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398551 | [Indications of home assisted ventilation by tracheostomy for non-paralytic chronic respiratory insufficient patients (author's transl)]. | Based on a 15-year study, the indication of assisted ventilation at home is discussed. It depends on the seriousness of the C.R.I. (dyspnea, repeated acute failures, PaCO2 greater than or equal to 55 Torr). The only possible course is ventilation by tracheostomy. The best indication is represented by pure restrictive syndromes. On the contrary, the indication should be considered with extreme caution in obstructive syndromes. |
398553 | [Home assisted ventilation for patients suffering from silicosis (author's transl)]. | One hundred and seventy-five patients suffering from silicosis benefitted from home assisted ventilation at the rate of 5 minutes per hour every hour. This treatment led to a decrease in hospitalizations and increased fort of the patients. |
398552 | [Tracheostomy for long-term ventilatory assistance. About 22 observations of severe chronic respiratory insufficiency (author's transl)]. | 22 patients with severe respiratory insufficiency were treated by definitive tracheostomy for intermittent ventilatory assistance. Early mortality is heavy (9/22 before three months). After three months, the respiratory condition of patients improved greatly and survival rate is good. Tracheostomy is too often delayed and realized at the bad time of a severe acute respiratory failure. |
398554 | [Problems raised by the technique and supervision of home ventilation of chronic respiratory insufficient patients (author's transl)]. | The effectiveness of assisted ventilation at home, especially in the case of tracheostomized patients, has been nearly established at the present time. The experience of various centers in France, having or not the support of an independent structured organization, shows that the setting-up and supervision of such therapy can be effectively carried out. Nevertheless, difficult choices remain. Some indications are still questionable, such as the choice of the respirator if the patient has not been tracheostomized. The type of organization is not univocal and could perhaps depend on the number of patients to be cared for. In any case, in the years e, the experience of the different teams and the technical progress made will lead to a solution to the problems raised: a decrease in the number of hospitalizations and fort for the patients can be hoped for. |
398555 | [IPPB therapy at home in chronic respiratory insufficiency in France. II. Indications. Technics and surveillance (author's transl)]. | A survey has been conducted among French chest physicians and physicians involved in intensive care. 296 physicians have prescribed IPPB at home to 3 778 patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency between 1960 and 1977. Acute respiratory failure was the first criteria considered in the indications (57% of the patients); hypercapnia, hypoxemia and right heart failure episode frequency were the other criteria of severity the most often taken into account. Since 1960, the indications among those with airflow obstruction have decreased, whereas they have increased for those with restrictive insufficiencies, expressing the questions raised about the efficacy of IPPB in these two types. 18% of the patients have had IPPB through tracheostomy canula. 70% of the patients have used a pressure cycling respirator and 30% a volume or flow cycling respiratory. This second type was quite always used in the case of IPPB through canula. Oxygen was added for half of the patients. The physicians have regularly followed the patients. Great importance was accorded to home care surveillance. |
398557 | [Two-year assisted ventilation at home experiment study of 15 patients (author's transl)]. | Assisted ventilation at home requiring volume relaxators affected 15 patients suffering from a restrictive syndrome (cyphoscoliosis or after effects of tuberculosis). The blood gases of 8 patients who had been looked after for more than one year, at home by the physio-therapist and in hospital by repeated controls, improved (especially the PaO2). The most important fact is the noteworthy decline in the annual time of hospitalisation. |
398558 | [Study of home ventilation in severe respiratory insufficient patients (author's transl)]. | Results of our study of 91 cases show that many indications of ventilation at home are debatable:--Tracheostomized patients submitted to continuous ventilation with short disconnected periods;--Patients using the respiratory apparatus more than 4--6 hours per day, through a mouth-piece. The existence of a reserve closely related to the intensive care department and mobile emergency unit (S.A.M.U.) facilitates supervision and eventual technical or medical assistance. In addition, the running cost remains small because of the adaptability of the system. However, it seems of interest to point out a group of 11 patients whose treatment was interrupted either because of their improvement (physical therapy, suppression of tobacco mainly), inadequate indications, or poor cooperation. |
398560 | [Intermittent ventilatory assistance with mouth-piece (respirator of volumetric type): optical technique of reeducation (author's transl)]. | The authors describe an optical technique enabling patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency, at first to get used to assisted ventilation, then to control it, to obtain an active ventilation operated by machine corresponding to a particular shape of the pressure curve and the lesser haemodynamic repercussion. |
398561 | [Mode of action and results of home assisted ventilation. Study by the Association of Aid to Respiratory Insufficient Patients of Basse-Normandie from 1976 to 1978 (author's transl)]. | Since 1970, 168 patients, mostly of the obstructive type, received an apparatus of assisted ventilation at home, according to the degree of their hypoxia-hypercapnia, following one or several acute failures. Oral ventilation, at a daily minimum of 90 min, distributed in 4 to 8 sessions, was continued for variable duration, from 1 to 5 years. The results, analysed statistically for 40 subjects, show a blood-gas improvement greater in patients whose PaO2, PaCO2 and RV/TC ratio were initially lower. For 17 patients controlled before and after assisted ventilation at home, a reduction in the number of days of hospitalization and acute failures was observed. The cost involved was particulary economical because of the simplicity of the equipment and the possibilities of control of patients and apparatus at the C.H.U. (20 F monthly in 1977 for 145 selected patients). |
398559 | [Application of residual positive pressure during assisted ventilation at home using pressure relaxator devices (author's transl)]. | A residual postive pressure (R.P.P.) of low magnitude (1 to 4 cm of water) was used during assisted ventilation by pressure relaxator in an attempt to decrease the expiratory pression of the airways. A ventilatory test involving 80 respiratory insufficient patients (73 men and 7 women) shows that with assistance the tidal volume of half of the subjects increased by more than 20% (average gain: 32%). The patients with the highest RV/TC ratio benefitted most from the method. Finally, the arterial blood gases were not significantly modified. A longitudinal study involving 46 subjects observed for an average period of 24 months revealed a marked subjective improvement in the patients' condition without significant modification of the blood gas figures. No incident or accident was attributed to the use of R.P.P. |
398563 | [Technique and supervision of home assisted ventilation (author's transl)]. | Based on data obtained from 260 patients ventilated through a mouth-piece, several notions concerning equipment and supervision requirements have e clear.--In our opinion, the indications should not be reserved for extremely severe patients; in their case plications are constant in spite of usual treatment. These patients, most often respiratory encephalopathic, are not very receptive to the "directions for use" of home assisted ventilation.--On the contrary, chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia, whatever its origin, panied by slight or transitory cardiac signs, has much more chance of being treated successfully.--The adaptation of the patient to the respirator before his release from the hospital must be worked out until a clinical and biological improvement can be obtained, at the risk of probable failure.--Supervision at home should disclose any alteration in the patient's clinical condition. It can only be carried out by the conjoined visits of the practicing doctor, nurse, technician, etc. The contacts between the practicing doctor and the hospital physician should be frequent. The ideal solution is systematic visits to the hospital. |
398564 | [Mode of action and results of long-term assisted ventilation at home of chronic respiratory insufficient patients (author's transl)]. | It is generally agreed that one assisted ventilation session has direct effects in chronic respiratory insufficiencies (C.R.I.) of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases: hyperventilation where PaCO2 decreases and PaO2 increases, diminution of ventilatory work, reduction of cardiac output. Less is known, however, about the action on V and Q distribution and mechanics of breathing. The return to control values occurs quite rapidly after the end of the session. Long-term effects are much more questionable. Many publications in English have concluded that ona long-term basis, patients do not benefit from intermittent positive pressure. But, the daily assisted ventilation sessions usually lasted only a short time (1 h-1 h 30 in several sessions). According to a number of publications in French, assistance prolonged for several hours seems effective (decrease in the number of acute failures, annual hospitalization duration, more prolonged survival). However, a tracheostomy which enables assistance at night is often required. Results seem encouraging in the treatment of severe restrictive insufficiencies and particularly in the case of cyphoscoliotic patients. On the other hand, it is more difficult to draw a conclusion concerning chronic obstructive patients and parative studies are necessary in this direction. |
398549 | [Preliminary report and indications of assisted ventilation at home (author's transl)]. | Two uses of intermittent positive pressure can be distinguished: one supports inhalotherapy and the other longterm assisted ventilation. The apparatus can be connected to the patient either through mouth-piece or by tracheostomy. The main factors involved in the indication of assisted ventilation are the number of acute failures, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, cor pulmonale. In our department, 53 patients were kept under prolonged supervision before a decision was made to use assisted ventilation or not. This attitude seems absolutely necessary. An oxygen test of several hours provides very useful information. Finally, the authors review the indication of various ventilation methods (tracheostomy, oral) in relation to different chronic respiratory insufficiency etiologies (ie., chronic obstructive broncho-pneumonia, restrictive syndrome). |
398565 | [Results of home assisted ventilation of non-paralytic and tracheostomized chronic respiratory insufficient patients (author's transl)]. | The following results have been obtained from a study of 118 tracheostomized patients ventilated at home: --Survival on the whole is generally prolonged. --The prognosis of tracheostomized subjects with restrictive syndrome is totally modified in length and quality when the patients are ventilated. --In the case of obstructive syndrome, the length and quality of survival are probably increased. However, it seems that assisted ventilation at home leads only to the disappearance of asphyxiating paroxysms and right cardiac failure. It does not seem to prevent the unrelenting evolution of the disease. |
