|||I understand. I do not totally agree with what i though I have identified myself with the supposed Te Sherlock. Even though I am Te less I care enough to what I will learn will really be of good use...|||What do you think of this ?: https://mbtifiction.com/2014/11/09/why-sherlock-isnt-an-intp/ Can you tell where the author is wrong and why?|||I use my Te as something individual for my Fi. Do our best to review and enforce organization and logic in my environment so I can harmony and development. It seems my Te only works for me, do not...|||Interesting. It reminds me subtypes enough. I believe I try to be a subtype Te.|||Hi, I'm an INFP 4W3 with strong traces of enneagrama 3 and noticed I've been using quite a Te function, or at least thinking that the use of creating a mask. It all started when I met friends NTJ's...|||Dio is ENTJ. Te-Se>>Ni-Fi|||Batman - ESTJ Superman - xSFJ or ISFP Wonder Woman - xSTP Lex Luthor - ENTP Lois Lane - ESFJ or ENFP|||Kuroro seems INTP. He does not have a certain objectivity in what you do, your orders can be accurate, however, see such precision as a good improviser. He does not have it all figured out, he risks...|||I understood what you said about quick analysis, but from what I read and watched, his deductions happens after a high observation of the whole picture, to thereby deduce what is next. This...|||Mello is definitely INFP or ENFP. The sense of justice and the belief by L is what motivates Fi. He envisioned L as God and had a huge inferiority complex with Near, after L died he started to act Fi...|||I understand what you said. I understand the INTJ side you show it. But as I said, the mind and his vision interacted brilliantly in the environment and analyze quick happen. Anyway, it's really...|||So you think is more common an INTJ have a quick analysis of the complete picture in a few seconds and normal than a ISTP way? Even INTJ with Se inferior?|||He plays for the abstract world when to get information. It is usually more focused on specific standards on what is happening in the moment, so much so that he never deducts or have full idea about...|||He analyzes everything quickly, all he see is being analyzed through his mind looking for patterns. It is fast in the connections, and all this is done internally by external observation, virtually...|||What happens is that Itachi did everything for the sake of the leaf village and for the sake of his brother; he saw that it was the only option for him, which led him to dress as a villain and...|||I think that Verona is an INTP with Si well developed. The way she theorizes things is quite Ti, quite reflective and curious, however, have huge links with past experiences and details. Aoba I say...|||INTP like to talk about their thoughts - at least two of which I met socially - mainly because of Ne aux, what do they talk endlessly eloquently, especially if they are with magnificent ideas in...|||When Sherlock is in a very bad situation, it uses the function Si. Si is like something to save him when he is in a desperate situation, so remembering details. An INTJ would flee to Fi and Se, he,...|||I agree that it is an INTP. However, it is a well-developed INTP, precisely because it is fictional. It has a memory palace where he likes to discuss logical ideas with yourself and talk about the...|||I think Will is INFP. Empathy is not only precisely Fe, can also be Fi. He absorbs himself the criminal's personality, as well, wondering details of the crimes. Not to mention that it has moments...|||When a xNxP is something you really like it practically is clearly focused that - especially if value with Fi, or want to find a more complete and logical operation with the Ti -, however, may end up...|||About Makishima Shogo be ENFP or ENTP ... well, I see Fe in his phrases, that everything he does is for the good of society and the good of the community extroverted. But if we realize all this was...|||I do not see INFJ in Hisoka. I do not see him being driven by Ni, it is very improviser to be a Ni dom; but I see Ni it. What makes me jump to a ISTP or even ISFP. However, it can be also INTP.|||I see Komugi as an INFP that values the '' go ''. It explores possibilities within the field and stores data and strategies to use at the time of the game - Ne-Si. Not to mention the Te function may...|||His plan is simple and selective, but when it is ready to test, it will focus on the moment. And as a ISTP has Ni, I do not see no reason to have a plan to live in the moment with a particular...|||I understand your point. But still, I do not see why it is not an ISTP. It can prove to be a good psychological player and is good at deceiving others, but this is somewhat related to personality...|||Hisoka not seem to be very interested in idealistic and philosophical values - even though distorted - to be an INFP sociopath. Anyway, it was shown some of it, we know practically nothing about his...|||Hisoka is ISTP and Chrollo INTP or INFJ|||Cloud could be a INFP too. Whoever attachment to the past and want to go to the dark side - Kingdoom Hearts - to delete the cycle of memories seems well Fi-Si.|||What makes you think that Hisoka is not a ISTP?|||I do not see Izaya as INTJ... Of course INTJs can play a jokester personality as ENTP, but it is ENTP almost all the time, even isolated it shows that hyperactive expression that hates boredom. For...|||I think Aoba seems a sociopath ENFP - can also be INFP, but now I think more E than I -. Quite persuader with several comprehensive and bold ideas, rancor guard and hates being compared to Izaya -...|||Kabuto from Naruto It is a good example of INFP unhealthy.|||Johan was born with an enormous capacity for empathy. And it has all the vision of fanciful world and despises his own existence and wants to bring his sister to an ideal place. Fi could be so, but...|||Griffith I see as ENTJ now, motivation to master the outside world is more Te gift itself. A very subtle ENTJ.|||Orochimaru could also be INTJ.|||I agree with Johan, Ace, Orochimaru. Griffith I see as ENTJ, quite strategist and quick in decision-making, has tremendous need to control the outside world. Hisoka I believe is ISTP. I think he is...|||Sasuke seems a INxP with distorted Fi. In childhood he was well INFP, wanting to inspire your brother to get recognition, but after the trauma he seemed to have quite Ni traits. Or he may have been...|||Zuko from Avatar is INFP or ISFP?|||Izaya is ENTP. It is a gift Ne, has tremendous need to create connections with others and explore the possibilities. His game is not focused, it is comprehensive, likes to plant something only to...|||I love this series Hannibal: INFJ with certain extroverted traits and Ti well developed. Will: INFP with Fi and Ne broken with their lower functions rather well developed. Jack: ESTJ Alana:...|||Monster Tenma: INFP Johan: INFJ developed Ti Nina: ENFJ Dieter: ENFP Roberto: ESTP Eva: ESxJ Lunge: INTP developed Si Grimmer: ExFP|||Rurouni Kenshin Kenshin: INFJ Kaoru: ESFJ Yahiko: ESTJ Sano: ESFP Aoshi: ISTJ Shishio: ENTJ or ESTJ Ne loop Saito: ISTJ Misao: ESFJ|||Avatar Aang: ENFP Soka: ESTP Katara: xxFJ Toph: ISTP Zuko: INFP loop Si Iroh: ENFx Azula: ENTJ Mai: IxTP|||xSTJ
'I think it's ok, as long as you don't kiss non-human animals.|||Mainstream music is shit.|||It has a large amount of formatting rules. All the headings in your report need to be formatted in the correct way. The correct font needs to be used. All your sentences need to be double spaced....|||You could cherry pick, but it would be bad research. You also tend to get more marks when you show both sides of an argument, compared to showing only one side of an argument.|||Some disciplines use more quotes than others. In many areas of science you tend to use a lot of quotes because everything you say needs to be backed up by previously conducted empirical research. If...|||You're not unattractive, but clicking that linked fucked up my iPad. I had to use all my computing prowess to fix it.|||Chicks get buyers remorse After having intercourse With this crazy motherfucker who's hung like a horse I'll have sex with a fetus If it comes out deformed, I'll name it Cletus Keep it in my...|||I manually reference. I couldn't get the hang of endnote :blushed: I think if I ever have to write a thesis I may have to get some advice on how to use endnote so that I can better handle the large...|||I actually agree with the non capitalisation of prepositions. It looks nice and highlights the key phrases in your title.|||I'm an APA robot. I like it because I've been using if for a long time and it's become second nature. I did an assessment where we were permitted to use footnotes and it took me ages to work out how...|||I've smoked a lot of weed in my time and it always gives me a hangover. The next day after smoking it, I feel very tired and often very depressed. I think the next day after smoking weed, I am...|||I only know how to do APA. I think the inability to use footnotes is a disadvantage of APA, particularly since in text referencing counts towards the word count in my assessments. In text referencing...|||You're not good at rap? I have no sympathy for that You'll hear my gun go clap I'm straight up riding with my homies Pimpin out phonies Listenen to ill beats in my car Writing raps that will...|||Were you high?|||This threads so hot That im probably going to get shot Or banned and infracted Cause of all the people I've impacted I've hurt their feelings I'll pin you to the ceiling And have sex with your...|||You don't want to test me Cocaine flows through my testes Like adrenaline through my veins Blood, water and pain in my brain Bullets pour like rain.|||It be directed to all fools who step to me and my posse. This be a battle rap thread, filled with hostility Don't be cheezy And things will breezy You feel me G?|||You're not my bro You're my hoe You're too dumb to deal drugs With the thugz I'll fill you with slugs I have not fear my raps are clear I'm going to go have a beer You're queer.|||Have a Battle Rap with the fool who posts above you. Get up in their grill, defend your hood and prove that you're not a Biatch. ...|||Money is a good substitute for butt feathers.|||The rules are relaxed. I can do what I like.|||http://cast.thirdage.com/files/styles/article/public/originals/hugh-jackman.jpg Note the crotch bulge?|||Where I live women often wear tights or extremely short shorts. You can definitely see a faint outline of the genitals. The males in my country are also very well endowed, so there is often a notable...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2zpA5dvUl4|||Spelling and grammar are methods of oppressing the proletariat. If you can't write like an aristocrat, then you can't go to aristocratic schools. If you haven't gone to an aristocratic school, then...|||Could you write a step by step guide about how you manage to be sane? Perhaps by reading it and following the instructions, we could also be sane.|||Can insanity be cured? Since you are the only sane person, it's your job to cure it.|||Are you a psychiatrist in charge of a mental asylum?|||Remove heart. Place electrodes in it that can be triggered using a switch. Place heart on the area of the body that you want to stimulate and then trigger the electrodes to achieve satisfaction.|||I am going to drop any semblance of politeness and say this:BLARGooogshlamballs!BLARG! I rest my case.|||You seem to have a fairly nihilistic attitude towards certain social conventions. Perhaps you may even perceive human morality as relativistic and largely devoid of truth? While I respect this...|||While this may be true, it doesn't serve to elucidate why it is more acceptable for you to be attracted to one's ass than it is for you to be attracted to one's genitals. For example, you may be in a...|||I'd be all up in that math class doing calculus and shit. I don't give a fuck.|||Pretentious is a word that is largely used by pretentious people.|||Sex that involves the ass is more taboo than sex that purely involves the genitals. Why then is it more acceptable to proclaim that you are attracted to a person's ass, than it is to proclaim that...|||Is it more socially acceptable to be attracted to a person's behind (ass), than it is to be attracted to a person's genitals (vagina/penis)? For example, are there more situations where it would be...|||There's some truth to be found in social stereotypes. I have never met a person from Brazil who wasn't a party animal. It is important for America to maintain its military supremacy, not only for...|||Is it more socially acceptable to be attracted to a person's behind (ass), than it is to be attracted to a person's genitals (vagina/penis)? For example, are there more situations where it would be...|||Ever notice that penguins look like gang members? https://www2.ucar.edu/sites/default/files/news/2012/Six_Emperor_Penguins.jpg|||I felt that comforting feeling you get when someone feels the same way you do. I think that the world contains an abundance of assholes and shitheads.|||That tummy ache was the feeling of good karma that comes from not eating animal products.|||I'm sorry that you've had to stoop to selling your underwear. I hope the economy picks up soon.|||Penis.|||To be quite frank, it is clear that you do not know what you are talking about. The liberal arts is a very wide field of study, far too wide to be summed up by post modernism.|||I'm from a science background and I can say that some of the sharpest intellectuals that I know, come from liberal arts backgrounds. There is nothing anti-intellectual about liberal arts, what is...|||I think the term slut is highly offensive. It degrades a person and it does it by bringing their sex life into question and making it appear dirty or immoral. A person's sex life is private and...|||I think having the right to hurt others is a pretty loaded way of saying that it is good to be assertive. It's loaded because saying that you have the right to hurt others can be taken to mean that...|||My girlfriend majored in literature (In Australia) and has done quite well for herself. One thing to consider is how many companies need people who are good at writing. Writing is one of the major...|||So.....the meeting went well?|||No one knows exactly why old people smell the way they do, but we know that they don't smell bad. Scents and Senescence: Old Person Smell Is Real, but Not Necessarily Offensive: Scientific...'
