1 value
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 58559/09) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Irish nationals, Mrs Collette Hemsworth and Mr Michael Hemsworth (“the first and second applicants”), on 12 October 2009. The applicants were represented by Mr J. McGettrick, a lawyer practising in Belfast. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms Yasmine Ahmed, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The applicants mainly complained under Article 2 that there had been an unlawful use of lethal force against the deceased, Mr John Hemsworth, and that the State had not fulfilled its procedural investigative obligations in that respect. On 18 October 2011 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1). On 11 January 2012 the Irish Government declined to exercise their right to intervene (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicants were born in 1961 and 1933, respectively and live in Belfast. They are the wife and father, respectively, of Mr John Hemsworth. A. The death of Mr John Hemsworth The applicants maintained that, at 1 a.m. on 7 July 1997, John Hemsworth was walking home when he was passed by persons who were being chased by police officers from the Blues Operational Support Unit (“Blues OSU”) of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (“RUC”). They also contend that one of those officers hit John Hemsworth on the face with a truncheon and that he fell to the ground where he was kicked on the left side and hit on the back with a truncheon by the officers. He went home and informed his wife. He then went to hospital and it is alleged that RUC officers taunted him about the incident on the way there. He was treated for undisplaced fractures to both sides of his right jaw bone. Following an article in a local newspaper about the incident, two witnesses (one an allegedly direct witness) came forward. Having experienced headaches and tingling in one arm in late October/early November 1997, on 27 December 1997 John Hemsworth began vomiting and complained of severe headaches. He collapsed and was transferred to hospital where he died on 1 January 1998. B. The RUC investigation and the inquest On 3 January 1998 a pathologist found that John Hemsworth died from a cerebral infarction and it was not possible to correlate the recent thrombosis causing the fatal cerebral infraction with a facial injury in 1997. On 8 January 1998 the RUC began an investigation supervised by the Independent Commission for Police Complaints (“ICPC”). On 30 April 1998 the Coroner registered the death as he considered, given the pathologist’s report, that an inquest was not necessary. In his report of 4 August 1999, an expert in forensic medicine instructed by the first applicant found that it was “highly likely” that the assault was the sole underlying cause of death. Further to her request, on 2 February 2000 the Attorney General ordered the Coroner to hold an inquest. Subsequently, a forensic expert briefed by the Coroner also concluded that, despite the delay between the fatal cerebral infarct and the injury of July 1997, it was likely that they were “linked in terms of causation”. The applicants claimed that the original pathologist later expressed his agreement with these later two expert opinions. The RUC then asked the applicants to provide them with all relevant information and evidence and for their statements. The applicants forwarded the deceased’s medical records and gave statements to the RUC. The two witnesses who had volunteered were interviewed as well as other persons living in the area. Numerous police and military personnel on duty in the area, as well as those deployed to the street where John Hemsworth was allegedly assaulted, were interviewed. The RUC Report on the Investigation dated 3 May 2001 accepted that John Hemsworth had been injured on 7 July 1997 but not that RUC officers had assaulted him or that those injuries had led to his death. Certain parts of this report are redacted. On 7 June 2001 the Coroner opened a pre-inquest hearing, in 16 cases including into John Hemsworth’s death, to hear submissions on the implications of the judgments of this Court of 4 May 2001 in certain cases concerning deaths in Northern Ireland (Hugh Jordan v. the United Kingdom, no. 24746/94, (extracts); McKerr v. the United Kingdom, no. 28883/95, both in ECHR 2001-III; Shanaghan v. the United Kingdom, no. 37715/97; and Kelly and Others v. the United Kingdom, no. 30054/96). The first applicant was legally represented, as she was for all domestic proceedings. The hearing was adjourned given the possibility of the referral of those cases to the Grand Chamber of this Court. In September 2001 the Coroner adjourned the pre-inquest hearing, although he indicated that John Hemsworth’s inquest would take place after Pearse Jordan’s inquest (to whom the Hugh Jordan judgment related). On 1 September 2000 the first applicant applied for legal aid for the inquest under the Lord Chancellor’s Extra-Statutory Scheme (established in July 2000). On 5 June 2001 she began a judicial review action: that evening the Lord Chancellor granted her limited funding. The action continued in order to challenge that limitation on funding. On 7 January 2003 the High Court found against her as did the Court of Appeal (9 March 2005). With information gleaned from that action, in January 2002 the first applicant applied for legal aid under the Green Form Scheme. In February 2002 limited legal aid was proposed but in a manner she considered inconsistent with the State’s approach in the first judicial review action. On 21 May 2003 the Legal Aid Department accepted that there had been some confusion as to the sources of legal aid for inquests and it issued a notice of clarification. The first applicant again issued judicial review proceedings. On 26 April 2004 the High Court found in her favour. In November 2002 the first applicant wrote to the Coroner seeking progress in the inquest. The Coroner responded that he awaited the judgments of the House of Lords in the cases of Amin (Regina v. Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Amin, [2003] UKHL 51) and Middleton (Regina v. Her Majesty’s Coroner for the Western District of Somerset and other ex parte Middleton, [2004] UKHL 10). The first applicant requested the Coroner to progress certain pre-inquest matters. At a hearing in February 2003, some disclosure was made to the first applicant. The applicants claimed that, during that hearing, the Coroner advised that there was no evidence that the deceased had been struck by RUC officers. The first applicant applied for the Coroner to recuse himself. At a further pre-inquest hearing on 2 September 2003, the Coroner accepted that he had to investigate the allegations that RUC officers were responsible for the death so the first applicant did not pursue the matter further. On 20 December 2004, at a further pre-inquest hearing, the first applicant provided the Coroner with a list of witnesses they required including the police officers who were allegedly likely to have been responsible for and/or to have witnessed the assault. A pre-inquest hearing was convened in March 2008 when the Coroner ruled on the witnesses he proposed to call, none of whom were RUC officers. The first applicant applied to the Coroner to recuse himself. The Coroner refused but indicated that he would receive further representations as to why RUC witnesses were required. The first applicant made such submissions. By letter of 14 November 2008 the Coroner refused to call any RUC witnesses or to recuse himself. The first applicant began a judicial review action. On 9 March 2009 the High Court found in her favour: a new Coroner was to be appointed and the RUC witnesses sought were to be called to give evidence. Another pre-inquest hearing took place on 16 September 2009: it was agreed to call the additional witnesses requested by the first applicant and the Crown Solicitor’s Office confirmed that full disclosure of all relevant materials had been made to the Coroner and to the next-of-kin, subject to a few isolated matters which were being dealt with. The inquest began on 21 September 2009. It did not sit each day and certain witnesses were unavailable through ill-health. On 8 October 2009 the Coroner discharged the jury due to evidence which had emerged. The Coroner had decided to take a statement from a possible eye-witness to the assault. On receipt of the statement, it emerged that Officer M, of the Police Service Northern Ireland (the “PSNI” replaced the RUC in 2001), had taken the statement on the Coroner’s behalf. However, Officer M had been a member of the RUC at the time of the alleged assault. He was also the Deputy Investigation Officer and, in addition, he was due to be called as a witness. The first applicant therefore requested and, in October 2009, the Coroner obtained and disclosed Officer M’s journal entries on the police investigation. It emerged therefrom that Officer M had interviewed a soldier (Private G) in 2000. Private G had told Officer M that, on the day when John Hemsworth was allegedly assaulted, Private G had seen an officer in the RUC Blues OSU assaulting a civilian with a baton in an area close to the location of Mr Hemsworth’s alleged assault. Private G had also told Officer M that a senior military officer, as well as a senior RUC officer from the RUC Blues OSU, had told him that he should not report this incident to his superiors. Given the time it would take to recall witnesses and to call Private G, the Coroner considered it preferable to discharge the jury and conduct the inquest afresh. The Coroner was advised by the Crown Solicitor’s Office that all documentation in relation to Private G was destroyed in August 2009. The Coroner ordered the PSNI to prepare a paginated and indexed bundle of all material held by them in relation to the death of John Hemsworth, including any documentation held in relation to Private G. Officers unconnected with the original investigation should conduct this disclosure exercise. The PSNI confirmed that the Legacy Support Unit within the PSNI would deal with disclosure and that any officers allegedly involved in the assault or the subsequent investigation would have no further involvement. On 29 November 2009 a further pre-inquest hearing was held, when the PSNI confirmed that, by 4 December 2009, the Coroner would be provided with the bundle of documents and the first applicant with a redacted version of same. While no documents in relation to Private G’s allegations had been retained, Private G had been traced and his statement would be taken. The inquest was scheduled to begin on 21 January 2010. The inquest resumed on 25 January 2010. On the second and third days of the inquest, two jurors advised the Coroner of connections to the police. The Coroner acceded to the first applicant’s request to discharge the jury on the basis that the jury may have been already tainted. On 22 April 2010 the first applicant obtained an expert medical report which found that marks on the deceased’s face and back (apparent from photographs taken after the alleged assault) were consistent with the allegations of assault by police baton. The first applicant and the Coroner further corresponded about progressing the inquest. In June 2010 the Crown Solicitor’s Office stated that it would brief an expert on the photographs and the marks. It did so in October 2010. In January 2011 the Crown Solicitor’s Office’s expert reported but did not address the question whether police batons could have made the marks on the deceased’s body. In May 2011 a supplementary expert report was submitted. The inquest began on 16 May 2011. Evidence was heard until 24 May 2011. Closing speeches were made on 26 May 2011. The first applicant was too ill to attend. Given the intervening judgment of the Supreme Court of 18 May 2011 (McCaughey and Another, Re Application for Judicial Review ([2011] UKSC 20, paragraph 43 below), the Coroner agreed that, so far as possible, the inquest would be conducted in such a manner as to comply with Article 2 of the Convention. On 27 May 2011 the inquest jury rendered its verdict. It found the medical causes of death to be cerebral infarction and thrombosis of the right internal carotid artery. The jury accepted that John Hemsworth was injured on 7 July 1997; that his injuries included fractures to both the right and left hand sides of his jaw bone, tramline bruising to the left jaw, neck and lower left side of his back as well as bruising to the right jaw; that those injuries “were most probably the underlying cause of his death”; that the injuries were “consistent with those caused by someone being struck by a baton, according to several expert witnesses”; that the photographs showed “distinctive and characteristic bruising associated with baton injuries”; that “the factures and bruising injuries were caused by being struck by a baton and kicked”; and that, since the RUC Blues OSU were the only police on the relevant street on the relevant night, it was “highly probable” that one or more of those officers was responsible for the injuries to Mr Hemsworth. The Coroner announced that he would refer the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions (“DPP”) and ensured the production, from public funds, of a transcript of the inquest proceedings. Having waited until the new DPP was established in his post, on 25 January 2012 he formally referred the case to the DPP pursuant to section 35(3) of the Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002, indicating that the verdict “should be sufficient to indicate the contentious background to the death and its wider significance”. On 3 February 2012 the DPP’s office acknowledged the referral. Further to the applicants’ queries, on 23 April 2012 the Coroner confirmed the referral and on 14 May 2012 that the DPP had acknowledged the referral. In their observations of 3 July 2012 the Government submitted that the matter was the subject of “active consideration” by the DPP. C. Civil proceedings On 5 September 2001 the applicant initiated civil proceedings against the PSNI and on 10 August 2011 a Notice of Intention to Proceed was served. D. The Police Ombudsman Further to the first applicant’s request, the Police Ombudsman reviewed the police file. In his report of 1 May 2007 he considered that the medical experts did not agree on the extension of a causal link between the July 1997 injuries and the subsequent death so that there was no evidence that any RUC officer was responsible for John Hemsworth’s death and he could identify nothing further that he could do to take the matter forward.
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{ "applicant": "Collette Hemsworth", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "GBR", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2013 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Collette Hemsworth
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court, as established under former Article 19 of the Convention, by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) on 26 January 1998, within the three-month period laid down by former Articles 32 § 1 and 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 24833/94) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Commission under former Article 25 by Ms Denise Matthews on 18 April 1994. The Commission’s request referred to former Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (former Article 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 3 of Protocol No. 1, taken alone or together with Article 14 of the Convention. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of former Rules of Court A0, the applicant stated that she wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent her (former Rule 30). As President of the Chamber which had originally been constituted (former Article 43 of the Convention and former Rule 21) in order to deal, in particular, with procedural matters that might arise before the entry into force of Protocol No. 11, Mr R. Bernhardt, the President of the Court at the time, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the United Kingdom Government (“the Government”), the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the written procedure. Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicant’s and the Government’s memorials on 20 and 25 August 1998 respectively. After the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 on 1 November 1998 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 § 5 thereof, the case was referred to the Grand Chamber of the Court. The Grand Chamber included ex officio Sir Nicolas Bratza, the judge elected in respect of the United Kingdom (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 24 § 4 of the Rules of Court), MrL.Wildhaber, the President of the Court, Mrs E. Palm, Vice-President of the Court, and Mr G. Ress, Mr J.-P. Costa and Mr M.Fischbach, Vice-Presidents of Sections (Article 27 § 3 of the Convention and Rule 24 §§ 3 and 5 (a)). The other members appointed to complete the Grand Chamber were Mr L. Ferrari Bravo, Mr Gaukur Jörundsson, Mr I. Cabral Barreto, Mr W. Fuhrmann, Mr K. Jungwiert, Mrs N. Vajić, Mr J. Hedigan, Mrs W. Thomassen, Mrs M. Tsatsa-Nikolovska, Mr T. Panţîru and Mr K. Traja (Rule 24 § 3 and Rule 100 § 4). Subsequently Sir Nicolas Bratza, who had taken part in the Commission’s examination of the case, withdrew from sitting in the Grand Chamber (Rule 28). The Government accordingly appointed Sir John Freeland to sit as an ad hoc judge (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 29 § 1). At the Court’s invitation (Rule 99), the Commission delegated one of its members, Mr J.-C. Soyer, to take part in the proceedings before the Grand Chamber. In accordance with the President’s decision, a hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 19 November 1998. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr M. Eaton, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr D. Anderson, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Ms D. Collins, Cabinet Office Legal Advisers, Ms C. Power, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Advisers; (b) for the applicant Mr M. Llamas, Barrister-at-Law, Mr L. Baglietto, Barrister, Mr F. Picardo, Barrister, Counsel, Mr R. Benzaquen, Legislation Support Unit, Gibraltar, Adviser; (c) for the Commission Mr J.-C. Soyer, Delegate, Ms M.-T. Schoepfer, Secretary to the Commission. The Court heard addresses by Mr Soyer, Mr Llamas and Mr Anderson. THE FACTS I. the circumstances of the case On 12 April 1994 the applicant applied to the Electoral Registration Officer for Gibraltar to be registered as a voter at the elections to the European Parliament. The Electoral Registration Officer replied on 25 April 1994: “The provisions of Annex II of the EC Act on Direct Elections of 1976 limit the franchise for European parliamentary elections to the United Kingdom [see paragraph 18 below]. This Act was agreed by all member States and has treaty status. This means that Gibraltar will not be included in the franchise for the European parliamentary elections.” II. relevant law in gibraltar A. Gibraltar and the United Kingdom Gibraltar is a dependent territory of the United Kingdom. It forms part of Her Majesty the Queen’s Dominions, but not part of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom parliament has the ultimate authority to legislate for Gibraltar, but in practice exercises it rarely. Executive authority in Gibraltar is vested in the Governor, who is the Queen’s representative. Pursuant to a dispatch of 23 May 1969, certain “defined domestic matters” are allocated to the locally elected Chief Minister and his Ministers; other matters (external affairs, defence and internal security) are not “defined” and the Governor thus retains responsibility for them. The Chief Minister and the Government of Gibraltar are responsible to the Gibraltar electorate via general elections to the House of Assembly. The House of Assembly is the domestic legislature in Gibraltar. It has the right to make laws for Gibraltar on “defined domestic matters”, subject to, inter alia, a power in the Governor to refuse to assent to legislation. B. Gibraltar and the European Community The Treaty Establishing the European Community (“the EC Treaty”) applies to Gibraltar by virtue of its Article 227(4), which provides that it applies to the European territories for whose external relations a member State is responsible. The United Kingdom acceded to the precursor to the EC Treaty, the Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community of 25 March 1957 (“the EEC Treaty”), by a Treaty of Accession of 22 January 1972. Gibraltar is excluded from certain parts of the EC Treaty by virtue of the Treaty of Accession. In particular, Gibraltar does not form part of the customs territory of the Community, with the result that the provisions on free movement of goods do not apply; it is treated as a third country for the purposes of the common commercial policy; it is excluded from the common market in agriculture and trade in agricultural products and from the Community rules on value-added tax and other turnover taxes, and it makes no contribution to the Community budget. European Community (“EC”) legislation concerning, inter alia, such matters as free movement of persons, services and capital, health, the environment and consumer protection applies in Gibraltar. Relevant EC legislation becomes part of Gibraltar law in the same way as in other parts of the Union: regulations are directly applicable, and directives and other legal acts of the EC which call for domestic legislation are transposed by domestic primary or secondary legislation. Although Gibraltar is not part of the United Kingdom in domestic terms, by virtue of a declaration made by the United Kingdom government at the time of the entry into force of the British Nationality Act 1981, the term “nationals” and derivatives used in the EC Treaty are to be understood as referring, inter alia, to British citizens and to British Dependent Territories citizens who acquire their citizenship from a connection with Gibraltar. C. The European Community and the European Parliament The powers of the European Community are divided amongst the institutions set up by the EC Treaty, including the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission (“the European Commission”) and the Court of Justice. Before 1 November 1993, the date of the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union of 7 February 1992 (“the Maastricht Treaty”), Article 137 of the EEC Treaty referred to the “advisory and supervisory powers” of the European Parliament. Since 1 November 1993, the words “advisory and supervisory powers” have been removed and the role of the European Parliament has been expressed by Article 137 to be to “exercise the powers conferred upon it by [the] Treaty”. The principal powers of the European Parliament under the EC Treaty may now be summarised as follows: Article 138b provides that the European Parliament shall “participate in the process leading up to the adoption of Community acts by exercising its powers under the procedures laid down in Articles 189b and 189c and by giving its assent or delivering advisory opinions”. Further, the second paragraph of Article 138b empowers the European Parliament to request the European Commission to submit any appropriate proposal on matters on which it considers that a Community act is required for the purpose of implementing the Treaty. The reference in the first paragraph of Article 138b to “assent” refers to a procedure whereby the EC Treaty (for example, in Articles 8a(2) and 130d) provides for adoption of provisions by the Council on a proposal from the European Commission and after obtaining the assent of the European Parliament. The procedure is called the “assent procedure”. Article 144 provides for a motion of censure by the European Parliament over the European Commission whereby if a motion is carried by a two-thirds majority, representing a majority of the members, the members of the European Commission are required to resign as a body. Article 158 provides that the European Parliament is to be consulted before the President of the European Commission is nominated, and the members of the European Commission, once nominated, are subject as a body to a vote of approval by the European Parliament. The first paragraph of Article 189 provides: “In order to carry out their task and in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, the European Parliament acting jointly with the Council, the Council and the Commission shall make regulations and issue directives, take decisions, make recommendations or deliver opinions.” Article 189b provides: “1. Where reference is made in the Treaty to this Article for the adoption of an act, the following procedure[0] shall apply. The Commission shall submit a proposal to the European Parliament and the Council. The Council, acting by a qualified majority after obtaining the opinion of the European Parliament, shall adopt a common position. The common position shall be communicated to the European Parliament. The Council shall inform the European Parliament fully of the reasons which led it to adopt its common position. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament fully of its position. If, within three months of such communication, the European Parliament: (a) approves the common position, the Council shall definitively adopt the act in question in accordance with that common position; (b) has not taken a decision, the Council shall adopt the act in question in accordance with its common position; (c) indicates, by an absolute majority of its component Members, that it intends to reject the common position, it shall immediately inform the Council. The Council may convene a meeting of the Conciliation Committee referred to in paragraph 4 to explain further its position. The European Parliament shall thereafter either confirm, by an absolute majority of its component Members, its rejection of the common position, in which event the proposed act shall be deemed not to have been adopted, or propose amendments in accordance with subparagraph (d) of this paragraph; (d) proposes amendments to the common position by an absolute majority of its component Members, the amended text shall be forwarded to the Council and to the Commission which shall deliver an opinion on those amendments. If, within three months of the matter being referred to it, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, approves all the amendments of the European Parliament, it shall amend its common position accordingly and adopt the act in question; however, the Council shall act unanimously on the amendments on which the Commission has delivered a negative opinion. If the Council does not approve the act in question, the President of the Council, in agreement with the President of the European Parliament, shall forthwith convene a meeting of the Conciliation Committee. The Conciliation Committee, which shall be composed of the members of the Council or their representatives and an equal number of representatives of the European Parliament, shall have the task of reaching agreement on a joint text, by a qualified majority of the members of the Council or their representatives and by a majority of the representatives of the European Parliament. The Commission shall take part in the Conciliation Committee’s proceedings and shall take all the necessary initiatives with a view to reconciling the positions of the European Parliament and the Council. If, within six weeks of its being convened, the Conciliation Committee approves a joint text, the European Parliament, acting by an absolute majority of the votes cast, and the Council, acting by a qualified majority, shall have a period of six weeks from that approval in which to adopt the act in question in accordance with the joint text. If one of the two institutions fails to approve the proposed act, it shall be deemed not to have been adopted. Where the Conciliation Committee does not approve a joint text, the proposed act shall be deemed not to have been adopted unless the Council, acting by a qualified majority within six weeks of expiry of the period granted to the Conciliation Committee, confirms the common position to which it agreed before the conciliation procedure was initiated, possibly with amendments proposed by the European Parliament. In this case, the act in question shall be finally adopted unless the European Parliament, within six weeks of the date of confirmation by the Council, rejects the text by an absolute majority of its component Members, in which case the proposed act shall be deemed not to have been adopted. The periods of three months and six weeks referred to in this Article may be extended by a maximum of one month and two weeks respectively by common accord of the European Parliament and the Council. The period of three months referred to in paragraph 2 shall be automatically extended by two months where paragraph 2(c) applies. The scope of the procedure under this Article may be widened, in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article N(2) of the Treaty on European Union, on the basis of a report to be submitted to the Council by the Commission by 1996 at the latest.” Article 189c provides: “Where reference is made in this Treaty to this Article for the adoption of an act, the following procedure[0]shall apply: (a) The Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after obtaining the opinion of the European Parliament, shall adopt a common position. (b) The Council’s common position shall be communicated to the European Parliament. The Council and the Commission shall inform the European Parliament fully of the reasons which led the Council to adopt its common position and also of the Commission’s position. If, within three months of such communication, the European Parliament approves this common position or has not taken a decision within that period, the Council shall definitively adopt the act in question in accordance with the common position. (c) The European Parliament may, within the period of three months referred to in point (b), by an absolute majority of its component Members, propose amendments to the Council’s common position. The European Parliament may also, by the same majority, reject the Council's common position. The result of the proceedings shall be transmitted to the Council and the Commission. If the European Parliament has rejected the Council’s common position, unanimity shall be required for the Council to act on a second reading. (d) The Commission shall, within a period of one month, re-examine the proposal on the basis of which the Council adopted its common position, by taking into account the amendments proposed by the European Parliament. The Commission shall forward to the Council, at the same time as its re-examined proposal, the amendments of the European Parliament which it has not accepted, and shall express its opinion on them. The Council may adopt these amendments unanimously. (e) The Council, acting by a qualified majority, shall adopt the proposal as re-examined by the Commission. Unanimity shall be required for the Council to amend the proposal as re-examined by the Commission. (f) In the cases referred to in points (c), (d) and (e), the Council shall be required to act within a period of three months. If no decision is taken within this period, the Commission proposal shall be deemed not to have been adopted. (g) The periods referred to in points (b) and (f) may be extended by a maximum of one month by common accord between the Council and the European Parliament.” Article 203 makes provision for the budget of the Community. In particular, after the procedure for making modifications and amendments to the draft budget, it is open to the European Parliament to reject the draft budget and to ask for a new budget to be submitted (Article 203(8)). Article 206 provides for parliamentary involvement in the process of discharging the European Commission in respect of the implementation of the budget. In particular, the European Parliament may ask to hear the European Commission give evidence on the execution of expenditure, and the European Commission is required to submit information to the European Parliament if so requested. Further, the European Commission is required to take all appropriate steps to act on the observations of the European Parliament in this connection. D. Elections and the European Parliament Article 138(3) of the EEC Treaty provided, in 1976, that the European Parliament was to draw up proposals for elections. The Council was required to “lay down the appropriate provisions, which it [was to] recommend to Member States for adoption in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements”. Identical provision was made in the European Coal and Steel Community Treaty and the European Atomic Energy Community Treaty. In accordance with Article 138(3), Council Decision 76/787 (“the Council Decision”), signed by the President of the Council of the European Communities and the then member States’ foreign ministers, laid down such provisions. The specific provisions were set out in an Act Concerning the Election of the Representatives of the European Parliament by Direct Universal Suffrage of 20 September 1976 (“the 1976 Act”), signed by the respective foreign ministers, which was attached to the Council Decision. Article 15 of the 1976 Act provides that “Annexes I to III shall form an integral part of this Act”. Annex II to the 1976 Act states that “The United Kingdom will apply the provisions of this Act only in respect of the United Kingdom”. E. The application of the Convention to Gibraltar By a declaration dated 23 October 1953, the United Kingdom, pursuant to former Article 63 of the Convention, extended the Convention to Gibraltar. Protocol No. 1 applies to Gibraltar by virtue of a declaration made under Article 4 of Protocol No. 1 on 25 February 1988. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION Ms Matthews applied to the Commission on 18 April 1994. She alleged a violation of Article 3 of Protocol No. 1, taken alone or in conjunction with Article 14 of the Convention. The Commission declared the application (no. 24833/94) admissible on 16 April 1996. In its report of 29 October 1997 (former Article 31 of the Convention), it expressed the opinion that there had been no violation of Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 (eleven votes to six) and that there had been no violation of Article 14 of the Convention (twelve votes to five). The full text of the Commission’s opinion and of the five separate opinions contained in the report is reproduced as an annex to this judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS TO THE COURT The Government asked the Court to find that there had been no violation of the Convention. The applicant, for her part, asked the Court to find a breach of her rights under Article 3 of Protocol No. 1, taken alone or in conjunction with Article 14 of the Convention. She also claimed an award of costs.
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{ "applicant": "Denise Matthews", "articles": [ 91, 34, 53, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "GBR", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 1999 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Denise Matthews
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 28 January 1986, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). It originated in an application (no. 9912/82) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a national of that State, Mr. Uli Lutz, on 14 June 1982. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the Federal Republic of Germany recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The purpose of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether or not the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 2 (art. 6-2). In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, Mr. Lutz stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings pending before the Court and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30). On 28 January 1986, the President of the Court decided that in the interests of the proper administration of justice this case and the Englert and Nölkenbockhoff cases should be considered by the same Chamber (Rule 21 § 6). The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Mr. R. Bernhardt, the elected judge of German nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr. R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 § 3 (b)). On 19 March 1986, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other five members, namely Mr. F. Matscher, Mr. J. Pinheiro Farinha, Mr. L.-E. Pettiti, Sir Vincent Evans and Mr. R. Macdonald (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 4) (art. 43). After assuming the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 5), Mr. Ryssdal consulted - through the Deputy Registrar - the Agent of the German Government (“the Government“), the Delegate of the Commission and the lawyer for the applicant on the need for a written procedure. On 2 April, he directed that the Agent and the applicant’s lawyer should have until 1 July 1986 to file memorials and that the Delegate should be entitled to reply in writing within two months (Rule 37 § 1). At the same time, he gave the applicant’s lawyer leave to use the German language in the proceedings (Rule 27 § 3). The President twice extended the first of these time-limits - on 3 July until 31 October, and on 10 November until 21 November 1986. The Government’s memorial was lodged with the registry on 13 November 1986. The applicant informed the Registrar on the same day that he would not be filing a memorial. On 29 November, the Chamber decided to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of the plenary Court (Rule 50). On 15 December, the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing. The next day, having consulted - through the Deputy Registrar - the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the lawyer for the applicant, the President directed that the oral proceedings should open on 23 February 1987 (Rule 38). On 6 February, he granted the members of the Government’s delegation leave to speak in German (Rule 27 § 2). The hearing was held in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. The Court had held a preparatory meeting immediately beforehand. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mrs. I. Maier, Ministerialdirigentin, Federal Ministry of Justice, Agent, Mr. P.-G. Pötz, Ministerialdirigent, Federal Ministry of Justice, Mr. H. Stöcker, Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of Justice, Mr. E. Göhler, Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of Justice, Advisers; for the Commission Mr. A. Weitzel, Delegate; for the applicant Mr. N. Wingerter, Rechtsanwalt, Mr. V. Hohbach, Rechtsanwalt, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mrs. Maier for the Government, by Mr. Weitzel for the Commission and by Mr. Wingerter and Mr. Hohbach for the applicant, as well as their replies to its questions. On various dates between 3 February and 11 May 1987, the Commission, the Government and the applicant produced a number of documents either at the Court’s request or of their own motion. AS TO THE FACTS I. PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mr. Uli Lutz, a German national born in 1959, lives in Heilbronn-Horkheim. On 10 October 1980, he was riding a motor cycle and was involved in a road accident. According to the police report (Verkehrs-Ordnungswidrigkeiten-Anzeige), he had attempted to overtake a car, although the traffic situation was unclear (unklare Verkehrslage). The result had been a collision which caused damage to both vehicles. When he was questioned, the applicant made the following statement: “At about 4.30 p.m. today, I was driving southwards along Hohenloher Strasse, Heilbronn-Horkheim. Near the junction with Amsterdamer Strasse, I noticed a red car - which had its left indicator flashing - about to pull away from the kerb. I was about to overtake on the left of this vehicle when it not only moved forward onto the road but turned further to the left in order to make a U-turn. [It] was making its U-turn and was on the point of moving into the opposite carriageway (Gegenfahrspur) when I was still about ten yards behind it. As I was not expecting it to make a U-turn, I was intending to overtake it on the left. By the time I realised that this was no longer possible, I had already moved over quite far to the left and I tried to brake but could not avoid colliding with the car, which by now was at right angles to the flow of traffic. I was wearing a crash helmet when the accident occurred; I was not injured.“ On 9 December 1980, on the basis of the police report, the Heilbronn Police Authority (Amt für öffentliche Ordnung) imposed on Mr. Lutz a fine (Geldbusse) of DM 125, to which were added costs of DM 14, for “joint responsibility for a road accident due to overtaking in an unclear traffic situation such that a collision was caused with another road-user“. The decision was based on section 24 of the Road Traffic Act (Strassenverkehrsgesetz - see paragraph 38 below) and Regulations 1(2), 5 and 49 of the Road Traffic Regulations (Strassenverkehrs- Ordnung). Regulation 1(2) reads: “All road-users have a duty to conduct themselves in such a manner as not to harm or jeopardise others or inconvenience or annoy them more than may be inevitable in the circumstances.“ Regulation 5 provides that motorists must overtake on the left (paragraph 1), that they may overtake only if they can see that they will not thereby interfere with oncoming traffic (paragraph 2) and that no overtaking is allowed in an unclear traffic situation (paragraph 3(1)). By Regulation 49(1)(1) and 49(5), it is a “regulatory offence“ (Ordnungswidrigkeit) to contravene Regulations 1(2) and 5(1) to (3); under section 24(2) of the Road Traffic Act, such an offence is punishable by a fine. The driver of the car was likewise fined for a “regulatory offence“. Two days later, Mr. Lutz, who was represented by Mr. Wingerter, lodged an objection (Einspruch) against the decision of 9 December 1980. The appropriate authority in Heilbronn forwarded the objection to the public prosecutor’s office on 23 January 1981, and the latter transmitted it to the Heilbronn District Court (Amtsgericht) on 5 February. On 24 July 1981, the court informed the applicant that it intended to discontinue the proceedings as they were time-barred and order costs against the Treasury (Staatskasse), while the applicant would have to bear his own necessary costs and expenses (notwendige Auslagen). On 12 August, Mr. Wingerter replied that his client naturally agreed to the stay of proceedings, but not to an order requiring him to bear his own necessary costs and expenses; and he referred among other things to “the presumption of innocence, secured in the Convention on Human Rights“. On 24 August 1981, the District Court stayed the proceedings on the ground that they were time-barred. Its decision read as follows: “In the ‘regulatory offence’ matter (Bussgeldsache) against ... Uli Lutz concerning a breach of the Road Traffic Regulations, ... the proceedings shall be stayed. The costs of the proceedings shall be borne by the Treasury. The defendant shall bear his own necessary costs and expenses. Reasons: On 9 December 1980, the Heilbronn Police Authority took a decision to impose a fine (Bussgeldbescheid) on the defendant for a breach of the Road Traffic Regulations. The defendant appealed against this decision. By an order made on 27 January 1981, the public prosecutor’s office in Heilbronn forwarded the case to the Heilbronn District Court for a decision. After the case had been submitted, prosecution of the ‘regulatory offence’ became time-barred under section 26(4) of the Road Traffic Act. The proceedings must therefore be stayed by reason of there being a technical bar to prosecution (Verfolgungshindernis), in accordance with Article 206a of the Code of Criminal Procedure, taken together with section 46 of the Act on ‘regulatory offences’ (Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten) [see paragraph 19 below]. The decision on costs is based on Article 467 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, taken together with section 46 of the Act on ‘regulatory offences’. In accordance with Article 467 § 2 [sic], second sentence, of the Code of Criminal Procedure, taken together with section 46 of the Act on ‘regulatory offences’, the court declines to order the Treasury to bear the defendant’s necessary costs and expenses. As the file stands, the defendant would most probably have been convicted of an offence against the Road Traffic Regulations (Nach Lage der Akten wäre der Betroffene mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit wegen eines Verstosses gegen die StVO verurteilt worden). That being so, it would be unjust (unbillig to award his necessary costs and expenses against the Treasury.“ On 10 September 1981, the applicant challenged this decision in so far as he had been ordered to bear his own costs and expenses. On 25 September, the Heilbronn Regional Court (Landgericht) dismissed the appeal (sofortige Beschwerde) as being unfounded. The court held that Article 6 § 2 (art. 6-2) of the Convention did not apply to the case. As it had already explained at length in an earlier decision, Article 6 (art. 6) protected the individual only from possible hazards in civil or criminal trials. This was clear beyond a peradventure from the wording of the provision itself. There was no reason to give Article 6 § 2 (art. 6-2) a broad interpretation such as would extend its application to other proceedings. The Article (art. 6-2) consequently could not apply to proceedings in connection with “regulatory offences“, as these had been excluded from the category of criminal offences, and procedure relating to them was quite distinct from criminal procedure. On the basis that Article 6 § 2 (art. 6-2) was not applicable, the District Court had therefore been right to order the defendant to bear his own necessary costs and expenses (under Article 467 § 3, second sentence, sub-paragraph 2, of the Code of Criminal Procedure) because had the prosecution not been statute-barred, “the defendant would almost certainly (mit annähernder Sicherheit) have been found guilty of an offence“. He had himself admitted to the police that he was not expecting the car which was moving out to the left onto the road in front of him to make a U-turn; and that he had consequently attempted to overtake it but had been unable to avoid a collision despite his efforts to brake. Mr. Lutz had thus broken the basic rule in Regulation 1(2) of the Road Traffic Regulations and, in particular, had disregarded his duty under Regulation 5(3)(1) not to overtake where the traffic situation was unclear. The court held that in such circumstances it would have been unjust to award the defendant’s necessary costs and expenses against the Treasury, especially as the prosecution had become time-barred only during the course of the court proceedings, so that until that moment the defendant was rightly being proceeded against. Mr. Lutz then applied to the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht), but on 2 February 1982 a bench of three of that court’s judges refused to entertain the application, holding that it had insufficient prospects of success. In the Constitutional Court’s view, the decisions of the District Court and the Regional Court did not offend the presumption of innocence, which was founded on the principle of the rule of law and was embodied in Article 6 § 2 (art. 6-2) of the Convention. However strong the suspicions, the presumption of innocence precluded taking measures against a defendant (Beschuldigter) that amounted in effect to a penalty (Strafe) in anticipation of a penalty (im Vorgriff auf die Strafe). This rule was not infringed where the necessary costs and expenses of a party who had been proceeded against in respect of a “regulatory offence“ were not awarded against the Treasury in the event of the proceedings being discontinued. The judgment continued: “The decision not to order the Treasury to pay the costs and expenses of the party concerned obviously cannot be regarded as a punishment (Bestrafung) or even be equated with such. Furthermore, the decision as to costs and expenses pursuant to Article 467 § 3, sub-paragraph 2, of the Code of Criminal Procedure and section 46(1) of the Act on ‘regulatory offences’ does not make any finding that the person concerned is guilty: it derives merely from the suspicion falling on him, which had given rise to his being prosecuted for a ‘regulatory offence’. The reasons for the order as to costs in the impugned decisions are therefore rightly confined to the finding that the defendant would most probably have been found guilty.“
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{ "applicant": "Uli Lutz", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1987 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Uli Lutz
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 22689/07) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Brazilian national, Mr Luan de Souza Ribeiro (“the applicant”), on 22 May 2007. The applicant was represented by Ms D. Monget-Sarrail and Ms J. Pépin, lawyers practising in Cayenne. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged a violation of Article 8 of the Convention, read alone and in conjunction with Article 13, in particular because he had had no possibility of challenging the lawfulness of a removal order prior to its execution. On 9 February 2009 the President of the Fifth Section decided to communicate the application to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 1 of the Convention, it also decided to examine the admissibility and merits of the case at the same time. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, a Brazilian national, was born in 1988 and lives in Remire Montjoly in French Guiana. He arrived on French soil in 1992 at the age of four and remained there until 1994, when he returned to Brazil. In 1995, holding a tourist visa, the applicant returned to Cayenne in French Guiana, where he went to primary school in 1996 and then to secondary school. As he had no valid residence permit and could not apply for one until he came of age, he had to leave school in 2004, at the age of sixteen. In 2005 he was stopped for a drug offence. By an order of 17 May 2006 he was placed under court supervision and barred from leaving French Guiana. On 25 October 2006 the Cayenne Youth Court gave him a two-month suspended sentence and two years’ probation. On 25 January 2007 the applicant was stopped for a road check and, being unable to present any valid papers, was taken into custody. A removal order and an administrative detention order were issued against him that same day at 10 a.m. On 26 January, at 3.11 p.m., the applicant lodged an appeal against the removal order with the Cayenne Administrative Court, for abuse of authority, arguing that the order was illegal under Article 511-4 of the Code regulating the entry and residence of aliens and asylum seekers (see the section on “Relevant Domestic Law”). A hearing was scheduled for 1 February 2007. An urgent application was filed at the same time as the appeal, asking the court to suspend the enforcement of the removal order while it examined the validity of the measure. In support of his application for a suspension the applicant relied on Article 8 of the Convention, arguing that he had entered French territory before the age of thirteen, that he had lived there on a habitual basis ever since, that both his parents had residence permits, and that one of his brothers had acquired French citizenship and the other three would be entitled to apply for it at the age of thirteen as they had been born on French soil. On 26 January at 4 p.m. the applicant was removed to Brazil. The same evening the Cayenne Administrative Court declared his urgent application for a suspension of his removal devoid of purpose as he had already been deported. On 6 February 2007 the applicant lodged an urgent application with the Cayenne Administrative Court requesting that the Prefect of French Guiana be instructed to organise his return there within twenty-four hours because of the interference with his family life. The application was rejected on 7 February as the court had not yet reached a decision concerning the validity of the removal order, and the applicant’s return would amount to a permanent measure whereas the urgent-applications judge could only order interim measures. On an unspecified date the applicant returned to French Guiana illegally, by his own means, to live with his family. In a judgment of 18 October 2007 the Cayenne Administrative Court found the removal order illegal on the grounds that the applicant had shown that he had been habitually resident in France since the age of thirteen and could therefore not be deported. The court refused to have the applicant issued with a residence permit, but ordered the Prefect of French Guiana to re-examine his administrative situation within three months. On 16 June 2009 the authorities in French Guiana issued the applicant with a “visitor’s” permit, which was valid for one year but did not allow him to work. An investigation revealed that the authorities had issued the “visitor’s” permit by mistake. The applicant was accordingly issued, in September 2009, with a new residence permit for “private and family life”, backdated to June 2009 and allowing him to work. That residence permit was not renewed upon expiry because of a problem with the documents required for its renewal. In October 2010, however, the applicant was eventually issued with a residence permit valid from June 2010 to June 2011.
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{ "applicant": "Luan de Souza Ribeiro", "articles": [ 91, 34, 49, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Luan de Souza Ribeiro
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 63207/00) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Ms Gerda Rieg (“the applicant”), on 6 October 2000. The applicant was represented by Mr M. Einsle, a lawyer practising in Bregenz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The German Government did not make use of their right to intervene (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention). The applicant alleged, in particular, that her right to remain silent and not to incriminate herself had been breached in criminal proceedings against her. The application was allocated to the First Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 18 March 2004 the Court declared the application partly admissible. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1954 and lives in Laupheim (Germany). On 17 January 1997 at 18.45 p.m. the car of which the applicant is the registered owner was caught in Austria by a radar-trap exceeding the speed limit by 26 km/h. On 12 March 1997 the Dornbirn District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) ordered the applicant pursuant to section 103 § 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act (Kraftfahrzeuggesetz) to disclose within two weeks the full name and address of the person who had been driving her car at the material time on 17 January 1997. On 24 March 1997 the applicant replied that Mr J.S. [first and family name in full], living in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina had been the driver. On 17 April 1997 the Dornbirn District Administrative Authority issued a provisional penal order (Strafverfügung) in which it sentenced the applicant under sections 103 § 2 and 134 § 1 of the Motor Vehicles Act to pay a fine of 1,500 Austrian schillings (ATS) with two days' imprisonment in default. The applicant filed an objection against this decision. On 22 September 1997 the District Administrative Authority dismissed the applicant's objection and issued a penal order (Straferkenntnis) confirming its previous decision. It found that the applicant had failed to give complete information as requested in the order of 12 March. The applicant appealed on 1 October 1997 submitting in particular that she had replied to the District Administrative Authority's order, but had been unable to find out the exact address of Mr J.S. Further, she claimed that the obligation under section 103 § 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act to disclose the driver of her car violated the presumption of innocence and her right not to incriminate herself. Finally, she pointed out that she was a German national and that German law did not contain a comparable obligation of the registered car owner to disclose who had been driving the car at a specified time. On 26 November 1997 the Vorarlberg Independent Administrative Panel (Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat) dismissed the applicant's appeal. As to the applicant's complaint that the obligation under section 103 § 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act violated the right not to incriminate oneself and the presumption of innocence, it noted that the relevant sentence of that provision had constitutional rank. On 30 December 1997 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). She repeated the complaint as to the alleged violation of her right not to incriminate herself. On 9 June 1998 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the applicant's complaint for lack of sufficient prospects of success. On 30 June 2000 the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) refused to deal with the applicant's complaint pursuant to section 33a of the Administrative Court Act since the amount of the penalty did not exceed ATS 10,000 and no important legal problem was at stake. The applicant was not prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit.
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{ "applicant": "Gerda Rieg", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2005 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Gerda Rieg
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 42032/98) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Johann Widmann (“the applicant”), on 23 March 1998. The applicant was represented by Mr E. Proksch, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the length of the administrative proceedings exceeded the reasonable time requirement under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 20 March 2001 the Court communicated the above complaint to the Government and declared the remaining complaints inadmissible. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Third Section (Rule 52 § 1). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 6 June 2002 the Court declared the application admissible. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant is living in Mittersill/Austria, where he is a farmer and owner of the Rossweg alp. According to a regulatory deed (Regulierungsurkunde) of 1868 concerning the alp, the owner of this alp is entitled to obtain timber from the Austrian Federal Forestry Administration to the extent necessary for the maintenance of the alp's cabins. 1. First round of proceedings On 30 October 1987 the applicant requested the Office of the Salzburg Regional Government as the agricultural authority of first instance (Landesregierung als Agrarbehörde erster Instanz - “the Agricultural Authority”) to grant him the necessary quantity of timber for the maintenance of existing and the edification of new alpine cabins. On 14 July 1988 the Agricultural Authority held a hearing and on 20 June 1989 a forestry expert delivered his opinion. On 4 September 1989 the Agricultural Authority gave its decision, ordering the Federal Forestry Administration to provide the applicant with a certain quantity of timber within four weeks. On 25 September 1989 the applicant appealed against this decision. On 2 February 1990 the Salzburg Regional Land Reform Board (Landesagrarsenat - “the Regional Board”) dismissed the appeal and ordered the Federal Forestry Administration to provide the applicant with a smaller quantity of timber within four weeks. On 27 June 1990 the applicant filed a complaint against this decision with the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof). On 12 October 1993 the Administrative Court quashed the Regional Board's decision. On 28 January 1994 the Regional Board granted the applicant's appeal of 25 September 1989 and referred the case back to the Agricultural Authority. 2. Second round of proceedings By a decision of 6 June 1994 the Agricultural Authority opened supplementary proceedings with a view to amending the regulatory deed of 1868 concerning the alp. On 25 August 1994 and 25 January 1995 hearings were held. On 12 December 1994 an agricultural expert delivered his opinion as to the average annual timber supply necessary for the maintenance of the cabins. On 6 February 1995 the Agricultural Authority issued a decision, by which it amended the regulatory deed of 1868 and determined the provision of timber for the owner of the Rossweg alp. The applicant appealed against this decision, claiming that a fixed annual supply of timber should be granted irrespective of the need to maintain the cabins. On 23 June 1995 the Regional Board partly granted the appeal and amended the Agricultural Authority's decision. On 17 November 1995 the Regional Board granted the applicant's request for leave to appeal out of time (Wiedereinsetzung in den vorigen Stand) to the Supreme Land Reform Board (Oberster Agrarsenat - “the Supreme Board”) against the Regional Board's decision. On 6 March 1996 the Supreme Board, after having held a hearing, dismissed the applicant's further appeal. It found that the legal instrument of 1868 only conferred a right to obtain timber for the maintenance of cabins, not a right to a fixed annual quantity of timber. On 30 May 1996 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). On 24 September 1996 the Constitutional Court refused to deal with the complaint for lack of sufficient prospects of success and remitted the case to the Administrative Court. On 11 December 1997 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant's complaint. It confirmed that the applicant was entitled to obtain a variable quantity of timber dependent on the need to maintain his alp's cabins, but not to obtain a fixed annual quantity. The decision was served on the applicant's counsel on 28 January 1998.
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{ "applicant": "Johann Widmann", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2003 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Johann Widmann
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 4619/12) against the Kingdom of Belgium lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Belgian national, Ms Fouzia Dakir (“the applicant”), on 22 December 2011. The applicant was represented by Ms I. Wouters a lawyer practising in Brussels. The Belgian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr M. Tysebaert, Senior Adviser, Federal Justice Department. The applicant complained that the ban on wearing in public places clothing designed to conceal the face deprived her of the possibility of wearing the full-face veil. She alleged a violation of Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the Convention, taken separately and in conjunction with Article 14 of the Convention. She alleged, further, that she had not had an effective remedy before the Conseil d’Etat (Articles 6 § 1 and 13 of the Convention). On 9 July 2015 the Government were given notice of the above-mentioned complaints and the remainder of the application was declared inadmissible pursuant to Rule 54 § 3 of the Rules of Court. The non-governmental organisation Liberty and the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University were given leave to submit written comments (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 3). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1977 and lives in Dison. The applicant stated that she was a Muslim and had decided, on her own initiative, to wear the niqab – a veil covering the face except for the eyes – in accordance with her religious beliefs. She said that she had taken the decision to wear the full-face veil when she was sixteen years old. She explained that her choice had been accepted by her family and friends and by her husband. She also stated that she had always agreed to remove her veil for identification purposes as required by the authorities, such as when issuing her identity card. On 18 February 2008 the Vesdre district administrative authorities proposed an amendment to the district regulations regarding the wearing of the burqa in public thoroughfares and in public places ... . The president of the police district invited the Verviers public prosecutor to express an opinion on that proposal. On 18 March 2008 the public prosecutor replied that he did not have any observations to make. The municipal councils of the three municipalities belonging to the police district – the municipal council of Pepinster on 23 June 2008, Dison on 26 June 2008 and Verviers on 30 June 2008 – enacted the following provisions of the consolidated by-laws of the Vesdre police district, which differed, moreover, from the original proposal. “Article 113. Save where authorised by the mayor (Bourgmestre) of the municipality, wearing a mask or using any strategem whatsoever for the purposes of concealing personal identity shall be forbidden at all times, at any public meeting and in all public places and in public thoroughfares. ... Article 113bis. The wearing of clothing concealing the face shall be forbidden at all times and in all public places. However, a helmet, balaclava or other headgear may be worn where authorised by the legislation on the safety of workers or other legislation. ... On 29 August 2008 the applicant lodged an application with the Conseil d’État for annulment of Article 113bis. She argued that the provision in question expressly targeted the Islamic veil, which she wore, and that the resulting ban constituted an interference with her rights guaranteed by Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the Convention and discrimination in breach of Article 14 of the Convention. She contended that the interference did not pursue a legitimate aim as the principle of secularism was not a constitutional principle and there could therefore be no blanket ban on wearing the veil. In any event, even supposing that the aim could be regarded as legitimate, the applicant maintained that the means were disproportionate in the absence of public disorder or threat of public disorder and thus of a pressing social need. In their memorial in reply of 18 April 2011, the three municipalities submitted that the impugned provision sought to guarantee public safety and not to regulate or restrict the exercise of any form of worship. The auditeur at the Conseil d’État delivered a detailed 26-page report in which he concluded that in his opinion the applicant’s above-mentioned submission was well founded because public safety could not serve as a basis for a ban on wearing the full-face veil in all places generally open to the public, as no specific public disorder was associated with it as such. In judgment no. 213.849 of 15 June 2011, the Conseil d’État, refusing to follow the opinion of the auditeur, dismissed the application for annulment of the provision ... . That judgment was served on the applicant on 23 June 2011.
