2 values
The title is kind of confusing as it’s really hard for me to explain what I want to enhance on Angular promises without actually showing. So, what’s the idea? You have a function that returns a promise for an object A. Let’s assume that that object is an Array for our example. And what you want is actually the length fo that array. So, given the promise, instead of setting the callback for the value and then assigning that value to some variable and doing something, what we’re going to do is to apply a transformation. We’re going to transform this Promise of an Array to a Promise of a Number (the length). Normally, for this you actually set a function called map which transforms the A to B (once A is received) and therefore returns a Promise of B. Scala for example has map and flatMap for promises. I implemented this without functions, using names of the fields or of the function. So, let’s see some code to finally understand this. // This will return a promise of an Array var promisedArray = $q . when ([ 1 , 2 , 3 ]); //Normal way of getting length in angular promisedArray . then ( function ( arr ) { var length = arr . length ; // Do something with length in callback }) //Using promises transformation // This is a promise of a number var lengthPromise = promisedArray . get ( 'length' ); //Calling methods var biggerArrayPromise = promisedArray . call ( "push" , { name : "Gonto" }); So, what’s the usage of this? Angular already knows how to work with promises and how to resolve them when working with views. What this means is that if in our template we put , once the promise is resolved (value is returned), it will be shown in the HTML. Before, nothing will be shown. That’s thanks to using $q from Angular. So, let’s see the implementation. function enhancePromise ( promise , isCollection ) { promise . call = angular . bind ( promise , promiseCall ); promise . get = angular . bind ( promise , promiseGet ); return promise ; } function promiseCall ( method ) { var deferred = $q . defer (); var callArgs = arguments ; this . then ( function ( val ) { var params = Array . prototype . slice . call ( callArgs , 1 ); var func = val [ method ]; var result = func . apply ( val , params ); deferred . resolve ( result ); }); return enhancePromise ( deferred . promise ); } function promiseGet ( what ) { var deferred = $q . defer (); this . then ( function ( val ) { deferred . resolve ( val [ what ]); }); return enhancePromise ( deferred . promise ); } I’ve implemented it in Restangular but I’m thinking in creating an Angular module for this. Do you think it’d be useful? That’s all folks
Yesterday on the Unreal Tournament live Twitch Stream, Art Director Chris Perna showed us new concept art of Loque and other Necris characters. Chris also showed us an amazing sculpture he made of Loque from one of the concepts! The folks watching the stream really loved it and have asked us for more pictures and information. I was able to ask Chris a few questions about making the Loque sculpture. Be sure to check the gallery below for some of the photographs take by Epic Games Senior Artist Bill Green. Stacey Conley: How long did it take to create the sculpture? Chris Perna: It took me three days to sculpt and paint working about four hours a day. SC: What materials did you use? CP: First I used tinfoil to build up a base for the sculpt on some plumbing pipe I bought at home depot. Then I used Super Sculpey for the actual sculpture. I also used a few plastic bits and pieces from a tank model kit and decals from various model kits. The paint is FW acrylic inks applied with an Iwata custom micro airbrush. I use Krylon acrylic crystal clear coating Matte finish to seal the paint and “Triple Thick” solution to add the “wet look” shine to the eyes and the Nano-Black surfaces. SC: Do you plan to make any other Unreal Tournament related sculptures? CP: Yes I will be making more. I have a work in progress sculpt of the Skaarj character and plan to do one from each faction as time allows. One of the reasons I like to create a small scale bust like this is so that people can visualize the design quickly. It’s one thing to see a piece of 2d concept art but another to be able to turn it around and view it from all angles in 3d with a proper paint scheme and materials. Thank you Chris, we’re looking forward to seeing the Skaarj! Chris also mentioned he’d love to see more logos from the community based in Unreal Tournament lore. He really liked the Phayder Corp logo created by on the forums and he’s hoping to see a new Liandri Mining Corp logo as well as logos from the different teams and factions. Also on the stream, Joe Wilcox took a look at the latest Unreal Tournament HUD being created by the community. We are hoping to have the new HUD in the next Unreal Tournament build due out Thursday or Friday of next week. Last but not least, Steve Polge gave a programming update and talked about the latest weapon tweaks. Download this episode (right click and save) The podcast will also be available soon on iTunes! Be sure to like and follow our social pages for all the latest news, media and official information! Unreal Tournament Forums: https://forums.unrealtournament.com Unreal Tournament Wiki: https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Category:Unreal_Tournament Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnrealTournament Twitter: https://twitter.com/UTGame Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/unrealtournament YouTube: http://youtube.com/UnrealTournament iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/epic-games/id533790835?mt=2 deviantART: http://epicgamers.deviantart.com/gallery/33286675/Unreal-series Instagram: http://instagram.com/unrealtournament Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/utgame/
By Lee Shelly Photographing an inanimate object … specifically a box 18″ wide by 5″ high by 13″ deep. No sweat! Pretty simple, right? I used to think so too! This week, I received a brand new product (shhh!) from Schiit Audio, and was tasked with providing them with quality photos for their website, print materials and advertising. I’m going to take you through the setup and process involved in making some ‘simple’ photos. Schiit’s website is predominantly back with white text. Traditional “on-white” product shots won’t work in that environment, so we’ll be shooting this on-black. This makes my job simultaneously easier and harder. Easier because I don’t have to deal with shadows on the background or below the product. Harder because I had to be very careful about where the light spills. It can’t hit the black background or it will look gray. It can’t hit the base at the wrong angle or I’ll pick up the reflection in the image. Oh yeah … and then there’s the dust. Dust tends to disappear nicely on white surfaces, but not so on black! Every little speck shows up. In fact, it’s enhanced by the lighting. If I don’t keep the environment clean (and even if I do) there will be hours spent in Photoshop dust-busting the images before I can submit them. Ok, so we know it’s going to an on-black shoot … what’s does that entail? First there’s the background. In my studio, The PhotoLoft (www.photography-loft.com), I have a variety of rolls of seamless backgrounds available quickly in ceiling mount rollers. This saves me a ton of time and aggravation versus setting up a background stand, pulling out the right roll and hanging it. It also means I won’t be tripping over that stand all day as I maneuver the lights. A quick note about space. The first time I shot the Schiit back in 2010, I was working out of my home studio. I had 10′ x 20′ to work within … and it was a nightmare! Trust me when I tell you that between lights, background, table, tripods — and, well, me — it was nigh on impossible to move. Having space is important, even when the thing your shooting is relatively small. Now I have 2,700 sq ft. Overkill? For this perhaps, but when we’re shooting fashion, every bit of that space is used. Anyway, back to the Schiit we’re shooting today. Next step is getting a solid and spacious work surface. I made a 4′ x 8′ rolling table that serves as my workspace for jobs of this nature. I used to work on a standard 3′ x 6′ folding table, and that works too, but the larger roller table makes everything easier. To the roller, I add a 3′ x 3′ folding card table. This serves as the staging area and computer workstation. We drape the background onto the table to create a seamless area of blackness. To that we add the little extra visual element that will keep the product from looking like its floating in empty space … a black reflective plexiglass base. When I started out, I used to use a piece of glass to create this effect because, well, it was available. I had this nice big glass coffee table. That was ok until 1) I noticed that the reflection wasn’t clean … there was actually a double reflection coming from the top and bottom of the glass, and 2) my wife didn’t notice it was missing once and tried to set a cup of coffee down. One carpet cleaning later, I was told never to do that again. Black plexiglass solved the first issue, and kept my marriage safe as well. The downside of plexiglass is that it scratches easily, and every scratch shows up … there goes more of that Photoshop time. I can use both sides, but still I go through about six 2′ x 3′ pieces of black plexiglass each year. Polished granite scratches less, but it’s unwieldy and ungodly expensive. Under the plexiglass goes a large patch of black velvet. Velvet eats light and we don’t want light showing up except on the product. Remember the product? Yeah, we’re getting there. Speaking of light, it’s time to break out the lighting for today’s adventure. I want to have a very deep depth-of-field on this shoot because I want the product relatively sharp from front-to-back. This requires a very small aperture and that means lots of light power. I also want to eliminate the ambient sunlight so I know all the light is under my control. That means fast shutter speeds … again, lotsa light power. I’m using a total of four 320w/s studio strobes. Each strobe will get a light-modifier to shape the light depending on what the light is doing … being a key light, a fill light or a highlight. The key lights on this shoot will be 12″ x 36″ strip boxes. This provide an even, soft distribution of light over an area the size that we need. The highlights will have either a grid, that controls exactly where the light falls, or a socked beauty dish that provides a little broader coverage. It’s time to set up the light stands. Three will be basic Tri-stands while the fourth will be a boom stand that will hold the lights that are behind the product, so the stand isn’t in the frame. Ok, so now we see it starting to come together. The left light will light the faceplate of the product. The right light will light the side. The boomed overhead light will light the top and the gridded highlight, which is just out of frame, will give a little extra light to the headphones on top. All these lights need to be synced up to fire together. Back in the day, this meant a sequence of sync cables. What a mess … like I need more wires over which I can trip. Now it’s much easier to accomplish this task thanks to wireless triggers. I use Pocket Wizard brand triggers because I find them to be the most reliable. I can also set up different groups of lights to fire separately so I can test my lights one at a time while remaining at the camera rather than walking back and forth turning lights on and off. This may not seem like that big a deal, but it is. Each light gets its own receiver and the camera gets a transmitter. Now when I fire the camera, the lights all fire too! Time to take a picture, right? Not so fast, the first thing I do is set my camera to the aperture, ISO and shutter speed I want and take a test frame with no flash. The result should be a black frame, which gets confirmed via the histogram. This tells me the ambient room light is having no effect on the resulting image. I then shoot four frames, one with each of the lights individually, while using a light meter to make sure I have each light set to the proper level. Then I have to assess what the meter is telling me, and adjust for the fact that this particular product is a silver reflective metal. This means that the meter reading will actually result in an overexposure, so I need to adjust accordingly. Once I’ve confirmed my camera and light settings, it’s time to tether the camera to the computer. I have learned the hard way that you can NOT trust the LCD on the back of the camera. The histogram helps, but there is nothing like seeing the image on a calibrated monitor at larger than 3″ diagonal. There are several software options to accomplish this task. Nikon has their own and Adobe offers the option through their software as well. There are wireless options, but when I’m working with 36mp images, I don’t have time to wait for them to transfer over WiFi. So USB3 it is. Yeah … more wires. Once the tether-connection is established, it’s finally time to take a frame with all the lights firing and decide what adjustments need to be made. It’s a rare day indeed when everything looks just right on the first shot, even though I’ve shot these products for the last 4+ years, there is always some tweaking to be done. Light levels from one or more lights, angles and positions of the lights and camera settings, all need adjusting almost every time. This is no exception. The boomed highlight is not quite hitting at the right angle and it’s too hot. The front face is showing a little bit of gradation meaning an angle adjustment is needed and the gridded highlight isn’t quite bright enough to give the kick I need. Several adjustments and a few more test frames, and it’s time to clean up the dust before the real shot. The finished frame? Top of the page. That shot is SOOC … straight out of the camera … and will need some further adjustment in Photoshop. There is still dust despite my best efforts to eliminate it. That all needs to be cleaned. There was a small amount of spill into the background that will need to be darkened. However, overall, I’m happy with the in-camera result. That’s frame number one. I’ll be shooting to deliver a total of 6 shots in this setup … different angles as well as the back and some closeup details. While they will not need all new background setups, the light is adjusted each time to ensure the proper angles of incidence for even smooth light. To wrap up, here’s a shot of all the gear needed to make this ‘simple’ photo: Sometimes the simplest results require complex and challenging processes … but those are often the most fun as well! I hope you’ve enjoyed a glimpse into my day-to-day work. I’m happy to answer questions. Oh … and yeah … I got to listen to the new product. It’s one of my favorite perks. I’ll let Scot and the review team give you the full scoop when it’s released later this summer, but I will say this: it’s worth the wait! About the Author Lee is a Philadelphia-based commercial photographer best known for his work in the field of Consumer Electronics product photography, but he’s also a hobbyist who loves to make art with his camera wherever he finds it. You can find him at www.leeshellyphoto.com.
Number of swifts counted at Chapman Elementary. Audubon volunteers count swifts - Tinsley Hunsdorfer Since 2009, the Audubon Society of Portland has been counting Vaux's Swifts at Chapman Elementary School and at a number of other sites in the Portland-metro region as part of a community science project. These counts contribute toward a larger Pacific Coast-wide effort to keep track of the swift population. For more information and to get involved, visit our community science page. Read a report of Swift Watch counts from 2009-2013. 2018 Swift Numbers Aug. 24: 2,000 Aug. 25: 890 Aug. 26: No count due to rain Aug. 27: 420 Aug. 28: 310 Aug. 29: 1,380 Aug. 30: 1,700 Aug. 31: 1,210 Sept. 1: 3,090 Sept. 2: 4,560 Sept. 3: 4,040 Sept. 4: 3,360 Sept. 5: 4,980 Sept. 6: 3,100 Sept. 7: 8,400 Sept. 8: 8,520 Sept. 9: 7,100 Sept. 10: 5,350 Sept. 11: 9,970 Sept. 12: No count due to rain Sept. 13: 3,870 Sept. 14: 7,530 Sept. 15: No count due to rain Sept. 16: 4,750 Sept. 17: 11,960 Sept. 18: 12,920 Sept. 19: 12,790 Sept. 20: 10,670 Sept. 21: 7,030 Sept. 22: 6,300 Sept. 23: 7,000 Sept. 24: No count Sept. 25: No count Sept. 26: 815 Sept. 27: No count Sept. 28: No count Sept. 29: 310
Songs We Love: Lunice, 'Distrust (Feat. Denzel Curry, JK The Reaper & Nell)' Enlarge this image toggle caption Mathieu Fortin/Courtesy of the artist Mathieu Fortin/Courtesy of the artist Lunice, the boundary-pushing hip-hop producer known for collaborations with Hudson Mohawke (with whom he produces as the duo TNGHT) and Azealia Banks, is finally gearing up to release his debut album, CCCLX, or 360 in Roman numerals. Out this September on LuckyMe, the project is some five years in the making and, as the title suggests, aims to be more than a one- or two-dimensional experience. Rather, it's an avant-garde mix of jolting, electronic hip-hop inspired by, and designed for, the stage. "I want my show to feel like a proper presentation," Lunice tells NPR, "a full artistic experience." There are several reasons to be excited about this. Lunice is a thrilling live performer, known for lunging across the stage with explosive energy and often eliciting mirror reactions from the crowd. (During a Los Angeles show for Boiler Room, an insatiable mosh pit hung on his every beat while he jumped and DJ-ed maniacally, sometimes with a black cloak hiding his face.) He's also a former B-boy, and his music video for the album's first single, "Mazerati," is a feast of interpretive dance. "Distrust," a fiery collaboration with Denzel Curry, JK The Reaper and Nell, is the album's latest single, and while there's no clip yet, its breathtaking polyrhythms and surprising instrumental turns beg for a visual counterpart. "Distrust" is split into two halves. The first is all about building tension, which Curry does handily, his breathy hiccups ping-ponging against drumbeats with impressive precision. But before anything feels too comfortable, Lunice changes direction. Using two ominous piano notes as a pivot point ("They create such an innately stressful feeling," he says), he transitions into a flurry of claps, chimes, chanting and frantic, staccato synths — an homage to Chicago footwork. The transition is dazzlingly unexpected and a little jarring, and he concedes it makes more sense in the larger context of the show. If there's a downside to concept albums, it's that individual pieces can be hard to appreciate without the whole puzzle. Still, it's hard not to marvel at Lunice's attention to detail. "I'm constantly thinking about choreography, lighting, set design, costumes, how it should look, how it should feel," he says. "I want this to feel like a proper presentation." He recently visited London's Royal Opera House to see Madame Butterfly, an inspiration for the album along with performances by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra and local jazz bands. He broke up CCCLX's track list into four movements, or "acts," similar to a theater program, and even wrote a song specifically for a wardrobe change. "It has this guitar solo from [hip-hop producer] Mike Dean," he says, "and we made that showtime for my lighting director. We never lose pace." He plans to rely on traditional stage visuals rather than digital ones, a continuation of his early sets in which he performed in front of white curtains blown about by a fan in a nod to old black-and-white films. "Today it's all lasers and 3D visuals, which are cool," he said, "but I'm going for something a little different." "Distrust" is out now via LuckyMe. CCCLX is out September 8.
The security of defined-benefit pension schemes has received many column inches over the past weeks. It led to the Taoiseach commenting in the Dáil last Tuesday that the Minister for Social Protection had asked the Pension Authority to report back to him with an assessment of the current overall position on defined-benefit schemes. The assessment will be very straightforward. The legislative position in Ireland for defined-benefit pension schemes is such that the actions of any employer that walks away from its pension funding obligations are perfectly logical from a financial perspective, notwithstanding that the result for many pensioners in those pension schemes is very difficult. The issue gained prominence in 2004, when the UK pension regime was changed to prevent similar outcomes for UK pension schemes. Various options were considered in an Irish context during the 2008 financial crisis, when the view of the then minister for social and family affairs was reported as being that the odds were against the government establishing a pension protection scheme, saying that such a scheme had proved very expensive in the UK. Employer covenant In 2008, the Society of Actuaries presented a report to the Irish Association of Pension Funds, highlighting that the security of active members’ benefits is still largely dependent on the employer covenant, that is, the willingness and ability of employers to support the pension schemes on which scheme members relied for their pension income in retirement. That presentation noted that the current system overpromises and underfunds, and exposes members (especially current employees) to far greater risks than are commonly understood. The issues which existed in 2008 were never addressed. The pension headlines over recent weeks are only remarkable due to the very articulate nature of certain of the impacted individuals. Their ability to communicate with the general public and to highlight the issues is very striking. Eight years ago it was proposed that there would be consideration of the introduction of debt on employer legislation and a protection fund. These steps would have provided protection for the members of Irish defined-benefit pension schemes. Cost is a consideration, but there is a clearly visible cost now for having failed to take those steps. So what will an assessment of the position of defined-benefit schemes show? Behind all the data, it will show that we have an inflexible funding system. The current system requires employers to resolve all funding challenges by 2023, but where they are unable to or decide not to, the legislation allows them to walk away from their pension funding commitments. Our pension funding system places excessive pressure on employers but carries no sanction on employers – a very dangerous mismatch. It continues to cause some employers who would otherwise have met their obligations to the current and former employees to renege on the promises they made. No protection We do need regulation, but regulation needs to be there to protect those who participate in the defined-benefit pension system. Regulation at present is doing the opposite. What would a better regulatory system look like? Very simply, we need to acknowledge the role of the employer. The present system completely ignores the employer, and tests only for the level of assets available in the complete absence of any employer. This is unrealistic and is proving very unhelpful. The regulatory system should allow for the covenant of the employer to be considered in the funding of pension arrangements, which would then provide the funding flexibility required to deliver the pension promises made. Longer funding periods would be the result – and an acceptable result. Debt on the employers should be introduced where an employer simply walks away from a pension arrangement. In truth, most employers where it was achievable or necessary for them to simply walk away from their pension funding commitments have done so by now. Businesses will ebb and flow, and pension promises are challenging to deliver – but the regulatory environment should be supportive. Today it is not. Munro O’Dwyer is a partner with PwC
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chords Fear You Won't Fall chords Fear You Won't Fall chords Fearless chords Fearless chords Feel My SoulRate song! chords Feelings That Grow Stronger In The Dark chords Felt So Right chords Fewer Broken Pieces chords Fight Off Your Demons Part chords Fire And Stone chords First Class chords First We Take Manhattan chords Fluffy Lucy chords Flugzeuge I'm Bauch chords For One Day chords For The Nights I Can't Remember chords Forbidden Love mix Forevemore chords Forgetful Lucy chords Forgetful Lucy chords Forks And Knifes chords Frail Grasp On The Big Picture mix Fred Jones Part 2 chords Fred Jones Part 2 chords French Shore chords Freunde Part chords Friend Of Mine chords From A Window mix Fuck You I'm Drunk Part chords Fun Fun Fun With The Beach Boys chords Gabi mix Gallery chords Garagem Da Visinha PartRate song! chords Garden Of Gethsemane chords Gardenheadleave Me Alone Part chords Gate 22 chords Gemuruh chords Gimmie More chords Glowing Inside chords God With Us chords Going Down That Lonely Road chords Going Going Gone chords Good Enough chords Good Morning Beautiful chords Good Time chords Goodbye Days mix Goodnight Boy mix Got Ma Nuts From A Hippy chords Got Me DrinkingRate song! mix Graduation Song chords Grand Unification Part 2 chords Green Spandex mix Groove Is In The Heart Part chords Ground Control To Major Tom chords Guerra All Interno chords Gugmang Giatay chords Guillotine Part chords Gunnin chords Gur Mig Lykkelig Part chords Guy Who Turned Her Down chords Hair In My Eyes Like A Highland Steer PartRate song! chords Hand Of Faith chords Happy chords Happy Christmas War Is OverRate song! chords Happy X-mas War Is Over chords Hard To Say I'm Sorryget Away chords Harrowdown Hill chords Hats Off To The Zebras chords Hawaii mix Heart Of Gold chords Heart Of Worship mix Heaven On Their Minds chords Hello Cruel World chords Hello Miss Lovely So You Like My Jeans chords Help chords Help chords Here Comes The Rain chords Here I Am To Worship chords Here We Go Again chords HeregoesnothinRate song! chords Hermann Luves Pauline chords Hero chords Heroes By Choice chords Hey Day chords Hey GirlRate song! chords Hey YaRate song! chords Heystan Part chords Hickory Wind chords Hidden In My Head chords Hide Away chords HighRate song! chords Hilot chords Himmelblau chords Himmelblau Part chords Hired Gun chords Hit Me Baby One More Time chords Hold Fast chords Holes In Heaven chords Hollywood Girl chords Home chords Home Among The Gum TreesRate song! chords Home Among The Gum TreesRate song! chords Home Is Where The Hurt Is chords Home Is Where Your Happy mix Hometown Fantasy chords Honestly chords Hooray For The 21st Century chords House At Pooh CornerRate song! chords House At Pooh Corner chords House Gone Up In Flames chords How Do You Do chords How Far Have We Really Come chords How Great Is Your Love chords How It Should Be Sha Sha chords How Strong Do You Think I AmRate song! chords Hurricane chords I Can Only Imagine chords I Can Only Imagine chords I Caught Fire In Your Eyes chords I Could Run Away PartRate song! chords I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever chords I Don't Wanna Dance Part chords I Get Knocked Down chords I Have Seen The Rain chords I Have Seen The Rain chords I Hope You Dance chords I Learned From You chords I Loved Her First chords I Luv You chords I Miss You chords I Need You To Love Me chords I Never Told You What I Did For A Living chords I Remember When chords I Remember You chords I Say No chords I Stand For You chords I Tell The Truth Even When I'm Lying Critics ChoiceRate song! chords I Think I'm Falling chords I Used To Love Her But I Had To Kill Her chords I Useta Love Her chords I Wanna Hold Your Hand chords I Was Only NineteenRate song! chords I Will Not Look At Titties For A Year chords I Will Wait chords I Wish You Knew This Song Was About You chords I Wish You Would Have Smiled In The Bakery chords I Won't Back Down chords I Won't Go Home Without You chords If I Were Gay chords If I Were Gay chords If We Were A MovieRate song! chords If You're Going To San Fransisco chords If Youve Got The Money Part chords IgnoranceRate song! chords I'll Be There For You chords I'll Never Be Anybodys Hero Now mix I'll Stand By YouRate song! chords I'llegal chords I'llumination chords I'm A Beliver chords I'm A BeliverRate song! chords I'm A Knight chords I'm Already Home chords I'm Alright chords I'm Always Willing To Be chords I'm Drinking Again mix I'm In Like With You chords I'm In Love Part mix I'm In Love With My Guitar Part chords I'm No Superman chords I'm No Superman chords I'm No Superman chords I'm Not Crying chords I'm Only Sleeping chords I'm Ticked Off Step Off chords I'm Walking On Sunshine chords In Flowers chords In The Arms Of The Angel chords In The Deep chords In The End chords In The Radios Hot Sun Handsome Furs chords Isabel PartRate song! chords Isnt She chords It Could Be You Part chords It Hurts chords It Might Be You chords Itoshi No Eri chords It's A Long Way Home To Donegal chords It's Five Oclock Somewhere chords It's Happy Line chords It's Not About You chords It's Not Easy To Be Me chords I've Been Dying To Reach You chords I've Been Dying To Reach You Rate song! chords I've Got A Name chords I've Got A Theory chords Jack Daniels If You Please mix Jaded chords Jalta Raha chords January Days chords Je Fais De Toi Mon Essentiel chords Jealousy chords Jen chords Jeremy Freiser chords Jessicas Suicide mix Jesus Must Die chords Jingle Bombs chords Jump chords Jump Up Behing Me chords Just Another Night mix Just Don't Love You No More chords Just For Tonight mix Just For Tonight chords Just Like Heaven chords Just Like Heaven chords Kahani Mohabbat Ki chords Karena Cinta chords Kasihnya Laila chords Kattmat (Strange Things Happen) chords Keep On Walking Part chords Kenneth Clarkes Beard chords The One (You could never have) chords Kiss MeRate song! chords Kiss Yourself Goodbye chords Knives Part chords Knock Yourself OutRate song! chords Knock Yourself OutRate song! chords Kom Anglar chords Konayuki chords Kyushit PartRate song! chords La Lettre chords Lady Luck mix Lady Stardust chords Lady Stardust chords Lady Stardust Part chords Land Down Under chords Land Down Under chords Lao Shu Ai Da Mi chords Lara mix Last Generation chords Last Generation chords Last Look Part chords Last Look chords Last Time Infected Me chords Laugh And A Half chords Learn To FlyRate song! chords Learning The Game chords Leave The Meories Alone chords Leaving To La mix Leizah chords Lena chords Let It Drop chords Let It SnowRate song! chords Let Me Fly chords Let My Love Open The Door chords Let U Go chords Lied Vom Scheitern chords Life During Wartime chords Light Surrounding You chords Like Only A Woman Can chords Lim-mus chords Liquid chords Listen To The Rain chords Little Star mix Llyoyd Dobler chords London Town chords Lonely Cat chords Long Time Coming chords Long Time Coming chords Longday chords Lonley Stranger chords Looking For The Summer chords Lords Of Lords chords Losin You chords Losing You chords Lost Highway mix Lost Highways chords Lost In The Moment chords Love Is Real chords Love Machine chords Lucio Starts Fires chords Lullaby For A Stormy Night chords Madchen Und Rabauken chords Made To Worship C chords Magic Works chords Magmamahal Muli chords Make You Smile Part chords Makes Me Wonder chords Makes Me Wonder chords Mamaw chords Mamaw chords Manda Una Seal mix Maneater chords Maneater chords Manifest Destiny Sorority Tears chords Marajuanaville chords Maria chords Marijuanaville chords Marilyn chords Marvelous Light chords Marys Song Oh My My My chords Mata Hati Jiwa chords Maximum Firepower chords Maybe Tomorrow Part chords Meicsiceo chords Merry Christmas Everybody chords Merry Christmas Everybody chords Messages chords Mexican Werstler mix Mfeo - Parts 1 And 1 chords Midnight In Parliment Square mix Midnight In The City Of Destruction chords Mief chords Mirai chords Missing You chords Mistaken chords Mit Dir chords Mix Tapes Cellmate chords Mizerable chords Mizerable chords Mmm Sarap chords Mon Yous Mon Us But No Them chords Monster chords Monster chords Morning Bound Train chords Most Lonely Faces chords My FriendRate song! chords My House chords My Life Before Today chords My Little Runaway chords Na M Agapas Part chords Neko No Ongaeshi mix Never Let You Go chords Never Met A Girl Like You Before chords New Romantic chords New Romantic mix New Romantic chords New Romantic chords Night Of My Life chords Nina chords Nine Millions Bicycles chords Nineteen Stars chords Nineteen Stars chords No Bad News chords No More Walks In The Wood chords No More Walks In The Wood chords No No Never chords No No Never chords No SoulRate song! chords No Way To Escape chords Nobody Knows It But Me chords Non Entity chords Nothing Compares To You Part chords NothingsevergonnastandinmywayagainRate song! chords Now Or Never Part chords Nursing chords O CRate song! chords Ode To Deodorant chords Old Red chords Old School chords Old SchoolRate song! chords Om Du Lamnade Mig Nu Part chords On Some Far Away Beach chords On The Bright Side Of The Road chords Once chords One And Only You chords One Good Reason chords One Last Time chords One Love chords One Song Glory chords Only A Woman mix Our SongRate song! chords Our Song chords Over And Over AgainRate song! chords Over The Mountains chords Over You chords Owl mix Palisades Parks chords Panahon chords Papa Don't Preach chords Para Syo Part chords Parallel Worlds chords Ichhedana mix Pelican On A Stick Part chords Pencils In The Wind Tape Of Love Part chords Perempuanku chords Perfect Day chords Pick Of Destiny chords Pick You Up chords Pirates Who Don't Do Anything chords Place In This World chords Platform 9 34 Part chords Poison Heart chords Poppy BirdRate song! chords Ppna Landskap PartRate song! chords Princess Familiar chords Protest Song chords Psycho Girl mix Pull Me Through chords Pumpkin Pie Part chords Push Your Head Towards The Air chords Pushing Me Away chords Quiksand Jesus chords Racing Rats chords Racing Rats chords Ram It Home PartRate song! chords Ramblin Gamblin Man chords Rat Within The Grain Part chords Real Love chords Re-defining Love mix Reden Rate song! chords Release Me chords Rescue Me chords Rifles Of The Ira mix Right In Two chords Rise Up With Fists Live mix Road To Rock And Roll chords Rock And Roll SongRate song! chords Rockin Me chords Rockin RobinRate song! chords Rockstar chords Roll Out The Barrell chords Rolling Star chords Ronnie Talk To RussiaRate song! chords Room Service chords Rotilj mix Run chords RunningRate song! chords Running chords Running Block chords Sa Mog Bicikla Pala Si chords Sa Uulitin chords Sa Uulitin Part chords Sab Bhula Kai chords Sadly Beautiful chords Sailing The Wind chords Sakura Saku chords Salmon Song Part chords Salute My Shorts chords Sandalan chords Sandalan chords Sarah Smile chords Sasquatch Part chords Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting mix Saved By The Bell chords Saw It On Your Key BoardRate song! chords Say Goodbye To Jrhigh chords Say That You Love Me chords Say This Sooner No One Will Ever See Things The Way I Do chords Scattered Cover Part chords Schrei Nach Liebe Part chords Scitzophrenic Conversations chords Scummy mix ScummyRate song! chords Seabreeze chords Seatbacks And Tray Tables chords Seatle chords Secret Letters chords Secrets Of The Heart chords See Me In Shadows chords Seen Better Days chords Sellotape chords Seven Weeks Until The Summer chords Shake Sugaree Part chords ShalalalalaRate song! chords She Could Be You Part chords She Could Be You chords She Could Be You chords She Cries chords She Holds The Key chords She Only Smoles When She Drinks chords Sheila Stella chords Shiver chords Short BalladRate song! chords Shout To The Lord Part chords Sick And Tired chords Sick And TiredRate song! chords Simple ConsolationRate song! chords Sing To Me chords Sing To The King chords Sister I'm A Poet chords Situation chords Six Feet Under chords Skin chords Skin chords Slip Sliding Away chords Slip Sliding Away chords Slogans chords Sloop John B chords Smashing chords Smilin chords So Nice To Be With You chords So Would Have I chords Solace Part chords Some Will Seek Forgiveess Others Escape chords Somebodys Son chords Somehow mix Someone Is There Waiting For My Song chords Something To Do chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Sonia BianchiRate song! chords Sonnet 29 chords Sopia chords Soul Singer In The Session Band chords Spancil Hill Part chords Sparks Fly chords Special Fred chords Spit It Out Part chords Stars In Their EyesRate song! chords Start Of Something New chords State Of Things chords Stationary LoveRate song! chords Stay BeautifulRate song! chords Stay With Me Brass BedRate song! chords Stop The Crying chords Strawberry FieldsRate song! chords Street Of Uptown Part chords Sugar Coated chords Sundays Best chords Sunny Afternoon Live chords Supernova mix Susan Miller RagRate song! chords Sweet Kinda SomethingRate song! chords Sweet Maria chords Sweet Sweet Surrender chords Swing Of Lie mix T Is Altijd Lente chords Tak Tahu Harga Cinta chords Take A Breath chords Take A Breath mix Take A Message To Mary chords Take MeRate song! chords Take Me With You chords Taking My Own Sweet Time mix Talking Of Michelangelo chords Tanz Der Molekle chords Tara Lets chords Team Zissou English chords Teardrops On My Guitar chords Teardrops On My Guitar chords Teardrops On The RocksRate song! chords Tears chords Teletubbie Massaker chords That Girl chords Thats The Good Stuff chords The Baker Acrobat chords The Devil Is Real chords The Lark Asceding Part chords The Lonliest City Of All chords The Otherside mix The Road Ahead chords The Truth Comes Out chords The White One Is Evil chords Theres A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey You Just Havnt Thought Of It Yet chords Things We Said chords Think Of You chords Thinking Of Linking chords Three Second MemoryRate song! chords Time After Time chords Time After Time chords Time Aint Running Out Part chords Time To Be Your 21 mix Times Scar chords Tinig chords Tirna Noir chords Tirna Noir chords To Be Treated Right chords To Love Somebody chords To You chords Tonight chords Too Late chords ToreteRate song! chords ToreteRate song! chords Touch Me Part chords Tour Song chords Travelin SoldeirRate song! chords Truck Got Stuck chords Trying To Recall chords Tu Mi Amor chords Turn Out The Lights chords Tusen Bitar Part chords Two-headed Boy Part Two chords Ukelele Boy chords Ulipon Sa Gugmang Giatay mix Ung Kt chords Unisex ChipshopRate song! chords Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me chords Unten Mit Dem King Part chords Untitled chords Upside Down chords Upside DownRate song! mix Utan Dina Andetag Live chords Venn Part chords Venn Part chords Victims Of Love chords Voltaic Crusherundrum To Muted Da chords Vorbei Ist Vorbei chords Waffle Song chords Wagon Wheel chords Wagon WheelRate song! chords Waiting In Canada mix Waiting In The WeedsRate song! mix Walkways chords War Piano Version chords Warmer Abend Part chords Warmer Climate chords Wart Mal Part chords Was Wir Alleine Nicht Schaffen PartRate song! chords Way Back Into LoveRate song! chords We Nowher And It's NowRate song! chords Wedding Song chords Well Worn Hand chords Wenn Es Scheint Dass Nichts Gelingt chords Were Only In It For The Drugs Part mix What A Day For A Day Dream chords What Child Is This Part chords What Do I Do With My Heart chords What Do I Do With My HeartRate song! chords What Dreams Are Made Of chords What Dreams Are Made Of chords What Dreams Are Made Of chords What I Do On Saturday chords What I Love About SundaysRate song! chords What If God Smoked Cannabis chords What I've Been Looking For PartRate song! chords What I've Been Looking ForRate song! mix What Would Steve DoRate song! chords What You Don't KnowRate song! chords When Are You Coming Home chords When Doves CryRate song! chords When My Wife Met My Girlfriend Part chords When The Angels Lift Our Eyelids In The Morning chords When There Was Me And YouRate song! chords When There Was Me And YouRate song! chords Where Do We Go From Here chords Where Do You Go To My Loveley chords Where Oh Where chords Whiskey For My MenRate song! chords White Christmas Part chords White Christmas chords White Lines Part mix Who Is It mix Who Is Like You chords Who Needs Actions When You Got Words chords Who Wrote Holden Caulfied chords Whole Lot Of Leaving chords Why chords Why chords Why chords Wicked Game chords Window In The Sky chords Window In The Sky chords Wine In The Afternoon chords Winter SongRate song! chords Wonderwall PartRate song! chords Word Of God Speak chords Word Of God Speak chords Working Class Man chords Write This Down chords Xxzxczx Part chords Yearbook chords Yeh Hai Meri Kahani chords Yellow Butterfly chords Yellow Butterfly chords You Are The Music In MeRate song! chords You Are The One chords You Belong To MeRate song! chords You Can Talk To Me chords You Can't Fool Old Friends Eith Limousines chords You Can't Have It All chords You Don't Even Call Me By My Name chords You Don't Even Know chords You Don't Know Me PartRate song! chords You Feel The Same Way Too chords You Never Let Go mix You Or Somebody Like You chords You Said No - Crash And Burn chords You Said No - Crash And Burn chords Your Anything chords Your Anything chords Your Not Alone chords Your Pretty Smile chords Your So VainRate song! chords Your SongRate song! chords You're All That I Have mix You're Pitiful chords Zgvas Gavxar chords Take Me Home mix 74/75 chords Rubber DuckeyRate song! mix Ukulele LadyRate song! mix You Belong To Me chords Sunburnt Hand chords Burgesinha chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow / Wonderful World chords Summer SongRate song! chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Kaleidoscope World tab WaltzRate song! tab Sunshine On Your Leprichauns HatRate song! chords Walk SoftltRate song! chords Your 16Rate song! chords Knocking On Heaven Door chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Wonderful World chords My EverythingRate song! chords Your Biggest Fan chords In The Jungle chords The Chain Bass PartRate song! chords King Of Carrot Flowers Part 1 chords Crazy mix Dixie (melody) Part chords Albi The Racist Dragon mix Pachabels Canon In D (intro) chords Let It Snow mix Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Halleluja chords Fanny Har H PartRate song! tab Newborn mix Plug In Baby - Intro chords 1234 mix Banana PancakeRate song! mix The Girl &the RobotRate song! mix Merry Chritmas chords Take The Star Out Ofthe WidowRate song! chords Take The Star Out Ofthe WidowRate song! chords 1234 chords The World Is Awesome /boom-de-ah-da/ mix Staten Island Slide chords New Bigcitydreams chords Don't Trust Me chords Yourbiggestfan chords Free Falling chords The Uneasy Rider chords Kiss The Girl chords Tim Mcgraw chords Awesome God mix The Lion Sleeps Tonight chords The Lion Sleeps TonightRate song! chords Don't Trust Me Part chords TroubleRate song! chords You Belong With Me chords Love Story chords Upside Down (key Of D) chords Before The StormRate song! chords Heal Me Im Heartsick chords Math Is A Wonderful Thing chords Room On The Third FloorRate song! chords Minnesota GirlRate song! chords Dont Trust Me chords Anniversary Waltz Part 1Rate song! chords Im No Superman chords Guy Love chords Never Leave You chords Every Time We Touch chords Break Down Part chords Love Story mix 1234 chords Talkin' About A Revolution tab B0un3Rate song! chords My Lovely Horse chords Dont Wanna Miss A Thing chords Happy chords Losing ItRate song! chords Losing It chords Everything I OwnRate song! chords We Just Touched Awkwardly chords Trouble chords Did It Hurt mix An Extra Song For You (bonus Track) chords To Make You Feel My Love chords Now Your Gone tab Smile & Ldn chords The Day I DiedRate song! mix Dy'er Mak'er chords The Wreck Of Ol' 97Rate song! chords Five Feet High And Risin'Rate song! chords The Fun SongRate song! chords Lord FranklinRate song! chords Rock Around The ClockRate song! chords Don't Marry Her chords CenterfoldRate song! chords Snoopy V The Red Baron chords Always Forever chords Heart Of Worship chords I Can Only Imagine chords Land Of The FreeRate song! chords Open The Eyes Of My Heart chords The Old Rugged Cross chords Old English Folk SongRate song! chords Big Rock Candy Mountains chords Oh, How I Love JesusRate song! chords Old Cowboys Like MeRate song! chords One Day At A TimeRate song! chords Battle Of New OrleansRate song! chords Looking In Your Big Brown Eyes chords Still Havn't Found What I'm Looking ForRate song! chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow/what A Wonderful World chords What A Friend We Have In Jesus chords This Is The DayRate song! chords At The CrossRate song! mix Christ ReturnethRate song! chords Birthday SexRate song! chords Breakdown (live Version) chords Our Mps Are Arseholes!Rate song! chords Oh Danny Boy chords The Unicorn Song chords Swingin' On A Star chords Five Foot Two chords Honey Baby (remix)Rate song! chords Hallelujah mix Somewhere Over The Rainbow/what A Wonderful World chords Build Me Up, Buttercup chords Show Me The Way To AmarilloRate song! chords Lets Dance To Joy Division (key Of C) mix Cats In The Craddle chords First Dance chords On The Brightside chords Don't Trust Me chords Hangin' AroundRate song! chords Two Pi chords To YouRate song! chords Number 1Rate song! chords Stairwell chords First Dance mix Trapzeze SwingerRate song! chords Anyone Else But You chords Fast Times In Tahoe tab Thunderstuck Part chords Nude - For Soprano Ukulele In C chords Living In The SunlightRate song! mix The Love SongRate song! chords Losing It Intro chords Stand Buy Me tab No Woman No Cry(correction) PartRate song! chords Sunday With A Flu chords Je N'ai Pas La Gale PartRate song! chords Little Grass ShackRate song! chords Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord mix Rainbow Veins chords Big Bad JohnRate song! chords Michelle (ma Belle) PartRate song! chords Sorted For E's And WhizzRate song! tab Yankie Doodle chords Burning Up mix Twilight Zone Theme tab Indiana Jones(simplified) chords Au Grand JamaisRate song! chords Don't You Want Me Baby chords Alone chords Jane Doe mix Herecomes The Sun tab Dancing In The Moonlight IntroRate song! chords Trouble chords Mon Coeur, Mon Amour Part chords The Universe SongRate song! chords Hapiness Is A Warm Gun chords Take A Walk On The Wild SideRate song! chords Afternoon Delight chords Sto LatRate song! chords Danyuan Ren ChangjiuRate song! chords Tian MimiRate song! chords Die Gedanken Sind Frei (thoughts Are Free) PartRate song! mix Die Gedanken Sind FreiRate song! chords Screw You chords Deck The HallsRate song! chords White Christmas chords Rocking Around The Christmas TreeRate song! chords Rudolf The Red Nosed ReindeerRate song! chords The Twelve Days Of Christmas chords Winter WonderlandRate song! chords Let It SnowRate song! mix Stairwell mix Stairwell chords Mountain DewRate song! chords Stairway To Heaven (chords) chords Love Bug chords Ukulele Blues PartRate song! chords Celila tab Happy Birthday chords Picture To Burn chords You Should've Said No chords White Horse chords Mountain O'thingsRate song! tab Happy Birthday chords 30 Days chords SomebodyRate song! chords Liar Liar chords I Just Laugh chords Hummingbird chords Any!Rate song! chords I'd Do AnythingRate song! chords Jump Then Fall chords Fifteen chords Effervescing ElepahntRate song! chords Edelweiss chords I've Got Nothing chords I Got A Feeling chords Come On EileenRate song! chords Come On Eileen mix Wait For You chords Riverboat FantacyRate song! mix A Song About AcneRate song! mix 1,2,3,4 mix Santeria chords I Dont Wanna Let You GoRate song! chords Maybe TomorrowRate song! tab Purple Haze (simpler Version) tab Tetris Theme mix Our Worlds Collide chords My Soldier PartRate song! chords Sunset chords Les Champs Elys chords Anywhere Part chords Day Man chords Fell In Love With A One Night Stand chords Dragostea Din Tei (the Numa Numa Song) chords Smelyalater chords The Lion Sleeps Tongiht mix Handlebars (12 Fret Version) chords Fuzzy Blue LightsRate song! chords Santa BabyRate song! chords O Chirstmas TreeRate song! chords Une Seule VieRate song! chords Ensemble PartRate song! chords Indifference chords La Poup Part chords J'ai Demand Part tab Sunday With A FluRate song! tab Walking With A Ghost chords I'm Yours [simple Way With Guitar]Rate song! chords Kj Part tab One Thing (12 Fret Version) chords Rock And Roll Dreams Come True chords Ka Nohona Pili Kai IntroRate song! chords Cho Chang chords ConfusionRate song! chords The Best Day tab Spirder's Webs chords Hurt So Good chords Little Pink HousesRate song! chords The TitanicRate song! chords I Have Seen The Rain chords Forgive MeRate song! chords Something StupidRate song! chords 4th Time AroundRate song! chords Lilly Rosemary & The Jack Of HeartsRate song! chords Duet With Myself chords Holly Jolly Christmas chords Beautiful Creation chords S PartRate song! chords Grevling I Taket PartRate song! chords PartRate song! chords WaitinRate song! chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow/what A Wonderful World chords 12 Days Of Christmas - Hawaiian Style chords In The Jungle Part mix In The Aeroplane Over The Sea (with Solo) chords En Del Av Mitt Hj Part mix The Meat CapRate song! chords Every Day Is Like Sunday chords You Got The LoveRate song! chords If Your Wondering If I Want You To ( I Want You To) mix Babydoll PartRate song! chords Something FamiliarRate song! chords Possibility chords Un Quart De Piasse PartRate song! chords Moisi MoRate song! chords Välkommen Till VÃ¥ran ö chords Afternoon DelightRate song! chords Making Love, Ukulele Style chords Merry X-mas Everybody chords I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas chords O Come All Ye FaithfulRate song! chords Rudolf The Red Nosed ReindeerRate song! chords Have Yourself A Merry Little ChristmasRate song! chords Hosanna(just Chors) RiffRate song! chords Silent Night Intro chords HélèneRate song! tab Song Of Time / Temple Of Time - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time mix Forgetful Lucy Intro chords The Prayer chords Boy On Their BirthdaysRate song! chords Thinking Drinking Sinking FeelingRate song! chords The Chain Bass Part Riff chords Jane Doe Riff chords Cheers Theme Tune PartRate song! chords Silent Night(ful Song) mix 1,2,3,4 chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow, I Can't Help Falling In Love With You chords Happy Birthday chords Nothing Compares 2 U chords Out Of My LeaugeRate song! chords Road To Hell chords Burns Like Summer SunRate song! chords How ComeRate song! mix Guava Jelly chords So CloseRate song! chords Surrender mix Sugar, We're Going Down chords New Born [agathe Style] chords Be AsRate song! tab EternalRate song! chords Crush Crush Crush chords Men In Black chords Down For My Niggas Riff chords When Love And Hate Colide (easy Way)Rate song! chords When Love And Hate ColideRate song! chords 6 Months (chorus) RiffRate song! chords Shes Got Style Part tab Zelda's Lullaby - Ocarina Of Time PartRate song! tab Duelling BanjosRate song! tab Rick And GrooveRate song! mix Fifteen Intro tab Ocarina Of Time - Zelda Lulaby tab Lux Aterena (requiem For A Dream) mix Zelda's Lullaby - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time chords This Is You Life chords What Is Love chords Lump Of CoalRate song! chords Here Come Santa Claus mix Swing Life Away (intro) tab Dueling Ukuleles chords Over The Years chords Super HoneymoonRate song! chords Easy (like Sunday Morning) chords As Long As The Grass Will GrowRate song! tab Crazy G Simple VersionRate song! chords Beyond The ReefRate song! chords Against The WindRate song! chords I Don't Wanna DanceRate song! chords Little LifeRate song! chords What Is LoveRate song! chords Against The WindRate song! chords Turn The Page chords Rambling Gambling ManRate song! chords Hey Girl!Rate song! chords Step On MeRate song! chords Boston chords I'm No SupermanRate song! chords My Hope chords Lady Melody chords Silent Night Part chords Sweet Victory Part tab Taylor (intro)Rate song! mix The Kiss That I Never Had mix Perfect TogetherRate song! tab Happy BirthdayRate song! chords Hey There Delilah (words)Rate song! mix Somewhere Over Rainbow chords StarstrukkRate song! mix Give Me That Love Part chords Nothing Can Change This LoveRate song! chords Into Your Arms chords Northern SkiesRate song! tab Never Stop mix Party In The Usa (improved)Rate song! chords Auld Lang Syne chords Little Seal GirlRate song! tab The Good The Bad And The UglyRate song! tab Tubular Bells chords Lets Duet chords L'ombre Et La LumièreRate song! mix Jane Doe Solo mix Sweet Like SugarRate song! chords Whats My Age Again (chords) PartRate song! mix Undercover LoverRate song! mix Stand By Me chords WhyRate song! chords Mr Blue Sky mix A Lack Of ColourRate song! mix Smoke On Water Riff mix Mm Bop chords On S'attacheRate song! chords Parce Qu'on Ne Sait Jamais chords Mon P'tit GarsRate song! chords Little PeopleRate song! chords Did It Hurt chords Roses chords I Wanna Grow Old With You tab Ending Theme chords Its Not Over chords Inside My HeadRate song! chords Simple Enough chords La Derniere Minute chords What Is Love? chords Be Okay chords John Browns BodyRate song! chords You?ll Be In My Heart chords Can't Stop Lovin YouRate song! chords Brimful Of Asha RiffRate song! chords Fly Me AwayRate song! chords I Can't Help Falling In Love With You PartRate song! chords Where Do I Go chords Your Time Hasn't Come YetRate song! chords Only Fools Rush In chords Waltzing Matilda chords Whiskey Your The DevilRate song! chords Anyway You Want MeRate song! chords The Break Up Song chords BeatingRate song! chords Resurrection FernRate song! chords 2 Bodies, 1 HeartRate song! chords Making Love chords Open HappinessRate song! chords Bret You Got It Going On chords Lonley chords Outta HereRate song! chords Dream On (chords)Rate song! chords I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing chords All Of My Love Part chords Wine Ted chords Hazy chords Stu's Song chords Can't Help Falling In Love With You chords J'veux Du SoleilRate song! chords Je M'suis Fait Tout P'tit mix Supplique Pour être Enterré Sur La Plage De SèteRate song! chords