a person that is laying next to a dog
[ [ "is this a child or adult", "adult" ], [ "male or female", "male" ], [ "are they inside or outside", "inside" ], [ "are they laying on the floor", "yes, but there is a blanket in between them and the floor" ], [ "is the floor carpeted or wooden", "it is tile" ], [ "what color is the blanket", "red and white" ], [ "what color is the tile", "orange red" ], [ "what breed is the dog", "boxer" ], [ "does the dog look healthy and happy", "yes" ], [ "what color is the dog", "tan" ] ]
a black and white photo of a man on a horse by stacks of crates
[ [ "what color is horse", "brown, but it's black and white photo" ], [ "is this outdoors", "yes" ], [ "do you see any horses", "yes, 1" ], [ "how about fences", "no" ], [ "do you see any buildings", "two, 1 is brick, 1 is wood" ], [ "are they single story", "yes" ], [ "do they look like homes or barns", "they are old stores from time long ago" ], [ "do they have signs", "nol" ], [ "do you see any trees", "no" ], [ "is horse on path or grass", "no, horse is in town, next to shops" ] ]
a couple of people and some motor bikes
[ [ "how many bikes there", "3" ], [ "what color are bikes", "i see green red and white" ], [ "are they parked on stock parking", "no" ], [ "are there any people", "2" ], [ "what are their genders", "can't tell have on helmets" ], [ "what color of their helmets", "green and white and other is black" ], [ "do they pose to picture", "no" ], [ "are they standing by their bikes", "no" ], [ "what are they doing", "sitting on bikes" ], [ "white time of day is it", "looks like afternoon" ] ]
a kitchen with light colored wood cabinets, a black dishwasher and a sink in front or a window
[ [ "what color is the sink", "white" ], [ "is the light on", "yes" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "how many dishes are visible", "0" ], [ "any windows", "1" ], [ "can you see food", "no" ], [ "any pots", "no" ], [ "any utensils", "no" ], [ "what color is the dish", "no dishes" ], [ "can you see tile", "yes" ] ]
a giraffe takes food from a feeding bin high up on a tree next to a zebra grazing on the grass
[ [ "is this a zoo", "yes" ], [ "how many giraffes are there", "1" ], [ "how many zebras", "1" ], [ "are people there", "no" ], [ "what did the giraffe eat", "not sure it is eating out of bin facing other way" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "how many trees are there", "6" ], [ "what colors is the feeding bin", "black" ], [ "are there stripes on it", "no" ], [ "is the wind blowing", "not sure" ] ]
a elephant stands in a thicket while glaring for a photo
[ [ "is it a baby elephant", "no, it's a very large adult" ], [ "is it looking at the camera", "yes, directly at it" ], [ "does it have tusks", "yes, 2 smallish tusks" ], [ "are there any people", "no people" ], [ "what color is the thicket", "brown and green" ], [ "is it day or night", "day time" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes, very bright and clear" ], [ "are there any other animals visible", "no just the 1 elephant" ], [ "does this appear to be in a zoo", "no, looks like africa" ], [ "is there any grass", "a lot of brown, dead grass" ] ]
a brightly colored berdoom with 2 beds in it
[ [ "are the beds for children", "no" ], [ "the beds identical", "yes" ], [ "is this a home", "yes" ], [ "what color are the covers", "red and black" ], [ "is there a window", "yes" ], [ "is it masculine", "no" ], [ "what is covering the window", "a blind" ], [ "is it feminine", "yes" ], [ "what color is the blind", "tan" ], [ "are the beds made", "yes" ] ]
a person in protective garb working on a room
[ [ "is the person a man or woman", "can't tell they are wearing a white paper suit" ], [ "is the person wearing goggles", "i don't believe so" ], [ "is the person's head covered in the suit", "yes it is" ], [ "is the person wearing gloves", "not that i can tell" ], [ "does the person have a breathing mask", "has a white paper mask covering their mouth and nose" ], [ "is the person working in a laboratory", "no, painting a room" ], [ "are there other people in the photo", "no" ], [ "what color are they painting with", "purple" ], [ "is there a window in the room", "yes there is" ], [ "is the window open or closed", "open" ] ]
a couple of people on the water flying a kite
[ [ "is the image of an ocean", "yes" ], [ "what color is kite", "rainbow colors" ], [ "any boats visible", "no" ], [ "who is holding the string", "a person on the shore" ], [ "is the water calm", "mostly calm with small waves" ], [ "are a lot of people on the beach", "no, just a couple and some in the water" ], [ "any surfers in the water", "3" ], [ "are they wearing wetsuits", "i can't really tell, they are farther out and i can't see details" ], [ "what color are the surfboards", "i can't tell" ], [ "any fish visible", "no" ] ]
2 male elephants having a bit of a disagreement
[ [ "are the elephants both male", "not sure" ], [ "do the elephants have tusks", "yes the both do" ], [ "how are the elephants fighting", "playfully" ], [ "is either elephant standing on it's back legs", "no" ], [ "what are both elephants doing with their trunks", "1 has its trunk raised and the others is down" ], [ "are their mouths open or closed", "closed" ], [ "eyes open or closed", "open" ], [ "what position are their ears", "raised" ], [ "is the dust flying", "yess" ], [ "who do you think will win the fight", "neither" ] ]
a cheese and pepperoni pizza in an oven
[ [ "is oven hot", "yes" ], [ "do u see red flames", "no" ], [ "what else is on pizza", "olives" ], [ "does the pizza look tasty", "yes" ], [ "is pizza cut", "no" ], [ "what color is olives", "black" ], [ "does it have extra cheese", "yes" ], [ "is it thin crust", "yes" ], [ "is anyone eating", "no" ], [ "do u see plates", "no" ] ]
a bicycle and several pieces of luggage at the peene station
[ [ "do you have idea where is picture taken", "looks like bus station" ], [ "is this old photo", "yes, it seems old" ], [ "is it black and white", "no" ], [ "how many luggage is in cart", "about 10" ], [ "is there person next to cart", "no" ], [ "no single person visible", "no" ], [ "is this inside building", "outside" ], [ "what's weather like", "i can't tell" ], [ "are there other vehicle", "no" ], [ "what is condition of bicycle", "pretty good condition" ] ]
people standing by a luggage carrousel for terminal 4
[ [ "is this an airport", "yes" ], [ "is the photo in color", "color" ], [ "how many people are waiting", "7" ], [ "can you see luggage", "yes" ], [ "are there any kids there", "no" ], [ "is the carousel moving", "no" ], [ "how many women", "3" ], [ "can you see windows", "no" ], [ "are there any signs shown", "the number 4" ], [ "any airport staff visible", "no" ] ]
a red vice grip squashing a whole orange
