stringlengths 78
| score
float64 0
def delete_wish_list_by_id(cls, wish_list_id, **kwargs):
"""Delete WishList
Delete an instance of WishList by its ID.
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async=True
>>> thread = api.delete_wish_list_by_id(wish_list_id, async=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param async bool
:param str wish_list_id: ID of wishList to delete. (required)
:return: None
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if kwargs.get('async'):
return cls._delete_wish_list_by_id_with_http_info(wish_list_id, **kwargs)
(data) = cls._delete_wish_list_by_id_with_http_info(wish_list_id, **kwargs)
return data | 0.00444 |
def init_ui(self):
"""Setup control widget UI."""
self.control_layout = QHBoxLayout()
self.reset_button = QPushButton()
self.reset_button.setFixedSize(40, 40)
self.game_timer = QLCDNumber()
self.game_timer.setStyleSheet("QLCDNumber {color: red;}")
self.move_counter = QLCDNumber()
self.move_counter.setStyleSheet("QLCDNumber {color: red;}")
self.control_layout.addWidget(self.move_counter) | 0.002621 |
def adjustRange(self, recursive=True):
Adjust the start and end ranges for this item based on the limits from
its children. This method will only apply to group items.
:param recursive | <bool>
if ( self.adjustmentsBlocked('range') ):
if ( self.itemStyle() == self.ItemStyle.Group ):
dateStart = self.dateStart()
dateEnd = self.dateEnd()
first = True
for c in range(self.childCount()):
child = self.child(c)
if ( first ):
dateStart = child.dateStart()
dateEnd = child.dateEnd()
first = False
dateStart = min(child.dateStart(), dateStart)
dateEnd = max(child.dateEnd(), dateEnd)
self._dateStart = dateStart
self._dateEnd = dateEnd
if ( self.parent() and recursive ):
self.parent().adjustRange(True) | 0.020886 |
def summarize_tensors(tensor_dict, tag=None):
"""Summarize the tensors.
tensor_dict: a dictionary of tensors.
tag: name scope of the summary; defaults to tensors/.
if tag is None:
tag = "tensors/"
for t_name in list(tensor_dict):
t = tensor_dict[t_name]
tf.summary.histogram(tag + t_name, t) | 0.012012 |
def get_missing_value_key(d):
Get the Missing Value entry from a table of data. If none is found, try the columns.
If still none found, prompt user.
:param dict d: Table of data
:return str _mv: Missing Value
_mv = "nan"
# Attempt to find a table-level missing value key
# check for missing value key at the table root
_mv = d["missingValue"]
except KeyError as e:
logger_misc.info("get_missing_value: No missing value key found: {}".format(e))
except AttributeError as e:
logger_misc.warn("get_missing_value: Column is wrong data type: {}".format(e))
# No table-level missing value found. Attempt to find a column-level missing value key
if not _mv:
# loop for each column of data, searching for a missing value key
for k, v in d["columns"].items():
# found a column with a missing value key. Store it and exit the loop.
_mv = v["missingValue"]
except KeyError:
# There are no columns in this table. We've got bigger problems!
# No table-level or column-level missing value. Out of places to look. Ask the user to enter the missing value
# used in this data
# if not _mv:
# print("No 'missingValue' key provided. Please type the missingValue used in this file: {}\n".format(filename))
# _mv = input("missingValue: ")
return _mv | 0.005373 |
def get_alt_lengths(self):
"""Returns the longest length of the variant. For deletions, return is negative,
SNPs return 0, and insertions are +. None return corresponds to no variant in interval
for specified individual
#this is a hack to store the # of individuals without having to actually store it
out = []
for i in six.moves.range(len(self.genotype)):
valid_alt = self.get_alt_length(individual=i)
if not valid_alt:
return out | 0.009494 |
def list_documents(project_id, knowledge_base_id):
"""Lists the Documents belonging to a Knowledge base.
project_id: The GCP project linked with the agent.
knowledge_base_id: Id of the Knowledge base."""
import dialogflow_v2beta1 as dialogflow
client = dialogflow.DocumentsClient()
knowledge_base_path = client.knowledge_base_path(project_id,
print('Documents for Knowledge Id: {}'.format(knowledge_base_id))
for document in client.list_documents(knowledge_base_path):
print(' - Display Name: {}'.format(document.display_name))
print(' - Knowledge ID: {}'.format(document.name))
print(' - MIME Type: {}'.format(document.mime_type))
print(' - Knowledge Types:')
for knowledge_type in document.knowledge_types:
print(' - {}'.format(KNOWLEDGE_TYPES[knowledge_type]))
print(' - Source: {}\n'.format(document.content_uri)) | 0.000996 |
def register(self, typedef):
Add the typedef to this engine if it is compatible.
After registering a :class:`~TypeDefinition`, it will not be bound
until :meth:`~TypeEngine.bind` is next called.
Nothing will happen when register is called with a typedef that is
pending binding or already bound. Otherwise, the engine will ensure it
is compatible with the type using :meth:`~TypeEngine.is_compatible`
before adding it to the set of unbound types.
typedef : :class:`~TypeDefinition`
The typedef to register with this engine
exc : :class:`ValueError`
If :meth:`~TypeEngine.is_compatible` is falsey
if typedef in self.bound_types:
if not self.is_compatible(typedef):
raise ValueError("Incompatible type {} for engine {}".format(
typedef, self))
if typedef not in self.unbound_types:
typedef._register(self) | 0.001779 |
def _apply(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Call ``method_name`` with args and kwargs on each member.
Returns a sequence of return values.
return [
getattr(member, method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
for member in self.forms
] | 0.006711 |
def _cc(self):
implementation of the efficient bilayer cross counting by insert-sort
(see Barth & Mutzel paper "Simple and Efficient Bilayer Cross Counting")
for v in self:
P.extend(sorted([g[x].pos for x in self._neighbors(v)]))
# count inversions in P:
s = []
count = 0
for i,p in enumerate(P):
j = bisect(s,p)
if j<i: count += (i-j)
return count | 0.018622 |
def widont_html(value):
Add an HTML non-breaking space between the final two words at the end of
(and in sentences just outside of) block level tags to avoid "widowed"
>>> print(widont_html('<h2>Here is a simple example </h2> <p>Single</p>'))
<h2>Here is a simple example </h2> <p>Single</p>
>>> print(widont_html('<p>test me<br /> out</p><h2>Ok?</h2>Not in a p<p title="test me">and this</p>'))
<p>test me<br /> out</p><h2>Ok?</h2>Not in a p<p title="test me">and this</p>
>>> print(widont_html('leading text <p>test me out</p> trailing text'))
leading text <p>test me out</p> trailing text
def replace(matchobj):
return force_text('%s %s%s' % matchobj.groups())
return re_widont_html.sub(replace, force_text(value)) | 0.004667 |
def strings_equal(s1, s2):
Timing-attack resistant string comparison.
Normal comparison using == will short-circuit on the first mismatching
character. This avoids that by scanning the whole string, though we
still reveal to a timing attack whether the strings are the same
s1 = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', str(s1))
s2 = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', str(s2))
s1 = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', unicode(s1))
s2 = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', unicode(s2))
return compare_digest(s1, s2) | 0.003396 |
def updateFontPicker(self):
Updates the font picker widget to the current font settings.
font = self.currentFont()
self._fontPickerWidget.setCurrentFamily(font.family()) | 0.007018 |
def detect_encoding(self, path):
For the implementation of encoding definitions in Python, look at:
- http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/
.. note:: code taken and adapted from
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
source = file.read()
# take care of line encodings (not in jedi)
source = source.replace(b'\r', b'')
source_str = str(source).replace('\\n', '\n')
byte_mark = ast.literal_eval(r"b'\xef\xbb\xbf'")
if source.startswith(byte_mark):
# UTF-8 byte-order mark
return 'utf-8'
first_two_lines = re.match(r'(?:[^\n]*\n){0,2}', source_str).group(0)
possible_encoding = re.search(r"coding[=:]\s*([-\w.]+)",
if possible_encoding:
return possible_encoding.group(1)
return 'UTF-8' | 0.002026 |
def authorization_code(self, request, data, client):
Handle ``grant_type=authorization_code`` requests as defined in
grant = self.get_authorization_code_grant(request, request.POST,
at = self.get_access_token(request, grant.user, grant.scope, client)
at = self.create_access_token(request, grant.user, grant.scope, client)
rt = self.create_refresh_token(request, grant.user, grant.scope, at,
return self.access_token_response(at) | 0.010264 |
def clause_indices(self):
"""The list of clause indices in ``words`` layer.
