[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Man in the Box\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Man.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Man in the Box\n\nEvery night I dreamt about a man in a blue box.\nHe would travel through all space and time.\nOne night, I dreamt that he wanted to take me with him.\nA sound wakes me in the middle of the night.\nI head to the door and see the man in the blue box has come for me.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"No Ride\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gina and Gina's parents.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# No Ride\n\nGina needed to go to the library downtown.\nBut her parents wouldn't take her.\nShe needed to find a way to obtain books about dolphins.\nHer only other option was to ask the local library to order them.\nGina grabbed her backpack, and headed to the library.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gina is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gina is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Gina is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Gina is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gina's parents is feeling SADNESS (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Gina\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Gina's parents\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Warm Drinks\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Steve.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Warm Drinks\n\nSteve went to his kitchen to get a cold glass of water.\nHe poured the water in a glass and looked for ice cubes.\nThere weren't any ice cubes in his freezer so he began to make some.\nSteve had to drink his water warm.\nFour hours later his cubes were ready but he was not thirsty.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Steve is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Steve is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Steve\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The rollercoaster\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The rollercoaster\n\nI was going to ride my first rollercoaster.\nI was so afraid to go upside down.\nWhen it began I closed my eyes.\nAfter the first drop I really began to enjoy it.\nI will definitely ride more rollercoasters in the future.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Surfing\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Instructor and Caroline.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Surfing\n\nCaroline decided to take a surfing class at the beach.\nShe rented a surfboard and went out with her instructor.\nEvery time she tried, she ended up falling off and into the water.\nAfter the day of hard work, she decided surfing wasn't for her.\nNow she likes to build sandcastles when she goes to the beach.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Caroline is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Caroline is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Caroline is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Caroline is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Caroline is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Instructor is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Instructor is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Caroline\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Instructor\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Double Check\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Double Check\n\nJohn was going on vacation.\nSo he decided to pack his bags.\nHe thought he had everything he needed.\nBut he left without double checking.\nJohn forgot his plane tickets.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, John is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, John is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, John is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, John is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Isaiah's Hair Cut\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mom, Isaiah and Dad.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Isaiah's Hair Cut\n\nIsaiah was a baby who never had a haircut before.\nHis hair was getting long and it was time for his first haircut.\nHis Dad had planned on taking Isaiah that weekend to get his haircut.\nIsaiah's Mom took him that day to get a haircut while Dad was at work.\nIsaiah's Dad was sad he didn't get to take him for his first haircut.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Dad is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Dad is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Isaiah is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Isaiah is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Isaiah is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Isaiah is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Isaiah is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mom is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Dad\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Isaiah\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"No Belt\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Travis.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# No Belt\n\nTravis was at a theme park.\nBut he forgot his belt.\nThe whole day, he had to pick up his pants as they sagged.\nTravis had trouble enjoying his trip.\nBut he felt relieved after finding a shop in the park with belts.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Travis is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Travis is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Travis is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Travis is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Travis\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"December Celebrations\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dakota.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# December Celebrations\n\nDakota loved December.\nHe especially loved the rituals associated with all the holidays.\nEarly in December Dakota lit candles for eight nights.\nLater in December he baked Christmas cookies.\nThe last day of December he stayed up till midnight to ring in the New.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Dakota is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Dakota is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Dakota is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Dakota is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Dakota is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Dakota\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Writing\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The researcher and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Writing\n\nI was writing stories for a natural language processor.\nSuddenly, there was no more work.\nI lamented the loss of my income.\nLuckily, the researcher launched more work.\nI was thankful to continue working for him.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Dentist Anxiety\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dentist and Sandy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Dentist Anxiety\n\nSandy dislikes going to the dentist.\nSandy hates the noises that the various machines make.\nRecently, Sandy had to go to the dentist for a cleaning.\nThe dentist realized Sandy's anxiety and offered her sedation.\nSandy thanked her dentist profusely for understanding her anxiety.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Dentist is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Dentist is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sandy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sandy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sandy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Dentist\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sandy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"She Really Wanted Him\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Christina, Charles, Grandmother and A white girl.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# She Really Wanted Him\n\nCharles' grandmother told him do not date a white girl.\nAll white girls want from black men is money.\nBut Christina, who was white, made friends with Charles months ago.\nThey went to lunch and she told Charles she liked him.\nCharles said he was a poor student, but Christina really wanted him.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, A white girl is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, A white girl is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 1, Charles is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Charles is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Charles is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Charles is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Christina is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Christina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Christina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Grandmother is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Grandmother is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Grandmother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: A white girl\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Charles\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Christina\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Grandmother\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Craving Tart\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Doris.