16 values
'what house are you? Lanister who's your favorite character? Tywin Lanister best storyline? Depends on the book or series, but I like Jaime's a lot. worst death so far? Tywin who are you most...|||Thanks for the post. It was hard to relate to some of the examples (such as a theme park) because I like to change activities frequently and don't have enough of a habit to declare one theme park as...|||I had the same problem... So I copied your response from the email and answered the thread.|||That is empathy, if you didn't have it you would be a sociopath. I was asked a good question to see if you are more F or T... Do you do things becuase of a principle of what is right or wrong, or...|||No idea why, but I can't access the last page. So i copied what i saw on my email and shall answer it here. How absent minded am I? I don't know how absent minded other people are, but I can be...|||I just thought of something, I don't know if it helps, but sometimes when experiencing situations I do tend to use movie quotes as a joke, perhaps showing my thought process.|||So I read the articles, for children I couldn't identify with any of the descriptions. I can tell you that I liked Grumpy (from the seven dwarfs) because he understood things the other silly dwarfs...|||How can you like editing papers!!!? For the flaws I see in people's ideas, I see logical errors, how something could be used against us or simply giving an example on the idea won't work if faced...|||Are there no big differences between the two ES/NFx that exist ? something a ESFJ would like/do that ENFJ would never do ? or vis versa?|||I can relate to some of what you said (getting bored, not wanting to hurt people because of past experience, pointing out silly ideas, not liking people who argue on emotion) so I would say either...|||Wow, lots of questions ! I shall try to answer them all. The facts are very important to me, at least if the facts are important for a point to be made. Yes and no, I like to know who, what when...|||Wow, lots of questions ! I shall try to answer them all. The facts are very important to me, at least if the facts are important for a point to be made. Yes and no, I like to know who, what when...|||Dear reader, I have a very close friend who I don't understand. I am an ENTJ (i think), and I am sure she is not a NT type. I think she is a ENFx or a ESFx type, probably more J than P. I really...|||Well I would say you did not use Si to describe the bird like I would have. I would say the bird reminds me of m own bird. He has the same bossy grumpy, yet loving look on his face as my own bird. ...|||The park idea was quite helpful. The ones I most relate to: Ne, Te, Ti, Sort of: Se, Si, Fi, Not at all: Fe , Not sure: Ni - I can observe sure, I love making plans, but no way am I going to...|||I just googled a picture of a bird, First things that came to mind. 1. I don't know the name of this bird. 2. colour. 3. Size. 4. Shape of beak. 5. reason why the beak is shaped so. Now what would I...|||I shall answer the second part first as it is easier. I wish to keep harmony because I had a lot of bad experiences when I was younger with people getting really angry at me, and it was 1. not...|||I always know how I am feeling, I like to take care of my emotions on my own (i go for walks or runs). That said I do have a friend I am very open to, he is very empathetic, and it is good to get...|||Oh dear, I worte a huge thing and I think it didn't go through. I will have to sumarise: I write books for me, I want them to be published for admiration/recognition and to tick it off the bucket...|||Test: i answered the thread but can't see it appear|||Thanks, but what made you so sure ?|||Hey ! thanks for your time. Here goes: How do i have fun : I love playing tennis, playing computer games (dota 2 and any strategy game), going out to the pub and having a debate on same sex...|||Thanks !|||Thank you for your response. I really appreciated the time you put in your answer and the nuanced approach you gave. Where were you able to learn more about the differences between types ? any good...|||Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to give me your opinion on my 'type'. I have been doing a lot of reading and tests and I always get the same results (mostly INTJ and ENTJ and sometimes...|||You mean creating software products ? Any specific software field ? You got a plan (join a company, start your own ?) ? :)|||You know this forum waaay better than I, I didn't even know we could do that ! :D (uninvite thingy) First off regarding technology- I believe quality must always be applied before all else. But I...|||Only saw this comment now. thanks for developing your arguments. I wont bother about arguing for/against the computers, I find it useless and honestly don't acre about it. I think research we...|||QUOTE=Scelerat;3849928]It's an old Latin word that means villain, rogue or criminal.[/QUOTE] Its latin for: criminal. it is still used in french for : criminal, guilty or wicked (scélérat)|||Why please share your findings !|||Can you expand on your thoughts ? PS: I never did my exams with a pencil (I used a pen). The reason computers are not allowed is that not everyone has a computer and it would be hard to regulate...|||I never thought about it, but yes. I became very argumentative with them (even more than previously). Also would study alone rather than with the class. (take exams sooner, studying at home)....|||Hey guys, I'm curious what do you do as a job ? and/or where do you see yourself in 10-20 years ?|||Hey guys, Just curious as to what your views on homosexuality are. The US loves gays today, what do YOU think ? PS: Ninja for win ! :ninja:|||Just let him be, if you are concerned talk to him, see what he says. I am sure he knows best.|||Dylan clearly you have a very self centred view. Napoleon once said: 'it is better to be the ancestor than the person who inherits'. So to an extent he agrees with you, yet he also understood France,...|||I understand what you are saying. With regards to me, all my life I have learnt about the history of France, its greatness, and the part my family played in it (general under Napoleon etc), I am...|||Simple really: social norm. I would feel a fool being the only student who stands, and I believe the professor would wonder what I was doing.|||I'm in a bit of a rush so can't go too much into it. But my logic is as thus: A student is there to learn from his/her professor. There needs to be a sense of hierarchy and respect (as well as...|||[QUOTE=Elistra;3845895]My father was my primary role model growing up, and he is an ESTJ.... this probably has something to do with it. When it comes to these sorts of Great Old American Tradition...|||I really liked your post, very interesting. But I think you cannot compare the national anthem to standing when your teacher enters. One is based on the love of country, the other is needed to...|||as not* only money|||Exactly ! So long as you don't consider value as only money|||Regarding tea path's comment, loved reading all those old quotes, I guess you were being sarcastic in your own comments. To Elistra: I like what you are saying. I find it strange that the ENTJ's...|||Aaah ok, sorry, I did not know. thanks for the information :) bt please tell me what u think of the rest of the post ;D|||I have read all your posts and it mostly comes down to (excuse me for generalising) : 1. Whatever decision one takes regarding the conduct of society (for instance pupils standing up when their...|||Hi guys, A lot of you (ENTJ's) clearly state you don't like to follow traditions etc which you find pointless. Now I am French and I guess a majority of you are from the US so there will be...|||Hey fellow ENTJ's I noticed we were missing a joke page so here it is, feel free to post jokes you find funny. I am still new, so cant post links, but try rowan atkinson and hell on youtube :)|||Thanks for the answer, interesting about the SE NI TE and Fi. :)|||Hi Thomas, Thanks for the advice and took the test....It made me even more confused said I was an ISFP (which I think is the exact opposite of an ENTJ). That said I thought the questions were...'
'Basically this... https://youtu.be/1pH5c1JkhLU|||Can I has Cheezburgr?|||I am very fond of my top hat too. I certainly did not expect to see a thread about top hats on here haha.|||Streets of Rage 2 for Sega.|||I think incorrectly.|||Senior year of High School I found out my dad is a rapist, I had to do college applications, my sister is insane, I started doing awful in school because of high anxiety and depression because my...|||I believe that Richard is probably ruling a country somewhere and developing a cure for all diseases in existence.|||Ugh, so much procrastination. I started a paper that I had multiple months to do the day that it was due at 3 a.m. and finished it at 6 a.m. even though it had to be 8 pages and be a synthesis of 5...|||http://youtu.be/KtYkyB35zkk|||Bucket list 1.) Become immortal.|||Both ENTP and INTP could be considered the Jack of all trades in my opinion. *Cricket sounds*|||Your argument is something that a nazi might say and is therefore wrong (Reductio ad Hitlerum). My other one was an appeal to tradition or if that doesn't work for you there are other fallacies...|||I've read a book with a similar idea except done in a much better way.|||That is adorable.|||INTPs are terrible people.|||I just enjoy ENTPs in general.|||Ideas.|||Another INTP in existential crisis mode...|||I think I heard about this happening once. If I remember the story correctly it generated a new life form, ended the cold war and was about the same as most human to human interactions.|||My room mate is often very annoyed with my sleep schedule and I'm often woken from a nap when he walks into the room.|||Hey guys! Great thread!|||If I post on this thread once that means I'm going to have to post again and then I'll eventually never be able to stop posting.|||If I keep making threads I am eventually due for a good one.|||I'm not sure about social protocol in the area where you live but I've personally never been bothered even in the slightest about asking to go over to other people's houses and I think it's...|||You could try suggesting bonding activities such as playing a board game together. I personally enjoy chess, but there are many two player games or even video games work. Playing games together may...|||Though I wouldn't be able to give you any advice I would say that compatibility with another person is not entirely determined by the personalities of the two people, there are more factors such as...|||In this thread we argue with people only using logical fallacies. Ex: Me: This thread is going to be awesome because I'm awesome. You: No it won't because everyone else is saying that it...|||I enjoy how pretty much every single INTP thread starts off with someone making a joke.|||Procrastination will be perpetrated by the INTP up until the last minute unless the INTP is stimulated by an outside force or the activity being done is being used to procrastinate another project.|||I barely remember to put pants on before leaving my house. That's completely irrelevant to your question just something I felt like sharing. I probably remember my dreams 6-9 times a month. Though I...|||230346|||I enjoy the rainy cloudy weather much more than the cold certainly haha.|||I have nearly walked out the door of my house without putting on pants on multiple occasions.|||I'm going to say yes because those eyebrow movements are fantastic.|||I enjoy that all of the ideal date activities for INTP are games that make us think. Actually I would say that all of the parts on the left hand side were fairly accurate to me. I'm not familiar with...|||Intrinsic value is important but I really don't take any gratification from either outer or inner influences and it's rather depressing.|||I rarely experience them.|||http://youtu.be/AJzds6fRfjM|||No really, I got the project done early and didn't procrastinate.|||I was in kindergarten and vomited on the playground. I then decided since I was sick I should go home, so I walked out of the school yard and walked home. I didn't realize that I was supposed to...|||I spend my free time coming up with ideas to take over the world.|||Actually what's going on is that there is a conspiracy that was started by the INTPs to make other people believe that INTPs are actually conspiracy nuts. The truth behind it is that it's actually...|||I have a couple because PerC people are generally pretty awesome in my opinion.|||I believe emotions are a choice that is made by ourselves. We do not feel anything emotionally when a complete stranger, that we have no connection to, dies and if we were to apply the same...|||I'm tired of life, it doesn't seem worth the effort to me. We're all just going to die anyways.|||I didn't like the Great Gatsby.|||Spend all of your allotted time to accomplish something procrastinating and then ask for more time. This works best if you have already asked for more time at least once before.|||What sucks is getting stuck on what the meaning of life is and being unable to come up with an answer and thus entering into a never ending existential crises. Nothing gets you motivated for the day...|||What's the point in asking? It doesn't matter anyways, nothing really matters we're all just going to die.|||Hi I'm human, but mostly human. Nice to meet you.'
'Takes too much energy to sugar coat something.|||Realizing how very on time my punch in and punch out times are within 1-2 minutes of my alarm.|||Important decisions are not easy to make for ISTJs. It's only been 2 months, and I know that you don't want to date casually, but I think we get tripped up because we easily want to cling to the old...|||Maybe it's disappointing ourselves and others. So both ourselves and others.|||This is your Si and Fi getting all tangled. I like to rely on body language to see if people may potentially 'like' me. It isn't something I've proven to a science, but it feels more concrete...|||What? I didn't come to this forum to start fights with anyone. All I wanted to get was people's opinions. I'm saying if both people have made a firm decision that are polar extremes, it makes...|||We haven't even started a conflict. It's just that I see that as a cause of conflict if I were to start a serious relationship with her. I plan things ahead of time, so this is just an issue for me...|||I think that's the easy way out though. I can't imagine every relationship that is conflict free. What would be the 'right' way?|||Funny thing, there's another ISFP I talked to that didn't want children but wanted to adopt. Too bad she hasn't replied back to me for some time. No conflict yet. Here's what I'm thinking: ...|||Yes, that's how we are. It's intense isn't it? We like to focus on one thing at a time. You shouldn't feel like the bad guy in the situation. It's just we like to focus on people very intensely. ...|||The cure is to find another obsessive hobby :wink:|||He is reacting to your responses and that's why he doesn't respond confidently. The INFJ way is to go silent and that really kills our confidence in people (actually I should say our trust in...|||I guess maybe what I don't understand is there's tons of things in life that are responsibilities and can weigh us down: waking up to go to work, feeding ourselves, etc. Life has it's ups and...|||Hey everyone! So I met an ISFP online and got to really liking her. Meeting up with her almost twice a week for a month now. Constant texts/messages at once a day. I know ISFPs love their...|||It's almost as if you have to show them all your cards, and they just sit and watch you work your ass off for them, and finally they dismiss you and say you weren't trying at all. Ugh, it reminds me...|||I think one sure way that I know I'm an ISTJ is that I will work tirelessly for something. I can easily work 12+ hours on something JUST to finish it. If you haven't found yourself consumed by...|||All types I guess? Mine is ESFJ|||I think the INFJ way to scare people away is to not respond back to people. ISTJs are very consistent when replying back to people so as long as you still talk back and forth with him, then things...|||http://personalitycafe.com/images/styles/PersonalityCafe/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by xxxSubZero http://personalitycafe.com/images/styles/PersonalityCafe/buttons/viewpost-right.png ...|||Just ask him|||Like a Tootsie pop. Or maybe like a frozen steak, cold at first, them warm, then starts to stink.|||1. Usually takes months to years to let someone in. But being older, I realize that this isn't very good so I've been adapting. Biggest things are dependable people (dependable in all aspects,...|||1. Not too important. Unless you are a special person to me of course. 2. Gifts have to be perfect, otherwise I just hate them. I don't expect people to do things the way I would want. 3....|||1. Yes, we only share things about ourselves with the people we trust. 2. We normally take a long time to make a decision about relationships. 3. Very unlikely for ISTJs to try to date multiple...|||That's wonderful to hear an ISFP say that sharing is something like ISFPs want to do equally between the person they are talking with. Do ISFPs do this for everyone? Or is it only out of politeness...|||I'm getting mixed signals from this ISFP. Foremost, I told her I lied about being employed on the second date, but the next day told her the truth, knowing that I could very well lose everything. ...|||Aww thanks. You can thank us in another thread :kitteh:|||You also need to answer the questions according to your younger self. As I grow older I realized I have become more flexible so that totally skews the results. If you still have some doubts, read...|||Is there anything else you need to understand our way of thinking? And try to be specific in your question because it helps us a lot.|||We don't prioritize relationships as much because we don't feel we are very good at reading whether we are doing good or bad in that relationship. It's much much easier to do something like complete...|||I just copy pasted this from another thread here. I hope it helps :kitteh: Fi is a judging function where the individual makes decisions based on their own personal value system. The values are...|||I've searched for some explanations that to me better explain Fi. Fi is a judging function where the individual makes decisions based on their own personal value system. The values are...|||Trying to touch her seems contrary to what you are saying about what an ISFP wants. I hugged her on the second date and she was surprised (or so I think?), and she said, I don't know how to do...|||Thanks! I do feel like she's in that testing mode to see if I would like to be her partner in crime, that companion of hers. So I think that things are going well. If you got any more juicy tips,...|||:laughing: So I'm guessing this is where she mentions her rabbit being an asshole for not being close to her translates into saying she wants someone who is physically close to her? Someone who...|||I don't know all of the exact details, but she does value LOYALTY as a requirement for friendship. Outside of that, I do see a lot of the Fi that she has, since I have it as well. Here are her...|||Sorry to piggy back on this discussion, but I am loving the advice given to hisfavsundress . I'm an ISTJ and found found an ISFP who I really like. So what I'm reading from these posts is that the...|||Why don't you start small and practice on something. So spend some time making your bathroom very neat and tidy. Every time you use something, put it back in its place, etc. Just small things like...|||Like stone100674 said, we base on decisions of experience. Obviously it can be wrong since no one can know everything, but from our view it's the best we can anticipate based on what we know.|||There's so little information, but we do like perfect relationships, so we plan a lot in advance and try our very best to make these come true. This is the only way I can imagine breaking up with...|||It's just a question of whether he uses Si or Fi. If you look up those it might help figure out which he is. From what you wrote it just seems like INFP.|||I think you hit things pretty well. We do think about things that might make things difficult in the long run, so maybe things like distance, language barrier?, things like that. If you do decide...|||Writing is sometimes better for introverts because they have time to think about what they'd like to say. Why don't you ask him to try out an MBTI test?|||Introverted feeling yes.|||I think either decision will work out just fine. Slow is just fine. It's a slow process to learn about each other, but you shouldn't worry too much and just ask her if you have questions. ...|||This is totally different because one of them is the answer.|||We're good trolls because no one expects it :kitteh:|||If you both really are the same type you will run into a stalemate to who makes the first move. Be yourself around him. If what is holding you back is whether or not he feels the same, it should be...|||We all have emotions as ISTJs. But we hardly ever make decisions based on them. The feeling we most enjoy and try to maintain is calm, comfort, and safety. So if we let our emotions make our...|||More difficult to answer. I agree with both of those nicknames. We do inspect things to learn about them, but duty fulfiller is harder to explain. It might be we want to maintain things...'
'Truly creepy.|||Soooo Fe (Extraverted Feeling) is supposed to be our secondary function. I got picked on a lot when i was a very little girl and I sort've withdrew socially, leaving my Ne and Ti really adept, but...|||i've had the same problem you're describing in the past, where i had these great pinings for a guy i liked and it seemed like he was the only guy in the world. he wasn't. i'd recommend going out...|||i'm trying to work on my writing... i used to be really good at it when i was younger but fell out of the habit of reading -big mistake! practicing my humor skills, as well as trying to work on a...|||if they feel it's in their interests to be good : P atheists are like anyone else: some are good, some are bad, most are somewhere in between but trying their best. as an atheist I find being good...|||i talk to my pets, which isn't unusual. but i have a different voice for all of them, depending on species. cats: weird baby voice my mom always talked to cats in growing up. dogs: frenzied...|||great song, but when you really listen to the lyrics i think it's about the state of society/civilization today and perhaps what can be done about it. i love belting this song out while i'm walking...|||welp, when i was a teen i did well in school but wasn't enthusiastic; it bored me. i was bad at social interactions -my adhd exacerbated it- and had very few friends. i got picked on a lot, and...|||more than once i've made that very point. she'll just go hmmm but not change her stance. although actually, there have been models in the 70s that have panned out very well. although sometimes i...|||it doesn't piss me off so much as depress me... but i've seen a lot of intp's who have had bad luck in interpersonal relationships. they become really bitter and cynical and sneer at the idea that...|||i'm in a really great relationship with an INTP male, and I've heard it's a common match-up. we play off each other's strengths and weaknesses well, and i find his quiet thoughtfulness absolutely...|||wow, great artwork everyone!! http://i40.tinypic.com/21aagw9.png http://i41.tinypic.com/14y66px.png http://i39.tinypic.com/27yd3rk.png http://i41.tinypic.com/2gvimg7.png|||i'm not especially girlie. was a tomboy growing up, and i've had people call me masculine because i'm not overly feminine -don't usually like pink, or make-up, or whatever. but honestly i don't...|||all of the things in the first post: yes yes god yes. especially the old couple thing... people always say true love is a lie, but that gives me hope. although i don't believe true love is like a...|||it's long been my dream that when i get married, i will come down the aisle in a beautiful wedding dress riding a majestic rhino :3|||I've read a characteristic of INFJ's is that they're often deeply religious. I'm not, and I wondered if that made me unusual... but I realized that I DO have a deep spiritual value system rooted in...|||relentlessly. unfortunately i'm also impatient so i rarely finish anything more complicated than a stanza or a doodle :P i often do my best artwork while bored in class!|||i'm trying to get good at it, but it's sometimes difficult. trying to get my Fe working... maybe I should look up those threads!|||I'm the girl who whistles the birds' songs back to them. ...and gets a kick imagining them as whistling dinosaurs. I'm the girl who always gives the homeless change. I'm the girl who's awkward in...|||i will signal my interest in a fashion that i always think is subtle but turns out to be obvious <_<|||Thanks everyone! sorry I abandoned this post for so long. well, I went into the debate trying to appeal to her with logic and listen to her point of view. i've tried to have logical discussions...|||a lot of problems with bullying. i often was so lost in la-la land that i didn't even notice social cues, so i was a big target. it was also sort of like a feedback loop, because when people were...|||...that they've passed judgment on. as an INFJ with a well-developed T, i've always gotten on well with INTJs, i love you guys <3. my T's largely thanks to my mom, an INTJ with whom i used to get...|||my mom's an intj woman, and she does wear nail polish sometimes... but only clear nail polish!|||i have trouble opening up when i'm talking with a group of people. i need to develop my extroverted feeling side more... i just blurb random crap in a group and often end up embarrassing myself. ...|||i think about this a lot, because, well, i'm an infj and i think about Love and Justice. i think the key is to somehow pull the far right -and by far right i basically mean FoxNews, because I'm...|||something i had to learn was that while i love helping others 1) you can't help everyone 2) you have to put yourself first i know it can be hard when people you love need help, but if you're in...|||i personally couldn't do it. a lot of the pleasure i get from sex comes from my affection for my partner. plus, sex (at least in some people) releases a LOT of the bonding chemical, oxytocin. so...|||firefly 30 rock arrested development and the first couple seasons of bones before it got all stupid (although i haven't watched it in a long time so maybe it's better now?)|||my boyfriend is an intp and we have a really great relationship. he likes my spontaneity and finds my intuition/weirdness really interesting, and i like his straightforwardness, thoughtfulness,...|||i can be manipulative sometimes... not like really super evil manipulative, but enough that i'm not proud of it. just like, trying to trick people into doing the dishes for me when i don't want to...|||i had a lot of problems in school, too. i went to a really small private school for rich white people and ugh, it was a nightmare. it didn't help that i also had REALLY bad ADHD, so in addition to...|||this is adorable hahahaha!! I never thought of it... my boyfriend's nose is kinda similar to mine, but much pointier and more dramatic. hmm, maybe there's some truth to this:O when I read the...|||yeah, i also hate being competitive and screwing people over. the exception to this, though, is if the other person is a douche, in which case fooook him. sounds like you've got a douche on your...|||my weakness is that i hate stupid boring bullshit. i hate tedious activities.. anything that isn't fun. work, most school, bills, cleaning... so a lot of my responsibilities fall to the wayside...|||ahahahaha!! i'm from dearborn, mi. we have nothing, cars, and muslims. ....except now it's just nothing and muslims. so i guess there are a couple of really nice mosques to look at and then...|||sorry to hear about your predicament :( it used to be for me, especially because i was picked on a lot when i was little and for most of my adolescence i thought i was some kind of loser. by and by...|||i've been dating an intp boy for a year and a half (we live together now) and we really are head over heels for each other. definitely gotta say that I love the straightforwardness of his thinking....|||yeah, my favorite feelings involve cuddle and snuggle. :) especially if the one I'm snuggling with and I are both laughing at something dumb. so... love?|||my mom's an intj and pretty typical. very shrewd and brilliant; she was one of the first women in the US to become a senior partner in a powerful law firm (of course this meant she was hardly ever at...|||aaaaaaaargh I have an INTP boyfriend with an ESFJ mother. for the first several months we were dating she got overprotective and criticized me CONSTANTLY both behind my back and to my face. for...|||no but i've always desperately wanted laser eyes , ever since i was a kid. just because it's radtastic, duh.|||I don't really think of people as good or evil because that makes it sound more two-dimensional than I think people actually are. I believe people can engage in good and bad ACTIONS, and have...|||I like your fashion sense! I'd like fashion, but a) I don't have a lot of money and b) usually my head is too in the clouds to even pay attention to whether I've washed my face properly, let alone...|||You know, I notice a lot of people who are of the rarer types seem to take a great deal of pride in it, and even seem threatened by other types that are statistically likely to be rarer. I'm sort of...'
'Journaling, art, dance, gardening would help. It would release the emotions in a constructive way. She can express her thoughts through a journal. Gardening is amazing in that you take care of...|||brought supplies to my parents yesterday. food, a grill,lights, power banks and a battery operated fan -. I am not too sure what they or others were thinking. Florida has hurricane preparedness...|||Still have power, but my neighbors across the street and my parents in another section of town dont. I have no internet. I am using a wifi hotspot Some branches down, but no damage . One missed a...|||WTF we have a curfew. Forget it, I am going fishin. Now to find a store thats open to get beer.|||Almost. Florida does have Hurricane windstorm insurance, both public and private Here is a link to the specifics if you are really interested. https://www.cga.ct.gov/2006/rpt/2006-r-0498.htm|||What page 2?? Who is buying. I live in South Florida. Cant say that its not a breezy evening. Things are picking up and fast. Hope to have a roof over my head come Monday.|||Dear ISTP Dad I asked you back in February, if you wanted wingnuts for the hurricane shutters, since I was ordering them. You replied no, cause if there is a hurricane you would just leave. ...|||Boy am I late on this parade Yea I did it; a specialized 2 year degree. I had a blast. I found the younger students a joy to be around. Dont isolate yourself, join in on group study sessions and...|||Ok, I am home. What did I miss?|||https://nuts.com/images/auto/510x340/assets/43724fbf2ca6fdf1.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkL7Fkigfn8|||Siggy is drunk 77% likely to perceived as toxic. (guess I am in the 23%)|||Indeed she is.|||Congrats to the Personality Resources King Hail to the King, Hail to the King|||I would wait until the flies and insects are out, so you can accurately determine what type of insects are around and if they are a problem. When or if the time comes, there are cheaper options...|||Ax|||In case some members are not aware. There is a LGBT group http://personalitycafe.com/groups/lgbt.html|||So what about speed limits, arent they just suggestions?|||:penguin::penguin::rockon:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPU8ezG8FLQ|||Ok its prime day and I have only one objective. Kcups organic Decaf...Check organic bold roast...waiting|||I would have said something directly to them like What are you laughing at?. It would have caught them off guard, putting them in the awkward situation.|||Its 5:18 here, close enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfqtO88ZlBQ|||I live almost in the tropics and near a beach. Super boring, cant wait to move. Plus there arent any seasons so its the same old, same old. So I'll take the trendy hip area in a major city....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=355Fk8drgZE|||short answer as a former green mod/global mod and admin on this forum; they can, perhaps not immediate but persistent trolls can end up with the ban hammer. Best to report the posts or talk to the...|||now this was a sight Tow truck pulls out of the neighbors driveway with repossessed car in tow. The Neighbor who was walking his dog sees truck, and runs trying to flag it down. Neighbors pants...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlF5SwQePFA|||Dear Special Snowflake You walk into a forum dedicated to a specific chronic illness, ask a bunch of stupid questions, and post threads for the sake of posting threads. I get that you are looking...|||smirnoff ice makes a great fly catcher. Drink half the bottle, leave the other half and watch em drunk drown.|||Hey braided pain c'mon over.|||Lifetime supply of gin? Ladies and Gentlemen this is going to work out very well A toast to the INTJ embassy.:perc3:|||So the pain radiating down your arm is just nerve irritation, says the PT. Goes back to Ortho and says PT is making things worse. Ortho says pain radiating down your arm is not a shoulder problem....|||I have the same issue with visitor messages; additionally PM notifications are showing up in my email, but not on my home page.|||Back in the early days of the forum, thanks were allowed.|||4. No Advertising Advertising bots, propaganda accounts, accounts used for evangelizing, and persons who register with the intention of using this forum for SEO or link-dropping will be banned...|||Ok Rebecca, how about washing the lettuce with vodka, or gin instead of water. And when its poured over, have a bowl ready so the vodka/gin can be recycled into a drink.|||Use water from a water bottle or container. The leaves can be rinsed easily enough.|||I am in the grocery store looking for a head of lettuce. And low and behold a plastic container of lettuce leafs conveniently pulled apart from its core...cause its SOOOO EASY to just take a leaf...|||high of 95, with red flag warnings ( conditions are ideal for the start and spread of wildfires ) so I guess I wont be firing up the grill today|||Small tears in tendons and frozen shoulder. How fun|||Tequila is on sale, might as well stock up. Do we need anything else?|||Whaaaat? oh 'come on. The audience would have loved a public execution.|||some passive/aggressive crap going on with that one|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4vqBmHl0CE|||Oh Dear This is one of the milder clips. There are others which are far worse, to the point where TLC put a dont try this at home disclaimer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WMOtwiTBPg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETimc43gX-k|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Zh67WbyEM|||Commander|||Okra, I got okra. Two pods on each plant about 1/2 long. Tomatoes; got them too, still green though'
'Yeah I don't apologize nor comply in agreement because I feel thst it wouldn't help and even worsen things in the long run. If thry aren't like that I would be more open to be vulnerable but last...|||Kirjuri and Crimson Ash thank you for the advice. Distance is exactly what I opted to do right now. Temporarily getting away from all these as it's really draining. Crimson Ash, yeah the two...|||What to do when you want to be with your family but they have so many issues? They are emotionally very dramatic and reactive, with distorted sense of morality and blaming. I can't believe what...|||Gaah, I don't even know how to start process this all. Family disfunctional stuffs surfacing when you least expected it, triggered by some minor stuffs. Why is everyone reacting in such grand scale?...|||It's hard to get her to interest more in learning if her parents have a negative attitude towards it. I guess that many of us are familiar with how studying is often associated as pure responsibility...|||Actually by law in my country the employer has to ensure that the employee must either take all the vacations or get paid of the vacation value in cash. Vacations here are also paid and are 22 days....|||Yes. Time off is really valuable and important and many might not realize that they are burning out until it becomes really bad. It's not only bad for sanity but also health. And the recovery might...|||Try to find meaning and fun in order to feel that you are really enjoying and looking forward to your tasks. This is the first and most important step. Then figure out how to rest efficiently....|||I guess that if you have tried talking to them but they stopped communicating then there's nothing you can really do. Otherwise it's about mutually trying to be understanding, empathetic, listenning...|||Wen I picked my Bsc in Computer Cience degree - because picking a degree is expected, because I didn't have any particular interest so I picked this coz I liked computers (did not know what was...|||lol I guess it depends. When guys start with boys club kind of talk (sex, women, you know, boys stuffs) then it can feel a bit like sausage fest. I confess that I don't feel 100% at ease so most of...|||https://youtu.be/5UT8RkSmN4k XD|||It's good to have things so simple one does not have to put on much effort to learn how to use. It's great if tools are intuitive and easy to save time. The problem is when one is supposed to know...|||My issue was that I couldn't see the point and interest in learning what I was learning back then. I had difficulty in integrating with other classmates and ended up skipping theoretical classes, and...|||Lolz where do guys like you spawn from. XD|||Thanks for the compliment! :kitteh: Our marriage is far fom perfect and I'm certainly not the perfect wife, with so much still to learn. I hope that you'll find someone and then do come visit...|||Yeah unfortunately his manager knows nothing at all, even thought he is supposed to. He has a degree from some private university (not sure if finished) but somehow he barely worked with technical...|||I can relate to this in some way. After high school I've got into Computer Science degree, then first year I only did half the subjects, second year barely anything, then the next years put efforts...|||Actually in Portugal a degree is at a very accessible price. Public ones are around 1k€ per year. Private ones usually around 200€ something per month which is just double. Minimum wage is around...|||We are going through a big evolution in the past few decades, from not having computers nor smartphones to the common use of devices and internet. So many people, specially older ones, are not very...|||I can relate to your situation in a way. Studying was never a big issue for me so I might lack of discipline when compared to others who actually had to put more effort. It was when I was at the...|||From waht I could understand, does it mean you actually arrived at your current course easily because you have an easy time with studies (never needed much effort) but now you feel like you are just...|||INFJs always has energy to fight... as long as it's for defending the unfairly treated ones. And it's more cruel to have to drown them with the spoon rather than drown them right away. :(|||INFJ dog would not proactively lick someone. They'd observe from afar and lick if the person approaches in a friendly manner. A diplomatic tail wag might happen but nothing too joyous. That joyous...|||Thing is, a manager doesn't need to know much about each team role's expertise but he or she should at least have a good idea and what they need, what are the geenral hardships and issues and how he...|||Welcome to Portugal's snob culture of pedigrees. :P As a fellow portuguese I get what you said. Thought I'm for people getting degrees because here it often makes a difference as to opening doors to...|||I rarely get vulnerable towards someone because I hardly trust. I don't consider venting as being vulnerable, but rather allowing someone else know something about me that I feel uncomfortable or...|||AutumnLeaves said it all. Really, live your life the way you want because at the end of the day you're the one walking it. Explore the alternatives that are most to your liking then go and chase what...|||What are you talking about? It's just a button after all. *trigger* XD Actually there are non technical background managers who can do a great job, the problematic ones are the ones unwilling to...|||Personally I feel that I've always lived in my own world as well. While other people seemcapable of knowing what's happening around the, and in the world, I seem to not pay much attention. News,...|||I'm struggling with conflicting feelings right now. At the same time I just want to postpone dealing with them. I'm currently resenting my parents and younger sibling, and distanced myself from...|||I've answered something similar which is that I'm often too focused that I really dislike interruptions. Being a programmer, this is a big pet peeve. The interviewers were happy with the answer,...|||The I'm a perfectionist answer is so used that experienced recruiters can smell this BS lol. :P|||Yes, the straightforwardness and emotional stability are great. :) He can also devote himself despite feeling tired or emotionally negative (but no drama). Having dealt with emotional people who are...|||Prepare for a crazy experience. XP What is the nature of the relationship you have in your mind? Friendship? Romantic? Family? I'm and INFJ married to my ISTJ husband and we've been together for a...|||In my career as a programmer I also tend to be tested and interviewed in different ways in the later interviews. And in some I've failed miserably too. I remember how horrible I did in my first...|||I'm feeling very upset over something. It's not doing me any good. All this toxicity; I should distance myself from it. It's just so tiresome. No, I'm not a saint and I feel angry about it. I...|||Gratitude is indeed a great gift. :) I try to remind myself of it often and it brings happiness to remember all the good things and luck we have. Sometimes it's important to just do that, to stop a...|||In my case I guess that there's healthy balance because while I like being nice and helpful/caring, I do avoid being too much. I analyse (Ni-Fe style lol) how the other person perceives me, if they...|||Some time ago my younger brother who started working recently asked me and my husband to help him with a loan... for a gaming console. It'd be 20€ a month for 2 years, we'd pay it each month while...|||Even so, double the time. Then when manager says it's too much and ask if you can shorten it, shorten by the extra time you secretly added while showing uneasiness and say that will be very hard but...|||I probably depends on the country and the company selecting the candidates. But then sometimes different universities has different reputations due to their quality - how good e teachers are, how...|||Ah, this is a classic topic about estimates! Estimates in programming and software engineering is hard and really a rocket science. Because so many things might go wrong or take extra time to do, and...|||I'm employed and to me, work life balance would be the possibility to switch off from work related stuffs when I'm out of work. This means no extra hours of work nor contacting me to work outside...|||Why is a troll being engaged?|||Once in an office I was in a glass room full of programmers while the managers were outside. While the programmers were quiet and focused on their work, the managers where often chatty, happy, plays...|||Did you mean that by helping them it might hinder their learning so it feels wrong? Maybe we do hinder their learning, or maybe it was actually what's needed to help them learn, who knows? I...|||Loop assumptions XD But personally I have to disagree with the last phrase - why should we necessarily blame the victim? If someone develops trust issues because they were hurt by someone else...|||You might have made lots of research of your own about thought patterns behind reincarnation. But yet without knowing about the thought patterns behind my case, you made lots of assumptions about my...|||It seems that there is a lot of projection on what you think I believe even if many of them are actually untrue for me. Just because someone believes in part of buddism, like reincarnation, doesn't...'
'stupid [ˈstjuːpɪd] adj 1. lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence 2. (usually postpositive) stunned, dazed, or stupefied stupid from lack of sleep 3. having dull mental...|||But why not? What are you, some kind of elitist? How do you expect people to get in there if they don't have a good road? They can walk. Suppose they're too old to walk? Too young? Too fat,...|||Good lord! Is this now an assault on my browser and tabbed browsing efficiency? The intention of my most was to demonstrate the different interests I have instead of a boring wallpaper, which...|||Do you wear a lot of makeup? I happen to not wear makeup at all, I've been all natural for about three months now. It's oddly satisfying. Do you spend a lot of time on your hair in the...|||Mmmm, so good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReJ5p458DoY|||You're truly not very socially awkward if you're worried about that- not everyone has to go out every night. Don't let your past experiences get you down because you have the rest of your life in...|||Er what? Where are these people? Do they hide? Have you seen one recently? Are you sure they're not extinct? I'm just messin'. I tend to think that a lot of INTJ women are very creative because...|||Right.. well I thought my desktop was a bit boring.. so here's what I'm doing right now. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b370/kaeliwells/ks.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xQF0gerTtM|||Typical teenage girls who can't see past their own problems long enough to see the rest of the world standing next to them. It confuses me how a person can be so focused about trivial things such as...|||When I don't let a poor grade affect my own happiness- I've been really good about not having a so-called break down every time I don't get an A on something. Sometimes things in life are just...|||Hah, hang out, you're oh-so-cute my dear. We don't hang out in packs like wolves or teenage girls, we do stuff on our own or with a few friends. Now that we got past that one.. I love being...|||http://hwhills.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sherlock_holmes_poster.jpg Est très magnifique, non?|||Please don't get me a gift unless it is meaningful or I can do something useful with it. I'd rather you not spend money on something that you don't want to buy and I don't want to have to politely...|||Don't judge, just listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wDbejJ1A00|||It's a beautiful thing when the person you like very much thinks he's an anarchist (and may very well be one) and decides that you are part of the establishment and or dislikes the concept of you...|||Isn't that the best part of it though, that you really can't tell for sure? Maybe I'm just that good. Maybe not.|||Well now that you mention it.. (I believe that a girlish flick of the hair, fake giggle, or cutesy shrug would be best suited here.) I have no idea why you think we're so great, honestly we have...|||^ Wow http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/253470_2124298710803_1345942953_2466952_1552358_n.jpg|||I agree with you. I believe that NTs who are still figuring themselves out have a tendency to shy away from relationships because of the unknown variables involved. They're so focused on foreseeing...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2A_Juv213s|||Great thread idea! http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254183_2106150497109_1345942953_2444941_6541906_n.jpg I recently hiked to the top of Humphrey Summit (12633 ft) the top of...|||Sarcasm? What sarcasm? I don't see any of that going on here.|||I have the same problem. My entire life most of my friends have been male and the few female friends I do have are really down to earth or I've known for a while. People who are close to me deserve...|||No, not at all, I'm proud to say that I'm a loyal person. Perhaps, trust issues is not the best way to put it. Basically he doesn't let people get close to him without running them through a...|||You've got it completely down, good job. I'm just hoping that he'll be able to get through what ever emotional problems he's having, being patient is going to be about the only thing I can do. Out of...|||Lovely tangents you guys! We're both INTJ, and I'm asking for suggestions to get him to be more trusting (and be more trusting myself?) How ironic, indeed.|||I was getting very close to a person I think highly of when suddently he shut down on me. Since then I've had a difficult time getting him to open up, or flat-out trust me. We've spent a lot of...|||In the community of people I am currently in, people are not very accepting of overly insightful people. I believe the term know-it-all has become the current stereotype. They're afraid of what...|||I immediately laughed when I read this, I can see the guy as a wild animal with scared eyes looking to dash off into the forest. Be gentle, for goodness sake! Make your intentions known and move...|||I know, as an INTJ, that I'm highly attracted to people who know their stuff and he might be the same way. Talk about something that you're proficient at or know a lot about. He'll be impressed by...|||Is easy. was the first thing that came to my mind. Isn't that horrible? I think it's more of judging when is it the right time to cheat and when is the right time to have integrity. I've notived...|||I procrastinate way too much. Have to find the perfect person. Have to get over my own emotional insecurities. Have to prepare in one way or another. Never actually get to the act. Hah.|||I actually have a really great memory, however, I'm not sure if it's a curse or a blessing yet. But the way in which I rememer things is a little strange. Let's say I'd had a conversation with...|||Not very, not at all? I truly don't wear any makeup because most women use it to hide what they really look like (and who they really are? Let's have some rhetorical fun.) I'm very fit and active...|||Thanks, and what do you mean by 'facepalmed?'|||From my perspective, I think that you're still an INTJ. I have the same problem myself, I experience emotions but quickly push them away after assuming that they are interfering with the personal...|||I'd like to suggest 'Bones.' The leading role is played by a women and the dialogue is witty enough. 'The Mentalist' is another good one.|||I've discovered that now I waste less time resisting who I am, and spend more time finding solutions to the qualities I don't agree with.|||When you can easily trace your train of thought from one topic to another, even if you thought about eleven other things in the process of getting there. Topics ranging from the meaning of life to...|||All I can say is that I'm happy that you found some one, as we all know here, that is very difficult. Think about her like you would yourself, she's very similar. If you don't like playing mental...|||People who are close-minded, especially when it comes to things which are not concrete, such as religion. This is especially true with people who believe that their religion is better than everyone...|||I'd rather wake up un the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth. - Steve McQueen Ah, personal isolation and loathing of society at its best.|||You had to go through five Os on Google in order to make sure that you are, indeed, an INTJ.|||1.) Geniuses - To a certain extent this is true, with me, I'm very good at doing certain tasks. I feel awkward when I am unable to do something well- especially around other people. 2.)...'
'@Judson Joist With presents as an excuse I meant that someone gives you a present because he/she wants to end/avoid conflict because he/she finds the situation uncomfortable (and doesn't want...|||Because we hiss at people and try to scratch their eyes out when they don't understand sarcasm/our humor.(metaphorically of course.....or maybe not)... well whatever..this way there're less cowards...|||One word to describe intelligence: intellect. It doesn't matter if you're good at math or any other subject, you can still be stupid as shit. A lot of people only consider people who've got good...|||What Languages Do You Know? Basic / Intermediate / Advanced / Fluent English - Advanced/Fluent (That's something that needs to be judged by a native speaker I guess) French - intermediate ...|||:proud::proud::laughing:....sorry but you can't transform like a pokemon- changing your view about something doesn't change your personality- maybe you didn't answer truthfully? I assume this...|||Yuki Kajiura turn, parting song and several other from pandora hearts just beautiful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2yzdoS9Vpo lillium from elfenlied piano version|||I agreed with catrific at one point: I talked about introversion and extraversion an blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ...just because you can recit many facts about the...|||You're not good at speaking with strangers- so what? If you are the way you described yourself other people value you for your honesty and the fact that you don't speak incessantly about unimportant...|||It's something that doesn't occur often and if it does I really mean it. I'm not a person who would tell you something like this just to please you -I'd even consider that lying. And if I like you...|||the release of endorphines- just go jogging for about 2 hours and you got it^^-|||Broken ...it should prevent him from falling asleep out of boredom:happy:^^|||People shouldn't be allowed to spit on the ground- if they dislike the taste of cigarettes they should just quit- washing your hands should be the norm expecting people to act as you wish or...|||DEAD SPACE 2 (^^^^)..nice game ....cross my heart and hope to die- stick a needle in my eye (enter the last part of the sentence at youtube and you'll see what I mean...:happy:)|||...portal2 and skyrim or another code for wii|||kikidmonkey if it is the author run out of money before being able to properly finish this shit|||my score is 14 - less then an autist^^^^:proud:^ ...am I really human? or a stone?^^|||Why are we never the clingy ones? Because 8 hours in school are usually enough socialzing ? ....Clingy would be 2-3 hours additional to the 8 in school, which doesn't occur every day- such...|||a nokia...a really old almost ancient^^...I rarely use it and if then just for calls- no text messaging.|||How long does it take for an INTJ to react to anger?: Friends: A long long time. I usually don't take the anger of other people who vent their wrath on me personally- so not at all or with logic...|||...no that would be a waste of money.|||lolthevoidlol: something I'm often accused of- even though it's them, or more to say what my behaviour caused- so not them but me^^|||KraMer: ...yes I do... either to find out how they think or why/when they react in situations. When I was smaller I once used out of boredom for every math exercise a new sheet just to see...|||I definitely feel that way. I'm just not sure how many people are inside of me. Sometimes it's as if a switch has been turned and then I act like a whole different person. People are quite...|||MissGinger: I was confused why you confronted me with things I agreed with you upon- with whatever they teach I wanted to say whatever a priest says in the meaning of following blindly without...|||MissGinger: Then please ask if something is unclear. To me it all naturally seems logical and clear.(did you read the previous posts that advert to this subject?)|||...what are you referring to now??? Did you misunderstand something again? All I wrote is that christians do accept different kinds of people- what shouldn't be right about that?|||Humoriarty : But I am a catholic^^^^ That's exactly what I've been trying to tell you all the time^^. I know a lot of catholics who don't think or act like this- it's the majority in fact. This way...|||I didn't write that it was a sin in the first place- I agree with you I don't agree that homosexuality is a sin I hope that I've made it clear enough.|||MissGinger: I didn't mean their teachings but the attitude of some catholic people! There are some catholics who consider homosexuality a sin- I did only want to say that I don't agree on such...|||I do the same when I'm uncomfortable with the people around me- just look for different people to hang out with. I don't think it'll work out when you don't like spending time with them.|||MissGinger: I'm from a different country and over here nothing of what you've written applies. As a catholic you aren't forced to believe whatever they teach- I'm free to disagree. The number of...|||I'll also say hi- ^^|||I deleted the enneagramm result because my result changed constantly with the slightest change.|||Yes I have no use nor need for superficial relationships. I am like this I admit it^^(even though I'd never call myself romantic). I really cheshire people who don't try to change me and are able to...|||Yes I get that a lot. It's more like I'd think that someone who is a very sensitive person who doesn't say it as strange, because I'm used to it. If any of my friends would say that I'd just...|||Animus: I absolutely share this kind of view.|||...what did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP! - exactly what happens(I actually did without planning to :ninja:- just felt wrong)|||Humoriarty do I need to repeat myself or are you simply not able to read? It's not total and these kind of christians aren't the norm. And no not believing everything fully and obediently...|||I've not been attracted to a person in this way but I like people who're keeping some distance from me and aren't trying hug me better than people who do or move constantly because of nervousness but...|||...that's not what I meant to say. If you don't believe in God then that's it. I assumed that you don't very much because you described christians as close-minded in general and because you said...|||...why did you thank the previous post???? There was not even specific information in it.(did it apply anyway???)|||Simply ask yourself questions and find answers.... what exactly do you want to gain from it? What was the exact problem? You can't do anything about the past but accept it, confronting the person...|||...why do you get anxious at all? Where is the exact problem/ the cause?|||just too true^^|||I assume you do not know very much about religion or christianity because some people pissed you off immediately because of their opinionated starry-eyed belief.^^|||...remember to breathe^^ Talking fast is sometimes more efficent, but it makes it impossible for someone else to speak or pose additional questions. Watch the other person attentively so that if the...|||Elyasis: I was aware of that- I just don't like being called simple. I usually don't judge people so harshly, and I usually don't shoot myself^^ Humoriarty: Of course science as opposed to...|||...sometimes more sometimes less^^...but usually only around people I like.|||....I'm allowed to make mistakes- it's not my native language|||@Humorarity: ...it's more like I'd picture God rather female than male or not at all- you could say like an energie of a whole different kind. If everything is explainable, please explain how the big...'
Corrected me? I don't believe you corrected me, per say. That would imply that I was wrong about something, which I wasn't. You seemed to wish for some sort of clarification of my terminology which I...|||Helloooo lady friends... I am currently working on two articles for a men's magazine (targeting ages 18-45) and they require a female point of view. If you would like to contribute your input...|||No cause for debate on my forum! Just wanna know how guys 'strategize' zeroing in on a more compatible mate!! Thank you.|||Hi guys :) Another article I'm writing for a local Colorado magazine is about men (ages 18-45) who prefer to live with multiple roommates. If you would like to contribute to my article and help me...|||Thanks Kevin! Love my INFJ boys.|||Next month I'll do a reverse article on what ladies do to weed out the crazy dudes as well! :)|||I'm referring to the mainstream media usage. Thanks for helping me clarify :)|||Hi guys :) Another article I'm writing for a local Colorado magazine is about men (ages 18-45) who prefer to live with multiple roommates. If you would like to contribute to my article and help...|||Hi Everyone! I'm currently writing an article for a Denver men's magazine (geared toward ages 18-45) and I'm conducting a little poll. If interested in contributing, please answer this question...|||What I don't understand is why his girlfriend was friending you in the first place... How does she even know who you are? Also, whether you tell her or not about this guy's behavior, his deception...|||and please continue to appreciate your local ESFP maniac. we appreciate appreciation.|||well if its about the zombie apocalypse, that's serious.....|||Don't tell me what to do!!|||I think when people are too intense about hypothetical situations, it can be pretty scary lol.|||We don't have any issue over the fact that I'm extroverted and he's introverted. He's great when he's out with people and isn't shy at all-- he just needs to have his alone time to recoup. And I'm...|||Also.... I preferred Gale to Peeta. Gale seemed like one of the only people who didn't go through an emotional breakdown. Everyone has such a fragile psyche in this book series. Katniss questions...|||I can't see anything of myself in her lol. In the book at least. I still need to see the film. I think what I may have in common with her is that I'm protective of those I care about. But I'm...|||Cassie... Do you feel more secure beginning a relationship before you have physically met a person because you are insecure about your appearance? Men can smell insecurity and it can be easily taken...|||a homeless person with an english accent always throws me off.. they sound too classy to be homeless!|||what about what makes ME happy? .... hehe|||Yeah it all does feel a lot easier and simpler when I let go of my presumptions. I'm not used to someone who understands my weak points this well and it makes me feel a bit exposed haha. Trying to...|||i think actually sitting and talking to a telemarketer would be more against-the-grain than hanging up on one.|||also i'm a leo. born the year of the tiger. i'm a fire cat.|||i'm 'the performer.' i'm totes fire. woosh!!|||There's something about this INFJ guy that I know I find unsettling and attractive at the same time. How can I feel inherently uneasy about someone, somehow knowing in the back of my mind that they...|||PS: I don't know if I can speak for that guy you were wondering about who is also an ESFP like me... But if I specifically tell someone I don't want a relationship, I mean it. And if I'm not calling...|||I don't get it when everyone says ESFPs can't be deep. I am ESFP and I'm extremely intense and love having deep conversations and helping people with any problems they might have. I'm not shallow and...
'I'm very guilty of this. I tend to pick my battles and will let people think I agree unless it's something I believe strongly. Other times, I fear being judged by others for how I feel on a subject...|||I'm on Facebook. I am mostly there to keep in touch with family and friends. I don't post much but when I do, it's usually the beginning of a rant or something I find humorous. I do more replies to...|||My birthday was last week and my ISTP fiance got me some gifts. Before opening them she tells me, It's not what you want, it's what you need. My gifts consisted of socks, a sweater, a thermal...|||I'm straight but my girlfriend is always cracking jokes that I'm gay. I tend to be a lot more sensitive and emotional than her. Straight folk in general make similar jokes about me but I've never...|||I think you have a good first step with that comment. You're right, it really is easier said than done to cut someone out of your life. After failing to do this many times in my own life...|||I can't stand when someone asks you for your opinion but then they get argumentative when you express it. I recently experienced this again and it really ticked me off. I was reluctant to give my...|||I don't necessarily associate some thoughts to physical places so much as moments in time. I'll use the same example in regards to talking about my feelings. I often associate the thought of talking...|||I tend towards being conscious of wasting things. That isn't to say I don't waste but more that when it happens, I am disappointed that it happened. I try to avoid wasting whenever I can.|||I've learned that when I do communicate to be as specific as possible. I used to think she was just picking apart my words but she really places importance on the significance of certain words. She's...|||I'm dating an ISTP and communication was disastrous for a lot of the above listed reasons. They don't like to talk too much and let body language do most of the talking. And of course, as an ISFJ...|||1. Does it bother you if your platonic friend spends time with others or starts to get close to them? If so, how do you feel when that happens? Does it bother you more if you have just newly become...|||What are some of the physical traits you find attractive? (not personality traits) Eyes are really what stand out for me. I think ChocolateLatte put how I feel about physical attraction best, I...|||I took that test a while back. I got similar results but different percentages. I agree with the test though. I felt it was fairly accurate. Openness This trait refers to the extent to which you...|||I'd love to switch to Ubuntu. If I didn't do so much PC gaming which requires DX, I'd probably have switched ages ago. I've installed it in times past and really like the interface. It's a shame that...|||I'm kind of a computer geek so I don't really run into too much trouble but I thought Apple was supposed to be one of the more user friendly companies out there. At least, that's what Apple fans...|||Infatuation always comes before love. So whether it feels like love or not, I usually keep it to myself. I know those are just euphoric feelings from the newness of the relationship and I really...|||That could be true. I actually registered over a year ago but didn't start posting until January. :p|||I don't know why I haven't posted in this thread yet. I'm a pretty big gamer. I'm mostly into RPGs when alone though. I'll play the occasional racer or shooter with friends but RPGs are my true...|||Sorry to necro-thread this but I just wanted to give an update. Things kept getting more distant and I thought for sure I was losing her. We weren't even touching for hugs or anything else....|||When I read your post, that's the first thing that stood out to me. When parents don't let their kids grow up and take on responsibility, you create a much bigger mess later on. I know people like...|||I think my mom is an ISFJ and I know my grandma is definitely an ISFJ. I had trouble identifying my mom as an ISFJ because of her habitual lateness. When you take that away though, she really seems...|||I don't tend to be protective of everyone. It is often people I'm close to. That's not to say that when I see a random person hurting that I don't want to help in some way. I'm just cautious so I...|||I can relate to what both of you have said. I do have difficulty expressing my emotions. I have to feel 100% safe with someone before I express myself in an emotional way. Unfortunately, there's only...|||I agree with everyone that we're pretty laid back in general. I think that we're all laid back in different areas though. This is probably mostly due to the fact that we base so much on our...|||I can only go off of my own experience but I actually preferred it when the ENFJ I was involved with did most of the talking. :) And I really liked her because of how outgoing she was. So he's...|||Indeed, I definitely agree with you. The fortunate thing is that we started off as friends so it only made sense to retain that friendship after everything was said and done. Not everyone seems to...|||I have had a very similar experience to yours with an ISTP I was dating. Not identical but very similar. I can draw a lot of parallels. I was attracted to her for the reasons of her being pretty down...|||Yes, I can totally relate to that. I hate it too because I love reading but I never really get anything accomplished since I have to try to read the pages again to see what I missed. :p|||I can't really think of a lot of specific times. I guess it just seems like something I should be doing so I don't hold on to the memory, strangely enough. One thing that comes to mind though, and...|||So, do you iSFJ's feel comfortable sharing your living space? I feel comfortable with it so long as my boundaries aren't crossed. It's easier for me to live with someone I'm committed to than a...|||I was married to an ENFJ for eleven years. Though I don't have quite a tally in the amount of relationships I've had, I can honestly say that was one of the most awesome relationships I've ever had....|||In general, I get to where I want to spend time with someone regularly when I'm developing feelings for them. The stronger those feelings, the more I want them around. I can be clingy from time to...|||1. If you could only live on one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? I have to agree about pasta. So many ways you can do with it. Not to mention, it's a double score since I...|||I've had two people compliment me on my unique perspective of things. I think it is an ISFJ thing. In this forum, I notice that even though we ISFJs may have different end thoughts on a subject, it's...|||No, I refuse the treatment I would want the best for my child but I don't know if genetic enhancements is the way to go. Stress and anxiety are not things we should be ridding ourselves of....|||I get like that all of the time. Sometimes I find a project or create one just to distract myself. Lately since being alone, I find speaking my thoughts out loud helps. I look for links in what I'm...|||Due to the religion I grew up in, I didn't have any birthday celebrations. Since it was never a tradition that was experienced much, I don't really have expectations on birthdays or most holidays for...|||Based on how you described it, I can't really say that I become attached in that way. It's not to say I don't get attached though. When my wife and I finally decided it was time to split up, I really...|||Yeah, that's pretty much me...minus the handmade gifts. :) I just suck at flirting. So the most I seem to manage is to compliment the person. I can't help be a little jealous of my ENFJ twin. He...|||I have perfectionist tendencies with some things. I work as a bookkeeper and I have a hard time ignoring small mistakes. I've been off in a balance by as low as ten cents and I'll try to track it...|||My ENFJ ex-wife used to have intense dreams like that. One thing that always seemed true is that she was struggling internally with an issue regarding her perceptions of a person or group. Sometimes...|||I mostly just like rock in general. A few of my favorites in no particular order: Def Leppard, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, The Cure, Within Temptation, 30 Seconds to Mars, Garbage, Stone Temple Pilots,...|||I have to agree with teddy564339 about this being a difficult question for the same reason of so many variations and types. As far as love that I would feel for a possible partner though, I tend...|||Results You scored 41.5 out of a total of 44. Your score puts you in the highest category of social reasoning. You will see ethical and moral values as important to the needs of society and...|||No need for apologies though I appreciate the gesture. :) I appreciate you being so open to what I had to say. I honestly believe that when we are truly aware of not only our personality but that of...|||I don't think that's fair though. I am sorry for the negative experiences you are dealing with in regards to your mom. I fully understand that some personality types can rub each other the wrong way...|||I like the first approach. If it was me, it would leave me feeling that your not putting an expectation on me but rather really interested in how I feel. The second approach makes me just want to fix...|||Personally, I don't do well with phone calls. E-mails, instant messaging, even texts give me time to gather my thoughts and express what I need to. I have difficulty making the first move. I've...|||...when you make a promise to do something for someone and end up blowing them off. Also, I've agreed with all of the posts so far. I am guilty of all of those things. Maybe these things are in...|||Wow, I really thought time ironed out these kinds of things. I hope I'm not insulting you, but without knowing your background, this issue sounded like something that might happen in the first few...'
mooni wut y r u here m8 Edit: okay I entirely thought this was the ISTP chat thread I'll just leave|||I mean the original was def ',:/ but I'll accept this evolution ;P|||Love travelling, for the independence, and getting to see and experience totally new sights and weather and food and languages and people (in that order heh) and basically what I want to do with my...|||Oh look, I've been summoned. If you don't want me to see stuff, you probably shouldn't tag me in it ;P|||I ended up ISOing the mod in an attempt to find the flips before I started reading anything, and then didn't write down where I got info from. So yeah, I got myself killed XD|||lol tbf I did think it was in the OP I read in a mod post SOMEWHERE XD|||Reckon I got myself shot tbh XD|||:blushed: YO|||the exact same|||Edit button - man, I've missed you.|||yeah, be careful or you'll get sucked in >:D|||Helloooooo there :O|||I'm a freakin' mole. Or a bat/snake as the other options|||Happy 3001 ;P|||I count 8 ISTP threads updated in the last 22:44 hours Vs. 23 ENTP threads We don't really like to talk much, do we XD|||So what's stopping you? :tongue:|||Yeah exactly. I mean, it's not like I have no friends or anything. I have far too many friends and I don't know how I got most of them, heh. I just have no interest in strengthening relationships...|||Well, in England, but yeah pretty much.|||Normally around 7 hours. The timing of this varies greatly depending on what day it is.|||Human interaction has seemed so pointless recently. Like, with any luck I'll never see most of these people again by the end of this year. Can't really be bothered to put any energy into improving...|||Why am I so averse to expressing enthusiasm about anything I actually care about? Seriously, it's like I have a mental block or something.|||Just saw an advertisement for 'up to 100% protection'. Naaaahhhhhhh, really?|||Dear ESTJ, Can you sort out your own problems for once in your life and stop coming to me for advice on how to talk to people. Like, seriously. Have you met me? You're fucked, mate. Cheers,...|||17 yay me|||I love how everyone's all RAWR WE'RE STAGING A TAKEOVER JOIN US IN OUR GLORIOUS VICTORY OR BE THWARTED IN OUR WAKE And we're all Eh Not feelin' it.|||Dear ESFP, Please stop running off with the headtorch while we're climbing through a cave. I quite like having functioning ankles. ISTP.|||I want a car.|||Ewwwwwww, intuitives.|||ISTP, skeptic|||I read that as in Polish as in Poland and was very confused about why you wanted to make your Swedish sound more Polish :tongue:|||Well, feel free to give us more points anyway 0:)|||yes, two of them. hush :tongue:|||Okay okay, we know we're about a month late. But. Late entry? :tongue: Vocaroo | Voice message With Alette and Theobroma|||Yes. Even though he'll eventually start to understand MBTI and ultimately abandon me, but we'll always be type buddies in spirit. Definitely.|||Sup :cool: We have way better emoticons than MU, I think you'll enjoy it here :P|||It had to do with which pages loaded fastest, certainly... :tongue:|||I did it o/ lol my judging criteria were dodgy as fuck but hey the main thing is I did it, right? XD|||So I was at sports day on Wednesday and I lost the entire mid-pitch range on my voice from yelling 'encouragment'. Now the logical next step here is probably to rest, drink lots of smoothies and try...|||How soon is soon? (Literally trying to put a duet together right now :P)|||Why won't some people take credit for their own achievement and feel pleased with themselves, rather than attributing all their success to the interference of a higher power/deity? (Don't mind me,...|||The original key was really high and I sing at man pitch so I moved it XP But you're welcome to the earporn ^^|||359562 Ahem. Is this any better? I got distracted by all the cool stuff on Audacity so now it, uh, echoes... wasn't me :P Vocaroo | Voice message|||I'd love to thank this but I'm a judge so I won't yet :P Do you need me to send you a louder version? And omg your Narwhay-speak is so pretty :D|||If you need it louder Poxy I'll re-upload it - not sure why it went so quiet >_>|||Ahaha, that's not me playing, that's my computer playing :P|||PolexiaSmallPox here ya go :D Vocaroo | Voice message The accuracy of the transcription is kinda better at the start purely cuz I got lazy later on... and the guitar tune at the end doesn't exist...|||Yeah that sounds easily doable, tell me what you decide and I can probably do it by tomorrow night ^^|||You don't need instrumental but I can make you one if you want depending on which song it is :P|||Dude. :listening_headphone|||The thing that bugs me is the :listeningheadphones one.
'I don't not eat my own boogers.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMZ4gHGAIkA|||Frontal images of airplanes.|||Most INTP's I know have a really wide music taste, take me for example, I listen to black metal, death metal, progressive rock, post rock, some classical rock, electronic/idm, ambient, jazz, hip...|||I started talking in sentences when I was like 2-3 years old, and I learned how to read at 3-4 years old apparently. At least that's what my mom says.|||I used to go out every weekend for almost 10 years to get drunk and high, but then I stopped doing that and now I almost never leave my house anymore.|||I wish I had two monitors and a super speed computer.|||@HAL Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd end up convincing them not to buy it, if that was my job.|||Not at all, I'm also not scared of going to the dentist or any other painful thing that most people are scared of.|||Left probably, since I'm left footed.|||My legs are usually twisted in all kinds of ways, but I can't sit like that because I'm too tall, and my back is pretty shit.|||The Internet.|||You should listen to Deathspell Omega and The Ruins of Beverast, unless you only like it grim and kvlt.|||Finnish DM is absolutely the best thing in the world.|||I wouldn't really call myself a Metalhead, but I've been listening to metal since I was 9 (although not quite as much lately as I used to), but here's my Last.fm if you want to see what I listen/have...|||I'd love to have an armchair to sit in infront of my PC.|||Stop telling me what to do.|||epik memers|||Woman up, dick.|||I don't see any reason for someone to like me. Sometimes I say funny things, maybe that's one. I don't know.|||Well I've never lost a game of memory in my life, so...|||99 because I got bored at the 13th question, but I did one a few years ago and it was 130-140, I don't remember exactly.|||I don't find it hard, because I don't do online quizzes.|||I like spring because everything is coming to life, and I like autumn because everything is dying.|||I can't be bothered reading her whole Wikipedia article, but I like Charles Manson, if that helps.|||I probably wouldn't do anything, but if my life was depending on it, then I would probably do everything in the same sitting.|||I have a few ESTP friends(at least I think that's what they are), they're pretty cool people, most of the time at least.|||When I want to think, I put on something relaxing, when I don't want to think, I put on something very complex so I have to analyze what's going on.|||Why would an INTP wear a suit, that's pretty stupid.|||That about sums it up for me, but I prefer asses over boobs, or maybe both are good, who knows. But maybe asses are still better.|||Ich kann verstehe Deutsch, aber meine sprache ist nicht so gut. I really like linguistics actually, I'm fluent in English and Slovenian, I can understand Serbo - Croatian, German, Spanish, Italian...|||I don't know, we stopped using those a few years ago.|||We already changed ours on Sunday, because we're a more progressive country than the USA.|||I have over a hundred original CDs at home and over 200 GB of downloaded music on my computer. But then again I don't live in USA so I can download whatever I want.|||Grasshoppers, and pictures of airplanes from the front.|||Nice blog.|||Exhume to consume.|||Then you were too sober.|||I mean, this entire post sounds like something I'd write to troll other people, so I don't know really.|||Am I being trolled?|||Yeah but, I suppose you get that title if you're dealing with large quantities of drugs, not if you buy just enough to live a comfortable life.|||But you could be the guy in charge of the pack, so all you do is you give the drugs to some small dealers and they sell it for you.|||You could always be a drug dealer.|||What are you even talking about? This isn't INTPs anonymous.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7mPqycQ0tQ|||@Agelastos Thanks for reminding me about Summoning, it's been a few years since I've last listened to them. Edit: Oh they actually released a new album last year, I hope it's not too shit.|||But he's Portuguese.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awn9BQ4pPQE|||B-but Jesus' Tod is so entrancing.|||Which ones then?'
'Sorry, all. I've been bogged down with work, and haven't been checking the thread regularly. This is a very interesting perspective. I hadn't thought of it this way, but I think opening up to...|||UGH! lol Impossible to even contemplate, but she does need a lesson, clearly. She did it yet again even after that fat, block-lettered note (which she's left taped to her door, for reasons best...|||I don't know who Dr. House is, but yeah, I'd describe myself as very energetic and fairly dynamic. I've been that way from a very young age. I think this might be more influenced by one's...|||Fe! I could say so much about my experiences with people who have this as a dominant or auxiliary function, but I hardly know where to begin. They strike me as insincere, manipulative, and very,...|||With great difficulty and sorely tried patience. Honestly, I'm still trying to figure this out myself. I look forward to seeing what's worked for others. I've never been stuck dealing with mainly...|||I don't know. I tend to be clueless about that stuff, as others have said. In any case, I'm very selective, so unless he's already got my attention, precious little will come of it. And if he does, I...|||Most intriguing. Hmm. Several, actually. I don't know about favorites, but I've always been fascinated by these: ENTJ, INTJ (yeah, so what?), INFP, INFJ. Ti also intrigues me in itself. And Ne, I...|||What is your Myers Briggs type? INTJ Which are the Myers Briggs types you are most attracted to ? (Attracted to in what sense? I answered in the loose sense.) ENTJ, INTJ, INFJ Which are the Myers...|||INTJ Many... Hard rock, e.g., Metallica Classic rock, e.g., Tom Petty Techno, especially industrial. Instrumental, e.g., Einaudi, Helen Jane Long. Dreamy-type folk stuff - Enya, Anuna,...|||I hadn't thought of HSP, but I'll have to look into it again. I did a short test once and got negative results, but I might try a more formal assessment. From what I know, they do seem more prone to...|||Philosophy, spirituality (who or what one worships, since everyone worships something in a certain sense), psychology, and how these find expression (especially inevitably and unconsciously) in any...|||I've always had really high energy levels, which I think is attributable to my type in part (at least, I've often heard that it's correlated with high intelligence), and resting has always been a bit...|||How do they affect you? I don't even know what mine are, or not their stack order. But I know that for years now I haven't been feeding my Ne properly in a lot of the things that interest me most,...|||Thanks. This was much more than a release of emotion, though. I didn't describe the mystical experiences, but they were not that. The release was what followed (and, in June, partially preceded). ...|||I was always an introvert. Most of my personality was pretty pronounced from a very young age, and it's remained largely stable (though of course I've grown a lot, psychologically as well as in other...|||INTJ Not quite certain. Reasons: I was raised in Christianity, and practicing Christians (of almost any stripe) continue to be one of the most convincing bodies of evidence against the truth of...|||INTJ. 1. I don't mind being the center of attention. I actually enjoy it sometimes. 2. I love (though not exclusively) really emotional music, art, and sometimes, literature and movies. 3. I...|||I think it speaks volumes that so many people who have taken the path most traveled feel compelled to attack/ridicule/vilify/warn off those who don't want to. Misery loves company. I'm sure...|||I have this problem, too. I think instead of trying to change your perspective (which is rooted in who you are), you might try finding more interesting people who you can actually spend time with....|||Oh. My. Fucking. God. This obscene creature. After throwing away all her shit, she finally did start cleaning up around the kitchen...only to start leaving blood on the toilet seat, and open, used...|||Mysticism. Long post - please bear with me. I don't know who to go to about this, other than maybe some kind of religious leader, but I don't even know which religion. There's no one I trust who...|||stormgirl, yes, unfortunately, I think you've hit the nail on the head. Even at the very beginning before she unfurled her sickness on me, I could see that she was weirdly aggressive. The least...|||She leaves urine on the toilet seat. Seriously. This isn't some old lady with dementia, either, it's a college student in her early twenties. No mental retardation, no drug use, no possible medical...|||Yes, but I've pretty much always regretted it.|||First of all, their logic is absurd. I don't know how you might get them to stop, except maybe try to give them a history lesson in pop music and culture (if you feel like it's worth it to go to that...|||Well, yeah, it does sound awful. And since you said they're only behaving this way toward these two women but not the white employees, it does seem like racism. However, since the women themselves...|||It sounds racist to me, too. Is there a supervisor you can go to who isn't a part of this dynamic? And what about the women themselves? Do you know if they believe it to be racist discrimination?|||The River Murders. Pretty good, but it could've been a whole lot better if it had relied less on shock value and focused more on the drama. It had a really interesting plot, and they just didn't...|||This is a really shitty way for a father to talk to his daughter. Don't go along with his plans to put you on drugs...that sounds really extreme (and profoundly ignorant) anyway. Your behavior is a...|||As others have said, some people might take up a habit like this in order to gain social acceptance. People can do things for all kinds of different reasons, even if it goes against their own nature....|||To the OP's question, my answer, based on my own observations, is no. I think most people put on a false face, but underneath it, they're neither happy nor satisfied. The more they have invested in...|||What is an emotional affair? I can see why someone would be upset by their SO falling for someone else, even if they didn't do anything about it, but assuming there's nothing romantic or sexual...|||I've wondered about this, too. I have noticed that several of the people I know, of various types, had clear childhood factors that could've influenced their development. But, as someone else said,...|||Most of the ENTJs I've known have had the OP's problems with a short fuse. However, I knew one that had a truly beautiful...no, actually, kind of scary self-discipline. This was in part due to severe...|||I don't volunteer personal information about myself unless people ask. And then they accuse me of being secretive about myself, and being outspoken in other areas, and focusing on intellectual...|||I don't think having trust issues has much to do with being a feeler vs. a thinker. I'm betting life experiences and one's early childhood environment have much more to do with that kind of thing....|||Road to Perdition had an ending I'd describe as bittersweet. It didn't ruin the movie for me, because I sort of excised it from the rest of the story in my mind. What I didn't like was that the...|||I voted happy. Most of the time, I'm on an even keel, but when I do have seemingly inexplicable feelings, they're usually moving me up instead of down. I didn't have a happy childhood, but since...|||I've always gravitated toward action flicks, too. I had a comm class where we had to do a group assignment analyzing the relationship dynamics in a movie. Cluelessly, I suggested movies like Con-Air...|||INTJ. My pain tolerance is pretty high, but on the other hand, I have a rather low tolerance for physical irritation. I've never been sure why. As for sensitivity, I'm not sure what the question is...|||He definitely sounds like an ENTJ, or maybe even an ESTJ, but not an INTJ. I'm sorry things aren't working out between you, but from your elaboration on the situation, it seems like some distance...|||Did the psychologist administer the test, in therapy? That's very interesting. I was going to say, I could see him as either INTJ or ENTJ, but I've never heard that ENTJs tend to be extremely lonely....|||People who try to drown other people in goo, especially when they claim to know what's inside me better than I do. Disingenuousness. Insincerity. Cowardly types who try to win and argument by...|||I don't know about worst, but a few terrible ones: War of the Worlds (Tom Cruise version) Terminator 3 She Gets What She Wants (I'm embarrassed even to have watched it, but I didn't have my...|||I've always had this problem. Part of it stems from the fact that I neither relate to nor get the creatures who do fit the stereotypes. Which is probably why I have more male than female friends....|||Certain kinds of people do find me intimidating, but I find this to be more of a problem with other women than with men. This was not the case in the religious (evangelical) environment in which I...|||I've always tended to be very utilitarian about social norms and regulations: keep what works, chuck what doesn't.|||This is so true, unfortunately. You would think that a country on the forefront of science and technology would have committed doctors who always practice with integrity and wisdom, putting their...|||Yikes. I'm a little disappointed with Dell, actually. I've had major issues with their computers in the past, which is why I stuck to HP for so long. But people kept telling me how great their...|||Apology quite accepted. :) Though I disagree with you on several points, you hit the nail on the head with the conflict of interest problem in the US: Doctors do get compensated, sometimes...'
