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BREAKING: OBAMACARE REPEAL Clears First Hurdle…Dems Get Snarky
The Senate voted 51-48 this afternoon to proceed to the resolution, S. Con. Res. 3, which would set up a filibuster-proof process, ensuring the chamber s consideration of legislation repealing parts of Obamacare and replacing it, either as one bill or as separate measures.The 54-page document, unveiled yesterday by Budget Chairman Mike Enzi, directs committees of jurisdiction to come up with Affordable Care Act legislation by Jan. 27, meaning a repeal bill could be to Donald Trump s desk by the end February, lawmakers said today.The House Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce as well as the Senate Finance and Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committees are charged with drafting the legislation.Senate action came as Obama and Pence both headed to the Capitol to meet with their respective parties to discuss efforts to preserve or undo the health-care law. House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady of Texas said that an Obamacare replacement proposal would be laid out on a step-by-step basis and could be fully written by the August recess.The Obama administration immediately hit back with the comment that the Senate vote was passed by a pretty narrow margin Josh Earnest went on to say that the Republicans will be responsible for the ensuing chaos LOL! Via: ZH
‘SLEEPY’ JUSTICE GINSBURG: Excites Crowd By Saying She’d Back Abolition Of The Electoral College [Video]
So much for the SCOTUS not being political Check out her comments on equality for women. It s like she s time traveled back to the 50 s. What is the deal with these women that think we re still in the dark ages!
WATCH: Kellyanne Conway Very Upset Hillary Clinton Is Not Doing Trump’s Job
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway crawled out of her crypt after two weeks in hiding to attack Hillary Clinton who is totally not the President. Former reality show star Donald Trump was sworn in 216 days ago (seems longer, huh?) and his administration is still talking about his former rival. It s not too surprising since Trump is still in campaign mode, holding rallies, likely because he still doesn t know how to President.On Thursday, Conway appeared on Fox & Friends to lash out at Trump s critics, the media, and Hillary Clinton for daring to write a book because books are bad, apparently. Where s her big c4 trying to help women and children around the globe? Conway asked as if the Clinton Foundation which helps women and children around the globe does not exist.Conway then just wondered why Clinton is not doing Trump s job. Where s her bipartisan effort to try to help with infrastructure and meaningful tax reform, or the opioid crisis that I work on in the building behind me every single day? Conway asked.Trump s policies and attempted legislation have failed to pass. There s been an exodus of staffers at various councils after his appalling speech on the Charlottesville attack which left one dead and 19 others injured. Thanks, Hillary!Someone, please tell Trump that Hillary Clinton is not holding an elected office. Passing infrastructure bills and handling the opioid crisis is all on Trump. Eradicating Obamacare would have a devastating effect on those suffering from the disease of addiction who wish to get treatment. Thanks again, Hillary.Conway then claimed that Hillary Clinton failed to make history, even though she won the popular vote and was the first woman to become the presidential nominee of a major party in the U.S.Watch: It s way over the line. @KellyannePolls reacts to James Clapper questioning Pres. Trump s fitness for office pic.twitter.com/w4Db17t6g5 FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) August 24, 2017But Trump has tried to claim repeatedly that he won the popular vote (he did not win the popular vote) but thanks for weighing in, Kellyanne. Back to the crypt with you!Image via screen capture.
GOP Gives Trump The Middle Finger, Prepares To Launch Probe Into Russia
Donald Trump may have decided that Russia is going to be America s new BFF, but the rest of the GOP isn t so sure. Going against the incoming administration, several Republicans are preparing to launch a wide-ranging investigation into Russia, particularly their involvement with hacking and alleged interference in the presidential election.The Washington Post reported:Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (Ariz.) is readying a probe of possible Russian cyber-incursions into U.S. weapons systems, and he said he has been discussing the issue with Senate Select Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (N.C.), with whom he will be working closely to investigate Russia s suspected interference in the U.S. elections and cyberthreats to the military and other institutions. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has been apprised of the discussions. Burr did not respond to requests for comment.Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) also said he intends to hold hearings next year into alleged Russian hacking. Corker is on Trump s shortlist for secretary of state, according to the Trump transition team.Two of the most vocal voices on team Probe Putin are McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham.Graham said that Russia will keep doing more here until they pay a price. Next year, he plans to head up legislation and hold investigative hearings on Russia s misadventures throughout the world, which will absolutely include Russian interference in the U.S. election. I m going after Russia in every way you can go after Russia. I think they re one of the most destabilizing influences on the world stage. I think they did interfere with our elections, and I want Putin personally to pay the price, Graham told CNN on Wednesday.McCain said his Armed Services Committee is going to be investigating Russia s cyber capabilities and the extent that they could be used against the U.S. military and our weapons systems, because the real threat is cyber. McCain added that this investigation will probably veer off to include looking at the possibility Russia was behind the DNC hacking. Also on the list to be probed is the hacking of state-based election systems, including that of Arizona, McCain s home state. See, the problem with hacking is that if they re able to disrupt elections, then it s a national security issue, obviously, McCain said on Thursday.He noted that the Armed Services Committee was still formulating just exactly how they would go about dealing with the issue, but said there s very little doubt that Russia was meddling in the U.S. election process, which he insists is very worthy of examination. Trump has dismissed the possibility that Russia was responsible for the DNC hacking, despite the fact that he himself called on the country to find Hillary Clinton s missing emails. I don t believe they interfered, Trump said. It could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey. I believe that it could have been Russia and it could have been any one of many other people. Sources or even individuals. Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images and Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images. Images merged by Rika Christensen
TRUMP HITS BACK After Cowgirl Congresswoman Trashes Him Over Words Said to Grieving Widow
The left is going ballistic over supposed words said by President Trump to a grieving military widow. President Trump made a call to Myeshia Wilson that s been turned into a political football by the left to make Trump out to be crazy . Wilson s husband was killed in Niger while serving in our military so President Trump was making a sympathy call to Mrs. Wilson. Unfortunately, Wilson s family has been put in the middle of an effort to bash Trump.The media also wasted no time covering this story. They re doing their best to try and make Trump look as bad as possible Just another day in the life of the lefty media.Far left Congresswoman Frederica Wilson jumped right in to trash Trump after the call. She s following the left s narrative by claiming Trump is a sick man . It s pretty funny that Wilson calls Trump crazy while wearing a glittery cowgirl hat 24/7.The Resist movement includes Wilson who refused to go to Trump s inauguration. Wilson also attacked the president in May when she said said he needs psychological help and is desperate for attention. Perhaps Cowgirl Wilson should look in the mirror .According to left leaning propaganda news NBC: He said, But you know he must ve known what he signed up for, the Democrat recounted Trump saying more than once during the call to express his sympathy. According to Wilson, the conversation lasted somewhere from three to five minutes. Everyone knows when you go to war you could possibly not come back alive but you don t remind a grieving widow of that, Wilson said. That s so insensitive. Trump didn t even remember his name, Wilson recalled Myeshia Johnson telling her after the call ended, the congresswoman told MSNBC s Morning Joe Wednesday. She hung up the phone and said, He didn t even remember his name, Wilson said. That s the hurting part. The White House said Tuesday that the president had called the families of all four service members who were killed. He offered condolences on behalf of a grateful nation and assured them their family s extraordinary sacrifice to the country will never be forgotten, the White House said.Asked about Wilson s characterization of the call, a White House official said Tuesday night that the president s conversations with the families of American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice are private. PETE HEGSETH POINTED OUT THAT THIS IS HOW FAR THE LEFT WILL GO TO TRASH TRUMP:Pete Hegseth said on Fox & Friends that this is another example of Trump s opponents taking every opportunity to twist or spin his words, even if it involves a fallen soldier. They want to question at every turn what he says he s committed to, Hegseth said. There s no one more committed, I believe, to our service members, to our veterans than this president. He said this shows how committed Democrats are to resisting Trump no matter what.TRUMP HITS BACK:Trump hit back at the claims saying he has proof of what was said on the call:Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2017Wilson took no time in shooting back that Trump is a sick man . She s clearly milking this for all it s worth. It s sick that this Democrat would use this call to a grieving widow to bash our president.
JUST IN: RAND PAUL ASSAULTED By Democrat Doctor…Here’s What We Know About The Attacker
Another unhinged Democrat has been arrested for attacking someone with political views that are in opposition to his yawn Kentucky State Police have arrested a person accused of assaulting Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) at his home in Kentucky, the senator s office confirmed on Saturday. Senator Paul was blindsided and the victim of an assault, Kelsey Cooper, a spokeswoman for Paul, said in a statement. The assailant was arrested and it is now a matter for the police. Senator Paul is fine. The suspect was identified as 59-year-old Rene Boucher of Bowling Green, Kent., according to a statement from Kentucky State Police reported by the Bowling Green Daily News. True PunditBoucher is an anesthesiologist and pain specialist. He got his medical degree from Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine after being pre-med at Providence College in Rhode Island, according to Doximity. Boucher has practiced medicine in since 1982 and attended high school in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Between 1985 and 1993, Boucher was pain management specialist at the Letterman Army Medical Center in San Francisco where he also did his residency.In 2005, Boucher appeared on QVC marketing a rice-filled vest that was designed to alleviate back pain, reported the Bowling Green Daily News. The vest retailed at $30 and had to be microwaved before use. The website for Therm-a-Vest is no longer active. WAVE reports that Boucher retired in 2015.In May 2017, Boucher shared a story on Facebook about Republican Congressman Greg Gianforte assaulting The Guardian s Ben Jacobs in Bozeman, Montana. The assault was described as a body slam at the time. Boucher writes in his Facebook bio that he is in a relationship. The Bowling Green Daily News article about Boucher s pain relieving vest saw him city his wife, Lisa, as a reason for its success.Boucher is a registered Democrat. Since Trump s ascendency to the president, Boucher has been severely critical the GOP on Facebook. Boucher is shown to be an advocate for gun control and healthcare reform. There does not seem to be any posts that target Senator Paul. Heavy
Watch Hillary’s Reaction When Security Tries To Kick Shirtless Male Supporters Out Of Her Rally
Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton had a couple of really enthusiastic supporters show up at her Buena Park, California rally on Wednesday. In fact, they were so enthusiastic she had to stop her security team from throwing them out of the event because they decided to remove their shirts.As security moved to escort the shirtless men out of her rally, one of them yelled, Hillary, they re kicking us out because we don t have our shirts on. They re making us leave because we don t have shirts on. A laughing Clinton responded by asking security to stop and saying: Well, you know what? As long as they don t take anything else off. You know, you gotta make split decisions that s what leadership is all about. We are a big diverse country. OK, where was I? I gotta admit, it is a little distracting standing up here looking at them. So I m gonna look over this way, and I m gonna look over that way. I m gonna look back there. It was a great moment for Clinton to show off the sense of humor a lot of people do not realize she has. The right wing often accuses her of being an Ice Queen, but she is actually very funny. Her response also highlighted the vast differences between her campaign and that of Republican nominee Donald Trump. The GOP candidate s rallies are filled with violence and hate, while Clinton s is filled with positivity. It s like night and day.Watch:Featured image via video screenshot
Leslie Knope Writes Powerful, Heartbreaking Letter To America That EVERYONE Should Read
Who doesn t love Leslie Knope? She even wormed her way into the heart of that staunch libertarian Ron Swanson.Parks and Recreation has a beloved place in the hearts of many in America, in fact especially millennials. And no character is more beloved than Amy Poehler s Leslie Knope.For many fans, it s almost impossible to imagine a reaction to this electoral disaster from the almost annoyingly bubbly Knope her optimism doesn t seem to have much of a place here. However, while perfectly maintaining the voice of the character, she shows that s not the case. You can read my favorite passage below:Like most people, I deal with tragedy by processing the five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. My denial over the election results was intense. My anger was (in Ron s words) significant. My bargaining was short, but creative I offered my soul and the souls of all of my friends in exchange for 60,000 more votes in Milwaukee, to any demon who cared to accept. (Tom told me it was a terrible deal, but I didn t care, in that moment.) My depression I have already mentioned. Which brings us to Acceptance. And here s what I stand on that:No. I do not accept it.I acknowledge that Donald Trump is the President. I understand, intellectually, that he won the election. But I do not accept that our country has descended into the hatred-swirled slop pile that he lives in. I reject out of hand the notion that we have thrown up our hands and succumbed to racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and crypto-fascism. I do not accept that. I reject that. I fight that. Today, and tomorrow, and every day until the next election, I reject and fight that story. I work hard and I form ideas and I meet and talk to other people who feel like me, and we sit down and drink hot chocolate (I have plenty) and we plan. We plan like mofos. We figure out how to fight back, and do good in this infuriating world that constantly wants to bend toward the bad. And we will be kind to each other, and supportive of each other s ideas, and we will do literally anything but accept this as our fate.And let me say something to the young girls who are reading this. Hi, girls. On behalf of the grown-ups of America who care about you and your futures, I am awfully sorry about how miserably we screwed this up. We elected a giant farting T. rex who does not like you, or care about you, or think about you, unless he is scanning your bodies with his creepy T. rex eyes, or trying to physically grab you like a toy his daddy got him (or would have, if his daddy had loved him). (Sorry, that was a low blow.) (Actually, not sorry, I m pissed, and I m on a roll, so zip it, super-ego!) Our President-Elect is everything you should abhor, and fear, in a male role model. He has spent his life telling you, and girls and women like you, that your lives are valueless except as sexual objects. He has demeaned you, and belittled you, and put you in a little box to be looked at and not heard. It is your job, and the job of girls and women like you, to bust out.I highly encourage you to read the rest of it as well Leslie is exactly right. It s time for us to fight harder than ever.