[ [ "who is holding this", "no 1 is holding the orange" ], [ "is anything in the background", "no, it's a close up photo of the orange and vice grip" ], [ "is it a whole orange", "yes, a whole orange being squashed" ], [ "is the orange squashed", "yes" ], [ "does the grips have handles", "no, not that i can see" ], [ "is it against a wall", "no, the vice grip is attached to a countertop" ], [ "what color is the countertop", "the countertop looks like it is butcher block" ], [ "are there any knives", "no, no knives are shown" ], [ "is there a mat under it", "no" ], [ "does it look messy", "yes there is orange juice dripping off the counter" ] ]
a red piece of luggage that can be rolled
[ [ "is it outdoor", "no" ], [ "is it bag", "yes" ], [ "is it in room", "yes" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "is bag big", "medium" ], [ "is it on floor", "yes" ], [ "what brand", "can't tell" ], [ "is it by wall", "by the door" ], [ "what color carpet", "brown" ], [ "do you see any window", "yes" ] ]
a pitcher on a mound, in motion, the ball in the air
[ [ "is this a professional game", "yes" ], [ "is the pitcher a male", "yes" ], [ "what color is his uniform", "white and red" ], [ "is he wearing a hat", "yes" ], [ "what color is his hat", "blue" ], [ "is he wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "is it night", "no" ], [ "is it nice out", "yes" ], [ "is there a crowd", "can't see 1" ], [ "is there a base", "no" ] ]
2 different types of train are on separate railway tracks
[ [ "do you see any people", "no people in sight" ], [ "what color is small cargo train", "it is yellow" ], [ "what color is passenger train", "it is red" ], [ "do you see any animals", "i do not" ], [ "is it day time or night time", "day time" ], [ "is it sunny", "it seems like it is" ], [ "do you see train station", "i do not" ], [ "do you see any trees", "in background" ], [ "is there any lettering or words on train", "yes there is" ], [ "what are words or letters", "infranord" ] ]
a boat in the ocean surrounded by sea stacks
[ [ "what color is the boat", "it is a dark color, that's the best i can do" ], [ "is it large or small", "not very big" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "can you see the water", "yes i can" ], [ "what color is it", "gray" ], [ "any other boats", "no just 1" ], [ "is it day or night", "it is day, but very overcast and foggy" ], [ "can you see buildings", "no" ], [ "any rocks on the shore", "i can't see the shore, the boat is surrounded by rock formations jutting out of the water" ], [ "what color are the rocks", "gray" ] ]
a fat and bald shirtless man stands next to a boat
[ [ "is the man sunburnt", "no" ], [ "what race is the man", "black maybe" ], [ "what type of boat", "a small canoe type boat" ], [ "is there paddles", "yes i see 1" ], [ "what color is the boat or canoe", "green" ], [ "is it big enough for more than 1 person", "no" ], [ "does the man look intoxicated", "no" ], [ "does the man have a beard", "no" ], [ "is the man alone", "no, a woman is near him" ], [ "do you see water in the picture anywhere", "yes" ] ]
a white circle with a blue background next to a clock that has a cow on it
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "yes somewhat" ], [ "do you see people", "no people" ], [ "is this a painting", "no" ], [ "what shade of blue", "medium blue" ], [ "what color is the cow", "white with black spots" ], [ "does the cow look healthy", "yes very plump" ], [ "is it an adult", "yes" ], [ "what is a circle", "white almost like an aspirin" ], [ "what time is it", "it is about 2:53" ] ]
a little boy in a bright jacket on skis in the snow
[ [ "any vegetation visible", "no" ], [ "any other people visible", "1 boy" ], [ "what color is his jacket", "orange and black" ], [ "is he wearing helmet", "no, knit hat" ], [ "what color are his pants", "black" ], [ "does he have goggles on", "no he does not" ], [ "does he have gloves on", "yes" ], [ "what color are his gloves", "black" ], [ "is he on mountain or hill", "i cannot tell" ], [ "is it snowing", "it looks like it is" ] ]
a large modern bath tub in a yellow tiled bathroom
[ [ "is this picture in color", "yes" ], [ "can you see a toilet", "yes" ], [ "can you see a sink", "part of it" ], [ "can you see a window", "yes 2" ], [ "what color is the tub", "white" ], [ "what color is the toilet", "white" ], [ "does the window have curtains", "no" ], [ "what color are the walls", "yellow" ], [ "can you see outside the windows", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime in the picture", "yes" ] ]
a yellow kitchen with white cabinets and a sink
[ [ "is this a professional photo", "maybe" ], [ "is it well lit", "yes" ], [ "can you tell if it's daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it a lived in kitchen", "yes" ], [ "is there a window", "yes" ], [ "is there a curtain on it", "no" ], [ "what color is the sink", "white" ], [ "can you see a stove", "no" ], [ "can you see a refrigerator", "no" ], [ "are the walls painted", "yes" ] ]
an old green van being driven during traffic
[ [ "is the van large or small", "large" ], [ "any people", "green2" ], [ "any other vehicles", "no" ], [ "any traffic lights", "no" ], [ "any sidewalks", "yes" ], [ "any buildings", "tents" ], [ "what color", "white" ], [ "what else is there", "fencing, gravel road, sky and trees" ], [ "what kind of fence", "chain link" ], [ "what color is the sky", "gray" ] ]
a man on a a fake horse is in the parade
[ [ "how tall is horse", "5 feet" ], [ "what color is horse", "brown" ], [ "how tall is man", "5 feet" ], [ "is he young", "old" ], [ "how do you know height is 5 feet", "it in picture" ], [ "what clothes are blue", "man's" ], [ "is this carnival", "not sure" ], [ "are all his clothes blue", "no" ], [ "does he have shoes on", "yes" ], [ "does he have hat", "yes" ] ]
a beige room with drapes, a stairway, chairs and tables
[ [ "is this in someone's home", "yes" ], [ "is this an entryway", "not in view" ], [ "is this a living room", "looks like it" ], [ "what color are the drapes", "beige striped" ], [ "what type of flooring", "carpet" ], [ "what color", "striped" ], [ "are the chairs upholstered", "yes" ], [ "what color", "beige also" ], [ "does the stairway have wood banisters", "yes" ], [ "is the stairway also carpeted", "can't tell at this angle" ] ]
a street scene with the motorcycle and bicycles on the side of the road
[ [ "how many bicycles are there", "2" ], [ "is there only 1 motorcycle", "yes" ], [ "what color is the motorcycle", "red" ], [ "is it daytime or night", "daytime" ], [ "are there any people in the picture", "the legs of 1 person are visible" ], [ "is it sunny or overcast", "sunny" ], [ "is there any other traffic on the road", "no" ], [ "is this is the city or a rural area", "city" ], [ "can you see any buildings in the background", "no" ], [ "are there any street signs visible", "just a sign post" ] ]
a red fire hydrant next to a tree with a information plaque
[ [ "are there any trees around", "yes" ], [ "what color is plaque", "green" ], [ "is paint peeling off hydrant", "no" ], [ "is it daylight", "day time" ], [ "are they big trees", "small tree" ], [ "can you see any people", "0" ], [ "can you see sidewalk", "possibly in background" ], [ "is there any grass around", "no glass" ], [ "is it concrete", "no" ], [ "is it dirt", "probably only wood chips are seen" ] ]
