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The Oldest Narrative | Thought Catalog Skip to content Open navigation Close navigation TC Reel Creepy Mental Health Friendship Love Self-Improvement Wellness Family Astrology Inspirational Beauty Entertainment About Us Dedicated to your stories and ideas. Learn about us. Submit Your Work We welcome community contributions for Collective World. Advertise Learn more about working with Thought Catalog. shop Creepy All The Right Pieces TikTok Instagram Collective World Relationships Self-Improvement TV & Movies The Oldest Narrative By Tereza Jarnikova, August 17th 2011 Comment FlagFlagged https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=62063 Report This Article What is the issue? Infringes my copyright Visually pornographic content Hateful or weaponized writing Spam or misleading text Submit Cancel 0 It feels like a labyrinth. The winding hallways to uncountable rooms, each furnished tastefully with books (acclaimed works, for the most part, Yeats especially prominent) and brass bedspreads, each with a slightly different floral wallpaper. It’s beautiful, definitely— it feels like the finest Alpine hotel, or a day spa somewhere pleasantly, but not direly remote. I’ve lost my way several times, each time finding, it seems, a new bedroom or bathroom or hallway table. It feels unlived-in—my scattered personal effects, which consist of a few cotton t-shirts, a pair of jeans, and more reading and writing implements than strictly necessary for a two-day jaunt to a Friend’s house—lie on the floor in a heap, looking prominently out of place. I wonder vaguely if my Friend’s mother—a brilliant and formidable though fundamentally kind lady—thinks I’m a slob. I am here at a Friend’s family reunion, and although everyone is kind and engaging, I feel a deep isolation. This isn’t my world, and though the comfortable luxury and impeccable aesthetic’s inarguably lovely, I earnestly wish I was home, drinking some sort of potent beverage in that termite-ridden cottage in Eastern Europe surrounded by mountains almost identical, and equally beautiful. To be feeling like am right now in a place of this brand of expansive, stately, in some ways inhuman beauty brings a stark contrast—my frenetic hair ripping and metaphorical wall bashing doesn’t disturb anything. It’s eerily quiet. Two days ago, it wasn’t quiet. We were in the middle of Boston Common, flying kites and crashing them into onlookers, laughing and fully enjoying the glory of an August morning, when suddenly, the paradigm shifted. I made the simplest of gestures. I took my Friend’s hand. He turned around and said clearly, “I don’t want to be lovers anymore”. The physical kick, the wall coming down. I sat down. To say I crumpled would be accurate, though that phrase has been evoked so many times as to become hackneyed [see below]. The proverbial lightning bolt on a cloudless day in the Turks and Caicos would have felt more natural, and considerably more statistically probable, based of course, as these things are, on an algorithm which considers past trend lines, current adiabatic and atmospheric conditions, and perceived future ones. The BBC News and Weather report for today… I cried, of course. There is a time for pretense, for saving face, for ego, and for pride, and this was not it. I was thoroughly tired of pretending to not care, when on a base level I cared, so much—this is what teenagers do, and I am not a teenager. I was thoroughly tired of facades of cool. This was the worst case scenario and there was nowhere to go and nothing to lose—my Friend was in love with a girl whose beauty and femininity outshone my own. This was not a competition, yet I found myself brandishing a bent measuring stick among the pigeons and cigarette butts that find their way onto the lawns of even the most colonial of New England cities. Patently stupid and cruel and irrational words were uttered in various versions, repeated until he lost patience and returned the cruelty, exacerbating my mental state. There was a brick wall that I had always instinctively felt out of the corner of my eye, but now it was front and center and I, with my extensively rational mind honed by hours of solitary math, I with the scorn for pathos and the overemotional, I who fundamentally fucking Knew Better, could find no other recourse than to bash my head against it until my scalp bled. This is the oldest narrative. One loves one while he or she loves the other. I’ve always felt that it’s clichéd to write about love, be it unrequited love or contented love. The topic has seemingly been exhausted. It’s been written countless times in countless iterations. But isn’t that the point? This is universal. The pain I feel right now, the way I’ve heard it relayed countless times, has been felt by millions of people—a few of my close friends counted among them—throughout history. Yeats himself, the man on the bookshelf of this prim New England country home, felt it, rather more spectacularly than I. An ex-boyfriend of mine wrote a seven page essay about this same feeling, about an otherwise mediocre girl who broke his heart in prep school. This is a part of what binds us together as humanity. There is a power in clichés, and it is inherent in their nature. The power of clichés is precisely what makes them clichéd —this universality. Mine is a realization that has been made before, has been written before, has been felt before. Poems have been written, songs have been sung, very stupid and very poorly thought out but thoroughly human action has been taken. And, collectively, albeit privately, in unique narratives that share this common underlying thread, the world has moved on. My narrative was one of the strangest I’d ever experienced, involving long hitch hikes by semi-truck, a thoroughly dangerous 100 km bike ride in a snow storm in the middle of the night, an inordinate amount of cooked octopus, and several thousand miles of phonebooth phonecalls, of telecom cable, of otherwise abandoned gas stations, but it still fits this larger underlying framework. It was incredibly worthwhile. I feel terrible right now, and it’s likely that I will continue feeling terrible for some time. I don’t know when or if (but I would prefer to ask when) I will be able to resume one of the most beautiful friendships I’ve ever had I with one of the Best People I Know. I am not sure how to go forward while maintaining my sanity, dignity and sense of self. But I do know what everyone else knows—that being miserable means that I am alive, that no man is an island and that, to quote that one guy in that movie everyone saw in the nineties, “I am an archipelago”, and every other stupid Halmarkesque saying I’ve ever come across. Cheap truths are still both true and valuable. This is going to be just fine. image – Kevinzim Don't Cry Bebe! Heartbreak Is Universal loxe-sex More From Thought Catalog 7 Reasons Why Paramount’s New Horror Movie ‘Smile’ Will Fulfill All Your Horror Cravings 31 Days Of Halloween Movies For 2022 21 Morgue Workers Share Their “Worst Of” Stories How The Eczema Community On Instagram Helped Me Find My Empowerment, Despite Skin Struggles The Hopeful Romantic’s Guide To Dating Slowly 35 Men On The Most Mushy, Thoughtful, Romantic Thing A Woman Has Ever Done For Them Get our newsletter every Friday! Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Submit You're in! See you Friday. Follow Thought Catalog Network Shop Catalog Creepy Catalog Collective World Quote Catalog • Thought Catalog Agency Thought Catalog Books Metadata About Us Advertise Privacy Statement Terms of Use Contacts sales@ hello@ Social Discord TikTok Instagram Twitter YouTube Facebook Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. © 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. | negative |
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This blog earns passive income with affiliate links. Isn’t that amazing? You can earn a six-figure passive income online today. Join My Free Training to learn more. Who is Kevin David? You might recognize Kevin David as one of the stars on the second season TV show Marrying Millions. Kevin appeared on the popular TV show not because he was born to some super-wealthy parents. He is a self-made internet millionaire. Kevin David is an entrepreneur from Eugene, Oregon. He makes money from specializing in eCommerce coaching and runs multiple eight-figure online businesses. His most lucrative digital course is the Amazon FBA, ThatLifestyleNinja, which teaches people how to make money via online platforms like Shopify, and Amazon FBA. Being unsatisfied with a 9-5 routine job, Kevin David decided to find ways to make money online. It marks the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey. Kevin David launched various start-ups using the money he’d saved from his previous jobs but never found any success. His entrepreneurship desire led him to do a lot of online digging until he finally discovered the Amazon FBA platform, which changed his life forever. Kevin says the first few weeks of running the Amazon FBA business were hard. Still, he somehow managed to earn $1,000 a week. His first online business generated almost $2.1 million in profit during the first years. What started as a side-income project in his parent’s basement quickly evolved into an enormous passive income that turned Kevin David into a millionaire. Kevin David became one of the world’s leading Amazon sellers. Harnessing his success with Amazon FBA, Kevin founded THATLifestyleNinja, a digital course teaching the Amazon FBA business skills to others. Built on this success, Kevin created other courses, such as Shopify Ninja and Facebook Ads Ninja. Kevin David has built a fortune on selling digital courses. Become The Next Internet Millionaire Check Out This #1 Passive Income System >> Kevin David Personal Info Name: Kevin David Hulse DOB: July 20, 1991 Birth Place: Eugene, Oregon, U.S Education: Oregon State University Partner: Single Hometown: San Diego, California Famous As: Known as an ‘Unemployed CEO’ & Founder of ThatLifestyleNinja. Kevin David Net Worth Kevin David estimated net worth is $20 million. He is an established eCommerce coach who teaches people how to make money online. Many people wonder what happens to the Аmаzоn FВА business that Kevin David had bаnked $2.1 mіllіоn in one year. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE THE BIO OF Lori Greiner Like other Amazon FBA gurus, Kevin no longer make his fortune selling on Amazon. Most of his wealth comes from selling digital courses, coaching programs, seminars, and affiliate marketing. As his content marketing empire expands, the net worth of Kevin David will increase every year. So, it is hard to figure out his exact net worth since the eCommerce market is highly volatile. One thing we know for sure is, Кеvіn Dаvіd іѕ а ѕеlf-mаdе internet mіllіоnаіrе. If you are looking for a safe and legit way to make money online, here’s how I earn over $100K a year. Check out my #1 home-based business opportunity to learn more. Kevin David Childhood Life Born on the 20th July 1991, Kevin David grew up in Oregon with his family, played soccer for his local team, and enjoyed all the pleasures a small town could offer. His childhood was ordinary. However, Kevin quickly realized that he did not want a normal lifestyle. He would never achieve great success if he settled for the same life as everyone else. Кеvіn Dаvіd hаѕ аlwауѕ wanted to become a successful еntrерrеnеur. At thе tеndеr аgе оf 14 уеаrѕ, he dесіdеd tо vеnturе іntо buѕіnеѕѕ аnd tооk еvеrу аvаіlаblе сhаnсе, whеthеr іt wаѕ ѕеllіng саndу bаrѕ оr Ваѕеbаll Саrdѕ. His passion for sports taught him valuable lessons about competition, hard work, and the art of winning. After graduating from Oregon State, Kevin David went to work as an accountant for PricewaterhouseCoopers, a prestigious Accounting Firm in Portland, Oregon. Kevin soon realized working eighty-hour-plus weeks was not the life he wanted. So, he left PriceWaterhouseCoopers to work as a Privacy Consultant for Facebook. Working for Facebook was a dream come true for Kevin. But it still wasn’t enough. It was then Kevin David realized that he was never going to be happy working for somebody else. Kevin left his dream job at Facebook and moved back into his parents’ home in Oregon. Іt wаѕ durіng thіѕ tіmе thаt Кеvіn bеgаn tо explore the online opportunity to build something for himself. Оnе Frіdау nіght, while Кеvіn Dаvіd wаѕ аt Ѕuссеѕѕ Еvеntѕ, he саmе асrоѕѕ Аmаzоn FВА platform, which would mark the beginning of Kevin David’s entrepreneurial journey. Kevin David Family Kevin David is tight lip about his family. There is not much information available about his parents and siblings on the internet. We only know his parents still live in Eugene, Oregon, his birthplace. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE THE BIO OF Cameron Dunlap In 2016, Kevin Dаvіd moved back to Oregon and lived in his parents’ basement. During this time, he launched his Amazon FBA business with the help of his family. Kevin David Girlfriend (Partner) Fans who watch the show Marrying Millions think Kattie Morrow is the girlfriend of Kevin David. The relationship between Kevin and Kattie was part of the show casting, nothing more. Kevin David is single at the time of writing this biography. This status can change at any moment. Check back for updates. But, who is Kattie Marrow? Season 2 of Marrying Millions tells the love stories of Kevin David and Kattie Morrow as follows. Kevin met Kattie at his speaking events in Mexico. From the very beginning, they just clicked, and soon, they fell in love. Kattie Morrow is an entrepreneur like her boyfriend, but not a millionaire. Kevin actually helped her set up her online business. Kevin David has never officially announced anything regarding Kattie Morrow as his girlfriend. He cherishes his independence, and he is determined to maintain certain boundaries at all costs. Kattie and Kevin broke up when she decided to join him in Las Vegas. He told her to find her own place because he did want to live together. Kevin David has been single since. Kevin David Accomplishments Kevin became a millionaire at the age of 21. In May 2016, Kevin launched THATLifestyleNinja. Less than 12 months later THATLifestyleNinja, has the largest Facebook community in the entire WORLD. In late 2016, Kevin created Amazon FBA Ninja Masterclass Between 2017 and 2018, Kevin developed more digital courses, including Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass, Digital Course Secrets, ClickFunnels Masterclass Course, and Shopify Ninja Masterclass Dropshipping. In March 2018, Kevin David founded Zonbase, a platform helping people to launch products on Amazon. Kevin’s YouTube channel has around 1.29 million subscribers. Kevin Ninja courses enjoy a whopping 600,000 plus registered students. Kevin has been featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc for his achievements. That’s Kevin David Bio. Check back for updates! You can share or add news on Kevin David in the comment section below. Hello! I am TQ. Like these billionaires and millionaires, most of my online businesses were total failures. Learning from these failed attempts, I launched a successful online business for less than $400. You can Read My Story to learn more. Categories Biographies Post navigation Kathrin Zenkina Tai Lopez Leave a Comment Cancel reply Comment Name Email Website Table of Contents hide 1 Who is Kevin David? 2 Kevin David Personal Info 3 Kevin David Net Worth 4 Kevin David Childhood Life 5 Kevin David Family 6 Kevin David Girlfriend (Partner) 7 Kevin David Accomplishments Latest Biography Kevin O’Leary Robert Herjavec Lori Greiner Barbara Corcoran Shane Dawson Home - Privacy - Affiliate Disclosure - Site Map © 2022 BIOGRAPHY OF BILLIONAIRES & MILLIONAIRES • By MMoBlogger | negative |
Eastern Long Island Chapter - Surfrider Foundation Surfrider Foundation’s ONE OCEAN Event – Eastern Long Island Chapter Home Our Mission Our Work Campaigns Skip the Stuff in East Hampton Pass a Better Bottle Bill in NY Community Choice Energy in East Hampton Find the Source of Pollution at Fresh Pond Past Campaigns Programs Blue Water Task Force water testing Ocean Friendly Gardens Ocean Friendly Restaurants Rise Above Plastics Strawless Summer Relevant Info: Offshore Wind Energy Get Involved Volunteer Calendar Contact Us Sponsor Our Chapter Why Surfrider Blog Search for: Press "enter" search Give Give MENU Home Our Mission Our Work Campaigns Skip the Stuff in East Hampton Pass a Better Bottle Bill in NY Community Choice Energy in East Hampton Find the Source of Pollution at Fresh Pond Past Campaigns Programs Blue Water Task Force water testing Ocean Friendly Gardens Ocean Friendly Restaurants Rise Above Plastics Strawless Summer Relevant Info: Offshore Wind Energy Get Involved Volunteer Calendar Contact Us Sponsor Our Chapter Why Surfrider Blog Events | Posted 07.14.19 Surfrider Foundation’s ONE OCEAN Event Prev Post Share Next Post facebook twitter email CELEBRATING WOMEN MAKING WAVES A Benefit for Clean Water & Healthy Beaches Saturday, July 13th, 2019 was a beautiful evening celebrating Women Making Waves and our incredible network of coastal defenders. We honored Jayma Cardoso of the Surf Lodge, in Montauk, and Kim Johnson of the Kokua Hawaii Foundation, in Los Angeles, for their exemplary work to protect our ocean and their unwavering support of Surfrider. Surfrider Foundation Sign up for Surfrider news & updates Enter your email and get the latest info about our national and chapter related initiatives, news and updates straight to your inbox. twitter facebook instagram Contact Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright © 2022 Surfrider Foundation | negative |
HOW DO YOU feel about clever, hip-liberal eastern literary establishment parodies of vapid hip-faddish eastern media establishment decade "retrospectives"? Like 'em? Then get this book. But don't read it or you might be numbed by the sheer volume--263 large pages--of News week format articles ridiculed by formula.
But it takes some effort to be annoyed by the repetition, because The '80s--edited and written by many of the same people who brought you Not The New York Times--is an ideal excuse to put of writing your Gov paper, to relax with when it's too gauche to drink beer and watch football with your undershirt on, junk food for the intellectual cynic. If read slowly, selectively, this compendium of facetiae should beat just about any conceivable true-to-life rehashes of the grey cripple of a decade that will limp (or roll) off to oblivion in just one more month.
Of course, if you're easily offended, skip this book. You won't miss it; it won't miss you. If you're a fan of Abbie Hoffman, the consummate Celebrity Sweepstakes fugitive Yippie, steal this book; Hoffman contributed three articles. In fact, if you dig Monty Python or Saturday Night Live (when it whatever crosses your personal threshhold for sufficiently imaginative and irreverant humor, The '80s is worth a look. You will be amused.
There's an awesomely prophetic account of the Moslem Jihad of revenge that swept through Europe (Jihad! April in Paris!") in the late '80s world. ("4/7/87--Sheik Ali Fayadh Mahim was arrested in Beverly Hills today for trying to pass a bad emerald at Gucci's.") China, racked by hard rock, LSD and "un-Confucian sexual attitudes" among its youth, places none other than Richard Nixon at the helm in order to crush "The Great Trip Forward" with "The Great Clamp Downward: And tension persists in that area of the world: "4/4/83--In pre-emptive strikes on Hanoi ammo dumps, the Chinese dropped an estimated 40,000 tons of people on Vietnamese bombs."
In Italy, pervasive kidnapping and a sharp drop in productivity led to "the logical next-step--the abolition of the debased currency in favor of people as a medium of exchange...in Turin, a $100 bill would procure a plump industrialist. In the provinces, it was difficult to get change for a judge or a factory owner, but the exclusive shops along the Via Condotti in Rome could easily break a bank president."
CULTURAL developments abroad are not ignored. The 1988 Tirana (Albania) World's Fair, with no outsiders allowed to enter the country, "a less-than-celebratory spirit of secrecy and suspicion evidently hovered":
Word filtered out via diplomatic sources all through the duration of Tirana 1988, telling of picture postcard vendors being charged with selling state secrets and picture postcard buyers being shot as spies...(Attractions included) a working naphtha plant, a working olive grove, a working sheep pasture, and a working coal mine, and the International Halls of Sheep Diseases and Head-Squeezing.
And there is discontent in the Soviet Union. After "climatic changes due to the year of the Simultaneous Orgasm halved the potato harvest to a mere 63 million poods," the "newly clear-headed" citizens began to speak out: "My apartment is too small" "Pravda is dull!" "Remember meat?"
And in the United States, chaos and television reign. Teddy Kennedy made it to the White House all right, but "Camelot II" became "The Ten Days" when surgeon-general designate Dr. Allen Bakke (appointed to gain white middle-class support) botched an operation. "Now I remember," sobbed Bakke on coast-to-coast television. 'It's two kidneys, one liver.'"
Of course, the special-interest dominated Congress, which, among other things, offered statehood to Norway and prohibited the importation into the United States of prunes, shredded wheat, ice skates, bow ties and corduroy, was the last straw for conventional American government. An angry mob forced the "Horrible Hundredth" Congress out of the country, and Walter Cronkite routed John-John Kennedy in the first video-election to become the first Anchorman of the United States.
The future history above is representative, but there's more. A lot more. The first interview with a dolphin. The Great Wall of China goes on tour. An excerpt from David Halberstam's next opus. The cancer cure (repeatedly strike the head of baby harp seals of Prince Edward Island and extract the unique harp seal acetylocholine). And, announced on March 29, 1982, the discovery of the scrotal orgasm. Take your time. You get the idea. Fun, light, cute Good to have, but not to buy. I got it free. | positive |
Air conditioner maker Carrier to close two Indiana plants, slash 2,100 jobs
By Steve Filips
19 February 2016
Heating and air conditioning manufacturer, Carrier, announced last week that it would close two manufacturing plants in Indiana and eliminate a total of 2,100 jobs. Its plant in Indianapolis with 1,400 workers will begin phasing out its operations in 2017 and close in 2019, while a second plant with 700 workers in Huntington, just southwest of Ft. Wayne, will be closed in 2018.
Carrier—a division of the giant defense manufacturer United Technologies—is planning on moving production to Monterrey, Mexico. A YouTube video released last week, which has gotten over 3 million views, shows workers at the Indianapolis plant erupt in anger after a company spokesman announces the closures.
To the shouts and denunciations of workers, the manager tells them the move is necessary to “maintain high levels of product quality at competitive prices and continue to serve the extremely price-sensitive marketplace.” He adds callously, “This is strictly a business decision.”
Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies, made $15.6 billion in profits in 2015. Its CEO Gregory Hayes, whose predecessor walked away with a $195 million golden parachute, made $9 million last year. Hayes announced a ruthless cost-cutting plan at the end of last year including “reducing the manufacturing footprint in the U.S. and Europe, [that] will result in $900 million of annual savings when it’s done,” according to Bloomberg News.
“You taking away from this community by taking this job, this plant away,” Dominique Anthony, a Carrier employee for 13 years at the west side facility told the local news channel WISHTV. “I have almost 16 family members that work at Carrier. We have to tell our whole family that we have lost our jobs to feed our families,” he said.
In his final remarks, captured on the YouTube video, the company spokesman says the decision to close the plants is “subject to discussions with our local union representatives.” In 2014, United Steelworkers (USW) Local 1999 negotiated a four-year contract with Carrier that introduced sweeping concessions, including a two-tier wage system. Currently, a quarter of the factory’s workers make only $14 an hour, nearly half the $26 paid to older workers.
USW officials claimed they were “blindsided” by the plant closing decision. “It was devastating to hear, and it was not anticipated at all,” USW Subdivision Director Wayne Dale told Indystar.com. In any case, the USW is sure to use the announcement in an effort to extract further concessions from workers in the name of “saving” jobs.
The USW and local Democratic Party politicians responded to the closure announcements with calls for economic nationalism and protectionist measures. They blamed “unfair trade agreements” for the closures, suggesting that Mexican workers, to whom Carrier will pay as little as $3 an hour, are essentially stealing “American jobs.”
In a statement on its Facebook page, USW Works declared, “This is the harsh reality of what bad trade deals are doing to the working class. 1400 jobs at Carrier Corp. are being sent to Mexico under the guise of ‘strictly a business decision.’ We need to stand together and let our legislators know that we will not stand for this anymore!” USW officials are calling for a boycott of “Mexican-made” Carrier air conditioners.
The closure “is a fine example of unfair trade bills,” added Jared Evans, a Democratic city councilman in Indianapolis, “which allow American companies, who were built on American backs [sic] to move good paying jobs overseas.”
Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have also sought to divert social anger over the destruction of jobs and falling living standards behind American nationalism. In every case, the aim of the unions and the big business politicians is to conceal the fact that it is the capitalist profit system, not “unfair trade,” that is responsible for the destruction of jobs. Above all they want to prevent US workers from uniting with their brothers in Mexico and other countries in a common fight against the global corporate conglomerates.
In fact, the policy of the unions and the Democratic Party is “insourcing,” i.e., the reduction of US labor costs to such a low level that global corporations are enticed to relocate their operations from China, Mexico and other low-wage countries to the US. The president of the USW, Leo Gerard, sits on Obama’s corporate competitiveness board where he discusses with Fortune 500 executives how to slash labor costs and boost productivity. On this basis, the USW has blocked any struggle of workers—including workers facing brutal wage and benefit cuts at US Steel and ArcelorMittal—while sabotaging struggles when they do break out, including last year’s oil refinery strike and the five-month lockout of ATI steelworkers.
The claims of “economic recovery” made by the Obama administration are belied by plant closures and mass layoffs, which only intensify what is already unbearable inequality. The closures will have a particularly devastating effect on Indianapolis, which saw the closures of the GM stamping plant in 2011 and its Navistar foundry and truck engine plant in June 2015. Both occurred after the United Auto Workers forced wage and benefit concessions on workers.
As part of his economic “stimulus package,” Obama’s Energy Department granted Carrier a $5 million federal tax credit in December 2013 to “expand production at its Indianapolis facility to meet increasing demand for its eco-friendly condensing gas furnace product line.”
The United Technologies business strategy has been growth through mergers and acquisitions in industries that are as diverse as Carrier heating and air conditioning, which was bought in 1979, to Pratt and Whitney aircraft engines. They were often followed by plant closures and the relocation of production to lower-wage states or countries to inflate profits.
The Carrier plant in the east Texas city of Tyler was shuttered in 2013 with the loss of 1,200 jobs. Production was also moved to Mexico.
Carrier also announced additional layoffs at its parts warehouse in Syracuse, New York. Once the largest manufacturer in the Syracuse area, with over 7,000 workers at its manufacturing and research and development facilities in DeWitt, New York, a suburb of Syracuse, Carrier has nothing left but its parts warehouses in the area.
In 2004, Carrier halted manufacturing in DeWitt, laying off the 1,200 remaining workers. In September of 2009, Carrier announced it was eliminating 140 of 245 workers at the two remaining parts warehouses. In January 2015, the company announced the layoff of another 62 of those workers.
The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers union Local 58 has offered concessions totaling $4 an hour to keep the warehouses operating in Syracuse. Carrier declined the offer and stated the average wage of $16.61 needed to be reduced by $8 in order to retain the jobs in Syracuse.
In each case of layoff and closure the sheet metalworkers union has been a reliable corporate “partner” and blocked any worker resistance to the destruction of jobs. Like the USW, it has scapegoated workers in other countries.
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David Glasner writes sensibly about the “currency war” issue and related subjects, set off by recent commentary by Irwin Stelzer. As Glasner says, expansionary monetary policy can cause currency depreciation — but it is not currency manipulation. There’s a world of difference between Chinese-style intervention-plus-tight-money and either the Fed’s quantitative easing or Japan’s new turn to inflation targeting.
But what really seems to get Glasner going is Stelzer’s bad history — bad history that is, one has to say, very widely accepted out there. No, the 1923 hyperinflation didn’t bring Hitler to power; it was the Brüning deflation and depression. Hard money and a gold standard obsession, not excessive money printing, was the proximate disaster.
One thing Glasner doesn’t do, though, is point out not just that Stelzer seems weirdly obsessed with inflation risks despite the complete absence of any evidence, but the unchanging nature of that obsession. A quick bit of googling says that Stelzer has been warning about an inflationary explosion for at least four years (pdf). (In the same piece he also insisted that it would be very hard to find anyone to buy all the bonds the US would be issuing).
This gets at one of the true wonders of this ongoing economic crisis: the inflation-and-soaring-rates crowd has been wrong, again and again, year after year, yet seems completely undaunted in its certainty that it possesses The Truth. You might think that someone, at some point, would have a creeping suspicion that he might be working with the wrong model. But it never seems to happen. | positive |
#peerreviewedstudy MODELS HUMAN ANIMAL COMPARATIVE ACCESSORIES EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEBINARS BLOG PODCAST RESOURCES TEST DRIVE PROGRAM HUMAN SUPPORT MATERIALS ANIMAL SUPPORT MATERIALS TESTIMONIAL VIDEOS ANATOMY INSIGHTS WITH JON ZAHOUREK FREE RESOURCES FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL ABOUT US CONTACT US TESTIMONIALS REFERRAL PROGRAM PROJECT LEAD THE WAY RESEARCH POSITION STATEMENTS - EVOLUTION FAQ PRODUCT LICENSE PRODUCT DISCLAIMERS DISTANCE LEARNING More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. All Posts Anatomy Insights Search Log in / Sign up - Jul 16, 2019 3 min Research Under the category of “in case you did not know,” the Anatomy in Clay® Learning System has been the focus of a considerable amount of high-quality, peer-reviewed academic research—and has fared quite well. In fact, the metadata would suggest that the case is closed: Learning human anatomy through clay construction is a highly effective way to learn. The studies have been conducted for many years and, of course, we welcome them. In fact, we welcome anyone with a fresh idea abo 111 views CONTACT US 800-950-5025 info@anatomyinclay.com 2198 W 15th St., Loveland, CO 80538 © 2022 Zahourek Systems, Inc. and affiliates. All rights reserved. ANATOMY IN CLAY® is a registered trademark of Zahourek Systems, Inc. or affiliates in the US or other countries. Authorization for limited trademark use licensed by Zahourek Systems, Inc., a sole provider of Anatomy in Clay® Learning System. Privacy Policy | negative |
Ebook Some American university libraries we should know by Phineas L. Windsor Download PDF EPUB FB2 Log In Sign Up Browse Books Last edited by Dairg Thursday, July 30, 2020 | History Edit 2 edition of Some American university libraries we should know found in the catalog. Want to Read Some American university libraries we should know by Phineas L. Windsor 273 Want to read 15 Currently reading Published 1916 in Madison . Written in English Subjects: University Libraries Edition Notes Reprint from Wisconsin library bulletin, May, 1916. Series American libraries -- 5 The Physical Object Pagination 4 p. ; ID Numbers Open Library OL26377017M OCLC/WorldCa 77310563 While we accept some donations, they must support the research mission of the university. D onated materials become the property of the Libraries and we reserve the right to add or dispose of the materials.. We do not accept titles inappropriate to an academic collection, including, but not limited to: fragmentary runs of journals; books that are underlined, mutilated, in poor condition; . and University policies for full information. If you have a specific legal question pertaining to copyright law, you should contact the Office of General Counsel at () Several texts have been useful in preparation of this resource and they are cited in the resources section at the end of the document. Scholarly books are the most important type of source for qualitative studies in the social sciences (Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, etc.) When you need research from an expert. Scholarly books and articles clearly display the credentials and affiliations of all authors. Jul 1, - A collection of celebrities, authors, and others holding American Libraries. Want to join the club? Send your picture to [email protected] and we'll add it to the line-up. See more ideas about American, Celebrities and Author pins. The only regret I have about my long career in public libraries is that I have not been able to convince more librarians that they should be less book-focused and more people-focused; that they. In , Robert Darnton, formerly a professor of history at Princeton University and now director of the Harvard University Library, published a volume of more than three decades of . Available for Download Download PDF Download EPUB Download FB2 Download MOBI Download TXT Share this book You might also like The Changing Law of International Claims, Set The Changing Law of International Claims, Set Marx Engels Marxism. Marx Engels Marxism. New Brunswick plan. New Brunswick plan. Comparative revolutionary movements. Comparative revolutionary movements. Handbook of research design and social measurement Curriculum Leadership, Beyond Boilerplate Standards Maiden speeches of U.S. Senators in the 108th Congress of the United States Maiden speeches of U.S. Senators in the 108th Congress of the United States Wanamaker Store in Philadelphia. Wanamaker Store in Philadelphia. The Mangy Parrot Grand Hotel Direct student loan savings Direct student loan savings Butte-Silver Bow government energy use profile Cave passages Progress, coexistance, and intellectual freedom Progress, coexistance, and intellectual freedom letter to ... Alexander Fletcher, Grub Street letter to ... Alexander Fletcher, Grub Street Ritchie, mayor Ritchie, mayor Jakes Treasure (Red Fox Older Fiction) ILL - Reflections of fantacy ILL - Reflections of fantacy Galaxies and the universe Galaxies and the universe Rutland Rutland Some American university libraries we should know by Phineas L. Windsor Download PDF EPUB FB2 University Library Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC United States Back to top Note - AU Library Search is currently experiencing performance issues. Major university libraries in the United States must work to meet an enormous demand for research materials and spend nearly $5 million a year for books and related supplies such as binding materials. In the first tax-supported library in the country opened at Peterborough, N.H. The American Library Association was formed inand. Some libraries have jumped on the learning analytics bandwagon, inspired by early work like the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Value of Academic Libraries report and the Jisc Library Impact Data Project. To demonstrate the value of libraries, some institutions are integrating library data—such as circulation data, building visits, database usage, and workshop. What Every American Should Know Library Series “ What Every American Should Know ” is a project of the Aspen Institute Citizenship & American Identity Program, and. If there’s anything the editors of love more than classes and books, it’s universities and libraries. It’s no surprise, then, that university libraries rank right up there among our favorite places. We’ve researched the most interesting, intriguing, and beautiful college libraries from around the globe to come up with this list of the 50 [ ]. Lynda M. Duke is an associate professor and academic outreach librarian at The Ames Library, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois. Her responsibilities include coordinating assessment and marketing activities for the library, as well as collection development and library instruction for the departments of Hispanic studies, economics and business administration. College Libraries and Student Culture: What We Now Know--eEditions e-book Lynda M. Duke Andrew D. Asher The download link for this product can be found on the final confirmation screen after you complete your purchase, and may also be accessed from your Account Profile. Stefanie Buck, a librarian at Oregon State University Libraries and Press who works with online students, who are part of the school's Ecampus, also suggests online students find out about library. The value of academic libraries The library is not just a repository, or a service like any other, or a place for study: it is all these things. It can also be a partner in research and in teaching, and institutions which fail to capitalise fully on this asset will find it harder to compete in the future. Yet very few libraries have taken on this challenge. InBrown University Libraries began hosting a textbook-lending program for low-income students, but it was an initiative of Brown’s student organization and not the library — and the books are donated by students. Nor is the collection managed by the library, or by anyone else, for that matter; the books are kept in open stacks and are. According to the American Library Association: Libraries help authors through: Exposure. Libraries help people find authors. Readers discover new authors, topics, and genres in our libraries. Libraries help authors get noticed: we host author events; we feature books at book clubs; and we spotlight titles on our websites. Sales. Designing the New American University: Crow, Michael M., Dabars, William B.: : s: American University Library; Find More Answers University Library FAQs. This is the homepage for all the Library's Frequently Asked Questions. Toggle menu visibility. Answers. Filter Questions. Search. Browse: All; Topics. 66 Academic Where can I access free e-books and resources in the time of COVID. Last Updated: When most people think of libraries, the first thing that comes to mind is books. People have associated libraries with books and reading for so long that they often do not think that the library could serve any other purpose than providing people with books. The academic library in the American university ISBN The initial purpose of the reprinting was for use in the Academic Library Seminar at the University of Maryland. This book has proven however, to provide an important historical framework for the study of academic libraries and continues to be an important resource for. And should you decide to purchase this gorgeous book you will immediately understand why. This truly is a spectacular work. It covers the history of the library from ancient times to the very present. While the majority of the focus is on Continental Europe and England there are a number of Asian and American examples included as well. 6 Things to Know About Textbooks for Online Courses online students should know before they either buy they can check out a certain book at their local or university library. Alaska State Library – Conservation Book Repair Cornell University Library – Extensive series of manuals including basic circulating collections repair Dartmouth College Library - A Simple Book Repair Manual Indiana University Library – Online Manual Listservs. The Archives of American University chronicle more than one hundred years of the University's history through documents, films, photographs, publications, sound recordings, and videos. This collection features three University publications: course catalogs (), its first administrative newspaper, The University Courier (), and the college yearbook, AUCOLA ()/Talon. Some university libraries even provide remote access to selected databases for alumni, or allow alumni to purchase that access at a reduced rate. Visiting Scholar. Colleges and universities may have more than one library. Find out how academic libraries are different than school and public libraries! First-year students, Jason and Emily, meet their mentor, Brian, a junior nursing major. Brian takes them on a tour of a typical university library and introduces them to some of the services available to them.I dare say that in large libraries with maual systems, some books can get overlooked and stay on shelves for years. But in a modern library the stock is continually being rotated. I am a librarian and I get computer generated lists of what we call "dead stock" - books which have not been issued for 6 .Five Ways Academic Libraries Support Higher Education’s Reboot Steven Bell | Associate University Librarian, Temple University While many look at the university library as being among the last bastions of a dying industry, it can play a major role in supporting higher education’s transformation into . veterans-opex.com - Some American university libraries we should know book © 2020 | negative |
About | KO Vintage Log In 0 Shop Store Policies About Blog Contact More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Inside KO Vintage Style-Centered. Customer Focused. KO Vintage was born at the intersection of style and affordability. My vision is to bring luxury to every woman's closet through reliable sourcing, eye for designer and determination to provide the best market information on vintage luxury. Each piece is carefully sourced in Tokyo, Japan, with a vigorous authentification process. Please get in touch with me if you need any assistance or just wanna talk fashion. Happy shopping! About Founder The One Woman Show Uzochi Okoronkwo Founder I founded my company on my love for all things designer and vintage. Ever since moving to Japan in 2016, I have been immersed in my hobby of buying vintage designer, first finding pieces for myself and now after gaining 4 years of authentication experience, I am branching out to share the vintage luxury experience with women around the world! My goal is to provide affordable designer pieces to my fellow fashionistas! Please feel free to ask me any questions about products or personal shopping requests! kovintagejapan@gmail.com | negative |
eep | All City Stickers All City Stickers Stickers Only! Menu Skip to content Home 100 Best Advertising Contact Contributors Designers Photographers SHOP Author Archives: eep Post navigation ← Older posts New York City Brass Knuckle Crew Sticker Event 1 Reply Witzenhausen Gallery at 547 West 27th Street – Ste 508 New York, NY 10001 The exhibition is organized by Jice 1 and Rid 1 To participate send your Stickers, Posters,Stencils, Paste-Ups & Artwork to: James Rex 23- 26 26 street Astoria, NY 11105 USA Please mark envelope BKC Dead Line is June 11, 2011 -Asking all artists for 30 stickers each to cover the gallery walls, but will accept what you can send. -Don’t forget to send also your name or nickname, website or social network, country and all the info you want. -In this edition we will draw 10 mega packs + 2 special raffles. Our email: kingrid1@yahoo.com rexinator@aol.com This entry was posted in Sticker Events, Sticker Legends and tagged art, eep!, sticker, stickerart, street, streetart on April 7, 2011 by eep. Street Sighting – Sloppy Tits Leave a reply Dude is just about everywhere! This entry was posted in Sticker Legends and tagged legend, SKAM, sloppy, tits on November 21, 2010 by eep. Hipsters goin’ hip! Leave a reply Thanks, EyeNeverSleep, for the photo link! This entry was posted in Sticker Legends, Street Shots and tagged art, eep!, ha, haeler, mkue, mq, mqism, sticker, stickerart, street, streetart on November 17, 2010 by eep. Street Sightings Leave a reply This entry was posted in Street Shots and tagged art, bomit, campaign, co, cost, eep!, ens, eye, eyeneversleep, krt, never, propaganda, sleep, sticker, stickerart, street, streetart, theory on November 8, 2010 by eep. The General Election Leave a reply Hope you all voted. =P This entry was posted in Street Shots and tagged art, campaign, eep!, erase, propaganda, sticker, stickerart, street, streetart, theory on November 2, 2010 by eep. Post navigation ← Older posts Search for: Links: Categories Artist Profiles (67) Buy Stickers (12) From the Vaults (18) Handmade Slaps (386) Hello My Name Is (55) Postals (212) Rate My Sticker (4) Sell Stickers (11) Stencil Stickers (22) Sticker Character (113) Sticker Collabs (34) Sticker Combos (218) Sticker Contests (9) Sticker Events (37) Sticker Legends (222) Sticker of the Week (3) Sticker Resources (9) Sticker Tags (133) Sticker Trades (15) Sticker Videos (14) Street Shots (784) Support (42) Uncategorized (360) Pages 100 Best Advertising Contact Contributors Designers Photographers SHOP Recent Posts Kings of LA Domino Postals – LA Roids – London Cist – New York Ekser – Miami Recent Comments Meta Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress.org Proudly powered by WordPress | negative |
Rachel Cook 26th Photo - ModelsIntro Skip to content ModelsIntro.com Introducing top female fashion models from around the world. Home Style Commercial Editorial Runway Glamour Fitness Cosplay Nudity Art / Tattoos Fitting Featured ByName A | B | C | D E | F | G | H I | J | K | L M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T U | V | W | X Y | Z TopModels Profession Photographers(Coming Soon) Modeling Agencies(Coming Soon) Contact Us DMCA Join Login 886 Rachel Cook 26th Photo 4050 Posted on 2021-01-19 26th Photo of Rachel Cook the album, fashion model and pretty woman. If you like Rachel Cook 26th Photo, click on heart icon or share this picture with others. Also see more pictures - photo shoots of Rachel Cook as follows... Previous Photo Next Photo See More Picture Of: Rachel Cook Search for: Rachel Cook On Google Play Model Styles Glamour Commercial Fitting Also In Same Style Jessica Vaugn 9.2 Bregje Heinen 9.2 Erin Michelle Cummins 9.5 Jessica Vaugn 9.2 Model Details Last Photo Copyright © 2022 ModelsIntro.com | negative |
Thermal Science - scientific journal [paper: The chemical, radiative, and dilutive effects of CO2 addition on soot formation in jet A-1 kerosene co-flow diffusion flame] THERMAL SCIENCE home about founder & publisher editorial boards advisory board for authors call for papers archive online first editorial policy subscription participation fee advertising news links contacts THERMAL SCIENCE International Scientific Journal Thermal Science - Online First Authors of this Paper Yu Yang Qing Li Jiajian Zhu Bo Zhou External Links this paper on Google Scholar Microsoft Academic Search Yu Yang , Qing Li , Jiajian Zhu , Bo Zhou online first only The chemical, radiative, and dilutive effects of CO2 addition on soot formation in jet A-1 kerosene co-flow diffusion flame ABSTRACT With the development of aviation industry, it is urgently to investigate the soot formation properties of aviation kerosene to better control the soot emissions. The dilutive, chemical and radiative effects of CO2on the soot inception, condensation and HACA growth processes in laminar co-flow Jet-A1 kerosene diffusion flames were numerically investigated by employing detailed chemical mechanisms and soot sectional models. The results showed that the addition of CO2dramatically decreased the maximum temperature (by 92 K)and soot volume fraction (by 41.0%). The dilutive effect of CO2 contributed the most to the decrease of temperature and soot volume fraction. It also was the main factor in the decrease of soot inception, condensation and HACA growth processes. The chemical effect of CO2had little impact on the decomposition of fuels into light hydrocarbons, but obviously limited the growth of light hydrocarbons to A1. The radiative effect of CO2decreased the maximum temperature and soot volume fraction by 13 K and 5.2% (from 1.92 to 1.82 ppm). It had little impact on the soot inception, condensation and HACA growth rates. KEYWORDS JetA-1 kerosene diffusion flame, CO2addition, chemical effect, radiative effect, soot inception PAPER SUBMITTED: 2022-06-04 PAPER REVISED: 2022-08-02 PAPER ACCEPTED: 2022-08-11 PUBLISHED ONLINE: 2022-09-10 DOI REFERENCE: https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI220604136Y REFERENCES Zhao T, Fang J,Huang Z. The evolution of soot morphology for the maturation of nascent particle in a turbulent lifted jet flame. Thermal Science, 2022(00): p. 57-57. Wang Y,Chung SH. Soot formation in laminar counterflow flames. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2019. 74: p. 152-238. Feng R, Huang Y, Zhu J, Wang Z, Sun M, Wang H,Cai Z. Ignition and combustion enhancement in a cavity-based supersonic combustor by a multi-channel gliding arc plasma. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021. 120: p. 110248. Feng R, Zhu J, Wang Z, Zhang F, Ban Y, Zhao G, Tian Y, Wang C, Wang H, Cai Z. Suppression of combustion mode transitions in a hydrogen-fueled scramjet combustor by a multi-channel gliding arc plasma. Combustion and Flame, 2022. 237: p. 111843. Ju H, Bian F,Wei M. Modeling of soot particle collision and growth paths in gas-solid two-phase flow. Thermal Science, 2021. 25(5 Part B): p. 3741-3752. Jerez A, Consalvi J-L, Fuentes A, Liu F,Demarco R. Soot production modeling in a laminar coflow ethylene diffusion flame at different Oxygen Indices using a PAH-based sectional model. Fuel, 2018. 231: p. 404-416. Sun M, Gan Z,Yang Y. Numerical and experimental investigation of soot precursor and primary particle size of aviation fuel (RP-3) and n-dodecane in laminar flame. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2021. 94: p. 49-62. Saffaripour M, Veshkini A, Kholghy M,Thomson MJ. Experimental investigation and detailed modeling of soot aggregate formation and size distribution in laminar coflow diffusion flames of Jet A-1, a synthetic kerosene, and n-decane. Combustion and Flame, 2014. 161(3): p. 848-863. Sun M, Gan Z, Yang Y. A Comparison Study of Soot Precursor and Aggregate Property Between Algae-Based Aviation Biofuel and Aviation Kerosene RP-3 in Laminar Flame. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2021. 143(11). Abdalla AO, Liu D, Zhang L, Zhao X, Ying Y, Jiang B,He X. Soot formation and evolution in RP-3 kerosene inverse diffusion flames: Effects of flow rates and dimethyl carbonate additions. Fuel, 2020. 273: p. 117732. Sui R, Mantzaras J, Liu Z,Law CK. Kinetic modeling of total oxidation of propane over rhodium. Combustion and Flame, 2021: p. 111847. Choubey G, Yuvarajan D, Huang W, Yan L, Babazadeh H,Pandey K. Hydrogen fuel in scramjet engines-A brief review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020. 45(33): p. 16799-16815. Zheng S, Liu H, Li Q, Zhu J, Sun M, Zhou B, Sui R,Lu Q. Effects of radiation reabsorption on the laminar flame speed and NO emission during aviation kerosene combustion at elevated pressures. Fuel, 2022. 324: p. 124545. Pellett G, Bruno C,Chinitz W. Review of air vitiation effects on scramjet ignition and flameholding combustion processes. in 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit. 2002. Liang J-H, Wang S, Zhang S-T, Yue L-J, Fan B-C, Zhang X-Y,Cui J-P. The vitiation effects of water vapor and carbon dioxide on the autoignition characteristics of kerosene. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2014. 30(4): p. 485-494. Wang Y, Song W, Fu Q, Shi D,Wang Y. Experimental study of vitiation effects on hydrogen/kerosene fueled supersonic combustor. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017. 60: p. 108-114. Li J, Song W, Luo F, Chen L. Numerical investigation of H2O and CO2 vitiation effects on kerosene-fueled supersonic combustion. Journal of Propulsion Technology, 2013. 34: p. 563-571. Samanta A, Ganguly R, Datta A. Effect of CO2 dilution on flame structure and soot and NO formations in CH4-air nonpremixed flames. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2010. 132(12). Guo H, Smallwood GJ. A numerical study on the influence of CO2 addition on soot formation in an ethylene/air diffusion flame. Combustion Science and Technology, 2008. 180(10-11): p. 1695-1708. Liu F, Guo H, Smallwood GJ. The chemical effect of CO2 replacement of N2 in air on the burning velocity of CH4 and H2 premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 2003. 133(4): p. 495-497. Zheng S, Yang Y, Sui R,Lu Q. Effects of C2H2 and C2H4 radiation on soot formation in ethylene/air diffusion flames. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021. 183: p. 116194. Zheng S, Liu H, Li D, Liu Z, Zhou B,Lu Q. Effects of radiation reabsorption on the laminar burning velocity of methane/air and methane/hydrogen/air flames at elevated pressures. Fuel, 2022. 311: p. 122586. Liu F, Consalvi J-L,Fuentes A. Effects of water vapor addition to the air stream on soot formation and flame properties in a laminar coflow ethylene/air diffusion flame. Combustion and Flame, 2014. 161(7): p. 1724-1734. Rivière P,Soufiani A. Updated band model parameters for H2O, CO2, CH4 and CO radiation at high temperature. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012. 55(13-14): p. 3349-3358. Eaves NA, Zhang Q, Liu F, Guo H, Dworkin SB,Thomson MJ. CoFlame: A refined and validated numerical algorithm for modeling sooting laminar coflow diffusion flames. Computer Physics Communications, 2016. 207: p. 464-477. Wei M, Li S, Liu J,Guo G. Effects of ethanol addition on soot particles dynamic evolution in ethylene/air laminar premixed flame. Thermal Science, 2018. 22(3): p. 1339-1350. Liu F, Guo H,Smallwood GJ. Effects of radiation model on the modeling of a laminar coflow methane/air diffusion flame. Combustion and Flame, 2004. 138(1-2): p. 136-154. Thurgood C, Pollard A,Becker H. The TN quadrature set for the discrete ordinates method. 1995. Zhang C, Chen L, Ding S, Xu H, Li G, Consalvi J-L, Liu F. Effects of soot inception and condensation PAH species and fuel preheating on soot formation modeling in laminar coflow CH4/air diffusion flames doped with n-heptane/toluene mixtures. Fuel, 2019. 253: p. 1371-1377. PDF VERSION [DOWNLOAD] The chemical, radiative, and dilutive effects of CO2 addition on soot formation in jet A-1 kerosene co-flow diffusion flame Copyright © 2022 thermal science | by perfectlounge.com | negative |
Alabama and twelve other states on Wednesday filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the three-drug combination being used by Oklahoma to execute inmates.
