Brad: How's life, bro!? Desi: Can't complain, man. Got another kid, ain't I! Brad: Yeah, my missus told me. Congrats, mate! Desi: Thanks buddy. That's 3 now! When you starting? Brad: Trying mate! You down the club Sat? Missing you down there! Desi: Been a bit busy, but I'll try to make it for an hour. Annie won't like it, but I'll talk her round, silver tongued bastard, me!
Desi got a third kid. Desi will join Desi at the club on Saturday.
Miles: hey tomorrow there's a silent disco Miles: maybe u'd liek to come? get away from the kids for once;) Marcos: hahah u know what i feel i've been getting away from them all time time lately Miles: work? Marcos: yeah, apart from the usual stuff we have some meetings Marcos: conferences and stuff Marcos: extra classes for kids at school Miles: oh, what classes? Marcos: last time it was sewing, this time crocheting Miles: wow Miles: do you get paid for that at least? Marcos: peanuts, but yeah ;) Marcos: guess it's not only about money ;) Miles: i couldn't :D Marcos: it's not for everyone i guess ;)
Miles would like Marcos to come to a silent disco tomorrow. Marcos would rather spend time with the children because they haven't had much time together recently.
Roy: Anybody wants my old bike? like for 50 bucks Alan: C'mon Ron, it's not worth 5 dollars Dylan: I can give you 15 Roy: I've repaired it recently, it's a nice old school bike Rebecca: Good for hipsters maybe Dylan: I'm a hipster! and I like it 🙋‍♂ Roy: But I paid like 35$ to repair it, it took also a lot of time Rebecca: Life's hard Roy Alan: let's be honest Roy, we all know you're a bit stingy Roy: I'm thrifty Alan: hahaha, ok Roy: so 15$ is the most I can get here? Dylan: ok, let me see it first. Roy: Perfect!
Dylan will check out the old school bike Roy has for sale. Roy asks 50 dollars, but the best offer he gets is 15.
Jon: I can't be bothered with this game anymore Gary: it's not the first time you're saying that Gary: and yet you're still playing Jon: waiting for my subscription to run out Gary: for how many years already? ;) Jon: I think it's real this time Jon: there's no fun in it for me Jon: and most of the people I enjoyed playing with left anyway Gary: that's a problem Gary: especially in a multiplayer game Jon: and to make things worse this expansion did nothing to change that Gary: maybe it's about time? Jon: for? Gary: you quitting the game ofc Gary: you've been playing it for ages Jon: yeah but that wasn't a problem when I had fun Gary: it's better to move on than to force yourself out of habit Jon: yep Jon: I think that I'm ready to let it go :P Gary: just don't sing while doing it Gary: you're not good at that ;) Jon: I don't intend to :P
Jon plans to give up a multiplayer game he has been playing for a long time. He is waiting for the subscription to expire. He used to enjoy the game, but most of the players he liked left and now he is playing out of habit.
Tim: We are raising funds for children in need! Come along and bring your friends and family! I hope to see you there! Donna: Do you need volunteers? Tim: Volunteers much needed! Donna: i’d be more than happy to help! X Rose: count on me too! Kevin: that is awesome mate what you’re doing! Greg: Go go go mate! Emma: shared Greg: I am ready to help out too!
Tim is raising funds for children in need. Donna, Greg and Rose want to help out as volunteers.
Bob: Hey, you coming to Jim's party tonight? Alan: Yeah, just need to go home to take a shower and will be there. Alan: Sorry for being late - had to stay longer at work. Bob: No problem - that's actually great :) When you head here can you grab micro-usb charger? Turns out Jim's only has iphone cables and I'm on my last 5% :) Alan: Filthy apple-fanboy :) Sure, will do that. Bob: Awesome - you're a lifesaver Bob: Also - don't rush here, this is off to a very slow start :) Alan: lol - thx for the heads-up! :)
Alan had to stay longer at work, so he will be late for Jim's party. First he will go home and have a shower. He will bring a micro-usb charger as Jim's only has iphone cables and Bob is on his last 5%.
Joan: Where are you guys? Can't find u Nobu: I'm upstairs Ernie: give me 5 more minutes Nobu: I'm on the left, next to huge fake plant Joan: k
Joan's looking for her friends. Nobu's upstairs next to a plant. Ernie will be there in 5 minutes.
Holton: Do this Holton: <file_video> Modesty: What's this? Holton: Moves for your healthy backbone Modesty: Hey my hands cannot reach my feet 😧😧😧 Holton: How about this one then?😂😂 Holton: <file_video> Modesty: Are they doing some yoga?😧 Modesty: Isn't there any basic moves?😧😧😧 Holton: <file_video> Holton: Here. If you cannot do this you should give up your healthy backbone(-.-) Modesty: I think i should give up😛😛 Holton: <file_video> Holton: Watch this. It is SpongeBob😛 Holton: you should be born again to be flexible that is the only hope(/ロ°)/ Holton: Enjoy your life 😝😝
Holton advises Modesty to do exercise for a healthy backbone.
Beth: So what exactly is going on with brexit? Beth: Seems like every time I read the news, it's about how this policy fell though or how they're revising a decision Cathy: Oh my gosh yes! I swear no one has a clue of what's going on!! Beth: I leave country and this is the mess that occurs? :P Cathy: haha yeah, you totally need to come back :) Beth: Well, seems like i might be coming back in May - maybe sooner if i can convince by boss to start in April Cathy: Seriously? That would be amazing!! I've missed you :) Cathy: And I'm not the only one ;) Beth: Shush you - you know he doesn't see me like that Cathy: Yeah he does - you should have seen him after you left: "I wonder what's Beth up to?", "I hope she's having fun..." Cathy: and remember *the gift* Beth: Okay, so Will's a pretty sweet guy, but it's just... it's been ages, what if his feelings have changed? Cathy: He hasn't dated anybody, even though Nadia dialled up the flirting Beth: Nadia -_- I don't suppose she's changed? Cathy: Hard to tell, she doesn't really hang out with our gang, remember?
Beth is planning on coming back to the UK in May, possibly earlier. Cathy has missed her and is looking forward to Beth coming back.
Laura: Ma, what’s for dinner today? Jane: A chicken with cooked vegetables. Laura: Again? Can’t we have pizza this one time? Jane: This one time was a week ago, no way. Laura: Vegetables, disgusting ;/ Jane: They’re healthy, necessary for your body to work properly! Laura: Booooring
Laura prefers pizza for dinner over a chicken and vegetables.
Dustin: Hey you Journey: Hey. Sup? Dustin: Not much just bored Journey: hmm ok Dustin: How are you ? Journey: Arranging my notes and other stuff to the university. Dustin: So you are busy Journey: I'm general I'm fine just confused with all my notes since that's a mess Dustin: Ok I'll leave you to it Journey: Why? Dustin: Just wanted to say hello Journey: No no ;) We can chat a bit Dustin: Don't wanna disturb you Journey: Ok. Have a nice evening Dustin: Thanks you too Journey: Thnx
Dustin wants to have a chat with Journey, but she's busy arranging her notes so he passes.
