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1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Te|||That's what I meant. Anyway I don't know if what I said came off as passive-aggressive but what I meant was that when type 8s get into arguments, it seems like they go all-in without any sort of...|||Soooo... One thing I learned today is that you definitely do not want to get in an argument with an 8. Wow|||You changed it again! Ahh! I've seen you around and I'm not sure what to do with you but you give me introverted vibes. In my opinion you come off as ISTP.|||I just type with the functions. As far as impressions, I'm describing how I typically see the functions working together. I'm just saying there is a tendency from my perspective but I am in no way...|||Privy because I already started writing it haha 1. The feeling of realizing that you will never get exactly what you want out of life, and will have to settle for what you can get 2. Passionate...|||Hmm, yeah. It's hard to put my finger on how I type exactly but if I had to, I'd say I mostly type based off of impression, style, analysis/themes in content, and overall feeling. Working out...|||Just flipped through about 3 pages of your posts and hmm... Definitely an INxx, but nothing jumped out at me as far as having a feeling/Fe preference to other functions. You seem to use your...|||Please do! I would love to hear your thoughts on everything. :smile:|||Well, the way I interpreted it was that Moana experiences a strong sense of destiny in her actions, and that her Se can run rampant in times of stress and desperation to see her Ni vision through. I...|||Based off of this response, INTJ. It's the only remaining type that would make a shred of sense for you. Video analysis/theories suggests high Ti/Te usage, and walking and listening to music of...|||I really disagree with you here. All I have to go off of is personal experience and estimation I suppose, but at least from my point of view, I have seen very few true INFJs irl, and a...|||Interesting! Anyway I think it's awesome of you to be so analytical and not afraid to test your ideas against the masses. Theory talk is great. I love when posts make me think. Keep it up!|||Well, it is uncommon. According to a poll of 446 INFJs, only 1.79% of INFJs were found to be 8s. It's a very rare MBTI+ennea pairing for what is already a very rare MBTI type. Anyway I think there...|||Mostly I see INFJs putting extra Ni+Ti into their conversations (Ni to be interesting to a Ne-dom, Ti to relate to ENTPs more), and ENTPs putting extra Ne+Fe into their conversations (once again Ne...|||My complaint about ESTPs... Hmm. First, I want to start out by saying I love ESTPs and get along with them great. I've befriended several ESTPs. They bring out the Ti+Se in me and I bring out the...|||Hmmm... I don't think your conclusions are quite right, as I see ESFJs/ISFJs as pretty accepting of authority most of the time, and this seems like a big loophole. I also don't see ISFPs as very...|||Trying to gather the facts in the situation in order to assess what is happening and make the next decision is rather Te, possibly Te+Si. That's what I picked up here: All kinds of gathering facts...|||1. This could be any number of things, but I'm going to go ahead and go with Ni because in my opinion, Ni-doms are generally much more attracted to psychology/philosophy than most types. I mean,...|||Something about that feels wrong to me... You strike me as some sort of ST.|||Ni! Planets and space in general always give me a Ni feeling.|||Welcome, fellow INFJ! :smile: I'm going to give you some links that will help you delve into MBTI more, which I have also linked to other members on this subforum. The first thing you need to study...|||Hi there! :smile: I'm an INFJ myself. Do be careful though because INFJ is (in my opinion) the most common mistype, with INTJ after that. So make sure to study to cognitive functions, which are...|||Well, this is all bad news to me. I've always admired INTJs and thought they were really great. :frown: Hopefully there's an INTJ buddy out there for me anyway.|||Interesting! I'm seeing ISTP. More than INTP for sure. Anyway I do think that low Fe can seem like Fi a lot of the time. That makes sense to me. Yeah, I'd go with ISTP.|||Wow, you really are an inspiration to meek INFJs like me, then. If I order something and they get it wrong I always just eat whatever I get haha because I don't want to make the waiter/etc. feel bad...|||Interesting. Well, do you have a cognitive functions test result you can show me? Because I'm interested now|||Not yet, unfortunately, but I would definitely consider joining one. I would be their most enthusiastic member. :biggrin: Oh, I didn't even know that was a thing. You have to have 15 responses...|||Please don't kill me|||Mother: IxFJ 9w1 (She's weird--she'd either be a bizarre INFJ or a bizarre ISFJ) Father: ISTJ 8w9 Older brother: INTJ 5w6 Twin sister: ENFP 7w6 Ehh I don't think it's affected me that much. I...|||Whoa! You're an INFJ 8w7? Whaaaat! Who are you?? Can you explain to me your life?|||Looked through your posts and you strike me as more of an ISFP. Not necessarily introverted but higher in Fi+Ni, lower in Se+Te.|||Yes, I am generalizing somewhat. I agree. But I think the premise of the question sort of (why do ESTPs get hated on the most) requires generalization. It's impossible to answer otherwise. Of...|||[/FONT] Interesting! I agree with the categorizing thing. I've also said that I think that a lot of how my mind works (of course this is speculative) is by sort of picking out things that give me...|||Oh trust me, you would love it. It's absolutely beautiful, has one of the highest concentrations of wildlife in the world, etc etc. Unlike the U.S. for example where you just see maybe 2-3 non-bird...|||Hmm... That's a weird conclusion. Pretty much all of the ESTPs I've known were really blunt, unless they were absolutely charming it up haha. But I haven't seen an ESTP that is really offended by...|||No, I don't think you're overthinking... But I think your friend feels a little betrayed and I definitely think you should apologize, but she should forgive you! So don't worry. Anyway, to answer...|||Really?? I see people hating on ESTJs, ESFJs, sometimes ESFPs but haven't seen that sort of thing towards ESTPs. Personally, they're one of my favorite types! I see them as fun, charming, and...|||Ahh, okay. Yeah, I just had a feeling. Anyway what do you think about the idea of potentially being an INFP?|||7w6 3w2 1w9|||Interesting theory! My current theory is Ni+Se but I'm extremely interested now. Do you have any examples/explanations/etc? I want to hear more. My personal favorite is Howl's Moving Castle. ...|||I would love to visit Japan someday too! There's just something so unique about its culture--something that I think suits an INFJ really well. I mean honestly, if you broke down the functions and...|||Ehhh 2000's kid. I was born in the late 90's and I call myself a 90's baby and a 2000's kid. I disagree with a lot of people that say that if you weren't born the decade before or exactly as the...|||Personally, I don't say anything. It doesn't bother me much. I mean I'll think the person is a little rude but it's not worth saying anything for me. Question: Do you guys think it's okay for...|||Yeah, I can see you getting thinking types. I bet you get INTJ and INTP a lot. That being said, I'd wager you're an INFP 5w4.|||Hmmm... I agree with you there. I was thinking about that as I was writing it, that just describing it as wanting comfort/happiness wasn't... quite right. I think it manifests itself through...|||Te|||I mean I think you could be using Ti/Si more than Ne/Fe. Just a hunch.|||I'm so glad that you enjoyed and related to my post! It's incredibly freeing to find others who relate to what I consider to be a fairly specific/obscure emotion... But such an important one. ...|||Hmm, I don't know with you... You do seem to have Se in your stack somewhere, and seem Ni to me--tert or higher. You feel like an introvert. I'm going to say you're probably right. :smile: But...' | 6,406 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | Skeet|||Restless. Going for a drive around midnight or one in the A.M.|||leers|||solos|||People *can* be kind of dumb... but I include myself in this collective so.. I'm ambivalent.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOIsYA1QDuk|||slips|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dWksD1T5lE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jn5GfVRLxg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weV58GmFURo|||I honestly couldn't be bothered to learn breathing techniques or meditation. I've tried before and my mind won't be stilled, the time to use them hardly come around anymore as I'm for the most part...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bogs_TS3qCY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4NQEBDFO2o|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klX5S35YDEI|||cider|||pudgy|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDenKUWgwiE|||WHen I drink I only want to be surrounded by animals until they wish to leave, otherwise submerged in music. I love drinking. I love to give in to the tumult. Unfortunately, living with my...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FloEPkPjK1Y|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvNq4hdfSpk|||Astoundingly ___ & frayed, dissatisfied as I make the attempt to break the cycle. rly wish i hadn't run at of refills for the meds. rly rly wish i hadn't need of them.|||Tree of Savior. Nice nostalgic feel to it, so far I'm enjoying myself.. until it loses my attention which is inevitable with mmo's. Also Brawlhalla c:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udg6bC1svnQ|||Requesting name change, to: QueCueYew ,, pls and ty|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1ldDtvqwig|||https://youtu.be/Jr1kLqhZEzY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zQQp_Fvn0k https://youtu.be/wSRa5yL1g_k|||lovesick, fog brain, useless and blind to opportunity. b-o-r-e-d, dissatisfied with life, my place / role in it, conduct, being. empty, listless, restless. hopeful, despairing melancholy of...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP8nBkyylJU|||https://youtu.be/d_LrDmgO0Sk|||As a baby I were ridiculously cute, and also a cry baby. Such it is growing up my paternal Grandmother donned me 'Baby Andy'. I'm named after my father and my father's father so that had something...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqXdU1IK2JI|||https://youtu.be/2pRKfaqmuT8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8k638Jkncc|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0nmU37ntsM one of d'em nights.|||Stoned With You|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lk3NFWw9Fg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBgb91Y2Pe0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RWH2hY3eGk&index=52&list=LLSUH0TMPrZ1TICW0M-NMNRQ|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOikumLxkXg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnmeCGHkX-8&t=39s Dunno how widely known it is? Great album nonetheless.|||wishing i were at the ward or had something more potent than 10mg of abilify. cannot wait for my appointment to get here. i shirked it off for so long, this cataclysmic crash were long coming....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwkDZvb8HgA|||706098706106706122706130 II. Needless to say I'm not proud of my uh. Forum picture posting prowess.. however, there it be.|||706058706066706074706082706090 Assorted pics over the course of 2 weeks.|||follow up. i loved my job too spite it being nothing to write home on. i were the maintenence dude at a pilot. cleaning showers, lot sweeping, restroom duty, mopping, changing out gas nozzles,...|||a lot. a lot has happened. went back down to see her. she kicked me out two more times. i left the third time. 4 strikes ehhhhhhh. heh. got a job the day before she kicked me out. she...|||v sick mentally, on the doorstep of despair. moved back home after sleeping in my car for two weeks holding down a job. this latest episode of life shown how low i've sunk, and she revealed how...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG93LQ16POc|||tread|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VPnsoPmHkw | 6,177 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Obvious to you, obvious to me... Apparently not so obvious to Mr. Prefect. We don't all have the same information. *shrugs* Day off, I was bored.|||48851 sucrenoir - INTJ, Bitches Tee (Women's)|||Locked in a small space without room to move. Such as a sweatbox or some of those spaces spelunkers run through. But it's only a concern if I'm actually in one. Beyond that, not much.|||There are two sisters and their cousin. - Irrelevant Two sisters have reported often feeling light-headed and dizzy when they stand-up. - Relavant, Presents symptoms, potential genetic cause ...|||I was being facetious. Jobs Building Asteroid-Mining Robots Receive 2,000 Applicants And that's why it's failing. And yes, retail does drive the economy more than anything else, but there...|||She was born in 1989 and I was born in 1983|||Once wealth hits certain levels - personal spending proportianally tails off significantly. Investments and non-liquid assets proportionately tail up. Where that money goes back to the banks and the...|||Actually it's more common to be given too much information and have to figure out which bits actually matter and disregard the rest. Which is not particularly difficult. For instance if someone...|||I've tried weed a few times, didn't much care for it. I've also tried coke and speed. I could stay up longer, get more done; and I was losing weight. It was great! Right up until I took too much...|||Never had a chart done, but Gemini by birthdate. My fiancée (also an INTJ) is a Sagittarius. The human body is actually very adaptable to external conditions, such as healing over a piece of...|||Yep, Mrs. Carmody Mrs. Carmody - Stephen King's The Mist Wiki|||all wet?|||Well you're a pacifist. Bully for you. But you're in the Army now son. And like it or not, agree with it or not; all those guys on the other side of the line; they're not pacifists. Non-violent...|||Absolute favorite: Deus Ex... 1. 2 sucked and 3 was a blatant ripoff of the other two. The entire Hitman series, it's a puzzle! Assassin's Creed series, actually bored by the game, more...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDYjP0uLiDU There's a difference between dominance and doing things to excess. :kitteh: INTJ's I apologize if you're not into this much dominance. Meerly a...|||http://bestuff.com/images/images_of_stuff/210x600/spinning-in-a-chair-64034.jpg?1179692550 :kitteh:|||http://hotnerdgirl.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/wesley-demotivational.jpg :kitteh:|||Nope, but I'm now 6 away from my goal of 2/1 thanks/post ratio. :laughing: When you do this ^^ kind of stuff. :kitteh:|||I think you meant stereotypical there, kiddo. Meditation. Been doing it for quite some time myself. I'll toss you this link on how but there's quite a few techniques so I'll leave you to...|||http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2007-12-04_mom_and_daughter_shopping.jpg When it's ON! :kitteh:|||http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2005-05-26_garden_woman.jpg Oh bugger all, I was looking for that one days ago. http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2006-10-16_harpies.jpg :kitteh:|||Just going off the images it looks like zero-gravity pinball with lens flare! :kitteh: Actually, I'm guessing a variation on basically this: ...|||http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2004-09-19_family_with_rabbit.jpg http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2007-05-01_cat_with_yarn.jpg :kitteh:|||How do you re-invent the best selling car in America? -Just seen Youtube Advertisement. WHY?!? It's working for it's intended goal, isn't it? The point of advertising it to sell the product, and...|||http://www.fatherlyadviceandrants.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/11.jpg http://www.inspirational-quotes-short-funny-stuff.com/images/stupid-signs-0-percent-off-today.jpg|||Wasn't that on an episode of Star Trek? :kitteh:|||http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2004-04-11_boy_reading_alone.jpg When you were reading 'kids' books growing up. :kitteh:|||http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2010-07-27_captain_crossword.jpg Abraxas 5-3-9 Abx 9-5-3 Action Potential 1-4-6 Antiant ...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Zt2-jTAXQ|||http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2003-05-11_penguin_mom.jpg :kitteh:|||Experimental, eventually I should have all the genres again. :kitteh:|||http://seemslegit.com/_images/b4f540d1ed1c5843c40742d38ab6ff7d/1340%20-%20highlander%20sword%20weapons.jpg|||Watson: It's not in the rules. Holmes: Well then the rules are WRONG! -From the TV Show Sherlock|||http://artoftrolling.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/chatroulette-trolling-cat-found.jpg|||http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2007-06-19_puppet_and_flower.jpg http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n586/DemiGodRay/TrollfaceCat.jpg And pertinent if you think about it.|||http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2003-06-08_sunset_couple.jpg When telling jokes that fall flat isn't the problem. It's when you have to point out you were joking in the first place. :kitteh:|||Eylrid Maybe she's born with it... http://rookery9.aviary.com.s3.amazonaws.com/11299000/11299122_0352_1024x2000.jpg Nah, It's FotoShop! And for those that can't tell, that is the lovely...|||Actually, I was thinking more of a single bullet to drop his defenses. Then while he's regenerating you can chop off his head at your leisure. But I suppose a really big gun would work too. ...|||Problem is I'm the one with a probing gaze and I'm trying not to intimidate anyone. Which my 6'4 frame, impassive expression, and general lack of speech probably doesn't help. I really have...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4bF_qqvPXE|||But... But... He won't stop moving! And all I hear is a whistling sound when my sword goes through the air his neck used to be at! :kitteh:|||lib http://img3.etsystatic.com/il_570xN.196276563.jpg :kitteh:|||http://cdn.wallpaperzzz.com//wallpapers/widescreen/hires/do-not-f-ck-with-cthulhu.jpg|||You know, he has several books of that nature. Quite like them myself, but I have to say I disagree on a few points. None of which are currently coming to mind. ...|||For all those that have spoken about their haircuts... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEtt8sP1_1w :kitteh:|||Precisely, the internet would be a limited resource, thus the best use of it would be to find alternate sources of information. http://partiallyclips.com/comics/2005-07-21_board_meeting.jpg Oh,...|||The location of every farm, library, hardware store, supermarket, and military base I can get my hands on. Anything else I need I should be able to find at those locations. Including supply routes...|||You know, I'd never even heard of her. Not until that divorce thing appeared in all the papers. Still don't know who she is or why it's important. And the sad thing is I'm proud of that. :proud:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtdWHFwmd2o|||Act and say stupid things sometimes, yes. Are stupid, usually not. We each play to our own strengths. *shrugs* You know, I usually don't ask what their MBTI is. Maybe I should... ...' | 2,475 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'I'm alwayyyyyyys either early or on-time, it's extremely rare for me to be late for anything. It clashes a little with my INTJ girlfriend who is always extremely late, but we make it work|||I considered doing a liberal arts degree, in music or history, but I chose Actuarial Science because of my strong love of maths and statistics, I've struggled a little to balance this out with my...|||Definitely, some of my biggest misconceptions about my life and the people and situations in it tend to come about when I'm going to bed, my reason has already gone to sleep and can't keep my...|||Haha, I meant spaceships capable of interstellar travel|||Welcome to the forum!|||Either medieval times so I could become a knight, or the distant future when we have spaceships and things! Actually, it'd probably be the spaceships, I'm a bit of a sci-fi nerd at heart|||Maths just clicks with me, I'm an actuarial student, so lots of probability and stats for me! My tip: Remember there's not only ONE way to get to the answer...there's many different ways to get...|||I accept your challenge! :)|||Isn't it just the best place in the world?!|||I need my alone time, some time to sit in the sun and read a book or something similar, otherwise I get worn out, but that being said I need to be with people as well, otherwise I get worn out ;) ...|||Only two of us from Victoria? Poor form guys!|||A corruption of my name that my workmates made up, kinda like it though, it suits me in a strange way :)|||Welcome to the forum!! =)|||Actuarial Studies, I like maths and business applications, good fit for me :)|||T-shirt and shorts, nothing too fancy! Which season is your favorite and why?|||How are you today? What are you thinking of right now? How do you feel right now and why? I'm a little tired and sick today, stayed up too late finished assignments and studying! Texting my...|||Most of the time I don't even remember that I even know things, and then as soon as the question or topic comes up, all of a sudden it's just there, like its been hiding somewhere deep in my memory,...|||Deadlines are essential for me to get things done unless I REALLY REALLY REALLY love it, I was doing a side project for work a while back, and it was taking me a while to get things done until I...|||I would really like for there to be life out there, sometimes I look out at the stars and wonder if there's anyone else, billions of miles away, looking back and wondering the same thing? But I...|||I play Flute/Clarinet/Sax/Piano, and I probably discovered how much I loved music when I was 15, I'd been playing for a couple of years, but I met a friend who had a real passion for Classical and...|||I also have similar feelings, and Intuit, that word is a good one, superficial. Everything seems to have lost it's true value, friendships and relationships are cast aside for one night stands, I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHvztnHOWEQ|||Pay attention in class, and if you have a good memory this makes all the difference! But for study, short, focused bursts, and then go and do something exciting, and then come back for another...|||Maths would by far be my favorite subject, and my best, it just appeals to my mind, however english also does, so I sit somewhere in the middle between the two subjects!|||Completely agree, often so deep in thought I walk past people even when they stop and yell at me... Probably a habit I should get out of :P|||You make me smile I think this would make me feel the best, and help my sense of self-worth, with the notable exception of I love you =)|||I'm a lyrics guy, no matter how fun or catchy a melody/rhythm is, I can't stand it if the lyrics mean nothing. That said, I also very much enjoy instrumental music, so I guess my thinking is,...|||Melbourne here!! =)|||Looks like we're both wrong haha! That match was such a let down...|||How'd you know?! I was DYING for a drink! :P :P|||Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here =)|||One thing I always find interesting is that the most important thing is quality of study rather than quantity, as I know people who study for hours upon hours on end, while I study at most an hour to...|||1. Music and football are my two great loves (Manchester United/Melbourne Victory ftw!) 2. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon is my favorite book 3. When I'm sad, I'd like a hug, when I'm...|||shoot cans off hay bales with him while rocking out|||My ISFJ friend always lets me finish, and often joins onto my thought process (its taken her a while to get it but she learnt), but apart from that most people get bored...or just tune out entirely!|||Welcome! Hope you like it here!|||Thanks mate! And it is fair nice over here, lots of stuff to do :P I kinda follow hawthorn (when they win ;) ) but I'm really a soccer supporter, Melbourne victory ftw! Who's your bet for the...|||Isaac Shepard piano music is amazing for study, pleasant to the ear but not too distracting YouTube - Before Dawn - Isaac Shepard and the like|||People and Puddles - Isaac Shepard No youtube link, but can check it out at his website =)|||If I don't get it out, it'll stay there forever and a day making me feel horrible! I just need someone to listen to me, a hug (strangely very very important to me) and then once i feel better someone...|||Best thing: Winning our futsal final 9-4 Worst thing: Realizing how unfit i am! =P|||Afternoon miss Adelaide! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, still learning how this all works, it confuses me! But I'm getting there...kinda :P Glad you had a good time away, would you...|||I live in Australia, England, USA, France, South Africa, Botswana, New Zealand, Chile, Brazil, Singapore, Malaysia, Wales and Scotland, so thats 13 all up i think =)|||This could just be me having some introverted tendencies, but I would trade all of my friends for a true soulmate, just to feel understood, and be able to share life together. Though I think that...|||I feel alone more than I should, I have a large amount of friends but my loneliness comes out of having my closest friends not in my everyday life. I immerse myself with people, and laugh it away, or...|||Watching the football =) adelaide vs newcastle...|||The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, originally written in Spanish and crosses about 500 different genres, but it was the first book to make it to my heart, and i think I own about 4...|||Thank you all! =) I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here so far, so, let the good times roll! Hey there Miss Adelaide! It's a great place over there isn't it? I used to live down in Seacliff when I...|||I'm the same with that too, except it was my dads work...also means we're good at goodbyes eh?|||That's me too, I have a group of friends, but I'm always wanting to meet new people, putting myself into situations where I don't know anyone, it just gives me a good feeling on the inside =)' | 3,689 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Also an INFJ in Knoxville, TN :). At least now we know there's 2 of us!|||This is a very valid perspective and it makes me feel like I should reexamine the whole situation to a degree. I think that Graficcia was likely correct in mentioning anxiety. I do feel an odd degree...|||He and I are both males, so the gender difference is irrelevant in this case. However, I totally agree that particularly Fe looks quite different in males than it does in females. as for the...|||For some of you that are really well-exposed to a bunch of different mbti types in their various incarnations- I would love your thoughts on this: i have known at least one (usually more) of each...|||1. Gratitude. (Personal) Setting goals and pushing yourself is amazing, but never forget to feel and express gratitude for what you have and toward those who are a positive force in your life. 2....|||It's like you're reading off my iTunes playlist|||Omg where's the other Tori vote? <3. Really though, I adore 2/3 of the artists on that list. They'd all tie for 2nd :)|||Eh, if everybody else is brave enough then so am I. I just realized it's tough to find a pic where I'm not doing this weird smirk thing I always do. No longer trying to pull off the scruffy thing,...|||It sucks because there's no real obvious proactive aspect to this- but it's been my experience that time is almost infallible in helping us heal. There are things that will always make your heart...|||I think intuition in itself is a difficult process to fully grasp and explain even for those of us who rely on it. When I think of how I see NI+Fe in myself- I'm tempted to say at their simplest...|||I work on this every day. Mostly because when I do become aware of something I'm feeling, I tend to dismiss it as not important and just keep chugging along. It's very strange how so many of us are...|||This would be a strong contender. The lyrics show such an interesting example of Ni + Fe. She's using those functions to enable herself to understand the p.o.v. of the person she's singing to. Fe...|||i might misunderstand your concept here, but as I read it- I don't agree. Compromise (which isn't necessarily the same as providing the most comfort for the most people) isn't nobody gets what...|||Im jealous that you're surrounded by all those INFJs!!!!! I don't know any others...and my Se is wretched. I can seem shamefully flaky as I walk into walls and trip over shit. I think it's not...|||I'm not totally your focus group here (I'm a male INFJ, but I've never typed as a T), but I do think I've been conditioned to be a little muted in emotional expression. I don't cry ever...but often...|||It's nuts how strongly I click with all this. It's fascinating! What my best friend of many years has given me is an understanding that to have conflict or argue about something is not...|||I love this whole post because I can so see that dynamic...and i think it's a great example of why so many INFJs gravitate to NTPs (I personally adore E/INTPs). Your INFJ cousin probably trusts...|||School guidance counselor. Formerly a social worker, but changed careers before my career changed me.|||First off, thank you for that really great post. But what I bolded specifically resonates with me, because it so eloquently phrases why I'm so partial to xNTPs. It has been my experience that I also...|||ENTPs, but I play well with all the NTs (but an ENTJ has to be really well balanced, or there could be casualties). For whatever reason, I like ESTPs too- I just keep it casual and they're a lot...|||Omg, no no no. That's not typical behavior. I think that's not a type thing at all and there's no wonder you're a little unsettled- it's kinda creepy! Take care of YOU on this one and just wash...|||I would have said the same when I was 20. I wouldn't have seen it as desperate and clingy (which it was), i would have seen it as honest. It's only in hindsight that I see how the behavior looked....|||interesting insight! I was going to say the description sounded pretty much like something that I would have done at 17 or 18. I don't know enough about the enneagram, but I was very emotionally...|||I wouldn't be surprised if they're just far more unlikely to believe in such things.|||First- you really do have to do what's best for your mental well-being. If you've talked with him and clearly set boundaries that he is refusing to accept, then to completely cut ties is sometimes...|||The integration aspect is what I'd missed in the bit I'd read, so suddenly the spread in my results does make more sense. I felt I wasn't as observably quirky as type 4 is usually described...|||Claustrophobia...or anytime I feel restrained or trapped somehow. So small closed spaces, but also having my head underwater or my hands held down, etc.|||I've personally never felt a click with the enneagram model. Granted, I've never taken an official test...only several different online versions and I always have the same results with different...|||I vote yes to telekenisis, psychic empathy, and precognition (which actually is the one that makes people say 'omg, you totally called that!...you think people would stop being so surprised). ...|||I think this is a good theme song for I'm now going to doorslam your ass. No idea what Annie's MBTI is, but I relate to her lyrics here quite strongly. ...|||ENTJs seem to me to have the thickest skin out of all 16 types. I've never seen an ENTJ with hurt feelings act wounded. When they're upset, they go all angry dictator: I'm surrounded by morons! Do...|||Everyone is unique in their own way...I'm not as inclined to get bored as long as I'm able to drift off into my own thoughts and daydreams. For myself, boredom comes from being forced to focus my...|||i would need more before I said you are this but I'm *almost* tempted to say that some of the stuff you mentioned as your personal characteristics suggest ENTJ to me. You seem confident that...|||First...welcome! I'm still fairly new here but it's my experience that this is a very welcoming board. :). I'm on my iPad which leads to more typos (which will have me proofreading all afternoon),...|||Annnnd this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbN0nX61rIs&sns=em|||I have two personal theme songs: Haunted by Poe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpU2Tq2uTnY&sns=em|||I really love Anna Nalick's In the Rough. Not my theme song, but she covers a lot of INFJ themes in her music.|||Oops...double posted|||This is tough for me to answer because I find such value in this forum from reading about how other INFJs tick- so I always try to be as candid as possible when I answer questions like this because I...|||I've not read the novel, so I'm going based on the play...but for anyone familiar with Wicked, what are your thoughts on Elphaba? Thinking back now, I'm remembering her having many INFJ...|||I'm no master mbti oracle but fwiw, your posts and writing style on here strike me as pretty INFJ. I'd say unless it just felt somehow off to you when you think about your type- that you're...|||Hate to bring this back from the dead but wow @ the oldest & only children that type infj. I am an only child as well, fwiw.|||I can read until my eyes hurt and I look up and realize I've got nothing done and my day is gone (still a day well spent). where I'm different than most INFJ type descriptions I've read is that I...|||This might have potential to be my favorite thread in the history of threadery. it delivers.|||I relate so strongly to this and love the way you phrased it. I'm fighting the urge to type out a much longer response about how soapboxy I can get about issues related to exclusion and us vs...|||Well, INFJs do enjoy our closure. Haha. i believe we're arguing two different points on this. But I don't mind agreeing to disagree about what should be expected of an INFJ. Because again values...|||I see your your point but this statement is itself based on values. I agree 100% with being objective and seeing all sides of a situation. However, if one does not give merit to their own set of...|||Thank you for your kind words! :)|||Honestly, I think if you look at mbti type statistics you'll see that a huge majority of people fall into 4 types. When a large part of the population is quite similar to yourself, there probably...|||I'd never heard of mbti until I volunteered to take it for extra credit in a college course, when I was typed as INFJ- my mouth fell open at how accurate the description was of the contents of my...' | 3,386 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | After a hiatus im back to researching nootropics. Only to be disappointed that the adrafinil cant be bough irl even though its toats legal because reasons of PR. Nor can i find piracetam because same...|||None of those should stop you. Will to power.|||Ah, that would explain it. I work in a kitchen, so ESTP, ESFP, ESFJ, ESTJ. If we are discussing N types. INFPs. I know four. This i can confirm. The ENFP i know, loves house parties, and...|||ENFPs are only 5%. Keirsey says 2%. Where do you find yours? INFJs and ENFJs blend in well. INFJs are pretty anti-social from what i read. More concerned about the systems of people than the people...|||Damn, i miss being a in a relationship. Urgh, i wish i could find another ENFP, ENFJ, INFJ. :/ Hate this redneck town.|||Was this some meditation practice or some visual field kink i discovered?: So im in a dark living room waiting for my ENTP friend so we can go out. I realize i have the time so i try to make the best...|||University is a waste. Most professors are J types and are more focused on research. I had to teach my self most of all my subject matter with help from others. Post-secondary education is just HS...|||Okay so i think i had a few moments of Satori since December. Here is what happened. I was either at work or at a favorite restaurant of mine. Out of nowhere everything became deeper adn vibrant....|||Mary and Max (2009) - IMDb Saw this with my then ENFP gf. She wept like a baby. And i had a hard time reigning in my Fe.|||Im persuing my second degree. BS in math.|||Nostalgia is killing me. God, i want to go back to the late 90s early 00s and use the internet again.|||In the opening of the 21st century the NEET problem and incel question went unanswered as millions drove them selves to suicide over their lifestyle. Then like the rising sun, the crafty enterprising...|||Sooooooo im a voyeur. Not in a sexual sense. Like a noisy person. I shoot questions around the main topic to get people to divulge enough information for me to connects the dots. I also have numerous...|||For everyone out there struggling, with life, love, emotions, frustrations and all the pressures of the human condition, you are not alone, nor will you ever be alone in the struggles, nor will they...|||http://media.townhall.com/townhall/reu/ha/2015/343/2015-12-09T122749Z_2_LYNXMPEBB80BL_RTROPTP_3_USA-ELECTION-TRUMP.JPG The salt mining was great, i think ill never have a moment like this again. ...|||And i like your avatar :D|||Danke. @Shahada i hate her politics but shes pretty analytical and intelligent. @Aya the Abysswalker @Faery @sweetranglansweater @Cheveyo @DAPHNE XO Carpentet810 @Diogenes @RobynC a...|||I solved the issues. If i didnt, i would have kept at my double shift work time and raked in cash for more investments.|||Holy fucking shit! October is not my month. Why?! Why the fuck are university bureaucrats so shit? Like why does my application say fall 2017 and not spring 2017? I cant register for classes because...|||Motherfucker! So i was stricken from the voting records despite being registered. My dumbass governor though going electronic was best for all. I dont want to say voter suppression because this could...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfbCLwNlGwU|||Pretty obvious. If i explain it then its not a joke. I didnt identify, i said me and them, im a separate entity, and so are they, in that instance and alliance was made against the left. As...|||Well a German would know about making special spaces wouldnt he. Nah, you guys are my entertainment :) I only have one person on ignore and that was a separation agreement by order of the...|||add mhysa and morty to that list.|||Jesus, you cant read or follow for shit. My knowledge comes from from military personnel, reports and Al-Qaeda videos. I said to wait for the hatch to to open, you chuck a grenade in. Commonly used...|||We've noticed. Pretty sure you implied it. I said they were useless in asymmetric, and you refused to believe it and kept expanding on it. Right until the international community puts its...|||For starters i said tanks are useless in asymmetric warfare, which implies cities and urban settings. Leveling a city takes a long tme and is a waste of time and ordnance, two, war crimes. The...|||In actual urban warfare, tanks are easily trapped in roads or blocked with hedgehogs, limited maneuverability and low visibility ranges also plague the armor. Its easy to hide making the tanks spray...|||Tanks are useless in asymmetric warfare. HA! i love the an-cap ones. Honestly, it sounds like a great time if you're on the ASPD spectrum.|||Spanish, bitches love Spanish. Portuguese is neat sounding too.|||Like your idea. But, VSATS are expensive and the data is capped and you are charged for each megabyte you use, the transfer speeds are also balls. So if you do forex trading you are at a disadvantage...|||Thin i'll troll my co-workers who like rap with Deathgrips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFw0740HJtI Seriously, the more you listen the better it gets. And it goes good with everything: ...|||Try and volunteer with local organizations, look for clubs at school, or make something up. Doubt they will follow on it unlike HR does for job candidates. What will suck is when you have to ask...|||okay i think i got it. the markov parallax denigrate is basically a large 2d array filled with obscene words. a parallax is the difference of angular position of two stationary points. choosing a...|||fugggg i need more of a back ground in math, markov processes from a math perspective is difficult to understand.|||NSA, get a CS and some internships. Apply for crytoanalysis department, go NYSE calculate derivatives. https://www.intelligencecareers.gov/nsa.html On a related note i came here today for: Claude...|||He is Swedish, so much of a military option. He should finish education, get his H1B and try for DARPA, or any of Americas premier defense contractors or university funded biological research.|||lol, only certain people will get this meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-lLHmNcV1c|||Motivation is difficult to maintain for me for prolonged periods. The thing is, you do have a limited energy in a day, week, month, year and so on. You do have to accept that somedays you just want...|||Bio Engineering Molecular Biology Software Development Materials Science Mechanical Engineering with an Electrical as well.|||Hang the gays. Its gods law. Also the blacks.|||Warehouse Factories around my part pay 14.25$ You could swallow you price and bust ass in the oil filed of North Dakota, 50K for 3-6 months of hard labor, gas fields in Ohio pay similar. Of course...|||Thats trippy, reminds of the falling rain animation, that matrix rain.|||I think Switzerland does what you are thinking of.|||You are, this has been proven to be a simulation.|||Well im in the mason dixon line. So in comparison to say a town in Nevada there would be some differences. How small are you talking about? 500? 1,000? 5,000? 50,000? 100,000? I have a thing where...|||I would prefer we annex canada. Now is the time, you think treudeu would do anything?|||491378 I like the american fascism the best. See the above image. Im curious, what is your profession? And how did you arrive at Communism as the way forward?|||OP das offensive bruv, ill glass ya cunt. I swear on me mum mate.|||Its a bundle of sticks plus an axe. The word faggot didnt take on the derogatory term till many years later. So what is everybody preferred form? National Socialism National Syndalism -... | 2,339 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Pithy. One thing that excites me profoundly is the rare grains of profound truth. As a youngin I found enlightenment to be the highest cause and have tried to encounter as much as I could along my...|||I was underwhelmed by the season 3 premiere. I am holding out since I believe the goal was to build drama for the season. It's a tough show because Kenny's character is on another level comedically...|||This is all normal and healthy analysis for a young man. I think you are coming to a point where you are reconsidering what you want out of social interactions. I can be silly and stupid around my...|||Firstly, I consider success as separating yourself from the others in your field. The post with the list above is a very solid outline for successful behaviors. I believe that any INTP who has a...|||I am assuming the question is in the thread title and the quote is some additional profundity. My response is that Nihilism is not depression. Most people are unaware of how utterly nihilistic the...|||There is a difference between having an independent mind and being alone. I am getting the feeling that many of posters so far are young. Having an independent mind, or not connecting with...|||I was intrigued by Stoicism, mostly because of its hero: Marcus Aurelius. I recently have been reading Letters from a Stoic by Seneca. Basically I have found some things profound. For example we...|||What ended up happening? I only had a short INTP fling but it's gotten messy lately because we are both trying to avoid appearing needy and hence have been blowing each other off.|||HAHA I don't think anyone should recommend you therapy after seeing you type 3 sentences. That is rather sick, actually. TO the OP: How old are you bro? When I was younger (teens) there were times...|||Yes, but guys like to have that effect. to OP: This is a complex question because it is based on many variables. Each situation is different I think. As a general rule though: Stranger: Look...|||haha 2/3 intps and basically all intj's are dicks|||The time has come for my permanent departure from this forum. I have learned some things here and find this type of subject-based destination a worthy place to express the self. However, time has...|||women, alcohol, drugs, debauchery, bacchanalia----What other kind is there???|||ism all sucks. It stifles your views. I also identified as a Libertarian at some point, yet I prefer to take each issue from the ground up, rather than attempting to tie it into a dogma. The...|||don't be too convinced by my analysis. INTPs are as different from one another as anyone else. But i'm saying due to the nature of my interests, girls with intellectual sides are generally attracted...|||sometimes when I'm hungover, I am actually pretty vulnerable in this department. I will begin to cry, but catch myself before its official. Fictional drama on TV and during extreme happiness. When I...|||I will say a lot of things to get laid, mostly genuine. However, not really considering how the other party is interpreting it. If it is a relationship potential, though, it can take a while to be...|||- observing threads that people pretend to be intellectual outlet when really it is just a way to complain incognito - be unable to handle opinions that actually take some thought to consider (i.e....|||After talking to a friend a bit about this. I find that there is a healthy arrogance or loftiness and one that is really unconditionally unattractive. The first type (healthy) allows a person...|||Ahh see, here is how we differ. I DO attach a positive value to things, and a negative value to others. My friend once told me he respected Situation from Jersey Shore, and that he somehow envies...|||If you, as an INTP, truly want to develop your social skills, you will get there in time. It will come down to how honest you are with yourself and how much you are willing to drop your ego to learn...|||[INTP's] can be intellectual snobs and may show impatience at times with others less endowed intellectually. This quality, INTPs find generates hostility and defensive behavior on the part of...|||Yes, there is quite a bit of literature to support my view (David Buss, Warren Farrell, Jared Diamond, many more among scientists, and a host of fiction writers Sam Keen, Robert Bly, etc..). However,...|||^^because women are emotional creatures, that's the answer! you don't need a reason. just admit your a woman for Christ sakes.. i hate gender bulllshit, but fortunately for us members of declining...|||you go girl|||just that I was naive and going after a lifestyle that had nothing to do with what actually fit my personality. I actually wasn't really depressed or anything, but more of a dumb ass.|||............./´¯/)........... (¯` ............/....//........... ....... .........../....//............ ........ ...../´¯/..../´¯.........../¯ `....¯` .././.../..../..../.|_......_|...|||yo, Yes I had a similar crash and burn at 18 myself. I was living my life as an alter-ego and had a series of near death experiences before I finally knew that I was doing something wrong. I am...|||yes, we can play. how about spin the bottle?? debate is never intended to bring the enemy to your POV, but according to hegelian dialect, observers have taken a position somewhere in between, a...|||You're doing it yourself: you shoot us with a patronising comment about being impressed by shiny things (you have a nerve to write this in a place full of female INTPs, bro, really ) and then...|||@ BeeIntheBonnet Yea that sucks if you are honestly wired differently than the majority of your sex. you must admit, on the other hand, that they bothered you because they probably do not...|||I am currently reading about 6 books, but most are non-fiction (all but one), so I classify these differently. To me, these books all have a very important connection to one another, but on the...|||yes, i was bothered to read your post. Also, how do you explain the fact that gender roles differ from culture to culture? Each culture is different. for pre-modern societies where machines...|||The quote about shiny things isn't mine obviously. It is a mainstream comedian, actually. but this post is directed to skycloud's response. Just because something is a generalization doesn't mean...|||I am already aware that my view is not acceptable these days, but fuck it. I have studied the subject both in and out of school, and yes, that makes me an expert.. For all you idealist INTP out...|||go for a walk|||Rick Roderick - Philosophy and Modern Condition[/QUOTE] this guy is a beast.|||I lived with ESJ, ESFP, ISTP, ESFJ in college. (Also an ENFP). I had deluded myself into acting the ESTP for goals of women and influence during highschool, and beginning of college. SP, SJ are...|||The book by Goldstein was not lies. O'Brien wanted Winston to read it so that he could recondition even the most knowledgeable and defiant of heretics. Winston could have been bagged by the thought...|||When people called me intense, I laughed it off. In my mind, I was easy going compared to these emotional wrecks (somewhat kidding). But , I met an INTP and realized my facial expressions are...|||yea, I agree people show tendencies in how they interact, but not that talking more equals dominance over others. If Extrovert A says something, Introvert A would not necessarily be submissive. You...|||haha, you mean in a socialist Utopia... Alpha, beta, omega isn't really a label so much as emo or jock, it is a comment on the power/influence an individual has within a group. I don't agree...|||glad we got to know eachother :wink:|||it only goes for men...|||if i have to define it for you, I'm suspecting you are it. it is the girl who is out and dressed to impress, yet waits for the show to come to her. she may give you one or two glances, but this is...|||HA. It is happening because you are attracted to taken men, IMO. Taken men have a swagger that you like. This is what I am saying. If you are out playing hard to get, this is the man that responds.|||I love reading the front cover in the line at the supermarket. Octomom, Sarah Palin, jon+kate, lindsay lohan. It's all amazing. Whole Foods disappointing me with their boring mags on how to live...|||HAA. If you are a kid, then don't worry about it, dude. This is healthy, especially for INTPs. Judging from what i read from the men on here, alot of INTP men need a revamped approach to dating and...|||i agree with this full-heartedly! however, this has nothing to do with what i said nor is it always the case... there are women who like taken men. are you implying this is some misplaced belief...|||Your Aspie score: 106 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 124 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits I am certified INTP' | 1,945 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Remove post.|||No self respecting INTP hasn't watched Eraserhead, the ultimate mind fuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU7OqGCIcak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyB4Vx-TavQ|||I'm brilliantly funny sometimes to some people on some occasions.|||u200bMy family and I just got back from a trip to London yesterday. One of the things I wanted to do while there is visit the street where David Bowie's picture was taken in 1972 for the Ziggy Stardust...|||Yes the dreaded I already told you comes into play. Go directly to jail, do not pass go and do not collect $200.|||You didn't tell me. Yes I did! Well I didn't hear you. You only hear what you want to. Sorry what did you say?|||To relate to everyone else. I've long since given up on that pipe dream.|||Without emotion we could try to exterminate each other for logical reasons instead of using hate.|||My wife is seven years younger than me and our age has never been a problem. We will have been married 25 years this fall and I'm still an immature slob and she still thinks that bitchen going to...|||ISTPs take risk with their lives while INTPs take risk with their ideas. ISTPs don't trust intuition so they prefer to stick with what they have had success with in the past. INTPs don't mind putting...|||Not being miserable.|||Now where did I put that damn thing?|||http://www.pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/when-you-find-a-Coke-name-that-has-your-name-but-its-misspelled.gif|||Way back when I was single I would run the AC in the house freezing cold to keep the piled up dishes in the sink from stinking me out.|||https://media3.giphy.com/media/Jhzvy6CFpKQvK/200.gif|||50 year old man that keeps little boy in mouth. Dark indeed.|||The doctor lies|||Captain, he called me Captain! I'm Captain Sarcasm, I'm somebody!|||Our concern with SimplyRivers well being is overwhelming.|||I would find the term sociopath insulting and hurtful it someone used it to describe me. As an INTP I take pride in telling the truth and total honesty. I may on occasion tell a white lie but even...|||http://www.chicagonow.com/god-running-partner/files/2014/09/thinking-happy-face.jpg ...|||I know how to overcome it I just haven't taken the time to implement.|||http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2fnlwTEFx1r6aoq4o1_500.gif|||Your post was incomplete and lacking in essential information. Then you post a video with another complex problem not related to the original perhaps hoping to confuse me even further. I just think...|||I can't hear the song.|||Being rejected from someone you've opened yourself up to is both hurtful and humiliating to me. And not getting to play in any reindeer games really sucked as well.|||Donald Trump. He's a billionaire and people love him no matter what he says.|||I'm above average but timed games are more difficult for me. If playing casual or online turn based with hours or days to move I'm quite good. Do you play Adonnus?|||Are you kidding! Have you seen my legs? http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/03/04/article-0-08915FE4000005DC-137_468x609.jpg ...|||http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/4-27-2015/8KD1_Y.gif|||Patience grasshopper. For some of us it takes years to fully develop some of our most prized traits. When I was young I too longed to be like everyone else and tried to mimic and fit in. Not...|||Don't take any wooden nickels.|||Blue, no wait ahhhhhhhh!|||Reducing it down to the absolute most very basic and understandable language without leaving out important details it all boils down to the fact that we're just plain awesome.|||I couldn't think of anything clever or funny to post so no.|||If they has went and brought me back some beer I'm OK with it.|||Unless my wife does it for me this is typical of my bathroom. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3125/3164059182_82c1286782.jpg ...|||So do you think their into bondage? OK that was gay.|||People have difficulty interpreting my humor in person so our type of humor via a forum can be easily misunderstood especially after a mild disagreement. I can be a bit dense sometimes so thanks...|||What is know as a faithless elector has never changed the outcome of a presidential election. So I'm not sure why you find me naive. Perhaps I was wrong in your intent. I felt you were...|||The electoral collage cast their vote according to the vote of the people of the state they represent. While they may do otherwise this has never been the case so far. So the vote of the electoral...|||The terms democracy and republic overlap but that is not the point I was making. You stated that a representative democracy is where you elect leaders as if we do not. The president of the US is a...|||Most of the time and especially when alone I don't even think of myself as above average. That low assessment can be challenged in the presence of others.|||Oh my mistake! I thought the thread was regarding Donald Trump, a GOP hopeful candidate for the office of president of the United States. A position that is elected by the people and is considered...|||Hello Satan?|||Closes thread and tiptoes away quietly.|||Next time go for cash. With money you can always get boobs.|||https://secure.static.tumblr.com/0f2f69b4bb44d5af0de6d511df3c8560//Coln59vf9/tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.gif|||My thoughts are not of Trump but the people that support him. No one on this forum should be surprised by his popularity. We discuss it here everyday, our frustrations with the majority of the...|||Would this include myself?' | 7,704 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Never mind.|||Your brain doesn't ever change -- it's simple neurology. Your personality is your individual expression of who you are, and yes that can change quicker than the weather. It's a great...|||People that think their type changes. Ever.|||Again, I can't reiterate this enough, it's a complete misunderstanding of Jungian type theory that results in the issues you brought up; you would be surprised how much Jung himself supported the...|||Audrey: Your avatar is full of win. That is all.|||Moral decay.|||A-freaking-men. It's like this for me at home, work... etc|||Imagine the relationship between and INTP/ESFJ. :P|||noxchi: Very glad to hear that your relationship is the bomb diggity LOL. Especially considering the difference in iNtuitives and Sensates; however, I can see how it'd work, in your case. The NP/SP...|||Yeah, I agree. I would have posted a similar message myself but I've seen that many people have covered it before me, LOL.|||I LOVE the former two. I don't know how an INTP can dislike them. Okay, some INFJs who are unhealthy tend to just advocate for the opposing argument just to be argumentative, and then refuse to...|||I feel you, but I care much more about her being happy with life than with my little world. I can just go home and hop on the PC, forget about life, and wake up tomorrow wishing I can find another...|||No no no, I get you completely. I was having a conversation like that today, but it ended the opposite... she left, and I was alone in a large, empty room devoid of sound and cold. A haunting...|||I like one-on-one dynamics. Depending on who you're with and the situation, you can set the tone. If you know the person you're with well enough, you know what kind of conversations you can have. ...|||No, because that would be the entire world. If not, America in its entirety would at least count (numerically speaking) for how many people in the world qualify for that statement.|||Well said. I think that making big decisions with the existential knowledge that time is short is probably my biggest peeve right now. I can't tolerate even thinking about it, I feel so restrained.|||So glad to hear things are working well in your marriage; it is food for thought indeed.|||That's exactly it. People don't understand how useful it is in a relationship. Nowhere in MBTI theory does it say you are supposed to be with a certain type, and nowhere does it say two types...|||Why I Would Never Date Based on MBTI Do they just post to reaffirm themselves, or what? They read the title, instantly react, and leave a passing statement without ever trying to truly understand...|||You should always be seeking a woman out who is healthy and comfortable in her type (regardless of whether or not they know it). Relationships between Thinkers and Feelers can work just fine,...|||Three words: The Ultimate Sacrifice.|||Debates. JUST STOP TALKING and believe what you want, already... no one is going to change their minds, not on this planet.|||Maybe... or maybe you're a BioGhost :D ...couldn't help it >.<|||I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you haven't ready anything the authors of MBTI wrote about it... like that it's dynamic, no one will fit their type 100%, and that you learn more about it in...|||ESJs in general, lol.|||I use thank as a like button, and because when I am on after work I rarely have anything meaningful to add to already well thought-out posts. Not enough energy to muscle out some rational thought...|||From what you said, he sounds like an unhealthy ENTJ. While I am sure that their assumptions on an ideal match assumes an ideal pair of people, this isn't an ideal world. I've found myself at odds...|||jennica : Being married to an INTP as a Fe-dominant type does indeed have some serious consequences. I am so short of emotional energy when she needs it the most.|||I have cried in front of others perhaps twice in my life, but the only time I ever felt better was alone.|||Yes, yes... I need that and don't get it either >.> being married to an extravert has serious consequences, especially the needy type.|||I just whistle it because I love it so much I want to synchronize with it.|||You'd hate me at work; I whistle a lot, mostly to ignore the crappy music, but sometimes because I want to hear some of the music I am composing (in my head) aloud.|||Expectations...|||No, you made perfect sense, and you're right -- studying psychology (as in this case, as a hobby rather than a professional pursuit) is a great aid in relationships, especially if you come from a...|||I don't mind country music, but when it's loud I'd rather be jumping off a skyscraper. Hearing the same hit songs, no matter the volume, OVER AND OVER, repeated 5 times a night every night......|||Frankly, I'd rather have a narrower margin of people I spend time with than spend time around people who will be a bad influence on me.|||Stop quoting me. >.> ;) It's so good to see how I feel put into words... thank you xD and, yes, I hate it when even people close to me just reach out and grab my belongings.|||No, but like I've said before, it can be a helpful guide, some basic general advice to follow. I know many people who've married and divorced because they just don't understand some of the outlying...|||My wife, then. ESFJ :P|||And then when I DO feel strongly about something, WATCH THE HELL OUT|||In my every day life, I hate this with a passion.|||Yes, but we also like lists and comparisons (some of us...) so most just put their two cents in and turn away. I would have turned away but I never unsubscribed from the thread... I'm too lazy to do...|||You know, I watched that video. But it led to one that made me laugh and cry for a good 10 mins... I love watching funny videos when I'm tired xD ...|||I get asked dumb questions all the time, then...|||It doesn't say that Thinkers are emotionless. You don't understand what the Feeling function really symbolizes. And, by the sound of your post, the MBTI is very useful to you, because you said...|||My wife is an ESFJ, and every day it seems is a reminder of how polar opposite we truly are. We solve problems the entirely opposite way; she often causes more problems and extra stress, and then...|||Nope, that's me too xD|||Yeah, that's me as well. Makes people mad when they discover I'm not paying attention to their rant :D|||What I hate the most, is when the shoe is on the other foot and said Feelers are deliberately deriding someone. I try to defend them, or at least tone down the conversation a bit, I am not on...|||SOOOO me. >,<' | 358 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Result: Tritype 145/451/514. So not too bad at all!|||I'm still waiting on a diagnosis (in a week's time) but I also am a 1 and believe what I've been dealing with is inattentive ADHD. While I do believe it makes my 1ness appear different, I also...|||Skeletalz - I love Death Grips! They are very 6 - 8 - 4ish but I sometimes wonder if the 4 is a disintegrated 1 instead. I think this is quite 1, but it's also very 6w5 - you feel me? ...|||According to the chart brightflashes posted, my status as an IN*P (it really depends where in my bipolar cycle I am for the F or the T, as sometimes I'm not very... able to feel) 1w2 is...|||Figure for type 1 seconded.|||Be a healthy 7, give them special attention. Always gets me!|||For what little it is worth, I type as 1 but previously typed as 4w5 before I realised what that reflected was a long history of depression/unhealthiness, and worked on recovering somewhat. I still...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSAIgEzXCHM :victorious: (so accurate though!)|||From a quick stalk of you, stranger, I agree with what you have here - although I wonder if you've considered 3w2 rather than 2w3? I'm not sure what else to say since I've been so quiet here...|||I'm an insta 7w6 - just add whiskey :crazy: laughing, playful, joking, very VERY touchy-feely, flirty as fuck, loud, ridiculous, but on the bad side I get really paranoid and confrontational. ...|||WELL. It's been great reading other 1s responses to these because I really do agree - I like to buy semi-high fashion labels and I stick like glue to the brands that I know make me look good (Top...|||Yeah, sure. For any art fans out there, it's by Leonora Carrington, who is a fantastic English Mexican surrealist artist. I like her work in general but this is the only one that resonates per...|||1w2 616746 616754 616762 616786|||A short shout out for those people who cited Noam Chomsky and Serj Tankian as 1w2; I don't see myself in a lot of people's 1 suggestions to the point where it's alienating and I do question myself...|||Ozzy and Black Sabbath are part of the black metal movement, at the very very start, which is essentially anti-Christianity. Associating Christian iconography and narratives with sex, drugs and rock...|||7w8 Bizarre mix of indulgence, hyperactivity and aggression in a song not surreptitiously hinting at a spontaneous orgy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lITuHDdhdkw|||9w8 so/sp|||It's funny you should suggest him, because I find myself going full Will Graham when I'm bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfqBRLoGgUc Will's a 6w5 or a 5w6, right? Nonetheless. I do...|||I suspect ol' Molks is a 3w4 or a 4w3, and this feels like that.|||Little note since a lot of you guys have mentioned it for me, I've been reading up on/considering 6 seriously for a while recently. The deep and essential paranoia and defensiveness definitely rings...|||This post really has me thinking! The number one thing I can't relate to with 6 is how many writers say they form their ideas from an outside network; take that away with introversion, mistrust and...|||Nerdy goff shit: Metalocalypse Nathan Explosion: 9w8 sp/so (4 fix?) Toki Wartooth (bumblebee): 9w1 so/sp Skwisgaar Skwisgelf: 7w8 sx/sp William Murderface: 8w7 sx/sp Pickles: 6w7 so/sx...|||Interesting what GnothiSeauton is saying. From your descriptions I am definitely 1 SO/sx. I can elaborate a bit more later but I am just thinking now, it's only just hit me that while I feel very...|||Agreed on 1 for classical and punk. There's a few 1s in punk and a lot of 2s and (counterphobic) 6s in my local punk scene. I would argue 6 and 9 for the indie landfill as well, maybe a bit of 3...|||I'd like some alternate suggestions for Salieri in Amadeus, because as far as I can tell, his only 4 quality is his jealousy. I think we can agree he is dissolved, whichever he is. I draw this...|||He's beautiful, kind, intelligent, my type, quiet, gentle, very sexy, peaceful, a good communicator, he isn't tangled up in my friends network, he lets me take the lead, our attraction is mutual, and...|||Thanks for the clarification - it was the end of your previous post that set off my heckles a little. I wasn't aware of your context there. While I'm not exactly stealth, I'm used to cis people...|||I'd like to address the prompt more in depth in a little bit, but I'd like to mention at this point that it makes me very uncomfortable, as a trans person, to see cis people projecting/hypothesising...|||as I've said before, 1s are ermines. bright, precise and capable of intense anger, we've all known a ferret with critical religious hangups and more than a few high profile court cases under its...|||:dry: :confused: :rolleyes: :wink: or for the folks at home |||She says we hurt each other without meaning to and neither of us can help it (but I hurt him by hurting when he hurt me, and he hurt me by being totally fucking unable to control his urges). She...|||So guess who had a sex dream about Sobek, Ancient Egyptian crocodile-headed god, last night? Wtf the fuck as they say.|||Similarly the 7s I know are fucking tough nuts to crack when it comes to their personal lives. There's this big, weird gulf where they just don't tell stories about their past/certain parts of their...|||Quang I think a number of 1s also need to reconnect with anger - they're constantly noted as blocking out and repressing anger as a bad feeling in the write ups. The thing is processing it right...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO2jC_qmcEE 174 sx/so - Kill Your Darlings ;) Another lover hits the universe. The circle is broken. But with death comes rebirth. And like all lovers and...|||For what it's worth, I'm an aspiring writer and the feedback I get from my writing groups and readings is regularly to the tune of the two sx-first results here. I'd be interested as to what...|||For fun. :) Best-best friend is ISFJ 3w4 sx/sp. Absolutely obsessed with being original but it manifests primarily as looking quirky instead. I love her to death; a person in equal parts...|||Type 8, 5 and 7. What was with some of those questions? The majority weren't even choices - or rather, questions which I'd have answered both to, because one didn't preclude the other. I...|||If you're curious about some Type 1 villains, we have a thread here - here's a few from that thread, but you'll want to check out the original for greater depth. It's interesting that the...|||4w3 - original, with a connection to 7 and to 3. Oddly your list is similar to mine. I don't find many other Felafel fans. He Died With A Felafel In His Hand Dogs In Space Taxi Driver...|||Ouch, hello. That was relate-able. I'm not one for the vengeance though, really; seeing my mess get their own was ultimately eclipsed by Worrying Greatly about their welfare. :o|||It may seem counter-intuitive, but I actually find this helps a lot and it's one of the arguments that's kept me going through the dark times. When you're in a desperate, grim position mentally,...|||Not 100% on instincts but suspect sx/so? 1w2. Been there. It's hard to explain exactly but for me it's an experience of intense emotional pain. I've likened it to feeling like you're bleeding out...|||I have personally encountered 3s who are impulsive liars (make up random shit about nothing particularly consequential - seems to be related to the thrill of pretending to be someone else), and 7s...|||I don't agree, for a few reasons. I don't think 'intense connection' is the same as 'connection for life'. I desire close and strong connections with my partners, and my friends - and while an...|||My understanding of 8s is a little behind so I'm open to the idea, true, would like to see what you have on it and learn a bit. It may also be that we've watched very different docos; persons seeing...|||I really like your 6 for Ozzy, I can see this side pretty strong and I feel many would straight away go for 4 off stereotypes. He is definitely not a SO first! Love 8 for Joan Jett too, you don't see...|||I don't have a desire to weigh in on this conversation, but I'd like to note that I'm a he, not a her. I do not identify strongly with a gender identity (in fact, I'd probably be what they call a...|||I was going to complain about it unsolicited but instead I'll do it to someone who Gets It: the next person who tells me I should be 'thankful' for it because it gives me an 'enriched life' can...|||Animal - you make a good point, and you're correct - I shouldn't have generalised. However, that does bring me back to the very inadequate distinctions between 4 behaviour and 1 behaviour and 4...' | 2,502 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Bienvenidos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKYavPyurPw&feature=player_detailpage|||Tamarillo: Color / 821510 / Tamarillo :: COLOURlovers|||Bump, Do I need to elaborate more?|||Here I go, I'm doubting my type again or maybe I never really knew it oh well Vamos. 1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental...|||How could I criticize that? We're just so Awesome.|||I w0uld m0st c3rten4inly b3 d!5ipl!n3d !f ! p0st3d th!5 t0 th3 INTJforum.com Anyways Welcome!|||Azul, Amek Thetsilith? Hope you enjoy your stay.|||Agree|||I toke Spanish and French in my American H.S. and am currently taking a college course in Spanish, among others. I love learning Languages and it is usually my best class. Plus I'm close enough to...|||https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/3450201344/h7859F4C9/|||Case analysis is one of the most general and applicable methods of analytical thinking|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Gqt2wxWFxGE|||Alright, In an effort to clarify my mind I have initiated this inaugural round of UC's Operational Ping-Pong. I Have been pondering about my type or instinctual preferences and wish to solidify on...|||I agree with Calvin , Of course if you believe Nicholas Cage is also Ted Cruz.|||Pants|||5'10'' 155lbs Average + Average|||I would say most Larry David characters and most Danny McBride chars.|||Although this is speculation is would say: ISFJ mom, ESTJ dad. I get along better w/mom b/c dad tends to dislike my arguing and thinks my displays of Ne are signs that I need more social interaction.|||http://www.ravenfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Morpheus-Meme_031913.jpg|||Personal ~ * Name - Hmm My Username is rather long, so I'll choose Pete as my nickname if you're lazy. * Male Location - NE Ohio, Usa. No. In Nature Age - I'm 18, I usually act like I'm...|||Nice to see someone of our Generation succeed, good luck and god speed on your job search, Ham (if you haven't already been recruited).|||Hello, I am the opposite of ISFJ, an agnostic and dislike Metal&95% of modern music, Welcome!|||I relate to much of that, except the Mormon part, and the Weight part, seriously just eat less, but I digress Bienvenidos.|||How long have you worked in the factory?|||Welcome and remember ideas do not matter if you don't use them. Organizing your thoughts into a cohesive idea then presenting your idea and letting others bounce their take on to yours is awesome.|||Welcome + Let that Ni Loose.|||Welcome! Watch This! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc6PMCx36Qw&feature=player_detailpage|||There's little reason to be intimidated unless you enter the debate forums, or sometimes current events. Although the information you will absorb if you carry an active interest in the more sciencey...|||xD It's a known fact that each type will think their the best.(perhaps) + WELCOME|||Welcome, and what an interesting major pair you have.|||You should watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=B0ALxdrq4bk It's worth it to follow it to YouTube.|||Bienvenidos y mantiene sus pantalones mientras monta el agua.|||http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3323/3231504746_1507a7b4bc.jpg|||http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3181/2625750698_b8149288b2.jpg|||Welcome + enjoy the bustling INFJ sub-forums.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0ALxdrq4bk&feature=player_detailpage|||Did anyone say Ron Swanson yet?|||You might want to curb your habits ENTP, because States are starting to outlaw laughing and doing nothing while watching a crime take place.|||Do you play the Pan Flute and Mandocello at the same time? Anyways welcome and don't forget to eat breakfast daily!|||http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4528945398222104&w=247&h=181&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7BIENvenue.|||Bienvenue et disfrute-toi bien. French 2 ftw.|||The I forums and the N forums are typically more active, with INTP being the most active imo. Welcome|||Is there a space in which the Universe is expanding into? ^ Enjoy + Welcome|||Welcome + Past a certain point I recognized what each answer pointed towards and type bias took over. The key is to find a good test and answer honestly I recommend this: Socionics Tests Do the short...|||Yeah, I'm the same way StormBlue . I'm usually quite shy but once I'm extroverted it gets fun and a tad chaotic. Welcome btdubs|||'Ello Slytherin here, great job countering the large lethargic mammal. + Your in good hands as the I and N sub forums tend to be the most active.|||http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5056036619619377&w=274&h=188&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7Isn't that picture awesome?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=lDdPGfvsfyI|||http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5032908228659070&w=213&h=166&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7|||(ENTP) I doubt we would/whttp://blog.caranddriver.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/lamborghini_egoista_three_quarter_front_view.jpgill see any correlation. Btw That's a Lamborghini...' | 8,094 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Oh I'd love to, but as I don't live there she'd just take it out on my girlfriend, who is even meeker. As good as it would feel, I'd feel much worse seeing her having to deal with the situation I'd...|||I'd never before thought of myself as a vengeful person, but recently I've started to realise that I might be, just in quite a low key way, that may basically be a form of passive aggressiveness. ...|||Thought it would be interesting to post this in the INTP section seeing as we generally like to think of our selves as pretty balanced people. What I mean by argument hijacking is when an...|||I envy you immensely. Do you never get disappointed at waking up? The dream journal thing might be worth considering. If my attempts based on sock theory prove fruitless I'll give it a try.|||I just realised that in all my dreams, no matter what the setting or situation, I'm always wearing the same pair of socks. All the rest of my imaginary attire changes depending on where the dream...|||Well thank you for your concern, what I'd have done without it I have no idea... I am chastened and ashamed for having the gall to discuss the topic of gender cultural norms, so do forgive me for...|||To be honest, that's another kind of mentality that bothers me. The whole archaic view that men should be dominant leaders. In the 21st century that's just such an ignorant view to have. If you are a...|||If there's one thing I hate about males in general, its the inescapable macho-culture. I hate it for a variety of reasons, most of which are the obvious feminist ones such how unnecessarily...|||Given that Aphrodite was meant to be a goddess of love and had millions of adoring worshippers, she was probably pretty narcissistic herself...|||Here I am, brain the size of a planet...|||The guy that has the thought of sitting there rubbing two sticks together to see what happens, and then half an hour later waddles back into the camp with his eyebrows burnt off...|||The main thing that I find annoying about the concept of spirituality is how people seem to think it has a monopoly over concepts and states that are not actually spiritual at all, but mental and...|||That's actually a very good idea. Hope you don't mind me stealing it.|||Thought this would make an interesting thread because I've heard of other INTPs with this problem As you may have guessed from the title, I'm useless at small talk. I find it as difficult and...|||The trouble with maths for me, is that I always end up overlooking a small detail or making a stupid but tiny mistake, which throws all my calculations completely off. I'm competent at maths but...|||When you sit down at your desk to do some work, and half an hour later you've not started, but have instead drawn up a plan to rob a bank using only a string of sausages, a badger and a small teapot.|||Personally, I think he's more left wing than he lets on. I reckon if he was as liberal as he wanted to be, he'd lose support from the more conservative Americans and so he has to act like he's...|||What if, at the last supper, when Jesus told his disciples that he would be betrayed by the one he dipped bread with and then did so with Judas, he'd actually meant for his other disciples to use the...|||I just end up baring my teeth. It's more of a snarl than a smile...|||When you're seeing a therapist about something, but after a couple of questions, instead of waiting for them to ask more, you just start asking your own and analysing yourself out loud. Thirty...|||Did you see the headline that they're linked to 100 race killings in the last five years?|||Other species have to scavenge and fight each other over the most basic essentials like food and shelter. Humans live in huge cities with as much food and water as we can eat/drink (obviously not all...|||To me, one of the things that make INTPs fascinating is our eccentric and unusual behaviour. We do things that to others seem mental but to us make perfect sense. I thought it would be great to...|||More naive than pretentious... What do you mean by too intelligent for our own good? It's been very good for us.|||Of course, because nothing screams security and self esteem like a 50 year old man who feels the need to brag to strangers on the internet that he's been having sex since at least the age of 30...|||I get pissed off by some people from NT types who, knowing that their minds are relatively logical compared to other types, assume that all their conclusions have been reached logically and thus are...|||Wile E Coyotte He comes up with these amazing, intricate theories on how to catch roadrunner, but always overlooks a minor detail, causing his plan to fall to bits and thus he ends up getting...|||We live in a time where surviving simply isn't as challenging as it once was. Its not like most humans have to scavenge for food and avoid being eaten by predators in order to get by these days. With...|||Then by your logic, your wife would plagued by regret for settling for you over a more experienced man... Your argument is wrong in many ways, but mainly its being a massive generalisation based...|||That is not strictly true. I doubt that there is much of a difference between the way that people of either gender respond to sexual history or infidelity. The logic behind why people respond...|||Well that escalated quickly... I disagree as I do think that man made external factors can be for all intents and purposes bad luck, as long as the person suffering the effect of the factor is not...|||Sure, because a child born with aids in a Somali village is just not smart enough and has failed to grab the right opportunities in life...|||There's no such thing as high standards, its just a thing people tell themselves they have because it sounds better than admitting that they're just fussy. It's like when someone who's really snobby...|||Likewise|||Fate is basically destiny, it means what is pre-ordained to happen. Karma is the belief that for whatever good or bad actions you make, good or bad things will happen to you to balance it out. Or...|||I don't believe in luck as a force that can be changed through totems, charms and black cats etc. However I do believe in it as a mere statistic. Everyone in the world will have things happen to...|||There really isn't any conclusive evidence that we do have this mysterious sixth sense, which is why its not widely scientifically accepted. Of course there are things we don't yet understand about...|||Actually I think you'll find that the brain cells can't regenerate... that's why people who suffer brain damage suffer permanently. If there is a decline in general intelligence (which I doubt is the...|||Oh well in that case that's fine then :p|||What a charming wife you must be :p|||You are a poor poor liar.|||I suppose nakedness would make people feel more comfortable in their own skin... but I'm English and nakedness (like comfortability) is a crime. It would be unheard of to even think of leaving the...|||I normally avoid posting things about me in threads like this, but that just makes me feel like a hypocrite for reading other people's posts so here goes... Currently in a relationship with an ISFJ....|||Haha I'd hate to see you in a pessimistic mood then :p I agree that nowadays we see a lot more people acting stupidly, but that's mainly because the media knows that it makes for more entertaining...|||The world is not getting dumber at all, quite the opposite in fact. We only think it is due to the news and social media causing us to hear about all the stupid people in the world, whereas...|||where did you find this guy?|||That doesn't answer either question|||I suspect you may be an expert on the subject of third rate intellects :p I'm always saddened when I'm going through the INTP forum (a forum supposed to be for people who prize being rational...|||Have you never read the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Humans are the third most intelligent species on earth, dolphins are second. They constantly try to communicate with us, but we just...|||I'm not sure I know what you're saying, could you clarify?' | 669 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to the forum!|||Hello! Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Yeah I've definitely had this problem. It seems like I just can't get my point across in a way they'll understand. And sometimes those blank stares I get from people really bug me.|||Grand Theft Auto 5 this spring. Yeah boy. :cool:|||I plan on hearing all the stories about poor fools that took reckless, foolish and dangerous action because they believed the end was near. I can't think of anything that would be more entertaining...|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to Personality Cafe!|||Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Breaking Bad Boardwalk Empire Louie Game of Thrones Sons of Anarchy The Walking Dead Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia|||I really enjoy this video. And I would say yes it is.|||Got a few. I'm sure there are many more people who would consider me to be their friends but I tend look at them simply as people that I don't hate....yet.|||My life in a nutshell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P785j15Tzk|||Welcome to PerC! And don't worry man. You'll get out of the rut. I wish you the best.|||Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||We are glad to have you here. Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC! And your English is just fine. :proud:|||Self-imposed desensitization. I expose my self to something so much that it does not even effect me after a while. It usually works. :proud:|||Daffy Duck strikes me as an ESTP. Seems to be a very in the moment type character.|||If I had to guess I'd say ENTP|||Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friederich Nietzsche Manchild in the Promised Land by Claude Brown The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli The Collector by John Fowles|||Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome to Perc!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to Personality Cafe!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to the forum!|||My friends are usually fucking around by like hitting each other and putting each other in head locks and shit like that. I think its kinda weird but whatever. Anyway, they always leave me out it for...|||Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome to PerC! You sound like an INTP in my humble opinion. Dislike of conflict and compassion for people you care about wouldn't necessarily make you an INFP. It depends more on what you use to...|||Mulan is my #1 favorite. Lion King is a close 2nd.|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome to PerC! | 6,092 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Hahahaha. This is like me, it's scary. I usually rant to my cat though. Sometimes I rant to her about the dogs..|||Through Her Silvery Body - Swallow the Sun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n31AnIp4WTM|||I was not offended. I actually found your comment funny. But you can assume what you want, I suppose. I was not aware that, in order for me to find something immature, I must be personally...