a man adjusts his neck tie in a mirror
[ [ "is the man young", "no" ], [ "how old is he", "40's" ], [ "what color necktie", "blue with patterns" ], [ "is the tie patterned", "yes" ], [ "what shape is the mirror", "oval" ], [ "can you see his shirt", "yes" ], [ "what color", "blue" ], [ "is he wearing a suit too", "yes" ], [ "is he indoors", "yes" ], [ "is the place well lit", "seems to be" ] ]
black and white photo of a man catching at frisbee at a competition
[ [ "is the man in modern clothes", "yes" ], [ "are there other people near him", "yes" ], [ "does he have a frisbee", "he's about to catch the frisbee" ], [ "are both of his feet on the ground", "no" ], [ "is he reaching high to catch the frisbee", "yes" ], [ "are there other people trying to catch the same frisbee", "no" ], [ "is the frisbee light colored", "can't tell the photo is in black and white" ], [ "is the man wearing shorts", "yes" ], [ "does the man have long hair", "no" ], [ "is the man wearing glasses", "no" ] ]
a man is with a kid on a surfboard
[ [ "are there other people visible", "yes, there are 2 people visible" ], [ "what color is man's shirt", "he is not wearing shirt" ], [ "is kid girl or boy", "kid is boy" ], [ "is man wearing bathing suit", "he appears to be wearing bathing suit, but i cannot fully tell" ], [ "are they on beach", "no" ], [ "are whitecaps visible", "sorry, i am not sure what whitecaps are" ], [ "can you see any sharks whitecaps are white water at top of breaking waves", "there are no sharks no whitecaps either" ], [ "is water green or blue", "water is blue" ], [ "what color is the surfboard", "surfboard looks white from this angle" ], [ "is man old or young", "man is middle-aged" ] ]
a lady is working in an office with a window view of a construction mess in the next office
[ [ "is there more than 1 person in this photo", "no" ], [ "is person male or female", "female" ], [ "is she holding computer", "no they are on desk in front of her" ], [ "are they both turned on", "yes !" ], [ "does it look like she's doing work on them", "sort of" ], [ "can you see what's on screens", "not clearly looks like words and lists" ], [ "does it look like she's at home or at work in office", "at office construction is going on around her" ], [ "can you tell what time of day it might be", "afternoon" ], [ "does she look happy to be there", "i wouldn't say happy no" ], [ "what color of shirt is she wearing", "beige" ] ]
a hot dog with fries, ice cream & a drink on a tray
[ [ "is there mustard on the hot dog", "yes there is" ], [ "is there ketchup on the hot dog", "i can't see any" ], [ "is there relish on the hot dog", "yes" ], [ "is there mayonnaise on the hot dog", "no" ], [ "what color is the ice cream", "white" ], [ "what color is the tray", "yellow" ], [ "what kind of drink is there", "can't tell" ], [ "is the drink in a plastic cup", "looks like a cardboard cup" ], [ "what color is the cup", "yellow with red words" ], [ "is the tray on a table", "yes" ] ]
a traffic light is mounted to a pole
[ [ "is the light red", "no yellow" ], [ "can you see cars", "no cars just signs" ], [ "can you see the street", "yes, at an intersection" ], [ "are there wires", "no" ], [ "are there pedestrians", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "can you see birds", "no" ], [ "is there street signs", "yes, several" ], [ "can you read the names", "yes" ] ]
a man in a suit standing at the corner holding a cigar
[ [ "is this a city street", "yes" ], [ "are there people around", "no" ], [ "is he smoking the cigar or lighting it", "neither" ], [ "is he holding the cigar", "not that i see" ], [ "is he looking at something", "looks like it" ], [ "so the man doesn’t have a cigar", "no cigar i see" ], [ "what is he looking at", "not sure" ], [ "what color is his suit", "grey" ], [ "is he wearing a hat", "yes" ], [ "are there any vehicles", "in the background" ] ]
a hot dog, bowl of vegetables and a plate of meat
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is it a professional photo", "no" ], [ "is it well lit", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "it is inside i cannot tell" ], [ "is it homemade food", "yes" ], [ "what kind of vegetables are there", "tomatoes, carrots, lettuce cabbage, mint maybe, zucchini" ], [ "what kind of meat is with it", "chicken or pork" ], [ "is the hot dog cooked", "i actually do not see a hot dog but it is all put into a hot dog sub type of bun" ], [ "is the hot dog sliced", "no hot dog" ], [ "what color is the bowl", "clear" ] ]
the man is standing with a suit on reading his cellphone
[ [ "how old is this man", "50ish" ], [ "is this a black and white picture", "no" ], [ "what is this man wearing", "tie, shirt, belt, pants" ], [ "what color is the suit", "beige pants no suit" ], [ "is he using a smartphone", "yes" ], [ "is this picture taken outdoors", "no" ], [ "where is this man standing", "behind a desk in a lobby" ], [ "is there anyone else in the picture", "no" ], [ "what is on the desk", "paper, cups, pencil" ], [ "does he know that his picture is being taken", "no" ] ]
a train in the shape of a boat driving past a road filled with cars
[ [ "what color is the train", "red and white" ], [ "how many cars are there", "i see 4 vehicles" ], [ "is the train on tracks", "yes" ], [ "what color are the vehicles", "white" ], [ "are there people", "no" ], [ "are there signs on the road", "no" ], [ "are there trees anywhere", "no" ], [ "are there houses", "no" ], [ "is it evening", "i can't tell, its daytime" ], [ "how is the weather", "cloudy" ] ]
a male snowboarder wearing sunglasses and winter attire snowboards down an incline
[ [ "is he on a mountain", "maybe" ], [ "are there other people around", "no" ], [ "does he look professional", "no" ], [ "any trees", "yes" ], [ "what color is the snowboard", "dark color, can't really tell" ], [ "what color is his hat", "black" ], [ "is he close up to the camera", "somewhat close" ], [ "is it snowing", "no" ], [ "is there a lot of snow flying behind him", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "no" ] ]
a small private air plane on a run way strip
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "not too close" ], [ "can you see other vehicles", "no" ], [ "what color is the plane", "hello white" ], [ "hido you see a name on the plane", "no" ], [ "do you see people", "small, private and not a large airport" ], [ "do you see buildings", "yes" ], [ "do you see trees", "yes" ], [ "do you see mountains", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ] ]
a kite flying in a cloud filled sky with a long tail
[ [ "are there any people", "0" ], [ "can you only see the sky and the kite", "yes that is all" ], [ "is it day or night", "i would say almost dark" ], [ "is it cloudy", "yes" ], [ "can you see the moon or not yet", "no moon is visible" ], [ "what shape is the kite", "it is a triangle" ], [ "what color is the kite", "multi-colored" ], [ "is the tail colored", "yes" ], [ "does the kite appear to be large", "no it seems average size" ], [ "does the tail have any knots in it or is it just straight", "it does have knots" ] ]