Jordan: Hey. Watcha doin? ;) Alonzo: Not much. Watchin telly. Jordan: Wanna come over? Parents not home ;) Alonzo: OMW! Jordan: Bring some wine ;) Alonzo: Gonna have some fun :)
Alonzo is watching TV. Jordan's parents aren't home. Alonzo is going to visit Jordan and bring wine.
Lizzy: Hey, can you take notes for me in Biology tomorrow? Amanda: Umm... where are you going to be? Lizzy: I have a doctor's apt tomorrow at 9. Amanda: Ok, sure. No problem, except you know how Professor Gray gets when he sees someone away. Lizzy: If he mentions something, let him know. I'll talk to him next class. I have to see him about something anyway. Amanda: Ok Lizzy: Thanks. Amanda: Are you sick? Lizzy: I have to get something checked out, that's all. And I finally got an apt to a really good doctor. Amanda: Ok, tell me about it tomorrow.
Lizzy will miss the Biology class with Professor Gray because of a medical appointment. Amanda will take notes for Lizzy and explain her absence to Professor Gray if needed. Lizzy will talk to him after next class.
Uma: did u make groceries? Rodney: yes Uma: love u!
Rodney made groceries.
Dwight: can I come? Lebron: sure Dwight: I will grab some beer Lebron: perfect
Dwight will grab some beer and come to Lebron's place.
Jane: Hey Bill. You think this will be ok for the blog? <file_other> Bill: Sure. That's a solid piece of research. Blog-wise at least. Jane: Isn't it at bit too controversial, though? I don't know if they're ready for topics like this. Bill: I don't see why not. I mean it's there. There were homosexuals in the army in the past. No reason not to write about it. Jane: On one hand, yes and I agree we shouldn't shy away from those topics, but on the other hand, I feel it's a bit of a loaded subject. Politically. I'm afraid it's going to create a... well, a shitstorm let's call it for what it is. Bill: Look, of course it might outrage some people, but it's the internet, there's always going to be trolls and outraged people. What matters is that you approached this subject in a professional and unbiased manner. Jane: You think so? Bill: Absolutely. And you know I have an eye for those things. And that long list of references just puts a smile on my face ;) Jane: Thanks. I guess I just needed somebody to reassure me it's ok. Bill: Anytime. Jane: I'm kind of ashamed I doubted this piece, it's just... sort of selfish. The thing is some of my readers are more more conservative and I was just afraid they're going to hate me and unfollow me and all that. I know it's stupid. Bill: Yeah, it kind of is. But also very relatable. By default I also want everyone to like me, but some people just won't and you have to come to terms with that. Jane: Yes, it's just really hard to overcome. Bill: This next blog post seems like a good incentive to start ;) Jane: thanks :P
Jane has written an article about homosexuals in the army for her blog. She is worried about it being too controversial.
Penny: I'm off to the client, will most likely be out the rest of the day. Jacob: Okay, will hold down the fort! Penny: Thanks. If anything comes up, you can text me. I may not answer right away. Jacob: Gotcha. Penny: Have a good day. Do you have plenty to do? Jacob: Oh, yes. I'm still on that sorting project for you. Plus it's payroll day. Penny: Ah, okay. I won't worry. Jacob: Everything is under control!
Penny is leaving for a meeting with a client. Jacob is staying at the office and he has a lot of work.
Carol: BBC Breakfast is in Derby! Carol: I think at Intu... Will: Why? Carol: No idea... Christmas I think? Will: Cool! Carol: Oh, no, it's to interview people about Brexit.
BBC Breakfast is in Derby to interview people about Brexit.
Lucas: <file_photo> Ethan: oh man this spot is sick!! where is that Lucas: croatia Ethan: are you there now? Henry: sick bro, i have seen it when i went to croatia too Lucas: yeah I took a little vacation, it's so hot in here Ethan: nice, and we are here stuck at work, thanks mate Lucas: hahaha, there is time for holiday for everyone Henry: i didn't go for holiday this year Ethan: why not? Henry: i mean i took time off work but we were renovating our apartment, don't you remember? Lucas: i do... it was a mess... Henry: <file_photo> Ethan: hahaha ok now i remember - you guys look like a proper builders on that picture :D Lucas: professionals, as always hahaha Henry: never again dude, never again - next time i am hiring a crew lol
Lucas is on holidays in Croatia now. Ethan is stuck at work. Henry didn't go for holidays this year, because he was renovating his apartment during his time off.
Carl: <file_photo> Carl: have you seen that? is he being serious/ Dan: i havent Dan: oh well Carl: theres no way im doing all that in 4 days Dan: yeah i guess it wont be easy Carl: its not about being easy or hard, its just not possible for me Carl: this week is a no go for me, i have too much other stuff to do Dan: well maybe try letting him know that you wont make it Carl: i guess thats all i have lefet :( Dan: GL man
Carl is frustrated, because he won't be able to do his job in 4 days. Carl will contact him to express these doubts.
Kayah: I need to return your book Kayah: I finnished it Ola: ok did you like it? Kayah: oh yes it was great! Ola: so coffee on Thursday? we can talk about the book Kayah: sounds great! see ya
Kayah and Ola will meet for a coffee on Thursday. Kayah will return Ola's book to her.
Hallie: I just got a call from school Hallie: Lilly doesn't feel well Daniel: shoot, she'll be ill again? Hallie: the lady says that it looks like rubella Daniel: that's not good Daniel: will you cope on your own? Hallie: yeah sure, I just told Mrs. Franklin that I need to leave Daniel: oh right, just let me know if anything new pops up Hallie: ok, see you later
Hallie needs to leave as she needs to pick Lilly from school as she might have rubella.
Amalia: Is anybody in the city centre tonight? Amanda: I will rather stay home, it's too cold Joan: it's terrible outside, I won't go out today anymore for sure Tony: hahaha, Amanda, I guess it's an answer to your question Amalia: hahaha, right Amalia: what about you Tony? Tony: I'm already on my way home. Let's meet some other day Amalia: ok
Amalia wants to go out in the city centre tonight but it's too cold for Amanda and Joan. Tony can't come as he is already on his way home.
Abby: Am here. :) a bit rainy. Gail: Of course. Still cloudy here as well. Abby: Cloudy is nicer than rainy. Gail: Yeah, probably. Abby: Was sunny in LA.
It was sunny in LA. Now it's rainy in Abby's place. In Gail's place it's still cloudy.
Amelia: What time is the test tomorrow? Olivia: It starts at 8. Amelia: So early??? Olivia: It was supposed to be at 10, but the room will be taken for some events. Amelia: Good that you told me Amelia: I wanted to wake up at 5 and study Olivia: Have you studied already? Amelia: A bit. Olivia: Me too. Amelia: I guess I won't go to bed at all Amelia: If the test is so early... Olivia: I cannot. I have to sleep at least a few hours Olivia: Otherwise I won't perform well.
The test starts at 8 tomorrow. Amelia will study until late at night, but Olivia needs to sleep at least a few hours to be able to perform well.
Thomas: Should we order some food? Molly: pizza! Finn: i'd prefer some burgers Jim: this is always difficult Thomas: come to the kitchen and we'll negotiate Molly: give me 5 min Finn: me too :P
Thomas, Molly, Finn and Jim will meet in the kitchen to decide what food to order.