|||I read non fiction crime books fairly often.|||No. Oh shit, this has to be ten characters.|||My last status was about this (A marathon span: World's longest sea bridge opens - World news - Asia-Pacific - China - msnbc.com) news article. I am from New Orleans, the home of the Causeway, which...|||I am a very safe driver. I am also fairly new to driving. This may have something to do with it, but.. I am a very cautious person, and what some would call a Nervous Nelly. I don't trust other...|||Xd 8d lolololol u guise|||I have never had dreams of flying, that I can remember. Most dreams I have had that I remember are terrible and a gorefest. If they're not that, it's usually a dream that involves me trying to solve...|||I know ENTJs online and in real life. The ENTJ I know online is a cool guy who I get along with well. We play video games together. The ENTJ in real life is my ex boyfriend. We had somewhat similar...|||LOL! I don't even know what to say. 8D|||INTJs are just so good at covert insults that the insultee is never actually aware they had been demeaned.|||My INTJ father is a staunch atheist. He was raised in a very Catholic household which was none too pleasant, and I think it led to him eventually questioning the faith. I can't be certain though. ...|||You interpreted my words as being arrogant. I am to the point and do not cater to individuals who get personally offended over something that wasn't aimed directly at that person. I never...|||Maturity at its best..|||Exactly, I think differently than you do. Just because we differ gave you no right to call me bitchy and mentally ill, among other things, in earlier posts. I found that rather offensive.|||Perhaps, but my train of thought is just as logical as that one. Paranoid? Ok, thank you for your subjective opinion..~|||You are generalizing my way of thinking. Of course I don't distrust everything. I have stated over and over again why I have posted here. In other threads, there is generally no REASON to lie....|||It's all good. :) I would never have become the grammar/spelling nazi that I am if it hadn't been for a good friend of mine teaching me the error of my ways when I was 13/14. Heh.|||I'm sorry that you couldn't understand. Perhaps I should have said you all or ya'll (I'm southern, haha). But really, you is both a singular and plural second person pronoun. The way I used...|||The only reason I commented on this topic is because, on every forum on the internet I've EVER been to, there has been a thread similar to this one. And no one has ever really posted an IQ under...|||You did not have to post this to prove your intelligence to me (and, I suppose, everyone else on this thread). In my post, when I said you, I was talking to everyone who had posted. You'll notice...|||I'll let you believe what you want. When I said you, I was speaking to everyone in the thread, not just him. Of course I am not aware of the small number of people who are not lying about their...|||Erudis: It's good that you admit it. ;)|||I don't recall, though I imagine it was something that isn't even remotely complex. But to unread boys, it was something otherworldly.|||Yes, I have read our type description. I have been going to forums like this one for a few years now. Because of that, I have seen numerous threads just like this one where NTs (mostly INTPs)...|||I'm an INTP, but I flux between INTP/J. Anyway.. I'm 16 and I am told this. A lot. Especially by those in my own age group. My most recent experience was in my Latin II class, where I used a big...|||I usually try to imagine colours and shapes that are moving, flowing, etc. Something akin to the newer versions of the iTunes visualizer. If it's not that, I'll imagine a scenario (sometimes...|||18406 Heyo.|||What do you mean by this exactly? Is it that, because we are INTP, we are thus more likely to have a superior IQ? Or...is it that, because we are INTP, we are more likely to place a high value on...|||My IQ is poo like you so shoo. Also, I like how everyone on this thread has a conveniently high IQ. *whistles*|||Yeah, so. I posted early last year that I had returned. What a LIE that was! Anywho, here I am again - and hopefully I won't end up lying this time. :laughing: It's been a while since I seriously...|||I don't like doing it in public, either. If I do, it usually feels like a contest to me, and if I don't win, I will be upset.|||My ENTJ is a cat person. Hm hmm.|||I personally don't do drugs like weed, coke, etc., as I have no interest in them. *edit* The few times I have been drunk, I got drunk alone at home, and I just acted more philosophical and...|||My ENTP friend got bleary eyed at school, once, when his girlfriend left him. That's about all I know.|||You'll find them here, on a forum. We do go out, and do normal things, though. Good luck spotting us. We're like goddamn chameleons sometimes.|||Thank you all for the greetings. It's nice to see some familiar..faces 'round these parts.|||They do. Honestly. I think I've witnessed it a few times. It was cute. :blushed: Though, once the INTJ finds that they have revealed this ''weakness, they will desperately try to cover it...|||I'm an INTp, so I guess I'll comment here.. I never really felt the need. I always knew that I would mess them up, anyway, because I had a habit of biting my nails. Plus, I liked to skateboard...|||Mine is either a complete disorganized mess, amass with icons and an extremely busy background, or it is almost completely blank and customized, with one or two icons, no task bar, and a simple...|||The first NT I met was an ENTP, and we got along marvelously. I did not know he was an ENTP until years later, after he took that Big 5 personality test on Facebook. We could sit and talk about...|||I enjoy doing this when I myself am not in the relationship. It is much easier, and more enjoyable. I am told I am helpful when it comes to solving these problems for other people. When it involves...|||So, I've gotten a few messages that inquired as to where I had run off to. Truthfully, I've been a bit busy with life and travelling, but now I'm back. I figured I would come visit here and take a...|||Spot on, in my opinion. INTJs do roll things over in their heads, though. We know this. They also make an effort to, like you said, be assertive with those ideas, while I personally would rather...|||Oh man, I understand that completely. Both of my parents are INTJs.|||Oh my. Seems you've run into quite a few bad seeds. Luckily for me, the INTJ I speak of isn't bad at all. In fact, I have a bit of a thing for him. He just confuses me (with how he acts sometimes)...|||Yep yep. And boy, is it fun.|||I take that as You should confuse the crap out of him and then lol while he scrambles for an answer to your behaviour. Sounds like a plan. *thumbs up*|||*lurk lurk lurk* :cool:' | 4,880 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | Cheers for the tag! 1. What is your favorite food? I dunno, erm pancakes? But crepes ones or whatever you call them (not the thick American ones) If that even counts.... 2. What is your...|||Well, like others have to disagree with the chart on quite a lot of the stuff- mostly because its trying a little hard to fit them all into one type per character but I wouldn't say it's completely...|||Just to promote the ESFP case for Matt, later on in the season his Fi gets messed up and he sort of Se-Te loops for a while. As well as his poor Ni this season. Also, this persuaded me a little more:...|||Redo of my thoughts on typings after mass re-watching and season 2: Matt: ESFP- the guy sucks at Ni but the SFP argument has already been made else where so I don't wanna re-make it. Foggy: ESFJ...|||Thanks for responding, I guess I could see some Se-you make a good case (and I'd love to hand her over to the ENFJs). I still feel everything Blanche does is entirely past-orientated- literally all...|||Could I ask why you think she's written as an NFJ? (I don't see any Ni but I'm interested to know where people are seeing it-I could be persuaded that's she's ENFJ).|||From the interviews I've seen I'd suggest ESFP or some Fi-Se combo but I haven't seen all of the above so ,eh, I don't know. I see Se in his hyper-in-the-moment-ness that he displays and his...|||I over compensate Ti, it doesn't come naturally as it should if it was higher up. For example, I love analyzing things but I go way over board some times and perhaps ruin something completely fine...|||Just wanted to say hi from a newly discovered ESFJ (well, last month counts right?) We are essentially unicorns in the land of PC so its nice to see others pleased with their type..... ...|||I think naturally talented people and people who have worked really hard to cry on command can. I can't imagine this has anything to do with cognition though. I think Fe-doms might be more prone to...|||I think Four is hyper-aware of the difference between how to social obligations vary drastically from abnegation and dauntless and behaves accordingly in the novels e.g his behavior towards Tris when...|||I don't think this has been mentioned on the thread (if it has, forgive me) but I think I remember reading somewhere a couple of years ago that Roth wrote Four as an ISFJ as she wanted to base the...|||Oooooooo this is interesting...... I have seen half the film (yeah, I'm awful) and have studied the play so I'll just give my thoughts on the play's types to be contrary... Blanche: ESFJ.... I...|||We'd band together and whine to one another about how terrible our type-stereotypes are.... and enforce a mandatory ESFJ appreciation day wherein everybody has to pat their nearest ESFJ on their...|||I use it when its appropriate to do so..... Wow, that was a great response. I feel like me being short factors a lot into this seeing as for me to look into some people's eyes feels like so much...|||I'm just posting to subscribe to this thread because I don't have anything new to add the discussion but am interested in people's viewpoints (essentially, I agree with the majority in all the...|||Thank you, I struggle with abstracting/summarizing what I'm going on about and this is exactly what I meant.|||Yeah from my description, I see what you're getting that. I wanted to use a real-life example, unfortunately that one is hard to describe without risk of not getting my point across very well. My...|||I agree with you, you sound like you have inferior Te that is, all the stuff about failing to be able to dismiss your emotions and consider your feelings logically. All this does seem to confirm that...|||Essentially, what everyone else has said. Fe sees something established in the outer realm an obligation; Fi decides what it feels is right to do. For example, I had a conversation with an Fi...|||Sorry this reply is late. The things you're saying about Si, are indeed Si, particularly if you're doing this to get as much information about this new thing as to either compare it to something...|||Your probably, from as much as I can tell from this questionnaire, an INFP. You seem particularly Fi heavy in Scenarios 1 and 2 so that would at least rule at ISFJ. You seem Ne/Si too but that's more...|||I've no clue what you mean here, sorry.|||RubberDuckDudette Don't worry, my statement at the end was more cautionary than it was descriptive. That thing with the air-con though, this person is harsh. I think the main thing you can do is...|||[QUOTE=houdini;23231393] Jessica: ISFP (I believe I witnessed Fi-Te) QUOTE] Could explain what makes you think she's an Fi-dom? I'm not sure she has good understanding of her emotions enough for...|||Agreed. And yeah, throughout the show I was unsure whether she was a 7 or an 8. I'd probably go with 8 right now but she's a pretty complex character so I might change my mind later.|||[QUOTE=Rainquility;23220913] I'll do my best. Although I might need to start from the bottom up. I apologize for the elaborate breakdown. As far as I am now, episodically, I believe most...|||Nice typings. I agree with a lot of these... I think you've hit the nail on the head with Malcolm being an inferior Se user: he desperately tries to control his chaotic environment or disregards...|||I've just finished watching Jessica Jones. Great series; its nice to see Marvel do really dark plotlines. So, what are people's thoughts on typings? I'm not sure on any of these but I just...|||I'm sorry that this woman is being inconsiderate to your friend but none of these behaviours necessarily indicate that she's an Fe-dom. She just sounds like a person with general inconsiderate...|||That's great, its nice to see that its given you some guidance (although also remember MBTI is thought-process not a box so if you end up being an engineer or something, I'm sure you'll equally excel...|||All that sounds very much inferior Se and Fe to me. That is, reacting to circumstances instantly but otherwise being dis-jointed from your surroundings while still wanting to please. Particularly the...|||Those descriptions seem fair but I would say inferior Se leads to ignoring the physical world or over-fixating on it (alike all inferior functions). I've also found these that might be helpful (in...|||cherryfox22 Have you got these from 16personailities? They definitely seem familiar, I know I've read them somewhere. Those descriptions don't reference functions at all. They're just making...|||No problem, glad to be of use. I'm just adding on to say that I'd also just caution you with the initial tests that you took (such as the above) because they don't look at functions, only the four...|||I very much agree with LolTengu. You seem like a typical INFJ: so much Fe here you poor thing! I would advise (if you haven't already) looking at the functions the INFJ uses that is, Ni-Fe-Ti-Se (in...|||Has anyone given any further thought to Sam's or Dean's enneagram? I know it was a topic on here a few years back but I can't find any recent discussion of it. Anyway, so I thought I'd make a few...|||Sx/Sp|||Interesting question. If I'm alone for a day (without interacting with anyone I the real world) I'll absolutely hate it. Its not so much that I don't have my own thoughts and musings: I just need to...|||Odd questions but I see the points you're getting at..... All of these require a lot of knowledge about the trains and their occupants.... How would I know the hammock man was on the train? Did I...|||This bit rings true for me and, I imagine, most high Fe users: Because of their chameleon quality, they will embody whatever their delicate gyroscope tells them to embody at any given time. INFJs...|||I just finished series one about a week ago! Just as the new series has started which I won't be able to watch..... I clearly suck. Anyway, awesome series. I would post my thoughts about the...|||I agree with most of these. And I feel the same way about Aragorn.... he seems like some weird ISFP/ISTJ mash-up. I might be inclined to think Boromir as an Fe-dom just because of his manipulative...|||This seems like inferior Fe at work. I too have thoughts like this but as an Fe-dom, I can compare them with my environment and know that I'm being irrational. Inferior Fe is somewhat detached...|||Basically what others have said, If I got to the point when nobody cared about me and there was no way that I could see of meeting new people, I might reach a stage of considering it. However, I...|||lette 9w8-7-3 so/sx apa ENFP 714? atenea INFP 5w4 sx/sp Axwell 3w4 sp/so Bathilda INFP 5w4 so/sp 593 Blue Flare INTJ 7w8 sx/so cerenach ENTP 6w5? sx/sp charlie.elliot INFJ 9w1 so/sx Choice...|||Outwardly, most of us feel the need to be socially acceptable, at least to same extent. But inside our heads, we can be whatever we want.... So how socially acceptable are you inside your head,...|||[QUOTE=mushr00m;19407842] Two [QUOTE] This is a fairly decent description, I wouldn't exactly disagree with it. However, I think I did come across this description when I was first reading into...|||I knew the ENFJ one would be telepathy.... ENFJs always seem to be associated with mind-reading (the film version of Charles Xavier to name one).|||Yeah I agree, I think enneagram 2 ENTJ would definitely work for him. In fact, I seem to remember in the season 8 finale when he's being'cured' he screams 'I just want to be loved!' or words to that... | 8,130 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'ahhh my heart just melted reading this.... you, my friend, are of the few that get it. congrats & keep it up. =)|||AHhhh ...This is me. I'm so glad i clicked on this thread and discovered that it's not just me. phew! This also extends to my love for my friends. I know a lot of people that only have one...|||Wow, seems like she's going through a lot all at once. My heart definitely goes out to both of you.... I have a tendency to do the same in extremely stressful and emotionally taxing...|||I think mine's pretty legit... =) I like that everyone has different top character strengths. Hurray for diversity! 1) Love You value close relations with others, in particular those in which ...|||GAH YES!!! My most recent ex-roommate is an ESTP, she turned what once was a happy save haven of a home -- into a dreaded pit of hell that i was scared of coming home to each night. Most of...|||I agree with this 100%. I was my most grounded/balanced self when i lived with my INFP roommate. After she moved out, I had an ESTP move in and we definitely clashed and couldn't find a way to...|||I agree that INFPs and ENFJs are very complementary to each other. My very best guy friend is an INFP -- but there was never a romantic interest from either side, nor will there ever be. We...|||WOw. Well there's clearly something going on behind the scenes that he hasn't articulated to you. But keep in mind what he HAS already articulated to you (however minimal). He said You and I...|||I can safely say that I'm the same way as far as reciprocal openness. I'm an open book in the most relatable sense, I willingly share information & stories that facilitates a shared closeness. But...|||Call me superficial, fake, and naive. I confess that I keep people at an arms length, with rose colored glasses on. I instinctively keep my friendships at an arms length. I meet a lot of people...|||Mad mad mad respect for Tina Fey.|||This is me. I come from a long line of very strong independent women. My dad & the men in my family are very kind, compassionate, respectful, and super supportive. This is what I look for in a...|||Yes, there are definitely opportunities to collaborate/work with other musicians. I played in a lot of ensembles, quartets, composer recitals, and the orchestra -- so that was fun. But although there...|||Great to see that you're pursuing music! I started out majoring in music when I first went to university. I played the Harp -- and absolutely loved my instrument. HOWEVER similar to pmj85, I...|||I love seeing everyone's different yet similar interests! Go ENFJs! =) I like.... - hosting intimate parties, gatherings, & themed potlucks - brewing my own organic specialty beer - going...|||I think my takeaway from my situation is understanding my friend's comfort levels and drawing those boundaries between myself and her romantic interest. And also being able to clearly express my...|||OMG WOW -- when i read your initial post I already had this exact thought in mind! One of my best friends is an ESFJ, 7w8 with a VERY strong sexual subtype, followed by SP/SO. I've always known...|||Short explanation of how i 'choose' my friends... There are some people who make me feel warm, fuzzy, and ooey gooey inside. These types of people make me feel happy by just standing next to...|||I just came here to give a virtual *high five* to all the >6 females .... read through some of the previous exchange in this thread. Made me think of this article titled: How Many People Have you...|||Nice to see other veggie ENFJs out there =) I've been vegetarian for about 7 years (with the occasional consumption of fish). Of course, I tend to make the exception that whenever I travel to...|||A couple of weeks late... but here's a Happy New Year picture for you all! Me on the left and my ESFP dance partner/guru/friend on the right, who continually inspires me & warms my heart. <3 59202|||I generally think it's more beneficial to stay on good terms than not, with the exception of being completely screwed over by your ex (in which case, i'd tell them to fuck off). Granted, trying...|||Oh man -- yeah, so my best friend does exactly that... and she's an ESTJ. Sometimes yes it was indeed circumstantial -- but admittedly other times it was a lapse in judgement and I simply forgot to...|||ooo... I'm Blue, Sensitive Tan, Violet Also i'm a type 2 (so/sx/sp). Sounds about right!|||AH! this is me... So most of the other responses were in reference to SO's.... in which I'm in agreement on. I'm definitely not a jealous lover. BUT I can be a bit of a jealous friend. I don't...|||This is a great question. Akin to the other responses... I also feel like I'm an open book. Willing to share very personal information, and generally very relatable to all types of people that I...|||How are old are you? In my late 20's Where are you from? California How long have you been on Personality Cafe? lurker for 1yr, active for 3ish months Other forums you frequent other...|||Hmm. yeah. I do the same when i'm slowly transitioning out of a romantic interest into a platonic one. Like i previously stated, my preference is to remain friends... especially if we've taken...|||eek.... this is definitely me. So i don't think it's necessarily exclusive to ENFJ males. I don't know what it is, but I tend to know if there's something there or not relatively quickly (2-3...|||His Fe shining through during his speech to his campaign staff, post election results... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBK2rfZt32g][SIZE=2|||Here's an article in the huff post about ENTJ Romney vs. ENFJ Obama written back in September. A pretty interesting read & run-through of why the two are typed that way.|||Likewise.. Only, when I first meet another ENFJ (and i don't know it yet), we'll totally vibe and the connection is off the chart. I feel like whenever I meet new ENFJs, they're all so...|||Ahh I also VERY briefly dated an ENFJ about a year ago. We immediately clicked right off the bat, and I felt like we got each other emotionally -- more than I've ever had with another person. But...|||Ahh yeah... well he wasn't/isn't always like that. I just listed the worst of the worst that pissed me off.... I could go on and list all of the wonderful positive INTP functions. But that wouldn't...|||Lol... just want to preface this with the fact that this isn't an attack... I'm listing what seriously pissed me off about my ex-INTP bf. Needless to say, my list should be taken with a grain of...|||I'm more or less very self aware.... and also aware that i can be pretty twisted sometimes when i want my way. Being a master of the art of inception can be dangerous. With great power, comes great...|||To me, I feel like Halloween kicks off the Holiday season here in the states.... Pumpkin carving transitions us to pumpkin eating, which then fattens us all up for 2 months of insatiable gorging...|||Whoo hooo! Time to share Halloween pics: 51811 Costume 1: This is me and my INFP bud. I'm Krysta from Ferngully, and he's a scout. 51812 Costume 2: cheesy robin costume that I borrowed. My...|||I would answer your question with... yes, but it depends. ha. But in the content of your context provided... i would have to lean more toward the he's prob being friendly. When I was in college,...|||lol, as i was reading this i was thinking.. pshhh. isn't this the pot calling the kettle black?? But you redeemed yourself in the last line. haha. ;)|||oooooo same.... uck. There are two rules that I try to abide by if I know it's going to be a late night. 1) One drink an hour rule. This one helps me keep my composure, considering the fact that...|||Ahh yeah -- I have two very close INFP's in my life (one male, one female). When I first met them, I was drawn to each of them and we immediately clicked with an elevated level of understanding that...|||Left of the center. Although I seriously believe the issues that are important to me are non-partisan... unfortunately there's a tendency for things to naturally get politicized even if they affect...|||So I read this article today: 9 People You Become When You're Drunk ---- SUPER HILARIOUS BTW. And indeed, I'm definitely not all of these when I'm drunk, and I may have a higher affinity toward...|||I'm guilty as charged for doing this.... but only after long drawn out emotional turmoil and consistently getting burned by the hot potato at hand. Like the responses above me, I do keep a wide...|||Locally made, eco-friendly, reclaimed wooden earrings. =) 50493|||Ahh i'm guilty as charged for joining the Meetup and not (yet) attending an event. You're about an hour away - so not that far, but just out of the way enough to make it difficult to fit in my...|||Good Question! You know, i never even really thought of it myself until this very moment. There are things that I 'notice' first that catches my eye... but then there are other things that draw...|||I guess i'd just like to echo what's already been articulated in this tread by everyone else... Personally, I tend to internalize criticism, whether it's constructive or destructive. Outwardly...|||This thread is hilarious btw! love love love reading through these posts. In all of the recent threads that I've been able to briefly read through, I feel like ENFJ's are quite good at...' | 1,249 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Yes, we are identical twins. It depends. Most of the people treat us as a single unit, but people that get to know us, people we are good friends treat us as individuals. Aquintaces on the other hand...|||I am good at figuring out what people are thinking about, but i am bad at figuring out how a person is feeling.|||Infj.|||Yes i think about it. But mostly because i am annoyed. When i think that someone has a crush on me i can never be 100% sure that that is true. I hate when thing are not certain. All i can do is try...|||Like most of us, according to replies, i was more extroverted as a kid then i am not. I was never the ringleader, that was my brother.|||I was interested in this one ENTP girl for over 3 years now. I made a mistake in the start because i am given to understand that ENTPs like to be pursuers, the ones that would initiate anything if...|||Video editing, programming, psychology, morality, it, anime & manga. I think that most of them are typical interest for and INTJ.|||I do not know. I have never been in such a situation. If i would try to guess, i would probably say something like and what of it? or and now what?.|||I knew one INFP and one ENFP and we got along very well until we split up because of work.|||If someone is skeptical then a person should be skeptical to the notion of no god as well as to the notion of a god, thus making the person more of an agnostic rather than an atheist, right?|||I get how someone could get confused by that. But the cause for that is not INTJ being cryptic but rather another person having delusional expectations from an INTJ.|||Maybe the person is giving clear and understandable reasons to why he/she is breaking up. For example, telling someone who is annoying that they are annoying and that that is the reason for the...|||Most of the time, but that depends on the person i am talking to. Sometimes i just choose not to talk my way out of it.|||INTJ. Scotch and beer.|||I do not think that INTJs are cryptic. In fact i think they are among the most straightforward types.|||Of course it is. What did you expect from an ideology that revolves only around money...|||Yes, i always try to have a backup plan. I also think that is because of Ni, rather than P/J.|||I think that INTPs are the best at that.|||Preferences.|||What is considered to be rock these days is not really rock. But real rock will, in my opinion, not lose relevancy so soon. There are many sub-genres of rock, and the popularity of those sub-genres...|||Privacy is one of the most important things to me. I hate when someone is violating my personal space and when they are poking their noses in stuff that is not their business.|||I think that some INTJs have bad tempers. I am one example of such an INTJ. But, i think that ISTPs are maybe the most feared types in such a situation.|||It is not unique. It is just how different people think. If someone has the chance to experience something they should do it because it is better than the imagination. But, it will not have a great...|||My communication style (if you can call it that) is: You talk, i will listens. If you ask me something i will answer honestly. It gives me problems when i am talking to any introvert that i do...|||I think that some people do not think how their experience would be, whilst other do (probably Ni and Te users). So if someone who did not think about how their experience would be, they can...|||It is not just those two functions that makes one do something very different than the other. It is a combination of all undeveloped and developed functions. For example, INTJ maybe would to the...|||I was a quiet kind looking at atlas for half a day.|||Ciel is an INTJ, no doubt. And i think that Sebastian is an ENTP.|||Light - ENTJ Misa - ESFP L - INTJ Ryku - ESTP Rem - ISFJ|||I think that i find ENTPs to be the most intriguing.|||No. There is no reason to.|||I mostly get offended when people do not refer to me properly. By that i mean that people i am not very close start calling me by some stupid nicknames whilst i prefer to be called only by my real...|||I like the ENTPs and INTPs abilities, but INTJs ability is good too.|||To make 'good' decisions based on facts requires high intelligence. However, a person can make a decision based on only the facts he/she knows. So if one is not intelligent and is making a decision...|||Intelligence does not relate to functions. Thinking and Feeling function just show how a person makes decisions, it does not show their intelligence.|||I think that it is important to follow your passion, what you are interested in. However, in some circumstances that is simply not possible. Maybe it would be prudent to go with what you are good...|||I never hated myself for being an NT, but in some situations having other functions more developed would have helped more than did those functions i already have developed. Example; when someone i ...|||INTJ Punk rock, progressive rock, grunge and classical.|||I can not understand that behavior. According to them, i am not allowed to say something truthfully if someone's feeling would be hurt by my statement. It is basically, That will offend me, ergo you...|||I do not know about the other NTs on this forum, and will not try to generalize it in any way. But, i think that i am indeed superior to others when everything is taken into an account. And i know...|||Most Likely to succeed: ENTJ Most Likely to become rich: EXTJ Most Likely to cry for no reason: INFP Most Likely to say I told you so!: ESXJ Most Likely to adopt a stray animal: INFJ Most...|||I work as an call agent in tehnical support and have heard my fair share of stupid statements. But when one young women said that her Facebook machine is not working i just went blank.|||I think that types with inferior Se are worst in living in the moment. Those would be INTJs and INFJs.|||Watching anime, reading, playing basketball and drinking.|||I look back to the past if decisions that i made then have a big effect in the present. I think about those decision a lot, and i am regretting most of them. I think about them to find a way to undo...|||I am extremely arrogant. I have the tendency to correct people. Small talk is not my thing.|||I did stop caring what people think. Several years ago i was greatly influenced by what people are thinking of me, but somewhere around when i turned 18 i just stopped thinking about it.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i79M4nKW1Ms|||Otonashi: ESFJ Yurippe: ENTJ Angel: INFJ Hinata: ENFP Takamatsu - INTJ Noda - ESTP Shiina - ISTP Fujimaki: ENTP TK: ENFJ Matsushita: ESFJ|||I speak Croatian (native language), English and Japanese.' | 286 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'so i just logged on for the first time in like a year and i see this. tankz luff :) (even though i'm an intj u bish)|||wow you people are stupid now i remember why i left here in the first place|||i can relate to anyone, so yes.|||http://i56.tinypic.com/e6o8w2.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUlEw4xAG-0 ii saw spaarrrks|||i need to stop reading anthem i'm 6 chapters ahead of everyone else and my teacher's gonn be piiiisssed|||HOLY CRAP YOU'RE ADORABLE i don't know where the off-|||i adore this, just so you know|||http://i56.tinypic.com/ip3a4z.png HMMMMMMMM|||OH MY GOD FRANK WHEELER http://images.allmoviephoto.com/2008_Revolutionary_Road/2008_revolutionary_road_002.jpg yes please|||lawl, good way.|||siiiiiiccckkkkkk|||YouTube - Teeth In The Grass - Iron & Wine|||easy a :) emma stone is hot and i love her http://famousmonstersoffilmland.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/emma-stone.jpg dawww|||LMAOO it's just funny to me and i had to post it somewhere. i thought it'd be lulz if it was in this thread.|||http://i53.tinypic.com/j0cja0.jpg jawn as a teenager aka jinamuro HADDADOITBRO|||OH! how could i forget stephan from the science of sleep? http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8c85wcsrw1qbihq7o1_500.png <33333333|||FIRST OFF, donnie darko.<333333333 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_A3qmCc3xJzk/S9C9NepoRuI/AAAAAAAABgo/4NmeXxNe8cs/s1600/Donnie_Darko_TOP-1.jpg jordan from lovely & amazing <333333333333333333333...|||yyhhhheeyyy <3 YOUS NOT A TEDDY BEAR NO MORE YOUSA ROBOT D:|||LMFAOOOOOOOOO uhhmmm i'm cleaning out a birthday party sooo i need to leave. oooh my god you're officially my favorite person ever. potatoes <3|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEgM3aJQBLc|||looking at stuffed giraffes & food pr0nz annnddd listening to neutral milk hotel whuttafag|||i type EXACTLY how i type. that's why most people can't understand me when they're talking to me on the computer. a lot of the things i say on the computer, you have to say aloud to understand. but...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5qXVODCvC8|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQIGDyEkngY|||congratulations! :happy:|||singing having to pee IM'ing three people whose names all start with a J thinking about brushing my hair being high off painkillers :)|||awh poop. you should make another one. you should talk about potatoes like i did.|||90% of the time, if i see it's someone's birthday on the home page, i'll write on their wall. most of the time, though, it's only me that's saying it. :c is it possible for one of the admins or mods...|||i think the fact that she is attentive whenever you speak is one of the more clear indications that she is at least attracted to you. talk to her! :happy: hmm.. the way you described her, i...|||you brought up something else that i forgot to say! when i find out people stalk me on facebook or even on personalitycafe, i really don't mind. it's.. flattering to me, that i'm that interesting to...|||if we decide on skype, keep in mind that in group chats (more than two people), you can't show video (at least in my experience, they may have updated it).|||:) ahh joseph gordon levitt. he's one of my favorites, just because he's in one of my favorite movies called Mysterious Skin. he was good in inception, too, but god.. that was a great movie. if you...|||dude. super sexy. i've never seen ian curtis before but he's... very attractive. but jake gyllenhaal is always #1. HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO THIS FACE?...|||Donchu put that evil on me, ricky bobby!|||http://i53.tinypic.com/20iuzav.jpg does that mean it's down? it just does that for forever|||YouTube - Brand New - Play Crack The Sky|||H says: good morning Canada... need me some Timmy Ho's!! wow i dont even live in canada and i feel offended who the hell calls it Timmy Ho's naomi says: LMFAOOOOOOOOOO OMG H says: more like...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l7wgatR0ur1qdrp9io1_500.jpg|||you're adorable and you have a shins quote in your signature. you're officially super cool.|||jake gyllenhaal. http://whi.s3.prod.lg1x8.simplecdn.net/images/3390745/tumblr_l4e473znft1qcqzhto1_500_large.jpg?1281890627 ...|||eating an egg white sammich mmmmm|||YouTube - The Postal Service - Sleeping In|||lmfao you're so cute those are... trees..|||lmfao i love this.|||i fucking LOVE that movie. i am watching scary movie 4 right now. so lulz.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEILFf2XSrM|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnbl94GZ6TM|||is it still not working .. ?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePNRTnR3GbY' | 3,564 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I have no idea what I missed But I see there is booze So I'm in o/|||How do you define identity? I guess it would be the experience of me being me as opposed to being... not me. How strongly do you feel your identity? It's not something I pay much attention to...|||PMs seem to be running a lot faster, which is good. Has that glitch where you can't get to the last page of a thread been fixed?|||I came for the learning. I stay for the community. o/|||Third or fourth, not entirely sure. This would have been the late 80s.|||Type and U.S. Political Party Affiliations The best info they had was a survey done in 1998. http://politicaltypes.com/images/National_sample_typexparty.png That's almost 20 years ago,...|||Is this possible? It's kind of a PITA to have to manually keep re-adding the names as recipients when the discussion involves three or more people.|||Is there a person in your life who seems pretty similar to you, with whom you would like to have long theoretical discussions, but you get frustrated when they get tired quickly and ask what the...|||O.o o.O What in the name of Cthulu did I just watch? and whhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy|||I'm famous! o/|||He's just baiting you at this point, you know. :tongue:|||She's also a 3, and you're not. :p|||see? you didn't think I should have apologized, or taken the group feelings into consideration, or adjusted my tone to make people more comfortable.|||Ahahaha. It usually consists of Fe person accusing me of being rude and me accusing them of bring illogical and there is much staring and suspicion until we find common ground again. o/|||Bossy. :p Seriously, I know you mostly from mafia, which skews things, but the fact that you and I have never gotten into a Fe-Te clash makes me extremely skeptical of ESFJ. ¯_(ツ)_/¯|||Once upon a time there was a plan to use them to make voting easier: http://personalitycafe.com/mafia/334114-mafia-lv-o-brother-where-art-thou-signups.html But there was no way to keep people...|||Firstly, because I'm still a 6. Maitri: http://personalitycafe.com/type-6-forum-loyalist/151541-type-6-excerpts-maitri.html Moreover, physically attractive doesn't mean the guy has the juice...|||I'm looking for a partner in a place where the chances of mutual interests is pretty good and some guy makes the first move before I do? Of course I give him a chance. It may very well not go...|||I used to become lucid pretty often years ago when I was on meds for depression. It was very frustrating the first few times when I'd realize I was dreaming, but get frustrated because I didn't know...|||:unsure: :dry: :happy: (happy should be read as Hi! I'm going to kill you later and it will be fun!)|||Your dominant personality type is Type Six (17%) Type Six 17% Type Eight 14% Type Four 14% Type Nine 11% Type Three 11%|||Well, yes, but we're in the enneagram section here, and his most common typing is my own 6, specifically 6w5, and I just uuuugh. Do. Not. Want. /have seen cases for 4 and 1, but I doubt they want...|||Hitler. /:bored:|||Executive. Your quantitative reasoning score: 68.75% Your future-based reasoning score: 81.25% Your evidence evaluation score: 56.25% Your cognitive awareness score: 68.75% Funny, I kind...|||Let us meditate on this. Ohm, Ohm...|||Hi! I've been sent to say hi to you. :3 Welcome to the forum!|||Okay, so hawkataine told me about this thread a few days (weeks? adk) ago so Ima post mine and go back and listen to everyone else's is that okay? Cause if it's not, I'm going to do it anyway, so...|||http://img41.glitterfy.com/15114/glitterfy5221535745B81.gif|||I used to do this often while I was on meds for depression. Got pretty annoyed by being fully in control though - I want to turn my brain off at some point, you know? I was supposed to be resting....|||Mama Pain fixin' to whoop your ass, girl!|||Thanks for the answer.|||Just for the record, whatever the problem is it still exists and is still very frustrating.|||Fairly quiet. I don't particularly enjoy *socializing*. I might hang out with someone one-on-one if I like them. If I do engage with a group it's because I'm interested in the activity - like, I...|||Type 6, Slytherin. :kitteh:|||I did. I thought at first it was all cleared. Now it's down for the kindle again.|||Okay, it's working now on my Kindle Fire but not on any of my desktop browsers. Have deleted cookies, cleared cache, etc. They're on the same router.|||Yeah, I'm still needing a proxy to log on. :unsure:|||Stopwatch I still lean Ti dom, and 6 core, probably 6w5. (You've always got that faintly concerned air about you that 9s generally don't.)|||*twitch* You hate us all and never want to mentioned again, don't you. :crying:|||Trust, to me, means: -you do what you say you are going to do. Reliability means a good deal to me; if something comes up I need to know early so I can make other plans/arrange for an...|||Hey, you! *waves* I'm sure you'll be dogpiled in no time.|||6w5 sx/sp If they needed killing. Which includes warfare, death penalty, self-defense, defense of others, physical/sexual abuse, abuse of power... probably some circumstances I haven't thought of...|||Hi. You'll catch on in no time. Mwahahaha... :happy: This one isn't my fault. 0:)|||:laughing: (the spelling error makes me twitch, though.)|||if you're not careful you're going to find yourself kidnapped and hauled off to the far reaches of the forum. Don't worry, I'm the doctor, I'll protect you. You've activated a force beyond your...|||He does have that sense of humor and the general vibe down. Hi. You're secretly plotting things and looking for reactions, aren't you? I get the feeling you are. :happy:|||I like owls. :kitteh: (Except screech owls, cause they creep me out.)|||I always hated it. I hated the minimum page requirements, I hated the need for outlines. I absolutely loathed the teachers who required an outline before we started writing-- how am I supposed to...|||Lol, I've seen it said about 6. Even more commonly used as a slur implying someone is not just 6 but one of those icky phobics and nobody wants to be one of those. / people. :rolleyes: I swear.|||Anyone who wouldn't take me seriously because I type at 6 is an idiot not worth wasting my time on. :tongue: As far as being dismissed for my views, I've had it happen a time or two in Mafia, but...' | 1,001 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'My ISFP friend seems to consistently like ExxJs. I think he finds it comforting to have the other person be the stronger personality, because he feels like he doesn't have strong personal preferences.|||I think ESFx types can be very alluring to INFx types in general. My current partner is an INFP and he always seemed to attract ESFPs more than any other type, as well as a couple of ESFJs. ...|||The Secret Window One Hour Photo Death of Seasons The Beach 21 Grams|||I just want to say, I love this thread. It's so refreshing, so much that's internal and that feels out of reach to describe is being given in such beautiful language. For my own part, I've always...|||To create without doubts at every step. To lie with someone and feel a part of them rather than another entity that clings. The ability to think clearly around others.|||Stalking. Always with a face turned towards me. But it has no expression. It is nothing but a jagged shadow, and its spikes can never be seen. No face, no limbs, no discernible appendages to...|||The Man From Earth - I've met no-one (IRL) who has heard of it before I've brought it up to them but most people who have seen it seem to like it. It's definitely interesting, if you enjoy a film...|||What is your Myers Briggs type? INFJ Which are the Myers Briggs types you are most attracted to ? (pick max. 3, in preference order) Hmm... ENTP, INFP, ISFP Which are the Myers Briggs types you...|||I believe it's true and I believed it was true before I actually fell in love, but I sympathise in that I wasn't entirely convinced I would be able to sustain it for another person. Love is seen...|||It varies way too much within types. I'm decent enough at maths, which is lucky because I have to do a lot of it in a chemistry degree... However my INFP boyfriend is just as good as I am and my ESTP...|||I have more friends with a sensing preference that ones with an intuitive preference. I've often found that when I'm with other intuitives we can end up 'talking around' each other. We go off on...|||Since it's supposed to lower inhibitions, I imagine it could have all sorts of effects. One of the interesting things is that it doesn't necessarily make you more extraverted. For my part it can...|||^ Thank you :happy: Imagine the depth of humanity we would have within us after that. Do you ever want to just float and be separate from yourself? To not be held back by being your own person?|||I always want the person to feel like the gift is connected to something deep down in them. I kind of don't like obligatory gift-giving like christmas and birthdays because it overwhelms me to be...|||I would have the world stand still and repeat until I had spent one day with every person in the world where they told me every dream and desire they'd ever had. I would ask to know the souls of...|||INFJ 1w9. My perfect christmas starts with waking up in bed with my boyfriend. We lie there cuddling for a while, remembering we have each other. Then we make food together for everyone, but...|||I relate, but I feel that struggling to communicate is a problem everyone faces. However, some people make sacrifices in what they accept as being 'close enough' in what they intended others to hear....|||Currently dating an INFP too. In my case he's also an enneagram type four which makes him very intense and hard to reach sometimes. I love him. Much more than anyone I've dated before. The simple...|||I'm the same way with fluctuating. I was really up and down with people I had feelings for because it changed on my mood with them. When the relationships were going badly it totally disappeared for...|||I can't tell whether my INFP boyfriend has the higher sex drive or me... It's really refreshing that we take turns jumping each other's bones though :laughing: It never worked with any of my...|||Life in a backpack I am a knapsack Tender my dreams Utterly obscene I make a scene I'm ice-cream Give me my box-car And tell me my dreams Life, it is cake Knife can relate|||These are all very true for me too... Is it a Judging thing to be constantly anticipating? Whenever I know I need to be somewhere I'm always thinking about the fact that there's a particular time...|||That's really awful to hear you're getting this kind of treatment :sad: Some families really need to just butt out sometimes... It sounds like he cares a lot about you and you feel the same way, at...|||Not really sure what type you guys think my brother is, he displays quite a lot of contradictory characteristics in my opinion. I'm wondering both what you think MBTI-wise and enneagram if any of you...|||I wish I could accept that people are unhealthy for me, instead of obsessively finding faults in myself to excuse the way people treat me and my friends. Sometimes it's better to let go even though...|||I know one, though she could also be an INTJ. I would describe her as caring but a little clueless about people and somewhat judgemental. She also lacks self-awareness (says she is secure in herself...|||- What were you like as a child, were you inherently charming? Did you immediately take a liking to strangers? I was a lot less withdrawn as a child. Other than that, I don't remember a lot. -...|||Introversion/Extraversion is the most important because all other functions are subservient to the dominant one, which would be unknown if the first letter was scrapped. INFJs and ENFJs can be...|||It depends what you're talking about. Actual education is built for a combination of N and S, which is the healthy way for things to be. This is less the case back in earlier levels of schooling...|||I want to be a perfect person, no matter how unrealistic it is to expect that. Any time I hear things people say that I can imagine being problems they could have with me I start believing that it is...|||I've self-diagnosed as having Dysthymia for years. I've always been a bit depressed and unhappy but the really serious parts only come now and then, usually they are triggered by me screwing...|||Honestly? Miserable. I'm trying to grow up, be responsible and make the best out of my limitations, but I feel like a failure. It used to be intermittent but now the noise is permeating my head and I...|||Yep. In my case I think it might be because my dysthymia has been getting worse though... I'm struggling to work on something that I know is due soon because I feel like there's no point any more,...|||I expend so much effort trying to have the right facial expressions, it ruins interaction for me. It doesn't feel like I'm really feeling what I'm displaying, I'm too wrapped up in showing the...|||One of three flaws: - That I put things off because I feel like I'm not capable of doing them well - I cannot outwardly display my feelings in a way that matches their intensity. Usually my...|||This is one of the points where MBTI breaks down and no longer becomes helpful. It is largely irrelevant what type a person is when they are depressed, because a depressed person needs someone to...|||I'm afraid you're just perpetuating the stereotypes. Memorizing is presumed by self-identified intuitives to be the only way that sensors learn. To put it bluntly, if you think this then you are...|||The one INFP I know IRL seems to collect you guys... He already had a couple of ISFP friends in his life when I met him and then when I introduced him to my ISFP friends they loved him too. It's...|||My love interests have typically been IxFx types and one ENTP. But I didn't date any IxFx types because I could never push myself to ask them out, so instead I ended up mostly with ESFPs, maybe an...|||I... actually did it... I'm flabbergasted... All my paranoia, lack of self-confidence, confusion melted away when I flat out asked him today 'why did you ask me if I had ever been interested in...|||I understand why people feel this way but I still ultimately disagree. It is indeed a powerful commitment, but the argument 'if you don't get married then you don't want to commit' is an argument I...|||Marriage would probably hold more weight if it didn't seem like 'showing off' the relationship. It can undoubtedly be a symbol of your love and trust for each other, but ultimately you feel the way...|||Thanks to all of you for your suggestions, I've been avoiding dealing with the situation like a coward for the past week though... but I have updates now! We started talking about past...|||I don't intend to ever get married. I very much hope I will find someone that I will spend my life with, but not married to them. I don't like the concept of marriage. It speaks to me of the need...|||She has to be willing to grow a little and to respond positively now and then when you ask a question. The hard part is learning to phrase your questions so she realises you're actually asking her...|||I've never understood the grouping myself. I tend to find INTJs think in a far similar fashion to me than other NF types. As well as that, I've seen an INFP gravitate towards ISFPs constantly. Plenty...|||I too believe that it's a continuum. Bisexuality itself suggests a significant shift towards the middle to me. As in being significantly attracted to both, rather than strongly preferring one and...|||I'm having a real problem working out a situation that's come up recently from meeting this new guy at university. He's a type 4 INFP that I met at a board-gaming club thing and after we got over the...|||Hey that sounds like a tasty sandwich to me :tongue: I don't see that as being very serious though. I think close friends have a tendency to do similar things because they often became friends...|||No problem! Interesting to hear about this 'mimicking'. What kind of stuff does he copy? I'm intrigued as I can never imagine fashioning myself after any of my friends, I am curious what might...' | 3,496 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | '9w1 (INFP) Not aggressive at all. I can't even remember the last time I've been angry at anyone (since childhood), maybe passive aggressive at most (disappointed, critical, judgmental, anxious,...|||me: INFx (probably INFJ) mom: ISTJ dad: ESxx (I think ESFJ?) I've never felt deep connection with my parents, but we get along fine.|||tired of being asleep as dreams pass by without you it's hard trying to live this life it's all just fake like forgetting what it was like|||INFP's.. whenever someone gets really close to you, remove your beautiful rose-tinted glasses for a second and just take a good look at the person. It's also important to ask your (close) friends'...|||Yep, I can see a lot of myself in that picture.. Here's one of my pics from last year if you want to compare (my eyes are not as pretty though): 102874|||Well, yeah but I don't necessarily mean innocent in a naive way.. maybe more like the look in little babies' eyes before their ego is developed, before they even learn to talk. It's childlike but...|||I've gotten a lot of complements on my loving eyes and I'm starting to wonder.. Maybe it's this certain clear, intense, warm and friendly, curious stare.. big eyes, open eyelids, small pupils.....|||By the amount of butterflies in your stomach ;) Infatuation: sexual attraction, limerence, can be obsessive and irrational.. Liking: friendly, brotherly/sisterly, neutral, platonic..|||Here's one definition (although it doesn't include Spiritual Love): http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Triangular_Theory_of_Love.svg|||I thought the Fe stands for feminine? 100690 :tongue:|||..or in other words, they have undeveloped Fe :wink:|||When it gets very personal When it sticks in your head When you feel it in your gut When tears appear When it changes lives|||beets https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7770925568/h3947CB37/|||n00bs|||arses :tongue:|||tears http://www.thethingswesay.com/img/2411.jpg|||Welsh http://wtfcontent.com/img/130201082683.jpg|||sales http://wanna-joke.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/funny-picture-sales-not-that-bad.jpg|||rafts http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/picture/Mac2311/water-rafting-launch.jpg|||You can give up on anything But Love won't give up on you Even if you lose your way Love will find you Be still and silently catch your breath You've been running too fast Give it...|||http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/5657293_700b.jpg http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1308517744_acf378dbe7370c135f30435ff8645daf.jpg scuba|||I personally have no respect for recreational drug use, but I can't say I'm against it. I've never been into drinking that much, I used to drink only 1-3 times a year in my teens and I never...|||http://25.media.tumblr.com/a04bfd9ba557523bb396b86f04136586/tumblr_muhc3xuzSy1r3mh0to1_400.gif|||Ricky http://brojsimpson.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/rick-rolled-links-header.jpg|||me too. shell http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GteAoEBEJIc/TvYQEfRVIEI/AAAAAAAARk4/SXd7gE52l94/s400/Shell.png|||selfy (aka selfie) https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7589560832/h1D40672A/|||http://cdn.arwrath.com/2/234257.jpg|||Elfie http://www.mommyrambles.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Screen-Shot-2013-12-05-at-9.55.45-AM.png|||As a fellow INFJ with sleep problems, I would NOT recommend weed (or any drugs).. For some INFJ's drugs can make things worse, by (possibly permanently) increasing brain activity and stress/anxiety...|||Demon :kitteh: http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/azb8Yvz_700b.jpg|||steak https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/3219451648/h5D515BA2/|||clips|||I've searched for my Self through spirituality, but the spiritual growth seems to be an endless process. It feels like it's going very slowly and in small steps, but every now and then I recognize a...|||licks|||I might have been depressed for many years without even knowing it. Looking back, I've had some of the symptoms of depression since my early 20's, but I didn't really think about it because in some...|||stabs Yeah, sorry.. I just had tohttp://www.wordforge.net/images/smilies/troll-face-meme_tiny.png (I won't do it again)|||goatse http://pichars.org/store/4436_original_tumblr_ln3t7w7zfo1qb5gkjo1_400.jpg|||I'm the shadow of your pain, holding you against me tightly, so you could hear me calling. You're the still waters of my sadness, flowing deep inside me, in a stream of whispers. The...|||http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/cat-claws-baby.gif%3Fw%3D376 what are these entp babes up to...? I mean, yeah we luv you too ;)|||lots of similar quirks.. - quiet sounds/beatboxing with my mouth, or tapping rhythms with my fingers - twisting and flipping a pen (or some other object) in my hands when I'm...|||i'm not attracted to you, i'm only attracted to the thought of you. i don't miss you, i miss the dream i have of us. i don't want you, i just want the fantasy. it's always an...|||Never been IN love, but I'm (hopefully) on my way. I'm actually slightly scared of falling in love, but that won't stop me from trying. So far I've only had a few (mild/mental) crushes.. and...|||Count me in|||I don't know if I'm good with them, but I use them sometimes.. With metaphors my words are like snowflakes on your tongue: Easy to catch and when it melts it sinks in :tongue:|||Not necessarily quintessential infj films, but some random flicks I might recommend to any NF-types: Jacob's Ladder (Adrian Lyne) Bad Boy Bubby (Rolf De Heer) Studio Ghibli anime films...|||It will be very interesting, inspirational, and beautiful to see how this dream becomes reality. Thanks for sharing, I wish you all the best.|||Very difficult to find true love, at least for me. So difficult that I've become depressed. But I promised myself I would never lose hope. My advice for younger INFJ's: Don't wait for TOO long|||90187 8 months old happy drooler 90190 8 years old, elementary school class picture.. I still can't believe I pulled that off :D|||It's true that people need to learn to deal with their issues themselves.. but not everyone has a close relationship with their family, or a friend who would understand them. And you're right about...|||I think this happens with INFJ's too. I guess many of us have some kind of friendly aura and kind looking faces.. I mean just look at the photos of INFx's on this forum, we're teddy bears :happy: ...' | 3,977 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Employers would have trouble digging up dirt on me digitally as well. Always give a fresh e-mail address on a resume. And just don't use social networking sites. It's as simple as that.|||Number one should be, You don't lie very well.|||With a graduate degree in English, shouldn't you be able to teach that subject at many different levels?|||My definition of stupidity comes from an intuitive perception of a person's total capacity for learning & knowing. If the person doesn't have much capacity, then I label that person stupid. Hence,...|||http://www.fireworks.com/images/contest/fireworks-60372561.jpg Show me something phantasmagoric.|||You'll be pleased to learn that you match the profile of a: Survivor As a Survivor, you have a strong focus on getting what you want and getting it quickly. You believe in the survival of the...|||Hi. What I wrote in my first post to this thread wasn't meant as rhetoric. I figured that according to my past observations into the realm of spirituality, psychology, and the occult, I had...|||Use infrasonic weaponry.|||People are fundamentally neutral. The interactions between the mind and the environment are too numerous and complex for people to be labelled fundamentally good or evil.|||My room. It has a door with a lock, a computer, books, paper, and supplies.|||I would say, personally, that I think that the Enneagram types do exist, and perhaps the wings as well. The instinctual variants are what I note to be present in most people's personalities rather...|||It takes a lot for me to feel comfortable with a new pair of shoes. I usually have to spend about two hours in a store trying stuff on to make sure that it fits before I feel safe to buy. I have...|||I think ESTP.|||One of my favorite Fantasy authors is David Eddings. He wrote some pretty neat series, with one character whom I found to be extremely memorable, Polgara the Sorceress! All of his characters were...|||http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/2815438.jpg|||Considering that it is indeed possible for people to hack a webcam and stream footage from it at their whim, I have become paranoid about this and I normally tilt my cam away from me when I'm not...|||I've already written 666 on the palm of my right hand before. Does this count?|||1. Yep. 2. Sometimes. 3. Never. 4. Always. 5. Never. 6. Epitome 7. Without trying 8. I'm both totally serious and not serious at all simultaneously. So I can't say. 9. Occasionally....|||I'm an apatheist. I used to be religious, then decided that it was bullshit. Now, just in case I've missed any corners, I don't care whether or not God exists.|||When most people say this, they aren't asking me to listen to them but to believe what they say. Of course I'll listen, but that doesn't mean I'll agree.|||I'm feeling worn out, listening to Animal Alpha, exploring a new game, and thinking about reading a book.|||Anything by Terry Brooks. Including the Shannara series. He's INFJ :). (NiFe)|||I don't yell very often because I don't find a reason to. There are times when my voice can be loud and times when i vacillate to it seeming suppressed. If I do yell at maximum volume, there is a...|||Chances are that you're already as intelligent as you want to be. Give yourself more credit and don't measure your mind by the standards of others.|||Sun, Mercury, Venus in Gemini. Moon in Cancer. Ascendant in Sagittarius. :>|||^ No replies or further input?|||I think going my own way defines me. And not in a non-conformist conformist way ;).|||Speak not, whisper not, I know all that ye would tell, But to speak might break the spell Which would bend the Invincible, The stern of thought; He yet defies the deepest power of Hell. -P....|||Oooh! Another ENTP! Hi! I like reading generally. As well as playing text-based roleplaying games called MUDs. If I can get myself to doing anything productive, I like programming. Sitting...|||I'm currently eating an apple. Red Delicious variety.|||My most favorite subject in school was either something to do with computers, or chemistry. Least favorite would have been Geometry. Or P.E. I think that if I tried to learn Geometry on my own...|||I would like to have some snow here. Hi :).|||My favorite color is either indigo or electric blue.|||(I know I'm not INTP, but I still wanted to make some comments. The two types are related, no?) This is something that I've thought a lot about personally. I know I have a pretty big ego when it...|||No, I don't. *sprinkles cinnamon on the cream* *hands a napkin*|||*hands it to you, with whipped cream dabbed with a hazelnut covered in maple syrup* Hi :).|||Yeah, people aren't monolithic. We all have different building blocks. I'm technically an extrovert but I act like an introvert. I'm quite shy. I'm also a Gemini, so one might say that every...|||What makes me mad? When other people tell me what to do, or if I feel as if I'm being controlled. I like to go my own way. Anyone that interferes is going to get smacked in some way, shape, or...|||Same here. An ounce of the stuff will give me the shakes. I stay away from most teas too for that reason.|||Have you ever read the books or seen the movies about the rats of NIMH? They are some of my favorites!!!|||Hehe, I'd say my favorite animal of all would have to be the wolf. Secondly, the raven. And lastly, the wise old owl. ...|||I've thought about possibilities of personality relating to the types of the parents involved. But I don't think it's a simple correlation between introversion and extroversion. There's one guy...|||My dad is an ISTP, and my mom was an INFP. I think I got along with my mom better because she was always into crafts and stuff like that. We did activities etc together. My dad has a hard worker...|||But not the taste. :). Hey guys. I'm a 20 year old guy living in the USA. What's up?' | 8,172 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | You have no idea how loudly I just laughed while reading this sequence... while proceeding to stare at the favorite black slacks I'm currently wearing. The pain of finding this relateable. It's...|||Saw the post earlier, don't know which personal rule it broke. Internet was being cruel to me at the time though, so I wasn't able to say thank you for the response. :o But I will say that was...|||https://i.imgur.com/Gs1I2Hl.jpg Do I get points for wind-blown hair effect? :v jk|||Haha, I might give it a shot when I get the chance. :) Thanks for the mention!|||Awww, you mean I have to turn in my 'Complimented by Popinjay' card already?! Fine, fine. :p Guess I'll just keep a scanned copy for memory's sake! (Kidding, kidding! But Golden Candle , you...|||Haha, I know. I suppose its a natural habit that once someone provides a viewpoint, I'm inquisitive towards it. Strong arguments have been made for both 5w4 and 5w6, as well as 4w5 as a heart fix in...|||Hmm. Interesting observation. If I may ask, what is it that stands out to you that filters into a difference from 5w4 to 5w6 instead? If I recall correctly, the 6 is known for basing much around the...|||Just did one of these for enneagram, and it's been a while, so to start off, if one needs reference to see my perspective, here. ...|||Ah, I'm aware this is for enneagram. I more or less was implying that views have alternated a fair bit, so I'm curious to whether people will view that any differently, just as they did with MBTI....|||It's been a while since I've visited this thread. I'm quite curious to see if anyone holds the same opinions they once did (I've had people range their conclusions from INFP, INFJ, ISFJ, to INTP,...|||Well, I don't want to derail the topic, but I'll try my best to explain the dynamic in a shorter fashion than I usually do (because my Ne is haywire 90% of the time)! Long story short, the INTJ is...|||Lately I've been interested in testing the integrity behind the theory of hand dominance affecting the brain's cognitive abilities, as it's said that children who are forced to switch hand dominance...|||On the contrary, I'm quite proud of my renovating/home decor skills... If only the room were.. Ya know... mine. :dry: Pornhub? If by that, you mean Wikipedia and Pinterest, then yikes. Guilty!...|||Supposed to be cleaning. This seemed like more fun. I'm overwhelmed with enthusiasm. :dry: http://i.imgur.com/5dGs0Ap.jpg|||Just saw this. Haha, thank you! While I'm curious as to what purple botches you're referring to (unless it's the little bruise on my arm-- because hyper dogs, leashes, and the ability to open doors...|||I wonder how many languages I can count to ten in after studying as many as I can for an hour...|||Well done thus far. I got the result that aligned with what's been suspected of me, which is INTP. I like the consistency that flows through the method in this test. It's not necessarily forcing you...|||Heh, thank you for the compliment! :tongue:|||Thanks! Hah, the thinking never stops. Sometimes, I wish it would. Pretty sure it's the key ingredient to my dark under-eyes. :p|||Well, I just woke up not even 10 minutes before taking this picture, so I was all kinds of bedhead. With that said, I most certainly appreciate the compliment. Hahah. I looked back at at the photo...|||Birthday was 2 days ago, haven't been on in a while, other photo threads are dead, got really bored.... All of these seemed like a good reason to stop by. 'Ere ya go.~ ...|||I'm back. Celebrated my 27th birthday yesterday. Exhausted, but you still get a picture. Here you go. http://i.imgur.com/jz89U3T.jpg|||Been a while since I've poked my head in here. Just celebrated my 27th birthday yesterday. STILL exhausted. But have a picture. http://i.imgur.com/jz89U3T.jpg|||Haha, yes-- exactly. I've always been better at remembering where I placed an item when it's specifically out of place. I guess because logically, it stands out that way. :P Occasionally, I'll...|||Is there seriously not anyone at all that's played Witcher 2 that can offer insight on Iorveth's typing? This game must be way more obscure than I thought. :/|||Whooo boy. Doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere with this one. Asked in several places, and no response. Hmm. Interesting.|||Anyone? Tried the video game thread with no avail. :(|||Santa Gloss Puts a new meaning into being so pale you literally glow in the dark, eh? And only if I get a badass role. :p|||So after skimming the stickies a thousand times, I somehow missed this one. What about Iorveth from The Witcher series? I've seen a lot of people say ENTJ, but he has what I think is more of an...|||Ello there. Just gonna leave this here. Hope you don't mind. http://i.imgur.com/TanGoys.jpg|||Alright, before I get this started, I know that there are other Witcher-related threads here, but none of them seem to cover the characters I'm looking for, nor are they active, and I'd really prefer...|||For me, love is not 'ornate', rather than a simple acceptance. My mindset plays out the simple reality that emotion does not need extravagance to exist. It's hard to say how we show love without...|||Absolutely a researcher or Shaman of sorts. Between the need to learn and philosophical complexities of the world mixing with the urge to understand, I could see the latter clear as day.|||It's hard to say, as I do not believe in 'evil' people, rather than the actions, which I personally cannot claim are evil simply because I oppose them. I've picked up fascinating conversation with...|||My avatar and username are both more of a... thematic touch, if you want to go with that terminology. My avatar is a picture of me that I edited in what I felt was a symbolic manner befitting to...|||Thank you very much for the name change. :)|||If it's all fine and dandy, I would kindly like to request that my username be changed to Saturniid. Thank you in advance. :proud:|||*Snickercough* Oh my, how amusing this night has become because of this thread. :p|||It's an interesting question that warrants more research (not that I mind that). The reason I specify the neurological system is due to the fact that from what I gather, plants have some degree of...|||Please do. It drives me insane when people come here for advice and then do this, leaving an empty thread and clueless people that were otherwise willing to give advice. :frustrating: To OP: I...|||Oh, this looks like a nice little gem. Thank you. I've not entirely explored the depths of the INTP forum quite yet due to being mistaken initially as an INFP instead, so I poker-faced around those...|||Current thought: The true depth of 'communication' and reaction in plant life, how comparable it may be to the human neurological system, and whether or not I can find any patterns between chemical...|||Heheh, I see now. No harm done. :)|||http://i.imgur.com/BCQZXLR.jpg Intentional picture, yet I look so caught off guard. :frustrating:|||galactic collision Hm. No offense intended, but I find it of little logical relevancy to categorize one's enneagram type based solely on their horoscope. Enneagram types are more directed...|||Hm. Admittedly, I'm curious to see who might agree or disagree with what my type has been determined as. I was once typed INFP 4 wing 5, though I believe a questionnaire cleared that smoke after...|||I'm glad to see this has been efficiently narrowed down to a majority of one conclusion. Thank you all for your help. I am curious, however--because of the cognitive structure of INFP (Fi Ne Si...|||Very much an INFP by the looks of it.|||Mild necro incoming~ I have two Desktop PCs and a laptop. One deskie is my office PC--HP Pavilion 500 017c. ...|||I've no reason to disagree. | 6,667 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I got 23|||YAYYYY!! XD Can I have a cookie instead? :proud: So I read somewhere on google that 2 new Harry Potter movies are coming out soon (not so soon)... Sorry to intrude on your ENFP happy thread, I'm...|||IDK why but at first glance, as I was scrolling, I thought the title was The Harry Potter Thread. Then I scrolled up and realized I was wrong :laughing:|||-Code Geass -Death Note -Darker Than Black -Elfen Lied -Naruto -Psycho-Pass -Angel Beats -Blue Exorcist|||Imo Most sensor NT: ENTJ (because of Te, and tert Se) Most feeler NT: INTJ (I cry a lot lol ) even though I don't show my feelings to random people, it doesn't mean that I don't have any. I'm just...|||:laughin:|||Lol thank you. You just made me laugh. Let's build a mental asylum for INxJs on Mars and put a huge sign on the gate Only Ni-doms allowed, if you are not an Ni-dom, you will get eaten by aliens...|||488714|||My teenage years weren't so bad. I was a straight A student. I wouldn't say that I was liked by my classmates, but I was class president twice. I was never bullied. I was a loner, spent most of my...|||That would be me :tongue: So... Has your Fi been restored?|||I understand... And you are right about this. The world is corrupt. Most women nowadays are sluts. Whether it's being attention whores, or sleeping around, or cheating, or fantasizing about other...|||infpgiftncurse So what is the reason of starting this whole thread? All the girls you were in a relationship with cheated on you? OR Is it just some random observation of how most women these...|||The question wasn't intended to me, but who cares. Here's my answer: I personally don't fantasize about different men. Not all women are the same. I value loyalty, I am loyal and I expect my bf to...|||Welll.... Sure a lot of women are like this, that is correct, not all of them though (or is it just me?). Thing is, in general, if a person (whether it's a girl or a guy) truly has feelings for...|||If she agrees to go out on dates with you, then she likes you. INTJs don't agree to go out on dates just to be nice. As for taking too long to text back... She's busy and when she reads your...|||Depends... On the situation and on the other person's level of understanding. Most of the time, I remain calm and speak in a calm voice. However, my patience has its limits so I raise my voice if...|||I'm an INTJ and 5w6. Nice to meet you Ree :happy: Search in the new posts. If you find some interesting topic, give your opinion or correct someone who's wrong just like huhhh said. You could also...|||Hey there ree thoughts :happy: :welcome:|||Yeah lol. Cinder's plan? I know that part of her plan is taking the fall maiden's powers (hence her name Cinder FALL). If it's not his semblance, then what was it? I'm currently rewatching Code...|||Merry Christmas Everyone :happy:|||Lol again? You guys already argued about rape and abortion before, what's the point of repeating the same debate? It's not like anyone's gonna change their opinion :tongue: Video games though, that's...|||Lol you guys keep fighting :tongue: What was the latest fight about? How's Dark Souls so far? I finished watching all available RWBY episodes... Waiting for Chapter 7. :bored:|||Hey there :proud: It's been a while... I hope everyone is okay :happy: So anything new/any changes happened since I was gone?|||What is his personality type then? And are you okay? Aww thank you ^_^|||Hi everyone, how are you? So what happened these last couple of days, what did I miss?|||I think Light is type 3, 8 and 1. (unhealthy though obviously) L is a type 5.|||1-How is RWBY not amusing? The fighting scenes are amusing. The story line is amusing. 2- ... 3- There are cute guys (well cute anime guys, but still cute) 4- Last time I checked, a plot is...|||I've been wondering the same thing! :shocked: IMO, you cannot love everybody, it's impossible, and even if you manage to do so, then your love would be divided on a countless number of people rather...|||I thought Gary Jule's version from Donnie Darko was the original :shocked: So yeah I meant that that one is the best.|||Maybe maybe. Yes lol. You just noticed? I don't blame you, I just noticed that there is absolutely no decoration not even a photo frame in my room today :tongue: (Was the first time I really...|||This is a cover of the song Mad World from that awesome movie Donnie Darko (one of my favorite movies). The original is better, and much more melancholic, have you listened to it?|||This does seem tricky... What about his sarcasm? We're not cold, we're actually quite soft inside. And you seem very stressed considering the typos (Here*afraid*) :tongue: And just talk...|||shinynotshiny I'm curious to know what your opinion is. Please do share :happy:|||Dude, please, Hey Gem is always bewildered :tongue: :laughin: just try She is vindictive and she does act rashly and gets too emotional when she's angry :dry: Did you start that work you...|||I have reached this conclusion a long time ago when she broke my PS :dry: I still cannot understand, why did she break it? Why not sell it instead? Or hide it? :rolleyes:|||Alright. Hey :frustrating: I used to always get straight As when I was in school, and I still haven't failed anything at college. And nope not suicidal, it's stupid to give up before even trying....|||(My mom calls them cartoons :frustrating:)|||So you usually read between the lines? If someone says something, you consider the possibility that it's not just what it appears to be, that there is a deeper meaning to it; and you can guess the...|||You're using dislike, would have preferred, it's stupid => Fi?|||I do see feelings in you. I said that I don't see feelings in what you speak, that you do not express your feelings often. But if someone reads between the lines, they can know how you feel. Except...|||I remember that post! It was so long ago!! Poor 5 :sad: Well if Barakiel is ENFP, then Joy In The Dance is not.|||http://pix.iemoji.com/images/emoji/apple/8.3/256/face-screaming-in-fear.png|||Yes yes she can't it's sad :bored: Some type I get along with :laughing:|||I'm gonna start watching Season 3 after I'm done with this assignment that I keep delaying to start :tongue: I can assure you that you and Joy are 2 different types. If you're an ENFP, then she is...|||That's nice! First day of the year! :proud: You're going there on vacation or work? (You mentioned a contract)|||Joy In The Dance you only watched one ep?! Why? I agree that the chances of Barakiel being ENFP are low. I just can't see him as an ENFP. Not being able to pick a side during a debate means...|||It's a Christmas miracle!!!! How lovely! :tongue: RWBY? It's AMAZING so far!!! The story line is interesting, the characters are cool, the fighting skills are awesome. Everything is awesome. (I'm...|||Same: Decoration, Christmas Tree, (I do not decorate my room though, there are no decoration in my room at all, I just realized that :shocked:), dinner on the 24th, church on 25th and family lunch...|||They are? :shocked: That's a first :tongue: I just finished watching season 2 of RWBY! How's your leg btw? And have you decided on a personality type yet?|||So what are your plans for Christmas?' | 4,514 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'All this time by Sting is a favorite is mine. It reminds me of when my grandfather died. The irony of a happy song about death always gets me too.|||Sure, but your language change in no way makes that clearer. It's just as easy to say that the dominance they prefer isn't unbridled, that they still have limits and preferences. It isn't like...|||I don't see the value in this. It is implied in our replies that the partner is competent and consensual to begin with. They get to the sexual situation the same way as any other partner but during...|||I'm pretty sure that most would say competence is required to truly be dominant. The entjs I've been with truly like being bossed around, for someone to force them out of their heads. They...|||Having been with a couple ENTJs--and I'm with one at the moment--I find that they like to be controlled in the bedroom more than anything. They spend so much of their lives in charge--planning,...|||Probably, but she seemed happy and I didn't want to alienate my only emotional support. I originally pursued her for friendship and value what we have in that regard. Funnily enough, after...|||I actually forgot that I made this thread. I haven't seen my friend much. We are still very much on friendly terms and communicate every once in a while, but life has been busy for both of us. She is...|||This ceased being INFP-relevant a while ago, but a couple people seem to like reading the updates every once in a while, so here's one: I think I'm in an exclusive, or at least semi-exclusive,...|||I'm not terribly worried about the ENTJ. My longest relationship (over 6 years) was with an ENTJ and it worked for us. We both are competent on such completely different levels that things stay...|||Since you asked... There are STILL ups and downs, but the general trend is up. I'm still fighting some personal demons--not directly related to the topic of this thread--but there are some good...|||I wish I did. Let me know if you figure it out. I usually like hanging out with 1-2 people at a time, but it's hard to build the type of relationships where that's comfortable.|||Friday is my day off and I spend most of it cleaning/doing laundry. I try to make Friday date night when I have women in my life, but recently that area has dried up a bit. The last few weeks I've...|||Coagulation We pick at them, those post-palpable people, Reopening wounds that were better left Behind the aegis, however feeble, Of the fortified heft Of steeled blood and mind-- Where...|||I've considered this too, and I'd love for it to be the case. When you were in this situation, did you pull back on initiating contact/hanging out? She has a bit, and I don't want to come across as...|||I certainly haven't been direct. It's been a tacit agreement so far that this would be discreet because of the friendship I had with her ex up until now. That friendship ended literally days ago--not...|||Update: While making a post to my blog, I saw an update to hers talking about how excited she is about getting texts from this other guy and some cutesy pics about distance relationships. It seems...|||While I concede that the situation is complex, this comment is completely uncalled for. There is nothing insane about this post, and telling me to go elsewhere, especially after I referred to...|||I'd like some advice. It's not necessarily MBTI related, but I like this community, so I figured I would post my situation here. I'm an INFJ, as is a friend that I have been having an ongoing...|||Blackhole consternation, Recalling once-bright constellations-- Full of people, and of life; of lovers and their strife; all spinny and revolvy on axes fraught and wobbly, Bounding towards...|||Thank you very much for this response. Before this girl, I was more like how you describe your husband. Now, everything seems far more daunting; it's hard to go back after feeling like someone truly...|||Some are. One of my best moved out to California on a whim and is doing great out there (I live on the east coast). Others live in state but about 2+ hours away and I see them maybe twice a year. One...|||Friends, casual and close, whom I respect and who respect me. I've never had a lot of friends, but I've had a few close ones that I miss dearly. The few people I have in my life right now don't meet...|||Mostly a stagnating social life. The last 4-5 girls I have been involved with over the last couple months have been insecure girls that initially approached me, put me on a pedestal, and watched me...|||I was when my school did plays. Part of the way through my four years, they switched to only doing musicals, and while I can play and sing, I can't really dance, so I became less involved. As a...|||Obligatory two month update: Things are a little better. I have a new full-time job for one. An opening at my part-time job led to me becoming director of the center, and while it's a bit of a pay...|||I'm not doing so well. I still haven't found a new full time position, and fear it will be extremely difficult to with a (forced) resignation on my record. As a result, I need to immediately move out...|||It's funny you mention ISFJs. Both my mom and little sister are that type. The relationships work, though there is a pretty fundamental communication barrier. I speak almost completely in metaphor,...|||Thanks for the input. I agree to a certain extent, but I know she is in a pretty happy, committed relationship right now and is able to give healthy love to someone, just not me. At this point, I...|||My longest relationship was with an ENTJ and it was pretty solid all around. We complimented each other very well overall. My perfectionist tendencies and contentedness with not being very social got...|||About two weeks ago I received a PM asking for an update on my situation. It's gotten pretty interesting. In April, I was informed that the school heard about our relationship from a reliable...|||I thought I should give you guys an update (more like I feel the need to write some of this out). It's been a little over a month since we last spoke, more than three since we've seen each other. I'm...|||It's been one week since we talked on the phone. It's gotten easier to bear, but not an hour goes by that I don't think about her in some way. I understand that most of this isn't my fault, but I...|||The selfishness definitely stood out to me on the phone. I honestly think the situation was becoming too difficult and she went out of her way to look for reasons to make it not work (beyond the...|||Mini update: Still a bit too broken up to accomplish much: I can't get any work done and I can't get myself out of the house. I was supposed to go to a bar with a friend and ended up falling asleep...|||Your advice was very much solicited and is appreciated, and after this experience, I have to agree with it. Talking to her in some ways just frustrated me more, and while it may have relieved her of...|||Thank you. I'll get there eventually. I'm sure it's a whole bunch of little things like little arguments over favorite poets, as well as the huge things, like just how much of herself she had given...|||Watching the movie again now that I said that. Her character isn't just like the girl in question, but I definitely connect to J. Gordon Levitt here.|||Yeah I fluctuate with that. When I remember those great moments it's hard not to, but I do realize she has many faults, not the least of which is not knowing what she does. And while I found her...|||Earlier in the thread I posted on the phone conversation we had with each other. I got about as definitive closure as anyone can reasonably expect. She explained how she felt as best she could and...|||Absolutely on the first bit, but I take absolutely no solace in her or you getting just rewards. I'd rather she be happy without me than miserable any other way. She hasn't had much in the way of...|||Thanks, but your kind are downright cruel! If it just stayed a silly little affair, I wouldn't have been hurt so badly, but she escalated it so quickly and with such ardor...and I followed. I know...|||You're right. Thank you. This is some of my INFJ obsession coming out. I often feel so misunderstood and it felt damn great to feel like we understood each other, and at least on an empathic,...