The indices are unique only in the boundary of a single sentence.
if not self.is_tagged(CLAUSE_ANNOTATION):
return [word.get(CLAUSE_IDX, None) for word in self[WORDS]] | 0.006079 |
def setup_logging(self):
"""Setup python logging handler."""
date_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
log_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
if self.opts.verbose:
lvl = logging.DEBUG
lvl = logging.INFO
# Requests is a bit chatty
stdout = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format, date_format)
# Decided not to use stderr
# stderr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
# stderr.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Error and above go to both stdout & stderr
# formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format, date_format)
# stderr.setFormatter(formatter)
# self.logger.addHandler(stderr)
log = self.opts.log or self.config['crony'].get('log_file')
if log:
logfile = logging.FileHandler(log)
formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format, date_format)
if self.sentry_client:
sentry = SentryHandler(self.sentry_client)
self.logger.debug('Logging setup complete.') | 0.001987 |
def data(self, data):
"""Called for text between tags"""
if self.state == STATE_SOURCE_ID:
self.context.audit_record.source_id = int(data) # Audit ids can be 64 bits
elif self.state == STATE_DATETIME:
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(data, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
self.get_parent_element().datetimestamp = dt
elif self.state == STATE_REASON_FOR_CHANGE:
self.context.audit_record.reason_for_change = data.strip() or None # Convert a result of '' to None.
self.state = STATE_NONE | 0.007105 |
def long_encode(input, errors='strict'):
"""Transliterate to 8 bit using as many letters as needed.
For example, \u00e4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS ``ä`` will
be replaced with ``ae``.
if not isinstance(input, text_type):
input = text_type(input, sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors)
length = len(input)
input = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', input)
return input.translate(long_table), length | 0.002268 |
def dotted(self):
" Returns dotted-decimal reperesentation "
obj = libcrypto.OBJ_nid2obj(self.nid)
buf = create_string_buffer(256)
libcrypto.OBJ_obj2txt(buf, 256, obj, 1)
if pyver == 2:
return buf.value
return buf.value.decode('ascii') | 0.00639 |
def mark_broker_action_done(action, rid=None, unit=None):
"""Mark action as having been completed.
@param action: name of action to be performed
@returns None
rdata = relation_get(rid, unit) or {}
broker_rsp = rdata.get(get_broker_rsp_key())
if not broker_rsp:
rsp = CephBrokerRsp(broker_rsp)
unit_name = local_unit().partition('/')[2]
key = "unit_{}_ceph_broker_action.{}".format(unit_name, action)
kvstore = kv()
kvstore.set(key=key, value=rsp.request_id)
kvstore.flush() | 0.001832 |
def ask(question, default_answer=False, default_answer_str="no"):
Ask for user input.
This asks a yes/no question with a preset default.
You can bypass the user-input and fetch the default answer, if
you set
question: The question to ask on stdout.
default_answer: The default value to return.
The default answer string that we present to the user.
>>> os.putenv("TEST", "yes"); ask("Test?", default_answer=True)
>>> os.putenv("TEST", "yes"); ask("Test?", default_answer=False)
response = default_answer
def should_ignore_tty():
Check, if we want to ignore an opened tty result.
ret_to_bool = {"yes": True, "no": False, "true": True, "false": False}
envs = [os.getenv("CI", default="no"), os.getenv("TEST", default="no")]
vals = [ret_to_bool[val] for val in envs if val in ret_to_bool]
return any(vals)
ignore_stdin_istty = should_ignore_tty()
has_tty = sys.stdin.isatty() and not ignore_stdin_istty
if has_tty:
response = query_yes_no(question, default_answer_str)
LOG.debug("NoTTY: %s -> %s", question, response)
return response | 0.000768 |
def quick_search(self, name, platform=None, sort_by=None, desc=True):
Quick search method that allows you to search for a game using only the
title and the platform
:param name: string
:param platform: int
:param sort_by: string
:param desc: bool
:return: pybomb.clients.Response
if platform is None:
query_filter = "name:{0}".format(name)
query_filter = "name:{0},platforms:{1}".format(name, platform)
search_params = {"filter": query_filter}
if sort_by is not None:
if desc:
direction = self.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
direction = self.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING
search_params["sort"] = "{0}:{1}".format(sort_by, direction)
response = self._query(search_params)
return response | 0.002096 |
def save(self, obj):
"""Save current instance - as per the gludb spec."""
cur = self._conn().cursor()
tabname = obj.__class__.get_table_name()
index_names = obj.__class__.index_names() or []
col_names = ['id', 'value'] + index_names
value_holders = ['%s'] * len(col_names)
updates = ['%s = EXCLUDED.%s' % (cn, cn) for cn in col_names[1:]]
if not obj.id:
id = uuid()
obj.id = id
query = 'insert into {0} ({1}) values ({2}) on conflict(id) do update set {3};'.format(
values = [obj.id, obj.to_data()]
index_vals = obj.indexes() or {}
values += [index_vals.get(name, 'NULL') for name in index_names]
with self._conn() as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(query, tuple(values)) | 0.003061 |
def serialize(self, include_class=True, save_dynamic=False, **kwargs):
"""Serializes a **HasProperties** instance to dictionary
This uses the Property serializers to serialize all Property values
to a JSON-compatible dictionary. Properties that are undefined are
not included. If the **HasProperties** instance contains a reference
to itself, a :code:`properties.SelfReferenceError` will be raised.
* **include_class** - If True (the default), the name of the class
will also be saved to the serialized dictionary under key
* **save_dynamic** - If True, dynamic properties are written to
the serialized dict (default: False).
* Any other keyword arguments will be passed through to the Property
if getattr(self, '_getting_serialized', False):
raise utils.SelfReferenceError('Object contains unserializable '
'self reference')
self._getting_serialized = True
'include_class': include_class,
'save_dynamic': save_dynamic
if save_dynamic:
prop_source = self._props
prop_source = self._backend
data = (
(key, self._props[key].serialize(getattr(self, key), **kwargs))
for key in prop_source
json_dict = {k: v for k, v in data if v is not None}
if include_class:
json_dict.update({'__class__': self.__class__.__name__})
return json_dict
self._getting_serialized = False | 0.001112 |
def parse(fp):
Parse the contents of the `~io.IOBase.readline`-supporting file-like object
``fp`` as a simple line-oriented ``.properties`` file and return a
generator of ``(key, value, original_lines)`` triples for every entry in
``fp`` (including duplicate keys) in order of occurrence. The third
element of each triple is the concatenation of the unmodified lines in
``fp`` (including trailing newlines) from which the key and value were
extracted. The generator also includes comments and blank/all-whitespace
lines found in ``fp``, one triple per line, with the first two elements of
the triples set to `None`. This is the only way to extract comments from a
``.properties`` file with this library.
``fp`` may be either a text or binary filehandle, with or without universal
newlines enabled. If it is a binary filehandle, its contents are decoded
as Latin-1.
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0
Invalid ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences will now cause an
`InvalidUEscapeError` to be raised
:param fp: the file from which to read the ``.properties`` document
:type fp: file-like object
:rtype: generator of triples of text strings
:raises InvalidUEscapeError: if an invalid ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequence
occurs in the input
def lineiter():
while True:
ln = fp.readline()
if isinstance(ln, binary_type):
ln = ln.decode('iso-8859-1')
if ln == '':
for l in ascii_splitlines(ln):
yield l
liter = lineiter()
for source in liter:
line = source
if re.match(r'^[ \t\f]*(?:[#!]|\r?\n?$)', line):
yield (None, None, source)
line = line.lstrip(' \t\f').rstrip('\r\n')
while re.search(r'(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\$', line):
line = line[:-1]
nextline = next(liter, '')
source += nextline
line += nextline.lstrip(' \t\f').rstrip('\r\n')
if line == '': # series of otherwise-blank lines with continuations
yield (None, None, source)
m = re.search(r'(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*([ \t\f]*[=:]|[ \t\f])[ \t\f]*', line)
if m:
yield (unescape(line[:m.start(1)]),unescape(line[m.end():]),source)
yield (unescape(line), '', source) | 0.001647 |
def showGroupMenu( self ):
Displays the group menu to the user for modification.
group_active = self.isGroupingActive()
group_by = self.groupBy()
menu = XMenu(self)
menu.setTitle('Grouping Options')
menu.addAction('Edit Advanced Grouping')
action = menu.addAction('No Grouping')
action.setChecked(not group_active)
action = menu.addAction('Advanced')
action.setChecked(group_by == self.GroupByAdvancedKey and group_active)
if ( group_by == self.GroupByAdvancedKey ):
font = action.font()
# add dynamic options from the table schema
tableType = self.tableType()
if ( tableType ):
columns = tableType.schema().columns()
columns.sort(key = lambda x: x.displayName())
for column in columns:
action = menu.addAction(column.displayName())
action.setChecked(group_by == column.displayName() and
if ( column.displayName() == group_by ):
font = action.font()
point = QPoint(0, self.uiGroupOptionsBTN.height())
action = menu.exec_(self.uiGroupOptionsBTN.mapToGlobal(point))
if ( not action ):
elif ( action.text() == 'Edit Advanced Grouping' ):
print 'edit advanced grouping options'
elif ( action.text() == 'No Grouping' ):
elif ( action.text() == 'Advanced' ):
self.refreshResults() | 0.013138 |
def write_file(file_path, txt, **kws):
:param str file_path: 文件路径。
:param str txt: 待写入的文件内容。
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
upDir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if not os.path.isdir(upDir):
kw = {"mode":"w", "encoding":"utf-8"}
if kws:
for k,v in kws.items():
kw[k] = v
with open(file_path, **kw) as afile:
afile.write(txt) | 0.00885 |
def _read_gtf(gtf):
Load GTF file with precursor positions on genome
if not gtf:
return gtf
db = defaultdict(list)
with open(gtf) as in_handle:
for line in in_handle:
if line.startswith("#"):
cols = line.strip().split("\t")
name = [n.split("=")[1] for n in cols[-1].split(";") if n.startswith("Name")]
chrom, start, end, strand = cols[0], cols[3], cols[4], cols[6]
if cols[2] == "miRNA_primary_transcript":
db[name[0]].append([chrom, int(start), int(end), strand])
return db | 0.00319 |
def close_handle(self):
Closes the handle to the module.
