[ "Family & Relationships", "Politics & Government" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.8992974758148193, 0.8120221495628357 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99813d4a59b6eef70dcaf" }
Perhaps in a few months or so, another guy with the same problem will be along and he'll score that redditor with the answer to this problem.
[ 0.5430434942245483 ]
[ "Sports" ]
[ "disgust", "fear", "embarrassment", "annoyance" ]
[ 0.9984979629516602 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dq98mm", "parent_id": "t1_f62cqs0", "permalink": "/r/toronto/comments/dq98mm/toronto_in_the_new_overwatch_game/f62hcgb/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "toronto", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T02:53:27Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9981351ada055500c746a" }
That is what makes me terribly uncomfortable with this being what players and viewers will see when they see 'us'.
[ 0.4319173991680145, 0.34995704889297485, 0.34232836961746216, 0.3324827253818512 ]
[ "Computers & Internet", "Entertainment & Music" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9742573499679565, 0.9429138898849487 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dpvu74", "parent_id": "t1_f613dfk", "permalink": "/r/EpicSeven/comments/dpvu74/spotlight_luna_5_draco_plate_5/f62jyoz/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "EpicSeven", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T03:18:21Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9981551ada055500c746b" }
Imovs Kise - Luna will do more damage esp if you have no Def Breaker, but Kise's CD inc is very helpful to cheese some Abyss and Raid fights if you cant faceroll them.
[ 0.542837917804718 ]
[ "Computers & Internet" ]
[ "disappointment", "sadness" ]
[ 0.9576852321624756 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9981851ada055500c746c" }
If there isn't something like Diablo 3's elective mode then I will be sorely disappointed
[ 0.44843965768814087, 0.43257832527160645 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Health" ]
[ "sadness" ]
[ 0.8075639605522156, 0.7105445861816406 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99819d4a59b6eef70dcb0" }
sadly, that's exactly what will happen.
[ 0.6541762351989746 ]
[ "Politics & Government" ]
[ "surprise" ]
[ 0.9056081175804138 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99819d4a59b6eef70dcb1" }
I'd be surprised if that's not in the news tomorrow, actually.
[ 0.606020450592041 ]
[ "Sports" ]
[ "neutral", "approval" ]
[ 0.9995338916778564 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dq66iz", "parent_id": "t1_f61jtcd", "permalink": "/r/nba/comments/dq66iz/the_most_watched_nba_game_in_history_had_an/f62uonc/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "nba", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T05:03:12Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9981b51ada055500c746d" }
I'll give you Belicheck because football is a team sport but there are legitimate arguments for a bunch of guys for best QB ever over Brady.
[ 0.4528960585594177, 0.42132648825645447 ]
[ "Health" ]
[ "neutral", "caring" ]
[ 0.9942398071289062 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9981c51ada055500c746e" }
If the "risk" is dropping 100lbs on your feet, you wear steel-toes because they'll protect your foot from the weight.
[ 0.5066858530044556, 0.4142210781574249 ]
[ "Computers & Internet", "Entertainment & Music" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9978024363517761, 0.9335471391677856 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqefq1", "parent_id": "t3_dqefq1", "permalink": "/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/dqefq1/imo_the_two_most_important_factors_for_the/f639cbv/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "Competitiveoverwatch", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T06:46:31Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9982051ada055500c746f" }
release time is pretty up in the air, but Leak Master Slasher said that OWL S3 will feature Push instead of 2CP.
[ 0.507073163986206 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Sports" ]
[ "neutral", "annoyance", "anger", "optimism" ]
[ 0.9915120005607605, 0.9664804935455322 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqes7", "parent_id": "t3_bqes7", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-13T21:50:44Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99821d4a59b6eef70dcb2" }
Someday he'll wreck his ratty ass cavalier and he'll be forced to take shitty Utah public transit (if he lives).
[ 0.3719516396522522, 0.36727944016456604, 0.35289210081100464, 0.33781924843788147 ]
[ "Sports", "Family & Relationships", "Entertainment & Music" ]
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[ 0.8755322694778442, 0.8272296786308289, 0.8236545920372009 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99825d4a59b6eef70dcb3" }
I'll see if he's still around...