Belle: Where are you? Don: At the back door. Belle: Ok, i'm coming.
Belle is about to greet Don.
Anna: What are you wearing for the party? Maureen: <photo_file> Laura: <photo_file>
Maureen and Laura are going to the party.
Ingrid: how is Ollie getting on in school? Bea: He is doing great, thanks. He took a little while to settle but now he is loving it! How about Kai? Ingrid: He is doing very well. He moved with about 8 kids from nursery so the change isn’t too big for him. I think he just felt he was moving up a level rather than changing schools. Does Ollie know anyone already? Bea: No, he doesn’t know anyone. His nursery was near our old house and we kept him there as they are great. But subsequently he doesn’t know anyone in his new school or neighbourhood! Kelly: That’ll come soon enough though wont it? Glad they are both getting on ok. Ingrid: What about Lucas Kelly? How is he settling in? Kelly: He hates it. He really doesn’t like school or the people in it… Bea: no way! Really? Kelly: yeah he screams the place down every morning cause he doesn’t want to go… Ingrid: Oh no Kelly!! That’s so hard! I didn’t realise. Have you spoken to school about it? Kelly: yeah they gave me some tips and gave Lucas a sticker chart in the school for if he comes in without crying. So far not a lot has worked though. Bea: what are you going to do? Kelly: I don’t know, I’m thinking of home schooling maybe? Ingrid: he is just so shy isn’t he? Home schooling is going to be hard though, with a baby and a job as well… Kelly: I know. I’ll have to stop work I guess… Bea: Oh no Kelly, I feel for you. Is there anything I can do to help? I can take him to school on days Matthew is taking Ollie? Of have Ellis for a bit? Ingrid: Have school not got any other solutions? Surely they have seen this before? Kelly: I have a meeting with them next week to discuss it again. I really hope they come up with some good ideas. I’m getting a bit desperate to be honest… Bea: oh bless you I can imagine. Hopefully they can help him (and you) Kelly: Thanks Bea, I might take you up on that offer though. I wouldn't give you Lucas to take to school, but could do with a break from Ellis! Bea: Anytime babe! Ingrid: Good luck Kel! 😘😘
Ingrid's and Bea's sons are doing well in their new schools, even though Ollie didn't make any friends. Kelly's having problems with Lucas who doesn't like his school. Bea will help her and take care of Ellis.
Jasmine: <file_other> Aurora: hahah, i love it!! Mia: <33
Jasmine sent Aurora a file. Aurora enjoyed it greatly.
Marlow: help with biology project pls Nixon: i cant help. not even started yet Oscar: shite no gd me neither. we need to talk to ladies Marlow: and i believed in you lads. so believed. ok ill ask manny Nixon: ok drop the line l8r
Nixon and Oscar haven't started their biology projects yet, so they can't help Marlow with it. They're going to ask the ladies for help.
June: I'm going to the mall June: wanna go Lena: Can't Lena: have to work June: oh come on June: Youre always working Lena: yeah I know :/ June: please come out at least for an hour or so Lena: ok pick me up at 5? June: Yes!
June and Lena are going to the mall. June will pick Lena up at 5. Lena works a lot.
Noah: I’m driving to Leeds for the music festival on Friday evening and have two spaces left in the car. Who’s up to it? Karen: Who’s coming with you? Noah: Tom and John Karen: so no thank you! Haha! Noah: haha! Not getting.. Charlie: count me in! Noah: great! Noah: one space left anyone?! Benjamin: When are you coming back? Noah: sunday afternoon Benjamin: can you pick me up from work on friday? Noah: where is it? The city centre? Benjamin: yeah, next to the mall Noah: no problem! I’ll pick you up! Can’t wait guys! Charlie: great! See you on friday Benjamin: cheers mate!
Noah is driving to Leeds for the music festival on Friday evening. He's taking Tom and John. He will also take Charlie and Benjamin. They are coming back on Sunday afternoon.
Tristan: i lost my wallet!!! Tristan: i'm freaking out!! :-0 Tristan: did I leave it at your place?!? Laura: take a deep breath tristan Laura: let me check Laura: my place is a mess from the party last night Laura: it was crowded and i still haven't cleaned up :-( Tristan: thanks i appreciate it Laura: be patient while i look for it Laura: you should see this place, it's a pig sty Tristan: again, thanks so much Tristan: that wallet was a gift from my grandfather Tristan: it has a lot of sentimental value and i would never forgive myself if i lost it Laura: good news!! it's here! Tristan: I'M SO RELIEVED!!! :-) Tristan: THANKS LAURA!!! Tristan: can I pick it up later? Laura: sure, I'll be here all day taking care of the mess Tristan: i'll help you clean up! Laura: that sounds great :-D
Tristan left his wallet at Laura's place. Laura's place is messy after the party last night. Tristan got the wallet from his grandfather. Tristan will pick up the wallet later and help Laura clean up.
Michael: I met Jordan yesterday Xavier: Jordan from our class? Ceci: I haven't seen him in ages. Ceci: How is he doing? Michael: Apparently very well Michael: He has recently opened his third restaurant. Xavier: That's impressive Xavier: I remember when he was a waiter Michael: Maybe we should visit one of his restaurants Ceci: Good idea Michael: Maybe this weekend Xavier: Cool Michael: I'll talk to him to see where he'll be
Michael met Jordan yesterday. Jordan is doing well, he has recently opened his third restaurant. Michael, Ceci and Xavier plan to visit one of Jordan's restaurants this weekend.
Josh: Hey guys we’ve got to roll. Sam: I may not be hippy enough to climb mountains anymore. Josh: Dont be a bore Sam: I am just being real Josh: You got to check this out! Sam: what! Josh: a waterfall! on the map exactly at our destination Sam: Unbelievable, Josh: Come on, we should go Sam: I will inform the others.
Josh encourages Sam to climb mountains. Sam will inform the rest of friends.
John: Have u seen the Bohemian Rhapsody? Angie: No, sorry. John: Oh. Thought u might have some insights. U like the pictures, don't u? Angie: I do, bt didn't have time yet. John: Thanks anyway. I'll ask someone else then. Angie: Sure.
Angie hasn't seen the Bohemian Rhapsody. Angie likes pictures but she didn't have time for any insights yet.
Matt: Can you open this link <file_other>? Sandra: no, why? Matt: I can open it, but my client can't, dunno why Matt: can you try to do it in Mozzila? Sandra: No, i can't open it, it says content unavailable <file_photo> Matt: no idea what's wrong... Sandra: I'm afraid, i can't help you with that... Matt: nvm, thanks anyway!
Matt's client can't open the file Matt sent him. Sandra can't help Matt with that.
Victor: Where are you guys? Thomas: Looking for a parking space Victor: Shit, good luck XD Thomas: Damn Victor: Let me know when you're out of the car, it's freaking cold outside and I prefer to wait for you at the bar Thomas: Ok Victor: By the way the beer is great here Thomas: Good to know! But we have to go to the theater first Victor: Yep, I know
Thomas is looking for a parking space. Victor is waiting at the bar.
