float64 0
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float64 0
| E
float64 0
| A
float64 0
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float64 0
| ptype
int64 0
| text
stringlengths 1
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int64 0
18 | 40 | 0 | 11 | 93 | 1 | This one seems risky, even if you had a medical degree. | 459,661 |
32 | 69 | 52 | 53 | 67 | 15 | IKR? These look like the pics they gave to the new airbrush guy to practice on. | 792,759 |
18 | 9 | 42 | 22 | 80 | 1 | Time for me to move to Canada | 981,452 |
45 | 69 | 26 | 0 | 28 | 8 | What course of action will be done if multiple people are trying to save these to the same file at the same time? | 2,975,976 |
91 | 51 | 26 | 0 | 74 | 25 | N̵͟͏̴̀o̵,̨͡ ̸͡t̴́͝ḩ̵̛͢͡i̶̵̧̕ş̸̡͡ ͘͝l̶̵͘͜o̕͠o̷̢k̸͢s̴̀ ̶̷̶̡͡ḑ̧̛́i͘͘ŕ́̕͡t͏̕y̵̢̕͞͠ | 443,178 |
21 | 98 | 81 | 50 | 21 | 12 | Squats im not doing atm because of knees, and im not lifting for strength - although I do enjoy deadlifts. Age: 16weight: 75 kg - 165 poundsHeight: 184 CM / 6ft 1' Deadlift 5rm 95kg Bench 7rm 60kg | 273,600 |
45 | 84 | 7 | 5 | 80 | 9 | That makes a lot more sense now. . . | 1,575,278 |
38 | 86 | 10 | 3 | 69 | 9 | what? When do you think Beethoven was alive? That wouldn't even have been true in the Baroque period. And what does counterpoint have to do with audiation anyway? | 968,823 |
32 | 69 | 34 | 0 | 4 | 8 | You've put parts of the equation in the wrong place. You should be dividing by 0.1x10^-3 , alongside that you've read the voltage incorrectly 0.1mA should match up approximately with 4.5V. In other words, it should look like 4.5/0.1x10^-3 = 4.5x10^-2 . | 2,926,715 |
50 | 24 | 49 | 5 | 7 | 0 | I think the higher magic resistance was removed in the recent patch. | 2,902,278 |
34 | 21 | 82 | 74 | 20 | 6 | Just compare her powergames to Olenna Tyrell. Olenna has a no bullshit 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' style, while Cersei revels in creating and manipulating emotional turmoil, she stabs them in the heart. | 1,990,210 |
2 | 38 | 87 | 28 | 1 | 4 | Fair enough. Looks like I'm wrong on that point.That's not a valid analogy. When scientists say that evolution is a theory, they don't say that it's just a theory. I'm not claiming that a Hawaiian is just a resident of the state. I recognize that there are multiple definitions that other people may use and that I need to consider that when someone else uses the word.That's nice that that's not how all of the residents on the island use it, but that doesn't invalidate its usage everywhere else in the world. Just because you live in Hawaii or are a native doesn't mean you're the sole arbiter of what the definition should be (and certainly no extra consideration for what the definition currently is). A large amount of other people use hawaiian to refer to a resident of the state. Just like they do with similar words for every other state, and every other country in the world.How can I be wrong? You just said I was right. If it's in the dictionary, then it's right be definition. It's not technically correct. It's just correct. | 1,380,992 |
15 | 14 | 35 | 18 | 44 | 0 | My German teacher had sticks from ice lollies (I think she bought packs of them intended for home-made ones, no way she ate all those ice lollies) and I hated it.I knew the answer usually, but the system encouraged me to 'pretend' I didn't know (subconsciously) because whenever someone speaks to me, especially unexpectedly or if I don't want it be speaking, I will "Uhh.." a lot. Even if I knew the answer and wanted to answer, I would be called on and say "Uhh, [Answer]?". Now bearing in mind that when I was *prepared* and willing to engage, I was Uhming and answering as a question, imagine how it was when I wasn't up to actively take part in the lesson that day. I much preferred my Phyics teacher's method of coming over to your table and checking that ity each understood or had any questions. It was much more personal and relaxed and encouraged you to actually question stuff you *didn't* know, rather than hope that the person you are randomly calling on answering will make others understand, without giving the option for any other aspects (especially within languages, stuff like grammar is complex!). | 2,174,665 |