[ 0.511101245880127 ]
[ "Entertainment & Music", "Society & Culture" ]
[ "fear", "neutral" ]
[ 0.8551239967346191, 0.792535662651062 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqb1t", "parent_id": "t1_c0o18k7", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-13T22:40:26Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99829d4a59b6eef70dcb4" }
Once, while heading up US1 in the keys at about 60 MPH, a car, running from the cops swung around a car and was going to hit me head on.
[ 0.4667544960975647, 0.40188056230545044 ]
[ "Education & Reference" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.8329787254333496 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqby7k", "parent_id": "t1_f63rike", "permalink": "/r/aww/comments/dqby7k/this_dad_did_not_want_a_puppy/f647b79/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "aww", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T11:07:37Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9982a51ada055500c7470" }
>Most pets are basically "terminally ill child simulator" but with less ethical dillemmas and medical bills.
[ 0.55787593126297 ]
[ "Politics & Government" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9982dd4a59b6eef70dcb5" }
Lt. Lakin on the other hand, is a delusional birther trying to make a political statement, and I believe the outcome of his court martial will be very different.
[ 0.4332161247730255, 0.37386053800582886, 0.36276838183403015 ]
[ "Health" ]
[ "neutral", "optimism" ]
[ 0.9938357472419739 ]
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You'll be able to see it eventually, and the more body fat you lose the quicker the visible progress will be.
[ 0.4667282700538635, 0.3754269778728485 ]
[ "Computers & Internet" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9923050999641418 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqgcn", "parent_id": "t3_bqgcn", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "YouShouldKnow", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T00:06:11Z" } }
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I'll have your ass in about 10 minutes on a Pentium 200.
[ 0.46283119916915894 ]
[ "Entertainment & Music", "Science & Mathematics", "Society & Culture" ]
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[ 0.7224442362785339, 0.6953336596488953, 0.6396099925041199 ]
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I'll be there three.
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[ "Society & Culture", "Sports", "Politics & Government", "Entertainment & Music" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99832d4a59b6eef70dcb8" }
I guess I saw this kinda late, but I'll draw the envelope, no orange markers in the boathouse though.
[ 0.4588254392147064 ]
[ "Politics & Government" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9697587490081787 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9983551ada055500c7473" }
The problem like the article mentions is that the crime will just happen elsewhere.
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[ "fear", "neutral", "anger" ]
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"There is a psychopath on the road that is going to snap today.
[ 0.43677544593811035, 0.383124440908432, 0.3526598811149597 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Entertainment & Music", "Sports" ]
[ "neutral", "anger" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqd28", "parent_id": "t1_c0o1isn", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T00:57:46Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99837d4a59b6eef70dcbb" }
He's going to kill someone tailgating him.
[ 0.4594610333442688, 0.4363134503364563 ]
[ "Health" ]
[ "neutral", "optimism", "approval", "caring" ]
[ 0.9695436358451843 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dq2kh5", "parent_id": "t1_f65ze00", "permalink": "/r/singing/comments/dq2kh5/growling_feedback/f663jwm/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "singing", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T16:12:00Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9983951ada055500c7474" }
Don't forget it will take some time to discover your true growling voice for your throat to get accustomed :)
[ 0.3806583285331726, 0.3801612854003906, 0.34464147686958313, 0.317556232213974 ]
[ "Computers & Internet" ]
[ "disapproval" ]
[ 0.9955797791481018 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqhr7", "parent_id": "t3_bqhr7", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "technology", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T01:36:51Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9983bd4a59b6eef70dcbc" }
This process on its own will NOT generate awesome passwords.
[ 0.47380876541137695 ]
[ "Computers & Internet" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9954417943954468 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqhr7", "parent_id": "t3_bqhr7", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "technology", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T01:36:51Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9983bd4a59b6eef70dcbd" }
Most bruteforce crackers will search for keyboard patterns and keyshifted words.
[ 0.6032435894012451 ]
[ "Computers & Internet" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9967679977416992 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqa1gj", "parent_id": "t3_dqa1gj", "permalink": "/r/editors/comments/dqa1gj/davinci_resolve_15_and_arri_conforming/f66jrkv/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "editors", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T17:20:18Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9983f51ada055500c7475" }
It'll be an issue with your conform options (found under Project Settings / General)The most likely solution will be to use:Assist using reel names from the source clip file name.
[ 0.5539383888244629 ]
[ "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "caring", "neutral" ]
[ 0.9625410437583923 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9983fd4a59b6eef70dcbe" }
Remain calm cool and collected and she will pick up on that.