Lethal injection executions in Alabama and a number of other states have been put on hold pending the outcome of an Oklahoma case before the Supreme Court.
"These killers have raped and murdered children and stabbed prison guards to death. It is outrageous for them to argue that lethal injection has too high a risk of pain to be a constitutional method of execution. It is better than they deserve," Alabama Attorney General Strange, whose office joined in the brief, stated in a press release.
The amicus - or friend of the court - brief was filed in the Oklahoma case of Glossip v Gross. The Supreme Court will hear arguments in that case April 29 and is expected to rule in June.
The states' brief calls on the Supreme Court "to close the litigation floodgates" that "have ground executions to a halt in many states" by affirming "the constitutionality of Oklahoma's three-drug protocol."
Alabama and the other twelve states argue that the three-drug lethal injection protocol used by Oklahoma complies with the U.S. Constitution's Eighth Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, the press release states. It explains that states have adopted the protocol because of their inability to acquire other drugs and that Florida has used the protocol for 11 executions that were humane and successful.
Alabama and the other states state in the brief that offenders have repeatedly used court challenges of certain lethal injection drugs as ways to delay or avoid lawful executions, according to the press release. "There is no execution method or drug protocol that the states can adopt to stanch the flood of litigation, unless this Court strictly requires plaintiffs to identify a readily available alternative to the state's method of execution,"
The states joining Alabama in the amicus brief are Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming. | positive |
Building a digital transformation culture - INTELLIWORX Australia skip to Main Content Menu Services Microsoft Microsoft Consulting Microsoft 365 Windows 365 Teams Azure Azure Migration Services Consulting Consulting Services IT Projects Digital Transformation Citrix Services Cloud Cloud Services Cloud Migrations Cloud Governance Microsoft Cloud Security Security Services Security Operations Centre ASD essential 8 as a service Managed Detection and Response Disaster Recovery Services Service Desk IT Support Services Remote IT Support IT Support Costs Office 365 Support Managed Services Managed IT Infrastructure Endpoints Data Backup Insights Case Studies About About INTELLIWORX Our Team Industries Careers Contact us Search Search Submit Building a digital transformation culture 07/06/2021 Managed IT Services The advent of the internet has paved the way for Industry 4.0 – the invention of a new phase of digital technologies in the current age. Technologies such as big data, machine learning, automation, and artificial intelligence have shaped the way we live, work and play. Businesses are evolving to the point where they seem to be increasingly focused on improving customer engagement and understanding customers’ behaviour with the help of hard data. This stage in digital transformation is powered by data that businesses depend on, for the improvement of their customer engagements as well as a better understanding of their customer’s buying patterns. However, an organisational culture imbalance can hinder this evolution. In a 2019 study by BCG, the singular act of focusing on culture made a company 5x more likely to achieve a digital transformation breakthrough. Many companies are reluctant to implement the right digital culture, either because of existing cultural biases that are hard to break out of or because of a lack of resources that encourage employees to be more change-positive. What is digital culture? According to GDS, digital culture refers to a concept that defines how technology and the internet shapes human interactions. It covers our thinking, behaviour, and routine communications within society, and is built out of a combination of persisting persuasive technology and disruptive technological innovation. How to foster a good digital culture There are several ways to foster a healthy digital culture that allows organisations to seamlessly integrate digital change into their existing processes. Fostering a high level of collaboration among employees is one way to achieve this. High-level collaboration allows for transparency and open exchange across business units which prevents teams from adopting a communication-hampering silo mindset. Promoting strong collaboration among employees can significantly improve workflow productivity when introducing new digital functions within organisations. Investing in employees’ personal development is another way to foster a positive digital culture. Organisations can invest in employee’s personal development by providing dedicated spaces that promote upskilling and digital education – such as online learning portals or digital courses. With these provisions made, employees are better equipped to adapt to new organisational digital functions. As innovation promotes problem-solving and creativity within organisations, it represents yet another means for encouraging the development of a positive digital culture. Within a culture that encourages innovation, employees are encouraged to engage in risk-taking and disruptive thinking that could lead to new, daring ideas that define the organisation’s attitude to change. Finally, creating digital KPIs within a framework that rewards employees for positive digital behavior can be a game-changer for organisations undergoing a digital transformation, especially where conventional KPIs have limited usefulness. Digital KPIs can be used to effectively measure collaboration between business units, team engagement within the wide ecosystem, as well as promotional activity among teams. These new KPIs may help instill the right values in team members, creating a balanced digital culture. While technology promises significant benefits for organisations, its true potential cannot be realised outside the realms of a strong digital culture. Ideally, companies seeking digital transformation success should implement internal practices that combine a learning and growth culture with digital technologies. With a balanced digital culture and the introduction of new and powerful technology, interconnectivity will accelerate in the next industrial revolution. IT infrastructureIT servicesIT supportManaged IT servicesMicrosoft Office 365 Share This Tweet Share Share Email Related Posts SaaS ERP – internal or outsourced support? Implementing the right ERP system for your business takes a great deal of consideration. After… Managing scope creep in your business IT projects Upgrading or expanding your IT infrastructure is no simple task. Cloud computing, software upgrades, or… Information governance best practices Many organisations realise that information is their most valuable asset. However, many enterprises fail to… Shane Maher We passionately work on the IT Infrastructure of mid-tier businesses and support MSPs into cloud services. I have over 17 years of commercial experience that includes supporting and managing IT systems, developing infrastructure solutions, both onsite & in the cloud. Instagram This Post Has 2 Comments Luke says: 04/09/2021 at 3:40 am We plan to invest more in training our employees. If the current economic shift has taught us something is the constant need to be connected to the latest technologies. Reply Scott says: 05/10/2021 at 11:59 pm When you’re always challenging the status quo and experimenting with all the digital technologies available for your business you are bound to grow. As an example, for us things changed quite drastically when we switched to the cloud; less time wasted making sure everything is backed up, everything is in one place, everyone has access to everything so more going to see if ‘Dan has those files’ etc. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Comment * Recent Posts How to reduce your cyber insurance premium The ultimate guide to shared responsibility in the cloud 2022 SaaS ERP – internal or outsourced support? Secure, robust and faster workplace Why ERP security is important Categories Case Studies Cloud Computing Cybersecurity Disaster recovery Healthcare Infrastructure as an Service Managed Cloud Services Managed IT Services Microsoft Tools of The Trade Uncategorized previous post: Cybersecurity: Key Predictions for After the Pandemic next post: 5 reasons to outsource end user managed services United Kingdom Australia United States New Zealand LinkedIn Suite 305 1 Burbank Place Sydney, NSW 2153, Australia 1300 734 967 (02) 8188 1430 IT Consulting Services Business IT Support Sydney Sydney Managed IT Services Microsoft Consulting Services Microsoft Office 365 About us Careers Copyright 2022 by INTELLIWORX. 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She is a role model for her peers, compliant and never complaining. For two months Yamila has often been absent with stomachaches. After an extensive workup, Ya Read More Subscribe Register for free content × Register For Free Articles Register to receive free email newsletters with concise, practical advice for busy clinicians. You will also have access to select article content on the website and you will receive notifications of new books and special discount offers. 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2010 Use of Antipsychotics in Children and Adolescents (December) Learning and Developmental Disabilities (October) Major Depression (September) Treating Children and Families (July) The Explosive Child (May) 2019 Dual Diagnosis in Addiction Medicine (May/June) Medical Issues in Addiction Practice (November/December) Alcohol Addiction (September/October) Legal Issues in Addiction Medicine (July/August) Traumatic Brain Injury and Addiction (March/April) Board Certification in Addiction Medicine (January/February) 2018 Opioid Addiction (November/December) Addiction in Older Adults (October) Sleep Disorders and Addiction (September) Adolescent Addiction (July/August) Pain and Addiction (May/June) Cannabis and Addiction (March/April) Stigma and Addiction (January/February) 2017 Pregnancy and Addiction (November/December) Detox (Sepember/October) Dual Diagnosis (August) Alternatives to 12-Step Programs (June/July) Recovery (May) Psychiatric Uses of Street Drugs (March/April) Sex Addiction (January/February) 2016 Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) (November/December) Addiction in Health Care Professionals (September/October) Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Addiction (August) Motivational Interviewing (June/July) Benzodiazepines (May) Opioid Addiction (March/April) Families and Substance Abuse (January/February) 2015 The Twelve Steps (November/December) Designer Drugs (September/October) Residential Treatment Programs Decoded (July/August) Nicotine and E-Cigarettes (June) Drug Screening (April/May) Integrating Therapy and Medications for Alcoholism (March) Detoxification Protocols (January/February) 2014 Behavioral Addictions (December) Risk and Reimbursement (November) Stimulant Abuse (September/October) Self-Help Programs (June) Opioid Addiction (May) Coping with Bad Outcomes (March) Change Management in Addiction Treatment (January/February) 2013 Cocaine Addiction (December) Relapse Prevention (November) Cannabis Addiction (August/September) Addiction in DSM-5 (June/July) Editor-in-Chief Joshua D. Feder, MD Dr. Joshua Feder studied mathematics and medicine at Boston University, Psychiatry at Naval Regional Medical Center San Diego, serving the first gulf war in child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, and eventually becoming Chief of Child Psychiatry at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. Dr. Feder now practices in Solana Beach, California and serves as Medical Director at Positive Development, providing relationship-based support for families, with research at UCSD, SDSU, Fielding Graduate University, An Najah National University, Quicksilver Software, Autism Is inclusion program, and Programmatic Lead for the International Networking Group on Peace Building with Young Children, with projects in the US, Northern Ireland, and the Middle East. Dr. Feder co-authored the first American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Practice Parameter on Autism and serves on the Disaster & Trauma Committee and the Resource Group on Youth at the Border. Dr Feder was founding policy chair for the California Association for Infant Mental Health, and advocates worldwide on access to care, climate policy, and peacebuilding. His recent books include Child Medication Fact Book for Psychiatric Practice (2018) and Prescribing Psychotropics (2021). Full Editorial Information About About Us CME Center FAQ Contact Us Shop Online Subscriptions Books Online Courses Newsletters The Carlat Psychiatry Report The Carlat Addiction Treatment Report The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report The Carlat Hospital Psychiatry Report Contact info@thecarlatreport.com 866-348-9279 PO Box 626, Newburyport MA 01950 Follow Us © 2022 Carlat Publishing, LLC and Affiliates, All Rights Reserved. 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Neurotree - Arpiar Bruce Saunders Family Tree Log In Sign Up Log in to add people & connections, or click here to create an account. Save login - Forgot password Already have an account? Log in here. Login ID: Password: Re-enter: Email: (Don't worry, your e-mail will not be distributed or made public. Its only purpose is for us to contact you about your account.) Close Login Sign Up ☰ Neurotree Tree Recent Additions Distance Analysis Help Donate Sign In/Register Kenneth I. Greisen Cornell (Physics Tree) Jerome Pine Caltech Steven E. Schwarz UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) David B. Rutledge Caltech Watt W. Webb Cornell (Chemistry Tree) Alan Gelperin Monell Chemical Senses Center John J. Hopfield Princeton David W. Tank Princeton Andrew Fielding Huxley UCL Kenneth S. Cole UCSD (Chemistry Tree) Clay M. Armstrong Penn Wade G. Regehr Harvard Howard C. Berg Harvard (Chemistry Tree) Steven M. Block Stanford Jerome R. Vinograd Caltech (Chemistry Tree) Kaj Linderstrøm-Lang Carlsberg Laboratory (ID Tree) Norman F. Ramsey Harvard (Physics Tree) Howard C. Berg Harvard (Chemistry Tree) Watt W. Webb Cornell (Chemistry Tree) Alan Gelperin Monell Chemical Senses Center John J. Hopfield Princeton David W. Tank Princeton Watt W. Webb Cornell (Chemistry Tree) Winfried Denk University of Heidelberg Karel Svoboda Janelia Farm Bernardo L. Sabatini Harvard Medical School ? Cornelia I. Bergmann UCSF (Cell Biology Tree) Steven McCarroll Harvard Medical School Arpiar Bruce Saunders Harvard Medical School (Options) Arpiar SaundersX Distance Show Fewer Parents Show More Parents Show Fewer Children Show More Children Report error Link to this page http://neurotree.org/neurotree/tree.php?pid=57104&pnodecount=4&cnodecount=2&fontsize=1 Adding trainee for Arpiar Saunders Type a name and select match from the drop-down list. If no match exists, you will be prompted to add a new person to the tree. Name: School: Department: Relationship: research assistant grad student post-doc research scientist Comments: Cancel Save Adding mentor for Arpiar Saunders Type a name and select match from the drop-down list. If no match exists, you will be prompted to add a new person to the tree. Name: School: Department: Relationship: research assistant grad student post-doc research scientist Comments: Cancel Save Link to this page - Is someone missing from the tree? Register/sign in to make changes. Question? Ideas? Want to start a new tree? Contact admin at neurotree dot org - Report bug/error ©2005-2022 The Academic Family Tree - Data licensed for re-use with attribution to this site (CC-BY 3.0). | negative |
When hungry insects decide to travel to new areas, they can devastate crops and trees and upset native ecosystems. And we humans often inadvertently provide transportation for these hungry pests.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), invasive pests are a growing problem, costing the United States billions of dollars in losses. Invasive pests are insects or other organisms that have moved beyond their natural habitat into a new environment where they have no natural enemies to keep them in check. If they’re allowed to establish themselves, they can become a threat to native plant and animal species, water systems, and human health.
How Invasive Pests Spread
They’re small, quiet, and crafty enough to travel undetected by
hitching a ride on our vehicles, clothing, and outdoor gear;
hiding on plants or animals as we transport them from one environment to another;
coming in on commercial shipments of food, plants, or just about anything else.
How To Help Prevent Invasive Pests from Spreading
After camping or hiking, wash your outdoor gear carefully. That includes RVs, dirt bikes, lawn furniture, and tents. Insects (or their eggs) may even be hiding out on your tires and wheel wells. Remove seeds and other plant parts, too.
Don’t transport fruits, vegetables, or plants out of quarantined areas unless they’re properly inspected. Be sure to declare these items when crossing customs.
Invasive pests love to hide in firewood, so don’t move firewood from one place to another. Buy locally whenever possible.
Buy only certified, pest-free nursery whenever possible. Buy plants from a reputable source and avoid using invasive plant species!
According to the USDA, the top invasive pests in the U.S. are:
coconut rhinoceros beetle (damages a number of crops including coconut, date and oil palms)
imported fire ant (damages plants, stings animals and humans)
khapra beetle (destroys grains and seeds)
Mediterranean fruit fly (infests fruit and vegetable crops)
Asian citrus psylllid (once it infects a tree, there’s no cure)
citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing) (ruins fruit and kills trees within a few years)
European grapevine moth (damages grapes)
sudden oak death (infects a variety of trees)
Mexican fruit fly (infests fruit and vegetable crops)
Oriental fruit fly (infests fruit and vegetable crops)
giant African snail (carries a parasite that causes meningitis, consumes 500 types of plants, damages plaster and stucco)
False codling moth (threatens fruits, vegetables, and other crops)
light brown apple moth (damages garden foliage and produce)
European and Asian gypsy moths (defoliates trees)
emerald ash borer (no treatment — trees must be felled)
Asian longhorned beetle (threatens hardwood trees, and there’s no cure)
To learn which invasive pests are a threat in your state, visit the USDA’s hungrypests.com.
Related Reading
16 DOs and DON’Ts for Avoiding Bug Bites
Buzz-Off Bugs! DIY Natural Bug Repellent
Climate Change: Bugs Like it Better Than Frogs
Main Post Photo: tyler olson | iStock | Thinkstock
Infographic and video PSA via the U.S. Department of Agriculture | positive |
How ever did I get here?: Meet Adeyemi Oginni | SoapboxScience SoapboxScience Bringing Science to the People Skip to content Home SoapboxScience Events Previous Years This Year Our Impact Media Coverage Our Publications Our Policy Work Awards Meet the Teams Soapbox Science HQ Meet our Local Organisers Become a Local Organiser Our Blog ← A Rookie’s Guide to Dealing With Academic Rejection: Meet Deborah Aluh The moment you discover “what you do not know”: Meet Aderinsola Airat Adio-Adepoju → How ever did I get here?: Meet Adeyemi Oginni Posted on June 24, 2019 by Isla Watton Dr Oginni Adeyemi, Olaide, (@OginniAdeyemi2) University of Lagos, Nigeria, is taking part in Soapbox Science Lagos on 22nd August 2019 with the talk: “Creativity and Me....using Science as a Tool!!” How ever did I get here? By Adeyemi Oginni I only remember I loved to solve domestic problems, by looking for ways to make my chores easier or fun to deal with!! Architecture, a science and art of buildings, was a career I stumbled upon. I had an Uncle who was an architect, and loved how he used wood for interior furnishings. I remember I never liked straight cut sciences, but I loved drawing in Biology class. The spunk for studying Architecture came when I heard I couldn’t make it through because I was a female!!!. That was all I needed to push me forward! I then decided to study Architecture, which is a form of functional art and is useful in solving societal problems. Now I’m involved various fields such as Climate change and Sustainable Architecture, Pro-poor housing, Urban planning of Cities, Gender and Architecture to mention a few. I only know that I made it through to a doctorate. 11years of straight study non-stop and ended up with the 3rd baby on the way, by the end of my PhD. The fun part for me, is when people see my name with all the appellations and have a surprised look on their faces. *snicker* . I did something really worthwhile, didn’t I! Soap box is a platform where I can ‘kick off my shoes’ and enjoy speaking about a tough experience. Looking from a bird’s eye view, I treasure every step I took. Nothing good really comes that easy. I’d like to encourage young girls, that they can thrive in a male dominated profession and society such as we have in our society Lagos, and in Nigeria. Thank you Soap Box! Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... This entry was posted in 2019 speakers blog. Bookmark the permalink. ← A Rookie’s Guide to Dealing With Academic Rejection: Meet Deborah Aluh The moment you discover “what you do not know”: Meet Aderinsola Airat Adio-Adepoju → Search for: Tags Academic culture Aerospace Art Astrophysics Back to academia Career path Chemistry Confidence Conservation Cultural change Determination Ecology Engineering Family Genetics Geology Lecturer Local organiser marine Maths Medicine mentoring Meteorology Motherhood Neurosciences PhD Physics Post-Doc Professor Psychology Public engagement Reader Role models Science communication Science communication training Science teachers Sexism Soil ecology STEM ambassador Stereotype two-bodies problem under-representation virus Working environment Zoology Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy Meta Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.org SoapboxScience Proudly powered by WordPress. %d bloggers like this: | negative |
The Chinese government is trying to exterminate the animal that may well have inspired the much-loved Pokemon character Pikachu – despite repeated warnings from scientists.
The small, mouse-like “pika” lives in vast networks of burrows across northwest China on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, but has been classified as a pest by officials who believe it has a damaging impact on grasslands.
According to researchers from Arizona State University, local authorities have been trying to destroy pika populations since 1958, when poisoning programmes were first sanctioned.
We’ll tell you what’s true. You can form your own view. From 15p €0.18 $0.18 $0.27 a day, more exclusives, analysis and extras.
By 2006, almost 360,000 square km of land had been treated with zinc phosphate in China’s Qinghai province alone. The government then issued a huge grant for a new phase of poisoning which, as of the end of 2014, was scheduled to have targeted a further 110,000 square km – costing around $35 million (£22.8 million).
Yet aside from its cute appearance and cultural significance, Arizona State’s Maxwell Wilson and Andrew Smith say the small furry animal also provides benefits to the wider ecosystem.
In an article published in the journal Ambio last month, they claim that pikas move into land that is already degraded – rather than causing the degradation themselves.
Tests also showed that the pikas’ burrows improved water infiltration through the land, reducing the chance of surface flooding “particularly during summer monsoonal storms”, Wilson and Smith said.
The burrows provide homes for plateau birds and lizards on a terrain with few protective trees. “When pikas are poisoned, their burrows collapse and these bird species disappear or their populations are greatly reduced,” the report said.
And the poisoning programmes also mean less food for carnivores – which can have “knock-on effects to human populations” – all of which, Wilson and Smith said, makes the pika a “keystone species” for the plateau.
Wilson and Smith are not the first scientists to present evidence against attempts to wipe out burrowing mammals in the region – and the Mongolian government has now listened and stopped poisoning pikas.
So why does China persist with a programme that has killed countless thousands of the animals over seven different decades – with no calculable return?
The plateau is the source of 10 of the biggest rivers flowing into India, Nepal, Thailand, Pakistan, China and elsewhere – providing water to about 20 per cent of the world’s population.
This makes the ecology of the region incredibly important, and when land is degraded the government is put under pressure to do something – anything – even if it isn’t backed by scientists.
In 2006, Smith co-wrote a report with Australian pest control expert Lyn Hinds and US biologist Peter Zahler exploring how officials can ignore such clear evidence provided by conservation scientists.
“Scientists must take the next step of reaching out to policy makers through workshops, conferences, reports, and even community outreach and education to create a well-informed public who will encourage and support changes to public policy,” they wrote. “If we cannot learn to do this, then the value of our work for society will continue to be ignored.”
We’ll tell you what’s true. You can form your own view.
At The Independent, no one tells us what to write. That’s why, in an era of political lies and Brexit bias, more readers are turning to an independent source. Subscribe from just 15p a day for extra exclusives, events and ebooks – all with no ads.
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August 2020 - Catch the Link Northstar Link commuter bus Home About Accessibility Northstar Link Bus Features COVID-19 Resources News Contact Passenger Privacy How to Ride Schedules Route 887 Fares Smart Ride Park & Ride Buy a Pass Primary Menu Skip to content Home About Accessibility Northstar Link Bus Features COVID-19 Resources News Contact How to Ride Schedules Route 887 Fares Park & Ride Buy a Pass Smart Ride Route 887 Monthly Archives: August 2020 New fareboxes and fare payment options coming soon August 26, 2020 Nate Ramacher Northstar Link is preparing for installation of new fareboxes for all buses in its fleet. The modern fareboxes will bring new ways for passengers to pay their fare. Touchless pay options will be available using the new Metro Bus Smart Ride Card and mobile phone application known as the Smart Ride App. Cash fares and Smart Ride Tickets for short-term use will also be available across all services. The current Northstar Link fareboxes are over 20 years old. The new fareboxes, Smart Ride Cards and Smart Ride App will modernize the way Central Minnesotans are able to pay their bus fares. More information is available at https://www.ridemetrobus.com/home/smart-ride/. The farebox transition will take place overnight on a weekend late in 2020. The date is yet to be determined. The date of the transition will be announced in the coming weeks. Service will not be interrupted for the transition. We encourage customers to begin to use up their “old” fare media, including 31-Day Passes and 10-Ride Passes. The current passes will no longer be valid. Change cards will no longer be available or accepted after the transition. Stay tuned to catchthelink.com and follow Northstar Link on Facebook and Twitter for more updates regarding the fare payment changes. Recent Posts Federal public transportation mask mandate ended Northstar Link Holiday Service Schedule Availability of New Northstar Link Fare Media New fareboxes and fare payment options coming soon Service reduction effective Wednesday, March 25 to match Northstar Rail Archives April 2022 November 2021 September 2021 August 2020 March 2020 November 2019 April 2019 November 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 August 2017 March 2017 November 2016 April 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 June 2015 April 2015 November 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 March 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 June 2013 April 2013 Sign Up for Northstar Link Enews *All fields are required. Board smarter with Northstar Link’s new fareboxes Northstar Link resumed charging fares on October 1, 2021. Our new, intuitive farebox helps you board buses faster with a contactless Smart Ride Card or Smart Ride App. LEARN MORE Copyright Copyright © 2015 Northstar Link Commuter Bus. All Rights Reserved. 877.LINK.010 (877-546-5010) Northstar Link Commuter Bus is a service of the Northstar Corridor Development Authority (NCDA), Sherburne County and Stearns County. Rates and schedules subject to change without notice. | negative |
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Part of the DealerSocket portfolio of advanced automotive technology products. Copyright © Quirk Cars Privacy | Sitemap `); } else { $(config.pages[i].selector).append(` `); } $('head').append(``); $('body').append(` `); $('head').append(``); $('body').append(` | negative |
Magic Wand - EatEco - Eating Ecologically Sustainable Diets Skip to content Search Search icon Home Food Myths Environment What To Eat Links Find it trenbolone for sale Menu If I had a magic wand, what would I want to change? Here is a list of changes that could be introduced with a magic wand……. Supermarkets Stop slotting fees and promote healthier options in prime space Give a discount for smaller package sizes Put healthier foods at checkouts Manufacturers Stop marketing directly to children Remove spurious health claims from packaging Use the $40 billion spent on promotion of junk food on healthy alternatives Fast food companies and restaurants Routinely offer healthier items Post calories, salt, saturated fat and transfats levels on menus Give a discount for smaller portion sizes Publicly display the conditions under which the meat and diary supply animals are kept, transported and slaughtered Give consumers information on the amount of environmental damage each food type causes The general community Remove all soft drink and junk food machines from the whole community Make the installation of reasonable numbers of drinking fountains compulsory for all public buildings and shopping centres Governments Put real money into food education promoting foods that are simultaneously good for us and the world. No longer accept political donations from corporate donors Ban political lobbyists. Subsidize only sustainable agriculture. Outlaw factory farming. Make training in environmental science compulsory for all politicians. The stock exchanges and investment community Reward corporations for long term sustainability rather than short term profits for shareholders Some of the above is based on ideas in Marion Nestle’s book “What to Eat”. Puzzles. Have you ever wondered…… What did people do before they had plastic drink bottles to carry around? Did they die of thirst? Could life ever be enjoyed with out soft drinks? What did people eat before fast food? What would people of 40 years ago would think of today’s supersized portions? Would they think that this is utopia? How did people survive before air conditioning? Where did people go on holidays before cheap air travel? Were people in previous generations ever happy since they didn’t have today’s electronic wizardry, cars and electrical appliances? How did motorists protect themselves before the advent of huge SUVs? How were people ever able to cram into the cars or houses of yesteryear? Things to remember There is no strong correlation between material wealth and happiness. Some of the poorest people in the world are among the happiest (Hamilton 03). The best things in life are free. Take time to enjoy the natural world around us. Don’t stuff your ears with your iPod phones, listen to the birds, the wind. Look at the trees and clouds and wonder at the marvel of nature. The only way that mankind is going to survive long term is to move into harmony with the natural world. What this means is that we all have to consume less, much less. Consuming doesn’t bring happiness. Home Magic Wand Contact Us Find it Copyright © 2022 EatEco - Eating Ecologically Sustainable Diets. Search icon Contact Us Environment Find it Food Myths Home Links Magic Wand What to Eat | negative |
March | 2014 | Morning Story and Dilbert —Morning Story and Dilbert Inspiring, Encouraging, Healthy / Why waste the best stories of the World, pour a cup of your favorite beverage and let your worries drift away… Home About Hats for Preemies Laughter is The Best Medicine Archive Monthly Archives: March 2014 Morning Story and Dilbert is on Vacation March 28, 2014 Dilbert, Encouraging, Humor, Inspirational, Poems, Poetry 8 Comments ← Older posts Follow Blog By Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address: Follow Join 9,037 other followers Top Posts & Pages About One Flaw in Women The Rich Family in Church Burned Biscuits Jesus Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee What is My Angels Name The Immigrant Life Just Isn't Using Regular People Recent Post Childhood Memories Bullying and Burke Pregnant Woman In Desperate Need Of Help Grandma’s Inspiring Cup of Coffee in Bed On Easter, two words you can say to Jesus Crossing Guard Thinks No One Is Watching A Lesson about Light I learned this week O Holy Night Owed to Joy A Slice of Life An Ornament for Christmas $86,400 The Dog I Loved Least We Slept Together the Very First Night You’ll Need To Take Him An Old Tree Your Happy Place Beau’s Hot Tub Etiquette Monopoly The Group of Frogs Autumn Memories Shrek Fluffy Growing Apples Words of Affirmation Defining Success Frogs To Be The Strong One Stay Happy Little Blinkers Why Do People Say “Keep Your Fork”? Jeremy’s Egg 20 Heartwarming Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity Live This Day As If It Is Your Last! Appreciation of Hard Work The policemen assumed their prisoner was long gone, but dad knew best Keep Your Dream Making Rounds Evening Dinner with a Father The Wallet An Unexpected Lesson in Life Just Pedal WHICH PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE DO YOU TRUST? Standing Up For What You Believe Mom Taught Me A 90 Year-Old Shares Life Lessons A Helping Hand Six Attitude Stories Beau’s Fulfilling Day The Law of Giving and Receiving Today Shoes in Church Hope Springs From Tragedy The Rescue The Glass of Milk The Joyful Service SHORT N SWEET A Sign of the Times A Son Teaches his Wealthy Father The Snowsuit Archives April 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 March 2016 February 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 Morning Story and Dilbert META Register Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.com Blog Stats 404,279 hits Blog at WordPress.com. Morning Story and Dilbert Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy Follow Following Morning Story and Dilbert Join 9,037 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. Morning Story and Dilbert Customize Follow Following Sign up Log in Report this content View site in Reader Manage subscriptions Collapse this bar Loading Comments... Write a Comment... Email Name Website | negative |
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Various Topics Login / Register close Search for: Search Cart (o) 0 / €0.00 Back Silver Home / Decoration / WallPaper / Silver Showing all 3 results Show sidebar Filters Sort by Popularity Average rating Newness Price: low to high Price: high to low Filter by Brand GRAHAM & BROWN (3) -20% Quick View 106523 SILVER MILAN BRICK GRAHAM & BROWN €36.25 €29.00 Add to cart -20% Quick View 32373 ALPINE GRAHAM & BROWN €36.25 €29.00 Add to cart -20% Quick View 104121 MYRTLE GEO GRAHAM & BROWN €36.25 €29.00 Add to cart CONNECT WITH HADJIYIANNIS SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Instagram YouTube LinkedIn Products Construction Colour Deco Tools Consumables Special Offers View All Products About Us Who we are Why Hadjiyiannis Our Brands Our Projects Login / Register My Account INSPIRATION Colour & Decorating Products & Services Suggestions & Solutions Various Topics INFORMATION Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Payment Methods Shipping Methods Cancellations & Returns Our Store Network Career Opportunities Contact Us About Hadjiyiannis Hadjiyiannis was founded in 1967 and for more than a century it has been doing business in the field of imports, distribution and sales of a great variety of constructing materials and colours, from internationally renowned brands. 34, Arch. Makarios III Ave., Hadjiyiannis Court, 3065 Limassol, Cyprus Phone: +357 25 877430 Email: *protected email* © 2021 Hadjiyiannis. All rights reserved. By PCN Digital. Shop 0 Cart My account Scroll To Top We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Accept | negative |
Dark Resurrection Directed by Angelo Licata Produced by Angelo Licata Starring Giuseppe Licata
Marcella Braga
Maurizio Zuppa Music by Aldo De Scalzi
Pivio Cinematography Angelo Licata Edited by Federico Lagna Production
company Guerre Stellari Net
RCL Sound FX
Lords of Illusion Distributed by Machiavelli Music Publishing Release date 7 June 2007 Running time 61 minutes Country Italy Language Italian
Dark Resurrection is a 2007 Italian Star Wars fanfilm written and directed by Angelo Licata and produced by Davide Bigazzi and Licata. It was followed by a second episode, titled Dark Resurrection vol. 0 in 2011, and a Dark Resurrection vol. 2 is in the make.
Plot [ edit ]
The story begins a few centuries after Return of the Jedi. Jedi Master Organa has foreseen the destruction of the Jedi, and send young Hope and her master, Zui Mar-Lee, to attempt to reach Eron first, before the dark Lord Sorran.
In the prequel vol. 0, Lord Sorran, a dark Jedi, searches for Eron, a mythical source of great power and finds the spaceship Resurrection, belonging to the Second Guardian of Eron. His crew gets killed on the ship, but Lord Sorran escapes with the secret of immortality.
Cast [ edit ]
Marcella Braga as Hope
Riccardo Leto as Leto
Giuseppe Licata as Lord Sorran
Sergio Múñiz as Muniza
Grazia Ogulin as Nemer
Fabrizio Rizzolo as Zorol
Sara Ronco as His
Elisa Werneck as Organa
Giorgia Wurth as Meres
Maurizio Zuppa as Zui Mar Lee
Production [ edit ]
Movie scenes were shot in Italian Riviera in Liguria and further enhanced by special effects.