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Craving Tart\n\nDoris was running late for school.\nShe popped some pop tarts in the toaster.\nShe noticed something wasn't quite right.\nThe toaster wouldn't turn on and toast her tarts.\nDoris ended up having a quick bowl of cereal instead.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Doris is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Doris is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Doris is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Doris is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Doris\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Amber went to prom\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Amber, School and Robert.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Amber went to prom\n\nAmber was excited for her upcoming high school prom\nHowever she did not have a boy to go with, she was sad\nShe knew a boy named Robert who also had nobody to go with\nShe was shy, but approached Robert anyway about going\nRobert said yes, and they had a merry time", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Amber is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Amber is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Amber is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Amber is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Amber is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Robert is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Robert is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Amber\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Robert\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"My new book\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# My new book\n\nI have been writing a book for a year now.\nI have been working really hard on it.\nI tried to work on it for a few hours everyday.\nIt took a lot of work to get done.\nI finally finished it last week.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Bee Sting\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Lisa.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Bee Sting\n\nLisa was allergic to bees.\nOne day while gardening Lisa was stung by a bee.\nShe quickly ran inside to grab her emergency medication.\nShe could not find it anywhere.\nLisa died from the bee sting.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Lisa is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Lisa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Lisa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Lisa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lisa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Lisa\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sam's Seafood\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sam and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Sam's Seafood\n\nSam was convinced he hated seafood.\nThe thought of eating fish grossed him out.\nWhen eating out with some friends, he was offered to try some tuna.\nAfter some insistence, Sam took a bite of some tuna salad.\nSam realized he might like seafood after all.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sam is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sam is feeling TRUST (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sam is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sam is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Sam\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Long Life\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Oliver and Auri.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Long Life\n\nOliver had a dog named Auri.\nAuri was his best friend since he was very young.\nShe had a heart condition that made it hard for her to play roughly.\nOliver was very careful with her as he grew up.\nAuri lived to the old age of 15, despite the heart condition.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Auri is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Auri is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Auri is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Oliver is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Oliver is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Oliver is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Oliver is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Auri\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Oliver\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Football Party\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Lea, Joe and Everyone.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Football Party\n\nLea was excited to go to her first football party today at Joe's.\nJoe laid out many snacks and had his nice TV out for everyone.\nLea sat on the couch and ate lots of potato chips while watching.\nTo Lea's delight, her team was winning the game.\nAt the end of the game, everyone cheered.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Everyone is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Lea is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Lea is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Lea is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Everyone\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Lea\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Stolen Car\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom and Cops.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Stolen Car\n\nTom's car was stolen.\nHe didn't notice when it happened overnight.\nHe went to the cops.\nTom filled out a report and asked for help.\nUnfortunately his car was never recovered.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Cops is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Cops\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Street Racing\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sam and Someone.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Street Racing\n\nSam bought a new Camaro.\nHe was at a red light when someone wanted to race.\nSam obliged and crashed his car.\nHe ran into a light-pole\nThe car was totaled and Sam almost died.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sam is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sam is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sam is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Sam\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"truth or dare\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The kids and Ava.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# truth or dare\n\nAva was at a slumber party.\nThe kids started playing truth or dare.\nAva was nervous and didn't know which she'd pick.\nBut the party was broken up before it was her turn.\nAva was secretly relieved!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ava is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ava is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ava is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ava is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ava is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, The kids is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The kids is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The kids is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Ava\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: The kids\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Keith scares a bear\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Keith, Bear and His family.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Keith scares a bear\n\nKeith is on vacation in the woods with his family.\nHe rents a nice little log cabin next to the water.\nOne evening he hears a noise outside.\nHe heads out to investigate at sees a huge bear!\nKeith scares the bear away by shooting his shotgun in the air!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Bear is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, His family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Keith is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Keith is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Keith is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Keith is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bear\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: His family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Keith\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Gorilla\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gorillas and Jacob.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Gorilla\n\nJacob loved gorillas a lot.\nIn fact, he liked them more than any other animal.\nOne day, he decided that he was going to see one in real life.\nHe saved his money and bought a plane ticket to the Amazon.\nFinally, Jacob was able to see a gorilla in the jungle.