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While the China Times Group has decided to drop its loss-making evening paper, it has acquired a majority stake in CtiTV, a Taiwan cable TV operator, and has also expressed an interest in acquiring China Television Company (CTV), which would make the group Taiwan's biggest multimedia empire.
The ten years after the war were a golden age for Taiwanese Opera. There were many talented stars, and in addition to live performances in theaters, Taiwanese Opera found audiences on radio and in films.
Civilian art, which is characterized by its non-academic foundation, developed in conjunction with the "liberalization of knowledge" trend kickstarted by Taiwan's community colleges in 1998. In fact, it was these community institutions that opened up a dialogue between Civilian Art and the academy, and Xizhi Community College that first incorporated Civilian Art into its curriculum.
「國民美術」以非學院派美術基調的發展過程,巧妙地與 1998 年國內社區大學興起的「解放知識」風潮接軌,因而在這些社區基地找到和學院對話的管道。
"Civilian Art is like a harvest festival in which participation is collective," says Pan Ing-hai, former director of Xizhi Community College. "Liu Siu-mei has established painting clubs in the community, built a collective memory, and enabled people in the lower socioeconomic strata to collectively give expression to repressed feelings.
For example, Zheng Jionghui's grandfather ran a mine in Jinguashi during the period of Japanese rule. By illustrating every step of the waterwheel-driven gold extraction process, Zheng has filled in a bit of Taiwan's mining history missed by field surveys and the photographic record.
In 25 years of taking shots, I have constantly strived for a sense of activity in them, to bring to them a feeling of the interplay of space, time, and light for just that moment, and give an image people can't see enough of, a thing that they can never quite understand.
25 年的光影歲月中,我一直努力捕捉其中動靜,關切著空間、時間與光線瞬間的交感,以及那令人百看不厭的景物、百思不解的人事。
In the 20-some years that followed, she has gone from disliking Taiwanese Opera to playing the male leads, and from outdoor performances to exquisite productions in theaters. Tang has taken a Taiwanese Opera road that has been both harder and more wide-ranging than the norm.
In the recent recession, agriculture had an outstanding record. The export of farm products increased at a time of stagnation in industry.
This time the role had a wedding-night bedroom scene, in which she had to sing in a duma duet. Her mother had to give her a crash course, summarizing the plot and helping her to memorize her part line by line.
Huangmei diao, a style of singing in Mandarin, was very popular among overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, and Tang, a film buff, was able to sing all the huangmei diao parts from films. Consequently, her father was able to get her a job on the tour doing "backstage vocal accompaniment."
The emblem was raised over the building at sunrise the next day in defiance of Japanese tanks and planes. Chinese still in the city cheered and shed tears for the 800 heroes and their heroine.
Temples with the ornate roof lines of Buddhist and Taoist building styles are to be seen everywhere in city and countryside (the Sanhsia temple, center, is in Taipei County).
Architecture in the modern style might be from anywhere. Many Taiwan buildings would be at home anywhere in the world: high rise apartments at upper left, Tainan sports arena at bottom left, junior high school at upper right and the hillside apartments at bottom right.
To meet the challenge posed by the Internet, the World Association of Newspapers met in Madrid last month. Representatives from around the world agreed that if the traditional newspaper industry is to turn the crisis triggered by the Internet into an opportunity for market leadership, it will have to embrace digital technology, expand web-based services, and develop new online profit models.
Reaching 50, mental, emotional, and conscious worlds merge, in constant pursuit of a world, finally accomplishing a new vision for my own life.
到了 50 人生,心境、情境、意境交融,走出另一個天地,終於為自己的人生,成就了一個新視野。
Bridges have long been an inescapable fact of life in Taiwan. There are rivers to be crossed and mountain ravines to be spanned.
In so doing, her work makes it easier to understand why poor folk unable to pay a dowry sometimes hanged themselves.