398567 | [Long-term results of intermittent ventilatory assistance for 74 severe obstructive chronic respiratory insufficient patients (PaCO2 greater than 50 Torr) ventilated for more than a year (author's transl)]. | From 1967 to 1978, home assisted ventilation (HAD) was applied to 74 severe chronic respiratory insufficient patients (67 COPD-7 restrictive). These patients used volume generators through mouth piece, except 3 of them who had a tracheostomy. The main results of this study are a highly statistically significant decrement (P less than 0,001) of the hospitalization durations and of the frequency of ARF, as well as an improvement of the survival duration in front of a non-tested group, and a significant decrease of haematocrit (less than 0,05) and P.V.R. (P less than 0,01). But blood gases and functional tests are not statistically different. Age (greater than 55 years) and delay after first ARF (greater than 2 years) when starting HAD are considered as pejorative factors. |
398568 | [Nine-year study of home assisted ventilation in cases of severe respiratory handicap (author's transl)]. | When other treatments fail, the prognosis of some chronic respiratory insufficient patients with frequently occurring failures improved when a tracheostomy canula was installed and connected to a respiratory for several hours a day. The even partial correction of blood gas disorders avoids a relapse in right cardiac failure and enables home care of the patient who can resume formerly abandonned activities. Home assisted ventilation greatly modifies the somatic and psychological condition of the patient and requires excellent cooperation by the family and strict technical supervision, at the risk of failure. |
398556 | [Technic and supervision of home assisted ventilation (H.A.V.) in tracheostomized chronic respiratory insufficient (C.R.I.) patients (author's transl)]. | With 200 patients during the last 15 years the daily use of apparatus and supervision modalities, as described in the present work, has shown that H.A.V. is entirely possible in tracheostomized C.R.I. patients. Rather strict conditions must be respected (as with hemodialysis at home) if H.A.V. is to be medically and materially successful. The expenses involved can vary greatly according to the medical and material management (choice of study material, economic maintenance, minimal oxygen consumption through proper adjustment...). Finally, the use of assisted ventilation requires a choice amont several adjustment possibilities which are still subject to evolution. |
398566 | [Psychological aspects of ventilatory assistance for severe chronic respiratory insufficient patients (author's transl)]. | A study based on psychological interviews allows the definition of the subjective effect of assisted ventilation. This effect should take into account the subjective state of patients and the obligations of the treatment. It is thus possible to consider the psychological conditions of effectiveness of home assisted ventilation. |
398578 | Bacteriophages of Bacteroides. | Sixty-eight bacteriophages specific for nine species (DNA homology groups) of Bacteroides were isolated from sewage. Four distinct morphological types were isolated, three of which had not previously been described. Attempts to use these phages to transduce Bacteroides fragilis were unsuccessful. A total of 91 phage-susceptible strains of Bacteroides were used with these phages in a study of the feasibility of developing a scheme for identification of Bacteroides species. Blind trials were performed with 10 B. fragilis-specific phages and a collection of over 200 bacterial strains, including 144 strains of B. fragilis. Of the strains of B. fragilis, 78% were identified correctly within 24 hr. A phage-carrier state, or pseudolysogeny, was observed with most of the phage-host systems, and this state was studied in detail with B. fragilis phage Bf-1. The presence of a thick capsule around some cells in a pure culture of a host strain appears to render these cells resistant to phage infection, thus perpetuating the carrier state. It is suggested that such capsules may play a role in the virulence of strains of Bacteroides. |
398579 | Antibody response to anaerobic bacteria. | Anaerobes, especially the gram-negative non-spore-forming bacilli of the indigenous biota, are recognized as important agents of clinical infection; however, information regarding human antibodies to anaerobes is limited. Sporadic work, employing agglutination, gel diffusion, passive hemagglutination, and immunofluorescence, demonstrated antibody response to various Bacteroidaceae in patients with infections caused by Bacteroides or Fusobacterium. Because of the need for using homologous (autologous) isolates and the apparent antigenic heterogeneity of strains, there has been no general clinical application of these findings. Increased concentrations of antibodies to anaerobic intestinal organisms in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases have been found; however, it is unclear whether these are the effect or cause of these conditions. Natural antibodies to Bacteroidaceae, primarily of the IgM class, are widely distributed in normal humans; thus for serologic diagnosis IgG antibodies should be sought. Radioimmunoassays and various immunoelectorphoretic methods for detection of both antibody and antigen are presently being evaluated for diagnostic use in infections due to anaerobic bacteria. |
398577 | Taxonomy, enzymes, and clinical relevance of anaerobic bacteria. | Present systems for the classification of anaerobic bacteria have eliminated many of the problems of earlier systems. There are still a number of major problems that require attention, however. Anaerobic bacteria produce many different enzymes that are of importance in providing nutrients to the bacterial cell, as virulence factors, and in permitting organisms to colonize or survive under adverse conditions (including exposure to antimicrobial agents). Some enzymes effect several types of modifications to bile acids, neutral steroids, and corticosteroids. Anaerobes are clearly important in a variety of infections in humans and animals as well as in various other types of pathologic processes. |
398583 | [Neurinomas of the acoustic nerve and surgery with the suboccipital approach. A study of 70 cases]. | The Authors report 70 cases of medium and large size acoustic neuromas, operated on using the suboccipital approach, the only one which allows their total extirpation. Total extirpation was performed in 77% of the patients. The Authors analyze the clinical picture, the neuroradiological diagnostic procedures and the surgical techniques used in the treatment of these lesions. |
398600 | Mechanisms of resistance and hypersensitivity in herpes simplex keratitis. | Laboratory studies show that systemic immunity protects the corneal epithelium against herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, this protection probably being humoral in origin. It can be shown that hyperimmune gammaglobulin (HGG) has a similar protective action when instilled up to 2 hours after the induction of the ulcerative disease. Topical steroids enhance proliferation of HSV in epithelial disease, but at low dilutions there is some evidence that resistance is enhanced. Human studies of systemic immunity show that there is a response in cell-mediated immunity (CMI) after primary and recurrent ulcerative disease. Certain patients with severe stromal keratitis have evidence of CMI pared to controls or to patients with epithelial disease. To prevent virus spread into the stroma, early use of antiviral therapy is essential. Stromal disease does not only represent a hypersensitivity phenomenon, but is probably associated with virus proliferation in the keratocytes. Potent steroid medication will theoretically deplete immuno-protective responses, and promote further virus proliferation. Therefore the lowest possible concentrations achieving a clinical response should be employed. |
398602 | Enigma of ocular cicatricial pemphigoid. A comparative study of clinical and immunological findings. | The clinical and immunological findings in 22 cases of ocular cicatricial pemphigoid are presented. Males and females were equally affected. Mucosal ulceration (both conjunctival and oral) and early involvement of the canthal structures were the most helpful clinical signs. None of the patients had circulating antibody to basement membrane determinants at presentation, but four developed typical pemphigoid antibodies during observation and three others showed an unusual "string of pearls" pattern on indirect immunofluorescence which changed to a pemphigoid pattern in one of them. Treatment of the acute ulcerative lesions with topical steroids was effective and prevented scarring, but otherwise treatment was ineffectual. The presence of antibody and its titre was not influenced by the severity of the disease or by systemic treatment. |
398603 | Prospects for the immunodiagnosis of ocular tumours. | Amongst other properties, malignant neoplasms are characterized by having antigenic determinants not normally found in mature healthy tissue. Consequently an immune response is usual on the part of the host and in recent years interest has centred on the twin possibilities of putting this property to diagnostic and therapeutic use. In our own laboratory we have concentrated on the diagnostic potential of immunological techniques in the investigation of pigmented tumours of the uvea. We have found that not only malignant melanomata, but also many naevi, can provoke an immunological reaction and we have shown that this is directed largely against contractile elements in the cytoplasm. Such reactions, which are not strictly tumour-specific, may be a source of diagnostic confusion and need to be excluded if immunology is to be of value in distinguishing malignant lesions of the uveal melanocytes from innocuous naevi. |
398604 | Role of environmental factors in uveitis. | As part of a larger study undertaken to determine whether the presence of faecal Klebsiella aerogenes was significantly associated with the clinical activity of ankylosing spondylitis, thirteen patients with ankylosing spondylitis and acute non-granulomatous anterior uveitis (ANGAU) were examined. The faeces of eleven of these thirteen patients were found to contain Klebsiella aerogenes. This association shows a statistical significance of P less than 0.01, and suggests that Klebsiella aerogenes may have an aetiological role in the development of anterior uveitis in HLA B27 positive patients. The possible mechanism of this association and its potential clinical significance are discussed. |
398605 | Modified M-K medium for human penetrating keratoplasty. | A series of 120 consecutive human penetrating keratoplasties was performed using modified McCarey-Kaufman (M-K) medium. The medium has ben altered by changing the buffer system, adding a pH indicator, and using a different antibiotic from that originally formulated. There were no cases of primary donor failure and 95 per cent clear grafts after 1 year. |
398631 | [Production and use of a nutrient medium with egg hydrolysate for monolayer reproduction of BHK 21/13 cells]. | Experiments aiming to reproduce BHK 21/13 cells in Roux retorts by use of a semi-synthetic nutrient medium, based on protein hydrolyzate synthetized by the authors, were carried out. Results obtained show that the lower peptides and free amino acids found in ovarian hydrolizate meet the requirements of the cell line in respect to quality and quantity. The successfull cultivation of BHK 21/13 cells in hydrolyzate medium made possible a considerable reduction in the percentage involvement of serum, which is usually used in the classical nutrient media of the type Eagle BME intended for the propagation of diploid cell strains. |
