Laura: can you meet tomorrow for lunch? Jose: is it ready? :) Laura: yes I can bring a copy tomorrow Laura: I mean a draft Jose: perfect, just tell me what time Jose: do I pay anything tomorrow?
Laura can bring a draft copy for tomorrow's lunch with Jose.
Ms. Blue: Mr. Blue, how's your workload for the day? Mr. White: I have some projects to finish and have to respond to some messages, but should finish it up by the end of the day. Ms. Blue: Would you be able to fit in another task? Mr. White: Depends on the complexity. I really should respond to the messages from our clients. Ms. Blue: This isn't a very complicated task. I need you to go to the other department and do a quality check on their projects. Mr. White: All of them? Ms. Blue: No. just a sample. Say 5 per project. Mr. White: Doesn't sound too complicated. What's the deadline? Ms. Blue: And this is the problematic part. You only have 1,5 hours. Mr. White: That's not a lot. Is it possible to extend the deadline? Ms. Blue: Unfortunately not. We will be undergoing financial control in about 2 hours and I need the reports on my desk at least half an hour earlier. Mr. White: You want me to write reports as well? Ms. Blue: Yes. Otherwise, how will I know what the standing is? Mr. White: But that's impossible! Ms. Blue: Take someone with you. This should speed things up. Mr. White: I'll get right on it. Ms. Blue: Thank you. Remember - 1,5 hours. Mr. White: Of course.
Mr. White has some work to finish by the end of the day. Ms. Blue wants him to do a project quality check in another department in a span of 1,5 hour. Mr. White will execute the task.
Vincent: Guys, we should meet tonight to talk about the situation in the office Diana: I'm afraid you're right Marilyn: But what are we going to talk about? We don't have much influence on the situation. Diana: So we should just sit there and tolerate her behaviour? Vincent: Exactly, if we act together we can change something I believe Marilyn: Ok, let's try. Vincent: The bar at White Tower at 6.15? Marilyn: OK Diana: Perfect for me.
There's a problem with one person in the office. Vincent, Diana and Marilyn are meeting at 6.15 tonight to discuss her behavior.
Tom: Have you seen my keys? Ann: I think you left them on the table in the kitchen Tom: no, I am sure they were not there Ann: Have you checked your backpack, pockets Tom: sure, I have Ann: oh no, would you loose them? Tom: i hope not, I'll ask my colleagues Ann: ok, let me know Tom: I will
Tom can't find his keys.
Lucy: Hello everyone, who knows where I can get kaffir lime leaves? Diana: Hey Lucy, sorry, no idea! Maybe the Asian supermarket over by the square? Jeff: Hey, I got it once at Carrefour in the oriental food section, give it a try. Karl: I don't think Carrefour carries them anymore, I started buying mine online Lucy: Hmmm, I might go and try Carrefour but I don't think I saw it there last time :( Karl: btw, I think they don't use "kaffir" anymore, try makrut or Thai lime Lucy: really? I had no idea! What's wrong with "kaffir"? Karl: Apparently it has racist connotations... not PC anymore Diana: Wow! Thanks, Karl! had no idea... been using that name for years... Lucy: Me too! Thanks a lot Karl! saved me some potential embarrassment at the store!
Lucy is looking for kaffir lime leaves. They're called makrut or Thai lime now. Diana suggests trying at the Asian supermarket over by the square. Jeff and Karl bought them at Carrefour in the past, but now Karl buys them online.
Tom: hi kiddoes Tom: Mum doesn't fell well Tom: she went to a doctor this morning Kelly: what's happened?? Tom: no need to worry, she's got cold Tom: i'll come back late tody Jim: want us to do sth at home? Tom: yep, we need some things from grocery Tom: we should discuss what we want to eat Kelly: there's no meat Kelly: I think that we ran out of milk as well Jim: i can check what's in the fridge and make a shopping list. some suggestions? meat, milk... Tom: we need eggs nad some fruits you like. we can have a quick pasta for dinner tonight so please buy spaghetti noodles Kelly: bro, buy bread and sth for sandwichez Jim: sure thing. will do shopping Tom: thank you boy! Jim: you owe me!
Tom informs his kids Kelly and Jim that mum doesn't feel well and she went to a doctor this morning. She's got a cold. Tom will come back late today and they need some groceries. Jim will check what's in the fridge and will do the shopping.
Jess: Good afternoon! The end of the month is tomorrow! Please kindly upload the receipts by midnight CST Ryan: All done, Jess, thank you for the reminder! Paul: I apologize for the inconvenience, is it possible to get an exception/extension? Jess: Paul, I can do one day only, the system shuts down automatically and myself, I only have 24hrs to submit corrections. Paul: Much appreciated, that will help me greatly, thank you.
The receipts must be uploaded by midnight CST so Jess can have time to correct them. Paul gets a one day extension.
Emma: Guys, do you all reside in Cambridge? Rebecca: I think we are officially obliged to, but some people don't obey strictly Jack: honestly, it's too expensive to be there, I have no reason for that when I don't have classes Leland: we moved out with Mary some time ago and even my dean is aware of it Emma: where do you live now Leland? Leland: Norwich Emma: how nice! Leland: yes, it's a very nice, green and relaxed area Leland: actually I feel much better here than in Cambridge Emma: How long does it take to get to the uni? Leland: 1h20min by car Emma: and by train? Leland: similarly, no big differences Leland: but I usually work on train, so it's fine Emma: sounds good indeed
Leland and Mary reside in Norwich, even though they are obliged to live in Cambridge. It takes them around 1h 20min to get to the university.
Alice: Omg!!! Alice: there's gonna be new part of fantastic beats!!!! Mary: Omg no way!!! Alice: I can't wait :D Alice: When u come to Poland we have to see it Mary: Definately! Mary: I can't wait to come over for New Years Alice: Me too!!!
Alice and Mary are going to watch "Fantastic Beasts" together. Mary will come to Poland for New Year's.
Daria: <file_photo> Liz: OMG, congrats! You'll be my chauffeur now. Daria: You wish! You better not leave when I drive around, haha. Liz: Haha!
Daria can now drive a car.
Claudius: Hey everyone Claudius: So as we planned, we would like to go somewhere drinking this weekend Claudius: One night please xd Claudius: What about Bar Studio at the palace of culture? Klaudia: When? Claudius: Like this Friday maybe? Janek: Hmm I work Friday evening Klaudia: no you're not xd Klaudia: You just dont want to go with us xd Brett: You think... Brett: Bar Studio is great? I dont like that place that much xd Janek: Yeah idk Janek: Not my type of place either Janek: I would like to check out Gagarin Warsaw Klaudia: Lol Claudius: K I feel like we can't agree on a location Claudius: Lets just go with the flow then Brett: Thats what I always do Brett: Just go with the flow xd
Claudius, Klaudia, Janek and Brett would like to go for drinks this weekend. Claudius wants to visit Bar Studio, but Brett and Jacek are not fond of this idea. Claudius and Brett agree to choose a location spontaneously when they meet.
Jack: Hey Lyna. what happened to our movie plans? Edlyna: I'm really sorry Jack my phone battery died Jack: Okay no big deal. Maybe it was even for the better good since guess what? Edlyna: HAHA! what? Jack: 🤣 🤣 Come on you are spoiling the fun. Just give it a try. Edlyna: No I'm not. Furthermore i am pathetic at guessing☹️ Jack: Okay then. I-max Cinemas is offering aquaman costumes, drinks and food to those the first 500 going to watch Aquaman come next month 😎 Edlyna: OMG! That is insane!!! Jack: So are you in for the ofer? Edlyna: Definitely🤭😍 when is the date? Jack: December 21st Edlyna: Can't wait!😋 Jack: And this time make sure your battery doesn't die🙄 Edlyna: Sure i will😹😹😹😹 Jack: Okay. Have a good night then. I Had a long day and I'm feeling dead tired 😟 Edlyna: Goodnight
Jack couldn't contact Edlyna on her phone. They will go see the Aquaman movie on December 21st.