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jacob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jacob is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jacob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jacob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jacob is feeling JOY (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jacob\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Comedy\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Matt.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Comedy\n\nMatt wanted to be a comedian.\nHe came up with an act and decided he was ready.\nHe called up a local comedy club and managed to book a spot.\nHe went on stage and did his act.\nNobody thought he was funny.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Matt is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Matt is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Matt is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Matt is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Matt is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Matt\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Peas\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Amanda mom and Amanda.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Peas\n\nAmanda was stuck sitting at the table.\nHer mom said she couldn't leave until she ate her peas.\nAmanda moved them around the plate.\nShe tried to feed them to her dog.\nFinally, she just had to swallow them whole like pills.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Amanda is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Amanda is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Amanda is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Amanda is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Amanda mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Amanda mom is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Amanda mom is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Amanda mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Amanda\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Amanda mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The trip\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ice, Sophie's father, Family and Sophie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The trip\n\nSophie lived in Mexico.\nShe lived with her family in a small farmhouse close to the border.\nOne day Sophie's father told her they were going to see the USA.\nAfter a long trip through the desert Sophie stood on American soil.\nSophie and her family were soon found by ICE and deported.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Family is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sophie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sophie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sophie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sophie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sophie's father is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sophie's father is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sophie's father is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Sophie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Sophie's father\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Liv\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Liv, Friends and School.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Liv\n\nLiv was a budding artist and she loved painting.\nShe wanted to go to art classes, but her school didn't offer any!\nSo Liv got together with her friends and began brainstorming.\nThey decided to form their own art group at the high school.\nThey made an after-school art club and named Liv president!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Liv is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Liv is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, Liv is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Liv is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Liv is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, School is feeling SADNESS (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Liv\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: School\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Drag Racing\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mother and Matthew.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Drag Racing\n\nMatthew had just gotten his driver's license.\nHe used his mother's sedan to go get groceries.\nAt the first light the car next to him wanted to race.\nMatthew revved his engine.\nThe light turned green and Matthew decided not to race.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Matthew is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Matthew is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Matthew is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Matthew is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Matthew is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Matthew\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Banana Bread\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mother and Sally.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Banana Bread\n\nOne day, Sally decided she wanted to make banana bread.\nShe made the bread according to an online receipe.\nThe bread was good, but didn't taste like the bread her mother made.\nSally called her mother to ask what she did wrong.\nSally had forgotten to add cinnamon.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Mother is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 1, Sally is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sally is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sally is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Sally is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sally is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Mother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sally\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Friend\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about A woman, Her family, Puppies, Her husband, Friend and Helen.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Friend\n\nHelen lived in house alone and was rarely visited by her family.\nHelen was 83 and lost her husband earlier this year.\nOne day she was out shopping and saw a woman giving away puppies.\nHelen decided to take one home.\nHelen was excited that she finally had a new friend.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, A woman is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Helen is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Helen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Helen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Helen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Her family is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Puppies is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: A woman\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Helen\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Her family\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Puppies\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Accident\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jane.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Accident\n\nJane was driving on the highway.\nShe had a blowout.\nJane lost control of the car.\nIt almost flipped over.\nJane was freaked out and didn't drive again for months.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jane is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Jane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jane\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Terrible Test\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Terrible Test\n\nTim needed to take a large test to graduate from high school.\nHe was confident he would pass.\nHowever, Tim never studied for tests, including this one!\nTim guessed all the answers, failed the test, and did not graduate.\nTim learned that studying is important.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tim is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tim is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Smith\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Charles and A hollywood man.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Smith\n\nThere was a swordsmith named Charles with no work.\nCharles was desperate so he began to look for help.\nCharles met a Hollywood man who was looking for props for a movie.\nThe man wanted swords for his new fantasy movie and hired Charles.\nCharles felt happy and finally was able to make money making swords.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, A hollywood man is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, A hollywood man is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Charles is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Charles is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Charles is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Charles is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Charles is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: A hollywood man\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Charles\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bestseller\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jen.