398632 | [Hemagglutinating activity and morphology of antigen K 99 in enterotoxic strains of E. coli isolated from calves]. | The hemagglutination activity and morphology of antigen K 99 in enterotoxic E. coli strains isolated from calves was studied. It was proven that antigen K 99 is produced not at 18 degrees C, but at 37 degrees C. All K 99+ E. coli strains react with absorbed anti K 99 serum, showing various anti-agglutination titers. The hemagglutination activity of K 99+ E. coli strains is inhibited by absorbed K 99 antiserum. In immunodiffuse tests all K 99+ E. coli strains react by producing a single precipitation line. It is proven electronmicroscopically that on the surface of the bacterial cell of K 99+ E. coli strains is observed a filamentous structure, consisting of numerous fine fibers which give it a fibriform outlook. No such morphological structures are observed in K 99- E. coli strains. |
398633 | [Myocardial infarction without coronary artery changes]. | Since 1972 6 patients (4 males and 2 females) at the age from 18 to 44 years with myocardial infarctions could be observed whose coronary system in the subsequent coronarographic examinations proved to be unconspicuous. The diagnosis of the infarction was anamnestically, laboratory-chemically, electrocardiographically and partly scintigraphically ascertained. Issuing from features of infarction and pseudoinfarction, respectively, in the ECG other differential-diagnostically important cardiac and extracardiac causes could be excluded. parison to patients with coronary sclerosis typical symptomatology could not be delimited. Peculiarities of the clinical picture are the juvenile age, the in most cases short or lacking angina pectoris anamnesis, the frequent lack of factors of risk and the inclination to disturbances of rhythm. Up to now a satisfying etiologic clarification could not be rendered. The relevance of the different possibilities of the disturbed equilibrium between O2-offer and -need concerning the clinical course of our patients is discussed. Here on the side of the O2-offer the spasm of the big and small vessel and the disease of the small vessels are regarded as decisive factors of the development of the infarction, where as the coronary embolism with subsequent lysis is less to be taken into consideration. Other pathogenetic mechanisms, such as the pathologic Hb-O2-dissociation and the metabolic changes influencing the O2-need must be included into the causal chain of this presumably polyetiologic process. Prognostic and therapeutic aspects which closely correlate with the etiologic explanation are discussed. |
398635 | [Retardation of puberty and growth]. | The disturbed puberty is most frequently manifested by a retardation of sexual maturation and growth. For a correct classification of a developmental disturbance the knowledge of the endocrine processes, of the stages of puberty, tables of height and methods of the assessment of the skeletal maturity is necessary, the use of which for the population of the GDR is discussed. The large differential diagnosis of the delayed puberty and of the short stature must be above all concentrated to the causal-therapeutically influencible endocrinopathies, even though the proportion of the constitutional delayed puberty as an extreme variant of the norm with a good spontaneous prognosis prevails. In order to prevent serious psychosocial conflicts, after transgression of a critical age limit of about 16 years in sexual immaturity an adequate hormone treatment should be introduced even then, when the etiopathogenesis of the disturbance could not pletely clarified. |
398636 | [Hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism--pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy]. | About 30% of amenorrhoeic women have a disturbed prolactin secretion. In about 10% the cause is a hypophyseal-suprahypophyseal tumour. Taking into consideration the degree of severity of the galactorrhoe, the amenorrhoe is connected with incontinence of milk. Also disturbances of the male potency may with partly similar symptomatology be conditioned by a hyperprolactaemia. For the development of hypogonadism the physiologic effect of prolactin gives sufficient explanations. With the introduction of dopaminergic substances which influence the disturbed regulating circle hypothalamus-hypophysis in the sense of an inhibition of the prolactin secretion new conservative possibilities for the therapy of disturbances of fertility are the result. With adequate mendations for the radioimmunologic determination of prolactin the WHO made allowance for the central position of prolactin in the pathogenesis of hypogonadism. In particular the existence of hypophyseal microadenomas presumes a close cooperation between gynaecologists, radiologists, ophthalmologists and endocrinologists in the clarification of hyperprolactinaemic disturbances of fertility. |
398637 | [Hirsutism--diagnosis and therapy]. | Hypertrichosis and virilisation are to be differed from hirsutism, the increased hairiness of male type in the female. The subdivision is done according to the causes into physiologic, symptomatic, iatrogenic and idiopathic forms of hirsutism and for practice adequate to localisation into degrees of severity. In pathogenesis age, race, heredity, endocrine factors of the skin, in particular the reactivity of the hair follicles, testosteron and prestages of androgen, the sexual steroid-binding globulin as well as the oestrogen-androgen-balance play a role. Despite all progress in the analytics of hormones by the catheterism of the ovarial veins and the adrenocortical veins the inhibition and stimulation tests with determination of the steroids in the plasma or in the urine are entitled to diagnostics. The treatment is performed according to the cause operatively, medicamentously or cosmetically. The best results were gained with the antiandrogens (cyproterone acetate) and the gestagen chlormadinon acetate. |
398646 | Microbiological examination of some Sudanese soils. | position of the microflora in different layers of four representative oil profiles of Sudan were studied. Counts of all types of microorganisms decreased significantly with depth in soil. Azotobacter, in particular, occurred in high densities; representative strains were isolated and studied for their different characteristics. Beijerinckia was detected as well, and a new method for the estimation of their numbers in pure cultures, based on the overlay agar technique, is described. |
398647 | [On the contamination of the citric acid fermentation. I. The contamination by representatives of Enterobacteriaceae (author's transl)]. | Among the most dangerous bacterial contaminations of the citric acid fermentation is the so-called brown contamination, which is called forth by non pathogenic representatives of Enterobacteriaceae like Escherichia coli, Aerobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus vulgaris, while other bacteria do not produce the mentioned contamination. There is given prehensive characterization of the brown contamination. Enterobacteriaceae interrupt the growth of the mycelium of the mold Aspergillus niger and stop the production of citric acid, produce a characteristic repugnant smell and reduce nitrate to nitrite. In a case of weak contamination the phenomena of the brown contamination do not appear, but the yield of citric acid is rather low. The contamination may be transferred successfully within the first 24 hrs. of incubation. The effect of the bacteria is determined by their virulence and some other factors. |
398642 | A clinical trial with glipizide - a relative new sulphonylurea. | Glipizide is a relatively new sulphonylurea- antidiabetic agent. 24 maturity-onset diabetics were studied to determine the dosage required to produce adequate control and the safety and tolerance of the drug. It was concluded that glipizide is a safe and potent anti-diabetic agent and a suitable alternative in those patients poorly-controlled on standard oral hypoglycaemic drugs. |
398648 | [On the contamination of the citric acid fermentation. II. Sodium 5-nitrofurylacrylate as an antiseptic against representatives of the Enterobacteriaceae (author's transl)]. | In context with the munication which deals with the characterization of the so-called brown contamination called forth by Enterobacteriaceae in the citric acid fermentation of molasses, the present paper describes the screening of antiseptic substances able to suppress the contamination mentioned without damaging the normal growth of the producing mould Aspergillus niger and its ability of producing citric acid. Among the substances tested the sodium salt of 5-nitrofurylacrylic acid (5-NFA) excelled partly because of its antiseptic effect in relatively small concentrations and partly because the mould tolerates appreciable amounts of this antiseptic. Therefore there may be applied, in the presence of a heavy contamination, relatively high concentrations of the antiseptic without fear of damaging the producing mould. Usually a dose of 10 to 15 mg 5-NFA in 11 of medium was sufficient to suppress the brown contamination. |
398650 | [Combination of antibiotics with analgesic and antipyretic substances (author's transl)]. | 1. We suggest bination of analgesic and antipyretic medicaments in medical treatments with antibiotics. Thus, the antibiotic is increased and microorganisms, resistant to antibiotics, are converted into sensitive forms. 2. The results of the in vitro used method (diffusion plate test) are in accordance with the results obtained using binations in therapy. 3. This method should not be applied to strains that are sufficiently sensitive to antibiotics, since the results would be contrary to the afore mentioned. 4. The effects of bination are additionally synergistic in the case of strains originally sensitive. 5. This method offers great possibilities for multiplying treatments with antibiotics. We mend to give binations of antibiotics with analgesic and antipyretic medicaments per os. |
398649 | [On the antiviral effect of a triazole compound (author's transl)]. | 4-[Hydroxy-3-piperid-N-yl-prop-1-yl]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-triazole (HMPT) reduced the plaque formation caused by M 12, f 2, and Q beta and retarded the liberation of phages. The concentration of tobacco mosaic virus in primarily infected tobacco leaves was decreased. HMPT inhibited the development of local lesions. Free phages and TMV particles werenot influenced by HMPT. |
398652 | [Hormonal contraception (author's transl)]. | Hormonal contraceptives will continue to be used for some time e as the safest means by which to prevent pregnancy. This is the background against which an account is given of the forms of hormonal contraception, their safety, selection of preparations, prescription for young people, side-effects, contra-indication to prescription, and indication for discontinuation.--In the context of side-effects, particular reference is made to the effects of steroids upon fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism, the cardiovascular system, and early pregnancy. |
398656 | The effect of azathioprine, hydrocortisone and trimethazone on the occurrence of active lymphocytes in liver of endotoxin treated rabbits. | After the administration of azathioprine, hydrocortisone and trimethazone to endotoxin-treated rabbits, the percentage of active lymphocytes (determined by means of the nucleolar test) decreased in the liver, while the lymphocytes in the peripheral blood were not affected. The assumption that in endotoxemia the liver may be a target organ for active lymphocytes and that autoimmune processes may participate in liver damage is discussed. |