Helen: how are you? Jimmy: good :) you? Helen: same old same old Jimmy: how's Mike? Helen: we split up. Jimmy: I'm sorry Helen: I'm not :D Jimmy: Ugh, okay :D
Helen is happy to have split with Mike.
Max: did you already watch the finale? Henry: did it yesterday Daniel: finished it this morning Daniel: I was afraid you would spoil something as you tend to do :P Max: and? Henry: honestly? a bit disappointing Henry: looking at the whole season and the past few episodes I was expecting way more Max: me too but it wasn't that bad Henry: I didn't say it was bad, just that I was expecting more :P Daniel: any news on the next season? Daniel: did they get renewed? Max: yes but this time we will have to wait for a whole year Henry: that's one of the problems of the finale Daniel: what do you mean? Henry: if you think about it, you can see that they didn't knew what direction to take Henry: I believe they didn't knew if the show would be renewed so they had to settle for a semi-open ending Henry: and that hurt this finale Daniel: yeah, seemed that way Daniel: but for me it was good anyway Max: the whole season was one of the best without doubt Henry: let's hope they'll keep improving in the next one
Max, Daniel and Henry have watched the season finale of a series. Henry was disappointed by the finale. Daniel and Max rather liked it. Max liked the whole season. The series got renewed and will air next year. Henry thinks the finale was hurt by the uncertainty of the series' renewal at the time.
Mary: i met Jil in a mall Jane: oh! :) what's going on with her? Mary: she just came from Paris Jane: big return of..Jil? Mary: no, she just have to take her stuff Jane: so she's moving there for ever??? Mary: unfortunately Mary: she met a cute Jean Jane: this guy from Vienna? Mary: no, that was Gunther Jane: so who is Jean Mary: it's the funniest part of story! Mary: he's her boss xd
Jil came from Paris to take her things. She's moving there forever, because she met Jean, who is her boss.
Flo: sorry it's hard for me to trust people at first sight Andy: but we know each other , don't we? Flo: no, i mean i trust you, but there is some people i can't Andy: i'm flattered 🤗 Flo: stop, you idiot. I talk seriously Andy: ok ok, who are thinking of? Emma? Flo: no Emma, i trust her, more or less Andy: who then? you can tell me if you trust me, don't you? Flo: later
It's hard for Flo to trust people at first sight. Flo trusts Andy and Emma, but there are people Flo doesn't trust. Flo will tell Andy who it is later.
Violetta: nice thought from the Bolshoi theater.. to see La Bayadère. It's such a long time i wanted to see it again. It's not the Kremlin but the Strasbourg movie theater is not bad either... Betka: that true, you may enjoy opera and ballet from the biggest stages in your local movie. I 'm in Vendome on my way back to Paris. Violetta: Have a safe trip back Betka: enjoy La Bayadère! Violetta: so nice. It's intersession for 25minutes. I miss champagneskoie and red caviar! Betka: of course red caviar! How is the primadonna? Violetta: Olga Smirnova plays Nikiya, and Artemy Belyakov is Solor. Betka: enjoy!
Betka is in Vendome on her way back to Paris. Violetta is watching La Bayadère, with Olga Smirnova as Nikiya, and Artemy Belyakov as Solor.
Ryan: May decided to postpone the vote on the Brexit deal Sam: really? why? Ryan: I think she wants to get some extra time for campaigning Ryan: although they suggest she may want to negotiate again Sam: I don't think Europe would agree Ryan: oh, I'm sure Europe won't Sam: so it's quite silly Ryan: So we're heading for the hard Brexit Sam: it seems so Ryan: the pound plummeted after the announcement Sam: I'm not surprised Ryan: but maybe it would be even worse after the vote Sam: yes, she had no chance to win it Sam: it has grown like a snowball against her Ryan: I'm pretty sure she'll be out of the office soon Sam: do you think she'll resign? Ryan: I think the Tories will topple her soon Sam: a rebellion? Ryan: haha, rather a dirty coup d'état Sam: by the conservative wing? Ryan: yup, the dirty nationalists
Ryan claims that May's decision to postpone voting on the Brexit deal will buy the PM an extra time for campaigning. Ryan and Sam agree that there'll be the hard Brexit. Ryan supposes that the Tories will topple May soon.
Ken: I need a joooob. Patricia: What? I thought you had a job.. Ken: And I did 😅 Patricia: What happened? Ken: I got laid off. Patricia: That sucks sorry to hear that. When did it happen? Ken: In the end of last week. Patricia: Was it just you? Ken: Nope, ten of my coworkers got laid off aswell. Patricia: So now what are you going to do? Ken: I'm looking for some things to do. I'm going to the airport and see if the need people there. Patricia: Yeah it's summer! They are always looking for people and if you do some hours you get paid decently. Ken: Hmm that's good to hear. Going there tomorrow morning, if you know something interesting lemme know yeah? Patricia: Sure will :D Good luck! Ken: Thank you :)
Ken is going to the airport to look for a job.
Jessica: I really don't want to go to that party tonight. Rick: why? Jessica: John will be there. Rick: so? Jessica: You don't know? Rick: what? Jessica: We used to go out and it ended badly. Rick: who cares? Jessica: It'll just be weird. Rick: it'll be weird if you act weird. just show up and have a good time Jessica: That's easy for you to say. are you coming? Rick: i will if you want me to Jessica: Yes, please. I need a wingman!! Rick: don't worry, i'll go with you Jessica: You're awesome. I don't know what I would do without you. Rick: you'd probably be miserable all the time, lol, jk ;-)
Jessica will go to the party with Rick. She used to go out with John, who will also be at the party.They had a bad break-up.
Josh: Hey, could you give me a hand? Monica: Why don't you ask Marion? Josh: That's the point! I don't want her to know. Yet. Monica: Ok... What do you need? Josh: <file_picture> <file_picture> <file_picture> <file_picture> Which one will she like the most? Monica: Awww! You're getting married! Congrats! Josh: Wait with the congratulations until she says "yes". And don't mention it to her, ok? Monica: Sure. My lips are sealed ;) Josh: Great! So, which one? Monica: I'd go either with this one <file_picture> or this one <file_picture>. Josh: Really? I thought this one would be better <file_picture> Monica: She already has a similar one. And she likes blue and dark blue, so this one would be perfect <file_picture>
Josh will propose to Marion. Monica is helping Josh to pick a gift for her.
Adrien: I really hate it here Joona: I don't like the place as well Kamil: but why? I don't get it Adrien: it's just horrible Adrien: food, people, architecture Kamil: ok, Joona, what you don't like about Florence Kamil: give me arguments Joona: it's a museum, a very touristic, almost fake place Joona: and there is not much variety Kamil: what do you mean Joona: for example Uffizi is really not my kind of thing Kamil: I know, you prefer modern art Joona: yes Joona: but also i don't like Italian food Kamil: I don't believe there is something like "Italian food" Joona: why? Kamil: I also don't like Tuscan food, it's full of meat and disgusting things Kamil: but in Puglia there is so called "cucina povera" which is full of vegetables Adrien: sure, Italy is a construct Kamil: like any other "nation"
Adrien and Joona don't like Florence. Adrien is dissatisfied with food, people and architecture there. Joona finds it a very touristic and an uninteresting place.