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bestseller\n\nJen loved to write.\nShe wrote and wrote, all day.\nShe dreamed of having her own book published.\nWhen she was younger, she wrote many stories.\nOne day, Jen's book finally was discovered, and published.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Jen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jen is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jen\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Trip downtown\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tina.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Trip downtown\n\nTina went on a trip.\nShe went downtown.\nShe ended up going shopping.\nShe saw the nicest dress.\nThankfully she got it.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tina is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tina\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Don't Jump To Conclusions\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), Sal and Another friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Don't Jump To Conclusions\n\nMy friend Sal kept calling me.\nKnowing him, he probably needed help with something.\nI consistently denied his calls.\nHe posted several pictures on Instagram.\nIt turns out that he gave his basketball tickets to another friend.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Another friend is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sal is feeling JOY (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sal is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sal is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sal is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Another friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Sal\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Candy Land\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Candy Land\n\nWe decided to buy a board game.\nWe went to the store and bought Candy Land.\nNeither of us had ever played it.\nWe laid out the pieces and read the directions.\nI won every single game.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Yoga\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and My girlfriend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Yoga\n\nMy girlfriend loves to do yoga.\nShe always tries to get me to do it.\nI finally gave in a tried even though I am not very flexible.\nI pulled a muscle in my back the first move.\nShe felt so bad that she babied me for weeks.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, The girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, The girlfriend is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: My girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Farm Cat\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dead mouse, Grandpa, Dog, I (myself) and Cat.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Farm Cat\n\nMy grandpa had an old farm cat.\nThat cat loved my grandpa.\nOne day the cat came up and laid a dead mouse at his feet.\nThe cat seemed very proud of his hunting skills.\nThen he seemed sad when our dog ran up and ate the mouse.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Cat is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Cat is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Cat is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Cat is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Dead mouse is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Cat\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Dead mouse\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The hotel\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bank, I (myself) and Someone.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The hotel\n\nI was driving to New York for a vacation.\nOn the way, my bank called me.\nSomeone in California had my bank account number and was using it.\nI had to cancel my cards and run to withdraw everything.\nI had to carry around a lot of cash, but I enjoyed myself.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bailey Learns the Hard Way\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bailey and Bailey's parents.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bailey Learns the Hard Way\n\nBailey had always seen herself attending college in the south.\nAfter all, both of her parents had graduated from Auburn.\nBecause of this, Bailey assumed she did not have to try too hard.\nShe rarely studied and spent most of her time with friends.\nBailey was devastated to receive the rejection letter from Auburn.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bailey is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Bailey is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bailey is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Bailey is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bailey is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bailey\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Birds\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Birds and Elise.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Birds\n\nElise noticed something creepy.\nA bunch of birds were hanging out on the telephone wire.\nThey were staring at her house.\nShe walked away from the window and tried to ignore them.\nThe birds flew down and landed in her front yard.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Birds is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Birds is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 1, Elise is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Elise is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Elise is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Elise is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Elise is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Birds\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Elise\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Winner\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kia's teacher and Kia.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Winner\n\nKia wrote a very good essay in English class.\nHer teacher submitted it to a statewide contest.\nKia's essay won second place.\nShe was given a ribbon and a $50 prize!\nShe was very happy and proud of herself.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kia is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kia is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kia is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kia is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kia is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kia's teacher is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kia\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Kia's teacher\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wrong Calendar\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Wrong Calendar\n\nJohn was woken up by a phone call.\nIt was his work asking why he wasn't there.\nJohn told them he wasn't scheduled.\nThey told him he was and John checked his calendar.\nHe had been using last year's.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, John is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, John is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, John is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, John is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, John is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Dog\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about His neighbor's dog and Tim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Dog\n\nTim drove home drunk one night.\nHe struck his neighbor's dog.\nThe dog died from his injuries.\nThe next morning, Tim found out what he had done.\nHe felt wracked with guilt over his actions.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, His neighbor's dog is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, His neighbor's dog is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Tim is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: His neighbor's dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Art Speaks\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Artists and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Art Speaks\n\nI played a game of pictionary with a group of artists.\nThey spent too much time drawing that I never had time to guess.\nOn my turn they chose to critique my talents instead of guess.\nThe game ended in a zero to zero tie.\nThe artists all cheered for not losing.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Artists is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Artists is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Artists\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Catapult\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and School.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Catapult\n\nI had to build a catapult for high school.\nIt was a wooden frame.\nIt had springs.\nIt propelled a rubber ball.\nI had to hit a target.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Pokemon madness\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Woman and Jared.