'I've given everyone I know a good reason to go I was surprised you stuck around long enough to figure out... 'All Alright', by fun.|||My boyfriend, actually! :) Quick back story; dated a friend from high school for about two years, had a baby together, planned to get married, things didn't work, I moved back in with my mom. Was...|||I've been referred to as fascinating. Oddly enough, the INFJ I've recently started seeing has been fascinating to me since day one. :)|||45853It's a picture of words but it's still a picture and it's perfect.|||Oh wow. Everyone is so attractive! xD Am I just drooling because I'm finally single, orrr....? Another picture of me so I don't disrupt the flow too much :) 38260 Beach in the summer of 2010...|||Hi Jon! Welcome to PerC :) Like everyone else has said, the INFJ board is a fantastic place to meet other INFJ's. I frequent there myself! I hope you enjoy your time here! It's a pretty great place.|||I haven't read the replies yet, but I can relate to this so much. This sounds almost exactly like why my past two relationships have failed. And they were both quite good relationships really,...|||Ahaha I think I love you ^-^ Yay! Exciting stoofz!|||http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m32h2tnRet1r3gb3zo1_400.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0gzsvlNVW1r0f8s0o2_500.gif http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m39harIqdR1qh65zxo1_500.jpg ...|||...Static? (But about to start moving very quickly!)|||Hi brother of mine.|||Lucky for women, http://fimgs.net/images/perfume/nd.4586.jpg or http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31OhCAhTXlL._SL500_AA300_.jpg Bath & Body Work's Night Blooming Jasmine :3|||advance auto parts silver springs fl|||I used to believe that, when I went to leave my dad's at the end of the weekend (visitation), when he forgot ('forgot') something inside and ran back to get it, leaving me alone in the truck, that he...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGPyUSVtpZM I don't care. I love The Darkness.|||Yay! Did it :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAj6h6e0_48&feature=plcp&context=C4361e70VDvjVQa1PpcFOKE7cqDdL_0gfaydmbwLzw Gi0hOXEAhl4= I just like this because my friend Michael Mayhew made it, and he's dressed...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m19tycz3EO1qlgkano1_500.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1nc0wFrUK1qfhbc2o1_500.jpg ...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2te45R0X21qdlh1io1_400.gif Hey...what's this...OH HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF CRACKERS http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1f112UWyU1qaxzdbo1_500.gif The...|||Emotions Running Rampant Loathing The loneliness that is love Panicked What have I done? Long time, no see, old friend. Life hasn't been the same Since I let you slip away. ...|||Omelets at 11pm were a fairly common occurrence while my boyfriend and I were still living together. A pint of ice cream for breakfast. Coffee anytime, especially iced. Pizza anytime. Has to...|||I'm going through a...'break'. We're not together, we've broken up and moved apart for three months to reestablish ourselves and work on our own issues, and then reconcile (hopefully) and work on our...|||I can't think of any particular situations, but yes. I feel embarrassed for others at times. Oh, got one. My little brother. He's been homeschooled his whole life and has basically learned his...|||I love acting, and took Drama classes and joined Drama club in high school. Haven't done any since then, unfortunately. But I agree with The Ultimate Square Peg ^ the thrill is unlike any other for...|||well, that is that, & this is this will you tell me what thought? & i'll tell you what you missed when the ocean met the sky you missed when time & life shook hands & said goodbye. when the...|||It's normal not to want the person you're with to be with other people. But extreme jealousy is a very, very bad thing.|||Not a problem! :D I like her. She has such a soft voice, but such a temper, haha.|||https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/228501_10150248665541349_669236348_8795787_4124415_n.jpg My darling. ...|||By the way, Kelly, those are beautiful. I'm too afraid to make anything that wonderful.|||HEYYY! It's the freezy ice chick from Rosario Vampire :3 Mizore.|||COMPLETELY off topic. But your little sign holding goblin creeper dude in your siggy, scared the crap out of me at first while I was reading it. I was like, Uh...not sure about the IP...um, yup,...|||The last movie I watched, I only watched maybe halfway through, it was Interstella 5555. Before that, I finished The Woman in Black. And the last show I watched was My Little Pony: Friendship is...|||I saw Insidious in the theaters, and I was SCARED. It's a jumper, that's for sure. Similar, but also completely different, is The Woman in Black. I finally got to see that, and it was just creepy...|||I think I'm a pretty good driver. I'm 23, and only got my license last year. I never did hold a permit, and I didn't get much driving practice, until I started driving my Mom to work at 4:30am in my...|||I have two daughters, the older one is four years old now, and the little one is about to turn one. I have a lot of trouble dealing with the constant attention that they both seem to need. I love...|||August 25th, Virgo. I wear glasses...I have since I was about ten. I want contacts. (Money issues.) 'Gifted'. Not sure about the due date. But, funny story, I was supposedly a 'perfect baby' -...|||Oh my goodness. Fantastic. I had just taken a quiz and been typed as an INFJ, and after reading the description, it kind of felt right...so I did this, with the link you posted. Anddd I got ESTP....|||28,000. Not too bad. :)|||I wish I were more able to see the big picture before I panic. It would help a lot. That Ni seems pretty enviable :P Anyways, thank you. That helps a bit. I'm still struggling to understand and...|||mypersonality.info typed me as an INFJ actually, so I guess anything is possible. Let's see. Ti: No, I don't think so. I can't explain, but it doesn't sound like me. FI: Sounds a bit like me....|||I've taken the quiz three times now, and have gotten different answers for each time. My first shot was ENTP, second was ISFJ or ESFJ, I don't quite recall...this time, I've gotten INFP. xD I was...|||Uhmmm...yup! I hear those all too often. Everyone tends to tell me that I think too much. I always need to relax, according to others. And when I'm drunk (or...otherwise intoxicated...), I am...|||To fall in love and fall in debt To alcohol and cigarettes And Mary Jane, to keep me insane Doing someone else's cocaine.. - Jesus of Suburbia, by Greenday I kiss your neck I feel you...|||This reminds me of 'Stand By Me'...the line that goes (I think), And the moon is the only light we'll see. I always hear, And the moon is only flying pussy. -___- Ruined it for me.|||Well, I remember one incident at a friend's birthday party a while back, we had Girl's Not Grey playing (by A.F.I.), and I swore up and down that instead of, Where I belong, with all erased, I...|||Oh blah, everyone was so awesome and you all gave me ideas for movies and I meant to reply but then...kids...work...boyfriend...stuff. Okay. :) I've seen some of the movies you guys have listed! I...|||As I've gotten older, I've started crying more and more during movies, shows, even commercials...that Pampers commercial with the home birth. I had a home birth and it was amazing and I cried every...|||1.) Lying. Lying, dammit, lying is number one. Is it so hard to tell the truth? Is it really easier to make up a story and follow through for the rest of your life? That takes some planning and...|||A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess, and Damned - Chuck Palahniuk. I'm further in Damned because the made up words in ACWO are making my head hurt. Hah.|||http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/376976_10150560442246349_669236348_10820508_1244000622_n.jpg Hmm, Thanksgiving or Christmas, I don't recall. Me and Baby. ...'