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{ "applicant": "Fouzia Dakir", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 57, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "BEL", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2017 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Fouzia Dakir
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court, as established under former Article 19 of the Convention, by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) and by the Liechtenstein Government (“the Government”) on 24 and 27 October 1998 respectively, within the three-month period laid down by former Articles 32 § 1 and 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 28396/95) against the Principality of Liechtenstein lodged with the Commission under former Article 25 by a Liechtenstein citizen, Mr Herbert Wille, on 25 August 1995. The Commission’s request referred to former Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby Liechtenstein recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (former Article 46); the Government’s application referred to former Article 48. The object of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 10 and 13 of the Convention. After the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 on 1 November 1998 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 § 5 thereof, the case was referred to the Grand Chamber of the Court. The Grand Chamber included ex officio Mr L. Caflisch, the judge elected in respect of Liechtenstein (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 24 § 4 of the Rules of Court), Mrs E. Palm and Mr C.L. Rozakis, the Vice-Presidents of the Court, and Mr J.‑P. Costa and Mr G. Ress, Vice-Presidents of Sections (Article 27 § 3 of the Convention and Rule 24 §§ 3 and 5 (a)). The other members appointed to complete the Grand Chamber were Mr L. Ferrari Bravo, Mr I. Cabral Barreto, Mr W. Fuhrmann, Mr K. Jungwiert, Mr B. Zupancic, Mrs N. Vajic, Mr J. Hedigan, Mrs W. Thomassen, Mrs M. Tsatsa-Nikolovska, Mr T. Pantîru, Mr E. Levits and Mr K. Traja (Rule 24 § 3 and Rule 100 § 4). The applicant designated the lawyers who would represent him (Rule 36). The lawyers were given leave by the President of the Grand Chamber, Mrs Palm, to use the German language (Rule 34 § 3). As President of the Grand Chamber, Mrs Palm, acting through the Deputy Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyers and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the written procedure. Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicant’s memorial on 25 February 1999 and the Government’s memorial on 30 March 1999. In accordance with the decision of the President of the Grand Chamber, a hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 2 June 1999. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr H. Golsong, Attorney, Co-Agent, Mr N. Marxer, Mr T. Stein, Mr M. Walker, Counsel; (b) for the applicant Mr W.E. Seeger, Rechtsanwalt, Mr A. Kley, Rechtsanwalt, Counsel. Mr Wille was also present. The Court heard addresses by Mr Seeger, Mr Kley, Mr Golsong and Mr Stein. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE In 1992 a controversy arose between His Serene Highness Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein (“the Prince”) and the Liechtenstein government on political competences in connection with the plebiscite on the question of Liechtenstein’s accession to the European Economic Area. At the relevant time, the applicant was a member of the Liechtenstein government. Following an argument between the Prince and members of the government at a meeting on 28 October 1992, the matter was settled on the basis of a common declaration by the Prince, the Diet (Landtag) and the government. Following elections and the constitution of the new Diet in May 1993, discussions on various constitutional issues took place between the Prince and the government, when the applicant no longer held a government office. The applicant had not stood for re-election in May 1993, and he was appointed President of the Liechtenstein Administrative Court (Verwaltungsbeschwerdeinstanz) in December 1993 for a fixed term of office (see paragraph 26 below). On 16 February 1995, in the context of a series of lectures on questions of constitutional jurisdiction and fundamental rights, the applicant gave a public lecture at the Liechtenstein-Institut, a research institute, on the “Nature and Functions of the Liechtenstein Constitutional Court” (“Wesen und Aufgaben des Staatsgerichtshofes”). In the course of the lecture, the applicant expressed the view that the Constitutional Court was competent to decide on the “interpretation of the Constitution in case of disagreement between the Prince (government) and the Diet” (“Entscheidung über die Auslegung der Verfassung bei einem Auslegungsstreit zwischen Fürst (Regierung) und Landtag”). On 17 February 1995 the newspaper Liechtensteiner Volksblatt published an article on the lecture given by the applicant, mentioning, inter alia, his views on the competences of the Constitutional Court. On 27 February 1995 the Prince addressed a letter to the applicant concerning the above lecture, as summarised in the article published in the Liechtensteiner Volksblatt. The letter, written on heraldic letter paper, read as follows: “Vaduz Castle, 27 February 1995 Dr Herbert Wille President of the Liechtenstein Administrative Court [applicant’s private address] Sir, I was astonished to read the report in the 17 February issue of the Liechtensteiner Volksblatt on your lecture on the theme of the ‘Nature and Functions of the Liechtenstein Constitutional Court’. I assume that the statements you made on the Court’s areas of responsibility have been correctly reproduced in this report, in particular the comment that the Constitutional Court can, as a court that interprets the law, be appealed to in the event of a disagreement between the Prince and the people. You will doubtless remember the discussion between the government and me in the period before 28 October 1992, at which you were present as deputy head of government. I drew the government’s attention during this exchange of views at Vaduz Castle to the fact that it was not abiding by the Constitution and read out the relevant Articles thereof. You replied that you did not agree (or words to that effect) with these parts of the Constitution in any case and that you therefore did not consider yourself bound by it. Since the other members of the government did not contradict you, I was forced to assume that the entire government was of the opinion that the two bodies that hold supreme power, the people and the Prince, must observe the Constitution and the ordinary laws but not the members of the government, who have sworn an oath of allegiance to the Constitution. I considered your statement at that time and the government’s attitude to be incredibly arrogant and therefore informed the government in no uncertain terms that it had lost my confidence. Following the compromise that was fortunately reached a little later between the government and the Diet, on the one hand, and myself, on the other, I declared that I once again had confidence in the government, doing so in the hope that individual members had realised that they had taken up an inexcusable position in relation to our Constitution and now recognised that they were bound by it. Just as I would have appointed Mr Brunhart head of government, had his party won the election, I appointed you President of the Administrative Court on the Diet’s recommendation. Unfortunately, I had to realise following the publication of the report in the Liechtensteiner Volksblatt that you still do not consider yourself bound by the Constitution and hold views that are clearly in violation of both the spirit and the letter thereof. Anyone reading the relevant Articles of the Constitution will be able to establish that the Constitutional Court has no competence to decide as a court of interpretation in the event of a disagreement between the Prince and the people (the Diet). In my eyes your attitude, Dr Wille, makes you unsuitable for public office. I do not intend to get involved in a long public or private debate with you, but I should like to inform you in good time that I shall not appoint you again to a public office should you be proposed by the Diet or any other body. I only hope that in your judgments as President of the Administrative Court you will abide by the Constitution and the ordinary laws for the rest of your term of office. Yours sincerely, Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein” “Schloss Vaduz, 27. Februar 1995 Herrn Dr. Herbert Wille Präsident der Fürstlich Liecht. Verwaltungsbeschwerdeinstanz ... Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident Mit Erstaunen habe ich im Liechtensteiner Volksblatt vom 17. Februar den Bericht über Ihren Vortrag am Liechtenstein Institut zum Thema ‘Wesen und Aufgaben des Staatsgerichtshofes’ gelesen. Ich nehme an, dass Ihre Aussagen über die Zuständigkeitsbereiche des Staatsgerichtshofes in diesem Bericht korrekt wiedergegeben wurden, insbesondere jene, in der Sie feststellen, dass der Staatsgerichtshof als Interpretations-gerichtshof bei unterschiedlichen Auffassungen zwischen Fürst und Volk angerufen werden könne. Sie werden sich bestimmt noch an die Auseinandersetzung zwischen der Regierung und mir vor dem 28. Oktober 1992 erinnern, bei der Sie als stellvertretender Regierungschef anwesend waren. Ich habe damals bei der Aussprache auf Schloss Vaduz die Regierung darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass sie sich nicht an die Verfassung hält, und die entsprechenden Artikel aus der Verfassung der Regierung vorgelesen. Sie haben dazumal sinngemäss geantwortet, dass Sie mit diesen Teilen der Verfassung sowieso nicht einverstanden seien, und sich deshalb auch nicht an die Verfassung gebunden fühlten. Nachdem die anderen Regierungsmitglieder Ihrer Aussage nicht widersprochen haben, musste ich davon ausgehen, dass die gesamte Regierung der Auffassung ist, dass sich zwar die beiden Souveräne, Volk und Fürst, an Verfassung und Gesetze zu halten haben, nicht aber die Regierungsmitglieder, welche einen Eid auf die Verfassung abgelegt haben. Ich habe Ihre damalige Aussage sowie die Haltung der Regierung als unglaubliche Arroganz empfunden, und deshalb habe ich der Regierung in sehr klaren Worten mitgeteilt, dass sie mein Vertrauen verloren hat. Beim Kompromiss, der glücklicherweise etwas später zwischen Regierung und Landtag auf der einen Seite und mir auf der anderen Seite erzielt wurde, habe ich der Regierung wieder mein Vertrauen ausgesprochen. Ich habe dies auch in der Hoffnung getan, dass die einzelnen Regierungsmitglieder ihre unentschuldbare Haltung gegenüber unserer Verfassung eingesehen haben und die Verfassung für sie wieder als bindend anerkennen. Ebenso wie ich Herrn Brunhart bei einem Sieg seiner Partei wiederum zum Regierungschef ernannt hätte, so habe ich Sie über Vorschlag des Landtages zum Präsidenten der Verwaltungs-beschwerdeinstanz ernannt. Leider muss ich aufgrund des Berichtes im Liechtensteiner Volksblatt nun feststellen, dass Sie sich nach wie vor nicht an die Verfassung gebunden fühlen und Auffassungen vertreten, die eindeutig gegen Sinn und Wortlaut der Verfassung verstossen. Jeder wird beim Lesen der einschlägigen Verfassungsartikel feststellen können, dass der Staatsgerichtshof eben nicht Interpretationsgerichtshof bei unterschiedlichen Auffassungen zwischen Fürst und Volk (Landtag) ist. In meinen Augen sind Sie, Herr Dr. Wille, aufgrund Ihrer Haltung gegenüber der Verfassung ungeeignet für ein öffentliches Amt. Ich habe nicht die Absicht, mich mit Ihnen öffentlich oder privat in eine lange Auseinandersetzung einzulassen, aber ich möchte Ihnen rechtzeitig mitteilen, dass ich Sie nicht mehr für ein öffentliches Amt ernennen werde, sollten Sie mir vom Landtag oder sonst irgendeinem Gremium vorgeschlagen werden. Es verbleibt mir die Hoffnung, dass Sie sich während des Restes Ihrer Amtszeit als Präsident der Verwaltungsbeschwerdeinstanz in Ihren Urteilen an Verfassung und Gesetze halten. Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung Hans-Adam II. Fürst von Liechtenstein” By letter of 9 March 1995 the applicant informed the President of the Diet about the letter of 27 February 1995. He denied having ever made a statement to the effect that he did not consider himself bound by the Constitution or parts thereof. He further explained his research on the competences of the Constitutional Court in constitutional matters. According to him, the expression of an opinion not shared by the Prince could not be regarded as a failure to comply with the Constitution. However, taking into account the conclusions drawn by the Prince in the said letter, his office as President of the Administrative Court was called into question. The President of the Diet subsequently informed the applicant that the Diet had discussed the matter in camera and had come to the unanimous conclusion that the applicant’s office was not called into question on account of his legal opinions as stated in the context of his lecture. On 20 March 1995 the applicant replied to the letter sent by the Prince on 27 February 1995, and enclosed a copy of his letter to the President of the Diet. He explained in particular that it was his conviction as a lawyer that his statements on the occasion of the lecture of 16 February 1995, namely that the Constitutional Court was competent to decide on the interpretation of the Constitution in case of a dispute between the Prince and the people (Diet), were correct and did not infringe the Constitution. The applicant concluded that the declaration made by the Prince that he did not intend to appoint the applicant to a public office, amounted to an interference with his rights to freedom of opinion and to freedom of thought, as guaranteed under the Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights. It further called into question the constitutional right to equal access to public office and constituted an attempt to interfere with judicial independence. In his letter in reply dated 4 April 1995, the Prince noted that Mr Wille had distributed the letter of 27 February 1995 to a large group of persons. The Prince stated that it had been his intention to avoid a public discussion in informing Mr Wille, in a personal letter, about his decision as early as possible. He considered that a long debate between them on the question of Mr Wille’s qualification for the office of judge was inappropriate, as Mr Wille had remained in office and the Prince’s criticism had not been directed at the decisions of the Administrative Court, but at Mr Wille’s general attitude towards the Constitution. The Prince added that it was left to his discretion whether or not to appoint a candidate for public office and that he was not obliged to give any reasons for such a decision. However, as he had known Mr Wille for many years, he had considered it appropriate to state the reasons for his decision regarding him. Moreover, the decision no longer to appoint him to the office of President of one of the highest courts, on account of his attitude in the past as well as the opinions expressed by him, did not amount to an interference with Mr Wille’s rights to freedom of expression and to freedom of thought. All citizens were free to propose and to plead for amendments to constitutional or other legal provisions. However, Mr Wille, during his term of office as a member of the government and in his lecture, had not availed himself of such constitutional and democratic means, but had simply ignored those parts of the Constitution with which he disagreed. The Prince further explained that the relevant provision, namely Article 112 of the Constitution, concerned the competence of the Constitutional Court to decide on the interpretation of the Constitution in case of a dispute between the government and the Diet. Confusing the terms “Government” and “Diet” with “Prince” or “people”, as Mr Wille had done, would undermine the rule of law. As head of State, he was obliged to safeguard the constitutional order and the democratic rights of the people. He would be failing in his duties if he were to appoint to one of the highest judicial offices a person whom, owing to his attitude and the statements he had made, he could not regard as being committed to upholding the Constitution. On 2 June 1995 the Prince sent to the applicant, President of the Administrative Court, an open letter which was published in Liechtenstein newspapers. The Prince noted that Mr Wille had made public at least part of the Prince’s letter of 27 February 1995. As this had given rise to various comments, the Prince considered it necessary to explain his point of view in an open letter. In his opinion, in a democratic State based on the rule of law (demokratischer Rechtsstaat), a distinction had to be drawn between freedom of expression and the means used by an individual for imposing his views in such a society. In that connection, the individual should respect the rules defined in the Constitution and other statutory provisions. The Prince further stated that it was the right of Mr Wille, in his position as a judge, to express the opinion that the monarchy was no longer opportune; that Article 7 of the Constitution should be amended; that the Prince should be subject to the jurisdiction of the Liechtenstein judiciary; and that the Liechtenstein Constitutional Court should be given supplementary competences. However, Mr Wille was not entitled to place himself above the existing Constitution or incite the Constitutional Court to lay claim to competences which were not vested in it by virtue of the Constitution. The Prince considered that Mr Wille, having regard to his education and professional experience, knew that the terms “people” (“Volk”), “Diet” (“Landtag”), “Government” (“Regierung”) and “Prince” (“Fürst”) and their respective rights and obligations were clearly defined in the Constitution. The applicant’s contention that these terms were interchangeable would jeopardise the Constitution and the constitutional State as a whole. The Prince also made reference to the political events in the autumn of 1992 and, lastly, he stated that, on the basis of the article in a Liechtenstein newspaper of 17 February 1995, he was forced to conclude that Mr Wille continued to have the intention of placing himself above the Liechtenstein Constitution. He explained that he had therefore intended to inform Mr Wille, in a personal letter and as early as possible, about his decision not to appoint him to public office in future. In spring 1997 the applicant’s term of office as President of the Administrative Court expired. On 14 April 1997 the Liechtenstein Diet decided to propose the applicant again as President of the Administrative Court. In a letter of 17 April 1997 to the President of the Diet the Prince refused to accept the proposed appointment. He explained that, considering his experiences with Mr Wille, he had become convinced that Mr Wille did not feel bound by the Liechtenstein Constitution. In these circumstances, he would be failing in his duties as head of State if he were to appoint Mr Wille as President of the Administrative Court. The Prince further stated that Mr Wille, on account of his other professional qualifications, had made important contributions as a judge of the Administrative Court and that he (the Prince) could therefore understand the proposal made to a certain extent. If the Diet did not share his doubts regarding Mr Wille, it could elect him as associate judge of the Administrative Court. The applicant is currently employed as a researcher by the Liechtenstein-Institut.
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{ "applicant": "Herbert Wille", "articles": [ 91, 34, 49, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 93 ], "countries": "LIE", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 1999 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Herbert Wille
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 49151/07) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Spanish national, Mrs María Luisa Muñoz Díaz (“the applicant”), on 29 October 2007. The applicant was represented by Ms M. Queipo de Llano López‑Cózar, a lawyer practising in Madrid. The Spanish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr I. Blasco Lozano, Head of the Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Justice. The applicant, a Rom of Spanish nationality, complained about a refusal to grant her a survivor’s pension, following the death of M.D., also a Rom of Spanish nationality, on the sole ground that they were not a married couple under Spanish law. She alleged that there had been a violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and Article 12 of the Convention. On 13 May 2008 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. As provided for by Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it was also decided that the Chamber would examine the admissibility and merits of the case at the same time. The parties filed their observations. In addition, third-party comments were received from Unión Romaní which had been given leave by the President to intervene in the written procedure as amicus curiae (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 2 of the Rules of Court). A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 26 May 2009 (Rule 59 § 3). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr I. Blasco Lozano, Head of the Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Justice, Agent; (b) for the applicant Ms M. Queipo de Llano López-Cózar, Mr S. Sánchez Lorente, Counsel; (c) for the third party Mr J.D. Ramírez Heredia, Chairman of Unión Romaní. The Court heard addresses by Mr Blasco Lozano, Ms Queipo de Llano López-Cózar and Mr Sánchez Lorente and their replies to questions from Judges López Guerra and Myjer. It also heard statements by Mr Ramírez Heredia and by Mrs Muñoz Díaz, the applicant. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1956 and lives in Madrid. The applicant and M.D., both members of the Roma community, were married in November 1971 according to their community’s own rites. The marriage was solemnised in accordance with Roma customs and cultural traditions and was recognised by that community. For the Roma community, a marriage solemnised according to its customs gives rise to the usual social effects, to public recognition, to an obligation to live together and to all other rights and duties that are inherent in the institution of marriage. The applicant had six children, who were registered in the family record book issued to the couple by the Spanish civil registration authorities (Registro civil) on 11 August 1983. On 14 October 1986 the applicant and her family were granted first-category large-family status, under the number 28/2220/8, pursuant to the Large-Family Protection Act (Law no. 25/1971 of 19 June 1971). On 24 December 2000 the applicant’s husband died. He was a builder and at the time of his death had been working and paying social security contributions for nineteen years, three months and eight days, supporting his wife (registered as such) and his six children as his dependants. He had been issued with a social security benefit card, stamped by Agency no. 7 of Madrid of the National Institute of Social Security (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social – “the INSS”). The applicant applied for a survivor’s pension. In a decision of 27 March 2001, the INSS refused to grant her one on the following ground: “[she was] not and [had] never been the wife of the deceased prior to the date of death, as required by paragraph 2 of the seventh amendment to Law no. 30/1981 of 7 July 1981 (in force at the material time), combined with section 174 of the General Social Security Act [Ley General de la Seguridad Social – “the LGSS”] approved by Royal Legislative Decree no. 1/1994 of 20 June 1994.” That decision was confirmed by a decision of the same Institute dated 10 May 2001. The applicant filed a claim with the Labour Court. In a judgment dated 30 May 2002 of Labour Court no. 12 of Madrid, she was granted an entitlement to receive a survivor’s pension with a base rate of 903.29 euros per month, her Roma marriage thus being recognised as having civil effects. The relevant part of the judgment read as follows: “... In our country the Roma minority (etnia gitana) has been present since time immemorial and it is known that this minority solemnises marriage according to rites and traditions that are legally binding on the parties. These marriages are not regarded as being contrary to morality or public order and are recognised socially. ... Article 61 of the Civil Code provides that marriage has civil effects from the time it is solemnised but that it must be registered in the Civil Register if those effects are to be recognised. Roma marriages are not registered in the Civil Register because they have not been regarded by the State as a feature of the ethnic culture which has existed in our country for centuries. ... The argument relied upon against the applicant in order to deny her a survivor’s pension is solely the non-recognition of the civil effects of her marriage to the insured person (a working man of Spanish nationality with rights and obligations governed by domestic and European Community law), notwithstanding the fact that Spain has ratified the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 7 March 1966. ... The lack of regulation of the recognition of the civil effects of Roma marriage cannot hinder the protective action to which the State has committed itself by laying down social security norms. ... Directive 2000/43/EC implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin is applicable to the present case, where the denied benefit derives from the employment relationship of the insured person, who died from natural causes while he was still working. ... Article 4 § 1 of the Civil Code states [that] ‘norms are applied mutatis mutandis where they do not specifically contemplate the case in question but a comparable one which can be regarded as having a similar object’. Such application mutatis mutandis is applicable to the present case. ... The applicant’s marriage is not registered in the Civil Register, although that is not expressly ruled out. It is not recognised as having civil effects or as giving rise to the enjoyment of social protection by the survivor on the death of either spouse. Roma marriage is not covered by Spanish legislation, in spite of that ethnic minority’s social and cultural roots in our country. However, as noted above, marriages solemnised according to certain religious rites and customs that were, until quite recently, foreign to our society, [do] have a legal framework. These are therefore similar cases, albeit that it is not a religion that is concerned here. They have a similar object (community of cultures and customs present within the Spanish State). The refusal by the INSS to grant the applicant a survivor’s pension, the sole obstacle being that the marriage between the widow and the deceased is not recognised, reveals discriminatory treatment on grounds of ethnic affiliation in breach of Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution and Directive 2000/43/EC.” The INSS appealed. In a judgment of 7 November 2002, the Madrid Higher Court of Justice quashed the impugned judgment, giving the following reasons: “... It should be noted that the principle of equality and non-discrimination is based on the idea that equal situations should be treated equally and on [the idea] that equal treatment applied to situations which are not equal constitutes injustice. This also means that the law applicable to all should not be departed from in such a manner [as to enable] the creation of more exceptions than those that are expressly contemplated in that law. ... A distinction must be made between the legislation that is in force and is applicable at all times and what may be considered desirable by a given sector of society. ... Under the provisions of Article 49 of the Civil Code, every Spanish national (such as the applicant and the deceased) may opt for a civil marriage before a magistrate, a mayor or a public official designated [by that Code], or for a religious marriage as provided for by law. ... In accordance with the foregoing, if a civil marriage is to be solemnised through regulated formalities, that must also be the case for a religious marriage, whose formalities will be those of the religious denomination – such formalities being laid down by the State, or otherwise accepted by its legislation. [It will be in such circumstances] that the marriage produces civil effects. ... A marriage solemnised solely and exclusively according to Roma rites is not covered by any of the above-mentioned cases, as even though an ethnic group is concerned, the norms or formalities of that group do not produce any legal effect outside its own environment and are not enshrined in the law that provides for the impugned pension. [Such a marriage], which is certainly meaningful and enjoys social recognition in the environment concerned, does not exclude, and currently does not supersede, the law that is in force and is applicable to the present case, in so far as it concerns a marriage between Spanish nationals that took place in Spain. An ethnic group, moreover, is merely a group which is differentiated on grounds of race ... and a rite is merely a custom or ceremony. ... As far as customs are concerned, under Article 1 § 3 of the Civil Code they only apply in the absence of an applicable law. ... The morality of the rite or its conformity with public order are not called into question, but only its capacity to produce erga omnes obligations, whereas in Spain there are statutory norms governing marriage. The answer, clearly, can only be in the negative. ... A marriage, in order to produce civil effects, can only be one that is solemnised civilly or religiously according to the terms set out above. Roma marriage does not correspond, in the current framework of our law, to the nature of the marriages referred to above. Section 174 of the LGSS requires that a person be the spouse of the deceased in order to benefit from the survivor’s pension, and the notion of spouse has been interpreted strictly according to an established constitutional and ordinary case-law (in spite of dissenting views), according to which a couple living together de facto as husband and wife and many others who, in reality, are not married under the applicable law, are excluded from the benefit of that pension.” The applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court, relying on the principle of non-discrimination in terms of race and social condition. In a judgment of 16 April 2007, the Constitutional Court dismissed the appeal as follows: “... The court, in a plenary sitting, reiterated ... the reasons for concluding that to limit the survivor’s pension to cases of institutionalised cohabitation as husband and wife, excluding other forms of partnership or cohabitation, did not constitute discrimination on social grounds. In this connection, it was submitted that the legislature retained a significant degree of discretion in determining the configuration of the social security system and in assessing the socio-economic circumstances in a context of the administration of limited resources with a view to addressing a large number of social needs, bearing in mind that an entitlement to a survivor’s pension was not strictly conditional, in a contribution-related system, on an actual situation of necessity or economic dependence, or even unfitness for work, in the case of the surviving spouse. In any event, the plenary court also commented on the fact that the extension, by the legislature, of the survivor’s pension to other forms of partnership was not prohibited by Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution either. ... A supposed discrimination on social grounds must be rejected for the reasons given above. ... No violation of Article 14 arises from the fact of limiting the survivor’s pension in practice to married couples. Similarly, no discriminatory treatment, whether direct or indirect, for racial or ethnic reasons, arises from the fact that the applicant’s partnership, in accordance with the rites and customs of the Roma community, has not been assimilated with marriage for the purposes of the said pension, and that the same legal rules as those applying to ‘more uxorio’ cohabitation have been applied to it. Firstly, ... the court reiterated that ‘discrimination by absence of differentiation’ did not arise from Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution, as the principle of equality did not afford a right to [differentiated] treatment, nor did it protect the lack of distinction between different cases. There was thus no individual right to differentiated normative treatment. ... Secondly, the statutory requirement of a marital relationship as a condition for the enjoyment of a survivor’s pension, and the interpretation arising from the impugned decision, taking into account the marital relationship that stems from the legally recognised forms of access to marriage, and not any other forms of cohabitation, in particular partnerships according to Roma habits and customs – such requirement not being in any way related to racial or ethnic considerations, but to the fact [for the interested parties] of having freely chosen not to formalise marriage by recognised statutory, civil or religious procedures – never takes into consideration a person’s race or the customs of a given ethnic group to the detriment of others. As a result, there is no form of covert discrimination here against the Roma ethnic group. ... Lastly, the court must reject the idea that the recognition of the civil effects of a marital relationship created by certain specific religious rites, but not one that has been solemnised according to Roma rites and customs, and the refusal of the judicial body to accept the latter mutatis mutandis [...], may entail directly or indirectly, the alleged ethnic discrimination. ... To sum up, in view of the fact that the law establishes a general possibility – neutral from a racial and ethnic point of view – of marrying in the civil form, and that the legislature, in deciding to attach statutory effects to other forms of accession to a marital relationship, did so exclusively on the basis of religious considerations and thus without reference to any ethnic grounds, no discriminatory treatment with an ethnic connotation, as alleged, may be found.” A dissenting opinion was appended to the judgment. It referred to judgment no. 199/2004, in which the Constitutional Court had found a violation of the right to equality in a case concerning the widower of a civil servant, after finding that a marital relationship existed but not a marriage, since it had not been registered civilly, the parties having expressly refused such registration of their marital relationship which had been solemnised in a religious form. For the dissenting judge, that case of a surviving spouse from an unregistered religious marriage was comparable to that of the applicant, in that the two claimants had applied for a survivor’s pension on the basis of what they considered to be a marital relationship, albeit that it had not been registered civilly. Furthermore, the dissenting judge pointed out that, even though Spain was a party to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, which it signed at Strasbourg on 1 February 1995, the case-law of the Constitutional Court did not take into account the rites, practices or customs of a specific ethnic group, nor did it regard as valid and subject to constitutional protection the acts of individuals belonging to minorities who sought respect for their cultural traditions. According to the dissenting judge, the situation presented in this amparo appeal showed, for the first time, that the protection of minorities had a much broader constitutional significance than simply the response received by the applicant. The applicant should not have been obliged to take her case to a supranational body in order to obtain the protection claimed. In cases concerning the protection of ethnic minorities, the guarantee of equality required measures of positive discrimination in favour of the underprivileged minority, and respect, with the appropriate sensitivity, for the subjective value that a person belonging to such a minority accorded and required as regards respect for its traditions and the heritage of its cultural identity. The dissenting judge concluded as follows: “It is disproportionate for the Spanish State, which took into consideration the applicant and her Roma family by issuing them with a family record book, granting them large-family status, affording health-care assistance to her and her six children and collecting the corresponding contributions from her Roma husband for nineteen years, three months and eight days, now to refuse to recognise the Roma marriage when it comes to the survivor’s pension.” On 3 December 2008, under the third amendment of Law no. 40/2007 of 4 December 2007 pertaining to certain social security measures, the applicant was granted a survivor’s pension with effect from 1 January 2007, as the partner of M.D. II. RELEVANT DOMESTIC AND EUROPEAN LAW The relevant provisions of the Spanish Constitution are as follows: Article 14 “Spaniards shall be equal before the law; they may not be discriminated against in any way on account of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or personal or social circumstance.” Article 16 “1. Freedom of ideas, religion and worship shall be guaranteed to individuals and communities without any restrictions on its expression other than those necessary for the maintenance of public order as protected by law. No one shall be required to declare his ideological, religious or other beliefs. ...” Article 32 § 2 “1. Men and women shall have the right to enter into a marriage with full legal equality. The law shall determine the forms of marriage, the requisite age and capacity for marriage, the rights and duties of the spouses, the grounds for separation and dissolution and the effects thereof.” The relevant provisions of the Civil Code, as in force in 1971, read as follows: Article 42 “The law recognises two forms of marriage: the canonical form and the civil form. Marriage shall be solemnised in the canonical form when at least one of the participants identifies with the Catholic faith. Civil marriage shall be authorised where it is established that neither of the parties identifies with the Catholic faith.” The provisions applicable to the present case of the Civil Registration Rules, as in force at the relevant time (Decree no. 1138/1969 of 22 May 1969), read as follows: Article 245 “Persons who have renounced the Catholic faith shall, as soon as possible, provide proof that they have given notice of such renunciation to the priest of their home parish.” Article 246 “... In cases not provided for by the previous provision, proof of non-affiliation to the Catholic faith may be produced, either by a certificate of affiliation to another religious denomination, delivered by the competent minister or the authorised representative of the religious association in question, or in the form of an express declaration by the person concerned before the registrar.” The relevant provisions of the Civil Code, in its current version, read as follows: Article 44 “A man and a woman shall have the right to enter into marriage in accordance with the provisions of the present Code.” Article 49 “Any Spanish national is entitled to marry in Spain or abroad: Before a magistrate, a mayor or a public servant designated by the present Code. In the religious form provided for by law. [Any Spanish national] may also marry abroad in accordance with the formalities required by the law in the place where the marriage is solemnised.” The relevant provision of Law no. 30/1981 of 7 July 1981, amending the provisions of the Civil Code pertaining to marriage and the procedure to be followed for cases of nullity, judicial separation and divorce, reads as follows: Tenth amendment “... [As regards persons] who have not been able to marry on account of the legislation currently in force but who have lived as [a married couple], when the death of one of the partners has occurred before the entry into force of the present Law, the survivor will be entitled to the benefits provided for in the first paragraph of the present provision and to the corresponding pension in accordance with the following paragraph.” Section 2 of the Large-Family Protection Act (Law no. 25/1971 of 19 June 1971) reads as follows: “1. A family shall be classified as large when, in addition to fulfilling the other conditions laid down herein, it is made up of: (a) the head of the household, his spouse and four or more children ...” Section 174 of the Ley General de la Seguridad Social (“the LGSS”) (as in force at the material time) read as follows: “1. The surviving spouse ... shall be entitled to a survivor’s pension. ... In the event of nullity of a marriage, the surviving spouse’s entitlement to the survivor’s pension shall be recognised in proportion to the period of his or her cohabitation with the insured person, provided he or she has not acted in bad faith and has not remarried ...” Section 174 of the LGSS, approved by Royal Legislative Decree no. 1/1994 of 20 June 1994, reads as follows: “1. A survivor’s pension shall be granted for life ... to the surviving spouse when, on the death of his or her spouse the latter had been working ... and had paid contributions for the statutory period ... In the event of judicial separation or divorce, a survivor’s pension shall be granted to a person who is or was a lawful spouse, provided in the case of divorce that he or she has not remarried, in proportion to the period of cohabitation with the deceased spouse and regardless of the causes of the judicial separation or divorce. In the event of nullity of a marriage, a survivor’s pension shall be granted to the surviving spouse provided that he or she has not acted in bad faith and has not remarried, in proportion to the period of his or her cohabitation with the insured person. ...” Law no. 40/2007 of 4 December 2007 on social security measures, amending the LGSS, reads as follows: Third transitional amendment “Exceptionally, a survivor’s pension shall be granted where the death of the insured person occurred before the entry into force of the present Act, subject to fulfilment of the following conditions: (a) at the time of the death of the insured person, who was working and paying social security contributions as provided for by section 174 of the simplified text of the General Social Security Act, [the survivor] was unable to claim an entitlement to the survivor’s pension; (b) the beneficiary and the insured person lived together continuously as unmarried partners ... for at least six years prior to the death; (c) the insured person and the beneficiary had children together; (d) the beneficiary has no recognised entitlement to receive a contributory pension from the social security; (e) to have access to the pension [hereunder], the claim must be filed within a non-extendable period of twelve months following the entry into force of the present Act. The recognition of the pension entitlement will take effect from 1 January 2007, subject to the fulfilment of all the conditions provided for in the present provision.” Various cooperation agreements have been entered into between the Government and religious denominations: agreement with the Holy See (Concordat of 1979), agreement with the Evangelical Federation under Law no. 24/1992 of 10 November 1992, agreement with the Islamic Commission under Law no. 26/1992 of 10 November 1992, and agreement with the Jewish Federation under Law no. 25/1992 of 10 November 1992. Marriages solemnised according to the rites of those religious denominations are therefore recognised by the Spanish State as constituting a valid form of expression of consent to marriage. They thus produce civil effects by virtue of agreements entered into with the State. The relevant case-law of the Constitutional Court is as follows: “Constitutional Court judgments no. 260/1988 of 22 December 1988 and no. 155/1998 of 13 June 1998, among others, concerned entitlements to a survivor’s pension in cases where canonical marriage had not been possible because of the impossibility of divorce. Constitutional Court judgment no. 180/2001 of 17 September 2001 recognised the right to compensation for the death of a partner if a canonical marriage had not been possible on account of a conflict with freedom of conscience or religion (before the legislative amendment of 1981). Constitutional Court judgment no. 199/2004 of 15 November 2004 concerned a survivor’s pension entitlement derived from a canonical marriage that did not fulfil the statutory conditions of form because the parties had voluntarily omitted to register it in the Civil Register. The Constitutional Court recognised in that case an entitlement for the widower to receive a survivor’s pension.” The Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, opened for signature on 1 February 1995, contains the following provisions in particular: Article 1 “The protection of national minorities and of the rights and freedoms of persons belonging to those minorities forms an integral part of the international protection of human rights, and as such falls within the scope of international cooperation. ...” Article 4 “1. The Parties undertake to guarantee to persons belonging to national minorities the right of equality before the law and of equal protection of the law. In this respect, any discrimination based on belonging to a national minority shall be prohibited. The Parties undertake to adopt, where necessary, adequate measures in order to promote, in all areas of economic, social, political and cultural life, full and effective equality between persons belonging to a national minority and those belonging to the majority. In this respect, they shall take due account of the specific conditions of the persons belonging to national minorities. The measures adopted in accordance with paragraph 2 shall not be considered to be an act of discrimination.” Article 5 “1. The Parties undertake to promote the conditions necessary for persons belonging to national minorities to maintain and develop their culture, and to preserve the essential elements of their identity, namely their religion, language, traditions and cultural heritage. Without prejudice to measures taken in pursuance of their general integration policy, the Parties shall refrain from policies or practices aimed at assimilation of persons belonging to national minorities against their will and shall protect these persons from any action aimed at such assimilation.” Spain signed the Convention on the day that it was opened for signature and ratified it on 1 September 1995. It came into force in respect of Spain on 1 February 1998.
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{ "applicant": "Muñoz Díaz", "articles": [ 91, 34, 49, 50, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2009 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Muñoz Díaz
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 47287/99) against the French Republic lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mrs Paule Perez (“the applicant”), on 5 October 1998. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr P.-F. Divier, a lawyer practising in Paris. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr R. Abraham, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged, in particular, that at the end of the investigation during which she was joined as a civil party, the procedure before the Court of Cassation had not been fair. The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed First Section (Rule 52 § 1). On 30 January 2003 it was declared admissible by a Chamber of that Section, composed of Mr C.L. Rozakis, President, Mr J.-P. Costa, Mrs F. Tulkens, Mr P. Lorenzen, Mrs N. Vajić, Mr E. Levits, Mr V. Zagrebelsky, judges, and Mr S. Nielsen, Deputy Section Registrar. On 5 June 2003 a Chamber of that Section, composed of the following judges: Mr Rozakis, President, Mr Costa, Mrs Tulkens, Mr Lorenzen, Mr Levits, Mr. A. Kovler and Mr. Zagrebelsky, relinquished jurisdiction in favour of the Grand Chamber, neither of the parties having objected to relinquishment (Article 30 of the Convention and Rule 72). The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined according to the provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and Rule 24. The Grand Chamber decided that there was no need to hold a hearing on the merits of the case (Rule 59 § 3). The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits and on the question of the applicability of Article 6 of the Convention, which had been joined to the merits. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1933 and lives in La Plaine des Cafres (Réunion, France). On 31 July 1995 she went to the gendarmerie in La Plaine des Cafres to file a complaint of having been assaulted by her two children. She said that her children had come to see her about a lawsuit between them concerning the non-payment of maintenance to which she was entitled because of her ill-health. While the applicant was in the front passenger seat of a motor car driven by her daughter, her son, who was in the back, had allegedly immobilised her and used a syringe to inject her twice with an unknown substance. She said she had quickly got out of the car and gone to hospital. The applicant was found to have marks of injections. Moreover, after a witness had come forward, the gendarmes found a syringe which when tested was found to bear traces of diazepam and benzoic acid, both of which also form part of the chemical make-up of valium. An investigation was begun on the grounds of assault with an offensive weapon resulting in total unfitness for work for more than eight days (reduced to less than that during the investigation). During the investigation, the applicant joined the proceedings as a civil party. On 14 March 1997 the Saint-Pierre investigating judge ruled that there was no case to answer on the ground that there was insufficient evidence that anyone had committed the offence. He found that the applicant's son, “who had allegedly given her the injection, had left the département to return to his dental practice abroad, in Gabon”, that “he had given his mother an injection of a substance which was medically harmless at that dosage...” and “that, in the absence of precise information as to his address, it did not [seem] practicable to interview [the son] given the difficulty of enforcing any request for evidence to be taken on oath in Gabon”. The decision was apparently served on the applicant on the same day by registered post with acknowledgment of receipt. On 7 April 1997 the applicant went to the investigating judge's registry and, claiming that she had not received a copy of the decision, refused to sign the notice of appeal drafted by the registrar. She asserted that she had drafted a personal notice of appeal and lodged it at the registry on that same day. In her written observations to the court of appeal, the applicant requested, inter alia, that the investigating judge be made to stand down, that the investigation be resumed, that it be formally recorded that “her complaint [related to] premeditated assault with an offensive weapon resulting in thirty days' total unfitness for work and, given the results of the tests on the syringe, with criminal intent”, and that her children be “brought to the département by force in order to explain themselves”. By a judgment of 8 July 1997, the Indictment Division of the Court of Appeal of Saint-Denis-de-la-Réunion found that the applicant had appealed “by letter addressed to and received on 7 April 1997 by the investigating judge's registry”, and that she had gone to the registry on the same day and refused to sign the notice of appeal. The Indictment Division therefore ruled that her appeal was inadmissible on the grounds that she had missed the legal deadline and had failed to sign the notice of appeal. On 11 July 1997 the applicant appealed on points of law. On 21 July 1997 she filed personal observations in which she submitted that the Court of Appeal had, in its judgment of 8 July 1997, disregarded certain provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure: firstly, “the judgment did not meet the essential conditions required for it to be lawful”, having been given by “judges who had not attended all the hearings in the case” and, secondly, the grounds set out in the impugned judgment relating to service of the decision that there was no case to answer were “insufficient” because they did not address the arguments she had put forward at the hearing. She alleged that there had been a breach of Articles 592, 575-6, 593 and 646 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In a judgment of 21 April 1998, the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation dismissed her appeal in the following terms: “ ... Given the personal written observations filed; On the sole ground of appeal, based on a breach of Articles 485 and 183 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; Whereas, firstly, the particulars of the judgment under appeal establish that it was given in the conditions prescribed by Article 485, third paragraph, of the Code of Criminal Procedure; Whereas, secondly, the Court of Appeal was correct in finding that the appeal of 7 April 1997 against the decision that there was no case to answer served on 14 March 1997 was out of time in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 183 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; ...”
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Paule Perez
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 38287/02) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Ms Eliane van Glabeke (“the applicant”), on 7 October 2002. The applicant was represented by Afcap (French association against psychiatric abuse). The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On 4 January 2005 the Second Section decided to communicate the application to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1946 and lives in Roubaix. On 21 March 2002 the applicant was arrested by the police on the public highway and taken in the course of the evening to Lommelet de Saint-André Psychiatric Hospital, where she was compulsorily admitted at the request of a third party. The Government submitted that the applicant had been “picked up” on the public highway by a police officer who had asked for her to be admitted to hospital. They added that her admission had been ordered on the basis of two medical certificates issued by different doctors to the effect that she required hospital treatment. The applicant disputed that account and stated that she had been arrested while cycling to the shops and taken to the police station, where she had promptly been examined by a doctor who had been requisitioned to draw up a medical certificate for her admission to hospital. She submitted that after her admission at the hospital she had immediately been undressed and made to lie down with all four limbs attached to the bedposts in a seclusion cell, without being given any explanation. She had not undergone a medical examination on arrival but had been injected with unknown substances. She had remained in that position for five days, and was released only briefly at mealtimes. She remained in the hospital until 8 April 2002, without being allowed to receive visits or to make or receive telephone calls. In the meantime, on 23 March 2002, the applicant's mother applied by registered letter to the President of the Lille tribunal de grande instance for her daughter's immediate discharge. The parties have been unable to establish the date on which the letter was received. However, in a letter of 8 April 2002, Lille State Counsel replied that he was not empowered to deal with the subject matter of her correspondence and that her daughter was required to apply directly to him to be discharged. On 28 March 2002 Afcap in turn applied to the President of the Lille tribunal de grande instance for the applicant's immediate discharge. On 22 April 2002 State Counsel's Office decided to take no further action on that application as it was devoid of purpose. Neither the President of the Lille tribunal de grande instance nor the judge responsible for matters relating to personal liberties and detention (juge des libertés et de la détention – “the liberties and detention judge”) ever gave a ruling on the applications.
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{ "applicant": "Eliane van Glabeke", "articles": [ 91, 34, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2006 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Eliane van Glabeke
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 11364/03) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Burghard Theodor Mooren (“the applicant”), on 26 March 2003. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr D. Hagmann, a lawyer practising in Mönchengladbach. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant complained that, in the proceedings for review of his pre-trial detention, the Court of Appeal, by remitting his case back to the court of first instance instead of quashing the detention order which it had found not to comply with domestic law, had unlawfully deprived him of his liberty and had unduly delayed the judicial review proceedings. Furthermore, he claimed that his defence counsel had been refused access to the investigation files. He relied, in particular, on Article 5 of the Convention. On 27 October 2006 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1963. At the date the application was lodged, he was living in Mönchengladbach. 1. The District Court’s detention order On 25 July 2002 the applicant was arrested. On the same day the Mönchengladbach District Court, after hearing representations from the applicant, ordered his detention on remand. The applicant was assisted from this point on by counsel. The District Court found that there was a strong suspicion that the applicant had evaded taxes on some twenty occasions between 1996 and June 2002. He had been working as a self-employed commercial agent for several firms in Germany since 1994 and been running a telephone service since 2000. In 2001 the company TMA Aachen had paid him commission amounting to 124,926.22 Deutschmarks (DEM). The court found that, according to the documents before it at that date, the applicant was suspected of having evaded turnover taxes of 57,374 euros (EUR), income taxes of EUR 133,279 and trade taxes of EUR 20,266. The District Court noted that the applicant, who had availed himself of the right to remain silent, was strongly suspected of tax evasion on the basis of the business records that had been seized when his home was searched. He had to be placed in pre-trial detention because of a danger of collusion (Verdunkelungsgefahr) (see section 112 § 2 no. 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure – paragraph 41 below). The documents seized were incomplete. There was therefore a risk that the applicant, if released, might destroy the missing documents or conceal further business transactions and accounts. 2. The District Court’s review of the detention order On 7 August 2002 the applicant, represented by counsel, lodged a motion for review of his detention order (Haftprüfung) with the Mönchengladbach District Court. His counsel also requested access to the case files. He argued that he had a right to inspect the files in order to examine all the facts and evidence on which the arrest warrant and, in particular, the strong suspicion that an offence had been committed were based and that domestic law prohibited the court from considering facts and evidence to which defence counsel had been refused access pursuant to section 147 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 44 below). On 12 August 2002 the Mönchengladbach Public Prosecutor’s Office informed the applicant’s counsel that he was being refused access to the case files pursuant to section 147 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure as access would jeopardise the purpose of the investigation. It added, however, that the public prosecutor in charge of the case was prepared to inform counsel orally about the facts and evidence. The applicant’s counsel did not take up that offer. On 16 August 2002 the Mönchengladbach District Court heard representations from the applicant and his defence counsel. The applicant argued that there was no risk of collusion or of his absconding. Should the court nevertheless consider that he might abscond if released he was ready to comply with any conditions imposed by the court, such as handing over his identity papers. The applicant’s counsel complained that he had still not had access to the case files. By an order of the same day, the Mönchengladbach District Court, which had before it the case files of the proceedings, upheld the arrest warrant. It found that there was still a risk that, if released, the applicant would tamper with factual evidence or interfere with witnesses. The applicant had so far tried to conceal his true place of residence and other personal details from the authorities and had acted with the intent to mislead which, in the particular circumstances of the case, proved that there was a danger of collusion. 3. The Regional Court’s review of the detention order Following the applicant’s appeal, which was lodged on 16 August 2002 and was followed up by detailed reasons on 19 August 2002, the Regional Court informed the applicant in a letter dated 27 August 2002 that it considered that the risk of his absconding could serve as a ground for his continued detention. As to his counsel’s request for access to the case files, it stated that he should be informed orally about the content of the files in the first instance. In a letter dated 2 September 2002, the applicant contested that view. He claimed, in particular, that in his case mere oral information about the content of the case files would not be sufficient. On 9 September 2002, after hearing representations from the Public Prosecutor’s Office and considering the case files, the Mönchengladbach Regional Court dismissed the applicant’s appeal against the District Court’s decision dated 16 August 2002. It found that there was a strong suspicion that the applicant had evaded income, turnover and trade taxes. Furthermore, there was a danger of his absconding within the meaning of section 112 § 2 no. 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 41 below), as the applicant had connections in foreign countries and faced a heavy sentence. In view of defence counsel’s refusal to accept the offer made by the Public Prosecutor’s Office to explain the content of the case files orally, the Regional Court found that it was impossible to assess whether the information given in this manner would be sufficient. At the present stage of the proceedings, counsel for the defence could not, however, claim to be entitled to unlimited access to the complete case files. The Regional Court’s decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 16 September 2002. 4. The Court of Appeal’s review of the detention order On 16 September 2002 the applicant, represented by counsel, lodged a further appeal against the detention order. He again claimed that he had a constitutional right to be given access to the facts and evidence on which the detention order was based. On 17 September 2002 the Mönchengladbach Regional Court decided, without giving further reasons, not to amend its decision of 9 September 2002. On 18 September 2002 the Mönchengladbach Public Prosecutor’s Office, which had the case files, drafted a report which was sent to the Düsseldorf Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office with the files the next day. On 26 September 2002 the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, in its submissions to the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal, stated that it was not prepared to give the applicant access to the case files. It argued that it was sufficient for the applicant to be notified of the overview of the Düsseldorf Tax Fraud Office on the amount of his income and amount of the taxes evaded in the years in question. The submissions and the case files reached the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal on 2 October 2002. On 2 October 2002 the applicant sent further observations to the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal. On 9 October 2002 the applicant, who had been sent the submissions of the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office on 7 October 2002, contested its arguments. He stated that the overview was merely a conclusion of the Tax Fraud Office the merits of which he could not examine without having access to the documents and records on which it was based. On 14 October 2002 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal, on the applicant’s further appeal, quashed the District Court’s decision dated 16 August 2002 and the Regional Court’s decision dated 9 September 2002 upholding the applicant’s detention, and remitted the case to the District Court. The Court of Appeal, which had the investigation files before it, found that the detention order issued by the District Court on 25 July 2002 did not comply with the legal requirements. Therefore, the decisions taken in the judicial review proceedings by the District Court on 16 August 2002 and by the Regional Court on 9 September 2002 (but not the detention order of 25 July 2002 itself) had to be quashed. Pursuant to section 114 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 42 below), the facts leading to a strong suspicion that the accused had committed a particular offence and the reasons for detention had to be set out in the detention order. In order to comply with the constitutional rights to be heard and to a fair trial, the facts and evidence on which the suspicion and the reasons for the defendant’s detention on remand were based had to be described in sufficient detail to enable the accused to comment on them and defend himself effectively. The Court of Appeal noted that, in its decisions on the applicant’s detention, the District Court had, however, merely stated that the applicant was strongly suspected of tax evasion “on the basis of the business records seized when his home was searched”. It should, at minimum, have summarised the results of the evaluation of those records in order to enable the accused to oppose the decision on detention by making his own submissions or presenting evidence. This defect had not been remedied in the course of the subsequent decisions on the applicant’s continued detention. As counsel for the defence had also been refused access to the case files under section 147 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, these defects amounted to a denial of the right of the accused to be heard. The Court of Appeal declined to take its own decision on the applicant’s detention itself pursuant to section 309 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 43 below) or to quash the detention order of 25 July 2002, which it considered to be defective in law (rechtsfehlerhaft), but not void (unwirksam). It stated that it would only quash the detention order if it was obvious that there was no strong suspicion that the accused had committed an offence and that there were no reasons for the arrest. It was for the District Court to inform the accused of the reasons on which the suspicion of his having committed an offence were based and to hear representations from him on that issue. Should the Public Prosecutor’s Office persist, in the interest of its investigations, in not informing the accused of the reasons, the detention order would have to be quashed. As a consequence, the applicant remained in custody. 5. Fresh proceedings before the District Court On 17 October 2002 the Mönchengladbach Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the District Court to issue a fresh amended detention order against the applicant. On 29 October 2002 the Mönchengladbach District Court again heard representations from the applicant, his defence counsel, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and an official in charge of investigations at the Düsseldorf Tax Fraud Office on the applicant’s motion for judicial review of the detention order. The applicant’s counsel was given copies of four pages of the voluminous case files containing an overview by the Düsseldorf Tax Fraud Office of the amounts of income and taxes evaded by the applicant between 1991 and 2002. Relying on the applicant’s rights to be heard and to a fair trial, the applicant’s counsel complained that he had not been granted access to the case files before the hearing. The Mönchengladbach District Court then issued a fresh detention order against the applicant. It stated that there was a strong suspicion that the applicant had evaded taxes on some twenty occasions between 1991 and June 2002. Listing in detail the applicant’s income from his various activities as a self-employed commercial agent and the amounts of tax payable, the District Court found that there was a strong suspicion that he had evaded turnover taxes of DEM 125,231.79, income taxes of DEM 260,025, solidarity taxes of DEM 15,240.11 and trade taxes of DEM 36,930. It based its suspicion on documents whose content was explained by a tax official present at the hearing, witness statements of the owners of the firms the applicant was working for, the applicant’s contracts of employment and the wage slips and commission statements that had been issued by the firms. The District Court further found that there was a risk of the applicant’s absconding, which was a ground for detention under section 112 § 2 no. 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He faced a lengthy prison sentence which could no longer be suspended on probation, had not notified the authorities of his place of residence for several years and had claimed that he was living in the Netherlands. By an order of the same day, the Mönchengladbach District Court decided to suspend the execution of the arrest warrant on condition that the applicant, who in the meantime had complied with his duty to inform the authorities of his address, informed the court of every change of address, complied with all summonses issued by the court, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the police, and reported to the police three times a week. It suspended the execution of the order to release the applicant at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which had immediately lodged an appeal. 6. Renewed proceedings before the Regional Court and further developments On 7 November 2002, after hearing representations from the applicant and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Mönchengladbach Regional Court dismissed the applicant’s appeal against the detention order. It likewise dismissed the appeal lodged by the Public Prosecutor’s Office against the decision to suspend the execution of the detention order on the additional conditions that the applicant hand over his identity papers to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and deposit DEM 40,000 as security. Having deposited the security, the applicant was released from prison on 7 November 2002. On 8 November 2002 the applicant lodged a further appeal against the Regional Court’s decision, complaining that his counsel had still not been granted access to the case files. By a letter dated 18 November 2002, the Mönchengladbach Public Prosecutor’s Office granted the applicant’s counsel access to the case files. It stated that it had intended to send the files to him at an earlier date. However, this had not been possible as the files had been at the Regional Court and had only recently been returned to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The applicant’s counsel received the files for inspection on 20 November 2002. The applicant withdrew his further appeal on 10 December 2002. 7. Proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court On 23 October 2002 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the decision of the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dated 14 October 2002 and the detention order issued by the Mönchengladbach District Court on 25 July 2002. In his submission, his rights to liberty, to be heard in court and to be informed promptly by a judge of the reasons for his detention on remand as well as his rights to be heard within a reasonable time and to a fair trial as guaranteed by the Basic Law had been violated. He argued in particular that his right to liberty, the deprivation of which was only constitutional if it was in accordance with the law, had been breached by his illegal detention on the basis of a void detention order. The complete refusal to allow his defence counsel access to the case files pursuant to section 147 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure had violated his right to be heard in court as guaranteed by Article 103 § 1 of the Basic Law (see paragraph 45 below) and his right to liberty under Article 104 § 3 of the Basic Law (see paragraph 46 below). The impugned decisions disregarded both the case-law of the Federal Constitutional Court and the Court’s case-law as laid down in its judgments of 13 February 2001 in the cases of Garcia Alva, Lietzow and Schöps v. Germany. The Court of Appeal’s refusal to quash the detention order and to take a decision itself and its decision to remit the case to the District Court instead had also breached his right to a fair hearing within a reasonable time. On 4 and 11 November 2002 the applicant extended his constitutional complaint to include the decisions of the Mönchengladbach District Court dated 29 October 2002 and the decision of the Mönchengladbach Regional Court dated 7 November 2002. On 22 November 2002 the Federal Constitutional Court, without giving further reasons, declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint against the detention orders issued by the Mönchengladbach District Court on 25 July 2002 and 29 October 2002, the decision of the Mönchengladbach Regional Court dated 7 November 2002 and the decision of the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dated 14 October 2002. 8. Further developments On 9 March 2005 the Mönchengladbach District Court convicted the applicant on eight counts of tax evasion and sentenced him to a total of one year and eight months’ imprisonment suspended on probation. The court found that the applicant, who had confessed to the offences, had evaded turnover taxes of DEM 129,795, income taxes of DEM 344,802 and trade taxes of DEM 55,165.
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{ "applicant": "Burghard Theodor Mooren", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 57, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2007 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Burghard Theodor Mooren
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) on 15 December 1997, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 28090/95) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Commission under Article 25 by a Spanish national, Mrs María Gloria Pérez de Rada Cavanilles, on 20 June 1995. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby Spain recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 1. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that she wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent her (Rule 30), Mr M. Dopico Fradrique, of the Madrid, Pamplona, Oviedo and Alcalá de Henares Bars. Having been designated before the Commission by the initials M.P., the applicant subsequently agreed to the disclosure of her identity. On 26 January 1998 the Agent of the Spanish Government (“the Government”) was given leave by the President to use the Spanish language at the hearing (Rule 27 § 2). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr J.M. Morenilla, the elected judge of Spanish nationality (Article 43 of the Convention), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 § 4 (b)). On 31 January 1998, in the presence of the Registrar, the Vice-President of the Court, Mr R. Bernhardt, drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr F. Gölcüklü, Mr N. Valticos, Mrs E. Palm, Mr G. Mifsud Bonnici, Mr J. Makarczyk, Mr K. Jungwiert and Mr U. Lōhmus (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 5). Subsequently, Mr Bernhardt replaced Mr Ryssdal, who had died on 18 February 1998 (Rule 21 § 6, second sub-paragraph). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 6), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, had consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 § 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s and the applicant’s memorials on 14 and 17 April 1998 respectively. On 23 April 1998 the Commission produced the file on the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions. In a letter of 5 May 1998 counsel for the applicant informed the registry that the applicant would not be taking part in the hearing on 23 June 1998 and would not be represented at it. The hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 23 June 1998. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr J. Borrego Borrego, Head of the Legal Service for the European Commission and Court of Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, Agent; (b) for the Commission M. F. Martínez, Delegate. The Court heard addresses by Mr Martínez and Mr Borrego Borrego. AS TO THE FACTS I. the CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE A. Background The applicant had been in dispute with a neighbour concerning a view over her property at Lumbier in the province of Navarre. On 28 July 1992 a settlement agreement was concluded between the parties before the deputy judge of first instance at Aoiz (province of Navarre). In the agreement the neighbour, who had only a life interest in the building he occupied, undertook to block the view from his patio over the applicant’s property within six months. When, on 6 May 1993, that period expired without the neighbour having carried out his undertaking, the applicant applied to the Aoiz Court of First Instance for enforcement of the agreement. B. Proceedings before the Aoiz Court of First Instance On 25 May 1993 the court gave judgment for the applicant and allowed the defendant an additional period of fifteen days to perform the undertakings made in the agreement. On 11 June 1993 the defendant informed the Aoiz Court of First Instance that as he was not the owner of the building he occupied, he could not carry out the works needed to fulfil the terms of the agreement. On 24 August 1993 the applicant renewed her application, stating that the defendant had not brought any action to have the agreement in question set aside under Article 477 of the Code of Civil Procedure (see paragraph 27 below). In a decision (auto) of 7 September 1993 the deputy judge of the Aoiz Court of First Instance (not the same judge as before) dismissed the applicant’s application and held that the agreement was void on the ground that the neighbour, who was merely a life tenant, could not carry out the works needed to block the view without the consent of the reversioner, since they would change the appearance and structure of the building. The judge added that there was nothing to prevent an agreement being concluded with the person who had the necessary capacity. As regards the applicant’s allegation that the defendant had not raised the nullity of the agreement within the prescribed time (see paragraph 27 below), the judge held that Article 477 of the Code of Civil Procedure covered only cases in which the actual conclusion of the agreement had not complied with the conditions or formalities laid down by law, and not defects such as to negate a consensus ad idem. The agreement was defective because one of the parties had no capacity to conclude such an agreement. 1. Service of the decision of 7 September 1993 at Lumbier On 8 September 1993 the registrar of the Aoiz Court of First Instance ordered that the decision should be served at the applicant’s home in the village of Lumbier, some twenty kilometres from Aoiz. On 27 September 1993 the magistrate at Sangüesa (under whose jurisdiction the village of Lumbier came) recorded that the applicant was not at her home at Lumbier and informed the registry at Aoiz that her husband, who was at the same time her lawyer, had requested by telephone that the decision should be served at the applicant’s home in Madrid. On 6 October 1993 the decision in question was served on the defendant. 2. Service of the decision of 7 September 1993 in Madrid In an order of 21 October 1993 the Court of First Instance at Aoiz (some four hundred kilometres from Madrid) ordered that the decision should be served at the applicant’s home in Madrid; on 26 November 1993 the decision was at last served on the applicant in the person of her domestic help, since she herself was out at the time. 3. Appeal against the decision of 7 September 1993 On 30 November 1993 the applicant lodged a reposición application and, in the alternative, an ordinary appeal against the decision of 7 September 1993 with the registry of the duty court in Madrid, which initially stamped the document. Noticing, however, that the application should have been lodged at the Aoiz Court of First Instance, the head of the registry crossed out the stamp, thereby invalidating it. On the same day, the applicant sent, by registered letter with advice of delivery, the same reposición application and, in the alternative, an ordinary appeal to the Aoiz Court of First Instance. The application was dated 27 November 1993 and had been signed by the applicant and her counsel at Lumbier. The first page was postmarked 30 November 1993. The registry of the Aoiz Court of First Instance received the application on 2 December 1993. In a decision (providencia) of 13 December 1993 the Court of First Instance declared the reposición application and appeal in the alternative inadmissible as being out of time. After a number of unsuccessful attempts by the Sangüesa magistrate and the Aoiz Court of First Instance to serve this decision within their jurisdictions, it was served on the applicant at her home in Madrid on 15 April 1994. 4. Application against the decision of 13 December 1993 On 15 April 1994 the applicant sent to the Aoiz Court of First Instance, by registered letter with advice of delivery, a reposición application against the aforementioned decision and this was received at the registry on the following day. On 25 May 1994 the Court of First Instance dismissed the application and upheld the impugned decision, on the ground that the application against the decision of 7 September 1993 should have been registered at the court registry within the prescribed period of three days, that is to say on 30 November 1993 at the latest. The court also noted that the legislation on administrative matters cited by the applicant (see paragraph 30 below) was not applicable in the case as proceedings in the ordinary courts were governed by the Judicature Act and the Code of Civil Procedure (see paragraphs 27–29 below). Lastly, the Court held that allowing an application to be lodged by post would undermine “judicial authenticity”, thereby breaching the principle of legal certainty, inasmuch as a post office (an administrative entity) could not be equated with a judicial body. As to the ordinary appeal, the court added that it could not be lodged until the reposición application had been determined and not at the same time as that application, and that it was accordingly pointless to consider whether it had been lodged timeously. C. Proceedings in the Navarre Audiencia Provincial On 7 September 1994 the applicant lodged an appeal with the Navarre Audiencia Provincial, which dismissed it in a decision (auto) of 23 December 1994, emphasising that applications had to be made to the appropriate court or to the duty judge of the same town, particularly where the person making it was assisted by counsel. D. Amparo appeal to the Constitutional Court On 20 January 1995 the applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court, relying on the right to protection by the courts (Article 24 § 1 of the Constitution). In a decision of 8 May 1995 the application was declared inadmissible on the following grounds: “… This Court’s case-law on the filing of applications ([see,] as a recent authority, the Constitutional Court’s judgment no. 287/1994) applies to the instant case. Applications are normally to be filed with the registry of the court applied to or with the duty judge and filing [of an application] at the headquarters of administrative bodies is, as an exception, permissible only where the litigant is not represented by a lawyer (abogado or procurador). In the instant case the applicant, assisted by counsel, filed her application at a post office; the ordinary courts, applying the rules of procedure and relying on decisions such as the Constitutional Court’s judgment no. 341/1993, held, in reasoned decisions, that there was no justification for failing to file [the application] at the registry of the court itself or with the duty judge in the town.” II. relevant domestic law A. The Constitution Article 24 § 1 of the Constitution provides: “Everyone has the right to effective protection by the courts in the exercise of his rights and his legitimate interests, and in no circumstances may there be any denial of defence rights.” B. The Code of Civil Procedure The relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure which concern settlement agreements read as follows: Article 476 “The terms agreed by the parties to a settlement agreement shall be enforced by the same court before which the agreement was concluded and according to the procedure (juicio verbal) laid down for the execution of judgments delivered by a court of first instance where the cases are within the jurisdiction of that court. …” Article 477 “An action to have the terms of a settlement agreement declared void may be brought on the same grounds as one for annulling contracts. Such an action must be brought in the appropriate court within fifteen days of the conclusion of the agreement, using the procedure corresponding to the amount in dispute.” The relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure concerning time-limits and the filing of applications are worded as follows: Article 249 “To be valid, judicial acts must be authorised by the public officer responsible for authenticating or certifying the act.” Article 250 “Registrars and secretaries [of courts] shall enter the date and time of filing of applications only where it is necessary for checking that a mandatory time-limit (plazo perentorio) has been complied with. …” Article 377 “Reposición applications must be filed within three days and must specify the provision of this Code that is alleged to have been infringed. Where these two requirements have not been satisfied, the court shall, without further consideration, make a declaration, against which no appeal shall lie, that no ruling will be made on the application.” C. The Judicature Act (Law no. 6/1985 of 1 July1985) The relevant provisions of the Judicature Act are the following: Section 11 “1. The rules of good faith must be complied with in all proceedings. … In accordance with the principle of effective protection laid down in Article 24 of the Constitution, the courts shall always rule on claims and may only dismiss them on the ground of a formal defect where that defect cannot be remedied, or at least not in accordance with the procedure laid down by law [for that purpose].” Section 268(1) “All judicial acts shall be carried out at the seat of the judicial body.” Section 270 “Procedural documents, decisions and judgments shall be served on all the parties to a case and also, where expressly so provided in such decisions in accordance with the law, on any persons referred to in them or who may be prejudiced thereby.” Section 271 “Service may be effected by post, telegraph or any other technical means which record its accomplishment and the circumstances thereof in accordance with the laws on procedure.” Section 272 “1. In municipalities in which there are several courts …, a common service, under the authority of the Chairman of the Bar, may be established in order to effect service where this is the court’s responsibility. … General registration departments may likewise be set up for the filing of instruments or other documents intended for judicial bodies.” Section 283(1) “Registrars shall record the date and time of lodging of applications, writs and originating summonses and any other document which must be filed within a mandatory (perentorio) time-limit.” D. The legislation on administrative matters The relevant provision of Law no. 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the rules governing public authorities and on common administrative procedure lays down: Section 38(4) “Applications, pleadings and communications sent by members of the public to public administrative bodies may be filed: … (c) at post offices, in accordance with the formal requirements laid down in regulations.” The rules on the postal service, as enacted in Decree no. 1653/1964 of 14 May 1964 and amended by the Order of 14 August 1971 and Decree no. 2655/1985 of 27 December 1985, provide: Article 205 “Acceptance of applications and documents sent to administrative institutions … The documents and applications in question shall be submitted in an open envelope… The official who accepts the item for despatch shall stamp it with the date in the upper left-hand corner of the main document, so that the name of the post office and the date of submission are clearly visible…” E. Case-law of the Constitutional Court In a judgment of 31 January 1991 (no. 20/1991, Official Gazette (Boletín oficial del Estado) of 25 February 1991) the Constitutional Court, citing its own case-law, held that the right to effective protection by the courts was infringed “where a member of the public found it impossible to lodge an application on account of undue hindrances or of unjustified and unexplained refusal or of a mistake attributable to the judicial body”. In two judgments of 14 February 1991 (no. 32/1991, Official Gazette of 18 March 1991) and 6 June 1991 (no. 128/1991, Official Gazette of 8 July 1991) the Constitutional Court held, inter alia, that the rules of procedure on the acceptance of applications must not prevent the practical exercise of the right to effective protection by the courts. The interpretation of them was not to be excessively or unreasonably strict, regard was to be had to their purpose at the time they were adopted and remedies were to be made as accessible as possible. In two judgments of 18 November 1993 (no. 341/1993, Official Gazette of 10 December 1993) and 27 October 1994 (no. 287/1994, Official Gazette of 29 November 1994) the Constitutional Court held that applications were to be filed with the registry of the court applied to or the duty judge of the town – in these cases the appeals had been to the Constitutional Court itself – and posting an application was, as an exception, permissible only where the litigant was not represented by a lawyer (abogado or procurador) and lived at a distance from the seat of the court. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION Mrs Pérez de Rada Cavanilles applied to the Commission on 20 June 1995. She alleged that the Spanish courts’ strict application of the rules of procedure had prevented her from availing herself of the existing remedies and had consequently deprived her of the possibility of defending her legitimate interests in the courts. She relied on Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The Commission declared the application (no. 28090/95) admissible on 25 November 1996. In its report of 21 October 1997 (Article 31), it expressed the unanimous opinion that there had been a violation of Article 6 § 1. The full text of the Commission’s opinion is reproduced as an annex to this judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS TO THE COURT In their memorial the Government asked the Court to hold that the dismissal of the applicant’s reposición application against the judgment of 7 September 1993 had not violated the rights guaranteed in Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The applicant requested the Court to hold that there had been a violation of Article 6 § 1 and to award her just satisfaction under Article 50 of the Convention.