透過畫面不難體會,當時為何會有窮人家因為擺不出嫁 & # 0 ; 而上吊自殺。
Secondary roads have to go over or under the new freeways. In the cities, engineers must try to build spans which do not disfigure and give rise to new slums. CITY EXTENDS BEYOND TRADITIONAL BORDERS Taipei can no longer be kept within its traditional borders.
In 1962 Taiwan Television began to broadcast Taiwanese operas. As a result, opera lovers no longer needed to leave their homes to see them. With live performances losing audiences, opera troupes began to break up, and performers were forced to change careers.
1962 年,台灣電視公司開播,「電視歌仔戲」讓民眾不必再出門看戲,內台戲漸漸失去觀眾,戲班紛紛解散,演員也只好改行。
Nevertheless, because her home was also an opera training school, she grew up immersed in opera and naturally learned numerous operatic tunes.
The farmer fell well behind the industrial worker in the 1960s. Now, with government help, he is beginning to catch up.
Agricultural growth is set at 3 per cent annually under a six-year development program worked out by the Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction. Crops are slated to increase by 2.1 per cent, livestock by 6.5 per cent, fishery by 4.3 per cent and forestry by 3.3 per cent. Self-sufficiency in all foods will be increased from 88 to 90 per cent.
Agricultural aid of the government has totaled NT $ 2,500 million in the last two and a half years.
Agriculture grew by 2.2 per cent in 1975. The rice crop was up by 2.7 percent. Maize, vegetables, livestock and fishery also climbed.
The only important deficiency is in food grains other than rice, soybeans and feed for animals.
To get her up to speed, her father would bring her along whenever he left home to teach opera. But she wasn't particularly excited about it. Whenever she saw her old classmates on the way to school in their neat uniforms, she couldn't help breaking into tears.
The venues were much like the theaters used during the early "indoor" period of Taiwanese Opera in Taiwan. But the sets, lighting, sound, and costumes were all outstanding, and various mechanical props, such as strings of beads to represent rain, and flying coffins, delighted audiences.
When these works are unveiled, the elderly women in the class cover their eyes or lay their heads down on their desks, amused but embarrassed by the brags and laments of their male classmates.
An exhibition of industrial products is held annually in Taipei.
Taiwan is nearly self-sufficient in light industry, although some of the components are still imported.
The director would describe the play in ten minutes, but the actors would have two hours to perform it. They had to rely on their accumulated acting experience, as well as what they had gleaned from their everyday lives. Performance of this sort is true "living theater."
導演說戲 10 分鐘,演員卻得演完兩個小時,憑藉的就是長期累積的經驗和平日所記、所學,這種即興演出稱做「演活戲」。
To this end, she perused storybooks and scripts that she found in her father's chests, and read numerous classical novels and memorized poetry.
Air Nauru has a weekly roundtrip flight in a B737.
Stops are also made in Hong Kong and Guam. China Airlines will subsequently open service to the Pacific Republic, which has a population of approximately 8,000.
To keep the company afloat, Tang has had to work in film and TV.
He marvels at how her operas use Taiwanese, operatic melodies and actors 'creativity to convey characters' joys and sorrows in a deeply moving way.
Happy New Year The Chinese Lunar New Year fell on January 31 in 1976.
All over the stage people are wearing masks, while only the "God of the Opera Company" wears his true face, which is horribly scarred. He takes great pleasure in breathing freely. The scene highlights the hypocrisy of mankind.
The hope of the Republic of China people in the New Year is to work together for more economic prosperity, political stability, spiritual unity and national strength.
Tang Mei-yun's devotion to Taiwanese Opera is like an arrow that has left the bow: showing unyielding determination to pursue her destiny in spite of obstacles.
Supermarkets, clothing stores and street stalls do a thriving business. The pictures on these pages show the Year of the Dragon abundance offered Taipei shoppers in stores well-stocked with domestic goods and imports. Some of the new markets are as modern as those found anywhere.