'There is much debate across the forum as to what Donald Trump's MBTI type is, so I bring this question to the ENTP's to answer. If you are of another type, please do not vote to seek validation...|||If you want to know the answer, poll the ENTP forum. ENTP's are by far the best equipped for reading other people and determining their type. Here, I'll do it for you:...|||ENTP. Primary Preference: INTJ, ENTP.|||http://i.imgur.com/4jhtDxU.jpg|||Infp|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5AZhjhbxf8|||[/B] I've made an analogy to ENTP being a racecar with flat/leaky tires many times. Nice. :laughing:|||I live elsewhere in New York, but this sounds great. Let me know how it goes. :laughing:|||It's too hard to gradient types based on %'s. For instance, if you're 60/40 P/J, what aspects of P you have, and what aspects of J you have would differ from person to person. This is why MBTI is...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7gliZx8tvo|||And the truth comes out...|||That's the joke.|||I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I am always insulted by this concept.|||Gin. Nolet's, and Hendricks are probably my favorite.|||ENTP: http://www.dpccars.com/gallery/var/albums/Supercars-with-flat-tire/Supercars%20with%20flat%20tire%20-%2002.jpg?m=1376184058 It also has about a gallon of gas left, and the closest gas...|||No one wants to commit to a life of the things ESFJ's obsess over.|||Poll ruined by non-ENTP people submitting responses. :bored:|||People are stupid I cannot leave planet earth Sure sucks to be here :bored:|||I am, and I do. You asked why they wouldn't get along and I gave you examples. There are ESFJ's that I get along with, and ones that I don't. The reasons listed above are a cliffsnotes of why I...|||All they ever talk about is superficial bullshit. Any time they agree with any deep thing you say, it's entirely to impress you, and they really have no idea what you're talking about. They're...|||Sorry. :bored:|||I raise you infinity, good sir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI4mQuuyYE8 The internets are mine.|||Estj entj esfj|||I thought this was supposed to be Marry, Fuck, Kill. What adult sits around contemplating what type they want to kiss ? Marry: INTJ Fuck: INTP Kill: ISTJ|||In what scenario?|||You don't have to lie to not tell the truth.|||How is anything going to make them less ugly? How is lying to them improving their confidence in themselves so much as it's removing confidence in you (lying). Did you misread my first post?...|||I never said tell them they are ugly. I said don't lie to them. There is a huge difference.|||Wait, You think I've been mistyped, or the bozo you work with? :laughing:|||This is horseshit. Telling a woman who is moderately attractive at best (and knows it) that she's beautiful all the time because she has no self-esteem is the opposite of helpful. That is not...|||ISTJ unable to understand outside of their own scope. To them, our methods are viewed as some sort of cheating, or laziness. You would think that you'd be praised for finding/using the most...|||What's the difference between a baby and a bag of cocaine? Eric Clapton wouldn't let a bag of cocaine fall out of a window.|||Alright, I'm gonna weigh in heavily on this one because it struck a note with me. When I was a kid, I did the same thing as your brother, and it never helped me in the long run. Your brother may...|||How can I seriously be the first one to notice that the place where it's supposed to say ISFJ says INFJ a 2nd time? :laughing:|||Also: http://i.imgur.com/oQO6SZW.jpg|||Gotcha, I'd agree with that.|||Within the confines of a relationship, not at a highway rest stop. :laughing:|||This is very true, and I find that a lot of women think that I'm interested in them when I'm not for the very same reasons.|||Unless someone is pushy, what's the point of communication ending? Are you easily butt-hurt by women or something? In this case, the guy said all he asked her is if she wants to go out (presumably...|||Are male ESFJ's as obsessed with giving oral sex as their female counterparts?|||My condolences.|||Is it necessary to cut them out, so much as it's necessary to not care when they do what you expect them to do anyways? If you know they're going to do those things, then why do you get mad when...|||515466|||I've had many discussions about compatibility, and quite honestly, I feel like ENTP's are the most versatile yet honest type. I'm not going to lie to someone, but I can find ways to have fun with...|||Sure, the ISFJ would want to settle down forever, but I can't imagine being entertained beyond a year or two. They are too same-same. I also can't schedule almost everything in my life, or handle the...|||Entp|||Every ESFJ I've known would be trying to qualify for the blowjob Olympics if it existed.|||Run far away from ESFJ's. ISFJ's are hit and miss. Female ISFJ's can be quite wonderful in some ways, but I never see long term potential there.|||Sometimes I can't last more than 5 seconds. Facebook is just awful, and is just another reason for your answer to the question preceding it.|||It amazes me how other types don't understand this concept. I had a girlfriend who would intentionally try to illicit this response from me by... Acting like a super fake pornstar. Even though it...'
'Haha, extremely sure. :-)|||I hope it isn't too late for me to give my opinion here o_o but I will do it anyway... :P I shall separate them into physical and non-physical traits, because i'm organized like that. Physical:...|||My ex is an ESFJ, and we broke up because of similar problems to the ones you described. (communication, expressing feelings, and the way we both think). I was... very heavily invested in this...|||To respond to your question, I tease people for the reasons of options (a), (b), (d), maybe (e). It's a method I use to get comfortable with people, so if I can tease them and joke around, it...|||PaulFalcon I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. In my opinion it was most definitely a communication issue between the two of you, and that was pretty much how my last relationship ended...|||ISTJ who failed an exam = it's never good news. You can't imagine the frustration we feel when we don't get the grade we want for a test :/ My suggestion is that you just be there for her. Don't...|||Right now it's a Friday afternoon here.. and I am alone in my room attempting to work on my math assignment. And suddenly.. I recall how we used to spend every Friday afternoon right where I am now...|||Sigh. That's what I thought of at first.. just give it time and I will be okay. All we need is to get used to things right..? That's how most people cope anyway. What i'm surprised about is how I'm...|||I read your reply one day ago and it has helped in a way. I sit across him in science class, and when I look at him and feel sad I just close my eyes and tell myself the person you once knew is...|||It really makes me sad when breakups happen. All those times where you actually thought that the two of you would have a future together is all gone. And it also sucks how it's as if it never...|||Sigh. It’s a sad thing to say but I guess you’re right. Nothing I can do anymore if his friends have a stronger influence on him than I have. It’s just pretty sad how it was like it never existed in...|||Well.. because thinking of the good times will lead to me missing the person that he once was. Good times are nice to think of but really, sometimes they bring back so much pain for me. Haha, no,...|||My ex and I broke up two and a half months ago. (Yes.. another heartbreak thread, sorry guys) We were together for 14 months. Towards the last few months of the relationship, we started to argue...|||Haha, I scored highest on type 6, but type 8 was second highest. Which means I may have certain traits of an 8? I don't know the enneagram well enough to say that statement is defenitely right...|||Things I absolutely hate about myself: I can be really controlling to the people around me I hate it when I don't get my way Sometimes I want people to give in to me I don't know if all...|||I NEVER let people see me cry. The only person that I was okay with crying in front of is my ex-boyfriend, while we were still in a relationship. When I do feel sad and am about to cry, I switch...|||I didn't read any of the posts before replying, so I'm sorry if I post something that has already been mentioned. I doubt I'm an ISTJ when: - I cried while watching The Notebook - I watched The...|||The first and third fit me best. If I dislike someone I wouldn't be very direct about it, unless the person has outrightly offended me or intentionally harmed me in any way. For me, I can always find...|||Just thought I'd contribute for fun. 1. Do you like to wear a cap? No, caps/hats are not part of my wardrobe. 2. What brands of running shoes/sneakers are your favorite? (max 3) Adidas for...|||my mother tongue is Chinese. I speak chinese and english at home. I know a bit of spanish as I am learning it at school as a foreign language, and plan to start on learning italian at the end of...|||My best friend is an INTP. There is no group, it's just the two of us. She lives in another country so in school I have a different group of friends. They are INFJ, ENFP and ESFP. Sometimes it's...|||What conditions need to be met for you to be happy in life? Or... What is the main goal you are working toward in life? (i.e. for me it would be 1: I require freedom and autonomy as a minimum to be...|||According to the test they took.. Mom: INFP Dad: ENTJ Sisters: ENFP and IXFP Brothers: ISTP and a 5 year old who's too young to be typed My maternal grandparents didn't take they test but I...|||@WickedQueen: I see. how does queen's advisor sound to you then? :blushed:|||Sorry for intruding but how do you INTJs not study or do your homework but do well for your exams? I'd be lucky to get a passing grade if i went into an exam hall without studying :frustrating:|||My brother who's 4 years younger replies me with 'Yes, MOM :dry:' when i nag at him to do his homework. Whenever we go out, for example to the movies my dad tells me im the one in responsible for...|||I'd be the Empress! http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2004/335/d/a/Winter_Empress_by_Chael.jpg Kidding. I would choose to be the King's Advisor i think :proud:|||The browneyes part of my name was because of someone i liked with the nicest hazel brown eyes i've seen. 94 (1994) was the year i was born, which was added in because browneyes alone couldnt be...|||Prada Amber for women. my favourite scent in the whole world :proud: I like the smell of rain too.|||This sounds pretty much like him. :proud: This sounds like him too. I'll follow what you said here :) He is 12 and finishing elementary school, and to go on to secondary education he has...|||He has interests in sports, and toys that require building or putting together such as Bionicles. I think you could be right about him being undisciplined. He does 'work' on videogames and toys for...|||My brother is a 12 year old ISTP, with a very short attention span. He is taking a very important national exam at the end of the year and he is very capable of doing well (he's the intelligent...|||I'm 50% Italian and 50% Chinese. It was difficult to fit in when I was young because I live in Asia and I felt awkward about being mixed race. I actually told my parents I wished I wasn't mixed so...|||Same as all the people who replied before me, i really dislike having my picture taken with or without my permission. I rather be the photographer. If i ever tried to take a picture with someone i'd...|||I just turned 16. Found out about MBTI when I was 14, but took the test seriously and determined my type when i was 15. It was introduced to me by my INTP friend of the same age =)|||I'm the eldest of 5 children. I'm the most hardworking of all my siblings, and the only lucky child to have a private school education among all the kids. The youngest children description fits my...|||I've had a similar experience before of being really close to an ESFP guy and now we don't even say hi to each other in school. It's because i've got 'bored' of him and i find conversation with him...|||Can ISTJs, with people they feel strongly about , be eager to please and want do anything to help the other person? Yes. This is the same too for good friends, unless 'people they feel strongly...|||Hahaha, don't worry. If he wants to be alone, i'm sure he's fine with it. Don't feel bad, introverts are like that :) But you can keep your offer to him open; you never know one day he might want...|||I am just pondering about what I might consider taking in university in a few year's time. And i'd like to ask anyone with a Bachelor's degree in english and english literature about their...|||If i were living in the US - i'd go with Spanish for sure. It's more commonly spoken and learning other languages such as Portugese or Italian will be much easier for you if you take Spanish because...|||#1. Self confidence: I've always had this fear of taking pictures, I skip PE class because I think I look fat in my attire and it's embarassing to do sports in front of so many people. I always...|||I agree! I currently am taking 3 languages in school and i am enjoying it so much. WAY more than math and science. :) in fact i wish i could take more than 3 languages but it's not possible at the...|||My best friend is an INTP. We've known each other for 9 years but only been close for about 4 years. We have our little quarrells and misunderstandings, but it's all worth it because when we get...|||The part about your friend's temper and beating her boyfriend up reminds me of myself. :) [ not that I've beaten up my boyfriend or anything, we just have very similar tempers. ] Heh.|||Things I like about myself: -I'm Honest. Would never lie to parents or friends. -Reliable. Whatever I promise to do, will be done. -Helpful. Ready to help anyone who needs it. -Polite. =)...|||Yeah. I once hanged out with a bunch of E_FP girls. I was (still am) self conscious, quiet, NOT rowdy and most certainly NOT loud. And they all were. Plus they were the type who liked hugs,...|||THE SILENT, STRAIGHT-LACED GEM This girl is rather shy, quite studious, probably pretty conservative, and usually somewhat attractive in a sort of clean, traditional, classic way. Sometimes, her...|||If i had 50 million dollars I would use it for education - first priority. Then i'd get a decent house. And a car. Then I'd probably save half of it just in case. I defenitely would not gamble...|||I think that we should make an AIM or MSN thread and gather together in a mass conversation to get to know each other!! maybe then new comers would stay awhile longer. :wink:'