PossibilityRate song! mix Secrets ( For Low-g Tuned Uke's ) mix The Price Of Freedom chords Hvalen ValborgRate song! chords Min Store KærlighedRate song! chords Stewarts Forderbræt PartRate song! chords Ta' Og Fuck Af!Rate song! chords Øresundsvisan PartRate song! chords Vestre FængselRate song! chords Hammer Hammer FedtRate song! chords Det Er Idag Et Solskinsvejr PartRate song! chords Fra Sauterne chords Hvad Gør Vi Nu Lille Du PartRate song! chords Tarzan MamamiaRate song! chords Vi Er Dem, De Andre Ikke Må Lege MedRate song! chords NittenRate song! chords De Første Kærester På MånenRate song! chords Der Står Et Billede Af Dig På Mit BordRate song! chords Johnny Han Var Lige Ved At Blive SindsygRate song! chords Kender Du DetRate song! chords SexchikaneRate song! chords Står På En AlpetopRate song! chords Så Længe Jeg LeverRate song! chords Ved Du Hvad Hun SagdeRate song! chords Deine Schuld tab Island Woman chords Femme Libérée chords German National Anthem - Die Deutsche Nationalhymne mix Better Together (intro And Chords Simplified) mix Your Beautiful mix Im WaitingRate song! chords Morgan De Toi chords Lovers MoonRate song! chords Knock You Down chords Something About YouRate song! chords Razor Blade chords Take Me HomeRate song! chords Texas TeaRate song! chords Garands At NormandieRate song! chords The Times They Are A-changing chords Je Ne Veux Pas TravaillerRate song! chords Turn Your Light Down Low chords Stop Talking About Comic Books Or I'll Kill YouRate song! chords Slow Life chords Fold In Your HandsRate song! chords No T'enyoroRate song! tab Monkey Island ThemeRate song! chords Watcha Say Part chords Down mix Freeze My SensesRate song! chords Moblisi In Mobile (1st Way) PartRate song! chords Mobilis In Mobile (2nd Way)Rate song! chords L'hiver chords Je Ne Veux Pas Rester Sage chords Nostalgique Du Cool chords Close To MeRate song! tab Ukulele LadyRate song! chords Résidents De La RépubliqueRate song! tab Toxicity Intro chords Requiem Pour Un ConRate song! chords 95 Fois Sur 100Rate song! chords Only Began chords Sous Le Soleil De Bodega chords Holydays chords 59th Street Bridge Song- "feeling Groovy" chords Whole Lotts LosinRate song! chords I Don`t Want You Back chords Vampire mix Jane Doe chords The Wolves (act 1 And 2) chords Banna Pancakes Intro chords 4 Am chords Ill Be Misisng You chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Short And Sweer chords Will The Circle Be UnbrokenRate song! chords Allstar chords Ta' På Landet (jeg Er På Rekreation)Rate song! chords Candy chords Moi Lolita Part chords Bad Reputation chords Penny's Song chords Soul Sister (beginner) chords Said SadlyRate song! chords On Saturday NightRate song! tab Fireflies IntroRate song! chords La Première FoisRate song! chords Mon Aman De Saint Jean PartRate song! chords Les Histoires D'a chords One Last Song PartRate song! chords Stop The Dams (aluminium)Rate song! chords Living On A PrayerRate song! chords Marre Des Pauvres! Part chords Dejeuner En Paix chords Pigs On The Wing Part 1 chords Alligator (acoustic) chords Soldadito MarineroRate song! chords Elämä Ikkunan TakanaRate song! chords Message To You Rudi chords CayenneRate song! chords Bella CiaoRate song! chords Cristal Ship chords Lovesick chords She's Got You High chords Life After You chords Bad To Me chords Guy Love chords Les Papillons_best Of De PocheRate song! chords Adventure Time Theme chords Obsessions chords Raspberry Beret chords Something To Talk About chords High Hopes chords Hey Soul Sister In C tab All My LifeRate song! tab Monkey Island Theme mix Trouble chords Fuck You Geldof Part chords Mr.music Man mix A New England (kingblues) chords All Nazi Skinheads Are Gay chords Can't Stand It chords Can't Stand It tab Ghostbusters ThemeRate song! tab Girl Let Me KnowRate song! tab Adams Family Corrected chords Needle And Thread chords If It Means A Lot To You (real Tuned) chords Luk Droemende IndRate song! chords Jul Paa VesterbroRate song! chords Han Ska' Bare Lige Ha' Den Regnet UdRate song! mix You Don't Know Me tab Can't Stop ( For Low-g Tuned Uke's ) chords When The Wind Blows chords Waving Flag chords Flowers For A GhostRate song! chords Love Story chords SuperheroRate song! chords Ballad At Thirty-fiveRate song! tab Ending ThemeRate song! tab In My Place-intro Riff chords I Get Paper (ft. Kevin Cossom) Riff chords Asian Sound Part tab Oxygene IvRate song! tab Top Gun Theme chords Prettiest Friend chords Happy GroundRate song! chords Sous Les Juppes Des Filles Part chords Dare4distance chords Bowers Reply ( Mario Kart Love Song Parody)Rate song! chords Gold Lions chords When The Man Comes Around chords The Duck Song chords Make Love In This Club tab L' Hymne De Nos Campagnes tab Scarbrough Fair chords Kuro RiffRate song! chords Warum Bin Ich So Fröhlich Part tab Start Of Mario Theme Tune (Super Mario Bros) Part chords The Valentine's Day Song PartRate song! mix Muai Hawaiin Supperman mix Wake Up My DarlingRate song! chords Umbrella (rihanna Cover) chords Movin' OnRate song! chords One Tin Soldier chords Run RiverRate song! chords Gute Nacht Freunde!Rate song! chords Tubthumping chords Im Wagen Vor Mir ...Rate song! chords I Try chords Francaise Des Jeux chords The Legend Of D Ray WhiteRate song! chords Bless His Ever Loving HeartRate song! chords (what's So Funny About) Peace, Love And Understanding? chords Hey Whatshadoin'?Rate song! chords The Pills I Took chords Petit Oiseau chords Jede Zelle Meines Körpers Ist Glücklich!Rate song! chords Tropical Hawaiian Day chords Invisible chords Untouchable chords Untouchable chords Fifteen chords Helplessly In Love (accidentally In Love Parody) chords Vue De L?extérieur chords All Of Me mix Lullaby Of A Dead ManRate song! mix The OneRate song! chords I'd Lie mix L'été Revient mix Falling Slowly(hard Version) mix VibaRate song! chords Tree Hugger chords Hooked Up On Us PartRate song! chords Moon Over ParmaRate song! chords Where We Belong chords There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out chords One Time tab Into Your Arms chords C'est La VieRate song! chords Bain De Sang (negativ) PartRate song! chords Les Cers-volants Part chords Blues Du DentisteRate song! mix Ever Fallen In Love (with Someone You Shoudn't've)Rate song! chords L'amourRate song! chords Les Plus Beau Du QuartierRate song! chords Le Toi Du MoiRate song! chords Daanz La Merco Benz PartRate song! chords Det Er En Ganske Særlig Feeling PartRate song! chords Badfish/boss Dj chords Country Road (with Paula Fuga) chords Aún No Me Toca Part chords Alles Aus Liebe chords Look At UsRate song! tab Spoon Slide Guitar (mahalla) chords Amigos Para Siempre (friends Forever) tab Zelda's Lullaby chords Way Over Yonder In The Minor KeyRate song! chords Windward Skies PartRate song! chords Girl I've Been Hurt PartRate song! chords SuperheroRate song! chords I'll Kill Her tab Jane Doe chords Don't Think Twice It's Alright chords Knockin' On Heavans Door chords I Will Never Love You More tab Twinkle Twinkle Little Star tab God Save The QueenRate song! chords Evil LoveRate song! chords Peach MoonRate song! chords VorreiRate song! chords Tenia Tanto Que DarteRate song! chords La Chica De Ayer Part chords Si Tu No Estas AquiRate song! mix Liza JaneRate song! chords Epitaph chords In The Court Of The Crimson KingRate song! chords Myfriendjane chords Waldorf Worldwide chords You Belong To Me mix Stu's Song (from The Hangover) chords Gate Keeper chords I Can't Help Halling In Love With You chords Everbodys Changing mix End Theme chords If We Ever Needed You chords Sticks and Stones PartRate song! chords Showstopper chords I Just Want You chords Till Kingdom Come chords Sé Lo Que Hicisteis El último Verano PartRate song! chords Porque Te Quiero Como El MarRate song! chords All Thats Known chords My Junk chords Song Of Purple Summer chords The Dark I Know WellRate song! chords Terrified mix The Legend Of Zelda - Great Fairy Fountain chords SayonaraRate song! chords Life Is Like A Boat tab 04 Ghosts 01Rate song! chords Walk Through The Fire mix IronmanRate song! chords I'm Under Your Spell chords How Soon Is Now (charmed Theme) chords Your Hand In MineRate song! chords Do You Want To Date My Avatar chords FrostbiteRate song! chords Leave It Alone (correct Chords) chords When You Wish Uopn A Star mix Asleep Under Last Week's NewsRate song! chords The Walk (simplified)Rate song! chords Way Back Into Love chords Lalalove You chords If Your Out There Part chords Life After YouRate song! chords Autumn JaneRate song! mix Santeria Correct Version chords Silent Sigh chords Future BoyRate song! chords Standing On A RockRate song! chords Bananita DulcaRate song! chords Can't Stand It chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow/ Trees Of Green. chords One Man RevolutionRate song! chords Girl Shaped Love DrugRate song! mix Stu's Song chords Real Love chords El Contragolpe PartRate song! chords Marihuana Boogie chords Zapato ViejoRate song! chords Libertad chords Bat Out Of Hell chords Sunny DaysRate song! chords Bad Horse Chorus chords The Day That Music Died mix Kumbaya chords Whippin PicadillyRate song! chords Not If You Where The Last Dandy On Earth chords Viva La GoriaRate song! chords Crazy Baldheads chords Cientos De Preguntas PartRate song! chords Si Me MarchoRate song! chords Bonita De Mas Part chords Resistiré chords Me VoyRate song! chords The Battle Of New OrleansRate song! chords Die AllerschuerfsteRate song! chords Teenagerliebe PartRate song! chords Captains And Cruise Ships chords Stroms Never Last chords La Semaine Prochaine chords Neighbourhood #2 (laika) chords One FoundationRate song! chords The Hukilau Song chords Indecisive chords Happy Medium chords At Last chords Symbol In My Drive WayRate song! tab Epona's Song chords Symbol In My Driveway (better Then First) Part chords Alexander's LullabyRate song! chords Guateque CampesinoRate song! tab Clock Town Theme chords Hey Me Hey Mamma chords Secondhand News PartRate song! chords Cupid (improved) mix Upside Down (with Picking) tab Battle Screen (red/blue) chords SparkRate song! chords My Self Esteem's Not Low Enough To Date You chords Brighter Lights chords Por Quererte chords Si Tu QuisierasRate song! chords Quien? PartRate song! chords Sola PartRate song! chords Quien No Tiene Talento Enseña/ Chi Non Ha Talento Insegna PartRate song! chords El PasoRate song! chords Gimme Three Steps chords International War Crimnial chords Body Count PartRate song! chords I Heard It Though The Grapevine tab My Bolder (picking Intro)Rate song! mix Song For A Jedi Part chords Baby Part chords Ueber Den WolkenRate song! chords I Just Havent Met You Yet chords Kopfüber In Die HölleRate song! chords Männer Sind Schweine chords Onprangering PartRate song! chords Sommer, Palmen, Sonnenschein PartRate song! chords Triste Canción De Amor PartRate song! chords GoldRate song! chords Losing It mix Headlights Look Like Diamonds chords Ghost In My HouseRate song! chords Drunken Lulbies chords Your Biggest Fan chords LovelyRate song! chords Acciedentaly In Love mix Born One Down tab Feel ItRate song! chords Then She/he Kissed MeRate song! chords I'm Leaving On A Jet Plain chords I Just Want You chords The OptimistRate song! mix Pokemon Original ThemeRate song! tab Let It Be Solo tab The Flinstones Part tab C Scale And F Scale Part chords Love Without End chords The Day The Nazi Died chords I Love Rock And Roll chords I'm A Little AirplaineRate song! chords Feel It In My Bones (acoustic) chords KookenhakenRate song! chords By Tv LightRate song! chords Breakfest In America chords I Think You Know chords Wise UpRate song! chords Put Me Back Togeather chords I'll Be Here AwhileRate song! chords When I Goose StepRate song! chords A Duet With Myself chords Rock N Roll Highschool chords Spider Man mix King Of The Hill Theme chords Dear Jamie Sincerly Me chords Terry's SongRate song! chords C'mon C'mon chords OnceRate song! mix SoothsayerRate song! chords Let The Water RiseRate song! chords Adventure Time Theme chords Spit And Stars PartRate song! tab Aloha 'oe tab Amazing Grace tab Chimchim Cheree tab Forgetful LucyRate song! tab Greensleves tab Happy BirthdayRate song! tab Johnny Be Good tab Killing Me Softly mix Light A Way chords Little SisterRate song! chords Tv Theme Song mix No Superstar Part chords Porphyrophobia tab Top Gun Theme chords Goregoregadget Intro chords Walk AwayRate song! chords Airplanes (ft. Hayley Williams and Eminem) chords I Think You Know chords Johanna Give Me Hope PartRate song! tab White ChristmaRate song! chords The Fabric Of Our Lives Part chords I'm A Believer-beginners RiffRate song! tab Axel F Bass Part tab Dat New New tab Ottoman chords When I Look In Your EyesRate song! tab So Close chords Self Esteam mix Smells Like Teen Spirit ( Main Riff ) chords Love The Way You Lie (ft. Rihanna) mix Smells Like Teen Spirit ( Guitar Only ) tab Magic Ukulele Waltz chords I Wish That I Could See You Soon PartRate song! chords Their Dance, Your Chance RiffRate song! mix Surfin'bird RiffRate song! chords Doug Loves Movies IntroRate song! chords Listomania tab 911 AccousticRate song! chords Wak Waka (this Time For Africa) (official 2010 World Cup Theme Song) Part chords En Lille Ã...ndsvag MelodiRate song! tab Bink's Sake mix Amazing Horse chords Pink Panther Theme Song IntroRate song! tab Rock Lobster-lead (family Guy Cover)Rate song! chords I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor chords I Think You Know chords The Debt chords Make A Man Out Of You chords Woolworths Theme(fresh Food People) Part chords In To The Sunshine tab Gerudo Valley Intro tab Eponas Song chords You Are My Sunshine tab Bumbamara chords Adventure Time With Finn and Jake Theme chords Wishi I Didn't Know NowRate song! chords Young PilgramsRate song! chords New Perspective Part chords This Ukulele mix If It Means A Lot To You (real Tuned With Intro) chords Hawaiian Superman chords Wonderful, So Wonderful (beautiful One)Rate song! chords OceansRate song! chords Love's Not A Competition But I'm WinningRate song! tab Knocking On Heaven's Door chords Once Upon A December tab Ill Be Here Awhile PartRate song! tab Love Story chords Night Bird Part mix Hold On PartRate song! chords Your SmileRate song! chords Waka Waka (it's Time For Africa) tab Harry Potter Song mix In The Jungle chords Dayman tab No Suprises mix Screw You chords Hushabye Mountain chords Where Do We Go From HereRate song! chords Where Do We Go From Here chords Billionaire (featuring Bruno Mars) Riff mix Crazy Train Riff chords UmbrellaRate song! chords Matthias Replaces Judas.Rate song! chords Thieves Amoung Us mix Fast Car Intro mix Fast Car Intro chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Doctor Blind Part chords Today Was A Fairy Tale chords Générique Intro chords Petit Oiseau. IntroRate song! mix Toothpaste Kisses Solo Intro chords Ridin' DirtyRate song! chords Californis Gurls PartRate song! chords Don't Stop Believn' Part chords Painting Flowers ( Alice In Wonderland Soundtrack ) Part chords 1,2,3,4 Part mix I Wanna Fuck A Dog In The Ass Solo chords No Way chords I Love You 5Rate song! tab Constellations (dgbe) tab From The Clouds (dgbe) tab Horizon Has Been Defeated (dgbe)Rate song! mix I'm Yours (dgbe)Rate song! tab People Watching (dgbe)Rate song! tab Rodeo Clowns (dgbe)Rate song! tab Sexi Plexi (dgbe) mix Upside Down (dgbe) tab We Can Still Be Friends (dgbe)Rate song! tab Wonderful World (dgbe) chords Our Song mix Stairwell mix The Man Who Cant Be Moved (aldrines)Rate song! chords Title Song chords Jungle Drums chords One LoveRate song! chords Cheap Rewards chords J'ai Deux Amours (madeleine Peyroux's Cover) tab Dat New New chords Petit RastaRate song! chords Beautiful Ride chords Coffee And Cigarettes mix Brick House mix Perfect Two tab Legend Of Zelda Medley Part chords Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater tab Russian / Soviet National Anthem chords Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater mix 3's and 7's IntroRate song! mix 3's and 7's Intro tab Perfect Two tab No One Knows Intro and Riff mix SleepersRate song! tab Katyusha chords Laugh And A 1/2 RiffRate song! tab Frere Jacques (brother John) chords Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater tab Inspector Gadget Theme mix Shave And A Haircut 2 Bits chords Everything In My LifeRate song! chords By Chance (you & I) tab Le Tourbillon De La Vie tab The Man Wo Can't Be Moved chords Birthday Girl mix You Always You Part chords Tout Le Monde tab Zelda's Lullaby tab Twinkle Twinkle Little Star mix If You Go Leave Your Key In The Mailbox chords Everytime You Lie chords Under The Bridge (original Version) chords Down In The Ruined WorldRate song! chords Chasing Time chords I'd Rather Dance With YouRate song! tab The Kids Dont Stand A Chance mix I'm Forever Blowing BubblesRate song! chords West Coast Intro Intro chords This Sh*t Getz Old chords Uraltalk chords The F.u.n Song chords Look For MeRate song! chords Iloveyoumorethanyouwilleverknow chords That Should Be Me mix Bink's Sake Part chords Stare At The Sun(1st Vs/ Chorus) PartRate song! chords Pheonix Ignition Intro chords The Comprimise chords What You're Told chords Unity Ft MatisyahuRate song! chords Unity Ft Trevor HallRate song! chords Here With Me tab Killing In The Name Of Part chords Right Round Ft.ke$ha Part chords Starstrukk Ft. Katy Perry chords Spoken ForRate song! chords SanctifiedRate song! chords Theif chords Heartless(cover) chords Sellout chords Sympathique (je Ne Veux Pas Travailler) chords Days Go Bye chords On My OwnRate song! chords Through The Trees tab Jane Doe Solo PartRate song! tab Spanish Sahara Solo Part tab Gee mix Sunshine tab Duelling Banjos chords Bed Intruder Songs mix Neutron Star Collision (love Is Forever) chords About A Girl (acoustic) chords Shes Got Style chords Sand Tall Part chords Introducing Me chords Hey, Soul Sister(beginner) chords Love In This Club(beginner) Part chords A Little More Time Part chords Comets Part chords Because I'm Stupid chords From The Beginning To NowRate song! chords I'm Yours (simplified) PartRate song! tab Circus ThemeRate song! tab Over The Hills And Far AwayRate song! chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords You Belong With Me chords Distant Romance mix Just My ImaginationRate song! tab Song Of Time chords Sacrilegious chords Sacrilegious chords Molly's Hangover Part tab Candy Land tab Cow And Chicken Part tab Nausicaa Requiem Intro tab Legend Of Zelda: Saria's SongRate song! tab Legend Of Zelda: Zelda's Lullaby chords First Dance (official) Part tab Nokia Theme tab Heartbeats (the Knife Cover) tab Le Ciel Dans Une ChambreRate song! chords Baby Intro tab Love Of My Life (short Intro) IntroRate song! chords Introducing Me chords One Is The Loniest Number tab Walkin' On Sunshine (easy) PartRate song! chords La Di DahRate song! mix BillionaireRate song! chords In Which Draco And Harry Secretly Want To Make Out chords Rainbow Connection tab Mortal Kombat Theme (techno Syndrome) chords Mine chords Kissing You chords Knocking On Heavens DoorRate song! chords An Irish Lullaby chords Viva La Vida (easy) Riff chords Revofev (revolution Of Evolution) Riff chords Speak Now chords Better Than Revenge tab Imagine Intro chords Better Than Revenge chords Bed Intruder chords Don't Go Breakin' My Heart chords OutsidersRate song! mix Curse Of The CurentsRate song! chords Unthinkable chords On Raglan Road mix Comic Jumper Stats SongRate song! chords Splosion Man Donuts Song Part chords Love Song chords Today My Life Begins chords Charles In Charge Theme Part chords Soldier (live) chords You And I (live) tab Animal Crossing: Wild World [overworld Theme] RiffRate song! chords I Still Think tab Canon In D chords Time Well Spent Part chords F.u.n chords The Dog Days Are Over Part mix Dear Prudence (outro) Part mix Did It Hurt? Part chords Happy chords First Dance (lovin On You) Part chords Lullaby Part chords Dj Got Us Falling In Love Again Part chords Cheap Date Part chords Lullaby tab Bluekulele (blues On The Ukulele)Rate song! tab Super Mario Bros main Theme (Super Mario Bros) mix Moving To New York(chorus) chords Being From Jersey Means Never Having To Say You Are Sorry chords Love You More PartRate song! chords Ooh La La chords Tell Me, Cutie chords Love You More Part mix I Still Think Part tab Nokia Ringtone chords Saved (acoustic Version)Rate song! chords Fly Away chords California chords Ooh La La tab Ce Soir Tu Vas Prendre (intro) chords Yourbiggestfan chords Last Song I'm Wasting On You chords The Other Side Of The Pillow chords Two Beds And A Coffe MachineRate song! chords Here Comes My Baby Intro chords I Hate This Part Right Here chords GetawayRate song! tab Harry Potter Theme Song mix Linus And Lucy [peanuts Theme] tab Legend Of Zelda Main Theme chords Not Alone (ep Version) chords Jane Doe chords Check Yes Juliet(all On A String, Or The One On The Top In Tableture) Part chords Always Summertime chords F.u.n chords If This Was A Movie chords Hallelujah chords Stupid Questions PartRate song! chords Patience PartRate song! chords Another Sad Love Song PartRate song! chords His Song PartRate song! chords Lonely Sundays PartRate song! chords Qui De Nous Deux tab Final Fantasy FanfareRate song! chords Smells Ike Teen Spirit IntroRate song! chords Mahal Kita Kasi Part tab Carol Of The Bells Part mix Jingle Bell Rock PartRate song! tab Ganja Smuggling Part chords What's Wrong With YouRate song! chords Replay chords My Hero chords King Of Spain (open F Tuning) chords Tu Es Ma CameRate song! mix Come Together (tutorial) mix Proud Mary-simple tab The Island Part 1 (synth Part Chorus) chords Britty Boy Part chords Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (acoustic) chords Ten Guitars chords Ten Guitars-simple ? Part chords Smells Like Team Spirit SoloRate song! chords Peach, Plum, Pear chords 30 Days chords Meet You There (key D) chords Please Don't Let Me Go chords Hold On To What You Beleive chords Gentlemen Don't Intro chords Granger Danger chords Courage The Cowardly Dog Ending chords Sure Thing mix I Would Die For YouRate song! tab BeakdownRate song! chords Au Clair De La Lune PartRate song! chords Last Kiss chords God Damn You're Beautiful chords God Damn You're Beautiful chords That Green Gentlemen (things Have Changed) tab Life In Technicolor 2 Intro Riff chords E.t (futuristic Lovers) tab The Good The Bad And The Ugly mix The Scientist- Acoustic tab Somke Under The WaterRate song! chords Mean chords Toxic Acoustic chords The Rainbow SongRate song! chords Coyote Song PartRate song! chords Spaceman Stu (mcdonalds Commercial)Rate song! chords Spaceman Stu chords Dont Worry, Be Happy Part mix Touble Part chords Adventure Time Theme Song chords Baby Only You (easy Version) chords Daddy (why Did You Eat My Fries?) chords UntitledRate song! chords Swing Low, Sweet Chariot chords C Est La Vie PartRate song! chords I Can Tell That We Are Going To Be Friends chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Any Kind Guy By:big Time Rush mix Take A Bite Of An AppleRate song! chords You Are chords Satellites tab Family Guy Fixed chords Marching On TogetherRate song! chords Not In Nottingham (robin Hood) tab More Than Meets The Eye PartRate song! chords Don't Trust Me chords Lullaby chords Better Together (hawaiian Version) chords Not Afraid (beginner) chords American Pie chords Grey Or Blue Part chords BlainerificRate song! tab Smoke On The Water Intro chords I Got No RootsRate song! chords Perfect Stranger (ft. Katy B) Part mix Long Distance tab Bonne Humeur tab Fuzzy Blue LightsRate song! chords Girl, Yo'll Be A Woman Soon tab Sunny MorningRate song! tab Super Pouvoir D'achatRate song! tab AmssétouRate song! tab Machistador chords Hey Stephen tab Amssétou (rectified)Rate song! chords F**kin' PerfectRate song! chords Henry Rollins Don't DanceRate song! mix Self Vs Self (ft. In Flames) chords Please Don't Let Me Go Part chords Gilligan's Island Theme chords I'm Comin' Home (superjail!) Part tab Morning Song Intro chords Schnappi Das Kleine Krokodil chords Happy Song Ii chords Sure ThingRate song! chords Use Sombody PartRate song! chords Ending 4 Ranma 1/2 chords Gitchi Gitchi Goo chords Invincible (acoustic)Rate song! mix 30days Part chords DreamboatRate song! mix Flow Intro chords I Need Thee Every Hour (hymn 98) Part chords Daydreams (demo)Rate song! chords Imagine (easy Version) chords Marceline's Fry Song chords PostcardsRate song! chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Money All Over The World Part chords God 'll Never Let You DownRate song! chords Satan Lend Me A Dollar PartRate song! mix I'll Try Anything Once mix Moon And MeRate song! tab Saria's Song Part mix Sailor Moon Opening Theme Part chords When The Shit Goes Down PartRate song! chords Ladybug chords Always On My Mind (easy Version) tab Futurama Theme SongRate song! chords Vermillion Pt.2Rate song! chords Unsterblich chords Buy You A Drink PartRate song! chords Sweet Perfection tab Back To Cali chords Friday Im In Love Intro Intro tab Harry Potter Theme Song chords She's Got Style chords She's Got Style chords Coffee And Cigarettes chords What Goes Around Comes Back Around PartRate song! mix Drop Baby, Drop Part chords Feel The Love Generation Riff tab Nutrioli RiffRate song! chords Our Titanic PartRate song! tab Strawberry Fields Intro Part chords WasterRate song! tab Kandi (intro) PartRate song! chords Tubular Bells( Simplified Riff) IntroRate song! chords Love Type Thing mix Fearless chords Baby Got Back Acoustic chords I Am A Child Of God chords Enchanted tab Time Of Our Life chords I Already Miss You chords Le Festin tab Zelda Windwaker Opening Theme/medi's LullabyRate song! chords Tale As Old As Time Beauty And The BeastRate song! chords Daddy's Little GirlRate song! tab Theme Song!!!!! tab Dragon(beginning) mix Yesterday (cover) chords Trampoline chords Cheap Date chords Bruta Ciega Sordomuda tab Heart Skipped A Beat Intro chords Hit YouRate song! tab Coke Theme chords Ten Guitars IntroRate song! chords Olive YouRate song! chords Olive You PartRate song! tab Fairy FountainRate song! chords Symphonies Ft. Dan Black chords Nippel Song chords Teletubbies Theme Part chords Clinton Wasn't On A Bill, He Was One chords Halleljuah chords Coffee And Cigarettes tab Theme Song chords Summer Dreamin'Rate song! chords Dig Up Her Bones (easier Version) PartRate song! chords James Bond Theme Tune RiffRate song! chords Perfect Two Part chords Break It UpRate song! chords Hey Soul Sister (easy) chords Trouble chords Rugrat Theme RiffRate song! chords ChangeRate song! tab Pink Panther Theme Song chords Raise Your Class Riff chords Trampoline chords Our Song chords Eu Nasci A 10.000 Anos AtrásRate song! mix Limit As X Approaches GirlfriendRate song! chords Boa Sorte Good Luck chords In My Life (instrumental Versian) chords Big Bang 2 chords Draw Me Close To You chords Draw Me Close To You chords Do Lado De CáRate song! chords Toast And Marmalade For TeaRate song! chords Love Is On It's Way chords Gotta Find You chords Send It On chords Wouldn't Change A Thing chords Play My Music chords Pizza Girl chords First Dance chords You Belong With Me chords Pack UpRate song! chords If You're A Viper PartRate song! chords Persuit Of Happiness RiffRate song! mix In The Jungle Melody chords My Name PartRate song! chords Night NurseRate song! mix Hey There Delilah (picking Intro)Rate song! chords In The Mourning chords Hallelujah chords Another Hitachi DayRate song! chords BeneditionRate song! chords Hey Soul Sister(easy)Rate song! chords Wicked WtichRate song! chords One Way Jesus chords Phineas And Ferb Opening Theme SongRate song! chords Holiday (solos) Solo chords Someday My Prince Will Come chords Can't Stand It chords Perfect Two chords My Girl Riff chords E.t (futuristic Lover) tab Voodoo Chile (slight Return) chords Darkside Part tab Fearless Part chords Lullaby PartRate song! tab Rhinestone Eyes (riff) Part chords Bad Day chords Terrified chords Let's Go To The Mall chords Written In The Stars Ft Eric Turner chords Written In The Stars Ft Eric Turner chords Hotaru No Hikari (shalala) PartRate song! tab Musetta's Waltz chords The Beard Song tab Married LifeRate song! chords Princess Next DoorRate song! chords Lookin' For Love (in All The Wrong Places)Rate song! chords Reggablues Part chords Sunday Song PartRate song! tab A Community Service Announcement PartRate song! chords Seven Nation Army (simplified) Part chords Louise Et Thelma PartRate song! chords Under Cover MartynRate song! chords Still Around mix I Can Tell That We're Going To Be Friends Part chords This Land Is Your Land RiffRate song! chords Mon MétroRate song! chords Cherrybomb chords By Chance (you And I) PartRate song! chords He Is A Pirate theme Song (Pirates Of The Caribbean) Riff chords Silent WarRate song! chords White Horse chords Duet With Myself tab Complete Hedwig's Theme tab Mary's Song (oh My My My) chords Revelaton Song chords Take On Me chords Yo Soy Tu Amigo Fiel (toy Story) mix The Defibrillator PartRate song! chords You're Not SorryRate song! chords I Can't Help Falling In Love With You chords Like A TreeRate song! chords CannonballRate song! chords Ours Et Compagnie tab Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars chords This Is War mix Zelda Oot - Market ThemeRate song! chords I'll Make A Man Out Of You chords Danny's Song tab It's Not OverRate song! mix Honey BabyRate song! chords The War Is Not OverRate song! chords I Promise chords Baby Come Back IntroRate song! mix Old Mcdonald Had A Farm chords CheatercheaterbestfriendeaterRate song! chords Cheap Date chords New TomorrowRate song! mix By Chance (you N I) chords Sheldon Coopers Soft Kitty (big Bang Theory) Part chords Garbage TruckRate song! chords Common DenominatorRate song! chords Fifteen tab Kalinka (intro) tab Wilhelmus Van Nassouwe chords I Heart You Online tab Under The Bridge - ChorusRate song! chords Da Da Dam (finland Eurovision 2011)Rate song! chords Missing You tab Spam Love Song tab Valentine chords The King Of Carrot Flowers Part 1 chords Marry Your Daughter chords Juggernauts (acoustic)Rate song! chords I Will Never Love You More tab Spam Love SongRate song! chords Screw You chords Guy Love chords Book Of Love tab Clock Town - Majora's Mask chords What's My Age Again? PartRate song! tab Grief And Sorrow PartRate song! chords Please StayRate song! chords Do You Love Me? (old Gregg)Rate song! chords PounceRate song! tab Emily chords You Belong With MeRate song! chords My Heart (basic) PartRate song! chords My Kind Of PefectRate song! chords Distant Romance PartRate song! chords The Break Up Song chords Into Your Arms chords You Always Hurt The One You Love chords BluetoothRate song! chords Coca LightRate song! chords Colorado Sunrise mix When We Say (juicebox)Rate song! chords RestorationRate song! tab Spam Love Song tab Staten Island Slide chords Artificially EnhancedRate song! chords Unicorns PartRate song! chords Mean tab Runaway (soul Surfer)Rate song! chords Tropico De Cancer RiffRate song! chords Buenos Tardes chords What Are Words chords I Want Her To Fall In A HoleRate song! chords Waddleboobs Blocks Out The SunRate song! chords TrampolinesRate song! mix ZombiesRate song! chords Theme From ZorroRate song! chords The Beard Song chords Subterranean Homesick AlienRate song! chords Isaga DraakonilRate song! chords MuusikRate song! chords SilmalaudRate song! chords Teine Kadriorg chords Joonistatud MeesRate song! chords The Duet chords HeikiRate song! chords Black AmplifierRate song! chords HallutinationsRate song! mix Other Side Part tab Careless Whisper (saxaphone Part) PartRate song! chords Retarted In Love chords Effects Of Sunshine PartRate song! chords Umbrella PartRate song! tab Mahna Mahna PartRate song! chords The Sandman The Breakman And MeRate song! chords Written In The Stars Solo SoloRate song! chords Heartbeat chords I'm A Bitch, I'm A LoverRate song! chords Here Comes Those EyesRate song! chords The Road To Jericho Is Lined With Starving PeopleRate song! chords Air Has Life PartRate song! mix Diamond In The Rough PartRate song! chords Vanlla PartRate song! mix You Dont Miss Your Water Till The Well Runs Dry Part chords Phineas And Ferb Theme Song chords Kiss Me Forever PartRate song! mix Nouveaux Horizons PartRate song! chords Es Gibt Kein Bier Auf HawaiiRate song! chords Somewhere Over The Tainbow (full)Rate song! chords It Doesn't MatterRate song! chords The Cellulose Gum SongRate song! chords I Need Your LovinRate song! chords I'm No Superman chords Never Be What You WantRate song! tab Tetris Theme chords The Blues RiffRate song! chords Dancing In The Moonlight (correct Version) mix Warriors Of The World UnitedRate song! chords She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty chords Do You Wanna Tangle?Rate song! chords Makeup Smeared Eyes chords Parker chords Hesitating BeautyRate song! chords Nice Guys Part chords She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty mix Seewhatweseas chords Sugar, We're Going Down Part chords Beautiful Creation chords Nothing On YouRate song! chords Wedding Dress chords He's A Pirate PartRate song! chords Better People (for Beginners) tab Hi'ilaweRate song! chords Happy Days (theme Tune)Rate song! mix Gary Come HomeRate song! mix 1234 chords Ain't No Pleasin YouRate song! tab FirefliesRate song! chords I Don't Feel Like Dancing chords Island Song [end Theme] chords Yoo Khon Diew : Better Staying AloneRate song! chords When I Look Into Your EyesRate song! chords Simple ThingsRate song! chords Lovin You PartRate song! chords Let It Be (simplified Chorus) PartRate song! chords Marvin's RoomRate song! chords Untitled LullabyRate song! mix You Always Hurt The One You Love Part chords Song 2 YouRate song! mix Liar chords Pardon MeRate song! chords When You Walk In That RoomRate song! chords You Belong With Me Part chords Sha La La La La (baby It's You)Rate song! chords Brand New Day chords Good As GoldRate song! chords Dunas chords If Paradise Is Half As NiceRate song! tab Up Theme Song chords Spencer On A Friday NightRate song! chords Turd For Her LunchRate song! chords Dumb Song It Sucks PartRate song! chords He's A Pirate (Pirates Of The Caribbean) PartRate song! chords First Song On Ukulele chords Sad ClownRate song! chords Lullaby Part chords Mrs CaldwellRate song! chords My Fat Baby chords Martin DartinRate song! chords I've Lost My KeysRate song! tab Not TomorowRate song! chords Liz Con Las MallasRate song! chords Who Ate All The Pies?Rate song! chords The 8vkm SongRate song! chords Lighters Part chords Shooting The Moon chords Aliigator Sky chords Mrs Caldwell (extended Version)Rate song! chords The List Song PartRate song! tab Moment For Life chords If The Stars Were MineRate song! chords You Always Hurt The Ones You LoveRate song! chords My SoliderRate song! chords Stuck On You/wonderful Tonight MedleyRate song! chords Pimpass Paradise PartRate song! chords If Time Is All I Have ( Easy Version )Rate song! chords Curvy Nose Man Can See YouRate song! chords End Of An Era chords Laundry Day chords On The Rise chords Ramona Part chords Lighters PartRate song! chords Coffee And Cigarettes chords Cheatercheatebestfriendeater tab Smell Like Teen SpiritRate song! chords Aint't That Right RiffRate song! mix Smoke On The Water chords Adventure Time Theme Song tab Happy BirthdarRate song! chords Perfect Two chords Hey Soul Sister (intermediate) chords Hey Soul Sister (beginners) chords Lighters Featuring Bruno Mars RiffRate song! chords Broken Ft. Amy Lee tab A Small Song/tuneRate song! chords Picture To Burn chords Marvin's Room Part chords Black Day In Deptember chords I'm Yours (simplified With The Riff)Rate song! chords The Luckiest chords Miss AccaciaRate song! tab He Is A Pirate (Pirates Of The Caribbean) mix Debaser PartRate song! chords Pass Out PartRate song! mix Counting Stars tab Harry Potter Theme Song chords Free Falling chords Eeinie MeenieRate song! chords Let Me Hear Your VoiceRate song! tab Bob Marley Lively Up YourselfRate song! chords Look At Me NowRate song! chords Katyusha tab Bad To The BoneRate song! chords MedsRate song! chords HaranaRate song! chords I Know, You Know (psych Theme) Part tab Shake Me Down (opening)Rate song! chords The Funeral chords What Is Love chords Spam Song (freestyle) PartRate song! chords Spam Love Song (freestyle) tab Keyboard Cat Song chords Next 2 You Ft. Justin Bieber chords Am 11:00Rate song! chords Happy chords My Terrible FriendRate song! chords Trust Issues tab Mario Bro's Theme Song!Rate song! chords Lighters chords Under The Sea (in Spanish, Its The Same) chords This Is LoveRate song! tab Zelda's LulabyRate song! tab When We Say (juciebox) IntroRate song! chords I Ali'i No 'oeRate song! tab Song Of StormsRate song! tab Song Of Storms chords Dare4distance chords Do You Think It Would Be OkRate song! chords I Don't Do BoysRate song! chords Something That I Want (from Tangled) chords Cinderella RockafellaRate song! chords You Should Of Killed Me When You Had The ChanceRate song! chords Together (studio) Part chords Hypnotize PartRate song! chords (i'm Not Your) Stepping Stone mix Knee Deep (feat Jimmy Buffet)Rate song! tab New Born (solo) chords Ghandi/buddhaRate song! tab Numb (intro)Rate song! chords My Body Is A CageRate song! chords Love chords Girl TeamRate song! chords Knocking On Heavens Door tab What I've Done chords Black RiffRate song! tab Lost Without YouRate song! chords Oh Bla Di Oh Bla DahRate song! chords Mr Mewse And His Techni-colored ShortsRate song! chords If The Moon Fell Down TonightRate song! chords The Happy Birthday Song chords Somewhere In Brooklyn chords EverytimeRate song! tab Wish You Were Here (intro Solo) PartRate song! tab Cater To YouRate song! chords Chlorine BathRate song! tab Wish You Were Here (intro Solo) chords Walking On A Dream PartRate song! chords Adventure Time Theme Song Part mix Moment For Life tab Interstellar Overdrive SimpleRate song! chords You Spin Me Right Round PartRate song! tab Prelude Of Light Part tab Requiem Of Spirit Part chords Faraway (feat. Chris Richardson) Part chords As Long As We Have LoveRate song! chords Show Me How It GoesRate song! chords Times Like TheseRate song! chords Could've Been Mine (chorus) PartRate song! chords If The Moon Fell Down Tonight tab Hedwig's Theme chords Time Travel chords I See The Light Part chords Big Girls Don't CryRate song! chords CigarettesRate song! mix Home chords Rain Over Me Fret. Mark Anthony Intro chords I Got A Felling PartRate song! chords Adventure Time ThemeRate song! tab Super Mario Bros. Original Theme chords Simple Love Song tab Chrono Trigger - Gato's SongRate song! chords A Daydream AwayRate song! chords If I Only Had A Brain tab Chrono Trigger - Corridor Of Time tab Chrono Trigger - Fanfare 1 chords Nothing Is WrittenRate song! chords She Said YesRate song! chords UntitledRate song! chords Unfinished BusinessRate song! tab Mexican Wine SoloRate song! chords She (+1) chords Ancient Walls Of FlowersRate song! chords Jonathan LowRate song! chords Say It Ain't So chords Dr. Worm PartRate song! chords Sunday Night Bike Ride PartRate song! chords Phoenix Lament\ EpilogueRate song! mix Sun Goes DownRate song! chords Lighters PartRate song! chords By Chance (you And I) Part tab Blue Roses Falling (intro) tab Tetris Theme Riff chords Deep Cries Out chords OneaRate song! chords OneaRate song! mix Pencil Full Of Lead PartRate song! tab Heart BreakerRate song! tab Happy BirthdayRate song! tab Happy BirthdayRate song! chords Bananas Part mix Jesus Ranch chords Save Me, San Fransisco chords Going Crazy Over Night PartRate song! chords Oh Fionna chords Dick In A BoxRate song! chords Mother Lover chords Forever And Always chords Smelyalata chords 99 Red Ballons chords Wish You Where Her mix Coz I Luv YouRate song! chords I Might As Well Be On MarsRate song! chords Rock'n'roll Suicide chords Mama Weer All Crazee NowRate song! chords Chlorine Bath tab Zelda's Lullaby chords Simplistic Trance- Like Getaway chords The Kiss I Never HadRate song! chords Cute Without The 'e' (simple Version) Riff chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow chords Jesus Don't Want Me For A Sunbeam chords Mirrors PartRate song! tab Party In The U.s.a. (best Version) chords Another Halleluja tab Next Episode (best Version) tab Crazy Train (logical Version)Rate song! chords Georgy GirlRate song! chords I Lay My Love On YouRate song! chords Little ChildrenRate song! chords I Remember WhenRate song! chords MarianaRate song! tab Soul Sacrafice (with Intro Solo)Rate song! tab Pirates Of The Carribbean Theme (1st Half) tab Here Comes The Sun (best Version) tab Real Muthaphukkin G'sRate song! tab Wish You Were Here (with Intro Solo) chords Side To SideRate song! chords Bigcitydreams chords Dear John tab I Can Only Imagine IntroRate song! tab Blackbird (100% Accurate) tab Goonight Moon chords 3-way ( It's Not Gay )Rate song! chords [email protected] In My PantsRate song! chords You Make Me Fell TheRate song! tab Song Of Storms chords Part Of Your World (first Verse) PartRate song! chords Never Be What You Want (based On Acoustic Version) RiffRate song! chords Oh, Fiona chords Zip-a-dee-doo-daRate song! chords I'll Believe In AnythingRate song! chords Sargent Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band chords PapillonRate song! chords I Have Found A PlaceRate song! mix Everlong Intro Riff chords Never Grow Up chords Never Grow Up chords The Bonsai Tree PartRate song! chords Oh, Fionna chords West BerlinRate song! chords Goodmorning SleepyheadRate song! mix You Don't Know Me Ft. Regina Spektor chords EnvoiRate song! tab Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme (2nd Half) tab Hawaiian Vamp (cool Hawaiian Riff) chords Your Universe chords On A Tropical Island chords The Way I Loved You chords Long Live chords I Missed You chords Spam Love Song PartRate song! chords Jona VarkRate song! chords On A Tropical Island chords Baba O'reily Part chords Spam Love Song chords If I Die Young Part tab Ukulele Weeps (entire Song) (improved) chords Oh Fionna chords Tropical Island Song chords Wild ThingRate song! tab Winnie The Pooh Theme Arr. By David Lewis chords Daddy Why Did You Eat My Fries? (full) chords Lemme Smang It Girl (ft. Flynt Flossy) chords RaviolesRate song! chords Bitter Sweet chords Hula Song (timon And Pumbaa) chords Yoummy Yummy YummyRate song! mix Chalwa chords I'm Just Your ProblemRate song! chords The Lion Sleeps TonightRate song! tab Zelda's Lullaby (simple Version) chords Friday Is ForeverRate song! chords Love The Way You Lie Part 2 (ft. Rihanna) chords Balada Boa (tche Tche Rere)Rate song! chords Its Cool We Can Still Be Friends PartRate song! chords The Christmas Song Song PartRate song! tab She's Not There (intro) PartRate song! chords Nobody Riff chords Potential Break-up Song tab Totoro chords Up Where We BelongRate song! chords Invincible tab She's Got You High chords The Hith RoadRate song! tab Happy Birthday tab Happy Birthday tab Charge (baseball)Rate song! chords Count On Me (easy) PartRate song! chords Ironman Intro tab 1234 chords The Break-up Song (let's Just Be Friends)Rate song! chords Won't Give InRate song! mix Shire ThemeRate song! tab Ocarina Of Time: Market Theme mix Spam Love SongRate song! tab I'm Yours-intro PickingRate song! chords She Got Her Own (miss Independent Remix) PartRate song! chords 5 O Clock PartRate song! chords Veggie Tales Theme Song chords Adventure Time Theme Song chords Ashes PartRate song! mix Chase Cue 1Rate song! mix Pink Panther Theme SongRate song! chords 1234/best I Ever Had tab Airplanes (end Tune) chords Part One (savannah)Rate song! tab Star Wars Theme Song chords Wondering Where The Lion Are PartRate song! chords Lucky Ft. CalliatRate song! chords Time Travel chords Was Wenn GottRate song! tab Hedwig's Theme X tab First Of The Year (exquinox) mix Chase Cue 1 chords Gypsy Mc / Muddhouse PartRate song! chords You've Got Growing Up To DoRate song! chords The Problem With SaintsRate song! chords Seven Drunken NightsRate song! chords Sharing Is CaringRate song! chords Cheap Date Solo chords Apple Of My Eye PartRate song! chords Thinking About You chords The 'a' Team chords Whoever She Is chords Sometimes I Get A Good Feeling Intro chords Colors Of The Wind - Pocahontas Version mix Soldier Boy chords Como SoyRate song! tab Cantina Band SongRate song! chords Somebody Kill Me PleaseRate song! chords Tears Dont Fall ( Intro Riff) IntroRate song! chords Delicate CycleRate song! tab I'm Just A Little Black Raincloud chords F.u.n Song chords Tonight You Belong To Me tab Ruffneck BassRate song! chords Navesink BanksRate song! mix Generator_first FloorRate song! tab Mr.brownstoneRate song! chords Where Is My Mind chords BreezyRate song! tab Give Love A Try tab Nyan ThemeRate song! chords Baby PleaseRate song! tab Lavender Town Theme Part chords Folha De BananeiraRate song! tab Lavender Town Theme Part chords The BoatRate song! tab Amazing Grace (harmonics) PartRate song! tab Silent Night (harmonics) PartRate song! chords 85Rate song! chords Pre-drink SoundtrackRate song! tab Crazy Train Solo tab The Ballad Of Curtis Lowe IntroRate song! chords Jingle Bells tab Bucovina ClubRate song! tab Another Riff From Bucovina ClubRate song! mix Modern Girls And Old Fashioned MenRate song! tab Ambling Alp [intro Only]Rate song! tab Stylo (main Riffs) tab 19-2000 (riff)Rate song! tab Time Won't Let Me Go (intro + Main Riff)Rate song! chords The Heretic's Song chords FogRate song! chords RespireRate song! chords Going Out Of StyleRate song! tab Three Hunters Theme Part chords I Miss You (beginner)Rate song! chords Gold DiggerRate song! tab Devil In Disguise SoloRate song! chords No FloodsRate song! chords Silent Night (christmas Song) chords Jed's Other Poems/beautiful GroundRate song! chords I Try chords Five O'clock In The Morning IntroRate song! tab Cough Syrup IntroRate song! chords Spongebob Squarepants - Beginning ThemeRate song! mix Holocene (intro)Rate song! chords Price TagRate song! chords Hakuna MatadaRate song! chords Count Om Me PartRate song! tab Have I Told You Lately That I Love You PartRate song! chords Can't Take My Eyes Off You tab Let's Groove (riff)Rate song! tab Wake Me Up When September Ends Solo chords Schrei Nach Liebe Solo chords My Girl (where Did You Sleep Last Night) Part chords Gold In The Eternal FireRate song! tab Barton HollowRate song! tab Ballad Of The Sky Goddess chords 4 Chord Song chords LightweightRate song! chords Tell Me I'm A WreckRate song! tab Aruarian DanceRate song! chords Jingle BellsRate song! tab Both Hands IntroRate song! tab Doing The CockroachRate song! chords Haunted PartRate song! mix Parade Of ClonesRate song! chords 4 Chord Song chords Girl In Stilettos RiffRate song! chords The Ballad Of Peter PumpkinheadRate song! chords To Make You Feel My Love chords Efy Medley PartRate song! tab Buckingham Green Solo Pt. 1Rate song! mix Days Of Summer tab Scary Monsters And Nice SpritesRate song! chords Lost Without You tab Rango Main Theme tab Star Wars Ep.2 Sad Theme PartRate song! mix Someone New (ft. Heather Nova)Rate song! tab 12 Days Of ChrismasRate song! chords So Special tab The Hill chords Crosses (for Beginners) PartRate song! tab Davy Jones Theme (Pirates Of The Caribbean) tab A CureRate song! chords Wtihout YouRate song! chords Lovesick chords The Elements Song tab Gee tab Psycho Killer (intro)Rate song! chords I'm Just Your Problem Part mix I Will Possess Your Heart (baseline) Part chords Silent NightRate song! chords 4 Chord SongRate song! chords Viva La Vida chords Stormy End PartRate song! chords In YouRate song! chords New AgeRate song! chords Take My HeartRate song! tab Happy Birthday PartRate song! chords The Adventures Of Raindance Maggie chords The Right OneRate song! chords Wizard Love PartRate song! chords On A Tropical IslandRate song! tab Exploration chords Whisky tab Wipe Out (solo)Rate song! tab Jane Doe (solo) chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow tab Safe And Sound (intro)Rate song! chords Que Se Chama AmorRate song! tab Happy Birthday chords Adventure Time Theme SongRate song! tab Delfino Plaza chords Valerie [best Version] tab SanteriaRate song! mix Rock LobsterRate song! chords Rumor Has ItRate song! chords Welcome Home (simplified) chords Welcome Home (difficult) chords Mistletoe (version 1) chords Beautiful Creation chords Your Biggest Fan chords Material Girl PartRate song! tab Redemption Song (intro) PartRate song! chords Tudo BemRate song! mix Bom DiaRate song! chords O Que é Que Eu Faço Pra Tirar Você Da Minha CabeçaRate song! chords Faz TempoRate song! tab Memories From A Deck Part 2Rate song! tab Tu CarcelRate song! tab Chasy Coy - Never ChangeRate song! mix What Went WrongRate song! tab Soft Kitty chords Yesterdays (transposed)Rate song! tab My Beloved Monster (main Riffs)Rate song! tab 100 Years (intro)Rate song! tab Shop Theme tab Batman Theme SongRate song! chords This Is The StuffRate song! tab Old And Out Of TuneRate song! chords Video Killed The Radio Star chords Alcoholic PartRate song! tab Aufstehn IntroRate song! tab How I Met Your Mother Theme IntroRate song! chords Again chords Save Me San Francisco tab Mad World tab Fire Red/ Leaf Green Pokecenter tab Pallet Town tab Graveyard Dancing Intro tab Laminated E.t. Animal chords You Set Me On FireRate song! tab Epona's SongRate song! chords Oh, Fionna mix Eine Insel Mit Zwei BergenRate song! chords Did I Let You Know (original Tuning)Rate song! tab A Tear For EddieRate song! chords Moving Right Along IntroRate song! tab Sleepy Puppies tab Zár Az égboltRate song! chords Wenn Jetzt Sommer WärRate song! mix Moon On The WaterRate song! tab Sherlock (bbc) Theme Song Part tab Pink Panther Theme Song chords My Freeze Ray tab Red/blue Bicycle chords More Than Words IntroRate song! chords White Horse Part chords New Perspective Part mix Fluorescent Adolescent Intro PartRate song! tab Wedding Dress IntroRate song! tab I Feel Like Dying PartRate song! chords Cowboy Butt Sex chords Cancion Del Mariachi IntroRate song! chords You Don't Deserve Me Part chords Susan Strong tab Use Somebody (intro) Part chords Team (bassline) RiffRate song! chords Team (bassline) [12 Fret Version] RiffRate song! chords I Do AdoreRate song! chords The Lonliness Of A Tower Crane DriverRate song! tab Somebody That I Used To Know. (feat Kimbra)Rate song! chords New Perspective Part tab Bonama PartRate song! tab Love Light PartRate song! tab Love Light (better) PartRate song! chords No More TimeRate song! chords My Freeze Ray PartRate song! mix The Lion King: Be Prepared PartRate song! mix Lion King: Be Prepared Part chords Hercules: The Gospel Truth Part chords A Moment When Tension Breaks PartRate song! mix Hello Cold World PartRate song! tab Bubbly IntroRate song! tab Donkey Kong Country ThemeRate song! chords She's Got You High RiffRate song! tab Fake Wings mix Date Rape chords I'm Comin' HomeRate song! chords It Is Well With My Soul chords Kiss From A Rose (intro) IntroRate song! chords No SurprisesRate song! chords SatelliteRate song! chords This Is The Stuff (original Tuning) chords Cinta Muka Buku tab La MigraineRate song! chords Stand In The Rain Part mix Hold My Hand PartRate song! mix Hold My Hand PartRate song! tab If It's The Beaches PartRate song! chords Somewhere Only We Know (original Tuning) tab Good Riddance (transposed)Rate song! mix Wake Me Up When September Ends (trasposed)Rate song! chords Love Will Tear Us Apart (difficult)Rate song! tab I Miss You (intro) [note Alternate Tuning]Rate song! tab Money For Nothing (intro)Rate song! chords Falling StarsRate song! chords When We're Human tab A Favor (guitar Solo)Rate song! chords I'm Yours (harder Version)Rate song! chords Cecilia Part chords Grounds For Divorce (version 2)Rate song! mix One Day Like This (version 2)Rate song! chords Mirrorball (version 2)Rate song! mix Divine (french 2008 Eurovision Entry)Rate song! chords Sex Bomb (acoustic Version) chords According To You mix Scarface (push It To The Limit)(acoustic Version)Rate song! mix Scarface (push It To The Limit)Rate song! tab ThersholdRate song! chords Don't Worry Be Happy (alternate Version) Part tab Somebody That I Used To Know tab HandlebarsRate song! chords
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Allan Willia­ms, the first manage­r of The Beatle­s, has died at the age of 86, his old club announ­ced. LONDON: Allan Williams, the first manager of The Beatles who drove the band on their formative trip to Hamburg in 1960, has died at the age of 86, his old club announced. The Jacaranda Club in Liverpool, northwest England, posted the news late Friday on its Facebook page, saying his death earlier that day was “one of the saddest days in our history”. The Beatles hit the big five-oh! “The Jacaranda’s original owner and the man who discovered The Beatles, Allan Williams, has sadly passed away at the age of 86,” it said. The band were frequent visitors to the Jacaranda and John Lennon and Stuart Sutcliffe were tasked by Williams to paint a mural in the club, according to The Beatles Story exhibition. They went on to play there several times and Williams organised their first residency in Hamburg in Germany. First recording contract of The Beatles up for auction “No Allan Williams, no Hamburg. No Hamburg, no Beatles,” said Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn in a tribute message on Twitter. Williams parted ways with the band in 1961 and they went on to sign with Brian Epstein. Read full story
Something major appears underway at the Seattle-based offices of Guild Wars 2 publisher NCsoft. After a tip from an anonymous source, PC Gamer contacted Public Relations Director Lincoln Davis who denied that the Seattle studio had closed, but confirmed today that a "realignment" was taking place. "NCsoft is realigning internal publishing resources to better suit the needs of our game development studios," Davis told PC Gamer. "As a result of the realignment, several employees and contract positions were affected. This was a very tough decision to make and wish the best for all NCsoft employees in their next ventures.” Davis didn't elaborate on the extent of the restructure nor of any possible effects to Guild Wars 2. In October 2011, employees at NCsoft's Seattle, Austin, and Brighton studios were also hit with layoffs, and today's news follows last summer's report of a nearly 12 percent reduction in revenue suffered by the South Korean publisher compared to the previous year. We'll update this post as more information becomes available from NCsoft.