Elijah Cummings Made Sure The GOP Is Well Aware They’re Hypocritical A**holes Regarding Flint
There seems to be a definite double standard when it comes to how Republicans in Congress want to go about investigating terrible governors. When it came to investigating former Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber (D), Republicans like Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) were fast and furious with their requests to obtain the information they wanted in regards to a scandal surrounding Oregon s health insurance exchange. However, when it comes to going after Republican Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan over the horrendous Flint water crisis, those same Republicans so adamant at going after a Democratic governor, failed to send requests to investigate Flint.Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) is not about to let them get away with this hypocrisy whatsoever.In a letter sent by Cummings to Chaffetz, who is the Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Cummings points out the clear double-standard of the committee going after Kitzhaber, but not Snyder in the same regard. And while Cummings does give them some credit for called Snyder before the Committee in March, it is clear that they are not going after Snyder with the same vigor. Cummings wrote: During our meeting last week, you explained that you had spoken directly with Governor Snyder, and you suggested that one reason not to request documents from him is because he might claim that his communications about the Flint water crisis are protected by executive privilege. Although I was not a part of your conversation with Governor Snyder, any claim of executive privilege to withhold documents from Congress would be a surprising turn of events that directly contradicts the Governor s own promises of accountability to the people of Michigan. Cummings also wrote: I believe that the Committee should apply the same standards for requesting documents to all governors, regardless of whether they are Democrats or Republicans. By declining to send any document request at all to Governor Snyder, the Committee is creating the perception of a double-standard in which it has requested documents from a Democratic governor, but not from a Republican governor. He then goes on to give the example of former Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber.It is simply woefully irresponsible to so blatantly neglect going after Gov. Snyder, especially considering the Flint, Michigan water crisis is so irreversibly severe causing lifelong health issues to those affected. Not only should they be investigating Snyder to the fullest extent, but they should be pushing for his resignation, as is what happened with Kitzhaber.Cummings sums it up best when he states: The Committee has never accepted this practice as an adequate standard of investigation, and we should not do so now. Governor Snyder and his staff are central figures in the decision-making process that led to the poisoning of Flint residents, and the Committee owes it to these residents to conduct a comprehensive and bipartisan investigation. Snyder needs to be held responsible and party politics need to be checked at the door. End of story.Featured image via YouTube
COWARDLY BLACK BLOC THUG Dane Powell Pleads Guilty…Faces 6 Yrs In Prison For Rioting, Assaulting Police During Trump’s Inauguration [VIDEO]
Take note cowardly anti-American thugs, your Black Bloc brother will soon to be wearing orange for a very long time A Florida man with the radical black bloc protest network pleaded guilty Friday to felony rioting and assault for his role in the Inauguration Day chaos in Washington, D.C.Dane Powell, 31, of Tampa was the first to enter a guilty plea on felony charges brought against 212 protesters accused of rioting and vandalizing property during the Jan. 20 melee surrounding President Trump s swearing-in ceremony.Here s a photo of Dane Powell and friend Tracy Penokie posing for a picture that was posted on The Ybor City website on inauguration day in DC just before the activities rioting began:Dane is seen again with a mega phone here and a free Palestine t-shirt with his friend Tracy:Scheduled to be sentenced July 7, he faces a possible six years in prison for breaking windows and throwing a brick, large rock or piece of concrete at officers after joining a mob of masked black bloc protesters who moved en masse across 16 blocks in about 30 minutes, according to the U.S. Attorney s Office.The plea was announced by U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing D. Phillips and Peter Newsham, Metropolitan Police Department acting chief.Carrying hammers, crowbars, metal poles and wooden sticks, the self-described anarchists broke windows at a dozen businesses, including Starbucks, McDonald s and Bank of America; pulled newspaper stands and trash cans into the streets; spray-painted buildings, and shattered the windows of a police cruiser and limousine.WATCH this incredible video of Blac Block and Antifa anarchists in Washington DC during President Trump s inauguration:Federal prosecutors released a superseding indictment Thursday that brought additional felony counts against some defendants, including Powell, which brought an outcry from protesters. Washington Times
Everyone Is Freaking Out Over This ‘Visitor’ At A Bernie Sanders Rally (VIDEO/TWEETS)
People are freaking out all over the internet over a winged intruder at a Bernie Sanders rally in Portland. In the middle of Sander s speech, a small and beautiful bird floated down and joined him on the podium.This is not some Matthew Bay-level CGI effect it actually happened. Sanders broke off mid-speech as the bird hovered around above him, and the packed stadium laughed and applauded. But then, to everyone s surprise, the bird actually flew down and settled on the lectern. I think there s some symbolism here, Sanders said. That little bird is really a dove asking us for world peace. This sent the crowd into uproar, and the meme-makers went into overdrive.There was some speculation about what would have happened to the poor bird if it had innocently flapped its way into a Trump rally.@politico If this was a Trump rally.. his goons would beat it up or one of the cult members would shoot it Greg King (@Megreg916) March 25, 2016And the whole affair is certainly not going to help Portland rid itself of the Portlandia gag #PutABirdOnIt.A little bird told me that @BernieSanders is really a Disney Princess.Also Portland you're taking that #PutABirdOnIt thing way too serious kelly kapowski (@Colo_Kelly) March 25, 2016For those who missed that joke. Sketch show Portlandia, which satirizes the uber-liberal Oregon city, made it famous with this skit.It didn t take long for the sparrow to become the patron saint of the #FeelTheBern movement, who even honored it with a name. They continued to praise it at the puntastic hashtag #BirdieSanders.My cynicism for all things political dims in response to #BirdieSanders J. Wolff Hughes (@JWOLFFH) March 25, 2016Even birds love him Make this man the President of the United States already. #BirdieSanders pic.twitter.com/RmclxLyiUr Rebekah Lopez (@BekahLeee) March 25, 2016Peeps a vote for Bernie is a vote for #BirdieSanders. Say owl caucus tomorrow." Toucan make a difference #LeftWing https://t.co/mKb7HwaDvB Billy (@billy_gendell) March 25, 2016Or as Obama would say: Yes Toucan.The news even made it international, with prominent British activists sharing their one disbelief.Omg!!! What!!. pic.twitter.com/0vvicZmLcO @JolyonMaugham ARTIST TAXI DRIVER (@chunkymark) March 25, 2016This has literally lit up the internet with even conservative-edged The Hill feeling the need to pass comment. Amid all the hullaballoo Sanders himself remained entertained and humble about the whole thing. The candidate hinted at further partnership with Birdie Sanders, perhaps a potential running mate should he defeat Hillary in the primaries?#BirdieSanders and I are on our way to our rally in Seattle at Safeco Field. Meet us there: https://t.co/eJGkfGsA5M pic.twitter.com/05LhBpMrne Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 25, 2016And with that Bernie Sanders heads to Seattle, home of the $15 minimum wage, to continue his battle to overcome Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.Featured Image via Screengrab
It’s Mueller Time!: Russia Probe Just Got Worse For Trump And It’s Going To Hurt
Justice Department deputy solicitor general Michael Dreeben will assist Robert Mueller and he s no slacker. He has argued more than 100 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court so his resume is worthy of joining the investigation into possible coordination between Trump s associates and Russian officials. Donald Trump had better stock up on aspirin because team Mueller is going to be all up in his business. The move signals that Mueller may be seeking advice on complex areas of criminal law, including what constitutes obstruction of justice and that has been an issue of debate for a while now. Most recently, when former FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday.Dreeben is the department s go-to lawyer on criminal justice cases and is highly respected by Democrats and Republicans alike due to his encyclopedic knowledge of criminal law, according to the Washington Post.Dreeben has been pulled into the investigation to work part time for Mueller while he continues to oversee the department s criminal appellate cases, according to Justice officials.According to former and current Justice Department officials, Mueller s recruitment of Dreeben into the probe shows how serious he is about the investigation and signals complexities in the investigation.Dreeben is thought of as brilliant in his area of expertise:Michael is the most brilliant and most knowledgeable federal criminal lawyer in America period, said Walter Dellinger, a law professor at Duke University School of Law and acting solicitor general for the 1996-1997 term of the Supreme Court. I learned early on in my time as acting [solicitor general] that there was no point of ever thinking of second-guessing Michael on a matter of federal criminal law because he just knew more than I did or could ever know, Dellinger said. He s a straight shooter, and is held in the greatest esteem by the FBI and lawyers in U.S. attorneys offices all over the country. It s not just Dreeben:Mueller s team includes Jeannie Rhee, a former deputy assistant attorney general and a partner in the investigations practice at WilmerHale, and Andrew Weissmann, the chief of the Justice Department s fraud section who oversaw corruption investigations including the probe into cheating by Volkswagen on diesel emissions tests over.Aaaand, Trump s lawyer can t even spell President so that s kind of sad, don t you think? Marc Kasowitz, Trump s life-long personal attorney, issued a statement to refute Comey s testimony. The only problem is that it was riddled with errors, including the spelling of President. Spelling is HARD.Trump better lawyer up but hire someone more effective because it s Mueller Time!Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Trump Put Himself In Deep Sh*t, Personally Drafted Statement Lying About Jr’s Russia Meeting
Donald Trump and all of the people around him have a serious problem with the truth. That problem is giving them serious legal problems that do not have to be when it comes to Special Counsel Robert Mueller s investigation into the Trump campaign s possible collusion with the Russians to try and fix the 2016 election.First, they said there were not meetings with Russians. Then, we find out that Donald Trump Jr., former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort, and Trump s son-in-law Jared Kushner met with a shady Russian lawyer, along with other people tied to the Russian government. After that, Trump Jr. came out with a statement saying that they were talking about Russian adoptions and nothing else. Then, that statement fell apart when it turns out that they went into that meeting thinking they were going to get dirt on then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton from the Russian government. Now, it turns out that while the lawyers wanted to be truthful in Trump Jr. s statement, Donald Trump decided he wanted to lie for his son, and personally put together the statement.Trump s advisers are furious. One said, on condition of anonymity, to the Washington Post: This was . . . unnecessary. Now someone can claim he s the one who attempted to mislead. Somebody can argue the president is saying he doesn t want you to say the whole truth. The adviser then went on to suggest that Trump doesn t fully understand that he and his people are in serious legal trouble over the Russia investigation: He refuses to sit still. He doesn t think he s in any legal jeopardy, so he really views this as a political problem he is going to solve by himself. A lawyer who investigated President George W. Bush regarding the unmasking of CIA Agent Valerie Plame, Peter Zeidenberg, says of the bumbling attempt at a cover-up by Team Trump: The thing that really strikes me about this is the stupidity of involving the president. They are still treating this like a family-run business and they have a PR problem. . . . What they don t seem to understand is this is a criminal investigation involving all of them. Well, hopefully, they continue to screw up in their responses to this. There s definitely wrongdoing here. Perhaps Robert Mueller already has the smoking gun, and wants to make sure the case is airtight before they are all indicted and hauled off to jail where belong. In the meantime, the entire administration is dangerous and should be removed. Congress, do your jobs and throw ALL OF THESE people out of our White House.Featured image via John Moore/Getty Images
The United States government has been living beyond its means, running up an enormous debt that will eventually need to be repaid. Most Americans look at the rerun of the Greek euro crisis with something between smug amusement and condescending disapproval. When will those profligate Greeks get their economic house in order and stop looking to others to bail them out? But, should people living in glass economic houses really throw stones? After all, just like Greece, the United States government has been living beyond its means, running up an enormous debt that will eventually need to be repaid. True, our budget deficit this year will be lower than it has been, just $486 billion compared to $1.4 trillion as recently as 2009. But this is just a temporary respite. Within the next couple of years the deficit will start to rise again. By 2025, we will again face trillion-dollar shortfalls. And even a $486 billion deficit adds to our ever growing debt. Our national debt currently approaches $18.2 trillion, roughly 101% of GDP. That s right. We owe more than the value of all the goods and services produced in this country every year. It is as if your credit-card bills exceeded your entire pay check. That s not quite as bad as Greece, of course, whose debt exceeds 177% of their GDP. But it is worse than countries like France or Spain. And give us time! Like Greece, the driving force behind our debt is the growing cost of entitlement programs for health care and retirement. If one includes future unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare, our real debt exceeds $90 trillion. That s more than five times our GDP. Greece is still in worse shape their unfunded liabilities top 875% of GDP but we re gaining. At the heart of Greece s problems lies a government grown too big, too intrusive, and too expensive. The Greek government spent nearly half of the country s GDP last year (49.3%), and that actually represents a decline from the 51.8% it averaged since 2006. The Greek s may complain about austerity, but they ve hardly practiced it. Our government is far smaller than Greece s today. Federal spending is just 20.5% of GDP. But, according to the Congressional Budget Office s alternative fiscal scenario, that could rise to almost 34% by mid-century. Factoring in state and local government spending, which already accounts for roughly 14.4% of GDP, total government expenditure in the US could reach 48% to 50% in 2050, roughly Greek levels. As government grows, the private sector contracts. Greece has one of the most inhospitable business climates in Europe, ranking 84th in the world in the most recent Economic Freedom of the World Index. Meanwhile, as the United States continues to increase taxes and regulations, we have fallen from the second highest economic freedom ranking just 15 years ago to 12th place. Of course, the United States has some advantages that the Greeks lack. Greece owes a significant share of its debt to foreign governments, while the majority of American debt is domestically held. The United States also faces low borrowing rates, while Greece has been effectively shut out of capital markets. The US debt may be bad, but in many ways we are the fastest horse in the glue factory. As long as the euro remains in crisis, we will continue to be able to borrow money at absurdly low interest rates. The United States also controls its own currency and monetary policy, while Greece is hostage to the European Central Bank, which must balance its interest against those of other countries in the monetary union, many of which are in far different economic positions.The danger for the United States is that spending on entitlements will surge in the coming decades, which means that, absent reform, they take over the economy. Investors would respond to the weaker economic outlook by demanding higher returns in order to continue investing in US bonds, which would further drive up interest costs, making our problems even worse. And, of course, unlike Greece, there aren t other countries or organizations available to bail us out.Read more: NYP
Kids Just Want To Use Words That s racist, that s sexist. They don t even know what they re talking about Like Chris Rock and Larry the Cable Guy, Jerry Seinfeld avoids doing shows on college campuses. And while talking with ESPN s Colin Cowherd on Thursday, the comedian revealed why: College kids today are too politically correct. I hear that all the time, Seinfeld said on The Herd with Colin Cowherd. I don t play colleges, but I hear a lot of people tell me, Don t go near colleges. They re so PC. Seinfeld says teens and college-aged kids don t understand what it means to throw around certain politically-correct terms. They just want to use these words: That s racist; That s sexist; That s prejudice, he said. They don t know what the f k they re talking about. The funnyman went on to recount a conversation he and his wife had with their 14-year-old daughter, which he believes proved his point. My wife says to her, Well, you know, in the next couple years, I think maybe you re going to want to be hanging around the city more on the weekends, so you can see boys, Seinfeld recalled. You know what my daughter says? She says, That s sexist. https://youtu.be/zP769IdU_YECowherd pointed out the flack comedian Louis C.K. received after his controversial appearance on Saturday Night Live last month, further proving Seinfeld s point. Louis great gift is that he doesn t worry, he just does his thing, he said. And Seinfeld s not scared to make his point, either: If I wanted to say something, I would say it. But for now, Seinfeld will stick to covering the topics he can feels he can make humorous, PC or not. I talk about the subjects I talk about because for some reason I can make them funny, he said. The ones I can t make funny, you don t hear. Via: Entertainment Weekly
ANTI-GUN Zealot KATIE COURIC Hit With $12 MILLION Defamation Lawsuit By 2nd Amendment Group [VIDEO]
Little Miss Sunshine has fooled a lot of people over the years into believing her she was just some innocuous, peppy little host with everyone s best intentions as her primary concern. Unfortunately, Katie Couric may have just ironically shot herself in the foot when she and her director Stephanie Soechtig edited their anti-gun documentary Under the Gun in order to make a gun rights group in Virginia look as if they couldn t answer a simple question.Here s Rush Limbaugh explaining how Katie Couric deceived her viewers with her anti-gun documentary : They re now facing a $12 million defamation lawsuit, according to documents provided to Bearing Arms.Second Amendment rights advocacy organization the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), along with two of its members, today filed a $12 million defamation lawsuit against Katie Couric, director Stephanie Soechtig, Atlas Films, and Studio 3 Partners LLC d/b/a Epix for false and defamatory footage featured in the 2016 documentary film Under the Gun. The film portrays a fictional exchange in which members of the VCDL appear silent, stumped, and avoiding eye contact for nearly nine seconds after Katie Couric asks a question about background checks. An unedited audio recording of the interview reveals that contrary to the portrayal in the film the VCDL members had immediately begun responding to Couric s question.In the filing, the VCDL, Daniel L. Hawes, Esq., and Patricia Webb allege that the filmmakers knowingly and maliciously manufactured the fictional exchange by splicing in footage that the filmmakers took surreptitiously after telling the interviewees to be silent for ten seconds so that recording equipment could be calibrated. The filing also contains side-by-side screenshots of the film s footage of the VCDL members and anti-gun advocates, alleging that the filmmakers manipulated lighting to cast shadows on the VCDL members and to make them appear sinister and untrustworthy. We were horrified to see how Couric and her team manipulated us and the video footage to make us look like fools who didn t stand up for the Second Amendment, said Mr. Philip Van Cleave, President of the VCDL. We want to set the record straight and hold them accountable for what they ve done. You shouldn t intentionally misrepresent someone s views just because you disagree with them. The lawsuit, filed in federal court (United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia Richmond Division), seeks $12 million in compensatory damages, plus punitive damages. The VCDL, Mr. Hawes, and Ms. Webb are represented by Tom Clare, Libby Locke, and Megan Meier of Clare Locke LLP, a boutique law firm specializing in defamation litigation. The fraud committed by Couric and Soechtig should be a career ender for both women, who have been unashamed of their behavior.What is not yet known is if Couric, Soetchtig, and one of their producers will face federal gun crimes criminal charges for obvious felonies they committed in Arizona while making the anti-gun film. Soechtig has now twice confessed (on video and in writing) to committing federal felony crimes that should lead to criminal charges against at least her and the Colorado producer (believed to be Kanau), along with any other Under the Gun staff/producers who took part in the conspiracy to make these clearly illegal interstate sales.ATF Phoenix Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Thomas Atteberry and Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Mickey D. Leadingham have little recourse other than to start an investigation into the confessed crimes.You can read the defamation case against Couric here (PDF).Among other things, the complaint alleges that, The Defendants manipulated the footage in service of an agenda: they wanted to establish that there is no basis for opposing universal background checks by fooling viewers into believing that even a panel of pro-Second Amendment advocates could not provide one. The Defendants intentionally disregarded the truth of the actual exchange that had taken place and took at least six intentional steps to manufacture a fictional exchange to support their agenda. In addition to editing footage of VCDL members, the suit alleges that Soechtig s film crew used lighting tricks to make VCDL members look shadowed and sinister, while favoring gun control supporters with much more flattering lighting.For entire story: Bearing ArmsHere is a clip showing how Katie Couric edited Under the Gun to make gun owners look like they don t have an answer to what she has framed as an unanswerable question:
WATCH: Morning Joe Host Tells Kellyanne Conway To Go F*ck Herself, BANS Her From Show
Kellyanne Conway is definitely going to whine about this.CNN may have reversed their ban on Kellyanne Conway, but if Mika Brzezinski has her way, she won t ever be able to spread her lies on Morning Joe again.In the latest backlash against Donald Trump, the Morning Joe host declared that Kellyanne Conway will not be booked on the MSNBC program ever again because or her constant lies in defense of her tyrannical boss. I know for a fact she tries to book herself on this show, Brzezinski said on the air. I won t do it. I don t believe in fake news or information that is not true. That is every time I ve ever seen her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect. Indeed, Kellyanne Conway lies so much on every media outlet she appears on it s a wonder her nose hasn t grown like Pinocchio s.Ever since she joined Trump s campaign she has been whining about how the media covers Trump and has insisted that her lies are the truth. Fact-checkers have had to work overtime to make sure the American people know that she is lying.Joe Scarborough opined that Conway lies because she isn t as close with Trump as shes says she is. She s just saying things just to get in front of the TV to prove her relevance because behind the scenes she s not in these meetings and any reporter can ask anybody in that White House and they will say the same thing. She s not in these meetings. So why does the president allow her to keep going out and spreading false information? Apparently, Trump is hoping that if Kellyanne Conway keeping repeating the lies that Americans will accept them as the truth.But Mika Brzezinski refuses to take part in that effort, so she made it very clear that Conway will not be invited on to Morning Joe as long as she is hosting. Kellyanne Conway does not need to text our show, as long as I m on it, Brzezinski said. It s not happening here. Here s the video via YouTube.Conway has been an embarrassment since day one. Her most recent embarrassments include peddling Ivanka Trump s product line in violation of federal ethics rules and making up a terrorist attack in Bowling Green, Kentucky in defense of Trump s travel ban. Beyond that, she fumbles so much that we ve lost count.The media should ban Conway from appearing on all shows across the board. All she does is spread propaganda and false information, and if Scarborough is right that she really doesn t know what s going on inside the White House then she shouldn t be considered a source worthy of interviewing.Featured image via screenshot
SO YOUR HUSBAND TURNS 69 If he s Bill Clinton he gets heckled by a bunch of kids on the golf course and your spouse doesn t show for the celebration. KARMABill Clinton was heckled by kids for taking too long between shots at his golf-filled 69th birthday.The ex-president, who has started his two-week vacation in the Hamptons without wife Hillary, who s on the campaign trail, sported neon pink sneakers and a matching hat at Montauk Downs State Park golf course Tuesday. He also played a round of mini-golf at Puff n Putt with his niece and nephew, who looked around 8 and 10.Although they had a lot of Secret Service in tow, Clinton took the time to talk to a vet and his children, ages 4, 9 and 11. But One of the little kids didn t know who Clinton was and got impatient with his chat, saying, Come on, it s your turn. He played two holes with them and took photos. Via: NYP69TH BIRTHDAY ATTENDED BY EVERYONE BUT HILLARYBill Clinton celebrated his 69th birthday in East Hampton Tuesday. The former president hit beachy Mexican joint Blue Parrot with 10 guests, including rocker Jon Bon Jovi, and other friends, who were seated at a long table among other diners. While Hillary was busy campaigning and daughter Chelsea is in Sardinia, Italy, with husband Marc Mezvinsky, spies say extended family attended the bash. Clinton, who ended his diet of McDonald s and proclaimed himself a vegan a few years ago, stuck to healthier salads and vegetables, says a spy. It looked like a cozy, happy night. Bon Jovi is an investor in the restaurant, along with Ren e Zellweger, Larry Gagosian and Ronald Perelman.