'cool, we can do it together.|||Do you not find eagles sexy :wink:|||HOLYSHIZZY Rebelgoatalliance spidershane ENIGMA15 Zaknafein hellofornow Blazy absylution Alex ESTP aquaswim BronzeHareV Cataclysm EIA ESTP_Chick Firefingers Fleetfoot GoggleGirl Ista John_Goofman...|||http://personalitycafe.com/estp-forum-doers/830866-estp-introduction-tread.html#post27539306|||I'm doing this for Drunk Parrot and to build the ESTP community. Any ESTP that comes to PerC often feel free to introduce yourself. If your new, also introduce yourself. That's what this is all...|||sure|||Sounds like fun. I'll see you there :happy:|||I can help with my super builder skills. BTW when is this?|||Congratulations, you belong to the Fox (ESTP) tribe! You are a smooth operator that likes to make decisions on the fly. Improvisation is your bread and butter, and you do it in a way that seems...|||The 2 things are unrelated|||Hello, Welcome to the Forum :proud:|||Cool :happy: Now that I'm here, at the clubhouse, it's time to party! :m0827: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTtz7A6AQ-c|||I'm off by one letter but can I still play in your clubhouse :tongue:|||ISFJs lead with Si Introverted Sensing (Si) INFJs lead with Ni Introverted iNtuiting - (Ni)|||Welcome to the forum If you want to know your type take a test Here is one: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test|||I don't go on planes much but when I do I watch movies, talk to the people next to me, and walk around more than I need too. I don't like to sit still. I also sleep if I'm tired.|||You sound like an INFJ See if this sounds like you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4dLLS-DQfA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7jRV_rgagM|||Pretty often tbh|||That would be awesome but sadly was not the case|||Fairy Tales - Storynory|||I forgot about that rule, you already have six so just keep posting|||BTW it can be bigger than this but this pic was small to begin with. It just can't be bigger than the size of the post box|||There is a button on the bar that looks like a tree. Click it and paste a URL of an image. 508138 ^it will come out looking something like this (hopefully this came out right) P.S. You...|||hi|||out of all these I'm probably Affiliative|||just calm down and you won't be as hot headed|||Welcome to the forum|||Talk to people, one of them might be an ENFJ|||the end|||Once upon a time...|||Her confidence is low but she clearly likes to be with people more than anything. She is a shy extrovert. Also her strongest function seems to be Ne|||the type is unknown so it's accurate by default|||you sounded like an ENTP to me|||hello|||You sounded like an xNFJ but it was hard to tell which one, I''m gonna say INFJ though|||Worrying about how useful you are could be a sign of Fe|||You sound like an ENTJ This might help you find your type: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test|||You seem like an xSFJ but if you scored INFJ that makes sense too All I know is that you clearly have Fe|||My friend is one when taking a personality test we answered most the questions the same way We are similar but I would say he is more extroverted then me. We both just like to have a fun time...|||Thanx :proud:|||sleep... :sleepytime:|||Do you know how to be mean to someone cause you guys are like the kindest type|||Somebody has represent my type :cool: Here is 2 videos that I think fit here for some unexplained reason (I just like them, ok :kitteh:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJqo90lNYLs ...|||Drinking makes me feel good and it's fun and makes me more confident and I'm already confident :cheers2:|||Hello friends :happy:|||will do :proud:|||November ESFP: My childish Se cousin. Often hard to take you serious|||Who said you did?|||It looks like I wasn't invited :sad: But it's ok cause I'll come anyway :tongue:'
'much <3. (why are you ENFJ females so cute, lol)|||I agree, same here. That's why I could stick up with a job for 4 years at a media agency job (despite my allergy to being managed). Partly thanks to the accomodating style of an ESFJ manager. As long...|||Definitely happy with linters for PHP, CSS and Javascript that point out these annoying syntaxical details before I get stuck in a four hour 'bug' hunt. Are you an INTP?|||If I may revive this thread another year later... It's good to update how our job experiences are once in a while isn't it :P Just came across this page because I was looking for INFPs in the front...|||Sounds awesome! I can imagine it's such a great combo when it works. Sorry for reviving an old thread, but I would like to know more about the dynamics. Right now I have an ENFJ female friend and...|||Honestly I am increasingly curious about the emotional intensity that both INFPs and ENFJs have. Somehow I can't live without it, even though sharing true emotions can be risky and volatile, it's...|||Yeah conventional society is just really a bummer for us! At the moment I'm having fun with freelance webdesign projects, which feature wireframing, design, wireframing, programming and testing,...|||ENFJ cuteness, yay! :-) INFPs can be quite different from eachother sometimes but for me it's important to have my own 'bubble' where I can't be read or pinned down because I am cooking up ideas...|||Interesting, I assume it's not the talkative people that are your reason for wanting to live there, haha.. What would bring you back?|||Yeah it seems to be in retreat, luckily! Although in some areas of Peru it's far from gone. At least in terms of domestic abuse and respectful behaviour towards women. I'm in contact with a Peruvian...|||I am also Dutch, but I prefer the more indirect ways of communicating. Honest, yes! Please let me know what you think, indeed. But I find that a less direct message can also convey what someone...|||Are there any INFPs in Peru? I am from Holland but I am amazed at how hospitable, humble and indirect people from Peru are. It's refreshing compared to the direct, blunt Dutch culture. That has worn...|||I thought it was worth at least a reply :-) Kind of overlooked the fact that it was an old thread, sorry! Not caring or caring less about other expectations works good for me. It's hard to let go...|||Do you mean when people are kind of narrow minded because they have to protect their carefully built up image? (albeit grandiose or not) I try to stay away as much as possible from these bosses...|||Sorry for replying so late. Just a couple of months lol... Currently I am in a transition phase after getting overstressed at my job. Still running low on energy... Stress free would be nice...|||Cool, I have been trying to figure out what career step to take next. Being a webdesigner, I am getting tired of technical goals, dealing with too many detail requests, strenuous bug fixing, etc. You...|||Personally, I don't like that an ENFJ can come on strong, making you feel great and special at first. But before you know, they're ignoring your messages or sending other mixed signals that are...|||I've had a friend tell me he doesn't see me in any conventional job. Which is so true. I need originality, authenticity, innovation, and at least some amount of freedom and appreciation. And it's...|||I guess I'm still grappling with this on a personal level, having had symbiotic parents and working through some insecurity & dependency issues. There seems to be an important difference in 2 people...|||Ah, I think I know what you mean. I've heard statements like it would be nice if... or maybe someone will... in a generalized way, and have myself act upon these statements to take care of a need...|||Geoffrey Epic post!! Maybe NF empathy is tough sometimes because it goes after things of the heart, which is often something I would try to avoid naturally when it gets ugly, unfair or confronting...|||Oh yeah, the magical what just happened moments. Can you give an example of that?|||Sounds like a sensible thing, as friends we can support eachother greatly.|||Isn't the Ti function installed in 4th position by default for ENFJs? Or is this a non standard issue? ;-) My female ENFJ friend is quite smart also. She loves T guys I think because of how their...|||Would you date one again, if so, under which circumstances? :-)|||Sounds epic :-) And recognizable. I feel happy or even hyper after ENFJ interactions usually.|||Are you still together with your gf? If so, what are your common interests & goals that make it succesful? :)|||For me, I'll definitely just tell her that I find her special at first. Unlike hey, was fun, bye. Then you're in my Special Zone, hehe... The area between Special Zone and Dating Zone is kind of...|||For me it's helpful to take a friendship approach first. I don't care if I'm friend zoned because good friendship is my preferred basis for something more. The hard part is when I get feelings and I...|||I'm sorry to hear that man... Were you exhausted and misunderstood because of a large I/E difference? Or was it more about the difference in values of your Fi and her Fe?|||I totally dig the organised and result driven lifestyle ENFJ girls lead in combination with their lovely ideals. In terms of dating I feel it's really tricky because as an INFP man I prefer to just...|||I guess my definition of strong also included the more extraverted types who like to assert their own values strongly, and sometimes also communicate that they're so strong that they won't let...|||+1 on not needing more mother type of dates. Done before, still doing:mad: First get your own mother connection issues healed, then attract more healthy types with your own health (maturity). I...|||In my opinion, making the spiritual connection with God through worship is the best place to be, because God's love can freely flow through the INFP ways :-) I do have a conflict though. Once I am...|||I'm not dating one, but an ENFJ girl lives next to me. It's a really close friendship in terms of emotional sharing and humour, and now I'm constantly re-evaluating the difference between a close...|||Right now I think ENFJ comes closest to romance for me. First NF closeness experience (wow!). I've been in short term relationships (<6 months) before but I'm done with all those misplaced...|||I got the feeling that I am familiar with this dynamic between female ENFJs and male INFPs. I'm having friendly contact with an ENFJ girl for some time now. With ups and downs we seem to be getting...|||Now I recall: I've had that exact same thing said to me by an ex I suspect was ENFJ too. And I recognize a lot of dynamics from your post... But I would never want to be like an ENFJ. At least...|||Yeah I recognize that with myself :frustrating: There's some unconscious process that happens when I talk to smart and sweet independent women. I start to admire their independence. And before I...|||I'd do a follow up so here it is: I just thought about the NF emotionality and how that can connect to relationship satisfaction.. NF's are feelers tuned in to other people and prefer harmony. So...|||I second that about the overanalyzing. It's good to take the step to let relationships just happen. Giving eachother the freedom to initiate, to take the relationship and connection further, or not....|||Yay for happiness! :-D|||So recognisable!! I hope it's possible to feel more secure by having friends who support you as well. I tend to expect wayy to much from a potential SO otherwise.|||For now I seem to be attracted to women who are nice to me all the time. Feels kind of dependent so I hope to move on to more passionate relationships.|||It's a typical dreamer thing to do, isn't it.. Dreaming of a possible future with someone and then excessively worrying about that, etc. Can I ask how you've learnt to connect more in the moment?|||Thanks for your honesty there. I recognize what you call the domineering aspect, I guess I was wondering before, where that came from. I think it's when I get overwhelmed by her debatefulness, that I...|||:sad: My humble opinion.. Female ENFJs are too cute to be SOL darn it! Not possible. Did you ever get together with an INFJ male (abundant J qualities and stuff)? If there is ever an ENFJ...|||When it comes to love types I've more often seen INFP female <-> ENFJ male recommendations than INFP male <-> ENFJ female (not on the list guys, the theory says no). But wow, I LOVE this...|||Good points, thank you... We do have a lot of expectations eh... Dating seems to be on a lot of peoples minds. I do too fall into that 'trap', thinking I can glue myself to an interesting...|||Interesting perspective. Quote of the day for me :-) And I am discovering the importance of art and other imaginary forms of expression just now. Life always has rough edges and the only right...'