Macros | DataGrip DataGrip 2022.2 Help Keymap: Emacs GNOME KDE macOS Sublime Text Sublime Text (macOS) XWin Emacs GNOME IntelliJ IDEA Classic (macOS) KDE Sublime Text Sublime Text (macOS) Windows XWin Macros Macros provide a convenient way to automate repetitive procedures you do frequently while writing code. You can record, edit and play back macros, assign a shortcut to them, and share them. Macros can be used to combine a sequence of editor-related actions within a file. You cannot record button clicks, navigating to popups, and accessing tool windows, menus, and dialogs. A temporary macro can be used without a name. For permanent macros, assign unique names. Record a macro Open the Edit menu, point to Macros, and click Start Macro Recording. Perform necessary actions that you want to be recorded. Press or select Edit | Macros | Stop Macro Recording. In the Enter Macro Name dialog, specify the name for the new macro and click OK. If the macro is intended for temporary use only, you can leave the name blank. Play back a macro To play back a temporary macro, open the Edit menu, point to Macros, and click Play Back Last Macro. To play back a named macro, open the Edit menu, point to Macros, and click the necessary macro name. Edit macros Open the Edit menu, point to Macros, and click Edit Macros. Bind a keyboard shortcut to a macro In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), select Keymap. Create a new keymap or select an existing keymap from the list of keymaps. Expand the Macros node and select the macro for which you want to create a keyboard shortcut. Right-click the macro and choose Add Keyboard Shortcut in the context menu. In the Enter Keyboard Shortcut dialog, press the key combination to be used as a shortcut. The keystrokes are immediately reflected in the First Stroke field. Optionally, select the Second stroke checkbox and specify the second stroke. As you press the keys, the Preview field displays the keystrokes you pressed, and the Conflicts field displays warnings, if the keystrokes are already in use. Click OK using the mouse pointer to assign the shortcut to the macro. Apply the changes. Example: Combine reformatting and saving into one action This example shows how to create a macro that reformats the current file Ctrl+Alt+L and saves your project when you press Ctrl+S. Record a macro with the reformat and save actions. Bind the Ctrl+S shortcut to the created macro. Record the macro Open any file in the editor. From the main menu, select Edit | Macros | Start Macro Recording. Press Ctrl+Alt+L to reformat code (Code | Reformat Code). Then press Ctrl+S to save all changes (File | Save All). DataGrip will show the performed actions in the status bar. Stop recording by clicking or selecting Edit | Macros | Stop Macro Recording. In the Enter Macro Name dialog, specify the name for the new macro and click OK. Assign a shortcut for the new macro In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), select Keymap. Expand the Macros node and select the created Reformat and Save macro. Right-click the macro and choose Add Keyboard Shortcut in the context menu. In the Enter Keyboard Shortcut dialog, press Ctrl+S to be used as the shortcut and click OK. DataGrip will warn you that the shortcut is assigned to another action. Click Remove to remove the Ctrl+S shortcut for the File | Save All action. You can always reassign it later if necessary. Click OK to apply the changes. Now, when you press Ctrl+S, DataGrip will invoke the new macro: reformat the current file and save your project. Last modified: 01 July 2022 Emmet Code reference information
Hal T. Hickel is a visual effects animator for Industrial Light & Magic. At the age of 12, Hickel wrote a letter to Lucasfilm, outlining his ideas for a sequel to the original Star Wars movie (now known as Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope), and received a polite rejection letter from producer Gary Kurtz. The letter now hangs on the wall of Hickel's office at ILM. Twenty years later, Hickel found himself working on Star Wars after all, as a lead animator on Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. A native of Bailey, Colorado, Hickel joined the Film Graphics Program at CalArts in 1982. He worked at An-FX from 1982 until 1988, and then joined Will Vinton Studios, working in stop-motion and motion control. Hickel began his animation career at Pixar in 1994, where he worked on Toy Story and the THX promos, as well as some of Pixar's short films. Hearing that a new Star Wars trilogy was in pre-production, Hickel applied for a transfer to ILM on the chance that he might get to work on the prequels. He was first assigned as an animator on The Lost World: Jurassic Park, but was eventually assigned to work on The Phantom Menace, and later its sequel, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, where he was responsible for the unique movement of the Droideka destroyer droids. His other credits include: A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Space Cowboys, Dreamcatcher and Van Helsing. In 2007, Hickel won the BAFTA and the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects along with John Knoll, Charles Gibson and Allen Hall, for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. He also received an Academy Award nomination for his work on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.[1] References [ edit ]
The group stages of the UKCSGO County Champs were completed at the end of July and we saw teams from all over the United Kingdom hash it out on to progress in the final stages for a chance to win part of a £500 prize pool and 5 headsets provided by Polk Audio. We are now left with the top 12 teams made up of a collection of some of the best players in the UK scene, and some lesser known players who are getting the chance of a lifetime to play with and against great players. In order to get this nicely wrapped up nicely before LAN with minimum impact to teams practicing for the event we are adding an extra day of games to the Monday-Wednesday format we used in groups. All games will be a best of 3, with veto for maps. As there are no seeds in this event teams will knife for first veto in all games Monday 10th August: A & B games – Greater Manchester vs Essex & London vs Berkshire Tuesday 11th August: C & D games – Merseyside vs Edinburgh & Glasgow vs Bedfordshire Wednesday 12th August: E & F games – Cornwall vs winner of A & Bristol vs winner of B Thursday 13th August: G & H games – Wales vs winner of C & Surrey vs winner of D Monday 17th August: I and J games – E winner vs F winner & G winner vs H winner Tuesday 18th August: 3rd place game: I loser vs J loser Wednesday 19th of August: Finals – I winner vs J winner You can see how the brackets look on the dedicated cup site, if you have any questions about the games,dates or anything else get in touch me me or Orcl in the County Championship Captains Steam group.
Elon Musk has been very vocal about his concerns over artificial intelligence, and now the Tesla and SpaceX CEO has quantified his worries. In a recent talk, Musk claimed that efforts to make AI safe only have 'a five to 10 per cent chance of success.' The warning comes shortly after Musk claimed that regulation of artificial intelligence was drastically needed because it's a 'fundamental risk to the existence of human civilisation.' Scroll down for video Elon Musk has been very vocal about his concerns over artificial intelligence, and now the Tesla and SpaceX CEO has quantified his worries. In a recent talk, Musk claimed that efforts to make AI safe only have 'a five to 10 per cent chance of success' WHAT IS NEURALINK? Elon Musk's latest company Neuralink is working to link the human brain with a machine interface by creating micron-sized devices. Neuralink was registered in California as a 'medical research' company last July, and he plans on funding the company mostly by himself. It will work on what Musk calls the 'neural lace' technology, implanting tiny brain electrodes that may one day upload and download thoughts. He said 'neural laces' will help people with severe brain injuries in just four years. And in eight to ten years, the Matrix-style technology will be available to everyone, he added. Musk was giving a talk to employees at one of his companies, Neuralink, which is working on ways to implant technology into our brains to create mind-computer interfaces, according to Rolling Stone. He didn't hold back on his predictions about making AI safe, saying there was 'maybe a five to 10 per cent chance of success.' Musk added that the employees should 'sleep well' after his warning. But the CEO then ate a piece of popcorn, before coughing, and added: 'We're talking about threats to humanity, and I'm going to choke to death on popcorn.' His latest claims follow a warning he made in July that regulation of artificial intelligence is needed because it's a 'fundamental risk to the existence of human civilisation.' The billionaire said regulations will stop humanity from being outsmarted by computers, or 'deep intelligence in the network', that can start wars by manipulating information. Governments must have a better understanding of artificial intelligence technology's rapid evolution in order to fully comprehend the risks, he said. 'Once there is awareness, people will be extremely afraid, as they should be...By the time we are reactive in AI regulation, it'll be too late,' he added. The billionaire made the comments during a question-and-answer session at the summer conference of the National Governors Association in Rhode Island. 'Normally the way regulations are set up is when a bunch of bad things happen, there's a public outcry, and after many years a regulatory agency is set up to regulate that industry,' said Musk. Elon Musk said that when it comes to making AI safe, there is 'maybe a five to 10 per cent chance of success.' Pictured is a scene from Terminator, in which robots threaten to take over Earth MUSK: WE MAY LIVE IN A SIMULATION When asked at the 2016 Code Conference in California if the answer to the question of whether we are in a simulated computer game was 'yes', Elon Musk said 'probably.' Musk believes that computer game technology, particularly virtual reality, is already approaching a point that it is indistinguishable from reality. 'If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable,' he said. 'Even if the speed of those advancements dropped by 1000, 'We are clearly on a trajectory to have games indistinguishable from reality, and there would be billions of there. 'It would seem to follow that the odds that we're in 'base reality' is one in billions', Mr Musk said. 'It takes forever. That, in the past, has been bad but not something which represented a fundamental risk to the existence of civilisation.' Pressed for more specific guidance, Musk said the first step is for government to get a better understanding of the fast-moving achievements in developing artificial intelligence technology. The Tesla and SpaceX founder was reiterating his long-held argument that it is needed soon to protect humanity from intelligent machines. He has previously compared AI to 'summoning the devil'. When asked at the 2016 Code Conference in California if the answer to the question of whether we are in a simulated computer game was 'yes', Musk said 'probably.' Musk believes that computer game technology, particularly virtual reality, is already approaching a point that it is indistinguishable from reality. 'If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable,' he said. His latest claims follow a warning he made in July that regulation of artificial intelligence is needed because it's a 'fundamental risk to the existence of human civilisation,' during an interview with Nevada Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval 'Even if the speed of those advancements dropped by 1000. 'We are clearly on a trajectory to have games indistinguishable from reality, and there would be billions of there.
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Around The League will profile the top 25 players we see Making the Leap in 2014. No. 20 on the list: Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Markus Wheaton. Why Markus is on the list This is a time of transition in the Steelers' wide receiving corps. Over the past 15 months, Mike Wallace, Emmanuel Sanders and Jerricho Cotchery have departed via free agency. Antonio Brown is the undisputed No. 1 receiver. Lance Moore, signed in the offseason, should slide into Cotchery's role in the slot. Wheaton has a golden opportunity to take over Wallace's lingering vacancy as the X receiver. A third-round pick in the 2013 draft, Wheaton has all the tools to become a favorite target of Ben Roethlisberger. A disciplined route runner with plus speed (4.4-flat forty at 2013 combine), strong hands and a high football IQ, Wheaton looked ready to break out as a rookie after an impressive preseason. Disappointment followed in the regular season. Wheaton managed just six receptions and missed four games with a hand injury that eventually required surgery. "It's tough to play wide receiver with broken fingers," Steelers coach Mike Tomlin said in April, via the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "I look forward to him taking a significant step for us. I know that we need him to." The talent is undeniably there, and Tomlin doesn't hide the fact that Pittsburgh is depending on Wheaton to become a contributor. We think he'll step up. Obstacles The finger injuries had a detrimental effect on Wheaton's learning curve. He was on the field for just 161 snaps, including six games where he saw five snaps or less. He made one start, a Week 4 loss to the Minnesota Vikings in which he finished with three receptions for 26 yards. If the rookie year wasn't a complete washout, it was close. Wheaton's biggest competition for the X receiver role is Martavis Bryant, a fourth-round pick out of Clemson. Bryant has the ability to develop into a legitimate red-zone threat for the Steelers, but consider it a surprise -- and a considerable disappointment for team brass -- if Wheaton can't hold off Bryant for the starting job. Can Wheaton stay healthy? And if so, can he pick up the nuances of the Steelers' playbook? Roethlisberger said last month that Wheaton and Moore will be challenged to get up to speed with the Steelers' no-huddle offense, which the team found great success with in the back half of the 2013 season. Wheaton's biggest challenge might be on the mental side. 2014 expectations Expectations are old hat for Wheaton. During his first training camp, former Steelers safety Ryan Clark said Wheaton was already a better and more complete receiver than Mike Wallace. Now Wheaton must prove he can capably fill his predecessor's shoes. Can Wheaton come close to replicating Wallace's production? Wheaton should win a starting job out of camp this time around. Bryant will be in a developmental stage and free-agent signing Darrius Heyward-Bey is, well, Darrius Heyward-Bey. Barring injury, count on Wheaton to keep his gig and become a mainstay in Pittsburgh's attack. Asking for a Pro Bowl-level season is pushing it, but we expect Wheaton to earn Roethlisberger's trust as the season progresses and make the progression the team hoped for in 2013. Will Wheaton and Brown be in the conversation as the NFL's best wide receiver duo by January? Probably not, but don't be surprised if they crack the back end of the list this time next year. In the latest edition of the "Around The League Podcast," the heroes talk "Hard Knocks" before delving into a new batch of rookie whispers.
Android Oreo is stuffed full of security enhancements. Over the past few months, we've covered how we've improved the security of the Android platform and its applications: from making it safer to get apps, dropping insecure network protocols, providing more user control over identifiers, hardening the kernel, making Android easier to update, all the way to doubling the Android Security Rewards payouts. Now that Oreo is out the door, let's take a look at all the goodness inside. Expanding support for hardware security Android already supports Verified Boot, which is designed to prevent devices from booting up with software that has been tampered with. In Android Oreo, we added a reference implementation for Verified Boot running with Project Treble, called Android Verified Boot 2.0 (AVB). AVB has a couple of cool features to make updates easier and more secure, such as a common footer format and rollback protection. Rollback protection is designed to prevent a device to boot if downgraded to an older OS version, which could be vulnerable to an exploit. To do this, the devices save the OS version using either special hardware or by having the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) sign the data. Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL come with this protection and we recommend all device manufacturers add this feature to their new devices. Oreo also includes the new OEM Lock Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) that gives device manufacturers more flexibility for how they protect whether a device is locked, unlocked, or unlockable. For example, the new Pixel phones use this HAL to pass commands to the bootloader. The bootloader analyzes these commands the next time the device boots and determines if changes to the locks, which are securely stored in Replay Protected Memory Block (RPMB), should happen. If your device is stolen, these safeguards are designed to prevent your device from being reset and to keep your data secure. This new HAL even supports moving the lock state to dedicated hardware. Speaking of hardware, we've invested support in tamper-resistant hardware, such as the security module found in every Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. This physical chip prevents many software and hardware attacks and is also resistant to physical penetration attacks. The security module prevents deriving the encryption key without the device's passcode and limits the rate of unlock attempts, which makes many attacks infeasible due to time restrictions. While the new Pixel devices have the special security module, all new GMS devices shipping with Android Oreo are required to implement key attestation. This provides a mechanism for strongly attesting IDs such as hardware identifiers. We added new features for enterprise-managed devices as well. In work profiles, encryption keys are now ejected from RAM when the profile is off or when your company's admin remotely locks the profile. This helps secure enterprise data at rest. Platform hardening and process isolation As part of Project Treble, the Android framework was re-architected to make updates easier and less costly for device manufacturers. This separation of platform and vendor-code was also designed to improve security. Following the principle of least privilege, these HALs run in their own sandbox and only have access to the drivers and permissions that are absolutely necessary. Continuing with the media stack hardening in Android Nougat, most direct hardware access has been removed from the media frameworks in Oreo resulting in better isolation. Furthermore, we've enabled Control Flow Integrity (CFI) across all media components. Most vulnerabilities today are exploited by subverting the normal control flow of an application, instead changing them to perform arbitrary malicious activities with all the privileges of the exploited application. CFI is a robust security mechanism that disallows arbitrary changes to the original control flow graph of a compiled binary, making it significantly harder to perform such attacks. In addition to these architecture changes and CFI, Android Oreo comes with a feast of other tasty platform security enhancements: Seccomp filtering : makes some unused syscalls unavailable to apps so that they can't be exploited by potentially harmful apps. : makes some unused syscalls unavailable to apps so that they can't be exploited by potentially harmful apps. Hardened usercopy : A recent survey of security bugs on Android revealed that invalid or missing bounds checking was seen in approximately 45% of kernel vulnerabilities. We've backported a bounds checking feature to Android kernels 3.18 and above, which makes exploitation harder while also helping developers spot issues and fix bugs in their code. : A recent survey of security bugs on Android revealed that invalid or missing bounds checking was seen in approximately 45% of kernel vulnerabilities. We've backported a bounds checking feature to Android kernels 3.18 and above, which makes exploitation harder while also helping developers spot issues and fix bugs in their code. Privileged Access Never (PAN) emulation : Also backported to 3.18 kernels and above, this feature prohibits the kernel from accessing user space directly and ensures developers utilize the hardened functions to access user space. : Also backported to 3.18 kernels and above, this feature prohibits the kernel from accessing user space directly and ensures developers utilize the hardened functions to access user space. Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR): Although Android has supported userspace Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) for years, we've backported KASLR to help mitigate vulnerabilities on Android kernels 4.4 and newer. KASLR works by randomizing the location where kernel code is loaded on each boot, making code reuse attacks probabilistic and therefore more difficult to carry out, especially remotely. App security and device identifier changes Android Instant Apps run in a restricted sandbox which limits permissions and capabilities such as reading the on-device app list or transmitting cleartext traffic. Although introduced during the Android Oreo release, Instant Apps supports devices running Android Lollipop and later. In order to handle untrusted content more safely, we've isolated WebView by splitting the rendering engine into a separate process and running it within an isolated sandbox that restricts its resources. WebView also supports Safe Browsing to protect against potentially dangerous sites. Lastly, we've made significant changes to device identifiers to give users more control, including: Moving the static Android ID and Widevine values to an app-specific value, which helps limit the use of device-scoped non-resettable IDs. In accordance with IETF RFC 7844 anonymity profile, net.hostname is now empty and the DHCP client no longer sends a hostname. is now empty and the DHCP client no longer sends a hostname. For apps that require a device ID, we've built a Build.getSerial() API and protected it behind a permission. and protected it behind a permission. Alongside security researchers1, we designed a robust MAC address randomization for Wi-Fi scan traffic in various chipsets firmware. Android Oreo brings in all of these improvements, and many more. As always, we appreciate feedback and welcome suggestions for how we can improve Android. Contact us at security@android.com. _____________________________________________________________________ 1: Glenn Wilkinson and team at Sensepost, UK, Célestin Matte, Mathieu Cunche: University of Lyon, INSA-Lyon, CITI Lab, Inria Privatics, Mathy Vanhoef, KU Leuven
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Inanda Seminary - Babalwa Maholwana +27 31 510 1011 admin@inanda.org Home Admissions Admission Procedure Application Forms Fee Structure About Us Vision, Mission and Values Academic Studies Religious Activities and Involvement Extra Mural Activities History Introductory Videos Policies & Certifications Our People Fundraising/Projects/Needs Vacancies Contact Us Contact Details Directions Events Inanda News Events Term Dates Year Calendar: Important Events Sports Fixtures & Results Khanyisa Alumnae The Inanda Seminary Alumnae ISAA Events Newsletters Ways to give Alumnae News and Chapter News Gauteng Chapter Alumnae Profiles Alumnae Board Marketing and Events Sub-Committee Search Alumnae Profiles Babalwa Maholwana Class of ‘93 Health Industry Leader, Researcher Dr Babalwa Maholwana obtained her MBChB degree from the University of Natal (now Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine) and obtained a Fellowship grant from the Medical Research Council after compulsory community service. Her pharmaceutical and health industry experience spans over 15 years, having held several leadership roles in Clinical Research, Medical and Regulatory affairs. Outside the pharmaceutical industry, she gained wide experience running projects in non-profit HIV research and for the Medicines Control Council, (now the South African Health Products Regulatory Agency) and International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM). Dr Maholwana is a published scientific researcher and completed the Global Executive Development Programme (GEDP) at the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) with distinction. Since 2017, she has been invited frequently as a speaker on the GIBS Women as Leaders programme, where she relates the story of her leadership journey; including how Inanda Seminary influenced her values as an independent, a pioneering disruptor and a steward for women empowerment. She is currently on academic sabbatical leave while pursuing her Philosophy Masters in Strategy with GIBS, and consults privately on women leadership, pharmaceutical and healthcare matters. APPOINTMENTS Independent pharmaceutical consultant on academic sabbatical leave – June 2019 to date Novo Nordisk (Pty) Ltd – June 2014 to May 2019 Executive Head – Clinical, Medical and Regulatory Affairs (CMR) – RSA Abbott Laboratories (Pty) Ltd – Nov 2012 to May 2014 a. Executive Medical Director – Established Pharmaceutical Division (EPD) – (Nov 2012 – October 2013) b. Executive Medical/Regulatory/Quality Assurance Director (RSA and Region Africa) – (Nov 2013 – May 2014) Pfizer Laboratories (Pty) Ltd – Dec 2011 to October 2012 Product Physician – Women’s Health, CNS & Medical Lead for Established Products International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM) – July 2009 to November 2011 a. Associate Clinical Phase III Project Director – (Jul 2009 – Feb 2011) b. Clinical Development Physician – (Mar 2011 – November 2011) Servier Laboratories South Africa (Pty) Ltd – Feb 2006 to Jun 2009 a. Scientific Project Manager – Diabetes and Osteoporosis (Feb 2006 – Jan 2007) b. Brand Manager – Servier Neuroscience (Feb 2007 – Jun 2009) MEDUNSA Pharmacovigilance Centre (March 2005 – Jan 2006) Director MSD Pty (Ltd) (Feb 2004 – Feb 2005) Pharmacovigilance Manager EDUCATION, AWARDS & CERTIFICATES QUALIFICATIONS: MBChB – NATAL (1999) POST-GRADUATE CERTIFICATES: Global Executive Development Programme – GIBS Business School (2016) POST-GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP: Research Fellowship Grant - Medical Research Council [MRC]; South Africa (2002) UNDERGRADUATE AWARDS: Chief Albert Luthuli Memorial Diligence Award - University of Natal (1995) MATRIC: Inanda Seminary (1993) NPC Reg. No. 1997/005605/08 | NPO Reg. No. 085-381-NPO | PBO Reg. No. 930014218 © 2022 Inanda Seminary Home Admissions Admission Procedure Application Forms Fee Structure About Us Vision, Mission and Values Academic Studies Religious Activities and Involvement Extra Mural Activities History Introductory Videos Policies & Certifications Our People Fundraising/Projects/Needs Vacancies Contact Us Contact Details Directions Events Inanda News Events Term Dates Year Calendar: Important Events Sports Fixtures & Results Khanyisa Alumnae The Inanda Seminary Alumnae ISAA Events Newsletters Ways to give Alumnae News and Chapter News Gauteng Chapter Alumnae Profiles Alumnae Board Marketing and Events Sub-Committee +27 31 510 1011 admin@inanda.org
Cricket 2022 | Page 2 | Stretford End Arising | Manchester United Forums Forums New posts Trending Blogs What's new New posts Latest activity Members Current visitors Songs & Chants Log in Register What's new New posts Trending Menu Log in Register Install the app Install Blogs Forums Sport Other Sports JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Cricket 2022 Thread starter SuperRash Start date Mar 8, 2022 Prev 1 2 First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page Go O-Dog Well-Known Member Joined Mar 23, 2017 Messages 1,833 Location Cloud cuckoo land Jun 5, 2022 #36 Been a real topsy turvy match. More drama to come I expect, but I think we'll see it home. Shows the folly of dropping Broad and Anderson too. Reply Justin Cider Well-Known Member Joined Oct 13, 2016 Messages 2,190 Age 59 Jun 5, 2022 #37 Impressive run chase by England, not a 4th/5th day pitch, but still expected New Zealand to win by 50+ runs when the innings started. Surprised but it's the First time Root has scored a century in the 4th innings. Reply SuperRash Moderator Joined Apr 11, 2016 Messages 6,832 Age 34 Jun 5, 2022 #38 O-Dog said: Been a real topsy turvy match. More drama to come I expect, but I think we'll see it home. Shows the folly of dropping Broad and Anderson too. Click to expand... Yeah it was a big mistake dropping them in the first place. I kind of feel the selectors/captain were hoping for the Anderson/Broad effect when they first came in for Harmison and Hoggard in the NZ series many years ago. Sadly so many of our seamers are injury prone so there isn’t any outstanding candidates. I can see Anderson retiring after this summer but think Broad still has some time to go. Potts looks an outstanding prospect. Great batting by Root and Foakes today to get us over the line. Hopefully we can carry on winning now! Reply Justin Cider Well-Known Member Joined Oct 13, 2016 Messages 2,190 Age 59 Jun 10, 2022 #39 Kane Williamson out of the 2nd Test which starts later today after testing positive for Covid-19. Reply O-Dog Well-Known Member Joined Mar 23, 2017 Messages 1,833 Location Cloud cuckoo land Jun 14, 2022 #40 Cricket, eh. Bloody hell, that was magnificent! Reply Reactions: SuperRash SuperRash Moderator Joined Apr 11, 2016 Messages 6,832 Age 34 Jun 14, 2022 #41 O-Dog said: Cricket, eh. Bloody hell, that was magnificent! Click to expand... Absolutely brilliant advert for Test cricket. That innings from Bairstow had the serious wow factor! Stokes and McCullum are already working wonders. Reply Justin Cider Well-Known Member Joined Oct 13, 2016 Messages 2,190 Age 59 Jun 15, 2022 #42 Very impressive again but think the outcome would've been different if Kyle Jamieson had been available to bowl in the second innings. They basically chased the score down against 3 frontline bowlers(and two of those not fully up to speed because of recent injuries) and a part-time spinner who has only taken 30 wickets in 97 first-class matches. Reply SuperRash Moderator Joined Apr 11, 2016 Messages 6,832 Age 34 Jul 5, 2022 #43 English cricket is revitalised with this new ‘Bazball’. Dispatched India chasing 378 easily today. It really was some chase and Root/Bairstow are clearly the two most in form players in the world right now. Long may this continue! Reply jsp Well-Known Member Joined Feb 15, 2012 Messages 22,332 Jul 5, 2022 #44 Good partnership from the openers to get them going as well. Incredible run chase bet India will be fuming. Certainly entertaining to watch from England but it has the capacity to go spectacularly wrong at some point. Reply SuperRash Moderator Joined Apr 11, 2016 Messages 6,832 Age 34 Jul 6, 2022 #45 Yeah the openers did a really good job getting us off to a flyer and then Root and Bairstow took on the reins. This approach does have the capacity to go wrong but I would rather we play like this, than the negative cricket we have done over the last few years. There comes a time when we will have to sit in and remains to be seen whether we can do that but I say enjoy this ride! Reply jsp Well-Known Member Joined Feb 15, 2012 Messages 22,332 Jul 6, 2022 #46 Yep if test cricket wants to survive it needs to be played this way where momentum swings from one team to the other and chases are possible. Be interesting to see how the style works when we're on tour through the winter Reply Justin Cider Well-Known Member Joined Oct 13, 2016 Messages 2,190 Age 59 Jul 6, 2022 #47 Never seen anything like it, and what makes it even more impressive is that the 4 times they've chased down unlikely winning totals all have been against the top two sides currently in Test cricket. Test cricket is in a great place now, it has been for a few years, and long may that continue. Reply SuperRash Moderator Joined Apr 11, 2016 Messages 6,832 Age 34 Jul 6, 2022 #48 Test cricket has always been the pinnacle for me. I enjoy watching the one day stuff but nothing like watching 5 days especially if England are playing - even when we are rubbish it’s never short of entertainment! Reply RVN Well-Known Member Joined Apr 16, 2019 Messages 850 Jul 6, 2022 #49 Justin Cider said: Never seen anything like it, and what makes it even more impressive is that the 4 times they've chased down unlikely winning totals all have been against the top two sides currently in Test cricket. Click to expand... Both sides were played at home, it will be interesting to see if this approach can be replicated overseas. Reply Justin Cider Well-Known Member Joined Oct 13, 2016 Messages 2,190 Age 59 Jul 6, 2022 #50 RVN said: Both sides were played at home, it will be interesting to see if this approach can be replicated overseas. Click to expand... Be no chance in India where the ball would be turning square on the last two days, but could see them doing it in New Zealand against the same attack providing it wasn't blowing a gale which suits their bowlers. In Australia no chance, in Pakistan maybe, the same in South Africa, and the rest aren't good enough to set such a target. Reply jsp Well-Known Member Joined Feb 15, 2012 Messages 22,332 Jul 6, 2022 #51 It will be interesting to see what they can do when they go out first if it's batting conditions can we get in and take control of the game that way. We've got the comeback in the locker and it's a great weapon to have if conditions allow it like they have here but hopefully we can show that this new style can also build some healthy first innings leads. Reply Justin Cider Well-Known Member Joined Oct 13, 2016 Messages 2,190 Age 59 Jul 11, 2022 #52 Test cricket alive and kicking .... Depleted low on confidence Sri Lanka with 3 debutants beat Australia by innings and 54 runs in Galle with 30 year old journeyman Prabath Jayasuriya, a left-arm spinner taking 12 wickets on debut. Australia 364 Smith 145* Labuschagne 104 Jayasuriya 6-118 Sri Lanka 554 Chandimal 206* Starc 4-89 Australia 151 Jayasuriya 6-59 Reply jsp Well-Known Member Joined Feb 15, 2012 Messages 22,332 Jul 25, 2022 #53 Big shake up for the one day team with Morgan and Stokes both retiring from 50 over cricket. Reply Sideshow Bob Avatar & New Members Forum Mod Joined May 8, 2011 Messages 40,509 Aug 19, 2022 #54 England lose by an innings and 12 runs. Crushing defeat. Reply jsp Well-Known Member Joined Feb 15, 2012 Messages 22,332 Aug 19, 2022 #55 There will be good days and bad days with this playing style. This one certainly falls into the bad days category. Reply Justin Cider Well-Known Member Joined Oct 13, 2016 Messages 2,190 Age 59 Aug 19, 2022 #56 jsp said: There will be good days and bad days with this playing style. This one certainly falls into the bad days category. Click to expand... 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Kimelman's Draft 1. Auston Matthews, C, Zurich (SUI) The 6-foot-1, 210-pound forward has all the markings of a franchise center. He's dominated his peers and now he's excelling against men in Switzerland's top pro league. Had he been born two days earlier, he would have made it a very tough decision for the Buffalo Sabres with the No. 2 pick of the 2015 draft. 2. Jesse Puljujarvi, RW, Karpat (FIN) He dominated for Finland at the 2016 IIHF World Junior Championship, leading the tournament with 17 points in seven games, and has had a strong season against older competition in Liiga, Finland's top pro league. Scouts rave about his hockey sense and how well he skates for his size (6-3, 203). 3. Jakob Chychrun, D, Sarnia (OHL) As the son of a former NHL player, Chychrun has outstanding hockey sense. His size (6-2, 215) and skating ability help him cover a lot of ground. He's the best all-around defenseman in the 2016 draft and would fill an area of need for the Oilers. 4. Patrik Laine, RW, Tappara (FIN) The 6-4, 206-pound power forward showed scouts his full wealth of skills at the WJC; he tied Matthews for the tournament lead with seven goals in seven games. He has a heavy, accurate shot and has had little problem playing against more mature, older players in Liiga. 5. Matthew Tkachuk, LW, London (OHL) At 6-1, 195 pounds, he isn't as big as his father, Keith Tkachuk (6-2, 235), but Matthew plays a similarly tough, strong down-low game in the offensive end. After starring with USA Hockey's National Team Development Program, he's among the top scorers this season in the Ontario Hockey League. 6. (From SJS) Alexander Nylander, LW, Mississauga (OHL) The 6-foot, 179-pound forward became a leader for Sweden after his older brother, William Nylander (Toronto Maple Leafs), was injured in the first game of the WJC; he led fourth-place Sweden with four goals and nine points. He's among the top-10 scorers in the OHL this season and leads all first-year players in the league in goals, assists and points. 7. Julien Gauthier, RW, Val-d'Or (QMJHL) The 6-3, 225-pound power forward was the only draft-eligible player to skate for Canada at the WJC. He's among the top goal-scorers in the QMJHL. Scouts view him as a strong skater who can use his size and strength to win battles along the walls. His game-to-game consistency could be better, but that should come as he matures. 8. Michael McLeod, C, Mississauga (OHL) The 6-2, 188-pound forward is an outstanding skater who is able to change speeds on the move. He can take the puck to the net to create scoring chances for himself or his teammates. He plays on a line with Nylander in Mississauga, and is considered defensively responsible and strong on faceoffs. 9. Olli Juolevi, D, London (OHL) The 6-2, 179-pound left-shot defenseman tied for the scoring lead at his position at the World Juniors and had an easy adjustment moving from Finland to the OHL this season. In addition to his smart offensive play, scouts view him as an outstanding skater with good 1-on-1 defending ability and a quick stick. 10. Pierre-Luc Dubois, LW, Cape Breton (QMJHL) Scouts like the skills, smarts and size (6-2, 202) Dubois brings to the equation. He can use his size to create chances in front of the net. He turned not making Canada's roster for the World Juniors into motivation that has seen him develop into one of the top scorers in the QMJHL. 11. Logan Brown, C, Windsor (OHL) At 6-6, 222 pounds, Brown is one of the bigger players in the 2016 draft class and also brings a wealth of skill. He can win battles anywhere on the ice but also has the vision and hands of a top-end playmaker and is a strong skater for a player his size. 12. Mikhail Sergachev, D, Windsor (OHL) The 6-2, 206-pound left-shot defenseman has the kind of skill set the Avalanche have been looking to add to their defense. He's adapted well in his first season in North America, showing an ability to skate the puck out of trouble or make smart outlet passes. He’s also willing to play physical. 13. Tyson Jost, C, Penticton (BCHL) The University of North Dakota-bound playmaker is averaging nearly two points per game in the British Columbia Hockey League. Jost is not big (5-11, 191), but he is shifty with a low center of gravity that makes him tough to knock off the puck. 14. Kieffer Bellows, LW, USA U-18 (USHL) The Penguins need some young skill on the wing and the 6-foot, 196-pound son of former NHL player Brian Bellows fits the bill. He has a hard, accurate shot and is strong enough on his skates to get to the net to score from prime locations. He's planning to continue his development at Boston University next season. 15. Clayton Keller, C, USA U-18 (USHL) Keller is an offensive dynamo who is averaging nearly two points per game with USA Hockey's National Team Development Program under-18 team. Despite his size (5-9, 168), he can score from anywhere on the ice. A strong skater, he is capable of making plays with the puck at top speed. He could join Kyle Turris and Mika Zibanejad to give the Senators a high level of skill down the middle. 16. Dante Fabbro, D, Penticton (BCHL) Outstanding skating ability allows the 6-foot, 189-pound right-shot defenseman to excel in transitioning the puck. Scouts also like his elite hockey sense and ability to make accurate passes anywhere on the ice. He's committed to Boston University next season. 17. Alexander DeBrincat, RW, Erie (OHL) The 5-7, 163-pound forward is one of the best goal-scorers in junior hockey. He had 51 goals last season as an OHL rookie and this season is averaging nearly one goal per game. The Coyotes certainly have seen DeBrincat a lot; his linemate is Dylan Strome, who they selected with the third pick of the 2015 draft. 18. Max Jones, LW, London (OHL) Jones is a 6-3, 205-pound wrecking ball of a power forward. He skates well and has a hard shot. He has a nasty edge to his game that allows him to create enough open ice for himself to get his shot off. The Devils could use some younger skilled players, and one who enjoys playing physical that much more. 19. Charles McAvoy, D, Boston University (H-EAST) The 6-foot, 208-pound right-shot defenseman is having a solid freshman season not far from TD Garden and has shown lots of upside. He's a strong skater with great vision who can carry the puck out of trouble or make smart passes out of the zone. He has a heavy shot from the point and should be able to run an NHL power play. 20. Jake Bean, D, Calgary (WHL) The Canadiens could use some young defensive talent to develop, and Bean has the look of an outstanding future pro. He has quick feet that allow him to get the transition play going but needs to get bigger and stronger (5-11, 173); that should come as he matures physically and gets help from an NHL strength coach. 21. Rasmus Asplund, C, Farjestad (SWE) Depth down the middle is an organizational need, and Asplund could be a player worth building around. The 5-11, 176-pound forward is adjusting well to playing against men in the Swedish Hockey League, and scouts like how he has shown great speed and an ability to create scoring chances. 22. (From NYR) Tyler Benson, LW, Vancouver (WHL) The 5-11, 201-pound playmaker is averaging about a point per game in the Western Hockey League. His stocky build allows him to be stronger than most along the wall in puck battles, and he's proven to be difficult to handle down low in the offensive zone. 23. Chad Krys, D, USA U-18 (USHL) The Red Wings need to add some defense to their development system, and the 5-11, 185-pound left-shot defenseman would be a strong addition. Scouts like how Krys uses his best attribute, his skating, to lead the rush and help his positioning defensively. He'll continue his development next season at Boston University. 24. Luke Kunin, C, Wisconsin (BIG10) The 5-11, 193-pound forward began his season with two goals at the All-American Prospects Game and used that as a springboard to an outstanding start to his college hockey career. Scouts like his quick feet and quicker release on his shot. He's also a willing player in all three zones. He would make a strong addition to the Wild, who need to develop quality young centers. 25. Riley Tufte, LW, Blaine (HIGH-MN) The 6-4, 205-pound forward moves well in all directions and has shown nice hands when it comes to shooting the puck or setting up his linemates. No U.S. high school player has been picked in the first round since 2010, but with a deep prospect base, the Blues can take Tufte and allow him to spend a few seasons at Minnesota-Duluth, where he'll play next season. 26. (From LAK) Carl Grundstrom, RW, Modo (SWE) The 6-foot, 194-pound forward already is in his second season playing against men in the Swedish Hockey League. He also did well for Sweden at the World Juniors. Scouts like how he can generate speed off the rush and get to the dirty areas to score goals. Grundstrom could provide the infusion of offensive skill that the Hurricanes need. 27. Sam Steel, C, Regina (WHL) The 5-11, 177-pound forward is averaging a point per game in the WHL. Scouts like how Steel can hang on to the puck for an extra half-second to allow plays to open up for his linemates, then make precision passes. He's also shown a nice shot and quick release. 28. Samuel Girard, D, Shawinigan (QMJHL) The Blackhawks need to start thinking about the future of their defense. Though Girard is on the small side (5-9, 160), he makes up for it with a strong lower body and elite-level hockey sense. He also has proven himself to be an outstanding skater and passer who excels in transition. 29. Nathan Bastian, RW, Mississauga (OHL) The 6-3, 208-pound forward has gotten better as the season has gone on and is averaging more than a point per game. A gifted offensive player, Bastian has shown an ability and willingness to play hard in all three zones. 30. Kale Clague, D, Brandon (WHL) The Capitals have been successful with drafting WHL defensemen the past few years, from Mike Green to Karl Alzner to Madison Bowey, and Clague (5-11, 177) could be next on that list. Strong skating allows Clague to excel at each end of the ice. Scouts like his smarts when it comes to his positioning in the defensive end. ---
The U.S. government says it doesn't have the data and isn't opposed to users retrieving it U.S. federal prosecutors are fine with Megaupload users recovering their data -- as long as they pay for it. The government's position was explained in a court filing on Friday concerning one of the many interesting side issues that has emerged from the shutdown of Megaupload, formerly one of the most highly trafficked file-sharing sites. Prosecutors were responding to a motion filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation in late March on behalf of Kyle Goodwin, an Ohio-based sports reporter who used Megaupload legitimately for storing videos. Goodwin's hard drive crashed, and he lost access to the data he backed up on Megaupload when the site was shut down on Jan. 19 on criminal copyright infringement charges. U.S. law allows for third parties who have an interest in forfeited property to make a claim. But the government argues that it only copied part of the Megaupload data and the physical servers were never seized. Megaupload's 1,103 servers -- which hold upwards of 28 petabytes of data -- are still held by Carpathia Hosting, the government said. "Access is not the issue -- if it was, Mr. Goodwin could simply hire a forensic expert to retrieve what he claims is his property and reimburse Carpathia for its associated costs," the response said. "The issue is that the process of identifying, copying, and returning Mr. Goodwin's data will be inordinately expensive, and Mr. Goodwin wants the government, or Megaupload, or Carpathia, or anyone other than himself, to bear the cost." The government also suggested that if Megaupload or Carpathia violated a term of service or contract, Goodwin could "sue Megaupload or Carpathia or recover his losses." The issue of what to do with Megaupload's data has been hanging around for a while. Carpathia contends it costs US$9,000 a day to maintain. Megaupload's assets are frozen, so it has asked a court to make the DOJ pay for preserving the data, which may be needed for its defense. So far, the issue remains unresolved. Meanwhile, Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom is free on bail, living in his rented home near Auckland and awaiting extradition proceedings to begin in August. Dotcom along with Finn Batato, Julius Bencko, Sven Echternach, Mathias Ortmann, Andrus Nomm and Bram Van Der Kolk are charged with criminal copyright infringement and money laundering. The men -- along with two companies -- are accused of collecting advertising and subscription fees from users for faster download speeds of material stored on Megaupload. Prosecutors allege the website and its operators collected US$175 million in criminal proceeds, costing copyright holders more than $500 billion in damages to copyright holders. Send news tips and comments to jeremy_kirk@idg.com
Updated at 12.10pm with OHSA's reaction It may be hard to believe but this picture sums up the 'Only in Malta' to a tee. The worker seen in the photo is operating a mechanical shovel dangling from a crane trying to demolish a roof in Mosta. According to residents, this risky operation in Triq in-Naġġar has been going on for the past week. The reader who took the photos said he hoped action would be taken by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority before it was too late. 'Tell us before you inform the media' - OHSA In a statement, the OHSA said it only became aware of the unsafe work practice through Times of Malta’s online report out of sheer coincidence. It said that by the time its officers reached the site, at about 10.15am, the ceiling had already been dismantled. It said its officers still took the necessary enforcement action but did not say what this action was. CEO Mark Gauci said that had the authority been informed of what was taking place it would have stopped the work before it was actually completed. “It is deplorable that someone was so 'concerned' that rather than contacting the OHSA and informing us accordingly about the situation, he felt it more 'useful' to contact the media. This resulted in a situation whereby a worker continued to be exposed to danger unnecessarily. This is totally unacceptable in this day and age," the authority said.
