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en | N/A | N/A | Named as a member of Lee Formation. Named for city of Middlesboro at northwest approach to Cumberland Gap. Is the principal cliff- and ridge-forming unit along Cumberland Mountain and along Pine Mountain on northwest limb of Middlesboro syncline. Also caps Rocky Face Mountain. Previously mapped as sandstone member C of Lee Formation on some quadrangle maps in southeastern KY. Consists predominantly of fine- to coarse-grained, white to very light-gray, quartzose sandstone with an abundance of well-rounded quartz pebbles that commonly range from 0.5 to 1 inch in diameter. Conglomeratic sandstone generally occurs in four beds that are locally separated by thin beds of shale, coal, underclay, and thin-bedded, very fine to fine-grained sandstone. Where intervening beds are absent, member also tends to crop out in a series of four ledges or hogbacks. Thickness ranges from 400 to 500 ft. Basal contact with Dark Ridge Member is sharp and undulates several feet into underlying beds; upper contact placed where conglomeratic quartzose sandstone of Middlesboro Member is succeeded by shale and thin-bedded, nonconglomeratic sandstone of Hensley Member. Age is Pennsylvanian.
Middlesboro Member extended from KY into southwestern VA as shown on map and correlation chart. Evidence is seen in Butcher Knob section, Lee Co., VA; and in White Rocks, Falling Water Gap, and Wagonroad Tunnel sections in Lee Co., VA, and Harlan Co., KY. Member's four coalescing conglomeratic sandstone units become less quartzose and diverge and split to the northeast, tonguing out completely in Russell Co., VA. At extremities, conglomeratic sandstone grades into nonresistant, feldspathic, micaceous sandstone with lower quartz content.
Middlesboro Member extended into TN from KY as shown in the Jellico West quad (plate 2). Age of member is refined to Early Pennsylvanian as shown in correlation chart on plate 2.
Englund, K.J., and Teaford, N.K., 1980, Maps showing the coal resources of the Jewell Ridge quadrangle, Buchanan and Tazewell Counties, Virgi211.
In this quadrangle, Middlesboro Member is reassigned from Lee Formation to New River Formation as Middlesboro Sandstone Member (lower and upper tongues), overlying Pocahontas Formation and underlying Council Sandstone Member of New River Formation. Middlesboro Member remains member of Lee Formation to the west in VA and KY.
Along much of Pine Mountain, presence of Middlesboro is mapped with a query because it may contain unrecognized members of Pennington and Lee Formations. For example, in Wallins Creek quad, Middlesboro(?) Member is in places overlain by fossiliferous shale that may be Mississippian and is perhaps separated by an unrecognized unconformity from overlying Middlesboro-type sandstone. Marine fossils have not been found in Middlesboro elsewhere in KY. Middlesboro does contain coalified plant material and, in places, thin beds of coal and carbonaceous shale. Middlesboro not mapped at northeast end of Pine Mountain, but is probably equivalent to both lower and middle sandstone members of Lee Formation of Alvord (1971) and all of lower and most of upper member of Lee Formation of Rice (1973). To the southwest, Middlesboro is mapped in TN in areas adjacent to KY. In the nomenclature used by Tennessee Division of Geology, Middlesboro Member may be equivalent in part to Warren Point Sandstone of Gizzard Group and is probably equivalent to Sewanee Conglomerate and Newton Sandstone of Crab Orchard Mountains Group (Milici and others, 1979).
Middlesboro Member of Lee Formation is divided into informal lower and upper parts. Lower part locally contains pebbles at base. In northwestern part of this quad, lower part coincides with sandstone member A of Englund and others (1964; an older version of this quadrangle). Another paper by Englund (1964) formally named the Chadwell Member to replace sandstone member A. Englund (1964) also placed the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary at top of underlying Chadwell Member. Because of lithologic similarities between this and the overlying unit, and in the absence of definitive fossils, this unit is assigned on Pine Mountain to Middlesboro Member following usage on adjacent Pineville quad (Froelich and Tazelaar, 1974). Although additional data may show the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary on Pine Mountain to be within Middlesboro Member, it is here interpreted to be an unconformity at base of Middlesboro Member.
In the south-central part of the study area, where the Bottom Creek formation is absent, the Warren Point underlies the Sewanee Sandstone and the two are combined as the Warren Point-Sewanee Sandstones, equivalent to and formally replacing the Middlesboro Member of the Lee Formation of Englund (1964). The Warren Point also replaces the White Rocks and Chadwell Members of the Lee for units occurring in KY . Units that occur largely outside KY are considered informal. Report includes correlation charts and cross sections.
In pilot bore section, rocks identified as Middlesboro Member of Lee Formation by Vanover and others (1989, Itinerary, Day 2-Pilot bore traverse, IN Dean, C.S., and Moshier, S.O., eds., Cumberland Mountain: the inside story: Geological Survey of Kentucky Field Trip Guidebook, p. 24-30) and by Vanover (1989, Pilot tunnel stratigraphy39-43) are now identified as a sequence including Chadwell, Dark Ridge, and Middlesboro Members of Lee. This sequence is equivalent to New River Formation elsewhere in Appalachian basin plateaus province, IN Geology and mineral resources of t no. 131, p. 1-85.
The Middlesboro Member of the Lee Formation crops out along the eastern edge of the Appalachian plateaus from Russell Co. to Pennington Gap. The member also crops out along the southeastern slope of Pine Mountain in Dickenson and Wise Cos. It extends beneath the younger Pennsylvanian strata between these two outcrop belts. In the subsurface in Buchanan Co., the member is between 600 and 1,000 ft thick. In Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott, and Wise Cos, the Middlesboro ranges between 700 and 1200 ft. Consists predominantly of white to very light gray, fine- to coarse-grained quartzarenite with abundant quartz pebbles ranging between 0.5 and 2.0 in. in diameter. Contains interbedded medium- to dark-gray siltstone and coal beds. Other sandstones present in the member are fine- to medium-grained, medium gray, lithic sandstone. Coal beds may include the Pocahontas Nos. 6, 7, 8, and 9, Little Fire Creek, Lower Horsepen, Beckley, War Creek, Middle and Upper Horsepen, Lower and Middle Seaboard, and the Greasy Creek. The lower quartzarenite tongue lies disconformably on the Mississippian Bluestone Formation and Pennsylvanian Pocahontas Formation in northwestern Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise Cos, but in central and southeastern parts of theses Cos., the lower tongue grades laterally into shale, siltstone, and fine-grained lithic sandstone or quartzose lithic sandstone of the Pocahontas Formation below the Pocahontas No. 8 coal bed. Underlies the Norton Formation. In Lee Co., extreme southwestern VA, the Middlesboro Member lies between the Dark Ridge and Hensley Members of the Lee. |
en | N/A | N/A | Koi Roko Na Deewane Ko Man Machal Raha Lyrics of Priyatama : Koi Roko Na Deewane Ko Man Machal RahPriyatama. This song is composed by Rajesh Roshan. Kishore Kumar has sung this song. Its lyrics are written by Yogesh. |
en | N/A | N/A | Posts Tagged ‘itc berkeley oldstyle’
At one point the Compugraphic type library had more typefaces by Frederick Goudy than any other type supplier. Why so many? Because I liked Goudy’s designs, and my job at Compugraphic in the late 1970s allowed me to have a certain amount of control over what faces were added to its type library. Truth is, I had total control; but if other, more senior, managers realized this, my power would have been severely curtailed. So I had to be careful in how I “suggested” which faces to be developed.
A Goudy Favorite
It sat there for a couple of years. My early responsibilities at ITC provided no opportunities contribute to the company’s typeface release plans. It took some time to establish the credibility required to suggest a new design. I may have been the “senior type person” at my former employer, but that only translated to “the kid from Compugraphic” at ITC.
Burns finally capitulated and called Tony Stan to asked him if he would be willing to work on a project with me as the design director. Stan, in addition to being a world |
en | N/A | N/A | Digging In: The Making of Squirm
Features Squirm (1976)
The Making of Squirm
Digging In: The Making of Squirm (2014)
By what name was Digging In: The Making of Squirm (2014) officially released in Canada in English? |
en | N/A | N/A | Naked Rabbit is a bright, crisp pale ale with mango and juniper. A clean malt aroma, tinged with a hint of caramel is balanced by a fresh, slightly exotic hoppiness, enhanced by the lusciousness of mango and the woodsy, cooling qualities of juniper berries. Mouthfeel is substantial but not too rich; the flavor is complex and balanced, while the finish is long, clean and lightly resiny.
A chance encounter between our two breweries led to a realization of some common values and a collaboration was born. It turns out that juniper from the cool north and mango from the torrid south are soulmates, amplifying each other and blending perfectly into a new creation.
The name is a mashup of our brewery names; Nøgne Ø means “naked island.” It has been an honor to work with Norway’s first and most important craft brewery. |
en | N/A | N/A | It'ssssss Sunday!So, get ready!Stop what you're doing!
Haley and Andrew are now the Browers!Their wedding is officially done and it's allllll kinds of eye candy today!Enjoy!
Remember Haley and Andrew?I bet you do!But just in case you're getting them confused with my other Hayley and my other Andrew (for real…I have so many duplicate names this year!) check out their beautiful, engagement session I did last fall in Oglebay. It was all kinds of goodness!Check it out here!
Fast forward a little less than a year to last weekend. These two got married!EEkkkKkkkk!Haley and Andrew are the gorgeous and classy couple all of us photographers dream of so I knew this wedding would NOT disappoint!They held both their– the Steubenville Country Club in Ohio!
This girl knows how to keep the details simple while not losing that "wow" factor!I'm convinced this kind of wedding will never go out of style because the details are so timeless!
So, I'd like to take a minute (or two) to tell you about this crazy weekend!It was crazy for me because I invited a very good photography friend down from Vermont (Hi, Jenna!) to second shoot with me!She's amazing. She's second shot lots of weddings back on her home turf, has lots of experience as a result, and was happy to come and assist me since Kari had a wedding in NY that weekend (strange…Kari went north…Jenna came south!HA!) Want to know something even crazier?I had NEVER met her in person!Crazy, right?So, here's the backstory in a nutshell. I meet this kind soul named Jenna in a photography class in June of 2016. I kept in touch with her and we've chatted EVERY day since. So, when I realized I needed a second shooter/assistant, I asked Jenna!Basically, I invited a total stranger I met ONLINE to my home to spend the weekend with me and go work a wedding!Sounds creepy when you type it!HA!It totally wasn't though!I've met many of the girls from that photography class and it's always so neat to be with each one of them in person. We talk so much (my husband will confirm) and we feel like we already know each other!I also enlisted Ashleigh to come and assist since she'd worked with me before at weddings and then I could leave all the second shooting to Jenna!
Enough about that though!Let's move on to this day!It was a WARM day last weekend in mid-September!Crazy warm!In the morning there wasn't a cloud in the sky!We checked in at the country club first because I always like to know where I'm going and I like to say "Hi" to the other vendors setting up!We scoped out the situation and then headed over to Legal Hair and Day Spa where the girls were getting ready. Let me tell you something. The ladies and other staff here KNOW what they are doing!When Haley told me they ALL were getting hair and makeup done in just a couple of hours, I panicked a bit. I'll be honest. I've seen that plan go south…fast. Well, Legal Hair did not disappoint!They were super welcoming and had a whole TEAM…a BIG team…fixing all these pretty ladies up!This picture Jenna captured below is just a few of the staff that was working hard this morning!Seriously!
So, after we met up with the girls, said a quick "hello", and snapped a few shots, we headed back to the country club to finish up the detail shots and spend some time with the guys!Jenna was fascinated with our cookie table!I always forget it's a Pittsburgh thing!It feels so normal to me and it's hard to imagine that people all over the country don't do it!She stood by it for the longest time and I didn't at first consider why!HA!Then, it hit me!She's never seen a cookie table at a wedding before!
Once the girls arrived, we started getting ready!"We" being the bride, of course!Check out these beautiful black and whites!Photo on the right is Jenna's work!She's a rockstar at weddings!
You know me!I never miss the opportunity for a good black and white window shot…or a whole bunch!It's a "must have" at every wedding I do!Jenna picked a good angle too!Bottom left and right are hers!Wooo!At this point, with what we'd already photographed, I knew there was so much more goodness to come!We kept raving about Haley!She's a gorgeous girl!I kept telling Jenna and Ashleigh she missed her run on America's Next Top Model!She's got all the right angles for the light to hit her JUST right!AHHHHH!
Jenna shot these for me while we were photographing the guys!Andrew was a great sport. He's so easy going but has that "I mean business" mentality!Must be an attorney thing!I have some other friends like that too (you know who you are). These details…simple and classy, right?He was a sharp dressed groom and I feel like he's tied a tie once or twice!Hand placement was perfect!Yep, those things matter to us photographers!HA!
Now, here comes this gorgeous bride!Their ceremony was held outside of the country club right on the edge of the golf course!The clouds rolled in (thank goodness…us photographers actually appreciate a good cloud) with no chance of rain so the weather and setting was perfect!
Let's talk about something. THIS KISS!I highly doubt my grooms pay any attention to my blogs but if I didn't know any better, I'd say they're trying to one-up each other!CHECK OUT THIS FIRST KISS!I MEAN…REALLY?Where's the swoon emoji when I need it?Honestly!
Jenna and I both nailed it!(I want to pat ourselves on the back!I hope that's allowed!HA!) This "shot" is really my only serious requirement for my second shooters. "Do NOT miss the first kiss". You just never know when an eager Uncle Joe is going to jump out in front of me with his iPad!I usually can spot him (or her)…They get ready like me. They get ready to pounce on the moment we're both trying to capture!HA!It has happened and I'm usually pretty good at anticipating the moment and standing up but nonetheless, I'm always nervous that I won't be quick enough. I could end up getting a shot of the back of someone's head so I always tell my second shooters they need to grab this shot too. We nailed it. Look how GREAT!Their pose..our angles!AHHHHH!He meant business!There is really nothing better than a guy grabbing his girl for a good and thorough first kiss!I'm also happy to report there was no eager Uncle Joes who stepped in front of us!It really was a perfect day!
…and because these two are just so awesome and sweet…she gave him another peck on the cheek before they marched down the aisle as man and wife!AND we both got that shot too!
Now, check out this gorgeous bridal party!You don't get much better than this!
It's time for the real goodies now!Say "CONGRATS" to Mr. & Mrs. Brower!I first met these two during a bridal consultation last fall and then again at their engagement session. They have the sweetest, most gentle, and KIND personalities – both of them!I'd LOVE to see Andrew in court because I just can't picture him getting worked up!He was the first one I met up with the morning of the wedding and he was calm, cool, and collected (all while discussing important wedding details on his phone and multitasking with the florist and us photographers!). Pure business!I also always make it a point to ask if my couples need anything and when I did he said, "Nope. I'm good. Let's just make sure Haley has everything she needs…". I mean really…can you get any sweeter than that?Nope. I'm not sure you can!THIS is why I love weddings!I get surrounded the whole day by sweet moments like that so filled with love!
They're so happy!SO HAPPY!
They're also SO fun to photograph!The camera loves both of them!There really wasn't any way we could go wrong with these two!We moved on to this next location via golf carts!It was really meant to be!Jenna's a golfer so she drove!I sat on Ashleigh's lap and we giggled like little girls the whole ride!The whole experience was just so fun!
..and I'll say it again!I think Haley missed her calling!Model status!Isn't she beautiful?Where's Tyra Banks when you need her?(You look good too, Andrew!) I also love to look and note the differences in how two people can photograph the same thing so differently!Jenna always leaves more room above her couples where I tend to position myself so I'm below the horizon!Cool, right?
We did some fun veil throwing, of course!Shout out to Ashleigh for being the thrower!Jenna's shots were better than mine!I have no problem admitting that!Her positioning just worked better (and she was laying on her belly…Andrew pointed out the "dedication" to her work!HA!) Check them out!They're the bottom ones!
Then, we did some walking…and snuggling…and DIPPING!I mean, I'm not sure we could beat the dip and kiss at the ceremony. Andrew had raised the bar reallllllllllllll high with that one!But then he did it again!AND I learned something about myself. Ashleigh videoed this moment for us without our knowledge (you can find the video on my Facebook page). I'm REALLY loud when I get excited. I mean..I know I'm loud (hold your tongue, friends!I AM AWARE!). I just didn't realize I sigh and grunt and hoot and holler like a crazy person!Bahahahaha!Jenna did it too though so I don't feel so nuts!We tend to just get REALLY excited when there's something so amazing going on and we're getting to freeze that moment in time through a photograph!To quote myself, "It's like…PERFECT!" Watch the video, you'll get it!HA!My photo is bottom left and Jenna's is bottom right!
…a few more before we headed to the reception!
…and because I'm notorious for saying "Ok. We're done….no wait. One more!"…Jenna caught this one!
A little first dance magic with my new flash!I'm addicted to flashes like some people are addicted to lenses!I can't get enough!
…and then the party started!The officiant (Hi, Nick!) pulled us all to the side to complete the marriage license and make it really official (legally…with an attorney present and everything!)!I forgot to share the other photo, but Andrew was sitting there so patiently, leaning in, with his hands in what I can only imagine is "lawyer pose"…HA!Haley and I giggled about it!
There was dancing!So much dancing…and fun…and laughs…and memories!
…and right before we left, Haley threw the bouquet!To be honest, I'm not sure what happened. I obviously had my camera up to my face and I was just making sure the exposure was right and everyone was in focus…but the bouquet landed on the floor somehow. Everyone else was looking behind them. Looking at Jenna's shot (top right), I can only assume it hit that beam on the ceiling and fell straight down!HA!Have no fear, it was recovered!We all had a good laugh too!
So, that's it!That's a wrap!I'm now 50% done with my weddings this year!I can't believe it!
And because every amazing wedding where we're having fun needs proof, we took a selfie!We looked a lot more "put together" 10 hours prior to this photo!HA!Here we are though…Jenna and I!Ashleigh took off before the reception so I didn't get a photo with her but you've seen her before and you'll get to see her in action again at, I promise!
I got a hold of Jenna and she sent me this pre-wedding cellphone photo we took to show all our photog friends we were united and ready to combine our mad, wedding, photog skills!I have a sneaking suspicion there's one of those IG filters on this photo…my skin is never that smooth these days!HA!Nonetheless, we look a lot more put together pre-wedding!
Last but not least, all three of us want to thank you, Haley and Andrew, AND all of your family and friends for letting us be a part of your big day!HUGE shout out to the amazing bridal party who couldn't have moved faster or more efficiently!hotographing a stress-free wedding and it always makes for a great day when everyone is laid back and having fun!This group nailed it!Digital high five to all!ANDDDDD here's a selfie I found of the three of us on the golf cart!This is what this job is all about…having fun, embracing a love story, freezing those memories!How'd we get so lucky?Congrats to the Browers! |
en | N/A | N/A | “original” unit.
’s usn. |
en | N/A | N/A | What are the types of CSS box model?
What is Border box in CSS?
What Is REM unit based on?
What is the use of the box model in CSS?
Wh… |
en | N/A | N/A | The jurors are quoated as descirbing the Culver House Development plan as "very smart" and the scheme "handsome." In reference to the varied floor plans of the residential units jurors claimed that "it breaks the typical pattern of every floor being the same" and continuing stating, "it is like a jigsaw puzzle." |
en | N/A | N/A | Enrollment Confirmed
Your donation of a one-time enrollment fee of $30 USD will be applied to your account on . You will be matched with your sister within 4 weeks. At that time, we will begin applying your monthly sponsorship donation of $30 per sister to your account. If you have chosen to pay in advance, your semi-annual or annual contribution will be charged at that time.
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en | N/A | N/A | Is certainly Mail Buy Marriages Real?
So , why are mail purchasewheneveronly a few of the snail is certainsubstantial or certainly not? |
en | N/A | N/A | This nice and big house consists of 9 bedrooms with 2 Lounge areas with, tiled floors, 6 bathrooms. , kitchen with cupboards, study room and storeroom. The property is on a 700m² stand. It is situated in a good and quiet area that is 10km to Polokwane CBD, which is near many amenities like a church, Seshego complex, filling station. This property was used for offices, you can use the 2 lounges and turn them into receptions. Suitable for business as well. |
en | N/A | N/A | Newspapers’ share of Internet advertising is declining. Online ad sales were up 26 percent to more than $15 Pricewaterhouse Coopers, but for the first time newspapers no longer received the largest. |
en | N/A | N/A | fitness, places to kayak, hike, climb, and explore. At Glen Echo Park in Maryland, visitors are able to get their heart rates up as they dance away the evening. The historic ballroom lights up almost every weekend and the historic amusement park creates a return back in time for visitors of all ages. In addition to dances, events, films, and more, visitors are welcome to volunteer to support the park’s community efforts. Learn more about how to get healthy and keep this historic park thriving here.
Have you considered a future gift to the National Park Foundation? Read Phyllis Webster’s story on our website and learn more about the ways you can support your national parks.
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A new season means it’s time for fresh, park-inspired gear that are guaranteed to spark joy. With tons of new apparel and accessories on salOfficial Find Your Park Store to gear up for your spring adventures.
Way to go, Adrienne!. </s> Tanya Powers
Ceiling Fan(s), Open Floor Plan. </s> This three-day festival kicks off the summer touring circuit with bands such as Tool, Papa Roach, Evanescence, and more.
Amigo the Devil brought a one-man folk-metal act who, armed with only an acoustic guitar or a banjo, had the crowd in the palm of his hand with such lyrical content about marriage struggles, general life struggles, and self-deprecating humor.