Paul Ryan Sharpens His Backstabbing Knife, Prepares War With White House (VIDEO)
During Donald Trump s meltdown during his rally in Phoenix Tuesday evening, he threatened to shut down the government unless Congress funds his border wall. The former reality show star launched a rant which was so insane that people are starting to question whether he s fit to hold office. We re pretty sure that House Speaker Paul Ryan is wondering that, too, after Trump s screamy-ragey speech.On Wednesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said he doesn t think a government shutdown is necessary, however, we ve noticed that when the Republican leader says something in stark contrast to Trump s rhetoric, he never says it to his face. Like, for example, when he tweeted his denouncement of the Nazis who marched in Trump s name in Charlottesville, Virginia, with one of them murdering Heather Heyer, 32, and injuring 19 others, he failed to tag @RealDonaldTrump.But anyway, Ryan said during a press conference in Hillsboro, Oregon, I don t think a government shutdown is necessary, and I don t think most people want to see a government shutdown, ourselves included. Ryan continued to say that Congress in the House has already done its work on this issue and left it up to the Senate. Given the time of year it is, and the rest of the appropriations we have to do, we re going to need more time to complete our appropriations process, particularly in the Senate, he said.Talking Points Memo reports:Trump on Tuesday night suggested he would push to tie funding for his proposed border wall to a government spending bill Congress must pass in the fall to avert a shutdown. I don t think anyone s interested in having a shutdown. I don t think it s in our interest to do so, Ryan added. I don t think you have to choose between the two. Watch:.@SpeakerRyan: "I don't think a government shut down is necessary, and I don't think most people want to see" one. https://t.co/9ZBdrCglu6 pic.twitter.com/ClqY5NAABp This Week (@ThisWeekABC) August 23, 2017Perhaps Ryan should have a sit down with Trump and explain to him what happens during a government shutdown. On the other hand, Trump doesn t seem to care about very much. Ryan is trying to distance himself from the very president he supports. He s playing it safe, knowing full well that Trump won t last much longer in office. Ryan wants to come out of the madness with his hands clean so he can say, Hey, I called Trump out without actually calling him out. That said, he s going to have a battle on his hands to keep the government open and it looks like he s ready for that. We re certain several of his Republican colleagues would back him up on that.Image via screen capture.
DIRTY POOL! FBI AND DOJ Just Affirmed They Spied On Trump WITHOUT Proving Dossier’s Authenticity
How dirty is this? The powers-that-be at the intelligence agencies didn t follow the proper channels before opening up spying on the Trump campaign! They needed proof that the Trump dossier is authentic but never received that proof. They moved forward with the spying anyway! What dirty rats these Democrats are!FBI and Justice Department officials have told congressional investigators in recent days that they have not been able to verify or corroborate the substantive allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign outlined in the Trump dossier.The FBI received the first installment of the dossier in July 2016. It received later installments as they were written at the height of the presidential campaign, which means the bureau has had more than a year to investigate the allegations in the document.The dossier was financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign and compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.An August 24, 2017 subpoena from the House Intelligence Committee to the FBI and Justice Department asked for information on the bureau s efforts to validate the dossier. Specifically, the subpoena demanded any documents, if they exist, that memorialize DOJ and/or FBI efforts to corroborate, validate, or evaluate information provided by Mr. Steele and/or sub-sources and/or contained in the Trump Dossier. According to sources familiar with the matter, neither the FBI nor the Justice Department has provided documents in response to that part of the committee s subpoena. But in face-to-face briefings with congressional staff, according to those sources, FBI and DOJ officials have said they cannot verify the dossier s charges of a conspiracy between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.Read more: WE
DELUSIONAL HILLARY Calls Her Email Scandal The “Biggest Nothing-Burger Ever”…”They covered It Like It Was Pearl Harbor” [Video]
Hillary Clinton continues on the path to complete and total denial. #CODECON 2017 included a blah, blah, blah session by Clinton. She spews ridiculous victimhood it s embarrassing! Nobody said don t do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_nKOL4h0iUThis woman needs to go off into the woods for another walk.
PUTIN ACCUSES U.S. Of Leaking Flight Path Of Russian Plane Shot Down By Turkey…Turkey Buying ISIS Oil
Countdown until Obama is OUT OF OFFICE: 347 days 8 hours 29 minutes 30 secondsPresident Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia had given prior information to the United States of the flight path of the plane downed by Turkey on the Syrian border. The American side, which leads the coalition that Turkey belongs to, knew about the location and time of our planes flights, and we were hit exactly there and at that time, Putin said at a joint press conference with French counterpart Francois Hollande in the Kremlin. Putin said the Russians had given prior information to the U.S. of the flight path of the plane but the U.S. had leaked the information to Turkey.Ahead of the Hollande talks, Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan traded barbs, with the Russian leader saying he was waiting for an apology and Erdogan ruling out any such move.President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Turkey s right to protect its borders must be respected, after the military shot down a Russian plane on the Syrian border for allegedly violating its airspace.Putin on Thursday dismissed as rubbish Turkey s claim that it would not have shot down the jet if it had known it was Russian. They [our planes] have identification signs and these are well visible, Putin said. Instead of [ ] ensuring this never happens again, we are hearing unintelligible explanations and statements that there is nothing to apologise about. Putin has also accused Turkey of buying oil from the Islamic State jihadist group, whose financing heavily relies on the sale of energy resources.Putin said there was no doubt that oil from terrorist-controlled territory in Syria was making its way across the border into Turkey. We see from the sky where these vehicles [carrying oil] are going, Putin said. They are going to Turkey day and night. These barrels are not only carrying oil but also the blood of our citizens because with this money terrorists buy weapons and ammunition and then organise bloody attacks, he added.Via: Yahoo
Sarah Palin: My Husband Nearly Dying Made Me Realize How Important It Was To Elect Trump (VIDEO)
Just as Sarah Palin was set to deliver another pro-Trump stump speech, the one-time Republican vice presidential candidate learned that her husband, Todd, had been involved in a serious snowmobile accident in Alaska and was in bad condition in the Intensive Care Unit. She cancelled one event, but didn t go home. Instead, she returned to the campaign trail that same day and delivered one of the most pathetic endorsements of Trump yet. She even found a way to exploit her husband. it was painful to watch.It almost makes you feel bad for Todd Palin. Lying in his hospital bed, watching his wife use his moment of need to promote the guy she thinks will keep her relevant.Never one to let a family crisis go to waste (remember when she managed to turn her son s brutal beating of his girlfriend into a critique of Obama?), Palin told the gathered Trump crowd that the experience of learning her husband almost died made her immediately realize how important her time was and that she needed to spend it getting Trump elected.The audience went wild.Incoming word salad (recorded verbatim): Yeah, good to be here. Thawed out and little Alaskas. Literally thawed out. Just before I got on a flight to get out here, he s out ice fishing on our frozen lake and my husband s out snow machinin and thank you guys for your prayers for my husband who is recovering right now in ICUS after a little wreck on a snow machine. So thank you. Big wreck. Thank you. But, you know, when real life happens, right? When someone is sick in your family, there s an accident that happens, all these challenges, these struggles in your business, in your family, with your finances, tryin to get your kids to be able to afford to go to college, all these real life issues that happen, it really puts things into perspective, doesn t it? And doesn t it make you so appreciate your time time is our most valuable resource. It makes me appreciate the time that we have to spend in doing something so worthy. And that s to get Donald J. Trump elected president.When Palin learns her husband is badly injured, she takes the experience to appreciate how important it is for her to shill for Donald Trump. That really does put things into perspective, doesn t it? Palin: Todd s Accident Made Me Appreciate the by tommyxtopherFeatured image via Fox10 screengrab
STEVE JOBS’ WIDOW ANNOUNCES SUPPORT FOR “Revolutionary” HILLARY On Same Day Hillary’s Busted For Faking This…
You d think she d know a thing or two about email servers and at a minimum, question Hillary s integrity Apple founder Steve Jobs widow Laurene has told of her admiration for Democratic White House front-runner Hillary Clinton.Ms Jobs, 51, called former First Lady Hillary a revolutionary woman, and added that it s not just because she s a woman but the type of woman she is .Speaking to Time 100, Ms Jobs said: Hillary Clinton is not familiar. She is revolutionary. Not radical, but revolutionary: The distinction is crucial. She is one of America s greatest modern creations. Her decades in our public life must not blind us to the fact that she represents new realities and possibilities. Indeed, those same decades have conferred upon her what newness usually lacks: judgment, and even wisdom. Oops wrong picture! It matters, of course, that Hillary is a woman. But what matters more is what kind of woman she is. Mrs Clinton announced her intention to seek the Democratic nomination on Sunday and set upon the campaign trail with a trip to meet ordinary voters in Iowa.But she was blasted for her staged visit on Tuesday morning to a coffee shop in LeClaire, Iowa.Austin Bird, one of the men pictured sitting at the table with Mrs Clinton, claimed the whole event was orchestrated from beginning to end .Bird told Daily Mail Online that campaign staffer Troy Price called and asked him and two other young people to meet him Tuesday morning at a restaurant in Davenport, a nearby city. Price then drove them to the coffee house to meet Clinton after vetting them for about a half-hour.The three got the lion s share of Mrs. Clinton s time and participated in what breathless news reports described as a roundtable the first of many in her brief Iowa campaign swing. Bird himself is a frequent participant in Iowa Democratic Party events. He interned with President Obama s 2012 presidential re-election campaign, and was tapped to chauffeur Vice President Joe Biden in October 2014 when he visited Davenport. What happened is, we were just asked to be there by Troy, Bird said Wednesday in a phone interview. We were asked to come to a meeting with Troy, the three of us, at the Village Inn. The other two, he confirmed, were University of Iowa College Democrats president Carter Bell and Planned Parenthood of the Heartland employee Sara Sedlacek. It was supposed to be a strategy meeting, Bird recalled, to get our thoughts about issues. But then all of a sudden he says, Hey, we have Secretary Clinton coming in, would you like to go meet her? And then we got in a car Troy s car and we went up to the coffee house, and we sat at a table and then Hillary just came up and talked with us. Bird said we all were called. I mean, Troy asked us all to do to go to a meeting with him. And we didn t really know what it was about. I mean, he did. He knew. Via: UK Daily Mail
Dem Challenger To Paul Ryan Has Raised A Massive Amount Of Money In The Last 24 hours
Randy Bryce, known as @IronStache on Twitter, launched a campaign to oust Paul Ryan from Wisconsin s 1st District. Bryce is a union ironworker who has been campaigning for all of one day, and he s already raised $100,000. That is a lot for a new face who s a Democrat living in Republican-land and running in a district that s gone to Paul Ryan every two years since 1999.Bryce isn t just a union ironworker in Republican-land, Wisconsin, though. He s an Army veteran who enlisted right after high school, and then worked his way up to being an ironworker through apprenticeship. His mother suffers from multiple sclerosis, his father is in an assisted living facility, and Randy himself is a cancer survivor. He s campaigning primarily on healthcare right now, and he says on his website: What Paul Ryan and the Republicans are doing to take health care away from millions of us, to make it cost more and cover less, and to allow the protections we ve gained to be stripped away it s just unacceptable. Bryce has an uphill battle to fight. Ryan is very well-connected both in the 1st District and across America. However, Bryce will work to tie Ryan to Donald Trump as much as possible, working off Democrats hopes that the Trump effect will help flip Congress next year.But it may not be that terrible a climg. Paul Ryan is already wildly unpopular around the country, with an approval rating below 30 percent. That could very well pull down his popularity in his own district. He s also starting to get a reputation for making every excuse in the book for Trump. Regarding obstruction of justice, Ryan lamely claimed that Trump is new and doesn t know what s appropriate and what s not when it comes to interacting with various agency heads, particularly those in the law enforcement and intelligence communities. Ryan gave him a pass as though he s a little child navigating his way through the world for the first time.He s also confident that Trump will approve of the massively unpopular GOP healthcare bill whatever form that ends up taking and once again blasted the ACA while claiming that their bill is ever so much better.Ryan is almost inextricably linked to Trump right now, and as Trump s base shrinks, so will Ryan s. What Bryce is doing and clearly, what many are hoping he can do is taking advantage of the possibility that a hole will open up in the 1st District because of Trump.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
‘Drain The Swamp’ Trump Is Now Doing White House Ads For Corporate America (VIDEO)
A White House press release which congratulated Exxon Mobil Corp. for its recent investment in U.S. manufacturing appears to be copied from a paragraph from the oil company s own release, CNN s Jake Tapper reported Monday. It s straight up plagiarism, word for word. That draining the swamp of special interests, Washington insiders, and lobbyists isn t working out too well, is it?White House press release plagiarizes paragraph from Exxon press release. pic.twitter.com/hHEKVWUsDn Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) March 6, 2017Both releases read, ExxonMobil is strategically investing in new refining and chemical-manufacturing projects in the U.S. Gulf Coast region to expand its manufacturing and export capacity. The company s Growing the Gulf expansion program, consists of 11 major chemical, refining, lubricant and liquefied natural gas projects at proposed new and existing facilities along the Texas and Louisiana coasts. Investments began in 2013 and are expected to continue through at least 2022. But it gets worse. Trump pretty much just gave a shout out to Exxon Mobil Corp. in an ad released on Twitter to his 26.1 million followers.There is an incredible spirit of optimism sweeping the country right now we're bringing back the JOBS! pic.twitter.com/BNSLvKiEVj Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 6, 2017After campaigning on Drain the Swamp as his tagline, Trump filled his cabinet up with terrifying swamp creatures such as secretary of state Rex Tillerson who previously served as the CEO of Exxon Mobil from 2006 to 2016. Tillerson had to leave his position with the company in order to go through the Senate confirmation process for the post.During his confirmation hearing, Tillerson said, I have never lobbied against [Russian] sanctions personally, Tillerson said. To my knowledge, Exxon never directly lobbied against sanctions. That s not true, though.Trump campaigned on working for the middle class, those who possibly felt forgotten and shifted toward the back burner. Instead, he wants to lower tax rates on the wealthiest, eradicate Obamacare, rape the environment, ban Muslims from entering our borders (you can put pretty words on an executive order but it is what it is), and he s making a huge profit from his alleged presidency. Trump is in this for Trump and no one else. He d kick a puppy in the face if he and/or his billionaire buddies could profit from it.Image via screen capture.