|||Thanks for the feedback. It all sounds right on point, and demonstrates that maybe I've been approaching all of this too selfishly. Maybe the majority of it really was on her end and nothing I could...|||Hi everyone. This is the email she sent in response to mine before we talked on the phone: To Me, I was uproariously drunk on the floor of my Jersey bedroom and checking my email for a...|||Thanks. Though I understand that it needed to end, I really hate not knowing what she truly thinks of me and that something I said led up to this. She even admitted it was an inconsequential thing...|||So I talked to her for about an hour and a half tonight, on the phone this time. We were about as conclusive as anyone can expect to be. She said things went sour for her when I violated some aspect...|||That's a pretty big one for me. I took serious pain killers for the first time this weekend (had my wisdom teeth removed) and it seriously mellowed me out. I always thought it was bizarre that people...|||I honestly have no idea. I just needed to say it. It was pretty selfish, honestly, but after the connection and intimacy we shared I refuse to let this end pathetically. Even if she doesn't respond,...|||Because I'm a masochist, I wrote an email to her providing closure for myself. I felt our last conversation inadequate. If you have the time and patience, I'd like to know if I was foolish for doing...|||Well, yes and no. I think the circumstances are a lot more to blame here than either of our personalities--though her age and inexperience factor in quite a bit--as I was able to draw her out quite a...' | 7,730 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'i was also wondering, are INFJs easily or typically manipulated or whipped per se, or any other personality types more dominant than the INFJ? Im kinda in a situation where this girl is really nice...|||i hate that i made these people look so bad, i really love hanging out with these people when I'm sober, they help me with a lot. I found out from my friends that they actually enjoy my company. But...|||sorry for the late reply, but here it goes. Ive been feeling more depressed lately, and even suicidal thoughts come in to mind but I discard them after. The thing is, I am very self conscious when...|||Haven't posted for awhile but just wanted to get some insight on the situation I'm in. I tend to get really quiet around my friends, at times they would ask if I'm alright. I know these guys for...|||i dont plan to just have the BA.. here is my plan so far.... im doing a joint program in college that will transfer to university after two years... if i keep a GPA of 3.0 or more i can go straight...|||well one thing about teaching in asia is that there are racial preferences. for example if i were Caucasian it wouldnt matter, but im asian so they would treat me a little different. they would treat...|||yes i took that in to consideration. i am from Canada, and i need at least a masters to teach in college. i know psychology can not give you a definite job, but it is an interesting field. other than...|||well.... i think i just sparked something inside me... now that i realized i am passionate about cars... i want to become a professional race car driver... i know it may seem far fetched. but with...|||crap... i totally left out the aspect that you have to stand in front of a lot of people when teaching... im really bad at that.... so im really sad right now thinking that teaching might be a bad...|||true... i forgot i suck at speaking in front of people.... wow... that just totally smacked me in the face... im so down right now...|||im half way through my freshman year in college. im liberal arts which gives me a bachelor of arts in the end. i dont know what that can do for me. i find psychology pretty interesting and might be...|||hey man i completely understand this.. im stuck in this situation too.. im half through my freshman year in college and still havent decided what i want to be. my decisions are either i teach ESL...|||I guess that is the main reason why I try to get away from my friend. The one thing that annoys me the most is when she is with me she doesn't keep up with me. I have to say I do walk fast but it...|||it makes a lot of sense... i dont know why, but i like to be alone most of the time when i go out, but at the same time, i suffer loneliness... usually i want to be alone from people that i do not...|||thanks man.. i completely agree with you.. and will definitely give it a try... i guess me letting out a little of my inner self may be a good way to attract girls...|||what i meant is when i talk i would want the girl to be able to have a conversation with me without being totally clueless. i dont want the girl to know me in and out, just be able to empathize.|||lol yes I did not mean it literally...|||dude that was awesome. you basically just described how i am. although i guess us INFJs are wired that way. I guess I'm starting to feel comfortable being me. I guess if girls don't like me who I...|||I think my eye just had an orgasm reading the post above. Whoever you are Alisha, you are the one human being that I want to meet one day. You seem so, amazing. Keep in touch?|||techno, progressive house, trance.. are amazing. some artists i recommend are deadmau5, and Bonobo.|||First and foremost, I would like to thank all of you for your generous support, and for understanding me. I truly appreciate the time you guys took to read my posts and reply helpfully. I also want...|||Well my college is joint with a university. There are approximately 50,000 students. I don't think it is hard to approach a random girl, but the idea of approaching a random girl just wanting to...|||Ok I just want to make one thing clear. I am comfortable talking to women, I can talk for a long time as long as its a topic which I can relate on and know much about. I don't know if that is...|||Thanks Goodewitch.. that helped out.. only if there were mature women like you but around my age... the funny thing is I enjoy the company of older people than of my own age. I can carry on a great...|||Only you guys will ever see this side of me. This forum is where I pour out my heart and soul. In reality, I'm just an average guy minding my own business. You won't see any of what I discussed above...|||I guess it is all about being self confident. Accepting ones self. I understand these concepts. I just don't know how. Right now I don't know what to do. I need that momentum to get me started. I...|||Suicide thoughts come and go, I don't ever take them in to consideration. Life has to much too offer to just throw it out the window that easily. What I am trying to get at is, the way I perceive the...|||Hey.. to start things off, I'm single and have been single... I do not think girls see anything in me, especially the way I look. I hate how my natural relaxed face is so serious. I honestly think...|||sorry i clicked the send button too many times because the page didnt load|||sorry i clicked the send button too many times because the page didnt load|||hey sorry for being a newb to this. but how do go about knowing which type they are? do you all know the characteristics of each type? like i know i cant look at a person and know which of the...|||cool... i never express these feelings simply because i havent been in a relationship ever. i dont think i can be with anyone. im too private and introverted. but i do have them, and i have countless...|||ahaha tell me about it.. when im sad i take it out on my PS3.... i need to hit to gym... but ive said that so many times its become a habit... i guess i dont really want to.. but its good to... and i...|||hmm.. although i have nothing against ice cream.... eating ice cream while your sad can be really bad because you wont stop... and since shes is fit... all those calories will be counterproductive...|||well.. im planning to get a teaching degree in english and teach ESL in other countries.. and help kids likes me in their childhood.. i wasnt so fortunate growing up..i hated my childhood.... and...|||the more you think about it. the more its going to make you nervous and confused... just do what you feel is right. whether it be the subtle hand hold.. or the more romantic kiss. just read her body...|||wow.... we are so alike... i feel the exact same way.... i always feel that when talking to a friend of mine.. i try to hold back.. but then he goes and tells me stuff.. i feel obligated to tell...|||hmm.. im one of those guys that really puts off hugs... my body language says so..... i dont cross my arms ... i just usually stand arms length from people... but occasionally when im around friends...|||i understand your point, and i guess your right. i guess i have to be stronger in order to help others get stronger as well.. i keep forgetting the fact that i should be the understanding one. maybe...|||thats what i mean... i am a very quiet person... if you see me you would think i was mentally ill or something... im always in my own world doing my own things.... i dont involve many. and i always...|||hmm.. its hard to list because i have a music library of over 7000 songs... but off the top of my head i can think of Coldplay and deadmau5... meh... ill throw in Leona Lewis and OneRupublic... maybe...|||so yea... i tried telling a few of my friends that i have the rarest personality type in the world and they were like... so who cares.... and from then on im keeping it to myself.. i guess being rare...|||whats up... im also new and an INFJ myself... i dont have many INFJ friends and dont know how to spot one really.... but yea...we are pretty rare..|||to be honest im pretty surprised that there are people out there that understand how i feel and have felt the same way before. it reassures me that im not the only human being that feels this way....|||ok.... well itll be nice to be able to talk to other INFJ.. so if you have skype pm me it or email me at http://scr.im/freshob|||and one other thing... since INFJ are 1% of the worlds population... it seems there are many of us from the looks of this site. and i was wondering where the INFJ are coming from like what country...|||thanks for the warm welcoming guys its making me feel great. im just trying to live a casual life. while most guys are out there trying to bang as many girls as possible, i just feel like im not...|||i feel so awesome here. i love the fact that there are infj people out there who found this forum. i wish i found it earlier but its better late than never. i feel that i cant connect with ppl my age...|||cool, and yea i guess your right, i do tend to look at my weaknesses more than i do my strengths. I feel unattractive because no girls find me attractive. I cant keep a conversation with a girl for...|||Whats good guys, I'm an INFJ male, in college and living a very casual life. I question and talk to myself a lot. I tend to judge myself a lot. I don't know many people that I call friends. I'm...' | 8,169 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'cmon people! Let's not let this thread die! :) Any mods that are willing to stick this up? We already have some interesting info on the poll.|||I feel you brother!|||http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20151222/05012358de83eab71547258c6cbb19dc.jpg|||Depends, if you are around here and you have beer count me in!|||May I ask what was the trigger that made things go south?|||Yeah, that'd kind of how we are - sorry! .. Not to sound insensitive but we are always open for the next thing. One moment we can be a lot into X and next moment we turn all our attention into Y. It...|||For those MBTI types here that don't know what G-code is, it is a set of instructions that when executed in order allows the girl to achieve climax. EDIT: By the girl I obviously meant the CNC :P...|||http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/16/16238f9069c120218fe37ea66728ead93622b0b57fee164d367046db9ce58077.jpg http://cf.chucklesnetwork.com/items/1/1/4/7/3/5/original/just-one-hug-please.jpg ...|||dmesg | grep what am I doing?|||I also tried doing the test on different sites, while sober and drunk. I've got mixed results, in one case I got ISTP, the other I got a cat picture. But sounds like you need someone practical to...|||At some point during MBTI self-discovery I wondered if I was an INTP. Then I realized I was not a grammar Nazi. lol But to answer your question, would probably ask you out - into my room; to show...|||Oh My God! This resonated so well with me, it all makes perfect sense - it is like looking into a mirror! I can relate with every single word written, even the style of writing and the humor; I could...|||From The Myers-Briggs Types And Whether Or Not They Need A Hug | Thought Catalog: ENTP: Definitely needs a hug but will never admit it. ENTJ: Can live without a hug but wouldn’t turn one down....|||Check out this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVHX3k-CsQo|||Just curious! By the way, by being comfortable I meant being in a relationship. Do you think it would work for you?|||Interesting... We don't have much votes yet to draw a proper conclusion but so far it seems ISTPs prefer Judging types, with INFJ and INTJ as most preferred.|||Looks like so far ISTPs are 50% split into both using and not using Facebook!|||Do you think you would feel comfortable with another ISTP?|||I am a ... wait for it .. Software Engineer! Before that I was doing a PhD and before that I was doing Applied Research. I had most fun when I was doing applied research, it payed a lot less...|||It's funny to see those distinct types of personalities together! I suppose Adam is an ESTP while Michael seem more like an INTJ?|||I don't even have a TV, just a big screen to watch movies when I feel like. Otherwise just a good set of monitor speakers with a T-class HiFi Amplifier I built myself. The audio quality is very good,...|||If you are an introvert like me you certainly know what it is to be chilling at home only to be disturbed by random outside noises. That annoying bird that doesn't STFU, the neighbour's dog, the old...|||I'm building an automatic laser cutter to make shapes out of plastic. When you cut plastic with a laser it makes smoke that smells bad. Since I plan on running this in my room, I need to suck all of...|||Fuck yeah! Well said.|||I think I know where the confusion here is coming from. An optimal MBTI type pair can be subject of misinterpretation because that optimality (or best matching) can mean two opposite things: 1) A...|||What da fuck is doing that weird noise outside??? Is it a bird or what?|||It's the first time I tested Socionics, so not quite sure how it works yet. The results implied 99% ISTJ and 97% ISTP equivalence, unless I am interpreting the results wrong. Statues don't...|||This is a very good question, I wish I knew. I never actually dated an INFJ.|||Look us up in car garages, electronics clubs, hackerspaces, martial arts dojos and gyms, ski stations, and all sorts of sports that are intensive in adrenaline. If you don't find us in any of those...|||https://media1.giphy.com/media/oLc7YvY4aw3q8/200.gif#4 https://media1.giphy.com/media/GkjzToiL0crug/200.gif#0 https://media4.giphy.com/media/12Nr4iouCofwA0/200.gif#8 ...|||Beer anyone? http://i.imgur.com/nK9YF71.gif|||I don't relate much to the first paragraph. I relate to the second paragraph, but likely due to my Type 6 which demands constant searching for safety or comfort. Even though I can escalate issues...|||Si - Si users have excellent memories when it comes to specific facts and occurrences and will usually remember things you’ve mentioned only in passing. Not sure about this one. My memory feels...|||How is that a phrase?|||People that collect useless stuff.|||630874|||Hello beautiful people, My personality always tested has having no big preference for either P or J, but I always felt like an ISTP, specially during childhood. However during recent times,...|||What Peter wrote is very valid for ISTPs as well. Alcohol definitely helps turning off that intellectual side and be more receptive to banal communication.|||I'm glad to see the inappropriate jokes perk is not limited to Male ISTPs :)|||An engineer reviews a litter box.. https://i.redd.it/6mg7p99ftb7y.png|||Hello there, I came across this article and couldn't stop thinking that the person that wrote it resembles a lot type 6, maybe type 4 as well. Do you agree? If not, what other type do you think...|||I thought female ISTPs were a myth! :) It was pretty informative reading through previous posts, thank you.|||here are a few more: that is a good solution but we need a more pragmatic one. what are you going to do Saturday in 5 weeks? you need to reserve now. are you ok?|||This, pretty much. We mostly prefer 1:1 meetings. Also, we can go to big party events and look really extroverted but we need to be fully charged, next day we will be totally depleted.|||Been hiding from me my whole life! :P|||Man, that ought to be any ISTPs New Year passage dream! Did you try improving the fireworks?? Hehe Hehe Hehehe|||https://gfycat.com/SpotlessBreakableBuckeyebutterfly|||It's been 3 year since I deactivated mine. My social life suffered a huge hit since but I like more how things are now. People calling you on the phone to specifically invite you feels very different...|||My god, this made me laugh so much. It really pisses me off when people ask me dumb questions, which is, all the f*** time.|||That's why ISTPs should not be allowed to own sports cars. We confuse driving from point A to point B with getting our daily injection of thrill.' | 7,744 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Psychology is a science. You probably feel unfulfilled pursuing it as a course of study because psychology tends to be dumbed down significantly as a college major compared to say, physics.|||In high school, I always scored in the 99th percentile on everything except for spelling, which I typically scored below the 50th percentile in. On the ACT, I scored approximately evenly in...|||A few bands I've been listening to lately: Cobalt Electric Wizard Napalm Death Jesu Rotten Sound Nachtmystium Converge Hooded Menace Pig Destroyer|||Based on everything you've said, I would postulate that he does indeed like you and I doubt that he has any real problem with your personality because if he did, he would likely just ignore you as...|||Exactly. I was surprised at the number of submission, don't want to argue or compete, et cetera posts in this thread. I know plenty of guys who like women like that (one of my best friends and my...|||Intelligence, femininity, altruism, sincerity, ambition, supportiveness, appreciativeness, loyalty; in general a high moral character. And although this seems to disagree with what others have...|||Good idea, but my stodgy inner type-1 won't allow me to do that.|||I picked my username before I had ever heard of that damn book. Now I worry that people think I read trashy romance novels (Is it even a romance novel? Wikipedia calls it erotic fiction, so perhaps...|||Double-major here, chemical engineering and geophysics.|||I was going to suggest you get off the internet and go find one, but then I realized that you probably have a much greater chance of finding one on the internet Obviously.|||Feelings?|||When you say that something you have a passion for is less practical, what you mean is that it is less employable. The choice essentially becomes major in something you have a passion for and...|||If you're going to take a haters gonna hate type of attitude with people, you can't really complain when they well... hate.|||I'm a fan of xNFJs, personally. I want to like xNFPs; I know INTJs are supposed to like xNFPS, but spending any prolonged period of time with one invariably causes me to begin pulling my hair out....|||I prefer the NF forums because every time I see a thread I want to post in here, other INTJs have already posted exactly what I was going to approximately ten times over. I spend enough time in...|||Probably spacing out in the grass like a normal INFP. in the grass like a normal INFP. like a normal INFP. normal INFP. Normal INFP? Anyway, you should probably listen to Acid Bath,...|||I'll see your Tosin Abasi with some more Tosin Abasi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M0AHjykK7s|||Haha, I've met multiple xNFJs who believe in astrology. It doesn't really bother me though because most dom/aux Fe types will freely admit that many of their beliefs aren't based in reason and...|||If you guys can get the data, I'll do an error analysis on it.|||List them.|||Perhaps your belief that you're good in bed is more a product of your four-type enneagram than reality? http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=26382038|||But of course you're not going to get anyone coming into this thread to brag about how excruciatingly bad they are in bed, are you? So you would never really know. Really what it should be is All...|||I enjoy quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation, in that order. I have almost no appreciating for gifts or acts of service. I'd actually prefer never to receive gifts because I never...|||STJs can be fun for awhile, at least until I get tired of talking about the weather for the nth day in a row. My experience with them is that they find me to be a bit eccentric and a huge asshole...|||I took it again and got 28,500. A swing of only about 35%. This test seems to have excellent methodology.|||Apparently I have a vocabulary of 21,100 words. The methodology is pretty standard, but I dislike it because it uses the types of words often encountered in fiction. I haven't read much fiction...|||Debating others on the internet.|||I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child by a pretty reputable clinic. I haven't taken any medication for it in over six years. I don't really think I have it, at least not severely. It's possible it's...|||I applied to MIT, Caltech, and Stanford; got into none, despite having test scores/GPA above their 50th percentile. Whatever. I'm a sophomore University of Minnesota now, which is a pretty good...|||INTP solution to every problem: define it out of existence. Seems legit.|||NFs. /BetYouDidn'tSeeThisOneComing|||I mean, honestly, I would have been surprised if someone didn't make that joke. It was far too easy.|||Yeah, if I were you I'd have trouble seeing it too. Me, on the other hand, I'm unbelievably sexy.|||http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=6.25&soc=-6.36|||Ha .|||I think INTJs fearing that they are boring is a product of us seeing everyone else as boring; we assume that since people in general are boring, so must we be boring. Even though I know I'm not...|||Well, it wasn't clear if you actually disagreed with him on the issues or were buying into the items on that list that were complete, nonfactual garbage, haha. Would you care to explain why you...|||Uhhh, not really. He believes there's a right to free exercise of religion and that the state can make no endorsement of a specific religion (he believes, however, that the government can make laws...|||Dark Millennium wasn't so much my thing, probably too progressive for my tastes; in all my time listening to metal, the only things I've ever enjoyed that could be described at all as progressive...|||The problem with this is that Ron Paul will never agree to be Romney's running mate, though it's not like I would vote for Romney even if Paul was his running mate. Unless something huge happens,...|||I'm already quite familiar with Spawn of Possession. In my eyes they've always come across as being technical to the detriment of their music. I feel the same way about bands like Origin and Brain...|||Where do you think the funding for police departments/fire departments/schools comes from? Hint: it's not the federal government. Also, while Ron Paul would like to get rid of the federal income...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEjym3oVAuo|||I'm actually quite good at small talk, likely because a couple of my interests--sports and politics--are topics most guys will be interested in talking about to some degree.|||I was starting to worry I was the only one who listened to metal on Personality Cafe. Are you all into death metaltoo or just the lighter metal genres I've seen mostly being posted about in this...|||Have fun? Also, to the guy who wrote 10 characters: you can get around it by adding extra spaces between words/punctuation in your message.|||Serves you right for purchasing Apple products.|||This sounds like my mom: an ISFP who suffers from clinical depression (which she does take meds for). What I typically do is just remove myself from the situation (i.e. walk out of the room) and...|||A generalization isn't absolute, it's merely a tool for thinking, like MBTI itself. Even the more critical comments from INFPs still seemed to find at least some redeemability in the OPs actions,...|||I enjoyed this thread. It's interesting to know that INFPs seemingly find this form of romantic expression, assuming it was done in a more well-thought-out and less self-depreciating manner,...' | 6,810 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'When not getting along with an ENTP, its mostly due to the ENTP showing some disrespect towards my person. ENTPs i know love to dis and shit-talk. I care, but not that much. ENTPs are the best for...|||Art. The teacher grades you based off effort, but there was always those amazing art students. usually made ok grades though|||deleted|||Could I hear your PS2 recommendations? Mine would be SotC, MGS2/3, and this one game called Steambot Chronicles if you happen to chance upon playing it. Oh yeah, and Katamari Damacy.|||Yea, some sage too XD Edit: That's a cool name btw.|||Don't know, but you reminded me to buy some Thyme.|||Man it's all good. We're just not ones to say anything unless we really think we should.|||Man, just toke on some good chiba. Sit down and chill out.|||Yes of course. I watched a bit of the video and now I am 100% certain that's an INTP. Just a very warm INTP. Remember the way this works: ...|||Guy is INTP. I can tell it without even having to watch the video.|||http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t176/Squidward117/vIn4jNl.gif: http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t176/Squidward117/Untitled5.png You have two types that have the same kind of function; in...|||You know, I take back my previous statement. INTJ and ISFJ CAN work. Beautifully, in fact. The key thing to remember is that they both complement each other with their functions: ...|||Hm, I prefer not to mix the two. But again, it doesn't make any difference. Depends on what ratio of high-to-drunk I am. 80% high and 20% drunk is totally different than the reverse.|||No change. When I get high though I become more INFP-ish.|||What about when an INTP is the one telling lies? How do you handle it?|||My aim was to have a friendly push/shove with a male INTJ. It is not my goal to antagonize females in any way.|||Well said.|||My apologies for that. Not trying to step on anyone's toes, especially not the female INTJs. I made the false assumption she was male because I didn't see her gender symbol at first, though, which is...|||Yes sir you're absolutely right.|||I didn't forget anything. I posted regardless because it's constructive. It is about furthering your knowledge on how one type reacts with another. That's why I always check the type of the person...|||Hm? Can you explain your method of reading people?|||Well surely there must be SOME form of office you can hold? Mayor? Council Member? Please help us; the current US law system is a complete total utter mess of massive proportions.|||MY advice would be to just stay on top of your s*** like a mother. That way, your landlady can never say anything.|||Yessss. see? You took what I had and built a new mental road out of it. That's what draws me to ENTPs, those constant new ideas. EDIT: You also have the ability to make new mental roads from the...|||Dear INTJ-who-doesn't-pay-attention-to-details, everyone's type is indicated directly below their username to the left of their post, above their avatar, assuming they've allowed to have their type...|||More the former than the later, because if you're talking about something someone doesn't care about you can pick up on that pretty quickly and easily. Here's a new example: right now I can't...|||It's not so much about what I think about them, but what they think about me and everyone else. And sometimes when I'm around one for too long, too much just becomes too much, know what I'm...|||I don't have Ni, so I'm totally clueless as to how that goes. Your friend sounds like ENTJ who didn't take the test seriously on her first try. Therefore, she sounds like ENTJ to me. I can never...|||Hahahahahaahahahahaahahaaaa:laughing:|||For sure, you guys are the best. This goes out to my ESFJ friends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOZuxwVk7TU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80ojk1dwbos|||Man, I just think INFJs are the shit. It's so interesting how that one difference of F and T makes you leagues different from INTJs. Whereas ISFJs can be seen as more accommodating variant of ISTJs;...|||There's a really good scene at the end of Austin Powers: Goldmember which I think is relevant. I cant seem to find it, but it entails Austin Powers telling Scott Evil that in the end, ... you just...|||Easy. Tell her high GPA=Scholarship money. Almost all colleges offer some kind of scholarship for academic achievement or athletic achievement. Even if it's just another $1,000 a semester; that's...|||Nah. I'm sure she doesn't care. It's funny though lol|||I wouldn't go to that party unless I was feeling strong and confident. As an ISTJ, my advice to you is take a breather, sit back and relax; let yourself recover. I also highly suggest taking the...|||I know it's not possible, I'm just saying if it happened it would be like having superpowers or something lol. My mind is like a workshop; filled with every moment, fact, detail, piece of...|||This is my favorite out of all everything that you guys said. :tongue: Can you tell me more about how my type ruffles the feathers of you INTJs? It's hysterical.|||^ That kind of outright narcissism displayed by the ENFP's boyfriend is very telling of an ENTP to me, of at least an E, so he def cannot be INTJ. Never heard an INTJ talk like that in my life now...|||:laughing: Man, you good. /gives high-five Honestly though dude; don't smile if you don't feel like it. be cool instead.|||Female ISFJ and male INTJ? :laughing: Disaster waiting to happen.|||I am not ISFJ, but close enough. For me, I have two ways of thinking; practical-physical and intuition-feeling. The second one is basically using my mind without thinking. It's like a little voice...|||It's not your shadow function, it's your tertiary function. You have Ne Fi, but then you also have Te Si. That self-analyzing part is your Si, screaming out for you to notice it. Please please...|||Smoke weed. /solid advice.|||Awwww shucks. I just want to give you a big hug.:proud:|||You mean like getting a bad feeling out of nowhere? That happen sometimes. What can you do about it? Like you said, just try to think your way out of it.|||Use your introverted sensing, extroverted thinking! These are your tertiary functions. You're working from the left brain when you're doing the Fi Ne functions, and the right brain when using your Si...|||yeah. i don't know what to say. Male INFPs freak me out (in a good way), with their uncanny sense of righteousness. Female INFPs, while attractive at times, could really use more structured thought...|||Can you elaborate on how it is you clash with ISTJs? I think that would be helpful for others. Is it just that you can't run any silly games past an ISTJ without getting a blank response? ISTJs...|||We're powerful allies to have around. And I appreciate your informative response. Note, however, there are enormous differences between ESTJ and ISTJ. You can group those two together if you want,...' | 7,092 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'yeah, me too. Drives my husband crazy. I finally read that the tidying helps clear the mind, too, and that seems about right--the way running helps some people think.|||This might just be immaturity with INFJ. I remember this in my teens and early 20's...but it's done now! yea.|||You are all amazing. I think I've been stressed about work too much, or something, because in the last year my 1-2 drinks a week have turned into 1 and sometimes 2 a night. It's usually wine, but...|||...mine likes thrillers, too, and fantasy. I read the Song of Ice and Fire series this spring, and now he's into them, and you can't get him to do anything! But I was like that when reading them,...|||Hmmm, I disagree with most of you because I have been happily married to my ENFP for 12 years now...he's only slightly E, though. He's spontaneous to my stick-in-the-mud-ness, a bit messy to my...|||The thing is, even if humans don't understand you, animals will.|||Hi, yes, I identify exactly with this (INFJ, less Fe, inclined towards INTJ-dom a lot, and enneagram 9)-- and I know that for me the 1,2,3 levels came with age and experience. I don't know how old...|||I was definitely shy as a kid, even as a teen, I think. Now I'm better at dealing with new people and situations, but I frequently just don't have the interest. I still hate calling people on the...|||me too. although I might want to forget!!|||Currently not working as a scientist, per se, but I have majored in physics, then geology, minored in anthro, got a master's in paleontology, now do a lot of geography/map making. Love the sciences,...|||I agree with all the people that say they loosen up a bit and say things they never would have normally, talk more, are more friendly and light. I meant to thank all those people, but gave it up...|||the new Mumford and Sons---http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLGMyo8wfPc|||To add to this, put BUTTER on the bread before the nut butter, and it's EVEN BETTER. No lie.|||I don't believe in a god anymore, because I see no evidence that anyone is out there, paying attention. I have felt the presence of some sort of higher power, but then again, I felt the same way when...|||me too! 1) Let's assume that you are back at college. Your grandmother gives you $200 to pay for textbooks. Instead, you spend it on something else that is trivial in relative to the textbooks. Do...|||I was with someone I felt was the one, but I slowly started to realize I wasn't the one for him. That was terribly sad... but then someone else came along and invited me to take a swing dance class...|||No, although I was becoming a vegetarian... I had a shoulder injury, and went the other direction. I am now eating paleo, which has pretty much cured it and all these other weird body troubles. But...|||No. Maybe I was when I was in school and writing regularly, but I suck at it now. I'm much better at pictures (drawing/painting) than words. I am way too succinct, so that I leave out important...|||Just want to say to triplespresso (hmm, now I want a mocha for some reason...) that you must be an excellent mom, and thanks for trying to understand your child this way. It amazes me how many people...|||I agree with the above comments and just want to add a nutrition factor. My mood is much better when I get plenty of vitamins, either in pill or veg, and also good meats, especially fats (I mean...|||I'm a 9, maybe a bit 9w1. Of the nines, I'm a self-preserving sort.|||I was raised to make eye contact, but I just can't do it for more than a few seconds. I always break it off. Prolonged eye contact is too intense for me, and I feel bad if anyone thinks I am being...|||I have a Master's in Paleontology and used to want a PhD, but gave that up after working in universities and seeing the real life of professors. Pretty good, but for the publish or perish stress....|||I can relate, as I am very close to being an INTJ. Maybe that's you, too? I am much less touchy-feely than other Fs, but I still make decisions based on F more often. It's ok to not fit an MBTI...|||I collected things when I was a kid, but now I'm the purging sort. To the point where I overdo it. I can't stand lots of stuff around, but that could be that I live with 4 other people and dog and...|||Me, too, except I'm not sure anyone would call me the life of the party. But I mimic, too.|||For me, there's no real feeling of a wall, but I am not more than casual friendly at first. I don't even really make eye contact with people unless I really have to meet them, like through work, or...|||I have several meanings for life.. One is purely biological- we are here to reproduce. In order to live forever, or rather, for our DNA to live forever, we produce offspring and make sure they get...|||I used to get drunk probably weekly in college, less often after...now I do like to, on special occasions. Honestly, a wedding is sometimes only fun if you are drunk, ha ha. Ahem. I find a certain...|||Alex Clare - Relax my beloved. I love this man's music.|||Hello! I'll reply with the poem of the day from poems.com. Thought some of you infjs like poetry and all that. The Supplicant prays for birds before an ancient icon— a stray cat.The inbred...|||Nope, I don't even baby talk to babies. I hate it! And I remember my little cousin that I used to babysit told me once she loved that I didn't talk down to her, but just talked to her like she was my...|||My avatar is just a meadow bird, a bobolink, so called because they say, Bob -a -LINK! Amazing, no? I'm a nature-lover, but not a birder like some people are. I just grabbed it off my work server....|||Try to stay with people who care about you, who wouldn't let you hurt yourself if you need to. Get counseling. Or, and I think this is important, make sure you get all your vitamins and...|||I'm not sure if this will help, but...I've been married to an ENFP (ish) for 12 years and he still doesn't really understand me. I don't expect him to, as no one has ever really understood me ever. I...|||I would go with your gut on this. She may be a friend you get to know, who leads you to knowledge or new people that will be important to you. You could imagine the mystic side of this...it's meant...|||and cello. For some reason, both make me feel the same. I think the sound waves must be in the same range or something.|||Yup, happens to me, too, although it's better now that I'm, uh, old. I've got no weird hormonal stuff going on, unlike the real young folks here...never underestimate the moodiness that hormones...|||I'm really sorry this happened to you, but I think introversion can be so hard to deal with for an extrovert. I think in the future, if you start to ask why do you feel this way? kinds of...|||I think maybe (on your part) you might want to stop complaining when you are with people. Just for future reference. Life's too short, and it doesn't help anything, usually. I say this as an old lady...|||Love Alex Clare right now! http://soundcloud.com/alexclareofficial|||Yes I do this all the time. I'm sure I annoy people who want sympathy. And I can never fit in; when I go to the city, I feel all country-bumpkin, and in the country, I feel urban, and on and on....|||I was raised as a relaxed Catholic (my father was Methodist, but did not attend church), and never experienced the whole guilt thing. But I was pretty devout, read the Bible (once), until college...|||Oh I'm a bad responder, this is late.... anyway. RE: Girl vs. Woman, maybe I'm defensive, but I really think it's because I'm a scientist, and like to use correct terms. They do it right in...|||I tend to think the word feminism is overthought. To me if you have a mother, or a sister, or a daughter, or female friend, and you want them to be healthy and happy and successful in their lives,...|||In high school, I was on XC, indoor track and track, hung out in the art room for free time, but aced math and science and went into a science field. So I'm the nerd-jock-artsy type? WUT. I also...|||pro-choice I carried 3 babies to term and am currently raising them, and it's hella hard nasty work, people. You just can't force someone to do it.|||Definitely yay. I don't do too much on my own, but I love class, and feel so good after. My flexibility, strength and peace of mind has improved greatly. I jokingly credit yoga for saving the lives...|||Just to add to this: I think my husband is an ENFP, and we have been married for 10.5 years. Our personalities work very well together, although we have to work on communication, like everyone. We...|||I am an empath as well, to some extent. Usually I have to be near the person, but when it's a close acquaintance, then the phone works. I have a friend who is like your friend. For years, she's had...' | 7,197 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'SO 36 SP 39 SX 24 Hmm...thought I was SO/SP...but maybe I'm actually SP first.|||I used to have facebook, but I deleted it because it was a waste of time. I always felt like people were so desperate for attention on there; it was sad. I have a twitter that I opened a few years...|||Wow, thank you for that video, Tangled Kite. That really hit home and I enjoyed the speaker's enthusiasm immensely. JackA, I'm amazed that you found my thread, as it's so old! I figure I...|||Hmm...I am 4w5 so/sp and I can relate to the Healer and/or Dreamer the most. I'm definitely not the aloof-type INFP. I am always trying to find common ground with others and trying to be nice,...|||I'm not sure if it's just the lighting, but you look like you might have some warmth in your eyes and facial hair. My first thought was deep or warm autumn.|||I agree with you on her not being an INFP (see up thread). I just like to see people back up their arguments. :happy:|||Please elaborate! :happy:|||Thanks for your input and for posting that long interview! I also think she could be a 4 in the enneagram.|||Haha, yes--I've recently discovered I'm a 4w5. I would love to hear about the case studies after you re-read them, if you have time to post!|||What does this author say about people who don't identify with either parent?|||I absolutely love fashion. I've subscribed to Vogue for years. It's like a fantasy world. I like to make big poster-board collages of styles and objects from that mag that speak to me. I love...|||As this is one of my favorite shows ever, I am really excited that we might get to claim Daria as an INFP. I never thought of her as one until I read this thread, but now I am definitely seeing it!|||I think ENFJ too. She seems to have strong Fe and also does lots of charity work, adopts rescue dogs, etc. Not saying NFs are the only ones who do charity work! She seems really passionate.|||I was thinking ENFP or ENTP too. It seems like she really enjoys connecting with people in the interview portions of her show (which make up a lot of it!), so I was thinking more ENFP.|||I have such a crush on Ginsberg! I can see both him and Megan as ENFPs.|||I know two INFJs really well, a male and a female. The girl is in her late twenties and is a virgin, has never done drugs, and has never had a boyfriend. I'd describe her as innocent, naive,...|||One of my really close friends is an INFJ female in her late twenties. She's never been in a relationship because she's extraordinarily picky. I almost feel like she's missing out on growing as a...|||Very well said, tanstaafl28!|||I LOVE doing this. It really helps clear my head to be outside walking. I either walk around my neighborhood or go to the local metro park, and I usually walk about three miles. In fact, I'm going to...|||I voted for Elizabeth & Darcy. I absolutely loved the book, BBC mini-series and Keira Knightley movie!|||Are you more of a morning person, or do you like to stay up late? Please let me know in this quick poll! :happy:|||I'm curious what all of your opinions are regarding this question. For example, can an INFP successfully be a firefighter? Can an ISTJ be a dancer? Do you think any personality type has the same...|||I don't know, I feel like she's more breadth than depth and she's more of a doer than an INFP would be, with all her different projects. I always think about all the different projects I could be...|||She strikes me as ISFJ here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST3VDTqw98w Calm, sweet, not trying to ruffle any feathers and not going too deep in her thoughts, either. I would say a dominant...|||I just read this article about Zooey. I think it pretty much proves she's an NF. It talks about how she's hugely passionate about protecting young girls from negativity through her site Hello...|||I've been a huge fan of hers since her first album came out in 1990. :happy: I'm going to say ISFP or IxFP. You can see how she tries to make a personal connection with contestants on American Idol....|||Yeah VamPie, I agree the eleablake pinterest is a great place to see the season palettes.|||Spring colors are more clear, and autumn colors are more rich. Do you look better in olive green or a more fresh grass green?|||Thank you all SO MUCH for responding (especially my fellow musicians/singers!). It means the world to me that you took time out of your day to help me. Also, it's amazing how INFPs have a gift for...|||Thank you for your perspective, LittleHawk. I do think it's a little of both--lack of confidence and not wanting to be the center of attention (introversion). In order to get my confidence up,...|||My closest friends (I've made them all take the test!) are ENFJ, ENFJ, INFJ, INFP, and ESFP|||The fact that I don't like to be loud and in front of people. It is really hard to motivate myself to do it.|||Do...what?|||So I studied voice performance in college and graduated about 4 years ago, but now I sort of despise singing. I used to be okay with it because I would be doing it every day and was used to it, but...|||That is so interesting! Do you have one for 11? That's my favorite number. :happy:|||Lol @Infinnacage, it looks like we have a couple similar-- a, c, i --but not many! Thank you for the list; I've always been curious how someone else with synesthesia would see the alphabet! I'm like...|||My old roommate had this! I think it is a form of synesthesia.|||I have it. I see numbers, letters, and music notes and keys as colors. Some letters are the same color. Like, s and o are both white, c and l are both yellow. So for the word colors, c is yellow, o...|||Fun thread! Makes me want to go on vacation right now. :happy: Things I've done on vacations that I've loved: -Art museums. I love staring at art for hours, hehe. Too bad the rest of my family...|||aaannnnddd if you're wondering how an XSTJ shops for clothes, you have to read this blog post: http://www.extrapetite.com/2013/01/crimson-corduroy-crested-oxford-2013.html#more I cannot imagine...|||I think you're pretty much spot on. And thank you for actually including well thought out arguments for each character's type instead of just listing off letters.|||I picked 4, 8 and 9|||Movies The Sound of Music Little Women Dirty Dancing Wet Hot American Summer That Thing You Do! TV Shows The Wonder Years Daria|||Oh boy...I also once left my keys in my apartment door...while I was sleeping. When I discovered them there the next morning I couldn't believe it and scolded myself for the next week (I'm really...|||attachment-related anxiety score is 2.50 attachment-related avoidance score is 2.60 you fall into the secure quadrant|||You could start an organic farm or CSA, which would allow you to live in the countryside and be in nature and help people by providing them with food. This is something I've personally been dreaming...|||I forgot to add that I absolutely love the creativity part of it. The lack of routine, the opportunity to always get to use new ideas that pop into your head to help people (Fi and Ne!) is perfect...|||Your scores are Vata: 6 Pitta: 3 Kapha: 1 Based on your results, you are a VATA: Vata Characteristics Mind:Creative, quick, imaginative Body:Thin, light frame Skin:Dry Hair:Dry...|||I teach music lessons one-on-one to kids ages 5-12 and a couple adults. It's fun during the lessons and rewarding as others have said, but every time I have to teach I am stressed out all day until I...|||I've never been super-competitive, but I realized that everything I ever won growing up was very INFP! Won drawing contest in kindergarten My design for a girl scout patch was used for our...' | 3,057 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I have, yes.|||Some do, some don't. Same as every person who's ever lived.|||If I had a problem admitting a made an error if I made one, that would prevent me from ensuring I don't repeat it. Which doesn't benefit me.|||I've had people who were in the same class as me in college approach me and say hi and not know who they were. Apparently I'm a memorable figure (everyone seems to remember me no matter how many...|||I have no interest in talking to anyone about all the things in my head. There would be no benefit to me to do so.|||I see at least one person has beaten me to that answer.|||I'd start by not detailing what I was going to do and how I was going to do it.|||Who someone dated before either of you knew the other even existed has nothing to do with someone cheating on you when both of you are purportedly in a committed relationship. Someone's dating life...|||No one who knows me knows anything about personality typing.|||Not this INTJ, no.|||Yes. It means they weren't listening to me in the first place. I also dislike people repeating things to me, because that's acting like I didn't hear them the first time.|||I tell people they wouldn't be interested. More people aren't, so I see no reason to waste my time or theirs.|||Seeing how hybristophilia is a thing, and there are women who actually seek out men who are in prison for committing violent crimes, I don't see how the idea that there might actually be women who...|||Carlito's Way is one of my favorite movies.|||I'm an album guy, and, aside from Revolver, which is one of my all-time favorite classic rock albums, I couldn't really get into the Beatles. I understand their importance to the genre, but they just...|||I'll listen to either one, depending on what I'm in the mood to hear. Today was a lyricless music day.|||Legend of the Galactic Heroes will join Ghost in the Shell and Naoki Urasawax92s Monster to form a top three, but the only problem is that it's so long, which makes having time to watch it a problem. I...|||6-5, male.|||I dislike people touching me in general.|||I've found that the words psychopath and sociopath are thrown around too frequently by people with absolutely no background in psychology whatsoever. And while they're wasting time doing that,...|||The Cold Vein is one of my all-time favorite albums of the genre.|||People pursue pleasure for the sake of pleasure or money for the sake of having money, so I don't see why pursuing knowledge for the sake of having knowledge would be any more of a waste of time.|||Naoki Urasawax92s Monster is in my top two favorite anime.|||My favorite anime of those I've seen are (in chronological order): Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG, Naoki Urasawax92s Monster, Gankutsuou: The...|||Doctor Doom (currently God Emperor Doom) Mitth’raw’nuruodo, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Night Hannibal Lecter Darth Vader Light...|||Politically independent. In my opinion, one can have particular liberal or conservative beliefs, but I don't believe in identifying as liberal or conservative, as I'm opposed to tribalism.|||Laughter and anger are on two opposite ends of the spectrum for me, so no.|||No, INTJs are inhuman robots incapable of emotion.|||Family ties and blood are both purely accidental. Something that is random and uncontrollable doesn't grant a pass that excuses everything. I've had family members who used family as a means to...|||Attractiveness is relative, and I don't see why my opinion would be relevant or should matter to you. I said attractiveness is relative that last time someone told me they thought I was attractive...|||So this is still going on, I see.|||No. I'm the same on the internet as I am face-to-face. I've disclosed more about myself due to being anonymous and thus my business isn't going to be put out in the street, but I don't act any...|||Political independent.|||Loci.|||Actually, this is a relatively recent idea in the history of marriage.|||I can't name a single character, but|||Never got into it. I prefer word games.|||For some reason, people subsume any BDSM-related practices under the umbrella of S&M, when S&M is merely one aspect, and not the totality of it. When people think of BDSM or write about BDSM (from...|||This. There should be less people on the roads than there are. I'm always looking at the other drivers around and behind me in order to always be ready when someone else screws up. Though seeing how...|||As far as people finding out their type and using it as an identity marker, that's the problem of the person. And how is that different from how people use other labels as an identity marker? I'm a...|||In the current season, people who were there with him prior to this point are leaving him. I can't say any more than that without spoiling it.|||*** SPOILER FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T GOTTEN THAT FAR *** (I finished the season several days ago.)|||It's a political show. One should expect that to come with the territory going into it.|||I would imagine that most people are different with their lover than, for instance, the Joe Schmoes/Jane Schmanes one encounters when out in the world.|||Intelligent, calculating characters. Examples are: - Odysseus (The Odyssey) - Edmond Dantès (The Count of Monte Cristo) - Batman - Victor von Doom - T'Challa (Black Panther) - Heath Ledger's...|||Homer's The Odyssey, Dante's Inferno, and Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo are my top three.|||I was going to reply until I entered the thread and saw that the asterisk meant that favorite romance books were being asked for. I don't care for romance as a genre.|||Naoki Urasawa's Monster is one of my all-time favorite manga/anime. Though you said every one of his works, which others, specifically, would you recommend to someone who liked Monster?|||Don't worry, not thinking a couple of fictional characters in a television show are all super bad doesn't make you a sociopath.|||This is one of my all-time favorite shows.' | 4,731 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'I ditto many ones already said and would add a show on Netflix called Limitless- so completely Ne in its concept that I would recommend to anyone who will listen. There is also a movie by the same...|||I LOVE the button pushing, but I have conditioned myself to play nice. I envy the ENTPs who are more fearless, but I hold back constantly and it makes me pretty unsatisfied. I actually need to back...|||Function wise it is a good fit. I just have pretty well developed tertiary Fe which made it easy to relate to INFJs and makes me less trollish (is that even a word) than the stereo type of ENTP, but...|||I did dabble in that type because I had a hunch I was more a T than a F, but never went to the extroverted intuition because I thought I was an introvert- Surprise! It's an extrovert! Anyway I could...|||Took a little break to try and pin down my type and after much searching and some outside consultation, I am coming out of the closet as ENTP, which is why I felt similar to but not quite INFJ. You...|||Everything Prada said! Those conversations are relationship glue and if they aren't natural, it doesn't work. Sorry to be so black and white here, but Te dominates need relationships that aren't...|||I am visiting your subforum to get some idea whether I use Ti or Fi. How would you distinguish between the two? I am leaning more to Ti so I thought to explore the opposite for contrast. Give me an...|||It took me a long time to conceptualize Ni. Basically the way I work is I take outside patterns (Ne) and organize them on the inside using logic (Ti) which can feel like descriptions of Ni. I am...|||I am moving opposite of you- lived most of my adult life as an INFx but am discovering that doesn't really fit the way I think, just the way I behave- which is essence was a script I was following to...|||My last test was Te 70% Ti 70% Ne 90% Ne 90% Fe 50% Fi 45% Se 20% Si 25% or something like that. Honestly think that on further reflection I don't use Te that much, I probably use Ne more but it is...|||I would love an expert to finally help me pin down my type. I retest pretty often and have hit on a pattern of N dominate consistently over time. I spent so much time studying the functions and...|||I can relate to so much of what you were writing about. Typing oneself can be such a challenge. I was stuck on understanding the functions for a long time because while I agree that they are the key...|||I have two daughters seven years apart and the ESFJ is the older one. I do have to get on her to not parent her sister so I get that would be true. She tries really hard not to, but it's just natural...|||First thing that came to my mind: huh huh huh they said tool... in Beavis voice and then I was off on a tangent. Nice thought vacation...|||I have two ESFJs in my life- my daughter and my good friend. I understand where you are coming from. They definitely can have issues with the idea that some people like their space and autonomy, but...|||My daughter is an ESFJ and is extremely sensitive to other people. Sometimes I wish she wouldn't worry so much about what people think and just be herself, but she would never want to hurt someone...|||Jane Eyre|||It's never too late to talk about a bad knee ;)|||Haba Aba Daba Aba thank you for posting that and just to clarify that is not remotely what I experience. I just imagine the words, I don't actually hear anything in the physical sense. I think...|||Wow. That was a great explanation of how it works for me. Given this data set, this must be a N thing, not particular to Ne or Ni.|||Checked with the voices and they say no.|||I am not exactly sure how to explain this, but I usually have chatter in my head. Either replaying a conversation or imagining a conversation how it might play out. Some of these are pretty complex....|||Agreed. ENTPs are scary.|||Obviously I am questioning my J vs. Pness. I am a pretty laid back J or a more organized P. You describe our relationship to a tee. I do so many things because he likes it done that way. Sometimes I...|||Sounds like an interesting investigation.|||Tell me more about being married to an XSTJ. I am pretty sure my guy is an ESTJ and it can be interesting at times. He definitely gets into modes and there is no distracting him unless I want an...|||I almost always have talking in my head. It is more dialogue than monologue. I play out conversations with other people or even whole scenarios. This pretty much happens unless I am getting enough...|||My first inclination is to present my idea and back it up if necessary with an argument. If I refrain from debating with someone on a point, it is because it is a futile waste of breathe not because...|||That line... Well I can imagine the scenario in my head and no that is definitely not me. I worked with an ISFJ, my teaching partner, and she was the sweetest person but she drove me insane. I...|||First off- catching ENTP interest required some bait- sorry no Death Star was involved. Second thank you for all the feedback- the INFJs are just telling me to not worry I am okay just being me....|||I liked the feedback about evaluating which judging preference goes with which perceiving preference and I am not sure. If I had to make a guess, I would not say I use my intuition to read people...|||Oh I would definitely skip variables- in fact I could benefit from slowing the process down a little sometimes because I over consolidate variables to get to a theory faster. I definitely start...|||I am having an MBTI identity crisis. I know there is a separate subforum forum for this, but you don't seem to have the TJ obsession on posting place observances so I hope you will indulge me posting...|||I am in the eternal quest to type myself accurately and I am stuck. Here are my results from the similar minds website function test: Te and Ti both 70% Ne and Ni both 90% Se 15% Si 25% Fe 60%...|||Me too. Graduated high school in 1990.|||Hi. I am new here and just jumped over from the INFJ subforum and I have to agree that the descriptions kept me mistyping as an INFJ because I like people and am not overly scientificBut I kept...|||I can imagine that would be quite the change! That is a beautiful area, but I have to say I am partial to the west. I guess that makes us neighbors in the western sense- separated by a less than 12...|||An ENTJ. I love both Bronte sisters' novels.|||May I ask where? I am an Idaho girl myself.|||First off, I am sorry you are having a hard time. I can relate to being surrounded by the younger and flashier, but I always remind myself I am the experienced and wiser and if employers choose flash...|||What kind of romantic gestures do you like? Celebrating a significant anniversary later this summer and would like to do something special for the hubby. He doesn't go for fuss at all and seems to be...|||It wasn't one thing, mostly just a feeling that INFJ was close, but not quite. What pushed it over the edge was sitting in a data meeting (I am a teacher) and having the person running the meeting...|||Yes. I understand the mismatch now and what you are saying about nuances of personality. But I realize, I prefer the big picture system where there is some predictablilty and overarching trends in...|||I made a thread awhile ago, trying to self analyze yet again (perfectionism rears its ugly head). The question that was asked to me in that thread was why does it matter and I want to explain why it...|||How did I mix up the generations? I was basically a kid in the 80s and finding myself in the 90s and still basically a kid and if you at 38 could be my mom that would be a scientific miracle as I am...|||I can hang with the Gen Yer's also. I lived their lifespan so I can relate to what they talk about and I stay pretty up to date on current trends. I have more trouble with the millennials though- not...|||Sometimes I wish I had a fearless bravado where I feel I could be completely myself without an ounce of self consciousness like an ENTP. Sometimes I wish I had pure intellect and conclusions...|||Aaaaaawwwwwwwwww!!!! You guys are reminding me of so much cool stuff. Also not helping with the feeling really old, which is something I struggle with, not sure why. Just went through about two years...|||I also dissected stretch Armstrong and discovered the red ooze.|||When I mastered no hands, I was ecstatic. I ride a 21 speed Mongoose now that I have had since 96 which I bought to ride to college classes because I was too broke for a car. I love to ride but don't...' | 7,145 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'INFJ or INTJ?|||:kitteh:|||Yay for coding! :kitteh: Hooray for logical analysis! Boo on depression! In all things, there must be balance. Balance, balance, balance! Looking forward to seeing other replies on this...|||Then this job is a manifestation of your Self. It's part of your genuine, authentic you-ness that shouldn't be held back. You are upset because your SO is not accepting this side of yourself. ...|||Thanks to everyone for the replies! I thought the description was... off. But then again, I am not an INTJ, so what do I know? :kitteh: I didn't see the INTJ type to be into compulsively gathering...|||Do you guys relate to the above?|||She wanted to marry that guy within 15 minutes of meeting him. She did not respect her sister's decision that they would NOT get married immediately. If she were reliable, she wouldn't have left the...|||You need to be honest and genuine about your feelings next time this sort of thing happens. Don't you think the guy deserves to make his own choices? You take away his say in the matter when you play...|||dandere Under 13? That says that you really shouldn't be on this forum. It's a violation of COPPA. With that said and out of the way, you can't type yourself at such a young age. Your functions...|||Some type of cat, obviously! :kitteh:|||If you're very young, it'll make it extremely hard to tell your type. If you want to continue your typology explorations further anyway, learn more about the cognitive functions. :kitteh: You...|||Be yourself. If you happen to be rather quirky/whimsical, let that weirdness shine! She'll like you more for it. :kitteh:|||1 perfect book in 10 years? Yes! It's about quality, not quantity. :kitteh:|||First of allx85what is your type? INFJ On a scale of 1 to 10 (1= low, 10= high), how confident are you that you actually are the type you say you are? 7 What other types have you tested as, or...|||Actually, I got that idea from here: Rethinking Judging & Perceiving in IPs & IJs - Personality Junkie|||Are you looking at E/I as if it's a standalone thing, or have you IDed your functions? If you found your dom and secondary function, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what type you are.|||Be a decent person and all should be fine. Beware of accidentally going too far with jokes. And don't ever make the roommate's friends sad, or you'll seriously regret it.|||Fe will conceal thoughts and feelings when unsure of the impact they would make on the world.|||I suggest reading his autobiography What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. Oddly, it's the only book of his that I've read, but it was a really good read. I feel like I know him now.|||It is the same system. But as always, YMMV.|||Plumb -- Need You Now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9CjYvQDDIo#t=31|||Here are two links that might be interesting for you to read: INFJ Personality Profile Rethinking Judging & Perceiving in IPs & IJs - Personality Junkie|||I've recently read that this is actually the opposite for introverts! INFPs are actually more structured and organized because their primary function is Fi, which is a JUDGING function. INFJs are...|||I think you're an INFJ! You sound SO much like me! :kitteh: OR, you are something else, and I am that something as well. We are very much alike. It'll be interesting to see what type you end up...|||Sometimes, you've just gotta... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk :kitteh:|||You are not alone. It's normal.|||I think all types are driven by a core need to be special and unique. Perhaps the 4 is the only type to directly express it, while the other types express it indirectly? I will make my mark in...|||STPs all the way!|||It's human to want to be special. I think people like the idea of leaving a me shaped void in the world when they die.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7BQRGXFLJs|||121026|||I've had a handful of these experiences before. Some of them have been simple, and others have been more complex. Interestingly, I've never been asleep when I've seen a vision. I'm always awake....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CevxZvSJLk8|||I am the vessel. I am the moment. I capture. I live.|||Sounds like they have issues. Sorry you got your eyeballs burned. Try to consider the source (a sad, hurting person) and just forget it. Your signature is cool, and normal people will see it that way.|||Colcannon will make you fall in love with potatoes. Seriously. That stuff is gooooooooooood!|||Nightmare fuel!|||If you happen to meet someone else that strikes your fancy, you might want to consider getting to know that individual better, just to see if anything is there. There is no guarantee that the INFJ...|||The knowledge of social standards is constantly at war with my desire to be my most genuine, authentic self. It's a struggle, and sometimes that struggle manifests as nothing. I seem very cold,...|||Absolutely! It can be really hard to explain a seemingly inexplicable mood swing when those memories pop up, too. :frustrating: I'm so sorry to hear about the pain you've endured in your life....|||Growing up, my father was a real piece of work. :dry: He was just all kinds of misery! It could have been worse, and I'm grateful it wasn't. But it was still pretty bad. The funny thing was,...|||That's a great idea! Go ahead and get out of this thread, since you clearly don't understand what's going on here, anyway. :kitteh:|||Typing characters seems to be a hindrance rather than a help. This is especially true for character driven fiction. However, if one were writing an extremely plot heavy project (and if they sucked...|||Dude, he said he was straight edge! :tongue:|||I fear losing control.|||Umm... That's not normal. :shocked:|||Of course it's possible. Do it!|||No. No, no, no... nope. No, no, no. Goku is NOT an ENFJ. Goodness gracious, who in the world would even think that? :dry:|||Umm..... ENTPs under stress would show their shadow functions. The shadow of the ENTP is a SUPER unhealthy version of the ISFJ. So if you're stuck between ENTP and INFJ, maybe you were actually...|||Abusers often talk like that. So take off the rose colored glasses, imagine yourself on a high mountaintop above it all, and really, HONESTLY observe your relationship with this person. Only I...' | 5,037 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | I don't think I can go back there though. I know its really unprofessional to not give them 2 weeks notice, but i just don't think I can. I will not be putting this job on my resume so I am not...|||About 3 weeks ago I got a job as a market research interviewer. I have social anxiety disorder, however I thought pushing myself into leaving my comfort zone would be good for me. It was a really...|||my bed is basically where i live its kind of sad really......|||Bulbasaur and Staryu for sure 23496 23497|||Chef, cartoonist, astronaut, doctor, zoologist, ecologist, teacher and so on|||thanks for all the ideas!|||Hey Infp's! What has been your favorite job you've had and why? I don't really know what id like to do once im finished university so I'm hoping to generate some ideas:tongue:. Thanks :happy:|||i feel a bit depressed but i have no idea why|||Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjdB4Bm4n2M|||yeah sorry im just stressing out about choosing a career im having a really hard time deciding what to do|||Do you think an infp could do well as a paramedic? Do you think we could handle the stress?|||Anyone know of any infp career tests online?|||Thanks for the advice! :)|||Do you think an infp could be in the military? I been thinking a lot about joining the Canadian forces either the navy or army but im not sure if id be able to handle it. Im currently in university...|||Mental peace for sure, im currently working two jobs and they pay ok but i despise them both. I am constantly dreading going back to work its terrible im always stressed. I cant quit until i find...|||Lost, house, misfits, doctor who, band of brothers, departures|||yeah i guess i was just thinking about it to much ill just thank everyone lol|||lol dang it|||I feel like im offending people when i dont reply to their posts, especially when i reply to some but not others. Does anyone else feel like this or am i just thinking about this to much?|||Your totally right thanks for the advice man|||lol yeah i was thinking of making up a lie actully i feel kinda bad that i found another job i dont want to offend her (even though shes a bitch to me lol).|||Yeah this is so true thanks!|||Yeah i was thinking of writing a letter to but its still scary because i have to give it to her and she will probably ask what it is for lol|||hahaha i wish i had the balls to do that|||No problem this was actually really inspiring thanks!|||Yeah my boss is always blaming me for everything it makes me so angry. Shes always working me like a dog to while her and everyone else slacks off. I find it really difficult standing up for myself...|||About a month ago i started working at this kitchen job and i really hate it. Everyday after work i feel physically and mentally drained. Its just very stressful and i dont work well under stress...|||When i use to take effexor (venlafaxine) for my anxiety i would get lucid dreams all the time. This one time i actually created my own world and i was in complete control of my dream it was awesome...|||go blue team!|||lost, the greatest show ever created|||I really like ultimate marvel it would have been cool if they based the new x-men movie on the ultimate x-men. The mainstream marvel universe is alright to but its just kind of hard for new comic...|||I took effexor (venlafaxine) for social and generalized anxiety and it helped me a lot. There were a few annoying side effects though like night sweats. It also gave me very weird and vivid dreams...|||dogs are awesome, cats are cool to though|||computer, t.v., bored as sh*t|||My moms mixed race, black and white (American and British), and my dads Jamaican.|||yeah same im a type 2|||thanks for all the advice everyone, i really appreciate it|||I dont really read books that often but i do love comics. Im a marvel comics fan, ultimate marvel comics specifically. One book i really liked though was Rule of the Bone.|||haha thanks will do|||Im having a bit of trouble finding a job right now. Ive been looking for months and i still havnt found anything. Im on summer vacation right now but in september ill be returning back to...|||I think my mom is a infj and i think my dad is a istp|||If i could have any super power id want the ability to fly. I live in Canada while my girlfriend lives in the U.S. and it costs a fortune to travel these days, so if i could fly there to see her that...|||I was actually thinking about joining the army here in Canada but i dont think id be able to handle it. Id miss my girlfriend, family and friends to much and id probably cry getting yelled at all...|||Im really stuck on what i want to do career wise in the future. Ive just finished my first year of university and it feels like time is just flying by. Im being pressured by friends and family to...|||I have no idea what my calling is i wish i new. Its really starting to stress me out because time is just flying by and ive already just completed my first year of university with still no idea what...|||im really lazy but its hard for me to get motivated|||its not a book but ive always wanted to be stranded on some crazy island like in lost, i love that show|||comics, tv, sleep|||forgot to add the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPRv4Out7X8|||Defiantly the new transformers movie coming out this summer. Even though the last two movies had kind of crappy story lines, the action was friggen awesome. Ive loved transformers since i was a... | 1,970 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | Haha, thanks. I've actually considered taking it apart, though I don't think I'm quite ready to part with it. Looks like I'll have to take it to apple afterall :(|||There's an importantt CD stuck in my macbook. Not Macbook pro, just an old school macbook. I've tried looking for a solution online but nothing works. My macbook won't even read it. HELP|||I should be studying/working but all I can do is think about conspiracy theory like things. It's getting obsessive. I'm sort of worried. But I kind of love it. Hahah|||Wanted Traits 1. Loyal 2. Sincere and upfront/direct 3. Curious (so as not to get bored with me) 4. SMART in pretty much every way ideally, haha 5. Same sense of humour as mine Turn Off...|||I am stupid at knowing famous people. I didn't know if Michael Jordan was alive or dead last year. I had no idea who Jenna McCarthy was when my entire class was talking about her. I wouldn't be able...|||A previous boyfriend of mine used my body to literally outline his ex's genital specifications. While we were in bed. I stayed with him for a month or two after that, but somehow I just felt really...|||I meant this for online friends pretty much exclusively. I do it mostly subconsciously. Not really jealousy so much as a frustration that they were insensitive, so I'm mirrorring it back to them and...|||I have no idea where you're from, but you've made me realize how lucky I am to have been exposed to open-minded and free-spirited people. I understand that not everyone has that luxury. To me, a pair...|||It doesn't make sense to me that you are unhappy yet continue to perpetuate the very system you claim to be trapping you. Also, for someone who reprimanded people for living a passive/submissive...|||That is your choice. To accept the system for what it is (i.e. to allow it to continue, to reinforce and support it). Others are fighing to modify the system. To make society just a little bit...|||I feel the same way. The cooking thing is an interesting subtle thing that has pissed me off once before (my friend is/was aspiring to be a chef and refused to acknowledge chemistry is essential). ...|||Fall in love with someone who believes with every fiber in their being that there is no one else on the entire planet who knows you/is better suited for you/will love you better than him/her. And who...|||Dominance being equated to male-ness is ONLY an association perpetuated by this 'system' you speak of. I'm sure being strong and not letting anyone fuck with you are lesons both male and female alike...|||Personally, I've said hurtful things disguised as trivial/playful to friends when I am (usually unknowingly) harbouring some resentful feelings towards that person. I don't necessarily do it on...|||If you know yourself and if you try to be as objective as possible, self-analysis can be pretty powerful. If those two criteria are met, I don't see any other person better qualified for the job. ...|||Im in the same boat, except this applies to my emotional or even mental availability as well|||Actions are highly variable, yes, but identical at the core. I heard Ghandi was a fervent racist.|||I used to detach myself mentally and emotionally from sexual acts and let my freak flag fly, so to speak... Now I have a sort of disinclination towards purely physical sexual acts. To me, it's the... | 2,788 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Your mother is a backwards, sexist piece of *expletive*, and I'd like to have a talk with her. As a transman, if she had been my mother, I would have run away from home. My god. How can you not...|||You can't expect everyone to fit neatly into 16 types, and cognitive style is not necessarily indicative of behavior. Despite being highly empathetic, though, I would have no trouble telling someone...|||My favorite types of games are action-adventure games like Skyrim, first-person shooters like F.E.A.R., puzzle games like Portal and Portal 2, and racing games. I prefer a game with a good story to...|||All of those are awful, but emotions stop people from thinking, ergo I am one of the few actual thinkers ticks me off the most because it seems like a pervasive belief. Mental strength isn't...|||I actually have no trouble actually flirting- my problem is figuring out when it's appropriate. When I used to flirt, I primarily did it with goofy humor. But it's no matter; I found my girlfriend...|||89823|||Willful ignorance, emotional arguments|||I especially like inappropriate humor and bizarre humor.|||I LOVE to pick my nose. In the car, behind a pole at work so that the security camera can't see me- it doesn't matter. There is nothing like finding a crusty old booger and feeling like your...|||I'm exploring the forum, noticing commonalities of behavior for the different types, and I'm wondering to what extent the commonalities are influenced by social conformity.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn_FkyMgNDk The Wisest Fool by Old Blind Dogs|||*pass all of my college courses with a B or higher *learn at least two new skills, possibly krav maga and playing the guitar *get my stray dog adopted *develop a stricter routine that I can stick...|||Yay, porn!|||I had my girlfriend read two sets of profiles on INFP and INTP. We both agreed that I'm an INFPish INTP.|||That as well, but I was referring to social conscientiousness. I should have used a better word. I didn't want to say morality, as that implies that I think other people are less moral than me. ...|||I take pride in both my conscientiousness and my ability to reason. They're both a part of my identity, and I don't think that they're mutually exclusive. This is going to be hard.|||The questionnaire asked me for my values, so I described my morality. I didn't apologize for believing in the scientific method; I explained my reasoning because I anticipated that some readers...|||My girlfriend scored INFJ, and we both thought that it suited her well. Then I looked around and discovered the crazy INFJs that you just described! Yeah, I think that I'm one of those people who...|||Yeah, that's what I think. Unfortunately, I've noticed a disturbing trend of people behaving in stereotypical manners after discovering what their types are. I also made the mistake of telling my...|||That makes sense. Thanks.|||The biggest truths have a tendency to be counter-intuitive. For a long time, it was observable irl that the sun orbited around the earth. Differences between the sexes that turned out to be...|||Is there scientific evidence of this, or is it a non-scientific theory? And sorry if I'm frustrating you with my lack of understanding. I'll eventually get it.|||How can you have permanent preferences if your behaviors change depending on your environment? Say that you have been an introvert for most of your life, and then you move to a place full of people...|||As for actual personality types, I find INTP, INTJ, and INFJ the most relatable. As for individual functions, I am having great trouble choosing which ones describe me best because behavior is...|||Sort of and sort of not. They're confusing, that's for sure. I'm reading about them now.|||Well, I just read two different descriptions of that type on two different websites. One doesn't describe me at all, and the other sort of describes me and sort of doesn't. I believe in using cold,...|||I added some things to my previous post, and I don't know how to quantify that! I'm enjoying some coffee right now. It's sweet and kind of bitter. I am a nature person. I like to listen to music...|||That's so confusing because I don't consider those things skills that one can be good or bad at. Feelings and sensations are just things that happen to me and prompt me to think. I think I have a...|||Oh, okay. I guess that works. Thanks, man. Regardless, I'm still going to write a parody of YMCA using INTJ. I wish I could help you with your own questionnaire post, but I'm still learning...|||Lol, sorry for being vague. I read a post on here the other day in which someone criticized a friend for being a relativist. I thought about relativism and thought, You know what? If a cat thinks...|||It's difficult to determine what information is correct or incorrect on emotionally charged subjects like pedophilia. Seemingly harmless irrational beliefs tend to have grave consequences on a...|||Thanks for your input, kev and Annesyl. I have set my type as INTP. Can anyone here explain why I am not INFJ or INTJ?|||89473|||It would derive energy from the world around it so that it would never have to be charged or taken to a gas station. It would do this in part from recycling the energy from its own wheels and by...|||I'm satisfied with whatever I am, for the most part. I only need to work out a few kinks to be happier.|||I've read your other questionnaire and think that you're probably a non-stereotypical INTJ. The stereotypes are brutal, aren't they? It would be nice if people wouldn't confuse mere preferences in...|||You're welcome, haha. People were ignoring my introduction, so I thought I could attract more people to this thread by appealing to their egos. I tend to get ignored because I'm not sure what...|||Feeling how soft the soles of your feet are after wearing socks and shoes all day and then picking out the toe jam.|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||Oh god, I can hear him! I'm being stalked by a robot. Alright, let's make this short. I'm a chronic sufferer of anxiety and depression, and I'm on a quest to find lasting contentment and inner...' | 2,860 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Sweet. Niles is life.|||What are you now? May I ask why you changed?|||Which types tend to be type A and which tend to be type B? Just curious! Thanks PerC😊|||I love you fully now 💛 long live Ziggurat|||Incrediblex85 Lol thanks bud 😉|||228954 When no one crushes on youx85|||As soon as I read the first two sentences of the description I thought ENTP. There's a kid in my AP Lit class who does the same thing. He may or may not seem very outgoing (the kid I know isn't), but...|||Prolix Juxtaposed Tenuous Perpetual I also love the word desafortunadamente or unfortunately in Spanish.|||When I'm a mix of angry, embarrassed, and sad I'll cry. Once at a coffee shop the owner chucked a stuffed snowball at me and it hit my drink and it got everywhere. I was beyond close to bursting into...|||Introverted (I) 72% Extroverted (E) 28% Sensing (S) 104% Intuitive (N) -4% Feeling (F) 65% Thinking (T) 35% Judging (J) 97% Perceiving (P) 3% So ISFJ, especially S|||Very against them. I mean, if someone happens to fall under all of the stereotypes linked with a specific gender then I don't care, but I don't believe in conforming to them just because of one's own...|||You are a: Left-Leaning Pro-Government Non-Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Progressive Collectivism score: 17% Authoritarianism score: 17% Internationalism score: -33% Tribalism score: -100%...|||✨Hot damn✨ me too. I think. But yup, obviously best buds now 😏|||My favorite is Live Colorfully by Kate Spade, reminds me of Hawaii😌 I don't like the cheap guy stuff, but some of the real cologne smells nice. For house/atmospheric scents, I prefer...|||Ok! White- +25 Female- -50 Gay- -150 Cis- +20 USA- +20 Not religious in USA- -20 Affluent- +10 Attractive face- +10|||INTP- white, upper-middle-class, Midwestern USA (an hour from Chicago), student. Dad's Italian American, mom's Hungarian/Czech/Slovakian-American. Aka, European.|||Does cancer that's in remission count as disease?|||My best friend is an ISTJ and she is serious at times but we both know how to have fun! She does waver between a T and an F, though, so that may be why? Either way, I enjoy her company.|||222130 They didn't have my hair, but close enough!|||Ok, these are estimates: XNTP-me INTJ-friend1 INTP-friend2 ESFJ-friend3 ISFJ-friend4 (The following are less accurate because I don't know them too well): IXTJ-acquaintance1...|||I don't dislike it, I dislike the pre-group anticipation and the effort involved in looking presentable. The situation is usually dandy unless it's a party where I don't know anybody. I have a...|||I kind of agree. For my preferences, I like to have coffee with friends and such, but that usually includes 1-2 people. I enjoy talking a lot and making kind of stupid jokes but I'm never sure if...|||Ok cool👌 I don't have social anxiety, I think I'm just too lazy to get up and go out haha. This makes sense!|||Hey there, PerC! So really quick question: I tend to hate the idea of spending time with people but when I actually go out and do it I enjoy myself and seem to be socially charged when I leave....|||I'll say January 21. It's really anywhere in mid-late January to early March, but I just chose a day for you.|||Well my first and current car is a Volvo s40|||To actually answer your questionx85 12 breaths per minute. Is that bad? What is bad? I just woke up to so is that going to make a difference? I'm 18. Will it change with age? Gender? Sexuality?...|||NP all the way. I've scored INTP, ENTP, and INFP, so I guess that's a consensus haha|||I want to brag but I'm bad at it. Ok So I guess this is my brag: I survived childhood cancer Pretty cool I guess haha|||Do you know your type outside of XNTX? We have very similar taste! I'm curious.|||Hi! Do any of you have synesthesia? I do. I was wondering if there was a correlation between type and this phenomenon, so I you have it, tell us your type! I do and I'm an ENTP (or maybe INTP)|||I tried!212490|||Personally, I enjoy weird music and indie/indie rock music. Right now I'm really into Crystal Castles, iamamiwhoami, and MGMT. I like a good sound, lyrics are optionally understandable (I like when...|||A lot, but mainly for my own interest. If a teacher is organized and hands out a schedule for the entire year, I immediately think, he/she is a judger, and so on. I type really everyone, even...|||I wrote my whole college essay about me living in the future😄|||Hi there, PerC! Quick question: Do you have a fear of commitment? Also, is this common among ENTPs or is this just people generally? Situation: today an old friend that I haven't seen for a...