Evanescence came to rock with a sprinkling of older songs on top of power ballads from their self-titled release. Former guitarist Terry Balsamo (a Jacksonville native) joined the band again for the first time since 2012 for “Sweet Sacrifice” and Evanescence debuted “Imperfection” for the first time live with a full rock band instead of an orchestra.
As expected, Zakk Wylde and Black Label Society shredded and melted faces far beyond the splash zone of the first few rows. His rapidly climbing and falling riffs and constant fist-pumping and thrashing gave the fans what they were hoping for.
In This Moment‘s Maria Brink was in total command of the festival crowd during their set, as always. Background dancers helped to create choreographed, symmetrical imagery and an onstage presence for Maria likened to a queen and her subjects – and the crowd ate up every costume change.
Judas Priest took the stage next and crowd members of all ages threw up their horns to “Heading Out to the Highway”, “Breaking the Law”, and “Living After Midnight”. Rob Halford showed his chops with record-like vocals while moving around |
en | N/A | N/A | 10.2787/211881
Abstract: Neutron Resonance Densitometry (NRD), a non-destructive analysis method, was presented. The method has been developed to quantify special nuclear material (SNM) in debris of melted fuel that will be produced during the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants. The method is based on Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA) and Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis combined with Prompt Gamma–ray analysis (NRCA/PGA). The quantification of SNM relies on the NRTA results. The basic principles of NRD, which are based on well-established methodologies for neutron resonance spectroscopy, have been explained. To develop NRD for the characterization of rock- and particle like heterogeneous samples a JAEA/JRC collaboration has been established. As part of this collaboration a NRD demonstration workshop was organized at the time-of-flight facility GELINA of the JRC-IRMM in Geel (B). The potential of NRD was demonstrated by measurements on a complex mixture of different elements. It was demonstrated that the elemental composition of an unknown sample predicted by NRTA deviated on average by less than 2% from the declared value. In addition the potential to identify the presence of light elements by NRCA/PGA was shown. |
en | N/A | N/A | talks with former Texas Longhorns basketball players and current NBA stars T. J. Ford of the Indiana Pacbefore the Texas Longhorns' NCAA game against the Rice Owls on Sept. Photographer: Erich Schlegel/Getty Images
Head Co. 17, 2011 in Pasadena, California. Source: us
ThGold reached $1,629.70 an ounce on Aug. 10, the highest since July 31, on speculation central banks will need to take more action.
“It looks like the gold market will continue to be held up by the sentiment of expected central-bank stimulation,” Marex Spectron Group said in a report today. “The downside risk is limited.”
Europe’s slump is deepenplug budget deficits asDeutsche Bank AG eliminate jobs. In Germany, investor confidence unexpectedly dropped for a fourth month in August and the Bank of Japan’s minutes of the July 11-12 meeting released today cited the euro-area crisis among risks.
Silver Advance
Silver for September delivery rose 0.2 percent to $27.81 an ounce. Palladium for September delivery gained 0.8 percent to $579.20 an ounce. Platinum for October delivery was 0.8 percent higher at $1,404.40 an ounce. Gold’s premium to platinum was at 14.7 percent in London today. It settled at 16 percent yesterday, the most since at least 1987 based on closing prices, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
At least nine people were killed, including two policemen, during four days of violent clashes at Lonmin Plc’s mines in South Africa’s North West province. The third-largest platinum producer’s Marikana complex was operating with low worker attendance today, Barnard Mokwena, executive vice president of human capital at Johannesburg-based Lonmin, said today. There were no incidents of attacks overnight, he said.
To contact the reporters. </s> Mumford & Sons Lead British Invasion With Blazing Rock
Unlikely though it may sound, the British invasion of the U.S. is being led by the musicians in Mumford & Sons. The band is preparing to tour after being nominated for six Grammy awards. “Babel,” which is up for album of the year, sold more than 600,000 copies in the U.S. in its first week alone.
For all this, the Mumfords have attracted some critical derision. Their olde-Englishe affectations, the vintage rustic clothing, the mock village-fete staging, even the whimsy of the band name, are the very opposite of cool.
Yet from the opening acoustic strums of “Babel,” it’s impossible not to get swept up by the vivacity. Witnessing the four members stand in a line at the front of the stage, the reasons for the success becomes clear.
Much has been made of Mumford’s Christianity (his parents are leaders of an evangelical church). His lyrics go beyond the mere use of biblical images. As explorations of faith, alongside lust and love, his songs ring emotionally true.
There are literary references too. “Dust Bowl Dance” is inspired by Steinbeck. The most overtly traditional of the songs, and dealing with events outside the band’s direct experience, it veers into pastiche.
“The Cave” is more successful, the audience whooping along to its heady Platonic hoedown. Aall celebration and free of sentimentality, brings the show to a roof-raising close.
The naysayers might be hip. It is Mumford & Sons that is having the fun.
Members of the band Mumford & Sons. The London-based band received six Grammy award nominations. Source: Big Hassle Media via Bloomberg
Marcus Mumford of Mumford and Sons on stage at the 02 Arena. Photographer: Simone Joyner/Getty Images via Bloomberg
Fondo Mutuo Cruz del Sur Diversificacion+ Add to Watchlist
As of 00:59:3 |
en | N/A | N/A | BaseballAsdrubal Cabrera, Buster Posey, Christian Arroyo, Conor Gillaspie, Curtis Granderson, Eduardo Nunez, George Kontos, Hunter Pence, Jay Bruce, Jeurys Familia, Joe Panik, Jose Reyes, Juan Lagares, Justin Ruggiano, Kevin Plawecki, Matt Cain, Matt Harvey, Neil Walker, Nick Hundley, Tommy Milone, Wilmer Flores |
en | N/A | N/A | the 200 Essential Reading Skills for 2nd Grader.
The essential reading skills for kindergarten
200 Essential Reading Skills for 2nd Grader.
I would pick the Essential Reading Skills for 1st grade. My niece is home schooling her twins.
This would be so helpful to her.
I would choose 200 Essential Reading Skills for Kindergarten, for my granddaughter. </s> When swanky new restaurant St Alma finally opened in Freshwater, there were rumours floating around town that you had to book at least six weeks in advance to secure a table.
I passed it off as clever PR yet it wasn’t until a few friends had vented their frustrations in trying to book a table, that my ears pricked up. What would make a restaurant so special that punters would be willing to wait almost two months to get a table?
I needed to get to the bottom of what made this establishment so darn exclusive, after all the Northern Beaches is teeming with fancy eateries, but not one can claim a six-week waiting list.
So I got myself a booking and took my partner in crime to scour the surroundings and investigate the mystery behind this restaurant’s popularity.
After placing the order, we began checking out the surroundings. St Alma has very much a city click vibe and a certain edge to it, that you mostly have to travel over the Spit Bridge for.
Without exaggeration, the food was a feast for the senses, perfectly spiced, seasoned and cooked. Double ticks.
So who are the masterminds behind this venture?
Its success is down to owners Jack Leary and Executive Chef Tim Christensen, two Northern Beaches locals who set up Alma in Avalon in 2017, now a thriving Mexican restaurant with an infectious beach vibe and loyal customer base.
A few years ago, Leary and Christensen went on a fact-finding expedition and taste-tested menus from around 30 eateries on the east coast and southwest of Mexico. Christensen values this experience for being able to fuse magical Mexican flavours reminiscent of traditional streetin creating his menu at Freshwater.
From this trip, the pair forged friendships with several restaurants and venues within Mexico such as Colibri Boutique Hotels and ACRA in Tulum. Collaborating with several talented chefs has helped them to shape the dining experience they offer in Australia, many of whom still work at the Avalon venue today.
“We wanted to encourage sharing, which is always fun among groups,” said Christensen. “There will be lots of flavour combinations on offer – the menu’s been designed with a number of dishes ideal for sharing. That way we hope diners can sample even more of our interpretation of modern Mexican food.”
Indeed, they have done well to create an upmarket Mexican experience, one worthy of a six-week wait.
St Alma, 20 Albert St, Freshwater.
Phone: 0405 901 794 </s> The Key Benefits Of By Using Marijuana
When THC and CBD are mixed in professional medical cannabis, it can be Enzyte, which has been shown to successfully deal with pain by reduction of soreness and feeling sick. An additional frequent compound obtained in cannabis, called THC, also provides contra–inflamation houses which makes it appropriate for curing osteoarthritis. Featuring a component report as well as CBD, Enzyte provides sufferers the cabability to managbecause there is a difference of professional medical beliefs on the key benefits of cannabis, it is crucial that the patient thoroughly understands the effectiveness and positive aspects of each and every certain ingredient well before ingesting any. Several medical practitioners even suggest that Enzyte be taken using a doctor prescribed discomfort rrious connection between nausea and irritation brought on by specific health conditions. Should you be at this time consuming drugs on your healthEnzyte to be certain it happens to be safe to do so.
Aside from the healing uses of cannabis, a lot of people utilize it for recreational objectives likewise. Lots of people, in particular young people, check out cannabis as a kind of tension and relaxation lessening. Other individuals use cannabis so as to manage the realities of their own lives, however. Whether it |
en | N/A | N/A | The 1957 adventure-war film, "The Bridge on the River Kwai", featured: William Holden; Jack Hawkins; Alec Guinness; and Sessue Hayakawa, in starring roles.
Who starred in twister?
Who starred in beretta?
Who starred in the tv show beretta? |
en | N/A | N/A | According to the established tradition, the conference program assumes visits to facilities for the production of biological materials, products of fine and organic synthesis from renewable raw materials, as well as factories for processing waste into energy (Waste-to-Energy - WtE).
Portugal relies largely on imports to meet its energy needs. Tce being hydropower the most important domestic source of energy. Since more than one third of the territory is forests, biomass is one of the most potential renewable energy sources. As Waste-to-energy (WtE) processing technologies alsothe world, it is becoming an attractive business option. Therefore, in addition to forest biomass, resources such as municipal solid waste, sewage and animal by-products are used.
On the way to the enterprise you can observe the amazing sights of Portugal: from architectural masterpieces to delightful parks and gardens.
The Arrábida Natural Park is just 40 kilometers south of Lisbon but a world away from the urban clamor that is the Portuguese capital.
Coimbra is situated between Lisbon and Porto.T
Tay. |
en | N/A | N/A | I met a dear friend downtown a few weeks ago for an early morning breakfast (it was snowy, I was the first one there, and I walked in before the “open” sign had even been turned on) and it was a great choice.
In the same building where Papa’s used to be (for those of you who know where that is), there is now another opportunity for family dining.
Housed in the same building as the new-and-improved Kahn’s Fine Wines on Keystone Ave (they moved a few blocks south of the old location), the employees were so friendly and eager to please.
Christopher successfully managed to keep this a surprise destination for Emily’s birthday dinner (she usually guesses ahead of time and ruins the fun). If you’d ever been to Tavola di Tosa or Thai One On, you know where this quiet, under-the-radar restaurant is located on Ferguson St. in Broad Ripple, right across the street from Rene’s Bakery.
At any rate, we both expected this to be an uppity, almost-out-of-our-league kind of restaurant, but our waitress was so friendly and approachable it made us feel much more comfortable. Plus, they had Built to Spill (one of Emily’s favorite college bands) playing the background, so that was another point in their favor.
For seven years, we’d been hearing about how fabulous and ritzy Palomino is… the fancy place downtown where you go if you want to impress your clients. Well, we were thrilled enough with a night out for grown-ups only, so we finally decided to try it. |
en | N/A | N/A | Britain's foremost industrial designer, whose shape for - Intercity trains is still futuristic 37 years on (and his mixers, lights, pens, cameras, post-boxes, bus shelters, and…)
I interviewed Kenneth Grange at length, for a chapter in the book Making Britain Modern which went with the exhibition of the same name at the Design Museum in 2011. We did the work at breakneck speed due to shortage of time at Kenneth's London home in Hampstead, where he showed me his impressive workshop, with a recess chiselled for every tool – nothing can be used before it has its allocated place. |
en | N/A | N/A | Tl. ...
According to lots of research out th's so important to start your day off strong. The health benefits of Cheerios and OJ far outweigh skipping breakfast all together. Did you know an 8 oz glass of? |
en | N/A | N/A | ium mine in nearby Finland, which hopes to win customers attracted by its traceable and environmentally friendly extraction.
In addition, Northvolt and VW Group announced late last month they would join forces to form the European Battery Union. The consortium will focus on the entire battery value stream to recycling. </s> Redemption is surely on the minds of members of the University of South Dakota women’s soccer team.
“We need to a better job of defending the ball, keeping the ball and playing as a team,” Green said.
Junior Jenny Teslow said the team has the pieces necessary to win but needs to work on playing through all 90 minutes.
Following the Coyotes game against the Jaguars, the team will compete in their seventh consecutive road game against Western Illinois Sept. 30. </s> Kevin was the best friend anybody could want, he was always there for his friends and famliy. He loved his family with all his heart. I can still hear him " Red, Mom and I are having movie night. Maybe tomorrow." Kevin loved to have fun wether it was playing video games (beating the rest of us every time) or hanging out. You could not help but to loveven if it was just listening to us complain. Kevin was a natural artist, a martial artist, a pipe-fitter and so much more. It is hard to explain Kevin and there are to many memories to tell about. I remember all of the parties, the nights drinking Jack & Coke while we were making soundtracks on his computer for bellydance. Kevin, we all love and miss you honey always, Red.
Kevin, I miss you so much! I wait for the next time I can see you. </s> Figure 7. Time / DIV or DLY Time Control.. Time / DIV or DLY Time Control.
Figure 8. Volts/ DIV Switch.
below) as follows. Turn the TIME/DIV switch to the .2 ms position.
Step 4. Place the input coupling AC/GND/DC to the AC position.
equal to .5 volts of input signal.
other end to the INPUT connector of the left vertical amplifier.
POSITION controls to center the displayed waveform. </s> The FDA recently expanded a serious recall involving numerous brands of dog food. Now, the recall is hitting 12 different types of food. It is a serious issue for pet owners.
Kimberly isn't the only one who is sharing her story. Numerous other people have reached out with similar stories about their own pets. We're sharing this news yet again in hopes of spreading the word about this dangerous recall. If you have some of this food in your house still, be sure to consult a doctor and check it for being involved in the recalled list BeMyFlower
m with bristle of nylon-4 Need Helping Buying Investment Property in Dallas?
You can email them to or you can fax them to 1-888-866-6727.
Where do I send prospective applicants?
Send them to our section of our website.
Who determines if app is approved/denied?
Empire does. We use our lease and addendum’s.
When Does Empire Take Over Management?
Empire takes over management upon commencement date on the lease.
This is the responsibility of the listing agent. However, if you would like to use Empire for the work call our office and we will schedule accordingly.
Empire will rekey the property once the resident moves in..
Who is responsible for getting the security deposit?
The tenant will drop off the security deposit to Empire Industries. Empire will inform you once we receive the deposit.
If you get the money, how do I get paid?
The first month rent to your broker cap the, add’s on month, and add is paid after.
Empire will get the keys and bring them to our office. You will still have to go to the property to remove your sign and lockbox.
It must be removed prior to resident moving in. It must be disclosed to us which items are not staying in the house.
</s> there are 18 Nostradamus Enigma missions. yet in the map I only have 16. I don't know where to look. I need help. I can't find Jupiter and Aquiarius. </s> VersaMAG is EVS applied to a magnet. It installs magnetically on any metal surface, and is offered in popular sized or as custom shapes up to a maximum of 84” x 47”. VersaMAG is ideal for smaller locations where a metal surface can be upgraded for dry-erase use. EganINK adds branding and increases functionality.15”h and 42”w x 18”h. </s> Last week they have changed the position on housing costs for people aged 18-25. Young people in that age group will all now be able to get help with their housing costs.
Until today the younger cohort were due to lose access to Housing Benefit or Universal Credit unless they were part of specific exemption categories. This is good news for being able to help young people access the housing they need and retain access to options such as social housing tenancies which were being questioned in some areas.
You can access the full report and find out more about this good news for young people by clicking HERE. </s> ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Records show that the Salvador Dalí Museum in Florida is planning a major expansion |
en | N/A | N/A | 1. Why does?2. Why were the systems customized in the first place?3. Cutting payments outright to ERP vendors may not be possible for smaller companies ...
Perhaps the puppet physicists are correct, and the puppeteer is as much a puppet of forces greater than he.What is the nature of man? And what is the nature of consciousness, if these things are not unknowable and beyond us, much as a marionette would not understand who or what hovers over the stage?
Is there a Ghost in the Machine? Or is there instead an Emperor of the Air? </s> Descriptionº x 40º and 90° x 60° horn patterns make the V2-1200 models useful for applications requiring tight, controlled coverage such as in acoustically reflective rooms, particularly those that are deeper than they are wide. e. Both V2.
There are no reviews yet. </s> The wannabe winemaker in me wishes he could have taken the time to pick an arbor full of grapes generously offered by a friend in Fall River, since no one has made wine with them since his father died.
That's right, wannabes, you can make your own wine at home with a minimal investment. Pick up a six-gallon jug of the grape juice of your choice, let it ferment, and voila, you have wine. (Well, it's not that simple, but those are the basic steps under a process now becoming popular among local winemakers.)
"Don't have the equipment? Don't have the time? Just throw it in the barrel, then let it ferment," says Daniel Magalhaes of State Fruit in New Bedford. "That's becoming a more popular item every year."
Daniel says that one-third of his business during winemaking season, which stretches from Labor Day to Columbus Day, is selling grape juice for wine.
State Fruit sells about 20,000 boxes of grapes during the season and customers come from as far away as the North End of Boston and Cape Cod, as exemplified by the customers waiting at the counter while Daniel took a few minutes to give me an interview.
Many are hip, young wine-lovers who want to take their passion for wine a step further.
"There's a lot of different generations of people," he says.
This year, local home winemakers tended to pick their grapes and make their wine earlier because the sunny, warm summer led to an early maturation. The same thing happened in California, which had a scorching summer.
In a few weeks we'll all be able to taste the season's new wine, either from Beaujolais bottles, in the home cellar or even at several Sao Martinho events held by the Portuguese community right here in New Bedford, where the new wine, called agua pe, is sampled.
"The wine this year should be really strong," Daniel says.
Graphic Detail: FF, Volume 1
For comic fans, there is basically no piece of trivia easier than naming the members of the Fantastic Four. You've got Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm (the Thing) and… Spider-Man. Right?!
Okay, not really. But that's who you get in FF volume 1, the first in a series of new stories starring Marvel Comics' smartest guy and his fantastic family. As this volume opens, Johnny Storm (the Human Torch) has just been killed (or so we all think), lost in a battle with invaders from another dimension. In his will, Johnny has requested that Spider-Man, his BFF, take his place on the team.
In case you couldn't tell, FF excels in the "this story is totally crazy" department, but when you're dealing with a super-scientist on the level of Reed Richards, that's kind of what you want to see him face, right? Writer Jonathan Hickman has an incredible imagination and has cooked up some seriously mind-bending plots here, and there's nothing like seeing one of the world's smartest dudes have to battle five less ethical versions of himself (BTW, the first thing that our Reed does to fight his evil counterparts —calls a conference of supervillains to talk about how they'd kill Reed if they had to. Hah!).
Also, despite the relatively dire stakes here (with the world exploding and all), Hickman has a lot of fun with this book. Obviously Spider-Man helps with that; his humor's in top form here, and he brings a really nice levity to the proceedings that's balanced out by everyone else being pretty morose about Johnny. The group of misfits who live with the FF is also an endless source of entertainment; among them is Bentley, a teenaged clone of the supervillain the Wizard who thinks evil is just cool, and Dragon Man, an android dragon programmed to kill who's decided he really doesn't like to fight.
Hickman gets some great artistic help in this book from Steve Epting and Barry Kitson, both of whom are excellent pencilers with a really powerful style. We've also got to single out colorist Paul Mounts, maybe the true star of this book, whose rich but subtle shades convey a sense of reality you don't usually see in superhero comics.
There are only two downsides that prevent us from recommending this book completely. First, it's not totally new-reader friendly; a lot of stuff here builds on previous events in Fantastic Four, and although a lot of the absolutely necessary backstory is filled in, newcomers may still feel like they're missing something (although that's not always bad; a little mystery keeps things interesting). Second, this book frustratingly ends on a cliffhanger. Obviously this is something |
en | N/A | N/A | Thomas S. Bollens, age 78, of Willow Grove, formerly of Munhall, passed away on Sunday April 11, 2021. He was the son of the late Leo Francis and Magdalene (Dillon) Bollens. Loving brother of Jeanne Selvaggio and the late Alfred, William, Leo Bollens Jr. (Marie survives), Paul, Regis and Judy Summerill; Cherished uncle to Larry Bollens; Great-uncle to Rachael, Ashley and Alex Bollens; and Great-great uncle to Rowan Bollens; also many nieces and nephews.
. Tom was known for his quick wit and incredible memory. If he met you once, he would remember you for life. Tom would always crack a joke, often surprising us with his clever quips and good spirit even when times were tough. He loved philosophy and sports and could hold a great conversation on any number of topics. His good nature and sweet spirit were a joy to be around. Tom was an intelligent, kind and funny man who made friends easily and who was loved by all. He will be dearly missedThomas and our family.