Lindsay: did you see they built a fence between 4th and 5th? Ralph: yes!!!!! Ralph: why do you think that is?? Lindsay: i don't know Ralph: maybe some sorth of construction?
They built a fence between 4th and 5th avenue.
Tony: anybody up for a movie this evening? David: sure, what movie Luke: I'm up. Should I get pizza? Tony: the answer to that question is always yes Tony: and when it comes to the movie I was thinking something fantasy/sci-fi David: hmm... Constantine? Tony: I haven't seen this one in ages. I'm in. Luke? Luke: sure, I'm always up for a nostalgia trip
Tony, David and Luke will watch Constantine this evening. They will order a pizza.
Eva: Hi. I'm frozen! Anna: Me too! Eva: I hate winter Anna: Tonnes of clothes, red noses and cracking skin on hands Eva: And dirty shoes because of all that slosh in the streets. Anna: And higher bills for the heating and flu season... Eva: No time for jokes. Really. I guess I need to have the tyres changed. Anna: I've already had it done. I wanted to avoid the queues. Eva: I'm a little late. As usual. Do you think that I will have to wait long? Anna: As far as I know about 2 weeks now. Eva: :-(
Anna and Eva hate winter. Anna says Eva would need to wait for 2 weeks to have her tyres changed. Anna has already done it.
Gerard: Heiooo wassup Joey: I'm going for a nap now Gerard: OH kk Joey: Ttyl
Joey is about to take a nap. He will talk to Gerard later.
Roman: Something really LUCKY happened today!( ´∀`)σ)∀`) Klaus: What? What is it? Roman: <file_photo> Klaus: Wallet? Roman: Yes! I found this wallet on the street!😃😃 Klaus: Hey, how about bringing to the police or contact the owner of that wallet? Roman: Why should I?😕😕😕😕😕😕 Klaus: Because it isn’t yours..? 😕😕 Roman: But I found it. Klaus: Come on, check inside. Imagine it is you who lost that wallet.😔😔 Roman: Wait... Roman: There are some name cards. Klaus: Call one of those numbers. Klaus: It might be a bit embarrassing if you pick one of the clients’, but better embarrassed than losing the wallet. Roman: But I FOUND IT! Klaus: I don’t know how much money is inside. But legally he should give you 10% of the money you found for him. Roman: Alright..I SHOULDN’T HAVE SHARTED THIS WITH YOU. Klaus: Dude, I know you wanted to find the owner. Roman: OKAY I’M GONNA CALL one of the numbers. Roman: If nobody answers then it’s mine. Roman: Police will never try to find the owner. I don't trust them. I will get it rather than bringing this money to the police. Klaus: You’re doing good thing. Let me know later if you found the owner.
Roman found a wallet. He will call one of the numbers from name cards to find a person who lost the wallet.
Ben: do we have any plans for new years eve yet? Fionna: mmm, no, not any that I know of Ben: ok, well Brian and Jess are inviting us to go to Madrid with them. Would you wanna go? Fionna: hahah Madrid! Whoa that's intense. That sounds cool, but I don't know if I'd be able to cause of school Ben: Alright, well it was just an idea, they just wanted to know generally how we felt about it Fionna: yeah, I mean it sounds really cool. But I'll have to double check my calendar Ben: Ok, you do that, we can talk about it more tonight? Fionna: yeah, that works :) haha so insane
Brian and Jess invite Ben and Fionna to go to Madrid for the New Year's Eve.
Joseph: hey, can you help me choose a sofa? Joseph: <file_photo> Joseph: or <file_photo> Nicholas: I like the first one Nicholas: it would suit the rest of your furniture Joseph: And what do you think, Ritch? Nicholas: Ritch may be busy working now :P Ritch: yeah, the first one is better Ritch: the second one seems much too big Joseph: thanks guys! Joseph: I was also thinking about this first one Ritch: you see! Nicholas: when's the flat warming party, then? Joseph: We're almost ready with the furnishing Joseph: next month is realistic Ritch: great, lets keep in touch then! :P
Joseph will pick the first sofa on Nicholas and Rich's recommendation. Joseph will probably throw the flat warming party next month. Rich wants to keep in touch.
Patricia: Do you know anyone from Syria? Anna: One guy. Why? Patricia: I need participants for my study. Patricia: It's paid. Do you think he might be interested? Anna: I'll ask him.
Patricia is looking for paid participants from Syria for her study. Anna knows a person from Syria. She will ask if he wants to participate.
Sam: My new lass, yet to be named. Patrick: Audrey? Sam: I was already considering that :) Patrick: I was wondering why you always call your cars with feminine names? Sam: I quite funny for me :) Patrick: Ok, I get it. This one looks like Bernadette to me. Sam: Bellatrix? Patrick: What? :O Sam: I think Bellatrix would be perfect! Definately Bellatrix! Patrick: Has to be your choice. It's very personal think. Sam: You're right. Patrick: Maybe you should take your time to get to know the car? Sam: That's a great idea! :)
Sam is going to take some time before naming his car.
Annie: Miraaaaaaaa where are you Mira: fuck it fuckers fuck fuck fuckin subway Annie: xD Mira: they closed the central station again so I had to run for the bus Mira: now I'm stuck in traffic Annie: the worst Mira: so I think I'l be half an hour late Annie: Ok don't worry I saved you a seat Mira: thanks :* Annie: at the front, right in the middle Mira: ... Annie: next to Sam who picks his nose Mira: haha you evil person Annie: yeah we are at the back like the cool highschool girls that we still are deep inside Mira: <3 Mira: that warms my heart Annie: okay I'm taking notes and waiting Mira: see you in a bit! Annie: :*
Mira is running half an hour late for a class because the central metro station is closed. Annie save her a seat.
Evelyn: How was it? :) Evelyn: Hope you had a good time Lisa: Well yeah... but kids had expected something else I guess Evelyn: Oh really? What was wrong? Lisa: First of all it was very crowdy but actually we expected that Lisa: Hard to see anything unless you get really close Lisa: Lily doesn't like such places, too noisy Evelyn: I see Lisa: The actress apearred for like 20 minutes Lisa: And she seemed like... I dont know, tired od upset Evelyn: Oh and they saw a real person... Lisa: The thing is they really love the show Lisa: And she even looked totally different, some kids could not recognize her Evelyn: And she's much older than the character, right? Lisa: Like 10 years! Lisa: But we saw a great lego exhibition and did some shopping so they were happy
Lisa had fun there but her children were disappointed. It was too crowded and too noisy for Lily. The actress from their favourite show was in a bad mood and was almost unrecognisable. The kids enjoyed the Lego exhibition and their purchases.
Vic: Alec, should we bring anything? Alec: I made French soup with bread so i think it will be enough for starters Vic: sounds awesome but Maria has celiac desease Alec: FUCK Vic: if u added bread she won't be able to eat anything Alec: Not yet Max: I'm driving so soup with alcohol won't work for me Alec: or u can crash at my place Vic: take a cab instead Alec: so looks like i fucked up Vic: it's just people these days have so restricted diets don't worry dude Max: ok I'll take uber home Alec: ok see u tomorrow
Alec has cooked French soup with bread for a party. Vic is coming with Maria, who can't eat bread. Max is coming by car but he's going to take uber back home so he can eat the soup.
