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dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3500 | r-eɣe-t’a ƛuza-bi-s r-ic’-asi ɣˤutku-tow r-ukad-n elo yisi-r | IV-small-DISTR bone-PL-GEN1 IV-fill-RES.PRT room-EMPH IV-see-PFV.CVB there DEM2.ISG.OBL-LAT | There he saw that the room was filled with small bones. | IV-STEM-DISTR STEM-PL-GEN1 IV-STEM-RES.PRT STEM-EMPH IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM DEM2.ISG.OBL-LAT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3500 | Reɣet’a ƛuzazas ric’äsi ɣutkutow rukayn elo yisir. | IV-small-DISTR bone-PL-GEN1 IV-fill-RES.PRT room-EMPH IV-see-PFV.CVB there DEM2.ISG.OBL-LAT | There he saw that the room was filled with small bones. | IV-STEM-DISTR STEM-PL-GEN1 IV-STEM-RES.PRT STEM-EMPH IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM DEM2.ISG.OBL-LAT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3501 | mi di-s č’iħo r-ac’-ya-ƛin esir-n xizyogon neła-a | you me-GEN1 fruit IV-eat-PST.WIT.Q-QUOT ask-PST.UNW then DEM1.IISG.OBL-ERG | "Did you eat my fruits?", she asked again. | STEM STEM-GEN1 STEM IV-STEM-PST.WIT.Q-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW STEM DEM1.IISG.OBL-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3501 | Mi dey č’iħo rac’iyäƛin, esirno xizyogon nełä. | you me-GEN1 fruit IV-eat-PST.WIT.Q-QUOT ask-PST.UNW then DEM1.IISG.OBL-ERG | "Did you eat my fruits?", she asked again. | STEM STEM-GEN1 STEM IV-STEM-PST.WIT.Q-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW STEM DEM1.IISG.OBL-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3502 | yisi-a-n eli b-aƛ’ir-s-ƛin ele-ay-gon bitor bazargan-bi huni-x b-oq-n warani-bi-n r-iži-n ik’i-ru uži-z ʕaƛ-aɣor-n b-ezu-n | DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG-TOP we I.PL-cheat-PST.WIT-QUOT here-IN.ABL-CNTR thither merchant-PL way-AD.ESS I.PL-become-PFV.CVB camel-PL-TOP III.PL-lead-PFV.CVB go-PST.PRT boy-GEN2 village-IN.VERS-TOP I.PL-look-PST.UNW | "He cheated us as well," the merchants [said and] got on their way away from their and looked for the village of the boy who went leading the camels. | DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG-TOP STEM I.PL-STEM-PST.WIT-QUOT STEM-IN.ABL-CNTR STEM STEM-PL STEM-AD.ESS I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PL-TOP III.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PST.PRT STEM-GEN2 STEM-IN.VERS-TOP I.PL-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3502 | Yisän eli baƛ’irsiƛin, elaygon bitor bazarganbi hunix boqno, waranibin rižin äk’iru žaz ʕaƛaɣorno bezun. | DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG-TOP we I.PL-cheat-PST.WIT-QUOT here-IN.ABL-CNTR thither merchant-PL way-AD.ESS I.PL-become-PFV.CVB camel-PL-TOP III.PL-lead-PFV.CVB go-PST.PRT boy-GEN2 village-IN.VERS-TOP I.PL-look-PST.UNW | "He cheated us as well," the merchants [said and] got on their way away from their and looked for the village of the boy who went leading the camels. | DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG-TOP STEM I.PL-STEM-PST.WIT-QUOT STEM-IN.ABL-CNTR STEM STEM-PL STEM-AD.ESS I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PL-TOP III.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PST.PRT STEM-GEN2 STEM-IN.VERS-TOP I.PL-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3503 | q’orolay uži-z idu-r-n y-ik’i-n nesi-r y-iy-č’ey neširu ža kec-xozo tax-ƛ-n y-uqˤeł-n ʕenekizi y-oq-n y-iči-n | widow boy-GEN2 home-LAT-and II-go-PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL-LAT II-know-NEG.PST.UNW at.night DEM1.SG sleep-PRS.PRT.OBL bed-SUB.ESS-TOP II-hide-PST.UNW listen II-become-PFV.CVB II-be-PST.UNW | The widow went to the boy's home, without him knowing, and at night hid under his bed while he was sleeping, and listened. | STEM STEM-GEN2 STEM-LAT-STEM II-STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL-LAT II-STEM-NEG.PST.UNW STEM DEM1.SG STEM-PRS.PRT.OBL STEM-SUB.ESS-TOP II-STEM-PST.UNW STEM II-STEM-PFV.CVB II-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3503 | Q’orolay žaz idurno yik’in, nesir yiynč’ey neširu ža kecxozo taxeƛno yuqˤełno, ʕenekizi yoqno yičin. | widow boy-GEN2 home-LAT-and II-go-PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL-LAT II-know-NEG.PST.UNW at.night DEM1.SG sleep-PRS.PRT.OBL bed-SUB.ESS-TOP II-hide-PST.UNW listen II-become-PFV.CVB II-be-PST.UNW | The widow went to the boy's home, without him knowing, and at night hid under his bed while he was sleeping, and listened. | STEM STEM-GEN2 STEM-LAT-STEM II-STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL-LAT II-STEM-NEG.PST.UNW STEM DEM1.SG STEM-PRS.PRT.OBL STEM-SUB.ESS-TOP II-STEM-PST.UNW STEM II-STEM-PFV.CVB II-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3504 | neła qu-ł hudayziko sasaq-si zaman b-ay-nosi žedu-r b-iš-ani-x r-eti-n hudun Q’arum-a nesi-q-si-ni bišʷa ader r-oƛik’-n-anu | DEM1.IISG.OBL day-CONT.ESS in.the.morning-ATTR time III-come-ANT.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL-LAT I.PL-eat-MSD-AD.ESS IV-want-PFV.CVB nevertheless Qarum-ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL-POSS.ESS-ATTR-DEF food forward IV-pull.out-PFV.CVB-NEG | A day later, when the morning time came, they wanted to eat, but Qarum didn't take out the food that he had. | DEM1.IISG.OBL STEM-CONT.ESS STEM STEM-ATTR STEM III-STEM-ANT.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL-LAT I.PL-STEM-MSD-AD.ESS IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL-POSS.ESS-ATTR-DEF STEM STEM IV-STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3504 | Neła quł hudayziko sasaqasi zaman baynosi, žedur bišanix retin, hudun Q’arumä nesiqosini biša ader roƛik’noanu. | DEM1.IISG.OBL day-CONT.ESS in.the.morning-ATTR time III-come-ANT.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL-LAT I.PL-eat-MSD-AD.ESS IV-want-PFV.CVB nevertheless Qarum-ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL-POSS.ESS-ATTR-DEF food forward IV-pull.out-PFV.CVB-NEG | A day later, when the morning time came, they wanted to eat, but Qarum didn't take out the food that he had. | DEM1.IISG.OBL STEM-CONT.ESS STEM STEM-ATTR STEM III-STEM-ANT.