'It's the second time you mention this and you're giving me the chance to address it. It's not clear what I mean. It depends on the emotional state of the other guy. If a woman sees that a man...|||planetanarchy drmiller100 Wow... These stuff I did not know about 2s... I'm gonna need some time to think. In the meantime, let me just say that in one of these days I read that 8s...|||Haha! I like how you phrased it! How you picked those last words acceptance of love. It feels like a trigger-happy solution. It computes alright... but it doesn't feel right. What I thought...|||The previous post was pretty loaded. I've cooled down since then. First, I'll be honest and say that 6 is a type I hope I'm not. This search of security seems boring and... pointless. Sounds like...|||I had to ask someone about this. He told me I've never seen you express your anger, but I have seen you angry and you left. And that's true. When I'm angry, I leave so that I can contain it. ...|||I have some stuff to post but for now I want something. How do I determine the heart and head fix? What am I asking is the two lists, like the one you gave me, but don't mention the...|||There are some persistent thoughts in my head for the past few months. Some of them go back a couple of years, and some where always in my head. To me, it seems that I'm under a lot of stress, and...|||Wow. I now get it how that can be disorienting. This sounds like not having an orientation in life, a path. And sometimes I just wish I could stop thinking, pondering, trying to figure out how...|||Thanks for the responce! Wow, it's been some time since I started this topic. I remember my anxiety when I opened it. Since then, I've met a couple of ESTP girls in real life and I now understand...|||She wasn't valued! This is why she wants everybody to go her way. During her early years, people she had close to her behaved in a way that made her (or her ways) feel dismissed. I'm getting a sense...|||Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. She's older than you? And, yeah, temperament or type doesn't automatically mean that you're a nice person. Let me rephrase what I said: its nice to have a healthy...|||Typo! I meant to write ESTJ. Although I haven't typed anyone in my past or current environment as an ESTJ, I'm trying to find a way on how to manage a Conflicting relationship. While this is...|||Do you take this as criticism? Or an indication she doesn't get you? I do, and would if something like that was said to me. Even if you don't, I do believe that not all people will get us. Not all...|||Dude you rock! Great answers. The you wouldn't believe me anyway could be a provocative luring technique to get you interested in something. I have, logically, reached the same conclusion:...|||That's one of the things I'm trying to do. But to answer the question, because I've learned to repress my anger. And my emotions in general. For the last year or so, I'm starting to see that I have a...|||Yes, and that's not always a good thing. I have backed down when I was on the right because I was afraid I was beeing unfair to the other person. I now make a conscious effort to place myself, my...|||Hahahahahaha! I have nothing else to ask or say - at least for now. Your post was as elaborate as it can get. Thanks! One thing I'm starting to notice about ESTPs and ENTPs is that they are...|||Victory seemed imminent, but then... :P This is the only time when you have a fight with your wife? When you're the cause of a problem? Because if not... you're telling me that she can...|||How does her rage looks like? I'm asking because I've been on the receiving end of ESTP outburst and although I got scared at first, it didn't made me feel miniscule. It made me engage and go louder....|||A fight takes place because I want something from the other person. I can end any fight simply by saying what I think, feel, and want from the situation, and convey how important it is to me. If they...|||Good luck :D Give me an update with the results.|||I was about to start a thread on this, and I might still do so, but this: expresses what I think is happening to me, but I couldn't put into words. If I stay detached from others and...|||That sounds more like luring, not chasing. And I agree, it's fun. And it's more of a challenge. Actually, it's seduction.|||Aww... Sorry to hear that :-/ Can I give an idea? Don't go forth so much. Go forth and then stop. And then go forth again. And then perhaps fall back a bit. Tease him. Show interest and then...|||How does you chase look like? Examples.|||First off, thank you for your replies! It's mentioned a few times that it's best to meet in person. I also like to meet people in person for all the reasons that you mentioned. However, this is a...|||Hey all! :D I'd like some tips, dos and don'ts, on how to message an ESTP girl online. Although she's a girl, men shouldn't shy away - there aren't so many ESTP girls on the board after all :P ...|||It's natural for vulnerable things to be heavily guarded. The only thing I have found that worked for me is to let go, accept and then show my vulnerability. It's not easy to do, and I don't...|||Whatever I may think about the two systems or how I use their teachings, the message that I keep from this conversation that typology is not the be all, end all factor in determing the fate of a...|||Please don't take any of this personally. I'm only giving out information and personal opinion. A romantic relationship between an INFP and ESTP is a bad idea. They're conflictors. This means they...|||The internal dialogues are, by now, a problem. I will bring a person into my head and have a conversation with them. The person could be someone I know, someone I've chatted only but haven't met...|||She *IS* hot! Vivid face, great skin. Laina - YouTube|||I'll take a lot of liberty as I interpret that, aaaand... I think you're trying to deny your needs :) I'll continue with this line of thinking and say that denial is one possible reaction we have...|||Awww, there goes my plan for world domination :dry:|||It might be a bit late, but I can confirm the first 3. The last one goes away after point in the limbic-ness scale :P Hm... Something around 60-65%? That's what the tests say. Heh... I...|||I need to step outside (balcony perhaps) and start looking arround. The farthest, the better, and I need to start breathing the outside air. Also, sleeping under the sky is an amazing experience!...|||Oh, yet one more thing that I get and have heard from an Se-dom. Sometimes I get this weight in my chest, a chocking feeling, and I need to look outside the window or get outdoors to relax. ...|||I have no idea. That's the first time I hear. I don't really know about Enneagram yet. I'll keep it in mind though :wink: Besides going Hulk mad? :tongue: I'm good with body motor movement....|||Maybe. It's 1w9. Or maybe I've been repressing my anger for a very long time. I vote for the second :tongue:|||I can't locate the option to disable parsing of YouTube links. I want to do this: [ url=http://youtube.com/... ]a nice video[/url] but the forum keeps processing the link and embeding the...|||Yes, you did. I wasn't clear enough. I meant to say what are the differences between a limbic and non-limbic INFJ. E.g.: they behave like this or like that, it makes them like this, and so on. ...|||@OP When do you feel the most strong, confident, and energized? when you make someone laught? when you're nurturing someone? when you help someone? when you stand your ground? (fill in your...|||People become crowds because they haven't became individuals. Individuals form groups that are connected by relationships and goals, not crowds that break on rocks like waves. People don't want to...|||Oh, that's not about English, it's terminology. Inferior is the last function of a type. Trickster is one of the shadow functions. Check this out: INFJ Archetypes|||Yes, of course. What's your relationship to Se? For INFPs it's the Trickster and for INFJs it's their inferior. I'm restrain my anger a lot, until it explodes, and I go into a physical rage...|||I'm thinking that perhaps we should throw some sympathy back at them: hey, what's happening to you and you react like this?|||First, thanks for your time :wink: But... I take things very personally and get very easily hurt. So that makes me think I'm Fi dominant. Since you're Fi dominant too, let me take this chance...|||First a question, what is the difference between a Limbic and a non Limbic type? Now with the show. Reading the four types I concluded that I'm all of them for a while and none for ever. I...|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||I'm not certain of my type and you're taking me as a base point. But even if I was certain, I could be mistyped! And that's not intented as a critisism. Just food for thought.'
'This is kinda amusing what your having to deal with and trust me, I can relate. Usually when someone snaps on me I make it absolutely clear how they are making me feel. I'm very vocal and direct....|||I can't post links or video yet , I'm currently listening to Stick To Your Guns-We Still Believe Great stuff....|||If you don't have something nice to say than don't say anything Have you exhausted all possible resources? Does this(insert article of clothing) make me look fat? Birds of a feather...|||What's up istp forum mates? My name it's David and I'm a newby. Just recently discovered my personality type and now i seek out like minded individuals. I grew up all over the east coast (Fl., Pa.,...|||No i haven't...don't really know my way around...how do i get there?|||Does it always take this long to get a response around here?|||Thank you Volant...|||Hello to all my forum mates. .I'm a noob at this so be gentle. My name is David and I'm looking to meet other ppl i can relate to . .'