|||202618 Even my senior photo 😏|||Ok, I agree: I worded this incorrectly. I guess I don't mean dislike I think I mean something along the lines of awkwardness and such|||Hey there:) I'm ok at small talk most of the time, but the whole concept seems petty and meaningless (therefore I'm not a fan). Sometimes my absence of small talk with another makes them seem to...|||I guess I'll join in on the fun!202570|||Hi there, T_Laurich :) nice to meet you! I'll be seeing you around PerC I'm sure, have some fun here!|||Hi, Lestany :) Welcome to PerC! You chose the perfect place for MBTI forumsx85 the people here are passionate and knowledgeable about every sense of the topic. And as for the theories: very exciting:)...|||Hi there, Romashka (Bee/Luna/etc.) :) hope you enjoy PerC! Make some friends!|||This is all I know: sun sign: Leo moon sign: Aquarius rising sign: Libra And I'm an ENTP, by the way.|||ENTP, rather agnostic now. I was raised catholic, though.|||First (loooong ago) I got ISTP, then in more recent times INTP, INFP, and ENTP. I settled on the last one.|||I really like this idea! I want to do a few, so don't hate me if you disagree 😎 ENTP- ready for the next best thing INTP- a love of life-long learning ENFP- official optimist INFP- FEELS|||thatkillme Thanks for the insight! I'm glad I can see things from a new perspective. I hope that's how my friend feels about me :)|||When you never really settle on anything because of two flattering traits called indecisiveness and laziness|||Hi there! I have a rather quick question: Do you have any ENTP friends or people in your life? Ok. . . so I guess there are multiple quick questions for you. Here are the rest: How do you...' | 5,256 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Of the recent and good friends that I am fairly certain of their type: ESTP, ISFP, INTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ.|||Same here. I try to not stand out but it seems that I do anyway.|||Reread The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton.|||Lazy isn't exactly the word. I do the work if it's interesting to me. I don't do the work if it isn't interesting to me and I'll do something else that is interesting. Homework was not interesting...|||This resonates with me at least. I did that earlier this week: ~15 page paper due on Wednesday at 4 pm, started it (typing it out) on Tuesday night at some point. Worked it earlier in my head,...|||^Most of this.|||Unknowingly. Unintentionally. When I do intentionally try to flirt, it's not picked up on at all.|||What has this thread become? Anyway, what does an INTP get from spirituality? What anyone else gets. It's not like INTPs are immune or defective from having spiritual encounters or beliefs.|||I've never smoked and don't care to. I have not come across sufficient reason to smoke.|||Thank you for the confidence - haha! One might find some interesting and well spoken responses as to what NT's might get from faith (and I am not alluding to my own responses):...|||This and this for me too! And with expectations, I highly appreciate the ones whom have thought one thing of me off of first impressions and still got to know me anyway. I have had a few people tell...|||I have definitely experienced people trying to figure me out or treating me as they see me rather than how I am. I tend to get the stereotypical female type of situations mostly. They think that...|||The trap is that one cannot control how another person responds, no matter how tempered or neutral a statement one makes. Offending people without meaning to, probably happens to everyone. It's good...|||I'd say, Embrace the weird! It could do you some good. It would be difficult to talk about benefits of being a type of person. Benefits may depend upon what outcomes one desires. Perhaps it...|||I would probably enjoy having Mystique's super-abilities, although whether I would use it for good or evil, or in a heroine versus villain way... hmmm... I'd rather not reveal.|||Maybe he thinks more with weed. Anyways, what I was pointing to was that 1) it was difficult to see that there was a question posed in the OP and 2) the question posed was rather vague. It would...|||MY/ OUR thoughts on YOUR search to go deeper in life? By the way, you buried your question too deep but thank you for the question mark.|||I don't have a favorite author. I enjoy the writings of John Steinbeck, Dean Koontz, the Brontes, Stephen King, Alexandre Dumas, Robin McKinley, and Victor Hugo, to name a few.|||My experience is that emotional outbursts are rare for me. I would say it tends to happen when I sense a violation, usually deep and personal, like someone I trusted disrespecting me or betraying me....|||I replied with Yes and possibly ponder how I would go about defining true love. I can say right now that my idea of true love is not some hyper-idealized, butterflies, no arguments/...|||I seem to go through phases of fast food, cooking a lot, or like eating healthy things. I enjoy cooking. I dislike having to follow a recipe to the T. Hence, I am a terrible baker for the most...|||I agree. I couldn't watch an entire video of his. OP, did you like his videos? What parts did you agree/ disagree with?|||I might but usually not a physical list. I can't remember the last time I did that. Usually it is in my head and I go through it, evaluating which I value or prioritize most, so that it comes down to...|||Yes, that is a reaction I get from people. It's always like Oh, you're so smart, you must be good at that or Wow, you're ambitious! type of thing. It's similar to the reaction to studying to...|||I do need my space. I would rather not live alone, and do hope that I get married someday... but I will need a room to myself somewhere in the house!|||My major is architecture, so if you have specific questions about this, I can possibly help. I don't know if I would say you'd have to be passionate about it, but definitely determined. A bachelors...|||1. What is the best way to initially connect with you? Say a greeting and then talk. Or if not in person, message me. Also, get through the small talk portion quickly or bypass it entirely. 2....|||You make it sounds so naughty - oooh! Haha!|||Also, and this is something I appreciate about PerC, one can peek in at the other types and see what interests you or who is talking about the things that interest you. You are not chained to your...|||You're not alone in these.|||I'm not even sure why my declining the offer was frowned upon. I generally have a good sense of whether someone and I could possibly make a good match. If I am fairly certain that we couldn't, then...|||I don't know how much. I believe I am up to three hairs at the moment, so the kitties are not getting many snuggles for the moment. I am more comfortable with animals as well, and maybe buildings...|||Yes, I got that regarding the relationship. I just preferred to acknowledge it than not. :)|||Fascinating. I suspect I have had thoughts similar to yours in that I am grateful for being an INTP and think that I have had an interesting and beneficial way of viewing things, making choices,...|||I think I have just swallowed a little more cat hair. I am mildly allergic, so have taken some medication for it. However, I am wondering if there is a way for a human to cough up a furball.|||Misunderstood and therefore annoying/ confusing people - story of my life. But for sake of having examples: -I was in a relationship and people gave me that bewildered look to find out that I...|||http://fishingforsoul.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/excitement.jpg|||I tend to be in the middle, or a combination of both. It depends on the situation. If a friend asks me for my opinion on something important, I say it. I can be honest and brutally so. If it's not...|||I didn't know where to put this and you can post your stories as well if you are so inclined. I thought my conversations with people might be at least a little entertaining. I am currently...|||http://bloggojane.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/drew-barrymore-profile-malibu-1993.jpg?w=824|||Thank you, that was interesting. I'll watch pretty much anything with Bale in it.|||Of live shows I've seen: The Phantom of the Opera (I think it was 1995?) Thoroughly Modern Millie (2004) Film versions: Flower Drum Song West Side Story Newsies There are many I want to/...|||Lol, it was like a beat down one knew was going to happen and couldn't look away. I was thinking of using my powers to turn this thread for an irrelevant loop... not sure yet if that's really...|||When he says or you sense that he's feeling pushed, give him some time. I would suggest asking him a question with the addition of if you need some time to think it over, that's okay, yet please let...|||That has been my experience with the one confessed INTJ that I know - most of the time personal offenses do not register with him or it's not important to him so he disregards it. Another confessed...|||For fabuglue and buttglitter, yes, that is the thanks you get.|||Well, for one, if he is willing or asking to meet with you, that is a good sign. Generally, it will mean that the person cares (and I mean that as an INTP, though still note the generally)....|||Just trying to understand/ help you out a little more, from my perspective... It could also be that he simply doesn't understand what his actions/ words meant to you, how you took it. Also,...|||Yes, what I was trying to say. Good advice to anyone with a similar confusion: Talk to the INTP directly, and with direct questions. Usually works.|||LOL this has all been entertaining. I can't believe it has gone on/ is going on this long.' | 1,699 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I tried to learn to play guitar fluently for years until I just gave up, what a screwed up instrument, any picked note besides the open strings is more or less out of tune. If I had the money I'd buy...|||If you're gonna do it then just do it and be done with it. If you don't wanna do it we can talk about it.|||1. Live life. 2. Have an accident. 3. ??? 4. Profit. Edit: or what she said...|||Makes you wonder of life when an accident can result in more success than a deliberate choice might have...|||Listening to some Djent style metal songs for the first time has been a very amusing experience for me. It's the simultaneous feel of me liking it despite it having an odd rhythm and sounding quite...|||Either she has a problem or the other person deserved it, Most likely a bit of both. Analyzing the context would help determine the situation.|||Maybe I should reconsider...|||The INTJ looks at his own species and hangs his head in shame.|||What's this based on? Children growing up having to wait for their birthday at a perceived early or late time in the year? I've born on January 10 which is pretty early on but might as well be...|||Amusingly enough I've just recently had the idea of making a thread called: Excluding interactions with other people, what makes life worth living? But I guess you kind of beat me to it :D|||If this is not a rather lame meta sarcasm on the Halp! Does INTJ like me?! threads then I don't know what is.|||My sarcasm-o-meter is giving a reading... But in the future I would recommend instead of swallowing anymore negative energies, kick-boxing, for the belly is not to be used for long term storage of......|||I've never really been able to focus on meditation, it just seems like there's too much noise, not outside necessarily but inside my head so to speak, That or my body just feels uncomfortable holding...|||I find the idea of the first step, creating a reason for not being there, a bit flawed, because then you have a reason to not be at the party. So you don't go to the party...|||I've no idea, I have never even tasted alcohol. I have never induced intoxication of any sort on myself, apart from caffeine and sleep deprivation, if that counts.|||Unfortunately wearing industrial level hearing protection in a supermarket, in order to not hear the annoying christmas music is not a very practical option... I don't consider christmas to be a...|||Other limbs are available.|||I'm interested who you will punch when time kills you...?|||Look! I have no interest in killing people, but I'm just going to say, you're all going to die.|||I hate water. It dries my skin too much. I don't like to swim in the nature and pools generally have too much chlorine or something like that in them. I could perhaps see myself swimming in a private...|||If you say Shut up to a person small talking you, they will be offended. If you don't Hello anyone in the morning at school/work, they think you're having a bad day.|||Hi PC, I was here a while back but I stopped posting because I didn't feel like I really had anything much to share, Also I don't feel like sitting in a personality defined box is a very constructive...|||So you ride to places with the power of imagination? Cause that thing looks like it doesn't move under its own power... Wow, that's pretty cool :D I'm afraid mine is all standard apart from a...|||Summer is almost here, So this will be my face from now on, when I'll leave the house. 69639 And this will be the transportation of choice. 69640|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2Kj067-lY8|||No need to thank me. ...|||Wouldn't it be pretty cold if we couldn't feel the sunlight? Unless you're talking about light affecting emotions, which also happens, with peoples moods goind up and down on rainy vs. sunny...|||I'm perfecting the zen of not giving a fuck.|||When I'm working and things are going well and as I've planned, My movement is part walking, running and dancing. It must look pretty silly...|||http://i.imgur.com/Bc0Zuq1.jpg|||I always describe the default state of myself as gray, not particularly colorful, but not dark either. It means that there are no feelings coloring up my decision making, And I can think clearly....|||The growth of facial hair and a man shouting in the cave of his mind.|||It's only 9 am and I've already learned so many new things. Firstly, the best way to wake up in the morning is to burn your hand on the coffee maker and then run cold water on the burn. Secondly,...|||http://vip.aersia.net/vip.swf Various videogame soundtrack bits, It's a flash thingy that plays in your browser.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6VSTPranO4|||Compared to this our schools CNC machine is as precice as a hammer :D|||Your body geometry intrigues me.|||Cue circle-jer...hug? I haven't had a real hug in a few years, How about that.|||Not knowing when to shut up, when there is nothing useful to be said is stupid. If people could get this the world could be such a nice and quiet place. Asking stupid questions however is okay,...|||I wish natural selection could take care of those people.|||I suppose it's a bit difficult to get a crush on somebody who lives in a cave and is never seen or heard from...|||All that seems overly complicated, My strategy has always been more Mammoth tanks! and I don't see why that wouldn't work here.|||It's also inconvenient when somebody asks you something and you have to spend a minute clearing your throat to get some words out. That happens daily...|||So it doesn't even matter if you fill the coffee maker with salt? Too bad...|||So time to set in motion all the inconspicuous pranks on the people who have annoyed you in some way?|||I sure don't care about religion or any of their nonsense, But I like having their holidays. 4 day weekend starting now!|||I will somewhat disagree with this. Because I think getting more information is always better. If somebody who is more experienced than me in something, say a teacher, tells me how to do a task, I...|||I don't know, Why ask me? I don't do that, I just hate the noise those things make.|||When I'll get my own microwave I will open that thing up and disconnect the beeper, cause that thing is fucking annoying. But I have no stance on the button pressing, I just focus on getting the...|||This is the kind of shit that happends when people don't use toilets -.^ It works, I saw it the first thing when I got here. And now I'll leave.' | 2,948 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Half of it is going straight to charity, another quarter going straight to scientific research, an eighth to the parkour community, a sixteenth to towards spreading information about health and...|||Find a path or suffer more.|||http://personalitycafe.com/enneagram-personality-theory-forum/85323-enneagram-type-mbti-type-compared-statistics.html yep.|||I kind of anchor on Fi and Ne makes having Ni really fun. INFP for me as they tire me out less and our views tend to align more.|||The two ESTPs I have gotten the chance to know seem to experience much more than other people who have been on the planet for the same amount of time and are quite the renaissance (wo)men. Is this...|||I don't really have a best friend ISTP(passion-amateur group co-founder), INTJ(intellectual and various small hobbies talk), ESTP(Bro-in-law, talk about everything kind of like my INTJ friend),...|||Everyone looses their gift if they don't even consider a different perspective.|||Kansas - ISTJ|||That or if they are normally comfortable with me, such as a friend or close acquaintance, they feel the need to start talking. It's almost a trap, I've noticed for most people feel the need to expose...|||To me, your answers screamed introverted feeling. Answers 2-5, 10, 11, 14, 16, and 17 your last statement were particularly Fi-like. I'm guessing you are an intuitive and possibly and introvert...|||Could you explain your reasoning for these? I saw Mako as an F, Lin as an ES, and have Kya as an F. Never had an idea for Amon's type.|||This applies to many of these threads.|||With an INFP for over 2 years now.|||After watching tonight's episode I'm sure that Unalaq is an ENXJ. I'm not sure if it's Fe or Te at this point but the way he goes about doing and planning things seem like a Je-dom. I'm putting him...|||Parkour is my passion(but I consider it closer to a martial art than a sport). I also enjoy some running and climbing.|||I have many characters but I gravitate towards sneaky archer, Breton, and conjuration. I love doing role plays and think it's one of, if not the best way to play the game.|||ESFP seems right for Ikki. We may need Jinora to have more interactions for us to tell. Any guesses about Pema, Tenzin's wife? She said herself that she used to be very shy so I'd put I just from...|||If you don't mind, please tell me more by what you meant by this bolded part or what happened.|||I think it's fit to revive this thread seeing as the second season of Korra has started and the second episode of the season is coming up tomorrow. I'd just say beware of spoilers in new posts if you...|||I was thinking more along these lines: 83385|||Yes, a few times in friendships and other things but it was usually spurred on by the idea of not having a second chance. I've been trying to make the first move more in life as I've realized it just...|||Sorry if my wording was/is confusing or vague. Let me try to explain it better. As for the first statement: I see the world for all it's interconnections. If you wish, visualized everything having...|||~I don't experience it as simply perceiving or creating, for me as I perceive interconnected relationships are formed and realized. ~I don't think that I rationalize with my dominate function but...|||I think it's amusing that, in the leading position I share with an ISTP friend of mine, we both start to embrace our shadows. I Think that's been my growing point lately, embracing my shadow. We're...|||I would suggest introspection and relying on your sense of self over tests and I highly suggest looking into the cognitive functions. ISTJ is the complete opposite of INFJ.|||I definitely agree with others on the US- It's pretty good for an INFJ if you find your niche. I say the Midwest is generally SJ with women expected to be F and men to be T. It's nice but annoying....|||Please explain|||I think my own eye movements have almost been changed because of where I was usually placed when talking to someone in normal conversations. See, when I was young I ended up getting permanent spot in...|||Judgmental, critical, somewhat narcissistic, stubborn, possessive, Fe-ishly manipulative, and I have ego issues. Take that with a grain of salt.|||Yes, very much so. I love Spanish so far.|||I have a huge folder of these types of images.|||Aquarian It was just my guess, it doesn't need that much merit. Personally, I think Se is the hardest function to describe because it is so in the moment.|||Sorry, double post because of connectivity weirdness.|||I don't know if this has been posted before or if a thread about curses would be the best place but it'll do just fine. The important part is post #79, the giant wall of text. I think most of it was...|||If anything, imo, Ni would be how objects are interconnected. If I were to follow closely to your model: Introverted Intuition: Understanding how objects are connected Extraverted Intuition:...|||Sometimes you just don't see them :ninja: Seriously, I thought I was alone in a small town but I was surprised after training for a couple months. You can easily learn and train by yourself, you...|||82063 Stuff by Andy Day, not only do I like it because it is the stuff of my passion but that new perspective of our surroundings that it brings. This is a great example of that. All those people...|||Sorry for the quality, my relative only gave me a physical copy, it's a picture of a picture. This is my INFP girlfriend of two years and me.|||If I am with my SO I almost need physical contact in some way.|||I pretty much have a guru dream that involves my SP wannabe passion. Around people I am close to I totally put on the gypsy king face, people are just so interesting. Hahaha can't stop laughing at ...|||I agree this this post very much, I just can't shake that vibe. To me it feels like you are an INTP who strongly identifies with INFJs. I think if you want a sound answer form yourself and others we...|||I do pretty well in emergencies, I do very well compared to normal conditions in my opinion. I feel like I become the ideal version of myself, for the most part. It's hard to describe but it's like...|||I have a very close INTJ friend. The Te Fe difference is acknowledged very well and I'd say that both of our tertiary functions are well developed which helps a ton. He does not show it often but he...|||Being alone and/or doing something physical that I can naturally and reactively do without thinking or little thought.|||Pretty much this|||If I wear shoes or socks to bed and my feet are not on my bed I will wake up as if I was falling. 2/3 of the time this happens. Any other dreams that I remember(I don't remember most of my dreams...|||This one still gets me. What I meant to say was Pass the salt but what I really said was You b****, you ruined my life|||I'm sorry, but I find them so funny because I use them for good reason. They make people uncomfortable at first but then, slowly, make people more comfortable with the idea that people are different...|||XSFJ Mother, ISTJ father, and an XNFJ sister. Yep.|||I love dark jokes, especially racists/stereotypical jokes.' | 7,807 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'This is exactly what I would think!|||It really depends on the situation. I'll give the door slam and not go looking for them again. If by chance we do happen to just crash into each other again, I'll reassess the situation about them. I...|||Pretty much the same here. I used to just door slam, but now they are generally too scared to press the issue once I tell them to leave me alone. I will basically just make communication unpleasant...|||Thanks guys! Seems you just have to stick your head out a little bit in order to meet people ><; Who would have guessed haha.|||This is going to be a kind of reverse thread that I see around here. Normally I see other types asking where to meet INFJs. I was wondering where other INFJs have met their significant other in...|||LOL @ What social gatherings would I find you in? The ones where we're having a party with ourselves XD. Basically anywhere that's quiet and we can feel like we won't be disturbed. Approaching...|||It sounds like he likes you, but doesn't know what to do about it and thinks you don't like him back. He's trying to get you to miss him etc by the sounds of it. If you were doorslammed, he would...|||I believe the saying is A moth to the flame. For both of you.|||I believe because they are intuiters. In my group of friends, I always see intuiters teaming together, against Sensors, who seem to like to be their own team. I'm not saying this is the case here,...|||Wow, I have everyone of those symptons up to 20, then after 20 I don't have. I think I've dealt with it and doing just fine now though. So I don't think I have it, at least any more.|||Pretty much the same with me. Although getting drunk just makes me tired. I also hate loud noises, and it's difficult to connect with people when there's 8435894958 other people around you, being...|||Yeah, generally if you talk to her more & do things 'datish' she will get the picture. Maybe even talk about it after some time too. If she likes you, or could like you, she wouldn't really mind...|||Yep. You betcha. I can feel it coming on too right before I get it (Sometimes as early as Feb, Mar, I'm in the southern hemisphere btw). I started to notice it when I was aout 18-19. Everything just...|||Guilty as charged.|||Well... I'm against smoking weed. I didn't grow up in the best family (My parents smoked it, and a large range of other stuff). Mots of my friends smoke/have smoked it and it doesn't really bother...|||Spot on right there.|||Computer Programmer/IT stuffs.|||It's last on my list too.|||Hey guys, Just so happens that I'm good with computers! I also just happen to have a spare computer in my room that's doing nothing at all! It also just so happens that I used to host a minecraft...|||I think the biggest issue here is she has lost sight of her NJ. I didn't grow up in the best family and had left home when I was 13 to fend for myself. During that time I never did drugs or sex or...|||Technologically Advanced... ?|||1. Why? It's not like woman are being forced to be prostitues? And for the ones that are, then yes, they should be helped, and the PIMP jailed. 2. Woman are the ones in the porn industry. Look at...|||^ Same, but with: Fluttershy: INFJ (Likes animals, really shy and quiet etc, doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, sensitive). Pinky Pie: ESFP! (Random, Party animal, nuf said). Twilight...|||Wha... What have I done... =D.|||Can anyone tell me why I love watching this show? I decided to youtube it and watched the first episode... 7 episodes later I realized. Reading the youtube comments makes me think I'm not the only...|||I think some people think we live in a nandy dandy world. Go for a trip down to your local mental health ward. If you tempt those types of people, expect them to react. Remember they don't think the...|||Haha. That rant is awesome. Top shelf dude. I'm almost tempted to put it on my facebook I agree with it so much XD.|||Woman forget that not all men can control them selves. If you dress like a slut, walk around alone, especially at night expect something bad to happen. View it another way, why not let your kids...|||Bopper: if u fink dat evry1 got da jels den u needa stfu. INFJ dnt care who is da top pop. we lyk watchin u cuz we no inside ur all alone. English: Why would you come here and start a thread...|||AstroEmpires? I played from about 2006 to 2010 (October).|||Haha, I played on Alpha, Ceti and Epsilon. Gave it up though. I used to play MapleStory maaaaany years ago. It was good until they wrecked it. Other then that, I play Left 4 Dead (1 & 2) and was...|||2 other INFJs in my city!|||Hahahahaha. Speaking of disasters. Did anyone read about the asteroid that nearly hit earth I think it was last night? It was only discovered the night before too. It came less then double the...|||Uhh. I hated it there too. It's just party party party. Sex, drinking and clubbing. Dodgy people everywhere. It's like Australia's Vegas. Why can't an earth quake rip through there and make all those...|||How odd. I used to live on the Goldcoast! Very close to you. I'm now in Sydney. As for the earth quake, this is the first ever I've heard of a quake happening in Australia! Half our country is...|||My strength comes from my imagination. Was thinking about something Einstein said. Imagination is more important then knowledge. This quote above came to mind. What do you guys think about...|||Sounds like to me they want you to stay. And being passive aggressive about it. I've come across people like this before. I've secretly loved coming back years later when I've actually achieved my...|||Ohhhhh! I've seen your vids on youtube (OP). You make som great videos, keep posting them up =).|||What's failure? (That's my answer :p).|||Yup! I've pretty familiar with a few languages, ranging from VB.Net to PHP, MySQL, HTML etc. Also good on the networking sides of things too. Basically, I can design a world in my head, and...|||Rofl. Noodles, subway and KFC.|||Haha. This is exactly why I wear them. Helps me seperate myself from the current envroment. Cities and crowds tend to be a bit overwhelming. If say it was in the forests or something, you bet they'd...|||So today I was walking home from work. I was listening to music with my headphones on. I stopped at a crossing and waited for the pedestrian light to turn green to tell me to walk across the road. ...|||Had this all through my childhood. And proved them all wrong. They can continue to live their miserable, no hope life. Maybe they'll learn not to bring others down with them :).|||We have a knack for being invisible, unnoticeable, inpreceivable (I just made that word up :p). You'll always see us standing back and watching a situation before deciding or not to join in.|||When I know how we do it, I'll be sure to let you know. I guess we don't have a choice in the matter, but we do our best any way. We see many things.|||I can't wait until Heisenberg hears about this. Won't that make things interesting.|||All the time. Usually at parties or clubs.|||I'll make this post quick, and come back later. But he'll know just by you trying. We read more into the behind the scenes, then what you're actually saying. It may help to type out what you...|||It depends. If his motives match my morals, then I don't mind. If he's out to steal chicks or doesn't give a rats ass about anyone but himself, then I pretty much feel as you do.' | 7,037 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 'classy daleks: Hanging out with Pifanjr is pretty classy http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=717153&stc=1 Hanging out with an Opossum is pretty classy ...|||http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=717137&stc=1 http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=717145&stc=1|||Wait.... countries in this case is the place of your ethnicity not where you live or are from?! :shocked: I'm French, Moroccan and Native American:confused:... I better propose an alliance to...|||Kiss marry bed: intp Pass on others. :p Entp, intp, esfj|||What? I can't ship myself with the person I'm married to? :(|||Pifanjr and Daleks <3|||Awwwww. You're probably going to have to climb up and get him. I'd suggest thick gloves and an animal carrier. Even if he's domesticated he will probably be scared and so large thick gloves are...|||Me for hollowen lets go as each other's biggest fears. I'll go as a spider. My husband and I'll go as something you've made that isn't quite perfect, but almost.' Nooooooooo anyone else a...|||Do you relate to Anne of Green Gables? (I've always kind of seen her as an enfp)|||Well I married the dork that showed me he loved me with articles about being in love with someone vs caring about them platonically. :P I've never been into what redpill says I should be... I find...|||Yes. I started recently :p|||Not necessarily, it's in the Lloyd Dobler / Jeffrey Dahmer window. Meaning that two people can do the same thing the exact same way and based on your opinion of them it's either Llyod Dobler from...|||How have I not played WoW before this week?! I decided to do a free trial on a whim.... And that allows you to become level 20. After that I bought it and a subscription and in a week I have a level...|||I haven't been playing very long, but I'm hooked. Does anyone else play? Buddies?|||World of Warcraft <3|||Never claimed to be. No reason for that. :p ;)|||You're doing it wrong.|||Hmm I'm on ADHD and Autism and I'm legitimately diagnosed with both. :/ :laughing:|||706658|||Angry Mom Accidentally Texts 35-Year-Old Guy Instead Of Her Daughter, And Things Escalate Quickly | Bored Panda|||703410:laughing:|||I just took a Which Game of Thrones house are you quiz and got House Baelish. (That's what I had last time too). I also tested as a Slytherin (ages ago) on Pottermore. I think I'll just hold out...|||701842|||701762 701770 701778 701786 701794 A how to sext video: https://youtu.be/VsTILzzCjtc|||Sometimes this is dangerous :p|||I was not included in poll. You've met me. I glow in the dark...|||Now that I know I'm going to be a mom, I'm debating whether or not we should vacinate our child. You see, I know they can prevent losing lives. I don't think they cause autism. I'm aware that...|||I never listened to those rules. Things worked out ok for me. Do what you want. XD|||That's clearly what was implied.|||Wanna come to my bill Clinton impeachment party? It'll be super fun.|||Oh hey there infp 3w2|||Taking a quick look at your profile, I have discovered that you: Enjoy reading, swimming, walking, psychology, mysticism, creating fractals, Star Trek, online lectures And work in: I am at...|||I didn't realize you were such an infp 4.|||Isfp 4w3|||Entj 8w9|||Esfp 7w6|||Estp 8w7|||Isfp 2w3|||My intention was hmm this seems fun. I don't really care if I actually offended anyone, it would be a ridiculous reason to be offended especially after I said I was messing with 4s. If people are...|||Technically true, but you'd not actually let me go through with it. :tongue:|||I need help... How do I convince Pifanjr to let me name our spawn Nyarlathotep? :laughing:|||Enfps are good at music. https://youtu.be/p6C2ZGiZ5aw|||We're having a kid. It's a seriously weird idea. I didn't want one and now all the hormones in my body are like it's ok to have just one but I'm cognitively like this is stupid. We're being...|||Estp 7w8 4w3 3w4|||Isfj 4w5 7w8 8w7, and obviously you're an alien only known as The Celestial Toymaker|||Esfj 2w3 5w4 1w2|||Estj 2w3 5w4 8w9|||Isfp 2w1 8w9 7w8|||Since I'm here anyway. :tongue: I've always loved this quote. “Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it...|||Sorry for messing with all of you... I'm not actually an estj but an entp type 7. Was fun for a min. Bored now. I hope I didn't actually upset you tho. :)' | 1,694 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Yeah, usually when I'm interested in something, I try to make it perfect. I too get lost in what I'm doing. But if I find something more interesting, or no longer find use in what I'm doing, I...|||Maybe he was grumpy because he didn't have any alcohol?|||I've never had a journal, and I honestly don't know what I'd put in it if I did have one. It's actually giving me a headache to think about it.|||I can't build a motorcycle or any other sort of machinery from scratch. Not very impulsive, especially when it comes to spending money. While I myself have a hard time expressing my feelings,...|||I cought plane tickets for a trip over a month ago. I'm leaving tomorrow morning, and I haven't even bought luggage yet. Absolutely nothing is ready. I haven't even thought about what I'm gonna do...|||So you are messy and very clean?|||I've always thought of dandelions as weeds.|||that shape symbolized a downward spiral of my life. The top was the opening of the corporate world I jumped into, and ever since then, it's been going downhill. The blue symbolizes the sadness in my...|||FWIW, I was just gonna say that it looks like a blue solo cup.|||Nice. Out of curiosity, what were your other results?|||I feel like that's bullshit, tbh. I use, I feel and I think interchangeably. Anyway... my GF is a feeler, and she just said today, If I worked with cows, I think I'd become a vegetarian...|||I can see ISFP/ESTP too. Again, fuckin terrible at this. Try this: http://jupiter-34.appspot.com/ I thought it broke me down accurately, in terms of the different types I thought I shared...|||I'm pretty terrible at typing people, but like 80% of the stuff you said sounded like me, and I type as an ISTP.|||Whether it's one person, a group of people, co-workers, etc. If you state an opinion, and most people/everyone disagrees with you, how do you react, and how do you feel about it?|||Thanks for clarifying. I looked it up on Urban Dictionary, and it said that it was a gay guy who was a top and bottom. I guess that attracts some women out there, but it would probably hard for a...|||wtf is switchy?|||Wallet, keys, phone, and a pen for some reason.|||I don't really conform to anything. I think it's probably one of the reason's I don't even ever use lol, lmao, lmfao, etc. You'll always see me use, hahaha. I don't even know why though. I...|||Nah, standing in one spot or an area for an hour or so gets boring to me. I'd rather be doing something, like playing pool, with a live band playing nearby.|||I think it depends on where you were born and grew up. Some countries are more religious than others, and even in those countries, there are pockets of people who go against the beliefs of the...|||Things that annoy me may or may not have anything to do with being an ISTP: *The noise people make when eating with their mouths open. Drives me insane. *People touching me *People who won't...|||Well I do like bacon....|||Not sure, but she's got an amazing rack.|||Do you think you may be depressed at all? Also, you can probably buy some on the black market. I hear they sell everything on there, like kidneys and other cool things.|||Yeah, I don't seem to be interested in many people I meet. It seems like a lot of people are being fake or wanna have the same talk about the fuckin weather a million times. Or they just seem...|||I can't relate to what you've typed. I've always been heavily involved in sports. Just to compare to your running example, the fastest mile I have ever ran was 4 minutes and 50ish seconds, and the...|||I think Mayweather is going to win, but I want McGregor to win. Boxing is only part of what McGregor does, where it's ALL Mayweather does. I think McGregor has a shot because the dude can hit,...|||Hahahaha right. Well, technically I do. My drivers license http://www.cool-smileys.com/images/2098.gif|||ISTP AC/DC Godsmack Metallica The Offspring Rise Against Ozzy Seether Shaman's Harvest|||Head and Shoulders Old Spice|||Snapchat pic my gf took of me. Corny? Probably. Sexy? Absolutely. 694025|||Snapchat pic my gf took of me. Corny? Probably. Sexy? Absolutely. 694025|||I mostly type as an ISTP (like 80% of all different tests of taken at different times). I've also gotten ISTJ, INTP, ESTP, and rarely ISFP.|||How do you see if it works?|||I almost wrote, Malnourished, hairless penguin with penis wrinkles for a neck. Damn! I would've been 1/3 right!|||It looks like a malnourished penguin, with penis wrinkles for a neck.|||I think I'm just afraid of not experiencing or enjoying life before I die.|||If she was good looking, I would just want her to tell me she has feelings for me. If she wasn't, I'd prefer her not to mention anything because rejecting her could make it awkward to be friends...|||Idk... I just like this particular character from that particular show.|||Remind myself that Helen Keller had it much worse. Being stressed about the little things doesn't seem so bad after that. ...|||Hmmm interesting. Where did you take it?|||Intj? When did that happen?|||ISTP 0 followers because I don't have one.|||I did a couple, they were really fun. It's more fun if you know most of the people in the room. The first time, I went with my girlfriend. The other group of 10 all knew each other and kind of...|||When I took it the first time, I didn't read that you can get a new question if you click on skip... so these were my results: 63% ISTP 10% ESTP 6% ISFP 6% ISTJ 5% INTP Then I took it again...|||I was pretty quiet, but very funny once other kids got to know me. I also didn't know how to control my temper, which led to a lot of fights. Usually stemmed from playing sports. I was super...|||I need to fucking vent. So my gf and I recently got an [expensive] apartment together, and we're barely two months into out lease. She goes out and buys a brand new dog for $2000, except it isn't...|||I probably stopped playing with toys at around 10-11.|||you're* https://media.giphy.com/media/13py6c5BSnBkic/giphy.gif|||So I used to have a lot of friends. There was a time I could call up any one of 20-25 people and go do something. Or we'd hang out in a big group. But this was back in high school/college, where I...' | 940 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I'm holding off for the reasons in number 1, just hoping at some point i can break free of his team and lead my own... but the company seem's to have a lot of plans or thoughts about things that...|||Well it isn't a nice place to be in when someone can turn from nice to angry so fast. But if there is money issues it is most likely pressure causing these explosions. Is he threatening when angry or...|||Ohhh right so I might be an actual intj ? Or just more of a feeler but have strong thinking.... Lol I'm done trying to figure this stuff out I'll just stick with what the tests say|||themselves.|||not that i've noticed but i do get moments where my heart feels like it has skipped a beat or stopped only to kick in right at the moment i start to panic...|||The thing is i have this guy so pegged i know what he is going to do and why he is going to do it... but he is my boss and i can't continue to call him out on it... not just because i might lose my...|||Taking away all the type associated stuff that is tossed into the post. What i have gotten from it is you loved your husband for 4 years for who he was, and now he is somebody different than the...|||Well that would also tie in with my question i asked the other day about growing into/changing types as i've always felt on the right day... right amount of confidence.... clothes fit right.......|||I could go into it in so much detail but the short of it is, everything he does or says is a show and/or to further himself in life without a regard for anyone else, i can see right through it... and...|||lol true i'm always either thinking or feeling :D those are how i open most conversations with... i think or i feel. Is thinking an INFJ trait ?|||surfjan stevens - should have known better wet- i don't wanna be your girl no more and watching videos of seasons change by future islands because the main singers live performances just draw me...|||See i don't know how to type people but i was just going on who i felt i mostly resembled in a conversation and Norton stood out as very me.... he uses i feel a lot when he is talking which is...|||It basically comes down to if i feel comfortable, on the same level or above them whether i keep eye contact. This is the perfect example of me having/losing and regaining eye contact depending on...|||Just rewatched it and i have to take back a little what i said.... i think cumberbatch was more comfortable listening than when he was having to speak... which Norton wasn't having any issues with. ...|||I keep reading people being able to figure out if they are an infj... entp etc... just by how they come across in a conversation but don't understand what they are looking for. I was just watching...|||If it's small niggling stress, just being on my own and watching movies/tv shows can be enough to keep my mind off it and relax. If it's a big stressor nothing works except sleeping.... if my mind...|||God i wish there was an off switch sometimes i really do! then I'd maybe have more friends... even if they were fake ones... cause well i wouldn't know would i ? But unfortunately... it is always...|||start to crumble.... I WILL become more withdrawn if allowed to be, but obviously with things like work you need to attend so force yourself to go when all you want to do is stay in your own...|||yeah pretty much minus the ripping off out tops and with a few more curse words ;)|||dupe|||I would describe myself as one of those dogs.... that when you are clapping it and it's tail is waggling and it look completely happy and at ease but then all of a sudden out of nowhere bites you.......|||The thing is when in a 1 v 1 situation a lot of my personality will drip into the conversation but i've always been able to identify with people easily and almost chameleon like bring things into...|||i tear up way too much to things that just shouldn't be getting as much of a reaction as i give it... i think im sensitive to even just music changes in a movie... just watching the intern with...|||Igor Just caught that story through the other posters quote and my does it hit hard because it's so true...too let someone go despite still having a large place in your heart for them because it's...|||i've never looked at it the same way you mentioned but i have in my life found myself drawn to certain things for no known reason or being able to pick something up faster than anyone else without...|||1.) Is there something that you've always wanted to do or have been interested in? Broadly, specifically, a journey, creation, vocation, etc? Write my own songs and perform them as the...|||Well i was just hoping that once he got over the initial embarrassment or whatever feeling, that on his next trip gave it a go and it made it a little easier for him... but yeah i have these moments...|||i do indeed my guitar hero growing up played one and for the exact reasons you pointed out.... being heavy made like a baseball bat... he whacked the crap out of it while trying to make some crazy...|||lol yeah cause it is one of the most dangerous and daunting things when you first hit the gym, I actually practice what I preached to the kid.. when i do the squats i lift off from the frame...|||my profile picture is my default picture face... and most likely my default walking about face.... I do remember not so long ago in my younger years i was described as the face of a dreamer... i...|||well i keep reading on here at libraries and museums... since I'm very much a home bird and not a reader... prefer a good movie/tv show with visuals.... i think my best bet is a cinema.. and since we...|||So I'm in the gym... I've been lifting for a good while so have a good bit of knowledge and grip of it. I see this young kid doing squats and struggling when returning to frame to sit the weights...|||I am patient if i know the thing/person or whatever it is I'm dealing with is going at the correct/fastest speed it can. But if i know that I'm being delayed by something that is within control then...|||When i am engaged in a conversation 1 to 1 with a stranger, I'm very much the most domineering... talking most, pushing the conversation in whatever direction my mind decides to wander... and don't...|||god yes i look so unapproachable even though i am in a nice mood inside.... people just automatically from distance think i'm in a mood.... it's not until they get closer and see my eyes that the see...|||i've always like a certain shade of purple on a black background for some reason.... just always been drawn to it. All my pc desktops are usually this combo... i shall try finding the purple i'm...|||See i can see your point in that looking for the same back in return is in a way asking for something, but what we are wanting isn't something that we should need to be asking for... It's something...|||so the I/E part is interchangeable but the rest remains the same ? yeah i think that pretty much sums me up... depending on confidence level or if i feel fully recharged.|||Fake friends who are also fake to each other.... I'm the only real one in the group with good intentions and they are all two faced to each other.... yet because i call them out on it, I'm the hard...|||See i don't really mind if they are doing their own thing and i'm doing mine, it's just the part you mentioned about they aint ever had a friend like me.... and it is true but some people don't see...|||When I was younger i was kind of much easier going but as I've gotten older i tend to have my bullshit detector set to 11, so if it's someone new or I've not known that long if they do something...|||Hey guys thanks for the replies i always had a hard time figuring this stuff out because as i said although i spend probably everyday of the year on my own inside my own bubble, if and when im out...|||I've been struggling to figure whether i am truly an INFJ and you just hit the nail in the head for me...|||Would love to meet an INFJ lady but I am more of a TV/Movie kind of guy and from the looks of this thread they all hang out in libraries and museums two places i have zero interest in.... i mean i...|||For example i was one of the most popular outgoing guys in school, but i always did my own thing so at one point when my tastes changed for example sport to music.... i began to hang with people seen...|||I know this is probably gonna be the same as what anyone would say about their mother.... but she is honestly the only person i have met in my life that has no hidden agendas, no fakeness or anything...|||Yeah just wanted to see what others thought rather than a quiz by giving a little information about myself more than anything tbh.|||I keep getting in INFJ or INFJ-Turbulent depending on what site i use, i've always been very interested in these personality types as i feel I'm not like anyone else i meet... in a good way but it...|||which of the two are most likely to lash out physically when things get too emotionally charged ? i am not a violet person and can be pushed pushed pushed and take it until the silliest little thing...|||hey everyone thanks for the replies yeah tbh a lot of what is being put there is like me only thing that aint is the getting to know me as im such an open book but i guess when im shutting myself off...' | 2,529 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | A curse, aye? Awww, the good old bargaining with your alarm clock trick... Do you, guys, feel like these thoughts are plaguing your mind only because you have to sleep or... is it like...|||Do you guys tend to suffer from sleeping problems? What are your thoughts prior to sleeping? Does your mind wander to different problem? Do you have an issue 'shutting down' your mind? Do you tend...|||Dunno... It did happen to me a couple of times. And when it did, I had no idea what was going on. And it was sad, because they were people whom, I was kind to because I wanted to be helpful, never...|||Yes, devil's advocate is fitting. My friends got really frustrated with me, when I defended various points one day and their polar opposites the other. I didn't do it to annoy either... I sort of...|||The staring is not the problem. The problem is when others notice that I stare. The usual 'what are you looking at?' and 'stop looking! I can't stand your eyes on me' following are not nice. But I...|||The Princess Bride by William Goldman.|||You have a hard time, aye? I don't find it myself too easy. In my encounters I always end up as a sort of reflector of how others feel. And ultimately, it is very tiring. It takes alot of patience...|||Just don't overdo it. Imagine people starting to criticize you to please you, lol. Yeah, yeah. Reminds me of my gran's advice: Don't speak up and never say your opinion. Don't get noticed....|||I do not think that is exactly true. People may not forget, but they may shift how the thing that happened to them shape their lives. That is healing. Wounds don't disappear, of course they cannot be...|||People define good with bad, because that is how we rationalize it. Doesn't necessarily mean it should be thus defined. There is lots of points in fantasizing, because that can be the craddle of...|||Impassioned message? Maybe there is a serious fault in communication. Maybe they misunderstood you. That is the cause of many many problems between people. However, if it is so, I find it best that...|||Hm... that is terrible, this means you practically didn't even have a proper closure. I don't mean to be forward, but have you thought about finding them and confronting them? As I understand they...|||Only the thought makes you itch with allergy, aye?|||Have you thought about apologizing? Or clearing things up?|||I am sorry for your losses. Can I ask if they stopped talking to you after a particular fight, or they got more colder gradually, before parting ways? Also, I understand now that this is a...|||I think the best way would be to hang around people with developped Ni? Interpersonal skills are best learned through mocking and assimilation, I think. So try to find people that seem genuinely...|||With the cave allegory thingy... well, you have to take into account that people's souls are full of fear. Exiting your comfort zone to explore something that is new to you is not exactly easy, even...|||I think I actually find that intriguing. At least when you show that you do care, I don't know... it seems less phony. Albeit can be percieved as unbelievable. Besides I think it is fine, it can be...|||*coughs incredibly loud* Should I take that seriously? I mean I gather that it's true that you may not connect with anyone/everyone. But come ooon, you guys can charm your way through the most...|||Oh but I agree. If things were perfect I'd have no work to do. BUt fantasy is just that, aye?|||I deeply envy you for your intuitive gran. Do they succeed in standing up to the... ahem 'master' at his own game?|||I used to be awfully suspicious about that. Especially as altruism not being one of you guys' priorities. But then again I am awfully suspicious about anything that breathes... And nowadays, somehow...|||About a potential unideal world. ^_^|||So it's all about equal exchange... I feared as much, hah. I kid I kid... aye. I noticed that ENTPs have a knack for making people uncomfortable and pushing just the right buttons. So this is were...|||Oh, I see why it's important to be inspired by NF. Though being an NF is no guarantee that ones interpersonal skills are apt, or inspireable for that. But I find that NTs can be inspiring to me as...|||That seems fair. On a bigger level, I believe this is how most people come to get attached to certain things. I think 'feeling fake' should be disconsidered for some people, as it tends to sound to...|||Heaven help you yo not have a crush on someone who has Bieber Fever...|||Hm... Doesn't that make you feel regretful afterwards? I don't mean the part of trying to please and woo the other person, but the part about morphing into someone else. Then again you are talking...|||Thank you for your input. I am deeply sorry for your friend. What is wrong with being you? I believe Thinkers are very much likeable. Why do you think NFs are 'seriously likeable'? I...|||Weeell thanks for letting me drain you with my question. I will keep in mind what you said. Won't.ask.irrelevant.question. Do you like icecream?|||That made me laugh really hard. It is good to know. Thanks! ^_^|||Do you hold in high regards people you are asking advice from? Are you very selective about those? Do you usually seek advice from firends, or someone you percieve as a higher authority in the...|||Apparently I am a masochist. Enjoy me while I last.|||Yes, yes lots of questioning involved. However, doesn't that appeal in the least to your narcisstic side?|||Hm, yes this was what I was afraid of. Being percieved as a judge of the soul. Thank you for your insight, it pointed out things that I have been willingy neglecting.|||Kudos for emotional manipulation.|||In an ideal world people would have the willingness to be genuinely kind and willing to solve problems cooperating in harmony. Also, as a rule, icecream would be freely distributed. Tell me about...|||I am sure many people would appreciate your talents. Sadly, norm life is just that a big bs. How wonderful would be a life without being forced to change your inner nature.|||Just one, really, but that lightbulb must deserve change.|||I do inadvertedly change to please others, not so much for a need to be accepted or loved, but for a need to not be in the spotlight. I do not really care about people who have a problem with me or...|||Schmucks, I cannot believe I am here again... And researching the INFJ-ENTP dynamic at that... Anyhow, I have this question: How do you ENTPs feel about being on 'therapy' with an INFJ? INFJ tend...|||Oh, I agree that an emotional involvement furthers your role as a helper. Of course you cannot be apt in helping people without a fair share of empathy, which will enable you to understand things on...|||I think the key to your dilemma is in the fact that this place, discussing about emotiona among other things, naturally has as a conclusion people opening up. As well as you have to keep in mind that...|||Does it matter... I do not know... That is what I am trying to figure out... I know in certain situation people are feeling comfortable with me on an advanced level, but sometimes I fell like my...|||Awww, you little Scrooge. Do you really think it is manipulation? This leaves no room for genuine emotional interaction in my opinion. Perhaps having to deal with the emotional side of things tends...|||I don't know... like the fact that we have firm beliefs of right and wrong? Or that in many cases we can be stubborn and uptight if we deal with something we morally care about... That is the main...|||I doubt it would occur to anyone else to do it...|||Usually I have no interest in distinguishing between counselling and befriending someone. The lines are very clear. When I listen to someone I don't care about emotional attachment, as my only goal...|||Lol, what kind of delusions? What you talking about, good sir? Now, excuse me I have to go and feed my Unicorns now.|||I cannot argue with that point, people do let themselves to be jerked around alot, but then again everyone is just trying to live and cope as best as they can. Of course that fighting for my... | 5,089 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I really hope you listen to my advice and take it to heart here. I have had much experience with ENFJ/INFJs (Chalkengers/Prize in romantic interests) It sounds like she is interested in you but has a...|||As mentioned in some of the previous threads the problem isn't really the ISFP personality. Men seem more attractive to women when they are emotionally stable. A lot of times this emotional stability...|||Yourself Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free|||padfeet I think he's the one putting too much of an emphasis on a label. I'd turn it right back at him and just start calling him your boyfriend. And say its ok if he doesn't like the boyfriend...|||I think this is generally true. Actually our J gives us Ni (a perceiving function) as our dominant trait. Where INTPs spend the majority of their time with Ti (a judging function) In theory, we...|||I'll apologize again. The observations in the first post was me mistyping an ISTP for a INTP. I actually like both types a lot. I think some of my frustration came from me mistyping him, therefore I...|||And to clarify. I wasn't talking about blind faith. Nor am I against spirituality. or faith. I've just noticed a lot of INFJs I know tend to believe that they hear from something or see visions....|||Saki I agree with you that its rude. The INFJs I was referring to are people I'm close with. And you're right there is no point in telling someone they shouldn't believe what they believe. But when...|||Arclight This might be cheesy but I'll write it anyway. Yes all those sperm cells are little processes (like ourselves) that spun off an earlier process (our parent) and became a separate and...|||Arclight and @-Zac Exactly! I never said that science and spirituality are mutually exclusive. Nor did I say reason and faith was. I don't even like using the term science here, mostly because its...|||Here's where I went wrong. I should have sensed this. DON'T ask to move the relationship forward to ANY other level other than the one she's on. Be slow. Think like a turtle. Just take what she feels...|||I've had a similar experience with an INFJ. She seemed very interested at a lot of the time but was always reluctant to move it to meeting. After several long conversations over about a week via IM I...|||My closest Grandma and Mother are INFJ. And I have several other INFJs that I've been allowed to be close with in my daily life. This question is about INFJs and their spirituality side. I've...|||I don't know if this is just a personal thing or not, but take it with a grain of salt pls..... I don't really get angry at the other person if they yell at me unless its for an extended period of...|||Yes we certainly like being direct and appreciate it when others are direct. The problem sometimes is, people can appear to be direct when actually they are telling you something else. I will take...|||I don't know. I think that's gross. Walking up to someone you don't know with an agenda, (hey, I have no idea who you are but I think I might want to bone you?) Go up and plant a small seed. Then...|||@ Padfeet If it were me, and I told someone I didn't want a commitment, it would most likely be because I still felt connected with someone else Fi. I'm extremely monogamous by nature. I never...|||Pls forgive all my typos . On my phone and apple likes to change my words.|||I believe reading in between the lines is definitely an Ni thing. However, I've noticed that INFJs have much more negative reads than INTJs. However, I don't really know many INTJs like myself so I...|||[end quote] Said Mr. Lewis in front of his 3rd grade class shocked about his experiences with LSD.|||Yes! INTJ women are as intimidating as Bigfoot. And when they come out of hiding all the footage is all out of focus.|||It was directed at you. I guess I shouldn't ask for people to do things as the best work is done when we are self inspired. However, I was curious. And I've read several books and countless web...|||Yep, It is what it is, this obsessively painful regret. It only goes away after something amazing happens to eclipse it. Something that would have never played out if you had won your lost prize. I...|||So would Te be, knowing other threads exist on the subject, but going ahead and making the same thread so, if someone says something you don't quite understand completely, or if you think they may...|||Yes, it's entirely subjective. I considered the question to be for a subjective view from random INTJs. Yes, never ask others to do things IME but will try to get others to do things in different...|||I hadn't heard that before. About Ti doms not using Te and vice-versa. Always heard people say the opposite. As if Te users can't use Ti. Actually have a book that buts all 8 functions from greatest...|||Ok, that sounds a lot better than the long winded things that just confused me. I actually felt like I related more to Ti the way some explain it with diagrams and matrices etc.|||When I was 4 I was told we were going to Cedar Rapids to see Santa Clause. They kept telling me we were going to see Santa Clause and I kept asking about the Rabbits. We're going to see Santa...|||Ok, I'll play. But I'm INTJ... disclaimer I know most of this has to do with business. But, being a successful business ultimately helps our customers and our employees.... People. :-) When I...|||I think I just love the conversation. I consider myself to have a great sense of humor but I need someone to play off. Someone to get the ball rolling. I can remember an ENFP I had a major crush on...|||Yea, I think I was basing some of that off of the ISTP I mistyped in the other thread. I wasn't basing it all of him though. Now that I think about it more I really haven't been in many debates with...|||Just an INTJ wanting to know how you guys see Te.|||Just thought I'd ask the experts about how they would describe Ti..... ? Thanks for sharing your thoughts!|||Don't worry about those posts. Lol, I love the random comments that inevitably come in. Guys we're all individuals, stop over generalizing! This is personality cafe, and we are talking about...|||I guess I was being an ass. But what I mean is. Sometimes you guys seem to lack the judgement to admit you're wrong for a while about some points. Even obvious ones. I concede points during debate...|||Also, I'm very impressed with your Ni vs. description as well. And I could see how an ISTP could get quite good at it. But maybe not. I'm just thinking of all the juicy possibilities and...|||Now I want to change the name of the Topic. INTJs observations of an ISTJ, whom he mistyped as an INTP. ;-)|||You know what? This makes sense. I actually typed him as an ISTP for a while but there were a lot of little things that made it hard for me to think that he's an S type. So because I had went that...|||I change my mind all the time. A great INTJ once said, When the facts change, I change my mind. -John Maynard Keynes Priva The discussions that I've been involved in with you is leading me...|||Ok, good to know. Me either. I can't stand it when girls I like insist on avoiding a direct answer to every question. I didn't want to lead him astray. But even I can appreciate indirect signals that...|||*doesnt seem to happen much|||I guess that was a little rude. I think I came across wrong. Truth is most ISTPs just don't seem to like to talk about theory. When I said I wouldn't discuss theory with an ISTP, I guess I mean it...|||Ok, I'm a male so this might not help you out. I hold the view that female INTJs can be quite different than the males. First| I really enjoy being around dominant Ne types so you got that in your...|||I'll expand my statement. Only if we [hold a subjective view] that we are around incompetent people [that have not gained our confidence(yet)].|||However, we do take other people logical points into consideration. We are not set on being right you just need to explain WHY we may be wrong. We want the best result. To me, I just think we're...|||Your INTP / INTJ process seems reasonably accurate.|||It takes me time to develop trust that someone else can get things done. I test them by asking them why they are doing things a certain way. (I normally think I see a better on.) If they have good...|||Only if we're around incompetent people.|||Also Im on my phone, so pls overlook the typos|||Ya, it screams ISTP. I agree. But he IS INTP nevertheless. This is from an INTJ perspective. Maybe, we look at you INTPs like you guys look at ISTP. I wouldn't even bother trying to discuss theory...' | 3,371 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'I have jeans older than most of you, and they still fit.:tongue:|||One thing I learned from MBTI is that they may not be boring, simply introverted. IMO, humor makes them come out to play.|||I've lived in 3 EU countries for 20+ yrs, have you? I've also lived in US and Canada for another 20+ yrs. Do I really need Fox news or some kid in a forum to explain the world to me?|||EU is the only truly democratic superpower, what makes you think its demise is imminent? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)|||Nature produces only as many as it needs.|||x93Assad has weapons of mass destructionx94, have we heard this before? So now the US is bombing both sides of the conflict, Assad and ISIS. Does anybody remember Bush's strategery? Trump...|||I have a resting mischievous smirk|||On PerC pages there are more than a dozen domains trying to run scripts, including Facebook, it's dog-eat-dog. If you're sure Flash is the problem you can simply disable the browser plugin.|||It shouldn't be a struggle unless you have many tabs loaded. But it is spooky to see CPU usage while you're doing nothing.|||In Firefox CPU usage is in Firefox Plugin-Container module, not FF itself. It is most likely an interaction between Flash ads re-loading continuously, and NoScript & Adblock blocking them.|||You write very well, and if you're French it all adds up. My wife used to talk like you, very inspiring, though she died very young in her 40s, I'm guessing she was ISFJ. Perhaps your sexual...|||You just shot down your own sexual attraction theory. Your attraction filter is down to a backup plan of shared hobbies? Or maybe you're turned on by short, fat, wrinkly men?|||You make a very compelling argument. What happens when she gets fat, sick, wrinkly or loses interest in sex?|||Ignorance is not a valid argument.|||I can't tell people's types IRL, I bet reading other's thoughts in a forum is different than meeting them in person. In written form INTJs come across humorless & serious. But then, barking dogs...|||What do you mean inexpressive, few words or cold fish in general? Just from reading forum, INTJs come across as very serious & boring, though very persistent and competent with detail.|||Same here, 2-5% CPU usage on i7-6700. Perc must have a badly written script that tries to load flash advertisements. NoScript blocks all ads but the script keeps running in the background. You can...|||Happy now? :tongue:|||OK I see. Try the cognitive functions test I linked above and post your results. Then we will troubleshoot you.:tongue:|||I didn't trust MBTI test initially so I took all different tests I could get my hands on. It always comes up ENTP, except ENFP 10% of the time, like here. ...|||A day with you of course :tongue:|||Here's a famous jack of all trades: astronomer, historian, geographer, philosopher, poet, theater critic, mathematician, librarian. Being multidisciplinary is the ultimate weapon, hope that inspires...|||Maybe it had a smiley face.|||I've noticed IN_Js in the forum do that -- pattern dead end. They do a lot of internal Ni processing without fetching new facts that may confirm or refute the pattern. Reality check people!...|||ENxP party would look like this? 658906 meh, animated GIF not working|||True for me. Make it into a poll to see if the numbers hold up.|||I don't own a TV, what's the story? Are they trying to convince people to be 20% gay?|||Kinsey was a pervert and a pedophile, trying to convince people that there's a pedophile in all of us. Today he'd be in jail. Reminds me of this: The Fox Without a Tail an Aesop's Fable|||I thought the panic button on my car keys was for that. http://personalitycafe.com/enfp-forum-inspirers/1026698-what-inferior-si-like-you.html#post34788890|||That's like asking, how gay are you?|||I was completely unaware of Si until I read this forum, still am. Inferior SI may be the reason I can never find my car in parking lots. I'm not good with too much sensory input, and my brain is...|||I'd say an ENFP is more easily hurt, an ENTP is rather immune to verbal assault, at least I am. He seems more F than T, but comes on very strong and not as sensitive as you'd expect of an NF. I'd...|||There's always some bias in these videos, though ENFPs seem more sensitive to me. This is how I think of ENFP -- this story moved me, almost to tears. Are ENFPs here moved by this woman?...|||How do you explain Russel Brand? http://personalitycafe.com/enfp-forum-inspirers/150621-russel-brand-enfp.html|||What do you guys think of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hSQU--1laY|||I do it, I was trying to get a couple of ladies in wheelchairs at Walmrt to race down the aisle, I almost convinced them. Too many people with guns around here. If you want genuine human...|||It's not that they like people, they're just curious, nosy, bored, boring, they'll talk to you long enough to check if you're dangerous.|||Well then don't get a job as a Santa. How do you do with women? Do they all think you're a serial killer?|||I read the forums to see if different types have something in common, I can't tell people's type IRL. You people are too serious. Is there anything that makes you ROFL?|||From reading INTJ forum I noticed they're very serious. Why are you people so fucking serious?|||People use the word rationalize, when people resolve things in their mind, but feeler types do that as well, so maybe not an NT thing. I'm classic ENTP but lean towards ENFP in social settings,...|||39% ENTP 21% ENFP 15% INTP 8% ENTJ 5% ESTP So I'm 5% Donald Frump|||@desire machine We've all had some bad experiences, in childhood or later. Instead of the avoidance/escape explanation, I'd say we use mostly our most competent part, simply because it's easier...|||Eyebrows are very revealing, but you think they're useful is lie-detectors? For me it's mostly aesthetics, many over-pluck them because they think it's more feminine, but it makes them look silly...|||Yes and you can roll in it too:tongue:|||Me too. Do you find that women pluck their eyebrows too much? It changes their whole face expression.|||I agree, us guys want pics.:tongue: So here's misogyny in video from last week's news, though I will defend his right to speak. And sometimes truth is revealed. ...|||I grew up in Montreal GO HABS GO Not an INFJ though Does that rhyme al all?|||Not that it matters, but he doesn't sound ENTP. None of your descriptions of him resonate with me. I'm averse to conflict, and have no emotional tantrums. ENTP like solving problems, does he do that?...|||Congratulations, your degree is in nursing? Why doesn't he have a job?' | 8,573 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I have struggled in the past with the barrage of negative thoughts and insecurities that you mentioned. One thing that works for me is I am trying to retrain my mind to not give into these...|||I don't love you INTJs. I don't know any of you on here well enough to say that to you. That would be a lie and I think you would know it. I do love one INTJ more than anyone else in this world but...|||I think that for me, I just have a sense of it being there. I try to feel where it is physically in my body and sometimes, I can get a sense of it's presence. As for Fi speaking a language, if it...|||Museums can be so amazing. I get to see things and appreciate things that I would not be able to see without them. I love the presence of some things. I can think of some pieces of art that I have...|||No, I have never done this. In college, I knew a guy who never washed his clothes. He would just throw them in a heap on the floor and get more at the thrift store to replace them. At the end of the...|||http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-olP6uqkRtAY/T4f4Q-a9jYI/AAAAAAAAB5M/Y3MFTgppRFw/s1600/hamster_machine_gun.jpg|||This one has 535 thanks. http://personalitycafe.com/nfs-temperament-forum-dreamers/5290-sensitive-needy-lonely-people.html|||http://waxidermy.com/anne/fernfabric.JPG Fern likes to help me when I cut out fabric by sitting right in the middle of it. I call her my helper kitty even though she is the opposite of helpful.|||Vegan pot pie 710602 710610 Growing up, my mom used to make pot pie with leftover turkey from Thanksgiving. I haven't made a pot pie since I stopped eating meat. I made the crust from...|||Seems like kind of douchy beer to me.|||What if we had a resurrect really old threads day?|||Garmonbozia? https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/twinpeaks/images/7/78/Garmonbozia.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100911035759 ...|||Congrats! I always enjoy reading your posts.|||http://www.factfiend.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/flintstones_L21.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xZHXxdZJrGU/VHD8EFJ_FlI/AAAAAAAAAqY/tF0lGXDqldM/s1600/The-Flintstones-007.jpg ...|||I was under the impression that it moved from rodeo to fashion more in the 70's. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jf9xlvB3Xdo/TdNBAZJfPWI/AAAAAAAAIyc/L_myrN43nzI/s1600/VP.jpg But aren't all chaps...|||This is some good vegan sausage. I use it in spaghetti sauce, sprinkle it on nachos and other areas where I want a more savory flavorful meat substitute. ...|||Our cat is very anti social and doesn't usually like to be petted. She will allow it at specified times and at her convenience. I think she is overwhelmed by people and only lets me and my husband...|||This post so reminds me of my husband (INTJ). He has said similar things in regards to the kitchen. Especially the tupperware. It is organized in such a way that all the lids go one place and the...|||I will just use any paper scrap that is laying around. Sometimes, I will use the dust jacket but not often because I don't really like hardback books.|||Short answer= Tell him it is important to you and ask him to look into it on his own and come back and talk to you. Ask him to do it because he loves you and you want to talk about it with him. Don't...|||I think that in my life this has manifested in me not seeing the good things I have in front of me because I have been looking for and yearning for the ideal. It's not even something that I do...|||Love this! You are lucky that you can go to the waterslides with your mom. The more I think about swimming, the more I feel like it's not just because I am an adult. The thing I miss most is when...|||Many things would fall apart without them. https://www.boltdepot.com/images/Chrome/chrome-hex-nuts.jpg|||This reminded me of swimming. We have a pool in our apartment complex and I love to swim. It's all kids who swim when they get out of school so it is weird for me. The adults just sit on the chairs...|||Is it manifesting in a different area? I think that for me, sometimes when I am worried about my creativity, I am no longer interested in the form that it was taking. I am not advocating switching to...|||You should go to the fair and dress up. You can go not as you but as your alternative personality. Hide behind it and let a different side of your self show through for fun. Think about how the...|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/38/6f/af/386faf9322bae32f151b2f07b668919b.jpg|||I have done this with work before. I have become my work role and it was too limiting and narrow of a role to live in. It is hard to walk this line without losing or suppressing aspects of yourself....|||Car sales people are sort of weird. They are so chatty and when you don't engage they just get weirder. I think you are supposed to give in to what they want. I threaten to walk out, my husband takes...|||I like the INTP forum because they appeal to my sense of humor. They have a way of putting things that just makes me laugh. I know they can also be very serious but their brand of humor just tickles...|||This post reminds me of the craigslist missed connections section.|||A rain dance. Worst thing you hear from your mechanic?|||Wait for it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxvcsF2VZDE|||Husband made us Thai yellow curry for dinner. It had tofu, sweet potatoes, onions, carrots and yellow squash. It was so good.|||Lakigigar I was looking for salad recipes and found this for you. They look pretty simple and unfussy. 50- 5 Ingredients or Less Vegan Recipes • it doesn't taste like chicken If you don't...|||They brag about how much bigger their unstuffed penis room is. Things you don't want to find in your cat's litter box|||He makes better cupcakes than you What is the best thing to pickle?|||Cat food Strangest thing you could find washed up on the beach?|||My parents were both severe introverts and did not socialize much or have much interaction with others that i could observe and learn from. My dad did go to work but I never saw how he interacted...|||Lakigigar This is one of my favorite pasta recipes and it is pretty easy to make: Swiss Chard and Tomato Linguine with Balsamic Glazed Chickpeas - Thug Kitchen I am going to suggest rice...|||I have seen that you post about feeling guilty about not eating meat for some time now. I think that maybe the thought of changing your eating style can be very intimidating and overwhelming. I think...|||One thing I would like to add to Lord Pixel's post about doing things is that not only do I feel good when I do things, gain competence in them but I also do not waste my time dreading them. I wonder...|||I worked at Target for my first job. I remember having to wear the red and khaki outfit and people would come into Target in those colors and I would ask them for their employee card for their...|||A good movie about pet cemeteries is Errol Morris's Gates of Heaven. I once visited my grandfather's grave with my parents when I was younger. I left a cookie on it because he had a sweet tooth....|||Lady Pirate this made me cry. So sorry for your loss.|||I was more thinking about maybe asking in the sex and relationships forum and not the INFP forum for better answers from non INFPs. So I asked my husband (INTJ). It was fun to watch him squirm...|||I love how you bring up the putting your heart out there aspect. I think that some compliments are so unexpected that sometimes the person is caught off guard and immediately rejects it. They may not...|||How many people here get compliments and acceptance and then just brush it off? I am asking because it is something I have been guilty of in the past and is something that has come up a bit in...|||https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Jolly_green_giant.jpg|||I am a spouse but I have no idea what I am like. I know what I think I am like but my spouse might have a more accurate answer. Perhaps you would get a clearer answer if you asked the children and...' | 5,347 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I have always enjoyed studying languages - I guess it's a combination of the intellectual challenge which comes with any new subject, the communication potential, the chance to appreciate books and...|||I have tried dating younger, and shorter guys, but it never worked. I have always been attracted by those who were at least my age. I might notice younger guys as being objectively handsome /...|||When I'm overwhelmed by a very intense emotion which catches me by surprise (if I see it coming I normally try , and manage, to master it/detach from it, I make ironic remarks about it, etc). ...|||I have always been fast, too. I was reading Gifts differing by I.B.Myers these days, and she refers to speed in finishing tests as one of the differences between intuitives and sensing types....|||I use various tricks. As someone has already suggested (mentioning Japanese women, though - and I'm definitely not Japanese!) I have learnt to reformulate my sentences in a smoother way. I use...|||I'd jump off a mountain or freeze to death (again, in the mountains) depending on the season.|||I can relate to this. Just like a recent post-apocalyptic phase I've had. I could discuss ten different ways mankind and/or the world could end, and feel very detached about it, while apparently...|||You would need to convince me that there's a very good reason for it The more logical the reason, the better (e.g. pleasing somebody is unlikely to work as a motivation) And you would also need to...|||North Light, I have insufficient data to venture into hypothesis on the frequency of MBTI temperaments in different parts of the world, although that would be a very interesting research topic! ...|||Thank you Peter :happy: You see, the problem is that I have a very hard time in applying this view to my observations on the workplace. I can see that some of the interactions I have observed...|||Peter, I don't deny that there might be a difference in the way women and men face work-related battles (I'm not too sure what this means though) but I cannot really pinpoint it. I would be...|||Cake, a couple of things come to mind. 1) the gender issue. As a woman myself, I have had my share of problems. I started out (both academically and professionally) in a technical field and...|||Hi Arbitrator, I know what you mean - I'm also based in Europe. I've talked about MBTI to some 30 people from various European countries and only two-three of them knew about it... But most of...|||Since I discovered MBTI a couple of months ago I have led a number of people to take the test (MBTI is not that well known in most parts of Europe, where I'm based). It turns out I know several...|||Thank god (no pun intended) comments such as you're a fallen INTJ in reply to someone stating that she's religious are rare in this site, or else I wouldn't bother to visit this place. Not that...|||At home (reading, in front of the computer, alone or with my partner or close friends) At the cinema In green places (preferably mountains/hills) away from the crowd Having a meal in a good...|||I agree. Problem is that sometimes I wish I could take that risk since I feel it would be worth, but it's so damn difficult. If I do, I feel as if I had put my life in someone else's hands......|||I second most of what you wrote. Compliments on my intelligence are those which really touch me. Compliments on my appearance do not bother me, if I sense they're sincere then I am somewhat...|||hehe! I am skeptical of everything but I guess I leave the door open to some extent :laughing:|||Hi there, I had never done this test, so thanks for the link. Here are my results... not sure about the final statement though. According to your questionnaire responses, your...|||Father: ENTJ for sure Mother: xSFJ , possibly more on the I side but her love for talkative, noisy, intrusive people makes me wonder about an E preference Needless to say, discussions at home...|||That is so true for me! I have actually instructed my friends that if they want unconditional emotional support they have to say it from the outset, or else I'll end up telling them what I really...|||I fear this will be OT but it's still about chess. I've never enjoyed playing chess , because, as I've often said to people who asked me about it, I feel I am constantly playing chess in my...|||1) do you think/feel that 2 people of matching sexual orientation (so a M and F for straight people, or M-M/F-F for Gay/Lesbian people) can be platonic friends? yes. 2) Do you think/feel it is...|||In my sleep, suddenly. At least my loved ones would have the comfort of knowing that I didn't suffer.|||As others have said earlier, it depends on how deep the emotion is and whether that's something I am ready to share or not. There are different layers. Let's simplify - there's an outside...|||The main problem for me has always been the opposite - that I would be the one getting bored. So I kept looking. My relationships have increased in quality over time - with some experiencing...|||I have learnt to focus on my well-being. No point in forcing myself to be more sociable on a regular basis and then explode. Since I interact with a lot of people at work, I compensate with lots of...|||I have always been interested in the way people function, and their cognitive processes. I was struck by Jung's psychological types. So there is an element of intellectual curiosity. Moreover, I...|||I like change and I'd go as far as saying that I need change on a constant basis. I recognise myself in this. The only job I have been satisfied with for more than 2 years (and which is...|||I have had some difficult periods in my life, due to various reasons. One of these periods went dangerously close to the definition of burnout I've found in scientific literature, due to a...|||Yes, I tend to do this a lot, although I have learnt to control myself (or at least try!!!) I do it mainly when a discussion sparkles new ideas, but as wealldie said before, I generally remember...|||Many things annoy me, but the following really piss me off - People who are both incompetent and arrogant. I don't like arrogant people but if they're good at what they do I can at least live...|||I don't enjoy rehearsing conversations of a personal nature because then I get bored when they actually take place. It's as if I silenced the inner voice to enjoy the unexpected. But I have always...|||queenofleaves - I guess my reaction would depend on whether I think that the insult/accusation deserves a reply , independent of my relationship with those who defended me You know, it's funny,...|||Gandalf of course! Huge LOTR fan here btw|||Yes. I do not often fight using all my energies, I more often avoid the person, use my own death stare, turn ice cold and/or sarcastic or use some other indirect method. In essence, I normally...|||Google searches (I go by themes - I normally spend days to weeks researching mostly on a specific topic, then move to something else), cinema (all genres except horror), reading (everything except...