Maddie: For sale sign at the house next door! Isaac: What???? Isaac: They're finally moving! Happy dance! :-)) Maddie: No more trash everywhere and barking dogs! Isaac: Woot!
Isaac and Maddie are happy that Maddie's neighbors are going to move out and sell house.
Rob: Pumpkin carving for Halloween.. Mike: well done! Gina: scary!! X John: so much work! Beth: very creative Rob: and i didn’t even hurt myself :)
Rob shows Mike, Gina, John and Beth a pumpkin he carved for Halloween.
Daisy: I want a snowball war! Evan: but there's no snow... Daisy: :(:(
Daisy would like a snowball war, but Evan says ther is no snow.
Grace: I am sitting in the very right corner guys, we have a nice quiet spot Kelly: can't see you Ricky: I am parking the car, be there shortly Grace: well Kelly you went the other way, just saw you:D Kelly: haha coming back!
Grace is sitting in the right corner and she's waiting for Kelly and Ricky to join her.
Arthur: How’s your Bitcoin investment thing going? Klay: Don’t even get me started. I’m somewhere between suicide and losing my mind. Arthur: Wow, that bad? Klay: I lost 20k last week bro. And it keeps plummeting, 10% down today. Arthur: I guess that won’t be the most profitable investment in your life then. Klay: Yeah, I will never put any money in such bullshit. Arthur: Here is something to cheer you up. Haha <file_photo> Klay: Lol. The only plus is I kept my family out of it.
Klay has invested in Bitcoin, he lost 20k last week and it's still going down.
Jackie: I dont know why I've been shaking Jackie: all day Hiram: Werent u shaking before? Jackie: Nope Jackie: I mean yes, sometimes Hiram: Maybe you're just tired Jackie: :( probably Hiram: Go to sleep early :) Jackie: I will try Hiram: Sleeping is good for you Hiram: I guess you've been working a lot lately Jackie: Yeah Jackie: Also its been a lot of overthinking lately Hiram: I see Hiram: Dont worry too much Hiram: Dont drink coffee Hiram: Water tea Hiram: If you feel worse then tea and water Jackie: Hiram thanks Hiram: take care yo
Jackie has been shaking all day. She should go to sleep early, not worry too much and drink tea and water instead of coffee.
Chris: so what are you doing with yourself got a fella? Jane: yes a recycled one Chris: what you mean Jane: an old boyfriend Chris: whos that then Jane: from Southampton and Taunton Chris: oh right when you were proper young Jane: yes lol Chris: what about your kid Jane: hes still lifeguarding but wants to get into teaching Chris: thats good Jane: hes got a gf in uni in Glos studying law Chris: shes brainy then Jane: she nice actually Chris: you may need it when your wicked past catches up with you lol Jane: you joker you never change Chris: never Jane: so how does your wife put up with you under her feet all day? Chris: I know I do her head in Jane: poor Soph, tell her to come and have a glass of wine with me one night Chris: oh I like that, she gets offered alcohol Jane: she needs it she has to put up with you lol
Jane came back to her old boyfriend from Southampton and Taunton. Her son works as a lifeguard but wants to get into teaching. He has a girlfriend who studies law. Jane wants to meet up with Chris' wife Soph.
Mary: guys, have you realised we have the most amazing trio? Joseph: what do you mean? Jesus: the names, hahahahaha Mary: exactly, too good
Mary, Joseph and Jesus think they are the most amazing trio because of their names.
Fred: <file_photo> Fred: Theoretically everything that has been posted online can be deleted Fred: But Internet doesn't forget :D George: On the one hand I admire your speed at downloading embarassing content George: On the other hand I really don't get it why are you doing this xD Fred: It's simple. When someone is a hypocrite and sometimes proves it with posting such content. I feel obliged to reveal his hypocrisy or ignorance. Fred: Take this politician. The print screen I sent you was a photo of his public post about coal miners 5 years ago. Fred: <file_photo> This one is from today. George: He contradicts himself. Fred: Exactly. Because he says exactly what he thinks would bring him support. But as Internet does not forget that few years ago he wanted to close the mines, he has less chance that someone would believe him and trust him. Fred: And trustworthy politician is a winning politician. George: Ok. I get it. Still idk why you engage in this, and at this point I'm afraid to ask :P
Fred gathers proof of politicians' hypocrisy on the Internet. George questions why Fred does it.
Tory: Anybody is going for the conference in Africa in June? Maya: where is it exactly? Corina: Ghana Corina: Acra, I believe Ulrike: correct, besides that it's Accra :P Corina: misspelled Ulrike: anyway, it's going to be huge, so I recommend everybody to apply Tory: when is the deadline? Ulrike: quite soon unfortunately Ulrike: end of February Corina: but still doable for a shot summary Ulrike: I believe so Maya: I'll give it a try for sure
There is a conference in Accra, Ghana in June. The deadline for applications is the end of February. Maya will try to apply.
Judy: do you go to the party? Claudia: party? Judy: Anna invited everyone Claudia: everyone except me Judy: come on, she missed you but she would like you to come Claudia: i dont go to a party i wasnt invited to Judy: ok i understand
Anna invited everyone to the party apart from Claudia. Judy tells Claudia to come, but she refuses because she hasn't been invited.
Ken: is your inet back down again as well?? Ben: Nope! Both down ;( Victor: still down :sob: Ken: Yea check announcement channel, cabletica (provider) is down in whole town. Campsite works because it's fibre optic so different provider Victor: I see the internet is working again ;) Ben: Ysssir! Ken: Ok
The Internet provider Cabletica was having connectivity issues in the entire town which are now fixed. The campsite uses fibre optics and a different provider.
Howard: How's work going? Tim: It's almost done, I'm about to fall asleep but I'm adding the finishing touches Howard: What are those articles you're checking for? I forgot Tim: A monographic issue of an academic journal... I'm supposed to be editing it with two other people but they just ignored their part and I had to to everything Howard: That's rude... who are they? Tim: Maggie and Al Howard: Really? I thought they were good friends of yours... and colleagues you could trust Tim: I know, and you know what? My name will be the last one mentioned on the front page due to alphabetic order... even if I've done almost everything on my own... it sucks, huh? Howard: It sucks indeed
Tim is finishing his work on preparing an issue of an academic journal. He is also doing Maggie and Al's part of the work.
Tina: why did you left already? Jessica: have a plane to catch in the morning Jessica: so I need to go to bed earlier than usual Tina: shame, I was hoping we could talk Jessica: we can always do that when I'm back Tina: sure, just let me know when you'll be available
Jessica had to leave early because she has an early morning flight to catch. Tina wants to talk to her when she is back.
Maria: When is Branwell coming? Ann: tomorrow! Emily: Finally! Maria: We should make a welcome party for him Elisabeth: yes, in the garden! Maria: Ann and Emily, could you take care of food? Ann: Sure, Emily will bake a cake Emily: With pleasure! Elisabeth: I'll prepare the garden, some Chinese lantern and candles Ann: It'll be beautiful! Maria: I will bring him from the railway station and contact his friends. Maria: he's not expecting anything. I'm sure! Ann: Ok, so let's keep it secret then Maria: Perfect!