an image of vegetables on a tray at a market
[ [ "what color tray are the veggies on", "you can't see the tray itself, it is totally covered with veggies" ], [ "are there any carrots on the tray", "yes" ], [ "are the veggies cut up", "no" ], [ "is it like a vegetable tray with dipping stuff", "no" ], [ "is there any broccoli", "yes" ], [ "is it a whole head or pieces", "several small bunches" ], [ "can you see the table", "no" ], [ "is this inside a house", "i can only see the vegetables they fill up the full frame of the photo" ], [ "is there any corn", "no" ], [ "is it bright in the pic", "very" ] ]
a bowl full of oranges and a few banana's
[ [ "is there a sort of dish involved", "yes" ], [ "is it a plate", "no" ], [ "is it a bowl", "yes" ], [ "is there something in the bowl", "yes" ], [ "is it a type of vegetable", "no fruit" ], [ "is it apples", "no oranges, bananas" ], [ "do they look ripe", "not the bananas" ], [ "are they green", "yes" ], [ "what color is the bowl", "white and brown" ], [ "do the oranges look good", "yes" ] ]
a table with filled with several plates of various food
[ [ "what kind of food is it", "looks like lot of kinds mainly goulash and salad" ], [ "how many different items are there", "about 8" ], [ "are they on plates or in serving trays", "yes" ], [ "is there tablecloth", "no" ], [ "are there people in picture", "no" ], [ "are there serving utensils", "yes some of them there" ], [ "does food look appetizing", "very appetizing" ], [ "does it look like some of food has been eaten or are containers full", "no it looks like preparing it" ], [ "what color is table", "grey" ], [ "can you see any of room around table", "little bit" ] ]
a person sitting in a car holding onto a red clock
[ [ "is the person the driver", "i can't tell" ], [ "is this an alarm clock", "i think so" ], [ "can you tell the gender of the person", "a man" ], [ "is he wearing jeans", "i can only see part of his face" ], [ "is he doing something to the clock", "holding in his hand" ], [ "can you see the time on the clock", "6:30" ], [ "is this a digital clock", "no" ], [ "can you see the brand of the clock", "no" ], [ "can you see what type of car it is", "nope" ], [ "can you see the dashboard", "no" ] ]
a red white and black no parking sign posted on the front of another sign
[ [ "is this near a road", "can't see a road it's more of a sky view" ], [ "what color is the other sign", "white red blue" ], [ "can you see any people", "no just trees buildings street light sky and clouds" ], [ "how many building are there", "2" ], [ "what time of day is it", "afternoon" ], [ "are the buildings brick", "concrete and glass" ], [ "is it sunny out", "partly cloudy" ], [ "does it appear to be warm", "yes" ], [ "what shape is the sign", "rectangle" ], [ "how many trees are there", "5-10" ] ]
a stop sign has graffiti spray painted on it
[ [ "is it day or night", "day" ], [ "how is the weather", "nice" ], [ "are there any vehicles", "no" ], [ "are there any trees or bushes", "part of 1" ], [ "can you see what the graffiti says", "\"me\" written on a stop sign" ], [ "what color is me painted in", "yellow" ], [ "is me on the front or the back of the sign", "front, so it reads \"stop me\"" ], [ "are there any people in the picture", "no" ], [ "can you see any other street signs", "part of 1" ], [ "are there any buildings or houses", "yes" ] ]
a tennis player swinging a tennis racket during a match
[ [ "is this player a pro", "player" ], [ "is the player a pro", "doesn’t look like it" ], [ "is the person a man or woman", "there are 2 and they look like females" ], [ "is there a fence or wall behind the player", "a fence" ], [ "can you see the net", "yes" ], [ "are they playing doubles", "no i only see 2 people 1 on each side of the net" ], [ "is the ball in play", "yes" ], [ "what color is the closest racket", "the picture is blurry, so i cannot tell looks maybe grey" ], [ "are they playing inside or out", "outside" ], [ "what color is the court", "green" ] ]
the baseball player is getting ready to hit the ball
[ [ "how old does man appear to be", "early 20's" ], [ "does it look like mlb game", "yes" ], [ "can you tell what teams are playing", "not really, but maybe tigers" ], [ "has batter already made contact", "no, he's waiting for pitch" ], [ "can you see other players in background", "yes, i can see player standing around dugout" ], [ "can you tell color of shirt of umpire", "i can't see umpire" ], [ "can you see any of crowd", "yeah, i can see first few rows behind home plate" ], [ "is batter right handed or left handed", "right" ], [ "is pitcher right handed or left handed", "i can't see pitcher" ], [ "does crowd seem excited", "no" ] ]
food items are on a kitchen table and camping chairs are in a corner of the room
[ [ "what color is the table", "brown" ], [ "is it large or small", "medium size" ], [ "what color chairs", "brown" ], [ "what kind of food", "think it is soup" ], [ "any dishes", "no" ], [ "what color are the walls", "yellowish" ], [ "is there a fridge", "yes" ], [ "what color", "white" ], [ "is there a microwave", "yes" ], [ "is there a window", "no" ] ]
a man and woman cutting their wedding cake together
[ [ "how many tiers does the cake have", "3" ], [ "does it have any decorations", "all white with flowers down on side and a groom and bride on top" ], [ "what color is the cake", "white" ], [ "are both bride and groom cutting the cake together", "yes they are" ], [ "what color is the bride's wedding dress", "white and it looks like there might be a pink ribbon around waist" ], [ "is she wearing a veil", "i can't see her head" ], [ "what color is the groom's tux", "all i can see is his white sleeve" ], [ "can you see their wedding rings", "nope" ], [ "are there other people in the picture", "no" ], [ "is there anything else you can see", "lights and more flowers" ] ]
a man wals through some rocky terrainw ith an umbrella
[ [ "is it raining", "it looks like it might be drizzling or there's a marine layer" ], [ "is it night time", "no" ], [ "is it an old man or young man", "can't be sure but he does look a bit elderly" ], [ "is he wearing a hat", "can't tell the umbrella is covering his head and he's a bit far away, he might even be a she" ], [ "what color is the umbrella", "light greenish blue, teal" ], [ "are there any other people", "way in the background" ], [ "what are they doing", "they are all walking up this trail that is situated between large rock like cliffs" ], [ "do they have umbrellas too", "no, i don't think so" ], [ "are there trees", "no, but there is long grass at the bottom of these rocky wall cliffs" ], [ "do you see any buildings", "no, this looks almost like ireland, it's open nature" ] ]
a airplane flying high up in the sky