Chinese Women have often been elected to high position at the headquarters or in the regional offices of such organizations. Managers of foreignowned factories in Taiwan assert that young women graduates of junior high schools are among the finest assembly line workers in the world.
On the move In 1945 the Japanese forces surrendered, and in celebration Taiwanese hired opera troupes to reward the gods with performances. Freed from Japanese military suppression, more than 300 Taiwanese Opera troupes formed in just one year. Four years later there were over 500.
十日徙東,十日徙西 1945 年,日軍投降,台灣人紛紛請戲酬神,歌仔戲團在脫離日軍壓制後,又恢復蓬勃氣象,短短一年就組了三百多團,4 年後更增至五百多團。
Where Women's Lib Has Already Arrived The status of Chinese women in family, society, economy and politics has improved greatly in recent years.
In recent years the participation of women in industrial production, particularly in electronics, has helped speed Taiwan's economic growth.
Huang Yau-tai had a tough childhood, one in which musical resources were in short supply. However, he strove to educate himself, motivated by his passion for music and his perseverence. Today, he is the composer of more than 2,000 songs and 20 books on music.
黃友棣幼時生活困頓,音樂資源更是貧乏,憑著對音樂的熱愛與堅持,努力自學,至今已完成超過 2 千首樂曲及 20 本音樂專著。
Later in life, Huang would often volunteer his own time to train more music teachers in order to wipe out musical illiteracy from among the public at large.
A pair of chickens in wartime In those years, studying music was a prerogative of the rich. Though he had talent and ambition, Huang could not openly pursue his dreams, but only look on longingly from afar.
Women in increasing numbers are entering many fields of their country's industrializing society where men long held monopolies. There are women judges, and legislators at all levels (national, provincial and local) in the Republic of China.
Women also are working to promote the welfare of the larger society in industry, business, trade, architecture, literature, fine arts, medicine, nursing, social work, day care service, dress design, music and sports.
Among college graduates in 1955 were over 1,000 males and over 200 females.
Only 1,000,000 women were employed in 1964-65. But in 1971-73 working women reached 1,830,000.
Several international women's organizations were established in Taiwan in the past two decades among them Taipei International Women's Club, Taipei Zonta Club and Business and Professional Women's Club.
In boxing, there are the "northern" and "southern" schools, as well as the "in" and "out" styles.
In 1949, with the change of government in China, Hong Kong became a prime gathering place for refugees.
民國 38 年,大陸變色,香港立刻變成難民集中地。
Bamboo can be found everywhere in Taiwan.
The composer of this universally recognizable melody is none other than the renowned composer Huang Yau-tai, who has in his own life lived through the history of the Republic of China.
而這首家喻戶曉歌曲的作曲者,正是與民國同歲、即將歡度 95 歲大壽的音樂大師──黃友棣。
Huang is not only a songwriter, but also a performer, educator, and a man of letters, someone who has strived his whole life long to bring music into his daily life. Huang has composed a vast corpus of easily accessible choral works, which has resulted in the popularization of art songs and the refinement of folk music. His works not only invite the audience's appreciation, but also their participation.
Impoverished childhood, solitary life Huang was born on January 14, 1912 in Gaoyao County, Guangdong Province, as the sixth of seven siblings.
窘困童年,「孤佬」一生黃友棣 1912 年 1 月 14 日生於廣東省高要縣,有 7 個兄弟姊妹,他排行老 6。
Many dragons can be found in folk arts, such as: 1. Covered-bowl of the Ming dynasty; 2. Stem-bowl of the Ming, 3. Lacquer plate of Ming; 4.
在民間和歷史藝術上所表現的龍有:1. 明趕珠龍合;2. 寺廟龍柱;3. 明雙龍戲珠高足;4. 清描紅蓋罐;5. 明雙龍雕漆長方盤;6. 屋脊龍飾;7. 清青花雲龍缽;8. 明雕漆九龍圓盤。
President C. K. Yen delivered the keynote speech, calling for unity in the anti-Communist cause.