Elisabeth will prepare the garden, Ann and Emily will make food and Maria will bring Barnwell from the railway station for his surprise welcome party.
Teresa: where should we meet? Alan: at the subway station Teresa: which one? Alan: Nostrand Av. Teresa: Ok, but I need some more time to get there Alan: much more? Teresa: additional 30min Alan: ok, that's not bad
Alan will meet Teresa at the subway station Nostrand Av. Alan isn't happy with Teresa being late 30 minutes.
Mary: Alex got in! Freddie: Wow! Congratulations! Freddie: Where to? Mary: He aced his tests apparently and now he can choose Mary: He told me he wanted to go to Miami University Freddie: Why there? Are they any good? Mary: They have a great programme for game design Freddie: I didn't know he's so much into this stuff, I thought he was just playing Mary: Me too, but it seems he wants to do something more Mary: I'm happy he didn't waste all those hours in front of the computer after all ;) Freddie: Tell the guy I say congratulations!
Alex aced in his tests and he can choose which university to attend. He's considering Miami University as they have a great programme for game design.
Olivia: Anybody wants anything from the supermarket? Carol: I have a huge list Olivia: only urgent things, please Olivia: I don't have much time Ann: is toilette paper an urgent thing? or only water Olivia: both classify Ann: uff, you saved my ass, quite literally Olivia: hahaha Carol: hmm, I need some bread Olivia: ok, this classifies as well Carol: and a bit of beer... Olivia: this does not classify, I am sorry! Carol: and crisps? Olivia: the system is saying "no" Carol: ok, I tried Olivia: ok, I'm home soon
Olivia's doing shopping. She's getting some toilet paper for Ann and some bread for Carol. She's not getting Carol beer or crisps, though.
Karen: I don't know what to do Sam: With the whole situation or something in particular? Karen: I don't know, I guess what bothers me most is that my dad is so stubborn Sam: But your mum's too soft, too Karen: I know!!! I keep thinking about it and calculating whether a divorce is the best option Sam: And what do you have so far? Karen: Christmas would be awkward Sam: Sure Karen: Money is somewhat tight at the moment Sam: That too Karen: But you know what? I feel like they could be really happy if they split up Sam: Sure, 60 is what 40 was some time ago. They could have nice lives, even romantic ones Karen: Yes but then here comes my dad's stubbornness and my mum's not being very decisive Sam: Maybe if you gave her a push? She seems more miserable from the two of them Karen: I am giving her a constant push, nothing works Sam: Have you tried to get her drunk? Karen: I did Sam: And what happened? Karen: She cried and said she was afraid Sam: What's Josh's role in all that? Karen: Josh is being Josh Sam: that punk.
Karen is worried about her parents' possible divorce. Her father is stubborn and her mother is too soft, even though Karen tried to encourage her to be more decisive.
Clark: how are you feeling b4 the test? Everett: what test? Hazel: yeah right. everett's been studying all month and know all as usual Everett: lol Clark: srsly, any ideas what we might expect Hazel: no leaks if u ask me Everett: you've got the last year's test right? Clark: shit no! Everett: come on, everybody's got it! hazel? Hazel: true. we made copies on Monday Clark: hell! i was out on Monday. can you send me? Everett: ru home? Clark: in 15 mins Everett: i'll get a copy for you and be there in 20 mins Clark: great man, thx a bunch
Hazel made a copy of the test on Monday. Everett will make a copy of it and will give it to Clark in 20 minutes.
Peter: Hi Tony! Tony: Hi Peter: How are you doing? Tony: good, a bit tired though Peter: did you read the news about Brexit? Tony: which news? Tony: there is something every day about Brexit Peter: they think apparently about a new referendum Tony: LOL Tony: There is somebody talking about it all the time, but I don't think it would be easy Peter: why? Tony: because there was one referendum and the decision is binding Tony: we cannot organise a referendum every time when we don't like a decision of a previous one. Peter: but a second referendum in case of such an important thing is not a strange thing Peter: especially that we know more about the consequences of the thing Tony: True, we will see, maybe there will be a referendum after the deal is ready Peter: right
Peter and Tony believe there will be a new referendum concerning Brexit.
Pam: hi Leo, i miss something? Leo:?? Pam: i didn't get any information about thursday Leo: it's still ok Pam: could you send me all details? Leo: I'll ask Paul to send an email to everyone Pam: Ok. I'll bring some blinis Pam: it's me again... what time are u waiting for us? Leo: 8 or 8:30 if you need more time with kids Pam: Luckily they have a nice daddy who take care Leo: lucky them Pam: do you need salted or sweet blinis? Leo: as you want, right now, i don't have many answers Pam: ok so it's gonna be pizza... lol Leo: thanks , i love pizza... don't forget your bottle Pam: you should know me better!! lol
Pam didn't get any information about Thursday. Leo will ask Paul to send an e-mail to everyone. Leo will wait for Pam at 8 or 8.30. Pam will bring pizza and a bottle.
Kate: How was your workout? :D Jessica: Done! :) Kate: Good girl!!! Jessica: Donna? Kate: Donna we can see you... Donna: no you cant :) Kate: come on... say it! Donna: uhm... me? what? :) Jessica: Did the elliptical for 45 minutes then ran 2 miles on the treadmill! Kate: Awesome! So proud of you Donna: ok I did half mile sprint this morning... no time for anything else :( Kate: That's fine. More than nothing :) Donna: will make up for it tomorrow Jessica: Want to meet tomorrow DOnna? Donna: I cant :( too much work :( Jessica: OK let's talk Sat.morning
Jessica did the elliptical for 45 minutes then ran 2 miles on the treadmill, Donna did a half mile sprint this morning, as she's busy.
Nicole: thanks for all the gifts you've been sending me Nicole: they're not necessary Patrick: i don't know how else to apologize :-( Patrick: i'm really sorry for talking to you like that Nicole: i forgive you, just don't you dare do it again
Patrick sent Nicole a lot of gifts to apologize for something he said.
Timmi: Mum, what time r u comin' home? Anet: As usual, around 17:00. Anet: Somethign happened? Timmi: No. Anet: OK.
Anet will come home at around 17:00.
Norfolk: any good weekend plans gents? Rumer: just going to see my girl in her town Norfolk: and stay over? Rumer: dunno. depends on her elders Noyce: you met them b4? Rumer: yeah the dad pretty cool mum more conservative Norfolk: noyce u? Noyce: not much why. Norfolk: beer sometime? Noyce: why not. Im no plans so cool with me Norfolk: ok gr8. Good luck Rumer Rumer: yeah thx. Have fun Noyce: ur going to regret you aint staying over Norfolk: like our town in the centre of the universe. lol
On a weekend Norfolk and Noyce will meet for a beer and Rumer wil see his girl.
Kinsley: Hi! :) How are you? Kinsley: I hope, you've managed to dig yourself out of snow. :) Miles: hi! :) Miles: yup, surprisingly, i'm still breathing, even though i had to shovel hundreds pounds of snow this morning Kinsley: Is the weather on Lofoten as extreme as in the USA? Miles: it's not that cold in here, but we have really heavy snowfalls Miles: today i had to jump out of the widow, because i couldn't open the door (!) Kinsley: whoa Kinsley: I hope you haven't broken any bones! Miles: me too. :D Miles: i hope we won't freeze our butts off this winter. :P
Miles shoveled hundreds pounds of snow this morning. He had to exit through the window, because the door couldn't be opened. They have really heavy snowfalls there on Lofoten.