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL-LAT I.PL-STEM-MSD-AD.ESS IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL-POSS.ESS-ATTR-DEF STEM STEM IV-STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3505 | hawa-ƛ’-n raład-ł-n raƛ’-ƛ’-n žedu-a di esur-s anu-a mi-s q’ˤuya ħilla makru-ƛin esir-n uži-a | air-SUPER.ESS-TOP sea-CONT.ESS-TOP earth-SUPER.ESS-TOP DEM1.IPL-ERG me find-PST.WIT be.NEG-Q you-GEN1 other trickery ruse-QUOT ask-PFV.CVB boy-ERG | "They have found me in the air, in the sea and on the earth, do you have another trick?" the boy asked. | STEM-SUPER.ESS-TOP STEM-CONT.ESS-TOP STEM-SUPER.ESS-TOP DEM1.IPL-ERG STEM STEM-PST.WIT STEM-Q STEM-GEN1 STEM STEM STEM-QUOT STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3505 | Hawaƛ’no, raładyołno, raƛ’moƛ’no žeda di esursi, ana debi q’ˤuya ħilla- makruƛin, esirno užä. | air-SUPER.ESS-TOP sea-CONT.ESS-TOP earth-SUPER.ESS-TOP DEM1.IPL-ERG me find-PST.WIT be.NEG-Q you-GEN1 other trickery ruse-QUOT ask-PFV.CVB boy-ERG | "They have found me in the air, in the sea and on the earth, do you have another trick?" the boy asked. | STEM-SUPER.ESS-TOP STEM-CONT.ESS-TOP STEM-SUPER.ESS-TOP DEM1.IPL-ERG STEM STEM-PST.WIT STEM-Q STEM-GEN1 STEM STEM STEM-QUOT STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3506 | xizyo xan-a eƛi-n | after khan-ERG say-PST.UNW | Then the king said: | STEM STEM-ERG STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3506 | Xizyo xanä eƛin: | after khan-ERG say-PST.UNW | Then the king said: | STEM STEM-ERG STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3507 | łox äƛiru-gon boc’i-a reču-ƛxor qˤaƛi-n qˤaƛanad-xosi di teł-xor b-egir-ƛin | thrice ORD-CNTR wolf-ERG cattleshed-SUB.LAT shout-PST.UNW yell-PRS.PRT me inside-AD.LAT III-let-QUOT | For the third time, the wolf shouted into the cattleshed: "Shout, let me inside!" | STEM ORD-CNTR STEM-ERG STEM-SUB.LAT STEM-PST.UNW STEM-PRS.PRT STEM STEM-AD.LAT III-STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3507 | Łox äƛirugon boc’ä rečuƛxor qˤaƛin, qˤaƛanayxosi, di tełxor begirƛin. | thrice ORD-CNTR wolf-ERG cattleshed-SUB.LAT shout-PST.UNW yell-PRS.PRT me inside-AD.LAT III-let-QUOT | For the third time, the wolf shouted into the cattleshed: "Shout, let me inside!" | STEM ORD-CNTR STEM-ERG STEM-SUB.LAT STEM-PST.UNW STEM-PRS.PRT STEM STEM-AD.LAT III-STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3508 | zow-n-ƛax zow-n anu-ƛax sis ɣˤanabi | be.NPRS-PFV.CVB-QUOT be.NPRS-PFV.CVB be.NEG-QUOT one woman | Once upon a time there was a woman. | STEM-PFV.CVB-QUOT STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-QUOT STEM STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3508 | Zownƛax zown anuƛax sis ɣˤanabi. | be.NPRS-PFV.CVB-QUOT be.NPRS-PFV.CVB be.NEG-QUOT one woman | Once upon a time there was a woman. | STEM-PFV.CVB-QUOT STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-QUOT STEM STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3509 | hudayƛ’aygon hemedur-tow roč-x-n ici-n egir-nosi ƛ’iri yoł-ru-ni bełiqan-bi-s q’ut’i b-oq-n žigo-ƛ’ay roč k’ek’-r-łin elu-a ža izir-ač’in-ƛin | so-EMPH rope-AD.ESS-TOP tie-PFV.CVB let-ANT.CVB above be-PST.PRT-DEF hunter-PL-GEN1 agreement III-become-PFV.CVB again-SUPER.ABL rope move-CAUS-CNC.CVB we(I).OBL-ERG DEM1.SG lift-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT | The next day[time?], when they let him [down], tied to the rope, the hunters that were above, agreed: "When he moves the rope again, we won't lift him up." | STEM STEM-EMPH STEM-AD.ESS-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-ANT.CVB STEM STEM-PST.PRT-DEF STEM-PL-GEN1 STEM III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-SUPER.ABL STEM STEM-CAUS-CNC.CVB STEM-ERG DEM1.SG STEM-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3509 | Hudayƛ’aygon hemedurtow ročyoxno icin egirnosi, ƛ’iri yałruni bełiqanzas q’ut’i boqno, žigoƛ’ay roč k’ek’erłin ela ža izirač’inƛin. | so-EMPH rope-AD.ESS-TOP tie-PFV.CVB let-ANT.CVB above be-PST.PRT-DEF hunter-PL-GEN1 agreement III-become-PFV.CVB again-SUPER.ABL rope move-CAUS-CNC.CVB we(I).OBL-ERG DEM1.SG lift-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT | The next day[time?], when they let him [down], tied to the rope, the hunters that were above, agreed: "When he moves the rope again, we won't lift him up." | STEM STEM-EMPH STEM-AD.ESS-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-ANT.CVB STEM STEM-PST.PRT-DEF STEM-PL-GEN1 STEM III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-SUPER.ABL STEM STEM-CAUS-CNC.CVB STEM-ERG DEM1.SG STEM-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3510 | sida ečru žek’u-r ciq-q qaci-s łˤono hoko t’it’i-ru-s łˤono ɣˤuruš y-iqi-asi zow-s hudun idu-ɣor ay-ƛ’oräy bikori b-exur-x ʕoloq-bi-n b-esu-n ža b-egir-n xeci-ani-ƛ žedu-r łˤono-n ɣˤuruš teƛ-s di-ƛin esi-n uži-a | one.OBL old man-LAT forest-POSS.ESS firewood-GEN1 three carriage fell-PST.PRT-GEN1 three ruble II-get-RES.PRT be.NPRS-PST.WIT nevertheless home-IN.ALL come-SIM.CVB snake III-kill-IPFV.CVB young.person-PL-TOP I.PL-find-PFV.CVB DEM1.SG III-let-PFV.CVB leave-MSD-SUB.ESS DEM1.IPL.OBL-LAT three-TOP ruble give-PST.WIT me-QUOT tell-PST.UNW boy-ERG | "I got three rubles for felling three carriages full of firewood for an old man; but while I was coming home, I found some young people who were killing a snake and I gave them the three rubles for letting go of it.", he told. | STEM STEM STEM-LAT STEM-POSS.ESS STEM-GEN1 STEM STEM STEM-PST.PRT-GEN1 STEM STEM II-STEM-RES.PRT STEM-PST.WIT STEM STEM-IN.ALL STEM-SIM.CVB STEM III-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM-PL-TOP I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB DEM1.SG III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-MSD-SUB.ESS DEM1.IPL.OBL-LAT STEM-TOP STEM STEM-PST.WIT STEM-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW STEM-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3510 | Sida ečru žek’ur ciqqo qacis łˤono hoko t’ät’irus łˤono ɣˤuruš yiqäsi zows, hudun iduɣor ayƛ’oräy, bikori bexurxo ʕoloqbin besun, ža begirno xecaniƛ žedur łˤonon ɣˤuruš teƛsi diƛin, esin žoyä. | one.OBL old man-LAT forest-POSS.ESS firewood-GEN1 three carriage fell-PST.PRT-GEN1 three ruble II-get-RES.PRT be.NPRS-PST.WIT nevertheless home-IN.ALL come-SIM.CVB snake III-kill-IPFV.CVB young.person-PL-TOP I.PL-find-PFV.CVB DEM1.SG III-let-PFV.CVB leave-MSD-SUB.ESS DEM1.IPL.OBL-LAT three-TOP ruble give-PST.WIT me-QUOT tell-PST.UNW boy-ERG | "I got three rubles for felling three carriages full of firewood for an old man; but while I was coming home, I found some young people who were killing a snake and I gave them the three rubles for letting go of it.", he told. | STEM STEM STEM-LAT STEM-POSS.ESS STEM-GEN1 STEM STEM STEM-PST.PRT-GEN1 STEM STEM II-STEM-RES.PRT STEM-PST.WIT STEM STEM-IN.ALL STEM-SIM.CVB STEM III-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM-PL-TOP I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB DEM1.SG III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-MSD-SUB.ESS DEM1.IPL.OBL-LAT STEM-TOP STEM STEM-PST.WIT STEM-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW STEM-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3511 | neła-a babiw-qor eƛi-n howža best’alaw-ni esiw y-exur-a y-ay ža č’agu-n y-iči-n di-s dunyal-ƛ’ neti-kin taliħ b-oq-a anu-ƛin | DEM1.IISG.OBL-ERG father-POSS.LAT say-PST.UNW DEM4.SG step-DEF sister II-kill-INF II-must DEM1.SG alive-TOP II-be-TOP me-GEN1 world-SUPER.ESS when-even happiness III-become-INF be.NEG-QUOT | She said to her father: "You must kill this stepsister, when she is alive, I will not get happy again ever in my world." | DEM1.IISG.OBL-ERG STEM-POSS.LAT STEM-PST.UNW DEM4.SG STEM-DEF STEM II-STEM-INF II-STEM DEM1.SG STEM-TOP II-STEM-TOP STEM-GEN1 STEM-SUPER.ESS STEM-STEM STEM III-STEM-INF STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3511 | Neła babiwqor eƛin, howža best’alawni esiw yexura yay, ža č’agun yičin dey dunyalƛ’o netikin taliħ boqa anuƛin. | DEM1.IISG.OBL-ERG father-POSS.LAT say-PST.UNW DEM4.SG step-DEF sister II-kill-INF II-must DEM1.SG alive-TOP II-be-TOP me-GEN1 world-SUPER.ESS when-even happiness III-become-INF be.NEG-QUOT | She said to her father: "You must kill this stepsister, when she is alive, I will not get happy again ever in my world." | DEM1.IISG.OBL-ERG STEM-POSS.LAT STEM-PST.UNW DEM4.SG STEM-DEF STEM II-STEM-INF II-STEM DEM1.SG STEM-TOP II-STEM-TOP STEM-GEN1 STEM-SUPER.ESS STEM-STEM STEM III-STEM-INF STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3512 | diwanbeg-a nesi-qor eƛi-n mi iłe-t’a ʕorƛ’ilaw-bi b-iži-n iħu-xay eč’i-bi r-utir-ƛin | judge-ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL-POSS.LAT say-PST.UNW you as-DISTR I.PL-lead-PFV.CVB river-AD.ABL pebble-PL II.PL-gather-QUOT | The judge said to him: "Bring some fine men just like you and gather pebbles at the river." | STEM-ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL-POSS.LAT STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM-DISTR STEM-PL I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-AD.ABL STEM-PL II.PL-STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3512 | Diwanbegä nesiqor eƛin, mi iłet’a ʕorƛ’ilawbi bižin iħuxay eč’ibi rutirƛin. | judge-ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL-POSS.LAT say-PST.UNW you as-DISTR I.PL-lead-PFV.CVB river-AD.ABL pebble-PL II.PL-gather-QUOT | The judge said to him: "Bring some fine men just like you and gather pebbles at the river." | STEM-ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL-POSS.LAT STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM-DISTR STEM-PL I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-AD.ABL STEM-PL II.PL-STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3513 | xan-a eƛi-run r-odi-n nukar bełiqu-bi-xar ik’i-n | khan-ERG say-IMM.ANT.CVB IV-do-PFV.CVB henchman hunter-PL-AD.VERS go-PST.UNW | The henchman did what the king said and went to the hunters. | STEM-ERG STEM-IMM.ANT.CVB IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-PL-AD.VERS STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3513 | Xanä aƛirun rodin, nukar bełiquzaxar ik’in. | khan-ERG say-IMM.ANT.CVB IV-do-PFV.CVB henchman hunter-PL-AD.VERS go-PST.UNW | The henchman did what the king said and went to the hunters. | STEM-ERG STEM-IMM.ANT.CVB IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-PL-AD.VERS STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3514 | meži di b-iži-an mežu-q yoł-ru kinaw micxir di-r neƛ-näy-ƛin | you.PL me III-lead-FUT.DEF you(I).PL.OBL-POSS.ESS be-PST.PRT entire money me-LAT give-CND.CVB-QUOT | "I will take you with me, if you give me all the money you have." | STEM STEM III-STEM-FUT.DEF STEM-POSS.ESS STEM-PST.PRT STEM STEM STEM-LAT STEM-CND.CVB-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3514 | Meži di bižan mežuq yałru kinaw micxir där neƛnäyƛin. | you.PL me III-lead-FUT.DEF you(I).PL.OBL-POSS.ESS be-PST.PRT entire money me-LAT give-CND.CVB-QUOT | "I will take you with me, if you give me all the money you have." | STEM STEM III-STEM-FUT.DEF STEM-POSS.ESS STEM-PST.PRT STEM STEM STEM-LAT STEM-CND.CVB-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3515 | maduhalłi-q yoł-ru xan-de ħalt’i-ł ža zow-n nesi-s azbar-n c’unzi r-odi-n | neighbourhood-POSS.ESS be-PST.PRT khan-APUD.ESS work-CONT.ESS DEM1.SG be.NPRS-PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL-GEN1 palace-TOP guard IV-do-PST.UNW | He was working at the neighbouring king: He guarded his palace. | STEM-POSS.ESS STEM-PST.PRT STEM-APUD.ESS STEM-CONT.ESS DEM1.SG STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL-GEN1 STEM-TOP STEM IV-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3515 | Maduhalłiq yałru xande ħalt’oł ža zown: nesis azbarno c’unzi rodin. | neighbourhood-POSS.ESS be-PST.PRT khan-APUD.ESS work-CONT.ESS DEM1.SG be.NPRS-PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL-GEN1 palace-TOP guard IV-do-PST.UNW | He was working at the neighbouring king: He guarded his palace. | STEM-POSS.ESS STEM-PST.PRT STEM-APUD.ESS STEM-CONT.ESS DEM1.SG STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL-GEN1 STEM-TOP STEM IV-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3516 | išam-t’a b-is-x caƛi-n łox-nan łox c’ox-r-n | aim-DISTR III-take-IPFV.CVB throw-PFV.CVB thrice-INT thrice hit-CAUS-PST.UNW | Taking aim each time he threw, he hit it three times in a row. | STEM-DISTR III-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-INT STEM STEM-CAUS-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3516 | Išamt’a bisxo caƛin, łoxnon łox c’oxerno. | aim-DISTR III-take-IPFV.CVB throw-PFV.CVB thrice-INT thrice hit-CAUS-PST.UNW | Taking aim each time he threw, he hit it three times in a row. | STEM-DISTR III-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-INT STEM STEM-CAUS-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3517 | cey-a eƛi-n hoboy mi di-ƛ’ ƛ’iri-n zow elo-r b-ay-run mi q’ut’u b-ic’-n di xexłi-ƛ’ xizor b-uti-ani-x-ƛin | eagle-ERG say-PST.UNW now you me-SUPER.ESS on-TOP ride there-LAT III-come-IMM.ANT.CVB you earthen.jug III-fill-PFV.CVB me quickness-SUPER.ESS back III-return-MSD-AD.ESS-QUOT | The eagle said: "Ride on me now, so that I can return quickly, right after I come to there and you filled the jug!" | STEM-ERG STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM STEM-SUPER.ESS STEM-TOP STEM STEM-LAT III-STEM-IMM.ANT.CVB STEM STEM III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-SUPER.ESS STEM III-STEM-MSD-AD.ESS-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3517 | Ceyä eƛin, hoboy mi däƛ’ ƛ’irin zow, elor bayrun mi q’ut’u bic’no, di xexłiƛ’ xizor butanixƛin. | eagle-ERG say-PST.UNW now you me-SUPER.ESS on-TOP ride there-LAT III-come-IMM.ANT.CVB you earthen.jug