@note: Normally you don't need to call this method. All handles
created by I{WinAppDbg} are automatically closed when the garbage
collector claims them. So unless you've been tinkering with it,
setting L{hFile} to C{None} should be enough.
if hasattr(self.hFile, 'close'):
elif self.hFile not in (None, win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE):
self.hFile = None | 0.003175 |
def configure_all_loggers_for_colour(remove_existing: bool = True) -> None:
Applies a preconfigured datetime/colour scheme to ALL logger.
Should ONLY be called from the ``if __name__ == 'main'`` script;
see https://docs.python.org/3.4/howto/logging.html#library-config.
Generally MORE SENSIBLE just to apply a handler to the root logger.
remove_existing: remove existing handlers from logger first?
handler = get_colour_handler()
apply_handler_to_all_logs(handler, remove_existing=remove_existing) | 0.001789 |
def select_color(cpcolor, evalcolor, idx=0):
""" Selects item color for plotting.
:param cpcolor: color for control points grid item
:type cpcolor: str, list, tuple
:param evalcolor: color for evaluated points grid item
:type evalcolor: str, list, tuple
:param idx: index of the current geometry object
:type idx: int
:return: a list of color values
:rtype: list
# Random colors by default
color = utilities.color_generator()
# Constant color for control points grid
if isinstance(cpcolor, str):
color[0] = cpcolor
# User-defined color for control points grid
if isinstance(cpcolor, (list, tuple)):
color[0] = cpcolor[idx]
# Constant color for evaluated points grid
if isinstance(evalcolor, str):
color[1] = evalcolor
# User-defined color for evaluated points grid
if isinstance(evalcolor, (list, tuple)):
color[1] = evalcolor[idx]
return color | 0.001031 |
def _set_blob_properties(self, ud):
# type: (Uploader, blobxfer.models.upload.Descriptor) -> None
"""Set blob properties (md5, cache control)
:param Uploader self: this
:param blobxfer.models.upload.Descriptor ud: upload descriptor
if ud.requires_non_encrypted_md5_put:
digest = blobxfer.util.base64_encode_as_string(ud.md5.digest())
digest = None
blobxfer.operations.azure.blob.set_blob_properties(ud.entity, digest)
if blobxfer.util.is_not_empty(ud.entity.replica_targets):
for ase in ud.entity.replica_targets:
blobxfer.operations.azure.blob.set_blob_properties(ase, digest) | 0.004219 |
def multi_ifo_coherent_job_setup(workflow, out_files, curr_exe_job,
science_segs, datafind_outs, output_dir,
parents=None, slide_dict=None, tags=None):
Method for setting up coherent inspiral jobs.
if tags is None:
tags = []
data_seg, job_valid_seg = curr_exe_job.get_valid_times()
curr_out_files = FileList([])
if 'IPN' in datafind_outs[-1].description \
and 'bank_veto_bank' in datafind_outs[-2].description:
ipn_sky_points = datafind_outs[-1]
bank_veto = datafind_outs[-2]
frame_files = datafind_outs[:-2]
ipn_sky_points = None
bank_veto = datafind_outs[-1]
frame_files = datafind_outs[:-1]
split_bank_counter = 0
if curr_exe_job.injection_file is None:
for split_bank in parents:
tag = list(tags)
node = curr_exe_job.create_node(data_seg, job_valid_seg,
parent=split_bank, dfParents=frame_files,
bankVetoBank=bank_veto, ipn_file=ipn_sky_points,
slide=slide_dict, tags=tag)
split_bank_counter += 1
for inj_file in curr_exe_job.injection_file:
for split_bank in parents:
tag = list(tags)
node = curr_exe_job.create_node(data_seg, job_valid_seg,
parent=split_bank, inj_file=inj_file, tags=tag,
dfParents=frame_files, bankVetoBank=bank_veto,
split_bank_counter += 1
# FIXME: Here we remove PSD files if they are coming
# through. This should be done in a better way. On
# to-do list.
curr_out_files = [i for i in curr_out_files if 'PSD_FILE'\
not in i.tags]
out_files += curr_out_files
return out_files | 0.003549 |
def pdf_split(
input: str, output: str, stepsize: int = 1, sequence: [int] = None
Split the input file in multiple output files
:param input: name of the input file
:param output: name of the output files
:param stepsize: how many pages per file, only if sequence is None
:param sequence: list with number of pages per file
output = output or os.path.splitext(input)[0]
if not os.path.isfile(input):
print("Error. The file '%s' does not exist." % input)
with open(input, "rb") as inputfile:
reader = PdfFileReader(inputfile)
pagenr = 0
outputfile = None
if sequence is None:
for i, page in enumerate(reader.pages):
if not i % stepsize:
pagenr += 1
outputfile = open(output + "_%i.pdf" % pagenr, "wb")
writer = PdfFileWriter()
if not (i + 1) % stepsize:
sequence = map(int, sequence)
iter_pages = iter(reader.pages)
for filenr, pagecount in enumerate(sequence):
with open(
output + "_%i.pdf" % (filenr + 1), "wb"
) as outputfile:
writer = PdfFileWriter()
for i in range(pagecount):
page = next(iter_pages)
except StopIteration:
if not outputfile.closed:
outputfile.close() | 0.000534 |
def getAggShocks(self):
Returns aggregate state variables and shocks for this period. The capital-to-labor ratio
is irrelevant and thus treated as constant, and the wage and interest rates are also
constant. However, aggregate shocks are assigned from a prespecified history.
AggVarsNow : CobbDouglasAggVars
Aggregate state and shock variables for this period.
# Get this period's aggregate shocks
PermShkAggNow = self.PermShkAggHist[self.Shk_idx]
TranShkAggNow = self.TranShkAggHist[self.Shk_idx]
self.Shk_idx += 1
# Factor prices are constant
RfreeNow = self.Rfunc(1.0/PermShkAggNow)
wRteNow = self.wFunc(1.0/PermShkAggNow)
# Aggregates are irrelavent
AaggNow = 1.0
MaggNow = 1.0
KtoLnow = 1.0/PermShkAggNow
# Package the results into an object and return it
AggVarsNow = CobbDouglasAggVars(MaggNow,AaggNow,KtoLnow,RfreeNow,wRteNow,PermShkAggNow,TranShkAggNow)
return AggVarsNow | 0.011295 |
def of_cls(self):
DONT USE. Will be deleted soon. Use ``self.of``!
if isinstance(self.of, six.string_types):
warnings.warn('When using Range programatically, dont pass "of" param as string!')
return Register.get_task_cls(self.of)
return self.of | 0.009494 |
def generic_loss(top_out, targets, model_hparams, vocab_size, weights_fn):
"""Compute loss numerator and denominator for one shard of output."""
del vocab_size # unused arg
logits = top_out
logits = common_attention.maybe_upcast(logits, hparams=model_hparams)
cutoff = getattr(model_hparams, "video_modality_loss_cutoff", 0.0)
return common_layers.padded_cross_entropy(
weights_fn=weights_fn) | 0.014056 |
def configure_proxy(self, curl_object):
"""configure pycurl proxy settings"""
curl_object.setopt(curl_object.PROXY, self._proxy_hostname)
curl_object.setopt(curl_object.PROXYPORT, self._proxy_port)
curl_object.setopt(curl_object.PROXYTYPE, curl_object.PROXYTYPE_SOCKS5)
if self._proxy_user and self._proxy_passwd:
curl_object.setopt(curl_object.PROXYUSERPWD, '%s:%s' % (self._proxy_user, self._proxy_port)) | 0.00655 |
def set_coupl_old(self):
""" Using the adjacency matrix, sample a coupling matrix.