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{ "applicant": "María Gloria Pérez de Rada Cavanilles", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1998 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: María Gloria Pérez de Rada Cavanilles
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 56673/00) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Spanish nationals, Mrs María Iglesias Gil and A.U.I. (“the applicants”), on 22 December 1999. The applicants were represented before the Court by Mr J. Thomas Mulet, of the Palma de Mallorca Bar. The Spanish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr J. Borrego Borrego, Head of the Legal Department for Human Rights at the Ministry of Justice. The first applicant, acting in her own name and in her capacity as the legal representative of her son (the second applicant), complained under Article 8 of the Convention of a lack of diligence on the part of the judicial authorities in dealing with her complaint of child abduction. She alleged, in particular, that the public prosecutor, who was under a legal duty to protect minors, had at no stage acted in the child’s interest or requested any investigative steps to be taken. The various judicial authorities to which the case was referred (the investigating judge, the Pontevedra Audiencia Provincial and the Constitutional Court) had likewise displayed a lack of interest. The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Fourth Section. By a decision of 5 March 2002 the Chamber declared the application admissible. The applicants and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 10 December 2002 (Rule 59 § 3). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr J. Borrego Borrego, Head of the Legal Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, Agent; (b) for the applicants Mr J. Thomas Mulet, of the Palma de Mallorca Bar, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by the above-mentioned representatives. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The first applicant, María Iglesias Gil, was born in 1961 and lives in Vigo. She is the mother of the second applicant, A.U.I., who was born in 1995. On 8 September 1989 the first applicant married A.U.A. On 3 June 1994 the couple divorced. Their son A.U.I. was born on 7 December 1995 and A.U.A. acknowledged paternity. In a decision of 20 December 1996, the Vigo Family Court awarded the first applicant custody of A.U.I., and the father access. On 1 February 1997 A.U.A. abducted his son during an access visit and left Spain with him. After passing through France and Belgium, he travelled with the child by air to the United States. A. Domestic court proceedings 1. The first applicant’s criminal complaint of unlawful abduction The first applicant lodged a criminal complaint with Vigo investigating judge no. 5 alleging child abduction and applied to be joined to the proceedings as a civil party. On 4 February 1997 the investigating judge made orders for a nationwide search to be made for A.U.A. and for the child’s immediate return to its mother. Subsequently, the first applicant also made criminal complaints against various members of A.U.A.’s family who, she said, had assisted in her son’s abduction. During the investigation, the first applicant requested Vigo investigating judge no. 5 to monitor calls on A.U.A.’s mobile telephone and to interview members of A.U.A.’s family. In a decision of 19 February 1997, the investigating judge turned down both requests, the former on the ground that there was no evidence that the mobile telephone number that had been given was A.U.A.’s and the latter because the first applicant had not given precise details of the questions she wished to be put to her former husband’s relatives. The first applicant also asked the investigating judge for a search to be carried out at the registered office of a company belonging to A.U.A. that was responsible for administering his property in his absence, and for the examination of a vehicle he had used to leave Spain. The judge again refused. The first applicant asked the judge to issue an international search and arrest warrant against A.U.A., but in an order of 29 May 1997, he declined, stating: “... As regards the international search and arrest warrant, the offences of coercion and extortion have not been made out. It is debatable whether there has been an offence of criminal contempt, since it has not been proved that the person concerned was ordered to comply with the judgment of the family court and warned that he was liable to commit this offence. In addition, since this offence (Article 556 of the Criminal Code) only carries a prison sentence of between six months and one year, an international search and arrest warrant is not justified, [especially] as the conduct complained of appears to come within Article 622 of the Criminal Code, which characterises it as a minor offence. ... Furthermore, it should be noted that the requested procedural steps are neither lawful, nor adapted to the aim pursued, and must therefore be refused pursuant to Article 311 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.” In a decision of 5 June 1997, investigating judge no. 5 turned down further requests by the first applicant for investigative steps to be taken as a result of her former husband’s contempt and failure to comply with the judgment of the family court on the following grounds: “... Investigative steps are taken in order to establish whether an offence has been committed. The investigation is brought to an end by a judicial decision, not at the request of a party (Article 785 Code of Criminal Procedure). The inquiries made to date do not prove that A.U.A. failed to return his son to his mother at the end of the period for which he was entitled to have him to stay. ... A wanted notice has been issued for A.U.A. nationally. As soon as he has been traced, final provision 19 of Institutional Law no. 1/1996 of 15 January 1996 on the legal protection of minors can be applied.” In an order of 25 May 1998, the investigating judge also examined whether a person could be prosecuted for the abduction of a minor for whom he had joint parental responsibility. He found that this was not possible under the case-law, as the only offences that could be committed in such circumstances were criminal contempt and extortion. In a further order dated 1 July 1998 the investigating judge reiterated that no international search and arrest warrant could be issued for the suspected offence of criminal contempt, for the following reasons: “... As regards an international search and arrest warrant against A.U.A., this issue was resolved by the Pontevedra Audiencia in its decision of 23 September 1997. No new facts have emerged since then that would justify reclassifying the offence. Under no circumstances can it amount to ‘false imprisonment’, as the judgment of 5 July 1993 on the abduction of minors makes clear. In that judgment, the court held: ‘The fact that a father has taken his minor child with him solely in order to enjoy its company cannot amount to the offence of child abduction’ ... Lastly, as to the suspected offence of criminal contempt, no international search and arrest warrant can be issued as it is not an offence that comes within the extradition treaties. Consequently, Interpol would not act on such a warrant, as it would not be valid in law.” An appeal by the first applicant was dismissed by the Pontevedra Audiencia Provincial on 17 November 1998. 2. The first applicant’s first amparo appeal The first applicant sought amparo relief under Articles 24 (right to a fair hearing), 15 (right to life and mental and physical integrity) and 17 (right to liberty and security) of the Constitution, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989. In a decision of 2 June 1999, the Constitutional Court dismissed her appeal as manifestly ill-founded, holding that she had not stated why she disagreed with the reasoned decisions of the lower courts. Provisional discharge order by investigating judge no. 5 At the end of the investigation, on 3 July 1998, Vigo investigating judge no. 5 issued a provisional discharge order dismissing the charges against A.U.A. However, he renewed the orders for a nationwide search for A.U.A. and the order freezing his assets. He also made a final order dismissing the charges against the members of A.U.A.’s family who had been implicated by the first applicant. The reason given by the judge for making the provisional discharge order in respect of A.U.A. was that the latter’s absence from Spain had prevented his being questioned or formally charged in accordance with Article 791 § 4 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. An appeal by the first applicant was dismissed by the Pontevedra Audiencia Provincial on 9 November 1998. 4. The first applicant’s second amparo appeal The first applicant lodged an amparo appeal against those decisions with the Constitutional Court, in which she alleged violations of Article 17 (right to liberty and security), taken together with Articles 18 (rights to private life and family privacy), 24 (right to a fair hearing) and 39 (social, economic and legal protection of the family and children) of the Constitution. She also relied on Articles 5 and 8 of the Convention. In her appeal, she complained in particular of the investigating judge’s systematic refusal to issue an international search warrant for her child, a refusal which, she said, was in breach of the positive duty to protect children and families. She also alleged a violation of Article 11 § 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989, which requires States to take measures to combat the illicit transfer and non-return of children abroad. In her submission, by refusing to take any investigative steps, the investigating judge had directly infringed both her and her son’s right to private and family life, and her right to judicial protection, as guaranteed by Article 24 the Constitution and Article 6 of the Convention. In a decision of 17 June 1999, the Constitutional Court dismissed the amparo appeal as unfounded, holding that the first applicant had confined herself to contesting the decisions of the criminal courts which, in reasoned and well-founded decisions, had decided to make a provisional discharge order in respect of her criminal complaint of child abduction, while renewing certain preventive measures. 5. Other decisions in the criminal proceedings In connection with an appeal by the first applicant to the Pontevedra Audiencia Provincial against one of his decisions, investigating judge no. 5 said in a report to the Audiencia Provincial on 5 September 1997: “... The purpose of criminal proceedings is to prosecute the offence and, if appropriate, to punish the perpetrators. However, an investigating judge cannot, under any circumstances, allow himself to be manipulated by a woman driven by jealousy or hatred against her former husband’s family and take a series of procedural measures that serve no purpose other than to inconvenience third parties uninvolved in the proceedings. In the present case, all that has been proved so far is that A.U.A. did not return his son A.U.I. to his mother at the end of the period he was allowed by the family court.” An application for an order requiring investigating judge no. 5 to stand down was dismissed in a decision of 20 November 1997. In a decision of 22 February 1999, an application for the proceedings to be declared null and void was likewise dismissed. 6. Award of full parental responsibility to the first applicant In a judgment of 12 February 1999, the Vigo Family Court withdrew parental responsibility from A.U.A. and awarded the first applicant full parental responsibility. It gave the following reasons for its decision: “... Having considered the evidence, the Court has decided to grant the applicant’s application. ... the case file shows that, after continually failing to comply with the access arrangements (see this Court’s decision of 20 December 1996), the respondent did not return the child to its mother at the end of the period stipulated in the decision of 20 December 1996. Furthermore, since 1 February 1997, the whereabouts of both father and child have been unknown, which means that the child has been removed from the applicant’s custody in breach of a court order. Such conduct can only be described as very serious, as it has entailed the cruel and abrupt removal of the child from the family background in which it was being happily brought up, thereby depriving it both now and then of its mother’s love and protection ... at the most tender of ages, with the serious harm which that entails ... Thus, by putting his own interests before those of his child, [A.U.A.] has acted in a manner that is seriously detrimental to the child’s welfare ...” Renewal of contact between the first applicant and her son, the return of the child and further criminal complaints According to a psychologist’s report produced by the first applicant in April 2000, A.U.A. first made contact with her through a telephone call in which he imposed various conditions for the child’s return, threatened her and used the prospect of her not seeing her son again as blackmail. On 12 June 2000 the first applicant lodged a criminal complaint against A.U.A. alleging threatening behaviour and coercion. On 30 September 2000 Vigo investigating judge no. 6 made a provisional discharge order. On an appeal by the first applicant, that order was quashed by the Pontevedra Audiencia Provincial in a decision of 15 May 2001. On 18 April 2000 the first applicant saw her son for the first time since his abduction in February 1997. On 12 May 2000 A.U.A. voluntarily appeared before the investigating judge, who, after hearing his representations, decided not to order his detention pending trial. Finally, on 18 June 2000 the first applicant was able to recover her child with police assistance on A.U.A.’s return to Vigo with the child. She said that for a time she was forced to go into hiding with her son in a shelter for women. On 14 July 2000 the Family Court granted A.U.A. access. As he was prevented from exercising that right, A.U.A. lodged a criminal complaint with the Vigo investigating judge against the first applicant and her parents alleging aggravated contempt. II. RELEVANT LAW AND PRACTICE A. The Constitution The relevant provisions of the Constitution read as follows: Article 10 § 2 “Provisions relating to the fundamental rights and the freedoms recognised by the Constitution shall be construed in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international treaties and agreements on human rights that have been ratified by Spain.” Article 18 “1. Everyone’s right to honour and to private and family life ... shall be protected. ...” Article 24 “1. Everyone shall have the right to effective protection by the judges and courts in the exercise of his or her rights and legitimate interests; in no circumstances may there be any denial of defence rights. ...” Article 39 § 4 “Children shall enjoy the protection provided for in the international agreements safeguarding their rights.” Article 96 § 1 “Once officially published in Spain, international treaties that have been validly concluded shall be part of the domestic legal order. ...” B. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 November 1989 The relevant provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child [Spain ratified this instrument on 6 December 1990. The United States signed it on 16 February 1995, but have not yet ratified it] provide as follows: Article 11 “1. States Parties shall take measures to combat the illicit transfer and non-return of children abroad. To this end, States Parties shall promote the conclusion of bilateral or multilateral agreements or accession to existing agreements.” C. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction of 25 October 1980 The relevant provisions of this convention [Spain ratified this instrument on 16 June 1987 and the United States on 29 April 1988] provide as follows: Article 1 “The objects of the present Convention are: (a) to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained in any Contracting State; and (b) to ensure that rights of custody and of access under the law of one Contracting State are effectively respected in the other Contracting States.” Article 2 “Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures to secure within their territories the implementation of the objects of the Convention. For this purpose they shall use the most expeditious procedures available.” Article 3 “The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where: (a) it is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person, an institution or any other body, either jointly or alone, under the law of the State in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention; and (b) at the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised, either jointly or alone, or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention. The rights of custody mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) above may arise in particular by operation of law or by reason of a judicial or administrative decision, or by reason of an agreement having legal effect under the law of that State.” Article 6 “A Contracting State shall designate a Central Authority to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention upon such authorities. ...” Article 7 “Central Authorities shall cooperate with each other and promote cooperation amongst the competent authorities in their respective States to secure the prompt return of children and to achieve the other objects of this Convention. In particular, either directly or through any intermediary, they shall take all appropriate measures: (a) to discover the whereabouts of a child who has been wrongfully removed or retained; (b) to prevent further harm to the child or prejudice to interested parties by taking or causing to be taken provisional measures; (c) to secure the voluntary return of the child or to bring about an amicable resolution of the issues; (d) to exchange, where desirable, information relating to the social background of the child; (e) to provide information of a general character as to the law of their State in connection with the application of the Convention; (f) to initiate or facilitate the institution of judicial or administrative proceedings with a view to obtaining the return of the child and, in a proper case, to make arrangements for organising or securing the effective exercise of rights of access; (g) where the circumstances so require, to provide or facilitate the provision of legal aid and advice, including the participation of legal counsel and advisers; (h) to provide such administrative arrangements as may be necessary and appropriate to secure the safe return of the child; (i) to keep each other informed with respect to the operation of this Convention and, as far as possible, to eliminate any obstacles to its application.” Article 8 “Any person, institution or other body claiming that a child has been removed or retained in breach of custody rights may apply either to the Central Authority of the child’s habitual residence or to the Central Authority of any other Contracting State for assistance in securing the return of the child. ...” Article 11 “The judicial or administrative authorities of Contracting States shall act expeditiously in proceedings for the return of children. If the judicial or administrative authority concerned has not reached a decision within six weeks from the date of commencement of the proceedings, the applicant or the Central Authority of the requested State, on its own initiative or if asked by the Central Authority of the requesting State, shall have the right to request a statement of the reasons for the delay. ...” Article 12 “Where a child has been wrongfully removed or retained in terms of Article 3 and, at the date of the commencement of the proceedings before the judicial or administrative authority of the Contracting State where the child is, a period of less than one year has elapsed from the date of the wrongful removal or retention, the authority concerned shall order the return of the child forthwith. The judicial or administrative authority, even where the proceedings have been commenced after the expiration of the period of one year referred to in the preceding paragraph, shall also order the return of the child, unless it is demonstrated that the child is now settled in its new environment. Where the judicial or administrative authority in the requested State has reason to believe that the child has been taken to another State, it may stay the proceedings or dismiss the application for the return of the child.” Article 13 “Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, the judicial or administrative authority of the requested State is not bound to order the return of the child if the person, institution or other body which opposes its return establishes that: (a) the person, institution or other body having the care of the person of the child was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention, or had consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal or retention; or (b) there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation. The judicial or administrative authority may also refuse to order the return of the child if it finds that the child objects to being returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate to take account of its views. In considering the circumstances referred to in this Article, the judicial and administrative authorities shall take into account the information relating to the social background of the child provided by the Central Authority or other competent authority of the child’s habitual residence.” D. Institutional Law no. 1/1996 of 15 January 1996 on the legal protection of minors, amending the Civil Code and Code of Civil Procedure (published in the Official Gazette of 17 January 1996) The relevant provisions of this Law provide: Section 3 “Minors shall enjoy the rights afforded them by the Constitution and international treaties ratified by Spain, in particular, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the other rights guaranteed by domestic legislation ... This law, its implementing provisions and other statutory provisions concerning minors shall be construed in accordance with the international treaties ratified by Spain and, in particular, the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 November 1989. The public authorities shall guarantee compliance with the rights of minors and shall ensure their decisions comply with this law and the aforementioned international instrument.” Pursuant to final provision 13 of the aforementioned Law on the legal protection of minors, a second paragraph was added to Article 216 of the Civil Code, which provides as follows: Article 216 “The functions of guardianship constitute a duty. They shall be performed for the benefit of the person for whom the guardian has been appointed and subject to the protection of the judicial authorities. The measures and action contemplated by Article 158 of this Code may also be ordered by the court, on its own initiative or on the application of any interested party, in all cases of de facto or de jure guardianship or custody of minors, ... if their interest so requires.” Article 158 of the Civil Code provides as follows: Article 158 “The court shall, on its own initiative, or on an application by the child, a parent or the public prosecutor, order the following measures: ... (2) appropriate action on a transfer of custody to avoid the unsettling the child in a way that is harmful; (3) in general, any other action it considers expedient to remove the child from danger or prevent it coming to harm. All such measures may be ordered in any civil or criminal proceedings ...” E. Provisions of the Civil Code on the legal representation of minor children The provisions read as follows: Article 154 “Responsibility for dependent minors shall be vested in their mother and father. Parental responsibility shall always be exercised in the child’s interest and in accordance with its personality; it shall include the following powers and duties: (1) to provide the child with protection, company, food, an upbringing and proper guidance; (2) to represent the child and administer its property; ... Parents may seek judicial assistance when exercising their parental responsibility. ...” Article 162 “Parents in whom parental responsibility is vested shall represent their dependent minor children in legal matters. ...” F. Domestic practice in criminal proceedings on the abduction of a minor child by one of its parents In general, the Spanish courts have refused to characterise a failure by a person with parental responsibility for a minor to return the child as false imprisonment or kidnapping, offences under Articles 163 to 165 of the Criminal Code carrying between four and ten years’ imprisonment. Under the case-law, a person guilty of such conduct may only be prosecuted for criminal contempt or extortion under Article 556 of the Criminal Code, for which the punishment is six months’ to one year’s imprisonment. Institutional Law no. 9/2002 of 10 December 2002 amended the provisions of the Criminal and Civil Codes dealing with the abduction of minors. As regards the position under the criminal law, the explanatory memorandum to the Law indicated that a clearly worded provision, creating a separate offence from the generic offence of criminal contempt, had become necessary when the person guilty of removing or failing to return the minor was one of the parents and custody of the minor had been lawfully granted to the other parent or to another person or institution in the child’s interest. The Law inserted a new Article 225 bis in the Criminal Code, worded as follows: “1. A parent who, without any justification, abducts his or her minor child shall be liable on conviction to between two and four years’ imprisonment and shall forfeit his or her parental responsibility for between four and ten years. For the purposes of this Article, the following acts shall be deemed to constitute abduction: (i) transferring a minor from his place of residence without the consent of the parent with whom he or she habitually resides or the persons to whom or institutions to which custody of the minor has been granted; (ii) failing to return a minor in material breach of an obligation arising under a judicial or administrative decision. If the minor is removed from Spain or a condition is imposed for its return, the sentence shall be in the upper half of the range set out in paragraph 1. ... The penalties stated in this Article shall also apply to any person from whom the minor is descended or any relative of the parent by blood or marriage up to the second degree who has committed the aforementioned acts.”
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{ "applicant": "María Iglesias Gil", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2003 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: María Iglesias Gil
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 61800/08) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Albanian national, Mr Leci Gani (“the applicant”), on 10 December 2008. The applicant was represented by Mr T. Gilabert Boyert, a lawyer practising in Salou (Tarragona). The Spanish Government (“the Government”) were initially represented by their Agent, Mr F. Irurzun Montoro, and later by their Agent, Mr F. Sanz Gandasegui. The applicant complained under Article 6 §§ 1 and 3(d) of the Convention that he had not been given a proper and adequate opportunity, during either the investigative stage or the hearing, to challenge and question the victim, the sole witness against him in relation to all the crimes for which he had been convicted, with the exception of the forgery of official documents. On 21 October 2011 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1). On 4 November 2011 the Court informed the Albanian Government of their right under Article 36 § 1 of the Convention to intervene in the proceedings. The Albanian Government did not inform the Court of their wish to intervene. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, Mr Leci Gani, was born in 1975 and is currently serving a term of imprisonment in the Spanish prison of Quatre Camins in La Roca del Vallès (Barcelona). On 3 June 2004, following reports to the police made by N., the applicant’s former partner and the mother of his son, the applicant was arrested at Prat de Llobregat Airport (Barcelona) and taken to a police station where he was informed of his right to appoint private legal counsel or, alternatively, to be provided with an officially appointed lawyer. The applicant opted for the latter. Investigating judge no. 5 of Gavà (Barcelona) instituted a pre-trial investigation into allegations that the applicant had committed several serious offences of bodily harm, abduction and rape of N. On 5 June 2004 the applicant was brought before the investigating judge to be questioned about the offences of which he had been accused. He was accompanied by his officially appointed lawyer. The applicant was first informed by the judge of his right to appoint private legal counsel. He expressly appointed as private counsel the lawyer who had been officially assigned to him, who assisted him during his examination by the investigating judge. On 6 July 2004 the applicant was questioned again by the judge, in the presence of his counsel. On 22 July 2004 N. testified before the investigating judge; the applicant’s counsel failed to attend without providing a justification. N. confirmed the statement she had made to the police with the addition of some further details. This statement was written up and added to the case file. From the documents submitted it does not appear that the applicant instituted any liability proceedings against his counsel for negligence. On 16 September 2004 the applicant dismissed his counsel and personally appointed another one, who took over his defence. The hearing before the Barcelona Audiencia Provincial took place on 19 April 2006. N. attended the hearing after undergoing a psychological diagnosis which established her suitability to testify in court. She had started to answer the questions posed by the public prosecutor when her statement had to be interrupted, as she was said to be suffering from post‑traumatic stress symptoms that were hindering her from testifying. Those symptoms were medically confirmed after the hearing. As a consequence, she could not be cross-examined by the public prosecutor, the private prosecutor or the applicant’s counsel. The court had already adjourned the hearing once before, following a similar reaction on the part of N. As a consequence, it had provided her with psychological assistance before and during the hearing on 19 April 2006 to allow for her full examination, but to no avail. In this regard, the Barcelona Audiencia Provincial stated in its judgment: “... At the time of the suspension [of the proceedings] the victim was presenting obvious post-traumatic stress symptoms, which were hampering her memory and wrecked her capacity to express herself. The court’s final decision [i.e. to suspend the witness‑victim’s examination and replace it with the reading out of the statements she had made to the police and the investigating judge] was not arbitrary, but was made in the light of what had happened at a prior hearing which had also had to be suspended – for the same reason – and at which the psychological treatment of the victim had been ordered, the court’s perception having been confirmed by a valuable therapeutic procedure, which nonetheless did not result in the victim overcoming her incapacity. Both the persistence in the witness’s condition during the new hearing and the failure of the therapeutic procedure, which did not lead the court to feel optimistic in the short run (the proceedings concerning an accused person in prison on remand), justified the final decision to declare the victim’s examination impracticable. The court had previously attempted – perhaps to the point of excess – to exhaust all remedies to obtain her statement. It had made use of all the psychological support that the presence of officials from the victims’ service could provide to the witness, relaxation exercises during the trial, suspensions and recesses. It had also attempted, – as a kind of safety valve – to fragment her account regarding the most violent events and to redirect her attention to other events that had been less emotionally intense. The efforts were fruitless, however, and the witness’s resolved will to collaborate was prevented by one of the most horrific cases of psychological annihilation of a victim that this court has ever witnessed in its long professional experience. The witness rightly started her statement by giving a detailed description of the evolution of her relationship with the accused, the process of rupture and how their personal relations had developed in its aftermath in the light of their common child. Her determination began to weaken when, with slightly shaking hands, she began to describe the assaults she had suffered on the second day. The shaking later developed into an uncontrollable trembling of her mouth and her entire body as soon as she started to describe the specific aggressions she had been subjected to. Whether she was encouraged to stand up, sit down, drink water or have her hands held, nothing was of the slightest help to calm her down. Only continuous breaks and recesses and an excessive effort on her part enabled her to make, in more that an hour, some progress in her statement, which came to a dramatic end as she was telling the court about the episode of a cold-water bath with which she had been tortured. Her testimony essentially corroborated her pre-trial statement and proved the authenticity of her post-traumatic stress, which was later confirmed by an expert report. The continuation of the witness’s examination would have been incompatible with Article 8 § 4 of the Protection of Victims Statute approved by a European Union Framework Decision of 15 March 2001, which states that ‘Each Member State shall ensure that, where there is a need to protect a victim - particularly those most vulnerable - from the effects of giving evidence in open court, victims may, following a decision taken by the court, be entitled to testify in a manner which will enable this objective to be achieved, by any appropriate means compatible with its basic legal principles’.” As an alternative to having N. questioned by the parties, the Barcelona Audiencia Provincial ordered that the statements which had been taken from her during the investigation stage of the proceedings be read out. The applicant gave his alternative account of the facts. On 5 May 2006 the Barcelona Audiencia Provincial delivered its judgment. The court found that on 4 April 2004 the applicant had gone to N.’s apartment and had made death threats when she had not let him in to see their son. Upon leaving the apartment, he had twice knocked a car belonging to J., a close male friend of N., causing damage to the vehicle. The court also found that on 6 April 2004 at around 1 a.m., the applicant had returned to N.’s apartment and broken in through a window. Upon entering the apartment against N.’s will, he had punched J., who had been there with N., and then hit N. repeatedly. It also found that the applicant had remained in N.’s apartment for the next three hours against her will, had stubbed out a cigarette on N.’s left hand and had threatened her with a penknife, with which he had cut her finger. He had prevented J. and N. from leaving the apartment unless they brought him his son, who had been staying elsewhere that night. The court also found that after those three hours had elapsed, the applicant had abducted N. He had forced her into his car after having ordered J. to take the child to an address which he would provide later by telephone. The applicant had driven N. to a petrol station where, with the assistance of two other people – who could not be identified – she had been immobilised, gagged and blindfolded before being introduced into another vehicle and driven to an apartment where she had been subjected to further aggressions. They had culminated in her hands and feet being tied, being immersed in icy water, thrown on a bed and raped vaginally and anally. Afterwards she had been obliged to phone J. and give him the address to which he should bring the child. At the time of the arranged meeting, the applicant had left the apartment for a short time in which N. had been given dry clothes by a hooded man who had left the room before the applicant had come back with J. and the child. They had remained together in the apartment for approximately an hour, after which the applicant had let them go under death threats. Lastly, the court found that, when the applicant had been arrested at Prat de Llobregat Airport (Barcelona), he had been carrying false identification documents. The applicant was sentenced as the principal offender for: (i) making very serious threats to N., to fifteen months’ imprisonment; (ii) breaking and entering into N.’s home using violence and coercion, to two and a half years’ imprisonment and a fine of nine months’ minimum income with a daily fee of 12 euros (EUR); (iii) causing minor bodily injuries to N., to twelve days’ house arrest; (iii) causing minor bodily injuries to J., to twelve days’ house arrest; (iv) N.’s kidnapping under threat, with the aggravating factor of family ties, to eight years’ imprisonment; (v) J.’s kidnapping, to three years’ imprisonment; (vi) a crime against N.’s moral integrity with the aggravating factor of family ties, to two years’ imprisonment; (vii) N.’s rape with the aggravating factor of family ties, to fifteen years’ imprisonment; and (viii) forgery of official documents, to six months’ imprisonment and a fine of six months’ minimum income with a daily fee of EUR 12. He was also fined EUR 30,525 for damages. For the applicant’s above-mentioned conviction the Audiencia Provincial relied mainly on the alleged victim’s pre-trial statements, which had been admitted as evidence and read out at the hearing. The credibility of her testimony was enhanced by the weakness of the applicant’s statement. The trial court also relied on other evidence. In his statement the applicant had admitted the veracity of the details in N.’s account that did not have or had minor criminal implications, such as her changing into clothes belonging to him during her kidnapping, the damage inflicted on J.’s car, and the fact that J. had eventually brought him his child at an absolutely inappropriate time. It also relied on J.’s statement at the hearing; the contradictions of a hearsay witness for the defence as to the way in which the applicant had entered N.’s apartment; a medical report stating that the bodily injuries presented by N. were fully consistent with the aggressions she had reported; the forensic medical opinion that the bodily injuries presented by the victim fifteen days after the facts were temporarily and causally consistent with the aggressions reported; the expert opinion that N. was suffering from a post-traumatic stress disorder consistent with the facts reported; and, lastly, the court’s direct assessment of N.’s psychological inability to relive the facts that she had described – albeit only in part – at the hearing sufficiently accurately and coherently to evoke clearly what had actually happened. The court considered that the use as evidence of the victim’s pre-trial statements had not infringed the applicant’s right to defend himself, as that form of evidence had been introduced only once it had become clear that N.’s cross-examination was impracticable and it had been open to challenge by the applicant during the hearing. The court further considered that the reliability of N.’s statement had been enhanced when confronted with the applicant’s implausible statement. The applicant lodged an appeal on points of law with the Supreme Court, which on 21 February 2007 partially quashed the Audiencia Provincial’s judgment. The Supreme Court reduced the penalty imposed on the applicant in respect of kidnapping to bring it into line with the prosecutor’s submissions, lessened the classification of the offence of making threats and reduced the penalty imposed on the applicant in that respect, and acquitted him of the crime against moral integrity because, in the instant case, this crime could be considered to come under the offence of rape. The remainder of the Audiencia Provincial’s judgment was upheld. The Supreme Court maintained that the applicant’s rights to examine witnesses against him and to be presumed innocent had not been infringed by the trial court’s decision to admit N.’s pre-trial statements as evidence in the proceedings. Firstly, the Audiencia Provincial had decided not to pursue N.’s cross-examination only once it had become clear that it would not be feasible to attempt to proceed. The trial court had first tried to resolve the problem by staying the hearing and ordering a medical examination of the witness with a view to excluding any possibility of feigning on her part and to adequately assess her apparent inability to give a statement before the court.When the same difficulties had recurred at the final hearing, the trial court had ordered that N. should be provided with medical support with a view to obtaining a direct testimony, which in the end proved impossible despite the efforts in that regard. Secondly, although the general rule was that witnesses should always be available for cross-examination at a hearing, the law permitted that pre-trial statements could be read out in the courtroom as an alternative when a witness’s testimony could not be produced owing to circumstances beyond the parties’ control, such as a physical or psychological impediment on the part of the witness to give a statement at the hearing, provided that the alleged impediment had been tested. Thirdly, the applicant’s counsel had been duly summoned to the judicial interview with N. during the investigative stage of the proceedings, but had failed to attend without providing a justification. The Supreme Court contended that it had repeatedly stressed that trial courts should take special care in assessing victims’ statements when they were the sole direct evidence against the accused. It further reiterated its advice that trial courts should identify further evidence to corroborate those statements so that they may assess them objectively. The trial courts should be satisfied that those statements have not been capriciously changed during the proceedings and that there are no prior relations between the victims and the accused that could put into question the credibility of their statement. In the light of those considerations, the Supreme Court was satisfied that the Audiencia Provincial had acted cautiously enough when assessing N.’s statement, since it had relied on corroborating evidence to convict the applicant. The Supreme Court added that the delay with which N. had reported the facts to the police could be explained by her fear and by the fact that she had had a child with the applicant. It further contended that it did not find in N.’s statement any alteration or substantial change which could be deemed as rendering it inconsistent and thus weakening its validity. The applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court. In a decision served on 3 July 2008, the appeal was declared inadmissible for being devoid of any constitutional content.
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{ "applicant": "Leci Gani", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2013 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Leci Gani
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 40016/98) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Siegmund Karner (“the applicant”), on 24 July 1997. The applicant was represented by Lansky and Partner, a law firm in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr H. Winkler. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the Supreme Court's decision not to recognise his right to succeed to a tenancy after the death of his companion amounted to discrimination on the ground of his sexual orientation in breach of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 8. The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). By a decision of 11 September 2001 the Chamber declared the application partly admissible. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed First Section (Rule 52 § 1). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 7 December 2001 the President of the Chamber granted ILGA-Europe (The European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association), Liberty and Stonewall leave to intervene as third parties (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 61 § 3). The third parties were represented by Mr R. Wintemute. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1955 and lived in Vienna. From 1989 the applicant lived with Mr W., with whom he had a homosexual relationship, in a flat in Vienna, which the latter had rented a year earlier. They shared the expenses on the flat. In 1991 Mr W. discovered that he was infected with the Aids virus. His relationship with the applicant continued. In 1993, when Mr W. developed Aids, the applicant nursed him. In 1994 Mr W. died after designating the applicant as his heir. In 1995 the landlord of the flat brought proceedings against the applicant for termination of the tenancy. On 6 January 1996 the Favoriten District Court (Bezirksgericht) dismissed the action. It considered that section 14(3) of the Rent Act (Mietrechtsgesetz), which provided that family members had a right to succeed to a tenancy, was also applicable to a homosexual relationship. On 30 April 1996 the Vienna Regional Civil Court (Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen) dismissed the landlord's appeal. It found that section 14(3) of the Rent Act was intended to protect persons who had lived together for a long time without being married against sudden homelessness. It applied to homosexuals as well as to persons of opposite sex. On 5 December 1996 the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) granted the landlord's appeal, quashed the lower court's decision and terminated the lease. It found that the notion of “life companion” (Lebensgefährte) in section 14(3) of the Rent Act was to be interpreted as at the time it was enacted, and the legislature's intention in 1974 was not to include persons of the same sex. On 26 September 2000 the applicant died. On 11 November 2001 the applicant's lawyer informed the Court of the applicant's death and that his mother had waived her right to succeed to the estate. He asked the Court not to strike the application out of its list before the public notary handling the applicant's estate had traced other heirs. On 10 April 2002 the applicant's lawyer informed the Court that the public notary had instigated enquiries in order to trace previously unknown heirs who might wish to succeed to the estate.
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{ "applicant": "Siegmund Karner", "articles": [ 91, 34, 56, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 55, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2003 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Siegmund Karner
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 2034/07) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Spanish national, Mr Arnaldo Otegi Mondragon (“the applicant”), on 5 January 2007. The applicant was represented by Mr D. Rouget and Ms J. Goirizelaia Ordorika, lawyers practising in Saint-Jean-de-Luz and Bilbao respectively. The Spanish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr I. Blasco, Head of the Legal Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged that the decision of the Supreme Court finding him guilty of serious insult against the King of Spain amounted to an unjustified infringement of his right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the Convention. On 27 November 2008 the President of the Third Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1 of the Convention). On 7 June 2009 the applicant requested the Court to hold a public hearing. The Court examined the request. In view of the information available to it, it decided that no hearing was necessary. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1956. At the time the application was lodged he lived in Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa). At the time of the events, the applicant was spokesperson for Sozialista Abertzaleak, a left-wing Basque separatist parliamentary group in the Parliament of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. A. Background to the case On 21 February 2003, following an order issued by central investigating judge no. 6 of the Audiencia Nacional, the premises of the daily newspaper Euskaldunon Egunkaria were searched and then closed, on account of the newspaper’s alleged links with the terrorist organisation ETA. Ten persons were arrested, including the newspaper’s senior managers (members of the board and the editor-in-chief). After spending five days in secret detention the persons concerned complained that they had been subjected to ill-treatment in police custody. On 26 February 2003 the President of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country received the King of Spain at the opening of an electricity power station in the province of Biscay. At a press conference held the same day in San Sebastián, the applicant, as spokesperson for the Sozialista Abertzaleak parliamentary group, outlined his group’s political response to the situation concerning the newspaper Euskaldunon Egunkaria. Replying to a journalist he said, with reference to the King’s visit to the Basque Country, that “it [was] pathetic”, adding that it was “a genuine political disgrace” for the President of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country to be inaugurating the project with Juan Carlos of Bourbon and that “their picture [was] worth a thousand words”. He went on to say that inaugurating a project with the King of the Spaniards, who was the Supreme Head of the Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) and the Commander-in-Chief of the Spanish armed forces, was absolutely pitiful. Speaking about the police operation against the newspaper Euskaldunon Egunkaria, he added that the King was in charge of those who had tortured the persons detained in connection with the operation. He spoke in the following terms: “How is it possible for them to have their picture taken today in Bilbao with the King of Spain, when the King is the Commander-in-Chief of the Spanish army, in other words the person who is in charge of the torturers, who defends torture and imposes his monarchical regime on our people through torture and violence?” B. The criminal proceedings in the Basque Country High Court of Justice On 7 April 2003 the public prosecutor lodged a criminal complaint against the applicant for “serious insult against the King” within the meaning of Article 490 § 3 of the Criminal Code read in conjunction with Article 208, on account of his remarks made on 26 February 2003. In the proceedings before the Basque Country High Court of Justice, which had jurisdiction to try the applicant because of his status as a member of parliament, the applicant argued that his remarks had constituted political criticism directed against the Head of the government of the Basque Country. He added that to say that the King of Spain was the Supreme Head of the Civil Guard did not imply any intention to undermine dignity or honour; it was merely a statement of the political reality in the Spanish State, where the King exercised supreme command over the armed forces. The applicant further argued that there was no insult or attempt to dishonour in saying that the Civil Guard had tortured the persons detained in connection with the closure of the newspaper Euskaldunon Egunkaria because that was the reality, and proceedings had been instituted in that connection before the Madrid investigating judge no. 5. Numerous public figures had also commented on the subject. In sum, the applicant, as a politician, had sought to express political criticism in the context of freedom of expression, one of the foundations of the rule of law and democracy. He pointed out in that regard that politicians had greater freedom of manoeuvre when it came to informing society about matters of public interest. In a judgment of 18 March 2005, the High Court of Justice found the applicant not guilty of the charges against him. After stating that his remarks had been “clearly offensive, improper, unjust, ignominious and divorced from reality”, the court found as follows: “... This is not an issue concerning the private life of the Head of State but one of rejection of the ties of political power deriving from the hereditary nature of the institution which he personally symbolises. ... [C]riticism of a constitutional institution is not excluded from the scope of the right to freedom of expression; in this case the latter has the status of a constitutional right which takes precedence over the right to honour. The Constitution does not guarantee the right to freedom of expression solely in relation to certain points of view that are considered correct, but in relation to all ideas, subject to the limits which it lays down ...” The High Court of Justice summed up as follows: “[T]he [applicant’s] remarks were made in a public, political and institutional setting, regard being had not only to the speaker’s status as a member of parliament but also to the authority to which they were addressed, namely the State’s highest judicial authority, and to the context of political criticism of the [Head of the government of the Basque Country] for his official hospitality in receiving His Majesty King Juan Carlos I in the wake of the closure of the newspaper [Euskaldunon] Egunkaria and the detention of its senior managers, and the latter’s public allegations of ill‑treatment. This context is therefore unconnected to the innermost core of individual dignity protected by law from any interference by third parties.” C. The appeal on points of law to the Supreme Court The public prosecutor lodged an appeal on points of law, arguing firstly that the law protected the honour of the King as a specific individual possessed of personal dignity, who had been the object of the offence of insult, and secondly that the law was aimed at ensuring respect for the symbolic content of the institution of the Crown as established by the Spanish Constitution and “represented by the Head of State, the symbol of its unity and permanence”. The seriousness of the offence could be inferred from the fact that the legislature had sought to afford increased protection to the dignity of the King, including vis-à-vis other public authorities (Articles 496 and 504 of the Criminal Code). Furthermore, the inviolability of the King, as proclaimed in Article 56 § 3 of the Constitution, demonstrated the unique position occupied by the Crown in the system of the 1978 Spanish Constitution. That constitutional position highlighted the disproportionate nature of the vexatious and insulting remarks made by the applicant. In the view of the public prosecutor, who referred several times to the case-law of the Strasbourg Court, it was clear that the King had been performing official duties and that he was a figure in the public eye; however, that did not deprive him of the right to respect for his honour. In that regard, the public prosecutor pointed out that Article 20 § 1 (a) of the Constitution did not protect a supposed right to proffer insults. Drawing a parallel with the special protection to be afforded under Article 10 § 2 of the Convention to the judiciary, the public prosecutor further argued that the same protection should be afforded to the Head of State, who was the “symbol of the unity and permanence of the State” and was above party politics, from the “destructive and baseless attack” constituted by the applicant’s remarks. Lastly, in the public prosecutor’s view, the applicant’s remarks could be said to amount to “hate speech” within the meaning of the Court’s case‑law, given the existing situation with regard to terrorist attacks. In two judgments delivered on 31 October 2005, the Supreme Court set aside the judgment of the lower court, making several references to the Court’s case-law. It sentenced the applicant to one year’s imprisonment, suspended his right to stand for election for the duration of the sentence and ordered him to pay costs and expenses, on the ground of his criminal liability for the offence of serious insult against the King. The Supreme Court considered the impugned remarks to have been value judgments rather than statements of fact. The remarks, described as “ignominious” by the lower court, had expressed contempt for the King and the institution he represented, affecting the innermost core of his dignity by accusing him of one of the most serious manifestations of criminal conduct in a State governed by the rule of law. The exercise of the right to freedom of expression had therefore been contrary to the principle of proportionality and had been unnecessary, overstepping the limits beyond which criticism could be deemed to be hurtful or upsetting. The Supreme Court further observed that the context in which the remarks had been made did nothing to alter their offensiveness. Firstly, the proceedings relating to the complaints of ill-treatment of the persons detained in connection with the operation against the newspaper Euskaldunon Egunkaria had been discontinued for lack of evidence. Secondly, the impugned remarks could not be construed as a reaction or response to a political debate with the King. In view of the seriousness of the insulting comments and the fact that the applicant had deliberately expressed them in public, the Supreme Court sentenced him to one year’s imprisonment. Judge P.A.I. issued a dissenting opinion in which he argued that the comments complained of had been of a political nature, in view of the applicant’s status as a member of parliament and the context in which they had been made, namely the King’s visit to the Basque Country and the attitude of the Head of the government of the Basque Country in that regard. The judge agreed with the Basque Country High Court of Justice that the remarks had not targeted the King’s private life or his personal honour but had been directed solely at his institutional role as Commander-in-Chief of the Spanish armed forces. The applicant had not claimed that the King was responsible for actual acts of torture, only that he was strictly liable as Head of the State apparatus. The judge pointed out that the limits of freedom of expression were wider with regard to institutions since the latter did not possess honour, an attribute that was confined to individuals. D. The amparo appeal to the Constitutional Court The applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court alleging, inter alia, a breach of his right to freedom of expression (Article 20 § 1 (a) of the Constitution) and of his right to freedom of ideas (Article 16 of the Constitution). In the applicant’s view, the Supreme Court’s judgment had incorrectly weighed the competing interests at stake, as the comments complained of had not contained any insulting or vexatious expressions, had been directed principally against the President of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country rather than the King of Spain and, in any event, had reflected the reality of the situation and had not referred to the King’s private life or his attitudes. The statements in question had not been disproportionate in the context in which they had been uttered, namely the warm welcome extended to the King of Spain by the government of the Basque Country in the wake of the closure of the daily newspaper Euskaldunon Egunkaria and, in connection with that closure, the detention of several individuals who had stated before the courts and the Basque Parliament that they had been tortured. In a decision (auto) of 3 July 2006, served on 11 July 2006, the Constitutional Court declared the applicant’s amparo appeal inadmissible as manifestly devoid of constitutional content. The Constitutional Court noted at the outset that the right to freedom of expression did not encompass a right to proffer insults. It pointed out in that connection that the Constitution did not prohibit the use of hurtful expressions in all circumstances. However, freedom of expression did not protect vexatious expressions which, regardless of their veracity, were offensive and ignominious and were not pertinent for the purpose of conveying the opinions or information in question. The Constitutional Court considered that the weighing of the competing rights at stake had been carried out in an appropriate manner by the Supreme Court, as the latter had concluded that the impugned remarks had been disproportionate, while taking into account the context in which they had been made, the public nature of the act, the public interest in the subject in question (the use of torture) and the fact that the persons targeted (a politician and the King) were public figures. In the Constitutional Court’s view, there was no denying the ignominious, vexatious and derogatory nature of the impugned remarks, even when directed against a public figure. That finding was all the more valid with regard to the King, who, by virtue of Article 56 § 3 of the Constitution, was “not liable” and was a “symbol of the unity and permanence of the State”. Regard being had to his role as “arbitrator and moderator of the lawful functioning of institutions”, the King occupied a neutral position in political debate. This implied that he was owed institutional respect of a kind that was “substantively” different from that due to other State institutions. The Constitutional Court stated as follows: “... [I]n a democratic system which recognises freedom of ideas and freedom of expression, the fact that [the figure of the King] is characterised in this way does not shield him from all criticism ‘in the exercise of his duties or on account of or in connection with them’ ...; however, such criticism may not extend to attributing acts of public authority to the King – which, as indicated above, is prohibited by the Constitution – as a pretext for gratuitous attacks on his dignity or public esteem.” Lastly, the Constitutional Court held that the applicant’s remarks, on account of their obviously derogatory nature, had clearly gone beyond what could be considered legitimate. It agreed with the Supreme Court that the remarks had expressed open contempt for the King and the institution he embodied, affecting the essential core of his dignity. Hence, such statements could manifestly not fall within the exercise of the right to freedom of expression. E. Enforcement of the sentence and subsequent events In a decision (auto) of 15 May 2006, the Basque Country High Court of Justice ordered that enforcement of the applicant’s sentence be stayed for three years. According to the Government, his sentence was remitted on 16 July 2009. The applicant was imprisoned on 8 June 2007 after the Supreme Court upheld a judgment of the Audiencia Nacional of 27 April 2006 sentencing him to fifteen months’ imprisonment for publicly defending terrorism. He is currently in pre-trial detention in connection with other criminal proceedings.