'Are you guys actually all INTJs? :D|||Everyone is always like Oh I'd stick up for them and stuff, but I never felt like people stuck up for me much. Most people are just self righteous hypocrites.|||Can that really be separated from our society though? I think capitalism encourages people to think of others as being resources, we have have terms like human resources and human capital that...|||Punishment might be necessary in some cases to prevent someone from harming again, but I think violent people generally suffer from mental illness, or are just reflecting the cruelty of the society...|||It seems like most people would take pleasure in say, their bully or abuser being brutally murdered or something, based upon what I read/hear in real life and on the Internet. Probably about 80 to 95...|||I'm the opposite actually (INFP here). I like older kids but babies literally get on my nerves with their crying and loudness. I don't have anything against them personally, but I'm physically...|||Do you think it's fair to say that ISFJs have personality characteristics that are stereotypically maternal? They seem like the momma bears of humanity, like being nurturing and caring as a rule...|||Actually, my refusal to fight back has saved my ass a lot of times. I'm pretty sure if I tried to fight back my mugger he would have stabbed or beat the crap out of me. I'd rather just lose the $60.|||Even though BC is beautiful, I found the people in Ontario were a lot more down to earth and not as unfriendly. And I was in Toronto mostly too!|||Exactly! It's so annoying. Lots of very smug people in that city.|||Well just little things like, um. For one thing it's taboo in Portland to ask classmates or coworkers out on dates. I added a coworker to my Facebook and she accepted, but then she unfriended me just...|||Maybe I should move to Europe then. Or would Quebec do? I've heard it's the most free-spirited part of North America, and the easiest province in Canada to immigrate to, if you can speak Francais.|||Yeah, I always thought I was unhappy because of a bad attitude of my own but really overhyped cities like Portland and Austin do kick your ass. I think people who live there just get defensive...|||That's another thing I disliked about Portland. It feels like a crowded small town! One of the things Portland bills itself as is a big city with a small town feel. I actually think it's the...|||Would you generally agree that Portland is not nearly as hippie/left wing as people think? I think there is certainly that contingent there in relatively small numbers, but I've always thought it was...|||No, I hear you! I think Portland is definitely more of an ISTJ city. It's more libertarian than progressive for sure and the standard of living IMO is actually lower than most places in the US.|||I think INTPs are more similar to us than INFJs are.|||I lived in Portland and loved it the first year or two but rather I realized the city's true colors I grew to hate living there. It's ridiculously expensive, the housing quality sucks, and the...|||I agree with this completely, except I think your description of Vancouver and Seattle describes Portland to a tee as well! Definitely more INFJ or INTJ than INFP. People in the Pacific Northwest are...|||Well that's what she tested as, and she does have some of the features for sure.|||Generally I find INTJs lean towards being overly smug smartasses but my best female friend is an INTJ and she's a lot more sensitive than most of them. I think she may even have some INFP/INFJ...|||I think booze is fine in moderation. I don't think it's as harmful to your body as soda or over-eating unless you are literally a drunk.|||Good point! I actually think the West Coast might have a higher proportion of INFPs than many other places, but paradoxically it's also one of the hardest places to be an INFP!|||I don't think the West Coast is a good place for an INFP. Very image and money centric, and people here I find generally aren't sympathetic towards depressed people at all. Not that all INFPs are...|||I think the college kids who move to Portland don't represent the city itself. Most of them aren't even from the city. The old guard in Portland, which you will have to deal with when you live...|||In a way yeah. I find a heartless libertarian more dislikable than a repentant violent criminal. It's easier for me to hate Ron Paul than Mike Tyson.|||I think the West Coast, and increasingly the entire Western part of the US is essentially a banana republic for the IT and medical industries and functions like a giant resort. You have the...|||I often hear about San Francisco, Seattle, Portland etc being good cities for INFPs but I disagree. There's a few reasons why. For one the West Coast is all about false positivity. Express any...|||I also feel that while vegetarianism is a noble choice, we evolved as omnivores and there's nothing wrong with us following that nature. Some people actually need the nutrition in meat that you can't...|||It seems like we INFPs have a tendency to love animals more than people. I've also noticed this with people who have Asperger syndrome which I also have. I did a poll on wrongplanet and the vast...|||I know my type INFP has a reputation for kind of being wusses and my best friend who's a girl is an INTJ. We're actually pretty similar in a lot of ways but I know she has a lot less tolerance for BS...|||Do you think INTJs are really intolerant of lazy and immoral people and tend towards conservatism or SJW-ism? Would you say they are unforgiving and ruthless as a type and lean towards...|||I think the main problem with like the American justice system isn't even so much that it's harsh, but more that it doesn't offer an opportunity for redemption and reconciliation back into society. I...|||I think the ISFJ/ESFJ types can be vengeful in a momma bear kind of way too, but forgiving towards harm done to themselves. I think they are compassionate and forgiving to their loved ones but tend...|||I find it interesting how INTJs tend to be pretty vengeful. Though being rational people, they aren't insanely bloodthirsty like some other types can be. Like my best female friend is an INTJ and...|||Oh god, yeah, the hatred towards sex offenders is insane. Obviously things like rape and molestation are very serious, but some people act like it's worse than genocide or something. I've even heard...|||I agree with you completely. One of the few things that makes me see red is when someone thinks they are better than me, like they won't even talk to me if I ask or say something to them, or they...|||It's always seemed a bit cruel to me to hate psychopaths and sociopaths, when it's not THEIR fault they aren't able to empathize normally. It's the same kind of mentality that would support the death...|||I'm an INFP but I've tested for INTP once. I think Dreamers and Thinkers are two sides of the same coin and both actually describe me pretty well, but I find INTPs can be a little bit too...|||I only support punishment if a person needs to be confined for the protection of others, or it's just a fine or something like that. I don't agree with punishing people merely because they deserve...|||I even felt offended when people were jeering when Bin Laden died, that's how INFP I am.|||Yeah people think I'm a weirdo because I even feel sorry for murderers and rapists when they suffer. I'm an INFP and I can't just turn off empathy or be OK with someone being tortured just because...|||What personality types do you think are Forgivers and which are Avengers? Forgiver meaning they tend to let things go, feel sympathy even for their enemies, don't agree philosophically with the...|||I don't really get this whole children are infinitely more important than adults meme that's so popular today. I just see children as being young humans. I don't put them on a pedestal.|||The thing is I relate to both INTP and INFP pretty well. I'm very skeptical and scientific but I'm also a romantic idealist, I don't see these traits as being exclusive.|||Yes. I'm pretty empathetic, but being an Aspie I'm horrible at putting myself in others' shoes, and sometimes I overthink things so much it makes me cynical and not really care about anything at all....|||I actually test as INFP pretty often. I'm a true hybrid, even though a lot of people insist INTPs and INFPs are completely opposite.|||I'm an INTP but very close to an INFP. I usually test on the borderline. I think as a child/teen when I was really into feminism and animal rights I definitely would have been INFP, but I've become a...'
'How warm, present, funny, passionate, protective and caring INFJs can be. How deep, creative and nurturing INTPs can be. How clever, goofy and hospitable ISTPs can be. How sweet, sensitive and...|||So I took your test and came out INFJ. I'm back to the drawing board. Sooo confused...|||With weeeeaak Fe, I'd say that can make us pretty judgmental, less empathetic.|||Yes, paper writing really can be daunting! Especially if it is that thing you have to do. Let's face it, school was designed by STJs. It's just a little suffocating for free spirits. I do enjoy...|||I fight the P, strong J tendencies born of necessity I think. I would love to be more relaxed and p-ish... LOL, dat Sanguine-Choleric tho. :wink:|||So I self type, and for years I thnk, I'm an INFJ, of course I am. Well boys and girls, sorry, I'm INFP. (Esp. sorry ESTPs!) :rolleyes: Some friends of mine say when you don't understand the...|||Oh, and also I haven't been able to pinpoint many INFJ females in fiction (popular fiction at least), which makes it harder to get a sense of our type across genders (makes a big difference). Who...|||lostintranslationn, do you too ever get the feeling you would be best friends with these people if they actually existed?|||As we are very rare (In fact I don't know any other INFJs IRL) I enjoy seeing my kind deal with life in film. I know all you other INFJs (and other types, still don't quite understand that) will...|||Also, as a secondary question for the audience, do any INFJ's need to feel emotional connection to their closest friends/SO, or are you OK with being the only warm body?|||Thanks for your input, I think you can't fully relate because of your T. All my friends are thinkers and they pretty much draw a blank when I say things like swept of your feet, you know what I...|||It actually did also mean what, or who. It wants to know, we are interested in both, my precious! lol ;o|||Do you like Thinker (intelligent, sharp sometimes even dark) humor, or would you say you prefer a more light off-beat sort of wit?|||INFJs: Do you remember moments in your life of surreal, wild social happiness? Those people that made you say to yourself, I hope this feeling lasts forever. What people/person made that happen...|||Beautiful, exactly like pizza!|||Well, I can't disagree with that. Good for you, keep being a beacon. :)|||Are you saying you don't have your own emotions? It's like your just some sort a quantum equalizer for all the other energy in the room you happen to be, is that what your saying? Huh. Oooo-k then....|||It is a beautiful sentiment, if somewhat cheapened by the vulgarity. You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling. ;)|||You are correct, empathy is by definition an emotional response. However, since this is considered the trait of a psychologically healthy person, I wondered if individuals with diminished emotional...|||...perhaps the most destructive quality of a narcissist is his/her lack of empathy. Read more: Signs of a Narcissist | eHow How would you define empathy? Must it always be emotionally felt,...|||My interest is both in humanity on the whole and (ironically, lol) the individuals that comprise our race. You can be interested in humans out of a sheer sense of scientific curiosity, fine, but I...|||Bingo and bravo.|||There is evidence to suggest that this disorder is rapidly growing in at least the American culture.|||This definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder from MayoClinic.com may help... Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own...|||Thank you, please feel free to set up a new poll correctly, I appreciate your input.|||I hear you girl. Thanks for your balanced, mature and well-reasoned response. ;D|||And this is what I'm talking about.|||I wasn't criticizing his type. Just as feelers can viciously express their offended Fi in untempered ways, I know thinkers that have told me that they are sometimes prone to not modulate their...|||Or, or it could just be a thinker who does not value nor respect their fellow conversationalist's emotional makeup.|||Conversational violence is the manifestation of fear. This manifestation of fear is often rooted in ignorance of a topic, perception of coming harm or loss, rather than a legitimized belief. People...|||That was good.|||I laughed. Girls giggle.|||http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/2641935/david-tennant-laughing-o.gif GIFSoup|||Yup, he's a perceiver.|||Star Wars was also about restoring a Republic, a looser, honor-based system of representative and self-government. That's gotta' make perceivers happy. Of course, trusting a benevolent...|||Yes, the Star Trek government is an authoritarian model, but it is a confederation/democracy, not an empire.|||Some would say no, so maybe, maybe not. But what the heck, they're seemed to be a correlation to me so I figured, let's run it up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes it. So far, my theory is...|||Yeah! Same here guy, welcome to the big internet shrink couch! Thanks for participating in my Extravert Envy thread too!|||I feel the same way about who. Matt Smith's Doctor derailed the whole thing. David Tennant was the best thing since Tom Baker... I don't want to go!! :'(|||Ah, Firefly, libertarian TV gold. And, in the US, correct, most people are not intuatives, which might make them idiots. j/k j/k (no offense sensors, that's a little N humor there) :tongue:|||Please, this is how I live! Thank you Linnifae! Gah, I love these ENFPs more and more each day!|||I don't even have to imagine this one. I have several close ISTJ's in my life and that's SUPER trying. He must have extrasensorthoughtjudged you too death!! Cold as ice too, right? I mean...|||I saw the trailer for this and was like, you, where have you been all my life!|||I knew a guy like you who was an academic reject, but he was so smart he made a fortune and never held a job he wasn't offered on a silver platter. Enviable.|||Oh, duh! Sorry, I just saw your signature! ;P|||I see you're new to! Hello! :) What's your MBTI?|||This is true, I or E is a polar scale, and I know what your talking about. I guess I've been burned a couple times which should be embarrassingly, redonkulously obvious at this point. Out of...|||Cool! It seems NZ is the place to be for NFs! I can't wait to visit! I am going next year (God willing). Curious, why didn't you like Thailand? I find your commentary on other East Asian...|||I posted Argentina in a new, more inclusive poll/thread called INFJ relocation. Please vote there! gingerlefty|||77273 LOL, thanks for your input!'
'So I just got basic concrete evidence that my entire neighborhood thinks I'm gay... a solicitor basically blurted that out to me when he was talking about my neighbors.... I'm not 100% but I guess...|||So far it's been 85% accurate, but I'd rather it not be so thanks lol|||I don't know the character or the scene, but when I look at it I imagine Dirty Hairy walking up toward the tower of Saruman. Which to me is its own kind of awesome...|||Can we pick any Disney movie across the world? Cause Disney South Korea has some fantastic horror movies.|||I totally relate! And yeah I'll admit it it is my issue, I've been single for 10 years, my brother an intj has had 3 girlfriends in that time of which he was not trying. If I try or don't try I can...|||+1 The incessant need to understand why drives me crazy sometimes. Why do people not like me, why do people not want to be around me, etc etc.|||.|||I feel you on this. Its been 9 years for me, I think I've finally given up on it though. There's only so much a person can do and continually get ignored before they just get fed up with it.|||This reminded me of a dream I had once, went to sleep really depressed. Woke up laying on a street, stood up thinking upon the life I had just dreamed and all of the misery and happiness shrugged...|||.|||I used to be fine with reality and its limitations, it was never a big of deal because I had books, and games and my internal world to fill that void. What has been most depressing for me lately has...|||I used to be|||I can relate|||I got stuck at the Is your religion more Solar or Lunar centered as there was no None of the Above movement. This flow chart is very confining...|||I don't know what kind of answers 5 years of difference would provide (I'm 30), but I definitely hit where you are at now roughly in my early teens, and have spent since then answering my own...|||Definitely on the same page, as Lakigigar to a certain extent, but my beliefs lean more towards a mix of shinto, buddhism, and heavily influenced by an article titled How I met God and I'm still an...|||Apoapsis - Apogee Periapsis - Perigee Prograde - Retrograde Orbit Sub-orbital Eccentricity Delta-V Escape Velocity Thrust-to-weight ratio Sphere of influence|||Thanks for this, I'm sure there are people it will help. In my situation I was at this point back in high school, I'm just tired of being the only one I listen too, when everyone else just stops me...|||What do you do when everyone you trust isn't there anymore, or have made themselves untrustworthy. How are you supposed to cope when the only people around you won't listen, they'd rather lecture you...|||Mother is an INFJ Father is an ESTJ They are happy together but they definitely don't always get me. Brother is an INTJ and my sister not sure xNxJ, but its kind of always been a struggle to open...|||That pretty much sums it up for me. No one seems that interested, I'm buying a scythe this month for mowing my lawn I was extremely excited and showed it off to my parents and siblings. They all just...|||My twin brother and I did, we even had our own Phonetics and grammar rules. We practiced it till early 6th grade|||I feel like life is pretty meaningless right now|||attic That makes sense, as I know I've done that in the past when close family has died.|||I've been kind of a jumble of emotions, especially over the last 2 weeks as some things happened at work that make me question a lot. None of this jumble of emotions is anything specific though.. and...|||I think it will be an interesting movie, at least as far as the themes and ideas it proposes. I'm looking forward to it.|||I feel broken, thrown aside, used. You know I was raised to look at people and understand them by their actions. You can tell me all day long that I'm important to my job and that I'm valued, but...|||I grew up with my twin brother, older sister, parents, and close family. So lately there have been changes and most of my family or friends are busy and keep to themselves. So I'm not used to being...|||.|||You ever have one of those days where you are not tired, nor really have anything to be excited about yet you are so excited you end up speaking nonsense for like an hour. Yeah its been one of those...|||I hate this world, I find that a lot of the time... its difficult to look past the bullshit when its stacked so high.|||Nope not long at all and was perfect explanation. I've seen this a lot with old schoolmates and friends, and have read that this is up there on the list of regrets for people on their death beds.|||I found purpose through a video game called Kerbal space program. It made me realize that we are small, or problems are small, and that there is so much more out there that we have yet to understand...|||Has it helped anyone?|||I always follow what I call The One Rule especially when I'm out of Ideas but really want to draw or create. The One Rule is simple, take your given art that you want to work on and start with...|||I can walk on water, granted the day is not windy and before I walk I have a good 3 hours to setup Plexiglas planks about an inch below the surface to walk on. :redcard:|||Yep! This was me yesterday, somehow its Friday now, but I only remember till Tuesday, Perks?!?! Get up go to work, work, learn, work, phone, work.... rinse repeat till 5. Get home, ride bike......|||I don't think what I can do, or any INFP can do is a super-power, but its definitely a skill. It takes practice and persistence to learn to look for that kind of stuff, Most INFP's have been...|||Interesting subject! I'd like to add a bit, sometimes the feelings we get as infp's they seem irrational but can be totally rational. People have an air about them, they handle themselves in...|||This is my method, the only time it doesn't work is if I stay up to late or am on several days of low sleep. Set the Awoken app to prompt you at random times, and answer its prompt until you get...|||Don't get me wrong that has crossed my mind.... especially since my girlfriend in that life was pretty sweet, so was our apartment, and my job was pretty cool too, very open office space. Has crossed...|||YEAH!!! :ninja: First fellow Awoken user I've met!!! I use it on top of some of the other totems. The dream I mentioned where I basically lived a different life for 2-3 days, all my totems...|||There isn't a no option? I would if I had an SO but don't|||Exactly :D its one of many ways to check. I tried out just having a large wall clock or something that wasn't there in reality, it works but takes some time to get used to it, and that's not always...|||Get a totem, something that's unique to you and has a specific weight and feel. The totem should act differently in a dream than it will in real life. You choose how it will act in a dream, and know...|||Holy crap where do you live? If that is something that is common,(happens more than once ever decade to me) than I'd get doubly prepared. I'd get battery backup system for my house, a wind...|||Not an INFJ but do lucid dream :D Stopped having nightmares when I was 6 I think, because of lucid dreaming. Checked out books on it, and couldn't read them fast enough, bad thing about books is...|||Barimetric pressure drop... (Cause of Migraine is complimentary to this)|||Scans Item, then throw (or set gently) in bag as fast as possible. It helps get around this issue, the robots delay for sensing stuff in the bagging area is slow... but keep in mind a...|||I used to have problems with this, absorbing other's emotions then feeling like I have to take up the flag with them or for them. Its taken a lot of time and learning how not to do this. Had several...'
'Some just talk and want to be heard. My 11th grade English teacher had two signs above the blackboard. Allow the lips to meet in the stimulus of death. and It is better to appear a fool than...|||I am very conservative but not Republican. It doesn't matter who you vote for anymore, nothing is going to change. People talk the talk, but it is the rich people behind the curtain who determine...|||Sometimes it depends. But I will usually just make the decision. If I am wrong, I learn from it and move on. But don't be freaking indecisive. That is one of my pet peeves.|||Pleasant people who smile and have a nice demeanor.|||Politics and porn are the same. They promise everything and deliver nothing.|||Yes I am. When I set my mind to something, I stay focused and get the job done.|||Nope.|||Pretty much all the candidates are a joke.|||If I am right people better listen because I have done my homework. If I am not sure, I don't say anything until I have done my homework.|||I just do my best to look nice and take care of personal hygiene.|||I had leftovers. Sometimes leftovers taste better when it's been in the refrigerator a night or two.|||Hi there and welcome. I can really relate to your post.|||To have a good nights sleep.|||There is no such thing as luck. First, it is who you know not what you know. Other times, it is preparing yourself for the opportunities that await you down the road.|||Thoughtful|||Just when I think you've said the stupidest thing ever, you keep talking. Hank Hill- King of the Hill|||You will have to suck it up and deal with it. I have dealt with it for 11 years. I have had sleepless nights, couldn't eat, and was short with my family when I came home. Now in this 12th year,...|||I was a professional rock thrower by breaking home and car windows. I truly feel remorse because people had to spend their hard earned money to fix my wrongs.|||Welcome.|||Salmon, quinoa, and asparagus.|||Chaps|||Spent two weeks in the hospital. Lost 25 lbs and the doctor threatend to put a feeding tube in me if I didn't eat.|||Hello and welcome.|||I B-elieve I am B-postive. But, I am anemic and cannot give blood. Will gladly receive it if necessary though.|||Whether it is forced scheduling for work or whatever, make the most of it and improve yourself. Don't procrastinate or at try to minimize it. Set short term and long term personal goals and work...|||My intrtovert and extrovert percentage is 50-50. I was told that I am naturally an introvert but when forced to I can be extroverted.|||Point taken. I don't know if it will be that easy. Our trade deficit with the Chinese is around a trillion dollars. The ACA, aka Obamacare isn't helping matters much. The dollars purchasing power...|||Only time will tell. I don't know what the future has for us. We cannot even come close to paying off the national debt, let alone the unfunded liabilities.|||Absolutely not. The US economy will eventually collapse. There will be hyper inflation and all retirement accounts will be seized by the government. Then the real fun begins.|||Without government, society will fail. It is how the government governs and treats the people.|||Why do people who suck at their job get promoted and you are left behind to pick up the pieces? Then you are expected to do your job with a smile and continue to fix their mistakes while they get...|||Just here in the Cafe.|||Mango popcycle|||Francis Schaeffer.|||Exercising, Toastmasters, Volunteering, Family, and Faith.|||Stop procrastinating and practice better time management.|||Opposites do attract. Also, it gives balance to the relationship.|||Sophie Scholl|||Sophie Scholl and America Freedom to Fascism.|||Just don't hit me with that bat.|||I had a Hellraiser type of Dream as a kid way before the movie appeared in the theaters.|||Thinking about how much work I have to do tomorrow.|||I just take it and take it and take it until I explode. I internalize things and don't do well at communicating my frustration. I think it surprises people when I let loose. I am so reserved and...|||I think a better movie would be a battle between Underdog and Hong Kong Fuey.|||Keeping a schedule? Accomplishing goals and tasks? That is what I mean.|||Don't put off tomorrow what you can get done yesterday.|||Thank you. It has a lot of truth to it. It is all perception.|||If I don't feel like cooking, a Paul Newman Pizza or a soup and salad from Chick-fil-A will hit the spot.|||I have two best friends. My wife and a guy friend. I can tell my wife most everything. Just some things you don't share with your wife. My guy friend, I can tell him anything. I never have to...|||Full of pain.'
'lol, not bad hokahey. Now less speculation and more quirky conclusiveness. This place was getting boring, some one said!|||http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/9/21/128665289828743124.jpg|||http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Esz2h6sKmUU/R7oO09kWamI/AAAAAAAAAic/xCxauoBkQWs/s400/Carrey_Riddler.jpg|||*shakes head*...Dennis, I'm afraid actually..|||http://images-mediawiki-sites.thefullwiki.org/03/2/7/8/8063232287061272.png|||^ lol...thats cute.............becaauuse.............you........are... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McAeQiLmEYU|||--- (I was an ENFP) --- People ^apparently^ don't change. Just like their opinions ^apparently^(sarcasm) don't change either....|||People apparently don't change. Just like their opinions apparently don't change either.|||So I took the quick test, aaaaaand, I got back %70. I went to the synesthete.org site and now I'm taking this arduously long test. UGh. O well, I'm discovering I'm more visual and more touch...|||Huh. Like perceptions I bet.|||I was joking.... (btw I was an ENFP)|||Me either. I've never unthanked actually. The way I'm thinking of it, unhugging someone would be paradoxical since I would have to wrap my arms around them (gingerly and loosely to communicate...|||I can imagine myself *unhugging* someone, so funny. But its weird, then we start to treat thanks like some kind of commodity..|||Together, we are unstoppable.|||Yea I hear you, my folks and mentors were pushing me too. Being physical isn't everything though, there always of room for admin and HR and other stuff. Just gotta man up for Basic or OCS or...|||Brushing my teeth.|||LOL synethesia is like WHO I AM! Whenever something pops into my head it has like a flavor! or something, like a style unique to itself, and that I make up on the spot. Especially abstract...|||Epimer No one can enjoy this scene more than me. LOL I just find it ridiculously funny. I forget who acted for pennywise but he was totally having a blast while doing it I can just tell. The...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzoPUHKZTNM Would you believe I recite this conversation to myself while I'm driving? So much fun.... ALLL COLORS!|||Killer videos Lullaby, I really liked them. That's the kind of stuff youtube is really about, people connecting, expressing. You have more balls than I do. Well....maybe. I'm really pumping out...|||Complex people can benefit very well from simple people's structure too. Remember when everyone's an idealists its hard to get reality rolling! But yea that's all hypothetical. If he is F that's...|||People have no idea what they are talking about when they are talking about themselves. They like to THINK they do, but online, its anyone's promise. From my experience on the net, no, dating...|||My parents were violent. One day the sun shines, the next day.... I know it helped developed my ability to deal with ambiguity. And it goes on, and on.... If everyone disclosed whether some...|||There would be no such thing as the INFJ|||Then you're thinking too hard. Some cultures have specific and roles for their women in their society, perhaps like our own. If a foreign woman enters a male dominant or gender specific culture,...|||sea cucumber omgomgomgomgomgomgomg|||...So why does this bother you so much? I mean most of these folks are nobody strangers right? Do you really care what they think? I know your a female and that probably has a lot to do with it...|||See? even sea cucumber acknowledges the MIGHT of boobies. Cracked breaks it down. Boobs | Cracked.com Behold. The Power. http://www.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/tits-iphone.jpg...|||<3!Holla!!|||roflmao life=100%|||Olihen ^This about sums it up for me.^ I would do my hair, then have someone do my make-up. Or whichever comes first lol IDK. After that, I would plug my vagina up with a tampon for the...|||Well you know what they say, you never appreciate it until its gone.|||Your definitely right about J preference. S preference is extremely valuable as well. There's a saying in the military: Attention to detail! N's have a very hard time remembering large...|||Holy twinkies filled with whipped cream and strawberries Batman! I mean Ormazd! I just got to give you your thousandth Thank! Talk about destiny! Its much more conducive than reducing the Thank...|||*Chanting, with all the other guys* DRESS UP!, DRESS UP!, DRESS UP!, Lol a little INFJ fashion show huh?|||Thanks for the mention I'm going to try this stuff out. It'll be great to listen to while I draw. I'll let you know what I think. Oh and there's nothing I love hearing more than there's...|||I love these yes/no question threads because I look at the title and I already have answer. She is a very wise and well spoken woman. Intuitive qualities, respect for emotions, no ambitious...|||------Aen------|||Ormazd I thank them for posting lol. Imo, I think there should be a DOUBLE Thank button! Hokahey O yea? Well two can play that game!|||Military in general, sure. Any man or woman can its not like type dictates your aptitude for defending you country. Where you fit in, is what you want to say. From the people I've known ESTP and...|||Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady.|||Why does this option even exist? Its so spiteful! lol|||So under the pretense that sex drive is subjective I believe I can safely hypothesis for the INFJ Cuddling=Sex Tell me if I am wrong, anyone, I dare you. You know you like it that much. You...|||Mumbles lol you just HAD to have the V didn't you?! I bet you were waiting for it!! Like some kind of waiting predator!|||Damn you Burt's Beeswaaaaaaaaax!!!!!!!|||...Lol....girls and their lady-lumps.... I also lol'd at lipbalm. Them boys. In high school I always used to like watching girls touch up their make in the middle of class, too cute and...|||(M) - Mysterious|||Why 1.24?,,,|||Yep. I'm sure you'll find safe and stimulating personalities in our little corner of the forum. Welcome, welcome, welcome.|||This is correct.'
'Yeah, I'm a total Hufflepuff-in-denial who voted Ravenclaw. Spot on, DaisyChain.|||Listwise answer: Quiet and thoughtful (Nope, I was a chatterbox. That only changed after childhood trauma.) Very practical and realistic (Yes, and I still am.) They need stability and...|||Yeah, basically. It blends a lot of genre elements, though. I saw the first three episodes of the UK one and the first season of the US one. I just ended up watching more of the US one because...|||LeelaWho, Twilight Zone is in my top five for shows. Really great. I haven't seen Doctor Who (keep meaning to check it out), but what about a show like Misfits or Being Human? I like those a lot...|||Is that related to type? Two of my favorite books are Ender's Game and The Time Machine.|||Thank you! And yeah, it was really tough, but luckily my older brother (and landlord :tongue:) are very understanding and worked with me. I love what I do and where I am, so I couldn't see myself...|||Rave: I don't have to turn in my ISTJ card :happy: Rave: My job hasn't paid me for two and a half months so things have been crazy tough, but the grant that I'm going to be paid from finally came...|||How so? And I just meant in general for pointing out whether he was more N or S. When I was having trouble because I kept testing INTJ, that test cleared stuff up for me and helped me realize...|||When even posting on the forum seems too overwhelming/draining.|||Yeah, I love that game. The GC version was the best one. I used to spend way too much time trying to fill up my museum and alternating that with bullying animal residents I didn't like (Bubbles...|||F, by far. They balance me out.|||Rant: My tablet can't upgrade to ice cream sandwich yet. Why does the UK get to go first??? :frustrating: Rave: I like the word juke. It's fun to say :happy: Rant: It feels like Hell's kitchen...|||Cold fingers So who are you? :happy:|||Thank you! And yes, exactly. I've also always wondered to what extent mental illness/distress could change someone's results. Be interesting to see if someone did a study on that. Yeah, those...|||Thanks :) Well, first I've never really felt like the ISTJ descriptions applied to me, for the most part. Reading them, I felt like they really only got it half right. That always made me wonder if...|||I LOL'ed :laughing: The Asus Transformer (Eee Pad)??? I want that one too! It seems really cool. When my job finally pays me, I might get that one and give my brother my Galaxy. Asus is quickly...|||Sure. I just thought it was too long/detailed/not what you asked for since everyone else put short answers. Also, it's not as deep as I wanted it to be. It's basically just a description of me based...|||Edit: Never mind.|||Ah okay, great. I had felt so sure I was right this time and then reading that wikipedia article put that right back in doubt lol. Thanks for the clarification, your help is very much appreciated...|||In social situations, my internal monologue sounds very similar to the one in the strip because I suffer from social anxiety. When I'm just at home alone, my internal monologue is focused on how...|||This was really helpful and informative. Like others have said, spot on with the 6 definition! That's so me lol. This article has also helped me realize that I had my other two types in the wrong...|||I picked Pacifist, Academist, and Culturist. They're like the perfect unification of the social scientist and social worker in me. Edit: Had a rough time choosing between Pacifist and Liberalist,...|||Rant/rave depending on outcome: Type crisis thanks to my ENFJ best friend. I've been having these same suspicions myself, but she just saw through all my BS rationalizations and made me confront it....|||Rant: I can't sleep and I have to be up in four hours. I can't stand having to force my sleep schedule to fit the normal daytime thing. Rant: My apathy is killing me. I really want to explain to...|||Me too :) I hang out with guys mostly. I have nothing in common with most females and they tend to talk too much about things I don't care about. Growing up as one of the guys did not help this...|||No, I have the 10.1. It has similar dimensions to the iPad, but is a primarily landscape tablet, which I prefer. Yeah, I admire your willpower lol. My tablet actually was an impulse buy, but I...|||Same idea, except I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab. My entire life is coordinated through my tablet. I do everything on it except work. If it could run SPSS and Office, I would have no use for a laptop.|||No worries! :happy: Thanks for always spreading cheer throughout the forum! :kitteh:|||I don't like either, tbh :tongue:|||It takes me a while to fall asleep too, usually because I keep thinking about things before I fall asleep. Even when I'm dead tired, it still takes me a good while to fall asleep. I'd estimate that...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu4TjpNeucQ Welcome to our club, Noirell! See you around the forums! :proud:|||Dear INTJ, It's becoming increasingly clear to me that we just cannot be friends anymore. Ah well, we had a good run. Have a good life with your asshole boyfriend. You deserve each other :happy:...|||When your mentor/boss is trying to tell you an emotional story about problems he's having with his mom and you keep steering the conversation back towards the work you came in to do instead. I didn't...|||Awwright! Congrats dude! :proud: http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x88/port_royal/gif/tumblr_l4mu18KJpR1qamgw7.gif|||Haha, who do you have in mind? Yeah, I'm not too much of a thread-starter myself. Plus this forum is kinda constraining at times b/c the focus is just on personality theory.|||True dat. Make some good threads for us, then :tongue:|||I'm pooping right now, browsing PerC. /like a boss :tongue: Nah, but I, like you, have to have something to read so I always have my tablet, phone, or a book. Lights and stuff doesn't matter. I...|||What's up? Welcome to PerC, it's good to have you here! See you around the ISTJ forum :happy:|||What's the difference? :tongue:|||Thanks! Feels way more... me. :happy:|||I didn't really have one. I was a nerd in the sense that I was in Honors and AP classes and in the top tenth of my class, but I didn't really take school as seriously as the nerds did and I didn't...|||Welcome to PerC, fellow ISTJ-who-sometimes-leans-P! :tongue: Hope you enjoy it! See you around :happy:|||LMAO! ...Jobs.|||The brutes, man, the brutes. :crying: But that's a video game. As a kid, I was scared of everything, but as far as movies go, nothing really scares me anymore. I find certain things creepy for a...|||A deer, a female deer. :tongue:|||Only once, really. I used to test as an INTJ (no idea how) but I was typed ISTJ here and learning about the cognitive functions confirmed this. Why do you wish you were INTP?|||Rant: I don't think I was meant to be a morning person. Mornings are a crapshoot for me. Either I'll end up super tired and not able to do anything or I'll end up too keyed up and thinking a thousand...|||YAY! Congrats! :proud: http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o272/evol_girl/CongratulationsKitt.jpg|||Shyamalan.|||Jeans.'
Absolutely terrible with names. People's faces/vibes/body language register better.|||Hullo, ISFJs. Out of curiosity, may I inquire about your views of NTs? :proud:|||Hullo, ISFPs. Out of curiosity, may I inquire about your views of NTs? :proud:|||*covers LillyFlower's eyes and ears*|||The ESFJ snacks were pretty gr8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo35R9zQsAI|||When I lived alone, I did often forget to eat and drink, and the house was a mess. Living with others certainly improves my survivability.|||Not that I know of. I was so calm and pensive as a child some nuns told my mother I was a reincarnation of Buddha.|||Git me da vodka! *slams table*|||Oh, that topic. I'm of the guess that most of us don't care about it enough. Could you get me a parrot burger? I see you are not very socialized yourself, for being ignorant of such...|||(Awwww..........)|||I'm nice.|||Hmm. Bringing it up still comes across as creepy and nosy, I'd say. You win, little parrot. You win. ;) *refills your martini*|||Ah. Ouch. Be at your leisure, little parrot. I'm just here to have refreshments.|||Hmm, yes. Though I would think having named it a challenge would consequently put importance on the outcome. Or maybe that is not so for Ps. *takes a cookie too*|||*consumes refreshments*|||Sadly, one seemingly effective strike doesn't equate to victory. But at least you're having fun. Alas, the ESFJ thread has better refreshments. *moves over*|||Here, you can have my olive. It helps with the bitterness.|||Awww. Don't be sad, little parrot.|||Perhaps a change of tactics would bring about new prospects.|||21 pages. Not bad. *stirs martini*|||Nice party.|||If you really are smart, you should know how to put others at ease. Just my two cents.|||Just me, then. :unsure:|||90. Almost every day. MMO/RPG/Survival/Anything aesthetically pleasing that involves satisfying strategy tidbits. ...And Pokemon.|||I would like to participate.|||Awww. My bad. Also, thank you for the information. Would be nice to inquire further, but it seems a tad rude to derail the thread. *continues lurking*|||I'm afraid the prime moment for humour has passed. However, I do wish to know why INFJs seem to be present in virtually every thread I came upon. Mayhaps it is relevant to the topic in question.|||Shame. My inquiry was left unanswered.|||Do tell.|||Music, arting, reading, games, movies, Wikipedia... pretty much what erialClaire said.|||It seems to me he values you enough (or, a lot) to want to help you save time. We tend to think we can do everything faster/more efficiently. I would say we enjoy the feeling of making things...|||You see marriage as a baby-making project.|||I've been following this thread religiously. <insert moral support>|||So are those eyes, nipples, or something other?|||^|||Depends on the SF. Generally, I try to learn what I can from them.|||Same.|||Hmm.|||Youngsters these days.|||△|||MetaMD It's exhibiting the first signs of success, but I wouldn't say it's working just yet... ;)|||MetaMD They do, some quite persistently so. I find that it's very hard to click with them, though. I usually drop out of contact after the first date or two, unless the alternative route of...|||*smashes Talk button repeatedly*|||Black n' Blue. Sometimes white.|||I don't believe exhibiting intelligence has ever resulted in a negative response from the male party for me. I find that they end up staring at me with a look of curiosity and wonder. Granted, I tend...|||Not sure if influential per se, but I enjoy going back to these. The Things They Carried, Tim O'Brien Druids, Morgan Llywelyn Monsignor Quixote, Graham Greene|||1) Can't confirm those type assumptions. 2) Nay. I'd find it more Hillar-ious.|||Would be best to keep in contact.|||I prefer a balanced approach.
'I just broke up with a male INFP. In short...NO! That's not a relationship I would ever consider doing again. INFPs are fine as friends, but partners? No way!|||I would have an amazing time listening to music with you. Your taste is awesome!|||1. The Beatles 2. The Rolling Stones 3. Fleetwood Mac 4. Cher 5. RuPaul 6. Pink 7. Evanescence 8. No Doubt 9. The Beach Boys 10. Joan Jett and the Blackhearts|||Zoidberg is not a feeler in the slightest. If he was, Fry would not have taught him how to fake love in Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?|||I'm basically both my parents inverted. Dad is an ISTJ, Mom is an INFJ. I have my Dad's function stack completely backwards, and the introversion and extroversion in my mother's stack is reversed...|||Mom is an INFJ. Brother is an ESTP. You nailed them both.|||My father is an ISTJ, and I absolutely adore him. He definitely has strong opinions, an equally strong yet black-and-white sense of what is right, and a strict adherence to the rules. Hard work has...|||I am naturally left-handed, but was forced into being a righty by a 1950's dad. There's a reason why, when I took up fencing and explained this problem to the coach, he put me on lefty. Honestly,...|||ENFP and Gryffindor, on both Pottermore and Warner Brother's studios.|||Yes, it is time to go. The moment political titles are thrown about, any hope of conversation is cheapened. Rest easy, and may your forever live in the denial of your warped perspectives.|||Swede, let's leave this thread. thismustbetheplace seems to own this thread now, and I am not sure if it's a thread of which I want to be a part. ScientiaOmnisEs, may I suggest you leave with us?...|||You're very ignorant about welfare. It's extremely difficult to get. The state makes it purposefully difficult to discourage people from being welfare queens. I have dealt with welfare offices for...|||Again, school.|||I think child may start to be re-defined, especially if you're dealing with health insurance, which now lets you stay on your parents plan until you're 26 (and trust me, if you need extra...|||Hey, as terrible as this sounds, there's a reason why I advocated lying, sneaking, and cheating to get the medical help she needs. Part of why it went on for so long is because her mother refused to...|||Swede Thank goodness I brought you to this thread. You're just the breath of fresh air and kindness balanced with reason that the OP needs.|||OP's trying to get into school. That at least an attempt at remedying the problem, you must acknowledge that. Depending on the location, she can get the hell and gone away from her mother and develop...|||Being fed up with someone does not warrant years of ignoring a serious illness and/or alcoholism. No matter how angry one person becomes with another, the mother's level of behavior is inexcusable....|||If you have a parent with depression, you're odds are 2-3 times greater that you will have depression too. Mix those genes with the stress of living with your mother, and you've got one nasty...|||Honey, I feel your pain. My mother and I have been in the exact same position for a while now. Only recently have I been able to find any job, and it's been about 7 months since I graduated. Even...|||I used to think that INTJs were ideal for me, but as I get older, the more I find that it's not right for me at all. xNTJs in general do not suit me because I place a lot of value on ethical...|||ISTJ? No way. ENFP, through and through.|||They seemed pretty spot-on to me, but I did some modification for the ENFP section just because I am an ENFP. :-P|||I'd totally take the 4 hour a week for $40k job. With that many free hours, I could easily make up the extra income with other jobs at similar pays and hours. Add to it that I could throw more time...|||xxTJs and INFJs are the mot awful types for me to deal with. I have found the former either must be constantly manipulated to maintain good relations, or they try to manipulate me and I have to kick...|||I'm a true blue ENFP, so I can add to this. It's more than just wanting to accommodate others. We want to see, feel, experience, and know everything we can because we see tons and tons of...|||Please read my modifications to your list above.|||Lemme give you a hand: ESFP--Very hard to put the breaks on them; good luck trying to stop their momentum, energy, and speed (think Lorna Morello) ENTJ--Incredibly cold, and falls apart when...|||Three of my closest friends are INFPs, and I am in love with an INFP.|||ISTJ Introvert(78%) Sensing(75%) Thinking(88%) Judging(67%) You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%) You have distinct preference of Sensing over Intuition (75%) You...|||Probably not, but we would serve an equally important role: caring for the troops who have returned home and acting as the guardians of those who were not fighting. Should any NF want to fight...|||Welcome to the sisterhood of ENFP!|||Wouldn't the lambs have to nurse for a little bit before they can eat grass? If such is the case, just wait. The old one will die by the time the young ones are done nursing.|||If they frequently belittle you and cannot accept you as you are, if they refuse to change a very destructive flaw, if they isolate you from the people and places you love, (obviously) if they hit...|||Honestly, I wish people would consider dropping their SOs more often. Sometimes, it's more destructive to stay with someone out of duty, family, or obligation than it is to just leave.|||This is eventually what led to my split with my last boyfriend. He was so adamant that he knew everything, his ways were the only ways of life, and everybody else around him was wrong. In general,...|||Yeouch. I'm sorry to hear that was your first time. No one should ever be raped, and that should never, ever be someone's first experience with sex. While I can't exactly say I understand, I...|||I don't think this has anything to do with being an ISTJ or any other type. One of my best friends and I refused to get involved with anyone from our school because we knew it would be a bad idea. At...|||Well, thus far, I've mainly ended up with INTJs and INFPs. I'm very happy with my current INFP, but my dating record has a lot of INTJs because the type is a cross between my two parents (ISTJ dad...|||I think it depends on the ISTJ, the ENFP, what type of relationship they have, and how they explain their differences. While I would never be in a romantic relationship with an ISTJ, my dad and I get...|||Be patient. Take your cues from him. Make sure he knows he's loved, and do little things for him that you know will make him happy. Keep your hands busy, if you can, so that he knows he doesn't have...|||Is there a free support group you can attend that could tide you over until you find one? I had a great grief group while I found a therapist to help me deal with a threat of assault and losing five...|||I think a therapist would be a good idea to start. Take it step by step. Build out a list of steps if you can. The first one should be finding a good therapist.|||Have you talked to your doctor about this problem? Try to see what (s)he has to say about it before taking further action. With your disorders, it's critical that you define what is learned behavior...|||I agree with Nafatali 100%. This practice is really good for working with our SJ counterparts. Take it from someone with an ISTJ dad. I have said to him before, Feelings are often a large tangle of...|||My current boyfriend is an INFP, and he's absolutely wonderful. Thus far, he's the best guy I have ever dated. In a lot of ways, I feel like he's a really close friend as well, and I can confide in...|||Hi guys: Trying to figure out what to do about my INFJ mother. I've tried everything, literally *EVERYTHING* I can think of to make things work with her. For 23 years, we have had a very ugly...|||Haha, no worries. It's part of the trappings of the internet, and of the problem, But I don't see you as disabled. The latter, I actually wrote about in one of my blog posts for the hearing aid...|||I'm supposed to be deaf. I'm not. Need I say more?|||I've lost a huge chunk of my family, and I'm permanently disabled. I know all about loss. I came to this mindset after being told all my surgeries failed, and I would be hard of hearing until the day...'
'Responding isn't so bad... it's the making contact first part that puts me off with phones especially, not so much texts.|||Conspiracy theories... what a nice word to play around with. As if anything of political importance in the history of the world HASN'T been a conspiracy (a secret meeting of two or more people with...|||Indeed, you mention it. What's a tertiary loop?|||An androgynous/genderqueer INTP? You definitely sound like a very interesting person to meet!|||Strange... Your name is the name of the mother of the Muses, from ancient Greek mythology. But her name is spelt Mnemosyne (Μνημοσύνη), without the extra e. Where do you live in Denmark? I did five...|||mynameiuse That's fantastic. I wish more male-male friendships were like this.|||Most INFPs mean what we say; what we're not saying is the point as I see it! If you're able to be honest and say what you mean in all aspects of life and are still amongst the living and breathing,...|||Re-reading your posts, I think somewhere some sort of aggression seems to have come out towards ENFPs, especially by calling their constant reliance on Ne naive or shallow. I thought that was...|||Another one I remembered! Me: Really? How interesting! *after hearing someone tell me something I know but pretend I don't* What I really mean: I know all about this, I could talk to you for...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cLRybU4N78 Can't recommend this album enough. I'm sure it will touch many an INFP heart!|||This thread is so funny! Why shouldn't the ENFPs hold their Ne close to them and value it? It's what makes them tick! Same for me, even as an INFP, I love my Ne flashes and the mental chaos they...|||Yes, yes, a million times yes! Or worse, when you don't understand something because you weren't listening due to, oh, that strange bird flying around just then, or remembering that you have an...|||bromide Excellent points, all. You being alive in your travels and me not so much might have to do with the fact that almost all of my latest long travels were with girlfriends with whom we quarelled...|||I don't know... While not being attracted to attractive people that are hollow shells personality-wise happens to me too often to remember, I can't imagine ever becoming really erotically attracted...|||Don't do drugs? Tell me you wouldn't like to have your very own human nip (which looks as if it has no negative side effects at all!)|||Thank you for this post, @eyenexepee. I've been looking into the cognitive functions to better understand how MBTI works but I've made little progress so far, ie I can't describe what each function...|||I'll be getting my degree in cultural informatics soon; it combines software development with the humanities and arts quite nicely, so I'm a happy koala. If you follow something which has some kind...|||I love travelling... I've done quite a bit in my life, enough for me to reach the point of wondering, in typical INFP fashion: what is it that travellers might be trying to run away from? Why is it...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2yGKEr_O6c|||I like Firefly, only watched it once years ago but I've been meaning to re-watch it just because its quality has stayed with me. I was watching/listening to the following vid (the theme to...|||46015 http://highexistence.com/imgs/lsd-mushroom-experience.gif http://highexistence.com/imgs/books.gif Where do you guys FIND all this treasure?|||Double-posting because I upped two photos by mistake on the previous post, two photos I couldn't get rid of to put up this one I did want to: 46009|||Summer on two remote Greek islands. Not just any remote islands, either: it's Samothraki and Gavdos we're talking about. Having been born in this country ceraintly has its benefits... 46004 ...|||I just wanted to thank you for this post for I found myself nodding in agreement too often to remember! :) These days I need the 120% of my focus capabilities because I'm sitting for 3 classes in...|||Yes! Yes! That with the reading! I get this all the time lately. What's happening to us???|||That's the TL;DR version of my OP. :)|||No it's not! :proud: My own record is just over 60 tabs, some of them open for more than a month. And then I wonder why firefox is acting so strange...|||I can easily get in the focused mood when there is something I want to accomplish. Usually though, I'm not aiming at something in particular. I'm not the competitive or perfectionist type either, it...|||I would define my standards of good enough as when you know an art well enough to feel as if you can express yourself satisfactorily through it. Nothing to do with good enough to use for a job or...|||Some people have called me artistic or an artist, but they have been exclusively non-artists. I don't consider myself one for there's nothing that I am particularly good at and the forms of art that...|||I'm sitting here on my PC with this and another 45 tabs open on Firefox. Some have been open days or weeks now, as I resume my session every time I turn on my PC. This clutter is the digital...|||The time I got drunk the worst in my life, I randomly hug everyone in the room, especially when I tripped on them! Generally, I become very very friendly, more appreciative of others and less...|||INFPs are feminine, yes. What we have to answer is: are all women feminine, or: does being feminine make you more like a woman?|||tberg You must be one of the special few that likes the Danish language. I have a special love-hate relationship with it, after my five months in Aarhus.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxjw6ZsHjNU|||People are not always worth it. I'm very sorry to say that.|||Any kind of rejection, really. From meeting someone you just want to avoid, to denying an erotic encounter to growing out of a close relationship. Any case of feeling that a person is not worth it...|||Depends on your definition of year. But this is meant to be short and sweet so I'll not go into astronomical analysis! If you go back 10 generations (about 200-250 years), your number of directs...|||Time to revive old thread yay! I got this when I searched the INFP forums for something similar; Do you INFP guys get some other guys thinking you're gay, and when you tell them you're and that...|||I can see two types of male INFP; those that wish they were something else (a little bit manlier, perhaps?) and so pity themselves a lot and others who accept themeselves and start feeling...|||Re-reading the thread, I'd like to ask the people who say they don't reject others: does that mean you find everyone interesting and fulfilling to be with and everyone is your best friend? Do otheres...|||OF COURSE her attention is better spent elsewhere. That's what rejection is; her realising it. I call her these things out of exasperation. I know it hurts this is how I feel about her. I still...|||Apart from clumsy I'm also very much absent-minded. These two combined are truly fatal. Both my parents are clumsy and somewhat absent-minded but they're not INFPs, I wonder where genetics begin and...|||Telling her would be ideal but I would just feel sorry for her later! I'm too empathic. I mean, it's not her fault she's so... repulsive, has the looks of a blonde walrus and the personality of an...|||Yes, we're not the only ones on the receiving end of rejection. Like everyone, and as we should (oh I WISH I COULD love everyone!) we can and DO deal out our fair share of rejection and I feel as if...|||Come at me bro I can do this better than you You're wrong|||I was wondering if my clumsiness has something to do with INFP personality. Can it be that disconnection from the here and now makes the physical body respond worse? In my case it has also to do with...|||Shazbot For initial input, Rosetta Stone just might be enough. The problem might've been me who didn't follow it through.|||Shazbot I used Pimsleur for my beginning with Spanish and it was useful. Rosetta Stone is forgettable, in my opinion. But none come close to having lessons at a school or with a teacher, I'm sorry to...|||Romance languages?? Do you mean Latin-based ones? On a friendly note: your example isn't correct. Den Mann bisst der Hund would still mean, roughly: It's the man, the dog bites. The den,...'
'I've landed one of those professional, managerial-type jobs with a big learning curve. Exciting, for sure! The thing I keep running into, though, is that while trying to close the gap and learn...|||This is my experience (and my boyfriend's) as well. And I've never been good at putting on an act. Makes me so tired.... When our organization got flipped upside down last year, two people who put...|||That's what I want, yes!!!|||YES. I do not understand how people listen to the music they listen to. It can put me in a funk all day if I'm not careful. Sometimes I avoid certain grocery stores because I know they'll be playing...|||Hey, lovely people. If you want to skip the long story, just read the bottom (Anyway, tl;dr.) So, I met this ISFJ guy a few years ago - he was my boyfriend's good friend, and they had moved to...|||I'm on my second professional job, and if there's one thing I learned from the last one and the people around me, it's that you can't escape office politics if you want to succeed. My instinct (and...|||I've been through something similar. Up until now, the longest I'd ever dated someone was six months. I went through some rough stuff in high school, and let myself be seriously mistreated by men...|||Ha! You sound like me, and I'm definitely an INFP. I have an INFP friend who is very different from me as well. You have to remember that MBTI doesn't define everything about a person. Even the...|||Agree with pmj85 - don't give it too much thought. If anything, MBTI could be a tool to better understand each other's expectations and behaviors, but it can easily be taken too far. I think it can...|||MBTI is about preference and dominant functions. Some people get confused and test as a different type because they see themselves in all the answers (i.e. Do you make decisions based on logic, or...|||My best friend in high school and I were totally joined at the hip for the majority of our time there, and she was probably an ESTP, by my guess. It was a lot of fun, but eventually she got tired of...|||Like many others have said, I don't see anything inherently wrong with polyamory. I'm not religious, and I don't think I have the authority to decide what's best for others. That said, I've...|||A fairly common thing to hear when people have a conversation about art (at least in my city) is how impressed they are by the numbers. For instance, That took two hundred hours. Wow! Or, He used...|||Well, I'm not good with kids (I actually really hate working with children), but my INTJ boyfriend taught a class last summer and he seemed to do an excellent job (despite not being typically good...|||I felt the same way, except with a lot more thank god it's over. I wasn't surprised by it, personally, as high school itself was just something I was impatiently getting through, not really...|||Yes, this!! I've been with my INTJ boyfriend for two years now, but when we first got to know each other, I hated him! It was a bizarrely Pride & Prejudice type of experience. Like many people he...|||I think this is absolutely what's happening. I am not a very trusting person, and sometimes when I'm feeling low, I can see cruel intentions or darker motivations when none are there. He has never...|||This was so helpful - thank you. I want to print this off and put it on my wall. I have actually bookmarked it and will come back to it. And you obviously know an INFP - those imaginary...|||Yeah, fictional detectives? Of course! Twin Peaks, X Files, Silence of the Lambs... so many crushes. For an INFP I can see why we'd be attracted to certain kinds of detectives. If they really are...|||Oh, man. You just described a thing I used to do, too. Personally, I let myself get sucked into fandom for a few years (so not even characters of my own making, really) and I dove so deep that I...|||As for plot: same here! Plot almost never comes naturally to me. I think that's because so rarely do I care, as a consumer, about what is happening; I care about how it's told, or what is being said...|||Oh, man. I got so tied up in knots during art school. My last semester, I already knew I didn't want to be a painter after all, but I wanted to finish up to get the degree (and to complete what I set...|||Lately, when my long-term INTJ boyfriend and I try to talk about our artistic tastes (art, music, film, etc) it devolves into an argument, hurt feelings, and frustration. This was not always the case...|||It feels right to me. Satisfying. The truth doesn't have to be beautiful - that's not its deal. Although, by the dictionary definition of pleasing to the mind or senses aesthetically, it...|||Friends of mine tend to occasionally reveal biases against certain groups of people, and that always baffles me - I think because I tend not to think of people in terms of groups. This might be more...|||I was put in Gryffindor, and it really surprised me. I was expecting Slytherin. I tell people, Isn't that just crazy? The test must be whack. But secretly I'm pleased.|||I've always thought that too!! His theories make me roll my eyes more often than not, especially since, as such an accomplished psychologist, he might have considered that he was projecting an awful...|||Ooh. :S I don't think this has to do with MBTI, honestly. It sounds like he's what they call emotionally unavailable. What do you think would happen if you told him you needed something in...|||Well, for me it happened less than two months ago, so I don't have much perspective. But I'm pleasantly surprised by just how much more confident (and happy) I feel already. I've always craved...|||I think what it is is that we know a valuable thing when we see it. True love could be viewed as one of our causes, too. I find myself working immensely hard to help a relationship flourish if I...|||Not anymore, but I used to. In high school, if someone I didn't know asked me the simplest thing, like, What was #3 on the homework? I'd panic and my throat would close up, and I couldn't...|||I think it's likely that at some point I might want to go back to right now - my early 20s. While there's a lot to learn and a lot of new things to deal with and figure out, I'm pretty sure I'm...|||Haha, I feel a little odd saying this, but with several approved male friends of mine, literally anything goes. I guess that sort of turns things into friends with benefits rather than just...|||Actually, the odds are quite high. No matter who you are and what measures you take to counteract it, friendships fade. I know it's not what you want to hear, but sometimes despite everyone's best...|||I don't officially identify as anything, but I feel like I'm both towards the middle of the gender spectrum and that I mix or move between traditional genders. I will say that although I'm...|||Let me propose something. You told one person how you felt about them, they ended up leaving. It likely had nothing to do with you telling them how you felt. The next time you told someone how...|||I think it's a bit of both. Since there aren't as many people out there who share the exact order of our cognitive functions, we probably do react differently to a lot of things, process information...|||Hmm. I guess I'm a little confused as to what you mean. I'm not a conservative INFP, I'm pretty moderate/liberal. But I'm mostly curious as to why you're asking. Do you know an INFP and are curious...|||I always wonder about this!|||I am not REMOTELY a cautious driver. I am not incredibly aggressive, more like sometimes reckless and careless. I'll admit it. My sister, who is an INFJ, is an EXTREMELY cautious driver, on the other...|||I remember thinking I had AvPD in high school. Some (therapists) would argue that no one can cure themselves from any real personality disorder, so perhaps I just had severe social anxiety and...|||You know, I used to? But not anymore. When I was in elementary school I was obsessed with fantasy novels: Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, Madeline L'Engle's series, Harry Potter, etc. I wished...|||Hmm hmm hmmm.... 1) I love how laid-back and fun-loving I can be. 2) I love how self-aware I am. I love that I can look at the dark parts of myself, or the weak parts, and be honest and upfront...|||Anytime I see or hear the word jealousy I get that song in my head.|||When I'm feeling healthy and secure in myself, it's not easy per se, but it's easier, and tends to happen more often. When I'm not feeling secure, I often pretend I don't like anyone and don't...|||The more I read posts on this forum about what it means to be an INFP, the more I start to realize just how much I've numbed myself over the last few years. I read things about how you are...|||This is really good advice. I'm not a 2, I'm a 4, but I had a very close friend who was an INFP 2. It frustrated me that he would never allow himself to admit when he was feeling like anything but...|||I can see where that would be frustrating. I actually had a similar set up at my workplace about a month ago, and their solution was to take me off the project completely. Which... I mean, if they...|||Um, I'm guessing this is, lol. I once belonged to a club at school that was related to my major. We had planned a couple projects and everyone had a relatively equal amount of input. Everyone was...|||I love this short! I'd forgotten about it! It reminded me of INFP when I first saw it, especially the part at the end, where he's looking up at the stars and you know his mind is somewhere else....'
'I didn't mean me (first person) as Leslie. I in no way take anything here on perC any more serious than I would Wikipedia.|||Ha, I got it. Good one.|||Yes. Slippery slope. No. I was making what's called, a 'joke'. Play on the term 'dim sum' (dem some, them some).|||Because dim sum uncultured fucktards working the cash register.|||Tired of users coming into the ENTJ sub shop trying to get us to be anything other than ENTJs. I don't go to McDonalds and say 'bitch, make me some dim sum'.|||Dear ENFJ, Your feelings, are not facts. Your assertions need no place on my agenda. There is nothing 'wrong' with me, with what or how I feel, or with the way I do things. It's not your...|||Landed the Histology Lab Assistant position with the local hospital network. Cigar free now over a month. Let's celebrate. Drinks on me--- and brief me on the deliciousness of every...|||Saw a mosquito in our kitchen window. Me to INTP Flatmate-turned-minion: 'be careful... It's warm. The zika's are starting to hatch' INTP: 'and by that you mean, 'mosquitos?' 'Shit... That's...|||You want to punch your colleagues/ supervisor if they tell you ONE MORE TIME 'hey Leslie....pay more attention to detail' Does it really matter if I use the ball point or the gel? The ink isn't...|||With sticks, third world flog--- Oh. Ohh. Right. *lowers club* Right this way...|||I think @drunk_parrot had one too many *laughing*|||Don't mind me. I'm only doing your job FOR you -ENTJ *annoyed*|||http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160409/7630fba66200606722b0dfc4722437df.jpg|||Hmm. 1. Talk to myself. Thinking Out loud. A lot. 2. Intimately, I'm a Submissive. 3. When it comes to validation of intellectual competence in workplace environments--- I really do care...|||Fuck an ESTP. Excuse me. Dear ESTP, The ENTJ is taller, more ambitious, and less obnoxious. Therefore I cancelled my date with you and went to his place for the night. Sorry for your...|||You're used goods; a free- milked cow. A contingency when he wants more than his hand. Move on|||Got caught doing unmentionable things only Jesus will ever know with only Mary Magdalene would know who with. Got sent to the principal's. Kindly reminded him my mom's on the board that...|||'Least common' stereotype? But if it's a stereotype isn't it a common assumption? Where are you getting the list? Just ones you've heard or was one posted in the sub? Pls elaborate.|||Ha. Wild & conniving, but with great grades & president of every club I was in (except Academic Competition team-- conflicted with my job as Hospital Lab Assistant at the time).|||You are so into this chick, kid. Smitten's written all over your face. [emoji41]|||Fe. Two things here- 1.) Your first sentence is a lie, because your second sentence told on you. 2.) why is it your place to control how she 'ought' to be? Based on who's standards? Ew. More Fe....|||Directed at the situation; to no one in particular. My brief commentary on it before moving on with my day/ night. Welcome, re: Mallorca.|||Oops! Didn't mean to click 'report'. I meant to click 'quote'. X- axis= time, Y- axis= qualitative condition of the relationship.|||Interesting. I recently started dating men; was discussing the 'crossover' with a fellow ENTJ. My experience, in sum: (see...|||1. Say 'wow' in a sarcastic undertone. 2. Palma de Mallorca, en Islas de Bal. Move into a spare room in the villa where my sister lived. I loved the small- town atmosphere, and on Mallorca you're...|||3.|||Dear ESTP Guy Who Randomly Met Me Through A Comment On A Friends Status and Asked Me Out, Yes. I'll go play Cards Against Humanity with you at the pub next weekend. Get a group together. Make it...|||Or responding to things in lists/ outline in general. Why didn't you come over last night? First of all, I didn't want to. Second, I was stuck at work late... Etc.|||Indicative of insecurity and low self worth; therefore unattractive.|||So many positive residual benefits come out of the celebration of a life well lived. Or, on the flip- a death out of circumstances more tragic. When my uncle passed of cancer when I was 6 I didn't...|||You ask 'wtf' in a 'Random Thoughts, Tangents' thread. So-- right back at you.|||My idea of an egg hunt: Distribution of my ova to fertility clinics nationwide. Wait 9 months. Visit the nursery wards within close proximity to each clinic, compare the phenotypic...|||Mom= INFJ. Remind me of Cats. -sometimes appears to be an extrovert. -very iNtuitive when it comes to 'hunches'- especially about her kids. -values above all else (her moral code/ religious...|||...you say/ do what most won't, therefore you achieve what most can't.|||Getting great news from you guys = torture. Well as you know, we've been trying for a while now, and I'm finally pleased to announce that--- You're pregnant! Congrats! Due date?' ...|||Everything else, yes. Roaches the size of a small bird, with two people with compromised respiratory function living in the unit, no.|||Da bitch was the size of a small bird. I'm not getting roach viscera on my footwear and/ or person. Chemically burning was the next best option. Evidently I left my trifecta of pentobarbital,...|||INTP: Aah! Palmetto bug! ENTJ: Kill it! INTP: But if I kill it, it will die. Then my little friend will be dead. *INTP Steps over bug, walks in room, closes door* Ten min later... ENTJ:...|||Dear enfj- Why's it take you 10 words to say what I can in 3? Can we hurry this up please. Thanks! -ENTJ|||This. It's why I'm selling my business and going back to school for Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Was going to do nursing because of the BLS projected salary difference of $15,000 annually-- but...|||None, when they're not stoned.|||My last dating experiences, from most recent to oldest: ENTJ- present ENTP INFP- second longest INTJ ENTJ-longest ESTJ INTP INFJ ENTJ|||Why use dating sites for finding the 'right one', when serology & hematology are much more accurate. Let me draw a vial first. If I haven't called back for a second date in 5-7 days--- call...|||-Smithsonians -Run stairs at the Jefferson -Jog at the mall by the Washington Mon -The Spy Museum is rediculous If you (or anyone) do/es come to DC and you need itinerary suggestions,...|||I'm not rich by most standards. However, when financially necessary I made shit happen. In college? Rent was due? I'd... - throw a keg party and charge cover. -find discarded IKEA stuff on the...|||All the best, Sigmund. *raises glass*|||You're an ENFJ. Okay, so you primarily operate with Fe. So I think what might be going on is you're looking to create harmony and cohesion. Just remember not everyone operates like that--...|||If you enjoy challenges, but 'understanding your feelings' isn't one of them.|||Bullshit. You just spent two thread pages seeking help because your friends aren't supportive. You can't even be honest with yourself about what you want and need from your friendships, which...|||When you start walking on eggshells around someone, it's time to move on.'
yeah its kinda odd but i like polite people|||reading book|||when you are private|||Since if i say something you will take it as an offence but i do wana say that cherish what you have a few ups and downs are in everyones life|||well my four days holidays have ended i enjoyed them fully and make the most out of them now i am ready to go back to work tommorow|||I think it depends on their personality some kids like toys some dont|||so here is an interesting site with lots of girls and n9ice people plus i just joined today so we can have a blast lol its called interpals.net and here is me InterPals Penpals :: Azarth's Profile...|||I had a very good one with both my parents|||we are stubborn perfectionists|||nah most of the stuff on dating sites is fake if you wana date you should do it in real life|||I think its best to be open with people rather then keeping pain inside i used to keep things to myself and that was the reason i was unhappy most of the time just be open|||Yeah because they dont value what they have until its gone|||egg and tea|||amazing speech|||Its good to have knowledge but if you are going to classify you will have very little options left still to each his own|||during work i am an extroverent aside from work i am an introverent|||when you are a perfectionist|||Phone purse keys ballpoint|||hermionie of course|||no never in my life|||aweosum for you|||coffee nah i like tea|||No i am the only one in my family who is an infp|||aeroplanes by bob|||I never pick up phone . I hate talking on it|||when i was around 18.|||infj no denying it|||hey thats the whole fun of this site .|||I am called the most polite person i dont think you should care but its good to be on the positive side of people rather then on negative side|||your observation i am interesting to hear it lol|||our major is like every person who is in sales is people the biggest skill set of them all|||sometimes a time alone can do you wonders|||I cant explain because you cant understand|||are you trying to pull my leg ?|||Whenever in life i meet someone great i kinda feel more confident and more passionate in my life i met these really great people who have nothing who were handicaped but instead of weeping and...|||no comment|||well i am available to all you hotties just message me lol you deserve the best like me|||For example If someone has a lot of social i study their methods made a little twinkling of it on my own and then adopt it and make it a part of my personality thats the reason i have similarities...|||me i tend to adopt the best of peoples abilities and make them my own|||congratulations|||yeah obvious isnt it|||I dont believe any kind of classification can be 100 percent valid as human nature is aklways changing and growing|||Every talented person is always different what matters is how you take a stand that alone give you appreciation or bullying|||It depends on your own perspective i think sex is sacred and i should wait for the right person to have it with its not just a physical activity its more then that but to each his own|||koftey naan and sweerdish with tea|||by adapting you are slowly moving towards a change|||i didnt mean to offend you or anything|||I will tell you a secret girls are great but dont revolve your life around them needless to say i wish you the best of luck go and have fun with that one D|||why fall in love try good old flirting saves you a lot of trouble ?|||music and music
'In a recent interview, Tom explicitly says he's an extrovert. I'm pretty sure he's an F... ENFJ maybe?|||Hi, I'm an INFP and I have a friend who I recently found out is an ENFJ. He's going through a really hard time right now and I just want to be there for him so badly, but I don't know how. He's...|||If the 16 personality types were pokemon, what would they each be? What would their attacks be? You can make up new pokemon and attacks if you'd like! :crazy:|||Wow... Reckful basically just said everything I meant to say but with more T and less F... ._. Yep... I'll be over here|||Well, I wasn't sad before, but i guess I am now... And I don't know; I find that the cognitive functions don't coincide enough with my MB type for me to not use them separately from my type, as you...|||I'm so confused XD|||Yeah, I mean, maybe I'm just the oddball INFP who isn't good with coming up with the right words to express myself :P Yknow, low Ti and all Xp|||The Ne is strong in this one|||THIS!!! This this this this this ^^^ this is exactly what I'm talking about. I feel more at ease around INs because I feel like we take all the right stuff seriously. Side note: I feel like maybe...|||As in the computer type...?|||<3 that makes me pretty happy inside... I always felt like I had to conform to what other people want in order for them to appreciate me. I didn't realize anyone that's not an introvert would...|||.... I'm even more off base than usual this time aren't i... -.- I should just stick to posting on threads, not starting them|||I feel like there's some special dynamic with this group of four types. I know the NTs are supposed to be most alike, and the NFs most alike, but for some reason the group dynamic of the INs...|||Well what I mean is... Stereotypically, you would probably have your whole picking from the crowd; you'd know how to strike up a conversation more easily and, hey, if you're good looking enough,...|||I've honestly never met an INFP male in real life yet. When I do... Oh dear. The sky will turn red XD I think, though, if I did meet an INFP male it would first off be hard to tell, but once we...|||Out of curiousity, what makes you least attracted to your own type?|||Wait, what makes you like INFPs?|||Most: INTP, INFP, ENFP Least: ESTJ, ESFJ, Exxx (aside from ENFP)|||Cbbf :3|||Welcome, says another whovian and sherlockian!|||The stuff I see late at night, when my blood sugar is low and my Fi is at insane and not-safe levels, is the stuff I always regret seeing because I can never get the way I felt when I saw it out of...|||How are we good at that?|||I am definitely feeling the my Fi is slowly driving me absolutely insane aspect, haha.|||Okay you win xD|||INTPs come up with the master plans, the blueprints if you will, that start businesses off. INTJs practicalities those plans and make the whole thing function... INFJs help people in a psychologist...|||My educated guess is the Tom Hiddleston is an extroverted INFP. What I mean by that is that his temperament is INFP, but, possibly due to acting, he has learned to be quite expressive, thus...|||The ENFP personality makes me laugh. Or at least, one particular ENFP does. They're like us but... Drunk? And he/they rant a lot longer. I don't know. It may may just be the specific person, but...|||I agree. I also would like to clarify: when I talked about my mom saying I have autistic tendencies instead of recognizing the difference between us, I didn't mean to imply that I mind being labelled...|||You don't raise a man... You raise a child, and then they become a man.|||You're right... I hadn't seen that OP had posted that|||How does Ne play into having the windows open at night? I'm primarily an INFP (leaning toward INxP) and I love having the windows open, especially when it's raining. It's just so soothing.|||My sympathies to the OP. They've expressed multiple times that they didn't mean to instigate any hate towards us INFPs, and yet people are still replying with what a stupid post! OP is a [male...|||I think that's the best definition of a 'loser' I've ever heard.|||Hey, you rock, dude. My mom thinks I might have autistic tendencies and I'm only an INFP! (Well, I'm almost an INxP I guess.) I'm compelled to think that she's just saying that as a means of...|||For me, when I argue with my friend, it's because I feel that she's done something unfair to me that irritates me or makes me sad, and I start off on the self-righteous speech about what she's done...|||Yeah... I think that's one of the scarier things about life; not knowing how you're going to be as a parent, and just hoping you'll do better than was done to you.|||Wow, maybe all parents are like this? I always thought my mom failed to be reasonable and understand me and my dad failed to take me seriously and quit thinking he knows everything about me because...|||Maybe you can't outwit her, but at least she's probably reasonable and doesn't make you do stuff just because she feels like you should do it...|||Wow, thank you for the explanation, that was really clear and simple. The only thing is, I feel very strongly about Fi, Ti, Ni and (I think) Se primarily... Weird.|||Agreed. My mom is an ESTJ. I basically hide in my room all day, lol.|||Oh my goodness you don't even know. I feel so bad when it happens, and it never proves that people actually like me, just that I know how to flirt (which in reality I don't).|||No, I was really just curious. It made me feel so alone and different from others, that my friend and I couldn't put up with talking during a movie, so I thought maybe there might be some correlation...|||So if INFP means your cognitive preference order is Fi Ne Si Te, where do Ti, Ni, Se and Fe fit into that? Are those four supposed to be the last four cognitive types you typically use?|||That's so cool!! What do you do as part of the movies industry?|||Haaaaa very punny.|||I didn't find the are you depressed one but I found an are you chemically unbalanced one and i quote: Any category with up to 5 true statements is considered a minor deficiency. Any category...|||Hahahahaha I can only picture this. I would try it out but I'm almost scared to :laughing:|||It totally counts; you were focused on the movie, not distracted by chatting with your friends. As for your INFJ friend; maybe it isn't limited to MBTI types. I guess only time will tell :P|||So before I discovered the MBTI Types and such, I decided a way of telling whether people who thought the same as me would be to sit them down in a movie at home, and the ones who talked through the...|||I thought I was just lazy!!!!'