if self.model == 'krumsiek11' or self.model == 'var':
# we already built the coupling matrix in set_coupl20()
self.Coupl = np.zeros((self.dim,self.dim))
for i in range(self.Adj.shape[0]):
for j,a in enumerate(self.Adj[i]):
# if there is a 1 in Adj, specify co and antiregulation
# and strength of regulation
if a != 0:
co_anti = np.random.randint(2)
# set a lower bound for the coupling parameters
# they ought not to be smaller than 0.1
# and not be larger than 0.4
self.Coupl[i,j] = 0.0*np.random.rand() + 0.1
# set sign for coupling
if co_anti == 1:
self.Coupl[i,j] *= -1
# enforce certain requirements on models
if self.model == 1:
elif self.model == 5:
elif self.model in [6,7]:
elif self.model in [8,9,10]:
# output
if self.verbosity > 1:
settings.m(0,self.Coupl) | 0.008172 |
def get_weather(test=False):
Returns weather reports from the dataset.
if _Constants._TEST or test:
rows = _Constants._DATABASE.execute("SELECT data FROM weather LIMIT {hardware}".format(
data = [r[0] for r in rows]
data = [_Auxiliary._byteify(_json.loads(r)) for r in data]
return _Auxiliary._byteify(data)
rows = _Constants._DATABASE.execute("SELECT data FROM weather".format(
data = [r[0] for r in rows]
data = [_Auxiliary._byteify(_json.loads(r)) for r in data]
return _Auxiliary._byteify(data) | 0.00838 |
def wait(self, timeout=None):
# type: (Optional[int]) -> None
"""Wait on the long running operation for a specified length
of time. You can check if this call as ended with timeout with the
"done()" method.
:param int timeout: Period of time to wait for the long running
operation to complete (in seconds).
:raises CloudError: Server problem with the query.
if self._thread is None:
# Let's handle possible None in forgiveness here
raise self._exception # type: ignore
except TypeError: # Was None
pass | 0.005714 |
def getlist(self, key, delimiter=',', **kwargs):
Gets the setting value as a :class:`list`; it splits the string using ``delimiter``.
:param str delimiter: split the value using this delimiter
:rtype: list
value = self.get(key, **kwargs)
if value is None: return value
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.strip()
if value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']'):
return self.getserialized(key)
return [p.strip(' ') for p in value.split(delimiter)]
#end if
return list(value) | 0.008026 |
def _from_hex_digest(digest):
"""Convert hex digest to sequence of bytes."""
return "".join(
[chr(int(digest[x : x + 2], 16)) for x in range(0, len(digest), 2)]
) | 0.010989 |
def run_job(self,
job, # type: Union[JobBase, WorkflowJob, None]
runtime_context # type: RuntimeContext
): # type: (...) -> None
""" Execute a single Job in a seperate thread. """
if job is not None:
with self.pending_jobs_lock:
with self.pending_jobs_lock:
n = 0
while (n+1) <= len(self.pending_jobs):
job = self.pending_jobs[n]
if isinstance(job, JobBase):
if ((job.builder.resources["ram"])
> self.max_ram
or (job.builder.resources["cores"])
> self.max_cores):
'Job "%s" cannot be run, requests more resources (%s) '
'than available on this host (max ram %d, max cores %d',
job.name, job.builder.resources,
if ((self.allocated_ram + job.builder.resources["ram"])
> self.max_ram
or (self.allocated_cores + job.builder.resources["cores"])
> self.max_cores):
'Job "%s" cannot run yet, resources (%s) are not '
'available (already allocated ram is %d, allocated cores is %d, '
'max ram %d, max cores %d',
job.name, job.builder.resources,
n += 1
thread = threading.Thread(target=self._runner, args=(job, runtime_context))
thread.daemon = True
if isinstance(job, JobBase):
self.allocated_ram += job.builder.resources["ram"]
self.allocated_cores += job.builder.resources["cores"]
self.pending_jobs.remove(job) | 0.004702 |
def data_dirpath(task=None, **kwargs):
"""Get the path of the corresponding data directory.
task : str, optional
The task for which datasets in the desired directory are used for. If
not given, a path for the corresponding task-agnostic directory is
**kwargs : extra keyword arguments
Extra keyword arguments, representing additional attributes of the
datasets, are used to generate additional sub-folders on the path.
For example, providing 'lang=en' will results in a path such as
'/barn_base_dir/regression/lang_en/mydataset.csv'. Hierarchy always
matches lexicographical order of keyword argument names, so 'lang=en'
and 'animal=dog' will result in a path such as
The path to the desired dir.
path = _base_dir()
if task:
path = os.path.join(path, _snail_case(task))
for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items()):
subdir_name = '{}_{}'.format(_snail_case(k), _snail_case(v))
path = os.path.join(path, subdir_name)
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
return path | 0.000812 |
def model_page(self, request, app_label, model_name, rest_of_url=None):
Handles the model-specific functionality of the databrowse site,
delegating<to the appropriate ModelDatabrowse class.
model = get_model(app_label, model_name)
except LookupError:
model = None
if model is None:
raise http.Http404("App %r, model %r, not found." %
(app_label, model_name))
databrowse_class = self.registry[model]
except KeyError:
raise http.Http404("This model exists but has not been registered "
"with databrowse.")
return databrowse_class(model, self).root(request, rest_of_url) | 0.002538 |
def image_height(image):
Returns the height of the image found at the path supplied by `image`
relative to your project's images directory.
image_size_cache = _get_cache('image_size_cache')
if not Image:
raise SassMissingDependency('PIL', 'image manipulation')
filepath = String.unquoted(image).value
path = None
height = image_size_cache[filepath][1]
except KeyError:
height = 0
IMAGES_ROOT = _images_root()
if callable(IMAGES_ROOT):
_file, _storage = list(IMAGES_ROOT(filepath))[0]
except IndexError:
path = _storage.open(_file)
_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_ROOT, filepath.strip(os.sep))
if os.path.exists(_path):
path = open(_path, 'rb')
if path:
image = Image.open(path)
size = image.size
height = size[1]
image_size_cache[filepath] = size
return Number(height, 'px') | 0.000929 |
def build_java_docs(app):
"""build java docs and then move the outdir"""
java_path = app.builder.srcdir + '/../scala-package'
java_doc_sources = 'find . -type f -name "*.scala" | egrep \"\.\/core|\.\/infer\" | egrep \"\/javaapi\" | egrep -v \"Suite\"'
java_doc_classpath = ':'.join([
'`find native -name "*.jar" | grep "target/lib/" | tr "\\n" ":" `',
'`find macros -name "*.jar" | tr "\\n" ":" `',
'`find core -name "*.jar" | tr "\\n" ":" `',
'`find infer -name "*.jar" | tr "\\n" ":" `'
_run_cmd('cd {}; scaladoc `{}` -classpath {} -feature -deprecation'
.format(java_path, java_doc_sources, java_doc_classpath))
dest_path = app.builder.outdir + '/api/java/docs'
_run_cmd('rm -rf ' + dest_path)
_run_cmd('mkdir -p ' + dest_path)
javadocs = ['index', 'index.html', 'org', 'lib', 'index.js', 'package.html']
for doc_file in javadocs:
_run_cmd('cd ' + java_path + ' && mv -f ' + doc_file + ' ' + dest_path + '; exit 0') | 0.008841 |
def _parse_api_time(timestr):
Typical expiration times returned from the auth server are in this
They can also be returned as a UTC value in this format:
This method returns a proper datetime object from either of these
reg_groups = API_DATE_PATTERN.match(timestr).groups()
yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sc, off_sign, off_hr, off_mn = reg_groups
except AttributeError:
# UTC dates don't show offsets.
utc_groups = UTC_API_DATE_PATTERN.match(timestr).groups()
yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sc = utc_groups
off_sign = "+"
off_hr = off_mn = 0
base_dt = datetime.datetime(int(yr), int(mth), int(dy), int(hr),
int(mn), int(sc))
delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(off_hr), minutes=int(off_mn))
if off_sign == "+":
# Time is greater than UTC
ret = base_dt - delta
ret = base_dt + delta
return ret | 0.002641 |
def remove_file(self, relativePath, name=None, removeFromSystem=False):
Remove file from repository.
#. relativePath (string): The relative to the repository path of the directory where the file should be dumped.
If relativePath does not exist, it will be created automatically.
#. name (string): The file name.
If None is given, name will be split from relativePath.
#. removeFromSystem (boolean): Whether to also remove directory and all files from the system.\n
Only files saved in the repository will be removed and empty left directories.