[ 0.47603559494018555, 0.4473799169063568 ]
[ "Business & Finance" ]
[ "neutral", "approval" ]
[ 0.7562241554260254 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9983fd4a59b6eef70dcbf" }
so make the most of today because yesterday was the only easy day you will ever have.
[ 0.4925541579723358, 0.40971359610557556 ]
[ "Sports" ]
[ "neutral", "optimism", "approval" ]
[ 0.9563353061676025 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9983fd4a59b6eef70dcc0" }
You will get plenty of chances if you play your cards right.
[ 0.4490645229816437, 0.3906177282333374, 0.37430161237716675 ]
[ "Health" ]
[ "neutral", "caring" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9983fd4a59b6eef70dcc1" }
You will be burned and you just have to keep trying.
[ 0.4484136998653412, 0.3775182366371155 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Computers & Internet", "Society & Culture", "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.8143566250801086, 0.7667683959007263, 0.7404140830039978, 0.7394601702690125 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqmbqt", "parent_id": "t3_dqmbqt", "permalink": "/r/technicallythetruth/comments/dqmbqt/no_denying_that/f66jugm/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "technicallythetruth", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T17:20:42Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9984051ada055500c7476" }
Most, if not all text posts can and will be removed.
[ 0.49407273530960083 ]
[ "Sports" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9236946702003479 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqmbqt", "parent_id": "t3_dqmbqt", "permalink": "/r/technicallythetruth/comments/dqmbqt/no_denying_that/f66jugm/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "technicallythetruth", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T17:20:42Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9984051ada055500c7477" }
If we do not find a post fitting for this subreddit, it will be removed.**For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](
[ 0.4669588804244995 ]
[ "Society & Culture", "Politics & Government" ]
[ "neutral", "realization", "surprise" ]
[ 0.7799976468086243, 0.7607385516166687 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqi76d", "parent_id": "t3_dqi76d", "permalink": "/r/amateurradio/comments/dqi76d/cb_radio_vs_ham_radio/f66qvem/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "amateurradio", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T17:46:50Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9984451ada055500c7478" }
You'll soon realize what AM and SSB means in the ham radio world.
[ 0.4096235930919647, 0.39252936840057373, 0.34815463423728943 ]
[ "Sports", "Computers & Internet" ]
[ "admiration", "neutral" ]
[ 0.9915516376495361, 0.9175747632980347 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqi76d", "parent_id": "t3_dqi76d", "permalink": "/r/amateurradio/comments/dqi76d/cb_radio_vs_ham_radio/f66qvem/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "amateurradio", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T17:46:50Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9984451ada055500c7479" }
A nice Sirio setup with a magmount will run you about $60-80.
[ 0.501735270023346, 0.4030989408493042 ]
[ "Health", "Sports" ]
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[ 0.9948505759239197, 0.9899426698684692 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99844d4a59b6eef70dcc2" }
The cardio will be great for your body and the lifting should be mostly upper-body and core to keep the rest of your body even with the muscles running will give you.
[ 0.48055651783943176 ]
[ "Sports", "Health" ]
[ "confusion" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqihx", "parent_id": "t3_bqihx", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T01:57:43Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99844d4a59b6eef70dcc3" }
Beyond that, I doubt you'll encounter any muscular difficulty with slow, long distance running.
[ 0.4758443236351013 ]
[ "Sports" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9985242486000061 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqihx", "parent_id": "t3_bqihx", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T01:57:43Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99844d4a59b6eef70dcc4" }
As the length, frequency, and speed of your runs begin to become easier, stay with those settings for a while (week or two) before bumping it up.
[ 0.49656325578689575 ]
[ "Sports", "Health" ]
[ "optimism", "neutral", "approval", "caring" ]
[ 0.988878071308136, 0.9582449793815613 ]
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Train at the right pace and getting better and faster will come with time.
[ 0.4413638114929199, 0.38581597805023193, 0.38385382294654846, 0.3773258626461029 ]
[ "Health", "Politics & Government" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9799889922142029, 0.9160912036895752 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dq7oqj", "parent_id": "t1_f63vfri", "permalink": "/r/illnessfakers/comments/dq7oqj/it_seems_like_ren_is_only_getting_infusions_every/f66w3rc/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "illnessfakers", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T18:06:54Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9984551ada055500c747a" }
Sure, doctors *can* order anything they choose, but whether insurance will cover nonsense prescriptions/orders to "get someone off the doctor's back" is a whole other situation.