Reception [ edit ]
The film was acclaimed by critics. In a short time it had an unexpected success, with over 15,000 downloads per day,[1] and was broadcast on television.[2]
Episodes [ edit ]
The first episode was released on 2007, June 7.[3] Its production cost about €7,000.[4]
A second episode, called Dark Resurrection Vol. 0, was released on September 8, 2011 and is currently available on YouTube.[5]
A third episode will be called Dark Resurrection Vol. 2. On the heels of Dark Resurrection Vol. 0 and Vol. 1, Dark Resurrection Vol. 2 is being launched on Fansflock.com, a new USA fanfunding platform. They are seeking help to fanfund the new epic finale. Angelo Licata, Director, has lined up some unique rewards for the film’s contributors, from the lightsaber props used in the movie to meeting the cast, even to producer credits.[6]
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Boss Design | Haworth Europe Skip To Main Content Skip To Footer Online Shop Find a dealer myHaworth Europe, English North America English Europe English Deutsch Français Español Asia Pacific English 中文 日本語 Latin America English Explore Haworth Products Chairs Office chairs Conference chairs Visitor chairs Stools Auditorium View all seating Top Products Nia Bowi Lounge Sofas & armchairs Soft seating Poufs & ottoman View all lounge seating Top Products Openest Feather Riverbend Desks & Tables Office desks Conference tables Meeting tables Coffee tables View all desks & tables Top Products YourPlace Immerse Partitions & Privacy Desk dividers Office partitions Acoustic booths View all partitions & privacy Top Products Drift Openest Plume Storage Office drawers Office cabinets Cupboards & bookshelves View all storage Top Products Be_Hold Metal Pedestals Accessories & Lighting Lighting & lamps Accessories Rugs Acoustics View all accessories & lighting Top Products Active Components Circa Design Your Own Find a dealer Spaces Client Spaces Our Showrooms Virtual Showroom Expertise Organic Workspace CoDesigner Trends & Topics Newsletter Research Resources Online Configurator Image search myHaworth Colours & Materials Spark Company About us Our history Events Brands Designers Contact Find a dealer Search Helpful Links Online Shop Find a dealer myHaworth Location Europe, English North America English Europe English Deutsch Français Español Asia Pacific English 中文 日本語 Latin America English Boss Design Passion for Design & Details Boss Design is a British manufacturer with an intelligent approach to design that is redefining the modern workplace. Whereas we once relied on architectural intervention to dictate the purpose of a space, Boss creates furniture and seating for world where hybrid working are the norm – pieces that seamlessly transition between formal and informal simply through great design. Elegant, refined, long-lasting and with exacting attention to detail, furniture by Boss Design will enhance any space. Design excellence Grounded in the traditional skills of upholstery and joinery, our design process is meticulous and visionary, aiming to answer the needs of our customers today and in the future. Every piece is repeatedly prototyped until every detail has been perfected and we never rush a product to market. Style, function, comfort – every time. Sustainability is central From initial concept right through to the end-of-life plan for a product, we take our responsibility to the environment extremely seriously. Every piece is designed for timeless appeal and built to last using recycled, recyclable and renewable materials wherever possible, and we have rethought our manufacturing process to reduce waste and energy consumption. Future focused We work closely with our customers to understand their current and future requirements, then design furniture that is comfortable and ergonomic to use, beautiful to observe and responsible for the planet. Boss Design invests in the latest manufacturing technology, unleashing the creativity of our designers to reach new heights in quality, materiality, sustainability and elegance. Trusted by the best Boss Design’s flexible specification options mean you can customise the colour and finish of every piece to suit the aesthetic of your brand and the needs of your workspace. It’s for this reason that we are trusted by organisations large and small around the globe including the likes of eBay, British Airways, Volkswagen and PWC. Products focus Mews The new workplace landscape has shifted to habitable spaces with high levels of function and flexibility. But we need more. Spaces that not only work well but make us feel good too. Positive spaces to focus, connect, collaborate and feel inspired. Amelia Amelia – a light and modern take on the classic wingback lounge chair that softens the lines between office, hospitality and home settings, elegantly alighting wherever you choose. Paloma Offices exist to bring people together as part of a shared purpose and culture. They are not merely places of work. They offer the spaces that allow people to realise their potential, develop relationships, learn, share information, have ideas and create new things. The Paloma Collection is a comfortable and beautiful place to work, wait and relax. It wears its ergonomic excellence lightly. The sculpted lines of the seat and back, combined with meticulous stitch detail and generous upholstery, are designed to deliver outstanding comfort levels. Kruze Our Kruze collection epitomises the enduring heritage and craftsmanship associated with British design and manufacture. Uncompromising and versatile, Kruze has acquired cult classic status thanks to its distinctive lines, meticulous design detail and gentle, timeless appeal. Opt for high or low back chairs with 4 leg, skid, sled or star bases, all hand upholstered and finished by our teams of highly skilled craftsmen and women. The collection also includes high stools and a range of tables finished in glass, laminate or veneer available in coffee, meeting and poseur heights. Bodie Inspired by refined comfort and the minimalist aesthetic of Scandinavian Modernism, Bodie has been created to provide practical luxury in a softer space. Ola The monoshell collection which epitomises European design. It combines beauty with a variety of materials, without compromising its ergonomically engineered comfort. This beautifully curved multipurpose chair sits perfectly in a range of workplace Habitats, such as work cafés, formal meeting spaces or breakout areas. Mews The new workplace landscape has shifted to habitable spaces with high levels of function and flexibility. But we need more. Spaces that not only work well but make us feel good too. Positive spaces to focus, connect, collaborate and feel inspired. Amelia Amelia – a light and modern take on the classic wingback lounge chair that softens the lines between office, hospitality and home settings, elegantly alighting wherever you choose. Paloma Offices exist to bring people together as part of a shared purpose and culture. They are not merely places of work. They offer the spaces that allow people to realise their potential, develop relationships, learn, share information, have ideas and create new things. The Paloma Collection is a comfortable and beautiful place to work, wait and relax. It wears its ergonomic excellence lightly. The sculpted lines of the seat and back, combined with meticulous stitch detail and generous upholstery, are designed to deliver outstanding comfort levels. Kruze Our Kruze collection epitomises the enduring heritage and craftsmanship associated with British design and manufacture. Uncompromising and versatile, Kruze has acquired cult classic status thanks to its distinctive lines, meticulous design detail and gentle, timeless appeal. Opt for high or low back chairs with 4 leg, skid, sled or star bases, all hand upholstered and finished by our teams of highly skilled craftsmen and women. The collection also includes high stools and a range of tables finished in glass, laminate or veneer available in coffee, meeting and poseur heights. Bodie Inspired by refined comfort and the minimalist aesthetic of Scandinavian Modernism, Bodie has been created to provide practical luxury in a softer space. Ola The monoshell collection which epitomises European design. It combines beauty with a variety of materials, without compromising its ergonomically engineered comfort. This beautifully curved multipurpose chair sits perfectly in a range of workplace Habitats, such as work cafés, formal meeting spaces or breakout areas. Subscribe Provide your email address to receive updates from Haworth. Thank you for your interest. We'll be in touch soon. Company Information Company Information About Haworth Our History Events Brands Organic Workspace Sustainability Product Information Product Information CAD Library Image Search Fabrics & Finishes Get in Touch Get in Touch Contact Us Our showrooms Find a dealer Portals Portals myHaworth Library Haworth Headquarters Haworth Headquarters One Haworth Center Holland, MI 49423-9576 United States of America Email: [email protected] Subscribe Provide your email address to receive updates from Haworth. Thank you for your interest. We'll be in touch soon. © Copyright Haworth Inc. Sitemap Legal & Privacy 沪ICP备16002922号 Pinterest Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn | negative |
CPHandAniImage CosPlay 0.7.2 CosPlay org.cosplay CPAnimation CPAnimation CPAnimationContext CPAnimationKeyFrame CPAnimationSprite CPArray2D CPArray2D CPArrayImage CPArrayImage CPAsciiTable CPAsciiTable CPAsset CPBaseContext CPCache CPCamera CPCanvas CPCanvas ArtLineStyle CPCanvasSprite CPColor CPColor CPCurve CPDim CPDim CPEngine BufferedLog BufferedLogEntry CPException CPFIGLetFont FIGLet CPFIGLetFont CPFont CPGameInfo CPGameObject CPImage CPImage CPImageSprite CPImageSprite CPInput CPInputContext CPInsets CPInsets CPInt2 CPInt2 CPInt4 CPInt4 CPKeyboardEvent CPKeyboardKey CPKeyboardKey CPLabelSprite CPLifecycle State CPLifecycle CPLog CPLogLevel CPMarkup CPMarkupElement CPOffScreenSprite CPOffScreenSprite CPParticle CPParticleEmitter CPParticleSprite CPPixel CPPixel CPPosPixel CPRand CPRect CPRect CPRenderStats CPRenderStatsListener CPScene CPSceneObject CPSceneObjectContext CPScreen CPShader CPSound CPSound CPStaticImageSprite CPStyledString CPStyledString CPSystemFont CPTerminal CPTextInputSprite CPTileMapper CPVideo CPVideo CPVideoSprite CPVideoSpriteListener CPZPixel CPZPixelPane CPZPixelPane org.cosplay.prefabs.images CPAardvarkImage CPAlienImage CPAlienPlanetImage CPAmigaImage CPArrowImage CPAstronaut1Image CPAstronaut2Image CPAtari2080STImage CPBananaImage CPBatImage CPBearImage CPBedImage CPBeetleImage CPBrickNImage CPBrickWImage CPCactusImage CPCalculatorImage CPCapsuleImage CPCarImage CPCastleImage CPCloudImage CPCrownImage CPCubesImage CPDogImage CPDolphinImage CPFlamingoImage CPGameBoyImage CPGingerbreadImage CPGlobeImage CPGrimReaperImage CPHelicopterImage CPIceCreamImage CPKnifeImage CPLanderImage CPMoon1Image CPMoon2Image CPMotorcycleImage CPMouseImage CPOceanLinerImage CPPlaneImage CPRocket1Image CPRocket2Image CPSatellite1Image CPSatellite2Image CPSatellite3Image CPSaturnImage CPShieldImage CPSkullImage CPSpaceShipImage CPSunGlassesImage CPSwordImage CPTelescopeImage CPTntImage CPTornadoImage CPTruckImage CPUmbrellaImage main previewAardvarkImage previewAlienImage previewAlienPlanetImage previewAmigaImage previewAstronaut1Image previewAstronaut2Image previewAtari2080STImage previewBearImage previewBeetleImage previewBrickWImage previewCactusImage previewCapsuleImage previewCastleImage previewCloudImage previewDogImage previewGlobeImage previewGuitarImage previewHelicopterImage previewKnifeImage previewLanderImage previewMoon2Image previewMotorcycleImage previewOceanLinerImage previewPlaneImage previewRocket1Image previewRocket2Image previewSatellite1Image previewSatellite2Image previewSatellite3Image previewSaturnImage previewShieldImage previewSkullImage previewSpeckImage previewTelescopeImage previewTornadoImage previewTruckImage reviewArrowImage reviewBananaImage reviewBatImage reviewBedImage reviewCalculatorImage reviewCarImage reviewCrownImage reviewCubesImage reviewDolphinImage reviewFlamingoImage reviewGameBoyImage reviewGingerbreadImage reviewGrimReaperImage reviewIceCreamImage reviewMoonImage reviewMouseImage reviewSpaceShipImage reviewSunGlassesImage reviewSwordImage reviewTntImage reviewUmbrellaImage org.cosplay.prefabs.images.ani CPBikingAniImage CPBirdAniImage CPCubeAniImage CPCurveAniImage CPDancerAniImage CPHandAniImage CPMacarena1AniImage CPMacarena2AniImage CPMacarena3AniImage CPMacarena4AniImage CPMacarena5AniImage CPPointManAniImage CPRunnerAniImage CPSomersaultAniImage CPSpinningGlobeAniImage previewBikingAniImage previewBirdAniImage previewCubeAniImage previewCurveAniImage previewDancerAniImage previewHandAniImage previewMacarena1AniImage previewMacarena2AniImage previewMacarena3AniImage previewMacarena4AniImage previewMacarena5AniImage previewPointManAniImage previewRunnerAniImage previewSomersaultAniImage previewSpinningGlobeAniImage org.cosplay.prefabs.images.circles CPCircle1aImage CPCircle1bImage CPCircle1cImage CPCircle2aImage CPCircle2bImage CPCircle3Image CPCircle4Image CPCircle5Image CPCircle6Image CPCircle9Image previewCircle1aImage previewCircle1bImage previewCircle1cImage previewCircle2aImage previewCircle2bImage previewCircle3Image previewCircle4Image previewCircle5Image previewCircle6Image previewCircle9Image org.cosplay.prefabs.particles.confetti CPConfettiEmitter CPConfettiParticle org.cosplay.prefabs.scenes CPFadeShimmerLogoScene CPSlideShimmerLogoScene org.cosplay.prefabs.shaders CPBorderShader CPFadeInShader CPFadeOutShader CPFlashlightShader CPRandomFadeInShader CPShimmerShader PixelXYZ CPSlideDirection CPSlideDirection CPSlideInShader CPSlideInShader CPSlideOutShader CPSlideOutShader CPSparkleShader Sparkle CPStarStreak CPStarStreakShader Star org.cosplay.prefabs.sprites CPBubbleSprite CPCenteredImageSprite org.cosplay.prefabs.videos CPMoonVideo previewMoonVideo CosPlay/org.cosplay.prefabs.images.ani/CPHandAniImage CPHandAniImage object CPHandAniImage extends CPArrayImage https://llizardakaejm.wordpress.com/2015/11/03/various-other-things-p3/ Source: CPHandAniImage.scala Graph Supertypes Self type class CPArrayImage class CPImage trait CPAsset class CPGameObject class Object trait Matchable class Any CPHandAniImage.type Value members Value members Inherited methods def antialias(isBlank: CPPixel => Boolean): CPImage Antialiases solid ASCII art image returning new image. Works only for solid ASCII art. Algorithm is loosely based on https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/5450/anti-aliasing-ascii-art. Antialiases solid ASCII art image returning new image. Works only for solid ASCII art. Algorithm is loosely based on https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/5450/anti-aliasing-ascii-art. Here's an example of antialiasing a solid ASCII art shape: xx xxx xxx db <xb <xb xxxx xxx xxx dxxb Yxb Yxb xxxxxx xxx xxx dxxxxb Yxb Yxb xxx xxx xxx xxx dxx xxb xxb xxb xxxx xxx xxx xxx Yxxb xxF xxF xxF xxxxxx xxx xxx YxxxxF dxF dxF xxxx xxx xxx ===> YxxF dxF dxF x xx xxx xxx x ; YF dxF dxF ; xx xxx xxx xx xb dxF dxF dx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxb <xF <xF <xx xxxx xxx xxx xx xxxb Yxb Yxb Yx xxxxx xxx xxx x Yxxx> Yx> Yx> V Value parameters: isBlank Function to determine if given pixel is blank for the purpose of antialiasing. See also: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/5450/anti-aliasing-ascii-art Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def copy(rect: CPRect): CPImage Makes a deep snapshot copy of the subregion of the current image. Makes a deep snapshot copy of the subregion of the current image. Value parameters: rect Subregion to copy. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def copy(): CPImage Makes a deep snapshot copy of the current image. Makes a deep snapshot copy of the current image. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean Definition Classes CPGameObject -> Any Inherited from: CPGameObject Source: CPGameObject.scala def exists(f: (CPPixel, Int, Int) => Boolean): Boolean Tests if there is a pixel in this image for which given predicate would return true. Tests if there is a pixel in this image for which given predicate would return true. Value parameters: f Predicate to test. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def foreach(f: CPPixel => Unit): Unit Loops over the pixels in image. Loops over the pixels in image. Value parameters: f Function to call on each pixel. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala override def getDim: CPDim Gets image dimension. Gets image dimension. Definition Classes CPArrayImage -> CPImage Inherited from: CPArrayImage Source: CPArrayImage.scala def getHeight: Int Shortcut to get image height. Shortcut to get image height. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def getId: String Gets unique ID of this game object. Gets unique ID of this game object. Inherited from: CPGameObject Source: CPGameObject.scala override def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): CPPixel Gets pixel at the given XY-coordinate. Gets pixel at the given XY-coordinate. Definition Classes CPArrayImage -> CPImage Inherited from: CPArrayImage Source: CPArrayImage.scala def getRect: CPRect Gets rectangle shape of this image. Gets rectangle shape of this image. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def getTags: Set[String] Gets optional set of organizational tags. Note that by default the set of tags is empty. Gets optional set of organizational tags. Note that by default the set of tags is empty. See also: CPSceneObjectContext.getObjectsForTags Inherited from: CPGameObject Source: CPGameObject.scala def getWidth: Int Shortcut to get image width. Shortcut to get image width. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def h: Int Shortcut to get image height. Shortcut to get image height. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def horFlip(): CPImage Flips this image horizontally returning a new image. Note that this method does only shallow copy and returned image will delegate to this image. Use copy method to get a full deep copy before calling this method to get a full new image. Flips this image horizontally returning a new image. Note that this method does only shallow copy and returned image will delegate to this image. Use copy method to get a full deep copy before calling this method to get a full new image. See also: copy Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def isSameAs(img: CPImage): Boolean Tests whether this and given images have the same dimensions and the same pixels in corresponding locations. Tests whether this and given images have the same dimensions and the same pixels in corresponding locations. Value parameters: img Image to test. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def loop(f: (CPPixel, Int, Int) => Unit): Unit Loops over the pixels in image. Iteration over the pixels in this image will be horizontal first. In other words, given the pixels with the following coordinates: Loops over the pixels in image. Iteration over the pixels in this image will be horizontal first. In other words, given the pixels with the following coordinates: +-----------------+ |(0,0) (1,0) (2,0)| |(0,1) (1,1) (2,1)| |(0,2) (1,2) (2,2)| +-----------------+ this method will iterate in the following order: (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) Value parameters: f Function to call on each pixel. Note that unlike standard foreach function, this function also takes pixel's XY-coordinate. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def loopHor(f: (CPPixel, Int, Int) => Unit): Unit Loops over the pixels in image. Iteration over the pixels in this image will be horizontal first. In other words, given the pixels with the following coordinates: Loops over the pixels in image. Iteration over the pixels in this image will be horizontal first. In other words, given the pixels with the following coordinates: +-----------------+ |(0,0) (1,0) (2,0)| |(0,1) (1,1) (2,1)| |(0,2) (1,2) (2,2)| +-----------------+ this method will iterate in the following order: (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) Value parameters: f Function to call on each pixel. Note that unlike standard foreach function, this function also takes pixel's XY-coordinate. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def loopVert(f: (CPPixel, Int, Int) => Unit): Unit Loops over the pixels in image. Iteration over the pixels in this image will be vertical first. In other words, given the pixels with the following coordinates: Loops over the pixels in image. Iteration over the pixels in this image will be vertical first. In other words, given the pixels with the following coordinates: +-----------------+ |(0,0) (1,0) (2,0)| |(0,1) (1,1) (2,1)| |(0,2) (1,2) (2,2)| +-----------------+ this method will iterate in the following order: (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) Value parameters: f Function to call on each pixel. Note that unlike standard foreach function, this function also takes pixel's XY-coordinate. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def replaceBg(isBgPx: CPPixel => Boolean, replacePx: CPPixel): CPImage Detects all background pixels and replaces them with a given pixel returning new image. Detects all background pixels and replaces them with a given pixel returning new image. A pixel is considered to be a background pixel when: It's satisfies given predicate It's not equal to given replacement pixel There's a path from it to the edge of the image through background pixels only For example, a fully enclosed area of the image containing background pixels will NOT be considered a background as there's no path to the edge of the image without crossing a non-background pixels. Value parameters: isBgPx Predicate determining if given pixel is a background pixel. replacePx Pixel to replace the detected background pixels. See also: trimBg Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def resizeByDim(newDim: CPDim, bgPx: CPPixel): CPImage Crops and centers the image returning a new image instance. Given dimension can be bigger or smaller. Crops and centers the image returning a new image instance. Given dimension can be bigger or smaller. Value parameters: bgPx Background pixel in case of bigger dimension. Default value is CPPixel.XRAY. newDim Dimension to crop by. See also: resizeByInsets Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def resizeByInsets(insets: CPInsets, bgPx: CPPixel): CPImage Crops this image using given insets. Insets can be positive or negative. Crops this image using given insets. Insets can be positive or negative. Value parameters: bgPx Background pixel in case of bigger dimension. Default value is CPPixel.XRAY. insets Insets to crop by. See also: resizeByDim Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def saveRexCsv(file: File, bg: CPColor): Unit Saves this image in REXPaint CSV format. Saves this image in REXPaint CSV format. Value parameters: bg Background color to replace in pixels with no background. file File instance. See also: https://www.gridsagegames.com/rexpaint Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def saveRexCsv(path: String, bg: CPColor): Unit Saves this image in REXPaint CSV format. Saves this image in REXPaint CSV format. Value parameters: bg Background color to replace in pixels with no background. path Local file path. See also: https://www.gridsagegames.com/rexpaint Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def saveRexXp(file: File, bg: CPColor): Unit Saves this image in REXPaint XP format. Note that this is a native format used by REXPaint and images in this format can be loaded by REXPaint for editing. Saves this image in REXPaint XP format. Note that this is a native format used by REXPaint and images in this format can be loaded by REXPaint for editing. Value parameters: bg Background color to set in pixels that have no background defined. file File instance. See also: https://www.gridsagegames.com/rexpaint Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def saveRexXp(path: String, bg: CPColor): Unit Saves this image in REXPaint XP format. Saves this image in REXPaint XP format. Value parameters: bg Background color to replace in pixels with no background. path Local file path. See also: https://www.gridsagegames.com/rexpaint Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def saveTxt(path: String): Unit Saves this image in *.txt format. Note that this format does not retain the color information. Saves this image in *.txt format. Note that this format does not retain the color information. Value parameters: path Local file path. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def saveTxt(file: File): Unit Saves this image in *.txt format. Note that this format does not retain the color information. Saves this image in *.txt format. Note that this format does not retain the color information. Value parameters: file File instance. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def skin(f: (CPPixel, Int, Int) => CPPixel): CPImage Creates shallow copy of this image with given skin function. Note that this method will wrap this image and delegate to it instead of creating a full copy of the image. To make a deep copy use copy method. Creates shallow copy of this image with given skin function. Note that this method will wrap this image and delegate to it instead of creating a full copy of the image. To make a deep copy use copy method. Value parameters: f Skinning function. The function takes an existing pixel, its X and Y coordinate and return a new pixel. See also: copy Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def split(w: Int, h: Int): Seq[CPImage] Splits this image into sequence of [w,h] images. Splits this image into sequence of [w,h] images. Value parameters: h Split height. w Split width. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def stitchBelow(img: CPImage, bgPx: CPPixel): CPImage Attaches given image underneath this image returning a new combined image. Attaches given image underneath this image returning a new combined image. Value parameters: bgPx Background pixel to use when combined image has large width. img Image to attached. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def stitchRight(img: CPImage, bgPx: CPPixel): CPImage Attaches given image to the right of this image returning a new combined image. Attaches given image to the right of this image returning a new combined image. Value parameters: bgPx Background pixel to use when combined image has large height. img Image to attached. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def toArray2D: CPArray2D[CPPixel] Converts this image into 2D array of pixels. Converts this image into 2D array of pixels. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def trim(isBlank: CPPixel => Boolean): CPImage Trims blank rows and columns from this image returning a new, trimmed image. Trims blank rows and columns from this image returning a new, trimmed image. Value parameters: isBlank Function to determine if an individual pixel is blank. Row or column is blank if all of its pixels satisfy this predicate. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def trimBg(isBgPx: CPPixel => Boolean): CPImage A shortcut method that detects background pixels and replaces them with CPPixel.XRAY returning a new image. This effectively makes the background transparent. A shortcut method that detects background pixels and replaces them with CPPixel.XRAY returning a new image. This effectively makes the background transparent. This is equivalent to: replaceBg(isBgPx, CPPixel.XRAY) Value parameters: isBgPx Predicate determining if given pixel is a background pixel. See also: replaceBg Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def trimBg(): CPImage A shortcut method that considers all pixels with ' ' (space) character as background pixels and replaces them with CPPixel.XRAY returning a new image. This effectively makes the background transparent. A shortcut method that considers all pixels with ' ' (space) character as background pixels and replaces them with CPPixel.XRAY returning a new image. This effectively makes the background transparent. This is equivalent to: replaceBg(_.char == ' ', CPPixel.XRAY) See also: replaceBg Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def verFlip(): CPImage Flips this image vertically returning a new image. Note that this method does only shallow copy and returned image will delegate to this image. Use copy method to get a full deep copy before calling this method to get a full new image. Flips this image vertically returning a new image. Note that this method does only shallow copy and returned image will delegate to this image. Use copy method to get a full deep copy before calling this method to get a full new image. See also: copy Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala def w: Int Shortcut to get image width. Shortcut to get image width. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala Inherited fields override val getOrigin: String Gets the origin of this asset. Typically, this should be a URL, file name or class name for in-code assets like array images, animations or system font. Gets the origin of this asset. Typically, this should be a URL, file name or class name for in-code assets like array images, animations or system font. Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala override val toString: String Inherited from: CPImage Source: CPImage.scala Generated by (C) 2021 Rowan Games, Inc. Social links Mode Back to top | negative |
5 Profitable Business Ideas that Can Make you Rich Skip to content Gadgets Menu Toggle Cameras Mobiles Menu Toggle Xiaomi Smartphone LG Motorola Samsung iPhone PC/Laptops Tablets How To Menu Toggle Android BlackBerry iOS Windows Apps Menu Toggle Apps for PC Apple Store Google Play Store Windows Store Wearables Gaming Reviews Tech News Gadgets Menu Toggle Cameras Mobiles Menu Toggle Xiaomi Smartphone LG Motorola Samsung iPhone PC/Laptops Tablets How To Menu Toggle Android BlackBerry iOS Windows Apps Menu Toggle Apps for PC Apple Store Google Play Store Windows Store Wearables Gaming Reviews Tech News Main Menu Gadgets Menu Toggle Cameras Mobiles Menu Toggle Xiaomi Smartphone LG Motorola Samsung iPhone PC/Laptops Tablets How To Menu Toggle Android BlackBerry iOS Windows Apps Menu Toggle Apps for PC Apple Store Google Play Store Windows Store Wearables Gaming Reviews Tech News 5 Profitable Business Ideas that Can Make you Rich Leave a Comment / Top List / By Ammy Are you looking for any business scope? Are you looking to get richer with profitable business ideas? Well, starting a new business to get richer is overwhelming. But starting a new business also involves various challenges and difficulties. But with the right measures and steps, you can excel with flying colors. Usually, a start-up business involves low-budget and considerable profit. However, people look for a business that is profitable and requires less investment. Yes! It is possible to look for a profitable business to get richer in less time. So, how do you approach such businesses? What is required to start a business to get richer? There are many such questions that have to be taken into consideration while starting a new business in the market. Hence, starting a new business is not an easy task to perform. It requires a stable mind to run a successful business in the market. So, learn more to get a better idea of it. 5 Most Profitable Business Ideas That You Can Try Right now There are plenty of options available for starting a profitable business in the market. Here, you will own a business and become richer in less time. Isn’t it incredible? Who doesn’t want to make some money from a new business right? So, here we are giving some amazing profitable business ideas which will make you wealthy with profitable income. Now, let’s look at the below-mentioned points to get a better idea of it: Investment Firm How about starting a new business with an investment firm? Investment firms involve trading opportunities that give profitable earnings. If you start with an investment firm, you can easily invest in various commodities ranging from gold to bitcoin and stocks to bonds. Hospitality The new era has great demand for the hospitality industry. The hospitality business comes with plenty of opportunities and potential growth. To be mentioned, the hospitality business involves restaurants, hotels, and travel leisure. Therefore, customers are looking for better accommodation and eateries with changing times. This is one such business that never fails to perform all around the year. Also, vacation rental services like VRBO, Onefinestay, Airbnb, and others are doing an incredible job in the hospitality industry. Hence, the opportunity and potential in the hospitality industry are huge to earn a remarkable amount. So, visit Rex Originals to know more. Training and Education Service Have you thought about starting a business with an education training service? Since the pandemic has started, the digital world has been focused on online schools, online tuition, and online training. People are making a remarkable profit from online training and educational services. Real Estate The real estate business has an increasing demand in the market. It is a profitable business with high growth potential. The revenue-generating from the real estate industry is quite profitable. Therefore, it is a booming sector that poses great opportunities for both companies and individuals. Healthcare Consultancy The healthcare industry has also seen potential growth in recent times. It is also a good profitable business to start with to get richer. The Healthcare consultancy industry never fails to make a profit all around the year. It helps the customers to get the best healthcare service under the best possible plan. So, people are availing of the healthcare consultancy service to get a better healthcare plan. Conclusion Therefore, these are some of the potential and profitable business ideas that can make you rich in no time. As a result, we have provided you with the complete guide to think and process the business ideas according to your desire and needs. 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Frank Szatkowski, MD | Emergency Medicine | Waukesha, WI | ProHealth Care Skip to Content CORONAVIRUS UPDATES: Initial vaccination appointments are available for anyone 6 months or older. Call 262-928-5566 to schedule. We expect to receive the new bivalent COVID-19 booster vaccine by mid-September. When it arrives, booster shot appointments will be available for those 12 and older. At this time we are scheduling boosters only for children ages 5 to 11. For COVID-19 testing, schedule a virtual (video) urgent care visit to obtain a provider's order for drive-up testing. Read more. Expand Phone Expand Menu Call us Scheduling & Registration: 262-928-3000 Coronavirus Hotline: 262-928-4499 Provider Referral: 262-928-2745 ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital: 262-928-1000 ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital-Mukwonago: 262-363-1901 ProHealth Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital: 262-569-9400 Text Telephone (TTY): 866-327-8877 Translation / Interpreter Services: 262-928-4465 Email us Search site Main Navigation Find a provider Locations Medical services Patients & families Classes & events Schedule now MyChart Looking for a provider? Choose a provider that's right for you or your loved one. View advanced search options View all providers Hospitals Emergency departments Urgent care Cancer centers Clinics Occupational health Pharmacies Rehabilitation services View all locations Looking for a Location? Find the place to receive the care you need. View advanced search options Primary care Urgent care Cancer Heart & vascular Orthopedics Neuroscience View all services Care close to Home Access a full range of health services from ProHealth Care. Advance care planning Baby photos Bereavement & grief support Compliments & complaints Cost of care and estimates Chaplain services Patient referral services Ethics committee Hispanic health resource center Interpreter services Medical records Preregister for care Transportation services Billing & Insurance Learn about our billing process, make payments online or request financial assistance. Event Categories Cancer Health improvement Healthy eating and gardening Pregnancy, baby and parenting Support groups View all events Looking for other events? Discover classes, events, tours and groups that fit your interests. Upcoming Events You are here: Home > Find a provider > Find a provider profile Frank Szatkowski, MD Emergency medicine Jump to section... About me My locations Medical education Certifications About me Gender Male My locations Emergency Medicine Associates of Waukesha at ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital-Mukwonago 240 Maple Ave. Mukwonago, WI 53149 Phone: 262-928-0620 Emergency Medicine Associates of Waukesha at ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital 725 American Ave. Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone: 262-928-2000 Medical education Education Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, IL Residency Christ Hospital and Medical Center, Oak Lawn , IL Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL Certifications Board Certifications Emergency Medicine New Search scroll to top of page Quick Access Links Providers Locations Services Footer About us Careers Newsroom Ways to give Facebook Linked-in YouTube Twitter © 2022 ProHealth Care. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy Nondiscrimination Notice Limited English Proficiency Policy | negative |
bostonfashionblogger | Avant-Garde Avant-Garde The Beauty & Style Diary Menu Skip to content Home About Tag Archives: bostonfashionblogger Too Faced Boss Lady Beauty Agenda Posted on November 12, 2017 by Avant-garde Although I’m not a big fan of winters per se, but I love Holiday season! Who doesn’t 🙂 . Talking about Holidays, this time of year is actually very exciting for all the makeup lovers/junkies! You ask why? Because almost all makeup/beauty brands launch their gift sets and value sets during this season. Usually, I […] Posted in Beauty, Reviews | Tagged Beauty, bostonbeautyblogger, bostonfashionblogger, eotd, fotd, holiday gift set 2017 review, holiday makeup set 2017review, holiday sets 2017, makeup, makeupblog, ootd, too faced boss lady beauty agenda review, too faced lady boss beauty agenda 2017 review and swatches, too faced lip swatch on indian skintone, too faced matte liquified lipstick in sell out swatch, too faced sell out review and swatch | 13 Comments MAC x Nicki Minaj Collection: Swatches Posted on October 6, 2017 by Avant-garde Who doesn’t love to have a perfect shade of nude lipstick in their collection, that compliments their skin tone perfectly! Having said that, few weeks ago, Nicki Minaj launched a Nude lipsticks collection in collaboration with Mac cosmetics! Yes, you read it correct. All Nudes!! 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This brand is all about better ingredients. I purchased this mini lipstick set for 15$ (USD) from Sephora. It was […] Posted in Beauty, Reviews | Tagged avantgarde, bblogger, Beauty, bite beauty amuse bouche lipstick fig swatch, bite beauty amuse bouche lipstick meringue swatch, bite beauty lip swatches on indian skintone, bite beauty lipstick swaches, bite beauty lipsticks on indian skin, bostonbeautyblogger, bostonblogger, bostonfashionblogger, eotd, fig lipstick swatch on indian skin, fotd, indian makeup, meringue lipstick swatch on indian skin, ootd, outfitsandmakeupblog | 14 Comments Maybelline Master Chrome Metallic Highlighter In Molten Gold: Review Posted on June 9, 2017 by Avant-garde Maybelline has always been one of my favorite drugstore brands. Recently, Maybelline has launched a range of new beauty products. I, too, purchased a few products from their new range. So, in next few posts, I’ll be reviewing all these products one by one and will share my opinion with you all. If you’re […] Posted in Beauty, Reviews | Tagged Beauty, best drugstore highlighters 2017, best highlighters for indian skintone, best highlighters under 10 dollars, bostonbeautyblogger, bostonfashionblogger, fotd, highlighter, indian fashion, makeup, maybelline master chrome highlighter review, maybelline master chrome highlighter swatch, maybelline master chrome metallic highlighter in molten gold review, maybellineindia, outfits | 30 Comments Current Trend Report: Denim Posted on April 14, 2017 by Avant-garde Denim is one of the most important clothing item in our wardrobe. Specially, if we talk about jeans, we know that it is a category that has evolved so much in the recent years. Also we’ve seen plenty of trendy jeans styles come and go over the time. If you are someone who like to stay […] Posted in Fashion | Tagged avantgarde, Beauty, boston beauty blog, boston blogger, boston fashion, boston fashion blog, boston lifestyle blog, boston street style, bostonfashionblogger, bostonindianblogger, current trends, denim trend, Fashion, fauxpas, indianfashionblog, makeup, monthly favorites, outfits, petite fashion, punjabi blog, punjabi blogger, springfashion, style | 29 Comments Signature Scent Posted on March 31, 2017 by Avant-garde Scented oils, perfumes and other fragrances have been adorned by people since early civilization. A perfume can be seen as an accessory that completes a look, especially if you’re dressing up. But when it comes to wear a fragrance, some people like to stick to a particular scent. They enjoy one perfume in particular […] Posted in Beauty | Tagged best spring perfumes, bostonbeautyblogger, bostonblog, bostonfashionblogger, fragrance, outfitsandmakeupblog, perfume, spring perfumes for women | 44 Comments Recent Posts tenoverten Nail Polish: Liberty Monthly Empties: (February) Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick Collection (Swatches) ‘Valentine’ By REVLON: NOTW Monthly Empties (of January 2022) Amazon ‘Try on Haul’ MAC ‘Men Love Mystery’ Matte Lipstick: Review & Swatches Almay Healthy Hue Blush: Review & Swatches Pacifica Beauty Haul Sally Hansen Color Therapy ‘Reflection Pool’: NOTW Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address: Follow Search Post Search for: Blog at WordPress.com. Follow Following Avant-Garde Join 467 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. 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Tonight on CNN, Anderson Cooper blasted President Donald Trump over his “lack of interest” in Russia:
"The common thread seems to be a lack of interest in the actual threat." @andersoncooper is #KeepingThemHonest https://t.co/QPIaC45MKw — Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) June 24, 2017
Oh really, Anderson? Where was CNN’s concern regarding President Barack Obama’s lack of interest in Russia? You know, back when they were meddling in our election:
Things not said about the last president in 2012. https://t.co/x6aQA6zQEu — Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) June 24, 2017
And remember this?
POTUS on Romney: "A few months ago, when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia." — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 23, 2012
Anyway, it appears President Donald Trump might have been watching CNN as he tweeted this out:
Pretty certain someone is watching CNN again and it's the president of the United States — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) June 24, 2017
Just out: The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 24, 2017
Here’s the Washington Post story he’s talking about:
This piece goes into extraordinary detail about the answer to this question: https://t.co/gsQS7TTRXV https://t.co/N8tvWr7jni — Dan Petty (@danielpetty) June 24, 2017
What’s great is that this tweet is getting even liberals to admit Obama did nothing. Here’s Dem Congressman Ted Lieu, for example:
Dear @realDonaldTrump: The fact that the Obama Administration had a weak response to Russian interference does not mean you should repeat it https://t.co/JGBl66KoqQ — Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) June 24, 2017
Also, a number of journos are saying that Trump admitted in this tweet that Russia meddled in the election. Except, Trump is probably just quoting what he saw on CNN as evidence by the tweet starting with “Just out”:
A first? Trump appears to acknowledge "election meddling by Russia" in this tweet criticizing Obama https://t.co/B77Wj0LPgH — Jesse Byrnes (@jessebyrnes) June 24, 2017
But you said it was all a "total hoax"!!!! https://t.co/ToTNcy8pEx — Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) June 24, 2017
In this tweet, the President acknowledges that there was election interference by Russia in 2016 https://t.co/jY21FsbJ9N — Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) June 24, 2017
It's pathetic that this is the way he finally admits Russia interfered in the election. Dude. You got classified briefings on it. https://t.co/jCnW2h3yG6 — Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) June 24, 2017
Sheesh. Have these people never read a Trump tweet before?
*** | positive |
The Walking Dead has made a huge name for itself over the past year. With a Hit TV show, the most popular modern comic series around and an award winning game, who hasn’t heard of The Walking Dead. Here at GamersBliss we favor Telltales’ The Walking Dead game as our The Walking Dead form of entertainment. This game has been a true revolution in modern gaming and that revolution comes in the form of character development.
The Walking Dead game has released in Episodes and with each episode came dramatic twists. These twist almost always focused on characters and that is why so many players grew to love… and hate… so many of The Walking Dead’s characters. Here we have made a list of the most loved and hated characters in Telltale’s hit game; the characters who make our heart swell and the ones who make us want to punch things; even if they are supposed to suck.
Best- Clementine
First lets deal with the obvious, Clementine. Clem might not just be the most beloved character on The Walking Dead but quite possibly one of the most loved characters in gaming history. The funny thing about Clementine is, it is totally unexpected that she would end up being a close to players as she is. She is the ideal character to throw in the middle of a zombie outbreak and one of the easiest characters to feel empathy towards. Throughout the whole game, players find themselves worrying about her well being. At the point when it is your job to ration out the food to your hungry group of survivors, 96 percent of people made sure to give food to Clementine.
From the moment you meet Clementine you learn that she’s not an annoying little girl but someone to love and care for. When it comes to kids in games things usually end up negatively because of their annoyance or an inaccurate display from the development team but things couldn’t be more different with Telltale’s Clementine. Usually players are stuck dealing with a chore when it comes to kids in their games but Clementine is an enhancement to the emotional experience brought by The Walking Dead.
Worse- Larry
Larry is loud, angry and judgmental; the perfect character for the guy everyone’s supposed to hate. As the character clearly usually wants what’s best at the cost of the player and every other survivor around him, he is actually a good guy just one that’s not so easy to get along with. Playing the game during Larry’s parts are like talking to that one person who you just wish you didn’t have to speak to and above all as you speaking getting a target painted on your back for no apparent reason. Larry distrusts the player and creates more problems in the already problematic world of walkers. He nearly has no good relationship with any character besides his daughter and Brenda which also makes him a little less likely to be a favored character. In the end, you have to cut him some slack, he was meant to be a hard and unpleasant character, this added to the store and helped people stay involved. As much as we want to say he is the worse character in the game we actually get why he is the way he is and can find some appreciation in that.
Best- Kenny
One of the great characters on The Walking Dead is Kenny. Kenny is the perfect character. He can be funny and the player can feel that he is sort of like a real guy. When you look at Kenny he fits in perfect with the cast of characters yet he is one of the ones that seems like you really know him. If the player makes certain choices Kenny turns out to be a pretty good friend during such a hard time. You begin to feel for him and he ends up being such a major part of the entire experience. Kenny has goals, he is determined and faithful as long as you make the right choices. The fact that he has been there by the player’s side from episode one ends up forcing the player into a great bond with him. The emotion you feel with Kenny through the entire game is an unforgettable experience; a true definition of friendship during an impossible time of happiness. If there was a real zombie outbreak one would only hope to have a guy like Kenny on their side.
Worse- Becca
Becca made her first appearance in The Walking Dead 400 Days. There is little known about the character besides the fact that she is Shel’s sister but one thing’s for certain, she is really not pleasing to be around. This young girl has no remorse for other humans or living things and after the scene when she plays her guitar she brings the player little happiness in their journey. She’s very hard; nearly masculine in her presence. She’s not what you would think of as a young girl and it is thought that Telltale made her this way on purpose. The only thing Telltale may not have expected with player reactions to this character is the fact that she is so unlikable that when the game seeks the player to have sympathy for her, they just simply couldn’t care less. Becca’s complaints and insensitive outlook on life makes the experience for everyone far less enjoyable. It could be understood that a girl that had to go through a zombie outbreak would be a little harder than the average teenage girl we see in everyday but she had a life before the outbreak; she should know of happiness and posses some kind of hope to regain that lifestyle yet she’s a lost cause who doesn’t care for puppies. Where Telltale succeeded so much on their other young female character, Clementine, they really made Becca someone players would leave behind in a heartbeat. The two young girls are solar opposites. | positive |
As Chancellor Merkel visits US, MSF urges Germany to stop blockade on pandemic ‘TRIPS waiver’ | Médecins Sans Frontières Access Campaign Skip to main content Media room Contact msf.org About us About the Access Campaign Our 2022 wishlist Media room Latest news Jobs Get Involved! Sign up to stay updated and find out how you can get involved. Email Address Data protection consent I want to receive emails from MSF and I have read and agree with the privacy policy. Our work COVID-19 Explainer: A bold proposal at the WTO by India and South Africa Diabetes Drug-resistant infections HIV/AIDS Hepatitis C Hypertension Patents and intellectual property The Patent Oppositions Database Spotlight on: Access to medicines in Europe Spotlight on: TRIPS, TRIPS Plus Research and development Spotlight on: the Big Pharma double-dip Tropical and neglected diseases Spotlight on: Snakebite Tuberculosis Vaccines Explainer: COVID-19 vaccines - Recommendations for equitable access Share the Tech - Save Lives Get Involved! Sign up to stay updated and find out how you can get involved. Email Address Data protection consent I want to receive emails from MSF and I have read and agree with the privacy policy. Get involved Active campaigns No Patents in a Pandemic 20 years of Advocacy in Action Share the Tech - Save Lives Campaign success stories #NoMoreTears Johnson & Johnson Can you hear us? Novartis 'Drop the case' Trans-pacific Partnership (TPP) Take Action Get Involved! Sign up to stay updated and find out how you can get involved. Email Address Data protection consent I want to receive emails from MSF and I have read and agree with the privacy policy. Resources Press releases Statements Letters Opinion articles Feature stories Interviews Blog Newsletters Publications Research articles Topic overview pages Spotlight pages Videos Photo stories Infographics Events Get Involved! Sign up to stay updated and find out how you can get involved. Email Address Data protection consent I want to receive emails from MSF and I have read and agree with the privacy policy. Media room Contact msf.org About us About the Access Campaign Our 2022 wishlist Media room Latest news Jobs Get Involved! Sign up to stay updated and find out how you can get involved. Email Address Data protection consent I want to receive emails from MSF and I have read and agree with the privacy policy. Our work COVID-19 Explainer: A bold proposal at the WTO by India and South Africa Diabetes Drug-resistant infections HIV/AIDS Hepatitis C Hypertension Patents and intellectual property The Patent Oppositions Database Spotlight on: Access to medicines in Europe Spotlight on: TRIPS, TRIPS Plus Research and development Spotlight on: the Big Pharma double-dip Tropical and neglected diseases Spotlight on: Snakebite Tuberculosis Vaccines Explainer: COVID-19 vaccines - Recommendations for equitable access Share the Tech - Save Lives Get Involved! Sign up to stay updated and find out how you can get involved. Email Address Data protection consent I want to receive emails from MSF and I have read and agree with the privacy policy. Get involved Active campaigns No Patents in a Pandemic 20 years of Advocacy in Action Share the Tech - Save Lives Campaign success stories #NoMoreTears Johnson & Johnson Can you hear us? Novartis 'Drop the case' Trans-pacific Partnership (TPP) Take Action Get Involved! Sign up to stay updated and find out how you can get involved. Email Address Data protection consent I want to receive emails from MSF and I have read and agree with the privacy policy. Resources Press releases Statements Letters Opinion articles Feature stories Interviews Blog Newsletters Publications Research articles Topic overview pages Spotlight pages Videos Photo stories Infographics Events Get Involved! Sign up to stay updated and find out how you can get involved. Email Address Data protection consent I want to receive emails from MSF and I have read and agree with the privacy policy. Medicines shouldn’t be a luxury Take action! Get involved Share the Tech If mRNA vaccine technology from Moderna, BioNTech and Pfizer were shared, manufacturers in low- and middle-income countries could produce vaccines for global pandemic preparedness, as well as diseases of concern such as HIV, TB and malaria. Search Sort by DateRelevance toggle menu toggle menu Press release | 14 July 2021 As Chancellor Merkel visits US, MSF urges Germany to stop blockade on pandemic ‘TRIPS waiver’ COVID-19 Berlin/New York, 14 July 2021 — Ahead of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to the United States, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) called on the German Chancellor to stop blocking the landmark “TRIPS waiver” at a time when COVID-19 has already killed more than four million people across the globe and there are huge inequities in access to COVID-19 medical tools. Both the United States and Germany host major pharmaceutical companies producing COVID-19 medical tools, including vaccines, and have also invested substantial sums of money in the creation of these products. "Germany is increasingly isolated with its stance blocking the TRIPS waiver, and is hindering global containment of the pandemic" Barbara Gerold-Wolke Acting General Director MSF Germany More than 100 nations, including the US, have come out in support and welcomed the proposal to waive certain intellectual property (IP) protections on COVID-19 medical tools during the pandemic. However, the European Union, with strong backing from Germany, has refused to engage in productive discussions on the waiver. Although Chancellor Merkel herself recently emphasised that the pandemic will not be defeated until the vaccination rate is high enough worldwide, only 3.2 percent of the total available vaccines have gone to 134 low- and middle-income countries via the COVAX initiative. With new and more transmissible variants spreading in low- and middle-income countries, shortages of diagnostics, treatments, and other lifesaving medical tools continue to add pressure on these countries, with their health systems being pushed to the brink of collapse. “Germany is increasingly isolated with its stance blocking the TRIPS waiver, and is hindering global containment of the pandemic,” said Barbara Gerold-Wolke, acting General Director for MSF in Germany. “Chancellor Merkel should use the meeting with US President Joe Biden as an opportunity to revisit her rigid stance on intellectual property rights and take urgent measures to increase access to COVID-19 medical tools – now is her chance to act as a champion for global health. We’re strongly calling on Chancellor Merkel to support the TRIPS waiver, to immediately transfer vaccine doses to low- and middle-income countries through the COVAX facility, and to push pharmaceutical corporations to transfer technology and know-how to other companies.” If adopted, the TRIPS waiver could provide countries with new options to address the limitations in today’s international intellectual property rules and remove legal uncertainties and barriers that may impede production and supply of all COVID-19 medical tools, including drugs, diagnostics and vaccines. In a groundbreaking move in early May, the US signaled its support for the waiver. On 4 June, the EU published a counter-proposal focusing on ‘compulsory licensing,’ which is an important legal tool but the EU proposal brings nothing significantly new to the table and instead is merely a maneuver to stall the TRIPS waiver negotiation process. "The US decision in May to support a waiver of intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines was a giant step forward, but that effort now appears to have stalled,” said Avril Benoît, Executive Director of MSF- USA. “President Biden should use this summit meeting with Chancellor Merkel to urge Germany to stop blocking the TRIPS waiver. The US should also expand its support for the waiver to apply not only to vaccines, but also to cover treatments, diagnostics, and other essential medical tools for COVID-19. World leaders have repeatedly proclaimed that COVID-19 products should be treated as ‘global public goods’ for the duration of the pandemic, but so far have not delivered on these lofty statements.” Even though more and more countries are backing the TRIPS Waiver, Chancellor Merkel and her government continue to oppose it and have time and again propagated the myth that even in a pandemic there can be no exceptions to IP protection in order to ensure future innovation. “With COVID-19 medicines and vaccines, public sector resources and philanthropic funding have been the main drivers of the unprecedented research efforts to date,” said Yuanqiong Hu, Senior Legal and Policy Advisor at MSF’s Access Campaign. "Handing over monopoly control of these critical COVID-19 medical tools to corporations will do nothing but hamper the scale up of production and diversified supply needed to ensure global equitable access to these products to end the pandemic. To really ensure that these tools are treated as global public goods, the German government and the European Union must support the TRIPS Waiver without wasting any more time.” Read, watch, share Filter by - Any -BlogCampaignEventsExplainerFact sheetFeature storyInfographicInterviewIssue briefLetterNewsletterOpinion articlePhoto storyPress releaseReportReport seriesResearch articleSpeechSpotlightStatementTechnical briefThe issuesTopic overviewVideo Explainer Explainer | 04 April 2022 COVID-19 Neither the waiver people need nor a solution fit for a pandemic Explainer Explainer | 08 September 2021 COVID-19 4 reasons why Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna must share COVID-19 mRNA vaccine technology NOW! 5 min Photograph by Kristof Vadino Explainer Explainer | 18 June 2021 COVID-19 3 reasons why the EU’s TRIPS Waiver counter-proposal is an insufficient solution in a pandemic 4 min Video Video | 28 July 2022 COVID-19 #ShareTheTech - why pharma must share the mRNA vaccine technology Newsletter Newsletter | 24 July 2022 COVID-19 WTO adopts inadequate text, not a real Waiver on COVID monopolies Photograph by Nicolas Guyonnet Press release Press release | 24 June 2022 COVID-19 MSF responds to BioNTech announcement that it will set up first “BioNTainers” by end of 2022 3 min Press release Press release | 17 June 2022 COVID-19 Inability to agree a real pandemic intellectual property Waiver at WTO is a devastating global failure for people the world over 3 min Letter Letter | 15 June 2022 COVID-19 Open CSO letter to WTO Trade Ministers: Do not accept the current draft, demand a real Waiver 9 min Load More Campaign No Patents, No Monopolies in a Pandemic Monopolies are often an obstacle between people and the lifesaving health tools they need. Patents and other exclusivities limit supply and keep prices high. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown we need new rules that can help every country address the fast-growing medical needs during a major global health crisis. Over 100 countries at the World Trade Organization (WTO) supported a proposal to temporarily waive patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property (IP) on all COVID-19 medical tools. Read more Photo by Tadeu Andre Video | 28 July 2022 #ShareTheTech - why pharma must share the mRNA vaccine technology Press release | 24 June 2022 MSF responds to BioNTech announcement that it will set up first “BioNTainers” by end of 2022 Press release | 17 June 2022 Inability to agree a real pandemic intellectual property Waiver at WTO is a devastating global failure for people the world over Letter | 15 June 2022 Open CSO letter to WTO Trade Ministers: Do not accept the current draft, demand a real Waiver Press release | 15 June 2022 Trade Ministers at WTO should not accept current draft of Ministerial Decision on TRIPS Navigate About the Access Campaign 1999-2019: 20 Years of Advocacy in Action Contact us Get involved Our work Resources Search Get updates Sign up for our newsletter Privacy & data protection information Contact MSF Access Campaign Médecins Sans Frontières Route de Ferney 140 P.O. Box 1224 CH-1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Phone:+41 22 849 8484 Fax:+41 22 849 8404 E-mail: access(at)msf.org Follow us on Twitter and Facebook Twitter Vimeo Facebook | negative |
U.S. Treasury (AP Photo)
(CNSNews.com) - The U.S. Treasury hauled in a record of approximately $1,084,840,000,000 in tax revenues in the first four months of fiscal 2017 (Oct. 1, 2016 through Jan. 31, 2017), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.