Friends will be received on Friday, April 16, 2021 from 2 –a 15120llens, please visit our flower store. |
en | N/A | N/A | Once seated in his or her chair, your barber will ask a few questions about how you would like your hair cut He or she may ask when your last haircut was, whether you wish to simply trim the style you currently have, whether you would like a blocked or tapered neckline (details below), if you would like your sideburns trimmed, if you would like a part in your hair, if you want your neck shaved, if you would like your beard trimmed, if... |
en | N/A | N/A | Many of our Denver and front range customers are over the age of 55. In fact, over 11% are seventy five years or older. And guess what…they have more advanced WiFi and save more money every year than most of the people in the United States.
It is absolutely fascinating to hear the stories they tell from family gatherings. In many cases, kids and grand kids will come over and our customer set ups are far more advanced than those of their kids and grand kids. They teach their kids and grand kids about Pluto and how not to overpay for internet. Stories like this make us really happy.
As we try to expand our business we talk to a lot of Silicon valley investment types. They are interested enough to talk to us because television in America is changing rapidly. But when they hear that we transform the lives of older citizens with new tech, they quickly lose interest.
Why do they lose interest? It all comes down to a single metric they hammer into you at business school. That metric is Customer Lifetime Value, or CLV for short. Basically, they would rather invest and lose billions on apps for younger people because those younger people have a higher probability of living longer. They also know that as we grow older, we tend to be more loyal to the brands we trust. So, the whole goal is to grab them when they are young and get them to pay for the rest of their lives.
It is slightly more complicated than that but this lack of faith in the tech abilities of older citizens is its own form of ageism. For many in the tech world, the idea of a mature citizen navigating Sling or YouTubeTV is impossible to imagine. At StreamWise Solutions we know this is complete BS. We have eighty year old customers zipping between Netflix and Sling and an antenna with very few problems.
Now don’t get us wrong. There is a slightly steeper learning curve the older you get. This is completely natural. Heck, I am forty seven years old and my kids teach me something new about tech every day and I am really techy. In fact, I find myself keen to go back to grade school so I can learn about new tech. But keep in mind that kids who have grown up with iPads are accustomed to navigating through different apps and the different layouts in apps.
When we started this business we thought our customers would be a lot like us. We belong to Generation X and we live busy lives with kids and concerts and sports and business trips. Our first customers were just like us. However, as we grew and our customers introduced us to their parents we found that more and more customers were baby boomers or from the silent generation. |
en | N/A | N/A | Welcome to the United Arab Emirates, ranked as one of the safest places on Earth and the home to cities deemed as, "The Vegas of the Middle East," and "The City of Gold". The UAE, known for its many awards and record-breaking architecture has not always stood out for its diversity, in particular the amount […
(GUEST POST) I've teamed up with on of my expat friends, afro-UK Brit Helen of the travel blog If you are thinking of moving abroad, this is the post for!Check out what we wish we knew before moving abroad. Hello wonderful people!I hope you'ain […
For the traveler that loves to experience nightlife in different cultures, finding the best spots for music, drinks, and entertainment is important. Sometimes, a search on Google isn't enough to know what clubs or lounges will pop. And although the world loves to turn up to "Urban music", finding parties that appeal to the hip […
As's a Unicorn Cafe The Unicorn Cafe […
I' as I'm h [… |
en | N/A | N/A | St. Anne's-Belfield School hosts innovators and visionaries from around the world as part of our Booth Family Inspiration Speaks series. Funded by a generous endowment in honor of the Booth Family, including former chair of the Board of Trustees Rich Booth, Roxanne Booth, and alumni J.T. '11, Morgan '15, and Kellie '18, each year, Inspiration Speaks speakers seek to challenge, inspire, and encourage discourse on a variety of topicsthis Booth Family Inspiration Speaks event, Katie Spotz, self-described "former benchwarmer," has a message to share: “YIn his #1 NYT bestseller,"How To Be An Antiracist," Boston University Professor Ibram X. Kendi makes the case that the opposite of "racist" isn't "not racist," but antiracist. "The good news, "" St. Anne's-Belfield students read the book and grappled with what it means to dismantle racism within themselves and in society. In the webinar, two student representatives, Cheryl O. '21 and Ellie P. '21, led a Q&A with Professor Kendi.
Dr. Batiste has over 20 years’ experience providing presentations and training in the areatrust development to independent schools, state. |
en | N/A | N/A | The New York/New Jersey Metrostars15 losses, with a 3-2Metrostars gave up 49 goals, the lowest total in the circuit. New York/New Jersey netted 48 goals. Giovanni Savarese scored 13 goals for the team, while Antony De Avila and A.J. Wood tallied five or more as well. Tab Ramos recorded 10 assists. Tony Meola7i and Carlos Queiroz coached the team. The 1996 New York/New Jersey Metrostars lost in the Conference ave selected forward Tyler Pasher off waivers, the club announced today.Pasher, 28, most recently played ...
HARRISON, N.J. - The New York Red Bulls have...
HARRISON, N.J. -The New York Red Bulls (10-7-6, 36 pts.) will head to Audi Field on Saturday, August 6 for the final leg of 2022 Atlantic Cup against ... |
en | N/A | N/A | Gateway $appgw
Bu örnekte, oluşturduğunuz arka uç havuzu destekleyen bir sanal makine ölçek kümesi oluşturun. Oluşturduğunuz ölçek kümesini adlı *myvmss* ve IIS yüklediğiniz iki sanal makine örnekleri içerir. IP ayarlarını yapılandırırken ölçek kümesini arka uç havuzuna atayın.
-ApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPoolsId $backendPool.Id
#Etki alanınızda CNAME kaydı oluşturma
Tarayıcınızın adres çubuğuna, etki alanı adınızı girin. Http gibi\:/ /
Diğer etki alanınıza, adresi değiştirin; örneğin ve trafiği www için dinleyici için yeniden yönlendirilen görmelisiniz\.
> * Dinleyicileri ve yeniden yönlendirme kuralı Ekle
> * Sanal makine ölçek kümesi ile arka uç havuzları oluşturma
> [Uygulama ağ geçidi ile neler yapabileceğiniz hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin](./
</s> # Description-Even-or-Odd-8-Kyu
Description Even or Odd 8 kyu Code Wars Python Solutions
Create a function (or write a script in Shell)"Even" for even numbers or "Odd" for odd numbers.
Beginner programmer here. If anyone would like to contribute by offering a more efficient solution or a solution in another language, please feel free to do so.
</s> <reponame>blackboard-innersource/explain-bot
**Explain Bot** is a slackbot, written in Python and deployed to AWS with CDK. The purpose of this bot is to help users learn about acronyms in use at Blackboard, with a focus around SAFe terms. That said, it is not limited in anyway.
In order to configure and run this application, you will need to have a slack application configured. The easiest way to get started is to login to with your ADFS credentials, select _Customize Blackboard-Sandbox_ from the space menu, and then click _Configure Apps_ in the left-hand navigation. Once you do this, you will see a link in the top navigation to the right called _Build_.
In this project, we need to manually store secrets as plain text in _SecretsManager_ and parameters in the _Parameter Store_ in the region `us-east-2` of the aws account (if a different region is used update the variable _ssm_ in all lambda files accordingly). Please create `/explainbot |
en | N/A | N/A | Numbering over 63.6MM in 2021 with a Consumer Buying Power exceeding $2T, Hispanic Americans represent over 19% of the total U.S. population and will become 21% of our nation's population over the next 5 years. In light of this, Hispanics have become a critical growth driver of the U.S. economy, making this segment a viable engine for post-pandemic growth. If you're looking to more precisely define and target the Hispanic consumer market online and offline in the sectors where they have proven to move markets, then this report is for you!
Interested in specific insights not covered in this report but critical to your marketing success? |
en | N/A | N/A | The first group of wind power projects for the 2011-2015 period was announced in August 2011, with a total installed capacity of 28.83 million KW. The NEB said it will not approve any wind power projects that are not part of the two approved groups.
China's newly-added installed wind power capacity is likely to exceed 20 million KW in 2011, showing higher growth compared to that in 2010, according to It is estimated that China likely generated 70 billion kilowatt-hours (kwh) of wind power in 2011, up 40 percent compared to the 50.1 billion kwh generated in 2010.
By 2015, China will have approximately 100 million Kand generate 190 billion kwh of electric power annually, according to the NEB's renewable energy development plan.
Bamboo treecycle |
en | N/A | N/A | Tr Tatamy Tweed DK. It is a worsteda range of colors f The worsted weight also includes the Little Lehigh Pebbles colors. Because Tatamy Tweed Worstblankets, and whatever you can imagine!
Judge Leiber not only granted a jail sentence, but he deviated from the 6 month maximum listed in the sentencing guidelines by setting the father’s punishment at 23-43 months in jail. Judge Leiber was unable to hide his astonishment when he told the father in a court hearing that he was “the poster child for irresponsibility” and that he was “a
d: “” |
en | N/A | N/A | S't stop with just the initial pain. It avalanches into a huge ball of agony, with sharp edges and horns, maybe even a devil's tail.
It could be as small a thing as an inconsiderate remark from a colleague, or intense pressure from a job situation, or a relationship argument.
The waves of pain swirled around me and with each turn pulled me deeper and deeper into the vortex. I drowned in it.
Yes, I was determined to stay in that tortuous place as if it was the noble thing to do!
What had happened here? Old pain and habits were triggered, old storytelling habits. I was hooked, as the Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron would say, hooked in a chain reaction by sheer force of habit.
The thoughts and stories I added to this initial pain blob were hilarious in retrospect.
1. Breathe. First take several deep breaths with your attention completely on the breath going in, coming out. Notice that there's a tiny little pause between inhales and exhales. Aah, tiny gaps where you can practice complete stillness. To help with anxiety, make the exhale a bit longer than the inhale.
Use kindness and humor with your thoughts and stories. Well, hello there darling! I see you, I hear you, and I know you. For now, I'm going to let you sit over there on the sofa.
With each story your mind tells, bring yourself back to the present moment, to now. What's happening now? Is anyone taking advantage of you now? Is anyone betraying you now? Are you betraying yourself now? This minute. Breathe.
Can you allow it to be there?
Can you come closer to that sensation in your body?
You don't have to immerse yourself in it, but maybe close enough to have a dialogue with it like you would with a friend. Welcome it.
4. Bring Compassion. Lastly, every time you notice you're being harsh, for whatever reason, bring loving kindness and compassion to yourself. If you're berating yourself for not being a good person for having these thoughts; or not taking better care of yourself, give yourself a big hug. You're human and perfect in your imperfection.
Once you're thinking clearly again, you can decide what to do about your trigger situation. As I found out, the blob of emotional pain often dissolves by itself and there's nothing left to resolve. |
en | N/A | N/A | Coprecipitated ferrite nanoparticles were coated with carbon using a hydrothermal method. From transmission electron microscope pictures, we could see that the coated iron oxide nanoparticles were spherical in shape with an average diameter of 90 nm. The strong bonding of carbon on the nanoparticle surfaces was checked by noting the C = O and C = C vibrations in Fourier transform infrared spectra. The spin-lattice relaxation process [T1] and spin-spin relaxation process [T2] relaxivities of hydrogen protons in the aqueous solution of coated nanoparticles were determined to be 1.139 (mM·s)-1 and 1.115 (mM·s)-1, respectively. These results showed that the carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles are applicable as both T1 and T2 contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging.
PACS: 81.05.y; 76.60.Es; 61.46; 75.50.k; 87.61.
Nanostructured materials have attracted a great deal of attention in the development of biotechnology and medicine [1–3]. Among these nanostructured materials, carbon-coated metal oxide nanoparticles such as MgO, CaO, ZnO, TiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 are now extensively studied because of their high application potential [4–9]. Recently, much research interest has been expended on the ferromagnetic iron oxide materials generally used for magnetic data storage as magnetic toners in xerography, and on the ferrofluids, used as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] [10–13].
The carbon coating provides an effective oxidation barrier and prevents corrosion in magnetic core materials. Hydrophilic carbon coating on iron oxide nanoparticle cores endows better dispersibility and stability than those shown by bare iron oxide nanoparticles. In general, different approaches have been employed for the synthesis of carbon coatings, for example, electric arc discharge, catalytic pyrolysis of organic compounds, and the hydrothermal methods [14].
In this paper, we report the synthesis of carbon coating on iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles by a hydrothermal method proposed by Zhang et al. [14] with some modifications. We evaluated these coated particles as potential spin-lattice relaxation process [T1] and spin-spin relaxation process [T2] contrast agent in MRI. We studied the T1 and T2 relaxations of hydrogen protons in water molecules in an aqueous solution of carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles. We found that the T1 and T2 relaxivities for the aqueous solution of carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles were 1.139 and 1.115 (mM·s)-1, respectively. The ratio of these two relaxivities is close to unity. This result demonstrates that carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles are suitable as both T1 and T2 contrast agents in MRI.
Carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by hydrothermal synthetic processes. Bare iron oxide nanoparticles were formed using the coprecipitation method, in which NaOH solution was slowly added to a mixed solution of ferric and ferrous chlorides in a glove box filled with argon gas. During this process, iron oxide nanoparticles were precipitated. These magnetic particles were separated by a magnet and were washed out by methanol, acetone, and DI [deionized] water. The collected nanoparticles were dried in a vacuum oven to obtain a powder sample of nanoparticles for coating. The dried nanoparticles were dispersed in a solution of 0.5 M glucose for 5 h with sonification. During this process, carbon was coated onto the surfaces of the nanoparticles. The solution was dried in a vacuum oven filled with argon gas for 4 h. The dried, coated nanoparticles were redispersed in DI water and filtered through a 100-nm filter paper several times.
The particle size distribution and structure of the carbon-coated nanoparticles were checked using a TEM microscope (TEM, H-7600, Hitachi High-Tech, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan). The hydrodynamic diameter and diffusion constant of the coated nanoparticles in water were measured with a dynamic light scattering [DLS] particle size analyzer (ELSZ-2, Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan). The bonding of carbon onto the iron oxide particles were confirmed by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy [FTIR]. For the relaxivity measurements, aqueous solutions of various nanoparticle concentrations were prepared. The concentration of nanoparticles in the aqueous solution was measured with an inductively coupled plasma [ICP] spectrophotometer (IRISAP, Thermo Jarrell Ash, Franklin, MA, USA). The T1 and T2 relaxation times of hydrogen protons in the aqueous solution of the coated nanoparticles were measured using an MR scanner (1.5 T Scanner, GE Medical System, Saskatchewan, Canada).
Figure 1 shows TEM images for the carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles. The TEM images showed that the coated nanoparticles were spherical in shape with an average diameter of 90 nm. The average hydrodynamic diameter of the carbon-coated nanoparticles measured by a DLS particle size analyzer was about 200 nm (Figure 2). This diameter was larger than the value measured by TEM due to both surface coating of the nanoparticles and the water solvation around the nanoparticles. The diffusion constant of the nanoparticles in water was 9.7265 × 10-9 cm2/s.
TEM images of carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles. The coated nanoparticles were spherical in shape with an average diameter of 90 nm.
Particle size distribution. This figure shows the particle size distribution measured by a DLS particle size analyzer. The average diameter of particles determined from these measurements is about 200 nm. This diameter is larger than the value measured by TEM due to both surface coating of the nanoparticles and the water solvation around the nanoparticles. The diffusion constant of the nanoparticles in water was 9.7265 × 10-9 cm2/s.
The bonding status of carbon on the surfaces of the nanoparticles was checked using the wavelength-dependent transmittance data obtained using an FTIR spectrometer (Nicolet 380, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). Figure 3a, b shows the FTIR spectra for bare iron oxide and carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles, respectively. The bands at 1,700 and 1,610 cm-1 in the spectra of carbon-coated iron oxide are associated with the C = O and C = C vibrations, respectively, which resulted from the carbonization of glucose during the hydrothermal reaction [14, 15]. The peaks at 1,000 to approximately 1,400 cm-1 are attributed to the C-OH stretching and O-H bending vibrations. The band at 2,920 cm-1 resulted from the stretching vibrations of O-H.
FTIR spectra for bare iron oxide (a) and carbon-coated iron oxide (b) nanoparticles, respectively. The bands at 1,700 and 1,610 cm-1 in the spectra of carbon-coated iron oxide are associated with the C = O and C = C vibrations, respectively.
To demonstrate the T1 and T2 effects in an aqueous solution, MR images for aqueous solutions of various nanoparticle concentrations were obtained. We prepared ten different samples with varying concentrations (ranging from 0.427 to 4.27 mM of iron) of nanoparticles in DI water and put them into microfuge tubes for imaging. One example of the MR images is shown in Figure 4.
MR images for T 1 (a) and T 2 (b) measurements, respectively. The circular images in the picture are MR images of aqueous samples of varying concentrations with the units of mM. While a dose-dependent increase in signal intensity is seen in the T1 measurements, a dose-dependent decrease in signal intensity is observed in the T2 measurements.
In MRI, the signal recorded during the scan is related to the magnetic relaxation processes of the nuclear spins of the protons in the water molecules in the area of interest. Under a given external magnetic field (B), the nuclear spins of the protons align with the field, giving rise to a net magnetization, M. If a radio frequency [rf] pulse is perpendicularly applied to B, the nuclear spins are excited and start precessing in the plane perpendicular to B. Upon removal of the rf pulse, the nuclear spins gradually recover to their equilibrium state parallel to B. The recovery of the equilibrium takes place via two different relaxation mechanisms: the spin-lattice relaxation process (T1), or in other words, the recovery of the magnetization along the B direction, and the spin-spin relaxation process (T2), i.e., the loss of signal in the perpendicular plane. The presence of nanoparticles in the area of interest creates an additional magnetic field (B1) which induces local field inhomogeneities that significantly increase the speed of the proton transverse relaxation (decrease of T2), leading to a negative contrast or a darkening of the image.
For T1 measurements, the inversion recovery pulse sequence was used. In this pulse sequence, the relaxation of nuclear spins in the aqueous solution of the magnetic nanoparticles can be expressed in the following equation:
I ~ M 0 1 - 2 e - t T 1
The signal intensities for 35 different times of inversion ranging from 50 to 1,750 ms can be obtained from these MR images. By applying these data to the intensity function of the MR signal, we can obtain the T1 relaxation time. Figure 5 shows the plot for two different samples of nanoparticles with concentrations of 0.427 and 4.27 mM iron.
MR signal intensity for T 1 relaxation. MR signal intensity as a function of the time of inversion is shown for two representative concentrations of nanoparticles. The T1 relaxation in the 0.427-mM sample was faster than that of the 4.27-mM sample.
The Carr-Purcell-Meiboon-Gill pulse sequence with multiple spin echo was used for the T2 measurements. MR images for 30 different times of echo ranging from 10 to 1,700 ms were obtained. For the signal intensity function of T2 relaxation, the following relationship was used to determine the T2 relaxation times:
I ~ M 0 e - t T 2
Figure 6 shows the plot for two different samples of nanoparticles with concentrations of 0.427 and 4.27 mM iron. The relaxivities 1 T im of nuclear spins in an aqueous solution of magnetic nanoparticles can be expressed as [16]:
MR signal intensity for T 2 relaxation. MR signal intensity as a function of the time of echo is shown for two representative concentrations of nanoparticles. The T2 relaxation in the 4.27-mM sample was faster than that of the 0.427-mM sample.
1 T im = 1 T i + R i C ,
where i = 1 or 2, and 1 T i represents the relaxivity of nuclear spins with no nanoparticle contrast agent. Also, R i is the relaxivity of nuclear spins per mM of nanoparticles, and C represents the concentration of nanoparticles in the aqueous solution.
Figure 7 represents the plots of 1 T 1 and 1 T 2 as a function of the concentration of carbon-coated nanoparticles. The slopes of the straight lines are 1.139 and 1.115 (mM·s)-1, respectively. The ratio of these two relaxivities was close to unity. This result demonstrates that carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles are suitable as both T1 and T2 agents for MRI.
T 1 and T 2 relaxivities. This figure represents the plots of 1 T 1 and 1 T 2 as a function of the concentration of carbon-coated nanoparticles. The slopes of the straight lines are 1.139 and 1.115 (mM·s)-1, respectively.
We synthesized highly water-dispersible carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for use as contrast agents in MRI. The coated nanoparticles were observed to be spherical with a core-shell structure in the TEM images, and they showed a uniform size distribution with an average diameter of 90 nm. The strong bonding of carbon on the nanoparticle surfaces was checked by noting the C = O and C = C vibrations in FTIR spectra. The T1 and T2 relaxation times of hydrogen protons were measured using an MRI scanner in the aqueous solutions of various concentrations of nanoparticles ranging from 0.427 to 4.27 mM. The T1 and T2 relaxivities were 1.139 and 1.115 (mM·s)-1, respectively. The ratio of these two relaxivities was close to unity. This result shows that carbon-coated iron oxide nanoparticles are suitable as both T1 and T2 contrast agents in MRI.
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Ahmad T, Rhee I, Hong S, Chang Y, Lee J: Ni-Fe2O4nanoparticles as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging. J Nanosci Nanotech 2011, 11: 5645–5650. 10.1166/jnn.2011.4502
Zhang S, Niu H, Hu Z, Cai Y, Shi Y: Preparation of carbon-coated Fe3O4nanoparticles and their application for solid-phase extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from environmental water samples. J Chromatogr A 2010, 1217: 4757–4764. 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.05.035
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Okuhata Y: Delivery of diagnostic agents for magnetic resonance imaging. Adv Drug Delivery Rev 1999, 37: 121–137. 10.1016/S0169-409X(98)00103-3
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea <PHONE>) and was also supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MEST; <PHONE>) and the Nuclear R&D Program (grant code: <PHONE>) of the NRF funded by MEST.
Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 702-701, Republic of Korea
Hongsub Bae, Tanveer Ahmad & Ilsu Rhee
Department of Molecular Medicine and Diagnostic Radiology, Kyungpook University Hospital, Daegu, 700-422, Republic of Korea
Yongmin Chang & Seong-Uk Jin
Division of Science Education, Daegu University, Gyeongsan, 712-714, Republic of Korea
Hongsub Bae
Correspondence to Ilsu Rhee.
HB and TA synthesized the carbon-coated nanoparticles. SH carried out FTIR and DLS measurements. YC and SJ performed MRI measurements to determine T1 and T2 relaxivities. IR designed the experiments and wrote the manuscript with TA. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. |
en | N/A | N/A | I have been a bit sentimental lately, and in the process of cleaning up my office decided to have a more prominent spot on my desk for a few things.
The angel is a gift from Sarah, given to me during my heart incident to watch over me – or remind me that I am watched over at least.
The pill bottle is a recent prescription. It's empty now, but Isha wrote on it "DON'T DIE! Because ISHA <3s you.“ The other side she wrote ”LESS THAN 3".
The medical bracelet I wore last summer, being extra precautious.
And in back is Sulley from Monsters, Inc. Sheryl gave me that years ago, and has her own of Mike Wazowski. It is a nice reminder of our friendship, and is appropriate because she is short and green and I am tall and blue. And furry. Unfortunately it got lost in the mix last time I moved, so has only recently returned to my desk... but it is there now!
Awww... That's happy.
I am not green.
Wait, what about your cell phone flask? Nothing says love like being able to sneak some vodka!
Also, your office is very very clean now. It was quite surprising. I actually feel like cleaning my apartment now!
Such a sap. ;-) I've seen Sheryl's Mike but I don't think I knew you had Sulley. Very cool.
And yes, you are loved. Never forget that.
Sheryl is in fact green (and short). |
en | N/A | N/A | YES clean eating rules! I admit when we first started the our health kick back in January I thought it would be just that - a quick kick, a passing fad. Sticking to diets in the past has been laborious, restrictive and quite frankly one hell of a struggle but not clean eating. Stop the press - does that mean healthy doesn't have to be hard??? Got it in one! You're essentially just cutting out nasties such as processed foods and sugar and replacing them with lashings of food that is super good for you, from berries to nuts and almond milk to smoked salmon. It's all about conditioning your body to want the good stuff over the bad and being mindful of the fuel you're putting into it.
Doesn't sound so tricky right? Well it's not if you prep and plan your meals ahead of time like a goody two shoes. For me this is doable for the majority of the week but there are those odd days where you get home late the night before and healthy food prep is the last friggin' thing on your mind. For those 'save me' days I have two cracking London based clean eating options to bring to the detox table...
First up, tucked away on Dover Street beneath the Wolf & Badger store lies Raw Press. Run by cousins, this healthy hidden gem sells tasty salads and to die for cold pressed juices. The salads are super lush, my favourite being the baked sweet potato, herb butter, coconut yoghurt and kale chips BUT the juices really steal the show. Raw, organic and packed full of unusual ingredients that make the bottles of magic zing and sing. The 'Citrus' is the winner in my eyes made up of grapefruit, orange, apple, lemon, lime and thyme - delish!
Up next, the Detox Kitchen. A hop, skip and a jump from Carnaby Street on Kingly Street, this little detox beaut awaits. Founded by Lily Simpson, it's where healthy meets delicious! Well-balanced seasonal salads, egg wraps, beetroot brownies and fresh juices. Known by many thanks to top model and A-list advocates including Elle Macpherson, Suki Waterhouse and Gwyneth Paltrow.
I mostly opt for their famous grab n' go egg-based crepe filled to bursting with spinach, cucumber, hummus and avocado (£4.95) or the box of three salads with a main is pretty lip smacking (£7.95).
Convinced? Well you should be BUT just incase you need anymore persuading the following fitspiration pic should do the job nicely... |
en | N/A | N/A | iewed criticisms of cap-and-trade rendered by former EPA attorneys Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel in Keeping Our Eyes on the Wrong Ball and concluded: “The broad political support for cap-and-trade scheme is rooted in its biggest flaw – that an incremental approach designed to keep prices for carbon-based energy low will be insufficient to accomplish a quick shift in energy sources.”
Bingaman: “[Offsets are] fraught with opportunities for game-playing, which will be fully exploited, I’m sure.”
Jeff Ruch, Executive Director, PEER: “We should pay attention to what the specialists who would have to administer a cap-and-trade have to say…A political consensus around cap-and-trade does little good if it does not work as promised – and we do not have the luxury of getting it wrong the first time.”
Chelsea Maxwell, former Senate staffer who worked on climate legislation, now a Clark Group lobbyist: …t ase people want to make sure their interests are…represented…I don’t think [climate change legislation is] impossible…What it’s going to take is a lot of deliberation.”
James Hansen, dean of U.S. climate change scientists at NASA: ”
Rajendra Pachauri, lead scientis” |
en | N/A | N/A | Daniel Martin aims to win the Tour of Britain
daniel martin Etixx-QuickStep tony martin Tour of Britain |
en | N/A | N/A | 30 Pine Nut Farm Workers Killed In US Drone Strike In Afghanistan
The attack ain eastern Nangarhar province
World | Reuters | Updated: September 19, 2019 22:39 IST
Ad,"Scores of local men joineUS Drone strikefarmers killed in drone strike |
en | N/A | N/A | In a recent email to all lawyers and paralegals licensed in Ontario, the LSUC announced a new “mandatory” requirement for licensees, which it described as follows:
The LSUC has explained that:
(emphasis in original)
We ex'sEven being asked to state principles with which one agrees is a form of unconstitutional compelled speech. The government, in this case through the monopoly powers it has given to the Law Society, cannot make citizens write down and disclose their innermost beliefs, values, and principles, and it certainly cannot force us to “demonstrate a personal valuing” of a specific template of principles drafted by an arm of the government.
The Supreme Court of Canada has:
However admirable the objectives and provisions of the Code may be, no one is obliged to approve of them: anyone may criticize them, like any other statute, and seek to have them amended or repealed, though complying with them so long as they are in effect. Remedies Nos. 5 and 6 thus force the Bank and its president to do something, and to write a letter, which may be misleading or untrue. Th (emphasis added)
For more on this, please see Prof. Leonid Sirota’s discussion here.
The LSUC has attempted to define some of the terms in the new Statement of Principles, but they remain vague enough that licensees can’t really know the practical consequences of what they are endorsing and agreeing to do.
No lawyer would advise a client to sign a statement so vague, especially without knowing the consequences.
What have others said about the Statement of Principles?
Here are some other sources that discuss problems with the Statement of Principles requirement (note, we do not endorse any specific statement or view in these links):
"Globe editorial: Ontario law society can’t put words in people’s mouths" (Nov 9, 2017)
"n" (Nov 10, 2017)
"One’s Own Self, Like Water" (Oct 19, 2017)
"Lawless Society of Upper Canada" (Oct 12, 2017)
Prof. Bruce Pardy:
"Law society's new policy compels speech, crossing line that must not be crossed" (Oct 3, 2017)
"" (Oct 26, 2017)
"What can I do if I object to the new requirement?
Iy with the new requirement, but if you do not, the LSUC has said you will have an option in your Annual Report to explain why you have not done so. One option would be to tell the LSUC simply: “I object to this requirement in principle and believe it to be unconstitutional.”
Mailing address and directions:
A. |
en | N/A | N/A | iska-Ruhpa, who had gone out
to hunt, succeeded in killing five buffaloes, and from them we obtained
some meat; for, to show their liberality, they gave away a great deal
of it, together with several blankets. The first white-headed
eagle (_Aquila leucocephala_) was seen to-day; and I received the first
prairie dog, which was also a sign of the approach of spring, as these
animals leave their burrows at this season. On the 27th of March,
the band of the mad dogs danced in the fort; and, towards evening,
an Indian from Ruhptare, who had had a dispute with Mr. Kipp about a
beaver skin, revenged himself by breaking a pane of glass in our room.
Our people pursued, but could not overtake him. As it was feared that
he might commit greater acts of violence, the soldiers of the fort were
sent to Ruhptare on the 28th, to protect a fur trader who resided there.
On the 30th, the first flock of fifteen or twenty wild geese passed
over: the wind was high, and, on the following day, a good deal
of ice broke up in the river. On the 1st of April the wind blew
stormy, with a thermometer of 33° at noon. On the 2nd, the women at
Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush celebrated the spring corn feast, of which Mr.
Bodmer made a sketch. This feast is always observed on the return of
the wild geese, which are the messengers of the old woman who never
dies. The Indians had already killed some of these birds. The festival
was over at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, but some of the women
remained the whole day, reclining near the offerings hung up in the
prairie. Great numbers of young men were running races, and all was
animation about the village.
On the 3rd of April, the band of the Ischoha-Kakoschochata, eighteen
in number, danced in the fort, led by Mato-Topé, on horseback, in full
dress, wearing his splendid feather cap. The ice broke up so rapidly
in the river, that it was necessary to set a watch over our boats
during the night, lest the rising water should carry them away. On
the following day the icy covering of {449} the river gave way, but
soon froze again, only leaving a channel across the middle. Many ducks
and geese, as well as a plover, appeared on the ice. On the 5th of
April, the weather being stormy in the morning, and the temperature
59½° Fahrenheit, the river had risen about a foot, and towards noon
it suddenly rose between three and four feet more, so that, at twelve
o'clock, the ice on the surface began to move, the temperature being
68°. But in the night the river again fell a foot, and there was a
slight frost. At nine in the evening the temperature was 55°, and we
had a storm of thunder and lightning.
On the 7th of April there was but little floating ice on the river,
which had fallen during the night. We saw several swans. On the 8th the
Manitaries danced the scalp dance in the fort, and the Indians amused
themselves in the prairie with races and various games. At one o'clock
in the afternoon, the ice in the upper Missouri suddenly broke up, and
brought down many trunks of trees, which endangered our boats. The
Indians immediately availed themselves of this opportunity to land a
good deal of the wood; they also brought ashore a drowned elk, which,
though already in a state of decomposition, they actually ate, and the
smith of the fort, a Canadian, did not disdain to partake of it with
them. Some dead buffaloes likewise floated by, and the Indians followed
them, for the same purpose. In the evening, though the quantity of ice
was considerably diminished, yet some people who were to have gone down
the river were obliged to defer their voyage.
The morning of the 9th of April being fine and serene, and the ice
having almost entirely disappeared from the river, seven men were sent
down to Picotte in Indian leather boats. The grass began to sprout,
and some young plants appeared in the prairie, even a pulsatilla,
with purple blossoms, apparently the same as the _P. vulgaris_ of
Europe; the Indians call this plant the red calf-flower. At noon
the thermometer stood at 65°, with a northeast wind, and the river
was free from ice. Towards evening, nine men of the band of the
buffalo bulls came to the fort to perform their dance, discharging
their guns immediately on entering. Only one of them wore the entire
buffalo head;[48] the others had pieces of the skin of the forehead,
a couple of fillets of red cloth, their shields decorated with the
same material, and an appendage of feathers, intended to represent
the bull's tail, hanging down their backs. They likewise carried
long, elegantly ornamented banners in their hands. After dancing for
a short time before us, they demanded presents. Besides the strange
figures of this dance, Mr. Bodmer painted the chief, Mato-Topé, at
full length, in his grandest dress. The vanity which is characteristic
of the Indians induced this chief to stand stock-still for several
days, so that his portrait succeeded admirably.[49] He wore on this
occasion a handsome new shirt of bighorn leather, the large feather
cap, and, in his hand, a long lance with scalps and feathers. He has
been so often mentioned in my narrative, that I must here subjoin a few
words respecting this eminent man, for he was fully entitled to this
appellation, being not only a distinguished warrior, but possessing
many fine and noble traits of character. {450} In war he had always
maintained a distinguished reputation; and on one occasion, with great
personal danger, he conducted to Fort Clarke a numerous deputation of
the Assiniboins, who had come to Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush to conclude peace,
while his countrymen, disregarding the proposals, kept firing upon
the deputies. Mato-Topé, after having in vain exerted himself to the
utmost to prevent these hostilities, led his enemies, with slow steps,
amidst the whistling balls and the arrows of his countrymen, while he
endeavoured to find excuses for their culpable conduct. He had killed
many enemies, among whom were five chiefs. He gives a facsimile of a
representation of one of his exploits, painted by himself, of which he
frequently gave me an account.[50] He was, on that occasion, on foot,
on a military expedition, with a few Mandans, when they encountered
four Chayennes, their most virulent foes, on horseback. The chief of
the latter, seeing that their enemies were on foot, and that the combat
would thereby be unequal, dismounted, and the two parties attacked
each other. The two chiefs fired, missed, threw away their guns, and
seized their naked weapons; the Chayenne, a tall, powerful man, drew
his knife, while Mato-Topé, who was lighter and more agile, took his
battle-axe. The former attempted to stab Mato-Topé, who laid hold of
the blade of the knife, by which he, indeed, wounded his hand, but
wrested the weapon from his enemy, and stabbed him with it, on which
the Chayennes took to flight. Mato-Topé's drawing of the scene in
the above-named plate, shows the guns which they had discharged and
thrown aside, the blood flowing from the wounded hand of the Mandan
chief, the footsteps of the two warriors, and the wolf's tail at their
heels--the Chayenne being distinguished by the fillet of otter skin on
his forehead. The buffalo robe, painted by Mato-Topé himself, and which
I have fortunately brought to Europe, represents several exploits of
this chief, and, among others, in the lower figure on the left hand,
the above-mentioned adventure with the Chayenne chief.[51] |
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Council plans, projects and other documents open for comment, community surveys.
See what's happening around you!
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en | N/A | N/A | She continued, "this report examines shady market, particularly in the Lower Mainland, ns of honest professionals in the sector. We will act to protect British Columbians when they are making one of their most important family investments – purchasing a home." |
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Shiuli Dutt26-Jul-2011 18:39
Laxmi Nair26-Jul-2011 18:17
its very good, i wish if you study people in retail industry who worked long hour and still. they have to smile. |
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03.11.2016 Negative Camber
Lance Stroll added;
“Lance joined the Williams Young Driver Programme .
Previous Previous post: Nieuwsoverzicht 3 november
Next Next post: Williams F1 2017 signing Lance Stroll dismisses pay-driver claims |
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First that the defendant acted in a negligent manner;
Second that the plaintiff was injured;
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Lipkin & Apter attorneys get results. We know how to maximize the money damages our clients have coming to themaccidents. |
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tell your "friend" he is a mug $700!
u do know that most khmer live on $100/$200 pm?
I don't mean to be demeaning, but I've seen this story a thousand times over with much more money. Same story every time. "Going to start a small business with my wife/girlfriend. Going to keep it small. Just want to make a little extra money, that's all. I'm sure with the investment she'll do great!" It never works, and I mean never as in 0% of the time. I know of ONE couple (foreigner with Cambodian girlfriend) who has consistently been able to open a business and turn a profit for any length of time...
Here's my advice, as a current business owner. 1. Find something they actually like to do. Don't ask the question "Will I make money?
2. Develop related skills in that business first. i.e. If you want to have a salon, they better be good at styling hair. Not just good as in "Oh, good job honey.", I mean that people genuinely like what they do. Think if someone you hated got a haircut from someone, would they be happy with their haircut regardless?
"But to put it simply does anyone have any business suggestion that a local can set up at low cost to make a living from."
One of the problems is that locals see such a local store and imitate it. Then there's a glut of hairdressers, barbers, kilometers of stands selling gas in old 1&2 liter pop bottles and so on. So I can only suggest that your friend have the girl and her family do the most basic of marketing. 1. What are they good at?Will training be required ? |
en | N/A | N/A | 4. 1. 2021 admin
Researchers at the Willis-Knighton Proton Therapy Center published their latest research results using proton therapy for prostate canceentitled "Prospective Safety and Patient-Reported Quality-of-Life Outcome for Prostate Cancer Treated with Image-Guided Compact Pencil-Beam Proton Unit".
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the side effects and patient-reportedtreated with advanced pencil-beam scanning proton therapy, the same technology found at the Prague Proton Therapy Center.
Urinary symptoms and erectile dysfunction (ED) were assessed and additionally, were evaluated by physiciancollected at each follow-up.
A total of 113 patients were involved in the study, and the median patient age was 68.4. Median baseline PSA was 5.9 ng/mL. Median Gleason score was 7.
The most common urinary complaints prior to treatment were increased frequency and urgency, and these symptoms improved after treatment at follow-up. Forty percent (40.3%) reported no/mild ED at baseline. This trended down slightly after treatment but remained stable at follow-ups (28%-32%). The rate of impotence refractory to medication at follow-up was low and similar to that at baseline (3%-6%). Acute grade 2 GU and GI toxicities were 6.6% and 0.8% at the end of treatment.
In conclusion, proton therapy using image-guided, modern pencil-beam proton therapy for prostate cancer was shown to be extremely safe. The use of proton therapy may improve urinary symptoms with minimal impact on sexual QoL in patients with localizeroton therapy for prostate cancer. To find out if proton therapy is appropriate for you or a loved one, please contact Proton Therapy UK and the oncologists at the Prague Proton Therapy Center.
Previous PostCzech Proton Center Physicists Collaborate With Research Partners Across Europe To Improve The Quality Of Proton Therapy Treatment
Speak With Our Patients |
en | N/A | N/A | • Date: Saturday, November 25, 2006, at 10:42 p.m.
Much like the first Spider-Man score, I instantly fell in love with the Spider-Man 2 score but even more so. The full richness of the orchestra for Spider-Man 2 sounds awesome and even I could tell there was a larger orchestra for this score than there was for the original Spider-Man film. I really loved whenever pulsing sound of Doc Ock's theme came into play during the score. Also like the original Spider-Man score I instantly picked up this CD once it was available but again was some what disappionted with some of the material that the CD lacked. When I finally got the full score for this I was really happy.
Pudgy - Saturday, November 25, 2006, at 10:42 p.m.
Robert - Friday, February 9, 2007, at 12:40 p.m.
Danny - Saturday, February 24, 2007, at 10:53 a.m.
Pudgy - Saturday, January 27, 2007, at 10:18 a.m.
Jon - Friday, February 2, 2007, at 5:40 p.m.
Pudgy - Sunday, February 4, 2007, at 11:07 a.m.
Jon - Wednesday, February 7, 2007, at 2:04 p.m.
You're dumb - Monday, March 12, 2007, at 12:33 p.m.
Jon - Monday, March 12, 2007, at 5:05 p.m. |
en | N/A | N/A | As part of the City of Ridgecrest's efforts to comply with new waste and recycling container identification and labeling requirements under SB 1383, WM will begin transitioning residential carts starting on Monday, December 5th. This con...
City staff and representativeschanges under Senate Bill 1383 for sanitation services in Ridgecrest. To this end, we are hosting the second in a series of community forums to provide opportunities for... |
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an electric auto’s MoT includes a suite of checks builtd designs of camight homepage. |
en | N/A | N/A | A deathtrap is a device in which a villain uses an overly elaborate, drawn-out scheme to kill a good guy, usually the hero. The deathtrap's fatal flaw is that it gives the intended victim time to escape (instead of trapping Indiana Jones in the Well of Souls, why didn't Belloc just shoot him?).
Ira Levin's funny/scary "Deathtrap" and was made into a crackerjack 1982 suspense film with Michael Caine and Christopher Reeve. Oregon Stage Works' crisp revival of that modern classic, directed by Dennis Klein, is long on fun and not without chills.
Sidney Bruhl (Sam King) is a playwright whose one mega-hit has receded 18 years in the rearview. He is blocked. Bruhl is living on his wife's (Jennifer Miller-Brian) money in Connecticut. His writing studio, built onto a handsome colonial house, is a converted stable furnished with a collection of weapons over the mantle.
In the mail comes a script called "Deathtrap" from a former workshop student of Bruhl's named Clifford Anderson (Dayvin Turchiano). It has hit written all over it, and Bruhl jokes about getting rid of Anderson and claiming the script as his own.
He telephones Anderson, tells him the script needs work and offers to collaborate. Anderson shows up, and master and student begin work. In this pre-digital era, the men have both the original and the only carbon copy, so that if anything were to happen to Anderson, Bruhl could claim the play as his own.
As we watch a play called "Deathtrap" about two playwrights working on a play called "Deathtrap," has Bruhl set a deathtrap for Anderson? Hint: Remember those knives and swords and maces and guns on the mantle? Remember Chekhov's rule that a gun on the mantle in the first act must be fired by the third act?
Any hint of navel-gazing or lint-gathering in "Deathtrap" would be fatal, but Klein's vigorous direction keeps the momentum building. King gives Bruhl a humorous dimension that injects a note of irony, and as a result we often are more amused than horrified.
The play's strength is that it doesn't take itself too seriously, which is altogether fitting if you're a representation of art imitating life imitating art. The plot zigzags and doubles back on itself so that each time you think you know what's coming you are surprised.
A canny psychic named Helga Ten Dorp (Rochelle Savitt) and Bruhl's Brahmin lawyer, Porter Milgrim (Brian Wallace), leaven the mix as they turn our play into Bruhl's description of Anderson's play: two acts, one set, five characters.
The acting is strong throughout despite a few opening-night line glitches. King and Turchiano give each other plenty to play off, including a moment that stunned audiences 30 years ago. Even the minor characters add something surprising and provocative.