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{ "applicant": "Arnaldo Otegi Mondragon", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Arnaldo Otegi Mondragon
PROCEDURE The present case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (“the Government“). The case originated in an application (no. 8398/78) against that State lodged with the Commission on 5 October 1978 under Article 25 (art. 25) of the Convention by a Turkish national, Mr. Lütfü Pakelli. The Commission’s request and the Government’s application were lodged with the registry of the Court within the period of three months laid down by Articles 32 para. 1 and 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) - the former on 14 May and the latter on 24 May 1982. The request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the Federal Republic of Germany recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); its purpose was to obtain a decision as to whether or not there had been a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 para. 3 (c) (art. 6-3-c). The application invited the Court to hold that there had been no such breach. The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Mr. R. Bernhardt, the elected judge of German nationality (Article 43 (art. 43) of the Convention), and Mr. G. Wiarda, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b) of the Rules of Court). On 28 May 1982, the President drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the five other members, namely Mr. R. Ryssdal, Mr. M. Zekia, Mr. L. Liesch, Mr. E. García de Enterría and Mr. B. Walsh (Article 43 (art. 43) in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4). Subsequently, Mr. L.-E. Pettiti and Mr. J. Gersing, substitute judges, took the place of Mr. Zekia and Mr. García de Enterría, who were prevented from taking part in the consideration of the case (Rules 22 para. 1 and 24 para. 1). Mr. Wiarda, who had assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), ascertained, through the Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government and the Delegate of the Commission regarding the procedure to be followed. On 9 June 1982, having particular regard to their concurring statements, he concluded that there was no need for memorials to be filed. After consulting, through the Deputy Registrar, the Agent of the Government and the Delegate of the Commission, the President directed on 4 October that the oral proceedings should open on 25 November 1982. On 2 November, the Registrar, on the President’s instructions, requested the Commission and the Government to produce several documents; these were received on 5, 22 and 23 November. The hearings were held in public at the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 November. Immediately before they opened, the Chamber had held a preparatory meeting; it had authorised the Agent and the advocates of the Government and the person assisting the Delegate of the Commission to use the German language (Rule 27 paras. 2 and 3). There appeared before the Court: for the Government: Mrs. I. MAIER, Ministerialdirigentin at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Agent, Mr. P. RIESS, Ministerialrat at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Mr. W. STILLER, Regierungsdirektor at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Advisers; for the Commission: Mr. J.A. FROWEIN, Delegate, Mr. N. WINGERTER, the applicant’s lawyer before the Commission, assisting the Delegate (Rule 29 para. 1, second sentence, of the Rules of Court). The Court heard addresses by Mrs. Maier and Mr. Riess for the Government and by Mr. Frowein and Mr. Wingerter for the Commission, as well as their replies to its questions. On 26 November, in response to a request which he had made on the instructions of the President, the Registrar received certain documents from the Commission. On 20 December, the Commission transmitted to the Court the applicant’s claims under Article 50 (art. 50) of the Convention. In accordance with the Orders and directions of the President, the registry received the following documents on this issue: on 20 January 1983, the comments of the Government; on 9 and 10 February 1983, the observations of the Delegate of the Commission and, through him, the observations of the applicant. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mr. Pakelli, a Turkish national born in 1937, is currently living in Turkey; he was resident in the Federal Republic of Germany from 1964 to 1976. The applicant arrived in the Federal Republic in February 1964 and was engaged by the firm of Audi-NSU at Neckarsulm. He stayed there for two and a half years. Subsequently, he had a succession of different occupations: mechanic in another firm at Neckarsulm, manager of a restaurant, independent insurance and building-loans broker. The last-mentioned activity, which consisted of negotiating and concluding, for example, life-insurance and savings contracts with Turkish workers, provided him, as he himself stated, with a very good monthly income. On 31 May 1972, the Heilbronn District Court (Amtsgericht) imposed on him a suspended sentence of ten months’ imprisonment for an offence against the Narcotics Act (Betaeubungsmittelgesetz). The Heilbronn Regional Court (Landgericht) dismissed the applicant’s appeal on 12 March 1973. These proceedings are not here in issue. The criminal proceedings to which the present case relates began in 1974. Mr. Pakelli was arrested on 7 May on suspicion of having committed a further offence against the Narcotics Act; on 4 September, he was granted the assistance of an officially appointed lawyer, namely Mr. Wingerter, of Heilbronn. The trial opened before the Heilbronn Regional Court on 7 April 1976 and continued on 8, 14, 23 and 3O April. The applicant was defended by Mr. Wingerter and, at certain moments, by Mr. Rauschenbusch, a member of the same firm. On 3O April, the court sentenced Mr. Pakelli to two years’ and three months’ imprisonment for an offence against the Narcotics Act and for tax evasion (Steuerhinterziehung): it was found to be proved that in the spring of 1972 the accused had illegally imported into Germany sixteen kilograms of cannabis resin of Turkish origin, hidden in his car. On 3 May 1976, Mr. Wingerter filed an appeal on points of law (Revision). In his memorial of 5 August, setting out the grounds of appeal, he relied, inter alia, on Article 146 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which provides that several accused persons may not be defended by one and the same lawyer (see paragraph 26 below). Mr. Wingerter explained that he had previously represented another person who on the occasion in question had, according to the Regional Court’s findings, been Mr. Pakelli’s accomplice. Mr. Pakelli was released on 10 August 1976 and returned to Turkey. On 22 October, the Federal public prosecutor (Generalbundesanwalt) moved that the appeal be held inadmissible on the ground that it had been filed by a defence counsel who, on his own admission, was not entitled to represent the applicant. On 19 November, Mr. Rauschenbusch applied for leave to proceed out of time (Wiedereinsetzung in den vorigen Stand) in order to lodge a fresh appeal, which appeal he in fact filed at the same moment. On 21 December 1976, the Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof) allowed the application; it had first sought the opinion of the public prosecutor who, without giving reasons, had indicated that he was in favour of such a course. On 13 January 1977, the Regional Court granted Mr. Rauschenbusch’s request of 19 November 1976 to be appointed official defence counsel to file the memorial setting out the grounds of appeal; two weeks later it relieved Mr. Wingerter of his duties. In his memorial of 26 January 1977, which was thirty-four pages in length, Mr. Rauschenbusch complained solely of procedural errors (Verfahrensrugen). He listed nineteen, most of which concerned decisions of the Heilbronn Regional Court refusing to appoint an expert or to summon, question or have questions put to witnesses. The last of the alleged errors related to Article 146 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: recalling that Mr. Wingerter had previously defended another person whom the Regional Court had convicted, on 21 June 1974, as an accomplice of Mr. Pakelli, Mr. Rauschenbusch maintained that this recourse to a common defence counsel had been contrary to the interests of both accused (see paragraph 26 below). In its observations in reply (Gegenerklärung) of 14 March 1977, the public prosecutor’s office attached to the Regional Court submitted that the appeal was inadmissible. It considered that Article 146 prevented Mr. Rauschenbusch, just as it did Mr. Wingerter, from acting in the case as officially appointed lawyer. Mr. Rauschenbusch replied on 23 March. He pointed out, amongst other things, that since he had never defended Mr. Pakelli’s accomplice, Article 146 did not apply to him. On 20 April, the Federal public prosecutor invited the above-mentioned office to comment on the complaints that had been made; in his view, it was at least doubtful whether the appeal was inadmissible de plano. On 12 August, the Heilbronn public prosecutor’s office filed its supplementary observations (weitere Gegenerklaerung), dated 1 August; it sent a copy to Mr. Rauschenbusch. In accordance with the practice in such matters (Instruction no. 162 of the Instructions on Criminal Procedure and Administrative Fines Procedure - Richtlinien für das Strafverfahren und das Bussgeldverfahren), the observations reproduced for each complaint the relevant documents in the case-file, in particular the requests made by the applicant’s lawyer during the trial and the decisions taken by the Regional Court thereon. As regards Article 146 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the public prosecutor’s office referred to its earlier observations, including those of 14 March. On application by the Federal public prosecutor’s office, the Federal Court decided on 13 October 1977 to hold a hearing (Hauptverhandlung) on 29 November. Mr. Rauschenbusch and his client, who had returned to Turkey, were notified of this on 17 October. On 24 October, Mr. Rauschenbusch applied to be officially appointed as the applicant’s lawyer for the hearing of 29 November. The President of the 1st Criminal Chamber (Strafsenat) of the Federal Court refused the application on the following day. In his view, an accused (Angeklagter) who was at liberty was not entitled to such an appointment for hearings in an appeal on a point of law; there was no legal requirement at that stage for him either to appear in person or to be represented by a lawyer (Article 350 paras. 2 and 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; see paragraph 22 below). As regards compliance with procedural rules (verfahrensrechtlich), an appeal court (Revisionsgericht) would examine the impugned decision on the basis of the written grounds of appeal; as regards any substantive complaints (bei sachlichrechtlicher Beanstandung), it would affect of its own motion a review that was not subject to any limitations. Furthermore, on this occasion neither the facts of the case nor the legal issues it raised justified the appointment requested. In the objections (Gegenvorstellungen) he raised on 7 November 1977, Mr. Rauschenbusch cited a judgment of 19 October 1977 of the Federal Constitutional Court (see paragraph 22 below), holding that, in addition to the cases provided for by law, legal aid had to be granted for hearings in appeals on a point of law in “serious“ (“schwerwiegend“) cases if the person concerned was unable to pay a lawyer of his own choosing. And, he submitted, Mr. Pakelli was in such a situation, for a final conviction would lead to his expulsion. Mr. Rauschenbusch asked the Federal Court to indicate whether he should supply particulars of the applicant’s assets in order to substantiate (glaubhaft machen) the latter’s lack of means. According to Mr. Rauschenbusch, Mr. Pakelli was obviously (offensichtlich) not in a position to pay a lawyer. He had come to the Federal Republic as a migrant worker and had returned to Turkey after spending a long (laengeren) period in Heilbronn prison. It was evident that he had no savings. Mr. Rauschenbusch requested that, if need be, the matter be referred to the Chamber for decision. On 10 November, the President of the 1st Criminal Chamber of the Federal Court confirmed his decision of 25 October refusing the application; he took the view that the above-mentioned judgment of 19 October 1977 did not concern a case that was comparable to the applicant’s. The hearing was held on 29 November 1977, in the absence of the applicant and of Mr. Rauschenbusch. According to the minutes, the Federal Court heard the judge acting as rapporteur and then the submissions (Ausfuhrungen) of an official of the Federal public prosecutor’s office (Bundesanwaltschaft) in favour of rejecting the appeal. After deliberating in private, the court gave on the same day judgment dismissing the appeal. The judgment held firstly that the appeal was admissible: Article 146 of the Code of Criminal Procedure did not prevent Mr. Rauschenbusch from representing Mr. Pakelli before the Federal Court. On the other hand, that Article had not been complied with at first instance since Mr. Wingerter had previously defended the applicant’s accomplice. However, the Federal Court, referring to a judgment of its 3rd Criminal Chamber (see paragraph 26 below), added that an appeal on a point of law based on that Article could succeed only if the representation of several accused by one and the same lawyer proved to be really incompatible, in the circumstances of the case, with the duties of the defence. And on this occasion it had not been established that there was any conflict of interests. The Federal Court then rejected the remainder of the complaints: some were examined in detail and held to be without foundation and the others were considered more briefly and held to be manifestly ill-founded. The judgment, which was ten pages in length, was served on Mr. Rauschenbusch on 21 December 1977. In January 1978, Mr. Wingerter lodged an appeal with the Federal Constitutional Court. Alleging a violation of Articles 1, 2, 3, 6, 20 and 103 para. 1 of the Basic Law, he repeated the submissions made by his colleague Mr. Rauschenbusch before the Federal Court on 7 November 1977 (see paragraph 16 above). He argued that it was only through a defence counsel that Mr. Pakelli could have availed himself of his right to be heard: he lived in Turkey, lacked financial resources and had an insufficient command of German. In addition, the legal issues involved were particularly complex, as was shown by the length of the memorial setting out the grounds of appeal (see paragraph 13 above) and the Federal Court’s decision to hold a hearing. Mr. Pakelli should therefore have been given the opportunity of stating his views on the submissions of the Federal public prosecutor’s office. Again, the consequences of an unfavourable judgment would have been such as to make the official appointment of a lawyer essential: for the applicant, dismissal of the appeal meant his undoing in Germany and the breakdown of his marriage and family life. Mr. Wingerter, who requested that legal aid be granted to the applicant, asked the Constitutional Court to indicate whether he should supply particulars of his client’s assets in order to substantiate (glaubhaft machen) the latter’s lack of means. In a ruling given on 10 May 1978 by a panel of three judges, the Constitutional Court decided not to hear the appeal on the ground that it did not offer sufficient prospects of success. The Constitutional Court found nothing arbitrary in the decision of the President of the 1st Criminal Chamber of the Federal Court. Moreover, the case was not “serious“, within the meaning of the above-mentioned judgment of 19 October 1977 (see paragraphs 16 above and 22 below). Finally, Mr. Pakelli could have remained in the Federal Republic of Germany and attended the hearing before the Federal Court, if need be with the assistance of an interpreter. After his arrest on 7 May 1974, Mr. Pakelli had remained in custody until 10 August 1976, partly in detention on remand and partly to serve sentences that had been imposed on him. II. RELEVANT LEGISLATION 1. Officially appointed lawyers If the accused has not chosen a defence counsel, the trial court will appoint one in the following cases (listed in Article 140 para. 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure): the trial at first instance is before the Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) or the Regional Court; the accused is charged with an indictable offence (Verbrechen); the proceedings may result in the accused’s being prohibited from exercising a profession; the accused is deaf or dumb; the accused has been interned for at least three months by order or with the approval of a court and has not been released at least two weeks before the opening of the trial; the question arises whether the accused should be detained for mental examination; the case concerns preventive detention proceedings (Sicherungsverfahren); a decision has been taken prohibiting the previous defence counsel from taking part in the proceedings. An appointment will also be made in other cases, either by the court of its own motion or at the accused’s request, if such a step appears necessary on account of the seriousness of the act in question, the factual or legal complexity of the case, or if it is obvious that the accused cannot conduct his own defence (Article 140 para. 2). The official appointment of a lawyer by the trial court covers not only the proceedings before that court but also the written stage of any appeal on a point of law. If necessary, the trial court will make a special appointment for the latter stage. An accused (Angeklagter) who is in custody does not have an enforceable right to attend hearings in an appeal on a point of law - whether before the appeal court or the Federal Court (Articles 121 and 135 of the Judicial Code - Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz) -, but he may be represented thereat by a lawyer (Article 350 para. 2). If he has not chosen a lawyer and is not brought to the hearing, the President of the court having jurisdiction will appoint one for him if he so requests (Article 350 para. 3). An accused who is at liberty may appear in person or be represented by a lawyer at the appeal hearing (Article 350 para. 2). According to the case-law of the Federal Court, defence counsel can be assigned to him only under Article 140 para. 2 (see paragraph 20 above), since Article 140 para. 1 does not apply to hearings in an appeal on a point of law (Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen, vol. 19, pp. 258-263). Furthermore, the Federal Constitutional Court has held that defence counsel is to be appointed by the court of its own motion and at the expense of the State in serious cases (schwerwiegende Fälle) if the accused cannot pay for a lawyer of his own choosing (Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, vol. 46, pp. 202-213). 2. Hearings in appeals on points of law The court concerned may dispose of an appeal on a point of law without hearings in the following cases only: where it finds the appeal inadmissible (Article 349 para. 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure); where, on a reasoned application by the public prosecutor’s office, the court considers unanimously that the appeal is manifestly ill-founded (Article 349 para. 2); and where the court finds unanimously that an appeal filed in the interests of the accused is well-founded (Article 349 para. 4). In all other cases the court has to hold a hearing before taking its decision (Article 349 para. 5); before the Federal Court, there are hearings in only ten per cent of the appeals on points of law lodged in criminal cases. When the public prosecutor’s office applies for an appeal to be rejected as manifestly ill-founded, it has to communicate its submissions and the reasons to the appellant; the latter may file a reply within two weeks (Article 349 para. 3). Article 350 para. 1 requires that the accused and his lawyer be informed of the date and place of the hearing; if it is not possible to contact the former, notification to the latter is sufficient. Appeal hearings open with the rapporteur’s address; this is followed by the statements and submissions of the public prosecutor’s office, the accused and his defence counsel. The appellant is heard first and the last address to the court is always made by the accused (Article 351). 3. “Common defence counsel“ (gemeinschaftliche Verteidigung) According to the former version of Article 146 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which was in force until 31 December 1974, several accused could be represented by a single counsel if this was not contrary to the interests of the defence. As it was often difficult for courts to detect or establish such conflicts of interests, Article 146 was modified in 1974: the new text, which has been applicable since 1 January 1975, does not allow several accused to be defended by a common defence counsel. However, the Federal Court (3rd Criminal Chamber) held on 27 February and 13 October 1976 that an appeal on a point of law based on a violation of Article 146 could succeed only if recourse to a common defence counsel was in fact contrary to the interests of the defence (Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen, vol. 26, pp. 291-298; vol. 27, pp. 22-24). The 1st Criminal Chamber followed these precedents in its judgment of 29 November 1977 in the present case (see paragraph 17 above). The Government stated that this interpretation has since been accepted by all the Criminal Chambers of the Federal Court. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION In his application lodged with the Commission on 5 October 1978 (no. 8398/78), Mr. Pakelli claimed to be the victim of a violation of Article 6 paras. 1 and 3 (c) (art. 6-1, 6-3-c) of the Convention. He alleged that he had lacked the means to pay for defence counsel of his own choosing and that the interests of justice required that a lawyer should have been appointed to represent him at the hearing before the Federal Court. He also asserted that he had not been able to return to the Federal Republic of Germany to present his own case, since he had neither a residence permit nor the necessary money to pay an interpreter. On 16 May 1980, the Commission granted Mr. Pakelli free legal aid on the basis of a declaration of means dated 9 September 1979 and confirmed by certificates from the competent authorities. On 7 May 1981, the Commission declared the application admissible in so far as it related to the rejection of the applicant’s request that a lawyer be officially appointed for the hearing before the Federal Court; it declared the other complaints inadmissible on the ground of non-exhaustion of domestic remedies (Articles 26 and 27 para. 3 (art. 26, art. 27-3) of the Convention). In its report of 12 December 1981 (Article 31), the Commission expressed the unanimous opinion that the applicant had been the victim of a violation of Article 6 para. 3 (c) (art. 6-3-c) and, by eleven votes to one, that it was not required to determine whether there had also been breach of the right to a fair trial, within the meaning of Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1). FINAL SUBMISSIONS MADE TO THE COURT BY THE GOVERNMENT At the close of the hearings of 25 November 1982, the Government invited the Court “to hold that there has not been a violation of Article 6 paras. 3 (c) and 1 (art. 6-3-c, art. 6-1) of the Convention in the applicant’s case“.
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{ "applicant": "Lütfü Pakelli", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1983 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Lütfü Pakelli
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 48221/99) against the French Republic lodged with the European Court of Human Rights under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mrs Marie-Thérèse Berger (“the applicant”), on 28 October 1998. The application was registered on 20 May 1999. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs M. Dubrocard, Head of the Human Rights Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant complained, in particular, of the unfairness of criminal proceedings before the Court of Cassation in which she had been a civil party seeking damages. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 10 July 2001, the Chamber declared the application partly admissible. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Second Section (Rule 52 § 1). Both the applicant and the Government filed written observations on the merits of the case (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1932 and lives in Champagny-en-Vanoise (Savoie). On 30 September 1991 she signed a notarial deed by which she entered into a leasing arrangement with a limited company called SOFEBAIL for the renovation and furnishment of a holiday centre. She intended to run the business as a sole trader. As early as the end of 1991 she complained that the company had failed to complete the renovation works stipulated in the contract. A. The applicant's criminal complaint and application to join the proceedings as a civil party seeking damages On 13 June 1994 the applicant lodged a criminal complaint against the company for fraud, theft and fraudulent breach of trust and sought leave to join the proceedings as a civil party seeking damages. On 5 May 1997 the investigating judge discontinued the proceedings in an order worded as follows: “It appears, in fact, from the evidence given by the civil parties and the head of SOFEBAIL and from the documents produced by the parties that the leasing arrangement, the mechanism of which has been described as fraudulent by the civil party, does not fall within the ambit of the criminal law. The disputes between [the applicant] and SOFEBAIL are clearly matters governed by civil or commercial law and have, moreover, given rise to various proceedings of this type in the civil or commercial courts.” On 7 May 1997 the applicant appealed against that order. On 10 July 1997 the Indictment Division of the Colmar Court of Appeal upheld the order in question. It found that the applicant's complaints were “manifestly dilatory” and that some of her allegations were “contradictory”, “purely gratuitous” or “entirely unsupported”. On 11 July 1997 the applicant appealed to the Court of Cassation. Her appeal was heard on 24 September 1998. She was represented by counsel. Both parts of the reporting judge's report (the first containing a statement of the facts, the procedure and the grounds of appeal and the second a legal analysis of the case and an opinion on the merits of the appeal) had been sent to the advocate-general prior to the hearing. However, the applicant had not been sent a copy of both parts of the reporting judge's report. In a judgment of the same date the Court of Cassation declared the appeal inadmissible on the following grounds: “The Court of Cassation is satisfied from the wording of the judgment appealed against that, in upholding the order discontinuing the proceedings, the Indictment Division, after examining all the facts alleged by the appellant and addressing the main arguments in her memorial, stated the reasons for its decision that there was insufficient evidence that anyone had committed the alleged offences of fraudulent breach of trust and fraud or any other offence. None of the grounds of appeal, which amount to contesting the validity of the judges' findings of fact and of law, corresponds to any of the situations in which a civil party may appeal to the Court of Cassation, under Article 575 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, against a judgment of an indictment division in the absence of an appeal by the prosecution ...” ...
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{ "applicant": "Thérèse Berger", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2002 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Thérèse Berger
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 37301/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Alois Hauser-Sporn (“the applicant”), on 19 November 2003. The applicant was represented by Mr J. Postlmayr, a lawyer practising in Mattighofen. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On 19 September 2005 the Court decided to communicate the complaints concerning the length of the proceedings and the lack of remedies in that respect to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time. In this respect, the Court decided to reject the Government's request to discontinue the application of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1973 and lives in Ameisberg. On 21 November 1994, while driving his car in reverse gear, he knocked a pedestrian over and drove off. On 8 March 1995 the Salzburg District Court (Bezirksgericht) issued a provisional penal order (Strafverfügung), following which the applicant was found guilty under Article 88 of the Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch) of having negligently caused bodily harm and under Article 94 of the Criminal Code of having abandoned the victim. The applicant was ordered to pay a fine of 12,800 Austrian schillings (ATS) (approximately 930 euros (EUR)). The applicant objected and the District Court opened ordinary criminal proceedings. On 11 July 1995 the court held a hearing in which it examined several witnesses, the applicant and an expert who submitted that the applicant had not necessarily noticed the accident. Subsequently, on 1 August 1995, the court convicted the applicant of having negligently caused bodily harm and acquitted him of having abandoned the victim. It sentenced him to a fine of ATS 3,200 (approximately EUR 230), suspended on probation. The applicant did not appeal. Meanwhile, having interviewed the applicant in February 1995, the Salzburg Federal Police Authority (Bundespolizeidirektion) issued a penal order on 17 May 1995 whereby the applicant was found guilty under section 4(2) in conjunction with section 99(2)(a) of the Road Traffic Act (Straßenverkehrsordnung) of having failed to inform the next police station about the accident. The applicant was ordered to pay a fine of ATS 4,000 (approximately EUR 290). He appealed on 6 June 1995. On 19 February 1996 the Salzburg Independent Administrative Panel (“the IAP” – Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat), having held a public hearing on 12 February 1996 in which it heard evidence from several witnesses in the presence of the applicant's counsel, dismissed the applicant's appeal. It found that the applicant should have looked behind him when he reversed his car and, therefore, was to be blamed for carelessly failing to notice the accident. It further dismissed the applicant's argument that he had been tried twice in respect of the same offence in breach of Article 4 of Protocol No. 7, as it found that the administrative offence in issue did not relate to the same conduct as the criminal offences. On 9 April 1996 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). On 4 September 1996 he amended his complaint. During the period in question the Constitutional Court was in the process of reviewing the lawfulness of specific provisions of the Road Traffic Act. This review was concluded on 9 October 1997, when the Constitutional Court declared part of these provisions unconstitutional. Subsequently, on 10 October 1997, the Constitutional Court quashed the IAP's decision of 19 February 1996. This decision was served on the applicant's counsel on 5 November 1997. 13 Thereafter, on 17 November 1997, the IAP allowed the applicant's appeal of 6 June 1995 in part and reduced the fine to ATS 2,500 (approximately EUR 180). It further ordered him to pay the costs of the proceedings. The IAP stressed that there was no breach of Article 4 of Protocol no. 7 to the Convention. In particular, the offence of abandoning a victim under the Criminal Code presupposed intent while the offence under the Road Traffic Act also included negligent behaviour. The offences for which the applicant had been tried in the proceedings before the District Court had not exhausted the scope of unlawfulness (Unrechtsgehalt) of the applicant's conduct. On 2 January 1998 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court. On 27 August 1998 he filed further comments. On 17 June 2000 the Constitutional Court, referring to its previous case-law, refused to deal with the applicant's complaint. On 25 July 2000 the applicant filed a request for reopening of the proceedings before the Constitutional Court and argued that the Constitutional Court had meanwhile repealed another provision of the Code of Administrative Offences upon which the IAP had based its findings. On 25 September 2000 the Constitutional Court rejected this request but granted the request to transfer the case to the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof). On 20 December 2000 the applicant amended the complaint transferred to the Administrative Court. The IAP submitted its observations in reply on 9 April 2001. On 16 October 2003 the Administrative Court refused, under section 33(a) of the Administrative Court Act (Verwaltungsgerichtshofgesetz) to deal with the applicant's complaint since the fine did not exceed EUR 726 and no important legal question was at stake. This decision was served on the applicant's counsel on 6 November 2003.
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{ "applicant": "Alois Hauser-Sporn", "articles": [ 91, 34, 112, 55, 45, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 55, 45, 50, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 57, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2006 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Alois Hauser-Sporn
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 42914/98) against the Kingdom of Belgium lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Belgian national, Mr Wim Capeau (“the applicant”), on 29 May 1998. The applicant was represented by Mr N. van Overloop, a lawyer practising in Ghent. The Belgian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr C. Debrulle, Director-General, Federal Justice Department. The applicant complained of a violation of Articles 5 § 1 (c), 6 § 2 and 14 of the Convention, contending that the statutory requirement to establish his innocence by adducing factual evidence or submitting legal argument to that effect was incompatible with the presumption of innocence. The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the First Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 6 April 2004, the Chamber declared the application partly admissible. The Government filed observations on the merits of the case (Rule 59 § 1). The applicant did not submit any observations within the time allowed. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1967 and lives in Ghent. On 29 March 1994 he was arrested in connection with an investigation concerning a case of arson committed on 25 May 1993. On 1 April 1994 the Committals Division of the Ghent Criminal Court refused to extend the validity of the arrest warrant. On appeal, the Indictment Division of the Ghent Court of Appeal overturned that decision and prolonged the applicant's pre-trial detention. On 21 April 1994 the investigating judge rescinded the warrant concerned. On 29 June 1994 and 2 June 1995 respectively the Committals Division and the Indictment Division, ruling on the action to be taken on the basis of the investigation to date, held that there was insufficient evidence to commit the applicant for trial and discontinued the proceedings. On 25 October 1996 the applicant claimed compensation for unwarranted pre-trial detention, relying on the Law of 13 March 1973 (see “Relevant domestic law” below). On 12 May 1997 the Minister of Justice refused the applicant's claim on the ground that he had not “established his innocence by adducing factual evidence or submitting legal argument to that effect”, as required by section 28(1)(b) of the Law of 1973. That requirement was justified, according to the Minister, in the case of an order or judgment discontinuing criminal proceedings, given that a discontinuation decision was not a bar to the reopening of the case if new information or evidence were to come to light. On 4 July 1997 the applicant contested the Minister's decision by means of an application to the Unwarranted Pre-trial Detention Appeals Board. On 1 December 1997 the applicant appeared before the Appeals Board, which upheld the refusal of his claim by a decision taken on the same day and served on the applicant on 29 March 1998. It noted that the grounds for presuming the guilt of the applicant, who had always denied committing the offence he stood accused of when appearing before the courts investigating the charge, had been held to be insufficient to justify committing him for trial. It observed that, although the applicant had announced his intention of submitting a pleading setting out the evidence in the file which “amply” proved his innocence, he had not done so and had not replied to the Government's submissions. Consequently, the Appeals Board found that he had not proved his innocence as the law required (dat verzoeker derhalve het bij de wet van hem vereiste bewijs van onschuld niet bijbrengt).
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{ "applicant": "Wim Capeau", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 93 ], "countries": "BEL", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2005 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Wim Capeau
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 1092/04) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Jean-Claude Gacon (“the applicant”), on 23 December 2003. The applicant was represented by Mr X. Vuitton, of the Conseil d’Etat and Court of Cassation Bar. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged that the additional time granted to the Principal Public Prosecutor for appealing against a judgment of the Criminal Court amounted to a breach of the principle of equality of arms as enshrined in Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. On 16 October 2006 the Court decided to give notice of the application. It also decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility (Article 29 § 3 of the Convention). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1940 and lives in Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d’Or. On 30 May 1995 the Lyons Central Health Insurance Office (caisse primaire centrale d’assurance maladie) filed a criminal complaint stating that an investigation it had carried out in 1993 had revealed that the price charged for prosthetic knee joints by the Clinique du Parc, of which the applicant was the manager, appeared abnormally high, especially in relation to the price charged in the public sector. It added that the prostheses were directly delivered to the operating theatre at the Clinique du Parc but were billed by a company named Clinique Service, also managed by the applicant, with a systematic increase of 15% for the prostheses and 18.5% for the ancillary equipment, the increased price alone being charged to the Health Insurance Office. The Health Insurance Office therefore had doubts about the Clinique Service company, suspecting that its sole activity consisted in overbilling in this way. In the course of the investigation, complaints about similar acts were filed by various other health insurance funds or payment agencies. The preliminary investigation found, among other things, that the Clinique Service company had been established in particular to alleviate cash-flow problems resulting from the delay in reimbursement of health care under the third-party payment system. Under this system, in order to be fully reimbursed by the social security scheme for the health care provided, Clinique du Parc had to wait for the invoice from the prosthesis supplier, which meant a delay of several days, if not weeks. It also transpired that Clinique Service used the same premises and staff as the Clinique du Parc, that its sole customer was the Clinique du Parc and that its manager, the applicant, was also the manager of the Clinique du Parc together with his brother. In an order of 28 August 2000 the applicant and his brother were committed to stand trial in the Lyons Criminal Court, being charged in particular with having deceived the social security scheme and the relevant health insurance offices through fraudulent practices including the operation of a bogus company in order to secure reimbursement. The applicant submitted, as part of his defence, that the offence of professional collusion (compérage) was covered by an automatic amnesty and that a prosecution for the same actions characterised as fraud could not succeed, since only the special provisions concerning the characterisation of professional collusion were applicable. In a judgment of 30 March 2001 the Lyons Criminal Court held that the prosecution had lapsed as the offence of professional collusion was covered by an automatic amnesty, and that it lacked jurisdiction to examine the claims of the civil parties (the health insurance offices that had lodged the criminal complaint against the applicant) whose interests had been harmed as a result of the acts covered by the automatic amnesty. It further held that the offence of fraud was not made out. The applicant was accordingly acquitted. Within the ten-day time-limit laid down in Article 498 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the civil parties appealed against the judgment of 30 March 2001. Although the public prosecutor at the Criminal Court had declined to appeal within the ten-day time-limit laid down in Article 498 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Principal Public Prosecutor lodged an appeal against the judgment on 20 April 2001, availing himself of the two-month time-limit granted to him for that purpose by Article 505 of the same Code. The applicant submitted, in particular, that the Principal Public Prosecutor’s appeal was inadmissible on the grounds that the time-limit reserved for him was incompatible with the guarantees of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention, in particular the principle of equality of arms. In a judgment of 13 March 2002 the Lyons Court of Appeal dismissed that argument on the following grounds: “... The provisions of Article 505 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, by which the time granted to the Principal Public Prosecutor for exercising his right of appeal under Article 497 of the same Code is set at two months, are not incompatible with the principle of a fair trial under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, in so far as the Code secures the right of appeal to defendants, who are given sufficient time in which to make meaningful use of it. The balance between the rights of each party is not upset by the two-month time-limit accorded to the Principal Public Prosecutor, which is justified by the latter’s statutory duty to ensure that the criminal law is applied throughout the area of the Court of Appeal’s jurisdiction. ...” The Lyons Court of Appeal also upheld the judgment appealed against in so far as it had declared that the prosecution of the offence of professional conspiracy had lapsed by virtue of an amnesty, but overturned it by finding the applicant guilty of the offence of fraud. The applicant was accordingly sentenced to a suspended term of two years’ imprisonment, ordered to pay a fine of 120,000 euros (EUR) and stripped of his civic, civil and family rights for five years. He was also ordered, jointly and severally with his brother, to pay the sum of EUR 442,573.13 in compensation for all the damage found to have been sustained by the civil parties, and EUR 6,800 in respect of the costs incurred by the civil parties. The applicant appealed on points of law, arguing in particular that the time available to the Principal Public Prosecutor for lodging an appeal under Article 505 of the Code of Criminal Procedure was incompatible with Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. In a judgment of 25 June 2003 the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation dismissed the applicant's appeal, holding in particular: “... Article 505 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which sets a two-month time-limit for an appeal by the Principal Public Prosecutor, is not in breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention in so far as the defendant also has a right of appeal and sufficient time in which to make meaningful use of it. ...”
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{ "applicant": "Jean-Claude Gacon", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 57, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2008 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Jean-Claude Gacon
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 51279/99) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two French nationals, Mr Jean-Marie Colombani and Mr Eric Incyan, and the company Le Monde (“the applicants”) on 19 April 1999. The applicants were represented by Mr A. Lyon-Caen, of the Conseil d’Etat and Court of Cassation Bar. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr R. Abraham, Head of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicants alleged, in particular, a violation of their freedom of expression, as guaranteed by Article 10 of the Convention. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 4 September 2001 the Chamber declared the application partly admissible. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Second Section (Rule 52 § 1). The Government, but not the applicants, filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The first two applicants were born in 1948 and 1960 respectively and live in Paris. In order to consider an application by Morocco for membership of the European Union, the European Commission decided it would need very precise information on the issue of cannabis production in that State and the measures being taken to eradicate it, that being the avowed political aim of the King of Morocco in person. To that end, the Secretariat General of the Commission requested the Observatoire géopolitique des drogues (OGD – Geopolitical Drugs Observatory) to prepare a report on drug production and trafficking in Morocco. Investigations and reports by the OGD, which closed down in 2000, were considered authoritative. The Paris tribunal de grande instance and the Paris public prosecutor’s office were among the subscribers to its publications. The OGD delivered its report to the European Commission in February 1994. The report contained the names of people implicated in drug trafficking in Morocco. However, the Commission asked the Observatory for a revised version of the report, with the names of the drug traffickers deleted in order to make it more suitable for the discussions that were scheduled with the Moroccan authorities. This expurgated version of the initial report was published, notably in a book sold by the OGD entitled Etat des drogues, drogue des Etats (“State of drugs, drugs of States”) and containing a chapter on Morocco. The book was referred to in the newspaper Le Monde on 25 May 1994. After initially remaining confidential, the original version of the report began to circulate. Le Monde learnt of its existence in the autumn of 1995. The report contained twelve chapters with the following titles: (1) “Cannabis in Morocco – the historical background”; (2) “General overview of Er Rif”; (3) “The characteristics of cannabis growing”; (4) “The socio-economic impact and areas of production”; (5) “The increase in the land set aside for cannabis production”; (6) “Morocco – the world’s leading exporter of hashish”; (7) “Drug-trafficking routes”; (8) “The criminal networks”; (9) “The emergence of hard drugs”; (10) “Drug money”; (11) “The ‘war on drugs’ ”; and (12) “Conclusion”. It related how, over a period of ten years, there had been a tenfold increase in the area of land that had historically been used for cannabis production in the region of Er Rif and that current levels of production made “the sharif kingdom a serious contender for the title of the world’s leading exporter of cannabis”. On 3 November 1995 Le Monde published an article by Mr Incyan giving details of the report. The front page of the newspaper carried an introductory article under the main headline: “Morocco, world’s leading exporter of cannabis”, and a sub-heading: “King Hassan II’s entourage implicated by confidential report.” The article, which was relatively short (it ran to some thirty or so lines in two columns), summarised the terms of the OGD’s report. A more detailed article (covering six columns) appeared on page two under the headline: “Moroccan government implicated in cannabis trafficking according to confidential report”, and a sub-heading: “The report, which was commissioned by the European Union from the Geopolitical Drugs Observatory, says Morocco is the world’s leading exporter and the European market’s main supplier. It points to the direct responsibility of the sharif authorities in these lucrative activities”. A summary of the article also appeared in an introductory passage which read: “Drugs – Le Monde has obtained a copy of a confidential report sent to the European Union in 1994 in which the OGD says that ‘in just a few years Morocco has become the world’s leading cannabis exporter and the European market’s main supplier’. The report casts doubt on the sharif authorities’ determination to put an end to the trafficking, despite the ‘war on drugs’ they declared in a blaze of publicity in the autumn of 1992. Corruption guarantees the drug-trafficking rings the protection of officials ‘ranging from the humblest customs officer to the King’s inner circle ...’.” In a letter of 23 November 1995, the King of Morocco made an official request to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs for criminal proceedings to be instituted against Le Monde. The request was forwarded to the Minister of Justice, who referred the matter to the Paris public prosecutor’s office, as required by section 48(5) of the Freedom of the Press Act of 29 July 1881. Mr Colombani, the editor-in-chief of Le Monde, and Mr Incyan, the author of the article, were summoned to appear in the Paris Criminal Court on charges of insulting a foreign head of State. In a judgment of 5 July 1996, the Criminal Court found that the journalist had merely quoted extracts from what was undisputedly a reliable report, without distorting or misinterpreting it or making groundless attacks and, consequently, had pursued a legitimate aim. It accepted that he had acted in good faith and acquitted both him and Mr Colombani. The King of Morocco and the public prosecutor’s office appealed against that decision. In a judgment of 6 March 1997, the Paris Court of Appeal, while recognising that “informing the public about matters such as the international drug trade is obviously a legitimate aim for the press”, found that the desire to draw the public’s attention to the involvement of the royal entourage and to “the authorities’ accommodating attitude” that pointed to “tolerance on the part of the King ... was not entirely innocent”, since it was “tainted with malicious intent”. The articles in question contained “accusations of duplicity, artifice and hypocrisy that were insulting to a foreign head of State”. The circumstances taken as a whole excluded good faith on the part of the journalist: he had not established that he had “sought to check the accuracy of the OGD’s comments”; instead, he had simply reproduced its unilateral account of events, thus “propounding a theory that contained serious accusations”, without leaving any room for doubt about the reliability of the source. Nor had he sought to check whether the 1994 report remained valid in November 1995. The Court of Appeal noted that the journalist had not shown that he had “contacted any Moroccan dignitaries, officials, public authorities or services for an explanation for the failure to match words with deeds or even to obtain their observations on the tenor of the OGD’s report”. In addition, he had refrained from mentioning the existence of the White Paper published by the Moroccan authorities in November 1994 on “Morocco’s general policy on the prevention of drug trafficking and the economic development of the northern provinces”. The applicants were therefore found guilty of insulting a foreign head of State and sentenced to fines of 5,000 French francs (FRF) each. They were ordered to pay King Hassan II, who had successfully applied to be joined as a civil party to the proceedings, FRF 1 in damages and FRF 10,000 pursuant to Article 475-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Court of Appeal also ordered Le Monde to make additional reparation in the form of a report publishing details of the convictions. The applicants appealed on points of law against that judgment. In a judgment of 20 October 1998, the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation dismissed their appeal, approving the Court of Appeal’s view that “what [made] the article insulting [was] the suspicion with which the King of Morocco’s determination to put an end to drug trafficking in his country [was] viewed, and the charge that pernicious statements had been made to dramatic effect solely in order to preserve the country’s image”, especially as the Court of Appeal had found that the charge of duplicity had been repeated twice and that the insistence on drawing the reader’s attention to the King in person, in an article that portrayed Morocco as the world’s leading hashish exporter and alleged direct responsibility on the part of the Moroccan government and members of the royal family, was tainted with malicious intent.
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{ "applicant": "Jean-Marie Colombani", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2002 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Jean-Marie Colombani
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 55525/00) against the Swiss Confederation lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the “Convention”) by an Algerian national, Ms Dalila Hadri-Vionnet (“the applicant”), on 7 December 1999. The applicant was represented by Ms I. Poncet Carnice, a lawyer practising in Geneva. The Swiss Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, initially Mr Ph. Boillat, former Deputy Director of the Federal Office of Justice, then Mr F. Schürmann, Head of the Human Rights and Council of Europe Section at the Federal Office of Justice. Relying on Article 8 of the Convention, the applicant complained of a violation of her right to respect for her private and family life owing to the fact that she had been unable to attend the funeral of her stillborn child and that her baby’s body had been transported in an ordinary delivery van. By a decision of 2 May 2006, the Fifth Section declared the application admissible. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1970 and lives in Lignon (in the Canton of Geneva). A. The events giving rise to the case The facts of the case, as presented by the parties, may be summarised as follows. The applicant arrived in Switzerland on 10 June 1996 as an asylum seeker. On 17 June 1996 she was placed in an accommodation centre for asylum seekers in the Canton of Aargau. On 12 March 1997 she was moved to the “Thorfeld 2” accommodation centre in Buchs (Aargau). On 4 April 1997 the applicant gave birth to a stillborn baby, the father of whom was a Swiss national. The autopsy established that the fœtus had died two days before delivery, at twenty-six weeks and two days. At the request of the midwife, the applicant, who was in a state of shock, was taken from the “Thorfeld 2” accommodation centre to the hospital in the Canton of Aargau. When asked by the midwife, both the applicant and the baby’s father said that they did not want to see the baby’s body. On the same day the social worker (Sozialarbeiter) and the registrar of births, marriages and deaths (Zivilstandsbeamter) of the municipality of Buchs were informed of the child’s birth. Believing that it was not compulsory in the case of a child stillborn at the start of the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy to be buried with an attendant ceremony, they ordered a burial without a ceremony, in the absence of the applicant. They based their decision in particular on the fact that the parents had not expressed a wish to see the body before the autopsy and took the view that, given her mental state, the applicant was not fit to attend the burial. On 8 April 1997, after having been placed in a wooden coffin by a firm of undertakers, the child’s body, on instructions from the municipality social worker, was carried in a delivery van to the cemetery of the municipality of Buchs for burial in a communal grave for stillborn babies (Grabstelle für Totgeburten). It appears that the applicant left the hospital that same day (see the decisions of the Canton of Aargau Higher Court of 14 May 1999, paragraph 23 below). On 10 April 1997 a member of the psychiatric services department took the applicant to the cemetery to lay flowers. According to the Government, the applicant was informed on 15 April 1997 that it would be possible to organise a funeral for her child at a later date. In her statements of 1 July 1997 (see paragraph 19 below) the applicant disputed that assertion. On 22 April 1997 she went to the cemetery and, accompanied by the priest, placed various stones and laid flowers at the site at which her child had been buried. B. The proceedings brought by the applicant On 13 May 1997 the applicant lodged a criminal complaint against persons unknown at the district office (Bezirksamt) of Aarau and joined the proceedings as a civil party. Criminal proceedings were brought against the social worker and the registrar of births, marriages and deaths of the municipality of Buchs for misuse of official authority, disturbing the repose of the dead and, in the alternative, removal of property within the meaning of Article 141 of the Swiss Criminal Code. The applicant submitted that her child’s body had been unlawfully removed from her and that it had been carried in an inappropriate vehicle without the authorisation required for this kind of transport. In this context, she complained of a violation of her personal freedom guaranteed by the Federal Constitution and, in her submission, protecting the feelings of an individual vis-à-vis a deceased family member (see paragraph 33 below). On 15 May 1997 the applicant moved to Geneva where her partner was living. On 1 July 1997 the applicant and her partner were questioned by the Geneva cantonal police concerning the birth of their child and the circumstances that had surrounded it. Extracts of the interview with the applicant are reproduced below: “Question (hereafter: “Q”) 17: Were you informed of the various types of funeral (burial, cremation or other) for stillborn babies? Reply (hereafter: “R”) 17: The midwife, and then Dr R, asked me what I wanted to do with the body of my child. Q 18: What type of funeral did you choose? R 18: I chose a normal burial with a ceremony. Q 19: Did anyone mention to you that you could see your child’s body? R 19: The midwife offered to let me see the child. Q 20: Did you see your child’s body? R 20: I was in shock and I declined because I didn’t feel up to seeing my dead child. ... Q 32: Did the hospital staff give you any guidance on the subject of funerals? R 32: Yes. The formalities were carried out by C. [the firm of undertakers]. I just wasn’t told the date. Q 33: Were you informed of the funeral by the Buchs Registry of births, marriages and deaths? R 33: No. Q 34: Were you informed of the place, date and time of the burial? R 34: No. Q 35: If so, by whom? R 35: --- Q 36: If not, did you ask the child’s father or any other person, in particular H. (the director of the Buchs accommodation centre) for this information? R 36: I had a visit from Dr H on the following Tuesday, unless I am mistaken, at approximately 2 p.m. She told me that my baby had been buried that very day at 1 p.m. I was very angry that I had not been present. She told me she wasn’t familiar with the system. Q 37: Did you feel up to attending your child’s funeral? R 37: I was preparing myself because to convince myself that he had died, I had to see him placed in the ground. Q 38: Why didn’t you attend the burial? R 38: I didn’t get the chance. ... Q 40: Did the hospital staff suggest that you attend the funeral accompanied by a nurse? R 40: No. No such suggestion was made to me. Q 41: Have you visited your child’s grave and with whom? R 41: On Thursday, 10 April 1997, I met Mr B., a social worker. He told me that I was not entitled to know where by baby was. I told him that even though I was an asylum seeker, I was first and foremost a mother and that I had the right to see my son’s grave. As he refused to tell me anything, I went to the police where I spoke to Ms B. She told me that she was not able to deal with this kind of problem. I insisted and after she had obtained some information, she told me that the “municipality” had made the decision. I then contacted the priest of the Catholic Church in Aarau and a pastoral assistant. They were astonished that I had not obtained satisfaction. They tried to obtain information but were unsuccessful. Q 42: Do you feel that you have suffered a loss as a result of the lack of information provided to you concerning your child’s burial? R 42: A huge loss. I experienced the shock of losing my child and on top of that, I don’t know where he is buried. Q 43: What type of loss have you suffered? R 43: I feel as though I have not been respected as a mother. I was kept out at every step. Q 44: Would you have attended the burial if you had known the time and place? R 44: Yes. Q 45: Were you informed that it was still possible to have a private funeral? R 45: No. ...” The following are extracts of the interview with the applicant’s partner: “Q 11: Were you informed of the various types of funeral (burial, cremation or other)? R 11: The midwife asked me what kind of funeral I wanted for the child. I told her that as a Catholic, I wanted a burial (burial and ceremony). She asked me to contact a company called C. ... Q 13: Were you told that you could see your dead child? R 13: Yes, the midwife suggested it to me. Q 14: Did you see your dead child? R 14: No, I wasn’t up to seeing him. I did however see some photographs of the baby at the cantonal hospital. ... Q 27: Did you feel up to attending a burial? R 27: Yes ... Q 30: Did you visit your child’s grave at the cemetery and who went with you? R 30: I went with my girlfriend to the Buchs “unknown persons” cemetery on around 20 May 1997. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not a cemetery but a public park. There is no cross to indicate that it is a cemetery. There are two statues and a few stones with names on them. According to the information provided by the Buchs social services department, my child is buried at the edge of the trees. There is no proof. Q 31: Do you feel that you have suffered a loss as a result of the lack of information provided to you concerning your child’s burial? R 31: Yes I have suffered a loss. After all, the dead baby was my son. Q 32: What kind of loss? R 32: An emotional and human loss. Q 33: Would you have attended the funeral if you had been aware of the date and place? R 33: Yes, absolutely. Q 34: Were you told that it was possible to hold a funeral ceremony at a later date? R 34: I was given no such information. ...” On 4 August 1998, on the basis of the final reports from the Aarau district office (Bezirksamt) dated 1 July 1998, the Canton of Aargau public prosecutor’s office issued two orders discontinuing the proceedings against the two defendants. With regard to the offence of disturbing the repose of the dead, the public prosecutor’s office considered that one of the constituent elements of the offence – the mens rea of the defendants – had not been established. With regard to the inappropriate transport of the child’s body, the public prosecutor’s office acknowledged that the municipality’s registrar of births, marriages and deaths had made a mistake of law. The accused were however ordered to pay some of the costs of the proceedings. The applicant lodged two appeals against the orders of 4 August 1998 before the Higher Court (Obergericht) of the Canton of Aargau. She argued that the two accused had disturbed the repose of the dead through “recklessness” (Eventualvorsatz) and that they should therefore be held criminally liable. In the context of the appeal concerning the registrar of births, marriages and deaths, the applicant complained more specifically of a violation of her personal freedom and the right to a decent burial, as individual rights protected by the Federal Constitution, due in particular to the fact that she had not been invited to attend the burial of her child. Lastly, as regards the transport of the child, the applicant challenged the contentions of the public prosecutor’s office, which had acknowledged a mistake of law. In two judgments of 14 May 1999 the Higher Court declared the appeals inadmissible. With regard to the offence of disturbing the repose of the dead, it considered that the constituent elements of the offence had not been made out in that case, but considered, nevertheless, that by ordering the child to be buried without a ceremony, the two accused had been in breach of the relevant legislation. Indeed, both Article 11, paragraph 1, of the order concerning funeral services in the Canton of Aargau and Article 8, paragraph 1, of the regulations governing cemeteries and funerals in the municipality of Buchs permitted burial two days after the date of the birth of the stillborn child. Furthermore, paragraph 4 of Article 8 of the regulations governing cemeteries and funerals in the municipality of Buchs made provision for a ceremony to be organised (see paragraph 40 below). The Higher Court therefore considered that there had been a prima facie violation of the applicant’s right to hold a ceremony. Furthermore, the applicant’s mental and physical state would not have prevented her from attending her child’s burial, since it was on precisely that date that she had left hospital. The Higher Court stated, however, that it would have been possible to conduct a ceremony after the burial (Article 12, paragraph 1, of the regulations governing cemeteries and funerals in the municipality of Buchs; see paragraph 41 below) but that the applicant had made no such application. As regards the complaint relating to the transport of the child, the Higher Court acknowledged that the registrar of births, marriages and deaths had acted in breach of Article 75 of the road traffic regulations since no authorisation, as provided for in paragraph 2 thereof, had been granted. It considered however that the mistake committed by the official, who had little experience in such matters, had to be put in perspective, as did the actual effects (Tatfolge) of his conduct. Therefore, in accordance with the principle of discretionary prosecution, the public prosecutor’s office had legally entitled to discontinue prosecution of the accused. On 25 June 1999 the applicant lodged two public-law appeals and two applications for judicial review with the Federal Court (Bundesgericht). As regards the offence of disturbing the repose of the dead, the applicant claimed that all the elements thereof, both objective and subjective, had been made out in the case at hand. She then submitted that her arguments concerning the right to a decent burial and the violation of personal freedom had not been properly considered by the lower courts. On that point, she asked the Federal Court to transfer the part of her appeal concerning the right to a decent funeral to the Federal Council, the only authority having jurisdiction in the matter. As regards the violation of her personal freedom, the applicant submitted that for the family of a deceased person, the mourning process was an essential manifestation of personality development, according to the relevant case-law of the Federal Court. Lastly, she challenged the reasoning of the cantonal authorities concerning the inadequate transport of the child. In two judgments of 12 August 1999 the Federal Court dismissed all four of the applicant’s appeals. It declared the ground based on the right to a decent funeral inadmissible and determined that her application to transfer part of her appeals to the Federal Council was vexatious (geradezu mutwillig), pointing out that a specific type of appeal to that court existed for complaints of that nature. Subsequently, leaving aside the matter of whether the objective elements of the offence of disturbing the repose of the dead had been met, the Federal Court held that whatever the circumstances, mens rea on the part of the accused had not been established. Lastly, as regards the violation of personal freedom complained of by the applicant for having been prevented from completing her mourning process, and the violation of the right to a decent funeral, the Federal Court held that these claims were well-founded, or at least could have been, but that they were not relevant in the context of the proceedings at issue, in which the only matter to be decided was whether or not the perpetrators were guilty of the acts complained of. Under the federal law on assistance to victims of crime, the applicant lodged a parallel application for payment of compensation for the non-pecuniary damage suffered as a result of the infringement of her personality rights. That application was rejected first by the social services of the Canton of Aargau, then by the Administrative Court of that canton and, lastly, by the Federal Court on 24 November 2000. While acknowledging that an offence committed by negligence could, as the case may be, fulfil the requirements of section 2(1) of the federal law on assistance to victims of crime even if it were not, as such, punishable as a crime because it lacked the requisite mens rea, the High Court held that the offence in question in the present case, namely, misuse of authority, inherently fell outside the scope of that law. C. The exhumation and transfer to Geneva of the child’s remains By a decision of 23 March 1998 the Buchs municipal council authorised the child’s body to be exhumed at the expense of the municipality. The exhumation took place on 20 May 1998 and the body was transferred to the applicant’s new home in Geneva where it was buried following a Catholic ceremony. On an unspecified date, the applicant married her partner.
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{ "applicant": "Dalila Hadri-Vionnet", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "CHE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2008 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Dalila Hadri-Vionnet
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and by the Government of the Republic of Austria (“the Government“) on 16 March and 7 April 1989 respectively, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 11761/85) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by an Austrian national, Mr Karl Obermeier, on 24 September 1985. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Austria recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); the Government’s application referred to Articles 45, 47 and 48 (art. 45, art. 47, art. 48). The object of the request and the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 1 (art. 6-1) and Articles 13 and 14 (art. 13, art. 14) of the Convention. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr F. Matscher, the elected judge of Austrian nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 § 3 (b)). On 30 March 1989, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other five members, namely Mr R. Macdonald, Mr J. De Meyer, Mr N. Valticos, Mr S.K. Martens and Mr I. Foighel (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 4) (art. 43). Subsequently Mr R. Bernhardt, substitute judge, replaced Mr Valticos, who was unable to take part in the consideration of the case (Rule 24 § 1). Mr Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 5) and, through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant on the need for a written procedure (Rule 37 § 1). In accordance with the orders made in consequence, the Registrar received: (a) on 30 October 1989, the applicant’s memorial, which, with the President’s leave (Rule 27 § 3), was submitted in German; (b) on 10 November 1989, the Government’s memorial; (c) on 14 December 1989 and 24 January 1990, the day of the hearing, various documents which, acting on the President’s instructions, he had requested the participants in the proceedings to produce; (d) on 9, 10 and 25 April 1990, a number of documents submitted by the applicant in support of his claims under Article 50 (art. 50) and, on 23 April, the Government’s observations on the application of this provision. Having consulted, through the Registrar, those who would be appearing before the Court, the President on 14 September 1989 had directed that the oral proceedings should open on 24 January 1990 (Rule 38). The hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr H. Türk, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mrs S. Bernegger, Federal Chancellery, Mrs I. Gartner, Federal Ministry of Justice, Mr H. Hofer, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Advisers; for the Commission Mr J. Frowein, Delegate; for the applicant Mr H. Blum, Rechtsanwalt, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Türk, Mrs Bernegger and Mrs Gartner for the Government, Mr Frowein for the Commission and Mr Blum for the applicant, as well as their answers to its questions. On 16 May 1990 the registry received from Mr Obermeier various documents, whose production had not been requested. The Court decided not to have regard to them on account of the lateness of their submission. AS TO THE FACTS Mr Karl Obermeier, who resides at Linz, was formerly employed by a private insurance company (“the company“) as the director of their regional branch office for Upper Austria. I. THE PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE 1. The applicant’s suspension In 1974 a dispute arose between the applicant and the company concerning various paid activities which it proposed to withdraw from him. Mr Obermeier instituted proceedings in the Vienna Labour Court (Arbeitsgericht). On 10 March 1978, the day following the first hearing, he was suspended from his duties by his employer; the company considered that it was entitled to take such a decision at any time without giving reasons. 2. The first round of the proceedings concerning the applicant’s suspension After having unsuccessfully sought the opening of disciplinary proceedings, the applicant decided to challenge his suspension in the courts. Accordingly, on 9 March 1981, he brought, in the Linz Labour Court, an action for a declaratory judgment (Feststellungsklage) and, in the alternative, an action for performance (Leistungsklage). The first action was intended to establish the invalidity of the contested measure, while the second sought its revocation. He alleged in particular that the measure in question was designed to penalise him for having instituted legal proceedings against the company and was therefore unjustified. On 23 April 1981 the Linz Labour Court dismissed the applicant’s claims. On 25 November 1981 the Linz Regional Court (Landesgericht) allowed Mr Obermeier’s appeal as regards the part of the judgment concerning the revocation of the suspension. It considered that by virtue of clause 32 of the collective agreement for insurance employees (see paragraph 45 below), which was applicable, suspension of an employee was subject to certain conditions and that the first-instance court should have ascertained whether they were satisfied. The fact that Mr Obermeier had instituted legal proceedings against his employer could not in itself justify the impugned measure. The court dismissed the remainder of the appeal, finding that, under Article 228 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Zivilprozessordnung), a declaratory judgment may bear only on the existence of a legal relationship (Rechtsverhältnis) and not on the validity of a legal measure (Rechtshandlung) such as the suspension of an employee. The company appealed on points of law to the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) which, on 30 March 1982, upheld the Regional Court’s judgment. The case was therefore remitted to the Labour Court. The first dismissal and the administrative proceedings concerning prior authorisation In the meantime the company had decided to terminate Mr Obermeier’s employment, his dismissal taking the form of “administrative retirement“ (administrative Pensionierung). This decision, taken pursuant to clause 33 § 9 of the collective agreement (see paragraph 44 below), was notified to him on 14 July 1981 and was due to become operative on 31 March 1982. Previously, on 8 May 1981, the company had, as it was required to do under section 8 § 2 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act (Invalideneinstellungsgesetz, see paragraph 47 below), sought the authorisation of the Disabled Persons Board (Invalidenausschuss, “the Board“) for the applicant’s dismissal. On 21 May 1980 Mr Obermeier had been declared disabled for the purposes of that Act. The Board took the view that section 8 § 2 left the decision concerning the authorisation in question to its discretion but that it had to exercise that discretion in accordance with the spirit of the Act, in other words taking account of the legitimate interest of the employer in the dismissal and the employee’s special need for social protection. Following a hearing, the Board gave its consent to the dismissal on 8 July 1981, finding that the relationship of trust between the parties had been irremediably undermined. Mr Obermeier appealed against this decision, alleging inter alia that the Board had failed to hold an inquiry into the case and had obtained only the company’s observations. The Provincial Governor (Landeshauptmann) for Upper Austria confirmed the Board’s decision on 16 October 1981, after proceedings in which no argument was taken. The applicant then appealed to the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) which dismissed his appeal on 9 March 1983. It considered that the authorisation for his dismissal given by the Board and confirmed on appeal was not unlawful since it was not vitiated by errors of law; the contested decision had not exceeded the discretionary power which the law conferred on the administrative authorities in this field (see paragraph 53 below). It added that the procedural requirements had been complied with in the administrative proceedings, in particular as regards Mr Obermeier’s access to the file. The applicant sought relief from the Administrative Court’s judgment by an application (no. 10247/83) to the European Commission of Human Rights, which was declared inadmissible on 12 March 1986 (Decisions and Reports no. 46, pp. 77-80). 4. The second round of the proceedings concerning the applicant’s suspension Simultaneously with the administrative proceedings relating to the authorisation for the applicant’s dismissal, the Linz Labour Court resumed consideration of his suspension, following the Supreme Court’s decision remitting the case to it (see paragraph 12 above). The company pleaded Mr Obermeier’s lack of a legal interest (Rechtsschutzbedürfnis) in the revocation of his suspension, since in the meantime he had been dismissed. The applicant, for his part, challenged the lawfulness of his dismissal. He stressed in particular that it had been pronounced before the authorisation from the Disabled Persons Board had become final, as the case was still pending before the Administrative Court. On 9 December 1982 the court rejected the applicant’s claim. The dismissal had been pronounced with the authorisation of the competent administrative authority and the proceedings in the Administrative Court did not have suspensive effect. On 11 May 1983 the Linz Regional Court upheld this judgment, observing that, in the intervening period, the Administrative Court had dismissed Mr Obermeier’s appeal. The applicant appealed on points of law to the Supreme Court which, on 23 October 1984, quashed the decisions of the labour courts. Overruling its previous case-law, it found that the company should have waited until the Disabled Persons Board’s authorisation had become final (rechtskräftig). Since the applicant’s dismissal was therefore invalid, he had an interest in challenging his suspension; accordingly, the Supreme Court remitted the case to the Labour Court. The administrative proceedings concerning the retroactive authorisation of the first dismissal Following this judgment, the company sent to the applicant, on 21 December 1984, a further notification of dismissal, which was to take effect on 30 June 1985. On 9 January 1985 it requested the Disabled Persons Board for a retroactive authorisation for the dismissal pronounced on 14 July 1981. It alleged that the Supreme Court’s overruling of its own case-law had not been foreseeable and therefore constituted an exceptional case for the purposes of section 8 § 2 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act. On 14 March 1985 the Board rejected the company’s request on the ground that its decision of 8 July 1981 (see paragraph 15 above) had final effect (Rechtskraft). On appeal by both parties, the Provincial Governor set aside this decision on 17 June 1985 and gave his retroactive consent to the applicant’s first dismissal. On 23 July 1985 the applicant appealed on points of law to the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) which, on 25 November 1985, referred the case to the Administrative Court. The latter court allowed the appeal on 21 May 1986, finding that the company had committed an error of law by dismissing Mr Obermeier before the authorisation had become final. Consequently, on 1 June 1986, the Provincial Governor confirmed the Board’s decision of 14 March 1985. Mr Obermeier then asked the Board to declare, pursuant to sections 8 to 12 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, that his employment contract subsisted. The Board and the Provincial Governor found, on 10 February 1986 and 12 January 1987 respectively, that they lacked jurisdiction to make such a declaration, the matter being one for the ordinary courts. 6. The third round of proceedings concerning the suspension Following the Supreme Court’s order of 23 October 1984 remitting the applicant’s case to it (see paragraph 22 above), the Linz Labour Court allowed the applicant’s claim on 30 January 1985. In its view, the legal proceedings instituted against the company by Mr Obermeier were in no way vexatious and therefore did not justify a measure of suspension, by which the employer had prejudged the outcome of the proceedings pending. On 31 July 1985, on an appeal by the company, the Linz Regional Court set aside this decision, notwithstanding the applicant’s request for a stay pending the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Court (see paragraph 25 above). The Regional Court considered itself bound by the Provincial Governor’s decision of 17 June 1985 authorising Mr Obermeier’s dismissal as from 31 March 1982 (see paragraph 24 above). It concluded therefrom that the applicant no longer had any legal interest in obtaining the revocation of his suspension. On 15 July 1986 the Supreme Court dismissed the applicant’s appeal on points of law lodged on 7 October 1985. It found that the Regional Court had been correct in regarding the Provincial Governor’s authorisation as binding; since only the administrative authorities were competent to apply the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, those authorities were not bound by the opinion expressed by the Supreme Court in its judgment of 23 October 1984 (see paragraph 22 above) that the conditions laid down in section 8 § 2 of the Act in question for the granting of retroactive authorisation were not satisfied. The Supreme Court stated that it was not for the civil courts to review the decisions of the administrative authorities. On the contrary, they were required to base their own judgments on such decisions, without any further examination. In its judgment, the Supreme Court did not take into account the applicant’s appeal to the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Court. Indeed it seems to have been unaware of the Administrative Court’s judgment of 21 May 1986 (see paragraph 25 above). 7. Proceedings in the labour courts relating to both dismissals Simultaneously with the administrative proceedings instituted by him, Mr Obermeier also challenged his dismissal in the labour courts. On 16 August 1982 he brought an action in the Linz Labour Court for a declaration that his dismissal was invalid. He argued that the company had not waited until the authorisation given by the Disabled Persons Board had become final in law and had in addition failed to inform the works council, as it was required to do under section 105 § 1 of the Industrial Relations Act (Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz, see paragraph 46 below). After having stayed these proceedings on 9 December 1982, the court dismissed Mr Obermeier’s action on 14 August 1985 on the ground that, in the meantime, the Provincial Governor had given his retroactive consent to the applicant’s dismissal from employment (see paragraph 24 above). The parties did not appeal from this decision. Following the Administrative Court’s judgment of 21 May 1986 (see paragraph 25 above), the applicant filed an application on 22 July 1986 for the proceedings to be reopened (Wiederaufnahmsklage) and requested that such proceedings also deal with the second dismissal from employment. The Linz Labour Court’s judgment of 24 September 1986, which allowed this application, was upheld on 3 February 1987 by the Linz Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) and, on 15 July 1987, by the Supreme Court. Ruling on the merits on 15 September 1987, the Labour Court found that Mr Obermeier had never been validly dismissed. It took the view that the effects of the prior authorisation given by the Board were not permanent and that such authorisation could provide the legal basis only for a dismissal which was closely linked to it both in terms of the period of time which had elapsed and as regards the substance; this was not the case in respect of the second dismissal. On an appeal by the company, the Linz Court of Appeal set aside this decision on 15 March 1988 on the ground that the situation was a continuous one so that there was a sufficient connection between the consent given by the administrative authority and the dismissal from employment pronounced on 21 December 1984. The applicant claimed that he had cited at the hearing, as an additional ground for the invalidity of his dismissal, disregard of clause 33 § 9 of the collective agreement (see paragraph 44 below), which requires the valid consent of the works council. The transcript of the hearing, notified to the applicant on 31 March 1988, did not refer to his statements in this respect; he therefore lodged an objection to it on 5 April 1988, which the Court of Appeal dismissed on 12 April as out of time. In the meantime, the applicant had appealed on a point of law against the Court of Appeal’s judgment of 15 March 1988 (see paragraph 34 above). On 23 June 1988 in a supplementary memorial he stressed that for his second dismissal no valid prior consent had been obtained from the works council as was required under clause 33 § 9 of the collective agreement. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal on 29 June, holding that section 105 of the Industrial Relations Act, by virtue of which any dismissal from employment without prior consultation of the works council is invalid, did not apply to a disabled person. In such cases the consultation of the works council had already been effected by the interposition of the Board, acting in pursuance of section 8 § 2 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act. The Supreme Court declared the memorial of 23 June inadmissible under the rule that only one appeal may be lodged (Grundsatz der Einmaligkeit des Rechtsmittels, see paragraph 60 below). On 30 June 1988, even before a copy of the Supreme Court’s judgment had been served on him, the applicant instituted new proceedings in the Linz Regional Court, sitting as a social and labour court. He sought a declaration that the second dismissal was void on the ground that the company had not obtained the prior consent of the works council, as it was required to do under clause 33 § 9 of the collective agreement. The court dismissed the action on 23 September 1988, finding that the agreement given by the works council in 1981 was also valid in relation to the 1984 dismissal. The Court of Appeal, and subsequently the Supreme Court, dismissed Mr Obermeier’s appeals on 28 February and 14 June 1989 respectively. On 21 March 1989 the applicant applied again to the Linz Regional Court for a declaration that the dismissal of 21 December 1984 and the authorisation given by the administrative bodies were void as being contrary to honest practices (Sittenwidrigkeit). On 12 May 1989 the court rejected the claim. It took the view that the administrative organs in question had, by implication, expressed their opinion on the matter by giving their agreement pursuant to section 8 § 2 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act, because an authorisation accorded for a dismissal contrary to honest practices would have been inconsistent with the criteria which the Administrative Court had laid down for the validity of such decisions. On 10 October 1989 the Linz Court of Appeal upheld this judgment. On appeal on points of law by Mr Obermeier, the Supreme Court quashed these two decisions but dismissed his application on 14 March 1990, on the ground that the judicial decisions which had closed the proceedings in which the applicant had already contested the validity of his dismissal in the labour courts (see paragraphs 30-38 above) were final. 8. The fourth round of the proceedings concerning the suspension In the intervening period, Mr Obermeier had, on 22 July 1986, applied to the labour courts for the reopening of the proceedings concerning his suspension, proceedings which had been terminated by the Supreme Court on 15 July 1986 (see paragraph 29 above). He relied on the judgment delivered by the Administrative Court on 21 May 1986 (see paragraph 25 above). On 15 October 1986 the Regional Court dismissed the application for the proceedings to be reopened, on procedural grounds. However, on 15 July 1987 the Supreme Court allowed the applicant’s appeal on points of law and remitted the case to the Linz Court of Appeal which had acquired jurisdiction by virtue of a new Act on the social and labour courts. On 19 November 1987 the Linz Court of Appeal ordered the proceedings to be reopened but allowed the company’s application for a stay pending the conclusion of the proceedings concerning the dismissal of 21 December 1984. It did so despite the protracted nature of the proceedings, because the decision on the dismissal was clearly crucial to the suspension proceedings. The proceedings remain stayed.