Louise: I'll pick you guys up in 5 min Jen: Ok, I'm almost ready Jess: I am running a bit late, but doing my best:D Cat: I am too! don't leave without me
Louise will pick up Jen, Jess and Cat in 5 minutes. Jen is almost ready, while Jess and Cat will be slightly late.
Sarah: Looking for chairs that match the new table I bought. Sarah: Jack said you might have a source? Alex: Yes, Nei Interiors on 5th. What are you looking for exactly? Sarah: The table I bought is blonde wood, sleek but retro. So I guess something that plays from that. Alex: Chrome would look nice if you didn't want to matchy-matchy everything. Sarah: I'm open to suggestions. Alex: Otherwise maybe something black? Sarah: That could work. I do a lot of black accents and gray. Alex: Sounds very contemporary. Sarah: It is but eclectic too. I don't like clutter or gingerbread stuff. Alex: I think I get you. Let me see what I can find. Sarah: The usual fee, of course? Alex: Yes, just a finder's fee really. Sarah: Great. Alex: My commission is from the shop, so... Sarah: I see. Alex: I'll have to thank Jack for recommending me. Sarah: He speaks highly of you and loves his apartment. Alex: Good to hear! Sarah: I'm expecting big things! No pressure! Alex: LOL! We'll get you some excellent chairs, just what you want!
Alex will pick chairs that match new table for Sarah. She will buy finder's fee and he will get a commission from the shop Nei Interiors. As the table is bonde wood, chrome or black would work well with it.
Ella: She said she wants to see you :P Mathew: Omg did she really say that <3 Ella: Yeah she did Mathew: Guess would have to come to college tomorrow :D Ella: Dont come Mathew: Why? Ella: Let her be worried for another day Mathew: What about my studies then? Ella: oh :p Mathew: i am coming to college tomorrow despite of ilness Ella: Ok then Mathew: Should I let her know? Ella: Dont text her just yet
Mathew is not coming to the classes and a girl was asking Ella about him. Mathew will come to classes tomorrow even though he is still sick.
Kristel: Good morning, I want to book thirty tickets for the show on Friday. Jake: Hello, booking may be done on our website. Kristel: I know, I just have a few question about how it works. Jake: Ask anything, I’m here to help :] Kristel: So first of all, how to make a group? When I try to do it on the room plan, it says I can book the maximum of 5 tickets. Jake: Before you go there, you need to choose a type of tickets, there look for Multiple Tickets/Groups. Kristel: Okay, thank you, that’s clear. Another problem: when will I see the discount for groups? Jake: You don’t have to do anything, after choosing a type and seats, the system will provide you with the amount to pay, showing how much it was discounted (depending on the number of people). Kristel: What are the payment options? Jake: Credit card, online transfer and PayPal. Kristel: Which of them is the fastest? Jake: PayPal of course, the longest is online transfer because it needs to be confirmed. Kristel: Can I pay later, before the show? Jake: The payment screen shows the amount and additionally the amount you need to pay to secure the places (it’s one third of the overall price). Kristel: But you won’t charge me twice for this security part? Jake: Of course not, it is deducted from the total amount. Kristel: Great, what if one of the kids tries to enter with some snacks not bought in the cinema? Jake: If we notice something like that, we will gently ask this person to leave it behind, and of course we will inform the counselors. Kristel: You have a nice set of rules for such cases! Jake: Thank you, we can’t wait to see you and your group. Kristel: The group can’t wait as well, haha Jake: Obviously they can’t ;] Kristel: Anyway, thank you for your help, see you on Friday :]
Kristel wants to book tickets for 30 children for the show on Friday. Kristel asks questions about the booking on the website and cinema rules. Jake answers Kristel's questions.
Ruth: Hey guys! What are you wearing on our night out? Don’t want to look too dressed up! Anna: i’m gonna wear off the shoulder bodycon. What about you Em? Emily: i’m gonna go for sequin mini dress and you Ruth? Ruth: i can’t decide between midi dress in leopard print or lace dress with pephem Emily: i don’t like animal prints so go for the lace one Anna: yeah, i’d go for the lace one as well Ruth: thanks guys! are you wearing heels? Anna: obviously!
For their night out Anna is going to wear off the shoulder bodycon, Emily — a sequin mini dress, and Ruth — lace dress with pephem. They are all planning to wear heels.
Terry: ice cream after class? Bonie: yay! Terry: ok, meet me at the gate :) Bonie: ok :)
Terry and Bonie will have ice cream after class.
Donna: Bohemian Rapsody Central Cinema tomorrow 8pm Donna: Are u in? Michael: totally! Michael: great idea Donna: OK, see you in front of the main entrance at 7:50
Tomorrow Donna and Michael will meet in front of the main entrance of Central Cinema at 7:50 pm to watch Bohemian Rapsody at 8.
Erin: ready to go? Robyn: almost Robyn: but it shouldn't take long Robyn: you still need like 15-20 minutes to get here from your place Robyn: I'll be ready by then Erin: ok Erin: I guess I'll be going then Robyn: just one thing Erin: yeah? Robyn: my intercom is broken Robyn: so when you'll get here just give me a call Erin: I think I can manage that Robyn: I have no doubt about it ;)
Erin will be at Robyn's in 15-20 minutes. She needs to call Robyn because her intercom is broken.
Olivia: hey friend, how are you? Olivia: how's my favorite person in the world? Christina: you want something from me, don't you? Christina: lol i know you!!!! Christina: come onm, spit it out Olivia: i was supposed to go on a date with my friend's friend tonight Olivia: but honestly… i don't want to Christina: why? Olivia: i'm not in the mood, lol, i just want watch tv and rest Christina: mmmmm… i'm gonna be adventurous and say YES!!! Olivia: OMG i can't believe it!!! Olivia: thanks so much!!! Christina: anything to help my "best friend" out Christina: i hope he's not a freak! Olivia: i'm sure he's not Olivia: i'll send you the details later Olivia: again… THANKS!!!!!!!
Olivia is not in the mood for going on a date so Christina will go instead.
Paulina: <file_photo> Paulina: It bothers my head Paulina: Don't know about you, but it makes me wonder about my sanity Stanley: Haha. Yup. My mind is full of fuck. Paulina: Roflmao Stanley: Wut? Paulina: rolling on the floor laughing my ass off Stanley: Seriously? Stanley: ok. afz honey! Paulina: ? Stanley: Acronym Free Zone Paulina: Hahaha :) :) :) :) :) Stanley: The way people chat nowadays frightens me. Stanley: I am aware of acronyms like afk or brb Stanley: But abithiwtidb is too much for me :D Paulina: What? Stanley: Acronym for: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Paulina: Jesus Christ :D
Paulina and Stanley discuss the current use of acronyms in chat.