[ [ "is the image in color", "yes" ], [ "what color is the plane", "white" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "are there clouds in the sky", "0" ], [ "can you see the sun", "no" ], [ "does the plane appear to be a standard passenger plane", "yes" ], [ "can you see a trail of white coming from the engines", "yes" ], [ "can you see the tops of any trees", "no" ], [ "are there any skydivers coming out of the plane", "no" ], [ "is there a rainbow in the sky", "no" ] ]
the people are getting ready to snowboard in the snow
[ [ "how many people", "6" ], [ "male, female or both", "too far away to tell" ], [ "are they wearing helmets", "no" ], [ "are they in motion", "1 is" ], [ "are they wearing coats", "yes" ], [ "what color is 1 of the coats", "red" ], [ "is there a lot of snow", "yes" ], [ "any trees", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ] ]
a face of 2 chocolate covered doughnuts for eyes and a glazed twist for a mouth sits on a white plate
[ [ "can you see any people", "no" ], [ "is this in a restaurant", "maybe, i can't tell" ], [ "does it look like a diy from instagram", "yeah" ], [ "is the plate ceramic or paper", "ceramic" ], [ "does it look like a fail", "no, i don't think so" ], [ "does it look edible", "looks delicious" ], [ "is this inside", "yes" ], [ "would you try to make this", "maybe" ], [ "is the room well lit", "fairly well lit" ], [ "would you add more decor on it", "i don't think so" ] ]
a man and a frisbee in front of some people
[ [ "what color is the frisbee", "yellow" ], [ "is this a professional photo", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "is the man wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "what color is the man's hair", "black" ], [ "what time of day is it", "afternoon" ], [ "any animals showing in the shot", "no" ], [ "any trees showing", "no" ], [ "any grass showing", "no" ], [ "does the man have facial hair", "yes" ] ]
people on a beach flying a kite over the water
[ [ "what color is the kite", "red, yellow, blue and pink" ], [ "how many people are flying kites", "there is 1 kite that 1 person appears to be holding the string for" ], [ "how many kites are there", "there is 1 kite" ], [ "are there people in the water", "there is a person in the water on a jet ski" ], [ "do people look happy", "the 2 with the kite have their back to the camera and the other 2 are too distant to see their facial expressions" ], [ "is the person flying a kite a man or woman", "a man" ], [ "are there any animals in the image", "no" ], [ "are there any clouds in the sky", "no" ], [ "does the water look rough", "in some places quite so" ], [ "do the man and woman appear to be a couple", "no, just walking together" ] ]
a crowded city street surrounded by tall buildings
[ [ "are there people on the sidewalks", "their all over sidewalk street buggies" ], [ "does it look like a us city or a city in another country", "us but very old 1930-40" ], [ "are the buggies carrying people or merchandise", "people" ], [ "do you see horses", "4" ], [ "do you see any street vendors", "no" ], [ "are the people men, women or both", "both" ], [ "is the street paved or dirt", "paved" ], [ "do the buildings look like businesses or residences", "businesses" ], [ "can you tell if it is daytime", "day" ], [ "are there any automobiles", "no" ] ]
a very long table full of various food items
[ [ "is it a black and white picture or color", "color" ], [ "is it inside or outside", "inside" ], [ "is it a home or restaurant", "looks like a classroom, or maybe a convention room in a hotel it's a large room" ], [ "what kind of food", "i see several kinds of bread piled on plates, a lasagna, corn on the cob i think and many covered dishes" ], [ "any beverages", "not that i can see" ], [ "are there any people", "i see a bit of a man and a woman at the far end of the table" ], [ "can you see walls", "yes" ], [ "are there signs on the wall", "i can see 1 wall with a huge chalkboard, 2 windows and several pictures" ], [ "can you tell what is on the pictures", "no they're on the far end of the room" ], [ "is the room clean", "what i can see of it is" ] ]
a train coming down a tunnel with its lights on
[ [ "can you see the front of the train", "yes i see the front" ], [ "can you see the color of the train", "no, i cannot see the color" ], [ "is the trains light bright", "yes, very bright" ], [ "is the tunnel concrete or brick", "it looks like concrete" ], [ "does it look like a subway train", "i believe it is a subway" ], [ "is the tunnel opens circular", "yes it is circular" ], [ "can you see the train tracks", "yes, i see the tracks" ], [ "do the tracks look old", "no, they look new" ], [ "are the tracks metal", "yes, they are metal" ], [ "does the tunnel look old", "no, it does not look old" ] ]
woman taking a hot pot out of the oven using mitts
[ [ "how old is the woman", "looks about 60" ], [ "what is her race", "white" ], [ "what color hair", "whitish gray" ], [ "is it long hair", "no cropped at the shoulder" ], [ "what color is the pot", "turquoise" ], [ "what color are the mitts", "red" ], [ "is she wearing jeans", "no sweatpants" ], [ "what color", "gray" ], [ "what color shirt", "red" ], [ "are there any other people", "no" ] ]
several open containers of food on top of a stove
[ [ "how many containers of food", "i can see 4" ], [ "are there peas", "no peas can be seen" ], [ "are there potatoes", "i do not see any" ], [ "any corn", "no corn at all" ], [ "any type of meat", "no meat in the photo," ], [ "are the containers on a stove or table", "they are on a stove top" ], [ "what type of food is present", "sour cream, a bag of salad mix, diced tomatoes, and what looks like guacamole" ], [ "are there any people in the photo", "0 that i can see" ], [ "what color is the stove", "black with white trim" ], [ "would you say this a mexican type meal", "i could be" ] ]
a tall white and blue building with a doorway
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "no, medium shot" ], [ "do you see people", "0" ], [ "what is that building", "just a door and wall is shown" ], [ "do you see any windows", "no" ], [ "are you see the outside", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "do you see any clouds", "no" ], [ "do you see any birds", "0" ] ]
a city filled with traffic next to a tall building
[ [ "do you see any people", "yes, they are small and on the sidewalk" ], [ "are there a lot of cars", "yes" ], [ "do you see any traffic lights", "yes" ], [ "do you see a stop sign", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "no, it is night" ], [ "are there any street lights", "yes" ], [ "are there buildings", "yes" ], [ "do you think it is cool or warm outside", "i can't tell" ], [ "are there any red cars", "it is dark out so it is hard to tell" ], [ "do you see the moon", "no" ] ]
a picture of a cell phone showing the time as 8:56 pm
[ [ "what brand is the cell phone", "verizon" ], [ "is the phone a flip phone", "no" ], [ "are the any people around the phone", "a hand holding it" ], [ "is the phone black", "yes" ], [ "are there any rings on the hand", "no" ], [ "does the hand have well manicured fingernails", "i guess" ], [ "does the phone display anything other than the time", "the usual battery info, cell strength" ], [ "are any other people present", "no" ], [ "does the phone appear to be outside or inside", "inside" ], [ "does the phone look older or newer", "older" ] ]