III-fill-PFV.CVB me quickness-SUPER.ESS back III-return-MSD-AD.ESS-QUOT | The eagle said: "Ride on me now, so that I can return quickly, right after I come to there and you filled the jug!" | STEM-ERG STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM STEM-SUPER.ESS STEM-TOP STEM STEM-LAT III-STEM-IMM.ANT.CVB STEM STEM III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-SUPER.ESS STEM III-STEM-MSD-AD.ESS-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3518 | sis zow-n xan | one be.NPRS-PST.UNW khan | There was a king. | STEM STEM-PST.UNW STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3518 | Sis zown xan. | one be.NPRS-PST.UNW khan | There was a king. | STEM STEM-PST.UNW STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3519 | mi eli b-aƛ’ir-x-ƛin bełiqan-bi bužzi b-oq-n-anu nesi-a esi-ru łina-ƛ’-n | you we III-cheat-PRS-QUOT hunter-PL trust III-become-PFV.CVB-NEG DEM1.ISG.OBL-ERG tell-PST.PRT what.OBL-SUPER.ESS-TOP | "You're cheating us!", the hunters didn't trust in what he had told them. | STEM STEM III-STEM-PRS-QUOT STEM-PL STEM III-STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG DEM1.ISG.OBL-ERG STEM-PST.PRT STEM-SUPER.ESS-TOP |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3519 | Mi eli baƛ’irxoƛin, bełiqanbi bužzi boqnoanu nesä äsiru łinaƛ’no. | you we III-cheat-PRS-QUOT hunter-PL trust III-become-PFV.CVB-NEG DEM1.ISG.OBL-ERG tell-PST.PRT what.OBL-SUPER.ESS-TOP | "You're cheating us!", the hunters didn't trust in what he had told them. | STEM STEM III-STEM-PRS-QUOT STEM-PL STEM III-STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG DEM1.ISG.OBL-ERG STEM-PST.PRT STEM-SUPER.ESS-TOP |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3520 | k’ox eƛi-zay-n hemedur-tow xalq’i-a-n ħaƛu-n zey-s aħya-q idu-r zok’i-ace dandi łi r-odi-n | twice say-SIM.CVB-PFV.CVB so-EMPH people-ERG-TOP drink-PFV.CVB bear-GEN1 ear-POSS.ESS home-LAT mug-TERM only water IV-do-PST.UNW | Also the second time the people drank it up likewise, and Bear Ear could only bring enough water for a mug home. | STEM STEM-SIM.CVB-PFV.CVB STEM-EMPH STEM-ERG-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-GEN1 STEM-POSS.ESS STEM-LAT STEM-TERM STEM STEM IV-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3520 | K’ox äƛizayn hemedurtow xalq’imon ħaƛun Zeyes Aħyaq idur zok’ice dandi łi rayn. | twice say-SIM.CVB-PFV.CVB so-EMPH people-ERG-TOP drink-PFV.CVB bear-GEN1 ear-POSS.ESS home-LAT mug-TERM only water IV-do-PST.UNW | Also the second time the people drank it up likewise, and Bear Ear could only bring enough water for a mug home. | STEM STEM-SIM.CVB-PFV.CVB STEM-EMPH STEM-ERG-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-GEN1 STEM-POSS.ESS STEM-LAT STEM-TERM STEM STEM IV-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3521 | way di-s uži-ƛin eƛi-n y-eže-ni-a elu-z xan-z kid-s anƛ’i-a-si berten b-odi-x nesi baħaraw-x di y-ik’i-x-anu-ƛin yedu y-iči-asi | o.dear me-GEN1 son-QUOT say-PST.UNW II-old-DEF-ERG we(I).OBL-GEN2 khan-GEN2 daughter-GEN1 week-IN.ESS-ATTR marriage III-do-IPFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL fiancé-AD.ESS me II-go-PRS-NEG-QUOT DEM2.IISG II-be-RES.PRT | "Oh my son!", said the old woman, "They're celebrating our king's daughter's marriage the whole week, she was like: 'I won't go to that fiancé!'." | STEM STEM-GEN1 STEM-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW II-STEM-DEF-ERG STEM-GEN2 STEM-GEN2 STEM-GEN1 STEM-IN.ESS-ATTR STEM III-STEM-IPFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL STEM-AD.ESS STEM II-STEM-PRS-NEG-QUOT DEM2.IISG II-STEM-RES.PRT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3521 | Way, dey užiƛin, eƛin yeženä, eluz xanez kidbes anƛ’imasi berten boyx, nesi baħarawx di yik’ixanuƛin yedu yičäsi. | o.dear me-GEN1 son-QUOT say-PST.UNW II-old-DEF-ERG we(I).OBL-GEN2 khan-GEN2 daughter-GEN1 week-IN.ESS-ATTR marriage III-do-IPFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL fiancé-AD.ESS me II-go-PRS-NEG-QUOT DEM2.IISG II-be-RES.PRT | "Oh my son!", said the old woman, "They're celebrating our king's daughter's marriage the whole week, she was like: 'I won't go to that fiancé!'." | STEM STEM-GEN1 STEM-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW II-STEM-DEF-ERG STEM-GEN2 STEM-GEN2 STEM-GEN1 STEM-IN.ESS-ATTR STEM III-STEM-IPFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL STEM-AD.ESS STEM II-STEM-PRS-NEG-QUOT DEM2.IISG II-STEM-RES.PRT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3522 | sida qu-ł ža t’o ʕaƛ-ay ik’i-nosi di-r žek’u-de kec-a-n r-eti-n di mi-z babiw-z laɣ-de kec-s | one.OBL day-CONT.ESS DEM1.SG here village-IN.ABL go-ANT.CVB me-LAT man-APUD.ESS sleep-INF-and IV-want-PFV.CVB me you-GEN2 father-GEN2 slave-APUD.ESS sleep-PST.WIT | One day, after he had left this village, I wanted to sleep with a man, and so I slept with your father's slave. | STEM STEM-CONT.ESS DEM1.SG STEM STEM-IN.ABL STEM-ANT.CVB STEM-LAT STEM-APUD.ESS STEM-INF-STEM IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-GEN2 STEM-GEN2 STEM-APUD.ESS STEM-PST.WIT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3522 | Sida quł ža t’o ʕaƛay ik’inosi, där žek’ude kecan retin di debez babiwz laɣde kecsi. | one.OBL day-CONT.ESS DEM1.SG here village-IN.ABL go-ANT.CVB me-LAT man-APUD.ESS sleep-INF-and IV-want-PFV.CVB me you-GEN2 father-GEN2 slave-APUD.ESS sleep-PST.WIT | One day, after he had left this village, I wanted to sleep with a man, and so I slept with your father's slave. | STEM STEM-CONT.ESS DEM1.SG STEM STEM-IN.ABL STEM-ANT.CVB STEM-LAT STEM-APUD.ESS STEM-INF-STEM IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-GEN2 STEM-GEN2 STEM-APUD.ESS STEM-PST.WIT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3523 | łina-qay ža ʕiyad-x-ƛin uži-s eni-a esir-nosi yisi-r mi-q-si pardagi r-eti-n-ƛin eƛi-n | what.OBL-POSS.ABL DEM1.SG cry-PRS-QUOT boy-GEN1 mother-ERG ask-ANT.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL-LAT you-POSS.ESS-ATTR scarf IV-want-PST.UNW-QUOT say-PST.UNW | When the boy's mother asked: "Why does he cry?", she said: "He wants your scarf." | STEM-POSS.ABL DEM1.SG STEM-PRS-QUOT STEM-GEN1 STEM-ERG STEM-ANT.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL-LAT STEM-POSS.ESS-ATTR STEM IV-STEM-PST.UNW-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3523 | Łinaqey ža ʕiyayxƛin žas eniya esirnosi, yisir dowqosi pardagi retinƛin eƛin. | what.OBL-POSS.ABL DEM1.SG cry-PRS-QUOT boy-GEN1 mother-ERG ask-ANT.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL-LAT you-POSS.ESS-ATTR scarf IV-want-PST.UNW-QUOT say-PST.UNW | When the boy's mother asked: "Why does he cry?", she said: "He wants your scarf." | STEM-POSS.ABL DEM1.SG STEM-PRS-QUOT STEM-GEN1 STEM-ERG STEM-ANT.