Brian Wallace's handsome set and J.C. Cook's vintage props — a mechanical typewriter, an electric typewriter, a black desk phone that rings instead of beeps — provide a cozy verisimilitude. Lisa Marie Malovoz overcame some lighting problems to render the lightning for an outside storm that reflects, Shakespeare-style, the characters' inner worlds.
Aside from its seed notion of vaulting ambition (speaking of Shakespeare), "Deathtrap" does not have a serious bone in its slick, amusing body. The deathtrap as a device often is mocked for stretching out time, but its namesake here makes two-and-a-half hours whiz by in a thrice. |
en | N/A | N/A | "Back to School Giveaway"t is held at the North Conway Community Center. All items are free of charge. This event is in its fiftAnnually, North Country Cares holds a Teen related stocking suffers, stockings, gift cards and gifts happy holiday- all free of charge.
Great family night or girls night out all going towards a great cause. |
en | N/A | N/A | Regardless of size or structure, health care providers, payors, entrepreneurs and businesses must navigate to remain economically competitive. H as the federal government – and some state governments – are vigilant with enforcement activity. Maintaining compliance is critical to avoid significant financial exposure and public relations challenges – and potential litigation, criminal liability and/or administrative sanctions. Mergers and consolidations, patient and data privacy and security challenges, fraud and abuse enforcement, and reimbursement changes are ongoing issues in the health care delivery system. Successful parties in the health care delivery system will need to create and maintain legally compliant arrangements and relationships.
Saul Ewing’s health care industry clients confront these and many other issues on a daily basis and the firm’s attorneys are there to represent them and advise onlabor and employment, tax and employee benefits, energy and environmental, financing, litigationssist health care ccommercial arrangements relating to population health initiatives, relationships with managed care entities and third-party payors, mergers, acquisitions, sales, strategic engagements and affiliations, joint ventures, and new business form routinely provide strategic planning advice on management and governance matters.
The firm also has a well-established reputation in professional liability defense. We represent a number of insurance companies issuing professional liability insurance in the health care industry. In Illinois, for example, we represente state. Additionally, we provide counseling and representation to a number of hospitals and provider networks that are self-insured.
Saul Ewing attorneys have handled these select health care matters in the representation of:
Hospitals/Academic Medical Centers
A Michigan-based specialty hospital organization in the sale of its Pennsylvania facility that provides bariatric surgeries and trans-gender surgeries to a nonprofit health organization based in New Jersey. Given our firm’s knowledge and experience in the super-competitive health care delivery systems growing in the Philadelphia region, we encouraged the client to consider a sale of the facility to a local health care provider rather than shut it down. The client agreed, and proceeded to sell the property and related equipment. Since the property and the assets were owned by two distinct special purpose entities, the deal required two separate transactions for each of the purchase and sale of the property and the purchase and sale of the assets.
Two Illinois hospitals in the successful challenge to a project to build a new nearby competing hospital. We convinced the court that the administrative agency responsible for the approval of permits to build hospitals completely disregarded the review criteria for minimum beds and that such a radical departure from the criteria required a meaningful explanation to stand. The court agreed with our position and concluded that the decision of the administrate agency to approve the new hospital was arbitrary and capricious; thereby reversing the grant of a permit.
A large multi-hospital health system in its acquisition of three different hospital systems in recent years, including two simultaneous transactions. We handled all acquisition matters, including:ence; corporate governance; public finance; real estat.
A major university and affiliated health system regarding sophisticated health care information technology agreements.
Four large academic medical centers with respect to their involvement in a large regional health information exchange.
A Pennsylvania university in analyzmaintain a legal and practical separation between the university and its college of medicine and in guiding the merger of these two entities.
Numerous hospitals in joint ventures involving physicians, including the development of ASCs, medical office buildings, wellness centers and various types of outpatient facilities.
A major academic medical center in the filing of a certificate of need application for Level 2 trauma center.
A major Illinois hospital system in certificate of need approvals for an affiliation to crea with more thaning
Physicians and Physician-Related Issues
A state medical society with the creation and implementation of a commercial accountable care organization with a large commercial insurance payor and a subsequent arrangement with a different payor for Medicaid beneficiaries.
A medical practice in handling its ransA health care practice in obtaining "declination" from the U.S. Attorney of both criminal and civil fraud charges regarding allegations that the health care practice created a fatal risk of infection by misusing medical devices during surgical procedures. We conducted an emergency internal assessment, counseled the practice on remedial and disciplinary steps, and helped the client self-disclose to the State Medical Licensing Board.
Hundreds of physicians and providers regarding contract issues and negotiations.
Numerousumerous physicians in connection with National Practitioner Databank Reporting issues.
Non-Physician/Non-Hospital Providers
A Pennsylvania county in the sale of its nursing home and associated real estate. Our representation included the coordination of the sale of assets, including handling real estate and environmental issues; financing; licensure transfer; and regulatory compliance.
A group purchasing organization comprised of five separate health systemA group of ambulance providers in a class action effort relating to Medicare reimbursement benefiting approximately 300 ambulance providers.
Ths in the national expansion of its business operations, including counseling ors.
The seller of a dental practice in the $8.9 million sale of the practice to a dental management service organization.
The seller of a renal dialysis center in the $7.8 million sale of the practice to a national dialysis center.
A Colorado medical marijuana company in applications for Illinois medical marijuana dispensary licenses.
A real estate investment trust regarding ongoing matters, including Stark and fraud and abuse guidance and lease arrangements Health care providers in white collar criminal actions.
A group purchasing organization on compliance with Stark and fraud abuse compliance.
Health care providers on whose behalf we perform ongoing legislative lobbying as well as administrative matters.
A national medical transcription company with a HIPAA compliance audit by the Office of Civil Rights.
A health care data analytics company in the negotiation of an Illinois Medicaid managed care contract.
Dental Practice Transitions Health Care Technology Contracting Affordable Care Act Compliance Consulting Cybersecurity and Privacy Public Finance |
en | N/A | N/A | William Dooley, Jr.
William “Bill” Dooley, Jr. was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. In 1978 his work brought him to Minnesota. Dooley is a long-time employee of American Family Insurance where he took early retirement in 2004. He received a mid-care1992. While at American Family, he worked in their underwriting, claims and legal departments and finished his career as a government affairs counsel. |
en | N/A | N/A | That being said, We respectfully request that XXXX think deleting the latest later repayments reported on credit reporting agencies. I’m completely purchased maintaining fast repayments and you may in online payday loans in Westminster the morning unlock to registering for vehicle-payments if the such as for example an option do assistance with the new asked removing.
The solution to My Goodwill Letter
The intention of new letter would be to show that I found myself: 1) taking obligation of your late payment and 1) that i try available to manage the thing i needed seriously to create to assure her or him this wouldn’t occurs once again. Sadly, I happened to be not successful.
This new goodwill letter indeed backfired with the myself a bit. They sent myself a reply right back stating that as there is actually zero error to the XXXX’s membership and that i had admitted fault these people were banned to remove this new late costs from my report.
I happened to be most bummed and kind of regretted also submitting the brand new page given that today they appeared as if I might have made things tough because of the admitting fault towards the number. But really, I was not some willing to call it quits and that i made a decision to do some a bit more browse and if.
Which consultative advice essentially states that a student loan supplier was necessary to both revise and you will right guidance wanted to credit scoring companies whenever you to info is considering.
You will find argument as to if or not this means deleting later payments completely out of a credit file otherwise just to updating the statement so you can echo one a cost standing no longer is unpaid or overdue.
There is a positive change between the two while the on the second disease your repayments might no expanded show that he could be currently delinquent but in the previous circumstances your instalments are entirely eliminated from your own credit history.
Ergo, I changed my personal method from using their the good-son, apologetic tone (“We messed up and you will was sorry”) so you’re able to using a more aggressive and official build and also mentioned that which loan provider was at admission out of Area 623(a)(2) from the maybe not removing my personal later money.
Which communication is during reaction to the latest XXXX page I acquired out-of my goodwill request to possess later repayments taken from my personal credit score report. Throughout the letter I was advised you to definitely like reports cannot come off on account of statutes promulgated of the DOE additionally the FCRA. As opposed to such assertions, by failing to revision in past times said suggestions, XXXX is within violation off Point 623(a)(2) of the FCRA.
You will find attached an enthusiastic FTC advisory advice hence interprets Section 623(a)(2) of FCRA. The problem posed from the consultative thoughts is where a lender is to try to deal with the right position whenever further suggestions standing research which was presumably exact in the event it was made however, not try precise in today’s time (we.e., the very same problem I’m already from inside the).
The lower than is the letter which i taken care of immediately the borrowed funds vendor with
This new consultative opinion claims that the Section 623(a)(2) of your own FCRA contact the duty to fix boost information because of the “furnishers,” otherwise individuals exactly who furnish advice to help you individual revealing companies (“CRA”) particularly credit agencies. In particular, so it area means a person who “has furnished to a customer reporting agencies recommendations your individual establishes is not complete or particular” so you’re able to “timely alert the user reporting department of these commitment” and offer people advice wanted to succeed complete and you can specific. For this reason, into the face, which provision demands a furnisher to include remedied otherwise updated information toward consumer reporting service it had reported to help you to start with. That it obligations extends to the student loan profile said so you can CRAs, no matter whether they were appropriate on some point, once the part requires the furnisher both to help you “update” accounts also to “best.” |
en | N/A | N/A | Comparing Fractions Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 - Select one of the three levels for each quiz.
Comparing Fractions Side-By-Side - Make fractions on both sides of the screen by dragging numbers onto the blackboard. Then, compare to two fractions to see if one is larger or if they are the same. Comparing Integers - Comparing integers with absolute values.
Comparing Percentages and Fractions - Drag numbers onto the blackboard to make percentages and fractions. Can you make them match? Choose from one of the four pictures on the bottom to see various graphics.
Computation Castle - A game that requires the utilization of several math skills: mixed numbers/improper fractions, equivalent fractions, metric conversions, exponents, rounding to the nearest thousands and thousandths and place value. Decimal Switch - Put the sequence of decimal numbers into ascending order. Evaluating Expressions - Try a workout of 10 problems. If you get at least 8 correct on your first attempt, then you're ready to move on. If not, review "In Depth" and try again.
Fraction Dolphin Racing Game - Choose the fractions to power your dolphin to the finish line first. Fraction Sorter - Interactive site posted by Shodor.
Fractions of Something Game - Can you find the fraction number? Make fractions with the numbers by dragging them onto the blackboard, one above the line and one below the line.
Genius Boxing - Box some of history's great math minds such as Einstein, Copernicus, Galileo, Bill Gates and more for universal math supremacy. Greater Than, Less Than or the Same - Compare decimals.
Ordering Fractions Game - Put the fractions in the right order. Percent with a Calculator - Practice problems. Move mouse over the pink colored area to see the answer.
Put Whole Numbers in Order - Three or more numbers can be placed in order. A number may come before the other numbers or it may come between them or after them. Place the whole numbers in order.
Unit Fraction Game: Finding One Fraction Part - Use this activity to practice finding the fraction of a number. |
en | N/A | N/A | Geez, I'm amazed how restaurants in Jakarta have grown so fast lately. I would not know about Itadakimasu Restaurant in PIK if one of my students didn't send a message through a LINE messenger to me. Thanks, Fiona! 🙂 So, I finally visited the Itadakimasu restaurant in Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) newly opened five days ago for lunch after renewing my passport (before going for our big trip soon, yay! Can't wait.. Can't wait.. ). In Japanese, Itadakimasu means "eat" and the minimalist cute Japanese concept applied not only to the interior, but also on their food. It is not difficult to find this restaurant because Itadakimasu restaurant is located in the same row with PappaJack Kopitiam and several blocks before the Madam Guat restaurant in the Ruko Elang Laut, PIK.
There were not many diners who eat there when I arrived. One of the waiters explained that some of the food given the green sticker next to it is not yet available. That's why I chose to try some of their recommendations. For drinks, Itadakimasu provides several flavors of Milk tea and Yakult drinks. I chose to order Strawberry Yakult, which turned out to be my favorite rather than Taro Milk Tea. This fruit-flavored Yakult tasted refreshing with a good balance of sweet and sour flavor.
So this is one of their signature menu, the Starving Panda. Five panda-shaped rice served with a spicy curry sauce and Chicken Katsu on top. Although the curry sauce was slightly different, unlike the authentic Japanese curry, but the curry sauce tasted delicious with a medium spicy level. Unfortunately, they didn't use Japanese rice; the rice was a bit harsh and very dry. We ended up leaving two cute pandas on my plate, and the same thing happened to the table next to us.
The Beef tongue dishes become a trend lately in Jakarta, and I was tempted to try Gyu Tan Don, which marked as Ted's favorite in Itadakimasu restaurant. The portion was small, but here customers can choose the level of spiciness from level 1 until level 3 (more spicy). The Gyu Tan tasted spicy and chewy. However, the seasoning somewhat lacked something and not tasty enough for my personal liking. I still prefer the Gyu Tan Don with a bolder flavor and perhaps with extra scrambled egg on top, for example, Gyu Tan Don at Fitz*** or the one near my house, Hachim**su.
Before I went home, I added a dessert on the existing order list. Then the waiter asked if I wanted to choose the ice cream, the Taro flavor or Green Apple? I wanted both flavors, and she said it was okay to mix both flavors. So, the soft ice cream came with a combination of two flavors presented nicely with an attractive color and a mild sweetness. The Mochi was unique because unlike a Japanese Mochi as I expected, but three water Mochi with a texture like jelly served with powdered nuts and maple syrup. Unique and yummy!
They offer food and drinks at an affordable price, ranging from IDR 40K for food, and from IDR 21K for drinks and desserts. Not only that, the cute Ted everywhere on the walls seems to attract everyone to visit Itadakimasu restaurant. Well, that's all from me today. If you're curious so much about this new restaurant, you can try to visit them, and get ready to wait for at least 15 minutes to get Starving Panda ready on your table. Itadakimasu! |
en | N/A | N/A | The advent of synthetic insecticides occurred in the 1940s and revolutionized the way that vector control was conducted [1]. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s large-scale insecticidal treatments diminished many of the vector-borne diseases [1]. Vector control programs began to lapse with the global abatement of many vector-borne diseases in the 1960s [1]. Increased international travel and commerce over the last few decades have created more pathways for vectors and their associated diseases to spread to new places.
To control vector mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases, current mosquito abatement programs utilize multiple control methods that exploit mosquitoes’ known vulnerabilities while being mindful of the environment [2]. Mos [3,4]. The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged vector control programs to discover and implement new strategies for integrated mosquito management (IMM) methods that employ insecticides with new chemical classes and modes of action [4].
To address the current mosquito control issues, novel methods of mosquito control that fulfill the WHO stipulations, such as mosquito baiting, are being explored. Mosquito baiting methods are shaped off the biological requirements of mosquitoes, mosquito ecology, and mosquito behaviors. Insect baiting to dissuade a behavior, or induce mortality, is not a novel concept.
The concept of insect baiting is first described in 77 AD by Pliny, in Historia Naturalis [5]. Pliny describes hanging a fish on a tree adjacent to foliage to lure ants away [5]. Pliny describes using a protein-based lure; however, some insects require carbohydrates in the form of plant-based sugars [6]. This requirement has led to the usage of sugars to collect and observe moths and honey bees, and kill insects by integrating a toxicant into the sugar [5]. Around 1885 attractants started to be used in baits to lure pestiferous insects away from crops to poisoned baits [5]. The benefit of plant-based attractants was discovered in 1910, with a correlation between the attractions of cabbage butterfly larva to mustard plants [5]. The concept of attractive baits took off and by 1925 hundreds of attractant, aromatic compounds were evaluated to lure orchard insects away from their natural food source [5]. Further bait studies demonstrated that an attractant is not enough to induce feeding, and a stimulant may be required to ensure consumption of baits [5]. These evaluations have led to new approaches of insect control through attractive baiting. This review addresses the current body of research of ATSB by providing an overview of active ingredients (toxins) include in TSBs, attractants combined in ATSB, lethal effects on mosquito adults and larvae, impact on non-target insects, and prospects for the use of ATSB.
Modern developments in mosquito control over the last sixty years have focused on sugar baiting for adult mosquito control. Sugar feeding behaviors have been studied for a number of insect vectors such as Culicidae [6,7,8,9], Phlebotominae [10,11,12,13], and Simuliidae [10], demonstrating that many hematophagous dipteran species utilize carbohydrates. Mosquitoes, like other Diptera, may seek and return to carbohydrate sources throughout their life, which presents an opportunity to utilize this behavior for their control [14,15]. Almost all mosquitoes, regardless of larval habitat, require a sugar meal shortly after emergence, and throughout their lives [6,16]. Typically, both male and female mosquitoes have low chances of mating, blood feeding, developing, and laying eggs without energy reserves formed from carbohydrates [6]. For most species of mosquitoes, reserves acquired in the larval stage may only last a few days [6]. Before the larval reserves are depleted, the adult mosquitoes must replenish them by either sugar feeding or blood feeding. To acquire more nutritional reserves mosquitoes will seek out sugars in the environment. Since mosquitoes are liquid feeders, it was theorized that stomach toxins incorporated into a feeding stimulant or arrestant, and placed into environments where mosquitoes were resting, such as larval habitats and foliage near host habitats, might be previously unexplored methods of mosquito control [14].
In 1965, Lea [17] pioneered these sugar-baiting methods in laboratory studies by integrating multiple concentrations (1 mg/mL, 0.5 mg/mL, 0.25 mg/mL, and 0.1 mg/mL) of a toxicant, malathion, into 20% sucrose solutions, formulating the first mosquito toxic sugar bait (TSB) which was fed to Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) on aged (four or 21 days) TSB-treated paper. The mosquitoes readily ate the TSBs with ~85.2% mortality of the adult mosquitoes [17]. From 1990, to the present day, researchers have been following Lea’s TSB methodologies by formulating mosquito baits with low toxicity active ingredients, previously used in baits for other pest species, such as Bacillus sphaericus Meyer and Neide, boric acid, and spinosyns [7,18,19]. Sugar baits offer a unique vehicles of pesticide delivery because the sugars trigger an automatic tactical feeding response causing mosquitoes to ingest the integrated active ingredients in the baits and die. Ingested baits may have effects to larval mosquitoes because TSB-affected adult mosquitoes may die over a larval habitat, possibly horizontally transferring toxicants to larval habitats [15]. Due to this uniqueness of the TSB mosquito control method multiple evaluations into the types, and concentrations, of active ingredients that could be incorporated into a TSB started to be explored (Table 1).
Laboratory and field studies of TSBs with sucrose concentrations ranging from 5% to 20%, and multiple active ingredients, have been evaluated for control of Anopheline, Aedine, and Culicine mosquito species [8,14,15,17,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]. In laboratory studies using small screened cages, Xue et al. [14] applied a 5% sucrose solution TSB containing 1% boric acid to non-flowering Rhaphiolepis indica (L.) Lindl. plants to evaluate the mortality of 100 Aedes albopictus Skuse, Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann), and Culex nigripalpus Theobald after 48 h exposure to the TSB-covered plants. All mosquito species displayed greater than 96% mortality after exposure to the TSB [14]. During the semi-field portion of Xue et al. [14] study 5000 of each mosquito species were released into large screened cages, one species per cage, with 5% sucrose solution TSB with 1% boric acid applied to multiple plant species in each cage. Xue et al. [14] found that whereas the human landing rate counts (LRC) for Ae. albopictus were reduced, the LRC for both Ae. taeniorhynchus, and Cx. nigripalpus demonstrated little to no reduction [14]. Xue et al. [14] attributed these results, the non-decrease of LRC of Ae. taeniorhynchus, and Cx. nigripalpus, to the lack of attractive volatiles found in sucrose. The competition of natural sugar sources with attractant components, such as plant volatiles, co-located within the evaluation cages may have caused the mosquito to feed from an alternative plant source and not come into contact with TSBs applied to plants. During field studies, Hossain et al. [27] applied a 5% sucrose solution TSB with 1% boric acid around larval habitat of Ae. taeniorhynchus, greatly reducing the landing rate counts of these mosquitoes. TSBs with higher sucrose concentrations of 10%, have primarily focused on studying the mosquito ingestion of multiple active ingredients integrated into TSBs [15,23].
Allan et al. [15] evaluated the susceptibility of active ingredients from five chemical classes: pyrethroids (bifenthrin (7.9%), cyfluthrin (11.8%), deltamethrin (4.75%), permethrin (36.8%), phenylpyroles and fipronil (9.1%)), pyrroles (chlorfenapyr (21.45%)), neonicotinoids (imidacloprid (0.5%), thiamethoxam (21.6%)), and macrocyclic lactones (spinosad (2.46%), ivermectin (0.1%)) in TSB with 10% sucrose solution to Culex quinquefasciatus Say, Anopheles quadrimaculatus (Say), and Ae. taeniorhynchus. This study found that Cx. quinquefasciatus was the least susceptible mosquito to many of the active ingredients, for the other two species of mosquitoes the most effective active ingredients were fipronil, delatmethrin, imidacloprid, spinosad, thiamethoxam, bifentrin, permethrin, and cyfluthrin, and the least effective were chlorfenapyr and ivermectrin [15]. Allan’s [15] studies demonstrated that not only can multiple active ingredients be incorporated into TSBs, but they are species-dependent on how well they may work. Further evidence of active ingredients incorporated into TSBs, and their limitations can be seen in studies conducted by Shin et al. [23].