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{ "applicant": "Karl Obermeier", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1990 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Karl Obermeier
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 11032/04) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Herwig C. Emmer-Reissig (“the applicant”), on 11 March 2004. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador Mr F. Trauttmannsdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the Administrative Court failed to hold an oral hearing, which was in breach of Article 6. On 30 November 2005 the Court decided to communicate the application to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility. THE FACTS THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1921 and lives in Klosterneuburg. He is a lawyer practising in Klosterneuburg and the owner of a parcel of land in the municipality of Königstetten, which is designated as “forest” land in the zoning plan. On parts of this parcel – approximately 1,500 square meters – he runs an organic farm on a part-time basis, breeding sheep and goats. Besides that, he keeps bees and grows herbs. On 18 August 1998 the applicant applied to the mayor of Königstetten for a building permit for a shed, to be used as a shelter for sheep and goats in summer and beehives in winter. It is also designed as a refuge for farm workers. He therefore submitted construction plans for the planned shed and a map of the land in question. The mayor rejected the applicant's request on 16 February 2000. Relying on a report by an agricultural expert at the Lower Austria Regional Government, he stated that, in view of its shape, size and design, it would not qualify as a farm building and that even if it was an agricultural construction, it could not be erected on the land in question, as the latter had been designated as forest and grassland. The applicant lodged an appeal with the municipality of Königstetten on 10 April 2000. On 3 July 2000 the municipality dismissed his appeal on the same grounds. Subsequently, on 13 September 2000, the applicant filed an objection (Vorstellung) with the Lower Austria Regional Government and requested it to hear representatives of the District Farmer's Association (DFA, Bezirksbauernkammer) and the Austrian beekeeper association (ABA, Österreichischer Imkerbund) as experts who would prove that the building he intended to erect was necessary for the intended agricultural enterprise. The Regional Government quashed the municipality's decision on 10 January 2001 and referred the case back to the municipal council. It stated that the municipality had failed to address all the points of appeal. The applicant lodged further grounds in support of his appeal on 19 March, 4 and 24 April 2001. In addition to his comments on the decision of 3 July 2000, he filed requests for the taking of evidence. He also submitted a statement by the Tulln Administrative District Authority and a document he referred to as a business plan. On 23 November 2001 the Königstetten Municipality requested the applicant to comment on an expert opinion it had obtained from the Planning Office at the Lower Austria Regional Government (Gebiets-bauamt) on 31 October 2001. It stated that by far the largest part of the land was covered by forest, which would impede serious agricultural activities. With reference to the earlier decisions, it repeated that, judging by its design and shape, the building at issue would be untypical of an agricultural shed and that the applicant could be assumed never to have intended to carry on agricultural activities, but rather to use it for different purposes. The applicant commented on the expert opinion on 10 December 2001. Claiming that the authorities had incorrectly established the relevant facts, he contended that the expert opinion was in breach of Austrian law and European Community law. Besides that, the applicant repeated his request to obtain opinions from the DFA, the ABA and a certain organic farming association (Biobauernverband Ernte) in order to prove the feasibility of the business plan and its compliance with the relevant legal criteria. He also filed an application for an on-site inspection of the land at issue. On 29 January 2002 the municipal council also rejected the applicant's appeal. It held that the planned construction would conflict with the zoning plan and that the building would not resemble a shed for agricultural use. The applicant filed an objection (Vorstellung) with the Lower Austria Regional Government again on 11 February 2002, submitting that the municipality had relied solely on an incorrect expert opinion without carrying out investigations of its own. In addition, he claimed that the decision was in breach of European Community law. Subsequently, on 12 March 2002, the applicant lodged a complaint with the Administrative Court and requested an oral hearing. On 30 July 2002, without holding an oral hearing, the Administrative Court rejected the complaint as inadmissible for non-exhaustion of administrative remedies, as the applicant had failed to file an objection against the decision of 29 January 2002. The applicant's objection of 12 March 2002 was dismissed by the Lower Austria Regional Government on 22 July 2002. The applicant lodged a further complaint with the Administrative Court on 22 August 2002 and repeated his request for an oral hearing. On 16 September 2003 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant's complaint and rejected his request for an oral hearing. It found that, despite its request for a detailed business plan, the applicant had failed to provide one. Accordingly, the alleged need for a shed for the so-called agricultural enterprise had not been made out.
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{ "applicant": "Herwig C. Emmer-Reissig", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 57, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2007 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Herwig C. Emmer-Reissig
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 39652/98) against the French Republic lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Tunisian national, Mr Nouri Maaouia (“the applicant”), on 30 December 1997. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the length of proceedings he had brought on 12 August 1994 for the rescission of an exclusion order, which proceedings had ended with the judgment of the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal of 26 January 1998, had been unreasonable, contrary to Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The case was referred to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The case was assigned to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). On 12 January 1999 the Chamber decided to adjourn the examination of the applicant’s complaint concerning the length of the proceedings for rescission of the exclusion order (Article 6 § 1 of the Convention) and to declare the remainder of the application inadmissible [Note by the Registry. The Court’s decision is obtainable from the Registry.]. On 1 February 2000 the Chamber, composed of the following judges: Sir Nicolas Bratza, President, Mr J.-P. Costa, Mrs F. Tulkens, Mr W. Fuhrmann, Mr K. Jungwiert, Mr K. Traja and Mr M. Ugrekhelidze, and of Mrs S. Dollé, Section Registrar, decided to relinquish jurisdiction in favour of the Grand Chamber, none of the parties being opposed thereto (Article 30 of the Convention and Rule 72). The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined according to the provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and Rule 24. In a decision of 22 March 2000 [Note by the Registry. The Court’s decision is obtainable from the Registry.] the Grand Chamber declared the remainder of the application admissible, while reserving the issue of the applicability of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The applicant and the French Government (“the Government”) each filed written observations on the merits of the case. A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 5 July 2000. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr R. Abraham, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mrs C. d’Urso, Head of the Human Rights Office, Department of European and International Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Mr P. Boussaroque, administrative court judge, on secondment to the Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Counsel; (b) for the applicant Mr A. Chemama, of the Nice Bar, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Chemama and Mr Abraham. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, who was born in 1958 in Tunisia, entered France in 1980 at the age of 22. On 14 September 1992 he married a French national, an invalid whose disability had been assessed at 80%, with whom he had been living since 1983. On 1 December 1988 the Alpes-Maritimes Assize Court sentenced the applicant to six years’ imprisonment for armed robbery and armed assault with intent for offences committed in 1985. He was released on 14 April 1990. On 8 August 1991 the Minister of the Interior made a deportation order against him. The order was served on the applicant, who had been unaware of its existence, on 6 October 1992, when he attended the Nice Centre for Administrative Formalities in order to regularise his status. He refused to travel to Tunisia and was prosecuted for failing to comply with a deportation order. On 19 November 1992 the Nice Criminal Court sentenced him to one year’s imprisonment and made an order excluding him from French territory for ten years. That decision was upheld on appeal by the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal on 7 June 1993. An appeal on points of law was dismissed by the Court of Cassation on 1 June 1994 on the ground that the applicant had failed to challenge the legality of the deportation order in the courts below. On 22 July 1994 the applicant applied to the Criminal Cases Review Board of the Court of Cassation for a review of the criminal proceedings that had resulted in his being imprisoned for one year and banned from French territory for ten years. In a judgment of 28 April 1997, which was served on 22 September 1997, the Court of Cassation dismissed that application. A. Proceedings before the administrative courts for an order quashing the deportation order made against the applicant In December 1992 the applicant sought judicial review of the deportation order. In a judgment of 14 February 1994 the Nice Administrative Court quashed the deportation order of 8 August 1991, inter alia, on the ground that no notice had been served on the applicant requiring him to appear before the Deportation Board. That judgment became final on 14 March 1994 after being served on the Minister of the Interior. B. Application for rescission of the exclusion order On the strength of the administrative court’s judgment of 14 February 1994 quashing the deportation order, the applicant applied to the Principal Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal on 12 August 1994 for rescission of the ten-year exclusion order made by the Nice Criminal Court on 19 November 1992. He contended that he was married to a French national and held a provisional residence permit. In a letter of 6 July 1995 the applicant reminded the Principal Public Prosecutor’s Office of the terms of his application for rescission. Noting that the application had been outstanding for some time, he asked the office to arrange for it to be heard and a ruling given. On 12 July 1995 the Principal Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Nice tribunal de grande instance for its opinion on the merits of the application and any information that would assist the court in deciding whether the exclusion order should be rescinded. On 19 September 1995 Nice Central Police Station sent the Principal Public Prosecutor’s Office the results of an inquiry concerning the applicant. On 3 November 1997 the Principal Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Appeal informed the applicant that the case would be heard on 26 January 1998. On that date the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal granted the applicant’s application and rescinded the exclusion order on the ground that the Nice Administrative Court had quashed the deportation order. C. Steps taken by the applicant to regularise his immigration status The applicant also sought to regularise his status with the immigration authorities. He initially obtained acknowledgment forms for applications for provisional residence permits (not work permits) for renewable three-month periods. On 4 September 1995, however, he was given a new three-month residence permit incorporating the right to seek employment. On 14 September 1995 the applicant applied to the prefect for the Alpes-Maritimes département for a residence permit allowing him to live and work in France for a prolonged period, as he was married to a French citizen. On 9 April 1996 the applicant received notice of a decision dated 2 April 1996 refusing him a residence permit. He appealed to the Nice Administrative Court, but his appeal was dismissed on 27 September 1996. The applicant appealed on 24 December 1996 to the Lyons Administrative Court of Appeal. On 29 August 1997 the President of that court ordered the transfer of the file to the Marseilles Administrative Court of Appeal – the court with jurisdiction – where the case is currently pending. On 21 July 1998 the applicant obtained a temporary residence permit valid for one year (from 13 July 1998 to 12 July 1999). Recently he obtained a ten-year residence permit with the right to seek employment.
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{ "applicant": "Nouri Maaouia", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 2000 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Nouri Maaouia
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court, as established under former Article 19 of the Convention, by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) on 16March 1998, within the three-month period laid down by former Articles 32 § 1 and 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 26083/94) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Commission under former Article 25 by two British nationals, Mr Richard Waite and Mr Terry Kennedy, on 24 November 1994. The Commission’s request referred to former Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby Germany recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (former Article 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The applicants stated that they wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyers who would represent them (Rule 31 of former Rules of Court B0). The Government of the United Kingdom, having been informed by the Registrar of their right to intervene (former Article 48 (b) of the Convention and former Rule 35 § 3 (b)), indicated that they did not intend to do so. As President of the Chamber which had originally been constituted (former Article 43 of the Convention and former Rule 21) in order to deal, in particular, with procedural matters that might arise before the entry into force of Protocol No. 11, Mr Thór Vilhjálmsson, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the German Government (“the Government”), the applicants’ lawyers and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the written procedure. Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicants’ and the Government’s memorials on 30 July and 31 July 1998 respectively. On 22 October 1998 the President of the Chamber decided, under former Rule 28 § 3, to give the applicants’ lawyers leave to use the German language at the hearing before the Court. The Agent of the Government was also given leave to address the Court in German, under former Rule 28 § 2. After the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 on 1November 1998 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 § 5 thereof, the case was referred to the Grand Chamber of the Court. The Grand Chamber included ex officio Mr G. Ress, the judge elected in respect of Germany (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 24 § 4 of the Rules of Court), MrL.Wildhaber, the President of the Court, Mrs E. Palm, Vice-President of the Court, and Mr J.-P. Costa and MrM.Fischbach, Vice-Presidents of Sections (Article 27 § 3 of the Convention and Rule 24 §§ 3 and 5 (a)). The other members appointed to complete the Grand Chamber were Mr L. Ferrari Bravo, Mr L. Caflisch, Mr W. Fuhrmann, Mr K. Jungwiert, Mr B. Zupančič, Mrs N. Vajić, Mr J. Hedigan, Mrs W. Thomassen, Mrs M. Tsatsa-Nikolovska, Mr T. Panţîru, Mr E. Levits and Mr K. Traja (Rule 24 § 3 and Rule 100 § 4). Subsequently, Mr Ress, who had taken part in the Commission’s examination of the case, withdrew from sitting in the Grand Chamber (Rule 28). The Government accordingly appointed Mr E. Klein to sit as an ad hoc judge (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 29 § 1). At the Court’s invitation (Rule 99), the Commission delegated one of its members, Mr K. Herndl, to take part in the proceedings before the Grand Chamber. The Commission also produced the file on the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions. By a letter sent by fax on 19 November 1998 the Committee of Staff Representatives of the Coordinated Organisations sought leave to submit written comments (Rules 61 § 3 and 71). On 20 November 1998 the President granted leave subject to certain conditions. The comments were filed at the Registry on 23 November 1998. In accordance with the President’s decision, a hearing in this case and in the case of Beer and Regan v. Germany (application no. 28934/95) took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 November 1998. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mrs H. Voelskow-Thies, Ministerialdirigentin, Federal Ministry of Justice, Agent, Mr K.-H. Oehler, Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of Justice, Mr D. Marschall, Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of Labour, Mr W.M. Thiebaut, Head of Legal Division, European Space Agency, Paris, Advisers; (b) for the applicants Mr G. Laule, of the Frankfurt Bar, Counsel, Mr A. Meyer-Landrut, of the Frankfurt Bar, Mr C. Just, of the Frankfurt Bar, Advisers; (c) for Mr Beer and Mr Regan Mr W.J. Habscheid, of the Kempten Bar, Counsel, Mr E. Habscheid, of the Dresden Bar, Adviser; (d) for the Commission Mr K. Herndl, Delegate. The Court heard addresses by Mr Herndl, Mr Laule, Mr W.J. Habscheid and Mrs Voelskow-Thies. Subsequently, applicants and the Government variously produced a number of documents, either at the President’s request or of their own accord. THE FACTS Mr Richard Waite is a British national, born in 1946 and resident in Griesheim. Mr Terry Kennedy is also a British national, born in 1950 and resident in Darmstadt. I. the circumstances of the case In 1977 the applicants, systems programmers by profession and employed by the British company SPM, were placed at the disposal of the European Space Agency to perform services at the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt. The European Space Agency (“ESA”) with headquarters in Paris, formed out of the European Space Research Organisation (“ESRO”) and the European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers (“ELDO”), was established under the Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agency (“ESA Convention”) of 30 May 1975 (United Nations Treaty Series 1983, vol. 1297, I – no. 21524). ESA runs the European Space Operations Centre (“ESOC”) as an independent operation in Darmstadt (Agreement concerning the European Space Operations Centre of 1967 – Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt) II no. 3, 18.1.1969). In 1979 the applicants’ contracts were taken over from SPM by CDP, a limited company established in Dublin. In 1982 the applicants founded Storepace, a limited company with its registered office in Manchester, which contracted with CDP on the services to be performed by the applicants for ESA and on the payment due. As from 1984 ESA participated in the above contractual relations through Science System, a firm associated with it. Subsequently, the applicants liquidated Storepace, replacing it by Network Consultants, a company with its registered office on the island of Jersey. These changes in contractual relations had no bearing on the applicants’ services at ESOC. By letter of 12 October 1990, CDP informed the applicants that the cooperation with their company Network Consultants would terminate on 31 December 1990, when the term of their contracts expired. The applicants thereupon instituted proceedings before the Darmstadt Labour Court (Arbeitsgericht) against ESA, arguing that, pursuant to the German Provision of Labour (Temporary Staff) Act (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz), they had acquired the status of employees of ESA. In their submission, the termination of their contracts by the company CDP had no bearing on their labour relationship with ESA. In the labour court proceedings, ESA relied on its immunity from jurisdiction under Article XV § 2 of the ESA Convention and its Annex I. On 10 April 1991 the Darmstadt Labour Court, following a hearing, declared the applicants’ actions inadmissible, considering that ESA had validly relied on its immunity from jurisdiction. In its reasoning, the Labour Court considered in particular that ESA had been established in 1975 as a new and independent international organisation. It therefore rejected the applicants’ argument that ESA was bound by Article 6 § 2 of the Agreement concerning ESOC, which had subjected the former ESRO to German jurisdiction in cases of disputes with its employees which were outside the competence of its Appeals Board. On 20 May 1992 the Frankfurt/Main Labour Appeals Court (Landesarbeitsgericht) dismissed the applicants’ appeal. It gave leave to an appeal on points of law (Revision) to the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht). The Labour Appeals Court, referring to sections 18 to 20 of the Courts Act (Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz), considered that immunity from jurisdiction meant that foreign States, members of diplomatic missions, etc. were generally not subject to German jurisdiction and that no judicial action could be taken against them. Section 20(2) of the Courts Act supplemented the provisions of sections 18 and 19, listing three further sources of law, inter alia international agreements, which could give rise to immunity from jurisdiction, especially for international organisations. ESA in principle enjoyed such immunity from jurisdiction under Article XV § 2 of the ESA Convention and its Annex I. Moreover, even assuming that the former ESRO had previously waived immunity as regards labour disputes outside the competence of its Appeals Board, ESA was not bound thereby. In this respect, the Labour Appeals Court, referring to the reasoning of the decision of the first instance, set out in detail that ESA had been established as a new international organisation and not as a mere legal successor to the former ESRO. In 1992 the applicants unsuccessfully requested the German federal government and the British authorities to intervene with the Council of ESA in their favour with regard to a waiver of immunity in accordance with Article IV § 1 (a) of Annex I. While the British authorities did not reply, the German Federal Foreign Office referred the applicants to the ESA Appeals Board. In response to their letter to the Council of ESA, its Chairman, by letter of 16 December 1992, informed the applicants that the Council, at its 105th meeting of 15 and 16 December 1992, had decided not to waive the immunity from jurisdiction in their case. This position was confirmed in subsequent correspondence. On 10 November 1993 the Federal Labour Court dismissed the applicants’ appeal on points of law (file no. 7 AZR 600/92). The Federal Labour Court considered that immunity from jurisdiction was an impediment to court proceedings, and that an action against a defendant who enjoyed immunity from jurisdiction, and had not waived this immunity, was inadmissible. According to section20(2) of the Courts Act, German jurisdiction did not extend to international organisations which were exempted in accordance with international agreements. In this respect, the Federal Labour Court noted that, pursuant to Article XV § 2 of the ESA Convention, ESA had the immunities provided for in Annex I of the said Convention, and that it had not waived immunity under Article IV § 1 (a) of that annex. As regards the question of waiver, the Federal Labour Court found that Article 6 § 2 of the Agreement concerning ESOC did not apply in the applicants’ situation as they had not been employed by ESA, but had worked for ESA on the basis of a contract of employment with a third person. The questions of whether the rule in question amounted to a waiver of immunity and whether ESA was bound by this rule could therefore be left open. Furthermore, the Federal Labour Court found no violation of the right of recourse to court under Article 19 § 4 of the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz), as the acts of ESA, being those of an international organisation, could not be regarded as acts of a public authority within the meaning of that provision. Finally the Federal Labour Court considered that a rather broad competence of international organisations to regulate staff matters was not unusual. The regulations on the immunity of ESA did not conflict with fundamental principles of German constitutional law. Employees of ESA could either lodge an appeal with the Appeals Board of the organisation, or the labour contract had to provide for arbitration in accordance with Article XXV of Annex I. In case of any contract conflicting with the Provision of Labour (Temporary Staff) Act which was not covered by the aforementioned regulation, the employee hired out was not without any legal protection, but could file an action against his or her employer. The question of whether the applicants could claim under German public law that positive action be taken by the German government to use their influence to achieve a waiver of immunity in the present case, or to submit the case to international arbitration under Article XVIII of the ESA Convention, could not be solved in labour court proceedings. Sitting as a panel of three members, on 11 May 1994 the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) declined to accept the applicants’ appeal (Verfassungsbeschwerde) for adjudication. The Federal Constitutional Court found in particular that the applicants’ appeal did not raise a matter of general importance. The alleged absence of rights resulted from the particular contracts entered into by the applicants, who had not been directly employed by an international organisation but had worked there on the order of a third person. Furthermore, the alleged violation of the applicants’ constitutional rights was not of special importance, nor were the applicants significantly affected. In this respect the Constitutional Court noted the applicants’ submissions according to which they had suffered major disadvantages on the ground that the European legislation on the hiring out of temporary staff had been insufficient and that the termination of their contracts had affected their earning capacity. However, they had failed to show any disadvantages other than those associated with any loss of work. In particular there was no indication that they remained permanently unemployed and dependent upon social welfare benefits. II. RELEVANT LAW 1. The Provision of Labour (Temporary Staff) Act Section 1(1)(1) of the Provision of Labour (Temporary Staff) Act (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz) provides that an employer who, on a commercial basis (gewerbsmäßig), intends to hire out his employees to third persons – hiring employers (Entleiher) – must obtain official permission. Section 1(9)(1) provides that contracts between the hirer-out (Verleiher) and the hiring employer and between the hirer-out and the employee hired out (Leiharbeitnehmer) are void if no official permission has been obtained as required by section1(1)(1). If the contract between a hirer-out and an employee hired out is void under section 1(9)(1), a contract between the hiring employer and the employee hired out is deemed to have been concluded (gilt als zustande gekommen) as from the envisaged start of employment (section1(10)(1)(1)). Section 1(10)(2) further provides for a claim in damages against the hirer-out in respect of any loss suffered as a consequence of having relied on the validity of the contract, except where the employee hired out was aware of the factor rendering the contract void. 2. Immunity from jurisdiction Sections 18 to 20 of the German Courts Act (Gerichtsverfassungs-gesetz) regulate immunity from jurisdiction (Exterritorialität) in German court proceedings. Sections18 and19 concern the members of diplomatic and consular missions, and section 20(1) other representatives of States staying in Germany upon the invitation of the German government. Section20(2) provides that other persons shall have immunity from jurisdiction according to the rules of general international law, or pursuant to international agreements or other legal rules. 3. The ESA Convention The ESA Convention came into force on 30 October 1980, when ten States, members of ESRO or ELDO, had signed it and had deposited their instruments of ratification or acceptance. The purpose of ESA is to provide for and to promote, for exclusively peaceful purposes, cooperation among European States in space research and technology and their space applications, with a view to their being used for scientific purposes and for operational space applications systems (Article II of the ESA Convention). For the execution of the programmes entrusted to it, the Agency shall maintain the internal capability required for the preparation and supervision of its tasks and, to this end, shall establish and operate such establishments and facilities as are required for its activities (Article VI § 1 (a)). Article XV regulates the legal status, privileges and immunities of the Agency. According to paragraph 1, the Agency shall have legal personality. Paragraph 2 provides that the Agency, its staff members and experts, and the representatives of its member States, shall enjoy the legal capacity, privileges and immunities provided for in AnnexI. Agreements concerning the headquarters of the Agency and the establishments set up in accordance with Article VI shall be concluded between the Agency and the member States on whose territory the headquarters and the establishments are situated (Article VI § 3). Article XVII concerns the arbitration procedure in case of disputes between two or more member States, or between any of them and ESA, concerning the interpretation or application of the ESA Convention or its annexes, and disputes arising out of damage caused by ESA, or involving any other responsibility of ESA (Article XXVI of Annex I), which are not settled by or through the Council. Article XIX provides that on the date of entry into force of the ESA Convention the Agency shall take over all the rights and obligations of ESRO. Annex I relates to the privileges and immunities of the Agency. According to Article I of Annex I, the Agency shall have legal personality, in particular the capacity to contract, to acquire and to dispose of movable and immovable property, and to be a party to legal proceedings. Pursuant to Article IV § 1 (a) of Annex I, the Agency shall have immunity from jurisdiction and execution, except to the extent that it shall, by decision of the Council, have expressly waived such immunity in a particular case; the Council has the duty to waive this immunity in all cases where reliance upon it would impede the course of justice and it can be waived without prejudicing the interests of the Agency. Article XXV of Annex I provides for arbitration with regard to written contracts other than those concluded in accordance with the Staff Regulations. Moreover, any member State may submit to the International Arbitration Tribunal referred to in Article XVII of the ESA Convention any dispute, inter alia, arising out of damage caused by the Agency, or involving any other non-contractual responsibility of the Agency. According to ArticleXXVII of AnnexI, the Agency shall make suitable provision for the satisfactory settlement of disputes arising between the Agency and the Director General, staff members or experts in respect of their conditions of service. Chapter VIII of the ESA Staff Regulations (Regulations 33 to 41) concerns disputes within ESA. As regards the competence of its Appeals Board, Regulation 33 provides as follows: “33.1 There shall be set up an Appeals Board, independent of the Agency, to hear disputes relating to any explicit or implicit decision taken by the Agency and arising between it and a staff member, a former staff member or persons entitled under him. 33.2 The Appeals Board shall rescind any decision against which there has been an appeal if the decision is contrary to the Staff Regulations; Rules or Instructions or to the claimant’s terms of appointment or vested rights; and if the claimant’s personal interests are affected. 33.3 The Appeals Board may also order the Agency to repair any damage suffered by the claimant as a result of the decision referred to in paragraph 2 above. 33.4 Should the Agency – or the claimant – maintain that execution of a rescinding decision would raise major difficulties the Appeals Board may, if it considers the argument valid, award compensation to the claimant for the damage he has suffered. 33.5 The Appeals Board shall also be competent in the case where a staff member wishes to sue another staff member and such action has been prevented by the Director General’s refusal to waive the immunity of the latter. 33.6 The Appeals Board shall also be competent to settle disputes concerning its jurisdiction, as defined in these Regulations, or any question of procedure.” 4. The Agreement concerning ESOC The Agreement was concluded between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and ESRO for the purpose of establishing a European Space Operations Centre, including the European Space Data Centre. Articles 1 to 4 of the Agreement concern the site for construction of the ESOC buildings and related matters. Part III of the Agreement contains general provisions. Article 6 provides as follows: “1. Subject to the provisions of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Organisation and of any complementary Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Organisation according to Article 30 of that Protocol, the activities of the Organisation in the Federal Republic of Germany shall be governed by German law. If the terms of employment of a staff member of the Organisation are not governed by the Organisation’s staff regulations, then they shall be subject to German laws and regulations. Disputes between the Organisation and such staff members of the Organisation in the Federal Republic of Germany who are not within the competence of the Organisation’s Appeals Board, shall be subject to German jurisdiction.” PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION Mr Waite and Mr Kennedy applied to the Commission on 24November 1994. Relying on Article 6 §1 of the Convention, they complained that they had been denied access to a court for a determination of their dispute with ESA in connection with an issue under German labour law. On 24 February 1997 the Commission declared the application (no.26083/94) admissible. In its report of 2 December 1997 (former Article31 of the Convention), it expressed the opinion that there had been no violation of Article 6 § 1 (seventeen votes tofifteen). The full text of the Commission’s opinion and of the two separate opinions contained in the report is reproduced as an annex to this judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS TO THE COURT In their memorial the Government asked “for the applications to be rejected as inadmissible, or as an alternative for a finding that the Federal Republic of Germany has not violated Article 6 of the Convention”. The applicants invited the Court to hold that their rights pursuant to Article 6 § 1 of the Convention had been violated and to award them just satisfaction under former Article 50 of the Convention (now Article 41).
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{ "applicant": "Richard Waite", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 1999 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Richard Waite
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court on 1 March 1995 by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and on 15 May 1995 by the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden (“the Government“), within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). It originated in an application (no. 15573/89) against Sweden lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a Swedish national, Mr Torgny Gustafsson, on 1 July 1989. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Sweden recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request and of the Government’s application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed breaches by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 6, 11 and 13 of the Convention (art. 6, art. 11, art. 13) and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (P1-1). In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 35 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court B, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 31). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mrs E. Palm, the elected judge of Swedish nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 4 (b)). On 5 May 1995, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr F. Matscher, Mr B. Walsh, Mr S.K. Martens, Mr R. Pekkanen, Mr A.N. Loizou, Mr F. Bigi and Mr P. Jambrek (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 5) (art. 43). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 6), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 39 para. 1 and 40). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s memorial on 12 September 1995 and the applicant’s memorial on 13 September 1995. In a letter of 19 October 1995 the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate did not wish to reply in writing. On 28 September 1995 the Chamber, having regard to a request by the Government of 30 August, decided to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of a Grand Chamber (Rule 53). The President and the Vice-President, Mr R. Bernhardt, as well as the other members of the Chamber being ex officio members of the Grand Chamber, the names of the other nine judges were drawn by lot by the President in the presence of the Registrar on 28 September 1995 (Rule 53 para. 2 (a) and (b)), namely Mr L.-E. Pettiti, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr I. Foighel, Mr J.M. Morenilla, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, Mr G. Mifsud Bonnici, Mr J. Makarczyk, Mr B. Repik and Mr E. Levits. On 24 October 1995 the Grand Chamber dismissed a request to hear witnesses which the Registrar had received from the Government on 17 October (Rule 43 para. 1, taken together with Rule 53 para. 6). On various dates between 19 and 25 October, the Registrar received letters from the applicant providing comments on the above request. On 27 September, 24 October 1995 and 10 January 1996 the applicant submitted further particulars on his Article 50 (art. 50) claims. On 10 November 1995 the Commission produced a number of documents from the file in the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions. In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 22 November 1995. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr C.H. Ehrenkrona, Assistant Under-Secretary for Legal Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mr D. Ekman, Permanent Under-Secretary,Ministry of Labour, Mr P. Virdesten, Under-Secretary for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Mrs I. Åkerlund, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Labour, Mrs H. Jäderblom, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mrs G.H. Thune, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr G. Ravnsborg, Lecturer in Law at the University of Lund, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mrs Thune, Mr Ravnsborg and Mr Ehrenkrona, and also replies to questions put by the Court and by the President. AS TO THE FACTS I. PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE THE CASE From the summer of 1987 until the end of the summer of 1990 the applicant owned the summer restaurant Ihrebaden at Ihreviken, Tingstäde, on the island of Gotland. The applicant further owned - and continues to own - the youth hostel Lummelunda at Nyhamn, Visby, also on Gotland. The restaurant’s employees numbered less than ten. They were engaged on a seasonal basis, but had the option of being re-employed the following year. The applicant’s ownership of the restaurant and youth hostel was direct and entailed his personal financial liability (enskild firma). As the applicant was not a member of either of the two associations of restaurant employers, namely the Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Entrepreneurs’ Union (Hotell- och Restaurangar - betsgivareföreningen - “HRAF“, which is affiliated to the Swedish Employers’ Confederation (Svenska Arbetsgivareföreningen - “SAF“)) and the Employers’ Association of the Swedish Union of Restaurant Owners (Svenska Restauratörsförbundets Arbetsgivareförening - “SRA“), he was not bound by any collective labour agreement (kollektivavtal) between the two associations and the Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union (Hotell- och Restauranganställdas Förbund - “HRF“). Nor was he obliged to subscribe to the various labour-market insurance schemes (Arbetsmarknadsförsäkring) developed through agreements between SAF and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (Landsorganisationen). It was, however, open to the applicant to accede to a collective agreement by accepting a substitute agreement (hängavtal). He could also subscribe to insurance schemes with Labour-Market Insurances or any of the other ten or so insurance companies in the field. In late June or early July 1987 he refused to sign a separate substitute agreement with HRF. He referred to his objections of principle regarding the system of collective bargaining. He also emphasised that his employees were paid more than they would have been under a collective agreement and that they themselves objected to his signing a substitute agreement on their behalf. The substitute agreement proposed to the applicant included these terms: “Parties: [The applicant] and [HRF] Term of validity: From 1 July 1987 up to and including31 December 1988, thereafter for one year at a time, unlessnotice is given two months prior to the expiry of the[agreement] ... As from the [above] date, the most recent agreement between[the employers’ association] and [HRF] shall be applied between[the applicant and HRF]. Should [the employers’ association]and [HRF] subsequently reach a new agreement or agree to amendor supplement the [present] agreement, [the new agreement,amendments or supplements] shall automatically apply as fromthe day on which [it or they] [has or have] been [agreed upon]. ... [The employer shall] [on his employees’ behalf] subscribeto and maintain [five different] insurance-policy schemes withLabour-Market Insurances, ... as well as other possibleinsurance-policy schemes which [the employers’ association andHRF] might later agree upon. [The employer shall] issue employment certificates on aspecial form ... A copy shall be sent to [HRF]. [The employer shall] only employ [workers who are members]of or [have] requested membership of [HRF]. In the event ofre-employment the provisions of section 25 of the EmploymentProtection Act (lag (1982:80) om anställnings-skydd) shallapply. [The employer shall] deduct on a monthly basis a part ofthe salary of employed members of [HRF] corresponding to theirmembership fees, and pay [the deducted part] to [HRF]. ...“ On 16 July 1987, during further negotiations with the applicant, HRF proposed another substitute agreement, which he also rejected: “Subject: The signing of a collective agreement regarding [therestaurant] Ihrebaden ... and the Lummelunda youth hostel. Having regard to the forthcoming end of the [season of1987] the parties agree on the following procedure replacing the signing of a collective agreement. The enterprise agrees to comply, during this season ..., with the collective labour agreement (`the green nationalagreement’) between [HRAF] and [HRF], this including the obligation to subscribe to [certain] insurance schemes(avtalsförsäkringar) with Labour-Market Insurances. The enterprise also agrees to [comply with] [the]collective labour agreement ... during the next season ...,either by way of membership of the employers’ union or bysigning a ... substitute agreement ...“ Had the applicant accepted a substitute agreement, it would have applied not only to those of his employees who were unionised but also to those who were not. In the summer of 1986, one member of HRF was employed by the applicant. In 1987 he employed another member of that union and also two persons who were respectively members of the Commercial Employees’ Union (Handelsanställdas Förbund) and the Union of Municipal Workers (Kommunalarbetareförbundet). In 1989, one member of the latter union was employed by the applicant. Following the applicant’s refusal to sign a substitute agreement, HRF, in July 1987, placed his restaurant under a “blockade“ and declared a boycott against it. Sympathy industrial action was taken the same month by the Commercial Employees’ Union and the Swedish Food Workers’ Union (Svenska Livsmedelsarbetareförbundet). In the summer of 1988 sympathy action was also taken by the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union (Svenska transportarbetareförbundet) and the Union of Municipal Employees (Kommunaltjenestemannaförbundet). As a result deliveries to the restaurant were stopped. One of the persons employed by the applicant at Ihre baden who was member of HRF had publicly expressed the opinion that the industrial action was unnecessary, as the salary and working conditions in the restaurant were not open to criticism. According to the Government, the union action had its background in a request for assistance in 1986 by an HRF member employed by the applicant. In the view of the union, the applicant paid his employees approximately 900 Swedish kronor (SEK) a month less than what they would have received under a collective agreement. He did not pay his staff holiday compensation as provided for in the 1977 Annual Leave Act (semesterlagen 1977:480), nor salary during lay-offs due to poor weather conditions as required by the 1982 Employment Protection Act and he did not sign a labour-market insurance until 1988. In August 1988 the applicant, invoking the Convention, requested the Government to prohibit HRF from continuing the blockade and the other trade unions from continuing their sympathy action and to order the unions to pay compensation for damages. In the alternative, he requested that compensation be paid by the State. By a decision of 12 January 1989 the Government (Ministry of Justice) dismissed the applicant’s request. The Government stated: “The requests for a prohibition of the blockade and thesympathy action as well as compensation for damage from thetrade unions concern a legal dispute between private subjects.According to Chapter 11, Article 3, of the Instrument of Government [Regeringsformen which forms part of theConstitution], such disputes may not be determined by anypublic authority other than a court of law, except by virtueof law. There is no provision in the law which authorises theGovernment to examine such disputes. The Government will not,therefore, examine these requests on the merits. The claim for damages is dismissed.“ The applicant applied to the Supreme Administrative Court (Regeringsrätten) for review under the 1988 Act on Judicial Review of Certain Administrative Decisions (lag (1988:205) om rättsprövning av vissa förvaltningsbeslut - “the 1988 Act“). On 29 June 1989 the Supreme Administrative Court dismissed the application on the ground that the Government’s decision did not concern an administrative matter involving the exercise of public power, which was a condition for review under section 1 of the Act. On 15 September 1989 the Swedish Touring Club (Svenska turistföreningen - “STF“), a non-profit-making association promoting tourism in Sweden, terminated the membership of the applicant’s youth hostel, referring to a lack of cooperation and the applicant’s negative attitude towards STF. As a result, the hostel was no longer mentioned in STF’s catalogue of youth hostels in Sweden. In 1989 about half of the youth hostels in Sweden were enrolled in STF. The applicant brought proceedings in the District Court (tingsrätten) of Stockholm. He contested what he considered to be his personal exclusion from STF, alleging that it had been caused by HRF threats that it would take industrial action against other youth hostels enrolled in STF if his hostel was not excluded. He also challenged STF’s termination of the membership of his youth hostel. STF accepted, inter alia, that although the termination of the membership contract concerning the applicant’s youth hostel had not been prompted by the conflict between the applicant and the trade unions, this conflict might have affected the timing of the decision. STF also referred to an opinion of the Competition Ombudsman (ombudsmannen för näringsfrihet) of 14 November 1989 to the effect that the termination of the contract in question would have only a very limited impact on his business. By a judgment of 8 May 1991 the District Court rejected the applicant’s action on both points. It found, inter alia, that the applicant had not shown that he had been personally excluded from STF by virtue of the termination of STF’s contract concerning his youth hostel. It also found that he had not shown that the contract had been financially significant to his business. Reference was made to the Competition Ombudsman’s finding. The applicant appealed to the Svea Court of Appeal (Svea hovrätt) which, on 6 March 1992, upheld the District Court’s judgment. The Court of Appeal found, inter alia, that STF’s termination of the contract concerning the youth hostel had entailed the expiry of the applicant’s personal membership of STF. This, however, had not been tantamount to his exclusion, given that he could have continued or renewed his membership. Moreover, although the contract had been of appreciable significance to the applicant’s business, STF’s termination of the contract could not be considered unreasonable. At the beginning of 1991 the applicant sold his restaurant due to his difficulties in running his business which had allegedly been caused by the industrial action. The restaurant was bought by a person who signed a collective agreement with HRF. He continued, together with his family, to run the youth hostel in Lummelunda. Following the above, the union action was terminated. On 9 November 1991 the applicant requested the Government to support his application to the Commission. On 12 December 1991 the Government decided not to take any action in respect of the request.
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{ "applicant": "Torgny Gustafsson", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "SWE", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 1996 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Torgny Gustafsson
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 11 March 1994 and by the German Government (“the Government“) on 29 March 1994, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). It originated in an application (no. 17851/91) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a German national, Mrs Dorothea Vogt, on 13 February 1991. The Commission's request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Germany recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); the Government's application referred to Article 48 (art. 48). The object of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 10 and 11 (art. 10, art. 11) of the Convention and also, in the case of the Commission's request, of Article 14 (art. 14). In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that she wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyers who would represent her (Rule 30); the President gave her lawyers leave to use the German language (Rule 27 para. 3). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr R. Bernhardt, the elected judge of German nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 24 March 1994, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr F. Matscher, Mr L.-E. Pettiti, Mr S.K. Martens, Mr J.M. Morenilla, Mr G. Mifsud Bonnici, Mr P. Jambrek and Mr K. Jungwiert (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant's lawyers and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicant's observations on 9 and 11 August 1994 and the Government's memorial on 17 August 1994. On 19 August 1994 the Commission produced various documents, as requested by the Registrar on the President's instructions. By a letter of 4 November 1994 the Agent of the Government sought leave to submit an additional memorial and requested that the hearing initially set down for 23 November be postponed. After once again consulting - through the Registrar - the Agent of the Government, the applicant's lawyers and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rule 38), Mr Ryssdal granted these requests. Pursuant to the order made on 16 November 1994, the Registrar received the Government's additional memorial on 5 January 1995 and the applicant's observations in reply on 3 February 1995. On 15 February 1995 the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would make his submissions at the hearing. On 26 January 1995 the Chamber decided to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of a Grand Chamber (Rule 51). The Grand Chamber comprised as ex officio members the President and the Vice-President, Mr Bernhardt, who in this case was already sitting as national judge, together with the other members of the Chamber. The names of the remaining ten judges were drawn by lot by the President in the presence of the Registrar on 27 January 1995, namely Mr F. Gölcüklü, Mr R. Macdonald, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr J. De Meyer, Mr I. Foighel, Mr A.N. Loizou, Mr F. Bigi, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, Mr D. Gotchev and Mr P. Kuris (Rule 51 para. 2 (a) to (c)). Subsequently, Mrs E. Palm replaced Mr Bigi, who was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case. In accordance with the decision of the President, who had given the Agent of the Government too leave to use the German language (Rule 27 para. 2), the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 22 February 1995. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr J. Meyer-Ladewig, Ministerialdirigent, Federal Ministry of Justice, Agent, Mr H. Wurm, Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Mr B. Feuerherm, Ministerialrat, Ministry for Cultural Affairs of the Land of Lower Saxony, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mr S. Trechsel, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr K. Damman, Mr P. Becker, Mr O. Jäckel, Rechtsanwälte, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Trechsel, Mr Becker, Mr Jäckel, Mr Damman and Mr Meyer-Ladewig, and replies to a question put by it. AS TO THE FACTS I. PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mrs Dorothea Vogt, a German national born in 1949, lives in Jever in the Land of Lower Saxony. After studying literature and languages at the University of Marburg/Lahn for six years, during which time she became a member of the German Communist Party (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei - “DKP“), in November 1975 she sat the examination to become a secondary-school teacher (wissenschaftliche Prüfung für das Lehramt an Gymnasien). She did her teaching practice (Vorbereitungsdienst für das Lehramt) from February 1976 to June 1977 at Fulda in the Land of Hesse. In June 1977 she sat the second State examination to become a secondary-school teacher (zweite Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an Gymnasien) and obtained a post from 1 August 1977 as a teacher (Studienrätin), with the status of probationary civil servant (Beamtenverhältnis auf Probe), in a State secondary school in Jever. On 1 February 1979, before the end of her probationary period, she was appointed a permanent civil servant (Beamtin auf Lebenszeit). Mrs Vogt taught German and French. In an assessment report drawn up in March 1981 her capabilities and work were described as entirely satisfactory and it was stated that she was held in high regard by her pupils and their parents and by her colleagues. A. Disciplinary proceedings 1. Before the Weser-Ems regional council After a preliminary investigation, the Weser-Ems regional council (Bezirksregierung Weser-Ems) issued an order (Verfügung) on 13 July 1982 instituting disciplinary proceedings against the applicant on the ground that she had failed to comply with the duty of loyalty to the Constitution (“duty of political loyalty“ - politische Treuepflicht) that she owed as a civil servant under section 61 (2) of the Lower Saxony Civil Service Act (Niedersächsisches Beamtengesetz - see paragraph 28 below). She had, it was said, engaged in various political activities on behalf of the DKP since the autumn of 1980 and in particular had stood as the DKP candidate in the 1982 elections to the Parliament (Landtag) of the Land of Lower Saxony. The “indictment“ (Anschuldigungsschrift) of 22 November 1983, drawn up in connection with the disciplinary proceedings, specified eleven public, political activities that the applicant had engaged in for the DKP, such as distributing pamphlets, representing the DKP at political meetings, being a party official in a constituency and standing in the federal elections of 6 March 1983. On 15 July 1985 the proceedings were stayed in order to widen the investigations to include further instances of the applicant's political activity that had come to light in the meantime. In a supplementary “indictment“ of 5 February 1986 Mrs Vogt was accused of also failing to comply with her duties as a civil servant in that: (a) she had been a member of the “Executive Committee“ (Vorstand) of the Bremen/North Lower Saxony regional branch (Bezirksorganisation) of the DKP since the end of 1983; and (b) she had taken part in and addressed the DKP's 7th party congress, held from 6 to 8 January 1984 in Nuremberg, as Chairperson (Kreisvorsitzende) of the Wilhelmshaven/Friesland local branch of the party. After a further stay of proceedings on 23 June 1986, a second supplementary “indictment“ was drawn up on 2 December 1986, which specified four other political activities considered incompatible with the applicant's civil-servant status, namely: (a) her candidature for the DKP in the elections to the Parliament of the Land of Lower Saxony on 15 June 1986; (b) the fact that she was still a member of the “Executive Committee“ of the Bremen/North Lower Saxony regional branch of the DKP; (c) the fact that she was still Chairperson of the Wilhemshaven/Friesland local branch of the DKP; and (d) her participation in the DKP's 8th party congress from 2 to 4 May 1986 in Hamburg as a party delegate. By an order of 12 August 1986 the Weser-Ems regional council notified the applicant that she had been temporarily suspended from her post, stating in particular as follows: “Although you knew the views of your superiors and the case-law of the disciplinary courts you have nevertheless, over a considerable period of time, deliberately violated your duty of oyalty. For a permanent civil servant that is anextraordinarily serious breach of duty. Civil servants, whosestatus is founded on a special relationship of trust with theState and who, by taking the oath, have vowed to uphold the lawand freedom, destroy this basis of trust, which is essential forthe continuation of their relationship with their employer[Dienstverhältnis], if they deliberately support a party whoseaims are incompatible with the free democratic constitutionalsystem. This is the position in the present case.“ From October 1986 Mrs Vogt was paid only 60 per cent of her salary (Dienstbezüge). 2. Before the Disciplinary Division of the Oldenburg Administrative Court Before the Disciplinary Division of the Oldenburg Administrative Court (Disziplinarkammer des Verwaltungsgerichts) the applicant, who by her own account has been a member of the DKP since 1972, argued that her conduct could not amount to a failure to fulfil her duties as a civil servant. By being a member of the party and carrying out activities on its behalf she had availed herself of the right of all citizens to engage in political activity. She had always carried out such activity within the law and within the limits laid down in the Constitution. Her action to promote peace within the Federal Republic of Germany and in its external relations and her combat against neo-fascism were in no way indicative of an anti-constitutional stance. The DKP, whose aims had always been wrongly alleged (but never proven) to be anti-constitutional, took part lawfully in the process of forming political opinion in the Federal Republic of Germany. Lastly, according to a report issued by a Commission of Inquiry of the International Labour Office on 20 February 1987, the institution of disciplinary proceedings against civil servants on account of their political activities on behalf of a party that had not been banned breached International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention No. 111 concerning discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. It also violated Article 10 (art. 10) of the European Convention on Human Rights. In its judgment of 15 October 1987 the Disciplinary Division dismissed applications by Mrs Vogt to have the proceedings stayed and witnesses examined. The division ordered that all the “charges“ against Mrs Vogt be dropped except those concerning her membership, as such, of the DKP and of the “Executive Committee“ of the Bremen/North Lower Saxony regional branch, her chairing of the Wilhelmshaven branch of the DKP and her candidature in the elections to the Lower Saxony Land Parliament on 15 June 1986. On the merits, the Disciplinary Division held that the applicant had failed to comply with her duty of political loyalty and ordered her dismissal as a disciplinary measure. It granted her a sum equivalent to 75 per cent of her pension entitlement at that date, to be paid for a six-month period. The division found in the first place that neither ILO Convention No. 111 nor the recommendations made in the Commission of Inquiry's report of 20 February 1987 constituted a bar to the opening of disciplinary proceedings. It considered that active membership of a political party that pursued anti-constitutional aims was incompatible with a civil servant's duty of political loyalty. The DKP's aims, as described in the Mannheim programme of 21 October 1978 (see paragraph 22 below), were clearly opposed to the free democratic constitutional system of the Federal Republic of Germany. A party could be held to be anti-constitutional even if it had not been banned by the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) under Article 21 para. 2 of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz - see paragraph 25 below). Through the active role which she played within the DKP the applicant had therefore clearly supported aims that were contrary to the Constitution. The Disciplinary Division added that the rule, laid down in the first sentence of Article 48 para. 2 of the Basic Law (see paragraph 25 below), according to which no one may be prevented from taking office as a member of parliament, could not justify the applicant's standing as the DKP candidate in regional elections. This rule did not apply to measures, such as disciplinary proceedings, which initially had a different purpose and restricted the freedom to stand for election to, and to sit as a member of, parliament only as an indirect and unavoidable consequence of their implementation. The duty of political loyalty, which admittedly restricted civil servants' fundamental rights, was one of the traditional principles of the civil service and had constitutional status by virtue of Article 33 para. 5 of the Basic Law (see paragraph 25 below). It followed that this duty took precedence over the provisions of international instruments such as the European Convention. The applicant had moreover carried out her political activities despite being familiar with the case-law establishing that active membership of the DKP was incompatible with the duty of political loyalty. She must have been aware, at the latest once the Lower Saxony Disciplinary Court (Niedersächsischer Disziplinarhof) had delivered its judgment of 24 June 1985, which was published in an official education-authority circular and was brought to the attention of the applicant in person, that her conduct was in breach of her duties (pflichtwidriges Verhalten). Mrs Vogt had accordingly to be dismissed for having betrayed the relationship of trust between herself and her employer. Throughout the disciplinary proceedings she had moreover repeatedly indicated that she intended to continue her political activities for the DKP despite the warnings she had received. The fact that she had done her work satisfactorily for many years and that she had been held in high regard by her pupils and their parents alike was immaterial. The Disciplinary Division finally ordered that Mrs Vogt should be paid 75 per cent of her pension allowance for a period of six months. It did so in recognition of the fact that apart from her breach of the duty of loyalty Mrs Vogt had always performed her duties unexceptionably and enthusiastically and needed some income to be protected from immediate hardship. 3. In the Lower Saxony Disciplinary Court On 18 March 1988 the applicant lodged an appeal against the above judgment with the Lower Saxony Disciplinary Court, reiterating her previous arguments (see paragraph 18 above). In a judgment of 31 October 1989 the Disciplinary Court dismissed Mrs Vogt's appeal and upheld the Administrative Court's judgment in all respects. It pointed out that, by carrying out activities on behalf of the DKP, the applicant had breached the duty of political loyalty that she owed in accordance with Article 33 para. 5 of the Basic Law, taken together with section 61 (2) of the Lower Saxony Civil Service Act. Under those provisions, civil servants must at all times bear witness to the free democratic constitutional system within the meaning of the Basic Law and uphold that system. They must unequivocally dissociate themselves from groups who criticise, campaign against and cast aspersions on the State, its institutions and the existing constitutional system. As a result of her activities as a member of the DKP the applicant had failed to satisfy these requirements. The DKP's political aims were incompatible with that system. The fact that the Constitutional Court had not banned the DKP did not prevent other courts from finding that the party was anti-constitutional, as the Federal Administrative Court and the Disciplinary Court itself had done convincingly in judgments of 1 February 1989 and 20 July 1989. An analysis of the still current Mannheim programme made by Mies and Gerns in their book on the DKP's methods and objectives (Weg und Ziel der DKP, 2nd edition, 1981) showed that the party, which aimed to establish a regime similar to that existing in the communist countries around 1980, continued to be guided by the principles of Marx, Engels and Lenin. Article 48 para. 2 of the Basic Law and the corresponding legislation of the Land of Lower Saxony securing the right to take office as a member of parliament did not set limits on the duty of political loyalty, since those provisions were not applicable to impediments resulting from disciplinary proceedings. The court held that the applicant's reference to Article 5 para. 1 of the Basic Law, which secured the right to freedom of expression, was not relevant as the provisions governing the civil service mentioned in Article 33 para. 5 of the Basic Law had to be regarded as general laws within the meaning of Article 5 para. 2 of the Basic Law (see paragraph 25 below). Similarly, the European Court of Human Rights had ruled that a decision by a competent authority relating to admission to the civil service did not amount to an interference with freedom of expression. The same approach applied in cases where a person had already been appointed to a permanent civil service post. Mrs Vogt's conduct had been unlawful. By holding such a senior political post within the DKP, she necessarily espoused anti-constitutional aims and had therefore to be considered to be opposed to the Constitution herself, although she proclaimed her attachment to the Basic Law. It was not possible to support both systems at the same time. Even though Mrs Vogt sought above all to achieve some of the DKP's short-term objectives such as reducing unemployment, promoting peace and eliminating so-called Berufsverbote (prohibitions on pursuing various occupations), this did not mean that her conduct was not culpable. The DKP's aims were admittedly not all anti-constitutional; some of them were compatible with the Basic Law. However, civil servants could not, as a means of furthering their own political objectives, make use of a party with anti-constitutional aims and help it to come to power. In this connection the Disciplinary Court referred to the following observations made by the Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht) in a judgment of 20 January 1987, adding that it adopted them as it was convinced that exactly the same reasoning applied to the case before it: “It is admittedly possible to accept the view of the Federal Disciplinary Court [Bundesdisziplinargericht] that the official in question does not seek to change the system of government of the Federal Republic of Germany by the use of force and that this declaration cannot be dismissed as mere 'lip-service'. It is also possible to accept his claim that he is mainly concerned with correcting what he perceives to be a discrepancy between the principles laid down in the Constitution and their application in practice in the Federal Republic of Germany and that he is profoundly sincere in his wish to establish a society that is more just, particularly in the economic sphere. However, contrary to the view taken by the Federal Disciplinary Court, this does not mean that he is entitled to see in the DKP the political grouping through which he believes he can achieve his ideal political order. It appears doubtful whether the view of the Constitution espoused by the official and described above reflects accurately the principles enshrined in the Basic Law. It is not necessary to resolve that question here. In its judgment banning the former Communist Party (KPD) (BVerfGE 5, p. 85), the Federal Constitutional Court held that not only the 'tactics of conflict' employed by the former KPD but also the different phases of the process leading to attainment of its final objective of 'socialist rule' [sozialistische Herrschaft], namely proletarian revolution by peaceful or violent means and the triumph of the working class ..., were incompatible with the free democratic constitutional system. [It] also stated that intensive propaganda and persistent unrest aimed at establishing - even if this was not to be achieved in the near future - a political regime that was clearly contrary to the free democratic constitutional system inevitably caused direct and immediate harm to that system ... The Federal Constitutional Court thus also unquestionably held that the transitional stages of this process, which were of indefinite duration [and which the party sought to impose] through intensive propaganda and persistent unrest were incompatible with the free democratic constitutional system (BVerwGE 47, pp. 365 and 374). Hence, contrary to the view taken by the Federal Disciplinary Court, the civil servant's assertion that he did not intend to change the Federal Republic of Germany's political system by violent means, which is moreover consistent with many statements made by his party, is of no legal significance (BVerwGE 76, p. 157).“ The court also considered that the applicant's commitment to changing the DKP's policies could not exculpate her. The political loyalty owed by civil servants entailed a duty for them to dissociate themselves unequivocally from groups which criticised or cast aspersions on the State and the existing constitutional system. The attitude of civil servants who, even if they campaigned within the DKP for the renunciation of aims that were contrary to the Constitution, showed outside the party, through the political offices they held, that they unreservedly supported its programme and policy, was incompatible with such a duty. For as long as the DKP had not abandoned its anti-constitutional aims, civil servants' duty of political loyalty prevented them from actively working for it. This remained valid even where it was their intention to bring the party closer to democratic values. Moreover, during the disciplinary proceedings the applicant had declared her unconditional support for the DKP's aims, as set out in the Mannheim programme. Like the Administrative Court, the Disciplinary Court found that Mrs Vogt had knowingly breached her professional obligations. Although she was aware of the case-law and her superiors' views on the subject, she had continued and even stepped up her activities on behalf of the DKP. Her dismissal had therefore been justified, since a civil servant who thus persisted in breaching her duties and refusing to see reason (unbelehrbar) was no longer capable of serving the State, which must be able to rely on its servants' loyalty to the Constitution. The court added that such a breach of duty was especially serious in the case of a teacher, who was supposed to teach the children entrusted to her care the fundamental values of the Constitution. Parents, who because of compulsory education had to send their children to State schools, were entitled to expect the State to employ only those teachers who unreservedly supported the free democratic constitutional system. The State was under a duty to dismiss teachers who played an active role in an anti-constitutional organisation. The court added that a radical change in a civil servant's attitude could affect its assessment of the seriousness of professional misconduct. However, throughout the disciplinary proceedings, far from cutting down on her activities on behalf of the DKP, the applicant had in fact increased them. It followed that a more lenient disciplinary measure, aimed at persuading her to abandon her political activities within the DKP, was bound to fail. Accordingly, it was impossible to continue to employ her as a civil servant and her dismissal was inevitable. Her otherwise blameless conduct in carrying out her teaching tasks did not change the situation in any way, since the basis of trust that was essential for her to continue as a civil servant was lacking. B. Proceedings in the Federal Constitutional Court On 22 December 1989 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint (Verfassungsbeschwerde) with the Federal Constitutional Court. Sitting as a panel of three judges, the court decided on 7 August 1990 not to entertain the constitutional complaint, on the ground that it had insufficient prospects of success. In the Constitutional Court's view, the competent courts' analysis was based on the conviction that, by her membership of the DKP and her active role within that party, the applicant had breached her duties as a civil servant. This conclusion was well-founded and in no way arbitrary. After the commencement of the disciplinary proceedings, Mrs Vogt had herself stated that there was no point, section or part of the DKP's programme of which she disapproved, thus endorsing unconditionally the party's aims set out in the Mannheim programme. The disciplinary tribunals had been entitled to find that the DKP's aims were anti-constitutional, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 21 para. 2 of the Basic Law. Regard being had to the applicant's intractability in respect of her political loyalty, the disciplinary courts had rightly considered that the basis of trust necessary for Mrs Vogt to continue to work as a civil servant was lacking, despite the fact that she had declared herself to be in favour of a change in the party's policy and had otherwise carried out her teaching tasks in a way that was irreproachable. The applicant's dismissal had therefore not amounted to a breach of the principle of proportionality as regards her constitutional rights. Accordingly, there had been no violation of Article 33 paras. 2, 3 and 5 of the Basic Law. C. Subsequent developments From 1987 to 1991 the applicant worked as a playwright and drama teacher at the North Lower Saxony regional theatre (Landesbühne) in Wilhelmshaven. From 1 February 1991 she was reinstated in her post as a teacher for the Lower Saxony education authority. The Land government had beforehand repealed the decree on the employment of extremists in the Lower Saxony civil service (Ministerpräsidentenbeschluß - also known as the Radikalenerlaß - see paragraph 32 below) and had published regulations for dealing with “earlier cases“ (see paragraph 33 below).