'I'm so hesitant to be completely open with how I feel because if he's not ready to connect emotionally, my emotions may just push him away. I sent another text since I started this thread. It was...|||Could it be both? What if you were knew you also hurt the person? (he admitted earlier the situation wasn't fair to me.)|||I am over him hurting me. And that's why I had to cut him off. So I could handle it myself. Because he wasn't in a place to do so. But it doesn't exactly feel good now that he's ignoring me. :/|||That's exactly what I did! I liked something back later that day. But then nothing else happened. So then I finally texted him 10 days later. Just yesterday. And nothing.|||Would you actually like their pictures though if you were still angry? I don't necessarily blame him but I can't seem to gauge where he is.|||The reason why I say he's not mad is because after each message I sent, we had some social media interaction. The second time, he even went on the account I removed him from after I said I didn't...|||I said I failed to see his side of things. No, no retraction. Honestly because I didn't know what he wanted.|||It was by text. I basically said I wish it hadn't gone the way it did and tried to understand where he was coming from (in how he hurt me). The second time I sent a nice easy going funny text I know...|||What if you also hurt that person and you know you did? But you didn't really want that reaction? Would you be able to be understanding and forgiving and try to work through it when the other person...|||I told an INFP I didn't want him in my life. It was an emotional reaction, but he did something to really hurt me. But I also handled it poorly. Things have calmed down, and I have tried to...|||I'm not sure what to call what it is he's doing. He's avoiding getting emotionally close to anyone. So he won't stick with one person. I think I was the closest he got to that. And I only have...|||I guess it's possible he felt some rejection by it, but why would he? He wasn't ready for something serious, and he knew that's what I wanted, and I couldn't hang around at his convenience while he...|||Stare|||Darts|||Life|||I know the easiest thing to do is walk away from this. I guess that's not what I want. I'm fairly sad about it, but I've worked on being steady and consistent and thinking long term. I would...|||Welcome to the I had an INFP withdraw from me club. :) I don't know that any of this will help you, but I had an INFP withdraw from me. (I'm also ENFP). If you want to peruse through that...|||I need to give an update on this. I'm not sure what I'm looking for here. I'm struggling to reconcile new things I've learned in my head. I guess any thoughts, ideas, relating, etc. may help me...|||No you didn't hurt my feelings at all! You're being realistic...and looking out for my well being. I'm okay with that. I'm a hopeful person but also fairly realistic. (Raised by an istj mother). My...|||Thank you! I would say the same thing to a friend. It's helpful to make sure I take care of myself while trying so hard to understand him. A friend told me recently that I look for the best in people...|||I relate to this! The going back part. That's why I'm very cautious letting my emotions go. I felt them coming on strong with him so I asked him are you ready? Are you sure you're ready? Are you...|||Thank you for this! That brings me peace because it gives me a better understanding of what is going on inside of his head. Plus, in all honesty, I don't feel like I did something wrong. What do...|||Thank you for saying this because I grew up hiding my emotions and feeling needy because I had needs. That's a whole other story but my emotions were not fostered growing up. And so I tend to feel...|||I know he's drained. And I think I can understand it because I've been drained when my mind is on overdrive, especially if I'm being hard on myself. That is more of a focus to him than I am and so he...|||I'm not familiar with this theory. I'm curious. I'll have to check it out. I don't think it's about what I'm giving him. I think it's what I expect from him. Mostly I expect engagement....|||I think he's just not capable of it now. I would guess, as an infp, the lack of seeing the future is what is draining to him. I think he's in an Fi-Si loop stuck in the past. He knows where he is...|||I also thinks he likes me but he's pulled away and i don't think conversations about the situation will get him any closer. Honestly, if I have the strength and patience to attempt to make him feel...|||I know. And it does hurt. I keep thinking I can be logical about it but I need a serious drop in expectations in order to be logical. I am very good at not letting my emotions go if I think it's...|||You're right. I'm not setting any. I've been on both sides of this before. I told him a week or so ago I'm concerned he'll lose respect for me if I'm giving him more than he's giving and he seemed...|||We talked. I'm trying to place all of my anxiety about this situation over here or in discussions with friends so as not to overwhelm him. He said being in a relationship would be a roadblock...|||Maybe you're right. I feel like I may have gotten to the bottom of it and that's that he doesn't want to let go of his past yet. He didn't tell me this, but when I asked some questions, it came out. ...|||I get this. And I agree. I'm the same way. But when I back off, he will still initiate with me. When I ask about it, he says he's conflicted. I'm really not trying to wedge my foot in the door though...|||I don't feel pressure. I just really have a strong vision for a future with him. I don't get these visions for people often. But I am better at finding them now, as I'm a bit more experienced at...|||And this is why I ask other people in my life but this whole thread has me at the conclusion they are wrong. It makes more sense now. So. My first reaction is to the five years. This scares...|||Thank you! This is immensely helpful. I'm listening to what everyone else in my life is telling me, which is basically that he wants out and he doesn't have the heart to tell me. I was mistreated...|||Exactly, he's afraid of another breakup. Things will work means we'd get married. He's afraid of hurting me which will hurt him. I don't know all the details from his last relationship, but he was...|||Haha, well that wasn't what I expected. But I can't disagree with you. Lol. Not much of a choice. :) I do like trees! I've been all over the redwoods and sequoias over here.|||The U.S.|||No, no, we did meet. We spent three different days together. Things went really well. According to him, that's why he freaked out. He said he has to KNOW things will work because he can't face...|||Thank you, and yes, it makes me wonder if it's a similar situation. I don't think he's like that, but I didn't think the other guy was either.|||What is the conflict for you between something good and a deeper feeling? What resolves that for you?|||If he's definitely out and that won't change, then I need to immediately work on being done. I don't want to cause myself further pain. He never says it's me though. He says he's conflicted and would...|||Yes. I hung around and kept trying when the other person was clearly on his way out while he was staying in the relationship.|||No. I just miss him, and I don't want to let him go. I'm just afraid I'm being foolish by sticking around....that he really doesn't want me. Everyone seems to think that. I have not put myself...|||It's not fair to me, no. But I also am torn that we are missing out. We both have things with each other that we've never had. I know he'll eventually be fine (he thinks he may not be, and I know...|||I feel like I want us to have a chance, and I would wait for that, if I knew there was one. I don't want to heal him. I am a firm believer that that is a bad idea.|||Then wouldn't he say, let me get things together, and we'll take a crack at this later? And if that's the case, what is the best thing I can do. I'm afraid by sticking around, I become a comfort...|||I'm bad at being succinct. Please bear with me. If anyone has any suggestions, points of view, or if you relate or understand any of the below, I'd appreciate your thoughts. I began a...|||...|||I think people define forgiveness differently. Obviously it can affect the one forgiven. One may seek forgiveness to have a place in the forgiver's life. The forgiven may feel badly about his act and...'
'If this person is an INFJ this thread compounds my confusion over why ENTPs and INFJs are supposed to be a good match.|||No I'm bad with family. I loved my maternal grandparents but one died and the other is a shell now due to dementia so may as well be gone. I love my mum and sometimes we can be best friends but we...|||(I'm 30 but just wanted to answer this) Yes! I just about remember pre internet life and it was.....boring. sooooo boring. The internet is the key to my happiness, I think. Finding out...|||I don't think I really do jealousy if that is defined as fear of losing someone - I figure everything happens for a reason and if the other person isn't 100% happy with me and staying with me through...|||Really just two things I ask. Freedom Intimacy/Friendship Yes, I did marry my best friend...and it feels GREAT! :D|||This, so much this. We're just so painfully logical. I think the 'break ups' (if you could call them that) that have wound me up have been the ones I've been unable to logically figure out - like,...|||Yes to this - I find a lil competition actually gets me off my ass with things...and I am barely ever sat still just watching TV or whatever, I'm usually tinkering with another hobby whilst watching...|||I live in Yorkshire, but am from Lancashire, however, as you probably know, the war wasn't yorkSHIRE vs LancaSHIRE, it was house of York vs house of Lancaster and that ecompassed folks from...|||I just cannot fathom how ISFJ/ENTP works - maybe its better ISFJ female-ENTP mae because of trad. gender roles? ISFJs seem to really loathe me...we just don't understand each other and I feel like...|||ermagerd, I love Sunne in Splendour too and wrote my 'Bearnshaw' series off the back of it - check it out on amazon if you like ;) The reviews might not show up in america but on the UK page its at...|||same same same|||When I first met my INTJ husband, I decided I was never going to speak to him again. He had to really chase me and demonstrate his resilience and intelligence. Once I decided I did like him, we...|||1-Did you ever meet an INFJ man? Why our supposed perfect match are rarer than pandas in US zoos? Did you ever meet other ENTPs in real life? Did you like them? I haven't knowingly met one but...|||ain't no way sophia was an ENTP.|||Yeah, sometimes I think I have so many personas I dont know which the real me is...'be yourself' is impossible for me, I'm too buys reflecting what's going on around me sort of. INTJ husband...|||I think we're coming at this from different angles. Being a genius doesn't mean having to get rich to show off that fact? Maybe we don't want a pristine showhome, maybe we have better things to...|||Yes! Had to stop reading the thread and jump in at this point ;) Female entp here and experience most of what's been discussed by the others. -we're rare -male friends are better because we...|||I really don't think INTJ, I think an INTJ would be far too preoccupied with themselves and their interests to want to control or be responsible for all those people...stupid sheeple I also think...|||Seems few! Do you think gender expectations play a part? As a woman it feels like you're supposed to just be 'support crew' to a man. Quiet, supportive, consoling, needy (to make them feel...|||Really interesting Icy, thanks! I think if things were to go sour between us, it'd be the same for me and my husband, we'd accept it, shake hands and no hard feelings. So, it seems like it can...|||ha, amazing. especially the 'a girl cries' bit.|||Agreed grrr, which is exactly why I posted. I was constantly told when younger that I was older than my years etc. and I did come across as really mature and caring to people when I needed to -...|||I suppose you're getting self pity now aswell... *puppydog face*|||LOL, it's really not. I don't even get where anyone can get bitterness from with that? *sigh* I should never try to help, should I?|||I don't know what that means, even googled it, but nothing - care to enlighten me?|||it's the randomness I love - you there, yes you, let me just plug into your brain for a while, no strings... oh the exquisite delight when you find an intelligent one! haha.|||Heyyy, I thought at least here, in the ENTP corner of the net, I could enjoy discussing something without being told stuff like that? Or are we not allowed to play with non ENTPs even if they wander...|||It's not horrible as such, I just know how much it hurts 'the feelers' out there (even though I can't actually *understand* that) - because I usually get *exactly* the kind of reaction I'm getting...|||I bet most people being played by an ENTP would say the same, if we weren't good at it, it wouldnt be much of a game....look at the facts (if you want to ;) ): when there was no one else around (and...|||This might not be what you want to hear, but ENTPs live for conversation and debate, and we're really charming and able to adapt to whoever's in front of us and push their buttons (positively or...|||Similar - I view myself as a storyteller. I can write a novel or a screenplay, work in the medium of film or radio. I can also design and draw well. Guess I'm just good at getting my message...|||Yes! Debates between ENTP and INTJ feel like Clash of the Titans, lol|||In the past I craved another version of myself - oh what fun we'd have together, being spontaneous, so fun, so charming, and hogging the limelight. He'd be tall, handsome and quirky. We'd be an...|||Me and my INTJ husband make a really good team when we're working together. It only falls down because he's happy sticking to his one long term goal but I jump about from idea to idea.|||I'm a flighty, can't-stick-at-anything ENTP who never had serious relationships. Until I met my INTJ and settled down for the last 7yrs. We're perfect; just the right amount of NT similar so we...|||nah, no advice. My weight and fitness fluctuate, I can't stick to anything and am prone to just enjoying myself too much #yolo. the best exercise for me is exercise that achieves something,...|||As I've aged I've come to realise that I don't get emotions and now I know why and can recognise it and try to work with it, so I think I'm getting better with that. It's more her complete not...|||depends on the idea I guess?|||Is this an ENTP thing too do we think? I just LOVE going on chatrooms and chatting to random people. Everyone else seems to have grown out of it but sometimes I just need to connect and feed off...|||*weeps with joy* I am enjoying reading all this soooo much, and identify with so much. I'm the child of an ENTP, a 'genius who couldn't make a living' as described by another poster above. He...|||I dunno, I'm comfortable talking about my feelings in relation to anything, but the thing is...I don't have many and I think that upsets people. I have opinions, but 'feeeelings'? about sex? Well,...|||That's it, I think I have a lot of women who I think I *would* find attractive, if only I found them attractive, lol - so we're just intense mutually admiring friends instead 8)|||Yeah I'd like to think I date people not genders but have never been sexually attracted to a woman :(|||*high five*|||Great to be able to roll eyes at each other at any kind of kidfest!|||I like what adultchild's written and a lot of it goes for my partner too. He's an alpha, but a real one, not someone who has to flex his muscles and be a macho dick all the time. He's quiet and...|||female ENTP - firmly straight. Not because I have any problem with homosexual activity, in a way it appeals to me to be a lesbian because it would be 'different'...it just doesn't do it for me. I...|||I'm female too and exactly the same. Attracting men is a game for me and it doesn't matter what they look like, it's all about keeping my interest and as soon as it's gone, so am I...|||It entirely depends what I want them to think, and that depends on the situation. I use a different persona for each interaction. Sometimes I will dismiss people entirely if I think they are stupid...|||Yup I've always done the persona thing: facebook causes me problems.'
