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[ "the man is to the left of the person", "the person is to the left of the man" ]
[ "the rifleman is to the left of the singalong", "the duty is to the left of the N.B." ]
[ "the man is to the left of the boat", "the boat is to the left of the man" ]
[ "the oxytetracycline is to the left of the Krishna", "the Virginia is to the left of the Diegueno" ]
[ "the man is sitting near the water", "the water is sitting near the man" ]
[ "the extenuation is sitting near the fowler", "the notturno is sitting near the passion" ]
[ "the boat is to the right of the man", "the man is to the right of the boat" ]
[ "the loud-hailer is to the right of the volubility", "the influx is to the right of the Libra" ]
[ "the person is to the right of the man", "the man is to the right of the person" ]
[ "the equaliser is to the right of the shipway", "the furbelow is to the right of the hejira" ]
[ "the person is sitting near the water", "the water is sitting near the person" ]
[ "the homograph is sitting near the noble-mindedness", "the Selar is sitting near the will-o'-the-wisp" ]
[ "the bike is near the bikes", "the bikes is near the bike" ]
[ "the bractlet is near the bridged-T", "the storage is near the Leary" ]
[ "the bike is parked on the patio", "the patio is parked on the bike" ]
[ "the relief is parked on the unskillfulness", "the quietism is parked on the Ward" ]
[ "the bikes is next to the bike", "the bike is next to the bikes" ]
[ "the occupancy is next to the monte", "the Cochran is next to the podiatrist" ]
[ "the cow is on the beach", "the beach is on the cow" ]
[ "the cobnut is on the alkylbenzene", "the consideration is on the silverside" ]
[ "the cow is walking on the beach", "the beach is walking on the cow" ]
[ "the commerce is walking on the Aeonium", "the myelencephalon is walking on the jumping" ]
[ "the tree is to the left of the restaurants", "the restaurants is to the left of the tree" ]
[ "the Bassariscus is to the left of the laboratory", "the kalpac is to the left of the tubocurarine" ]
[ "the ground is to the right of the water", "the water is to the right of the ground" ]
[ "the extirpation is to the right of the MB", "the monsoon is to the right of the blending" ]
[ "the water is to the left of the restaurant", "the restaurant is to the left of the water" ]
[ "the fleur-de-lis is to the left of the Epilachna", "the ottar is to the left of the wanderer" ]
[ "the water is to the left of the ground", "the ground is to the left of the water" ]
[ "the Kennan is to the left of the cell", "the confines is to the left of the wayfarer" ]
[ "the restaurants is to the right of the tree", "the tree is to the right of the restaurants" ]
[ "the Apocrypha is to the right of the Botaurus", "the fusion is to the right of the flannelette" ]
[ "the restaurant is to the right of the water", "the water is to the right of the restaurant" ]
[ "the skibob is to the right of the Gregory", "the Cocopa is to the right of the androgeny" ]
[ "the wall is to the left of the blanket", "the blanket is to the left of the wall" ]
[ "the windage is to the left of the prescriptivism", "the Orobanchaceae is to the left of the nRNA" ]
[ "the blanket is to the right of the wall", "the wall is to the right of the blanket" ]
[ "the Agavaceae is to the right of the Torino", "the Glaux is to the right of the superbug" ]
[ "the water is near the tree", "the tree is near the water" ]
[ "the Maine is near the ruckus", "the sphacelus is near the abolition" ]
[ "the tree is to the right of the sky", "the sky is to the right of the tree" ]
[ "the Plasticine is to the right of the Osmundaceae", "the dirndl is to the right of the Hypnos" ]
[ "the tree is next to the water", "the water is next to the tree" ]
[ "the beholder is next to the Khama", "the vena is next to the pungency" ]
[ "the sky is to the left of the tree", "the tree is to the left of the sky" ]
[ "the Ford is to the left of the assimilation", "the Psyllidae is to the left of the archesporium" ]
[ "the cheese is on the pizza", "the pizza is on the cheese" ]
[ "the Antalya is on the perpetration", "the canasta is on the peeress" ]
[ "the plate is on the table", "the table is on the plate" ]
[ "the passel is on the genome", "the secretary is on the oculism" ]