Sage: Can I borrow 100$ Lila: for what? Sage: gees please Sage: need it for rent Lila: ok but you have to give it back in 1 week Sage: ok
Lila lends Sage 100$ for rent. He has to give it back in 1 week.
Brandon: r u picking up the kids? Lizzie: <file_photo> Lizzie: we’ve been home for an hour :D Brandon: oh, Tim as well :D Lizzie: yeah
Lizzie picked up kids and they are at home.
Jim: Hey, what's up? Tim: Not much, having an beer and watching netflix Jim: Cool, that's exactly what I need :) I've been browsing netflix for like an hour now and can't find anything :/ Tim: What you looking for? Jim: Don't know. At this point anything really... Tim: Right, but you want some super engaging intellectual challenge or some simple action flick? Jim: Well, since it's already 10.30 pm intellectual challenge is out of the equation :) Tim: Good point :) Have you seen the new Castlevania series? Jim: No, what's that? Tim: It's like a slightly anime-like cartoon based off a super old video game Jim: Right, I've heard about the games, never played one. Is the cartoon any good? Tim: Yeah, surprisingly so actually. I don't even know who made it, but the animation's cool, the dialogues are decent, and the plot makes sense :) Tim: Plus its only 20 minutes episodes, so not much time investment if you don't like it:) Jim: Awesome, will give it a shot!
Tim is having a beer and watching Netflix. Jim has been browsing Netflix too. Tim recommends him the Castlevania series, with short 20 minutes episodes.
Joyce: I’m back Jerry: Not me Joyce: I’ve noticed your absence :P
Joyce's back and Jerry isn't.
Dorothy: <file_other> that's the table I was telling you about Mike: looks good. not crazy about the legs Dorothy: It's 400 with the 25% off. Mike: It's a good deal Dorothy: I know. I think it's the best one there but feel free to check the rest Mike: Will do. And isn't this one a little small? Dorothy: Small? Mike: Yeah. Looks like a coffe table to me Dorothy: I think it's enough. 190 x 100 Mike: Ok maybe it's just the picture Dorothy: Think so. So what do you think? Mike: If you like it, get it Dorothy: But do you like it? Mike: It's ok. Nothing special Dorothy: Ok, I'll keep looking
Dorothy and Mike are looking for a table to buy. The one Dorothy was telling Mark about seems nice and it is a good deal if it comes to the price, but they think they should check other options.
Kate: Wanna a grab a coffee? Jim: lecture Jim: free in 30 min Kate: ok
Kate and Jim will go for a coffee in 30 minutes.
Sue: Hi Penny, how is dad doing? have they moved him yet? xx Penny: Dad ok moved on fri been up weekend and will c him today xx Sue: Is it nice there?xx Penny: seems fine and staff nice too Sue: Good I should be finding out about my car today so I will keep you posted Penny: ok dear xx Sue: my car is having a new engine hoping it will be finished soon xx Penny: well dad is doing fine, glad car being sorted xx Sue: I was hoping to get my car back by now but its still with the guy.. im getting really annoyed about it Penny: theres no point in stressing yourself dear xx Sue: I know but I really need to come and see dad xx Penny: he has a bad chest at the moment and is a bit out of it anyway so best you come when he is a bit more with it xx Sue: Are they taking him back to hospital? Penny: Not at the moment, they are treating him here xx
They've moved Sue and Penny's dad on Friday. He's fine but has a bad chest. Sue's car has a new engine and she can't wait to have it ready so that she could go and visit dad.
Raquel: Is that spreadsheet done yet? Gary: No, give me another 15 minutes to double check everything. Okay? Raquel: 15 minutes, no longer! I mean it! Gary: I swear, it will be done.
Gary will finish the spreadsheet for Raquel in 15 minutes.
Scott: Hey sexy Sasha: Hey Scott: How are you ? Sasha: I'm fine thanks and you? Scott: Not too bad. What you been up to ? Sasha: I'm getting ready for the party with my mates from the uni Scott: Oh ok enjoy. I missed you! Sasha: I missed you too! Scott: I'm back in Uganda now, so nice having good food and not paying crazy amounts for it Sasha: Thnx actually I'm feeling tired already but I know I need to go there because it's the first such a party with them. So if I don't go there they won't invite me anymore Scott: Haha you should go then Sasha: Yeah :) Scott: Have fun Sasha: Thank u
Scott is back to Uganda. Sasha is tired but she is going to attend a party with her colleagues from university. Scott and Sasha miss each other.
Kate: hey I think you still have my DKNY dress with you Sharon: really? I think I returned it.. its been half a year since I borrowed… Kate: no I don’t think you did I just went through my closet and its not there Kate: then I realized you borrowed it and after 2 days of your event I went vegas and came back after 3 months so I think both of us forgot.. Sharon: hmmm… I really don’t remember I would look for it Kate: thanks .. I actually need it by Sunday .. so please try to be quick Sharon: sure I will be sorry for the inconvenience . Kate: oh no… it happens  Sharon:  would let you know soon Kate: thanks
Sharon never returned Kate's DKNY dress that she borrowed half a year ago. They both forgot about it, but Sharon will now give it back to Kate as she needs it by Sunday.
Rosie: Do you have time for a full set of nails on Wednesday morning? Yiota: I only have a 9:15. Can you make it? Rosie: I will make it, I really need my nails done! Yiota: Nail emergency? Rosie: Something like that. Dinner with an old flame. I need to look my best! Yiota: Say no more, the 9:15 is all yours. Rosie: Thank you! You are the best! Yiota: I know!
Rosie is going for 9:15 Wednesday nails appointment with Yiota.
Owen: do you know how to get to Erica's place? I've been driving around in circles and can't find it Margaret: those streets are very confusing, that's why i always take a cab when i go to erica's Owen: i should have done that
Owen struggles to find Erica's place.
Catherine: hi! what's up? Kevin: Hi, sorry, who are you? Catherine: oh, I am sorry, I thought you saved my number. We were a match on tinder some time ago:P Kevin: oh, I see. Nice! Catherine: How are you doing? Kevin: quite good... you? Catherine: not bad, I'm trying to make some real bonds with people from the internet or delete them :P Kevin: how bold! Catherine: So maybe we should just meet? Kevin: I would love to, but I don't have tinder any more. Catherine: Do you have a girlfriend? Kevin: Kind of, it's very fresh and I don't want to mess it up. Catherine: I see. So you'll be deleted in a moment. hahah. I wish you good luck, hot blonde! Kevin: HAHAHHA, thanks! Catherine: :*
Catherine wants to meet with Kevin. They met on a tinder date. Kevin declines her, as he's in a fresh relationship.
Katie: Slept well? 😆 Chloe: short haha Katie: yesterday was awesome 😍 Chloe: yessssss 😍😊 Katie: that last song they played got stuck in my head 😎 did you take any shots of the vocalist or the band? Chloe: there you go, and he was so hot! Chloe: <file_photo>, <file_photo> Katie: OMG Katie: dying Katie: pure perfection Chloe: (fangirling mode) did you know that he winked at me????? Katie: awwwww Chloe: gonna invite you to our wedding haha Katie: I've heard he doesn't like commitments 😝 Katie: anyways, can't wait for the next show Chloe: me too!