there is a sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes on it
[ [ "what type of bread is there", "looks like a hamburger bun with seeds on top" ], [ "are there any condiments on the sandwich", "lettuce and tomatoes are all that are visible" ], [ "any meat in the sandwich", "yes" ], [ "what type of meat is in the sandwich", "chicken" ], [ "is the chicken grilled", "yes" ], [ "does the sandwich look like its hot", "yes" ], [ "what else is in the scene", "fries" ], [ "are the fires in a basket", "no" ], [ "what are the fries in or on", "either a napkin or the paper the sandwich was wrapped in" ], [ "has someone taken a bite from the sandwich", "no" ] ]
a man holding a red and orange snow board in the snow
[ [ "how old is the man", "50's" ], [ "is he bald", "can't tell, he has a hat on" ], [ "is he wearing a jacket", "yes" ], [ "what color hat", "yellow" ], [ "what color jacket", "black" ], [ "is he snowboarding", "yes" ], [ "is it snowing at that point", "no" ], [ "is he alone", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing glasses or goggles", "yes" ] ]
a man that has a boe tie and some glasses on
[ [ "is it a ceremony", "it may be" ], [ "is there a girl nearby", "no, there is not" ], [ "is there a glass nearby *", "no there is not" ], [ "is the bowtie blue", "no, it is a type of gold" ], [ "does he have a suit", "he does" ], [ "is the suit white", "it is black" ], [ "is there a cake nearby", "there is not" ], [ "is he white", "he is not" ], [ "are the glasses thick", "they appear to be" ], [ "is he chinese", "no, he is not" ] ]
a computer keyboard sitting on top of a desk
[ [ "is this in a house or office", "looks like neither" ], [ "what kind of desk is it", "white, hard to tell" ], [ "is there a monitor", "no" ], [ "is it in a bedroom", "no" ], [ "where is it if you had to guess", "a photography studio" ], [ "is there anything else on the desk", "a box with more computer stuff" ], [ "are there people around", "no" ], [ "are there windows", "no" ], [ "is there a chair", "no" ], [ "can you see the walls", "no" ] ]
a parrot roosts under an umbrella in a greenhouse
[ [ "what color parrot", "green with yellow on its neck" ], [ "what color umbrella", "orange and brown" ], [ "is it open", "yes" ], [ "what does a greenhouse refer to here", "it's a greenhouse from what i can see has plants and glass ceiling" ], [ "is the parrot alone", "yes" ], [ "is it in a cage", "no it's free" ], [ "is there a person", "no people" ], [ "is the place well lit", "yes" ], [ "is the parrot eating", "no" ], [ "what is it doing then", "sitting on a branch" ] ]
pencils are spilling out on a mouse pad
[ [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "are the pencils mechanical pencils", "no" ], [ "what color are they", "multi" ], [ "are they sharpened", "yes" ], [ "do they have erasers", "no" ], [ "are they in a cup or holder", "some are in a pencil box tin" ], [ "what color is the mouse pad", "green" ], [ "do you see a computer", "no" ], [ "is this on a desk", "yes" ], [ "what else is in the picture", "a mug" ] ]
a woman with a cell phone and another with a large bag
[ [ "are the woman wearing glasses", "she is wearing sunglasses" ], [ "is only 1 woman wearing sunglasses", "yes the other 1 isn't wearing glasses or sunglasses" ], [ "is the woman talking on the cellphone", "yes, 1 of them is" ], [ "what color is the phone", "i can't really see but from what i can tell it is black" ], [ "what color is the bag", "1 woman has a black bag, the other 1 has a dark blue bag" ], [ "what color is the woman's top who is talking on the phone", "black and white" ], [ "what color is the other woman's top", "a dark shirt with a white tank top underneath" ], [ "are they young or old", "yes, no older than mid thirties" ], [ "do they look related", "no i don't think they know each other" ], [ "are they dressed business casual", "no, just casual" ] ]
several halved grapefruits stand in front of a pile of citrus fruit that includes lemons and oranges as well as 1 particular orange resting at the top of the pile and wearing a smiley face and hat
[ [ "is this produce stand", "it could be" ], [ "do they look ripe", "yes" ], [ "are there any people around", "no" ], [ "are they for sale", "i don't know" ], [ "are they outside", "no, it seems to be inside" ], [ "could it be in store", "it could" ], [ "is there lot of fruit", "pile is only 2 fruit high" ], [ "what kind of hat is on orange", "it's red with black tassel, like shriner's wear in paradise" ], [ "are there any other hats", "no" ], [ "are any other fruits wearing accessories", "no" ] ]
the little girl is standing with skis on her feet
[ [ "what color are the skis", "a vanish color" ], [ "are there any other people", "not that i can see" ], [ "is this outdoors", "yes" ], [ "do you see snow", "yes" ], [ "is it currently snowing", "no i don't think so" ], [ "is she on a slope or hill", "no i don't think so" ], [ "do you see trees", "yes" ], [ "do you see the sky", "no" ], [ "is she wearing gloves", "yep" ], [ "is she wearing a hat", "yes" ] ]
2 men in a grassy park playing frisbee
[ [ "how many men", "2" ], [ "are they playing frisbee", "yes" ], [ "what color frisbee", "white" ], [ "just white", "yes" ], [ "do men look skilled", "no" ], [ "why not", "playing" ], [ "they don’t seem good", "guess not, i said no" ], [ "is frisbee in air", "no" ], [ "who has it", "person 1" ], [ "is he bigger than other", "no" ] ]
2 refrigerators with microwaves setup in between them
[ [ "is the room bright", "bright enough but not extreme" ], [ "is this a home kitchen", "it looks more like a workplace maybe" ], [ "can you see cups", "i don't see cups" ], [ "what color is the ref", "both are white" ], [ "what color are the ovens", "there are 2 white, 1 black and 1 creamy colored or yellowish" ], [ "do you see tables", "no" ], [ "can you see the walls", "yes the wall has very large rectangular wood panels" ], [ "are they clean the walls", "yes" ], [ "is the ref clean", "the don't look dirty, just not shiny new" ], [ "is the oven clean", "yes" ] ]
a couple of zebra standing on top a dirt field
[ [ "how many zebras", "2" ], [ "can you see any grass", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny out", "yes" ], [ "can you see any trees", "yes" ], [ "are there any other animals", "no" ], [ "is this at the zoo", "no" ], [ "any people around", "no" ], [ "are the zebras eating", "no just standing" ], [ "what time of year is it", "maybe winter because there are no leaves on the trees" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "no" ] ]
a baseball batter is getting ready for a pitch