'trope|||Also an INFP: 1 Futuristic People strong in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future. 100|||gesso|||roses|||I'm not certain what British culture has to do with the Personality Cafe, but I do hope you enjoy the forums. It's always great fun to see people labeled with psychological categories interacting...|||lodge|||INFPs often miss the thoughts behind what someone tells them! >.>|||An INFP is a passionate creature. If it's possible to make money off one's passion in an environment that isn't stressful, that's the way to go. If not, a job that's simple to train or school for and...|||Moose|||@Sily changed avatars. It looks nice! umm.. Tomes (edited it to respond to Marie Claire's word)|||lover|||lives (haha slave lives)|||vials|||Mysterious critters? I believe each INFP is a world in and of themselves where critters are just a small part of a boundless whole :proud:. I'm a well of inspiration. A world of colors,...|||Dear ISTP, That looks fine to me. Perhaps even say something kindly first prior to showing him your temptation and refusal to accept said temptation because of your trust in the INFP. Either way...|||I believe it bothers some of my family, but I can't help but go into Tenor or Baritone vocals at times. Often solely for voicing nonsensical syllables or concepts. Not around more than one person...|||apart|||wraps|||raise|||crane|||This insight into the ISTP vernacular has made my life. You wouldn't know how special that slip of the tongue was. Thank you Ellis. The future has become bright!|||shear|||I did exceptionally in school though rarely bothered to do any of the homework. Homework had no meaning. It wasn't much to get a feel for the inner workings of the subject at hand. Extra work seemed...|||pedal|||You should (do this) more or Why aren't you (doing this) Why aren't I? Because I'm not interested. And your personal opinion about other people's free time should be kept to yourself. I'm not...|||pecan|||1. You have the chance to meet someone with whom you have the most satisfying love imaginable- the stuff of dreams. Sadly, you know that in six months the person will die. Knowing the pain that...|||I'd rather consider ISTPs to be turtles. INFPs, I dunno. I can't think of Turtles as Fi dominant.|||You need to smile more often upsets me. I go through a large spectrum of emotions and appreciate their many nuances. I'm not going to stick to grinning like a creep all the time because it makes...|||Just for future reference: Repeated disregard for person space, unwarranted solicitation, or otherwise not approved behavior is harassment if you've already asked him not to do it (especially if this...|||extra|||I've noticed many here have highly interesting avatars and thought it might be worthwhile if there were more to hear about them. Since INFPs tend to have very avant-garde avatars, I chose to start...|||route|||Note to self: Adventures are good. Participate more often in them and remember that they're fun. Depth and living environment also important..|||@Pelopra This topic is interesting. An ISTP would stereotypically be considered static, so it's unique to see the range of personal opinions regarding it. I appreciate the fourth option in the...|||euros|||Psychopaths. What could an INFP possibly do when dealing with one without succumbing to some sort of violence or getting far away? Unfeeling, self-aware, and immoral? Horrid. I imagine an INFP vs a...|||smelt|||Dear lord, INFPs become Stand (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) or Persona users? The moment they start posing in public or consider using a gun to summon their ideal selves, I'll die of embarrassment. ...|||squat|||drape|||Having never been attracted to an NT (STPs & STJs yes, absolutely), perhaps I can be objective? An NT has access to logic uninhibited by personal ties yet not necessarily in a literal or binding...|||crate|||That awkward moment when your supervisor notices that you were being rather chatty (when working alone.)|||stark|||This is funny, because it actually happened. My response was a mad impulse to make her breakfast (I failed to realize that I repeated the gesture weekly for a few months. After which, I found that...|||INFP due to the lack of knowing what you're doing and your focus on feelings, compliments, and colorful adjectives.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilA55DgNkWE I'm honestly considering importing it|||ENFP, because you use happy emoticons.|||ENFPs have too much energy. Any way to spontaneously exhaust them?'
'lol i think i can fall in love with every type (:|||What type is the person your in love with?? well....ESFP? but also...considering an ISTJ... HAHA (so far...there are no male Ns in my life that are single..:unsure:) What type do you personally get...|||Quite a bit...but you know what..I just give it time, and things usually get better. If the situation requires a funny moment/ice breaker, I usually break out in New Girls Jessica's song.... ...|||...what if I'm just left-handed? haha. My whole family is left-handed, we are all very right. (kekeke)|||A Quokka...they always smiling! hahah 63932 or a Siberian Husky lol, only type of dog I would be. I wouldn't want to be a Hyena....ew|||I live by this one too: How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. Man...thats deep|||Husky (: shes purrtyyy and seriously an ENFP haha...wow two ENFPs. 63930|||well...the only INTP i do know is my brother in law, which I have known for quite a while. I would have to say...when we first met each other, we hated each other. He thought I was an irresponsible,...|||....I'm on the dance floor, dancing, and trying to get those shy people onto there. All ESFPs will join in, with a few ESFJs...ENFJs. The ISFP will be the DJ and the ENTP, the host. The ISTP will be...|||for me...sports.... team sports to be specific LOL.|||ahaha...sorry I meant white...Caucasian lol|||yes...|||Whoa whoa, can't wait to share mine with everyone haha. This will be categorized by age and ethnicity. Male American/Younger: Grant Gustin (seen on Glee) So hot! But just looks wise.. Male...|||Haha I was just thinking about this today. A lot of yours I feel I do the same thing as well, except for the warning people about cops thing...because I'm pretty sure in my area, the people won't get...|||..so I'm assuming Klingon doesn't count? ...guess not I speak Chinese and English (:|||Hi Hi! Welcome (: You know, being a senior is HS is full of choices to make, and of course you want to make good ones that can benefit you in your future. One thing that really helped me was...|||night owl (in fact...my whole family is! haha)|||honeychanbunny ><~sometimes you think it isn't haha....then you get back to reality and realize O.O oh....so it was that all along... but sometimes i get them too~(especially when I watch too...|||...doesnt seem like an ENFP|||lol....im horrible at calling people. its too awkward. sad..isnt it? society can't even have proper conversation over the phone? LOL|||arrogance|||three letters that you should strongly consider every month P M S|||Its not the end of the world 'If only you were older... Yeah...only those two I can think of LOL, maybe right after someone says somethings that irks me, I'll post it up :p|||oh I like this (: hope it grows! I LOVE BEING an ENFP but.... I wish people realized that I like to be alone sometimes too.|||yup! I think my greatest ideas stem from the time I have to myself before I got to sleep. Plus, I am always so curious about what my dreams will be like when I do go to sleep~and then...of course...|||...want to be in love again~ohhhh the oh so wonderful feeling I get inside while admiring someone~|||If I have an issue with a person, I pretty much won't talk about the issue I have with that person with someone else who knows that same person. And that is why I hang out with people from...|||Lol...okay I think I'm the only TRUE left handed so far haha yay ^^ happy dance Actually, my older brother and my older sister are left handed as well~so all of us are (: but...my parents...|||lol i think we can all agree that a majority of mothers are ESFJ~its just how they are.....haha but..LOL I happen to have a very much P mother, as I look at her in her cluttered office...falling...|||(whispering voice:she'll be back in 3 days..knowing a true ENFP) Have fun! (:|||:/ its a little unattractive to me for girls and guys.....kinda like when I see a good looking guy, and then he smokes -__- ah....turn around|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNovHVo_R14|||BWAHAHAH~as I am brushing my teeth, this post pops up. Drooler, man.... then I wash off the excess on my mouth with my sleeve LOL|||To simply put it, I put them down even lower...and then leave the conversation. Although, sometimes, a good debate doesn't hurt~ ;)|||wow...I don't think I can post something in this thread without seeming a tad bit narcissist~ haha jk jk Well, as I realized today, going to Disneyland (yes...when I go to Disneyland I learn a bit...|||because we're cold? hahaha (implying to the post above you about chili...because we are hot :p)|||You know, I was going to say this... until...I went to Disneyland today, bought one, ate it, and was in the bathroom 5hrs later LOL I know, I know TMI.. BUT! My reason is, haha, I hope I...|||I...I......I care! T_T lol.......|||Oh! I can spend hours on Lifehacker! Have you ever actually done anything from the posts??|||Honey Badger Don't Care LOL thats the first thing that popped into my head....or pooped into my head hehehehehehehehehe....|||OMG!!!! This is the most awesome-ist super-ist website EVERRRRRRRRRRR!!! Why Hello There New Love ^^|||I don't have a best friend T_T lol, I have MANY good friends (:|||This thread isn't for the faint of heart..... ):|||Hm....what would you say about a Dental Assistant? Do you think as an ENFP, it would be a good field for me to get into?|||haha yeah and then I crash into a light pole (: but seriously, I don't know what happens when I drive...its like I go into dream-mode and reality just...fly's away. Haha if that makes sense. ...|||You know, I have always thought about what a family of an INTJ father, ENFP mother, and a child (or more...) would be like. I can see that he and I would be having our alone time together, and give...|||Lol...I usually just sit down, face up in the water, and SINGGGGGGGGGG lol no....i...don't...do....that.....O.o moving on... Iono, I had to think about this question first and then come back to...|||First Off, your baby girl is very cute (: Well, as a baby, I pooped, slept, ate....thats about it. Oh! And I picked my nose a lot. Its strange though, I don't know if it has to do with MBTI at...|||I'm a mean backpacker/hiker!!! >:O Other then that..yeah... 12 minute miles.....can't even pitch a baseball......don't even ask me about tennis...lol|||lol you're on a Just How... roll today huh? Lol....(pertaining to your 'Just How Sporty Are You' question) WELL! To answer your question, I can't rate myself as to how popular I was...'
'I used to feel that way all the time and also had a label like the girl who never speaks. Now I don't really get anxiety that much, but even now I still don't really initiate conversations unless...|||The only online game I play at the moment is Halo Reach. I nearly always play the team games, and depending on the size of the map depends on how I play. If it's a large one I'll be more of a lone...|||You don't really need to be strong to do it because you get taught techniques which help you to use as little strength as possible. It's all in the positioning of yourself, if you get that right then...|||I don't think my parents understand me that much. My mum is constantly saying that I'm not normal because she can't understand why I act the way I do. I've tried to explain why, but she seems to...|||I would say that physical therapy is a suitable career for for an INFP. In my experience, it can be an interesting job because you get to work with lots of different people with a wide range of...|||Melancholy Plegmatic 7 Sanguine, 50 Melancholy, 7 Choleric, 57 Phlegmatic I'd say that's pretty accurate. I liked the questions that were asked as well, much more interesting than the usual...|||I tend to space out a lot in real life and can seem a bit disconnected at times. It can take me quite a bit of concentration to stay focused on others at times as well. Also, sometimes I can look...|||I just want to be able to help people, to make a difference to their lives. Just being able to do that brings me happiness.|||I wouldn't say that admin and support jobs are pointless. On the surface they may seem so, but when you took deeper into the reasons for having them, they are necessary. I don't think the main...|||Good video! I relate to this so much, it feels like you were both describing my relationship with my parents. :laughing: The things you both mention about holding certain thoughts back from them and...|||I agree that it's the villages where the majority of the community feelings stem from and that the cities can seem a bit more distanced from each other. I'm from the North as well and I live in a...|||I wouldn't take things like that to heart, it's just a stereotype so it doesn't apply to everyone and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Also, as others have said, every type can be manipulative to a...|||I can definitely relate to this and can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, whilst not holding others to the same standards. I've noticed in myself that it's near impossible to stop thinking that...|||I don't think I would put it as healing, but it feels like it's been beneficial. I've been using it more as a way of further understanding myself, but it has also helped me understanding what I can...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6CcxJQq1x8|||I can relate to this as well. I actually mentioned that I did this to my mum the other day (who's an S type) when it she told me to practice answering interview questions out loud. She just thought...|||I don't think so. I don't know if this is just me, but when I try to persuade someone to do something, I tend to give up easily because I know they don't want to do it and I wouldn't want to force...|||To be honest, I admire the people who are hardworking because I know that it's something that I have trouble with. I always feel like I could have done more in terms of studying for tests etc, and...|||I ended up giving in and buying it yesterday. :blushed: I've already finished the game and really enjoyed it. The soundtrack it what seems to make the game, it's so simple yet so powerful when it...|||I've played the demo and will be getting the game as soon as they drop the price of it enough (will hopefully only take a few months to half in price) The demo was really good though. There seemed...|||I tried out the trial version the other day and I have to say that it is the first game that has scared me in a while (it was the huge spider that did it mostly, but the whole atmosphere is a little...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57hSqLLfOv4&feature=related|||I like shopping if I have the money for it. :tongue: I still lose interest quickly though if I don't have an idea of what I want to buy. When I do eventually buy something it makes me feel good,...|||I tend to pick up people's mannerisms when I spend a lot of time around them. I think it might have something to do with trying to subconsciously relate to the other person so they will accept you,...|||That's the problem I had as well, that's why I tried following different people around doing their jobs just to help me to get an idea of what they do because you don't seem to get the same...|||I was in a similar situation a few yeas ago when I had to chose what course I was going to take at university. I suggest you maybe go with something that you wont lose interest in or something that...|||I have a little pot of soap bubbles in my room; just watching and thinking about them can be a good stress reliever. :proud:|||I know what you mean, sometimes it'll take me a while to register what the other person has said, especially if they are a fast talker or if they have a different accent. I wish I could speed my...|||I know what you mean, it brings on something like a natural high, like nothing can put you down. :happy: I think people overlook it because we tend not to show it to the same extent. For example,...|||Sometimes I create a negative opinion on someone without realising it, usually it's with people I don't know well.I never act on this judgement though, because usually once I get to know the person...|||You could teach English in different countries, that way you could travel and learn other languages and help people. :happy:|||Hmm didn't think of that. I'm not really sure how to help with it but it could work if you use a .JPEG picture that fits in with the sizes it states. If that doesn't work I'd test a few pictures out...|||When you ponder the reasons as to why there are so many users here without avatars. Could they not decide? Did they just not bother with it? or have they just not got round to finding the perfect one...|||Why can't I stop procrastinating? I've got a dissertation and an essay to start yet I just can't bring myself to put any effort into them. Whenever I start to do any research for them, my mind starts...|||I wish they would make some sort of hair dryer like device that could be used to defrost cars. It would make my life so much easier in the morning. :laughing:|||I don't really like them to be honest. I think when people use them with strangers or people they don't know well, they can sound slightly condescending. That might just be me who thinks like that...|||You are in a desert. The desert I see has nothing but sand for what seems like thousands of miles. My vision is disfigured partly by the transparent ripples slowly rising from the sand, partly...|||I don't really watch TV much, but there are a few shows I watch such as: The Big Bang Theory Scrubs Glee (I like the cheesiness of it :tongue:) Mock the Week Top Gear Never Mind the Buzzcocks...|||I quite like it when life goes fast paced, it stops me from over thinking and worrying about things that most people wouldn't notice.|||Teal and sea blue :happy:|||My favourite types of video games are RPG games, at the moment I'm playing through Fable 3 and Assassins Creed Brotherhood. I think my favourite game would be Zelda: Ocarina of Time. :happy: I...|||I tend to not show my feelings with people I don't know well. I'll smile and express my feelings about the more superficial things, like if someone asks me if I like a certain song, I'll tell them my...|||I never really had to study up until the end of high school because I always got decent grades somehow. At the end of high school were the GCSE exams and after doing the practice exam and scoring a...|||I have thumb that bends too much and have accidently scared someone with it. :frustrating: I always talk to myself and sing when I'm alone, I never do it when other people are around though.|||I love anime, especially ones which are a bit different from the usual or that are quite emotional. My top 5 anime would probably be: Kimi ni Todoke Welcome to the NHK Kuuchuu Baranko...|||Here's mine, I need to organise it sometime but I keep putting it off. :blushed: http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/1025/97162191.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us|||Ok, so after having looked over the perceiving fuctions in more detail I think I am actually an INFP. The reason is that my understanding of Ne was completely wrong, well actually I don't think I...|||Hi, so I've been thinking about my type lately and how I maybe don't fit into it as well as I first thought that I did. I've recently noticed that I fit the INFP description probably as well as I do...|||Not sure, I suppose it could have something to do with personal values, for example, I always wanted to do my best at school and felt bad if I didn't. Other than that I don't really know, I've never...|||I do this as well, if the wording doesn't feel right then I'll delete the response. I think other ISFPs might have a tendency to do this as well because it mentions in the description that we can be...'
'That's an interesting idea. I'd have to think about how right or wrong I think that is. Cuz right away my gut says, Yes! But then my head says- Wait a minute- are you sure that's right? Hell,...|||Yes. This one I'm pretty sure on as we thought about moving away together already just because. I've learned that in order for me to make a truly good decision, I should imagine that I am my...|||I think I've just been wrong about how I feel about all kinds of stuff. I've thought and thought until I realized that there can be no set order of moral ideas because no moral rule applies...|||NichirenWarrior I love cartoons.|||I've concluded that the Myers Briggs system itself supports bias against these qualities in order of descending prejudice: 1. S- against sensors 2. E- against extroverts 3. F- against...|||Contender http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QsNXd57Ppw Personally, I like the sound of being a 'Survivor' the most. Need to get more Survivory, I think... But I like the sound of working...|||It's all the wild mad scientist and comic book stuff that makes me think that- the bizarre descriptions of things. Like pulling a person to a bullet and putting it through them as opposed to...|||Lotsa times. But I don't want to claim it for several reasons: 1) I won't ever seem it to anyone. You'd have to go around practically trying to seem like an INTJ for someone to really think you...|||Depends. Say if I'm trying to buy a car- I've bought a lot of old ones, because when I look at a new car, I barely even think of it as new- I immediately imagine it dinged, needing an oil change,...|||I do it without even thinking about it- I have to actually think about it to stop it. I have to look at a thing and force myself to focus on what it is NOW to stop from seeing it partially as what...|||I found this in a search engine while looking for something unrelated and couldn't help but laugh. TypoC vs Personality Cafe They talk about how much more deep and mature TypoC is compared...|||When I say not seeing things for what they are, I mean: I will look at a person/situation/object and not see their immediate qualities, but instead see them as partially their potential, to...|||No matter how I look at it- I have concluded for sometime now that I like claiming ESFP- as I do not believe the Myers Briggs is truly accurate in describing people, I am not disturbed at claiming...|||It's good to hate everything as far as I can tell. It's the only thing that makes sense to do. Seriously, thrown into this shit world without even being asked if we want to be here or not and...|||@Diamondeyes Yea, I've heard about this book. The thing that struck me as the strangest part about it's popularity is that my Mom had read literary porn my whole childhood, women have been doing...|||You know, I think this is the same thing I'm doing. This is why I avoid riddles and such, because I become obsessed with it, I become convinced I can 'solve' it, even when I keep telling myself...|||How much time to you spend in the Sex and Relationships? As much as I would love to claim Maker of most disjointed, bizarre thread on PerC, unfortunately, I don't believe I have met the challenge...|||No, the point is not that I don't think they're INTJs. The point is: 1) Lots of people think they are INTJs and 2) People think they can decide other peoples' types for them. <---- this one was...|||Dunno enough about him. Perhaps I should look him up?|||You can tell how I write. Look at my whack-ass posts.|||You know, I didn't actually expect anyone to get upset by this thread. I thought everyone would get it, and just end up discussing with me about their own experiences concerning how they have...|||Falling back on typism instead of addressing my recent, and if I don't say so myself- EPIC POST? Hmmmmmm. You know, whatever. Fi/Ti clash, fine. ...|||read : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUtS_7PQV0s :|||Well since YOU say it, I guess MUST BE TRUE! Funny how some people think that whatever they think MUST BE THE GOSPEL, but if someone else jokingly affects the same attitude, said people get a bit...|||This is not a nobody eats cookies type situation, and you know it. I've explained myself well enough.|||All this thread is is my observations concerning the way I've seen people using the Myers Briggs in real life. I already said that the 'ultimate truth' part implied in the title is exaggerated....|||Careful, if I can't be the bearer of 'ultimate truth' on the strength of my own experiences, neither can you.|||Dunno why, but it's a pretty obvious pattern. At least half the people I've met in real life who know what the MBTI even IS think that they are INTJs. Or, if I say, hey- take this test for me. I...|||not a joke. 'cept for the 'ultimate truth' part. Take it easy. It's just an observation.|||Thread title is great. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.|||If you meet anyone in real life who knows even a little about the Myers Briggs: A) They probably think they are an INTJ B) No matter what type you tell them YOU are, they will only believe you...|||Well, I guess this points strongly to what I feel I'm missing in life- somebody wholesome, dependable and concerned. So the 'over the top' goodness only gives me a sense of wistful loneliness and...|||I expect that brain development is dictated by genetics, the same way hair color, eye color, sex and intelligence is. What's funny about this is that people have long ago accepted that many things...|||Our genetics haven't changed in the slightest. We are the same violent and sex obsessed creatures. Hell, take stock of the conversations in this very forum to prove it.|||WHHaaaaT? I found him quite loveable!|||Watched Captain America again. Decided I believe his movie incarnation is definitely an ISFJ.|||I have slowly been moving into rap without noticing. Then, just recently, for whatever reason, I suddenly realized that I not only really like it, but I want to know everything about it. I'm...|||I hate SLOAN. It makes me sound bad. I don't know if I am good or bad for reals, but come on! It can't be as bad as all that! and as for it being called: SLOAN, is that because neurotic ESFJ...|||Euphoric vaporizer something I intend to invent.|||ESTP/ISTP- criminals and cowboys. sometimes psychotic, sometimes with 'heart of gold' (Wolverine, Tank Girl, Dirty Harry, Han Solo, Athos) ENTP- offensive know-it-all. sometimes...|||Did you misunderstand my post?|||This is also surprising to me, but it shouldn't be. Surprising because: Isn't INFP the most prevalent type on this forum? Why it shouldn't be surprising: Seems a lot of people want to 'improve'...|||I can say this: E/I- I don't care. But others do seem to think it is better to be an introvert. This is a somewhat crazy idea. The people I see around me who seem the most obviously introverted get...|||After years of thought I have finally concluded that everything is genetic. Personality, sexuality, intelligence, body type, everything. Nurture is an illusion. The person is the same person they...|||absurd comedy|||There are four things about my name that fit me: 1. My first name's popularity peaked in the United States during the 40's and WWII is one of my big interests, not to mention I like to project...|||I don't notice when I'm using sarcasm IRL. It seems that others don't notice when I do it, either. It is always either extremely silly sarcasm, or just very mild, so that it doesn't stand out. ...|||It goes like this: as suggested in the song, there's no use trying to fight public opinion of your own identity whether they are wrong or right. First of all, no matter what you do they're going to...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd6pRP081cs|||@midnightstar You need a vacation. Tunnel vision is what you've got. Things are not as serious as they seem- your feelings will lie to you. If all you want is for other people to be happy,...'
'Mathematics Playing the Saxophone Anime Learning Japanese Collecting Socks :laughing:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGGDkb9OgRk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En3IgstEmcU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzLBsNb9UgU you're welcome. :cool:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI1wNghsN3c|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vabnZ9-ex7o|||I will buy you an alarm clock tonight.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRpoqyTShxM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grPzUhYs1tM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vabnZ9-ex7o&|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFCQNiP_bOk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQK9RCv5aok|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10X3zJpMDMo|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NsbQvuNPsQ|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoTz3WgZm4c|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7Z-eUmR2bM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLJeKCA8Iq4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4NtdEuJ75k|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Yxl7Nn4Bt0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G7DNhXbsZ0|||x93Men always makes gods in their own image.x94 ― Xenophanes x93If an ox could paint a picture, his god would look like an ox.x94 ― Xenophanes|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5vNZuoW0bo|||I scored 72.5 out of 100 in masculine, 46.667 out of 100 in feminine, and 50 out of 100 in androgynous points. Male, ISTJ.|||moved|||Reading about physics Learning how to draw Listening to good music Watching old movies between 1920-1970|||ISTJ dad and mom unknown probably ENFP haha|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyWm66RFCcw|||Your score was 68 of 100. This puts you in the category of the high Machs, people who do not belive in the goodness of the world and that because that it must be manipulated, people who...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xZY8VJHqU4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gjVuSb72a0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF9zgGGrE_U|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9UIfqbXBXE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL7M9nghm24|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UE0rV3iMNg Aries is my sign, I'm compatible with Libra :ninja:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXtaTmpkT8g|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cnmLW6pDvQ|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH8ruw-zlWA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZAvDN64Ces|||ISTJ Mechanical Engineering. I was ultimately going to choose the electrical route, but I found mechanical to be more diverse.|||Ahha I just made my dad take the personality test and he scored as ISTJ :laughing:. No wonder..|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhJbebqhqo0|||I suggest you live your life and quit worrying so much about him. I know you feel deeply for him, but like you said you guys keep going in circles. Maybe you should try to be an expert in something...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QSHobpgNJ8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3LdMAqUMnM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIWTKrj9SfI|||I say time is being stolen from me, so I have to spend it preciously. Its better to work hard now then to continue to worry about whatever it is I have to finish up. Hell, who doesn't procrastinate...|||ParanoidDisorder | Moderate SchizoidDisorder | High SchizotypalDisorder | Low AntisocialDisorder | Moderate BorderlineDisorder | Low HistrionicDisorder | Low NarcissisticDisorder | Moderate...|||I had a friend of mine who's ISTJ introduce me this track today, and since then I've listened to it repeatedly. good looks on this gem! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II2E4Ya5JE8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBG3qpYj5DU|||I admire your ability to tie things together quickly with the external world that my type can't do as fast mentally, and your creative spirit.'
'Every day, your lives pass before your eyes.|||Ouch man that hurt. Please try again.|||This thread is now a designated safe space, my preferred pronouns are Don, Donnie, and Donnie T.|||It sounds like you haven't even given it any thought as to what you should do with your life and are just being lazy asking others to tell you what to do. What you should do with your life is...|||I can't stand bullshit, I see right through people.|||I've logged 1898 hours on Arma 2 day z mod so yea you could say I get a raging boner for post apocalyptic survival games.|||It is generally a good idea to end your current romantic relationship before trying to start new ones. I wouldn't want to be involved with you.|||There is no system and there are no rules in dating.|||I stopped reading after this. Fuck it and go for it anyways. Move fast and break things, and always remember to burn bridges.|||You have obviously never taken any economics classes.|||Maybe in the perfect world yea but that's not how our world works. It is more expensive to sentence someone to death than to let them rot in jail.|||Why is that?|||I am only generous to those I truly care about, anyone else can get lost.|||Hi, I'm Andrew.|||Atlas Shrugged and Anthem by Ayn Rand were pretty good. I would like to read more but I get bored easily and right now I'm busy reading textbooks.|||What's wrong with curiosity? If anything you shouldn't trust her|||Yea people who have proven they are unfit to live in society, so why just waste them? Make them useful to the rest of society.|||Not an INFP but I'd like to chime in. I suggest instead of the death penalty those criminals should just be put in forced labor camps. Why waste a source of labor? What is killing someone going to...|||I'm afraid of driving in the rain with my racing slicks on, its kind of exciting but not very fun when your car decides to steer itself.|||If you are having fun with him then I don't see a problem with you two hanging out again.|||Yes definitely he is confused about what he wants but regardless of MBTI if someone walks out on their one week old kid then they are a piece of shit.|||shots fired|||Got my associates in Automotive Technology now I'm getting a BS in Computer Science.|||I don't think anyone would really enjoy that kind of situation.|||I feel really uncomfortable when people I don't really know try to give me hugs, but if you are someone I'm romantically interested in then I probably wont want to ever let go.|||Sounds like he can't get you off his mind. Be proud that you are important enough to have that sort of impact on someones life. It's possible that he still wants to be a part of your life but at the...|||Possibly ESTP but it is impossible to really tell for sure. Why don't you ask him to take the Myers Briggs test?|||The dreams that I do remember tend to be very realistic and I often confuse them with reality.|||Last time I encountered a cop I was in Ocean City and someone was getting pulled over for doing a burnout so I shouted FUCK THE POLICE then I get a tap on my shoulder so I spin around and stare a...|||I like my friends who are accepting of my occasional risky behavior and may even join in.|||Why were you nervous? Did you like him?|||I will never blindly follow some preacher spewing out contradictory shit.|||What's the point? You have the chance of making your situation worse. If you are okay with hurting someone the go ahead and attempt to apologize.|||To restate what has already been said, talk to him about what you feel and be very direct.|||Why didn't you just talk to him about this? Communication is important.|||Bison burger topped with strips of steak, BBQ sauce and provolone cheese.|||I tried fixing a relationship with a girl I had strong feelings for, didn't work. Don't attempt to fix something you don't know how to fix unless you are okay with the chance that you might break it...|||To be able to post links or images your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 1 post Now I don't feel like sharing anymore.|||Be direct with what you want. Just ask him, how hard is that? It drives me absolutely crazy when women try to play games to see if I'm interested in them, immediate turn off.'
'Root: under-active (-44%) Sacral: under-active (-38%)|||The same thing is happening with me, too--when I hit the back button especially, and when I try to edit posts.|||Yes, I have that freaky stare from introspecting too long; I zone out and don't realize I do it. The thing is that people always seem to think it's about them--that by looking at them that way you...|||Congrats @Aquarian! From what little time I've spent here, I've enjoyed reading about your journey and that of your INFP.|||Congrats!|||I feel like everyone scores INTJ on tests. I got into this because several people I know on Facebook posted that they'd taken an online test... and got that result. They aren't really that common,...|||Estj.|||OK, so I have another question. I've been thinking about MBTI in relation to Asperger's again, specifically the cognitive functions as I learn about them. Do you think it's possible that a person's...|||No type, but my current favorite is Twisted by Stevie Nicks--about how our passions are sometimes so great that they threaten to consume us.|||Welcome, and thank you for all that you do! I am new here too, but it seems like a fun place.|||I got 29/36, which is considered average, but quite good for me, actually, considering that I'm on the autism spectrum.|||Have you ever thought about how things appear from other people's point of view? For example, in your particular case, what are your family's reservations about starting your own business? Eg, what...|||Thanks again. I've heard the functions described as perspectives in cognition--that some behaviors do come out of it as a side effect, but that they're just a lens through which we see the world. How...|||ISFP? I don't know.|||Thanks for your input! Out of curiosity, why ISTJ?|||Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age,...|||I was thinking today about how people say they hate small talk. It's not really about not liking, though; that's just something people who aren't good at small talk say as a coping mechanism for...|||Oooh, how about this one (from an ESFJ): why don't you call up so-and-so and meet her for coffee? Or you need to make more friends.|||Haha, some people will say anything to say something, and sometimes they sound so dumb. My mom and I went to see an obscure-ish play that's being performed in my city starting in September and...|||I highly doubt that being clumsy is related to being a sensing or intuitive type. I'm an Se type and I do this kind of stuff a lot. I walk into door frames, trip over a box in my office that's been...|||I've found that the more people crow about good qualities they think they have, the more that it isn't true!|||I suspect that I'm a victim of my own subjectivity here: 37% INFJ 24% INFP 12% INTJ 9% ENFJ 7% INTP|||The Best of Everything, by Rona Jaffe|||Congrats, Brown93!|||Change in a person's character is slow and almost imperceptible, and although people look back and say This was the day that changed my life, they are never wholly right. The day you choose one...|||Dear whatever-type-you-are, Please don't get offended when the 20-something guys in the office do their frat bro thing (eg, someone else yelling at male coworker, you're such a girl, dude! and...|||Ahhh, I hate Facebook. I keep saying I'll get off it for good, but I always go back. What is wrong with me???|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-jKfLXYQqw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4YK-DEkvcw|||Dear ESFJ, No, I do not need a boyfriend. I need air. I need food. I need shelter over my head. Sure, a boyfriend would be nice. But I do not need a boyfriend in that sense. Thanks, ...|||More like life roaching services instead. :).|||84636 Not one for having my picture taken, generally, but here's the most recent. I'm the one in pink, obviously.|||Welcome!|||Welcome, from another ISTP! Beware of robots. :).|||I'm not sure I like the word aura, either, but I fancy that I'm decent at reading someone's body language (Se) to get a sense of what's going on (it's pretty selective, though; maybe due to being sx...|||Signs/ways an ISTP cares about/is warming up/thinks of you as a friend? What makes you consider someone a friend? I'm pretty selective about it, but I usually only consider someone a friend if...|||The thing about people who are yelling is that it's rarely about you or something you've done; more, that it's their particular reaction to a certain situation. So I always figure that it'll blow...|||That's where ESTP women have ISTP women beat; ISTPs in general suck at keeping up a social mask and it shows. That said, ISTP men are easier to spot than ISTP women. I only really type people I've...|||Er... ESFP.|||Fe would be third and Ni fourth... in ESTPs. Inferior Fe in ISTPs has an all-or-nothing quality to it (as with all inferior functions)--like it might be fully there but it controls us (and it's...|||Doctor Zhivago.|||I'm tied for physical touch and quality time. Quality time, because I value people, especially romantic partners, who take the time to listen to me; those are the types of people that I want to be...|||I don't know much about the military, but it seems as though, if you're an officer, you'd be in charge of other people. Something that ISTPs aren't exactly known for--or really do well, especially...|||You decide. As a type 9 in addition to being an ISTP, I swear, this would drive me to drink...|||Higher pain tolerance--maybe not related inferior Fe? But I'ma bit laissez-faire towards it (in Enneagram terms, I'm probably sp-last). Currently have back pain from lifting boxes and although it...|||There's definitely some merit to the idea; as I've hit my 30s, I realize that Ni makes itself felt a lot more in my cognition (but I'm always aware of it; like I can pinpoint it when it happens. Ti...|||Congrats, Teybo! I've enjoyed reading your contributions to the forum.|||Congrats, Aquarian!|||I actually have 3 different selves. Online, in person, and the brain dump that goes into my journal and is probably a netters reflection of myself. In my journal I'm verbose; in person and online I...|||...how else would a thread about fashion aimed at ISTPs end up being 33 pages long?|||Best of luck to you! To echo, I think it's important to be blunt about stuff; ISTPs are good at picking up on body language, but we'd rather have you come right out and say what you're thinking. So...'
'deleted thread, written while drunk.|||Enfp, thats how come you got into a chit-chat in the airport security line and ended up flying to Pyongyang, North Korea. Your home is in Westbrook, Kentucky.|||I fear helplessness, dependency, vulnerability. Getting injured where I can only move my head(dependency). Death for some reason not that scary. No animals or people all that scary. A group of...|||Just watched movie, bandits. They play, I need a hero and total eclipse of the heart, two very feminine songs. For some reason these songs get me pretty emotional. Lame, weird, and hate to admit...|||Common maybe for istps is reacting quickly and deliberately in the moment. Not certain that that reaction is always the right one but a lot of times for myself I make my mind up quickly, act, then...|||Haha, No badass here, even though at moments have wanted to be. The guy who grabbed it was a good bit smaller than me, though not certain if I would have reacted differently if he was larger,...|||Old thread but interesting. I had a similar incident (thankfully w/o a knife involved) where A guy grabbed my wallet at a convienent store checkout counter. Guy had long hair, and I grabbed it,...|||Old thread, but comments hit home. I shave my head w/ clippers, simple maintenance and don't have to pay someone to cut it. I grow a partial beard. only have to shave once a week. I take showers...|||Dang, this thread took a few turns by (non istps) regarding an istp question. I agree with op's original assertion. I have felt that way most of my life. I have different personas I put on for...|||i saw this a little while back. Funniest shit I have ever seen! Im abit sick. I love scenarios where the predator becomes the prey.|||65813|||I like that I am easy going. I like the rare occasion when an asshole mistakes this as weakness and I have the opportunity to beat him mentally. I like the rarer occasion when it escalates and i...|||Ink. Watch it here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1j2xfqRJEs|||i think your right. The metaphor does not describe her accurately.|||i am day trading in sim mode right now.|||Just click with estps.|||I laugh reading the descriptions of isfj moms. They are kind of like the quintessential moms. I think my mom is isfj too. She is hilarious to me and I spend a good bit of time trying to aggravate...|||I get along with estps, as forest gump would say, like two peas in a pod.|||Im an istp and my estp buddy recently introduced me to his istj friend. Funny thing was, first impression, I thought the istj was kind of a stick in the mud. Not certain if the estp felt same about...|||I agree with your statement about left and right in Europe. That is my view from travels to Europe. Not certain if it has always been that way. Curious if you have noticed a shift in America's...|||Imo, extreme right-wing Christians have given the religion a bad stigma. As far as I know Jesus made no acknowledgement of capitalism or socialism. In the US, Christianity and Capitalism seem to...|||Emotion and brain work best for vote. Too bad righties ain't got either.|||Left wing. Pro-life, unless caused by circumstances outside of control. Marriage for same sexes. Death penalty. Immigrants here now, work towards citizenship. Tighter security on boarders...|||i agree|||of course, who doesnt? that was awful, can i go home now?, that'll be $250.00. its pretty normal. you get over it pretty quick.|||The Creator.|||never heard a name for it it and no it is not 100%. Kiss it. but I agree. I dont do that anymore.|||Haha, look kinda pouty in the second one. lol. good looking pics!|||not certain but i think the lie dector may work regardless of visualization. (Lefties looking right, righties looking left for information recall, opposite for creative ;);) thinking. But not...|||I remember handedness. You can tell a lot from handedness. Like probabilities of truthfulness or dishonesty, by eye movement. You can tell which hand to avoid if blows start, which hand to shake...|||Seems like alot of you guys have either a blank stare or slight smirk, half smile, like theres some inside joke going on. I do both of these too, but not certain why and I think the smirk tends to...|||Day 5 or 6. Feelin alright. Went out last night with a buddy and he continuously smoked and dangled his Reds in my face. I chewed Big Red gum and sipped rum/cokes and did fine. I think I may...|||To Raichu|||Braggart!|||To Frosty|||Bastard!|||I agree Life. Non smokers do seem like they have more control over themselves. I like that and also do not like having something with control over me. Did the gym twice today. Lettering is...|||Good Idea. Day 3 for me. My substitute is anything physical, hitting, punching, lifting, pushing. This seems to work for me. Hoping this will get me in really great shape if used as a...|||Quit smoking. Get blow up strong this year.(already strong) Run 20. Boxing classes. Beat stuffin out of some huge bully(not chosen yet)and will completely skip this one if I cannot find a truly...|||ISTP day trader here.|||Im an Aries ISTP too. Both go hand in hand.|||I like entps. Hanging out with them, you always know there is a chance you could get into some sh$t. You don't expect it but you know there is a possibility. You could end up in a bar fight, ontop...|||Regarding how cold is the istps heart, mine can be pretty warm or pretty cold, but youll rarely see it on my face.:) I dont really like to be hugged. I very much enjoy giving hugs. I can be...|||I get along with most types, it depends very much on circumstance, i.e. at work or at play.|||I'm a designer, specifically restaurant designer. I left my career about 6 months ago for another opportunity, trading stock futures. I enjoy and dislike different aspects of both. I love the...|||I really like intps. I think they are some of the smartest people in the world. Their humor is quick, to the point, and usually hits on multiple levels. I get along with them great. When we talk...|||I get along well with isfjs, enfjs, and I suspect infjs. With isfjs I give thoughts, recommendations, and they listen and will take my advice but thats it. They use my input but do not really...|||Big fish, little pond.|||unapologetic democrat|||No problem. Yeah, sorry. last Post once into it was not particularly addressed to you, just in general. Btw confronting a bully many years older and I image larger(in high school) is no easy feat...'
'I just don't like the personality my dad is a very strong one, I have worked with them, and now I have tried dating them. I have met a lot of them and they act in way that I find difficult. We do...|||I do not like ISTJ's they take the game hard to get and play it on insane mode, I lose interest. I went out with a guy who was an ISTJ seemed really cool. Then went on a date after talking to him for...|||Sanari the show you described as sounds interesting. There was some interesting research I read that lead to some interestind questions. One was the origin of the dog. Genetic research showed that...|||Measured_eye I read your response and it was very thought provoking. As to your questions I will answer them in order. To your first question, yes there is a reward to being being good and that is...|||I read your response and I am confused by what you mean by it comes to a lack of faith. When people reach adulthood they reach a level of enlightment and realize that their parents really were...|||Hey I am sorry for the delayed response, my tests fell together this last week. As your question I think that people are are somehow linked together. By what I don't know many great philosophers and...|||I study all the time and I drink tons of coffee. Since I am female I am not limited to 10 manly calories so I add cream and sugar. Then I move at the speed of light.|||Bad at spelling anf grammer. Just can't seem to get it, but good at math and science, they use symbols. I don't know could be me, but I still have to do L's for left and right.|||Hey fun questions if you play any sport what would it be? If could in any type of house what would it be?|||No you did not overlook anything. The help I was offering was in a general sense, like if you an idea or thought and want someones opinion.|||hahahaha...That's smart and I will have to use it. Yeah sometimes its small things that speak the loudest,|||Yeah I do the same, it unnerves people. Example on one my birthdays I went to a very nice resturant and this lady with her date was really loud, annoyingly so. I didn't ask her to please be quiet...|||I have to admit that I found that article to be very enlightening. As I have said most introverts are tough sells but INTJ'S are difficult because of the IQ aspect and cynicism.|||Yes that's true but the number of deaths are too low for me to consider giving up any freedoms. For me freedom is great and sacrifices will be made. Just because a couple of thousand people die...|||I hope you get Korea and start you find out more about yourself. If there's anything I can do to help just ask.|||Research is the reason why I chose engineering over chemistry. Engineering flexible problem can be solved in more than one way and math can be like a puzzle. Chemistry, Biology, and natural sciences...|||I am a 7w8 and yes people have always been hostile to me. I just can't seem to fit a particular group. On the surface I am fine then when things get deeper people just don't like me and this has been...|||I have seen some cases of police brutality, some were pretty vicious, and more times than not the cops are harshly punished. To stream the camera footage from the car sounds good on the surface but...|||You should try to contact Sanari she too is interested in Korea. Although for anthropological reasons. That is great that you want to go to Korea for someone like me I would have been too indecisive...|||Awesome anywhere in particular you want to go or is the world at large your destination, and is learning a knew language difficult? I too hope to someday travel I don't know if I could move though....|||Thank You Taneka for your reply. I am very excited to find another sports fan, do you watch, play, or both? What sport is your main interest? For me I love football, play soccer, and the olympics...|||Masured_eye it takes an open and flexible mind o be able to see the world from others perspetive. Tell me as you have seen the world from other point of view have you never felt compelled to make...|||Have you read half the stuff in there? If this true for all INTJ's no wonder why the guys in the relationship forum think they will die young! Seriously planning your death, I don't think so, you...|||That's something I would like to understand. How does South Korea view North Korea? They interact and create policy with one another or have barricaded themselves? From what have I must read about...|||Measured_eye it too bad I didn't get to read the long post, but hey computers do that. I really enjoy this website because full of people who have strong ideas in my life I don't find that very much,...|||Sanari I think your right that all humans have the same orgin, but because adaption and survival decisions I do not think that some cultures can really coexist. Humans are interesting to me because...|||He is right about online dating my friend is trying it and he keeps getting really burned. Just know that the selection goes both ways and don't put much into the potential relationship off the bat....|||Watch any of these there fun and get you thinking, okay some get you thinking: Walking Bad Dexter Breaking Bad Big Bang Theory Fringe Battlestar Galatica Firefly Homeland Spartacus|||The best combination if possible, I think from from reading and experience, is a dominant ENTP with an assertive INTJ as a partner. ENTP will bring new ideas and drum up moral needed for their...|||That's great a book buttefly I am going to have to use that. I love reading as well mainly in the areas of chemistry, theoretical physics, biology, anatomy and physiology, leadership, and current...|||I have taken thes abilities into account in fact it was the fact its the main attraction. I am really very creative I push the bounds, I go to far into the deep end and get lost. In a realationship...|||optimistic yes that's me. In a better sense I am goal oriented so reguardless of what happens I will reach my goal. If something happens to my goal I adjust and stay the course. Plus people respond...|||AJ2011 I don't think they make books covering the subect matter in my last comment. Or maybe I am wrong and the subject could be Replacing People's Will With Your Own. I am bad at how to's and I dont...|||Hey Sanari are you a book worm like me and if so types of books do you like to read? If not what other things spark your interest?|||Thank you measure_eye I do aim to empress and am glad when I do so. The insight you gave about yourself was interesting indeed. If you mind me asking what are your unconventional ideas? I enjoy...|||This thread just took a turn. The stubbor Gatekeeper/Guardian is my champion. Remember a lot of people don't like me off the bat. What your thinking is I will sell them my idea I argue some points he...|||Yeah that' s about right I am ENTP and I see what is and what could be and change it to work. In order to start a business you don't want investors unless you need them. Every company needs a strong...|||I beleive in God I was raised both Catholic and Baptist, parents wanted both. My faith is my cornerstone reguardless of religion and outside factors because they just don't matter. What does is the...|||At this point I don't care my father was really mean growing up saying like I have forgotten more knowledge than you will ever learn, They don't make colleges for whores, or Your useless. When...|||EternalEquinox I don't know why you are so angry, your entire response radiates with insecurity and unnecessary anger. I did not contradict myself, in fact its one of the few times I was completely...|||Thank you Sanari for comments and sharing yourself. As it happenes today I met a girl in cafeteria who was sitting by herself and I sat with her. She was really quiet until I brought up what she...|||For you Lughna the horse was just a decoy. For people like you I have plans within plans. Mwaaa-hahahah|||I have tried to be happy, but in almost every instance their feelings get hurt, they're predictable to a stupid level, or I don't spend enough timet. Its sucks too when someone is devoted to you and...|||No vocaliziation is most of the time not necessary. I people watch and see the different signs, and stereotypes are very real you don't beleive me then a attention to certain ethnicities or sexes....|||1. How idealistic are you? Very, I see what is and what can be. I have been very blessed and feel responsible to share those around me. 2. How opinionated are you? Absolutely, I have been through...|||I vary in style because the different appearence, but I have to look good. Comfy is nice but I like looking put together and ready for the task at hand.|||Its not that convoluted because its along the same lines of plan for the best, but expect the worst and you might be surprised. However, I play a higher stakes game because I don't mind being wrong,...|||I swear you guys are so negitive I am not going after the last unicorn, and now that I have some pointers I just alter my plan. Besides luck favors the prepared, and seek and you shall find.|||For a regular friendship I don't like alot of physical contact, but when passing through a somewhat real relationship I crave the intimacy. Probably why I am looking something that can last longer...|||It is usually after I insult them or prove their statment false. You know you made someone mad or they lost some important point when they say you just don't understand, you need to be more open...'
'also loose myself... i can be several persons, i have a personality when i'm with friends. when...|||breathe me ; sia and after that, all the youtube video's posted here... thanks guys, love all that different music :laughing:|||when you don't hurt anyone or yourself practissing it, i don't mind... i think for some people it might help to believe in something/anything.... signed an atheist living in Belgium|||haha beautiful! i thought i was the only one with that feeling..... thanks :crazy:|||file:///tmp/moz-screenshot-4.jpg|||[quote=Ethel123;435023]Try to make the situation less complex...The more communication you can get the better. Find a way to contact her. If she continues to ignore you maybe thats her way of...|||my first kiss..... at a playground, in a treehouse, i was 12 or 13 (way too young) it was an intense kiss... the relationship lasted for two weeks.. after that i waited 'till i was 16, my...|||aaaarrrggghhh it won't work!! sorry for the useless link above... :blushed:|||file:///media/disk/fotos/foto%27s%20sarah/sarah%20sepia/profiel.jpg|||/media/disk/fotos/foto's sarah/sarah sepia/profiel.jpg|||as infp... i liked it too!! just as a beautiful dream....|||i'm so much alike... my friends call me hippy too, allways wearing bright colours.... too bad you did'nt buy the dress! it's super! and you look amazing with it! :happy:|||in a cafe watching people in the park, watching people, drawing trees... in the city, watching people..... :laughing:|||haha so true! my first question: it depends, what book? :crazy:|||People see me as leader too... Probably cause i come up with the most ridiculous ideas..?? i don't know... Others think i'm mean, cause they don't understand my humour...|||know that feeling! :crazy:|||driving your car, passing your house... and being in panic, cause you don't know where your car is? who stole it? i parked it here?! when people constantly tell you to grow up... :frustrating:'
'He sounds like he likes you, if you really want to know you can always ask him or make a move yourself if you're interested.|||I like to think I'm an aspiring movie buff, but some of the movies I like the most are movies that I can relate to most ( (500) Days of Summer), movies that make me feel better (Back to the Future),...|||A lot of people at one time is almost never good, in my opinion. But I do like people, they're interesting, frightening, and wonderful.|||I think it depends on the context of the breakup as well as other factors. Me, personally, I cherish my memories with my ex but they hurt like fuck thinking about them sometimes. I prefer to cherish...|||I'm insecure about myself, sometimes I'd ponder whether I was good enough for the other person or not. Probably my biggest fear though, is them not liking me as much as I may like them or vice versa....|||I stay up late more often than not, usually for no real practical purpose. I'm usually on my laptop browsing the internet, it's really a terrible habit.|||The best way to make new friends is to put yourself out there. School in my opinion, is the best place to meet new people. If that's not an option, being a part of an organization or picking up a...|||I'm craving intimacy with someone special - or a smoothie - that'd be nice too.|||I haven't made an A in math since elementary school. :| My favorite subject is history.|||I like to find something to tease them about. I dunno, I don't normally try to flirt with someone it just kind of ends up happening. I just try to be funny and get them to laugh.|||Pacifists x96 focused on peace and making living conditions better Academists x96 focused on education and scientific advancement Culturists x96 focused on enhancing cultural...|||They're all I've ever wanted.|||A little taste of where I am right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55FMOJMhV9s A favorite of mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz-nhcfTfWQ I like this one a lot, very well made: ...|||It's always nice to be praised by others, regardless of what type you are. Some enjoy it more than others, but I personally think everyone enjoys even a little bit of praise.|||I absolutely love teasing and I generally only tease people I like, even friends. It's only playful teasing though, I don't try to hurt people through it. I'd never insult someone I liked though,...|||I somehow remember even the smallest details about people I truly care about.|||I look for someone who's a generally nice person, who shares common interests and can make me laugh as well as laugh at my jokes. There are more and of course, there needs to be a general attraction....|||I often got butterflies when I thought about my girlfriend. Man, I really miss being in a relationship... :||||I just can't get enough of this song right now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ibi3df2MzE|||I don't think we're that hard to figure out, it might just be because we're a little different in some ways than what most people might be used to. But you know the easiest way for anyone to know...|||I'm kind of trying to learn how to crochet at the moment. It's pretty tough! :||||I try to find or think of anything to make my smile at least once a day, when I'm smiling I forget about being sad.|||I guess if you follow the spectrum theory, then some people might be a little bisexual. While, I'm not bi or gay myself, I will admit that I do check out guys sometimes. I'm open to the idea of...|||I think it's best to wait for someone you feel like you can really connect with, rather than be in a relationship to just be in a relationship. In the past and even now, I strongly desire for a...|||I like a little bit of a lot of things but yeah, I tend to gravitate towards alternative/indie stuff. I've been getting kind of folky lately though.|||Sentimental longing for the good parts, a little bit of cringing for the bad. I've been looking back for too long though, you just can't stay there forever.|||The most so far have been hugs. I'm not too physically affectionate around friends but I need a lot of affection from SOs.|||He might not be hung up on the girl, but it still might hurt him to do certain things that might remind him of her. He's also probably still closed up from being hurt and doesn't want to experience...|||I consider myself pretty artistic but you know, the types are just generalizations right? Not everyone is going to fit into their stereotype, don't sweat it too much. Just be you, whatever you may...|||I'm a night person, but I don't necessarily like staying up too late. If I stay up too late, then I wake up late and I feel like half the day is over. So now, I'm trying to find a healthy balance but...|||I'm so indecisive, it gets on some of my friend's nerves. I downloaded a magic 8-ball app on my phone XD I don't use it too much though, hah. I didn't pick out my college until the middle of...|||I like a variety of musical genres, some of the ones I listen to the most are: trance, house, indie, alternative, classical, folk, pop, and everything in between. As long as I think it sounds good,...|||I find something to tease the person about and lightly make fun of them. I also smile a lot (especially if I like the person) and try to make them laugh. Just have fun, and don't worry too much about...|||Movies and music are two of things I love most in the world. I like meeting new people, whom I find interesting, and I like making other people laugh or smile. Even if I'm not happy, there's just...|||No, I try to text back in a reasonable amount of time. I used to text back immediately but lately I've been slacking and I kind of text when I get around to it. What I don't really do, is text...|||I really like the quotes that are used in my signature at the bottom. This is more along the lines of what I'm feeling right now though. Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm...|||I'm pretty sure I have mild depression. I've yet to get it officially diagnosed though.|||It's pretty common in my case, but lately I've been taking measures to improve this. It's for the better, I think.|||I'm like this; I think it just depends how I'm feeling that day, whether or not something good happened. Most of the time I'm pretty mellow and might not talk too much.|||I love drawing, that being said I think being artistic is the biggest thing we're known for though.|||I'm awful with finishing things. For example, right now I have 3 windows open with more than 5 tabs on each one with stuff I want to do but won't because I'm lazy or something.|||It'll pass, you'll eventually start to not care what they think or say about you. This is only a small bump in the road, you've got bigger stuff to worry about in your life.|||It would be nice for them to dress in things that we both really like, but unless my girlfriend is dressed in something really obscene than I wouldn't care too much.|||Sometimes I am, mostly around big groups of people though. I kind of just there amongst big groups, especially if I don't know most of the people there too well. I do so much better in 1-on-1...|||Probably a year ago or so I would have been much less inclined to confess first but since then, I feel a little more confident about confessing first. I'd definitely not wait around forever, I'm kind...|||Every now and then, I satiate this feeling by taking vacations or just going somewhere else for the day. I have escapist tendencies though.|||Being around my girlfriend usually makes me smile a lot but what really makes me feel loved is when she says something nice about me or that she likes me. Even more important though, is physical...|||Blah, I dislike math so much. I haven't made anything higher than a B in math since elementary school. Haven't found anything that has worked for me yet.|||I don't know, I've never gotten drunk before nor do I plan to.|||But I am cool!'
'There are two Entrepreneurial related shows on CNBC now: The Profit and Shark Tank. Both of those could give you ideas on how to start your own business.|||This is one thing that worked for me: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alarmclock.xtreme.free It's an app for your alarm which you can use to make it impossible to ignore. If...|||This is the thread that never dies..... lol|||If you are doing it just for fun, then it isn't a job. In which case, I will be working from the beach over this New Year's Day holiday with my girlfriend. My girl friend lives near beautiful...|||I would interested in Video game design . I spend a lot of time in a Video game forum dedicated to improving one game but the graphics portion doesn't interest me. I care much more about the...|||Everyone has a boss- even the people who work for themselves. Self-employed people have customers as their boss and if they don't keep their customers happy, they don't have a job either.|||All of these would cause me to flunk out and dread the rest of my life. They all sound like torture to me.|||My vote is take the job back which you apparently like. Just make it clear to your boss that you are looking for a STEM job and that you will be needing time to travel to long distance job...|||Make the things around me more efficient. It does not good to bang your head against a wall and say everything is slow. It must be continually improved!|||This is an issue that would be best be solved with a roommate agreement of some sort. Not a Big Bang Theory Roommate agreement. The Roommate Agreement - The Big Bang Theory Wiki Some roommates...|||It is one thing to ask about a theoretical preference for ENFP, you could see a lot discussion of that on the forum. I'd even participate in that. But when you start asking about actual people with...|||I agree. It doesn't seem like you are too sure what you want to do in life. A few years of real world education will help you decide that!|||I didn't say it would EVERY time,those COULD. Perception of time tends to relate to when you are making a lot of unique, lasting memories. Going through boot camp and going to college generate a lot...|||Time does not work like that. The only time that you'll have strong divisions between time is when significant events happen that change your life, especially when significant: moving, military,...|||I think both would tell you to marry the man you love not a man based on a personality profile.|||I would suggest that you ask the good doctor instead.... Doctor Pepper. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDCY56azew8|||I'm trying to figure out the catch in this question....|||Yes. The question in my mind is: Do others realize that I feel empathy for them? I can recognize what others are going through and the tough positions they are in. But they may not recognize...|||One of my best friends is an INFJ so I really tried to visit because I thought it would be really interesting, similar to my real life friendship. However, each time I went there I got bored. I...|||At certain points, when everyone else is emotional and I feel like an emotionless robot. At points, it feels like I missed out on part of the human experience. But overall, I am happy with my level...|||First Response: You have received a defective INTJ. Please see the nearest sales associate for an exchange. Real answer: Everyone INTJ is different and some like to tease less than others.|||To be honest, I really don't try to quantify intelligence (and that includes comparing it). Partially that because people tell me how intelligent I am but I don't think of myself that way. So, I...|||Who initiated the breakup?|||It could be either. There's no way to know for sure. If he doesn't use FaceBook, it could be the latter. But it could also be a way to remind you of the relationship. What would you do...|||The key is to find ways to be happy no matter where you live. You may live in the country but that doesn't mean there are no people nearby. You may just need to create your own opportunities: make...|||I think you already know the answers to your questions. You're unhappy and don't feel fulfilled in your job and are looking for a new one. Until then, you are getting paid to do a job, so do the...|||Don't really think about it. I'm only focused on what can be change (and improved) in the future. I'm not how, to be honest. I've started type a few different things but deleted all of it....|||I think a business major has value and a computer science major has value. But I think that the two can create a hybrid that isn't enough of each. I think many MIS success stories come in with a...|||The MIS program at my school (which I didn't take, btw) offered very light programming classes: C++ and Visual Basic. There was more focus on system design, program management, and business classes...|||I normally check the dates before I respond but I didn't see the date until I posted. ::::blush:::: [QUOTE] The boring aspect of my previous job was working alone. It wasn't really that I didn't...|||Not sure what country you're in. I have a Bachelors in Business and never heard of a thesis for anyone who isn't getting a doctorate degree! You can also considering Marketing. That's where most...|||Most people stick with their College degree. But a few proceed and get a Masters Degree. But let your employer pay for it :P|||It's known as a Ph.D. in Management and most of them become Business Professors. And there is actually a shortage Management Ph.D.s Some are found in the commercial world but most of these are...|||You are really talking about 2 different things here. In a university, there is a college of Business. Inside that college, you have multiple business programs: Business Administration, Management...|||You missed the #2 personality for Computer programmers- INTP. The top 3 are INTJ, INTP, INFJ. So, it does lean towards Ps but P can be oriented towards it. ;) Sure. It has to do with what...|||I didn't go to the prom and didn't miss it. If I had a gf in HS, maybe. But it sounded soooo boring to me.|||Still, that free lunch requires you to go out of your way, expending energy (either car, bus fare, or food via walking) to get there. Also, free lunches, frequently have other obligations both...|||If you want to get technical about it, there is nothing free. Or in economics terms, There's no such thing as a free lunch. Every decision we make has an opportunity cost due to a time and/or cost...|||There are a few college in the US that are work your way through college program and have no other fees. The obvious ones are the US Military Academies. College of the Ozarks-In exchange for...|||I think someone studied some economics, lol. But life and love are different from economics. You have to make decisions with imperfection information. And also, unlike in economics, once you...|||And Airports!|||I like the top floor too, but for different reasons. They are less noisy and you have fewer neighbors. (No one walking above your head.) I had a first floor apartment and it was really annoying to...|||Well, parts of the plan are working perfectly. It was just also working in some unexpected areas too, that really weren't desired. I guess that counts as a snag. lol|||uh...oh..... wasn't expecting this! It usually has more of a dramatic effect on women. :frustrating:What to do, what to do? :frustrating:|||There is another option here. Finish college with your current major. Then transition to another career once you have your degree. This way you can limit your debt (which I assume you're...|||Have you changed majors 3 times? And you want to do it another time? Sorry, if this sounds harsh, but I think you need to figure out what you want to do before you continue education. Why are...|||IMO, that depends on what you're degree is in. Consulting or Law it can be really important, because it sounds impressive. Other than that, I don't believe it adds too much. If you go to grad...|||What makes you think you can only do good in government? And I think you'll find that government is composed of politics and politicians. (But so are a lot of companies).|||Start by opening up your window of opportunities. It's hard to find opportunities in economics/public service with a bachelors degree. Get an internship over the summer and/or during the semester. ...|||Humble is not better but neither is lying or exaggerating your credentials. Sell your position but do it honestly. If your asked if you've used a computer program and you've only used it a little,...'
'I have never made friends easily, but I went back to school for a programming degree, and now I have people come up and talk to me....and I kind of like it. They don't, for the most part, irritate...|||No, I am not. Right now, I am overweight, over 40, gray and definitely don't care if anyone thinks I look good. I am weight lifting because it is the only exercise I like and I would like to stay...|||Love Newborn by Muse, I like Muse in general because I like the mix of rock, orchestral sounds, techno, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhduQhDqtb4 HATE HATE HATE Black Betty...anything...|||40, unemployed, US citizen That said, I was a SAHM for 13 years, homeschooled my kids, then took on whatever work I could to make ends meet (office secretary, gas station closer, personal care...|||I can get quite INTJ in my old age, as I have older kids and have had extensive practise thinking quickly and deciding to get $hit done. I tend towards it in stress, too. I can be very INFP with...|||The description fits me to a point. I am pretty low key and my needs are pretty simple. That said, as LinkToTheLast said, dishonesty can be triggered by environmental factors. I myself started...|||How does your person process things? As an INTP, I will take in info and process it privately and then after several hours/days/weeks, I MIGHT tell you my conclusion, but I probably won't unless it...|||Individuals that harp on and on about how you never talk, you don't tell anyone anything, you don't let others in, you don't communicate well......and then in a moment of excitement, you start...|||I agree completely. Have learned to deal with the Fe family members, don't understand them much more than I did as a kid, but I am confident enough to not shut myself away and hide my own...|||Whatchu callin' me? Dems fightin' words.... :tongue:|||I live with an ESFJ. We moved to Montana and have a 4 bedroom home. It is surrounded by national forest. That worked for me.|||1. You're walking through a forest, you come across a cabin, the door is wide open, do you go inside? No 2. hypothetically even if you said no, let's pretend you went inside the cabin, you see a...|||He's building his safe wall. When you spend much of your life knowing that everyone in your home base thinks you are crazy or stupid, you get used to withdrawing. Home is no longer a safe place, if...|||Absolutely agree about the responsible spending part. My dad was an awesome example of an INTJ, but he was also willing to just find things to do and do them for the unit. I chose I instead of E...|||Find yourself a good INTJ and ENTP and go on a road trip. The ENTP will get things going with their outgoing whirlwind personality, the INTJ will keep you guys on course with moneymaking ideas. ...|||I agree with the above. I live 30 miles from a small town, population 25Kish. My closest neighbor is about 1/4 mile from us. I work online from home. I am able to happily live a mostly hermit...|||Is she dating Geoff from Rooster Teeth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrYCP9YyRbY|||I have had everything from fish to horses. I prefer the independence of our outdoor cats. I feed them and make sure they have vaccinations, but otherwise they roam free and will give their...|||Oh no, I didn't think that was what the OP thought, I have just come across that opinion so many times in my own experience.|||I don't understand why people think that the above relationship is not relatively positive? I have seen the INTPs are more like roommates spiel and I think, is being friends not a valuable asset...|||I thought that this was witty banter....should I have put a smilie at the end? :tongue:|||Edwin Twitmyer would like a word with you. Edited to add...actually, I think that his subjects would be the ones that would want a word with you...|||Are you saying that you could not get a pavlovian response in cats?|||#Pavlov|||Yes, I rehearse everything. I have so many pathways that I go over in my head! I also solve problems, plan out my days, design ideas and try out imaginary executions of said designs. I just wish...|||Definitely embrace my INTPness, but my daughter is ENTP, and she can be as introverted as me at times. It's not that that makes me wish I were more like her. It is that fact that she seriously...|||My ketchup says store in the fridge after opening for freshness...is the ketchup in the cupboard a non-US thing? A regional thing? I agree with Word Dispenser, sounds like a closed-minded person....|||ENTP would be my first choice, INTJ would be my second.|||I usually go for 5 or 6, any more and it kind of levels out. What is the top visited website of children of politicians?|||Well, I live in El Dorado, but not the real El Dorado, so no coming up here to look for treasure.... Here is a lovely pic near me.... 162361 Here is a pic of a rare sight, rain... 162369 A...|||If I meet someone that I find attractive, and he pays attention to me, I get very nervous, and turn into the most annoying chatterbox! My brain has to forcibly send the message to my mouth muscles...|||I took that test and got the same result as the OP. I read through the description and my first thought was, Well, I will be one of the first people the 'Powers That Be' will eliminate. :dry:|||Jeez, I just went on another pointless tangent. My point was, everyone's happiness is different. I am not sure that you can put an overrate/underrate label on it. I could say that my husband...|||Well, I just had a moment of happiness, you just made me do the not-outright-laugh-but-more-than-a-snort chuckle. It is stuff like this that makes my husband think I'm nuts. He stated recently...|||I was so thrilled when I started studying my type and one of the first notions was that we live our lives in our minds. I thought that I was, at best, very weird, at worst, possibly mentally ill. ...|||I completely agree that most people expect kindness to be some forward thing, laden with emotion, and that is why NTs are called unkind. My ESFJ husband stated recently that I am not kind to him,...|||Be an elite male prostitute....you get paid well, if you are good looking enough. You get women of your choice if you know what you are doing. Two birds...one stone. Or three+ birds,...|||Well, I'm INTP, but I: like most children in Lake Woebegone, am above average....I am not a genius (wish I was) have a spiritual life have been known to speak to random people in line (I think I...|||INTP mom of an ENTP daughter here, we get on famously. I also have INFJ and ISFJ kids and get along with them too. I think of my parenting style as slightly neglectful. Not in a bad way, I just...|||Don't be jealous, we are probably sitting there with emotions that we honestly cannot type. I get very jealous of someone that can easily say that they are sad or fearful or whatever. Why is it so...|||Well, I shall be following this thread. I think that my ENTP daughter met an ENFP guy and she is a bit mesmerized by him, very unusual for her! She usually pinpoints a guy and goes on a quest, then...|||You just have to appreciate being in your own skin, and find bat-shit crazy mother fuckers who love you, even though you are chaos in it's purest form. A third thumbs up for this sentence. My...|||1. Do you best not to borrow from anyone. He whom you owe, owns you. This goes for money and favors. 2. Make sure that you are able to take care of yourself before you go off trying to form a...|||Oh, wow, yes, that is a problem. I suck at lists and schedules, hate them. I had an SJ mother and have an SJ husband, lovers of lists. I admire the organization, but I don't work that way. I...|||I am a huge fan of natural consequences. I have three kids and have not had too much bother with tantrums, but I also am a very hands off parent to many people. Regardless, my kids are all pretty...|||My ESFJ husband thinks that I (INTP) and my daughter (ENTP) are both very angry people.........we think he is crazy. :tongue:|||Based on your cognitive functions, your type is most likely: Most Likely: INTP or Second Possibility: INTJ or Third Possibility: ENTP Your cognitive functions are, in order of development:...|||A cart full of possibilities, that's how I'm going to describe my next grocery trip, thanks LemursGT! :D I do not like to lead, i like to suggest, and am pretty accommodating. However, I expect...|||I don't think it's being an asshole to argue if someone brings it up in your face in the first place. They brought it upon themselves. If it is pleasant discussion of different theories and...|||Hmm, I believe that you are correct. If someone actually used that phrase in a correct context, I think I would be speechless, but it wouldn't bother me to hear it.'
'We should change eyes to facial expressions. Because eyes look the same in any human. :wink:|||Did any of you ever somehow believe that your inner attitude has nothing to do with what other people see in you or what you actually do/appear like? One example: I had my weekly feelings of hate,...|||I have crazy reflex skills, attested by other people. Generally a good driver, not too careful, not too fast. Also attested by other people. I have taken much longer than other males to get my...|||All functions are working all the time, I don't know what this thread is about.|||Do you have this weird antagonistic approach to life? It often occured to me, that what I think about society or sociality in reality is the polar opposite. At times I even think: I'm going to...|||If people give you a quiz and hints, you use the hints in a way most suitable. Everyone knows it could be anyone who could have the fish or nobody or his mother, but that's not the point if there...|||Irrational rage happens often at night, when I think before I sleep. I hit my pillow and say FUCK! all the time. Then I'm calming down, 5 seconds later FUCK! and I punch that goddamn pillow for...|||Always picked fights in elementary school. After that I never really was in one, I'm 23 now. I wonder why. I always want somebody to come at me, but nobody does. I'm not even 270lbs or a giant. 5'9...|||Ahh, now it makes sense, I agree. Here is one example of how J and P are described: My MBTI Personality Type - MBTI Basics - Judging or Perceiving|||You probably did, because J or P describe how you deal with your environment, not how you make decisions or come to conclusions. Myers Briggs Typology is pretty easy to misunderstand, I know it...|||That's how I lived the last 6 years. It's hard and a relief at the same time. It's a catalyst. And this is also where social anxiety MAY in fact come from. You're not in touch with others...|||No offense, but why do people always assume J-types don't think about other actions? It's like saying P-types are never determined (which is wrong, I can tell you that).|||Persistent open-minded vigorous lenient accepting ENTP Type 8w9|||There are objective criteria for beauty.|||Ugly people just need to draw more attention by showing off their intelligence. That's why ugly people are often perceived as more intelligent. Good looking people who are also intelligent don't need...|||Solution to being forever alone? Accepting that fact. What comes, comes.|||ENTPs were the ones who stabbed you with a blunt rock. They could do it.|||I feel most comfortable with the Fe-ENTP. The Ne-ENTP I hate most. Ti-ENTP is ok from time to time but will give you NO friends or good positions with others, except when you have to go to war....|||If I smile at you without reason, it's over. Some people are naturally friendly and smile at people without reason. If I do it, then I will systematically destroy that person, though with subtlety. ...|||That's when I really get going.|||That's what I experienced too. Now I'm consciously speaking with a lowered voice and an easy stance. Sometimes lower your head a bit, appear unassuming. Then those mofos stop hitting on you all...|||With me it's the other way around. I can't say anything even if that demon in my head screams at me: SAY SOMETHING OR YOU WILL DIE OR END UP ON THE STREET NAKED AND HOMELESS. Then I get pissed and...|||If SFP-types annoy you, wait till you meet an ESTJ, who is your boss. I would kill that guy verbally, if he weren't my boss. You're doing it my way, anything else is wrong, now shut up or I'll...|||It's all so complex. I still don't think it has to do with personality type. Genetics? Genetics = personality type? So everyone with the same personality type has the same set of genetics? I...|||You can train anyone to become a killer. It has absolute zero to do with personality type. What difference does it make if the killer FEELS or if he THINKS it is right to kill? It sounds...|||I love it when people around me have quarrels. It's a big pleasure to watch. At the same time I need to be careful not to get sucked into it. To see people act when they are under stress is a...|||My best friend is INTJ. What I admire is his consistency and precision. But he often does not see the point of a situation. Interesting phenomenon: Even If nobody said anything funny, we both...|||You can't see through an ENTPs deception, because only he knows how he does it. Even if you think you do, you will attack him personally without any visible reason to others. People think all the...|||Hey, are you me? That's what I'm doing all the time. Works perfectly fine, but sometimes I feel bad for acting submissive.|||An ENTP does not need a guideline for manipulation, he IS manipulation itself. :D|||This place looks like a mess, I can't find anything. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME, I HAVE LOVED YOU, YOU'RE A MONSTER, I DON'T EVER WANNA TALK TO YOU You can't do that. That was unnecessary.|||This only helps if the ENTP is not stressed out. When I'm stressed out, I get argumentative, just like the ENTJ-guy ( :D ) said the ENTP is. I would start figuring out WHY he is like that. My...|||ESFP/ESFJ GRAAAHHHHHHHHRRRRGHHH That says it all.|||It's hard to generalize what helps an ENTP. It's always something else. When I specifically asked for help I NEVER got an answer that really helped me or relieved emotional pressure. It just made...|||The Problem is not Ne, it's Ti. Ti can't process Ne's input, it never can.|||I just dont give a crap. I really dont. All you have to do is to fake openness. Then you can do whatever the hell you want. Why dont you talk to me/us/him/her? I don't know. Done. I need...|||Do you want to be my girlfriend?|||I hate phones, I hate them. Hate. Don't love them. If my phone rings, I get madly pissed. That's who's on the other line: YO MY NAME IS HERPY MCDERP, BANK OF AMERICA, I WANT TO KNOW WHETHER-...|||I told you it was gonna be that way. I can relate. Mostly I dont say much, I keep all my knowledge to myself. It's better for me and the others. Nobody is hating on me, everybody is happy. If...|||In preschool I always went into fights, even though I had glasses the size of a cup. It must have been a funny image, picturing a small kid with huge glasses being a bully.|||It's impossible to piss me off, If I dont want to get pissed off. It's impossible. I can take the hardest punch you have and stay unfazed. What you dont see is my revenge, which is slowly but...|||My testosterone level is excellent. I'm 23, still I rarely have sex. I compensate for it in the gym. Me and Women just dont go together.|||Thinking about your charm makes it nonexistent.|||Good point. :D I'm careful with that in the beginning though. Some may take it the wrong way. If people know you a bit, it's ok to do so, but not with new acquaintances.|||My mother is an ISFJ and annoys the crap out of me most of the time. If you dont know how to cope, do what you think is best. Sounds easy and it is. You cant give a guideline on how to cope with SJs.|||An ENTP loves you, when he criticises your hairstyle. It is true.|||I rarely cry, but when, it's just a tear. Mostly of how stupid I think I behave. Which I rarely do consciously. My thinking always gets me.|||I always try to not get angry and give people no reason to make me angry, because then it surely is armageddon and that would probably permanently damage my social life. I had friends in high school,...'