Shin et al. [23], evaluated the individual insecticidal properties of bendiocarb, permethrin, D-phenothrin, pirimiphos-methyl, α-cypermethrin, and λ-cyhalothrin with a 10% sucrose solution though contact, repellent, and route of action studies (direct contact vs. oral ingestion) on Culex pipiens molestus Forskal. The results of these studies determined that these insecticides, when mixed with 10% sucrose solution, behaved more as contact toxicants with <95% mortality through contact, and <15% mortality though ingestion of the insecticides, and that pirimiphos-methyl in sucrose solution was the most repellent TSB to these mosquitoes [23]. Shin et al. [23] studies demonstrate that not all insecticides can be utilized in TSBs for all species of mosquitoes without some possible repellency of the bait.
The studies of TSBs have lede baiting methods. Sugars are not overly attractive and TSB may be outcompeted by natural attractant sugar sources in the environment [14]. The TSBs in the studies mentioned were limited by possible repellency, mosquito species, limited attractiveness, and application placement [8,14,15,17,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]. To circumvent these limitations of TSBs, mosquito attractants began to be studied as possible additions to the TSB methods.
The environment is rich with different attractants that lure mosquitoes to sugar sources, like floral and extra floral nectaries, and rotted fruit or freshly-damaged fruit [6,28,29]. Mosquitoes locate sugar sources through visual attraction, olfactory attraction, and upon tarsal contact of sugars. Once the sugars are contacted, feeding is induced. Flower preference for mosquitoes may be regulated by the circadian rhythm of mosquito behaviors [6,30]. Like other pollinating insects, mosquitoes may be attracted to plants through visual attraction. In studies where night-foraging mosquitoes were collected, most of the mosquitoes were collected from pale-colored or white flowers [6,30]. Some exceptions to light-colored plant attraction have been noted for plants that have strong floral scents, with flower shape not seeming to play a role in mosquito preferences [6,31]. Normal plant sugars are not volatile leading theory that mosquitoes also use olfaction to locate fruits and flowers [31]. Mosquitoes have shown strong attraction, especially when sugar deprived, to flower odors, honey, raw and rotted fruit, and synthetic fragrances in the laboratory [6]. Müller and Schlein [31] found that mosquitoes in arid places were highly attracted to fragrant flowers, which they attributed to the lack of sugar sources and the possibly of a sugar meal being associated with the scent of flowers. Foster [6] indicates that there are components of floral scents that are attractive to mosquitoes: terpenes, phenols, aliphatic esters, and aldehydes. There are limited studies on the effects of combining these floral components for mosquito attraction.
Aside from flowers, fruits produce volatiles that are attractive to sugar-seeking mosquitoes. Theobald [32], in his monograph on Culicidae, describes mosquitoes feeding from banana slices. He further indicates that mosquitoes have been observed walking over fruit and inserting their proboscis into cavitations made by other insects [32]. Other instances of mosquito attraction to fruit come from multiple collections of mosquitoes on damaged and rotted apples, grapes, peaches, and watermelons [33]. Lastly, it has been postulated that mosquitoes may wander around during their resting periods and locate sugars. This is a complex or unknown behavior that has been displayed in other Dipterans while searching for honeydew on leaves [6].
Studies with TSBs were conducted to determine possible attractants that could be used to lure mosquitoes away from their natural sugar sources by offering a “preferred” sugar source. To devise a plant source-attractant for TSBs, fruit, flower, and seedpod attraction studies have been conducted with a number of different mosquito species: Culex pipiens L., Anopheles sergentii (Theobald), Aedes caspius Pallas, Anopheles gambiae Giles, and Ae. albopictus [7,31,34,35]. The first attractant studies were conducted with locally-available flowering and non-flowering plants [31]. Later, the possible mosquito attractants were broadened by incorporating fruit and edible seeds and insect honeydew as possible attractants [34]. These studies led to the discoveries that male and female mosquitoes are attracted to different sugar sources, and that multiple fruit and seedpods can be used as mosquito attractants [34,35]. The addition of the mosquito host-based attractant, CO2, presented with TSB, has been studied with Ae. aegypti and Ae. taeniorhynchus during semi-field and field studies. TSB (10% sucrose and either 1% boric acid or 0.1% fipronil) was co-located with sachets that produced CO2. During the semi field studies, the host-based ATSB was offered to mosquitoes for 48 h resulting in lower landing rate counts than the control cages. The same procedures were used during the field studies, however, the landing rate counts in control and treatment areas were the same, indicating that the addition of host kairomones into baits did not attract and control field populations of Ae. aegypti and Ae. taeniorhynchus [36].
Attractive toxic sugar baits are behavioral manipulation methods that attract adult mosquitoes away from natural sugar sources and induce them to feed from the bait [36,37,38]. When applied to foliage, and in bait stations, these baiting methods capitalize on resting and sugar seeking mosquitoes by being applied where mosquitoes rest, and by attracting them from their natural sugar sources [37,38]. Initial ATSB methods used plants as the attractants. The most attractive plants identified in the study area were sprayed with a color-stained sugar bait, while the same plants in another area were sprayed with TSB [7]. High numbers of mosquitoes (60.5%) captured were observed to have fed from the primitive stained attractive sugar bait (ASB) (non-toxic), with adult mosquito populations feeding from the TSB displaying 91% population control as compared to the ASB control site [7]. The movement away from applying TSB to attractive plants was a result of the effects this methodology poses to non-target organisms, which are also attracted to flowering plants [37]. Jiang and Mulla [39] discovered that in adding a sucrose solution (5%) to form an ingested aqueous bait, the sucrose not only worked as a phagostimulant, but also extended the feeding on the bait and subsequently increased the rate of death in eye gnats (Diptera: Chloropidae). Since many insects are attracted to flowering plants, and application of TSBs to attractive plants may increase the rate of bait consumption, primitive ATSB studies started to capitalize on other plant-based, sugars such as overripe fruit sources that were readily available in the study area, adding sucrose as a phagostimulant, with a toxicant forming rudimentary ATSBs. These primitive ATSBs had an advantage over using flowering plants already in the location as attractants, by being able to dispense fruit-based ATSB on non-flowering plants and around larval habitats to possibly decrease consumption of the baits by non-target organisms.
Multiple attractant fruit and sugar sources have been evaluated in laboratory, semi-field, and field studies that have produced between 36% and 97% mortality to mosquito populations lasting between 8 and 50 days (Table 2). Application methods of ATSBs followed similar patterns as those of TSBs. ATSBs have been applied to foliage in and around larval habitats as spot treatments, in barrier applications [7,9,31,37,40], and in bait stations [8,41,42,43,44,45].
Rudimentary ATSB methods demonstrated varying control of the different adult mosquito species. In an effort to standardized ATSBs to keep consistent mosquito control and demonstrate non-target effects from ATSB applications a, commercial-attractant formulation (Westham Co., Dallas, TX, USA) was developed. The commercial-attractant formulation has been evaluated with multiple active ingredients, such as dinotefuran, eugenol, and garlic oil. Varying levels of mosquito control, 62%–98%, were achieved for Anopheline, Aedine, and Culicine mosquitoes [38,44,48,49] (Table 3). Both rudimentary ATSB and commercially available ATSB methods have been successful in controlling multiple genera of mosquitoes over varying lengths of time. The discrepancies in the percentage of control and duration of treatment observed during rudimentary and commercially available ATSB studies have been attributed to factors of weather [9,46], plant species and flowering state [37,38,40], active ingredient [9,50], and the physiological state of the mosquitoes [43,45,46].
ATSBs and TSBs have focused primarily on adult mosquito control, hlarvicidal control though secondary contamination of larval habitats. Schlein and Pener [18] and Schlein and Müller [50] demonstrated that sugar baits have potential to be utilized as vehicles in larval mosquito control. Foliage applications of the sugar plus live Bacillus sphaericus (sugar bait) were made on resting sites above Cx. pipiens larval habitats, and alongside An. sergentii larval habitats. The adult mosquitoes ingested the sugar baits, rested, and died over larval habitat, thus, contaminating the larval habitat with the bacteria [18]. The utilization of sugar as a vehicle to control Cx. pipiens and An. sergentii, resulted in larval control for up to 22 and ~37 days post application of bait [18,50]. Fulcher et al. [26] demonstrated through simulated rain-wash experiments, that TSBs formulated with insect growth regulator, pyriproxyfen, could control 60%–100% of the larval mosquitoes coming into contact with the wash-off. These studies have provided evidence that ATSB methods may be expanded to include larval mosquito
An important aspect of IMM practices is to ensure the methods employed in mosquito control are environmentally sensitive [3,4,52,53]. The nature of most pesticides is to block important biological pathways in insects, thusly, insects change their behaviors after coming into contact with pesticides and displaying abnormal behavioral patterns that can lead to inaccurate collections of these insects [38,44,49,51]. To circumvent behavior changes brought about by toxic baits, simulated ATSB applications are conducted through stained ASB applications, to determine the consumption of ATSB by non-target insects.
To date, there have been four field studies on the effects of mosquito sugar-baiting methods on non-target arthropods with all current studies focusing on the non-target effects of the commercially available ASB [38,44,49,51]. To assess the possible primary non-target effects of ATSB applications these studies followed similar baiting and collecting methodologies with commercial attractant formulation-stained and -applied vegetation. Insects fed from the baits for a minimum of 48 h. To ensure an accurate assessment of the insects that fed from ASB, insects where collected with plate traps, pitfall traps, UV traps, sweep nets, and Malaise traps [38,44,49,51].
The major insect orders collected in each study where [38,44,49,51]. These studies determined that the location of the ASB application to flowering or non-flowering plants greatly affects non-target consumption of these baits (Table 4). In all of the studies, Diptera was the most affected order of insect regardless of[38,44,49,51]. Bait stations provided the best results from non-target studies with most non-targets unable to reach the baits and, as a result, displayed low instances of dyed guts [44].
Secondary exposure to pesticide application can affect predatory arthropods through consuming the insects targeted by the pesticide application [31,44,51]. To evaluate the possible secondary effects of ATSB predators, such as spiders, praying mantises, and predatory coleopterans were fed mosquitoes that had previously fed from, and were engorged with, ATSB [49,51]. None of the predatory arthropods were affected as a secondary result of feeding from the ATSB-engorged mosquitoes [49,51].
ATSB methods have displayed primary and secondary non-target effects with a limited number of non-target arthropod orders studied [49,5ATSB methods have limited effects on non-target arthropods, and allow more arthropod orders to be evaluated through similar bioassay methods.
ATSB methods can work as a stand-alone method of mosquito control or in conjunction with other mosquito control methods. Control methods for malarial vectoring mosquitoes rely heavily ondal nets that utilize pyrethroids as active ingredients [4,47]. These methods of mosquito control have been incredibly effective, yet their heavy reliance on pyrethroids has resulted in an increase in insecticide resistance [3,4]. Therefore, new techniques of mosquito control, such as ATSB methods, have been suggested to circumvent these problems and prevent malaria resurgence, while continuing to move forward with the elimination of malaria [47].
ATSBs dispersed in bait stations, in conjunction with bed nets, have been evaluated with the idea that host-seeking mosquitoes will deplete their energy reserves trying to access the host. The mosquitoes would then require a sugar meal to regain their energy reserves and imbibe the available ATSB solutions [47]. In field experiments using huts, Stewart et al. [47] evaluated three ATSBs (Table 2) in bait stations against natural populations of mosquitoes (An. arabiensis, Cx. quinquefasciatus) in conjunction withBait stations consisted of paper towels soaked in the respective ATSB, attached to frames and positioned over trays to catch any drippings [47]. The study was conducted to determine ifs. In the hut trials% to 48% against An. arabiensis and 36%–43% against Cx. quinquefasciatus [47]. Stewart et al.’s [47] research has provided examples of how ATSB methods can be utilized to work synergistically with other mosquito control methods.
To circumvent accumulation of pesticide in the environment, and the negative effects of chemical insecticides, other studies have been conducted with Aedine and Anopheline mosquitoes through para-transgenic and transgenic methods by integrating bacteria or double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into toxic sugar baits [22,24]. In a para-transgenic approach to mosquito control with a sugar bait (SB), Lindh et al. [22] experimented with introducing bacteria (Bacillus sp., Klebisella sp., P. stewartii) into Ae. aegypti, and (P. stewartii, Pseudomonas sp.) into An. gambiae s.s. through ingestion of 10% sucrose solution containing sterilized bacterium. Both mosquito species consumed the bacterium SB and the control (10% sucrose solution) in equal quantities [22]. Future studies into para-transgenic mosquito control should focus on SB as vehicles to introduce bacterium into mosquitoes that inhibit pathogens in the guts of mosquitoes [22]. Transgenic approaches to mosquito control through TSBs are beginning to be explored though the introduction of dsRNA into target mosquitos [24]. Coy et al. [24] used mosquito ingestion, and gene knock down to study the effects of introducing dsRNA into mosquitoes through TSB methods. To determine if 3–5 days old Ae. aegypti would readily ingest dsRNA, and if the dsRNA was recoverable in the mosquito, the mosquitoes were fed Remebee® (Beeologics, Inc., St. Louis, MO, USA) “a blend of two dsRNA molecules of approximately 480 base pairs RNAi each, which are homologous to the sequence of Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus genome reagent” [24] in varying concentrations (100, 500, 1000, 5000 µL) mixed into 10% sucrose solution, the whole mosquito was used to determine recovery. These experiments deduced that the Remebee® could be recovered and was concentration-dependent [24]. Since the whole mosquito was used to determine if the dsRNA was recoverable, future research into specific locations of the introduced dsRNA in the mosquito body should be conducted. The subsequent studies conducted by Coy et al. [24] involved gene knockdown though feeding Ae. aegypti 680 µL Remebee® in 10% sucrose solution for up to 24 h. The mosquitoes were collected at 12, 24, and 48 h, and the RNA was isolated through Ambion’s RNaqueous 4-PCR Kit (Grand Island, NY, USA). Coy et al. [24] found a 2.4–2.5 fold reduction in gene expression for all three of the time periods evaluated. No knockdown mortality was observed during these studies. Lastly, exclusionary bait stations may be necessary for this methodology to exclude non-target insects, and because the dsRNA may be broken down in the environment [24]. These evaluations have determined that certain bacteria and dsRNA can be introduced into mosquitoes using sugar baiting methodologies, and that future research into these methodologies is promising. To date, ATSBs as methods to introduce bacteria or dsRNA have not been evaluated.
Toxic sugar baiting methods for the control of mosquitoes has been advancing over the last sixty years. The advancements which have been briefly explored in this review include: insect baiting, mosquito sugar baits, mosquito attractants and attractant studies, ATSBs, larvicidal effects of these baits, the effects of ATSB on non-target insects, and future applications of ATSB methodologies. Throughout this review, sugar baiting methods have resulted in the control of multiple mosquito species and low impacts on non-target arthropods. Toxic sugar baits, under certain circumstances, and ATSBs are an effective method of mosquito control that should be continued to advance and be utilized for adult and larval mosquito control, with further research into integrating this method into mosquito abatement programs.
We would like to thank the staff andt for supporting this research.
Jodi M. Fiorenzano researched the background materials and wrote the review. Philip G. Koehler edited and gave guidance to the review article. Rui-De Xue mentored development and writing of review article.
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee. Mode of Action Labeling of Insecticides. Available online: (accessed on 16 December 2016).
Table 1. Active ingredients (AI) and percent AI incorporated into toxic sugar baits and attractive toxic sugar baits for adult mosquito control, by group, subgroup, class, common names, and mode of action (MOA) as indicat[20].
P. stewartii sp.
Table 2. Attractive sugar bait studies (ATSB) by attractant and active ingredient. Data represents attractant sources, percentage of attractants and phagostimulants, references for studies with dates, and results of studies.
Table 3. Attractive sugar bait studies (ATSB) with commercial-attractant formulation. Data represents attractant source4. Non-target studies conducted with commercially available attractive sugar bait (ASB) with insect orders and families evaluated for consumption effects of bait and secondary effects though consumption-affected mosquitoes. |
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en | N/A | N/A | Don't put someone on Mars just for the sake of it. Build a space elevator and democratise the final frontier.
His death has struck home the failure of mankind to build on the legacy of exploration that his generation left us. Just 24 men have travelled beyond low Earth orbit, and just 12 have set foot on an extraterrestrial surface. Of those 12, eight remain, and none were born after 1935. Space travel is an old man's game, it seems.
Coming so soon after the success of the Mars Science Laboratory's mission – when NASA landed a nuclear-powered, laser-armed, one-tonne rover on the red planet – all eyes have naturally turned to the only other planet in the solar system which humans could realistically walk on. (Mercury and Venus would kill you in seconds, the gas giants are, well, gas, and Pluto is so cold oxygen freezes.)
But no matter how impressive the trip to the Moon was, we mustn't forget that it was as much a product of imperialistic showmanship as an urge for exploration. America went, not to indulge their, and our, curiosity, but to shove a big, lunar, stars and stripes in the face of the Russians.
We know we can put people on Mars. The technical aspects are tricky, but not much more so than putting an SUV-sized rover there. Almost more difficult are the social aspects; the crew would be in near-isolation for around two years, with only each other and low-bandwidth links to Earth for company. Probably best to keep sharp objects safely stowed away.
And there's not actually a huge amount of curiosity which would be sated. We've sent four science labs to Mars, of increasing complexity. We've got hi-def photography, 3D scenes, panoramas; we've got chemical analysis of the rocks, satellite pics of geographic features and left miles of wheel grooves from exploration. In short, we've got everything other than a photo of a person standing on the planet.
If we are to use the death of the old generation of explorers to spur on a revival in the idea for this generation, let's also learn from their mistakes. Don't follow a paradigm which results in 0.0000003 per cent of the planet making it out of orbit; create a new one, which lets this massive achievement change the lives of many, rather than a lucky (or foolhardy) few.
Forbes' Bruce Dorminey explains:. |
en | N/A | N/A | muted by the hustle of mid-morning traffic strolling the streets. Tourists and locals alike pour into shops and restaurants with an undisclosed purpose. Iced lattes and weekend deals at boutique shops drive these robots to their destinations.
As the afternoon watch begins, pub doors begin to swing open and outdoor patios fill. The smell of barbecue makes its way inland via the ocean breeze alluring people towards the coast – meshing locals and tourists, boater and non-boaters at the heart of the boat show. Moving towards the sea, the music of the waves on the seawall becomes audible once more. |
en | N/A | N/A | Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme made major news, as many millionaires and billionaires were affected. Now, Madoff is dead, and we’re taking a look back at a few of the Hollywood elite who were most negatively hurt by his actions. Kevin Bacon, an actor known for his work on Footloose, Mystic River, and Apollo 13, lost a ton of money from the scheme, and it harmed Kevin Bacon’s net worth. Here’s what he lost.
Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme was once known as one of the major players on Wall Street, USA Today reports. He was a Nasdaq stock market chairman who worked with celebrities and charities on getting them investments with large returns. Unfortunately, Madoff participated in a Ponzi scheme. It involved taking investments from later investors and paying off the earlier investors.
In 2008, things went downhill for Madoff. Investors wanted to withdraw their money due to the recession, but Madoff didn’t have the funds available. Some clients were told they had holdings worth $60 billion, but this wasn’t the case. Many folks had their savings and retirement funding totally wiped out by Madoff. And some famous people, like Steven Spielberg and Kevin Bacon, were notoriously affected.
Biography notes Kevin Bacon’s net worth was heavily affected by Madoff, as was his wife’s. Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick lost $100 million, according to Meaww. But Celebrity Net Worth gives a less severe number — up to $30-$40 million.
What is Kevin Bacon’s net worth in 2021? |
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Noel Holt –
This is good quality Brass. Much better than any that starts with a W or a Pr if ya know what I mean? Lol. Real shame Brass has become so expensive though. You really need a second job to stay stocked up. |
en | N/A | N/A | UJ Launches Artists in Residence Programme
The University of Johannesburg’s new residency programme aims to advance arts-practice as research and is open for applications from artistsa. Artists working in one or a combination of Visual Artsare eligible to apply for physical and/or remote residencies at the institution.
The closing date for applications for the UJ Artists in Residence Programme is 18 March 2022 with residencies commencing from 1 May 2022.
Submit an application via this link: here |
en | N/A | N/A | Reproduction of Li Gonglin's Painting of Su Shi
1619, Wanli reign (1573–1620), Ming dynasty (1368–1644)
Words of Su the Bearded Duke
Words of Dongpo
Exemplary Calligraphy of Su Shi
Snow Wave Rocks and the Qianlong Emperor's Record of the Snow Wave Rocks
Dongpo's Teapot
1730, 1109, Daguan reign (1107–1110), Northern Song dynasty (960–1127)
Yuanyou reign (1086–1094), Northern Song dynasty (960–1127)
313 1 2 3 4 5 > END |
en | N/A | N/A | Th) and `Contracted Catchment` class objects in the [Geofabric](
Both `Mesh Block` and `Contracted Catchment` features are represented spatially as polygons of varying area, consequently the following 3 spatial relations are present:
* *within* - A `Mesh Block` may be wholly within `Contracted Catchment`
* *overlaps* - A `Mesh Block` may overlap a `Contracted Catchment`
* *contains* - A `Mesh Block` may be wholly contained within a `Contracted Catchment`
These three relationships are expressed using predicates from the [GeoSPARQLd correspond to 'Simple Features' relationships, as defined by the [Open Geospatial Consortium](
Additionally, a new relationship (RDF predicate) *transitive overlaps* is defined within the LocI project's [GeoSPARQL Extensions Ontology]( and this is also used. This relationship allows for absolute area overlaps to be indicated by having two overlapping polygons indicate the polygon of their intersection.