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Pokemon madness\n\nJared drove in his car with his phone out.\nEvery now and then he would stop to look around.\nWhen he didn't find what he wanted he'd drive again.\nUntil he bumped into a woman who fell on the pavement.\nJared came out of his car in victory as he had captured his Pokemon.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jared is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jared is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jared is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jared is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jared is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Woman is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Woman is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jared\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Woman\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Model\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jessica.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Model\n\nJessica needed a part time job at college.\nShe decided to be a nude model for art classes.\nThe job paid very well.\nShe found her part time job and loved it.\nShe was a happy college student.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jessica is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jessica is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jessica is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jessica is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jessica\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Kick Ball\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Kick Ball\n\nWe usually play baseball after school.\nRick smashed his hand in a car door today.\nRick can not grab a bat or hold a ball.\nSo we decided we should play kick ball instead.\nRick scored three times.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Amish Country\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Family.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Amish Country\n\nThe family took a trip to Amish Country.\nThey shopped at lots of interesting stores.\nThey learned a lot about their history.\nAt the end of their tour, they bought a beautiful table.\nIt was an enjoyable trip!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Family is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Family is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Family is feeling JOY (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ryan\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ryan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Ryan\n\nRyan went inside an abandoned mansion.\nHe went in for photographic content.\nIt was extremely frightening for him\nHe could hear the walls and the floor creak.\nHe left after 10 minutes", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Ryan is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ryan is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ryan is feeling FEAR (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ryan is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Ryan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Case Closed\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The judge.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Case Closed\n\nThe judge looked at the defendant before him.\nThe defendant began to sweat greatly.\nThe judge asked him about his sweat.\nThe defendant said he was nervous due to his guilt.\nThe judge declared the man to be guilty.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, The judge is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The judge is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, The judge is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, The judge is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, The judge is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: The judge\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Tornado Alley\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Tornado Alley\n\nTim moved into a trailer park.\nIt was in the middle of tornado alley.\nA big one was about to hit.\nTim left the area beforehand.\nHis entire park was destroyed.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"John Fertilizes His Plant\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# John Fertilizes His Plant\n\nJohn had recently gotten a house plant.\nIt was not doing very well.\nThe leaves on the plant were starting to turn yellow.\nJohn bought some fertilizer for the plant.\nIt eventually became healthy again after a week.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, John is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, John is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Tornado\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joey and Daughter.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Tornado\n\nJoey and his daughter lived in a mobile home in Texas.\nWhile watching the news, they heard there was a tornado coming.\nThey quickly went to the neighbors storm cellar and waited.\nThey hear loud noises and when the storm was over they came out.\nThey felt very privileged to be alive when they saw the destruction.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Daughter is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Daughter is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Daughter is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Daughter is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Joey is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Joey is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Joey is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Joey is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Daughter\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Joey\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Problem Was the Pipes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Plumber and Chelsea.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Problem Was the Pipes\n\nChelsea was surprised to find her bathroom floor soaking wet.\nShe looked under the sink, opening the cabinet to peer inside.\nThe area under the pipes was sopping wet.\nWater leaked steadily from several places where joints were loose.\nChelsea immediately called the plumber to resolve the problem.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Chelsea is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Chelsea is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Chelsea is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Chelsea is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Chelsea is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Chelsea\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"PT\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# PT\n\nI had a stroke in 2011.\nI did not get home until January of 2012.\nI started outpatient physical therapy in late January.\nI had sessions until June.\nThe therapy did not help.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Snake Bite\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Her mother, Snakes and Amanda.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Snake Bite\n\nAmanda liked watched nature shows with snakes on TV.\nShe was excited, then, to one day find a snake in her own back yard!\nUnfortunately, when she tried to pick it up, it bit her.\nHer mother had to take her to the doctor to make sure she was okay.\nFrom then on, Amanda had a fear of snakes.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Amanda is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Amanda is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Amanda is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Amanda is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Amanda is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Her mother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her mother is feeling FEAR (strongly).\n- In line 4, Snakes is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Snakes is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Amanda\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Her mother\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Snakes\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Tough Girl\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Boy and Linet.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Tough Girl\n\nLinet was a tough girl.\nShe was not afraid of anyone or anything.\nOne day a boy decided to pick on Linet.\nHe thought she wasn't going to be able to defend herself.\nLinet left the boy with a black eye and bruised leg.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Boy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Boy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Linet is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Linet is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Linet is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Linet is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Boy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Linet\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Teaching Boys\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joe, Anna and Younger boys.