That is up about $5,616,000,000 in constant 2016 dollars from the approximately $1,079,224,000,000 in constant 2016 dollars that the Treasury collected in the first four months of fiscal 2016.
Tax revenues from previous years, as reported in the Monthly Treasury Statement for January of each year, were adjusted to 2016 dollars using the Bureau of Labor Statistics Inflation Calculator.
Despite collecting a record $1,084,840,000,000 in tax revenues in the first four months of this fiscal year, the federal government turned around and spent $1,241,780,000,000 in those same four months—and ended up running a deficit of $156,939,000,000.
In January alone, the Treasury collected approximately $344,069,000,000 in tax revenues.
The largest portion of the $1,084,840,000,000 in federal tax revenues in the first four months of this fiscal year came from the individual income tax, which yielded approximately $550,068,000,000.
The second largest portion came from Social Security and other payroll taxes, which brought in approximately $361,887,000,000.
The income taxes collected from corporations in the United States in the first four months of the fiscal year ($84,877,000,000) amounted to more than 7 times as much as the customs duties collected on foreign imports brought into the country ($11,779,000,000).
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 152,081,000 people employed in the United States in January. That means that the record $1,084,840,000,000 in taxes the federal government collected in the first four months of the fiscal year equaled about $7,133 per worker.
The business and economic reporting of CNSNews.com is funded in part with a gift made in memory of Dr. Keith C. Wold. | positive |
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It’s becoming an annual ritual. Every June, Congress debates what to do about the interest rate on federally subsidized student loans, to avert what this year will be the imminent doubling from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent. But interest rates alone don’t tell the whole story.
At a time when overall student debt approaches $1 trillion, the facts reveal that student loans aren’t loans, not in the traditional sense. They exhibit none of the qualities of modern consumer financial instruments, and are often sold under false pretenses, with the promise of a lifelong benefit that never materializes. We need to change how these loans work and have a broader conversation about what we should be doing -- including bankruptcy and refinancing -- to help future generations obtain a quality, affordable education, which is critical to our economic future.
The roughly two-thirds of U.S. students who take out loans to finance their college education can end up in a situation most resembling the historical concept of indenture. In medieval times, peasants would sign deeds to work land, which would then get cut in a jagged line (looking like teeth, or “dentures”). Each party would get half, and rejoining them would prove the authenticity of the contract. Colonial indentures would trade years of labor for the opportunity of transportation to the New World. The indentured could not alter the terms of the contract, no matter their circumstances. One way or another, the debt would get paid.
This is basically how student loans work. A college student might remember freshman orientation, when an instructor told them to look to their left and right, explaining, “One of you won’t graduate.” But student loans aren’t extinguished for those who don’t finish college; instead, the debt becomes a burdensome reminder of this early mistake in life. This is also true for students snookered into matriculating at sketchy for-profit colleges, which offer almost no marketable skills or career preparedness to justify the cost. And it further describes recent college graduates who, through an accident of timing, entered the real world during the Great Recession and its aftermath, finding it difficult to obtain work in their field of study.
Due to these combined factors, delinquency rates for student loans – unlike auto, credit card or even mortgage debt – have risen the past two years, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. But student debt is something you carry for the rest of your life. It’s nearly impossible to refinance student loans, despite the current low-rate environment, primarily because of the high credit risk and lack of collateral. And unlike most other loans, you cannot get rid of student debt through bankruptcy.
This happened almost by accident. Before 1976, student debt was treated the same as any other in the bankruptcy process. Amid rising default rates – yes, even back then – Congress got it in its head that people were ripping off the government for a free education and then shedding the loans (a couple of well-placed stories about doctors declaring bankruptcy after graduating from medical school added to the panic). In an effort to stop this, Congress passed a law permitting students only to discharge loans in bankruptcy five years after origination, unless they demonstrated undue hardship.
In 1990 the five-year rule was extended to seven years, and then in 1998 Congress dropped that requirement altogether, making undue hardship the only way to discharge student loans in bankruptcy. And undue hardship is a very large chore to prove, according to Bob Lawless, law professor at the University of Illinois. “The courts require proof of an inability to get by without a modification,” Lawless told Salon. “They’re reluctant to allow a discharge if someone just has a lower-paying job and can’t afford the payment.” So the bankruptcy law has become harsher at the same time that college tuition has ballooned, increasing demand for student loans. As then-law professor Elizabeth Warren said in 2007, “Why should students who are trying to finance an education be treated more harshly than someone … who racked up tens of thousands of dollars gambling?”
In addition to having no escape from their loans, students must deal with aggressive creditors that can get to virtually any income source to secure payment – paychecks and tax refunds included. The Department of Education uses an “army of private debt collectors,” some of the most notorious financial operators out there, to intimidate and harass student borrowers. These collectors earned $1 billion in commissions from taxpayers in 2011. They get paid bonuses for extracting higher payments, and they can also rack up additional fees virtually endlessly. That’s because student debt has no statute of limitations on collectors, unlike most other forms of debt. The government can even collect student loan payments from Social Security checks, thanks to a 1996 law (this is not theoretical, as growing numbers of seniors are entering retirement with student debt).
So, through a series of bad laws, student debt has become an inescapable trap, a terrible burden on those whose higher education dreams don’t pan out, and a significant burden even on successful graduates. Loan debt now averages $26,000 per student, up 40 percent in seven years, with significant chunks owing $50,000 or $100,000. Princeton professor Jesse Rothstein argued in a recent working paper that graduates burdened by debt will choose higher-paying jobs to pay off the loans, draining the talent pool for lower-paid, but critical, “public interest” job sectors like education, government or nonprofits. This further erodes the nation’s seed corn and funnels the best and brightest into the financial industry or other higher-paying power centers, reducing entrepreneurship in the bargain. Student debtors also put off major purchases like houses or cars, and the Federal Reserve believes this is having a serious negative effect on our economy.
How do we quit loading up 18-year-olds with a risky gamble that could impact the rest of their lives? It will take more than just a low interest rate, though a variable rate that changes over time (the House Republican plan) or one that isn’t capped (the Obama administration plan) will just make things worse. Obviously a lower rate translates into lower payments, but it’s time to dismantle the treatment afforded student loans, and to eliminate the extreme dependence on them.
The National Consumer Law Center believes debt collection takes too much precedence over counseling, deferment and debt consolidation plans. Student debt collections need a reasonable statute of limitations, with a safety net prioritized over endless harassment.
Help may come in the form of new administration programs for income-based repayment (IBR). Under this program, low-income borrowers can cap payments at no more than 10 percent of their income over a 20-year period; any remaining debt is subsequently forgiven. Depending on changing circumstances, however, locking into IBR for 20 years could lead to paying more than the loan is worth. Rep. Karen Bass has a bill reducing the IBR time to 10 years. That bill also extends deferment to unemployed borrowers interest-free.
Income-based repayment is mostly forward-looking, however, and students already saddled with debt need help. Students currently paying high interest rates should be able to refinance, and reap the rewards of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing that asset-holders have enjoyed for so long. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s bill would mandate refinancing on all federal student loans into fixed 4 percent loans, which would benefit 90 percent of all current loans, and save 37 million borrowers around $14.5 billion in the first year alone. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed a similar refinancing scheme for private student loans, which the government backstops anyway. The president constantly talks up the glories of refinancing for homeowners to reduce payments; students deserve the same lifeline.
The government must crack down on for-profit colleges, the place from which over half of student loan defaults emerge. The Obama administration tried to cut off these colleges from eligibility for federal student aid if they didn’t meet certain criteria for getting their graduates gainfully employed and out of default. Unfortunately, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the rules. Congress could codify them into law, and it would definitely benefit students if they did. Otherwise, helping students pay for loans represents a huge subsidy to these unworthy for-profit college administrators.
The principle that bankrupt individuals should get a second chance at a fresh start has been established for hundreds of years; there’s no reason for student loans to be exempt. Law professor Bob Lawless believes that returning to the 1976-era treatment of student debt in bankruptcy, or even with a five-year waiting period to deal with the moral hazard issue, could put downward pressure on the cost of college. “Lenders and schools aren’t bearing the financial costs of the bankruptcy laws, students are,” Lawless told Salon. If lenders had skin in the game on student debt, they might force schools to deliver a better product and ensure their income streams.
Ultimately, keeping college affordable is the answer. Costs are far outpacing inflation, and even fallbacks for lower-income students like community colleges have seen a dramatic loss of government funding support. Reducing student debt goes hand-in-hand with reducing the need for student loans. At $50,000 a year, the wage premium that college graduates get over their peers is almost not worth the pain and stress of overwhelming debt. And that exacerbates inequality, as economist Joseph Stiglitz points out. The wealthiest opt out of the student debt cycle, while the rest have to gamble with huge financial burdens in the hopes that they graduate and succeed.
You can make the argument that rising borrowing has exacerbated college cost escalation, with no improvement in the finished product. This entire system must be overhauled. Otherwise, it will continue to damage our economy by indenturing talented students, our greatest renewable resource. | positive |
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President Donald Trump has announced that his administration will be tightening regulations on Cuba in order to help the Cuban people, calling former President Barack Obama's deal to thaw relations with the country's government "terrible".
"We will not be silenced in the face of communist oppression any longer", Mr Trump said in front of an excited crowd in the Little Havana neighbourhood of Miami, Florida.
The President pledged to help the people of Cuba, and to ensure that American money spent in Cuba will go to the Cuban people instead of the Cuban government. He characterised the administration of Raul Castro as a "brutal, brutal regime", and spoke with a flourish describing the brutal crackdown and imprisonment of religious worshippers in the island country.
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"Effective immediately, I am cancelling the last Administration's completely one sided deal with Cuba", Mr Trump said.
Mr Trump also described Cuba as a major security threat to the United States, saying that the country had shipped weapons to North Korea while allowing "cop killers" to seek refuge within its borders.
The “cop killer” Mr Trump was referring to is Joanne Chesimard, a former Black Panther who fled to Cuba in 1984 after escaping from a New Jersey prison, where she was serving a life sentence for murdering a state trooper.
Before signing the Cuba policy rollback, Mr Trump brought several Cuban dissidents onto the stage and allowed some of them to speak. One played the Star Spangled Banner on a violin as the president and crowd saluted or placed their hands over their hearts.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a one-time political foe who engaged in a heated primary run against the President last year for the Republican nomination, praised the President’s efforts to reform policy toward Cuba before he took the stage. Mr Rubio flew down to Miami with the President on Air Force One, and is said to have played a leading role in advising the White House on the new policies. Mr Rubio, a Cuban American, riled up the crowd with anti-communist rhetoric in both English and Spanish.
But, in a sense Mr Trump's policy changes are more rhetoric than action few immediate changes, and they are not intended to completely end the diplomatic relationship that former President Barack Obama established. That thaw was aimed at bringing to a close five decades of hostility.
Shape Created with Sketch. Pictures of everyday life in Cuba Show all 20 left Created with Sketch. right Created with Sketch. Shape Created with Sketch. Pictures of everyday life in Cuba 1/20 A man rides his modified bicycle past a vintage American car in Havana Getty Images 2/20 A taxi sits parked by Ancon Beach waiting for returning bathers in Trinidad Getty Images 3/20 Afrocuban carnival group "Los componedores de batea" performing in the streets of La Habana Vieja Rex 4/20 Pastel colours for an ice-cream place and a vintage American car in Cienfuegos after sunset Rex 5/20 A man on the phone in a bookshop in Old Havana (Habana Vieja) selling books and displaying propaganda poster of the Cuban Revolution Rex 6/20 Street Musicians in Santiago De Cuba Rex 7/20 A man works to repair his classic American car after it broke down along the Prado, a wide avenue that runs from Parque Central to the Malecon seafront highway, in Havana Getty Images 8/20 Members of the 'Ladies in White,' a group founded by the partners and relatives of jailed dissidents that regularly protests against the Cuban government, demonstrate on the streets of Havana Getty Images 9/20 Street vegetables vendor in Havana Getty Images 10/20 The sun setting through the palm trees and creates long shadows on the pool deck at this resort in Cuba Varadero Rex 11/20 General view of a street in Havana Getty Images 12/20 A girls plays on a street in Havana Getty Images 13/20 Girls walk past graffiti art along the Paseo de Marti, the wide boulevard that runs through the heart of the historic Old Havana neighborhood in Havana Getty Images 14/20 A woman smokes her Havana cigar Getty Images 15/20 A man harvests tobacco leaves for drying at a tobacco drying house on a co-op plantation in Pinar del Rio Getty Images 16/20 Men play chess on a street in Havana Getty Images 17/20 Locals take part in a gay parade in Havana Getty Images 18/20 Scene of the Memories Paraiso Azul resort in Santa Maria Key Getty Images 19/20 Beach on the Bay of Pigs, Zapata Peninsula 20/20 Divers swimming above coral reef in Caribbean Sea Rex 1/20 A man rides his modified bicycle past a vintage American car in Havana Getty Images 2/20 A taxi sits parked by Ancon Beach waiting for returning bathers in Trinidad Getty Images 3/20 Afrocuban carnival group "Los componedores de batea" performing in the streets of La Habana Vieja Rex 4/20 Pastel colours for an ice-cream place and a vintage American car in Cienfuegos after sunset Rex 5/20 A man on the phone in a bookshop in Old Havana (Habana Vieja) selling books and displaying propaganda poster of the Cuban Revolution Rex 6/20 Street Musicians in Santiago De Cuba Rex 7/20 A man works to repair his classic American car after it broke down along the Prado, a wide avenue that runs from Parque Central to the Malecon seafront highway, in Havana Getty Images 8/20 Members of the 'Ladies in White,' a group founded by the partners and relatives of jailed dissidents that regularly protests against the Cuban government, demonstrate on the streets of Havana Getty Images 9/20 Street vegetables vendor in Havana Getty Images 10/20 The sun setting through the palm trees and creates long shadows on the pool deck at this resort in Cuba Varadero Rex 11/20 General view of a street in Havana Getty Images 12/20 A girls plays on a street in Havana Getty Images 13/20 Girls walk past graffiti art along the Paseo de Marti, the wide boulevard that runs through the heart of the historic Old Havana neighborhood in Havana Getty Images 14/20 A woman smokes her Havana cigar Getty Images 15/20 A man harvests tobacco leaves for drying at a tobacco drying house on a co-op plantation in Pinar del Rio Getty Images 16/20 Men play chess on a street in Havana Getty Images 17/20 Locals take part in a gay parade in Havana Getty Images 18/20 Scene of the Memories Paraiso Azul resort in Santa Maria Key Getty Images 19/20 Beach on the Bay of Pigs, Zapata Peninsula 20/20 Divers swimming above coral reef in Caribbean Sea Rex
Instead, Mr Trump has instructed his government to begin reviewing how they might change policy in order to meet the administration’s goals. Those policy reviews will focus on how to best eliminate individual travel to Cuba that the White House says is being abused (technically tourism to Cuba is not currently legal for Americans), and on how to ensure that American money spent in Cuba or on Cuban goods gets into the hands of the Cuban people and not the government. American investment in Cuba is likely to see more restrictions than what is already in place.
The new policies won’t change family travel allowances, and will leave other forms of travel to Cuba open, including trips for journalistic purposes. The new policies won’t affect the current wet foot dry foot policy that seeks to shelter Cubans who land on American soil seeking refuge.
Commercial flights will not be stopped from servicing Havana, nor will cruise lines. The administration, according to one White House official, has no intention of "disrupting" existing business ventures such as one struck under Mr Obama by Starwood Hotels Inc, which is owned by Marriott International Inc, to manage a historic Havana hotel.
Nor does Trump plan to reinstate limits that Mr Obama lifted on the amount of the island's coveted rum and cigars that Americans can bring home for personal use.
But, Mr Trump has long promised to pull back on his predecessor’s landmark Cuba policy changes, and secured the first endorsement in decades from the Bay of Pigs Veteran Association in Miami thanks to that policy. Senior White House officials said during a conference call before the President’s announcement that his promise to the group to hold the Cuban government accountable was a major factor in his decision in February to instruct his staff to begin reviewing the policy.
Critics of the President's decision, however, note that the US has a relatively friendly relationship with other countries with poor civil rights records, including Saudi Arabia, where Mr Trump travelled to during his first foreign trip in office in May.
Mr Obama’s 2015 announcement that travel restrictions to Cuba would be loosened resulted in a flash of excitement from Americans who were eager to travel to Havana to get a glimpse of a country that sits just 100 miles off the coast of Florida, but has been behind a veil for American tourists. Since then, however, interest in travelling to the country has waned somewhat in the US, with roughly 76 per cent of Americans saying they aren’t planning on a trip there this year compared to 70 per cent last year.
Trump aides say Mr Obama's efforts amounted to “appeasement” and have done nothing to advance political freedoms in Cuba, while benefiting the Cuban government financially.
“It's hard to think of a policy that makes less sense than the prior administration's terrible and misguided deal with the Castro regime,” Mr Trump said in Miami, citing the lack of human rights concessions from Cuba in the detente negotiated by Mr Obama.
Critics say that Mr Trump’s plans won’t actually push the Cuban government to strive for better human rights record, and will likely hurt the Cuban people. That’s because many Cubans are self employed in retail and other services that serve tourists.
Sarah Stephens, an expert on US-Cuba policy who works to secure diplomatic changes like the ones made by the Obama administration, told The Independent that the lack of substance in Mr Trump’s changes doesn’t amount to substantial policy, and is instead a political ploy to secure conservative Cuban votes in Florida.
“This is not a serious policy. This is a policy that has no achievable goal, it imagines no process, and it offers no end game”, she said. “By choosing to make the announcement before the diehards in Miami, the White House isn’t even looking for window dressing, but admitting that this is simply about their game of politics.”
Still, it will be the latest attempt by Mr Trump to overturn parts of Mr Obama's presidential legacy. He has already pulled the United States out of a major international climate treaty and is trying to scrap his predecessor's landmark healthcare program.
International human rights groups say that renewed US efforts to isolate the island could worsen the situation by empowering Cuban hard-liners. The Cuban government has made clear it will not be pressured into reforms in exchange for engagement.
The Cuban government had no immediate comment, but ordinary Cubans said they were crestfallen to be returning to an era of frostier relations with the United States with potential economic fallout for them.
“It's going to really hurt me because the majority of my clients are from the United States,” Enrique Montoto, 61, who rents rooms on US online home-rental marketplace Airbnb, told Reuters. Airbnb expanded into Cuba in 2015.
"I have trust in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to Cuba, Jorge Saurez, 66, a retired physician, said in Little Havana. “That's why I voted for him.”
Mexico has urged the governments of the United States and Cuba to find points of agreement and resolve their differences “via dialogue.”
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez, whose government is a close ally to Cuba, tweeted that his country has "undeniable solidarity with our sister republic Cuba against the aggressions of @realDonaldTrump".
At least one of Mr Trump's fellow Republicans has pushed back against isolating Cuba. Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, one of the most vocal advocates for easing rules for American companies looking to make deals in Cuba, called for a vote on legislation to lift restrictions on American travel to the island nation. It is unlikely that other Republicans in the Senate will allow that vote to happen, and has repeatedly blocked that move.
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You’re likely familiar with the state grid map form used these days. Instead of using geographic boundaries, you place states in a grid layout, giving an equal-sized cell to each state so that they all get the same visual weight. The Wall Street Journal combined it with a time series for each state in their field guide to shifting states.
The country is more than just red states and blue states. Some former battlegrounds have moved to the sidelines. Other once reliably Republican or Democratic states have come into play as the composition of their electorates change.
Red means more Republican than the national popular vote, and blue means more Democrat.
The slow, animated load makes the map. It reminds me of the New York Times’ “wind” map from the previous election. Life-like. | positive |
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The amount of Scotch whisky sold overseas has increased for the first time since 2013, according to the latest industry figures.
The equivalent of 533 million bottles were shipped from Scotland in the first six months of 2016.
But industry bosses have warned the "uncertainties" caused by Brexit will pose "challenges" for exporters.
The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) said the 3.1% increase represented the first return to growth for three years.
However, the statistics also showed a small fall in the value of exports.
Sales of whisky around the globe amounted to £1.7bn between January and June, down by 1% on the same period in 2015.
While France and the USA remained the biggest market, the figures showed a surge in exports to India.
SWA chief executive David Frost said the figures suggested there had been a "strengthening in global consumer demand".
But he also highlighted "continued international uncertainty" as he urged the UK government to ensure a supportive tax and regulatory regime.
'Well-placed to grow'
Mr Frost said: "The first half of 2016 was marked by an improving Scotch whisky export performance, suggesting a strengthening in global consumer demand compared to the last couple of years.
"The industry-wide emphasis on craftsmanship and provenance, backed by investment, means that Scotch exports are well-placed to grow in the future, appealing to consumers in both mature and emerging markets."
But he added: "It is clear, however, that the uncertainties of the Brexit vote will create challenges for exporters and we continue to encourage early clarity on the likely shape of the UK's future trading relationship with the EU and other countries.
"Given the continued international uncertainty, we also look to government to make every effort to put in place a competitive domestic tax and regulatory environment, supporting a key home-grown industry."
While the volume of whisky exported to other countries in the European Union increased by 5% to the equivalent of 208 million bottles in January to June 2016, the value of these fell by 1% to £518m.
Almost two fifths (39%) of Scotch whisky exports by volume went to the EU, while the US was still the largest market for whisky exports by value, with sales worth £357.4m in the period January to June, a rise of 9% from the first half of 2015.
But the largest volume of sales went to France, with exports increasing from the equivalent of 86.5 million bottles in the first six months of 2015 to the equivalent of 90.9 million bottles in the same period this year.
The equivalent of 41 million bottles were exported to India after a 41% increase in sales volumes.
Diageo, the dominant distilling company, recently took over the largest distiller in India. Having access to the United Spirits distribution network helps to explain the sale of 12m more bottles than last year.
Most of that was in bulk, for bottling in India, or blending with Indian whiskies, but there was also a rise by more than half in the amount of single malt whisky shipped to India, reaching more than 700,000 bottles.
Ten of the top 15 markets showed growth in the latest figures.
The Latin American market showed continued volatility, with Colombian sales up 22%, Chilean up 30% and Venezuelan by 74%. Yet in Colombia and Venezuela, because the mix of whiskies shifted to lower quality, the value fell. The total value for Latin America was down 11%, with volume up 5%.
Africa has shown promise in recent years, but that fell back 9% by volume. Sales to South Africa dominate sales to the continent, but the figures suggest increases of more than half in exports to Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria and Uganda. Shipments to Angola, which has suffered the economic consequences of the oil price downturn, reduced by three-quarters.
These figures do not include UK sales, which account for roughly 7% of Scotch whisky production. | positive |
The End Of Disease: June 2017 The End Of Disease The doctors said "It's not possible to cure heart disease or diabetes," but we proved 'em wrong. You can too - the more you know, the easier it is. Way easier than being sick. The End Of Disease is all about eating healthy. Wednesday, June 21, 2017 The Main Reason Any Disease Won't Be Cured Jack is my father, he was 91 years old and died from with dementia (his was likely vascular dementia and a lot like Alzheimer's) a few months ago. Now dementia is one of those "dread diseases" of old age, increasingly common in our society. It's reputed to be something everyone will get if they live long enough, that is, if don't die first from some other cause. That's the standard medical line. We only have dementia increasing because we live longer and don't die sooner from something else. The line becomes a lie when you look beyond that surface relationships though. Death from dementia can be a slow, miserable process. In my Dad's case his health otherwise was still pretty good; he can walk pretty well, but barely talk and could recently tell stories from 70 - 80+ years ago (over and over again endlessly). He's been a great father, provider, husband and son, a tireless campaigner for causes he believed in, and very, very generous with his resources. Seeing him decline from Alzheimer's has been painful for us, his children and grandchildren. But when it came time to try to help him stop the decline of his memory, I found he was just too far gone. He didn't want to change what he eats. And he didn't have to. To have lived a full, satisfying life. Whatever you think about how it ended, that's not tragedy, that's cause to rejoice. But his last five or ten years could have been better, I'm convinced. If the end of life doesn't have to mean losing most of your memories and mental function at some point, that would be a good thing. And in rural northern India as well as some other places, Alzheimer's appears to be unknown, regardless of age. So is obesity. And cars that make lots of walking all but unnecessary. And sugar. And eating meat. And almost all foods that constitute the main bulk of the SAD diet. Of course, it always possible that some "magic bullet" that could be turned into a prescription drug could be responsible. Like something in turmeric. Silly us. We refuse to see the forest because we're stuck on looking for a comfortable "cure" that makes it so we don't have to change our lives other than take some pills. The trees that obscure our view are our habits and culture.Tough to overcome? You bet. Possible? Absolutely. People with dementia deserve a chance to have better lives. My experience tells me it won't happen without broader understanding and support for healthy eating. Some day. I think it's worth the effort. My parents at a neice's Boxing Day party Posted by David Higbee at 10:53 AM 2 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: Alzheimer's, Story: Jack Wednesday, June 14, 2017 Cost Effective, Delicious/Nutritious Greens: Chinese Cabbage Salad Top 100 nutritarian recipes, Here I Come! That's how I think of this one. It's a favorite, but I sometimes go months between having it. Whenever I get bored with other, more standard fare, this one is a candidate to come out of the file and transform my dinner table, once again. It's more important than just a recipe, to show some basic principles: It takes a common, typically least expensive green and transforms it into a delight. It uses more expensive ingredients sparingly for taste, color and texture. It's endlessly variable with different ingredients possible. In fact, you can make a great knockoff without a single identical ingredient. It saves well in the refrigerator. I find it's great up to four or five days later. The only disadvantage is it's something I'd never freeze (but I might use in a batch of lentil soup, and freeze that!) It uses less-than-ideal ingredients very sparingly. Nutritarian recipes don't have to be perfect in every regard. Things that would be poison in larger quantities are of great value when they are, literally, the "spoonful of sugar" that helps the much larger quantity of supercalifabulistic nutritional medicine go down. Who'da thought it, Mary Poppins as the expression of the Nutritarian Code of Ethical Eating - at least of mine;) Ingredients: 1 large head cabbage 1 bunch green onions 1 cup thin sliced celery 1/2 thin sliced x 1" long green or red pepper 1 cup sliced spinach (1/4" slices) 1 cup sunflower seeds 1/2 cup coarse chopped almonds 1 tsp. chicken base 1/2 cup rice vinegar 1 tbspn. brown sugar Chop cabbage as for slaw, add chopped green onions, celery, green or red pepper, sunflower seeds and almonds. Blend together the rice vinegar, chicken base and brown sugar. Pour over salad, toss and chill. The only thing different here is I added 1/2 cup frozen edemame (green soy beans, not in pods) since I had some left over from the prior weekend. We love the color and the taste. This is also great with lettuce or any other salad greens. One of our very favorite variations is to replace the rice vinegar with a fruit or berry vinaigrette, and use walnuts instead of sunflower seeds and almonds. Wow, makes me hungry just thinking about it. Perhaps I'll re-think that top 100 rating, this may be top 10 material. But beware of standard cookbooks or on line recipes. They mostly all call for significant amounts of oil in the dressing. As far as I'm concerned, oil adds nothing to the taste, and does nothing but ruin the nutritional profile. The biggest lie here is that olive oil makes it a healthy food. Wow, what a whopper. All I'm giving up here is heart disease, diabetes, and a bunch of other bad, bad possibilities. You're welcome. Posted by David Higbee at 5:09 PM 2 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: Recipes Wednesday, June 7, 2017 Cost Effective Health the Nutritarian Way, part 3 Let's see, last time I made it through the first three of my essential practices for cost effective health eating. Here's more: 4. Grow it yourself. Doesn't have to be a full garden. Even better, grow a single crop of something you'd like to have a constant supply of, grows with incredible abundance in a small plot, useful in a hundred different ways, easy to take care of and harvest and is self is self-renewing instead of picked once and it's gone. Which brings me to my current ideal meeting all those requirements: 5. Home grown greens (i.e., Swiss Chard and Kale). They're green, They're leafy, they constantly renew, grow in cool weather, warm weather, and are tender and wonderful in salads, smoothies, soups and lots more. Easily harvested by cutting it off about 2 inches above the ground, you harvest again in three weeks or so. 6. With any recipe, substitution of high priced ingredients is my preference. Most often when a recipe calls for something expensive, I substitute something inexpensive but with great nutrition and find it's still wonderful. For example when hummus calls for tahini (made from roasted sesame seeds), I just substitute sunflower seeds. Waaaaayyyyyy cheaper! And it makes a milder hummus, which is my preference taste-wise. Or if a recipe calls for chia seeds, you'll pay three times as much for chia seeds as you would for flax seeds, at least where I buy 'em. 7. Which brings me to the hummus principle. Or if you're like my wife, you'd prefer refried beans. Or chili or just black beans. Frankly I love them all. Any recipe qualifies here, as long as it requires using lots of dry beans, and can be used as a dip, a base or just by itself. So this illustrates another core technique. 8. Flexibility and adaptability. I've never seen a recipe that can't be adapted to taste, to budget, and to make wonderful variations that relieve food boredom. Take for example the smoothie. It's great stuff, a foundation of what I eat. I love the green base, and sometimes I only eat the greens, but often I add some fruit for sweetness (and to keep my wife happily sharing with me). For variety, I don't blend it all smooth. I also love the texture, the crunch and the joy of chewing my own food. In fact, at times I just about quit making smoothies. I call them chunkies 'cause they are. An ingredient I add for interest is mild hot peppers. Banana peppers are a current favorite in my green and fruit smoothies, adding some heat and interest to my regular favorites. Who knows, maybe next month I'll add some chopped jalapenos. Call me crazy. But I think I can predict I will never, ever add habaneros. Now that'd be nasty! Then again, I acknowledge that one man's nasty/crazy/avoid at all cost taste is another man's food heaven. Which is the basis of this principle, and doesn't preclude great health and great eating. 9. Food foraging. Now this could be a sensitive topic. For many people, cost effective healthy eating typically means buying kale when it's on sale for, say $2 a bunch instead of $3 a bunch. And there's nothing wrong with looking for sales on great stuff, buying all you can safely use, and doing that over and over forever. But typical for some means out of reach for others. By food foraging I don't mean dumpster diving (though some in my family think that's what I do). To me it means finding unusual sources for high nutrition foods. Here's a case in point: For several years now I've been looking for a cost effective source of walnuts. Walnuts grow on trees in people's yards. They'll even invite you to come pick them up, because they've grown tired of picking and shelling. Most walnuts on people's trees in their yards are, well, tough to shell. Black walnuts are impossible. Most English walnuts are a little to very difficult, (try shelling a pound of walnuts and you'll have a new appreciation for the inherent value of buying 'em at the store). But the variation called Carpathian walnuts are amazing. They're huge (some are two or three times the size of regular walnuts), thin shelled, and you get lots of nut for your effort. I met someone who introduced me to these, and invited me to pick them up in his yard. Lovely! Any one of these examples may not be a solution everyone else needs. The point is to keep looking, exploring, and be open to cost effective solutions when they come up. 10. Ground Flax. Healthy oils are an essential part of the nutritarian plan. You should eat some nuts, seeds or avocado every day, but in smaller quantities. These foods are nutrient dense and have plenty of fiber but unlike the rest of the top recommended food groupings, they're also calorie dense because of the fats in them. There's not a cheaper source of healthy oils. I have a little most days, and I think it's wonderfully good, and cheap (which means I can do it over and over and over again). But here's an essential principle of nutritarian eating. Never eat a calorie without it's protective source, as in never consume flax oil without the flax seed. Just like the apple, full of succulent, sweet fructose. Summary: A calorie isn't just a calorie. The calories in high fructose corn syrup have a very different impact on the body than the fructose in an apple. And the oil of every seed or nut has a way worse nutritional profile than in its original setting. Not that the fructose is any different. Same chemical, same effect. Too much, too often and without the plant fiber and other things it was born with it's liver poison, very bad stuff. Same with vegetable fats and oils. You have to understand and use them in the right context, then it's truly great stuff. And no one I'm aware of ever got to be 500 pounds by eating too many apples. It's a physical impossibility to consume that many apples. Period. Posted by David Higbee at 3:44 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: Cost Newer Posts Older Posts Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Topics Alzheimer's (1) Book: Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes (1) Book: Eat To Live (1) Book: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease (1) Book: The China Study (2) Book: The End Of Diabetes (1) Cost (6) Diabetes (4) Disease List (2) Dr. Esselstyn (2) Dr. Polukoff (3) Dr. Taylor (1) Foods Ranked (1) Heart Disease (7) Limits (2) Medical Validation (4) Medical Validaton (1) Nutritarian Potential (2) Nutritarian Principles (4) Proof (2) Recipes (8) Six Week Intensive (1) Story: Annette (1) Story: David (6) Story: Jack (1) Story: Paul S. (1) Success Test (1) Summary (3) Support (1) Truth (3) About Me David Higbee View my complete profile Blog Archive ▼ 2017 (32) ► October (4) ► September (4) ► August (4) ► July (3) ▼ June (3) The Main Reason Any Disease Won't Be Cured Cost Effective, Delicious/Nutritious Greens: Chine... Cost Effective Health the Nutritarian Way, part 3 ► May (5) ► April (4) ► March (5) Simple theme. Theme images by gaffera. Powered by Blogger. | negative |
Web authentication systems have evolved over the past ten years to counter a growing variety of threats. This post will present a fictional arms race between a web application developer and an attacker, showing how different threats can be countered with the latest security technologies.
This entire conversation assumes that the user has already legitimately established some form of trust anchor (eg, a password or hardware token) with the defender before the attacker came onto the scene. Cryptography can only be used to transfer existing trust or secrecy across time or space; if the attacker impersonates the defender before the user establishes anything, it becomes impossible for the user to tell which party is legitimate. This also assumes that the site itself has no vulnerabilities (such as XSS or CSRF) that would allow attackers to run code or read data, or read certificates from the server.
Defender : Users will enter a username & password, and I will give them an authentication cookie for me to trust in the future.
: Users will enter a username & password, and I will give them an authentication cookie for me to trust in the future. Attacker : I will watch your network traffic and steal the passwords as they come down the wire.
Defender : I will change the <form> to submit over HTTPS, so you won’t see any readable passwords.
: I will change the to submit over HTTPS, so you won’t see any readable passwords. Attacker : I will run an active MITM attack as the user loads the login page, and insert Javascript that sends the password to my server in the background.
Defender : I will serve the login page itself over HTTPS too, so you won’t be able to read or change it.
: I will serve the login page itself over HTTPS too, so you won’t be able to read or change it. Attacker : I will watch your network traffic and steal the resulting authentication cookies, so I can still impersonate users even without knowing the password.
Defender : I will serve the entire site over HTTPS (and mark the cookie as Secure), so you won’t be able to see any cookies.
: I will serve the entire site over HTTPS (and mark the cookie as Secure), so you won’t be able to see any cookies. Attacker : I will run an active MITM attack against your entire site and serve it over HTTP, letting me see all of your traffic (including passwords and cookies) again.
Defender : I will serve a Strict-Transport-Security header, telling the browser to always refuse to load my site over HTTP (assuming the user has already visited the site over a trusted connection to establish a trust anchor).
: I will serve a header, telling the browser to always refuse to load my site over HTTP (assuming the user has already visited the site over a trusted connection to establish a trust anchor). Attacker : I will find or compromise a shady certificate authority and get my own certificate for your domain name, letting me run my MITM attack and still serve HTTPS.
Defender: I will serve a Public-Key-Pins header, telling the browser to refuse to load my site with any certificate other than the one I specify.
At this point, there is no reasonable way for the attacker to run an MITM attack without first compromising the browser.
Attacker : I will make a fake login page and phish users for passwords.
Defender : I will add two-factor authentication, making your stolen passwords useless without the non-reusable second factor.
Attacker : I will change my phishing page to request a second factor as well, then immediately use it to log in once. (this will give the attacker a single login session with no way of logging in again, but that is often enough to cause harm)
Defender: I will replace my SMS or TOTP second factor with a private key on a tamper-resistant hardware device, rendering an MITM attack completely unable to use the stolen credential (the private key is used to sign a challenge from the server, and never leaves the device). This also prevents phishing attacks, since the browser will incorporate the site origin into the challenge signed by the private key, and will refuse to send a challenge signed for the defender’s server to any other origin. This is only possible because the browser actively cooperates, unlike purely web-based solutions like SQRL.
Private keys, such as U2F devices, are unphishable credentials; it is now completely impossible for anyone who does not have physical posession of the private key to authenticate. Note that this assumes that the hardware device is trusted; if the attacker can swap the device for a device with a known private key, all bets are off. Also note that you should still use a password in conjuction with the hardware device, to prevent an attacker from simply stealing the device (if the device itself requires a password to operate, that’s also fine).
Attacker : I will trick the user into installing a malicious browser extension or desktop application, then use it to read the authentication cookie from the browser’s cookie jar.
Defender : I will use channel-bound cookies, linking my authentication cookie to the private key used to generate the SSL connection. This way, the authentication cookie will only work in an HTTPS session backed by the same private key, preventing the attacker from using it on his computer.
: I will use channel-bound cookies, linking my authentication cookie to the private key used to generate the SSL connection. This way, the authentication cookie will only work in an HTTPS session backed by the same private key, preventing the attacker from using it on his computer. Attacker : I will change my malicious code to exfiltrate the private key as well as the authentication cookie, allowing me to completely clone the SSL connection on my machine, and still use the cookie.
Defender : I will hope that the user’s browser signs its HTTPS connections with a hardware-based private key (hardware-backed token binding), preventing the attacker from cloning the SSL session without access to that private key (which never leaves the hardware device).
: I will hope that the user’s browser signs its HTTPS connections with a hardware-based private key (hardware-backed token binding), preventing the attacker from cloning the SSL session without access to that private key (which never leaves the hardware device). Attacker : I will change my malicious code to run a reverse proxy through the user’s browser, sending my arbitrary requests through the same token-bound SSL session as the user’s actual requests.
Defender: I will encourage users to use a platform & browser that does not allow processes or extensions to interact with security contexts for other origins. This way, the attacker’s malicious code will not be able to read my cookies or send requests to my site.
Assuming no application-level vulnerabilities (such as XSS or CSRF), and no vulnerabilities in the platform itself, such a platform would be completely secure against any kind of attack. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any such platform that also supports unphishable credentials. Chrome OS supports unphishable credentials, but offers no way to prevent extensions from sending HTTP requests to your origin. Most mobile browsers (on non-rooted devices) do not support extensions at all, but do not currently support unphishable credentials.
Theory vs. Practice
In theory, given these assumptions, this design is completely secure. In practice, however, the situation is rarely so simple. There are a number of issues which make these assumptions difficult to meet, or negate security in other ways.
Authenticating the user
This technique serves to completely prove that the user is in physical possession of a hardware token. However, it does not help assure you that the hardware token actually belongs to the user you think it does. If an attacker can convince you that his hardware token belongs to the user, he can still perform MITM attacks, since your server has no way of knowing that he isn’t actually the user.
By definition, you cannot use a hardware token to authenticate the user who is setting up a hardware token, so you’re back to relying on classical HTTPS and certificate pinning, leaving you vulnerable to malicious code running on the client. If you’re associating an online account with some existing entity, such as a bank account (as opposed to creating an entirely new account, such as an email account), you’ll need some way of proving that the user creating the account is actually associated with the existing entity, and not an attacker impersonating or MITMing the user. The best way to do this is for the user to verify themselves in person and associate the token using trusted, defender-controlled hardware.
Trusting hardware
It is impossible to defend against an attacker who can run arbitrary code on the user’s machine (since there is no way for the defender’s server to distinguish between requests sent from legitimate code on the user’s behalf, vs. hostile code from the attacker). The completely-secure scenario above postulated that the user’s platform does not allow arbitrary code in the first place, neatly side-stepping this problem.
Mobile platforms attempt to make this guarantee, preventing other applications from reading the browser’s cookie jar or private keys. However, completely enforcing this is harder; any security vulnerability (or actual nefarious code) in the browser, OS, or even platform hardware may negate this guarantee. For example, the ability to root or jailbreak an Android or iOS device (and thus bypass the protections around the browser) mean that they do not actually provide this guarantee.
An important step forward in this regard is trusted boot, as used by Windows and Chrome OS, in which the entire chain of execution from the BIOS to the boot loader to the OS to the hardware drivers is signed and verified on each boot. However, security vulnerabilities in the signed code can still lead the arbitrary code execution and compromise the machine.
More troublingly (assuming nation-state level attackers), even if the user does have completely-secure hardware, the attacker can replace it with attacker-controlled hardware that contains a reverse proxy and bypasses all of these protections. There is no simple way for the user to authenticate their own hardware device (other than keeping it in sight at all times); the attacker can open up the existing device and copy all data and private keys to the backdoored device to ensure that it looks and behaves identically.
(You could build a tamper-proof hardware-backed private key that will self-destruct if removed from the PCB, but you’ll need to hope that your tamper-proofing is better than the attacker’s tampering. And that the attacker can’t modify other parts of the hardware to insert a backdoor without removing anything.)
Forgot password
Finally, the Forgot Password feature is the complete antithesis of these security guarantees. The entire point of Forgot Password is to authenticate the user without any of these trusted credentials. Thus, this reintroduces the problem of initially associating the user, as mentioned in the first issue. In this situation, unlike account creation, you always need to prove who the user is, since you’re associating the user with an existing account, rather than simply creating a new account from scratch.
Forgot Password features are typically implementing by delegating authentication to some other (implicitly-trusted) service; usually email. When first creating the account, the user specifies an email address, and the user can then authenticate by proving that he can read an email sent to that address (usually alongside a low-grade second factor such as a security question). However, this opens up additional risks; any attacker that can compromise the user’s email account (and the second factor, which is usually easy) can compromise the account at any time. In addition, if the user legitimately uses the Forgot Password, there is no way to prevent malicious code already running on the client from MITMing that connection and compromising the account (eg, by adding the attacker’s private key alongside the user’s). | positive |
There goes the neighborhood!
Al Sharpton met with embattled Sony exec Amy Pascal for 90 minutes in an attempt to discuss solutions to stop the media bleeding from the cyber-hacking leak of embarrassing, racially charged emails.
Pascal allegedly has agreed to let Sharpton have a say in how Sony Pictures makes movies, in an effort to combat what Sharpton called “inflexible and immovable racial exclusion in Hollywood.”
“We have agreed to having a working group deal with the racial bias and lack of diversity in Hollywood,” said Sharpton.
‘Sharpton Approved Movies’ hashtag brings hilarious suggestions
He said Sony would work closely with his National Action Network, the National Urban League, the NAACP and the Black Women’s Round Table to “see if we can come up with an immediate plan to deal with it.”
The perception that Sharpton’s power is growing is becoming a reality. He allegedly offered advice for choosing of the United States Attorney General. He meets with Barack Obama in the White House more than the Republicans. He coordinated a nationwide March on DC and other large cities to protest cop violence, and now he’s got control over what movies Sony Pictures creates.