The formal definition of what a Linkset is, is provided by the Location Index (LocI) project within its project ontology, see:

**Figure 1**: A Mesh Block (red outline) overlapping two Contracted Catchments (blue and purple ploygons)
* [data.ttl](data.ttl) - this Linkset’s main data files.
* [example-data-overlaps.ttl](example-data-overlaps.ttl) - 10 Statements from the Linkset where a Mesh Block overlaps a Contracted Catchment, for ease of access, in RDF (turtle) format, as per the main data file
* [example-data-within.ttl](example-data-withinis wholly within* [overlaps.png](overview.png) - the image above
This repository contains a Linkset. [Linkset]( are specialised Linked Data datasets that link objects, such as Addresses or Contracted Catchments, in one Linked Data dataset to objects in another.
This Linkset - GNAF Current Addresses to Geofabric Contracted Catchments Linkset - is a spatial relations Linkset linking GNAF Current Addresses (points) to Geofabric Contracted Catchments (polygons) by indicating which Contracted Catchment each Address is within.
Contracted Catchment 7155143
* **A header**
* **A (long) set of Statements**
They also include a few (perhaps 10) example Statements in a stand-alone text file - example-data-… .ttl (numbered as there may be many).
### Linkset files
In addition to the main Linkset data file and the header.ttl and example-data.ttl files, there are usually several other files within a Linkset, including this README file. General Linkset files include:
* since this could be very large (1.5GB+), it is often compressed (*data.ttl.gz*) and sometimes split into parts (*data01.ttl.gz*, *data02.ttl.gz*...)
* **LICENSE** - the data license assigned to this Linkset’s content
This specific Linkset’s files are listed in above in Repository Content.
### Linkset data format
In its long list of statements, this Linkset expresses each link like this:
* Statement MW1 says:
* Contracted Catchment 7155143
* Link generated via SpatialIntersection Method
:mw1 a rdf:Statement ;
rdf:subject: address:GAACT714845933 ;
rdf:predicate: geo:sfWithin ;
rdf:object catchment |
en | N/A | N/A | The 21st-century economy (especially now) is bringing so many new challenges and changes that many professionals simply are not ready for!
Udemy is kind of a one-stop-shop for all kinds of skills and personal development training. Some of the best courses I have ever taken I found on here. They have courses about lifss skills training, persuasion, negotiations, sales and so many more!
Google Digital Garage. This is another awesome platform that has a variety of very practical courses. They are free and involve everything from digital marketing, well being, communications skills, soft skills, logical and critical thinking, business skills, leadership, emotional intelligence, increasing productivity and so many more!
All of these sources are easily available and we can personally vouch for all of them!Given the current times, we are also learning digital marketing, online course development, webinar delivery, content marketing, and SEO. As career coaches, executive coaches, and professional trainers we often practice what we preach. We need to! |
en | N/A | N/A | The use of utility device increased in the month of November where some of the most commonly used devices are terrible for the environment. Also, many novel technologically advanced systems are being built to reduce carbon and get sustainable heating. Geothermal is eco-friendly and works on temperature changes deep inside the earth. The drawback of the system is the high installation costs where it may take a decade to pay off the implementation and equipment charges. In addition, modifications are required in the base structure of the house to get better efficiency.
Some houses make use of pellet heating system, where wood and a mixture of fuel is used for heating.
Some new wood burners’ helps in heating the rooms using sawdust pellets but installation of such systems can be expensive where one requires pipes and chimney as vents.
Masonry heaters are efficient and require a low installation charges but it burns wood, where heat is trapped in the room and lesser amount of wood is required.
Geothermal energies can provide sustainable carbon free solutions where heat from deep underground is trapped and used for a number of processes by connecting to resources to heat, cool or produce electricity. Hydraulic heating pipes can be installed below the floor and the heat produced through such pipes is distributed throughout the home where the pipes can get heated through solar or geothermal energy systems. The heated water is pushed across the pipes where its heat can be used with the help of a pump and a heat exchanger.
Some recent studies find country such as Netherlands could meet 50 per cent of its energy demand through geothermal. The process involves storing hot water from deep underground into reservoirs. Temporary buffering is planned through doubles, which are expensive but can pay back in the long-term. Such reservoirs can make use of underground hot water. Such projects aim to find ways to increase efficiency and explore possibilities in geothermal.
These days many European countries are using wind power to generate energy for heating.
Wind and solar system are, at present, one of the least expensive renewable forms and are most popular, in comparison to, other carbon free sources such as geothermal, waves, biomass, hydro thermal etc. Photovoltaic panels received half of the total green investments in 2004 as per Bloomberg reports, whereas, 93 per cent of the investments in carbon free energy generation in 2018 was made towards solar and wind.
Geothermal and wave are systems, which cannot be used anywhere. A Marine system can produce electricity through waves but the energy produced through these methods is not cost competitive. Solar and wind based systems are not location specific and their energies can be stored in batteries, that can be used anytime, in any season. Experts believe the two methods can provide a good replacement for fossils but it is necessary to trap other methods as well to eliminate fossils completely. |
en | N/A | N/A | Maruti Suzuki India announced the launch of the CNG variant of the all-new Celerio priced at Rs 6.58 lakh, ex showroom Delhie newty).
All-New Celerio CNG Technical Specifications:
82.1Nm@3400 rpm (CNG Mode)
89.0Nm@3500 rpm (Gasoline Mode)
41.7kW@5300 rpm (CNG Mode)
48.0kW@5500 rpm (Gasoline Mode)
35.60 km/kg*
Price (Ex-showroom – Delhi)
Celerio VXi CNG
6,58,000/-a pioneery fittedi'g. With green mobility in focus, we have witnessed 22% CAGR increase in our CNG sales in the past five years."
The new Celerio was launched in November'21 in petrol avatar and has received a phenomenal customer response with .
Maruti Suzuki factory fittedV. S-CNG vehicles are also designed for safety, engine durability, convenience, and great mileage. |
en | N/A | N/A | Ads promoting wealthy goods, lifestyles banned
A billboard outside a Beijing development promotes the project as "for distinguished residents", a commonly seen boast. Provided to China Daily
The clean up means commercials posted or aired in public can no longer include words like "supreme", "royal", "luxury" or "high class", all of which frequently appear in Chinese promotions for real estate developments, vehicles and wines.
The regulation, which comes into effect on April, is aimed at preventing false advertising and aiding the growth of the industry, the authority said. Offenders face fines of up to 30,000 yuan.
Wang Yong, who works at a State-owned company in Beijing, said that when he was looking for a new apartment, he noticed many real estate promotions used words like "royal" and "luxury".
Official statistics show that 10,390 advertisements have been registered for public display since 2006, including 1,413 in 2010. However, an insider at a Beijing advertising industrycy admitted that false advertising had become a common problem in the capital.
"Many of our clients are real estate firms who insist on using words like 'mansion' and 'elite' to make their properties sound better," she said. "Actually, some are not as luxurious as they say. Maybe the government is trying to reducehe product is really like."
, organized a workshop on the management of outdoor advertising.
(China Daily 03/21/2011) |
en | N/A | N/A | Who was Tyrus Wong? Google honors famed Chinese-American illustrator
Happy Birthday, Tyrus Wong! →
Wong, who was born in 1910 in southern China’s Guangdong Province, moved to Sacramento, California, with his father when he was only 10 years old. They eventually settled in Los Angeles.
» RELATED: Who was Roberto Clemente? Google honors famed Puerto Rican baseball star
After graduating from Otis Art Institute, Wong’s work was showcased at the Chicago Art Institute alongside greats like Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse.
Known for his role in shaping the cultural and artistic life of Los Angeles, Wong’s landscape paintings were often influenced by both his Asian roots and Western training. He and fellow creators Hideo Date and Benji Okubo became known as the “Los Angeles Orientalists.”,” American Masters: Tyrus filmmaker Pamela Tom told PBS. “s.”
Thursday’s Google doodle video, created by team member Sophie Diao, “was heavily inspired by Tyrus’cal.” Watch below:
Cure your cravings with these 4/20 food deals in Atlanta |
en | N/A | N/A | The acclaimed vocalist, pianist and composer Tony DeSare, whom The New York Times describes as "Two parts Frank Sinatra and one part Billy Joel",Sinatra and Nat King Cole, and also a revivalists in the same category as Harry Connick Jr., John Pizzarelli and Peter Cincotti. It is an honor for Jazz San Javier to present, for the first time in Spain, this fantastic artist who combines in his repertoire the best elements of jazz, pop and cabaret, and who will showcase, with new sparkle some of the best recordings of the Great American Songbook. |
en | N/A | N/A | Embody a nurturing, collaborative educational environment necessary to embolden our trainees as they charter their independent, lifetime careers.
Thank you for your interest in the Stanford General Cardiology Medicine Fellowship program. Please explore all the opportunities our program has to offer and contact us with any questions.
Intensive, individually tailored training in invasive and noninvasive clinical cardiology as well as in basic and/or clinical cardiovascular research prepares each fellow to pursue their career at the forefront of cardiology.
Our division is committed to continuous and active anti-racist efforts spanning Our division is proud to have contributed at a scholarly level to the identification of cardiovascular healthcare disparities, and at a leadership level to both educate the healthcare community and design effective strategies to address disparities. At present, approximately 10% of our faculty (UIM), including three tenure track faculty members hired within the last few years. Over the last 10 years, approximately 10% of our fellows have comWe recognize that much remains to be done in this area. Our fellowship review process is holistic, taking into account barriers overcome by applicants as well as their accomplishments. Our goal is to recruit and retain fellows and faculty who reflect the diversity of the United States. We believe this will better serve our patients and help to eliminate disparities on the basis of race, gender identify, and sexual orientation which persist in this country and in the U.S. healthcare system.
The national underrepresentation of women in cardiology and its subspecialties is well documented. While women now comprise over 50% of internal medicine residents, only 30% of cardiology fellowship applicants are women and only 15% of academic cardiology faculty are women. Over the last few years, our division has been proud to have more than doubled the number of women on our faculty. Currently, approximately 30% of our faculty are women, and women are represented in all affinity groups within the Division. Within the last 10 years, about 35% of our cardiology fellows have been women. Our faculty have contributed seminal work on potential causes for these gaps, and as a division, we strive to actively recruit, mentor, support and advocate for women (including through an active Women in Cardiology mentorship group) on their journey to be leaders in cardiovascular medicine. |
en | N/A | N/A | m just putting around or really tired. And oddly, I never seem to be appreciably slower. But beyond that, I learned how to use the three other positions Boscos offer (at the bend [better with some stoker knobs, very similar to hoods on a drop bar with them], down on the flats, and with my elbows on the long grips). And, that's a surprising range of positions and aggression. From full dutch upright, to a relaxed roadster stance, to a pretty aggressive flat bar stance. Pic reference: Once I got the hang of that, things went from OK to wonderful. And, I know this might sound counter-intuitive, since your problem is you feel the bars are in too close, but if the other hand positions don't feel right you might try a shorter stem. The Clem has such a massively long top tube so you don't have to use a wildly long reach stem, and when you shorten that down it helps bring the reach to the bend and the flats into more normal positions. Well, at least for me. On my 52cm I use a 10cm stem, for reference. Sure, the upright gets more upright, but it opens up all those other grips so you can rotate through them depending on your mood. If you max the length out, I feel it locks you more into just using the one grip as the ends of the bars and that does leave things feeling solely cruisery.
Thank you for your valuable info. I will stick it out for a hwile as is, just to give the bars a chance.
Here's a link to a picture that shows the sweep and rise of the VO Tourist barsReplyDelete and a link that shows the sweep and rise of the Nitto Albatrous bars. One last thing Soma Oxford bars are pretty much the same as the Nitto Albas. The finish isn't as nice but there less expensive. You can always sell the Bosco's to someone from the Rivendell owners bunch.
Ah yes, I'll eventually sort it out, I'm sure. Plan to wrap existing bars with inexpensive bar tape just so I'll have multiple usable/padded hand positions for an upcoming trip. </s> Elements Hummingbird
Our Elements Hummingbird will rapidly flutter into your heart. One of our newest pieces to the sustainable Elements Collection.!
Accented with gold flakes g.
-. </s> Photo by Pixabay on
“How can we take advantage of our layover on the way back to the USA, and turn it into a vacation?”
“Where can we go, from London, that is cheap to get to?”
One of our genius ideas was to take a train across the UK and catch a ferry to Ireland. Well, we did it. It was a great idea, in theory. It was not a great idea to do after flying all night with a toddler who was already behind about 9 hours of sleep .
- Part of this plan involved getting ourselves across London in 5.5 hours to the main train station. No big deal, right? How hard could it be, right? We even had specific lines and stops spelled out from a friend. What we did not factor in: 3 HUGE SUITCASES, the baby, a stroller, a car seat, 3 carry-ons. Kill. Me. We took 3 trains just to get to the main train station to take 2 more trains. Fact: most stations have no lift (elevator), and just stairs. lots. of. stairs. If this had been Amazing Race: Families, we would have won.
- As we were boarding train #5 of the day, JT started crying uncontrollably and climbing up me, completely angrysadfreakingoutcrazy for the longest 15 minutes of the lives of the people on that crowded train. All I could think was, “We still have 2 hours on this train, 1 hour to switch, and 3 hours on a ferry, before we catch a cab to get a rental car, all before we ever get to a bed.” All I could say was,”James. This. Bad idea.”
- Londoners blew my mind in helpfulness. Almost every time we came upon a staircase, a random stranger would not even slow down before jumping in and carrying a stroller, or 40 pound suitcase, or me up several flights of stairs. Seriously. And every one of them had a great attitude doing it.
- Eating the most amazing Upper Crust sandwiches on train #4.
- By God’s grace, we made every train, plan, ferry, and connection on time. The real miracle was catching train #5, which only happened because it was 5 minutes late. I’m not even kidding a little. Even then, it was close.
- London-Heathrow airport finding our stroller in 15 minutes flat. Disaster averted!
3 thoughts on “How to fly to Ireland for $100”
More. Give me more!
I love your adventure on so many levels. It truly shows a great partnership. It will strengthen you as friends and husband and wife. It confirms a “why not” attitude that we should all have. Unfortunately we sometimes see too many barriers instead of the opportunit to make something happen. In most cases, people don’t want to work hard for the experience. Life is about the journey, and your journey is inspiring. It shows completely that people will find a way to do the things they really want, regardless of inconveniencnavigating the inconvenience. JT has fabulous and inspiring parents!
This is so sweet. Thanks for the encouragement! We needed it for the last 3 flights to the USA…they were rough. </s> Trending News
ok... so I want to be |
en | N/A | N/A | Tryouts are held in the spring, at end of the school year. A science test and building test are part of the tryout with teacher recommendations.
Science Olympiad is a 2 quarter class, all of first semester. Starting in January we will meet after school. |
en | N/A | N/A | 4. which are missing or damaged.
. |
en | N/A | N/A | Comova Cycling is about finding joy through exploration by bicycle. What about cycling brings you joy?
For some, it’s the bike itself. I love my Black Mountain Cycles “monstercross” bike more than any bike I’ve ever owned. From my first ride on it when I took it felt as if the bike was anticipating my every move, to my local “dump lap” route (a gravel road around a retired landfill) where the bike transitions seamlessly from bike path to chip seal to packed gravel to loose aggregate. Riding this bike brings me joy.
I also find joy in identifying the perfect piece of gear–whether components, accessories or even clothing. Right now I’m running WTB Exposure 36 tires and they are amazing. What can’t they do? Just the idea of testing the limits of these tires by taking them out on a new route or different terrain gets me motivated to go out for a ride.
Cyclists have all sorts of reasons for riding. But at the end of the day, you have to identify the things about cycling that bring you joy. For some, joy is derived from setting goals and achieving them, something that apps like Strava strive to make easier and easier.
In other words, Strava has created an incentive, at least for those motivated to attain Local Legend status, to go out and repeat a particular segment as many times as possible. Sort of like Everesting, but where the elevation gain is unimportant. Where’s the joy in that?
As someone who used to hold some KOMs, about 10 years ago when local pros had yet to discover Strava, I understand the addition of this feature. I don’t compete for KOMs any longer. And since most of my PRs were set in my prime, and aging has a way of slowing us down, these days I don’t even bother to look at a ride to see if I’ve bested my own time on a segment. So how does Strava keep a cyclist like me actively engaged with the site? They have to find new ways to motivate us.
Has Strava become so dominant that a new feature has a trickle down effect, first to GPS devices and then to the actual style and spirit in which we ride? We already have the answer in the form of “KOM Hunting” tips (see here, here and here specifically for triathletes).
When Fretz confesses that such a feature might motivate him to “game the ride a bit more,” it is apparent that Local Legends is likely to have the same effect on how people plan and undertake a ride. Gamification of cycling is the natural outcome of the premise that narrowly defines cyclists’ motivations in terms of quantifiable, and thereby rankable, achievements.
Strava doesn’t seem to be in the business of supporting cyclists in finding joy in cycling. They are in the business of manipulating our need to be seen and to be ranked favorably by those who see us. Stimulating this need with the lure of new badges, icons, and notifications seems unlikely to nurture joy in cycling over the long haul and may even snuff out other ways of finding joy, especially for new cyclists.
What if Strava or another platform created segments or routes not for the purpose of generating competition and comparison, but with the intent to crowdsource and share local knowledge about highlights or features of a segment or route that might be valuable to other riders looking for new places to ride or new experiences to have while riding?
Along with watts and VAM we could be tracking pavement quality, shoulder width, sights, scents or even wildlife observed. There are a wide range of potential characteristics for ranking routes instead of (or in addition to) riders. What if a platform allowed users to filter and find routes by dialing up or down the characteristics important to them?
The beauty of it is that we can have both features to track fitness and mark personal achievements and features to enhance our ability to discover roads and routes that make a ride more enjoyable.
I won’t mind if KOM hunters want to come out to race around my “dump lap,” as long as they don’t mind if I stop to watch the red tailed hawks circling overhead in search of the elusive landfill jackrabbit. |
en | N/A | N/A | The big new thing isn’t going to replace the boring old thing that’s been around forever. Ever.
Market bubbles are often based on “new paradigm” thinking – like a new concept or technology that’s considered revolutionary and with unlimited profit potential. But as prices keep rising, and paper fortunes are made, the mania takes on a life of its own. Business realities are forgotten, and getting rich on soaring prices is all that matters. Before long, the mania subsides, and prices fall – often dramatically.
The price surge of cryptocurrency bitcoin from US$215 last summer to a high of US$763 earlier this summer is an example of this kind of new paradigm thought. Bitcoin fans envision unlimited use of the digital currency, and unlimited profits for investors. They view it as the “gold of the digital era” – a safe haven for people to park their cash when the financial world is in turmoil.
(Bitcoin is y. atabase called the “blockchain.”internet. It allows anyone with internet access to make a financial transaction without the need for a middleman, like a bank.)
The latest bitcoin bubble may have popped
The argument for higher bitcoin prices goes something like this: Similar to personal computers in the ‘70s and the Internet in the ‘90s, bitcoin is a disruptive technology that is just now going mainstream. Its use as a safe-haven currency will surge as global investors abandon paper currencies and seek alternatives. Because of bitcoin’s small market size, the tsunami of money chasing bitcoin will drive the digital currency’s price into the stratosphere.
Bitcoin is not going mainstream any time soon
This doesn’t bode well for bitcoin’s price and its US$9.2 billion market value. The last time the bitcoin bubble burst, bitcoin fell from US$1137 in November of 2013, to US$310 a year later – a drop of 73 percent.
The biggest barriers to bitcoin going mainstream and becoming a “new paradigm” include:
- Extreme volatility. In U.S. dollar terms, bitcoin is 11 times more volatile than the British pound and 3 times more volatile than oil. Anything that volatile is not a reliable payment method or store of value.
- Regulation. Anything that becomes really popular and that involves money eventually attracts the interest of government regulators. So, as bitcoin gains more users, expect countries like the U.S. and China (where cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are used to illegally move money in and out of the country) to crack down on its use, or regulate it to death.
- Perceived security risk. The recent news of hackers stealing 119,756 bitcoins (US$70 million) in Hong Kong validates this concern. attack. And even though the hackers stole from traders’ accounts, and not the underlying blockchain, the general public will not understand the difference. All they will think is that bitcoins can be stolen by hackers.
For more on the case for buying gold, click here for your free copy of our latest gold report. |
en | N/A | N/A | Information and guides for living in multi unit residential building
A great resource for owners and investors, published by the Department of Justice (Vic)
What you need to know about living in your Strata Community (NSW, published by NSW Office of fair trading)
A quick guide to community living in Queensland
Money Smart Property Investment Information
Owners Corporation Management Resources
Strata made easy. The need-to-know book of strata management
Great Resource for anyone interested in understanding Owners Corporations published by Westpac
National Membership Association to assist Property Owners and respresent the strata title residential developments
Resource developed and published by Owners Corporation Network with financial support from the NSW Office of Fair Trading
Noise in Apartment building
practical tips for renters on how to live greener. Source the Australian Government Website Living Greener
enters Guide to Sustainable Living
Great website to encourage creativity, collaboration and transformation of urban places and spaces
Instant Place Making instructions
Published by Creative Communities Great tool for the process to engage residents to turn a space into a place. Designed for public spaces but can be easily be adapted for common spaces in a residential building.