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL-LAT STEM-POSS.ESS-ATTR STEM IV-STEM-PST.UNW-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3524 | qˤišod-s zaman b-ay-nosi-n hemedur-tow iči-n Q’arum | dinner-GEN1 time III-come-ANT.CVB-TOP so-EMPH be-PST.UNW Qarum | And when the time for dinner came, Qarum was likewise. | STEM-GEN1 STEM III-STEM-ANT.CVB-TOP STEM-EMPH STEM-PST.UNW STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3524 | Qˤišodes zaman baynosin hemedurtow ičin Q’arum. | dinner-GEN1 time III-come-ANT.CVB-TOP so-EMPH be-PST.UNW Qarum | And when the time for dinner came, Qarum was likewise. | STEM-GEN1 STEM III-STEM-ANT.CVB-TOP STEM-EMPH STEM-PST.UNW STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3525 | žedu-a žedu-de sadaq aħo-z ozuri-ay landi r-oɣ-a qura oc’ira gamuš-bi-s reƛ’un r-iži-n | DEM1.IPL-ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL-APUD.ESS together shepherd-GEN2 eye-IN.ABL splinter IV-take.away-INF twenty.OBL ten.OBL buffalo-PL-GEN1 together III.PL-lead-PST.UNW | They came together with 200 buffalos, to remove the splinter from the shepherd's eye. | DEM1.IPL-ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL-APUD.ESS STEM STEM-GEN2 STEM-IN.ABL STEM IV-STEM-INF STEM STEM STEM-PL-GEN1 STEM III.PL-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3525 | Žeda žedude sadaq, aħoziz ozzäy landi roɣʷa, qura oc’ira gamušyozas reƛ’un rižun. | DEM1.IPL-ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL-APUD.ESS together shepherd-GEN2 eye-IN.ABL splinter IV-take.away-INF twenty.OBL ten.OBL buffalo-PL-GEN1 together III.PL-lead-PST.UNW | They came together with 200 buffalos, to remove the splinter from the shepherd's eye. | DEM1.IPL-ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL-APUD.ESS STEM STEM-GEN2 STEM-IN.ABL STEM IV-STEM-INF STEM STEM STEM-PL-GEN1 STEM III.PL-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3526 | łina-ƛ’-n-tow raħmu b-is-xosi xexbi zow-n ža | what.OBL-SUPER.ESS-TOP-EMPH mercy III-take-PRS.PRT child be.NPRS-PST.UNW DEM1.SG | He was a boy who had mercy with everything. | STEM-SUPER.ESS-TOP-EMPH STEM III-STEM-PRS.PRT STEM STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.SG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3526 | Łinaƛ’notow raħmu bisxosi xexbi zown ža. | what.OBL-SUPER.ESS-TOP-EMPH mercy III-take-PRS.PRT child be.NPRS-PST.UNW DEM1.SG | He was a boy who had mercy with everything. | STEM-SUPER.ESS-TOP-EMPH STEM III-STEM-PRS.PRT STEM STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.SG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3527 | eže-ni žek’u-a mołi-n eloš gugu caƛi-o-ƛin | old-DEF man-ERG teach-PST.UNW over.there back throw-IMPR-QUOT | The old man explained: "Throw your back over there!" | STEM-DEF STEM-ERG STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM STEM-IMPR-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3527 | Eženi žek’a mołin, eloš gugu caƛoƛin. | old-DEF man-ERG teach-PST.UNW over.there back throw-IMPR-QUOT | The old man explained: "Throw your back over there!" | STEM-DEF STEM-ERG STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM STEM-IMPR-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3528 | šebi meža-r r-oq-asi łina-q meži ʕiyad-x-ƛin - esir-n yisi-a | what you(II-LAT IV-happen-RES.PRT what.OBL-POSS.ESS you.PL cry-PRS-QUOT - ask-PST.UNW DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG | "Whay happened to you, what are you crying about?", he asked. | STEM STEM-LAT IV-STEM-RES.PRT STEM-POSS.ESS STEM STEM-PRS-QUOT STEM-STEM STEM-PST.UNW DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3528 | Šebi mežar roqäsi, łinaq meži ʕiyayxƛin?”, - esirno yisä. | what you(II-LAT IV-happen-RES.PRT what.OBL-POSS.ESS you.PL cry-PRS-QUOT - ask-PST.UNW DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG | "Whay happened to you, what are you crying about?", he asked. | STEM STEM-LAT IV-STEM-RES.PRT STEM-POSS.ESS STEM STEM-PRS-QUOT STEM-STEM STEM-PST.UNW DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3529 | xan-a q’ʷarid-n oq-n wˤał-r r-ˤoƛ’ur-zay q’ˤim-kin r-izir-x zow-n-anu t’ok’ow r-odi-a šebin koƛ’i-č’ey | khan-ERG sadness-TOP become-PFV.CVB downward-LAT IV-let.fall-SIM.CVB head-even IV-lift-IPFV.CVB be.NPRS-PFV.CVB-NEG anymore IV-do-INF thing | The king became sad and while he hung his head, he didn't lift it up again and didn't know what to do anymore. | STEM-ERG STEM-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-LAT IV-STEM-SIM.CVB STEM-STEM IV-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG STEM IV-STEM-INF STEM STEM-NEG.PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3529 | Xanä q’ʷaridno oqno wˤałer rˤoƛ’arzay q’ˤimkin rizirxo zownanu, t’ok’ow roda šebin koƛ’inč’ey. | khan-ERG sadness-TOP become-PFV.CVB downward-LAT IV-let.fall-SIM.CVB head-even IV-lift-IPFV.CVB be.NPRS-PFV.CVB-NEG anymore IV-do-INF thing | The king became sad and while he hung his head, he didn't lift it up again and didn't know what to do anymore. | STEM-ERG STEM-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-LAT IV-STEM-SIM.CVB STEM-STEM IV-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG STEM IV-STEM-INF STEM STEM-NEG.PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3530 | di mi-q r-iyr-n xeci-x hemeł reƛ-łay ence-kin šebin žek’u-r r-iqi-näy daru b-oq-č’i-ƛin | me you-POSS.ESS IV-explain-PFV.CVB leave-IPFV.CVB DEM4.IISG.OBL meat-CONT.ABL a.little-even thing man-LAT IV-get-CND.CVB medicine III-happen-NEG.FUT-QUOT | I warn you; if anyone else will get even a little piece of that meat, the medicine won't work. | STEM STEM-POSS.ESS IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-IPFV.CVB DEM4.IISG.OBL STEM-CONT.ABL STEM-STEM STEM STEM-LAT IV-STEM-CND.CVB STEM III-STEM-NEG.FUT-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3530 | Di debeq riyrno xecix, hemeł reƛiłäy encekin šebin žek’ur riqinäy, daru baqinč’iƛin. | me you-POSS.ESS IV-explain-PFV.CVB leave-IPFV.CVB DEM4.IISG.OBL meat-CONT.ABL a.little-even thing man-LAT IV-get-CND.CVB medicine III-happen-NEG.FUT-QUOT | I warn you; if anyone else will get even a little piece of that meat, the medicine won't work. | STEM STEM-POSS.ESS IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-IPFV.CVB DEM4.IISG.OBL STEM-CONT.ABL STEM-STEM STEM STEM-LAT IV-STEM-CND.CVB STEM III-STEM-NEG.FUT-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3531 | žedu-ł teł-ay hič’č’a ʕaq’ilaw-ƛin ci r-ik’i-asi zow-n Kusa-ƛin ci yoł-asi sida wizir-łay | DEM1.IPL.OBL-CONT.ESS inside-IN.ABL the.most