[ 0.49500593543052673 ]
[ "Computers & Internet", "Entertainment & Music" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9803635478019714, 0.8817161917686462 ]
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<~ handy link for where to post you future 3d game engine code
[ 0.5655047297477722 ]
[ "Politics & Government" ]
[ "disapproval", "neutral", "optimism", "approval" ]
[ 0.9190355539321899 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqi9p", "parent_id": "t1_c0o2j8t", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "wow", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T02:14:11Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99845d4a59b6eef70dcc7" }
No, we're willing to take whatever.
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[ "Sports", "Society & Culture" ]
[ "optimism" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99847d4a59b6eef70dcc8" }
I grabbed it and put it next to a little pond on the other side of the sidewalk hoping it'll clean itself up.
[ 0.5324798822402954 ]
[ "Entertainment & Music", "Society & Culture" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.84721440076828, 0.7740280628204346 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99847d4a59b6eef70dcc9" }
I decided to check on my way back and if he was still there, I was going to take him to a local vet to get fixed up.
[ 0.5128556489944458 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Entertainment & Music" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9039790034294128, 0.8787775039672852 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99847d4a59b6eef70dcca" }
Except it'll turn out he's dead.
[ 0.5137373208999634 ]
[ "Family & Relationships", "Health" ]
[ "caring", "neutral", "approval" ]
[ 0.9835497140884399, 0.9094467759132385 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqnp3s", "parent_id": "t3_dqnp3s", "permalink": "/r/relationships/comments/dqnp3s/i_34m_am_doubting_my_whole_marriage_and_life_plan/f67eoo9/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "relationships", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T19:22:55Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9984a51ada055500c747b" }
Im suggesting a counselor because it will show your wife how serious this is to you and because you two seem to need help with effective communication.
[ 0.4547644257545471, 0.38214755058288574, 0.37973853945732117 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Education & Reference", "Science & Mathematics", "Society & Culture" ]
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I'll take your word for it.
[ 0.5519552230834961 ]
[ "Family & Relationships", "Health" ]
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[ 0.9629307985305786, 0.9437451362609863 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqhtr", "parent_id": "t3_bqhtr", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T03:19:28Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9984cd4a59b6eef70dccc" }
Whatever you do, don't give her candy! LOL, but seriously, it will go away when she has the child.
[ 0.5394548177719116 ]
[ "Education & Reference", "Business & Finance", "Society & Culture", "Entertainment & Music" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.8367010354995728, 0.7954555153846741, 0.7789763808250427, 0.7527644038200378 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqalk", "parent_id": "t1_c0o11ox", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T03:29:48Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9984dd4a59b6eef70dccd" }
"I'm not going to tell you what hotel I'm staying at, but there are two trees involved."
[ 0.5152633190155029 ]
[ "Education & Reference" ]
[ "neutral", "approval", "caring", "optimism" ]
[ 0.9588799476623535 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99851d4a59b6eef70dcce" }
If you're going to a university you'll be fine.
[ 0.42273086309432983, 0.41938158869743347, 0.4144149422645569, 0.3628271818161011 ]
[ "Health", "Society & Culture" ]
[ "fear" ]
[ 0.8583973050117493, 0.8436262011528015 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99851d4a59b6eef70dccf" }
It's a little uncomfortable, the food is terrible, and you might get a bad roommate, but the sense of community will help you a lot.
[ 0.5165122747421265 ]
[ "Education & Reference", "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "caring", "neutral" ]
[ 0.9528959393501282, 0.8620780110359192 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99851d4a59b6eef70dcd0" }
It can get lonely at times, especially in the weeks before exams, but if you make the right connections you'll be fine.
[ 0.4360252618789673, 0.397671103477478 ]
[ "Society & Culture" ]
[ "neutral", "annoyance", "anger" ]
[ 0.990546703338623 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99852d4a59b6eef70dcd1" }
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." ~Rev.
[ 0.4220580458641052, 0.4040846526622772, 0.35155680775642395 ]
[ "Entertainment & Music", "Society & Culture", "Computers & Internet", "Business & Finance" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqa2ub", "parent_id": "t1_f669o70", "permalink": "/r/Knife_Swap/comments/dqa2ub/wts_zinker_custom_crooked_river_freek_ex01/f68kb8b/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "Knife_Swap", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T22:16:06Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9985451ada055500c747c" }
I'll add it back to the top of the list, thank you!