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Teaching Boys\n\nAnna was a single mom to a teenage boy, Joe, and it was hard.\nHe had no uncles or male role models in his life-so Anna got an idea.\nShe signed Joe up as a Big Brother at the YWCA, helping younger boys.\nIt seemed counterintuitive, but Joe matured a lot in the program.\nMentoring forced him to become his own man-and his own role model.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Anna is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Anna is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Anna\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Halloween Traditions\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about My family.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Halloween Traditions\n\nMy family has a halloween night tradition.\nWe light the jack-o-lanterns and turn off all the lights in the house.\nWe find some scary, family-friendly movies to watch.\nWe eat special treats and drink non-alcoholic wine.\nThen we go to bed and wait to celebrate again the next year.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, The family is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, The family is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: My family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Mashed potatoes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Liz.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Mashed potatoes\n\nLiz loved mashed potatoes.\nShe decided to make some.\nAs she was mixing in the milk, she poured too much.\nShe was not able to scoop it out.\nLiz had runny mashed potatoes and ate them anyway.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Liz is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Liz is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Liz is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Liz is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Liz is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Liz\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"John Cleans His Car\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# John Cleans His Car\n\nJohn noticed that he had a lot of trash in his car.\nHe decided he needed to clean it out.\nIt was a big job.\nWhen it was done, his car looked great.\nJohn was glad he had cleaned out his car.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, John is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, John is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, John is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, John is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, John is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Shoes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Shoes\n\nMy shoes were very smelly.\nI put some powder in them to smell better.\nIt worked for a little while.\nSoon they started to smell again.\nI bought new shoes that smelled better.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Telemarketer\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Telemarketer.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Telemarketer\n\nMy phone always rings when we sit down for dinner.\nTonight it did the same.\nI answered the phone and it was a telemarketer.\nI tried to be polite and tell them I wasn't interested.\nThey hung up on me.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Telemarketer is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Telemarketer is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Telemarketer\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Garment Rack\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Rena.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Garment Rack\n\nRena had a lot of clothes that she liked to hang up.\nShe had so much clothes that she ran out of closet space.\nShe began hanging her clothes on her shower pole.\nBut that still wasn't enough space and she needed more.\nSo she bought a garment rack and now she can hang all of her clothes.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Rena is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Rena is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Rena is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Rena is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Rena is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Rena\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Broken Ankle\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about My nephew and My nephew's girlfriend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Broken Ankle\n\nMy nephew moved in with his girlfriend in 2006.\nThey lived in a third floor apartment.\nOne wintery day he slipped on the top step.\nHe went down a flight of steps and broke his ankle.\nHe was out of work for six weeks.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, The nephew is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The nephew is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, The nephew is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, The nephew is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, The nephew's girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: My nephew\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: My nephew's girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Soda Sadness\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dawn and Stacy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Soda Sadness\n\nStacy enjoyed drinking sodas.\nShe noticed she was gaining weight.\nShe asked her friend Dawn how she could lose weight.\nDawn told her to stop drinking sodas.\nStacy lost 5 pounds in a week after giving up on drinking soda.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Dawn is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Dawn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Stacy is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Stacy is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Stacy is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Stacy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Dawn\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Stacy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cheater\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom, Therapy, His brother, Kids and Jennie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Cheater\n\nJennie and Tom has been together for five years with three kids.\nJennie recently started feeling distant from Tom and the kids.\nShe went to therapy and talked about how she was feeling.\nShe was prescribed Anti-depressants for a month.\nTom found out that Jennie cheated on him with his brother.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, His brother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Jennie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jennie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jennie is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jennie is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jennie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Kids is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kids is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: His brother\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Jennie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Kids\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The CSA\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kay.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The CSA\n\nKay decided to sign up for a Farmer's CSA.\nShe would receive fresh vegetables and fruit from a local farm.\nThe boxes she received from the farm were smaller than she expected.\nSome of vegetables were wilted and unusable.\nKay opted not to sign up for another round of the CSA.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kay is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kay is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kay is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kay is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kay\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Peaches\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gertie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Peaches\n\nIt was going to be a long day.\nGertie had bought a bushel of peaches yesterday.\nToday she was going to can those peaches.\nShe had sterilized her jars and was almost ready start.\nThe canning syrup was done and she began.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Gertie is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gertie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Gertie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Beans and Franks\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Wife.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Beans and Franks\n\nMy wife cooked beans and franks the other day.\nShe heated up a can of beans.\nShe burned the dogs and had to cook them again.\nWe had a good meal.\nI used to cook but am now disabled.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Wife is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Wife is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Wife\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Too Late to Save\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Son, I (myself) and Barber.