|||I hardly ever get bored if I am on my own, and free to chose what to do. But I detest being in boring situations, be it studying something boring (essentially, anything which involves no real...|||Same with me. The main problem I have had to face was when at work, due to uncontrollable external factors, I was forced to perform below my own break even point (note: my own - my output...|||I'm not a male but if I may ... I totally agree with what Grey said. I used to be SO serious and mature when I was a child, and a fairly serious teenager, too, when my favourite activity was to...|||I do, too When I was a child I used to play with the light filtering through the blinds and try and create as many patterns as possible. It took me years to find out that other people didn't do...|||Thanks for your post, too, More Tea. Now I see where you're coming from. Take care|||More Tea. How difficult to summarise one's life in ten lines, eh? Can you really believe that one, anyone, could write about personality, tastes, or something as deep as a life-changing decision...|||Besides management and recruitment (on which I won't comment) I am of the view that MBTI could be useful in improving team work and reducing conflicts in the workplace, since it alerts to different...|||Thank you all for the warm welcome :happy: ...and, Azrael: it's Italian|||I'm no exception - I wear black, or dark clothes, most of the the time, as practical and comfortable as possible. I want shoes I can walk confortably in, and clothes which I can forget about when I'm...|||I guess I'm ok as a driver but I don't particularly enjoy it. It's boring having to concentrate on the traffic. I much prefer using public transport so that I can think, look around, read or sleep.|||No, I don't believe that life has a meaning. In the big scheme of things our existence is an accident and will leave no trace. But I believe that we can chose to give a meaning to our own life, as...|||I agree entirely. My fundamental values and beliefs haven't changed much over time. Except that I defined myself an atheist until the age of 16 then I turned agnostic and I have been ever since....' | 6,977 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'watch documentaries/read/write/smoke weed and reflect go for drives in the middle of the night while blasting music surf the net while listening to podcasts like these ...|||personality disorders are being handed out like hotcakes these days, there's no money in healthy people. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDlH9sV0lHU|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7p5xHD0Bhk|||coffee wins it for me|||mine is god sending a message to humanity through a nebula cloud. the message is christians.. muslims.. jews.. whatever you are.. you can all get fucked, stop fighting over me|||The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because, if you can do that, you can do anything. The worst mistake that you can make is...|||I feel like my transport should be an extension of my personality. And this is like my little window to the world... and every minute's a different show. I may not understand it. I may not even...|||ive wanted to do that ever since i first watched this movie, dont really have much control over my random dreams though|||perfect film for infp's Waking life features a complex interweaving of conversations with professors, artists, writers and performers. There is no single theory behind the film. Rather the film is...|||awesome video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnbdxSJVwuM|||Tip for cannabis activists: trying to prove marijuana is good for us isnt going to legalize shit. Governments and corporate interests arent interested in any of that. Instead go out of your way to...|||Dont think i know any :(|||had to start work at 3pm, woke up at 2:50 and got to work an hour late. no one noticed.. (i do undercover loss prevention part time at shopping centres, pretending to shop to catch thieves) 20 mins...|||his rudeness was probably unintentional aswell. what about enfp's? would that be a good match?|||it was really good for the first couple years. are esfj's really our ideal match? damn i wouldnt have thought that, i thought it was just a case of opposites attracting, which eventually dies off. it...|||http://i40.tinypic.com/6ycsie.jpg|||still smoke pot to this day.. used to pop alot of e's. acid a handful of times. used to dabble with coke and base every now and then. used to drink alot but not too fond of it anymore. and...|||i was with an esfj for 3 years|||From the creators of Esoteric Agenda (EsotericAgenda.net) and Kymatica (Talismanic Idols), UNGRIP penetrates the illusions and delusions of the legal system with direct relation to the psychology of...|||Travel to the amazon and try ayahuasca :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nCx2hRoPgI Ayahuasca experience: I took the tea at 9:10 P.M. on a Friday night. The setting was a workshop I set...|||ive read that infp's are one of if not the most right brained oriented. LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science|||hmm interesting :)|||What Talbot writes has nothing to do with any sort of conspiracy, or anything close to zeitgeist. Nothing political about it, his work is based on examining the works of respected quantum physicist...|||^ different levels of awareness is why I would say some don't feel part of it while others do. But if it's true that we're part of one consciousness I wouldn't think it would be just some of us while...|||Near death experience stories http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S6U01qU7Ho|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n70BceXaLWo|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rgYz_BU2Ew|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7p5xHD0Bhk|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKS_s2P9p54 Recently ive read a book called The Holographic Universe and have gotten into this subject. It's where science and spirituality meet and i think its a...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jV97Gvt0Co http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjrZ5I6rvUU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qltEwNdrqVw|||http://vision02.com/wp-content/uploads/polar_bear_north_pole_1.jpg ...|||Amsterdam for me.|||im a cross between infp and intp aswell, they're quite similar afterall.. ive got infj in a test aswell though i know im not a J 100%|||Phlegmatic|||Have started listening to Dubstep lately aswell :)|||I dont organise or pre-plan.. thats more of a J thing isnt it?|||im not an impulsive shopper at all, and am pretty good with money. When it comes to going out to have a good time i spend alot though, either at the bar (and in the past with drugs) or shouting...|||i would say.. yes.|||:happy::happy:|||2 eyes, 2 ears, a nose, a mouth along with other human like features (hopefully)|||I know where you are all coming from but hate is a strong word. Do some of you literally hate yourselves or is that just a figure of speech?|||im not into video games anymore for some reason, not sure why but i just cant get into it.|||haha yeh ive had that thought alot aswell.|||I wouldnt ask her again straight away, see where it goes. Dont let your feelings be known for now but still be warm and friendly towards her, aswell as with other girls like you've started doing....|||Smoke pot often though im supposed to quit soon to start a new job which involves drug tests so ill see what happens. Have no problem stopping though. Used to pop pills on weekends (MDMA is the best...|||hahaha same thing with me, when i was around 4 and onward i used to escape from home to either explore/play outside by myself/go to the neighbours house to play with them.' | 1,718 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Hell is other people INTJs are often portraied as villains due to a lack of Fe I guess. They are weird and uncommon (alien) It is easy to look as a villain when you are an outcast. ...|||16/20 Way above my expectations.|||This http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYsqfLp0HAc|||Agreed though I believe this discrepancy between the lists still causes mistyping.|||84147|||Take an average book cover and let it shower in the rain for a few hours it will look old and stained. (this is a guess never really done something like that before)|||I played it. It looks like that old Warcraft 3 mod Island Trolls or whatever. pretty good fun for a few hours.|||It was banned because otherwise it would easily win.|||I don't remember but I think people weren't required to justify, some people did while others didn't. Why do you ask?|||We actually had this thread. If i Remember correctly blue won. Black was banned though.|||This. But I don't think it would be pleasant ... or fulfilling.|||Ironically, this thread has been pretty self explanatory so far.|||Id say ESTPs are the most feeling thinkers followed by ENTP.|||I like you. Have some bubbles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i-zYdOPG2k ENFPs love bubbles.|||Go ask the INTPs they will make you stop wanting to know things. What is knowing blah blah what is everything blah blah.|||5.9 feet tall and 171 pounds. That's 180 cm and 78 kilograms in the non-savage metrics but im sure someone made that joke before me. Shouldn't we post penis sizes too? Since we are going full...|||A nightmare. Putting too many INTJs in a single space will inevitably result in problems, there is a reason only 1%-2% of the population suffer from this disease. I believe it would look similar to...|||I blame our shitty tertiary Fi. I think this is the key to the ENFP/INTJ case and the random attraction to cuteness. I have also noticed that the ENFPs never answer where they can be found in...|||A few days late but... Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia|||http://i.imgur.com/0G3K9Zl.png?1|||I agree with the screwdriver analogy. The problem is that it is quite hard to change a screwdriver for a hammer or whatever so in the end we have to pick only 1 tool and stick with it. God...|||I agree Haha, glad you enjoyed my response. It doesnt change what intelligence is but could change how you perceive it. I agree with your stance on the mundane nature of intelligence...|||I have read some of it right now. SongRavished by all that to the eyes is fair, Yet hungry for the joys that truly bless, My soul can find no stair To mount to Heaven, save earth's...|||ISFPs have a reputation as artists. As can planly be seen in the forum title. There are several smart artists. Here is a simple chart showing this. 57287 The X marks the spot. I think...|||I don't smoke due to a certain episode in my life that I don't feel like sharing. Otherwise I would.|||Are you ok?|||I throw stuff. Glasses, bottles, water. I just throw them.|||Our armor is strong and heavy, too heavy sometimes.|||Ogle them nervously and sweat profusely. Works everytime.|||It would be easier to answer if the ammounts were quantified but I will answer anyway. I think the only logical choice would be love. All the other options can be acquired through mundane means...|||... get the High score.|||Where the video games at?|||I agree with you. Kant's Fe is palpable. Besides, he has that Ti thing where he analyzes everything.|||Fe ?|||I bet fruit ninja caused his social anxiety. FUCKING VIDEO GAMES|||Yes I agree. It would be an upgrade from my sub-par inteligence.|||I think this may be relevant. http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Ghost_0363cc_1353695.jpg|||Welcome. I have seem some belgians around here, you should look for them.|||No|||Use your (awesome) inferior Te, you should be able to express yourself (verbally) better this way.|||Wake up at the afternoon (Fuck morning people) Hot shower Read newspaper Eat Play video games Eat Drink some Whisky while reading something interesting, watching the night news, sitting in the...|||It depends ... Can I see some skin first?|||A colorful orgy. Goddammit, I hate when NFs read my mind.|||You are in love with her because you are 16. Wait for a few years when your hormones aren't so active, if you are still in love with her you should act. Besides the age gap will seem smaller then.|||I'd pay good money to see an ENTP doing both.|||Look at these statistics. Meyers-Briggs Statistics They are not very common unfortunately.|||53227 I wish.|||Can't he simply build it, drug you and then drag your unconcious body there? ur 2 slow|||Kill yourself before he appears. This way it is impossible for him to kill you. Alternatively. destroy your house. He can't kill you there this way unless he rebuild it first.|||I ,for one, welcome our new female ENTP overlords.' | 3,022 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Your comment screams INTJ, bro. Especially the useless part.|||Thanks for the information. Doesn't interfere with anything I've ever experienced (with INFJs). Plus, your signature is the lyrics from one of my favorite bands (Tool). That song (Reflection) was...|||Aren't ESTPs the kings/queens of saying things without thinking/without wanting to think? No offense, you guys can be fucking magnificent|||Ooh, so dangerous. All these scary words and such. No, it's not dangerous. I already knew I was unhealthy before I entered PerC. PerC can't make me more unhealthy.|||LOL! What the fuck is that in your signature? Some obscure inspirational quote gone wrong?|||Why would that be implied?|||There's too many. I watch a lot of tv shows, although i hardly ever watch them on tv. -how i met your mother -scrubs -x files -futurama -the office (really getting into it recently, the...|||Who's to say that Sensors will give birth to sensors? Or intuitives to intuitives? The only reason why we think MBTI is great is not because of its system. The test is awful and people are very...|||If you had the ability to time-travel to 1933 and kill Hitler, would you -John Smith, The Dead Zone by Stephen King Why kill him, though, if you have the ability to turn him into a normal...|||Another interesting thing to mention is that mental issues/disorders can cause physical pain, and vice versa. For instance, long term severe pain can lead to insanity, and depression is known to...|||If you think physical pain is worse, you haven't suffered much mental pain. I personally do not think they're comparable. Of course physical pain is worse, it implies irreversible damage and...|||Of course Yoda would prefer Si.|||It's all homestuck threads, I'm guessing. Oooh, Dirk x John or some shit|||His logic is pathetic and it fails to hold up so much of the time. INTP is definitely a possibility, but ENTP and maybe even ENFP are as well. Mostly because I see ENTPs failing logically much more...|||If I were to actually pay attention to how I walk, then I would end up walking normally. So answering this question would be paradoxical.|||I think INTPs and ISFJs have it the worst. And I'm pretty sure I've got undiagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder|||Ew... Buzzfeed...|||Don't really have many friends, but I can relate. With an ESTP, at first I acted very ESTP-like, but it was fun. Acting stupid, having fun, saying stupid shit to each other... But as the friendship...|||I would as well, except I would do it metaphorically.|||I read books all the time as a kid... Don't anymore. It doesn't matter if something is logical or not if it is boring as SHIT!|||Yeah, it's best because the first time you watch it you think it's just a demon bunny. And how he reacts to it, just amazing.|||Man I love that profile picture. When Donnie gets that sickeningly satisfied face, I feel the same way, so giddy. I'm a bit of a sadist and I love finding pleasure in dark things... That's how I...|||Usually logic and Ti has very little to do with answering Trivia questions, as it mostly has to do with memory. However, if I don't know the answer I can use my Ti to get an educated guess, which is...|||Wouldn't it be more economical to use a regular phone in that case?|||I support this. My phone has affected my life negatively more than I'd like to admit.|||I want to once again say that I do not agree with this 24 type nonsense. I definitely think you can organize a type into more specific types through answering questions (MBTI Style), but this just...|||My intuition usually allows me to remember such answers in games like that even if I do not consciously know anything about the subject being asked. It's things the subconscious has picked up on,...|||Lol @ ISTP, INFJ, and ESTP GIFs. Nice profile picture, by the way. :laughing:|||It has to do with the amount of time we have to think and respond, lack of social stigmas, no body language, no external factors/variables. But I agree, if you can do it online, you can do it in...|||Yes. They make me angry for some reason. In my High School there's one that says Speak Your Mind, which I find ironic.|||Yeah, I'm probably quite less healthy than most INTPs, and that's saying something. I've tried to get better. But Aspergers, ADD, Anxiety, Alexithymia... (damn those A words!) They make it hard for...|||Avoided Death Note? Why? It's meant for Rationals! Mirai Nikki isn't that popular, surprisingly. Maybe because it takes a while to pick up speed (not unlike Death Note) and our world of sensors...|||I suppose, but it's not the same. The likelihood of me finding an individual who I like on the internet is indeed much higher, but the amount of contact and relations I can have with someone here is...|||I got 26 out of 37.|||The only good thing about SOA is the opening theme. Holy shit the first few seconds are amazing though. Edit: I think the only times I've been emotional over an anime is the end of Death Note and...|||He's pretty rad, but socially awkward and obsessed with logical correctness. Like more than me. Debating (literally) his E-ness. But idk, he creates arguments and plays Devil's Advocate which is an...|||I just watched a TableTop video on YouTube, and I had the good fortune of seeing Allison Scagliotti for the first time. I think I'm in love. Anyways, I'd say she's an ENTP because of, well,...|||more like *sniffle* you plastic funbag|||I saw that earlier. I'm not the biggest fan of Markiplier (spelling? lol), a lot of his commentary and such seems to be mostly facial expressions and noises. However, I'm sympathetic of his past. And...|||I'd say water over rock. Maybe electric or dragon type. Fairy if we're fortunate.|||I'm sure a lot of immature INTPs would like to believe they have diminished emotions, but emotions are a human thing*. (not including anti-social personalities)|||Since your MBTI is based completely off how you answer the questions, I would say yes. And I think you misunderstand mental disorders. Most people who are afflicted are still capable of most things...|||I'm confused. All it asks for is my birth date and location and then it tells me my theme or whatever. I didn't even answer any questions.|||I wish I had an INTP friend :P I have not met a single rational at this school besides the ones I already know. Which is 2. (INTJ who is too cool for me right now, and ENTP)|||For INTPs it serves us quite well. Remembering important factoids and info/knowledge, but never hygenial things... I feel like it most has to do with our subconscious/intuition, not exactly...|||You're right. There's almost always a solution, and suicide shouldn't be first on the list.|||I play it in spurts every now and again. I'd say I'm okay. My greatest weakness is that I can't think too many steps ahead. I can think of the best logical move for the board as it is, maybe even...|||226530 http://media.giphy.com/media/Be9IVnTa8GOoU/giphy.gif Topher Brink of Dollhouse|||Like I said, everybody's different. And not having a close friend does not equal being alone, although it can seem like it. You still have human contact, which is really all that's necessary.|||Did you make an account specifically with this in mind to ask? lol' | 15 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Did the thing first, looked at the key next. Most sums up to INTP, but the first two scenarios were misleading. It seems like I seriously have no Fe. Imma put the test replies down there, if...|||Random INTP thought: Heck, I came here expecting lots of incoherent unrelated comments and now there's a conversation going on and it's awkward to express my ranodm INTP thought...|||Makes sense. Still, my Fe stands for Fetus, that thing was never born with me. What be feelings. Why do you expect me to feeling. How do I feeling.|||*grabs popcorn*|||For a reason I cannot comprehend, INFJs. Really. What's the Function-based explanation for this phenomenon?|||But but but...! This poor fish needs to eat and to have it's tank cleaned! QAQ I'd forget about it and let it die. Pets that can't call or cry aren't my thing. Nor are the ones that can, actually......|||I'm an INTP, female (asexual) and my best friend, almost my partner, is an INFJ. You, brave Python, are going to need to explain to this person what you are like, but you will first need to figure...|||Oh, no, you poor thing! And how did that make you feel?|||Dogs upset me. They're either all friendly and jumpy and I WANNA LICK YOU AND LOVE YOU, or beasts that can get furious and go berserk any minute. Neither of which is my choice of favorite thing as...|||A thousand crystals dancing with the wind, reflecting the pure colors on walls that are more than white; they are the whisper of the beginning of Time, and the voice of those same crystals as they...|||Mmhm. Curiosity. About you Are you tough? Or do you cry with every little thing? Do you seldom cry or do it often? Hate it? Don't really mind it? What if someone tries to comfort you? On...|||Not having a freaking Introverted Feeling function. Was it that hard, nature? I can't even name feelings, man. I don't feel often but when I rarely do, I go Oh, I'm feeling shitty. Shitty. Mad?...|||I keep cultures of fungi and grow plants in my room. Not for many days, just a week or two until everything just dies or expands and I decide to throw it down the flush. I also paint so I keep...|||Futile is a bag full of sand and that slightly stinky reddish brown color, especially the sound it makes when it dully hits the ground, yet remains unheard. Pathetic|||I'm naive and try to think the best of people, perhaps because it looks like an logical fallacy on itself to think that people want to harm. I mean, what good would it bring to them? What benefits...|||Secrecy is a thin veil at the mercy of a breeze, a invisible veil, so soft and tender you can touch and tear with your fingertips, and feel it ooze down your hands, melted, pure white turning rotten...|||Suffocating is that dark brown hue when your head is immersed in a dull heat you can't overcome. Deja Vu|||B'aww, thanks, man. No, actually. I was saying, if you were ranting on it I think you would have wanted it to be otherwise. I mean, when I dislike something I'd appreciate it being the way I'd...|||I dare reword what Iamtp by saying: although I do agree with all of the paragraph you posted above, it could have been phrased in a way that did not result in an insult, which is what is pissing...|||Enthusiasm is the sound of yellow and blue when they're about to mix, and they're so bright they hurt your ears. Eyes. Sorry. Horror.|||Can't help but agree. We need ISTJs and their occasional croaking of orders. ;p|||Discontent is that green, purple taste that pills leave in your tongue. Chaos.|||So, I've noticed there are a couple of threads encouraging people to write the negatives they find in ISTJs. They're funny to read, but not too self-esteem-lifting. Why not try this? You may post...|||I can't help but thank default settings for making this thread interesting. It's been entertaining so far. I also am one to wonder why this is filled with INTP replies countering the reasons of...|||When people say then instead of than. When they write effect instead of affect. The mystical should of and could of instead of the much more realistic should have and could have. And...|||When your teacher at university calls Religion a Science and despite he himself cockblocks himself with a whole slide with the characteristics Science must feature, he still says and this is why...|||GYYYAHAHAHAGGHHHH!!!! *topples laptop over and jumps over bed, then hides under it* ..... I... I mean, h-hi~ ;U;|||http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/034/d/7/omnom_by_ippien-d74y480.png Little something for SpectrumOfThought Thought I could share. OuO/|||Gaaah, that is indeed very tempting... But... BUT CANDY. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BRING UP THE CANDY. That is so unfair and cruel from you.|||Yeah, people get really annoyed and hush you, and sigh loudly if they're extroverted enough. Sometimes it's because they want the class to end early, others it just because they can't follow the...|||Last episode of first season he took a quick decision. Although based upon facts, it took a clear emotional response out of him, and although a seven can be theatrical I think they tend to be more...|||Can I drop here that I think Moriarty is a 4? NF? Look at the last ep, season 3. Fours, like Sevens are prone to get themselves into emotional involvement, but Fours like and enjoy ALL of the...|||To complement my previous reply: Elementary School: Astronomist/Cosmologist, Teacher, Doctor Middle and High School: Scientist (general), Graphic Artist, Writer, Graphic Novelist. Still wanna...|||First time I read your answers I though Oh, INTJ!, as I can picture the two INTJs I know so perfectly in your exterior replies... The quietness, the need to correct others. My mistake was that I...|||When they try to tell you what to do, when to do it, how to do it, all while using that control-freak-ish voice of you shall obey or perish. I like ISTJs, though. They keep me grounded even if...|||This room will be clean when I get back. Will it not? -ISTJ mom to me. ----- Mom: So, what are your plans for today? Me (INTP): er.... staying home. I think. Mom: ... Me: And maybe going...|||Oh crap. I must proceed to block my computer after 2 am. Haha. You cannot imagine how incredibly, unspeakable stupid I feel. OuO;|||Coolio! Welcome aboard! Also, You mean Professor Moriarty in the books, right? Because in the BBC series, James Moriarty he tends to behave like an INFJ, enneatype 4. Drama, drama everywhere. Fun...|||They're*|||When dealing with an emotional situation I detatch myself into one of two predetermined personalities. One of them is an easy going form of myself and so I am able to fake laugh (and only laugh...|||If you're looking for a friendship... Try not starting/mixing it with sex? I know a guy who I believe is xNTP who says he likes friends and sharing his bed every once in a while, if the meaning of...|||Haha, that sounds a lot like Ti. He probably does not even realize he could have hurt you, as he's not emotionally attached. He is dickish in the common sense of the word, but to him he's being...|||Once, in a highschool test, I was asked something like the following. Which is the vector microorganism responsible for the malaria disease? Okay, the vector is the fly, the female anopheles...|||Wooohoo, you totally got me with the title. I could not resist. Also, you do seem quite interesting! I adore lovecraft and adventure. I can't help but guess that the mix of those would be...|||Ohohohohoh yaaaaaay!!! Shall tell her about that, she'll be delightful-- delighted. She'll be delighted. Teeehehehehahehehihihi you did see it. Oh noes you did. D8|||Pshht my first salut was totally random, and I couldn't help myself with your merci reply. Excuse my french-- wait... Yoohoo! Balanced ftw! Oh, multiple... I've never considered the...|||I couldn't decide so I'm studying Biology (I love it) and Graphic Design (too social, I'd rather take only illustration, but I'm 3 semesters from graduating so what the heck, I'll finish this)|||Oh, non! Donc tu es vraiment une I?? Parfait! I love Is. Introverts are the coolest. Heck, I'd probably marry you even if you're an O, man. You're super witty. Welcome aboard and come by the INTP...|||Fredward I thought of all of this yesterday, and funny thing, got to the same questions to ask myself. I like my dog. But there have been occasions in which it's been gone for days and I didn't...|||Hey, you're an INTJ! You could just go on and lead the way! Which country do we start from?' | 8,306 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'When I get angry my pants rip and I turn green. When I get angry it is for a reason. I try to remain calm but, you know when I am angry when the vein pops out of my neck|||OK.... Don't tell anyone but.... Bambi My Sister's Keeper Transformers (When Optimus died) uhh.. that's it off the top of my head|||Waitng for Superman and Book of Eli|||I agree with Counseling. My advice would be for her to relax and maybe not be so forceful. I mean the guy may feel pushed or forced to reinforce his feelings. She wants affirmation so much that he...|||To me this is kind of a trick question as I eat breakfast at midnight and that is the only time.|||TV shows Big Bang Theory How I met your Mother Glee Arrested Development Quantum Leap|||Ya I was thinking that because it does create a monetary strain.|||whoa... yes it is two in tandem. they play off each other and make multiple identities.|||Dreamer.. Thanks for the advice. The problem is I am up for a major job offer. and they are making insunations and I am worried that this can stop me from getting the job I am up for. Yes I beat...|||Well it is slander. However, being a public figure I lose some of that protection. The website has no required sign up. The idiot is getting his vitrol to show up first on google. Yes... I Google...|||Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||The problem is its a co-worker that hides though I know it's him. I confronted him he denied it then mysteriously the online attacks got three-fold worse.|||Going the Distance. and Date Night|||A few... I guess I don't know when to quit.|||This is NOT an issue happening on here with me but on another site. I am being attacked viscously anonymous people with false information but since I am a public figure I can't post on the site or I...|||I have had battle this my whole life and my best advice is that there are advantages. 1. You never have to worry about not fitting in an airplane seat or roller coaster. 2. Most likely not always...|||I look right into their eyes as they are the windows to the soul.|||Songs... really crazy songs... Example... I randomly started singing Under the Sea that Little mermaid song. Which quite frankly concerns me.|||It is possible that she is mirroring you. We do have slight degree of parroting. Use soft tones and be welcoming. Ask questions directly and remember you will get back what you put out.|||I think we ENFJ make inspirational leaders at times because we sometimes don't think about certain aspects and we seem like we are very courageous but maybe the the truth is we don't think about it....|||Well.. I think it is a generational thing. I do see people posting Married and it usually either an inside joke or they want to be in some fantasy form. I think today marriage is considered as...|||Congrats Sarek!!!!|||I agree with Picard and Riker|||so far the whole The girl who series|||Not to question the brilliance of you Supernaught but correct me if I am wrong there were two Darlene's which one did you want?|||Anton Yelkin (Charlie Bartlett) older me maybe (John Cusack)|||Congrats!!!!!!|||My Mom is ENFJ.. no problems here. Except when I was young she was always gone to events.|||I will be your friend! Yay! Hello new friend!|||Congrats! Snail! you go!|||Ok.. showing my age. Grandmaster Flash Dr. Dre. Ghetto Boyz- Mind is playin Tricks On me Snoop Master P. Eminem Tech. Kid Rock Vanilla Ice Tupac|||Forrest Gump- Sorry it really is motivational to me Legendary- Rudy- I know it's lie but golly I like it Hoosiers-|||Percy Jackson and the Olympians Enchanted|||I agree. However, I have come to be more thankful and responsive to those who do reciprocate. I let people know I appreciate the small things. Most people today seemingly only care about themselves.|||ESFP- I enjoy being with but I feel they live on that edge reality. I don't think the value of money or time comes into play.|||Politics.. Life... Entertainment and Money|||Dang Superspeedy!|||Congrats... Man...|||I keep watching A-Team over and over. Guilty Pleasure. The Girl Who Played with Fire.|||That is awesome. I think 2011 will be good year for you.|||Hey Izzie.. Welcome to the ENFJ side of town. What can you learn? We are super supportive and it seems like most of ENFJ's understand each other.|||Congratulations!|||Congrats!!!!!!|||Easy A.........|||I like to roll with it|||Everyone has potential and everyone has weakness. I think it is more important to build up than tear down.I think today in general more people are more likely to seek out flaws than someone's...|||Not that I am aware of. I saw a post in the NF Forum but I don't think it happened.|||Media. But it doesn't pay and politics.|||Hello! How are you?|||Congrats!!!!' | 3,744 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I think it would some require observation. Ni is a perceiving function, not one that directs action in the external world. Moreover, it is perceiving subjective internal impressions. It is too...|||infp :blushed::blushed::blushed:|||welcome, emoNFP, I am not shocked that you do programming. I could never teach myself programming. I am unable to read technical books :shocked:|||Very interesting! I wonder if that threatening bushes man was your shadow. Interesting that it led you towards long, winding and unknown paths|||Another NT! Welcome I don't know what a rural surveyor does but by the sounds of it, it requires spending time out in rural settings. And from what I remember of Sweden, some of its rural...|||Interesting intro! Welcome!|||Hello and welcome. Are you excited about the IT-related pursuit , or do you see it as yet another escape from boredom?|||I honestly do not know if it is. Despite being a homosexual myself, I have no difficulty entertaining the possibility that it may indeed be a mental disorder that is so deeply biological in its core...|||Well there have been instances where I have said things that hurt people, even people I cared a lot for, and I didn't even realise my words would have such an effect. The fact that I did not mean to...|||hello and welcome, NT cousin!|||All I know so far is that it seems that 1) you have to acknowledge (or 'resign to') to fact that your conscious self is not the only part of you that has desires, plans and goals or even the one...|||Hello HFD. I don't think I can give you any intelligent advice on this, but I thought I'd remind you of what you may already know: that sometimes people cut off friendships due to problems that they...|||I think that purpose(s) can be consciously constructed, over and over again. But the purpose is not our construct. It is something we discover|||People don't work this out in their 20's. They postpone thinking about them until it hits them in the face in their 40's. They don't call it mid-life crisis for nothing|||Hate is perhaps too strong a word, but for some reason I haven't really examined, I don't seem to like taking photos. I can't remember exactly the last time I took photos. It must have been some 20...|||You've got it, Chronic. Sorry that it took a tragedy to learn. It seems our greatest leaps are taken through tragedy and struggle, as if nothing else is quite strong enough to force us through to a...|||That's a universal theme. Seeing aquarium or containers of water or pools of water and seeing fish and other water creatures in them, dead or alive. Sometimes, the water that was meant to be there is...|||V. interesting thread. Recently, I dreamt that I had somehow travelled back in time (or past time had travelled forward and blended with my present) and I met my mother (who died many years ago)...|||I like INTPs but I was only close to 1 of them in my life (as far as I can tell). I've only met a couple. It'd be nice to know more but they are rare and I don't exactly get around so chances are v....|||Only way I have found to nourish my Se in a healthy way|||Yes. Are we always , or even most of the time, able to exercise it? Clearly not. Much of our lives are on the autopilot of our unconscious. But sparkles of free will are everywhere, constantly...|||it works. Slowly. But then, you don't expect years of self-abuse, hardened like a rock, to just vanish in an instance. You chip away at it with love|||Post more about it, Tempting. We all need the counsel of someone who's been through it|||If you have a photo of yourself as a little child, refer to it. Would you be cruel to little 2yo Dosekk, hurling all kinds of criticism at him for being this, or failing that? No. What would you do...|||I did this too. What followed from it was not good. Maybe it would be a good idea to slowly start treating yourself to some non-work social exposure. You see, your self has a way of forcing you to...|||Hey WD, welcome. Check out the various sections of the cafe. The INTPs' forum is actually the one with the most posts amongst the four NT sub-forums. With time (and some encouragement) INTPs have a...|||I was clearly an introvert, never feeling bored when alone and gaining a lot of energy from solitary activities like drawing and sketching stuff, from stories to city plans and buildings. I also...|||welcome! My mother was ENFP but my father was an introvert of some sort (INXP). I can't even imagine what it would be like if my father was ESFP (probably my favourite extrovert type). Extroversion...|||am gay and I got into some physical fights when I was at school age, but not because of being gay. I didn't know that I was, at the time, and it wasn't evident to others. I got in fights because...|||Welcome glass cat. I like the nickname. It's fortunate that you were in your room and not in the bathroom when you started thinking of a nickname!|||This is good advice, earthious. Other good advice on this thread too, such as the bit about starting with the little things. Depression can be a call to undertake work on developing aspects of...|||I almost never have lucid dreams that I can remember, but I also never attempted to have lucid dreams. I do have some pretty awkward dreams though|||Hello Hannah, welcome to the cafe. Where does everyone meet so many INTJs? I guess I need to get out more, hehe It was an INFP who introduced me to MBTI. It seems INFPs are amongst the types...|||Me too, but it's nothing I can't fix welcome!|||hello there and welcome!|||congrats! I think the best way to get rid of interview panic is to just have more interviews. I had an INTP friend who was so panicky about interviews every time he had one. I didn't really know...|||10 years ago, when I still...circulated, out of work-home, in London, I did come across some gay ENTs and even INFs. I never met another gay INTJ though, to my knowledge. Back then, I did sometimes...|||Any post that mentions coffee is sure to make me pay attention! Lol Hola and welcome. Hey, the learning is mutual. Every forum user adds something totally new|||I don't think I have ever debated with an INTP but I have had various discussions with them on topics on which our views were not in full agreement or rather, on topics where our knowledge of an...|||I get mistaken for an extravert all the time, even by people who have known me for quite awhile (but always solely in a work setting). I see why this happens, because naturally, when I am at work I...|||I agree. I also think that you connect with Ni by going to meet the unconscious where it reigns: in fantasies and dreams. Actively, consciously engaging with the dream world by recording and then...|||Hello there. Reading what you said about feeling rage and having trouble managing it at times, and many other things you said, somehow made me think of g Sadler, this INTx guy who teaches philosophy...|||Hello from London. Welcome, introverted NT cousin!|||Yes, I think it's worth some effort. I know it takes a lot of effort and it also has to battle against the certainty that we tend to build in our projections of how every social interaction is bound...|||I think any type can use any function a lot for a short while. So yes, INTJs can be heavy Ne users in a short burst. For example, in a so-called group brainstorming session. They turn ENTP-like for a...|||There is no basis for assuming that reason is the axis around which the world or life itself revolves. One has but to read the news or even just take a walk outside on any random day to see this. I...|||Coffee!! Where is it! Oh god, don't tell me that lamp drank it all!!|||Welcome!|||I never used social media so I don't really have an informed opinion of them. I used LinkedIn for a bit, but I found little utility in it and I deleted it after the invitations from people I had...|||I don't know about the rest of England but I like London. But it is not really England.. Half of the population are non-English. Yesterday it was cloudy and in the afternoon when I walked by...' | 2,930 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | After some consideration, I felt like I should come back on here and give my full support to your dream. Who am I to tell anyone what they can and shouldn't do? I keep forgetting that the ultimate...|||Only want to point a couple things out, so please don't take any of this as an attack. An idea like this is actually easier to do than you expect. Christianity has been performing these same things...|||I'll keep this a short and simple post. Positives: I am myself, All needs I shall fill, Negative: Myself am not I|||I have worked a quite a few crap jobs in my life and have had the enjoyment of meeting many different bosses. I have met many jobs where some form of favoritism exists, in some particular form or...|||There is no need to thank your Lords and Masters. Now get back to work on my damn Temple. You slaves are the slowest, laziest monkeys I have ever met. Your Lord and Master, TheLordlyOne|||I just need to say, WOW, just WOW. Of course an ENTj is going to seem emotionally handicapped compared to an ENFj, who has dominant Fe. I'm just going to be blunt, but you are have flown completely...|||Maybe you could still use the reference but express that it is all simply a projection that really doesn't exist inside yourself, but exists inside the psyche of the Professor. Hell, you could even...|||I just needed to chime in real fast, to clarify somethings about socionics. ISFp-ENTj are the conflicting relationship and not the ISFj. @cyamitide is not really wrong in what he stated, but forgot...|||I don't know, man. How can you get that bionic leg you've been wanting for your whole life, unless you shot yourself in the foot first. Maybe I'm just a bit more eccentric than you other ENTj's and...|||I may be an ENTj but over the years I have come to grow tired of leading everything, all the time. It slowly gets to you after a while when your having to not only do your job but come to fix...|||So I have been taking the time to seriously ponder over those questions that haunt everyone in their early 20's. How do I fit in? Where am I going? Why am I? Those existential questions that pop...|||This is exactly me when I drive. Playing loud, personally emotional music while hanging my arm out of the window gives me a sense of peace and contentedness in my life. It feels as if my mind is...|||Any other ENTp's experience something similar the first couple highs? I just remember laying on my floor and staring at my popcorn ceiling and slowly started to notice a pattern of shapes, of...|||Please, for your own sake, really examine Socionics. You'll realize they are two completely different systems of theory. Uses different lettering scheme for typing and only use the 4 letters for...|||@mufkapla When learning this MBTI stuff, I always had this annoyance with ISFj's(Sorry but will be using ISFp for the rest of this post). It only came from the inherent bias that MBTI perpetuates. ...|||Yah see, I don't see it as us making friends that easily but that every mother f$#$er is just way to damn clingy and needy and somehow they just smell us out. I try with all of my might to project...|||I am just really darn curious if anyone that could type themselves as ENTp have made mention of this or if this is more preferred in other types. Also, if the only reason you are kicking your...|||I definitely understand and feel you on not being able to feel satisfied when following a desire. Growing up, I remember most adults I met and interacted with always remarked on how mature I was for...|||I always hated school in my life, expectually high school, and was one of those that didn't need to try at any of it to show my intelligence. I always had teachers praise me for how smart I was or...|||I grow tired of feeling like I am talking like a Jedi so when I am talking about you normal self I will refer it as the ego and for the dark side it will be dub the anti-ego. Just letting everyone...|||I have come to enjoy(I'm crazy, so sue me) these times when the pendulum inside myself has become off-balanced and my more primal and darker side starts showing its ugly head. I find exercising only...|||Oddly enough I just replied to a P.M. that made a very similar argument. It comes from that gap that functions cause when not used in complement to support and reinforce each other. Just thought it...|||Sadly, sometimes I miss those blasted thoughts. I am pretty morbid, i know, but not thinking of suicide is worst, I feel. Suicide is what helped me get myself out of the mind state that I would be...|||I remember feeling that emptiness that comes with no religious/ spiritual beliefs. I became an athiest when I was in like 6 grade or so. I remember just doing it to follow in the steps my sister...|||That disconnect is simply the push and pull effect that Fe and Ti have with each other. Fe gives us INFJ's that feeling of wanting to please the most amount of people we can and to ignore what...|||You did the right thing, just brushing it off. Clearly she sees you as some sort of threat to her and tend to just take these kinds of matters lightly and try and see it as more a compliment than...|||I have come to realize, even though I still struggle with it, is how can you love another person when you can't love yourself first? How are you able to come to understand and know what love feels...|||I had a huge post written out and accidentally click a link and lose it all so I will just be giving you guys the short of it, since I don't want to rewrite everything I just lost. 1) Must be...|||Man, only 10 things? I don't think that is near enough bullet points to fully express what all of us really want. I guess I'll give it a try. 1) The most important thing we want others to...|||I remember having this exact same problem in my late teens early 20's. I would try and create elaborate events that had variety or mass appeal to attract others to come. They would always fail and...|||This thread has just opened my eyes up about myself all INFJ's in particular. We are so motive seeking in our own ego that even when someone is actually trying to help cheer us up and build a little...|||At some point in an our miserable INFJ lives, we must come to accept that we love being in the spot light. Even though we may be introverts, it is that Fe that really drives us and our feelings in...|||It is not a book but I have found the television show Wilfred to be entirely dedicated to informing INFJ's of all their hidden problems they don't know about. When I watch that show something just...|||How else are you suppose to develop as an individual than? Everything in life is a learning lesson. I have held numerous customer service jobs(about to get a new sales job and never done sales...|||Neither!|||I think both spectrum's of the P & J dichotomy are interesting as long as they are written well. Nothing can save crap writing from being crap and I think this is were this kind of topic will go. I...|||Hippy INFJ type here and love all drugs equally, except heroin. I always found I had to do a drug multiple times before I would actually get high off of it. I analyze myself to much and when I try...|||TRAIN HAS BEEN DERAILED!!!!!!!! I will admit that this thread may have not been the best idea. Or, none of us really even cares about those blasted ESTP's. I don't know I'll let you guys get...|||Because your not actually showing any kind of sign that maybe he should stop. He probably thinks that since your laughing back that your not offended by any of it. Almost sounds like he could be a...|||Is that how we come off to you guys? I always wondered what ESTP's saw in their duals. I really appreciate that anytime I meet an ESTP guy they always come up to me and shake my hand. You guys are...|||Their is an ESTP girl I know in real life that I have known for a couple years now. She is probably one of the first girls I ran in to that I had an instant liking to. I get a fancy for any women...|||It is always different depending on who I talk to where they consider INFJ's perceivers or judgers. It almost creates two different INFJ types depending on how you answer. Those who consider...|||If I was an INTJ in your shoes the next time anyone of them touch me or anything on me I would grab a limb and start applying pressure. Just enough so that pain will show on his face and he will...|||Really I am just glad that I really understand myself so I could stop myself from projecting on to you. I always did have a sense that w INFJ's have this odd style of writing that is a little more...|||Why does this seem like your taking what I say so personally? Do we always come off like this when we fell like where being attacked? It does help put some old experiences in a new light. I think...|||I have always gotten impressions that type is somehow set at birth but I am not trying to use genetics to explain it. Now this is my INFJ craziness talking but types seem more metaphysical by nature...|||You guys are amazing people. I love hanging around you guys since you make me actually use my Se in meaningful ways. You guys are also the nicest set of people I could hope to meet. Always helping...|||I remember years ago, during High School, I would have these repeating thoughts in my head that I just felt empty on the inside. Almost as if I never had a heart at all. It was a painful time in...|||@thicks1 I had most of those problems when I was in high school. Would do silly things to public property or just be a mega asshole. I think that kind of frustration happens to most in teenage...|||Se has been many things to me in my life. I remember pushing it away so I could stay in Ni dreamland. So may day dreams as a child and all of them came from ignoring the Se perception. As I have... | 7,732 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'I got an ENFJ. :D I'm not a Fe dom, I really don't think so. I retook it and got ESFP.|||MBTI: ISTP Patronus: Sparrow Wand: Ash wood with a Unicorn hair core 12 and Brittle flexibility Ilvermorny: Pukwudgie Hogwarts: Gryffindor|||I'm not really adept at spotting lies, exactly, but I can get vibes from people. But I kind of perceive myself to be more of a Cassandra from the mythology. I can see something wrong and I know...|||FDT I think your re-typing is interesting, but I think inferior Se is very different from inferior Si in that while both high intuitives can have a divergent relationship with their sensing, I...|||I think what is muddling (or muddying) the waters on the Luna typing is people are missing the fact she isn't a healthy version of her type. She saw her mother die in a early acccident young in her...|||I see a bit of Ne, though maybe later on. ISTJ?|||Well (and I am in transition type myself, I'm speaking to someone who is helping me with it), but I feel (and I could be wrong) that it is an Ti-Ni loop. You are constantly deconstructing the idea...|||Nods, yeah, I liked the idea of ENFP theoretically, but I do agree it could be better proven with the function descriptions especially with the theory that he is a Ne-dom. :) But yeah the Si is...|||LOl fist bump. I admit your frankness but I don't think it's necessarily the worst. There has to see some worst. I think the Si effect in his personality is valid. I think he switched his method...|||I want to retype Mona a bit, just because I've been interested in the character again once I re-watched. I'd almost say an ENTP. She has a love of games, of mind games in general. She has the Fe...|||Nancy: ESTP. She is rather like Faith Lehane from Buffy, she is open about her wounds and how she feels about things. She went extreme in her wishes. Sarah: ISFP Bonnie: INFJ --she saw the...|||Lexa was an ISTJ in that she had a kind of had a set code for the world. She didn't play a game, she played the game she thought it should be played. She was deeply into Fi-ideas and when Clarke...|||apoptosis :D Oh, not a all, ahah. I can see the reasoning too because of the amount of time spent on screen and the action nature of this story. And it's really interesting that you have Onigumo...|||RLOAI withdrawn, loner, not wild and crazy, does not like the spotlight, worrying, crowd averse, afraid to draw attention to self, easily hurt, fearful, prone to low physical fitness, fears...|||Naraku: INTJ with a weak T. He's definitely not a strong T because he is so skilled at knowing other people's thoughts and feelings. But I still think he is a T, with Te dominating his actions and Fi...|||Naraku: INTJ with a weak T. He's definitely not a strong T because he is so skilled at knowing other people's thoughts and feelings. But I still think he is a T, with Te dominating his actions and Fi...|||ISTJ tbh. (Tolkien who I have read was an ISTJ) TMLT give people too many second chances?|||Loner as hell tbh. I was more group oriented in college.|||Boring is a point of view. If you aren't bored with what you yourself are doing---their definition doesn't apply.|||I think this makes a good case for Kylo Ren being an ENFP. https://mbtimania.wordpress.com/2016/05/30/force-awakens-mbti-kylo-ren-enfp/|||I think Veronica may be an ESFP who is reforming her way due to seeing the consequences of her father's fall from grace. She wants to be a better person (Fi valuing) and her play on words remind me...|||Esfp?|||I am not an ISFP (though I went through a phase ahha but I was curious about the potential contrast) I got: Lawful Good Human Wizard (4th Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 12|||Here's a good site that I found agreeable in terms of describing the details of Ti-Ne TiNe (INTP) âx80x94 Type in Mind|||Whatever Lorne is, he likes to test people and see it play out. I would say either ESTP or ENTP. ENTP likes to see what happens and his scene where he tests the motel lady about all those types of...|||I'll comment on your entire post of course, but why is 2 a rare combo for some of these? It could be a narrow view of the 2 enneagram. Yes, they care for other opinions, but there can be a more...|||71.053 out of masc. points, 65.833 out of 100 femin. points, and 70 out of the 100 andro. points. Female, ISTP|||1) NF vibe 2) Ni 3) -J with Fe slant 4) Ti 5) Fe I would think INFJ who likes the Se-dom idea of ESFP or ESTP ----|||42% INTP 21% ISTP 9% INTJ 7% ISFP 6% INFP I think it's because I answered I like creativity ahha.|||I have a lot of dreams about being underwater lately. I've been both in space and underwater in my dreams ahaha. Usually there is a supernatural element, spirits, ghosts, etc, but mostly it is...|||Usually I remind myself of my opposite: aka Luna Lovegood. I've been compared to Claire Bennet (from Heroes) as well. But I see myself a lot in Summer in 500 Days of Summer and Michelle from 10...|||Yes--mostly because I have been studying both sides of the aisle for some time now. (not that I know that much or am right about anything). But I perceive that the recent orders on the Internet is...|||I think it'd depend on how far you think into the future actually. To be able to read someone also means you will be able to see how far they'd go beyond that moment. Ironically I think it's Te too,...|||Based on your responses, your likely Enneagram tritype is: 4-5-1 and your likely Enneagram tritype with wings is: 4w3-5w4-1w9 ... Your overall type preference is: type 4 (4w3) first, type 5...|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||The problem is people take it too personally without thinking about the bigger picture most of the time. I have to admit I don't trust the media very much as it does have a certain spin to it, so I...|||Fi-doms would keep their feelings to themselves whereas Ti-doms would -eventually-implode or explode and share a bit too much. I speak from that experience ahah. I sometimes don't hide things about...|||I, as an ISTP--but possibly borderline ESTP--love to write. I like to have the characters experience these various scenarios and change or grow from them. Some types of writing really do lend...|||Typing aside, you are an 4w5/5w4. I have an 4w5/5w4 divide myself. As for deviant personalities being fearless, I will say they hid that side of themselves a long time and did recognize the world...|||ENFP. I would go INFJ but you remind me of an ENFP I knew a long time ago. She argued a lot about not good/not bad and questioned it, reframing it a bit each time. She also wrote in a similar...|||Well I'm bummed that Peter Pettigrew is an ISTP. Very bummed. I need to contest this somehow later. I am not as bummed that Sylar (or Adam Monroe?) are ISTPs. Obs by my name ahha (angelcat I'm the...|||I don't think so, because the balance of functions are important. Fe is about how other people feel but it doesn't necessarily demean its own self. Ti would kick in before it, besides. Fe can be a...|||I have no idea about Ti as an Inferior but I imagine it is what people have described here. I think Ti acts as a shredder ultimately; it deconstructs. So as an inferior, it would deconstruct...|||As an ISTP, their Te helps my Ti a great deal. I like the dedication to details, if that makes sense, and the call to action. And ESTJs can have a great well of personal intregrity. This may be...|||Scenario 1-Te but with some Si, actually? Scenario 2-Fi Scenario 3-Some possible Te, but Se is about making impacts. Still that could be your age. Scenario 4: Why would they be superior...|||ISTP, in the books as well as the original film.|||Major. Night. Owl. However, that is because of my living situation. I like working at night because I have more time to myself and time to think. I don't mind getting up early, just takes me a bit to...|||I think the idea behind it all is that sometimes people are afraid of being the ones made fun of? It's more of a protection thing, a 'let us have it be them, not me?'. It's a common human fear and I...|||My first is Acts of Service and then Quality Time.|||A head full of ghosts by Paul Tremblay was a rough one. I'm awaiting his next horror book. Also, Red Moon by Benjamin Percy was pretty good.' | 5,073 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Funny, since I actually could ask my old launcher to google stuff for me. Did you get any other interpretations by not having that piece of information?|||I laugh at that. If it does get annoying I already know that I can block them. Sent using Taptalk.|||Teachers. Sent using Taptalk.|||At last it came, Glorious - still mundane. A short vibration, A week of tweaking, Thank you Aviate for simplifying my life. Oh god, this must be why I never do poertry. Sent using...|||Yes I do. Thank you for taking your time explaining why it's false.|||Exactly. That's why I don't really believe that intuition is automatic processing.|||I don't think that has to be true. Inferior Se doesn't mean blindness or bad hearing or anything like that. (I'm rather convinced intuition is a separate unconscious process from automatic...|||Good points. But the part about drones on a higher percentage of autopilot isn't that wrong, is it? Less conscious about your surroundings, about details, etc.|||I understood that as mostly metaphors, to explain what automatic processing is to the audience of NFgeeks. And his conclusion was that iNtuitives rely more on it, and use it in more areas.|||Or maybe his Te doesnx92t think it's like magic is a good enough explanation to why he has the ability to see around the corner? If he is an INTJ psychology major he probably wants to critically...|||I watched it yesterday and I'm still looking for a theory breaking flaw. (That's usually good news, but I won't give up this easily!)|||Long world war 2 story short: MBTI letters are wrong, use the cognitive functions to determine your MBTI.|||It pisses me off when I try to read through the thread to not make the same statement as someone else, but notice that there are many more Oh that's so me! responses then actual things that piss...|||Judging functions: Thinking and Feeling. Perceiving functions: Sensing and Intuition. If you have a judging (Te) as dominant, your other judging (Fi) will be inferior. Therefore, the same goes...|||15, and yes. I quickly noticed that those in white only passed each other, so counting the passing was no challenge at all. When the gorilla entered I noticed, I was worried that the new factor...|||What's wrong with capitalistic communism?|||Well, congratulations on becoming certain about your type!|||Ok, thanks for your inputs. I'll try to figure this out, and see if I can relate to any eruption type.|||I've been told the type description are just stereotypes. The 8 cognitive functions are what you really should draw the conclusions from.|||That is probably true, but I have no event or period of time that I can relate to any eruption. It might be because of I didn't know about it before, and didn't notice. What exactly makes you...|||Welcome! Very interesting to read. Have you checked out the functions? Do some research to find out a definite type, it's a fun challenge for most people that actually registers an account on...|||I'll take the blame for that, I ment not using it consciously. For the eruption part, I think I've had a too stable life to say anything about it. I've not had any was that really me moments,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0lqu6ss8rU This guy claims that inferior is something that you don't use, and is perhaps bad at. Unless I'm mistaken, you (as a INTJ) are consciously using Se,...|||I think it could be very useful, I wish I used it more. But I don't see myself using it though. The theory about using it unconsciously could be true, I sometimes notice stuff that others don't, even...|||I have only felt really angry once in the last few years. I got pretty loud. I'm quite certain about INTJ now. INTP is missing Fi, ENTJ is... extroverted. Unless someone gives a new insight from...|||Haha! I only saw that thanks to the e-mail. To me the function order (after all of your explanation) seems very accurate to the NiTeFiSe of a INTJ. The only thing missing is that Se, but given the...|||I just have to answer this aswell before i go to sleep. No, I haven't, but I just signed up for the next one. I'm guessing that's why I don't care about the grades.|||There might be some repetitions if you have followed throughout the whole thread. You will have to live with that. 0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For...|||I'm here to get inputs about it. I wouldn't like being wrong, but the more I think about it, the more it seems likley. I certanly show a lot more Fi then I thought I did. I don't get the Si thing....|||Good input. Stuff that also should be added to the money to work back. Yeah, it's really good. So good I never thought about a scenario where paying back money for healthcare would be a problem.|||The Si descrtiption is pretty much entierly false, Ni seems very... used. I'm not sure how I would show it though. I often see the logic before I'm able to describe it. I do 3D models of...|||I should pay for it. My exremly stupid mistake. I recon I'd get the healthcare for free, almost at least, but I'd have to sign a contract to pay them back before I'm let into the rehabilitation. If...|||Is coffie a drug? I don't like the fact that I'm addicted to it one bit. I do agree on Fi, but I don't understand how you can sense if it's a dominant, auxiliary, tertiary or inferior. You might...|||I think of this like this. I own myself. I can sign a paper to get paid for essentially be a slave during the week days. The thing is, I own my body. It's the only thing that I'm entitled to own in...|||I'll check it out. Will PROBABLY not do it today, should be working on my argumentative speech for english class. It's done, I just need to write it down. (Is that common for any function? Or is...|||This could be due to many factors. It could be that the upper part has much more money to work with, so maybe they spend 500% of Lower Itzbitzias budget, but the percentage of their budgets are the...|||I think I know what you mean. Every time I discuss anything I get suprised by how prejudice everyone is. Average person: What? You want legalize drugs? Are you mad? What will become of...|||I would never ever say that I have a opinion wihtout being able to tell why in a logical fashon. If I can objectivly look at something, completly unbiased, and come to a conclusion, then I will start...|||I (at least tried) to imply that the descriptions are shit, the question I'm trying to ask is if they're really THAT shitty? (Is this a defensive statement? I'm terrible at seeing that sort of...|||Hmm, ok. True, I think I wrote choires, and corrected it to choirs with google did you mean xxxxx. I guess I should blame myself, I never really cared about spelling or grammar untill recently,...|||I/ESTJ - Traditions, doing it by the book, valuing security and society, well, no. Yet again, if the descriptions are worth anything, these are all incorrect.|||INFPs do not like conflict, and go to great lengths to avoid it. If they must face it, they will always approach it from the perspective of their feelings. In conflict situations, INFPs place little...|||Please clarify the Si function, I don't really find myself in the description I found online. You mean repeating from the title? I did one of these once before without replies, so I made the...|||I'd say I'm definitely both 5w6 and 3w4, but I'm unsure of the order. My guess is 5w6 would be stronger, since I don't have a strong need of admiration, but it's definitely fun when intelligent...|||Yes, I'm Swedish so there might be some faults in the text, I don't think it's about being robotic, thats just something I've been called. NT is about trying to understand how and why everything...|||(Super smart is there to fish views and replies, and because I get that a lot in school.) Hello, I've been reading a lot about all functions and type descriptions. I've also tried reading on the...|||I'd correct it if I could edit my posts. Does anyone want to help me? Do you want to know what I think and why?|||I see that using a external text editor due to the forum one being terrible resulted in some spaces were removed. I'm sorry for this annoyance.|||I actually already think I know what I am, but since I think lettingyou guys know might change what you say. I've been looking into everything related to this, functions,descriptions, all kinds of...' | 4,501 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I feel weak. I was supposed to go to the doctor today. I called to cancel the appointment, or get it moved, but turns out I had misread the appointment card. I thought it said 9:45 am, turns out it...|||Lightbulb|||[Night time scribblings] Where thoughts & feelings wither and die I feel uneasy. I've been living in Belgium for a while now in my fiances pad. We moved in together in January. I left a place...|||Maybe you notice that she notices you, because you like hey? My INFP boyfriend is, from that description you made, alot like that too. I was talking to his sister last week and she told me that he...|||The J sort of suggest otherwise though. :P|||But you are two INFPs living together with a ENFJ. Not a ENFJ, ESTP and a INFP living together. And I didn't say that you can't be friends with and ESTP and a ENFJ. Of course you can. You can be...|||Moved to Belgium. I am starting to feel settled in, but I can feel the spook of being on my own for too long already blowing on my neck. My boyfriend is at work most of the day(s), I feel a mixture...|||I'm going to move in with my Belgian boyfriend this Friday. I'm really excited, but also really worried that something will go wrong. Moving to another country is huge! Also, the relationship isn't...|||I'm feeling a tad tired, been tired for a couple of days now. Also I feel so lucky, met my counterpart who loves me to pieces and I feel the same. And he is an INFP. The understanding and love is...|||Happiness, inspiration & Hyperness!|||Diet Knock Pea|||Dear possible ESTJ (not sure anymore I recently realized how insane I acted back then. I couldn't see it when I was in the middle of it and not after... I didn't realize it until I met someone who...|||I like hanging out with men and doing stuff peope usually see as something a male would enjoy. I love subculture stuff from the nerd, roleplaying world and etc. I celebrated Talk like a pirate day...|||Incredible tired but also immensely excited! IT'S TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY PEOPLE!|||It's so true what you wrote. The problem is that if you try to actually do what you just described. You are sure to be abused, exploited and burned. I have this thing (might be some sort of...|||I'm such a nerd, because I have to post something on this page because it spells 1337! 1337 5P34K!|||Sadness, therapy and discomfort|||Dear other INFP I really enjoyed our time together. I was starting to really like you. Now it just seems awkward and I don't believe we're going to talk much any longer. I thank you, because now I...|||I think I might have fallen for my since today ex Fuck Buddy. I don't think we could actually work together. I don't know. I was starting to get really fond of him. I cried after he had called and...|||I'm scared that I wont find a meaning again. That I will keep on fidgeting with threads of hope, idea and motivation that keeps coming apart. I'm scared that I might not truly get thrilled again,...|||Immensely amused for 2 reasons. Watching old Spiderman cartoons and laughing my inner ass off, because Spiderman is being riddiculously thick. I'm cracking lameass internet sexist jokes on...|||Thank you Gaspar. I've tried to embrace it, but I clearly haven't found the right way yet. It's kind of hard. An example to illustrate it is my 24th birthday. I had 3 people over during the...|||I'm frustrated. I don't belong anywhere... lol. I'm always in the grey. There's no definitive. I take an aspergers test, it's inconclusive... It's like that with everything. I want something...|||I want it to stop. I don't know how to make it stop. It's like a beehive of thoughts. They keep circling and buzzing. The only thing that makes it stop is a constant numbing of the mind. It's messed...|||Banality and toilet poetry.. yay Song for the wicked minded You're as cool as a breeze as smooth as a snake All I had to offer you made sure to take Only before doing so|||I obsess TOO much. It makes me sick to my stomach. Sometimes I just want to turn my brain off completely. It sometimes overpowers me and almost paralyzes me.|||Yes I drew it myself. :) And.. I wish you the best with the OCD.|||I second this. I wish I had done that 7 months ago -_- Anyhow, todays confession. I want to be more productive than I am. I've taken one step by starting a comic about life. #1 page. ...|||I still want to help him. Even though he scares me. I hate myself a little for letting him near, letting him have that power over me. I want my money back. He has taken far more than money from me,...|||... I'd rather say that charming people get away with stuff. @_@|||^ This ... >_<|||I feel anger, I dislike it so much. I want to give in to it, but I fear what will happen if I do so. I feel restricted by the anger. I don't know where to put it. I want an apology... I know I...|||Dr. Who? -hides-|||... This is me. It might have been the reason something precious died. Then again, it might really not be the reason, but rather a part of it. I wish I could stop spamming people I like. I don't...|||I lie in order to protect others.. rather than myself - or atleast I like to think so. Mostly it's... keeping the ugly things inside of me hidden. I also keep things very objective to distance...|||I feel wrong.|||Brown - INFP|||INFP, ESTP & ENFJ. Behold my childhood!|||Peter Pan - The book Peter Pan: ESTJ Wendy: xNFx (E or I?) Alice in Wonderland: INFP|||No... it's almost easier to tell perfect strangers about how I'm feeling. I got told that my feelings weren't ok as a child. Today I keep much of it bottled up and have problems recognizing what...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPg8AGszIIE|||Anything with Tina Dickow really.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPQZl1oIOM8 [EDIT] Also Lodger... I love Lodger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEKDO4ON5Fo|||The Science of Sleep - Not realistic, since it's about a guy that can't separate dream from reality, but the best movie I've ever seen. (Same guy that made Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)...|||History is repeating itself, because man let it happen again and again. Giving is considered a weakness|||Venting for the sake of getting it out of my system. So here goes... Dating and getting bitten by a snake - Got any anti-venom for me? With a heavy heart and tons of words to dump on...|||Crushed, angry and mournful. It keeps coming back...|||Aw, sorry to hear :( -pat pat-|||For me it's not so much not wanting others to be happy. I wish for everyone to be happy! But... I think it's because I'm secretive about my own happy thoughts. It feels weird to run around showing...|||Atleast you stop for sex! XD Also... I'm dyeing my hair blonde. It's going to look ridiculously bad! Yay for change...|||I think my family is prone to date/marry/get involved with people who can be diagnosed with psychopathy or narcissism. Is that a thing?' | 2,527 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Shadows of time flee from the sun From sweet, sweet lies your canvas hung Entire thoughts descend cacophonous Heart beating, moon screams, lost to lust Help me think of a title?|||A dream|||Pay Any Price by James Risen. Recently finished (finally) The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo.|||Money: File it away for future use Life: Spend a while contemplating how my thought process changes without actually touching the money, trying to make sense of that fundamental human greed and...|||I'm just an ad for American Eagle.|||What is going on and why was I mentioned|||Performances I failed. Very cringey.|||I've realized I will probably die alone if I live that long.|||I'm not a healthy person so I detach from intimacy; it doesn't seem like my authentic self is the one that people like.|||As someone who is always what iffing with interesting girls I see around I am finding that the best way to not have it mangle the rest of my life is to just give up. It's a distraction that needs to...|||You, to whom nothing is worth pursuing You, to whom nothing is worth pursuing: Why do you waste your days wishing? Why is it that levitation is a harbinger of gravity? Why is flight a dream?...|||Nujabes - Feather|||Intelligence.|||It Never Feels Perfect|||I can relate. Rituals and tests and all that bullshit causes life withdrawals.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzdOlG-oE-U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHVMlSkdu80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLlfA-LD49o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6txHWxpd6Y ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_iaODfhu5U https://soundcloud.com/redg-sound/loveless?in=redg-sound/sets/student https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGm-SnKYn-Q&index=16&list=FLwGlhZiV-irMS4LCT8r_HVA|||Seriously? I guess these are all on google images. https://soundcloud.com/twilight-stream/nutcracker|||ISFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_iaODfhu5U Love your sig.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_iaODfhu5U|||I attract silence. I guess that's some sort of overly introverted INTx.|||Midnight is an early bedtime.|||At least you guys are getting neutral/complimentary statements. I just get told I look angry or to smile more.|||I'd like to hear all ideas. Other types are welcome too!|||We already have a thread for those people who can use a pencil or angle with a modicum of skill so how about one for people who organize noise? Here's a conceptual drumline/front ensemble...|||Yep|||Wishing for a cuddling partner|||The idea that replacing/eliminating words changes attitudes is completely ridiculous. What, the word male is exclusionary or some BS? What is with these word replacements; the power of a word is in...|||Band: __-I-__ Album: The Days Darkness Flowed Within Genre: Dark Ambient|||I really like the dark, surrealist atmosphere in your work. If I can get my money working again, I'll send you some.|||Yeah|||no.|||5-4|||If anyone wants to stop being called cute, just walk around in public wearing what feels like a neutral expression. I promise all will be dealt with.|||Eyes|||These places come to me mostly when listening to music. Sometimes a story/journey, sometimes just a scene. Another setting this can easily happen in is trying to visualize myself in a lucid dream...|||^^^^^ Wow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmxuamKEKrc|||Sit back and wait for some calm. As a few others have said, investigate other sources. I know it's tempting to go after this becasue CHEEEEEAAAAATING but it's probably best not to spill (yet). If...|||Another wise post by OrangeAppled. I have not yet witnessed this in person, but for some reason this topic seems familar and intuitively understandable for me. Sucking the life out of the topic is a...|||Please, NO cute names if you respect my sanity. Doing things like that is like dancing. I feel like I would be a terrible kisser, so eh. Saying I love you is incredibly difficult as it has to be...|||If I didn't have to bury my face in planetary atmospheres for 4 hours, these astronomy pics might've ended up in my dropbox.|||This thread was made for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is46lEv5Jag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIL_kmtcNcU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bISSCB9XWvg ...|||esfj https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1OKPH8teog|||Some folk metal for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1OKPH8teog|||Just worry about the stuff you care about. My computer is super organized with no dusty old useless files. The clothes I bother wearing are hung up. My bed is made. My schoolwork changes place...|||When there are no lyrics, your interpretation is given more freedom. INFP|||Varg. 499290|||I think this is one of the most stereotypically INFP behaviors. Still waters run deep, teeth and claws come out, don't step on an INFP's values, etc etc etc.|||used to be this until I changed phones and didn't care enough to make another one. https://youtu.be/YRJYYKxYIws?t=2098|||I think everyone is completely neutral. The only evil or good is created by our own minds. Is the universe good or evil?' | 5,307 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I was majoring in history, but decided that it was too much like political science the way they were teaching it. So I switched over to Art history, because it involved more personal stories about...|||I'd say any of my books on the Mystics like St. Hildegard, or St. Teresa of Avila, or St. Joan of Arc. Catholic mysticism in general is uplifting to me. And stories of near death experiences, and...|||Ya, I'm in a similar rut right now too... My mind doesn't shut up, and I'm constantly anxious and depressed because of it.|||I love to interpret dreams, in a psychological way, so much fun. Since getting interested in dream interpreting, I can remember my dreams better. Sometimes though I just can't figure them out no...|||I get along well with my mom, she's ENFP. The rest in my family are ISFJ, ISTP, ENFP, and ENFP. We seem to have alot of ENFP's in my family lol|||I know how you feel, my dad's the same way. He thinks that I'm not practical enough, and that I never get things done the way he wants them done. He is the most difficult person in the world to...|||ENTJ/ESTJ I feel are the hardest to deal with. They talk to you like you're 10 years old, even when you are the same age as them. They are bossy, mean, and narcissistic. ISFJ's have their good and...|||I've noticed this too, I always feel like people who don't know me are afraid of me for some reason. And I haven't done anything! Is it just the aura we give off or something??? I've been told that...|||*sigh* I wanna meet another INFP :/ It would be so cool to find someone just like me. I spot every personality type but my own, strange..|||Yes, I love Adam young :) I have a Pandora station dedicated to him lol|||I ignore people I've known if I feel they have betrayed me in some way. Also, if I feel they have no real interest in being my friend, I just move on and don't bother talking with them anymore. It's...|||People always think I'm like 12 years old :/ (I'm in my 20's)|||I've always been melancholic to a degree. I tend to get depressed and anxious VERY easily. I think my issue is my anxiety more than anything though, my nerves almost always seem to be a jumbled mess....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Euj9f3gdyM|||Mines pretty low..I've always felt like I was worth less than others. Having adult acne and men who've used me doesn't help either :sad: it really brings down my feelings of self-worth and leads to...|||I've been in sort of a mystical mood lately lol so I put St. Hildegard as my background http://www.campuscircle.com/Film/images/115248.jpg|||Critical/judgmental people, people who talk too much, hypocrites, liars, manipulators, those with huge egos and shallow people as well. Also, can't stand it when others think that I'm snobby, or that...|||I honestly don't trust doctors, had too many bad experiences. I think that they just push drugs on us most of the time b/c they've been brainwashed too, and because it makes them money. *rolls eyes*...|||I can't forget you when you're gone. You're like a song That goes around in my head. And how I regret It's been so long. Oh, what went wrong? Could it be something I said? Time, make it...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rndltmm3oE|||Had coffee with a new friend, who I suspect is an INFP like me :happy: A rare find lol|||I don't know, I felt kind of strange after seeing it...I like psychological thrillers, so that part of it was really cool..I also liked the ballet stuff, but some scenes I could really have done...|||Ya, I've got plenty of psychological issues :sad: but I suffer mostly from an anxiety disorder and depression. I hate it, makes me feel like a crazy person sometimes...I just want to be normal with...|||ESTJs are the worst :dry: worked with someone who I suspect was an ESTJ, and she was extremely bossy and mean. She would also be very critical of everyone around her and if I ever messed something up...|||Liars, hypocrites, shallow people, manipulators, and people who think they're God's gift to the world :angry:|||21 in March! woot! :laughing:|||I'm quite religious I'd say, I come from a background of devout Catholics. I pray frequently and go to Mass every sunday, I don't know what I'd do without my faith honestly, it's what keeps me going...|||The extent of my Anime knowledge is Miyazaki and Sailor Moon lol, and that's about it.|||Tired, tired about having to deal with my rude/hypocritical roommate, tired of school in general, tired of being alone, and tired of being around ppl who just don't seem to like me for whatever...|||Yeah, I tend to feel like college is a prison too. I get terrible loneliness, and having sucky roommates doesn't help... Can't wait to get out of here and get on with my life honestly.|||Procrastination, being late for everything especially my classes, and having a tendency to isolate myself|||I know exactly how you feel. I have been mourning the loss of an ex for 10 months now. I finally think my mind is accepting that he's gone though, which is a relief, because I was getting tired of...|||I hate being single. All I can think about is how everyone around me seems to be in a relationship, and I have no one...I want to be loved and cared about more than anything, and I want to love...|||My dad's an ISFJ and my mom's an INFP and they've been together for 23 years. So ya, it can work :proud:|||Really really really really really pissed off :angry:|||I'd be living in a quaint tuscan villa or in a cottage on a cliff by the sea. There I'd paint and write poetry and take long walks outside in the fresh air. :proud: Yep, that'd be the life|||My dad is ISFJ, mom is INFP, one of my sisters I think is an ISFP but not sure, then the other one is possibly either E/INFP. My brother though is most deffinitely ENFP, everyone loves him, he's...|||I'm feeling depressed, anxious, confused, sad and lonely :unsure:|||http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_s-UMvjWHpeA/Ruht0FWFo6I/AAAAAAAAAC0/sGgejo39trg/s1600-h/Skeleton+Praying+LR.jpg http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=4694222&size=lg|||3 of my cousins are INFJs and two of them can be pretty uptight. The two uptight ones don't like to show their feelings too much and they can be overly polite which is a bit annoying. But I still...|||Mine's Sally's song from Nightmare Before Christmas :proud:|||I'd want to be ENTJ, I've met a few and I admire their ability to get things done, to speak their mind without caring what others think and to debate issues so easily. But I'll admit they can be real...|||I know exactly how you feel, I've suffered from depression ever since I was a little kid. For the past 8 months my depression has been more severe...a lot of it has to do with a guy who broke my...|||1. Listen to music really loudly and dance around lol 2. Read 3. Research stuff I'm interested in online 4. Take a walk while listening to my ipod 5. Daydream while swinging on the swings at the...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l61ul06cYU1qcy9uko1_500.jpg http://www.thewallpapers.org/wallpapers/17/1743/thumb/600_mystical-scene.jpg|||People who think they're God's gift to the world, people who manipulate others, hypocrites and liars :angry:|||These days I'm listening to Kate Nash, Arcade Fire, MGMT, Nirvana, Lenka, and Enya :happy:|||My best friend is an ISTJ and she and I seem to share the same sense of humor. Plus I always have a ton of fun with her, she's not spontaneous like I tend to be when it comes to making plans and...|||Chya, I've definitely heard that one before|||I get called things like shy, snobby, weird, hypersensitive/over-emotional, bipolar :frustrating: but I'm also told that I'm kind, gentle, compassionate, understanding, fun to be around and...' | 2,056 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Yea. If you saw my recent response to this thread. Exactly. That's what I got from mine also. He was very disruptive and irritating. But, I've FINALLY got him to chill, and let me do my own...|||I have been in a relationship with an ESFJ for 20 years and, I'm an INFP. I'll try to sum all that up. The overall emotion of the relationship is comfortable, feel like family, unhappy, secure,...|||I just want to say hello again. I've been sooooo busy. I've owned my own business, then lost it. Also, there are soooo many different things and social sites on the web these days. I've been...|||Hey. One thing I found out is, you MAY not actually be interested in your TRUE Holland Code. Your inferior function has a tendency to interfere. It has a subconscious way of wanting to express...|||Oh no. They don't have the same last name.|||Well. She's in a 3 year relationship that is getting me sick. They do not click at all and, she cries every day telling me how badly he's treating her. She says since her friends moved away, so...|||lol. Ok. I will.|||Well. No test is perfect, just like no government is perfect. It's a guideline that is more accurate than guessing I would think sort of speek. I forgot to mention what I meant by ideal. ...|||Lol. Well. I try to communicate with them in a way they understand better like a different language. But, mostly I believe that life itself forced me to use my thinking more. Sometimes I'd rather...