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The exact manner of his sudden death was never made public. | The public never learned the way he died. | 1entailment
you know in the Jimmy Carter uh Carter era you know wringing your hands and going trust me trust me | You know the stress in the Jimmy Carter era. | 1entailment
yeah i just think it's really really pretty | I think it's very pretty. | 1entailment
One bioethicist has coined a term for this new kind of the sperminator. | The new term came from a bioethicist. | 1entailment
yeah she's real skinny she's matter of fact she's uh she's down at the vet today she had her little operation so uh | Today, she was at the vet for an operation. | 1entailment
Gore, by contrast, smoked pot, worked construction, attended divinity school, and muckraked at a Tennessee newspaper. | Gore was different because he once worked construction and at a newspaper. | 1entailment
co-requesters as to the original requester (see Commitment to Congressional Requesters). | The originating document refers to co-requesters in addition to the original requester. | 1entailment
i have i have branched out i was a photographer before but when i went to college it was i felt like i couldn't support myself if i decided to be a photographer | I was a photographer in college but couldn't support myself on the income. | 1entailment
i did it right as she said yeah but uh she's she's down in San Antonio it's it's a uh | She's down in San Antonio | 1entailment
It's certainly better than living in a society that allows money to entice people to convert their own health into a commodity. | The alternative is far better than living in a society that financially contributes to those who use their health as an asset. | 1entailment
they didn't say what they just said they thought acid rain's contribution may be less than was previously suspected um but it may be other natural things at work um | They stated that the acid rain may not be as much as they previously thought. | 1entailment
west Texan | So you're from west Texas? | 1entailment
you know paying back for whatever crime they've committed | They've committed a crime. | 1entailment
I overheard something that seemed to show that other people friends were looking for me. | Someone's friends were looking for me. | 1entailment
The original colony of 600 men intermarried with local women to form a large Eurasian community, served by African slaves and living in an elegant luxury that won their trading post the name Babylon of the Orient. | The Babylon of the Orient was a lavish community of original colony men intermarried with local women. | 1entailment
They may also fear retaliation by other local employers, and often will not want to pursue a claim until after they leave the area. | They are afraid to make any claims unless they are out of the area. | 1entailment
The color of the paint varies depending on what is considered the most tacky in any given war-golf season. | The decision on paint is made based on golfing trends. | 1entailment
or or so it seems i i may just be paranoid but that state income tax is just eating me alive | The state income taxes here are terrible. | 1entailment
The legend says General Abercromby heard the church bells tolling, saw the lights, mistakenly deduced that Spanish reinforcements had arrived, and fled. | They say that General Abercromby heard noise from the church. | 1entailment
no we do not have a basement because we would had to have built up instead of down because uh there's the rock is so close to the surface here that it's difficult to to do basements so we didn't do that but um | We weren't able to build a basement because of how close the rock is to the surface. | 1entailment
If you feel more energetic, you can rent a rowboat at the dock and set out under your own steam. | You are able to rent your own rowboat from the dock. | 1entailment
It's a sizable benefit in terms of prolonged survival, he said. | He thinks it'll be beneficial in the long run. | 1entailment
To assist federal managers, the Committee published guiding principles and key issues for implementing GPRA. | The Committee published guiding principles and key issues to assist federal managers. | 1entailment
Other industries requiring boilermaker labor include refinery (13 percent), chemical (6 percent), paper (7 percent), and metals (6 percent). | There are other industries requiring boilermaker labor. | 1entailment
I was about to say that studies showed no connection. | I was about to speak. | 1entailment
But he may just be a person who things happen to happen to, a guy with a penchant for pretending to be what others want to believe that he is. | He may just be a person who things happen to happen to | 1entailment
oh yeah oh yeah it's uh that's the finances i guess we're on the subject of finances it is tough uh i've been with TI i'm just going to be fifteen years this year and that's a tough thing uh the salary thing TI doesn't quite always do it right well what about our our our financial budget well you you should have a lot of information on a budget then if you're uh | I have been working for TI for almost fifteen years. | 1entailment
A man approached from the trail to the large house. | A man approached the large house. | 1entailment
Compare the breakneck growth of the Web with that of any new medium of the past 150 the telegraph, the telephone, the motion picture, radio, television, cable TV, and the VCR. | The web is growing at an incredible pace. | 1entailment
USEPA adopted the policy that ELS test data could be used in establishing water quality criteria if data from full life-cycle tests were not available (USEPA, 1980a). | In place of full cycle tests, ELS test data could be used for water quality. | 1entailment