[ 0.763775110244751 ]
[ "Society & Culture", "Entertainment & Music", "Business & Finance" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.8395513296127319, 0.826187252998352, 0.7842411398887634 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99856d4a59b6eef70dcd2" }
There are times when I'll talk to a coworker and they'll say "I have no life".
[ 0.5147285461425781 ]
[ "Society & Culture", "Politics & Government", "Entertainment & Music", "Sports" ]
[ "disgust", "annoyance" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99856d4a59b6eef70dcd3" }
I'll look a their Facebook and it's like...ridiculous.
[ 0.42910587787628174, 0.40110939741134644 ]
[ "Health", "Science & Mathematics" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9784814119338989, 0.9454071521759033 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqk3g8", "parent_id": "t1_f68kkdn", "permalink": "/r/dndnext/comments/dqk3g8/disabilities_prosthetics_and_now_social_disorders/f691vun/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "dndnext", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-02T23:36:17Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9985a51ada055500c747d" }
I think Im going to add a table of possible effects, so you can pick which effects represent the type of asperbergers or other disorder your character has.
[ 0.5032444596290588 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Sports", "Entertainment & Music" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9985bd4a59b6eef70dcd4" }
still, they are going to have to work some serious magic to fit any tv down my pipes.
[ 0.4574415981769562, 0.3756217062473297 ]
[ "Science & Mathematics" ]
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[ 0.9896747469902039 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9985fd4a59b6eef70dcd5" }
By opening an Eve University office in your target system, all asteroid belts and production slots within five jumps will be instantly used up.
[ 0.5964404940605164 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Business & Finance" ]
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[ 0.9472519159317017, 0.946766197681427 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9985fd4a59b6eef70dcd6" }
Opening an office near your target losec system will lead to fleets harassing pirates in the area 23/7, including destruction of capital ships by frigates.
[ 0.49372023344039917 ]
[ "Family & Relationships", "Politics & Government" ]
[ "anger", "annoyance", "optimism", "neutral" ]
[ 0.9022819995880127, 0.8943002820014954 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqi6e", "parent_id": "t1_c0o2vlr", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "funny", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T06:42:26Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99861d4a59b6eef70dcd7" }
With any luck he's making their life miserable enough that they'll stop doing their fucked-up and dishonest job and find something better to do with their lives.
[ 0.4093322157859802, 0.40777158737182617, 0.3222714960575104, 0.32078817486763 ]
[ "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.7255309224128723 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqldm", "parent_id": "t1_c0o32fp", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "TwoXChromosomes", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T06:48:42Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99862d4a59b6eef70dcd8" }
That's probably the only way you're going to know unless you see the place for yourself.
[ 0.5375069975852966 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Society & Culture" ]
[ "neutral", "realization", "disappointment" ]
[ 0.9947450160980225, 0.9381615519523621 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dq9fnd", "parent_id": "t1_f670s3u", "permalink": "/r/worldnews/comments/dq9fnd/israel_says_it_intercepts_7_rockets_fired_from/f69ff7d/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "worldnews", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T01:32:51Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9986751ada055500c747e" }
The biggest difference between these countries and Israel is that the Israeli conflict is still going on.
[ 0.4154040217399597, 0.36318686604499817, 0.3390187919139862 ]
[ "Society & Culture", "Family & Relationships" ]
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[ 0.8826965689659119, 0.8292170166969299 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqs6ik", "parent_id": "t1_f698you", "permalink": "/r/gaybrosgonemild/comments/dqs6ik/recently_came_out_to_the_world_after_22_years_of/f69gcq2/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "gaybrosgonemild", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T01:38:31Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9986851ada055500c747f" }
Know that from now on, I'll believe in you all the way through.
[ 0.45953744649887085, 0.43475571274757385, 0.419935405254364 ]
[ "Family & Relationships", "Health" ]
[ "caring", "optimism" ]
[ 0.7728378772735596, 0.7019160985946655 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqs6ik", "parent_id": "t1_f698you", "permalink": "/r/gaybrosgonemild/comments/dqs6ik/recently_came_out_to_the_world_after_22_years_of/f69gcq2/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "gaybrosgonemild", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T01:38:31Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9986851ada055500c7480" }
Eventually, you'll make it :) best wishes to you!