70 | 45 | 20 | 24 | 40 | 16 | Yeah the continuity wasn't perfect, but overall it was great. The only thing continuity-wise that bugged me was how Elliot went from being terrified of babies to loving them. Most continuity inconsistencies were done specifically for a joke and seemed to be on purpose, or at least could be explained through character development or something. But that specific change was so extreme that it was unbelievable as simple character development/growing up. | 2,137,522 |
44 | 65 | 64 | 18 | 55 | 13 | [There is a good chance that you can disable the beeps by holding the NumLock key down for a little more than 5 seconds.](http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-hardware/how-do-i-turn-off-beeping-sound-on-num-lock-cap/1b303ced-7961-e011-8dfc-68b599b31bf5) | 1,189,329 |
85 | 85 | 85 | 50 | 50 | 28 | If you have been going like that for two years, yeah, I'd assume that it's depression. | 323,345 |
54 | 77 | 52 | 54 | 60 | 31 | I thought that was sweet of her. I’m not Robyn’s biggest fan, but she seems supportive of Mariah. | 1,352,559 |
5 | 61 | 8 | 9 | 40 | 8 | I've been working at an optometrist. They always have odd jobs for me to do, which is fine because my summer is short this year anyways, so I don't need a long-term job. I've done cleaned displays, medical recall, cleaned and sorted frames, etc. | 2,634,283 |
9 | 61 | 13 | 4 | 72 | 9 | Are you one of those people who keep emailing or messaging me thinking i'm some girl who keeps giving away my email address to everyone and everything imaginable? I just don't understand how someone can think they have my email address when i've had it for over a decade and think i'm some young girl... | 2,081,108 |
58 | 9 | 44 | 74 | 25 | 18 | I started as a Social Democrat because I was raised in the bush years and I learned rather quickly that the quickest way to get accolades from family, friends, and teachers alike was to be "the littlest spokesman" for leftism. All you had to do is say "Bush is so stupid", watch The Daily Show a few times and try to mimic it's "wit" or "political insight", and you'll be greeted with vigorous praise and admiration for your "intelligence".As the Bush Years wore on and Obama began his campaign, I was swept up in the tidal wave of "hope" and "change" sold to America by a charismatic snake oil salesman. I followed the Obama campaign intently, I bought his campaign merchandise, I argued in favor of him every chance I got. I had seen my parents crying over bills before, which I attributed to the "Boogeyman" I made President Bush out to be.When he won I was absolutely elated, I imagined the Recession would end, I'd get to see this almost "mythical" America that I heard about in my childhood and experienced only briefly: an America where only one parent would have to work, where families could go on vacations, where I would never have to see my family crying over bills again.Well the Obama years wore on, nothing truly "changed" and "hope" was dimmed by my family legally falling below the poverty line, in spite of both my parents working. Occupy Wall St. helped radicalize my growing political "ideology", I fell for the "Sweden is a paradise" meme. I read Eduard Bernstein, studied the tenants of Social Democracy and thought "This is for me".As Occupy Wall Street went on and *grew* I even got more hopeful and more radical, we could see a "Revolution" in our time, I thought; we could redistribute the "1%'s" wealth. I considered at times even becoming a hesitant Democratic Socialist--I say Hesitant because I studied history and was cautious of any ideology which believed it could easily "abolish" capitalism, and Democratic because I wouldn't trust any "Dictatorship of The Proletariat" to not devolve into a Stalinist hellhole.Time wore on further and I had begun to doubt that anything special was going to come from the Obama presidency. We were told time and again that our economy was "recovering" but it still felt like an atmosphere of recession, I could see the people's hopes dampen and my parents work became less and less something they were fond of and more corporatized. I began to attend college courses and was more than a bit concerned with some of the blatant idiocy I noticed--the myth of the "Christian Dark Ages" being taught in one of my history courses was the most glaring.Also around that time I saw the massive shift in tone of The Left. Suddenly everyone was talking about "Privilege" and "Racism" and "Sexism", much more than before. I was told that I had an invisible "privilege" that I needed to "check" constantly, that my voice should be weighted less because of *who I am* compared to other individuals.Once GamerGate blew up into the fiasco it became and I was found guilty of "wrongthink" by my Leftist "Friends" and even some Family, I found myself essentially outcast from my ideology; worse, I saw the same horrific words I spat out at right-wingers suddenly labeled onto me, I was horrified both by their intensity, their inherent falseness, and at how terribly cruel I was on The Left.I began to drift in ideology, to notice the "Leftist Biases" in academia that I once dismissed as a mere myth. At first I became a libertarian because I fell for the idea that the best way to stop these "anti-hate speech" peddling tyrants was to create a society of maximum freedom, but found myself disagreeing with far too many ideas in the ideology to truly consider myself much of a libertarian.Then I became a "Conservative Libertarian" upon reading the works of Edmund Burke and listening to some speeches by Peter Hitchens, I felt at times they seemed to purposely avoid some logical conclusions that followed from their arguments and ideology, and it was at that point I discovered Joseph de Maistre, the rest as they say, is history. | 1,941,197 |
9 | 61 | 13 | 4 | 72 | 9 | [nope!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8iVCJ7mCo8) | 2,081,655 |
95 | 84 | 1 | 91 | 24 | 26 | <freud>...Und vhy are ve afrayed ov peoples getting near jour ballz? </freud> | 469,260 |
38 | 57 | 16 | 70 | 17 | 10 | Yes please <3 | 2,263,437 |
34 | 37 | 30 | 33 | 6 | 0 | I'm so erect | 2,794,805 |
15 | 50 | 50 | 15 | 50 | 0 | K | 320,811 |
21 | 50 | 11 | 18 | 29 | 0 | Well, for starters you could learn how to spell scientist. | 2,272,148 |
45 | 69 | 26 | 0 | 28 | 8 | Oh no it's okay, I will definitely have to get one of these seeing as how it'll make so many great breakfast rice cooker cakes. | 2,972,082 |
0 | 49 | 35 | 95 | 29 | 2 | I agree with the last part so much. It really bothers me to hear people mimic another person's speech. If you can't describe something with your own words you haven't fully grasped it yet.I see a lot of people just throwing around terms and concepts that they adapted from Peterson despite not fully understanding what the things they're saying mean. | 818,935 |
57 | 97 | 56 | 94 | 99 | 31 | I just realized the subtle, Freudian implications of "you got a short one?" for this douche. | 1,345,125 |
15 | 14 | 35 | 18 | 44 | 0 | [It's all about logical placement for me](https://feen.us/32og.png)[As you can see, I put my main weapon skills on the left, stances or the like above, then have three tiers of QERF](https://feen.us/cg50.png)[Things try to get put together, for example Stoneskin/Stoneskin II](https://feen.us/bls9.png) [By keeping a few consistencies between classes I can keep adjustment to a minimum](https://feen.us/f9ks.png)[I'm not entirely satisfied because it feels bery cluttered](https://feen.us/i3rk.jpg) [Even after cleaning it up a bit](https://feen.us/kmte.jpg)[however, I'm not very good with timing and always forget where in a combo I am, so this middle bar helps me keep track of my GCD (leftmost, with any main combos coming off that), my cooldowns (rightmost) and procs (middle)](https://feen.us/7gzu.png)[Here's the numbers and binds I use, btw](https://feen.us/kjiy.jpg) | 2,176,297 |
85 | 58 | 98 | 59 | 71 | 31 | Yeah the game is pretty poorly optimized and has a decent amount of bugs. It also has a ton of content is a lot of fun. It's a tradeoff. You're not owed a bug-free game, you're owed what you pay for, and you pay for the game. Here's what it says on their steam page about ea:You have no right whatsoever to be angry at them for offering you shit that you can either buy or not buy. They've given you way more free content than you are owed and the moment they do something that you don't like, the entire fucking sub shits on them. Grow up. | 250,386 |
45 | 69 | 26 | 0 | 28 | 8 | [Sadly, you are correct in checking for the extra dimensions in an array and working off of an error.](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/152288)Dimensionalizing an array with the same value for each dimension would result in a "square" array. It really doesn't matter what size you make each dimension, or how many dimensions you have, as long as it works for your project.Since we're dealing with arrays, it's generally best to keep them starting with 0, as that is the default lower bound for all arrays. | 2,965,015 |