The NFL is now entering it’s final stretch of the regular season. December football is upon us and yet the Autumn Wind is still storming the country. The Raiders’ 9-2 record currently slots them in as the second seed in the AFC. They hold a one game lead over Kansas City, who already have a victory over the Raiders in Oakland. With five games remaining the Raiders have matching three game leads and head-to-head victories over the current leaders of the AFC South and AFC North and therefore are in a very secure position to earn a first round playoff bye as long as they win their division. By function of the current state of tiebreakers, the Patriots presently sit as the top seed in the AFC. However, should both New England and Oakland win out, the Raiders would overtake the Patriots and secure home field advantage throughout the playoffs. If the Raiders and Patriots both lose at least one remaining game but finish tied in the standings and as division winners, the Raiders aren’t guaranteed the top seed as they would be if they won out. With that in mind, here is who Raider fans should root for in each NFL matchup of the weekend. Falcons (7-4) over Chiefs (8-3) Other than the Raider game, this is the biggest game on the docket for week 13. The Chiefs are nipping at the heals of the Raiders for the division crown. Atlanta taking down Justin Houston and crew would give the Raiders a little bit of breathing room heading into the huge AFC West showdown Thursday in the sub-freezing temperatures of Arrowhead. A Kansas City win in Atlanta would put Oakland’s toes to the fire with a need to secure two victories in five days. Saints (5-6) over Lions (7-4) In another tale of unusual division leaders, the Lions are kings in the NFC North as we enter December. Ultimately their success or failure affects the Raiders very little. A Saints victory slightly helps the Raiders since the two teams played this season. Oakland’s strength of victory (fourth tiebreaker) and strength of schedule (fifth tiebreaker) both receive a boost when the Raider’s 2016 opponents earn a win. The Saints fit that simple criteria. Rams (4-7) over Patriots (9-2) If the Patriots find a way to lose this game it would be great for the Raiders as they could take a one game lead in the conference as long they handle their business against Buffalo on Sunday. This result would also really simplify the tiebreakers between the Raiders and Patriots. Since the head-to-head tiebreaker is not applicable due to them not playing each other, the conference win-loss-tie percentage would take over. With the Raiders already securing a 3-1 record vs their non-conference opponents, New England falling to 2-2 out of conference would mean they would have one more AFC victory than the Silver and Black should the two teams have matching overall records. Simply put, the Raiders wouldn’t win any tiebreakers with the Patriots. However, we still root for the Rams here because there is no need for a tiebreaker if your record is better. Jaguars (2-9) over Broncos (7-4) Quarterback powerhouses Blake Bortles and Paxton Lynch are set to do battle vs two secondaries playing at a high level. As unwatchable as that sounds, Denver losing would further push them down in the playoff race. With their loss to the Chiefs last week they not only significantly decreased their chances to win the AFC West, they also lost their position as a wildcard. Overtaken by the dolphins, they currently sit on the outside looking in; where they belong. Texans (6-5) over Packers (5-6) With the Raiders’ comfortable lead over Houston in the standings it is safe to root for them as previous opponents. A Texans win would also increase the likelihood of the two Estadio Azteca opponents meeting for a rematch in the playoffs. The Houston fanbase thinks they were robbed. Shutting them up in the playoffs would be very satisfying as a Raider fan. Eagles (5-6) over Bengals (3-7-1) The Bengals played the Patriots earlier this season. Due to that simple fact it is better for the Raiders if they lose this game. Ravens (6-5) over Dolphins (7-4) In the battle of the Ravens and Steelers for the AFC North title Raiders fans would widely select the Ravens as the lesser of the two evils. Baltimore will need every win they can muster in that tight race. Should Oakland slip up and lose the AFC West crown, the Dolphins are a team that could take advantage and overtake them in the wildcard race. This is not a risk we need to take. Bears (2-9) over 49ers (1-10) There isn’t much here to worry about. This selection is for the local Oakland fans who feel a rivalry with the 49ers that the standings and schedule do not. Giants (8-3) over Steelers (6-5) The Steelers are classic rivals of Oakland’s. Their loss is always a Raider victory. The Giants on the other hand are the only team that stands a realistic chance of overtaking the Cowboys in the NFC. They beat them once and have a chance to do so again. Their margin of error is slim. The Giants overtaking the Cowboys wouldn’t just be satisfying to every self respecting NFL fan who can’t stand the “Americas Team” label. It would remove the MVP voters from their jock. Carr’s chances to be named the MVP of the NFL would increase substantially. Redskins (6-4-1) over Cardinals (4-6-1) The Patriots play the NFC West this season. Therefore the Arizona Retirement Home For Ex-Raiders must go down. Sorry, not sorry, Carson. Buccaneers (6-5) over Chargers (5-6) A Tampa Bay win helps the Raiders slightly. A Chargers loss simply brings a smile to our faces. Their chances of a playoff birth are slim, but why feed them? Starve them out. Panthers (4-7) over Seahawks (7-3-1) The Raiders play the NFC South. The Patriots play the NFC West. Plus as ex-division rivals the Seahawks and Raiders still hold some animosity as fanbases. Especially for Raider fans in the Northwest. Colts (5-6) over Jets (3-8) This is another basic play for the fourth and fifth tiebreaker. On paper this looks like a terrible Monday Night Football game that ESPN would love to flex out of if they had the chance. In reality that paper has a damn good point. Worst Case Scenario The Raiders drop their game to the Bills while the Chiefs, Patriots, Broncos, and Dolphins all cruise to victories. Oakland not only falls a game behind the Patriots, they fall in the division standings as the Chiefs own the tiebreaker. The Raiders sit as the fifth seed in the playoffs with the Broncos and Dolphins one game behind and a huge game in Kansas City looming for Thursday. Best Case Scenario The Raiders drive Buffalo to playoff extinction while the Chiefs, Patriots, Broncos, and Dolphins all lose. The Raiders earn a one game lead in the conference and a two game lead in the division. The Raiders would have the safety to lose the game at Arrowhead and keep their division lead secure. The Autumn Wind takes hold of the sails, seeking championship treasure. And of course GO RAIDERS! Written by: RediaR
Perfectly Wrong | Brian Seymour Get fresh music recommendations delivered to your inbox every Friday. We've updated our Terms of Use. You can review the changes here. music merch community Perfectly Wrong from Perfectly Wrong by Brian Seymour / Digital Track Digital Track Streaming + Download Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Purchasable with gift card Buy Digital Track $1 USD You own this Send as Gift Buy the Full Digital Album View the Full Digital Album Full Digital Discography Full Digital Discography 9 releases Get all 9 Brian Seymour releases available on Bandcamp and save 30%. Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Xmas at Fergies, Next Great Thing, Big Creep, I Go Happy, Chairs, Speak To Me Of Young Love, Perfectly Wrong, When I Was Blonde, and 1 more. , and , . Purchasable with gift card Buy Digital Discography $27.30 USD or more (30% OFF) You own this Send as Gift Buy Disc credits from Perfectly Wrong, released January 1, 2005 license all rights reserved tags Tags rock indie singer-songwriter smart-pop Philadelphia about Brian Seymour Philadelphia, Pennsylvania placeholder i live in philadelphia. i write songs here. as a boy strumming my (where-is-it-now) harmony rebel hollow body acoustic i already sensed how rock and roll could could pick me up as easily as it might lay me low. i can't remember a time when i did not try to craft songs of my own. ... more brianseymour.com shows Nov 06 City Winery Loft Philadelphia, PA discography Big Creep Aug 2020 Next Great Thing Oct 2020 Speak To Me Of Young Love Nov 2011 When I Was Blonde Jan 2002 I Go Happy Jun 2017 Perfectly Wrong Jan 2005 A Thousand Tarzans Nov 2000 Xmas at Fergies Dec 2020 Chairs Jul 2014 contact / help Contact Brian Seymour Streaming and Download help Redeem code Report this track or account Bandcamp log in terms of use privacy copyright policy switch to mobile view language:
God's Victory Sunday's Are Great At Grace Grace Home Good Words Blog Online Giving Our Beliefs WEDNESDAY NIGHT Prayer & BIBLE STUDY Upcoming Events & Church Calendar Contact/Get Directions FaceBook Live Stream God's Victory 9/20/2020 0 Comments On June 6, 1944, the United States landed 73,000 American troops on the beaches of Normandy during the D-Day invasion. Our men were part of a total invasion force of 156,000 allied forces that would eventually result in the total surrender of Nazi Germany and the end of the Second World War in Europe. On that morning, during the last year of President Roosevelt’s presidency, dressed in all white with hair silver grey, our leader led the nation in prayer during his radio broadcast: “In this poignant moment I ask you to join with me in prayer; Almighty God: our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set on a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity… They will need Thy blessings. Their road will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again; and we know that by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph. They will be sore tried, by night and by day, without rest—until the victory is won.” On that day, 4,400 allied forces died and over 9,000 were wounded and missing in action. Before they gave up their lives in service to our country and freedom around the world, the President prayed for them and asked God to make their fighting and sacrifices count for good and for the preservation of our civilization on earth. Though my dad was not a part of the invasion of France, he was a part of 30,000 American troops in Iceland at that time who guarded the northern shipping lanes in the Atlantic Ocean. This mission preserved the vital transport of troops and supplies so important to the invasion effort. While President Roosevelt’s prayer focused on the invasion forces, I believe it included my dad and all others who served to defeat our bitter enemy. Do you know that God’s will and purpose is immutable? That means God has established the final outcome and the overall goal of everything He has created. While things change, kingdom’s rise and fall, and good and evil struggle within God’s plan. The end result is already determined by God Himself. Here is the way King David talked about God’s plan, “Of old You founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands, even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. But You are the same, and Your years will not come to an end.” (Psalm 102: 25-27) Listen to the apostle Paul’s trust in the direction of God’s unchanging will, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6) President Roosevelt believed that God is in control of everything and that His will for all those who put their lives on the line that day would result in a mighty victory over a hard and determined enemy. He also believed in the ultimate TRIUMPH of God’s sovereign plan for His creation. It’s like that which Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) In this day of COVID 19, economic uncertainty, racial unrest, and political division, choose to pray like Jesus taught and Roosevelt practiced. God’s “VICTORY WILL BE WON” as we pray and fight together with Him. We can trust God because His plan never changes. 0 Comments Leave a Reply. Author Pastor Mike Archives July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 Categories All RSS Feed The Bible is not a book you finish reading. It is a book that you read so that it may finish you. (Pastor Mike)
On Friday, state prosecutors in Catalonia moved against regional officials whose actions provided legal coverage for the independence referendum planned for October 1. Officials in Barcelona are racing to ensure that voters across the region will have somewhere to cast their ballot Regional premier Carles Puigdemont, his deputy Oriol Junqueras and the 12 members of the Catalan Cabinet are facing charges of disobedience, misusing public funds and making deliberately unlawful decisions as elected officials (known in Spanish as prevaricación). Parliamentary officials who allowed a referendum law to be put to the vote inside the regional chamber on Wednesday, including Speaker Carme Forcadell, face similar charges in a separate criminal complaint. Attorney General José Manuel Maza had already announced on Thursday that Spanish institutions would take action against a process that Madrid views as illegal. The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia must now decide whether it accepts both complaints and investigates the matter. A reminder to mayors Meanwhile, Spain’s Constitutional Court is to officially remind the 948 mayors of Catalan cities, towns and villages of their duty to refrain from helping organize the independence referendum that is scheduled for October 1. Anyone who fails to observe this ban could face legal action and even criminal charges. But the Catalan government has already sent letters urging mayors to cooperate by ceding public space to set up ballot boxes for the poll. With just three weeks to go before a vote that is pitting the central government of the Popular Party (PP) against Catalonia’s ruling coalition Junts pel Sí, officials in Barcelona are racing to ensure that voters across the region will have somewhere to cast their ballot. Dante Pérez, the first mayor to say no to Puigdemont. They have even drawn up a list of alternative polling centers, should local authorities refuse to provide assistance. These include high schools, social centers, and even healthcare centers if all other options fail. So far, 185 mayors have already pledged their support, representing a quarter of the population of Catalonia. Only four municipalities, representing 5.26% of the population, have said they will not cooperate, including the city of Tarragona, with 131,000 residents. The rest, including the city of Barcelona, have yet to take a stand. The Catalan government has given mayors a 48-hour deadline to respond. Some mayors who were considering a “no” were met with local pressure to switch their reply. In Mataró, around 300 people converged in front of City Hall on Thursday to call on Mayor David Bote, of the Catalan Socialists (PSC), to offer space for the referendum. “We want to vote, we want to vote,” chanted the crowd. No incidents were reported. Citizens are accusing me of fracturing the social harmony of the village. But the only people to have fractured it are the separatists Dante López, mayor of Gimenells i Pla de la Font Earlier, Bote had stated that he would not be loaning out any municipal premises for a poll that the Socialist Party considers illegal. His local party branch said there was a popular campaign to taint the mayor’s good name, and that he should not be blamed for observing national laws. Other mayors with unfavorable views about the referendum had better luck. On Thursday morning, the locality of Gimenells i Pla de la Font became the first to officially reject the request for help made by regional premier Carles Puigdemont and his deputy, Oriol Junqueras. “Since I govern with an absolute majority, I did what I felt was the right thing, without even having to consult with the Socialist Party of Catalonia,” said the socialist Dante Pérez. Even so, Pérez is now facing the wrath of some of the 1,100 residents of this village located near the border with the Spanish region of Aragon. “Citizens are accusing me of fracturing the social harmony of the village. But the only people to have fractured it are the separatists,” he said. Last year, Pérez hung a Spanish flag on one side of town hall and a Catalan flag on the other, “to show the reality of this village and to include all opinions.” But the Spanish flag disappeared one night. Now he wants to hang both side by side, “to prove that peaceful coexistence is possible.” English version by Susana Urra.
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June 7, 2022 Skip to content Home Submit News Contact Us Fashion Industry Science News Health Legal Matters Sports Governance Press Releases Toggle search form Search for: Day: June 7, 2022 WHR Group, Inc. Becomes WHR Global Posted on June 7, 2022 By admin Global Employee Relocation Management Company Operates Under New Name to Reflect Global Presence MILWAUKEE, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, announced today that the company will begin operating under a new name and will be known as WHR Global (WHR). This name change reflects how WHR […] Press Releases Sumo Logic Introduces Threat Labs Unit for Advanced Detection and Expanded Security Community Contribution Posted on June 7, 2022 By admin Establishes Sumo Logic Threat Labs Unit to deliver accelerated detection for modern threats at cloud scaleThreat Labs SAN FRANCISCO, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — RSA Conference – Sumo Logic (NASDAQ: SUMO), the SaaS analytics platform to enable reliable and secure cloud-native applications, today unveiled Sumo Logic Threat Labs, a threat research and security detection unit. 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Prior to the launch […] Press Releases Remote and AngelList Talent Offer One-Click Hiring to Build Global Teams Posted on June 7, 2022 By admin Integration with Remote allows startups to find global candidates through AngelList Talent’s platform and seamlessly onboard them through Remote’s employer of record services SAN FRANCISCO, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Remote, a leader in building, managing and supporting global, distributed workforces, today announced that any AngelList Talent customer can now hire global employees through […] Press Releases $26M Estate in Southampton Now Available for Sale on Gin Lane Posted on June 7, 2022 By admin 233 Gin Lane Southampton Aerial SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y., June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With easy access to the historic village’s Main Street and Job Lane, which features fine restaurants, designer boutiques and fine-art galleries, summers in Southampton are what memories are made of. 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CLOSE Former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell will spend two years in federal prison after asking for mercy Tuesday at his own sentencing hearing on public corruption convictions. VPC Former Virginia governor Robert McDonnell, center, arrives Jan. 6, 2014, at U.S. District Court in Richmond, Va., with his daughter Cailin Young, right, and his son-in-law Chris Young, left. (Photo: Alex Wong, Getty Images) RICHMOND, Va. — Former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell, who asked a judge Tuesday for mercy for his wife and himself, was sentenced to two years in federal prison for public corruption. McDonnell was convicted Sept. 4 of trading access to the power of the governor's office for more than $165,000 in loans and high-end gifts. Prosecutors had wanted him to spend more than 10 years in prison, but early in the four-hour hearing Judge James Spencer said federal officials misinterpreted the guidelines, contending the range was more like 78 to 97 months — 6½ to a little more than 8 years. Then Spencer discarded the recommendations entirely but rejected the 6,000 hours of intensive community service that McDonnell's lawyers had suggested. "It breaks my heart, but I have a duty I can't avoid," Spencer said in handing down the punishment. "Mrs. McDonnell may have allowed the serpent into the mansion, (but) the governor knowingly let him into his personal and business affairs." Former Star Scientific CEO Jonnie Williams received immunity for testifying against the McDonnells. Williams, who was seeking state support for his company's nutrition supplements, gave the family lavish gifts including a $6,500 Rolex that McDonnell's wife presented to her husband as a Christmas present and loans that helped shore up the finances of two beach houses that McDonnell owned with his sister. Spencer ordered McDonnell to report to prison by Feb. 9. McDonnell's wife, Maureen, is to be sentenced Feb. 20. "I want to thank the court and Judge Spencer for the mercy he dispensed to me today," McDonnell said shortly after the sentencing. "I am a fallen human being. I have made mistakes in my life. ... But I have never, ever betrayed my sacred oath of office in any way while I served this great commonwealth." “I am a fallen human being. I have made mistakes in my life. ... But I have never, ever betrayed my sacred oath of office in any way while I served this great commonwealth.” Bob McDonnell, former Virginia governor He said he would appeal immediately. The day before, McDonnell's lawyers filed a motion asking Spencer to allow the former governor to remain out of prison on bond pending the outcome of his appeal. The judge can reconsider or the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals could decide to delay McDonnell's incarceration. "Any time an elected official is sent to prison, it sends a message," said the FBI's lead agent in the investigation, Adam Lee. "There's no victory lap. There's no celebration." McDonnell is the first Virginia governor and the 12th nationally to be convicted of corruption, federal officials said. The judge received almost 450 letters attesting to McDonnell's integrity. And McDonnell supporters, including former NFL standout Bruce Smith, McDonnell family members, McDonnell's wife and several lawmakers packed the courtroom. "He's been punished enough," Speaker William J. Howell of the Virginia House of Delegates said in testimony. The Republican politician from Falmouth, Va., and the former governor have been friends for decades. McDonnell's wife, tried at the same time as her husband, was convicted on nine of 13 charges filed against her. One of her convictions was later dropped. She sobbed as her husband left the courtroom. Before the hearing, several charities offered McDonnell volunteer positions, including religious broadcaster Pat Robertson's Operation Blessing. “It breaks my heart, but I have a duty I can't avoid.” Judge James R. Spencer "If Bob McDonnell were buried in jail, … it would be like burying something of enormous value," William F. Horan, Operation Blessing's executive director, said in court, as recounted in The Washington Post's sentencing blog. Each of McDonnell's five children — he has three daughters and twin sons — wrote letters on their father's behalf. Some told the judge that their mother made bad decisions and solicited money and gifts behind their father's back. One of the McDonnell jurors said Monday that a lenient sentence would be a slap in the face to justice. "Good people can do bad things," Robin Trujillo said. "We talked, we went through documents about the testimony and looked at all the evidence. It was just overwhelming." Former Virginia governor Robert McDonnell arrives Tuesday at U.S. District Court in Richmond, Va., for sentencing. (Photo: Alex Wong, Getty Images) She has been disturbed by all the letters seeking no prison term. "It was not just some small little thing. It was major, and it went on for a very long time," Trujillo said. "It's never been about how nice you are. It's what you did, what you allowed to happen." McDonnell once was considered a possible running mate for 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. McDonnell delivered the 2010 Republican response to the State of the Union Address and became chairman of the Republican Governors Association in 2011. Throughout the trial and in the months since, McDonnell and his lawyers have argued that the laws under which he was convicted are unconstitutionally vague. Most of the charges filed against the McDonnells stem from the Hobbs Act, which makes it illegal for public officials to take bribes. Prosecutors contend that McDonnell took gifts from Williams in exchange for a continuing stream of favors and access. But at trial they acknowledged that they could not pinpoint one specific quid pro quo. Because of that, McDonnell's lawyers argue that their client should not have been convicted. McDonnell's lawyers said their appeal will raise new legal questions that could have a major bearing on the outcome of his case. "We will never give up in this case until justice is done." Henry "Hank" Asbill said. Contributing: Peggy Fox and Joanie Vasiliadis, WUSA-TV, Washington; The Associated Press Read or Share this story: http://usat.ly/1Ijhnz9
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Dan Quinn’s brand-new office overlooks the Falcons’ practice fields, and not a week into training camp, the place is outfitted with the trappings of the coach’s outlook. It’s tidy, organized, a little new age and definitely comfortable. If it could talk, it would tell you all about how totally great things are, and it would mean it. On the east-facing wall of the room hangs a framed poster, which quotes a sermon by pastor Charles Swindoll. “We cannot change our past,” it reads. “We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.” On another wall, next to the obligatory dry erase board, two black-and-white clocks are the main décor. One is slightly larger than the other, and instead of numbers, their faces bear letters. Now, Now, Now – 12 “Nows” in total. The things are ticking clichés, but Quinn believes in this “power of the moment” business. In fact, he believes in a lot of things, about camaraderie and team and individuality, but he isn’t loud about them. His platform is in the décor and delivery and aura—yes, aura, according to veteran receiver Roddy White—as much as it is in his words, although those, too, strike a chord. “Uniqueness is kind of the fun part of being on the team,” Quinn explains. “Let’s make sure our uniqueness never gets in the way of how tight we are as a team. If you have a different belief than I do, that’s cool to have that, but we still have the team.” Quinn lives his methods; he doesn’t have to sell them, and he brims with a quiet, contained intensity. “You don’t get it until you’re out there around him,” Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan says. “What you see is what you get. He’s into it every day. He genuinely cares. He’s very inclusive.” Hell, maybe the Falcons’ new coach should run for president—except where would the NFC South be without him? When Atlanta hired the former Seahawks defensive coordinator in December, it was the first positive news any team in the division had made since the Saints were widely projected as Super Bowl contenders—and then went 1–3 to open the year. But no team in the division started much stronger; Atlanta began with a 2–1 record before dropping five straight, Tampa Bay opened with three consecutive losses and Carolina, after going 3-2-1 through Week 6, went on a six-game midseason losing binge. All that is to say: The 2014 NFC South was the worst division football has seen in years, if not ever. When the Panthers won a postseason spot after going 7-8-1, they became the second team in NFL history to make the playoffs with a sub-.500 record after a full season. (The other was the 7–9 2010 Seahawks.) In addition, the division as a whole—the Saints finished 7–9, the Falcons 6–10 and the Buccaneers 2–14—had a collective .352 winning percentage, worse than any other in history save the 2008 NFC West, which went .344 but still managed to boast a winning team, the 9–7 Cardinals. • The MMQB training camp tour blog: Follow as we visit every team “I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was bizarre,” Buccaneers general manager Jason Licht says. He recalls lamenting his team’s losing streak with an eye to the division’s mind-boggling standings. “Well, then, we’re still only X amount of games out,” he would think each week. Looking back, he can’t help but laugh. But as the coaching carousel began in late December, Mike Smith in Atlanta was the only NFC South coach dismissed, and despite its record, Carolina kept its operation largely steady. Still, New Orleans and Tampa Bay made adjustments around their embattled coaches, and the division’s bottom three teams have each undergone major changes since they last touched cleats to turf. Questions remain: Is Jameis Winston too green? (Maybe.) Is Drew Brees too old? (Maybe not.) Will Atlanta become some makeshift Seattle East? (Not if Quinn has anything to say about it.) And why exactly did the Panthers think so few tweaks were necessary? (Certainly their division title didn’t provide that much reassurance.) The Bucs like what they've seen from Winston, but the line in front of him is still a question mark. Cliff Welch/Icon SMI Oddly enough, it hasn’t been long since it took a great team to make the postseason in the NFC South. In 2011, the Saints won 13 games, the Falcons 10, both making the playoffs, and in '10 the South boasted three double-digit win teams; the 10–6 Bucs missed the postseason entirely. Consider that squad, quarterbacked by Josh Freeman and with LeGarrette Blount and Mike Williams powering the offense. It would likely have pushed the 2014 Panthers out of the playoffs. Still, Carolina had a quiet off-season, and in doing so, it seems to be the bystander in a division where other front offices are willing to throw open their wallets and shuffle their personnel at major positions to avoid repeat performances. Each team is doing it in different ways, though: The Bucs foundered their way into Winston, the Saints overhauled their roster and culture, and the Falcons brought in a new coaching staff and outlook. The Buccaneers are perhaps the team most flummoxed by what transpired in 2014. “None of us had undergone anything like that,” coach Lovie Smith says. “A 2–14 first year? No.” Neither Smith nor Licht would have imagined a season ago that they’d wind up with the No. 1 pick, but with a desperate need for a quarterback—the tandem of Mike Glennon and Josh McCown combined for 20 interceptions and averaged 226 yards per game a year ago—there’s a sense that the team’s struggles were for something. After all, Tampa Bay’s defense, which boasts All-Pros Gerald McCoy and Lavonte David, was never supposed to be as bad as it was (it ranked 25th in total yards), nor was its offensive line, which allowed 52 sacks despite adding three veteran free agents: Logan Mankins, Anthony Collins and Evan Smith. “We thought we were close,” Smith says of his outlook a year ago. • Fantasy football top 300 | POSITION PRIMERS: QB | RB | WR | TE | K | D/ST In 2015, Tampa’s defense is anything but remade. It still appears to lack a pass rush, but Licht says the additions of linebackers Bruce Carter and Kwon Alexander (a fourth-round pick in this spring's draft) and safety Chris Conte will add an element of speed. The Bucs' offensive line, though, has seen major reshuffling, most notably the addition of two second-round picks, guard Ali Marpet and tackle Donovan Smith, both of whom could start. Which brings us to Winston, of course. It’s too early to analyze his on-field performance; a good day at training camp does not a Pro Bowler make, although Mankins says he’s impressed with the rookie’s ability to read the field. Around the Bucs facility, he’s earning rave reviews. McCoy, who arrives before 7 a.m., says “the Kid” is already in at that hour working on his conditioning, and he stresses that though Winston is Tampa Bay’s biggest name, he certainly isn’t its leader. “He’s not there yet,” McCoy says. “All we want him to be is himself. We’ve got guys to lead. He’s being a rookie. He’s doing what’s necessary. That’s it. It’s our job to keep him at bay and to make sure he’s as comfortable as possible.” The Saints were billed as solid preseason favorites before wilting down the stretch. Cliff Welch/Icon SMI Saints offensive tackle Zach Strief has no interest in sugarcoating his team’s 2014. It was messy, in the locker room and on the field. But despite finishing 7–9, New Orleans wasn’t eliminated from the race until Week 16, and Strief can imagine an alternate ending: Win that game, clinch the division, beat an ailing Cardinals team, just as the Panthers ended up doing … “It was better off losing the last game to go to the playoffs than it was going,” Strief says. “If you go … and you win, you go, hey, we were this close. And you weren’t.” ​After last season, Strief and other veterans realized their team needed to look back to be educated about how the current regime built its success from nothing. Nine years after Brees and Sean Payton turned a perennial loser into a contender, the highest profile faces of the Saints remain largely the same, which is how no one noticed the team was getting younger, maybe a little bit entitled and certainly clueless as to the system upon which its success was built. It took a losing skid to see that, and now Brees, Strief, Benjamin Watson and other vets are getting a little louder, a little more dogged. They’re returning to 2006, they say, to the roots of the program. “Every guy on this team has not heard that speech, that story or that lesson before,” Brees says, “so you almost have to kind of rewind and start back over.” • KLEMKO: Stars of Saints' 2006 draft class still around 10 years later But what’s afoot in New Orleans goes beyond a culture change. After the team’s 2013 defensive resurgence went up in smoke, Payton and general manager Mickey Loomis brought in Dennis Allen (who was an assistant in New Orleans from 2006 to '10) as a senior defensive assistant. And despite the ambiguity of Allen’s title, it’s clear he’ll inherit plenty of control while Rob Ryan remains coordinator, and the two better play nice with their somewhat unconventional power share. “It is going to play out well,” Payton says of the relationship. “I don’t expect it to; it will.” Other changes came with far more fanfare than Allen’s hiring. In March, Loomis dealt All-Pro tight end Jimmy Graham to Seattle for veteran center Max Unger and a first-round pick. The move stunned teammates—“Thank goodness no reporter called me that day,” Strief says—but as the spring progressed and the shock wore off, players came to accept it. Not only will the return boost the offensive line, but it also brought help for the New Orleans defense. Loomis used Seattle’s pick on linebacker Stephone Anthony, who figures to play even bigger role after the team cut outside linebacker Junior Galette in July after allegations of violence surfaced. No matter the production drop-off, parting ways with Galette looks a lot like addition by subtraction, and though the same can’t be said for Graham, if second-year receiver Brandin Cooks can develop into a true No. 1, New Orleans might be able to walk away improved from its rollercoaster of an off-season. The Falcons had the division title within reach in 2014 but struggled to get their rushing attack off the ground. Mike McCarn/AP Despite a new franchise quarterback and a departed top tight end elsewhere in the division, the NFC South team that entered training camp looking the least recognizable plays its games at the Georgia Dome. Although the Falcons return more starters than anyone in the division (17, compared to 15 in Carolina, 13 in Tampa Bay and 11 in New Orleans), spend 30 seconds at their training camp, and you’ll notice the changes. The music pumps, rap and EDM and everything else the average player listens to on his ride home. Coaches are involved, ducking into formations to tweak positioning or hand placement. Quinn has even been known to hop into a defensive drill and make adjustments or to participate in a quick conditioning session. In theory, it sounds a lot like Seattle, with fewer All-Pro defenders and a more dynamic passing game. But Quinn shudders at that simplification; since his first interview with Falcons owner Arthur Blank and general manager Thomas Dimitroff, he’s made it clear that he’s his own man. Yes, he learned from Pete Carroll, but he also derives his coaching style from Steve Mariucci and Nick Saban, both of whom he’s worked under. Plus, the first-time head coach knew he didn’t need a complete cultural overhaul in Atlanta; the team saw consistent success under Smith for half a decade, and he was impressed by several elements of the team once he was hired. Chief among them was the athletics performance department, which is one of the few in pro sports led by a trainer who’s also a physical therapist. Without a second thought, Quinn kept the operation intact. In his profession, he says, there’s one line he hates: “This is how I’ve always done it.” Still, between those two-hour, high-octane practices and the new methods of training—including off-season boxing and regular pickup basketball sessions—the coach has introduced, veterans in Atlanta have copped to feeling like rookies. Matt Ryan, entering his eighth season, now spends his late-summer mornings scouring his schedule. “If you’re with a head coach so long, Wednesday, you’re doing this,” he says. “Thursday, you’re doing this. Now I’ve got to be here at this [different] time, got to be early for this. I feel younger in that way.” Under new coordinator Kyle Shanahan, Ryan faces a different batch of changes. During Atlanta’s recent skid, its offense remained among the NFL’s top 10 but stagnated with no running game to be seen. To counteract that, Shanahan implemented his zone-blocking scheme, tweaked to accommodate Ryan’s arm and Julio Jones and White lining up wide, which should give Atlanta a refreshed look come September with Devonta Freeman as the No. 1 back. And on the opposite side of the ball, between an influx of new players and Quinn’s focus on speed, aggression and creating takeaways, the product is almost unrecognizable—which is a good thing. First-round pick Vic Beasley should energize a lacking pass rush, and second-round cornerback Jalen Collins may very well develop into a star. In addition, the team brings back safety William Moore, who was injured last season, and added linebacker Brooks Reed and defensive end Adrian Clayborn in free agency. Dimitroff believes his team has enough to contend for a playoff spot come winter, and although that’s every general manager’s canned line in August, there’s some truth to his statement. Atlanta had a problem—defense—and addressed it without overhauling the thing it’s always done well. Under Quinn, the Falcons have perhaps the clearest path to the top of the division, although if anyone learned anything from a year ago, it’s that predictions are useless. Any of the four starting quarterbacks could get injured. The Saints offense could collapse without Graham, and the Buccaneers could have major issues along both lines. The Falcons could take time to adjust to Shanahan's offense, and Carolina might be no better and no worse than a year ago, which is to say no threat at all. But one thing is clear: This division should no longer be the NFL’s laughingstock, and it certainly won’t be a place where an eventual 2–14 team still has a playoff prayer come December.
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Glenn Eichler developed and served as executive producer for the MTV series "Daria." As told to Glenn Eichler... I always just assumed that when the inevitable happened and The Huffington Post finally begged me to write for them, I'd take a cue from my fellow celebrities and blog about an international humanitarian issue dear to my heart. Golf Clubs for Orphans, that sort of thing. And yet here I am being asked to write about Valentine's Day, I suppose because they thought my somewhat low tolerance for sentimentality would make it amusing. You know, like having a bond trader write about basic human decency. And it's true that sappiness leaves me cold. I remember being invited to a birthday party as a child, watching a video of the movie E.T., and being the only five-year-old in the room who booed when the bug-eyed little freak's heart started back up. Come to think of it, that's the only birthday party I remember being invited to as a child. But Valentine's Day is by no means my least favorite holiday. For instance, just five weeks ago on January 6th, we had the Christian feast day of Epiphany. I can't stand Epiphany, because the whole day I feel like I should be having one. Yet when it's all over and the sun goes down, my sister makes no more sense than she did when it came up. Some mysteries are too big for epiphanies, and Rosetta Stone doesn't make a Gibberish edition. At least Epiphany is a real holiday, though, and not one of those phony ones Hallmark came up with to sell cards, like Administrative Professionals Day or Friendship Day or Clergy Appreciation Day or my mother's birthday. Hey, Hallmark, I've got an idea for a new card-sending occasion: "National Hallmark Comes Up With A Card Whose Insipidness Doesn't Make You Retch Day." We can celebrate it every year on the 33rd of Nevruary. As a kid, by the way, my favorite holiday was May Day. Not because of the crocuses peeping their heads up or any of that crap, but because I would wake before dawn, tiptoe down the hall to my parents' bedroom, throw the door open so it banged against the wall and yell, "MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" Then I'd consult my watch to see how many seconds it took my father to realize the bed hadn't been hit by a German torpedo and it was okay to crawl out from under it. Man, that never got old. Unlike my father, who for some reason seems to be aging prematurely. Anyway, my point is that I don't have anything against Valentine's Day. In fact, I think it's kind of cute. If couples want to surprise each other with flowers and chocolates and dinners and jewelry and pharmaceutical-grade ecstasy, accompanied by heart-shaped cards reading "I love you more than life itself and [your transgression here] will never happen again," more power to them. Some say the day just forces us into a spiral of anxiety; unable to articulate our feelings, we try to compensate with cards and gifts and uncomfortable new positions that, honestly, don't show either one of you in your best light. I say it can't hurt for Americans to be reminded once a year of their basic lack of eloquence. Then maybe they'll shut up when they're sitting behind me at the movies. Besides, Valentine's Day always precedes one of my absolute favorite holidays, February 15th, "National Half-Off Every Piece of Red-Foil-Wrapped Sugary Crap in CVS Day," the day I really get out there and do my bit for America's economy. (And before you fire off your angry tweetmails, I'm well aware that February 15th is also Susan B. Anthony Day, when schoolkids learn about women's suffrage, except in Texas where they learn about America's proud heritage of uncirculated dollar coins). And I myself am not utterly without romance. I am seeing someone right now -- I'd rather not give any details, except to say proudly that he does not wear a house-arrest anklet -- and he and I are planning a traditional holiday celebration. Tonight we're going door to door in Santa hats, caroling "Good King Wenceslas" at the top of our lungs. That ought to liven up a few candlelit dinners.
Lutz Meschke, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and Member of the Board for Finances and IT, met with Ross Brawn and the sport's other bosses at the Italian Grand Prix. Although it has not been directly involved with the sport since its disastrous relationship with the Footwork team in 1991, Porsche has retained a commercial involvement with the F1 organisation through the Supercup, paying for it to have a place on the support programme. The F1 opportunity has opened up because Porsche stops its LMP1 project at the end of this season, having decided that it doesn't get sufficient return for what is in effect an F1-size budget, but without the income and sponsorship that the likes of Mercedes enjoy. The company has already made a commitment to Formula E with a works-backed team from the 2019/20 season. However, it has also sent representatives to the series of recent meetings about the 2021 F1 engine regulations. It has been encouraged by the direction that is being taken, with a move to cheaper and simpler technology than is currently used. "F1 could be one of the right places," Meschke told Motorsport.com. "As you know Formula E is very important for us now, and F1 is always a good topic to think about. And I think we are in quite good discussions regarding the new engine." Asked if the current plans for a twin-turbo V6 with less technology could attract Porsche to F1 he said: "Absolutely. We have to cut costs in F1, and it's a good way to reach this target." Meschke also confirmed that "discussions are around being a supplier," and thus there are no plans to form a works team. Among the obvious possible partners are Williams, which enjoyed a technical relationship with Porsche before selling its Hybrid Power division, and Red Bull, which has extensive connections with the VW Group. McLaren has a strong history with Porsche through the TAG turbo collaboration of 1983-87, but they are now competitors in the road car market. F1 open arms F1's commercial boss Sean Bratches said that the sport's new owners would be delighted to have Porsche on board in 2021. "Ultimately we're trying to create a platform and environment where more engine manufacturers and brands and teams come into this sport and make it a compelling business proposition to do so," Bratches told Motorsport.com. "As the individual who kind of runs marketing and branding at F1 the inclusion of Porsche, which is a heritage racing brand in our sport, would be highly valued."
Julie Crocker, Mike Legge, Sophie Barclay, Guy Pringle, Sam Mannering and Maria Madill are gearing up for a Christmas feast in Pt Chevalier. A community dining initiative is proving the adage to be true, that the way to a person's heart is through their stomach. Kaitahi was set up by Sophie Barclay and Mike Legge, who is Auckland Council's programme coordinator for Pt Chevalier Community Centre. Theywanted to create an event where members of the Pt Chevalier community could come together to learn to cook and get to know each other. KiwiHarvest collects food donations from supermarkets, cafes and caterers and provides Kaitahi with most of the produce they need to put on a dinner. Maria Madill from KiwiHarvest says much of what supermarkets throw out can be salvaged. "It doesn't make any sense to throw food away and this food is bringing people together and empowering them to cook for their families. "More often than not it's the food that people are struggling to afford for their families like fresh fruit and vegetables," she says. Sunday Star-Times food columnist and chef Sam Mannering has come on board to share cooking skills with the residents. "Going around to your neighbours for a cup of sugar doesn't really happen anymore and people don't really want to cook. "You don't have to be a chef but it's conveying that sense of confidence," he says. Mannering says these days people increasingly go for easy options. "It doesn't give the family a reason to get together and prepare a meal," he says. Legge says the last two dinner events proved positive for the community. Mannering wasn't able to make the second event but his teaching proved invaluable. "We had a lady who came to the first one and picked up everything that Sam had taught her," Legge says. "She was the head chef that night and what she prepared was just as good." Kaitahi is holding its inaugural Christmas dinner on December 3 at the Pt Chevalier Community Centre. The evening begins at 5pm with Mannering demonstrating how to glaze ham. There will be an opportunity to make your own Christmas decorations and activities for the children. Go to facebook.com/kaitahi for more information or if you would like to volunteer.