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Too Late to Save\n\nI took my son to the barbershop today.\nThe barber got his equipment set up by his stand.\nHe started to cut my son's hair.\nHowever, he accidentally shaved off more than what was expected.\nTherefore, he received a lower haircut.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Barber is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Barber is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Son is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Son is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Son is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Son is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Barber\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Son\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Kite Fears\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Kite Fears\n\nTom was out on a windy day using a kite.\nHe was having fun until it got stormier.\nThe wind was fun but lightning was happening too.\nTom felt one hit too close.\nHe decided to go home to be safe.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Karaoke Cherry\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Group and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Karaoke Cherry\n\nWe went to a bar on karaoke night.\nI was singing along to every song.\nMy group told me to give it a try.\nAfter hours of hesitation I summoned the courage to try it.\nNow I go every week and have my own go to songs !", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Vaporizer\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Wife.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Vaporizer\n\nMy wife developed a cough this week.\nThe cough is worse at night.\nToday I found a website that recommended using vaporizers.\nMy wife bought a vaporizer at Target.\nI hope it helps her cough.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately).\n- In line 1, Wife is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Wife is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Wife\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Missing Chicken\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Glenn.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Missing Chicken\n\nOne of Glenn's chickens was missing.\nGlenn counted all of the chickens twice but was still short one.\nHe asked his neighbors if they had seen a stray chicken.\nHe posted a sign that said: MISSING CHICKEN.\nGlenn never found out where the missing chicken had gone.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Glenn is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Glenn is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Glenn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Glenn is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Glenn is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Glenn\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Justice\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Neighbor, Sean and Sean wife.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Justice\n\nSean would beat his wife every day.\nOne day, their neighbor realized what was happening.\nHe called the cops.\nThe cops arrested Sean and he was found guilty.\nHis wife celebrated!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Neighbor is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Neighbor is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Sean is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sean is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sean is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Sean is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sean is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Sean wife is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Sean wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sean wife is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Neighbor\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sean\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sean wife\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bad Suggestion\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Fred and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bad Suggestion\n\nFred was looking to buy a new car.\nAnd his friend talked him into getting the same one he drove.\nFred reluctantly bought the vehicle.\nAnd after a few weeks, he deeply regret it.\nFred decided to listen to himself first from then on.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Fred is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Fred is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Fred is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Fred is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Fred\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Stopping for food.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Girlfriend and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Stopping for food.\n\nI was out for a jog with my girlfriend one day.\nWe were running down our street when we began to feel hungry.\nWe decided to look for a restaurant to grab a quick bite.\nWe found a local burger shop and grabbed some food.\nAfter eating, we walked back to our car and went home.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Runner\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Runner\n\nI've always wanted to be able to run five miles at one time.\nCurrently I can only run about three.\nI worked hard for months, slowly increase the distance I would run.\nI ate healthy and got plenty of rest too.\nA few months later I was running well over five miles at once!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Belly button piercing\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Her mom and Stacy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Belly button piercing\n\nStacy wanted to get her belly button pierced.\nShe begged her mom to let her do it.\nHer mother refused.\nStacy then went to do it anyway.\nShe later regretted it, since it came out horribly.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Stacy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Stacy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Stacy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Stacy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Stacy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Albert\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bert johnson.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Albert\n\nBert Johnson was miles away from home when it started snowing.\nHe sighed, knowing he'd have to stop his truck for the night.\nThat's when he received a call from his wife, saying his son was sick.\nBert knew there was nothing that could stop him from continuing.\nBert made it home in record time.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bert johnson is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Bert johnson is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Bert johnson is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bert johnson is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bert johnson is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bert johnson\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Mary's Move\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mary.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Mary's Move\n\nMary had to move to a new apartment.\nShe set out to organize her things.\nOn move day, it took Mary only a few hours to move.\nShe moved just next door to the vacant apartment.\nMary was pleased that the move went so smoothly.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Mary is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Mary is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mary is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Mary\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Score\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bob.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Score\n\nAfter a long day of selling his wares at a flea market, Bob left.\nHe patted his wad of cash in his pocket.\nThe size of the wad made Bob feel satisfied.\nHe got into his car and relaxed in the seat before he put the key in.\nHe was so tired from the day that he fell asleep.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Bob is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bob\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Weapon\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Boris and Instructor.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Weapon\n\nBoris was taking martial arts classes.\nHe had been training for only a few weeks.\nHe told his instructor that he wanted to learn to use weapons.\nHis instructor shook his head disappointingly.\nBoris didn't really understand the meaning behind martial arts.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Boris is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Boris is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Instructor is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Instructor is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Boris\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Instructor\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Pit of Despair\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Opponent, John and John's character.