|||Well. I'm INFP on both Myers-Briggs and Socionics (there is an explaintion why). One says ESTP is the best match for me and one says ENFJ to put it shortly. So, you're saying you tried your...|||Ok. Let me explain as quickly as I can a long story here. I've been into socionics also. I've been trying to convince the ESTP's we are a dual match and, NONE of them agreed with that. They ALL...|||Are there other kinds of test besides a self test? How would you take THAT test? I took the MBTI in college in one of my courses. also.|||You said needy, clingly TO START. What do you mean by TO START? Do you mean at the beginning of the relationship, then get cold again? Hmmm. I know an ISTJ-he's pretty cool.|||Yea. I know. I don't have anything to hide, and people can't see personal info on facebook unless they are our friend. But, I already sent the info. How do you delete a message on here?|||Well for a silly question there sure are a lot of people interested in answering. And, you don't have to read it if you don't want to. So, it must have been somewhat interesting to you to read all...|||You hit the nail on the head with that one. It's a feeling of unhappyness, unfufillment, that something missing. Sometimes depressing when there are arguments.|||I'm defidently not saying to throw away a relationship because you're not compatible. I'm not trying to convince others to leave their spouse for sure. But, if you're single, or in a very unhappy...|||Which theory is the most accurate when it comes to best matches? MBTI or Socionics?|||My daughter would like to meet a friend on here and get to know. She's and ISFP and socionics says you guys would be a good match. you can write her on facebook at Heather Chaisson in Louisiana. ...|||There is a reason why some people test the same in both test. I wish I would have saved it on my computer. But, therre is an explanation for that. I'd like to know which one is the most...|||Hi. My daughter would like to meet an ENFJ to get to know you better. Can talk to her on Facebook under Heather Chaisson in Louisiana. I told her I'd try to find her a friend on here. She's about...|||lol. Yea. I suppose it is a little funny. Well as far as maturity goes, I'm 39 and dated guys 4 years older than me with a few 20 years older than me. They were mature, just didn't click right....|||Well. I've been studying a lot of this stuff over the years. I'm 39 and never seem to get it right. The MBTI DOES make a HUGE difference. At least you can understand each other more. Once you...|||Yea. I see that too. It's comfortable, but the spiritual part is missing (the N). Thanks|||Wow! I wasn't rejected lol. Great! I was just wondering if you agree with the Myers Briggs saying that ENFJ's and INFP's are ideal? I've never met anyone like you before. That's why I'm on here....|||Hey. Maybe you can help me. Myers Briggs says the ideal person for us in ENFJ secondly ESFJ. I've been miserable with ESFJ for 18 years on and off again. Socionics says we match with ESTP (but it...|||Ok. Here I go again. Myers-Briggs said INFP's (me) is best matched with ENFJ and ESFJ. I didn't agree with it, because I've been depressed and miserable with an ESFJ for 18 years. But, Myers...|||Ok. Whatever. I just assumed the opposite of love is hate. But, there is in between also. Oh noooo way do I want to be hated. I'd rather be ignored lol. The only way I don't care is if I hate...|||Oh. Ok. lol. Well. That's good to know and bad to know. Since that was my only hope of the best match. Mbti was wrong to me, and socionics doesn't look all that promising saying that ESTP's are...|||The Myers Briggs and Socionics doesn't say we are a perfect match, but I love ya'll and I'm an INFP lol. Just because someone is different doesn't mean you have to hate them. They just look at...|||You were 13? He must have been real young also. Boys usually don't get mature that young. He was still a kid himself. I think maturity had a little something to do with it also. I know some guys...|||hmm. I confess I hate to work lol|||Make sure you are not dehydrated. Only decafinated beverages would help.|||What? It seems you are having problems with people at your house. Are you still living with your parents?|||I was feeling tired of being rejected and misunderstood by the other forums lol. I need to run back here at home with you sweet understanding INFP's like me. I just wish they would have said that...|||Well, when a person is hurt and another person is more concerned with the person that hurt her and wondering what's in it for me? Seems uncaring and selfish. But, glad to know the truth. Glad to...|||It obviously hit a nerve for some reason. If it weren't an issue, I don't think it would have bothered you so much-the question. It's just a question. Do INFP's have the capactity to be logical? ...|||lol. It's like the porkipine hugging the cactus|||That is so sweet.|||You're trying to point out your point of view which seems a little selfish in some ways to and uncaring, but I have an open mind. I'll try to interpret her point of view differently. When you are...|||Ok. I see your point of view. I think this is better communication than attacing each other. She attacked all of you which I'm sure she didn't mean. I don't believe all of you are bad guys. It...|||Well, my mom (ENTJ) is bad with names and sometimes faces. Everyone knows her. She says, everyone knows me, but I don't recognise them. I feel bad,so sometimes I just say yea yea, I remember....|||Well. It seems you are judging her for loving this man and wanting to be with him. Remember the times you loved a girl and she didn't want you, but you kept going back? The chase? Don't act like...|||Yea. They don't mean anything by it. Their caring is teaching you something and challenging you. That's how they care.|||Hey guys. I've been writing about this stuff expressing it differently. But, that's a different perspective on it (feelings). Yea. The feelings were overwhelming (I tried keeping it to myself...|||Yea. That would make me vulnerable to rejection. He may be turned off my my sensitivities, but honestly is the best way to go. So, thanks for your advice. I will do that.|||wow. ok. There is only one thing that I don't get. If I love someone is because I know them and the dating part is meeting them. I have to date them before I could love them. You said you love...|||My mom is an ENTJ and she's the baby of 3.|||I know. My mom is like that (ENTJ). Of course she used to do hair for a living. She spends lots of time making herself up. She'll ask me, do I have more rouge on one cheek than the other? etc. ...|||That's sweet. You know why I asked too, is I fell in love with this wonderful INTJ type of person and, I told him I love him. He told me he didn't know what love was and has never felt love for...' | 4,753 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | You tell him! Christ. I do wanna thank everyone for their input so far.|||Um we're lesbians...|||She just quit her canvassing job and I'm proud of her for standing up for herself. She's DEFINITELY a gifted writer, but she's more of a poet. I'm not sure how you incorporate that in a job...|||I showed her the posts and I think she's going to look into the libraries...she IS an avid reader, after all. Any other ideas in case this doesn't work out?|||Thanks! I'm glad I could make someone laugh!|||Yes, you bet your ass I can. I swear I'm sober. Just FYI.|||What, I can't talk about what pretty much everyone does during lonely nights? I AM A SEXUAL 8. And my girlfriend LOVES it.|||INFPs are adorable. I don't know what I'd do without mine...oh wait. Yes I do. I'd be masturbating a lot more and leaving the house recreationally less.|||TootsieBear267 Thank you! It comes naturally. XD|||What would you like to read?|||Hello all, Yeah, yeah, an ENTJ posting in your thread. I have a (very serious) girlfriend who is your type, and she's been rather upset lately about job choices. She's just out of high school...|||I want minions because then they'd be mini-mes.|||Sorry to disappoint you. :P|||Thank you guys! I like to think I'm fascinating.|||Hello everyone! I'm Yuugi, and I'm an ENTJ 8w7 sx/sp/so. I enjoy long, romantic walks from my house to the bar (hopefully returning with an INFP in my arms). My hobbies include world domination...|||When you panic whenever you lose something because that's imperfect, dammit!|||Welcome! I'm new as well. You mentioned anime...which ones? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk|||I'd go into teaching, to keep it realistic, but it depends on how long you want to be on school. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk|||I'm definitely an N but I like literal things. I'm a pretty black-and-white thinker. I have Nonverbal Learning Disorder, which impairs my ability to process nonverbal cues. But at the same time,... | 8,612 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 'Leslie: ENFJ Ann: ESFJ Apirl: INFP Tom: ESTP Ron: ISTJ Andy: ENFP Jerry: ISFP Donna:ESTJ Chris: ENFJ Ben: INTJ|||Does anyone else think Ann is an E? I really don't think she is an I. She likes to talk and wants to talk and connect with people.|||Slytherin|||I think this is evil and pathetic. Sharing how to emotionally control others? Seriously, what is wrong with you?|||I hate my life and everyone around me.|||I got like 128 (I know it was high twenties) when I took it in high school. I haven't taken one since then and that was when I was 17 so I don't know now. and my BF won't tell me his...probably...|||either really sweet and sincere or complete jerks that make me cry.|||would you date an S?|||Isfj, istp, estj, entj, intj|||I apologize, I guess I shouldn't have said anything.|||I didn't say whether or not I agreed with everything he sang about or not. What I'm not allowed to think someone is attractive? geez loiuse. grace alone my friend.|||Yes I did. I listened to all the videos posted. So there. That doesn't change the fact that I don't know enough to determine his type...but I can say that I find him very attractive because I don't...|||I don't know enough to determine what he is but I think he is so hot.|||What are you saying?|||...has nothing to do with that actually....just what I said.|||He does make me laugh but not as much as my intp friend.|||1,000 gifts, A Loving Life and Extravagant grace.|||I am frustrated that you feel like you won. But in fact I didn't answer what you wanted me to so HAH!|||whatever you say :-)|||I didn't answer your question really...but glad you are satisfied.|||I would definitely have sex with that sexy fireman.|||I don't like being told what to do, so no.|||I am supposed to be working, but checking emails and chatting on PCafe.|||Riiight. I'm so scared!!|||Holy crap....I might reconsider:tongue:|||so demanding...I don't respond well to demanding. I'll answer it when I want to :tongue:|||So would I have sex with the fireman who wants to do it doggy style or would I have sex with the person above me, as in you?|||I am not an INTP but I feel I can relate to a lot of what you are saying...so I don't think it's just an INTP thing that you are prone to anxiety and depression. I don't believe that is based on...|||hahahaha I completely agree with you on this. I last ate a chocolate fudge brownie...very tasty but not very satisfying. I'm quite hungry still.|||Not if they wanted to do doggy style.|||I think that seems kind of degrading. Sorry :-/|||My boyfriend is an ISTP :-). Also the happiest most up beat and peppy person I know is an ENTJ.|||Thank you. Asian? Hm never got that before. I have gotten Mediterranean though. I am Colombian.|||bahahaha!|||too much work. You can look at my picture on my profile if you are that curious.|||I got that. No worries.|||I wasn't. I was just pointing out you are not as grossed out by me as you pretend.|||I know you think I'm gorgeous.:wink:|||That means...? I disgust you! Or I'm killing you?|||Yes. But only because I am picturing a fireman. Also, traditional style because I'm old fashioned like that.:wink:|||ok for men...INTP, ENTP, ISTP. Women...ENFP or ENFJ...ISFJ...INTJ|||If actually cared what some random ENTP thought of me, based on some arbitrary list of attributes or opinions that have nothing to do with measuring or determining a persons intelligence.|||Hmm yes usually when people are mistreated or being disrespected I get very angry on that person's behalf...also when I feel as though I am being mistreated or disrespected. Also events that are...|||hahahaha this is great! My ISTx bf is very blunt and stoic and sometimes I can mistake this for him being mean but really he is not trying to hurt my feelings, it's just how he communicates. He has...|||Intp|||I know you are not asking for advice in this department but I think alot girls like to be pursued :-). Makes us feel like we were worth the risk of being rejected and also makes you look more manly....|||I am dating an ISTJ now...hahaha. Also, not all ESFPs believe the same things. I admit I can be gullible because I usually assume people wouldn't have reason to lie to me. I don't think of myself is...|||Welcome! Glad to have a fellow ESFP.:proud:|||Do you find the ESFP personality attractive? (I guess this is more individual based not type based but I was just wondering). If you are interested in a girl, will you go for her and pursue her?...|||I'd like to be more ENFJ I think...I would like to be more N and more J. I am so disorganized and scattered sometimes and I don't like that about myself. Also, I would like to be more N and be able...' | 634 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'What if dogs were people-sized and people were dog-sized and dogs had people as pets?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZOqrx0ETGk I go through unexplainable phases during which I'm obsessed with Shakira.|||When your college friend convinces you to go to an 18+ nightclub for the first time, and you try so hard to let go and dance, but you just feel horribly awkward and embarrassed, so you end up sitting...|||I just want to marry Yuzuru Hanyu.|||First day home for break from college and my parents are already screaming at each other and my mom is threatening to kill herself. My dad has a black hole where his heart should be. I don't know how...|||There's this guy at college who I've been daydreaming about for easily over a year. He's so lovely. I think he's an INTJ, and very much the scientific, logical type, and I find it intriguing how...|||I really need to get over my gay crush on my married professor. -.-|||I'm a 20 year-old college student seeking a part-time job while at school. I've had two jobs in the past year: a sales associate at a kitchen supplies store and very briefly a hostess at a...|||It really concerns me sometimes how quickly I swing back and forth between obsessions. I can cry one day over not living in Japan in a treehouse with my lovely Japanese husband, and the next day I...|||Why does this happen so often? The more I actually get to know people, the more out-of-place and more like an outsider I become, eventually realizing that I would be better off alone than being with...|||I have only just recognized the fact that I crave human touch. Not only do I long for a strong, emotional connection and someone to care for, but someone to hold and cuddle and dote upon. However, I...|||Gulp. I actually texted the girl I like for the first time. I'm an idiot. She hadn't even given me her number, but I had it because of something else. I decided to take a chance because I really...|||I ask this because I've experienced it a lot lately at work. I'm in college and work in retail to offset some expenses, and sometimes it's a bit of a living hell because I feel completely useless....|||I am crying over someone that I never even had a relationship with and listening to Pretty Baby by Vanessa Carlton on repeat. My brain has finally broken.|||Damn myself and these dizzying mind games. My brain can't decide whether to banish all thoughts of him and write him off completely or hold onto a tiny, fragile hope that maybe he's just super busy...|||Why do I always have to be the one who cares way. fucking. more than the other person. He read my email a week ago and obviously doesn't feel the need to respond.|||...when you often think about what your home will look like inside when you get one of your own, because you have so many ideas for how it should be decorated, from purple medieval-inspired with...|||One day I will live in a forest near a stream and play the harp and the flute and collect herbs to cook with and flowers to decorate my home with and have jade jewelry with leaf details and sit by...|||.. when you go to Youtube to find a specific song that you like, play it, and then realize more than halfway through it that you've forgotten to pay attention to it and you haven't even heard the...|||Currently I'm in one of my I'm so unattractive/annoying/untalented/weird that no one will ever date me phases, so I'm listening to old, romantic songs and cursing myself for having such a lively...|||...when your friends all think you have really weird taste in the preferred sex because to you, personality almost completely supersedes looks. You just know by looking at someone if they're...|||http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5nrvsCnjc1qan19ko1_500.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5nrvsCnjc1qan19ko2_1280.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5nrvsCnjc1qan19ko3_1280.jpg|||... when it's 1:30 am and you're trying to sleep but you can't because all kinds of lovely thoughts and ideas are in your mind fighting for your attention, and suddenly a (seemingly) genius idea for...|||... when you think it's a terrible shame when people don't understand who they really are and spend very little time contemplating it, as then you wonder how their friends or family members can...|||This song is not really my style, but I actually love it. It's just so cute and sweet.. it warms my little INFP heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjaImmBMvL0|||...when you're in line at the grocery store and the cashier has to look up one of your items, and you feel horrible and embarrassed because the people behind you are probably annoyed, and they...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Z2IV9gxHhwM|||...when you spend five and a half minutes watching a DIY video on Youtube for fingernail art that you never plan on actually doing, just because you find it interesting to watch the process of it and...|||... when you have even more and stranger daydreams when you're really tired, which sometimes makes you wish you were tired more often. ...when you've been called a modern-day hippie on more than...|||...when you can often charm people into taking the MBTI test, even if they seem uninterested at first, but then you feel bad because you've wasted a few minutes of their time and they probably think...|||Sure. :) (10 characters)|||... when you're having somewhat of an identity crisis, and your head is jumbled with thoughts, so you pour out your soul by writing an enormous paragraph in which you identify your inner fears and...|||Love this kind of music.. I actually sit and watch the Soundscapes music channel on tv for hours at a time because it's so relaxing. You know you're an INFP if you do this..?|||...when browsing Yahoo Answers makes you sad, because you wish you could answer every question perfectly and help everyone, but you can't.|||...when you frequently choke on whatever you're eating or drinking because you're so caught up in your thoughts.|||...when you try to listen to all the songs in an album about the same number of times so none of them feel left out or unloved.|||Why do good things only seem to happen to other people? Now my friend got to go to this event that my favorite singer is at, and she's right across the aisle from him and they made eye contact a...|||LOL. Rick Astley for the win.|||...when you loathe cleaning a room, but once you do, you feel a lot better, because then it's more aesthetically pleasing, which puts you in a better mood.|||Awww. Totally made my day. I love hearing stuff like this, because it gives me hope that it actually does exist.|||I really need to get off my rear and actually do something with my life.|||If I'm this giddy about liking a guy from a distance, I wonder what I'll be like if/when I actually fall in love with someone in real life.|||I'm very attracted to guys who are sweet, caring, and sensitive. Personality is so much more important than looks, in my opinion. If a guy has an amazing personality, then his looks seem to improve,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PacXNLrAPUA&feature=related|||Usually my fantasy worlds consist of being alone in nature.. like a bright green forest in the rain with a rainbow overhead and tons of animals all living in harmony, or a huge, grassy field with a...|||Rick Astley is the man. And to think, pretty much all he's known for these days is the whole Rick Roll thing. Psh. So underrated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgUrqGFxV3Q|||...when you personify the organs of your body, and imagine that your stomach is frowning when you eat things like spicy chili or fried food, and you feel really guilty for making it feel sad.|||...when it takes you a good half hour to decide if you want to listen to music, or if you're in more of a contemplative, silent mood. ...when you really want to start writing songs, but you end up...|||...when you and a friend are talking about a subject that you find fascinating, like personality types, and they change the subject because they're not all that interested in it, and it makes you...|||Sleeping, listening to music, playing music (guitar/piano), cooking, photography, spending time with my pets, spending time in nature (cool, green, misty forests are my favorite), traveling, eating,...' | 6,220 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | Well thank you Gilly! I *really* love the lady! :proud:|||Thanks guys! I think he's more likely to find interest in the programming/systems side of things. Even though his hand-to-eye coordination is really good, but he's not that practical, but finds...|||Update from the above 2013 post- we just went and got married! 628146|||Hello to you all! I hope you can help me with guiding a young ISTP stepson. He is about to turn 13 and had the potential to be a lovely young man, however he is going through a period in his life...|||That.|||There's your gut instinct right there! As an INFP bloke, I would not have shown the level of interest he has if I wasn't keen on you. Even if you are wrong, just because you send him your number it...|||Just send him your number via a Facebook pm. Top it with some 'off hand' message like 'might be handy if you had my number?'. In his position I'd definitely want some kind of positive sign from you....|||I can really relate to that. My mum is an ISTJ and brought up 3 children by herself, I cannot fault her on fulfilling the 'duty' aspects of her role, but I cannot recall any fun in my childhood....|||0-17 years... single 19-27 years....single 27.2 - 32 years...single 36 - 41... single but have now been blissfully happy since meeting my partner 2 1/2 years ago, and will be getting married...|||Motorway driving used to put me on the verge of having panic attacks, it's that 'I'm committed now, there's no turning around' feedback loop thing. In retrospect that was probably linked to other...|||My gut instinct says move on, you're shutting down on her, she's trying to manipulate you.....if you're having these issues early on (when it should really all be fun) then it doesn't bode well for...|||I'd say I've got more adventurous as I've got older (I'm 42) but similarly to telepariah, I now spend more time assessing and managing the risks before I take them....whereas when I was younger, I'd...|||I'm with the most fantastic ENFJ that I met via a dating website a couple of years ago. She'd had a far rougher ride of the online approach than me and was about to give up. All my previous...|||You have the power to make that transition happen. The societally accepted path to success is not for us. I am a middle aged white male who has achieved a modest level of this 'traditional' success,...|||my ears are bigger irl 93862|||I think the problem is that the concept hasn't yet reached the masses even on a subconscious level. It is going to take some serious sh!t to go down for people to adjust their mindset, by that point...|||need a break from earning money, a 40 year break should just about do it!|||Cleaning my ears with a cotton bud....I know you shouldn't, but hey! life's short!|||If you're messaging someone on an internet dating site and it's going well, try and organise a date within the first 10 messages or so. The whole reason you're on there is to date people, and you can...|||@telepariah It sounds to me as if you have done everything you can to bridge the incompatible issues between yourself and your wife, and it's still not working. Nobody is at fault if the things...|||I had a relationship with an ISTJ for about 4 years and it was a lot of hard work. I would sight the T/F and S/N mismatch as the biggest problem areas. My P/J are pretty close so I'm not too bad on...|||Yes it did happen Molly! It went so well we've had another improptu one since as well! Our mutual NFness seems to be creating a very strong connection. Each date has been packed full of enjoyable,...|||Thanks reckless summer nights the voice of reason speaks, I'm carrying on like some love sick teenager! We have a date booked for later in the week, I will reign in my useless over analysis and tell...|||Hello you lovely ENFJs I had a really enjoyable date with a beautiful, intelligent, witty ENFJ on Saturday. It went so well when I dropped her off at her house (she mentioned I was the only recent...|||...said like a true INFP!|||Hi the @misstress002 My last long term partner was an ISTJ and I have to say the relationship was an interesting experience! ISTJs and INFPs can learn a great deal from one another, we have common...|||The truth is, if you've been through it and survived it, you are a stronger and better person It seems that for INFPs this feeling can happen at many different points in their life (most...|||@mushr00m Observations oozing excessive creative juices and fuelled by quality sounds sharp offbeat wit looking to validate self identity in a world which is (in the main) contradictory...|||Thanks Nicali....it's done and dusted; pretty certain she was an INFJ, the conversation was easy but no real 'spark' between us. Interesting experience nonetheless. edit...thanks for the tip...|||Interesting question. I'm not spiritual (though I envy those who are) but when my creativity is at its best I do feel as if I am just a 'conduit' for what's happening or what I'm producing. However...|||This old fart of an INFP is going on a date! https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/--tezE4OXcZI/USXRgGV2pmI/AAAAAAAAFxA/rjgtZOlSCmc/s912/DSC07575%2520crop.jpg|||https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Srt0NAUUDvE/USH4X2qF9kI/AAAAAAAAFvE/gjf_g1aeAvc/s640/02brunovsky_905.jpg ...|||What does this button do? (insert noise of roof sliding back), ah ha! count me in......make mine a peppermint tea! ...|||I can identify strongly with that, my whole school life I was stuck in a system where success was based upon how well you could remember and regurgitate facts, sequences of numbers and correctly...|||Stop thinking, and start doing! Take Isisx 's lead and get yourselves over to this thread now-...|||LittleHawk jessieahh refugee Tincan PumpkinEater can I just say what a great selection of music this page features so far|||An old oak close to my house has shed one of its major limbs. This tree must have stood for over 300 years, and in its bare winter state I can see just how many of the secondary branches are dead or...|||om nom nom nom! https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-OdhDdoE8faU/UQ_1GajBOmI/AAAAAAAAFos/qyqfZAYxqcQ/s500/3725736150_c32578ec76.jpg ...|||https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-YnzgXTJ3qRY/UQ-uHF2N11I/AAAAAAAAFn0/sb5oN-rNArQ/s500/tumblr_mhopvusdzd1rtji2zo1_500.jpg ...|||Get a grip man :wink: ..you're an INFP; you'll forever be a child on the inside! Despite my middle age exterior, internally I'm an 8 year old boy the majority of the time! What is it you...|||My best ever dumpster dive result was a professional camera tripod, just needed a nut and bolt to fix it. I can't resist looking in a skip (dumpster) whenever I walk past one. I've also heated my...|||Not decrying single mothers here, but surely the whole family thing must be so much more rewarding with a partner? 2Thumbs snare yourself a hunky west country man! Looking at your profile page I'm...|||How's about I say kill the 2 billion, but I get to select those that will die. Who'd be first in line for the gas chamber? the guy who broking the deal of course. He could meet his grizzly death and...|||Hey mushr00m, I went to college with the guy who painted this, he was jolly decent chap too....watercolour artist | animal pictures | prints | cards by artist and printmaker Daniel Mackie — Home|||2Thumbs Take the following with a pinch of salt (I'm a bloke) but 36 is still pretty young these days isn't it? Lots of women are having children well into their 40s. Maybe take a more 'aggressive'...|||...and there's one thing we all want to know; the INFP + INFP love making....is it as phenomenally, emotionally, earth shatteringly amazing as we suspect?|||Don't forget that an interview is a two way thing, you need to find out about them as much as they need to find out about you, so ask plenty of questions and get the conversation going both ways! ...|||I am most definitely a loner. I work from home and live in a rural location with few neighbours. I do have several good friends who understand my solitary nature, and don't feel offended when if I...|||possibly the greatest remix album of all time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd7pIZcwVU8|||so is this going to be like a 'porn off' or a 'porn vs'?.......hmmm the bar has been set impressively high by your first round, but I'll not reveal my best moves quite yet...... ... | 3,403 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I've struggled with anxiety, depression, and OCD for as long as I can remember. It's taken the form of many different things throughout the years, and I've medicated it with everything under the sun,...|||I will spend Valentine's Day alone as I have the past few years. It doesn't really matter much to me, I suppose. It's just another day, albeit slightly more annoying.|||Interesting time for this thread to come about! I was a veggie for a few months back in 2008. Just a few days ago I made the decision to become one once again. I just feel better overall when I don't...|||I'll always have a special place in my heart for The Beatles and Pink Floyd. Right now, probably Death Cab for Cutie and Jack's Mannequin. I've also been listening to a lot of Margot and the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qSq3cEXOF0|||Hahaha that's sweet. I hope to god that I'm not drinking that shit though.|||Story of my life. I've had much experience with the third option, and it sucks bad. Better they just come right out and say it instead of continuing to waste my time and emotions. It makes things...|||I'm 19. Terrible age. Society can't decide whether you're a child or an adult.|||I understand why you would think there's a lot of negativity in this forum, but I must say, how I am on here is much different than how I am in RL. PerC is a place to come together with people like...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7JthgTMHDU|||I can't do it anymore. I used to hunt and fish all the time, but for some reason I just cant justify the killing of another living creature anymore. I've developed severe OCD concerning the death of...|||How do you mean?|||I'm in the Liberal Arts degree at my local community college right now. I'm planning on switching to English when I transfer to a four-year.|||Some may disagree with me, but I find that listening to happy and upbeat songs when I am neither happy nor upbeat is like trying to trick my brain. I don't like doing that. I get over my sadness much...|||I've always wondered why this was..Does the mental illness and torment come first or the art? It's like asking why almost every writer of the 20th century was an alcoholic.|||It may very well be that people are over-diagnosed, especially when it comes to ADD and depression. But there are certainly cases where these disorders are debilitating and I think it would be a...|||Anyways, that's a rough situation. I think I can give you some decent advice considering I've been going through a similar experience lately. First of all, if you're depressed about everything, I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU4jCSkVJ_A|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZWZo-rnciE|||Histrionic? Hmmm..not so sure I agree with that. I have just about every personality disorder except that.|||INFP I use Nicotine daily in the form of cigarettes. Alcohol is my fav, although mostly because it's cheaper and easier to get around here than weed. I have also used marijuana and shit loads...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrwkmBT-Ww8|||It's quite possible that she may not have the ability to stop drinking on her own. You could probably judge that yourself. As for cigarette smoking, it's very hard to quit. Extremely hard. And until...|||Death Cab for Cutie Jacks Mannequin Something Corporate The Weepies Guster Regina Spektor The Format The Hush Sound Lately I have been enjoying the following:|||Well, I had tears in my eyes last night while I was watching The Lovely Bones. But the last time I actually cried was like a week ago when my sister left for college.|||I've partied almost nonstop the last 9 months. It's been awesome :crazy: But I have too many crazy stories to tell any one.|||How are you high on ibuprofen?|||Drunk right now. I think I go from an an I to an E, and sometimes an N to an S. It's kind of hard to tell, and really depends on how much I've had to drink.|||They come together in a beautiful chorus of bark and leaf, chasing away the thing that was watching Bacon.|||Currently working on a two-year liberal arts degree which I'm hoping to change into a four-year english degree. I took Advanced Composition, Social Problems, and American Lit since 1865 this last...|||I think I may have worded my previous post incorrectly. By hypocritical, I meant I judge people who I see as intolerant or judgmental of others, therefore becoming judgmental myself. If you can see...|||Usually I will throw in the entire Plans album by Death Cab for Cutie, which I consider the most beautiful music ever written. YouTube - Death Cab For Cutie - Brothers On A Hotel Bed|||I would like to go everywhere on earth if I had the chance. But to be realistic, I definitely plan on traveling to Alaska sometime in the near future. Italy is also beautiful. I've been there once...|||I know what you're saying about the meds. For a long time, I didn't want to take them either, because I thought I was messing up my brain chemistry and when I got off of them I would go right back to...|||Finally finding a place that sold American Spirits. It wasn't that good of a day.|||You sound just like me. There are times when I can be extremely dark and cynical. I also judge the living shit out of people I don't like. I can be quite hypocritical sometimes, which is something...|||Oo yeah. I can relate to this. What you are describing sounds like it is way too mild to be bipolar disorder. The mood swings related to bipolar are extremely severe. It sounds to me like depression....|||Hmm. Good question. I might have to say F. But I like every letter of INFP pretty much the same :happy:|||I have been diagnosed with Dysthymia, which is a form of moderate depression which can last for a few years, rather than severe depression lasting for a shorter period of time. It's gotten to the...|||Welcome! You sound like fun.|||I really don't think I have found mine yet, so I suppose my mission right now is finding a mission. If that makes any sense.|||Finding a meaningful relationship doesn't seem like something you can find in a self-help book.|||I grew up a Christian. Now I consider myself an Agnostic, probably leaning towards Atheism. I see just as much beauty in the world now as I did when I was a Christian, probably more actually. I don't...|||Yes! There are times that I feel a natural high when surrounded by the beauty of nature. I comment on how beautiful things are quite often, and I don't think any of my friends really see the beauty...|||Congratulations!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-Ep3RTFM-E That being said, this should probably be moved to the sex and relationships sub forum.|||Please don't. What makes you think the ones you vote in will be any better?|||Yes, Chamomile tea definitely helps. There's nothing that will knock you out faster than a cup of chamomile and a hot bath.|||Wait, you changed personality types? Tell me how!!|||I relate to almost everything ever said about INFPs. Here are a few highlights, found at the following link: Portrait of an INFP Their primary goal is to find out their meaning in life. What...' | 5,555 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Haha, but she disapproves of my INTP friend, ostensibly because he's male. The truth is probably that she's jealous because I like someone apart from her own humble self. (She has male friends...|||Leadership isn't about power, it's about managing your own energy and then inspiring others to see meaning/purpose in their work and give their best without being distracted by extraneous...|||Haha, my former ENFP friend didn't even bother to promise that we'd do something and then make excuses. It was just straight up all about her. She just expected me to be a totally passive slave with...|||I sometimes get like that after a long time at work without holidays, because my job requires a lot of Se and I'm also forced to have the lifestyle of an unhealthy extrovert (lots of work,...|||PS: This was also in a fast paced environment were shit hit the fan every minute. None of these conversations contributed anything to understanding the situation or improving relations/ morale...|||Haha, I so relate to this (in reverse). In my previous job, it was customary for people to have an endless conversation with the boss first, like Lovely weather, how are your kids, did you see this...|||In general, no. But I do sometimes see people's cognitive functions as colours/ shapes and radiation (vibes), especially Ti, Ne and Se. Ti is dark green to me and can look like one of those cubes...|||I do find the characters interesting. I guess I just don't like the actors who play Holden and Naomi. They totally rub me the wrong way because of their cute little baby faces. I guess they are meant...|||I wonder whether it's worth reading the novels, but I don't want any spoilers, really. Haha, I don't actually like any of the characters apart from Miller and Chrisjen Avasarala...and the Martian...|||I can't speak for all INTJs, but I very much doubt that I'd like to meet anyone who wants to perform a hands-on experiment on me, sounds like alien abduction with an anal probe thrown in. Plus, the...|||I'm on the last episode of season 2. Now I'll have to wait for another year, I guess :( Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||Oye, kopeng mi. Can we derail this thread and talk about The Expanse instead of the usual ENFP+INTJ blah blah? Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||Like all the threads about Do INTJs like XYZ, this needs a control group, or more precisely 15 different control groups. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||Books, postcards, souvenirs, stationery, random objects (toys, decorations, seashells, minerals, cans). Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||Sorry, mobile posted before I was finished: From Savings Bank To Time Machine: Make your clothes heap work for you The Awkward ENTP Phrase Book: Uh, uh., Eh., Heh! and Grooo. explained...|||Poker Face: How to make friends and enemies without doing anything The Woodlouse: Understanding your spirit animal You're a Beautiful Specimen: Complimenting made easy Toilets of the...|||I don't like e-readers. I much prefer paper books, because I can touch them, smell them (used books), look at the cover illustrations and collect them on my bookshelf. Plus, I can buy used books...|||Cynical and very interested in the usefulness of things sounds like XSTP. INTJs can store vast amounts of information just for entertainment or future reference. They know that life meanders in...|||I never start purely social conversations with new people. I hardly ever start conversations with people I know, either, except for my husband and best friend. Even with my other best friends, I'm...|||Yes, that's spot on. He gave me that song that says There's something that I must believe in and it's there when I look in your eyes (that's 15 years ago, though). He actually stopped using me long...|||Do you have trouble telling INFJ and INTJ apart? The reason I'm asking is this: I'm an INTJ and I'm friends with my ESTP ex. His previous ex was an INFJ and he got a rough deal out of her. She...|||This. Soc doesn't mean sociable, it just means that you put the survival of the species before your own. Often that can involve doing things that go against social norms if those norms mean that the...|||I'm so/sx. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||Nah, Ti-doms and some individuals with aux Ti are the world champions of categorization. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||Not sure. On an abstract level, I agree with those who think clothes don't say anything about your qualifications. But in practice, I don't perceive smelly XNXP trolls in scruffy brown troll suits as...|||On holiday: mobile rings, showing a British number. Me: Hello? Voice: Hello, we're looking for a Miss Gemina. Me: Speaking. Voice: I'm Amanda from XYZ car insurance. We've had a report...|||OMG, these book titles are hilarious. Best thread in a long time. Now you all need to write these books for real, except those people whose books are about procrastination. Sent from my...|||OMG, I fancied Sesshoumaru massively when I was younger. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||Why would this even be an issue? I mean, where has the idea of INTJ+ENFP compatibility come from in the first place? It's just a theory that made sense to Keirsey's INTP brain. It's not even the only...|||Could you do your work at a public library or somewhere? I always find that I need to be in an official environment to get work done. Plus, is there any chance you could find a job where you have...|||Nope, I've never personally been called a robot. However, there is a pilgrimage of ENFPs who come to this forum to call INTJs robots ...oh, the OP is an ENFP, what a coincidence.|||No it hasn't, as a sensor you obviously don't understand how this is not an NT circle jerk on a symbolic meta level despite the physical presence of several NTs. [emoji14] (just...|||Haha, I'm idealistic, too, but I try to make my ideals come true in my own life with like-minded people whenever possible. No point in waiting for those slowass sheeple who can't be bothered. I'm not...|||I agree it's a societal problem and it sucks. But neither you or I will ever change those people's mind. Just focus on the few select people who aren't dumb like that. Sent from my EVA-L09 using...|||I agree with the first part of your post. But if the guy or his wife wants to sacrifice you, maybe he's not the right kind of friend for you no matter how much you want him to be. I know that can be...|||So the fella just needs to tell her you're friends and after that you can see whether it's appropriate to meet his family. But whether he wants to tell her is his decision and you can't push him...|||Didn't you say you wanted him to introduce you to your family to legitimize your friendship? That's exactly what you said, isn't it? I don't need to meet my friend's wife to know that she exists. I...|||I very much doubt that INTJs give off high doses of sexy rays. I think a lot of people have this idea that because INTJs tend to be quiet and don't spill personal information all over the place,...|||galoshes Why would you need to legitimize the friendship by meeting his family? If it's a legitimate friendship, it's valid in itself. Do you want his wife to be responsible for your behaviour? ...|||What is all the drama about? What did I miss? Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||I guess the problem with businesses as they are now is that they can be happy with the status quo as long as there is no legislation or self-imposed policy that forces them to increase diversity....|||I've written extensively about this in the millions of threads about the same question on here. So I don't feel like writing the same again. I might find some of those threads and copy-paste later...|||The north of England and the north of France aren't that far apart. I think you should give it a try unless there are any other serious problems in your relationship. I mean, this is a matter of...|||Y'all have no idea what restricted and repetitive behaviours mean in this context. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||No. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||Sure, especially if they're from sub-Saharan Africa. OMG, I could be a ghost tweeter for Trump. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk|||I suggest you read some socionics profiles, I think the differences between INTJ and INFJ are fairly clear in those. However, there is this mind-warping effect where your brain can understand the...|||Wouldn't the most logical way to hire employees be to look at their actual qualifications, achievements etc. I mean that managers should look at the actual evidence in front of them rather than...|||RexMaximus I disagree about ESFP females. I've seen a lot of them in leadership positions. You are right that they aren't good leaders who have a vision and come up with a system to achieve that...|||LennyOpaads What exactly did he seem to be thinking when you both thought about dating? A) Do I like her? Does she like me? Should I do something about it? What might happen? = INTJ. B) I am a...' | 2,604 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'What are your thoughts? I'm guessing you are thinking INFJ. What's your thought process?|||Could be INFJ, I get an ISFJ vibe from him.|||Super cute.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EjJsPylEOY|||I think a key people are missing is that this test should be administered to kids. It's not fair to say you could wait no problem now... I hope you could wait for a marshmallow as an adult! lol.|||Thanks for the info. Also, random thought, I appreciate that I can ask a question like that here in this section without getting ripped apart for not searching for the answer myself. :)|||What does it mean when I see 'retired' below a members name? how do you become retired? and do you get a pension? :laughing:|||+1 that's me too.|||Larry David... I can actually understand that.... Haha|||Ewan is a sexy dude! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lca0v6mVLN8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLEqH00nQac|||Can you link to the posts you are talking about? I'm curious. As to your question I don't feel any thing negative about istps|||The first thing I noticed is the changing lighting on the guys faces. As a photography nerd it makes me question the photographers motives. I then read the note and it makes sense. I'm sure the...|||I think religion is irrational. I believe scientific method has shown us that there are rational ways of explaining the complex and strange things in the universe. Maybe we will never understand...|||People who misuse the word sexism and racism to emotionally charge their argument or bully.|||That's interesting. reminds me of a conversation I had with my mother in law. After experiencing something new. Me: so what did you think, did you like it? Her: it was different... Me: but...|||Just wanted to share an interview I enjoyed... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP4twN7187g&feature=player_embedded|||I'd lie about the textbooks. I'd come clean about my naughty behaviour. I'd kill the 10.|||Photography isn't reality, it never has been. It's art. The purpose of which is to depict beauty. Beauty is an ideal not a thing so it can never be displayed. The closest we get is for an artist...|||It's possible, although it's not hard to take a straight out of camera bad shot of someone. What if the photog puts you into a pose that hides some pimples and makes you look slimmer? Is...|||It goes deeper than airbrushing Interesting, where would you draw the line, what do you think about photo manipulation? As a person who uses photoshop to alter people I don't see it as an...|||http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7248/7444363262_8dedb3703e_o.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8014/7444363538_c3b1ab9181_o.jpg|||Beautiful family! :)|||I do blush easily. I always have. It's annoying.|||Check it out, it'll teach you how to be more photogenic and how to take better pics of people... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe3oJnFtA_k|||What the hell. Go post some photos in the stickied art thread yo. I'm an auto tech.|||This forum has many fuctions for people. It's entertainment, a place to get hugs when you're feeling down, a place to be silly and express your whackyness that you feel you can't express in other...|||Did I make a comment that was counter to what you said there (underlined part) because that's what I thought I was saying for the last four pages. :laughing: In fact I agree with everything in this...|||And you probably want to feel the same way in return? There are a lot of nice, smart guys that are looked over because they lack confidence or are over weight and just lack the qualities that...|||I wasn't insulted or anything. :) I just understand it is a complex situation that I can't explain properly. It was more of a please don't assume I don't understand there is a lot more to the story...|||This one is for HorribleAesthete Henry Miller Love that quote from Tropic of Cancer.|||Yes. Why is it funny or ridiculous? It's a complex topic that deserves more than personal anecdotes and banter. If you start watching the videos you'll see they are very entertaining. I might...|||I'm sorry. I'm a horrible communicator. I was implying all that when I said pair bonding. Here is maybe the most informitive thing I have ever watched on humans. It explains...|||It is the sad truth I believe. :shocked: I was lucky enough to hook up with an INFJ early in life and we have stayed together despite my pussy like demeanor (boy, I wonder how many people I...|||No, I don't think you are terrible at communicating at all. :happy: The 6W7 thing is enneagram stuff here is a linkaroo... How the Enneagram Personality System Works I would write more but...|||I find guessing someones type from a video much easier than from text. Make a video and post it in the gentle honest mistype thread or in the video thread. We have a video response thread that we...|||The Balconies http://vimeo.com/43988311|||Hmmm, the only thing that comes to mind is that when I traveled to Banff I noticed a lot of people in the service industry there are from other places and get jobs there so they can spend time there....|||I don't think it is technically but it's boarderline... I do identify more with the Gen Xers though. I was Nirvana loving grunge kid who wore plaid back in the day. I still have trouble sending...|||Okay, here is one I hope you all really like. The Weakerthans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp_WLa6yoTw Here is one of my favorite songs.... ...|||I'm actually drawing a blank as to how old I am.... 27 I think.... is that old?|||I was obsessed with Siamese Dream when it came out. I never put any thought into it but I always got a Fi vibe from Billy... I'll have to put some more thought into it.|||Better your kid is a bully than he gets bullied, I always say.|||Dear work, Please be kind to me today. Signed a tired INFJ.|||I.... must.... resist.... urge.... to.... impart.... all... my new parent knowledge to you right this second! haha... I've always been enthralled and amazed by babies and children, but it ratched...|||I am FUCKING tired. I spent all last night driving home from a wake. 1.5 hour drive turned into a 3 hour drive because of a fussy bear in the back seat. EDIT: changed ... because of a fussy...|||That's awesome!!!! congratualations! I'm so excited for you. Is it your first?|||That and an enneagram type 6 fear of being misunderstood. ;) I do agree with your original assessment by the way. :)|||He just took it and got ISFP... I was close.|||Haha, I just asked one of my oldest best friends to take the mbti test and he said I was going to, but it's like 70 questions long.... wow thanks buddy. :rolleyes: haha He then sent me a song of...|||I wasn't trying to insinuate it was intellegence related. I hope it didn't come off that way.' | 5,219 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | The other posts have summed up a number of my thoughts well. Experience tends to be most useful for refining or developing skills that either require practice to use effectively or require quick...|||Never met an ENTJ so can't comment too much. I can imagine it either being fantastic or terrible. Fantastic if its a good combo for a shared focus on efficiency, doing something, and quick...|||EyesOpen more or less summed up exactly what I would have said and I expect that her statement is applicable to many INTJs. One thing I will add though is that while I would give you a definite...|||Without a doubt yes. I've gotten more than my fair share of time with people who are toxic, don't add much to my life, or don't understand the meaning of boundaries. The basic lesson my own life...|||Another INTJ with a small circle here. I do have a habit of getting sucked into whatever activity I'm doing in a moment and I often have work to do so I probably look rather unavailable to many...|||Not a chance. I've known enough people with boundary issues to last a lifetime, and it ain't something pretty.|||Not a surprise considering the relative anonymity of the internet and the fact that there are sites on the internet that will attract INTJs that are normally scattered all over, Add the fact that...|||I was once like that myself, but I since got better. Part of it finding a way to practice the skill that's not so far outside your comfort zone that you're set up for failure and another part of it...|||Every conversation you hear is some past story you've heard so many times before or some current event and an attempt at anything else doesn't last longer than 2 minutes. Mostly true of SJs in my...|||As far as I know, only 1 person has ever explicitly called me negative or pessimistic. At the end of the day, I'm a realist through and through and see no benefit to denying reality or sugarcoating...|||I really have to nod in agreement with CroolUniqorn's post. Though many other posts have also illuminated other important points. One thing that needs to be observed, especially for English...|||I think this really varies more by person, but as a general rule, I think most INTJs, myself included, won't give any special treatment to traditions for their own sake and will instead do most...|||An unpleasant person is unpleasant regardless of type. You might be able to explain some reasons for it within a type system, but I'd think its more prudent to look at the person in question. In...|||Probably the most accurate and comprehensive description I've come across. It gets right to the core and all of its essentials, including the ways that the core attributes present themselves without...|||3 things: 1) Follow nobody's standards but your own. 2) You're more capable than you realize. Push your limits and you'll see just how many are self-imposed. 3) Always find the answers for...|||Guy with 2 SFJ parents here. One thing that was critically important was keeping my boundaries firm and solid and being persistent and resolute. I've seen my fair share of emotionalism, drama,...|||I take a liking to parts of all 3 and can also do well in all 3. My strongest affinity is definitely for Chemistry though Scroticius's post particularly sums up some of my thoughts well. I've...|||I can very much relate to what OP has described. Quite the reserved type and am usually very controlled and composed. As for loosening up, I'd go for really fun activities that really get you...|||I can see merit to consulting a matchmaker who actually knows what they are doing, but this fast with a stranger sounds batshit crazy to me. Potentially risking personal autonomy and decision making...|||I have some individuals I like and some I respect. Although I'm not a misanthrope, I don't think much of humanity. I see far too much shortsightedness, unwillingness to think for one's self, and...|||After hearing a lot about different high school experiences, I can say without a doubt I hit the jackpot for high school. Aside from escaping the worst parts of that time of life, I had some pretty...|||Can't think of anyone who I'm certain is ENFP. For ENTP's, either we get along incredibly well or they annoy the hell out of me, depending on the person. Those I get along well with I do because of...|||The INTJ description sounds more like an annoyance than an actual hell. My personal hell would be being forced to work under incompetent, corrupt superiors who stubbornly push bad, deceitful methods...|||I don't like or watch TV in general, but I have a particularly strong dislike for reality TV. Its appeal largely draws from people who love drama and it plays it up to ridiculous levels. For one,...|||I have none of the above. Always been the reserved type and haven't the least bit of interest in making my private life public. I also hate facebook and many forms of social media. It is full of...|||Can't speak for others here, but I never saw the appeal of drug use. Too many side effects and a temporary benefit at best followed by something unpleasant in many cases. For stimulants, just the...|||One of my friends is an INTP, and we get along pretty well most of the time. Although our similar rational temperaments and interests are obvious, our differences are no less noticeable. My friends...|||Not a grammar nazi, but writing that's full of errors and clearly looks poorly written or without effort isn't going to be taken seriously. I expect writing that wants to be taken seriously or make...|||Absolutely so. Although I'm pretty adept at translating things into plain English and am really good at teaching, I do hold a lot of myself back, mostly expecting a negative or confused reaction to...|||Since I'm certain there is some missing context or information here, I can only speculate what it might be. I know I don't typically have this issue myself because its easy for me to be loud or...|||I can second emberfly's post. S types have been a much more YMMV affair for me and there is very much a clear distinction between SPs and SJs. I haven't had trouble getting along with the ISPs...|||Barely anything for my grade school years. I was a lot shier then and wasn't interested in most of the things my peers were. Even in college, my actives were relatively few. Since I strongly value...|||I think I'm just one of those lucky people who naturally repels the overly talkative types that can not comprehend introversion as I'm rarely approached by them and I tend to not be overly concerned...|||I have 1 INTP friend and we get along extremely well. He's very low maintenance, has a thick skin like I do, and completely free of drama. Largely because of that, we can easily discuss almost...|||Can certainty relate to some of the previous posts like the OPs. Both of my parents are SFJs and the most succinct way I have of putting my situation, its ok in good times, but terrible in bad...|||I find a lot of etiquette stuff to be utter nonsense myself. But to make more sense of it, one way of looking at it is that exepcted behavior or etiquette can be seen as an agreed upon standard for...|||Back in grade school, I was a math guy and really didn't like English. I generally enjoyed solving puzzles and problems and did math effortlessly, often correcting my teachers. But I remember...|||Warning: Indifferent to convention and does not engage in BS games or do rituals for their own sake. Make assumptions at your own risk. If close-minded or reluctant to think, engage with caution.|||My main circle is 5 people of different types, but my best friend of this bunch I've never been able to hype. He's quite a healthy person and I've rarely seen him down about anything. I suspect he...|||From what I've observed with my SFJ parents and other SJs that I know. a lot of it has to do with Si and it being at odds with our Intuitive function. Si fundamentally is a function that compares...|||INTJ Close-mindedness or dismissal/rapid adoption of something different without thorough consideration of merit and risk. Willful ignorance Blatant or self-serving dishonesty Rewarded...|||Summer hands down. Love it for the long, sunny days, weather that suits me better (good heat tolerance but not love for cold), and the fact that nearly every fruit, especially a number of my...|||Prefer introverts usually. I find myself much more at ease and relaxed with introverts most of the time and conversations tend to be a lot better with them when they do happen. Not to say I don't...|||That was definitely a laugh and very true, especially #5 and 7 for me.|||In my family, only INTJ, and possibly only NT in a family full of sensors, mainly SJs. Needless to say I don't have much in common with most of my family. I talk least in most family discussions or...|||INTJ with ISFJ mom and ESFJ dad. Oscillates between being tolerable and incredibly annoying (me and my Dad do not get on well when things are not good). I suspect things will get better once I've...|||Only known 1 other suspected INTJ. Can't say I was fond of him. Smart one but perpetually irritated, my memory's not quite good enough to make a guess to why. Insightful when not irritated though....|||Pretty much any sales job. Can't stand salesmen and most advertising and I can't see a brutally honest person like me, or many INTJs for that matter, enjoying it or being that good at it. That and...|||.|||I myself am terrible at sports, but can see interest in them in terms of strategy and playstyles. I can see myself even enjoying playing a few though I rarely do so. Watching sports however, unless... | 1,935 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'ENFJ imo, out of the ones you narrowed it down too. but it's hard to say. maybe entj. could be something else entirely. have you ever looked into the enneagram? Just from your attention to...|||So who's ready for a 4-1-7 description??? ;)|||I'm thinking ISTJ, which is why her feelings come across as awkward. I think the show just uses stereotypes of a teenage girl which skews our perception of her. Remember the episode where she's the...|||i came here because I was thinking about this, and I would say Louise is an ENTJ. definitely an awesome show :) I think Tina is an ISTJ. She's just depicted as a teenage girl with a lot of...|||Definitely legit. i love this author's work and have this book myself.. helped me with typing and understanding the types more.. the type 4 focus explanation seems on point to me.. seeing as we...|||it means... you're awesome. edit: hahaha at the previous post...|||definitely type 8. if not 8w7.|||i've grown to become the opposite. i can remember me saying that many times a few years ago. It's different now. I would rather it be over something i've done than over something I had no power over,...|||just because you were attached doesn't mean it was love. just because you missed her doesn't mean it was love. just sayin. not using your thinking in a relationship is why a lot of people are in...|||4w3 1w2 7w6.|||why Would i be proud of something I took no part in? how shallow.. ;)|||exactly how i feel. I'm only annoyed when people think I'm annoyed i'm wrong.. I welcome new knowledge and arguments. I hate that people just don't care to have their views challenged even if it...|||blah you sound like you got a lot of Sx 4 influence.. cuz i'm very much like that :X.|||blah indigo children is all a psi op.. i believe in esp too. but i also believe it's easy to herd people into a group so you know who's who. that's all about indigo children back on INFJ. ...|||i feel like i'm too young for my wisdom. lol surprisingly doing pretty good even though i had a really rough time earlier. Yeah, I was feelin like that a couple months ago. and every now...|||disagree. what is your instinctual stacking? what is his? same wings as his? maybe one of you doesn't have their tri-type with wings perfect or just have diff instinctual stackings. maybe...|||i disagree with the last tidbit... other type are going to be more inclined to exhibit different patterns. maybe ppl with different types can experience bipolar disorder but they also classify BD...|||I know the instinctual variants affect the individual cases hugely, but i'm J/w if anyone else has an idea. I assume primary 4s have a lot of problems with social anxiety. But i've read over...|||Well who needs scientific proof when we have subjective proof and a human level of consciousness (even the animals follow the enneagram.. my dog is a 8w7 and my cat is a sp 9w1). I just don't...|||did you find your tri type through a test...|||well, i have to disagree with you there.|||i think subwings aren't real. it's just a lack of understanding of their tritype as a dynamic system. and it goes along with mbti. but yes, mbti is easier to relate to off the bat. but the...|||as a primary type, yes they may be different.. but they are still the same point on the enneagram and have the same lines connected to them.. and are ruled by the same desires/fears.. so they aren't...|||have you done any reading besides what's put on this site? and have you read a lot on 3s and 2s on this site as it is? jw i recommend the wisdom of the enneagram. i wouldn't use test scores as...|||almost like my father who is a 5w6 8w9 3w4. probably a lot different in ways but very similar in others!|||well with your w1 being your primary wing.. your reactions are going to be a lot more controlled than a 2w3 who is more prone to assert her aggression. 1s suppress their impulses.. 8s act with them....|||i suggest making SURE you actually have double w1s. i'm skeptical of doubling wings in our types... i don't think we work that way. plus, that would mean you have less overall influence in your...|||you don't HAVE to.. but the chances of you typing yourself correctly will increase significantly if you do :P!! anyways.. it took me a month or 2 of intense reading to finally realize mine. I...|||are you quick to be abrasive? or are you more inclined to receive interruptions passively? i doubt you are a 5w4 XwY 4w5.. i dobut you have double the 5 and 4 both ways lol. my gut tells me it...|||physically? or their personality|||by all means, this could definitely be a one disintegrating to a 4.. 7s aren't the only ones who would partake in that. 1s would become self indulgent.|||well i referenced another dictionary, so uhh the dictionary does give that.. lmao and since it shows great results (self-actualization).. it's a pretty realistic mindset. plus you can't really...|||not really semantics just cuz aggression : ready or willing to take issue or engage in direct action; definitely not destructive anger/violating. if it's a goal, then we can work towards it...|||yeah there's usually a couple levels you resonate between, i agree. we are dynamic systems. i don't see why aggression is assumed to be wrong or unhealthy. some situations call for it. as you...|||the healthy levels has to do with your core type, not their connecting points. it's a defense thing. 2s won't show their 8 aggression because their healthy? surely you don't believe that. just...|||but it's not new age. and if there is a god, then he is the one who designed the enneagram.. so it can't go against church. people don't really understand the BIBLE if they are looking to papal...|||You just draw energy from the points you're connected to. it's up to you whether or not it's channeled into something positive or negative. as a 4, when unhealthy I become self-absorbed. this ends...|||Enneagram = esoteric christianity. how could it be against the Church?|||well you don't go off test results when settling for your tri-type.. and if you want an overview, go read each type's description (what you believe to be 2w1 5w6 1w9) any brief overview anyone...|||okay so what does this have to do with the differences between a 4 and a 6 *scratches head* nothing, right [well, hardly]? it's just you ranting about... being upset that people attempt typing? or...|||wondering this myself.. it says banned...?? was it for pics? lol i have no clue :(|||i gotta run, but here's the link : http://www.enneagramdimensions.net/articles/the_enneagram_in_brief.pdf it's the second subheading soo you'll find the part i'm talking about.|||this is a bit of a stretch.. i mean to say self-absorption isn't fourish.. well that's ridiculous. + school being hell for a 4 isn't that farfetched lol. as well as being highly introverted!! ...|||i'm suspicious.. i'm worried about people walking up behind me and stuff. like i hate pulling my wallet out in a gas station or anywhere (because i don't have a bank and my wallet's fat.. and i hate...|||after-reading-everything-edit: emmygog ^this x 10. that book is awesome. it's cuz riso is an intelligent 5w4. lol in my opinion. we seem very much alike. I'd say you seem 4 enough to...|||aw well there goes that !! haahh. i should have read better though. i wish there was a place to look at alll these enneagram books before buying one.. because a lot are too new for any credible...|||fixed. idk if u can edit it now though, rest of it was just great and I completely agree with you. *applauds* especially with that last bit of mbti vs. enneagram. good way to put it. ...|||ahh i'm SO glad you posted this. at first I was prettyyy skeptical.. further on, though,i got chills through my body and a frequency resonated through my mind . felt good :) i wonder if i'm...|||there is tooooo. it describes a process of creation. 1s reform, 9s make peace with what is. that's a super simple version :P i can show you someone's more advanced run down, though.. if i can find...|||okay you had me up until this line.. what did this mean? i know you were saying tri-type = way more dimensions than a box ( agreed). and that people think they are 459 tritype and some of...' | 3,323 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'not a preppy kid, but I had my little group of friends that I hung out with all time. That was good enough for me|||righty, here|||infj|||pencil, pen and ink|||yup|||boiling anger, increased heartrate, heavy breathing, scattered thoughts sharp pain, sad withdrawal, internal reflection|||fuck you bitch, get the fuck out of my way! Rawr! :angry:|||chilli: 1lb ground hamburger/turkey pepper onion garlic can of tomato paste/spag sauce can of black beans can of crushed tomatoes salsa, taco sauce, chili powder, cyanne pepper..|||rawr https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/207240_1509847204689_8105873_n.jpg|||its like being tough mooshball|||sent the ISFP Child article off to my mother and asked if she saw more of me in that in contrast to the ISTJ and ISTP ones. Her reply: Im very good with following rules and am known for...|||since LeaT said they see a lot of Fi in my posts, and niss said I might be more of a feeler than I realized, I began looking up types that were Fi Dominant or Secondary and welp...it felt like a...|||a difference between me and my brother (who tests as an ENFP) The question was posed, why to you like pizza? By bro went into this long monologue about how a perfectly crafted pizza is an art...|||anyone?|||Broke into two parts so its easier to deal with|||I bolded what fit me:|||that's helpful.... :rolleyes: :P|||well, looking into the cognitive function stuff I read these two articles: http://personalitycafe.com/istp-articles/76785-recognizing-inferior-function-istp.html...|||How so? Any specifics?|||What particularly gave you the Fi vibe?|||so...we have votes for ISTJ, ISFJ, INTP, ENTP?, and Fi-Dominant. Yup. Still confused! :confused:|||so getting vibes is an Fi trait?|||dunno 'bout being a 9. Im pretty reactive and dont back down easily... why not Ne? Why Fi over Ti? I dont know socionics, so that alpha-delta stuff made no sense! :confused:|||what precisely made me sound INTP?|||you thanked my post about the type me thread, so thats why I included you.|||'aww, thanks (hug)|||niss, DaisyChain, and 981WA_ISTJ, do you have thoughts?|||my thoughts are very fast, ya. could you go into detail about what specifically stood out as a Pe, or Fi?|||Ive made a type-me thread: http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/125835-who-am-i-what-am-i.html all a y'alls opinions are welcome!|||holy cow that was long!|||I live in a fantasy world in my head. I dress plainly (tshirts and jeans), dont wear makeup or do my hair (down or ponytail, thats it!). When bored I fidget, doodle mess with things--keep my hands...|||---- I zone out easily when bored; lie is so much more exciting inside my head. Im spatially skilled and find it easy to build things and rearrange things to fit. Im the one that is called...|||0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes...|||Oh geeze. I did this and got ENFJ. Does that mean I must be ISTP? I got a marginal or no preference for perceiving vs judging|||boat|||youre such an easy person to be around Youre one of the most interesting people Ive met One thing girls your age have too much of is drama. But you? There is never drama|||I seem to be enchanted by SP's|||someone said my name :tongue:|||paper smell|||oh, thanks! :) These are some of my latest http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/39270_3223245158567_1903053640_n.jpg ...|||evil minions|||heh, Ive heard that joke before but its a Cowboy, an Indian and a Muslim....|||http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/219/1/f/oppa_gangnam_style_gif_by_kaleidoscopeeye-d5a4q6q.gif|||I take it as @niss means I want instant closure. A mark of Te, if I am not mistaken. Im actually hesitant on changing or declaring a new type right now;Im still researching. But from what Ive been...|||Im leaning towards ISTP, if I am any other type.....|||Hmmmm, I have a habit of going all word-dump when Im in a conversation with people. Like, I wont initiate a conversation but if someone else starts one with me I go blahblahblahblahblah firing off...|||well, shoot|||from going back over the functions, I think I use Se over Si..... in this chart, I definitely ID more with the Se items: http://www.psychologyfitness.com/images/Chart-Se-_-Si1.bmp also in this...|||heh, that reminds me. I used to refuse to wear skirts and, if forced, would compromise with skorts. The looked like a skirt, but since they were half shorts I could, and I quote, still climb trees....|||what called out Se over Si?' | 1,139 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'I am an ENFP and sincere to a fault! But... that being said I am also a great liar.|||Jack of all trades, master of none, Certainly better than a master of one I say go with it. All out. You'll reach a point someday where you'll be so thankful for all those skills, and all that...|||These balloons are getting annihilated lately. Actually I have a friend who is TERRIFIED of balloons... its quite a spectacle lol. Oh yeah! Welcome to the forum :D|||People of the non-cookie cutter variety. For the same reason, the suburbs are unappealing to live in.|||For sure, but I don't mind at all... I used to be pretty indifferent about small talk, but as life goes on, & more and more shit happens you can use can use that to relate to whatever ppl say... It...|||lol - cool idea :)|||class clown.|||Do you get that a lot? I've always noticed that people are very quick to open up to me... Nice to see its a trend :)|||LOL harsh....|||...you're sweeping the floor and stop to save the innocent bug caught in the maelstrom. oh and boiling lobsters sucks!|||True dat... and it sure gets those wheels turning!|||I had to go for speech therapy when I was 19... had a brain tumor and removing it paralyzed one side of my face. Not too helpful for the original post, but I bet there are a lot of other situations...|||Idiot... :P|||What I hope for you (& in a way this is happening to me now), is that at some point you'll reach a level where all these seemingly random skills, all the education you have, & everything else you've...|||Everything has a use, or a demand, else it wouldn't be offered. Useless or unenjoyable to one person, the course (whatever it is), may be invaluable to someone else.|||Earlier today a random woman in the bank overheard me talking and told me I should be on the radio - made me smile :)|||someone should wash that mouth out with soap.|||Inuit... and the sweet, soothing sound of them throat singing... I'm going to heck.|||There is nothing more gratifying than keeping your mind 2 sentences ahead of the conversation... I consider it a fine art to have a snappy answer for just about anything. Even better to be able to...|||ENFP - usually between 1 AM & 3 AM... and up between 7 and 9. I can nap anywhere, anytime though... like voluntary narcolepsy.|||look at the bright side, it could read stomp a kitten, which technically is the same thing...|||Hey! I resemble that...|||Do you revel in every opportunity to be the color commentator in the room? I'm incessant... not usually in an obnoxious way lol.|||ha - that's true for sure! minus the purse... I'm not *that* sensitive|||all the time... and sensitive|||Welcome aboard :)|||Hi gringo & welcome :)|||I would love to record audiobooks, or be a narrator, maybe work in radio - something like that. World peace and all that jazz too :P|||I enjoy both, immensely, but I do notice I tend to get squirrelly if there is nothing to look forward to in my immediate future. Like even if I had plans in a week but nothing in the meantime,...|||Haha - seriously? That would explain the sudden, uncontrollable bouts of AITP... (ants in the pants)|||Very true. Especially the part where... well, all of it. KJ|||lol - I wish I had all the time back I've spent looking for my keys... or my cell. I started leaving my keys in my boot when I come in...|||Hello & welcome :) I'm an ENFP 6w7, 4w5, 1w9, and a jack-of-all trades type (though I like the sound of generalist better)... and my interests are *very* scattershot. Almost anything can interest...|||Thanks :D I tried to find a balance in the post with enough detail to at least be interesting, and not give out my credit card info... Weirdos and the internet go together like peas and...|||I posted a *blog* in with the blogs but it isn't really a blog. I can't figure out how to undo it, so now I must go to bed with feelings of embarassment and remorse. And then I went ahead and had...|||(be warned this gets rambly) Most of my entire life has been rather chaotic, in one way or another - and it seems to follow me around. Sometimes I feel like I am caught in a string of rather...|||posted it in the wrong spot... imma noob :(|||(be warned this gets rambly) Most of my entire life has been rather chaotic, in one way or another - and it seems to follow me around. Sometimes I feel like I am caught in a string of rather...' | 4,061 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | '622082 prom, make-up, dress...the whole 9|||499762 ok, ok... last one-this should work for the next 5 years or so...|||499754 I have to say, I've only seen one black INTJ on here in the last few dozen pages of this thread...interesting...|||499746 spirit of Hatshepsut|||499738 what kind of INTJ enjoys taking pics?|||:laughing:499730|||me again 499722|||sorta smiling :dry:499714|||I posted 5 years ago...weird that I keep coming back here every few years...499706|||81990819918199281993819948199081991[ATTACH=CONFIG]81992[New pics...feeling less and less INTJish...|||-when you read through 597 pages of a thread to be sure you don't duplicate a thought -and realize you're bored now and don't want to post anything...|||I think we loathe it because it is a thinly vieled attempt to say I don't care! or I'm cool or some other notion of I can make a ridiculously ugly face because I am self-confident, all the...|||Thought it was just me! My family doesn't even bother anymore-they just wait for me to do it!|||lol-yes!|||638156381663818Becasue I like looking at me...|||oh-wait-yes it did...that was wierd|||oops...3rd one didn't post )-:|||Been a year or so...bored... let's see...1st one-trying to figure out the webcam for a web interview (I was interviewing him in Jamaica-VERY early in the morning in August) 2nd one-day of my...|||some say it is us vacating our bodies for a few moments...others say those with extremely high intelligence are more likely to do this and the like- (e.g. sleep walk) don't know what the...|||To help the oppressed/poor.|||Absolutely. What are you living for anyway? Maybe it's my fundamentalist upbringing...I've always thought we were all supposed to die to self and fulfill a great purpose. Common good isn't rocket...|||...and then I come back to my senses and realize I rock! (whew! :blushed:almost had a vulnerable moment! that was close!)|||I do feel a bit...um...naked...|||:wink: sure you can...think how superior a person has to be to be able to manipulate the English language in a manner that elicits just the desired result from the reader/audience...think of the...|||Aaaah! More! More! Vanity’s Prayer Father Skin and Holy Body, I come to you on bended knee. Lips and eyes and Righteous Beauty All praise and honor belongs to thee. Face and hair and...|||hate it for y'all...I'm just getting started! Seeking I sought and found I must keep on seeking Not a place that’s bound but a way of thinking.|||okaay...you have NO idea what can of worms you just opened!!! 1st up.... So How Did You Come to the Truth? So how did you come to the truth? Did it slowly trickle down a seemingly...|||wow...no one?!|||WOoooow! It was supposed to be FUNNY!!! :laughing: I'm always thinking...:blushed: How ironic...the INTJ that didn't even know when someone was joking on her! Now that's funny!|||Am I understanding this topic? Do INTJ's breathe?!?! I feel like I'm missing something... -something I find interesting/odd- I often find myself inadvertently holding my breath--especially when...|||-definitely one of the most entertaining threads I've read so far! The more I read these, the weirder I feel! I thought this would have made me feel part of some misunderstood group-not like an...|||hemoglobin, ok|||ha ha ha!!!|||[QUOTE=jbking;1032342]My Top 10 Lessons in Life - Sources of Insight would have some examples as I did post a couple of comments on there about some patterns in my life that I've identified and so...|||um...okay!:dry:|||Daria? I act like her...did more when I was here age. I loved that cartoon!:happy:|||Great! 2 of ...what...100?!|||There are lots of all types...I think the ones that would step outside therir comfort zone to befriend you would most likely be extroverted-so it would skew your cross-section of the group. We, as a...|||:shocked: not a smile in sight!!! I've looked through all my pics! Talk about self-discovery...I thought I was different...|||Ok...finally got to 15 posts! Whew! That is exhausitng when you loathe saying things that are not super meaningful!!! Wow-picking a pic has been tiring too...never noticed that I hate smiling...|||silence my favorite! heard of it?|||its only a theory cuz no one lives to show it as a law:crazy: by definition, it can't be proven (brought to light) because folks are secretly plotting... there are SO many devious and covert...|||Thanks! I would love to hear about everyone's most impactful philosophies too! I feel a new thread coming...!:wink:|||Hey! Welcome!|||I think our personalities are not WHO WE ARE (forgive me for waxing spiritual, but...) Our personalities are our lower nature-our default when we are not intentional about what we think, say and...|||Just curious...which law(s), theory(ies), theorem(s), or any overarching pattern(s) has/have most impacted your life? A few have changed mine and I was wondering about you all... Tell me which...|||The funny thing is-at 33, I'm just NOW caring less about how I appear, and allowing myself to EXPLORE being girly. I always thought girly was synonymous with vapid, obsessed with appearance,...|||wow. my sister used to call me Daria...and I took it as a compliment:happy:|||I hate having to explain myself-and I hate the need I feel TO explain myself. I guess I generally hate being misunderstood-you would think an INTJ wouldn't care...meh|||I hate self-hate-its SO unattractive.' | 8,577 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'All of the above.|||I agree that I should read the book! And I wouldn't dismiss the whole theory as I don't have a good grasp of it. The grouping by temparements has just always seemed a bit off to me. With the...|||It doesn't make sense putting the stapler way over there (where the SJ colleague prefers). It should stay next to the printer, where people most often require use of it. is typically the kind of...|||Answers in the quote, after the bolded parts.|||I'm probably in the minority, but I like sensors. I find Si endearing and Se fascinating. I like guys who are good at what I'm bad at. STPs, ISFJs and ENTPs are attractive to me.|||Well obviously, you have never been a thinker in a relationship with another thinker. :)|||I don't relate to this at all. I'm an NT, not particularly attracted to NFs. I'm also an introvert. Most of my relationships have been with extroverts (probably because they were more likely to...|||I usually prefer going solo as opposed to either lead or follow. I would say I'm pretty confident, but not overconfident, just quite aware of my strengths and weaknesses.|||I don't understand SFPs, which means communication problems are more likely, but that also means that we're less likely to get close. As a rule, even though I'm Fe inferior and have to work hard to...|||A big reason why I have a hard time with Kersey's temperament theory is that I don't relate to the SJ stereotypes. Have I been frustrated with ESFJs in the past? Sure, just like I've been frustrated...|||If someone is not interested in MBTI/has a poor opinion of it, I don't feel the need to convince them of its value.|||Very true! From anecdotal experience, NF are the most likely to fancy themselves as artists and/or to be delusional about their supposed artistic talent.|||Interesting theory. At this point, I identify very strongly with Ti, although I also relate to Ne and would definitely describe myself as imaginative and creative. Still, when I reach the lesson...|||Fair enough. I can't picture my ISFJ mate spouting any soulmate nonsense!|||I'm an N and I definitely don't believe in soulmates. Sounds feelerish to me and not in a good way. Mindmates and playmates are fine though and I can get the appeal of a lifemate.|||I had never heard of this stereotype before. xNFPs are very often described as humorous and Fi types can certainly be shit-stirring and inappropriate. I would even guess that the stereotype is that...|||Typically, it is self-deprecating comments or false modesty. Oh my god, I look terrible, from someone who knows they look great. And I know these kind of comments can come from sincere insecurity...|||I'll take bragging over fishing for compliment any day.|||Well, I wrote that I could actually consider her being INFJs, so I don't know where you get my impression of NJs from. I'm not particularly surprised that many INTJs are gamers. And I happen to think...|||Spendidly, in my case. They get me and are good at what I'm bad at.|||I value honesty and would never lie to someone I care about just to be nice. However, I hate receiving unsolicited advice and I don't offer it myself and I'm pretty good at keeping my mouth shut...|||I voted for the Joker (well, maybe not Batman's Joker). I'd have to add the Tech buff and the Sweet guy next door.|||I believe Buffy has been done to death, but if someone has some insight, I'd still like to read it. I'm mostly interested in people's opinions on Dollhouse and Firefly. Since the shows were...|||Doh! I only realised after voting that it was multiple choice.