Anita: is learning dead language good idea? Remy: depends Justin: some deviants study Latin and we've come to terms with it ;) Wendy: why do you ask? Anita: it's because I wanted to study Aztec language and people are telling me there's no point in doing so Anita: that I should study sth more practical Remy: at least talking with natives will never disappoint you Justin: if you like the culture studying language will be gratifying Wendy: I guess Remy's point is valid Wendy: if you dislike the mentality learning language will be pointless Anita: but I don't know if I like the culture Justin: on the other hand, practical language skills would be great, too Justin: if you want sth more hipster than French or German, pick Hindu or Swahili Remy: it also depends on what languages seem interesting for you Remy: if you want interesting grammar, read sth about typology of languages first Wendy: tbh no matter which language you'll learn it will look great in CV because it makes you more interesting Wendy: and shows that you're persisten Anita: ok I'll think about it
Anita's thinking about studying Aztec language but she's not sure whether it's a good idea.
Hope: You wanna go to the movies Ruth: depends Ruth: What's playing Hope: We could go see aquaman Ruth: oh yes Ruth: that guy is sooo cute Hope: yes he is yummy Ruth: The movie will probably suck Ruth: but who cares Ruth: lol Hope: exactly Hope: it's playing at 8 Ruth: alright Ruth: meet you htere at 7:30 Hope: ok c ya
Ruth and Hope will meet at the cinema at 7.30 to see Aquaman.
Aggie: How are you doing with the report? My part will be ready tomorrow :( Hugh: Mine too Andy: First things first, people! Who's hungry? :) Aggie: Me! Hugh: Me! Andy: OK. 1pm at Wendy's. Seeya.
Aggie and Hugh will finish their reports tomorrow. Andy, Hugh and Aggie want to get something to eat at 1pm at Wendy's.
Kerry: i'm going for a walk. Wanna join? Berenice: No, thank you. Berenice: I'm tired and have to get up early tmr. Kerry: Okey, no problem. Kerry: It was a lovely walk. Berenice: Glad to hear it :) Kerry: U r still up? Why? Berenice: Can't sleep. Berenice: Should have gone with u! Kerry: Next time. Berenice: Deal.
Berenice didn't go for a walk with Kerry and now she regrets it as she cannot fall asleep.
Henry: Live long and prosper, my nerdy friends! Lately I've been trying to declutter my room and found some (aka a ton of) books that I have read and no longer need. Would any of you be interested in having them? Here's the list --> <file_other> Gertie: omg you have so many great books! @_@ Barb: Yeah, have you ever been to his room? He's got gazillion of them. Gertie: I happen to have had the privilege, but I haven't noticed all of those titles from the list. Leonard: I'd be interested in the Ender series. Btw what do you want for them? Barb: I was about to ask the same question Henry: Excellent question my fellow bookworm! There are in fact two options available to you: 1. you can take them absolutely for free without any compensation whatsoever or 2. if the need to give something in return is occupying your thoughts to the point of being unbearable, I will welcome any amount of Oreos. Gertie: xD Leonard: Ok, so I'm calling dibs on the Ender saga and you can expect a pack of Oreos real soon. Bruce: oh, man, that's some collection, you've got. Barb: I'd take all the LeGuins. Barb: With Oreos as a thank you ;) Gertie: I'd be happy to give all of Zelazny's books a new home ^^ Warren: You people have beaten me to a lot of good stuff :( Gertie: You should just scroll fb all the time instead of having a life, then you'd see this conversation in time :P Bruce: The Bane trilogy for me, pls. You'd be drowning in cookies man :P Warren: Then I'm calling dibs on: - the shadow of the Hegemon and man in the high castle Henry: Duly noted, my friends.
Henry is letting go of his books in return for some oreos.
Claudia: Dad. I wanna go out with Erica. Greg: Have you done your homework? Claudia: Yeah. I did it just after I came from school. Greg: Ok. Can I see your chromebook after I get off from work? Claudia: Sure. Greg: Ok. Claudia: I had a Math and Science assignments. Greg: Ok. You didn't need any help. Everything was clear? Claudia: Yes. I managed by myself, they were not too difficult. Greg: Ok. So I will check that, and if all the homework is done you can go with Erica. Claudia: Great. Luv you. <3 Greg: Love you too. See you in a couple of hours. Claudia: Ok dad. Bye. Greg: Bye
Claudia wants to go out with Erica. Greg wants to check her homework first when he gets off from work in a couple of hours.
Bill: different cleaning lady today cause the other one is ill. The new one does not know how to use the washing machine so they will do the washing on Monday Al: is she though? Bill: what do you mean? Al: nobody showed up? Bill: were you home all day? Al: Kiara was and says nobody came Bill: I'm gonna call the agency to find out what's going on
Bill will call the agency to find out about the cleaning lady.
Samantha: Hi! I know you went last year to Austria sking. Samantha: I'd like to go this year and need some advice. Sam: You've come to the right person! Sam: What are you looking for? Samantha: I'd like a place with quite a lot of ski pistes. Sam: Okey, that's not difficult to find in Austria ;) Sam: Anything else? Samantha: I don;t think so. I've never been to Austria, so just want to check it out. Sam: Okey, I'll send you some links to ski resorts later. Samantha: Thx a lot!
Samantha wants to go skiing in Austria. She's looking for a place with a lot of ski pistes. Sam will send her links to ski resorts.
Molly: Are you going to today's event? Molly: :) Lola: Noooooo, I'm sick :<<< Aria: YES!! ;) Aria: What time is it?? Molly: If I remember well it starts at 9 Molly: But wait a sec, I'll check Aria: Ok Molly: Yup, at 9 Aria: I'll be there ;) Molly: ;)) Aria: And you?? Molly: I hope I'll make it Aria: Greattt ;) Molly: Cause 1st part is more interesting Aria: Do you have schedule online?? Molly: Yup Molly: <file_other> Aria: Ooo, thanks!!
Molly and Aria are going for an event tonight. Lola is sick, so she cannot join.
Dan: after work I'm going to the forest nursery to get a Christmas tree Dan: so I might be home later than usual Joy: Do you think you can bring it home by yourself? Dan: I think so Dan: they'll help me to put it into the car, this is the hardest part Joy: When you return home, honk the horn and I'll come and help you to take it out Dan: I should do just fine by myself but if you offer the help I'm not going to reject it :) Joy: Sweet, I'll prepare a special place for it in the living room
Dan is going to get a Christmas tree from a forest nursery. Meanwhile, Joy will be preparing a space for it in the living room.
Alexandra: Hi, could you send me a photo of that grammar tasks for tomorrow? Nicole: Sure. Wait a sec:) Alexandra: Great! Nicole: Ok... Here it is Nicole: <file_photo> Nicole: Enjoyyy! Alexandra: Ex 7-12, yes? Nicole: Exactly:) Alexandra: Its pretty difficult :/ You did it?? Nicole: Not yet Alexandra: Ok Nicole: But it’s based on what is in our textbook:) Alexandra: Ok, many thanks :* Nicole: Anytime:) Alexandra: :)
Nicole sent Alexandra a photo of grammar tasks for tomorrow. Nicole hasn't done them yet.
Henrik: guess what your mother textd me Emily: i don't trust that woman lol Emily: what did she send you???? Henrik: PICTURES OF YOU AS A CHILD!!! Henrik: HAHAHAHAHAHA Henrik: that's an evil laugh btw Emily: oh no oh no oh no oh no Emily: pleaseeeeeeee don't send them to anyone else Emily: please don't!!!! Henrik: hahhaha don't worry about it Henrik: you were adorable… what happened to you? Emily: oh shut up
Emily's mother sent old pictures of Emily to Henrik.