# get relative path normalized
relativePath = os.path.normpath(relativePath)
if relativePath == '.':
relativePath = ''
assert name != '.pyrepinfo', "'.pyrepinfo' is not allowed as file name in main repository directory"
assert name != '.pyrepstate', "'.pyrepstate' is not allowed as file name in main repository directory"
assert name != '.pyreplock', "'.pyreplock' is not allowed as file name in main repository directory"
if name is None:
assert len(relativePath), "name must be given when relative path is given as empty string or as a simple dot '.'"
relativePath, name = os.path.split(relativePath)
# get file info dict
dirInfoDict, errorMessage = self.get_directory_info(relativePath)
assert dirInfoDict is not None, errorMessage
# check directory in repository
assert name in dict.__getitem__(dirInfoDict, "files"), "file '%s' is not found in repository relative path '%s'"%(name, relativePath)
# remove file from repo
dict.__getitem__(dirInfoDict, "files").pop(name)
# remove file from system
if removeFromSystem:
ap = os.path.join(self.__path, relativePath, name )
if os.path.isfile(ap):
os.remove( ap )
# save repository
self.save() | 0.007306 |
def model_definition_factory(base_model_definition, **kwargs):
Provides an iterator over passed-in
configuration values, allowing for easy
exploration of models.
The base `ModelDefinition` to augment
Can be any keyword accepted by `ModelDefinition`.
Values should be iterables.
if not kwargs:
yield config
for param in kwargs:
if not hasattr(base_model_definition, param):
raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid configuration parameter" % param)
for raw_params in itertools.product(*kwargs.values()):
new_definition = copy.copy(base_model_definition)
new_definition.update(dict(zip(kwargs.keys(), raw_params)))
yield new_definition | 0.002328 |
def _listAttrGroupMembers(self, attrGroup):
Returns a list of all members in the attribute group.
from inspect import getmembers, ismethod
methods = getmembers(self, ismethod)
group_prefix = attrGroup + '_'
group_len = len(group_prefix)
group_members = [method[0][group_len:]
for method in methods
if method[0].startswith(group_prefix)]
return group_members | 0.004107 |
def get_keys(src, dst, keys):
Copies the value of keys from source object to dest object
:param src:
:param dst:
:param keys:
for key in keys:
#dst[no_camel(key)] = src[key] if key in src else None
dst[key] = src[key] if key in src else None | 0.006515 |
def get_onionoo_details(self, agent):
Requests the 'details' document from onionoo.torproject.org via
the given `twisted.web.iweb.IAgent` -- you can get a suitable
instance to pass here by calling either :meth:`txtorcon.Tor.web_agent` or
# clearnet: 'https://onionoo.torproject.org/details?lookup={}'
uri = 'http://tgel7v4rpcllsrk2.onion/details?lookup={}'.format(self.id_hex[1:]).encode('ascii')
resp = yield agent.request(b'GET', uri)
if resp.code != 200:
raise RuntimeError(
'Failed to lookup relay details for {}'.format(self.id_hex)
body = yield readBody(resp)
data = json.loads(body.decode('ascii'))
if len(data['relays']) != 1:
raise RuntimeError(
'Got multiple relays for {}'.format(self.id_hex)
relay_data = data['relays'][0]
if relay_data['fingerprint'].lower() != self.id_hex[1:].lower():
raise RuntimeError(
'Expected "{}" but got data for "{}"'.format(self.id_hex, relay_data['fingerprint'])
returnValue(relay_data) | 0.004072 |
def copyFile(input, output, replace=None):
"""Copy a file whole from input to output."""
_found = findFile(output)
if not _found or (_found and replace):
shutil.copy2(input, output) | 0.00495 |
def _write_box_information(xml_file, structure, ref_distance):
"""Write box information.
xml_file : file object
The file object of the hoomdxml file being written
structure : parmed.Structure
Parmed structure object
ref_energy : float, default=1.0
Reference energy for conversion to reduced units
if np.allclose(structure.box[3:6], np.array([90, 90, 90])):
box_str = '<box units="sigma" Lx="{}" Ly="{}" Lz="{}"/>\n'
xml_file.write(box_str.format(*structure.box[:3] / ref_distance))
a, b, c = structure.box[0:3] / ref_distance
alpha, beta, gamma = np.radians(structure.box[3:6])
lx = a
xy = b * np.cos(gamma)
xz = c * np.cos(beta)
ly = np.sqrt(b**2 - xy**2)
yz = (b*c*np.cos(alpha) - xy*xz) / ly
lz = np.sqrt(c**2 - xz**2 - yz**2)
box_str = '<box units="sigma" Lx="{}" Ly="{}" Lz="{}" xy="{}" xz="{}" yz="{}"/>\n'
xml_file.write(box_str.format(lx, ly, lz, xy, xz, yz)) | 0.001887 |
def fetch_column(self, sql, *args, **kwargs):
"""Executes an SQL SELECT query and returns the first column of the first row or `None`.
:param sql: statement to execute
:param args: parameters iterable
:param kwargs: parameters iterable
:return: the first row of the first column or `None`
with self.locked() as conn:
return conn.query(sql, *args, **kwargs).fetch_column() | 0.006757 |
def _parse_json(self, page, exactly_one=True):
'''Returns location, (latitude, longitude) from json feed.'''
places = page.get('results', [])
if not len(places):
return None
def parse_place(place):
'''Get the location, lat, lng from a single json place.'''
location = place.get('formatted_address')
latitude = place['geometry']['location']['lat']
longitude = place['geometry']['location']['lng']
return Location(location, (latitude, longitude), place)
if exactly_one:
return parse_place(places[0])
return [parse_place(place) for place in places] | 0.00267 |
def set_chain_info(self, chain_id, chain_name, num_groups):
"""Set the chain information.
:param chain_id: the asym chain id from mmCIF
:param chain_name: the auth chain id from mmCIF
:param num_groups: the number of groups this chain has
self.groups_per_chain.append(num_groups) | 0.004728 |
def nonspeech_fragments(self):
Iterates through the nonspeech fragments in the list
(which are sorted).
:rtype: generator of (int, :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.SyncMapFragment`)
for i, fragment in enumerate(self.__fragments):
if fragment.fragment_type == SyncMapFragment.NONSPEECH:
yield (i, fragment) | 0.005249 |
def do_gate_matrix(self, matrix: np.ndarray,
qubits: Sequence[int]) -> 'AbstractQuantumSimulator':
Apply an arbitrary unitary; not necessarily a named gate.
:param matrix: The unitary matrix to apply. No checks are done
:param qubits: A list of qubits to apply the unitary to.
:return: ``self`` to support method chaining.
unitary = lifted_gate_matrix(matrix=matrix, qubit_inds=qubits, n_qubits=self.n_qubits)
self.density = unitary.dot(self.density).dot(np.conj(unitary).T)
return self | 0.00678 |
def create_group(self, name):
Create group
:param name: Group name
parameters = {
'name': name
url = self.TEAM_GROUPS_URL
connection = Connection(self.token)
connection.set_url(self.production, url)
return connection.post_request() | 0.005291 |
def filter_single_need(need, filter_string=""):
Checks if a single need/need_part passes a filter_string
:param need: need or need_part
:param filter_string: string, which is used as input for eval()
:return: True, if need as passed the filter_string, else False
filter_context = need.copy()
filter_context["search"] = re.search
result = False
result = bool(eval(filter_string, None, filter_context))
except Exception as e:
raise NeedInvalidFilter("Filter {0} not valid: Error: {1}".format(filter_string, e))
return result | 0.003333 |
def block_matrix(A, B, C, D):
r"""Generate the operator matrix with quadrants
.. math::
\begin{pmatrix} A B \\ C D \end{pmatrix}
A (Matrix): Matrix of shape ``(n, m)``
B (Matrix): Matrix of shape ``(n, k)``
C (Matrix): Matrix of shape ``(l, m)``
D (Matrix): Matrix of shape ``(l, k)``
Matrix: The combined block matrix ``[[A, B], [C, D]]``.
return vstackm((hstackm((A, B)), hstackm((C, D)))) | 0.002062 |
def base_warfare(name, bases, attributes):
Adds any number of attributes to an existing class.
:param name: Name.
:type name: unicode
:param bases: Bases.
:type bases: list
:param attributes: Attributes.
:type attributes: dict
:return: Base.
:rtype: object
assert len(bases) == 1, "{0} | '{1}' object has multiple bases!".format(__name__, name)
base = foundations.common.get_first_item(bases)
for name, value in attributes.iteritems():
if name != "__metaclass__":
setattr(base, name, value)
return base | 0.003373 |
def setMonospace(self):
Fix the fonts of the first 32 styles to a mono space one.
* **None**
* **None**
font = bytes('courier new', 'utf-8')
for ii in range(32):
self.SendScintilla(self.SCI_STYLESETFONT, ii, font) | 0.005525 |
def sg_train_func(func):
r""" Decorates a function `func` as sg_train_func.
func: A function to decorate
def wrapper(**kwargs):
r""" Manages arguments of `tf.sg_opt`.
lr: A Python Scalar (optional). Learning rate. Default is .001.
save_dir: A string. The root path to which checkpoint and log files are saved.