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "can you see any other people", "no" ], [ "is the person wearing a hat", "yes, wearing a batter's helmet" ], [ "is this a professional team", "i'm not sure" ], [ "what is the weather like in the photo", "it's fairly close up, but it seems clear" ], [ "can you see any numbers on the player", "yes" ], [ "what number is it", "17, on the player's back" ], [ "do you know the team name", "i can't make it out" ], [ "is the ball visible", "no" ], [ "what color is the bat", "it's a wood bat" ] ]
a girl swinging a tennis racquet in a ball cage
[ [ "how old is the girl", "fourteen maybe" ], [ "what is she wearing", "shorts and a blue polo" ], [ "long hair or short", "medium length" ], [ "what is she doing", "practicing her serve" ], [ "do she have a wristband", "nope" ], [ "is there grass", "no, it's a mini court from the looks of it" ], [ "do you see any buildings", "no, just a fake backdrop" ], [ "do you see any trees", "no" ], [ "is there a fence", "yes" ], [ "what color is the racquet", "white and blue" ] ]
the room has a very antique look to it
[ [ "is this image in color", "no" ], [ "is the furniture antique", "yes, has a very 60's look to it" ], [ "is this a living room", "i think it's a hotel room" ], [ "are there 2 beds or 1", "2 double beds" ], [ "do you see a couch sofa", "no but i can't see that side of the room i do see an ottoman that goes with a chair though" ], [ "do you see a window", "yes, a very large window with drapes that go to the floor" ], [ "do you see a television", "yes, an old floor model" ], [ "are the drapes open", "no" ], [ "any people in the image", "no" ], [ "what else can you tell me about this image", "there's recessed lighting along with some lovely lamps the room is very neat and tidy" ] ]
several pieces of luggage set on the street beside a curl behind a parked car
[ [ "does all the luggage match", "no, and instead of curl it should say curb" ], [ "is it sunny outside", "i do see shadows so yes" ], [ "is the car a taxi", "no, but the only writing i see says 4wd" ], [ "can you see a license plate", "i only see the bottom right corner" ], [ "what color is the car", "champagne" ], [ "have many pieces of luggage do you see", "5 luggage, 3 duffels, 1 garbage bag, 2 shopping bags, and 2 or 3 other things" ], [ "can you see any people", "no" ], [ "do you see any baggage claim tickets", "maybe some old ones are still attached - not sure" ], [ "is the photo zoomed in", "yes" ], [ "do the suitcases look new", "no" ] ]
a group of people well dressed standing around a kitchen with lots of food
[ [ "how many people are there", "i see 6" ], [ "is it mixture of men and women", "yes" ], [ "what kind of food are they eating", "hard to say buffet of some sort" ], [ "is this indoors or outdoors", "indoors" ], [ "is this business function", "i don't think it is 2 of women are dressed fancy" ], [ "could this be wedding reception", "it could be" ], [ "are there any windows", "yes there are couple" ], [ "is it day or night", "i think it is day" ], [ "are people happy", "2 of 6 look like they are working and they others don't look sad" ], [ "are people of mixed races", "all white" ] ]
a couple of traffic signs hanging from a traffic light pole
[ [ "is this an intersection", "yes, a big city intersection" ], [ "are there a lot of cars", "the view is up i can't actually see the road" ], [ "are there any people", "i can't see any people" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes, it's daytime" ], [ "is it sunny out", "it appears to be sunny but i can't see the sky" ], [ "how many traffic signs", "a stop light and 2 no left turn signs" ], [ "what color are the signs", "white with black lettering and arrow a red circle with a slash through it over the left turn arrow" ], [ "is the traffic light on red", "1 angle of the traffic light is green, the other angle is red" ], [ "what color is the pole", "gray" ], [ "what color is the entire traffic light", "yellow" ] ]
a street with a blue bus stopped at a bus stop
[ [ "any big hunky sexy firemen there", "no! lot of pedestrians" ], [ "you see any buses", "no, just minivan in distance" ], [ "no firemen huh", "0 pedestrians i can see are men, but not hungry at all older and balding" ], [ "what color is van", "tan van" ], [ "anyone wearing hats", "yes woman is wearing baseball cap and i see man wearing knit cap" ], [ "sunny outside or what", "looks cold and little gloomy" ], [ "can you see street's name", "no, but looks like european city" ], [ "what color are hats you see", "black" ], [ "any trees nearby", "yes, 1 with only few leaves" ], [ "both hats are black", "both of them" ] ]
a pair of gold scissors are sitting on the table
[ [ "are all of the scissors gold", "yes" ], [ "anything else on the table", "no" ], [ "are they small", "medium" ], [ "can you see a person", "no" ], [ "can you see the table", "yes" ], [ "what color is it", "green and white" ], [ "can you see the floor", "no" ], [ "any pictures on the wall", "can't see the walls" ], [ "any animals around", "no" ], [ "is it a large table", "can't tell" ] ]
a couple of bison roaming the country side
[ [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "is there a fence", "no" ], [ "what is the terrain like", "grass and mountains" ], [ "what is the weather", "there is no signs up" ], [ "are these adult bison", "yes" ], [ "are there any other animals", "no" ], [ "are there trees", "no" ], [ "is there a water source", "not that i see" ], [ "are the bison moving", "no just standing" ], [ "are there any birds", "no" ] ]
a large passenger jet flying through a cloudy blue sky
[ [ "what color is the plane", "it is white with a red and blue tail" ], [ "can you see anything else besides the plane", "just the landscape below it" ], [ "does the plane have any writing on it", "yes, it does" ], [ "what airline is this", "delta" ], [ "is it crashing", "no, it is just taking off" ], [ "what kind of terrain is below", "i can see mountains" ], [ "is it off the ground already", "it is off the ground and just raising its wheels" ], [ "what kind of clouds can you see", "just wispy thin ones" ], [ "can you tell if it's morning or afternoon", "it looks like early morning to me i think we are taking off west from denver" ], [ "do the mountains have snow on them", "yes, they do a little bit on the top" ] ]
the street signs are clearly visible for all of us to see
[ [ "how many street signs are there", "only 1" ], [ "what does it say", "32nd street" ], [ "what color is the sign", "blue" ], [ "is the sign at a street corner", "not sure it's taken from the ground up" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "yes, 3 very tall ones" ], [ "do you think the photo was taken in a big city", "yes i do" ], [ "do you recognize any of the buildings as famous landmarks", "no, they look like apt buildings" ], [ "what time of day is it", "i would say mid day" ], [ "is the sky clear or cloudy", "probably clear" ], [ "can you see the ground at all", "no" ] ]
a vehicle pulling a cart carrying many pieces of luggage