Katie and Chloe went to a concert yesterday. They think the lead vocalist is attractive, Chloe took photos of him. He reputedly winked at Claire during the show.
Yonas: You like Scheck Wes? Marie: You mean Sheck Wes? Yonas: Yes haha Marie: I adore him Marie: His single Mo Bamba is like a Marie: masterpiece! Yonas: I know!
Yonas and Marie like Sheck Wes and his song Mo Bamba.
Nick: Hey, my dearest friend, how are you doing? Sandra: OK, what do you need? :P Nick: I knew you're the best! :D I need your notes from the last lecture. Sandra: Sorry, “my dearest friend”, but I missed it too :P Try Pete, he never misses a class. Nick: I know but have you ever seen his handwriting?
Nick needs Sandra's notes from the last lecture but she wasn't there, either.
Daniel: When will you be here? Gabriella: Soon. Don't wait up for me. Just go inside. I'll meet you there. Daniel: OK
Gabriella will meet Daniel inside as she doesn't want him to wait.
Margaret: i need blue flowers Alice: what for? Margaret: i have to make a bouquet for Annie Alice: and blue flowers are necessary? Margaret: she loves blue Alice: maybe try this shop in Emergso Margaret: hmm, it's really big shop, maybe you're right Margaret: thx
Margaret is making a blue bouquet for Annie, she loves blue color.
Victoria: Do you know this website <file_other>? Daniel: Uhm, no, why? Looks dodgy for me Lucas: Don't use it! It's a scam! Victoria: Oh my god, thanks! I was just about to buy tickets from them Lucas: I did it once, I'm telling you, it's a scam - paid a lot of money, never saw the ticket or my money back Victoria: I'm looking for tickets for Mumford and Sons, but they're gone everywhere :( Thanks for the warning though Victoria: It was the only page that had them available - in good price. I also found some on Viagogo, have you heard about it? Daniel: Huh, I did. I had the same problem with Guns'n'Roses concert last year, there were only some tickets left on Viagogo and I bought two - it was a scam as well Lucas: They have legit tickets sometimes, some of my friends used it before, but it's nothing sure. It didn't work for me Patricia: Yeah, I had a problem with Viagogo as well. I don't know how it works really, but I got scammed as well. Buying tickets from people on Facebook worked better for me Victoria: But how can I find them? It's really my last resort :( Patricia: Find the official event of the concert and ask around. Maybe some people can't come and they're already selling their tickets Daniel: It's risky as well, but I think it's better than some dodgy website. On Facebook you at least have the name of the person who's selling Patricia: It's also good when you can buy a ticket from someone who's from the same city - you can just meet and exchange Lucas: Yeah, so someone won't wander off with your money! Victoria: Why it has to be so difficult? :((( Victoria: I'll try it out guys, thanks! Lucas: Next time you can set a reminder Victoria: Oh, where? Lucas: Every webpage has a reminder option. You give them your email address so they can contact you to let you know that the tickets are on sale Victoria: Thanks! This time I totally missed it, I was away, but I would never have thought that they'll be gone within an hour Patricia: An hour?! Wow, that's quick! Patricia: When I was buying tickets for Ed Sheeran I was refreshing the page 30 minute before it started Daniel: It is a pain, but I think it's a trend now - you buy tickets a year before the event, otherwise you're stuck with dodgy solutions Victoria: I'll let you know if I find some tickets, already posted in Facebook that I'm looking for two, at least one :) Lucas: Good luck! Be careful though ;)
Victoria is looking for tickets for Mumford and Sons' concert. They're officially sold out so she's browsing some dubious websites like Viagogo. Patricia, Lucas and Daniel warn her against doing it and they suggest looking for the tickets on Facebook.
David: What's the code again? XD Ryan: 1234 Ryan: :D Ryan: how can you forget that? :D David: Haha I don't know XD
The code is 1234.
Misha: Momma, does god see us all the time? Mother: Yes,dear. He watches us all the time exactly the way I do. Misha: Does he every get tired? Mother: No, he never gets tired of watching over us. He is the one who takes care of us. He is the most powerful of all. Misha: Does God ever sleep? Mother: He does, but with his eyes open. Misha: Why is it so? Mother: Because if he sleeps the world will come to a halt. Misha: Can he perform miracles? Mother: Yes he can. We are his miracles. Every creature he has created and every being on this earth is God's miracle. Misha: Wow, I wish I can see God. Mother: Sure we do see God all the time. We see him in different forms.Just that we don't recognize him most of the time.
Misha asks her mother a number of questions about God: if he watches us all the time, if he gets tired, if he ever sleeps and if he can perform miracles. Mother answers positively and tells Misha that we can also see God all the time in different forms.
Lara: Are you still in the library? Leo: yes, with Seb Sebastian: do you want to join? Sebastian: we're in the loud working room Lara: preparing the presentation Leo: kind of hahaha Sebastian: mostly gossiping Peter: of course! Lara: we're downstairs with Peter
Leo is in the library with Sebastian preparing the presentation. Lara is downstairs with Peter.
Tony: Morning sister! How are you? Jill: Morning bro. I'm ok. Just painful. I think I'll stay in bed for an hour or so. I'll call you later. Tony: Do so! And get better!
Jill will call Tony later, because she feels pain. Tony wishes her health.
Ethan: Hey Sis! How's life? Did u start thinking 'bout Xmas gifts? Abigail: Hey Bro! No, damn I didn't have time! But I got some ideas when I was home last weekend XD Ethan: That's great, because I'm having a really hard time to find somthing out XD Abigail: Did you hear that uncle Steve is going to spend Christmas Eve with us? Ethan: Srsly? Uncle Stevie? This is going to be a lot of fun then! :D Abigail: Precisely! But anyway, I was thinking to buy mum new Kindle? Her old one is nearly ruined! Ethan: Yeah, that's sounds like a good idea! And we could also buy some e-books as well Abigail: She said to me last time that she was still missing this one book by Val McDermid Ethan: Do you remember the title? Abigail: Uhm..let me think…"Killing the Shadows" I believe Ethan: Okie dokie, I'll look for it. What about dad? Abigail: What about this bird-watching set? He has been preoccupied with watching animals recently XD Ethan: Haha, that is a funny idea! Where did you see such set? Abigail: In Craig's Shop as far as I remember, let mi find this picture I took Ethan: In Craig's Shop? Srsly? XD Abigail: <file_photo> Ethan: Looks really professional to me! :D Abigail: Right?! I know! :) Ethan: So now we have left uncle Stevie and granny Meg Abigail: I happen to know that Granny is missing some nice new bag for carrying all the stuff she always carries Ethan: Yeah, I remember the last time she brought IKEA bag with her XD Abigail: I'll will take a look at the bags then :) Ethan: So uncle Stevie - what do you think? We don't know him that well Abigail: You're right, we don't know him, so we could use some universal type of gift Ethan: The only universal type of gift I have in mind is book again. I think he likes poetry Abigail: We'll need to ask mum then Ethan: Yeah, let's do this. Oops, I gotta go now! Stay in touch Sis! Abigail: Ok, CU soon :D
Ethan and Abigail are going to buy presents for their family. Uncle Steve is going to spend Christmas with them.