Default is `asset/train`.
max_ep: A positive integer. Maximum number of epochs. Default is 1000.
ep_size: A positive integer. Number of Total batches in an epoch.
For proper display of log. Default is 1e5.
save_interval: A Python scalar. The interval of saving checkpoint files.
By default, for every 600 seconds, a checkpoint file is written.
log_interval: A Python scalar. The interval of recoding logs.
By default, for every 60 seconds, logging is executed.
max_keep: A positive integer. Maximum number of recent checkpoints to keep. Default is 5.
keep_interval: A Python scalar. How often to keep checkpoints. Default is 1 hour.
eval_metric: A list of tensors containing the value to evaluate. Default is [].
tqdm: Boolean. If True (Default), progress bars are shown. If False, a series of loss
will be shown on the console.
opt = tf.sg_opt(kwargs)
# default training options
opt += tf.sg_opt(lr=0.001,
max_ep=1000, ep_size=100000,
save_interval=600, log_interval=60,
max_keep=5, keep_interval=1,
# training epoch and loss
epoch, loss = -1, None
# checkpoint saver
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=opt.max_keep,
# add evaluation summary
for m in opt.eval_metric:
# summary writer
log_dir = opt.save_dir + '/run-%02d%02d-%02d%02d' % tuple(time.localtime(time.time()))[1:5]
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir)
# console logging function
def console_log(sess_):
if epoch >= 0:
tf.sg_info('\tEpoch[%03d:gs=%d] - loss = %s' %
(epoch, sess_.run(tf.sg_global_step()),
('NA' if loss is None else '%8.6f' % loss)))
# create supervisor
sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=opt.save_dir,
# create session
with sv.managed_session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
# console logging loop
if not opt.tqdm:
sv.loop(opt.log_interval, console_log, args=(sess, ))
# get start epoch
_step = sess.run(tf.sg_global_step())
ep = _step // opt.ep_size
# check if already finished
if ep <= opt.max_ep:
# logging
tf.sg_info('Training started from epoch[%03d]-step[%d].' % (ep, _step))
# epoch loop
for ep in range(ep, opt.max_ep + 1):
# update epoch info
start_step = sess.run(tf.sg_global_step()) % opt.ep_size
epoch = ep
# create progressbar iterator
if opt.tqdm:
iterator = tqdm(range(start_step, opt.ep_size), total=opt.ep_size, initial=start_step,
desc='train', ncols=70, unit='b', leave=False)
iterator = range(start_step, opt.ep_size)
# batch loop
for _ in iterator:
# exit loop
if sv.should_stop():
# call train function
batch_loss = func(sess, opt)
# loss history update
if batch_loss is not None and \
not np.isnan(batch_loss.all()) and not np.isinf(batch_loss.all()):
if loss is None:
loss = np.mean(batch_loss)
loss = loss * 0.9 + np.mean(batch_loss) * 0.1
# log epoch information
# save last version
saver.save(sess, opt.save_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=sess.run(tf.sg_global_step()))
# logging
tf.sg_info('Training finished at epoch[%d]-step[%d].' % (ep, sess.run(tf.sg_global_step())))
tf.sg_info('Training already finished at epoch[%d]-step[%d].' %
(ep - 1, sess.run(tf.sg_global_step())))
return wrapper | 0.002884 |
def _deploy(self):
"""Deploy environment and wait for all hooks to finish executing."""
timeout = int(os.environ.get('AMULET_SETUP_TIMEOUT', 900))
except amulet.helpers.TimeoutError:
msg="Deployment timed out ({}s)".format(timeout)
except Exception:
raise | 0.004049 |
def call_frog(text):
Call frog on the text and return (sent, offset, word, lemma, pos, morphofeat) tuples
host, port = os.environ.get('FROG_HOST', 'localhost:9887').split(":")
frogclient = FrogClient(host, port, returnall=True)
sent = 1
offset = 0
for word, lemma, morph, morphofeat, ner, chunk, _p1, _p2 in frogclient.process(text):
if word is None:
sent += 1
pos = _POSMAP[morphofeat.split("(")[0]]
yield Token(sent, offset, word, lemma, pos, morphofeat, ner, chunk)
offset += len(word) | 0.006633 |
def _createConnection(self, connections):
Create GSSHAPY Connection Objects Method
for c in connections:
# Create GSSHAPY Connection object
connection = Connection(slinkNumber=c['slinkNumber'],
# Associate Connection with StormPipeNetworkFile
connection.stormPipeNetworkFile = self | 0.003976 |
def add_lv_load_area(self, lv_load_area):
# TODO: check docstring
"""Adds a LV load_area to _lv_load_areas if not already existing
lv_load_area: :shapely:`Shapely Polygon object<polygons>`
if not isinstance(lv_load_area, MVCableDistributorDing0):
self.peak_load += lv_load_area.peak_load | 0.008989 |
def redirect_stdout(self, enabled=True, log_level=logging.INFO):
Redirect sys.stdout to file-like object.
if enabled:
if self.__stdout_wrapper:
self.__stdout_wrapper = StdOutWrapper(logger=self, log_level=log_level)
self.__stdout_stream = self.__stdout_wrapper
self.__stdout_stream = _original_stdout
# Assign the new stream to sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self.__stdout_stream | 0.005085 |
def train(self, conversation):
Train the chat bot based on the provided list of
statements that represents a single conversation.
previous_statement_text = None
previous_statement_search_text = ''
statements_to_create = []
for conversation_count, text in enumerate(conversation):
if self.show_training_progress:
'List Trainer',
conversation_count + 1, len(conversation)
statement_search_text = self.chatbot.storage.tagger.get_bigram_pair_string(text)
statement = self.get_preprocessed_statement(
previous_statement_text = statement.text
previous_statement_search_text = statement_search_text
self.chatbot.storage.create_many(statements_to_create) | 0.002368 |
def words(self, fileids=None) -> Generator[str, str, None]:
Provide the words of the corpus; skipping any paragraphs flagged by keywords to the main
class constructor
:param fileids:
:return: words, including punctuation, one by one
for sentence in self.sents(fileids):
words = self._word_tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)
for word in words:
yield word | 0.006652 |
def _compute_permanent_id(private_key):
Internal helper. Return an authenticated service's permanent ID
given an RSA private key object.
The permanent ID is the base32 encoding of the SHA1 hash of the
first 10 bytes (80 bits) of the public key.
pub = private_key.public_key()
p = pub.public_bytes(
z = ''.join(p.decode('ascii').strip().split('\n')[1:-1])
b = base64.b64decode(z)
h1 = hashlib.new('sha1')
permanent_id = h1.digest()[:10]
return base64.b32encode(permanent_id).lower().decode('ascii') | 0.001484 |
def area(p):
"""Area of a polygone
:param p: list of the points taken in any orientation,
p[0] can differ from p[-1]
:returns: area
:complexity: linear
A = 0
for i in range(len(p)):
A += p[i - 1][0] * p[i][1] - p[i][0] * p[i - 1][1]
return A / 2. | 0.003279 |
def _make_headers(config, kwargs):
""" Replace the kwargs with one where the headers include our user-agent """
headers = kwargs.get('headers')
headers = headers.copy() if headers is not None else {}
headers['User-Agent'] = config.args.user_agent
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
kwargs['headers'] = headers
return kwargs | 0.005865 |
def analyze(self, config_string=None):
Analyze the given container and
return the corresponding job object.
On error, it will return ``None``.
:param string config_string: the configuration string generated by wizard
:rtype: :class:`~aeneas.job.Job` or ``None``
if config_string is not None:
self.log(u"Analyzing container with the given config string")
return self._analyze_txt_config(config_string=config_string)
elif self.container.has_config_xml:
self.log(u"Analyzing container with XML config file")
return self._analyze_xml_config(config_contents=None)
elif self.container.has_config_txt:
self.log(u"Analyzing container with TXT config file")
return self._analyze_txt_config(config_string=None)
self.log(u"No configuration file in this container, returning None")
except (OSError, KeyError, TypeError) as exc:
self.log_exc(u"An unexpected error occurred while analyzing", exc, True, None)
return None | 0.004241 |
def list_files(self, extensions=None):
List the ports contents by file type or all.
:param extensions: string extensions, single string or list of extensions.