Stella: I dread the thought of shopping tonight. Ugh. John: Why? Stella: It's going to be hella busy. I hate it. John: True. Do you have to do it tonight? Stella: Yes... John: Maybe you don't. When do you need the stuff? Stella: Well... not until next week really. John: Then put it off. Stella: I just might. I can just grab what we need for the weekend and head home. John: See, that's much better. Stella: True. John: Do you feel better now? Stella: Yes! Sigh of relief! Should be less busy Monday. John: Exactly. So what will you do with all this extra time? Stella: LOL catch up on television! John: Like? Stella: The Apprentice, for one. John: Dynasties? Stella: Definitely that one, but probably not tonight. John: Why? Stella: I'm a celeb is on!!!! John: Oh! Stella: Gotta run! Cya! John: Bye
Stella has to go shoppping tonight. She will only buy the most important things. She is going to watch some TV.
Maria: I've seen Peter last night, it was quite amazing I must admit Gabi: Are you more convinced about him now? Geri: 😱🙊 Maria: I guess so Geri: You had sex? Maria: yes, we had. And it was probably the best, he was so sensitive and caring Geri: wow, I'd never say! Maria: Right? He seems so cold and full of himself. Maria: But he's completely different when we are alone: shy, caring, focus on me Gabi: for me it sounds a bit boring 🤮 Maria: no, it was anything but boring. Geri: tell us more! Maria: He is this perfect combination in bed: sensitive and caring but also a bit tough and dominating. Gabi: That sounds way better! Maria: So you can really feel like his queen 😜 Geri: 👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽 Maria: LOL Maria: but it's such a relief after Peter. I loved him so much, but we were terrible in bed together Gabi: I remember, I'm really happy you are over him Maria: I've tried hard, you know Geri: you tried so many times, it did't make sense anymore Gabi: So focus now on this new amazing king Maria: hahaha, I will!
Maria and Peter had sex last night. Maria reckons he's sensitive and caring. Gabi and Geri are happy for Maria.
Des: I'm hungry Wanda: already? Des: <file_gif> Wanda: ok, ok Wanda: in a half? Des: yes! Wanda: see u :)
Des is hungry. He and Wanda are going to meet in half an hour.
Pace: I have been in the bus😖😖😖 Rue: Still?😕🙄🙄 Pace: Yea the traffic is terrible😣😣 Pace: I might be a bit late😣 Rue: Alright I will let others know that you are gonna be on the road😕😕 Pace: I will try to come quick !😭😭
Pace is on the bus, stuck in traffic, and might not be on time.
Rob: Who’s going to the cinema to see Venom? Sam: I am. Wanna go together? Rob: Yeah, sure! Anyone else? Julie: Count me in! Emma: and me me! Xxx Toby: I wanna go too!
Rob, Sam, Julie, Emma and Toby are going to the cinema to see Venom.
Brennan: hey Zackattack! Zack: you know i hate that nickname -_- Brennan: why d'ya think i call you that? ;) Zack: fine then... Brennyboo... Brennan: Brennyboo? that's just cruel man Zack: did you want something?? Brennan: yeah, whats going on with Tyler? he's been ghosting me since our last date - what did i do? get lettuce stuck in my teeth? run over his pet gerbil? Zack: weird - he said the date was great Brennan: huh... well he's definitely been ignoring my texts and calls and i know he's read my emails... :( Zack: hey - don't beat yourself up about it! Tyler's probably just got caught up in one of his projects and forgotten to answr Brennan: yeah... i hope so :/ Brennan: are you sure he didn't tell you anything? i mean, you *are* roommates Zack: By roommates remember that we have totally different schedules, so usually when I'm leaving he's just coming back and vice versa Zack: i barely see him on the weekends as it is what with work and everything Brennan: right :/ thnks Zack Zack: Want me to talk to him? Brennan: nah, im good thnx - i just wish he'ld let me know whats goin on :(
Tyler has been ignoring Brennan since their last date. Tyler's roommate Zack finds it weird because Tyler told him the date was great. Zack and Tyler don't see each other too often due to their different schedules.
Sandra: how was your trip to new york? Raul: effing amazing Sandra: really? why? Raul: it's just a beautiful city, the crowds, the architecture, the energy of the city... Sandra: how was the hotel? Raul: a bit pricey for what i paid, it was tiny Sandra: lol, who cares? It's new york! Raul: yeah, and it's not like I spent a lot of time at the hotel Sandra: what was your favorite part of new york? Raul: Times Square. Hands down. Amazing. Sandra: i'm jealous!!!! Raul: i liked it so much that i'm planning a trip for next year, you should come Sandra: i don't know if you are being serious, but if you are, i'll go with you!!! Raul: I'm being 100% serious Sandra: then count me in! Raul: yayyyyy!
Raul's trip to New York was amazing. He plans to go there again next year. Sandra wants to join him.
Donna: Hi Rach, everyone ok your end? Rachel: Hello Donna! Long time no See! How's my favourite cousin!? Donna: Not sure, haven't seen Wendy since Christmas. Rachel: Very funny! How did Oliver get on? Donna: Well, quite well, I think. He had 5 A levels, 4 A*s and 1 A. Rachel: Quite well!? That’s fanfuckingtastic!!! You've obviously got the brains on your side of the family! Donna: Thanks! Well, what about Jay? Rachel: 3 Bs, he's over the moon! He's got into his course and all set to be off! Donna: Russell Group, is it? Rachel: What, sorry? Donna: I mean, I assume, he's got into a Russell Group university, I mean the others are ok, but really, you know, not that good! Rachel: I honestly don't know. He got the grades, was accepted and he's going. Simple as. We're all very proud of him, actually. He's saving up for a car now. Donna: Well, as long as you're all happy with it, that's fine. We can't all be high fliers. Rachel: Now, hang on a sec, Donna. You're my cousin and we've always got on well, but I'm not going to put my son down and ruin his happiness just because he didn't get bleeding A* grades! Donna: No, of course. I'm sure you've been as supportive as you are able to be. I believe in really pushing children to achieve. Rachel: God, you are really something, Donna! Jay is a happy, confident boy and I leave him to his own devices because I trust him! Donna: Well, Oliver has downloaded his reading list already and is working through them. The competition to stand out in law is fierce. A little encouragement wouldn't go amiss for Jay. Rachel: Ok, I've had enough of this conversation! Jay is well adjusted and people like him. That's more than I can say for Oliver! Donna: Well, we'll see about that in 5 years time when Oliver is earning 6 figures and Jay is still scraping a living doing his weird so-called art! Rachel: Bye Donna, I think you've said quite enough!
Donna is proud of Oliver for getting good grades. Rachel is happy for Jay as he got into his course. Rachel and Donna have a disagreement on their sons' education.
Matteo: What's up Vivienne: I'm on the beach. My skin is burnt Matteo: I thought you were leaving early this morning? Really, let me see Vivienne: Yes I had to leave the room. I'm all covered with my clothes now. Some of my parts of the body are that burnt that I can't even touch them Matteo: Hmm ok. Which parts haha Vivienne: Belly. My back, legs Matteo: Ok Vivienne: I will show how red I was yesterday Vivienne: <file_photo> Vivienne: Haha Matteo: Not too bad I've seen worse haha
Vivienne is on the beach. Her body is sunburnt.
Jack: can I take the car tonight? May: No Jack: mooom, pleaseeee Tom: if you return it in one piece before 1 May: and you'll be picking up your phone Jack: deal! thnx!!!