398657 | Comparative effects of CCK-PZ on certain intestinal hydrolases in the mucosa and in the luminal content of the hamster jejuno-ileum. | After isolation of the hamster small intestine, the effects of a continuous infusion of cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ) are studied. Several enzymic activities are measured in the intestinal lumen pared with the level found in the intestinal homogenate. During CCK-PZ infusion we observed a direct stimulation of Paneth cells associated with an increase of lysozyme activity. Furthermore this work confirms the stimulating effect of CCK-PZ on alkaline phosphatase and amino-peptidase. Maltase and sucrase levels were unaffected. The liberation of the hydrolase of the brush border in the intestinal lumen is negligible and cannot be considered as a true secretion. Only granule content of Paneth cells is actually secreted. However, biochemical data, corroborated by morphological results, suggest that Paneth cell secretion could in part be absorbed on the outer surface of the brush border. |
398660 | Double blind study of meptazinol versus pentazocine and placebo in postoperative pain treatment. | The purpose of this double blind study was to evaluate the efficiency and safety of a new analgesic drug pared to pentazocine and placebo, in patients suffering from postoperative pain. Subjective and objective parameters were controlled. It appeared clearly that meptazinol had a potent analgesic effect with rapid onset, but rather short duration. Analgesic effect of pentazocine appeared more slowly, but persisted for a longer time. The two active drugs had no effects on the objective parameters measured. |
398661 | Domperidone (R 33 812) as an antiemetic in the treatment of postoperative vomiting. A double blind comparison between two different dosages (4 mg and 10 mg). | Forty seven patients received either 4 mg or 10 mg domperidone I.V. in a double blind study after they had vomited postoperatively. The patients were then observed for six hours. If necessary, the same dose of domperidone was repeated double blind but not during the first hour. When the two groups pared there was little difference between them for the first half hour after the initial dose, thereafter both the frequency and severity of vomiting was reduced in the 10 mg group. Also fewer patients in the 10 mg group needed a second injection. These differences were statistically significant (p less than 0.05). |
398662 | Distribution of corrosion products in teeth restored with metal crowns retained by stainless steel posts. | The nature and distribution of corrosion products in teeth restored with metal crowns retained by stainless steel posts were examined by means of energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, microradiography, and electron microscopy. The corrosion products consisted of calcium, phosphorous, iron, chromium, nickel, zinc, stannum and other elements. A possible root fracturing mechanism is discussed. |
398663 | Oxidation of noble metal alloys for porcelain veneer crowns. | It has been found that oxide-forming elements in the alloy are important for the blood strength between the metal and the procelain. The purpose of the present investigation was to study the formation of oxides during pretreatment and firing of porcelain. merically available Ceramo-Metal alloys were studied. The specimens were heated at 980 degrees C for five hours in air, and the weight was continuously recorded. In addition porcelain was fired on to the alloys. Metallographic examinations were conducted on both oxidized and fired speciments. The weight gain data also indicated an increased oxygen uptake with a larger amount of oxidizable elements in the alloy. Most of the oxygen gain and time indicated that the oxygen uptake was diffusion controlled. The weight gain data also indicated an increased oxygen uptake with larger amount of oxidizable elements in the alloy. Most of the oxygen in the oxidize alloys was located as oxide along grain boundaries in the metal. |
398664 | Age-related differences in thermoregulatory responses to endotoxin in rabbits. | E. coli endotoxin evokes fever in rabbits immediately after birth. In 0--3 day-old rabbits the fever is monophasic and brown fat thermogenesis is mainly responsible for the reaction. In 6--10 day-old animals the fever is usually biphasic and increased heat conservation also contributes to the response. An inverse relationship exists between the endotoxin dose and the latent period before the onset of fever, while the height of the fever is independent of the endotoxin dose. The response is similar as that of adult rabbits, except that after all endotoxin doses the latent period is longer and the magnitude of the response slightly smaller in the newborn. |
398665 | Effect of prostaglandins on hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular function in vitro. | The effect of prostaglandins (PG) A1, E1, E2 and F2 alpha in the concentration range of 10(-7)--10(-4) M were studied in vitro on a rat hypothalamic tissue, collagenase-digested isolated anterior pituitary cell and Leydig cell suspension system by measuring the testosterone production of incubated Leydig cells. PGs did not change the testosterone production and the hCG sensitivity of the Leydig cells, nor the LH secretion and the LHRH sensitivity of the anterior pituitary cells. PGE2 at concentrations of 10(-6), 10(-5) and 10(-4) M significantly increased the hypothalamic tissue-induced pituitary-testicular activation, and this stimulatory effect of PGE2 was dose dependent. PGA1, PGE1 and PGF2 alpha did not alter hypothalamic LHRH release measured in vitro. The results suggest that PGE2 has a direct stimulatory effect on hypothalamic LHRH release. |
398673 | Is actinic granuloma a specific condition? | Evidence is presented that actinic granuloma is not a specific connective tissue disorder as it is thought to be by O'Brien. Granulomatous inflammation does not result simply from a response to elastotic fibers, but is a consequence of primary pathologic processes that are unrelated to damaged elastotic material. Twenty-one of 30 lesions in our series that fulfill O'Brien's criteria of his concept of actinic granuloma were clinically and histologically examples of granuloma annulare. The other nine lesions were of other granulomatous diseases such as foreign-body reaction and late secondary syphilis. |
398679 | [Does the insulin-secretion capacity of non-diabetic subjects possess a prognostic value? (author's transl)]. | Twenty-two patients, whose initial oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was not diabetic, but who possibly had predisposition for diabetes, underwent iterative OGTT with plasma insulin determination and estimate of insulin-secretion capacity (plasma insulin area/blood glucose area ratio, and insulin-secretion coefficient). With a 30 months mean time interval between the two tests, a highly significant negative correlation was found between insulin-secretion capacity of the first test and blood glucose area of the last one. Glycemic curve of the OGTT was diabetic in 3 cases at the final test. Thus, it seems possible to select subjects most prone to future diabetes with simple parameters estimating insulin-secretion capacity during OGTT. |
398686 | Studies on the derivatives of 2-amino-4-p-chlorophenylthiazole-5-acetic acid. I. Syntheses and pharmacological analysis of acylderivatives of 2-amino-4-p-chlorophenylthiazole-5-acetic acid. | A number of new acyl and imidoderivatives of 2-amino-4-p-chlorophenylthiazole-5-acetic acid (II) and its methyl ester (VII) were synthesized. Methyl ester VII heated in benzene solution with acid anhydrides was transformed into adequate acyl derivatives (VIII, IX, X, XIII, XVI). Some of them (X, XIII, XVII) by heating with acetic anhydride underwent cyclization and were transformed into the imido derivatives (XI, XIV, XVIII). Compounds XI, XIV and XVI heated with diluted aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide underwent selective hydrolysis giving the respective dicarboxylic acids XII, XV, XVII. Pharmacological analysis revealed that some of the synthesized preparations exert an anti-inflammatory effect and allow to draw limited relations between chemical structure and pharmacological activity in this group pounds. |
398687 | Studies on the derivatives of thiazole acetic acid. II. Syntheses and pharmacological analysis of 2-N-aralkylidene and 2-N-aralkyl derivatives of 2-amino-4-p-chlorophenylthiazole-5-acetic acid. | A number of 2-N-aralkylidene, 2-N-aralkyl and 2-N-aralkyl-alpha-sulphoderivatives of 2-amino-4-p-chlorophenylthiazole-5-acetic acid (I, R = H) and its methyl ester (I, R = CH3) were synthesized. As a result of condensation of methyl ester I with various aromatic aldehydes in boiling benzene solution, the Schiff-bases (anils) II--VIII were obtained. After reduction with pounds II--VIII were transformed into adequate amino esters IX--XV. Esters IX--XV heated with diluted aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide underwent selective hydrolysis giving the respective amino acids XVI--XXII. Some of Schiff bases (II, III, V, VII, VIII) reacted with aqueous alcoholic solution of sodium bisulphite after its several (XXIII--XXVII). alpha-sulphoderivatives had been obtained. Several tests were performed in order to detect the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activity of pounds. The pharmacological analysis allowed us to draw conclusions concerning the relationship between chemical structure and biological activity in this group pounds. The most efficacious immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory activity exhibited 2-aralkyl-alpha-sulphoderivatives. |
398681 | [Negative antinuclear antibodies in disseminated lupus erythematosus. Report of 3 cases]. | There are described 3 cases of patients with LED in which the obtained results of AAN's research, by means of IFI, were negative in a transitory or a permanent way. This situation can motive the doubt at the diagnostic, even though it exists in a little patients' group. In this work there are revised its causes and mechanisms. |
398688 | Daunorubicin reductase activity in leukemia leukocyte homogenates. | Daunorubicin reductase activity was estimated in peripheral leukocytes drawn from 23 patients with acute or chronic leukemia. Since the enzyme converts daunorubicin to daunorubicinol, a derivative exposing higher cytotoxic action than daunorubicin, it is important for leukemia treatment to know its leukocyte level. Calculations of reductase levels were based on the presumption that one enzyme unit equals an activity which is producing 1 nanomol daunorubicinol per 1 mg homogenate protein during 30 minutes of incubation. It was found, that blasts of different patients with the same leukemia type displayed different reductase levels, ranging between 11.0 and 74.8 U. |
398680 | Phosphorylcholine antigens from Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. I.--Anti-phosphorylcholine antibodies in infected rats and location of phosphorylcholine antigens. | The anti-phosphorylcholine (PC) antibody synthesis was investigated in the rat after infection with the nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. Serum IgM and IgG antibodies were demonstrated from day 2 or 3 post-infection. Intestinal IgA-antibody synthesis began shortly after the worms reached the intestine. Antigens containing PC were located with the fluorescent antibody technique in L3 infective larvae, adult worms and eggs of the parasites. They were always found to internal structures such as intestinal tract or gonads. It seems, therefore, that the anti-PC antibody synthesis resulted from the release of PC antigens by the parasite (moulting fluids, excretion, secretion or breakage products). |