'Well each of us has a stable personality. That's how your friends, coworkers, and family members are able to recognize you on daily basis. They not only recognize you based on your consistent...|||These types seem to meet each other, collaborate and pair up romantically interestingly often. Does anyone have any experiences and stories to share about this interaction and type match? I'm posting...|||These types seem to meet each other, collaborate and pair up romantically interestingly often. Does anyone have any experiences and stories to share about this interaction and type match? I'm posting...|||Joey Graceffa [3w4 sx/so] (ENFx) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1PoNhYb3K4 Logan Paul [3w4 sx/so] (ESxJ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TiITQDPClI|||Hodge Twins [8w7 sx/sp] (ESTP) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEvJS8F1gaE PewDiePie [7w6 sx/so] (extravert) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxr6pWVpUpI|||Sounds familiar. I had a 6w7 friend who would agree to certain MBTI type, then a couple months later she would disagree with it change it to something else. Then a few months later go back to her...|||They have a particular wary distrustful look, which at times is pleasing and compliant (superego type) and at other times looks like they are going to overreact at any moment, so you better keep your...|||I'm more sure of his stacking - so/sp. For enneagram type 3 seems possible.|||From much dating experience: Same stacking + same stacking subtype is best for compatibility e.g. sp/SO with sp/SO. Stacking in same flow + same subtype follows next e.g. sp/SO with sx/SP,...|||I've had a couple of relationships with sp/so's including several immediate family members and a few close friends. What I have noticed so far: This relationship resembles socionics benefit....|||I think my SX first instinct gives me drive, so I don't perceive it as an illusion but something that I can make work for me. It does get too much sometimes, like walking down the stairs to work I...|||Ambivalence is more characteristic of type 9 than type 4 due to 9's loss of interiority and sometimes experience of numbing out. In extreme cases 9s look for agendas of other people because they...|||Not an ENTJ, but an ENFJ 9w1 sp/sx and an ESTJ 9w1 sp/so, which is close by. I used to doubt that type 9 exists among ExxJ types because of how driven and forceful they are often portrayed in the...|||She is ISFP.|||Take a look into instinct stackings. These are part of the Enneagram typology. Typically people who have SX insinct as their pronounced one tend to get 'addicted' to people. SX is called 'sexual'...|||In socionics she is often typed as Fi introvert, usually ISFP or ISTJ. I've read a book about her that quoted her letters and what stood out is that her treatment of herself was so impersonal. In...|||Anais Nin - INFJ 4w3 sp/sx http://i.imgur.com/UXSl5UK.png|||By meeting a few people like her in real life through work and friends and noticing many similarities. Ni-creatives in the 'assertive' triad. Seeming nice in interviews seems like typical behavior...|||I'm sitting home passively roaming the internet most of the time. Same as my ENFP sx/sp friend. He's almost homebound. Roaming the earth is descriptive of types with expressed Se, such as ESFPs and...|||The actress who plays her, Lena Headey, is ENTJ 3w4. The type of the actor doesn't always match the character that he or she plays, but in this case I think they picked the right actress to play...|||No, mislead means you're posting misleading information, and your own misconceptions are making it much harder for new people to get into Socionics. Myers and Briggs have written their...|||You may misinform and mislead the socionics newbies on this forum, but you'll never mislead the veterans.|||ESTPs can be 3,6,7,8, and 9. There is definitely more variety to this type, but the 6s and 9s will tend to question their ESTP-ness more, due to enneagram type effects, and try to type themselves...|||Ya, could you explain why you idealize 1s? I get this from 2s a lot as a 1, and have no idea what I did to deserve this! xD|||Being a 1 who has lived in close quarters with a 2 and a 5 I can attest that this works. I've actually come to see this bafflement pattern to be similar to Socionics supervision relation where...|||Mine feels relevant. As a 1w9, I feel my wing integrate to 3 and disintegrate to 6 quite acutely. In past, I have even watched videos of type 3s to motivate myself out of procrastination. Back...|||Any MBTI Feeling type can be a 2, so there are some INFJ 2s out there. There is nothing implausible about this combination. Though xNFx who are 2s are very unlikely to choose Type 2 for...|||By keeping it light and activity-focused. If you go too deep, you'll bump into differences in values and preference that will spoil these relations.|||If you take information elements valued by each type quadra, they map onto MBTi functions as follows: Socionics 1st Leading function (valued) ----------------------- MBTI 1st Dominant function...|||It has been developed as a career research tool, not as an accurate reflection of anyone's personality. It's not they - it's MBTI that wants to be something that it's not. The primary...|||I often feel this way, which made me change my original SP/SX typing to SX/SP after reading their 'Pretas' description and seeing how accurately it describes that burnout cycle. SX/SPs are associated...|||That's a lot how Nietzsche is in his writings. Figured him an INFJ sx/so.|||It's not an error. MBTI J/P is a different measure from Socionics j/p. People see the same letter and assume it must represent the same thing - but it doesn't!!! - this is where the perpetual...|||:laughing: bet by open they meant any type is welcome. A few groups on FB are stricly for members of that type.|||For quick sharing of videos, articles, and photos of interest for those who identify as 9s. [moderated] The first group is more populated and active than the second group but both feature...|||For sharing videos, articles, and photos of interest for those who identify as 1s. [moderated] It's currently being robotically spammed by Ennea-Thoughts of the Day, but once in a while some...|||Both ESTPs and ENTPs have something called Fi PoLR in socionics. This means that they have Fi, the function that references subjective emotional judgements, as their point of least resistance...|||I've been chatting with two ESTPs and they talk about life and things constantly, to the point where we have a reverse issue that some other INFJs have also talked about: I need to distance and...|||It's predicted by functions :) If you look at xSTP strong functions which are Se and Ti they are INFJ's tertiary and inferior ones and same is true the other way around with NFJ's strong functions of...|||(duplicate)|||It took me a while, mostly because at first I went with the short online descriptions. It was only when I got bored of MBTI and gave the enneagram a closer look that my chosen type and instinct...|||There is a report a post option at the bottom that you can click and ask moderators to move your thread.|||The typing subforum is upstrairs. Wrong floor :P|||Every 7 has a shadow type 3 side and will sometimes strive to impress others. Thus, 7s will periodically act like 3s, and sometimes 3s will act like 7s. According to some sources these two types are...|||It's not instinct related. Sp-first could be best in best for another Sp-first just because they instinctively feel and understand all those sensual and physical nuances that the other Sp-first will...|||Good point! So many people will say Well I'm not SO-first because I HATE hanging out in groups and I dislike groupishness when it's not even what the social instinct is about and it was never...|||Yep, I've found it to be a significant source of mistypings with stackings. Namely, people mistaking their secondary instinct for their first one. This way So/Sp people with strong Sp for example...|||He's INTP and type 1 the Reformer in enneagram.|||Socionics flips the last j/p letter for introverts. Their (Ti,Se) type is called ISTj/LSI while in MBTI it's called ISTP. ISTP (ISTj,LSI) & ENFJ are duality relations. You can see it if you look...|||If you want to decipher some of the confusing ISTP dating-relationshipy behavior, I suggest learning some socionics and skimming their description of intertype relations and romancing scenarios. It...'