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Pit of Despair\n\nFalling into the pit was the worst.\nJohn's character started to slip.\nHis opponent just rammed into John.\nJohn's character fell straight into the pit.\nJohn slammed the game controller onto the ground.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, John is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 3, John is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, John is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, John is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, John's character is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, John's character is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: John's character\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New Plasma TV\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bob.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# New Plasma TV\n\nBob had a tiny 20 inch TV.\nHe wanted to buy a better one for black friday.\nHe saved up for weeks.\nHe bought a 60 inch plasma on black friday.\nBob watched football on his new tv later that night.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Bob is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bob\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ana goes to paris\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ana.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Ana goes to paris\n\nAna works very hard for her money.\nShe has a boring job.\nShe needs a vacation and asks for one.\nThey give her a week off to go anywhere she wants.\nShe head to the city she loves the most Paris, France.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ana is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Ana is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Ana is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ana is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ana is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Ana\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Formal\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Valerie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Formal\n\nValerie was getting ready for a formal dance.\nShe had been preparing for hours.\nAs she was ready to leave, her acrylic nail broke.\nShe snapped off all of her faux nails.\nShe didn't have time to feel pity about them.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Valerie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Valerie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Valerie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Valerie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Valerie is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Valerie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Susan Goes Camping\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Susan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Susan Goes Camping\n\nSusan set up her tent at the campsite.\nThen, she made dinner.\nIt started to rain.\nIt is a good thing that Susan completed her set up.\nSusan made her bed and read a book until it stopped raining.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Susan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Susan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Susan is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Susan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Susan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Music\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Music\n\nTim loved listening to music.\nHe decided he wanted his life to revolved around music.\nHe studied how to create music.\nTim became a great music producer.\nTim enjoyed a successful career as a music producer.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bear\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), Bear and Neighbor.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bear\n\nI heard from my neighbor that there was a bear in the neighborhood.\nI haven't been jogging for days because I'm afraid of the bear.\nThe bear was last sighted 2 weeks ago near my house.\nI should wait at least another month before I go jogging again.\nMeanwhile, I do yoga instead.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Bear is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 1, Neighbor is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bear\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Neighbor\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hitting on Girls\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Girl, Friends and Tim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Hitting on Girls\n\nTim was downtown with friends.\nHe saw a cute girl walking by.\nHis friends encouraged Tim to talk to her.\nTim was too shy and chickened out.\nHis friends made fun of him for it.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Friends is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Girl is feeling SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Girl\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Women's Final Four\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), People and Mbta.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Women's Final Four\n\nIn 2006 the NCAA Women's Final Four was held in Boston.\nI worked for the MBTA then.\nWe were sent to sit at a table at Park Street Station.\nWe were supposed to help visitors to Boston.\nOnly a few people asked questions.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).\n- In line 2, Mbta is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mbta is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, People is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mbta\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: People\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Foul Ball\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jimmy's dad, Jimmy and Slugger.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Foul Ball\n\nJimmy's dad took him to see his favorite baseball team.\nHe brought his glove in the hope of catching a home run ball.\nJimmy waited in anticipation as the biggest slugger came up to bat.\nOn the first pitch, the slugger hit a home run right towards Jimmy!\nLeaping up, Jimmy was thrilled to successfully catch the ball!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jimmy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jimmy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jimmy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jimmy is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jimmy is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Jimmy's dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jimmy's dad is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jimmy's dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jimmy's dad is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Slugger is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately).\n- In line 4, Slugger is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Slugger is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jimmy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n- character: Jimmy's dad\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Slugger\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bad At Math\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jean, Friend and Professor.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bad At Math\n\nJean had never been very good at math.\nShe had to take an acoustical physics class for her degree.\nHer friend knew a physics professor who offered to tutor her.\nShe struggled all semester long to understand the concepts.\nEventually she passed, but still doesn't consider herself good at math.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jean is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jean is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jean is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jean is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jean\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Tether ball\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ron and Frank.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Tether ball\n\nFrank was humiliated by Ron in tether ball the other day in school.\nEveryone laughed when Ron beat him.\nSo the next day Frank challenged Ron again.\nAt first it looked like Ron was going to win again.\nBut Frank made came back to defeat Ron.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Frank is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 2, Frank is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Frank is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ron is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 3, Ron is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ron is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ron is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Frank\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n- character: Ron\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]