47 | 99 | 15 | 99 | 1 | 10 | Then what is he? Genuinely curious | 1,103,748 |
50 | 90 | 15 | 15 | 90 | 9 | my eyes | 632,230 |
56 | 46 | 54 | 42 | 95 | 21 | Yeah, they are a minority and separatist, which is what I think is scaring most Brits. But their policies are more extreme than labour, and they would have considerable influence in a coalition | 1,005,211 |
12 | 7 | 18 | 10 | 84 | 1 | Wii U is White Album 2. It has a very similar title to an anime that came prior to it (White Album), but they're not related in any way. Oh, and they also both start with a W. | 2,230,079 |
12 | 7 | 18 | 10 | 84 | 1 | You can also block ads. Google it. | 2,231,333 |
9 | 61 | 13 | 4 | 72 | 9 | There is a huge amount of misinformation here.That is NOT sharpening.That's honing. it will only realign the edge. If you have a dull knife it won't make it sharp, but if you use after every time you take the knife out like ramsay says, it will maintain it.You need to remove metal to sharpen, using a sharpening stone or other method. stones are best. v sharpeners remove too much metal and will destroy your blades.You also shouldn't put knives in the dishwasher ever.a sharp knife is a safe knife.When doing anything to a knife's edge the most important thing is a consistent angle. | 2,076,556 |
76 | 47 | 1 | 4 | 75 | 17 | Legs | 538,661 |
90 | 82 | 31 | 5 | 58 | 25 | Well, if re-reads count, then **The Gray House** by Mariam Petrosyan is top of the list.Otherwise, I've read a few excellent speculative fiction novels by literary authors this year. **Midnight's Children** by Salman Rushdie is objectively a great book, but I didn't have the emotional connection to it I would have wanted. **Exit West** by Mohsin Hamid is a much smaller, simpler book, but much more emotionally satisfying. Beautiful storytelling. **Underground Railroad** is a powerful alt-history, slavery through the eyes of a young woman. **Frankenstein in Baghdad** by Ahmed Saadawi is a great look at that ruined city post-invasion.Back to more traditional fantasy, **A Stranger in Olondria** by Sofia Samatar is a great story, with better prose. **Jagannath** by Karin Tidbeck is a wonderful short story collection. I also really enjoyed **The House of Shattered Wings** by Aliette de Bodard. **Someplace to be Flying** is one of Charles de Lint's better novels, which is saying a lot. **Archivist Wasp** by Nicole Kornher-Stace was nothing like I expected.And on the weird side, **Water Music** by Christopher Botkin is uniquely brilliant, and **The Man Who Spoke Snakish** by Andrus Kivirähk is a great, old-school bloody fairytale. | 760,297 |
81 | 17 | 18 | 38 | 9 | 16 | You're welcome.Though, I plan on changing at some point. | 2,273,998 |
53 | 96 | 61 | 74 | 64 | 31 | Omg Exenado is unstoppable, literally the most OP combo in the entire meta in the history of metas. It has ruined all ladder play and all challenge play. It's so meta, but what can be done about this? Millions of players' games have been ruined by Exenado. It's so meta, it's everywhere, literally everywhere, and we have to make a reddit post every other day, because omg, it's so OP. | 2,461,258 |
44 | 54 | 6 | 0 | 98 | 9 | Are you hearing voices in your head? What are you on about?It's a simple question. Is calling someone from two different races "ape" racist in one instance and not in another?If your answer is "yes there is a difference" then you are a racist. It's so simple to understand. | 64,996 |
9 | 61 | 13 | 4 | 72 | 9 | Yeah i'm very aware that i'm not sure and I tend to think everything's grey anyway, don't care too much for labels - but it helps people...I think I might be halfway between TYPE_MENTION and TYPE_MENTION, but this place seemed interesting and the description called out to me so I figured i'd try it out, see how it fit for a bit.I'm no psychologist but it's my best guess today. | 2,089,547 |
2 | 98 | 88 | 0 | 20 | 12 | Positive discrimination is allowed, under certain circumstances. | 2,932,172 |
80 | 92 | 25 | 84 | 78 | 27 | As Judoka, this was the first thought I had after seeing that. Fuck Ramos, what an appalling thing to do. | 30,414 |