May and Tom give the car to Jack, their son, under the condition he will pick up his phone and he will come back before 1.
Henrietta: just woke up and saw all your missed calls, everything all right? Walter: yeah, we were out and about las night and wanted to see if you'd like to join us Henrietta: i was asleep by 7, lol Walter: lol, you're a 21 year old woman trapped in the body of an octogenarian Henrietta: whatever
Henrietta missed Walter's calls as she was asleep by 7.
Dominic: Hello, what's up? Adam: Not much Dominic: Any plans for the weekend? Adam: No, but you've got my attention Dominic: , have you ever been to a horse-race track before? Adam: No. But I’ve always wanted to! Is this like a british thing only, or do we have events in Poland? Dominic: There’s an event on Sunday in Warsaw. Are you in? Adam: Sure I’m in. I’m excidted, but I don’t know anything about horse racing :D Dominic: Yeah, you gotta know, that you don’t really win at most of times. But beginner’s luck might be your great chance to win some money :P We’re meeting up at 2pm at the gates. Adam: Sounds good Dominic: Don’t come late! Adam: I'll be on time, buddy Dominic: See you then!
Dominic and Adam are going to attend a horse race in Warsaw. They will meet on Sunday at 2 pm at the gates.
Ron: Hey, what time is the dinner? Harry: Around 6 pm? Hermiona: Can we postpone it? 6:30? Ron: OK Harry: No problem! What can I bring? Wine? Hermiona: <file_gif> Ron: See you then! Hermiona: I don't remember. Is Luna allergic to something? Harry: Yep, she's on gluten-free diet. Hermiona: OK, will keep it in mind.
They are meeting for dinner at 6:30. Some gluten-free dishes will be served for Luna.
Lea: wow the cast of the new Dune film is super impressive Dustin: yesss can't wait to see the film Jerry: did you read the books Dustin? Dustin: yea I'm a big fan Jerry: I only read the first three, I like them Lea: I haven't ready any :( but it's on my list Jerry: well darling you have some time before the movie hits the theatres :) Dustin: Chalamet, Isaac, Bardem is in talks, AWESOME
Lea likes the cast of new Dune film. Dustin is a big fan of Dune books. Jerry read the first three books and liked them. Lea did not read any.
Jane: <file_photo> Daisy: that's a bold move :) Daisy: but I like it Jane: I needed a change Daisy: the new color suits you really well Jane: thanks Jane: I was a bit worried but it turned out quite good Daisy: agreed :)
Jane changed her hair colour. Daisy believes it suits her.
Mark: Do you know someone who knows Spanish? Anna: Why do you need a Spanish translator? Mark: I need to translate the contract. Anna: oh, i see...
Mark needs a Spanish translator to translate the contract.
Uma: Who's up for the drinks? Geri: I'm in... I need to unwind... Sophie: AHAHA you mean get wasted! Me too! Uma: I see we're all in the right mood! Geri: <file_gif>
Uma, Geri and Sophie will go for a drink.
Lisa: hi guys Tom: hi there! Tony: hello! Tom: should we arrange this thing already? Lisa: yeah, let's get to the point, Susan's birthday is next week Tom: exactly Tony: ok, so my place, next saturday, 8pm Lisa: great, next on the agenda: snacks and drinks Tom: i can take care of booze Lisa: I knew it ;) Tom: can help with that as well Tony: hahaha lol Tom: best team for the most important stuff! Lisa: great, i will prepare some food Tom: ok then what about the gift Lisa: well i thought about a ticket to a concert Tom: which one? Lisa: i don't know ... let me check, i can take care of that as well just need money Tony: ok let's all chip in Tom: sure thing
Lisa is planning Susan's birthday party next Saturday at 8 pm. Tom will take care of booze. Tom and Tony will chip in for a ticket and Lisa will buy it as a gift.
Adam: You're up so early! Yael: Yes. Yael: Going to the doctor. Yael: He only attends in the mornings Adam: Are you all right? Yael: It's just a regular check-up. Yael: I need to do it every two years Yael: Given my condition Yael: But this doctor is the best Yael: So if something is wrong he will immediately spot it Adam: I forgot that you have SM Yael: Sometimes I also forget about it :-) Yael: Thankfully I've been stable for the past 15 years.
Yael is going for a check-up to a doctor, who only has appointments in the mornings. Yael has to go for a check-up every 2 years because of his SM. Yael has been stable for the past 15 years.
Andy: hello my darling do you fancy a visit today? Caron: that would be wonderful xx Andy: well that will be happening xxx Caron: nothing like a visit from Andy to brighten my day xxx Andy: see you in a few hours xxx Caron: xxxx
Andy will visit Caron in a few hours. Caron is very happy about it.
Daniel: Told you a long time ago you should've moved to Warsaw! Taylor: But you know it's not as easy as you think. Daniel: You're overcomplicating things, Taylor, really. Taylor: Yeah, you think so? What am I overcomplicating then? Daniel: Just leave your comfort zone, that's it! You have no kids, no loans, no limitations! Taylor: But I'm living a decent life here, I don't want to quit it. Daniel: No one says you need to quit anything. You can always come back! Taylor: Easy to say, hard to execute...
Taylor doesn't want to move to Warsaw.
Hannah: Got myself a new jacket Hannah: Look Hannah: <file_photo> Elly: looking classy Hannah: Exactly what I was looking for Elly: u going to impress that guy at your office lol Hannah: You got me... 😝 Elly: good luck anyway Hannah: 😉
Hanna got herself a new jacket to impress the guy at her office.
Janelle: thanks so much for taking care of dog Janelle: is he giving you any trouble? Micah: no! he's adorable Micah: I love having him around Micah: how's england? Micah: are you enjoying the trip? Janelle: robert and i are having the time of our lives Janelle: this is the honeymoon we never had Janelle: we're having so much fun Micah: i'm really glad to hear that!!! Micah: again, don't worry about your dog Micah: he behaves very well and keeps me company Janelle: thank yo so much!! Janelle: we'll be back on Thursday Micah: great! keep having good time!!
Micah is taking care of Janelle's dog while she and her husband are on a trip in England.
Jude: look, I've just decorated my Christmas tree Jude: <file_photo> Ellie: wow, looks really pretty! Ellie: wanna see mine? Jude: bring it on! Ellie: <file_photo>
Jude has decorated her Christmas tree.
Kelly: Do you miss me? William: Nope! LOL! Kelly: LOL! William: JK! I really do tho. How are you? Kelly: Oh, fine. Lonely. William: You'll make friends son. Kelly: I hope so. Just miss you most of all. William: Aw, sweet. Kelly: True! William: So why did you leave? Kelly: New job, new start. William: I guess. Kelly: Nothing really keeping me there. William: Just me. Kelly: We are just friends, remember? William: Well... Kelly: Oh, great, now you tell me! William: JK! JK! We're still friends! Kelly: Phew! William: LOL! Take care, gotta run. Kelly: 8>
Kelly has recently changed a job and feels lonely in the new one, missing her previous colleagues. William misses her too.
Donald: So what are the plans for today? Frederick: the weather is not amazing... Kit: perfect to go to the rum factory in the hills Ophelia: hahaha, of course Kit: why not? Ophelia: it's boring Kit: Have you ever been in a museum of this kind Ophelia: not really Kit: so give it a try, it's really interesting Kit: you learn something about technology but also about the local culture Ophelia: lol, about drinking? Kit: not really hahaha, but as well Kit: for example they make rum from sugar cane and this is already such an important thing for this island Donald: can you taste the rum there? Kit: sure, and it seems the rum is very strong, you cannot have such strong rum outside Grenada Ophelia: ok, let's try
Kit is trying to convince Donald, Frederick, and Ophelia to visit the rum factory in the hills today.