[ 0.4947361648082733, 0.49067434668540955 ]
[ "Society & Culture", "Science & Mathematics" ]
[ "neutral", "annoyance", "fear", "anger" ]
[ 0.9494567513465881, 0.8661901354789734 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqsocd", "parent_id": "t3_dqsocd", "permalink": "/r/GhostAdventures/comments/dqsocd/is_ghost_adventures_just_becoming_melodramatic/f69m75m/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "GhostAdventures", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T02:17:48Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9986a51ada055500c7481" }
It has become so focused on finding demonic spirits and portals to hell.
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[ "Entertainment & Music", "Society & Culture" ]
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[ 0.9871596097946167, 0.9705642461776733 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqe2q", "parent_id": "t1_c0o3a7e", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "Libertarian", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T09:13:55Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9986bd4a59b6eef70dcd9" }
All I have are Twilight of the Idols, Will to Power, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Genealogy of Morality, Birth of Tragedy, Human All Too Human, Beyond Good and Evil, Ecco Homo, and the AntiChrist.
[ 0.49365323781967163 ]
[ "Education & Reference", "Politics & Government" ]
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[ 0.987589955329895, 0.9765626788139343 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqe2q", "parent_id": "t1_c0o3a7e", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "Libertarian", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T09:13:55Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9986bd4a59b6eef70dcda" }
Then, after you're done that, you can become a libertarian yourself, after you weighed and contrasted enough competing ideas.
[ 0.5011168122291565 ]
[ "Society & Culture", "Entertainment & Music", "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.8316924571990967, 0.8197067379951477, 0.7972263097763062 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqn66a", "parent_id": "t1_f6997nt", "permalink": "/r/AskReddit/comments/dqn66a/girls_what_was_the_most_obvious_hint_you_dropped/f69x8cw/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T03:42:54Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9986e51ada055500c7482" }
Let's have sex tomorrow, I'll put a reminder in my phone.
[ 0.5304130911827087 ]
[ "Family & Relationships", "Society & Culture" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9986fd4a59b6eef70dcdb" }
Show them that you thought this through, and hope that they will at least second guess your eternal fate.
[ 0.5437357425689697 ]
[ "Entertainment & Music", "Society & Culture" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bowug", "parent_id": "t3_bowug", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "gonewild", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T10:53:34Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99870d4a59b6eef70dcdc" }
Damn, you're cute ;-)I'm actually going to print the last image ;-)
[ 0.5833219289779663 ]
[ "Society & Culture", "Sports", "Science & Mathematics" ]
[ "neutral", "admiration", "disapproval" ]
[ 0.8181130290031433, 0.7391689419746399, 0.7300233840942383 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqltk", "parent_id": "t1_c0o35ch", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "melbourne", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T11:23:26Z" } }
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and most tourists will never see this awesome, more hidden side of Melbourne and instead go via Swanston St.
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[ "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.8825119733810425 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqv89k", "parent_id": "t3_dqv89k", "permalink": "/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/dqv89k/meanwhile_on_a_train_in_a_new_york_subway/f6a56it/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "nextfuckinglevel", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T04:34:54Z" } }
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I was about to say see you in hot but...
[ 0.4592365622520447 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Sports" ]
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[ 0.935249924659729, 0.9259678721427917 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dql869", "parent_id": "t1_f6a9ef0", "permalink": "/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/dql869/if_barrieroverloadunstoppable_are_here_to_stay/f6ad0ha/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "DestinyTheGame", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T05:25:34Z" } }
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We're all going to have to pick up the reins from now on.
[ 0.5006999373435974 ]
[ "Health", "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "admiration", "optimism" ]
[ 0.9475401639938354, 0.8693451881408691 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99874d4a59b6eef70dcde" }
I bet that will work out wonderfully well.
[ 0.5329376459121704, 0.48410454392433167 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Society & Culture" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.7481266260147095, 0.7367161512374878 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99877d4a59b6eef70dcdf" }
and I'll show you a dimwit.
[ 0.5732535123825073 ]
[ "Entertainment & Music", "Business & Finance" ]
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[ 0.9640005230903625, 0.8702970743179321 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9987ad4a59b6eef70dce1" }
try [kelly armstrong](if she likes twilight, she'll for sure like her young adult series and even the women of the otherworld series.