'Do ENTJs that have been married a long time 'cheat' for thrills or escape? or do you only consider cheating or leaving for someone of significance to you? OR do you never cheat whatsoever, leave and...|||Personality totally makes or breaks the way they look and their cuteness. I don't like cocky, aggressive or bombastic personalities, but confidence, especially quiet steady confidence makes them more...|||My parents are/were not very education or dream oriented. They were more get a job, get a job and did not support my move toward college or any other move, for that matter. I wanted to be an...|||Did anyone reply to this?? I think you're spot on with Sidney and Max. Mario is ISTP, he's too reserved to be an E. Evgeni may be an ESTP, because he's mainly reserved in the US. He's quite open and...|||Sorry, but I do not agree with this. Every guy I've truly loved, I still have some feelings in there for him. Maybe it comes from INFP's always seeing good in people, and J's tend to end it...|||This may be similar to the other response, but for ME, it's 20% the information on which you are trying to sway and probably 80% the delivery of that information. I don't respond well to aggression,...|||I know this is an old thread, but an intriguing one. I'm drawn to other INFPs, for sure. They are people to whom we can connect, let our guard down with, engage and find inspiration and alchemy and...|||I just happened to be watching this, find it appropriate for your question. Hope it helps.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JR3_OtpJe8|||Never in a physical fight. In elementary school, I hid in the bathroom in terror when a bully picked on me, made fun of me. One of my friends had to come get me. My first REAL...|||One of my best male friends is an ENTP. We get along great, never EVER fight. We tend to both be so easygoing and see eye to eye on practically anything. He's more charming and outgoing than me. I'm...|||MY DOG SKIP!!! I balled my eyes out while those around sat there stone faced. I loved it so much, but cannot bring myself to watch it again. Roman Holiday, Brian's Song, The Notebook, War Horse,...|||Oh and I disagree totally with this Well, I can tell you that the person certainly doesn't 'act' like an INFJ. From this line alone, First, she's a very judgy person and refers to it as 'calling...|||I wasnt actually talking about INFJ's. I was talking about a woman who took the M-B and tested to be an INFJ. I was stating her actions, not INFJs. My description of her is not biased, but actually...|||Thanks to all you INFJs responding! and to anyone who does respond after this. You are restoring my faith. Your responses seem like how I would think and talk. i.e.|||Thanks. I appreciate your feedback. Your self descriptives sound more like I would think an INFJ is. Especially pointing out good AND bad in yourself--being hard on yourself. Actually, I know she...|||OK, I apologize for what I'm about to write. I don't want to in any way offend other INFJ's, but I've worked beside one for well over 10yrs, and know her quite QUITE well. First, she's a very judgy...|||When people think you are unhappy, withdrawn, unsocial, mean, etc. Meanwhile you are complete opposite of that. If they would spend 10 minutes talking to you about you, they would totally change...|||One more thing. Chemistry, math, biology, etc are NOT next to impossible to us. It's just usually not a passion for us. Working in a field where you have a passion drives you to get up every day and...|||I read alot of the posts, and think there are tons of good points. I'm going to give a more literal example, my husband and me. Although when angry my ENTJ hubby is harsh, his personality and...|||I like mental strength first. Intelligence is a must, well... high intelligence. Although I'm usually attracted to extroverts, it has to be lighthearted, not aggressive or mean. I am attracted...|||Hallmark Xmas movies while decorating is what I've been watching. One of my favorite movies is Roman Holiday. The meanings in it, the romance, the acting, the scenery. you will love it, if you...|||Anything is possible if you try. It's not the BEST fit for an INFP, goes against their grain. But any INFP can learn skills opposite of their natue and do them. I am in sales. I love talking to...|||When you're crying by the end of a touching commercial.....and people look at you with a blank stare, confused. When you cannot understand how people say it's just a dog about an animal. All...|||We finally talked it out years later. To answer your question, young INFP's aren't exactly imposing or demanding. We kind of just respect your decisions and accept them. Now, I've talked to him and...|||My husband is Tigger and I am Pooh....most of the time. haha But this avatar reflects how we are together.|||What's a fake face of ENTJ? I'm just curious, because my hubby is ENTJ.|||I have related questions for male ENFJs who have had long lost loves....please reply with me in quote or somehow that I will see your reply. I'm not great at this forum yet, and I may not find your...|||Mostly listening to blah blah blah from my most likely ESTJ coworkers. ugh|||This is not in any order --deadlines --bullies and gossips --animal cruelty and cruelty in general, senseless --limits --nonfat half & half --smoking right outside the door of a non-smoking...|||blood Right dare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fVDGu82FeQ|||The ones I don't care for.....bossy, Alpha dogs - passing it off as protective due to caring. They also gossip and bully. When they bite, their jaw locks. Intense I myself find it difficult to...|||While some of us can do things and just never finish, many MANY writers, cartoonists, etc. are INFP's. They managed to finish. :wink: What I have trouble doing is juggling real life with writing....|||They talk too much. Too too too too too much. We get it!! We got it 85 sentences ago!!|||Cannot take direction and just do it. Always have to give commands back. i.e. 'will you move that box please' ENTJ reply 'go make room for it over there'|||Arguing is not fun for everyone. :) ENTJs can be exhausting.|||Thank you! I just want to be sure on my perceptions. If anyone else cares to elaborate, it's much appreciated.|||Another question..... What are ENFJ's weaknesses, meaning things they cannot resist? What are things ENFJ's would never forgive?|||I have a question or two please. This situation is complex and over many years. I'll try to stick to basics for the moment. --Do ENFJ's make hasty decisions? I see they make decisions quickly, but...|||Leo sun, Cancer moon.|||Sorry, I know this is too late a post for your present. INFP's love love homemade presents. I would think ESTJs would much rather have a gift card or present from Sharper Image or THE latest popular...|||My observation is that what they say, no matter how they believe it is constructive or tactful or just stating a fact....they are blunt. They do not necessarily mean to hurt people, and they always...|||You're wrong! ha ha :wink: What I find exasperating about ENTJs is their constant need to tell us their opinion/judgement. Let it go..... breath.... Maybe we didn't ask you for the favor. And...|||I disagree. I've been married to an ENTJ for many many years. He would make this type of joke to be funny. And I would laugh, because that is so him-the General, the King.|||The first time I took the MBTI I was an ESTJ, that was over two years ago. Since then I have taken it at least 20 time and always a ENTJ. But looking back I don't feel much different. I have been...|||What I have learned is that they are both good, honest employees, loyal workers. ESTJ just does as their told and follow orders well, understand the hierarchy. INFPs have the good work ethic,...|||Most everything I read on here is true to an INFP. I just wanted to add a couple things. any pointers on best way to approach you? first, if you had a puppy in your hand, that's a magnet. If...|||Dreamers. Insecure. Sensitive. I always think of Jewel's song words...Please be careful with me. I'm sensitive, and I'd like to stay that way What others don't realize is we like and...|||I struggle with my ENTJ man. The judging and the drill sargeant in him is a bit much. He is charming when he wants to be. My best male friend is an ENTP. He took this test for me. He's charming,...|||I like reading the stories. Thanks! I'm more about helping the elderly and animals, but I've had a few encounters that I've helped. One was probably stupid--giving someone a ride. It turned out...|||It CAN work. It's not the best and requires LOTS of work. But it can. In our case, I'm Pooh, and my husband is Tigger!! Though sometimes he's the Tazmanian Devil. First, I agree with the...'
'Hello there. It's 4:50 in the morning here as I type this sentence. I'm reading the Naruto manga since my brother is fond of that series and wants to share his excitement of it with me. It's a...|||I don't like the way this thread is turning...well, I'll give you my opinion on this regardless. I can understand how you feel though. Most people that you interact with will expect you to be a...|||First of all, welcome to the forums. I know what you're talking about. I'm also a really big idealist, but I think that's because of my living conditions (shut-in on disability and so on). I've...|||I saw that you are in Poland and tried to look up your education system, it seems to be a bit similar to ours, as in you can study in something specific right away. You have a lot of time to think...|||I understand what you mean, my interest in science is pretty broad without any kind of strong preferences, although I do like physics quite a bit. It does involve a lot of memorizing though, which...|||It's alright to be overwhelmed at the beginning. I'm only just starting to get used to the whole foruming stuff and just posting without reading what I typed down 50 times or something like that....|||You won't die from heart disease at 18. I can understand how you feel though, I felt the same way quite a few times. The heart's a strong thing, it can survive breaking :kitteh:|||Oh dear. Well, first of all, I'd tell you not to let that prevent you from learning what you can about the world out there, even if you might come across some unsavory things. I've known about...|||Mmmmm, those kind of people do make us want to keyboard smash. I'll simply say the same as everyone else in this thread. It's admirable of you to gather the forces and lead them, even if it was...|||A truly fascinating story. I've been thinking about it and all of its implications for half an hour now. I live a pretty isolated lifestyle and I can feel like I can understand how he feels like....|||Hello there. Are you a fan of astronomy? I love your avatar, astronomy has been a big interest of mine for a very long time. I felt the same you did when I signed up, you get used to this stuff...|||Practical identification is difficult without a proper test sample. If you don't have people around you that are willing to submit to proper testing, then it'll be hard to get practical knowledge on...|||Extroverts talk. Introverts listen. If all human interactions were like this our news channels would be a lot less depressing.|||In this case, I have a quote that's been taught to me a long time ago. I try to do my best to follow it, regardless of what happens. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Or The...|||I think it's a question of simply taking your time so you can find out where your happy medium is. It takes awhile to figure it out. Being really introverted, receiving that much attention can be...|||Welcome to the forums Lucas. I've known a few people with types similar to mine (INFP/INFJ) that seem to be into code. For some reason I can't get into it although it would be something really...|||Yes, this is a good one. Feelings you get for items that are useful. You feel bad when they end up being thrown away. Also when talking, you use the I feel that x , it's been mentioned before. ...|||Hello. Your name is almost the same as mine lol. I don't think you need to worry too much about it. I'm french so english isn't my native language and I'm sure I probably did a few mistakes, but...|||Hmmm. It's true that being sensitive shouldn't put you down into a depressive state. There's something else that could explain what you're dealing with. It's a condition that I'm dealing with as well...|||If you have a trigger to these episodes, then I wonder if you might not be highly sensitive like me. I'm not as stable as you but I do notice that if I get in a really terrible mood, there's a...|||Hey there, welcome~ You read a lot of books about the subject. Are you a speed reader? That's something I hope to teach myself to do with time. Devouring books at lightning fast speeds would be so...|||It's normal to feel a bit overwhelmed when you see all of these different post format things, like Italics, Bold or Underline but once you get used to the website, you'll be able to figure it all...|||I'm in the same boat. Mentally ill, lonely, ect. If I had a solution, I would tell you. But you aren't alone (in that situation), maybe that can make you feel a bit better.|||Welcome to the forums. I joined due to similar circumstances, breakup and all. It helped me a good deal to learn a bit about myself and see more of the world, since you get a bit of tunnel vision...|||Your story reminds me of my own, especially with the person that called you out. In my case, I was that person but I never called them out on it. They were simply better at manipulation, just as...|||Oh geez, all of the people saying french...and I'm a native french speaker, although from Canada. Canadian french is a bit different in terms of accent and vocabulary (although for the vocabulary...|||Ryxis I doubt you'd get an answer to your query. This thread is a year old.|||Welcome! This is a very warm and welcoming place. Take your time, I'm sure you'll be comfortable in no time.|||Well, you are right when you say that we're usually really reserved. We feel things very strongly. I believe a lot of our type can also be highly sensitive people and emotions can easily overwhelm...|||You shouldn't be looking for love. Look for friendship and let it lead you wherever it might go. Looking for love puts you in this convoluted universe of desire, expectations and search for the...|||EDLC has a brilliant idea. The only issue is your sister, like you said. I've met people of asian descent before with similar family problems. Kind of makes me feel iffy about asian parents now,...|||1 billion would be nice for security. I wouldn't need to worry about running out of money, since what I want isn't going to be found in luxury or frivolous spending. Good people is where its at,...|||I also have an issue with people that use tough love. I can see it being applied, but the term does contain the word love. It takes a lot of finesse to administer tough love in a proper way. There...|||What makes anyone strong. The courage to be who you are. The conviction to trust in your judgement. The knowledge to know the right path. And wisdom, for balance. Also, you can be made of...|||Clyme hit the nail on the head. Stress and distress can make it difficult to get anything inside of you, to the point that it can make you feel ill. I had instances where I wasn't able to eat at all...|||I've actually initiated conversation with a lot of people here and each time it went well. I was surprised by how nice people are here, it's really something else. If you feel that you can talk to...|||It's always good to get a check up, maybe not from a mental health center but just a doctor. From what you described, there doesn't seem to be much going on, except maybe some low mood and you...|||True, idealism is also the capacity to see what people could be. I think that's actually the main description for it. But seeing in someone what they could be can make us forget what they truly are,...|||It's horribly low. I'm working on it though. I realize that my low self-esteem can push people away. It's understandable though, especially if you're stubborn when it comes to hating yourself.|||That's the thing with personality theory, sometimes it'll just confuse you even more. It is only a theory after all, so it might not work in certain cases. Emotional states can also alter your...|||Hello there, welcome! I bumped into the same situation as you. I had some tests tell me I'm INTP, and others telling me I'm INFP. I definitely identify with INFP more though, mostly due to why...|||I'm a highly sensitive person. Always have been, since I was a kid. Being a male, it was always a source of awkwardness, to say the least. I didn't have much support in terms of expressing my depth...|||Constant low mood and mood swings at times too. It is depression when it lasts more than 2 weeks I believe (no, you aren't depressed because you have a bad day). It can come with anxiety too....|||Explorer. I shall explore Earth (for myself mostly lol) and then space. Being enthralled by the thrill of discovery is something that appeals to me a lot.|||Hello there. That's interesting. I also identify with the INFP-INTP thing too. I can have my rational moments (I need them to study math and the like anyway lol) but I'm certainly more on the...|||I had a run in recently with what people might consider a flaw in our type. Maybe that's why they would say that we're the worst... Idealism and optimism mostly, especially when it comes to a...|||There's nothing that comes to mind when it comes to questions. There's a niche for women like you, that I know (knew someone like that, don't know if she went into that field, but she could have). ...|||I'd suggest the same thing as Scarab I have a book on speed reading and I can see it improving your desire to read, since it improves speed AND comprehension. It's a bit boring if you read...|||I think depression and anxiety shields me from that type of thing at times due to the emotional stunting/apathy. However, I know what you're talking about. You might be interested in reading about...|||I can assure you that you're far from the only one having that kind of issue, if you want to call it an issue that is. I don't have any kind of preference to anything, it depends on my mood mostly,...'
'You know your an iN then you have finished watch https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FJuaAWrgoUY and you can't stop raving about it to that someone you so what to understand you.|||https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170404/1fe8c973d929512680f06404579cd3e8.jpg The shadow side of the INFP can lead to effacement and allowing others to actualise there darker fantasies.|||INFP's,. It is said that INFP's will go to extraordinary lengths when meeting the inner vision of an ideal within the work place or out side of a work place. Here is a picture of an idealist...|||Male with hairy legs. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||The discussion is far from being exhausted we have not addressed his instinctive mentality. Ronald Trumps instinctive mentality is as all people divider as a multiplicity three by three. Ego is...|||LittleOrange ,I read your post some time ago when you posted it and wanted to reply but could not quite generate the conceptual idea in minds that address an explanation needed to explain the...|||He is more than ESTP as space is more than nothing, it's full of stars and energy and microwaves. That's the problem people are being to narrow there is more than a set of four letters to...|||Mood doesn't equal nature it's not about your experience of instinct the context is phycology related not instinct related. Your relating most likely, though your instinct perhaps the social...|||Your focusing on his mood his mood is ESFP his agenda is INFP and his focus of concern is ESTP. You people..!?|||Thanks for posting this Silas. I looked at Quasi-Identical-Relations http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/content.php/108-Quasi-Identical-Relations And looking at the list of sixteen...|||The dum some may see in Donald Trump is partly due to a % of his type makeup being part INFP this INFP or inpf is also the arrogant edge or less tolerant part that alines with his self preservation...|||Donald Trumps true type is divided between three type energy influences and it is this divide that is the cause of his unstable personality difficulties. 1). His primary point energy Point:8. ...|||Let's get metaphysical in a metaphor like way that just might have relevance to the nature of the underlying nature of the structure these two energy's stem from. INFJ and INFP remind me of...|||You people are weird, it's all so simple. SP's are geared via adrenaline to be a wear. They instinctual know they are alive situated on the surface and have a need to survive. Develop maintain manage...|||Elscar in this example of an Sp you will witnesses clearly the regency generated via adrenaline within the mind set of the Sp. The adrenaline works upon the front cortex generating a storm of...|||It's not my work, I did not do the science, the science was done by The Enneagram Institute. Maybe you think that they are simply a pack of silly people who no not the enneagram or how to conduct...|||Do you also sometimes have an ESTJ function to your personality and an INTJ function to your personality? Dothraki|||Elscar If you don't get it then sit back and observe the Sp energy. Try to sense feel it, and INFP Feel it at a visual gut level. From this view point it really is so easy to see. Via...|||My way of sensing the Sp energy is by feeling the energy as being an adrenaline driven instinctual energy, I see Sp's as being front cortex driven people, adrenaline and cortex driven. They take...|||Try to insult the INTJ mind set, INJ ? To ..ENP! Te? To ..Fe! The impersonal to personal. SP -question principles valued to build relations between people by the SP INTJ. SO -question values...|||The Nature of love https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K2mW9fOi7aw|||[big yorn]|||Why is there life in the universe? Well that's a big question madman, I look at it this way from reading and hearing others thoughts in order to work out my own thoughts and my thoughts are...|||The sourdough consent suggests to me that the subject matter is a mirror, of an internal conflict. Something other than. Maybe it's to deep in context of the conversation, but that was where my...|||Wow this seems tricky, as if it's a Si-Ne Se-Ni apathetic mildly depressed over compensating mind set as its a ENFP's presented puzzle challenge where in the ENFP is drawing upon elements from ENTP...|||Just because someone works as a prostitute or rents the services of a prostitute that may specialise in what ever fetish or sexual play some may enjoy doesn't mean anything other than two or more...|||I am practising envisioning the eighteen subtype energies recognising an impression of the energy flowing the lines of moment noting the similarity's between two Point subtype energies as each...|||You need to be more gentle with yourself because much of what you spoke wether you realise it or not as a Sx/Sp is a mirror statement. Why is this so? Because the Sx/Sp is a part of the (-7-4-1-)...|||Only under or via stress. The kinda stress that hold the tension of mood to the self's own experience of character. Agenda driven focus for the 5w6 and an ISFP focus would be considered also normal. ...|||As an INFP it's my thought that infp's see the potential in INTJ's a potential that can help the INFP's development. When I was in my 20's I had a good friend who was and is a 6w5 INTJ and we got...|||7.5 it generated a sense of the creator and the bands trip, so it was ok and it generated the gray between the royal Blue outer and the Pink inner into Purple, at must be so alpha Beta brain wave...|||The instinctual variant structures is a fascinating subject and is a subject. There is much movement more movement in fact than is commonly recognised. In my opinion the instinctual variant's...|||- Sp doms who are NFs ordered, rigid, principle orientated, practical. - Soc doms who are INTJ or ISTP community orientated, community focused, prepared to champion the other, forgiving. -...|||I believe the dominant wing is linked with agenda and the other is linked with mood.|||The mechanics of type must exist in all transactions, what I attempted to touch upon is TA (transactional analysis) it's structural activity within the workings of type at the levels that I...|||No, it is a disorder an individual may actively emirate or have as a disorder. All humans have both a light and dark side and are capable of saving grace and able to partaking of the holy ideal...|||https://media.giphy.com/media/fQQbWnU2g5OcU/giphy.gif No it can't be true, I found this via popular media..? No it's a prank for shore. But he shore is a colourful type with lots of mysterious...|||INFP's have strong ID and the three ID types are 9, 4, 5. The INFP is the enneagram sub type 9w1.|||For the 8w9 with its primal cognitive energy being ESFJ its 9 wing is focused upon agenda and its 7 wing is mood impulse driven. The seven wing for the ESFJ 8w9w7 is ENTJ. For the 8w7 with its...|||Donald Trump is not an ESFP. He is a ESFJ an 8w9, Tri fix: 826, Tri type: 8w7 2w3 6w7, I'm not exactly shore what his instinctual stack is but I am thinking Sx/Sp/So. I'm no shore what his...|||Don't you make me cry!|||https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t3_tFk5ARp0 The Secret Place I can understand the mechanism that influences the drive of Joe Osteen's proactive overcompensating fixation toward a proactive mind...|||A set destination? I speak my mind as like a fractal unfolds I'm a big picture thinker. In My Arrogant Opinion,. I don't think your arrogant, in fact I don't have an opinion of you because I have...|||Yes there is much showmanship to be pronounced via the ISTp mind set. The actor playing Will Wonker is an ISFP, ISTP INFJ and ISTP have a shared movement within a triangle action. The law of...|||I'm not getting heart, (that maybe a mirror statement refereeing to your own experience via reading my post). No not the reincarnation of Shakespeare just doing my job of remembering the quanta of...|||I'm shore you do,and if the topic of your persuasion was more about influencing a NT then I'm sore your narcissi mind set would have spoke; I think the would of NTPs. Because the ISTP has ENTP as...|||Sidewinder Other than two obvious enough spelling errors due to auto correct and negligence to proof read the post I can not see any problem with the post. It's basically factually correct. ...|||All this negativity about the N function doesn't surprise me in fact looking at and taking note of the state of the collective synergy and the evolutional direction the collective is manifesting...|||My Essay Donald Trump Is Representing The Mobs Political Interests By Seeking The Office Of President. Page. 1) Donald Trump seeks to convince the mob, organise the mob, represent the mob....|||Not fast. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk'
'The older I have become the less I care about my appearance, because it doesn't really matter. As long as I don't look like a complete tramp then I don't mind but I have look trampesque haha. I get...|||I am so painfully horny today.. so yes|||I'm from the UK and I don't vote. Mainly because I do not agree with the policies of any party and I also believe that the two party system doesn't work.. it feels like pantomime. I also think that...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTm5eiFlAsI|||I didn't really have one as I was completely board of formal education by the age of 13. So I learnt what I had to and before an exam I would read over the subject matter and that got me through....|||When you are nearly 30 and it still takes you a week to get round to tidying your room. Then finding an old notebook you haven't seen in years and continue a project written in the pages postponing...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYI9AryfhNg|||I lost mine too, if I find it.. I'll give it to you.|||ai.tran.75 You are sexy too! And I agree. I think you are correct.|||I hope you have my number too for your return to dom-ness. :D|||Really pissed off right now as I changed my mind about going on a trip with my mates, no particular reason, I just wasn't interested any more... and they have been pestering me all morning, why is it...|||Very INFPish! I never really get poetry but this I do completely.. It'd be good if their was an INFP poetry thread.|||Everyone here is sexy!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jK30v4weeA|||with great urgency|||Miisha can we exchange musical knowledge? You seem to have quite an eclectic taste. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP2uVduXojA|||Nice.. I love The Czar.|||We'll do it with cows that have died of natural causes only.|||Dancing! That's something I can do.. in a field.. with lots of hippies.. and stuff..|||I know I can't do that.. too much to think about but any of you can say anything you want to me.|||Of course it does :)|||Although I don't sweet talk, I don't really talk at all. Cuddles.. yes, with lots of other nice things involved :)|||You should hear me if someone asks me if I want to go somewhere. So many factors to consider.|||It's noisy be careful. haha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX5uKOGGQIc|||What do you wish you knew back then? I wish that I knew I didn't have to compete in The Rat Race or The American Dream it's pointless. I'm not wired to be a part of that. What do you wish...|||Yeah, I did that. I found them a few year ago along with a box of pieces of paper with disturbing little sentences and stories. Now I'm a lot older and can, for want of a better word, cope better...|||No, I avoid them as often as I can.|||Yes, I was a proper daydreamer. I'd be looking outside more that at the teacher.|||I think after the realisation and panic that this is the end and their is nothing I can do.. I'd hike up a hill and watch the terrifying beauty of something I'm only ever going to see once.|||I would like a new table for me to use as and when I pleased.. you can be my centre piece any time.|||If it was, life would very strange. Was that a command or are you just saying my name??|||Only if you're Princess Zelda and I'm Link or the other way round...|||Haha! I'd be your little toe|||Aww, that's cute.|||I agree. Utterly terrifying!|||Haha, didn't know how old you were.. 17 is legal in the UK. Honestly, it's Jesus the G.. very off putting.|||You're spoken for and I'm a gentleman. Otherwise...|||No, sorry dude.|||I haven't found many non-British people that understand sarcasm. Sarcasm is about 60% of our national identity and the rest is a combination of cynicism and innuendo.|||I think this is one of my favourite threads. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pTHdibIQoE|||Well, when you put it so eloquently.. gladly.|||It's you again.|||Miisha That is an absolutely incredible song from an absolutely incredible album. Moderat are one of the best live shows I've ever seen. Kudos :)|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO9HTBSxGbs|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep0keG43NrQ|||Don't worry, I have been travelling for years and hardly spoke to my best friends and when I came back they were still my best friends. :)|||It's not Monday is that the problem, it's the life and job that people have which creates the hatred of Monday.|||When you lay in bed in the morning and you slept funny so your back hurts, you are hungry and need to pee desperately but at that moment the most important thing are the thoughts you are currently...|||Music and food it is! :)|||It depends on what kind of art. Art in the traditional sense of the word? Music? Poetry? Culinary? ....'
'I meant that you are trying to tell us to type Einstein as ILI in a socionics forum because Tellionics says Einstein is ILI. They are different branches from the same trunk, and no the link is not...|||Yes, the idea that INxJs and ENxPs will be more intuitive than both INxPs and ENxJs is kind of dumb in general. Even the function model (which I happen to not like) was set up by Myers so that...|||Ah I found it quickly anyway, didn't end up typing too many of the characters. I find it interesting how we have the ENFJ and ESFP flipped, but I don't remember either character particularly well. ...|||My memory of it is pretty bad, I personally just remember being between both IxTJ types for him and never really questioning the rest (except perhaps E) because it seemed pretty obvious. I can tell...|||He's not true to Jung, but being true to Jung in function descriptions for these 4-function MBTI stacks is not a desirable thing, because in order for the stacks to describe people who relate to the...|||So you’re openly rejecting socionics functions, yet still trying to tell us how to type people in socionics? What is the endgame here? You keep bringing up things that have nothing to do with...|||The only way you really get that as a defining trait is if you equate ILI to INTJ (which it isn't), and then start describing MBTI J stuff or definitions of Ni outside of socionics. Everyone goes...|||Mr. Castelo I thought Toshio Ozaki was a clear-cut TJ type, what gives you INTP?|||And now you bumped a 9 month old thread :crazy:|||I don't like typing by quotes but... Sounds like something anyone could say. What does it have to do with Ni specifically? Seems pro-perception, as in don't try too hard for specific things...|||Do you even read what you write before you click the post button? Is some deep visionary concept getting in the way of processing reality? Yep, disconnected ideas, not the same level of depth...|||Just to add on, the actual lone voices in the wilderness don't market themselves as such. They actually are the real deal, and that is why they remain lone. Manson is an image projector, a...|||The point is not that this kind of person doesn't rely on their internal vision, but rather that such a thing is not by any means exclusive to them. As for MM, I don't see a strong, stable...|||All I see here is mystifying Ni with this vision concept as if it's some sort of third eye that other people just could never possess. 2 eyes and Ni:...|||What does Ni user even mean to you here? And what about MM makes him one? What is this supposed to infer about their MBTI type, that they can't be xNTP? This is a fallacious mess. You don't...|||Einstein wasn't a Ti first type (LxI), but you can't just make up stuff about the scientific method and leave Ti out of it. In fact, prioritizing such a method is a sign of a T-dominant type.|||Shouldn't extroverted feeling should actually accept objective (as in of the masses Feeling) more as-is, while extroverted perception is the kind of function that would seek to manipulate it? From...|||Ne|||I think as a brute generalization, 6's are more about taking direct actions to feel secure while 5's feel like understanding the core truth behind something holds personal value in itself. Thus, 6's...|||If you followed Myers's convoluted logic for putting Ni on top for INxJs, you probably wouldn't be saying they are more dominant (conventional sense) in intuition than INxPs. You should do PR...|||Your entire post reads like please type me as a 9, to the point where I question if you were writing it with descriptions of Nines in mind. However, regardless of that aspect I don't know how I...|||Probably 1, maybe 6, definitely not 5 or 8. People who believe 2 are smoking something really strong.|||To be quite honest I don't know why you are even considering 9. Even the things you describe for 9 seem more 5 than 9, especially with how 9's seek comforting thoughts while you seem to prioritize...|||Not sure what you are arguing against. Nobody is saying Einstein is INTJ, because this is a socionics forum not an MBTI one. INTj/LII is more resolute than INTp/ILI and especially ENTp/ILE.|||It's really, really hard to imagine Einstein as leading with a Thinking function. He seems very much like an intuition-leading scientist, which would mean ILx most likely. He wasn't nearly as...|||Stevester aus2020 as STJs what do you think of the possibility of her being ESTJ? It's the only non-ESFJ type that I could buy. She seems to have this sort of way of not really looking at people...|||What is cognitive function theory anyway? What is the hypothesis and how do we go about testing it? Why should we be using it to give people MBTI types? I don't have anything against people...|||Why not ISFJ? He didn't seem to be laid back like I would expect of a IxFP, and his focus also seemed to be more in the direction of sensing than intuition. ISFx types can be quite poetic, often...|||Only Ni-Doms are capable of having a vision, so it makes sense.|||Yeah, Light is extremely J in every sense, it's just that those qualities lead him to be a J-dom in socionics. Even if you type him as Te first which I disagree with in that interpretation. He's...|||L can't really be LII in my opinion because he's too sporadic with his attention and synchronizes with an internal flow (Pi) rather than an internal structure (Ti). He only takes on cases that he...|||Wisteria, I'm afraid you misread what I said. I said Light was ISTj (LSI), and even listed out the functions Ti and Se in his ego block. Lelouch probably INTp (ILI) which would be Ni and Te ego...|||Someone mentioned the possibility of ESFJ to me. While I disagree with that (I think he's ESTJ) I still sorta see where they are coming from. He's not really guided by logic much at all. He's...|||Dracobane I am pretty sure that his main gripe against Misa was her complete lack of meticulousness. She was simply not putting her due diligence and effort into this task of utmost importance. ...|||Dracobane Alassea Telrunyaa In terms of functions, Light has to be a judging dominant. What else makes sense? It's his decisive black-white judgment of morality alongside being handed god powers...|||It seems hard to make a character more ESTJ than Katsuki yet neither of you typed him as such?|||The problem with that is he doesn't seem to be constantly trying to achieve any particular goal, as shown by his lazy, somewhat complacent behavior. I think he has a very low desire to control,...|||Huh, so he looks at situations and predicts outcomes so he's INTJ, despite all the obvious P traits about him? Yes even though he is a perceiver... Wow he tried something which involved getting...|||No, he is probably more ISTP though. No type (INTJ included) implies a magical power of knowing what will happen. He's mainly aimless and unfocused living day-to-day, and that is how he prefers...|||Motoko's 1995 movie character is ISTP, but is very intuitive in SAC, probably due to Puppetmaster (INTx). She's like the improvisational brains of the crew, entertaining a bunch of theories (a...|||What else would she be? INTJ? I don't see it. She seems pretty clearly INTP to me.|||Episode 18 of LWA update: Constanze (the inventor that I said was xNTP) is actually INTJ which is not clear at all until this episode. Croix is seeming more like she can be introverted herself,...|||Good point. I don't think she's N because she's clumsy though. It's more like she is always looking at impossible stuff and trying to make it happen in a really idealistic sort of mindset. I think...|||Xcopy I think your argument against INTJ is more like an argument against him being N, without much else. And of course I'd agree with you there, as I think he is ISTJ. Sensing can lead one to be...|||I am fairly certain that Madison is INTP and Jefferson is INTJ. Jefferson seemed ridiculously more conscientious, as would be expected of a judger. As someone already mentioned here, the intense,...|||...because he's not F and not P. As a child sure but that's not the person he became. Can we talk about it here though? ...|||To those suggesting to look at functions rather than the test: why? Is the implied binary factor of Ti-Fe-ishness vs. Fi-Te-ishness more robust, and therefore more useful, than letters, in the face...|||We're using different systems here. Jung came up with the 8 types (extraverted thinking type, etc), and the 4 functions (T, F, N, and S), which acted as most of the foundation of MBTI. I...|||There was a study that gave people function orders and 1 in over 500 actually matched an ordering that fit one of the typical function stacks, which is actually 5 times rarer than if one just...|||He's not ISTJ because he lives in the past. He's ISTJ because he's I, S, T, and J. Although he is close perhaps to as ESI (Fi+Se) in Socionics although LSI (Ti+Se) still is quite a better fit,...'
'Oh man, this is serious. Good luck with her! Just make sure you don't look so infatuated when she's around, our charm lies in our independence. ;)|||Are you really saying that this girl is a fundamental part of your wellbeing?|||Oh come on.|||This depends on the ability of the ENTP to make a strong rational point to justify the rupture. Even if that wasn't enough to convince the INFJ in the first place, how long do you think it will take...|||Oh come on, IT IS. Try this: tell her you thought it over and came to the conclusion that the relationship between you is causing her harm. Use the rational explanation that comes to your mind at the...|||I really love the love they feel for us!|||The White Stripes - St. James Infirmary Blues|||When you became afraid of taking the test again and maybe get a different result because you're completely sure that your type is the coolest one since the first time you read the description.|||Would it be too inconvenient if I asked you to explain your point, mister?|||I'd rather specialize in broad areas and become familiar with all the related knowledge that I can understand, specially when derived from areas completely different from the one I'm focused. I...|||7/10, nice combination of soft colors, nice mask with nice appendages, though nothing different from the habitual random nonsense|||9/10. I have no idea what it really is, but looks nice. Isn't it uspide down?|||Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, I'm a great driver.|||I bet I could make you feel even more desperated. Wanna try?|||Cold but awesome, deal with it|||Damn, it would be fun.|||Nice post. Objective reality is a concept that I have left behind while thinking about this, some time ago. It's an useless entity, after all, since it lacks an absolute observer, and thus cannot...|||What a reliable source you have.|||I'd say it's INTJ, for sure. They can be really mean when they want to, mainly in the virtual domains. ENTP are great as well, but I believe their advantage in this matter is a near immunity to...|||Don't know, didn't read your post yet!|||Tip: there's a simple english mistake that can be explored in the post above.|||No, it's part of the fun. I post random nonsense I feel like here and you, even aware of how dumb I can be, keep on reading my randomness and even quoting me. It satisfies my urge for attention, my...|||When you realize that this awkward feeling you have everytime somebody posts a new personality test is actually a hybrid of fear of getting another type, for you love being an ENTP since the first...|||Proud to see that it didn't keep you from reading the whole thing, boss!|||Forgive me, it was really rude of me to assemble all sorts of uninteresting types without giving the deserved distinction to a species known for it's intriguing complexity and unique sensibility,...|||You know, some days ago I realized that I lacked modesty... But today I can say I'm perfect.|||Pure jealousy. You freaks just can't understand how it's possible for someone to have free pass through some fancy social circles, get laid often, talk nonsense, forget all the homejob but still have...|||dI usually avoid words and expressions such as wrong, correct, the only way, the wrong way... They're asphyxiating for who listens and they reveal the speaker's inability to relativize the consensual...|||ENTP fight! Let the most deceitful-filthy-sordid rogue win!|||Well, I could tell you the secret, but listening to it can bring serious side effects that range from hideous nightmares and growth of hair behind the ear to lethal laugh attacks. Reading it can make...|||What I love most is, undoubtely, our unique internal personal logic. It seems like we were born with our own logic system, instead of adopting the cheap, generic and conventional one without asking,...|||Well, I think my way of handling this is always being available to expose my logic, if we're talking about someone whose opinion really matters for me. Like ok, you think I'm cold because of x? Let...|||Oh, come on. You seem to be quite aware that you're playing with fire, you even came here to tell us that. Why don't you try to take something constructive from this situation? Maybe you can just...|||When you realize that the thing you've naturally done since you were born is so unfamiliar to other people that they gave it the fancy name of brainstorm.|||You frequently need to insist that you're being serious about an idea that everyone else took for a joke.|||But you know, sometimes only exchanging bad experiences isn't enough to clean our minds from all the anger they bring. Sometimes we need some action. We're talking about our well being, our mind and...|||WOW, don't you think you're putting things in an overly dramatic way? Even if I accidentally happened to do something that may resemble one of these situations - of course it all depends on who is...|||You realize that, for some mysterious reason, everybody likes you. Even the mothers of your friends seem to love when you drop by. Well, as a matter of fact there are 3 or 4 or 5 drama kings that...|||You show impressive knowlege and relevant opinions about all the books that your friends mentioned in a random conversation. Of course, nobody needs to know that you've read just a couple of them....|||The professor congratulates you for your amazing point of view in a presentation that you prepared the night before displaying and can't tell for sure what was about. You smile and go buy a coke.|||Wow, 813 pages of things that piss you people off. Relax! You shouldn't keep all these negative feelings, that's not good for your health and won't bring anything good. I suggest taking a deep breath...|||Well, coming to think of it, it's not really my fault that this universe is so intriguing. I was given only one possibility to understand everything and the idea of wasting it with trivial and...|||I really hate my inability to deal with everyday's issues - like paying bills, going to sleep in a reasonable time, starting to study when I planned to (and not 4 hours later), being more punctual...|||53578 My first anatomy class, 2005, because there are funnier things to do with a skull than studying it. 53579 First parachute jump, 2010, when backpacking through Europe. This was...|||He was right all along and I was wrong. Keep that in mind and you shouldn't have any more issues. But remember to argue now and then just to... well, argue|||Unethical? Most people may say so, but I think that's because they don't really get what indifference means. I usually don't act with the intention to hurt somebody, for this is generally pointless,...|||The moment when I'm discussing anything with someone and I realize my point is wrong, but I will continue to argue to see if I can convince the other person that I am right - just to see his...|||You may see it as a typical dilemma, I see it more like creativity. That's where the ideas come from, I guess.|||I'm pretty sure I would forget to pack and take the first 10 things I see 5 minutes before departing|||And I would write a book named A Lesson From Piranhas: how I rediscovered the meaning of life eating bananas, some sort of motivational stuff that would sell a lot and make me millionaire. Since I...'
'I also have long, natural hair and have never dyed my hair (my hair is not super long, but to my chest; I was born a redhead, but it's kind of morphed from blonde to brown, back to red and now it's...|||One of my best friends is an ISFJ. I love her to bits and I always will. The only issue is that she doesn't understand my brain at all, so we never talk about 'deep topics.' Things I don't consider...|||So, I've been having lunch with this INTP guy for a couple weeks now. He's super super sweet, very nerdy, very cute, I like him a lot. We actually went to the same high school at the same time and...|||There was one that I majorly remember from high school, and I think he was an ENTJ.|||Kewl|||I used to be more passive, but lately I've been initiating a lot of conversations and surprising myself. I just keep thinking about all the people I may have missed out on by being too in my head or...|||I usually have the most intense and bizarre dreams, but I've been anxious and sleep deprived lately, to the point where I'm not remembering a single dream. I miss it. One of the strangest dreams...|||I was mistyped as an ISFJ for years and what really made me realize it was learning about the functions. Si and Ni are completely different, as are Ne and Se. My suggestion to you would be to...|||I don't really relate strongly to lyrics. I do relate to the tones of songs, though. A Winged Victory for the Sullen's self-titled album is literally like having my thoughts being transformed...|||Yes. Except my basement.|||I'm pretty torn up about Anton Yelchin's death. I have a lot of memories fangirling over him with my friends in 7th grade. He really brought so much life to an old character. Think about it, there...|||I do understand the cons, but since she's my aunt, who holds a lot of power over my uncle and cousins...I'm going to be as nice as I can. The entire family is in therapy, and she's on meds, so...|||Lmao my aunt is an ESTJ 1w2 and she's the literal worst. Really nasty and mercurial 24/7, constantly yelling at her kids and husband for everything they do, exceedingly judgmental, manipulative and...|||No. I'm a slab of meat with a brain. I'm not better or worse than the next person. We're all animals who just happened to exist.|||Common examples to differentiate the two? Se and Ne.|||I'm friends individually with two INFPs, an ESFP and an ISFJ. My friend group is: - ENFJ guy - ISFP guy - ISTJ guy - ENTP guy - INFP girl - INFJ girl|||Phlegmatic-Sanguine. I don't fully identify with any of the descriptions though. I think the blend between these two would be the closest.|||Dating/romantic relationships? No idea. I've only ever dated high Fi-users, so I know that I would rather not do that again. But I've always had really incredible connections with ENTPs, so maybe...|||The quote in my signature is a favorite of mine, but it's a part of a poem. I also like: But time is like the ocean, you can only hold a little in your hands. - Josh Pyke All of us have...|||Complaining about trivial things drives me up the wall. The last time I saw an ISFP friend of mine, he was so whiny, complaining about the littlest things. The weather not being perfect, having to...|||During my childhood, I was a child.|||I'm always excited to hear new opinions and viewpoints. I have very few beliefs that I feel cannot be altered. Honestly, anything is fair game for change. If someone is more educated on something...|||A couple years ago, I kept having dreams that a favorite celebrity of mine was going to die. A few months later, two celebrities I liked died and it wasn't anyone I'd dreamt about. One time I was...|||Oregonian 4 life|||I'm a Hufflepuff, so I'm a particularly good finder. All jokes aside, it depends on what it is. If I know someone is depending on me, I'll find it. My mom generally forgets where we park, so I...|||523601 523609 Just found some great shots of me from 2004. I think you can guess which one I am.|||I've been to... within the USA: - Alaska - California - Connecticut - Idaho - Montana - New Jersey - New York|||Another Portland person! I think Portland's an INFP.|||Lmao why dig up this thread's corpse? It's been dead for 6 years.|||The Great Escape. My dad showed it to me when I was 7 because Chicken Run (which I loved) was loosely based off of that. For some reason, I got really attached to Ives, and my dad forgot about what...|||What the fuck am I doing and why am I not asleep|||If by skipping feelings you mean repressing them until they pop up out of nowhere and cause problems, then yes, I do that.|||Blobfish|||Don't you just hate it when you're in the chapel, anxiously awaiting your new bride, and a hat walks down the aisle.|||I think that blurb is pretty accurate. I'm a dumbass when it comes to flirting. I'm honestly not interested in a relationship right now because the whole flirting-dating game is a bit stressful to...|||Thank you, that means a lot to me. I normally don't write poems because I don't think I'm very good at it, but I was having a bad grief day on March 4th so I just wrote that to get some of the grief...|||'The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat' by Oliver Sacks! I love it.|||Fi. God Fi gets on my nerves. I know some wonderful Fi-users, but no. Te is amusing up to a point. Si is pretty eh. I love Ne though, and high Ne-users.|||Healthy ENFJs are great. I love healthy Fe-users. I've had a wonderful ENFJ in my life for the past 4 years and he's one of my best friends. We can talk on the phone for hours. His over-the-top...|||death takes and it gives it takes the boy with the kindest eyes fills his lungs with a river so cold and gives, to the left behind, sudden, unprompted flashes of remembered life who knew? i...|||I'm in a US History Pre-1840 class in college right now, and we're learning all about the absurdity of money. Fortunately, my eccentric ESTJ teacher actually understands how stupid it is, and he's...|||There are existing cases of abuse between all types. Emotional & physical abuse generally happens due to a lack of proper communication, as well as the abuser having learned that abuse is acceptable...|||Omg this is adorable pls keep talking|||It depends on the person. I know two INFPs with good, healthy Fi and they don't get annoying. But the other ones in my life have bad Fi and yes, they get annoying.|||Thank you for puking Fi all over my sarcasm!|||Oh my god oh my god I do this exact same thing I'm going to scream this is the first time I've ever heard anyone else do this|||When I'm on social media, I'm usually using it as a distraction for something. Life being shitty, homework, feelings, all of the above. I don't post a whole lot, just some photos about three times a...|||Best advice - this one INFJ I know Worst advice - every other INFJ and every other type ever Worst of the worst - FPs|||Maybe INFJ women are rare, but the men who deserve to be with an INFJ woman are even more rare. Oh my god stooooooooooooooooooooooooop|||INFPs with good Fi are beautiful people. INFPs with bad Fi make me want to jump out of a moving car.'
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwETUXKSmbg|||I don't know about you guys, but for me all kinds of self-reflection is a huge part of my everyday life and now and again I'm overwhelmed by completely new realizations about myself I never really...|||http://personalitycafe.com/members/ingenuefatale-albums-former-avatars-picture235194-family.png Ah, family! All those lovely, totally fucked up relationships! Hate some, adore a few, can...|||I don't believe I'm generally talked into things easily. If my initial reaction's nah, then I stick to it and don't do it (unless being forced, but that's another thing completely I guess). I do...|||I've kept saying for years now how this may be the most honest song I've ever heard, if that's the same thing. It almost creeps me out how much I relate to pretty much every line. Like... I've even...|||I have literally no clue about any of those characters, but looked them up real fast. Leaning towards EnTp. Not all necessarily my Top 5 favorite characters. But the 5 I believe might share...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaBaSn-xzd0|||@johnnyyukon : That one's indeed straight up disturbing. :laughing: @Luke the Turner : LOVE Nick Cave. I'd only heard Where the Wild Roses Grow out of those before, but the other two was very...|||I have this theory, or whatever, that (especially) a lot of NFs (though often without realizing it) tend to have a thing for songs that, apart from being love songs in general, also has that...|||I've heard people call Remus Lupin an INFP before. I can't say I agree, but so I've heard (and actually quite a lot of times too). Thoughts? I LOVE the idea of Merope being INFP. I think it kind...|||So, I'm done with these a day later than expected, but some of them were SO HARD. :bored: (I probably also should add these contains a little bit of gore). Insinuating ESFJ's shit stinks too:...|||Lady Amalthea(/Unicorn) & Prince Lir from The Last Unicorn (+ Two Hearts)|||Happy Halloween, everyone! Calling ENFJ out on bullshit: https://33.media.tumblr.com/3144c55ce22690c54872bc5ab7b23ada/tumblr_mpc18c4fiO1qedb29o1_500.gif ENFP dealing with rejection:...|||I think most of them are pretty accurate. However.. 6. Just to first clear this out of the way: My art's not great. And this isn't something I say just to seem modest or because I want people to...|||I have characteristics of schizophrenia (whatever that means) but I've never been diagnosed AS schizophrenic. I DO have episodic psychosis (with delusions, hallucinations, paranoia and...|||Truth is.. if I actually tried to commit to making such a list to begin with, the list itself would probably just become a WIP as well. :proud:|||Might need help to re-type these afterwards (feel free to correct me). But I'll give it a try... 1. The Last Unicorn (1982) Amalthea/The Unicorn - INxJ 2. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pjfe721KPA I'm on the backside of the moon Still hoping someday it will bloom Here Don't try to count them 'cause you can't know How many days that I have...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YRuI7taIRI|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNY9aCIHeR4|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dy7LwDZjkU|||Too many awesome dogs in one thread. <3 :kitteh: I don't have much of a fixed preference outside ASDFGHJKL I LOVE DOGS!!! Preferably mine, but any dog goes, really. :tongue: It's more like...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYBPxvogWBA|||What are your prefered breed/s of dog? Why do they appeal to you? What breed/s have you had in the past? And what breed/s do you currently have? Pictures, gifs, videos etc to back-up how...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUh8VCDOt2Y Sunday is emo, and so on..|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5EAFh8uWnk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWUmyXknwpc|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9oeHx1ySOs|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5xbMnaEiYE|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MguJyPOlOoE|||One Plus One :wink: / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaasJ44O5lI|||Then there's of course this years winner of ESC.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RIhJ9QK740|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_Ez9eASvTQ|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNQRGiD3LFo|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgvmTCY2eYs Although I strongly prefer the Italian verison.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llew0MMIxDo|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w0HArmTuVs|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-bCN2ur3pg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXctSjshB1M|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-Zbyg39iC4|||Only one at a time, right? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UztEfwHt14 Meh! at the quality and it's quite an oldie. Still a good song, though. :kitteh:|||Ok, here comes the other 8 now.. ENFJ http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqf85cNmst1qls8jio1_500.gif ENTP...|||http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqtfs7eKkw1qf3mbj.gif Can't because.. 1. GIF 2. People finding out how bitter I actually am? NEVAH! 3. Deactivated my account 2 years ago. :proud:|||Love birds. Especially all types of raptors (falcons are my favorites, but I also really like owls). Something just happens to my emotions when I see one (like.. INFPness overload). There are a few...|||Off the top of my head.. ENFP http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg5y1ha6Kc1qeuegfo1_500.gif ENTJ http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lizjw0hsJ01qfdwsio1_500.gif ESFP...|||If I've grasped ANY understanding about the types: To be honest, if you can actually type 1-5 year olds, I MUST'VE started off an iSFj (like my one parent) to begin with. Age 6-12 I'd say a pretty...|||Don't - EVER - shit all over my great mood by making pessimistic remarks like enjoy summer while it lasts 'cause it will soon be over IN JULY! :frustrating:|||100% accurate. My current close surroundings consists almost exclusively of my complete opposites in that way. Like.. they're not bad people or anything (actually almost every single person I'm close...|||More so in-person, I'd say. I can see this pattern in family, colleagues.. even friends.. interactions with me and other usually more low-key people. I don't think it's any specific topics - not that...|||Stealing other people's ideas (especially without crediting them for it in any way). This happens to me all the time in social situations. Most of the time it's relatively benign, of course. Like...'
'I definitely like what you had to say.|||It's not you, and don't ever let yourself think it's you. Maybe after much more time with you, he'll become more positive. But like you said, a negative person is likely to stay that way. It's...|||There is nothing wrong with being selfish in certain cases. But this is selfish on a high magnitude, because you'd be taking the easiest way out because you're too scared to work through it, and...|||Yes, it is definitely a defense mechanism. I don't know what advice to give you, but hopefully it will alleviate itself.|||It also breaks my heart to read all of this. But it's reality. I agree with whoever brought up the car thing. I find myself quite often walking down the road and imagining myself just.. lightly...|||I know this was supposed to be a slight joke, but, I know a male INFJ, and I'd agree with a lot of this. Maybe it's just cos I love INFJs so much, but, it all seems quite accurate. Except for number...|||You seem super interesting. Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome! Hope to see you post some excerpts from your novel!|||Rofl! I always let people know that I rarely make sense to anyone but myself. And that sometimes I don't even make sense to myself! But whatever. xD|||Awh! This made me feel so good. Yeah, I can definitely see a LOT of potential, and things are going well so far. The only snags I see are just petty arguments we'll both get over quickly.|||Thanks guys. I don't think selfishness is an issue for me. Well, we're all selfish to a certain degree, but, I'll usually put him before myself. But... How so? I know people tend to think INFPs...|||Kisses aren't for just anybody, though. Random interwebz hugs are fine. But kisses? Must be EARNED!|||I don't think it's something that will ever be alleviated, either.|||I feel this way quite often. Someone asked me once if I thought life would be better and easier if we all didn't have emotions. I though, better? No. Easier? Yes. I'm glad I at least have emotions...|||I've built up a lot of anger for the system as well. I think it's one of those things you have to endure for as long as possible, until you get out.|||^^^^ /Agree|||..Perfect.|||I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. It left me speechless. I very much so identify with your friend, I suppose.|||This is one of those things that made my stomach drop, and my mouth open, ready to spit something out, but... nothing.|||In all honesty, there will be no telling if he likes you without putting yourself out there. As an INFP, even I think we're probably the hardest to read. Couldn't have said it better myself....|||Weeeeee. That's being INFP, for ya.|||You're completely correct. I don't disagree in the least. When I said I've come to accept it and live with it, I was referring to how some people just don't care, and some do. That's something...|||My brother is an INTJ, and he has one tattoo currently. It's a saying that he lives by, on his forearm. Something about how the wise are completely full of doubt. He told me once that when he gets...|||See, not that people who say things like this aren't funny, they are. It makes me smile, and I envy you. I just don't understand how you can say things like this so well. It feels, for me anyway,...|||Haha! It's a couple months old but it made me smile. Good thing you're cute, too. I'd welcome it. Hugs for all! I will only accept hugs where chest is on chest, though. Must be close. No...|||I really have no idea how to put pictures in here. Just attach them with the little paper clip? Whatever. I'm fascinated by tattoos and piercings. Such an interesting way to express one's self....|||Wow, sweetie, I must talk to you. There is NOTHING wrong with you, at all. Don't let school get you down, I tell people all the time that grades do not measure intelligence. They measure the ability...|||Thanks! I put a lot of thought into my tattoos. Usually once I'm very certain on a tattoo, I don't change my mind on it for a while. A lot of people don't get tattoos because they change their mind...|||I was suffering from hardcore depression for about two years. Apparently had a form of psychosis, too. But I also have recently gotten over it, or, I'm still moving up, and I'm starting to be much...|||I just started dating an ISFP, and I can already tell he is very dedicated and monogamous and very caring. He just likes to take care of ones he loves, and he's picky about who he will go after. A...|||I'd love to help out! I want to get a big pheonix on my back as soon as I can. Wings wrap around my rib cages, tail go down and around my thigh. Pretty sweet. Represents new life, I think it'll be a...|||I'm wondering some ISFP and/or INFP opinions on how a relationship between the two works out. My new boyfriend is an ISFP, and he and I seem to work very well, so far. Anything I should be worried...|||I couldn't read through all of this either, but I'm eager to share. :D I like it getting rough. I like biting, and getting bitten. Pulling hair and having my pulled. I like being thrown around,...|||Haha, well, I wasn't saying when I smoke I don't get high, I do. I was saying it's not really like I smoke to get high, I just smoke to put a smile on my face. Helps me get through the days...|||I wanna thank all of you guys, a lot. :)|||Hon, some guys just can't pull it off, they feel silly and therefore look goofy, like you probably did. :) Do whatchu do, and they'll like you. I actually have never dated a guy who wears a leather...|||In all honesty, weed puts me in a good mood, and when I'm in a good mood, I'm relaxed. So, I tend to be a lot more friendly, and open. I agree with not smoking to get high. I smoke to lighten my...|||I don't necessarily agree. I don't think experiences shape us, they're catalysts to who we really are. Everything I've ever gone through didn't make me who I am, it showed me who I am, you know? So I...|||I've definitely seen that you ENFP males are very drawn to us INFP females. :tongue:|||Personally, I like the guys who are badass, but who can be sweet when needed. I love the badass look, I always say, I like 'em dirty. But in the end, I need a sweetheart to care for me.|||Why do I let my heart beat to the same drum of cliches? Being a mere pedal on the daisy on the wall... Letting my ears drown in the monotonous tsunami of tones... Feeling my eyes visibly show...|||Me, tooooo! Which is why I also hate it sometimes. I think people tend to understand us so much more one on one, but in groups of people we seem like the weird ones. I enjoy being different, and...|||From personal experience, I know going into a situation constantly saying, This isn't going to work out, this isn't going to work out, this isn't going to work out, you psyche yourself out until it...|||Wow, I think I'm completely different than most INFPs. I make sure to let a person know I'm interested, by asking them questions. One of the first things I asked my current boyfriend was, What...|||I want you to know, I've read some of your posts, and you're brilliant. I love this. Personally, I can't express my love to someone until I know they love me first. I only recently started...|||You guys make me feel less cool. I don't see colors when I hear music, I feel feelings in my stomach, like a watermelon is growing inside. Don't think that's the same thing.|||Man, dude. Is there any hope? Haha.|||I think humans are just naturally fearful of opening up to a certain degree. It takes the right people to be the catalyst to our hearts. It is difficult, especially with the whole showing emotion...|||It's astonishing how much I have the ability to love and hate the same traits about myself. I don't know if it's just an INFP thing, or people in general, but I am constantly ripping my hair out....|||I definitely had a very similar experience recently, and I can completely see this and agree with this. Well, most of it. The ISFPs feel for people very similarly to INFPs, they just go about it in a...'
'I love reading - just being able to escape into another world for a while is wonderful!|||Recently I've been wondering whether I'm INFP or ENFP, but even more recently I've been wondering if I'm a Thinker because all of the personality descriptions I've come across for INFPs seem to say...|||I'm usually ok at talking to people if I'm genuinely interested in the conversation topic. I think I'd find it most awkward to talk about subjects I'd consider to be kind of pointless, because I just...|||Happy Friday! I don't mind. *hums* I have started to recite poetry to myself (which has recieved many concerned looks and Are you okay?s)|||Mother: ESFJ Father: INTJ|||Granny O&#39;Grimm&#39;s Sleeping Beauty - Full HD - YouTube Granny O&#39;Grimm&#39;s Christmas Greeting - YouTube Granny O&#39;Grimm&#39;s Oscar Message - YouTube|||I have a friend who is ENTJ and she is very intelligent, so we have lots of debates about things. She is also quite banter-ish, and open to new experiencs, but at the same time knows what she wants...|||Meditation, yoga and reading is what I do. Hope this helps!|||^sorry not sure what happened there|||Christian, but I am very interested in Buddhism and agree with lots of their principles|||Chrsitian, but I am very interested in Buddhism and agree with lots of their principles|||I dont think this has been done before. I love coming up with imaginary worlds so I thought that it might be an INFP thing, and so I thought we could make one collectively. Basically, just post any...|||Yes! I love long drives, particularly when listening to music with headphones! Its so calming, and the perfect daydreaming opportunity :)|||Hello, I don't normally venture out of the INFP forum, but I was recently thinking about how most of the SPs I know are not religious, or wouldn't really consider themselves properly religious. I...|||Hi, my family is also Christian, and from my mum in particular I get the impression that she wouldnt be too open to another religion. However, I am also extremely interested by Buddhism. Its a...|||I really worry about growing up and being responsible and organised. I'm not exactly wild atm, but I always want to feel like I have the choice. I also get scared about being old, and being a burden...|||Hi people. Recently I'm not sure whether I'm am introvert or an extrovert. I've always been kind of in the middle, but maybe I considered myself introvert because I'm friends with some extraverted...|||I know someone who I think is INFJ. He is the only INFJ that I know, so I don't know that I had a very good selection! I don't speak to him much anymore, but he is capable of being very emotional,...|||I like to think of myself as fairly successful, academically :)|||I think that it's not so much a this type goes well with that type thing, more that individual people have preferences for certain types, in the same way that individuals have favourite colours etc.|||Hi so does anyone have an idea of some of these characters personality types? My friend wants to know because she uses MBTI to help her act better. Thanks for your help! jack algeron cecily...|||Hi! Well my mum and one of my best friends are ESFJs and sometimes they can come across as wanting attention, especially when they're annoyed about something or upset, It might be the Fe i guess,...|||I'm obsessed with fantasy and fairy tales - Narnia, Harry Potter etc. I also love character study, which is the main appeal in books and TV for me - they must have good characters and good character...|||Pychologist, teacher, author, poet, dog trainer, working for NASA, singer, actress ... All of the above I have considered and I change my mind daily :)|||Hufflepuff!!!|||Based on the extraverted personality functions (Te, Fe, Ne and Se) a friend and me came up with a new way of sorting the temperaments, based on what they show to the outer world. TJs -...|||Hi guys, so I was thinking the other day about how some types seem to be more Perceiving out of the Perceivers, and some more Judging out of the Judgers, so then I thought, what we be the ultimate of...|||Oh yeah, that's a good one. I just thought Earth because the only ISTP I know very well makes wood stuff in his spare time, like oars and scupltures. He's very outdoorsy and does lots of outdoor...|||Ok, so I was talking with my friends the other day, about what would be the superpower of each personality type. I know some are rubbish, so I've come to you guys for help :happy: This is what I...|||So, I'm quite new and this is the first time I've ventured outside of the INFP forum :blushed: so hi! Anyway, one of my best friends is ENFP. Of this I am certain and many of my other friends...|||I always thought of Wendy as an FJ, quite protective and motherly|||I agree with Lucy and I think Edmund is difficult, Susan I believe is a T and Peter maybe ExFJ? What about Aslan and Caspian?|||Thank you! I haven't ever really had an account like this before, where you make up a name, and I thought this one sort of suited me. Thanks again! :D|||Really? To never die but lose everyone you know? Sounds sad :sad:|||Sorry I'm quite new and I bet the answer's obvious, but how do you get your avatar to show on posts?|||Ok so I don't know if this is the case with all INFPs, but sometimes I really need someone to compliment me. Usually, I'm quite an independant person, but I do sometimes need this! :blushed: So...|||For me, I find it really attractive and cute when they don't feel more lust than love. I know it sounds simple but I just mean like watching a film cuddled together without feeling the need to kiss...|||Ok, so I kinda stole this off the INTP forum, and I'm sorry if we already have one but I couldn't find one. We have a few that are similar, but not one for just all quotes. This can be from films,...|||Stop. Just stop and listen. Really listen. What do you hear now?|||I think Neytiri is almost certainly an I because she doesn't generally like to spend time with lots of people and she likes to be alone. Possibly an N too but I guess I might be biased :unsure:|||So me and my friends were discussing this the other day... What superpower would you like to have? I love the idea of flying, and also to be able to grant wishes. BTW, you can't say shapeshifting...|||One of my friends disapproves of the whole personality type thing because she hates being labelled. To be honest, let people call me what they want, so long as it's justified. I personally love the...|||I think I move on and forgive others for the wrongs they've done to me too quickly, so maybe something quite flexible? Probably a ball of white light, quite blurry at the edges, so its not obvious...|||Also JK Rowling :happy: and I totally agree with you, especially the 3rd and 5th ones. I'm very social, and quite friendly (I like to think!) to people I don't know very well. However my friend who...|||I know! We went shopping once and I was a bit on the hyper side:happy: so I started to do the Dorothy step down the middle of the mall, and she was like Stop it! What will everyone think?...|||My sister is also an ESTJ. She's my younger sister, and we definitely don't always see eye-to-eye. It can become quite frustrating, actually, because (and I think this is part of being an INFP)...|||The Chronicles of Narnia! I love them :D|||I think a merman would be cool. It would have to be something that was vaguely related to humans.|||Personality types aside, I think any two people can bond really well if they share the same values and the same basic principles. Anyway, in relation to your question, I think you'd be as perfect as...|||About the what things are meant to represent thing, I think different things will have different meanings for different people. When I was very young I had a dream that a T-Rex was chasing me- but...'
'Drunk Parrot I don't have much right now since I'm being occupied by all the homework I have procrastinated on....I'll do it later though. :P I've been doing some research on what I want to do in...|||I'll try not to be stupid, though I can be quite oblivious sometimes. On another note, do you think the butterly effect is accurate at all? I was lightly surfing the web a while ago and would like...|||Haha! You are the youngest person I've found here so far! Btw once you J Hope, you can never J Nope. :wink:|||Age range- I'm pretty young I realized. 14 turning 15 in about a month. City and country- I live in Minnesota specifically the Twin Cites. Social life- I have a few close friends, everyone else...|||Sometimes when I'm not satisfied with an ending, I dream about how I actually wanted the book to end, however since it didn't end that way I get frustrated. Haha, I also hate how romance sometimes...|||....wait..I asked a question? :D By the way not related to this, but when was the last time anyone had koolaid?|||Same! Haha, I thought I was crazy for having complex characters that live their lives inside my head. When I'm bored, I think of something interesting, and how my characters would react to that...|||Well said, I agree with you 100%. No, I find them really intreasting if it is written well, and actually makes sense in that world. Ex. no major plot holes with the magic, and over powered...|||I have this problem where I space out when someone is boring, or I have something more intreasting to think of. I'm also pretty clumsy, impulsive, and am bad at listening to rules (this is also when...|||I completely agree with you! It may be useful to those who don't know what they want to major in, but for those who have at least a grasp of what they want to do should be allowed to mold a schedule...|||Yeah, it's really hard since INTP and ENTP also have the same cognitive functions. I realized I'm most likely an introverted ENTP. Art is the best, I also like writing, and music! ( I can't sing,...|||Oh, no you didn't sound pretentious at all! We have writing electives, but my schedule is too full to get them because of all the dumb required classes. I might be able to finish up all my...|||Yeah, we just have to accept it I suppose. I like art, writing, and business classes the most but there are rarely any business classes. I have a lot of science and math classes next year though....|||Yeah, I can see how it would be hard to type an INTP since they are often confused with INTJs, ISTPs and sometimes even INFPs, and ENTPs. Thanks for the reply! :)|||Yeah I get what you mean by not being understood even though you have friends. I have a few friends that I would say are fairly close, it's just that they don't get me as much as I seem to get them....|||I totally understand about the character inspiration posts! It's extremely helpful when trying to develop a character, and helps you create a large variety of unique personalities. My teacher has...|||Thanks, I really do Hope that your anxiety gets better. :) Along with quotes, I save a lot of memes, and random weird things I find on the Internet. ......I'm doing the Romeo and Juilet unit...|||Anxiety, that's a tough one. I'm not sure if this tip will work but whenever I get anxious about life, I think about the simple things. For example, if I'm near a window I look up at the sky and tell...|||Life goes by so fast, you often forget to live your life to the fullest and enjoy the little moments. I for one have a bad habit focusing on the future that I sometimes get too carried away in my...|||I wonder if time would feel faster or slower since we would be alive for so long. It would be so cool to see all the technological advancements that we would have!|||Yeah, I can sometimes be a tad bit immature. :) A 4 year difference is nothing compared to the average life span of the arctica islandica. XD|||I'm 14 but almost 15. Haha, I think I seem older than I am though. How old are you?|||Haha, at least we are always occupied with something.|||Haha, thanks. I guess it's an NT thing, we are pretty curious.|||That's a good way to think about it, those who experience it must be quite susceptible to the feelings of those around them, therefore they might find it easy to empathize with others. Oh, and I...|||I should reword it to right because there is always a what if. XD|||Fine, you right, I give up. There's always a what if haha.|||Haha, I knew it! Thank you doctor. :proud:|||I would describe secondhand embarrassment as embarrassment you feel for someone else's actions, or words that should not affect you in anyway to cause said embarrassment. (I don't know how else to...|||Yeah, I can see why her music doesn't fit everyone taste. I have a question that is pretty random, but I was thinking about it earlier today. Do you you think that the brain can differentiate real...|||I had a feeling you would say indie music, it suits you. :) I've been really into Halsey lately, she has this uniqueness to her, and her songs that I'm having a hard trying to figuring out. If you'd...|||Haha thank you, I'll make sure to bring along all of my cartoon conspiracy theories! Oh my, dancing pencils? I need to step up my game! XD|||I listen to basically everything. For example, pop, punk, hip hop, jazz, instrumental, kpop.....you get the point. Haha, but I really enjoy songs that have meaning behind them, it just makes you...|||Couldn't have said it better. I guess it fits with my enneagram which I just took. I got this. It's not a real test though and was pretty short. I should probably take a real or more accurate one...|||Yeah, I'm just going to stick with ENTP since when I go to their forums I relate more than the INTP forums. I think I'm a bit too hasty to be an INTP since my Ne probably comes before my Ti. I might...|||This should be some sort of quiz show, type Irma haha On the ENTP forum I was told that I'm an ENTP, and then on the INTP forum I was told that I was an underdeveloped INTP...and possibly an...|||I think anything on tumblr is intreasting, haha. About the ENFP thing, I can see why I might seem like one, but I think it's because I'm more bubbly right now. I honestly don't think I'm an ENFP...|||I have an ENFP friend and though we have a lot in common, she is more driven on her values and beliefs, while I'm driven by logic, and reasoning. I think I'm more of a thinker than a feeler. ( I...|||I'll take that advice to consideration, however wouldn't it be better to use said flash drive to save all of my unfinished projects? xD|||I'm actually 14, I'm only shy if I don't know the person, if I do know them then I'm not shy.|||Yes! This conversation is really intreasting! I went from hogwarts houses, to zodiacs, to MBTI, too! My zodiac sign is a Gemini, with a Capricorn moon, and Virgo rising. I don't find zodiacs signs to...|||Challenge accepted, I don't play fair though. ;)|||How does one not like Harry Potter? I mean it's one of the fundamentals for an amazing childhood. I used to spend my time sorting people I knew to hogwarts houses, it was a fun pass time. Out of all...|||I hope to one day see your work in a library! The fact that you said that you write contemporary fantasy made me want to give you a virtual fist bump, it is by far one of my favorite genres.|||That's what I thought, INTP doesn't fit me as much as ENTP does. I took a cognitive function test 3 hours ago because it was recommended and I got ENTP, however I was boarderline INTP. Maybe that's...|||Hello! :) Thank you for the interesting facts, they were in fact interesting. I wouldn't say I'm a social butterfly, but I can tolerate small talk, it's just that it's....awkward just talking...|||The amount of sheer talent and dedication on there is amazing! It makes me more motivated to try harder and improve. I'll make one and send you the link once I have art up. ;)|||It's really is additcting, hours can pass by without even realizing it. You can never go wrong with Netflix and food. ( now that I think about it I'm hungry) I hope your book editing goes well!...|||Ideas..haha my logic comes in quite a bit later....|||I was thinking about my childhood earlier, and realized that I was much more extroverted back then. When I was in the 5th grade and below, I enjoyed talking, (my teachers complained that I talked to...'
'I'm feeling really low this evening. I have a recurring pain problem in my right foot... the sudden drop in temperature outside is making it twinge something dreadful. I've been taking really good...|||Rrrrghhh... I feel so angry! Trying to keep it in check since I've been lashing out at my girlfriend quite a bit lately and I know she's had a long, hard day. (Poor thing, she already fell asleep.) ...|||I've always struggled with anxiety. It was especially bad when I was a small child, it was always there gnawing at my gut but I didn't have a word for the feeling. By the time I got to college, I...|||I am so bone tired. Too many people and I feel burnt out. Things feel kind of awkward and stilted with my girlfriend of 3 1/2 years, because we're both really busy and stressed out, to stressed out...|||Well, I have professional diagnoses of social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Having no access to private space makes me acutely uncomfortable. Basically,...|||Hi there. So, I work in a pretty typical corporate office, in a cubicle. I actually quite enjoy my job. However, today it was announced that the higher-ups are 99% sure we're going to switch from...|||You're such a strong person. You're kind of an inspiration really. You're so cute! You have such a calming influence. You really have it all together. (ha ha ha, not true but I...|||What a terrible day. I couldn't even contain my tears till I got home so I put my hand over my nose and mouth and squeezed my eyes shut in an effort to keep from sobbing. My foot still hasn't healed...|||I hardly ever feel lonely and am actually quite pleased with how many friends/acquaintances I've cobbled together in recent years, because I used to be super-solitary. I don't have a LOT of social...|||I was super touchy. Very fussy, very easily made upset. I screamed whenever we went anywhere new (restaurants for example) so my parents just stopped taking me places. (Not saying that's necessarily...|||Ugh I really really really hate scholarship applications.|||Today I realized I feel more love & affection for music/beauty/art/the universe/etc than for other people. In fact, when I felt tender & vulnerable toward another person recently, it kind of blew...|||I think there are two pieces, really. I feel like it's important to always be trying to improve yourself, because if not, you're living in stasis, so why are you even living (that's how I see it...|||People call me smarter than I call myself. I grew up hearing I was smart, was in advanced classes, got good grades without really trying, etc. But I often wonder about what intelligence really...|||I've always been very fond of my face. I haven't really ever done that thing where I stare in the mirror and analyze my nose or whatever, not even when I was in high school. Very much like my...|||I used to be sick with cold symptoms for about a week out of every month. That was when I was really stressed in college & high school, super-busy, had a bad home life, etc. My physical health is...|||It's been 4 years or so since I last wrote seriously. I think I've lost my writer's voice, and have no idea how to get it back again... I really feel like I used to have potential, everyone told...|||Overeating, alcohol, chocolate, coffee, videogames.|||I'm dancing alone to club music at bar close alone in my apartment. I'm so lonely I can hardly stand it, but I'll keep drinking apple pie schnapps until I forget that bit of it and just lose myself...|||PEOPLE WHO BLARE MUSIC THROUGH THEIR HEADPHONES IN PUBLIC PLACES. It drives me insane. I cannot for the life of me understand why there is no socially acceptable way to tell people they are being...|||I am gonna just echo what my therapist tells me all the time: You don't have to DO anything to be good enough. You have always been good enough, and you are good enough, and you always will be...|||Thank you for this! I have been thinking lately about how often I am moved to tears by music / being out in nature etc, and how grateful I am for that. I suppose I'm much more vulnerable to emotions...|||Just so tired and agitated all at once. So much internal stress and not sure how to diffuse it. Maybe this is what my therapist means when she says I need to learn the practical skill of how to take...|||I've always tested as INFJ, but lately I've been testing as INTJ. I can feel the slow shift over from feeling into thinking too... it feels strange and rigid and tiring. So maybe it's not real. I'm...|||On the outside, I'm really proud to be an INFJ. On the inside I'm still working on chipping away at all the years of feeling like I was inferior or crazy or strange. It's a slow process. But I think...|||Ugh. It is cold and gray and bleak and has been for days. It's almost June, so the heat is off in our apartment, so here I sit freezing to death and feeling glum as hell. As if I don't already for at...|||Definitely true... I broke the same bone in my foot TWICE in one year because I went too hard. Good to remember, especially since the moderation point probably extends beyond physical things as...|||Well, this friend I had threatened me with physical harm when I refused to date him. So I went to the police, and never saw or talked to him again... completely scary and unacceptable, I will not...|||Oh my gosh ALL THE TIME. In fact it's a topic that comes up a lot with my therapist. She expresses concern that I overextend myself on a regular basis, trying to DO ALL THE THINGS, but I tell her...|||I'm only 25 but I have no urge to settle down. I'm a really committed person, but I just don't see the point in rushing into marriage. I honestly don't care that much about ever being married, to be...|||Sometimes, the break in your heart is like the hole in the flute. Sometimes it's the place where the music comes through. - Andrea Gibson, Gospel Salt|||Hmm... I don't know if it's exactly the same thing, but I get something similar. Anything really beautiful, like a painting, a symphony, etc. makes me feel really withdrawn and sad. Like, I enjoy it,...|||^_^; Pretty much. It's not really intentional, just kinda happens. Thankfully, my closest friends understand (though most people don't/are offended).|||Yeah, this happens a lot. Try as I might, I always kind of drift off and come back. If I focus really hard, I can be more present for the conversation, but it's quite tiring. I think it's gotten...|||Nope. Nothing good, anyway. I don't do a lot of rap or anything, but with any kind of poetry I always need like three drafts before it's palatable.|||Hmm... I don't know what anyone else does, but I look everywhere except in people's eyes. I always want to, but I find meeting other people's eyes so intense & intimate that I can't prolong it, and I...|||Self-respect and self-confidence.|||I do try to eat healthily, and really like fruits, veggies, whole grains. But when I'm stressed, anything that is instantly edible is what I eat. Crackers and cereal out of the box, cold leftovers,...|||I hate hate hate hate HATE INTERVIEWS!!!! I have three interviews between now and Tuesday, and I feel about ready to explode. I'm quite socially anxious, so interviews are one of my biggest fears....|||Aqualung and daydr3am - Thanks for the suggestions! My thyroid and my blood have both been checked, and it all came out OK. One of the doctors said that I *did* have a somewhat low red blood cell...|||Thanks everyone for the input! It might very well be an emotional thing. I hadn't really thought of that... it IS encouraging to hear that maybe all INFJs aren't tired all the time; makes me hopeful...|||Hey all. Do you consider yourself to be a low-energy person? What do you do about it? My experience: I regulate my energy the best I can, but I feel continually frustrated by how taxing it is...|||Zech I still don't really think being an INFJ comes from a traumatic childhood, exactly, but what you said about the link between insecure attachment & depression/anxiety makes sense. Maybe the real...|||Sorry, OP, I can't contribute much, except to say that I have trouble with this too. I can usually tell a fair amount about people, but I have a total blind spot when it comes to whether people want...|||Oh no! I'm a lesbian, and I can't imagine being stuck in a small town. I hope you can move to a bigger city once you graduate! Things became a LOT better for me (sexually and socially) once I went to...|||Fehhhh, I didn't care about it much, in the traditional sense. By which I mean I never saw virginity as a stamp of shame or virtue or whatever. Mostly I wanted to get the damn thing over with because...|||I had a somewhat traumatic childhood (absent, neglectful and/or unsupportive parents), but I don't think it made me an INFJ, per se. During the worst years, I withdrew more into myself and tested...|||I appear laid-back, but I'm secretly pretty reactive. That is, under times of stress, people always comment on how I seem calm/to have it together/etc but my body is very tense, I feel anxious, my...|||Wow... so many responses! It feels like too much to respond to everyone individually... but thanks to everyone for the input. :proud: I'm glad I'm not alone.|||Can I ask how old you are? I know everybody develops at different times, etc, but I'm curious. I like to think I'll get more comfortable with my shell with age. Thanks MoltenHorse. :) For the...'