[ [ "what type of vehicle is it", "looks like a more modern version of an old carriage" ], [ "what color is the vehicle", "blue, with black wheels" ], [ "how many suitcases can you see", "at least a dozen" ], [ "are there any people", "yes, there is a man sitting on the vehicle the vehicle is yellow by the way the carriage is blue my bad" ], [ "can you see the road", "slightly in the background, but it is pretty blurry" ], [ "is it paved or a dirt road", "paved" ], [ "what color is the man", "i can't tell he has his back turned and only half of him is visible" ], [ "what color top is he wearing", "blue" ], [ "is it long or short sleeved", "it isn't visible" ], [ "are there any buildings near", "yes, in the distance" ] ]
a man standing by a table with figurines on it
[ [ "is the man tall", "yes" ], [ "is the man old or young", "he is not old" ], [ "does he have short hair", "yes" ], [ "what color is it", "black" ], [ "doe she have glasses", "no" ], [ "is he wearing jeans", "i think so" ], [ "what kind of shirt does he have", "a blue, black and white striped polo shirt" ], [ "are the figurines human like or animal", "animal figures" ], [ "is this inside", "no" ], [ "is it bright out", "kind of" ] ]
a penguin in the snow is poking a teddy bear
[ [ "can you see any people", "no" ], [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo a cartoon", "no, it looks real" ], [ "what color is the teddy bear", "brown" ], [ "can you tell if this is in a zoo", "no, it's in the wild" ], [ "how can you tell", "because i see snow in the open" ], [ "is the photo as cute as it sounds", "no" ], [ "can you see other penguins", "yes, there are more than 50 in the background" ], [ "is it poking the bear with its beak or wing", "its beak" ], [ "anything else of note in the picture", "the sky is blue" ] ]
3 kids are sitting on an old red firetruck
[ [ "how old are the kids", "not toddlers but young, elementary school age" ], [ "is it a vintage firetruck", "yes it is" ], [ "are there fireman", "0 that i can see" ], [ "how many kids", "three, total looks like 1 girl and 2 boys" ], [ "are the smiling", "i can only see the girl's face but she is smiling, yes" ], [ "are there numbers on the truck", "not that i can see" ], [ "what else can you see", "they're outside so i see a lot of trees behind them" ], [ "are the trees full of leaves", "yes they are" ], [ "is it fall", "no, the leaves are all green" ], [ "is there a ladder", "yes, on the back of the truck it's not extended" ] ]
a table topped with broccoli, apples and other produce
[ [ "what color table", "it has a tablecloth that is white and green plaid" ], [ "is there a plate", "not, only bowls" ], [ "how many", "2" ], [ "what color", "1 is green and the other is yellow" ], [ "is the broccoli raw or cooked", "it's raw" ], [ "how many apples", "i can see 8 of them" ], [ "what color", "most are red, i see 1 that is yellow" ], [ "is this a store or home", "it's a home" ], [ "any chairs", "yes, i see 1 partial chair next to the table" ], [ "what is the other produce", "i see brussel sprouts, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots and squash" ] ]
an old television that is upside down outside on concrete
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes, it is" ], [ "is the photo close up", "yes, pretty much" ], [ "is the television on", "no, it's off" ], [ "is it outside", "yes, on the sidewalk" ], [ "how big is the screen", "about 20 inches maybe" ], [ "do you see a hydrant", "no hydrants around" ], [ "do you see anyone", "no 1 is on the sidewalk" ], [ "do you see any vehicles", "no, just the sidewalk and a little bit of the building" ], [ "what color is the tv", "it's a brown laminate wood" ], [ "could the building be a home", "no, i believe a store" ] ]
a homemade sign pointing to a free dead squirrel
[ [ "can you see the squirrel", "yes" ], [ "is the sign wood", "no" ], [ "are the words painted on", "yes" ], [ "is there grass", "yes" ], [ "are there trees", "yes" ], [ "are there any people in the image", "no" ], [ "are there leaves on the trees", "yes" ], [ "is it daylight", "yes" ], [ "can you see the sky", "no" ], [ "is the grass green", "yes" ] ]
a group of sheep on a rocky mountain in fog
[ [ "how many sheep", "there are 3 sheep" ], [ "what color", "2 are brown and black 1 is all white" ], [ "are they large or small", "i think they are fully grown sheep" ], [ "is the mountain large or small", "it's large" ], [ "is it cold weather", "i can't be sure but yes, i think it is cold" ], [ "is it day or night", "it's daytime" ], [ "any people", "no, there are no people" ], [ "any trees", "no, there are no trees" ], [ "are the sheep standing or sitting", "they are walking 1 appears to be grazing" ], [ "is it cloudy", "i can't tell because it's so foggy" ] ]
a laptop and computer monitor sitting on a wooden desk
[ [ "what color laptop", "just your usual silver" ], [ "what color monitor", "black" ], [ "is desk brown", "yes" ], [ "are either of them switched on", "cannot tell" ], [ "is the laptop opened or closed", "open" ], [ "can you see mouse", "no" ], [ "any cables", "many" ], [ "is the place well lit", "sort of" ], [ "is the computer on a table", "yes" ], [ "any person", "no" ] ]
a toilet is decorated on the inside with blue seashells
[ [ "is it in bathroom", "yes" ], [ "what color toilet", "cream color" ], [ "is toilet closed", "no" ], [ "is there a sink", "not in this view" ], [ "is there a towel", "no" ], [ "do you see mirror", "no" ], [ "do you see floor", "yes" ], [ "what kind of floor", "wood" ], [ "do you see any person", "no" ], [ "is bathroom clean", "yes" ] ]
a bird figurine standing against the window sill
[ [ "what color is bird", "white" ], [ "is it in window shop", "can't tell" ], [ "are there people visible", "0" ], [ "is it large bird", "no" ], [ "is bird facing camera", "no" ], [ "is it inside", "yes" ], [ "can you see window sill", "little" ], [ "are there curtains on window", "0" ], [ "what color is decoration", "no decorations" ], [ "are birds feathers short or long", "no feathers" ] ]
a red wall with a mirror and a television
[ [ "what shape is the mirror", "rectangle" ], [ "is there anything else on the wall", "yes" ], [ "what else is on the wall", "television" ], [ "is it a flat screen television", "yes" ], [ "is the television turned on", "yes" ], [ "is there anything in the reflection of the mirror", "yes" ], [ "is there a person in the reflection", "chair" ], [ "is the room well lit", "nono" ], [ "what's on the television", "2 people" ], [ "are there any people in the picture", "yes" ] ]


from dataclasses import dataclass
import datasets

# load and path setting
ds_visdial = datasets.load_dataset('jxu124/visdial')
path_map = {
    "coco/train2014": f"/datasets/coco/train2014",
    "coco/val2014": f"/datasets/coco/val2014",
    "visdial/VisualDialog_test2018": f"/datasets/visdial/VisualDialog_test2018",
    "visdial/VisualDialog_val2018": f"/datasets/visdial/VisualDialog_val2018"

# apply to your datasets
class ReplaceImagePath():
    path_map: {}
    def __call__(self, features):
        for k, v in self.path_map.items():
            features['image'] = features['image'].replace(k, v)
        return features
ds_visdial ="image", datasets.Image())
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