intelligent-QUOT name IV-go-RES.PRT be.NPRS-PFV.CVB Kusa-QUOT name be-RES.PRT one.OBL vizier-CONT.ABL | Among them, the one who was famous as the most intelligent was a vizier with the name Kusa. | DEM1.IPL.OBL-CONT.ESS STEM-IN.ABL STEM STEM-QUOT STEM IV-STEM-RES.PRT STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-QUOT STEM STEM-RES.PRT STEM STEM-CONT.ABL |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3531 | Žeduł tełäy hič’č’a ʕaq’ilawƛin ci rik’äsi zown Kusaƛin ci yołäsi sida wizirłäy. | DEM1.IPL.OBL-CONT.ESS inside-IN.ABL the.most intelligent-QUOT name IV-go-RES.PRT be.NPRS-PFV.CVB Kusa-QUOT name be-RES.PRT one.OBL vizier-CONT.ABL | Among them, the one who was famous as the most intelligent was a vizier with the name Kusa. | DEM1.IPL.OBL-CONT.ESS STEM-IN.ABL STEM STEM-QUOT STEM IV-STEM-RES.PRT STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-QUOT STEM STEM-RES.PRT STEM STEM-CONT.ABL |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3532 | yisi-qor ža-n teƛ-n ziru ozuri-ƛay gugi-n | DEM2.ISG.OBL-POSS.LAT DEM1.SG-TOP give-PFV.CVB fox eye-SUB.ABL escape-PST.UNW | The fox gave it to him and disappeared. | DEM2.ISG.OBL-POSS.LAT DEM1.SG-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-SUB.ABL STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3532 | Yisiqor žan teƛno, ziru ozƛäy gugin. | DEM2.ISG.OBL-POSS.LAT DEM1.SG-TOP give-PFV.CVB fox eye-SUB.ABL escape-PST.UNW | The fox gave it to him and disappeared. | DEM2.ISG.OBL-POSS.LAT DEM1.SG-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-SUB.ABL STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3533 | ʕoloqanaw-ni uži-a didiw-kin nesi-r žawab teƛ-n-anu | young-DEF boy-ERG which-even DEM1.ISG.OBL-LAT answer give-PFV.CVB-NEG | The young boy didn't give him any answer. | STEM-DEF STEM-ERG STEM-STEM DEM1.ISG.OBL-LAT STEM STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3533 | ʕOloqanawni žoyä didiwkin nesir žawab teƛnoanu. | young-DEF boy-ERG which-even DEM1.ISG.OBL-LAT answer give-PFV.CVB-NEG | The young boy didn't give him any answer. | STEM-DEF STEM-ERG STEM-STEM DEM1.ISG.OBL-LAT STEM STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3534 | dandir c’ox-ru bazargan-bi-a esir-n ža tupi teƛ-xosi anu-a mi-ƛin | towards meet-PST.PRT merchant-PL-ERG ask-PST.UNW DEM1.SG rifle sell-PRS.PRT be.NEG-Q you-QUOT | Some merchants whom he met asked him: "Aren't you selling this rifle?" | STEM STEM-PST.PRT STEM-PL-ERG STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.SG STEM STEM-PRS.PRT STEM-Q STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3534 | Dandir c’axru bazarganza esirno, ža tupi teƛxosi ana miƛin. | towards meet-PST.PRT merchant-PL-ERG ask-PST.UNW DEM1.SG rifle sell-PRS.PRT be.NEG-Q you-QUOT | Some merchants whom he met asked him: "Aren't you selling this rifle?" | STEM STEM-PST.PRT STEM-PL-ERG STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.SG STEM STEM-PRS.PRT STEM-Q STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3535 | hemedur-tow di-n b-ˤuƛ’-s mi di-ƛ’or c’eruc’a r-utir-nosi-ƛin eƛi-n cey-a | so-EMPH me-TOP III-be.afraid-PST.WIT you me-SUPER.LAT bow IV-turn-ANT.CVB-QUOT say-PST.UNW eagle-ERG | "I was afraid likewise, when you turned the bow unto me.", said the eagle. | STEM-EMPH STEM-TOP III-STEM-PST.WIT STEM STEM-SUPER.LAT STEM IV-STEM-ANT.CVB-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW STEM-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3535 | Hemedurtow din bˤuƛ’si, mi däƛ’or c’eruc’a rutirnosiƛin, eƛin ceyä. | so-EMPH me-TOP III-be.afraid-PST.WIT you me-SUPER.LAT bow IV-turn-ANT.CVB-QUOT say-PST.UNW eagle-ERG | "I was afraid likewise, when you turned the bow unto me.", said the eagle. | STEM-EMPH STEM-TOP III-STEM-PST.WIT STEM STEM-SUPER.LAT STEM IV-STEM-ANT.CVB-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW STEM-ERG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3536 | uži-a žawab teƛ-n mežu-a aħin-qor-n ici-n-gon di iħu-łxor kur-s yołi b-eži-gon ixiw reqen di-r b-iqi-ƛin | boy-ERG answer give-PST.UNW you(I).PL.OBL-ERG rock-POSS.LAT-TOP tie-PFV.CVB-CNTR me river-CONT.VERS throw-PST.WIT if III-more-CNTR big herd me-LAT III-get-QUOT | The boy answered: "If you had thrown me into the river tied to a rock, then I would've gotten an even bigger flock." | STEM-ERG STEM STEM-PST.UNW STEM-ERG STEM-POSS.LAT-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB-CNTR STEM STEM-CONT.VERS STEM-PST.WIT STEM III-STEM-CNTR STEM STEM STEM-LAT III-STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3536 | Užä žawab teƛno, meža aħinyoqorno icingon di iħułxor kursi yołi, bežigon ixiw reqen där bäqiƛin. | boy-ERG answer give-PST.UNW you(I).PL.OBL-ERG rock-POSS.LAT-TOP tie-PFV.CVB-CNTR me river-CONT.VERS throw-PST.WIT if III-more-CNTR big herd me-LAT III-get-QUOT | The boy answered: "If you had thrown me into the river tied to a rock, then I would've gotten an even bigger flock." | STEM-ERG STEM STEM-PST.UNW STEM-ERG STEM-POSS.LAT-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB-CNTR STEM STEM-CONT.VERS STEM-PST.WIT STEM III-STEM-CNTR STEM STEM STEM-LAT III-STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3537 | hemedur miskin-łi-ƛ’-n best’alłi-ƛ’-n sisxoli eniw-de aq’ˤił-n zow-ru-ni uži-a xan-n muk’ur odi-n nesi-s kid-n y-ow-n ixiw berten-n b-odi-n | so poor-NMLZ-SUPER.ESS-TOP orphanhood-SUPER.ESS-and alone mother-APUD.ESS grow.up-PFV.CVB be.NPRS-PST.PRT-DEF boy-ERG khan-TOP persuade do-PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL-GEN1 daughter-TOP II-marry-PFV.CVB big marriage-TOP III-do-PST.UNW | That's how the boy who grew up in poverty and orphanhood by his single mother persuaded the king, married his daughter and prepared a big marriage. | STEM STEM-NMLZ-SUPER.ESS-TOP STEM-SUPER.ESS-STEM STEM STEM-APUD.ESS STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PST.PRT-DEF STEM-ERG STEM-TOP STEM STEM-PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL-GEN1 STEM-TOP II-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-TOP III-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3537 | Hemedur miskinłiƛ’no, best’alłiƛ’no sisxoli eniwde aq’ˤiłno zawruni žoyä, xanno muk’ur oyn, nesis kidno yown, ixiw bertenno bodin. | so poor-NMLZ-SUPER.ESS-TOP orphanhood-SUPER.ESS-and alone mother-APUD.ESS grow.up-PFV.CVB be.NPRS-PST.PRT-DEF boy-ERG khan-TOP persuade do-PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL-GEN1 daughter-TOP II-marry-PFV.CVB big marriage-TOP III-do-PST.UNW | That's how the boy who grew up in poverty and orphanhood by his single mother persuaded the king, married his daughter and prepared a big marriage. | STEM STEM-NMLZ-SUPER.ESS-TOP STEM-SUPER.ESS-STEM STEM STEM-APUD.ESS STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PST.PRT-DEF STEM-ERG STEM-TOP STEM STEM-PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL-GEN1 STEM-TOP II-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-TOP III-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3538 | Ħon~Bahadurƛi-a r-ok’-n mač’a-n łˤono-n bikori-s q’ˤim r-eč’-n kur-n | Mountain~Hero-ERG IV-beat-PFV.CVB dagger-TOP three-TOP snake-GEN1 head IV.PL-cut-PFV.CVB throw-PST.UNW | Mountain~Hero beated with his dagger and chopped off the tree heads of the snake. | STEM-ERG IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-TOP STEM-TOP STEM-GEN1 STEM IV.