[ "the pizza is with the cheese", "the cheese is with the pizza" ]
[ "the angiologist is with the slicker", "the Lothario is with the Richardson" ]
[ "the pizza is on the plate", "the plate is on the pizza" ]
[ "the inflorescence is on the Chirocephalus", "the Si is on the Vicksburg" ]
[ "the refrigerator is near the man", "the man is near the refrigerator" ]
[ "the weaverbird is near the brahmin", "the connection is near the Chlorophthalmidae" ]
[ "the man is near the refrigerator", "the refrigerator is near the man" ]
[ "the lotion is near the freshness", "the Tenebrionidae is near the attractiveness" ]
[ "the man is in the refrigerator", "the refrigerator is in the man" ]
[ "the NJ is in the Mandelamine", "the tertigravida is in the pisser" ]
[ "the man is on the refrigerator", "the refrigerator is on the man" ]
[ "the maisonnette is on the sawtooth", "the vaccine is on the Xyridaceae" ]
[ "the woman is wearing the jacket", "the jacket is wearing the woman" ]
[ "the suttee is wearing the Lescol", "the Stoppard is wearing the instrumentation" ]
[ "the building is to the right of the box", "the box is to the right of the building" ]
[ "the lifer is to the right of the Psittacula", "the sheik is to the right of the Lomogramma" ]
[ "the balcony is to the right of the box", "the box is to the right of the balcony" ]
[ "the Aricara is to the right of the tempo", "the headlinese is to the right of the petitioner" ]
[ "the box is to the left of the balcony", "the balcony is to the left of the box" ]
[ "the Cynodontia is to the left of the Wampanoag", "the unbecomingness is to the left of the Metrazol" ]
[ "the box is to the left of the building", "the building is to the left of the box" ]
[ "the polack is to the left of the pseudosmallpox", "the thigh is to the left of the miterwort" ]
[ "the child is to the right of the tree", "the tree is to the right of the child" ]
[ "the entrecote is to the right of the horehound", "the maturity is to the right of the sheepdog" ]
[ "the child is to the left of the table", "the table is to the left of the child" ]
[ "the avatar is to the left of the separator", "the pixie is to the left of the honorableness" ]
[ "the cake is near the child", "the child is near the cake" ]
[ "the R is near the memory", "the delusion is near the dissociation" ]
[ "the child is near the cake", "the cake is near the child" ]
[ "the successiveness is near the delivery", "the Equanil is near the peaceableness" ]
[ "the table is to the right of the child", "the child is to the right of the table" ]
[ "the tea is to the right of the earl", "the Chalcis is to the right of the brougham" ]
[ "the table is to the right of the tree", "the tree is to the right of the table" ]
[ "the myxosporidian is to the right of the Becquerel", "the mecca is to the right of the illumination" ]
[ "the tree is to the left of the table", "the table is to the left of the tree" ]
[ "the showstopper is to the left of the occupancy", "the villa is to the left of the holocaust" ]
[ "the tree is to the left of the child", "the child is to the left of the tree" ]
[ "the Shavuoth is to the left of the Conodontophorida", "the bonus is to the left of the acataphasia" ]
[ "the pants is to the right of the planter", "the planter is to the right of the pants" ]
[ "the Torodal is to the right of the beano", "the inversion is to the right of the blolly" ]
[ "the cheese is to the right of the planter", "the planter is to the right of the cheese" ]
[ "the polysaccharide is to the right of the tarwood", "the MS is to the right of the pamphlet" ]
[ "the mustard is to the right of the planter", "the planter is to the right of the mustard" ]
[ "the nosher is to the right of the deletion", "the topsy-turvyness is to the right of the Duma" ]
[ "the onions is to the right of the planter", "the planter is to the right of the onions" ]
[ "the Linaria is to the right of the penetrator", "the affenpinscher is to the right of the designatum" ]
[ "the planter is to the left of the pants", "the pants is to the left of the planter" ]
[ "the poenology is to the left of the hemicrania", "the poop is to the left of the puerperium" ]
[ "the planter is to the left of the onions", "the onions is to the left of the planter" ]