Aside from exotic fruits, strange roots, land crabs, dried fish, spices, and nuts, you can pick up spiritual spray for your house, ointments designed to bring you money, lotions and powders for your ailments, or a baby pig. | There are crabs, fish, spices and nuts for sale. | 1entailment
they just repeat | It's the same thing again and again. | 1entailment
We applaud Senator Jeffords for tackling this important issue and for recognizing that a cap and trade program is the best way to achieve these reductions. | Jeffords is working towards a cap and trade program. | 1entailment
Double Dribble Results Are In! | We have the results for Double Dribble. | 1entailment
How wildly improbable success had seemed! | Success was not assured. | 1entailment
Some kids work 40 hours a week to make up the allowance gap. | It is necessary for some children to work 40 hours a week to make up the allowance gap. | 1entailment
This is the third such case in New Jersey in recent months. | New Jersey had seen at least 2 of these kinds of cases. | 1entailment
To life in the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression? | To life in the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression. | 1entailment
Increasingly, however, managed-care insurers and the government are refusing to go along. | Insurers and the government are not complying. | 1entailment
Further, advances in computeraided design and other technologies are occurring | Computer aided design technologies are getting better. | 1entailment
well i think the six is called a Grand Jury and that's mostly to decide whether or not the person's actually going to stand trial or it's whether they're acquitted or whether they're actually going to be accused of | A Grand Jury is called to decide if a person will stand trial or not. | 1entailment
And while their censure resolution may immunize them against the charge of moral indifference, it doesn't protect them from the charge of indifference to Clinton's apparent lawbreaking. | The censure resolution may show that they want to protect themselves against public opinion but it doesn't mean they won't be seen as skirting their duty to address Clinton's crimes. | 1entailment
Sikhs make up just 2 percent of the population. | The vast majority of the population is non-Sikh. | 1entailment
I make my acknowledgments. | Acknowledgements were made. | 1entailment
Four of Daitokuji's Zen subtemples in particular offer superb gardens, teahouses, and artifacts. | Superb gardens are on offer in four of Daitokuji's Zen subtemples. | 1entailment
The institutions and individuals he supports--call them Milliken Men--have helped legitimize a point of view that still commands virtually no support among professional economists, and which was regarded, even a decade ago, as politically beyond the pale. | Professional economists are bewildered by the encroachment of such a barmy view. | 1entailment
No doubt they'll dry out in time and be as good as new. | They will dry out and be useable again. | 1entailment
On the bright side, Bennett's attack compelled the New York Times editorial page to defend and praise Gingrich. | Some good came out of Bennett's attack. | 1entailment
No. She was smiling in her quiet way. | There was a quiet way in which she smiled. | 1entailment
He's just a boy. Rennie did not utter that as an excuse; rather he said it as if to reassure himself. | Rennie told himself that the person was just a boy. | 1entailment
Farther south in Crete, the Minoan culture developed after 2000 b.c. into the most significant of its age, spreading its influence throughout the region by trade and diplomacy. | The Minoan culture developed after 2000 BC. | 1entailment
This information follows. | This information is provided after this. | 1entailment
The president was [l]onely and starved for affection. | The president was starved for affection. | 1entailment
Lines 5 through 8 show the effect of changing the method of payment for the exchange of LC/AO mail between the U.S. and all other FPAs. | The effect of changing the method of payment for the exchange of LC/AO mail between the U.S. and all other FPAs are shown in lines 5 through 8. | 1entailment
The distribution of profitable routes shown on Figure 4 indicates that the U.S. | The distribution of profitable routes is shown in a graphic. | 1entailment
i'm afraid to i'm afraid to even think about it | I'm afraid to think about it. | 1entailment
Presumably his place was taken by another juror who really believes that the police arrest people completely at random.) | His place was taken by another person who thought people were charged unfairly often. | 1entailment
Now and then she nodded, and sometimes she'd shake her head, as though she were answering questions. | She would move her head signaling yes or no occasionally as if she were answering questions | 1entailment
oh that's terrible i'm jealous | That is horrible, I am envious. | 1entailment
uh a little bit yeah yeah | Just a little but. | 1entailment
it was very mild mild winter yeah | It was not a harsh winter. | 1entailment
so i think it is communication it's just oopsy | It's just miscommunication. | 1entailment
but i just couldn't see it you know going off and leaving everything like that | I just couldn't consider leaving everything in that scenario. | 1entailment
Ca'daan rode Gray Cloud, well rested and well fed. | Ca'daan was well rested and fed. | 1entailment
they do so they're getting paid | They do it because they are being paid. | 1entailment
If our Science of Magic could be relied upon--but it cannot; it never can be, until the sky is fixed. | Our Science of Magic can't be relied upon until the sky is fixed. | 1entailment
Grossness is not a good objection. | Using grossness is not a valid form of objection. | 1entailment
His mind threatened to blank out with each step, but he forced himself on. | He forced himself to continue walking even tho he wanted to pass out. | 1entailment