:return: A list of full path names of each file.
if self.type.lower() != 'directory':
raise ValueError("Port type is not == directory")
filesystem_location = self.path
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filesystem_location):
if extensions is None:
return [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files]
elif not isinstance(extensions, list):
extensions = [extensions]
subset_files = []
for f in files:
for extension in extensions:
if f.lower().endswith(extension.lower()):
subset_files.append(os.path.join(root, f))
return subset_files | 0.003148 |
def _six_fail_hook(modname):
"""Fix six.moves imports due to the dynamic nature of this
Construct a pseudo-module which contains all the necessary imports
for six
:param modname: Name of failed module
:type modname: str
:return: An astroid module
:rtype: nodes.Module
attribute_of = modname != "six.moves" and modname.startswith("six.moves")
if modname != "six.moves" and not attribute_of:
raise AstroidBuildingError(modname=modname)
module = AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build(_IMPORTS)
module.name = "six.moves"
if attribute_of:
# Facilitate import of submodules in Moves
start_index = len(module.name)
attribute = modname[start_index:].lstrip(".").replace(".", "_")
import_attr = module.getattr(attribute)[0]
except AttributeInferenceError:
raise AstroidBuildingError(modname=modname)
if isinstance(import_attr, nodes.Import):
submodule = MANAGER.ast_from_module_name(import_attr.names[0][0])
return submodule
# Let dummy submodule imports pass through
# This will cause an Uninferable result, which is okay
return module | 0.000821 |
def delete_topology(self, topologyName):
""" delete topology """
path = self.get_topology_path(topologyName)
LOG.info("Removing topology: {0} from path: {1}".format(
topologyName, path))
return True
except NoNodeError:
raise_(StateException("NoNodeError while deteling topology",
StateException.EX_TYPE_NO_NODE_ERROR), sys.exc_info()[2])
except NotEmptyError:
raise_(StateException("NotEmptyError while deleting topology",
StateException.EX_TYPE_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR), sys.exc_info()[2])
except ZookeeperError:
raise_(StateException("Zookeeper while deleting topology",
StateException.EX_TYPE_ZOOKEEPER_ERROR), sys.exc_info()[2])
except Exception:
# Just re raise the exception.
raise | 0.012571 |
def main_lstm_generate_text():
"""Generate text by Synced sequence input and output."""
# rnn model and update (describtion: see tutorial_ptb_lstm.py)
init_scale = 0.1
learning_rate = 1.0
max_grad_norm = 5
sequence_length = 20
hidden_size = 200
max_epoch = 4
max_max_epoch = 100
lr_decay = 0.9
batch_size = 20
top_k_list = [1, 3, 5, 10]
print_length = 30
model_file_name = "model_generate_text.npz"
# ===== Prepare Data
words = customized_read_words(input_fpath="data/trump/trump_text.txt")
vocab = tl.nlp.create_vocab([words], word_counts_output_file='vocab.txt', min_word_count=1)
vocab = tl.nlp.Vocabulary('vocab.txt', unk_word="<UNK>")
vocab_size = vocab.unk_id + 1
train_data = [vocab.word_to_id(word) for word in words]
# Set the seed to generate sentence.
seed = "it is a"
# seed = basic_clean_str(seed).split()
seed = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(seed)
print('seed : %s' % seed)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# ===== Define model
input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, sequence_length])
targets = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, sequence_length])
# Testing (Evaluation), for generate text
input_data_test = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [1, 1])
def inference(x, is_train, sequence_length, reuse=None):
"""If reuse is True, the inferences use the existing parameters,
then different inferences share the same parameters.
print("\nsequence_length: %d, is_train: %s, reuse: %s" % (sequence_length, is_train, reuse))
rnn_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(-init_scale, init_scale)
with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=reuse):
network = EmbeddingInputlayer(x, vocab_size, hidden_size, rnn_init, name='embedding')
network = RNNLayer(
network, cell_fn=tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell, cell_init_args={
'forget_bias': 0.0,
'state_is_tuple': True
}, n_hidden=hidden_size, initializer=rnn_init, n_steps=sequence_length, return_last=False,
return_seq_2d=True, name='lstm1'
lstm1 = network
network = DenseLayer(network, vocab_size, W_init=rnn_init, b_init=rnn_init, act=None, name='output')
return network, lstm1
# Inference for Training
network, lstm1 = inference(input_data, is_train=True, sequence_length=sequence_length, reuse=None)
# Inference for generate text, sequence_length=1
network_test, lstm1_test = inference(input_data_test, is_train=False, sequence_length=1, reuse=True)
y_linear = network_test.outputs
y_soft = tf.nn.softmax(y_linear)
# y_id = tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(y), 1)
# ===== Define train ops
def loss_fn(outputs, targets, batch_size, sequence_length):
# Returns the cost function of Cross-entropy of two sequences, implement
# softmax internally.
# outputs : 2D tensor [n_examples, n_outputs]
# targets : 2D tensor [n_examples, n_outputs]
# n_examples = batch_size * sequence_length
# so
# cost is the averaged cost of each mini-batch (concurrent process).
loss = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example(
[outputs], [tf.reshape(targets, [-1])], [tf.ones([batch_size * sequence_length])]
cost = tf.reduce_sum(loss) / batch_size
return cost
# Cost for Training
cost = loss_fn(network.outputs, targets, batch_size, sequence_length)
# Truncated Backpropagation for training
with tf.variable_scope('learning_rate'):
lr = tf.Variable(0.0, trainable=False)
# You can get all trainable parameters as follow.
# tvars = tf.trainable_variables()
# Alternatively, you can specify the parameters for training as follw.
# tvars = network.all_params $ all parameters
# tvars = network.all_params[1:] $ parameters except embedding matrix
# Train the whole network.
tvars = network.all_params
grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(cost, tvars), max_grad_norm)
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr)
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tvars))
# ===== Training
print("\nStart learning a model to generate text")
for i in range(max_max_epoch):
# decrease the learning_rate after ``max_epoch``, by multipling lr_decay.
new_lr_decay = lr_decay**max(i - max_epoch, 0.0)
sess.run(tf.assign(lr, learning_rate * new_lr_decay))
print("Epoch: %d/%d Learning rate: %.8f" % (i + 1, max_max_epoch, sess.run(lr)))
epoch_size = ((len(train_data) // batch_size) - 1) // sequence_length
start_time = time.time()
costs = 0.0
iters = 0
# reset all states at the begining of every epoch
state1 = tl.layers.initialize_rnn_state(lstm1.initial_state)
for step, (x, y) in enumerate(tl.iterate.ptb_iterator(train_data, batch_size, sequence_length)):
_cost, state1, _ = sess.run(
[cost, lstm1.final_state, train_op], feed_dict={
input_data: x,
targets: y,
lstm1.initial_state: state1
costs += _cost
iters += sequence_length
if step % (epoch_size // 10) == 1:
"%.3f perplexity: %.3f speed: %.0f wps" %
(step * 1.0 / epoch_size, np.exp(costs / iters), iters * batch_size / (time.time() - start_time))
train_perplexity = np.exp(costs / iters)
# print("Epoch: %d Train Perplexity: %.3f" % (i + 1, train_perplexity))
print("Epoch: %d/%d Train Perplexity: %.3f" % (i + 1, max_max_epoch, train_perplexity))
# for diversity in diversity_list:
# testing: sample from top k words
for top_k in top_k_list:
# Testing, generate some text from a given seed.
state1 = tl.layers.initialize_rnn_state(lstm1_test.initial_state)
# state2 = tl.layers.initialize_rnn_state(lstm2_test.initial_state)
outs_id = [vocab.word_to_id(w) for w in seed]
# feed the seed to initialize the state for generation.
for ids in outs_id[:-1]:
a_id = np.asarray(ids).reshape(1, 1)
state1 = sess.run(
[lstm1_test.final_state], feed_dict={
input_data_test: a_id,
lstm1_test.initial_state: state1
# feed the last word in seed, and start to generate sentence.
a_id = outs_id[-1]
for _ in range(print_length):
a_id = np.asarray(a_id).reshape(1, 1)
out, state1 = sess.run(
[y_soft, lstm1_test.final_state], feed_dict={
input_data_test: a_id,
lstm1_test.initial_state: state1
# Without sampling
# a_id = np.argmax(out[0])
# Sample from all words, if vocab_size is large,
# this may have numeric error.
# a_id = tl.nlp.sample(out[0], diversity)
# Sample from the top k words.
a_id = tl.nlp.sample_top(out[0], top_k=top_k)
sentence = [vocab.id_to_word(w) for w in outs_id]
sentence = " ".join(sentence)
# print(diversity, ':', sentence)
print(top_k, ':', sentence)
print("Save model")
tl.files.save_npz(network_test.all_params, name=model_file_name) | 0.001916 |
def GetArtifactKnowledgeBase(client_obj, allow_uninitialized=False):
"""This generates an artifact knowledge base from a GRR client.
client_obj: A GRRClient object which is opened for reading.
allow_uninitialized: If True we accept an uninitialized knowledge_base.
A KnowledgeBase semantic value.