Trump Explains Why He Fired James Comey, F*cks Up And Admits He Should Be Impeached (VIDEO)
After kicking the morning off with a tweet storm attacking Democrats for criticizing his choice to fire FBI Director James Comey, Trump only seemed to make matters worse as the day went on.While meeting with pool reporters in the White House, Trump gave a public explanation for the termination of Comey, and accidentally made himself look horrible in the process. Keeping his message short and sweet, Trump said that the reason he fired Comey was because: He wasn t doing a good job, very simply. He was not doing a good job. You can watch that baffling moment below, where Trump cluelessly insults himself and ignored every question about Russia before kicking all the reporters out:That s certainly a strange thing for Trump to say, because by now he must know that his own approval rating is historically low and it continues to plummet with every failure his administration suffers. If Trump agrees that an FBI Director can be fired for their poor performance, it only makes sense that the same should apply to Trump.There s overwhelming evidence that Trump s job performance sucks and it s not just his disastrous approval rating or the fact that polls show that most Americans want him out. From Trump s failed Muslim travel ban to his disgusting American Health Care Act (Trumpcare), Trump s first 100 days have been filled with failure after failure. There have been several times where Trump had to resort to taking credit for former President Barack Obama s work just to save his image.America is so much worse off now that Trump is in the White House, and if the country has to suffer through the rest of his term, the damage may be irreversible by the time we get a more qualified POTUS. But today, Trump accidentally said those magic words: if Comey can be fired for doing a bad job, so should he.Featured image via Pool / Getty Images
This Really Happened: Fox Interrupted Trump To Criticize Him And Praised Obama
If today on Fox News was any indication at all, Donald Trump may have finally gone too far, even for some of his base, when he tweeted this Thursday morning about Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski:I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came.. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2017 to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2017While his spokespeople have been working overtime defending the indefensible and sexist tweets, even Fox News thought it was over the top and even Fox News is beginning to see how much better we had it under President Obama.Scarborough and Brzezinski s network, MSNBC, along with CNN, was airing live remarks by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin during a White House press briefing, but Fox uncharacteristically broke away to talk instead about the tweets with Republican National Committee chair Ronna Romney McDaniel:McDaniel defended the president, arguing that his tweets were a natural response to the constant criticism he receives from Brzezinski and co-host Joe Scarborough. Today, the president acted like a human, and he pushed back, she said.Fox News anchor Julie Banderas wasn t buying the excuse. Listen, she replied, you don t need to stoop to the level, obviously. I don t care who you are. You don t stoop to the level of that. I mean that s like me scolding my 4-year-old for using a bad word and then me repeating it. That s just not how you run a country or you parent a 4-year-old. I mean I have to be honest, you know, if you see this negative commentary on a show, change the channel. Ignore it. I mean that s what I tell my kids: When somebody s mean to you, don t fight back. Just walk away. Source: Washington PostThat s not even the best part, Banderas, who s hardly a token liberal (just yesterday she blamed Democrats for the fact that Republicans can t pass Obamacare repeal), went on to compliment President Obama. People used to call President Obama stupid, she said. People used to call him a Muslim. People used to call him underqualified, a sellout to America, a hater of Israel. I mean they called him every name in the book, but you didn t see him lash out. No, you didn t. As Trump keeps embarrassing the Republican Party, you re going to see a lot more people distancing themselves.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
According To The New White House Chief Strategist, Liberal Women Are Just ‘A Bunch Of Dykes’
During an interview, Steve Bannon who is the new White House strategist under Donald Trump just referred to left-wing women as a bunch of dykes .Steve Bannon was recently appointed as a senior adviser for Trump, but he is not a good fit for the job. He s just an egotistical blogger. As chairman of Breitbart News he is known for his right-winged bias, which is quite clear here. In this interview he says right-wing women are of the highest moral character while on the left we vilify women. Incredible that he would say this, and then less than a minute later, refer to them as a bunch of dykes. You can listen to that irony right here:There will always be some friction between the right and left, but referring to our liberal women as dykes is a little over the line, especially for the senior adviser of the White House. Then again, look who he advises: Donald Trump, who is well-known for degrading women. It s sad to see men like this controlling our government.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
[VIDEO] CARLY TAKES ON THE VIEW Hacks Only Days After Saying She Has A “Demented Face” And A “Halloween Mask”
So, if the hosts on this show are just comedians, does that mean the low information voters who follow them will stop taking these hacks so seriously? Friday on ABC s The View, Republican presidential candidate and former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina fought toe to toe with the co-hosts over their comments disparaging her face as demented and a Halloween Mask. After small talk, Whoopi Goldberg brought up the subject saying, How about humor? I m going the bring it up because there are going to be lots of comics saying lots of things. I wondered, because we saw some of the that you were a little upset with us about a comic comment that was made. And so, how will you steel your skin? How will you get a thicker skin to accept some of the humorous things that will be said about you? Fiorina said, Well, hey, if you meant your comment about my face being demented and a Halloween mask as humorous, so be it. I guess you misinterpreted Donald Trump s questions. I have a real thick skin. Joy Behar said, I defended you against Donald Trump s comment. He s running for president of the United States and he was making a nasty comment about your looks. I took him on. On this show, but, we are comedians here. I make fun of Hillary s pantsuits. Hillary s husband s sex life. Rep. John Boehner s tan. Who else? I don t understand why any politician is exempt from my jokes. Here s the clip from Carly s awesome interview:Fiorina answered, You know what, Joy. You know what, Joy? You can say whatever you want. You always have. You always will. I m not going to stop that. And don t worry, I have skin plenty thick enough to the take whatever people throw at me. I m making a different point. The different point is this. I think that there are real issues in this nation that we ought to be able to discuss in a fact-based, civil fashion. Michelle Collins said, I want to add that the demented comment was a poor choice of words. It was responding to something you said during the debates. That people were telling you the smile more. To me, it felt like it was not your natural state of mind. It was not on your looks, it was on your expression. It felt like you were being told to smile more. I m wondering, is that difficult for you? Do you have people coaching you to act or be a different way? Will that help you win the election? Fiorina shot back, First of all, I don t have people coaching me to act a different way or be a different way. There s a time to smile and a time to be serious. When you re talking about burying a child, it s not time to smile. There are serous issues facing the nation. Goldberg said, We had you here. I thought we were pretty respectful. I have to tell you, having watched some of the press that you have garnered based on this fake feud with The View, I m a little taken aback. Because you kind of said that that somehow liberal women are that we re made uncomfortable by conservative women. We were not uncomfortable with you. Did you think we were uncomfortable with you when you were on? Fiorina said, First of all, Whoopi. I enjoyed being on the show. The first time. and I m enjoying being on the show the second time. And I think The View garnered a lot of publicity over the feud as well. I think that s why we re on. Goldberg said, We haven t put out any ads or anything. Fiorina said, I haven t put out any ads either, Whoopi. Via: Breitbart News
I come too faaaar DOES THIS PANDER COME WITH A FAKE BLACK ACCENT? Over the weekend, Clinton s black outreach director, LaDavia Drane, attended the Movement for Black Lives convention in Cleveland. That visit marked the campaign s first outreach to the movement, which has seen even wider press coverage in the past week after activists disrupted a presidential forum at Netroots Nation.Do we really want another president who listens to people like Al Sharpton?That protest has been fresh in the minds of presidential campaigns and many of the at least 1,300 attendees according to organizers at the weekend s convention.A Clinton campaign official on Saturday confirmed to BuzzFeed News that Drane had one-on-one meetings and group listening sessions to engage stakeholders including ministers, community organizers, elected officials, and other individuals in Cleveland for the Movement for Black Lives. An Ohio native, Drane engaged people inside the movement and listened to a range of suggestions related to Clinton s outreach, as well as policy recommendations, the official said. We will continue to engage a wide array of stakeholders, including members of the black lives matter movement, when crafting policy on important issues like reforming our criminal justice system, the official said. READ MORE: BUZZFEED
BARACK OBAMA GOES THERE…Compares President Trump To Hitler In Front Of Chicago Audience
Crains Chicago Business American democracy is fragile, and unless care is taken it could follow the path of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.Mixed in with many softer comments, that was the somewhat jaw-dropping bottom line of Barack Obama last night as, in a Q&A session before the Economic Club of Chicago, the Chicagoan who used to be president dropped a bit of red meat to a hometown crowd that likely is a lot closer to him than the man whose name never was mentioned: President Donald Trump.Obama s comments came after a series of playful questions from moderator and Ariel Investments President Mellody Hobson in the great Batman vs. Superman debate, for instance, we learned Obama sides with Batman before she eventually asked him what he s learned as a world citizen of sorts.One thing he s learned is that things don t happen internationally if we don t put our shoulder to the wheel, Obama said, speaking of the U.S. No other country has the experience and bandwith and ideals. . . .If the U.S. doesn t do it, it s not going to happen. Obama gave one specific example, but it was a solid one: Ebola. To fight the virus the U.S. did everything from build an airport tarmac in Africa to send in medical teams and ferry medicos from other countries. We probably saved a million lives by doing that, he said.At least indirectly, those comments could be seen as criticism of Trump, whose foreign policy focuses on an America first paradigm that critics say distracts from this country s unique role.Obama moved from that to talking about a nativist mistrust and unease that has swept around the world. He argued that such things as the speed of technical change and the uneven impact of globalization have come too quickly to be absorbed in many cultures, bringing strange new things and people to areas in which people didn t (used to) challenge your assumptions. As a result, nothing feels solid, he said. Sadly, there s something in us that looks for simple answers when we re agitated. Still, the U.S. has survived tough times before and will again, he noted, particularly mentioning the days of communist fighter Joseph McCarthy and former President Richard Nixon. But one reason the country survived is because it had a free press to ask questions, Obama added. Though he has problems with the media just like Trump has had, what I understood was the principle that the free press was vital. The danger is grow(ing) complacent, Obama said. We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly. That s what happened in Germany in the 1930s which, despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic and centuries of high-level cultural and scientific achievements, Adolph Hitler rose to dominate, Obama noted. Sixty million people died. . . .So, you ve got to pay attention. And vote.
Donald Trump Thanks The ‘Poorly Educated’ For Handing Him Victory In Nevada (VIDEO)
Donald Trump moved ever closer to securing the Republican nomination for President of the United States this week with victory in the Nevada caucus.There s no way around it Trump thrashed his opponents in Nevada. He won a massive 45.9% of the vote, knocking Marco Rubio into 2nd place with just 23.9%, and Cruz in 3rd on 21.4%. It appears that the Trump campaign is unassailable at this point, although a week is a long time in U.S. politics.Graphic via GuardianPerhaps the darkest moment of the night was when Trump actually said these words in his victory speech: We won with poorly educated! I love the poorly educated! There were whopping cheers and applause for this comment. Which seemingly bore zero irony. He continued: We re the smartest people. We re the most loyal people. First things first: Donald Trump is not poorly educated. He attended the Kew Forest School until 8th grade before spending the rest of his schooling in the New York Military Academy. He later won a bachelors degree in Economic from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. So, another total lie from this candidate.One reason poorly educated might appeal to Trump though, is that part of the education process is to give a person the tools to think critically about an issue, and to fact-check arguments. It is not to say you cannot have these skills without a decent high school education, but it s an uphill struggle. It s not impossible to save a person having a heart attack without having had medical training, but you d put your money on the doctor every time.So, now wonder Trump would like to keep America under-educated.According to leading fact-checking site Politifact, just 1% of claims made by Donald Trump are true. One percent! Meanwhile, 3 out of every 5 statements he makes are absolute lies. Let s take a look back at some of those lies:They just keep on coming.And on the matter of faith, Donald Trump is now claiming to be some sort of born again evangelical. Yet, Trump has been married three times, pokes fun of Holy Communion as eating the little cracker , claims he has never asked God to forgive his sins in his life, and could not name a single passage of the Bible when pressed for his favorite piece of scripture.Trump is about as devout a Christian as Bill Nye.And yet, he is winning evangelical support in droves. Why? Because the evangelical, Christian Conservative movement has zero to do with faith in God, and everything to do with a fanatical conviction in right-wing principles of crony capitalism, white supremacy, homophobia and sexism.If this was not the case, Trump would be the LAST candidate that appealed to Evangelicals. To any right-thinking Christian, he is the 21st century incarnation of the Whore of Babylon.But Trump gets a pass for all of this, because under-educated people are having their ignorance exploited, and bigoted people are having their bellies tickled. This resurgent right is euphoric that it s candidate can say things on national television that have been outlawed in workplaces and public spaces for decades. They are thrilled that hate has been made mainstream by their candidate, and they are going to come out in their droves to support him.This means that voting in this year s election will be the most important ballots cast on American soil in a very long time. The reproductive rights of women, the rights of LGBT Americans, the rights of non-Christians, the rights of victims of rape and sexual assault, the rights of victims of gun crime, the rights of non-white Americans they are all on the chopping block in this election. Every American with a conscience and a sense of decency has the absolute duty to make a stand against this sh*tstorm of stupidity, bigotry and ignorance. Featured Image via Screengrab
BLACK TV HOST HAMMERS RACIST MOOCH: ‘The only hope you have Michelle Obama, is that everybody will be as miserable as you”
SPOT ON RACHEL ZONATION The Obamas pride themselves on being staples in the black community who can do no wrong in the eyes of African Americans. Unfortunately for them, however, more and more black people are turning on the Obamas and seeing them for what they really are.After seeing Michelle Obama s graduation speech at the predominantly black Tuskegee University, TV show host Alfonso Rachel knew that he could stay silent no longer. He took to his internet talk show to slam the first lady in a video that has gotten over 25,000 views in just 3 days.Here s an excerpt of what he said: If knowledge is power and you are graduating with the power of knowledge then how are you going to tolerate this agitator coming in to convince you, that you re a victim, despite the power you re graduating with. You are the first freaking lady of the United States and you re still a spoiled butt-hurt victim, whining about unfairness. You re not interested in representing the United States, you re not interested in representing ALL the people, your interest is in representing the black community and as the first lady you have represented us as bitter and spoiled. The only hope that people like you have, Michelle Obama is that people will be as miserable as you. Via: MrConservative.com
OBAMA DOUBLES DOWN On The Threat Of Climate Change vs. Terrorism [Video]
The political ideology is shocking! A Very stubborn Obama just keeps spewing the same talking points and refuses to back down on his outrageous claims on climate change: *Quick Note: Notice how the ladies totally editorialize at the end of the video like good little Alinskyites.
HILLARY CHEATED! Who Really Fed Hillary The Answers To Her Questions At Veteran’s Forum?
She never does things the way the rest of us do. She s always got an angle she s always got a way around doing things the way the everyday people she claims she represents do them. How can any female say that lying, cheating and conniving Hillary is a role model for woman with a straight face? Crooked Hillary Clinton wore an ear piece in last night s Commander in Chief Forum hosted by NBC and MSNBC. This was the first event where both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were invited to attend together. Each candidate received a short period with host Matt Lauer. It was expected that both candidates would provide unaided answers to the questions asked but it appears Hillary did not.Donald Trump tweeted after the event his disdain for candidate Clinton using the ear piece which provided her a boost in answering questions. Trump tweeted We can t let Hillary get away with wearing an ear piece during tonight s Veteran Forum .https://twitter.com/P0TUSTrump/status/773724216247984129Trump s not the only one who noticed:My article is the top fat link on Drudge. Nice. https://t.co/mw4f4s1xot pic.twitter.com/jiamqzVV33 Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September 8, 2016Others noted her cheating ways as well accusing Hillary of eye movements and gaps between speech that showed she was listening and not thinking My article is the top fat link on Drudge. Nice. https://t.co/mw4f4s1xot pic.twitter.com/jiamqzVV33 Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September 8, 2016https://twitter.com/AltStreamMedia/status/773732560824180736bocavista2016: RT BlkMan4Trump: #NBCNewsForum I think we all know who was on the other end of #HillarysEarPiece pic.twitter.com/XqjIbMd5It #N TrumpIsBlackLikeMe (@BlackManTrump) September 8, 2016Actor James Woods asks reminds us of Wikileaks email from Huma to Hillary regarding her earpiece :pic.twitter.com/T3gpMPelJl James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 8, 2016Cheating like this is not totally unexpected. President Obama was accused of doing the same thing in the debates in 2012 with candidate Romney and some have warned that this may happen again a few weeks ago. The picture of the wireless earpiece above is similar to one Obama may have used during those debates. As noted by thetruthdivision.com if you go back and watch the second and third debates in 2012, examine Obama s mannerism and head movements while he was watching Mitt Romney speak.Via: The Truth Division h/t GP
DEMOCRATS ARE AFRAID That Trump Will Beat Hillary…And Here’s The Proof [VIDEO]
Don t let Hillary s cheerleaders in the mainstream media convince you that she can beat Trump. Trump has proven himself to be a formidable opponent and don t forget that Hillary was beaten by an amateur Jr. Senator in 2008. I ve consistently said throughout the analysis of this race that I would not want to run against Donald Trump because I think he s the most dangerous candidate. Give me Ted Cruz, give me John Kasich, give me any of the vanquished they re traditional politicians, easy to beat. And, Ted Cruz, in particular, way outside the mainstream, she said. Donald Trump, when you look from what he said the other day about the gender bill and using the bathrooms, it proves that point because he knows how to appeal to not only Libertarians but to Independents who support that, too. So he will be a very, very tough candidate to face in a general election. I think it will be one of the closest elections we see since 2000. https://youtu.be/ZqtKc1aPiA4
NBA Kowtows To Racists, Orders Players To Stand For Anthem
For the last two weeks, Donald Trump has been stoking the fires of racial division in America by viciously attacking NFL stars who have decided to take a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality against black and brown people. Of course, all of that escalated when Golden State Warriors Guard Stephen Curry possibly the most popular player in the NBA right now said he didn t want to go to the White House to see Trump. Of course, Trump took personal offense at that, and one of the other big stars in the NBA, LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers, called Trump a bum on Twitter.U bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain't going! So therefore ain't no invite. Going to White House was a great honor until you showed up! LeBron James (@KingJames) September 23, 2017Now, it seems that the NBA has decided to, instead of giving their players the freedom to express their First Amendment rights, give in to the racists of the nation, and to Trump s petty, petulant, racist bullying by requiring that all players stand for the anthem. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver sent around a memo that said that all players are expected to stand. Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum says that the pre-game moments should be utilized to demonstrate your commitment to the NBA s core values of equality, diversity, inclusion and serve as a unifying force in the community. This is disgraceful. The NBA is 82% black men. It is their lives on the line, and the lives of others like them, in this racist society. They have every right to protest peacefully. Sure, stand. Don t f*ck up your basketball career over Trump s controversies. But do it with a Black Power fist in the air.Featured image via Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
WATCH: ARROGANT Sexual Predator and Sometimes “Comedian” Louis C.K. Tells Stephen Colbert “Donald Trump Is An Insane Bigot and Hitler”
The not so funny comedian Louis C.K. appeared on the Stephen Colbert show mostly to talk about his decision to send an email to his fans, where he told them that Donald Trump is an insane bigot and Hitler . After the self-righteous comedian got some laughs from Colbert s liberal audience, Colbert asked them to settle down, that Louis C.K. admitted that after he sent the email, he regretted it. C.K. went on to say that he didn t really regret it, he just regretted saying it , or in other words, he regrets that he was outed as a whiny, liberal, crybaby who can t control his emotions (our translation). One of the most interesting lines in the interview came after the Trump bashing where the outed sexual predator tells Colbert, I wouldn t take it back. If you went back and fixed all the mistakes you made, you erase yourself. You know, there s just no point to that. Good luck trying to erase yourself after you ve been outed creep Here s part of Louis C.K. s email to his fans: Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. Do you think they saw the shit coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all.And I m not advocating for Hillary or Bernie. I like them both but frankly I wish the next president was a conservative only because we had Obama for eight years and we need balance. And not because I particularly enjoy the conservative agenda. I just think the government should reflect the people. And we are about 40 percent conservative and 40 percent liberal. When I was growing up and when I was a younger man, liberals and conservatives were friends with differences. They weren t enemies. And it always made sense that everyone gets a president they like for a while and then hates the president for a while. But it only works if the conservatives put up a good candidate. A good smart conservative to face the liberal candidate so they can have a good argument and the country can decide which way to go this time.Trump is not that. He s an insane bigot. He is dangerous.Watch Louis C.K. joke around with Stephen Colbert about his disdain for President Trump, calling him a Gross crook, dirty, rotten, lying sack of sh*t. The not so funny comedian was outed today as a serial sexual predator.NPR reported that Louis C.K. masturbated in front of multiple female colleagues, to their shock and dismay, according to women who spoke on the record to The New York Times about their experiences.The famous comic has been surrounded by rumors of sexual misconduct for years specifically, allegations that he would masturbate in front of female colleagues.Last year, the comedian Roseanne Barr told The Daily Beast that C.K. was about to get busted for his conduct. It s Louis C.K., locking the door and masturbating in front of women comics and writers. I can t tell you I ve heard so many stories, she said. Comedian Tig Notaro acknowledged the allegations this summer and said C.K. needed to handle them.But previously, those stories were shared secondhand. Now, five women have spoken to the Times directly, with only one requesting anonymity. You can read the full story which goes into much more detail over at the New York Times.This Twitter user nailed it when it comes to just how disgusting Louis C.K. really is:Guys like Louis CK could just pay a sex worker. Could even request the sex worker play like she's uncomfortable if they likes. But they don't want that. The pleasure is in the actual discomfort of their victims, the power to overwhelm or make them just take it. It's horrendous. Rae Sanni (@raesanni) November 9, 2017And here s the icing on the cake Louis C.K. admitting how he loves to masturbate everywhere on Fox News with Greg Gutfeld.This is Louis CK pic.twitter.com/el0FesJIhX Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) November 9, 2017