I wonder if Sony is going to pay Sharpton’s $4M tax bill too? | positive |
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Many of our pictures are stock photo\'s provided to us by the manufacturer and do not necessarily represent the actual item being purchased. Please verify this picture accurately reflects the product described by the title and description on this page before you place your order. Mustad® # 92642 gold beak bait holder hooks snelled on 12" and 36" leaders. 6 PACK. No LayawayLayaway is not Available on Orders which Contain this Item. $2.85 *Cash or Retail $ 2.85 $2.85 *Cash or Retail Interest Free for up to 3 Months Click here to learn more Add To Cart Add To Wish List Ask the Community Add to Wishlist Add to Cart Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Interest Free for up to 3 Months Click here to learn more No LayawayLayaway is not Available on Orders which Contain this Item. Retail Store Availability For our firearm inventory only. Please contact or visit our retail stores for ammo and accessory prices and availability. *Please Note!! Many of our pictures are stock photo\'s provided to us by the manufacturer and do not necessarily represent the actual item being purchased. Please verify this picture accurately reflects the product described by the title and description on this page before you place your order. Description Sea Striker S107-1 Snelled Hooks Model S107-1 Condition Factory New Bud's Item # 717115420 UPC 096337009021 Manufacturer Sea Striker Mustad® # 92642 gold beak bait holder hooks snelled on 12" and 36" leaders. 6 PACK. (0 Reviews) There are no reviews on this product yet. Be the first to write one: Write Review Questions & Answers (0 Questions) Questions & Answers Ask the Community No questions have been posted for this product. Product Videos × Loading Videos Close × Out of Stock Products Products marked OUT OF STOCK are currently unavailable for purchase. Close × Receive Money Saving Offers Enter your email address to receive our best deals and other store updates. 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If you have forgotten your password you can reset it below. Email.. Password Remember Me Forget Password? Login Create an Account Show Recently Viewed Shopping Cart | Wish List | Recently Viewed Products Sea Striker S107-1 Snelled Hooks $2.85 Shopping Cart Wish List Please log in to view your wish list. Log In | negative |
On Thanksgiving evening, as other American families tuck into turkey and say thanks, Barbara Gertz will be working at the Wal-Mart stock room in Aurora, Colorado. "I don't want my kid to know that she didn't get to celebrate with her parents because I had to work," said Gertz, who cannot afford to miss a shift. At an hourly wage of $10, she makes between $21,000 and $23000 a year.
Wal-Mart, like many of its rivals, is opening its stores earlier than ever at 6 p.m. for holiday sales on Thanksgiving. Not only will Gertz miss Thanksgiving dinner with her daughter, but she also worries about not getting enough extra pay for working the holiday. That's because Wal-Mart calculates "holiday pay" for its workers differently than many of its rivals -- Target, Sears, Kmart, J.C. Penney and Toys R Us -- who pay workers time and a half. Wal-Mart gives employees a regular hourly wage plus additional pay for working the Thanksgiving holiday. The additional pay is equal to the average daily wage in the two weeks leading up to the holiday. That would mean that if Gertz worked an eight-hour shift on Thanksgiving day and also an average of eight hours a day in the two weeks prior, she would double her pay -- or at $10 an hour, $80 extra.
The problem is that Gertz and other Wal-Mart workers say their hours are cut prior to the holidays, so their average daily wage also goes down. Last year, Gertz's hours were cut by five hours a week before the holiday. Her hours were also cut in the weeks after the holiday, which bit into her paychecks further. She said some associates in her store had their hours slashed from 40 per week to 24 in the weeks after. "The extra pay is not really a benefit, since they cut your hours," she said. "Your paycheck either equals the same amount or it ends up being less." Wal-Mart spokeswoman Brooke Buchanan confirmed that Wal-Mart holiday pay is structured the way Gertz and other workers explained. However, Wal-Mart didn't respond specifically to Gertz's and other workers' allegations about reduced hours during the holidays.
Lets just pause here and reread that. Full time work that doesnt even meet the abysmal " bragging level " of $25,000 a year. This puts Ms. Gertz in the pool of aboutWalMart employees who make less than $25K.Wait what? You mean WalMart has come up with a different, worse for workers way to compensate them for working a holiday? Say it isnt so!How very Scrooge of them. Who here things that if you happen to go into a WalMart this week there will be few workers, empty shelves and long lines at checkout?
You can read the entire article here. I cant say I am surprised that they figured out a way to screw people. I am a little surprised that they have been so open about screwing workers. One more reason not to shop at WalMart.
UPDATE #1 Seems the original reporter was a little lax in checking on the source:
Editor's Note: An earlier version of this story featured Wal-Mart worker Barbara Gertz, who had told CNNMoney that she would be working Thanksgiving day. Gertz now says she is not scheduled to work this Thanksgiving and that she did not work the holiday last year either. On Friday, Wal-Mart spokeswoman Brooke Buchanan sent this statement: "Our records showed that Barbara was not scheduled to work on Thanksgiving, nor did she work last Thanksgiving, and, in fact, she doesn't work on Thursdays in general. She will, however, receive holiday pay, as will all associates who work their regularly scheduled shifts during Thanksgiving week, regardless of whether they work on Thursday." Wal-Mart didn't respond specifically to Gertz's claims about reduced hours during the holidays when first contacted by CNNMoney on Wednesday.
Note WalMart does not deny that how they compute holiday pay screws workers. And how long do you think Ms. Gertz will remain employed by WalMart? I have a feeling her hours are going to approach zero very soon. | positive |
Gov. Paul LePage was a vocal opponent of two initiatives that Maine voters approved on Nov. 8. He continues to argue that Question 2, which would generate funding for public schools through a surtax on high-income households, and Question 4, which raises the minimum wage, would both hurt the economy.
He’s asking the next Legislature to make changes in both laws, but some leaders in Augusta said they’re reluctant to second guess the will of the voters.
Mainers approved the minimum wage bill by a solid margin, but LePage believes it will hurt the economy by forcing small businesses to cut jobs. He is particularly worried that the cost will be passed on to consumers, including seniors, in the form of higher prices.
“The minimum wage bill is going to really put about 325,000 seniors in severe poverty. I’m going to do everything in my power to try and mitigate that and help them,” he said.
In a letter to lawmakers, LePage proposed that the increase in the minimum wage be phased in over a longer time, and that automatic future increases be removed. He also asked that lawmakers restore a lower minimum wage for workers who receive tips.
“It was pretty widely discussed here in the building with folks from both sides of the aisles that it was doing away with the tip credit.” said Senate President Mike Thibodeau.
Thibodeau and other Republican leaders said the initiatives can be modified if necessary. They point to changes that will have to be made because of the flaws in the drafting of the recreational marijuana measure, for example.
But Democrats are wary of doing anything significant to change the minimum wage proposal.
“Of all the questions that passed, that’s the one that passed with the largest margin,” said Lewiston Democrat Jared Golden. “About 55 percent is a pretty strong vote.”
Golden, the assistant House majority leader, said that while he is willing to consider making changes, the will of the voters needs to be respected.
“I think people spoke clearly,” he said. “I am not someone that ever walks into an issue saying, ‘You know, I am not going to listen.’”
Incoming state Sen. Troy Jackson, a Democrat from Allagash who will serve as minority leader, said Democrats will be reluctant to make changes even to the controversial tip credit portion of the minimum wage law.
“Many people in this state may feel that is not something that should be in there. But that is what was voted on by the people of the state of Maine,” he said. “Win or lose, you have to honor the people’s vote.”
In his letter to lawmakers, LePage also mentioned other initiatives aimed at easing the burden he said will be caused by the passage of the minimum wage increase. He wants to remove the income tax from pensions, reduce the cost of medications for seniors and make it more difficult for lenders to foreclose on elderly homeowners.
As for Question 2, which creates a fund for public schools through a surcharge on wealthier households, LePage said he would not propose changing the surtax itself but instead present a major tax reform package that will reduce the regular top income tax rate on which the surcharge is assessed, which now stands at 7.15 percent.
“The tax increase, the surcharge, I have no choice — I’m going to have to put a surcharge on. But this 7.15 percent, that I have something to say about, there is no restrictions on that. All this referendum said was we have to add a 3 percent surcharge,” he said.
The governor said his target is a top rate of 5.75 percent, which would come with a price tag of tens of millions of dollars.
Incoming House Speaker Sara Gideon, a Democrat from Freeport, said Democrats will take a good look at the governor’s budget proposal.
“I, and Democrats in general, remain committed to the idea of funding education, which is what Question 2 was about and I think he is trying to get at. No. 1, we also believe in a progressive tax structure,” she said.
On the Republican side, Thibodeau said his caucus will not support any tax reform effort that simply shifts the burden around.
“Shifting taxes creates winners and losers every time,” he said. “If we can find a way to reduce the tax burden, that’s great. But you know, if we are just shifting taxes for the sake of redistributing, I don’t see the panacea in that.”
The status of Question 2, meanwhile, is still up in the air. It passed by a very narrow margin, and is now undergoing a recount.
This article appears through a media partnership with Maine Public. | positive |
Workshop - Going Local: Nine Ways to Regenerate the Local Economy - Systems Change Alliance Skip to content About What we do We Support Our Team Advisory Panel Content Articles Videos Podcasts Arts Events Network Our Members Get Involved Community Forum Contact Us Menu About What we do We Support Our Team Advisory Panel Content Articles Videos Podcasts Arts Events Network Our Members Get Involved Community Forum Contact Us Donate Search Close Facebook-f Instagram Twitter Youtube Workshop – Going Local: Nine Ways to Regenerate the Local Economy FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmailMessengerTelegramWhatsApp FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP With Roar Bjonnes Local economies are the antidote to global consumerism and endless material growth. Going local is also key to living within our ecological boundaries and to solving our ecological crises. In this workshop, we will discuss how to create place-based communities and regenerative economies from the grassroots up. Join this free workshop and learn about the nine practices needed to truly revitalize the economy—from the local to the global. Roar Bjonnes is the co-author of Growing a New Economy and a co-founder of Systems Change Alliance. He has written and lectured on alternative economics for many years and lives and works in an eco-village in North Carolina. Register free This is a pre-event for our 3-day conference, Systems Change through Local Economies. Find out more about the conference Photo by Adela Nistora FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmailMessengerTelegramWhatsApp EVENT Workshop – Going Local: Nine Ways to Regenerate the Local Economy Date 15 Jul 2021 Expired! Time UTC +1 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Our Chapters Subscribe to the Newsletter I give my consent to Systems Change Alliance to get in touch with me via email using the information I have provided in this form, for the purpose of news and updates SIGN ME UP About What we do We Support Our Team Advisory Panel Content Articles Videos Podcasts Arts Events Network Our Members Get Involved Community Forum Contact Us Menu About What we do We Support Our Team Advisory Panel Content Articles Videos Podcasts Arts Events Network Our Members Get Involved Community Forum Contact Us Search Close Copyright © Systems Change Alliance. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy / Cookie Policy Facebook-f Instagram Twitter Youtube This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Cookie settingsACCEPT Privacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Necessary Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. SAVE & ACCEPT | negative |
The genetic lineage of Europe mysteriously transformed about 4,500 years ago, new research suggests.
The findings, detailed today (April 23) in the journal Nature Communications, were drawn from several skeletons unearthed in central Europe that were up to 7,500 years old.
"What is intriguing is that the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture, which was clearly very successful, were then suddenly replaced around 4,500 years ago, and we don't know why," said study co-author Alan Cooper, of the University of Adelaide Australian Center for Ancient DNA, in a statement. "Something major happened, and the hunt is now on to find out what that was."
The new study also confirms that people sweeping out from Turkey colonized Europe, likely as a part of the agricultural revolution, reaching Germany about 7,500 years ago.
For decades, researchers have wondered whether people, or just ideas, spread from the Middle East during the agricultural revolution that occurred after the Mesolithic period.
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To find out, Cooper and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which resides in the cells' energy-making structures and is passed on through the maternal line, from 37 skeletal remains from Germany and two from Italy; the skeletons belonged to humans who lived in several different cultures that flourished between 7,500 and 2,500 years ago. The team looked a DNA specifically from a certain genetic group, called haplogroup h, which is found widely throughout Europe but is less common in East and Central Asia.
The researchers found that the earliest farmers in Germany were closely related to Near Eastern and Anatolian people, suggesting that the agricultural revolution did indeed bring migrations of people into Europe who replaced early hunter-gatherers.
But that initial influx isn't a major part of Europe's genetic heritage today.
Instead, about 5,000 to 4,000 years ago, the genetic profile changes radically, suggesting that some mysterious event led to a huge turnover in the population that made up Europe.
The Bell Beaker culture, which emerged from the Iberian Peninsula around 2800 B.C., may have played a role in this genetic turnover. The culture, which may have been responsible for erecting some of the megaliths at Stonehenge, is named for its distinctive bell-shaped ceramics and its rich grave goods. The culture also played a role in the expansion of Celtic languages along the coast.
"We have established that the genetic foundations for modern Europe were only established in the Mid-Neolithic, after this major genetic transition around 4,000 years ago," study co-author Wolfgang Haak, also of the Australian Center for Ancient DNA, said in a statement. "This genetic diversity was then modified further by a series of incoming and expanding cultures from Iberia and Eastern Europe through the Late Neolithic."
Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | positive |
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Patrick Dempsey Has a "Couple Ideas" of How to Work With Ellen Pompeo Again - Nigeria News Buzz Social Icons facebook twitter instagram Submit News Submit News Nigeria News Buzz Latest Nigeria World Politics Sports Entertainment Business Relationship Latest Nigeria World Politics Sports Entertainment Business Relationship News Patrick Dempsey Has a “Couple Ideas” of How to Work With Ellen Pompeo Again Written by Keish Adaobi Davis on September 21, 2022 More in News: Pharoah Sanders: Jazz legend dies aged 81 September 24, 2022 Italy to hold crucial parliamentary election September 24, 2022 Kremlin-staged voting continues in occupied regions of Ukraine September 24, 2022 Patrick Dempsey would love to reunite McDreamy and Meredith Grey. The actor opened up about his dream to one day act alongside his Grey’s Anatomy co-star Ellen Pompeo once again, saying that the two share a “special relationship.” “I’d love to work with her again,” Dempsey told Extra Sept. 9. “I have a couple ideas of how I’d like to work with her and what type of material would be fun.” So, what are those projects? The Enchanted heartthrob kept tight-lipped on any specific ideas, only saying that he’d “tell [Pompeo] first, and then see if we can realize them.” Dempsey, who played Derek Shepherd, went on to reflect about the first time he met Pompeo, way back when they started filming season one of the long-running medical drama in 2005. “I remember the first time I met her, she had a Boston accent, and I’m from Maine originally so it was very endearing,” he reminisced. “We had that connection right away.” Share the News👇🏼 Twitter Facebook Reddit Pinterest Skype LinkedIn Telegram WhatsApp Print Like this: Like Loading... More News Comments are closed. Recent Pharoah Sanders: Jazz legend dies aged 81 September 24, 2022 Italy to hold crucial parliamentary election September 24, 2022 Kremlin-staged voting continues in occupied regions of Ukraine September 24, 2022 The BBC to broadcast first-ever live professional women's boxing fight with 'Women of Steel' September 24, 2022 Kim Kardashian Makes Runway Appearance at Dolce & Gabbana Show as Family Cheers Her on September 24, 2022 Louise Fletcher, Oscar Winner for ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ Dead at 88 September 24, 2022 Dmitry Bulgakov: Putin fires deputy defence chief amid supply failures September 24, 2022 Sebastian Vettel leaves the door open for future role in F1 as he prepares for retirement September 24, 2022 Arsenal suffer HUGE injury blow as Thomas Partey is withdrawn during Ghana's warm-up against Brazil September 24, 2022 Chelsea 'are prepared to offer £30MILLION for Fulham teenager Luke Harris' September 24, 2022 Richa Chadha-Ali Fazal to skip ‘no-phone policy’ at their wedding; Want their guests to be at ease September 24, 2022 Louis van Gaal's latest whacky idea sees Holland boss add a VOLLEYBALL coach to his backroom staff September 24, 2022 Manchester United's Spanish goalkeeper David de Gea 'could leave for FREE at the end of the season' September 24, 2022 Arsenal Women 4-0 Tottenham Women: Vivianne Miedema scores brace in front of record WSL crowd September 24, 2022 Floyd Mayweather tells Manny Pacquiao he would cruise to victory if they met for a second time September 24, 2022 Nigeria News Buzz We're an online news community dedicated to delivering to you news from around the world, from the world's most trusted sources. facebook twitter instagram Nigeria News Buzz About Contact Legal Terms Sources Copyright © 2022 Nigeria News Buzz. Designed by NNB %d bloggers like this: | negative |
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© Gordon Welters for The New York Times Airman First Class Spencer Stone has been recuperating at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. Airman First Class Spencer Stone’s summer vacation in Europe did not begin well.
There he was in Lisbon, the first stop of what was to be a three-week trip with two childhood friends, and he felt like a vagrant. A medic at Lajes Air Base in the Azores, he had missed the last train to Rome and so spent the night with his head propped against a concrete pillar next to a closed-up shop outside the Lisbon airport terminal, hugging his backpack to himself.
The next day he managed to catch a flight to Italy to begin the trip of a lifetime, but not in the way he ever imagined. By the time it was over, Airman Stone and his two friends — Alek Skarlatos, a specialist in the Oregon National Guard, and Anthony Sadler, a senior at California State University, Sacramento — had foiled a terrorist attack, saved a trainload of people and received the French Legion of Honor.
Airman Stone, who is to arrive back in the United States on Thursday, survived a stabbing in the neck. President Obama personally praised the friends’ bravery; President François Hollande of France said they had given the world “a lesson in courage, in will, and thus in hope.”
But before the hero’s welcome, the international acclaim, and the Jason Bourne-like maneuvers, Airman Stone spent the first week of the trip straight out of the pages of Let’s Go Europe. As he recounted in a telephone interview on Wednesday from Ramstein Air Base in Germany, he wandered the cobblestone streets of ancient Rome — his first visit to the city — enjoyed Piazza San Marco and a gondola ride in Venice, bicycled through Berlin and sampled the nighttime watering holes of Amsterdam.
On the morning of Friday, Aug. 21, Airman Stone and his two friends, a little hung over, headed to Amsterdam’s Central Station for a train to France. “We only planned to stay a day in Paris,” he recalled. “We thought, let’s just see the Eiffel Tower and then go to Barcelona.”
© Gordon Welters for The New York Times Airman First Class Spencer Stone, who helped disarm a terrorist and save a wounded train passenger. A little after 3 p.m., they boarded the train.
They had first-class tickets but found a compartment that looked good, so they took it over, figuring they would move if the real seat-owners arrived. Social media addicts, they settled down to Facebook and Snapchat, posting their vacation photos. A family came along and the compartment got crowded, so they wandered off to their real seats. Airman Stone had some wine and a sandwich. He and Mr. Sadler both fell asleep to the rocking motion of the train.
Shortly after the train crossed the Belgian border into France, the sound of a gunshot abruptly awakened Airman Stone, who opened his eyes to see a conductor rushing down the aisle. Mr. Sadler woke up, too. Specialist Skarlatos, next to Airman Stone, turned around to look behind him. Airman Stone turned too, and saw a shirtless man standing in the aisle, cocking an AK-47. People were screaming.
“Let’s go,” Specialist Skarlatos urged, and Airman Stone, in the aisle seat, took off at a sprint toward the gunman. His two friends ran behind him.
“It felt like it took forever to get to him,” Airman Stone recalled. He could not figure out why he had not been shot yet. He said he kept expecting to feel a bullet rip into his torso.
“He’s about to shoot me,” he thought as the gunman, identified by the French authorities as Ayoub El Khazzani, pointed the rifle at him. “Why am I not dead yet?”
Airman Stone dived to tackle Mr. Khazzani, hit him in the torso and then fell on top of him. There was a desperate fight for the AK-47. Airman Stone put Mr. Khazzani into a chokehold, but still he fought back. Specialist Skarlatos got the rifle away from him, but Mr. Khazzani pulled out a handgun, cocked it, and pointed it at close range at Airman Stone. It clicked, but did not go off. Specialist Skarlatos pried the gun away, and Mr. Khazzani pulled out a box cutter.
“He’s got a knife! He’s got a knife!” Airman Stone yelled. With the box cutter, Mr. Khazzani stabbed Airman Stone in the neck and sliced his thumb to the bone as the two fought. Airman Stone was bleeding heavily now, from his neck and his thumb.
Finally, the three friends got control of Mr. Khazzani and punched him until he passed out. But the ordeal was not over. Specialist Skarlatos noticed a passenger, Mark Moogalian, falling over, apparently from a bullet wound to his neck. Blood poured out.
“I’m a medic!” Airman Stone screamed, crawling over to Mr. Moogalian. He thought to stem the bleeding with his shirt, but then realized the bullet had hit an artery. “So I laid him down and plugged my finger into his neck and the bleeding stopped,” he said. “That told me, no, I won’t be moving from this position.”
The friends called Mr. Moogalian’s wife over to talk to him and keep him calm as the train traveled 15 more minutes to Arras. There, paramedics boarded and told Airman Stone to step away from Mr. Moogalian so they could take care of both men. Airman Stone refused, yelling, “No, neck, got to stick your finger in!” The paramedic did, and Airman Stone was finally led off the train and taken to the hospital.
In Sacramento, Airman Stone’s mother, Joyce Eskel, got a phone call from Specialist Skarlatos’s mother and another from the Air Force. Her son and his two friends, Ms. Eskel was told, had thwarted a terrorist attack. Her son had been “cut.” He was hospitalized but would be O.K.
“I need to talk to him,” she blurted out. “He’s not answering my texts.” The French authorities had Airman Stone’s cellphone.
Ms. Eskel, who also spoke in the telephone interview from Ramstein, where she was visiting her son, said she turned on the television, shaking. One report said two men had been critically injured, one shot in the neck. She said she frantically wondered why they were saying he was critically injured when the Air Force said he was going to be all right.
At the hospital, a local woman came into Airman Stone’s room to help him eat. He could not use his hands, so she cut up his meat, and took care of him as a mother would.
Airman Stone started calling her his French mother, but he needed to talk to his real one. His French mother handed him her cellphone.
In Sacramento, Ms. Eskel picked it up on the first ring. By now she was terrified.
“Mom,” her son said, “don’t freak out, O.K.? I’m O.K.”
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The interactions between politics and law with specially focus on Africa. Home About Disclaimer Policy Jobs Contact Us Home Education Economy Agriculture Government Politics Contact Us Homepolitics The interactions between politics and law with specially focus on Africa. The interactions between politics and law with specially focus on Africa. Admin - May 04, 2021 Simply put law is the output of politics and politics operate within the confines of law. In this sense we can say that law and politics are twin concepts that affect one another. Law and politics in this discourse is not limited to the national realms but also extends to the international arena In which case, what are the basic characteristics between national and international law and politics. The law functions in relation to politics in three basic aspects, namely as a goal, a means or an obstacle. First, politics can define certain predominantly legal values or institutions as its goal. In this case the political understanding of the same values or institution becomes almost identical to an authentic legal understanding of the same values or institution (democracy) Second, politics can comprehend the law merely as a means for the fulfilment of certain political interest In this case politics is neutral in its attitude towards the law (i.e. electoral process) Finally politics can interpret law as an obstacle on the way toward the realization of certain political goals. In this situation either politics prevails over law, or vice versa. In the first case politics effectuates its solutions at the expense of rule of law, while in the second case the autonomy of law is preserved through the decisions of the highest courts or by other actions taken by lawyers, intellectuals, association, organizations and the public in order to stop illicit acts of political actors. Law and politics create their own particular picture of reality. Sometimes those picture overlap, sometimes they differ But the central question to answer in this discourse is what relationship exist between the politics and law? In answering this question, the appropriate approach suggest that we simply identify any two attributes of politics and see how these attributes represent or are expressed by law. For example, sovereignty and government (population, territory). A critical observation clearly shows the existence and reality of law. In other words, all attributes of politics have legal characteristics, for instance the sovereignty of the state represent the supreme and overwhelming powers of the state In this sense, state power operate over a given territory, the powers of that state are both ultimate, decisive, final and universal. It also means that the powers of that state over its territory are of lasting legal implications. In the legal arena, sovereignty is not only of political relevance but it represents the legal expression of the state’s existence. Tags: politics Facebook Twitter You may like these posts Post a Comment 0 Comments Like Us on Facebook Social Plugin Get more stuff like this in your inbox Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously Popular Posts Top Solutions to the Problems of Agriculture October 14, 2020 Top 10 Most Educated States in Nigeria (2022) February 10, 2022 Definition, Scope, Nature of Agricultural Economics November 11, 2021 How to 3/Problems/post-list Categories Addiction 4 Agriculture 92 business 19 Economy 68 Education 200 Government 140 HEALTH 30 politics 46 Problems 24 Solution 6 Sport 50 Random Posts 5/random/post-list Problems 5/Problems/post-list ECONOMY Top Solutions to the Problems of Agriculture October 14, 2020 Top 10 Most Educated States in Nigeria (2022) February 10, 2022 Definition, Scope, Nature of Agricultural Economics November 11, 2021 4 Major Theories of the Origin of Government February 21, 2022 IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION December 25, 2020 Menu Footer Widget Home About Us Policy Disclaimer Jobs Contact Us Crafted with by TemplatesYard | Distributed by Blogger | negative |
One of the main things that people hate to give up on low carb / keto diets is chips. The closest replacement is fried cheese! Here are some Parmesan chips I made for the Superbowl (wow I’m pretty behind 🙂 ).
The first step is to take hard Parmesan cheese and grate it into slices. I use this hand grater. It has 6 sides and one of them is a slot that will cut flat slices of cheese just like these. Lay the cheese out on some parchment paper.
The cooking time is a hard thing to gauge. Basically you want to watch it and when it stops bubbling its done. Maybe a little before that but its pretty easy to get the hang of.
Here are the chips along with several other keto friendly snacks. On the left we have the Bacon Wrapped Smokies followed by the Jalapenos: Stuffed and Wrapped. I also included some low carb blue cheese dressing. The meat is crockpot buffalo chicken.
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Space Exploration and the Mind | Government Book Talk Government Book Talk Talking about some of the best publications from the Federal Government, past and present. Home About Comments Policy RSS Feeds Space Exploration and the Mind Many years ago I read “Ideas Die Hard,” a memorable story (at least to me) by Isaac Asimov. In the story, a crew of astronauts is on a flight to the moon under very tense circumstances. They go too far and see the dark side of the moon. SPOILER AHEAD: When they view the dark side, it’s a gigantic wood-and-paper stage set, the sight of which causes the crew to have a collective mental breakdown. At the end of the story, it’s revealed that the flight was a simulation and the simulator went just a bit further than intended. I think the story has stayed with me because it addresses the psychological dimensions of space exploration – an aspect I haven’t really seen addressed in news accounts or books. NASA has filled this gap quite nicely with Psychology of Space Exploration, an engrossing new collection of articles on this theme. After an initial focus on the psychological effects of space travel, for many years the American space program paid only minimal attention to them, perhaps because the military background of the astronauts militated against what they perceived as the possibly career-retarding discussions of such matters. Interestingly, theSoviet Union paid much more attention to the psychological health of its cosmonauts during the same period. These days, however, NASA is more cognizant of the importance of mood, morale, the psychological effects of weightlessness, and other mind-body issues. As a history buff, I was intrigued to read about the comparison of voyages in space to the epic journeys of Arctic explorers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Even now, wintering over in Antarctica is a kind of model of the prolonged stays in close quarters that characterize the International Space Station. In a section on the interplay of astronauts from different countries working together, I was amused to learn that Soviet cosmonauts were not totally enthralled the space cuisine enjoyed by a French counterpart: “one of them later expressed his relief at going back to black bread and borscht after a menu of canned French delicacies, including compote of pigeon with dates and dried raisins, duck with artichokes, boeuf bourguignon, and more.” Another fascinating essay described a space flight simulation experience in which people who knew that they were not really in space still got great enjoyment from their “trip.” It sounded so interesting that I was ready to sign up myself. Also, the special effects sound much better than those in Isaac Asimov’s story! I really enjoyed reading Psychology of Space Exploration – I had no idea of the range of psychological issues that can crop up in space travel and the ways in which NASA has tackled them. Space buffs and students of the human mind will find much to ponder in this book. You can read it here, get your own copy, or find it in a library. SHARE THIS: Share Print Reddit Pinterest Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Like this: Like Loading... Related This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 13th, 2011 at 9:56 am and is filed under NASA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Post navigation « Previous Post Next Post » 18 Responses to Space Exploration and the Mind dulcie-sutter says: January 16, 2014 at 3:19 am great submit, very informative. I ponder why the other experts of this sector do not understand this. You must continue your writing. I’m sure, you have a huge readers’ base already! LikeLike Reply Videoüberwachung says: February 21, 2012 at 1:32 pm thanks for this post. It was really interessting. LikeLike Reply caddy says: December 27, 2011 at 5:25 am I read the book the power of now, and stillness speaks, I found in both information that make more sense than the mind games played on collective humanity by those who use it asa means to control and manipulate the global human landscape. LikeLike Reply Holiday rentals in Spain says: October 31, 2011 at 5:33 am It is amazing to think how technology has developed and I would love to think that in another 50 years we could be travelling to space as a holiday destination! How cool would that be. LikeLike Reply Evelyn Woodson says: October 1, 2011 at 10:28 am I liked the introduction I read when linking to this site, It speaks of Astronauts exploring the dark side of the moon to find paper and wood props , and it blew their minds or at least that is what is implied , it reminds me of the Wizard of Oz . I read that time and space is not real, and all the things we think we are expererencing is allusions, and matter as we understand it is condensed enrgy, I read the book the power of now, and stillness speaks, I found in both information that make more sense than the mind games played on collective humanity by those who use it asa means to control and manipulate the global human landscape. LikeLike Reply Nancy says: September 24, 2011 at 5:09 pm I agree with the Russian Astronaut; French cuisine, although fine for dinner, was not meant to be eaten by real men at lunchtime! LikeLike Reply Ripon says: September 25, 2011 at 1:47 am • How fantasy & reality do differ! LikeLike Reply Just Thinking says: September 22, 2011 at 2:04 pm If Man Does Not Destroy This Planet First, Space Could Be A New Frontier on a living planet, the only thing is getting there, It is just an Idea, in movies. the facts are We have not quite got it, so if we destroy our planet today we may not ever beable to ever this is not new Ideas, Look at history the dreams of man, The Time May be Noew, or Tomarrow But Today We Live On this Hunk of Dirt ! that some are killing, or looking at destroying but when it is gone it may never be agian ? We Only have Now ?! Tomarrow is at Question ? . LikeLike Reply Ripon says: September 25, 2011 at 1:45 am It’ll be fantastic to live in space on another favorable planet providing that there’ll be no more discrimination & segregation among people by religion, complexion, gender etc on that new favorable planet. Otherwise, the same suicidal cycle of civilization will resume ding dong again on that new planet! LikeLike Reply Meryem Psychic says: September 22, 2011 at 1:48 am Thanks for sharing such a interesting piece of incident related with astronauts to highlight their psychic… Although it has changed quite a lot with the advent of new improved techniques of teaching and training in the space exploration field, it is indeed amazing to see how our space exploration field of study has evolved. LikeLike Reply Ripon says: September 25, 2011 at 1:42 am • Hi Meryem! So sweet your thinking is! The psychic aspect has already been evolved a lot – as you’ve mentioned nicely. I think nowadays evolution requires much to take place on the domain of inhabitants of this planet of earth rather than on astronauts’ mind. As because nowadays satellites use to crash-dropping from space on to the earth. In past once in Oklahoma, yesterday on the Pacific and in the North Canada, maybe tomorrow a whole spaceship on our head! Enjoyable indeed! Cheers! Ripon # LikeLike Reply Ripon says: September 17, 2011 at 6:20 pm Hence it’s been proven once again that mind is the most powerful factor interacting in every walk of human civilization’s three vital P’s – peace, progress & prosperity. It’s Mind – the most beautiful & effective power that unites and generates us towards the three vital P’s. Enjoy! Ripon # LikeLike Reply crozzzlinx says: September 15, 2011 at 11:52 pm sorry i am from indonesia, My previous comment in the Indonesian , in English it means: interesting information, but unfortunately I’m afraid of heights, let alone become an astronaut would fly away, it’s more than a building. Omg LikeLike Reply Suchmaschinenoptimierung says: September 15, 2011 at 10:40 am Isaac Asimov also released few books about galaxy and astronomy, they are good to read if this blog was interesting for you. LikeLike Reply Jose R. Soto says: September 14, 2011 at 5:49 pm I knew Asimov had to be recognized as one of the great visionaries of contemporary civilization. LikeLike Reply Ripon says: October 7, 2011 at 10:58 pm What was Asimov’s vision about getting rid of world’s ongoing problem with segregation, discrimination and terrorization? Ripon # LikeLike Reply futuretechnologyes says: September 14, 2011 at 10:05 am its cool i want to become an astronomer by reading this post LikeLike Reply Ripon says: November 6, 2011 at 12:40 am By dint of future technology, it’s as simple as to be a driver or at least a passenger of a bus running to and fro on streets! So, one day such dream must become true – I’m sure; but what’s important is to stretch out all our dreams, exploration and entrepreneurship to be dedicated towards the welfare of human being as well as humanity, federal democracy, peace & progress. Only then our life becomes a success! I think as an astronomer one can contribute mankind in many aspects. God bless! Ripon # LikeLike Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out / Change ) Cancel Connecting to %s Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Follow Government Book Talk on WordPress.com Subscribe to Email Alerts Enter your email address to subscribe to Government Book Talk and receive notifications of new blog posts by email. Email Address: Sign me up! 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A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - 05.11.2022 - 19:00 Language Login / My account Cart (0) Menu Home Cultural events Vouchers Photogallery of places How to buy ? Terms Partners Contact A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - 05.11.2022 - 19:00 Sale 8% Currently viewed 10 customers Purchased 6 in the last 7 days A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons 05.11.2022 - 19:00 Selection from Antonio Vivaldi´s Four Seasons and other beautiful pieces of classical music performed by a 10-member orchestra. Category: AdultsStudents Quantity: 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 No assigned seating: Free seating within the chosen category. Whoever comes earlier chooses seats. Total price: € Include tax ( CZK) Event TimesOther eventsHow to buy ? Buy Show more information - A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Program: W.A.MOZART: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC AVE VERUM CORPUS J.PACHELBEL - CANON IN D MAJOR CH.GOUNOD - AVE MARIA T.ALBINONI - ADAGIO J.S.BACH - TOCCATA D MINOR A.DVOŘÁK: WALTZ OP.54, NO.4 BIBLICAL SONG - GOD IS MY SHEPERD J.S.BACH - AIR FROM SUITE G MAJOR B.SMETANA - VLTAVA F.SCHUBERT - AVE MARIA A.VIVALDI - THE FOUR SEASONS SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER (THE BEST OF) String orchestra with organ and soprano. Performed by: Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague was founded by its current director and chief conductor Martin Šanda. High professional level of musicians guarantees supreme quality and perfect plasticity of musical interpretation. The orchestra has a large repertoire and interprets also the most ambitious works composed for the symphonic orchestra. The basic formation consists of 70 musicians yet more musicians may be invited for large symphonic pieces. Even the standard formation of seventy musicians, however, maintains high interpretative quality and perfect symphonic sound. The orchestra collaborates with well-known instrumentalists, vocal soloists and choirs, such as the Bohemian Choir Prague. Please note: The concert has no intermission. Duration: 60 minutes Show address View on google maps Karlova 1 110 00 Praha 1 Show event date and times 29.09.2022A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Selection from Antonio Vivaldi´s Four Seasons and other beautiful pieces of classical music performed by a 10-member orchestra. 29.09.2022, 19:00 01.10.2022A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Selection from Antonio Vivaldi´s Four Seasons and other beautiful pieces of classical music performed by a 10-member orchestra. 01.10.2022, 19:00 04.10.2022A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Selection from Antonio Vivaldi´s Four Seasons and other beautiful pieces of classical music performed by a 10-member orchestra. 04.10.2022, 19:00 06.10.2022A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Selection from Antonio Vivaldi´s Four Seasons and other beautiful pieces of classical music performed by a 10-member orchestra. 06.10.2022, 19:00 08.10.2022A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Selection from Antonio Vivaldi´s Four Seasons and other beautiful pieces of classical music performed by a 10-member orchestra. 08.10.2022, 19:00 More dates Other events Sale 27% Currently viewed 26 customers Purchased 8 in the last 7 days PEARLS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC 06.11.2022 - 13:00 Price from 15,82 € (390 CZK) Lobkowicz Palace Currently viewed 26 customers Purchased 8 in the last 7 days LISTEN TO PEARLS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC in Lobkowicz Palace‘s beautifully decorated concert hall with impressive 17th-century painted stucco ceilings. Professional musicians, including members of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, play for your pleasure during the Prague Castle visit. LocationTimesTickets Currently viewed 28 customers Purchased 5 in the last 7 days Vivaldi Four Seasons 06.11.2022 - 17:00 Price from 20,28 € (500 CZK) Klementinum Mirror Chapel Currently viewed 28 customers Purchased 5 in the last 7 days The chamber Dvorak Symphony Orchestra Prague plays A. Vivaldi: Four Seasons. LocationTimesTickets Currently viewed 27 customers Purchased 4 in the last 7 days Bolero, Carmina Burana 06.11.2022 - 17:30 Price from 20,28 € (500 CZK) Spanish Synagogue Currently viewed 25 customers Purchased 4 in the last 7 days THE SPANISH SYNAGOGUE – THE YOUNGEST YET THE MOST BEAUTIFUL and tons of famous composers. LocationTimesTickets Sale 25% Currently viewed 9 customers Purchased 4 in the last 7 days The Best of Gershwin 07.11.2022 - 17:30 Price from 20,28 € (500 CZK) Spanish Synagogue Currently viewed 13 customers Purchased 4 in the last 7 days THE SPANISH SYNAGOGUE – THE YOUNGEST YET THE MOST BEAUTIFUL and tons of famous composers. LocationTimesTickets Sale 20% Currently viewed 8 customers Purchased 5 in the last 7 days MOZART DINNER 08.11.2022 - 19:00 Price from 58,39 € (1 440 CZK) Boccaccio Hall in Grandhotel Bohemia Currently viewed 8 customers Purchased 5 in the last 7 days Excellent Opera Singers and Musicians. Historically Protected Hall in the Heart of Prague. Exceptional Cuisine. LocationTimesTickets Sale 23% Currently viewed 10 customers Purchased 3 in the last 7 days The Best of World and Czech Music 09.11.2022 - 17:30 Price from 20,28 € (500 CZK) Spanish Synagogue Currently viewed 13 customers Purchased 3 in the last 7 days THE SPANISH SYNAGOGUE – THE YOUNGEST YET THE MOST BEAUTIFUL and tons of famous composers. LocationTimesTickets Sale 25% Currently viewed 27 customers Purchased 5 in the last 7 days Hallelujah 10.11.2022 - 17:30 Price from 20,28 € (500 CZK) Spanish Synagogue Currently viewed 25 customers Purchased 5 in the last 7 days THE SPANISH SYNAGOGUE – THE YOUNGEST YET THE MOST BEAUTIFUL and tons of famous composers. LocationTimesTickets Next events Home How to buy Photogallery Partners Terms and Conditions Contact This site uses cookies to provide services and proper functionality. By using this site, you agree. If you do not agree, please leave this site. More The content of this site may not be published in any way without written permission. © All rights reserved www.prague-ticket-concert.com Created by IT Partner | negative |
william davies
In a July 2015 interview, the former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis gave an insight into his exchanges with the representatives of Greece’s creditors at eu Finance Ministers’ meetings. What stood out was his depiction of almost surreal levels of incomprehension: ‘You put forward an argument that you’ve really worked on—to make sure it’s logically coherent—and you’re just faced with blank stares. It is as if you haven’t spoken. What you say is independent of what they say. You might as well have sung the Swedish national anthem.’ The promise of a common European public sphere, bound together by reasoned deliberation, which has enamoured liberals for over two hundred years, appears broken. The post-war reconstitution of this project, which placed the Common Market at its heart, has reached its limit, as many of its former enthusiasts now accept. Varoufakis’s comment is symptomatic of a new strain of political dissent that cannot be simply classed as critique. Rather, it is an expression of bewilderment that dominant forms of economic regulation persist, apparently impervious to evidence, evaluation or the merits of alternatives. Once critique is no longer even heard or recognized, critics may as well say anything.
One result of this seeming irrationalism from above has been the vindication of unreason from below. The British performance artist Mark McGowan, also known as ‘The Artist Taxi Driver’, exemplifies this in his YouTube videos. McGowan sits in his car in wrap-around shades, unleashing his fury at austerity measures, political elites, tax evaders and the senseless social harm that has been enacted since the financial crisis. As he gesticulates at the camera on his dashboard, the mood is one of disbelief, closer to hilarity than to despair, as if to ask: can this really be happening? One of The Artist Taxi Driver’s straplines was ‘This is not a recession, this is a robbery’. Allegations of illegal violence are common in this new culture of protest, as in the ubiquitous complaints that #thisisacoup, or Varoufakis’s memorable description of Greece’s debt conditions as ‘fiscal waterboarding’. In the us, The Onion and The Daily Show have long offered a model of satirical reporting on the political scene. The Daily Mash, a British website, has developed a more specific focus on economic nonsense, with articles such as ‘“Getting your name out there” to become legal tender’ or ‘Tories to build thousands of affordable second homes’. The proximity of these headlines to ‘real’ news effectively offers readers a choice of two stories, both equally absurd.
This seeming shift to unreason by the governing powers has been characterized since 2008 by more vindictive varieties of policymaking, which often operate outside of the norms of policy evaluation, evidence gathering or public appeal. In the past, neoliberalism has been criticized for elevating economic judgements of ‘efficiency’ or ‘competitiveness’ above moral judgements of social justice. But increasingly it appears, at least at the level of public discourse, that governments are operating outside of the norms of judgement altogether. The best example of this is austerity itself. History offers scant examples of pro-cyclical fiscal-contraction programmes that have succeeded in avoiding macroeconomic stagnation. The hypothesis of ‘expansionary fiscal austerity’, put forward by Harvard economist Alberto Alesina and enthusiastically cited by a number of European political leaders since 2008, only ever proposed that spending cuts need not necessarily lead to reduced growth. Yet no amount of empirical evidence of austerity’s failings seems adequate to derail those who pronounce its necessity.
Social policies aimed at disciplining vulnerable populations have become equally unbelievable. Under Britain’s ‘benefit sanctions’ regime, welfare payments can be suddenly suspended for up to a month on account of trivial breaches, without any sense of procedural reason as to how the rules are applied. One man had a heart attack on the way to an appointment, but was nevertheless sanctioned; another lost his benefits for going to his brother’s funeral, having been unable to get through when he tried to phone the Job Centre. Over a million people in the uk have received sanctions for one reason or another. Thousands have died after being declared ‘fit for work’ by workfare contractors and having their disability benefits cut. Labour-market policies now incorporate dubious behavioural activation techniques, from neuro-linguistic programming to self-marketing slogans. Participants must read out ‘affirmations’, such as ‘My only limitations are the ones I set for myself’, which are almost comically distant from the reality of those living with low incomes, chronic health conditions and dependent family members.
It might be argued that such policies are not beyond reason altogether. Austerity clearly has its beneficiaries in creditor states and financial institutions; harsh treatment for welfare recipients serves well-known electoral agendas. Yet these trends do seem to exist outside of public governmental reason. If Foucault was right to argue that liberal states desisted from vengeful, excessive forms of punishment in the 19th century, replacing them with expert forms of discipline rooted in detailed statistical, psychological and economic knowledge of how to achieve optimal outcomes, then contemporary austerity regimes would appear to be reversing certain aspects of this. It is no longer clear that the social sciences, economics or psychology are being applied in a normative, methodological, publicly falsifiable sense. Instead, they appear to be operating as arms of sovereign power, asserting truths rather than discovering them.
Dead yet still dominant?
If today we live under neoliberalism, it is manifestly different from the neoliberalism that rose to power in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and different again from that which held sway from the 1990s, in the long boom preceding 2008. The nomenclature has always been a controversial one. It is frequently suggested that the term ‘neoliberalism’ refers to too many heterogeneous or contradictory policy dynamics, and is therefore useless. Of course, the internal inconsistency of the concept may encapsulate something real about the system it purports to capture. Yet there is nevertheless something problematic about ascribing governmental interventions in 2016 to the same overarching rationality or teleology as those of 2001 or 1985. It would certainly appear that neoliberalism has entered some sort of post-hegemonic phase, in which systems and routines of power survive, but without normative or democratic authority. In this sense, neoliberalism is, as Neil Smith put it, ‘dead yet still dominant’. But what if the new power forms are not dwindling, as that would suggest, but abandoning the quest for hegemony, in Gramsci’s ethical sense, altogether? What has emerged, I want to suggest, is not simply another ‘post’ but a new phase of neoliberalism, which is organized around an ethos of punishment. This is not the type of punishment conceived by Bentham and historicized by Foucault, namely a measured science of displeasure. Rather, it is a relentless form that acts in place of reasoned discourse, replacing the need for hegemonic consensus formation. It is this that provokes shock and incredulity in response, captured in the notion of ‘fiscal waterboarding’.