398689 | The effect of immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drugs on lymphocyte population and MIF in glomerulonephritis. | The effect of immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drugs on the T and B lymphocyte populations, as well as cellular hypersensitivity in relation to GBM antigens (measured by MIF activity) in 60 patients with different types of glomerulopathy has been tested. The results pared with a control group of 47 untreated patients and 32 healthy subjects. The treatment was carried out using the following drugs: azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, prednisone, ibuprofen and indomethacin. In a sample of 14 patients receiving ibuprofen and in 7 receiving arathioprine, indomethacin and prednisone, the T and B lymphocyte kinetics as well as MIF activity were repeatedly tested before and during the treatment of 150 days. In the patients under this treatment, a decreased percentage of lymphocytes with receptors for plement as well as, in some cases. MIF suppression was observed. parison of healthy subjects and untreated patients with a group of 39 subjects tested for T and B lymphocytes as well as MIF activity after several months of the above treatment was made. It was found that supportive therapy with azathioprine and prednisone led to a normalization of B lymphocytes (EA and EAC rosettes) and to a small increase of T lymphocytes number. On the other hand, treatment with indomethacin and ibuprofen led to an increased B lymphocyte count (EA and EAC rosettes). Cyclophosphamide given with azathioprine caused a decrease in the proportion of T lymphocytes and an increase in the number of null cells. In addition, it was found that immunosuppressive drugs as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, even when administered in supportive doses caused in some cases, the suppression of cellular immunity as measured by MIF activity. |
398691 | [Fiftieth anniversary of Hans Berger's publication of the electroencephalogram. His first records in 1924--1931 (author's transl)]. | For the fiftieth anniversary of Berger's first EEG publication, some of his early recordings obtained between 1924 and 1931 are discussed and illustrated. Examples of his protocols from the Freiburg Berger Archives are reproduced. Three types of Berger's early investigations are described: (1) String-galvanometer recordings obtained between 1924 and 1926, mainly from trephined patients with cerebral diseases, which usually showed brain waves slowed to 6--8 per second; (2) Direct recordings from the cortex and white matter proving the cortical origin of the EEG in 1930; (3) Typical unpublished EEG recordings of epileptics and of petit-mal attacks obtained in 1930 and 1931. Berger's first six papers published between 1929 and 1933 described nearly all the main EEG findings of cerebral diseases and the EEG alterations of normals during attention, sleep, and narcosis, but they did not report on convulsive potentials in the EEGs of epileptics. Berger had, however, obtained excellent records of epileptic EEG features, here depicted in Figs. 4 through 7. These remained unpublished until 1933 and 1938, because Berger suspected that they contained artifacts caused by blinks and facial movements which he had recorded in his controls (Fig. 4). Only in 1933, after other authors had described large amplitudes of convulsive potentials in the cortex of animals, did Berger publish parts of the EEGs of a petit-mal attack and of focal attacks in progressive paresis. In 1938, Berger presented the EEG of the beginning of a petit-mal attack with large 3/s spikes and waves recorded in 1931 which were similar to those described by Gibbs and coworkers in 1935. In 1933 and 1938, Berger interpreted the abnormal brain potentials of epileptics as signs of a preconvulsive state of the forebrain and suggested that the periods of 3/s waves were cortical correlates of an epileptic absence. |
398690 | Studies on the experimental therapy of iridocyclitis. | Effectiveness of selected anti-inflammatory drugs on the experimental model of uveitis was evaluated. Studies on the biochemical parameters of inflammation in the aqueous humor and biomicroscopic evaluation of the clinical condition of the anterior chamber of the eye, carried out in the therapy course, allowed to establish the following order of the studied drugs, according to their therapeutical effectiveness (from the most effective): indomethacin greater than ibuprofen greater than hydrocortizone greater than 6-mercaptopurine. |
398682 | [Implantation of mitral valve prosthesis with continuos suture]. | The results obtained in 20 patients with the use of continue suture technic for prosthetic implantation of the mitral valve pared to those observed in other 20 patients in which the prothesis were implanted with isolated suture technic. With the first one the aortic clamp time was reduced in average about 50 minutes; the extracorporeal circulation time also diminished in the same proportion. One patient died in each group, meaning a 5% of hospital mortality. The going after time in the first group was 2.5 years and in none was found prosthetic dysfunction or perivalvular lickage. We conclude that prosthetic implantation technic for mitral valve with continue suture, offers the following advantages: a) Important reduction of the transoperative myocardial ischemia. b) Reduction also, of the hole estracorporeal circulation time. c) Minor possibilities of periprosthetic lickage. d) Minor risk of valvular thrombosis in the suture line. |
398694 | Pathways of energy metabolism required for phenotypic expression of nif+Kp genes in Escherichia coli. | In E. coli K12 (F'nif+Kp) hybrids, electron-transport-dependent phosphorylation is not necessary for anaerobic nitrogen fixation, and substrate level phosphorylation can provide sufficient ATP from glucose for nitrogenase activity. The fumarate-reduction system, however, is essential in these hybrids for the transfer of electrons to nitrogenase. This system is probably also involved in maintaining the membrane in the energized state, thereby allowing nitrogen fixation to occur. The nitrate-reduction system, which can energize the membrane like the fumarate-reduction system, is not necessary for nitrogenase activity in the E. coli K12(F'nif+Kp) hybrids. However, two nitrate reductase genes, chlA, and chlB, are essential for inhibition of nitrogen fixation by nitrate. Moreover, nitrate inhibits nitrogenase activity and this inhibition is most probably effected through a regulator factor coded by chlA and chlB. |
398695 | Antibody responses of human lymphocytes in vitro. Specificity and physical properties of plaque-forming cell precursors. | When human tonsillar lymphocytes are cultured with pokeweed mitogen they generate a larger number of antibody-secreting cells. A substantial number of the plaque-forming cells generated have specificity for sheep erythrocytes but very few are specific for either bovine or horse erythrocytes. We have investigated the physical properties of sheep erythrocyte-specific precursors and have found that they have the characteristics of larger lymphocytes and are heterogeneous with respect to density. Our results support the concept that the percursors which can be induced by pokeweed mitogen to develop into plaque-forming cells belong to a pre-activated sub-population of lymphocytes. |
398696 | Antibody responses of human lymphocytes in vitro. Enhancing effects of hydrocortisone. | Cultures of human tonsillar lymphocytes stimulated by pokeweed mitogen in the presence of hydrocortisone succinate generate more sheep red blood cell-specific plaque-forming cells than when the hydrocortisone is absent. Such enhancement is even more marked when sheep red blood cells and pokeweed mitogen are present in cultures. This contrasts with the inability of sheep red blood cells to enhance pokeweed mitogen-stimulated response in cultures lacking hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone causes greater enhancement when the concentration of cells in culture is high than when it is low. These data are consistent with hydrocortisone inhibiting the activity of suppressor cells which would otherwise mask helper effects. |
398697 | Immunoprecipitation of biosynthetically-labelled products in the identification of antigens of murine red cells infected with the protozoan parasite, Plasmodium berghei. | In this methodological paper an immunoprecipitation technique has been optimised for the identification of antigens of Plasmodium berghei-infected blood which react with antibody specificities in a host-protective antiserum. Extracted 3H-leucine biosynthetically-labelled products of infected blood were sequentially reacted and precipitated with sera from mice which had been exposed to P. berghei but which were either non-protected or protected against lethal infection, protection having been shown to be transferable to naive recipients with the appropriate serum. As analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions, a small number of molecular species was detected in immunoprecipitates using host-protective sera which were apparently not quantitatively precipitated out of plex mixture of labelled products of infected blood using sera from non-protected mice. |
398692 | [Control of anticoagulant therapy with coumarin derivatives. Evolution of the tests used and their standardization]. | Levels of hypocoagulabity induced with coumarin derivatives (aconocoumarin) were determined in 10 patients Quick's test was used to mercially available thromboplastin reagents against a reference reagent. The results were then standardised in the form of a correct prothrombin ratio. It was found parable results could be obtained, even with poorly sensitive thromboplastins, by determining a thromboplastin sensitivity index and using it to convert the prothrombin ratio obtained with each thromboplastin into a "correct" ratio, i.e. one that allowed for the depressed sensitivity of the thromboplastin concerned. It was found that thrombotest was more sensitive than mercial thromboplastins; it was also superior to the reference reagent in expressing the level of drug-induced hypocoagulability. Attention is drawn to the soundness of expressing prothrombin times in terms of the correct ratio to cut out the effect of variations in sensitivity on the part mercial thromboplastins. At the same time, stress is laid on the superiority of thrombotest in the monitoring of oral anticoagulant therapy. |
398693 | [Intestinal occlusion caused by endometriosis]. | Three cases of intestinal occlusion due to endometriosis, presenting as surgical emergencies, are reported. After a review of the literature on the incidence of endometriosis, the mechanisms underlying the occlusive process and the various anatomopathological pictures are presented. The reasons why no correct preoperative diagnosis was possible and the problems encountered in differential diagnosis, particularly with respect to carcinoma of the colon and the sigma-rectum, are discussed. It is considered that correct preoperative diagnosis is very important to avoid subjecting the non-cancer patient to destructive surgery. The therapy mended for intestinal occlusion due to suspected endometriosis is presented. |
398698 | Inhibition of the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma in syngeneic mice by Salmonella antigens. | Administration of a protein antigen preparation from Salmonella enteritidis 11RX at the site of challenge with Lewis lung carcinoma inhibited tumour development in mice previously immunised with live bacteria, but not control mice. The kinetics of tumour growth indicated that the inhibition of tumour development was due to a reduction of the initial tumour inoculum rather than the development of specific anti-tumour immunity. |