'Up North by Pale Young Gentlemen. Excellent artist that I've discovered during my Pandora listening days.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P2vQ3i1kHY&feature=related Definitely my favorite song from Queen.|||Welcome to the forums!|||Welcome to PerC, fellow idealist!|||How I got MisaTange... I was probably ten or eleven or something younger than twelve/thirteen. I found it when I was in my RPG Maker 2000 phase. (RPG Maker - program that lets you create RPGs) I...|||You mean Introverts? Yes, they do. I highly enjoy fantasy books, but I have little to no time due to school. Back on topic... I have an ISFP friend who enjoys manga. If that counts.|||Usually I wear something casual. A pair of jeans and a nice shirt would do well for me. I hate dresses and blouses but I would wear them if it was the occasion, but even then I wouldn't like to wear...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwc0AW67CmA|||...When you say 'type' you usually mean MBTI type, not 'your type of boy' or 'typing on a computer.'|||Nichijou's OP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Be68DOEWUs Random fact: All of the voices are provided by Hyadain.|||Positively? ISTJ mother - Strict, but kind and caring. Teaching me get things atm. Negatively? My ENFP 'best friend' from several years ago. After realizing that she was just pretending to be my...|||...Huh, I think my friend is an INFP, but has a little more E than me... ohai. A Welcome to the NHK! image here in this thread.|||Hi there, welcome to Personality Cafe! Enjoy yourself! I love the rain as well. As for you unsure of your type, posting a topic in this place might do well. For me, I was unsure if I was really an...|||You post a little too much on 'Comment on the list above you' and you feel bad because no-one had a chance to comment on someone else's list.|||Listening to music Was wondering why my signature wasn't showing until I saw the 'Show your signature' checkbox, lol... Replying/lurking in PerC's topics|||Filipino and proud of it. Born in America.|||Huh... I do remember faces more than words, definitely. But all in all, I can remember the general idea of something. (I could summarize up the play half of the school did together) I could tell you...|||You are a Wolf! (your score: 27) 27 Characters: Marek, Alanka, Kerza, and Kara in the Aspect of Crow trilogy and Storm Reaper; Lance in The Wild's Call Powers: Stealth, hunting ability,...|||1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Below 4. Yes|||I LOOOVE traveling and exploring the world. I'd like to try different food, have a few tastes of different cultures. I have visited so very few countries and states though, I really want more.|||I'm of Asian blood (Filipino) but born in America. I'm an INFP and proud. My ENFP friend is also Filipino.|||Rereading Eragon atm.|||I'd laugh at racist Filipino or American jokes. (I'm Filipino and I'm born in America)|||Oh, I most definitely do this. Most recently, I've been obsessed with England's two songs, especially Pub! Pub! Go!|||Yes, I do that quite a bit, only realizing I've said the wrong thing later that day/night.|||http://shojolover.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/hetalia5-8.jpg In fact, every single picture that shows Chibitalia's cuteness. ...|||Smiled at this little joke. I think the NFs would join forces with their friends and be support. If their friends betray them and get killed in the process, oh well. Alone, I doubt they could...|||Wearing pink/red.|||I love writing. Short fictions, mostly, or unbelievable crossovers. (Thinking of a High School of the Dead x Lucky Star crossover right now) I love anime and I could animate if I wanted to, but I...|||When you go assist a bug in dire need and feel joy when you're sure (wait... is flying a good thing?) that its safe...|||Bacon. Oh, how I love my bacon.|||I've just finished Clannad and ~After Story~ yesterday. So... (also, I'm new to 'typing' types) Clannad Nagisa: ENFP Tomoya: ESFJ Ushio: ENFP Kyou: ESFP Fuko: ENFP|||YouTube - Clannad ED - Dango Daikazoku [Eng Sub] Seems like a lullaby and have that emotional feel to it, which is good since the anime is a fine mixture of drama, romance and comedy.|||greenbough, we're not talking way too narcissistic as that, though... we're just plain old narcissistic. Anyway, back on topic. 1. You use logic everywhere. 2. When you don't see things that...|||YouTube - Amagami SS OP [TV Ver. Lyrics + DDL MP3] and YouTube - NEW Hetalia ED 2 - Hatafutte Parade HQ|||That definitely sounds like me. Thank you, Rachel.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr-rMPczWSA|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6MltGHO-lE|||I prefer to listen, but... I talk a little too fast and I trail off mid-sentence often.|||I'm pretty new to the MBTI personalty types (though I'd love to learn all about the personalty types) and quite a few tests confirmed that I'm an INFP. Knowing that you're only answering questions in...|||Avatar: The Last Airbender is playing... I love that show. Nothing much is happening. :||||Hmm, something like that haven't happened to me before, or at least that's what I remember. Well, I'm not psychic, but this is certainly interesting...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU&feature=related|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2AitTPI5U0 It has a nostalgic sound to it... and I didn't even like Michael Jackson that much back then...|||Congratulations!|||http://www.dogslivehappy.com/images/pretty_dog.jpg (more like cute than pretty) Show me one of the 2010 summer anime.|||I write. Usually fanfics about the things I love or maybe an episode/whole anime series review. Sometimes I end up writing a whole essay for a simple game review. I started two blogs and deleted one...|||You're weird. Are you okay?|||Japan Russia Italy Greece China England Scotland|||MisaTange (MisaTange) | Formspring Ask me questions and I shall answer.'
'Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions on challah|||When life feels empty and meaningless without someone or something to obsess over.|||It's so cold my nipples hurt. :(|||I use PerC to document the range of dumb things I do in my love and/or sex life because writing them down for just myself feels inadequate and posting them on any of the other forums I visit feels...|||Whaaa? Color me confused and explain it to me like we're both drinking sparkling wine cocktails right now haha.|||FUUUUUUCK I really want to talk to my ex. I miss having someone who would let me sort out my feelings with them.|||I know this is true and I also know I have a lot to offer but a.) I offer it with copious amounts of crazy on the side and b.) I'm vain and insecure. So it's all a little bewildering to me sometimes.|||I wish I wasn't such a neurotic and insecure piece of shit. Actually taking my ADs might help if only I could muster up the motivation to do it. I just can't ... I see the bottles on my bedside...|||Every single guy I've dated seriously has in turn previously been in a longterm relationship with a woman who is far more attractive physically than I am. I know I'm not ugly and I also know that I...|||Before anyone takes me seriously, please just ignore me. I'm a dumbass but I'm not in any immediate danger ... and I'm genuinely not doing this for attention, just screaming into the void and running...|||Well, like Oscar Wilde, I'm also well on my way to being broke, syphilitic and dead so there's always that. :D|||Self-loathing is addictive though ... the things you'll do to feed it are so fantastically perverse.|||I'm an idiot and hate myself.|||4w5 probably fits me best, followed by 9w8.|||She's mediating her audience's experience of Americana the way people glamorize the East -- mysterious, feminine, submissive, sexual, dangerously dirty. She uses strip clubs, flags and freedom to...|||Rice pudding.|||I wish you would talk to me. I wish you wanted to.|||I'm surprised that one of those crazy intuitives hasn't tried to turn this into a type me questionnaire yet. :P|||Currently working on one chart, so two more spots are open.|||I don't know if there's a thread for this already but since I'm too lazy to look for it, I figured I'd just start my own. --- I've recently got into astrology and would like to practice reading...|||Sun conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (10th house), Mars conjunct Jupiter in Pisces ascendent (1st house), Moon (opposition Sun) in Gemini (4th house). Each piece fits into a larger puzzle amazingly...|||Intimacy and the opportunity to explode my feelings all over someone, preferably a hot guy, and have them reciprocate.|||Think about whether or not you're prepared to go through life without betraying the tiniest hint of weakness, exhaustion, fear or lack of confidence. Because that's what being an excellent sheep at...|||I feel weighed down and exhausted with sadness.|||I wish with all my heart that I could help you learn to love yourself and to find a direction in life that sustains and fulfils you. I know I can't though. So I will continue to love and hope from a...|||I don't like going to the doctor when I'm sick because I'm paranoid that they'll find something terribly wrong and it will ruin my life. I'm only okay going to the doctor when I feel all right and...|||Both my parents are professors. My dad is an INTP and for him, academia IS life, so I don't think he cares so much about the work-life balance. He relaxes from teaching by doing research and from...|||Here are a couple of helpful articles on getting a job in a two year college. How the Job Search Differs at Community Colleges - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education What...|||If you are interested in teaching at a community college from the very get go, you're going to have to do things a little bit differently (actually, maybe significantly differently) than the typical...|||I want some motherfucking resolution. No more shadow boxing. Jesus.|||It's not so much about whether or not it's a good fit for an ISFP as whether or not it's a good fit for you. Being an academic is hard. To get a tenure track position in even a small college, you...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJzJmUGx5oM Can we start it all over again this morning? I let down my defenses this morning It was just you and me this morning I fought all my guesses this...|||I wish I could just erase the last four years of my life. Everything from August 2010 has completely and utterly sucked the vitality and sparkle and passion out of me. I'm conventional now. Staid....|||I think my boyfriend and I are on the verge of breaking up. This November would have been our third year together. I'm hoping that somewhere underneath the pain and the resentment and the fear and...|||No, because I get bored ... and depressed about how boring my life is. And when my life is not boring, keeping a journal is pretty much the last thing on my mind. Although I did once write a diary...|||I look like 15 years older than my boyfriend. Especially after he shaved his beard and mustache off. Ugh. I feel so ancient. Why does he get to look young while I look like a hag? It's so unfair. :(|||Lana Del Rey is orientalizing America. In the most beautiful, seductive way. I think it's pretty genius. People were insecure about the Orient too. Actually, for somewhat similar reasons, I...|||So ... I'm not really sure how to describe this ... but it made me really uncomfortable for some reason ... so I'll try. I don't like it when groups of friends hang out and take pictures to put on...|||Well, Gryffindor it is then. If it worked for Harry, it should work for you too, right? Right. /Sorting Hat Fairy|||Gryffinclaw.|||9s fear the separation from their own selves that happens when they lose someone they love. Like having a limb chopped off. Also, because 9s typically have a weaker sense of self than 4s (or most...|||I used to be good at describing physical things. I got a real kick out of painting vivid word pictures. But I haven't really done any creative writing in several years now. My descriptive ability,...|||Fancy schmancy Greek username? Philosophical riddle in signature? You go straight to Ravenclaw.|||I had the most amazing daikon stuffed whole wheat flatbreads today with sweet mango relish. So good. I love food. Love cooking it, eating it, sharing it.|||I'm listening to Lana Del Rey slur her way through Ultraviolence and I feel like this right now. It's not that I don't love the people in my life or that I won't cherish and defend them with all...|||I wish I knew. :sad: Either a 9 or a 4 though, I think.|||I don't think it's a big deal, unless the person's wall is private or restricted to their friends' list, in which case I can see why they might be offended. I personally don't care enough about...|||One of my classmates from college recently got engaged to a woman from a very conservative family and all his future in laws have promptly friended him on Facebook. Each time he does things like post...|||An Honest Facebook Political Argument When did I become the bait taker? =(|||Favorite type for romantic partners is ENTJ. ENFP, INTJ and ESTJ are also good. I have a particular soft spot for ENFP guys, though they're probably the odd ones out in this list. The test gave...'
'Flies away might be the problem.|||If you're having a recurring problem with holding onto friendships, there can be an underlying problem that often comes from problems in childhood or infancy. That's probably something that you'd...|||People care because it's an instinct. Humans and other mammals survive and thrive together, not in isolation. Are you hurting? It doesn't seem logical to end it because the future is...|||Here's what I have come to understand about depression: In the mammal (limbic) part of the brain is the instinct of bonding with family and tribe. When those bonds are damaged by death, betrayal,...|||It is my preferred policy to communicate with minimal quantities of pomp and other embellishments. j/k Seriously, I do a lot of technical writing, and I like to be explicit -- avoiding ambiguity...|||The Mensa group I was in had regular seminars, which were led by any group member who volunteered. So you could give a talk on a cause you are interested in, and poll the group to see if anyone...|||Yes. One other thing to keep in mind is a quote attributed to John Donne: No man is an island (presumably applies to women and neutrals as well). We do need to find our tribe of people we...|||Hi Jeb, I have been struggling with this for a very long time. I have learned a lot, but I am still struggling, so I guess I haven’t learned enough. As a suggestion though, there is a book I...|||I joined a few years ago, because I was lonely and thought I might need conversation on a more intelligent level than I was finding elsewhere. I dropped out after maybe a year, because I wasn't...|||Hi Intro, Here's my take. Email is a great medium for certain things of a businesslike nature. However, it is really bad for making emotional connection. Speaking as an INTJ, email is really...|||I went ahead and voted Yes, even though I hesitate to call it belief.|||Yes, that sounds like total dedication. What are the benefits of your meditations?|||You're experience reminds me of a story by Mark Twain, called At the Appetite Cure. At the Appetite-Cure - Mark Twain|||Hi again. I've read through your retreat journal. That was an intense practice schedule! I'm very interested in the transition from the noble silence (a great name for it) back to talking. ...|||I don't know -- Maybe that approach is for a different purpose than the breath-focused approaches. What you described sounds similar to some coaching I received from a psychotherapist, for the...|||I started a thread called INTJ Support about a week ago, and it's remarkably inactive. Now I'm thinking that reaching out for emotional support is more of an Extroverted Feeling approach than INTJ. ...|||I had not heard of Vipassana, but I Googled it just now and read a little about it. Very interesting. I’ve done a number of meditation retreats, and have also found that the experience can be...|||Thanks for the link to the list of methods. That's very interesting and helpful. Resilient to stress is a wonderful outcome, along with feeling generally happier. I'm noticing that I tend to...|||Namaste. I’m inviting discussion among INTJs with a structured meditation practice, such as TM (transcendental meditation), focused breathing, mantra, pranayama, Kundalini, Zen, etc. However,...|||I was referring to the bold and italic highlights. But I see it now: buttons at the top of the text entry window. They show up as B and I in square brackets, and I thought you had keyed those in. ...|||I like your awareness of the differences between thinking, knowing, and being. Do you have any sort of metaphysical practice, such as meditation? Also, I noticed the formatting commands in your...|||Wow, you could hear a pin drop in here! I'm really surprised. I guess whatever support people need must be happening within other threads. So be it!|||Hmmm. Well, we are still individuals, no two alike. So yes, how we handle it is up to us. However, there is also basic cause-and-effect. If a child doesn't get proper nutrition, their body can't...|||Cool. I like how you said it. It's superstitious to believe something exists with no evidence, or to believe it doesn't exist without evidence. Wanting to know, and having the patience not to jump...|||Suppose I'm camping and I hear a noise at night. I think it's a bear. I shine my light around, and there is no bear in sight. So I was wrong. However, that doesn't mean there are no bears. It...|||It occurred to me one time that a lot of groups seem to think they are the only ones going to heaven. Most of them (maybe all) must be wrong, I realized! That doesn't mean there is no God, however;...|||Very much so. I'm noticing there's a lot of crossover between trauma and the INTJ traits. I also practice meditation, which takes me into a deeper level of who I am. So then I see some of the...|||That's fine. And if you're just venting, that's okay too, this is a venting thread. I like to be helpful, and there doesn't seem to be much I can do about the disconnect between you and other...|||It seems logical to me* that being deprived of normal emotional bonding and support in those formative years would drive a person to develop self-reliance, and perhaps more faith in thinking (which I...|||Okay, so what's an example of something you would like to talk about? ...either here or in Private Messages.|||Sorry, I thought you were feeling stymied and looking for a way up.|||You sound kind of tweaked or stressed about it; maybe frustrated. I'm not there to see what is going on. But your comment reminded me of something that is frustrating for me. As an analogy, I...|||Let us know how it turns out. :-)|||Oh yeah, I know that feeling very well. Half of it is that other people are seldom interested in my insights and inspirations, so they wind up turning away from me. But occasionally it clicks, and...|||I'm new here, so if this is redundant or out of place just let me know. It seems good to have a place where people who are struggling with something, or feeling challenged, could come to ask for...|||I'm new here. Could someone explain what Ne is, and the other symbols in a similar format? Good reference? Thanks.|||This reminds me of my situation. I feel somewhat the same way. I think diversity on a team is a good thing; no need for everyone to be alike or have the same skills. Think of a baseball team with...|||This reminds me of my situation. I feel somewhat the same way. I think diversity on a team is a good thing; no need for everyone to be alike or have the same skills. Think of a baseball team with...|||I feel for you. That's an awkward situation. I'm not necessarily any good at this stuff, but here's my suggestion. I would speak with bride as soon as you can, either in person or by phone. Ask...|||Thanks for posting this. I feel the same way about connecting on a genuine level. It does take some time to develop trust. If someone is going to judge or trash my feelings, or reply with cliches,...|||I have a meditation practice that takes me deeply into a realm I call God. It's an experience; not a belief. Before I found meditation, around age 27, I couldn't get past the idea that belief...|||Thanks for friending me! I can't send personal messages yet, because I don't have enough posts or something.|||I find it helpful to think in terms of evolution. Individual survival instincts--fight-or-flight, anger, fear, hunger, sex drive--evolved with the reptiles. Then the mammals evolved emotional ties...|||I recognize different kinds of intelligence. The logical processes that an IQ test measures are just one kind. There is also emotional intelligence, which includes an ability understand and click...|||truth #2: Re. x93Develop what youx92re weak inx94 and x93Maturing process:x94 Yes Yes! BTW, what does your name mean? Mountain Gal: Yes, those brain imprints are very compelling. It may take a lot of...|||Me again. Thanks everyone for the comments. Wow, I just joined P.C. yesterday, and already I’m in a more interesting discussion than I’ve had in many F2F groups. This is great! I realize that...|||If I were typed based on my hair color, what would be a genetic trait. If I were typed based on my native language, that would be a consequence of my life history. If I were typed based on the kind...'
'black is my favorite|||ergo proxy and hell girl.|||yea... kinda low expectations... but thats okay. its just more that i can prove you to be wrong about.|||i like your take on it expressive girl|||i took stuff to help me when i was numb of feelings. i ended up curled into a ball crying on chirstmas day... so i had to stop that. ive taken stuff to help me lift my spirits and just keep...|||spontaneously combusted|||i work full time and school part time. dont take that route. i would go with full time student. it helps you build relationships, sense of self, you actually learn what your studying and its a time...|||i LOVE them all! you are awesome. i really like the first three...:happy:|||i wanted to know if anyone else felt the same way i did. i dont always see things the way everyone else does... need anymore clarification on me making a statement?|||for the most part lance. its cool that you have sections and seperating different topic areas... its just too many creates just as much confusion as not enough... as far as my spelling issues i...|||idk you tell me...|||you have alot of different areas for topics. i do not think more is needed....|||im the freaky dressed cousin that goes to church all the time. only one family member ever invites me tot he reunion but i rarely go. everyones always like arent you so and so kid ...and then...|||wow. thats awesome. im always for who ever can be the best parent. i hope that this battle is just for that and not the other person losing...|||in this case yes. she had six children SIX! it just floors me that this lady would even want one more.i grew up in a house of five and that is no picnic 14 is going to be living in a hell like...|||i read the comic book and it was amazing! im scared to watch the movie but am also very excited to see how they handled- the comic book that could never be filmed.|||i wonder if that is for all depression...|||ah. well my f self was just confused. lol. its cool.|||this is fun to read. i am enjoying looking at some of the stuff some of you listen to|||is amused yet wonders why the outliers are labeled. lol.|||dressed like a victorian vampire i smile in the corner. by the chocolate fountain. (touch it ill cut you)|||i broke up with him. for a year and half he just started making choices that were more for him and not us. i begged him to change. i was like you have me this is how you keep me. he had other...|||they lived in a small town. they knew about each other their entire lives but didnt start talking until highschool. they started dating and nine months were married. still together. thank you so...|||i am now single. i have not been in three years. he was my first boyfriend/ real relationship. if you could give any advice on moving forward it would be appreciated. also if you could describe...|||i believe the art of pole dancing would take a steep decline...|||i know a man who dresses the way his wife wants him to just for pure lack of wanting to go out and buy cloths. his thoughts are she is out there cloths shopping anyway. why not let her find...|||do you have an opinion on this?|||lol. fun................|||............................|||i will be purchasing an indoor garden. its kind of like a huge closet that has its own sun source and water system. i just have to rotate things accordinly. i do not have alot of good land to grow...|||LOL!!! funny|||for once i can say that was a typo.. not my failure in poor spelling|||lol! it is an attention getter. and i want a brownie...|||and why? .................|||i tend to do it for two reasons: someone says something that i could not have said better myself someone says something kind or was needed|||the bi-racial comment got me to giggle.:tongue: sifr and snail you are beautiful!|||i think the pen test gives it a sense of realness. on the internet im just clicking buttons.|||i think i am learning how to help myself. this place is just an encouragement when i drop little pieces of struggles or happiness. it feels good to have someone on the other end of the computer...|||my co-workers always think i am upset. it gets old. they go out of their way to not talk to me. but the thing is to be fair i have not attempted to reach out to them in a friendly manner. its a...|||hey welcome|||my parents Gandhi my pastor my two mentors my friends dan mike and katherine my friends in the mission field|||i try not to let my enemies know im there enemies. unless there online. then i dont really care.|||i have been diagnosed with self destructive behavioral issues. ive hated life and everyone in it. ive waken up in the morning hoping i would find the strength to jump in front of the bus as it drove...|||hello happy that you are here|||my grandmother never passed the fourth grade. i know it sounds korny but it was from her heart and it was a wonderful compliment.|||lol. whenever you lay your head down for a period of hopefully eight hours of quiet rest.|||im happy you have standards. :happy:|||any advice on getting to bed easier? is there a certain way your room or bedding has to be before you can fall asleep? any certain rituals before going to bed? have you ever had problems trying to...|||before you start dating someone is there a certain set of questions that have to be answered before you decied to start going steady?|||i believe there is something in you that is great and if you choose to let it grow you will be able to do great things. you have an amazing smile.'
'You Are A: True Neutral Human Bard (6th Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 14 Dexterity- 14 Constitution- 14 Intelligence- 18 Wisdom- 14|||Heh, it slowly narrowed me down into a theme of resigned cynicism and pronounced me INFJ. That gives me funnies.|||I've, at least in appropriate (won't get me fired, etc) company, developed my equivalent for this sentiment: Well, I'm about to be an asshole, but...|||Latest Louis CK special, he has a bit about guys complaining about cuddly, needy, post-coital women. Comments, She's not needy, she's -horny-. You've done absolutely -nothing- for her, down there....|||8w9/ISTP Social isolation very strong Emotional inhibation strong Insufficient self-control strong Self-sacrifice strong...|||Inferior Fe with Type 8. Yeah, works pretty well. Er, 'fits', anyway. It doesn't 'work' worth a crap most of the time, being Inferior.|||Could argue either for myself on any given day of the week, just within my normal day-to-day variations.|||Only when I think about it.|||Trying to think back along the lines of my adolescence and childhood to track my heroes. Funny trend, my favored heroes for a while could trace a strong correlation to the hotness of the heroine...|||My hatred for wasps cannot be overstated.|||My wife pretty strongly associated me with Spock at one point, but that was New Quinto Spock -- Particularly referencing his tendency to be all faux logical for long stretches of time only to loose...|||I've always been a pretty vigorous dreamer -- Sleep paralysis, hypnopompic/agogic hallucinations, lucid dreaming, vivid epic-scale dreams, etc. You could say I have quite a few nightmares, but...|||'Weird' is one of my most common descriptors, and I'm just a run-of-the-mill standard-issue SP.|||Right? This has been a surprisingly reassuring thread. I've never really understood it -- I'm far from what I would consider 'Intimidating'. 'Bout 5'9/180. Then I get to wondering what I would...|||I can get a bit of an out of sight, out of mind thing going... Mostly because I get completely absorbed in whatever it is I might be doing. I can get chasing after projects with 100% focus, then...|||I am pro-animal. Always been the one critters grow attached to. Sometimes I want to choke slam my cat (He is a bengal. Extremely intelligent and interactive, which can be code for 'A giant pain...|||Mine's next Tuesday. No plans nor expectations. Just a day.|||I'm curious to an absurd degree, so I primarily love my phone for the ability to go into a google frenzy anytime I get a 'Research That!' hair up my butt... which is far too often. I don't have...|||Huh. I'm kind of an ass. Also 'calm' and 'short-tempered'. arrogant, conceited, intellectually curious, has many interests, open-minded, competent, self-confident, resourceful, enthusiastic,...|||Interesting. If nothing else, it gives me some enneagram language explanation for HOW often I have people telling me, Don't rock the boat! (Man, I hate that. What if it's a crappy boat?)|||Meh. Might help someone in 'That Phase' who can't be bothered to go back four years' worth of threads. I wouldn't think this is an uncommon issue with Ti types, particularly in their...|||Yeah, I don't think IQ tests are entirely useless. They do measure... well, -something- regarding ability to answer particular types of questions if nothing else. The weaker link, I think, is on...|||I can relate to the notion -- at least on a visceral level. Justice! That 'fuck 'em, they're being an ass' thing. Hell, on one (Probably MORE than one) level, I'm a huge fan of consequences for...|||My photos are usually pretty normal, I think. http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff102/travtex/IMG_1332-1.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff102/travtex/alb009.jpg ...|||I enjoy ENTPs to the extent that I kind of cat-herded what became the First Annual ENTP Fest in Albuquerque -- Was from an old Yahoo Group a handful of years ago. Fun, but a bit overwhelming in a...|||I have had, off and on over my life, recurring dreams where I am just -absurdly- telekinetic. I get mostly lucid during these and usually will just GO OFF on a destructive telekinetic rampage. ...|||I've always gotten along well with ExxP's in their many forms. The only thing that -regularly- seems to tick me off is Fe. In myself and others.|||Yep. Closely related to the Too Literal humor possibilities.|||It's not always necessarily -sarcasm-, technically, but I must be some sort of deadpan ninja. For instance... it nearly always amuses me to make comments in the form of the most idiotic...|||I'm getting to where I think I just collect Applied Science degrees. Working on my third. Seems like the a job's shelf life with me is about two years before I get bored and try something else.|||I've recently been trying to refresh my IT knowledge base... I'm working in medicine, but... well, I just learn things for the hell of it. ANYway, the schedule for my Cisco classes are...|||Have taken it a couple times before, and I always end up in the same quadrant as the first two, though a bit more toward the Libertarian side and nudging a bit further right. Got a pretty strong...|||I'm 5'9/180, pretty average. Have ridiculously long arms, though. ISTP. Napoleon was about average height for his time 'n place.|||I think most tests that I've come across have a bit of trouble differentiating Se/Si by trying to force an easy S/N split.|||I have a Bengal (See avatar). Whole lot of personality in small leopard form. The down side is that they're SO interactive and attention-hungry that it almost defeats the purpose of having a cat in...|||12? Gah.|||I'm an introvert -- or at the least, an asocial extravert. ISTP. My most accurate, but most boring answer to how I deal with problems is, 'Depends on the problem'. Some I avoid, some I confront...|||Recurrent descriptives I hear... Obstinate/Stubborn/Willful/Tenacious I've been told I laugh too much and not enough (Always odd to me, contradictory reviews from the same person). 'Smart' pops...|||Little long. Started zoning out there toward the last few pages. I am a considerate analyst. Weird.|||An association for ISTPs is 'Tools'. To a large extent, my world tends to have the word Tools interchangeable with 'Toys'. Shiny new computer? Restored classic car? Absurdly overpowered bass...|||Pretty much anything from Ron Swanson is pretty inspirational. Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.|||Nice catch, this. I get frustrated probably more often than is healthy over thinking people Should Just KNOW things. Fill in the blanks and know what I'm getting at without handholding. Know me...|||WindowLicker Enneagram speech analysis, eh? Find myself interested in one of those vague, 'Hey, an opportunity to talk about MEmeme' ways. As far as small talk goes... Suppose I usually find...|||Har. Yeah. As per #4... I'll shave my neck beard pretty regular, but the rest of it's usually 2-5 days from the last time I've paid it any attention. For the longest time, #3 just involved...|||If you ever happen to catch me on a pseudo-philosophical rant, it's going to likely be on some variant of this theme. I guess you could throw some version of A is A in there, as well. Normative...|||Haha, yeah. Was thinking along those lines... Do you ISTPs care about... Allow me to stop you RIGHT there.|||Already busy getting laid, apparently. I used to be a pretty high grade man slut. Being asocial through high school made me a pretty late bloomer, but once I started fronting a band and playing...|||Married my first (not to imply a second, just sayin') wife at 37. Such haste.|||Jeez, that table code didn't work. High on Wrath, boring on everything else.|||I've commented here regarding character minimums.'
'The Garden of Death by Hugo Simberg is my all time favourite painting so I had to include it. The reason why I feel so drawn to it is, just like you were suggesting, the acceptance of mortality or -...|||ENNEAGRAM TYPE W/ WING: 7w6 (Using Johns Test Please) TOP 3 MBTI TYPES: 65% ENTP 9% ENFP 8% INTP|||I've been writing my dreams down for almost four years now. I can categorize my dreams into at least five different groups. The first one is just basic realistic dreams which I tend not to remember...|||https://i.imgur.com/MyzSswj.jpg|||I wonder if there are any kind of patterns that would link dreams to typology. So tell me about your dreams! Are they realistic/absurd/highly symbolic/adventurous/horrifying/something completely...|||Please stop spreading the left brain/right brain nonsense. It has been scientifically falcified.|||Go ahead :crazy:|||Introverted, strong Te (you talk a lot about what is useful and question 2 especially seems like extroverted thinking when you explain how you'd handle the situation). So that leaves INTJ and ISTJ....|||here's some art I like: Jigsaw Falling into Place (Search results for: art) and on page 7 there's also a painting by me (the red-brown-blue-green-black-and-white one with ammonite and abstract...|||No, I would lose my mind if everyone were dumb.|||I had some spare time so I filled up this one: SCENARIO 1 FOCUS ON YOUR FEELING PROCESS HERE Your significant other just ended your 2 year relationship quite suddenly and with no apparent...|||Well, yeah I've read descriptions and over all they seem to fit pretty well. Some of them are kind of extreme though but that might be the stereotypes :tongue: I don't see myself as some kind of a...|||0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||ENTP Radiohead Gorillaz Metric Tuomari Nurmio Vesala Chisu MGMT Tame Impala|||I'm kinda settled for ILE now because I noticed that I tend to intellectualize moral dilemmas rather than trust how I feel about things. In fact I rarely trust my feelings and find them sort of...|||Me: ENTP Brother (only a year and two months younger than me): INTJ Mom: ESFJ Dad: ISTP soo.. no pattern? (except for both of us being NT? and maybe 50/50 I/E although that could be just by...|||Left-facing pig but future in front of me and past behind. I watched some YouTube videos about the consept of time about 10 minutes ago so I'm wondering if that explains it? My future was really...|||Why xNTP for Aristotle?|||13/50|||keys2cognition gave me: Ne>Ti>Fe>Si>Ni>Te>Fi>Se and some socionics test gave me: Ne>Ni>Ti>Te>Fe>Fi>Se>Si|||1) I can hold my tongue and avoid insulting people and I usually do that. I don't want to be seen as a total dickhead. 2) not constantly arguing although I really enjoy it when I do. 3) I have near...|||ENFP, until I bumped into Socionics and realized how poor my Fi actually is.|||ENTP, 7w6(?), eldest of two|||ISTJs are not boring at all when you get to know them properly. She is funny, smart and probably the most loyal person I've ever met. We mostly watch TV-series and movies together at her place and...|||I'm an ENTP and she's an ISTJ other friends: ENFJ, ISTP, ESFJ and unknown introverts|||We took some ADHD test in high school psychology class and if I remember correctly the score above 70 indicated that one is likely to have ADHD. I scored around 50 and heard other students discussing...|||Love it how you expect everyone to know which David you're referring to :laughing:|||I created the Sims 3 versions of Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand. They live together and hate each other deeply. Apparently I shouldn't have bought them a computer since all they do now...|||I've also tested as ENFP, INFP, INTP, ENFJ (I remember being in a really weird mood), and INTJ|||Well, what can I say? This is even more accurate with my avatar on another forum: http://i58.tinypic.com/9tfxjq.jpg|||Anna could be unhealthy ENFX but I can also see unhealthy ESFJ for her. Her brother definetely seems like ESFJ to me. Karenin is most likely ISTJ. I think Levin is INFP or ISFP. I thought about INTP...|||I don't have one. There are better platforms for drowning myself and everyone else in memes than Instagram :wink:|||My writing style is very situational but overall I think that it's either vague and trails off a lot or overly precise (and annoying to read since I add too much stuff in one sentence). And the tone...|||I only get motivated by the problem solving aspect of math. All the talk about training your brain sounds tedious to me tbh. That's my weakness with math - I give up if I can't remember all the...|||MBTI: ENTP MT: Visual-spatial, Verbal-linguistic and Logical-mathematical but I'm not sure in which order LS: visual BH: 50/50 or left but I don't think the tests I've taken were all that reliable|||Entp 77% intp 6% enfp 4% entj 4% estp 3%|||Introversion (I):9 Extroversion (E):15 Sensing (S):7 Intuition (N):19 Thinking (T):7 Feeling (F):4 Judging (J):0 Perceiving (P):14 Making your MBTI code:|||Yeah, it's possible that I'm wrong about her but then again I don't think I am. I've known her for seven years now and ISTJ just makes more sense. She is creative and funny but in a practical way....|||I watch it with my ISTJ friend (she introduced it to me) and I love basicly everything about it.|||I don't think it's very accurate. It types me as INFP, sometimes ENFP. I'm more likely an ENTP. It has also typed my ISTJ friend as INFP and she even thought that the INFP description on that page...|||1) What is your perceived mbti type? How certain are you of this assertion? Probably ENTP, other NPs are possible 2) Where you considered to be an easy child (moderate in temperament, easy...|||I think I've met one and it was really interesting. I think he had some other problems too - he wasn't very healthy person mentally. Other people seemed to either despise him or laugh at him behind...|||I got ENFP. I know that I'm a Ne-dom, but still unsure which one.|||CAUTION: Toxic when bored|||MBTI: xNxP Socionics: some Ne-ego type Enneagram: probably 7w6 Alignment: Neutral Good or True Neutral Instinctual variant: no idea Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw Star Sign Zodiac: Scorpio Chinese...|||I think that in China's case its recent history (from Mao to present day) has affected people's attitude towards religion. They might have more organized religion system today if it hadn't been...|||ISFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UclCCFNG9q4|||I'm probably ENTP and scored 37|||Oh, I have the same problem than the OP. Except that I properly questioned my seeming ENFP-ness when my friend introduced me to Socionics and I definitely didn't match Ti-polr but rather Fi-polr. I...|||Se7en. I liked it but was a bit too tired to get the most out of it.'
'If I met myself my immediate reaction would be I can't really figure him out... I probably would get the feeling that there is some intense mental activity going on in that other me, but I would...|||Raj, you really have animal magnetism... Those little cuties just stick to you :laughing:|||A relationship with an INFJ woman?!? Seriously, I have enough difficulties struggling with my own inner demons - I don't need to drag a she-devil into the house as well... :crazy: Honestly, I find...|||Well, a girl once actually told me; You would be a very handsome monk... I guess it was a compliment, albeit the strangest one I've ever heard.|||I haven't been posting on the forum for a long time, simply because I've been super busy... You see, I've went back to teaching :happy: I worked as a teacher more than 15 years ago, but entered...|||I seem to resonate more with the intuitive variant, it just sounds more like - well, uh, me... But when I really want to convince someone, I put on my INFJ ethical superhero suit and become...|||I think I might have missed something here... American politics? You mean, like they are independent, as if America was a state in its own right? Is America not longer a colony in the British...|||Don't really know what to say, Gracie dear - words seem so hard to find when something like that happens. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, if that is of any consolation.|||I'm not too eager to post my face on the net, but here it goes: http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz136/fuzz-mullah/Eyes/Devolo.jpg If you want the multimedia version, just try humming the old...|||I think that really nails it. I enjoy being with people more extroverted than me, because together we can play with both sides of the coin, so to speak.|||I worked as department manager for quite a few years, managing a group of programmers, visual artists and scriptwriters (high-end multimedia production). My impression is that people liked working...|||If someone gave me a special experience as a gift, like a day at the zoo or a musical concert, I would be very happy. Material things are nice (especially those that can be eaten), but experiences...|||So, my fellow INFJs... you are such a bunch of weirdos! :laughing: Where can I get my ESTP membership card, platinum version? :crazy: Me, I'm not weird. Not weird in any way. The world around me...|||Funny? Indeed so - I just give off a few glimpses of what goes on inside my head, and people find it hilarious... I have a rather surrealistic perception of the world, so when I tell someone what is...|||Well, to continue the idea of using physics to explain human behaviour: The laws of motion might be of great help to explain what is happening when humans interact. For instance, if two physical...|||If the relationship has not evolved into something really serious, it might just be a couple of months before I can go on with my life. But if it was someone really special, it may take years. I...|||Oh, I forgot: The Mettel company sometimes puts out new Barbie doll prototypes in the form of life-size robots. They look very much like humans, but on closer inspection you may reveal that they are...|||You may encounter what is scientifically known to be a very rare phenomenon; white noise trapped inside a human body. For those of you without a background in physics and communication theory;...|||I'm in! This sounds like the perfect country for me! Just give me the directions, and I'll saddle up my trustworthy donkey and begin the journey. If you haven't yet acquired any specific spot on...|||What another person might think of as melancholy, to me is peace of mind. Perhaps it is one of the blessings of getting older; you realize that it is really ok to tune into the world just using...|||I'd like to say that I'm private, but truth to be told; I'm paranoid... The good thing about not telling too much about myself (or any other person for that matter), is that people tend to...|||In my point of view, there are two major problems with hallucinogens: 1. Going up is fantastic, but when you're getting down you may feel pretty depressed (and quite a few of us are inclined to...|||To me, torture would be to be put in a crowd for prolonged time. Isolation I can cope with, but lack of solitude - nope, that would make me break down. I've gone for weeks speaking to someone just...|||X generation, Y generation, Z generation... Mentally, I'm still with the R generation (I prefer Dostojevskij to many later writers, and I still think Shostakovich is the definition of...|||I really need to enter survival mode from time to time. It is not so much about escaping the world, more like entering thought/feeling processing and recharge mode. I think Gracie put it in...|||Pet of choice... or snack of choice..? http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz136/fuzz-mullah/Dogs/157040_10150093407575701_716510700_7946981_1326994_n.jpg This little puppy belongs to a friend...|||What I would do is to give them a flower... Or more specifically, stuff the flower up into their nostrils, given they were strongly allergic to said flower :blushed: I've been a few rough places...|||I do believe I have a soul, and I also believe in an afterlife. But a problem is that at least in the Western part of the world, we are way to influenced by old Greek thinking (short version: the...|||That is looking at it in a positive, almost idealistic, way. I'm not so sure every INFJ deep down really wants to help others - sometimes we help others because it fuels our self esteem or because...|||For me, I have come to peace with the idea that I can loose everything I own, and still have the most important: My inner self and my faith. Every time I lock myself out of my appartment, I think it...|||Female INFJ, I think you have some really valuable information in your post! I am an enneagram 5 as well (5w4 to be specific), and I recognize that intuitive feeling of being on the brink of...|||I was raised in a home without servants, so I'm not looking for neither a matron nor a maid... Women that just want to build a nest and forcefully cuddle is just not my thing. I much prefer someone...|||You're hereby invited to join as a member of The Solipsist Society... Wait, we solipsists don't congregate - ah, well, just trash that invitation in the bin then. Joke aside, I tend to get a bit...|||I think you may get a few good tricks and tips from this website: Self Employment for the Myers Briggs Types: The Idealists &ndash; The Great Office Escape For myself, I think I'd do best if I...|||I regularly babysit the pets of my friends, in fact so much that I have a sheep skin (not from my baby brother...) constantly laying in a corner of my flat. So... I've had three mixed breed dogs, a...|||If you need change you're always welcome to visit us Scandinavians! Sparsely populated with people, but I do recommend conversations with the local reindeers :crazy:|||Could it be that there is something with this girl that resonates with your inner self? Maybe you're obsessed because you see a kind of mirrored image of a part of yourself - a part that you tend to...|||If we feel we don't get understood, we might just give in and retreat to our inner selves, thus coming across as even more aloof... Would've been better sometimes to try even harder to explain our...|||Vey well put, and good advice. Especially the question why she is asking you You haven't told us much about the girl, which makes it even more difficult to give clear instructions for your...|||If hurt by a friend, but not with devilish intentions (more like the accidental remark or something like that), I will soon forget it. If hurt by someone that is not a friend, I'll be very...|||I enjoy explaining complex issues, as long as the issue is not myself... The worst question in job interviews is So... tell me about yourself... I'll rather explain quantum physics to a five...|||It is difficult to find, but the movie Suture from 1993 could be added to the list as well, mainly because of how it portrays otherness. Probably not to everyones taste, but that movie resonated...|||Since nobody else has asked... did you meet any pretty nurses..? :blushed: It would be the most hilarious INFJ stunt to get involved in a car crash just to possibly meet a sweet nurse... Well, we...|||If someone is complaining about really small and stupid things, I don't want to be empathetic; it can actually be counterproductive for that person's growth and ability to handle the bigger issues. ...|||Glad that you're alive and OK, Dave! When such things happen we realize how fragile life can be... If you were a cat, I'd say you've still got 8 lives :happy: P.S. It may take some time before you...|||PaulH: What you say in your two posts is really useful advice, and I share your point of view as well as some of these experiences. If we met, we would probably talk like two old veterans from a...|||Once a girl at the office said I can never see what is going on inside your head... The one person I would never play poker with, would be you! I gave her my most enigmatic hint of a smile, as I...|||I have worked with geoscience for the government, been a teacher, worked as a project manager and script writer in the multimedia industry, worked in a psychiatric hospital, I've even worked a couple...|||If I was elected monarch of the Us, the first thing I would do would be to question the sanity of the people... I mean, don't you have any better candidates? Really, not anyone? And just for the...|||I think they are waaay better than us when the action gets going. They are quite good at dealing with the real world, so I guess they would be pretty effective :laughing: The INFJ hitsquad on the...'
'Yes, we do exist. Currently looking for a better job then the dead end, retail job I currently have.|||These are just guesses ISTJ or INTJ father (he's got a rather mechanical mind, but is rather traditional) ISFJ or ISTJ mother (she can get pretty traditionalist and cold at time, but she's also...|||Some outfits that are like cloths I regularly wear for this fall. But I'll probably be wearing way more pants once it really becomes winter where I live. 8699486995869968699786998|||I can be rather cold, pragmatic and cynical when I want to. That's something that's not very INFP-ish.|||1. Libra 2. None|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KSVD7usjzs&amp;list=FLcEsR7bBeXhuooHCezWEl8A&amp; index=1|||Does bull-headed determination count?|||cold, numb, freezing|||Captain America, Thor, Batman, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Jonah Hex, Black Canary, The Teen Titans (in general), Professor X and Wolverine... in that order|||A lot about dating and attraction comes from presence, charisma, conversation and how you carry yourself. It's surprising how much of a difference holding yourself with a little confidence (even if...|||Hell yeah! reason I went into a career that requires a lot of research! It's fun!|||When I'm under pressure, definitely.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tEu9vUemgI|||Libra here|||Really feeling restless since I got home and can`t really wait for another crack at getting trade qualified. I just really need to get out of here, and very soon.|||I`m kind of goal oriented, myself. My current goals are 1) get grades up, 2) get trade qualified, 3) complete degree, 4) move out, 5) find steady work, 6) get masters, 7) get doctorate. Somewhere...|||Tired. Had a long day and I stayed up too late last night at work... drinking (only one beer though, I'm a bit of a light weight)... we have a bar at work, it's fun. And I'm no longer bar manager...|||Don't be afraid to ask questions Question Everything Follow the Moscow Rules Even if you're scared, try to be as confident as possible Get to know your people|||Because of what my job is like, I try to be as formal as possible, especially when we have guests. But, the unit I work at is actually very relaxed, so the most formal I'll get is calling someone...|||Not often, almost only for animal movies|||-Do you get into leadership roles? How much? Currently training for a leadership role, whether I like it or not. -In which areas are you chosen to lead? (academic, administration, social...|||One ISTJ and one ISTP for sure; both of whom are rather nice. Though the ISTJ friend is so Sheldon like that I really don't know how we're friends. He thinks I'm weird, I think he needs to relax.|||I consider myself an Agnostic and I'm more incline to believe in a Deist view on God. Basically, I believe that if a powerful being that created the universe exists, it just created the universe and...|||Actually, my family is pretty stable. It's just that outside of my brother and dad, I'm very bored by my extended family.|||49953 Me in my uniform for work (I later added my name tag, this was taken right after I got it... and the decorations in my room have changed too...) Here's a better one 49955|||After a rather disastrous August, having to come home early from a course, I'm finding myself a lot more restless, exhausted and rather easier to anger. I'm restless because I'm bored. Since I've...|||I love camping, skiing and hiking. And if I could I would go repelling, too.|||When your INFP friend forgets her jacket and you time her to see how long it takes for her to 1) realize she's forgotten her jacket and 2) come back to get it.|||You forget your jacket and your ISTJ friend times you to see how long you take to go back to get it. Happened to me the other day.|||Snakes. I hate snakes.|||My short term memory is shit, but I can remember names, dates, physical features, smells, parts of conversations and a number of other weird facts about things that most people forget.|||I do have some faith in humanity. I do believe that there are good, honest people out there. But the things I go through at school and work, what I see in the news and what I've found through...|||While I don't really have a physical type I particularly go for, I do know I like in shape guys. I love muscular arms and sexy chests and backs (not grossly muscular, but along the lines of a...|||Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm aloof or shy. If anything, I'm trying to get a good feel for what you're like before I start talking to you, that way we can have a good conversation.|||Honesty, openness, integrity, loyalty, kindess|||I've been told this quite a bit, along with saying sorry is a sign of weakness|||1) coffee 2) family 3) history 4) dogs 5) perfume 6) reading 7) music 8) spy stories 9) film 10) internet reviews|||Eccentric people, desperate nerds who pretend to be the nice guy and some more extroverted people too.|||Jason Bourne (Bourne Series) Captain America (Avengers) Jack Aubrey (Aubrey-Maturin Series (Master and Commander)) Dr. John Watson (Sherlock) Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)|||Finding out my personality type has at lest helped me figure out how to work and improve myself better for my work; especially considering what my work prefers and what I'm like.|||The books sucked, end of story|||I'm a little shy and self conscious, I do know some of my strengths from being more quiet and reserved. I work in an environment that not only favours extroverted persons, but seems to almost breed...|||I'm 5w4. This doesn't surprise seeing as my job is all about research and investigation and I like bringing new ideas to the table.'
'http://3mb.us/images/989__26410_21629_21517_.png Yep anime.|||1w9-5w6-4w3 :S|||It pushes newer thread down, if mass resurrect then >_>. I would only allow 3 of them being active at once. Posting date of the last reply + 6 months or dropped deeper than page 10. But some...|||Procrastination Procrastination Procrastination >_>|||1. Answer the poll. (Round to the nearest inch.) 173cm. I don't bother converting it to inches because I live in metric world.:crazy: 2. Would you rather be taller? Shorter? Or are you content?...|||Hardly remember most of things happened while I was a child. Somehow I can tell you I started becoming an introvert since the second year in kindergarten, and deeper in elementary. Also I read...|||I can hardly remember all the shortcuts.|||I may love this job.:laughing: My ideal job...steady and well pay, not too long work time...but there's no job like this, you know. I am working on being a EDM producer, but at the moment I can...|||Same here. I can't imagine how to type not using this method. :S|||Finally got rid of those presentations. Well this reply shouldn't be in this thread :P|||1 ravoili or lasagna? lasagna 2 camping out or slumber party? slumber party 3 hamburgers or hot dogs? hot dogs 4 music or movies? music 6 comedy or horror? comedy 7 summer or winter? sorry, i...|||zeth006 Rhee god speed :O|||1. Can you type without looking at the keyboard? Always. 2. Do you use all 10 fingers while typing? I've seen some people typing with their index fingers. O_O Yes but mostly the left/right thumb...|||I'm feeling tired of school again. Hate that I gotta do 2 presentations within 2 days. Damn it.|||Almost the same with me! I started with Quake 3 and Counter-Strike when I'm ~8 years old, then touched CoD 2, then CS:S, TF2. Last year I got my hand on CoD:MW2 and BFBC2. I played Mass Effect 1...|||Many FPS game. Sucks at RPGs/RTSs because I hate calculating that *many* things.|||I may try. The recent test results and those annoying works make me impatient.|||Have you thought about it? What? I'm always one, how do I have a relationship with myself? Okay, just kidding. But I think I'm just a stranger to myself. I don't even know what I want. Do you...|||I HATE SCHOOL. All the school works are damn annoying and worth being hate. I don't want to go to school anymore >_> /reply|||Sorry to interrupt...but... I hate it when I can't make the rhythm in my mind into my computer. It has been bothering me for a long time :/|||Same. I haven't found anything useful to me from Bing yet. Didn't even touch Ask.com :P|||I think I'm a combination of pessimist and realist. When the airplane you're on board has something wrong......oops, my pessimist nature.|||Another Cantonese? Great! To J-Pop topic, most of Japanese songs with vocal I have are from anime. :P|||Indeed. You may want a shot in your head if you encounter classical Chinese. My 1st is Cantonese.(Yay, I know the most difficult langauge! :crazy: ) I want to learn Japanese as well but I don't...|||Right after I got my exam paper back, I got a feeling that I don't want to stay at school anymore. *sigh*|||All of above is not me.:tongue: This. And first 2 points Mr.V said. Hmm, I found myself hard to forget how to get through a game once I beat it.|||According to what OP posted, I'm definitely a 6. BTW I don't think the name of 1, Reformer, fits ISTJs. :crazy:|||LOL, didn't notice that typo when and after I edited that post.:frustrating: And I supposed it's catch?|||I think I have always been a 6w5. Since kindergarten. Hell, I don't know which tense I should use here.|||I'm some kind of frugal person. I usually save money for a while and spend almost all of them on something I want at once. Well, since I'm just a student and got only ~45$USD(That's a hell lot in my...|||Since we ISTJs have a tendency to follow and maintain rules, we get annoyed when we see people break rules/laws/whatever. I think what you do/think is normal. :P|||High school is fucking me up, mostly I get less than B and more than C. Probably worse when I get in uni.|||Your Cognitive Functions: Introverted Sensation (Si) ||||||||||||||||||||||| 10.93 Introverted Thinking (Ti) ||||||||||||||||||| 8.92 Extroverted Thinking (Te) |||||||||||||||||| 8.47...|||Nope I think, even I had one I hardly remembered it. Unless I wake up scared because of the dream. :crazy:|||This sums up for me. I won't remember lyrics unless they're so deep and meaningful. My favourite genre is Epic trance and it's subgenres.|||4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 Never had a massage too. But I don't think it's awkward to get one. Have to add this:tongue:|||LOL didn't notice it, I just put stuffs there and forget.:laughing: I think we need a smiles panel for quick reply.|||Ideology is much more annoying.|||You missed my second line. XD Okay, I'm too lazy to leave my computer as well.|||Racomaizer isn't defined yet. :crazy: Same to my real name. (Hmm, I'm an asian.)|||+1 Too few words?|||I found it's hard to give a reply when my mom asks what I want to eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner. :D|||I don't have things to eat later than 9PM, have to bear it even I feel hungry. I don't want get scold because I eat instant noodles at night >.>|||1. 2.1042 2. 2.4048 *cough*|||I DON'T KNOW. /post Okay, if I have one, probably once or twice a month >.>|||I do agree that nuclear that nuclear energy is the best power source atm too. WIndfarms and solar power sites are just waste unless they are more effective. I think it's pretty much.|||I have been using this nick since I joined Cybernations 2 years ago. What? You don't like cats?|||People are not only afraid of death; they afraid of getting radiation sickness as well. It's the thing that kills more people.|||Sorry to say me too... Click Edit post, then click Go Advanced.|||Woot I think that old ppl loves us since we love traditions and follow rules!'
Of the last 4 women I dated and actually bothered giving an MBTI test to all 4 were ENTP. 3 out of 4 said, they got bored ended up cheating with INTJs. I only know this because they got so into the...|||Valentine's Day is over though and I survived! HA! Jokes on you!|||You're not gonna try to eat me are you...? I'm scaroused now...|||Here's how I flirt, pop culture reference that flies over her head. Followed by genuine compliment that puts her way the fuck off. Show genuine interest in the things she's talking about if I care...|||Nooooooooooooooooooooo! Most of the ENTPs I've dated have been drama hungry trainwrecks! Back back I say! *waives torch*|||Depends on what you mean by intelligent. I have an IQ of 163 but I'm a goofball and don't care about mastering a subject. I like to learn a bit about everything, I'm often referred to as the guy who...|||My experience with ENTPs are mainly with females. I attract them the most and they are all psychotic, the males are equally as such. Be prepared to be put on an emotional roller coaster and be...|||In my experience INTP/INTJ women don't give a shit what you think. If you think this is sexy then it works. Generally intj women are more fashion conscious in my experience. But if you're looking for...|||I got a dog, dog is logical. Dog appreciates what I do and provide for him. Does not judge me on my looks, clothing or ability to bullshit people I can't stand.|||163 the last time I was tested. Which was due to my teachers thinking I was learning disabled when I was just bored out of my mind. Not that IQ matters, technically I'm a genius but I hate everyone...|||Themselves and their emotions.|||I don't get shit from shit. Sometimes it'll tell me one of you weirdos inboxed me or for some unknown reason wanted to be my virtual friend.|||I own my own home in the burbs. I used to have a place in Chicago, it sucked.|||Oh, lol. I meant I'll get along with a girl and they'll hook up with my man whore friends. My girlfriends would never cheat on me with my friends.|||Dying alone without having found true love or having children cause fuck all that noise.|||So much generalizing here on INTP males. Communication is the key to any relationship be it INTP/INFP or a pair of dogs. If you've been in the relationship for years you should know how to approach...|||Why do you care so much what he says? Do you like him romantically? If so get used to it, NT personality types aren't known for their empathy. If he responds with who cares there's a good chance...|||Totally understandable but the chances of him making a move are limited, you're young. You'll form other friendships, if its the right relationship might as well try. If he's any friend at all and he...|||If you're interested and he's young just be direct. I know of more than one INTP story where the girl just told the guy she liked him and it worked out. INTP males are pretty easy to get on with. Or...|||636250 My 2 babies, love them both in different ways.|||-be awful at flirting -be awkwardly dressed -show 0 interest in people trying to get your attention -have resting bitch face|||How long has yours lasted? Curious. I'm 32 and still putting around with my dog. I really would like to meet an introvert but it never seems to mesh. Like we get on super well but then they hook up...|||The metal, everyone tries to kill the metal.|||I would if she could replace my income. However finding a relationship to last long enough is another issue entirely. I seem to be a short term relationship partner for a lot of women.|||Had to get my thoughts in order, guess tis the season. Lost my job, girlfriend left me, I got a new job, gym membership and a dog. Life is good so I'm back. Also Dark Souls 3 came out... So I was...|||I have returned for another tenure here. A bit of a hiatus, despite my social nature and those who questioned my INTPness. I got sidelined by depression after losing my job and regressed a bit. But...|||INTPs seem to appreciate other INTPs forwardness in my experience. I'm sure she knows you like her if you kissed her. I would just go with something like. I don't want to overstep the boundaries of...|||I love ability draft, none of my friends like to play it though. Turns out I'm the worst player in our 5 stack but I have the highest versatility. When we do ability draft or all random I shine. They...|||Ah, yeah I have a PS4 as well, but 4k gaming pc, so I chose the graphics whore route. Overwatch was quite good fun, but not 60$ worth of fun along with in game purchases. Blizzard lost their damn...|||DLC is in development, its not out yet. If you play on steam you can add me if you want help, I wouldn't mind another play through.|||I thought Dark Souls 3 had a great story especially with the DLC, the downfall of man was his own darkest fears coming in the form of their Queens. A little misogynistic but overall creative in...|||Dark Souls 3 is out now. It's like a religious experience full of pain, praise, guilt and contradiction.... *sigh* I'm in love.|||I'm surprised at the amount of all too specific physical descriptions. I feel like once you make up an ideal in your mind you open yourself up to disappointment. You also limit yourself to...|||You don't seem to be aware so I'm answering, but just so you know… good luck trying to troll INTPs. INTPs are perfectly able to answer trolls without getting trolled. Not just from their...|||I had to look that up, for a second I thought they were just random words. I can and cannot believe that's a video game.|||Clearly you failed if you wasted time trolling INTPs in their own thread... But ENFPs aren't known for their intelligence...|||Thanks Luck. I actually just ended it quietly a little bit ago. No last words or final contact. Deleted and blocked her facebook and did the same with her phone number. It'll take her a while to...|||That seems to be the only option. I don't like to walk away from important people in my life. But I feel like this relationship is toxic, I'm even willing to admit in both directions. I thank you...|||Well what I found odd is that's what she said she would do when we first met if I developed feelings for her. She established her boundary and I said, okay, well let's avoid that by you not crossing...|||I'm taking the leaving her alone route, cause I need to be left alone. This has all been very painful for me and she doesn't seem to understand that. Throwing it up to me being the brunt of the...|||A sense edit; --> However, I would not ''rationalize'' this away as ''innately'' something to do deal with; should a consistency of mistreatment (via) friendship(s) occur (via) your complete...|||Unfortunately; she is a ''bad'' situation (i.e., hurting) - she will recklessly indulge to mask this; I can relate to her quite well. I will engage in repetitive + harm pleasure(s) & not know when to...|||She is resorting to Se, physical pleasures to distract from Fi. That is quite normal for INTJs. She is reacting to your efforts to control and curtail her behaviour, she is seeing you as...|||Thanks. Yeah, I agree. I just requested specific boundaries and they were always crossed. Just felt very emotionally damaging to be thrown out once my time ran out. It was unexpected... I've spent...|||So I recently as of today actually lost my best friend INTJ. I have other INTJ friends but all of them male so maybe a female perspective. Overall opinions are welcome. I set boundaries in our...|||I look better with my glasses so I've been told. I can't see as well with them though, so I save them for dates lol.|||Nope, that's probably why my best relationship was with another INTP. We both made sacrifices and were both super amazed by how balanced and even toned the relationship was. But INTPs be rare.|||Lead singer of the Distillers - her music is awesome, her energy is awesome, she just seems like fun. Also she's an artist. I also have a thing for light eyes with raccoon eye make up. Olivia...|||What's weirder taking control of your emotions and hashing them out so they don't destroy you or being one of those emotionally unstable people blaming the other person for not reflecting your...|||I was never angry, lol. That is what annoy(s) me. I was merely talking / expressing my point + supporting my point. Perhaps, they are just too soft for me, then. I just advise individual(s) not to...
'No option applies to me... I dont have a toilet paper holding thingie, the toilet paper roll is on a valve next to the toilet :proud:|||There's a hidden theme here .... :crazy: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14665035/Funny/2010-06-06-Nietzsche-shaving.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14665035/Funny/juice.jpg Source: hipsterhitler.com ...|||Fennel Soup - beware, uses metric system :tongue: 2 onions 2 bulbs of fennel 1 litre vegetable stock 100g butter 200g sour cream either provençal herbs or thyme, caraway, rosemary, basil,...|||There might be a correlation between enneagram type and what scales are strong for you. My theory: ENFP 7's usually have a very high P and/or N, lower F (both ENTPs and ENFPs occupy this type on...|||You only need 1 ENFP of course, but dont expect him/her to change it any time soon. If you set a deadline, you should expect to give a few (or more) respites. Otherwise, good luck (and patience...|||ENFPs are classic jack of all trades. Very quick to learn a new skill, but usually not in great depth... Lets see... random skills... I can fart with my hands, neck and knees (those last two...|||Non-conformity definately. Rebel no. Let me explain: Rebellion is fighting against the status quo, against the authorities. The ENFPs dont fight against authorities or the status quo if they agree...|||Yes and no. I do realize that there are evil people out there. But when I meet someone for the first time, I initially assume that they're a fundamentally good person. Thats kind of a credit I give...|||My results to the test: Ability Scores: Strength- 12 Dexterity- 12 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 18 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 13|||Using D&D classes ESTP - Barbarian - chaotic evil or neutral - They're wild, untamed and powerful. Rely on their strength, not brain. ISTP - Rogue - chaotic evil or neutral - Cunning and free...|||what is this thread about :confused:|||Shy extraverts and outgoing introverts may be alike in some aspects, but differ greatly on others. Shy extraverts will feel down if they spend too much alone time. For example, you have a day out...|||Oh, alright, I mixed that up. I dont agree with this view, as I intuitively do have a good grasp on what I am talking about when I use the word god. I might not be able to express that definition,...|||Pure agnostic ENFP here. Not apatheism(indifference to religion) or strong agnosticism (we cannot know if god exists or not) but weak agnosticism (I dont know if god exists or not, but interested in...|||How to falsify a law of nature: Lets take newtonian gravity, if you accept that is has been viewed as a law of nature in the past. Now present an apple, that under normal conditions does not fall...|||ENFP chaotic good here|||Im an ENFP. No need to make a poll about my type. PS: Im well aware of topic.:tongue:|||Geography and music, but sadly the music teachers I had werent that good usually. Oh and computer sciences was fun too :proud:|||read again, I didnt say explore for information, but information as a starting point for exploration of the world, which is meant to be interpreted figuratively ;)|||Let me explain the Ni: Both Ne and Ni deal with conditional or future informations, but in different ways. While Ne goes from the current point to several different future/conditional points (what...|||As by the title, this post is gonna be short :tongue: Se - See what is Si - See what was Ne - See what could be Ni - See what should be Thats it. :wink: Discuss. :proud:|||http://j-walkblog.com/images/handmusic.jpg It represents hand farting Show me immorality|||On the passive/aggressive discussion: Keirsey noticed a similar thing when he distinguished informative from directive roles in communication. Directive types are the STs and NJs, they are taking...|||As it has been said, those 4 groups are based on Keirsey. For distinguishing those groups, Keirsey looks at human behaviour. He views 2 dichotomies: communication (what we say) and action (what we...|||ENFP musicians :cool: Im a guitarist. I have an 2 Ibanez guitars, an electric (SA160) and an acoustic (EWC30). I also once owned another electric but sold it cheaply (it was a really bad one...)....|||I forgot the main topic. :crazy: For extraverted perceivers, the switch isnt that big, esspecially when you go with the original jungian system where the primary function is balanced by 3...|||It could also be a question of test accuracy. I often have the feeling that function test questions for Ne and Ni are somewhat similar (or for Fi & Fe, Ti & Te etc.). This could mean that when you're...|||http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Mandel_zoom_14_satellite_julia_island.jpg/800px-Mandel_zoom_14_satellite_julia_island.jpg Show me a soul|||http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=935&stc=1&d=1281620020 Show me noise|||http://blstb.msn.com/i/DC/75B3D1558CBFAB7C2BC0F6FF84352.jpg Show me the opposite of the above picture|||O+ here. No correlation ;)|||that would be the quadras in socionics, no?|||Very good analysis by antagonist, but I think explaining his third ring (havent read that term in his book...) could help explaining the distinction he chose: he points out directive vs. informative...|||Math is easy. Atleast for me it is. In school, I was better in it than all the NTs around. :crazy: I like calculus and algebra, but I dont really like geometry. I guess im not that much of a visual...|||My best friend since first grade and now flatmate is an INFJ. We get eachother so well, people say that when we quarrel we're like an old couple. Dunno if thats a positive thing to say about friends...|||No ADHD and I doubt I have ADHD either. I dunno about ADHD people, but I can often have problems with concentration, where im easily distracted and can get distressed and annoyed with myself. But...|||This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkP_NaMsrMM I want to be like them when im that old. On that note: Anyone up for a meetup in 60 years? :laughing:|||Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Fleet Foxes, Joanna Newsom, Sufjan Stevens, Explosions in the Sky, Talk Talk, Do Make Say Think, The Beatles, Yann Thiersen, MGMT and manymorebuttoolazytocontinue PS: I said...|||Barney is ENFP ????? Ralph INFP????? Someone dislikes the NFPs it seems :tongue:|||http://infobeautiful.s3.amazonaws.com/intnoones_955_0.jpg Show me a riddle|||Looks like Pacman is running away|||EMT - INFJ, alternatively ENFJ. Immense drive for self-development and discovery. Programmed as a doctor who needs Fe to deal with patients. T side would due to him being a program after all. I think...|||Spongebob is definately an E and a P. There's nothing he's really structured in, he goes with the flow 24/7. Now, to be defined are F/T and S/N. ++ S -is a cook, and good at it, has a get into...|||Welcome to the fence-sitters club of XNFPs, even if you dont like sitting :tongue: Do you tend to get distracted easily, even with things you take interest in? Do you consider yourself to be a...|||to me, intellectual also has an aspect of disconcern for success and/or career advancement, like an intellectual pursuit done for the knowledge or fun itself, not as a means to an end. And thats...|||ENFP with green eyes here, for the sake of proof: :tongue: http://personalitycafe.com/members/arachnophobia-albums-me-picture3209-shiny-eye.png They can appear rather dark and pretty grey,...|||So lately, i've run into a thought that appealed to me, because it clears up a few problems I have when thinking about intro- and extraversion. The I/E-scale is the single most missinterpreted scale....|||Be boring. Dont give her a horrible time, but a time that lets her get the vibe that there's nothing less exciting in the world than being with you. Nothing is better to get rid of ENFPs than boredom...|||definately spring for me. Its great to be able to sit outside in the sun without dieing from dehydration ^^ Also, I like the whole vibe of spring. Nature is awakening again, compared to autumn when...|||I made two new ones: http://personalitycafe.com/members/arachnophobia-albums-stuff-picture5576-enfp-mot.jpg ...'
'I admire you humor, INTP. So, it would be great if you got out of your bed, took a shower, and shared it with someone once in a while. How about a friend? No, not a friend on WoW. A real friend....|||... Oh, INTP. http://replygif.net/i/661.gif|||Ew, what are 'feels'? Are they a disease? Keep your hands to yourself, ENFP. Don't come any closer!|||DISNEY... ESFJ http://media.giphy.com/media/Pgb4zlVQqnUB2/200.gif ENFP http://media1.giphy.com/media/4Sup4tYbf3Spy/200.gif ESTP http://media3.giphy.com/media/11dKPOwwpBToli/200.gif|||ESTx http://fuza.ru/uploads/posts/2012-11/1351870798_gifaki-gifki-smeshnye-gifki-gifki-kote_62214790.gif INTP http://dsjvpv76ko1eo.cloudfront.net/uimg/4b570b191ca6046025f6e0ee57688d74.600x|||INTP. http://cdn.lolbrary.com/2013/12/6/lolbrary.com_54945_1386368749.gif ENTJ. http://www.focusst.org/forum/attachments/off-topic/20999d1380281556-share-your-favorite-gif-beiber.gif ESTP....|||ISxJ http://media0.giphy.com/media/TT8rdXzeXiNri/200.gif ESFJ http://media3.giphy.com/media/IvjjgsEhnLCzm/200.gif ExTP http://media1.giphy.com/media/125dLiH6FOeBAA/200.gif ISTP|||ISTP? Guess has nothing to do with the song. But he's on a motorcycle, alone, with a gun... http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkysjs7J2t1qixleeo1_500.gif|||EDIT-Beat me to it, ENTP. Shh. I'm not here. Ignore this.|||INFJ, insult that ENTP http://annakie.com/cpg/albums/userpics/10002/Be-a-Man.gif. I'm sure it won't kill his ego. An ENTP's ego is too big to burst.|||Childhood. INTP http://media2.giphy.com/media/R2WnCkxBf5u0w/200.gif http://media1.giphy.com/media/5hEYTJT7p2tMc/200.gif ENTP http://media3.giphy.com/media/IWdguYygkigaA/200.gif...|||Well, polar opposites of each of these may be something like burnt bread or an empty fridge. Do you find joy with either of those things? I know I do....|||http://static.fjcdn.com/gifs/trippy+gif+3.+different+gif+yet+still+mind+blowing_ba8bb2_3699999.gif You INFJs. Such amazing philosophers :frustrating:.|||MBTI Types DEALING WITH FLIRTING/LOVE INTERESTS... ESTP http://25.media.tumblr.com/6a20b021f971a58aa444049d922dda51/tumblr_my4mbg9i3T1r1sl7xo1_500.gif INTP...|||Ever wanted to see what an INTJ is on the inside? http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6tv8blIXF1r7psebo1_500.gif|||Leave an ISFP alone and... http://i.imgur.com/i6lzJ.gif ENTPs know what they're doing... http://i.imgur.com/y0Rmf.gif ESFPs......|||Test Survey 2.0 1. talkative or contemplative 2. sociable or solitary 3. outgoing or reserved 4. pragmatic, intellectual, idealistic, sensitive. 5. curious, realistic, imaginative,...|||Sure. 1. outgoing, reserved 2. talkative, contemplative 3. sociable, solitary ((Nehh...depending on who I'm with.)) 4. realistic, philanthropic, idealistic, theoretical. 5. pragmatic,...|||Find your gif, and copy the URL. http://s13.postimg.org/gvtt1b387/SCREEN.png Click on the Insert Image icon third from the right of the message options......|||MOSTLY INSULTING GIFs ISTJ, INTJ... http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mantz0wf341rr3l61o1_500.gif ESFP, ESTP... http://media.giphy.com/media/WhAyEpYKSH1lu/giphy.gif INFP, INTP......|||I said I don't know because I wanted some feedback. You seem to know.|||I'm an ISTP. The T over F preference is low ((or I have developed Fe?)). 1.) Going to bed knowing you can sleep for as long as you want OR a compliment from a stranger. 2.) The smell of...|||I agree, and I really doubt humans will ever have real proof. But they probably won't ever be able to disprove the theory, either. There's always the what if's. I sort of feel better with it...|||So you're saying people are similar to robots, they cannot choose what they do or do not do, we're all just programmed to do these functions?|||1: What's your MBTI Type? ISTP 2: What's your Gender? Female 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? Youngest. 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory?...|||Shhhh.|||Drake- ESxP ((ISTP sounds pretty off.)) Josh- ENFPish ((Wild guess. Pretty sure he's an F.)) Megan- ENTJ Mindy- ENTJ Helen- xxTJish?|||Club Penguin... We should make a Webkinz one, too, then :ninja:. Fine. I'll do it. 1- ISTPish 2- ESFP 3- ESTP 4- ENFP 3- ISFJ|||INTJness.|||You can't ever truly be sure. People are more complicated than their types. You may see yourself one way, but can you ever truly be sure that's who you are? Nah. We can't even be sure that MBTI...|||The best mates/friends for her type, you're saying?|||A bit INFJ.|||INFJ sounds right for that one. Poetic. Mysterioussss...|||ENFPness.|||INFPish.|||LOOOOVE GIFs for MBTI INTJs, INTPs... http://data.whicdn.com/images/60916177/large.gif INTJs... http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4gh5n5iTr1rn95k2o1_500.gif ESTP, ESFP...|||Yeah, that five paragraph opinion sounds appropriate for a GIF thread... :ninja: ((To post a GIF, upload it to a site that gives you the direct link, then put that link inbetween the code . I use...|||You know you're a Sensor when you've given numbers their own personalities, and like/dislike them because of that. Am I the only one who thinks 9 is arrogant? It thinks it's basically the great...|||ISFP. On tests, my percentage for Thinking/Feeling preference is low, about 10%, 5%, sometimes 2%. I easily feel empathy for others, no matter who they are, which most claim an ISTP is incapable...|||I can see the ENTJ. Something about the sassy humor. Not sure I know enough about ENTXs to give you something better. Oh. That's a pretty decent reason. :ninja:|||ISTP. They're known to have that sort of cold intense look as their default face. Unless you were trying to look badass. Maybe ISFP.|||INFJ. It seems mysterious yet with meaning. Curious. It could be interpreted as many different things. Why'd you pick it? You're supposed to rate the avatar above you. Selfish. You deserve...|||Alright guys...I didn't think it would come to this. But you've forced me to... Classic ESTP/ESFP Hangout http://s21.postimg.org/5quosbriv/stud2.gif http://s11.postimg.org/x1ydjfdo3/stud5.gif...|||An INTJ.|||Only had a few on my computer. Us Quiet Types... http://s14.postimg.org/aaia1y3s1/friends.jpg ENFP, ENFJ, In the ISFPs mind, and any other innocent Romantics......|||I like wearing black, too. Hard to see dirt in and I just like the look of it in general. Not all black, although I don't mind being in all black ((I look so ninja...)), people in school tend to...|||HAHAHAHAHAHAH. So original :ninja:. Couldn't help yourself, huh?|||ISFP OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Because of the mysterious yet kind nature of the name? I suck at this.|||Spy: ISTP Villain: INTJ Rock Star: ESFP/ESTP Knight: ISTJ/ESTJ Princess: ISFP Bodyguard: ISTP Heir to a Large Company: ENTJ Martyr: ENFJ/INFJ Soldier: ISTJ Overprotective Parent: ISFJ/INFJ|||I'd make them a hamburger.'