The taste was more awful than any he could imagine. | It was an awful taste. | 1entailment
Because drug use is also an important issue among ED patients, he thought combining alcohol and drug research in EDs could lead to more research dollars. | Drug use is an important issue among ED patients. | 1entailment
Such information could be the size of the program or activity you are reviewing, for example. | The size of the program is relevant information that may be used. | 1entailment
um we had all the great civil rights legislation of nineteen sixty eight | We had available to us, the entire civil rights legislation of 1968. | 1entailment
AMS said an ex parte communication is an oral or written private communication from someone outside of the United States Department of Agriculture to a Department official who is involved in decisionmaking on a pending rulemaking proceeding. | The United States Department of Agriculture's Department officials are involved in rule making. | 1entailment
Of these 490 respondents, an estimated 155 respondents would be required to perform additional information collection. | 335 respondents would not be required to perform any additional collection. | 1entailment
Below Jesus' feet is a Latin in?scription that suggests that the tympanum was the work of one man, Gislebertus (Gilbert). | The inscription below Jesus' feet only contains one name; Gislebertus. | 1entailment
Ain't no army gonna pull 'em out an' make 'em fight white-man style. | An army is not going to remove them and force them to fight in the style of white men. | 1entailment
As is frequently the case in Madeiran villages, the best views are from vantage points on the hillside road as it climbs up away from the village. | The best views are from up on the hillside. | 1entailment
yeah after well when it starts steaming a lot uh i definitely yeah put it in the refrigerator | When it starts steaming I put it in the refrigerator | 1entailment
For making reservations, Portugal's country code is 351; the prefix for Madeira is 291. | Portugal and Madeira have country codes for reservations. | 1entailment
'Two hundred miles an hour.' | It's going really fast. | 1entailment
Only they can ensure that each agency's strategic planning and performance measurement efforts will become the basis for its day-to-day operations. | They are responsible for making sure the it is applied to day to day operations. | 1entailment
Another point, how did you know that the key of the despatch-case had been lost? | How did you know they'd lost it? | 1entailment
and uh it's so you know he we have all our piles of of recyclables also | We collect our recyclable materials in piles. | 1entailment
Once Greece, a NATO member, gets involved, the whole of Europe, bound by treaty, could follow. | All of Europe may be forced to follow their lead. | 1entailment
In moments the small man's onslaught left the shield hanging in pieces from the villager's bloody left arm. | The villager's left arm was bloody. | 1entailment
uh yeah i have one of these little Zenith laptops which uh the uh everybody here at school has to buy one | At my school, everyone has to buy a zenith laptop. | 1entailment
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners consists of approximately 25,000 certified fraud examiners and associated members in 70 different countries. | About 25,000 certified fraud examiners are part of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. | 1entailment
well that sounds like something good to do then | Actually that does sound good to do. | 1entailment
oh really if you had a choice of your car what would you get | What kind of car would you get? | 1entailment
How many more must they kill? | How many are they going to kill? | 1entailment
Don't get too concerned if you seem to be following a very roundabout route | Do not be surprised if your route in not directly to your destination. | 1entailment
More inventive than Gordon is the Chinese artist Huang Yong Ping, who was caught abroad during the Tiananmen Square uprising and now lives in Paris. | Huang Yong Ping was caught during the uprising and moved to France. | 1entailment
Over the years the Arc de Triomphe ' 50 m (164 ft) high and 45 m (148 ft) wide ' has become a symbol of the nation. | The Arc de Triomphe, stretching 50 meters into the air, is a symbol of France. | 1entailment
The Coroner did not trouble to reply. | He said nothing. | 1entailment
He was white as chalk, the candle he held in his shaking hand was sputtering onto the carpet, and his eyes, petrified with terror, or some such kindred emotion, stared fixedly over my head at a point on the further wall. | He stared over my head in a state of shock. | 1entailment
Guadeloupe and Martinique, much the largest of the islands and about 160 km (100 miles) apart, are becoming internationally known resorts. | The islands Guadeloupe and Martinique have been converted to well-known resorts. | 1entailment
Nox emissions contribute to nitrogen deposition that may lead to eutrophication of estuaries and near-coastal waters and can damage forested watersheds. | Forested watersheds can be damaged by Nox emissions. | 1entailment
Next to the chambers, Anchor Close was once home to the printing works of William Smellie, editor and printer of the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which appeared in 1768. | William Smellie was an editor and printer of the very first release of Encyclopedia Britannica in 1768. | 1entailment
The Sticks roared in. | They crashed in. | 1entailment
Contract management includes the steps required to ensure that the agency receives products and services within established costs and time frames. | The agency receiving products and services should be aware of their costs and time frames. | 1entailment
Subsets and Splits