3 | 74 | 4 | 46 | 92 | 9 | oh then i'm not one of those ppl | 1,904,538 |
65 | 90 | 9 | 19 | 93 | 25 | I just don't think our DMV can handle every year.I think (and I could be wrong) that the word *queer* had been repurposed to be much more inclusive of all of these groups, but it had been repurposed again to mean...well, I'm not sure how to explain it. Other?I totally agree. It really ties into my next opinion. You can have an opinion, but it shouldn't be hurting people. | 2,531,898 |
11 | 6 | 61 | 1 | 45 | 4 | I could imagine this being especially true since i think some accounts dont have as much credibility as someome who doesnt report and have honors 5 vs honors 1 and always reports. U might be onto something there | 52,255 |
92 | 87 | 9 | 9 | 94 | 25 | Well, if you still have an Evolve in your deck, you could solve that problem rather quickly | 1,487,997 |
84 | 93 | 16 | 62 | 13 | 26 | But if you see a bridge you're probably not in a great spot to verify its structural integrity yourself. You're probably going to assume it's safe(ish) to cross.If you see a giant ravine w/o a bridge you're not going to attempt. | 1,523,425 |
67 | 75 | 83 | 83 | 23 | 30 | something something don't hate the player hate the game | 745,885 |
0 | 61 | 8 | 98 | 1 | 10 | It's mentioned in HPB that Marietta's boils still hadn't gone away. I agree with you 100% though. OP is being just a tad bitter. | 2,376,776 |
49 | 60.5 | 45 | 36.5 | 85.5 | 9 | I'm a very negative person - not depressingly so, but immediately distrusting of anything and the sort to find the worst even in the most kind-hearted of philanthropic actions. I'm attracted to cynical women because I feel like I don't have to censor myself around them. I can say what I think and find commiseration rather than being left for being too much of a downer. | 86,865 |
97 | 74 | 13 | 94 | 51 | 27 | other than buying gollux gear, if you haven't done the prequests you can do them and get your own gear free, if you have a guild or friends who can run you through hard gollux or something along those lines you could potentially get the gear free! | 2,912,598 |
89 | 59 | 95 | 7 | 43 | 28 | Eh, idk. I was on MySpace in 2005 and 2006 and it was pretty popular. Although it pretty much died when Facebook came out in 2006 and later opened up to everyone in 2008. | 1,921,834 |
41 | 84 | 35 | 51 | 58 | 11 | It's not in my linguistic rubric to choose words to avoid conceptual offense. I'm not going to sling insults at people without regard for the consequences of how I'm perceived or that person's feelings, but in the realm of abstract concepts, (and especially when the concept is other people's opinions of how to play pretend with your friends) I think anything is fair game. And linguistically, words are messy tools. We can't arbitrarily (haha) decide some words mean a certain thing when people are actually using it in a different way. I don't think it *necessarily* is either. I think *sometimes* it is. So where I have to disagree is that I don't think there's anything inherently bad about those times unless everyone agrees the decision made the game worse. I guess it's a consequentialist/pragmatic viewpoint in some sense. | 2,288,652 |
61 | 53 | 18 | 44 | 42 | 24 | Heh, yeah, okay. | 796,136 |
9 | 78 | 41 | 86 | 11 | 10 | I was inexact in my terms. My mixer is fx send and not aux send. So the pots for that are labelled 0-10 with 0 being full counter-clockwise and 10 being full clockwise. Sorry for causing that confusion. | 1,421,769 |
88 | 79 | 65 | 48 | 71 | 29 | Just ban his account forever. Bam problem solved. | 181,300 |
17 | 92 | 35 | 97 | 40 | 10 | On Tinder there is no expectation to put your profession or number of hours worked per week in your profile. I rarely see the first, and never the second. I seem to have a 'thing' for workaholics, so I date men who work similar hours to you and who don't have a lot of free time.It make take a while, but I believe you'll be able to find a woman who is okay with it. | 2,679,051 |
3 | 50 | 49 | 46 | 27 | 0 | . | 2,118,370 |
0 | 70 | 98 | 4 | 0 | 12 | Calling a 12 year old in pigtails your girlfriend online will land you in jail. | 2,953,252 |
87 | 82 | 37 | 26 | 24 | 24 | We just piked them by the countries with the top 10 mos visitors to our site but then we switched Turnbull for Duterte at /u/robotee-deither's request. | 2,929,041 |