'Yeah i'm an a-hole too depending on who you are and what you consider one to be. Nothing wrong with that... just be you. who cares what your supposed to be... who knows maybe your brother is the...|||Sure, don't we all have layers? i don't think I have ever met a one layered person... I have been known to focus conversations and interactions on the other person involved, even if that means...|||life.long.battle... and still struggling. Almost like you wish you could meet that person who is in your head and you wouldn't have to say a word to them, just chill and it would be awesome, every...|||Okay, my turn! No I would not ask you out... you are not my type. I prefer tall, lanky, dark characters... with penises. (although I wont say I haven't ever been interested in the lady folks, just...|||That makes complete sense. Before you admire us though please keep in mind that we INFJs think about what we are going to say a long time before we say it... at least I do. I think about the...|||good luck!|||I got my answer... I was in fact being rejected as i initially assumed. Thanks anyways for the help guys and gals!|||I took the you will think i'm boring and i wouldn't want things to feel awkward as the rejection. I tried to make it more blunt today by just giving him my number and asking him to text/call me. ...|||I could sure use some help understanding the logic behind this... I tried to ask a INTJ i know to hang out today. I got shot down as i halfway expected to be, because I would think he is boring,...|||Today it looks like a cheery little boy cuddling up next to me watching cartoons and sharing a cup of coffee (i.e. milk for him lol)|||I do not feel stupid at all. I do accept that I am not perfect, I make mistakes but I also learn from those mistakes. I have a great capacity for acquiring, processing, and sharing knowledge in...|||If it were me id just want the person to tell me and let me figure out why and how to fix it. Just be straight forward... whats the worst that can happen? Honestly is she really that fragile that...|||Now I just feel even more stupid for trying to please everybody -.- Oh well lesson in the process of being learned|||What I mean is every person on earth even the ones you have never and will never meet versus as you detailed in your reply those whom you truly care about.|||I was slightly inebriated upon first reading the post which may be influencing my overall perspective on this subject. I hate to go off topic as i'm sure the OP has an actual need (actually i'm not...|||lmao I think that is a fascinating option... I would have never guessed a frond would have such human complexities. I must spend more time with mother nature.|||If you had this revelation at all... When did you realize that what others think of you is unimportant? How did it change your life?|||So, i don't have time to sift through this thread and find out if my question has already been asked. Do INTJs seek appreciation- is this important to you to hear when someone appreciates you? I...|||O.o I don't understand what language you are typing in. Is a girlfrond a female frog pond?|||I visit the other type forums to look at the humorous threads. The INFJ threads are usually very serious lol|||oh the ego...|||Not so much falling out of love but moreso realizing that it wasn't love as i thought it was to begin with. Once I realize something its hard to go back to being ignorantly happy.|||I haven't had many people hurt me with words I think i hurt myself more then others by over-thinking situations but there were two instances that have stuck with me for a very long time 1st being...|||Trying to figure out how to do that, no word of a lie! Thank you brain your messages are appreciated lol|||I have had SO MANY people tell me that they do not want to make me upset because i'm scary when angry... something I have never actually understood because at my most angry I actually draw away from...|||You might enjoy reading some of Jung's original work in that case|||It sounds as if she is a bit imbalanced and this is manifesting itself as being possessive and overbearing. Shes absolutely displaying INFJ qualities but as daydr3am stated they are the qualities of...|||LiquidLight that certainly is an interesting perspective. I had not considered that my real life friend might potentially be my real life animus, more so I was curious if my mind might project the...|||Lady Nurture thank you so much for sharing your dream!! I am really looking forward to learning more about myself through my own- perhaps even with the help of intuitives such as yourself :)|||You are going to love this :)|||No. I recognize before I shut someone out how harmful and toxic they are to me. It does not weigh heavy on my heart to take care of myself.|||Yeah... I am perpetually lonely mostly because I don't let people in so its my own fault in the end.|||I'm feeling relieved that I am not the only one who does this!|||Aww thank you!|||I had a very interesting dream the other night, very lucid and very vivid. At the beginning of said dream I am greeted by a friend whom exists in real life and the friend greets me with a hug and...|||I want to play! Bask in my INFJness O.o https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/2197288221/image201205060020.jpg I cant find any pictures where i'm actually looking at the camera. ...|||I have never actually purposely sought revenge on another person.... that makes very little sense to me. I know that I have hurt others in the heat of the moment but plotting revenge just seems a...|||Also when they say, I'm a jerk, I went to the infj forum to ask infj's how I could hurt your feelings in case we fight. We shouldn't be friends anymore. Feel free to shut me out of your life now.|||I get so offended when someone tells me... you are an amazing person, I am so happy we are friends.|||BATTLE! If shes going to INFJ you with her moodiness then INTJ her with some hardcore sarcasm one of you will eventually be the victor or you will both explode to smitherines! Honestly though,...|||Reading your responses and thinking about this more it does feel somewhat like a superpower/weakness because like Joon said its almost like I am giving the person access to me through my eyes but for...|||I realized that I avoid contact with people whom I do not know or trust. I never had really noticed it in the past but more recently its become really apparent to me and it feels kind of awkward now...|||I have a very hard time expressing my feelings verbally and physically. I also have not ever felt complete trust with anyone but even with my family members my sister who is the closest person I have...|||My best friend is intj ans we are like peas in a pod. I think because I am not super strong on the feeling end might be why. We do relate very well though.|||What is this inappropriate you speak of? I have never encountered such a novel idea (hahahhaha)|||flicker099 I do understand what you mean, i don't think I could ever give up caring about people as people, that goes against what I believe in completely and I would surely die or end up...|||flicker099 thanks that is a good starting point... I think you pointed out one of my bigger challenges- what other people expect me to be. I've been working on not caring about that for a while now...|||He's extremely handsome, great smile, bubbly personality. We spend a LOT of time together. Hes so intelligent, loves to cuddle, very playful. I knew i loved him from the moment I met him and I...|||im good at hugs|||Not an INFJ thing (unless i completely missed it but I don't think I did) So... I am on a mission to understand who exactly I am... Strange I know it seems like a fairly basic and simple premise...'
'You should see my backgrounds folder. Beautiful scenery that is absent of humans and usually some fantastical, out of place elements. I also appreciate nature taking over in abandoned places.|||ENFJ https://49.media.tumblr.com/549f5c5588776e5135062d17047b50f0/tumblr_nn52bbPtfE1tnhfwwo1_400.gif ISTJ...|||MBTI Types as Buffy quotes/moments. ESTJ https://49.media.tumblr.com/ba0b9b068bc6e14269f96bf9bb1966d5/tumblr_nvnow2IcyC1uahyebo1_r1_250.gif ESFJ...|||This may seem shallow, it probably is. But for the most part if anyone* doesn't seem attracted to you at first, they aren't likely to change their minds on that at some later date. It's science, so...|||It's funny because Mai-chan (The girl, not the cat) is probably INTJ or INTP So this is more accurately rare INTx showing his/her feelings in a not so acceptable way. Which, if you aren't...|||Is this all theoretical or should we start talking numbers? :crazy: There is one way we could do this... but I doubt the ethics board would be very happy with it.|||80/100 Male 46.667/100 Female 55/100 Androgynous|||Don't worry, you are not alone. https://31.media.tumblr.com/55c6aa8c795484b1f321c85bb29b2feb/tumblr_inline_nj2fohECjA1qhmpfb.gif|||I don't feel that way at all. Obviously with any classification system you will see some amount of expounding on differences. But it seems to me that it's not on the same level as other perceived...|||INTJ's are on nearly everyone's list. I had no idea we were so seductive. Hmm. 1. ENTP 2. ENFP 3. ESTP 4.ESFP|||I'm guessing you are expecting a flood of INTJs with bruised egos beating down your door.|||-115 Atheist and agendered in America (the US) and .75 cents over minimum wage. But I'm not complaining, I like being on a higher difficulty setting. Makes victory all the more sweet.|||It doesn't have to be perfect. Don't overthink it. Just do it. Let's go out to the bar! You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals. So let's do it like they do on the discovery channel. ...|||Yes, I am always right... but only when I'm right. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. If it can actually be proven. *expletive* I ran into the again. How do [I]you know? It's...|||This all rests on the assumption that IQ and cultural development are in any way indicative of raw intelligence. Or that it is sensible to segregate thereby losing what one would gain from diversity...|||EMWUZX They've only really analyzed family environment vs. genetics. Peer influences are rarely controlled for, and could lead to much more effect on personality development than family. Do...|||Well aware of all that, but the flip side is that no study can ever fully predict what environmental controls lead to what effect... well, without being incredibly unethical. Consider Skinner boxes...|||Unlike everyone else I think it can be done at that age... whether or not it should be done is a question for someone more ethically inclined than I. The brains of young children are constantly...|||Time is nothing to Gods.|||IE; ESFP's. Just kidding! but not really...|||http://howthehelldidienduphere.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/fly-you-fool.jpg?w=645...|||INTJ with ILI as a sociotype. That's why your J is low... because some INTJs focus more on Ni than Te which gives them a pseudo perceiver vibe. Also... do try to ignore the stereotypes. They will...|||Definitely INTP.|||Subjective. I would not know.|||Was it in English? I don't think I have seen anything quite like that.|||I'm for legalization for recreational and medical use and penalization if you smoke and drive. Let employers self regulate if an employee comes in stoned. Hilariously, I don't smoke or drink. I...|||Not yet. I'll have to do something about those teeth though.|||I attract the NFPs like crazy... they seem to have some way of reading the INTJ wavelength. But, at this point in my life, I'm looking for someone more grounded. I'm not sure if that means an SP......|||I'd like to see an INTP have theirs tattooed on their skin. Come on... we need some intersectional analysis here. Also, sexier guys.|||Particularly if you can't accurately type yourself or others in that system as you haven't really studied it. You can't simply port over your MBTI type into socionics. It takes more self study than...|||And why couldn't his mark come after Voldemort fails to kill him that way, apparates onto the lawn, and then tries to Avada Kedavra him? Harry wouldn't be in mortal danger from a fall, as long as...|||Could have survived not could have died.|||Hello 23 year old INTJ from Texas. This is your slightly older INTJ sister from Texas. (26)|||Motor function. It allows one to stand and sit at leisure, as well as climb things. It's also the strongest muscle group in the whole body. Pretty essential stuff if you want to live on land and not...|||Not particularly. You also need to think about the past for a myriad of reasons. Even ENxPs think about the past quite a bit... (never in any kind of concentrated way) and they have Si inferior....|||So you say. But you can't actually back up that snape thinks statement as his perspective is never outlined in canon. You can only assume how he thinks based on how Harry thinks Snape thinks. Ever...|||Based on the two that I know, that have typed themselves let's be fair, it's hit and miss. I enjoy the ease of understanding, but often times it gets taken for granted. Suddenly they assume things...|||I don't know... Maybe when I get back to my dom phase. I'll call you when I'm ready. Don't ask how I have your number. My ways are secret and many.|||Shit, I didn't want to do this and be That Girl but.... He actually could have because that's one way of figuring out if your kid is magical or not, no kidding. And this right here is the...|||So... you are just bored with the life together portion or with... other things? I don't know... rob a bank together.|||I have a fairly high libido, but no interest in people outside of those I form an emotional bond with. So, demisexual? I just think I wouldn't have casual sex, but that doesn't mean I can't tell if...|||I've seen a mixed bag with religion as far as the internet INTJs... The one I knew irl was formerly quite into religion due to family influence and is now closer to an agnostic. I have devoted...|||I'll be the Master and steal the TARDIS. Maybe let him be my companion.|||My style is either like the ESFP or not at all. No weak movements 'cuz that shit is just embarrassing.|||I cry when I realize what I've lost... what is no longer possible in the future. Mostly, this has to do with the death of a loved one... Or, more accurately, my inability to be with them due to that...|||What's this? ENTJ with INTJ? That'd be... strange. Can you imagine the snark? https://31.media.tumblr.com/90ee0e2591d4450635b56ab10dd2d695/tumblr_mw6vcriCR81s3h43ko1_500.gif ...|||I'd do/date me... genderbent version or not. It'd help speed up my absorbing all the knowledge of the universe. I could set them to study one thing while I studied the other then we could meet up...|||This. So much. I want to do an INTJ/INTP one but I don't think I will do it justice. INTPs on the outside (NeFe):...|||Perks of being a female? Kind of. Guys tend to go: Ooookay... What happened to the cute shy girl? Where did all this sexual energy come from? I can't take it. *bolts*|||I will demonstrate with a series of gifs. https://31.media.tumblr.com/19ea379e5f12d0cbe781c1fbe8a725b9/tumblr_inline_mkr6zjRazv1qz4rgp.gif ...'
'Actually, yes...this does seem to happen to me a lot. I've just become so use to it that I didn't really think about it. Just last night, me and my son went to a late night movie, and we had to...|||No, but according to my son & his friends...this woman in this commercial pretty much nailed me :laughing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QRs0ejxjEc|||I'm like at 5755 words. Wow...uber sucking this year. A bunch of stuff going on at work...BUT...I'm taking the week of Thanksgiving off. I was in the same situation in 2008....and it was...|||Granted, but the only copy of the story freakishly spontaneously combusts and you are left with only a pile of ashes. I wish I could magically transport to wherever I need to go.|||Granted, but now you've lost all ability to communicate what you wish for. I wish it was always the perfect temperature outside.|||Granted, but now you've lost permanent access to any website or forum that even has the word personality in it. I wish I never needed to sleep.|||Granted, but you have no control over it and it only happens when you sneeze. I wish I was able to fly at will.|||This is a fun game, and I'm interested to see how differently your responses are from other discussion boards. Here's the premise: The poster above you makes a wish, you grant it...but with a...|||Really bizarre double post...that leaped frog other posts. :/|||QuirkyQ That made me lol I recently had a conversation with someone which led to my remark, Yeah, but then I'd be walking around all Emo-like which is really inappropriate for my age that I said...|||I love animals (and partial to cats myself), but animals in general seem to tug directly on my heart strings. I can almost literally feel the sensation in my chest and it makes me just want to...|||Aizar Thanks for your descriptions, that helped me a lot with trying to imagine or get the feel for how an INFJ might come across in RL. I don't get a lot of feedback from others in my life about...|||I'm totally agreeing with the boundaries thing, I just began enforcing some of my own for the first time earlier this year. But, I have to ask you - do you keep talking about things that others...|||Hahahahah - Yay!!! Fellow NaNoWriMo peeps! This is my 4th time. The forums help a LOT on the Nano site. Also...ESPECIALLY for me - I just keep writing things out (aka word padding) even if it...|||Hell if I know if I've ever met an INFJ in RL. When I think about how people I've talked to for years still don't really know *me* and how cleverly I hide myself from others (and even from...|||Yeah, I'm still having troubles. I'm having issues with electronics of all kinds, but at least in this instance I can verify that it's not just me. And that makes me feel less frustrated.|||Wow, sorry for falling off the map like that! I've been having every kind of inconceivable problem with electronics the last 4+ days that have been preventing me from either getting online, or...|||I really like your haircut! I recently had all my hair chopped off (was mid to lower back and cut to above shoulders) and I assure you it did not look better. But I still don't regret it...I just...|||OK - The metaphor you used with the big loom... Love. It. I was able to imagine it easily while I was reading that paragraph, and it just seemed to fit. It hit upon a resonant chord of what I've...|||I remember when I was about 3, I would sit in my room wondering what we would do if we were to run out of food. Was there something that there was a lot of, but wasn't necessarily thought of as food...|||Your post is one of the earlier ones I've been trying to get time to go back to and respond. It didn't help that they accidentally disabled my network account at work and had no access to internet,...|||Well, I've heard and even contributed to some pretty far out there stuff...you would be hard pressed to say something that I truly felt was crazy. Just like I said to Lizzard, if you're not ok...|||I like how you described, it really does seem like the life before now didn't exist. And it *is* hard to describe, lol. It seems so simple in it's being or in the experience of it, but the...|||Hahaha! Funny you should say that - he told me around the same time in his life that he had remembered picking me out at the mommy store. I said really? Out of alllll of the mommies out there, you...|||What I've always admired the most is when someone who is different than their environment, still has the balls to be themselves.|||My eyes tend to wander away from people when I'm talking if I'm trying to think of something, because I can't think if I'm looking at them. But also being aware that it drives some people crazy if...|||Well...if it matters any...I'm *really* curious to know what you're itching to say. Even if you don't want to post it on here - PM me. I've been over here thinking of how much I actually want to...|||I'm reading The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. It is a compilation of 5 of his books that are about The Hitchhiker's Guide. I finished The Restauraunt at the End of the...|||Hahahahahahahaha....oh my sides....I'm still laughing at this picture....thanks so much for sharing it!|||Hahaha - As I type I'm waiting for a Papa John Pizza delivery. (I actually came on here to take my mind off of my growling tummy)|||So many good posts here! When I get a chance (busy at work today) I have more replies - but I had something come to mind I wanted to share real quick. Something I had forgotten until recently was...|||Yes, yes, yes =) Very similar to what I've been feeling - even down to the medical emergency in Feb (but not me personally, just me with a loved one...who incidentally had to make a critical decision...|||Remembering dreams from years ago, yes! Sometimes when I'm trying to put together a puzzle (usually related to an unexplainable event I experienced) - in a flood all at once - multiple dreams &...|||You know, I think this is all a part of it too. Ever since the beginning of January, when I first started reading about the bird & fish deaths - it seems like the entire planet fell into the rabbit...|||LOL at your first line ;-) I was wondering how/if it was showing up in different ways in people's lives. Like I mentioned in another reply, the last year hasn't been without huge changes. But...|||Actually that brings up a good point for me to clarify...awesome experiences and changes abound....however, it has not been without total chaos mixed into the entire thing. I spent the early hours...|||EXCEL - I HATE YOU!!!!! Why must you keep crashing on me & making me have to keep re-doing complicated shit I just fix. I feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog's Day but in a world of only...|||I'll keep this short. (Bwahahahaha!) But seriously... Ever since around the New Year, things are really...REALLY different. I don't just mean me personally, or even just what we see in the...|||Even though I'm a cat person through and through..... No matter what kind of pissy, crappy mood I'm in - anytime I see a car go by with a dog hanging out the window with it's mouth open, I crack a...|||The only milestone that stood out enough for my mom to ever tell me about, was that I had taught myself how to read sometime before the age of 4. She doesn't know when, only that at age 4 my family...|||I have a large raven tattoo on my right shoulder blade, and an arm wrap tattoo around my upper right arm (yes...all the way around) of a snake. Both are all black. I don't wear earrings anymore...|||How did I miss this thread before? I lovvvvvvvve my kitties! Here's my boy kitty, Gir - He's really hard to get any pictures of...|||Oh great idea, baby picture! http://personalitycafe.com/members/bright-laughter-albums-um-i-don-t-know-picture25082-little-me-shhhh.jpg Me telling everyone to shhh so my mommy can get her well...|||Wow....that's going to take some serious dedication on his part for him to get past what his father did to him. I can see how a person would go to great lengths to avoid facing that healing, but it...|||wyo1234 - you may need to make your album public. If it's set to private, you'll be able to see your pic on here - but the rest of us won't be able to see it. :-D|||Nah, it's not lost.....it's just so big that you have to scootch back a little to see it.|||I would agree that he's an INFJ...but regardless of what he is I think we can all agree that he was an unhealthy whatever he was hahaha|||That is a great movie! It really made me rethink the whole idea of lies.|||I've come across 'lists of things to do when you're bored' on the internet. (Seriously...do a search...the suggestions will crack you up). Some suggestions are things like: *See how many tiny...|||1. When I have nowhere I have to be or nothing that needs to be done, and I'm just laying on my bed staring out the window at the trees and in contemplation and just *being*. 2. When I'm having...'
'290106|||i usually find that my laziness 'snowballs'. if i'm not feeling up to doing the dishes this morning, there's probably a higher chance i won't put a load of washing through later, then i'll skip the...|||A few more I like off the top of my head... Jim Jeffries, Norm Macdonald, Jimmy Carr - ENTP Robin Williams, Ricky Gervais - ENFP Jerry Seinfeld - ISTP|||i read a study somewhere recently that attractiveness and intelligence are correlated. and i fully agree with this. smart people are generally more attractive than the less intelligent. call it...|||i call bullshit on this one. more like an inverse relationship between being unattractive and success in dating|||likes- attractive. really really thin. a little bit crazy dislikes- boring. fat. poor style|||I like to look at lingerie catalogues. That usually gets the ol Pness nice and tempered|||the thing is, a sociopath would never ask themself that question|||that feeling when you click on a thread and it makes you question what the h you're doing with your life|||just avoid every man you meet. no eye contact. not even the guy at the starbucks counter pro tip: if a guy tries to talk to you in class just run away|||I don't know what 'grieving a sitch' is... but I had my uncle, grandad, grandma and father all passing away within a year back 2013/4. I was more upset at how well I was coping than the loss of...|||He seemed to have a genuine disdain for things. Carlin (a definite ENTP) was similar but far less dark as Hicks was. I would personally pencil him down as an INTJ, in that Christopher Hitchens...|||He spews out a lot of shit from his mouth that is hypocritical of his own philosophical leanings at times. He also maintains frame very well, doesn't get easily overwhelmed in argument etc. I've...|||The opposite is true. We as a society are so consumed in the details of completely banal shit that most people are afraid to ask big questions, find out more about themselves etc|||Sex against someone's will = rape. There is no discussion. What the h is 'consent' when it comes to sex by the way? Do people really ask if they can 'x their x'?|||The answer? Just do it dude. Think less and do more. Stop spending so much time inside your own head. If you can't bring yourself to do that, assuming you haven't already seen a doctor about...|||Love to talk about: - Social constructs - Comedy - Psychedelics - Sport - Progression of mankind - Philosophy - Applied psychology - Beer - The future of music|||I'm aware that I do this too. Example - a friend helped me move houses the other day and I was about to skip out on a house party he was having for his birthday (he hangs out with a rough crowd). Had...|||Yes I do this all the time. I think we have the tendency to be more self-reflective than other extroverted types. In a mentally healthy ENTP, these should just be viewed as reality checks though,...|||Manic pixie girl? I don't know what that is ... but it sure sounds like a fun girl to be around|||Us young'ns don't date anymore guys. Relationships in 2015 are just one night stands where you don't wanna leave their place.|||I find ENFP females to be rather airy-fairy. Head up in the clouds. They are fun to be around and know how to make people happy. They are the life of the party. I find ENTP females to be quite...|||Norm Macdonald makes me laugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl6R5ROEaDY|||care less, do more|||What need is there to weep over parts of life? All of it calls for tears. -Seneca|||left-leaning libertarian, but my opinion on social security swings selfishly depending on personal circumstances...|||Life goals or career goals? Make sure you know the distinction between the two. The former I have, the latter doesn't mean much unless it's impeding the former. Life is meant to be lived.|||enfp's are fun people to be around. i think sometimes they can just come off as silly (off the few enfp females i've met in my life) - but always seem to liven up the party, for sure|||^ Here here. Lo and behold an ENTP when they're at their finest though.|||very little offends me. and there's a good reason for this. i like my women how i like my scotch: twelve years old and mixed with coke|||people have called me out on this before. my 'verbal sparring' or 'goofing around' - some people write off as hurtful or trying to pick a fight as you said the thing is, when i try to reel this...|||No thanks, I'm too busy.|||1) Do you ever make plans about your future? Yes, but they're changing constantly. I guess I'm always planning. 2) How do you perceive other people? I think I have a keen eye for character....|||I'm 22. I don't think I've had a conventional boyfriend-girlfriend relationship yet. A lot of fooling around though. An outlandish amount of fooling around actually. Call it what you will. I think...|||have to agree with everyone on miss pretentious isfp... such a pain to be around. isfp females are usually those ice queens that never give you the time of day. stuck up. pretentious. look like...|||i just asked nastya and ania what their thoughts were. seems like the four of us are in agreeance|||i just came back from about 8 months world travel. i can honestly say i researched the shit out of so many cool places that i wanted to go ended up completely winging it and working for three...|||i used to hate facebook, now i just use it to put weird 'jokes' of mine on there last one. two. fuck it heres my last five: remember the last time you saw a real celebrity? more than likely...|||i usually swing back round to this part of the net when i'm looking to get back to basics and wanting relearn things about myself that i try to ignore anyway, welcome|||feelings i know all too well. i've found over time that when people think i'm being confrontational i'll just let them know that it's all in good fun (if they still ain't liking it they aren't worth...|||254906|||'Science' is a really broad term. I don't enjoy scientific method. I also don't really care for the mathematics and rules behind the differing sciences themselves. I do find the universe...|||I would oppose that he is a Sensing type rather than iNtuitive. Notice when he talks that he deals in mostly facts - rather than off-the-cuff intuition. He also very much embodies the Doer mantra...|||I was looking for interviews with one of my favourite comedians in Jim Jefferies. What I stumbled upon was an interview between Jim (ENTP) and stand-up comedian/ podcaster Joe Rogan (ESTP). I...|||I'm almost done with this book, 'The Power of Habit' by Charles Duhigg. Fantastic read. Goes into detail of the reason why we do things and how we can change bad life habits that we get into. FYI,...|||I'm currently working towards my degree in Economics. I plan to go to law school after that. For a job, I work in a sheet metal fabrication plant in the sales department.|||Now my career direction has been up in the air for the last 6 months or so, but today I stumbled upon the perfect resolution for all my job woes. Just the thought of the solution that I've figured...|||I'm actually inclined to think so. Not sure if it's already been brought up in the thread, but it's widely known that ENTPs are strongly linked to Antisocial personality disorder. So yeah, I'd...|||You can learn most things at university on your own. So it's a waste of time if you have no intention of getting a job, sure.|||It comes down to a point in your life where you just sit back and think What do I want?. Self-discipline is something that by no means comes naturally to me - and I would imagine, the majority...'
'I'm apparently a seeker Personality Quiz - Feedback|||considering the very difficult nature of this task I think you should go first Raain to act as a trailblazer :tongue:|||Could there be a better philosophy than the one encapsulated within the simple phrase fuck it! (well in the right context obviously :P). I rather enjoyed your rant and felt strangely empowered...|||I'm exactly the same. It seems very odd but I sometimes indulge in my melancholy. I also love any book, film or piece of music that can make me cry and will sometimes seek that experience out. Maybe...|||I would suggest that you stop texting him and wait for a reply, hes either like me in the way I'm sporadic with messages- especially since i leave my phone off for long periods of time :P, or hes...|||@kyliecarefree- I'm up for this, if I'm not too late (story of my life) Gender: Male Age: 17 Country: UK No preferences some extra stuff: Hobbies: writing (poetry, songs, journaling,...|||A vegetarian is a person that doesn't eat other animals, an egg that isn't fertilised is not an animal. The most common reasons for vegetarianism are ethical- an unfertilised egg is incapable of...|||I agree with you, and this is coming from a young person who uses the site. Some of the conversations I hear on the bus home from college make me question my faith in humanity...|||Liberalist, environmentalist and academist|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejg2zFpvTzI She has lots of dark humour in her lyrics and uses a ton of symbolism, my vote is for INFP, just watch how she handles the crowd at the end. If anything...|||some others on here have used the term selfish, I prefer to say self indulgent as I'm not arrogantly in love with myself, but I do focus my thoughts on to myself a lot.|||my problem is that proclaiming myself as mature seems like quite an immature thing to do :P|||Have you considered that you might just be sexual- drop all prefixes and don't think about being attracted to a gender, think about being attracted to a person. Maybe your over thinking this and...|||I often go through phases of deep fascination for the subject, but I think Ive only ever had lucid dreams when I was a child- I used to have this re-occurring nightmare that I was stood in this field...|||England|||are we the same person?|||1.) Cry babies- not at all 2.) Emos- definitely not, though I am naturally melancholy 3.) Suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome- don't think so 4.) Non logical- quite the opposite 5.)...|||could I possibly have some black-hole pudding served with planetary potatoes and gravity gravy, please :P|||sorry for being immature but I expected the first reply to be anal :P|||I'm very open when I do talk about sex but I rarely do, simply because there are more important things to talk about most of the time, I don't think I have a particularly high sex drive either.|||or the most insecure and fucked up, leading to a façade of shallowness :P I've come to realise that I'm attracted to style,expression, body language, mannerisms, the way she presents herself...|||in a word, no.|||This is me exactly|||anyone else find it slightly unusual that op generally sees his friend every weekend for most of the weekend? I'm much more sporadic with mine, as long as you can text it shouldn't be a big deal :P...|||you mean popular/chart music, there are many brilliant, modern musicians making revolutionary music out there, you just have to look for them.|||where's the I actually quite like my life category?|||Im not keen on them either for the exact same reason, just marks another year of maybe unfulfilled time passing by, and mines tomorrow :P|||I especially found choosing a personality type on here difficult as I felt like all of them in one :P so yes I am definitely a chameleon. I feel like a walking oxymoron half the time- I am (and...|||I voted for just about everything except stupid, innocent, hateful and annoying, they are definitely complex creatures :P|||we are like spider's silk, we glisten in the rain and can be taken by the breeze but we offer the strongest support relative to mass in the natural world- we hold great strength, though our...|||OP seems to care way too much about social sterotypes and financial success, and the part about Shakespeare! ha, the post in general was pretty ridiculous to be frank.|||here, here|||This is a subject that seems to be perpetually floating on my stream of consciousness and has been intensified ever since my father passed away a couple of years ago. I think a lot about...|||Well in England we finish school at 16 and move on to college (where I am now)- have no idea what age range high school is so I'll comment on the last years of school. I was pretty much...|||you read my mind :wink:|||I seem to have these and I'm a man :dry:|||I seem to develop a new, fleeting insecurity every month or so but it really all boils down to how others perceive me-which I realise is ridiculous as people aren't actively seeking out flaws when...|||I've never been drawn to metal, I'm more of a bluesy/indie rock kinda guy|||-I hold a pen in a particularly strange manner, I often get told that I hold a pen like a left handed person would with their right hand :P, once my History teacher walked up to me during a test and...|||The significance of the job and how passionate I am about it.|||You do realise that having a regular friend that's female isn't actually that unusual :P I fail to understand why you think she wouldn't be content staying friends with you if she started dating...|||I honestly can't think of a better way to spend the evening. And you should feel lucky that your an introvert, we don't need drugs to get these emotional highs :P concerning everything else...|||I've always dreamed of travelling the world in hope I'll find myself or purpose, yet I've always known that to feel truly content or fulfilled I would have to look within myself as that is where the...|||my goal in life? World domination bitchez! Mwahahahaha.... *I just used a Z instead of an S like some kind of inferior human being :dry: I shall now contemplate suicide.|||I,ve never taken it and refused it many a time but I can't deny that I'm curious for the experience.|||Neutral good 50% good 12.8% chaotic|||I gradually talk to them less and less until we've drifted apart|||:shocked:|||David Morrissey?|||some that resonated with me If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend? When did you not...'
'She strikes me as having a lot of Ne and Fe, but I'm not sure of her type. Why do you type her as INFJ? That's an interesting idea.|||This really resonates, and I think there are a lot of dichotomies inherent in the INFJ personality that result from a Ni-Ti inner world which is possibly the most abstract, detached combination, and...|||I relate to all of this, and it is a curiosity to me because I could write a set of encyclopedias on all the reasons I should be sexually suppressed, and I guess I am except in a trusted...|||I would suggest finding a time when she is not stressed, but calm and clear, and ask her directly about it. Ask what you've done to cause the problem, and what both of you can do to solve it. You...|||:( Is there a way you can travel or take some time apart? Some people do things like teach english overseas for six weeks in the summer. That is just a random example of the type of thing that could...|||Wow, this is really surreal to read because I definitely relate to all of it. I've ended up with a lot of chronic fatigue too, and I think it is because there is so much pain and problem solving that...|||Both times I ended long term relationships, i took about a year getting the person set us as perfectly as possible, so it would be easy for them. This last time was the hardest, but I made sure he...|||[/I][/COLOR]I have these contrasts, although I mostly feel a lot of inner dichotomies between the Ni-Ti loop and the Fe-Se loop. I can get very lost in the abstract in a lot of unresolved thinking...|||Blue Heron|||Olivia Dunham from Fringe Also Jane Eyre|||I have known and loved many different NF artists and have recently been reflecting on how different various types of imagination can be. I recently went to visit my sister (INFP) and she told me...|||Since I don't know about your profession, his profession, and/or any hobbies involved, I have no idea how you would apply this advice. I can relate to being attracted to shy, distant guys and am...|||Do you have a place in your house where spiders go to die?|||I now officially hate most of humanity and distrust virtually the whole lot of them. My feelings are especially directed at socially competitive women who bully each other by innocently flirting...|||I'm trying to overcome insecure jealousy now, and am wondering if i'm even ready for a relationship anymore. My first serious relationship I was the jealous type with an INTP guy who felt zero...|||I'm back to thinking he's INFJ. He has way too much Ni and Fe when you talk to him. I think he is just Enneagram 9 like I probably am. I'm also extremely laid back and drawn towards music and dance...|||Are you an INTP? I'm an INFJ stuck in a Ni-Ti loop :oP|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCUCBCL8KKQ rather INFPish, but I'm enough of an NF to be lurvin this one...|||It seems like a reasonable enough question and yet there are those inclined to ingest anything with colorful enough sparkles.|||I'm a little confused, but my main advice to everyone is Don't step in or eat the poop, even if it is rainbow colored - *especially* if it is rainbow colored.|||One thing that surprises me about myself is that I could write an entire encyclopedia set of books to list all the reasons I should be sexually inhibited, but I'm not. I had sexual abuse, a mother...|||I find it helpful to re-contextualize the question into something that can be thought about from a distance. In life, would it be better to experience physical sensation or feel nothing at all? ...|||I felt terribly isolated in high school and as life progressed it has gradually gotten better. One thing I would tell any young INFJ, especially if lonely and depressed, is that the only certainty is...|||Do you find this true of INFJs, or do you assume people who converse with you in this manner are INFJs? Coherency is important to me, but having a dominant Perceiving function it is an impossible...|||Human attraction is rather instinctual and random. I've read that by the age of five our impressions of what kinds of people make us feel safe and appeal to us are set. I've noticed in myself that I...|||An abstraction of the abstract. I'll try to be more specific later, but I find systems of symbols and ideas to be too concrete. Concepts can exist without linguistic definition, so it's like fluid...|||Empathy|||I also agree with those who posted: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Amelie As much as I enjoyed the Matrix, I would classify it more as an INTJ head-trip, but still a Ni based...|||May Carrie Donnie Darko Jane Eyre (even a little telepathy going on here) Nell (although not necessarily because she is an INFJ because she might not be.)|||When reading over lists of ENFP musicians, I have to say I think most of the ones I've seen listed are ESFPs. I have known and worked with several hard-core ENFP musicians and they have no filter...|||This is some of what Jung says about inferior Se in the INFJ, and I find I relate to quite a bit of it. We spend so much time thinking about Ni, that it's easy to forget to think about how we relate...|||Wow, Daniel Day Lewis is a hard-core INFJ. It's great to see such a clear example of a male INFJ. He has the distant objectivity/empathy dichotomy nailed. Thanks for sharing that, @BlackFandango.|||I was a bit more of the initiator, which is also a shock because I'm horrible at flirting and dating. I just take risks when it's important to me. He is much more of a responder than initiator. I...|||I don't think he is an extrovert because his presence is very quiet. One of the first times I met him was after we had all performed on a concert and he just quietly came up and stood next to me and...|||Thanks, chimeric. That is helpful. Like me his main passion is music, but a completely broad range of music, and also astronomy and a sense of meaning and understanding the nature of the universe....|||Based on this he definitely isn't ENFP. He is an unusually good listener and he doesn't talk and move that fast. He will go way out of his way to accommodate people and will stay in a relationship if...|||Thanks, Miya, that is an interesting and helpful approach. I'll have to think about it quite a bit though. I have links to videos of him performing, but since they aren't anonymous, I hesitate to...|||Perhaps I should mention that the bands he likes to see are often Black Metal or Death Metal, and some have the most intensely dark emotional expression known to mankind, but some of them are about...|||The funny thing is that the guy I'm involved with feels like he falls exactly between the two types. I also have a laid-back, silly streak. There is a confusing way that people whose dominant...|||Trent Reznor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JXFCq5QaE0|||I agree with the first part. Is it horrible to say that I don't trust anyone, including myself, implicitly in all things?|||I want to draw charcoal images of a particular person and he agreed to it, but the impulse in me to do it is much stronger than what would be normal. I think about it a lot. I think it's that whole...|||In some ways the differences might seem obvious, but sometimes I'll meet someone who is clearly an NF and clearly an N-dom, but a case could be made for either type. What are some of the differences...|||In some ways the differences might seem obvious, but sometimes I'll meet someone who is clearly an NF and clearly an N-dom, but a case could be made for either type. What are some of the differences...|||The character Donny Darko|||Like with most things, I have an inner dichotomy of clinginess and independence. I'm mostly independent, but when I have no one in an environment I can count on, I feel a great deal of pain. I don't...|||NTPs are evil demons who roam the earth to feed on our souls.|||Dear Bratty, Selfish, Manipulative Girl, If we lived in caveman days, I would have knocked you out with a club and dragged you to the nearest village of idiots a year ago, but alas we don't....|||I only take a lead role if I'm working on a people oriented system professionally, like planning a musical or a recital. In that way I'm organized and can plan out rehearsals and cast people well,...|||Clearly, but also nuanced. Metaphor and symbol are an important part of that. Let me give an example of one type of direct communication I have found ideal. If I'm interacting with a person and...'
'Einstein is an Alpha NT all the way. Most likely LII-Ne subtype since Ni is 4D and strenghtened. Gamma is so off|||ESFJs are one of the best people and I love them :))) Intuitives like to rant about how annoying sensors (esp SJs) are and how judgemental and narrow-minded they can be. I have an ESFJ mother and...|||Your teacher is great!:proud: When I was little I hated math with passion but now it's one of my favourite subjects despite the fact that I have zero natural talent in the field. I do believe that...|||I think my friend is mad at me and it's a terrible feeling:crying:. It's like I am back in middle school and the other girls are ignoring my efforts to be their friend and are making fun of me behind...|||Welcome to the forum:)) Hope you like it here:kitteh: I just wanted to ask you why does INFJ makes more sense to you than INFP? Perhaps you could be an ENFJ?|||I don't even have a drawer near my bed (if I had one it would be filled with useless items for which I can't find a better place) I can't go to bed without doing my complete skin care routine which...|||My sister is an ENTP who loves makeup and fashion but she also has a really strong personallity and isn't one of those annoying girls who only talk about hairstyles and romantic comedies. I as a...|||Great poetry, I like the perfect choice of the night as a symbol not only because of its mystical allure but also because it's the only time when the beloved ENTJ isn't busy with work activities and...|||I idealize people to the extent where I don't want to get close to them just because the perfet imagery in my head will be ruined by the viciousness of human nature. It's a very unhealthy outlook on...|||For me kindness isn't all about helping the poor or engaiging in charities. It's about the daily interactions with those around you. A person deserves to be treated with kindness and fairness so if I...|||Interesting to see that there are many INFPs drawn to NT types. Whenever I meet one I can tell because the conversation flows easily and their witty sense of humour shines through. Some of the INTPs...|||My reaction to this thread: https://68.media.tumblr.com/84efc45fb6ab78810033ea122e95a1ac/tumblr_inline_oo8shmPhsC1tmokms_1280.jpg But it's fine if you find the topic relevant I'm not judging you.|||Its hard to choose just one I want to be the human equivalent of this colour: http://www.wonderlicht.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/pt6.jpg On good days I am:...|||I don't get into physical fights. I passively aggresively attack my enemies when they last expect it.|||Bullied and been a bully. Bullying has a lot to do with certain group behaviours where each member has it's own status which could be a source of pride and respect from other group members. It is a...|||That's why it is so disturbing.|||https://68.media.tumblr.com/f23e9e24a5ef1a3ba31d5facce9a290c/tumblr_opa9xjpkXG1qfanm5o1_540.jpg|||Both are high fliers in my opinion. They just seem to head in different directions. Based on type prejudices, the ENTP is more likely to end up working in a prestigious field.|||Nevermind, I had funnnnnn:)) Everyone was dancing except for me until the whole group dared me to try this crazy alcohol on fire thing. Two sips later I was having my star moment dancing on the table...|||I have to go to my bestfriend's birthday party and I don't want to do it but I can't say no :(((( also I don't want to disappoint her but I am pretty sure that she'll be fine without me...it's going...|||I love the idea that your name could refer to your character and it is a very important part of your identity :) When I had to get a passport they had to write my name in latin letters and my name is...|||I can't stand being near people who tell me that true love doesn't exist! I'd much rather live in my own reality where humans are pure and their feelings are genuine.|||What would make you approach someone for a friendship/relationship? How do you consider someone interesting?|||You need to undestand that suffering in silence isn't the answer to your problems. Dare to speak up and seek help. Two years from now you may find yourself in a better place, thankful for showing...|||I am not an ENTP but I happen to have an ENTP brother and we are pretty close :) He is usually very lively and energetic and his sense of humour is amazing. My sister is also an ENTP (both have taken...|||Yes I have and it is my best friend actually. Treating all humans equally despite any bias is very dear to me so this makes social issues such as racism very important to me while my friend has those...|||Lol at this thread but I just had to. As many have already pointed out physical attractivness has nothing to do with the MBTI. However, I notice that NT types are compared to xSxP types which are...|||Not surprised at all :/ I don't know why but even as an INFP who is interested in biology and chemistry I wouldn't pursue a career in medicine or pharmacology. I hate the health system where the...|||No but I am pretty sure my brain is reallllyyyyyyy fcked up|||This cute chubby seal is far better spreading loveee than sending question marks:((((((|||Please end already...|||Slightly disappointed that it wasn't something gross/offensive|||I consider this sexy lol Anyways, thanks ISTJs for being there to do all the uncool stuff which has to be done. You still seem to score pretty high on the income charts compared to other types so...|||I love abandoned places. Pyramiden in Svalbard, Norway https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d9/Pyramiden_july2011_9.jpg/1024px-Pyramiden_july2011_9.jpg ...|||Whenever I was at the toy store and had to pick only one toy instead of being happy with my new toy I just felt bad for the other toys alone in the cold toy store at night with nobody to love them...|||Family members take advantage of me because I can't say no|||Poor lost souls who come to INTPs in search of support. this is a serious thread, no mocking of people and their problems this should have been written in big red letters :rolling: jk INTPs...|||Persephone|||Guys I am facing a dilemma (in fact I don't know what to call it). I have to write this essay for a contest and I am a terrible writer but somehow last year my essay was awarded. The thing is that...|||I love INTJs because if you admit that you like them they just don't seem to give a fuck at first but after some time they get really confused and awkward which is cute. I always end up crushing on...|||More like if you don't pick your passion as your job, you'll end up hating your job Just give it a try! If it doesn't work out then you could always study something different. A friend of mine is...|||I associate different songs with colours as well as seasons but I think that most people are like that. On the topic of music when I studied in music school we were taught to associate major and...|||You got me confused and I had to reread Fe/Fi differences and redo the cognitive functions test online (not that it is the most accurate). I score the highest on Fi and Fe is my third highest one so...|||WintersFlame thanks for putting your time into analysing my long post as well as those of others. You almost guessed me :) I am an INFP but I have scored as an INFJ before. Your understanding of the...|||Im not an INTP but I live with two of you guys and one lies to me in the face every single day. The male one|||This seems cool to try 1. Something you hate hatred/discrmination for a specific ethnic group, xenophobia, sexism, addictions, rape culture, religious discrimination , rapists pedophiles...|||These are so cute ^^ Did you also draw your avatar? The styles are pretty really similar The guy seems like a modern version of the little prince:) Is he from Africa bc it is coloured in yellow?...|||I was also wondring about the true meaning behind some questions but it could be because I am not familiar enough with all the functions. Anyways, the test was quite accurate since while I was...|||I just wish I won't feel any pain and that I continue to exist as a ghost :ghost:|||INFP Do you write them in order? Thats what we are advised to do at school but I recently noticed that if I start from the justification for example and then I just kind of put them in the...'
'I don't think you'll ever find an ENTP that gets irritated talking about themselves.|||I'm going to recommend something which seems to be really lacking in everyone's suggestions. Get out of the house and go somewhere random. Make a left turn instead of a right. Take a random exit off...|||Yeah, that's a pretty far out theory. Everyone knows the draconians are going to gas all the philatelists, not the christians.|||It doesn't really bother me. my girlfriend texted constantly about nothing in particular. It was her thing. My wife is much more concise and we mostly use texting to coordinate. I don't really...|||Whoa whoa whoa! Take it easy. We don't want to overwhelm him so soon. He'll probably need to eat some food and sleep for a few days straight after this. I recommend a light lunch of rosemary kitten...|||I'm a level 5 river troll. I don't really have any power as I spend most of my day under a bridge waiting for three rather gruff billy goats to go by. I'm going to climb up there and eat them one...|||ENTP - Ravenclaw. While the house sorting was interesting, I have to admit that I was more intrigued by the wand selection. There were far more options and descriptions.|||Some obscure ones: Ben Rumson from Paint your wagon Dean Proffitt from Overboard And maybe a stretch, but Jack Burton from Big Trouble, Little China|||Build a utopian society perfect in every way. With jet packs, lasers, hamster powered toothbrushes! And then wander off into the woods after we get bored.|||Wait a second. You've found a woman that prefers to give short concise answers to your questions and you're finding something wrong with that? How was your day? Fine. Anything exciting happen?...|||I dream frequently, or at least it seems frequently. I never have nightmares, I have what some people would describe as a really scary scenes, but they don't really phase me like some people who have...|||I agree, but I guess they elected to go with the old tried and true method. Made me chuckle though.|||I started with the flute and rotated through trumpet and baritone. In 7th grade I showed an interest in the Bassoon and my insturctor never let me switch after that. Bassoon was weird enough to...|||My aunt tells a few stories about me. My favorite is the one from when I was three and involves kiss cookies. 33189 We always had these cookies at family functions. My aunt had gotten one...|||ENTP, ENTP, ENTP. Hrm... I think it's saying that I want to date myself. AWESOME!|||Not until the next edition.|||Depending on the test I take, Se is the third most used function I have and Ni is the fourth. I frequently use all of my senses in various manufacturing processes to either diagnose or prevent...|||I didn't go back that far. I just responded to the post I quoted which made no mention of distinction between real life and fictional.|||Erin Brockovich is a real person.|||My favorite book is probably Hyperion by Dan Simmons. It's been described as a Sci Fi version of Canterbury Tales, and I think that's a good description. In fact, the four books in the Hyperion...|||Mental: Arguing. Or debating as I have to refer to it frequently so people don't think I'm just being difficult Physical: I've always loved swimming. Just lap after lap of full body low impact...|||Who? 10 characters.|||I never really thought about, but I do typically set my alarms for non conformist times, unless I'm using the instant minute on the microwave. However, I also don't conform to set schedules anyway....|||Good one. Writing essays isn't too hard. Picking up a few key words and phrases that you know the reader wants to hear and then putting in the usual fluff around it. No need to really hire...|||Drats! I thought this thread was going to be about some really interesting new gambling fad. Curse you now obviously obvious thread! And the paragraph relates to me pretty well too.|||I majored in Chemical Engineering. I knew I was destined for some type of engineering degree when I was in high school. I liked chemistry, so it just kind of all fell in place. I actually had a...|||From what I've been reading about ENTPs, it's unusual for them to be in a long term relationship. From what I've learned from society, it's rare for anyone to be in a long term relationship. :dry:|||Perhaps if we dig deeper, we can find the core of this.|||I've been married to the same woman for 11 years and we've been together for 17 years. Over half my life in one relationship.|||The Strongbad email about techno is my favorite. Everytime someone says something about techno, I start singing that song. Usually in my head, but not always.|||I haven't read this particular book, but I had to read a book called something like Now focus on your strengths or something like that. It also had an online test you could take to type you into...|||Hrmm... I agree that it's an Ne thing. Seeing a possibility like that cries out Ne. But to me it sounds like your Ti kicked in and found a flaw in the logic. I don't think that Ne cares what works...|||I love their concept. Guitar heavy and they use a choir for vocals instead of one lead singer. They also include local fans in their choir as they travel. ...|||I love munchkins. It's so flexible that it never really gets boring like some games. If you like munchkins, look for a game called Killer Bunnies. It's more complex, but it's a fun game for...|||I don't think we should just sticky it... I think we should freeze it in carbonite!!!|||Rock puns do seem to bring people out of their shale. I only tend to outwardly laugh at the more igneous ones though. One friend told a rock pun and a few quartz of milk shot out of my nose. I do...|||And they all lived happily ever after. The End.|||Sometimes you have to let a hot thread like this cool down before you bring it back. At least that's what I think the resurrecter was thinking. Hot Dog.|||Is it trolololololololling if it's true?|||After reading this far I glanced ahead and realized that I wouldn't make it through reading all of the questions, let alone answering them. So I summed up your questionaire with this: Q: Do...|||I thought about joining a fraternity during college because they all had mandatory studying times which I really needed so I wouldn't get distracted by everything else. But the more I thought about...|||Your comments hurt my feelings.|||I think this is the perfect example of my vision of an ENTP. The only difference would be a sentence more along the lines of I'm with the tour group. But eight years ago I did read a Popular...|||The advice on surviving being buried alive in a coffin is now a permanent part of my mental survival knowledge.|||I think it's perhaps an instinctual habit to tone down or throttle Ne in certain situations. If I'm out with a group of friends, and they don't seem too receptive to fast paced conversations, I will...|||Sadly, I've never met anyone who could keep up with me when I'm in a raging Ne mode. People tend to assume that I'm trying to instigate an argument or telling them that their idea/belief is not only...|||Breaking Bad has been one of my favorite series of all time. That and Adventure Time. It's not really a series, but I can't stop watching it! Bender as a shape changing dog gets me every time.|||Yep, I made up numbers everywhere for my business plan. All of them were wrong. Some were high, some where low. Unfortunately, more were low than high and I had to scramble to make changes to my...|||When you're looking for investors, you have to take your vision and make others see a glimmer of how you see it. As an ENTP, you have to use the supposed ENTP charm to convince them that you have...|||I took the thread title a different way I think. I immedietely thought of my friend saying ignorant christians because they didn't think the same way he did and they didn't see the world the way...'
'I think the real question is whether INFJs can be NEAT. Dominant function Ni, focused on the internal world. Main function to do with organization = Si = most far removed function of INFJ....|||I don't know if it's an INFJ thing but I'm always pretty calm in an emergency. If i know how to solve it then i'll 'save the day' If not then i'll find the person who can and 'be the perfect...|||helllloooo. I know the feel of being an extraverted introvert so don't worry, you are not alone. Welcome to the forums :)|||Living life to the fullest would naturally mean different things to different people. If it means chilling listening to music and reading then hell yeah go do it. I, however, am an INFJ who loves...|||Lies ! ESTPs can't exist on the internet ! Internet is for Introverts! :tongue: Welcome though, always a pleasure to have another crazy ESTP with us.|||Welcome to our crazy land :) The more INTJs the merrier.|||Guilty as charged haha. I'll type out the entire thing then I'll be like ...wait...why am I even saying all this? DELETE. Hell, I was half tempted to delete this xD|||Hey that's kinda like me! Except I'm an INFJ but type like Ni Se/Fe Fe/Se Ti , Instead of Ti auxiliary and Se inferior. Hybrids ftw lol.|||Story of my life|||Welcome welcome :), my best friend is an INFP. you guys are crazy but I love you :happy:|||You are aware that Si is the very last function in the INFJ stack right? Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si i.e it is your most unconscious function, which would mean that you are never aware when you use it...|||I don't understand their perspective so I can't love it or hate it.|||Long story short, Can't go from J to P because that would mean all your functions magically changed (Congrats on your psychosis btw). Also INTJ = Perceiving Dom while INFP = Judging Dom. etc etc.|||Happy birthday man, hope it's going well. If you somehow get on here before the day is over, just remember to take everything as it comes. Do the best you can with the opportunities you get. Have fun!|||Sounds like the story of how I got on here lol, welcome my friend. I know how you feel, wish I could just find one other INFJ in real life. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for being an INFJ in the...|||Protector of those who cannot protect themselves. Or maybe I just have too much Fe for an INFJ.|||Another INFJ with an ISFJ mom here. Yeah they don't get Ni and Si probably annoys the living daylights out of you, but it's all about just being a bit above functions and what not. Just understand...|||I recommend Vivaldi be removed from the INFJ list since there is 0 evidence. Still want to know who made that conclusion to begin with.|||Hai newbie :D . Have a nice stay here in our asylum...I mean forums.|||http://data.whicdn.com/images/13196320/tumblr_lpd3sfXpDV1qe31xzo1_500_large.jpg|||Lol at your next party just jump up on stage and wiggle it. They'll invite you to every party then on. For me , people think I'm quiet, then when I go to parties and I'm pwning the dance floor...|||Life without pepsi...must be tough.|||Time to end the great debate once and for all. Pepsi or Coke?|||Lol'd , *Adds this to the to-do list for April 1st 2014*|||Only have one confirmed ENFJ that I actually hang with, and it's usually pretty fun. Get along easily. Probably because I'm more in touch with Se than an INFJ is supposed to be :P|||I'd slap you. :happy:|||You should type by cognitive functions instead of letters 'cause introverted sensing and extraverted sensing definitely aren't the same 'S'. But that's not why I came to this thread. Just came to...|||Can someone explain to me how a Baroque composer (Vivaldi) was even typed to begin with?|||My sentiments exactly. the opinion has gotten about that my method…consists in fitting [people] into this system and giving them corresponding ‘advice.’ This regrettable misunderstanding...|||http://www.jestferfun.com/image7/awwww/hugz.jpg|||Your introverted counterpart welcomes you :happy: I like to talk too , we have so much in common :P|||Been through nihilism then I just decided to create my own meaning and haven't had any depression/despair since. I still have hope in humanity and believe in the cause. Just take everything as it...|||You succeed my friend. Welcome :happy:|||Well anyone who wants to lie to themselves can enter anything they want, although I don't see the point since all personality types are awesome. Where the 'INTJ Scientist' is concerned, that's just...|||Step 1: Get fan Step 2: Get cheese Step 3: Get something tasteless (and vegan) Step 4: Set up the apparatus so that the fan is in front of the cheese which is in front of the tasteless food Step...|||*Now that he is no longer paying attention, I quietly sneak up behind him and knock him out* You cookin' Nobleheart? Ooh an INFP, can I eat it? btw|||They don't count as 'saying yes' would require that they actually had the option to begin with.:happy:|||OOh it's an ENTP! I call dibs.|||Well I haven't found one myself so it would seem that the INFJ doesn't even know where to find an INFJ. I am at school,at some club/charity as a volunteer,hanging with friends at a mall or cinema. ...|||What kind of sick monster wouldn't say yes to cheese ? :shocked:|||http://www.nedhardy.com/wp-content/uploads/images/2012/may/humanity/faith_in_humanity_restored_8.jpg|||Once again don't know if my joke was misunderstood still (since that's the way most of you seem to be replying) but in case you didn't realize, I am very well aware that extraverts do not fall into...|||Was intended to be a bit of a joke but I was genuinely asking a serious question in a feeble Ni-Fe attempt to understand people. Let me rephrase. What is it that interests you enough in these...|||Really, what are you extraverts doing on forums instead of being out partying? I'm honestly curious.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdJ6aUB2K4g :kitteh:|||Oh yes I'm aware of the complexity of the problem. But it is of the highest priority to me because it seems to cause the most suffering. I would love to see the end of all those things as well...|||Poverty is my topic of interest. Have no idea what I'm going to do about it, but I'm going to do something. What about you?|||Is this how a world of ENFJ's would look? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU *runs back into introvert hole*|||Warm welcome to you friend. Sounds like you joined for a very good reason and I can tell you that you will most certainly find what you're looking for and more. Enjoy your stay :)|||Welcome Amber :). If I were you I'd steal one of their jets and fly it to the moon, where I would peacefully live out my remaining 5 minutes of existence. But then again, I'm just a stupid teenager....'
'Hello, welcome to PerC! :)|||Welcome to the forums!|||You have a great attitude and you are a true gentleman.|||9teeeeeeeeen|||:happy::kitteh::laughing::angry::mellow::blushed::proud::bored::sad::confused::shocked::cool::tongue::crazy::unsure::crying::wink::dry::rolleyes::frustrating::ninja: The ears connect to make a train.|||I smile and quickly exhale through my nose :)|||Welcome to PerC! :)|||Noooooo that's crazy talk... Welcome to PerC. You as well MissElyn|||*Swivels head* Oh, me? Nice to meet you too :p|||Hi! Welcome to the forums. I also have an INTP younger brother :p What part of Canada have you visited?|||Hello :D|||I suppose you have been here longer than me but welcome anyway haha. I'm curious to know where Ontariario is :p|||Haha my username. But yeah I love golf. I get to see nature around me while I play and I find that it is much more enjoyable when you walk the course rather than take a cart because you can sort of...|||Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry, Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you|||Welcome :)|||I don't want to JUST go to school, get a job, and have a family... and then what? Really, is there more to life than just that? I think that to myself everyday, it's very frustrating.|||I have Science's autograph|||5w4|||Hello, welcome to PerC!|||Haha I was about to his quote about number 1 but I thought I better make sure someone didn't already say it. Yeah I would say they would have to consider myself their best friend and vice versa. I...|||Welcome, you can be alone with us now :p|||Well I guess INFJ's could have a tendency to be single. Personally I've never been in a relationship but I don't know if that's an INFJ thing or if it's just my particular case.|||DID YOU DEFEAT THE ROBOT? *bows down* Welcome :p|||Same haha|||Google. D:|||I might have lied about that, I'm still receiving emails hahaha. The picture for the forums is called an avatar, you can edit that too by clicking Settings on the top right again then Edit Avatar...|||Click Settings on the top right of your screen next to your username. Left side of the screen under My Account it will say General Settings, click that. You can uncheck the boxes for emails there :)|||@Seranova Somekindalove If you two keep going back and forth in this thread you should reach 15 in no time haha. Welcome to the forums!|||Yeah happens to me too and I can see that a lot of the times they are uncomfortable and then that makes me feel uncomfortable :p|||Hello welcome to PerC :)|||I'd say I'm a gaming geek and I'm into a little fantasy and sci-fi. I probably speak in geeky ways at times because of some of the reactions I get but that's just the way I am I guess haha|||I just met you in the elevator 15 seconds ago, I have no idea what your name is anymore, I think it had 2 syllables *Waiting for phone call* Definitely going to ring while I'm in the washroom...|||For me personally what matters the most is having strong and loving relationships and connections with people. Other things that have high importance to me are staying fit and healthy, continue to...|||Welcome, I'm sure you'll meet some crazy people here. Just head over to the INTJ forum (:tongue:)|||I didn't realize it converted to the title for you guys, I thought I had it all figured out :p|||You replied hella fast hahaha|||I don't find it funny when people pull these pranks off. I mean most of the time you're disrupting peoples' day to day business and if you go further into the pranks it's making it hard for the...|||Mmmmmm, not very large but nice. Welcome :p|||your period.|||Haha like the title. Welcome :D|||First!|||Welcome to PerC :)|||Welcome to the forums! You'll learn a lot about MBTI if you hang around :)|||*Gives weird look* Haha Welcome :)|||Welcome to the forums eh!|||Welcome, and thanks for the nightmares tonight :)|||Welcome! What about he beautiful ducklings? :p|||It's truly terrible to see events like these occur. My Dad's friend was competing in the marathon but luckily he finished the race around 40 minutes before the explosions happened. Very sad to see...|||Welcome, glad to have ya!|||But what explains physics? Oooooooooo Welcome :p'
'Your husband is lucky to have someone so understanding by his side. Not every feeler is so forgiving and understanding, though. It is sad because most people appear to assume everyone communicates in...|||Don't you find them insensitive as well? I guess all thinkers are more or less distant, insensitive or uncaring on the surface.|||Exactly! INFJs should not expect everyone around them to be as sensitive as they are. As a thinker, I am weak at reading faces I need everything told explicitly and without ambiguity. Communication...|||Don't worry! You are not alone here!! I am an INTP and I fully understand your situation! I have my share of being door-slammed by INFJs ... I find them difficult to deal with because they never tell...|||Do you guys think it's difficult to find a lover as a gay INFJ? Have you given up hope? You know even if you are not an INFJ being gay makes things a lot more difficult because we are a minority...|||Your story sounds exactly like mine. My ex dumped me and I wrote him an email to get him back. I did improve on certain things that had annoyed him but he was an impatient perfectionist who wanted...|||I think I may never understand what a feeler wants in a relationship! My partner told me we were not on the same page. Interestingly I tend to see our difference as an opportunity to grow. I hate...|||I am a gay INTP and I had an INFJ boyfriend. He broke up with me and never allowed me to apologize to him no matter how hard I tried!! I feel we thinkers are cold and insensitive only at the surface...|||I am an INTP. I am not sure I am representative of other Ti types but I can honestly tell you I DON'T KNOW how to comfort people but I really WANT to do it. I just broke up with an INFJ who accused...|||I am a gay INTP and I had an INFJ boyfriend for over half a year. My boyfriend loved me deeply and I loved him just as much. But being a thinking type, I am not naturally in tune with my emotions or...|||I think INTPs are in general not good at telling lies because of their poor memory of details! When you tell the first lie, you are on the way to telling the second one because you need to make your...|||yes those who never had sex before are simply immature babies|||i read lots of porn ... and news and articles about the latest gadgets|||the theory may be good but with only 15 questions and lists of similar words to choose from i wonder how much science there is in this survey|||i have the same question For example to me ENTJ is more similar to ESTJ then to other NTs so it isnt at all that clear the scientific principle behind|||sex is the most important thing in my life so i will never stop looking at others sexually Y limit ourselves to a single market when we know there are hundreds of thousands out there who crave our...|||a little hair on your legs and chest turns women on But being too hairy all over your body can make you look ... primitive|||i am an ixtp but i am very strong in both Ti and Te at the same time|||I love morbid/macabre art 2 I also enjoy reading true crime stories and I have an unhealthy interest in collecting crime scene photos|||I can never concentrate on studying! Timetables are useless because I will never look at them once I have made them! That's why I always failed to complete my assignments and never did very well in...|||I have been in love with LEGO since the age of five.|||sherlock holmes the istp|||100% agree! I have this jumping experience nearly every day! So I don't think the line between INTP and ISTP is clear and necessary|||oh la laa ... thank God that I have become more and more ISTP although I am still a poor INTP at the bottom of my heart In my case: Puberty + ISTP = INTP|||the mbti is simply not scientific at all so it is not something designed for you intjs who are said to be scientists|||as an intp i also feel like being imprisoned at school But then a few years ago i discovered distance education, through which i have completed two degrees at my own pace|||fiction is good for learning a new language|||Is the future really predictable?|||ESFJs and ESTJs are natural leaders (or should I say, domineering), and that's y they are also my natural enemies|||I have two Common Musk Turtles They are easy to keep and funny to play with What's really important is that they have a very long life span so they make good companions for the rest of my life|||id want to be everywhere across the whole spacetime doing everything at the same time and same space|||to me him stands for both the male gender and our race in general without the specification of gender|||we belong to Mars thats why we are soo rare here on Earth|||like murdering someone with radioactive elements?|||PerC Mobile ... i am using it now on my Samsung Galaxy Note Frankly speaking it sux|||sherlock holmes is probably the only one fictional character that deserves my admiration I cant figure out his type though an introverted thinker for sure but whether he is an n or an s is a...|||what enlightened you?|||whats the use of working out in the gym if women are not sexually attracted to our muscles|||it depends on the sex of my opponent my ti orders me to run ... run ... run ... and run But my fe lures me to fight him ...kiss her ... and rape her|||Sadly ... I have a criminal mind and I actually broke the laws several times Thank god or satan i dont know I was always able to get away with my evil rather successfully Last year I found myself...|||Well ... I don't think chemistry fits the INTP stereotype It is a subject that calls for lots of details, mathematics, memorization ... I find organic chemistry and biochemistry especially...|||Haha ... I have no doubt one day he would wake up just to find he's done nothing at all ...|||Unlike what most INTPs would find interesting, I am very much into law enforcement It gives me a chance to look at the darker side of human nature I started as a physics major but failed to...|||the fact is the whole concept of INTP itself is a generalization ... certainly every one of us is unique but that does mean there isnt something common to us as a type|||I think I belong to one of those not-so-very-smart INTPs I suck in nearly everything because I have soooo many bad habits ... I failed to graduate from high school, and then repeated the same...|||Perhaps you are not as introverted as other ISTPs so there is probably little difference between you and the ESTPs|||Among all types in the MBTI, I identify best with ISTPs! But probably this is because my Intuition is not very strong|||One of my sisters, who is an ISTP, enjoy playing with all kinds of toys. Wow ... some of her toys like RC model helicopters or cars and smartphone-controlled robots are so well designed that I, as...|||Bruce Lee is always the first person I think of whenever I come across the letters I,S,T,P He was a WONDERFUL philosopher What a pity that he died at such an early age of 33 (Of course whether...|||Even the myth of antioxidant has not been universally accepted by the science community too much can be harmful to your brain who knows Some say coffee is bad others say it is beneficial and keep...'
'Don't know, over the edge sometimes ... it is called an adventure?|||It is total bullshit.|||Haha. Done it year years ago, the hand though took weeks to heal so a few bruises might have been less painfull route. Oh, well it is those snap moments, when someone gets me over no too much efford...|||No.. It is hilarious to read all sorts of stuff people write here like the typing of actors, celebrities, fictional boogeymans, plants, animals and each other. Plus follow when the people that are on...|||Oh, well I'm here now. I have not much to say... Just search for milkpaint if you like to go traditional. Haha I look this thread up next month or so. :th_sur: Murdock +1|||johnnyyukon why you mentioned me now I need to reply something. For capacitor discussion and that all Caps would dry is nonsense, since only electrolytic ones (iirc there might have been some oil...|||Hey I used to do it right as a kid! :P|||I rather use Ni-Mh AA battery powered headlights, Li-Ions are too pricey for the pros gained as they are still under heavy development and aren't as standardized as normal Ni-Mh AA which you can...|||You are both wrong. This is the ultimate can stove design I've seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui8t3pivqtk|||Some other apes species think also rather emotionally and deeply, iirc some of the interspecies language studies have proven that and how we do know what kind of philosophies dolphins have. Spiders...|||make a 800 miles solo canoe trip.|||450 grams of virgin veg oil makes roughly 3500 kcal. Easy. ;) Make workouts and live in freezer so you could easily pump the energy consumption to 5500++ kcal per day.|||Hell yeah, I lift while I'm not your bro or nigga I lift. ... A beer bottle to me more precise.|||I'm average by numbers IDK tho haven't put a lot work behind those. Geometry, trigonometry, vectors, some of the series theory and laplace transforms were my favourites. Else nah, boring and the...|||Both. More homebody these days as no new places to roam nearby and/or no more friends with similar interest (kids and marriage etc. makes people useless).|||You are so cute when angry - Axel Foley|||I would light up my BBQ and sharpen my knives. Free meat and free beer from local supermarket.|||Give a clear and reliable facts of the product. Give a good warranty. Give it at cost effective price. Give me time to read the papers and they should be clear language without the hairy legal we...|||So his personality is XXXX in Mayer&Briggs what then?|||Thx to this thread I just picked-up Pascal again for a first time of about 15 years. Downloaded the FreePascal (Write and compile everywhere style of thing) and testing examples from learn pascal in...|||Nah, you are doing it wrong. Just pick a type that you like and if someone says you are not that type just politely tell them that the door is at that direction. The types aren't that rigid anyway as...|||Hm.. I'm also one of those who have basic skills of many languages, but no really deep on any (ok I have rather deep in two) My programming language history goes something like this: JP Software...|||The original book of where the Jason Bourne stories are based is good. Not too deep etc. but not straight forward as one might think based on the movies. The other bourne based books are more hit...|||You realize you are still acting like a grumpy shithead which proves my point is still valid. Do you also realize that yours style of posting is annoyingly similar to the style of writing of the...|||Haha brilliant pictures. I especially liked the one with the E trying to force the dude out of his buble. Made me think of my cousin when we are drinking and I fall my thoughs. Glyphs Oh, shut...|||Weird.. No. Eccentric. More cool, but no. Have you ever looked up the normal people THEY are freakin weirdos.. not me.|||For that kind of more specific answer you need to have someone who is more familiar of the system in your part of the world. My previous post applies still in general level. There is also a huge...|||In the time this great and holy pseudoscience called MBTI were figured out engineers were actually doing something. These days for majority it is just sitting in front of computer and hanging on the...|||Nah u took it too seriously. They are stories of the time when all knowledge and wisdom were transfered around evening fires. Like northern star, the center of the sky the hunter is chasing his prey...|||.|||Why didn't I read that a few years ago.. I underline every word. I'm going to read another degree at autum.. Let see now I have plan to make fast moves if I notice I'm studying something I don't have...|||Mental masturbation... A new phrase I learned today and definedly I/we do not like it too much or see any real purpose of it. You sound like mrs. know it all with need of this mental masturbation...|||Freedom no question that is it. Freedom to stop when something interesting is happening. Freedom of do sport. Freedom from unfinished businesses. Freedom to think in work. Freedom to act as it is...|||!|||I have higly visual memory there ain't many feelings ..none if I think now.. I can't say it's snapshot or plain movie clip style of image more like image with multiple layers of matrix code as...|||Hmm.. Peanuts..|||Yes something like that happens, but only in the focusing part. I don't think this is type related more like a common thing (stress and overthinking/doing/trying relief). I'm better in ie. fast...|||Datamining... :P I do just that too, not that I always come any good crystal clear results... there is always some pieces of information missing. :) PS.. ten minutes later... I found myself...|||MBTI a system that tries to put 6 billion inviduals to 16 boxes..|||Somehow ISTP, but as the theory sais is up to you to figure it out. Being thinker doesn't mean you don't have feelings they just aren't the first thing you use when living your daily life.|||No newer played. I much more enjoy making somethimg in the real world or with solidwork/autocad.. Fps and driving simulators are whole another cup of tea tho.|||One thing I don't get where is the missing 8 functions.|||way of piecefull warrior no matter if someone says it is BS. In many ways it is still studying of inferior functions like other philosophical nonsense. They are philosophical yes, but the more they...|||By far not a freakin ninja, but I have really good reflexes. Which is n't a good thing always like when dropping ie. kitchen knifes of the table (un organization while working) I once or twice picked...|||Sporalogy is the next big thing. :) These are written in style that everyone can pick the parts to suit their own mindset the best.|||In PerC no, In the internet maybe, In the real life yes.|||I think so. Poo monkeys tho could manage to drive us nuts. Hell I really would be THAT teacher who would be the main character of myths of the school and every new student would wet their pants. on...|||This is escalating interestingly. Where is my popcorns und beer. So there isn't readers below of age 20 at PerC? Many of the responces to this thread tell other. So if you get upset and feel...|||Personality type arrogance is blinding.|||And where, Socrates smiled, is the Universe? Here all around us. replied the warrior. and lived happily to the end. First part is kind of the 5 whys tool. Could be interesting book to...'