Using Public Transport in Silence The daily commute! Sitting on public transport, everyone silent... Sometimes you feel like a tiny piece of a bigger puzzle or just another part of the machine. Let me start off by stating that I am no longer a commuter! I work from my home office now as opposed to commuting almost one and a half hours each way to work in a design studio for fifteen years or more. Needless to say, over the years, spending more than a quarter of my working day commuting to and from the studio I have had some interesting experiences and met some strange, funny and crazy people along the way. To say public transport in Dublin, Ireland, is unreliable is very much an understatement. Granted, with the Dart light rail and the relatively recent introduction of the Luas tram systems (all of only two lines!) that unreliability is not a regular experience for commuters who live near a stop. However, I have on occasion had to wait forty minutes for a bus when one was scheduled to arrive every fifteen. When the bus eventually arrived I asked what the delay was; only to be rebuked by a shrug of the shoulders and the comment "Sure it's a lovely day and anyway it's nice to be out in the fresh air". My better half is from Germany and if the tram is a minute late, which is very rare, people stare at their watches and shake their heads in disbelief. Passengers in a drug-like trance caused by the monotony of public transport. Original photo by Kevin Utting (not endorsed). Adapted by Fishtank Tees. License: Original photo by Kevin Utting (not endorsed). Adapted by Fishtank Tees.License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ Once on the bus and having phoned the office to say I would be late, I settled down in the only window seat available to stare out monotonously just like everyone else. Okay, it's not all bad I hear you say; it is warm and a comfortable way to spend an hour reading a book, listening to music or surfing the web. Not unless the middle of Winter is upon us and your face is almost stuck to the icy wet window trying to avoid the over exuberant knees of the passenger beside you. Catching some shut-eye after a long day. Original photo by Annie Mole (not endorsed). Adapted by Fishtank Tees. License: Original photo by Annie Mole (not endorsed). Adapted by Fishtank Tees.License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ I have heard people say they have met their future partners while on public transport. Not in my case. While I am very lucky to have a wife and children, I never found love on the 25A to Merrion Square. In the days when I was a single commuter there was an episode of being an unwilling shoulder to lean on. A young woman who seemed like she had a late night decided to fall asleep. We've all experienced having to gently nudge the person beside us who was drifting off to sleep and onto our shoulder. This was a little more uncomfortable in that she decided to snuggle into me and smack her lips as if she was settling down for the night. After several failed attempts of gentle nudging I woke her and asked if she would like to swap seats so she could lean against the window. She declined and on falling back asleep resumed to plump up the arm of my coat to cradle her cheek. I nudged once more and asked her to stop using me as a pillow; thankfully, she went downstairs to find a seat. Living in a bubble. License: Original photo by Pascal Maramis (not endorsed). Adapted by Fishtank Tees.License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ We all like our own personal space and when on public transport we tend to enclose ourselves in our own little bubble. This is achieved by popping on some headphones and turning the volume up to eleven, resorting to the thousand yard stare out the window while we day dream about being somewhere else or by simply reading a book or the newspaper . Trying to preserve some personal space. License: Original photo by Pedro Figueiredo (not endorsed). Adapted by Fishtank Tees.License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ If you do take to the roads on your bike, take care; here's a short video on cycling safety There are alternatives to using public transport. Many people don't mind being stuck in traffic jams while others take the opportunity to be kind to the planet and themselves by walking or cycling.If you do take to the roads on your bike, take care; here's a short video on cycling safety http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKFg5XptHvY Get some exercise while you commute! Original photo by Bernd (not endorsed). Adapted by Fishtank Tees. Sometimes you will see an interesting poster or advertising while commuting but for the most part if you are a writer or an artist there is more inspiration to be gleaned from the different people who commute with you; from your immediate environment, whether it be a tube station or a bicycle lane. commute" graphic t-shirt from Okay, here is the shameless plug - If you want to stand out in the crowd while commuting, you could wear a "" graphic t-shirt from http://www.fishtanktees.com . To see the tees, here is a direct link http://buff.ly/1hEraqe available in White, Go-Green, Get-Ready-Yellow and Stop-Red.
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Nightwing Recommended Reading – Urbane Turtle Skip to content Urbane Turtle Writer.Artist.Creative. Twitter Facebook Random Comic Panel of the Week Menu About Contact Support Turtle Club Newsletter comics, comics criticism, dc comics, writing Nightwing Recommended Reading March 18, 2021 March 19, 2021 Urbane Turtle After reading through every major Dick Grayson story for my recent piece, it seemed a waste to not to do more with my Nightwing knowledge. And lo, came more content: my recommended reading list of Nightwing comics. Here I tried to capture what I think are the best stories from each major run on the character. If you recently read Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo’s fun first issue of their new run and looking to dive into more Nightwing, here are my recommended stories highlighting Dick at his best. I wouldn’t call all of these essential (I don’t think any of Dixon really is) but most are enjoyable or indicative of the creators they represent. Further context and comments below for each one. Most of these stories are available in various collected editions, and I’ve noted the names of those collections. All of them are also included in your DC Universe Infinite subscription. New Teen Titans 38-44 & Annual 3 Who Is Donna Troy? & Judas Contract It is impossible to create a Nightwing reading list without mentioning The Judas Contract. Although there are some egregious creative decisions that do not hold up in regard to the Terra and Deathstroke relationship, as a whole it is easy to see why the story was so groundbreaking for its time. These elements surrounding Terra are so off-putting to my sensibilities that I genuinely feel irresponsible for not spending more than a sentence commenting on them. They are abhorrent. If you’re able to set aside the grossness of it, the rest of the story is a heartbreaking tale of betrayal and growing up. As far as Dick Grayson, The Judas Contract sees Dick step away from Robin and take on the Nightwing identity for the first time. It also allows Dick show off his detective skills, combat abilities, as well as his innate talents as a leaders. This story is where Nightwing really steps out of his historical sidekick role into a hero in his own right. It also firmly establishes the ongoing adversarial relationship between Dick and Deathstroke the Terminator, Slade Wilson. “Who is Donna Troy?” The issue immediately preceding Judas Contract similarly highlights Dick’s abilities as a detective but also the focus on his relationships and the unwavering commitment he has to those he loves. It remains, nearly 4 decades later, one of the best single superhero issues of all time. Marv Wolfman and George Perez essentially invented most of the characteristics of Dick Grayson in the modern age, and much of the defining features start here. Nightwing vol. 2 41-47 (collected in Nightwing vol. 5: Hunt For Oracle & vol. 6: To Serve and Protect The highlight of Chuck Dixon’s run for me has to be the character of Tad Ryerstad, the crazed vigilante who accidentally stole Nightwing’s name because he saw a sign for an “all nite” wings shop. Tad is like Casey Jones from Ninja Turtles but with even less grip on reality. These issues (which cross over with one of Dixon’s other books, Birds of Prey) represent what I consider the high point of his time on the series. These stories represent a kind of culmination of many different components: Blockbuster, Dick’s apartment complex community, Tad Ryerstad, and Dick’s entry into the Bludhaven police force. It also sees the first major conflagration of the primary antagonists of the run, Blockbuster and Torque. While I do not think most of these components work well on their own, this is a decent payoff for the slow work Dixon had done setting up a lot of moving parts. As I said, the highlight for the run as a whole and this string of issues in particular is Nite-Wing. Dick attempts to harness Tad’s good intentions and show him the ropes, which is a nice display of Dick’s tendency to be too trusting and his faith in people. The art here is also solid, with Greg Land doing most of the pencils. This precedes his devolution into relying completely on tracing poses (though there is some of that here) and the layouts are dynamic and exciting. Seriously, Nite-Wing is genuinely entertaining and I would love to see him come back in some fashion. Nightwing vol 2. 71-75 “Something About Mary” & 79-82 Venn Diagram (collected in Nightwing: Supercop) The start of Devin Grayson’s stint on Nightwing is a fun romp through Europe with Dick on the trail of the wife of Bludhaven’s crooked chief of police. She has info in a notebook that could bring down a lot of bad cops on the force, so naturally, she’s marked for death. Dick follows her to protect her and in hopes to bring take down the corruption in the force. The adventure takes him out of the dark and boring city of Bludhaven. Nightwing has to fend off a number of colorful assassins in a series of well choreographed action scenes. Devin Grayson in these early issues showcases Dick’s relaxed joy in what he does and show him as effortlessly competent. These issues do a good job establishing her understanding of Dick at his best before steering him into very dark territory. In issues 79-82, Deathstroke the Terminator comes to town targeting Dick’s former partner on the police force. It is another fun series of issues that showcases Dick’s loyalty as well as his creative approach to dealing with his enemies. The final resolution is very funny. The inclusion of Deathstroke in this series is a rare treat, with Slade having the potential to be a primary adversary for the character that goes largely untapped. (See also Devin Grayson’s final string of issues on the book, 110-117, which was just barely cut from my list. It sees him working with Slade to broker a peace in Bludhaven and utilizing his compassion to win Deathstroke’s daughter to the side of angels). Devin Grayson also spends some time setting up Catalina Flores, the Tarantula, in these issues who goes on to play a major role in later stories. Both of these story arcs, my favorite of the Devin Grayson era, are brought to life primarily with the help of Rick Leonardi’s pencils who imbues NIghtwing with a grace and motion in every panel. Mike Lilly also joins in for an issue and while his art is much grittier it is appropriate for the face-off with Deathstroke. Nightwing vol. 2 147-153: The Great Leap Pete Tomasi’s short run on the Nightwing solo is a high point for the character as a standalone hero, in my opinion. Tomasi sets Dick up in New York and really highlights his relationship with other members of the superhero community. The Great Leap is nominally a tie-in to Batman RIP, but has almost nothing to do with that story until the final 2 issues of the Nightwing series. The primary focus of the Great Leap is on Two-Face, who hires Dick Grayson to protect someone Harvey Dent once loved. It is an excellent Two Face Story and Tomasi sets him up as a strong foil to Nightwing and builds on their publishing history. (Two Face having shot Dick on one of his first outings as Robin.) Tomasi managed to build off existing history and create new connections between the two characters that, if the DC Universe wasn’t rebooted, could have resulted in some interesting growth for both Nightwing and Two Face. Depending on how much history does or does not exist in current DCU after 3 ensuing reboots, I would definitely like to see this relationship revisited. This final string of issues includes Dick facing the reality of Batman’s death during the events of Final Crisis. There is some creative and powerful imagery with Dick mourning the loss of his father and the dual tragedies that brought them together that is genuinely moving. Tomasi’s run overall is rare in that it effectively displays Nightwing as a hero in his own right, with connections to many different aspects of the DC Universe. It effectively leads him to a point of personal fulfillment where he is ready to take on the mantle of the bat. Don Kramer does the pencil work on most of these stories. Kramer is an underrated talent in comics, a workhorse who can churn out good looking books on tight deadlines without sacrificing quality. His talent for action and clear storytelling is truly excellent. Batman and Robin 1-3: Batman Reborn Really I would recommend the entirety of Morrison’s Batman and Robin series but to boil it down to the essentials I will begin at the beginning. With incredible page design and storytelling from Frank Quitely, the new dynamic duo bursts onto the screen with more life and energy than just about any Nightwing story that has ever been published. The first page is more uniquely a Dick Grayson story than anything that’s come before. Morrison sets Dick up against a variety of truly weird villains in a neon-colored surreality that evokes the cast-off remnants of the Silver Age and the 60s TV show that works perfectly for the circus boy at the center of the series. Can you believe that this is the first time in Dick’s career that he is matched against an evil circus troupe? It seems so obvious but was never done! The book works especially well because of the dynamic of the light hearted Batman and the grim and defiant Damian Wayne as Robin. Their growth throughout the series together is both delightful and moving. And seriously, some of the best work Frank Quitely ever did is on display in these issues. Batman and Robin 10-12: Batman vs Robin Again, while I would recommend reading the full run I have highlighted two particular arcs that I think best display Morrison’s take on Dick Grayson in particular. In Batman vs. Robin, Dick and Damian are on the lookout for clues throughout Wayne Manor for proof that Bruce Wayne is not really dead. These issues exemplify the bond that has formed between the two characters and the genuine love they have for one another. As for Dick specifically, well, he just genuinely enjoys superheroing and spends the issues trying to get Robin excited about each new clue and secret passage. Displaying his smarts and easy competence, it is a source of genuine humor juxtaposed against Damian’s disinterest in the detective work. We also have some Deathstroke here and while they don’t come face-to-face, it takes advantage of the characters’ long histories with one another and Slade’s team-up with Talia, Damian’s mother, is a twisted parent/child dynamic. With strong art from Andy Clarke it is an exciting story that builds from the characters at the heart of the series. Nightwing vol. 3 22-24, 28-29 (collected in volume 4 Second City & volume 5 Setting Son) This might be cheating lumping these stories together but they are of a piece. Kyle Higgins does admirable work building a Nightwing book from the publishing realities of the New 52 tearing everything away from Dick Grayson and disturbing all of his pacing with crossovers. But Higgins really gets into the groove of things when he is able to take Dick out of Gotham in pursuit of his own mission. This first batch of stories focus primarily on Dick’s pursuit of the man who killed his parents, Tony Zucco, who has relocated to Chicago. it is a cathartic story that forces Dick to answer tough questions about himself and his own motivations. It is a tale of personal healing and growth. There is some goofy stuff with a villain Higgins created called the Prankster that provides some requisite superheroing but the main draw is Nightwing’s confrontations with Zucco. This story is primarily drawn by Will Conrad who does solid if unremarkable work. The final 2 issues are something of a mission statement for Higgins and his last word about who Dick Grayson is as a character. It is an excellent encapsulation of Nightwing and his motivations and what sets him apart from other heroes. With vibrant and lively art from Russell Dauterman, they may be two of the best Nightwing issues ever published. Grayson 1-4: Agents of Spyral; Bonus: issue 5 We All Die at Dawn Grayson is a strange thing to exist at all but it is a very fun series. I do not consider it an essential component to understanding Dick as a character but to get a sense for his full history, it is worth reading. There is a lot of fun stuff in Grayson that taps into much of the light hearted energy that is inherent in the character but went ignored by previous creators (primarily Dixon and, for a chunk of her run, Devin Grayson). These first 4 issues set up this new world and the trouble Dick has in adjusting to the shades of gray he must now live-in. Mikel Janin is the primary artist and his work showcases Dick acrobatics and the joy he takes in what he does. Although not collected in the first volume of Grayson (if you are reading in trades) issue 5, We All Die at Dawn is probably my favorite single issue of the series that highlights Dick’s innate heroism and refusal to give up. Nightwing volume 4: 1-4 & 7-8: Better than Batman The first installment of Nightwing’s’ return in DC Rebirth introduces a new villain for Dick Grayson. Raptor is an interesting and complex figure who builds off Dick’s history specifically. Nightwing has not been able to build up a rogues gallery of his own so Tim Seeley does an admirable job introducing a new one here and connecting him to Dick’s roots in a way that doesn’t feel forced like similar Batman villains from Bruce’s past have (Hush, I’m talking about Hush.) It feels like a genuine hidden figure from Dick’s history. While the story and the way other characters react to Raptor feel a bit contrived, the dynamics of how Nightwing and Raptor play off one another is solid. There is some annoying stuff here with the Court of Owls that was originally introduced in the New 52 that I kind of hate, but it primarily just serves as a plot to get Raptor into the picture. Raptor presents a kind of twisted image of Batman and Nightwing himself without the morality that guides those two. When faced with these options Dick highlights his innate heroism by rejecting it. Javier Fernandez is the main artist for Tim Seeley’s work on the Nightwing solo book and he imbues the series with a dynamic energy that leaps across the page. Nightwing volume 4: 30-34: Raptor’s Revenge (Rebirth vol 5) Raptor comes back towards the end of Seeley’s run after Nightwing has established himself in a reimagined Bludhaven. To deal with him, Nightwing makes a deal with the devil and turns to the new version of Blockbuster to help keep Raptor away from the people he cares about. This Blockbuster is a far seedier and grimier character than the original take, and their uneasy alliance allows for a playful banter. Raptor’s motivations here are far more overtly villainous and he is out to prove to Nightwing that he is on the wrong path. It forces Dick to question his own past with his parents as well as what he learned from Batman. Another highlight here is how this story utilizes a group of characters introduced earlier in the series—a group of former Gotham villains who went to Bludhaven to start over and support one another in going straight. Dick’s relationship with them is both extremely generous, in wanting to help give them a second chance, and destructive, by keeping them in the orbit of the dangerous world of superheroes and supervillains. Dick wants to do right by them but also encourages them to put their lives on the line. In addition to solid action, there is a confrontation between Dick and Raptor that takes place solely at a blackjack table—a tense conversation between the two that reveals their opposing visions of one another and themselves. Dick proves himself as his own man, not the easily manipulatable Batman Jr. Raptor takes him for. With pencils by Javier Fernandez and Miguel Mendonca. Nightwing volume 4: 35-41: The Untouchable (rebirth vol 6) Sam Humphries jumps on board Nightwing with a story that spans from Dick’s childhood, through his college years, to today. What Humphries does most effectively is build out the city of Bludhaven and its history and politics all in ways that help to inform and shape Nightwing’s world. He also introduces Guppy, a wash-out son of a super villain shark crime boss who might be the single best supporting character ever introduced in a Nightwing book. It helps present Bludhaven as a circus town where you might run into a teenage burn-out man-shark loser with a scruffy mustache at the casino. With a mix of artists for the various time periods, (Klaus Janson for Robin, Phil Jimenez for college Dick, and Bernard Chang the bulk of the story) Humphries weaves a tale that shows Dick’s endless drive and the lengths he will push himself to save others, no matter the personal cost. It is both dark and funny with the main villain, The Judge of All Creation, a garish hipster with a full beard and white suit. Do you have any favorite Nighwtwing stories not on this list? Feel free to drop a comment here or on twitter! Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Tagged batman, Chuck Dixon, comic book journalism, comic books, comics, dc, dc comics, DC Rebirth, Devin Grayson, Dick Grayson, essential comics, Frank Quitely, george perez, Grant Morrison, Javier Fernandez, Kyle Higgins, Marv Wolfman, New 52, new teen titans, Nightwing, nightwing reading list, reading list, Rick Leonardi, robin the boy wonder, teen titans, Tim Seeley, Tom Taylor Published by Urbane Turtle View all posts by Urbane Turtle Post navigation Previous postWho is Dick Grayson? A Critical Retrospective of Nightwing Next postRandom Comic Panel of the Week #21 Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... 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Δ No Context Comics: A Look at 3 Books I Don’t Read for the Week of 9/21 Random Comic Panel of the Week #71 No Context Comics: A Look at 3 Books I Don’t Read from the week of 9/14/22 Random Comic Panel of the Week #70 No Context Comics: A Look at 3 New Books I Don’t Read from the Week of September 7th comics comics criticism Creative Writing dc comics Drawings and Art marvel no context comics Perspectives Photography Random Comic Panel of the Week spider-man Star Wars TV Uncategorized writing Twitter Facebook Random Comic Panel of the Week Website Powered by WordPress.com. Follow Following Urbane Turtle Join 704 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. Urbane Turtle Customize Follow Following Sign up Log in Copy shortlink Report this content View post in Reader Manage subscriptions Collapse this bar Loading Comments... Write a Comment... Email (Required) Name (Required) Website %d bloggers like this:
1 Collect all of your club cards. Examine each for what allows the issuer to distinguish you from other customers with club cards they have issued. Usually this is a Examine each for what allows the issuer to distinguish you from other customers with club cards they have issued. Usually this is a bar code , but sometimes it's just a number. 2 Photocopy the bar codes.Take the club cards with bar codes, and photocopy the bar codes. You should be able to lay many of the cards side by side on the photocopy machine, and photocopy most of them all at once. 3 Cut out the bar codes from the copy. Using scissors, carefully cut out each bar code. Include any alphanumeric information underneath the bar code. 4 Assemble your barcode card.On a clean sheet of white paper, lay out the cut out bar codes in a line. They should be laid out close enough together to fit as many as possible inside a space no larger than two club cards side-by-side. They should be far enough apart that a bar code scanner can easily scan one without hitting another. Leave enough space along one edge so there's room left to label each barcode. 5 Secure the bar codes to the paper. You'll need to secure them to the paper so they don't move around. You can use removable tape for this, or a glue stick. They don't need to be securely fastened, just well enough to be able to pick up the paper and flip it over without having them fall off. 6 Label the bar codes. With a black pen, label each barcode with the name of the store or entity that issued the club card for that barcode. 7 Photocopy the assembled bar codes.Take the sheet of paper with the bar codes assembled on it, and photocopy it. 8 Cut out the card. Cut out the side-by-side card, and fold the copy in half to make your barcode card. 9 Laminate the card. If you don't have a laminating machine, you can get it done at a local office store or do it yourself: Take a piece of wide clear If you don't have a laminating machine, you can get it done at a local office store or do it yourself: Take a piece of wide clear packing tape , larger than the card, and cover the folded card with it. Flip it over and cover it with a second piece of packing tape. Depending on the width of the packing tape, you may need to use several pieces to cover the whole thing. 10 Cut away the extra tape. Cut away excess tape, being sure to leave a little clear tape around the edge. Voila! Ready to be used at your favorite store!
Last month Microsoft announced it would layoff 18,000 employees in an effort to trim down after taking over Nokia’s device business. It turns out about 4,700 of those cut jobs are coming from Nokia’s factory and R&D center in Beijing, and according to a new report from The First Financial Daily (via MarketWatch) the company is taking an unorthodox approach as it moves forward with planned layoffs in China. Microsoft hasn’t actually fired anyone in China yet. Instead, the company is encouraging employees to quit in exchange for a volunteer resignation package. As an added bonus the company is offering a free Lumia 630. The deal is apparently being extended to 300 employees per day, and the phones are available “first come, first serve” according to an internal email obtained by the Chinese paper. When the layoffs are over the Beijing facility is expected to house just 300 workers, and the news hasn’t gone over well. Reports of protests at the Nokia factory and offices surfaced last week, suggesting that Microsoft may have more trouble than expected downsizing its staff. Maybe the company should consider offering a high-end phone like the Lumia 1520 instead of the mid-range Lumia 630.
Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V. - 12 Card models published by Birdmobile Card model database Search for Show models Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V. www.kartonmodellbau.org Database statistics: (24.09.2022) 30606 Models 384 Catalogs more ... Login members area How to become a member Newly added models 32260: 22.09.22 32259: 18.09.22 32258: 18.09.22 32257: 10.09.22 32256: 10.09.22 32255: 09.09.22 32254: 09.09.22 32253: 09.09.22 32252: 08.09.22 32251: 30.07.22 Service How to become a member Web page templates Picture gallery Help Imprint and Contact Data Privacy Policy other functions: 12 Card models published by Birdmobile You must log in to see the full detail information about the models. The functions (Edit, Collect, Remember, Similar) are available only to AGK members (How to become a member). Little owl (title (from model sheet)) Steinkauz (German translation) Year: 1973 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 822, quality: , Pictures: 5 Kingfisher (title (from model sheet)) Eisvogel (German translation) Year: 1973 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 827, quality: , Pictures: 4 Swallow (title (from model sheet)) Schwalbe (German translation) Year: 1973 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 828, quality: , Pictures: 5 Merlin (title (from model sheet)) Zwergfalke (German translation) Year: 1976 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 823, quality: , Pictures: 4 Osprey / Fischadler (title (online catalogue)) Year: um 1977 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 824, quality: , Pictures: 3 Robin (title (from model sheet)) Rotkehlchen (German translation) Year: 1977 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 825, quality: , Pictures: 4 Grey wagtail (title (from model sheet)) Schafstelze (German translation) Year: 1977 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 826, quality: , Pictures: 4 Lesser spotted woodpecker (title (from model sheet)) Kleinspecht (German translation) Year: 1977 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 829, quality: , Pictures: 4 Nuthatch (title (from model sheet)) Kleiber (German translation) Year: 1977 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 830, quality: , Pictures: 4 Osprey (title (from model sheet)) Fischadler (German translation) Year: um 2004 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 831, quality: , Pictures: 1 Swallow (title (from model sheet)) Schwalbe (German translation) Year: um 2009 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 17588, quality: , Pictures: 1 Little Owl (title (from model sheet)) Steinkauz (German translation) Year: um 2011 Publisher: Birdmobile (United Kingdom) Scale: 1 : 1 ID: 27129, quality: , Pictures: 1 Home page and card model database of the AGK Copyright © AGK & Heiko Schinke, 2006-2022 === Version 11.3 of 2022-02-07 In case of problems with this website please contact Heiko Schinke (schinke kartonmodellbau.org) or phone him at +49-341-9959-692 (office) or +49-3461-4415494 (home)
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We offer Tamarind that is used as an additive in the preparation of delicious cuisines. Tamarind is actually the fruit pod produced by tall, semi-evergreen tree grown primarily in India. The beans and pulp within the pod are virtually no smell, but is has an extremely sour taste. Tamarind is available in whole pods, a compressed block, paste or concentrates and is most likely to be found in Asia. Tamarind is generally used in India as paste or pulp in addition to its being a main constituent in our daily food preparations. India holds the credit of chief producer of this crop. This extremely sour fruit is available in whole pods, compressed blocks, paste or concentrate. It is used as a base for spicy and sometimes sweet sauces. It is often the main ingredient in juices, soups, chatnis and bean dishes. The pulp is sold dry and needs to be soaked before usage. Tamarind is taken as basis for spicy and sometimes sweet sauces used to marinade meat or soybean cheese before frying. In peninsular Southeast Asia (Vietnam and Thailand), the pods are preferred unripe and used in tart soups or stews. These cannot be dried without aroma change. The harvesting season for Tamarind is from January to April and its major producing Centers in India are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. India is the only producer of tamarind on a commercial scale. A large part of India’s production of tamarind is exported to West Asia, Europe and America, where it is used for food specialties like Worcestershire sauce. It is used as the equivalent to lemon juice in Indian cuisine, but is also used extensively in Asian cooking. It is often used to make juices, soups, chutneys and bean dishes. Spec: Seed 5% Max, 10% Max, 35% Max Slab Size 200 Gm, 500 Gm, 1 Kg Purity 98% Max Fiber 1 % Max Dust 1 % Max Origin INDIA Inspection SGS or any other third Party Inspection Company for Weight and Quality as per Buyer’s requirement. Minimum Order Quantity 1 X 20 FT Container Load ability 20 FCL 22.500 MT for Tamarind Slabs packed in 1 Kg & 500 Gm 20 FCL 21.500 MT for Tamarind Slabs packed in 200 Gm Packing 5kg, 10 kg ,20 kg, 30 kg mesh bag or as required by buyer. Various packing which can be offered in consumer slabs are as follows:- 1 Kg Slab x 20 Packets = 20 Kg In A Master Carton. 500 Gm. Slab x 40 Packets = 20 Kg In A Master Carton 500 Gm. Slab x 20 Packets = 10 Kg In A Master Carton 200 Gm. Slab x 50 Packets = 10 Kg In A Master Carton 500 Gm. Slab x 40 Packets = 8 Kg In A Master Carton (Prices may vary as per any change in Size & Quality of Packing and also if there is any Special Marking or Design required by the Buyer) Pay Mode Terms EXW, FCA, FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, DDP L/C (Letter of Credit), T/T (Bank Transfer) Port of Dispatch Any port in Russia and any commercial port in the world Related products BISHOP SEEDS View Details TURMERIC FINGER View Details CUMIN SEEDS View Details BLACK CARDAMOM View Details Spices CORIANDER SPLIT CINNAMON Mustard Seeds RED CHILI TAMARIND Sesame Seeds GARLIC DRIED GINGER BAY LEAF (TEJ PATTA) TURMERIC FINGER NUTMEG MACE BISHOP SEEDS FENUGREEK FENNEL SEEDS CUMIN SEEDS CORIANDER SEEDS BLACK CARDAMOM CARDAMOM BLACK PEPPER Contacts Address RUSSIA : 141400, Moscow region, Khimki, Leningradskaya street,d1 ______________________________________________ Email: info@sdgpark.ru ______________________________________________ Telephone +7925-124 -44 -07 Other Address Address:INDIA : Reg. 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No technical de Claude Tétot, Untitled 4 on Amorosart Artists Galleries New prints Registration Login Artists Galleries New prints Registration Login Claude Tétot / Untitled 4 Presented by Ideelart Claude TÉTOT - Untitled 4 Presented by Ideelart Contact the Dealer Year 2018 Technical No technical Image size 0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in Paper size 35,0 x 50,0 cm / 13.8 x 19.7 in Edition Unique Price On demand Reference Without reference Visit(s) 702 Condition Claude TÉTOT - Untitled 4 Claude Tétot is a painter in search of unexpected harmonies. He embraces a visual language of complementary contradictions--negative space becomes an expression of form; solid areas of color are balanced by energetic markings and precise patterns; concrete elements like hard edged lines, grids, and geometric shapes are juxtaposed alongside expressionistic elements, like gestural brushwork, smudges, drips and stains. By exploring the enigmatic unity expressed by these apparent disharmonies, Tétot is examining what is meant by chaos and what is meant by order. He is asking us to contemplate what is absent and what is present; or what is active and what is neutral. The strange poetry of his compositions declares that things are not always what they seem, and that there is beauty even in discord. Contact Ideelart Send Amorosart hosts known and recognized dealers, it is however necessary to take the basic precautions for all online purchases. See All The Prints By Tétot See All The Prints By Ideelart AVAILABLE PRINTS BY TÉTOT Tétot Untitled 1 Ideelart Tétot Untitled 2 Ideelart Tétot Untitled 4 Ideelart Tétot Untitled 5 Ideelart Tétot Untitled 6 Ideelart Tétot Untitled 7 Ideelart Tétot Untitled 8 Ideelart Tétot Untitled 9 Ideelart Tétot Untitled 10 Ideelart See all the prints by TÉTOT Copyright Amorosart 2008 - 2022 - CNIL n° : 1301442 - Glossary - F.a.q
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Four days after Mahogany’s was forced to close its doors, it is scheduled to reopen Saturday.The Ohio Department of Taxation closed the restaurant down Tuesday because of unpaid state taxes.Officials confirmed Friday that Mahogany’s tax debts have been settled and the restaurant will be allowed to reopen.The state would not say how much money the restaurant owed in back taxes.The department said it was standard procedure to close any restaurant that failed to pay its taxes for two consecutive tax periods or three times in 12 months.One employee told WLWT News 5 that her last paycheck bounced and that she and other employees received a call Tuesday telling them the restaurant would be closed and they would have the day off.A city spokesman said owner Liz Rogers was also behind on a city loan repayment. He stressed that it was in everyone's best interest that the restaurant remain open so it can continue paying its employees and repaying its debts. Four days after Mahogany’s was forced to close its doors, it is scheduled to reopen Saturday. The Ohio Department of Taxation closed the restaurant down Tuesday because of unpaid state taxes. Officials confirmed Friday that Mahogany’s tax debts have been settled and the restaurant will be allowed to reopen. The state would not say how much money the restaurant owed in back taxes. The department said it was standard procedure to close any restaurant that failed to pay its taxes for two consecutive tax periods or three times in 12 months. One employee told WLWT News 5 that her last paycheck bounced and that she and other employees received a call Tuesday telling them the restaurant would be closed and they would have the day off. A city spokesman said owner Liz Rogers was also behind on a city loan repayment. He stressed that it was in everyone's best interest that the restaurant remain open so it can continue paying its employees and repaying its debts. AlertMe
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Spread the love Allentown, PA — Pennsylvania cop watchers, with the Oath Accountability Project and RealJGonzo Media, decided to turn the tables on police and do to police what officers of the law do daily to citizens. “Scott” as he is known, got just the reaction he was searching for when he and his friend were practicing their free speech and recording on the public sidewalk outside the Allentown Police Department on the corner of Hamilton and 10th. Scott approached an officer and politely asked him if he would ticket another fellow officer if he was breaking the law. The contention the cop watchers made was that several of the police officers’ personal vehicles were displaying Fraternal Order of Police stickers on their own personal license plates, a clear violation of PA law according to Scott. The officer even noted that stickers placed directly on the license plate of a vehicle are illegal. After a few questions, and catching an officer drive down the street without his headlights on, Lieutenant Hill approached the duo, and demanded they leave immediately. Rather irate, Hill said he would in no way stand idly by as the two First Amendment activists recorded officers coming and going in their own personal vehicles. I’m telling you. I’m telling you. I’m Telling You. Leave now. Leave. Leave. No. You’re gonna go up there and wait for your ride. You’re not standing here Outside this garage…If you’re caught down here again, you’re going to be arrested…If he stands outside that garage filming our officers coming and leaving, he Will be arrested. I’m not going to have our officers’ personal safety with you filming out here! While it’s understandable that officers would not want criminals to use their license plate information to ascertain the location of their home address, filming on public sidewalks is constitutionally protected free speech and Lt. Hill had no legal basis for his threats. After Lt. Hill separated the two cop watchers, Scott was confronted by two more officers who refused to identify themselves. The two attempted to intimidate Scott, apparently, but his calm demeanor was enough to disarm the two and engage them in casual conversation, all the while Lt. Hill can be heard berating the other cop watcher. Scott took control of the situation and quickly told the officers he’s aware that it is common practice for Allentown police officers to use license plate scanners to instantly gain all the personal data of anyone whose license plate is recorded by one of the scanners. Scott fired back: I understand what you guys want but you guys ride around all day with your license plate readers on top of your cars taking pictures of everybody’s personal cars, so I don’t see the difference. Scott tried to get an apology for being accosted by Lt. Hill for “charging” the cop watchers while they were exercising their rights to film in public. He did, in fact, get an apology from one of the officers who simply asked in return for the cop watchers not to film them coming and going in their personal vehicles. The stickers on the license plate is definitely illegal…it’s a special privilege thing. I don’t agree with it. Scott said the practice of allowing officers to place stickers on their license plates is a “clear sign” that officers grant each other special privileges that the general public cannot enjoy, violations for which they would be pulled over, detained, and ticketed. Below is an example of how not to engage citizens if you are a police officer who swore an oath to the Constitution. Instead of coming out and blowing his fuse off the bat, Lt. Hill could’ve found common ground with the cop watchers and asked them to perhaps blur the plates, or, out of courtesy, not show the officers’ faces. However, as the video below shows, Lt. Hill was the opposite of cordial, thus deserving his new title of YouTube Famous. Video Credit: RealJGonzo Media & Oath Accountability Project
CTVNews.ca Staff Canadian athletes are set to compete in the Paralympic Games in Sochi this week as tensions continue to build between Russia and Ukraine. Team Canada athletes have begun arriving for the Games, which run from March 7 to 16. Although the Canada Paralympic Committee says there are no plans to back out, the Canadian, American and British governments have all said they would not be sending politicians to Sochi for the opening ceremony. The decision came over the weekend, as Russia moved in soldiers and took control of the Crimea region. The regional capital, Simferopol, is located 475 kilometres from Sochi. With developments in Ukraine changing rapidly, some athletes are concerned that the safety of athletes will become a second thought. “Our team was worried when we woke up today a little bit,” said Greg Westlake, a member of the Canadian sledge hockey team. “So I went and talked to everybody.” The head of the Canadian delegation says the athletes in Sochi are safe. “The security level has not changed since the time of the Olympics, or in the last several weeks,” Gaetan Tardif, president of the Canadian Paralympic Committee, told CTV News. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has also said Canada won’t withdraw its athletes from Sochi. Canadian athletes have sat out of Olympic competition in the past. In 1980, Ottawa was one of 60 countries to boycott the Moscow Games over Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Olympians who have just returned from the Winter Games in Sochi say they want to see their colleagues get the same opportunity to compete. “I think it’s really unfair to put it on the athletes to decide such a huge topic, such a political topic,” said Canadian Olympic figure skater Patrick Chan. Fellow Olympian Tessa Virtue said athletes need to “have their moment” during the Paralympics. “They’ve been working so hard for this,” she said. With a report from CTV News’ Katie Simpson
A pioneering American community ISP is telling customers that Netflix should spend more time improving its technology, more money on its network – and less energy on lobbying in Washington DC. BSD developer and author Brett Glass founded Lariat.net in Wyoming in 1992, making it one of the first ISPs in the world. He told The Register that he's fed up with Netflix hiding behind the "net neutrality" lobbying movement, and says it should invest in better infrastructure and better technology instead. Glass said he believes the net neutrality debate is fundamentally misleading - with large corporations using deceptive language (does anyone actually want a “closed internet”?) and squabbling about lowering their costs. Netflix is an “over the top” (OTT) video service that generates enormous costs - but does demand that tiny community ISPs pay a hefty upfront fee, says Glass. Glass told us: Netflix generates huge amounts of wasteful, redundant traffic and then refuses to allow ISPs to correct this inefficiency via caching. It fails to provide adequate bandwidth for its traffic to ISPs' "front doors" and then blames their downstream networks when in fact they are more than adequate. It exercises market power over ISPs - one of the first questions asked by every customer who calls us is, "How well do you stream Netflix?" - in an attempt to force them to host their servers for free and to build out network connections for which it should be footing the bill. Netflix told us that, if we wanted to improve streaming performance, we should pay $10,000 per month for a dedicated link, spanning nearly 1,000 miles, to one of its "peering points" – just to serve it and no other streaming provider.) It then launches misleading PR campaigns against ISPs that dare to object to this behavior. Part of the problem is that Netflix doesn’t make its content cacheable, even in encrypted form. It could save enormous costs and customer problems if it kept a cache of even the Top 10 shows at a server, argues Glass. “Netflix asks large ISPs (but not small ones) to host its servers –they are not caches but servers – for free. Alas, not only are the servers power hogs, but Netflix pumps terabytes of data into each one every day, sapping huge amounts of bandwidth from the ISP," he says. "We tell prospective customers that we provide a guaranteed amount of capacity for them to the nearest major Internet hub. However, because Netflix does not have a presence at that hub, has failed to invest in adequate infrastructure, will not build out to our ISP as it has to larger ones such as Comcast, and needlessly wastes network capacity, they may or may not get adequate performance.” Everyone loves the idea of small community ISPs, but their needs seem to have been forgotten. We’ll watch out to see if any others follow suit. You can get an insight into running a wireless ISP from this video of a talk by Glass at (ironically) Berkman. ®
How to Work With the Instagram Algorithm in 2022 [SOLVED] AdEspresso Facebook Advertising Optimization Tool How it works For Agencies For e-Commerce For Small Medium Businesses For Every Advertiser Features Create Manage Analyze Collaborate Learn All Features Academy Blog Guides Webinars eBooks Facebook Ad Examples Case Studies Services Pricing Signup Login You are here: Home / Blog / How to Work With the Instagram Algorithm in 2022 [SOLVED] Academy Guides eBooks Webinars Blog How to Work With the Instagram Algorithm in 2022 [SOLVED] April 19, 2022 Leave a Comment Althea Storm Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest If you’ve ever done any research on building effective Instagram strategies, you’ve probably come across something about the all-mighty (and ever-changing) Instagram algorithm. Much like the Facebook algorithm, the Instagram algorithm is a mix of factors that helps the platform decide which posts should appear at the top (and at the bottom) of a user’s feed. So, no matter how exquisite your content is—perfect image, sharp video, genius caption, #expertlycurated hashtags—you still have to appease the Instagram algorithm before anyone sees your content. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the Instagram algorithm, so you can ensure that your Van Gogh-level social content gets some much-deserved attention. Free download: Professionally designed, fully customizable Instagram ad templates. Click and get them now! What is the Instagram algorithm? The Instagram algorithm is a set of rules and signals that rank content on the platform: across users’ feeds, the Explore Page, post feeds, etc. The algorithm analyzes every piece of content posted to the network, taking metadata, hashtags, and engagement metrics into account. Based on this information, it distributes content to make sure that users have easy access to what they are most interested in seeing. Note: For the last few years, the algorithm determined what users see in their feeds — there was no way to override it. Just recently, Instagram introduced two new feed settings: chronological order a curated list of recent posts from favorited accounts Read more about the latest changes to Instagram feeds here. Even with these changes, the majority of your audience still uses the default feed, so you need to understand the kinds of content the Instagram algorithm prioritizes and the kinds it kicks to the curb. How does the Instagram algorithm work? In a 2021 blog post titled, “Shedding More Light on How Instagram Works“, Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri wrote, “We use a variety of algorithms, classifiers, and processes, each with its own purpose. We want to make the most of your time, and we believe that using technology to personalize your experience is the best way to do that.” Every time a user opens Instagram, the algorithm immediately sweeps through all available content, and uses these classifiers to decide: The posts that appear at the top of the newsfeeds, and the order in which they appear The posts that will feature on the Explore tab The order in which Reels, Stories, and Live videos appear in the feed, and their respective tabs, etc. Each section of Instagram will consider details about how you relate with your followers, how relevant your content is, and how timely your posts are. Despite this, the specific factors that determine your feed posts, Instagram Stories, Explore Tab, and Reels are slightly different. Your relationship with your followers. Did your followers search for you by name? Do you follow each other? Do you leave comments on each other’s posts or DM each other? Do you tag each other in your posts? The relevance of your content. The Instagram algorithm measures user affinity and tries to deduce what’s in an image or video to give people the content they want. The timeliness of your posts. Normally, newer posts appear on the feed before older posts. Apart from these core signals, here’s what Instagram algorithms evaluate to automatically curate the perfect content mix for each user. How the Instagram algorithm determines the order of feed posts and Stories For feed posts and Stories, the Instagram algorithm combs through the content of the accounts you follow and tries to deduce how likely you are to engage with a post based on the following key factors: Information about the post. When did it go live? How many likes does it have? Does it have a tagged location? If it’s a video, how long is it? These signals help the algorithms determine how popular and relevant the post is. Information about the poster. Instagram algorithms track how many times you’ve interacted with a person (e.g., likes, comments, profile views, etc.) to deduce how interesting they are to you. Your activity across the platform. What kinds of posts do you interact with the most? The kinds of content you engage with give Instagram an idea as to other posts you might be interested to see on your feed. Instagram’s algorithms use this information to calculate how likely you are to interact with a post and in which order the posts will be displayed on your feed. How the Instagram algorithm arranges content in the Explore tab Just like feed posts and Stories, the algorithm organizes posts in the Explore tab based on previous posts that you’ve engaged with. The difference is that the Explore page algorithm selects almost exclusively content from accounts that you don’t even follow or know about. The most important ranking factors for the Explore tab algorithm are: Information about the post. How popular is a post? How many people liked, commented, shared, and saved the post? How quickly are people engaging with the post? Your history of interacting with the poster. Most of the content on the Explore tab will be from new accounts, but sometimes the algorithms will place content from an account you’ve interacted with before (even if you don’t follow it). Your activity on the platform. What kind of content have you liked, commented on, saved or shared before? Your activity affects what the algorithms deem fit to show you on the Explore page. Information about the poster. If an account has a lot of engagement from users in the past couple weeks, that shows Instagram that the account posts content that other people might like. How the Instagram algorithm works for Reels With Instagram Reels, the algorithms curate content from both accounts you follow and the ones you don’t follow, provided that the content is similar to what you’ve engaged with before. Here are the ranking signals that Instagram’s algorithms look out for when curating Reels: Your activity on the platform. Instagram algorithms consider the Reels you’ve liked, commented on, shared, and saved recently. This helps it determine what is relevant to you. Your interaction history with the poster. Instagram algorithms also check if you’ve engaged with the poster’s Reels in the past. If you have, you’ll likely see the creator’s Reels again in your feed. Information about the Reel. The Instagram algorithm tries to determine what the Reel is about based on the audio track, popularity, and the pixels and frames of the video. Information about the poster. Does the poster have an engaged audience? Does their content get likes and shares constantly? If the poster’s Reels go viral often, it means that IG users love their content, so Instagram will share more of it on people’s feeds. Now that you know how the algorithms determine which content shows up on your Instagram feed, use this information to your advantage. Pro-tip: Start posting Reels (if they fit in with your social media marketing goals). Reels receive about 22% more engagement than regular videos on Instagram. 7 tips for working with the Instagram algorithm To improve your ranking on Instagram users’ feeds, you need to post quality content that will entertain, interest, and inform your audience. Here’s how you can grow your reach and prompt the latest Instagram algorithms to push your content in front of new eyes: 1. Schedule your posts at optimal times If you look closely, you’ll realize that audience engagement is a common (and powerful) signal to Instagram algorithms. So posting your content at the right times can make a big difference to your reach. Instead of trying to figure out the best times to post on Instagram on your own, Hootsuite suggests the best times for you to post, based on your previous performance and your audience’s online behavior. Here’s a guide that shows you how to schedule Instagram feed and Stories posts with Hootsuite. 2. Incorporate Reels into your Instagram marketing strategy As mentioned earlier, Reels get more engagement than regular Instagram videos. This means that posting Reels can help you increase your visibility across Instagram. Want more proof of this? Check out the result of the Reels engagement experiment that the team over at Hootsuite conducted. Recently, Instagram’s @creators account informed people that Reels currently have actual human beings combing through them to serve up the best ones. If you want your Reels to get noticed, here’s what to do (and not do): Shoot videos in a vertical position. Don’t use low-resolution videos. Use all the added features — music, filters, camera effects, etc. Don’t recycle watermarked TikTok videos. Keep your Reels short and fun. Instagram’s algorithms love (and rank) fun posts. 3. Use hashtags to increase visibility Instagram’s algorithms can understand and appreciate this picture of an adorable cat in a raincoat (which sucks), but it can understand the #dogsofinstagram hashtag in the post. View this post on Instagram A post shared by pomeranian (@pomeranian.top) Adding descriptive and accurate hashtags to your posts is an effective way to increase your reach on Instagram. If the algorithm can recognize what your post is about, it can share it with people who are interested in that topic more easily. What’s more, hashtags are free (unlike Instagram ads). Using hashtags correctly involves more than slapping #followforfollow or #instagood on all your posts. Instead, do some research on posts in your niche and use hashtags that actually describe what your post is about. 4. Increase engagement with Instagram stickers Engagement is really important for the Instagram algorithm. But what if you’re not getting the engagement you want? Well, the solution to that might be as simple as slapping on a sticker. With Stories, emoji sliders, polls, and question stickers, you can ask your followers and fans to share their opinions. You can also ask direct questions and encourage conversations with the caption (or within the post itself). View this post on Instagram A post shared by Instagram for Business (@instagramforbusiness) Comments, after all, are the best way to show the algorithms that your posts get engagement from your audience (likes, shares, and saves are great too) so ask your audience to weigh in whenever you can. Just so you know, “good” engagement on Instagram is somewhere between 1 and 5%. But the average engagement rate on Instagram for business accounts was 0.83% in 2021. If you want to improve your engagement rate, here are some things you can do (besides using stickers, that is): Research your target audience so you know what they expect from you. Respond to comments and DMs (if you get a lot of these, Hootsuite has a tool to help you out). Create an ongoing Story where you can share user-generated content. This article contains some more tips for increasing your Instagram engagement. You can also dive into this guide to social media engagement, find some inspo for your next Instagram caption, or learn how to write an effective call-to-action for your social media posts. 5. Post consistently Whether you want to grow your followers, increase your reach or boost engagement (and these three things are connected), you need to post consistently. Businesses post 1.6 posts to their feed every day on average. But if this sounds too much or too stressful for you, focus on showing up consistently as opposed to sharing many posts. Posting engaging content to Instagram every weekday is enough to grow your account. During Instagram’s Creator Week in June 2021, Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram, revealed that posting 2 feed posts per week and 2 Stories per day is enough to build an Instagram following. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Instagram’s @Creators (@creators) Pro-tip: To be consistent on Instagram, you need a plan. That’s why it’s vital that you have a social media content calendar and schedule your posts ahead of time with Hootsuite. I mean, look at how nice your Instagram posts would look when outlined in Hootsuite Planner — for weeks and even months in advance! 6. Respect the community guidelines Whether you’re posting feed posts, Stories or Reels, Instagram’s algorithms will reduce the visibility of your content if it goes against the app’s Community Guidelines. If your posts spread misinformation, are political in nature, incite hate and violence against a group of people or animals, or are even just poor quality, your content may not be distributed widely. Pro-tip: If you suspect that you’ve been shadowbanned, this is probably why. 7. Automate your analytics reports Tracking and monitoring your performance on Instagram is one of the best ways to find favor in the sight of the algorithms. Understanding what’s working and what isn’t will help you fine-tune your marketing plan, and save time and effort in the future. You can measure your Instagram performance with an Instagram analytics tool. A good analytics tool will go beyond vanity metrics and help you understand more about your audience and the sort of content they want to see on their feeds. An Instagram analytics tool can help you find out: When your audience is online so you can schedule your posts at those times Which posts are getting real engagement Which hashtags are performing well No matter how tight your schedule is, receiving automatic analytics reports will help you do all of this and more. Take some time once a month, at least, to look at the numbers and see how you’re doing in terms of content, hashtags, and posting time. A great social media analytics tool like Hootsuite will keep you up-to-date on everything from campaign click-throughs to audience sentiment analysis to customer service response times. Have a quick look at Hootsuite Analytics, which shows you the most important metrics you should track as well as statistics from your other social accounts so that you can easily make comparisons. Pro-tip: If you noticed any huge spikes or dips in your stats recently, Analytics is the first place a social media manager would go to determine if something changed in the Instagram algorithm — and start tweaking their strategy accordingly. 73Shares Facebook0 Twitter13 LinkedIn40 Pinterest2 You may also like reading: Social Commerce 101: How to Make Money Selling on Social How to Create a Facebook Business Page (The Easy Way) 10 Social Media Schedulers for Easy Auto-Posting in 2022 How to Get Verified on TikTok in 5 Steps [2022] Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ Top Resources Your 6 Easy Steps to become a Facebook Ads Pro Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ads Facebook Ads DOs & DON'Ts The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Custom Audiences Discover how to save time & money with AdEspresso! Start your 14 Day Free Trial Now! 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Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Peter Jackson said he was "fed false information" about "talented women" Actress Mira Sorvino said she is "heartsick" after learning she may have lost out on major roles because of Harvey Weinstein. Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson said both Sorvino and Ashley Judd were "blacklisted" following conversations with Weinstein's company. Both actresses have claimed the media mogul sexually harassed them. Weinstein has denied allegations of misconduct, and of blacklisting the actresses. The Lord of the Rings trilogy was initially in development with Weinstein's Miramax company, before being passed to New Line Cinema. In an interview with Stuff.co.nz this week, Jackson said he was interested in casting both women in the blockbuster franchise. "I recall Miramax telling us they were a nightmare to work with and we should avoid them at all costs. This was probably in 1998," he told the site. "At the time, we had no reason to question what these guys were telling us." "I now suspect we were fed false information about both of these talented women - and as a direct result their names were removed from our casting list." "In hindsight, I realise that this was very likely the Miramax smear campaign in full swing," Jackson said. Sorvino said in a tweet: "Just seeing this after I awoke, I burst out crying." "There it is, confirmation that Harvey Weinstein derailed my career, something I suspected but was unsure. Thank you Peter Jackson for being honest. I'm just heartsick." Sorry, this Twitter post is currently unavailable. Judd, meanwhile, recalled how her involvement progressed far enough to be invited by Jackson to see preparation work for the blockbuster trilogy. "I remember this well," she tweeted. "They asked which if the two roles I preferred, and then I abruptly never heard from them again. I appreciate the truth coming out," she said. Sorry, this Twitter post is currently unavailable. In a statement through a publicist, Weinstein denied the allegations that he was involved in blacklisting Sorvino and Judd, saying that the casting for Lord of the Rings was carried out by New Line Cinema - not Miramax. The statement said that Judd was cast in two other films by Mr Weinstein, and that "Sorvino was always considered for other films as well." Weinstein's denial prompted Jackson to write a further response, carried by Entertainment Weekly, calling it a "deflection from the truth". "In the 18 months we developed the Lord of the Rings at Miramax, we had many casting conversations with Harvey Weinstein, Bob Weinstein and their executives," Jackson wrote. "The movies changed hands from Miramax to New Line before casting actually got underway - but because we had been warned off Ashley and Mira by Miramax, and we were naive enough to assume we'd been told the truth, [we] did not raise their names in New Line casting conversations." Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Sorvino made her allegation in October, prompting a wave of further accusations from others Weinstein is the central figure of the Hollywood sexual harassment scandal, in which dozens of actresses have accused him of misconduct. Sorvino and Judd were among the first women to publicly share her experiences of sexual harassment from Weinstein back in October. The Hollywood film producer has "unequivocally denied" any allegations of non-consensual sex.