[ 0.4882025122642517 ]
[ "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9215667843818665 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqpj4x", "parent_id": "t3_dqpj4x", "permalink": "/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/dqpj4x/aita_my_wife_does_not_want_my_family_in_hospital/f6axdvw/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AmItheAsshole", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T07:56:28Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9987b51ada055500c7485" }
Then they are going to waltz into that room uninvited, grab the baby and take facebook photos.
[ 0.5529841184616089 ]
[ "Health", "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "caring", "neutral", "approval" ]
[ 0.971498966217041, 0.8854073882102966 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqpj4x", "parent_id": "t3_dqpj4x", "permalink": "/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/dqpj4x/aita_my_wife_does_not_want_my_family_in_hospital/f6axdvw/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AmItheAsshole", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T07:56:28Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9987b51ada055500c7486" }
Normal, non narcissist families are careful and respectful of labor, they do whatever will make the mom more comfortable.
[ 0.4719015657901764, 0.4067240059375763, 0.37487539649009705 ]
[ "Computers & Internet" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9824944138526917 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9987d51ada055500c7487" }
You will basically work that specific rewind hour "twice" but you won't notice it in amount of hours worked.
[ 0.4990718364715576 ]
[ "Science & Mathematics", "Health" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9617960453033447, 0.9466964602470398 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dquxm6", "parent_id": "t1_f6bejpa", "permalink": "/r/AskReddit/comments/dquxm6/what_do_you_guys_think_about_no_nicotine_november/f6bq549/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T11:28:52Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9988251ada055500c7488" }
but who knows, maybe this hunch youve got from vaping pretty nicotine strong juice will resonate and lead all these narrow minded scientists to look deeper.
[ 0.4760975241661072 ]
[ "Family & Relationships", "Business & Finance", "Education & Reference", "Society & Culture" ]
[ "neutral", "approval", "caring", "admiration" ]
[ 0.8958168625831604, 0.8768245577812195, 0.8658058643341064, 0.8520427346229553 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqs8v", "parent_id": "t1_c0o3u6d", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T16:53:24Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99883d4a59b6eef70dce3" }
Parents earn their respect by not only treating their child with respect (which you probably need to work on) and by being unwavering and strong-willed.
[ 0.4187156558036804, 0.38726386427879333, 0.3548511266708374, 0.3354017734527588 ]
[ "Family & Relationships" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.989520788192749 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqs8v", "parent_id": "t1_c0o3u6d", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "AskReddit", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T16:53:24Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99883d4a59b6eef70dce4" }
The sooner you establish that fact, and the sooner you make her understand that bad behavior => punishment and good behavior => reward, the better off your relationship will be.
[ 0.39807993173599243 ]
[ "Computers & Internet" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9164880514144897 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqsz1", "parent_id": "t1_c0o3x44", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T17:14:57Z" } }
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ADMIN will be looking into it shortly...
[ 0.5244153141975403 ]
[ "Health" ]
[ "optimism", "neutral", "approval" ]
[ 0.9947688579559326 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99886d4a59b6eef70dce6" }
Most (good) doctors will recommend donating to a sperm bank before hormone replacement therapy in order to retain the possibility of parenthood in the future.
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[ "Sports" ]
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I'll take the Lions, and I want Des Bryant with my first pick.
[ 0.45941776037216187, 0.4408210217952728 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Science & Mathematics" ]
[ "neutral", "annoyance" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99887d4a59b6eef70dce8" }
> And then we'll hear about how he's ruining the economy by wasting money on space research when there are plenty of underfunded problems right here on Earth.
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[ "Education & Reference", "Science & Mathematics" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqoog", "parent_id": "t3_bqoog", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "videos", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T17:43:34Z" } }
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The brain child that evolved from cardboard cutouts which would eventually blossom into a cultural icon has also become a symbol for free speech.
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[ "Society & Culture", "Politics & Government", "Sports" ]
[ "confusion", "neutral", "disapproval" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqtk9", "parent_id": "t3_bqtk9", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "lost", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T17:53:01Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9988cd4a59b6eef70dcea" }
I really doubt stabbing a bunch of smoke with a dagger is going to do much.
[ 0.4185962975025177, 0.3784641623497009, 0.37209078669548035 ]
[ "Business & Finance", "Health" ]
[ "disapproval", "neutral", "disappointment", "sadness" ]
[ 0.9246466755867004, 0.9191400408744812 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqqxv", "parent_id": "t1_c0o4112", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T17:55:49Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9988dd4a59b6eef70dceb" }
Its really hard to say no to that when you aren't sure if you are going to go into debit just to eat and have shelter for the month.