A great guide to engage the community to create great places. It is from the US but many tools are useful in different contexts.
Social Cities by Grattan Institute
Interesting study and report on to make cities better place to life by increasing opportunities for people to interact. It looks at some inexpensive strategies which could be suitable for vertical communities. |
en | N/A | N/A | Years ago, there were Christian leaders who would promote homeschooling. We remember Dr. James Dobson who would warn of public schools, as a Christian leader who used to be part of an organization called Focus on the Family. Instead of encouraging Christian families to pull their children out of the public schools, now Christian leaders are encouraging their 7 year old children to have a dialogue on transgenderism in the public schools. Is “dialogue” the right word? Besides, the foundations of the public schools and all of knowledge is more important than the transgendered restrooms. |
en | N/A | N/A | why I absolutely fan-girled when Kate agreed to come onto Clean Chat. As we all live demanding lives, it becomes increasingly harder to find time for ourselves and find that happy balance. There really is no one better to talk about this than Kate herself. Outside of her wellness blog, she is girl-bossing as the CEO of a growing chess software company. Thus in our podcast we discuss some effective tools and tricks on how to balance a healthier lifestyle while living a busy life. We also talk about some exclusive clean beauty tricks as well as life changing experiences she has had in Bali on a yoga retreat. Also, check out her Instagram – you will feel so inspired to take a health and beauty break!
Can’t wait for you to check out our podcast below. Don’t forget to check out her blog at or her Instagram @livingprettynaturally. Now on to the show! </s> .
A. </s> As tforeign nationals continues in South Africa, a video circulating social media alleges that a number of Nigerians have been captured and are about to be deported back to their country.
Watch the video below and Pray for Nig – </s> cessor
Archives for </s> (makes 2, can easily be doubled or tripled)
Continue reading Mexican Spiced Lava Cakes
Continue reading Tamari Sablefish
This easy peasy salsa is great with corn chips, on top of eggs or chicken tacos.’Cataract Operations </s> Record Store Day 2018, The Alarm “Where The Two Rivers Meet”
Se of brand new music from Mike Peters and The Alarm.
Year One </s> Date of stay: January 25-26, 2019
Address: Kompleks TH Sepang, Jalan Masjid KlIA, Selangor, 64000 Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia
Room: Twin Superior Room
Rate: 891.22SEK with breakfast plus 10MYR tourist tax
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Free Shuttle Service Schedule </s> If.
— Rilke, Borgeby gard, Sweden, August 12, 1904
Letters to a Young Poet </s> Many things factor into an Achilles tendon rupture. The tear generally occurs after a sudden strain or impact, like jumping, sprinting, or other intense movements. It’s more likely to happen after the connector has been weakened by previous injuries, too. Bad shoes, overuse, and poor conditioning, especiallyr activities, stresses the tendon and injures it. Once it’s weakened, it isn’t as able to withstand hard landings and sudden pulls.
That’s why it’s important to take care of an Achilles tendon injury when it happens, whether or not it seems minor initially. Don’t wear worn out or unsupportive shoes, especially when you are active. If you experiencback of your heel when exercising, have the discomfort examined right away. It’s much quicker and easier to recovery from a minor condition than it is to deal with repairing a ruptured tendon. Contact Vargas Foot & Ankle Specialists in Texas by calling 888-784-5335 or visiting the website contact page to request an appointment or more information. </s> Fourteen:
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A complete CV along with recent photo should be send not later than May |
en | N/A | N/A | Pou, a yoga teacher, is one of the roughly half a million Puerto Ricans. This follows a pattern; in the 1900s, a labor sho.
The eventual buyers: A team made up of Jeff Buell, a local developer, and the married couple Justin and Jennifer Miller (an a.
Hanna Miraftab and Perla Navia have already started filming for the next series of the hit ITVBE show and may shock fans with.
Yoga Guru Ramdev’s luck and popularity appears to be running. Whosoever will try to stop this could possibly loose their jobs," said B. K. Singh, Vice President, The Centre for Trade Unions (CITU),
One full-page ad that had been running monthly in the Monitor on Psychology, APA’s flagship magazine for psychologists, was a.
To celebrate yoga day, Guinness World Records here rounds up ten of the best Guinness World Records titles connected to the physical and spiritual exercise.
Name of the Post: Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 Sambalpur Teacher/ Instructor Walk in 2018 Post Date: 05-03-2018 Total Vacancy: 00 Brief Information: Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2, Sambalpur has announced a notification for the recruitment of Contractual Teachers/ Instructors (PRT, TGT & Other) vacancies on contract basis. Those Candidates who.
He also expressed willingness in partnering with the brand. The jail has set a target of training at least 1,000 inmates as yoga teachers. He promised jobs to 1,000 inmates whenever they are released,
This is the homepage for Woodlands Community College, a secondary school based in Harefield, Southampton. The school is a maintained mixed comprehensive secondary school within the Southampton Education Authority, boasting a new building opened by David Miliband in 2003.
Name of the Post: NIMHANS Various Vacancies Offline Form 2018 Post Date: 11-07-2018. Total Vacancy: 06. Brief Information: National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Data Manager, Junior Scientific Officer & Other vacancies on contract basis. Those.
Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi. "India is not a country of the Hindus only. It is a country of the Muslims, the Christians and the Parsees too.
But I’m also conscious that many parents want to be a part of growing the language outside the Gaeltacht and we need to focus.
Recent News. Executive Branch Worksite Wellness Program; President Remengesau Meets the Japan Mine Action Service Team; Office of the President Reviews Applications of Candidates for Special Prosecutor
The survey relates specifically to leisure time exercise, meaning that it can’t reflect the full activity levels of people wh.
Pilates Dynamics offers an in-depth and intensive Pilates Teacher Training Course (Mat, Equipment and Comprehensive)
Thackeray said the 24 lakh vacancies reported by sections of the media included 10 lakh posts of teachers and 5.40 lakh posts.
"People are losing jobs and looking for next careers," said Dayna Macy, the managing editor of the international editions of Yoga Journal. "Some people have always dreamt of being a yoga teacher." The.
Become a supporter and enjoy The Good Men Project ad free By my late twenties, I’d been meditating and doing yoga postures fo.
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Besides, it would also assist in making all necessary arrangements required to run such gurukuls including the recruitment of teachers, said Manohar Lal while. writing and arithmetic”, the moral va.
Yoga courses specialising in Ashtanga Yoga – book yourself on a yoga course and benefit from the experience of our expert Ashtanga teachers.
Yoga teachers and their styles. Patti Summerville’s core yoga teacher training is Integral Hatha and she creates a framework that links traditional yogic and modern secular mindfulness principles where ‘your yoga practice becomes your meditation’.
Bawabba is an online community which helps independent workers find jobs in 24 industries. Companies can hire people inclu.
After working her way through a spectrum of jobs — yoga teacher, social worker, carer — she finally bit the bullet and put all of her skills — writing, art and astrology — into one place. “I alway.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2018-19 – Kendriya Vidyalaya released job notification for PGT, TGT, Teacher Recruitment 2018. This page list all the latest job
The solution she prescribes is being willing to cobble teaching jobs wherever they can be found. For instance, teaching yoga at the YMCA or a fitness center, or a local college, will pay about $25 to.
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You’d tell them, “Hey, you’re going to lose all your farming jobs.” And then they’d say, “What are we going to do?” “You’re g.
The British Wheel of Yoga is a charity registered in England and Wales (No. 1136674). A non-profit making company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 07030679.
She’s been a teacher for her professional life. I also teach yoga in L.A. to a few private clients and offer a public class one night a week. It seems like you weren’t alone in taking a step back from. |
en | N/A | N/A | "What's the best alternative for you?How old was the person?What was the reason for decline?It doesn't even have to be a hospitalization," said Prosper. "People decline through the ageing process. Is it physical?Is it emotional or social?Is it Alzheimer's?What is the prognosis and what kind of support network do people have in place?Are they living near family members?Are they in a situation where family members can step in place and provide the care giving?"
"Can you afford it?There are subsidized housing alternatives for people with low income, and then there are private pay options for people who can afford to pay whatever the facility is providing," said Prosper. "The second consideration is what are your service needs?" |
en | N/A | N/A | Fiona Apple may have been grouped in with the other female singer/by virtue of herveté, it showcasedEvd 1999 sequel When the Pawn Hits...
God this is good, building on her debut. Great lyrics and melodies, unique and experimental. And isn't the vibraphone the most gorgeous instrument ever!
I listen to this over and over again since I "acquired" this from an old girlfriend just after it was released. Harmonious, great lyrics, great melodies. I love it! |
en | N/A | N/A | Well | An Elite Athlete Training Without a Coach
July 9, 2009 3:19 pm July 9, 2009 3:19 pm
Suzy Allman for The New York Times Hendrick Ramaala, left, running in the 2007 New York City Marathon.
Running With a Group
Before Hendrick Ramaala became a marathon champion, he tried out for the soccer team at his university in Johannesburg, South Africa. When he didn’t make the squad, he ran on the school’s grass track to stay in shape while studying for a law degree. But instead of practicing law, he dedicated himself to elite distance running, preferring to train without a coach.
Humble, charismatic and ever determined at age 37, Mr. Ramaala won the New York City Marathon in 2004, finished as a painful runner-up by three-hundredths of a second in 2005, and came in third in New York in 2007. He trains in an unusual setting for an elite distance runner: he runs on a 2.17 mile (3.5 kilometer) loop around Johannesburg’s biggest city park, Zoo Lake.
Liz Robbins
Walways talking to younger runners, generously giving advilove of the sport and offere’s our conversation.
How do you stay motivated without a coach?
First, the point is that I love the sport of running. I enjoy getting out and doing distance, going to races and competing, watching others run, reading about the sport — that is, I enjoy being part of the sport. It’s easier to motivate myself. When I get an opportunity to run in big races, I get motivated to train harder, to focus; I take it as an honor.
When I lose a race or run badly, I get motivated to work harder so as to get better results next time. When I run well in a race, I get motivated to keep it up and even do better the next time. I feel good about it. I train with a group of guys, and they motivate me to keep up in training as they are younger and hungrier for results. I am still learning new things from other runners, and still learning from mistakes we all commit in training and races. .
I think they must first get all the advice available out there. They can even join others to form training groups or even get a coach-adviser-mentor.
Planning is very important. If, say, you want to run a big city marathon, then you have to plan well. Running in smaller and shorter races before your main race will keep the motivation high. You will be measuring your progress in those small races, and you can see mistakes you commit or the right thing you have done and improve on them.
Don’t overtrain or overdo things, as that leads to burnout and injuries. Build up your training slowly, because as a recreational runner you don’t have enough time to do what full-time runners do — for example, heavy loads of training, taking naps after training or training camps.
For the half-marathon, one does not need to do the load required for marathons. You will still need a long run (25 to 30 kilometers, or 15 to 18 miles), an interval session (repeats on the track or road or park), tempo run and recovery runs. For the half-marathon, I need more intensive workouts than in the 10K, as “halfs” are won in under an hour these days. I need six to eight weeks to prepare for a half, and my mileage can go up to 170 kilometers (105 miles) a week. I also race one or two 10K races before my half-marathon race to sharpen.
You have told me that, at the peak of your marathon training, you will run 12 laps around Zoo Lake (26 miles) on some days, run on the large hill near your house on others, then do speed work on the grass track at the University of the Witwatersrand. What else can you tell us about your training?
Marathon training can take up to 12 weeks to complete. You need a buildup (base) training phase and then a specific marathon training phase. I go 200 kilometers (124 miles) a week or more when I get ready for a marathon. At the end of this heavy training, you will need a tapering period of two to three weeks. I do a minimum of 10 to 12 long runs in that period. Four to six of those will be around 40 kilometers (24.8 miles), the rest between 25 and 30 kilometers (15 to 18 miles).
I also include interval sessions on the track (two times a week); some hill runs (once a week); tempo runs (twice a week) and recovery runs. Four or three weeks before my marathon race, I normally race a half-marathon to test myself. When doing marathon training you need to take lots of rest, get sports massages, consume lots of liquids, eat lots of good food and focus more as the load of training is taxing on the body.
As a professional athlete in South Africa, what are your impressions of the World Cup coming to the country and your city next year?
The whole of South Africa is excited about the World Cup coming to RSA. Africa is excited about it coming to our continent for the first time. It’s going to put our country in the spotlight, and we are ready to put on a good show.
No, I don’t miss playing soccer. I enjoy watching other guys play. I am scared of getting injured — you get injured easily if you play soccer. I am more addicted to running these days. I do everything for my running.
Fiona B. July 9, 2009 · 4:54 pm
A love of the sport of running is all one really needs, if one wishes to improve one’s times. Within that love lies motivation, pleasure and reward enough.
Darryl M July 9, 2009 · 5:29 pm
However, as someone who has completed six marathons, one bit of advice to future marathon runners is that they do not need to run over a hundred miles a week to finish a marathon, even in a decent time. I got by on, at most, 50 miles a week, with times under 3 hours.
But because I joined a running club, I learned how to economize my mileage, i.e., quality over quantity.
Do take Hendrick Ramaala’s advice on interval sessions, hill sessions, tempo runs, etc., but you don’t need to log in that many miles.
Ramaala’s a professional, elite runner so he has to train like a demon.
making doughnuts July 10, 2009 · 12:11 am
yes unfortunately, i have to work for a living instead of train for a living. i wish that i could retire early…..
Chris Colenso-Dunne July 10, 2009 · 8:11 am
I have always taken the view that running is the most basic of physical disciplines, just as mathematics is the most basic of intellectual disciplines. In the two disciplines, my aim has been to try to discover, and then reach, my potential. Thus I have persevered with both for almost fifty years despite having little talent for either.
With any discipline, one has to set achievable goals and plan to attain those goals. For many years my goal was to break seventy minutes for the half, and two hours thirty for the marathon. While I came close to the former, I did not for the latter for the most likely reason that, when it came down to it, I was too lazy and inconsistent to put in the miles needed week after week.
Two useful rules of thumb for a marathon time goal are to double one’s PB for the half and add ten minutes; or, add five minutes to two hours twenty for every minute over thirty for one’s 10K PB. These can be quite handy, albeit rough, guides, because periodically evaluating one’s own times using either guide suggests whether one is in fact doing the mileage needed to improve one’s marathon time, or if one needs to increase it.
Steve July 10, 2009 · 9:37 am
I met Hendrik at Wits University when he was still discovering his running talent (and was being encouraged by a few who recognized his ability). At that stage, he was only running 1500 meter races. He stood out even thenhe is a such a fine human being.
FROM TPP — He certainly comes across that way. Thanks for sharing!
Melissa July 10, 2009 · 10:28 am
Elite athlete or not, training can be done without a coach. I’ve even seen plenty of runners use well calculated guide books such as “Fun on Foot in New York,” by runners Warwick Ford and Nola Ford. They say it is the best running guide for NY and the NJ areas.
FROM TPP – This is a not very well disguised plug for a book, but I’ll let it pass.
Central Park Conservancy July 10, 2009 · 11:21 am
The 2009 ING New York City Marathon: Guaranteed Entry!
To take a part in this global event with 315 million television viewers visit:
tremorviolet July 10, 2009 · 11:59 am
It’s become so much easier to train these days without a coach: there’s so much incredible information available on the web and often times form, etc. as well as see examples of elite level techniques. It just takes some time and worklan that will work for you.
That said, in my sport (rowing), I find it a lot more motivating to train with a group and a coach who uses his experience to craft training plans that are most beneficial to my development..
Melissa July 10, 2009 · 2:13 pm
Thanks for allowing the comment, and honestly, this book is very handy. But, basically I was trying to make the point that no coach is needed. A book as simple as the one I mentioned could do the job.
sarahmas July 11, 2009 · 6:40 pm
I’d say no coach is needed… for some. If I ever decided I wanted to spend a Saturday devoting 5 hours to a running event (unlikely), I’d definitely benefit from real-time, personal instruction and encouragement. A book wouldn’t cut it for me.
peter July 12, 2009 · 8:06 am
Exciting to know Hendrik will be back in New York two times – NYC Half should be a great race to watch. He is a tremendous champion and compeitior.
Smith July 12, 2009 · 5:08 pm
I trained for my fis particularaily workouts (available online) s, etc. This turned out to be the ideal amount of coaching for me, as I tend to be pretty independent when training, but still definitely need guidance and cameraderie at times. I finished the race feeling fantastic. One of the highlights of my life.
Anyway, I would definitely look into an online training program. I think I paid around $40/month, and that was with meetings and one-on-one conversations, in a pretty expensive city (SF).
MrBill, Eurasia July 14, 2009 · 4:34 am
TPP, I know it is not your fault, but terribly disappointed that readers cannot comment on “Exercise
Does It Keep You Healthy?” and some of its conclusions. This is exactly the type of article that people prone to sedate lifestyles will seize on to justify their inactivity. As many of us know controlled experiments that generate definitive results are not easy to design, carry-out or to analyze. Exercise alone may not be a cure-all, butplenty of rest is a good start to living healthy. And the greatest benefits show the most over-time as in years, decades and generations, so control groups that do this or that or not for six to ten weeks may not yield-up conclusive clinical results, but the anecdotal evidence of regular exercise, combined with a healthy diet and plenty of rest would certainly be statistically significant. Just like not everyone needs a coach, but many could benefit from a coach’s advice. However, a coach’s advice is not a substitute for personal time and effort spent training. Disappointed, but thanks anyway.
FROM TPP — I assume you’re talking about this Gina Kolata article. I understand your frustration, but unless something is on a blog, it’s very difficult to keep comments going on it for an extended period of time.
Jack in Minnesota July 14, 2009 · 3:34 pm
Is this an occasional blog: I thought it was daily. Just wondering.
FROM TPP — The “Race Like Other” column runs about once a week. Run Well posts appear daily on the Well blog. The Well blog also features two other daily posts. That said, I took a few days off.
Thanks TPP. I have become a regular fan of this blog. Live Well. Cheers.
Chad T October 22, 2009 · 11:32 am
Thanks for this article. I did not know Raamala trained with no coach. Another elite runner that does this is Culpepper. What he misses in external coaching guidence he makes up for with his own internal drive and desire for excellence.
I think this is a very useful article and advice for those of us who aspire to be sub-elite or locally competitive. As most of those people don’t have coaches.
I am in that group of locally competitive and run with a club and find it nice to know that coaches aren’t always necessary to succeed at the highest level.
Good Luck to everyone running the NY Marathon 2009, I’ll be there attempting my 2nd marathon and shooting for a Boston qualifying time of sub 3:15.
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The Hidden History of the Illuminati with Stephen Erdmann and Omar Faizi – Open Loops (
A similar article can be seen at The Trickster in Action!well'l bring 'cures for cancer' and halt 'ty.''s bona fides are fairly 'establishment.'"
The above quote from the below article:
"It's not just that, like Europe for much of its history, these people have an unpleasant habit of blaming anything they don't like on the Jews. Medieval scholars would decide that Saturn is cold and dry, and then lay out how everything cold and dry is in some sense governed by Saturn. Conspiracy theorists, meanwhile, derive from Saturn's hexagon the outline of a cube, and then reason that everything cubical is a secret shrine to Saturn. If Muslims circle around a black cube at Mecca, and Jews plant one on their forehead with the tefillin, it must be because they are worshipping not God, but the final star. If the PlayStation game Mort the Chicken has levels that feature a lot of cubes, it can only be because 'sadistic manipulators are using the media to program and influence minds to accept the Antichrist system they are constructing.'"
"'from the government,''s inviolate plan of destiny.
He's a former QAnon believer. He doesn'
"Much of QAnon devotees'"T: "Stop the Steal."Biden's"3/qanon-capitol-siege-trump/
"'' Trump continued. ''
"Te. In Genesis the serpent who tempts Eve is strongly associated with Satan, but many theologians think the composition of Genesis predates the concept of the devil. Passages alluding to Lucifer't'0/horns-hooves-and-hell-devil-medieval-times
"Fourth Reich
"Conspiracy theorists often use the term 'Fourth Reich' simply as a pejorative synonym for the 'New World Order'.
Above quote from the below article:
Who are the Illuminati? Why were they formed?
What is the battle between Dark and Light?
This is a polarizing episode that will certainly shake up your foundational beliefs about the people and institutions you take for granted.
Learn more about Stephen's work here:
For more of Omar:
His event on Feb 20th:
Watchers Talk on YouTube:
Watchers Talk Podcast:
Observing Humanity Outside The Cube Facebook Page:
Observing Humanity Outside the Cubtcherskiziuzinommo! even a sentence can help! Please go to
"Numerous mystics have displayed extraordinary paranormal powers, but many of them were outsiders, marginal characters whose lives were exceedingly odd. St. Francis of Assisi performed many miracles, but he was mistrusted by church authorities and caused them many headaches."
The above quote is from the below article:
The Joker as the Trickster LawdemonsDevilHidden CivilizationsHidden EmpireHidden WorldskarmaMilitary IndustrialNWOprisoner of warWarWorldwide
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en | N/A | N/A | We seem to ride the fence quite a bit these days in America. No one wants to hold a line for fear of being judgmental, or even worse as being seen as judgmental. There are many subjects about which neutrality is fine. Who makes the best coffee? What brand of toilet paper feels the best? Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Which football team is the best? Who makes the best shoes? Shockingly, these are the things which everyone seems to comfortably take a side on. However, neutrality on moral issues is deadly. You can’t do it and keep your character or your country intact. And saying that you were trying to be nonjudgmental will be an empty excuse when the bill comes due.
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