FORT LAUDERDALE — It was over a dog. Seibert Prescott, 63, and his son Roger Bennett, 30, were fatally shot in the back last year after an argument over a pit bull named Tiger, prosecutor Sasha Shulman told a Broward jury Wednesday morning. Vincent Jones, 49, is charged with two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder stemming from the March 25, 2014, incident in Fort Lauderdale. A third intended target, Bennett's brother Steven, was not struck by a bullet. The prosecutor said Jones wasn't even part of the argument about Tiger. The dog's owner, John Forbes, had been living with Prescott for some time but got back on his feet and moved out of Prescott's home in Fort Lauderdale's Sistrunk neighborhood. But he left Tiger behind. On the morning of the shooting, Forbes returned to the house looking for Tiger. During an argument about where the dog was, Forbes threatened to kill Prescott with a machete and scatter his body in the Everglades. Tiger showed up moments later, and Forbes left with him. Later, Prescott and his sons found Forbes playing dominoes in Lincoln Park. Shulman said Steven Bennett, who was unarmed, threatened to shoot Forbes. Forbes' nephew, Gerrard Bell, called Jones, who arrived while the argument continued. Steven Bennett testified Wednesday that Bell pulled a gun out of his car and handed it to Jones. "I screamed, gun!" he said. "Me, my dad and my brother begin to run. Jones has the gun in his hand. He's squeezing and we're running." He said he heard six shots. As he fled, he saw his father collapse, fatally wounded. Moment later, he saw that his brother had also been wounded. "I'm all right," he recalled his brother saying. The father and son died near Ray's Meat Market on the 1700 block of Northeast Sixth Street. Surveillance footage from the store will be played during the trial. Bell pleaded no contest to murder and attempted murder charges in February and was sentenced to five years in prison. Defense lawyer Joe Pappacoda said Jones was acting in self-defense. Steven Bennett had threatened to shoot Forbes to death, and Jones had reason to believe he intended to make good on that threat by going for his gun. Steven Bennett testified that he never threatened Forbes. He said he asked how Forbes would feel if he were to threaten him the way Forbes threatened his father. Jones had no way of knowing that the men arguing with Forbes didn't have a weapon, Pappacoda said. "This is a justifiable use of deadly force," he said. "Vincent Jones believed that force was necessary to stop an imminent deadly attack." The trial is expected to last through early next week. rolmeda@sunsentinel.com, 954-356-4457, Twitter @SSCourts and @rolmeda
CANES & ACCESSORIES Toggle High Contrast Toggle Font size Skip to content 800-783-5213 Español search products: submit search Store Catalog & Price List Used Items for Sale White Canes My Account Shopping Cart Store Catalog & Price List Used Items for Sale White Canes My Account Shopping Cart Menu Store Catalog & Price List Used Items for Sale White Canes My Account Shopping Cart Español search products: submit search CANES & ACCESSORIES STORE CANES & ACCESSORIES Any Wisconsin resident who is blind or visually impaired is eligible for one free white cane every 24 months or more frequently for students. Generous donations to the White Cane Fund cover the cost of these canes. Please call 608-255-1166 to check your eligibility for a free white cane and to submit a request. Follow this link to read more about our White Cane Program. Sort By: Title Price Ascending Price Descending Submit Click image for more images. Image Item Price Actions Adjustable Support cane This model allows the height to easily be set within the 29-inch to 37-inch range. The cane's shaft is white aluminum with a bright, red, fully adjustable threaded bottom section. The rubber tip provides long wear and a sure grip. Comes with a C-shaped handle. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for any new cane user. Item # C118 Price $24.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Aluminum 4-Section Folding Mobility Cane This four-section Ambutech folding cane is made of heavy gauge aluminum and covered with a Scotchlite material. The rubber golf grip handle has one flat side for comfort and control. Available in 30- to 54-inch lengths. Please specify the length you are requesting when you order. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for any new cane user. Item # C203 Price $24.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Aluminum 5-Section Folding Mobility Cane This five-section Ambutech folding cane is made of heavy gauge aluminum and covered with Scotchlite material. The rubber golf grip handle has one flat side for comfort and control. Available in 44- to 60-inch lengths. Please specify the length you are requesting when you order. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for any new cane user. Item # C204 Price $24.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Aluminum Rigid Kiddie Mobility Cane This kid's aluminum cane has a slip on pencil tip and is available in 24-inch to 34-inch lengths. Please specify length on order. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for all new cane users. Item # C264 Price $17.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Aluminum Rigid Mobility Cane Ambutech aluminum rigid mobility cane and comes 34-inch to 60-inch lengths. Please specify length on order. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for any new cane user. Item # C250 Price $24.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Cane Ice Spike The Cane Ice Spike is an economical and secure solution for coping with icy or snow packed surfaces. It flips up when not needed. Spikes are designed to fit all canes with a diameter of 3/4-inches to 1-1/8-inches. Item # C415 Price $7.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Graphite Folding Mobility Cane Graphite canes are 20% lighter than aluminum canes and feature aluminum ferrules and double stranded elastic cord to fold and unfold. This cane is available in 44-inch to 60-inch lengths. Please specify length when ordering. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for new cane users. Item # C205 Price $35.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Jumbo Roller Tip Hook-In This large 2.5-inch diameter rolling wheel cane tip from Ambutech provides greater sensitivity and more visibility. It is durable, lightweight, and easily handles most obstacles and pavement cracks. Used with the constant contact technique. Hook in style. Item # C413H Price $12.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Marshmallow Roller Tip Hook In This marshmallow roller tip offers enhanced tactile transmission. Used with the constant contact mobility technique. Made from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene to last longer than a regular tip. Hook In style. Item # C412H Price $9.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Marshmallow Roller Tip Slip On This marshmallow roller tip offers enhanced tactile transmission. Used with the constant contact mobility technique. Made from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene to last longer than a regular tip. Slip on style. Item # C412 Price $9.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Marshmallow Tip Hook In This large cane tip is useful on sidewalks or when it has snowed, because the large size does not allow the tip to get stuck in pavement cracks and is heavy enough to push through snow. Used with the two-point touch mobility technique. A cylindrical shaped nylon tip with a 1 inch diameter. Item # C410H Price $3.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Marshmallow Tip Slip On This large cane tip is useful on sidewalks or when it has snowed, because the large size does not allow the tip to get stuck in pavement cracks and is heavy enough to push through snow. Used with the two-point touch mobility technique. A cylindrical shaped nylon tip with a 1 inch diameter. Slip on style. Item # C410 Price $3.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Metal Glide Tip This disc-shaped metal tip provides tactile as well as audio feedback when tapped against various surfaces, making a different sound when tapped on concrete, carpeting or wood. Used with the two-point touch technique. Made from stainless steel and sized 1 inch in diameter. Item # C416 Price $3.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Pencil Tip Hook On This is a replacement pencil tip for the Ambutech slip-on style canes. A straight tip with a rounded end made from nylon, sized 0.5” / 1.3 cm diameter. Used with the two-point touch technique. Hook-on style. Item # C403H Price $2.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Pencil Tip Slip On This is a replacement pencil tip for the Ambutech slip-on style canes. A straight tip with a rounded end made from nylon, sized 0.5” / 1.3 cm diameter. Used with the two-point touch technique. Slip-on style. Item # C403 Price $2.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Rolling Ball Tip Hook On This large two-inch diameter rolling ball tip has an encased roller bearing for greater sensitivity and visibility. This durable and lightweight tip is ideal for use with the constant contact mobility technique. It easily handles many obstacles and pavement cracks. Hook on style. Item # C414H Price $8.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Rolling Ball Tip Slip On This large two-inch diameter rolling ball tip has an encased roller bearing for greater sensitivity and visibility. This durable and lightweight tip is ideal for use with the constant contact mobility technique. It easily handles many obstacles and pavement cracks. Slip on style. Item # C414 Price $8.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Rover Free Wheeling Tip This tip is a wheel to be put at the end of the cane. It is useful when traveling across rough terrain, as it will not get stuck. Not as useful when employing two-point touch or sweeping motions to use the cane. Wheel is 3 inches in diameter. Item # C417 Price $12.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Ambutech Rubber Tip for Support Cane This rubber tip goes on the bottom of the support cane. Lean on the cane without worrying about scratching floors or getting the cane stuck in grass. Item # C110 Price $2.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Black Support Cane Rubber Tip Black Support Cane Rubber Tip Item # C119 Price $2.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Dakota Disk Cane Tip This cane tip was designed to make it easier to navigate outdoors on uneven surfaces. The durable plastic disk has a rounded bottom that prevents it from getting stuck on cracks or roots on a trail. It is larger than other tips, which helps detect items over a larger area. Not for use with support canes. Item # C418 Price $12.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Folding Adjustable Support Cane Ambutech quality in a convenient folding style makes this support cane a great choice for travel or daily use. The comfortable T-style handle is easy to grip. This standard length adjusts from 33-inches to 37-inches in height. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for any new cane user. Item # C101 Price $24.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Identification Cane This folding aluminum cane is designed without a grip, and helps identify an individual as blind or low vision. It comes in lengths between 34-inches and 44-inches. Please indicate length on order. Identification canes are not for use as a mobility cane or to support a user's body weight. Item # C290 Price $18.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Leather Mobility Cane Holster The black, leather cane holster clips onto a belt so you can carry your folding cane with you easily and hands-free. It is made of black leather and includes a belt loop and a clip. Approximately 9 inches long. Open pocket allows 4, 5, or 6 section canes to fit, however larger tips may not work with this holder. Item # C420 Price $25.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Rainshine Cane Fiberglass rigid Rainshine Cane with metal tip, cut to length-please specify length on order. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for any new cane user. Item # C610 Price $15.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Rainshine Cane Tip This slightly smaller metal tip provides tactile as well as audio feedback when tapped against various surfaces, making a different sound when tapped on concrete, carpeting or wood. Item # C600 Price $2.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Reflective Tape for Cane This reflective tape, sold in 3-foot increments, is wide enough to wrap around the support cane, making it easy for drivers and other pedestrians to see your cane in the dark. Tape is sold in white or red. Item # C545 Price $2.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Rigid Support Cane - Cut to Length We can cut this support cane to your length specifications. This model comes with a T-shaped handle. Ask our Store Manager for more details. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for any new cane user. Item # C109 Price $13.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Rigid Support Cane with C Handle - Cut to Length We can cut this support cane to your length specifications. This model comes with a C-shaped handle. Ask our Store Manager for more details. WCBVI highly recommends orientation and mobility training for any new cane user. Item # C111 Price $13.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Slip On Ball Tip A 2 inch diameter ball made from nylon provides greater sensitivity and more visibility. It is durable, lightweight, and easily handles most obstacles and pavement cracks. Used with the constant contact technique. Slip on style. Item # C411 Price $8.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Slip On Jumbo Roller Tip This large 2.5-inch diameter rolling wheel cane tip from Ambutech provides greater sensitivity and more visibility. It is durable, lightweight, and easily handles most obstacles and pavement cracks. Used with the constant contact technique. Slip on style. Item # C413 Price $12.00 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Wrist Strap for Support Cane This wrist strap makes it easy to hang the support cane on a hook behind the door. Wrap it around your wrist so you can pick objects up without having to drop the cane. The strap could also be used to hang keys on your cane so they are always with you. Item # C425 Price $3.50 Actions Add to Cart Add to Wish List Road Construction Nearby A street reconstruction project is underway on Blair Street in downtown Madison that may slow travel to the Sharper Vision Store. If you are planning a visit, please take this into consideration and allow extra time for transportation. New: Support the Council by Rounding Up at the Register When you shop in person, you will have the opportunity to make a small gift by rounding up your purchase to the nearest whole dollar amount. You are also welcome to add a gift to online purchases during checkout. Contact Us 754 Williamson St. Madison, WI 53703 Toll Free 1-800-783-5213 (608) 255-1166 Fax: (608) 255-3301 info@wcblind.org Office & Sharper Vision Store Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed Holidays Sharper Vision Store is a program of Wisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually Impaired. Visit WCBVI Website Sign up for our newsletters Sign up for our newsletters If you are having difficulty with this site, email Jim Denham. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. © 2022 Wisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually Impaired Website created by designCraft Advertising
Intervention comes after reports that Iain Duncan Smith is pressing for cuts to £5bn bill for elderly benefits The row over providing benefits such as winter fuel payments and free bus passes for better-off pensioners has split the very top of the coalition government, with deputy prime minister Nick Clegg telling colleagues he would be happy to see them dramatically cut. The Liberal Democrat leader's intervention comes after reports on Wednesday that the work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith is pressing for cuts to the £5bn bill for elderly benefits, which also include free TV licences and prescriptions. However, David Cameron is said to be adamant that he must stick to the promise he made before the last general election that the payments would be safe under a Tory government, a promise considered important enough to be enshrined in the coalition agreement. The Lib Dems said in their election manifesto they would delay the politically sensitive winter fuel payments until the age of 65, up from 60, and signalled that they would consider means-testing them. However, Clegg is now understood to be saying he wants to see the winter payments and free TV licences cut for all millionaire pensioners to help fund other government spending – although a party spokesman said they were not seeking to make an issue out of it. "If you're faced with a choice in terms of helping the wealthiest pensioners or helping the vulnerable across Britain, then his priority is the vulnerable people across the country who need the most help," said a party spokesman. As well as Cameron's personal pledge in a TV debate before the 2010 election, the government is thought to be nervous about cuts to pensioner benefits after the furore over changes to the rate at which pensions rise announced in the March budget and dubbed the "granny tax". Ministers are also under fire for delays in getting cross-party agreement on how to fund social care amid concerns that they are preparing to water down proposals by the Dilnot Commission to introduce a cap on total personal costs and to increase the wealth people can accumulate before they have to start paying for their own care. Pressure is building on the prime minister as departments across government are being asked to make savage cuts to spending while the costs of medical bills and other issues keeps rising. The Sun launched a campaign to "ditch handouts to [the] rich" on Wednesday, calling on the government to "axe the freebies" for about half of pensioners. The newspaper estimated that would save £2bn a year. The Lib Dem peer Lord Oakeshott called on the prime minister to accept taxing winter fuel payments, pointing out his party had already had to accept making a major policy U-turn by agreeing to raise student tuition fees, a move which has proved deeply unpopular with its supporters. Oakeshott has previously calculated that 671 members of the House of Lords qualify for the £200-300 a year handout to help warm their homes because they were over 60. "Nick Clegg had to eat humble pie on tuition fees, so David Cameron can at least swallow a slice now for fairness," Oakeshott said. A No 10 source said: "The coalition agreement is absolutely clear and it reflects the promises the prime minister made before the election." A spokesman for the Department for Work and Pensions said: "We continue to protect key support for pensioners including winter fuel payments, which make an important contribution to the fuel costs of pensioners." • This article was amended on 7 June 2012. The original version wrongly stated that Clegg wanted winter payments and free TV licences cut for all but millionaire pensioners.
Dead Cold Brew by Cleo Coyle – Review / Giveaway | The Book's the Thing Skip to content The Book's the Thing Menu Home About Book Review Policy Dead Cold Brew by Cleo Coyle – Review / Giveaway January 9, 2017 January 8, 2017 ~ Erika K After everything Clare and Mike have been through, they deserve a little bit of happily ever after. So when Mike decides to put a ring on Clare’s finger, Clare’s eccentric octogenarian employer is there to help. She donates the perfect coffee-colored diamonds to include in the setting and the name of a world-famous jeweler who happens to be an old family friend. But while the engagement is steeped in perfection, the celebration is not long lived. First, a grim-faced attorney interrupts their party with a mysterious letter bequeathing a strange, hidden treasure to Clare’s daughter. Next, the renowned jeweler who designed Clare’s ring is found poisoned in his shop. Both events appear to be connected to a cold case murder involving a sunken ship, an Italian curse, a suspiciously charming jewel thief, and a shocking family secret. With deadly trouble brewing, Clare must track down clues in some of New York’s most secret places before an old vendetta starts producing fresh corpses. I always look forward to another adventure with Clare, Matt, Mike, and all of the gang at the Village Blend. A lot of series seem to lose steam after a while, but Cleo Coyle manages to keep the Coffeehouse mysteries feeling fresh, even at #16. Her boyfriend Mike finally proposes, but a sniper is targeting members of the NYPD, leaving Clare in fear for her fiancé’s life. When her ex Matt’s godfather is poisoned, Clare sees a connection between the two cases that sets her and Matt on the trail of a blackmailer and jewel thief, and quite possibly a killer. Dead Cold Brew was a fast-paced story and once I got started, I couldn’t put it down. Fans of the series will not be disappointed, and even new readers should be able to pick this one up without feeling lost. Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win an awesome grand prize package from Cleo Coyle! Includes a signed hard cover edition of Dead Cold Brew, a $25 gift card, and more. About The Author CLEO COYLE is the pseudonym for Alice Alfonsi, writing in collaboration with her husband, Marc Cerasini. CLEO COYLE grew up in a small town near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After earning scholarships to study writing at Carnegie Mellon and American Universities, she began her career as a cub reporter for The New York Times. Now an author of popular fiction and New York Times bestselling media tie-in writer, Cleo lives and works in New York City, where she collaborates with her husband (also a bestselling author) to pen the Coffeehouse Mysteries for Penguin. Together Cleo and her husband also write the Haunted Bookshop Mysteries under the name Alice Kimberly. When not haunting coffeehouses, hunting ghosts, or rescuing stray cats, Cleo and Marc are bestselling media tie-in writers who have penned properties for NBC, Lucasfilm, Disney, Fox, Imagine, and MGM. In their spare time they cook like crazy and drink a lot of java. You can learn more about Cleo, her husband, and the books they write by visiting www.CoffeehouseMystery.com. Author Links Visit Cleo online: www.coffeehousemystery.com Friend Cleo on Facebook:www.Facebook.com/CleoCoyle Follow Cleo on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cleocoyle/ Purchase Links Amazon B&N IndieBound TOUR PARTICIPANTS January 9 – The Book’s the Thing – REVIEW January 10 – A Holland Reads – REVIEW January 11 – Readeropolis – REVIEW January 12 – Dalene’s Book Reviews – REVIEW January 13 – The Power of Words – REVIEW January 14 – Booklady’s Booknotes – REVIEW January 15 – Sleuth Cafe – REVIEW January 16 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW January 17 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW January 18 – Escape With Dollycas – Cozy Wednesday Share this: Tweet Email Like this: Like Loading... Posted in Cozy Mystery, Mystery book reviewsbooksClare CosiCleo CoyleCofeehouse mysteryCozy MysteryDead Cold Brewmystery Post navigation < Previous The Temple of Indra’s Jewel by Rachel Stapleton – Review and Giveaway (ENDED) Next > Telling Tails by Sofie Ryan – Blog Tour and Giveaway (ENDED) 22 thoughts on “Dead Cold Brew by Cleo Coyle – Review / Giveaway” 18cinemalane says: April 4, 2019 at 1:58 pm Even though it sounds like there’s a lot going on in this book, it all sounds very interesting! It kind of reminds me of the Crossword Mysteries series on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. Would definitely consider reading this book! LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Carol Edwards says: January 11, 2017 at 8:59 pm I love this series and have listened to or read all of the books up to this one. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 11, 2017 at 9:06 pm I’ve listened to several as audio books too – I really this series! LikeLike Reply CleoCoyle says: January 10, 2017 at 9:03 pm Erika – Fantastic to know that you couldn’t put the book down, cheers! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review our work. Marc and I sincerely appreciate it. And… Thanks to everyone for stopping by to comment. For anyone new to our work, we have a great community of readers, and we’d be thrilled to welcome you into it. Friend or follow us on Facebook (www.Facebook.com/CleoCoyle), sign up for our newsletter, or stop by our online coffeehouse at http://www.CoffeehouseMystery.com – where we share recipes, videos, and fun info. Thank you again, Erika. May you always… Read with joy! ~ Cleo LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 10, 2017 at 9:08 pm Thank you so much for stopping by! I loved the book, and can’t wait for the next one. 🙂 LikeLike Reply beckmank says: January 9, 2017 at 10:06 pm I love this series! Haven’t read them all, but I bet half. I love the recipes in them too. 🙂 LikeLiked by 2 people Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 10, 2017 at 5:54 am Same here – every time I read one I swear I’m going to go back and read the ones I’ve missed. Someday I’m actually going to do it! 😄 LikeLiked by 1 person Reply diannekc says: January 9, 2017 at 7:49 pm Great series, can’t wait to read “Dead Cold Brew”. Thanks for the really great giveaway. LikeLiked by 2 people Reply Celia Fowler says: January 9, 2017 at 3:42 pm I love Cleo Coyle’s Coffeehouse Mysteries, and have re-read the series while waiting for a new book to come out. I love to visit Clare and everyone involved with the Village Blend Coffeehouse — they make me feel good! LikeLiked by 2 people Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 9, 2017 at 3:47 pm I know what you mean…the Village Blend almost feels real after reading and re-reading the books. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply CleoCoyle says: January 10, 2017 at 9:06 pm Celia – You’re a sweetheart, thank you so much! LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Amanda Wilcox says: January 9, 2017 at 3:21 pm I’ve owned the first in this series for a year now and I’m daunted to start it because there are so many. It is officially one of my New Year’s resolutions to dive into this series this year. I’m so excited!!! Thanks for the chance to win too! LikeLiked by 2 people Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 9, 2017 at 3:22 pm I hope you love book one – just think, if you enjoy it, you could keep reading the series for weeks! 😃 LikeLike Reply donamaekutska7 says: January 9, 2017 at 2:59 pm I enjoy the coffee house books a lot! Thanks for this chance. LikeLiked by 2 people Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 9, 2017 at 3:01 pm Good luck! LikeLike Reply Kathleen Kendler says: January 9, 2017 at 1:04 pm Sounds lik ea good read. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 9, 2017 at 1:26 pm It really is! LikeLike Reply robeader says: January 9, 2017 at 9:15 am Cleo’s series is fantastic. Fingers crossed I get lucky. LikeLiked by 2 people Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 9, 2017 at 9:29 am Good luck! 🍀 LikeLike Reply Becky says: January 9, 2017 at 6:39 am Love the cover. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply carhicks says: January 9, 2017 at 2:33 am I have only read one in this series, I will have to give it another try. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Erika @ Booksthething.com says: January 9, 2017 at 4:32 am I haven’t read every one, but I have enjoyed all of the ones that I have read! LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 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NFL.com has the exclusive access to the latest Pro Bowl results, updated through Sunday of Week 11. You can continue to vote through Jan. 9, 2015. The Pro Bowl will be Jan. 25, 2015 at 8 p.m. ET on ESPN in Glendale, Arizona, the site of Super Bowl XLIV. Like last year, it's the unconferenced format: It's fantasy football for real. We've already hit you with the top 10 vote-getters, as well as the offensive leaders. Here are the top-voted players at each defensive position. Defensive ends: 1. J.J. Watt 2. DeMarcus Ware 3. Cameron Wake 4. Everson Griffen 5. Mario Williams 6. Willie Young 7. Ezekiel Ansah 8. Chandler Jones 9. Rob Ninkovich 10. Jason Pierre-Paul Defensive tackles: 1. Marcell Dareus 2. Muhammad Wilkerson 3. Ndamukong Suh 4. Sheldon Richardson 5. Jurrell Casey 6. Gerald McCoy 7. Vince Wilfork 8. Henry Melton 9. Stephen Paea 10. Haloti Ngata Inside linebackers: 1. Luke Kuechly 2. C.J. Mosley 3. Lawrence Timmons 4. Karlos Dansby 5. Rolando McClain 6. A.J. Hawk 7. D'Qwell Jackson 8. Paul Worrilow 9. Brian Cushing 10. Bobby Wagner Outside linebackers: 1. Von Miller 2. Justin Houston 3. Elvis Dumervil 4. Lavonte David 5. Clay Matthews 6. Julius Peppers 7. Connor Barwin 8. DeAndre Levy 9. Ryan Kerrigan 10. Anthony Barr Cornerbacks: 1. Darrelle Revis 2. Aqib Talib 3. Kyle Fuller 4. Richard Sherman 5. Leodis McKelvin 6. Patrick Peterson 7. Brent Grimes 8. Prince Amukamara 9. Joe Haden 10. Antoine Cason Free safeties: 1. Tashaun Gipson 2. Earl Thomas 3. Eric Weddle 4. Harrison Smith 5. Barry Church Strong safeties: 1. Kam Chancellor 2. Troy Polamalu 3. Antrel Rolle 4. Antoine Bethea 5. Morgan Burnett Punters: 1. Sam Koch 2. Thomas Morstead 3. Tress Way 4. Ryan Allen 5. Pat McAfee Special teamers: 1. Matthew Slater 2. Jarrett Bush 3. Jeff Heath 4. David Bruton 5. Robert Golden The latest Around The NFL Podcast recaps every Sunday game from an action-packed Week 11. Find more Around The NFL content on NFL NOW.
Pochettino knows how the English Premier League calendar works. The talented Argentine manager has taken one look at his desktop diary and has correctly concluded that October is far too early to be talking about winning any titles. He is wise, for as Arsene could tell him it is impossible to win the title in October but very possible to lose it. Not that Arsene has lost the title this October. Not at all, in fact one would presume that Wenger is saving that little treat for Arsenal fans until March next year. Still, at least Theo will have returned from international duty as fresh as a daisy, hey? Speaking of international duty, and I promise this will be the last I mention of it, but Southgate has pointed out that he inherited a mess when taking over as interim manager. Let us not forget the shambles of the summer in a hurry and the fact that Big Sam’s solitary performance only looks better than the trip to Slovenia because we managed to get a shot on target deep into injury time. Southgate is right, the England team is a mess and he still might decide he cannot be bothered to sort it out. If Southgate is confused about how it all came to this, imagine how confused Rooney must be. According to the current footballing mouthpiece that is Ryan Giggs, Mourinho has confused Rooney this season. Without digging too deep because, let us all agree, it is much for fun just to guess what Jose has said to Wayne to confuse him, I am going to put money on him asking his number 10 which little piggy actually went to market. According to Keith Hackett, who used to referee these matches himself once upon a time, it is not a good idea for Anthony Taylor Manchester United Fan esq to be refereeing Manchester United’s upcoming match against Liverpool. That’s what this match needs Keith, a reason for all the fans to look to if it doesn’t go their way. I can actually imagine Kloppo saying in his press conference that he does not care who ref’s the game, though United could do with some refereeing assistance as they haven’t won much since Howard retired. PS: Would you like an exclusive invite to a new sports app that already has over 1m people signed up to play it – yeah, that’s more than that daft Pokemon Go thing. Premier League predictions, better than Fantasy Football, show your mates who actually knows more about the game. I’ll even set up a league so you can make me look stupid. Anyway, if you are interested in what is going to be the biggest downloaded sports app of all time, subscribe via the website pop up!
Star Wars Episode VII SUPER SECRET SPOILER PICS FROM THE SET! 'Star Wars Episode 7' Set Photos -- Super-Secret Pics & Spoilers From The Set! Exclusive Photos Earlier this month in a galaxy far far away, known as Abu Dhabi,began filming "" ... and TMZ has obtained pics from the ultra-secretive set -- including one GIANT creature.Jedi sources tell us the new alien was manned by 5 men inside its belly ... and was used in two scenes taking place in what looks like a Tatooine marketplace (Star Wars nerds get it)According to reports, producers intend to use less CG in the new movies -- instead, relying heavily on practical effects like the original trilogy ... which is evident in these photos.We don't wanna give too much away ... but if you're a Star Wars fan, you should probably be clicking through the gallery already.May the force be with you.
FBI Director nominee Christopher Wray testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, July 12, 2017, at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump’s pick to lead the FBI broke with the president in key areas Wednesday, rejecting the idea that an investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump election campaign is a “witch hunt” and promising not to cave to any pressure from a White House that has challenged boundaries with the nation’s top law enforcement agency. Christopher Wray, the former high-ranking Justice Department official whom Trump nominated last month, told senators at his confirmation hearing that he would never let politics get in the way of the bureau’s mission. And he said he “sure as heck” would not offer a pledge of loyalty to the president. Asserting his independence, he said, “My loyalty is to the Constitution and the rule of law. Those have been my guideposts throughout my career, and I will continue to adhere to them no matter the test.” Wray’s responses seemed to satisfy both Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, many of whom signaled their support for him. Wray, 50, would inherit the FBI at a particularly challenging time given Trump’s abrupt dismissal of James Comey, who was admired within the bureau. Yet the hearing, the first public window into Wray’s views since his selection, was largely devoid of fireworks in keeping with what friends and supporters have described as the nominee’s low-key, disciplined style. His reserved approach could bode well for the agency at a time when its work has been thrust into the center of a political maelstrom. But, Wray said, “Anybody who thinks that I would be pulling punches as FBI director sure doesn’t know me very well.” After Trump dismissed Comey on May 9, the ex-FBI director said that the president had asked him to pledge his loyalty during a dinner at the White House months earlier. He also said Trump had encouraged him to end an investigation into the former national security adviser, Michael Flynn. Wray said he got no demand for personal loyalty, nor would he pledge it. The back-and-forth with lawmakers focused extensively on the Russia investigation, with Wray repeatedly voicing his respect for Robert Mueller, the former FBI director selected in May as the special counsel to oversee the probe. Trump has repeatedly derided that investigation and other probes, using such words as “hoax” and “witch hunt.” But Wray said he would reject any efforts to interfere with Mueller’s work. “I do not consider Director Mueller to be on a witch hunt,” he said under questioning from Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. He also said he had no reason to doubt the assessment of intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the U.S. election through hacking, a conclusion of which Trump has been dismissive. And when asked about emails released a day earlier showing that Donald Trump Jr. was willing to take help from Russia during the campaign, he said any foreign efforts to meddle in an election should be reported to the FBI rather than accepted. Wray, who most recently has enjoyed a lucrative legal career at an international law firm, also faced questions about his work as a Justice Department official in the Bush administration. He served the government at a time when harsh interrogation techniques were approved within the department for terror suspects captured overseas, though Wray said he was never involved in signing off on those methods. Although Trump as a candidate professed support for waterboarding, Wray said he considered torture to be wrong and ineffective. “The FBI is going to play no part in the use of any techniques of that sort,” he said. He also was questioned about his relationships with Comey and Mueller. Trump allies have said Mueller’s closeness to Comey shows he can’t lead an unbiased probe. But Trump nominated Wray despite his having worked with both men. Wray at times sought to distance himself from Comey, who was widely criticized for publicly announcing that Hillary Clinton shouldn’t face criminal charges for her use of a private email server. Pressed on how he would have handled the situation, he said he couldn’t imagine holding a news conference about someone who had not been charged, noting Justice Department policies against doing so. Wray was at the department in 2004 when Comey, temporarily serving as acting attorney general in place of the ailing John Ashcroft, was prepared to resign during a dispute with the White House over the reauthorization of a domestic surveillance program. Wray said he, too, was willing to resign along with Comey and other Justice Department officials — not because he knew the substance of the dispute but because of the quality of the officials who were prepared to leave. “Knowing those people and having worked side-by-side with those people ... there was no hesitation in my mind as to where I stood,” he said. He said he would again be prepared to step down if the president asked him to do something he thought was illegal. “First I would try to talk him out of it,” Wray said. “And if that failed, I would resign.”
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Mine is a family of hoarders. Nothing worth any money, sadly, but perhaps full of precious memories. Yet what memories can old bank statements in their original envelopes, electricity bills and thank-you notes possibly hold? Age lends even scraps of paper an aura that means you can’t summarily discard them. So we carry the trunks with their mysterious contents from place to place and hope, one day, to find something of value in them. The other day I did: a small, battered spectacle case. In it was a pair of “Gandhi” glasses with the familiar small, circular rims. What caught my attention, apart from my mother’s name handwritten inside the case, was the imprint on the box in gold lettering: Kirpa Ram & Sons, Manufacturing Opticians, Lahore”. You can’t get a more Hindu name than that and here it was, Mr Ram and sons, manufacturing eyeglasses for the gentry of Lahore, now in Pakistan, in what was then undivided India. My parents were young. This was Dad’s first job. He had just returned from England after doing an MA at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies. (His thesis “Lord Macaulay’s Legislative Minutes” was published by Oxford University Press.) We’ll tell you what’s true. You can form your own view. From 15p €0.18 $0.18 $0.27 a day, more exclusives, analysis and extras. So many ironies there – Lahore was beautiful then, my parents often told me. They were happy and comfortable and at home in a place so far away from their real home in Bombay. Lahore, at that time, was a multicultural, multi-religious city (Kirpa Ram & Sons!). Aurangzeb, the last great Mughal emperor, may have built the city’s grand Badshahi mosque but Lahore had also been the capital of a Sikh empire. It was, astonishingly, also the centre of the Hindu reformist sect, the Arya Samaj. Another irony: my father’s book, lauded even by The Times Literary Supplement, is about Thomas Babington Macaulay. The politician was, in my father’s time, something of a hero. He is now reviled, particularly because of his efforts to reform Indian education. Most now remember him for this one sentence: “A single shelf of a good European library is worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia”. Luckily, my parents left Lahore well before 15 August 1947, the day India became an independent nation. I say luckily because, to quote the opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. Independence didn’t come alone, it came with Partition in tow. British India had been one nation; independent India lost a chunk of itself, the part that became Pakistan. Why Partition happened is a long story. We would have to go back at least three decades before 1947 to see why Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the English-trained lawyer who drank Scotch, loved his bacon and married a Parsi (all taboos in Islam), felt that independent India would be a Hindu India, and Muslims would become second-class citizens there. The two-nation theory was never accepted by the Indian Congress party, and especially its great leaders, Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru (incidentally, both English-trained lawyers), but the forces of history were too strong even for them. So Partition happened, bloody, brutal and long. Actually sectarian violence began a full year before Independence. Bengal, with its mix of large Hindu and Muslim populations had seen many such clashes over the years. But the violence which began in 1946 was a deliberate design of Jinnah’s Muslim League to bolster the two-nation theory: the riots, it was felt, would send a message to the British that the two communities couldn’t live together in any kind of harmony. The Muslim League declared 16 August, 1946, “Direct Action Day” – also known as the day of the Great Calcutta Killings. The League, Jinnah said, wanted “either a divided India or a destroyed India”. Most of the victims of that day were Hindu. This in turn led to retaliation in Bihar, where most of the victims were Muslim, and the violence continued to Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. Gandhi walked more than a 100 miles in a seven-week period, through village after village in UP and near Delhi, in an effort to stop the violence. The violent frenzy ensured that Jinnah had his way, and the British decided that India had to be divided into two countries, one of them (Pakistan) solely on the basis of religion. The frenzy was not just on the streets: the man summoned to do the job of partitioning the country was an English lawyer, Sir Cyril Radcliffe. Was he an India expert? No. He had never even been there! But this was considered a virtue, presumably on the premise that his would be an objective assessment, based purely on legal merit. He was given just five weeks to do the job. WH Auden wrote Partition, a brilliant poem about it, which summed up the situation succinctly: Unbiased at least he was when he arrived on his mission, Having never set eyes on this land he was called to partition Between two peoples fanatically at odds, With their different diets and incompatible gods… He got down to work, to the task of settling the fate Of millions. The maps at his disposal were out of date And the Census Returns almost certainly incorrect, But there was no time to check them, no time to inspect… But in seven weeks it was done, the frontiers decided, A continent for better or worse divided... It certainly wasn’t for the better. In five weeks the Radcliffe Line was drawn through Bengal and Punjab, and as Radcliffe himself will have known before he began his task, it was to make no one happy. In fact, it made most Muslims, most Hindus and most Sikhs unhappy to the point of anger which erupted in fierce attacks and counterattacks. It wasn’t quite his fault, though. A Sir John Smith or a Lord Charlie Brown may have drawn slightly different lines, but the reactions would have been the same. How do you dismember a nation without pain? And without the anaesthetic of time, of laying the groundwork through long negotiations with the involved communities, how could there not be strife? Britain, once it decided to get out of India, was in an unseemly haste to do so. And haste, in this case, made terrible waste. How many were killed in the violence in Bengal and Punjab? In the former, it was “only” a few thousand, because of Mahatma Gandhi. On 15 August 1947 the Indian flag was hoisted in Delhi and Nehru gave his memorable speech, “Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge... At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.” But Gandhi, the Father of the Nation as everyone called him, was nowhere near Delhi. He was in Calcutta, in a ramshackle house open on all sides in a Muslim area, on an indefinite fast which he had vowed to end only when the violence stopped. And, miraculously, it did on 15 August, and Hindus and Muslims came out together on the streets to celebrate freedom. Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy, who had become the first Governor General of free India wrote: “In the Punjab we have 55,000 soldiers and large-scale rioting. In Bengal our forces consist of one man and there is no rioting.” The rioting in Punjab, however, had gone out of control. As people fled their homes, from Pakistan to India and India to Pakistan, carrying what they could on their backs, bicycles or bullock-carts. One killing here led to a retaliation there, and so on and on. The virus of hate spread unchecked: estimates of people killed ranged from 500,000 to two million. With such massive displacement, there was just no way to arrive at accurate numbers. You could only say that there were far, far too many deaths. There was also unspeakable cruelty, with people who had been friendly neighbours turning into terrifying murderers. Gandhi and Nehru risked their lives in trying to stop the madness; Jinnah, it is said, hid in his home, too terrified to confront the rampaging mobs. But the violence had taken on a life of its own. It resulted in the greatest mass migration in history: 10 to 12 million people were displaced; there were reports of convoys of 100,000 people walking in lines which stretched for as many as 10 miles. At the end of it, the two new and bloodied nations had on their hands 10 to 12 million refugees, penniless, homeless, jobless. It was no way to start a nation. The wonder of it is that India has survived for these 70 years not just as a nation, but as a democratic, secular country. There are imperfections, of course (and a billion voices will be ready to tell you about them), but the foundations led by Gandhi and Nehru have remained firm. Nehru`s Independence eve speech, quoted earlier, ends, “All of us, to whatever religion we may belong, are equally the children of India with equal rights, privileges and obligations…” It is a significant line and laid the principle which the new country would follow in dealing with minorities. Gandhi and Vallabhbhai Patel, the Congressman from Gujarat who became the deputy prime minister and home minister, were of the same view. In fact, Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic on 30 January 1948 for his perceived favouritism towards Muslims. Patel, sadly, also didn’t live long after Independence and died of a heart attack in December 1950. Thus the entire burden of leading India fell on Nehru’s shoulders. Nehru was Prime Minister from 15 August 1947 till his death on 27 May 1964 – almost 17 years. It wasn’t just the length of his premiership; it was the fact that these were the very first years of a new nation, and therefore vital in determining in which direction it would go that’s important. That India has remained a stable democracy, that it has maintained its secular nature, that free and fair elections are held at regular intervals, are all due to his towering personality. Even as a young boy, I felt his magnetism. There was no television then (he would have been a star on TV), just the occasional radio broadcast. But Indian newspapers were always full of him. His sharp Kashmiri features made him extremely photogenic, and in most ways, he personified the word charismatic. I remember the whole extended family lining up the street when Nehru came to town – we hadn’t done this for anyone. As he passed us in an open car, he threw his trademark red rose in our direction. An aunt caught it, and I won’t be surprised if it’s still with her in a little box locked away carefully somewhere. The adulation for Nehru was universal. Whatever Nehru’s failures – and they came to haunt him in his declining years – it is important to remember that today’s India could have been very different if it hadn’t been for him. The horrors of Partition were fresh in everyone’s mind in 1947; yet minorities, especially the Muslim minority, were all treated as equal citizens. Pakistan became a nation founded on religion; and look at Pakistan now. Around the time, or soon after India got its independence, many countries in Asia and Africa got theirs too: most of them have gone through years of military rule or dictatorships; and democracy, if it’s there at all, is fragile. Nehru’s dominant personality could have made him a dictator but his belief in a democratic system was so strong that he wanted the first general election to happen as early as possible. He did not want any half-measures – no electoral college, no voting rights restricted to people of property, with the poor (and women, as was the case in Switzerland) excluded from exercising their franchise. Two years after Independence, the Election Commission was set up, and the first general election took place in 1952. Ramchandra Guha, in his monumental history India After Gandhi, gives us an idea of the colossal nature of the exercise. The size of the electorate was 176 million, about 85 per cent of whom were illiterate (hence the need for party logos to identify candidates). “At stake,” Guha writes, “were 4,500 seats – about 500 for Parliament, the rest for the provincial assemblies. There were 224,000 polling booths constructed, and equipped with two million steel boxes… 56,000 presiding officers aided by 280,000 helpers; 224,000 policemen were put on duty.” To further complicate matters, the polling booths were spread over an area of more than a million square miles. Guha wrote: “In the case of remote hill villages, bridges had to be specially constructed across rivers; in the case of small islands in the Indian Ocean, naval vessels were used to take the [electoral] rolls to the booths.” Apparently, many village women had their names struck off the rolls because they were too shy to give their own names but gave them as “wife of. . .”! Elections since then have, of course, become bigger with the country’s burgeoning population: at the last general elections in 2014, the size of the electorate was 814 million, four and a half times that of the first election. But it was the 1952 election that set the tone – and except for the two years of the Emergency, declared by Indira Gandhi from 1975 to 1977 – India has remained a country where a citizen, however poor, has a vote which carries the same weight as that of India’s richest industrialist. Seventy years on, that’s something to be proud of. Even more is the fact that the idea of India as one country has survived, in spite of the country’s huge diversity and population, which makes it akin to a continent. Numbers confirm this amazing story: India’s population is now over 1.2 billion, spread over 29 states and seven union territories. There are 22 official languages and very many more dialects. Each state has its own language, culture and cuisine. At the time of Independence, when Vallabhbhai Patel, Nehru’s deputy, began the massive exercise of making the country into one unit, India was made up of more than 500 princely states. Now none exist. Not even the most flag-waving Indian however, will claim that everything is perfect. The caste system refuses to die out; Dalits (the term used for untouchables) still face upper-caste persecution; they and minorities (especially Muslims) remain equal citizens only on paper; conservative and orthodox men still resist women’s fight for equality; the criminal justice system and the police still favour the affluent; reactionary religious elements still create tensions and face the future backwards. Yet, even though things move forward slowly, they do move. India has just elected a Dalit president in by Ram Nath Kovind. Women are forcing their way into positions of influence. The media is free and fierce in righting injustice. Most importantly, young men and women, with the impatience of youth, are moving the country into modernity. For them, to paraphrase Nehru, technology is the temple of today and of tomorrow. Anil Dharker is a columnist and writer. He is also the founder and director of the Mumbai International Literary Festival For more on our Partition series click here We’ll tell you what’s true. You can form your own view. At The Independent, no one tells us what to write. That’s why, in an era of political lies and Brexit bias, more readers are turning to an independent source. Subscribe from just 15p a day for extra exclusives, events and ebooks – all with no ads. Subscribe now
Domingo Club → Spinach Risotto with Tempeh Shop Club Docs Journal About Spinach Risotto with Tempeh A quick and efficient risotto with soy tempeh for even more deliciousness By Maudi & Toni Published on 15/03/22 Ingredients For 2 people 100gr of soy tempeh (which is equivalent to our round tempeh) a cup of rice 2 large handfuls of fresh spinach 2 parsnips 1/4 daikon a clove of garlic the juice of 1/2 lemon salt, to taste A fresh soy tempeh made with our Domingo fermenter Pure and beautiful mycelium Method In a pot, cook your rice in twice its volume of water with the fresh spinach Dice your tempeh and parsnips and fry them in a pan with oil Chop your garlic and add it to the rice and spinach when cooked Also add lemon juice and a little salt Cut your daikon into thin slices for dressing Arrange everything in a plate. Add some seeds if you have Enjoy! We promote plant proteins and create the tools for everyone to make them at home, for the benefit of our planet Contact 🌻 Newsletter 📮 Instagram Github Linkedin Mastodon Domingo Club ☼ 2022 — CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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Watch A Film On Boy Better Know’s Jamaican Adventure Tweet Red Bull Music Academy have released a short documenting the North London crew’s trip to the island earlier in the year. Aptly titled ‘Jamaica Better Know’, the piece finds BBK heading to JA to brush up on their clashing skills as they prepare to defend their Red Bull Culture Clash title at Earls Court towards the end of next month. Learning from some of the originators of the game, as well as meeting new talent, Skepta, Jammer & co. take notes from the likes of U-Roy, Ricky Trooper, Popcaan and Newbaan. They also take time to watch a local clash and cut their own dubplate – with Shorty even trying his hand at a spot of daggering! Now having learnt from the best, Boy Better Know are ready to take on a fresh set of challengers at the next Red Bull Culture Clash. The event at Earls Court 30th October will see BBK taking on NYC’s A$AP Mob, Jamaican vets Stone Love and Rebel Sound (Chase and Status, Rodigan and Shy FX), with Annie Mac and Doc Brown on hosting duties. Boy Better Know are appearing at Red Bull Culture Clash, Thursday 30th October. Buy tickets here.