To understand this new phase historically, we need to consider how it differs from what came before 2008. From this perspective, it is clear that there was not a single epoch of neoliberalism, but two. Firstly, there was the spread of neoliberalism from around 1979, which lasted for roughly a decade leading up to the fall of the Berlin Wall, led by neoconservative parties of the right, and notably by Reagan and Thatcher (even if Carter and Callaghan had delivered the first blows). Secondly, there was the application of neoliberalism which lasted nearly two decades, between the demise of state socialism and the global financial crisis. Importantly, this was advanced by liberal and ex-socialist parties of the centre left, leaving many of these parties now in a state of disarray as a result. The epochal distinction I seek to draw is not between modes of regulation or varieties of policy as such, but between the ethical and philosophical orientations that accompany them. The same instruments of state power can carry multiple meanings, at different points in history. The telos or a priori principle of a policy is intangible, but exists nevertheless in the psychology and mutually understood practices of those who implement and live with it. With this in mind, I offer an interpretation of the successive ethical philosophies that have provided the neoliberal state with its orientation. What has changed since 2008 is not so much the techniques of power—which have remained eerily constant—but the spirit or meaning in their enactment.
1. combative neoliberalism: 1979–89
The origins of neoliberalism, as a distinctive political and intellectual project, can be traced back to the socialist calculation debate, and Ludwig von Mises in particular. These foundations indicate something about the character of the neoliberal critical reason that would follow. Long before Hayek and his allies attempted to construct a positive vision of neoliberal government, Mises had signalled the primarily obstructive, even destructive, ambitions of neoliberal intellectuals. At the heart of his 1920s contributions was the need to discredit the rationality of socialism. He set an impossible standard for what a ‘rational’ socialist government would need to look like. Focusing on the philosophical problem of intersubjective valuation, Mises famously argued that the price system was the only conceivable means of converting values into commensurable metrics of calculation. Investment in productive capital would be irrational without such a system, given the time horizons and complexities involved in industrial production. While Mises himself was never a central figure in the later ‘neoliberal thought collective’, as Philip Mirowski calls it, he offered a model for the critical dismantlement of socialist and Keynesian policymaking. His style of critique set the tone for what would follow: insistence on simple, seemingly obvious binary choices between liberal market capitalism and everything else.
As Mirowski notes, the thinking of the early neoliberals shared aspects of Carl Schmitt’s anti-democratic political realism. Their view of ‘the political’, present also in the American tradition of neoliberalism that emerged at the Universities of Virginia and Chicago, was one dominated by the problem of executive decision, which needed insulating from short-term populist objectives. Placing executive power in the hands of rational technocrats would be the necessary corollary of safeguarding the rationality of the price system. One can also witness another classically Schmittian dimension to the neoliberal style of critique: the starkness of the choice between market economies and everything else introduces a friend–enemy distinction to the field of economic policymaking. Socialism represented the necessary enemy for neoliberalism to coalesce as a political identity.
How neoliberalism developed between the socialist calculation debate and the triumph of the New Right in the 1980s is a story that has been told elsewhere. Many accounts have stressed the role of think-tanks in developing the positive policy platform that Hayek sought to construct. Yet it would be an error to forget that this movement was catalysed, held together and motivated by a spirit of resistance to non-capitalist political and intellectual forces. Inspired by examples from the left, it was a self-conscious insurgency, a social movement aimed at combating and ideally destroying the enemies of liberal capitalism. To the surprise of much of the left in the late 1970s, capital was able to re-organize socially and politically, just as labour had once done. In its applied form, combative neoliberalism involved an array of tactics aimed at undermining the possibility of socialism. Anti-labour legislation and sometimes violent confrontations with trade unions—air-traffic controllers in the us, miners in the uk—were chief amongst these. Anti-inflationary monetarist policies and high interest rates had the added effect of driving up unemployment to unprecedented levels. Alan Budd, one of Thatcher’s economic advisors, later confessed that this was an underlying goal of monetarism all along. Accelerated military spending by the Reagan government placed unsustainable strains on the Soviet economy, while masking the lack of private-sector growth in the United States.
Classically Marxist accounts, such as David Harvey’s, focus on these political developments as proof that the neoliberal state is an instrument of class power. The restoration of the rate of profit, following the inflationary slump of the 1970s, was its abiding purpose, though not one it lastingly achieved. But this does not capture the cultural and ideological orientation of combative neoliberalism, which was to demolish non-capitalist avenues of political hope. David Graeber puts this succinctly: ‘Whenever there is a choice between one option that makes capitalism seem the only possible economic system, and another that would actually make capitalism a more viable economic system, neoliberalism means always choosing the former.’ The stark binary first introduced by Mises, between the rationality of the price system and the irrationality of anything else, has the effect of obscuring all differences that exist between systems and cultures of socialism. It obliterates choices between more and less effective forms of collectivism, while occluding the various types of mixed economy that succeeded during the post-war boom.
The coherence of neoliberalism as a particular form of critique and political practice was therefore invented only in combative opposition to socialism, whose destruction, both internationally and domestically, provided its animating telos. Many of the flagship neoliberal policies of the 1980s did not ‘work’ in any measurable utilitarian sense. Subsequent analysis has shown that uk labour-market reforms, for example, did nothing to increase the level of private-sector employment in the long run, once the effects of privatization are stripped out. But they succeeded in their more diffuse ethical agenda, of anchoring political hopes and identities in non-socialist economic forms.
2.normative neoliberalism: 1989–2008
What is neoliberalism in the absence of socialism—what provides its orientation or ethical coherence? Neoliberalism’s golden age in the 1990s, described by Giovanni Arrighi as the belle époque of America’s global hegemony, witnessed a different mode of government. Once the horizons of political hope had been delimited to a single political-economic system, the project of modernization became an explicitly normative one, of how to render that system ‘fair’. The neoliberal telos became a constructivist one, of rendering market-based metrics and instruments the measure of all human worth, not only inside the market but, crucially, outside it as well. Foucault was one of the first to notice that neoliberal intellectuals were not only engaged in a critical demolition of the claims for economic planning, à la Mises, but also in a remaking of subjectivity around the ideal of enterprise. Concepts such as ‘human capital’ offered a new lens through which to analyse and calculate decision-making in non-market contexts. The virtue of markets was their competitive quality, which provided a normative procedure through which value and knowledge could be ascertained. According to this logic, all spheres of human activity should therefore be reconstructed around the standards of competition, so as to ensure that valuable products, services, artefacts, ideas and people were discoverable. The task of government was now to ensure that ‘winners’ were clearly distinguishable from ‘losers’, and that the contest was perceived as fair.
In practice, this involved the constant modernization of administration, management and accounting. The reforms of public-sector bureaucracies sought to inject a spirit of enterprise into government itself. In the uk, the Research Assessment Exercise was introduced in 1986 to impose a score on every university department in the country, producing a ranking from best to worst in research quality. Over the 1990s, arts institutions were exhorted to implement new accounting methods for capturing value. Cost–benefit analysis, coupled to the neoclassical language of ‘market failure’, became the tests of legitimate public spending. Techniques of strategic audit were invented for ranking the ‘competitiveness’ of nations, regions and cities. The expansion of neoclassical economics and auditing into all walks of social and political life was a disheartening phenomenon, which stripped non-market domains of their autonomous logics. It achieved what I have described as neoliberalism’s disenchantment of politics by economics. Yet it is important also to recognize the normative procedures and constraints that this constructs around the exercise of political power. Under such conditions, neoclassical economics becomes a soft constitution for government, or ‘governance’ in its devolved forms. Normative questions of fairness, reward and recognition become channelled into economic tests of efficiency and comparisons of ‘excellence’. Coupled to markets and quasi-market contests, the ideal is that of meritocracy, of reward being legitimately earned, rather than arbitrarily inherited.
Centre-left governments were better suited to the pursuit of normative neoliberalism, or what was called the Third Way, for two reasons. Firstly, as a mode of government aimed at modernizing public institutions and intervening in social life, this required techniques, institutions and expertise traditionally associated with social democracy rather than with conservatism. It was a self-consciously progressive project, fuelled by a reformist desire to produce a fair society unhindered by constraints of culture or tradition. Secondly, higher levels of social spending often accompanied the development of this new economistic hegemony. The centre left viewed the spread of economic audits as the necessary means of achieving value in public services and programmes in a post-social-democratic age. In cases such as higher education or the arts, professionals experienced auditing not merely as punitive or panoptical, but as the basis on which they could legitimately earn more funding.
Given the constitutional importance of competition within normative neoliberalism, its legitimacy has never been threatened by inequality as such. Its moral vision hung ultimately on the authority of the audits, economic tests and methodologies that various agencies used to judge and calculate value across society at large. These valuations had to retain some a priori status, in order for normative neoliberalism to hold together. That distinction was lost during the banking crisis once it emerged that systems of audit and economic modelling could potentially serve vested political and economic interests. The discovery that auditors and credit raters were also driven by financial incentives helped to strip normative neoliberalism of its ideological coherence. Inequality, which had been rising in most of the Global North since the 1980s, returned as a major concern only once the tests of legitimate inequality had been found to be faulty.
3. punitive neoliberalism: 2008–?
Looking back on the first two phases of neoliberalism, it is curious that critical theorists and social scientists largely failed to recognize one of their defining economic characteristics: the build-up of debt. As Wolfgang Streeck shows in Buying Time, there was a phase of rising public debt, coinciding with what I have termed combative neoliberalism, followed by a phase of rising private debt, coinciding with normative neoliberalism. But it was not until after the fact that much critical or analytical attention was paid to either of these. While financialization was on the rise, it was largely mistaken for other forms of immaterial value, such as ‘creativity’ or ‘knowledge’ —concealing the political logic of debt during periods of combative and normative neoliberalism, which then came dramatically to the fore following the global financial crisis.
The transfer of banking debts onto government balance sheets, creating the justification for austerity, has triggered a third phase of neoliberalism, which operates with an ethos of heavily moralized—as opposed to utilitarian—punishment. What distinguishes the spirit of punishment is its post jure logic, that is, the sense that the moment of judgement has already passed, and questions of value or guilt are no longer open to deliberation. By the same token, it is post-critical. Under punitive neoliberalism, economic dependency and moral failure become entangled in the form of debt, producing a melancholic condition in which governments and societies unleash hatred and violence upon members of their own populations. When debt is combined with political weakness, it becomes a condition for further punishment. Studies of those living in poverty with problem debts found a prevalent psychology of melancholia, whereby debt exacerbates a sense of self-recrimination and the expectation of further punishment. Research on public attitudes to austerity confirms a similar internalization of financial morality, which produces the sense that we ‘deserve’ to suffer for credit-fuelled economic growth.
The policy instruments and practices of punitive neoliberalism have strong family resemblances to those that were propagated in neoliberalism’s first phases. Britain’s Conservative Party has brought back Thatcher-era policies, such as an expansion of the ‘right to buy’ social housing, only now extended to tenants of non-profit housing associations, and anti-union legislation, such as a requirement to communicate picketing activities in advance to police and a ban on online balloting of members for strike action. These were even described as ‘out of proportion’ by the Financial Times. It is not immediately clear what such measures are seeking to achieve. Judged against most standards of orthodox economic evaluation, they are self-destructive. Britain’s inflated housing market is already a source of deep structural problems in its economy and, since 2008, the British economy has lost fewer days to strike action annually than at any point between 1900 and 1990. Greater union density and bargaining power would most likely raise wages, reduce inequality and thereby help promote more sustainable growth.
The techniques associated with normative neoliberalism also take on a newly punitive quality. During times of growth, the spread of audits into the public and cultural sectors was experienced as a quasi-consensual basis on which to distribute more funds. During times of austerity, the same techniques become tools through which to withdraw them, producing manifold injuries in the process. Warren Buffett’s famous claim, that ‘only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s swimming naked’, is now being forcefully extended to the public and cultural realms. The government expectation that public-sector productivity can alleviate the losses associated with austerity means that the declining mental and physical health of public-sector workers is now one of the most significant indexes of fiscal retrenchment. A survey conducted in early 2015 found that nearly half of teachers in England had visited a doctor for reasons to do with stress, and more than two thirds were thinking of quitting; similarly, 70 per cent of junior doctors are considering leaving the National Health Service, in response to unpaid extension of working hours. The suicide of Stefan Grimm, a German scientist based at Imperial College, London, who had been set a target of research income to raise, in a context of increasingly competitive grant contests, highlights the types of strain that punitive target-setting can create in an age when funds are shrinking. The conflicts and injuries of neoliberalism are now increasingly played out in the somatic arena. The limits to austerity are most effectively asserted by disability rights activists and striking doctors, who have achieved a level of public support that represents a genuine worry to the Conservative government.
Yet the superficial similarity of contemporary neoliberalism to earlier phases masks a profound difference: in this phase, it is not at all clear why such measures are being introduced, other than out of a desire to extract some form of vengeance. The Schmittian worldview of the neoliberal pioneers, which pitted free-market capitalism against all varieties of non-capitalist system, has mutated into something equally paranoid and simplistic, but now apparently self-destructive. In contrast to the offensive against socialism, the ‘enemies’ targeted now are largely disempowered and internal to the neoliberal system itself. In some instances, such as those crippled by poverty, debt and collapsing social-safety nets, they have already been largely destroyed as an autonomous political force. Yet somehow this increases the urge to punish them further.
Representation or repetition?
The crisis of Fordist Keynesianism in the 1970s obeyed a classically modern rhythm of crisis, in line with Thomas Kuhn’s model of a paradigm shift. Economic contingencies elicited a crisis of theoretical and regulatory orthodoxy; this produced a period of epistemic and political uncertainty, which then created a space for competing theories and policy ideas to gain credibility. Gramsci’s famous observation in the Prison Notebooks, that ‘the crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born’, might have well described the middle years of the 1970s, before the rise of neoliberalism. Today, however, the old is not dying, but being revived.
The structure of historical crisis is mirrored in the grammar of critique, in which the semiotic capacity to represent reality is used as a means of hastening the transformation of that reality. Representation may be employed to highlight the suffering that is latent within the present situation, or to demonstrate the contradictory and unsustainable nature of the impasse. However, the interplay between critique and crisis assumes at the very least that all parties are committed to a credible semiotic representation, even if this is merely in the service of a new hegemony. But what if they are not? This is the problem that Varoufakis highlights when he says ‘it was as if one had not spoken’. One way of interpreting the apparently senseless violence of punitive neoliberalism is as a strategy for the circumvention of crisis and, at the same time, an avoidance of critique. In place of critical forms of knowledge, which necessarily represent the deficiencies of the present, forms of empty affirmation are offered, to be repeated ritualistically. These lack any epistemological or semiotic aspiration to represent reality, but are instead ways of reinforcing it. When political leaders say that austerity will result in economic growth, the purpose of such speech acts is to repeat, not to represent. Likewise when benefit claimants are compelled to recite slogans such as ‘My only limits are the ones I set myself’, these are plainly not statements of truth or fact. They are what Luc Boltanski has termed ‘systems of confirmation’, performative utterances which seek to preserve the status quo and to occupy the discursive space that might otherwise be filled by empirical or critical questions about the nature of reality.
In contrast to the Fordist society observed by Gramsci, power now seeks to circumvent the public sphere, in order to avoid the constraints of critical reason. Increasingly, it is non-representational codes—of software, finance, human biology—that mediate between past, present and future, allowing society to cohere. Where, for example, employee engagement cannot be achieved via cultural or psychological means, increasingly business is looking to solutions such as wearable technology, that treat the worker as an item of fixed capital to be monitored physically, rather than human capital to be employed. The key human characteristics are those that are repeated in a quasi-mechanical fashion: footsteps, nightly sleep, respiration, heartbeat. These metronomic qualities of life come to represent each passing moment as yet another one of the same.
Underlying the new neoliberalism’s circumvention of critical forms of knowledge there gapes the truth it is so anxious to avoid—the absence of profitable alternatives to the current, broken model of capitalist accumulation, which it is striving to prop up. Global capitalist development has been confounded by its own success: it has brought about massive over-capacity in manufacturing, with a glut in production driving down profits, combined with a huge over-supply of labour, weakening wages and therefore demand. With only the occasional brief uptick, profitability rates have been falling, business cycle on business cycle, since the end of the trente glorieuses. Underlying this is the drastic failure to achieve a viable and profitable model of capitalism since the demise of Fordist Keynesianism. The once tacit, and now explicit, dependence of the neoliberal model upon the rising indebtedness of public and private sectors has been, as Streeck shows, a forty-year-long exercise in kicking the can down the road. Ultimately, the function of apparently irrational symptoms in today’s neoliberalism is to duck or conceal this realization.
The founding idea of neoliberalism, dating back to the 1920s, is Mises’s argument that there can be no scientific account of human need, but only of consumer preference. Until this dogma is refuted by historical experience, it seems inevitable that resistance and conflict will reverberate around policy issues of disability and healthcare, where the finitude and fallibility of the human body offers the simplest falsification of Mises’s doctrine, while it might yet perhaps contribute to a different hegemony altogether. Neoliberalism has become incredible, but that is partly because it is a system that no longer seeks credibility in the way that hegemonies used to do, through a degree of cultural or normative consensus. Sovereign power has always had a circular logic, exercised to demonstrate that it can be exercised. Yet today, that sovereignty is found in technical and technocratic spheres: policies, punishments, cuts, calculations are simply being repeated, as that is the sole condition of their reality. The coercions of post-2008 policymaking are those of a system in retreat from both the ideology and the reality of rational public dialogue, and the epistemological constraints which that involves. One may offer a detailed economic critique, mobilize the vast mass of the country or sing the Swedish national anthem, scream or lampoon, but all forms of dissent will be treated as equivalent. This, at least, is something that satire can demonstrate. | positive |
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WASHINGTON (AP) Congressional negotiators agreed Wednesday to allow some funding for construction next year on a site for missile defense interceptors in Poland but sharply reduced the Bush adminstration's request. The agreement between the Senate and the House of Representatives would also fully fund the request for a radar site in the Czech Republic, opening the door for the next U.S. presidential administration to begin building a European missile defense system. The bill is a boost for a project that has been a serious source of tension in the deteriorating relationship between the United States and Russia. Moscow opposes the deployment of U.S. military assets so close to its borders and has argued that the system undermines the deterrent of its massive nuclear arsenal, a charge the U.S. has dismissed as absurd. In a concession by House Democrats, the bill would also allow the Defense Department to begin buying some parts for the interceptors planned for Poland. It would however, require the Defense Department to demonstrate through a series of tests that the interceptors could work before they could be bought and deployed. The concession could mitigate possible delays in deploying the system. Some proponents of the system have warned that the testing requirement could cause the defense department to miss by years its goal of deploying the system by 2013. The Bush administration argues that a quick deployment is necessary to counter threats from Iran's ballistic missile and nuclear enrichment programs. The full House is expected to vote on the bill Wednesday. It would also have to be approved by the Senate and signed by the president before it would take effect. The bill would cut the administration's 2009 funding request for the European project by almost $246 million out of $712 million. It would also cut the request for construction of the Polish site by $90 million out a total of about $133 million. However, the administration has projected that it could not begin construction of the Polish site until the end of next year, so the funds provided by Congress are likely to keep the project on schedule, according to Missile Defense Agency spokesman Rich Lehner. Lehner said that the provision that would allow the purchase of some parts of the interceptors would help the agency meet its 2013 deadline. The Bush adminstration had warned that some parts for the new interceptors could take several years to build. The testing requirement, if enforced, could still cause delays. The missile defense agency has has had a series of postponements in its testing program. It says it hopes to begin testing the interceptors for the European project in 2010. Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Guidelines: You share in the USA TODAY community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the "Report Abuse" button to make a difference. You share in the USA TODAY community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the "Report Abuse" button to make a difference. Read more | positive |
For a guy who makes his living knocking opponents senseless, Robbie Lawler admits he’s had considerably little practice doing it in his earlier career.
“I went through a patch where I did not spar for the longest time,” Lawler told MMAjunkie. “I just watched other people spar and shadowboxed and learned from their mistakes.”
But when those mistakes began to mount, leading him to a 3-5 patch in Strikeforce that culminated in a lackluster decision loss to Lorenz Larkin, Lawler decided it was time for a change.
As it happened, that realization coincided with a partnership between his longtime manager Monte Cox and Florida’s American Top Team, as well as the shuttering of Strikeforce. Lawler (22-9 MMA, 7-3 UFC), who was born in San Diego but grew up in Iowa’s Quad Cities, moved south to join forces with the famed team and was reassigned to the UFC after a seven-year absence.
Since then, he’s done a lot more punching in the gym, and he’s won three straight fights – two by knockout – to secure a shot at the UFC welterweight title. On Saturday at UFC 171, he meets Johny Hendricks (15-2, 10-2) for the vacant title in the 170-pound division. The event takes place at Dallas’ American Airlines Center and airs live on pay-per-view.
“Everything’s kind of clicking at the right time,” Lawler said. “My skills are getting better, and I’m getting stronger and training with a great team. It’s awesome to be a part of.”
In 2002, Lawler splashed onto the UFC stage as a 20-year-old knockout artist with three straight wins. A product of another famed MMA academy, Miletich Fighting Systems, he later stumbled in back-to-back fights and was released from the promotion, which lead him on a tour of competitors to the now-industry leader.
UFC President Dana White said he felt Lawler wasn’t ready to return to the UFC during his slump, which happened while he fought in the middleweight class. But Lawler said he wasn’t fighting inside the octagon because the money was so good outside it.
“I wasn’t ready to come back,” he said. “Maybe fighting-wise, I was. But everything happens for a reason. I’m here now and that’s all that matters.”
And now that he’s here, he might actually be reaping the benefit of not taking repeated punches to the head in the gym. Unlike other fighters with his longevity, he hasn’t taken the damage that might shorten his career.
“I think it was a good thing,” Lawler said. “In that patch, I was knocking a lot of people out. I just think the further that I got away from that at the higher level, it was harder to be sharp, or as sharp as I could be. So sparring was something I needed to do when I came back to the UFC.”
For the latest on UFC 171, stay tuned to the UFC Rumors section of the site. | positive |
May 22, 2012 | Edsel Ford High School Welcome to Edsel Ford Lunch & Breakfast Menu Calendar Back to School Info 9th Grade Back to School Documents 10th & 11th Grade Back to School Documents 12th Grade Back to School Documents About Edsel Ford High School Administrative Assignments AER Data MI Child Protection Registry PBIS Response to Bullying Initiative Restorative Practices Title One Parent Info Contacts Office Phone Numbers Staff Emails Student Activities Athletics Arts Clubs Students Work Permits Community Service Log Senior Information Page Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class of 2025 Freshmen Academy Student Parking Permit Transcripts Yearbook The Talon The BOLT Counseling Advanced Placement National Honor Society Counseling Corner Blog Curriculum Guide Financial Aid Information Guidelines for selection of Valedictorian and Salutatorian Scholarships Standardized Testing Resources Translation and Interpretation Services خدمات الترجمة التحريرية و الفورية Attendance Office Dearborn Public Schools Emotional Support Hotline Media Center Internet Access from Comcast Open House Information Parent Communication, Volunteer/Participation Opportunities School Policies Attendance Policy Cell Phone Policy Dress Code Policy Grading Policy Tardy Policy Forms Address Change Form (English / Arabic) Landlord Affidavit Medical Authorization Form Consent and Registration Form for Covid 19 Test Select Page Edsel Ford High School May 22, 2012 Dearborn Public Schools > Edsel Ford High School > Daily News > May 22, 2012 EF REPORT TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 Spring Athletes: The banquet to celebrate your athletic accomplishments will be held Monday June 11th at 5pm. Registration forms must be turned in to your team coordinator, Mr. Picano or Mrs. Keveney in the main office by June 1st. If you don’t have the form, please pick one up from the main office. WDHS Presents its 13th Annual Film, “Prom-iscuous”, Premiering May 23rd & 24th, 7 p.m., at the Michael A. Guido Theater, Ford Community & Performing Arts Center! Seniors that attended the prom! Go to doriguzziphotoart@yahoo.com and type in “prom” to get your pictures. “There will be a Model UN meeting this Thursday after school in room B-9.” Students who will be going to the college fair today are to meet in front of the school by 9:30 a.m. All the students who turned in their permission slips will be blue slipped by Mr. Baydoun for 9:30 a.m. Students will have 10 minutes to board the bus. If you have any questions, please feel free to see Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office. Attention class of 2013! Meet in the cafeteria WEDNESDAY to help your class officers help plan Homecoming! We will meet at 230 and will take your suggestions. Congratulations to Brooke Griffith the class of 2015 Sophomore Class President. Congratulations to the State Track Championship qualifiers: Troy Hanson in the discus and Zineabledeen Nassr in the 1600 meter. After the Wednesday football meeting, all Quarterbacks, receivers and running backs will be staying to review the offense. Please bring a binder with paper and something with which to write. Attention Football Players: There will be a meeting after school on Wednesday in the cafeteria concerning the summer, camp and the lift-a-thon. There will be an Islamic Club party to celebrate the end of the year. It will be on Thursday May 24th in room A-1 after school. Everyone is welcome to attend! Attention class of 2013! Your senior shirts are now on sale! Go to EFHS.ORG for the website link! Order by Wednesday, May 23 to guarantee your shirt by June 4! Attention all students who earned an “Incomplete” last semester: You must complete your e2020 course or the “incomplete” automatically becomes an “E” on your transcript. Please confirm with Ms. Jebril when you have completed the course. Yearbooks are in and look amazing! We will be handing them out as follows: Seniors- pick yours up Tuesday AFTER SCHOOL in E-12 Juniors- pick yours up Wednesday AFTER SCHOOL in E-12 Sophomores and Freshmen- pick yours up Thursday AFTER SCHOOL in E-12 NO BOOKS WILL BE HANDED OUT BEFORE OR DURING SCHOOL HOURS! You MUST have a picture ID to pick up your book! No ID–No Book! No picking up for friends! Just a quick warning–If you leave class early, line up in the hall before school ends, cut in line, or are disorderly in any way, we reserve the right to hold your book until the end of the week! There will be a limited amount of books for sale at that time. They are $90.00. Enjoy your 2012 edition of the Flight! TODAY’S LUNCH IS Chicken Patties! Tuesday SPORTS 7 a.m. Boys Varsity Golf, Wayne Memorial Tournament, Away 8 a.m. Girls Varsity Tennis WWAC Division Meet, Away 3:30 pm Boys Varsity Track WWAC Division Meet @ Edsel Ford, Away 3:30 pm girls Varsity Track WWAC Division Meet@ Edsel Ford, Away 4 pm Boys JV Baseball, Garden City, Away 4:30 pm Girls JV Soccer,Trenton, Away 6 pm Girls Varsity Soccer,Trenton, Away ← May 21, 2012 May 23, 2012 → | negative |
The economic downturn in the United States has increased the number of hungry families across the country. The government says the rate of hunger in the United States is the highest level since 1995 with 15 percent of American households lacking access to adequate food. A record one in eight Americans relies on government food stamps.
At the MANNA Food Center outside Washington, workers prepare boxes for the growing number of people who come here to get free food. It's part of the daily routine. Despite signs that the U.S. economy is recovering, the people who run this food bank say they don't see it.
"I can tell you the lines here are longer than ever before," says Kim Damion, director of development at Manna. She says in the last year the center has given away nearly 1.6 million kilos of food, feeding more than 4,000 families a week.
"The number of families that have previously been living in a middle class environment and now victims of the current recession we are experiencing," Damion says. "These, maybe, families were a primary breadwinner has lost a job and they may be out of work for a period of time because the jobs have not come back."
Over the last two years this food bank has seen a 45 percent increase in the number of people coming here. One man says he has been out of work for a year.
"The choice is I have to eat first. The bills are going to keep coming when you are sick," he notes. "You got to keep up with your health but thanks to the MANNA Food Center I am not going hungry or anything and I have been doing this [coming to the food bank] for almost a year."
There's also a family inside. They make weekly visits to the food bank to stock up on bread and other items.
"Sometimes you are running out of food. We have four people in my family and it helps a lot," a woman explains.
Stan Dyson says he has been out of work for three years.
"It gives me extra strength you know so I can stay out during most of the day to look for a full time job or something," he says.
Besides feeding families, Kim Damion says MANNA helps one in three school children in Montgomery county at risk of hunger . The center also distributes food to children for when they are not in school for meals on Saturdays and Sundays.
"The program has grown dramatically. We are now providing 1,400 children a week with a backpack of food," she says.
Damion says with the demand for food assistance high, the center is looking to grocery stores and others in the business community to donate more food so the center doesn't have to turn anyone away.
| positive |
Stevenson’s Restaurant Supply | Commercial Food Equipment Ventura, CA The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Question? sales@stevensons.com Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM PST (805) 650-6190 Skip to Content Toggle Nav Search Search Search Menu Home Equipment & Supplies Beverage & Bar Bar Supplies & Accessories Bartender Tools Beverage Dispensers Beverage Equipment Parts & Accessories Blenders & Mixers Coffee Service Supplies Commercial Coffee Makers & Brewers Driptrays Juicers Liquor, Beer, Wine Coolers Speedrails Under Bar Equipment Chef Apparel Aprons Chef Coats Hats & Toques Oven Mitts Cleaning & Facility Brushes Cleaning Chemicals Commercial Floor Mats Dispensers & Handcare Floor Cleaning Supplies Lighting Signage Trash Cans & Recycling Bins Concessions & Food Service Chafing Dishes Condiment Dispensers Cotton Candy Machines Cup & Dish Dispensers Food Warmers & Merchandisers Hot Dog Equipment Paper Product Dispensers Popcorn Equipment Portable Bars & Stoves Salad Bowls Serving Utensils Servingware Sneeze Guards Cooking Equipment Broilers Commercial Worktables Convection Ovens Cooking Equipment Parts & Accessories Dehydrators Food Holding Equipment Fryer Accessories Fryers Grills & Griddles Hoods Hot Plates Microwave Ovens Pizza Ovens Ranges Sous-Vide Cooking Steam Cooking Equipment Toasters Dish Washing Equipment Bus Boxes Dish Racks Dishwashers Glass Washers Disposables Restaurant Essentials Food Display & Merchandising Display Case Display Stands & Risers Merchandisers Food Preparation Food Processors Graters Mixers Peelers Presses Slicers Furniture Booster Seats & High Chairs Restaurant Chairs & Stools Waitress & Hostess Stations Ice Machines Ice Bins Ice Makers Ice Making Accessories Plumbing Commercial Toilets & Urinals Sinks Troughs & Drains Refrigeration Ice Cream Cabinets Reach In Units Refrigerated Prep Tables Undercounter Units Walk-in Units Smallwares & Kitchen Accessories Baking Supplies Cast Iron Cookware Chilling Paddles Colanders & Sieves Cutting Boards Dishers, Ladles & Scoops Hotel Pans & Baking Trays Kitchen Cutlery Kitchen Spoons Kitchen Tools & Supplies Measuring Cups & Spoons Pizza Tools Pots & Pans Prep Bowls Protective Gear Scales & Thermometers Spreaders & Spatulas Tongs Whisks & Whips Storage & Transportation Carts & Dollies Food Carriers Food Storage Supplies Shelving Storage Racks Tabletop Cruets & Shakers Dinnerware Drinkware Flatware Glassware Holloware Linens, Cloth & Tabletop Materials Menu Holders & Check Accessories Mugs & Coffe Cups Salt & Pepper Shakers, Mills Tabletop Accessories Tabletop Beverage Service Trays & Platters Vendors Contact Us About Us Welcome to Stevenson's Restaurant Supply Cleaning & Facility Beverage & Bar Disposables Smallwares & Kitchen Accessories Food Preparation Tabletop Concessions & Food Service Storage & Transportation Dish Washing Equipment Cooking Equipment Food Display & Merchandising Chef Apparel Ice Machines Furniture Plumbing Refrigeration If you have any questions about any of our products or finance options please call our knowledgeable staff or fill out the form below: Submit (805) 650-6190 sales@stevensons.com Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM PST 1620 Mesa Verde Ave. , Ventura, California 93003 Privacy Policy Advanced Search Contact Us Shipping and Returns Terms of Use | negative |
This has been a big week for Oculus VR. On Tuesday, the company announced that it would be purchased by Facebook for $2 billion. Today, it's been revealed that Michael Abrash will join the company as its new Chief Scientist.
Abrash has had an illustrious career. According to his Wikipedia page, Abrash worked at Microsoft on Windows NT 3.1, at id Software on the original Quake, and at Intel on the Larrabee project. Most recently, Abrash was at Valve, where it seems he also worked on a virtual-reality project.
Some developers, like Minecraft creator Markus Persson, have been put off by the Facebook deal. But Abrash says he joined Oculus precisely because of the pending acquisition—and not in spite of it:
I've written before that VR wouldn't become truly great until some company stepped up and invested the considerable capital to build the right hardware – and that it wouldn't be clear that it made sense to spend that capital until VR was truly great. I was afraid that that Catch-22 would cause VR to fail to achieve liftoff. That worry is now gone. Facebook's acquisition of Oculus means that VR is going to happen in all its glory. The resources and long-term commitment that Facebook brings gives Oculus the runway it needs to solve the hard problems of VR – and some of them are hard indeed. I now fully expect to spend the rest of my career pushing VR as far ahead as I can.
Abrash delves a little more into the backstory that led him to Oculus in this lengthy blog post. At the end, Abrash writes that he's happy to be working with John Carmack, Oculus' CTO, once again. "It feels like it did when I went to Id, but on steroids," explains Abrash. "[T]his time we're working on technology that will change not just computer gaming, but potentially how all of us interact with computers, information, and each other every day." | positive |
Following the conclusion of the regular split, we've caught up with our League of Legends team coach David "Cop" Roberson! We've had a chance to speak to him about his thoughts on the team's improvements, coaching in NA, preparation for playoffs and more.
Firstly, congratulations on making playoffs. How do you feel about landing fifth place in the regular season?
Cop: It’s not really where we want to be since things were looking so good early on in the split, but it doesn’t matter where we are in the standings as long as we make playoffs. We’ll have to play all these teams no matter where we ended the season, it’s just up to us to play our best against each opponent.
Team Dignitas just came off a 1-1 performance on the weekend, falling short versus CLG but victorious against Team Liquid. What are your thoughts on each series?
Cop: CLG was actually a pretty easy win in hindsight, but I think the drafts were a little too risky. The Nasus was doing well in practice, but on stage it’s harder to execute on these slow-play champions with no escapes. The TL match didn’t matter at all so we didn’t go all out, but we still won with relative ease which made me pretty happy going into playoffs.
Overall, the team has proven a lot stronger this half of the split. In what areas has the team been concentrating their improvement these last few weeks?
Cop: We were having troubles with our teamwork and getting everyone to fill the qualities we were missing in a team. Everyone is working really hard to improve our teamplay and all we needed was to just get everyone in on each play, with no one working by themselves.
You coach alongside Saintvicious, a veteran who you’ve worked with for years. What’s it like coaching alongside him, and how do your coaching styles differ?
Cop: It’s nice to have someone I’ve worked with for a long time on the Team Dignitas’ coaching staff since normally I just work alone. Saint and I have built up a good synergy over time and we know how to work together. Our coaching styles don’t really differ that much, we just divide what we need to do and work hard.
In your experienced opinion, what do you think makes for a truly effective coach, and what are your thoughts on NA’s coaching as a whole?
Cop: I don’t really know anything about any NA coaches since we all keep to ourselves and to our teams. I think what makes a good coach depends on what they’re focusing on, but being able to provide consistent drafts, understanding what the players need and how to improve on those things, and being able to discuss things with your team without creating a bad atmosphere.
As head coach for the team, how often do you find yourself playing League?
Cop: When I first became a coach, I didn’t play any solo queue since I hated playing as a player and I was still used to that, but now I see the value in playing as much as I can. As a coach, I need to try out everything changed by the patch and see what can work and what doesn’t work to back up my opinions when talking to players.
In terms of communication, which players are most vocal? Is there a dedicated team shotcaller, or is it more of a shared thing?
Cop: There’s no dedicated shotcaller, we just try to get everyone communicating and working with each other.
On the subject of communication, how has the team faced the challenge of language barriers? How has Ssumday been adapting to English?
Cop: Ssumday and Shrimp have been taking English classes and I always see Shrimp studying his Korean\English book. They’re working really hard to get through the language barrier and they’ve both improved drastically since they first joined the team.
Introducing Altec and Adrian to the roster has resulted in some very clean performances. What is it about them that make such an effective bot-lane?
Cop: They just know how to play through priority and they really punish their opponents in lane and take it to the mid and late game. If you get 1 or 2 kills in lane against any bot lane, it’s really hard for the other team to win the game since Ssumday’s usually going to be out-performing on his picks, even if he gets camped.
How are you handling playoff preparations? Compared to a normal practice day during the season, what's different now that playoffs are ahead?
Cop: We’re doing pretty much all we can do. We’re taking extra blocks for practice, putting a lot of research into C9, and really trying to find out what we need to be doing in order to become good enough to win playoffs.
Are there any teams you’d rather face or not face?
Cop: We’ll eventually have to face everyone, so it doesn’t matter. I just really want to play TSM eventually.
What’re your thoughts on Cloud 9 and how do you think you’ll stack up against them?
Cop: Cloud 9 is good, but nothing we can’t handle. We lost our sets vs them during the regular season and the losses looked pretty one-sided, but we won a game in both sets and showed that we can crush them.
Any shoutouts or closing words?
Cop: Thanks to Team Dignitas, our sponsors and the Philadelphia 76ers for supporting us, but especially thanks to the fans for cheering us on each week. Hopefully we can 3-0 C9 and play at Boston\Worlds for everyone!
We thank Cop for his time. To keep up with him, you can follow him on Twitter and Twitch! | positive |
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Pfizer Says Tweaked COVID-19 Shots Boost Omicron Protection | Newsmax.com "); }, 4000); } if (urlParams.has("vtype")) { if (urlParams.get("vtype") === "main") { if (!sessionStorage.getItem("allowResponsive")) { sessionStorage.setItem("allowResponsive", false); } } else if (urlParams.get("vtype") === "default") { if (sessionStorage.getItem("allowResponsive")) { sessionStorage.removeItem("allowResponsive"); } } } if (sessionStorage.getItem("allowResponsive") === "false") { jQuery("meta[name='viewport']").attr("content", "width=1024, initial-scale=1"); //setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(".zoneMainContent").prepend(" Debug: Mobile viewport changed "); }, 5000); } //setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(".zoneMainContent").prepend(" Debug: MobileCheck = ", mobileCheck(), " "); }, 3000); //setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(".zoneMainContent").prepend(" Debug: isAndroidDesktopRequest = ", IsDesktopRequest_Android(), " "); }, 3000); //setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(".zoneMainContent").prepend(" Debug: isIOSDesktopRequest = ", IsDesktopRequest_iOS(), " "); }, 3000); //setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(".zoneMainContent").prepend(" Debug: User agent = ", navigator.userAgent, " "); }, 3000); //setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(".zoneMainContent").prepend(" Debug: SessionStorage Item 'allowResponsive' = ", sessionStorage.getItem("allowResponsive"), " "); }, 3000); /* WORKING BELOW */ /* var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); if (urlParams.has("vtype")) { if (urlParams.get("vtype") === "main") { if (!sessionStorage.getItem("allowResponsive")) { sessionStorage.setItem("allowResponsive", false); } } else if (urlParams.get("vtype") === "default") { if (sessionStorage.getItem("allowResponsive")) { sessionStorage.removeItem("allowResponsive"); } } } if (sessionStorage.getItem("allowResponsive") === "false") { jQuery("meta[name='viewport']").attr("content", "width=1024"); } */ × Newsmax TV & Webwww.newsmax.comFREE - In Google Play VIEW × Newsmax TV & Webwww.newsmax.comFREE - On the App Store VIEW WATCH TV LIVE NEWSMAX TV HEALTH FINANCE WORLD View Newsmax Mobile Menu Newsmax NewsmaxTV Health Finance World Home Health News Cancer Heart Brain Health Diabetes Natural Health Anti-Aging Diet & Fitness Subscribe Home | Health News Tags: Virus Outbreak | Pfizer | covid | omicron Pfizer Says Tweaked COVID-19 Shots Boost Omicron Protection (Dreamstime) LAURAN NEERGAARD Saturday, 25 June 2022 11:30 AM EDT Comment| Print| A A Pfizer announced Saturday that tweaking its COVID-19 vaccine to better target the omicron variant is safe and works — just days before regulators debate whether to offer Americans updated booster shots this fall. The vaccines currently used in the U.S. still offer strong protection against severe COVID-19 disease and death -- especially if people have gotten a booster dose. But those vaccines target the original coronavirus strain and their effectiveness against any infection dropped markedly when the super-contagious omicron mutant emerged. Now with omicron’s even more transmissible relatives spreading widely, the Food and Drug Administration is considering ordering a recipe change for the vaccines made by both Pfizer and rival Moderna in hopes that modified boosters could better protect against another COVID-19 surge expected this fall and winter. Pfizer and its partner BioNTech studied two different ways of updating their shots -- targeting just omicron, or a combination booster that adds omicron protection to the original vaccine. They also tested whether to keep today’s standard dosage -- 30 micrograms -- or to double the shots’ strength. In a study of more than 1,200 middle-aged and older adults who’d already had three vaccine doses, Pfizer said both booster approaches spurred a substantial jump in omicron-fighting antibodies. “Based on these data, we believe we have two very strong omicron-adapted candidates,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in a statement. Pfizer’s omicron-only booster sparked the strongest immune response against that variant. But many experts say combination shots may be the best approach because they would retain the proven benefits of the original COVID-19 vaccine while adding new protection against omicron. And Pfizer said a month after people received its combo shot, they had a 9 to 11-fold increase in omicron-fighting antibodies. That’s more than 1.5 times better than another dose of the original vaccine. And importantly, preliminary lab studies show the tweaked shots also produce antibodies capable of fighting omicron’s genetically distinct relatives named BA.4 and BA.5, although those levels weren’t nearly as high. Moderna recently announced similar results from tests of its combination shot, what scientists call a “bivalent” vaccine. The studies weren’t designed to track how well updated boosters prevented COVID-19 cases. Nor is it clear how long any added protection would last. But the FDA’s scientific advisers will publicly debate the data on Tuesday, as they grapple with whether to recommend a change to the vaccines’ recipes -- ahead of similar decisions by other countries. © Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Click Here to comment on this article Share Health-News Pfizer announced Saturday that tweaking its COVID-19 vaccine to better target the omicron variant is safe and works - just days before regulators debate whether to offer Americans updated booster shots this fall. Virus Outbreak, Pfizer, covid, omicron 403 Saturday, 25 June 2022 11:30 AM 2022-30-25 Saturday, 25 June 2022 11:30 AM Newsmax Media, Inc. Newsmax Media, Inc. Newsmax Media, Inc. Sign up for Newsmax’s Daily Newsletter Receive breaking news and original analysis - sent right to your inbox. Yes, Send Me News Alerts via email (Optional for Local News) Sign Me Up Privacy: We never share your email address. Join the Newsmax Community Read and Post Comments Please review Community Guidelines before posting a comment. 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Japan scrambles fighters against Chinese plane in East China Sea
By John Chan
26 July 2013
Japan scrambled fighter jets on Wednesday after a Chinese Y-8 early warning aircraft flew through international air space between Okinawa and the smaller Miyako Island, south of Japan.
This is another sign that the US policy of “pivot to Asia” to militarily contain China has created an explosive situation that could rapidly lead to military conflict. The incident coincided with a patrol by four newly-established “Chinese Coast Guard” ships near the disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku islands.
Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera told reporters it was the first time a Chinese military plane had flown through the Okinawa island chain, which is held by Japan, on its way to the Pacific. “We see it as a sign of China’s ever-growing maritime advance,” he said. Chinese naval vessels had repeatedly sailed through water passages in the same area in recent years for training in the West Pacific.