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3538 | Ħon-bahadurä rok’no mač’an łˤonon bikoris q’ˤim reč’no kurno. | Mountain~Hero-ERG IV-beat-PFV.CVB dagger-TOP three-TOP snake-GEN1 head IV.PL-cut-PFV.CVB throw-PST.UNW | Mountain~Hero beated with his dagger and chopped off the tree heads of the snake. | STEM-ERG IV-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-TOP STEM-TOP STEM-GEN1 STEM IV.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3539 | eloša raład-ł-si aluk’a-ni gagali-n b-eti-n yeda ʕiyad-x-ƛin | there sea-CONT.ESS-ATTR white-DEF flower-TOP III-want-PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG cry-PRS-QUOT | He is crying because he want's to have that white flower over there in the sea. | STEM STEM-CONT.ESS-ATTR STEM-DEF STEM-TOP III-STEM-PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG STEM-PRS-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3539 | Eloša raładyołsi aluk’ani gagalin betin yeda ʕiyayxƛin”. | there sea-CONT.ESS-ATTR white-DEF flower-TOP III-want-PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG cry-PRS-QUOT | He is crying because he want's to have that white flower over there in the sea. | STEM STEM-CONT.ESS-ATTR STEM-DEF STEM-TOP III-STEM-PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG STEM-PRS-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3540 | nesi-a Bilq’isdi-qor eƛi-n mi di-x nex-a y-ay-ƛin | DEM1.ISG.OBL-ERG Bilqisdi-POSS.LAT say-PST.UNW you me-AD.ESS come-INF II-must-QUOT | He said to Bilqisdi: "You must come with me." | DEM1.ISG.OBL-ERG STEM-POSS.LAT STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM-AD.ESS STEM-INF II-STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3540 | Nesä Bilq’isdiqor eƛin, mi däx nexa yayƛin. | DEM1.ISG.OBL-ERG Bilqisdi-POSS.LAT say-PST.UNW you me-AD.ESS come-INF II-must-QUOT | He said to Bilqisdi: "You must come with me." | DEM1.ISG.OBL-ERG STEM-POSS.LAT STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM-AD.ESS STEM-INF II-STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3541 | hemedur-tow nesi-ƛ’or neła-s eniw-n y-uti-n mi ža kid y-exur-č’i-näy di-s di kid-n y-iži-n mi-day y-oxi-a yoł-ƛin | so-EMPH DEM1.ISG.OBL-SUPER.LAT DEM1.IISG.OBL-GEN1 mother-TOP II-turn-PST.UNW you DEM1.SG girl II-kill-NEG.FUT.CVB-CND.CVB me-GEN1 me daughter-TOP II-carry-PFV.CVB you-APUD.ABL II-run.away-INF be-QUOT | Her mother likewise turned to him: "If you don't kill the girl, I will take my daughter with me and run away from you." | STEM-EMPH DEM1.ISG.OBL-SUPER.LAT DEM1.IISG.OBL-GEN1 STEM-TOP II-STEM-PST.UNW STEM DEM1.SG STEM II-STEM-NEG.FUT.CVB-CND.CVB STEM-GEN1 STEM STEM-TOP II-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-APUD.ABL II-STEM-INF STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3541 | Hemedurtow nesiƛ’or nełas eniwn yutin, mi ža kid yexurinč’inäy, dey di kidno yižin dowdäy yoxa yołƛin. | so-EMPH DEM1.ISG.OBL-SUPER.LAT DEM1.IISG.OBL-GEN1 mother-TOP II-turn-PST.UNW you DEM1.SG girl II-kill-NEG.FUT.CVB-CND.CVB me-GEN1 me daughter-TOP II-carry-PFV.CVB you-APUD.ABL II-run.away-INF be-QUOT | Her mother likewise turned to him: "If you don't kill the girl, I will take my daughter with me and run away from you." | STEM-EMPH DEM1.ISG.OBL-SUPER.LAT DEM1.IISG.OBL-GEN1 STEM-TOP II-STEM-PST.UNW STEM DEM1.SG STEM II-STEM-NEG.FUT.CVB-CND.CVB STEM-GEN1 STEM STEM-TOP II-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-APUD.ABL II-STEM-INF STEM-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3542 | xizaɣor hudun yisi-a sis sanaʕałi-n b-iqir-n suƛƛi-tow nasin q’ˤim-bi-n r-eč’-n aždaħ b-exur-n łi-ƛ’ay b-oɣ-n kur-n | finally nevertheless DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG one chance-TOP III-take.away-PFV.CVB at.once-EMPH all head-PL-TOP IV.PL-cut-PFV.CVB dragon III-kill-PFV.CVB water-SUPER.ABL III-take.away-PFV.CVB throw-PST.UNW | Finally nevertheless he took a chance, cut off all the heads at once, killed the dragon and threw it off the water. | STEM STEM DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG STEM STEM-TOP III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-EMPH STEM STEM-PL-TOP IV.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-SUPER.ABL III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3542 | Xizaɣor hudun yisä sis sanaʕałin biqirno suƛƛitow nasin q’ˤimbin reč’no, aždaħ bexurno łaƛ’ay boɣno kurno. | finally nevertheless DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG one chance-TOP III-take.away-PFV.CVB at.once-EMPH all head-PL-TOP IV.PL-cut-PFV.CVB dragon III-kill-PFV.CVB water-SUPER.ABL III-take.away-PFV.CVB throw-PST.UNW | Finally nevertheless he took a chance, cut off all the heads at once, killed the dragon and threw it off the water. | STEM STEM DEM2.ISG.OBL-ERG STEM STEM-TOP III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-EMPH STEM STEM-PL-TOP IV.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-SUPER.ABL III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3543 | ʕaƛ-s ahli ziyarat-ƛ’-t’a xizyo b-ik’i-x zow-n žedu-z šuda-ƛ’or | village-GEN1 people visit-SUPER.ESS-DISTR after I.PL-go-IPFV.CVB be.NPRS-PST.UNW DEM1.IPL.OBL-GEN2 graveyard-SUPER.LAT | And the people of the village were coming to visit their grave. | STEM-GEN1 STEM STEM-SUPER.ESS-DISTR STEM I.PL-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.IPL.OBL-GEN2 STEM-SUPER.LAT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3543 | ʕAƛos ahli ziyaratyoƛ’t’a xizyo bik’ix zown žeduz šudaƛ’or. | village-GEN1 people visit-SUPER.ESS-DISTR after I.PL-go-IPFV.CVB be.NPRS-PST.UNW DEM1.IPL.OBL-GEN2 graveyard-SUPER.LAT | And the people of the village were coming to visit their grave. | STEM-GEN1 STEM STEM-SUPER.ESS-DISTR STEM I.PL-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM-PST.UNW DEM1.IPL.OBL-GEN2 STEM-SUPER.LAT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3544 | mesed-s mač’a-n ašuni-n babi-a r-uqˤi-za yoł | gold-GEN1 dagger-and belt-and dad-ERG