In 2011, the University of California at Los Angeles decimated its English major. Such a development may seem insignificant, compared with, say, the federal takeover of health care. It is not. What happened at UCLA is part of a momentous shift in our culture that bears on our relationship to the past—and to civilization itself. Until 2011, students majoring in English at UCLA had to take one course in Chaucer, two in Shakespeare, and one in Milton—the cornerstones of English literature. Following a revolt of the junior faculty, however, during which it was announced that Shakespeare was part of the “Empire,” UCLA junked these individual author requirements and replaced them with a mandate that all English majors take a total of three courses in the following four areas: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Disability, and Sexuality Studies; Imperial, Transnational, and Postcolonial Studies; genre studies, interdisciplinary studies, and critical theory; or creative writing. In other words, the UCLA faculty was now officially indifferent as to whether an English major had ever read a word of Chaucer, Milton, or Shakespeare, but was determined to expose students, according to the course catalog, to “alternative rubrics of gender, sexuality, race, and class.” Such defenestrations have happened elsewhere, of course, and long before 2011. But the UCLA coup was particularly significant because the school’s English department was one of the last champions of the historically informed study of great literature, uncorrupted by an ideological overlay. Precisely for that reason, it was the most popular English major in the country, enrolling a whopping 1,400 undergraduates. Let’s compare what the UCLA student has lost and what he has gained. Here’s Oberon addressing Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Once I sat upon a promontory And heard a mermaid on a dolphin’s back Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath That the rude sea grew civil at her song And certain stars shot madly from their spheres To hear the seamaid’s music To which UCLA’s junior English faculty respond: Ho-hum. Here’s the description of a University of California postcolonial studies research grant: The “theoretical, temporal, and spatial intersections of postcoloniality and postsocialism will arrive at a novel approach to race, gender, and sexuality in present-day geopolitics.” To which UCLA’s junior English faculty respond: That’s more like it! Other readers and listeners have not been so obtuse in their literary judgments. Consider the response of a nineteenth-century Frenchman exposed to Shakespeare for the first time. In early 1827, a troupe of British actors arrived in Paris to perform six Shakespeare plays. The young composer Hector Berlioz was in the audience at the Théâtre de l’Odéon and, like most spectators, read along with the English language performances in a French prose translation. Berlioz later recalled the moment in his Mémoires: Shakespeare, coming upon me unawares, struck me like a thunderbolt. The lightning flash of that sublime discovery opened before me at a stroke the whole heaven of art, illuminating it to its remotest depths. . . . But the shock was too strong, and it was long before I recovered from it. . . . As I came out of Hamlet, shaken to the depths by the experience, I vowed not to expose myself a second time to the flame of Shakespeare’s genius. This resolution proved fleeting: Next day the playbills announced Romeo and Juliet. After Denmark’s somber clouds and icy winds, to be exposed to the fiery sun and balmy nights of Italy, to witness the drama of that passion swift as thought, burning as lava, radiantly pure as an angel’s glance, . . . was more than I could bear. By the third act, scarcely able to breathe—it was as though an iron hand had gripped me by the heart—I knew that I was lost. Berlioz’s reaction was typical. Alexandre Dumas, also in the audience, wrote that Shakespeare arrived in France with the “freshness of Adam’s first sight of Eden.” Fellow attendees Eugène Delacroix, Victor Hugo, and Théophile Gautier, along with Berlioz and Dumas, would create works inspired by those seminal evenings. The Bard’s electrifying combination of profound human insight and linguistic glory would continue catapulting across national borders to influence poets, painters, and composers the world over, as no other writer has done. Yet the UCLA English department—like so many others—is more concerned that its students encounter race, gender, and disability studies than that they plunge headlong into the overflowing riches of actual English literature—whether Milton, Wordsworth, Thackeray, George Eliot, or dozens of other great artists closer to our own day. How is this possible? The UCLA coup represents the characteristic academic traits of our time: narcissism, an obsession with victimhood, and a relentless determination to reduce the stunning complexity of the past to the shallow categories of identity and class politics. Sitting atop an entire civilization of aesthetic wonders, the contemporary academic wants only to study oppression, preferably his own, defined reductively according to gonads and melanin. Course catalogs today babble monotonously of group identity. UCLA’s undergraduates can take courses in Women of Color in the U.S.; Women and Gender in the Caribbean; Chicana Feminism; Studies in Queer Literatures and Cultures; and Feminist and Queer Theory. Today’s professoriate claims to be interested in “difference,” or, to use an even more up-to-date term, “alterity.” But this is a fraud. The contemporary academic seeks only to confirm his own worldview and the political imperatives of the moment in whatever he studies. The 2014 Modern Language Association conference, for example, the annual gathering of America’s literature (not social work) faculty, will address “embodiment, poverty, climate, activism, reparation, and the condition of being unequally governed . . . to expose key sites of vulnerability and assess possibilities for change.” It was not always so. The humanist tradition was founded not on narcissism but on the all-consuming desire to engage with the genius and radical difference of the past. The fourteenth-century Florentine poet Francesco Petrarch triggered the explosion of knowledge known today as Renaissance humanism with his discovery of Livy’s monumental history of Rome and the letters of Cicero, the Roman statesman whose orations, with their crystalline Latin style, would inspire such philosophers of republicanism as John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Private Collection/Ken Welsh/The Bridgeman Art Library But Petrarch didn’t want just to read the ancients; he wanted to converse with them as well. So he penned heartfelt letters in Latin to Virgil, Seneca, Horace, and Homer, among others, informing them of the fate of their writings and of Rome itself. After rebuking Cicero for the vindictiveness revealed in his letters, Petrarch repented and wrote him again: “I fear that my last letter has offended you. . . . But I feel I know you as intimately as if I had always lived with you.” Petrarch was hardly the only Renaissance scholar to feel so immediate a bond with the classical authors. In 1416, the Florentine clerk Poggio Bracciolini discovered the most important Roman treatise on rhetoric moldering in a monastery library outside Constance, a find of such value that a companion exclaimed: “Oh wondrous treasure, oh unexpected joy!” Bracciolini thought of himself as rescuing a still-living being. The treatise’s author, Quintillian, would have “perished shortly if we hadn’t brought him aid in the nick of time,” Bracciolini wrote to a friend in Verona. “There is not the slightest doubt that that man, so brilliant, genteel, tasteful, refined, and pleasant, could not longer have endured the squalor of that place and the cruelty of those jailors.” This burning drive to recover a lost culture propelled the Renaissance humanists into remote castles and monasteries across Europe to search for long-forgotten manuscripts. Despite their rapport with their Greek and Roman ancestors, they were no historical naïfs. The humanists were well aware, unlike their medieval predecessors, of the chasm between their present and the classical past, as exemplified most painfully in the fallen state of medieval Latin. It was precisely to overcome the effects of time on historical sources that they developed the seminal methods of modern scholarship. The knowledge that many ancient texts were forever lost filled these scholars with despair. Nevertheless, they exulted in their growing repossession of classical learning, for which they felt, in Emerson’s words, a canine appetite. In François Rabelais’s exuberant Gargantua stories from the 1530s, the giant Gargantua sends off his son to study in Paris, joyfully conjuring up the languages—Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Chaldean, and Arabic—that he expects him to master, as well as the vast range of history, law, natural history, and philosophy. “In short,” he concludes, “let me find you a perfect abyss of knowledge.” The Granger Collection, NYC This constant, sophisticated dialogue between past and present would become a defining feature of Western civilization, prompting the evolution of such radical ideas as constitutional government and giving birth to arts and architecture of polyphonic complexity. And it became the primary mission of the universities to transmit knowledge of the past, as well as—eventually—to serve as seedbeds for new knowledge. Compare the humanists’ hunger for learning with the resentment of a Columbia University undergraduate who had been required by the school’s freshman core curriculum to study Mozart. She happens to be black, but her views are widely shared, to borrow a phrase, “across gender, sexuality, race, and class.” “Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?” she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in his book on Columbia’s core. “My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It’s a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color.” These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today. Columbia not only failed to disabuse the student of such parochialism; it is also all but certain that some of its faculty strengthened her in her close-mindedness, despite the school’s admirable commitment to its beleaguered core. Of course, the absurd game of reducing all expression to gender or race politics is particularly ludicrous when it comes to music—but the charge of Eurocentrism is even more preposterously leveled against Mozart, who makes a Muslim pasha the only truly noble character in his opera The Abduction from the Seraglio, and whose Sarastro in The Magic Flute appeals to a universal humanity. W. E. B. Du Bois would have been stunned to learn how narrow is the contemporary multiculturalist’s self-definition and sphere of interest. Du Bois, living during America’s darkest period of hate, nevertheless heartbreakingly affirmed in 1903 his intellectual and spiritual affinity with all of Western civilization: “I sit with Shakespeare and he winces not. Across the color line I move arm in arm with Balzac and Dumas. . . . I summon Aristotle and Aurelius and what soul I will, and they come all graciously with no scorn nor condescension.” This Petrarchan intimacy with the past is precisely what is missing from the humanities today, and its antithesis—shallow narcissism—has now leaped out of the campus and into the arts world at large. Directors in Europe and the U.S. are dragooning poor defenseless operas to serve as mouthpieces for their own hobbyhorses. These egotistical stage directors wrench centuries-old works into the present and force them to ape the political and sexual obsessions of today’s cultural elite. Audiences can expect to see lots of nudity and kinky sex on stage, as well as cell phones, Big Macs, and snide put-downs of American capitalism. Mozart’s aristocratic seducer, Don Giovanni, is infallibly a charmless, drug-addicted lout wallowing in the detritus of consumer culture and surrounded by sluts, psychopaths, and slobs (see “The Abduction of Opera,” Summer 2007). The official excuse for such mutilation is that a work can only be “relevant” to a modern audience if it is tricked out in modern garb and forced to speak, however incoherently, of modern concerns. As the director of the Frankfurt opera declared, no one should care what Handel wanted in his operas; what matters is “what interests us . . . what we want.” Actually, the only thing that matters is what Handel, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky wanted. It is their artistic genius that allows us to enter worlds radically different from our own and expand our understanding of what it is to be human. The revisionist director, like the contemporary academic, detests any values, such as nobility, grandeur, or sexual decorum, that differ from his own, and will shamelessly rewrite an opera’s plot to eliminate them. But in an era of twerking and drunken hookups, there is much to be gained by experiencing, if only for a few hours, a courtly ethic where desire can be expressed by the slightest inclination of a hand or an almost imperceptible darkening of the voice. As for the visual arts, artists learned their craft for centuries by lovingly studying and copying the masters. No more. Today’s would-be artist need only stage his own predictable politics to claim artist status, a view that has given us such current performance pieces as the publicly performed loss of anal virginity at a London art school or a video-recorded use of a cement sex toy at the San Francisco Art Institute. Gianni Dagli Orti/The Art Archive at Art Resource, NY There is, in other words, much bad news today about the humanist impulse. What we rarely hear is the good news: thanks to enlightened philanthropy, the enduring lure of beauty, and, yes, market forces, the humanist impulse is thriving in many places beyond the university. The most important classical music development of our time is a direct rebirth of the Renaissance spirit: a loose group of performers known as the “early-music” movement is determined to re-create how music from the baroque and classical eras was originally performed. Like the Renaissance scholars who realized that the classical texts that had come down to them had been corrupted by errors, these musicians believe that twentieth-century performance styles veered drastically from how baroque music was intended to be played. The results have been a revelation, releasing submerged dance rhythms and resurrecting long-forgotten composers—such as Hasse, Porpora, and Steffani—who urgently deserve to be heard again (see “Classical Music’s New Golden Age,” Summer 2010). But even those musicians not seeking the holy grail of authentic period performance are driven by the same humanist reverence for past genius. At the 2013 Texas State International Piano Festival (that despised Red State hosts many such festivals), an 11-year-old Asian-American pianist (and violinist) proudly recounted that her first piano instructor boasted a teaching lineage stretching back to Haydn. “I was so excited to learn that. I respect Haydn so much,” she told the NPR program From the Top, apparently untroubled by Haydn’s lamentable white-male status and thinking of him, like Petrarch of Cicero, as an almost-contemporary. Regarding the visual arts, New Yorkers are particularly fortunate: many of New York’s museums still present the best of human creation, untainted by identity politics. At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, former director Philippe de Montebello consciously fought off pressures for trendy relevance; his successor, Thomas Campbell, has so far preserved de Montebello’s magnificent legacy. (See “The Met’s Triumphant Democratic Elitism,” Winter 2001.) The Frick’s and the Morgan’s commitment to standards and taste is almost terrifyingly superb. Even the Brooklyn Museum of Art, which has flailed of late, can still triumph: its 2013 John Singer Sargent watercolor show was the exhibit of the year, flooding the galleries with Sargent’s jewel colors, blinding light, and lush sensuality, and accompanied by a catalog of sound and empathetic scholarship. Scala/White Images/Art Resource, NY None of this accomplishment can be taken for granted; leadership is crucial, and it can turn in an instant. New York’s music press has been baying for the Metropolitan Opera to give over the house completely to revisionist opera directing. Yet New York audiences, unlike those in Europe, can still see productions that take the composer’s intention as their lodestar, however much such fidelity enrages the commentariat. The demand side for the humanities is also robust. The Great Courses Company has been making a nice profit selling recorded lectures on such topics as Virgil’s Aeneid, the Enlightenment, and the Civil War to adults who rightly feel shortchanged by their college education (see “Great Courses, Great Profits,” Summer 2011). Publishing has capitalized on this thirst for knowledge as well. The success of Myron Magnet’s wonderful new book, The Founders at Home, like that of other recent serious studies aimed at a broad readership, proves that the public’s appetite for urbane explorations of American history is boundless. Yet though the humanist spirit is chugging along nicely outside the university, the university remains its natural home, from which it should not be in exile. We have bestowed on the faculty the best job in the world: freed from the pressures of economic competition, professors are actually paid to spend their days wandering among the most sublime creations of mankind. All we ask of them in return is that they sell their wares to ignorant undergraduates. Every fall, insistent voices should rise from the faculty lounges and academic departments saying: here is greatness, and this is your best opportunity to absorb it. Here is Aeschylus, whose hypnotic choruses bear witness to dark forces more unsettling than you can yet fathom. Here is Mark Twain, Hapsburg Vienna, and the Saint Matthew Passion. Here is the drama of Western civilization, out of whose constantly battling ideas there emerged unprecedented individual freedom and unimagined scientific progress. Instead, the professoriate is tongue-tied when it comes to promoting the wonders of its patrimony. These privileged cowards can’t even summon the guts to prescribe the course work that every student must complete in order to be considered educated. Need it be said? Students don’t know anything. That’s why they’re in college, and they certainly don’t know enough to select courses that will give them the rudiments of culture. The transcripts that result from the professoriate’s abdication of its intellectual responsibility are not a pretty sight, featuring as many movie and video courses as a student can stuff into each semester. When the academy is forced to explain the value of the humanities, the language that it uses is pathetically insipid. You may have heard the defense du jour, tossed out en route to the next gender studies conference. The humanities, we are told, teach “critical thinking.” Is this a joke? These are the same people who write sentences like this: “Total presence breaks on the univocal predication of the exterior absolute the absolute existent (of that of which it is not possible to univocally predicate an outside, while the equivocal predication of the outside of the absolute exterior is possible of that of which the reality so predicated is not the reality. . . . of the self).”And we’re supposed to believe that they can think? Moreover, the sciences provide critical thinking skills as well—far more rigorous ones, in fact, than the hackneyed deconstructions of advertising that the left-wing academy usually means by critical thinking. It is no wonder, then, that we have been hearing of late that the humanities are in crisis. A recent Harvard report, cochaired by the school’s premier postcolonial studies theorist, Homi Bhabha, lamented that 57 percent of incoming Harvard students who initially declare interest in a humanities major eventually change concentrations. Why may that be? Imagine an intending lit major who is assigned something by Professor Bhabha: “If the problematic ‘closure’ of textuality questions the totalization of national culture. . . .” How soon before that student concludes that a psychology major is more up his alley? No, the only true justification for the humanities is that they provide the thing that Faust sold his soul for: knowledge. It is knowledge of a particular kind, concerning what men have done and created over the ages. The American Founders drew on an astonishingly wide range of historical sources and an appropriately jaundiced view of human nature to craft the world’s most stable and free republic. They invoked lessons learned from the Greek city-states, the Carolingian Dynasty, and the Ottoman Empire in the Constitution’s defense. And they assumed that the new nation’s citizens would themselves be versed in history and political philosophy. Indeed, a closer knowledge among the electorate of Hobbes and the fragility of social order might have prevented the more brazen social experiments that we’ve undergone in recent years. Ignorance of the intellectual trajectory that led to the rule of law and the West’s astounding prosperity puts those achievements at risk. But humanistic learning is also an end in itself. It is simply better to have escaped one’s narrow, petty self and entered minds far more subtle and vast than one’s own than never to have done so. The Renaissance philosopher Marsilio Ficino said that a man lives as many millennia as are embraced by his knowledge of history. One could add: a man lives as many different lives as are embraced by his encounters with literature, music, and all the humanities and arts. These forms of expression allow us to see and feel things that we would otherwise never experience—society on a nineteenth-century Russian feudal estate, for example, or the perfect crystalline brooks and mossy shades of pastoral poetry, or the exquisite languor of a Chopin nocturne. Ultimately, humanistic study is the loving duty we owe those artists and thinkers whose works so transform us. It keeps them alive, as well as us, as Petrarch and Poggio Bracciolini understood. The academic narcissist, insensate to beauty and nobility, knows none of this. And as politics in Washington and elsewhere grows increasingly unmoored from reality, humanist wisdom provides us with one final consolation: there is no greater lesson from the past than the intractability of human folly.
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Maharashtra state seems to have made big strides in reducing childhood malnutrition, a problem India has been struggling to overcome for years. The latest survey in Maharashtra shows that the state has almost halved the number of malnourished children under the age of two from 2006. According to provisional figures from a comprehensive nutrition survey conducted in Maharashtra by the Mumbai-based International Institute for Population Sciences, an educational and research institute, 22.8% of children under two are stunted, or too short for their age, a decrease from 39% in 2006. 21.8% of children under two were found to be underweight, compared from 29.6% in 2006, the study states. India has been struggling to reduce childhood malnutrition, which has remained high despite rapid economic growth. In the most recent national government survey in 2006, 51 percent of children under the age of three, were underweight. This represented only 6 percent decline from the previous survey in 1999. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals include halving malnutrition by 2015 worldwide. This latest Maharashtra study included both rural and urban households in six administrative divisions in Maharashtra - Amravati, Aurangabad, Konkan, Nagpur, Nashik and Pune. It was conducted over four months, from February to May this year, and will be completed by the end of 2012. Commissioned by the state government, the study received technical and monetary support from The United Nation’s Children’s Fund, known as UNICEF. The latest Maharashtra survey, sanctioned independently by the government of the state, is a way to fill the gap in information on malnutrition. The most recent national data on malnutrition from the Indian government is from the National Family Health Survey of 2006. Understanding why Maharashtra has succeeded in reducing rates significantly could help show India the way. Government officials said one reason Maharashtra appears to have cut malnutrition rates is better coordination between the different government departments in charge of nutrition and health. Malnutrition results from a confluence of problems, from poor feeding practices to bad sanitation and healthcare, so a coordinated approach is believed to be key. To increase coordination between departments, Maharashtra was also assisted by a special mission set up by the state government in 2005 to focus on improving childhood and maternal nutrition. Known as the Rajmata Jijau Mother-Child Health (RJMCH) and Nutrition Mission, this body gets monetary and technical help from UNICEF. It helps monitor workers in villages and suggests changes in government policy. Also, improving the work of grassroots workers in villages was critical, according to officials involved. These workers are funded and trained by the National Rural Health Mission, the health ministry division in charge of improving rural healthcare. A few important developments in maternal and child care have accelerated Maharashtra’s “much faster decline” in malnutrition rates, says Victor Aguayo, chief nutritionist at UNICEF India. More than 60% of children get breastfed within an hour from birth, up 10% from 2006, said Dr. Aguayo. Breastfeeding is very important for the child to get essential nutrients, he said. Another reason, he said, is more visits by anganwadi workers, community nutrition counselors, and medical officers to check on the health of pregnant mothers in rural areas. The survey shows that more than 89.6% of pregnant mothers received three visits from a medical officer during the course of their pregnancies, up from only 59.3% in 2006. The improvements in other facilities, such as sanitation and the availability of nutritious food, has also helped, according to Dr. Aguayo. For instance, 62 % of households surveyed had toilets, up from 53%, and around 78% used iodized salt in food compared to 59% on 2006. Another key finding of the study is the wide difference between numbers in different places. For instance, around 32% of children from Nashik were stunted, while only about 15% from Nagpur were stunted, according to the survey. Prithviraj Chavan, the chief minister of Maharashtra, says the government plans to understand the reasons for the discrepancy and focus on the areas with higher malnutrition numbers. Maharashtra’s success might show a way forward for the rest of the country. Mr. Chavan said, several other states are considering using the Maharashtra model. Still, he cautioned, “there is still a long way to go in eliminating malnutrition.” This survey will help the state government understand which programs undertaken to combat malnutrition have had an effect, and indicate what must be done to further reduce child malnutrition, he added. The state government also plans to extend and adapt its special nutrition mission to urban areas with the help of the local municipal corporation soon, said officials from the mission. The most important part of a child’s development is the first 1,000 days of his of her life, Dr. Aguayo said. After that, whatever is done to reverse malnutrition is, “a waste of time, energy and resources.” So the second phase of the special nutrition mission’s work in Maharashtra will focus on providing healthcare and nutrition to expectant mothers and children under the age of two, the report says. Follow India Real Time on Twitter @indiarealtime.
And they say it's hard to conquer the browser market. Despite Microsoft's global domination, there are some places where Firefox is a vastly dominant browser. One of them is Antarctica; according to StatCounter's recently added feature, GlobalStats, in 2009, only one browser was used there. I'm guessing the data comes from one user - and he's using Firefox. Don't believe me? Check out the graph below. If you go a bit further back in time, you'll find that Internet Explorer also came on top at times, perhaps because of those pesky Windows Updates. But, this year, it's all about open source, baby! Looking at the operating systems used, Windows 2003 stands at 80 percent, with Windows XP holding the other 20 percent. Unsurprisingly, Google is the only search engine used. As far as the mobile browser market is concerned, Antarctica is still virgin territory. So, if you have an iPhone, and you don't mind the coldish weather...
Media52 Motorsport — News Article Win caps perfect day for Stoffel Vandoorne Login to Pitstop Home Services Portfolio Calendar Drivers Teams News Newsletter Showcase Contact Links Blog Photography Web Design Mobile Apps Social Media Design Marketing & PR Homepage / News / News Article Win caps perfect day for Stoffel Vandoorne Formula Renault 2.0 Stoffel Vandoorne (Josef Kaufmann Racing) recorded his third victory of the season to round off an ideal day in the Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0. The Belgian took advantage of the retirement of his closest title rival, Daniil Kvyat (Koiranen Motorsport), to seize control of the championship and move 24 points clear of the Russian. Mikko Pakari (Fortec Motorsports) and Jordan King (Manor MP Motorsport) came second and third respectively to secure career-first podium finishes. Stoffel Vandoorne kicked off the day by claiming his fifth consecutive pole position. In doing so, the RACB National Team driver set the fastest Formula Renault 2.0 lap on the circuit with a time of 1:42.411. The Belgian shared the front row with surprise package Mikko Pakari (Fortec Motorsports), with Jordan King (Manor MP Motorsports) and Daniil Kvyat (Koiranen Motorsport) starting on the second row. Stoffel Vandoorne got away perfectly to lead from Mikko Pakari. Behind them, however, Daniil Kvyat and Oliver Rowland enjoyed a less than ideal start, with the pair colliding before the end of the first lap. Russia’s Kvyat was forced to retire as a result, but his British rival was able to rejoin the race, albeit at the back of the field. The safety car then came out to allow the stewards to intervene. Stoffel Vandoorne led at this stage, followed by Mikko Pakari, Jordan King, Nyck de Vries (R-Ace GP) and Alex Riberas (Josef Kaufmann Racing). The race order remained unchanged when the action resumed, with Stoffel Vandoorne upping the tempo and recording the fastest laps of the race to pull away from his rivals. With the race leader out of sight, Mikko Pakari turned his attention to containing Jordan King, Nyck de Vries and Alex Riberas. Further back, Norman Nato (RC Formula) headed up a second group, followed by Oscar Tunjo (Tech 1 Racing) and Melville McKee (Interwetten.com Racing). Without ever really looking troubled, Stoffel Vandoorne cruised home to take his third win of the season. The victory, combined with Daniil Kvyat’s retirement, means he now holds a 24-point lead at the top of the championship. Mikko Pakari finished second for his first podium finish in the Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0, an experience shared by Jordan King, who came third. Nyck de Vries and Alex Riberas completed the top five. What they said Stoffel Vandoorne: “I knew after collective testing that we were capable of taking pole position. I succeeded and, what’s more, Mikko Pakari qualified ahead of Daniil Kvyat. After that, all I had to do was start well, as Daniil was going to have to take risks. During the race, I chose my pace and stayed consistent. Twenty-four points may seem like a lot, but you mustn’t forget that Daniil Kvyat had a 27-point lead before the Nürburgring, and I finished that weekend at the top of the championship. So it can all change very quickly.” Mikko Pakari: “It’s my first year in the Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 and I’m learning with every race. I’m very happy with my qualifying performance. I couldn’t get near Stoffel in the race, so my goal was to hold on to second place, which was important for the team and for me.” Jordan King: “I had too much wheel spin at the start. So I found myself in a very lively group, and Kvyat and Rowland both overtook me. I moved back into third after their collision. After that I caught up with Mikko, but I never had even the slightest chance to overtake him. I’m just pleased with this first podium finish.” Official Renault Sport Press Release. Posted: 15 September 2012 We would love to discuss your needs Contact us on +44 (0)1905 678 066 or email [email protected] Online Enquiry We are recruiting If you want to join our dynamic and focused team, get in touch now! Apply Now facebook flickr twitter Media52 Motorsport.tv Vimeo Email:[email protected] Tel:+44 (0)1905 678 066 Website developed by media52.com
Photography #13850 from Tim and Faith | Shutter & Co 01902 546940 Please enable Javascript to see the email address Home About Gallery Families Children Bumps & Babies The Secret Garden Cake Smash Couples Men & Women The Enchanted Forest Corporate Contact Us Blog Shop Vouchers Basket Account Home About Gallery Families Children The Secret Garden Bumps & Babies Cake Smash Couples The Enchanted Forest Men & Women Corporate Vouchers My Account Contact Us Basket Blog Photography #13850 from Tim and Faith £0.00 Prints 7×5″ Lustre Print (£8.00) This must be a number! 10×8″ Lustre print (£12.00) This must be a number! Wall Art 14″ Edge Print (£199.00) This must be a number! 16″ Edge Print (£299.00) This must be a number! 20″ Edge Print (£399.00) This must be a number! 24″ Edge Print (£499.00) This must be a number! 30″ Edge Print (£599.00) This must be a number! 40″ Edge Print (£699.00) This must be a number! 50″ Edge Print (£799.00) This must be a number! Album Album Image Disc Image Single Disc Image (£10.00) This must be a number! Photography #13850 from Tim and Faith quantity — OR — Add to basket More info Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions
- arcf-sj.org - IP linkjuice.buzz arcf-sj.org IP Address NS1 NS2 NS3 NS4 Recorded ns2.parkingcrew.net ns1.parkingcrew.net 12/13/2021 ns2.bodis.com ns1.bodis.com 06/23/2022 ns2.bodis.com ns1.bodis.com 07/25/2022 ns2.bodis.com ns1.bodis.com 07/27/2022 ns1.bodis.com ns2.bodis.com 09/02/2022 ns2.bodis.com ns1.bodis.com 09/06/2022 Domain IP Address history since first detections. Only IP changes recorded. When you are ready to choose a domain name for your new website, the domain name, or DNS, becomes one of the most important decisions you will make. It's easy to see why. Your domain name will be your URL or web address. It is your way of saying that this domain will point to (or be directed to) a specific webpage on our site. Another reason the domain name becomes important is because it is registered with a domain name provider. This provider will provide a numerical IP address and other data regarding the name. FUNCTION DESCRIPMENT When you are looking for a name that is easy to remember and type into a web browser, it's important to remember that the domain name you choose should have a domain name server. A domain name server is a special computer program that is built into the host operating system. There are a number of name servers that are provided by different Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Each hosting company uses its own name servers and IP addresses. Most companies that provide domain name services also maintain their own IP address lists. As most companies do, your site's host may provide you with an IP address from a name server provider. However, if your host does not offer this service, it may be necessary to assign an IP address from another source. You can learn more about the name servers offered by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) by asking an administrator or customer service representative. They can also give you instructions about how to find and change the IP address of your domain name. Some hosting companies do not offer name servers. In that case, you will need to find one on your own. Two methods are typically used to identify and locate name servers: DNS and SOAP. A DNS is a database that consists of names and associated IP addresses. Names are entered into DNS via the web browser. Once names are entered in the DNS, they become available to your website. An IP address is simply an address that a domain name points to. The domain name server that provides your Internet service is able to find the right names and IP addresses for your domain name based on what you have entered into the DNS system. If your ISP offers domain name servers, but you will still need to find one on your own, you can use the Naming Services Provider (NSP) part of your Internet service provider's website. Your Internet service provider's (ISP) name servers are configured so that they will return results that are consistent with your IP address and domain name. On the other hand, your host may have its own name servers as well. In this case, you would need to contact your host and ask them to provide you with one. As an alternative, you can use the Naming Services Provider's list of name servers provided by different Internet Service Providers. You will be asked to enter the name of the domain name you are trying to resolve in the field for the domain name server. If you have an IP address, you may not be able to enter the IP address; however, if you have a host name, you will be able to enter it. Then, your IP address or host name will be translated into the IP address of your desired domain name. Finally, your IP address or host name will be recorded in the DNS system so that it will be available to you when you type the name into any of the browser's search engines. If you have an Internet service provider that offers both DNS and IP-based services, you may be able to choose from their list of name servers to find the one that will provide you with the name you want for your domain name. Now that you know how to find a domain name server and what the process of getting a domain name is, it's time to register your domain name. When you register your domain name, you will be given a temporary record that will allow you to create a record of all domain names that you registered in the Internet. Once this is done, you will be given your permanent record, which will contain the details of your domain name, its current location in the Internet, as well as the name of your ISP. From there, you should be able to log into your domain name website to access your domain name and change the details that are important to you. This site does not use cookies. This domain is for sale
June - 2020 /// CreatIVE MANAGEMENT CONSULTING DESIGN PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE SOCIAL MEDIA///MARKETING PUBLICITY ARTIST DEVELOPMENT LICENSING MANAGEMENT EDUCATION More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. GET YA FACE OUT THERE/// PUBLICITY/// Our publicity team works with large media partners in a diverse collection of industries including food and hospitality, fashion, music, interior design and travel. We execute publicity efforts strategically to deliver the best results for your brand. Your presence in print media and TV placement is an acknowledgement of your expertise. Your peers celebrate your accomplishments, this is why PR is better than advertising. Anyone can pay for a billboard advertisement but not anyone can be featured in Rolling Stone magazine. publicize ME Three-Time Cancer Survivor Gets Surprise of A Lifetime from Hollywood’s Good Guy, Brad Lambert Photo: Mateo Coka and Brad Lambert at the Spider Man Far From Home World Premier in Hollywood, CA June 30, 2020 (Los Angeles, CA) - Brad Lambert, an LA talent manager, producer, and speaker, surprised 3-time cancer survivor Mateo Coka with a once in a lifetime dream trip to the Spider-Man: Far From Home World Premiere in 2019. The video of the experience was released on Friday in celebration of the one year anniversary of the occasion, it has received hundreds of thousands v RICK CABALLO: TECHNOLOGY CAN BE A GIFT...AND A CURSE June 30, 2020 | Courtesy of Graphic Design USA Guest Blog post written by Rick Caballo Rick Caballo is the Art Director and Co-founder of Dead Horse Branding in Nashville TN. He works with everyone from musicians and TV stars to corporate clients. Link to article: http://gdusa.com/blog/old-school-design-meets-new-school-technology-a-gift-and-curse-for-young-designers For young designers, technology can be a gift and a curse. PROS: You don’t need to be a great illustrator or h WINSTON JUSTICE ON THE TRANSITION FROM THE NFL TO THE WORLD OF FINANCE June 26, 2020 | Courtesy of Next Fen Personal Finance Link to podcast: https://www.ngpf.org/blog/podcasts/ngpf-podcast-winston-justice-on-the-transition-from-the-nfl-to-the-world-of-finance/ Winston Justice is always thinking ahead and preparing for the future...whether it was choosing football despite his basketball ambitions in high school or planning for life after the NFL. He's also someone who has a strong ethos of "giving back." As the winner of the prestigious Walter P Songwriting University Adds Suzie McNeil and Blessid Union of Souls’ Eliot Sloan to Faculty Nashville, TN (June 25, 2020) - Songwriting University announces two new faculty member sign ons to their Grammy award winning songwriting staff with the addition of Suzie McNeil (Steven Tyler’s Loving Mary Band) and Eliot Sloan (Blessid Union of Souls). Both Suzie and Eliot are now available for online co-writing sessions through Songwriting Unviersity’s platform and are thrilled to help cultivate new music. A native of Toronto, Canada, Juno Award winner Suzie McNeil was bo BRAD LAMBERT INTERVIEWS WITH ZERO DARK NERDY PODCAST June 24, 2020 | Courtesy of Zero Dark Nerdy Podcast https://www.popculturepodcast.com/podcast/podcast-interview-with-brad-lambert SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5oeLGKNkfMtO3wmCtNNsi8?si=1uepNbOvRv-OLnbLxyJN-g We find out what's good in Hollywood with the one and only Brad Lambert. We catch up on movies, football, life long connections, being genuine and much more. We chat about his Pittsburgh roots with sports management, making the change to Hollywood to work wit THE BAHA MEN OF WHO LET THE DOGS OUT FAME CALL ON GONG MAN TO CREATE NEW INTERNATIONAL BRAND June 24, 2020 | Courtesy of Illawarra Mercury | By Greg Ellis Link to article: https://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/6803367/baha-men-call-on-wollongong-man-for-international-rebrand/?cs=3737&fbclid=IwAR2yYhwXbUedMZLuMuYZAU1I1Hlcf7JVQKUJ32LCTjlgRVOi6cvdIPCoTHA US based Wollongong born graphic designer, musician, photographer and branding expert Rick Caballo is still busy despite the impact of COVID-19. Mr Caballo continues to run the business he co-founded with wife Melis AUSTRALIA’S RICK CABALLO IS LETTING THE DOGS BACK OUT AFTER 20 YEARS SYDNEY, NSW (June 2020)—In the wake of the 20th anniversary of their Grammy winning smash hit “Who Let the Dogs Out?,” that was top 40 on over 25 international charts from their certified triple platinum album, the Baha Men are ready to bring their sound into this new era of music, starting with their latest single “Take A Chance.” With Australia being their #1 fanbase and Caballo being an Aussie himself, the island to island pairing could not have been more perfect. With inc 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO DESIGNING YOUR BRAND THE RIGHT WAY June 18, 2020 | Courtesy of Vents Magazine Written by Rick Caballo exclusively for Vents Magazine Link to article: https://ventsmagazine.com/2020/06/18/3-simple-steps-to-designing-your-brand-the-right-way/ It can get complicated building and designing for a brand; I attack both in daily situations and most times it can get confusing to anyone. Not only does a brand need to speak for itself, it needs its own identity. All the pieces that breath life and personality to push a The Redlining of Black Corporate America June 18, 2020 | Courtesy of Marker via Medium Written by Steve LeVine https://marker.medium.com/the-redlining-of-black-corporate-america-903f0403a4f5 Near midnight in early March 1991, a California Highway Patrol team spotted a white Hyundai sedan speeding on the Foothill Freeway in the northeast San Fernando Valley. Inside were a jobless construction worker named Rodney King and two friends, just closing out an evening of drinking. The police switched on the lights. King, wh USE THIS DOWNTIME TO GET YOUR MUSIC BUSINESS AFFAIRS IN ORDER June 15, 2020 | Business Side of Music Podcast Episode #119 Hosted by Bob Bender Rick Caballo: Use This Downtime to Get Your Music Business Affairs in Order LISTEN TO THE EPISODE HERE: https://open.spotify.com/episode/580yqbmP87vZwkDIWHi8Ca?si=V3xalyTHR7CUuCO1Xtk8mQ Branding is your identity. Whether it's your look on stage, your logo, or your the style of your music. Its what sets you apart from all the others. On this episode, we talk with Rick Caballo, who's the founder an 1 2 Recent Posts Pop Nerd Lounge S13 E2: Cash Crawford Pop Nerd Lounge Interviews Ross Flora Bridge Music Magazine - Erin Duvall To Release Highly Anticipated Single, “Walking Country Song” Motorcycle Knuckle Busters Radio Interviews Ross Flora Joeyglo’s Catchy Pop Single “Lovely Lady” Out Now! LISTEN TO JOEYGLO’S NEW SINGLE, ‘LOVELY LADY’ ON NEW LEASE MUSIC New Music Weekly - Joeyglo Releases “Lovely Lady” JOEYGLO’S CATCHY POP SINGLE “LOVELY LADY” OUT NOW! LA Music Review: Crystal Starr ultimately defines selfless love with “Head Over Heels” The Fox Magazine Shares Multi-Talented Musician, Joeyglo Releasing New Single: Lovely Lady Archive September 2022 (24) 24 posts August 2022 (30) 30 posts July 2022 (35) 35 posts June 2022 (13) 13 posts May 2022 (32) 32 posts April 2022 (28) 28 posts March 2022 (9) 9 posts February 2022 (11) 11 posts January 2022 (8) 8 posts December 2021 (3) 3 posts November 2021 (12) 12 posts October 2021 (11) 11 posts September 2021 (12) 12 posts August 2021 (13) 13 posts July 2021 (11) 11 posts June 2021 (20) 20 posts May 2021 (2) 2 posts March 2021 (6) 6 posts February 2021 (3) 3 posts January 2021 (3) 3 posts December 2020 (1) 1 post November 2020 (5) 5 posts October 2020 (6) 6 posts September 2020 (13) 13 posts August 2020 (10) 10 posts July 2020 (9) 9 posts June 2020 (15) 15 posts May 2020 (12) 12 posts April 2020 (12) 12 posts March 2020 (13) 13 posts February 2020 (19) 19 posts January 2020 (7) 7 posts December 2019 (7) 7 posts November 2019 (9) 9 posts October 2019 (10) 10 posts September 2019 (4) 4 posts August 2019 (3) 3 posts July 2019 (6) 6 posts May 2019 (3) 3 posts April 2019 (2) 2 posts January 2019 (4) 4 posts December 2018 (4) 4 posts November 2018 (6) 6 posts October 2018 (4) 4 posts September 2018 (4) 4 posts August 2018 (5) 5 posts July 2018 (3) 3 posts June 2018 (7) 7 posts May 2018 (5) 5 posts April 2018 (2) 2 posts Search By Tags Culinary Fashion Interior Design Lifestyle Music info@deadhORSEbRANDING.com /// 818 807 8180 NASHVILLE TN-Usa /// WOLLONGONG -AUSTRALIA /// CreatE,STRATGIZE,INSPIRE
Sen. Bernie Sanders Bernard (Bernie) SandersPush to end U.S. support for Saudi war hits Senate setback Sanders: 'I fully expect' fair treatment by DNC in 2020 after 'not quite even handed' 2016 primary Sanders: 'Damn right' I'll make the large corporations pay 'fair share of taxes' MORE (I-Vt.) said Sunday that he will “absolutely” introduce legislation on single-payer healthcare now that the Senate GOP’s bill to repeal ObamaCare has failed. “Of course we are, we’re tweaking the final points of the bill and we’re figuring out how we can mount a national campaign to bring people together,” Sanders told Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union. ADVERTISEMENT Sanders promised to introduce a “Medicare for All” proposal once the debate over repealing ObamaCare ended. He is one of several progressive lawmakers who back the healthcare model that has divided Democratic lawmakers. It’s unclear exactly when he will introduce the legislation. The Senate has two weeks remaining in sessions. Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) attached an amendment to one version of the ObamaCare repeal bill Wednesday that would have created a single-payer healthcare system in the U.S. Daines does not support a single-payer system but used the model as a political maneuver. Sanders’s spokesman slammed the amendment as a “sham” at the time and said Sanders and other Democrats would refuse to vote on the measure.
QUEBEC After the suicide of a 27-year-old medical resident less than two weeks ago raised concerns about working conditions for doctors-in-training, Health Minister Gaétan Barrette said med students in Quebec aren’t under too much stress. “The pressure today is much less than it was, say, 15 years ago,” he said. “It’s much, much, much more accommodating than it was in my time.” Barrette said medical students aren’t at any greater risk of depression and suicide than the general public. “This is a situation that many, many people unfortunately experience in their life, especially, I would say, in their youth,” he said. On Nov. 15, Émilie Marchand, a medical resident at Notre-Dame Hospital who had recently taken time off for depression, didn’t show up for work when she was on call. Two days, later she was found dead in her car after committing suicide, La Presse reported. In a letter, a co-worker of Marchand’s, Étienne Leroux Groleau, said the demands of his residency led him to become excessively anxious. He criticized a “macho and competitive system that, over the years, continues to maintain non-written rules such as that psychological distress is a sign of weakness.” Marchand’s case doesn’t seem to be an exception. A poll conducted by the Fédération médicale étudiante du Québec found that 1-in-5 medical students has contemplated suicide. For years, the Federation des médecins résidents du Québec has campaigned to break the taboo surrounding depression within the medical community. Joseph Dahine, president of the FMRQ, said doctors-in-training are under “tremendous pressure” owing not only to their 55- to 70-hour workweeks. Part of the stress stems from the need to integrate into a new medical team every four-to-eight weeks while cycling through hospital units to learn different specialties. Another difficulty is to be under the “constant scrutiny” of supervisors, he said. “There is that stress of ‘Am I going to find a job? I need to impress, I need to perform.’ ” To lessen the burden on residents, Dahine suggested allowing medical residents returning from sick leave to ease back into their busy work schedule with shorter shifts. Unlike some medical professionals including nurses, doctors-in-training are expected to resume their work at full pace. Dahine said more and more residents have sought help from the Programme d’aide aux médecins du Québec, an independent organization set up in 1990 that offers counselling to doctors struggling with depression, addiction and other problems. Last year, 124 residents phoned the PAMQ for help, its annual report says. What can’t be counted are the residents who fall between the cracks. “Each and every failure is a catastrophe,” Dahine said. “It’s a personal trauma for the person who has invested so much into their studies to become a doctor, but it’s also a social trauma, because society has invested so much in these people to become doctors and to care for the population.” gvendeville@montrealgazette.com twitter.com/GeoffVendeville Geoffrey Vendeville is a reporter in the Montreal Gazette’s Quebec bureau.
NEW DELHI: India needs to take to logical conclusion its "bold" initiative to invite SAARC leaders to Prime Minister's swearing-in and pursue concrete steps to make permanent the advances in its relations with neighbours, President Pranab Mukherjee said today.Addressing the sixth conference of Ambassadors and High Commissioners, the President termed extension of invitation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to SAARC countries to attend his swearing-in last May as a demonstration of "dynamism and bold leadership" by India."That initiative must be followed through to its logical conclusion through incisive diplomacy even as we remain firm in protecting our security and putting in place impregnable security mechanisms," he said.The President said last eight months have seen "new vigour and dynamism in India's foreign policy" and listed the visit of US President Barack Obama. "The visit was of substantive importance and not just symbolic," he said.Mukherjee said one adage which never goes stale in international politics is 'You can choose your friend but not your neighbour.'Without naming Pakistan , he said, "A strong message was conveyed to our neighbours that the region must decide whether to live in perpetual tension or understanding. Our initiatives in the neighbourhood must be followed up with concrete steps to consolidate and make permanent the advances we make in our relations."During Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's visit to attend Modi's swearing-in May, the two leaders had agreed on talks between their Foreign Secretaries in a bid to break the two-year-old stalemate in bilateral dialogue process.However, angered by Pakistan's consultations with Kashmiri separatists, India had called off the talks in August.
MSI today unveiled the GeForce GTX 1070 Quick Silver Edition graphics card. Going purely by the factory-overclock on offer, the card appears to be positioned below the GTX 1070 Gaming X graphics card by the company, although one can expect the company to monetize its unique design. The company also has a slightly pricier OC Edition variant of this card, which is identical to the GTX 1070 Gaming X in terms of factory-overclock. The card is characterized by a metallic silver color-scheme that's consistent with the company's GTX 1080 30th Anniversary Edition graphics card, and Gaming Titanium series motherboards, such as the X99A XPower Gaming Titanium . Shimmery silver accents run through bits of the Twin Frozr VI cooler shroud where you'd normally expect fiery red from the Gaming X, while the back-plate is entirely silver, with an illuminated MSI Gaming logo ornament.The card comes with a factory-overclock of 1518 MHz core and 1708 MHz GPU Boost in Gaming Mode, and 1531 MHz core with 1721 MHz GPU Boost in OC Mode; which is below the factory-overclock of the GTX 1070 Gaming X, which comes with 1582/1771 MHz in Gaming Mode and 1607/1797 MHz in OC Mode, and barely above NVIDIA reference clocks of 1506/1683 MHz. The OC Edition variant, on the other hand, ships with identical clock speeds to the GTX 1070 Gaming X. The card draws power from a combination of 6-pin and 8-pin PCIe power connectors. Based on the 16 nm "GP104" silicon, the GeForce GTX 1070 features 1,920 CUDA cores, 120 TMUs, 64 ROPs, and 8 GB of GDDR5 memory clocked at 8.00 GHz, across a 256-bit wide memory interface. MSI didn't reveal pricing.