The region is highly strategic. Just last week, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Miyako Island to inspect a radar base. The Japanese media speculated that the Chinese Y-8 plane was there to conduct electronic surveillance.
Though it was clear that the Y-8 overflight was a provocative action inflaming tensions in the region, the Chinese defence ministry defended its action, claiming that it has “freedom of flight” in international air space. The argument was clearly modelled on America’s, which has justified its routine surveillance of Chinese coastlines on the grounds of “freedom of navigation” outside territorial waters, which extend only 12 nautical miles from a country’s coastline.
Sino-Japanese tensions are fostered by the Obama administration’s decision to “pivot” to Asia by expanding America’s regional military presence and strengthening alliances, including with Japan, the Philippines and Australia to encircle China. Washington is pressuring China over numerous flashpoints, such as the East and the South China seas, as well as North Korea.
Washington has repeatedly encouraged Japan to confront China over the Senkakus, insisting it would fully honour the US-Japan security treaty if war broke out over the uninhabited rocky islets. Last month, Japanese forces were sent to California to carry out amphibious assault exercises “Dawn Blitz” with the US troops. On a similar basis, the US and Australia are currently conducting their largest ever drill with 28,000 troops in Queensland, also practising amphibious operations potentially aimed at China.
Tension between China and Japan escalated last September when Prime Minister Abe’s predecessor, Yoshihiko Noda of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), provocatively bought three of the disputed islands from a private Japanese owner. Since then, patrol ships and aircraft from both countries have shadowed each other in the sea and skies around the islets, risking an unintended collision leading to an outright military clash.
As of March, according to the Japanese defence ministry, their fighters had scrambled 306 times in the previous 12 months in response to Chinese air force activity in East China Sea—up from 156 times the previous year.
China is carrying out its own escalation in the region. Okinawa, which is the home to the majority of US forces stationed in Japan, including its largest air base in Asia, has become a target of Chinese military planning. In May, Chinese submarines were spotted in waters near Okinawa, reportedly shadowing a US aircraft carrier.
Earlier this month, China and Russia held their largest-ever naval exercises in the Sea of Japan, reportedly as a response to the US-Japanese “Dawn Blitz” exercise. In response, the US and Japan conducted a large-scale air counter-drill in the same region.
Just after the joint Russo-Chinese naval drills, President Vladimir Putin suddenly ordered Russia’s largest-ever military exercise in the Far East since the end of Soviet Union. He flew to the Sakhalin Islands, north of Japan, and presided over a drill involving 160,000 troops, 1,000 tanks, 130 warplanes and 70 warships. Russian analysts speculated the war game was based on a scenario of a US-Japanese attack on Russia.
The Obama administration has strongly endorsed the right-wing agenda of Abe’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which seeks to revise the pacifist clause in Japan’s constitution to allow Japan to use military force abroad. Abe is preparing new defence guidelines to be released by the end of this year, giving Japanese forces the capability to carry out pre-emptive strikes, as well as to establish marine forces similar to the US Marine Corps for “island warfare.”
Abe—who plans to implement a sweeping program of austerity against the working class, including the imposition of consumption taxes—is constantly whipping up Japanese nationalism to divert from growing social tensions.
Earlier this month, for instance, Abe declared on television that China had demanded he admit that there is a “dispute” over the sovereignty of the Senkakus as precondition for a Sino-Japanese summit. Abe claimed to have “dismissed” this demand, which Beijing has denied ever making. The remark, which took place just a day after the sensitive anniversary of Japan’s full-scale invasion of China in 1937 also included provocative comment that “every country takes pride in its history, so what is important is to have mutual respect.”
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime under President Xi Jinping, who is also facing a dire economic downturn at home that threatens to unleash mass protests, is recklessly promoting Chinese nationalism for the same purposes. His regime has openly challenged Japan’s sovereignty over Okinawa, claiming that the island was historically a vassal state of the Chinese emperor. (See: “China challenges Japanese sovereignty over Okinawa”)
The question of Diaoyu/Senkakus and the surrounding areas combines two issues for Beijing: first, whether its newly built blue-water navy is able to penetrate the so-called “First Island Chains” stretching from northern Japan, Okinawa to Philippines, which was designed by the US to contain China. Second, China and Japan are in a long-standing dispute over the maritime boarder over almost the entire East China Sea, which is thought to contain significant reserves of oil and gas.
Earlier this month, China unilaterally began construction of a gas drilling rig in the East China Sea in waters both claimed by Japan and China in their overlapping “exclusive economic zones”, provoking a protest from Tokyo. | positive |
So much of what we do is try to tell the future. So much of what we do is get the future wrong! But still we keep on plugging away, with any noteworthy trade, or any noteworthy signing. One noteworthy signing last week reunited the Yankees and Aroldis Chapman, with the closer getting a five-year guarantee. The history of relievers getting long-term deals isn’t great, but one thing we can’t ignore is that Chapman is kind of extraordinary. By some measures he’s even unique. Baseball doesn’t have an extended track record of Aroldis Chapmans (Chapmen?). Projecting his future is tricky, as it always is.
We know that, if Chapman stays the same, he’ll remain nearly unbelievable. That much, he’s proven. We know that he could snap something after any given pitch. That much, countless other pitchers have proven. But what else might we able to say?
One issue that’s come up is imagining Chapman throwing at lower velocities. Every pitcher eventually loses his zip. Some start at 25, and some start at 35, but it’s a guarantee. There’s no getting around it. For Chapman in particular, there’s one positive sign. Last year, his average fastball was 100.4 miles per hour. That’s the highest mark of his career, and he was around 98 in his first full season. So Chapman hasn’t lost anything yet. Maybe he’ll continue to hang around triple digits for a while to come.
Inevitably, though, there will be decline. And what then? To attempt to answer that, I want to try something. How might Chapman perform at lower velocities? Well, we can look at how he’s already performed at lower velocities.
Tables, ahoy! I looked at Chapman’s game log from 2012 to 2016. For every single game, I grabbed Chapman’s average fastball velocity, and then it was a matter of putting numbers together. In this first table, Chapman’s numbers are split into six groups.
Chapman by Fastball Velocity FA Velocity IP TBF K-BB% H/9 HR/9 101+ 35.7 130 38% 3.5 0.0 100 – 100.9 75.0 305 40% 5.8 0.2 99 – 99.9 73.7 282 36% 3.7 0.4 98 – 98.9 63.0 246 29% 5.0 0.6 97 – 97.9 32.3 128 32% 4.7 0.8 Under 97 34.0 145 23% 6.4 1.3 Draws from 2012 – 2016. Performances split by average fastball velocities in appearances.
That’s fairly informative already, but let’s increase the sample sizes. We’ll do that by condensing from six groups to three.
Chapman by Fastball Velocity FA Velocity Split IP TBF K-BB% H/9 HR/9 100+ Chapman, High 110.7 435 39% 5.0 0.2 98 – 99.9 Chapman, Med 136.7 528 33% 4.3 0.5 Under 98 Chapman, Low 66.3 273 27% 5.6 1.1 Draws from 2012 – 2016. Performances split by average fastball velocities in appearances.
Surprise! When Chapman has thrown his hardest, he’s been his best. He hasn’t allowed many hits, and he’s allowed only two home runs. The home-run category here might be the most dramatic, but it’s also the noisiest, since Chapman hasn’t allowed many homers overall. Even when Chapman has worked around 96-97, he’s still been a strikeout machine. For reference, he’s a top-10 table since 2012, looking at strikeout rate minus walk rate. Chapman leads all pitchers, overall, but I took him out and replaced him with the three versions of himself.
The hardest-throwing Chapman is in first, easily. The medium-throwing Chapman is in fourth. The slowest-throwing Chapman is in ninth, out of 776 pitchers. Ken Giles just missed this table. So did Sean Doolittle. And maybe that’s older Chapman: some kind of healthier Sean Doolittle equivalent. Doolittle has sometimes given up his home runs, and he hasn’t been considered one of the highest-tier relievers, but he has been excellent when he’s pitched. So Yankees fans can be somewhat encouraged.
Aroldis Chapman, at some point, will lose some velocity. Aroldis Chapman, at some point, will get worse. But, of course, he has a lot of velocity to give. And when he’s worked at lower speeds before, he’s been only somewhat less incredible. Chapman comes with a lot of what you might consider wiggle room. | positive |
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file. } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 // Module 1 (Client) static void Main ( ) { var logger = new FileLogger ( ) ; var product = new Product ( "milk" ) ; var productManager = new ProductManager ( logger ) ; productManager . AddProduct ( product ) ; var consumer = new Consumer ( logger ) ; consumer . PurchaseProduct ( product . Name ) ; } // Module 2 (Business logic) class ProductManager { private readonly ILogger _logger ; public ProductManager ( ILogger logger ) { _logger = logger ; } public void AddProduct ( Product product ) { // Add the product to the database. _logger . Log ( "The product is added." ) ; } } public class Consumer { private readonly ILogger _logger ; public Consumer ( ILogger logger ) { _logger = logger ; } public void PurchaseProduct ( string product ) { // Purchase the product. _logger . Log ( "The product is purchased." ) ; } } public class Product { public string Name { get ; private set ; } public Product ( string name ) { Name = name ; } } // Module 3 (interfaces) public interface ILogger { void Log ( string message ) ; } // Module 4 (Logger implementation) public class FileLogger | positive |
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Wisconsin, United States 24mrallnighter2 Ask me for a photo Wisconsin, United States funman2play Ask me for a photo Illinois, United States groila71060 Ask me for a photo Wisconsin, United States pinkforme69 Ask me for a photo Wisconsin, United States edcito2 Colorado, United States FieryBunny1 Wisconsin, United States BoxerBriefsDown Wisconsin, United States newcdMichelle Wisconsin, United States Status Ask me for a photo inntoyounow 48/M Madison, Wisconsin Looking for sex today. M, F, MF Introduction Tell one of your favorite sexual fantasies. Don't hold back!: Sex with more than one person. What location do you fantasize about for a sexual encounter?: A bed, The beach, A moving vehicle (i.e. car), The middle of a park, An airplane, A dark back alley, A movie theatre, A swimming pool or hot tub, An elevator, A hotel room What types of sexual activities turn you on?: Giving Oral Sex, Receiving Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Fetishes, Threesomes, Mutual Masturbation, Making Home "Movies", Participating in Erotic Photography, Voyeurism, Blindfolds, Massage, Sex with females, Anonymous What factors are most important to you when looking for a sexual partner?: Sexual experience, Physical attraction, Experience in a certain role (top/bottom; master/slave), Open to ménage à trois and/or orgies, Sexual appetite, Willingness to freely discuss and try anything, Agreeable to a commitment free sexual relationship, Creativity/Kinkiness level Have you ever had cybersex?: I've tried it, but it's just not the same. 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Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption The BBC's Caroline Hawley takes a look back at Wojciech Jaruzelski's life
Poland's last Communist leader General Wojciech Jaruzelski has died aged 90 after a long illness, Polish media say.
Gen Jaruzelski led Poland from 1981, when he declared martial law and ordered the arrest of the pro-democracy Solidarity leader Lech Walesa.
But he lifted martial law two years later and after growing unrest was forced to negotiate with Solidarity in 1989.
He had been in ill health for some time.
Mr Walesa said that a "great man from a generation of betrayers has gone".
Gen Jaruzelski fought in a Polish unit of the Russian army during World War Two and rose up the military ranks after the war to become chief "political officer" of Poland's armed forces.
'Lesser evil'
He was defence minister at the time of the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, in which Polish soldiers took part.
He denied ordering the fatal shooting of dozens of shipyard workers in the northern cities of Gdansk and Gdynia in 1971, for which he was later put on trial.
Gen Jaruzelski was also tried in 2008 by Poland's post-Communist authorities for his December 1981 decision to impose martial law. Tanks rolled on to the streets and thousands of opposition activists were arrested overnight.
Image copyright AFP Image caption Gen Jaruzelski was narrowly re-elected president in 1989
Image copyright AP Image caption The Polish leader who was raised a Catholic met Pope John Paul II in Warsaw in 1983
Dozens of people died in the military crackdown, which the general insisted he ordered to avert invasion by Moscow.
"Martial law was evil but it was a far lesser evil than what would have happened without it," he told his trial.
The Solidarity movement was outlawed and thousands of its members were arrested, as the Soviet-backed government moved to quash protests and strikes.
Eventually, he agreed that talks with the movement should go ahead. Solidarity was legalised and far-reaching reforms agreed.
His trial was suspended in 2011 after he was diagnosed with cancer.
To many Poles he was a traitor but others gave him the benefit of the doubt, BBC Warsaw correspondent Adam Easton reports.
Gen Jaruzelski resigned as president in 1990 and was succeeded by Mr Walesa. | positive |
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summer work outfits ERD Compliant Magazine Verification Home About Us Contact Privacy Policy Client Login Brochure New Login Link as of Nov 1, 2020 Search ERD Compliant Magazine Verification Search Search Home About Us Contact Privacy Policy Client Login Brochure New Login Link as of Nov 1, 2020 Home » Login Customizer » Uncategorized » summer work outfits Uncategorized summer work outfits by |Published October 18, 2020 Outside you can fry an egg on the sidewalk, but inside, you're wearing three layers and shivering at your desk. So I consider the details. In a more formal working environment, where you may have to wear a tailored look or suit, a simple styling update would be a bright pointed pump. Join The Zoe Reportâs exclusive email list for the latest trends, shopping guides, celebrity style, and more. We have started sharing some ideas, and this roundup is dedicated to cool summer casual work outfits for the days when you are going to work but don’t want to look too office-like and want more comfort. I gravitate towards classic stripes which come in all sorts of iterations, and take inspiration from suiting. match up with your attitude. If you are looking for a casual work outfit for your office, sundress is the perfect option. In this photo, I'm actually wearing a Marni silk printed matching blouse and skirt, which is one of my go-to summer outfits and serves the same purpose as all my summer dresses. A gingham skirt suit is just the ticket once the heatwave hits. Summer is coming, and it’s high time to think over makeup, hairstyles and outfits you are going to rock this summer. A long-sleeve wrap top looks elevated, but when paired with distressed jeans and lucite heels, you'll look so dang effortless. It’s time to relax. Dressing for summer weather is the best: Throw on a gauzy mini dress and sandals or a cute tank and denim cut-offs and just go! We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. "Nothing has fed my style soul more than working in tech. Style these paper bag style pants with a blouse, blazer, and pumps or sandals. To help, we asked 18 women in various fields share what they often wear once the temperature starts to rise. Collared clothing is the best because it can take an … “Being a New Yorker has definitely affected the way I dress. Make the most of your every single day being the bossy pants at work with these bewitching Summer Work Outfits for Women. The vertical stripes on this vest are elongating, while the belt makes it oh-so fancy. For me, it's not just a book, it's a mantra and a lifestyle. So it’s time to rework with your costume ideas. Have you ever thought that printed pajama pant is going to rock as an office costume? Still feeling cold? Yeah! The Most Stylish Athleisure Trends of 2020, 4 Differences between Lace Weft Clip In …, 5 Top African American Wedding Hairstyles & …, 45 Stylish Wedding Hairstyles For Short Hair, How Mascara Is Made- Raw Materials, The …. What can you wear to work in the summer that will satisfy all these seemingly incompatible style requirements? For this summer, my ultimate work-from-home uniform will revolve around comfortable bike shorts, long, oversized T-shirts and feminine gold jewellery like necklaces and hoops. This maxi one is tiered and has smocked details on the front; plus, the knit material will be super comfy. So rework on your wardrobe and make it summer cozy. California summers are known for warm days and cool nights (and offices), so in the morning I lean towards a power jumpsuit, colored trousers, or fitted skinny jeans. Summer Work Outfits That Withstand the Heat Without Cramping Your Style. Have a peek into your footwear; go for polished footwear that will look marvelous. But summer must not spoil your interview fashion at all! Needless to say, getting dressed for work during the summer is not the easiest thing to do. By Far's minimal mules work with just about every look, making them an instant MVP in your closet. A flowy pair of pants is a versatile staple you need in your rotation. hot summer work outfits #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, summer workout clothes #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, summer to fall work outfits #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, summer work outfits pinterest #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, classy summer work outfits #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, simple summer work outfits #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, summer rain work outfits #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, stylish summer work outfits #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, summer work outfits curvy #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, trendy summer work outfits #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS, smart summer work outfits #SUMMERWORKOUTFITS. The midi length will keep you at a comfortable temp when that office A/C is really cranking. ", "I always think in terms of jewelry. I've had the skirt for years, and discovered the matching blouse on Vestiaire Collective at the beginning of last year. I team it with a pretty white ruffle top from Fame and Partners's new daywear launch, Proenza Schouler shoes, and giant black beaded hoops by Celine. A denim button-down dress is undeniably chic with the right accessories. Loose, airy fabrics—like wide-leg trousers and a flouncy blouse— allow you to keep cool during your morning commute to the office without feeling like you're showing too much skin. We have started sharing some ideas, and this roundup is dedicated to cool summer casual work outfits for the days when you are going to work but don’t want to look too office-like and want more comfort.. For Summer, I love the idea of a two-piece tailored suit paired with a graphic T-shirt and sport sandals. Look trendy and graceful with an edgy touch. Jul 20, 2019 - Explore work-outfits.com's board "Summer work outfits", followed by 1947 people on Pinterest. I’m all about sneakers, flats, and easy shoes. Pair it with a sleeveless knit top and black heels to really let them shine. We're obsessed with this new shirt brand's relaxed button downs that come in an endless stream of prints and colors. Add a button-down or blouse â it's an easy, breezy formula that will save you the headache on days when you just can't deal. getting dressed for work during the summer, 6 Do's And Don't's of Summer Office Outfits, The Fashion Girl's Guide to Spring Work Outfits. A pink and black polka-dotted blouse is both playful yet grown-up at the same time. Yes that’s true and it’s going to happen now. Wear this halter jumpsuit with an oversize blazer and black heels if your workplace is more professional; opt to bare your shoulders if it's more casual. You want to wear something that's going to keep you cool during your commute, warm in your freezing office, plus take you from your desk to al fresco drinks—all while sticking to an office dress code. Add a voluminous midi skirt in a stiff textile that holds its shape for a modern, architectural mix. Put that LBD to work. ", "I find myself wearing a lot of long printed silk, chiffon, and cotton dresses to work during the summer as they're so versatile and comfortable. The vertical stripes will give you legs for days, while the lightweight fabric will keep you comfy and cool. The bright colors from your spring fashion with slick white blazer will make you gorgeous. Do you know about Caroline Issa? Another pro tip: plan the night before. Wear a top you are comfortable with and choose a slick trouser with a metallic heel for a great contrast. Derek Lam's blue striped iteration offers some strategic pleating to define and accentuate your waist. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, Balenciaga's Toe Shoes Are As Chaotic As 2020, Inside Maria Grazia Chiuri’s Feminist Mission, How Kenneth Ize Is Championing Nigerian Craft, A Look at the Fendi x Chaos Collaboration, Kelly Rowland Wants You to Dress Up at Home, The "Amazon Coat" Is Now Half Price for Prime Day, Watch Michael Kors' Spring-Summer 2021 Show Live. It looks pretty on every girls and women and will keep you attractive throughout the whole day. (Plus, it's giving off major Meghan Markle vibes, right?). How to get through the hottest days of the year at the office. Rethink classic looks—like a belted trench coat—in new silhouettes, like a midi skirt. "This summer is all about experimentation, creating untold options for office-appropriate fashions. They are really breezy. 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UFC San Antonio: Controversial heavyweight Greg Hardy claims quickfire win (VIDEO) — RT Sport News icon bookmark-bicon bookmarkicon cameraicon checkicon chevron downicon chevron lefticon chevron righticon chevron upicon closeicon v-compressicon downloadicon editicon v-expandicon fbicon fileicon filtericon flag ruicon full chevron downicon full chevron lefticon full chevron righticon full chevron upicon gpicon insicon mailicon moveicon-musicicon mutedicon nomutedicon okicon v-pauseicon v-playicon searchicon shareicon sign inicon sign upicon stepbackicon stepforicon swipe downicon tagicon tagsicon tgicon trashicon twicon vkicon yticon wticon fm العربية ESP РУС DE FR Where to watch Schedule RT News App Question more live Russia & Former Soviet Union World News Business Sport RT Features Op-ed Games & Culture Shows Projects 21 Jul, 2019 03:52 HomeSport News UFC San Antonio: Controversial heavyweight Greg Hardy claims quickfire win (VIDEO) © AFP / Michael Reaves Former NFL star turned MMA fighter Greg Hardy was expected to receive a tough test from fellow rising prospect Juan Adams at UFC Fight Night in San Antonio, but the bout finished quickly after an anticlimactic clash in Texas. Hardy - who was thrown out of the NFL after a domestic abuse scandal that saw him convicted, only to have the charges dropped when his alleged victim failed to show for the appeal hearing - has visibly grown in confidence and allowed his personality to show through in recent interviews and appearances. And that personality was criticized by Adams, whose disdain for Hardy and his past was placed front and center during the build-up to the contest. Also on rt.com UFC San Antonio: 'The Big Ticket' Walt Harris stops Aleksei Oleinik in 12 seconds (VIDEO) A big fight was expected, but when the action began, it left the fans disappointed at the final result. After the pair exchanged a succession of solid jabs, Adams looked to take Hardy to the mat, only for "The Prince of War" to end up on top. Adams kept a hold of a single leg in a bid to eventually establish top position on the mat, but he never made it that far, as Hardy rained down a succession of powerful right hands that led referee Dan Miragliotta to move in and tell Adams to move and get out of trouble. And when Adams didn't move at all, the official waved off the contest to give Hardy a 45-second TKO victory as the crowd rained boos down on the octagon. GREG HARDY TKOs JUAN ADAMS IN UNDER A MINUTE!! #UFCSanAntoniopic.twitter.com/2jIMb39rHN — #34 (@ftbeard_17) July 21, 2019 After the fight, Hardy declared that "saying my name has consequences," but said he loved the fans, whether they cheered him or booed him. With his past still very much a part of his story, Hardy moves on to bigger things in the UFC, seemingly with more fans waiting for him to lose than hoping for him to win. Also on rt.com UFC San Antonio: Kiwi star Dan Hooker bounces back with huge knockout (VIDEO) UFCnewsSanAntonionews You can share this story on social media: Follow RT on Trends:Mixed martial arts – MMAUFC Mixi.Media News ‘I need to freshen’: UFC ‘champ champ’ Nunes posts steamy celebratory shower pic Did Mo Salah and Egypt just hand Cristiano Ronaldo a record 6th Ballon d’Or? Top stories Putin isn’t bluffing about nuclear weapons – EU Latest Top Stories Ukraine expels Iranian ambassador Palestine slams UK over Jerusalem embassy plans Biden pledges ‘response’ to referendums Airline ticket prices forecast to climb higher Russia’s SWIFT alternative spreads at record pace – central bank EU Commission head issues veiled threat to Italy Zelensky issues Ukrainian estimates on daily army losses Subscribe to RT newsletter to get news highlights of the day right in your mailbox We offer you the possibility to receive RT's news highlights every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by email. Subscribe RT Features US Psy-Ops exposed: Washington isn't concerned about morals, it's worried about getting caught FEATURE Another Afghanistan in the making? How a fully-fledged war between two ex-Soviet states could threaten stability in Central Asia FEATURE Bombshell court filing suggests the FBI knew 'Russiagate' was a fraud in January of 2017, but it kept up its pressure on Trump FEATURE Podcasts All podcasts CrossTalk: Shrinking Ukraine 0:00 24:45 CrossTalk: EU is failing 0:00 25:14 العربيةespрусdefr RT News App News Russia & Former Soviet Union Business Sport RT Features Op-ed Games & Culture Shows Projects Live Applications Where to watch Schedule Sponsored content Terms of Use Privacy policy About RT Contact info Feedback & Complaints Vacancies © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti”, 2005–2022. All rights reserved. This website uses cookies. Read RT Privacy policy to find out more. Accept cookies Add to home screen | negative |
WEEKLY FUCKIN’ PLANNER – Shark In Stilettos Close menu Home Shop Expand submenu Collapse submenu Galentine's Day All Products Bitch Bags & Totes Candles Drinkware Keychains Kitchen Collection Office Collection Sleep Masks Tanks, Tees & Sweatshirts Wine/Gift Tags Gifts Under $25 Bleach Dye Collection Hear Us Roar Collection Bitches Build Empires Shark In Stilettos Search Blog About us Log In Create Account Search About us FAQ Blog Shipping Info Return Policy Your cart Close Cart Site navigation Shark In Stilettos Site navigation Home Shop Galentine's Day All Products Bitch Bags & Totes Candles Drinkware Keychains Kitchen Collection Office Collection Sleep Masks Tanks, Tees & Sweatshirts Wine/Gift Tags Gifts Under $25 Bleach Dye Collection Hear Us Roar Collection Bitches Build Empires Shark In Stilettos Search Blog About us Log In Cart Cart WEEKLY FUCKIN’ PLANNER Regular price $ 12.00 Default Title - $ 12.00 USD Add to Cart 9.75" by 6.75" 50 sheets of white 65lb paper Doubles as a mousepad Tiramisu Paperie brand Share 0 Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it 0 Pin on Pinterest Fancy Add to Fancy +1 +1 on Google Plus Sign up for our Newsletter Subscribe Search About us FAQ Blog Shipping Info Return Policy Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Snapchat © 2022, Shark In Stilettos Powered by Shopify amazon payments american express diners club discover master paypal visa | negative |
The editor at the Daily Mail has allegedly defended his decision to only put two of the gold medalists from the four woman, world record breaking Team Pursuit team on the cover of the Daily Mail.
“Well it’s obvious really isn’t it, most of our readers read the paper with their breakfast. We can’t put a bald woman, regardless of what a magnificent example of female athleticism and achievement she is, on the cover of The Daily Mail, people are eating.”
Joanna Rowsell Shand who has aloepecia, several world records, a gold medal and an MBE to her name was relegated by the Daily Mail to the back cover along with her pink haired compadré Katie Archibald.
“Well erm, you know, it was, well, like err, you know, it was, well. Well Laura and Elinor are err…”, he is alleged to have mumbled.
Are what Daily Mail? More newsworthy? Have hair you approve of?
Fuck you Daily Mail. Fuck you.
Well done Joanna, Katie, Elinor and Laura you’ve made us all proud. | positive |
Q: What is War of Rights?
A: War of Rights is a large-scale online authentic civil war first person experience featuring massive battles, a chain of command system, regiments and an extraordinary historical attention to detail.
Q: The civil war had a massive front line. What can we expect to experience in War of Rights?
A: At this current moment in development, we are creating four maps: Harper’s Ferry, South Mountain, Antietam and Shepherdstown. They are to represent our first campaign, the Maryland campaign of 1862. We are planning to add additional campaigns at a later stage.
How can I rent my own server for War of Rights?
You can rent your own server at: G-Portal
Q: What game engine will War of Rights be running on?
A: War of Rights runs on Crytek’s powerful CRYENGINE.
Q: Which gaming systems will be able to run War of Rights?
A: We are exclusively developing War of Rights for the Windows PC platform at this point.
Q: Will there be AI soldiers in War of Rights
A: At this stage in development, we have no plans of adding AI soldiers to War of Rights.
Q: What are the hardware requirements to be able to run War of Rights?
A: We are too early in the development process to estimate specific hardware requirements at this stage. But the current version of CRYENGINE requires a DirectX 11 or higher capabable graphics card and due to engine limitiations, Intel Graphics Accelerators are not officially supported.
Q: I heard War of Rights would feature massive online battles. How many players will be able to play on a single server?
A: We cannot give an exact number at this point, but the end goal is to have large player numbers on the servers.
Q: How can I support War of Rights the most?
A: Spread the word! We have a relatively small community at this point – we would love to expand that. You can join the community at our forum here: https://warofrightsforum.com/. As stated above, War of Rights is currently without any other form of funding than the goodwill of the community. If you would like to support us with money, you can back the game here: KICKSTARTER.
Q: Where can I keep up to date on the development news of War of Rights?
A: You can follow us on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/warofrights.
You can also like us on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/WarOfRights?ref=bookmarks.
And subscribe to us on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA1QYzsuDBilAxa6IDougDA.
Q: I found a bug! How can I notify the devs about it?
A: You can either make a post about it on our forum: https://warofrightsforum.com/.
Or you can report the issue through our Error Reporter here on our website: https://warofrights.com/ErrorReporter
When I pledge for War of Rights on the crowdfunding campaign, do I get the rank I pledged for, on the Company Tool?
No you do not. The Company Tool and our crowdfunding campaign are two entirely seperate things. The only way to get promoted on the Company Tool is to have you company commander promote you, or start your own company
Which email will my steam key be sent to?
If you pledged on Kickstarter, by default the email of your Kickstarter account will be used. If you submitted the Kickstarter survey to us, then we will use the specified reward email instead. If you pledge through PayPal, then the email of your PayPal account is the one the Steam key will be sent to.
Can I change the email and or address associated with my pledge for War of Rights?
Yes you can: HERE | positive |
index - FppType complexType FppType diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 children ISINCode FundStructure CountryOfDomicile DateOfLastRevision AnnexesCountries RegisteredDistributionCountry MainFundOrderDesk FundManagementCompany FundDetails SubscriptionRedemption ValuationDealingCharacteristics BaseCurrency Restrictions SettlementDetails Annexes used by element FundFactsType/FPP annotation documentation Fund Processing Passport (FPP) Type source <xs:complexType name="FppType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Fund Processing Passport (FPP) Type</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="ISINCode" type="ISINType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(1) ISIN code for the class of share to which the FPP refers. The EFAMA document doesn't expect any code but the ISIN.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="FundStructure" type="NameType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Information about the fund structure</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="CountryOfDomicile" type="ISOCountryCodeType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(4) ISO 2-character country code for the country in which the fund or umbrella vehicle is legally domiciled.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="DateOfLastRevision" type="xs:date"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(5) Enter the date on which this version of the FPP was issued by the Fund Management Company.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="AnnexesCountries"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(6) Specific information available in FPP annexes for the following countries</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter each country individually inculding the home domicile if necessary.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="NotApplicable" type="YesNoType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter "YES" for "Not Applicable" if there is no annexe</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="RegisteredDistributionCountry"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(7) Countries where the fund is registered for distribution</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter each country individually including the home domicile</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="MainFundOrderDesk" type="ContactDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(8-13) Principal entity appointed by the fund, to which orders should be submitted. Usually located in the country of domicle</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="FundManagementCompany" type="ContactDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(14-20) Fund management company for which the report is requested</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="FundDetails" type="FundDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(20-28, 74-77) Fund details for distribution, and so on </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="SubscriptionRedemption" type="SubscriptionRedemptionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(29-41, 50-54, 65-68) Details for Subscription and Redemption including Dealing Currencies</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="ValuationDealingCharacteristics" type="ValuationDealingCharacteristicsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(42-49 exkl. 48)</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="BaseCurrency" type="ISOCurrencyCodeType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(48) ISO currency code for the base accounting currency of the fund.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Restrictions" type="RestrictionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(55-64) Restrictions for processing an investment into the fund.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="SettlementDetails"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(69-73) Cash settlement information for the main fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SettlementDetail" type="SettlementDetailsType" maxOccurs="5"/> <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "YES"</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Annexes" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>When there is some country-specific information concerning the dealing/settlement arrangements for other markets where the class of unit/share is also distributed, this information should be provided in specific annexes</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="LocalMarketAnnex" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Additional processing information that is specific to a local market.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Countries"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(79) Countries where this annex is valid</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Country in which the processing characteristic applies.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="LocalOrderDesk" type="ContactDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(80-85) Contact information for the local fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="SubscriptionRedemption" type="SubscriptionRedemptionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(86-100) Details for Subscription and Redemption including Dealing Currencies</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="SettlementDetails"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(101-105) Cash settlement information for the local fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SettlementDetail" type="SettlementDetailsType" maxOccurs="5"/> <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "Yes"</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> element FppType/ISINCode diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ISINType properties content simple facets Kind Value Annotation maxLength 12 pattern [A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{10} annotation documentation (1) ISIN code for the class of share to which the FPP refers. The EFAMA document doesn't expect any code but the ISIN. source <xs:element name="ISINCode" type="ISINType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(1) ISIN code for the class of share to which the FPP refers. The EFAMA document doesn't expect any code but the ISIN.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/FundStructure diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type NameType properties content complex children NameOfFundIncludingClass Umbrella FundName SubFundName Class annotation documentation Information about the fund structure source <xs:element name="FundStructure" type="NameType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Information about the fund structure</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/CountryOfDomicile diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ISOCountryCodeType properties content simple facets Kind Value Annotation minLength 2 maxLength 2 annotation documentation (4) ISO 2-character country code for the country in which the fund or umbrella vehicle is legally domiciled. source <xs:element name="CountryOfDomicile" type="ISOCountryCodeType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(4) ISO 2-character country code for the country in which the fund or umbrella vehicle is legally domiciled.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/DateOfLastRevision diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type xs:date properties content simple annotation documentation (5) Enter the date on which this version of the FPP was issued by the Fund Management Company. source <xs:element name="DateOfLastRevision" type="xs:date"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(5) Enter the date on which this version of the FPP was issued by the Fund Management Company.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/AnnexesCountries diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 properties content complex children Country NotApplicable annotation documentation (6) Specific information available in FPP annexes for the following countries source <xs:element name="AnnexesCountries"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(6) Specific information available in FPP annexes for the following countries</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter each country individually inculding the home domicile if necessary.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="NotApplicable" type="YesNoType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter "YES" for "Not Applicable" if there is no annexe</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> element FppType/AnnexesCountries/Country diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ISOCountryCodeType properties minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content simple facets Kind Value Annotation minLength 2 maxLength 2 annotation documentation Enter each country individually inculding the home domicile if necessary. source <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter each country individually inculding the home domicile if necessary.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/AnnexesCountries/NotApplicable diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type YesNoType properties content simple facets Kind Value Annotation enumeration YES enumeration NO annotation documentation Enter "YES" for "Not Applicable" if there is no annexe source <xs:element name="NotApplicable" type="YesNoType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter "YES" for "Not Applicable" if there is no annexe</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/RegisteredDistributionCountry diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 properties content complex children Country annotation documentation (7) Countries where the fund is registered for distribution source <xs:element name="RegisteredDistributionCountry"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(7) Countries where the fund is registered for distribution</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter each country individually including the home domicile</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> element FppType/RegisteredDistributionCountry/Country diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ISOCountryCodeType properties minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content simple facets Kind Value Annotation minLength 2 maxLength 2 annotation documentation Enter each country individually including the home domicile source <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Enter each country individually including the home domicile</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/MainFundOrderDesk diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ContactDetailsType properties content complex children Name Address PhoneNumber FaxNumber EmailAddress URLAddress BICIdentifier annotation documentation (8-13) Principal entity appointed by the fund, to which orders should be submitted. Usually located in the country of domicle source <xs:element name="MainFundOrderDesk" type="ContactDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(8-13) Principal entity appointed by the fund, to which orders should be submitted. Usually located in the country of domicle</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/FundManagementCompany diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ContactDetailsType properties content complex children Name Address PhoneNumber FaxNumber EmailAddress URLAddress BICIdentifier annotation documentation (14-20) Fund management company for which the report is requested source <xs:element name="FundManagementCompany" type="ContactDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(14-20) Fund management company for which the report is requested</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/FundDetails diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type FundDetailsType properties content complex children PhysicalBearer DematerializedBearer PhysicalRegistered DematerializedRegistered Distribution FrontEndLoad BackEndLoad SwitchFee EUSavingsDirective annotation documentation (20-28, 74-77) Fund details for distribution, and so on source <xs:element name="FundDetails" type="FundDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(20-28, 74-77) Fund details for distribution, and so on </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/SubscriptionRedemption diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type SubscriptionRedemptionType properties content complex children DealingCurrencies Subscription Redemption annotation documentation (29-41, 50-54, 65-68) Details for Subscription and Redemption including Dealing Currencies source <xs:element name="SubscriptionRedemption" type="SubscriptionRedemptionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(29-41, 50-54, 65-68) Details for Subscription and Redemption including Dealing Currencies</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/ValuationDealingCharacteristics diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ValuationDealingCharacteristicsType properties content complex children ValuationFrequency DescriptionOfValuationFrequency NumberOfDecimalsForUnitsOrShares NumberOfDecimalsForPrices SingleOrDualPricing HistoricOrForwardPricing PricePublicationCurrencies annotation documentation (42-49 exkl. 48) source <xs:element name="ValuationDealingCharacteristics" type="ValuationDealingCharacteristicsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(42-49 exkl. 48)</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/BaseCurrency diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ISOCurrencyCodeType properties content simple facets Kind Value Annotation minLength 3 maxLength 3 annotation documentation (48) ISO currency code for the base accounting currency of the fund. source <xs:element name="BaseCurrency" type="ISOCurrencyCodeType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(48) ISO currency code for the base accounting currency of the fund.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/Restrictions diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type RestrictionType properties content complex children Subscription Redemption Holding annotation documentation (55-64) Restrictions for processing an investment into the fund. source <xs:element name="Restrictions" type="RestrictionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(55-64) Restrictions for processing an investment into the fund.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/SettlementDetails diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 properties content complex children SettlementDetail ReferToFundOrderDesk annotation documentation (69-73) Cash settlement information for the main fund order desk. source <xs:element name="SettlementDetails"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(69-73) Cash settlement information for the main fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SettlementDetail" type="SettlementDetailsType" maxOccurs="5"/> <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "YES"</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> element FppType/SettlementDetails/SettlementDetail diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type SettlementDetailsType properties minOcc 1 maxOcc 5 content complex children Unstructured Structured source <xs:element name="SettlementDetail" type="SettlementDetailsType" maxOccurs="5"/> element FppType/SettlementDetails/ReferToFundOrderDesk diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type YesNoType properties minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple facets Kind Value Annotation enumeration YES enumeration NO annotation documentation If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "YES" source <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "YES"</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/Annexes diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 properties minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children LocalMarketAnnex annotation documentation When there is some country-specific information concerning the dealing/settlement arrangements for other markets where the class of unit/share is also distributed, this information should be provided in specific annexes source <xs:element name="Annexes" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>When there is some country-specific information concerning the dealing/settlement arrangements for other markets where the class of unit/share is also distributed, this information should be provided in specific annexes</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="LocalMarketAnnex" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Additional processing information that is specific to a local market.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Countries"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(79) Countries where this annex is valid</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Country in which the processing characteristic applies.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="LocalOrderDesk" type="ContactDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(80-85) Contact information for the local fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="SubscriptionRedemption" type="SubscriptionRedemptionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(86-100) Details for Subscription and Redemption including Dealing Currencies</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="SettlementDetails"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(101-105) Cash settlement information for the local fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SettlementDetail" type="SettlementDetailsType" maxOccurs="5"/> <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "Yes"</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> element FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 properties minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content complex children Countries LocalOrderDesk SubscriptionRedemption SettlementDetails annotation documentation Additional processing information that is specific to a local market. source <xs:element name="LocalMarketAnnex" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Additional processing information that is specific to a local market.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Countries"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(79) Countries where this annex is valid</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Country in which the processing characteristic applies.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="LocalOrderDesk" type="ContactDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(80-85) Contact information for the local fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="SubscriptionRedemption" type="SubscriptionRedemptionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(86-100) Details for Subscription and Redemption including Dealing Currencies</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="SettlementDetails"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(101-105) Cash settlement information for the local fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SettlementDetail" type="SettlementDetailsType" maxOccurs="5"/> <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "Yes"</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> element FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/Countries diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 properties content complex children Country annotation documentation (79) Countries where this annex is valid source <xs:element name="Countries"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(79) Countries where this annex is valid</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Country in which the processing characteristic applies.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> element FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/Countries/Country diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ISOCountryCodeType properties minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content simple facets Kind Value Annotation minLength 2 maxLength 2 annotation documentation Country in which the processing characteristic applies. source <xs:element name="Country" type="ISOCountryCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Country in which the processing characteristic applies.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/LocalOrderDesk diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type ContactDetailsType properties content complex children Name Address PhoneNumber FaxNumber EmailAddress URLAddress BICIdentifier annotation documentation (80-85) Contact information for the local fund order desk. source <xs:element name="LocalOrderDesk" type="ContactDetailsType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(80-85) Contact information for the local fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/SubscriptionRedemption diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type SubscriptionRedemptionType properties content complex children DealingCurrencies Subscription Redemption annotation documentation (86-100) Details for Subscription and Redemption including Dealing Currencies source <xs:element name="SubscriptionRedemption" type="SubscriptionRedemptionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(86-100) Details for Subscription and Redemption including Dealing Currencies</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> element FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/SettlementDetails diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 properties content complex children SettlementDetail ReferToFundOrderDesk annotation documentation (101-105) Cash settlement information for the local fund order desk. source <xs:element name="SettlementDetails"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>(101-105) Cash settlement information for the local fund order desk.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SettlementDetail" type="SettlementDetailsType" maxOccurs="5"/> <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "Yes"</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> element FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/SettlementDetails/SettlementDetail diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type SettlementDetailsType properties minOcc 1 maxOcc 5 content complex children Unstructured Structured source <xs:element name="SettlementDetail" type="SettlementDetailsType" maxOccurs="5"/> element FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/SettlementDetails/ReferToFundOrderDesk diagram namespace http://www.fundsxml.org/XMLSchema/3.0.7 type YesNoType properties minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple facets Kind Value Annotation enumeration YES enumeration NO annotation documentation If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "Yes" source <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>If settlement is possible in more than 5 currencies set this field to "Yes"</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy | negative |
cat exhibiting psychogenic alopecia (excessive grooming ). Resulting baldness is noticeable around the abdomen, flank, and legs.
Psychogenic alopecia, also called over-grooming or psychological baldness,[1][2] is a compulsive behavior that affects domestic cats. Generally, psychogenic alopecia does not lead to serious health consequences or a decreased lifespan.[1]
Causes [ edit ]
Grooming is a natural behavior for cats. Cats spend 5%-25% of their waking hours grooming.[3] Grooming becomes excessive when it takes precedence over other activities or no longer seems functional.[2][3] Excessive grooming, which can lead to hair loss, skin wounds, and ulceration, can result from chronic stress or develop in cats who already exhibit nervous temperaments. Even when the source of stress is resolved or removed, excessive grooming may continue.[2] There may be some genetic basis for the behavior, and it predominantly affects purebred cats of oriental breeds, but can develop in any feline. Female cats appear more susceptible.[2] Environmental factors suspected of causing over grooming include flea allergy, boredom, food allergy, dust or pollen causing an allergic reaction, constipation and/or urinary tract infection caused by avoidance of a dirty litter tray, dermatitis, anxiety caused by inconsistent meal times. Deprivation of sunlight could be the part of the problem for indoors only cats.
Symptoms [ edit ]
Areas affected are those the cat can access most easily, including the abdomen, legs, flank, and chest.[2]
Baldness, usually beginning with the abdomen [1]
Obvious over-grooming (although some cats may only engage in the behavior in the absence of owners) [1]
Redness, rashes, pus, scabs on the bald area or areas traumatized by over-grooming [1]
A highly irritable cat may even cut its face with the claw of its hind foot if over-zealously scratching the back of its head.
Treatment [ edit ]
The cat should be taken to a veterinarian. The most suspected cause of skin problems in cats will be fleas. Other causes of over-grooming are not as easily ascertained. As household antiseptics are known to be toxic to cats, veterinary antiseptics for cats can be used to treat open sores, if they do occur. Sores can also be treated with cream, oral or injected anti-inflammatories, however if the problem continues to recur it may be more cost effective to subject the cat to laboratory testing early on. It may be difficult to keep a clean dressing on a cat's belly, and an anti-lick collar is adequate to let the wound heal. If an anti lick collar is used, a soft anti-lick collar is less cumbersome, although they are less durable. If the cat wears a plastic anti-lick collar, it may use the edge of the collar to grind against existing wounds, making them worse. A soft anti lick collar will become less effective as it is kicked out of the shape by the cat's hind leg, and will need prompt replacement. The cat can sanitize the wound if the collar is removed for daily short periods of time, also giving the cat an opportunity for an overall grooming. Scratches and wounds can heal completely using this method. When the cat stops wearing the collar, thinned hair, redness of skin or cracked nipples on the cat are early indicators that the cat has started to over-groom again.
Antidepressants for cats may be suggested by a vet.