398700 | [Special aspects of the curve of the oral glucose tolerance test]. | The insulin response of 10 lean and 23 obese subjects with lag-type and borderline O.G.T.T. has been studied. The O.G.T.T. was interpreted according to the criteria of Fajans and Conn. The maximum increase and the area of increase were examined both for blood glucose and plasma I.R.I., and the corresponding I.R.I./glucose ratios calculated. The shape of the insulin response curve is similar to that of glucose curve. The I.R.I./glucose ratios are decreased in the lag-type curves pared to borderline in the lean subjects while we observed opposite results in obese ones. A possible physiopathological interpretation of this curves is proposed. |
398701 | [Examination of the early phase of insulin secretion with 3 successive small overloads of glucose (5 g) in normal and obese subjects]. | We studied the E.I.R. in eight normal subjects and fifteen obese ones with three successive small glucose pulses (5 g.) e.v. at 30' interval. In normal subjects the three successive loads gave rise to identical responses for both glucose and I.R.I. Obese could be divided, on the basis of their E.I.R. to the first load, into normal responders (group I), hyper-responders (group II) and hypo-résponders (group III); on the basis of the E.I.R. to the second load, group I could be divided in two subgroups: Ia and Ib. We found an identical E.I.R. to all glucose loads in group Ia; a reduced E.I.R. to successive loads in groups Ib and II. Group III didn't have any insulin response to all glucose loads. |
398699 | [Biological effects of distamycin A]. | In the present review are examined different biological effects of Distamycin A, an antibiotic produced by Streptomyces distallicus. This drug is moderately active on bacteria but it is strongly active on DNA viruses and on some Oncornaviruses, moreover it possesses antineoplastic and antimitotic activity at high doses at which it can result tossic and cause immunodepression. |
398702 | [Double test of insulin sensitivity in normal and obese subjects]. | 13 normal and 16 obese subjects have been chosen for a double insulin tolerance test: 0,02 U/Kg of insulin were administered i.v. with an interval of 60'. The glycemic curve of the normal subjects show an identical lay out after both pulses; on the contrary the obese subjects could be divided into two subgroups. In the first one the lowering glucose action can pared after both pulses, while in the second one the first stimulus causes a weather lowering glucose action, than in the first group, which is furtherly reduced during the subsequent pulse. An insulin resistance in these subjects is thus stressed. In the obese subjects the NEFA have a higher concentration in both groups than in the normal ones, show a normal decrease, but a certain delay is observed in the rebound phase. |
398703 | [Comparison of the radioimmunological and immunoenzymatic methods in detection of HBsAg]. | We pared the solid-phase radioimmunoassay(SPRIA) with a solid-phase enzyme-immunoassay (EIA) in the detection of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). 708 sera from blood donors and 500 sera from patients with various diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, chronic renal failure in hemodialytic treatment) were tested for HBsAg with both methods. 208 sera (17,2%) were found to be positive in SPRIA and 209 sera (17,3%) in EIA. Two HBsAg positive sera were tested in dilution series with both methods, too. The results show that the sensitivity and specificity of the pare very favourably with those of the SPRIA. |
398704 | Methylation patterns of tRNA at different concentrations of dimethylsulphate. | The methylation patterns produced in E. coli B tRNA by various concentrations of dimethylsulphate were found to differ with a predominant formation of 7-methylguanine and 1-methyladenine at low concentrations and of a pound not yet identified at high concentrations of methylating agent. The analysis by Scatchard plot of dimethylsulphate interaction with the nucleic acid suggested the presence of high and low affinity sites. |
398716 | Regulation of N-acetylglucosamine uptake in yeast. | Various yeasts have been investigated for their ability to grow on N-acetylglucosamine as the sole carbon source and only those which are associated with the disease, candidiasis, gave positive results. The yeasts unable to grow on N-acetylglucosamine lacked the capacity to transport the aminosugar across the cell membrane. In pathogenic yeasts, two systems of different affinity for substrate were found to operate in the uptake of N-acetylglucosamine. In glucose-grown cells a constitutive, low affinity uptake system was present, but upon addition of inducer, a specific high affinity uptake system was synthesized. Experiments with the inhibitors of macromolecule synthesis suggested that the synthesis of RNA and protein is necessary for induction whereas the synthesis of DNA is not. In glucose-grown Candida albicans cells which are devoid of N-acetylglucosamine enters into the cells as phosphorylated form using a constitutive uptake system. Uranyl acetate (0.01 mM) which binds to cell membrane-associated polyphosphates, pletely the inducible uptake of N-acetylglucosamine. Labelling experiments, designed to determine the temporal sequence of appearance of N-acetylglucosamine in intracellular free sugar and sugar-phosphate pools, indicated that N-acetylglucosamine first appeared in the cells as pohosphorylated form. Similar results were obtained with Saccharomyces phosphorylated form. Similar results were obtained with Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3059 and some other yeasts which are devoid of N-acetylglucosamine kinase in both uninduced and induced conditions. These results are consistent with the model of van Steveninck that involves phosphorylation during transpost. Furthermore, inhibitors of energy metabolism (arsenate, azide and cyanide), proton conductor (m-chlorocarbonylcyanide phenylhydrazine) and dibenzyl diammonium ion (membrane permeable cation) inhibited the inducible N-acetylglucosamine uptake in C. albicans. |
398717 | Use of tetramethylammonium hydroxide to determine the total fatty acid composition of microorganisms. | A destructive chromatographic method of identifying microorganisms is described. The method is based on hydrolysis of the biomass of the microorganisms in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide, followed by introduction of the hydrolyzate into the heated injector of a gas chromatograph. The main products in this case are methyl esters of fatty acids, position of which is used as a diagnostic criterion. Chromatograms of the residues after chloroform-methanol extraction and the dynamics of the change in total fatty acids in the process of growth can also be used for identification. The dynamics of total fatty acids was studied in E. coli strain K-12, and destructive chromatograms for bacteria and yeasts are cited. |
398718 | Progress in space biology. | Over the past two decades there has arisen a new branch of biology--space biology. This short review is devoted to a discussion of its achievements. It considers the results of research in the area of gravitation biology, and an account is made of studies in those areas of radiobiology which have relevance to the study of the cosmos. There is a brief summary of the results of the search for the upper and lower limits of the biosphere, and information is presented regarding the measures employed to maintain planetary quarantine. A great deal of attention has been given to the search for extraterrestrial life, one of the most important of problems. The results obtained with the aid of the American Viking probes on Mars are given special attention. The review presents experimental data based both upon data obtained in experiments on biological specimens during space flights of satellites and space vehicles, and also upon the results of laboratory research. |
398749 | Mutagenic effect of 1.1'-hexamethylene-bis-[(5-p-chlorophenyl)-biguanide]. | The strongly effective pound 1.1'-hexamethylene-bis-[(5-p-chlorophenyl)-biguanide] (HCG) induces mutations with a slight inactivation rate in the auxotrophic strains Salmonella typhimurium TA 1535 and TA 1538 in 0.4 microM solution. The mutagenic effect could be confirmed by using the plate incorporation test and the repair test. As phenylethylbiguanide at different inactivation rates does not show any mutagenic effect, the biguanide structure does not seem to be responsible for chemical mutagenesis. A hypothetic mutation mechanism is proposed pared with the corresponding reaction mechanism of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitro-soguanidine (MNNG). |
398750 | Platinum(II) complexes block the entry of T4 phage DNA into the host cells. | The efficiency of multiplicity reactivation of T4 particles inactivated by plexes is very low. The same is true for marker rescue and functional survival of genes. This can be at least partly explained by the inability of most inactivated virus particles to introduce their DNA into the host cells as demonstrated by electron microscopy. Conformational changes in the DNA, formation of DNA-DNA and DNA-protein cross-links and the damage of proteins participating in the injection process could be responsible for the phenomenon observed. |
398753 | [Acute granulomatous appendicitis. (Contribution to preventive appendectomy in acute ileitis)]. | Starting with one case of acute granulomatous appendicitis of their own observation, the authors review the scant literature on the subject (only 23 published cases to date) and advocate systematic appendicectomy in all isolated appendicular localizations of Crohn's disease. On the grounds that no post-appendicectomy fistulization has ever been reported in such patients, the authors mend prophylactic appendicectomy also in the far more frequent cases of acute ileitis, to forestall the possibility of evolution into chronic Crohn's disease and the risk of missing a nongranulomatous acute appendicitis appearing with the same clinical symptoms. |
398759 | The regulation of methionine biosynthesis and metabolism in plants and bacteria. | The amino acids biosynthetically derived from asparate including methionine are all essential in the diet of monogastric animals. Most of this requirement is met by plant foods. The methionine biosynthetic pathways in plants and bacteria are outlined pared. Regulation in bacterial systems is by bination of repression and feedback inhibition whereas in plants repression is unimportant. Several enzymes in the branched pathway to methionine in plants are regulated by feedback inhibition; others are yet to be investigated. In plants may amino acid biosynthetic enzymes are localized in plastids and this is also likely for methionine biosynthesis. Methionine occupies an important position in cellular metabolism where the processes of one-carbon transfer via S-adenosylmethionine, protein synthesis, protein initiation and ethylene synthesis are interlocked. Attempts to increase the levels of free methionine have been made by selecting for plant mutants resistant to lysine plus threonine. One dominant mutation causes elevation of free amino acid levels in vegetative tissues but also has undesirable side-effects. The potential of such approaches is discussed. |