WHY “MODERATE” MUSLIMS DON’T SPEAK OUT: Muslim Shopkeeper Makes Video Wishing Customers “Happy Easter”…Muslim Man Stabs Him To Death [VIDEO]
The religion of peace and tolerance strikes again A shopkeeper was murdered by a fellow Muslim after he wished his Christian friends a peaceful Easter.Asad Shah, who was stabbed up to 30 times at his shop, had praised both the life of Jesus and his beloved Christian nation . Left lying in a pool of blood, the 40-year-old died in hospital. Police, who were questioning a 32-year-old suspect last night, said the killing was religiously motivated.Mohammad Faisal, a family friend, said a bearded Muslim wearing a long religious robe entered Mr Shah s shop and spoke to him in his native language before stabbing him in the head with a kitchen knife.Mr Shah s brother, who was working next door, rushed out to find the killer laughing while sitting on the Glasgow newsagent s bleeding chest. The brother dragged Mr. Shah away but the guy continued attacking with the blade, said Mr Faisal. They struggled up to the bus stop where Asad collapsed. It was just a clear-cut revenge attack. For posting messages about peace, messages about greeting fellow Christians and Jews. Here is the video Asad Shah posted that inspired his brutal murder by a fellow Muslim: Before his death, Mr Shah had wished his friends a Good Friday and a very happy Easter, especially to my beloved Christian nation .In his final post, he wrote: Let s follow the real footstep of beloved holy Jesus Christ and get the real success in both worlds. Mr Shah also appeared to use his Facebook page to speak out over the attacks in Brussels. Via: Daily Mail
GOP HOUSE LEADERSHIP Place Political Careers Before National Security: Why They Are Reportedly Caving (Again) To Democrats
Is this why we worked so hard to get a GOP majority in the House and Senate? Spineless weasels Republican House members blasted their GOP leadership Wednesday for caving to Democratic leaders demand that they abandon the House s bipartisan bill to tighten screening of refugee applicants from Syria and Iraq. The bill to bolster the Syrian and Iraqi [refugee] vetting process passed with a veto-proof majority and is supported by a vast majority of Americans, said Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC)57% , who is one of the two co-authors of the original House bill that GOP leaders are now abandoning. It would be a shame to bow to the wishes of Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and the White House, leaving our country vulnerable to foreign terrorism, he told Breitbart News exclusively.After the Paris attacks that killed over 120 people, the House passed a bill with a huge bipartisan majority that would implement tough screening requirements for refugees. The bill was criticized by Democrats and President Obama, who vowed to veto the legislation and suggested that Republicans work with them to tighten oversight of visas given to legal visitors.Now, House Republican leaders are reportedly planning to abandon their original idea to tighten screening of refugees and are instead caving to Democrats who want to only fix security gaps in the legal-visitor visa program.Republican House leadership is backing away from the refugee problem because they fear their fix will be rejected by Democrats and lead to a partial government shut-down.Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) also told Breitbart News exclusively that he isn t surprised that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is following in the steps of former House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)32% by bowing to Democrats, rather than putting up a fight.He called the original vote a show vote that was arranged by the leaders, and told Breitbart News that the entire refugee program needs to be stripped of its funding.Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) told Breitbart News exclusively that GOP House leadership should fix both problems. This should not be an either or question, Babin said. Both should be addressed in a timely manner. We should concern ourselves first and foremost with the safety and security of the American people. Babin recently released a letter, signed by more than 70 of his colleagues, calling on House leadership to include language in the must-pass omnibus spending bill that would defund the refugee resettlement program. More than 70 of my colleagues joined me in calling for an immediate suspension in the refugee program to give us time to put in place security measures that the Administration has failed to implement Babin told Breitbart News. We must restore Congressional authority and ensure that Congress has a final sign-off on any Administration proposed Security measures. Congress has until December 11th to pass the omnibus bill.Via: Breitbart News
WATCH: Democrats Release Video PERFECTLY Highlighting Hypocrisy Of Trump’s Appointments
Despite his promises to drain the swamp, Trump is doing the exact opposite. So far, his cabinet picks are basically a who s who of Washington insiders and big business executives, making the swamp slimier than ever.And the Democratic Party isn t missing the opportunity to highlight Trump s incompetence and hypocrisy.In a 30-second video released on Twitter, the Democrats lambasted Trump for hiring the very idiots who caused the financial crisis to undo all of the hard work done by the Obama administration to pull this country back from the brink of financial ruin.You can watch the video below: We ve seen so much economic growth over the last 6 years. Now Donald Trump is hiring the people who created the crisis we recovered from. pic.twitter.com/F7nQqDCmUM The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) December 3, 2016Although the list is always changing (you can see a live updated version by The New York Times here), here s a quick rundown of his current appointments and their anything-but outsider backgrounds:Steve Bannon is a white supremacist and nationalist, and architect of Breitbart, which he has called a platform of the alt-right. Alt-right is the politically correct word for neo-Nazis that can t stand being called neo-Nazis. He was also an investment banker at Goldman-Sachs, and ran his own financial firm, Bannon & Co.Reince Priebus, who was chairman to the RNC and instrumental in the rise of Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, and others, is about as establishment as you can get. He s a lawyer and career politician, and was the chairman of one of two major political parties. What is more establishment than that?! Yet, for his early promotion of the Donald, he s getting rewarded with a spot in the White House. Trump doesn t give a damn about draining the swamp; he s giving favors to friends.Flynn isn t as bad as Trump s other picks at first glance, that is. He seems to have no clue what he s talking about with regard to many political issues, but on the subject of national security, he does at least have some expertise. Unfortunately, that expertise is tempered with a let s bomb the shit out of everything! attitude combined with extreme Islamophobia. Lovely. He s also been reported to have a loose relationship with the truth. A leaked email from former Secretary of State and four-star general Colin Powell is even more telling: I spoke at DIA last month, Powell wrote to his son, Michael, on July 19 before relaying a story he apparently heard from Marine Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, the current DIA director. Flynn got fired as head of DIA. His replacement is a black Marine 3-star. I asked why Flynn got fired. Abusive with staff, didn t listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc. He has been and was right-wing nutty every [sic] since. (The Washington Post)Come on, Trump, you can t do better than that? Who am I kidding of course you can t.None of those require Senate confirmation, so they re already a done deal. The following names, however, are not yet set in stone, but are likely:I won t get into the many, many terrible policy positions of Jeff Sessions. That s not important here. What is important is that he is another career politician who is owned by the insurance industry and has no interest in fighting for the common citizen. He s yet another swamp monster in an administration that won an election on the promise of changing business as usual in Washington.It s hard to know where to start with Betsy DeVos. Her desire to privatize education, not improve it? Her belief in creationism? The fact that she thinks Christianity belongs in public schools? Or maybe just that she s another billionaire swamp monster? She married into Amway money. Amway, if you re not familiar, is a massive pyramid scheme under investigation in many countries for its multi-level marketing scam ( multi-level marketing is code for pyramid scam ). It s one of the largest privately held companies in the United States. And she is a HUGE political donor who is very fond of money influencing the political process.You know who would make the best Secretary of the Treasury when you re trying to get rid of business as usual in Washington? A billionaire investment banker and hedge fund manager who spent 17 years at Goldman-Sachs, that s who! Here s a flashback to Trump just months ago: I m not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We re going to tax Wall Street. Huh. How about that.Steven Mnuchin been sued by Trump, partnered with George Soros, and has done basically anything he can to make as much money as possible. It s hard to see how liberals or conservatives would support him, but Trump supporters will follow him no matter what he does or how many promises he breaks.And in case you forgot, people like Mnuchin caused the Great Recession. Now we ve gone from not regulating them enough and allowing them to buy politicians to directly placing them in power! That s some great swamp draining right there.Wilbur Ross is a predatory billionaire investor and former banker. Is this starting to sound repetitive? He also served under Rudy Giuliani, as well as Bill Clinton, and has been both a Democrat and a Republican as the need arises. Not exactly a political outsider!And heads up, coal miners: He s currently under investigation by multiple agencies for his degree of responsibility in the deaths of a dozen coal miners in West Virginia. The mine that collapsed had over 200 safety citations, and he was intimately familiar with the company and problems in question during the time leading up to the incident. Do you think Trump really gives a flying fuck about you when he s hiring people like that?Elaine Chao has served under two previous Republican administrations already, as well as obtaining a White House fellowship under Reagan. She was the Secretary of Labor under Dubya, and the Deputy Secretary of Transportation under his marginally more competent father, President George H.W. Bush.She s also Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell s wife. Not only that, but she s worked at multiple banks as well as the Heritage Foundation. She is as deeply embedded in the world of politics and the swamp of Washington as it is possible to be.With this list of Washington insiders and bank executives on their way onto the White House team, it s more clear than ever that everything Trump told his supporters during his campaign was a lie. He s in it for himself, his children, and his rich friends. After that, he ll listen to anybody that pretends they like him or tells him what he wants to hear. Sad!Featured image via screen capture from embedded video
Tiffany Trump Is Sad As Hell After Whole Family Completely Forgot Her Birthday
As Tiffany Trump blew out the candles on her birthday cake, she had plenty of time to reflect in that moment on the fact that she probably made that cake herself because her family doesn t think she is important enough to acknowledge.Donald Trump tweeted a lot on Friday (her birthday) and Saturday, bragging about hurting the stock market, complaining about fake news and promoting candidates he likes. Though he normally (eventually) tweets birthday tidings to the three kids whose existence he acknowledges, he forgot all about poor Tiffany (though he did retweet promotions for his sons TV appearances).Sadly, they and others are Fake News, and the public is just beginning to figure it out! https://t.co/8B8AyA7V1s Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2017Health Insurance stocks, which have gone through the roof during the ObamaCare years, plunged yesterday after I ended their Dems windfall! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 14, 2017The Democrats in the Southwest part of Virginia have been abandoned by their Party. Republican Ed Gillespie will never let you down! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 14, 2017Newsweek notes that Melania and Tiffany s siblings also completely ignored her birthday.Trump has wished Don Jr., Melania, Ivanka, Eric, and even the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, and Army birthday tidings via Twitter. But not Tiffany. Apparently, she isn t important enough for The Donald to spend two seconds wishing her a happy birthday.In fact, he wished the Navy a happy birthday instead of Tiffany:I have no greater privilege than to serve as your Commander-in-Chief. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the incredible men and women @USNavy!#242NavyBday pic.twitter.com/qcdB4U8CqA Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2017Poor Tiffany. It s unfortunate that she is forced to deal with being a member of the Trump family. No amount of money is worth that.Featured image via Twitter
Boiler Room EP #82 – Mind-boggling Collusion
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis and Daniel Spaulding for the 82nd episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in a pre-election special broadcast of Boiler Room with the crew. This week we re turning the crank on the sausage grinder of media and cooking up some reality radio focusing on the strange, the real and the exo-political.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Listen to Boiler Room #82 Mind-boggling Collusion on Spreaker.Reference Links:
GOP Rep. Just Achieved The IMPOSSIBLE By Outdoing Trump’s Hypocrisy On February Jobs Report
Trump continued to claim credit for things with which he had little to do when February s jobs report came out earlier today, and Sean Spicer even defended him to a press that wanted to know why jobs reports are suddenly authentic, when they were all fake under Obama. But the hypocrisy doesn t end there, apparently. Kevin Brady, chairman of the House Ways and Means committee, issued his own statement on the jobs report, and in doing so, he brought Republican hypocrisy to a whole new level.The February 2016 jobs report, which, of course, came out under Obama, showed 242,000 new jobs. Brady said: While it s good news that more Americans have joined the labor force, it s disappointing to see so little growth in full time work and wages. One year later, we have a jobs report that says 238,000 new jobs were created in February. Brady said: This is a great report. The fact that hundreds of thousands more people found new jobs last month is a good sign that our economy is moving in the right direction. Isn t 238,000 less than 242,000? Or is there some kind of new math of which we aren t yet aware? Really, partisan games and fuzzy math are the only explanation for Brady s saying he s very pleased about last month s jobs report it s obviously because there s a Republican in the White House and Brady wants to kiss his ass.It also showcases Republicans insistence on opposing everything that Obama ever did.Brady should have thought this out a little better. There s no way to spin the difference between the two statements as anything other than sheer GOP hypocrisy.Take a look at both full statements below:Kevin Brady on the February 2016 job report v. Kevin Brady on February 2017 job report. What could have changed? pic.twitter.com/OrtMXrXqOC Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) March 10, 2017Featured image by Mark Wilson via Getty Images
WATCH: Sean Spicer In December STRONGLY Opposed Exactly What He Did Today
In a shocking move, White House press secretary Sean Spicer banned major news organizations such The New York Times, CNN, BBC, LA Times, Politico and BuzzFeed from attending a press briefing. That move resulted in the Associated Press and Time magazine boycotting the briefing. In addition, the White House Correspondents Association also protested the move. Meanwhile, Spicer hand picked right-leaning outlets to attend the briefing. Breitbart.com, of course, was one of them.Politico senior writer and co-author of Playbook Jake Sherman recalled an interview in December with Spicer. Stick with me on this one, Sherman tweeted. We had @PressSec at a Playbook Live event in December where he addressed this issue directly. Here s what he said. Stick with me on this one. We had @PressSec at a Playbook Live event in December where he addressed this issue directly. Here s what he said Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) February 24, 2017This is what Spicer said during the interview, We have a respect for the press when it comes to the govt. That is something you can t ban an entity from. Conservative liberal or otherwise. We have a respect for the press when it comes to the govt. That is something you can t ban an entity from. Conservative liberal or otherwise Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) February 24, 2017 This is @presssec in December but the real amazing quote is this: That s what makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship, he tweeted, tagging Spicer.This is @presssec in December but the real amazing quote is this: That s what makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) February 24, 2017Watch: To reiterate, Spicer called banning the media a dictatorship in December, then a couple of months later, he did just that. This move by the Trump administration is likely in retaliation to the damning report published yesterday stating that the FBI refused the White House s request to publicly knock down media reports regarding communications between Donald Trump s associates and Russians known to U.S. intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign.Even weirder, Spicer had that conversation with a reporter from Politico, an established media source he has now just banned. Conservatives will suck the freedom out of you every single time.Image via screen capture
Son Of Egyptian Immigrants Hopes To Become FIRST MUSLIM GOVERNOR In U.S…Will Push For “Sanctuary State”
Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, a liberal Democrat would like to become the nation s first Muslim Governor in a state that s home to the city of Dearborn, with the highest Muslim population outside of the Middle East. The state of Michigan also made news last year when Hamtramck, a city that for decades was known for it s strong Polish immigrant community, elected its first all-Muslim City Council. It s probably not that far-fetched that the son of Egyptian immigrants living in a state where tens of thousands of Muslim refugees and immigrants come to live would want to see the state of MI become a Sanctuary State . My faith is really important to me, as it is for many Americans and Michiganders, El-Sayed said. But I think we should be asking ourselves rather than how one prays, or what they pray to, we should ask ourselves what [one] prays for and what one hopes for. While El-Sayed said his Islamic values are at the center of his work as a civil servant, he wants people to know his number one priority is to serve the people of Michigan.But some residents in the state may not be ready to see a Muslim governor. In the last several years, Michigan has been a hotbed of Islamophobia. Dearborn, a predominantly Arab-American city in the Detroit metro area, has been a frequent target of anti-Muslim activists, conspiracy theories and fake news. But El-Sayed doesn t want Michigan residents to be distracted by anti-Muslim rhetoric and violence and he wants people to know that the principles of Islam are what guide his service. I am running because of the values my Islam teaches me which includes beliefs in equity, the fundamental rights of all people, a belief that we will judge ourselves as a people based on how we treat the most vulnerable, El-Sayed said. A belief in being good to others fundamentally, a belief in respect and dignity to one s neighbors and one s friends and one s family. -Business InsiderDemocratic gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed is starting to propose a progressive platform that includes making Michigan a sanctuary state, providing universal preschool and offering publicly funded health insurance to any resident needing coverage.The ex-director of Detroit s health department unveiled parts of his platform Monday.I love it when the rule of law works #sanctuarycities https://t.co/3X4kJBu4WZ Abdul El-Sayed (@AbdulElSayed) April 26, 2017El-Sayed claims that a Sanctuary State will make Michiganders safer. As a Michigander, I can assure you that making our state a Sanctuary State will not only make it less safe, but it will cause many people to move away to states who have laws against law-breakers.(3/3) if elected #gov my job is protecting #Michiganders, that's what #SanctuaryState will do. Learn more: https://t.co/r56mhirYRB Abdul El-Sayed (@AbdulElSayed) April 24, 2017The sanctuary term has no legal definition and varies in application, but it generally refers to local jurisdictions that do not cooperate with U.S. immigration officials. US NewsEl-Sayed also made his feelings known on Twitter about a MI lawmaker, Rep. Michele Hoitenga, R-Manton,MI who wants to make Sharia Law illegal in that state of Michigan. El-Sayed attempts to make the comparison of the 10 commandments and the Holy Bible to Sharia Law. What El-Sayed seems to be willfully ignoring, is the fact that the United States is a Judeo-Christian nation.Nice try I oppose banning the #TenCommandments and #Bible both came from the #MiddleEast. #religiousfreedom https://t.co/j7unpQSkiM Abdul El-Sayed (@AbdulElSayed) April 20, 2017
Racists Go CRAZY after Samuel L Jackson Trashes Trump On Jimmy Kimmel Live (VIDEO)
The racists came out in full force when Jimmy Kimmel put up a minute of video that is too outstanding to ignore. In a segment called, The Hateful 8 Ball, Kimmel gets advice from a mystical Samuel L Jackson inside a magic 8 ball toy. Jackson plays the part as you d expect, nailing the role of angry black man with iconic voice ever so perfectly.Definitely a great moment captured for all time not only for a funny comedic piece, but as a historical record for the kind of racism that follows Donald Trump around. On hearing the name, the Trump trolls who keep this buffoon relevant enough that he might just win the GOP nomination hopped all over the comments on The Patriot Nation, the right-wing propaganda rag posting the video for other racists to be outraged at.This rocket doctor doesn t understand why racism has to be about race:When Bill Taylor, who went to Ball State University, says that President Obama had no qualifications other than he s black to run for president, that s it. All bets are off, Obama is worthless. Bill was obviously far too involved with the investigation into how little Obama was vetted to notice the birther movement, college transcript fiasco and fake Barry Soetoro stuff that still thrives in circles of stupidity all over the internet.Bill says he s a racist, pretty sure it s because he s black, not sure if we re talking about Jackson or Obama anymore; It s very sad.Then there are the people who just really are that stupid:It takes a classy person to be a Donald Trump supporter. You have to be able to just hate so indiscriminately. Can you actually consider yourself to be fair if you truly hate everyone equally? Hate just for hate s sake.You can enjoy the comments and maybe even make yourself a new conservative friend HERE.Featured image via screen capture
Obama And Kerry Exposed: Secret Side Deals With Iran And No Nuclear Agreement
Bravo! These two great Americans make me have hope for the politicians we elect. They re doing a damn good job of exposing the phony Iran deal. They both are veterans and super smart so maybe they ve been able to outsmart the Obama thugs. I love these guys!Rep. Mike Pompeo (R Kan.) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R Ark.) have a lot in common. Both are army veterans and both are graduates of Harvard Law School. And both have been doing a great job of exposing aspects of the nuclear deal with Iran that the administration would rather keep quiet.This week it was reported that an inquiry from Pompeo got the State Department to admit that the nuclear deal was never signed and is not legally binding. Julia Frifield, the Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs, wrote in response to Pompeo s inquiry if he could see the signed agreement, in a letter reproduced at the congressman s website, that the nuclear deal was not binding and that it was not signed by any party. The key parts of the letter read:The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document The success of the JCPOA will depend not on whether it is legally binding or signed, but rather on the extensive verification measures we have put in place, as well as Iran s understanding that we have the capacity to re-impose and ramp up our sanctions if Iran does not meet its commitments.Frifield asserted that the JCPOA was not a signed agreement but reflections of political commitments between Iran and the P5+1 nations the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany.Pompeo responded, For the State Department to try to defend the unsigned and non-binding Iran nuclear agreement by calling it a political commitment is about as absurd as the terms of the deal itself. Instead of forging an agreement with Iran that will protect Americans and prevent the world s largest state sponsor of terror from obtaining a nuclear weapon, the Obama administration caved to Iranian bullies and serial nuclear cheaters. Unsigned, this agreement is nothing more than a press release and just about as enforceable. Pompeo, of course, knew that the deal was unsigned, but he got the State Department to admit it. What Cotton s letter did was expose the administration s ploy to evade Congressional oversight and still achieve the permanence of a treaty by going to the U.N. Security Council.The non-binding nature of the nuclear non-agreement isn t the only subterfuge that Cotton and Pompeo have exposed. It was also their questioning that led to the discovery of the secret side deals between Iran and the IAEA. One of the side deals allowed Iran to collect its own samples at the Parchin military base, an arrangement that non-proliferation experts Olli Heinonen, a former deputy director of the IAEA, and David Albright, head of the Institute for Science and International Security, said undermined the effectiveness of the JCPOA. (The scandal of self-inspection of Parchin had previously been brought up by Sen. Robert Menendez (D N.J.) and Sen. James Risch (R Idaho).)Cotton and Pompeo have been very good at exposing the weakness of the deal that the media wouldn t otherwise have reported. No doubt in the coming months Iran will continue testing the administration and the administration will continue retreating exposing further weaknesses in the deal.