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[ "Politics & Government", "Education & Reference", "Society & Culture" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dr0n4r", "parent_id": "t1_f6d3dtu", "permalink": "/r/politics/comments/dr0n4r/us_judge_blocks_trumps_health_insurance_rule_for/f6db64b/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "politics", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T15:54:42Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9988f51ada055500c748a" }
But putting restrictions on family reunification (e.g. spouses or siblings) will cause moral problems.
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[ "Entertainment & Music" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqy99m", "parent_id": "t3_dqy99m", "permalink": "/r/pokemon/comments/dqy99m/spoiler_meme_friendship_ended_with_the_galar/f6dfc3g/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "pokemon", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T16:09:41Z" } }
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It's just going to be me, 5 wooloos and an Arcanine sheep herder (if he ain't cut!), living in the mountains.
[ 0.5984356999397278 ]
[ "Politics & Government", "Sports" ]
[ "neutral", "optimism" ]
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{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dqzj20", "parent_id": "t3_dqzj20", "permalink": "/r/OpiatesRecovery/comments/dqzj20/day_7_of_heroin_withdrawals_cold_turkey/f6dmij9/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "OpiatesRecovery", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T16:36:12Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9989351ada055500c748c" }
It's going to take some time.
[ 0.49001047015190125, 0.39354124665260315 ]
[ "Society & Culture" ]
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[ 0.8001933097839355 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9989351ada055500c748d" }
This could turn into the hardest thing ever but I guarantee it will turn into PURE PARADISE!!!!!! Imagine that my friend---
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[ "Family & Relationships" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99894d4a59b6eef70dcec" }
I'll agree that guys can be pretty ignorant to hints, but I also believe that sometimes girls *think* they are being super obvious when they're not.
[ 0.5286099910736084 ]
[ "Sports", "Entertainment & Music" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9875166416168213, 0.9520888328552246 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dr1xqc", "parent_id": "t3_dr1xqc", "permalink": "/r/FigureSkating/comments/dr1xqc/picks_for_russian_ladies_national_team_cant_find/f6dpcfr/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "FigureSkating", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T16:46:23Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9989551ada055500c748e" }
I think it'll be Anna, Alena, and Alexandra.
[ 0.5515204071998596 ]
[ "Computers & Internet" ]
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[ 0.9427984952926636 ]
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{ "$oid": "62e99896d4a59b6eef70dced" }
Guardian of Ancient Kings can be a cool, helpful tool and the retri-rotation is finally going to be less FCFS.
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[ "Politics & Government", "Society & Culture" ]
[ "curiosity", "approval", "neutral", "confusion" ]
[ 0.9953307509422302, 0.9875659942626953 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqran", "parent_id": "t1_c0o472x", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "worldnews", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T19:38:51Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e99899d4a59b6eef70dcef" }
But I'll bet you agree with the Arabs and think they are "evil Zionists" who should be killed or run into the sea for not being a Muslim, right?
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[ "Entertainment & Music" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ 0.9860305786132812 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_dr0675", "parent_id": "t3_dr0675", "permalink": "/r/magicTCG/comments/dr0675/with_bolas_gone_the_eldrazi_imprisoned_and_garruk/f6e3mtk/", "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "magicTCG", "timestamp": { "$date": "2019-11-03T17:50:21Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9989a51ada055500c748f" }
Considering how Wotc have been planning Planewalker storyline to become Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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[ "Entertainment & Music", "Politics & Government" ]
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[ 0.9799783825874329, 0.9657861590385437 ]
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Liliana will probably get into Civil War like situation where Niv's assigned PWs fight against Gatewatch.
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[ "Society & Culture", "Entertainment & Music" ]
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{ "$oid": "62e9989c51ada055500c7491" }
Interested in the fenty lips, Im going to look up swatches! And lq red plumETA: I will pass.
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[ "Business & Finance" ]
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[ 0.7067651152610779 ]
{ "identifier": { "id": null, "link_id": "t3_bqgr9", "parent_id": "t1_c0o46k0", "permalink": null, "userID": null, "username": null }, "source": "REDDIT", "subreddit": "BDSMcommunity", "timestamp": { "$date": "2010-04-14T19:54:54Z" } }
{ "$oid": "62e9989dd4a59b6eef70dcf0" }
locally, though, you will want someone to make this for you.
[ 0.5359613299369812 ]