398760 | The oxidation of sulphite in animals systems. | In animals the terminal step in the pathway for degradation of sulphur-containing amino acids is the oxidation of sulphite to sulphate. This reaction is catalysed by the enzyme sulphite oxidase. The enzyme contains molybdenum and a cytochrome b5 type haem, is localized in the mitochondrial intermembrane space and transfers electrons from sulphite to cytochrome c on the inner membrane. The sulphite oxidase protein has a molecular weight of 110 000 (chicken) to 122 000 (human) and exists as a dimer of identical subunits. The haem and molybdenum cofactors are present on separate domains of the molecule. The structure of the molydbenum cofactor has not been worked out in detail, but this cofactor is known to be present in many other molybdoenzymes including xanthine oxidase and nitrate reductase. Three cases of genetic sulphite oxidase deficiency in humans have been reported. The three affected children displayed mental retardation, neurological abnormalities and dislocated ocular lenses. The biochemical basis for lack of enzyme activity in each case has been studied. All three have been shown to lack the sulphite oxidase protein, but in one case this appears to be secondary to a defect in synthesis of the molybdenum cofactor. Sulphite oxidase deficiency has been produced in the rat by administration of high levels of tungsten. Sulphite oxidase-deficient animals are particularly susceptible to the toxic effects of sulphite and atmospheric sulphur dioxide. |
398761 | Observations on the biological roles of sulphatases. | Until recently little was known about the biological roles played by sulphatase enzymes, owing in part to the selection of assay substrates that were convenient but only removely related to the natural substrates. Once this was recognized the elucidation of function proceeded more rapidly. Microbial sulphatases appear to have roles to play in the nutrition of individual microorganisms whilst collectively they enable sulphur, returned to soils and waters in the form of sulphate esters, to be made available for recycling. In contrast, with one or two important exceptions, mammalian sulphatases are concerned, in association with other enzymes, with the turnover of macromolecules. Still defying understanding are the roles of sulphatases acting on adenosine 5'-phosphosulphate (APT) and 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate (PAPA). APS sulphatases have now been purified from ox-liver lysosomes and cytosol and from a strain of Comamonas terrigena. The lysosomal enzyme shows wide specificity and can hydrolyse ATP, ADP, FED and pyrophosphate. The cytosol enzyme is apparently specific and may be active only when cellular concentrations of ATP are low. The bacterial enzyme is also specific and has properties and a cellular localization that suggest the possibility of its involvement in sulphate transport. |
398762 | Studies on the nature and regulation of the cellular thio:disulphide potential. | Microsomal fractions separated from homogenates of liver, kidney and corpora lutea contain a monooxygenase (dimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide forming], EC that catalyses NADPH- and oxygen-dependent oxidation of cysteamine to cystamine. The monooxygenase purified to homogeneity from hog liver also catalyses oxygenations of diverse xenobiotics, but it does not catalyse oxidation of any other physiological sulphur- or pounds. All the available evidence indicates that cysteamine is the physiological substrate for the monooxygenase, and the oxidation of this thiol to the disulphide may be a significant source of disulphide maintaining the cellular thiol:disulphide potential. The concentration of protein-low molecular weight mixed disulphide is a function of this potential. Changes in concentration of this protein-mixed disulphide reflect changes in thiol:disulphide balance. At constant substrate concentrations the potential would depend primarily on activity of the cytosol glutathione reductase (NAD(P)H: oxidized-glutathione oxidoreductase, EC relative to that of the membrane-bound monooxygenase. In hepatic tissue from adult mice and hamsters there is a correlation between the concentration of protein-mixed disulphide and the activity of the monooxygenase relative to the reductase. Hepatic glutathione reductase is relatively constant in mice, but the monooxygenase is much higher in the female than in the male. After gonadectomy monooxygenase activity decreases in the female and increases in the male. Activities are restored to control levels by treating males with testosterone and females with progesterone. Testosterone decreases and progesterone increases activity. These two hormones apparently regulate the level of this enzyme in hepatic tissue. |
398763 | Sulphydryl oxidase: oxidation of sulphydryl groups and the formation of three-dimensional structure in proteins. | Sulphydryl oxidase, an enzyme isolated from milk, catalyses the de novo synthesis of disulphide bonds. Thiol groups in amino acids or their derivatives, peptides, and proteins are oxidized; molecular oxygen serves as the electron acceptor and undergoes a two-electron reduction to hydrogen peroxide. Michaelis constants vary considerably amongst various substrates; glutathione is a particularly good substrate. Inhibition studies and oxidation of 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran suggest a mechanism involving an electron transfer to singlet O2 forming an enzyme-bound hydroperoxy group. Evidence for a direct interaction of the enzyme with horseradish peroxidase was also obtained. Although protein-folding appears to be thermodynamically favoured, rates of spontaneous acquisition of functional three-dimensional structures in disulphide-containing proteins have appeared disturbingly slow. In the presence of sulphydryl oxidase, functional structure is rapidly acquired by both reductively unfolded ribonuclease A and reductively denatured immobilized chymotrypsinogen A as judged by restoration of native fluorescence characteristics and biological activity. Preliminary data suggest that unlike thiol:protein-disulphide oxidoreductase, protein-disulphide isomerase, or GSSG/GSH redox systems, sulphydryl oxidase does not permit a 'reshuffling' of disulphide bonds. |
398765 | Diseases of sulphur metabolism: implications for the methionine-homocysteine cycle, and vitamin responsiveness. | Sixteen inherited human diseases are now recognized, affecting most of the major steps in sulphur metabolism. Studies of patients with three types of homocystinuria have demonstrated unequivocally the major role of cystathionine formation in degradation of homocysteine, and the importance of homocysteine remethylation. Methionine balance studies of normal subjects and of a sarcosine oxidase-deficient subject have shown the predominant role of creatine synthesis in methionine utilization and permitted assessment of the rate of oxidation of the methyl group of methionine. Together, the results demonstrate that once regulatory adjustments have been made the rate of methylneogensis is nicely controlled so that labile methyl groups are made available in amounts just sufficient to meet the needs for methionine. When excess methionine is ingested the four-carbon moiety is diverted into cystathionine, the methyl group is oxidized via sarcosine and the flow of partially oxidized one-carbon units is diverted away from 5-methyltetrahydrofolate toward CO2. Studies of cystathionine synthase-deficient patients demonstrate that the capacity to respond or not to respond to pyridoxine administration is genetically controlled, probably through structural differences in mutant cystathionine synthases. However, the properties of the enzyme crucial in conferring responsiveness have not yet been identified. |
398766 | The sulphur cycle: definitions, mechanisms and dynamics. | The principal biochemical processes of the sulphur cycle are described and the types of organisms known to catalyse the reductive and oxidative phases of the cycle outlined. Attention is drawn to the ings in our current knowledge of the scale of turnover of the sulphur cycle and of our understanding of the microorganisms involved in specialized environments. Examples of some special habitats are used to illustrate these points. The role of sulphate-reducing bacteria and sulphur-oxidizing chemolithotrophs in the formation and recycling of sulphide minerals is described. |
398767 | Pathways of assimilatory sulphate reduction in plants and microorganisms. | Assimilatory sulphate reduction, largely restricted to plants and microorganisms where it provides reduced sulphur for the formation of amino acids and proteins, nucleic acids, and various sulphur-containing coenzymes, begins with the activation of sulphate through reaction with ATP to form adenosine 5'-phosphosulphate (APS) and adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulphate (PAPS). Two pathways of assimilatory sulphate reduction are known. One, found in some blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and in all oxygen-envolving eukaryotes, begins with APS where the sulpho group is transferred via APS sulphotransferase to a thiol acceptor (glutathione (G-S-) in Chlorella) to form the organic thiosulphate (G-S-SO-3). The organic thiosulphate appears to be reduced further by an organic thiosulphate reductase employing reduced ferredoxin to form G-S-S-. The terminal sulphur is then thought to be reductively transferred to O-acetylserine via O-acetylserine sulphydrase to form cysteine. A second pathway, found in bacteria and fungi, begins with PAPS where the sulpho group is transferred via PAPS sulphotransferase to an acceptor thiol to form an organic thiosulphate. Since thioredoxin is indispensable, this molecule may be the carrier or may serve to reduce the carrier. NADPH via thioredoxin reductase or glutathione and glutathione reductase reduces thioredoxin. These reactions release sulphite which is further reduced to sulphide by sulphite reductase, employing NADPH. Sulphide is then thought to react with O-acetylserine to form cysteine via O-acetylserine sulphydrase. The cellular location and evolution of these pathways is discussed. |
398768 | Synthesis of L-cysteine in Salmonella typhimurium. | In Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli the biosynthesis of L-cysteine from L-serine and inorganic sulphate proceeds along a branched convergent pathway along one arm of which sulphate is reduced to sulphide, while on the other L-serine is acetylated to O-acetyl-L-serine. This system is subject to positive genetic control in which growth on a poor sulphur source, O-acetyl-L-serine and the product of the cysB regulatory gene are all required for derepression. The final step consists of the formation of L-cysteine from O-acetyl-L-serine and sulphide. We find that in S. typhimurium this reaction is catalysed by two different enzymes, O-acetylserine sulphydrylase A and O-acetylserine sulphydrylase B, coded for by cysK and cysM respectively. Both enzymes are under the control of the cysteine regulon, and either alone is sufficient for cysteine prototrophy during aerobic growth. Although the advantage to the bacterium of having two separate enzymes to carry out the same reaction is unclear, preliminary data suggest that O-acetylserine sulphydrylase B is preferentially utilized for cysteine biosynthesis during anaerobic growth. We speculate that one enzyme may prefer free sulphide as a substrate while the other may use a bound form of sulphide. |