DONALD TRUMP JR., JUST HUMILIATED Michael Moore In Front Of Millions On Social Media…And It Was SPECTACULAR!
Leftist activist and mediocre filmmaker Michael Moore made a very lame attempt at shaming President Donald Trump on Friday. Moore feigned concern on Twitter that Trump s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, FL wasn t being used as a shelter. Moore tweeted on Friday, Has he [President Trump] opened up Mar-a-Lago as a shelter yet? , suggesting that President Trump should have opened the doors to his public club to help those looking for shelter from Hurricane Irma that was set to pound the southern and eastern shores of Florida.Has he opened up Mar-a-Lago as a shelter yet? Michael Moore (@MMFlint) September 8, 2017After Micheal Moore s tweet got over 56K likes and 17K shares from equally ignorant liberals, Donald Trump Jr., gave Moore a lesson on geography.It's on an island on both the ocean & intercostal and in a mandatory evacuation zone probably not the best idea, but you know, narrative! https://t.co/Ji5V5lh7ya Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 10, 2017In other words, Mar-a-Lago is the last place anyone who s looking for shelter from a hurricane would want to be.Here s an ariel shot of Mar-a-Lago, confirming that indeed, Moore s statement, which he apparently thought was very clever, was instead about the dumbest remark to date, that anyone has made about possible locations for shelters from the hurricane.Keep up the good work Michael. The more you hate on Donald Trump and his family, the more voters the Democrat Party will lose in 2018 and beyond As a side note, Trump ruffled a lot of feathers in the exclusive enclave of Palm Beach, FL when he opened the doors to Mar-a-Lago to both Blacks and Jews, when other private clubs in the area were excluding them. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Moore
Mothers Of The Movement Bring DNC To Tears, So Right-Wing Racists Come Out In Droves (VIDEO)
The second day of the Democratic National Convention took an emotional turn when a group of black women, whose children s lives were lost long before their time, stepped on the stage and began to tell their heartbreaking stories and say emphatically: Black Lives Matter.The room hushed as Mothers of the Movement told of their children and the violent ways they had left this earth. Geneva Reed-Veal (mother of Sandra Bland), Lucia Bath (Jordan Davis) and Sybrina Fulton (Trayvon Martin) explained to the crowd of delegates why they were standing there in front of them, somewhere they never expected to be. Their stories brought the DNC to tears. You don t stop being a parent when your child dies. I am still Jordan Davis s mother. His life ended the day he was shot and killed for playing loud music. But my job as his mother didn t, Bath said. I lived in fear my son would die like this. I even warned him that because he was a young, black man, he would meet people who didn t value his life, she said. That is a conversation no parent should ever have to have. So naturally, right-wing racists came out in droves.@Tyronem07172460 @RedPillTweets The mothers of the movement are a freaking joke. a group of idiots who didnt raised their kids properly. Mauricio (@Shelby14_02) July 27, 2016There aren t any #FathersOfTheMovement. They all ran out!#MothersoftheMovement Donald Bateman (@NationalismRise) July 27, 2016LMAOOOO, they have Mothers of the Movement on stage. AKA, women who raised their sons to beat, fight with, shoot, or aim at police & ppl. Dav (@DavosFox118) July 27, 2016Mothers of the movement or should I say Mothers of the Racist Hate Group Black Lives Matter Trever Talley (@trever_talley) July 27, 2016#MothersoftheMovement If they actually cared about their kids, they would be still alive. No sympathy from me. #FunctioningIlliterates. DNC IS CORRUPT (@PCiscancerous) July 27, 2016Mother of victims of police violence? they must not have done a great job raising them Mothers of the Movement #DemConvention rewrite omitted#7089 (@JohnFict) July 27, 2016Despite the reactions of bigots, the stories of these grieving mothers are as powerful as they are heartwrenching. The inclusion Mothers of the Movement at the DNC is proof that the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton do believe Black Lives Matter.You can watch these mothers give their moving speech here: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW8_tr3JCEk]Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Republican’s Latest Election Rigging Scheme
In another humiliating defeat that will have major ramifications for Republicans going forward, all 8 Justices on the Supreme Court upheld a lower court s ruling that Texas Republicans could not redraw voting districts to suppress the growing Latino vote.The one person, one vote case was designed by conservatives to exclude non-voting populations when drawing the electoral map for the state. The immediate effect would be that districts with large numbers of non-eligible voters (like, for instance, Latino immigrants and children), would be lumped together, giving much more power to rural, mostly white and older, districts.I m sure you ll be shocked to know that older white people tend to vote Republican. But that surely wasn t the intent behind this move to consolidate power increase the fairness of elections for white people everyone.If this all sounds a bit confusing (and it should), what Republicans were trying to say is that people who can t vote, children, immigrants, convicted felons, etc. do not deserve the same kind of representation in their local government. Because they re not really people or something. But really, this was just the latest GOP attempt at rigging elections.Right now, the populations of large racially diverse cities mean that those cities have several (or more) voting districts and they tend to be far more liberal than rural, mostly white districts. That means that in a state like Texas, the cities are threatening to overpower the rural areas in terms of electoral power and turn the state purple and eventually blue. The goal of this court case was to reverse that trend and greatly reduce the number of city districts, thus, making the rural (and conservative) districts more powerful.But apparently this was a voter suppression tactic too far for even the conservatives on the Court:Six justices signed on to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg s decision, and Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas the most conservative members of the court concurred in the judgment. Total-population apportionment meets the equal protection demand, by rendering each representative alert to the interests and constituent-service requests of all who dwell in the representative s district, Ginsburg said.Even if Scalia had still been alive, it looks like he might have been the only dissent. And maybe Thomas after Scalia had told him what to think.The conservative Justices were not opposed to the basic premise of the plan (stripping large cities of their voting power), just this particular method. Once Republicans come up with a new avenue of attack (and they will), they ll try it again and if Republicans control the White House and put another Scalia on the bench, they might get away with it next time.See why voting blue is important?Featured image via wikipedia
WATCH: Chuck Todd Puts The Screws To Mitch McConnell For Not Giving Merrick Garland A Chance
Mitch McConnell is still making ridiculous excuses to justify what Senate Republicans did to Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.When Antonin Scalia passed away in February 2016, his body was not even cold before Republicans declared that they would refuse to hold hearings to confirm any replacement chosen by President Obama.And so, when President Obama selected a centrist judge named Merrick Garland to be the next Supreme Court Justice, Republicans immediately refused to do their job as outlined by the Constitution.Republicans tried to excuse their behavior by claiming that Democrats would have done the same thing even though Democrats have never once refused to grant a nominee a confirmation hearing. Furthermore, Republicans claimed that no Supreme Court nominee has ever been approved by the Senate in an election year.McConnell made the same claim on Sunday after Chuck Todd grilled him in response to Republican insistence that Donald Trump s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch be confirmed immediately. The tradition had been not to confirm vacancies in the middle of a presidential [election] year, McConnell said. You d have to go back 80 years to find the last time it happened. Everyone knew, including President Obama s former White House counsel, that if the shoe had been on the other foot, [Democrats] wouldn t have filled a Republican president s vacancy in the middle of a presidential election. Again, Democrats have never refused to hold a confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court nominee.Also, Mitch McConnell is ignorant of Senate history.As it turns out, there have been several election year confirmations of Supreme Court nominees and we don t have to go back 80 years to find one.In fact, the last one occurred only 29 years ago when the Senate confirmed Justice Anthony Kennedy in 1988 during Ronald Reagan s last year in office.It also happened in 1956 when Dwight Eisenhower nominated William Brennan. The Senate confirmed him despite it being an election year.In 1940, also an election year, Franklin Roosevelt nominated Frank Murphy to the Supreme Court and the Senate confirmed him.So contrary to what Mitch McConnell says, there is plenty of precedent in our history proving that the Senate has no such tradition of not confirming Supreme Court nominees during an election year.Todd challenged McConnell for not simply holding a confirmation hearing and giving Garland an up or down vote. Why not put him up for a vote? Todd asked. Any senator can have a rationale to not vote for a confirmation. Why not put Merrick Garland on the floor and if the rationale is, You know what? Too close to an election, then vote no? Look, we litigated that last year, a flustered McConnell replied. The American people decided that they wanted Donald Trump to make the nomination, not Hillary Clinton. Actually, the American people voted for Hillary Clinton. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.McConnell then claimed that there s no rational reason to not vote to confirm Gorsuch. But that s not true either. You see, by refusing to grant Garland a confirmation hearing, Republicans set a precedent and gave Democrats all the reasons they need to block Gorsuch at all costs.Plus, Gorsuch has a terrible record and he was nominated by Trump, which is all the more reason for Democrats to block him.If Senate Republicans had not acted like petulant children in response to Merrick Garland, perhaps Democrats would have been more open. But the way Republicans treated Garland was un-American and totally outrageous. They disgraced the Senate with their conduct and Democrats now have precedent to respond in kind.But McConnell balked when Todd challenged him to take up a resolution that says Supreme Court vacancies won t be filled during an election year. In short, McConnell knows that if a Republican had been president in 2016, Senate Republicans would have rushed any Supreme Court nomination through. Because in the end, Republicans are hypocrites.Here s the video via YouTube.There is no excuse for Democrats to not block Neil Gorsuch from becoming a Supreme Curt Justice. In fact, if Republicans somehow get him confirmed, Democrats should impeach him as soon as they take back control of the Senate. This Supreme Court seat rightfully belongs to Merrick Garland. He deserves a fair confirmation hearing before Republicans are ever able to nominate someone to the Supreme Court again. Until then, Republican nominees should be the same and worse than the way Republicans treated Merrick Garland.And Republicans only have themselves to blame.Featured Image: Screenshot
ANTI-HILLARY POSTERS POP UP All Over Hollywood…Great timing!