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{ "applicant": "Dorothea Vogt", "articles": [ 91, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 1995 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Dorothea Vogt
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 40009/04) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two German nationals, Mr Hans-Georg von Koester and Mr Hans-Konrad von Koester (“the applicants”), on 8 November 2004. Mr Hans-Georg von Koester is represented before the Court by the second applicant, Mr Hans-Konrad von Koester, who is a lawyer practising in Wiesbaden. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicants alleged that the length of five sets of administrative proceedings and one set of official liability proceedings had been in breach of the reasonable time requirement laid down in Article 6 § 1. On 16 September 2008 the Court declared the application partly inadmissible and decided to communicate the complaint concerning the length of the administrative and official liability proceedings to the Government. It also decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility (Article 29 § 3). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicants were born in 1922 and 1957 respectively and live in Bonn and Wiesbaden. 1. Background to the case The first applicant was the owner of a plot of land with a landmarked house at the corner of Rheinstrasse, a main traffic artery with six lanes, and a square known as “Luisenplatz” in Wiesbaden. In 1983/84 that square was reshaped and an underground car park was built close to the first applicant's property. Between 1988 and 1993 several events and demonstrations took place on the square which caused noise. Furthermore several new road traffic regulations in Wiesbaden city resulted in an increased volume of traffic next to the first applicant's property. He therefore instituted several different sets of proceedings against the Wiesbaden local authorities. In the end of 1995 the first applicant agreed before a notary to transfer the property to his son, the second applicant. In 1997 the second applicant was listed as the real estate's owner in the land register (Grundbuch). The first applicant was granted a right of enjoyment over his son's property (Nießbrauch). The second applicant represented the first applicant throughout the proceedings before the German courts. 2. Proceedings relating to noise remediation measures (a) Proceedings up to severance 8. On 29 April 1985 the second applicant asked the Wiesbaden trade supervision department (Gewerbeamt) to inform him whether there were plans to examine the influence of noise emissions on the first applicant's property. Between 1986 and 21 December 1990 the first applicant requested the Wiesbaden local authorities on several occasions to reimburse him the costs (notwendige Aufwendungen) incurred by him for noise remediation measures taken to protect him against noise caused by the construction works and, thereafter, the events and demonstrations carried out on Luisenplatz and by the increased volume of traffic. Furthermore he made official liability claims concerning his noise remediation measures and claimed damages for depreciation of his property. 9. On 2 April 1991 the first applicant lodged an action for failure to act (Untätigkeitsklage) with the Wiesbaden Administrative Court pursuant to section 75 of the Code of Administrative Court Procedures (see “Relevant domestic law” below) because the local authorities had not yet decided on his request of 21 December 1990. 10. On 4 June 1991 the Wiesbaden Administrative Court declared his action inadmissible. 11. On 14 August 1991 the first applicant appealed to the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal. 12. On 3 January 1992 he submitted a statement of grounds, which the Administrative Court of Appeal sent to the defendants on 7 January 1992. 13. On 12 July 1996 the Administrative Court of Appeal asked the parties whether they would waive an oral hearing and consent to a decision by a single judge. On 22 April 1997 and on 20 July 1997 they gave their consent. 14. On 24 February 1998 the Administrative Court of Appeal severed the official liability claims and the claim for damages in relation to the depreciation of the property and gave them a new file number (14 UE 794/98). (b) Reimbursement of costs of noise protection measures (no. 4 E 299/91) 15. By a judgment of 24 February 1998 the Administrative Court of Appeal quashed the judgment of the Administrative Court of 4 June 1991 as to the reimbursement of costs for noise protection measures and referred the case to the Administrative Court for fresh consideration. 16. On 28 April 1998 the Administrative Court received the case files from the Administrative Court of Appeal. Between 14 May 1998 and 15 April 1999 it requested the first applicant on several occasions to make his submissions. 17. On 26 June 1999 the applicant informed the court that an extrajudicial settlement had been reached. On 1 September 1999 the court requested the parties to confirm that the case had been settled. After several further inquiries to the applicant as to whether the case had been settled, he made his submission on 30 March 2001. 18. On 10 December 2001 the Administrative Court held an oral hearing in which the question of the second applicant's third-party summons (Beiladung) was discussed. The sitting judge and the parties agreed that that summons was necessary. 19. On 11 December 2001 the Wiesbaden Administrative Court formally summoned the second applicant to participate in the proceedings as an interested third party. 20. By a judgment of 27 February 2002 the Administrative Court found for the applicants in part. That decision was served on the applicants on 12 and 13 March 2002. 21. On 10 April 2002 the applicants requested leave to appeal to the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal. 22. On 21 October 2002 the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal granted both applicants and the Wiesbaden local authorities leave to appeal. On 25 November 2002 the applicants submitted their statement of grounds for appeal. On 4 December 2002 the applicants received the defendant's statement of grounds together with the Administrative Court of Appeal's order to submit their reply to that statement by 6 January 2003. 23. On 20 December 2002 the applicants requested the Administrative Court of Appeal to extend the time-limit for further submissions, which it granted until 27 January 2003. The court declared that no further extensions could be granted. 24. On 26 March 2003, after holding an oral hearing on 18 March 2003, the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal quashed the Administrative Court's judgment and dismissed the action. 25. On 30 May 2003 the applicants requested leave to appeal on points of law from the Federal Administrative Court. 26. On 3 September 2003 the Federal Administrative Court refused to grant the applicants leave to appeal on points of law. 27. On 27 October 2003 the applicants lodged a constitutional complaint, which the Federal Constitutional Court refused to admit on 3 May 2004, without giving any reasons. 28. On 10 May 2004 that decision was served on the applicants. (c) Official liability proceedings (7 O 58/98) 29. On 26 March 1998 the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal found that the ordinary courts had been competent to decide on the compensation and official liability claims and referred them to the Wiesbaden Regional Court for adjudication. 30. Those proceedings were subsequently conducted by the Wiesbaden Regional Court under file number 7 O 58/98. 31. On 15 June 1998 the Regional Court requested the first applicant to pay the advance on the court fees which he did on 29 December 1999. 32. Between March 2000 and October 2000 the first applicant requested on several occasions extensions of the time-limits allowed for his submissions. 33. On 6 August 2001 the first applicant requested the court to stay the proceedings. 34. On 2 November 2002 he requested that a hearing scheduled by the Regional Court be postponed. 35. On 21 November 2002 the Regional Court stayed the proceedings at the first applicant's request until the termination of the administrative proceedings no. 4 E 299/91 before the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal. 36. On 10 October 2003 the Regional Court scheduled a hearing on 12 January 2004. On a request by the first applicant on 22 December 2003 the Regional Court postponed the hearing to 16 February 2004. As nobody appeared at the hearing on behalf of the applicant, the Regional Court issued a default judgment. Following an objection by the applicant the proceedings were continued. On 14 June 2004 a hearing was held during which the first applicant again requested that the proceedings be stayed on grounds of other pending administrative proceedings. 37. On 9 August 2004 the Regional Court rejected that request and scheduled a hearing on 22 November 2004. 38. On 11 April 2005 the Regional Court informed the applicants that the first applicant's numerous statements of claim (Klageanträge) had not been substantiated, as he had neither indicated the concrete reason nor the concrete object of his claims within the meaning of Article 253 § 2 no. 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure (see “Relevant domestic law” below). Accordingly, the court ordered him to formulate his statements in accordance with these formal requirements. Otherwise the court would declare them inadmissible. 39. On 23 December 2005 the first applicant submitted his statements of claim. 40. On 16 January 2006 the Regional Court held an oral hearing during which it ordered a purely written procedure after the parties had given their consent to it. The court ordered the parties to make their final submissions by 27 February 2006 and scheduled a hearing to pronounce its decision on 27 March 2006. The second applicant joined the proceedings as an interested third party. 41. On 24 March 2006 the Regional Court postponed the hearing for the pronouncement of its decision to 13 April 2006 on account of the complexity of the case. 42. On 15 May 2006 the Regional Court requested the parties to give their consent to the written procedure, as their initial consent given on 16 January 2006 had only been valid for three months (until 16 April 2006) according to section 128 § 2 sentence 3 of the German Code of Civil Procedure (see “Relevant domestic law” below). 43. On 26 July 2006 the Regional Court scheduled a hearing on 2 October 2006. 44. On 27 September 2006 the Regional Court postponed the hearing to 24 November 2006 as the applicants had not acknowledged receipt of their summons. 45. During the hearing of 24 November 2006 the defendant argued that the applicants had failed to substantiate their claims and requested to be allowed to make submissions in reply to the applicants' further submissions of 17, 23 and 24 November 2006. Therefore the court postponed the hearing to 19 January 2007 and fixed a time-limit for the defendant's submissions on 15 December 2006. 46. During the hearing held on 19 January 2007 the parties again discussed the question whether the applicant's claims had been sufficiently substantiated and the court informed the applicants that it was for them to substantiate and to prove the amount of the damages claimed. The court granted both parties the opportunity to make further submissions by 9 February 2007 and scheduled the date for the pronouncement of its judgment on 2 March 2007. Prior to the hearing the applicants made six further submissions. Therefore, the Regional Court postponed the hearing to 18 April 2007. 47. On 18 April 2007 the court again requested the parties to give their consent to the written procedure as the court was not able to decide the case within three months. 48. On 8 August 2007 the court requested the parties again to give their consent to the written procedure. As the applicants failed to respond, the court scheduled a hearing for 26 October 2007. However, on 25 October 2007 the applicants gave their consent and the court cancelled the hearing. 49. On 31 October 2007 the Regional Court authorised both parties to make further written submissions by 14 December 2007 and scheduled a hearing for the pronouncement of a decision for 18 January 2008. 50. On 18 January 2008 the court postponed the hearing to 22 February 2008 “for service-related reasons” (aus dienstlichen Gründen). 51. On 20 February 2008 the Regional Court again requested the parties to give their consent to the written procedure, as it had overlooked that their consent of 25 October 2007 had only been valid until 25 January 2008, by which date the court would have had to pronounce its decision. Due to this procedural mistake the court cancelled the hearing scheduled on 22 February 2008 and requested the parties again to give their consent to the written procedure. After the court's further request of 31 March 2008 the applicants gave their consent on 14 April 2008. 52. On 21 April 2008 the Regional Court ordered the written procedure, granted the parties the opportunity to make submissions by 23 May 2008 and scheduled a hearing for the pronouncement of a decision on 11 July 2008. 53. On 11 July 2008 the Regional Court again informed the applicants (Hinweisbeschluss) that their statements of claim, which they had newly formulated and extended on several occasions, still failed to meet the formal requirements. It referred to its order of 11 April 2005 and concretised it by urging the applicants, inter alia, to substantiate their allegation that it was impossible for them to indicate the amount of damage caused by the alleged noise emissions. 54. That decision did not leave the Regional Court until 8 October 2008, when the court's registry provided the official copy of this decision with the court seal (Ausfertigungsvermerk). 55. On 13 March and 5 and 7 May 2009 the applicants made further submissions. 56. On 8 May 2009 the Regional Court held an oral hearing and scheduled a further hearing for the pronouncement of a judgment for 26 June 2009. 57. On 25 June and 24 July 2009 the Regional Court again postponed the hearing for the pronouncement of a judgment to 14 August 2009 on account of the complexity and difficulty of the case. 58. On 11 August 2009 the Regional Court again postponed the hearing and granted the defendant a further time-limit to make submissions by 28 August 2009. 59. These proceedings are still pending. 3. Proceedings relating to various traffic regulations (a) Preliminary road closures (nos. 7 E 436/93(1) and 7 E 1208/99) i. Proceedings until severance 60. On 13 January 1992 the Wiesbaden local authorities ordered the preliminary closure of two streets, Friedrichstraße (order no. 4/92) and Luisenstraße (order no. 5/92). 61. On 20 February 1992 the first applicant lodged administrative appeals against both orders, and on 5 April 1993 he repeated his appeals. 62. On 28 May 1993 the first applicant lodged an action for failure to act with the Wiesbaden Administrative Court as the local authorities had not yet decided upon his administrative appeals of 20 February 1992 and 5 April 1993. 63. On 2 June 1993 the Administrative Court requested the authorities to submit their files. On 22 November 1993 it repeated its request. 64. On 6 January 1994 the defendant announced that they would submit their observations by the end of January 1994. On 11 February 1994 the court reminded the defendants to make their submissions. 65. On 22 February 1995 the Administrative Court inquired of the first applicant whether, in the light of the termination of a set of parallel pending proceedings for interim legal protection concerning the same legal issue, he wished to declare the proceedings disposed of. As the applicant failed to respond, the Administrative Court noted on 24 January 1997 that the proceedings were deemed to have been disposed of as the applicant had not pursued the proceedings for a period of more than six months. 66. On 8 April 1999 the first applicant declared that the proceedings had not entirely been disposed of. 67. On 2 September 1999 the Wiesbaden Administrative Court severed the proceedings concerning the preliminary closure of Luisenstraße and pursued them under file number 7 E 1208/99. ii. Proceedings no. 7 E 436/93(1) 68. On 24 January 2000 the Administrative Court assigned the proceedings relating to the closure of Friedrichstraße (file no. 7 E 436/93(1)) to a single judge. 69. On 28 January 2000 the second applicant was summoned to the proceedings as a third party. 70. On 23 February 2000 the applicants sought withdrawal of the judges of the Administrative Court sitting in their case for bias. On 20 April 2000 the applicants also sought withdrawal of the judge who was to decide on their bias challenge; the latter was rejected on 2 June 2000. 71. On 4 September 2000 the applicants were informed that the composition of the court had changed following an amendment to the courts' rules of procedure (Geschäftsordnung). 72. On 15 September 2000 the applicants also sought withdrawal of the new judges sitting in their case for bias. On 10 October 2000 the applicants requested an extension of the time-limit for submissions concerning the comments given by the challenged judges on their alleged bias (dienstliche Stellungnahme). On 8 November 2000 the applicants made their announced submissions. 73. On 5 and 14 February 2002 the challenged judges again commented on their alleged bias. 74. Between 28 March 2002 and 23 January 2003 the applicants repeatedly requested extensions of the time-limits allowed for making further submissions on their request for bias, which were all granted until 17 February 2003, when the applicants submitted their further reasons. 75. On 25 February 2003 the Administrative Court rejected the applicants' bias challenge of 15 September 2000 as an abuse of process. 76. The applicants' subsequent challenges for bias of 9 and 16 April 2003 were also rejected on 14 and 22 April 2003 for abuse of process. 77. By a judgment of 23 April 2003 the Administrative Court declared the action inadmissible. iii. Proceedings no. 7 E 1208/99 78. On 31 January 2000 the second applicant was summoned to the proceedings as a third party. 79. On 7 February 2002 the Administrative Court noted that the court files had been dispatched to several other chambers of the Administrative Court for consultation in connection with procedures related to objections on the grounds of bias lodged by the applicants in other proceedings. 80. On 12 December 2002 the rapporteur of the Administrative Court changed. 81. On 13 March 2003 the Administrative Court assigned the proceedings to a single judge. 82. On 9 and 16 April 2003 the applicants lodged two objections for bias, which were rejected on 14 and 22 April 2003. 83. By a judgment of 23 April 2003 the Administrative Court declared the action inadmissible. (b) Final road closures and installation of a parking meter (no. 7 E 320/99) 84. On 20 July 1994 the Wiesbaden local authorities ordered the final closure of parts of Luisenstrasse and of Friedrichstrasse to motor traffic. 85. On 12 September 1994 both applicants lodged an administrative appeal against that decision, arguing that the road closures resulted in increased traffic close to their property, which caused unbearable noise. 86. On 22 April 1998 the Wiesbaden local authorities ordered the installation of a parking meter (Parkautomat) in Luisenstrasse. 87. On 8 March 1999 the Darmstadt regional authorities dismissed an administrative appeal by the applicants against that decision by the local authorities. 88. On 12 April 1999 the applicants lodged an action with the Wiesbaden Administrative Court against the decisions of 22 April 1998 and 8 March 1999. Furthermore they lodged an action for failure to act because the local authorities had not yet decided upon their administrative appeal against the local authorities' decision of 20 July 1994. 89. On 4 February 2002 the Administrative Court noted that the court files had been dispatched to another chamber of the Administrative Court for consultation in respect of the proceedings no. 7 E 436/93. 90. On 25 February 2003 the parties were summoned to an oral hearing. 91. On 13 March 2003 the Administrative Court assigned the proceedings to a single judge. 92. On 10 and 16 April 2003 the applicants challenged the sitting judge for bias; these requests were dismissed on 14 and 22 April 2003. 93. On 23 April 2003 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicants' action. It found that the road closures had not resulted in a violation of the applicants' property rights. (c) Conversion of two streets into a pedestrian zone (no. 7 E 710/98) 94. On 7 September 1994 the Wiesbaden local authorities converted parts of Luisenstrasse and Friedrichsstrasse into a pedestrian area (Teileinziehungsverfügungen). 95. On 12 September 1994 the first applicant lodged an administrative appeal against that decision. 96. On 13 June 1998 the first applicant lodged an action for failure to act as no decision had been taken on his administrative appeal of 12 September 1994. 97. On 7 June 1999 the second applicant was summoned to the proceedings as a third party. 98. On 4 February 2002 the rapporteur of the Administrative Court gave instructions that in the subsequent period the court file had been requested for consultation in other proceedings which the applicants were pursuing at the Administrative Court and in which decisions had to be taken regarding challenges for bias. 99. On 12 December 2002 the rapporteur of the Administrative Court changed. 100. On 25 February 2003 the parties were summoned to an oral hearing. On 13 March 2003 the Wiesbaden Administrative Court assigned the proceedings to a single judge. 101. On 9 and 16 April 2003 the applicants challenged the sitting judge for bias; these requests were dismissed on 14 and 22 April 2003. 102. On 23 April 2003 the Administrative Court dismissed the action. (d) Proceedings before the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal and before the Hessen Constitutional Court 103. On 4 June 2003 the applicants requested leave to appeal from the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal in respect of the proceedings nos. 7 E 436/93(1), 7 E 1208/99, 7 E 320/99, and 7 E 710/98. 104. On 30 January 2004 the Hessen Administrative Court of Appeal refused to grant the applicants leave to appeal in respect of the proceedings no. 7 E 710/98. 105. On 2 February 2004 it refused to grant them leave to appeal concerning the proceedings nos. 7 E 436/93(1), 7 E 1208/99, 7 E 320/99. 106. On 5 March 2004 the applicants lodged a constitutional complaint against the administrative courts' decisions rendered in the aforementioned proceedings with the Hessen Constitutional Court. Furthermore they accused Judge G. of that court of being biased, as he had acted as the judge in other proceedings involving the applicants at the Wiesbaden Administrative Court. 107. On 11 August 2004 the Hessen Constitutional Court dismissed their objections against Judge G. as being unfounded. 108. On 12 May 2005 the Hessen Constitutional Court refused to admit the applicants' constitutional complaint without giving any reasons. 109. On 23 May 2005 that decision was served on the applicants.
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{ "applicant": "Hans-Georg von Koester", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2010 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Hans-Georg von Koester
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 75204/01) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Theodor Klasen (“the applicant”), on 28 September 2001. The applicant was represented by Mr R. Battenstein, a lawyer practising in Düsseldorf. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialrätin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. On 27 October 2004 the Court decided to communicate the application. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time. The applicant died on 21 April 2005. On 11 May 2005 his lawyer informed the Registrar that his wife from a second marriage, Mrs Pauline Klasen, wished to continue with the case. By letter of 12 July 2005, the Government objected to her being allowed to do so. On 1 April 2006 this case was assigned to the newly composed Fifth Section (Rule 25 § 1 and Rule 52 § 1). THE FACTS THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, Mr Theodor Klasen, was born in 1933 and lived in Mülheim. He worked between 1964 and the beginning of 1974 with asbestos insulators for the T Company in Mülheim. During this period, the workers of this company who were exposed to asbestos dust while working had to clean their clothes themselves. This was done by the applicant's first wife Mrs Gisela Klasen. On 1 April 1974, after the applicant had stopped working for the T Company, an accident prevention regulation (Unfallverhütungsvorschrift) entered into force pursuant to which the company was put in charge of cleaning the working clothes. Having contracted a mesothelioma, an asbestosis related disease, Mrs Gisela Klasen applied on 6 March 1991 to the Düsseldorf Health Insurance Association for compensation payments, claiming that her illness was the consequence of the daily cleaning of her husband's work clothes. On 6 August 1991 the Health Insurance Association dismissed her request holding that her activity was not covered by the industrial health insurance, since she had acted on a strictly private basis and not as an employee. On 5 September 1991 Mrs Gisela Klasen filed an objection against this decision which was rejected on 13 December 1991 by the Appeals Board of the Health Insurance Association. In January 1992 Mrs Gisela Klasen commenced proceedings before the Duisburg Social Court. After her death on 13 September 1992, her husband Theodor Klasen, the applicant, continued the proceedings as legal successor of the deceased. The Social Court decided to await the decision in the precedent which was pending from April 1992 until February 1993 before the Social Court of Appeal and from March 1993 until December 1993 before the Federal Social Court. From March 1993 until October 1993 the proceedings were formally suspended. On 17 May 1994 the Duisburg Social Court dismissed the action on the ground that, pursuant to Section 539 §§ 1 and 2 of the Social Security Act (Reichsversicherungsordnung), Mrs Gisela Klasen was not insured against accidents at work. The court found that she had not been an employee herself, nor had she acted like an employee. She had cleaned her husband's clothes on ground of their living together, but not with a view to acting for her husband's employer. On 25 January 1995 the Social Court of Appeal rejected the applicant's appeal. On 19 March 1996 the Federal Social Court rejected his appeal on points of law. It considered in particular that Mrs Gisela Klasen's death was not the consequence of an occupational disease as the cleaning of her husband's work clothes mainly served the interests of the couple's household and not the employer's interests. On 20 June 1996 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint alleging that the social courts' interpretation of Section 539 of the Social Security Act was discriminatory. Invoking Article 6 of the Convention, the applicant further submitted that the proceedings had lasted too long. In December 1997 the Federal Constitutional Court invited the Federal Parliament, the Federal Council (Bundesrat), the Federal Government, the Federal Social Court, the Governing Association of the worker's Health Insurances (Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften) and the parties of the proceedings before the lower courts to submit their written observations on the constitutional complaint. The latest observations were submitted to the Federal Constitutional Court on 17 September 1998. On 13 March 2001 a panel of three judges of the Federal Constitutional Court refused to admit the complaint because it lacked reasonable prospects of success. The court held that the contested interpretation of Section 539 of the Social Security Act did not violate the applicant's constitutional rights and mainly argued that it was incumbent on the legislator to determine to which extent the industrial health insurance should cover third persons. It further pointed out that a constitutional complaint could not be based on an alleged violation of the European Convention on Human Rights. This decision was notified to the applicant's lawyer on 28 March 2001.
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{ "applicant": "Theodor Klasen", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 57, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2006 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Theodor Klasen
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 5056/10) against the Swiss Confederation lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Turkish national, Mr Emrah Emre (“the applicant”), on 11 January 2010. The applicant was represented by Mr C. Tafelmacher, a lawyer practising in Lausanne (Canton of Vaud). The Swiss Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Deputy Agent, Mr A. Scheidegger, of the European Law and International Human Rights Protection Unit, Federal Office of Justice. The applicant alleged that he was the victim of a violation of his right to respect for private and family life, as guaranteed by Article 8, on account of an order by the Federal Court, in a judgment of 6 July 2009, prohibiting him from re-entering Switzerland for a period of ten years. On 22 April 2010 the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided, under Article 29 § 1, that the Chamber would rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time. The President further decided, under Rule 41 of the Rules of Court, that the application would receive priority treatment. The Turkish Government did not avail themselves of their right to intervene in the proceedings (Article 36 § 1). On 1 February 2011 the Court’s Sections were reorganised. The application was assigned to the second Section (Rules 25 § 1 and 52 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1980 and currently lives in Stuttgart (Germany). He entered Switzerland with his parents on 21 September 1986. On 1 June 1990 he obtained a one-year residence permit, which was subsequently renewed on a regular basis. On 12 November 1997, 10 November 1999 and 13 August 2002 he received, respectively, a suspended prison sentence of two and a half months, a six-month suspended prison sentence and a sentence of five months’ imprisonment, for a number of offences committed between 1994 and 2000 (wounding, grievous bodily harm, assault, theft, robbery, damage to property, receiving stolen goods, proffering insults and threats, disturbance, a weapons offence and a serious breach of road traffic regulations). In a decision of 2 June 2003 the Aliens Department for the Canton of Neuchâtel ordered the applicant’s administrative removal for an indefinite duration. His appeals against that decision were dismissed, first on 12 December 2003 by the Administrative Court for the Canton of Neuchâtel (the “Administrative Court”), then on 3 May 2004 by the Federal Court. On 20 October 2004 the applicant was deported to Turkey. After returning to Switzerland illegally in May or June 2005, he was arrested and taken into custody on 1 July 2005 pursuant to arrest warrants issued on the basis of his criminal convictions. After various procedural developments and two further prison sentences, of three months and two months respectively, for the improper use of a communication facility and for the offence of returning to Switzerland while banished, he was apparently sent back to Turkey on 1 November 2005. In the meantime, on 20 November 2004, he had lodged an application with the Court submitting that his removal from Switzerland for an indefinite duration, as upheld by the Federal Court, entailed a violation of Articles 3 and 8 of the Convention. In a judgment of 22 May 2008, which became final on 22 August, the First Section of the Court unanimously declared admissible the complaint under Article 8 and found that there had been a violation of that provision. On that basis, it held that Switzerland had to pay the applicant the sums of 3,000 euros (EUR) for non-pecuniary damage and EUR 4,650 for the costs and expenses he had incurred “in the domestic proceedings and before the Court”. The relevant passages of that judgment read as follows: “- Nature and seriousness of the offences committed by the applicant The Court notes, at the outset, that the relevant date for an assessment of the above-mentioned criteria is, in the present case, 21 May 2004, the date on which the applicant was notified of the final judgment of the Federal Court confirming the withdrawal of his residence permit (see, mutatis mutandis, Yildiz v. Austria, no. 37295/97, § 34, 31 October 2002). As regards, first, the ‘seriousness’ of the offences committed by the applicant, the Court notes that in 1997 and 1999 he was given a suspended prison sentence of two and a half months, and then a six-month prison sentence, for proffering threats and insults, a serious breach of road traffic regulations, wounding, assault, theft, receiving stolen goods, robbery, damage to property and other property-related offences. In 2002 he was given a further prison sentence of five months, to be followed by deportation and a five-year ban on re-entering Switzerland, for disturbance and a weapons offence committed in 2000. Lastly, in 2005 he was sentenced again on two occasions, to two and three months respectively. The total duration of his prison sentences (eighteen and a half months in all) is thus far from negligible. The Court also notes that the criminal activities in question were spread over a wide period (from 1994 to 2004) (contrast Moustaquim, cited above, § 44) and that the two suspended sentences of 12 November 1997 and 10 November 1999 were activated in view of the further offences committed by the applicant. At the same time, the Court observes that some of the conduct attributed to the applicant dated back to his adolescence and some to a relatively young age (see, to the same effect, Moustaquim, cited above, § 44; Yildiz, cited above, § 45; and Yilmaz v. Germany, no. 52853/99, § 46, 17 April 2003). Moreover, the sentences of 12 November 1997 and 10 November 1999 were handed down by the Guardianship Authority for the District of Neuchâtel. Therefore, at least some of the offences in question were committed by the applicant in a juvenile delinquency context. In this connection, the Court notes that according to the United Nations, experience has shown that juvenile delinquency tends to disappear spontaneously in most individuals with their transition to adulthood (see sub-paragraph I, 5 (e) of the United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (The Riyadh Guidelines), adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly in its Resolution 45/112 of 14 December 1990). As regards the ‘nature’ of the offences committed by the applicant, it is undeniable that the convictions for wounding weigh heavily against him. Concerning the weapons offence, however, it appears to have been constituted merely by the possession of a tear-gas canister. In addition, it has not been established that it was the applicant who stabbed a security guard with a knife during the attack on the discotheque on 5 March 2000 (Federal Court judgment, point 3.1; see paragraph 18 above). As to the road traffic offences, whilst they may well constitute a potential danger they should nevertheless be seen in the light of the relatively lenient penalties normally imposed in such matters (see, to this effect, Keles, cited above, § 59, and Yildiz, cited above, § 45). Therefore, in the light of comparable cases, the applicant’s convictions should be assessed for what they really are, both in terms of their seriousness and of the penalties ultimately imposed (contrast Mokrani, cited above, § 32; Benhebba, cited above, § 34; C. v. Belgium, 7 August 1996, § 35, Reports 1996‑III; Dalia, cited above, § 54; Baghli, cited above, § 48 in fine; and Jankov v. Germany (dec.), no. 35112/97, 13 January 2000; Bouchelkia, cited above, §§ 50-53; Boujlifa, cited above, § 44; and Üner, cited above, § 18). Length of the applicant’s residence in Switzerland As regards the length of the applicant’s residence in the country from which he is to be deported, the Court notes that the applicant, who was born on 18 December 1980, arrived in Switzerland on 21 September 1986, before the age of six. At the time of the Federal Court’s judgment of 3 May 2004 he was twenty-three and a half. He had thus spent more than seventeen and a half years in Switzerland. Time between the commission of the offences and the impugned measure, and the applicant’s conduct during that period As regards the time that elapsed between the commission of the offences and the time when the impugned measure became final, and the applicant’s conduct during that period, the Court notes that his criminal activities were spread over a considerable period. Similarly, the domestic courts noted that he had not shown any awareness of his criminal activities and that he had refused to follow his psychotherapy (see, in this connection, Keles, cited above, § 60). Strength of social, cultural and family ties with host country and destination country As regards the applicant’s particular ties with his host country, the Federal Court noted that he had spent most of his life in Switzerland, including all his school years, and that his parents and brothers, one of whom had Swiss nationality, lived in the country. Whilst there is some debate between parties as to his professional integration in Switzerland (see above, paragraphs 44 and 58), the Court does not feel obliged to settle this question. In comparison with the above factors, showing that the applicant is integrated to a certain extent in Switzerland, despite his criminal activity, his social, cultural and family ties with Turkey seem very tenuous. It can be seen from the case file that the applicant only stayed in that country for a month and a half in June and July 2002, and that only his grandmother is still living there. The Court is not convinced that his brief stay in Turkey after his first removal, a measure complained of in the present application, may be taken into consideration. Moreover, there is no certainty that the applicant is sufficiently fluent in Turkish. Even though relationships between parents and adult children would not attract the protection of Article 8 without ‘evidence of further elements of dependency, involving more than the normal, emotional ties’ (see, mutatis mutandis, Kwakye-Nti and Dufie v. the Netherlands (dec.), no. 31519/96, 7 November 2000), the Court also notes that the Federal Court itself admitted that his family ties with Turkey were far less significant than those he had made with his host country. Moreover, that court did not call into question the fact that the applicant would ‘face major difficulties if returned to Turkey’. Specificities of the case: the medical aspect The Court notes that a report of the Neuchâtel psychiatric and social centre dated 14 January 2003 indicated that the applicant showed signs of ‘an emotionally labile personality disorder, with impulsive and borderline elements, together with a phobic anxiety disorder’ vis-à-vis the prospect of his deportation (Federal Court judgment, point 3.4.2; see above, paragraph 18). A letter from the family doctor dated 21 January 2003 moreover confirmed that the applicant had been brought up in a violent environment with little stimulation, and explained that deportation would distance him from the reassuring and structuring elements that he had built up in recent years (ibid.). The views of the parties to the proceedings differ on this point. The applicant argued that his illness, having involved suicide attempts, could not be adequately treated in Turkey (see paragraph 42 above). The Government, for their part, claimed the contrary, considering that his family would still be able to support him financially from Switzerland. Moreover, they emphasised that the applicant had largely refused to undergo the psychiatric treatment prescribed for him (see paragraph 57 above). The Court does not rule out the possibility that the applicant’s health problems could be treated adequately in Turkey. Neither does it disregard the fact that the applicant neglected the prescribed treatment, at least at the outset. At the same time, it finds that his disorders, which the Government have certainly not called into question, whilst they are not sufficient in themselves to form the basis of a separate complaint under Article 8, nevertheless constitute an additional aspect that would render even more difficult the applicant’s return to his country of origin, where his social network would be lacking. The permanent nature of the expulsion In order to assess the proportionality of the impugned measure, the Court must also consider whether the exclusion from Swiss territory was a temporary or permanent measure. It notes that in the present case the Police Court and the Criminal Court of Cassation of the Canton of Neuchâtel ordered the applicant’s deportation for a period of seven years (see paragraph 11 above). However, his administrative removal was ordered by the Aliens Department for the Canton of Neuchâtel for an indefinite duration (see paragraph 15 above). The Court observes that the applicant’s application is directed against his administrative removal, the duration of which it finds particularly harsh (see, as an example of cases in which the permanent nature of the exclusion order was considered by the Court in concluding that the measure had been disproportionate, Ezzouhdi v. France, no. 47160/99, § 34, 13 February 2001; Keles, cited above, § 65; Yilmaz, cited above, § 48, and Radovanovic v. Austria, no. 42703/98, § 37, 22 April 2004; and by contrast, for cases where the limited duration of the impugned measure contributed to a conclusion that it was proportionate, see Benhebba, cited above, § 37; Jankov, cited above, and Üner, cited above, § 65). As to the possibility for the applicant to request that the exclusion order be suspended temporarily or permanently rescinded, the Court finds that this possibility remains purely speculative at present. In view of the foregoing, and particularly in consideration of the relative seriousness of the applicant’s convictions, the weakness of his links with his country of origin and the permanent nature of the removal measure, the Court finds that the respondent State cannot be regarded as having struck a fair balance between the interests of the applicant and his family, on the one hand, and its own interest in controlling immigration, on the other. Accordingly, there has been a violation of Article 8.” When asked what action it would take in response to the Court’s judgment, the Immigration Authority of the Canton of Neuchâtel (the “Cantonal Authority”), in a decision of 19 June 2008, refused to consider a request for leave to enter Switzerland on the ground that the matter had been dealt with on 3 May 2004 by a final judgment of the Federal Court. The Authority suggested that the applicant lodge a request for revision with that court. In pleadings dated 19 November 2008, the applicant lodged a request for revision with the Federal Court, requesting it to annul its judgment of 3 May 2004 and the judgment previously delivered in the same case by the Administrative Court of the Canton of Neuchâtel on 12 December 2003. The Federal Office of Migration submitted that the request for revision should be rejected. In a judgment of 6 July 2009 the Federal Court upheld the request for revision and annulled its judgment of 3 May 2004. At the same time it quashed the 12 December 2003 judgment of the Administrative Court of the Canton of Neuchâtel, limiting the duration of the applicant’s exclusion to ten years from 2 June 2003. The reasoning of the judgment reads as follows: “... 3.2 In its judgment of 22 May 2008 the European Court observed that, in deporting Emrah Emre from its territory for an indefinite duration, Switzerland had breached his right to private and family life, as guaranteed by Article 8 ECHR. On that basis it awarded him EUR 3,000 in compensation for non-pecuniary damage under Article 41 ECHR. That provision gives the European Court the power to grant ‘just satisfaction’ to the injured party where the internal law of the State in question ‘allows only partial reparation to be made’ for the violation found. The payment of such compensation does not, however, necessarily release the State concerned from its obligation under Article 46 ECHR to comply with the judgments of the European Court. The respondent State, having been found responsible for a violation of the Convention or its Protocols, is thus obliged not only to pay those concerned the sums awarded by way of just satisfaction, but also to choose, subject to supervision by the Committee of Ministers, the general and/or, if appropriate, individual measures to be adopted in its domestic legal order to put an end to the violation found by the Court and to redress as far as possible the effects, the aim being to put the applicant, as far as possible, in the position he would have been in had the requirements of the Convention not been disregarded (see, among other references, the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Verein gegen Tierfabriken Schweiz (VgT) v. Switzerland, no. 32772/02, §§ 46 and 47, 4 October 2007, and the numerous authorities cited therein). This is the principle of restitutio in integrum, which has the practical effect of limiting the freedom of States in the choice of means by which to remedy a violation of the Convention ... 4.1 Where, as in the present case, the Federal Court upholds a request for revision, it gives two separate decisions in succession, even though it generally does so in a single judgment. In the first, referred to as the rescindant, it annuls the judgment of which revision is sought; in the second, known as the rescisoire, it rules afresh on the application previously referred to it. The annulment decision puts an end to the revision procedure as such and leads to the re-opening of the previous proceedings. This has an ex tunc effect, such that the Federal Court and the parties are put back in the situation in which they found themselves at the time the annulled judgment was delivered, and the case will have to be adjudicated as if that judgment had never existed (see the above-cited judgment 1F_1/2007 of 30 July 2007, point 3.3). 4.2 In its judgment, the European Court found that, in view of the circumstances, and particularly of the applicant’s relatively serious convictions, the weakness of his links with his country of origin, and the permanent nature of the removal measure, Switzerland had failed to strike a fair balance between the interests (private and public) at stake (judgment cited above, para. 86). It specifically emphasised that the indefinite duration of the exclusion had been ‘particularly harsh’, taking the view that the possibility for the applicant to have the exclusion order suspended temporarily or permanently rescinded remained purely speculative at present (judgment, para. 85). In other words, it was not particularly opposed to the principle of the impugned measure but rather to its permanent nature. Generally speaking, in its most recent judgments, the European Court seems, moreover, to accord increasingly decisive weight to the latter criterion, refusing, with rare exceptions, to endorse permanent exclusions from a country, unlike bans of limited duration ... That being said, in the light of the circumstances prevailing at the material time, namely when the annulled judgment was delivered (on 3 May 2004), an immediate revocation of the removal measure was not a matter for consideration. Admittedly, the applicant’s links with Turkey were at that time weaker than those he enjoyed with Switzerland, such that a return to his country of origin appeared to be a relatively harsh measure for him. That obstacle had in fact been taken into consideration and discussed in the first judgment. However, the Federal Court had also observed, without being contradicted by the European Court on this point, that the applicant’s presence in Switzerland represented a particularly serious danger for public order and security, because his conduct and offences showed that his ‘mindset was hardly capable of resolving conflicts and frustrations otherwise than by violence, ready to impose his own rules, by himself or with the help of partners, without consideration for property or for the physical well-being of others, and openly contemptuous of the judicial authority’ (judgment cited above of 3 May 2004, point 3.2). Moreover, the Federal Court also emphasised, and there is nothing in the European Court’s judgment that would justify departing from this assessment, that the applicant had no awareness of the seriousness of his actions and that he thus presented a high risk of reoffending: he had committed further offences after his first convictions and had refused to follow psychiatric treatment during his detention (see the above-cited judgment of the Federal Court of 3 May 2004, point 3.3 in initio). In those circumstances, it was not possible for the applicant’s private interest in remaining in Switzerland, bearing in mind that he was an adult, was single and had no children, to prevail over the public interest in his expulsion, at least for a certain period of time. In other words, the only appropriate solution in order to alleviate the effects of the impugned measure against the deportee and comply with the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights would consist in limiting the duration of the exclusion. 4.3 Consequently, it is justified to limit the removal measure ordered against the applicant to a period of ten years with effect from the removal decision of 2 June 2003. After such time he will be able to lodge an application for leave to remain, which will be examined by the competent authority in the light of the applicable law and the circumstances then prevailing (the applicant’s family and personal situation; his conduct since his expulsion; etc.). It follows from the foregoing that the request for revision must be upheld and the Federal Court’s judgment of 3 May 2004 annulled. Moreover, the judgment delivered on 12 December 2003 by the Administrative Court must be set aside, and the measure of removal banning the applicant from Switzerland for an indefinite duration is to be replaced by removal with a ban of ten years from 2 June 2003. ...” On 11 September 2009 the applicant married a German national. As a result of that marriage he has obtained a German residence permit. On 19 April 2010 he lodged with the Administrative Court for the Canton of Neuchâtel an application for reconsideration of a decision of 27 December 2005 of the Immigration Authority, which had refused the suspension of his removal, relying in particular on his new situation, namely his marriage to a German citizen. In a judgment of 20 August 2010, the court rejected the request and referred the matter back to the Immigration Authority. The applicant transmitted additional documents to the Immigration Authority on 30 August 2010 and 24 November 2010. The response to his request for the revocation of the removal measure so that he could settle in Switzerland was negative. In a letter of 7 December 2010, the Immigration Authority for the Canton of Neuchâtel took the view that it could not rule on a request for reconsideration, in particular for the following reasons: “... Although the marriage solemnised on 11 September 2009 in Germany to a German national, together with the issuance of a German residence permit following that marriage, constitute new facts, we note that they do not by themselves constitute pertinent justification for the Immigration Authority to act upon the request for reconsideration. The nationality of the wife, by itself, does not have the effect of requiring the annulment of the removal or the granting of leave to remain in Switzerland. The wife would have to submit a request for leave to remain in Switzerland, to be in one of the situations covered by the Free Movement of Persons Agreement (ALCP), and to fulfil the conditions thereof, without being excluded by any public order or security grounds. The right to family reunification is always predicated on the existence of original leave to remain granted to an EC/EFTA national under the provisions of the ALCP. The right of abode conferred on family members is a correlative right of which the validity is in principle subject to the duration of the original leave to remain. ...” According to the applicant, there was no possibility of challenging or complaining about the content of that letter.
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{ "applicant": "Emrah Emre", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 55, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "CHE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Emrah Emre
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 40426/98) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a United Kingdom national, Mr Alan Martin (“the applicant”), on 10 March 1998. The applicant was represented by Mr G. Blades, a solicitor practising in Lincoln. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agents, Mr C. Whomersley and subsequently Mr J. Grainger, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The applicant complained under Articles 3 and 6 § 1 about his trial by court-martial. The application was submitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of the Court). Within the Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 29 February 2000, a Chamber of the Section decided to communicate the case to the Government and the parties each filed observations on the admissibility and the merits of the complaints. By letters to the parties of 12 April 2002, the Section Registrar requested the parties to submit additional comments in light of the Court’s judgment in Morris v. the United Kingdom, no. 38784/97, ECHR 2002‑I. On 17 December 2002, the Chamber elected to re-communicate the application to the Government under Rule 54 § 2 (b) Rules of Court and adjourned the case pending the judgment of the Grand Chamber in Grieves v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 57067/00, ECHR 2003‑XII. The Chamber also decided that under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention and Rule 54A, it would examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The facts of the case, as submitted by the parties, may be summarised as follows. The applicant was born in 1976 and, at the time of the introduction of his application, was serving a sentence of life imprisonment in England. In February 1994 the applicant was living with his family in Germany, where his father was an Army Corporal serving in the Support Unit of the Rhine Garrison. On 8 February 1994 the applicant was charged with the murder of a young civilian woman who had been working in the Support Unit and whose body had been found in woods near to the army base. As a family member residing with a member of the Armed Forces, the applicant was subject to military law (see paragraph 25 below). The German authorities waived jurisdiction pursuant to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement 1951 (see paragraph 21 below). On 8 February 1994 the Commander of the Support Unit was appointed to act as the applicant’s Commanding Officer. The latter decided to refer the case to the Higher Authority with a view to the applicant being tried by general court-martial. The Higher Authority submitted the case for trial by general court-martial, and the court-martial was convened by the Commanding Officer (henceforth, “the Convening Officer”). The applicant obtained military legal aid on 10 February 1994. In the meantime, the applicant’s father was posted to England and returned there on 24 March 1994. Despite his father’s return, the applicant remained subject to military law as the proceedings had already commenced (see paragraph 26 below). The applicant returned to England in April 1994 where he was detained. His father was discharged from the army in November 1994. The applicant was returned to Germany in time for his court-martial which commenced on 21 April 1995. The court-martial board was composed of a President, who was not a permanent president, and six ordinary members. Four of the members were senior officers, all of whom were subordinate in rank to the Convening Officer and the President and one of whom was within the Convening Officer’s chain of command. Two members were civilian civil servants, who came from the United Kingdom solely for the purpose of the trial, and were placed under the Convening Officer’s command while in Germany, although they were not in his reporting chain. The applicant’s representative submitted, inter alia, that the trial of a young civilian by court-martial was inherently unfair and oppressive and thus an abuse of process. The atmosphere in a military court would be very different from that of a civilian court and the applicant would not do himself justice. In particular, it was unfair and oppressive that he should be returned to stand trial in Germany after he had spent many months in detention in England and after his father had ceased to be subject to military law. Lastly, if tried by jury, a majority of 10 to 2 votes would be necessary to convict him, whereas a simple majority vote would suffice in a trial by court-martial. These submissions were considered by the Vice-Judge Advocate General and were rejected, as was an application for an adjournment to allow proceedings for judicial review to commence. The trial ended with the applicant’s conviction on 3 May 1995. In accordance with the provisions of the Army Act 1995, the verdict of the court-martial was confirmed by a Confirming Officer (see paragraph 28 below). The applicant appealed to the Courts-Martial Appeal Court, which had the power to quash the conviction if it considered it unsafe. The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Bingham of Cornhill, giving judgment on 30 July 1996, held, dismissing the appeal: “... We have some considerable sympathy with the appellant’s complaint. With the benefit of hindsight, it seems plain that the trial could have been conducted in England without undue difficulty. It would in our view have been preferable if this young appellant, whose subjection to military law was purely vicarious and involuntary, had been tried here with all the procedural safeguards which procedure in the ordinary criminal courts affords. We cannot, however, stigmatise these proceedings as abusive. They were strictly in accordance with a procedure prescribed by Parliament to apply in such cases. There was not, as is accepted, any attempt to over reach or oppress or prejudice the appellant. He had all the safeguards which a defendant in any court-martial is entitled to enjoy. Steps were taken to ensure that all members of the tribunal save one were not under the command of the convening officer, and also to ensure that the convening officer and the confirming officer were not the same person. Had the appellant been held in Germany to await trial, as he could have been, his claim to trial in England would have appeared weaker. Whether or not it proved necessary in the event to adduce the oral evidence of German factual witnesses, the greater availability of such witnesses as a trial in Germany was a legitimate reason for favouring trial there. We are satisfied that these proceedings were not an abuse of process.” The appeal court certified a question of law for the House of Lords as to whether proceedings conducted in accordance with the 1955 Act could be considered abusive. On 9 July 1997 the House of Lords granted leave to appeal. Having heard the applicant’s legal representatives, on 16 December 1997 the House of Lords unanimously dismissed the appeal. Lords Slynn of Hadley and Hope of Craighead expressed the view that at first sight the decision to prosecute the applicant—a civilian aged only 17 at the time of the murder—by court-martial had been inappropriate. However, as Lord Hope explained: “It is not difficult to understand the utility of [section 209 of the Army Act 1955: see paragraph 24 below], in view of the greatly increased opportunities which were by then available for families and other civilian personnel to accompany the forces when serving overseas. Had the law not been changed in this respect, civilians and followers would have had to have been brought to trial in the local civil courts in the language and according to the procedures in use in those courts and, if sentenced to imprisonment, to serve the sentence in a local prison. ... Fundamental to the appellant’s argument in the present case is the proposition that the purpose of [the extension of jurisdiction in section 9 of the 1861 Act: see paragraph 29 below] was to extend to murders committed abroad the right of every person in this country who is accused of murder to have his or her guilt declared by means of a jury trial. ... It seems to me that another, and more likely, explanation is that the legislation was enacted to ensure that the grave offences with which it deals should not go unpunished when committed abroad by a British citizen. ... In view of what I have said above I do not believe that the proceedings by way of court-martial in this case can be said in themselves to have been an abuse of process. ... The question to which I now turn is whether there is any basis in the information which is available to us for describing any of the decisions taken by those in authority at the various stages in this case as so unfair and wrong as to show that the conviction in this case was unsafe. ...” Lord Hope went on to examine the factors which would have had to have been taken into account when considering whether to prosecute the applicant by court-martial in Germany or by jury trial in England: “The timing of any consideration of the matter by the Director of Public Prosecutions would, in my view, have been of critical importance to a decision as to whether there was any unfairness in this case which might be said to render the conviction unsafe. It cannot be assumed that the Director would have been willing to take proceedings in England without knowing more about the factors which he would have wished to take into account. One obvious factor, I would have thought, was the availability of witnesses. In his letter of 14 June 1994 to the Attorney General the Director of Army Legal Services had stated that many of the witnesses were German and that they could not be forced to attend a trial in England. Further details were provided at the request of the Attorney General in a letter by the Director of Army Legal Services dated 25 November 1994. In this letter it is stated that there were 13 German witnesses who could be divided into three categories—those who saw the appellant in the woods near the scene of the murder, those concerned with the finding of the body and police and forensic experts. The defence had not yet indicated what evidence would be agreed. The Director thought that, while some of their evidence might be agreed, it was unlikely that this would include the police and forensic experts. He believed that they were the witnesses who would be most unlikely to cause difficulties if asked to travel to England to give evidence. He added that one of the forensic scientists who was responsible for examining secretions and bloodstains—a matter which was of crucial importance in this case as there were no eyewitnesses—was being difficult to deal with and would only attend meetings if they were arranged through the German public prosecutor in the nearest large town. He explained that these witnesses were German because the police investigation was commenced by the German civil police as it was initially assumed that a German civilian had committed the crime. ... I have not forgotten that Lord Bingham of Cornhill CJ [see paragraph 18 above] said in his judgment that it was clear, with the benefit of hindsight, that the trial could have been conducted in England without due difficulty. But the Director of Public Prosecutions would have had to have taken his decision well before the trial, in view of the arrangements which would have had to have been made for the appellant to be transferred into the hands of the civil authorities in England and for the attendance of the witnesses. In the event, as the respondent has recorded in his written case, no agreement was reached, despite several written requests and reminders, about any of the evidence until the commencement of the trial when the evidence of the witnesses was agreed piecemeal during the opening days. This account of what happened strongly suggests that at the stage when the Director of Public Prosecutions would have had to have taken his decision he would have had to assume that the important evidence of the German witnesses would not be agreed before the trial and that the attendance of the German witnesses would be necessary. ... Conclusion ... The proceedings were conducted within the rules laid down by Parliament. There is no sound basis for thinking that, at the time when a decision about this would have had to have been taken, a prosecution in the English courts within a reasonable time would have been seen to be practicable. The alternatives lay between taking proceedings by way of court-martial in Germany, leaving the matter in the hands of the German public prosecutor or taking no proceedings at all. ...” II. RELEVANT NON-CONVENTION LAW AND PRACTICE A. The NATO Status of Forces Agreement 1951 The 1951 agreement, as supplemented by the Supplementary Agreement of 1959 (subsequently amended in 1971, 1981 and 1993) provides in Article VII(1): “1. Subject to the provisions of this Article, the military authorities of the sending State shall have the right to exercise within the receiving State all criminal and disciplinary jurisdiction conferred on them by the law of the sending State over all persons subject to the military law of that State; the authorities of the receiving State shall have jurisdiction over the members of a force or civilian component and their dependents with respect to offences committed within the territory of the receiving State and punishable by the law of that State. Article VII(3)(a) provides: “3. In cases where the right to exercise jurisdiction is concurrent, the following rules shall apply: (a) The military authorities of the sending State shall have the primary right to exercise jurisdiction over a member of a force or a civilian component in relation to (i) offences solely against property or security of that State, or offences solely against the person or property of another member of the force or civilian component of that state or of a dependent; (ii) offences arising out of an act or omission done in the performance of official duty.” B. The Army Act 1955 Section 70 of the 1955 Act provides: “(1) Any person subject to military law who commits a civil offence, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, shall be guilty of an offence against this section. ... A person shall not be charged with an offence against this section committed in the United Kingdom if the corresponding civil offence is ... murder.” Section 209(2) of the Act states: “Subject to the modifications hereinafter specified, Part II of this Act shall at all times apply to a person of any description specified in the Fifth Schedule to this Act who is within the limits of the command of any officer commanding a body of the regular forces outside the United Kingdom, and is not subject to military law ... apart from this section ... as the said Part II applies to persons subject to military law ...” The Act identifies in its Fifth Schedule the civilians outside the United Kingdom who are subject to Part II of the Act when not on active service. They include, at paragraph 5: “Persons forming part of the family of members of any of Her Majesty’s Naval, Military, or Air Forces and residing with them or about to reside or departing after residing with them.” The trial of those who have ceased to be subject to military law is expressly provided for by section 131 of the Act: “Subject to the provisions of the next following section, where an offence under this Act triable by Court-Martial has been committed ... by any person while subject to military law, then in relation to that offence he shall be treated, for the purposes of the provisions of the Act relating to ... trial and punishment by Court-Martial ... as continuing subject to military law and notwithstanding his ceasing at any time to be subject thereto.” Since the Armed Forces Act 1976, where a civilian defendant is to be tried, civilian Crown servants can be detailed as members of the court-martial. In practice, most criminal offences allegedly committed by a civilian dependent would be tried by a Standing Civilian Court (similar to a Magistrates’ Court), with trial by court-martial reserved for the most serious offences. The law and procedures which applied generally to the applicant’s court-martial were contained in the Army Act 1955, the Rules of Procedure (Army) 1972 and the Queen’s Regulations 1975 (for which, see Findlay v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 25 October 1997, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1997-I, §§ 32-51). From 1 April 1997 (after the conclusion of the applicant’s court-martial) the Armed Forces Act 1996 came into force which modified certain provisions of the Army Act 1955 (see, generally, Cooper v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 48843/99, § 104, ECHR 3003-XII; Grieves v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 57067/00, § 69, ECHR 2003-XII). C. The Offences against the Person Act 1861 The basic rule of the common law is that the jurisdiction of the criminal courts in the United Kingdom is confined to crimes committed within the territory of each court. An exception is provided by section 9 of the 1861 Act, which gives jurisdiction to British courts in respect of alleged murders and manslaughters committed by British citizens anywhere in the world.