When Huang was 11, invading armies came to vie for dominance in the territory. Huang's house was commandeered by soldiers, who not only looted it but also used it as a base from which to launch attacks.
黃友棣 11 歲那年,碰上軍閥爭奪地盤,黃家的房子被軍隊強佔,除了大肆搜刮,還被當成戰場對外開火。
The earth comes from nearby hills and is transported by an elevated system of moving belts. This is the first use of continuous belt transportation in Taiwan. Suao will supplement Keelung harbor.
Not only was food in short supply there, but Huang's family was also cruelly mistreated by members of that household. Situations such as being unable to pay his tuition on time, as well as various other sufferings, gave Huang feelings of low self-esteem. But deep down inside, he was still filled with a strong sense of his own dignity.
The Corporation provides loans, subsidies, and technical assistance to improve sugarcane farmers 'income and lives, and to stimulate production in one of the Republic of China's greatest industries.
Taiwan Sugar Corporation, a government enterprise that is responsible for all the production of sugar in the Republic of China, also has contributed to the improvement of agricultural production techniques and farm mechanization. The annual production of refined sugar is between 800,000 and 900,000 metric tons. Annual exports are 500,000 to 600,000 metric tons.
Taiwan Sugar Corporation continues to improve the techniques of growing sugar cane and producing refined sugar. It is also engaged in various other types of related enterprise to make full use of one of the nation's major crops.
More education for women has raised their social status in the Republic of China. The rapid development of the mass media of communications also has enabled many women to learn more about their country and the world even without higher education.
Female graduates of secondary schools increased about 20 times from 1950 to 1973, while the male increase was around 15 times in the same period.
In 1972, the figures stood at more than 10,000 males and 7,000 females.
The azalea's mournful beauty In 1941, the fourth year of the Sino-Japanese war, Fang Chien-peng, then a fourth-year philosophy student at Sun Yat-sen University, gave Huang a few of his poems. One was entitled "Azaleas," a piece that captured the feelings of young lovers during that era.
淒美的「杜鵑花」民國 30 年,抗戰進入第 4 年,中山大學哲學系 4 年級學生方健鵬,寄了幾首小詩給黃友棣,其中一首「杜鵑花」,很能代表大時代中小兒女的感情。
To meet increasing needs, a Mechanized Parcel Post Processing Center now handles packages in Taipei.
Because of the far-reaching availability of postal establishments and home delivery service in Taiwan, parcel post service has expanded significantly, particularly for mailing small items of clothes, food, gifts, tools, sample goods and drugs.
Huang says, "War is tragic enough in itself, and I did not want to simply reduce people to tears. I wanted to convey hope, so I wrote 'Azaleas' as a joyful song about the beauty of a fresh March day."
These include evening post offices in Taipei and Kaohsiung, packing and sealing services, prompt delivery, stamp collection centers, the establishment of a postal museum and the sponsorship of postage stamp exhibitions.
As early as the Han dynasty (206 B.C. - 220 A.D.), popular entertainment in China already included a wide variety of juggling, tumbling and magic acts.
Such entertainment as dragon dances, lion dances, rope walking, walking on stilts, sword-swallowing, fire-spitting and braving a sharp sword with one's bare chest all had their origins in different periods of Chinese history.
"Forgetting" took the most time to compose, and is a piece that rivals "Azaleas" in its popularity.
Wildfires are burning on the other shore, a bitter wind stirs the tree branches. All night I walk along the bank, only in order to forget.
But you are like a star in the sky, burning and consuming me all through the night. "
Chung and Huang made their acquaintance in 1952, when Huang accepted an invitation to travel from Hong Kong to Taiwan for a concert. When he learned that Chung loved to sing, Huang asked if she would write a few lines of romantic verse that he could set to music, and thus augment his supply of working material.
鍾梅音與黃友棣結識於民國 41 年,黃友棣應邀從香港來台灣舉辦音樂會,得知鍾梅音愛唱歌,黃友棣期望她寫一些抒情歌詞來譜曲,以充實教材。
Some say its gracefulness in breezes and its beauty against the background of blue skies or silver moon can cleanse one's soul and drive away worries.