Claudia: Did you see the new paddles they got us yesterday? Claudia: I'm going to head down to the boathouse around 11 Claudia: Are you coming? Jessica: Yeah I saw them!! Super cool :) Finally some new ones!! Jessica: 🎉🎉🎉 Jessica: Yes I'll head down at that time too Jessica: I was just chatting to Dave Jessica: Man that boy needs to get it together Jessica: Our finals are in a month.. Jessica: He hasn't been training enough.. Claudia: Yeah I spoke to him last week Claudia: I think he has problems with his girl Jessica: Yeah.. Jessica: He said she doesn't understand him Claudia: She goes to the same Uni as Bianca btw Jessica: Really? Jessica: That Uni is weird 😑 Jessica: <file_photo> Jessica: <file_photo> Jessica: My mum got them for me :) Claudia: Nice!! 👏👏
Jessica and Claudia will go to the boathouse around 11. Dave has not been training enough for the finals, which take place in a month, due to relationship issues.
Kate: Are you planning your holidays this year? Roxanna: Not yet, there's still a lot of time till summer Roxanna: I'm hunting for bargains :) Kate: Last minute offers are sometimes the best Roxanna: Agree :)
Roxanna doesn't make any plans for the summer. She waits for some last minute offers.
Alie: Where are my headphones? Nat: I don't know Alie: What do you mean 'I don't know'? I know that you are always using them when I'm out. Nat: I'm not! Alie: Where are they? Nat: I don't know! Alie: I'll kill you if you lost them. I swear I will! Nat: Stuff yourself! I have nothing to do with it. Alie: Your last chance. Where are they? Nat: The last time I repeat: I DON'T KNOW!!!! Alie: You'll regret that! Nat: Yeah... what would you do to me? I'm already all shaking with fear Nat: <file_gif> Nat: <file_video> Alie: You're hopeless! Start behaving your age! Nat: And your so serious. Just two years older than me and you think you're much better. Alie: I'm not that brainless as you! Nat: <file_gif> Alie: Get lost! Nat: With pleasure, sis :-)
Alie cannot find her earphones and she believes Nat has lost them. Nat frequently uses Alie's earphones.
Isla: Why didn’t you tell me you were dating Mike? Linda: I thought you wouldn’t like it Isla: I don’t care what he does Isla: Or who he dates Isla: This chapter is over for me Isla: All I can tell you is good luck Isla: Maybe it will work out for you
Linda didn't tell Isla about dating Mike. Isla is ok with it and hopes it will work out for them.
Phil: If it matters to u so much, u can sleep under it! Nicky: U mean ur kicking me out?! Phil: No. Nicky: How can u? Ur a monster?! Phil: W8 what? Nicky: Kick me out of my own home? Out of my own bed? Phil: Oh no, missy. We're not going down this path! U did the wrong thing and ur the one to blame! Nicky: Bt ur braking up with me! Phil: I didn't say that. Nicky: I know u r. I'm gonna cry! Phil: Pls don't. Phil: Nicky? U there? Nicky: Yes. Phil: Listen, I'm sry. I may have overreacted. We'll talk when I'm back? Nicky: Ur not breaking up with me? Phil: No. An I'm not kicking u out. Nicky: Good. What time will u be home? Phil: Around 8:00.
Phil will be back home around 8:00 and will talk to Nicky.
Clare: Karaoke night people. Clare: We're gonna do it. Clare: 80s bar. Clare: Lets go. Stat. Helen: Yes I'm keen! Annette: Woohoo! Helen: (Always keen, not sure why you needed to ask) Annette: Clare, we have a taker haha Clare: Hahaha Clare: Thought it would just be Annette and i Helen: Why would you ever doubt me?! Clare: Haha indeed Helen! Clare: ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼
Clare, Helen and Annette are going to have a karaoke night at 80s bar tonight.
Dexter: <file_photo> Summer: haha, awesome Dexter: what are you doing? Summer: I just got up Summer: I don't feel well Dexter: too much partying? :D Summer: yeah, that might be it Summer: you know Sharon, she was really tough last night… Dexter: I know Sharon pretty well :D Dexter: try to sleep it off and you'll as good as new :) Summer: <file_gif>
Summer is hungover because she was partying with Sharon yesterday. Dexter advises to take a nap.
Tim: wanna have a break? Laura: gimme 10 min, ok? Laura: need to finish sth... Tim: but u wanna go for lunch or just coffee? Laura: it's too early for lunch.. Laura: if you wanna have lunch let's meet at 2:20 downstairs Tim: ok!
Laura and Tim will meet for a lunch at 2:20 downstairs.
Michael: sooo what's the plan Michael: when ur moving in? Kate: on Saturday Michael: coool :) Kate: yeah :D Michael: want some help with packing? Kate: that'd be great, I've just realised how many things I have Michael: no problemo! Kate: thanks ^^
Kate is moving in on Saturday and Michael will help her with packing.
Lisa: Are you baking? Sam: Yes but only just gone in the oven Lisa: ok no probs will take the dog out first Sam: Penny v excited - managed to toss the pancake without burning the pan! Lisa: you are improving! Sam: Have you heard from Benji Lisa: no, hope he is ok Sam: yeah, same Lisa: Still, he chose to leave, so up to him what he does Sam: that's true Lisa: still a bit disconcerting though Sam: Guess he will turn up when he's read Lisa: Let;s hope so Sam: the dog desparate to go out so will catch up with you when I pop up for Penny
Sam is baking and making pancakes. Lisa will take the dog out. Sam and Lisa haven't heard from Benji.
Ted: Grrr! Gail: What??? Ted: I hate shopping! Gail: Oh! LOL! Ted: It's only grocery shopping but it sucks! Gail: Yah... Ted: Just so many old people! Gail: Oh! Ted: Why do they have to shop first thing in the am? Gail: Because they can! Ted: Good talk.. Gail: LOL, it's true! Ted: Ugh.
Ted hates shopping.
Chloe: I sent you an invitation to the musical I play in! William: Wow, you play in a musical? In a REAL musical? Chloe: Yup. :))) William: How did it happen? Chloe: Well, I felt like I didn't have enough opportunities to grow and to develop the creative part of myself, so I started attending acting classes for amateurs. At some point our teacher decided that we're ready to show the world, what we can do and... this is how the idea of making a musical was born. :D William: Wow, I've never thought that you would enjoy an activity like that! That's so cool (and impressive) :) William: I'll try to show up, of course. :) Chloe: That would be awesome! I invited also Chris and Lily, but they probably won't show up. Chloe: Btw Have you heard the news about them? They're getting divorced. :( William: Is it for sure...? Chloe: I think so, they separated three months ago. I can't believe it either... :( William: They were such a great couple. :( William: What are they going to do with Logan? Who will he live with? Chloe: I have no idea. With Lily, I guess. William: Then Chris must be devastated. :( I'll call him.
WIll is going to see Chloe in a musical. Chris and Lily might not show up and are getting a divorce. Chloe and William don't know who will keep Logan. William wants to comfort Chris.
Terry: Is anybody home? Alice: I'm at work Martin: I've just woken up Terry: ufff! Check if I switched off the oven in the kitchen, please! Martin: on moment Terry: 👍 Martin: you did :P Terry: God, I was so paranoid about it, but couldn't come back to check it Martin: happens to me as well Martin: What time are you coming back tonight? Terry: around 7pm Alice: similar, why? Martin: I've a day off, so I could cook sth for us Alice: how nice! Martin: :D
Alice is at work. Martin is at home and has just woken up. Martin checks if Terry switched off the oven. He did. Terry and Alice are coming home around 7 PM. Martin wants to cook something for the 3 of them.