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Alan Martin
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and by the Government of the Swiss Confederation (“the Government“) on 13 and 28 July 1989 respectively, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). It originated in an application (no. 12794/87) against Switzerland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by Mrs Jutta Huber, a Swiss national, on 27 February 1987. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) of the Convention and to the declaration whereby Switzerland recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); the Government’s application referred to Articles 45, 47 and 48 (art. 45, art. 47, art. 48). The object of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3). In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that she wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyers who would represent her (Rule 30). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mrs D. Bindschedler-Robert, the elected judge of Swiss nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 23 August 1989, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other five members, namely Mr J. Cremona, Mr F. Gölcüklü, Sir Vincent Evans, Mr A. Spielmann and Mr J.A. Carrillo Salcedo (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). Subsequently Mr B. Walsh, substitute judge, replaced Mr Carrillo Salcedo, who had resigned before the hearing (Rule 2 para. 3). Mr Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5) and, through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant’s lawyers on the need for a written procedure (Rule 37 para. 1). In accordance with the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s memorial on 31 October 1989. The applicant, for her part, decided not to submit a memorial but, on 13 February 1990, lodged her claims for just satisfaction. On 18 January the Secretary to the Commission had informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing. Having consulted, through the Registrar, those who would be appearing before the Court, the President directed on 11 January 1990 that the oral proceedings should open on 28 March 1990 (Rule 38). On 1 March the Commission secretariat produced the documents relating to the proceedings before the Commission, as requested by the Registrar on the instructions of the President. The hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr O. Jacot-Guillarmod, Under-Secretary of the Federal Office of Justice, Head of the International Affairs Division, Agent, Mr R. Levi, a former federal judge, Mr B. Münger, Federal Office of Justice, Deputy Head of the International Affairs Division, Counsel; for the Commission Mr H. G. Schermers, Delegate; for the applicant Mr E. Schönenberger, Rechtsanwalt, Mr K. Mäder, Rechtsanwalt, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Jacot-Guillarmod and Mr Levi for the Government, by Mr Schermers for the Commission and by Mr Schönenberger and Mr Mäder for the applicant, as well as their replies to its question. Following the hearing and at the Court’s request, the Delegate produced the copy of a document. On 30 March 1990, pursuant to Rule 51, the Chamber decided to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of the plenary Court. Having taken note of the Government’s agreement and the concurring opinions of the Commission and the applicant, the Court decided, on 24 May 1990, to proceed to judgment without holding a further hearing (Rule 26). AS TO THE FACTS I. PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mrs Jutta Huber, a Swiss national, resides in Zürich. A District Attorney (Bezirksanwalt) of Zürich, Mr J., issued instructions to the police (Vorführungsbefehl) requiring her to be brought to give evidence as a witness on 10 August 1983. He did so in connection with a criminal investigation concerning two persons - Mr K. of Hamburg and Mr B. of Zürich - suspected of living on the earnings of prostitution and of procuring. 1. Detention on remand On 11 August 1983 the applicant was taken by the Zürich municipal police to the District Attorneys’ Office (Bezirksanwaltschaft) in that town, where she was questioned as a witness by District Attorney J., although no summons to appear as a witness (Vorladung zur Zeugeneinvernahme) had been issued. In answer to his questions, she admitted making a living from prostitution, but maintained that she knew Mr K. and Mr B. only by name and that she did not pass on to them any of her earnings. On concluding his examination, the District Attorney signed a detention order (Verhaftsverfügung) remanding the applicant in custody on grave suspicion of having given false evidence. According to this order, members of the “Hell’s Angels“ of Zürich and Hamburg were strongly suspected of having brought to Zürich German prostitutes, some of whom had married Swiss nationals who received payment for this. The women were then encouraged, partly under threat, to engage in prostitution under the protection of the “Hell’s Angels“, who were paid a part of the proceeds in exchange. There were strong grounds for supposing that Mrs Huber was one of these women. When appearing as a witness, she had denied any contact with the “Hell’s Angels“, which appeared unlikely to be true. The order referred in particular to the danger of collusion and the possibility that evidence might be tampered with. It stated further that the applicant could appeal within 48 hours to the Public Prosecutor’s Office (Staatsanwaltschaft) of the Canton of Zürich. Mrs Huber was released on 19 August 1983. 2. The criminal proceedings (a) Proceedings in the Zürich District Court 14. On 12 October 1984 District Attorney J. instituted proceedings before the Judge in Criminal Cases (Einzelrichter in Strafsachen) at the Zürich District Court (Bezirksgericht). His indictment (Anklageschrift) alleged that the applicant had given false evidence in judicial proceedings and, as a possible additional charge (eventualiter), that she had been an accessory to a criminal offence. He sought the imposition on Mrs Huber of a fine of 5,000 Swiss francs. The trial took place on 10 January 1985, after the indictment had been accepted (zugelassen, Article 165 of the Zürich Code of Procedure - Strafprozessordnung, “StPO“); the District Attorney was not present. The accused’s lawyer stated on that occasion (translation): “In this case we are confronted in the first place with a violation of ... Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms which provides that anyone who is arrested or detained in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 para. 1 (c) (art. 5-1-c) ... must be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power. This never happened in the present case. Indeed the person who remanded the accused in custody, District Attorney J., is now also prosecutor [Ankläger].“ 15. On 10 January 1985 the District Court acquitted Mrs Huber on the ground that she had never been validly summoned to appear as a witness (vorgeladen zur Zeugeneinvernahme), which made her testimony unlawful and inadmissible. The judgment did not refer to the defence argument based on Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention. (b) The proceedings before the Court of Appeal of the Canton of Zürich 16. On appeal (Berufung) by the prosecution, the Court of Appeal (Obergericht) of the Canton of Zürich fined the applicant 4,000 Swiss francs for attempting to give false evidence. In its judgment of 13 September 1985, the appeal court found that the accused’s testimony was not unlawfully obtained and could therefore be used in evidence. In addition, it referred to the monitoring of telephone conversations between Mrs Huber and Mr K., carried out by the German authorities who had communicated the transcript thereof to the Swiss judicial authorities in accordance with the system of mutual assistance in criminal matters. The court inferred from this evidence that the applicant in fact knew Mr K. and Mr B. On the question of the issue raised under Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention, the appeal court said (translation): “Finally, ... the appellant’s lawyer’s objection that, on her arrest and in contravention of Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention, the accused was not brought before a judge or other officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power is unfounded. For, according to the case-law of the Federal Court, the Zürich District Attorney also exercises judicial power within the meaning of Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention at the stage of the investigation (ATF [Arrêts du Tribunal fédéral suisse] 102 Ia 179).“ 3. The appeals lodged by Mrs Huber (a) The appeal to the Court of Cassation of the Canton of Zürich 17. On 1 July 1986 the Court of Cassation (Kassationsgericht) of the Canton of Zürich dismissed Mrs Huber’s application for a declaration of nullity (Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde). It took the view that the submission relating to Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) could not be taken into account in this instance. If Mrs Huber had wished to challenge the District Attorney on this point, she should have done so during the investigation. (b) The appeal to the Federal Court 18. On 22 August 1986 Mrs Huber lodged a public-law appeal with the Federal Court. She complained, inter alia, that, notwithstanding Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3), the same District Attorney had both ordered her detention on remand and drawn up the indictment. 19. The Federal Court dismissed the appeal by a judgment of 24 November 1986, which was served on 18 December. As to the complaint based on Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3), it held as follows (translation): “As the appellant has long since been released from detention on remand, she no longer has a current, practical interest in a ruling on [her] complaint, for which reason the Court can no longer deal with it. The objection would in any event be unfounded since both the Federal Court (ATF 102 Ia 179 et seq.) and the European Court of Human Rights (the Schiesser judgment of 4 December 1979) have declared that at the stage of the investigation the Zürich District Attorney qualifies as an ‘officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power’ within the meaning of Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention.“ II. THE ZÜRICH DISTRICT ATTORNEY The Canton of Zürich is divided into eleven districts, each of which has a District Attorneys’ Office with one or more Attorneys. The status and powers of District Attorneys were laid down in the Courts Act of 13 June 1976 (Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz, “GVG“), which came into force on 1 January 1977 and which in substance re-enacted the provisions of an Act of 29 January 1911. Ordinary District Attorneys are elected by universal suffrage for a term of office of four years (section 80 GVG). If necessary, the Cantonal Government appoints Special District Attorneys for a specified period (sections 81 and 87 GVG). Both Ordinary and Special District Attorneys are subordinate to the Principal Public Prosecutor who in turn comes under the authority of the Department of Justice and the Government (Regierungsrat) of the Canton of Zürich. 1. The functions of District Attorneys District Attorneys carry out three different functions. (a) Investigation (“L’instruction“) The investigation (instruction) of criminal cases comes within the competence of the prosecuting authorities (section 73 GVG). The District Attorney conducts the investigation except in those cases where it is entrusted by law to the Principal Public Prosecutor or a judge (Article 25 StPO). The District Attorney may make a detention order (Verhaftsbefehl - Article 55 StPO), the grounds for which he must state. He has to hear an arrested suspect within 24 hours (Article 64 StPO). During this first interrogation, at which the suspect’s lawyer is not normally present, the suspect must be clearly informed of the reasons prompting the suspicions held against him (Article 65 StPO) and of the existence of a right of appeal against the order (1956 Circular from the Public Prosecutor’s Office). Detention on remand ordered by the District Attorney may not exceed 14 days; this period may be extended by the President of the District Court or, in cases coming within the jurisdiction of the Assize Court, the President of the Indictments Division of the Court of Appeal (Article 51 StPO). In carrying out the investigation, the District Attorney is under a duty to establish both incriminating and exonerating evidence with equal care (Article 31 StPO). (b) Prosecution The District Attorney is the prosecuting authority before the “Judge in Criminal Cases“ and before the District Courts in cases concerning petty offences and misdemeanours; for the higher cantonal courts (the Court of Appeal and the Assize Court - section 72 GVG), this function is performed by the Principal Public Prosecutor. Unless he finds that there is no case to answer, the District Attorney, or, depending on the seriousness of the offence, the Principal Public Prosecutor, must institute the main proceedings (Hauptverfahren) by drawing up the indictment (Article 161 StPO). In preparing the indictment, he has to take account of both incriminating and exonerating evidence (Article 178 para. 2 StPO), without setting out the grounds of suspicion or any legal considerations (Article 162 para. 3 StPO). The President of the District Court, or the President of the Indictments Division of the Court of Appeal, as the case may be, decides whether to accept or reject the indictment (Article 165 StPO). Before the trial court, the District Attorney has the status of a party in the proceedings (Article 178 para. 1 StPO). He assumes the role of prosecuting authority, but is not required to attend the hearing unless the sentence sought exceeds eighteen months’ imprisonment or additional investigative measures are ordered. (c) Punishment Finally, the District Attorney is empowered to issue a punishment order (Strafbefehl) if the accused has admitted his guilt and if a fine (Busse) or a prison sentence of not more than one month is deemed sufficient (Article 317 StPO); however, the person concerned is entitled to enter an objection (Einsprache) to the punishment order, as is the Principal Public Prosecutor (Article 321 StPO). 2. The combination of functions The combination of the functions of investigation and prosecution has given rise to case-law - at cantonal and federal level - which has recently been confirmed. (a) The Zürich case-law In a judgment of 13 June 1988 (Ante Djukic gegen Staatsanwaltschaft des Kantons Zürich), the Cantonal Court of Cassation stated as follows (translation): “In this connection, the Federal Court has held that the District Attorney of the Canton of Zürich exercises judicial power (ATF 102 Ia 180, confirmed by the European Court of Human Rights, Publications of the European Court of Human Rights, Series A no. 34, ...; see also ATF 107 Ia 254). However, the appellant considers ... that reference to these precedents is not relevant as in the instant case the District Attorney who had drawn up the indictment was the same as the one who had ordered the arrest. This complaint is unfounded. What is decisive is whether at the time of the arrest the decision was taken by an official who satisfied the requirements of Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the European Convention on Human Rights in other words by an officer who exercised judicial power. This question has been answered in the affirmative by the eminent courts referred to above. This finding that the functions discharged by that officer are compatible with the provisions of the Convention cannot subsequently be called in question on the sole ground that, once the investigation has been completed, the District Attorney assumes the role of prosecuting authority. The status of this officer at the time of and in relation to the decision to arrest remains the same, and the arrest, initially regarded as being lawful, cannot subsequently become unlawful on this sole ground. Furthermore, it is only natural that the District Attorney, as the investigating authority and acting within his powers, should draw up an indictment after the investigation has been completed if he considers that he possesses sufficient evidence of the accused’s guilt. Nor can it readily be seen what the accused would gain if the indictment had to be drawn up by an officer other than the District Attorney who, at the beginning of the investigation, had ordered his arrest. In other words, as far as Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention is concerned, the fact that the officer who ordered the arrest is the same as the officer who drew up the indictment is not decisive.“ (b) Federal case-law On a public-law appeal lodged against the judgment cited in the preceding paragraph, the Federal Court held as follows on 14 March 1989 (translation): “It has to be recognised that it is possible - as the instant case demonstrates - that the District Attorney may subsequently have occasion to draw up the indictment and even to put the prosecution case before the court. The mere fact that this possibility exists is not, however, decisive in this respect. Firstly, the eventuality cannot put in question or negate the Attorney’s independence from the parties at the time of an arrest. As has been shown, it is far more a matter of looking at the position as it stands at the time when the detention is ordered. Secondly, the possibility in question was held not to be decisive by the European Court in its judgment in the Schiesser case. In that case it could also have happened that the District Attorney subsequently had to draw up the indictment, since the jurisdiction of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the stage of beginning the investigation or at the time of the arrest had not been established. This eventuality did not, however, prevent the European Court from finding that there had been no breach of Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention in the Schiesser case. That fact likewise shows that the relevant officer’s independence and impartiality must be considered exclusively at the time of the arrest and not in the light of the mere possibility that he may play a role later in the proceedings and draw up the indictment.“ 3. Statistics In 1989, 108 District Attorneys in the Canton of Zürich dealt with 17,647 investigations, of which 20.3% resulted in an indictment, 33.8% in the case being discontinued, 42.2% in a punishment order and 3.7% in the referral of the case to a higher court. The number of cases in which the District Attorney personally conducted the prosecution in court does not appear in the statistics, but according to the Government it is very low. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION In her application of 27 February 1987 to the Commission (no. 12794/87), Mrs Huber relied on Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention. She complained that the same District Attorney had ruled on her detention and then indicted her. She argued that he could not be regarded as an “officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power“. The Commission declared the application admissible on 9 July 1988. In its report of 10 April 1989 (Article 31 of the Convention) (art. 31), it expressed the opinion, by twelve votes to two, that there had been a violation of Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3). The full text of the Commission’s opinion and of the three separate opinions contained in the report is reproduced as an annex to this judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS TO THE COURT At the hearing the Government confirmed the submissions put forward in their memorial. In that document they had asked the Court to hold “that Switzerland [had] not violated the ... Convention ... on account of the circumstances which gave rise to Mrs Jutta Huber’s application“.
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{ "applicant": "Jutta Huber", "articles": [ 91, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "CHE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1990 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Jutta Huber
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 35179/97) against the Kingdom of Sweden lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Swedish national, Ms Inga Allard (“the applicant”), on 27 November 1996. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr P. Lindquist, a lawyer practising in Tyresö. The Swedish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms E. Jagander, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the demolition of a house had violated her rights to the peaceful enjoyment of her possessions and to respect for her home under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and Article 8 of the Convention respectively. The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the First Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 22 May 2001, the Chamber declared the application partly admissible. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine), the parties replied in writing to each other’s observations. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was allocated to the newly composed Fourth Section (Rule 52 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1947 and lives in Spånga. In 1935 the applicant’s mother and her four siblings jointly inherited two estates – Marum 1:6 and Marum 1:8 – from their father. The ownership of the estates, consisting of several islands in the archipelago of Stockholm, was over the years partly transferred to other members of the family. Disagreements arose between the family members. Some of them wished to divide the property (klyvning) and thus dissolve the joint ownership, but the applicant’s mother opposed this idea. On the land managed by the applicant’s mother – which formed part of Marum 1:8 – the mother owned a number of houses. Two of the houses were used by the applicant’s two sisters. A third house situated on the property was considered too small for the applicant’s needs and it was therefore decided to enlarge it. The applicant applied for a building permit to the Österåker Building Committee (byggnadsnämnden). On 9 September 1987, finding that the enlargement could not be approved as the house in question was situated too close to the shore, the committee nevertheless granted a permit for the building of a new house further away from the shore. The new house was built in 1988. On 4 August 1989 the applicant’s mother died, leaving four children, namely the applicant, her brother and her two sisters. However, no distribution of the mother’s estate was made before 1991. By a partial division on 29 June 1991, the new house was transferred to the applicant. On 21 December 1989 practically all the other joint owners of the two estates brought proceedings against the applicant in the District Court (tingsrätten) of Södra Roslag, requesting that she be ordered to remove the new house on Marum 1:8 as it had been built without their consent, contrary to the requirements of the Joint Ownership Act (Lagen om samäganderätt, 1904:48 – “the 1904 Act”). The applicant disputed this and argued, inter alia, that it was her mother who had built the house and that accordingly it belonged to her mother’s estate. Thus, she was not the proper defendant in the case. By a judgment of 10 May 1990 (“the removal judgment”) the District Court declared that the applicant was to remove the house, or risk having it demolished at her expense. The court stated, inter alia, that it was the applicant who owned the house and that she had built it without the necessary consent of all the other joint owners. In 1991 one of the joint owners applied for the sale of Marum 1:6 and Marum 1:8 at a public auction. On 22 May 1992 the District Court decided to stay those proceedings. On 22 February 1994 the District Court’s removal judgment was upheld on appeal by the Svea Court of Appeal (Svea hovrätt). The applicant appealed to the Supreme Court (Högsta domstolen). She later requested, inter alia, that no further action be taken on the case pending the outcome of division proceedings which she had begun in October 1990. In these proceedings, the applicant claimed that the joint ownership of the two estates should be dissolved and individual plots be assigned to the family members. Following several decisions taken by the Real Estate Formation Authority (Fastighetsbildningsmyndigheten – “the REFA”) and the courts, the case had to be referred back by the Court of Appeal to the REFA for re-examination as the latter had made procedural errors. Subsequently, by a decision of 1 December 1995, the REFA allowed the creation of four individual plots on Marum 1:8 but rejected the applicant’s request for the creation of an individual plot around the new house on account of the Court of Appeal’s ruling that that house be removed. The applicant appealed against the REFA’s decision to the Real Estate Court (fastighetsdomstolen) in Stockholm. As an alternative ground for staying the proceedings before the Supreme Court, the applicant pleaded that, in March 1995, she had requested that the District Court give a declaratory judgment on the question of ownership of the new house. By a decision of 4 March 1996 the Supreme Court rejected the applicant’s request to have the removal proceedings stayed and refused her leave to appeal against the Court of Appeal’s ruling. Following the Supreme Court’s decision, several family members requested that the Enforcement Office (kronofogdemyndigheten – “the Office”) enforce the removal judgment. On 7 March 1996 the Office ordered the applicant to remove the house before 3 April 1996 or risk having it demolished by the Office at her own expense. By a later decision the time-limit was extended until 19 April 1996. On 14 March 1996, at the Real Estate Court’s request, the Central Office of the National Land Survey (Lantmäteriverket – “the Central Office”) gave its opinion in the division proceedings. It considered that the removal judgment did not prevent the creation of an individual plot around the house in issue. On the contrary, this could preserve the house and reduce the risk of adverse consequences for the applicant. Thus, the Central Office recommended that the applicant be assigned an individual plot. However, on 3 April 1996 the Enforcement Office refused the applicant a further postponement of the enforcement of the removal judgment. On 15 May 1996 the District Court upheld the Enforcement Office’s decisions and rejected the applicant’s request for a stay of the enforcement. Subsequently, the Enforcement Office, on 20 May 1996, decided that the house was to be demolished by a construction firm on 3 June 1996. The applicant appealed to the Court of Appeal, requesting an immediate stay of the demolition order. She submitted that enforcement of the removal judgment should be stayed until the division proceedings or, in the alternative, until the ownership proceedings had been concluded. She also claimed that she had not been given the opportunity to remove the house herself in accordance with the District Court’s judgment of 10 May 1990. She stated that she had started to dismantle the house but was not able to complete the work before 3 June 1996. Furthermore, the applicant requested a three-week respite in order to substantiate her appeal. By a decision of 31 May 1996 the Court of Appeal ordered the applicant to complete her appeal by 12 midnight on 5 June 1996. On the same day, that is on 31 May, the Court of Appeal received a letter from the applicant in which she requested an immediate stay of the demolition order. She submitted, inter alia, that enforcement of the removal judgment should be stayed until the division proceedings had been concluded or, in the alternative, until the Real Estate Court had decided the question. She also requested a three-week respite to substantiate her appeal. The appellate court’s order for the completion of the appeal – which was sent to the applicant’s address at the time in Spånga – was allegedly not received by the applicant until the evening of 5 June, as she had been at the site of the house in issue. On the morning of 6 June she sent a fax to the appellate court, asking for a ten-day respite for the completion of her appeal. However, at a session held on 3 June 1996 the Court of Appeal had already examined the case and, by a decision delivered the following day, refused the applicant leave to appeal against the District Court’s decision of 15 May 1996. Thus, no further stay of the enforcement proceedings was granted. It appears from the court files that the applicant called the Court of Appeal on 6 June and was told that the case had already been examined and that regard had been had to the contents of her letter of 31 May. On 5 July 1996 the Supreme Court refused leave to appeal against the appellate court’s decision. The house in issue was therefore demolished by a construction firm. The applicant had claimed that her appeal against the District Court’s decision of 15 May 1996 prevented the enforcement of the removal judgment. However, this claim was rejected by the Enforcement Office on 31 May 1996, referring to Chapter 3, section 21, of the Enforcement Code (Utsökningsbalken). The demolition of the house began on 3 June 1996 and was concluded ten days later. On 25 June 1996 the Enforcement Office declared that the house had been demolished and that accordingly the removal judgment had been duly enforced. However, this decision was appealed against by the other joint owners on the ground that the building material had not been removed from the property. On 13 September 1996 the District Court, finding in favour of the appellants, quashed the Enforcement Office’s decision that the enforcement had been finalised and referred the matter back to the Office. Leave to appeal against the District Court’s decision was refused by the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court on 30 September and 25 October 1996 respectively. On 27 September 1996 the Enforcement Office ordered the applicant to remove the building material from the property before 29 October 1996. On 6 August 1996 the Enforcement Office ordered the applicant to pay the enforcement costs of 114,796 kronor. The applicant appealed and applied for legal aid in the matter. By a decision of 9 September 1996 the District Court rejected the applicant’s application for legal aid on the ground that she did not have a legitimate interest in having the case heard as the enforcement had been concluded. The applicant’s further appeal was rejected by the Court of Appeal on 13 December 1996. On 28 April 1997 the Supreme Court refused leave to appeal. On 22 November 1996 the Real Estate Court gave judgment in the division proceedings. It decided that Marum 1:8 should be divided into six individual plots and one common plot. The applicant was assigned a plot where the now demolished house had been situated. In this respect, the Real Estate Court thus agreed with the opinion given by the Central Office of the National Land Survey on 14 March 1996. The Real Estate Court’s judgment was upheld on appeal by the Court of Appeal on 2 November 1998. On 14 April 2000 the Supreme Court refused leave to appeal. By a judgment of 26 November 1996 the District Court decided another removal case which had been brought by the applicant and her sister in 1994. Apparently in response to the removal proceedings brought against the applicant, they had claimed that several other joint owners of Marum 1:6 and 1:8 should remove buildings they had erected on the estates. However, the District Court rejected the claims, finding that the buildings had been erected before 1991 – when the applicant and her sister, through the partial division of their mother’s estate, had become joint owners of the two properties – and that the other joint owners at the time had expressly or impliedly consented to the various building projects. Furthermore, considering that the claimants did not have a legitimate interest in having their cases heard, the court also decided that further litigation in this respect should not be paid for through public legal aid. Thus, with effect from the date of the judgment, the legal aid previously awarded was withdrawn. The applicant and her sister appealed against the judgment, submitting, inter alia, that the District Court’s decision on legal aid should be quashed. However, on 3 October 1997 the Court of Appeal upheld the legal-aid decision. On 16 January 1998 the Supreme Court refused leave to appeal. Stating that they were unable to plead their case properly without legal aid, the applicant and her sister, by a letter to the Court of Appeal of 1 November 1999, withdrew most of their claims in the removal case. By a declaratory judgment of 10 July 1997 in proceedings concerning the ownership of the house in issue, the District Court agreed with the applicant’s argument, submitted to the court in March 1995, that the house had been erected on her mother’s behalf and thus formed part of the latter’s estate. Accordingly, at the time of the District Court’s removal judgment of 10 May 1990, the house had not belonged to the applicant. Thus, in this respect, the court came to a different conclusion from the one reached in the removal judgment. Following an appeal, the declaratory judgment was upheld by the Court of Appeal on 26 February 1998. No further appeal was lodged and the appellate court’s judgment consequently acquired legal force. By decisions of 4 February 1997 and 29 February 2000, the Building Committee granted the applicant building permits for the reconstruction of the demolished house and the construction of two smaller outbuildings.
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{ "applicant": "Inga Allard", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "SWE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2003 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Inga Allard
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 69917/01) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a national of the United States of America, Mr Stephen Anthony Saccoccia (“the applicant”), on 27 April 2001. The applicant was represented by Mr J. Hock, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambasssador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. The applicant alleged, in particular, that in proceedings before the Austrian courts concerning the execution of a forfeiture order issued by the United States courts he had not had a hearing and that the Austrian courts’ decisions had violated his right to property. By a decision of 5 July 2007 the Court declared the application partly admissible. The Government filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). The applicant requested the Court to instruct the respondent Government to disclose a complete list of the values of all his Austrian assets at the time of their seizure and at the time when they were forfeited following the judgment by the Vienna Court of Appeal of 7 October 2000 in order to enable him to calculate his just satisfaction claims. Having regard to its decision under Article 41 of the Convention (see paragraphs 98-100 below), the Court dismisses this request. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1958. He is currently serving a prison term in the United States. A. Background In 1992, in the context of criminal proceedings for large-scale money laundering conducted against the applicant before the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island (“the Rhode Island District Court”), the Austrian courts were requested under letters rogatory to seize assets which had been found in two safes in Vienna rented by the applicant. On 10 February 1992 the Vienna District Criminal Court ordered the seizure and put the assets, mostly cash and bearer bonds, at the disposal of the Rhode Island District Court as evidence in the criminal proceedings against the applicant, on the condition that the assets were to be returned upon termination of the proceedings. The parties disagree as to whether or not the applicant was the owner of the assets at issue. The applicant claims that the assets stemmed from lawful business activities carried out until 1988, while the Government claim that they stemmed from the money laundering in 1990 and 1991 of which he was convicted (see below) and that he was holding them as a trustee for the drug cartel for which he had worked. In February 1993 the Rhode Island District Court convicted the applicant of money laundering and related charges, finding that he had headed an organisation which had laundered more than a hundred million United States dollars (USD) in 1990 and 1991, and sentenced him to 660 years’ imprisonment. Subsequently, on 30 August 1993, the court issued a preliminary forfeiture order. On 28 June 1995 the United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit, dismissed an appeal by the applicant against his conviction and against the forfeiture order. The reasons, in so far as relevant in the context of the present case, were as follows. As to the applicant’s claim that he was represented at his trial by counsel (H.) who had a conflict of interest, the court noted that the applicant had been informed of his rights but had insisted on being represented by counsel H. Finally, he had executed a written waiver retaining H. as counsel and confirming that he had been fully advised and had considered the possible adverse consequences for his defence. Since counsel H. had only informed the court in vague terms that he feared being charged or called as a witness in the applicant’s case, the District Court was justified in accepting the waiver. In any event, the applicant was represented by a second, conflict-free counsel, D. As to the applicant’s complaint that he had had no hearing in the forfeiture proceedings, the appellate court noted that the applicant, represented by counsel, had waived his right to a jury hearing in the separate forfeiture proceedings on the ground that they purely concerned matters of legal argument. The case had been heard on 26 March 1993 in the presence of the applicant’s counsel. The applicant had not been present since he had to appear before another court. Counsel had requested that the applicant be heard but had refused the court’s offer to have a further hearing in the presence of the applicant before the delivery of the judgment. On 25 March 1996 the United States Supreme Court rejected an appeal on points of law by the applicant. On 7 November 1997 the Rhode Island District Court issued a final forfeiture order relating to a total amount of USD 136 million, including some USD 9 million in respect of the applicant, “being the proceeds of narcotics money laundering for which the following property has been partially substituted”. There followed an enumeration of cash amounts in Swiss francs, United States dollars and Austrian schillings seized in Vienna in 1992 and a list of bearer bonds issued by Austrian banks and, finally a bank account in Vienna. On 9 December 1997 the Rhode Island District Court issued letters rogatory which, so far as relevant, read as follows: “... the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island requests enforcement in Austria of the enclosed Final Forfeiture Order against said cash, bonds and other financial instruments. To the extent possible under Austrian law and consistent with any sharing agreement between the United States and Austria, please convert the cash and the proceeds of the bonds and other instruments into United States dollars and transfer those funds by wire into the above referenced United States Customs Service Account. ...” The United States Department of Justice transmitted this request to the Austrian authorities on 18 December 1997. On 23 January 1998 the Austrian Ministry of Justice requested the Vienna Senior Public Prosecutor’s Office to open “exequatur” proceedings to enforce the foreign court’s decision. B. The proceedings before the Austrian courts Preliminary confiscation in order to secure the enforcement of the final forfeiture order of 7 November 1997 On 12 March 1998 the Vienna Regional Criminal Court (Landesgericht für Strafsachen), as an interim measure, ordered the confiscation of the applicant’s assets, of a total value of about 80,000,000 Austrian schillings (ATS – approximately 5,800,000 euros), in cash, bearer bonds and a bank account, for the purpose of securing the enforcement of the final forfeiture order of 7 November 1997. It referred to the above request and noted that enforcement proceedings under the Extradition and Legal Assistance Act (Auslieferungs- und Rechtshilfegesetz – “the ELAA”) were pending. The applicant appealed on 26 March 1998, submitting in particular that the Regional Court’s decision amounted to an unlawful interference with his right to property, as it lacked a legal basis. Moreover, an enforcement of the forfeiture order for the benefit of the United States was not admissible in Austria as section 64(7) of the ELAA provided that any fines or forfeited assets obtained by executing a foreign decision fell to the Republic of Austria. Further, the applicant claimed that the final forfeiture order also included “substitute assets”, i.e. assets not connected to or derived from criminal activity. Thus the measure requested did not correspond in any way to forfeiture (Verfall) or withdrawal of enrichment (Abschöpfung der Bereicherung) within the meaning of the Austrian Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch). In any event these penalties could not be applied in his case, as the relevant provisions had not been in force at the time he committed the offences. Furthermore, he had been convicted of money laundering in the United States, an offence which had not been punishable under Austrian law at the time of its commission. Relying on section 64(1) of the ELAA, the applicant also argued that the forfeiture proceedings had failed to comply with the requirements of Article 6 of the Convention, since the proceedings had not been public and he had not been heard. Moreover, his defence rights had been violated in the underlying criminal proceedings, his defence lawyer having been caught in a conflict of interests. Lastly, the applicant claimed that there was a lack of reciprocity as decisions of Austrian courts were not enforceable in the United States. Meanwhile, on 12 March 1998, the Vienna Regional Criminal Court had made a formal request to the United States authorities to hear the applicant in connection with the request for execution of the final forfeiture order. On 16 April 1998 the United States Department of Justice transmitted the applicant’s submissions to the Austrian Ministry of Justice. On 22 May 1998 the United States Department of Justice addressed a note to the Austrian Ministry of Justice concerning reciprocity in providing legal assistance in forfeiture proceedings. The applicant denies that this note contains assurances of reciprocity. On 1 August 1998 the Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the United States of America on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (“the 1998 Treaty”) entered into force. On 12 October 1998 the Vienna Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) dismissed the applicant’s appeal against the Regional Court’s decision of 12 March 1998. The Court of Appeal found that the Regional Court’s decision was based on Article 144a of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozeßordnung). In this connection, the court noted that pursuant to section 9(1) of the ELAA, the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure had to be applied mutatis mutandis unless explicitly provided otherwise. As to the applicant’s assertion that a forfeiture for the benefit of the United States would be contrary to section 64(7) of the ELAA, the court observed that the letters rogatory requested first and foremost that any measures required under Austrian law for the execution of the final forfeiture order be taken. Only as an additional point did they ask for the transfer of the assets, provided that this was admissible under Austrian law or any bilateral treaty. In this connection it referred to Article 17(3) of the 1998 Treaty. As regards the applicant’s assertion that the final forfeiture order covered substitute assets which could not be subject to forfeiture under Austrian law, the court observed that it followed from the judgment concerning the applicant’s conviction that he had led an organisation which had laundered large sums of money derived from drug dealing and had usually received a 10% commission for each amount laundered. Between 1 January 1990 and 2 April 1991 he had transferred more than USD 136 million of drug-related money from the account of a sham company to various foreign bank accounts. Thus, there were good reasons to assume that the applicant’s Austrian assets were monies received for or derived from the commission of a crime and subject to withdrawal of enrichment under Article 20 of the Criminal Code, or monies directly obtained through drug dealing, subject to forfeiture under Article 20b of the Criminal Code, in the version in force since its 1996 amendment. The final forfeiture order made a clear link between the offence of money laundering of which the applicant had been convicted and the forfeiture of all monies obtained thereby. Articles 20 and 20b in the version in force since the 1996 amendment of the Criminal Code were not regarded as penalties under Austrian law, but as measures sui generis. The fact that they had not been in force at the time of the commission of the offences was therefore not material. Even if one applied the law in force at the time of the commission of the offences, the requirements for withdrawal of enrichment were met. Article 20a(1) of the Criminal Code, in the version in force at that time, provided that an offender who had unjustly enriched himself could be ordered to pay an amount equivalent to the enrichment if the latter exceeded ATS 1 million. Although there had been no offence of money laundering under Austrian law at the time, the facts constituted the offence of receiving stolen property (Hehlerei) under Article 164(1)(4) of the Criminal Code, which made it an offence to assist the perpetrator of an offence (here, the drug dealers) in concealing assets derived from or received for the commission of the offence or to acquire such assets. As to the applicant’s allegation that both the criminal proceedings against him and the proceedings resulting in the final forfeiture order had failed to comply with Article 6 of the Convention, the court referred to the documents of those proceedings contained in its file and noted the following. In the criminal proceedings, the applicant had been present and had been represented by two counsel. It noted that it was the applicant who had insisted on being represented by counsel H. although the latter had voiced concerns, albeit without substantiating them, that he might himself be charged. In any case, the applicant had been represented by a second counsel, who was free from any potential conflict of interests. In the forfeiture proceedings he waived his right to a public hearing before a jury since they only concerned questions of law. On 26 March 1993 the judge had heard the case in the presence of the applicant’s counsel but without the applicant being present. The applicant’s lawyer had requested that the applicant be heard but had refused the court’s offer to hold a further hearing in the presence of the applicant before the delivery of the judgment. In sum, the Vienna Court of Appeal found no indication that the proceedings before the United States courts had failed to comply with Article 6 of the Convention. As regards the alleged lack of reciprocity, the court noted that when the request for enforcement of the final forfeiture order had been made, there had been no bilateral treaty between the United States and the Republic of Austria. Thus, only the provisions of the ELAA had to be applied, section 3(1) of which required reciprocity. The Regional Court had duly investigated the issue in that it had required the United States Department of Justice to submit information as to the possibilities of enforcing an Austrian forfeiture order in the United States. Meanwhile, however, the 1998 Treaty had entered into force. Under Article 20(3) of that Treaty, it applied irrespective of whether the underlying offences were committed before or after its entry into force. Article 17 provided for mutual legal assistance in forfeiture proceedings. 2. The enforcement of the final forfeiture order of 7 November 1997 On 25 August 1999 the United States central authority, relying on the 1998 Treaty, made a new request for enforcement of the final forfeiture order of 7 November 1997. According to the applicant, this second request for legal assistance was not served on him. The applicant made submissions on 22 December 1998, on 11 March 1999 and on 11 May 2000. On 14 June 2000 the Vienna Regional Criminal Court, without holding a hearing, decided to take over the enforcement of the final forfeiture order of 7 November 1997 and ordered the forfeiture of the applicant’s Austrian assets for the benefit of the United States. Having regard to the 1998 Treaty, the requirement of reciprocity was fulfilled. The submissions by the applicant which disputed this were no longer relevant as they referred to the legal position before the entry into force of the 1998 Treaty. As to the question of the beneficiary of the forfeiture, it noted that Article 17(3) of the 1998 Treaty provided optionally that each State party could hand over forfeited assets to the other party. Referring to the Court of Appeal’s decision of 12 October 1998, it noted that the applicant’s conduct had been punishable under Austrian law. Thus, the forfeiture was not contrary to Article 7 of the Convention. Finally, the court noted that the applicant had been given an opportunity to comment on the request for legal assistance. The applicant appealed on 7 July 2000. He asserted that the 1998 Treaty provided for legal assistance in pending criminal proceedings, but did not contain a legal basis for mutual execution of final decisions. Even assuming that the 1998 Treaty applied in the present case, the enforcement of the final forfeiture order would violate Article 7 of the Convention as the said Treaty had not been in force in 1997 when the forfeiture order was issued. Moreover, money laundering had not been punishable under Austrian law at the time of the commission of the offences. Consequently, his assets could not be subject to forfeiture or withdrawal of enrichment under Austrian law. Furthermore, the applicant repeated his argument that his Austrian assets were substitute assets and claimed that, at the time of the commission of the offences, such assets had not been subject to forfeiture or withdrawal of enrichment under Austrian law. Relying on expert opinions submitted by him, the applicant maintained that the condition of reciprocity required by section 3(1) of the ELAA was not fulfilled, as United States constitutional law did not permit the enforcement of decisions given by foreign criminal courts. He further submitted that the five-year limitation period for enforcement had started running on 30 August 1993, when the preliminary forfeiture order was issued (as it was, despite its name, a final and enforceable decision), and not only on 7 November 1997, when the final forfeiture order was issued. In addition the applicant alleged that the criminal proceedings and the forfeiture proceedings before the United States courts had not complied with the requirements of Article 6 of the Convention. He submitted the same arguments as in the proceedings relating to the preliminary confiscation of his assets. Moreover, he referred in general terms to the fact that the United States still applied the death penalty. The applicant also complained about a number of procedural shortcomings as regards the proceedings in Austria. He alleged in particular that the Regional Court had refused to take into account the aforesaid expert opinions submitted by him, which showed that United States constitutional law excluded any enforcement of decisions of foreign criminal courts. Moreover, he had not been given sufficient opportunity to advance his arguments as, in his view, that would have required his personal presence in court. Finally, he complained that the Regional Court had failed to hold a public oral hearing and requested that such a hearing be held by the appellate court. The Public Prosecutor’s Office also appealed. Its appeal was served on the applicant for comments, which he submitted on 21 September 2000. On 7 October 2000 the Vienna Court of Appeal, sitting in camera, dismissed the applicant’s appeal. Upon the public prosecutor’s appeal, it amended the Regional Court’s decision and ordered the forfeiture to the benefit of the Republic of Austria. The court noted at the outset that, pursuant to its Article 20(3), the 1998 Treaty applied irrespective of whether the underlying offences were committed before or after its entry into force. It dismissed the applicant’s argument that the said Treaty did not provide a basis for the mutual enforcement of decisions. Article 1, paragraphs (1) and (2)(h) of the Treaty, in conjunction with Article 17, governed legal assistance in forfeiture proceedings. As to the alleged lack of reciprocity, it was sufficient to refer to those provisions. It was therefore not necessary to examine questions of United States constitutional law. Moreover, referring to its decision of 12 October 1998, the court reiterated that the facts underlying the applicant’s conviction for money laundering would have been punishable as receiving stolen property under Article 164(1)(4) of the Criminal Code at the time of the commission of the offences. Further, it reiterated that withdrawal of enrichment pursuant to Article 20 of the Criminal Code and forfeiture pursuant to Article 20b, both in the version in force since 1996, were not regarded as penalties, but served the purpose of neutralising proceeds of criminal activities. These measures covered any proceeds of an offence, irrespective of whether they were directly derived from the offence or given for its commission or whether they had already been converted into other assets. With regard to the applicant’s complaint that the proceedings in the United States had not complied with the requirements of Article 6 of the Convention, the court referred to the reasons given in its previous decision of 12 October 1998. The court dismissed the applicant’s plea that the enforcement of the final forfeiture order was time-barred, noting that the United States Supreme Court, on 25 March 1996, had refused leave to appeal against the provisional forfeiture order, whereupon the final forfeiture order had been issued on 7 November 1997. Consequently, the five-year limitation period pursuant to section 59 of the Criminal Code had not expired. As to the applicant’s procedural rights, the court noted that he had been represented by counsel throughout the proceedings and had had the opportunity to submit extensive written pleadings. Finally, the court considered that the public prosecutor’s appeal was well-founded in that section 64(7) of the ELAA provided that forfeited assets fell to the Republic of Austria. Thus, forfeiture to the benefit of the United States under Article 17(3) of the 1998 Treaty was not admissible. The decision was served on the applicant on 30 October 2000.
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{ "applicant": "Stephen Anthony Saccoccia", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2008 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Stephen Anthony Saccoccia
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 20 May 1994, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 (art. 32-1) and Article 47 (art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). It originated in application (no. 17488/90) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by Mr William Goodwin, a British citizen, on 27 September 1990. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 10 (art. 10) of the Convention. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyers who would represent him (Rule 30). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Sir John Freeland, the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 28 May 1994, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr Thór Vilhjálmsson, Mr B. Walsh, Mr C. Russo, Mr J. De Meyer, Mrs E. Palm, Mr A.B. Baka and Mr B. Repik (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the United Kingdom Government (“the Government“), the applicant’s lawyers and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the orders made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s memorial on 3 February 1995 and the applicant’s memorial on 1 March. On 19 April 1995 the Secretary to the Commission indicated that the Delegate did not wish to reply in writing. On various dates between 12 April and 7 September 1995 the Registrar received from the Government and the applicant observations on his Article 50 (art. 50) claim. On 24 February 1995 the President, having consulted the Chamber, granted leave to Article 19 and Interights, two London based non-governmental human rights organisations, to submit observations on national law in the area in question in the present case, as applicable in certain countries (Rule 37 para. 2). Their comments were filed on 10 March 1995. In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 24 April 1995. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr I. Christie, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr M. Baker, QC, Counsel, Mr M. Collon, Lord Chancellor’s Department, Adviser; (b) for the Commission Mrs G.H. Thune, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr G. Robertson QC, Counsel, Mr G. Bindman, Solicitor, Mr R.D. Sack, Attorney, Ms A.K. Hilker, Attorney, Ms L. Moore, Attorney, Mr J. Mortimer QC, Advisers. The Court heard addresses by Mrs Thune, Mr Robertson and Mr Baker and also replies to a question put by one of its members individually. Following deliberations on 27 April 1995 the Chamber decided to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of a Grand Chamber (Rule 51 para. 1). The Grand Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr Ryssdal, President of the Court, Mr R. Bernhardt, Vice-President of the Court, and the other members of the Chamber which had relinquished jurisdiction (Rule 51 para. 2 (a) and (b)). On 5 May 1995, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the nine additional judges called on to complete the Grand Chamber, namely Mr F. Matscher, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr N. Valticos, Mr R. Pekkanen, Mr F. Bigi, Mr D. Gotchev, Mr P. Jambrek, Mr P. Kuris and Mr U. Lohmus (Rule 51 para. 2 (c)). Mr Pekkanen subsequently withdrew, being unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rule 24 para. 1 in conjunction with Rule 51 para. 6). Having taken note of the opinions of the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant, the Grand Chamber decided on 4 September 1995 that it was not necessary to hold a further hearing following the relinquishment of jurisdiction by the Chamber (Rules 26 and 38, taken together with Rule 51 para. 6). AS TO THE FACTS I. PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mr William Goodwin, a British national, is a journalist and lives in London. On 3 August 1989 the applicant joined the staff of The Engineer, published by Morgan-Grampian (Publishers) Ltd (“the publishers“), as a trainee journalist. He was employed by Morgan Grampian PLC (“the employer“). On 2 November 1989 the applicant was telephoned by a person who, according to the applicant, had previously supplied him with information on the activities of various companies. The source gave him information about Tetra Ltd (“Tetra“), to the effect that the company was in the process of raising a £5 million loan and had financial problems as a result of an expected loss of £2.1 million for 1989 on a turnover of £20.3 million. The information was unsolicited and was not given in exchange for any payment. It was provided on an unattributable basis. The applicant maintained that he had no reason to believe that the information derived from a stolen or confidential document. On 6 and 7 November 1989, intending to write an article about Tetra, he telephoned the company to check the facts and seek its comments on the information. The information derived from a draft of Tetra’s confidential corporate plan. On 1 November 1989 there had been eight numbered copies of the most recent draft. Five had been in the possession of senior employees of Tetra, one with its accountants, one with a bank and one with an outside consultant. Each had been in a ring binder and was marked “Strictly Confidential“. The accountants’ file had last been seen at about 3 p.m. on 1 November in a room they had been using at Tetra’s premises. The room had been left unattended between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. and during that period the file had disappeared. A. Injunction and orders for disclosure of sources and documents On 7 November 1989 Mr Justice Hoffmann of the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division) granted an application by Tetra of the same date for an ex parte interim injunction restraining the publishers of The Engineer from publishing any information derived from the corporate plan. The company informed all the national newspapers and relevant journals of the injunction on 16 November. In an affidavit to the High Court dated 8 November 1989, Tetra stated that if the plan were to be made public it could result in a complete loss of confidence in the company on the part of its actual and potential creditors, its customers and in particular its suppliers, with a risk of loss of orders and of a refusal to supply the company with goods and services. This would inevitably lead to problems with Tetra’s refinancing negotiations. If the company went into liquidation, there would be approximately four hundred redundancies. On 14 November 1989 Mr Justice Hoffmann, on an application by Tetra, ordered the publishers, under section 10 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 (“the 1981 Act“; see paragraph 20 below), to disclose by 3 p.m. on 15 November the applicant’s notes from the above telephone conversation identifying his source. On the latter date, the publishers having failed to comply with the order, Mr Justice Hoffmann granted Tetra leave to join the applicant’s employer and the applicant himself to the proceedings and gave the defendants until 3 p.m. on the following day to produce the notes. On 17 November 1989 the High Court made a further order to the effect that the applicant represented all persons who had received the plan or information derived from it without authority and that such persons should deliver up any copies of the plan in their possession. The motion was then adjourned for the applicant to bring this order to the attention of his source. However, the applicant declined to do so. On 22 November 1989 Mr Justice Hoffmann ordered the applicant to disclose by 3 p.m. on 23 November his notes on the grounds that it was necessary “in the interests of justice“, within the meaning of section 10 of the 1981 Act (see paragraph 20 below), for the source’s identity to be disclosed in order to enable Tetra to bring proceedings against the source to recover the document, obtain an injunction preventing further publication or seek damages for the expenses to which it had been put. The judge concluded: “There is strong prima facie evidence that it has suffered aserious wrong by the theft of its confidential file. Thereis similar evidence that it would suffer serious commercialdamage from the publication of the information in the fileduring the near future. It is true that the source may notbe the person who stole the file. He may have had theinformation second hand, although this is less likely. Ineither case, however, he was trying to secure damagingpublication of information which he must have known to besensitive and confidential. According to the respondent,having given him the information he telephoned again a fewdays later to ask how the article was getting on. The plaintiff wishes to bring proceedings against the source forrecovery of the document, an injunction against furtherpublication and damages for the expense to which it has beenput. But it cannot obtain any of those remedies because itdoes not know whom to sue. In the circumstance of this case,in which a remedy against the source is urgently needed, Ithink that disclosure is necessary in the interests ofjustice. ... There is no doubt on the evidence that the respondent wasan innocent recipient of the information but the NorwichPharmacal case shows that this does not matter. The questionis whether he had become mixed up in the wrongdoing ... The respondent has sworn an affidavit expressing the viewthat the public interest requires publication of theplaintiff’s confidential commercial information. Counsel forthe respondent says that the plaintiff’s previous publishedresults showed it as a prosperous expanding company andtherefore the public was entitled to know that it was nowexperiencing difficulties. I reject this submission. Thereis nothing to suggest that the information in the draftbusiness plan falsifies anything which has been previouslymade public or that the plaintiff was under any obligation,whether in law or commercial morality, to make thatinformation available to its customers, suppliers andcompetitors. On the contrary, it seems to me that businesscould not function properly if such information could not be kept confidential.“ On the same date the Court of Appeal rejected an application by the applicant for a stay of execution of the High Court’s order, but substituted an order requiring the applicant either to disclose his notes to Tetra or to deliver them to the Court of Appeal in a sealed envelope with accompanying affidavit. The applicant did not comply with this order. B. Appeals to the Court of Appeal and to the House of Lords On 23 November 1989 the applicant lodged an appeal with the Court of Appeal from Mr Justice Hoffmann’s order of 22 November 1989. He argued that disclosure of his notes was not “necessary in the interests of justice“ within the meaning of section 10 of the 1981 Act; the public interest in publication outweighed the interest in preserving confidentiality; and, since he had not facilitated any breach of confidence, the disclosure order against him was invalid. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal on 12 December 1989. Lord Donaldson held: “The existence of someone with access to highly confidentialinformation belonging to the plaintiffs who was prepared tobreak his obligations of confidentiality in this way was apermanent threat to the plaintiffs which could only beeliminated by discovering his identity. The injunctionswould no doubt be effective to prevent publication in thepress, but they certainly would not effectively preventpublication to the plaintiffs’ customers or competitors. ... ... I am loath in a judgment given in open court to give adetailed explanation of why this is a case in which, if thefull facts were known and the courts had to say that theycould give the plaintiffs no assistance, there would, Ithink, be a significant lessening in public confidence in theadministration of justice generally. Suffice it to say thatthe plaintiffs are a, and perhaps the, leader in their veryimportant field, which I deliberately do not identify, withnational and international customers and competitors. They are faced with a situation which is in part the result oftheir own success. They have reached a point at which theyhave to refinance and expand or go under with the loss notonly of money, but of a significant number of jobs. This isnot the situation in which the court should be or be seen tobe impotent in the absence of compelling reasons. The plaintiffs are continuing with their refinancing discussionsmenaced by the source (or the source’s source) ticking awaybeneath them like a time bomb. Prima facie they are entitledto assistance in identifying, locating and defusing it. That I should have concluded that the disclosure of Mr Goodwin’s source is necessary in the interests of justiceis not determinative of this appeal. It does, however, meanthat I have to undertake a balancing exercise. On the onehand there is the general public interest in maintaining theconfidentiality of journalistic sources, which is the reasonwhy section 10 was enacted. On the other is, in my judgment,a particular case in which disclosure is necessary in thegeneral interests of the administration of justice. If thesetwo factors stood alone, the case for ordering disclosurewould be made out, because the parliamentary intention mustbe that, other things being equal, the necessity fordisclosure on any of the four grounds should prevail. Were it otherwise, there would be no point in having these doorways. But other things would not be equal if, on the particular facts of the case, there was some additional reason formaintaining the confidentiality of a journalistic source. It might, for example, have been the case that the information disclosed what, on the authorities, is quaintly called `iniquity’. Or the plaintiffs might have been a publiccompany whose shareholders were unjustifiably being kept inignorance of information vital to their making a sensibledecision on whether or not to sell their shares. Such afeature would erode the public interest in maintaining theconfidentiality of the leaked information and correspondingly enhance the public interest in maintaining theconfidentiality of journalistic sources. Equally, onparticular facts such as that the identification of thesource was necessary in order to support or refute a defenceof alibi in a major criminal trial, the necessity fordisclosure `in the interests of justice’ might be enhancedand overreach the threshold of the statutory doorway requiring some vastly increased need for the protection ofthe source if it was to be counterbalanced. Once the[plaintiffs] can get through a doorway, the balancing exercise comes into play. On the facts of this case, nothing is to be added to eitherside of the equation. The test of the needs of justice ismet, but not in superabundance. The general public interestin maintaining the confidentiality of journalistic sourcesexists, but the facts of this particular case add absolutelynothing to it. No `iniquity’ has been shown. No shareholders have been kept in the dark. Indeed the publichas no legitimate interest in the business of the plaintiffswho, although corporate in form, are in truth to becategorised as private individuals. This is in reality apiece of wholly unjustified intrusion into privacy. Accordingly, I am left in no doubt that, notwithstanding thegeneral need to protect journalistic sources, this is a casein which the balance comes down in favour of disclosure. Iwould dismiss the companies’ appeals. I can see no reason injustice for doing otherwise with regard to Mr Goodwin’sappeals.“ Lord Justice McCowan stated that the applicant must have been “amazingly naïve“ if it had not occurred to him that the source had been at the very least guilty of breach of confidence. The Court of Appeal granted the applicant leave to appeal to the House of Lords. The House of Lords upheld the Court of Appeal’s decision on 4 April 1990, applying the principle expounded by Lord Reid in Norwich Pharmacal Co. v. Customs and Excise Commissioners [1974] Appeal Cases 133, a previous leading case: “if through no fault of his own a person gets mixed up in thetortious acts of others so as to facilitate their wrongdoinghe may incur no personal liability but he comes under a dutyto assist the person who has been wronged by giving him fullinformation and disclosing the identity of the wrongdoers.“ Lord Bridge, in the first of the five separate speeches given in the applicant’s case, underlined that in applying section 10 it was necessary to carry out a balancing exercise between the need to protect sources and, inter alia, the “interests of justice“. He referred to a number of other cases in relation to how the balancing exercise should be conducted (in particular Secretary of State for Defence v. Guardian Newspapers Ltd [1985] Appeal Cases 339) and continued: “... the question whether disclosure is necessary in theinterests of justice gives rise to a more difficult problemof weighing one public interest against another. A questionarising under this part of section 10 has not previously comebefore your Lordships’ House for decision. In discussing thesection generally Lord Diplock said in Secretary of State forDefence v. Guardian Newspapers Ltd [1985] Appeal Cases 339,350: `The exceptions include no reference to “the public interest“generally and I would add that in my view the expression“justice“, the interests of which are entitled to protection,is not used in a general sense as the antonym of “injustice“but in the technical sense of the administration of justicein the course of legal proceedings in a court of law, or, byreason of the extended definition of “court“ in section 19 ofthe Act of 1981 before a tribunal or body exercising thejudicial power of the state.’ I agree entirely with the first half of this dictum. To construe `justice’ as the antonym of `injustice’ insection 10 would be far too wide. But to confine it to the`technical sense of the administration of justice in thecourse of legal proceedings in a court of law’ seems to me,with all respect due to any dictum of the late Lord Diplock,to be too narrow. It is, in my opinion, `in the interests of justice’, in the sense in which this phrase is used insection 10, that persons should be enabled to exerciseimportant legal rights and to protect themselves from seriouslegal wrongs whether or not resort to legal proceedings in acourt of law will be necessary to attain these objectives.Thus, to take a very obvious example, if an employer of alarge staff is suffering grave damage from the activities ofan unidentified disloyal servant, it is undoubtedly in theinterests of justice that he should be able to identify himin order to terminate his contract of employment,notwithstanding that no legal proceedings may be necessary to achieve that end. Construing the phrase `in the interests of justice’ in thissense immediately emphasises the importance of the balancingexercise. It will not be sufficient, per se, for a partyseeking disclosure of a source protected by section 10 toshow merely that he will be unable without disclosure toexercise the legal right or avert the threatened legal wrongon which he bases his claim in order to establish thenecessity of disclosure. The judge’s task will always be toweigh in the scales the importance of enabling the ends ofjustice to be attained in the circumstances of the particularcase on the one hand against the importance of protecting thesource on the other hand. In this balancing exercise it isonly if the judge is satisfied that disclosure in theinterests of justice is of such preponderating importance asto override the statutory privilege against disclosure thatthe threshold of necessity will be reached. Whether the necessity of disclosure in this sense is established is certainly a question of fact rather than anissue calling for the exercise of the judge’s discretion,but, like many other questions of fact, such as the questionof whether somebody has acted reasonably in givencircumstances, it will call for the exercise of adiscriminating and sometimes difficult value judgment. Inestimating the weight to be attached to the importance ofdisclosure in pursuance of the policy which underliessection 10 on the other hand, many factors will be relevanton both sides of the scale. It would be foolish to attempt to give a comprehensive guidance as to how the balancing exercise should be carriedout. But it may not be out of place to indicate the kind offactors which will require consideration. In estimating theimportance to be given to the case in favour of disclosurethere will be a wide spectrum within which the particularcase must be located. If the party seeking disclosure shows,for example, that his very livelihood depends upon it, thiswill put the case near one end of the spectrum. If he showsno more than that what he seeks to protect is a minorinterest in property, this will put the case at or near theother end. On the other side the importance of protecting asource from disclosure in pursuance of the policy underlyingthe statute will also vary within a spectrum. One importantfactor will be the nature of the information obtained fromthe source. The greater the legitimate interest in theinformation which the source has given to the publisher orintended publisher, the greater will be the importance ofprotecting the source. But another and perhaps moresignificant factor which will very much affect the importanceof protecting the source will be the manner in which theinformation was itself obtained by the source. If it appearsto the court that the information was obtained legitimatelythis will enhance the importance of protecting the source.Conversely, if it appears that the information was obtainedillegally, this will diminish the importance of protectingthe source unless, of course, this factor is counterbalancedby a clear public interest in publication of the information,as in the classic case where the source has acted for thepurpose of exposing iniquity. I draw attention to theseconsiderations by way of illustration only and I emphasiseonce again that they are in no way intended to be read as acode ... In the circumstances of the instant case, I have no doubtthat [the High Court] and the Court of Appeal were right infinding that the necessity for disclosure of Mr Goodwin’snotes in the interests of justice was established. Theimportance to the plaintiffs of obtaining disclosure lies inthe threat of severe damage to their business, andconsequentially to the livelihood of their employees, whichwould arise from disclosure of the information contained intheir corporate plan while their refinancing negotiations arestill continuing. This threat ... can only be defused ifthey can identify the source either as himself the thief ofthe stolen copy of the plan or as a means to lead to theidentification of the thief and thus put themselves in aposition to institute proceedings for the recovery of themissing document. The importance of protecting the source onthe other hand is much diminished by the source’s complicity,at the very least, in a gross breach of confidentiality whichis not counterbalanced by any legitimate interest whichpublication of the information was calculated to serve.Disclosure in the interests of justice is, on this view ofthe balance, clearly of preponderating importance so as tooverride the policy underlying the statutory protection ofsources and the test of necessity for disclosure is satisfied...“ Lord Templeman added that the applicant should have “recognised that [the information] was both confidential and damaging“. C. Fine for contempt of court In the meantime, on 23 November 1989, the applicant had been served with a motion seeking his committal for contempt of court, an offence which was punishable by an unlimited fine or up to two years’ imprisonment (section 14 of the 1981 Act). On 24 November, at a hearing in the High Court, counsel for the applicant had conceded that he had been in contempt but the motion was adjourned pending the appeal. Following the House of Lord’s dismissal of the appeal, the High Court, on 10 April 1990, fined the applicant £5,000 for contempt of court.