|||My INFP female friend studied science, has worn her hair short almost her entire life and has always had guy friends...|||My ENFP friend sends me the funniest emails. They're usually long and cryptic. So funny that this thread ended in the wrong forum!|||She seems to get typed as INTJ more often than as INTP, which always surprises me because I would expect an INTJ to have more interesting things to do than sit at home watching Sick and sad world...|||This. I hate seeing smart women playing dumb. And for the record, the ESFJs I know don't play that game either. I came across as reserved, quirky, friendly, witty, awkward, funny, guarded, smiley,...|||Flaky people are frustrating, but if they have redeeming qualities, I just appreciate that and expect them to flake. If not, I avoid them and hang out with more reliable people. That is one reason, I...|||I've only read the first page, so sorry if this has been adressed, but my first thought was gender. As my type is predominated by males, I would have been educated in a male environment, which might...|||I love Joan Jett. I think of her as having an STP vibe.|||I think we share a sense of independance and a certain chill attitude. That, and the way we process things.|||That's me, as an adult, and my ISTP ex. Multiple times. Oh well, what can I say. Anyway, I'm still friend with the guy and we've never argued. Not once. I get along great with all xxTPs, but with...|||I honestly don't get the SJ bias and the anti-sensors thing in general. I tend to think that it has a lot to do with many members being quite young. IRL, I just don't feel persecuted by SJs!...|||I've got this love/hate thing with ENFPs. I tend to attract them for some reason and they can be both extremely charming and extremely annoying. They make me laugh a lot and we have great convos, so...|||I relate pretty much to the whole post, but yeah this, especially.|||I relate pretty much to the whole post, but yeah this, especially.|||As much as I identify with Ti, no type is one function. Even very unhealthy people use several functions. I think there would be more to speculate about what is the best way to learn (immersion,...|||Back in the days, Oz from Buffy the vampire slayer. More recently, Wolverine as portrayed by Hugh Jackman Right now, Monroe in Grimm... I guess I must have a wolf thing (and I didn't realise that...|||Bookshops and libraries. Nature doesn't appeal that much to me.|||My mistake. Muchaparadox's husband is INTJ. I misread.|||The original poster: note that both your husband and you are perceivers, which might have an impact on how you feel about the Thinking/Feeling divide. I'm under the impression that as a thinker (Ti...|||I think that ENTPs and ESTPs'charisma stems from their charm, while with ISTPs, it comes from another place.|||Naah, I'm pretty cute, so I get why people are saying it.|||Peggy strikes me as IxFJ. The way she does what she has to do without making a fuss is typical Fe aux to me. I agree with ISFP for Betty. She has those Te inferior outbursts and I don't see her using...|||I voted ESFP, because I didn't realise the poll was multiple choice, but I really meant ExFPs, so yeah tertiary Te or maybe tertiary Te and auxillary Fi combined.|||I'll play! I'm thinking in the lines of popular fiction. I mean it's not like you come across real life people comparable to Superman or the Beast on a regular basis... So for Genius Bruisers, I'm...|||I'm an NT and definitely not a super scientist type!|||I'm ok with stress. When it lasts for a while, I tend to act more extroverted though.|||What's not to love? I was actually coming over to start an ISFJ appreciation thread, after coming across the thread about Si doms in the functions forum! Anyway a few things that I love: -They are...' | 7,860 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'So, no rebuttal to my argument, just an insult.|||Hope it goes well. Good luck.|||:Smilies3: I want to know how this turns out.|||How do you know I don't have a dick? Just askin' :Smilies1: That aside, Love how you used a suck MBPs non-existent dick reference about a thread where my original point was that you and Iku...|||^^what you wrote It's taken me while to respond to that because it was just so overwhelming. I'm glad that I could read that in private, rather than have you say that to me in person because I...|||The difference is that in my last post when I @ mentioned duo, it was because I wanted her to know I was referencing something she had already said, so that in case I get it wrong, she knows I was...|||Nice attempt at backpedaling. :laughing: You do harbor underlying judgment. That's the point. I replied because as you like to say about others' posts when you're defending your position: I...|||@Duo was talking about illness/infirmity and the empathy or sympathy that arises from that. You substituted race as a test of whether your point was valid. This is exactly what you went off on me...|||[/I][/I] So ... I understand now. It's not about discussing masculine/feminine - the ENTJ personality type (the theme of the thread). It's about you having a soapbox to talk about how...|||Not going to post quote because I have no comment to the tirade, but as a clarification to this comment: Your German ass will be the first persecuted ... My ass is American. I was born in...|||Moot point. It's doubtful you would make them. And I really do have to run. Late for an appt. Later.|||I'll be back later. I've got shit to do, and don't have time for this right now. :dry:|||Pseudointellectuals|||If you just want to hold court and not interact with anyone who disagrees with your stated premise, put it in a blog so that no one can respond to it.|||This isn't the debate forum. We're having a discussion. It was deliberately chosen for exaggerated impact. So that you might actually see it. Since it's all just soooooo egalitarian here ......|||I've always found it helpful when trying to explain bias, or stereotyping, or tone-deafness by taking the situation and inserting a different group into the text so that it is more easily heard. ...|||Dear Autocorrect Ohio, duck you. MBP|||No and no. This is where I take my 8w9 ass out of here and let you two back-slap each other and keep talking. Good evening, Gentlemen.|||Instead of continually debating gender norms, how about this ... Here is a suggestion: See them irrelevant. It's irrelevant how I gender identify, what sort of hormones I have in my body,...|||This.|||I've had this conversation for 40 years, the length of my employment history. I'd love to never have it again. :frustrating: It's not about sides though. It's about a vast majority of people...|||No. If you look at what I wrote, I didn't say that. You generalized it and make it a blanket statement. I said that you (two) are coming off that way. I clearly wrote, you guys come off as.|||Ikusagami and @Stawker, Just going to go ahead and say it. You guys come off as trying to mansplain to us women what it's like to be a woman and how we should comport ourselves in situations...|||https://media.giphy.com/media/H6CW8SL6vgVb2/giphy.gif Ya. They're awful. I don't wear high heels anymore since I retired. My feet are happy.|||That ^^^ is not the problem. She's the one with the power in that scenario. I've rarely had a problem with men who were my inferiors at work because of the reason you state: I'm in charge here. I...|||:shocked: Aaagggghhhhh... That clown from It is soooooo scary. :rolleyes: Suck it up, Buttercups. ...|||Just going to leave this here: Fellow ENTJs, On occasion, we can sometimes disagree - vehemently, but I always walk away having learned something not only about all of you, but about myself. ...|||I think a lot of that has more to do with the difference between 8w7 and 8w9 than gender differences. We have very few people in the sub now, but when this place was really active several years ago,...|||Stupid questions. Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UpFqL8hkwE I just got back from Starbucks. Bought two of their vegan salads: Lentil,Vegetable, and Brown Rice. These things...|||Sangoire Is it due to the glitches PerC is currently experiencing, or have you opted to no longer receive PMs?|||*dup post*|||Not sure what you mean by wink. If you mean my wishful thinking? comment, I think that was pretty straightforward. In response to reactions to advice: A comment doesn't have the power to...|||c) use the money to buy more pot, and come up with some more really good ideas no one has ever thought of before. Like, ever, Dude. Like, using money to make more money. Whoa ...|||Good for you. Well done. :laughing: I added potty mouth to my twitter profile as fair fucking warning. :tongue: It's really good to have you back, maust. Don't stay away so long next time.|||I crave it. I just don't see any being offered here. Well, you rang the doorbell. :dry: We just answered the door and are trying to figure out what you want. Personally, I'm not...|||How is that snide? Was pointing out that you are essentially asking if there is the possiblity that it has meaning beyond what it apparently was, merely an acknowledgment of your understanding and...|||You're such a fucking potty mouth. :tongue:|||Meh. I'm actually more intimidating in real life. It IS a completely different world out there. I'm not constrained by PerC rules of having to bite my tongue and be polite when someone gets shirty...|||I'm not upset. Quite the opposite. I find it entertaining. And amusing that when I say that I'm going to make popcorn and you take that to mean I'm angry. :laughing: Probably going to go pour...|||So, there are about 800,000 DACA recipients in the US in a population of over 320,000,000. It's easy to debate in the abstract whether or not they should be granted continued safe status, be...|||I'm just going to sit here and eat my popcorn :popcorn: because threads like this one get started at least twice a year. Despite linked references that show that ENTJs aren't prone to sociopathy,...|||Yup.|||He just squeezed your hand, so probably nothing to worry about. I think it's more concerning that you think it might be more. Wishful thinking?|||No. Not at all. Does it remind you of yourself?|||Been sweeping up the pile of chips off the shoulders of people who come to sub seemingly to ask advice, but really looking to challenge us to a fight. Wienie roast and s'mores party later...|||Hubby (six years ago): It's fine if you want to go vegan, but I'm not eating that shit. Hubby (at vegan restaurant this afternoon): I'll have the jackfruit/kimchi and mushroom/cashew cheese...|||Well, sounds like you've got it covered, then. No need to come here and ask us for our opinions. There is a difference between simply projecting motive in other's observed behavior and asking for...|||I know, hence capital G in my post. Ya.|||If they are intelligent at 24, they were intelligent at 18. It's not them, it's your perception.|||The bolded ^^^. I see it as a reaching a faulty conclusion becauase the premise is flawed. I've come to think that when someone tries to project motive onto someone else, it's their own insecurity...' | 5,164 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'If ENFPs are the most introverted extroverts does that make the INFPs the most introverted introverts?|||If ENFPs are the most introverted extroverts does that make the INFPs the most introverted introverts?|||http://youtu.be/YtXZPFNhCuc|||Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention?|||Wow, that is eerie how incredibly familiar all of that sounds to me.|||Walking into Hallmark sucks all the life outta me. I want to just lay down on the floor as soon as I get in there. It's my kryptonite...|||http://youtu.be/B3d_MLpx2Y0|||The_Wanderer That is one of my favorite songs of all time!!! Great pick!|||That would definitely explain why I like John's writings the best!|||I love golf and ping pong and pretty much any sport! I know most people say it's boring and yada yada yada, but it just depends who you play with. I have a great time playing golf with my friends...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD3kOxZ_gak&feature=share&list=PL2A0F3F6183029B94|||You are so right! This summer I've been thinking about soo many things I want to learn to do! Cook, play ukulele and madolin, learn spanish and italian, build a greenhouse for the winter, paint a...|||Haha! That is spot on! I literally have 5 books that I have started reading laying next to my bed, but there is another one that I really wanna start to read, but I feel like I shouldn't because I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g9Hs3rnd6s&feature=share&list=FL_VvdiZen6emma2Zw6iC-LA|||When you really like someone (or in love with someone), how do you act around your object of affection? I just want them to be near me, and knowing that they want to be near me as well. I like...|||So you have some AWESOME taste in music! I have literally had Zee Avi Concrete Wall on repeat all day. She has such an amazing voice! I'd agree with you on liking the composers from the Romantic...|||It is so incredibly hard to only post one a day... Just sayin :laughing:|||Her voice haunts my dreams :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Piw0nZ5rhK4&list=FL_VvdiZen6emma2Zw6iC-LA&index=1|||For me to be genuinely interested in another person, I'd have to first feel like they have a genuine personality: They are unique - just happy being themselves Good sense of humor They have...|||Probably somewhere in the Caribbean, South America, Italy or Cali... Well basically if I had the money I would just travel non-stop... :happy:|||Leaving work to start the weekend, waterparks, autumn, summer, mountains, laughing with friends, family, singing super loud in the car (complete with air guitar and drum solos), rollercoasters, beer,...|||That particular ENFP sounds like they don't have ANY balance in any aspect of their life. I hope it was more of a joke then anything or maybe they just got out of a bad relationship. I felt like...|||This is one of the funniest threads I've read!!! :laughing:|||What even made you think of that? You are so random... Why are you always pacing Why are you doing ______ ? Can't you just sit still!!!|||My style is the same. I'd rather be comfortable then on top of what is fashionable. I don't normally express myself through my clothes, but it has happened on occasion. I just don't think I have...|||Why can't you be more like _______ ?|||That is hilarious. I'm only good at flirting if I'm not really interested in the person. If I actually like the girl I'm all like... ...|||http://youtu.be/mxF3M6uePfs|||Yiiiiikes.... How does that even make sense??!??|||I just need to find someone grounded I think. I'm terrible at doing the normal responsible things. It would a blast to meet another ENFP, but I wonder if we'd get anything done besides have...|||I was leaving work last night and I felt super amped, ready to get into some crazy fun. Then I realized it was 3:30am and all my friends are in bed... Lame. Also, while at work tonight I heard...|||I definitely do a lot of teasing or self deprecating humor. I ask a lot of questions and try to make good eye contact and keep her smiling. If that doesn't work I throw sticks at her and then...|||I LOVE your signature! That is exactly how I feel about opening up that part of me to someone else. They better realize just how special they are to get a glimpse of it!|||:happy:|||Sometimes when I'd invite a bunch of friends over and something in me would switch and I would just want to be alone for a while. So I would disappear into the basement or other area and just kinda...|||http://youtu.be/-tRdBsnX4N4|||If it's a bad relationship the way that is most effective for me to handle it is to distance myself from people that are causing the anxiety or negative emotions. They obviously aren't contributing...|||I probably do 2, 5 and 8 the most. With a light dusting of a few of the others :proud:|||Yeah, it can suck because there will be times where I really want to open up to someone and I worry about getting burned by them or that they just want to see the side of me that is always happy and...|||Don't make such big life decisions based just on feelings!!!|||I love seeing compassion, gentleness and understanding in another person. They are beautiful qualities to have in my opinion :)|||I LOVE to get other people to open up to me, but I rarely let people see me as open with them.|||How to Make Friends I Never Wait Till the Last Minute To Write Papers/Study/Work I'm Too Goal Oriented Sitting Still Is Fun!|||I HATE little household chores. Getting motivation to clean anything, putting clean dishes away, folding laundry, putting things away when I'm finished using them... I do all these things, but it's...|||Bruce Springsteen - I'm On Fire|||I love smells! I love the smell of fresh cut hay, cut grass, honeysuckle, rain, autumn, mountain air, farms, campfires, and soo much more!!!|||71% Physical Touch 44% Words of Affirmation 34% Giving Gifts 14% Acts of Service Just a handsy ENFP :tongue: j/k|||I'm so terrible at this too!!! :laughing:|||Wow, I was the same way throughout college. It was soo tough because everyone seemed to have an epiphany and know exactly what they wanted to do and how to do it. And I'm all like, I have no clue...|||I was exactly the same as your brother when I was in high school! When I was at home I didn't really talk much to my family and spent my time in the basement listening to music/playing...' | 1,366 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'Thank you, that wasn't what I was confused about but I got it all worked out anyways Oddly enough I'd had a total random confusion with 6 and 7 (odd because they are so vastly different and I...|||Last part of your question. This is why I like you. I do believe I was before but not anymore now that I'm back in a good place (BTW If I post you my @ will it be available to everyone until I edit...|||Lol, Okay- I major in law (early admit yes at 17 - smirks and winks- n.b this was before my crisis rn I'm getting the lowest marks possible to get a B and tbh it is fucking shitting me but I digress...|||I agree with everything minus debates seriously because tbh if I don't have a strong opinion on it I will not care for a debate at all- I'll tease and playfully mock how invested the other person is...|||Lol, that last one made me laugh tbh Do people actually say that to you? I'm giggling rn lol- I would just burst out laughing if someone called me out for using big words - do you go to a public...|||Hey. Thanks (I genuinely mean it without sarcasm) That was nice of you to be courteous and mediate but I won't modify the posts because I don't really intend to be a super active (or active at all...|||Okay, thanks anyways! I had typed out my response before refreshing the page|||lmao, but I also love a lot as well mate|||MsBossyPants Allow me to not waste your time and try to make a concrete case with my semi scattered thoughts hence why I list) for this purpose of accuracy I will attempt to disguard all sterotypes...|||Could you help me with something? I'm confused as to the difference between some of the enneagram types in a non offensive way. Like I've always scored so lowly on the type 6 in virtually every...|||Type 1 Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 66% Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||| 34% Type 3 Image Focus|||I love this test and I agree that it is quite interesting, I think it is one of the more accurate types|||1. Before you came to this 'ere site - Were you happy with your life? Did you think you were happy, but on reflection, probably weren't? Where would you be now if you hadn't discovered MBTI? I was...|||lol, I LOVE THIS|||OO aha, these are intense- I feel like I would laugh at these but I usually only say snarky comments when I'm annoyed or if they slip out without me paying attention -I usually try to care about...|||This is true|||Lol, I relate to the talking a lot of shit part when annoyed lol-idek what I say when I'm pissed off just that people are usually shocked You and your friends sound interesting though! If you...|||That's quite interesting, honestly the rebellious part- I personally seem to find that, lots of threads describe ENTJs as a bit reckless but I don't really see it- my mom and I are both the same...|||I personally hate: Wasting time, or if someone is wasting my time Pettiness (waste someone else's time with your small mindedness) When I realise I start critising too much Stress (there is...|||I wouldn't think highly of you; if I could be bothered to think of you at all . Whatever you feel/think I really don't give a shit so let it go because I have no time, or desire to waste MY time...|||I even broke it down for you so you could try to read it all in one go hun xx ;) All of this, was a waste of MY time but it spells out clearly that you can piss yourself for all I care love. Now,...|||Look, it's obvious you have no life, but I'm done. I dismissed you and I'm not /cannot read your posts so why bother? I wouldn't think highly of you; if I could be bothered to think of you at all...|||Seriously, it's pathetic at least save face after being dismissed and ignored. I do not know and I do not care about you or what you had to say. I've written you off as incompetent amongst other...|||Chesire Tower You are pathetic and the messages won't show from you since you got blocked and dismissed. You look retarded replying when blocked. Be gone.|||Yes, it is longer but the questions also are worded better and the listings aren't so sterotypical, I just honestly found it rubbish but different folks have different strokes so there's always that...|||aha, did you win? A good fight is decent sometimes to clear the air and let people know not to mess with you|||aha, did you win? A good fight is decent sometimes to clear the air and let people know not to mess with you|||xx||||||actually decent ones I can link|||lol cute �� ( I also can see how original and articulate you are by copying my line of dismissal as an insult) Bye and good riddance love, you're not worth replying to after this but thanks for the...|||[QUOTE=Chesire Tower;36918562].[/QUO lol cute �� ( I also can see how original and articulate you are by copying my line of dismissal as an insult) Bye and good riddance love, you're not worth...|||um this is legitmately the sweetest and cutest thing ever like> you> are so precious|||I actually really like this description tbh, it looks like (from the limited replies lol) in general we are friendly to an extent in a superficial manner, a courteous and civil sort of friendly...|||IF THIS ISNT ME IDEK WHAT IS lol Also though, sex and food lol and yess I've been told I'm friendly but I would say to myself friendly in a superficial sort of way, I mean I'm friendly enough but...|||Um, excuse me but I did not devalue anyone else's opinion by stating mine (why should someone's opinion be so unrooted that it is swayed by the contrary approach of others?) and as for so did a lot...|||To be frank, this was by far the most basic and painfully inaccurate and obvious test ever created. I do not understand and am quite frankly bemused at some of the responses of positive feedback, and...|||I'm pretty sure this would freak me out and I would end up not enjoying it all, or end up compulsively making a list on the way to the airport, plus where I live isn't large enough to travel like...|||Hey, I'm new here and I was wondering Do you think that ENTJs in general are more open or reserved, I feel like I fluctuate and even some of my closest friends can't ever fully read what I'm...|||Hi, lol I'm new as well and I have a clue why I joined and now I'm floating around viewing things|||BTW my actualy tritype is 8-3-7 but I also get 3-8-7 quite a lot but despite the 7 aspect being the last it is always pretty much one of the first things people notice and one of the first ones I...|||I honestly think this said it best, I thought this test was rubbish tbh|||I honestly think that the best way to find your tritype and the most sensible way is to take several at least ten enneagram tests and then look at the scores below and average the mean of each triad...|||To be frank, this was by far the most basic and painfully inaccurate and obvious test ever created. I do not understand and am quite frankly bemused at some of the responses of positive feedback, and...|||Thank you! That's really helpful and sweet of you and it's slowly trickling back. I mean I've gotten back my ego (oh dear...lol that's what started a lot of my mess) and I've slowly started to get...|||Hey everyone This post actually motivated me to sign up here as well, I too was having an issue with being an unhealthy ENTJ In fact I think I still am, everything around me seems to be going to...|||EIGHTS Triggers to becoming self-aware of your blind spots Recognize that you are more intense and robust than most other people. Tone down x91your volumex92 so that you do not intimidate others. ...|||Yes lol ENTJ-female-17 fairly popular From what I've read it seems like the type 8's get into fights quite often when provoked especially since we're confrontational|||MBTI for sure, Enneagrams are so limiting and confusing (even with adequate research) I type ENTJ on literally all three personality types RHES/Jung and the Myers and with the enneagram it moves...|||ENTJ-Type 8 wing 7 (my replies will be super brief in case anyone cares if not then lol that's cool too)' | 387 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'You guys, in general, are speaking nonsense. In particular, for the mathematically gifted among you (there should be someone), I wish to point to this sentence: Everything is connected to...|||I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea that one tries to be more sociable. That's ok, actually. Anyway, for when you are exhausted or when you just want to do other things, there are ways to...|||I think that's true.|||I was convinced i was an INTP for two years. Then i noticed something was off and i switched to ISTP for some months. Now i'm pretty confident i've always been an INFJ who had a hard time with Fe and...|||You don't necessarily have to stop feeling. You may want to try talking them out with someone and seek support instead!|||I could give you some but i'm afraid that either they are all well known, or you already know them because you usually look for them, or their solution can easily be found on the internet anyway. ...|||They won't. They are heartless.|||No negative feelings! I'm going to spread LOVE all over here :kitteh:|||Hello! I samewhat miss this forum. I plan to return bothering you as soon as i finish exams in a few days. You guys still love me, right? By the way, i turned out to be INFJ. I think. :tongue:|||Ok then, i have discovered that smoking marijuana makes me deeply empathetic.|||I'm becoming more and more convinced that i'm actually an ISTP who has been in a deep TiNi loop for at least five years. Sorry guys for betraying you :tongue:|||I have the same problem so i definitely want to know how this experiment ends. I can't answer though, because if i'm mistyped i would interfere with the answers. Anyway, i suggest you to look into...|||That's sweet, but i prefer pure maths. Much simpler. n = floor(log2(frequency)) If n is odd, then last state is on. If n is even, then last state is off. If frequency is infinite, then n is...|||Yeah see, i think i never met a Ti dom before, so the only example i had of that was my own mind. I guess i learned something :tongue:|||Nah, i don't think she is stupid. I simply was expecting any reaction except the one she had. StunnedFox explained my issue clearly. Thanks for clearing that up. And fuck you for...|||I'm from Italy. We pay according to our individual wealth. I know people who pay literally zero per year because of this. I'm not sure how much fee is an extreme fee, but i don't think i pay too...|||The degree consists of three years, and i'm currently in the third, but i didn't finish in the prescribed time, so i'm off by one year. I should complete it within November 2016, or a bit sooner if i...|||Computer engineering. Sorry to disappoint.|||I'm recently noticing i'm spoiled as shit. I wake up whenever i want. I eat like a pig and i don't get fat. I can use my parent's car to go almost wherever i want. In particular, i am free to...|||Your technical language sucks, but at least you got the correct intuitive idea. :tongue: That was indeed the minimum i was expecting from her. EDIT: By the way, 60 seconds are a finite amount...|||In the last days i had the luck to finally meet what i thought was a Ti dominant woman (she read the INTP description and she said she identifies with it). She has been the crush of an INFP friend of...|||I have never been capable to tongue kiss and i will probably never learn.|||It depends.|||Thanks man, yours rocks too. You should check Socionics out. Everything makes much more sense for me now. If one rejects the common assumption that Socionics and MBTI must correspond in some way...|||Does it make any sense to be an INTP in MBTI and an LSI in Socionics?|||I avoid doing or saying most of the things that i would want to do or say, entirely because of ridiculous reasons such as shame or fear.|||4:59 is poetry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbV3OJSCxNc|||LOL, well that escalated quickly.|||Hey, that sounds pretty fucking interesting. By all means, tell me more.|||Sure. I'm inclined to branch out insofar as the expected amount of time to be wasted for it doesn't go above a certain threshold. Meaning that i'm willing to waste some time. Also, check my last post...|||Thank you! Will keep that in mind. Can't see the attachment by the way. EDIT: Anyway, i had specified that it was a bonus if the book triggered the feeeeeels :wink:|||I actually watched the movie out of curiosity. Was shit, but it was worth satisfying that curiosity. The same can't be done with a book because it requires much more time and thus isn't worth...|||Yeah, but i still don't like wasting time. Asking for reasons why i should read those things lowers the probability that i will actually waste time (edit: and also money). Thanks for the...|||plz halp! http://personalitycafe.com/nfs-temperament-forum-dreamers/732138-convince-intp-read-romantic-novel.html|||plz halp! http://personalitycafe.com/nfs-temperament-forum-dreamers/732138-convince-intp-read-romantic-novel.html|||plz halp! http://personalitycafe.com/nfs-temperament-forum-dreamers/732138-convince-intp-read-romantic-novel.html|||plz halp! http://personalitycafe.com/nfs-temperament-forum-dreamers/732138-convince-intp-read-romantic-novel.html|||Why? :happy:|||In all honestly, as an INTP, i would say... INTPs: Boring, socially and emotionally retarded, the most difficult to relate to. INTJs: I'm superior than everyone else and i have extremely refined...|||My dear NFs, I feel like i need a book, and i want to get one before Christmas. Normally, i would do some random research on the bibliography of the fields i'm interested in and pick what inspires...|||That's my fucking hobby right there.|||https://v1.std3.ru/71/b7/1450110575-71b77b2bd06f431f2bd0b4abb983738f.gif|||People who say it's not rocket science to mean that something shouldn't be hard to get, when that something involves people, their psychology, and/or their social behaviours. Listen, rocket...|||I need that image about INTP-INFP relationships that was once posted here in the forum somewhere. There was the INFP in love in the background who said please love me or something like that, and...|||Oh, also, you have to be prepared about the fact that your feelings will probably betray your thoughts. Personal example: I still have on my mind i girl i broke up with in december 2014. The...|||HAL i'm not really the best at dealing with these things, but the first thing i would do would be... stop hearing from her? I mean, how did it happen that you talked to her again? It is normal...|||Woah, i relate to this. Literally. I have lost count of how many times this happened to me: i cared more about the final result of the teamwork than the chance to get to know new people. Damn, it...|||Somebody already asked me as a visitor message. I'll report my answer here: I just casually found it and thought that it matched my emotional state at the moment. Plus, it's not even the full...|||Oh okay. I will never have kids. Ah, nice try. Not gonna work :kitteh:|||Welcome to the forum! I'm in a similar situation right now, so i'll check this thread for responses as i'm not sure of what i'm doing. In the meanwhile, i'll summarize what i did until now....' | 195 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | this definition regarding iei 2fe is pretty accurate for me. Socionics Types: IEI-INFp Subtypes some may relate to ni. do some research you will fit in some where hehe. 1 place where every one...|||MBTI INFJ socionics INFp (note small p here) socionincs help me identify that i am mbti infj not an infp. after taking socionics you would have got a cognitive function... eg in my case...|||Found this on infp forum This explains why it is tough for me (for some strange reason my E/I and P/J score almost equally every time...infj's are usually reserved. If some one approaches me i am...|||i am a male and this thing is found in me too. it was pointed out by my friends. i started to observe what i needed but failed to realise that i had shifted my mood. I once wrote diary half in...|||i chose the 4th one but irl it would totally depend on situation. I would have done this most probably but with some better story....and that just strikes us immediately (infj thing hehe)|||Found a short emotional iq test. i scored a perfect 160/160 ennegram 2w3 6w7 I'm just curious at whether other INFJs would have similar results or if we would widely vary. 706962 the...|||some further detail. any of my friendships arent going to last here (if i have any). these all hierarchy friend groups and i dont fit in any where because mostly these people are friends for purpose...|||i strongly sugest you to play Royal revolt 2 . the deffinition you gave perfectly describes this game. and i chalenge you to beat me. ign ; xxMeGlad0n StarK.xx|||I need some help here what happned : Today we were supposed to have class in the morning. Most students opted to bunk the class. they were just roaming here and there. I reached the place outside...|||infj 2w3 6w7 sp/so (took test several times but results are always sp/so but i think i have more sx) i am not the usual stereotypical infj. I am a bit out going and can relate easily to people. New...|||pessimistic kid i have recovered a bit after reading special ova and coda version. but this anime was not action like other anime. i usually dont watch anime. this was a love story an a story about...|||my favourite would be kaori miyazono from shibatsu wa kimi no uso|||charlie.elliot tried that...even tried to sleep..tried watching something funny but its not working... want to cry out loud but my eyes have dried up throat has swollen up.|||i recently finished watching an anime called shigatsu wa kimi no uso (you lie in april). found it interesting and it kept me glued but as series progresses a sad vibe is introduced which increases in...|||the one bellow (signature)|||here are some stuff i genrally listen too..mostly based on mood and this has it all https://open.spotify.com/user/22ykqjn5sj4svfkewqa2jmlei/playlist/5mPf2yEmqKEtoqmBjbyoJi|||story of my sleep 1> either i sleep 10 hr straight or no sleep for 3 days gime some thing interesting(no change observed in behaviour) 2>i forcefully sleep for 5.5 hr and wake up drowsy ...often...|||game lets post wierd stuff and let the next person review it... let me start snails are pretty intense xF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOcLaI44TXA|||kappa , Minotaur , cyclops , kraken , yeti top 5 pizza toppings . hehe already feeling hungry|||ursala , malefecent , captainhook , cruella de vil , evil queen in snow white and 7 dwarfs (forgot name) top 5 most beautiful disney princess|||interested to know what kind of guyz isfj girls like. your perferences. Name 5 Wanted Traits, Name 5 Turn-Off Traits, Name 5 Physical Appearance Turn Ons, and Name 5 Physical Appearance Turn Offs|||Sistine Madonna , The Kiss of Judas , Mona Lisa , Titan , Giotto top 5 kangri paintings. (tag me or reply with quotes)|||ne and ni are balanced i have been tested as enfj on similar minds jungs cognitive function test|||i am 17 . i think its not as we turn into ambiverts as we mature. i have seen that we learn how to interact socially and develop emotional and social maturity... hidding our emotions and wearing a...|||i am often typed as xnfx . i have a borderline of i and e and same with j and p (mostly typed as infp as i and p are slightly higher usually 2-6%) i find highly comparable to infj cognative...|||i have tried various mbti tests and i am rated as infp-t always with 54% introversion 87% intuition 75% feeling 56% perceiving my engram is 2w3 wich is more common to infj than infp my...|||dont know how the thread got duplicated . a request to mods to please remove other threads|||Have you ever thought that you are not infp ? try taking these tests and read about them big five https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test disc...|||Have you ever thought that you are not infp ? try taking these tests and read about them big five https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test disc...|||Have you ever thought that you are not infp ? try taking these tests and read about them big five https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test disc...|||Have you ever thought that you are not infp ? try taking these tests and read about them big five https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test disc...|||https://www.truity.com/test/personal-strengths-inventory it is very accurate and more apealing than mbti and it will tell some hidden aspects of your life. dont expect accurate results if you...|||i am a socialable infp and i find common ground quit easily . i want to meet new people some times but it is out of my league to approach some one. i want your help to look more approachable or how...|||mother - infp-t father - esfj-t both are tested i think they understand me too much till the extent that they dont understand me . dont know if you got it hehe :blushed::bored:|||travel through time at will whats worse washing dishes or mopping whole house ?|||in genral any nf should be good . but for some reason i am drawn to isfj females. any one else?|||i could pause time and enter hermit mode and then when i am normal press resume. world would be so much better place|||malgudi days by rk narayan.|||once you know how to solve the rubix cube its easy . i choose rubix cube ;) watch sense8 or silicon valley ? (tv show i need to choose one cant decide xx)|||what do you think about infps? real answers ...ready to accept hate and love both|||write a diary and let loose all your feelings there and when you feel down/lonely/blue/hermit just read it . it has helped me a lot and it feels great. also in long run you are surely gonna laugh...|||i am pretty good with people . i used to go to extra classes and tutions earlier and had the spark but i didnt payed much attention as i had a good friend circle back then and those people are all...|||fans|||i always wanted to be in Japanese culture . i seem to belong there. they dont want you to be very social and that place is introvert friendly . people seem to be open and if you want human contact...|||i am in highschool and i dont have no close freinds. i have a lot of acquaintances. i have a lot of free time in day as i study under special study program and are taught pcm only and there are 33...|||i am detected as an infp but i find my self change my personality according to situation. i deffinately belong to nf temprament . and i have all qualities of infp enfp infj and some of enfj. i am...|||me peobee buffay(from friends) just a bit shyer , more caring and more emotional version of her (i mean the jokes and normal situations i am not mean like her though she gives no fuks to her friends...|||theres a girl that i like and i have found out that she likes me back too. we have seen each other in our comfort zones but have never talked to each other. about me: i am not a usual infp i am...|||theres a girl that i like and i have found out that she likes me back too. we have seen each other in our comfort zones but have never talked to each other. about me: i am not a usual infp i am...|||i know we infps tend to evaluate our self's and want to improve constantly so here is some thing which cheered me up hope it helps you too . x93 When comparing yourself to others, remember that you... | 7,253 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Okay, dude bro. I'm breaking my trollfest for a moment to be serious about this. So sit down and shut up. I got married at the age of 22 to the first girl I felt really got me. I was with her...|||Joffrey! There's a rustling about, prepare thy jimmies!|||There's usually a point when I contact someone. Even if that point is just to make sure they're alive. I got a few friends that aren't active on social media at all, and we talk for about 30 mins...|||Exactly|||For the most part, my roommate is cool. But fuck, I hate being in the house when he eats. He turns into a fucking mouth breather, smacks his lips constantly and does all the super grotesque stuff...|||Come down to TN, I'll take ya dancing|||Notable exception: ISFPs. They are just so damn loveable and innocent that I just want to protect them and guard them from the atrocities of the world so they can maintain that last bastion of...|||If you want laid, I got you fam. You want a relationship, I'm probably not the best advice. But there is on piece I'm confident in giving: tonight, leave him be. Grab his favourite alcohol...|||Emotional train wreck Feelers are just juvenile narcissists in the making, for they have not yet harnessed how to get others to pity them, and how to use that pity to their advantage. If they never...|||Thus it is decreed in Pandara Obscura Ch 46, pg 75, para 72.72, and the anthology of Based Panda, The Sayings of Woke, verse 7920, which itself comes from The Way of the Panda, ch 66, pg 69 verse...|||Feelers come in exactly three flavours: 1) emotional trainwrecks 2) nosey as hell and want to get involved in problems, ie, overly empathetic 3) narcissists|||Just straight up ask him for that dick. Can even go super flirty with it if you. Next time he pats you on the head, say, pat on the ass works better. Or next time, that you're in bed, shove that...|||Probably because common courtesy has absolutely nothing to do with MBTI. Some of the most narcissistic asshats I've ever met were Feelers. Explain that one.|||Indeed. ISTPs are just wayward INTPs who want to be different and pretend that labels and such don't matter. It's why they're always angry all the time, rebelling against their true nature|||I just found a place that does swing dancing here. I am excite|||Praise unto the panda|||Still so young and naive. Can't want to ruin them.|||Psh, if you mean can't get past because they get lost in it, sure...|||C'est la vie, darlin. Same on my end, chocolate and all. I'm back down in Tennessee again, doing that college kid stuff.|||cursive !!! My love! How have you been chica?|||Avoid at all costs. Them and ENTJs. Never met a healthy one and unhealthy ones are just sociopathic level narcissists.|||For the sake of argument, define affair.|||I'm one of the resident grouchy, crusty grognards. I come and go. You might see me, you might not. But you can be damn sure I'll Never Forget If you don't see me, just take anything cursive says...|||Casual sex addict and binge drinker here. (3 girls this weekend, only early remember one, fuzzy on the second and no memory of the third, but plenty of witnesses confirm there was a third). Shut down...|||I'm a god damn savage with a hint of refinement 717313|||Never! Though, I don't remember a lot of this weekend. There was one particularly hot bridesmaid I remember clearly, though.|||Okay, can we finally just shatter this whole business that MBTI is: 1) even remotely accurate 2) anything other than a categorical process designed to break down how people intake and process...|||Use him for sex and a sugar daddy. Yolo|||#neverforget|||Okay, first you need to remember and never forget that there is no real difference between INTP and ISTP. The biggest difference is, and what you're experiencing, is that ISTPs are just delusional...|||https://youtu.be/vWaljXUiCaE|||I've learned to solve most of these issues rather efficiently. I like to learn and do things. So, when I get involved in X interest, I seek out those that are great at it and try to limit...|||Same. With one caveat. Holy fuckballs, their logic is so god damn wonky. I mean, they can rationalize it, but they say stuff that makes NO sense until they explain it. Perfect example. I was...|||Y'know... I'm starting to realize I have some SERIOUSLY self destructive behaviours. Or else I'm subconsciously an emotional masochist. Who knows.|||Well... okay then.... I just want to somehow turn this into the tired yet/running through my head all night pick up line. Just can't get it to flow well.|||While there's no real hard set stereotypes, I've come to notice a trend of diehard trying to be the best at something not really an ISTP trait. Instead, most I've noticed really only strive for...|||Hahahahahahshahahahahaha, oh shit. I forgot that was in my sig, Nubb I can't stop laughing at it|||get out of my head|||Well. I mean. You still send em to me.|||My oldest friend is INFJ. But otherwise, yea. Fucking everywhere|||Fair enough.|||Hell yea. Life goal is to thru hike the PCT. Admittedly, my ex killed my love of it... But, something I'm dying to get back into.|||If I wasn't moving back to Indiana on Friday, I'd ask where at|||I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about at this point. Considering you're first post was a reply to my having Asperger's and that eye contact is therefor hard for me to do, and your...|||Not exactly that. I just be me.|||Eh... I have Asperger's. Eye contact is hard.|||I figured you had to be in TN somewhere. Wasn't sure if you were IN Nash or FROM Nash. Either way, you had to live in Knox for a bit.|||Nashvols Dafuq you located? I'm in KnoxVegas|||Nubb sends me machine porn all the time. It's fantastic Other than that, Tuesdays between 0900 and 1200 History Channel had a Modern Marvel marathon for like three years. It was a well known fact...|||Uhhh... I sleep with girls I never had any real interest in because of it. Not even trying to flirt, but somehow there's a naked woman in front of me. Sooooooooooooooooooooo... I'm going with...' | 2,633 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I am a French Canadian from New Brunswick, but I have been to Quebec least 15 times. From the perspective of a New Brunswicker, it's, err, different;) Here in NB, our French vocabulary is rubbish....|||You could potentially participate in the International Co-op internship program: Eligibility Criteria for the International Co-op (Internship) CategoryThe International Co-op (Internship)...|||Well, I haven't interacted with anyone here more than 3-4 times(see post count), and I doubt anyone else lives near the Maritimes(I'm a New Brunswicker), but I still find the idea interesting. I...|||...I have never said it to anyone. Ever. I might have used the term loved ones & synonyms loosely to refer to family members/friends in internet forums(anonymously) but at best, I have allowed...|||» You have 478 Posts and 30 Threads. » You have 1 posts per day (0 posts today). » You own 0.02% of the forum's posts. » You are most active in INFP Forum - The Idealists with 83 posts. » Your...|||A 3 isn't cutting corners, just being efficient.|||Foetuses have no soul! can be translated into the following messages: 1)I want to deny any responsability to the action of stopping someone's existence. 2)My temporary 9-months comfort(which...|||3-4-1-5-9-6=7-2-8 This order feels right to me.|||That INFP is synonymous with weak,dependant personality disorder + irrational person who throws logic out of the window to follow emotional urges... That INFPs cannot have strategical...|||INFP 3w4. Slytherin House. Wand:Laurel, Dragon Core, 14 1/4 inches, slightly springy. Laurel It is said that a laurel wand cannot perform a dishonourable act, although in the quest for...|||Competent.|||Your score was 70 of 100. This puts you in the category of the high Machs, people who do not belive in the goodness of the world and that because that it must be manipulated, people who...|||ISTJ 38% Extroverted, 63% Sensing, 61% Thinking, 50% Perceiving You are quiet, serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. You are also practical, matter-of-fact, realistic,...|||I have a fantastic focus. I am highly ambitious. I want prestige and recognition. I have a hidden machiavellian side. I actually finish every project I start, though it may be an...|||Good Glory, this has to be the most typist thread I have ever seen...Congratulations on making it to first place.|||I tell what (I think) is the truth, but in a tactful way. I make sure to state in my opinion before I deliver the painful verdict. Then if they get offended, I ask why would you even care about...|||I personally think that they are formed by choice at a very, very young age( around 3 years old). By the hasard of events, exploring how to learn and process things, then finally settling on the...|||We're as different as night and day, but this is what makes our friendship so strong. I have quoted myself from another thread to give you an idea of what our bond is like. As for the matter...|||INFP: It's amoral to kill insects! Murder is murder, no matter on what being it was done to. They might be small, and lack human intelligence, but their lives are precious all the same. ISTJ: I...|||Emotional INTPs think they're INFPs. Shy ESFJs with developped Ne think they're INFPs. ISFJs mistake their Si +F + behind the scenes interaction styles for INFP. ISTJs in FiSi loop mistake their...|||:shocked: Questionning the statement instead of listing reasons of ISTJs' inherent awesomeness?!:shocked: Tut, tut,Traitor to your type forum... You ISTJs, making me do all my homework......|||Useless question that I'm asking out of boredom: Why is your forum so much more interesting than the other type forums? What makes it special?|||I found an interesting post listing the perspectives of each subwings(within core types) at typologycentral. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but it goes deeper than any information I have found...|||I got INJ...|||Asking questions more relevant to JCF: 1)What is your learning style? Would it be concrete sequential (as opposed to concrete random, abstract random or abstract sequential)? Concrete...|||A mixture of on-going grief and past traumatism. If a bully repeatedly torments you, stalks you and calls you names, chokes you with soap, attempts to(who knows, maybe succeeded) expose your...|||His Ni dominance shows when he teaches. His language is abstract and vague, he seems unable to translate clearly his thoughts/insights to others (i.e., his speech about Occlumency and mind-reading...|||Congratulations:) I always like to read your insightful posts on the cognitive functions & myers briggs forums.|||...When you relate 100% to using a feeling function (and not the thinking function), yet fit all the Thinkers stereotypes(and never the Feelers stereotypes). ...When you give your emotions a...|||I do that too. I always detested using the dictionary as a kid( I didn't like to deal with facts) so when I came across new, advanced words in my reading, I would get a sense of its possible...|||So did I... a few months ago:) There are really some extremly Jung & JCF knowleagable people there.|||Look at my edit in the previous post. The site works, so I assumed the link would work and didn't actually bother to check. I wonder why it's not working, hmm...|||************************************ EDIT: I don't know why it doesn't work. The site is functioning well... Just google Personality Nation.|||The last 6-7 times someone mentioned my username, I didn't receive notifications for it. As for quotes notifications, it's a bit odd...I was notified, then two times after that I wasn't, then I was...|||************************************ They have already been invented: IJ=the strategists, IP=The Individualist, EP=the explorers, and EJ=the initiators. Personally I prefer NJ, NP, SJ, and...|||Type 1: http://www.legaljuice.com/judge%20gavel%20order%20in%20the%20court.gif http://www.energy-healing-info.com/image-files/symbol-for-zen.jpg Type 2: ...|||It's called an unealthy enneagram three. Unealthy 3s tend to become hostile towards those who they feel are more successful/more __insert quality/trait/ability here__ than them. There's probably...|||You don't fool me with your claims that apathy makes you keep the wrong label--I know that that all of this is a plot to kill us by confusion; you want posters to think that they are suffering from...|||I was introduced to MBTI at school. The Work-Life-Developpment Teacher (yeah, weird name for a class) had made us do a long MBTI test. Then before giving our results to us back, he told us what(he...|||Well, targeting a particular type is useful when one wants to discover type patterns. If I'm interested at correlating learning styles to types and create a thread asking if INFPs tend to be more...|||I have chosen a horrible time to start this thread--I have been loaded with essays and exams since the end of last week, and probably will be too busy to post before this Friday, but I just thought...|||Odd, that's the fifth time I didn't receive any notifications for the mention of my username... Anyway, @ohlizzie , it's a mistake to look at types from a temperaments's perspective (NT, NF, SJ,...|||Have you considered ESTJ? Lots of ESTJ in Te-Ne loops confuse themselves with ENFPs. You identify with Ne over Ni, you recognize Fi in yourself. That makes you a Fi, Ne, Si and Te user. I also detect...|||I'm not sure how many of you have seen this tv show, as it is a Canadian one, but to all Avonlea fans out there, let's have fun typing the characters. For those of you Avonlea-ignorant people...|||Tentative typing... Catherine Senior:ENFJ 4w3 Heathcliff: ISFP 4w5 Nelly Dean: XSTJ 1w2 Lockwood:ISTJ Hindley:ESTP Isabella:ISFJ Edgar:ISFJ 9w1 Linton:IXXP 6w7|||It all depends on whether the person acknowledges his/her faults. I actually have a vindictive nature (sense of justice pushed too far), so if someone wrongs me intentionally, I'm going to plan my...|||Severus Snape. How can one resist such snark? http://pics.livejournal.com/lil_soleil/pic/0005ez9k|||Reaction time: 578ms---0% Backward digit scan: 8--100% *means the % of people you have done better Regarding the bold, does it mean that I have done worst than everyone who has tried the...|||The only thing I plan on giving up is my procrastination.|||donkeybals, Type Theorist Lenore Thompson has correlated the right brain people with Ps and the left brain people with Js. She beleives that Te, Fe, Si and Ni are functions from the left, and Se,...' | 5,533 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | '1. When i was younger i really didn't care but now i need someone who won't get me bored, and i get bored pretty easily. Also i kinda value a person's attitude and the way they behave more than their...|||I confess i have a constant desire to leave a situation, person, city at the point when everything finally sets down and becomes good|||After watching this video i really don't see him as a feeler or a sensor, seems like an INTP to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7QQnz0twQM|||ENFJs and INFJs, sounds great!|||why not?|||Umm define 2. No stabbings What if you stab it in the right place?! :friendly_wink:|||Been with an ESTP on and off for years now, and it never works out (Moments are incredible, the best thing you can ever have but those are just moments). Mainly because at the end you both want...|||if Nicki Minaj is entp i am changing my personality :laughing:|||But don't we actually enjoy doing it? Playing some other part just to get a reaction from someone?|||I see her as either ISFP or INFP, i don't think she is a T dominant, she definitely looks like a feeler to me..as for being intuitive, i am not sure..haven't seen enough episodes to tell|||This looks amazing! :shocked:|||I'm pretty sure you figured that one out so far :)|||ahhaa THIS!!!|||http://indonesiaone.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Excited.jpg|||why did you quote my comment for this? xD|||that's totally realistic, making websites is truly an easy thing to do xD But if you want to do both, you need to have a good eye for the design..that's what will put you out there as a freelancer....|||You need to decide what you want to do first. Do you want to do web sites? apps? desktop programs? functions for machines etc. If you did that and decided to go with web, html and css is a good...|||INFP - Not being nice to people close to them is a truth haha. This is mostly because they feel comfortable around you so they don't need to pretend. You can get into really good conversations with...|||eh the real struggle in life :tears_of_joy: haha this, one is never enough :laughing:|||You need to be straight with her. If she isn't happy for you, there is no way for you to change that. What you can do is talk to her. Let her know that you respect her views(id doesn't matter if you...|||Never reach out your hand unless you're willing to extend an arm. Pope Paul VI|||Eh the irony xD this one is so true :laughing:|||hello and welcome! :D|||It is really hard to let this one go hahah...the other day i was being bored in class and looked at my friend and told her, i'll mess with this guy's mind, making him think that i am into him..and...|||Congrats!|||Helloo and welcome! http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6wgyx2VKd1rziwwco1_500.gif|||Polexia well i think their point is for the users to learn by themselves. For exp they show you the tense, and how it is build and they are expecting you to remember that and use it afterwards...but...|||what you didn't like about it?|||i'm having a huge deja vu now :concern: have you written this somewhere before?|||Not enough, never enough haha :D I've been to Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Italy, Spain, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Monaco and France ...|||I was being hypothetical but okay|||Social anxiety can be managed, don't give up on such a wonderful thing, there isn't a better feeling ^^|||I've seen the video but he could also be a Fe with a very strong Ti idk...So that would make him either: Si Fe Ti Ne (ISFJ)or Ni Fe Ti Se (INFJ) but i don't think he is a judging type. ENTP makes...|||Witch of Miracles Yea I guess that has a big impact.|||Witch of Britannia , gyogul thanks to both :D|||I get having this type of attitude towards others but to yourself this is just destructive...how about this, someone walks into a bar and for the mere fun of it kills half of the bar including the...|||I thought he was an infp because his unlikeliness of order, but the whole engaging with others could make him an E. Not sure if he is a thinker or a feeler though|||I really like that gif ^^ what anime is it from?|||Hmm so close to true neutral xD Neutral Evil Neutral Evil- A neutral evil villain does whatever he can get away with. He is out for himself, pure and simple. He sheds no tears for those he...|||Someone shoots you in the leg, ruins your life and you just move on? seriously?|||Hello, welcome and have fun! :winetime:|||I could never understand how people can love Excel XD Anyway hello and welcome, enjoy your stay! :)|||I'm a retired dominatrix, that will cost you extra. http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg74hbaKaG1qeekaso1_r1_500.gif|||Having a penis really has nothing to do with it. :tongue2: I used to get in fights all the time when i was younger, guys, girls it didn't matter and throughout the ages i have managed to toned it...|||Depends on who pissed me off but mostly i would not show my anger, i would remain calm while slowly bringing that person down..unless the person is someone i can't stand and is pushing my buttons...|||i've seen it on tv duh!|||I have no idea what you meant by this :D|||I've heard that so many times, the stop it part. The funny thing is it isn't such an easy thing to do, because the moment i stop it is the moment that i stopped giving a shit and i am not sure...|||That is wonderful to hear but at this point I really don't think I can just stop thinking, maybe in the future but not now. The not thinking thing is what triggered it this time. Something...|||Finished Swedish on Duolingo, but i also have bunch of notebooks where i wrote down all the sentences, one only for words and one only for tenses etc. I don't think you can learn the language just by...' | 1,783 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 'When some days you talk with every people you meet (even a lot of strangers) and when you come back home you call your friends to tell them of each detail and emotion of the day; while others you...|||ESFJ Similarities: - I have a strong Fe, I'm very sensible and emotive. - I'm in tune with other people moods. - I like people and talking in general. - I like to help and take care of people....|||6 “I wanted to scream what I felt, but I was silent for fear of not being understood.” Charles Bukowski|||4 (I love this quote ^_^) We, like flowing water, we are wanderers in search of a sea. Juan Baladàn Gadea|||Following these definitions: Defense Mechanisms | Dave's Enneagram Enneagram Defense Mechanisms 1...|||Adam: ESFJ o ESTJ Sarah: ENFP Julia: ISTJ Crosby: ESFP Camille: INFP Zeek: ESTJ Kristina: ESFJ Joel: ISFP Jasmine: ISTJ Haddie: ISFJ|||I admire you mystery's aura and your voracious curiosity.|||https://38.media.tumblr.com/2c6a4e2043a0b4d229b668df0ae0f3b2/tumblr_nfi2okhCfN1tg0xtbo8_r2_1280.png https://33.media.tumblr.com/01536e9ef4188ee65c7b33517731efef/tumblr_nfi2okhCfN1tg0xtbo10_500.gif...|||Stop always talking about emotions and feelings, these things make me upset. Let's talk about some concrete: what we're going to do friday and saturday night? And don't tell me that you are not going...|||Unhealthy Enneagram types in order: https://33.media.tumblr.com/7b53fad476d75dcc4863f70f759adec2/tumblr_nes2c4Twc51tg0xtbo4_250.gif...|||And you cry for that?? I've bigger problems than you and I don't waste my time crying but reacting! You have to go out always even when you feel not good, you have to be always strong and being...|||2>4=6>1>9>7>3=5>8|||2w3 SoSx|||A normal 1 https://38.media.tumblr.com/d959154564371a3a17eaf1f85cd7327e/tumblr_n77k1wWqi61sh43kgo1_500.gif ...|||1w2 SpSo|||I'm pretty sure you're a Fi user. You seem very self-aware about your emotionsfeelings at least more than those of others. Moreover you don't feel the need of helping others even if you can be very...|||I feel exactly the same. This thing, with the time, is becoming so boring and frustrating that I'm loosing enthusiasm for this forum. :crying:|||puer_aeternus That's just the bitter and harsh truth.|||Ok, maybe it's just a mine wrong impression regarding my sister, or maybe she's quite an exception for a 5 if she really wants to be seen in that way. I think the 5 it's the most mysterious number...|||Ok, but if a person acts in a way of not being know very often that is perceived by others as being mysterious. I think that my sister is pretty aware of it and also accepts to be seen in that way. I...|||For mysterious I meant not being really know by anyone. My sister, as a 5, acts in this way, I'm not really sure, effectively if she really want to be perceived as a mysterious person (if that means...|||Definitely the 5! His security coincides with his awareness of being not know.|||You can search images in this site by putting a word in the web search followed by the word gif For example I searched disney gif: disney gif | Tumblr Other sites of random gifs: Señor Gif...|||I don't know a lot of ESFJs but I can answer talking about me as ESFJ. Thanks to my dominant Fe I'm, generally, able to feel others emotions with a deep intensity. To me it's easier to understand...|||No more gifs? :tongue:|||It's not so simple to explain in few words, you've to gradually enter to the MTBI theory that is all about functions. I give you some links about functions so you can start reading them:...|||Hi! The best thing to do is to read all the functions of both these two types and understand what are the functions that you use the most. ESFJ and ESFP share between them just the order of the...|||Type1: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3gmkqyVvJ1rv82wko1_500.gif Type 2: http://data.whicdn.com/images/22534453/bob-esponja-cute-funny-gif-spongebob-Favim.com-291466_large.gif...|||I agree with you. I see the type ESFJ very stereotyped and a lot far from me, but I think that maybe it's the type that is more similar to me. Since I've a pretty developed Fe, i should be a ESFJ or...|||Honestly no. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that reason in that terms. I'm happy for you that you was just joking! :wink:|||You can't convert a subjective thing into an objective one! I know a lot of persons that LOVE twos, included myself and some 7w6s like you, so your phrase has no sense. The fact that a lot of...|||I have to always be good with others. I also feel the needs of others with an intensity that is impossible to not hear so I feel obligated to help them to satisfy their needs. If sometimes I'm not in...|||Yes, sorry. I'm Italian and I realized now that I didn't get the sense of the phrase. So if now I really get what is your view, do you think that people that consider all ESFJs illogical and...|||Yes, I think the same, but sometimes it's interesting seeing if there's correlations between these, but going to far it could bring typism. We share the same view. :wink:|||ahahaah, ok!! Since I don't think stupidity it's linked to any functions or order of them I have to do the same with idealism! :laughing:|||Yes, actually I know that I'm idealistic but even if I'm aware of it, sometimes I can't stop myself from being chagrined because of that. I often hope the best from people. I think it's more a...|||Ok, maybe I'm not one of the most stereotypical ESFJ since my functions are not very marked. I'm a medium way between introversion and extroversion and between sensing and intuition (I scored 51% vs...|||[QUOTE=puer_aeternus;3697390]Well on the net I can see why ESFJs are notorious village idiots because the web is dominated by intuitives. Especially message boards. Intuitives galore. So there's...|||That make sense to understand why others consider ESFJs stupid, but I hope that there would be smarter people that would go beyond appearances to understand that this consideration is just a...|||If the reason of, at least, a lot of people consider ESFJs stupid is because they've Ti at their repressed function, a lot of people should consider stupid also the other types with the repressed...|||Yes, that makes sense. However I was talking about Fe as one of her probably first fourth functions, because I see that his desire to be linked to others, to be considered and to share her...|||Hi, welcome to the forum! I hope you will enjoy it! :proud:|||That depends. Not all ESFJs are actually in that way. I know a ESFJ that is pretty similar to your description, I think that it depends more from naivety more than to the type. However it's true that...|||ISFP for the avatar and because of poem on your signature.|||ENTJ for the avatar.|||I pretty agree that Pinky Pie is a ENFP, but don't you think that in some episodes she seems having a pretty developed Fe instead of Fi? For example in episodes such as Too many Pinky Pie and A...|||Well, I find that her type is a little ambivalent as Rarity's type. Both of them are sometimes very practical, they love fun and adventures (especially Sweetie Belle) but they could be considered...|||MTBI: Twilight: INTJ more than INTP. She's so organized and anchored to lists. Fluttershy: INFP or ISFJ. Spike: ISTP Rainbow Dash: ESTP Pinkie: ENFP Applejack: ESTJ Rarity: Not very sure,...|||ESTJ because of the signature.|||You're welcome! :proud:' | 4,378 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'I have a vid here of a character I found funny which I would like to know their type out of sheer curiosity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbu4LMcR9wM|||Thank god, I figured out that I actually have been repressing my feelings for a long time in a Ne-Te loop and yesterday I reconciled this stuff. I feel so much more human now and alive, less close...|||Awesome, I feel quite different today. A bit moodier which feels actually healthier, more interested in people and feeling more in touch with things. I don't feel as constrained by my Te today, I'm...|||I picked up a book called ENFP survival guide. This book is great but when I got to the chapters on unhealthy ENFP I started to realize something. I have been caring for my loved ones, dealing with...|||I think I'm ENFP but not sure. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other...|||[deleted]|||I got journalist and I'm ENFP. I have a somewhat lower score in quantitative reasoning which I assumed anyway.|||I had a thought about the way we tend to cycle through interests. We start something and get really into it, pour our soul into it for a while, then get sort of bored and move onto something else....|||I like to engage in feeling, I think my description again sucks because I wrote this crap when I was tired. I think I can't when people are around like that. I hugged and tried to comfort my grandma...|||Thanks, yes. I feel a bit better now, the actual funeral was yesterday and I tried my best to comfort my family, and not act like an idiot. I felt alot more tense sad emotion yesterday than I did at...|||I know alot of dutch and right now, I'm trying to learn German. I've studied Japanese since I was like 11 years old and I'm 21 now haha. I also wanna learn arabic but I'm going to do it after german.|||Uh probably not, Se is not me at all. Most of what I weote was before coffee this morning and honestly, it looks stupid now that I'm awake. I must be Ne dom because I think of random ideas more than...|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||For me, I guess I'm an ENFP, I have been lately so tired from sleep loss that I have been all Ne with no F or T at all. I have been blabbing everything on my mind to everyone, much of it not...|||Honestly, I have not been getting any sleep. It's causing me to lose my logic and feeling I think, I'm relying only on Ne or whatever because I'm so tired from lack of sleep these last few nights....|||That is not nice, I have not been feeling ok, I have been super tired and this is what happens, I get kinda crazy and my Ne goes nuts. I honestly do not think you totally understand ENFP's. I care...|||Definitely. I'm an ENFP and I play guitar and piano, I love improvising my own music using my Ne most of the time much more than I do learning actual pieces. My improvisation style is pretty wacky...|||Ugh, so my papaw died like a few days ago and tonight we had the visitation viewing thing where I had to stand in a line with family and shake hundred people's hands. Sigh, I love being around people...|||I was fairly sure I was an ENFP till lately now that my grandfather just died. I have been spending the majority of the time with family and while I love cutting up and joking, people sitting around...|||My character Kaen Laqshir is a Relar which is a humanoid species from another dimension. I wanted to figure out his MBTI so I took online test. I took two of them, and both said he got ISFJ. When I...|||I was homeschooled since third grade and used to think I was an introvert due to my social awkwardness which I don't have nearly as much now but I still, do not feel comfortable being myself around...|||I was a bit confused about being either ENFP or ENTP but now that I understand the functions better I know that I am ENFP. The thing that got me confused are the people claiming to be ENFP. We...|||Uh yeah, more suggestive stuff, only with friends not with older adults cuz they don't approve. Though sometimes with my dad. I've never been one to back talk to authority simply because I feel...|||While the lead function tells you alot, being an extrovert/introvert should be fairly obvious.|||Hmm interesting. I am kind of offended easily but I am trying to not stay mad at people and find a reason they acted the way they do. I mean, I come from a Christian-baptist background so I have some...|||20 years old. I wouldn't say anything mean behind someone's back, I have said something poking fun at people but nothing too harmful.|||Ok? I have strong beliefs I generally don't like going against but at the same time, if I see something i believe as illogical I may doubt it at times. I believe this is Fi. I used to think I...|||Lately I'm doubting my type again due to information I'm reading. I'm finding that the more I think about it, I seem alot more ENTP with the way I like theories and technical stuff. I find emotional...|||HAHA Yes Dude! You're post definitely sounds like the way I write a post! Hi fellow ENFP! Welcome to da forums :D|||Here's my latest pics. I'm currently working on a graphic novel called LOOT which is coming at a painfully slow pace but I've never done a manga before so it will get faster later hopefully. ...|||I'm getting into noise and sound. Art music too but I prefer the mellow stuff or like Ryoji Ikeda.|||Then they're probably ESFJ because the way they go up to people and say hello to everyone like their best friend means they couldn't be an introvert. I could be wrong. Could it be that they really...|||So I have a nephew and a friend who both have a similar personality. It's weird because the resemblance is really creepy. They're both definitely extroverts. At first I thought they were ENFP...|||I just got into listening to really experimental styles that redefine what most consider to be music and I gotta say it's really fun. Many of these artist that do music like noise and drone, you have...|||Cool, so this would describe me then: E: Initiative Expressive Gregacious Active Enthusiastic N: Abstract Imaginative Conceptual Theoretical Original F: Emphatic Compassionate Questioning...|||Keep in mind ENFP tend to find avoiding people they don't like harder to do because we feel there is a problem and other people might get hurt. Plus we just have issues with people being jerks, tend...|||Don't get me wrong, Logic is cool. I tend to analyze even my own feelings and others, though many times I don't feel like analyzing them. It's people who don't get emotions of others and don't act...|||No, Dominant just means that it's your primary function, as in the first one in your stack.|||Ah good point, I live in a tiny town in north carolina. Pretty boring place to live for the most part.|||I'm sorry, I meant is Ne dominant personalities rare? ENFP/ENTP?|||Ok is Ne rare or something? Nobody I know is an NE at all. If fact, most of the people seem to be sensors. I'm lonely, no one around understands my Ne so I annoy them alot with random Ideas and...|||Yeah I know it ended like 4 or 5 years ago but I watched all 5 seasons in 3 months on netflix, best cast of characters I've ever seen. What types do you think they are? My theory: Olivia...|||I know he's not exactly ENFP but I see alot of myself in Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. He's spontaneous, scatter brained, prideful, perfectionist. Though at the same time, I never insult people...|||Actually one thing that probably shows that I'm Fi is that I don't care about different theories relating to the same thing, I see everything kind of subjectively towards my own ideas unfortunately....|||I just filled one out, please read it :)|||I'm confused between type 4 and type 7 as my enneagram. Both of them describe me alot but they also don't sound like me some too. I thought 4 because I know how individualistic I am. I love to...|||Well I don't have that problem now. My parents don't think anything is wrong with me, just that I'm irresponsible and I agree on that but I'm just random alot. But its not a big deal. :)|||In that case may'be a disorder is real but it's probably also true that parents think their kids have ADD when they have dominant Ne which does hinder concentration just because we don't see one...|||Woah, ok there. I wouldn't do that, that's creepy if it's not genuine. How do you know he's ENFP, one test isn't enough, you have to get people to take MULTIPLE tests to see consistent results....|||Actually though, reading stuff by ENTP, I don't seem like that. I'm too close to people in general, I care too much about people to be ENTP from what I can see. Though I'm awkward when people get...' | 5,919 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I Am Gonna Need More Than Eight Words|||It's not a popular suggestion, but have you ever tried running? It can be a bit difficult to stick with at first, but after a month it's pretty easy. It's healthy, gets you outside and feels really,...|||I wish somebody would come over to my apartment and just clean it all up.|||Had a real tough time in elementary and middle school. Last two years of high school I became pretty good at becoming invisible despite my slick wardrobe and my being a standout rockstar in both...|||These people totally confuse me. Thankfully, it does not occur too regularly in my life. I see it as a weakness and I won't call people on it. I actually feel quite embarrassed for them; it all...|||Reading takes a lot of work, it is a skill. I was told as a kid that reading was a good thing and I was encouraged to do it. It was trying at times, especially reading longer books with smaller type...|||I always really liked Forge from the X-Men. He's done a lot to hurt the team in the comics but I've always gravitated towards him. The power to intrinsically understand technology and see kinetic...|||I really like to spend money. I can save sometimes and I abstain from buying super expensive things, but I'll still opt to go eat somewhere over eating at home. I also buy books all the time. Used...|||The same marriage situation befell me. Didn't work out for any of us involved :/ Live and learn I s'pose. My mother left us when I was three and only later in life did we reconnect. There was...|||I live by myself and I can go a week without socializing. I don't really have any friends who live by me but I have family members. If I've been in the house for a week I get really chatty at my...|||I feel like the groups skinny and straight white male are similar in that they've enjoyed a certain status above others over the years. Now both groups are feeling victimized because they have a...|||Even tho I LOVE the internet, I don't think we're ready to be this connected. I think it's bad news and it's not healthy. So many people seem unaware of the pervasiveness of tracking on the...|||I'd say And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you snooping kids! as I was being led to the block. If I died for a political cause I'd scream Viva la Revolucion! just before I bit...|||It's a line from Devil's Advocate. It was said during a jury selectiuon scene where Kevin (Keanu) chooses an intense guy over a catholic schoolteacher for his jury. Liked the movie despite Keanu's...|||I've tried a lot. I drink, like a lot of people, but I don't know if that is what you mean. I smoke pot maybe twice a week? I've smoked it for years and probably smoked more than I should have in my...|||Protect yourself, cross your i's and dot your t's. The whole thing sounded pretty standard until you brought up where she mentioned about the hiring practices and affairs. That was totally out of...|||I used to be concerned with they way I put myself together in highschool. Like, I would spend eight hours on the weekend at thrift stores only to end my day with a single article of clothing....|||The whole I love you more crap seems cute in the beginning but it ain't when it's implied all the time. When it's stated as fact, no less. Thing is I've felt guilty about certain things and was...|||3/10 I am prone to multitasking while cleaning up the house. Is it effective? NOPE. I always single task. Granted I jump from single task to single task, but what I am doing at the moment is...|||Multivitamins and coffee. Yes.|||I play games of my own, but on the outside it might appear that I am losing the game everyone else seems to be playing. It's pessimistic and optimistic. On one hand I feel left in the dust of...|||Don't like Friends, more of a Seinfeld guy. Honestly, I think Seinfeld typified the worst of us way more than Friends did. I think arrogance along with a few other choice words describe Seinfeld...|||Yesterday my GF texted me as another woman to see if I'd be faithful. I passed the test, apparently, but I am so steamed. She can't figure out why I should be so angry, or didn't after it happened....|||You gotta control the flow. You can't let it spray out like a water cannon. Practice at home before testing it in a public spot. Kegel exercises aren't just for women. Also, have you aimed at the...|||Leave Texas.|||Not sure what God is so I can't say if such a thing exists. I do direct feelings toward God but only when things are going alright. It feels nice to thank someone for everything. Maybe I'm thanking...|||Reread Crime and Punishment because it's been awhile and I've read so much between now and the first time I read it. Better on the second reading. I've gained so much more insight since the first...|||I don't like the invincible hero, the unbeatable kind, so much as I much prefer the vulnerable or compromised hero. If the hero is of the unbeatable sort than I prefer them to be tragic. There...|||In small amounts, it can round out the impression you give others and make you more accessible. Just don't go full meathead :P|||**Double Post**|||I wish snail mail penpals were still a thing. I used to have a couple when the internet was in it's infancy and people hadn't latched on to e-communication like we have now. It was fucking great, but...|||All babies look like Winston Churchill :P|||I think in third person just as much as I think in first. The chatter gets kinda annoying at times. Self criticism is a lot more harsh when delivered in third person too. Sometimes I think in second...|||I don't lie a lot, so people never see it coming. I lie about how I am feeling, but people have come to expect me to put on a brave face and bite my tongue. I don't consider it lying, because I...|||If they ate your brains they might at least absorb some of your hopes and dreams.|||Buy it so it could accidently drop out of your bag on the bus... Then start eyeballing people suspiciously.|||I wish I knew how not to do that. I always act as if I'm past that and I keep making the same mistake over and over. I have no answers, I'm just gonna keep an eye on this thread and see if anyone...|||I never felt like a teenager when I was a teenager. I never feel like an adult even though that's apparently what I am. I've never not felt like a lost and lonely boy, tho. Trying my best to shake it...|||I wish we were better with numbers. If you can convince people that an unsolved humanitarian crisis is gonna raise the price of oil or eat up an hour of time daily then maybe they'd jump aboard.|||People actually get concerned when the canary dies. When an INFP gets upset, the world keeps on turning >.< Sorry for the cynical response :/|||I can't drive. I'm a hair over thirty and I've never taken it upon myself to learn. I was poor growing up, so I had nothing to practice on when I was sixteen, and this is the result. It would have...|||I always wanted friends but was too shy. I usually ended up playing with my sister and her friends since she was only a year younger than me. I had friends who were boys, but we did not meet at...|||I missed Pride again this year. I should have went, I even got approached by my cousin's gay friend on my way out for coffee asking if I wanted to. I said no of course... I'm a little bit bleh atm,...|||The once prosperous villages in the licorice forests were devoid of life, their denizens scattered about babbling wildly and wandering aimlessly through the wilderness. More than a few spoke madly of...|||The sky is a weird sepia color.... it's wierding me out. Gonna venture forth and investigate. We could just be getting smoke from the fires in Washington state, but the winds rarely blow them up in...|||It's good that you trusted your gut on coming here. This forum is one of the gems of the internet. DOn't tell any but the likeminded, please :P|||I try to create meaning because why the hell not? Everything is in flux, everything changes... Why not contribute to that? Maybe your actions are preordained and your choices aren't your own... Or...|||Getting all up in arms is free speech too, whether you like it or not.|||Broke up with my sort of SO... feeling like shit, but she's got no time for me and doesn't seem to care despite the fact that she tells me she loves me. She honestly doesn't act like she gives a...|||MJC Acey How do you guys keep that thin layer of fat off your abs that hides your six pack? I'm not built up like you guys, but I'm well muscled. There's that thin layer of fat that hides over...' | 4,465 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'Love is a crazy thing. Se is our best form of communication, but that does not always work. And inferior Te is painful. So, I won't leave my wife. I can't change her. The pain is just part of...|||I love my ISFP wife of almost 21 years but I wouldn't marry her again, I believe. When it works it is amazing. But communication is extremely difficult. She hates abstract thinking so it...|||Best of luck. Very sad. Hope you make it back in the future...|||Lol, love is a foolish thing. I could never have made it if I had a good childhood and was psychologically health for those 20 years. So, being closed off emotionally, in denial, and...|||Then you know. Romance with one is a very different thing, though. All the trouble comes with amazing good sides....And the intensity just is like pure gold. She has so much buried emotions...|||If you can handle the turmoil and drama and pain, you get an amazing amount of love and pleasure and happiness and joy. It is the intensity of a supernova at times. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.|||No, just an ignorant and foolish one. Because of my childhood, I was messed up enough not to see myself clearly. I craved intensity of feeling. And I have been burned by it too much.....|||Yep, very avoidant. I dealt with it by denial for many years. Then had it all break through a year ago in an avalanche of pain and suffering. So, a combination of tremendous personal growth and...|||I know I am strongly pulled to Fi doms and auxs. I married a ISFP and almost exclusively dated FPs before my wife.|||Happy Birthday.|||I have a ENFP sister and a INFJ sister. I have a ENFP SIL and a INFJ BIL. I have a very good friend who is a ENFP. My INFJ sister and I think very similarly, but she is so much quieter and has...|||I just want to add that the Official MBTI has been verified as accurate and that people who test in the same type share the same traits. In Gifts Differing, it states that each type shares traits...|||I don't do group think. I feel the nature of the individuals of the group and tailor my words for minimized conflict and maximum benefit. I feel no difficulty championing my own issues, even...|||Fe is about feeling in the exterior environment. It is all about the feelings of others in the group or individually. This very different from the Fi user. Fi users can reference the feelings of...|||Work on expressing your feelings for him. Validate him. Praise him (all honestly, of course). External validation is really important. The more he gets from you, the less he may need to get it...|||From my experience, I didn't know I lacked self-love, thanks to my messed up childhood. I was so smart about everything else but clueless about myself. Because my parents emotionally neglected me,...|||As a recovering over helper (who still struggles not prioritizing the needs of others), I would suggest helping him develop self-love. Once an ENFJ learns to love them self more, they can say no...|||Growth path for FJs is to turn Fe inward and develop their inner feelings. Whether that is shadow Fi or Fe turned inward, I suspect it isn't much different. Personally, I have been working on...|||I am stressed by the direction of the country and the election. I love discussing politics, but not as much online and would never do it on Facebook. Far better to separate the worlds. In...