'People have problems/challenges regardless of asking why. Yes, all types question why; however, I think it is reasonable to say intuitives question why more than sensors, for example in questioning...|||You are worthwhile. You are more than your job/major/title. --some ideas from Feeling Good by Dr David Burns http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0380810336|||Me too. To me the why is more interesting than W, W, W, W and H.|||Are NFs the people always asking why, while others only care about what and when?|||Look for: physical attraction, intelligence, enthusiasm, creativity, individuality, idealism Romantic situation: bonding intellectually and creatively while watching a movie, making crafts,...|||Try listening to uplifting music you like. For me, it's Jimi Hendrix. And try comedians on Pandora radio, always a hoot. :happy: http://www.pandora.com/#/music/comedy/todays-comedy|||I am in my forties and work as a customer care rep in a mid-sized company. I have friends; however, I think my idealizing and perceiving prod me to be different, more outgoing and noticed and...|||Is this normal INFP or just me? * Fantasize being the center of attention but hate being the center of attention :frustrating: * Feel bound by introversion and controlled by extroverts * Bust...|||Where do you think INFP self criticism, being hard on ourselves comes from? Is it part of our nature? Or were we trained to think that way?|||Struck a chord with me. FYI: I'm reading Feeling Good by Dr. Burns. Thanks.|||Liked this, using military focus for good. Disagreed with loving myself above, say, God, but liked striking a blow to doubt. Thanks.|||Were you/are you raised in a harsh, military-style family, who provides for you physically but not mentally? How did you/do you deal with it?|||when you Act childish a lot. Feel better in fantasy than reality. Say a lot of non sequitors. Change your mind a lot. Keep silent in public, but talk nonstop with family. Find it hard to...|||I want to be accepted for who i am, not for a false image i've created. But the truth can be overwhelming, like Emily Dickinson said: Tell all the truth but tell it slant, Success in circuit...|||Started swimming, preparing for a 2.5 mile open-water race this summer. Bought Ray-Bans and a fedora, looking stylish.|||All the time. I think it's best to follow other types' examples and forget it; let others try and figure you out. Why wear yourself out? They care more about themselves anyway. Like the prayer of...|||Sometimes I feel like a alien and think others see me that way too. I try to hide my it. A lot of it came from my Sensing family who was clueless about my boundaries, and I am clueless about a lot of...|||I can relate to what you wrote. You might try mindfulness. It's one of the things I'm working on in The Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey Wood and Jeffrey...|||Yes, that's how it was growing up in a family that valued sameness over experimenting, strength over vulnerability, tradition over spontaneity, teaching over learning, agreeing over questioning. I...|||Often it seems like having a primary introvert feeling function is useless and disabling, versus having something like primary extrovert sensing or introvert thinking. Any suggestions on how Fi is...|||Something that helps me change my negative thinking is dialectical behavior therapy. Here are some highlights I got from Wikipedia: Observe Non-judgmentally observe your environment in and...|||Yes, I'll look into it.|||I thought I'd put this here and not in Education/Career, since this one gets more hits. I have an English degree and have been working in phone customer service for about 8 yrs. I want to be a...|||I wanted to know why I procrastinate and how I could change it, so I collected some notes from the Internet: Procrastination may be caused by rebellion, acting out of a power struggle that is...|||All good suggestions, like the bit about meditation.|||I learned not to care, became desensitized, became a bully, became a narcissist, came down on other people who pissed me off, which was everyone, because, hey, they were idiots.|||Ordinary People by Judith Guest|||I lose interest, concentration with dull, repetitive work, so my productivity goes down. Most Judging people I know can concentrate on it and get rewarded, while I get corrected, and my confidence...|||Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include: Believing that you're better than others Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness Exaggerating your achievements or talents...|||Prone to it? No, because anyone can develop narcissistic personality disorder. It starts with your relationship with your mom, for a boy, or dad, for a girl. From birth through age three you...|||Just realized how silly that sounds.:)|||Borderline personality ESTPs: they're in-your-face psychos who project all their neuroses on you, blaming you for their insecurities. They mount their allies against you in their battle for control...|||I bought Toxic Parents on Amazon. I'm also reading If You Had Controlling Parents by Dan Neuharth and Children of the Self-Absorbed by Nina Brown, which have good insights.|||Yeah, I've gotten that a lot. When I tease back, I'm called harsh. It was okay with my parents when my ESTJ sister criticized me, because I am a guy and I could take it. But they would not allow me...|||I have experienced this too. My dad has said , Just get over it. Get on with your life. I can't help you. Which is true, but I think what he really means is: I don't want to change. I don't want...|||I like the nondefensive responding method you described. Thx for the book suggestion, sgman.|||I have experience that too.|||Yeah, I understand.|||Yeah. When I wouldn't play my dad's teasing game, or asked him to stop, that caused him to do it more, and it also started my sister bullying me. I would talk to my mom about it, but she did nothing...|||In my family while I was growing up, my ISTJ dad and ESTJ older sister and sometimes my ESFJ mom teased and criticized me. I don't think they meant anything by it, but I felt hurt and kept a lot of...|||Thanks iinnffpp and Souled In. You're brilliant, caring people. I'm thinking my post was a past rant, but felt like taking another look, getting new perspectives. What sparked it is my sister is in...|||When I was in my mid teens, I felt dumb and nerdy. I wanted to be smart in all subjects, fashionable, popular with cool kids and extrovarted. I got fashion hairstyles and wore fashion clothes, got...|||Here's a quote about frustration from an Osho site: If you don't want to be frustrated, don't expect. Live without expectations and there will be no frustration. But people go on expecting; they...|||Brilliant. Words to live by.|||Brilliant. I teared up a bit knowing someone is out there sometimes feels the same.|||I'm jealous of others' success. I'm angry at myself for being unmotivated, irrational and unproductive. I want a better job, but I fail because I am angry and depressed and believe it will stir...|||The important word is live.|||When I start getting depressed, before I know I it, I get overly concerned with the following: Unfairness Perfection Self conciousness Revenge If I notice this happening, I've learned to...|||I have this theory about Sensors: Sensors are divided into 4 groups: 1. Sensors, who are good at ball sports. 2. Sensors, who are good at fixing things, especially cars. 3. Sensors,...|||I have had a difficult relationship with my dad. I think he is an ISTJ and is very domineering. Starting in my teens, we got into arguments. I would end up hitting a wall or breaking something. It...'
'A lot of these are really true. What would definitely clarify how an ENFP acts, however, is what kind of person the romantic interest is: if the interest is a casual acquaintance or a good friend...|||Ah, maybe I should've finished reading. But learning from past mistakes is against my moral code it seems. This is unsolicited advice, but deciding what I want has always helped me make a choice....|||I'm still in the process of reading all the responses, so I can only hope I'm saying something new. Anyway, I think it's a common misconception that we wear our emotions on our sleeves. At least...|||Not easily at all. I'm able to make acquaintances and friends easily, but even when I tell the friends who I know will not betray my trust and who I have known for a long time about private things...|||I'm into fashion and so I put a lot of effort into how I dress and try not to fall into school trends. Even though I switch styles all the time, I generally wear things just slightly differently,...|||Why not here? :)|||I only know one confirmed INTJ, my sister, so I'll just base my answer off her Like: Natural Leader Responsible and competent There for you when it really counts (She won't listen to my rants,...|||Yaaas to this question. Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan Fate/Zero Aldnoah.Zero Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Tokyo Ghoul (S1 only) Noragami Zankyou no Terror|||I don't mind when people don't take my advice, even when it's solicited, because I don't regard it as a rule or the absolute right thing to do all the time. Most of the time I give advice and make it...|||INTJ only because my sister used to sing that song all the time and she was an INTJ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bacf5UWytg|||This cracked me up.|||I have many insecurities that have been exacerbated by a complex relationship with my mom. I am confident and happy outside of the home, but I often feel younger, insecure, and dependent with my mom...|||Have you read Susan Sontag's On Photography? It's very long, but you might be interested in checking out some of the passages, like the one on Migrant Mother.|||Lines from the same short story: She spoke quietly now, as one does when sharing a secret between friends. And though it was meant to be welcoming, he felt like an intruder on someone else's...|||Definitely join a few clubs, especially ones for the long-haul where you can make close friends. Quality is better than quantity in essence. Some of the best ones are the clubs in which you stay...|||My mom is an ISTJ (confirmed) and I cannot even begin to type my dad. When I get along with my mom we're incredibly close, but in less than a second we can go to fighting and driving each other...|||Anywhere. I can be found in STEM clubs, poetry meetings, volunteering events, political offices, etc. If you find someone cracking jokes to friends and looking slightly drunk in a nonalcoholic...|||I haven't read much on cognitive functions, so I'll speak from experience. When I'm in a place with other people I take on a seize the day attitude and socialize with strangers, but that doesn't mean...|||I'm a Chinese ENFP born and raised in America and I've never felt pressured to be reserved or timid. Even when visiting relatives in China I've never encountered an atmosphere like that. Maybe it's...|||Maybe take some time with him/her alone, like take him/her out to get coffee in a different environment and let your sibling know you're there to help. If you believe he/she can do better, offer...|||I've had an experience like this. I've never gotten angry at anyone other than a family member, but when family fights it gets crazy. There's always this invisible line you don't want to cross, but...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNoMeKCn0x4|||Stop being late to everything Use the stylus for my phone Learn another language Actually write the novel I have piles of scraps full of ideas, paragraphs, and phrases on|||I absolutely hate being micromanaged as well. It's kind of hypocritical then that I turn neurotic when I end up in charge unless I have full trust for the person in question. I've been in a few...|||Playing a character and trying too hard to impress or becoming insecure and worrying too much about how others will judge them to be their normal outgoing self. In the second situation, you'll see...|||How common/uncommon is it to find ENFPs in the higher management and administration positions in corporations?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOHEuhJf7nA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLYHc5_12NE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg6BwvDcANg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9g7TJnJk48 ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGWtF1AttTw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKy-Ucy5C2w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdzI-191xhU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyASdjZE0R0 ...|||ENFPs are all different people and even within the same type we will differ, but I'd agree with this. We're kind of weird in that being alone means being alone with other people in the room. If it...|||Definitely. I hold up my friends to certain ideals and I sometimes wonder if I'm doing the Jay Gatsby thing. It's not like I have particularly high expectations; I'd just like to be able to...|||I'm pretty similar in the way I respond. I'm actually having a problem with someone quite subversive right now. The problem is, as long as someone doesn't outright insult me and to my face, I'll...|||You should meet my sister. I just found out a week ago that she was an INTJ when she sent me the 16 personalities test and told me to take it. I was like, girl, you are years late to the party. ...|||Here's a question from an ENFP. I've never been to a school dance before, and Senior Homecoming is on the same day as a League Tournament. Speech and Debate tournaments can end pretty late and the...|||Can Chlorine be filtered out of water? Because the water in my house tastes funny. I keep on forgetting my yahoo accounts/passwords, so here's a question. Edit: I mean with the conventional...|||I've only met one other person I think is ENFP and I completely agree with you in that particular case. She seems to be constantly playing a character and I definitely was that person in 6th grade....|||http://http://personalitycafe.com/enfp-forum-inspirers/29579-common-things-said-enfps-164.html I wear skirts and dresses all through the winter months. Then again, I do live in California and am...|||The feels Just kidding, because that would just be...weird?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WteF0j5gYGk|||First of all I think it was really brave for you to have that conversation with your boss and give him a copy of the profile. I can't suggest anything more with how you might get some...|||Sign me up ;) On a side note, have you watched Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? Because that is a show that begs to be shared.|||Kaosrevolution You remind me of someone. I shall think on it... This will bother me for the longest time|||A bit scandalizing, but continue the desensitization please.|||This is basically a rant thread. For me, it isn't very cathartic if you don't get to say something that's on your mind too. Even if that thing is shared by others. I think it's better that way...|||What are we witnessing here?|||That was a lie.|||Thanks for the advice and flattering praise I shamelessly ate up. I usually just set qualifying statements, but since that doesn't deter her, I'll probably have to work up to that kind of honesty. I...|||Use of no true scotsman too (:|||I just want to point out that there's a lot of research currently being done on set point theory and weight. Maybe lack of exercise and overeating has led certain people to gain weight, but I don't...|||So did you ever consider the conversations and relationships you had with friends in high school somewhat lacking? And did you naturally downsize to a smaller group of close friends?|||I really want to build up an inner circle like yours, but I've never found someone who's willing to talk for a long time about things like politics, public debates, or personal issues seriously and...'
'I always cry when I laugh alot. I can't remember the last time I've cried from being sad though..|||If I am mad at someone I am comfortable with I will blow up at them. If it's someone I don't know so well I will probably say nothing and end up secretly hating them. I really need to get over that....|||My close friends are; ESFP, ISTJ, INFJ, ENTJ other friends; ESTJ, INTJ, 2 ISFJs, ESFJ|||I don't think there's much of a link. ESFPs are given the 'stupid' label, but I have an ESFP friend who is extremely smart. My ESTJ friend is a genius. I know 2 NTs and they are smart but not that...|||I don't think it would be hard to be a T female really. I am an F myself but the T girls I know are sort of independent and less easily hurt|||I always just tell people I'll do it later. But by now everyone who knows me knows later= never.|||Yea, I love Murray :D I didn't even know he did stand up. I must see this lol|||I love Nathan from Misfits xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULKv-HwMd3s ANDDDD Ja'mie from Summer Heights High http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y11mMp2CSiI&feature=related|||I think that depends what the job is. Ps aren't lazy if the job is something they enjoy..|||I get this too xD|||sneaky arsehole lol|||Wow, you really hate them ;D|||But the problem with ESTJs that you don't get with ISTJs, at least with the one IK is that she's obsessed with how others see her and her ''reputation'' and it can be annoying. >.>|||xD Some ISTJs are annoying too. My brother is one and he's an arse. But my cousin is too and she's nice so idk.|||I just realized 7 of my friends are judgers and one is a perciever. O.o|||She has some good points too I guess. Spontaneity just isn't one of them. xD|||I have an ESTJ friend who's obsessed with planning. She needs to know exactly what's going to happen before she does anything. I'm going away on holidays this summer with her and some other friends...|||ESTJ? HELL NO lol|||I didn't attack you but can you drop it. I swear to God, I don't want to still be responding to this in like a weeks time.|||You sound like my INTJ friend|||Thanks Fizz, and yea arguing is getting old..|||I honestly didn't see any point. I copy pasted from another forum as I said. I ASSUMED that is what it meant. On the other forum no one questioned it. I just honestly didn't even think about changing...|||My problems and insecurities? Yea that's relevent to anything. I'm just saying I wouldn't consider posting a big rant to be a 'contribution'.|||Well next year I'll be finished school and some of the college courses I've been considering are: Psychology Architecture Animation Some sort of design course Social Work Interier Design...|||She is probably INFJ then. I've known her for 6 years and she's still one of the most aloof people I know.|||Most decisive: ENTJ Most non-sequitural: ENFP Most adaptable: ESfp Most private: INFJ Least people dependent: INTJ :P|||One of my friends tested as INFJ, which shocked me cos I always got an 's vibe' from her. We always have very sensorish conversations, but maybe this is because nearly all of our friends are sensors?...|||I forgot one Most uptight: ENFP ..or maybe it's just you. Anyway get over it. No one cares.|||Based on my experiences with my own friends: Most: ISTJ,ENTJ, ESFP, INTJ, ESTJ Least: INFJ, ISFJ(can't keep a secret to save their lives) Obviously everyone will have different experiences...|||I assumed they meant ditziest, but I didn't write this. I copy pasted from another site. :P|||I robbed this from another forum. xD You know what to do x] Most Likely to succeed: ENTJ Most Likely to become rich: EXTJ Most Likely to cry for no reason: INFX Most Likely to say I told you...|||Ya gotta love stevie though lol|||WTF is with everyone thinking ISFP= emo music. D; liesssss|||Didn't really get an Feeler vibe from him. I agree though that he's probably ENTP.|||Yea xD I don't get it tbh. It's mostly people looking for drama who are bitchin' I think xD|||http://www.2kgs.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/haters_gonna_hate3.jpg|||Apparantly Hal from Malcolm in the Middle is ISFP. Lol, I love that guy.|||Sorry double posted thread by accident :P|||This was one of my favourite shows, haven't seen it in a while though. :P Malcolm: INTP Hal: XSFP Lois: ESTJ Reese: ISTP Dewey: IXFP Francis: ENFP|||Do you have her after finals or are you finished then? If you won't have her anymore wait till after finals and report her. If she's going to be that much of a bitch she can take whatever comes with...|||I wasn't aware we were disliked. But tbh I don't really care if certain people don't like us. It's not my job to please everyone and I would say most types have more people dislike them then ISFPs....|||I love this movie xP IMO: Matilda: INFJ Ms Honey: INFJ too? maybe INFP Ms Trunchball: ENTJ Mr Wormwood: ENTJ Ms Wormwood: ESTP Her brother: ISTP|||Gyffindor x]]|||I identify with these traits in 7s: Sevens at their BEST are: Enthusiastic Energetic Lively Fun-loving|||I can honestly see alot of myself in all of them. It's weird. I am I, but only slightly..|||I suppose someone who is genuine and who I can have fun and be myself with. :) I prefer Es too. Probably ESXPs or ENFXs. For appearance not overly picky. I guess preferably someone who has dark...|||I'm an ISFP, new to enneagram, and everytime I try to type myself for enneagram I get a different answer. I've gotton 2w3(closely followed by 2w1), 9w8 and 7wsomething. I can relate to lots of...|||Hufflepuff :D|||I'm not a big reader really :P 1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte 4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling 5 To Kill a...|||Going though a bit of a Maroon 5 phase xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6g6g2mvItp4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIjVuRTm-dc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkQ0OJ5Byls&feature=relmfu...'
Dang my kind is pretty. And ya'll have big eyes. It's like a requirement almost. Haha.|||When you're directionally challenged........*raises hand because she is guilty* Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk|||Very true, to do this right we'd need more infp's. I could definitely see it being used as a defense mechanism (which I think is the biggest factor). Thank you for sharing. :) Sent from my...|||I agree I don't think a infp would ever be as organised as a INTJ. I disagree that one cannot be seen or act as another personality. Artisans subconsciously copy others, and idealists do that to a...|||Well if you mean in what ways does some think infps have a intj mask, I personally think it is because infp's usually have a very aloof/distant mask on when we first meet someone. And it isn't till...|||Who invented the blanket? Who ever did I think I love them very much. And to who ever invented HOT SAUCE.....well I dislike you greatly. *sighs* why can't I handle spicy things!? Sent from my...|||I have a few very close friends. But I consider myself a boring person so usually I'm towed along with them doing whatever. I am kinda picky when it comes to my friends because I've had it backfire...|||Yes I know its a stupid question. Ahem anyway. Better question: I have recently heard that INFP's wear a INTJ mask. I have yet to really test this out and see if its true. So the question is...what...|||Why do all you intj's have such cool user names? Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk|||Gah! I hate myself a lot sometimes. I'm so frustrating. Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk|||Hahahah. Oh deer. Lol. That makes perfect sense to me. Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk|||What the heck does this mean? Lol.|||Rofl Acerbusvenator you're officially killing me. Lol. Ok so I will try to use paragraphs this time so you can understand what I'm saying. :P As I have multiple times on this thread I've changed...|||[QUOTE=merrickal;4524038]I occasionally have random and often violent thoughts of things I want to do to people/things/creatures... Is that the ESTJ acting up or just my rage on something building...|||Sorry enfj was me jumping to a conclusion to quickly (thats a nasty habit of mine) but I was talking to my brother (i wanted a second opinion) and he said if your results were consistent you'd be a...|||When I'm mad my inner estj comes out. I get very cold and harsh.I do have moments where I want things orderly and usually I wanna be on time or early. Of course I could have learned some orderly-ness...|||How many times have you you been tested and were your results consistent? Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk|||Ok now I'm just confused. (I still need to read your article so bare with me) so you are very smart, (my thoughts ofc) you reason things out, you have a heart of gold, and you want to be recognized...|||I'll have to check it out when I have a chance than. Sorry didn't mean to debate. You're cool. Thanks for the convo. :) Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk|||While that is certainly true that enjoying intelligent conversation is not usually related to being a T (matter o fact I'm not one and I definitely enjoy it) but in my humble opinion I would think...|||Staind - take this (trippy) Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk|||INTP. I pegged you as an NT because 1. You seem to thrive on intelligent conversation. 2. You have the same argument style as my brother (who's an INTP) where you both want solid information...|||At my worst I am: overly hyper to the point its annoying, depressed, paranoid, out of touch with EVERYTHING and everyone, cold hearted, selfish. Thank goodness I have pills to keep me up. Those have...|||Exactly! That's what I tell my friends when I'm teasing them! Its a sign of affection, because if they weren't close to me or if i didnt like them, I wouldn't do it! Sent from my SGH-T999 using...|||You know you're an INFP when..... 1. You can't turn off your brain. 2. Everything depends on your mood. 3. You're on this forum. 4. You're always looking for things you can relate to so you feel...|||As an INFP I gotta admit I kinda do. And by kinda I mean I don't believe there is ONE soulmate, because that would imply predestination and I don't believe in that. But I do believe that there are...|||1 There are times I just feel numb like I can't feel anything for anyone. I just don't care, and I hate that so I make myself care. Its like I have a switch. I can turn my emotions on and off. 2 I...|||My brother is an INTP so here are some observations I've made of him, he loves to flip things around on people (using whatever the person said against them), he's good with the sarcasm, stubborn, ...|||I'm awful. Lol. I LOVE to mess with people. Mostly my friends and family tho. I once convinced my esfj best friend that I was moving away, she got so mad that she than made me believe some guy had...
'Precisely. Which is why I am thoroughly pissed at her ignorance in this situation.|||There is only one thing that can truly get me pissed in a matter of seconds, that is someone I love being harmed and unfairly wronged. This is by far the most pissed I've ever been in my life... ...|||Personality tests should never be 100% trusted. They are a good starting point, but they are not always accurate. A few months back before my sister knew about MBTI I asked if on average whether...|||Just a quick interaction with my sister as we were driving back home after picking up food we ordered. I was doing my usual thing, getting lost in my thoughts as I stare out the window when we drive...|||Support. All I can say is that it involved him becoming president of his fraternity. So I went. EDIT: I hated it, but a big achievement by someone I deem a friend deserves support.|||Went to a club with a friend for the first time... Now I see just how much of an INTJ I am. I'm further out of place than I've ever been before.|||When someone asks if you're alright and you were perfectly fine up until they patted you on the back. Is the touching really necessary when they ask that? Maybe it's just me...|||Long time INTP friend attempting to joke with me during a conversation. It fails but still ends up being amusing. INTP: I have a present for you. Been meaning to give it to you for years. Me:...|||Well, there are some INTJs who do have a superiority complex when they are younger (in terms of intelligence), but they usually mature out of that phase when they get older. Given your designated...|||No problem. :P|||@giagigi@ I believe you can subscribe to a thread just by clicking the Thread Tools tab at the top of the thread. *points up* There will be an option to subscribe. Just a helpful tip if you...|||My best friend, who is also an ESFJ, is just like this. It's even worse when a break up happens. Constantly rehashing what went wrong, going back and forth from hating the person to still loving...|||So I finally finished my AA, 100% confirmed (after checking my degree audit more than 100 times). Went up to the college to insure there were no other requirements that needed to be done in order to...|||Oh yes, I have heard of that term but don't care much to label myself a gold star. I fail to understand the pride people have in that label.|||Then in that case I have no chance of ever losing my virginity. :laughing: Unless you count the use of fingers Which leads into a whole other topic if virginity is even a thing, and I for one would...|||Of course, but that doesn't mean we can't have an open mind to what others might think. Given that virginity is lost by the act of having sex, someone who thinks that they can lose their virginity...|||I can't really say what MBTI types I attract, per say, but I do tend to attract overly sensitive types. It's odd, because those types of people tend to be the ones that I offend the most (albeit...|||Art has always been something I was naturally good at, more specifically drawing and painting. Since I knew it was something I was already skilled at I continued to do it, mainly because I knew I...|||There are people who experience pleasure from giving it.|||You are asking the wrong person. :unsure: I don't consider it as loosing one's virginity, but sex is sex how ever you look at it, so someone else might consider it so.|||Twas oral.|||16 for relationship For virginity I suppose at the age of 20 (if you want to consider giving rather than receiving as losing one's virginity). :unsure:|||Random amusing text chat before bed with my ENFP S.O.. SO: Babe I want one *links gif of a micro pig* Me: Okay... o: Get one then. SO: I WILL :3 .. If I had a farm v.v Me: You don't need a farm...|||Age: 24 Gender: Female Country of residence: U.S. Nationality: American Languages: English|||So much... cheeriness and interest... I honestly am unsure how to feel about your post.:unsure:|||PerC is the abbreviation of PersonalityCafe.|||Indeed it would sell well. However, the last smiley INTJ prototype we worked on had a few 'kinks' that caused it malfunction and explode whenever it smiled for more than a second. Quite the hazardous...|||I got 'Journalist'.|||Ello there. Welcome to PerC. Feel free to brows the INTJ section for the INTJ male of your choosing. We have a wide selection of INTJ males. We have tall ones, short ones, big ones, skinny ones,...|||Rant/Vent: So I had three donuts, and my brother supposedly had three donuts as well. I ate two the day before and saved the last one for today. Well, come to find out, my doughnut was eaten by my...|||Woke up this morning to find the second book of the series I'm reading sitting outside my door. Now that is one surprise gift I do not mind one bit. Today is a good day. :kitteh:|||I'm currently reading The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. I had read this before a few years ago but I'm re-reading it so as to refresh my memory before reading her more recent installment...|||Just a little rant. I love my sister, but sometimes she says the most ignorant things. Apparently sexism only exists for females and not males... That blew my mind. Sexism by definition is the...|||I wouldn't consider myself a big anime fan or obsess over it but it's nice to watch every now and then if I'm feeling up to it. My personal favorites are: -Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate -Fullmetal...|||Never...|||I don't apply enough pressure to cause the tips of my pencils to break, unless it's a mechanical pencil with thin lead. Otherwise, no.|||Are you insinuating that we are nothing but socially inept, emotionless robots? You should not take stereotypes so seriously...|||For myself, when I subconsciously replace one word for another that consequently changes the focus of my entire sentence, and I don't catch the mistake...|||EDIT: Don't mind this, ended up quoting myself.|||Yeah that's actually what I was meaning to post, there was an error in my post and I meant 'the' instead of 'her'. :unsure: I'm kicking myself for that one...|||You may find this site useful. Introverted Sensing (Si) One of Your Eight Cognitive Functions|||Yeah... I do not understand her logic there and honestly I think I just lost a brain cell trying to figure that one out. :mellow:|||What?|||Expanding on what laurie17 said, input from others can be useful but it is ultimately best that you do thorough research on the matter and come to your own conclusion. That said, avoid comparing...|||This too.|||Personally I wouldn't be that bugged. If you're interested in a question that was posed on this thread (or any INTJ thread) then by all means respond. But that doesn't mean that the people who were...|||Just purely on stereotype alone and based on my stereotype as well... I think I would have a harder time being with an ESFJ. Of course, as you stated, everyone is different, so that doesn't...|||O.o? You realize you're replying to your own post?|||^ This. Plus: -Finally finding a book to really get lost in. -Rainy days. -When there's unnecessary noise and chatter and it finally goes silent... That's a nice feeling. -Finding a...|||Here you are. http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/523826-experiences-esfps-general-opinion-them.html'
'arthur1996 Hi, really sorry for the extremely late reply once again, I just realised that I'm more than one month late :frustrating: Sorry!!! Well that's great, I'm happy to hear about your...|||Frédéric Chopin: INFP Sergei Rachmaninoff: IxFP Franz Schubert: INFP Antonio Vivaldi: ISFJ Johannes Brahms: ISTJ Ludwig van Beethoven : INTJ|||Hi compulsiverambler, I asked your question to the author of the blog I linked you, and the author has very kindly and promptly replied! Here is the reply: Hi, thank you for starting this blog, it...|||compulsiverambler Thank you for your question, it's a really interesting one that I've never thought carefully of before. I suppose it'll be really sad and empty for the extrovert, as the...|||Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has useful MBTI book/ resource recommendations. More specifically, I'd like to better understand how functions work in general, the effect of the position of...|||Sure, no problem, thank you very much for your help! Oh, I see, I've always viewed the word reserved as quiet, and quite closed off to interacting with others. Hmm, I do suppose I'd be a little...|||“Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 521737|||Oh, I see! What handwriting analysis books or websites would you recommend? I find handwriting analysis really interesting and fascinating, hehe. Hmm, what do you mean when you say that you've...|||Wow, that was extremely informative and detailed, thank you very much!! Are you an expert at handwriting analysis? That was a really thorough analysis! My handwriting can have a right slant at times,...|||Hmmmm, really hyper and energetic most of the time, always buzzing with unexplored possibilities, ideas, likes making new connections and ideas, can be really random, with wild bursts of energy (have...|||Oh, I see, thank you so much for the useful explanation! Yes, it was actually the first thing I read about the personality types too. It actually got me really interested in this whole personality...|||Receiving love doesn't mean you have it. Covering time doesn't mean it passes. Breathing doesn't mean you live. -Tablo 521394|||Hi Arthur, no problem, you are very much welcome, I'm really glad you found them useful ^^ Helping you helped me with understanding the functions better too, so thank you for starting this thread :)!...|||Thanks for starting this thread, it's really interesting! Well here's mine: 521314 (I have no idea why it looks so small when attached, but please click on the image, it will enlarge rather...|||Haha oops, it still looks rather neat overall to me though. Well, at least INTJ isn't that far off going by the letters I suppose :happy:!|||Oh I see, I used an app on my phone (Tapatalk) to reply, and the app does not display the user's type unless you specifically click on their username to view their profile, which I did not so I did...|||I did not know this was a trait of ISFPs, I really thought it was just me. Anyways, wow, this is so relatable and couldn't be more true for me. Talking to people can be really exhausting for me;...|||INTJ or INFJ?|||The Four Toed Creed Haha yay, that's great, thank you very much! :laughing: Well you're at the top of my list too, since you're my only friend so far :tongue:|||Hmm, it seems that the 16Personalities website uses a slightly different theory that combines Jungx92s theory of psychological types as well. Based on what I have read from the website, it does not...|||For me as a sensor, it's not so much about moving around. I'm actually a really lazy person who prefers sitting down, and rarely moves around. One reason I really like road trips is because I can...|||No problem, but yes, you should try reading it indeed! If you do, please type Shylock. I've always been really confused about him, he is so undeniably cruel, cold and calculative throughout the play,...|||Welcome to Personality Cafe!!! I do feel the same about the personality test too! You certainly seem like a nice person yourself, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here! :happy: 520810|||The Four Toed Creed Hahaha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Oh, I did not realise it was already night time for you. Ah well, good night, I shall add you as my first friend on this forum if you don't...|||Knowledge is power, France is Bacon. 520666|||The Four Toed Creed Ah yes, now that I think about it, it could really be due to the emotions part for me as well!! Haha, well I have a really hard time motivating and getting myself to study or...|||The Four Toed Creed Hi thanks for the reply once again! Yes indeed haha I'll definitely try to keep my amnesia in check :laughing: Well thank you very much for the information about enneagram,...|||Wow, you're so lucky!!! :shocked: What Fair is that, it sounds really interesting :O Yes please, thank you so much it would be fantastic if you could take a video if you get to see them! Are you free...|||Ok thank you, that was pretty helpful! :happy:|||Merchant of Venice characters, anyone?|||Sorry, please delete this blank post! >< (Or is there a way I could delete it myself)|||I'm kind of curious as to how you determined the possible reasons. Is it by some kind of functions, or based more on a general feel you get from each type? I've been wondering how people do these...|||arthur1996 Hi, I happened to chance upon this really helpful information regarding secondary Ne (INFP) vs secondary Se (ISFP) by KillinIt in a thread...|||The Four Toed Creed Hi, thank you so much for your prompt and detailed reply once again! Really sorry for the late reply, I wanted to take more time to read the part about enneagrams in your post,...|||!! Yes! I love chinchillas, they are like giant cute fluffy versions of mice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMpl5rMDVvA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdFBn1edmwQ I'd like to live on...|||Hi weaknight, thank you so much, you are way too kind!!! I'm still a beginner at this, and have lots to learn, so I'm really glad you found my answer useful! ^^ I really agree with what you said as...|||weaknight Hi, I personally do not believe that it is possible to change one's personality over time. I do believe, however, that these things within their personality type can change as a result of...|||Haha, this could very well possibly be due to the fact that my post was filled with Fi, and not so much of the other functions though! So it'd be no surprise if you could relate to it if you were an...|||Hi, I'm glad you found my links useful! Yes, in my opinion you do sound like you use Ne more from your descriptions, particularly the way you described the image, which sounded like you were...|||Hi, it would be great if you could mention me in your reply like this: Amnesia or by choosing the reply with quote option under my post. That would alert me that you replied under my...|||Hi, I found this rather interesting website regarding this: https://mbtifiction.com/2016/03/09/nature-vs-nurture/#more-9206 !|||By abbreviations are you referring to the MBTI types, such as INTJ and INFJ?|||Vunar Yes, that would definitely be interesting and insightful, thanks!|||The Four Toed Creed Hello, thank you so much for your prompt and detailed reply again! ^^ Haha, was the first line meant to be a pun since my username is amnesia? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:...|||INFJennifer Thanks, glad you found that helpful! Haha yes, I thought so too while I was typing my response! :laughing:|||Hi Altruistic Misanthrope, thank you so much for your prompt reply and valuable information! ^^ I agree with pretty much all of what you said, thanks for your valuable insights. Yes, you do make...|||Hi Four Toed Creed, thank you so much for your detailed prompt reply, help and kind words once again! ^^ :DD Yes, I suppose it could indeed be so, haha! Do you have any idea how unhealthy Fi...|||arthur1996 Hi Arthur, welcome, glad you found the website useful! Sorry, I really am not good at this, but I shall give it another try. Yes, it could be due to Ni as INFJennifer mentioned....|||analyticalnonsense INTP|||Aversion to conflicts until things eventually can't help but reach a breaking point'
'I'm probably gonna die alone and I quite honestly don't see how I could ever have a wife and kids. I don't think it's gonna matter in the end. As long as I'm ok with it through out my life I don't...|||One of my friend came out INTJ but I have a strong feeling he's ENTJ and that he just judged himself too harshly when he took the test. I'm pretty sure I know of one more who works the night shift in...|||I've watched a lot of video related to MGTOW on youtube and pretty much all the time men turn this way after they got divorced and their ex walked away with half their possessions and/or kids leaving...|||Here are 2 arguments that might make you reconsider your guilt of killing spiders: #1: Your house could end up looking like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1Vz0fWOq3E #2... Boner...|||Fuck wanting to punch people in the face and suicide, the best payback is success. Be the best you can be and make others regret not being on your good side when they had the chance.|||I've been heavily bullied when I was in high school so I can relate. There was this girl I was into in my first year of high school, problem was that her friend was into me but I didn't care at all...|||I tend to have an extremely high standards or expectations from my coworker. I'm always looking for something that should've been and hasn't or has been done wrong, or I look at someone and find him...|||I gotta say I'd probably be in your shoes right now if it wasn't for the fact that I have a brother and a sister. I have pretty much no friends, more like work acquaintances I get along with really...|||Talking about and understanding my feelings. Dating... Always having to make sense of everything. Having to endure looking at incompetent people at work while seemingly being the only one to...|||Looks a lot like the way I was. He knows he likes you, he just doesn't know what to do about it, so he hangs around you, stares you down, tries to get you attention. At some point he starts thinking...|||I did for a couple years. I came out of it with a nice profit margin but It was too stressful for me so I quit.|||Doesn't mean he necessarily liked you. While it's true I rarely talk to girls I have no interest in, there has been one time when I just friended a girl because we got along well. From her...|||The right question would be When are you NOT nice to people IMO. I'm neutral to everyone until they show me they're not worth my time. If they pass all my tests they're worthy of my respect and...|||Inspector (RDI-C). The description reminds me a lot of INTJ.|||I walked into a clothes store once to buy a coat with my parents like 6 years ago and the cashier started flirting with me. First of all, it was the first time ever a girl flirted with me, 2nd my...|||It might just be me but I used to block my emotions heavily. I'd always just stop in the middle of my thoughts to ask myself Do I really need to feel this way. It broke me quite a bit emotionally...|||I'm terrible at dating but If I had to say flirting is my only good quality when it comes to women. I always have the perfect sentence to make a girl blush or wonder Is he flirting with me? I'm...|||I voted 3. My ego is very much under control and unless I have an extensive understanding of a subject such as my job for instance where I have over 23k hours of experience, I don't really try to...|||I had an ESFP girl come up to me and asked me to hang out with me last year. Basically the way it went was : Girl: Hey I'd like to come to your place for bla bla bla Me: Yeah sure whenever you're...|||I wouldn't use texting as a good way to gauge his level of interest. I've said it often but INTJs generally don't like texting all that much. We rarely initiate texts but we will reply to yours...|||I do that all the time and I don't think I've ever been wrong. I tried ignoring that feeling once or twice thinking I was maybe being a dick for judging people too quickly but I was proven fast...|||I organize everything in my head before hand and then when I get to it I know where I'm going. When I come in to work everyday I look at everything that needs to be done, make an approximate guess as...|||1: I guess it depends on the person but when I set a goal for myself and I'm serious about it I go all the way until I reach what I want. I don't give up easily unless I've gone through every...|||You beat me to it >_<|||Doesn't happen often that someone touches me. I'd say the only person I'm open to receiving hugs from would be my sister. I hug my mom from time to time but I've never really liked having any sort of...|||I read a book about dating a few months ago. You're doing exactly what you need to do. The author's #1 advice was to stop thinking that the girl you're dating is The one and to go out with multiple...|||I tend to be a lot more open with my feelings when I'm writing them than when I have the actual person in front of me. If he's anything like me, you can take his words seriously, he's not kidding. ...|||With guys I feel like Mike from the show The Middle Guy: I like skying Me: Yeah, I don't care about that... Hearing someone talking about whatever they like when I have no idea what...|||Not gonna lie, the thought crossed my mind haha! But if that was the case she wasn't putting much effort into it.|||A few days before I asked her out she liked some posts on facebook to meet other lesbians so it may be possible she's bi, or just confused about her sexuality. To my knowledge she had 1 boyfriend in...|||LMAO......... I just looked up her facebook account for the first time in forever and she updated her profile saying she's into women >_< I'm confused now, why would she even text me back. ......|||It's a He :)|||Had no idea this thread existed. Here's a picture of my Australian shepherd. 638866|||haha yeah, I'm doing a lot better than I was in that department.|||I tried to kiss the hair stylist at the end of her work shift as we went outside but she gave me the cheek and told me she went exclusive with someone. I should've done that the first time I went to...|||OMG, She just texted me back after 3 weeks of silence haha I might just get somewhere with her after all. Time to get back to work i guess :)|||I tried getting a 2nd date. She gave me a few signs of life through texts but then stop communicating completely. I don't blame her, that first date was in no way fantastic. It's one of those...|||I can put a picture of myself without my shirt showing off my abs if that helps you make a decision haha I had someone in my profile who sent me a message telling me every PerC INTJs looked like...|||I've been working on being more outgoing with women as of late but I'd usually just stare at them intensely from afar and never approach them. I used to have a hard time keeping eye contact but I'd...|||I just hate when this happens to me. What people fail to understand about me is that I don't argue unless I know I'm right. Not because I think I'm right because I KNOW I'm right. If I don't have the...|||*Type 1* Action Potential: 1w9-4w5-6w5 SP/SO Daewang: 1w2-6w5-3w4 Femalegamer: 1-5-4 Iceblock: 1w9 Inheritance: 1w9 Jbking: 1w2-3w2-5w6 SP/SO Mindbomb: 1w9-5-3 SX/SO mOchO: 1w9...|||Basically just an Alpha male :)|||I just finished reading a book about dating called How to be a 3% man by Corey Wayne because I really needed some basic step by step instructions about dating. Distancing - Avoidant...|||I don't intend to give up on her just yet. I know how hard it can be for her and I'd hate if she'd blame herself because I gave up after one date. I know a place I can do bowling and pool but I don't...|||My best male friend is an ENTJ and we get along perfectly. Really wish I could find a female version of that haha I can see why you'd think it's tiresome. It was obvious we were both making a big...|||Conversation based, my grand mother is remarried and my family and her husband's family celebrate Christmas together. I've known her for a few years but I was never able to talk to her much because...|||Sorry if there's already an other thread about this but I haven't been successful finding one with the search option. I'd like to hear from people who dated other INTJs as an INTJ to see how the...|||Reminds me of my brother in law. Except that in is case, he's terrible with money. I can't say for sure he's an ESTP but there's no reasoning with these people. In their head, they're either the best...|||I get annoyed most of the time but I never pass the point where I can consider it anger. I can think of one time I lost my cool at a guy at work. It wasn't the first time I had trouble with him,...|||My parents supported me pretty well up until the moment I entered high school at age 12. Once I got into high school, my parents stopped pushing me in my studies, they stopped making me do my home...'
'[QUOTE=RestlessCryptid;27632314] I'm already paranoid enough about being around emotional people. It scares me to the point where I'll start shaking if someone breaks down in front of me. I...|||I can be very blunt. I usually try to be diplomatic, and break the news as gentle as possible, but generally I'm direct. And I can be insecure for sure, especially if I sense a discrepancy between...|||I have a a good friend INTP and he doesn't exhibit a lot of visible emotion,but we sense each other and it's ok with me. If I were in your friend's place and you were telling me the story, I'd...|||Hi RestlessCryptid I dont know about other infjs, but me being one, I feel and sense everything that goes on with the people i focus on. I had to make efforts throughout the years to unfocus on...|||I could use some other opinions at this point in time. Regardless of personalities, I think everybody can be short-sighted, narrow minded and so on. So although I know what I want and am pretty...|||wow, that's harsh!! One cannot say they're interested but then walk away for 7 months just because they decided so previously. And if that's their style, then ok. But she has no obligation to...|||wow! realistic scenario. getting lost in the details, he said/i said, he did/ i did and trying to tie the loose ends is total waste of time and feelings. Love is not an obligation! it's there or...|||That was really cute and lovely mushy. ;D|||roaring chipmunk Why would you? Just wondering ... And what do you mean? Is she flirting with others? Are others too attracted to her to your detriment? Do you wish you had more assurance from her?...|||Eggsies I do?!?! :D|||Welcome to NFJ club!! :)|||Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice | 16Personalities This is a fairly accurate questionnaire.|||hi :) i think for the first part, you made huge progress just by acknowledging there is an issue. Being aware and disliking the flaws/problems one may have is a great starting point and one of the...|||I hear ya! In my opinion, real love and chemistry is hard to find. Sorry, I don't mean to discourage you. I've been single and not even dating for over 3 yrs till recently. And found that being by...|||[QUOTE=Seeker;25321738]P.S. if anyone wants to say, There, there, poor Seeker, that sounds so stressful. You are right. You should not have to put out to be loved or to compete with rivals for your...|||That's true. I think it's important to want to improve no matter what others do. It's all about values and principles, at least for me. Which is why it's amazing to connect with like minded spirits.|||I was under the impression that INFJs, for a third function, have quite well-developed Ti for the most part. It would explain why you guys get along so well with INTJs and ENTPs.[/QUOTE] That's...|||Amazing!! I recently met an ENFJ and the two of us are inseparable in the most organic, symbiotic way. Even when we're not physically together, we are together! Thanks againf or sharing!! And my...|||It is so heartfelt! Thank you for sharing! Do you know what other/personality type wrote it??|||Oh, I agree Gilly! Using Ti is not my priority often. But it's getting there. I am learning to be open about wants and needs, although I know what they are, I'm always afraid I might be imposing. ...|||[QUOTE=KC;25266002]Care to elaborate? :kitteh: Oh I also avoid conflict like the plague. I tend to let many things just go. I don't take insults personally and usually have a verbal cutting...|||Thanks for the heads-up @KC Oh I can imagine you can really explode. I'm an introvert and when I get mad, it is the end. Haha I meant ENFJs don't go out of their way to hurt others purposely...|||Oh you definitely should. I think ENFJs have a very good insight into themselves and others and they also have the capacity of being unbiased and they lack maliciousness.|||Lol. You guys r too funny. Thanks for the video @KC|||[QUOTE=KC;25239946]Such appreciation for ENFJs, I feel so happy for the both of you. Such an ENFJ thing to say! :) thanks! You people are AMAZING!! No BS, no stupid games. just plain and pure...|||:( I wish I could hug you!!! Remember this: you are unique!! It is a fact that in all the billions of people on earth, there's no other just like you!! And being an ENFJ, that makes you so...|||I posted this on another ENFJ forum as well but couldn't help it and post it here too This is more a question for the men ENFJ but if ladies have input I'd be grateful. I'm in a relationship...|||Awesome! We do too! Lots. I try to express that as much as I can but I will read up some more on the luv language. Txs|||Thank you for your response nonetheless. I'm also a type 2, helper. We both been thru harsh relationships and he's so amazing trying to be there for me, that it's part of my nature to want to be...|||I'm pretty sure he's type 2, the helper.|||Hey guys, This is more a question for the men ENFJ but if ladies have input I'd be grateful. I'm in a relationship with a wonderful ENFJ man and he's always very attentive, caring and giving. ...|||@Impeiris I was suicidal once. For real. I'm also a speed demon and luckily enough for me I did not find a tall enough bridge. What I can tell u is: find professional help! After I...|||BroNerd Oh, sorry to hear things r not too good. There's no real right and wrong. There's ur choice. And there are consequences. It depends on the results ur willing to put up with. There's...|||thewoodlandfairy It's quite the intriguing story. I have no doubt that the two of share a special spiritual connection, a spark, which is very rare. What you do with this connection is what...|||I have to say that ur probably right. From ur point of view! I mean I know I want a lot more than the average person. But should I compromise what I want, simply so that others see me in line with...|||MrSlunk no intention to be evil. Lol Just play. I don't like mixed signals but you cant be in someone's face ALL the time. Give them a bit of room, whole maintaining interest from afar, using...|||BroNerd I feel for you! Well, I'm an INFJ and I do have a tendency to be controlling. Over the years I had to admit it to myself and make all efforts possible to change that. As in the end I...|||Jinsei Txs :) I find ur avatar intriguing. And interesting.|||Do not attack anybody dear to me, or it may the last thing you will remember Do not play cocky or fake with me! I WILL make you cry! Other than that we can be civil. Lol|||Another Lost Cause Yes and no. There's no perfection. So if ideal means perfect...yup, they don't exist! Lol For me ideal is a combination of favourite, preferable traits, combined with...|||That's why we're the dreamers! :) I dream too. A lot. Ur not alone. And I'm mortally shy. I could not for the life of me let someone know I liked them. There a couple of guys in my lifetime...|||Hahahahaha! I got a great kick from reading ur post. Lol refreshing! And true! My friends pity me, have this look on their face as if they're sorry for me, trying to math me up with others. And...|||Yes, absolutely! I've done lots of self search and splitting of the hairs, goings far as doubting all my values and principles, trying to prove them wrong. But in the end I am who I am. I've been...|||oliveanderson Hmmm, I've been where u are. And I'm not even close to ENFP but being and INFJ I would try to disappear from the friends circle for awhile. You know, give it a rest, so to speak....|||mony I really agree.|||Well, yeah I know I'm difficult and have high expectations. Can't help it. Because if I lowered the standards I wouldn't be true to myself. In fact I've gone thru different phases. First I tried...|||Hahahahaha ur too much fun!|||Hugs!! And oh, if/ when u do meet an INFJ make him wait a little haha. Dangle the bait and let him squirm a bit. INFJ ( maybe not all) like the play and the tease. Not knowing if u really like us....|||:) quite the topic lol Here's my other 2c: don't worry about it. INFJ and ENFP have a natural, organic attraction. Don't feel pressured into anything. Yeah, I like smart ppl, but ur smart may be...|||Jinsei & Kiawaki It's a very interesting read and I think both views are valid. Just different timing. For instance in my own experience, I applied Jinsei's advice long ago and for many years...'
'There can be tons of emotional depth. Not always easy to access. Sometimes still waters run very deep.|||Probably a good idea. Why not start a new open-ended project (not that an INTP would ever do that) and just gradually increase your comfort boundaries? Not just with women, with everyone. ...|||When you accept that Godel's incompleteness theorem doesn't apply only to numbers. Mathematics is a reflection of reality, and reality is as open-ended as mathematics.|||Maybe you're like me, or maybe all introverts are like this: logic and emotion operate more independently than they do in most people. It isn't that one is stronger than the other, it's how they...|||I think I get calm both internally and externally. Occasionally I've shut down, my brain has just stopped functioning, but that has been more to do with longer term stresses. One thing though,...|||Typical INTP. Focused on what's complex and unaware of the obvious.|||I don't buy much but I do feel that irrational urge sometimes. It's almost as if, on some level, there's a feeling of accomplishment. I do think there's a genetic predisposition to buying stuff. ...|||So that people who are good at spelling can feel intellectually superior to people who can do things.|||That's what people don't understand. You realise that Everybody else I see is wrong about a lot of things, even things that they're sure of. So that must be true for me too. But people see...|||very young (I'm told): quiet, content & happy, curious. kindergarten: I remember being content and happy school years: unhappy social misfit, one or two friends. Sucked at team sports (which...|||I think I see it pretty well. But I expect that almost everybody thinks they do. If someone is trying to tell you that the Earth is flat, they'll think you're refusing to see reality.|||MBTI stresses that all types have their purpose. I don't know, maybe some people are just there to fill out the left side of the normal curve. Have to admit, I jump on Facebook posts pretty often. ...|||People talk for the socially contextual information that's embedded in the conversation. For people who aren't particularly hungry for that subtext, the conversation is boring if it doesn't...|||Aha! You reminded me of something that really does annoy me! Some people have a pattern of conversation that's extremely disruptive to that internal conversation that's always going on. They...|||Maybe if you look at it as practise, instead of getting into where your daydreams take you. The only reason extroverts are so comfortable with people is because they are driven to interact with them...|||Means I enjoy dry humor. And thanks for keeping me on the damn laptop when I have a sunny day to get my yard cleaned up.|||Hate them or lose respect for them. It depends. What about those middle aged idiot poseurs who invest in Harley Davidsons so they can dress up like outlaw bikers? A guy who has a decent job, is...|||INTP fashion: oxymoron Fashion is useful to me in some ways though. It's such an obvious flag for shallowness. Not that there's anything wrong with having style sense, I can appreciate that...|||I don't see intuition as having anything to do with the IMMEDIATE representation of objects. I see it as a vague awareness, analogous to peripheral vision, but structured more by preconceptions than...|||Yeah, it's hard to find each other in the flesh. Even when we pass on the street, we just pass on the street.|||Does edit not have a delete option?|||Say hi. You don't have to be cool. If you think about making her feel comfortable instead of focusing of your own discomfort, that will help you. It's like learning to whistle, it's only hard...|||I completely get that. Although it might be better to follow the golden rule and simply be as straightforward with him as you'd want him to be with you. I don't like it when friends make excuses to...|||I experience it as an intrusion. It becomes overwhelming when other people interrupt the semi-conscious free-wheeling that's always happening in the background of my mind. There's a great quote,...|||Because you haven't developed the skills. Same reason you might not sit easily on a horse. Living in our imaginations is easier, but it doesn't take us where we want to go.|||I take it this wasn't a psychology course.|||I'm actually quite shocked. If I were your parent I'd be suing the school. Myers And Briggs Foundation - Ethical Use Of The MBTI Instrument - Ethics for Administering the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator|||WHAT??? If the results were pubicly displayed I'd refuse to take the test. Or as a parent, I'd find another school for my kids. MBTI is useful as a means of seeing value in people who operate...|||Only if you define yourself in other peoples terms. If you're fully yourself, how is it possible to be a failure?|||Never had that problem. My version of INTP-ness is a philosophical / detached observervation point of view. I've condensed part of that into a form that some people seem to find helpful. You've...|||For me, that happens when I start something because the planning process is fascinating, but the doing of it doesn`t hold my attention. examples from my own life: - I mess up woodworking because I...|||Some of us warm up to it over time. I really need my oxytocin but for a long time I didn't know that. I was married to an EF who I spent most of my energy trying to escape from. She was needy...|||True for me. I'm sure there are plenty of men who are smarter, taller, stronger, better looking, more charming, richer and more endowed than I am. Out of 7 billion people, I'm pretty sure of it. ...|||Focus: There are a very few things that, when I'm doing them, I'm in the zone. But in general my mind skips around and whatever I'm doing, I start thinking about other things I could do. I tend to...|||Not a theory, just an observation of a possibility. Note that I began with the word maybe. That was to be taken literally, not rhetorically. What made me wonder that was the tone of some of your...|||Maybe some of your positions are defensive reactions to not having developed that side of your personality yet. With introverts the social ease comes later, just because we're not constantly driven...|||Nobody can experience their own death. Your self is an activity, not a thing. You're the pattern of synaptic activity, not the brain itself. So as long as you exist as an entity, you're alive....|||One thing that will be a big help to you if you're not already doing it: When you have something you need for him to hear, structure the conversation like a newspaper story. Headline first,...|||I wouldn't think of a world government in terms of a single nation, but something new. Some way of regulating a world that is increasingly a single interacting entity. I can't see any possiblity of...|||Interesting that that works for you even though you see through it. Maybe I could be less defensive. Thanks for that insight. I take offense at that kind of thing. It makes me think that they...|||I agree with this. He needs help in areas where he's less effective than you are, but let him lead you, in turn, in the areas where he's stronger. Otherwise the relationship is unbalanced, with one...|||Your analysis is only a starting point. Leave her room to be someone a little different than you thought.|||Great question. I can come at it from a few different angles. First, for me, it isn't simply that my reasoning is stronger than my emotions. It's more that they operate independently. So that...|||If I came across as condescending I didn't come across properly. I was trying to express my understanding of how things work. I might have read things into your post that you didn't actually say. ...|||If you're an INTP you should have discovered by now that MBTI isn't strongly supported by research in the psychology of personality. It's useful in a couple of ways though. It gives us a language...|||Without some kind of effective world governance, we will self destruct. - Corporations are already international in scope, and the largest of them carry more clout than a lot of governments. - We...|||I think it's fairly common in general, not only with INTPs. Maybe less so with INTPs because our unconventionality allows us to see through the posing and disrepect it. I think that trying to be...|||The concept of favorites is a bit foreign to me. I don't want everything in my life to be one color, and I don't want all my meals to be the same.|||I think you need to get this from a study of psychology, not from an INTP forum. What functions are impaired in a sociopath? I think there are some partial answers in neurology. And why the...|||I think we get interested in the idea of accomplishing something, without stopping to think about whether or not we really enjoy the process of doing it. So we start all kinds of cool-seeming things...'
'I've never really understood pee videos.I can understand everything else to varying degrees, especially bondage and abuse, but not pee videos. It's not that I find the fetish disturbing or anything,...|||Is it a steady job? I know sometimes the longer you work in the industry, the more out of your comfort zone they push you. As in, you can't keep doing vanilla porn, you gotta delve into that sexy...|||lol I dunno. Was it fun? Or were you trying to die?|||INTJ plowing his way into the conversation here. When I'm high with friends, I am laughing and joking and everything, but I came home last night still stoned from earlier that night, I focused on...|||Sir, one of the most important questions is this...how much do you get paid?|||I smoke something that isn't legal in every state. I used to smoke an occasional cigar, until I found this amazing alternative to tobacco.|||http://media.rob.nu/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/serialkiller.jpg Amirite?|||I disagree with the bold. While there is still responsibility, the amount of responsibility decreases. So, agree to disagree.|||Depends on how you said it, but to me...he sounds like a crybaby. I've been socializing more, and I am indeed happier. Tell him I said that.|||That is a serious escalation too. Drunk driving. Saying stupid things however, you aren't 100% responsible for. Impulse control is quite lowered, but drunk driving takes alot more work to do than...|||Not convinced. You know the dangers of war, you signed up for the army, it's your fault you got shot. |||I've always typed as INTJ, but in person I act a little differently, so as to better get along with people. I am becoming more social. MBTI is not a tool to help us identify a rut into which we are...|||They knew things, and they would talk because they're payments ceased. Gale was going to replace Walt once Gus killed him. Walt had to kill Gale to prevent that. That too. But the list thing was...|||The 10 guys in prison were acceptable, they were Mike's guys and knew things. Gale was acceptable, as it was to save his life. And Mike, that was out of anger because he wouldn't give him the list...|||Killing to save yourself is perfectly acceptable. I am referring to all of Walt's killings. The killing of Drew Sharp was unnecessary.|||Being drunk is an excuse. You'll agree next time you're drunk and say something stupid. When you're drunk, choice is a concept without meaning. You do things without much thought, impulse takes...|||You have ignored all of mine. You give nothing to back up your points, except your word. Yes, true and false are objective, however morality is not objective. I don't see why you would even think...|||Murder can be accepted, and is regularly accepted. Context is everything. And I never said Walt was innocent, nor those other criminals. In fact, I am well aware he is a criminal. I already stated...|||He likes you, alot. He wants to fix things, and it looks like he wants to be with you.|||I'll be heading to a tech school next year, gonna be a network administrator.|||Actually...yeah, they do. Otherwise it's subjective. Objective deals with facts, otherwise it is subjective. And yes, there is positive and negative, true or false, but not with morality. It is all...|||Morality can not be quantified. It is subjective. If you do not believe in a higher power, then you should know that morals are up to us. I am an atheist. I do not recall saying what he did was...|||Morality is not subjective? That is illogical. I am assuming you believe in a higher power then? What he did was neither moral nor immoral. It was simply survival, and the way of the business. It...|||I am not defending him because of my emotional attachment to him. If someone else had done the same, I would have defended them, as their actions made sense. There is right and wrong, however it...|||Irrationality? There is no irrationality. And I said morals depend upon the situation. That would irrational, in that situation. This hardly affects your pride. Minor slights of pride do not equal...|||It actually isn't irrational at all. My morals are just flexible. If it was either dying, or killing a peaceful person, I would kill the peaceful person. Better to live on your terms, than live...|||Actually, yes. They had to kill the chemist, or Gus would have killed Walt. No choice.And I already explained why he refused the money.|||http://global3.memecdn.com/spell-it-right-dammit_o_2259413.webp|||Some of it yes, but I felt he was kind of harsh with some things he said to her.|||Justice over mercy? Definitely.|||Walt had too much pride to take the offer, and I understand that. He knew, and we knew, that he wasn't getting the job cause he was a great chemist, he was getting the job because his friend felt bad...|||I for one support Walt in every decision he has made, except for the crap he said to his wife on the phone. Otherwise, I support him all the way. However, he should have decided to kill Jesse sooner,...|||The picture is big because my phone likes to make my pictures big. ._. https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1240350_635616019793674_79451283_n.jpg|||Sorry. Been busy, building a computer. MacKellar: When people do that I get irritated to the extremes. When I say Because why? And they still say because...I wanna break something.|||I never said how big of an insult it was. I'd appreciate it if you calmed down a little. It's not really a game. References and sources are rather important. I shall take a look at your reference...|||How mature. You wish to derail the thread further and insult me? So be it. Source regarding Hitchens? Even religion is hypocritical. A reading of the bible, and any religious text will prove...|||I posted on your visitor messages yesterday saying if you wanted to discuss religion, we should do it there. But I see you ignored it... They're hypocritical ABOUT their religious beliefs, is what...|||http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/House-Laugh-to-Sad.gif|||All religious people aren't Christians? Well holy crap. ( sarcasm ) I used Christianity as an example because it is the dominant religion. I bash all religions, and the occasional agnostic and...|||So I'm assuming all the religious people you know do everything their religion demands? 11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway - 11 Points ...|||I guess you've never met a religious person? Or are you yourself one? I am an atheist. Some might even use the label anti-theist. Religious people are all against their so called sins, pray...|||Male INFJ's? Don't know if I know any. They're very much like us, that I know, but a bit more feely. So I usually like them, unless they get all irrational on me.|||All humans are hypocrites, but some of the greatest are the religious hypocrites.|||https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/944230_659348437427946_282784325_n.jpg Another fine example of the hypocrisy of religious people.|||http://global3.memecdn.com/that-escalated-quickly_c_1614839.webp|||Med school huh? I myself plan to go to med school. How was pre med?|||1: No, religion is poison and needs to eventually die out. I'm an atheist. 2: Srs? Serious!? 3: No, all religions are false. Atheism is the only rational stance. Even deism is flawed. No such...|||I think the same thing happens to me. O_O Wait...no it doesn't. Phew. If it did, that would suck. In my opinion. I get girls regardless whether I try or not. Failing when you try and succeeding when...|||I am regularly called a sarcastic smart ass.The only time I'm called nice, is when I say nothing in that class. Girls call me sweet, but that's cause I'm only nice to girls that I am interested in...|||Anime for some reason creeps me out a little. I can't say why. It's just...something about it makes me feel dirty. Not sexually dirty, just dirty. Might be my childhood experience with anime which...'
'As an INFP I think Fi and depression made me self centered for sure (rumination, pre-occupation and worries (about myself, and my surrounding), poor sense of identity / desire to be 'true' to myself,...|||I know this is the internet and I understand that it is hard to empathize sometimes when you can't see the person behind. Even though you weren't coming from a bad place, I wish people would be...|||Hello Twichl, Thank you for your reply. I tend to add too much details when I am in this ruminative state... I am pretty sure I do not want to make a move on him anymore, actually I...|||TMI Edited out. I tend to over share when I am in this particular mood.|||Tmi tmi Sorry|||-edited out- I was in a crazy mood, and feel ashamed of my over sharing.|||Thank you so much for the replies, they were very insightful. I had a long day at school and I will reply tomorrow, but I realized while riding the tramway earlier, that what he want is to win....|||What should I do with this INTX love interest? Is he bad news? If not, I have no clue what my next moves should be. I apologize in advance for my English! I am aware it sounds very childish.,.I...|||One of the smartest shows. Still Bitchin'|||Hahaha, I am in the same situation, except that I am the INFP girl in question. Please give her time, and don't be upset .. I tend to do this as well; not because I want to hurt, or reject the...|||Attacks like the ones tonight in Paris are committed to purposely trigger an Islamophobic backlash. That backlash is not an unintended consequence of such attacks, it is part of their logic. ISIS...|||This thread makes me so happy, hehe :ghost3: Thank you for posting! We definitively share the same hobbies online souppumpkin -image hoarder- Ohh, wooden furniture and plants would be lovely!...|||Garden Hermit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden_hermit Ornamental hermits: an 18th century 'must-have' Ornamental hermits: an 18th century &apos;must-have&apos; âx80x94 University of Leicester ...|||I had this feeling Snape was an INFJ as well :pride: He is my favorite character of the books|||I am pretty much obsessed with interiors, and I was wondering if other INFPs value their living space as well! :teapot: What is your room like? What do you like the most about it? :ghost3: (non...|||My father is an an ESFJ and my mother an ESFP. My father was pretty much absent (he was been working abroad during my childhood), and my ESFP mother was very irresponsible of me. Always acted like...|||---|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8Cq8eeUWyM feeling seductive this morning|||bethdeth lilysocks I agree. There is a lot of 'me' in what I write, and I really see it now, haha (must be the Fi-eelings) But it's weird, I feel like there is a certain logic in...|||@tok1 Ahh! you have noticed my many, many, edits. I do read before I post, but there is always an error that slips away. I understand what you mean, and I think it is the most logical way to...|||RuneRaven I'm glad to hear from you again, I did search the book! I do not have a Kindle, but I was still able to find interesting / helpful excerpts online. The author emphasizes on listening to...|||@R.O.B That was the perfect video to illustrate, hahaha. Yes, it's his confidence. But he only seems to have phases like this? Otherwise when he is around people he is still 'confident' but...|||Ah well, nevermind. Hopefully no one will recognize me. The world is awfully small sometimes.|||Hello, I am not sure if I came to the right place, but I would like to delete the thread in the INTJ section, and edit out a few posts in the Psychology section. When I made the thread, I was...|||RuneRaven Thank you for posting. I really appreciate it. I do not know if he is an INTJ for sure… But I do feel like this personality fits him the most (based on my gut feeling + observation)...|||t0k1 Have you read all the description? Esp. The 2nd part? Please elaborate on why you think I am being delusional about him being interested/ creeping/ seeing me as a prey. I don't think...|||xxxx|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUzyIrVbj0w|||When I saw the title, I immediately thought about same sex attraction I felt (as a heterosexual) too! I don't want to be her though, but I feel like with her we complement each other with attributes...|||I'm crushing on you, while reading your description of her, haha. I thought it was really sweet. I can totally relate to her weird behavior, and even though she is married, I am pretty sure you are...|||An INFJ that would be a bit more outgoing than me (= soul mate) & INTJs|||Sun: Virgo Moon: Aries Mercury: Libra Venus: Scorpio :blushed:|||Hello, I have made a thread before around the same topic, but I wanted to be more precise. I apologize in advance for my poor english and grammar. I ruminate a lot, and sometimes it goes...|||I think an INFP can have desire for money, just like anyone :) I do feel like we are in a very materialistic generation, and I feel like we are pushed to consume many useless things to fill a...|||Hello, you can call me Lou, or Whispers! English isn't my native language but I will try my best to speak it the best as I can. I'm not an expert in MBTI, but I thought it was interesting how...'
'Hello, everyone. I haven't been back here in a while. I started checking these forums again recently because of some personal issues I've had in my life. Anyways, this thread is to give attention...|||Book : The Davinci Code. Don't know what you mean by connected to, but that book was epic. Music: TOOL!! Movies: I watched K-PAX recently, and that was awesome. American Beauty and Donnie...|||I think our early childhood determined how we all came to be INFP. I bet most of us had a rough childhood.|||My sister is also an INFP, and when her boyfriend of like 1.5 years broke up with her she was the exact same way. Even told me so.|||I did my dare too. Now I dare myself to finish reading Angels & Demons by...Sunday.|||You listen to one of my favorite bands! Annnnd I dare myself to go to sleep :D Peace.|||Oh, and to add to the main topic at hand... when I LIKE a girl I usually try to spend time with her, but not in a creepy stalker way. Eventually 99.5% of the time they end up seeing me as just a...|||I think it's most likely because this person became infatuated with something new in his life. I speak from experience. There have been numerous times I've talked to people on the internet and...|||That sometimes happens to me. There's more to dreams than people realize. I will have a very vivid dream of myself being in a certain situation, in a certain place, and a day to a few later I'll be...|||I wrote this when I was like 13 or 14. First and only poem (if you can call it that) I ever wrote. As I sit here looking at the whole world running I think what could have been there I am lost...|||I like WHO I am. I just don't like being so introverted. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I want to be more talkative. Currently working on being less shy.|||Life will not have a meaning until we as a species evolve to the point of loving one another.|||I feel the same way often.. even with my friends I have known for years. They'll be in our group..talking, laughing, whatever.. and something will hit me like They don't even know half of who I...|||I love cats and all animals. Growing up with cats has made them more favorable for me, though.|||I was about to say the same thing :]|||Wow, Greg... you're just like me in pretty much every way you listed.. I like how you mentioned the ''awkward door-opening situations'' that made me laugh|||I think it's because it's the INFP nature to try to see the good in people.. I know I can sometimes be naive and trust people even though I have a gut feeling not to.|||Damn. I was gonna post some pics but I have to go to work in a couple minutes. Tourist, your cat is awesome.|||I hate my job! I load trailers every day. It sucks! Two years been doing this. 15% unemployment, and can't find another job. Imagine lifting and loading 20-30+ thousand pounds a day in a...|||Wow. Cute kitten :) I'd call her Alesana|||I've seen Dexter and house a few times. Pretty good shows. Never really dedicate myself to watching a series on a given night of the week. I watched the first three seasons of the O.C though. ...|||Haha. That made me laugh. Definitely can't have that!|||Hmm. Maybe I should start wearing pink shirts and see what happens then :]|||Dude! I have the same exact problem! And the girls that are interested in me and think I'm an asshole always seem disappointed to find out I'm not.. then they flee. WTF!?|||Hahaha. That was pretty funny.|||My standards are pretty high, which is why I think I'm still single. I like girls with light, exuberant eyes and a pretty face. Lol, that's the most important thing, it just seems to captivate me. ...|||Wow, what a bitch. She may have been just trying to get you to open up more, but that's like the worst way I've ever heard of someone trying. If that happened to me, I would have most likely got...|||Oh I can totally relate to everyone here. This site is awesome. I didn't know there were so many people just like me :] I've always been shy. I remember having many friends in my elementary...|||Maybe you should join the Peace Corps!|||Only if I don't remember what I did the night before :]|||From what I read, INFPs are good teachers. From what you're saying, it seems like you are great with kids.. so I'd say go for it. Why not? Although.. I am an INFP and kids always end up hitting me...|||From the way you described it, I would definitely go with the INTP.|||Yep. I feel like Toby McGuire in the movie Spiderman, before he actually became Spiderman.|||what do you mean? lol|||I can never sleep with dead silence. I leave my tv on or play music when I'm going to bed. The noise lets my mind drift more easily.|||I got sucked into a blackhole too! There were many animated characters with spaghetti hair and weird faces that made me laugh!|||Personally, I like Immortal Technique a lot.. and Bobby Ray.. he's more hip-hop, but his music isn't about money, ''bitches'' and cars.. like many others.|||LOL! Salvia! I've smoked that stuff so many times. Craziest thing ever.|||I've been smoking weed on/off since I was 16. I really only do it by myself after work, or occasionally with close friends. Everything just seems more real when you smoke it. It's like...|||I couldn't fucking agree more! I hate those shows sooo much. Just the thought of it angers me. Those are all the shows my sister will watch. I can't believe teens these days look up to the...|||I don't watch princess movies like you do lol, but I've seen the Notebook like 10x so I guess.|||I think James Keenan Maynard is an INFP|||The point where it's about to rain/thunderstorm during summer. You can feel this crazy electricity in the air.. Makes me feel good :]|||Yes. Happens all the time. I'll be fine for a long time.. then I go to a party, the mall, school, anything with a lot of people and I immediately feel drained and tired. Hate that feeling.|||I have this book called Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type Anyways... it suggests these careers for INFP's Creative Arts: Artist,...|||If you really knew me, you'd know that I might appear angry or sad, but I'm really just content. I HATE that!|||No, you're not. But, maybe I am :O|||I've been working for UPS for two years now. I really hate it, but it's really hard to find another job... so what can I say? Hopefully college will lead me to a good career.|||Do you have any pot to go with that video? I kinda like the background music though :)|||I completely agree with that. I've watched like literally every episode of 'A Haunting' on the Discovery Channel. If that show taught me anything it's that if you see a spirit and you sense pain,...'