See also [ edit ] | positive |
Medicine, Dentistry And Health | 50degree.com Skip to content 50degree.com Bringing Loving Care to Health Care Menu Department health department health insurance health magazine health news Durability public health vitamins womens health E-Health medical school medicine mental health Health Style health health and fitness health articles health care Healthcare holistic medicine homeopathic medicine kids health Medicine better health health clinic alternative medicine Search for: Search Medicine, Dentistry And Health Home Medicine, Dentistry And Health When Lynn returned four weeks later, she had determined through the elimination diet that she had a corn sensitivity. Since eliminating corn, she reported feeling a lot better, and the pain in her again and legs had diminished. Her constipation was relieved and far of the swelling and fluid retention additionally improved. Lynn reported that “I lost only 5 pounds, but I really feel smaller.” We have a workforce plagued with absenteeism and decreased productiveness because of persistent health issues, including melancholy. If we do not get the best info, our metabolic processes suffer and our well being declines. When it involves health, there’s lots of confusion around refried beans. After illness or surgical procedure, you may surprise what to eat to help your body recover. Nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, honey, seaweed, and fermented foods are just a few of the various different meals studied for his or her medicinal properties . Green tea has been completely researched for its impressive advantages, which can embrace lowered inflammation and decrease disease danger . Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale comprise a wide array of antioxidants. High consumption of those vegetables may lower your risk of coronary heart disease and promote longevity . The nutrients in food enable the cells in our our bodies to carry out their needed capabilities. This quote from a preferred textbook describes how the nutrients in food are important for our physical functioning. The food we eat gives our our bodies the “information” and materials they need to operate properly. Meals Shouldn’t Be Used As A Substitute For Medication Reports usually embody findings, conclusions, and recommendations primarily based on information gathered by the committee and the committee”™s deliberations. Each report has been subjected to a rigorous and unbiased peer-review course of and it represents the position of the National Academies on the statement of task. We are the Sole Teachers of The AAA Diet® which supplies the nutrients required for Dynamic Cellular Body Energy while enhancing the physique”™s therapeutic capabilities. Visit the UF Health MedMatters website to learn more featured articles about research and scientific advances at UF Health Shands Hospital. Skilled Healthy Eating Suggestions This article explains the medicinal effects of food, together with which foods ought to and shouldn”™t be used for therapeutic. Yet, food plan alone can not and mustn’t replace drugs in all circumstances. Although many sicknesses may be prevented, handled, and even cured by dietary and way of life changes, many others cannot. The Acid Alkaline Diet promotes an 80% alkaline-forming and 20% acid-forming diet as a approach to obtain optimal well being. UF Health is a collaboration of the University of Florida Health Science Center, Shands hospitals and other well being care entities. The distinguished college of our division have a commitment to educating rising physicians and conducting revolutionary research, in addition to providing glorious care of their clinical activities. The division persistently excels in these areas and is ranked among the best in the nation. Virtual visits can be utilized for follow-up appointments, medicine management for continual circumstances, reviewing check outcomes, and other cases when a physical examination is not wanted. For greater than 20 years, patients have entrusted their health to University Health, a accountability we take critically and serve with integrity. Our physicians aren’t solely coaching tomorrow’s doctors, they’re additionally board-licensed, meaning they have demonstrated a mastery of the information and abilities that outline their specialty. Vegan diets can be optimal for normal progress in children, based on a evaluation revealed inNutrition Research. Health and Nutrition News supplies the latest updates in diet and preventive medicine. By: AuthorPosted on 07/06/2021 07/07/2021 Categories : Categories : health articlesTags: dentistry health medicine Post navigation Nutrition & Healthy Eating Services Nutrition Services Search for: Search Recent Posts Meals As Drugs Medical Nutrition Therapy At Middlesex Health Place Of The Academy Of Diet And Dietetics, Dietitians Of Canada, And The American College Of Sports Activities Medicine Nutrition Specialists Hashtag #Weightloss Di Twitter Archives September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 August 2016 Categories alternative medicine better health better health health health and fitness health articles health articles health care health care health clinic health clinic health department health department health insurance health magazine health news holistic medicine homeopathic medicine homeopathic medicine kids health medical school Medicine mental health mental health public health Uncategorized vitamins womens health About Us Sitemap Disclosure Policy Advertise Here Contact Us Support Links Recommended Links Partner Links Visit Family Law Attorney Copyright © 2022 50degree.com. All Rights Reserved | Medistore by Theme Palace | negative |
Share. Director Zack Snyder also revealed he considered a different role for Jesse Eisenberg. Director Zack Snyder also revealed he considered a different role for Jesse Eisenberg.
Ben Affleck thinks the idea he rewrote the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice script while suited up as Batman is "the dumbest rumor."
Back in February, rumors swirled over Affleck not being "thrilled" by the script, saying the actor "rework[ed] the script" on "multiple occasions."
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Affleck recently told reporters that he "just like[s] how if [he] was gonna go write, [he] would put on this batsuit first because it's so comfortable to write in."
He added he didn't "rewrite anything in any outfit, [his] underwear or otherwise." (An Oscar winner for co-scripting Good Will Hunting with Matt Damon, it should be noted Affleck doesn't have a writing credit on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.)
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Affleck discussed the rumors alongside co-stars Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot, as well as director Zack Snyder, at a Mexico City news conference. Jesse Einsenberg was not there, but Snyder revealed he had considered the actor for a different role, but changed his mind after they met.
"He's got this amazing way about him and you can never tell whether he's being self-deprecating or whether he's insulting you, and I mean that as a compliment," Snyder said. "I thought he offered really amazing possibilities for Lex."
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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens March 25. While you wait for the film's debut, check out this new clip of Lex Luther ordering Superman to battle Batman "to the death."
Nicole is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow her on Twitter. | positive |
IBM Support No results were found for your search query. Tips To return expected results, you can: Reduce the number of search terms. Each term you use focuses the search further. Check your spelling. A single misspelled or incorrectly typed term can change your result. Try substituting synonyms for your original terms. For example, instead of searching for "java classes", try "java training" Did you search for an IBM acquired or sold product ? If so, follow the appropriate link below to find the content you need. Our apologies Search results are not available at this time. Please try again later or use one of the other support options on this page. Search results Previous {{search_results.start + 1}} - {{search_results.end}} of {{search_results.totalResults_comma}} results Next No results found for {{search_results.dc_q}} Search result title: (Community support) Search result summary: Search result URL: Search result URL: {{result.url}} Tags: Previous {{n}} {{n}} Next Share your feedback Need support? Submit feedback to IBM Support 1-800-IBM-7378 (USA) Directory of worldwide contacts | negative |
Melvin Carter elected mayor of St. Paul
Melvin Carter addresses supporters at this campaign night party at the Red Cap Room at Union Depot, shortly before it became clear that he had won the election for St. Paul mayor. (Evan Frost | MPR News)
Melvin Carter has been elected mayor of St. Paul.
The DFLer, who received about 51 percent of first-choice votes, is the city's first African-American mayor.
He previously was St. Paul's Ward 1 City Council member and a staffer in Gov. Mark Dayton's administration. Carter succeeds Chris Coleman, who is running for Minnesota governor in 2018.
Here's what Carter told MPR News on why he ran for mayor:
"We have more people living here than we have in a generation, more places to catch a game, experience the arts, or just grab a great meal or local beer. I think we have work to do to make sure this is a city that works for everyone, where everyone in every corner of our city knows that they have access to the highest quality of public services possible, and building an economy that works for everyone." | positive |
Triangle Curling - Club Calendar Home Try Curling! Learn to Curl Pick-up Curling Pick-up and Play Saturday Instructional Program Youth Curling Program Gift Certificates Leagues Membership Info 2022 Fall Leagues Day Curling Membership and Leagues FAQ Events and Bonspiels Club Calendar Event Listings Bonspiels Mixed Doubles Bonspiel Over - Under Spiel Carolina Classic GNCC Mixed Doubles Championship Triangle Junior Bonspiel About Us Contact Information Donate Curling Links Diversity About Curling What is Curling? How to Curl Weight Control Basic Strategy Equipment Maintenance Links to Curling Associations & Information Group Events & Rentals Events Calendar February 2022March 2022April 2022May 2022June 2022July 2022August 2022September 2022October 2022November 2022December 2022January 2023 Events for Tuesday 09 August 2022 No events Member Login Remember Me Log in Forgot Login? Our Sponsors Contact Us Triangle Curling Mailing Address P.O. Box 14628 Durham, NC 27709 Location 2310 So Hi Drive Durham, NC 27703 Why don't we have a phone number? Interested in Curling? Give curling a try! We're always happy to welcome new curlers onto the ice. Please view our League Description page and make sure to sign-up for our Learn-to-Curl sessions. For more information or email us with your questions. Good Curling! © 2022 Triangle Curling Club. All Rights Reserved. | Curling Club Management System and Website by CurlingClubManager.com Home Try Curling! Learn to Curl Pick-up Curling Pick-up and Play Saturday Instructional Program Youth Curling Program Gift Certificates Leagues Membership Info 2022 Fall Leagues Day Curling Membership and Leagues FAQ Events and Bonspiels Club Calendar Event Listings Bonspiels Mixed Doubles Bonspiel Over - Under Spiel Carolina Classic GNCC Mixed Doubles Championship Triangle Junior Bonspiel About Us Contact Information Donate Curling Links Diversity About Curling What is Curling? How to Curl Weight Control Basic Strategy Equipment Maintenance Links to Curling Associations & Information Group Events & Rentals | negative |
Officers then secured a sexual harm prevention order through the courts, which included a condition that he must submit to a polygraph test when requested by police.
If he refuses it will be a breach of the order and he will be arrested, interviewed and could face the courts.
Essex Police now plans to extend the scheme to test previous offenders.
Detective Chief Inspector Jim Sandford said: "We use the polygraph test to get information about whether or not a sex offender is reoffending, so that we can assess the risk they pose to the public and ensure they are complying with sexual harm prevention orders imposed by the courts.
"We can't force people to take part unless it forms part of a court order and the results of a polygraph test can't be used as evidence in court.
"But the benefits are that it shows they are willing to engage and co-operate with the authorities, and it can prevent us relying on more intrusive methods of monitoring." | positive |
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Hear Diana Ross' Famous 1983 Central Park Performance - Paste Sections Music Movies TV Comedy Games Books Food Drink Travel Tech NoiseTrade Video Newletter Netflix Amazon HBO Max Hulu Disney+ Paste Magazine Share Tweet Submit Pin NoiseTrade Video Newsletter Netflix Amazon HBO Max Hulu Disney+ Music Movies TV Comedy Games Books Food Drink Travel Tech NoiseTrade Video Newsletter Netflix Amazon HBO Max Hulu Disney+ Hear Diana Ross' Famous 1983 Central Park Performance By Ellen Johnson | July 22, 2019 | 2:10pm Photo by Paul Natkin Music Features Diana Ross Share Tweet Submit Pin On July 21, 1983, more than an estimated 450,000 fans watched on as Diana Ross, dressed in a rainbow-fringed coat, commanded The Great Lawn in Central Park for an electric performance, a concert known as Live in Central Park, which was broadcasted worldwide on Showtime and released decades later on DVD. But then the show turned truly electric, when a thunderstorm forced the performance to a halt. A rambunctious crowd was close to rioting when Ross left the stage, imploring concert-goers to seek shelter from the lightning. The storm caused 40,000 homes in the NYC metropolitan area to lose power, according to a New York Daily News report. Ross’ show lasted only 45 minutes. But then, 24 hours later, the clouds cleared, the ground dried and the NYC Parks Department cleared the area for night two, and Ross’ second Central Park concert began promptly at 6 p.m. on July 22, 1983. “I appreciate the people and the police yesterday,” Ross said in a press conference from that day, which you can hear as part of the recordings below. “I refused to leave the stage until I knew people knew they could leave and walk out. I wasn’t as afraid until someone whispered to me that it could be an electrical storm. I’m gonna do a real concert tonight.” And that she did. On that second night, Diana Ross opened the show in glamorous fashion, with her post-disco, pro-gay hit, “I’m Coming Out,” followed by “Family” and a glorious rendition of “It’s My House”—almost as good as Renata’s (one of many memorable music moments in season two of Big Little Lies). These are vivid recordings, complete with crystal-clear live cuts and plenty of stage banter courtesy of Ross, who was touring behind her just-released album and latest for Motown, Ross. You can listen to the interview, press conference and entire concert below via the Paste vault. Read: The 25 Best Frontwomen of All Time Tags diana ross GET PASTE RIGHT IN YOUR INBOX The best music, movies, TV, books, comedy and more. Sign Up Yes, I would like to receive Paste's newsletter More from Diana Ross Tame Impala and Diana Ross Share New Song, “Turn Up the Sunshine”By Samantha SullivanMay 19, 2022 | 5:05pm Diana Ross Announces New Album Thank You, Shares SingleBy Jason FriedmanJune 17, 2021 | 11:59am Studio 54 Documentary Trailer Brings Debauchery BackBy Jenzia BurgosMay 22, 2018 | 2:18pm The 25 Best Frontwomen of All TimeBy Loren DiBlasi and Matthew OshinskyMarch 5, 2018 | 4:19pm Tracee Ellis Ross Recreates Iconic Music Video for Diana Ross' "Work That Body"By Khadija DukesAugust 25, 2015 | 2:25pm Also in Music "I've Always Got Demons": Ozzy Osbourne on Patient Number 9 By Tom Lanham September 19, 2022 | 11:30am Walking the Asphalt Meadows with Ben Gibbard By Tom Lanham September 15, 2022 | 10:30am FME Brings Ambitious Rock Music to the French-Canadian Wilderness By Ted Davis September 8, 2022 | 11:30am Susan Tedeschi, Derek Trucks and The Myth of Layla By Geoffrey Himes September 6, 2022 | 1:35pm 10 Years Later, The xx’s Coexist Stands on Its Own By Grant Sharples September 5, 2022 | 10:00am Record Time: New & Notable Vinyl Releases (August 2022) By Robert Ham August 31, 2022 | 2:29pm Most Popular 7 New Albums to Listen to Today By Paste Staff September 23, 2022 On God Save the Animals, Alex G Finds Meaning in the Mainstream By Eric Bennett September 19, 2022 Sports Team Strike Out on Gulp! 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WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP | Kwandwe Rhino Conservation Trust 0 WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP DONATE TODAY Thank You for Supporting KRCT YOUR DONATION WILL: $100 Feed one Rhino Protection Dog for a month ADD TO CART $500 Buy a quality radio ADD TO CART $1200 Provide a guard with uniform and a bulletproof vest ADD TO CART $2000 Enable us to train and certify a guard ADD TO CART $4000 Fuel two vehicles for rhino security patrols for a month ADD TO CART $4500 Purchase a trained dog and will cover the costs of food and veterinary care for a year ADD TO CART $4800 Cover 12 hours of helicopter surveillance ADD TO CART $6000 Pay the salary of a rhino monitor for a year ADD TO CART $13000 Purchase two sets of high specification thermal night vision equipment ADD TO CART $45000 Enable us to buy a new patrol vehicle ADD TO CART STAY Just by staying at Kwandwe Private Game Reserve you will already be contributing to the fight to protect rhinos. Our Conservation Levy goes towards supporting our conservation efforts. Conservation Experiences EXPERIENCE Book a Rhino conservation experience during your stay. Kwandwe Private Game Reserve, which is no more than a two-hour drive from Port Elizabeth, offers guests the rare opportunity to help in the conservation of the critically endangered black and white rhino by participating in their rhino- darting and notching programme under the supervision of a veterinarian and Angus Sholto- Douglas, Managing Director and Conservation Manager. Once the rhino is sedated, assist the team by helping to administer medication as well as taking measurements for scientific and medical purposes. The minimum age is 16 and the best time to take part in this programme is between the months of May and September, but arrangements can be made to accommodate this out of season. Visit Kwandwe SHARE Rhinos can’t speak but you can! Help to spread the word and educate people about the plight of this critically endangered species. Share information with friends, family and other contacts. HOME THE CRISIS OUR CONSERVATION EFFORTS DONATE KWANDWE RHINO CONSERVATION TRUST CONTACT info@kwandwerhinotrust.org.za EXPLORE Home The Crisis Our Conservation Efforts How You Can Help Donate © KRCT 2020 Website Design by Conlan | negative |
A truck carrying a totem pole carved by the Lummi Nation stops outside Vancouver, British Columbia, Friday, Aug. 21, 2015, the totems first stop on a journey from Canada through the Pacific Northwest to Montana. Paul K. Anderson / AP
The tribes oppose a variety of coal-related projects including the Gateway Pacific Terminal in Cherry Point, Washington, the Port of Morrow terminal on the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon, and a proposed mine expansion at Otter Creek, Montana, that would serve those terminals.
“The Gateway Pacific Terminal is proposed to go on the site of a village that has been shown through archaeological evidence to be abut 9,500 years old — it is the largest site of its kind in the state of Washington,” Russo said.
“It is also a location that is crucial for the fisheries industry in the state and in particular to the fishing lifestyle of the Lummi Indians,” Russo added.
In signing the Point Elliot Treaty of 1855 with the Lummi Nation, the U.S. government promised to protect their right to continue to fish, hunt and gather on their ancestral territory as they had for centuries.
“This was the U.S. government making a promise,” Russo said. “In the view of the tribe, the people that stand with the tribe, the interfaith communities, the environmental organizations — these are the promise keepers.”
A decision on whether or not to approve the Gateway Pacific Terminal at Cherry Point is in the hands of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Russo said, and they are expected to make a decision in the coming weeks.
“We are continuing to go through the permitting process looking at a number of things,” Patricia Graesser, a spokeswoman with the Seattle district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, told Al Jazeera.
The Corps had received information from the Lummi Nation regarding potential impacts to their traditional fishing practices, Graesser said, as well as a rebuttal by Pacific International Terminals — the company that proposed the Gateway Pacific Terminal. As the Corps continued to gather information from relevant parties, it was carrying out environmental impact studies, she added.
“There is really no deadline by which we need to make a decision,” Graesser said, adding that the project would also need local and state permits to move forward.
Pacific International Terminals did not respond to Al Jazeera’s request for comment.
One of the next stops on the totem pole’s journey is the Port of Morrow, which lies in the heartland of the Yakima Indians on the Columbia River — an important habitat for salmon, and integral to tribal fisheries, Russo said. Ambre Energy, the company that has proposed the coal export terminal at the Port of Morrow, did not reply to Al Jazeera's request for comment.
The Yakima tribe will bless the totem pole before it continues on its way to Montana, Russo said. As in its other stops, interfaith groups and environmentalists would also take part.
“People are standing up and saying enough is enough,” Russo said.
The majority of the coal serving the controversial terminals would come from the Powder River Basin in Montana, Russo said, where the proposed Otter Creek mine would be located.
Arch Coal, Inc., which proposed the Otter Creek mine, said it is currently in the permitting process and said it believed the region was and would continue to be a low-cost source for power generation, Logan Bonacorsi, spokeswoman for Arch Coal, Inc., told Al Jazeera in an emailed statement.
“Arch takes its responsibility to environmental stewardship seriously — evidenced by our track record in the Southern Powder River Basin as well as in the other basins in which we operate. It can be expected that the Otter Creek reserves will be developed in the same responsible manner as all of our operations,” Bonacorsi said.
But for the coalition of Northwest tribes, the Otter Creek mine’s approval would mean more coal moving on ships throughout their territories’ waters — a risk they oppose not only for their sakes but that of future generations.
"The ancestors expect it, the unborn demand it," was what one totem pole ceremony participant vowed, according to Russo.
And while industry argues that the projects will bring in revenue and jobs, the Lummi Nation has argued that the salmon industry itself brings in millions of dollars and creates thousands of jobs.
Any accident in waters that serve as salmon habitat would be “devastating,” Russo said.
“I have almost no doubt that these coal ports would be the end of viable salmon fisheries,” Russo said.
The proposed terminal at Cherry Point would see 407 ships — each 1,000 feet long, carrying millions of tons of coal — traverse the waters of the Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean in often foggy or stormy weather up to the Bering Sea and down to Asia, Russo said.
In addition to the risk to salmon fisheries, the expansion of coal exports would exacerbate climate change, the Lummi Nation maintains. Echoing their concerns, Edelman, the public relations firm representing the Gateway Pacific Project reportedly dropped the client due to its potential contribution to climate change.
“At the end of the day, the right people will do the right thing,” Russo said. "It's the moment of truth." | positive |
Times, Locations & Directions for Dr. William Broaddus LIST YOUR PRACTICE Dentist Pharmacy Search Find a doctor near you Search doctors, conditions, or procedures The location you tried did not return a result. Please enter a valid 5-digit Zip Code. Zip Code or City, State Search Find Providers by Specialty Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease Family Medicine Neurology Gastroenterology View All Find Providers by Procedure TMS Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Botox Chemotherapy Liver Transplant Evaluation and Listing View All Find Providers by Condition HIV Infection Chronic Renal Disease Osteoarthritis Cholelethiasis or Cholecystitis Deviated Nasal Septum View All Find All Providers By Location Newly Added Providers LIST YOUR PRACTICE Dentist Pharmacy WB Dr. William Clendenin Broaddus , MD Is this you? Claim your profile Neurosurgery 15 Leave a review Vcu Health Harold F Young Neurosurgical Center 417 N 11th St Fl 6, Richmond, VA, 23298 2 other locations (804) 828-9165 Overview Ratings & Reviews Locations Experience Insurance Overview Ratings & Reviews Locations Experience Insurance LOCATIONS Vcu Health Harold F Young Neurosurgical Center 417 N 11th St Fl 6 Richmond,VA,23298 Tel: (804) 828-9165 Visit Web Site Accepting New Patients Medicare Accepted Medicaid Accepted Mon8:00 am - 5:00 pm Tue8:00 am - 5:00 pm Wed8:00 am - 5:00 pm Thu8:00 am - 5:00 pm Fri8:00 am - 5:00 pm SatClosed SunClosed Accepting New Patients Medicare Accepted Medicaid Accepted McGuire VA Medical Center Specialty Clinic 1201 Broad Rock Blvd Dept 112 Richmond,VA,23249 Tel: (804) 675-5752 Visit Web Site Accepting New Patients Accepting New Patients Ambulatory Care Center 417 N 11th St Richmond,VA,23298 Tel: (804) 828-9165 Visit Web Site Mon8:00 am - 7:00 pm Tue8:00 am - 7:00 pm Wed8:00 am - 7:00 pm Thu8:00 am - 7:00 pm Fri8:00 am - 7:00 pm Sat9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sun9:00 am - 5:00 pm HOSPITAL AFFILIATIONS McGuire VA Medical Center 38 Years Experience Languages Spoken English Other Neurosurgeon s Nearby North Chesterfield, VA Mechanicsville, VA Henrico, VA Chester, VA Prince George, VA Neurosurgeon s Nearby by Conditions Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Intracranial Injury Find Doctors • Allergists & Immunologists • Addiction Psychiatrist • Bariatric Surgeons • Cardiologists • Chiropractors • Dentists • Dermatologists • Ear, Nose & Throat Doctors • Endocrinologists • Family Practitioners • Gastroenterologists • Hematologists • Internists • Neurologists • Obstetrics & Gynecology • Oncologists • Ophthalmologists • Optometrist • Orthopedic Surgeons • Pain Medicine Doctors • Pediatricians • Plastic Surgeons • Podiatrist • Primary Care Doctors • Psychiatrists • Psychologists • Rheumatologists • Urologists • Vascular Surgeons Find us on: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Policies Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Editorial Policy Advertising Policy Correction Policy Terms of Use About Contact Us About WebMD Careers Newsletter Corporate WebMD Health Services Site Map Accessibility WebMD Network Medscape Medscape Reference MedicineNet eMedicineHealth RxList OnHealth WebMDRx First Aid WebMD Magazine WebMD Health Record Dictionary Physician Directory Our Apps WebMD Mobile WebMD App Pregnancy Baby Allergy Medscape For Advertisers Advertise with Us Advertising Policy © 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See additional information. | negative |
Scissor doors (also wing doors, beetle-wing doors, turtle doors, switchblade doors, swing-up doors, Lamborghini doors,[1] and Lambo doors) are automobile doors that rotate vertically at a fixed hinge at the front of the door,[2] rather than outward as with a conventional door.[1]
History [ edit ]
The Alfa Romeo Carabo concept car was the first vehicle to use scissor doors
The first vehicle to feature scissor doors was the 1968 Alfa Romeo Carabo concept car, designed by Bertone's Marcello Gandini. The door style was dictated by Gandini's desire for an innovative design, and by his concern over the car's extremely poor rear visibility. In order to reverse the car, the driver would be able to lift the door and lean his upper body out of the hatch in order to see behind the car. The first production car to feature the doors was a Lamborghini, Gandini's Countach; the sports car's wide chassis created similar problems to those found on the Carabo, calling for the unusual door configuration. The doors were used on the Countach's successor, the Diablo, on its replacement, the Murciélago, and on a low-production run derivative of the Murciélago called the Reventón.[3] The Centenario is the latest Lamborghini car to feature the trademark doors. Having used the exotic door style for several of its cars, the Italian manufacturer has become synonymous with the implementation of scissor doors, which are sometimes colloquially referred to as "Lambo doors".[3]
Today many aftermarket companies are specialized in production of scissor door conversion kits for regular production cars that originally come with regular doors. A common scissor door conversion kit (also known as a "Lambo-door" kit) includes model specific redesigned door hinges and gas filled shocks. Such kits are usually bolt-on or weld on and require some modifications to front bumpers and door panels. Original door panels are not replaced, so a vehicle looks standard from the outside, when the doors are closed.
Advantages [ edit ]
Offers the possibility of operating the car with the door open, in a manner that would be difficult or impossible in a car with conventional doors.
Because the doors stay within the car's track throughout their range of movement, they are useful when parking in tight spaces. A gullwing door style offers similar visibility, but the doors swing out from the car's area slightly.
The hinge is placed in a similar location to a conventional door, so a convertible version of the car is possible with the same door style. [4]
Reduces the dooring hazard to cyclists.
Disadvantages [ edit ]
The manufacture cost of the door hinge can be more than that of a conventional door.
The door still impedes access/egress much more than a gullwing and, in some cases, more than a conventional door.
If the height of the parking lot ceiling is insufficient, the door may come into contact with it when opens.
In the event of a rollover, emergency egress may be more difficult than with conventional doors, if not impossible.
Types [ edit ]
There are different types of scissor doors. The conventional type rotates to 90 degrees.[5] Scissor doors can be powered and they usually are.
Vertical Lift System [ edit ]
VLS doors have a scissor door configuration. The biggest difference is that they are designed to initially open slightly outward before opening upward to allow the top edge of the door to clear the door frame and A-pillar.[1] Although butterfly doors also move upwards and outwards, VLS doors are not butterfly doors, this is because VLS doors move outwards to a very small degree compared to the angle of butterfly doors.
130 degrees [ edit ]
Although conventional scissor doors rotate to 90 degrees, some can rotate up to 130 degrees;[6] these are commonly used for modified cars. These have the benefit that they don't obstruct the entrance or exit to the car as much as conventional scissor doors. VLS doors also can rotate to 130 degrees.
Scissor-conventional door hybrid [ edit ]
Some aftermarket example scissor doors are also designed so they can open vertically and horizontally like a conventional car door. These are used so the user can get the benefits of both types of door and open the door in whichever style is best suited to the situation.[citation needed]
See also [ edit ] | positive |
Capture and Manipulation
130 irregularly positioned nest-boxes (height: 2–3 m) in the Vienna Woods, Austria (48°05′N, 15°54′E, altitude 400–600 m a.s.l.) were checked at fortnightly intervals (for further details about the study site, nest-box distribution and position see Hoelzl et al.50 and Lebl et al.51). Animals occupying the nest-boxes (i.e., using nest-boxes as a sleeping site and to rear their young) were captured during the active season (April–October). Newly captured individuals were sexed, weighed to the nearest 2 g using a 300-g spring balance (Pesola®, Baar, Switzerland) and marked with subcutaneous transponders (BackHome BioTec®, Virbac Limited, Bury St. Edmunds, UK; Tierchip Dasmann®, Greven, Germany). Dormice can be reliably classified as juveniles, yearlings (after their first hibernation) and adults (after their second hibernation) from their size, tibia length and fur colour52,53. Only animals for which an accurate determination of birth year was possible were used in this study. Reproductive activity was determined on a yearly basis. Males were classified as reproductively active when they developed their testes to a tangible and measureable size (for details see Lebl et al.54). Females were classified as reproductively active when they gave birth to a litter or if they were captured with visible, enlarged mammae. If a female was captured at least twice within the time of young-rearing (week 31–39 of the year, c.f. Lebl et al.51) without young and/or visible mammae, it was classified as non-reproductive. A total 49 individuals were investigated (7 animals were sampled 5 times, 12 individuals 4 times, 15 individuals 3 times, and 15 individuals 2 times) in this study. The mean timespan between consecutive sampling dates was 178.3 days. At first sampling date 15 individuals were 1 year old, 20 were 2 years, 1 was 3 years, 4 were 4 years, 4 were 5 years, 2 were 6 years, 1 was 7 years and 2 were 8 years old.
The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee (University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna) and the national authority (Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, BMWF; permit number: BMWF-68.205/0112-II/3b/2011). All experimental protocols were carried out in accordance with the approved guidelines and the Law for Animal Experiments § 8ff, Tierversuchsgesetz – TVG.
Determination of Relative Telomere Length
To obtain cells for DNA extraction we collected buccal mucosa. This tissue was chosen because it could be obtained using minimally invasive protocols. The alternative, that is, repeated collection of adequate quantities of blood (containing non-nucleated blood cells) is not feasible for free-living edible dormice. Further, numbers and ratios of the different fractions of white blood cells in edible dormice vary within and between seasons55, which make this cell type impractical for longitudinal studies. Cell turnover rates of the buccal mucosa cells are relatively constant and unlikely to vary within and between seasons56. Buccal mucosa was sampled throughout the active season by twirling Gynobrush® brushes (Heinz Herenz Medizinalbedarf, Hamburg, Germany) on the inner cheek for 15–20 seconds. The heads of the brushes were individually placed into separate 1.7 ml Mμlti®-SafeSeal®Tubes (Carl Roth GmbH+Co. KG, Karlsruhe, Germany) containing 1 ml BC-buffer57 and stored at 4 °C for subsequent DNA extraction, which was always carried out within 24 hours after tissue cell collection. Therefore the cells were pelleted and the brushes were removed. The brushes were centrifuged (3000 rpm) for 10 min and the remaining cell pellets (after removal of the brushes) were centrifuged again (5000 rpm) for 2.5 min and 800 μl of the supernatant was discarded. DNA was extracted using a DNeasy Blood&Tissue Kit® (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Extracted DNA was stored at −20 °C for further analysis.
For measuring Relative Telomere Length (RTL) we used the real-time PCR approach58 adapted for edible dormice. As a reference non-variable copy number (non-VCN) gene we used a 54 bp portion of the c-myc proto-oncogene, which was tested for non-variability in copy number in edible dormice by Turbill et al.12 as described by Smith et al.59. Primer Sequences for the non-VCN gene were 5′-GAG GGC CAA GTT GGA CAG TG-3′ (c-mycF), and 5′-TTG CGG TTG TTG CTG ATC TG-3′ (c-mycR) and telomeric primer sequences were 5′-CGG TTT GTT TGG GTT TGG GTT TGG GTT TGG GTT TGG GTT-3′ (tel 1b) and 5′-GGC TTG CCT TAC CCT TAC CCT TAC CCT TAC CCT TAC CCT-3′ (tel 2b), respectively. Telomere and non-VCN gene PCRs were carried out in separate runs with 20 ng DNA per reaction, 400 nM of each primer (Tel1b/Tel2b or c-mycF/c-mycR) in a final volume of 20 μl containing 10 μl of SensiMix SYBR No-ROX-MasterMix (Bioline). PCR conditions for the telomere primers were 10 min at 95 °C followed by 40 cycles of 10 sec at 95 °C, 20 sec at 56 °C and 20 sec at 72 °C. For c-myc, PCR conditions were 10 min at 95 °C followed by 40 cycles of 10 sec at 95 °C, 20 sec at 61 °C and 20 sec at 72 °C. A final melting step was included in each run with the temperature ramping from 65 °C to 95 °C in 1 °C steps to check for target specificity via unimodal melt dissociation peaks. All ratios of telomere to non-VCN gene were compared to a reference standard sample (RTL = 1), which was included in every run along with a further calibration standard to monitor inter-run variation. A negative (no-template) control was also included in each run. To validate the low inter run variability of the qPCR approach one run was performed twice (both, qPCR and non-VCN reaction) under the same conditions as outlined above. Furthermore samples of dormice with different ages were evenly assigned to runs to avoid run-to-run bias associated with age. Reactions were prepared using the Qiagility PCR robot (Qiagen, Germany) to minimize pipetting errors and cycling was performed on a Rotorgene Q quantitative thermocycler (Qiagen, Germany). All samples and controls were run in triplicate. We used the software LinRegPCR (2012.0)60 for analysis of non-baseline-corrected raw qPCR data, exported from the instrument59. RTL was calculated using equation 1, that is, a formula modified for RTL measurements described previously in Ruijter et al.61 containing RTL = relative telomere length, E = qPCR efficiency, Ct = cycle threshold, T = telomere reaction of target sample, ST = telomere reaction of standard sample, C = control gene (c-Myc) reaction of target sample and SC = control gene reaction of standard sample.
Mean qPCR efficiencies were 94.86% and 96.30% for the non-VCN gene and telomere reactions respectively. The mean coefficient of variation among replicates (intra-assay variation) for Ct-values of the non-VCN gene and telomere assay were 0.020% and 0.016% respectively. Among runs (inter-assay variation) we found a high correlation of RTL (R = 0.96) and a slope (1.12) close to the theoretical optimum of 1.0 between two runs with identical samples (Fig. 5). It should be noted that the inter-assay variation in our study was substantially smaller (≤ 0.02%) than in many other qPCR studies (0.9–7%; review in Steenstrup et al.62). Therefore, and because there is no logical explanation why errors should depend on the animals ages, we can rule out that measurement error alone could have led to observations of RTL increases, as suggested by Steenstrup et al.62.
Figure 5: Relative telomere length (RTL) of two qPCR runs with identical samples showing the low inter-run variability of the qPCR method used in this study. Full size image
Arguably, the main factors that enabled us to achieve extremely low inter-assay variation were (i) running all qPCRs in a laboratory with controlled constant air temperature. Fluctuations in ambient temperature during the cooling phase of amplification cycles strongly affect the results, as the used qPCR device uses ambient temperature for cooling, which leads to differences in the duration of the different steps (especially primer annealing and elongation). (ii) Additionally we performed a pre-run (run without samples in the instrument) to preheat the thermocycler to avoid temperature fluctuations when several runs were performed in a row. (iii) Furthermore all assays were run with exactly the same reagents and with a strict temporal protocol.
All statistical tests were carried out using R 3.2.163. As RTL were determined at least twice (median 3, range 2–5) in each animal, we used linear mixed effects models (lme; library ‘lme4’64 and ‘lmerTest’65) that adjust for repeated measures. First, we used an lme model to investigate the effect of sex, age, body mass, reproductive activity and time of the year of taking the DNA sample on RTL in 158 samples from 49 edible dormice. Because data plots gave some indication for nonlinear effects of age, we also entered the square and cube of age as predictors in the full model. As the cubic term was not significant, it was subsequently removed, but quadratic terms were significant and retained. Second, to investigate factors affecting RTL-changes, that is shortening or elongation, we computed an lme model with RTL at time point t as the response variable, and RTL at time t-1 (see below), as well as the above variables entered as fixed effects. This analysis of RTL-changes additionally contained the independent variable time-interval (in days) between subsequent sampling points. Age at time t was used in this model. To correct for repeated measures, animal ID and qPCR plate ID were used as random factors for all models. These random effects were chosen to adjust for repeated measures and possible qPCR plate effects. Year was not used as a random factor as the AICc of the models increased when it was used to correct for effects of year-to-year variation in environmental conditions. Excluding year as a random effect did not notably affect the p-values of the significant terms.
A potential problem in the statistical analysis of changes in RTL over time is the “regression to the mean”, that is, extreme values measured in a subject during a first trial are likely to lie closer to the mean in subsequent trials66. Consequently, one would expect stronger apparent shortening of RTL in animals in which initial RTL was high, and vice versa. This effect would also be expected because the relationship between initial RTL and RTL-loss represents a so-called part-whole correlation67,68. Verhulst et al.66 have devised a numerical method to correct for these statistical effects. However, it can be shown that RTL values identical to the values obtained by the correction method of Verhulst et al.66 can be obtained by simply computing the residuals of a linear model of RTL-loss as a function of initial RTL (Supplementary Information). Therefore, we preferred to include initial RTL (i.e. RTL at t-1) as a covariate in the model of RTL changes. This approach has the advantage that, unlike a residual analysis, all predictor variables are entered simultaneously and the correct degrees of freedom are used.
To further separate between-subject and within-subject effects of age we used within-subject centering as outlined in van de Pol & Wright69. To differentiate effects we used both the mean age of individuals (capturing the between-subjects effects) and the difference between age at sampling and mean individual age (capturing within-subjects effects) as fixed effect predictors. Our initial analysis (see above) indicated a significantly nonlinear pattern with RTL decreasing in younger and increasing in older dormice. Thus, between-subjects and within-subjects effects could not be meaningfully computed from a single model with all ages pooled together. Also, there was a strong tendency for a continuous interaction between mean age and delta age (t = 1.99. P = 0.050). Therefore we computed separate models four younger and older individuals for all possible points of separation between these groups. This iterative procedure showed that the combined residual sum of squares of these models was minimised when regressions were computed separately for animals with a mean age of ≤5.3 years and >5.3 years, respectively.
To investigate the relationship between age and reproduction, we analysed an extended dataset (years 2006–2014) obtained from the same study population using the same methods as outlined above. This analysis was restricted to females only, because determination of reproductive effort (encountered with young or in lactating state) seemed more reliable than in males (small versus large testes). To see if the yearly probability to reproduce was affected by age we fitted a mixed-effects logistic regression, using age as a fixed predictor and animal-ID nested within study-year as random effects. This model was fitted using function glmmPQL from the R-library MASS70. We use n to denote the number of animals investigated and N to indicate the numbers of observations. | positive |
AND Public Git Repository - simgrid.git/search Algorithmique Numérique Distribuée Public GIT Repository projects / simgrid.git / search commit grep author committer pickaxe ? search: re summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree first ⋅ prev ⋅ next Document recent pyton examples 2019-01-03 Martin Quinson Document recent pyton examples commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-02 Martin Quinson typo commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-02 Martin Quinson py: document the this_actor submodule commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-02 Martin Quinson travis: increase the build paralelism commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-01 Martin Quinson travis: pybind11 is not in xenial either commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-01 Martin Quinson travis: don't specify the boost version we need, to... commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-01 Martin Quinson travis: try to activate xenial images commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-01 Martin Quinson Revert "try to hide a bug in tesh" commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-01 Martin Quinson Add a missing file in the archive commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-01 Martin Quinson try to hide a bug in tesh commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-01 Martin Quinson use named parameters instead of overloads for py::execute commit | commitdiff | tree 2019-01-01 Martin Quinson tesh: try harder to not loose the cwd between threads commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson xbt::Path: do not ignore the return value of getcwd commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson improve an error message when a file cannot be open commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson New function: xbt::Path() gets the CWD commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson python: reorg to allow 'from simgrid import *' in scripts commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson disable python on travis, as Trusty is too old commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson trailing spaces commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson py: fix out of tree build testing commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson python: two more examples, the basics are here commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson python: rename register_function into register_actor... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson python: fix register_function when passed a class commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson python: extend the bindings commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson emission does not seem to be the correct word here commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-31 Martin Quinson python: improve the documentation commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson compile simgrid_python with c++14 commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson fix out of tree builds commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson Old pybind11 cannot be used commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson we cannot use PYBIND11 without PYTHONLIBS commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson kill deprecated templates that don't compile in C++14 commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson Drop sg_cmdline. Please use xbt_cmdline instead (+include... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson Merge branch 'master' of github.com:simgrid/simgrid commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson Only test python bindings if they are enabled commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson actually include the python examples in the archive commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson fix make dist commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson ns3: comment asserts that fail on clusters commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-27 Martin Quinson python: First working example commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-26 Martin Quinson even more ignorable cruft commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-26 Martin Quinson fix make dist commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-26 Martin Quinson python: add the docstrings commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-26 Martin Quinson initial support for pybind11: Python bindings of S4U... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-26 Martin Quinson Ignore more stuff commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-25 Martin Quinson s4u.hpp: add a missing include file commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-25 Martin Quinson hide deprecated methods from doxygen commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-25 Martin Quinson ns3: assert that the sent amount is as expected commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-12-19 Martin Quinson ignore another example commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-30 Martin Quinson correct cmake version for this fix commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-29 Martin Quinson link_energy: make sure that the watts ranges are always... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-29 Martin Quinson Doc polishing commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-29 Martin Quinson Tiny doc improvement commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-22 Martin Quinson Merge pull request #315 from simgrid/smpirun-replay commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-21 Martin Quinson tiny doc improvement commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-21 Martin Quinson Docker: one rule to regenerate them all commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-21 Martin Quinson Merge branch 'master' of github.com:simgrid/simgrid commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-21 Martin Quinson Merge branch 'master' of framagit.org:simgrid/simgrid commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-21 Martin Quinson document recent changes commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-21 Martin Quinson Merge pull request #316 from bcamus/master commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-21 Martin Quinson Merge pull request #314 from simgrid/smpi-args-cleanup commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-21 Martin Quinson Update teshsuite/s4u/cloud-sharing/cloud-sharing.cpp commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-20 Martin Quinson Update src/plugins/vm/VirtualMachineImpl.cpp commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-15 Martin Quinson docs improvements commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-12 Martin Quinson fix clang build commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-12 Martin Quinson small doc improvement commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-12 Martin Quinson Context creation: Fix one OOP design issue commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-12 Martin Quinson improve a comment commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-12 Martin Quinson Factorize code between the calling sites of the ActorImpl... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson tiny factorizations and doc improvements commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson remove the argc/argv version of simcall_process_create commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson MSG: kill the MSG_process_create_from_stdfunc() pimple commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson java: stop using MSG_process_create_from_stdfunc commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson java process creation: this was already binded by java_main_... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson eclipse config file: there is some Java in this project commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson doc: say that set_receiver() adds a silly ref to the... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson Apple renamed all their OSes commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-11 Martin Quinson please sonar: kill an unused type and reduce the visibility... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-07 Martin Quinson Merge pull request #309 from mpoquet/generate-pkg-config commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-04 Martin Quinson these archaic callbacks are not used anymore, so kill... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-04 Martin Quinson simplify MSG process creation/destruction commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-04 Martin Quinson Note that this easy task is actually impssible as is commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-04 Martin Quinson Deprecate the C API of parallel_execute commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-04 Martin Quinson plug a memleak commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-11-03 Martin Quinson finish objectifying the backtraces commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-29 Martin Quinson Fix build without stacktrace_backtrace commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-29 Martin Quinson replace our own crude code with Boost.stacktrace commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-29 Martin Quinson provide a backtrace implementation that uses boost... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-29 Martin Quinson Hide the backtrace implementation in a private pimpl commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-29 Martin Quinson BuildSimGrid.sh: Try to install the lib if possible commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-29 Martin Quinson cmake: rewrite the detection of boost optional components... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-28 Martin Quinson travis: this format is hard to read and I'm stupid... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-28 Martin Quinson travis: Display full cmake logs on error commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson Hide the content of a simgrid::xbt::Backtrace and inline... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson Simplify how we check for C++11 and friends commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson FindSimGrid: Make sure our headers are compiled with... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson try to please sonar on this ugly code commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson backtrace: factorize the function headers between the... commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson docs: fix all examples of git clone to use https commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson backtrace: fix various portability issues I just introduced commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson these portability bits should be useless commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson inline two C files that were included (gosh) commit | commitdiff | tree 2018-10-27 Martin Quinson backtrace: kill two unused functions commit | commitdiff | tree next Clone of SimGrid repository with local patches RSS Atom | negative |