[ "the lip is to the left of the bullet", "the ascot is to the left of the percher" ]
[ "the planter is to the left of the mustard", "the mustard is to the left of the planter" ]
[ "the Strongylodon is to the left of the graciousness", "the superintendence is to the left of the response" ]
[ "the planter is to the left of the cheese", "the cheese is to the left of the planter" ]
[ "the mihrab is to the left of the providence", "the hydathode is to the left of the Peke" ]
[ "the man is wearing the pants", "the pants is wearing the man" ]
[ "the Tshiluba is wearing the masking", "the rockslide is wearing the Dodoma" ]
[ "the child is to the right of the jeans", "the jeans is to the right of the child" ]
[ "the chlordiazepoxide is to the right of the bibliolatry", "the quartic is to the right of the wriggler" ]
[ "the child is to the right of the man", "the man is to the right of the child" ]
[ "the capon is to the right of the Dakota", "the liftman is to the right of the foundation" ]
[ "the child is in front of the couch", "the couch is in front of the child" ]
[ "the groundsheet is in front of the epigon", "the Kissimmee is in front of the Leontocebus" ]
[ "the man is to the left of the couch", "the couch is to the left of the man" ]
[ "the cactus is to the left of the neighborhood", "the pagination is to the left of the fomite" ]
[ "the man is to the left of the child", "the child is to the left of the man" ]
[ "the lolly is to the left of the chaulmugra", "the shote is to the left of the Theresa" ]
[ "the couch is to the right of the man", "the man is to the right of the couch" ]
[ "the 1790s is to the right of the inutility", "the being is to the right of the erectness" ]
[ "the couch is behind the child", "the child is behind the couch" ]
[ "the zebibit is behind the courthouse", "the Susanna is behind the Cunningham" ]
[ "the couch is to the right of the jeans", "the jeans is to the right of the couch" ]
[ "the T.B. is to the right of the roman", "the sixpack is to the right of the SMSgt" ]
[ "the jeans is to the left of the child", "the child is to the left of the jeans" ]
[ "the ragsorter is to the left of the Bonaire", "the ownership is to the left of the pfannkuchen" ]
[ "the jeans is to the left of the couch", "the couch is to the left of the jeans" ]
[ "the Mesolithic is to the left of the Weber", "the degradation is to the left of the establishment" ]
[ "the house is to the right of the horse", "the horse is to the right of the house" ]
[ "the thoughtfulness is to the right of the ghrelin", "the hell is to the right of the Ganapati" ]
[ "the horse is to the left of the carriage", "the carriage is to the left of the horse" ]
[ "the disease is to the left of the pyuria", "the lunkhead is to the left of the Oireachtas" ]
[ "the horse is to the left of the house", "the house is to the left of the horse" ]
[ "the mineworker is to the left of the hornfels", "the endodontist is to the left of the briony" ]
[ "the horse is to the left of the building", "the building is to the left of the horse" ]
[ "the hutzpah is to the left of the rattan", "the californium is to the left of the bonobo" ]
[ "the horse is on the pavement", "the pavement is on the horse" ]
[ "the confinement is on the overcapitalization", "the hindquarters is on the Motacilla" ]
[ "the carriage is to the right of the horse", "the horse is to the right of the carriage" ]
[ "the familiarity is to the right of the guesthouse", "the limnology is to the right of the harvester" ]
[ "the building is to the right of the horse", "the horse is to the right of the building" ]
[ "the gratification is to the right of the skimmer", "the specialization is to the right of the sawwort" ]
[ "the child is wearing the pants", "the pants is wearing the child" ]
[ "the irrelevance is wearing the descendants", "the workboard is wearing the trunnel" ]
[ "the woman is on the bed", "the bed is on the woman" ]
[ "the farsightedness is on the Eriosoma", "the Behmen is on the wrapping" ]
[ "the woman is sitting in the bed", "the bed is sitting in the woman" ]
[ "the chicory is sitting in the C", "the Aegilops is sitting in the faqir" ]
[ "the bowl is to the left of the table", "the table is to the left of the bowl" ]
[ "the Chosen is to the left of the Maldivan", "the managership is to the left of the Churchill" ]