In 1983, the "three friends of winter" (referring to the bamboo, pine and plum, and to faithful friends in hard times), Wei Han-chang, Huang, and Lin Sheng-shih, all received special contribution awards at the National Literature and Art Achievement Awards. The three were invited to speak in Kaohsiung, and they all fell in love with the city.
民國 72 年,素有「歲寒三友」之譽的韋瀚章、黃友棣、林聲翕,同時獲頒國家文藝獎特別貢獻獎,並應邀到高雄演講,3 人同時愛上這個海洋之都。
In the same way, the teams were encouraged to utilize Western techniques in the preparation of ingredients normally associated with Chinese cuisine. A case in point, ingredients used in Chinese vegetarian cooking, such as tofu and bamboo shoots, were baked or prepared au gratin.
In transportation, there are bamboo bridges, bamboo rafts and bamboo sedan chairs. In musical instruments, bamboo is used in Chinese flutes and pipes.
It is one of the "four gentlemen" of the Chinese floral world, the others being plum flowers, orchids and chrysanthemums. Bamboo is listed in the "three friends in the cold of the year," with pine and plum, which do not wither in winter. These titles indicate how the bamboo is cherished and respected by the Chinese.
Chickens and eggs sold in Taiwan's market were worth NT $ 24 million per day in 1975 according to Taiwan Provincial Government. Annual production was over NT $ 8,000 million in 1975.
Bamboo in the courtyard gives to many a feeling of coolness and ease during the long summer days in Taiwan.
Bamboo is used by the Chinese in many ways. In building or making instruments, it helps provide the necessities of life.
Bamboo is used in the arts in painting, sculpture, and for bamboo ware and other handicraft products.
When Huang was 80 he composed an optimistic farewell piece, with lyrics by his good friend Wang Wen-shang: "If I go to the Pure Land in the West, don't be sad!
黃友棣 80 歲時,曾譜了一首樂觀的告別曲,歌詞是他的好友王文山填的:「如果上到西天,莫愁!
Along with the rapid increase of per capita income in the Republic of China in recent years, diet habits are changing.
People's color preference in chickens was in this order: black, red and varicolored, white.
In addition to local poultry, Taiwan imported chickens for cuisine and for eggs from the U.S.A., Canada, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Japan, West Germany, Denmark, Israel and South Africa.
In autumn 2004, Taiwan sent a dream team of master chefs from around the island to an international culinary competition in Singapore. Their kitchen cha-cha won these alchemists an impressive four gold medals, four silver, and 12 bronze.
2004 年秋天,新加坡國際美食烹飪大賽,台灣神廚不分南北組成夢幻隊伍,揮刀舞鏟之間,拿下 4 金、4 銀、12 面銅牌的傲人成績。
It is a medium by which one's hopes for good fortune are expressed. The art originated in the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-489A.D.), when women in north China pasted cutouts on the windows to give their houses a holiday air during the Chinese New Year period.
He moved to Kaohsiung, with the intent of growing old there. The dry climate cured the high intraocular pressure he had suffered from, and the music community in Kaohsiung embraced him warmly as a national musical treasure.
After moving to Kaohsiung, Huang immediately began to work with friends in the artistic community, and threw himself into the second phase of his work "Harbor City Suite." He also wrote "Poetic and Painterly Kaohsiung" and "Song of the Kapok Flower."
定居高雄後,黃友棣立刻與藝文界的朋友結合,投入第 2 階段「大港都組曲」音樂發表會的工作,並寫下「詩畫港都」與「木棉花之歌」。
Bamboo is used extensively in stationery, too.
Bamboo shoots are much used in Chinese cooking, itself a fine art.
同時,竹的幼芽﹘ ﹘竹筍,還可以供人食用,而烹調之精,又是高深的技藝。
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