The first time I heard Negan ask for 50 percent of everything you had, my first thought was, damn only 50 percent? And he s asking! If Democrats had their way they d take everything by decree. Sabo The artwork from conservative artist Sabo consists of blood-spattered text reading, Negan wants 50% of your shit. Hillary demands it all. The Walking Dead has been hijacked by a prolific street artist to protest Hillary Clinton and the presidential candidate s entire Democratic Party.The artwork from conservative artist Sabo consists of blood-spattered text reading, Negan wants 50% of your shit. Hillary demands it all. The sentiments are based on Negan, a new villain on AMC s hit show who expressed his desire for stuff that doesn t belong to him. In the spirit of The Walking Dead s newest villain, Negan, I drew up these posters and placed them outside of the AMC Studio offices in Santa Monica as well as near the CNN building on Sunset boulevard where there will be an anti-Hillary protest, Sabo told THR. The first time I heard Negan ask for 50 percent of everything you had, my first thought was, damn only 50 percent? And he s asking! If Democrats had their way they d take everything by decree. Read more: Hollywood Reporter
RED FLAG IN CLINTON’S FBI INTERVIEW Shocks Former Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy
Finally, something else about those lawyers. I nearly fell out of my chair upon reading the very first paragraph of the notes of Clinton s interview, which identifies the lawyers for Clinton who were permitted to be present for the interview. Among them is Cheryl Mills, Clinton s longtime confidant and chief-of-staff at the State Department.Readers may recall that I suggested back in May that the fix was in in the investigation of the Clinton emails. The reason was that the Justice Department was allowing Cheryl Mills a witness, if not a subject, of the investigation to invoke attorney-client privilege on behalf of Mrs. Clinton in order to thwart the FBI s attempt to inquire into the procedure used to produce Clinton s emails to the State Department. Mills was a participant in that procedure and it is the procedure in which, we now know, well over 30,000 emails were attempted to be destroyed, including several thousand that contained government-related business.When she worked for Clinton at State, Mills was not acting in the capacity of a lawyer not for then-Secretary Clinton and not for the State Department. Moreover, as Clinton s chief-of-staff, Mills was intimately involved in issues related to Clinton s private email set up, the discussions about getting her a secure BlackBerry similar to President Obama s, and questions that were raised (including in FOIA requests) about Clinton s communications.That is to say, Mills was an actor in the facts that were under criminal investigation by the FBI. Put aside that she was not Mrs. Clinton s lawyer while working for the State Department; as I explained in the May column, Mills, after leaving the State Department, was barred by ethical rules from acting as Mrs. Clinton s lawyer in connection with a matter in which the lawyer participated personally and substantially as a public officer or employee. There is no way Mills should have been permitted to participate as a lawyer in the process of producing Clinton s emails to the State Department nearly two years after they d both left.I thought it was astonishing that the Justice Department indulged her attorney-client privilege claim, which frustrated the FBI s ability to question her on a key aspect of the investigation. But it is simply unbelievable to find her turning up at Mrs. Clinton s interview participating in the capacity of a lawyer under circumstances where Clinton was being investigated over matters in which Mills participated as a non-lawyer government official.FLASHBACK: REMEMBER WHEN CHERYL MILLS WALKED OUT OF FBI MEETING: Read more: NRO
Colbert Outs Republicans As The True Weirdos For Obsessing Over Who Goes To The Bathroom (VIDEO)
Late Show host Stephen Colbert hilariously took aim at bathroom obsessed Republicans on Tuesday night and hit the bulls-eye.Colbert began by talking about how anti-LGBT conservatives have organized a boycott of Target because the company unveiled a policy in which transgender people can use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity. And then he told the audience where he stands on the issue. Here s the thing. I don t care if you re male or female, what sex or gender identity someone is, I and I mean this sincerely do not want to share a bathroom with anyone. For two reasons: No. 1 and No. 2, Colbert began.Unlike Republicans, Colbert says when he goes into the restroom he has no desire to look at everyone s genitalia to ascertain whether they are transgender or not. When I am forced to use a public bathroom which is infrequently, thank God I go in there with blinders on. I don t know who s next to me. It could be a centaur next to me, for all I know. I don t even like to look at myself in the mirror afterwards. I know what I did. I m there for a surgical strike get in, get out, minimal casualties. Colbert doesn t even care if a famous celebrity or a fan is standing next to him. He simply wants to do his business with no chit-chat and get the hell out. I m not there to make friends. If we ve just come out of a movie and you re standing next to me, I don t want to talk about how irreplaceable Robert Downey Jr. is as Iron Man. I don t care if you re Robert Downey Jr. yourself. Second, if you re a fan of mine that s wonderful, he continued. Please don t try to shake my hand in there. Because I know what you just shook. Also, if there are a bunch of open stalls, don t take the one next to me. It s not the buddy system. With that being said, Colbert concluded that Republicans are the real weirdos for obsessing so much over who is using the bathroom and what their genitalia is. To all those lawmakers out there who are so obsessed with who s using what bathroom and what plumbing they ve got downtown newsflash: You re the weirdos. Here s the video via YouTube.Colbert is absolutely right, of course.Republicans are not only obsessed with gay people having sex, they are obsessed with who is using the bathroom. In fact, they actually expect people to inspect the genitalia of other bathroom users and report them to authorities.Kansas Republicans recently introduced a pair of bills granting students $2,500 every time they see and report a transgender student using the bathroom, which means they would actually have to look at what each person has between their legs in order to cash-in.The fact that conservatives even thought of such bills is sickening. And considering that Republicans themselves have been arrested for misconduct in bathrooms while not a single transgender person has committed such a crime, it makes one wonder why we don t have laws banning conservatives from using public restrooms. After all, they seem to be the only ones who can t control themselves.Featured image via screenshot
Alex Jones POSITIVE Obama Killed Scalia, And You’ll Never Believe Who He Thinks Is Next (VIDEO)
There s crazy and then there s nonsensical, conspiratorial, out of your head, paranoid with a tinfoil hat on your head, curled in the fetal position in your mom s basement crazy. The latter would be radio talk show host Alex Jones.Not only does he believe that President Obama somehow secretly had Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia killed, a man who was 79-years-old and a known smoker and we know died of natural causes, but now he believes that the president has plans for other people as well. You know, so Obama can finally unleash his true intentions for the nation. After all, he still hasn t come for anyone s guns or forced us all to be Muslim yet.Jones declared in a morbid Facebook post, this is the season of treason, this is the time of betrayal and we would be fools not to ask the question. Which clearly begs the question, who is allowing Alex Jones to have any sort of internet privileges? He s more than lost his mind, he s replaced it with a new bag of nuts.However, he goes on: You just get used to this, Scalia found, it s natural, nothing going on here, he just died naturally. And you re like, Whoa. Red flag. Then you realize, Obama is one vote away from being able to ban guns, open the borders and actually have the court engage in its agenda and now Scalia dies. I mean, this is hard core I wonder if Clarence Thomas will die of a heart attack next week. If this is an assassination, it signifies that they re dropping the hammer, that s the canary in the coal mine. Wait! There s more! Are they going to kill Clarence Thomas? Maybe they ll kill Ron Paul. Maybe they ll kill Donald Trump next. They all had heart attacks. How many more of these are we going to sit here and put up with? Or maybe their airplane blows up. Someone needs to tell this guy to relax. However, he adds: My gut tells me they killed him and all the intellectual evidence lays it out. The only thing his gut indicates is that he s had one too many cheeseburgers.He then goes on to insist that Republicans need to block anyone Obama nominates, because if they don t liberals are going to destroy the Constitution and start a civil war. He literally believes Obama is coming after everyone.Jones has said a lot of crazy things in his career, but this may take the cake. // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]&gt;Breaking: Justice Scalia Murdered?Posted by Alex Jones on Saturday, February 13, 2016Featured image: screencap
RIGGED: Hillary Wins Popular Vote As Republicans Claim WH Victory
While the final vote tally won t be in for quite some time, at this point it s looking like the massive victory Republicans were granted yesterday was due largely in part to gerrymandering perfectly legal rigging of the vote that parties take advantage of during the census. Because Republicans controlled most state legislatures during the time of the last census, Republican votes tend to count more than Democratic votes do.That s why, despite the simple fact that more people probably voted for Hillary Clinton, we are facing at least four years of a Donald Trump presidency. We actually saw exactly how this would play out in 2012, when Republicans took the House despite losing by over a million in the popular vote. Democrats simply can t afford close races.It s hard to admit, but Donald Trump was right about something the election WAS rigged. By state and congressional Republicans, and then by obstructionists. Hopefully, this loss teaches the Democrats that stayed home and leftists that refused to unify that we can t afford to put ideology over pragmatism. When the other side is cheating, the only solution is to boost turnout beyond what they can cope with. That s really the only way to see a silver lining in any of this maybe people will learn. The Democratic Party picked up seats in the House and Senate enough to give the GOP a taste of no but the next four years are looking bleak.Here s a video that explains the process of gerrymandering and how Republicans have orchestrated it so that your vote doesn t count the way it should:Also, you should know there is an interstate compact between quite a few states and the list is growing that are pledging to give their electors to the winner of the popular vote the next time around. That d be a win for democracy. If we d had that in play this time around, we might not be looking at a Donald Trump presidency. And it would mean that every vote does, indeed, count right now, unless you live in a swing state, you probably already know whether your vote counts before you cast it.Photo by John Sommers II/Getty Images
Newt Gingrich Attempted To Stiff Small Businesses, FEC Shot Him Down
Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker and now Trump-surrogate, apparently pulled a page out of the Republican presidential nominee s playbook when he attempted to stiff over 144 businesses (including dozens of small businesses) who helped him with his 2012 failed presidential campaign.Gingrich, who owes over $4 million in campaign debt, recently filed documents with the Federal Elections Commission to effectively detail a debt settlement that would end his presidential election committee, thus allowing him to escape paying the millions back to creditors and consultants who helped his campaign.Many of these small businesses manufactured lawn signs and organized TV spots for the Republican candidate, who four years later would be runner-up on Donald Trump s V.P. slot.Luckily the FEC wasn t having any of it rejected Gingrich s debt settlement, saying that his plan does not meet the requirement under federal election law because it contains no debt settlement agreements and must continue to file all required reports. So instead of the FEC taking action right now, Gingrich will have to complete the entire process of debt settlement plan procedures.Gingrich, who is worth anywhere between $7 to $30 million, has some nerve stiffing small business owners when they poured their resources into his failed presidential campaign. Perhaps this is why Trump didn t pick him: they both have gotten flak for stiffing honest, hardworking business owners.It s time Republicans take responsibility for their actions and pay their debts. While busy running small businesses into the ground, they have the gall to stand up on stages and podiums and proclaim to be saviors of small businesses.So many people have been hurt at the hands of Republicans, it s hard to keep track. But this election has shown the American people one thing: Republicans do not pay back their debts, and they will crush anyone to save a buck.Hopefully, the FEC denied Gingrich again and forces him to pay back his debts to those who helped him. If he were an honest conservative (fiscal responsibility?), this wouldn t even be an issue in the first place.Featured image via John Moore/Getty Images
Karma In All Its Glory: Republican Chairwoman Forced To Resign Over ‘Obama Is A Chimp’ Facebook Post
A little over a month ago, Linda Sorenson, the Republican Chair for Delta County, Colorado, posted the following Facebook meme:Oh those wacky Republicans and their unbelievable racism!At first, Sorenson was defiant in the face of public condemnation, stating, I really don t care if people are offended by it, she told me of the post, which was sent to me by a source. Un-friend me. Stop looking at me on Facebook. After all, this is a new day in America. This is Donald Trump s America and gosh darn it! White people won t stand for being oppressed by the PC Police any longer! Let freedumb ring!But a funny thing about Trump s America it doesn t actually exist. At least not yet. And certainly not in the very purple state of Colorado. Clearly, Sorenson thought the people would rally to her bigoted side. Instead, according to the The Daily Sentinel:That posting not only prompted calls of her resignation from fellow Delta County Republicans, but also from several outside groups, including the Colorado branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance.Whoops.In the face of all of this pressure, Sorenson changed her story from, I m racist and I m proud! to the perennial favorite of politicians who make a social media blunder: Someone hacked my account! I m the victim here! After four accountability meetings though, including an investigation into Sorenson violating party rules by endorsing a local Republican primary candidate, Sorenson saw the writing on the Facebook wall and resigned. The Republicans Central Committee was quick to distance themselves:Suppes, who is not a member of the central committee, said it was an appropriate move. There s no room for racism, intended or unintended, in society, he said. It s best for the party, best for the county, that she step down. On the one hand, bravo to the Colorado GOP for dealing with this appropriately. On the other, Sorenson is hardly an outlier. Republicans have spent decades turning their party into a haven for racism and bigotry in all its many forms. Sorenson was simply stupid enough to say it out loud; a trend that has been exacerbated, but certainly not started, by Donald Trump.I wonder who she ll blame for her downfall? I m going to guess Obama. What do you think?Featured image via screencap
HILLARY’S CAMPAIGN MANAGER STAMMERS When Asked Why Using Trump’s Stolen Tax Returns Are Okay, But Wikileaks Emails Aren’t [VIDEO]
Hillary s shady campaign manager, Robby Mook tells Fox News Chris Wallace that Wikileaks emails showing CRIMINAL behavior by Hillary and her campaign is not okay, but there s nothing wrong with using Trump s stolen tax returns
DRAIN OBAMA’S RADICAL SWAMP! Rep Chaffetz Calls Out OBAMA APPOINTED Fed Gov Ethics Director Over UNETHICAL Public Criticisms Of Trump
IT S TIME TO DRAIN OBAMA S SWAMP! Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the head of the House Oversight Committee, criticized the director of the federal Office of Government Ethics on Thursday over his criticism of Donald Trump s plan to address conflicts of interest. And he threatened to subpoena the official, Walter Shaub, if he refuses to participate in an official interview. He seems to be acting prematurely at best, without doing investigations or thorough looks, Chaffetz said in an interview. He s rendering opinions publicly that really cause you to scratch your head. We need the Office of Government Ethics to act ethically. Ironically, that s not what they re doing. Shaub, an appointee of President Barack Obama, has been a frequent critics of the incoming administration s ethics plans, peaking Wednesday when he called Trump s newly unveiled conflicts of interest policy meaningless. The public rebuke of Trump s business arrangements came during a press conference at the Brookings Institution that included the outspoken former White House ethics lawyers for Obama and former President George W. Bush. In his remarks, Shaub said the president-elect stepping back from running his positions is meaningless from a conflict of interest perspective. The plan does not comport with the tradition of our presidents over the last 40 years, he added.Chaffetz said Shaub has refused since the election to agree to a meeting to discuss matters related to OGE s public remarks about Trump, as well as the Republican-led panel s plans to pass language reauthorizing the office. If Shaub continues to resist, Chaffetz said he d issue a subpoena if we have to. He is coming in. This is not going to be an optional exercise, Chaffetz said, adding that he expected a meeting within a few weeks.Shaub s 5-year term expires in January 2018. We need a fair person behind the plate that s going to call balls and strikes, Chaffetz said. What they re supposed to do is help work with somebody to comply with the ethics requirements. But when you talk publicly about private conversations, that s not ethical. And when you refuse to come in and talk to the committee when you re doing reauthorization, when you start tweeting and issuing press statements on things you never looked at, that shouldn t be the case at all. This isn t Chaffetz s first time challenging Shaub. In late 2015, the Republican accused the Obama appointee of giving Hillary Clinton a pass on conflict-of-interest laws over speaking fees she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, were supposed to disclose. But Chaffetz said he s grown more frustrated with Shaub since the November election and also singled out the OGE s use of its official Twitter account to issue a bizarre series of posts in Trump s own staccato style congratulating the president-elect for making major changes to his business arrangements.For entire story: POLITICO
Saturday Night Live Takes On GOP Cowardice In Stunningly Accurate Faux Movie Trailer (VIDEO)
As we all live in the nightmarish hellscape that is the Donald Trump presidency is the fact that Congressional Republicans are flat-out refusing to stand up to Donald Trump s insanity. They know he is mentally unstable, corrupt, incompetent, and dangerous. However, they also are drunk with power while holding every branch of government. If they can get him to be a rubber stamp for their agenda, they don t care about doing what is right for the country. They only care about what they want.Well, there is one show that is not afraid to hammer this unpatriotic and dangerous insanity: Saturday Night Live. In the newest episode of the parody show, the producers came up with a brilliant faux movie trailer entitled TBD. It starts by portraying an accurate account of what we are all going through under Trump s regime right now, with phrases like, a nation divided, and a president with unchecked power. Then, it moves to different scenarios of one brave Republican member of Congress speaking out against the president. In each segment, that person s identity and statements against Trump are TBD. In the reviews segment, it even takes a shot of infamously spineless House Speaker Paul Ryan when its Rolling Stone review says: it s definitely NOT about Paul Ryan. This is awesomely funny, but it s also chillingly accurate. Oh, if only SNL could shame the GOP into doing what is right.Watch the video below:Courage, Compassion, Country: The TBD Story. This was a classic. #SNL pic.twitter.com/QJGzhXrQfN Colin Jones (@colinjones) March 5, 2017Featured image via video screen capture
INCOMING FRESHMEN Are Put On Notice With Welcome Letter From U of Chicago Dean Of Students…”Trigger Warning” Crybabies Stay Home
Wow! The University of Chicago sends impressive letter to incoming Freshman warning them that freedom of speech is alive and well at their college. This letter makes it pretty clear that they will not be joining with hundreds of other colleges across America to squelch the free speech rights of anyone who disagrees with the Black Lives Matter, progressive social justice warrior nonsense.After a student at the University of Illinois Chicago Hyde Park campus threatened to shoot up the campus and Kill White devils in November 2015, over the shooting of a young black man by police in Chicago, the school made the decision to shut down the campus for a day. Colleges need to get out in front of this social justice warrior/Black Lives Matter terror movement before it gets out of hand on college campuses this year. In a welcome letter to freshmen, the College made clear that it does not condone safe spaces or trigger warnings: pic.twitter.com/9ep3n0ZbgV The Chicago Maroon (@ChicagoMaroon) August 24, 2016Here is the video showing the shut down of the University of Chicago campus:
Republican Mailer Threatens To Out Voters To Neighbors If They Vote Democrat
New Mexico Republicans are resorting to intimidation tactics to scare voters into voting for Donald Trump.The Republican Party is literally sending out flyers to people across the state warning them that if they don t vote GOP on Election Day they will tattle on them to their neighbors and make life more difficult for them.According to the Daily Beast,The mailer shows a woman in a cold blue hue peeking through her blinds. When the Democrats win the election and you didn t do your part your neighbors will know, it reads, in all caps.The back shows a map of houses, some tagged with red check marks in blue pinpoints. Do your part in this election, it says. After all, voting is a matter of public record. While whether you voted or not is a matter of public record, who or what party you voted for is not. Obtaining and using such information to threaten voters is election fraud and voter intimidation, both of which are federal crimes.18 U.S, Code 594 states,Whoever intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.And a spokesman for the New Mexico GOP admitted that the party sent out the flyer, thus admitting to committing a crime. But when further questioned about the flyer, W. Tucker Keene hung up on the The Daily Beast.While Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters continue to cry about election fraud, their own party is committing that very crime in New Mexico. The question is do they have a problem with that or do they only care about non-existent election fraud that Democrats are supposedly going to commit?Because not having a problem with real election fraud just because it is perpetrated by Republicans would make them hypocrites.By outing people who vote Democrat, the New Mexico GOP would be putting Americans in danger of being persecuted or worse just because they voted a certain way.Sending out a mailer with the intent to intimidate voters is illegal and the New Mexico GOP should be under investigation by the Department of Justice. This is an outrageous dirty tactic and there needs to be serious consequences.Featured Image: Daily Beast
After Sex Scandal Allegations, Ted Cruz Unleashes Colossally Pathetic Hissy Fit On Facebook
