audioduration (s)
of Fiat
but it
was also
presentation and
the possibility
to investire
to investire
all the
countries that they have been to be a person to be the at the provision and the business and the
other countries
that have
brought to be
and today
we need to
so that
that is saying
Camillo has a
a great sense
and probably
and probably turning
he suggest
to prevetar it
maybe renunciating
then you want
to be in
making a mechanism that via the major velocity possible.
And this, where John Mett and Raphael and Boccardo,
they've got inatted much because it was necessary to develop
the instruments of communication international
for assemble some team of the researchers in all the world
that can, to one part,
and work as they're in the same cell,
and looking at the same microscopy,
but also contribute
to the creation of
a project or an invention
maintaining a tracking,
a possibility to
all the elements of
the invention
to who are
for which I'll
make an example,
traditionally a
conference international
is said to
the proper team, try to get everything in Japan and China,
don't do you know anything of your secrets,
and then you're going to the States
Unite, in the United, but in this model
of collaboration international,
for romper the barriers geographic,
the collaboration scientific,
with Job Made,
each one is stimulated to contribute an invention
to make the system
because everything
is a system
of tracking
that's been uploaded
and recognosing the invention
to who has contributed
and not who has been
the passion
I've told the
but I imagine
he's not even
but this is
also the future
of the system
if passerate a brevetto as it's past of the system brevetual.
It will be passed from a brevetual,
as it will be a reconishment that sping to this.
Poccian know that the origin of the brevetto,
not American, but it's of the Republic of Venice,
1476, if I recall, to attire the new intelligences.
I'm not sure, Dr. Peltz.
I'm sorry. Thank you. for attire the new intelligence and to make it and to make it a disper and to make a disposition
of the Republic Serenisina
the Mnesea the
new innovation possible in those
what we think
that the stradmaest
for the scopertes of the future
is that we call the liberate discover of the future is the what we call
the liberate circulation of the good ideas.
It seems a thing banal
but in some way the good ideas of the world
have needed to encounter
to comporsy,
to study,