Ketchup has not always been made out of tomatoes. It started out as a general term for sauce, typically made of mushrooms or fish brine with herbs and spices. Mushroom ketchup is still available in...|||I was thinking about the first time I made out with a girl (7 or 8 years old) and how long its been since I've done that.|||I sometimes wish I was an ISFP - but they're so close it really wouldn't matter.|||I'm cool with a lot of instances - art, video games, philosophy, cartoons, anime, etc. For me, its more: Do we flow or do I feel a vibe like we would get along? Sometimes I get along with people...|||14673 I hate all of my pictures - they just look like I try too hard when I smile.|||I used to doodle all the time; now I rarely ever do it anymore. But once in a while, I'll do it. Little men, arrows, Pac-man monsters, tacos, etc. All action and dark as all hell. XD I HAVE...|||I have only a few that i like to be around. If I find a good friend I like to keep them around or close. Other times I just keep to myself. I like it better that way most of the time.|||I do it all the time. I don't care about people staring at me - me talking to myself gets things done.|||Yeah, everyone is really nice here! Glad to have you aboard! Me, I like pie.|||I weight train and run myself. I hope to start doing Crossfit either this year or beginning of next!|||For me its all when I was fat and out of shape I wanted one SO BAD. Now I'm skinny and in shape and honestly could not care less right now. XD I am still getting used to the looks and stares.|||I like the fact music is playing in the background (those are AWESOME songs btw), but couldn't we use a wider array of songs? It could be something our peers selected and input into a master selector...|||I found my favorite energy bars at the store on sale at 50% off!|||I would like to have a hoverboard shop for some reason. And a hoverboard park! And a pie shop! I LOVE pie.|||I would REALLY like a machine that makes dreams come ALIVE.|||People say I sometimes sound like an English professor, other times they say I sound like a jabbering weirdo where I trail off in mid-sentence that ends up being really wise. I don't mean to, it just...|||Trigun References XD Thought this was hilarious|||I second her love - he rocks MADLY|||Sorry, wrote the same thing.|||I personally had nervous breakdowns, constant burnouts, and almost went towards suicide a number of times between the ages of say 9 to 22 years old. I know what its like to be a mess and think the...|||I like The Dreamer... Or The Noble Idealist|||I'm curious, how tall are you? 6'1 Do you wish you were shorter or taller? No, I'm generally all right with my height. Does height influence who you're attracted to, your confidence, or your...|||I think my mother is crazy, so I could never add her. My opinion: If either of your parents are cool about it most of the time, fine. I don't know that many, but thank the Force if it applies to...|||I pretty much despise most of my family, especially my immediate family. With their judging self-righteous nature, just never really got along with any of them. Never really did anything wrong, just...|||If I hear a cool song or an awesome instrumental sequence anywhere, I have to move my head to it and/or sing out loud. Now if I'm alone, I rock out the air guitar with mad intensity. I could be...|||YouTube - &#x202a;Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (cover)&#x202c;&lrm;|||If its obscure or unique, I'll watch it. If it is or becomes more about drama than like whatever the shows about, I can't watch it. Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Top Shot... LA Ink lost me...|||I saw Clerks 2 in theaters when it came out in the morning, and saw an amazingly beautiful girl with an awesome smile hanging out with a bunch of her friends a couple of rows in front of me... She...|||As some one who weight trains, I tend to do the high protein route most days. I'm usually a fast eater too, but I don't try to be. But my favorite thing is combining Twizzlers and salt/vinegar...|||YouTube - &#x202a;All We Are - Matt Nathanson&#x202c;&lrm;|||I used to have that all the time in my family. And they revel in me crying too, so ruthless that they would probably lick the tears off my face in glory of me breaking down in front of them. Now if...|||A specific kind of questioning I hate is when you ask me a question or line of questions in order to ask me something that has nothing to do with any of the questions. Ex: To ask me what I'm doing...|||What he wrote finally reminded me of one! I'm unique because I have had trouble getting through college since leaving high school, where I did okay. *sighs* Still haven't finished... But I was a...|||I have always admired the unlimited ability of our imagination. Whether formed in reality or based in fantasy, my imagination is INTENSE. Oh, and fighting injustice. Injustice is SO our bitch.|||Usually when I go with them, everything goes better. Everytime I usually don't, bad stuff happens. I don't think its about being psychic, just that we tend to see things a little easier with little...|||Honestly, as a kid I always looked to fictional characters like Spider-Man, Indiana Jones, Spawn..... Most of my family I never looked up to, especially my parents. Now I have my cousin and I'm...|||My biggest problem is not fighting my own battles/problems and fighting everyone else's battles/problems instead. *sighs* On a daily basis I have to sit back and consciously accept that I can't...|||The one time I actually had to do it, I felt HORRIBLE. Months and months on end. As someone who's been dumped most of the time, it sucked to do it. Sometimes people don't work together and we have...|||Until I took a class about it I hated it SO much. I thought I would fail. But I realized if I believe in it and care, I'm awesome. You ask me to be detached, its like the energy drains out of me....|||Oh man, ALL THE TIME. Why? BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME.|||I also remember having lots of hostility about being the nice guy and always being dead last. Life is too short to worry about it or let it get me bent out of shape, so I'm good now.|||I thought this was AWESOME (real or no): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS-oNBg1lVU|||Ohh...Quantum Leap Breaking Bad Mad Men Doctor Who The Good Guys Lie to Me Firefly The Spectacular Spider-Man Community Parks and Recreation|||Honestly, at first I didn't like it. Now I'm fantastic. I wouldn't trade the feelings, daydreaming and intuition for anything.|||Tested amazingly high in Art, English, History, Social Sciences, but I am AWFUL at math and average at science. If I wanted to know or cared to know, no force in the 'verse could stop me. Overall, I...|||If they don't know me or we just met, my vibe is usually indifferent or standoffish. If they do know me or the universe is in sync or whatever, then I come off as funny and insightful. *shrugs* It...|||On infpblog.com, the poster writes that we have the ability to be self-aware; our Introverted Feeling allows us to know when we're doing something wrong. I feel bad because when I was younger I...|||I'd be piloting the Liger Zero (or the Shadow Fox) for the Blitz Team, fiddling around with my Ultimatrix to fight Vilgax, piloting the Original Wing Zero against Epyon, trying mastering the four...|||Not really...it doesn't bother me. Then again, I hate taking phone calls. I'm always wishing I could go Happy Gilmore on my cell phone.|||^^ I think you rock and that he was crazy for trying to change you. I had a girl wanting something specific, she wanted to get married and have a baby in a year of us meeting each other... Suffice...
'---Background--- I grew up in a small 600 sq ft apartment with my brother, my mom, my dad, and my grandma (who eventually developed dementia). We were related by blood but I don't believe we were...|||Yes, I do this a lot. It has always somewhat embarrassed me. I would be listening to someone, and my brain just kind of uncontrollably stops listening for a brief moment (which always seems to be...|||Sounds like my behavior when I don't have an interest in someone. Unless I feel a click between me and the other person, I usually don't bother forming any kind of bond. In the case of when I'm...|||I was this exact same way when I was depressed/GAD. I didn't think anything of it at first cause I always had the habit of analyzing interactions between people or with myself but then when I became...|||Yea, I live in the USA. My video is probably the only real EVP known to man!|||Yes! I have an EVP that my friend and I accidentally recorded! Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bAYekGXSLU|||This is wonderful. Destroyer of Worlds INFJ face FTW|||That sounds awesome! Especially cause I love the beach. If I want any kind of light in my world, I have to force it to happen.|||Yes, all the time!|||The dark room is interesting in the sense that its both infinite and finite. A wall is there only when I need there to be a wall. I also have memories swirl around me when I'm reflecting on multiple...|||I've always wondered how other people visualize their mind/inner world and thought I'd ask some of you to share! When I go inside my head, a physical form that represents my soul (and looks just...|||I've often thought I had ADHD but eventually learned to control myself by entering a routine. However, it got extremely bad when I developed GAD/Chronic Depression and started experiencing what...|||My reaction when reading this sentence: IT DOES! YES IT DOES!! I SWEAR IT DOES!!!!! Hate may be too strong a word. But they are definitely not happy to see you. =|||Hello everyone, I have recently been reflecting on the differences between dependency and attachment. I've come to realize that I cannot be happy by myself, and I depend on social interactions...|||I usually type my notes during class. But then it gets to a point (roughly 40 minutes later) where my brain just stops listening and I completely zone out for the rest of the class haha. That's why I...|||I want to try using Pomodore to enhance my overall attention span. I would like to keep working completely focused for at least 1 hr 30 mins. I think this would be beneficial for my classes since...|||This is an interesting reply. I used to do something similar but I could never maintain that level of attention and sensation simultaneously for very long (maybe less than 2 minutes). I'll practice...|||I spend too much time in my head. Probably like 80% of my time. Its gotten so bad that its really affecting my concentration and productivity. I could be trying to study and then 2-3 minutes later,...|||I saw both of these a couple of years ago. They're very good!|||Anyone have any favorite motivational videos? Share it! I used to use anime videos of my favorite shows as motivational videos. I like this one right now: ...|||I can relate. I've felt fine to unhappy, and to the level of depression, 85% of my life. In my early years, I considered my life an air of melancholy. However, I was rather okay with that. It...|||Haha, I'm also from northern NJ! Jersey City area.|||People also consider me very warm and friendly. Mostly for the same reasons you have listed. No one has ever seen me as cold (as far as I know). I'm also from NJ. Maybe it's a NJ-INFJ thing haha...|||The concept of knowing you are in the middle of falling in love is hard for me to understand. For me, there was no middle experienced. It was just one day feelings are normal, and the next day I...|||I feel in love once. I thought it would never happen. Now I wish it never had happened. It was the biggest mistake of my life and I'm never letting it happen again. Once was enough for me. Are any...|||Cowardly|||260554 260562|||Nevermind :|||Thanks to an inferior Se and dominant Ni combination, INFJs can often make predictions that make them seem clairvoyant. Though I only realized the source of my psychic powers last year, I've been...|||I think telling him the situation with ISFJ's boyfriend would resolve this too but right now he's in no state of mind to openly listen. Also, ISFJ doesn't want to tell him because of how he's acting.|||Sherlock4869 We're all 23. I did take him to a coffee shop to talk. The location was a good choice. It made it much easier for me as well. Dug Thanks for the replies. I recently finished...|||So I recently made a new ENFP friend. He and a third female person (ISFJ) became friends not long before I joined their social group. The ISFJ has a boyfriend who doesn't go to school with us....|||Haha, I suppose it's because the character I create in my head that represents an INFJ based on how people perceive them (serious, mysterious, sometimes cold, etc) didn't match how I viewed myself....|||I guess its just that I don't think I'm as serious as everyone thinks INFJ are lol. I've met two INFJs and both of them were also pretty serious people. Also, for Socionics, I got IEI (INFp), not...|||I feel like I'm unlike INFJs. Whenever I read about how someone perceives an INFJ, it never really fits me. Here is me: I’m always greeting people with a smile. I consider myself very friendly and...|||I've been called someone's truest friend or truest best friend by at least 4 people, which is a lot for me. I wonder if this is a typical title granted onto INFJs by others or if its just a...|||Hahaha. I think I get this sick pleasure from scaring people. I just love seeing the look of terror on their face. Granted, I don't do it every minute of the day but if the opportunity arrives, I...|||I'm not sure if this is an INFJ thing, but for some reason, I love seeing emotional responses from people. I love watching people get scared and/or scaring them myself. This kind of sucks for my...|||Just out of curiosity, how many people have you door slammed/Houdini'd? I'd say I've done it to about 13 people, and I'm 23.|||My best roommate in college was INFP. We would have a blast together. *sigh* Miss those times =|||Haha, yea I agree. I'm a scientist so experimental confirmation has been ingrained into me. My grad school example is actually a true story btw|||For a long time, I've wondered if I had some sort of psychic ability. There are times were I seem to know the unknowable primarily because I can “feel” something has happened. For example, I feel...|||Well, I guess it could be if you think about it from a conscious mind point of view. However, pattern recognition is more of a subconscious activity for INFJs. So basically it's what the subconscious...|||Hey! That reminds me of ....|||I had the exact same experience with my professors! In fact, I think that was what kept me away from A's. Same with speaking too. I need ample time to prepare and organize what I want to say. Public...|||Do you remember how you felt when you first realized you were INFJ? And by that I mean when you understood what INFJs are like and realized you are an INFJ. I remember it was basically an epiphany....|||Would you consider yourself to have good writing/speaking skills? A lot of what I've read online indicates that INFJs are naturally good writers and/or speakers. However, I think my writing sucks!...|||I have an INFP friend who said the same thing about his childhood (being alone and going against others) but I would have never considered that as an option as a child. I felt too outcasted already....|||Hello everyone, I believe I might have done something interesting with my personality type and wished to share my thoughts with this community. I believe I might have changed my personalities type...'