ArtifactProcessingError: If called when the knowledge base has not been
KnowledgeBaseUninitializedError: If we failed to initialize the knowledge
This is needed so that the artifact library has a standardized
interface to the data that is actually stored in the GRRClient object in
the GRR datastore.
We expect that the client KNOWLEDGE_BASE is already filled out through the,
KnowledgeBaseInitialization flow, but attempt to make some intelligent
guesses if things failed.
client_schema = client_obj.Schema
kb = client_obj.Get(client_schema.KNOWLEDGE_BASE)
if not allow_uninitialized:
if not kb:
raise artifact_utils.KnowledgeBaseUninitializedError(
"KnowledgeBase empty for %s." % client_obj.urn)
if not kb.os:
raise artifact_utils.KnowledgeBaseAttributesMissingError(
"KnowledgeBase missing OS for %s. Knowledgebase content: %s" %
(client_obj.urn, kb))
if not kb:
kb = client_schema.KNOWLEDGE_BASE()
SetCoreGRRKnowledgeBaseValues(kb, client_obj)
if kb.os == "Windows":
# Add fallback values.
if not kb.environ_allusersappdata and kb.environ_allusersprofile:
# Guess if we don't have it already.
if kb.os_major_version >= 6:
kb.environ_allusersappdata = u"c:\\programdata"
kb.environ_allusersprofile = u"c:\\programdata"
kb.environ_allusersappdata = (u"c:\\documents and settings\\All Users\\"
"Application Data")
kb.environ_allusersprofile = u"c:\\documents and settings\\All Users"
return kb | 0.007117 |
def _TemplateNamesToFiles(self, template_str):
"""Parses a string of templates into a list of file handles."""
template_list = template_str.split(":")
template_files = []
for tmplt in template_list:
template_files.append(open(os.path.join(self.template_dir, tmplt), "r"))
except: # noqa
for tmplt in template_files:
return template_files | 0.00625 |
def get_setter(self, oid):
Retrieve the nearest parent setter function for an OID
if hasattr(self.setter, oid):
return self.setter[oid]
parents = [ poid for poid in list(self.setter.keys()) if oid.startswith(poid) ]
if parents:
return self.setter[max(parents)]
return self.default_setter | 0.044444 |
def has_trivial_constructor(class_):
"""if class has public trivial constructor, this function will return
reference to it, None otherwise"""
class_ = class_traits.get_declaration(class_)
trivial = find_trivial_constructor(class_)
if trivial and trivial.access_type == 'public':
return trivial | 0.003115 |
def get(self):
Reloads the measurements from the backing store.
:return: 200 if success.
return None, 200
logger.exception("Failed to reload measurements")
return str(sys.exc_info()), 500 | 0.008287 |
def _host():
"""Get the Host from the most recent HTTP request."""
host_and_port = request.urlparts[1]
host, _ = host_and_port.split(':')
except ValueError:
# No port yet. Host defaults to '' in bottle.request.
return host or DEFAULT_BIND | 0.003165 |
def record_list_projects(object_id, input_params={}, always_retry=True, **kwargs):
Invokes the /record-xxxx/listProjects API method.
For more info, see: https://wiki.dnanexus.com/API-Specification-v1.0.0/Cloning#API-method%3A-%2Fclass-xxxx%2FlistProjects
return DXHTTPRequest('/%s/listProjects' % object_id, input_params, always_retry=always_retry, **kwargs) | 0.010336 |
def handle(self):
Executes the command
database = self.option("database")
repository = DatabaseMigrationRepository(self.resolver, "migrations")
self.info("Migration table created successfully") | 0.006061 |
def extract(self, searches, tree=None, as_dict=True):
>>> foo = pdf.extract([['pages', 'LTPage']])
>>> foo
{'pages': [<LTPage>, <LTPage>]}
>>> pdf.extract([['bar', ':in_bbox("100,100,400,400")']], foo['pages'][0])
{'bar': [<LTTextLineHorizontal>, <LTTextBoxHorizontal>,...
if self.tree is None or self.pq is None:
if tree is None:
pq = self.pq
pq = PyQuery(tree, css_translator=PDFQueryTranslator())
results = []
formatter = None
parent = pq
for search in searches:
if len(search) < 3:
search = list(search) + [formatter]
key, search, tmp_formatter = search
if key == 'with_formatter':
if isinstance(search, six.string_types):
# is a pyquery method name, e.g. 'text'
formatter = lambda o, search=search: getattr(o, search)()
elif hasattr(search, '__call__') or not search:
# is a method, or None to end formatting
formatter = search
raise TypeError("Formatter should be either a pyquery "
"method name or a callable function.")
elif key == 'with_parent':
parent = pq(search) if search else pq
result = parent("*").filter(search) if \
hasattr(search, '__call__') else parent(search)
except cssselect.SelectorSyntaxError as e:
raise cssselect.SelectorSyntaxError(
"Error applying selector '%s': %s" % (search, e))
if tmp_formatter:
result = tmp_formatter(result)
results += result if type(result) == tuple else [[key, result]]
if as_dict:
results = dict(results)
return results | 0.001898 |
def git_clone(target_dir, repo_location, branch_or_tag=None, verbose=True):
"""Clone repo at repo_location to target_dir and checkout branch_or_tag.
If branch_or_tag is not specified, the HEAD of the primary
branch of the cloned repo is checked out.
target_dir = pipes.quote(target_dir)
command = ['git', 'clone']
if verbose:
if os.path.isdir(repo_location):
command.extend([pipes.quote(repo_location), target_dir])
if branch_or_tag:
command.extend(['--branch', branch_or_tag])
return execute_git_command(command) | 0.001546 |
def VEXTRACTF128(cpu, dest, src, offset):
"""Extract Packed Floating-Point Values
Extracts 128-bits of packed floating-point values from the source
operand (second operand) at an 128-bit offset from imm8[0] into the
destination operand (first operand). The destination may be either an
XMM register or an 128-bit memory location.
offset = offset.read()
dest.write(Operators.EXTRACT(src.read(), offset * 128, (offset + 1) * 128)) | 0.006036 |
def value(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
Takes a string value and returns the Date based on the format
from datetime import datetime
value = self.obj.value(value, *args, **kwargs)
rv = datetime.strptime(value, self.format)
except ValueError as _: # noqa
rv = None
return rv | 0.005333 |
def secure(func_or_obj, check_permissions_for_obj=None):
This method secures a method or class depending on invocation.
To decorate a method use one argument:
To secure a class, invoke with two arguments:
secure(<obj instance>, <check_permissions_method>)
if _allowed_check_permissions_types(func_or_obj):
return _secure_method(func_or_obj)
if not _allowed_check_permissions_types(check_permissions_for_obj):
msg = "When securing an object, secure() requires the " + \
"second argument to be method"
raise TypeError(msg)
return _SecuredAttribute(func_or_obj, check_permissions_for_obj) | 0.001339 |
def get_all_context_names(context_num):
"""Based on the nucleotide base context number, return
a list of strings representing each context.
context_num : int
number representing the amount of nucleotide base context to use.
a list of strings containing the names of the base contexts
if context_num == 0:
return ['None']
elif context_num == 1:
return ['A', 'C', 'T', 'G']
elif context_num == 1.5:
return ['C*pG', 'CpG*', 'TpC*', 'G*pA',
'A', 'C', 'T', 'G']
elif context_num == 2:
dinucs = list(set(
for d1 in 'ACTG'
for d2 in 'ACTG']
return dinucs
elif context_num == 3:
trinucs = list(set(
for t1 in 'ACTG'
for t2 in 'ACTG'
for t3 in 'ACTG']
return trinucs | 0.001032 |
def raise_on_failure(mainfunc):
"""raise if and only if mainfunc fails"""
errors = mainfunc()
if errors:
except CalledProcessError as error:
except SystemExit as error:
if error.code:
except KeyboardInterrupt: # I don't plan to test-cover this. :pragma:nocover:
exit(1) | 0.004975 |
def package_config(path, template='__config__.ini.TEMPLATE', config_name='__config__.ini', **params):
"""configure the module at the given path with a config template and file.
path = the filesystem path to the given module
template = the config template filename within that path
config_name = the config filename within that path
params = a dict containing config params, which are found in the template using %(key)s.
config_fns = []
template_fns = rglob(path, template)
for template_fn in template_fns:
config_template = ConfigTemplate(fn=template_fn)
config = config_template.render(
fn=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(template_fn), config_name),
prompt=True, path=path, **params)
log.info('wrote %r' % config)
return config_fns | 0.004296 |
def lca(root, p, q):
:type root: TreeNode
:type p: TreeNode
:type q: TreeNode
:rtype: TreeNode
if root is None or root is p or root is q:
return root
left = lca(root.left, p, q)
right = lca(root.right, p, q)
if left is not None and right is not None:
return root
return left if left else right | 0.00277 |