'That, and also the fact that you can zoom in at will means that space is infinitely fine - but not infinitely large. (typing this, it occurs to me that this is a fine distinction with large...|||I'm not sure the establishment of human rights developed quite the way you say. I would spontaneously put it the following way: At some point in time, some people demanded certain rights from the...|||First of all, thanks simulatedworld for this excellent map through the Jung-le :wink: of typology. Suffice to say I like the model better now. I always liked focusing on motivations more than on...|||Maybe typology is just the dream of some freakish Jungian monster, and in reality we're all acting exactly the same all of the time.|||Addendum: That's of course not the only way to prompt deep processing or good retention of statements; another one is putting the statement into a context. Oh wait ... INTPs DO THAT TOO! Ahahaha!|||Did you know that soft statements lke it is believed that ..., one might say ..., research indicates ... etc are remembered a lot better than absolute statements? That's because they...|||... when you collect fun contradictions like others collect stamps. Things like Yea I have testosterone. I grew a breast hair yesterday. And I was so proud of it, I went and gave it a perm. Not...|||Your mannerisms/demeanor are pretty much like I imagined them from your posts haha|||Very nice. One major point that was making this discussion difficult was that Kate does or did a fair amount of stuff that looks like other functions, e.g. scheduling for the kids. Thinking about...|||Not necessarily. As far as I can tell, the 4 functions that are not included in the definition of a type (for INFP those would be Fe, Ni, Se, Ti) might be anywhere strength-wise in an individual...|||I realize I'm entering this discussion somewhat belated, but ... How was it for you when you were a child? As children, our emotions are as strong and clear as they get. How do you remember the...|||Lol, reminds me of me ... I would say that I have that tendency, maybe sometimes in an F kind of way, but mostly in a T way, like with points of contention that arose in a discussion. ...|||Bear in mind that you will have a fair amount of T in the mix, which other feelers may not have.|||:) I would say you're nearest to INFP. But after you said that just didn't fit, I kinda stopped thinking it made any sense to pin you down onto a single type. That's why I told you about the...|||Sympathy/Fe is broader and can apply more easily to more situations without directly feeling the emotions in question, but doesn't have the same degree of emotional depth as Fi.[/QUOTE] Sorry...|||Makes sense. Just to clarify, I was definitely not saying that Fi users can't/don't want to empathize much, rather that not being able to help oneself from empathizing is something I would expect...|||Hm, I would've thought this was more Fe, and that Fi users would be more likely to be able to distance themselves from a specific person (though it seems to me that INFPs are the masters of a kind of...|||See, if you were an INTP, you probably wouldn't have typed that up, but rather a referral to an earlier post of yours. Maybe containing just the slightest hint of sarcasm. :wink: not quite serious|||Ummm ... lol. If you want feedback, start your own thread titled If you can convince me that I'm not an ENFP, you're a genius.|||Haha ... nice one. But I think the problem is rather that Kate is so in between types ... for every result, there seem to be things that are explained well by it and others that just don't fit,...|||Yea - you fit the other textbook :)|||Lol ... I'm kinda starting to wonder if the verbal play in my alias is apparent ... Diphenhydramine did a function sorter test|||Did you see that Diphenhydramine guy? Te > Ni > Se > Fi > Ti > Ne > Si > Fe Looks textbook, just not the textbook you mentioned|||Interesting comments about House. He may well be ENTP. Probly either that or XNTP, i.e. ambivert. And thanks for your response to my stuff. As far as the percentages thing goes, I couldn't be...|||I bought a pair of shoes I liked that I came across more or less in passing-by, and which I knew I wouldn't wear for at least a year because my current ones are still in one piece (and why wear more...|||I think I my understanding of how reverse psychology came into play in this situation may be different than yours, sumi ... it wasn't meant that the INTP consciously or even instinctively uses...|||That's ... just beautiful. Never was there a more endearing reason for being pissed off ^.^|||Yeah, but Bruce Lee is one of the most fun, because if he begs to differ, that might just be synonymous with he'll beat you to a pulp|||Bruce Lee would beg to differ ;) But I get your point.|||Radio is overrated.|||This is great ... how often do INTPs usually get to try and bring two people together? :proud:|||I would enjoy hearing what examples you have in mind when you say this, if you have the leisure. Not that I don't have any of my own in mind, or that you haven't already given some. I'm just curious.|||The thing about INTPs losing interest quickly doesn't apply to someone they have formed a bond with, I would say. When it's a friendship bond also, but especially a romantic one. I think it's highly...|||I dunno if this has been said yet, I only read until page 4. Interjection: I agree with ENTJwillruletheworld that this analysis is of limited use and there are a truckload of phenomena that cannot...|||You forgot INFJ and ENFP. Thank you nonetheless :wink:|||*hand-clapping* :happy:|||Something being wrong with you isn't a prerequisite for self-pity ... something being wrong with your life does just fine. In any case, your statement was consistent with my statement, as your...|||You may be an INTP if your self-pity doesn't last very long hehe|||Hm ... I can get pretty enthusiastic about something (usually something new that I want to learn), but reality mostly curbs or downright squashes that enthusiasm. It's not always other people that...|||Thanks hehe The X in House's XNTP has me a little stumped. You make a good point that he is ENTP, but his E/I preference must be weak either way. By which I don't mean to imply that your husband...|||Interesting... so your Ti-Ne combo is almost as strong as your Ni-Te? Sounds like a cool place to be :cool:|||You're right. The comparison was flawed, because if the MBTI were to claim scientific validity, it would be the existence of the functions that would be unproven, not the causal relationship between...|||Are you sure? If you talk about Jungian functions (also unproven concepts, if I'm not mistaken), isn't that saying this person acts this and this way because he is using his cognitive functions in...|||Although I've made my thoughts on this subject, I'll give a definition I heard from a neuroscience expert in the opening speech of a 2009 symposium on intelligence and creativity (that I have on...|||Hmm, an attractive method ... I gotta try that - but first, I need a bigger floor. Love that expression.|||... when you start listening to psych lectures while doing housework so as to stop hating those chores.|||Oh yes, definitely need that clothes chair (or equivalent surface).|||As others have also posted, it's not necessarily that INTPs don't have emotion, but that often it is very closely connected to thought, thus making it seem like there is no emotion. Maybe being...|||A sense of tragedy befell me on reading that ... I guess INTPs would become like overly composed in that sort of situation as a survival mechanism, rather than cry their eyes out about it ... ...|||Wow ... that gave me goosebumps! I can't verify the (actual) death, and spirituality, hm, I have thought about it and do have a potential projection surface for spirituality, but I haven't yet...'
'I'm currently dating an ISFP and it's the most magical relationship I've ever been in, especially after consistently dating ISTPs who I am super drawn to but everything I love about them ends up...|||A frequent point of frustration for my ISTP is my tendency to want to edit my opinion or incorporate relevant opinions/data into my own -- in other words, harmonizing with other's opinions. It...|||I'm with an ISTP! Good lord, it has taken a solid 2 years to get him to open up to my minimum emotional transparency level. But the patience is worth it. It just keeps getting better in terms of...|||I agree that my level of control is entirely situational... If I am with inner circle people, there is no filtering. I get manically excited pretty often without restraint and I cry when I'm happy...|||I am amused that only an ENFP and INTJ have managed to do this for you, as is the case for me as well! I do this sometimes. Mostly because I am deathly afraid of being perceived as needy and...|||Haaaa, I DO have a difficult time noticing those things because it's not my default communication method. I do my best because I want to be an appreciative and affirming partner, but you are correct...|||Poko Yes! I can totally see how suuuuuuuure.........? has been used when there's lots of skepticism and little interest xD Well....ARE you emotionally stunted in comparison?? Aquc Hmm, I'll have...|||Thank you so much for that! You have no idea how important that was for me to read, really. I've already created a separate file in my head on how to read and deal with ISTPs as opposed to what...|||THIS, THIS! Why?! Is this related to Fe being inferior, you think? Also, pardon the haphazard exclamation marks but it's something I'd noticed and it was something that I'm going to really have to...|||Oh my gosh! You do this too?! This is something I struggle with. Sometimes it seems like my ISTP is not enthusiastic about something I suggest because he says sure to almost everything. And so I...|||Ahhh! I'm glad you have that in a friend! I most definitely feel that way about my ISTP friends. I see and feel that they are equally as caring, not necessarily as sensitive, but there is this...|||G'rawr! Can I just say I feel the warmest of fuzzies for you? And I wish you the best! Yes...I have some control issues. I like to *know* a lot of things and sometimes no matter how many...|||Goodness! I can see now why things in my relationship have played out the way they have! Haha too true...there have been times where I despaired because I kept running into many layers of emotional...|||It makes me so sad, particularly on the ISTP Facebook group, that there's so much hostility towards ENFJs as a type. My guess is that they have only come across immature and uncompromising ENFJs in...|||Also: After having my very first conversation with an INFJ within the passed two days. I was wholly unaware of the typing at first but we kept going back and forth, very surface level. Kind of like...|||Did I answer your question? Or should I think about this further, elaborate and/or clarify?|||smallpeas That's interesting, this sense of reciprocity you speak of. Perhaps we are that much more sensitive to rejection. Our idea of self is partly related to how we are evaluated by those...|||Agreed. And like Ringer said we want to be trusting. I want to talk to everyone that will listen to me about my innermost thoughts and feelings. Seriously, if I could I would. But not everyone is...|||Both. I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. My heart is tougher to reach and is only given when someone is deemed safe. Positive emotions like happiness, excitement and wonder, and confidence I let...|||Ha! I love your responses! I was mostly quiet and always observing adults and listening to their conversations. Around my family members I always asked why, but my dad's side of the family was...|||I second the request for a specific example. I also ask tons of questions dancing around an answer to a question I'm thinking of, but not the actual question, which to others would appear as...|||Furry pajama pants: They're like hugs for your legs!|||AHAHAHA! This is exactly what my ISTP says. I've got a little ways to go in the self-confidence department which eventually stabilizes the batshit craziness of the ENFJ. Watching me progress from a...|||You know, I don't believe age has anything to do with emotional maturity. Cognitive development, yes, but I have seen some very stable young people that have it more together than those in their...|||I can just imagine my poor counselor! He/she will probably just feel totally bull-dozed. Here are my problems, I don't need help identifying them. Here are my childhood traumas that led me to...|||Ooh! Freezeframe, I do have friends that I talk to but we're in the same boat and kinda run ourselves in circles...The other one I'm pretty sure is a highly functioning sociopath, to quote Sherlock...|||Isolation is needed to a certain extent to introspect, yes. But what do you do to prevent yourself from introspecting too much and mood-swinging all over the place? Just...pep-talk yourself?|||niffer It's good to know I'm not actually crazy and it just seems like it when comparing myself to relatively unreactive ISTPs -.- Not so good that you're going through it too...I just have hope...|||For the past two years it seems like my life has been completely shaken up and I haven't been able to find my center of gravity. I met a man, fell in love, broke up but we are still emotionally...|||I think that how much an NFJ reveals to you and how quickly definitely has to do with maturity and experience dealing with different types of people; I'm even more convinced. I understand what is...|||I think the lack of trust presently arises from experiences since childhood. **I really dislike speaking for the entirety of the ENFJ population because I am only one person, so forgive me for...|||Crikey! That's exactly what I've been trying to get at. Thank you for being more succinct.|||Ahhhh, I see where your confusion would come in. *I* happen to be a really assertive female. I choose my men, not the other way around and over the years I've learned to just tell who I'm interested...|||@x1nfamousx Which is why the golden rule of thumb for knowing if you can trust is, is whether or not we can trust you! If we open up to you, chances are we won't hide our feelings -- at least not...|||smallpeas Sometimes I don't know my own feelings about things. Or concepts. But I know how I feel about people after reflecting. Also in response to how do you know if I'm acting on my feelings...|||Success stories? Ehhh, more like success, failure, work-in-progress! I dated an ISTP for a year but broke up about 5 months ago (kind of my fault for pushing him into a corner) and decided to remain...|||^^^^THIS was beautiful. We go to the source. I only get into relationships because I believe it's for the long haul, now. If the relationship is going to compromise my emotional health or my...|||She does! I so relate! Sometimes I need to remind myself that people don't like being stared at so intensely, so if they look away when they look back at me, I'll look away briefly so that they're...|||23 you say? Assuming he started around 18 that gives him five or sixish years of opportunity. At least 5 people a year. To me, that doesn't sound bad. Because there have been times in my life were I...|||Night of The Wolf by Nox Arcana! Because sometimes I like to pretend there's evil afoot and I'm about to banish it too hell along with my Genetics homework. ...|||As a Hispanic woman interested in pursuing a surgical profession, I completely agree that all of these things are still very much present in today's society and continue to plague us as a whole. In...|||I know two ISTJs. One of them we've had a rocky friendship for 5 years. At first I felt really unappreciated by him because he would ignore me when I was too excited, basically anytime I was...|||Oh my goodness! This post! It's so accurate. I have an INTJ best friend and we get along so well! But it doesn't appear that way to other people because we rag on each other like none other. One...|||It only gets tiresome when you give to those who don't reciprocate or show any appreciation for what you've given, be it time, compassion or a favor. This only happened to me when I was in younger...|||Yes! Type 2w3 and I'm a perfectionist so I compete with everyone around me and with myself to always be the best that I can be--and that better be as close to perfect as possible. This is manifest...|||Aquc That's strange! (ha, sorry you guys just keep reminding me about things here and there) What I love about my ISTPs are that they are the most descriptive complimentors! One of them does so...|||YES! My ISTP doesn't know about Myers Briggs and showed only passing curiosity but he explains himself to me so well, when I ask the right questions. This is probably the hardest thing for me to...|||When stressed, I've been told it physically manifests itself as taughtness all over. I move rigidly, more quiet and less expressive. My friends usually know that the second I stop talking or asking...|||A shame, indeed. There's always residency, you never really know where you'll end up...Hooray! I so look forward to being shipped around the U.S Also, there's no reason why we can't talk :D|||ickle Goodness! What made you decide to change your mind about medschool, if you don't mind my asking? And what are you doing now? I hope no one minds my very pointed questions >.<'
'I loved All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, it's a pretty recent book (came out in May) but it was simply amazing.|||The strange and beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender - Leslye Walton|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObGlgJPCZj4|||My family would want me to save the 2 billion people, I would make the same choice. It would be horrible either way.|||I don't put much stock in numerology but I figured it couldn't hurt to try and it seemed like fun :) anyway: Birth Force Number: 7 Destiny Number: 6 Personality Number: 11 Soul urge...|||Doctor Who (absolute favourite) Supernatural Glee Bones CSI The Voice of Holland Big Bang theory Death Note (and other animes) Mythbusters Derren Brown shows|||Hmm I was bulllied from 12 to 15, it was never anything physical. it were comments on my clothes, my hair, my personality everything basically. I was tall and shy, So I kinda stood out. there was one...|||Fantasy is absolutely my favourite gene :) I like sci-fi a lot as well. other genres are psychological, contemporary sometimes but really i don't stick to one particular genre. I prefer books though...|||yeah my ring finger is a little bit longer, not too much though|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrnI7_ogOKI|||I'm a book as well :)|||I suppose the thing that I would have like to have known or be reassured about is that in the world, what counts more than talent, what counts more than energy or concentration or commitment or...|||I am usually very very hesitant in believing in alternative medicines. The fact that there still hasn't been any convincing evidence for practices such as homeopathy, reflexology etc. doesn't really...|||I see part of my garden, the roof of a neighbours house and beyond that our water tower, it's more like a single castle tower with a huge antennea on the roof. Oh and currently it's twilight outside.|||I do too, I have set such a high bar from myself and I expect so much from myself that I'm afraid of making any big mistakes. It's not so bad that I won't do something because I am afraid of failure...|||Some failure in lifeufeff is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you've lived so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all. In which case, you fail by...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7r_ZyY13UA|||Hugely disappointed, didn't got accepted for a program I signed up for via school. I'll get over it though...|||I would force him to go and travel through the kingdom to meet and talk with the local population and to learn of local culture and the differences between culture and customs trough the kingdom. ...|||Let's see - I worry too much - Feel different from others (even though I'm probably not) - Feeling extremely uncomfortable and out of place at parties (I rarely go to one, because it is solo...|||This is exactly how I feel, it's like when I'm with friends or with anyone really that something of 'me' is missing or subconsciously hidden.. I don''t know I'm just different ...|||I'm about to strangle a pillow. It isn't even three days into the new school year and already I'm overloaded with homework, irritations, sports, extracurricular activities and general annoyances. The...|||It's easier for me to accept help for small things (everyday things), I usually believe that the people who offer help genuinely want to help me and usually I let them help. If I feel that someone is...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW93CV6m-JU|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz7NT7WUA_0&amp;feature=fvsr I love the Amelie soundtrack, it's just so ... so beautiful. It's one example of many :) I really like listening to soundtracks of good...|||I'm not sure if I'm the right person to give advice as I'm only 16 myself but I'll try. It seems that your mother is quite strict in telling you what you are allowed to do. I'd suggest to have a...|||I agree, I also think that people differ radically in how they were raised and how that affected their believe. My parents are non-religious, I went to a public school which didn't pay attention to...|||I don't think they are Mutually exclusive, you can be nice and fair. Besides, it is kind of an unfair question because being 'fair' will appeal to people more because of its meaning. These days nice...|||No not with music, I do have something similar with letters though. If I think of an E for example it will always be green in my mind, A is red, O is blue, I is white, U is yellow etc. I cannot see...|||I was a very sensitive child when I was younger. Like most other INFJ's I loved imaginary games more than concrete games like football. I was very lucky in this sense because I had some friends who...|||Hello Everyone, After a massive amount of lurking, I have finally decided to use this account and introduce myself. I'm Koen, 16 years old ( still young :)) Currently still in school with...|||Thanks :P that cheered me up. I love autumn when the leaves get those beautiful colours.|||46358|||It is an interesting topic, and a dangerous one, I've seen so many heated discussions on the internet that I hope that this one will remain civil. That being said and having read most comments I have...|||Annoyed ... with my life today ... and my internet connection which keeps having blackouts.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbMWnaD3fhI|||Hmm, I dislike lying and I'd much rather tell the truth but I might tell a white lie if I feel that the truth isn't mine to share with someone. Like if one of my friends is lying about something to...|||Hmm, I like a cappuccino once in a while, but there my tolerance for coffee ends. I like cats though, I don't have one but sometimes some of the cats in the neigboorhood take a stroll through the...|||Fionn - masculine Meaning Fair or white|||Ugh That is so... terrible. I Mean just what?! Imagine it everyone thought like that...|||Hmmm, I'm pretty good with languages. I speak English and Dutch fluently and I'm able to hold a modest conversation in French. Strangely enough I was terrible at German. I can understand most of it...|||Hmmm, difficult question. I seem to be able to recall from early childhood pretty well, but only if I specifically think about it. Sometimes memories just pop into my head because of something I see,...|||Early bird. I hate waking up later than 9am, it feels like I'm waisting precious time even if I don't always do anything useful with it. 6am is routine for me at normal week days but in the...|||Only eyes because I'm paranoid. :wink: 45996|||I'm 16 as well :P|||Morning person all the way :), especially in the summer and spring when it is already light outside. I can't sleep in later than 8 o clock.'
'Hi, I asked my friends a couple of questions to find out and here are the answers... Life goals (in order): 1. Experience as much as she could in life - she wants to go on hikes, go live in...|||Answers in bold :proud:|||Hey guys, I know the majority of you may not be interested in any form of combat sport and, especially since mixed martial arts (MMA) is the new kid on the block (compared to boxing, wrestling etc),...|||Yeah, she's really confused now according to her. Well, at least that is better than before where she thought of me as a flighty/can't be trusted person. Yeah, I want the face to face...|||Quick update: I am still writing the letter to her but some of the stuff I was going to say has made it to her ears. She still hasn't spoken to me but has asked our mutual friends about me. Is...|||Its pricey and does nothing in the long term for me. So no.|||*Grabs popcorn* No, it is always amusing when people embarrass themselves in public (especially when it is an easily avoidable error).|||Hey man, First of all, thanks for the reply (same goes for all the other posters too). I've got a question though- you know how you said to use you made me duh duh duh.... Do NFs actually prefer...|||Sorry if the topic title sounds a bit rude, but its nearly 2am here and I am in a rush to bed. Long story short: an ENFJ is severly pissed off at me without understanding the full story. It wasn't...|||Mum: ISFJ Dad: ENTJ Older sister: ENTJ Me: ENTP Little bro: INFP|||To make my post less negative, I will start out on some things I DO like about an EXFJ (awks if it turns out to be an ENFJ though): - She's sympathetic: if you are in trouble, she will do...|||I am female but I know for sure I hit harder than most (at least untrained) males since I box competitively. That being said, if someone attacks me then it'll be... (a) if its just one single...|||Saw this on a uni research paper a while ago and just want to see what your answers are. Its a bit hypothetical but it tests...well it tests what hurts you most (physical or emotional pain and what...|||My ESFJ friends tells me that: (a) I am weird- my logic is too far-fetched (b) I am strange- sometimes as when I am walking somewhere, a new possibility/solution to an academic/social...|||I am a really cheesy lover lol. I enjoy the roses, the cringe-worthy pick up lines (beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl) and lots of dancing/flirting before actually committing to a serious...|||I wear an oversize tee and board shorts while I am home or going to buy daily necessities. The only time I have make up on is when I have a dress on- which only ever happens at parties. Oh, and...|||Ahh I see. Is there anyway to help them with this? I remember that there is a healthy and unhealthy version of every enneagram type so yeah...wouldn't want my friend to be perceived negatively by...|||Bump!|||She said no. Said it was too limiting lol (basically same thing she said to me after reading the 4w3 thread).|||Yeah that makes sense but the INFP I know (this is from experience only of course) seem not to be so confident. No, she is not always aware of her surroundings. Me, ENFP friend and her take turns...|||Oh I'm not being harsh. Everything I say is the truth and it sparkles my curiosity since I've never known someone so emotionally turbulent before. I already acknowledged she is smart and brilliant in...|||Dear lord, how do I even start. To be honest with ya I always felt that, as a female ENTP 3w4 sx/so, I was one of the weirder ones walking around town but this person just blows me out of the...|||49126|||Bump! I know this sounds a lot but...argh...please? *waves around newly baked batch of double chocolate chipped cookies*|||So is mine...until I find myself exploring in depth every single possible option (e.g. all the different methods of revenge) that I end up awake anyways. I've just gone on a 12km run and while my...|||and may the guessing commence! Friend no. 1: I am guessing EXFJ 2w3 but feel free to disagree Personality wise: - Optimistic/bubbly kinda person - Extremely caring- to the point where she...|||When you make up a story, do you think of the general plot line first or do you make things up as you go? Do you believe in the necessity of rules? Do you feel more comfortable follow...|||Hey guys, I have made a rather surprising discovery about myself over the last few days. Having always been labelled as the non- serious one in my friendship group when it comes to maintaining...|||I am not an INTP but the two people I know who are are very obviously 9w1 and 5w4.|||Erm not sure this has been covered before but what is the general consensus on Bellatrix Lestrange? She is, of course, quite gaga in the movie (what else did you expect from portrayal by Helena...|||Dad: ESTJ Mom: ISTJ Older sis: ENTJ Me: ENTP Younger bro: INFP|||Going out with friends: T-shirt and shorts (not the kind which only covers 2 inches below your waist) during Summer/hoody and cotton trackies during Winter. I've always found jeans to be a bit...|||Hmmm my room. On the surface you shall see: 1. A plastic desk with a plastic chair. The only things on the desk are a laptop, some notes, my pencil case and my lamp. 2. A bed with a blanket...|||ENTPs, speaking from personal experience (me + 2 of my friends), seem to fit the jack of all trades, master of none description to a dot. Personally, I've dabbled in: - Piano (8th grade) -...|||- Almost bipolar: when he's happy he is bouncing everywhere- like a child but very charmingly so. His eyes are mischievous and his cheeky smile spreads to all corners of his face. However, when he is...|||also interested in this answer. btw, how do you tell from 5w4 and 5w6?|||Bump!|||Sorry for the bold. I copied the questions straight from the other thread and, for some reason, they won't let me unbold it. So I tried to italicize the questions so they look different. But then I...|||Keep getting these three results whenever I do those online tests. I have also read descriptions on all three and there's a little me in each of them. The only thing I am sure on is that I am an NT...|||You sound like a 3w4 (like me!) To be honest, I have yet to meet an ENTP (myself and two of my friends) who feel comfortable at expressing or dealing with emotions . That being said, I still think...|||First of all, thanks a lot for your reply mate! I think she's 4w3 cos she's always trying to project herself as an unique individual (yeah, I forgot to add this in initially) and will go to great...|||Hey guys, I am not going to fill in a standard questionnaire for this one since I don't feel like I know her well enough to answer so many questions on behalf. However, I will try to list all the...|||Hey all, I have noticed that my newer relationships (most of which are friendship-based) all tend to follow a similar trend. I will meet a person and it will be all smiles at first- I would find a...|||- Funerals: depends on how well I know the person who had passed away. If its a distant relative of a distant relative (which happens in a big family like mine), then I would sit there and try my...|||This is awkward considering I prefer a person's natural scent (considering they aren't sweating and stinky :P) than any perfume. That being said, I only wear deodorant since perfume kinda clings to...|||If I know its a deliberate attempt (which I usually do), then no. I will end up getting even angry at their attempt to manipulate me lol.|||I am Christian and go to church sometimes but I am definitely not what you will call 'hardcore'. Religion to me is more of a tool to better develop spirituality and develop myself rather than...|||Looking into her dating history, I'd definitely say yes.|||Thanks for the reply mate! Yeah, I get what you mean now. However, she always seem to be with someone since she has a lot of friends. Do I ask her to speak to her privately (I've tried once and it...|||Sorry but can you elaborate? I noticed that INFJs, in general, really like to help people and am almost *attracted* to sadness. Is this the same for INFPs?'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn7B5FdwBK8 that pretty much sums it up.|||I do this as well. But the speed at which I read has lead me to abandon book reading due to monetary constraints. Just the internet for me now, where there is infinite text and zero dollars involved.|||I encourage it, gets people to leave me the hell alone. Heck, it's probably the only reason I never got into a fight in high school.|||If you ask me questions about my life, I will tell you. I don't naturally start conversations about my life but I don't have anything to hide. If you ask me a question, I'll tell you the truth, so...|||I do the long distance, wait for eye contact, *nod*|||I'm in the same boat as Talon. No soul. No afterlife. One chance. In a way, I think it's even more comforting than believing in an afterlife.|||My point exactly.|||and that's why you are arguing with a stranger on the internet.|||either way I don't care. :mellow:|||I enjoy my quality of not having to give a single fuck about anything ever. So...T?|||How about we just strive for a perfect world instead of being lazy?|||because if they were clearer, the misassumption wouldn't have been able to occur in the first place. Another example that could use clarity: That dog is sick. do I mean that the dog is...|||the problem stems from the fact that in english you can say a complete sentence and derive two valid meanings from it given the context. Such as a joke i heard from a english comedian about how he...|||So if others are choosing their words haphazardly why should I stoop to their level? Shouldn't we strive for GREATER clarity instead of dumbing down for the lowest denominator?|||If there isn't an audible pause i don't think it's unreasonable to say You want to eat Grandma? Besides, why should I assume that the speaker doesn't want to eat their grandma? I carefully choose...|||http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jsBI1jdzySQ/Tes2Up94i2I/AAAAAAAAACw/1sNY_QgBXLo/s1600/food3.jpg|||But what is actually being said is the only thing we can reliably base any information off of. If you can't express yourself in an intelligent way how the hell are supposed to know that you aren't an...|||I'm guessing his spilled some beer on his phone.|||http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i226/MagnumCloud/YouMadPokemon.jpg Instead of trying to justify your position, try making him justify his. Make him defend his opinion, if he says you are a...|||nah, i've heard it before. doesnt bother me.|||heights flying insects and that's about it. But the fear is slowly disappearing.|||If i killed baby hitler, then he wouldn't have killed all those jews, so i wouldnt know I would have to kill baby hitler. PIME TARADOX!|||Just do it|||don't worry if you don't, we can always just sacrifice you to our dark gods.|||That is indeed how I approach it. I have nothing making me do good except for the fact that I WANT to do good things. I don't fear divine punishment nor do I expect reward upon death. I just want to...|||Tickle them during sex, it's not rape if they're laughing.|||That sounds like rapin' words to me!|||Yes, let us not confuse the good rapists with the bad ones.|||So wait...as an atheist i should STOP raping children?|||I eat alone, but then, I wont sit and eat with someone unless I am specifically invited.|||I think there is a problem with language when it comes to this question. People will ask me if I am happy and I'll say no, because I am not. But people take unhappy to mean sad or depressed when it...|||Well...seeing as how half of my birthdays had no one show up to them, I'm just good with having guests.|||Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup, and looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat, made the bus in seconds flat, ...|||problem is, I was born a day early, my sister 2 weeks early. I believe my brother was born late. So if the astrology charts have been updated to base it off of birth time instead of conception time,...|||so what I'm hearing is that it is total bullpoo.|||one must conquer themselves before conquering the world.|||average day: Wake up, shower, eat, go to school, come home, eat, watch TV/ use computer, eat, go to bed.|||I tell my friends my rules for the phone: If all it requires is you asking me a question, me answering, you confirming; then text me. If we are going to be going back and forth a lot, call me. ...|||I can't remember the last time I was inspired. I think it may no longer be possible to inspire me.|||well for one, introversion vs extroversion is based on whether you have a sensitivity to Dopamine, those that are sensitive to it are introverts.|||I have a question, for astrology why is your birth time significant anyways? It's not like because you are in a womb you are invulnerable to gravity, cosmic rays, magic, what have you. Wouldn't the...|||I eat meat because I CAN eat meat. If i could digest rocks I'd eat them too.|||so...the 12 (now 13) astrological signs (that are off by 6 months) reflect the 16 personality types? So which personality types are doubling up on months? Or does everyone only get a partial...|||you mad bro? come at me!|||Nope, you're just a crazy.|||She's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until she bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that...|||it's not about focusing on the bad and ignoring the good, it's that your bad thing is probably of great importance to your friend and he feels it would be foolish to ignore it. if say your doctor...|||the problem is, judging people based on what they have done in the past is actually an excellent indicator of what they will do in the future. Also judging people based on their past is the only...|||Here is also an excerpt from the second link i posted, with emphasis (in bold) on what was most important for me growing up. Recapping What Works with INTJs Let them play alone or with one...|||these may also help: http://personalitycafe.com/intj-articles/7281-intj-child.html http://personalitycafe.com/intj-articles/14613-development-intj-children.html and maybe this...'
'too much perfection until I agree the ideal is someone that doesnt exist. :( i have reduce my criteria: same religion, smart, beautiful, not too short (for asian women). still hard to find|||dear infj-ers, For some reason I feel that my working environment politic situation is going very bad and I am afraid this lead me to unobjective action that seem destructive. We all know, we...|||I talk to social media like path, and often I dont really care what people (inner circle) friend really thinks about me.|||for me, I would take the chance if and only if that person give me that kind of rewards, it is your best friend right. beside that I am no worry if i Wouldnt have that rewards.|||i feel uncompetent to answer your question but, I agree with above UXDork said you are not hurting people.|||Dear ESFP Girl, I know you broke the relationship with me because you can not catch every detail of what I want that quality from you. Best regards, your EX boyfriend.|||Dear all, I think i have less any courage to open email or text message that possibly contain conflict . hahaha.... why oh why|||SUPERB. I also thinking to be an entrepreneur and be free from lick ass office politic.|||above is my answer.|||If I should say Good Morning or Evening when meeting someone.|||Try listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wzoy_LXPA4 its not type of my music. in english the song title mean : It hurts there #LOL|||Can you explain yourself (in the job interview)|||this topic is just the same that happen with me, I am not very proactive to find promotion and advancement. lets find another elsewhere... and perhaps while waiting on that I can advance my hobby|||If refer to the MBTI, then ENFP should be included as one of the best match for INFJ .|||damn its true, for non INFJ they dont tend to get our sentimental attitude.|||only INFJ can understand other INFJ very well.|||Do you think INFJ can missed someone ? what kind of someone that we will missed so much ? lately i dont missed someone, except someone that already died. but living people i dont missed that...|||LOL , so many thanks to those who share their situation that trigger the anger... The same condition with me. just get annoy when everyone really know what annoy me.|||just watched annabelle in movie. quiet good, not too scary. nice|||The INFJ : 1) Waiting for the right moment 2) Not showing his true feeling (lying) 3) He has something in his mind (can't do multitask with romance)|||can you post your eyebrow picture ? perhaps i can analyze a little|||very nice thread... as a sensitive personality type I think INFJ must test people in any kind of situation where we actually dont know what is really happen.|||drink tea in some caffe maybe|||i think INFP would be good. but now I am with ESFP, a little bit so- so... only respect based...|||wow, that is good technic|||1. Lately I try to hard to get for another job, eventhough people said my current job is already good. 2. I awlays try to improve myself by learning everything, but I often also forget everything....|||So, lucky, your partner have the N and P thing... eventhough extravert :) success for you!|||1. I have Master degree in Management Information System and bachelor degree in Computer science. 2. For both of that degree, I think my iNtuitive or N function really help me during my study there...|||watching movies in cinema, going to the beach, running, eating, sleeping..............|||I think we as INFJ are over analytical to ourself hahaha|||Dear ISTP Bossess, I know you want me to finish the report, but I can not get the data complete and perfectly meet my standard so I wont finish it easy HAHAHAHA. your INFJ staff.|||dear infj-ers can you click some thank in my current post, I just need that right now. #VeryRandom|||have you visit potato head in Bali , I think that kind of ambience.|||Yeah, the lighting is probably dim. lot of white space between seat, comfy seat, good music/song, it should be WiFi area and lots of place to charge your gadget... I would like to try to talk to...|||some people include my mother sometimes tell that i am cold #LOL ... I think I can refer it to this link|||look stupid, but I see from their eyebrow... for INFJ are very clear. for sensor also quiet clear. other must be digg deep and try to talk with them and then we can decide the P and N thing.|||I can not define love. haha|||I might be never succeed in a relationship with S (sensing) girl.|||I am building up my theory about eyebrow and INFJ by seeing all infj picture, hahaha|||this is basically what we are , INFJ where most people are Extrovert and Sensing people that dont really understand us.|||i want her to understand me which is quiet difficult for ESFP to understand INFJ totally. I want deep connection of sharing thought and idea and I want her to accompany me to interesting place in the...|||i have tell people to resign from their current job because the company they currently working is kind of no future.|||can you post your face? especially near your eye, eyebrow. I can analyze through that.|||i think relationship with ESFP sometime good and sometime confusing for ESFP to understand me (infj). I have lots of standard that i have been applied during my life until now,|||when ESFP person can not truly understand you.|||CIO may be, because right now i'm working in IT|||my mother didnt try to understand me, it just because she is IS or ES people and may be also P people. my father didnt care bout me, whereas my other sister and brother.|||before i look for another answer, i want to try some answer to you. Yes, suicide is currently wrong. why? who decide you are live or not must be something with bigger power than you are (i call it...|||only from facial expression, i think tim cook is not INFJ|||i dont know, perhaps samsung galaxy tab s , resign from current job and get another job.'
'So here are my two cents. First and foremost sex for the sake of sex is not dating or being in a relationship. The purpose of dating is to determine if you want a relationship with someone, the...|||Dating is far more complicated than I think people make it out to be. Especially if you have already found someone you are interested in and is interested in you. That is really the hardest part I...|||Has anyone seen 7even. Brad Pit? Scene at the end? WHATS IN THE BOX!?!?!? WHATS IN THE BOX?!?! For some reason this post reminded me of that and made me chuckle so thanks for that|||http://personalitycafe.com/articles/112444-five-love-languages-explained.html - Five Love Languages Explained Touch is a form of communication that goes far beyond anything the written or spoken...|||So I wanted to share my thoughts on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). I have spent some time in therapy over the last few years trying to get some mental health issues under control along...|||I used to really enjoy Exctasy. It helped me open up and understand my Fe a little better. Feeling was not scary at that point because everything was so awesome. Then I was diagnosed with Bi-polar...|||Any good relationship is based in a strong friendship and trust in the other person. If either of those things is lost or lacking then your better off just walking away. Trust once lost is difficult...|||I got out of the army and my wife left me all within a month of each other. Then two months latter she came back got naked let me give her a full body massage. When I made a move to initiate sex she...|||Inferior Fe is often classified as a weakness. At the end of the day it just kind of depends on what your trying to do. You do not need Fe to do anything in your life. Even interpersonal...|||I feel like I just walked into an episode of To Catch a Predator|||Personally I enjoy physical intimacy a great deal. As long as it is with someone I know and trust. Cuddling on the couch with a lover while watching T.V. is awesome. I have this Turkish friend that...|||Ok as far as becoming a vegetarian. If you want to do it for whatever reason do it right. What you eat is always important. More so if your going to cut out most forms if not all forms of meat....|||You are feeling overwhelmed by an influx of emotion from some source, probably external. Death of a loved one, new lover, etc etc. Unable to fully comprehend all of this you are overwhelmed by any...|||Look at the advancements that were made in technology because of him. He was not the only one, but he was one of the leading individuals that revolutionized the world and pushed us all into the era...|||Maybe some people should share their voices with a therapist....possibly even the police.|||There are many ways to argue against an emotional argument like that. It takes a little more prep time than finding those PSA adds about the plight of animals in our system, but its doable and would...|||I'm gonna steal a line from famous INTP, the founding father of modern philosophy, Rene Descartes Cogito ergo sum.... I think therefor I am. That about sums it up|||This sentence is a lie...mull that over for awhile|||Honestly it has baffled me as to why this has been bumped as many times as it has. So I thought id come by and give my assessment. Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, Rene Descartes, Charles...|||Objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. You will remain in isolation until your desire for something more outweighs your desire for isolation. If you find yourself...|||There are brief points where I experienced the same feeling...of course it does not help that I had a complete and total mental breakdown back in January and was hospitalized. That kind of reaffirmed...|||Lol. Ok so I have been thinking about when I start dating again the best way to go about it. Statistclly the best way to find a compatible mate is through online dating and here is why There are X...|||Ok so I wanted to kind of sum up my thoughts after reading everyone's post. First and foremost I want to thank you guys. I do not have any other INTP personality types in my life so its refreshing to...|||This is actually a large part of my internal argument for why she left. You spend so much time with someone and you want to believe they are who you think they are. I think especially for the INTx...|||I did ask and I agree. Her response was emotionally driven and I was just back in the boat I started in. I've since accepted I'll just never understand if for no other reason than to avoid the ti-ni...|||Find a subject that you have interest in and research the crap out of it. Understand it at its most fundamental level, then once you feel you have, move onto the next subject. Eventually you will...|||So in attempt to prevent this post becoming a sob story about my love life I will just put forth my question with as little background information as I can I married a woman that, while never...|||I understand your fear of rejection all to well, but let me show you this “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I...|||It's not inherently necessary. If it was love at first sight wouldn't exist. I think, especially as INTP, we end up realizing we are in love long after the neurobiological process has taken place....|||Your asking a bunch of INTP to talk about their feelings? Ok let me try.... Internal logic error 00023768. The feelings you want are currently inaccessible at this time due to an inability to...|||To be honest I didn't. I left the army in part because I knew I had convinced myself I wasn't good enough to serve alongside some of the greatest men and women I have ever known. The truth of it is I...|||Ockham's razor. The best answer is usually the simplest|||So I know you asked about other types but I thought I would weigh in. I have been putting a lot of thought into what traits I want my partner to have (whenever I decide to start dating...|||I appreciate math a great deal for the real world applications it offers. With math you can literally explain anything if you know what questions need to be asked. I just suck at it....really bad.......|||338761 Let the hatred flow through you. Let it give you strength. Together we shall bring this world to its knees, and reshape it in our image.|||You came into a forum full of people where every little detail matters because it is interconnected with every other little detail and those details combine to form the cosmos....and you used...|||I do get funny looks when I walk by people wearing those portable gieger counters|||338561 Are we actually obliged to listen after sex? Usually when I am done with my partner she is too exhausted and satisfied to even move let alone speak, I usually just wrap my arms around her...|||I got stuck in one of these loops the entire time I was in the Army. I was an intell analyst, and I was damn good at it. The Army puts huge emphasis on Physical Training. I worked 12-15 hour shifts...|||I agree with you that our current understanding of the human psyche is currently, for all intents and purposes, incomprehensible. you made a good point when you said that its usage is preceded by...|||Said medium has been used to explain many things that were once considered beyond human comprehension. Just because we do not have the insight and knowledge to apply the tool correctly right now does...|||Your completely missing the point of being human. I am assuming since you are 17 there is a decent chance you have never experienced the deep and profound feeling of love that comes when you are with...|||This is depressingly accurate in a lot of scenarios|||My friend just compared it to the idea of the world being flat. At some point we were given enough information to prove that the Earth was indeed round. The hope being that at some point we will...|||I am not going to beat a dead horse here by explaining what the Ti does. Most INTP will find a subject that fascinates them then try and follow it to a logical conclusion. They will think it through...|||Glancing over that got me thinking. If we are ever able to create artificial consciousness, not to be confused with artificial intelligence, then it would be definitively proven possible to map the...|||If you make the assumption that brain shape and size directly correlate to behavior and cognitive thought process then at the very least you would assume that cranial size and shape would be similar....|||I think the general consensus that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is something everyone is agreeing on. Again I was just using some general things as examples. The thing about my ex was she was...|||Everything is all about sex|||Which brings up a good point that I kind of touched on. Why do we feel the need to examine and attempt to alter negative emotions? It bothers us when we feel these things, and attempt to move past...'
'So I am an ENFP and I have just started seeing an INFS, but we've had some history, pretty typical of an INFP/ENFP pairing. For instance once we first started talking way back when in high school,...|||See yeah, I think we are wise socially, and we understand people without going on a lot. I mean, I'm basically just repeating what everyone else is saying, but personally, I'd like to think I get...|||So INFPs, short and simple - why would you delete your Social Networking Device? I mean, Facebook asks you the same thing when you go and try to deactivate it - and TOTALLY guilt trips you into not...|||Goodness, this is so true about him. There is nothing that matches him more than the bold up there. He appears so relaxed, calm and collected, in any situation, but I know that on the inside...|||that's so crazy! That totally is how I am with other NFs! Well, NFPs in particular because NFJs tend to clarify what you meant for their own organization an categorization of it in their mind. I did...|||That was just the most INTJ thing to say ever, a space whale. I'm not offended, it actually made me laugh. But I can surely tell you that this whole thing wasn't just trying to get me to send a text...|||YESYESYesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Finally. Icarus yes. Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. I mean, I'm not saying all you other brilliant folks haven't encountered a profound level of understanding of the...|||Whynd, What I meant up there really was that it could become an issue if he continues his self destructive behaviors really. I would never ever ever ever ever want him to change who he is. EVER. I...|||Oh man. See I honestly have read what you all have said since I've last posted, and I guess I've been trying to work things out on my en with myself before I was gonna report back. Also, I was trying...|||Ok so I'm getting into the BBC modernized version called Sherlock, but you could easily use the rob downy jr flick for speculation as well. it perplexes me! His conflicting personality traits could...|||Woah, that is a creepily accurate description of me.... You know you're an ambivert when your more than content with your hot date being taco bell and netflix on Friday, but you're calling up all...|||IcarusDreams, you are very kind, and I appreciate that in the situation. My ENFP heart is sort of confused and tangled up. See, we talk about him ( or rather, Infps) over romanticizing and idealizing...|||Hahah ok, space whale. I'm not gonna lie. I don't understand your response at all. I'm going to reread it, hold on... Ok I'm gonna try to respond. He ain't no ulimate hustla, I'm tryin o figure...|||How much does this change the story if I add in that we were slightly drunk? However, when we actually hooked up, we were pretty sober and clear minded (or at least I was...)|||Haha! INFP, the hipster.|||gahhh!! Same with my INFP!! See, my friend is really rather sweet, an he is such a good listener. Win he's with people he doesn't know he gets quite shy but he absorbs everything. When he's around...|||Oh goodness, it's good to hear I'm not the only ENFP with a huge fear problem. It's like a big black brick wall that stands in the way of you getting what you want. And you know, romance isn't...|||Fine, I'll n the enfp that agrees with you op! It's funny, I've been told wayyyyyyyore than once that my words are quite stream of consciousness. It's the worst in class though, because I raise my...|||I speaky the Spanish. English is my first language, but I studied abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico for a half a year, and it's my major in college :) it's starting to fade though with lack of use! Anyone...|||It's funny because at first it seems riocous that there is a certain LOOK that an ENFP has, but after reading through all these, it can't be coincidence... Can it? I mean, I'm tall, blonde, freckly,...|||Wow, I can relate completely with you! Even just the fact that I haven't joined a forum since I was 14! Haha! Well anyhow, I quite agree that sometimes I really just don't feel like I have anyone to...|||CynicallyNaive, ok, I can gather that having a one night stand is not typical for him, an that he struggled with it perhaps more than I thought he did - I have excepted that into my realm of...|||CynicallyNaive, I tend to believe the general consensus throughout this thread has been that he is closing himself off from me because I hurt him by not making it clear that we wanted more than just...|||Be an ISTJ. Or an ENTJ. Correct them. Tell them how blonde they are, insult their intelligence, that sort of thing. Tell an enfp they don't care after that enfp just spent months and...|||Ok so I'm an enfp, bit his definitely sounds like me....! Like... To a tee! I wonder sometimes about my E... Anyhow, I like what someone up there said about logic. I try that but then it causes me to...|||Ok why is that btw? I'm an enfp, bit have the hugest conflicts with my ISTJs, wheras my infp friend never has anything negative to say about same istj friend. It seems like sharing an nfp would make...|||Awwww man. Honestly this thread has (not because I personally let what other people say over the Internet really get to me) causes quite a rollercoaster of emotions about the situation. The situation...|||Oh god (haha), do I love this quote. I have another, I'm an atheist, thank god. -Luis Bunuel. For me, I can't stomach a God existing. It doesn't make sense that we would have one, and someone...|||* 1) Did he really understand you like no one else has? I wouldn't say he understood me better than anyone else has, but I would say that we had a crazy weird instant connection. I would also say...|||Is that supposed to mean that you don't like the way that I'm going about this problem or something? I didn't start this thread with the intention of trying to please you - although I appreciate...|||See, I don't really think anyone LIKES to disappoint people, but I honestly think some people don't even think about it at all. And a lot of people don't even think about how they are disappointed....|||In my opinion, it is very possible to have a friend of the opposite sex that you don't have romantic feelings for. I have a best guy friend at college that I hang out wih all the time, alone or with...|||Oh god. I feel awful now, seriously. I never ever ever thought in a million years he actually was interested in my romantically all those years... I mean, I was quite attracted to him, and was very...|||Oh no. I don't like this, because I didn't bring anything up after our hookup because I was afraid he didn't feel the same way, so I was waiting for him to say something about it! When he didn't...|||It's good you mention that, IcarusDreams, because I know i did all I could to be nice and kind, and to try to impede on any non-talking that was going on between us. I really can only just live my...|||I am just as excited to meet other ENFPs, and I've also realized that I haven't met many (if any at all) in real life! MAybe it's harder for us to type people that are most like us though, so maybe...|||Youpullmethroightime, i am very aggravated because I just wrote a really long response and somehow my computer lost it :((( But I will attempt to remember what I said! Basically I have given some...|||I think what you're saying is very true. I had sort of already decided that I would move on, and give him space. I am so not one to be naggy, and I hate seeming like I'm being pushy or whatever. I...|||I am going to attempt to reply to this, and perhaps process it at the same time. Averseaffects, you made me admit to myself that what we had wasn't really even a close friendship in the way I would...|||So my INFP friend told me that his biggest fear on the planet is of disappointing people. I mean, he has a history of his parents never being quite proud of him, but would you say as INFPs, this is a...|||Haha thanks :) I agree, it causes me too much pain and worry, bit for some reason I still believe in him an care about him, and believe that someone out there should care for him, because he...|||Ok, so I'm thinking it's more of a mixture of one and two - btw, holy crap it's like you've pinpointed him exacty!! He often gets so moody and deletes his facebook, then creates a new one, then...|||Hey guys, I'm a female ENFP, and my friend is an INFP, and where I usually would feel like I understand him ( with our core nfp, we have a wierd connection that I've always felt, even before this...|||And it blows because I feel like ENFPs just wanna love sooooooooo bad. We have such a capacity for it. We are just so able to quickly fall in love over and over, all the time. But we don't want...|||Sometimes I worry like an ENFJ though, I swear! (btw, NOT anywhere close to a J). I mean, I guess ENFPs just want to love so muh, and we make up fantasies, an like the INFP have rose covered...|||Well howdy neighbors! How interesting to meet others like me (not just alike because of our similar thought patterns, fellow ENFPs) bit people who like to learn about themselves and others. This...|||It does feel good to know I'm not alone, and that I don't have to live to a certain expectaopn of what an ENFP should be, because then I don't feel like I fit anywhere. I guess I just fear rejection...|||I so completely know how you feel! I mean sometimes I wonder if I am an INFP just because I am rather shy sometimes in social situations and I spend a lot of time b myself reflectig and writing awful...|||oh my god I get that allllll the time! Or people tell me I should just think a little before I talk. I don't see why people think we're so stupid at first. It's really rather mean :( being a natural...|||stream of consciousness, is the best way to describe you What??? I can't tell when you're drunk or not. at first I didn't understand you at all. But then somehow I did, and I've concluded...'
'ENTP: Pride - Biggest personality flaw. Lust - I have a good deal of control over this but I enjoy sex and physicality in excess and I'm glad I'm charming enough to get this comfort. Gluttony - I...|||Okay so as an ENTP dating an ENTP, I would place a wager on Deadpool and his love interest Vanessa as a set of ENTPs. I'm sure I will hear arguments for her as ENFP but I'm pretty darn sure she is...|||480226 ENTP squared. :D I don't care what they say, ENTP + ENTP is a glorious relationship.|||INTJ TMLT not believe MBTI to be valid?|||Those that don't know me say that my ultimate vice is lust. Those that know me say it's pride. On our second or third date, my boyfriend (fellow ENTP) looked at me and said You're a narcissist with...|||INFP - Gets offended real easily. I tend to like them and they tend to not like me. INFJ - Haven't met very many, at least not that I've become close with. ENFP - One of my favorite types, the...|||ESFP TMLT be best at keeping in touch long distance and TMLT be worst at it?|||I'm curious why.|||Either a really hippie Fi user or a really evil Ti user. TMLT enjoy clothes shopping?|||Everyone I've had serious feelings for has been INTJ, ENTP or ENFP.|||My doggo is probably INFP. She's an aussie who thinks she's a pug. Calmest dog in the entire world, would probably lie on the couch all day. The only thing that makes her excited and bouncy is if you...|||459057|||INTJ or INTP. Both of my relationships that lasted over a year were with INTJs and I am still friends with both. Both of my best friends are INTP. Interesting people, both types. ENTJs are too bossy...|||Haaaaa. Oh Fi users. More than me having a problem with them, they all seem to really dislike me. I come off intense and sometimes offensive. I'm aware of this but above all else value honesty and...|||INXP. TMLT write poetry that's actually good?|||I only have slight insecurities about my intelligence when I'm wrong. It's rare but it happens. ;) And honestly, I love it. I don't see how the conversation became about intelligence though. All...|||EXFP, yikes. D-d-double time. TMLT start a conga line while drunk and TMLT refuse to join despite a lot of goading?|||I'm strongly T and not great at math. My brain thinks big picture and busy work such as calculation catches it up. I know the stereotype is that NTs tend to be STEM types but some ENTPs seem drawn...|||I think it really depends on the guy. My last relationship of two years with an INTJ lasted so long because I am so bold and we both don't fear conflict/debate. In fact, he and I remain friends to...|||Buddy: Why do you believe so strongly in ___, ENTP? ENTP: I heard something about it on Fox News, it seemed to make sense and so I didn't question any further! Buddy: ENTP, here's why you're wrong....|||ISFP. TMLT have a fursona or believe themself to be otherkin?|||Short and curvy ENTP female. My boyfriend is a tall, average weight ENTP male. I doubt there's a correlation. Edit: However, the correlation between being ENTP and perfect is definitely prevalent.|||I am an ENTP female who does not bite her tongue when she wants to debate or make crude jokes and it results in my female friend group being very limited. Culturally, it seems that politeness and...|||Let's go ESFP. TMLT buy 10 lap dances from one stripper in order to tell her the entire story of Fellowship of The Ring?|||His detail with the languages is impecable. You can surely tell where his interests fell. Honestly, I felt like The Silmarillion read like the Bible. Fascinating but the names were hard to keep track...|||Yeah, as stated earlier in thread - Nolan charts are a lot more informative. For the sake of ease (a mistake amongst fellow NTs, should have known you all would be peeved) I created a five option...|||Most Modest Mouse screams INTX to me. Most Franz Ferdinand screams ENTX to me. Edit: Perhaps ENFX too?|||I was in Kindergarten when my mom read me The Hobbit. In third grade, I finished the trilogy for the first time and in sophomore year of high school, I moved on to Tolkien's extended works...|||I'm a huge Tolkien fan. :)|||Ooh. My ex told me to read those at one point. Sounds worth it.|||I'm not blaming the teacher at all, I simply said that I flunked for mistakes in calculation. No blame on anyone. It's just what happened. Where is all the emotion coming from?|||Relatable. What book is that?|||I'm also a strong economic libertarian but I believe social issues have a strong place in Keeping The Peace and lean strongly progressive when it comes to them.|||I got into Gaiman after reading Good Omens, actually. I reckon that ENTPs can especially appreciate both authors because we are so fond of clever wordplay. I've never read Jim Butcher actually.|||I would never give up my N, they can pry it from my cold, dead hands. I am definitely closer to F than S, as it is. Some of the coolest people I know are ENFP. Easy decision.|||Both make my favorite authors list too! Especially Gaiman. American Gods remains one of my all time favorites. Wee Free Men by Pratchett brings me back to early middle school, damn. You have good...|||What is Nietzsche usually typed as? INTP? My INTP friend is really interested in Nietzsche. Talk about dark. I've heard it translated as The Stranger but The Outsider really does make more sense....|||Ah, and see, I've never read The Stranger. Camus is interesting though, I've only skimmed the surface with him. Existentialism is such an interesting and varied school of thought.|||He is without a doubt feeling-centered. Part of why I find his work so fascinating. Apparently, he was always a melancholic character who carried a lot of baggage. How I'd love to go back and meet...|||Thanks! He's my favorite philosopher and fascinating character to boot. His short-lived affair/engagement to Regine Olsen is a great study of character. I wonder what his MBTI would be.|||I agree that the four-point spectrum makes a lot more sense. However, part of this post was too see how many NTs identified as moderate versus extreme. I am also an ENTP libertarian and progressive...|||Pretty sure my father is an ESFJ so there's a lot to joke about ;)|||The Scientist by Coldplay is INTJ in a relationship. How do feelings?|||User Cesspool bringing the heat.|||Where do you, an NT, lean politically?|||ENFP. TMLT be late to a job interview and still get the job?|||I understand theorem quicker than anyone in the class. I get Fs on my work because I make a silly mistake in the actual calculation. Is this a typical ENTP thing? I also have dyscalcula which adds to...|||I am definitely competitive in a childlike and lighthearted way. I love challenges and games and winning is so fun. But not in a scary ENTJ way. And that kind of thing takes all the fun out of the...|||See, this is interesting because my boyfriend is an ENTP and though most people recommend dating a different type, our relationship comes much more naturally than any I have previously been in. My...|||ENFP. TMLT survive longest when stranded on an island?'
'Hey hi hello 717585|||Yes, that's it.|||I have these seasons in my life where I have this terrible urge to just get up and leave. It settles into the depths of my brain and I can't shake it until I do something about it.|||Very quiet and independent, much like I am now.|||Someone at work made me cry today. I am so sorry that you lost your luggage, lady, but I am not the person to take your frustration out on.|||Very much so. I make decisions rationally, but intuition definitely features.|||No I have not! Should I pick it up at the bookstore this weekend? I AM in fact looking for something new to read.|||It's something I only came to terms with earlier this year. Truth is, sometimes I still think it makes me weak, but take away that single trait and you take away the core of who I am. You take away...|||I always look like I'm concentrating really hard.|||It's been quite some time http://oi68.tinypic.com/5vxdm0.jpg|||When your parents think Advil is the cure to all of your problems...|||Accidental double post.|||Literally my face this entire week, especially today. Let me be pouty just for one day. http://i.imgur.com/RvMFF6E.jpg|||If I can worry about it, I will worry about it. I barely relax because I want to be in control of everything all the fucking time. I just wish that I could live a life where I'm not constantly...|||Huh?|||I am speechless in the best way. After 5 years of being on the sidelines, watching him date other people &amp; and being directly told that he doesn't have feelings for me, he confessed that he loves...|||There was an empty water bottle beside the plant when I walked in and it annoyed me so much that I threw it out. Perfectionist tendencies, I guess.|||Something about ulta-chic hotel bathrooms... http://i.imgur.com/Z9y4ks5.png http://i.imgur.com/2vQcBrK.png|||Love is when I go to chipotle and there's no lineup.|||Good things: Overpriced, but amazing smelling candles, compliments from little kids, nature, curling up with a cup of tea and a good book, spontaneity.|||I understand. It's not that I don't care to inform them, I just think that they should already know me well enough to be like, okay, she wants her space. It's appreciated when they ask me if I'm...|||No, but it would be better than jumping to conclusions.|||And by space I mean, for everyone to back the hell up. I noticed that doing this causes a lot of friction in my relationships. Typically with people who are used to talking to me everyday. I won't...|||So true.|||For me it's a matter of accepting that this person is no longer a constant in my life, and that usually takes a lot of time. I almost have to let myself resent them in order to move on.|||I get approached sometimes, but it's usually on the streets by men who only want one thing. Trust me when I say that I have a solid radar for douche bags. I have a friend who goes on Tinder dates...|||They're very indecisive and some of them even give off mixed signals, making it extremely hard for me to follow along.|||Note to self: Life is full of highs and lows, but the experiences we have are what shape and mold us into the person we are and the person we will be.|||Exceptionally beautiful weather called for gelato by the harbour in downtown Vancouver. http://i.imgur.com/T8SEtI3.png|||Some of these replies brought tears to my eyes, thank you all so much for your comforting words. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has gone through this. I'm hoping that I can find the...|||I have not kissed a guy or done anything physical besides hugging in about 2 years. I've always told myself that if I focus on myself, which I've been doing, then someday someone special will enter...|||He claims he has no feelings for me or wants to be in a relationship, but he constantly accuses me of texting my ex whenever I'm on my phone and gets all cold when I bring up even the smallest...|||This is so hard for me, but I don't know what to do about my feelings anymore. I've known him for 5 years and there has always been this unexplainable connection between us that neither of us ever...|||isnt that a little too direct though? like do guys even like it when a girl takes charge? its soooo unlike me|||about 2 months ago i started going to this newly opened cafe and since day one the guy who serves me my macarons has been calling 'madam' and putting in extra macarons for me and asking me about my...|||It's been over a year since my ex and I broke up and I can't say I've made any progress. I'm ambitious so I go about my day doing things that keep me distracted, but the kicker is that whenever I'm...|||How dare you disrespect my privacy and tell the whole world about the innerworkings of our relationshipx85 as if it's anyones business. I avoid talking about you at all costs, but when people bring you...|||Me: I went on Facebook and had 14 notifictions... all from aunt Judy. 3 birthday wishes and the rest were all likes and comments on my pictures. Her: So? Me: What do you mean so? I don't need that...|||Repeat, repeat, repeat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsaH_KNGixA|||If only the people we encounter in our everyday lives could explode like that.|||Just about puked when I saw Marilyn Monroe as a celebrity ISFP. I think my sister fits the description perfectly, definitely not me though. I'll look more into the type when I have free time, but I'm...|||Retook tests, read multiple INTJ profiles and descriptions, and surfed just about every thread in this forum. I've never been more sure of anything. I'm still trying to figure out enneagrams though,...|||I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it. This, fucking this. The other night I was having multiple discussions with one of my very good guy friends (who...|||I just about died when I saw this... of laughter, of course. Imagine the plot twist if this actually happened though....|||Too many good looking people in this forum it's almost not fair. Anyway, here's my debut. http://i.imgur.com/kfHH8Kh.jpg|||Don't wear black cause it makes me look borderline anorexic, but I do wear lots of deep purples and reds. I'm very conservative in how I dress, I hate showing skin and cleavage and feel super...|||It sounds like the only thing that's missing here is a label, which believe me, you can do without. Obviously he's into you, and if you're monogomous then I don't see the point in having the talk....|||Ex: The girl I was seeing left me. Me: That's terrible... I'm so sorry. Ex: I'm good. Me: Wait, no, nevermind. I don't really care if I'm going to be perfectly honest. He ignored me after that...|||I think we keep to ourselves for the most part which can be a little off-putting, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that we're intimidating.|||Gyms don't work for me as I'm always weary of people staring at me and what I'm doing (don't like the lack of privacy), but I do yoga almost everyday and jog the seawall/hike up a mountain whenever I...'
'No, never. I'm used to being top, I won't feel guilty about it, at least in the top few. It's ridiculous what teachers praise you for. Just to do with what books I read as a kid, and my parents...|||I like anecdotes. I don't know how to talk about feelings- I can have a stab at it, but I usually get fed up with it- and I don't have a one size fits all phrase to use on people who do know how...|||Book about the Berlin Wall Critical essays- Sons and Lovers Book about Paris The Disciplined Mind- Howard (?) Gardner. I don't know why he has put a picture of himself looking very young on...|||Hmm...not really to the dark fortress thing, although I'm not sure if I could have a relationship now, I feel rather too distant for that....the last was when I was 15, three years ago, and in the...|||I don't want to talk about intelligence, because I'm sick of thinking about it and comparing and wondering about it, but just in general....people make it quite clear that I am different. I don't...|||Quiet observation for a while- and then a gesture. Someone who might understand that I could like them, too, but that if they feel all comfortable with this and become too familiar all at once, I...|||I think possibly...if I got out of sixth form, stopped doing these useless A levels, then it would be a bit better, maybe even a lot. I think that how I am feeling now is not linked to anything, but...|||Well, because it's a habit. And also because I am trying to find things to claw back my sense of self and if I can find anything at all to provoke a little change in feeling I might feel pleased...|||The one I like most is the second from last one- the piano is absolutely beautiful! It's very regal, and you look like you've succombed. Like the piano is traditional and longstanding, and white and...|||#2, it looks like snow (: Good luck!|||1. What mbti type are you? I think I am INFP. 2. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was/is English/Language Arts in school? One (easiest). 3. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was/is math in school? One. ...|||I read books, yes. I also like TV.|||PIANO! My father bought me an electric piano a year or so ago after having had a droggy old keyboard for ages. It's amazing. You'd think the feel and touch would be quite different but it's pretty...|||- Laura Pausini - Doe Maar - Blof - France Gall - Jeanne Moreau (she was primarily an actress, but a singer too) - Bloem - Boudewijn de Groot - Heroes Del Silencio - D.A.D (who are Danish, I...|||JAZZ! I love to make jazz. My first piano teacher and I would spend all lesson improvising...blues and jazz and soul. It probably sounded very eightyearoldish but it sounded fantabulous to...|||People who make incessant little clicks with their tongue, or PEOPLE WHO ARE NOISY EATERS. The type of people who manage to make a bowl of pea sound sound like a three course meal. Or people who...|||What is flaky? Is it hypocritical, indecisive, nasty? I'll take wishy-washy as my meaning. I am fairly wishy washing. The thing is that I'm very bad for wanting to get things done quickly, so...|||I usually irritate the people I'm watching it with with saying ten times the same thing- Did you see that?!?! He CUT OFF that woman's HEAD!, and so on for the next twenty minutes. Since there are...|||I have chided my parents for giving in to me...but the teacher was a real witch anyway, and apparently I was rather troublesome in the class...I'm sure you will be that kind of parent if you want to...|||I'm told I read very fast. I had an interesting conversation with my optometrist some time ago. She showed me a book with pictures of the way people's eyes kind of trace the words. Slower readers...|||I used to do ballet. I liked it but then I got my hair cut, and I was too scared to go to class. It was still long enough to tie up. But I don't know how to react to all the wow i like your hair!...|||I think it is tosh! As if your blood type can affect your character! I am all for behaviourism. Perhaps if you did not eat right and so therefore your blood became ill, you wouldn't be very...|||1) Music preference? I like rock, but I've always been inclined to jazz and soul and blues...rock, though, rock I like classic and psychedelic and hard rock. I also like heavy metal- proper...|||I live in my parents' lovely house. I am 16, so it is not unusual. It is very much in suburbia, but it is a nice house. It is detached and with a front garden with a brick wall and a tree with nice...|||Interesting thread!! So much choice....gosh. Maybe Asher Lev, for he has a talent and he has genius. I wonder if I will end up like Virginia Fly...but I am not too worried about that, so I...|||Yas. I can't stand the casual arm across the completely undeserving shoulders (the poor things!), the violent hugging, the loud fake air-kisses. I can't stand being touched on my arms, I seem to have...|||Yes, I am the biggest one I know. As in, I have more than my fair share. I am like my mother, who insists that she has all sorts of ailments including depression and scoliosis, and my grandfather,...|||^ which are they?!|||I have a very long attention span and I hate short stories. I think the two may be related. I can't stand having to sit still and listen to someone talk, even if they're really good speakers, but I...|||It sounds silly but watching my drama piece over again made my day. I and the other two girls in it had tears rolling down our cheeks...it was funny! It made me realise how deep a voice I have! Gosh....|||I'm still in school, so I don't have a job yet. Well, not a real one, anyway. I'm going to do something with languages. Or I could do music. I'm not super talented at music, but I'd love to be a...|||^ Are you one of those people who have surrendered to the digital revolution! Like people who have books on the computor. One sneaky little bug and your whole pixel-bound library is frazzled away!...|||http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii6/coralie456/DSC00286.jpg This is a tiny fake-porcelain hoss named Sergey. He is much more interesting than me. He lives in my room suspended in the air. I...|||^ Have you another? It didn't appeal to me much. For instance, what are lady legs? Unless you are making some sort of a Hendrixesque reference?|||^ Boodledanken (: What about you?|||Yes. My good little friend would probably sever all ties with me if she knew that I smoked- even though I am not a proper Smoker. I am quiet because I don't want to talk to them. I don't swear...|||I WISH I was interesting, but there's not one thing about me that is! I'm very ordinary. I like music, reading, theatre, running, tennis and I live in England. That's about it!|||Yes. I was told I was, but all that did was make me lazy and I became bigheaded. There's a difference between the work being too easy and the work being easy to you. As to the outside thing, I've...|||^ wow, that's cool! My friend is going to Malawi in 2011 for that sort of thing. I'm going to Paris at Easter with my mother. Possibly Haaren with my father after that, although probably not...|||As in, on holiday? Or business trips or trips to grandmothers or trips to the seaside? I envy people in hot countries now! It is grey in England at the moment!|||YouTube - Detroit Spinners - It's A Shame (1970) Fab fab fab! Almost as good as Oogum Boogum...oh to be in the 60s! 70s, 80s, 90s, ANYTHING but this time!|||I am extremely snobbish...and I can't help it! I reason with myself and yet I am the most dreadful snob. Accents and where you live and what you dress, I'll judge you on it and I really do wish I...|||Yas, I recognise that. I cannot be bothered to face up to people and tell them why I am spitting blackworms out of my eyes at them. They tell me, 'talk to us! don't bottle it up! no use getting...|||That's nice of you...but I think that everyone is taken by unusual homes. Especially now, in the Age of Individuality (50% sincerity, 50% scoff). Everyone wants to 'get away to the country' and be...|||^ I am about 2% more F than T :happy:|||My whole childhood was one long imaginary playdate. Usually they were friends that I'd wouldn't let myself get close to, and when I got home I'd play with them for hours. I still have them now,...|||Some high school- secondary school almost done with! Until June. Then I'm hopefully going to 6th form (Year 12) and then uni. My family would like me to go to Oxbridge or Utrecht. I don't know...|||Bad Craziness- D.A.D They are cool! And of course they are 'proper metal'.|||I don't know any gay boys. Apart from perhaps my friend. He seems to like his male friends quite a bit.|||I do like to be in a church- I spent a good deal of my childhood in my dad's church, which is small and very friendly. I've made connections through it, I got into the school I'm now in through it,...'
'I really do understand the emotions you described. I had these same thoughts during my college years. It had a lot to do with the relationships that I was in. Something was always x93offx94. I was...|||Lissab113 - Yes, I can completely relate! I’m the same way. The urge hits me usually every four years. I need to pack up and move to a new location. I’ve lived in New York, Florida, California and...|||Hi, Just a few questions for any married ENFP's out there. 1. What is the MBTI personality of your partner? 2. How long have you been married? 3. How did you meet? 4. What do you have in...|||Thanks everyone for your feedback! Finaille - Thank you so much for your advice. You brought up a good point about not being able to change people. I have to accept my father for who he is and...|||Thank you so much for your feedback - I appreciate it Ocarinaof time – I’ve wanted to say everything that you just wrote for a long time. I’ve come so close to making that phone call and...|||My Father is an ESTJ and my mother is an ISFJ. They are as different as night and day. My mother was supportive and encouraging. My father was verbally abusive and demanding. He was in the military...|||I have a friend that is an ISTJ. I have a lot of respect and admiration for her. We are the same in some ways and very different in other ways. She is religious and adheres to a strong moral...|||I can really relate to your post. I've been in a funk like this too lately. I feel like it's harder to find people that I just click with, that I connect on a deeper level with in an easy and not...|||My Mom is an ISFJ and we get along really well. She is loving, supportive, loyal and encouraging. I know that she’ll always be there for me and I can depend on her. She is the most self-less person I...|||What?! Those were my two all time FAVORITE movies as a child! My first crush was x93Wesleyx94 from the x93Princess Bridex94 and I am still thrilled anytime I see a Delorean drive by because of x93Back to the...|||Glenn Beck? An ENFP? :frustrating: Say What?!|||Begin doing what you want to do now. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake. It's better to look back on life and say I can't believe I did...|||Just the fact that you wrote this post trying to understand your daughter better and that you care so much is an indicator to me that you're a very loving mom. I agree with the above post. It does...|||I was guilty in my younger years of jumping in and out of relationships because I was looking for that special one that I feel a deep connection with. A person I wanted to spend the rest of my life...|||When I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist or an actress. (I also loved the idea of being a flight attendant so I could travel all over the world) I wanted to live in Southern California in a Yellow...|||This really hits the nail on the head and this is something that concerns me very much. I'm willing to listen to all view points and I can acknowledge the flaws of BOTH candidates. I just feel...|||Mitt Romney signed up and was chosen to be a mormon missionary in France. This protected him from being drafted into the vietnam war between 1966 and 1969. I am aware of all his charity work....|||The more I research this, the more ESTJ sounds like the closest fit for Mitt Romney. See you tube video comparing and contrasting ESTJ and ISTJ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChCccr66qJY ...|||I just wanted to give a shout out to all of you ISFJ moms out there. My mother is an ISFJ. I feel so blessed, grateful and lucky that she is my Mom. She is truly my bestfriend and my...|||LOL!! Oh my gosh, I truly love this forum! :proud:|||I definitely need to re-vamp my wardrobe. I have my work clothes which consist of a lot of black dress pants and various button up tops and then my outside of work clothes that are usually shirts...|||I hear what you're saying about politicians in general. They do pander to the public for votes and no doubt both candidates are doing this. Obama certainly has some narcissistic tendencies. Mitt...|||I have to think of specific examples for myself but I can so relate to a lot of the above comments. Action movies put me to sleep! As soon as the explosions start, the machine gun goes off, Karate...|||Let me just step into this heated discussion for a moment to say a few things… THANKS everyone for your feedback on this! :proud: It’s great to hear all the different perspectives on what Mitt...|||This afternoon I was looking up the MBTI personality profile of our two presidential candidates. Barack Obama came up consistently as an ENFJ personality and that fit pretty well. The majority...|||I can relate to this very much. People want to be around me when I'm happy and bubbly... but when I'm sad and feeling down, people tend to shy away from me. It might be due to the fact that I tend to...|||Okay, I'll give it a shot;) You know you're not an ENFP when... You're bedroom is immaculate and perfectly in order at all times. You feel that a vacation is a waste of time and money. It's...|||LOL! No love for dogs here in this thread:laughing: Where are all you dog lovers at?|||Awww, I'm seeing myself as an 11 year old and remembering how happy I was when the adult next door neighbor gave me the time of day. Now I'm thinking she probably just wanted to get rid of me the...|||Haha! Not at all! I appreciate hearing everyone's thoughts on this! So far Cats are in the lead. :kitteh:|||Are you a cat lover or a dog lover? I'm curious to see what the preference is among ENFP personalities. I read an interesting article about the difference between cat owners and dog owners. Here...|||Same here. I'm not a big phone person, I prefer text messaging unless it's something important that needs to be discussed. I can't stand when someone calls to make plans and then says so what's...|||I totally understand what you're saying. I can get very exhausted by social situations and need decompression time. I like getting together with big groups only when its close to my apartment so I...|||Same with me, I love spontaneous invites to do something fun! I'm there! ....But please don't just show up at my front door. I'm not sure what other ENFP's think about unexpected drop-in's. I...|||I know exactly what you mean! When I’m initially invited or asked to do something I usually feel enthusiasm. I say “YES!” a lot more often than I should because I’m really bad at saying “no”. Even...|||LOL!! Yeah.. that IS hardcore!:laughing: I also have a two strike policy like voicetrocity. Sometimes it's a ONE strike if it's particularly bad behavior. Life is too short to spend time w/...|||My husband is an ENFJ and we get along on a deep level. Hex92s my soulmate and my bestfriend. We compliment eachother. He actually enjoys doing the things that I donx92t like to dox85 Like Bills and the...|||Paul Rudd :) 48514|||I do prefer when my apartment is tidy, but I don't like when my husband cleans up because I can't find anything! I don't expect things to be where they belong. I expect them to be where I left...|||I do have moments when I experience paranoia. It's usually based on a fear of a bad thing happening AGAIN that has happened before. This feeling washes over me and I have to calm myself. For...|||Aquavenae - I loved Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables! I could really relate to her growing up and I loved the term “Kindred Spirits”. I read all of the books in the series and saw all of the...|||Lately I've been doing this letter game in my head to distract me from the thoughts that are preventing me from sleeping. I go through the alphabet and try to find a fruit for each letter. Example...|||Thanks everyone for your feedback on this! I definitely agree that any type can be “happiest type” because we do create our own happiness. This is true. There really is no definitive way to...|||iemanja - That’s a good question! I think Troy Dyer might be an INTJ|||Winona Ryder's character from Reality Bites (Lelaina Pierce) has a lot of ENFP characteristics.|||I'm just beginning to learn about MBTI personality types but I went into a few other forums and I noticed that the ENFP thread seems to be the happiest group I've seen. Quirky but happy. It's not...|||Me too! :proud:|||Thanks JaySH, chimeric and cococabane for your feedback! I really enjoyed and related to so many of your observations! I'm realizing that maybe my desire to name everything and my quest for buying...|||I don’t know if you’ll relate to all these things, but I just took a test and found out I’m an ENFP. Here’s my list.. -You name EVERYTHING from your car to your computer and even give a name to...'