In the world of politics there are going to be scandals. It s just a fact. There s no way around it. They can be true or they can be false, but they are going to happen no matter who you are. What s important, however, is how one handles the scandals, and so far Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has shown that he can t handle much of anything thrown his way.With The National Enquirer printing a story that alleges Cruz s involved with five different women other than his wife, #CruzSexScandal quickly started to take over social media and the national conversation. Is the story true? Who knows, really. But at this point it doesn t really matter, because it s out there.Now, Cruz could simply shrug off these allegations, or even laugh at them for how ridiculous they may be, but instead he chose to throw a ginormous hissy fit on Facebook and blames the entire thing on Donald Trump. And who knows, maybe Trump is to blame. However, how Cruz is handling all of this shows how he may handle times of trouble, and let s just say, it ain t pretty.Cruz wrote on Facebook: I want to be crystal clear: these attacks are garbage. For Donald J. Trump to enlist his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding shows you that there is no low Donald won t go.These smears are completely false, they re offensive to Heidi and me, they re offensive to our daughters, and they re offensive to everyone Donald continues to personally attack.Donald Trump s consistently disgraceful behavior is beneath the office we are seeking and we are not going to follow. // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]&gt;I want to be crystal clear: these attacks are garbage. For Donald J. Trump to enlist his friends at the National Posted by Ted Cruz on Friday, March 25, 2016Listen, Ted, calm down. If the story from The National Enquirer is false, it will simply drift away over the course of the 24-hour news cycle. Drawing further attention to it, and acting SO defensive doesn t necessarily make you look guilty, but it also doesn t make you look good. It s a tabloid paper that will also talk about people giving birth to aliens and/ or maybe the Queen of England taking up heroin it s not like it was printed in the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. Simmer down now. Stuff like this is inevitably going to come up, true or not. For goodness sake, ask a Clinton.If this is how he handles ridiculous stories about himself, how the hell is he going to handle being Commander-in-Chief? Simple he won t be able to.No matter who, vote blue.Featured image via Gage Skidmore (flickr)
Stephen Colbert And His Audience Absolutely Pummeled Bill O’Reilly, And It Was Spectacular (VIDEO)
When appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert it s probably best to expect the unexpected. And in the case for Fox News host Bill O Reilly, it was probably best to expect his far right-wing humor to not be appreciated whatsoever by either Colbert or his audience.Within the first few moments of his appearance, he alienated pretty much everyone by saying those over on CNN and MSNBC are on crack. He was trying to convince people that Fox News is #1 in the ratings for a reason. Little does he realize that if people want their right-wing hate TV, they only have one place to go, whereas facts are dispersed everywhere else. So when O Reilly made his remark about the other networks, the crowd audibly booed him and was not impressed whatsoever.Then, just moments later, O Reilly thought it wise to do a Bernie Sanders impersonation while also saying that Sanders and Trump are the same person. Here s the thing: Colbert and his audience, are likely going to have a liberal response, so you can only guess how this Sanders bashing was received not well. Colbert even asking the Fox News host after his Sanders impression, are you having a stroke? After a huge back and forth about what O Reilly deems best for the nation, and when Colbert explains what actually is best for the nation, they end their debate cordially, but it was obvious the Late Show host was visibly annoyed with the Fox News toady.Colbert ended the interview with this amazing statement: You re a great model to do an impression of for ten years. Which is a complete slam at O Reilly s ridiculously conservative viewpoints and show.All in all, this was one of the best smackdowns of O Reilly ever.Here s the full appearance: Part 1:Part 2:Video/Featured image: YouTube
VETERANS CAN’T GET HEALTH CARE…But These MN Somali Muslims Got US Taxpayer Dollars For College…Used It For Jihad
Our State Department brought in over 1 million 1 LEGAL immigrants entered the US in the last 20 years as a result of the Refugee Admissions program that was brainchild of Senator Ted Kennedy and was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990. Its primary purpose was to increase diversity in America. Has everyone had enough diversity yet?Clockwise, Hanad Mustafe Musse, 19, Guled Omar, 20, Zacharia Yusuf Adurahman, 19, and Adnan Abdihamid Farah, 19. They are four of six Minnesota Muslims that have been charged with traveling or attempting to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State.Using college loans. Out. of control. Obama s jihad immigration policies now have us funding our own demise. Where is the oversight? Where is the outrage?Described as good students, hard workers, all had plenty of connections to community. Some of the young men got a head start on racking up college credits in high school. Some juggled college and jobs that helped them chip in for family budgets. Some worshiped NBA stars and caught college-night games at Target Center. Hmmmm, what went wrong?Sherburne County Sheriff s Office, via Associated Press Hanad Mustafe Musse, 19.Two Twin Cities men charged with conspiracy to fight alongside terrorists now face financial fraud charges for allegedly using their college loans to purchase airline tickets to fly to the Middle East.In a superseding indictment unsealed Tuesday by the U.S. attorney s office in Minnesota, Hamza Ahmed and Hanad Mustafe Musse were charged with using more than $1,000 of financial aid provided to them.Ahmed, 20, of Savage, and Musse, 19, of Minneapolis, are among seven young Somali-Americans from Minnesota who face charges of planning to leave the United States and fight alongside Islamic extremist groups. Six of them were charged in April.During the past two years, more than 20 Somali-Americans from Minnesota have left to fight alongside terrorists with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, according to the FBI.The new indictment says that Ahmed and Musse bought airline tickets on Nov. 8, 2014, from New York s John F. Kennedy Airport to Europe, using more than $1,000 in federal college financial aid. Ahmed used his aid money to purchase a flight to Istanbul, Turkey, authorities say. Musse used similar funds to buy a ticket to travel to Greece. From those two destinations, authorities say the pair then planned on heading to Syria. Ahmed had actually boarded his flight when he was ordered off the plane by officers from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.In a related matter, Abdirahman Daud, 21, another alleged conspirator, made his first appearance in federal court in Minneapolis on Tuesday morning before U.S. Chief District Judge Michael Davis. Daud was arrested by the FBI in San Diego in late April, along with alleged conspirator Mohamed Farah, after they drove from Minneapolis to California. They were accompanied on the trip by a confidential informant who was working for the FBI.Daud and Farah allegedly planned to acquire false documents in San Diego in order to cross into Mexico. From there, they planned on flying to the Middle East with the intent of entering Syria to fight, authorities say.Daud, who is charged with providing material support to terrorists, is scheduled to appear for a detention hearing Friday afternoon in front of Davis. Farah is charged with conspiracy and is expected to be returned to the Twin Cities later this week. Farah s brother, Adnan, was arrested last month in connection with the case and is charged with providing support to terrorists. He is being held in the Sherburne County jail.Via: Pamela Gellar
WATCH: Anderson Cooper Throws MAJOR Shade At White House Aide Over ‘Fake News’
An interview with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper and Sebastian Gorka Wednesday night went off the rails when the White House deputy assistant started lecturing the host on fake news. It s remarkable really because Gorka is fake. Even his PhD is fake and yet, he used to insist that everyone call him Doctor. Still yet, the fake doctor couldn t help himself and launched into a rant against fake news. It s laughable. Your chryon talked about a crisis, Gorka told Cooper in response to a suggestion that the White House was in turmoil. I actually work in the West Wing, I work in the White House, it is absolutely nothing of the kind. The president is a steam locomotive that can t be stopped. It s just fake news. I m sad to see CNN fall to this, Gorka said. I know you want salacious and sensational coverage for your ratings so your corporate sponsors and owners will have more money, but that s not media, that s not reportage. It s just fake news. Okay, I m just going to ignore the insults because I don t think it really gets us anywhere, Cooper shot back.Cooper pressed Gorka over a tweet which Trump posted on Twitter saying the media often makes up its sources, despite the fact that Trump Jr. released the email chain which confirms The New York Times reporting.Remember, when you hear the words "sources say" from the Fake Media, often times those sources are made up and do not exist. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2017 I m giving you an opportunity right now to correct what the president said this morning. Because what he s alleging is that the reporting is fake and in fact, his son s own email chain shows that it s accurate. Do you deny that? Cooper asked. No, I deny the fact that there is anything here that is untoward. Again this is an obsessive nine-month campaign, Gorka said.An exhausted Gorka eventually said, I thought we were going to talk about real issues, like what we re doing with our allies in France, defeating ISIS. I am going to ask you but you re not being honest, you re not being upfront, Cooper responded. How many minutes are we in? Gorka said. Are you a TV producer now? Cooper fired back. You re concerned about how many minutes we ve been talking? Do you have somewhere else to go? If you gotta go, you gotta go. You re falling into the fake news trap again, said Gorka. And it s sad, Anderson. You re shaking shiny objects to try to divert people, but I don t think viewers are really that easily diverted, Cooper said. Do you know why the president s description of a witch hunt is accurate, Gorka asked. Because there never were witches. And there never was any collusion. It s bogus Anderson, you re like a broken record. No, because I m not getting any answers from you, replied Cooper. I m answering it. Every time, said Gorka. No, you re responding, said Cooper. You re not actually answering because you re not actually being up front. Let s let the viewers judge, Gorka said, who then mocked CNN s ratings. You used that line on Monday, and you know, it was sort of mildly amusing, Cooper said. But I think it s funny that you have enough time in the White House, which is apparently you re so busy, you re able to sit around [and] read Nielsen numbers. No, I had really good prep from my team, because the White House press team is superb, Gorka said. I don t deal with this stuff because I do have a day job. Watch a clip from the interview:.@andersoncooper fires back at @SebGorka: I m just going to ignore the insults, I don t think it gets us anywhere https://t.co/CbyGcCWsLd Anderson Cooper 360 (@AC360) July 13, 2017Cooper brought up that CNN apologized for an inaccurate story but Trump has never corrected his errors. Later in his show, Cooper described Gorka as the Hungarian Don Rickles. While the Trump administration would love for everyone to think that everything is fine, the White House is in crisis.Image via screen capture.
Carrier Workers BLAST Trump: ‘He Lied His Ass Off’
Donald Trump has been bragging nonstop about the Carrier deal that supposedly kept more than 1,000 jobs in the U.S., but workers at the company are calling him out for being full of it. On Tuesday, the Carrier union s president said point blank that Trump lied his ass off when it came to the terms of the deal.United Steelworkers 1999 President Chuck Jones said that when Trump first said that he was going to save those 1,350 at the Indiana plant, he was hopeful. As The Hill explains, Carrier had originally planned to move the jobs to Mexico, but decided to keep 730 of the jobs in Indiana after receiving $7 million in tax breaks from the state, where Vice President-elect Mike Pence is governor. Jones, giving the billionaire con-man far more credit than he deserves, fully expected that when Trump got up in front of the cameras on Dec. 1, he would explain that 550 of those jobs weren t saved at all. But he got up there, Jones said, and, for whatever reason, lied his ass off. Last week, Trump couldn t stop boasting about the deal during his ridiculous celebratory rally. Now they re keeping actually the number s over 1,100 people, he said, which is so great. But Jones says this is utter bullsh*t. Trump and Pence, he explains, were more than a little misleading and some of the jobs they claimed to have saved weren t ever even slated to go to Mexico in the first place. Trump and Pence, they pulled a dog and pony show on the numbers, Jones said. I almost threw up in my mouth. But that won t stop Trump from bragging, and it won t stop his supporters from continuing to buy his lies hook, line, and sinker every damn time. No matter how many pants-on-fire lies Trump gets caught in, they still think he actually cares about the little guy even though it is more than obvious that he couldn t care less about anybody but himself and his rich, racist buddies.Featured image via Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images
The Senate Banking Committee Held An Equifax Hearing, And The Monopoly Man Showed Up
Remember when half of America had their credit information compromised during the Equifax data breach? Over 143 million people were affected by the largest banking hack ever recorded. People s Social Security numbers, names, addresses, birth dates, and even driver s license numbers in some cases were accessed by the hackers. They even got more than two hundred thousand actual credit card numbers.The CEO is now the former CEO, although it remains to be seen whether he ll get a giant golden parachute severance package. Especially after testifying Wednesday that the whole mess was pretty much one guy s fault which is either laughably ridiculous or absolutely terrifying and effectively passing the buck on responsibility for the worst security failure the banking industry has ever seen.But when disgraced former Equifax chief Richard Smith appeared in front of the Senate Banking Committee to finally answer questions regarding why the company didn t address the vulnerability months ago when they were first made aware of it, there was a spectator in the room who was clearly concerned about the findings of the committee as well: Rich Uncle Pennybags, better known as the Monopoly Man.He s ruined family relationships since 1936. He s sold false hope inside tiny stamps to McDonald s customers since 1987. And now Uncle Pennybags is trolling Richard Smith and the Senate Banking Committee.How anyone kept a straight face when they saw this in the room is totally beyond me:A tip of the hat to the Monopoly Man!You good sir took a chance and it paid off during the Equifax hearings.Now go collect $200 pic.twitter.com/kR8m2qID8U Red T Raccoon (@RedTRaccoon) October 4, 2017Imagine Elizabeth Warren looking that character in the eye and not just cracking up.The best part? That s not even a guy. According to CNBC:The protester was Amanda Werner of Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen, who also handed out Monopoly-style Get out of jail free cards.The internet absolutely loved Werner s impression:How about Monopoly Man showing up for the Equifax hearings pic.twitter.com/pocgvR8ZIW Kmarko (@Kmarkobarstool) October 4, 2017The Monopoly Man is still at it, almost two hours into the Equifax hearing pic.twitter.com/rRBdBxW7qv Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) October 4, 2017It was appropriate to add the #CurbYourEnthusiasm theme song to the Monopoly Man at today's @BankingGOP hearing. pic.twitter.com/VWtxOVUnBS ClotureClub.com (@ClotureClub) October 4, 2017The Monopoly Man who is wiping his brow with money and twirling his mustache is magical.? pic.twitter.com/GhbtyhIkLw Carolyn Altland (@AltlandCarolyn) October 4, 2017Werner s group, Public Citizen, tweeted their purpose at Wednesday s hearing:We sent the Monopoly man to the #Equifax hearing to send a message: Forced arbitration gives @Equifax a monopoly over our justice system. pic.twitter.com/6pPtqLNPig Public Citizen (@Public_Citizen) October 4, 2017If you re still worried about what the Equifax breach means for you, you can visit the Federal Trade Commission website, where there is some valuable advice and instructions for checking your vulnerability.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Henningsen: Obama White House Colluded with Facebook to Fabricate ‘Russian Bot’ Conspiracy
WASHINGTON DC This week the Senate Intelligence Committee finally gave an update on its continuing investigation into whether Russia actually had anything to do with the 2016 Election. If anyone was expecting any actual evidence to be presented, they would have been sorely disappointed, again. Still, that s not going to stop Official Washington from burning though more public money to try and prove a conspiracy theory. The issue of collusion is still open, said committee chairman, Richard Burr of North Carolina (R). We have more work to do as it relates to collusion, but we re developing a clearer picture of what happened. Likewise, the committee s ranking Democrat, Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, admitted they had nothing, but implored Americans to be on guard of the Russian. The Russian active measures did not end on Election Day 2016, said Warner. He maintains that the US should adopt a more aggressive whole government approach to combat Russian influence on the vulnerable minds of unsuspecting Americans.However, yesterday 21WIRE revealed via Consortium News that it was Senator Warner, along with the Obama White House, who colluded with Silicon Valley giant Facebook in 2016, with Warner making multiple trips to Palo Alto to pressure Facebook to produce some evidence that Warner and his colleagues could hold up as proof of Russian Bots using Facebook to interfere in the 2016 Election. As it turns out, this was fake news fabricated by Washington and its mainstream media partners.21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke to RT International yesterday about these developments, and how the US government is using their own fake news in order to shut down competition in the information sphere. By definition, that collusion between big government and corporations is classic fascism. Watch:. What I will confirm is that the Russian intelligence service is determined, clever, Senator Burr said. And I recommend that every campaign and every election official take this very seriously. Russiagate has really turned into a Vaudeville act.READ MORE RUSSIAGATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russiagate FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
Democratic Senator Joins #THERESISTANCE: Says Trump Stole Obama’s SCOTUS Seat (DETAILS)
We all remember when Justice Antonin Scalia died last year, leaving a vacancy on the United States Supreme Court. As a result of his death, President Barack Obama did his job and nominated a qualified federal judge to replace Scalia on the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland.Garland was a centrist, and a completely uncontroversial nominee for the land s highest court. However, Mitch McConnell decided that his goal was to obstruct President Obama, and he and the rest of the Republicans in the Senate decided not to meet with Judge Garland, and to give him no hearing and no vote. Now that we have a new president in Donald Trump, a right-wing extremist approved by far-right activist groups like the Heritage Foundation has been nominated in one Neil Gorsuch. To that end, Democrats are taking to the streets as they have been doing since Trump s election to pressure their elected Senators to oppose Trump s pick.One Democratic Senator, Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) has said that he will defend and keep open the Supreme Court seat that was effectively stolen from President Obama. Merkley says via Twitter:Not only is this a stolen seat, but @realDonaldTrump has nominated a far right extremist. Unacceptable. https://t.co/9bkw4QODXD pic.twitter.com/iVHDdb2Pn9 Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) February 1, 2017Part of the statement reads: This strategy of packing the court, if successful, could threaten fundamental rights in America, including workers right to organize, women s reproductive rights, and the rights of ordinary citizens to have their voices heard in elections rather than being drowned out by the corrupting influenceof dark money from the richest Americans. If President Trump were serious about healing the divisions in America and undoing the damage wrought by Senate Republicans last year, he could have named Merrick Garland to fill this seat. Garland is a centrist jurist who is respected on both sides of the aisle. Instead, he doubled down on division by picking an ideological and extreme nominee to satisfy the far right. Senator Merkley is right. The Court should not be packed with far-right or, for that matter, far-left- ideologues. It should be filled with thoughtful, intellectual jurists who will not let personal opinions supercede the rule of law. That means nothing to the GOP, though; they just want their anti-worker, anti-poor, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-woman agenda pushed through damage to the nation s highest court be damned.In short, Merkley is urging his Democratic colleagues in the United States Senate to stand up to Republican obstruction, to make them look as bad as possible, and to save the Court from far-right ideologues who would destroy and roll back rights for all Americans except the rich, straight, white, and male a century.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
Trump Is Now Threatening A Lawsuit Over Copyright Violation Of His Penis (IMAGE)
The artist who painted a nude portrait of Donald Trump might be landing in a bit of hot water, due to the fact that Trump is now threatening lawsuits over the artist s work.Ilma Gore, the artist who painted the famous nude portrait of Trump, has been getting threats from Trump s legal team of impending lawsuits plus they are also issuing Digital Millenium Copyright claims against her via Facebook. Facebook has actually been conceding to the claims and they have also warned her of legal action under the same premise.Think about it. Out of the oodles and oodles of Trump pictures online, the only one he can file copyright over is one showing his wiener.This means that Trump actually is claiming copyright on his penis. Let s think about that for just about five seconds or so Special note: The size of the pixelation is in no way indicative of the size of anything it may or may not be hiding.Ms. Gore told the New York Daily News, I don t believe I did anything wrong. It s my work and I ll stand by it no matter what. Once the image hit the internet, it went instantly viral and has gotten bids for over 100,000 after it went on display this month in London at the Maddox Gallery.As hilarious as this is, for obvious reasons, Ilma Gore has had some very serious blowback that isn t funny at all.Ms. Gore also said that since the image of the painting hit the internet, she has also been receiving many threats of rape, death threats, and had to deal with several stalkers at her home. It s typical of a Trump supporter, or even just your average Republican when a woman does something to make you angry, threaten her with physical violence, terrorism, and death. At least Trump s supporters are an accurate depiction of the man.The portrait got a big boost in publicity due to an unexpected development during the Republican primary season. Ms. Gore painted the portrait in February, but not long after that Trump started bragging about the size of his manhood during presidential debates. You literally couldn t buy a better publicizing platform for your work than that.As I see it, Trump has two options here. He can either claim the painting is defamation by visually proving in court that it misrepresents his genitalia in some disparaging way, or he can enforce copyright by proving it s identical. So, what s it gonna be, Donald?Featured image via Ilma Gore

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