8 | 11 | 74 | 1 | 25 | 4 | "Hey I'll code something... Fuck it I know i'll give up half way anyways." | 502,838 |
56 | 46 | 54 | 42 | 95 | 21 | Hear, Hear! | 1,006,712 |
9 | 61 | 13 | 4 | 72 | 9 | There's a near limitless supply of single geeks out there with tons of disposable income... some of 'em will inevitably be into watches... | 2,109,265 |
78 | 58 | 83 | 53 | 38 | 30 | This second half will never end. | 1,152,725 |
0 | 7 | 98 | 5 | 13 | 4 | You can easily fill an entire book shelf with literature that tries to answer this very question. Hence it's unreasonable to expect a simple answer. What I can offer, is an anecdote:I try to avoid burning out by* having at least one rest day per week (this means: no errands, no house work, no emails, no electronics, no nothing -- a day purely dedicated to leisure),* having clearly defined starting and ending times for work (in my case: no work before 10am, no work after 10pm),* regular breaks throughout the day (on average close to 20 minutes break for each 40 minutes of work -- leading to the rather long 'working period' of 12 hours to get to 8 hours of solid work per day),* healthy diet,* moderate to high intensity physical exercise at least 5 times a week,* meditation,* long walks to wind down,* regular sleep schedule, * a weekly review to get perspective,* ...At this point in my life, the system has become pretty rigid. It's still not perfect but it works reasonably well for me. | 1,688,532 |
56 | 46 | 54 | 42 | 95 | 21 | Extraversion---|DOMAIN/Facet | Score |---|---|EXTRAVERSION | 42 |..Friendliness | 37 |..Gregariousness | 35 |..Assertiveness | 59 |..Activity Level | 76 |..Excitement-Seeking | 41 |..Cheerfulness | 23Your score on Extraversion is average, indicating you are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone.---Agreeableness---|Domain/Facet|Score|---|---|AGREEABLENESS |56 |..Trust |21 |..Morality |51 |..Altruism |63 |..Cooperation |59 |..Modesty |54 |..Sympathy |79Your level of Agreeableness is average, indicating some concern with others' Needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice yourself for others.---Conscientiousness---|DOMAIN/Facet |Score |--- |---|CONSCIENTIOUSNESS |54 |..Self-Efficacy |35 |..Orderliness |47 |..Dutifulness |55 |..Achievement-Striving |83 |..Self-Discipline |62 |..Cautiousness |31 Your score on Conscientiousness is average. This means you are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.---Neuroticism---|DOMAIN/Facet |Score | --- | ---|NEUROTICISM |95 |..Anxiety |87 |..Anger |91 |..Depression |78 |..Self-Consciousness |87 |..Immoderation |85 |..Vulnerability |89Your score on Neuroticism is high, indicating that you are easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional.---Openness to Experience---|DOMAIN/Facet |Score | --- | ---|OPENNESS |46 |..Imagination |76 |..Artistic Interests |2 |..Emotionality |54 |..Adventurousness |8 |..Intellect |71 |..Liberalism |81 Your score on Openness to Experience is average, indicating you enjoy tradition but are willing to try new things. Your thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others you appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual. | 1,004,889 |
35 | 89 | 2 | 66 | 80 | 11 | Could you point to where the two different attitudes are apparent in the Timon Dias interview? I cannot find anything which resembles what you are saying should be the case there. | 347,972 |
66 | 99 | 1 | 49 | 99 | 25 | <3 | 413,212 |
96 | 91 | 23 | 43 | 56 | 25 | I had read about the dog park rape culture but the jujitsu team at Hooters and the anal penetration papers were new to me. Could you link the Rogan podcast? I'd love to hear his take on them. | 1,318,231 |
10 | 41 | 86 | 83 | 18 | 6 | I highly recommend [this recipe](http://amp.timeinc.net/myrecipes/recipe/barley-risotto-with-caramelized-leeks-mushrooms) for a barley risotto with mushrooms and leeks. If you don't have leeks, regular onions diced up works well too. | 1,446,487 |
23 | 96 | 82 | 62 | 3 | 14 | Dofonse of the anchonts all stors was bottor miend yew | 1,776,544 |
84 | 93 | 16 | 62 | 13 | 26 | I already explained why that’s generally not a fair example. It probably has made some people’s lives better though. | 1,530,012 |
81 | 61 | 94 | 5 | 44 | 28 | Awh, thanks :) I'll be fine, he was like that ever since I was little. Use to it now hahah! | 1,699,375 |