Ann: Have u took dog for a walk? Tom: OMG! I totally forget about it :( Ann: :( Tom: Don't worry. I'll call to Mike.
Tom's forgotten to take the dog for a walk but he'll call Mike.
Martha: Jessie's bf sent me a message Samantha: What?? Fiona: OMG Martha: <photo_file> Samantha: "Hi Martha, you looked cute in that green dress today" Samantha: "You should wear it more often" Fiona: What a bastard Fiona: Did you tell Jessie? Martha: You think I should? Martha: I'm not sure. She can take it the wrong way Samantha: Right. Samantha: She can be a bit unstable. Samantha: But she should know that Tom is an asshole.
Jessie's boyfriend sent Martha the unambiguous message. Samantha thinks Martha should tell Jessie about that.
Kim: I gotta cancel tomorrow Lily: Oh no, why? Monica: actually, I was gonna write to you same thing Monica: Lacey is sick Lily: Damn, well hope you all feel better or sth, gotta go back to work, write me what's up!
Kim and Monica can't meet with Lily tomorrow.
Ben: Tomorrow is the submission deadline. Jack: I know Sandra: Thanks for reminding, I forgot!
Ben reminds the submission deadline is tomorrow.
Dan: buy me a sandwich on your way to work. Kevin: ok, no problem! Dan: thanks!
Kevin will buy a sandwich for Dan.
Danny: geez, it's so boooring Kate: tell me about it *snooze* Danny: have you heard about Frank and Sue? Kate: ? no? what about them? Danny: I've heard they're dating Kate: pfff, says who Danny: Michael Kate: like he knows Danny: Hahaha, i know, right? :D Kate: I'd rather believe Frank and Mike are dating :P
Danny has info from Michael that Frank and Sue are dating.
Callie: check this out <3 Callie: <file_other> Elena: gorge!! <3 <3 <3 Elena: what's this? Elena: did you do it yourself? Callie: it's a bullet journal :) no, of course not Callie: but i wish i could draw like that :D Elena: should i know what it is? it's not a regular journal, is it? Callie: it's a journal which is meant to increase your productivity (it has a different structure than a typical journal and you can customize it to your needs) Callie: for some people it's a diary and creative outlet in one Callie: i looove watching yt videos about bullet journaling, they're so aesthetically pleasing <3 Elena: hmm maybe i'll give it a go? looks like a great pastime ;) Callie: you should! i've been keeping a bullet journal for a year now and i'm in love Callie: it's really helped me to gain control of my finances Elena: ooo i could use some help in that department too...:)
Callie made a bullet journal. She's been keeping a bullet journal for a year.
Lindsay: heyy long time no... text Max: true dat :) how are you doing? Lindsay: i was at a house party last night and the host had the same degree that youre majoring in... and what a flat he had !! Max: ohhh Lindsay: it made me think of you Lindsay: and of your great future! :D Max: hahhaa thats really nice of you i do hope my flat will be equally shiny Lindsay: <file_photo> Lindsay: lookk at the size of that TV! Max: yeah I get what you mean now! it surely is bigger than the current size of my thesis tho Lindsay: hahhaa... i'm sure you can make it on time! Max: clock is ticking :( Lindsay: don't worry about that, just keep grinding! Max: well thanks for messaging me! Max: ive gotta get back to work, but we have to talk more :) Lindsay: let me know when you're free and I'll treat you to a cuppa Max: best motivation ever! :)
Lindsay went to a house party last night. The host happened to have the same degree as Max. Lucy was impressed with the host's flat. She shares a photo of the flat with Max. Now Max needs to get back to work, but when he's free, Lindsay will invite him to a cuppa.
Mia: When do you want me to stop by? Ada: oh gees Ada: I totally forgot Mia: gees Mia: fuck Ada: I'm so sorry Mia: what the hell am I soposse to do? Mia: I have all your stuff Mia: packed in my car Mia: fuck it took me like an hour to pack it up Ada: Hold on Ada: let me think Mia: well? Ada: I called Peter Ada: He'll be at my place in 30min Mia: and? Ada: He's got a key anad he'll let you in Mia: ok give me his number Ada: ok I'll send you a text Mia: fine
Mia has Ada's stuff packed in her car. Peter will be in Ada's place in 30 minutes, he has the key and he will let Mia in. Ada will send Mia his phone number.
James: could i borrow 100 bucks? Kathleen: what for?!?!?!?!?! James: i lost a bet and i need to pay up today Kathleen: you shouldn't be betting, much less if you don't have money! Kathleen: i'm sorry but i don't want to be a part of this
James wants to borrow 100 dollars from Kathleen. She refused to do that.
Benny: You can't imagine how much I hate all this New Year crap. As if I should rejoice in being older. Kate: And wiser. God! You are not old!! Benny: But my age (and especially the age of my friends) starts to show from the number of friends who have died in the past year, and those who have become incapacitated. Kate: In actual fact I've been noticing the same. All of a sudden we are all talking about our ailments! Benny: Or folks that we have just taken to their last place on earth. Or those who are but aren't here any longer. Like your hubby. So terrible for you. Kate: One learns to cope. Rough time though. Benny: I know what you mean. Helen: Something recent? Benny: In particular, one close friend Rob that I visit, had a stroke 7 weeks ago, and although showing signs of still “being in there” like smiling and squeezing hands, has not spoken or communicated in 7 weeks. Helen: My dad had recovered after a stroke his understanding and learnt to communicate with us but never regained his power of speech. Benny: We are not sure how much Rob really understands. Maybe he just greets us the way a friendly doggy reacts to being treated well. Helen: This may change for the better, given plenty of positive interaction. And time. And patience. 7 weeks is nothing. a recovery process takes months. Benny: You seem to know a lot. Let's hope you are right. Helen: The point is we can't let such experiences bog us down! Please! Benny: Far from it. Maybe just getting pensive from time to time. Helen: :‑|
Benny doesn't like New Year's Eve celebration and getting older. Many of her friends are having health problems, like Rob who had a stroke 7 weeks ago, or have died, like Kate's husband. Helen's dad suffered a stroke and could never speak again, but she tries to stay positive.
Ella: Are you on the bus? Lisa: Yes missed the first one so on the 49. Will be there in about 10 mins Ella: ok I'll meet you at the bus stop
Lisa missed the bus. She will meet with Ella at the bus stop in 10 minutes.
Ann: Have you ever made vodka gummy bears? Max: Yes! I love those things! Ann: How long do you leave them to soak? Max: A week! Ann: That long??? Max: Oh yeah! Ann: Don't they turn to goo? Max: Scarily, no! Ann: I shudder to think what they're made of! Max: Don't think, just enjoy! LOL! Ann: Riiiiight!
Max makes vodka gummy bears. He leaves them to soak for a week.
Mailer: any good movies? Oswald: series? Mailer: no, cinema rather Scarlett: try the new fantastic beasts. heard it pretty good Mailer: oh cool thx
Mailer wants to go to the movies. Scarlett suggests the new fantastic beasts.
Bruna: Helloooo Bruna: I have arrived. I'm downstairs Vera: Oh, sorry..I thought you were arriving after 3 o'clock Vera: I'm coming down to open.. just give me 2 minutes :)
Bruna has already arrived. Vera will open in 2 minutes.