398774 | Markers of macrophage heterogeneity. I. Studies of macrophages from various organs of normal mice. | A unique subpopulation of macrophages (M phi) was identified among the spleen and bone marrow M phi of normal mice. After 24 h of culture, approximately 2.5% of the adherent cells cluster into "foci" of 10-30 cells. On the basis of their phagocytic and morphologic characteristics, these focus-forming M phi (FF-M phi) appeared to be highly activated. Uncoated sheep erythrocytes (E) were ingested by FF-m phi indicating that opsonization was not a prerequisite for phagocytosis. However, IgM-coated E (EIgM) were more readily phagocytosed by FF-M phi than were E suggesting that IgM is recognized as an effective opsonin by these cells. EIgM and E coated with IgM plement (C) (EIgMC) were ingested by approximately the same percentage of FF-M phi; thus, if these cells plement receptors in addition to structures which bind EIgM, the C receptors do not enhance the ability of FF-M phi to ingest opsonized particles. The non-focus-forming M phi, e.g. individual M phi (I-M phi), in the spleen and bone marrow can, themselves, be divided into various subpopulations distinguished by their ability to bind and ingest E, EIgM ana EIgMC. These may represent various subpopulations of M phi or M phi at various stages of activation or differentiation. While spleen and bone marrow M phi contained FF-M phi and I-M phi which vary in their ability to ingest E, EIgM and EIgMC, theM phi of the peritoneum and blood of normal mice were far more homogeneous. Peritoneal and blood M phi did not form foci, ad did not ingest E or EIgM in significant amounts although a small percentage were able to ingest EIgMC. These data suggest that the population of M phi in the spleen and bone marrow are far more heterogenous than those found in the peritoneum or blood and that binding and phagocytosis of various coated and uncoated erythrocytes can be studied to elucidate this heterogeneity. |
398775 | Surface Ig on rabbit lymphocytes. Rabbit B and T cells are distinct populations. | Rabbit peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were analyzed by immunofluorescence using anti-T cell conjugates and anti-Fab, anti-a1 allotype, anti-IgM and anti-IgA conjugates. In addition, T cells were demonstrated by rosetting with papain-treated homologous erythrocytes. Control experiments, using acid treatment and incubation at 37 degrees C for 18 h after or without pronase treatment, revealed the endogenous origin of all surface determinants tested. A good correlation was found between results obtained with the two anti-T cell conjugates used and the T rosette test on PBL and on lymphoid cells isolated from various organs. In lymphocytes isolated from peripheral blood and from various lymphoid organs, the percentages of T and B cells were respectively 45 and 38 for PBL, 10 and 46 for bone marrow, 27 and 31 for appendix, 40 and 45 for spleen, 42 and 46 for Peyer's patches, 96 and 0.3 for thymus and 70 and 16 for peripheral lymph nodes. The percentage of "null" cells in lymphocyte populations derived from bone marrow and appendix is rather high. The final percentages of T and B cells in rabbit PBL depend to a significant extent on the method of isolation, especially isolation by Ficoll-Hypaque centrifugation results in a depletion of T cells. Moreover, a rather impure lymphoid cell suspension is obtained. In double incubation experiments, T cells (as defined by T cell antigen(s) or rosette formation) and B cells (Fab-bearing cells) were entirely different subpopulations. Allotypes of the a locus could not be detected on the surface of T cells. The results are discussed with respect to genetic coding of antigen receptors on B and T cells. |
398808 | [Nocturnal asystolia revealed with Holter monitoring in asymptomatic hypokinetic arrhythmia. Report of two cases (author's transl)]. | The Authors report on two cases of hypokinetic arrhythmia with good ventricular rate during the day. In these cases the Holter monitoring showed, during the night, a marked slow down of the cardiac rhythm with short period of cardiac arrest up to 4280 ms. The Authors would like to underline the prognostic and therapeutic importance of the above said remarks, also mentioned by others in the most recent literature, and the necessity to go deeply in to the meaning of these events specially about possibility of sudden death and cerebral hypossia, during the slow down of cardiac rhythm. In both cases a good therapeutic effect, consisting in plete normalization of the cardiac rate, has been optained with sustained preparation of imetic and vagolitic drugs. On the basis of their experience, the Authors think that, in these cases, the pharmacologic therapy, neglected during the last years, could give a good therapeutical result. |
398810 | [Diaxozide-induced acute stimulation of plasma renin activity in renal veins for diagnosis and prognosis in hypertensive patients (author's transl)]. | Vena cava and renal veins PRA were measured and their ratios calculated (Ra/Rc and Rc/P) in 15 hypertensive patients before and after diazoside infusion (300 mg i.v.). Among the 4 patients with unilateral renal artery stenosis, 3 had both ratios significant in basal conditions. After diazoxide infusion, the ratios became significant in the 4th case, successfully operated. Surgery induced normalization of blood pressure also in 2 of 3 cases affected by renoparenchimal alterations: of these patients 1 had ratios significant in basal conditions and both after diazoxide. One patient had unilateral renal artery stenosis and controlateral small kidney: his ratios was significant in favour of small kidney both before and after diaxozide infusion. The correction of renal artery stenosis gave no results in blood pressure. In patients with essential hypertension the PRA values in renal veins were not significantly different either before and after diazoxide. In conclusion the acute diazoxide stimulation seems to improve the prognostic value of renal veins PRA and their ratios for the detection of surgically curable forms of renal hypertension. |
398813 | [Changes in plasma renin activity induced by acute administration of nifedipine in hypertensive patients (author's transl)]. | In the present study we assessed plasma renin activity (PRA) variations induced by Ca++ antagonist antihypertensive drug Nifedipine in 8 normoreninaemic or hyporeninaemic hypertensive patients. On two successive days three venous blood samples were sampled, two in clinostatic position and the last one 120 min later in orthostatic position; on the second day 20 mg of nifedipine were administered sublingually. Nifedipine increases significantly PRA after orthostatic pared with starting conditions (p < 0.01) pared with the values recorded without the drug at the same times (p < 0.01). Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased 15 and 120 min after nifedipine administration while heart rate increased at the same times. Acute nifedipine administration augments PRA in hypertensive subjects; explanatory hypoteses are proposed. |
398815 | [Early exercise testing after myocardial infarction (author's transl)]. | 203 patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction performed a cycloergometric submaximal exercise test before leaving hospital. The causes for stopping the test were fatigue or submaximal heart rate (24,1%), angina (14,2%), ischaemic S-T changes (28,08%), arrhythmias (4,9%) and changes of blood pressure (17,2%). No plications were observed. The test proved useful for the definition of more objective criteria in order to prescribe an individualized rehabilitation programme. Above all it was possible to prescribe treatment which would not have otherwise been prescribed at the time of discharge. The short term prognostic value is not, however quite clear as yet. |
398816 | [Monitoring of NEFA and other biochemical parameters in acute myocardial infarct]. | Glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, NEFA and cortisole behaviour as well as insulin activity have been studied in the A.M.I. NEFA were found to be in most cases arrhythmy inducers; especially when the NEFA exceed 1200 muEq/l; in this cases, they bring to an unfavourable development of the acute coronary episode. The Authors observed that the peak of NEFA frequently precedes the peak of MB-CPK, while no relation was found between their amplitude. Prognosis es unfavourable when cortisole levels are high. Therapeutical utility of insulin-glucose-potassium solutions is confirmed; this because of NEFA high levels found in the first period of A.M.I. |
398844 | Restoration of endodontically treated teeth. A discussion out of reviews. | Cores, dowels and pins provide retention and support for restorations and protect the residual tooth substance. Their use is essential in restorative dentistry. |
398843 | Disappearance from blood and urinary excretion of 35S-thiamin in sheep. A kinetic study. | In seven experiments with two adult sheep a single dose of 35S-thiamin was injected intravenously. Blood and urine samples were taken at short intervals after dosing and analyzed for 35S-radioactivity. The data obtained were subjected to a curve puter program. The disappearance of 35S-thiamin from blood followed a three-exponential function; the average half-times of the ponents were 0.4, 3.7 and 93.7 minutes. Urinary excretion of the tracer was also three-exponential and amounted to 19--32% of the injected dose over 150 minutes. |
398845 | The bending strength of acrylic resin samples repaired under pressure. | The bending strength of heat-cured resin samples was found to be 49% higher than that of autopolymerizing resin samples cured under room conditions. Curing the latter resin in a pressure vessel at 32psi and 30 degrees C increased its strength by 4.5%. For this reason and because a less porous material is obtained, pressure-curing may be employed with advantage for the preparation of various appliances from S.C. resin. The effect of pressure-curing in increasing the strength of the repaired samples was not significant. It would also appear that pressure affects the porosity of small quantities of repair material less than when appliances are made from S.C. resins only. The increase in strength achieved by pressure-curing repairs, in which only small quantities of S.C. resin are used, is therefore questionable. |
398846 | Pulp capping (a review). | Pulp exposure remains a source of great frustration to the dental practitioner, because the e of any pulp capping procedure is marked with uncertainty. The clinician is often unaware of the coexistence of possible pulp pathology at the time of damage to the pulpal wall. Until a more accurate clinically and histologic diagnosis can be made, pulp capping as a clinical treatment, can only be rendered on an empirical basis. |
398847 | Pathologic conditions of the oral mucosa associated with ill-fitting dentures: III. Epulis fissuratum and flabby ridge. | Denture-induced changes of the oral prise, besides denture stomatitis and inflammatory papillary hyperplasia, the so called folds and redundancies in sulci and flabby ridges. The present article deals with these two tissue reactions which are associated with chronically ill-fitting dentures. |
398864 | Recent trends in research on occupational cervicobrachial disorder. | Recent rapid development of mechanization and automatization in many industries in Japan have increased simple and repetitive tasks that have resulted in some new types of occupational health hazards, in particular among young female workers. One of them is occupational cervicobrachial disorder, the concept of which was established by mittee organized by the Japan Association of Industrial Health in 1972. mittee demonstrated that the disorder resulted from repetitive upper limb manipulation in punching and operating various kinds of business machines, and concluded that the disorder was closely related to chronic fatigue in the shoulders, neck, lower back and other parts of the body. In 1975 a study team was organized with a grant from the Ministry of Education. The team was divided into four working groups. Topics of these groups were 1) etiology of the disorder, 2) natural history of the disorder in various kinds of jobs, 3) mass examination techniques for the disorder, and 4) a health care system to be provided for the workers. The persent report summarizes the results of group discussions with a view to indicating the current problems of occupational cervicobrachial disorder and the necessary future steps for its care treatment and prevention. |