45 | 68 | 40 | 38 | 88 | 9 | Only /k/ and sometimes /wsg/ | 2,115,322 |
3 | 92 | 4 | 97 | 1 | 10 | I see a lot of Texas in the CCG or second, I'd doubt 9 but could see 7. It's a big sub, you could easily find polarity depending on where and when you're looking ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ | 1,748,535 |
23 | 34 | 6 | 50 | 31 | 0 | His wrestling is filthy. I love it. I saw a video of him wrestling with his brother and it looked like bjj flow rolling just with different aims. | 1,373,075 |
91 | 90 | 20 | 43 | 73 | 25 | What about secondary characters like Bucky and Sam? | 2,430,991 |
44 | 54 | 6 | 0 | 98 | 9 | [dats wacist!](https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1475/28/1475288593932.png) | 70,165 |
14 | 96 | 9 | 42 | 19 | 8 | *sigh..* You know what's even worse? The crowd seems to prefer this type of sensationalized behavior. | 2,270,422 |
88 | 79 | 65 | 48 | 71 | 29 | My boss isn't here today and even if he was he has way too much on his plate to pay attention to where I go.My legs have fall asleep on numerous occasions, so yeah then. | 180,379 |
38 | 57 | 16 | 70 | 17 | 10 | VILPIT | 2,245,398 |
70 | 85 | 75 | 35 | 3 | 28 | Well the point of the post you linked to was that Mahalanobis distance was bad because of that.A multidimensional distance in general, like the Mahalanobis distance, makes more sense than an average of the distances in each dimension when the dimensions compound wrt the discrimination goal.If vocational interests are a function of : * empathy vs systemizing (abstractions) * risk averse vs risk seeking * status seeking or notthen you cannot estimate a distance relevant to vocational interest by averaging the distances along each dimension in the same way that you could not estimate a distance relevant to 3D positions by averaging the distances along each of the 3 dimensions. That is the debate between the function distances, nothing to do with "a function of only gender and not other outside influences". Try to at the very least understand the argument that you are trying to make. It seems to me that you did not even understand the post that you linked : you saw something that looked like "science" and you liked the conclusion, so waved it around and pat yourself on the back about how rational you were because you thought you found something that supported your world view.Doesn't that make you pause for a second ? If not, nothing will… | 1,377,195 |
44 | 65 | 64 | 18 | 55 | 13 | The Western diet isn't low in protein, it's low in fibre. | 1,190,994 |
3 | 50 | 49 | 46 | 27 | 0 | -fox news | 2,118,124 |
88 | 88 | 32 | 31 | 6 | 24 | cooking chicken | 493,286 |
47 | 99 | 15 | 99 | 1 | 10 | Thats a horrible match. Their valkues are totally different. | 1,102,546 |
60 | 83 | 85 | 58 | 40 | 30 | He was never a particularly adept business person, he was more of a salesman/showman. Yes, I'm aware you're probably aware of that. | 920,787 |
76 | 47 | 1 | 4 | 75 | 17 | I actually thought of that question the first minute I saw the highschool question. I just wanted to wait until the morning to post it. | 544,013 |
4 | 64 | 3 | 10 | 1 | 8 | That would result in it being a race the majority of the time with no shooting/killing. Also it has been widely accepted that in a race up once a player gets the lead it is basically impossible to catch them. This is why build battles stopped being crazy high after like s4.You could have objectives\* floating in the air that players need to get to but that seems a bit contrived.It is a great mechanic but problematic for creating a gametype.&#x200B;\*used loosely, not literally flags/capture points&#x200B; | 1,034,977 |
50 | 90 | 15 | 15 | 90 | 9 | This is why MOMS HAVE TO KNOCK BEFORE THEY WALK IN. -.- | 635,393 |
78 | 30 | 37 | 29 | 82 | 17 | Tell it to the judge | 623,840 |
58 | 3 | 35 | 6 | 92 | 17 | +1 science for every 2 Citizens in this city. | 2,392,738 |
9 | 59 | 5 | 72 | 7 | 10 | yea but we have to assume they meant mbti TYPE_MENTION. Also, socionics is fucking dumb. | 2,343,421 |
18 | 9 | 42 | 22 | 80 | 1 | Shitty reason | 980,036 |
85 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 15 | 16 | Nope! I didn't create automod �� | 880,825 |
20 | 61 | 7 | 54 | 19 | 10 | [Ryella Lannister](/u/psychogobstopper) and [Kevan Banefort](/u/FluffyShrimp) | 1,762,141 |
Subsets and Splits