A $120,000 grant that will help pay for a giant rubber duck is being roasted as a canard at Queen’s Park. The tourist-attracting giant duck, said to be the largest in the world, is due in Toronto waters July 1. Its arrival is being funded in part by the province to celebrate Ontario 150th anniversary, but Progressive Conservatives are crying fowl over the price — a total cost of $200,000, with the rest raised by the Redpath Waterfront Festival. This 13,600-kilogram duck, seen here in Taiwan in a Sept. 19, 2013 file photo, will grace Toronto's waterfront this July, funded in part by the province. ( Wally Santana / AP ) “I believe that people who are struggling to pay their hydro bill, who are concerned about this government’s fiscal policy, will think that spending $200,000 on an expense like that is quack economics,” said PC Deputy Leader Steve Clark on Monday. Tourism Minister Eleanor McMahon said she didn’t understand what the flap is all about. “Sometimes that’s what cities and organizations do,” she told reporters. “They find something really fun and sort of quirky, and this is that. I think it’s going to attract people to smaller centres and it’s going to be a lot of fun.” Article Continued Below NDP Leader Andrea Horwath said festivals around the province “are the lifeblood of communities … they create a place where neighbours get to know each other, where people can meet and have fun and create a positive atmosphere in their cities and towns and I think that’s a good thing. “I guess I’d be pro big-duck,” she said. During Question Period, PC MPP Rick Nicholls asked what a giant rubber duck has to do with celebrating the country’s anniversary. In response, McMahon joked that “on this side of the house, we’re not ducking any of these questions,” adding “this celebration is part of our 150th anniversary of our province and our country, a fact of which on this side of the House we’re enormously proud.” The province has provided the Redpath Waterfront Festival with $121,325, and said “for every dollar we spend, it triggers about $20 worth of ancillary investments, and we know that that’s important.” McMahon said the event also provides other programming and activities at the waterfront. “Again, we’re not quacking about anything,” she said. “We’re going to have fun this summer, and this is exactly the kind of investment we need to be making as a government.” Article Continued Below The rubber duck will also take to water in Owen Sound, Sault Ste. Marie, Midland, Amherstburg and Brockville. It is nearly 19 metres tall and weighs 13,600 kilograms. With files from Robert Benzie Read more about:
5 Ways to Land a Job Before You Relocate - LifeGuru News Hubb `; } if(result["IsPrimeEligible"] == "1") { prime = ` `; } if(result["TotalReviews"] != "" && result["Rating"] != "") { let rating = Math.round(result["Rating"]*2)/2; reviews = ` (${parseInt(result["TotalReviews"]).toLocaleString()}) `; } let amazonAd = ` ${result["Title"]} ${result["Price"]} ${listPrice} ${prime} ${reviews} `; let getAmazonAdsElement = document.getElementById("dp_amazon_ads" + adNumber); if (typeof(getAmazonAdsElement) != "undefined" && getAmazonAdsElement != null) { let dp_amazon_ads = document.getElementById("dp_amazon_ads" + adNumber).innerHTML; document.getElementById("dp_amazon_ads" + adNumber).innerHTML = dp_amazon_ads + amazonAd; } } } function dpRenderAmazonAds() { if(dpEnableAmazonAd1 === true) { let AmazonJSONCached1 = localStorage.getItem("dp_amazon_cached_json1"); if(AmazonJSONCached1 !== null) { dpAmazonAdsHTML(JSON.parse(AmazonJSONCached1), "1", dpRowAmazonAd1 * 4); } } if(dpEnableAmazonAd2 === true) { let AmazonJSONCached2 = localStorage.getItem("dp_amazon_cached_json2"); if(AmazonJSONCached2 !== null) { dpAmazonAdsHTML(JSON.parse(AmazonJSONCached2), "2", dpRowAmazonAd2 * 4); } } if(dpEnableAmazonAd3 === true) { let AmazonJSONCached3 = localStorage.getItem("dp_amazon_cached_json3"); if(AmazonJSONCached3 !== null) { dpAmazonAdsHTML(JSON.parse(AmazonJSONCached3), "3", dpRowAmazonAd3 * 2); } } if(dpEnableAmazonAd4 === true) { let AmazonJSONCached4 = localStorage.getItem("dp_amazon_cached_json4"); if(AmazonJSONCached4 !== null) { dpAmazonAdsHTML(JSON.parse(AmazonJSONCached4), "4", dpRowAmazonAd4 * 2); } } } function dpAmazonAdsCheckJSONCache() { let AmazonJSONCached1 = localStorage.getItem("dp_amazon_cached_json1"); let AmazonJSONCached2 = localStorage.getItem("dp_amazon_cached_json2"); let AmazonJSONCached3 = localStorage.getItem("dp_amazon_cached_json3"); let AmazonJSONCached4 = localStorage.getItem("dp_amazon_cached_json4"); if(AmazonJSONCached1 === null || AmazonJSONCached2 === null || AmazonJSONCached3 === null || AmazonJSONCached4 === null) { return true; } return false; } const dpPublicIP = await dpGetPublicIP(); if(dpPublicIP === false) { console.log("Failed to get IP. 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When your partner gets relocated, the entire family has to make arrangements for school, work, and everything else. While their company takes care of the employee, the spouse is most often overlooked. One exception is Military real estate which is made easier by the VA, but even then veterans and their spouses are facing the same job market as everyone else. If you’re in the ranks of those whose career life seems relegated to second place, here are five tips I picked up from the wives of servicemembers to land a job before you relocate. (Re)search the Internet The internet is full of job-search sites, and this is the first place you should look to determine the employment possibilities in your new location. Pull up the official website of the state and city you’ll be moving to, along with the local Chamber of Commerce. This will give you an idea of what industries are growing and which jobs are in demand in your new home. Leverage Social Media You are never alone in life. Your network of friends, family, and coworkers is an excellent resource any time you undergo a major life change. Be sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and post about your upcoming move to your Facebook friends. This will open conversations as people offer tips and resources related to your new locale. You may even be introduced to new friends of friends and build your professional network, so don’t keep it to yourself. Consider Virtual Work Thanks to the pandemic, remote work is more prevalent than ever. Even in a post-pandemic world, an estimated 25% of North American jobs will stay remote into 2023. That means you don’t need to wait until you move to find a new job; in fact, you may not need a new job at all. Talk to your existing boss to determine if you can work remotely or relocate within the company. If not, you can interview and land a virtual job at your soon-to-be home from your current one. Get a Local Address If you do need to work in-person, there’s still plenty that can be done online, from the application to the initial interview. However, the new company may not take your application seriously if you use your current address. Friends and family may let you use their local address, or you can get a box at The UPS Store. Use this local address on your application and resumé to ensure you’re not filtered out. Be Both Diligent and Patient Finding a new job can be stressful, but it’s important to dedicate time to it like it is its own full-time job. If you are diligent, you can apply for dozens of jobs a week that you’re acutely qualified for, but you’ll also have to wait to hear back and get some rejections. Don’t let these get you down — keep calm and continue pushing through. Things will work out as time gets closer to the actual move. Getting acclimated in a new home is never easy; it’s one of life’s biggest challenges. But securing employment before you move is a great way to feel more comfortable in your new surroundings. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way in no time. This guest post was authored by Tonya Marie Towles Tonya Marie Towles is Expansion Network Owner at PCS Pro. PCS Pro is comprised of military spouses and veterans who are passionate about military real estate and helping fellow military families and service members find their next home. With their expertise, you will have an endless amount resources that have all the permanent change of station military information that you could ever need. Having done it themselves, they are familiar with the entire PCS military process and strive to help their clients navigate the military real estate process with as little stress as possible. ***** Ms. Career Girl strives to provide valuable insights you can use. To see more from our columnists and guest authors, check these out! Or subscribe to our weekly email featuring our latest articles. We’re also present on Medium! 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World Damascus: Militants in One More Town Joining Peace Agreement with Syrian Gov't TEHRAN (FNA)- Militants in a key town in Western Damascus are about to end fight against the Syrian government after long talks with the reconciliation committee in the region. Sources in the committee said after the implementation of several steps of the peace agreement in Kanakar and delivering of militants' arms and equipment to government forces, the Syrian Army now has called on the peace negotiating committee in Kanakar to give them a list of those militants that do not intend to admit the peace plan. The source said it is widely believed that all those who do not want to apply for amnesty in the towns of Zakiyeh, Kanakar and the village of Jabal al-Sheikh would leave the region to militant-held areas in Idlib province. Meantime, army rejected the requests of some of the militants that had applied for relocation to Quneitra province. The Russian Peace Coordination Center in Syria announced last week that militants in two more villages in Lattakia and Homs provinces laid down arms and joined nationwide reconciliation in the last 24 hours. "Over the last 24 hours, two agreements were signed with settlements in the provinces of Lattakia and Homs on joining the regime of cessation of hostilities. The number of settlements that have joined the reconciliation process has increased to 1,077," the Russian center announced in a daily statement.
Advertisement Bill seeks to open California health exchange to immigrants Critics: Lawmakers should focus on problems affecting U.S. citizens. Share Shares Copy Link Copy California's Legislature is considering asking the federal government for permission to sell health insurance through the Covered California exchange to people who can't prove they're legally in the country.The measure, approved Tuesday by Democrats in the Assembly Health Committee, would extend California's recent efforts to integrate people living in the country without authorization, even as the Republican presidential primary has given new voice to critics of illegal immigration.President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, the Affordable Care Act, created insurance exchanges for every state where people can compare insurance plans and find out whether they qualify for subsidies. They're only open to citizens and legal immigrants.Under the proposal by Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, California would seek permission from the federal government to offer insurance - but not subsidies - to people who can't prove they're in the country legally.It's unclear how many immigrants could afford the unsubsidized premiums, which can cost hundreds of dollars per month for basic coverage. Immigrants without legal status can buy the health coverage through an insurance agent. The bill's supporters say more would likely sign up through the Covered California website, in part because of the millions of dollars in advertising and enrollment assistance the agency funds each year.Most immigrants living in the U.S. illegally have family members who are citizens or legal residents and would be eligible for coverage from Covered California, Lara said. The bill would be especially beneficial to those "mixed-status" families, who would be able to shop for coverage together online."There's no rational reason, and frankly it's absurd, to deny anybody the opportunity to buy insurance through our state exchange," Lara said in an interview. "It's discriminatory and doesn't reflect our California values."Critics say lawmakers should focus on problems affecting U.S. citizens."It's very disappointing, because there are so many American citizens that need help in our state, and our bills should be focused on our own suffering population of our own citizens - our foster children, our veterans, our homeless," said Robin Hvidston, executive director of We the People Rising, an activist group based in Claremont that opposes illegal immigration.SB10 cleared the Assembly Health Committee in a 10-1 vote, with only Democrats supporting it and most Republicans abstaining. It goes next to the Assembly Appropriations Committee.Lara's bill is progressing as the state prepares to extend Medi-Cal coverage next month to all children up to age 19, regardless of immigration status, if they qualify based on their family's income. Medi-Cal is the publicly funded health insurance plan for the poor. The state will cover the entire cost for people who can't prove legal presence; the federal government pays half the cost for citizens and legal immigrants.
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This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We’re broadcasting from Marrakech, Morocco, here at the U.N. climate summit, but we’re covering events closely that are taking place in the United States, and we’ll soon bring you voices of protest from the front lines in New York. Meanwhile, the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center are slamming President-elect Donald Trump for naming Stephen Bannon to become his chief strategist. Bannon is the former head of the right-wing outlet, news outlet, Breitbart Media. He took over as Trump’s campaign manager in August. ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said, quote, “It is a sad day when a man who presided over the premier website of the 'alt-right'—a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists—is slated to be a senior staff member in the ’people’s house,’” unquote. The Southern Poverty Law Center accused Bannon of becoming, quote, “the main driver behind Breitbart becoming a white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill,” unquote. Even former Breitbart employees have spoken out about what the site became under Bannon’s watch. The site’s former editor-in-chief, Ben Shapiro, recently said that staffers are now openly pushing white ethno-nationalism. Donald Trump announced Bannon would become chief strategist on Saturday. Trump has also tapped RNC Chair Reince Preibus to serve as his chief of staff. Steve Bannon has also faced questions about domestic abuse. He was charged in 1996 with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness. A Santa Monica, California, police report said Bannon grabbed then-wife Mary Louise Piccard “by the throat and arm” and threatened to leave him with—to leave with the couple’s twin daughters. Bannon pleaded not guilty to the charges, which were dropped later that year when Piccard did not appear in court. Piccard claimed in divorce proceedings that Bannon pressured her not to testify. Piccard also said in a sworn 2007 court filing that Bannon made anti-Semitic comments when the two argued over whether to send their daughters to a private school. According to one document, Piccard said, quote, “He said that he doesn’t like the way they raise their kids to be 'whiny brats' and that he didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews,” unquote. Joining us in New York is Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center. So, Richard Cohen, you got the news, with everyone else, that Steve Bannon would be the chief strategist for Donald Trump. Your thoughts? RICHARD COHEN: Well, it was incredibly disheartening, Amy. You know, the night that Trump was elected, he said that he was going to be the president for all Americans, that he was going to bind the wounds of division—wounds, of course, that he had caused. And now we see him doing the opposite, you know, appointing someone who was very proud to give a platform to the alt-right. And, you know, the alt-right is nothing more than the rebranding of white supremacy, white nationalism, for the digital age. So, Trump says one thing the day he’s elected, does something else at this point. It’s really discouraging, really disheartening. And, you know, it doesn’t portend well for his administration, I’m afraid. AMY GOODMAN: Richard, describe more fully what is the alt-right. What is the Breitbart News website and the significance of Bannon now being the number two man for President—soon-to-be President Trump? RICHARD COHEN: You know, when—Breitbart traditionally was a very conservative website. But under Bannon, it’s become a cesspool for white supremacy, according to one of his former colleagues. You know, the alt-right is white nationalism. It rejects multiculturalism. It’s opposed to immigration. You know, the godfather of the alt-right is a fellow named Richard Spencer. His motto is “All men are created unequal.” He believes that black people are intellectually inferior. He calls for, you know, the peaceful ethnic cleansing of our country. He was ecstatic when Trump was elected, and, I’m sure, equally ecstatic now that Bannon is in the White House. AMY GOODMAN: Talk about Bannon’s background. Talk about his operating of Breitbart News. RICHARD COHEN: Yeah, you know, look, I don’t want to talk about Bannon’s personal background. I’ll just talk about what he’s done at Breitbart News. I mean, anyone can go and look at the archives there and see unbelievable stuff. Two weeks after the Charleston massacre, for example, you know, they ran an article talking about how people should proudly fly the federal—the Confederate flag. They’ve talked about Islam as a religion of a rape culture. He mocked women who are, you know, the victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. It’s obsessed with kind of, you know, the so-called scourge of black-on-white crime. It’s racist. It’s misogynist. It’s anti-Semitic. It’s everything that this country should not be. AMY GOODMAN: Former Breitbart employees have spoken out. This is the site’s former editor-in-chief, Ben Shapiro, who wrote, quote, “Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website, with [Milo] Yiannopoulos pushing white ethno-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers.” This is Shapiro speaking to CNN earlier this year. BEN SHAPIRO: Steve likes to think of himself as the big bear tearing everybody else down because he’s a big power player. And, look, it’s got him where he is now. I think that, again, Steve Bannon—I tweeted this morning, imagine that one of the worst people you know is heading up a presidential campaign, and that’s pretty much, you know, where I’m at this morning. AMY GOODMAN: You’ve been listening to—Richard Cohen, your response? RICHARD COHEN: Trump knew what he was doing. You know, he ran a racist campaign from the first day that he came down the escalator at Trump Tower. You know, he vilified Mexicans. He vilified Latinos. He vilified women, black communities, Muslims. And of course, you know, he brought Steve Bannon in because Steve Bannon reflected his views. And unfortunately now, he hasn’t pivoted, despite his words after the election, and he’s continuing to embrace Bannon. I wish he would change. AMY GOODMAN: Richard Cohen, as president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, you know, I asked you first about Bannon. What about Donald Trump and his election, and what this means, and the report that you’ve put out, Richard, through the Southern Poverty Law Center, of the number of attacks this week on vulnerable people, and, overall, your response? RICHARD COHEN: Well, look, the—you mentioned 200 attacks. The number is well over 300 now. And, you know, they’re happening everywhere. A lot are happening in schools. We’re seeing them in places like Wal-Mart, Starbucks. We’re seeing them, you know, just at traffic stops, where people are being—you know, people of color are being harassed by people who are passing them and screaming “Trump!” You know, it’s an ugly, incendiary thing. Last night, Donald Trump was on 60 Minutes, and he said, “Stop it.” And, of course, he also said it only happened one or two times. He terribly downplayed it. You know, so Trump needs to say more than “stop it.” He needs to speak out forcefully against all forms of bigotry. And then he has to follow talk with the walk. He has to stop putting people like Bannon in the administration. He has to throw them out and assure the American public that no one with hate crime ties, no one with hate in their hearts, is going to have any role whatsoever in our democracy. AMY GOODMAN: So these reports around the country of these assaults, of people marching through schools and saying “Build that wall” or “Make America white again,” the reports we have from Philadelphia to Boston, something unprecedented, where the schools are sending counselors into the classrooms because these kids are so frightened— RICHARD COHEN: Yeah. AMY GOODMAN: —after the election of Donald Trump. RICHARD COHEN: Look, they were frightened before the election. They were frightened by the rhetoric that Donald Trump was spewing during the election. We did a big survey during the election asking teachers what was happening in their schools. We never used Trump’s name in the survey, but we didn’t have to. Thousand teachers wrote back and talked about the horrible things that were happening in their school, you know, an incredible increase in bullying, an incredible increase in ugly—in ugly talk, heartbreaking stories of young children in elementary schools really being fearful, coming up to a teacher every day saying, “Has he built the wall yet? Are my parents going to be deported?” So, you know, this is just a continuation of what we saw in the campaign, but it’s really been quite intensified since the day of the election. AMY GOODMAN: Richard Cohen, is there anything you want to add before we go to the voices of the streets of New York, tens of thousands of people continuing to protest? This was before the appointment of Steve Bannon to be the number two man for a President Trump. RICHARD COHEN: You know, I would just urge people to stand strong, be careful, don’t give up hope. One of the sad things of the election was, you know, 43 million Americans who were eligible to vote did not. That’s 100 million people. I don’t know how those 100 million people would have voted, but I think our democracy will be healthier when everyone speaks. And so I hope this energy that we’re seeing in these demonstrations translates into increased political participation in our country. AMY GOODMAN: And, Richard Cohen, finally, how Donald Trump has responded to the attacks on people of color, on immigrants around the country? RICHARD COHEN: He hasn’t done enough. He has minimized the number of attacks. He said there’s one or two; there have been hundreds. His alter ego at Breitbart has said that they’re all just a hoax and a fraud. He needs to do much, much more, if America is, you know, going to be a country that embraces all of its citizens. AMY GOODMAN: Well, Richard Cohen, I want to thank you for joining us from New York. Democracy Now! is in Marrakech, Morocco, for the U.N. climate summit. But I can tell you every other word out of people’s mouths here from around the planet is “Donald Trump.” RICHARD COHEN: Thank you, Amy. AMY GOODMAN: Another issue, of course, is his climate denial, of deep concern to people here at the U.N. climate summit. Richard Cohen is president of the Southern Poverty Law Center. We’ll link to his latest report at democracynow.org. When we come back, though, voices from the streets, protests in the United States. Stay with us.
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Forget healthcare reform, cap and trade, deficit reduction. For congressional stalemates, there's no more evergreen a fight than whether to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Don't expect it to get resolved next year. With the Republicans taking over the House, a new drilling bill is likely to get slightly more traction than an equally inevitable move to try to lock up the refuge as wilderness. But with the 50th anniversary of the refuge coming up next month, some of the nation's biggest environmental groups hope to persuade President Obama to play a trump card, and designate the refuge as a national monument. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) headed a list of 25 senators in a letter backing full permanent protection for the refuge. "By being designated a national monument under the antiquities act, we believe that it would send an additional message to the Congress and to the public about the resource values of this area, and we hope that would help discourage future efforts to legislatively promote drilling in the refuge," said Robert Dewey, vice president for government relations at the Defenders of Wildlife. But as usual, Alaska's congressional delegation is forming a mighty wall aimed at holding off any new attempts to impose additional federal controls. The state's Democratic senator, Mark Begich, downplayed talk of a monument and said new directional drilling technology can allow oil companies to access the petroleum reserves under the refuge from outside, without despoiling the wildlife-rich coastal plain. "We should be discussing how to make that happen, and reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil, rather than writing more letters that paint [the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] as this last bastion of wilderness," Begich said in a statement. "I would invite all of these senators to come to Alaska and see first-hand how we do exploration correctly on the North Slope, the millions of acres already protected in ANWR, and the relatively small area of ANWR that would ever be touched for development.” RELATED: An Arctic oil spill could linger for years Shell proposes to move forward in Beaufort sea Arctic sea ice reaches historic summer low -- Kim Murphy Photo: The 1002 area of the coastal plain on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a 1.5 million-acre section of the refuge set aside for possible future oil and gas development. Credit: Associated Press
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Jeff Samardzija May Move Into the Rotation and Other Terrifying Bullets - April 13, 2011 Cubs Bears Bulls Blackhawks Baseball is Fun Illinois Online Sports Betting DraftKings Illinois Caesars Illinois FanDuel Illinois Barstool Illinois BetMGM Illinois PointsBet Illinois BetRivers Illinois Cubs Bears Bulls Blackhawks Baseball is Fun Illinois Online Sports Betting DraftKings Illinois Caesars Illinois FanDuel Illinois Barstool Illinois BetMGM Illinois PointsBet Illinois BetRivers Illinois Skip to content Social Navigation Jeff Samardzija May Move Into the Rotation and Other Terrifying Bullets – April 13, 2011 April 13, 2011, by Brett Taylor Chicago Cubs In a way, it was good that the Cubs were facing a guy who always dominates them last night in Brett Myers. They were indeed dominated, but even if they’d had a solid offensive performance, they would have lost anyway. So why waste the good offense, right? Boom – bright sided! But it ain’t all sunshine and roses. The early possibility to get the next fifth starter’s spot start in the cavalcade of disasters? Jeff Samardzija. Of his performance – wherein he threw three innings and gave up three hits, a walk, and two earned runs – Mike Quade was effusive in his praise: “I thought (Samardzija) threw as well as we’ve seen. We needed those innings badly. I tip my hat to him.” Be afraid. Be very afraid. Not filling in as the fifth starter? Newly-signed Doug Davis, whom GM Jim Hendry does not expect to be ML-ready until the end of May. The Cubs are starting to give serious thought to Darwin Barney as the full-time starter at second base, despite Jeff Baker’s dominance of lefties, and overall hot start. ‘‘It’s just a brief snapshot,’’ said Quade, who admitted envisioning [Castro and Barney starting full-time up the middle] watching the big tandem game by the pair Monday. ‘‘There’s a lot of baseball to play. But both of them are off to really good starts. They play with enthusiasm. Both of them are getting smarter every day. They fit real well together.’’ Barney, for all his defensive prowess, has a career .708 OPS. In the minor leagues. 2010 first round pick Hayden Simpson wasn’t quite as good in his second start of the season, giving up five runs (three earned) in five innings last night. His fastball, which the Cubs bought at 95-96 mph, was sitting at just 91-92. Hopefully it’s just a matter of him having not pitched in games for so long, and it being April. Filed to: Chicago Cubs Post navigation Previous PostPrevious post:God’s Wrath Watch: Early Estimates on Randy Wells and Andrew Cashner Next Post Next post:Enhanced Box Score: Cubs 9, Astros 5 – April 13, 2011 Latest from Bleacher Nation: The Cubs Keep Winning, the Pitching Keeps Rocking, the Need Keeps Appearing, and Other Cubs Bullets When a Chicago Cubs Fan Sees Albert Pujols Reach 700 Home Runs Albert Pujols Just Hit *TWO* Homers Tonight to Join the 700 Club The Tennessee Smokies Have Won Their Division Series and They’re Headed to the Championship Series! Enhanced Box Score: Cubs 6, Pirates 5 – September 23, 2022 Patrick Wisdom Just Hit a Massive Homer – His Second in Three Games, and 24th of the Year Pre-Gamin’: Cubs at Pirates (5:35 CT) – Lineups, Broadcast Info, Game Thread Cubs Injury Updates: Contreras, Hoerner, Steele, Smyly Murphy’s Return, More Veterans’ Summer Trade Reactions, a Lap with Frank the Tank, and Other Blackhawks Bullets All Eyes on Jae Crowder, DeMar DeRozan’s Offseason Doc, Front Office Thoughts, and Other Bulls Bullets Gordon Gets to Grow, Time to Preach Patience, Sanborn on Deck, and Other Bears Bullets Caesars Sportsbook Promo Code: Best Saturday Sign Up Offers Luke Richardson’s New Blackhawks Vision Already Winning Over His Players FanDuel Promo Code: $1K No-Sweat Bet Fuels Winning Weekend Alec Regula Sees Benefits of Unified Messaging in Blackhawks Organization BetMGM Illinois Promo Code: Bet $10 on NFL Week 3, Get $200 With TD There’s Something Creepy Going on at Some MLB Games Tonight … The Bears’ Pass-Blocking O-Linemen Are Rating Out Surprisingly Well (And Also Not Good at All!) Author: Brett Taylor Brett Taylor is the Editor and Lead Cubs Writer at Bleacher Nation, and you can find him on Twitter at @BleacherNation and @Brett_A_Taylor. SHOW COMMENTS! Latest BN Posts Murphy’s Return, More Veterans’ Summer Trade Reactions, a Lap with Frank the Tank, and Other Blackhawks Bullets All Eyes on Jae Crowder, DeMar DeRozan’s Offseason Doc, Front Office Thoughts, and Other Bulls Bullets The Cubs Keep Winning, the Pitching Keeps Rocking, the Need Keeps Appearing, and Other Cubs Bullets Gordon Gets to Grow, Time to Preach Patience, Sanborn on Deck, and Other Bears Bullets Caesars Sportsbook Promo Code: Best Saturday Sign Up Offers When a Chicago Cubs Fan Sees Albert Pujols Reach 700 Home Runs Luke Richardson’s New Blackhawks Vision Already Winning Over His Players Useful Links Shop at Amazon Cubs News BN Facebook BN Twitter BN Instagram Chicago Bulls Chicago Bears Funny Cubs Shirts What’s Happening on The Twitters? 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Uncertainty of amateur hockey season could make the Seattle Kraken's first draft difficult - Sound Of Hockey Home Podcast Articles Shop Select Page Uncertainty of amateur hockey season could make the Seattle Kraken’s first draft difficult by Andy Eide | Jul 27, 2020 | 0 comments By Andy Eide Western Hockey League Commissioner Ron Robison held a press conference a month ago and detailed his league’s Return to Play Protocol. Its an ambitious plan that includes a start date of October 2nd to allow for a full 68-game schedule. The WHL’s plan is not very different than the Ontario Hockey League, Quebec Major Junior League, or the BCHL but with growing Covid numbers in the United States and in Canada, nothing is certain at this point. Not having a junior, or NCAA and European, season would be a loss for the hockey world and will have an impact on the NHL and the Seattle Kraken. It’s these leagues that NHL clubs draft their futures from. “It certainly would be a bit of a disadvantage where other teams have had some coverage of under 17’s this year,” Kraken general manager Ron Francis says. “Ours might have been a little bit less. It’s hard to speculate.” There has been a lot of virtual ink and brain power spilled in breaking down, discussing, and predicting Seattle’s expansion draft possibilities. That draft is where the Kraken will put together their initial roster but it’s the amateur draft that will have a bigger say in sustaining success by building a home-grown young core. If there is no amateur season, or a shortened one, Francis and his yet to be hired scouts will be drafting somewhat in the dark. “It’s pretty much clear as mud right now,” Francis says. “We’re looking at if this happens, how do we react…so we’re prepared for that. Certainly, we’ll look at all the scenarios that are possible and react appropriately.” The good news for the Kraken is that drafting is one of Francis’ strong points based on his track record as the general manager for the Carolina Hurricanes. Not only did he take Sebastian Aho in the second round of the 2015 draft, but his last couple of drafts have produced young players who are now starting to pay dividends for the Hurricanes franchise. In 2017, Francis took Martin Necas in the first round. After playing a big role in the AHL’s Charlotte Checkers 2019 Calder Cup victory, Necas moved up and turned in an impressive rookie NHL campaign this year. He found the back of the net 16 times while recording 36 points. He’s only 21-years-old and will be a big part of the Hurricanes future. Morgan Geekie was a third-round pick by Ron Francis in the 2017 NHL Draft (Checkers photo) In that same 2017 draft, Francis took Morgan Geekie from the Tri-City Americans in the third round. Geekie has put in two strong AHL seasons and got a late call up this year. In the two games he played, just prior to the pause, he scored three goals and is in the bubble with the Hurricanes for the playoffs. Francis and his Hurricanes amateur scouts were able to get in a thorough number of viewings to select those players — viewings he may not get this go around. Seattle did get to view some amateur hockey last year. Francis got a look at some of the top U17 players, guys that will be eligible for the 2021 draft. But, watching 16-year-old prospects doesn’t give you a complete picture. Players develop from one season to the next and it is easy to overlook a younger player, two years prior to his draft season. In 2015-2016 a 16-year-old Cody Glass played 65 games as a rookie with the WHL’s Portland Winterhawks. He scored 10 goals with 27 points. Respectable numbers for such a young player in a competitive league but the next season, his draft year, he exploded for 32 goals and 94 points and would be picked sixth overall by the Vegas Golden Knights. Spokane Chiefs forward Adam Beckman spent his 16-year-old season playing in a lower level junior league. He joined the Chiefs the next season, a year older, and scored 32 goals and was drafted by the Minnesota Wild in the third round. This year he led the WHL in scoring with 107 points in 63 games. Would Kraken scouts have rated either player high when they were 16? Seattle has not hired a director of amateur scouting or scouts yet but would have if not for the Covid-19 disease shutting everything down. Francis said the plan was to have a scouting team in place to cover the Hlinka-Gretzky tournament scheduled for August, in Edmonton. The annual tournament features the top draft eligible players from all over the world and is heavily scouted by NHL clubs. This year’s tournament has been canceled. “It’s a quick snapshot early in the season of who is potentially out there,” an NHL scout says of the Hlinka tournament. “It’s an opportunity to get the best schedule to start the season to see some of these young players. A lot of times with the Europeans you only get to see them in four big tournaments, when you take one of those tournaments away you’re limiting four or five views of some these Swedes or Finns, or whoever you’re watching.” When the Kraken will hire scouts depends on when it appears the amateur seasons are going to get under way. The WHL feels that it can get a full season if they can start no later than December. To do so, they’ll need approval from health and government officials in all six of its jurisdictions – Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba – for their arenas to allow fans in at up to a 50-percent capacity. If the start is pushed back, the WHL – and every other development league – will be looking at fewer games. “It’s going to be whatever it is, and we have to be ready to take advantage of whatever presents itself,” Francis says. “If its 30 games, 68 games, no games, we’ve got to find ways to get viewings and information and be prepared as we can be.” While the Kraken may be scrambling to view prospects, they will be in a similar situation as the other 31 teams in the 2021 draft. Those teams were at amateur games last season but their focus was mainly on the 2020 prospects. They may have a head start but it’s a minimal one. Nobody knows how this will all play out, but it will be something that Francis and the Kraken are keeping an eye on. “There’s a lot of speculation at this point and we try to take it one day at a time,” he says. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Loading Comments... Write a Comment... Email (Required) Name (Required) Website
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Hydraulic Breakers General Buckets 4-In-1 Multi-Purpose Buckets Grapple Attachmente Pallet Fork Attachments Specialty Attachements Pequea Hay Tools Spreaders Trailers Chippers Turf SnowEx Snow Plows Spreaders Sprayers Virnig Agriculture Brooms Brushcutters Buckets Construction Grapples Landscaping Pallet Forks Snow Removal Paladin Attachments Bradco FFC Harley McMillen Sweepster Curtis Industries Demco Erskine Grouser Koyker Split-fire Taylor Pittsburgh Tiger Mowers Tonutti Wallenstein Specials Departments Parts Department New Holland AG parts New Holland CE parts Service Department New Holland AG Service New Holland CE Service Sales Department Build and Price New Holland Financing Company Profile About Us Flint Kubota New Holland Dealer Page LOCATIONS Burton MI Richmond MI Burton (810) 744-2030 3266 E Bristol Rd Burton, MI 48529 Call Us Directions Richmond (586) 727-3515 68295 Oak St. Richmond, MI 48062 Call Us Directions Browse Inventory » Construction Attachments Inc. Industrial Tractor Loader Backhoe Bucket Attachment New Products / Construction Attachments Inc. / General Buckets / Buckets / Industrial Tractor Loader Backhoe Bucket Attachment Double tap to zoom Buckets Industrial Tractor Loader Backhoe Bucket Attachment PRINT Please Select A Model Select Another Model Xtreme Duty Agricultural High Back Bucket Attachment Xtreme Duty Agricultural Standard Back Bucket Construction Attachment For Tractors Xtreme Duty Standard Bottom Low Profile General Purpose Bucket Attachments Compact General Purpose Bucket For Compact Tractor Loaders Industrial Tractor Loader Backhoe Bucket Attachment Mini Skid Steer High Capacity General Purpose Bucket Mini Skid Steer Standard Bottom General Purpose Bucket Severe Xtreme Duty Low Profile General Purpose Bucket Attachments Xtreme Duty Agricultural High Capacity Litter Bucket Attachment For Tractor Loaders And Skid Steer Loaders Xtreme Duty Extended Bottom Low Profile General Purpose Bucket Attachments Xtreme Duty High Capacity Light Material General Purpose Bucket Overview: This Industrial General Purpose Bucket Attachment is designed specifically for industrial tractor loader backhoes. This bucket features a bottom reinforced with wear strips, a robust top bracket, and a moldboard with lower reinforcement. Get a Quote » Get A Quote Fields with asterisks* are required. Please email our helpful staff with any questions or comments using the contact form. Name* Email* Phone Address City State Zip Model Have a trade in? Yes No Make Model Year Hours Years Owned Condition Quote Request Detail and Comments Send to a friend » Send To A Friend Fields with asterisks* are required. Your friend will receive an email that contains a reference to this page. Please send this email only to people you know who would be interested in this information. Your Name* Your Email* Friends Email* Share This Product: Features Specifications Features INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOE BUCKET ATTACHMENT Product Features: Designed specifically for industrial tractor loader backhoes ¼” A572 moldboard with 5/16” lower reinforcement and robust top bracket Integrated 5/16” bucket ribs on the back Bucket bottom reinforced with ½” X 3 ½” wear strips ¾” 1065 steel weld-in cutting edge is standard for all sizes 1085 steel bolt-on, reversible edges are available in every size All models include 5/16” upper side cutters of A572 plate, in addition to lower side cutters of ½” X 4” weld-on cutting edge material Models include 84”, 88” and 93” Specifications Model 1GPINDTLB Item 1GPINDTLB84 1GPINDTLB84E 1GPINDTLB84LT 1GPINDTLB84WT 1GPINDTLB88 1GPINDTLBB88E 1GPINDTLB88LT 1GPINDTLB88WT 1GPINDTLB93 1GPINDTLB93E 1GPINDTLB93LT 1GPINDTLB93WT Item Cont. No Product Category General Purpose Buckets Duty Rating Industrial Product Type Tractor Loader Backhoes Width (Inches) 84, 88, 93 Attachment Options Bolt-on Edge (E), Bolt-on Large Teeth (LT), None # of Teeth 0-8 Heaped Capacity - Cu Ft 30 (84"), 30 (88"), 34 (93") Weight (LBS) 969-1133 OEM Colors Available Yes Designed For Use grading, leveling, carrying, loading, digging, dumping Suitable For Industrial Tractor Loader Backhoes NEW HOLLAND PRODUCTS Tractors Haytools & Spreaders Skid Steer Loaders Compact Track Loaders Backhoe Loaders © Copyright 2012 - 2022 Site by M.D. EquipmentLocator.com Sitemap | Privacy Policy | Terms Of Use NEW PRODUCTS New Holland Ag New Holland CE Kubota Land Pride Hustler Simplicity Bush Hog Meyer Construction Attachments Inc. Pequea SnowEx Virnig Paladin Attachments Curtis Industries Demco Erskine Grouser Koyker Split-fire Taylor Pittsburgh Tiger Mowers Tonutti Wallenstein USED EQUIPMENT Advanced Search Browse All Used Equipment Used Tractors Used Riding Mower Used Attachments Meyer Kits X Hide GOT A QUESTION? Let us help you get moving. Full Name* Email* Phone Question or Comment* Don't show this again ← Close Menu X Home Used Equipment Advanced Search Browse All Used Equipment Used Tractors Used Riding Mower Used Attachments Meyer Kits New Products New Holland Ag Tractors Haytools & Spreaders New Holland CE Skid Steer Loaders Compact Track Loaders Backhoe Loaders Kubota Land Pride Compact Drills Dirtworking Grooming Mowers Rotary Cutters Rotary Tillers Seeders Snow Removal Kubota by Land Pride Hustler Residential Commercial Stand-Ons Walk-Behinds Simplicity Tractors Zero Turn Mowers Snow Blowers Attachments Bush Hog Zero-Turn & Finishing Mowers Single-Spindle Rotary Cutters Multi-Spindle Rotary Cutters Flex-Wing Rotary Cutters Boom Mowers & Crop Flails Construction Landscape Snow Equipment Tillage Hay Tools Quicke Loaders Compact & UTV Implements Meyer Snow Plows Salt Spreaders Construction Attachments Inc. Hydraulic Breakers General Buckets 4-In-1 Multi-Purpose Buckets Grapple Attachmente Pallet Fork Attachments Specialty Attachements Pequea Hay Tools Spreaders Trailers Chippers Turf SnowEx Snow Plows Spreaders Sprayers Virnig Agriculture Brooms Brushcutters Buckets Construction Grapples Landscaping Pallet Forks Snow Removal Paladin Attachments Bradco FFC Harley McMillen Sweepster Curtis Industries Demco Erskine Grouser Koyker Split-fire Taylor Pittsburgh Tiger Mowers Tonutti Wallenstein Specials Departments Parts Department New Holland AG parts New Holland CE parts Service Department New Holland AG Service New Holland CE Service Sales Department Build and Price New Holland Financing Company Profile About Us Flint Kubota New Holland Dealer Page LOCATIONS Burton MI Richmond MI
Why is Motsi Mabuse not on Strictly this week and who is replacing her? - LancsLive accringtonLoad mobile navigation News Latest news CumbriaLive Accrington Blackburn Blackpool Burnley Chorley Lancaster Preston Rossendale South Ribble West Lancs Expand In Your Area Clarets Rovers PNE Seasiders What's On Latest What's On Things To Do In Lancashire Food & Drink Family & Kids Music & Nightlife Expand Partner Stories Follow us Buy a Paper Funeral Notices Jobs Voucher Codes Property Travel Dating Marketplace Public Notices Book an Ad Advertise with Us Contact Us Newsletter Signup InYourArea MemoryLane Discount Codes Mirror Bingo Hopsmore Beer Club OK! BeautyBox Subscription Marketplace Contact Us Send Your Story About Us Work for us Subscriptions Advertise with us How to Complain Corrections & Clarifications Corporate Syndication Reader Panel Terms & Conditions Privacy Notice Cookie Notice Newsletter Signup Syndication & Licensing Notifications and Alerts help © 2022 a Reach plc subsidiary Home What's On What's On News Strictly Come Dancing What's On Why is Motsi Mabuse not on Strictly this week and who is replacing her? Motsi will be missing this week's show accrington Share Comments What's On By Amber SunnerFreelance SEO Journalist 09:34, 27 NOV 2021 Motsi Mabuse on Strictly Come Dancing (Image: BBC) Group 28 Get all the Strictly glitz direct to your email Invalid emailSomething went wrong, please try again later. Sign Up No thanks, close We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Group 28 Thank you for subscribing! We have more newsletters Show MeNo thanks, close See our Privacy Notice Motsi Mabuse is missing this week's Strictly show after being in close contact with a Covid positive person. Motsi said in a statement on her Twitter account: "Being double vaccinated and booster as I am, would normally mean exemption from isolation under the 'close contact' rules, but unfortunately German EU vaccines are not recognised and neither is my booster in this instance." Motsi continued saying that she must follow UK government guidance. She is with her family and healthy adding "that's what matters". Motsi's withdrawal from the judging panel means a replacement has been arranged. Who is replacing Motsi Mabuse on the judging panel? Craig Revel-Horwood's positive Covid test meant he had a replacement. The same stand-in judge, Cynthia Erivo, who is an English actress, singer and songwriter will return this week. A Strictly spokesperson has said about Cynthia's return: "A statement said: "We are delighted that Cynthia Erivo will be joining us as a guest judge again, joining Craig Revel Horwood, Anton Du Beke and Head Judge, Shirley Ballas on the judging panel. "We look forward to having Motsi back with us next weekend.” The next show of Strictly Come Dancing will air at 6.55pm on Saturday, November 27. Download the LancsLive app for free on iPhone here and Android here. For the latest news and breaking news visit the LancsLive website. Get all the big headlines, pictures, analysis, opinion and video on the stories that matter to you. To keep updated, follow LancsLive on Facebook and @LiveLancs on Twitter. Have you got news for us? Contact our newsdesk on lancslive@reachplc.com. Get all the latest news, sport and what's on stories sent to your inbox daily with the LancsLive newsletter here. 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Aluminum Handrails Ocean Beach - Custom Welding in San Diego Custom Welding in San Diego homepage Home Latest Works Sigsbee Row In San Diego Gallery Custom Commercial Welding in San Diego Custom Residential Welding in San Diego Wrought Iron Designs Cable Rail Systems Blog Directions Videos You are here: Home / Aluminum Handrails Ocean Beach Comments Off Aluminum Handrails Ocean Beach FREE QUOTE Ocean Beach Aluminum Handrails Regardless of whether handrail installation is your 1st such project, knowing the different types of hand rails will help you to understand the easiest way to approach the project. When talking about handrails, there are many different types that are assembled with alternative designs, and materials. Your hand rail decision should be based mostly on the exact project that’ll be performed. With the intensive selection of hand rails, there’s no rejecting that making a rather more outlined deck and / or step case can be done easily. Porch Deck Railing is linked with porches. When referring to the design of porch deck hand rails, the bottom and top railings hold tiny shafts between the two. This is done instead of being secured by faces. When it comes down to porch deck railing, they can be gussied up with universal details like ball caps and post caps. This hand rails are very favored among householders searching for a new way to jazz up their porches. Starburst deck railing has a three element design. This three component design is what sets it aside from other railings. There are slats that radiate from the top of the railing to the bottom. There is also a space between the wide railing cap and the top railing. Starburst deck railings offer householders a smart way to tie in architectural details from front doors on a colonial home. Wrought Iron And Aluminum Handrails in Ocean Beach There was a time when the only purpose of aluminum and wrought irons fences was simply as a boundary to keep folks and / or animals in or out. Not now. Technology as well as the innovations made in materials have been driven by the demands of a discriminating public. Further, their desires and demands have driven the outstanding growth of the industry. Luckily, also instrumental in this expansion has been the creative resources of not only the purchasing public but also the industry executives who serve them. It is also important to remember that aluminum and wrought iron fences do extra duty for not only decorative uses except for security also. Not only does fencing deter trespassers from your yard, but the appearance of grating over windows and doors add their own part of protection. Some insurance carriers even offer considerable rebates on their rates of coverage for people that protect their houses with these sorts of obstructions. Safety is also an important consideration when planning installation. Handrails and other security features can be created that match the fencing at your house. The Services We Provide in Ocean Beach Include: Commercial Welder in Ocean Beach Aluminum Handrails in San Diego County Ocean Beach Aluminum Handrails Aluminum Handrails in Ocean Beach Stairs and Railings in Ocean Beach – Select a Pro! Stairs and railings can do far more than help you in getting from 1 level to the next. They can add beauty and style to your home. There are a variety of materials to create railings out of, and decisions for steps too. Selecting the right material and style will make your staircase more than just functional. Some houses lend themselves to only one kind of staircase : straight without a large amount of interest. While perhaps not as engaging in shape as a spiral case, there are still several ways to individualize and add style. First, there are several choices of railings and handrails. Many banisters are vertical , but for a different look, they can be in a horizontal orientation. Choosing metal rather than wood will give a very different feel and look. If working with a wood railing, think about the color selections available. If the staircase is in a young child friendly environment, the railings could reflect that with fun color shade decisions and be built out of durable material. Stairs can be covered in carpet, have a carpet runner going down the center, or all wood. Then, there are all of the decisions in wood and in carpet. Stairs and railings can be customized to taste even without a choice in shape. Aluminum Handrails Service We Offer in Ocean Beach: ADA Handrails in Ocean Beach Stainless Steel Products in San Diego, CA Ocean Beach Aluminum Handrails Banisters in San Diego County We Humbly Serve These San Diego Towns Clairemont Mesa | Bay Park | Miramar | Mira Mesa | Alpine | Scripps Ranch | Valley Center | Pauma Valley | Bonsall | Hidden Meadows | Murrieta | San Clemente | Leucadia | Cardiff | Rancho Santa Fe | Rancho Bernado | Del Mar | La Jolla | Point Loma | Pala | Fairbanks Ranch | Scripps Ranch | Olivenhain | Coronado | 4-H Ranch | Torrey Pines | University City | Imperial Beach | Pacific Beach | Ocean Beach | Mission Beach | For More Information, Please Call Us At 760-740-9069 Tim Whittier Tim Whittier Custom Welding and Design is your choice for custom Handrails, Guardrails and Cable Rail Systems. BEFORE and AFTER Find us on Google+ Custom Commercial Welding ... read more > Custom Residential Welding ... read more > Wrought Iron Designs For a distinctive look that adds a classic touch to your project or home, consider wrought iron. It gives you, the customer, the opportunity to design their own masterpiece, bringing security, character, and, uniqueness to their home or landscape. The ... read more > Tim Whittier We have trusted Tim`s Welding and design for over 20 years "We have trusted Tim`s Welding and design for over 20 years for all our steel fabrication needs- One call does it all. We recommend Tim to all our contractors." — Chris Doctor , Owner- Delphi Construction- San Diego Ca Nov 27, 2012 Tim Whittier Custom Welding and Design Custom Welder in San Diego Tim Whittier Welding 26830 Kiavo Dr. Valley Center CA 92082 USA 760-740-9069 customweldingsandiego@gmail.com Copyright © 2012 · Tim Whittier Welding TIM WHITTIER WELDING, San Diego`s Custom Welder FREE QUOTE