[ "the table is to the right of the bowl", "the bowl is to the right of the table" ]
[ "the Hawai'i is to the right of the cybernaut", "the belladonna is to the right of the fumigator" ]
[ "the door is to the left of the cow", "the cow is to the left of the door" ]
[ "the cankerworm is to the left of the rente", "the beefwood is to the left of the cheapskate" ]
[ "the cow is near the building", "the building is near the cow" ]
[ "the magnification is near the palmist", "the furniture is near the cryosurgery" ]
[ "the cow is to the right of the door", "the door is to the right of the cow" ]
[ "the Shavous is to the right of the parkland", "the Paine is to the right of the ermine" ]
[ "the cow is to the right of the building", "the building is to the right of the cow" ]
[ "the CID is to the right of the IgD", "the Bucephala is to the right of the pointrel" ]
[ "the building is next to the cow", "the cow is next to the building" ]
[ "the succotash is next to the estate", "the asafoetida is next to the polychete" ]
[ "the building is to the left of the cow", "the cow is to the left of the building" ]
[ "the Cetraria is to the left of the Graminaceae", "the amputation is to the left of the Leibnitz" ]
[ "the wall is of the building", "the building is of the wall" ]
[ "the Avon is of the chitin", "the Muskogean is of the prankster" ]
[ "the person is behind the grill", "the grill is behind the person" ]
[ "the Angora is behind the da'wah", "the mahoe is behind the menagerie" ]
[ "the table is below the grill", "the grill is below the table" ]
[ "the chemosurgery is below the instrumentality", "the bowler is below the guan" ]
[ "the table is under the grill", "the grill is under the table" ]
[ "the Ig is under the VI", "the Bari is under the nakedness" ]
[ "the grill is above the table", "the table is above the grill" ]
[ "the tintack is above the posturing", "the C is above the idiolect" ]
[ "the grill is in front of the person", "the person is in front of the grill" ]
[ "the haemoglobinemia is in front of the contextualism", "the Dayton is in front of the storehouse" ]
[ "the bed is inside the bedroom", "the bedroom is inside the bed" ]
[ "the threshold is inside the mainspring", "the Yajur-Veda is inside the Firmiana" ]
[ "the comforter is on the bed", "the bed is on the comforter" ]
[ "the cushat is on the giver", "the meticulousness is on the Chalcis" ]
[ "the comforter is hanging off the bed", "the bed is hanging off the comforter" ]
[ "the foreigner is hanging off the vomitive", "the Chopin is hanging off the Aulostomus" ]
[ "the comforter is on top of the bed", "the bed is on top of the comforter" ]
[ "the marrow is on top of the Chalcididae", "the Fijis is on top of the Shanghai" ]
[ "the frame is to the left of the wall", "the wall is to the left of the frame" ]
[ "the premix is to the left of the ablation", "the lovastatin is to the left of the Dijon" ]
[ "the couch is on the frame", "the frame is on the couch" ]
[ "the write-off is on the accumulator", "the cobaltite is on the telepathy" ]
[ "the couch is in the living room", "the living room is in the couch" ]
[ "the Kalka is in the En-lil ultramicroscope", "the Hohenlinden inconspicuousness is in the thing" ]
[ "the couch is to the left of the wall", "the wall is to the left of the couch" ]
[ "the Maracaibo is to the left of the boule", "the submersion is to the left of the coryphantha" ]
[ "the wall is to the right of the frame", "the frame is to the right of the wall" ]
[ "the prurience is to the right of the moccasin", "the househusband is to the right of the variety" ]
[ "the wall is to the right of the couch", "the couch is to the right of the wall" ]
[ "the pompano is to the right of the candlesnuffer", "the lungi is to the right of the augmentation" ]
[ "the bowl is above the plate", "the plate is above the bowl" ]
[ "the securer is above the calculator", "the obscenity is above the aerophyte" ]
[ "the plate is under the bowl", "the bowl is under the plate" ]
[ "the clupeid is under the turnaround", "the Thomas is under the cognizance" ]
[ "the ground is covered in the snow", "the snow is covered in the ground" ]
[ "the misunderstanding is covered in the cleome", "the epigraph is covered in the hostility" ]