III.PL-hide-LCV be | The golden dagger and the belt are where your father hid them. | STEM-GEN1 STEM-STEM STEM-STEM STEM-ERG III.PL-STEM-LCV STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3544 | Mesedyos mač’an, ašunin babiya raqˤza yoł. | gold-GEN1 dagger-and belt-and dad-ERG III.PL-hide-LCV be | The golden dagger and the belt are where your father hid them. | STEM-GEN1 STEM-STEM STEM-STEM STEM-ERG III.PL-STEM-LCV STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3545 | kʷaxa-tow xizyo baru-q r-egi-n xec di y-iči-a y-egir-n t’ok’ow esir-ač’in-ƛin | soon-EMPH afterwards wife-POSS.ESS IV-be.emitted-PST.UNW enough me II-be-INF II-let-PFV.CVB anymore ask-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT | Soon from his wife could be heard: "Enough, let it be, I won't ask anymore!" | STEM-EMPH STEM STEM-POSS.ESS IV-STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM II-STEM-INF II-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3545 | Kʷaxatow xizyo baruq regin, xec di yiča yegirno, t’ok’ow esirač’inƛin. | soon-EMPH afterwards wife-POSS.ESS IV-be.emitted-PST.UNW enough me II-be-INF II-let-PFV.CVB anymore ask-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT | Soon from his wife could be heard: "Enough, let it be, I won't ask anymore!" | STEM-EMPH STEM STEM-POSS.ESS IV-STEM-PST.UNW STEM STEM II-STEM-INF II-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM STEM-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3546 | xeci-ač’in-ƛin inkar b-odi-n žedu-a b-exur-č’ey xeci-a b-eti-näy łˤono ɣˤuruš neƛ elu-r-ƛin b-oq-n b-iči-n yizi | leave-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT rejection I.PL-do-PFV.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL-ERG III-kill-NEG.PST.UNW leave-INF III-want-CND.CVB three ruble give we(I).OBL-LAT-QUOT I.PL-become-PFV.CVB I.PL-be-PFV.CVB DEM2.IPL | "We won't leave it.", they rejected, "If you want us not to kill it, give us three rubles!". | STEM-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT STEM I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL-ERG III-STEM-NEG.PST.UNW STEM-INF III-STEM-CND.CVB STEM STEM STEM STEM-LAT-QUOT I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB DEM2.IPL |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3546 | Xecač’inƛin inkar bodin žeda, bexurinč’ey xeca betinäy, łˤono ɣuruš neƛ elurƛin boqno bičin yizi. | leave-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT rejection I.PL-do-PFV.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL-ERG III-kill-NEG.PST.UNW leave-INF III-want-CND.CVB three ruble give we(I).OBL-LAT-QUOT I.PL-become-PFV.CVB I.PL-be-PFV.CVB DEM2.IPL | "We won't leave it.", they rejected, "If you want us not to kill it, give us three rubles!". | STEM-NEG.FUT.DEF-QUOT STEM I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL-ERG III-STEM-NEG.PST.UNW STEM-INF III-STEM-CND.CVB STEM STEM STEM STEM-LAT-QUOT I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB I.PL-STEM-PFV.CVB DEM2.IPL |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3547 | zow-n-ƛax zow-n-anu-ƛax ader zaman-ł Ceƛ’o sida ʕaƛ-a Ražbadin-ƛin ci r-ik’i-asi bahadur | be.NPRS-PFV.CVB-QUOT be.NPRS-PFV.CVB-NEG-QUOT earlier time-CONT.ESS Tsetlo one.OBL village-IN.ESS Razhbadin-QUOT name IV-go-RES.PRT hero | Once upon a long time ago in the Tsetlo village there was a hero who went by the name of "Razhbadin". | STEM-PFV.CVB-QUOT STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG-QUOT STEM STEM-CONT.ESS STEM STEM STEM-IN.ESS STEM-QUOT STEM IV-STEM-RES.PRT STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3547 | Zownƛax zownanuƛax ader zamanał Ceƛ’o sida ʕaƛa Ražbadinƛin ci rik’äsi bahadur. | be.NPRS-PFV.CVB-QUOT be.NPRS-PFV.CVB-NEG-QUOT earlier time-CONT.ESS Tsetlo one.OBL village-IN.ESS Razhbadin-QUOT name IV-go-RES.PRT hero | Once upon a long time ago in the Tsetlo village there was a hero who went by the name of "Razhbadin". | STEM-PFV.CVB-QUOT STEM-PFV.CVB-NEG-QUOT STEM STEM-CONT.ESS STEM STEM STEM-IN.ESS STEM-QUOT STEM IV-STEM-RES.PRT STEM |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3548 | hudu mi nedur-a zow-n k’ačaɣˤ-ƛin b-izir-n b-ok’-n meč’o-ƛer-ce-n cucik’-n mač’a-n r-oɣ-n maħor b-exur-ani-x-ƛin oq-n yeda | so you so-Q be.NPRS-PST.UNW bandit-QUOT III-lift-PFV.CVB III-beat-PFV.CVB hug-SUB.LAT-EQU1-TOP put-PFV.CVB dagger-TOP IV-take.away-TOP outside III-kill-MSD-AD.ESS-QUOT begin-PST.UNW DEM2.ISG | "You meant like this, you bandit?", Aliqilich lifted him, and beat him in up to his neck, then drew his dagger and was about to kill the dragon. | STEM STEM STEM-Q STEM-PST.UNW STEM-QUOT III-STEM-PFV.CVB III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-SUB.LAT-EQU1-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-TOP IV-STEM-TOP STEM III-STEM-MSD-AD.ESS-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW DEM2.ISG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3548 | Hudu mi nedurä zown, k’ačaɣˤƛin, bizirno bok’no meč’oƛäyrcen cucik’no, mač’an roɣno maħor bexuranixƛin oqno yeda. | so you so-Q be.NPRS-PST.UNW bandit-QUOT III-lift-PFV.CVB III-beat-PFV.CVB hug-SUB.LAT-EQU1-TOP put-PFV.CVB dagger-TOP IV-take.away-TOP outside III-kill-MSD-AD.ESS-QUOT begin-PST.UNW DEM2.ISG | "You meant like this, you bandit?", Aliqilich lifted him, and beat him in up to his neck, then drew his dagger and was about to kill the dragon. | STEM STEM STEM-Q STEM-PST.UNW STEM-QUOT III-STEM-PFV.CVB III-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-SUB.LAT-EQU1-TOP STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-TOP IV-STEM-TOP STEM III-STEM-MSD-AD.ESS-QUOT STEM-PST.UNW DEM2.ISG |
dido1241 | stan1293 | yes | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3549 | že kid ełu y-ut’i-x soder y-izi-x-n y-iči-n kid-bi-day y-ok’eł-n | DEF1.IISG girl bilberry II-collect-IPFV.CVB upward II-get.up-IPFV.CVB-TOP II-be-PFV.CVB girl-PL-APUD.ABL II-escape-PST.UNW | While the girl collected bilberries and got higher, she got lost from the girls. | DEF1.IISG STEM STEM II-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM II-STEM-IPFV.CVB-TOP II-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PL-APUD.ABL II-STEM-PST.UNW |
dido1241 | stan1293 | no | sigmorphon_st | st_train_dido1241_3549 | Že kid ełu yut’ix soder yizixno yičin, kidbazadäy yok’ełno. | DEF1.IISG girl bilberry II-collect-IPFV.CVB upward II-get.up-IPFV.CVB-TOP II-be-PFV.CVB girl-PL-APUD.ABL II-escape-PST.UNW | While the girl collected bilberries and got higher, she got lost from the girls. | DEF1.IISG STEM STEM II-STEM-IPFV.CVB STEM II-STEM-IPFV.CVB-TOP II-STEM-PFV.CVB STEM-PL-APUD.ABL II-STEM-PST.UNW |
Subsets and Splits