|||Been a long hard road.... As a child, I was told how bright and insightful I was. I thought I needed to be a cold thinker, Spock like. So I thought I needed to be distant and chatter inside my...|||My ENFP friend and I are very similar, getting to the same place, but in opposite ways...|||Oh, the social pressure to conform.... not. ... Anyway, I need external validation. If I get stuck in my head, Ti just messes me up something awful. I need to communicate.|||Chat with nearby passengers if they seem like they want that. Give them space otherwise. Read. Sleep if I can.|||I am not on any meds. I likely should be, lol.....|||My wife has family history of cardiovascular disease. She had a major stroke in her early 20s before we met. She had a mini stroke last month. She always told me she felt she would die young.... I...|||OK, I more than a few times have had women (& men) act like I am romantically interested in them, which usually results in them aggressively pursuing me when I have no interest. I am friendly to...|||I was always known for being super bright as a young kid and always was in gifted classes. But there was a point about 12 when friends and acquaintances started to mock me with a nasty nickname that...|||Yes. Sx, then so. I am pretty sure I am a 9 first. I had a major crisis in my life last year, which sent me on the path of healing. Using the enneagram health levels, I most clearly aligned...|||Hmmm, I am comfortable being quiet at times. I didn't start talking until I was almost 4. I remember being 11 on a long car ride with my aunt and we started talking and she said, I never remember...|||Can a 9w8 be talkative and active? I fit the rest of the description and I know it is my anger fix, but I am just not a quiet nonobtrusive guy. I am instead pretty vocal.... I used to be...|||As someone in a ISFP-ENFJ relationship, I wonder if a ENFP or INFP would have been better. Where we struggle is communication. She is so Sensory, it makes things very hard, especially her dislike...|||I used to type as a INFJ. I was certain I was an introvert. A few things helped me see the difference. First, ENFJs are quick to react, INFJs are slow to react. Second, ENFJs are ok with more...|||in part (thank you, avoiding dad and unattached mom, plus my wife). But it is also accepting that we need to love ourselves rather than hope someone else will. Focused on other's needs, we so...|||Unfortunately, no one will understand. No one will care about you like you care about them. At some point, you need to stop looking outside for validation. Instead, you must focus on meeting...|||I determined I was a ENFJ rather than INFJ by looking at the inferior function. http://personalitycafe.com/enfj-forum-givers/76757-recognizing-inferior-function-enfjs.html ...|||The NFJ co-dependency trap is real. Accommodate and give, excuse and give more. Find a super needy person but even then you give up too much. Their expectations are reasonable, even if one-sided. ...|||What was the book?|||I have grown a beard twice and liked it for a day or two then shaved it off quickly....... it bothered me too much, I kept touching it..... not my thing|||As I read this, I see a lot of denial. You claim to have been emotionless when you quit the play, but that was classic emotional retreat. You hoped for and planned for disaster. Instead her...|||Yes. Yes. Yes. My brother and I have a great relationship now, crazy enough. I have forgiven him, though he has never asked for it. I finally only told him off at 25 when I got married. My...|||My ENFP friend says we can't be faulted for our choices when we are young. We are just that, young, disrupted many times by childhood. But when we are closer to middle-aged, there are fewer...|||Bipolar. I suspect it was a lot of my father's fault. He is a ISTJ and very avoidant. He decided after being married two years he made a mistake and hated the marriage. He pushed my mom away,...|||Sorry for the unwanted advice. I will cease dispensing such. Well, I have empathy in bucket loads for you, given my issues and problems. My biggest is the enormous hole deep inside that...|||Seeker, that is quite the pattern and your mom really did a number on you. Now the you are empowered to break the pattern, I feel you can be true to yourself. I can't believe you had so many anal...|||Seeker, you have quite a collection of messed up exes. I hope you can find a nice, well adjusted problem free guy this next time..... Any patterns in the past relationships that might help you...|||I have never led someone on purposefully. They might misread signals. I am a very friendly guy, but this sometimes gets confused with flirting. Usually, I am just interested in the person, their...|||There is the rub. My wife can be happy wife and helpful and friendly and kind and etc., but she has never apologized gor anything or recognized she did anything wrong. She doesn't remember any of...|||Having read these new posts, there are types that do a lot of memory rewriting to only fit their current narrative, making themselves look good to others. My ISTJ father has a completely illusionary...|||Thanks for sharing your therapy experience. I had never gone on my life, not thinking I needed it. I would like to try EFT with my wife, once she can start talking about us without getting...|||The ENFJ ex of my ENFP friend refuses to do therapy.... one of the reasons he is her ex. She went to therapy after 10 years of marriage and got healthy and he didn't like it, refused to go himself. ...' | 6,721 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Does anyone know what the MBTI type is of the lead singer of Collective Soul, Ed Roland? I get the impression that he is an ISFP, but I don't know for sure. Here is an interview with him and...|||Reviving an old topic. I agree, he is definitely an xNFP. A lot of his lyrics are very Ne; Never knew we were living in a world and the world is an open court, maybe we don't want to live...|||I disagree. I personally think he was a Fi-dom.|||I suspect that one of my friends and my maths teacher are both ISTJs. It's interesting, because even though there are quite a few differences (in terms of decisions, actions), I can sense that they...|||Asd456 Thanks for the clarification. :) It's definitely less confusing now. :P I think i'm going to have to read up on Type 4 Sp/Sx and Type 9 Sp/Sx, to see which one I can really...|||Please stop putting words into my mouth. I have never said that SuperYoshi is butthurt|||Asd456 True. I had a look on the enneagram Wikipedia page and read the basic descriptions for each type, however it still isn't really clear to me which type I might be. I'm definitely a 4 or a 9,...|||I completed the same enneagram test twenty minutes ago and this was the result I received. 711114 I wish I knew for sure which enneagram type I am! :unsure:|||I guess it is possible that I could be a type 9. I can relate to a fair few of the Type 9 descriptions and I remember I was even typed as being a 9w1 on one enneagram test (the one where I got the...|||Yeah, me too. Inthe00s is a lot more active as well and has more interesting discussions.|||I'm interested in hearing other people's opinions on this. I only found out a few days ago that i am a 4w5 Sp/Sx. Would a 4w5 Sp/Sx INFP come across as being more cold and detached in comparison to...|||Actualized type: INFP (who you are) Introverted (I) 74.19% Extroverted (E) 25.81% Intuitive (N) 60% Sensing (S) 40% Feeling (F) 64% Thinking (T) 36% Perceiving (P) 70.37% Judging (J) 29.63% ...|||I think my friend's reaction to this comment made in my English subject today, is a good example of something an ISTJ would say. Whenever we do exams, our marks are scaled depending on how well the...|||709778 I'm an INFP without a doubt, but I undertook a cognitive test a couple of minutes ago and Ni was actually one of my highest functions. I scored 65% in Ni, but only 25% in Fe. Although it's...|||That's why I feel as though I can't really identify solely with Type 4. I had a read of the descriptions of Type 4 since you posted this, and a lot of them just don't jump out at me as being...|||Very true. :P I don't know too much about enneagram types, but I agree that SP type fours sound the most grounded out of the three. Although, I suppose any type can come across as being grounded,...|||Possibly. Also, despite being a probable 4w5, I do rank quite highly in Type 6. In the first enneagram test, Type 6 was my second most likely type and in the second test I did, I was listed as being...|||Thank you for the response. :) I forgot to share it in my earlier post, but I also did a tritype enneagram test and I got 4-5-1, so I probably am a 4w5. Even though, I can definitely relate to...|||I really seem to be stuck between being a Type 4 and a Type 6. Here are the results I have received from doing two different enneagram tests. Based on those results, I don't really lean towards being...|||He is definitely a Fi-dom, in my opinion. I think it just comes down to whether he used Ne or Se as his auxiliary. What do you think? I'm leaning towards INFP, but i'm bias, so that may skew my...|||I agree. Personally, I don't think anyone born in the '70s should be considered a Millennial. Most sources tend to view Late '70s babies as being Gen X as well, so it's strange that Personality Cafe...|||1. 2010 2. 2011 3. 2017 4. 2015 5. 2013 6. 2014 7. 2016 8. 2012|||I would also rule out *NTJ, because I think he definitely is a feeler (albeit, an unhealthy one). xSFP and xNFJ are the only plausible types, in my opinion.|||Out of my own functions, probably tertiary Si. It makes me remember past events which have been horrible for me personally and because the function combines with my dominant Fi, it makes for a really...|||I assume no one here watches this show then? :tongue:|||Not only that, but I think he heavily relies on Fi as well. The show is based on assessing his own personal morals and what is or isn't right. He's definitely not a Fe user, in my opinion.|||I consider both 2006 and 2007 to be my peak childhood years. :)|||No one said that people born in 2000 are completely different from 2001 babies. I just think it's strange that a lot of 2000'ers view themselves as either Millennial or Gen Y/Z cusp, but from what...|||Whenever I hear/watch this, it immediately transports me back to 2005. It makes me feel nostalgic every time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k85mRPqvMbE|||I was born in March 1999, so I would be a Mid-Late 2000's hybrid kid. Since I was 5-10 between 2004 and 2009, my core childhood was equally split between the two. That's why I don't feel as though...|||It isn't a bad thing. At the end of the day, generation labels really don't play a part in everyday life. Besides, at least you know for certain which generation you're apart of. I'm pretty much...|||I know that it's not much of an age difference in the scheme of things, but it's still strange for me to see comments from people saying that they can only vaguely remember 2005 or 2006. :tongue:|||This is a question to anyone who was born in the Early 2000s: Have any of you ever considered yourselves to be a Gen Y/Millennial at some point or have you always thought of yourself as being a Gen...|||I have one or two vivid memories from age 3 as well, but they are not as clear as my memories from age 4 onwards. Despite what people suggest, I think age 4 can go either way; it can either be an...|||Sorry, but I also don't agree with a lot of the chart. Childhood is universally considered to be between the ages of 3-12. I personally can't say that I have ever heard of the age bracket of 5-12 for...|||I understand what you mean, but as Longaotian00 pointed out, you only experienced one year of your core childhood in the 2000s. You were 6-9 years old in the Early 2010s, which was the bulk of your...|||I was born in March 1999 and I have felt the same way in the past, particularly when some people have suggested that those born in 1998 are the last of the Gen Y/Z cuspers. However, with that said,...|||As an 18 year old, I personally consider people who are between the ages of 16-21 as being my peer group, so that basically equates to 1996-2001 borns. I'm sure that will definitely change as I...|||Why July 1999? I guess that doesn't include me then, considering that I was born in March 1999. :tongue:|||Age 2 is early childhood, not core childhood. Childhood is generally defined as being between the ages of 3-12, with 5/6-10 being someone's core childhood. You may be able to remember one or two...|||I was born in 1999, so I was 11-14 years old in the Early 2010s. I still think it's way too soon to be overly nostalgic for the Early 2010s. Maybe it's just the fact that a lot of you were only 8 or...|||I know I posted earlier in this thread, but I now have a better understanding of the types, so I will give it another go. No one in my family has ever had their mbti type confirmed, but I highly...|||No, there's a difference. People born between 2000-2002 experienced most of their childhood in the 2000s. They are 2000's kids. Someone born in 2005 was only two years old in 2007, when the first...|||How the hell is someone born in 2004 or 2005 a 2000s kid? They wouldn't even be able to remember the Mid 2000s, which was when 2000s culture was at its peak.|||Born in March 1999: Earliest memories: 2001 First year I can vividly remember: 2003|||I can understand if you can remember a few things from the Mid/Late 2000s. I have a good memory from when I was a toddler as well, so I know how it feels. However, even if you have a really good...|||698882 What do you think the MBTI types are of Bradley Walsh (the host) and the chasers on the show? Bradley Walsh - ISFJ. I think he uses Fe and he is definitely a sensor. Mark Labbett...|||Jeez that makes me feel old. :tongue:|||Sorry, but I really don't think you could be considered a hybrid 2000s/2010s kid. You're solidly an Early 2010s kid, in my opinion. I can remember as far back as 2001, but that doesn't make me a...|||Most of you will probably be skeptical about this, but the first major worldwide event I can remember is 9/11. I was 2.5 years old at the time, but I can very vaguely remember seeing the coverage of...' | 6,832 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'All expression is 'childish' (unpolished? clumsy? unrefined? uncertain of itself?) when the person expressing it hasn't practiced it before. That's just being a beginner. Language, painting, dance,...|||oké, but I really do need to work on getting a portfolio ready, aaaaaaaany moment now. any moment. oh look, it's time for early lunch! Short stories: Speaker's agenda and minset is clearer...|||No problem about the tag, just teasing you. Re: editing, I can relate, but the more stable and consistent my skills have become, the better my work fares. I'm never 'happy', but having such a huge...|||Voice, yes, that's right. I am sensitive to voice, and I like yours. You're consistent. Few people are consistent. Sorry about your brother. I am in a similar position with my mother, I think...|||I enjoyed this, like the paint/bleeding and the atmosphere of a steam room, the plump/bugs. What's the story about? Coming out on the other side of disillusionment to an altered, more tempered state...|||valiantt you tagged me with your failure to spacebar! heathen. good thing though, I've been under a rock for a while thinking about stuff. Nice thread to come back to. There are poets who are...|||Sorry, was using 'man' in the sense of 'human', bit archaic. But the logic still stands with this example. Is a requirement of morality to have decided it for oneself in a vacuum (outside of being...|||Yes, basically let us assume that we are all suffering from emotional prejudices based on fear. I don't want to eat that mushroom because it looks a bit funny. Anxiety and fear can easily hide under...|||Just noticed this part, was distracted by the interesting questions. I think people will respond a lot more open and cooperative (especially Feelers) if you leave your personal judgements out of it...|||I've also noticed fear at the base of a lot of social motivations, which is very interesting. And how anxiety/fear can easily masquerade under solid reasoning (rather we misapply a good reason and...|||Disclaimer: Coming at this from an analytical and exploration perspective, my own opinions and experiences are stated clearly so I'm not hiding an agenda, and I also have no problem with people...|||INTP here so waiting for Fs to take up the other side of this. Will be interested in the results!|||Haha I know what you mean. It's almost as if they aren't saying I'm really anxious about crashing the car so much as Oh shit, I've just realised the possibility exists that I could actually crash...|||Well you've got that avatar face down, I feel a bit like you're about to enthusiastically eviscerate me. Make this your default pose in group photos and see how long before anyone notices. Social...|||Fuck's sake Tony, that was the sole reason I was even going to post in this thread, and you found a better picture of it. You bastard. So er... Vegan food is lazier because you don't have to...|||No, what are you talking about. I spent about 4 hours trying to sleep last night and inevitably, in that drifty N-state, started imagining parallel universes (if I was German, or my teacher had...|||Why won't you just be normal? https://foodergolove.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/gordonramsay.jpg|||INTJ. All my give a shit can disappear at the snap of a J-finger. https://i.imgflip.com/4kes.jpg I will also be mega sexy and get work on period dramas for the BBC. I like your...|||Happy Germ Exchange Day! I find this video a delightful and accurate representation of Valentine's Day, relationships in general, and also our homogenised culture! I hope you enjoy it and it gives...|||Yeah, absolutely. It's helped me understand the people around me and their differences, why I like some people more than others, how to talk to people more in a language they understand, how to not...|||https://45.media.tumblr.com/c1f9c2136cd612ad98758b3d0009a18d/tumblr_nl253oy84f1qdjbb7o1_400.gif|||Ok. On another note, one of these days I'll be able to read armordillo without reading it as armordildo.|||Haha, or she noticed the INTP. You will get around to being 100% perfect kinky... later.|||Yeah, absolutely, I can be very animated. I think it's just about when you feel comfortable showing yourself.|||I'm bad at maths, can only comfortably do very basic stuff (probably what you learn up to about 12?) so there's the context, I am also very ignorant on the subject so I present my thoughts to you in...|||I can't come to the door right now, because I'm ... er, I'm not home. And if I was, I don't need one of those things you've got, those Jesus-educating can opener delivery service charity collecting...|||I find your mother quite rude in these examples. Seems like FJ tactics to get you to be normal (see also: an FJ). Dunno why so much hostility when someone likes/thinks different things to you. My...|||Yes, I can identify with that strongly. I've always been intensely emotional, especially anger, hurt, and joy. I have to avoid reading the news because I get hurt and angry about people being unfair...|||Well, now I know that exists, fair enough. I completely understand though, I don't know how many hours I've devoted to trying to understand the reasoning behind other people's actions, only to find...|||I think yes, If I'm in the flow of enjoying a debate, or exploring an idea, but it's not the kind of extrovert as in I am looking at other people so much as I am vomiting words outwards, you can...|||Yeah I've had a lot of trouble with depression and anxiety since quite early on, two things really help me: 1. Read as much as you can about the symptoms of depression/anxiety/whatever you're...|||*whispers* nobody explodes if you say no|||Foreplay, NSFW http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/startrek/images/0/0c/Worf_batleth_Malibu_Comics.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120407045253|||Well, you can have feelings and intuitive impressions that aren't necessarily used in the debate (T vs F prio on feelings) so I don't think he means the idea of appealing to an INTJ with emotions,...|||Interesting video, thanks. I like how the non-INTP guy is trying to get the INTP to extrapolate on various things, and the most interest he's shown is about C3PO and R2D2. You can lead a horse to...|||You're right. I've been staring at it for a while now and it hasn't said anything. http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0757/5807/products/712kbl_FMUL._SL1200_large.jpg?v=1423244926|||Like the social version of a natural disaster. Consider if you have enough food. Search for other survivors. Sit at home fearfully.|||I may not have been completely entirely accurately irrevocably precisely undeniably wholly universally serious.|||Yeah fair enough, it all seems a lot of fuss over nothing to me, but whatever makes you happy makes you happy. I'll ask on the S&R forum at some point if I can be bothered, it's a widespread social...|||I don't get the point of porn. Once I was drunk with friends and we saw a smurf porn to laugh at, where everyone was speaking breathy Spanish and the blue paint started wearing off and then Ganondorf...|||Dude why you being so weird, it's normal for friends to send other friends dickpics. Let's not bring your husband into it, I mean, we're not friends, he would find that gay. Got about 10 years...|||There's furniture designed for the autism community. It's hugs without the people! Not sure if this is what you mean, but there's a pretty nice range out there. There are swings where you can be...|||You know what else is right, what I'm about to do to your face with a phonebook. ...|||Update: INTP: Look INTJ, funny pictures in relation to Valentine's Day. INTJ: Haha. Wait. Valentine's Day is coming. Do you... want to... d- INTP: No....|||Also found the autism comment distasteful, and the slithery non-response, but maust is best maust, argues so I don't have to. I think we should get that for you on a t-shirt, O bestmaust. In other...|||INTP more likely to be superfluous to achieve complete precision, indecisive (maybe, probably, sometimes, it looks like), and contain tangents of unrelated information to the original goal (answer...|||I completely agree! It's a really beautiful dynamic, and the safer you feel/more you know the other person, you can end up in these situations of feeling like you're talking almost sub-verbally,...|||Yeah fair enough, I see what you're saying, thanks for the explanation. I do think it's still technically manipulation to try and lead someone up to thinking/responding in a way you want without...|||Excellent! May I recommend adding a course of Inability to Lie to the meal, for maximum Unpopularity Flavour? A small dash of Asperger's, perhaps, for spice? Or, as I think of it - other people...|||My poor little Fe can't handle this. It's just so morally right. Carry on, good sir. ...' | 3,473 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Hi there! I too am an INFJ & am actually currently applying to law school. Waiting to hear from Berkeley at the moment. Fingers crossed!|||Ohhh I had a lot of the same issues as you for a really long time. I solved mine by going on plentyoffish.com, waiting for a guy I was actually interested in to talk to me, and then being completely...|||Everything is better with you. The sun on my back feels like you. Wrapping me in your warmth. The stars in the sky mirror the flickering flame of joy when you take my hand, kiss my cheek, touch me....|||Ooooh cool cool. I've always been interested in astrology but birth charts are basically where my ability to understand reaches its glass ceiling, haha. Something about them is just really hard for...|||Honestly, I'm often the same way - it's better to be blunt with me. And I have been reeally blunt with him when it comes to serious relationship issues. I will say I get a little scared being blunt...|||I wish I wasn't such a naturally jealous person. Before I was in a relationship, I always thought I would be so sensible. But every time a pretty, single girl posts on my boyfriend's facebook wall,...|||I'm currently dating an ISTJ and am very very happy. He's not the most communicative person when it comes to his feelings, but he's good at expressing himself physically... :P It can still be a bit...|||Since I started taking Vitamin D supplements a couple years ago, my SAD has been faaar less damaging. For those of you who suffer, I highly recommend supplementing your vitamin D. It made a...|||HEY GUYZ TIME FOR MY QUARTERLY PICSPAM <3 https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/390243_315884721759736_100000146321970_1504999_1558693089_n.jpg Me (left) with my good friend...|||Traum I'm sure he loves you for who you are. Once I truly appreciate a friend, I love everything about them, even their flaws. I wouldn't worry too much about what might annoy him, especially when it...|||I confess that I think the pill is awesome. Yay, science.|||So, anyway.|||Soooo after all of that. We have sadly neglected someone in need! I personally really appreciate most compliments, though I suck at showing it (usually something like aw, gee, thanks or uhhh,...|||Oh, I see. Weeell I think my ISTJ is usually pretty reasonable about that, too. At least not noticeably so, if at all.|||I'm currently dating an ISTJ and I have to reiterate that especially with him, honesty is the best policy, and if you really want to know something, ASK. Don't assume or try to read into things...|||-Slapstick humor: it takes a very particular situation for me to be even vaguely comfortable with laughing at someone else's pain. -Pressure put on men in relationships for always being the...|||lightscent, I don't really know you, but... XD|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4sKc1IXBZ8|||Again, it's not like we're trying to be cool or play games. It's about internal insecurity. We're actually trying to just act normal but we over-correct. And while we may very occasionally make...|||Haha, I mostly didn't announce my return because it's not really a full one... working on senior thesis and other classes doesn't leave me much time for you lovely folks... :'( <3|||Oleas Yes yes yes we absolutely do this. It's usually because we're afraid. Afraid of rejection, afraid of looking too clingy. It's rarely about not wanting to be in a relationship or being...|||Lulz, same thing happened with me, except I didn't make some huge announcement about returning... :P|||My first relationship became official in early July of this year. I'm 21. So. Yeah. I don't really like the phrase serious because it comes with a lot of baggage, but we're committed to each...|||I've always wanted my handwriting analyzed! ;__; <3 Sorry for out of focus scanning... http://pics.livejournal.com/blue_phoria/pic/005cfww4/s640x480 ...|||cheshirejack, that's basically been my approach thus far and it's seemed to work, I just wasn't sure if it was prudent to continue using it for this next step. I think basically it depends on how...|||Lost in Oblivion. Thanks for your reply. (: Oh, yeah, as far as the virgin thing goes... no worries there. I'm in love with him; I'm ready to have sex with him. I want to. There's been absolutely...|||cheshirejack, I've suffered from similar problems in the past, and I have to say, a lot of my issues came from not loving myself enough to acknowledge that I truly deserved connection with other...|||Arobberatsea, you are so pretty ;__; Sooo I haven't posted on these here forums in a long time because I've been RIDICULOUSLY busy with thesis at my university. I thought I'd post a couple current...|||Almost 100%, though my right pointer is usually over n instead of j just because I use n a lot more, hahaha. Also I tend to hit spacebar with my right pointer. So I'd say like 90% with my own...|||AHHH thank you so much dahling! So kind of you to say. <3 I'm happy you're back, I missed you too! *hugs*|||Raaaahhh my turn to vent! Sexual frustration! To put thing simply I really just want to make out etc. with my boyfriend lots and lots right now, but we have no place where we're really in private......|||You know you're an INFJ when you somewhat begrudgingly reach out to your server at subway a little because he asked how you were doing... and by the time you're checking out, he says thank you so...|||Omg, everyone is going to want you to take them to prom. ;p What a dashing young gentleman!|||Oh, Vaan you look so handsome and charming! :) I love the vest. It suits you very well. Or, it suits a very pleasant side of you. :)|||Oh gee, you're too kind. ;p Thank you. Maybe third understudy in a total flop that runs for two days, hahaha... but I guess from what I've seen there aren't any other PerC INFJ actors, so I guess I...|||Haha, I know, I was just using the most extreme example. My point was, you're still growing and finding out who you are.|||I'll tryyy but it's gonna be laaamesauce! 1. Best Smile: Veggie, Ethanol, PlushWitch 2. Best Looking: August, eclipsethesun 3. Most Intelligent: So subjective! So I say... me. Hahaha. 4....|||Hokahey How do you get into a relationship when you are unemployed? Online dating sites can help, though personally I'd stick with people who are at most an hour away from you, distance-wise. As...|||Aleksandr, Kaly has made some good points. I would just like to add that as far as the trust issues go... I'm not saying it's impossible, but it seems very unlikely to me that an INFJ would cheat....|||First watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AJmKkU5POA And then this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjaZNYSt7o0|||The best thing to do is take action. Plan and organize, yes, but don't spend all your time with it. As far as picking what you want to do, go with your gut. If your gut tells you several different...|||SO IMAGE HEAVY OMG In no cohesive order... http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-ash1/v154/85/52/784045441/n784045441_1797138_303.jpg...|||Naw, not all INFJs are so sensitive when it comes to something like killing bugs or omnivorism. We might just have a higher concentration of uber-pacifists and vegetarians. (No offense meant at all...|||Hmm, see, I don't think it's just the way things are that you don't feel NTs. I dunno I'm having a bit of difficulty phrasing this, but it does seem to me like you might just be going into Ti mode...|||Yikes, someone needs to engage their Se! It honestly sounds to me like rather then using Fe, you're engaging in Ti here and cutting them off a bit, or selling them short, based on how you analyze the...|||Hmm. Are you sure she's an INFJ? Seriously. I don't know where you read that description of INFJs but I've never played the field, hahaha. Maybe she doesn't realize you're interested in her that...|||TreeBob, would you please sticky this thread so it won't get lost in the fray? Thank you so much! :)|||Well, texting can be a bit of a monetary concern if one doesn't have an unlimited texting plan... just a thought. I know I push my unlimited texting plan to the limit with my boyfriend, hahaha. ...|||Personally, I found a lot of great information on each of the types and their wings on this forum. If you go to each individual enneagram type's forum, there is a sticky thread (or two!) with...|||This was a fun test, thanks for posting it! Here's how I scored... http://pics.livejournal.com/blue_phoria/pic/0057036g I'm a 4w3, not a 4w5, I swear! Whenever I read descriptions contrasting...' | 3,613 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Hello, May I have my name changed to Ástartöfraru200e?|||Why is there not an obvious answer? Why is it that every other kid at my school has parents that have just the right connections for them to end up where I want to be? Why is it that even though I...|||People's beliefs. Spiders. Snakes. Other reptilian things...|||Have I lost my Si? Who needs it anyway...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRJj5AwTER0|||It depends on the situation, but I prefer details over general statements/assumptions. Details help put the puzzle together. I prefer it this way.|||I find it difficult to not attempt to fix or rebuild a system. So yes, it's difficult for me to simply say No.|||For the past three years I've explored the world of philosophy, and deep thinking. It was truly amazing immersing myself in the deep thoughts of those who were once great thinkers; and after that...|||When you tell a girl that you're only friends with her, because you like her friend.Yeah, I wasn't trying to be insensitive; it just came out that way.|||I see...suffering, pain, and loss; calamities that fail to finish the wicked, but succeeds with killing the innocent. And yet, there remains a seed of hope at the bottom of all. Silliness... I...|||It depends. I usually do my best to help others as much as possible, but never to be liked. Suffering isn't something that's enjoyable to see or to feel, so it's natural to do something to ease or...|||Romantically would be helpful. My current situation with an ISFP is interesting, but it seems as though dialogue can be extremely boring. Whenever I attempt to discuss something philosophically or...|||Thoughts? I am interested in reading your opinions to balance out with my own, or to make sense of it anyway.|||Really? How so?|||Monologging mentally is really enjoyable... For some reason I felt partially, if not entirely, responsible for a possible failure of another. Teacher: Have your packets ready, and if you...|||Yeah, I'm hot.|||I'm fond of the Mastermind label, but in actuality most of the mastermind things I do are done on the fly. I am, by definition, a scientist, so I don't mind that title.|||When you... Dream of becoming a connoisseur, but not actually drinking the wine; but doing it for the scientific study and creation of wine.|||Unrest- Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy VIII Original Soundtrack|||Are there any fellow INTJs that play SC2? I'm annoyed and tired of both my INTP, and ISTJ friends.|||I brag sarcastically. I think that's possible; right?|||Why don't people ever listen? I tell them what's going to happen, and instead they choose not to listen and say No evidence, fuck off!. Of course, I provide them with evidence some time after my...|||What most people don't understand is that true love doesn't exist; it's a science, not a Disney movie. I will admit to having met The Woman, but that doesn't mean I think she's a true love, or...|||Conversation is important for exercising thought. At least for my thoughts. Sometimes it may appear as though I have a personality disorder when others see and hear me enquiring with myself about...|||I don't really care about relationships...|||It varies in regards to the artist, but genre-wise I favor jazz, fusion jazz, piano, and violin. Particularly, Esthero, Amy Winehouse, Beethoven, Miles Davis, Accardo, Sarah Vaughan, Bach, and...|||Mahvel baby. Well, used to be that way. Now it's...Spawn more overlords! Starcraft 2 reference... Edit: That is, if you were looking at my Magneto profile picture, and not Near. If so,...|||At first I thought this was me; seems like something I would post... I was thinking of creating nanites that can be released in the air, and immediately attach to parts of the brain such as the...|||Phys. Ed is boring in general, and I loathe every minute of it. Luckily, it becomes optional after sophomore year, but health and nutrition will still be that one class that takes away an extra...|||And here I thought I was different for being a sapiosexual.|||My plan at this point is to achieve all A's after freshmen year, perfect SAT scores, and Neuro research. This may not be enough to get into Cambridge for undergrad, but I'll give it a shot. If my...|||My school is project orientated, but only truly project orientated when there's three weeks of school left. Throwing assignments on students at the last minute appears to be a favored thing.|||Preferable the internet, but if I know the person in real life, then I might consider chatting with them, but each condition has to met. Those conditions vary between each person, and listing them...|||Almost always chatting. With any type.|||:laughing:. This thread is full of troll. At least it should be.|||It's not that I hate homework, it's just more of not really wanting to complete it. Most of the time it's just busy work. Usually what might work in getting me to do is the alter ego that pops in and...|||I think that's what you do when you're in a romantic relationship...|||Women that are wittier than me, or at least women that think they are. That type, the second part, are so adorable.|||I think they, those that find us scary, suck at formulating interesting thread titles.|||I'm only ever fooled when I don't go with the first immediate thought. The immediate thoughts are always right, but I HATE making immediate decisions without time to actually consider what I'm about...|||...when you despise other types putting their crummy paws on an INTJ only thread. ...when you imagine all the kids at school being absent for a day.|||I think I may have figured out to effectively manipulate factors in a dream. Yes, A dream. A dream is what we have while our body is unconscious, and while we are still conscious, but only inside of...|||Women who post their problems on Facebook. Then they get mad when you try and spice it up a bit. Her status:My face is SO numb. Me: Do you wanna battle? 'Cuz my balls are at the ready! Her:...|||That only other friend you have who calls every other five minutes asking for help with math. Not to mention he already knows the answers, prematurely anyway, but I have to guide him to the answer....|||When you find the norm to be weird.|||People who immediately claim that I'm twisting their words when I contradict what they say.|||That was my speech through, and through. I forgot quite a few things, and ended up blabbing about the school helping me bring back my faith in humanity. Now that I think about it though, I've never...|||I'm good looking, and smart. Does that make me a narcissist?|||Recently I was asked to do speeches for my school's open house, and I figured why not? so, I took the offer up and did my speech for the first open house. The girl who spoke before me did some...|||How would I move up to JC?' | 578 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'Paul is definitely an INFP, and Art is most likely an INFJ.|||Noooo. INFP|||I too can't hide my emotions when they're very strong. Faking it until we make it is what we ENFJs sometimes do. I try to always be happy sometimes to make others happy. A lot of my friends tell me...|||Thank you very much. I'm sure things will sort themselves out in the future.|||I always pick friends carefully. They aren't my friend until I know them. Alcohol was involved on the night she went off on me, but she was still pissed the next day and is still pissed. She's...|||In my life, so far, it seems that no one hears me. I will listen with such dedication to anyone, but when everyone is quiet for a little while, I start to talk and someone almost immediately...|||I'd wait. I'm sure most of us would. It's all worth it in the end when the expressions come out :)|||But it's not! Just express the feelings. We can't always know how you feel. You guys internalize way to well. Show us the Happiness!|||Then we can tear them down quickly and efficiently! :D|||If cuddles and snuggles are your layers, I think us ENFJs can out layer you :)|||I'm always down for that :)|||It's worth the patience and effort :D|||Not weird at all. Many woman want that kind of thing. You just happen to be more specific. We'd totally fall in love with your caring side and make it come out more. Or at least try to. And we would...|||I'm trying to balance that myself as well. It's true, listening too much can be an issue. You have a voice and it should be able to get a point or thought across :)|||Definitely confront her about it. She would likely appreciate you sharing your thoughts with her and would wanna solve any issues or questions you may have :)|||Listening is important. I too like to sit back and listen. My voice is never really heard in any social group so I'm starting to not bother. When you say she looks at you with intensity, what do you...|||Interesting teacher. I would get to know her more if I were you. And the only people you should care about what they think of you are people you care about. But even then, being yourself is way...|||We do that when we notice something amazing about someone or something. Such as their personality or something like that :3|||This is true. The ending can be such a relief.|||Perhaps they were driving and only took a glimpse of the text and forgot to actually read it and reply by the time they got to their next destination. Happens to me every now and then. Or perhaps...|||Being an ENFJ, in my opinion, telling her it in person would be the best. As long as you don't sound like you NEED to tell her. Like if you come at her and say it sort of abrasively, like you NEED to...|||I would not be the slightest offended. I would answer in full honesty. I second what Eggsies said, I would be flattered :D|||You are beautiful! And your about me I found to be even more intoxicating :)|||ENFJ guy here. I advise you just go with what's natural. Don't worry about personality theories. Categorizing things just makes the magic go away. Let it come to you. Do what you feel like. ENFJs are...|||We do things unconditionally. Knowing our generosity helps you is all we need to make us happy. Though we don't need anything in return, receiving something is always a joy :)|||I have 10 on the class scale. Swag is for dumbasses.|||Charlie is an ENFJ 2w1. He's quiet, shy, and unhealthy do to his awful past. Sam is an ESFJ And Patrick is an INFP|||*hug!<333*|||Personally, an ENFJ and INFP relationship is pure magic. My best and closest friend, like a brother or my other half, is an INFP and I've told him that if he was a girl I would love to him. He said...|||I'm in the same situation with an INTJ. She knows I love her and she loves me, but she says a relationship between us would never work.|||Honestly, with enough reality, ENFJs can be just like INTJs deep down. I have an INTJ who is purely objective. Him and I relate so much and bounce off each other with Different concepts, ideas, or...|||You and I are identical. We are exactly the same (based on all of this that you said about yourself). However I'm not fortunate enough to have an INFP partner and I don't mind being on stage. I too...|||This is all true. Very good answer my good sir :)|||What do you mean by playing with things around you? And I never act macho, ever. I don't know what to make of that, unless it's for humor, then I can understand that. Liking your energy, your...|||He likely is attracted to you. We ENFJs may be social and all, but often, when we're attracted to someone, we usually remain a tad quiet or awkward (relating to him acting weird around you). Don't...|||I know how that feels. It seems us ENFJ's have this common issue. We get lonely and it's hard to find one who could fit in the heart shaped hole. I recently disliked myself to thepoint of trying...|||1. Yes. Sometimes, all of our interaction with people can lead us to frustration, annoyance, or impatience with others. It happens. 2. Having energy is definitely common for us. We're such spunky...|||What's wrong?|||I'm sorry to hear that you're frustrated. I too hate having my questions unanswered or have people pretend if I never said a thing. So there's a type that you do not know that keeps ignoring your...|||He is probably loathing contacting her. She's probably a past entity that he just wants to forget and doesn't want to make contact with. Just make it more clear that he should contact her to get her...|||By all means, share away. I'm glad you're another ENFJ with the same problem|||Personally, I feel ENFJ's are the most misunderstood type. A lot of people say ESFP's are, since they claim they're not as simple as they seem. But honestly, no one talks about, acknowledges, or...|||To be unloved.|||I love your mind :)|||I mean, yes I help others to make me happy. But I don't do it just for that. I do it because the world needs more givers. The modern world has become so broken that any person who is selfless and...|||I love half-nakedness/nudism too! It's so liberating. And occasionally i like to be pampered-spas, saunas, massages, etc. Very occasionally though. Dancing and singing is one of my pastimes that I...|||I'm quite the optimist. Though I have been in dark places. I was deeply depressed for a year and a half, but I got out of it. A teacher helped me better understand myself and I was happy after that....|||I'm an ENFJ, and I can understand his position. We have an uncontrollable need to help people. It's our universal ability that cannot be changed. Past relationships are hard to leave, especially if...' | 5,155 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I've been trying to let things go recently, especially people who I know for a fact aren't helping me grow or even really care for me. It's been pretty hard. I promised myself I would try to focus...|||Don't even know anymore. Somewhat numb, but still pretty gloomy and irritable. Yay for the combo.|||Someone to cuddle with and fall asleep next to. Also, maybe feeling wanted/needed.|||I'm tired of meeting people who make me feel worthless. I get that I am sensitive and that might not be their intention but seriously what's up with meeting mostly assholes?? Like do you get off the...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsWDUvuF0Xc|||I wish I could just not give a fuck anymore and even feeling empty or numb would be better at this point. Everything is way too much for me to handle I feel so overwhelmed and there's nothing I can...|||I feel like I'm about to go completely crazy, if I'm not already... I'm feeling everything at once and it's too much.|||Emotional stability. That's too much to ask for, isn't it?|||I don't feel like I'm the same person at all. I feel I've changed a lot and I'm still adjusting to who I've become.|||English and French, I'm bilingual. Romanian since both of my parents were born in Romania and taught my sister and I. Spanish, four years of high school although I'm pretty rusty. I understand...|||I think sometimes people forget how important it is to have that one person around you that says GO FOR IT. Especially for someone who has the tendency to be selfless or scared of disappointing...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf1h2PMPCAo|||You know what's sad? Realizing that even miles away from home, no matter where I go I still live my life for someone other than myself. Always waiting for a future to come, living for that...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzy2-uyCyFc|||I'm finally in Japan, my life long dream and I miss home...how pathetic. I feel so disappointed in myself. I can't seem to do anything right, can't seem to be that person I aspire to become. It's...|||I'm tired of disappointing myself...and yet I keep doing it.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chFmFpTc21s|||Please don't forget about this thread, I'm looking forward to your analysis! XD|||Personal change and.....MONEYYYYYYYY.|||Sometimes I briefly get that crazy feeling where I feel capable of anything, where I feel like soaring through the clouds and running barefoot on dewy grass, where I feel powerful and alive. I wish...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpz_gUyImhw|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMgO235XsEw|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYJ3aasdMw8|||In that case feel free to pm me if you feel like talking. There are few things that feel worse than not having anyone to talk to when you really need a listening ear or actual help.|||Hang in there :frustrating:!! Things aren't always easy (rarely in fact :dry:), but they can't remain shitty forever... Stay strong. Sometimes little things can help enormously; try listening to...|||So I've realized recently that my productivity increases tenfold when I just stop caring or detach myself from things, but then at the same time I find it creates such a feeling of emptiness. I...|||My stupid space bar doesn't always work for some reason and it's pissing me off -.-. Well ok, it might be because I jumped on my bed forgetting my laptop was there and kneed it XD......|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77VqzpvE1zg|||All. The. Time. Seriously it's like a disease in my case... can't get rid of it. Most people can get it done before the deadline though, but not even a deadline proves to be enough for me. And trust...|||When people constantly ask you you're quiet, aren't you?... When you space out a lot and imagine all sorts of scenarios. When you procrastinate to no end.|||I'm building an empire of boogers....or so I was thinking while blowing my nose the umpteenth time. I think the whole empire imagery was just so I could feel better about having my cold :sad: I still...|||Someone tell me it gets better....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dC4bHlNCr4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwHy3U0-eqc|||How many languages can you speak/have you learned? I can speak four: English, French, Romanian and Spanish Do you like learning languages? Yes, I love learning new languages although it can seem...|||So recently I bought Sia's new album as well as Tegan and Sara's and got a discount on a few CDs from which I picked one of Bjork's first albums, Post. I feel like I hadn't gotten anything for myself...|||I fell in love with Spirited Away when I first saw it, but now I like it a little less for some reason. Those special to me are Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa and Howl's...|||True kindness isnx92t something wex92re born with. Itx92s something we had to work on. -Natsuki Takaya (character Kyoko Honda, Fruits Basket)|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DunbXL_N56E|||Negative rant alert.:shocked::shocked::shocked: I am so screwed right now...I have an essay to finish (in max two hours) which is already late, so I'll have 12% docked from the grade. If that's...|||I feel this is stupid...but I kinda was hoping to get flowers on Valentine's...:sad:.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uZlvKXnYU4|||I haven't really expressed myself in a long time and my journal remains on my bed table accumulating dust. I don't know why I get like this, but it feels like I'm running away from my own thoughts...|||http://i61.tinypic.com/hs04ed.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPWcmF0qrrw|||So I recieved these awesome headphones for Christmas and it's so amazing. I thought I was fine with my earphones...but now I think I can never go back, I just feel like this is a whole new world I...|||Note to self: Do NOT write to people you've already decided to cut out of your life... Seriously, why do I have so much trouble burning bridges and sticking to it -.-? Sigh.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db9Ap9MaafQ|||Feeling real shitty... As if my heart was made of lead and would drag me to the bottom of the ocean. I can't entirely explain why.|||Nothing feels right right now...' | 4,154 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEHfCUbXLTg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpIQNxiKJoE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4_z6VAC16I|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrwVuUuhRYY&t=1413s|||Confession: I don't think I could ever settle for anything in life (place to live, friends, family, job, etc.). I lose interest sooner or later.. Idk if it's an ISFP thing or if it's something...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R9ElVwT6QI|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi7_hiL4Nu4|||This is another good one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZJsVyJptCM|||People who don't shut up for hours! *sorry*... :frustrating:|||I like listening to different genres of music, depending on what I'm doing and how I'm feeling (trip hop, new age, ambient, jazz, rock, etc., etc.). But I like lounge the most (especially the jazzy...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtCDGOaPZLY|||I love listening to lounge, but I don't see it as an option.|||I really enjoy the summer rain on my skin, especially on a hot day. People usually use umbrellas when it rains, I hardly ever carry it, because I secretly like to get rained on *blush* Btw,...|||Some of the best sensations involve another person, but I won't get into many details right now )) I was walking yesterday at sunset, listening to beautiful music, enjoying the nature, the...|||Spell66 , I personally love the way ISTPs are wired, and sometimes I secretly envy you for how relaxed you are and how you don't care to fit in social norms. You have your own way of being and...|||^^You know you're an isfp when you Dont know how to troll *meow*|||Which is not surprising since Fe is your inferior function, and Ti tends to repress it.|||This might be helpful: Source: Type Dynamics (4-4) - Cognitive Function Theory|||..when someone asks you how are you? just to not seem rude, but then displays all the signs of not giving a hoot about what you have to say. Like, please, spare me your 'politeness'.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INn1C6ImJKg|||WARNING: partial nudity. :redface: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfZ6PLvzlVg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJWlBfo5Oj0|||One thought + two more words come to my mind when I think about my ex - his loss and thank God!. He was an ENTP btw.|||Scratch that, a bottle of wine will do it!|||I need a vacation, and a cup of coffee right about now.|||She could have heard something about you from somebody else, or she may be an unhealthy ISFP trapped in an insane Fi-Ni Loop, obsessing/being paranoid about certain ideas that she's built in her...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgkFw2hm5-M|||I notice everything. I just act like I don’t.|||http://66.media.tumblr.com/0cb4bc65b9e3345e1dfbb398e3c31524/tumblr_oaa50qFoGY1vzjkj6o1_1280.jpg|||the radio political correctness or freedom of speech?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gXrS6eKfjk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jszQZBtuk_k|||Confession of this morning: I didn't know that waking up to a morning thunderstorm can in itself be such an oddly comforting experience :peaceful:|||If I see that your opinion on a certain matter differs from mine and you're not willing to change it, I personaly wouldn't intensely argue with you, trying to make you change your mind. That disturbs...|||https://media.giphy.com/media/26BROYKr0HANDf0Uo/giphy.gif|||poker a hard one.. hmm... HGTV iOS or Android?|||“Half of me is filled with bursting words and half of me is painfully shy. I crave solitude yet also crave people. I want to pour life and love into everything yet also nurture my self-care and go...|||naughty is a lovely word :proud:|||Even a broken clock is right twice a day.|||one piece intrigue bowling or billiard?|||hanging or electrocution? :exterminate:|||salt lamp colored photography or B&W?|||I think you've confused them with the sunrises, which probably are just as beautiful as the sunsets. I don't know for sure though, because that's when I have the sweetest dreams :kitteh:|||Film Noir chrome or wood?|||do we even have a happy thread? cuz if we don't we really need one, especially as a dom Fi type!! :)|||the sunsets at the beach are my new favorite thing :proud:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntoMKM0ToP0&list=LL9paTZX24Txlbhv_d6m83dA&index=192|||coffee fire or ice?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW5_mSZzfPQ|||I on the other side am happy thinking about going to the beach in a couple of days. I can already sense the water, the sun and the sand making contact with my body, creating poetry inside.. all about...' | 268 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Every time I've given advice or tried to help someone I have been rejected. I still want to help though.|||Nope, they're just unaware of how those around them feel.|||Boring.|||The quantity obviously does matter because one good friend is better than zero. You can't have zero quality friends can you?|||The part about not being able to tell people to fuck off is so true. If someone is trying to be kind to me it's impossible for me to reject them, well, to reject them outright. I've already rejected...|||I totally agree. There's also another way to interpret this comment: You are such a loser that only the most desperate people will try to befriend you and you will put up with them because you...|||I think this to myself a lot but there's a part of me which finds it really hard to believe that I attract friendship and that I must be fooling myself. Woe is me, everyone wants to be my friend...|||It's funny how a type which revolves around emotions so much can appear so emotionless to others. I probably will try, but it'll only be with people I trust.|||I've never been drunk because I'm afraid of the things I might do if I'm even slightly less inhibited.|||http://i.imgur.com/gVK5u0F.jpg|||Someone said to me and I felt pretty offended. I wonder if that's because it's true? I have very few actual friends and a bunch of people who I put up with although it feels awful to say it that...|||74962|||Oh wow, this thread. The fact that we can't respond to it at all says a lot.|||I suggest Code Geass, but I understand that it's not for everyone. It's sort of like Death Note crossed with Evangelion but on a larger scale.|||Lol, my closest ENTP friend just tells me to act more like everyone else and be less stuck up all of the time. :/ But then there would be even less people to be friends with! Oh, I...|||Living in the moment over analysis paralysis? It sounds like a good plan. This seems to be a huge weak point for our type. Besides acting, I don't think there's a way to change how we come across to...|||It always weirded me out when people with rare and dangerous diseases find out about others suffering from the same condition and say things like It feels good to know others are going through the...|||I hope this thread generates some positive ideas for everyone, but I am being a little selfish with this. I appreciate any help anyone can offer. Welcome my glorious commissar! I am requesting...|||Be careful with the army, I don't know where you live but us INFJs need to be following our own morals.|||Good point, but remember that in the modern day workforce, an extrovert is in their own forest camp.|||Sorry for the loserly title but apparently (Interesting and Descriptive Titles Usually Yield More and Better Responses) I'm alt, and I'm here to learn about myself and others.|||no u.|||Yeah I'm like this as well.|||I don't reveal anything on facebook. My likes are empty and my photos and wall are always spartan at best. That's the way I want it, I mostly only use it to send PMs to people anyway.|||I think it's more common for it to slant as everyone above me.|||She said no, then she went into fine detail on why she doesn't want to date in general. But I'm totally fine with that, we're still friends and nothing has changed between us, except I got one less...|||Hmm, my best travel experience was going to Mt Aspiring National Park and staying there in a lodge. The mountains and scenery were so amazing. It was such an odd feeling to have a world so surreal...|||I'm not stalking you I promise but you seem to be on the front page quite a bit. XD That dream seems was awful. I had a dream I was walking through a dodgy neighbourhood to be jumped by a gang...|||I feel like a climax in my life is building up and something big and exciting is going to happen. I feel like all my work is about to pay off. I can see a fork in the road, which split into many more...|||Moonlightning, get of the ******* computer!|||I hide behind a mask of a histrionic smart-ass. I often insult people and claim it's just for fun because I have no idea how to communicate with people with different intrests as me. I admit it gets...|||I want to know the truth.|||What why don't you don't to defend your view? That sounds like fun!|||I find being publicly angry incredibly embarassing. I tend to completely avoid any situation in which I could get extremely angry because I know the results aren't pretty. I value my self-control...|||I can't be the only one who felt a little anxious at the title of this thread. :tongue: This happens to me mainly because of my very restricted interests I wish I could care about the things the...|||Uhh the opposite actually. Recently I've been hanging out with friends nearly every day. I ususally don't, at all. I'm quite content to amuse myself and I get enough interaction at school to satisfy...|||Gaining mastery over this is a key way of surviving as an INFJ. Instead of worrying yourself to death over something you can't control learning to mentally CTRL + ALT + DLT and kill the useless...|||I have a holiday job where I string lamb corpses on a conveyor for nine hours a day, five days a week. I had to do that or my SJ parents would take away the internet all holidays. ;_;|||IXXX: Leave me alone.|||This is completely legitimate. Don't even think about trying to prove this false. Here is a screenshot from the game: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Matukituki_valley.jpg|||I admit it, I'm like this. Not because I believe I am a member of the master personality type, rather the company of boring people bores me. However, I love trying new things, food especially. God...|||Heehee, I love anime but it's not something I've ever really gotten into. Code Geass is the only (and will remain) the only anime I've every gone out of my watch to watch. (Hell, I actually BOUGHT...|||I'd never give up, unless I found something more meaningful to do.|||Are you saying the sex industry is any less legitimate than any other industry? What about singers who sell their voice or a trapeze artist who risks their life to entertain others? There is nothing...|||Wait, which one do I say now?|||Macaroni is on the bottom of my food pyramid, us INFJ should have a macaroni party. Of course, nobody would turn up and if they did, everyone would sit awkwardly around the room. I often say...|||I feel empathy for my enemies which boosts my self-esteem to an arrogance level of over 9000 making me impervious to any criticism that I know isn't constructive. Also, I find it difficult to say...|||People (ESTJ) tell me I would be good at having sexual intercourse with other males. I tend to disagree. On a more serious note, people think I'm good at science, mathematics, writing and martial...|||I got sick of being able to predict what was going to happen (not in a psychic way) so I wrote my own. I'm currently in the process of editing (see procrastinating) the first draft. I love writing...|||I'm pretty sure it's being torn apart by hordes of people who assume you're playing hard to get. When in fact you're playing, I'm too hard for you to get. ('Get' is referring to 'understand.')' | 2,816 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Yes. I am.|||I have an impeccable sense of direction, but my absent-mindedness is legendary.|||Used to be my email address as a teenager. Nobody will remember it so I guess I'm okay. Nobody would be surprised, except for how candid i am here about things (like emotions) that people don't think...|||I have an alter ego that my friends have decided to name. They think I'm a little eccentric. Chicks dig it.|||Lol, really? Are you trying to give a inspirational speech or are you ranting about your own experience?|||I sometimes forget the details of what goes on when I'm furious, it tends to gloss over into a brush stroke of anger. That being said, I am hardly ever angry, so this doesn't happen too much. Just...|||Beat your kids, just not for punishment, so that they learn how take a hit. Don't want them to get sucker punched and go down easy. On a more serious note, its not the form of punishment but the...|||Laugh at how silly and sloppy the human body is. Contemplate the hypnotic mysteries of the helicopter.|||No problem man. Sigh, I wrote something in reply already but I lost it pressing the goddamn back button :angry:. What it boiled down to was to all you need to do is change your perspective on what...|||The first thing I would do if I were you is stop calling yourself a loser, and rationalizing it. Tell yourself you are just in development, and your R & D department are just slow workers. You...|||Forget all these stupid regular colours, I handwrite and like colours in the infrared spectrum. YOU CAN'T SEE ME!!!!|||There once was a mirror. Haunted or maybe cursed. Built by an short-tempered carpenter for a shy, but dutiful woman. The mirror was intended as a gift of his undying love but by some unfortunate...|||All I need to do is knock over the first piece of my Rube-Goldberg set-up. Once I set this piece in motion, there won't be anything to stop me from eventually dominating the criminal underworld, and...|||I'm a generous inventor. Generous? Don't know about that though...oh, it doesn't really mean what it really means.|||Causes are all effects, and all effects, causes.|||A lot of you guys get the are you mad about something? one. I realized that the only reason I don't get it is because I reflexively make my face look more personable. My face kind of settles into a...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQj--Kjn0z8&feature=relmfu|||Just as an aside, a lot of people want authenticity of character in others, but most people don't know how to be themselves under all circumstances. There are so many pressures to be someone else, to...|||That I will not improve myself and will stagnate. I know this to be wrong though, I am always improving, and achieving turning potential energy into kinetic energy.|||I don't know about INTJ's, but I'm a demigod.|||I do the paganism with the human sacrifice. I can only say that I'm a purist. :wink:|||I do text a lot, I like it more than talking because it gives me more control over the interaction. I don't really have the issue of people getting on my case for proper punctuation, its usually more...|||My cause is pure chaos. Not anarchy, but chaos. There is a beauty and order in chaos.|||I can plan a way to world domination better than anyone. Executing it would be something else.|||I literally tell the job interviewer that my only issue will be that I'm quiet but I will still do the job. I try to make people feel comfortable with small talk (which feels like I'm pulling teeth)...|||Its kind of crazy how a little niceness and a smile will get people to open up to you with things they probably shouldn't be telling you. I try to be open and a little warm with people I meet, I have...|||I like parties, having people there that I know is important though, preferably more people that I know than dont.|||I think this is a common trait amongst INFJ's. Personally, I'm always quiet in a new situation, but my personality shifts with different people and in different situations. It isn't always very...|||I judge a conversation on its depth if it goes into the philosophical and/or the spiritual angle of the topic that is being discussed. When it gets extra deep is when the topic changes due to...|||The right kind of smile and the right kind of look in her eyes, these are my turn ons, and then the turn-offs decide the rest.|||Dying in a hospital, I have a boner right now, don't let the nurse make me into a necrophiliac or, OH MY GOD! There is no GOD! How do I reverse?!?! or I'll just laugh maniacally and then...|||Never fails to humble me how similar I am to all of you. This thread is probably the best place to figure out if you are an INFJ. We are withdrawn but we are mapping out the social dynamics, and then...|||This thread has made me want to record my voice and hear myself out. I always talked quietly, mostly because i speak to myself.|||Fire. People are motivated by fire. :crazy:|||INTJ's are not god. I am.|||You're all weird. Even weirder that you created a thread about people calling you weird and then proving that you're weird. Don't worry, weirdness is actually contagious, and everyone catches it...|||Only the strong survive...|||I'm not sure if its a Fi-dom thing, or maybe its just a INFP thing, but all the INFP's I know seem to be waiting for a the gods to strike them down. It is as if they expect an emotional assault at...|||I don't recall Jungian theory stating that we have and use all 8 functions in The Psychological Types. You need 4 functions, I don't know how you can see just 2 functions working when you have...|||I just wanted to address the idea that we all have 8 functions. I believe having 4 functions is enough to explain everything. The functions don't act on their own when we think, they are working...|||This strikes a cord with me, I constantly tell my mother that she can't control the world, and bad shit may happen, but you can't try and control everything. That never satisfies her, so its constant...|||I was going to come here and talk about my ISFJ mother but what has been said above is the same for me. Si and Ni make all the difference between ISFJ's and INFJ's. Its funny when my mother and my...|||The Baa Baa sets me off.....:blushed:|||I run a very open-minded farm, the animals and me have an understanding.|||As an INFJ, my value system is no value system. That allows me to answer my lust with fornication, and a smidgen of bestiality, but this about ENFP's and not INFJ's....|||You want to see my Ni.....how forward you are *blushes* Anyways, I see a road, a compass bearing South. That's the tail end of my thought process. Going backwards, the reason I say compass bearing...|||A part of the reason I think that INFJ's seem a little psychic is because our Extroverted Auxiliary function is Fe and that function isn't as concrete as Te.|||Ti comes into play when you are trying to create an order out of what your Ni comes up with. Ni very non-linear and the Ti and Fe help make it presentable to the world.|||I came for a way to understand myself better. I stayed to impart my wisdom and humour on all who may read my words. All according to prophecy.|||I want to do all of these, but the ones in bold I've done.' | 6,119 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I think it is absolutely fascinating that almost all INFJ's have Sanpaku. Check it out The Eyes Have It: The Sanpaku Eye Superstition | Tofugu|||ISFJ= Mama Bear|||I understand what it feels like. I always felt like I was living in a doll house and everyone and everything around me was playing a part that I couldn't agree with. Just know that meeting an INFJ...|||http://personalitycafe.com/myers-briggs-forum/134377-myer-briggs-animal-representations.html I did one, but I chose fox for ENTP. Although, foxes can seem ESTPish too. It's harder then it looks....|||You have Tangled as your profile pic and your user name is an aquatic creature + a confectionery treat. Maybe you just dazzle everyone with your apparent harmlessness and then wham* (with a frying...|||I would say castle is usually an ENTP and Kate an INFJ. Although, I would have to argue that the show can be inconsistent with behaviors. Castle seems to flip between ENTP and ENFP. Kate seems to do...|||Feeling others happiness.|||I have been struggling with this topic for a while. I am trying to get to the root of my paranoia and my bad habit of jumping to the wrong conclusions. My main problems are that I usually...|||Hazel Greens and yellow with brownish red in the middle.|||Haha hunch habits seems like the perfect way to describe it!|||I'm never quite sure if my intuitions are right and people just deny their accuracy when I point things out...or if I'm paranoid. Do other INFJ's have this problem? How do you get through it?|||Haha....oh my god. That is both disturbing and hilarious.|||Well, parrots are intelligent creatures that can manipulate their surroundings to get what they want. I'm glad you agree with the ESFJ description.|||I think they make great friends! I haven't dated one so I can't speak about a romantic relationship. Truly though, different stages of maturity effect that answer with any type. It depends on how...|||ENTP, INFP, ISFP, ENFP I can usually get along well with anyone but I typically gravitate towards intuitives. As far as sensors go, healthy ESFJ's make me feel warm and snuggly. I don't mind being...|||I am also an empath, at first I didn't believe it but it has become extremely strong and now I'm convinced. Last week there was a high level of stress and anxiety in my work environment. I personally...|||This happened to me when I was developing my Ti. My Fe got short-circuited temporarily and I started to lose my connection to others. It doesn't last forever, but it's something you will have to work...|||Questions for INFJs. How easily do you trust people? Was there any event (assuming you are weary of people) that made you cautious? -I rarely trust anyone completely. It takes a very long...|||I feel like I switch back and forth, which is determined by my environment. As a child I was very much the Fe subtype but now that I am in college it is more useful to be Ni subtype. I think all...|||^I relate to this so much <3|||I did one of these based off of something I saw online. Comments on Accuracy?61437|||I wrote this out and I don't know if it's accurate for everyone. I would love input. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------ Type Descriptions: INFJ Pt.1 - Common...|||Thank you this helps a lot.|||It makes sense. I feel like my intuition needs to go through a de-clouding process.|||Care to explain further?|||True. That does seem more Te than Ti. I've noticed that I have to sort through and analyze the situation objectively to come to an accurate evaluation of what caused emotional distress. Which is...|||I also have the question of when to trust your gut or not. I think if you are in a confident state of mind and get the feeling that someone is talking crap then you can trust it. I am ALWAYS wrong...|||I think I have been accurately reading others emotions but I draw connections that aren't there. For example, I will walk into a room where people will be gossiping and I feel the vibe and believe...|||I think we do all tend to have a certain brightness to our eyes. This picture is a couple years old but oh well... eyes don't change much|||Sorry...my functions got turned around, I need to start 'checking my work'. Sometimes I forget which ones have Si dominant function. My question remains. I have a difficult time understanding ISFJ...|||What does Individuation look like between the personality types? I am especially interested in how sensing dominant types view the world after listening to their inner voice and following their own...|||I can't imagine an ENTP 6, but I think that the Enneagram is the nurture portion of personality. Anything is possible...|||I'm an INFJ...and a 6w5 ( a bit of a rabbit-heart) n.b.d. That's how I meant it. There is something special about ENTP's. For being so extroverted, it's like they keep their core protected and...|||That's okay, it's understandable. Funny, I usually like to leave ENTP's breadcrumbs to keep their minds engaged. This happens to be an exception. :P My heart stopped bc I thought that I violated some...|||Google images. Idk. ???|||ENTP's are teddy bears on the inside but because there personality is pretty much like this...|||Write what YOU write. Poetry isn't about conformity|||Masquerade You wear your mask. I’ll wear mine. The room spins, as we get nowhere. - Black and hollow eyes of a mask, leave the soul|||https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/181328_10151193404797335_496067463_n.jpg https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/557191_10151080661112335_592479762_n.jpg ...|||Merlin is INFJ!|||You sound a bit like an Isfj...|||I'm an Fe user (INFJ). I am wondering how Fi works in ISFP? Fi is one of the most difficult processes for me to grasp.|||I'm very insecure but I am also extremely direct. See, I was just direct right there. <---- INFJ being direct. Developing my Ti has helped balance out my over emotional bullshit. I used to be...|||INFJ's don't push in line. ENTP's will observe and investigate their options. They are straightforward about what they find value in. INFJ's love to be valued, especially when they know other options...|||!!! We're WINNING! :D|||What about us NF's with highly developed Ti's?...I think Ravenclaw is the place. Maybe NF's that scales tip much more feeling = Hufflepuff or even Gryffindor for the extroverts.|||INFJ-Ravenclaw|||INTJ's function on another plane of understanding. That much is definitely true.|||It's okay I feel stupid at times too. I think your destiny is now. There's no need to fear dying before your finished. I don't think it's possible. Take a baby that dies during childbirth, it still...|||I seek to understand myself. I seek to live with intelligence, affection and honesty. I want to find a way to care about others without caring what they think about me. I want to be free from anxiety...' | 8,148 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Openness - high at 80% Conscientiousness - high at 83% Extroversion - high at 68% Agreeableness - moderate at 68% Neuroticism - high at 55% Hmm... I'd say its in the ball park~|||I took a political spectrum test a year back and scored even on Liberal and Conservative which I think is fairly accurate. On certain issues I take a liberal stance on while on others I'm...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3pltmw6cmI|||It indeed happens to me, I let them talk it out. I listen, and usually find it interesting, but always taken with a dash of salt. In the end strangers are strangers and you can never be sure they're...|||*sigh Don't know what to do about you.......|||Feel the same way. I live in the West, and right now its a total gongshow with all the politics going on about Islamophobia, Transphobia, LGBT+ Rights, Religious views and rights... insane. But to...|||Jordan Peterson got me out of a rut. He's a Professor of Psychology at a top tier University. He's pretty intelligent on helping you sort of your life. ...|||Hey introverts - When you're speaking in front of a group of people, whether you're giving a presentation, a speech or asking/answering a question, are you better off preparing for it or winging...|||Hey Mantra! I totally get where you're coming from. I used to and on occasion do have days where I don't do everything that I need to get done. I think you should take a look into Jordan B Peterson's...|||How do you manage with such short amount of sleep? I'm jealous!|||Good question! I find myself wondering about other people's energy levels as well and how they can manage to do their respective jobs well whilst only on 4-5 hours of sleep! I am generally...|||lesbihonest.... ESTJs, are pretty much the model citizen.|||I think that being agreeable could be a tactic, but it isn't a tactic by its nature. Its a tactic depending on how you use it. Its pretty much a neutral quality, until you use it to your advantage or...|||I got Patron. I think the percentages are accurate enough. 67% Realistic 71% Diligent 60% Extraverted Identity: Motivating.|||When you just want to sleep in one extra hour, but your body won't let you The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak :frustrating:|||“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time...|||How far would you go to be pleasing in the sight of others'? Would you betray your own values or your own set of truths just to conform and not cause a rift in the waters? How much do you value...|||665210 Book of Ecclesiastes : Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. 3 What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?|||Who doesn't? I created this thread because I'm curious to know what are your sleep schedules like. Do you sleep at a certain time to get up at a certain time? How many hours of sleep do you need...|||Ever since professor Jordan B. Peterson got involved in the stand against political correctness, it boosted my interested in politics and the whole PC ordeal for the last couple months. I've been...|||1. About anything that has to do with being outdoors/ in nature. I like to snowboard and although I'm no pro, I'm pretty decent and do go off jumps... elevating my Se ;) I like to go out for...|||Hmm.. I think if you are alive, you are the chosen one. If you think about it, out of the infinite combinations that their could have been, it was YOU that was born out of 2 specific sets. You...|||Just finished reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Now I'm trying to finish The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.|||No. I sometimes have a resting confused/dazed look - much to my detriment. When I don't have that on, I have a resting lonely/sad expression. I guess it depends what I'm daydreaming about. Yes...|||Book of Ecclesiastes (Face that suffering of life head on!) Book of Romans Book of Proverbs Psalms 1984 as well as Animal Farm by George Orwell Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky|||Hmm, I'm a 6w5 and would consider myself average on conscientiousness but high in openness. I am most definitely a conservative though.|||The older I get, the more conservative I become. Like all the ups and downs that I've faced has caused me to seek order and discipline. Which are things the Righties value and hold up on a pedestal....|||Oh, I also have the super power to be on time. As in I'd leave the latest time possible where I could still make it on time. I'd be on the cusp of late and on time... but still on time nontheless. ...|||I have the super power to zone out when people are talking... and zone into my own world BUT still absorb almost everything that's happening. For example: I would be with a group of friends and...|||Be straight forward with him, and tell him what you want. Men respect women who know what they want, and it seems like you've been together long enough to be official. Its not an unreasonable thing...|||Hey, you've got it tough and there's no denying that. However, my philosophy is that its not the end of the world as long as you're breathing, thinking and capable of moving. If one door closes,...|||I can see where your idea that people who drain society and our resources in exchange for nothing and even worse, more affliction should be destroyed is coming from, however it may not be the most...|||I would consider that it is up to the individual to decide what is most important to him or her. I am not a fan of MBTI as I don't believe in putting people into categories, however broad and vague...|||Hey everyone, I find that religion and politics are the topics that get people talking. It is generally considered that they are not to be discussed at the dinner table so to speak, however...|||I noticed that when its sunny I tend to be a ton more energetic. But I prefer like Lad said above me, mellow and chill weather. Partly because I grew up with overcast weather, lots of rain and...|||He's a God send. A gift to humanity. Literally.|||As long as the INFJ has a head on his or her's shoulders and uses it often, then yes.|||-|||Was at work the other day, and a older male customer went by and I asked the usual how are you greeting. His response was, As long as Trump is no where near me, I'm fine. I thought he must get...' | 3,937 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Oh, job fairs... >.< Can't we just impress employers with our qualifications on paper, without having to make small talk in a crowded room full of people who are also loudly doing the same? Good...|||I'm pansexual (I can fall in love with somebody from any gender). I'm happily in a relationship with a wonderful man (he's trans though, and would like to transition to a female body someday). But I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar_dRhV9vk8|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jofNR_WkoCE So bizarre... But it's wonderful!|||No problem. =)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rWpHqEtKn8|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTrzTk7vXM0|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZl4lEPKArc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKffm2uI4dk Awwww. XD Ahaha.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaBvIwXhJXs|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pCv7k_Hzvg|||I'm sorry! Yes, too often I've found myself wanting only to retreat into my own mind, but surrounded by people who assume I want to talk, just because smalltalk is the social norm. There do not seem...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlQnyVf6xbI|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeJA8Sl4WOw I've been listening to this album for the past few days. It's so happy!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPUcgz1pny0|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p04TYk4j0zQ|||So much angst on this forum! =/ You know what? My room mate really likes this song, and it makes me inexplicably happy when she dances to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIPqwjFqzeQ|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9-fXR9rHck|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB_ruPOxWcE|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK1JLmlHUpI|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=7HHEMI2qfFU&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIPqwjFqzeQ|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh7UgAprdpM Ahaha.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=-S42EsIDXpM&feature=endscreen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8VfdaY8xNs|||I've never felt so detached from someone I care about so much. I just want to hold someone, anyone, right now. =/ Before him, I never really expressed my affection for people with physical touch, but...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiMHRn-DFgI|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHuBJpDEtMc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxc3O4mQV74 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyVJsg0XIIk|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=QaR-KNRDnwU|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmucougzKn0|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bter0gUFa-Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvgVsxaqYgA|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uCyv05SG1g|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=BrAKCLxswBE&feature=fvwp|||Last night I had an astonishingly detailed dream. It's a bit disturbing, but it brought up some interesting ideas for me... I dreamt that I was a descendent of Ghandi - a daughter or a...|||Excellent point. I hadn't thought of it that way. Now that you mention it, I don't think you can place a binary value on someone. Nobody is completely good, or completely bad. Likewise, they have the...|||(character count)|||Perhaps all people are inherently good because of their potential to do good, which never completely goes away even if their past actions have been bad?|||Yes, we must investigate it. The way I see it, though, good and bad are two facets of the same thing (which is everything), just viewed from different perspective. This doesn't mean that we...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_woNBiIyOKI|||I like all of the genres you just mentioned. =) And I agree that Lindsey is awesome. I'll have to look for Zizi's Journey!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcd7nggVV2g&feature=endscreen&NR=1|||1. It would certainly be beautiful once it happened, but I get the impression that it would not be easy to make happen in the first place. Neither one would admit to the other that they have romantic...|||So cute! =D|||I've been ruminating again... :frustrating: It's gotten to the point where I'm so tired of thinking about this problem, that I don't even have the energy to pick one of the solutions I've come up...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0kNHLXAQMo|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoeIeg_JvoA|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mehLx_Fjv_c|||This has been one of my favorites for years! =D|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G5ZfqAZAqs|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPhnOKmhbBw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNIZofPB8ZM|||I am currently reading House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. I highly recommend it!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgCDuWrvS6E' | 4,309 |
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