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: William Goodwin
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 27058/05) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Ms Belgin Dogru (“the applicant”), on 22 July 2005. The applicant, who was granted legal aid, was represented by Mr M. Bono, a lawyer practising in La Ferté-Macé. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged a violation of her right to religious freedom and her right to education guaranteed by Article 9 of the Convention and Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 respectively. On 7 November 2006 the Court decided to communicate the application to the Government. It was also decided to examine the admissibility and merits of the case at the same time (Article 29 § 3 of the Convention). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1987 and lives in Flers. The applicant, a Muslim aged eleven at the material time, was enrolled in the first year of a state secondary school in Flers for the academic year 1998-1999. From January 1999 onwards she wore a headscarf to school. On seven occasions in January 1999 the applicant went to physical education and sports classes wearing her headscarf and refused to take it off despite repeated requests to do so by her teacher, who explained that wearing a headscarf was incompatible with physical education classes. The teacher sent two reports to the headmaster dated 22 January and 8 February 1999. At a meeting on 11 February 1999 the school's pupil discipline committee decided to expel the applicant from the school for breaching the duty of assiduity by failing to participate actively in physical education and sports classes. The applicant's parents appealed against that decision to the appeal panel. In a decision of 17 March 1999 the Director of Education for Caen upheld the decision of the school's pupil discipline committee, after obtaining the opinion of the appeal panel which was based on four grounds: i) the duty of assiduity (as defined in section 10 of the Education (General Principles) Act – Law no. 89-486 of 10 July 1989; Article 3-5 of Decree no. 85-924 of 30 August 1985 on Local State Schools; and the school's internal rules); ii) the provisions of the school's internal rules stipulating that pupils must wear clothing that “complies with the health and safety rules” and attend physical education and sports classes in their sports clothes; iii) a memorandum (no. 94-116 of 9 March 1994) on pupils' safety during school activities, which specified that “rigorous compliance with the rules governing teaching staff's liability shall not eclipse the very broad personal discretion left to the individual teacher when dealing with actual concrete situations” and that “while managing his or her class the teacher must be capable of identifying and putting a stop to any behaviour on the part of pupils – other than sudden or unforeseeable conduct – that may present a danger”; iv) a decision of the Conseil d'Etat dated 10 March 1995 in which it had held that wearing a headscarf as a sign of religious affiliation was incompatible with the proper conduct of physical education and sports classes. The applicant indicated that she subsequently took correspondence courses in order to continue her school studies. On 28 April 1999 the applicant's parents, acting on their own behalf and as their minor daughter's legal guardians, applied to the Caen Administrative Court to have the decision of the Director of Education set aside. On 5 October 1999 the court rejected their application. It considered that, by attending physical education and sports classes in dress that would not enable her to take part in the classes in question, the applicant had failed to comply with the duty to attend classes regularly. It also found that the applicant's attitude had created an atmosphere of tension within the school and that on the basis of all the factors involved her expulsion from the school had been justified, regardless of the proposal she had made at the end of January to wear a hat instead of her headscarf. The applicant's parents appealed against that judgment. On 31 July 2003 the Nantes Administrative Court of Appeal dismissed their appeal, on the same grounds as the lower court, finding that the applicant, by behaving as she had done, had overstepped the limits of the right to express and manifest her religious beliefs on the school premises. The applicant's parents lodged an appeal on points of law with the Conseil d'Etat, relying, inter alia, on their daughter's right to freedom of conscience and expression. On 29 December 2004 the Conseil d'Etat declared the appeal inadmissible.
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{ "applicant": "Belgin Dogru", "articles": [ 91, 34, 57, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 57, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2008 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Belgin Dogru
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 4143/02) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Spanish national, Ms Pilar Moreno Gómez (“the applicant”), on 22 November 2001. The applicant was represented by Mr Andrés Morey Navarro, of the Valencia Bar. The Spanish Government (“the Government”) were represented by Mr Ignacio Blasco Lozano, Agent of the Government and Head of the Legal Department of the Human-Rights Office at the Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged a breach of her right to respect for her home, contrary to Article 8 of the Convention. The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court. By a decision of 29 June 2004 the Chamber declared the application admissible. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). On 14 September 2004 the applicant lodged a written reply to the Government’s observations and her claim for just satisfaction. The Government did not lodge any comments on her claim. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1948 and lives in Valencia. A. Background to the case The applicant has lived in a flat in a residential quarter of Valencia since 1970. Since 1974 the Valencia City Council has allowed licensed premises such as bars, pubs and discotheques to open in the vicinity of her home, making it impossible for people living in the area to sleep. Local residents first complained about vandalism and noise in the locality before 1980. In view of the problems caused by the noise, the Valencia City Council resolved on 22 December 1983 not to permit any more night clubs to open in the area. However, the resolution was never implemented and new licences were granted. In 1993 the City Council commissioned a report by an expert. The expert found that the noise levels were unacceptable and exceeded permitted levels. At 3.35 a.m. on Saturdays they were in excess of 100 dBA Leq (decibels), ranging from 101 to 115.9 dBA Leq. In a report of 31 January 1995 the police informed the Valencia City Council that nightclubs and discotheques in the sector in which the applicant lived did not systematically close on time. They said that they were able to confirm that the local residents’ complaints were founded. On 28 June 1996 the City Council approved a new bylaw on noise and vibrations, which was published on 23 July 1996 in the Official Gazette of Valencia province. Article 8 of the bylaw lays down that in a family residential area (such as the one in which the applicant lives) external noise levels were not to exceed 45 dBA Leq between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. Article 30 of the bylaw defines “acoustically saturated zones” as areas in which the large number of establishments, activity of the people frequenting them and passing traffic expose local residents to high noise levels and cause them serious disturbance. Lastly, the bylaw specified the conditions that had to be satisfied for an area to be designated an “acoustically saturated zone” (zona acústicamente saturada) and the consequences of designation, which included a ban on new activities (such as nightclubs and discotheques) that led to acoustic saturation. Following a resolution of the Valencia City Council sitting in plenary session on 27 December 1996, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Valencia province on 27 January 1997, the area in which the applicant lived was designated an acoustically saturated zone. Nevertheless, on 30 January 1997 the City Council granted a licence for a discotheque to be opened in the building she lived in. The licence was subsequently declared invalid by a judgment of the Supreme Court of 17 October 2001. In order to determine whether the area should be designated an acoustically saturated zone, the City Council took various sound-level readings to monitor acoustic pollution there. In each of its reports the City Council laboratory indicated that the noise levels exceeded those permitted by the bylaw. B. Court proceedings The applicant was exasperated by the situation, which prevented her from sleeping and resting and caused her insomnia and serious health problems. On 21 August 1997 she lodged a preliminary claim with the Valencia City Council in which she relied on Article 15 (right to life and to physical integrity) and Article 18 § 2 (right to the privacy and inviolability of the home). She sought 3,907 euros (650,000 pesetas) for the damage she had sustained and the cost of installing double glazing. Having received no reply from the authorities and in accordance with the Fundamental Rights (Protection) Act (Law no. 62/1978), the applicant lodged an application for judicial review with the Valencia High Court of Justice on 25 November 1997, alleging a violation of Articles 15 and 18 § 2 of the Constitution. On 2 October 1997 the Valencia City Council lodged its written observations. It submitted that the application was premature and should be declared inadmissible, as the Council could still find a solution. This preliminary objection was dismissed in a decision of 27 October 1997. On 11 December 1997 the representative of state council’s office argued that the court should find in favour of the applicant. He considered that there had been a violation of Articles 15 and 18 § 2 of the Constitution and that the applicant’s claim for damages was justified. In a judgment of 21 July 1998, delivered after an adversarial hearing in public, the Valencia High Court of Justice dismissed the application for judicial review. It found that the readings had been taken in the entrance hall to the building, not in the applicant’s flat, and could not entail a violation of Articles 15 and 18 § 2 of the Constitution; it also noted that the medical expert’s report stated only that the applicant had been receiving treatment for insomnia for several years, without indicating the length of or reason for such treatment. On 9 October 1998 the applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court. Relying on Articles 14 (equality) and 24 (right to a fair hearing) of the Constitution, she complained that the High Court of Justice had not given sufficient reasons in its judgment or assessed the evidence. She also complained under Articles 15 and 18 § 2 of the Constitution of a violation of her rights to life, physical and mental integrity, privacy and the inviolability of the home. In a decision of 29 May 2000, the Constitutional Court declared the amparo appeal admissible and invited the applicant, the representative of state council’s office and the Valencia City Council to submit their observations. On the same day, it summoned the parties to a hearing on the merits on 16 May 2001. At the hearing on 16 May 2001, which was attended by all the parties, the applicant repeated her factual and legal submissions, stressing that there had been a violation of her fundamental rights. The Valencia City Council raised a number of preliminary objections. It further submitted that the appeal was confined to the decision of the Valencia High Court of Justice. With regard to the alleged violation of Articles 15 and 18 § 2 of the Constitution, it stated that there was no evidence of noise levels inside the applicant’s home and that the authority concerned should not bear sole responsibility for the noise to which the applicant had allegedly been exposed, as it had very limited means at its disposal to combat it. The representative of state council’s office agreed with the applicant that there had been a violation of Articles 15 and 18 § 2 of the Constitution. He argued that the amparo appeal should be regarded as hybrid, since it both accused the Valencia City Council of failing to defend the fundamental rights set out in Articles 15 and 18 of the Constitution and challenged the Valencia High Court of Justice’s decision, alleging a violation of Articles 14 and 24 of the Constitution also. As regards the violation of Articles 15 and 18 § 2 of the Constitution, the representative of state council’s office said that, in the light of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, in particular in the case of López Ostra v. Spain, there had been a violation of the applicant’s right to the inviolability of her home, as her home environment had been rendered unfit for ordinary everyday living. On the basis of the Court’s case-law, he sought a broader definition of the constitutional concept of the “home”. As regards noise levels inside the applicant’s home, the representative of state council’s office considered that the burden of proof had been reversed, as it was clear in the instant case that officials from the City Council had confirmed on a number of occasions that the maximum permitted noise levels were being exceeded. Consequently, he did not consider it necessary to require such proof from the applicant. In a judgment of 29 May 2001, which was served on 31 May 2001, the Constitutional Court dismissed the appeal after also dismissing the Valencia City Council’s preliminary objections. It ruled that the amparo appeal was hybrid in nature, that is to say that it alleged a violation of Articles 15 and 18 § 2 of the Constitution by the Valencia City Council and a breach of Articles 14 and 24 of the Constitution by the Valencia High Court of Justice. As regards the alleged violation of Articles 14 and 24 of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court began by noting that it was not entitled to substitute the High Court’s assessment of the evidence with its own. As to the applicant’s allegation that the judgment did not contain sufficient reasons, it noted that the High Court’s decision could not be regarded as arbitrary or unreasonable. It further observed that the applicant had not identified the decisions on which she relied in alleging discrimination. Thus, there was no evidence of any violation of Articles 14 and 24 of the Constitution. With regard to the alleged violation of Articles 15 (right to life and physical integrity) and 18 § 2 (right to privacy and to the inviolability of the home) of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court referred to the decisions in which the European Court of Human Rights had held that, in cases of exceptional gravity, repeated damage to the environment could infringe the right to respect for private and family life under Article 8 § 1 of the Convention, even if did not endanger health. The Constitutional Court held, however: “... there may only be a violation of Article 15 of the Constitution if the level of acoustic saturation to which a person is exposed as a result of an act or omission of a public authority causes serious and immediate damage to his or her health.” The Constitutional Court found that that test had not been satisfied in the case before it and pointed out: “... even though the appellant maintains that the noise levels to which she was exposed turned her into an insomniac, the only evidence she has adduced is a certificate stating that she was admitted to hospital and saw a doctor, without any indication of the period for which she had been suffering from lack of sleep or the cause thereof. ...” The Constitutional Court found that the applicant had not established a direct link between the noise and the damage she had sustained. As to the allegation of a violation of Article 18 of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court further found that she had not established the existence of a nuisance in her home that amounted to a violation of the constitutional provision. It stated: “... the appellant has confined herself to making a general complaint by stating that the origin of the noise was diffuse and not restricted to a single source of production, and that the acoustic saturation resulted from a combination of noises. ... On the contrary, her entire case is based on a few sound-level readings taken inside her home which gave disparate results ... and do not establish that there has been a violation of the right relied on. ...” By way of conclusion, the Constitutional Court dismissed the amparo appeal on the following ground: “Consequently, as regards the alleged violation of the rights relied on the amparo appeal must be dismissed, as the appellant has failed to prove the existence of a genuine effective breach of fundamental rights attributable to the Valencia City Council.” That judgment was delivered by the Constitutional Court sitting as a full court. However, two judges expressed concurring opinions. The first said that the judgment restricted the free development of the personality at home. He considered that the conditions that had to be satisfied for there to be a violation of fundamental rights in the case under consideration were unreasonable and he defended the need to speak of a triple layer of constitutional protection, ranging from the right to physical and moral integrity (Article 15 of the Constitution) to an environment that was suitable for personal development (Article 45 § 1 of the Constitution), via the right to privacy in the home (Article 18 § 2 of the Constitution). The second judge pointed out in his concurring opinion that there was a preliminary problem that had not been adequately dealt with, namely the degree to which the relevant authority was required to provide the requested protection. Determining the extent of that obligation was a prerequisite to establishing whether or not there existed a causal link between the authority’s failure to act and the alleged violation. The authorities were obliged to exercise their power when the breach of the fundamental rights attained a certain level of gravity.
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{ "applicant": "Pilar Moreno Gómez", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2004 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Pilar Moreno Gómez
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by a Swiss national, Mr Hans W. Kopp (“the applicant”) on 20 January 1997, by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) on 22 January 1997 and by the Government of the Swiss Confederation (“the Government”) on 27 February 1997, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 23224/94) against Switzerland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 by Mr Kopp on 15 December 1993. The applicant’s application bringing the case before the Court referred to Article 48 of the Convention, as amended by Protocol No. 9, which Switzerland has ratified; the Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby Switzerland recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46); the Government’s application referred to Articles 45, 47 and 48. The object of the request and of the applications was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 8 and 13 of the Convention. On 20 January 1997 the applicant had designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 31 of Rules of Court B), who was given leave by the President to use the German language in both the written and the oral proceedings (Rule 28 § 3). The applicant was initially designated by the letters H.W.K., but subsequently agreed to the disclosure of his identity. The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr L. Wildhaber, the elected judge of Swiss nationality (Article 43 of the Convention), and Mr R. Bernhardt, the Vice-President of the Court (Rule 21 § 4 (b)). On 21 February 1997, in the presence of the Registrar, the President of the Court, Mr R. Ryssdal, drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr Thór Vilhjálmsson, Mr L.-E. Pettiti, Mr C. Russo, Mr A. Spielmann, Mrs E. Palm, Mr A.B. Baka and Mr M. Voicu (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 5). Subsequently Mr J.M. Morenilla, substitute judge, replaced Mrs Palm, who was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rules 22 § 1 and 24 § 1). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 6), Mr Bernhardt, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 39 § 1 and 40). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the memorials of the Government and the applicant on 19 and 27 September 1997 respectively. On 7 October 1997 the Commission produced the documents on the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions. In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 November 1997. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr P. Boillat, Deputy Director, Head of the International Affairs Division, Federal Office of Justice, Agent, Mr F. Bänziger, Deputy Federal Public Prosecutor, Mr F. Schürmann, Head of the Human Rights and Council of Europe Section, Federal Office of Justice, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mr B. Marxer, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr T. Poledna, of the Zürich Bar, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Marxer, Mr Poledna and Mr Boillat. AS TO THE FACTS I. the CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mr Hans W. Kopp, a Swiss national born in 1931, was formerly a lawyer and lives in Zürich (Switzerland). A. Background to the case The applicant’s wife, Mrs Elisabeth Kopp, was a member of the Federal Council and head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police from 1984 until her resignation in January 1989. 1. The letter of request On 28 February 1988 a Mr Hauser, a member of the law firm Kopp and Partners, was asked by a client to verify the legality of a request for judicial assistance sent to Switzerland by the United States authorities concerning a tax matter. After studying the file, Mr Hauser declined to accept the work, referring to a standing instruction to members of the applicant’s firm to refuse all cases concerning the Federal Department of Justice and Police, for which his wife was at that time responsible. The file was accordingly transferred to the law firm Niederer, Kraft and Frey in Zürich. On 10 June 1988 Niederer, Kraft and Frey asked the Federal Office of Police if they could inspect the letter of request. On 23 August 1988 the Federal Office sent the firm an abridged (gestrippte) version of the document, withholding a confidential section which concerned organised crime. 2. Mrs Kopp’s resignation In November 1988, in a separate development, the media reported allegations that a company, Shakarchi Trading AG, and Mr Kopp, who was at the relevant time the vice-chairman of its board of directors, were implicated in money laundering. At the end of 1988 Mr Kopp lodged a complaint against a newspaper. At his wife’s request, the applicant had resigned as vice-chairman of the board in October 1988. His wife then came under suspicion of disclosing confidential information obtained in an official capacity. As her husband was also suspected of other offences, she was obliged to resign. 3. The establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry On 31 January 1989 the Swiss parliament set up a parliamentary commission of inquiry to look into the way Mrs Kopp had performed her duties, and the circumstances of her resignation. In February 1989 the chairman of the parliamentary commission of inquiry, Mr Leuenberger, was informed that a Mr X, an American citizen, had obtained from the applicant a document which the Federal Office of Police and the Federal Court had refused to communicate to him, in exchange for a payment of 250,000 Swiss francs. Mr Leuenberger was given this information by a Mr Y, who had himself obtained it from the initial informant, a Mr Z. It subsequently transpired that Mr X was named in the American letter of request, which contained confidential information about his role in organised crime. Suspicion therefore arose that a member of the Federal Department of Justice and Police might have passed on confidential documents relating to the request, thus breaching the duty not to disclose official secrets. B. The course of the inquiry and monitoring of the applicant’s telephone lines On 21 November 1989 the Federal Public Prosecutor opened an investigation against a person or persons unknown in order to question the informant Y and to identify the person working at the Federal Department of Justice and Police who might have disclosed official secrets. He also ordered monitoring of the telephone lines of the informants Y and X, and of those of Mr Kopp and his wife. The applicant was monitored as a “third party”, not as a suspect. The monitoring began on 21 November 1989 and ended on 11 December 1989. On 23 November 1989 the President of the Indictment Division of the Federal Court allowed an application by the Federal Public Prosecutor for monitoring of thirteen telephone lines in total, including the applicant’s private and professional lines and those of his wife, and in particular a secret line allocated to her as a former member of the Federal Council. The order expressly mentioned that “the lawyers’ conversations [were] not to be taken into account”. On 24 November 1989 the parliamentary commission of inquiry published its report. It concluded that Mrs Kopp had performed her duties with competence, diligence and circumspection, and that the rumours to the effect that she had allowed external influences to affect the way she performed her duties were unfounded. In February 1990 the Federal Court acquitted Mrs Kopp of disclosing official secrets. On 1 December 1989 the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office interviewed the informant Y, in the presence of the chairman of the parliamentary commission, Mr Leuenberger. On 4 December 1989 Mr Leuenberger contacted the informant Z, who was interviewed by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office on 8 December. On 12 December 1989, having concluded that the suspicions regarding the disclosure of official secrets were unfounded, the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office discontinued monitoring of all Mr and Mrs Kopp’s telephone lines. On 14 December 1989 the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office submitted its final report on the investigation, which stated that in 1988 Mr Hauser had passed on to the firm of Niederer, Kraft and Frey a file relating to the letter of request (see paragraph 8 above) and that there was no evidence that the applicant and his wife had been directly involved in that case. On 6 March 1990 the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office decided to close the investigation, on the ground that there was no evidence to corroborate the suspicions that the applicant’s wife or a member of the Federal Department of Justice and Police had disclosed official secrets, namely certain passages of the letter of request which had been classified as confidential. In a letter of 9 March 1990 the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office informed Mr Kopp that a judicial investigation had been opened, pursuant to Articles 320 and 340 § 1 (7) of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 34 below), in connection with the suspected disclosure of official secrets, and that his private and professional telephone lines had been tapped, in accordance with sections 66 et seq. of the Federal Criminal Procedure Act (see paragraphs 35–38 below). The letter stated that the monitoring had lasted from 21 November to 11 December 1989 and that “conversations connected with his professional activities as a lawyer [had not been] monitored”. It also stated that, pursuant to section 66(1 ter) of the Federal Criminal Procedure Act, all the recordings had been destroyed. On 12 March 1990 the parliamentary commission of inquiry issued a communiqué concerning the monitoring of Mr Kopp’s telephone lines in connection with the judicial investigation concerning him. It stated in particular: “In the course of its inquiries, in connection with which it obtained authorisation to intercept telephone communications, the [Federal] Public Prosecutor’s Office discovered that the American citizen’s Swiss representatives had tried to obtain the confidential document in the file by applying to [the applicant]. They were hoping for privileged access to the Federal Department of Justice and Police on account of the fact that he was the husband of the Federal Councillor then responsible for that Department. For a fee, a lawyer from [the applicant]’s law firm studied the file in order to decide whether to take on the case, but turned it down. An attempt was then made to obtain the confidential part of the file through another lawyer. The American letter of request was in the end disclosed, but only after the confidential passages had been blotted out. On the basis of these findings, the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office discontinued the investigation… The suspicion that there had been a disclosure of official secrets thus proved to be unfounded. The police investigation did, however, reveal how the rumour that led to the information and the suspicion arose.” On 13 March 1990 a number of Swiss newspapers commented on the above communiqué. They mentioned the applicant among the persons implicated and mentioned that telephones had been tapped. C. The proceedings brought by the applicant 1. The complaint to the Federal Department of Justice and Police On 10 April, 3 September and 10 October 1990 Mr Kopp lodged complaints with the Federal Department of Justice and Police about breaches of the legislation on telephone tapping and of Article 8 of the Convention. On 2 November 1992 the Federal Department dismissed the applicant’s complaints. Considering that they were to be classified as complaints to a higher authority, it refused him unrestricted access to his file. 2. The administrative appeal to the Federal Council On 2 December 1992 Mr Kopp lodged an administrative appeal with the Federal Council against the decision taken on 2 November 1992 by the Federal Department of Justice and Police. He complained, among other matters, of unlawful telephone tapping and of the refusal to give him free access to the file. Under the heading “Violation of Article 8 of the Convention”, he made the following submission in particular: “In that context, it should also be noted that the telephone lines of [the applicant]’s law firm, which included a number of partners, were tapped. Section 66(1 bis) of the Federal Criminal Procedure Act expressly prohibits the interception of such telephone conversations. Interception of telephone conversations with [the applicant]’s law firm was therefore likewise illegal under the above-mentioned provision of Swiss law.” On 30 June 1993 the Federal Council dismissed the administrative appeal. It observed that, where telephone tapping was concerned, a complaint to a higher authority, even one which had no basis in law, was to be treated as a normal administrative appeal. It held that it had jurisdiction to determine whether monitoring of the applicant’s telephone lines had been unlawful, whether that measure had been in breach of the Convention and whether the applicant’s right to inspect his file had been infringed. If his personal rights had been infringed, the applicant could claim damages. He could also rely on the Federal Council’s decision in order to seek redress (Genugtuung) from the Federal Court. (a) The right to inspect the file The Federal Council considered that the applicant should have access only to those documents in the file which were directly relevant to the fact that he had had his telephone tapped as a “third party”. It noted that he had had restricted access to the documents, some of which had been censored, particularly as regards the informants’ names. Others, which concerned, for instance, the telephone tapping, had not been made available to him, but he had been orally informed of their existence and content. Several documents concerning third parties had not been handed over to him because their interests prevailed over his. (b) The lawfulness of the telephone tapping According to the Federal Council, section 66 of the Federal Criminal Procedure Act authorised monitoring the telephones of third parties, such as the applicant, if there was evidence giving rise to a presumption that they were receiving information from an offender or imparting information to him. It considered that in the period of general uncertainty due to rumours of subversion which had then obtained (eine durch Unterwanderungsgerüchte verunsicherte Zeit) there had been specific evidence pointing to a disclosure of official secrets by someone within the Federal Department of Justice and Police. The document in question contained confidential information about which guarantees had been given to the United States. The credibility of Switzerland had therefore been at stake. An apparent risk had been identified when the name of the applicant, who was the husband of the former head of the Department of Justice and Police, was mentioned. According to the Federal Council, it had been necessary to tap the telephone lines at the beginning of the investigation, before contacts were established with Mr Y and Mr Z. The civil servants concerned had therefore not immediately looked into the informants’ credibility, considering that any further contact would have compromised the investigation. The Federal Council observed that the applicant had had his telephone tapped not as a suspect but as a “third party” within the meaning of section 66(1 bis) of the Federal Criminal Procedure Act. The conversations he had had in the capacity of lawyer had been expressly excluded. As he was not a civil servant, he could not have been guilty of the offence concerned. His wife had been one of the theoretically possible suspects, but there was no real evidence implicating her or anyone else. The fact that the applicant’s telephone lines had been monitored did not mean, therefore, that he had been under suspicion in the criminal sense. Moreover, the fact that the police investigation had been initiated in respect of “a person or persons unknown” was not simply a ploy to preserve appearances. Lastly, the investigation had not been ordered for political reasons and the chairman of the parliamentary commission had not been in a position to influence it. In conclusion, the Federal Council observed that the conversations recorded had been of no interest to the investigators and no report on them had been made. Be that as it may, even if such a report had been sent to the parliamentary commission, it could not have been used improperly because its members were bound by the duty not to disclose official secrets. 3. The administrative-law appeal to the Federal Court The applicant also lodged with the Federal Court an administrative-law appeal against the decision taken on 2 November 1992 by the Federal Department of Justice and Police (see paragraph 29 above). He asked the Federal Court to rule that the telephone tapping had been unlawful and accordingly to order the institution of criminal proceedings against those responsible. On 8 March 1994 the Federal Court gave judgment against the applicant. It first considered whether he should have been permitted to inspect the whole of the file when the case had been brought before the Federal Department of Justice and Police. It noted that he had been able to inspect those passages in the document which had determined the decision (entscheidungswesentlich) and that the decision not to disclose the informants’ names had been justified. It held that the above conclusion was also consistent with the parliamentary commission of inquiry’s decision to guarantee the informants’ anonymity. Moreover, on the basis of even a partial inspection of the file (gestützt auf die ihm zugestellten “gestrippten” Akten), the applicant had been able to lodge appeals. The Federal Court then considered whether criminal proceedings should be brought in connection with the monitoring of the applicant’s telephone lines. It held that it was not required to provide a conclusive (abschliessend) answer to the question whether the telephone tapping constituted a violation of Article 8 of the Convention, having regard in particular to the fact that the applicant had already appealed to the Federal Council. It noted that criminal proceedings had been instituted for a presumed disclosure of official secrets on the basis of information passed on by the chairman of the parliamentary commission of inquiry. The applicant’s firm was involved inasmuch as one of his partners had looked into the case in order to decide whether he should take it on. The presumption by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office that the first informant or the disloyal civil servant would contact the applicant did not seem to have been wholly unjustified.
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{ "applicant": "Hans W. Kopp", "articles": [ 91, 34, 50, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "CHE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1998 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Hans W. Kopp
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 16174/02) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mrs Bettina Malek (“the applicant”), on 3 April 2002. The applicant was represented by her husband, Mr H. Malek, a lawyer practising in Krems. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs. On 21 October 2003 the Court decided to communicate the application. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time. THE FACTS The applicant was born in 1963 and lives in Krems-Egelsee. On 30 January 1996 the Krems Municipal Council (Magistrat) asked the applicant to comment on the charge against her as she was suspected of illegal parking. On 22 February 1996 the applicant, who was assisted by counsel, submitted her comments. On 8 November 1996 the applicant filed a request to consult inter alia the ordinance upon which the charge was based. On 20 February 1997 the applicant submitted further comments. On 5 March 1997 the Municipal Council issued a penal order (Straferkenntnis) against the applicant finding her guilty of illegal parking and imposing a fine of 1,000 Austrian schillings (approximately 70 euros) with sixty hours’ imprisonment in default on her. On 2 April 1997 the applicant appealed against this decision. On 7 May 1998 the applicant filed further comments. On 16 June 1998 the Lower Austria Independent Administrative Panel (Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat) dismissed the applicant’s appeal. On 2 July 1998 the applicant filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court. On 29 September 1998 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the applicant’s complaint for lack of prospects of success. On 12 January 1999 the Constitutional Court, upon the applicant’s request of 22 December 1998, remitted the case to the Administrative Court. On 10 February 1999 the applicant supplemented her complaint with the Administrative Court. On 19 April 1999 the Independent Administrative Panel submitted its comments. On 25 January 2002 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint as being unfounded. This decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 20 February 2002.
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{ "applicant": "Bettina Malek", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 57, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2004 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Bettina Malek
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 43626/98) against the French Republic lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Guy Laumont (“the applicant”), on 16 January 1997. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mrs A. Lequerre-Derbise, of the Val-de-Marne Bar. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr R. Abraham, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Relying on Article 5 §§ 1 and 4 of the Convention, the applicant complained, in particular, that he had been held in detention arbitrarily in that he had been kept in custody even though the order extending his detention had expired. The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the Second Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 31 August 2000 the Chamber declared the application partly admissible [Note by the Registry. The Court’s decision is obtainable from the Registry]. On 27 October 2000 the Government, but not the applicant, filed further written observations on the merits of the case (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE On 12 November 1994 four armed robbers wearing masks entered the premises of a transport company which employed a number of inmates from Poissy Prison who were in semi-detention or on external work assignments. After locking the entire staff in the lavatories, they forced the company manager, whom they had taken hostage, to open the safe, from which they stole 120,000 French francs (FRF) in cash before making off. The investigators concentrated their inquiries on some of the prison inmates. One of them, G.D., had witnessed the offences and been threatened by the robbers. On 13 January 1995 the managing director of the company had a cheque stolen. The home of one of the company’s employees, E.M., was searched and a forged identity card bearing the applicant’s photo was discovered, together with a sawn-off shotgun. The employee admitted that he had provided the applicant with information to help him commit the armed robbery in return for the sum of FRF 10,000. He also stated that he had recognised the applicant while the offence was being committed despite the mask he had been wearing and that the applicant was the robber who had been carrying the sawn-off shotgun. On 19 January 1995 the investigating judge at the Versailles tribunal de grande instance decided to have the applicant detained pending trial and issued a warrant of commitment for armed robbery, false imprisonment, and wounding with intent and wilful violence resulting in total unfitness for work for less than eight days. On 18 January 1996 the investigating judge made an order extending detention for four months from 19 January 1996. The applicant’s detention was twice extended for a further four months, on 14 May 1996 from 19 May onwards and on 13 September 1996 from 19 September onwards. On 30 September 1996 the investigating judge substituted for the charge of false imprisonment with voluntary release (an intermediate offence (délit)) the more serious one of false imprisonment (crime) and made a partial discharge order. In accordance with Article 181 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, he ordered that the file be transferred to the public prosecutor’s office at the Versailles Court of Appeal with a view to the Indictment Division indicting the applicant and committing him for trial at the Assize Court. That order was served on the applicant on 3 October 1996. In a judgment of 27 November 1996 the Indictment Division of the Versailles Court of Appeal ordered further investigations to be made and appointed for that purpose the investigating judge at the Versailles tribunal de grande instance who had previously been in charge of the investigation. On 20 January 1997 the applicant requested that a bailiff be called on to record officially that his detention had become unlawful as the last order extending it, dated 13 September 1996 and effective from midnight on 19 September 1996 for a period of four months, had expired at midnight on 19 January 1997. In a formal demand for information (sommation interpellative) addressed to the governor of Fresnes Prison the bailiff asked to be sent the detention order by virtue of which the applicant was still being held in his prison. In reply he was told that the applicant was being detained under the transfer order of 30 September 1996 and the Versailles Court of Appeal’s judgment of 27 November 1996. The applicant stated that he had lodged a complaint with the Créteil public prosecutor alleging arbitrary detention but had received no reply. On 9 April 1997 the applicant made an application to the Indictment Division for his immediate release on the ground that he was being detained arbitrarily as the judge’s initial warrant of commitment had ceased to have any effect on 19 January 1997. In a judgment of 25 April 1997 the Indictment Division dismissed that application for the following reason: “It is not disputed that the judgment of 27 November 1996 was delivered within the time laid down by the last paragraph of Article 214 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Consequently, since the Indictment Division did not rule on the facts being investigated, the warrant of commitment issued by the investigating judge continued to have effect. …” In the same judgment the Indictment Division ordered that the applicant should be kept in custody to avoid all risk of pressure being brought to bear on witnesses or collusion and because he could not provide sufficient sureties that he would appear for trial. The applicant appealed on points of law, relying on grounds of appeal based, firstly, on an infringement of Article 725 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and, secondly, on a breach of Articles 201 and 214 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Article 5 of the Convention. In a judgment of 19 August 1997 the Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal on the following grounds: “It appears from the impugned judgment and the documents on the file that on 19 January 1995 a warrant of commitment was issued in respect of [the applicant], who was under investigation for offences including armed robbery. On expiry of its validity a year later, the investigating judge extended the detention three times for four months, the final extension taking effect on 19 September 1996. On 27 November 1996, following the investigating judge’s transfer order of 30 September 1996, the Indictment Division ordered further investigations. [The applicant] made an application to the Indictment Division for his release, alleging that the detention order had ceased to be valid on 19 January 1997 and that he had been unlawfully detained since that date; that application was refused in the judgment now appealed against. In so ruling, the investigating court did not lay itself open to the objections raised. Since the judges ordered further investigations within the time allowed by Article 214, third paragraph, of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the initial warrant of commitment remained effective, in accordance with Article 181, second paragraph, of the Code, after the transfer order was issued and so remains until a decision on indictment is taken …” On 10 September 1997, after completion of the further investigations, the Indictment Division directed that the applicant be committed for trial at the Yvelines Assize Court charged with armed robbery, false imprisonment and other connected lesser offences. The judgment committing the applicant for trial at the Assize Court also contained an order for him to be remanded in custody. An appeal on points of law by the applicant against that judgment was dismissed by the Court of Cassation on 18 December 1997. On 9 and 10 June 1998 the applicant was tried at the Versailles Assize Court, which sentenced him to ten years’ imprisonment. In a judgment delivered on the same day on the civil claims the applicant was ordered to pay the civil party FRF 50,000 in damages. In a judgment of 3 March 1999 the Court of Cassation dismissed appeals on points of law by the applicant against the Assize Court’s judgments.
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{ "applicant": "Guy Laumont", "articles": [ 91, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2001 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Guy Laumont
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 71665/01) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Ms Gisèle Augusto (“the applicant”), on 31 August 2000. The applicant was represented by Mr A. Lyon-Caen, a lawyer practising in Paris. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr R. Abraham, then by his successor, Ms E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On 18 November 2004 the Court decided to communicate the application to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1936 and lives in Vouziers. By a decision of 17 May 1996 the occupational counselling and redeployment board (“the COTOREP”) gave the applicant a 50 to 79% disability rating and issued her with a card certifying that she found it difficult to remain in a standing position. On 6 August 1996, the regional health insurance fund (“the CRAM”) for the North-East region rejected the applicant’s request for a retirement pension as of 1 June 1996 on the basis of her incapacity to work, on the ground that she was not at least 50% disabled. On 13 December 1996 the disability claims tribunal upheld the CRAM’s decision. The applicant appealed to the national tribunal for claims relating to disability and level of insurance coverage for accidents at work (“the CNITAAT”), submitting a number of medical certificates attesting to her state of health and relying on the COTOREP’s decision of 17 May 1996. In a decision of 24 November 1997, the CNITAAT upheld the decision of the disability claims tribunal, stating the following reasons: “The rate of disability comprised between 50% and 79% acknowledged for the purposes of issuing the card certifying that it is “difficult to remain in a standing position” is not calculated using the same assessment criteria as the rate applicable in the present case, so this ground of appeal cannot be upheld; The accredited doctor of the national tribunal for claims relating to disability and level of insurance coverage for accidents at work observes the following: ‘The subject shows signs of preexisting injuries: fracture of the 4th sacral vertebra in 1965, fracture of the left kneecap that was pinned and wired in 1990, fracture of the lower right tibia in 1994. No after-effects in the region of the sacrum are mentioned. The left knee is slightly limited in flexion and shows mild gonarthrosis, and there is lateral calcification of the patella. No after-effects in the left ankle are reported. There is arthrosis of the whole spinal column, with degenerative discopathy at L5‑S1. It is mild arthrosis, not unusual at the subject’s age, with only a slight loss of flexibility of the different segments of the spine. Episodic onsets of sciatica and cervico‑brachial neuralgia are reported in the case history. There are no signs of herniated lumbar disk . There is calcifying periarthritis of the left shoulder, but it does not restrict movement. The same applies to the arthrosis at the base of the right thumb.’ He concludes that: ‘On 1 June 1996 the subject was in a fit state to carry on working without seriously jeopardising her health and, considering her physical and mental fitness for work, did not suffer from a permanent incapacity to work of at least 50%’; In the light of the above medical opinion, the documents in the file and the criteria laid down in Articles L. 351-7 and R. 351‑21 of the Social Security Code, the national tribunal for claims relating to disability and level of insurance coverage for accidents at work decides to uphold the impugned decision ...” The applicant lodged a notice of appeal on points of law on 27 May 1998. In further pleadings her lawyer filed with the Court of Cassation on 23 October 1998, she invoked, inter alia, a violation of “the requirements of the rights of the defence” and of “equality of arms in a fair trial within the meaning of Article 6” of the Convention, in that the report by the CNITAAT’s accredited doctor, drawn up solely on the basis of documents, had not been made available to her or to the doctor she had appointed to submit observations. By a judgment of 2 March 2000 the Employment and Welfare Division of the Court of Cassation dismissed the applicant’s appeal in the following terms: “... on the one hand, the accredited doctor instructed, under the terms of Article R. 143‑28 of the Social Security Code then in force, to carry out a preliminary review of the case, simply gives an opinion to the national disability tribunal without submitting an expert report for adversarial discussion by the parties; Without laying itself open to the objection raised in the ground of appeal, the national disability tribunal, in the light of the findings of its accredited doctor and having analysed the different evidence adduced, considered, as it was within its exclusive jurisdiction to do, that Ms Augusto’s disability rate – the COTOREP evaluation of which was not binding on it – was less than 50%, and that the applicant was therefore not entitled to a retirement pension on the ground of incapacity to work; For these reasons, the appeal ... is dismissed.”
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Gisèle Augusto
PROCEDURE The case of Luedicke, Belkacem and Koç was referred to the Court by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (“the Government“) and the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“). The case originated in three applications against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Commission by Mr. Gerhard W. Luedicke, Mr. Mohammed Belkacem and Mr. Arif Koç in 1973, 1974 and 1975 respectively. The Commission ordered the joinder of these three applications on 4 October 1976. Both the application of the Government, which referred to Article 48 (art. 48) of the Convention, and the request of the Commission, which relied on Articles 44 and 48, sub-paragraph (a) (art. 44, art. 48-a), and to which was attached the report provided for under Article 31 (art. 31), were lodged with the registry of the Court within the period of three months laid down in Articles 32 para. 1 and 47 ((art. 32-1, art. 47). The application was lodged on 1 October 1977, the request on 10 October. Their purpose is to obtain a decision from the Court as to whether or not the facts of the case disclose a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 6 para. 3 (e) and 14 (art. 6-3-e, art. 14) of the Convention. On 5 October, the President of the Court drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of five of the seven judges called upon to sit as members of the Chamber; Mr. H. Mosler, the elected judge of German nationality, and Mr. G. Balladore Pallieri, the President of the Court, were ex officio members under Article 43 of the Convention (art. 43) and Rule 21 para. 3 (b) of the Rules of Court respectively. The five judges thus designated were Mr. J. Cremona, Mrs. H. Pedersen, Mr. D. Evrigenis, Mr. P.-H. Teitgen and Mr. G. Lagergren (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). Mr. Balladore Pallieri assumed the office of President of the Chamber in accordance with Rule 21 para. 5. Mr. Cremona, who was subsequently prevented from taking part in the consideration of the case, was replaced by the first substitute judge, Mrs. Bindschedler-Robert. On 21 November, Mr. Balladore Pallieri, acting in pursuance of Rule 24 para. 4, granted himself exemption from sitting on the case. In accordance with Rule 21 paras. 3 (b) and 5, Mr. Wiarda, the Vice-President of the Court, became a full member of the Chamber and assumed the office of President of the Chamber. The President of the Chamber ascertained, through the Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government and the Delegates of the Commission regarding the procedure to be followed. By an Order of 17 October, the President of the Chamber decided that the Government should file a memorial within a time-limit expiring on 31 January 1978 and that the Delegates should be entitled to file a memorial in reply within two months of receipt of the Government’s memorial. The Government filed their memorial on 30 January 1978. The Secretary to the Commission advised the Deputy Registrar on 17 April that the Delegates had decided not to file a memorial in reply; on 8 May, he communicated to the Registrar a note containing “the applicants’ observations on the question of the application of Article 50 (art. 50) of the Convention“ and Mr. Koç’s observations on the Government’s suggestion that his case be severed from the other two and be struck out of the Court’s list. After consulting, through the Deputy Registrar, the Agent of the Government and the Delegates of the Commission, the President of the Chamber decided by an Order of 11 March that the oral hearings should open on 25 May. The Chamber held a preparatory meeting on 25 May, immediately before the opening of the hearings. At that meeting the Chamber, granting a request presented by the Government, decided that their Agent and counsel could plead in German at the hearings, the Government undertaking, inter alia, responsibility for the interpretation into French or English of their oral arguments or statements (Rule 27 para. 2). At the same time, the Chamber took note of the intention of the Commission’s Delegates to be assisted during the oral proceedings by Mr. Pawlik, the lawyer of one of the applicants; it also authorised Mr. Pawlik to speak in German (Rules 29 para. 1 in fine and 27 para. 3). The oral hearings took place in public at the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 May. There appeared before the Court: for the Government: Mrs. I. Maier, Ministerialdirigentin at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Agent, Mr. H. Stöcker, Regierungsdirektor at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Mr. K. Miebach, Richter am Landgericht, Federal Ministry of Justice, Advisers; for the Commission: Mr. F. Ermacora, Principal Delegate, Mr. S. Trechsel, Delegate, Mr. G. Pawlik, lawyer for Mr. Koç, assisting the Delegates under Rule 29 para. 1, second sentence. The Court heard addresses by Mrs. Maier for the Government and by Mr. Ermacora, Mr. Trechsel and Mr. Pawlik for the Commission, as well as their replies to questions put by several judges. On 10 July, the Agent of the Government supplemented in writing her reply to one of the questions that had been put to her. On 17 July, the Commission produced to the Court certain documents referred to by the Principal Delegate at the hearings; these documents were the subject of a letter, received on 16 August, from the Agent of the Government. AS TO THE FACTS At the time when they introduced their applications with the Commission, Mr. Gerhard W. Luedicke, Mr. Mohammed Belkacem and Mr. Arif Koç were resident in the Federal Republic of Germany. The three applicants were charged before the German courts with the commission of various criminal offences. Since they were not sufficiently familiar with the language of the country, they were assisted by an interpreter in accordance with German law. After conviction, they were ordered, amongst other things, to pay the costs of the proceedings, including the interpretation costs. They consider that the inclusion of this latter item is contrary to, inter alia, Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) of the Convention. I. THE DOMESTIC LAW In criminal proceedings, the courts must use the services of an interpreter whenever the accused is not conversant with German. The first sentence of section 185 para. 1 of the Constitution of the Courts Act (Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz) provides as follows: “If the proceedings before the court involve the participation of persons who do not have command of the German language, an interpreter shall be employed.“ Pursuant to this provision, the assistance of an interpreter is made available as a matter of course to an accused - whatever his nationality - who does not understand or speak the German language. The same rule is applicable to the examination of witnesses who do not have command of the German language. The obligation to employ an interpreter is, however, subject to one exception, namely when all the participants are familiar with the foreign language (section 185 para. 2 of the Constitution of the Courts Act). Interpretation costs are part of the costs of the proceedings which, according to Article 464 (a) para. 1, first sentence, of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozeßordnung), are made up of “the fees (Gebühren) and expenses of the Treasury“. The latter are listed in the Court Costs Act (Gerichtskostengesetz) which in turn refers to the Witnesses and Experts (Expenses) Act (Gesetz über die Entschädigung von Zeugen und Sachverständigen). Section 17 para. 2 of the last-mentioned Act provides that “for the purposes of compensation, interpreters shall be treated as experts“. According to Article 465 para. 1, first sentence, of the Code of Criminal Procedure: “The accused shall bear the costs of such part of the proceedings as concerned the act that gave rise to the conviction ...“ Under this provision, the question of payment of the costs of the proceedings arises only after there has been a final ruling on the guilt of the accused; an accused person may never be required to make any advance payment on these costs. In the event of acquittal or of proceedings being discontinued, the Treasury in principle bears the costs. On the other hand, if the individual concerned is convicted, he has to pay the costs, but only such proportion thereof as relates to the criminal charges upheld by the court. As concerns interpretation costs in particular, Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) of the Convention, which forms an integral part of the domestic law, specifies that “everyone charged with a criminal offence has the (right) ... to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court“. This text has not been interpreted and applied by the German courts in a uniform way. Certain courts read it as embodying an obligation for the Treasury to bear the costs in question for all time and in all cases; other courts, including some higher courts, consider on the contrary that while Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) - like the Code of Criminal Procedure - exempts an accused (that is, a person “charged with a criminal offence“) from paying in advance for the expenses incurred by the use of an interpreter, it does not prohibit such expenses being awarded against a convicted person. Interpretation costs are assessed in accordance with a scale fixed by law and not by the interpreters themselves; the assessment is made by a court official (Kostenbeamter) when the overall costs of the proceedings are determined. II. FACTS RELATING TO THE INDIVIDUAL APPLICANTS 1. Mr. Luedicke Mr. Gerhard W. Luedicke is a citizen of the United Kingdom and was, at the time of his application to the Commission, a member of the British Forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany. On 5 May 1972, the Bielefeld District Court (Amtsgericht) convicted him of a road traffic offence. He was fined DM 900 and ordered to pay the costs of the proceedings. On 2 June 1972, after the judgment had become final, the public prosecutor’s department (Staatsanwaltschaft) attached to the Bielefeld Regional Court (Landgericht) served Mr. Luedicke with a notice to pay the sum of DM 1,330.90, made up of the fine of DM 900 and the fees (Gebühren) due in respect of the criminal proceedings (DM 90) and the withdrawal of his driving licence (DM 30), together with police costs (DM 85.50) and interpretation costs (DM 225.40). DM 154.60 of the last item related to the oral hearing. On 30 June 1972, the applicant, represented by the Command Legal Aid Section at Bielefeld, entered an appeal (Erinnerung) against this assessment of costs; he maintained that the assessment was contrary to Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) of the Convention in so far as it concerned payment of the interpretation costs. Following the refusal of the auditor (Bezirksrevisor) attached to the Bielefeld Regional Court to modify the assessment, the matter was referred to the Bielefeld District Court which dismissed the appeal on 31 August 1972. The District Court stated in particular: “The object of Article 6 (art. 6) of the Convention ... is to guarantee certain fundamental rights to everyone faced with criminal proceedings. In Germany, this Article (art. 6) applies to proceedings brought against foreigners as well as to those brought against German nationals. It is not the aim of the provision to place foreigners in a more favourable position than German nationals. This, however, would be the case if a foreign convicted person was not required to pay the interpretation costs. For example, under the German law of procedure and costs, a deaf-and-dumb convicted person against whom proceedings cannot be taken without a special interpreter must pay the costs of interpretation. So must also a German convicted person in whose trial non-German-speaking witnesses have to be examined with the assistance of an interpreter. Under the rules of German criminal procedure every person finally convicted must himself bear all the costs of the proceedings, including ... the interpretation expenses. This obligation is not contrary to Article 6 (art. 6) ... which does not forbid awarding the costs of the proceedings against a person convicted of an offence. Under German procedural law, however, no accused person need make advance payment for the costs of interpreters ... This would appear not to be the case in other signatory States of the Convention as otherwise it would be difficult to understand the wording of Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e). The Court thus interprets Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) ... as a provisional exemption from paying the interpretation costs ...“ On 8 February 1973, following an “immediate appeal“ (sofortige Beschwerde) by Mr. Luedicke, the Bielefeld Regional Court confirmed the impugned decision, relying, inter alia, on the “correctness of the reasoning“ contained in that decision. On 4 May 1973, the applicant paid the costs of the proceedings, including the interpretation costs. 2. Mr. Belkacem Mr. Mohammed Belkacem is an Algerian citizen, born in 1954. After completing his apprenticeship as a locksmith in Algeria, he rejoined his father in the Federal Republic of Germany where he followed various occupations. In December 1973, he was involved in a dispute in a Berlin night-club during which another client lost his coat. He was charged with robbery and with assault occasioning bodily harm; his case was tried by the Berlin-Tiergarten Juvenile Court (Jugendschöffengericht). On 8 April 1974, the Juvenile Court convicted him of assault occasioning bodily harm. He was sentenced to four weeks’ imprisonment (Dauerarrest) - a sentence deemed to have been served during his detention on remand - and to a fine of DM 500, and he was ordered to pay the costs of the proceedings. On 10 April 1974, Mr. Belkacem filed an “immediate appeal“ against the order as to costs insofar as the interpretation costs had been included in the award. He submitted that Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) of the Convention granted him exemption from payment of the costs in question. On 13 June 1974, the Berlin Regional Court dismissed the appeal. The Regional Court reasoned that, since no assessment of costs had yet been made, there had been no decision capable of being challenged on appeal. The Regional Court further stated that the Juvenile Court would have acted improperly if it had omitted the interpretation costs from its decision on the costs of the proceedings - the former costs, according to Article 464 (a) of the Code of Criminal Procedure read in conjunction with the Court Costs Act and the Witnesses and Experts (Expenses) Act, constituting a component of the latter costs. Furthermore, it was added, Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) of the Convention did not prohibit a convicted person being made to bear interpretation costs. On 11 April 1975, the Berlin-Tiergarten District Court served Mr. Belkacem with a notice to pay costs amounting to DM 665.63, including DM 321.95 for interpretation costs. The latter sum comprised the expenses incurred in respect of Mr. Belkacem’s appearance before the judge on 17 December 1973 (DM 33.25), the review on 14 January 1974 of his detention on remand (Haftprüfungstermin) (DM 67.60), the translation of the indictment (DM 90.20) and the trial hearing on 8 April 1974 (DM 130.90). The applicant unsuccessfully challenged the inclusion of interpretation costs in this assessment of the costs. On 29 May 1975, his appeal was dismissed by the District Court which held, inter alia, that Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) of the Convention did not prevent interpretation costs being awarded against a convicted person. Mr. Belkacem then lodged an “immediate appeal“ which was rejected by the Berlin Regional Court on 2 October 1975. As far as Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) was concerned, the Regional Court referred to its decision of 13 June 1974 and continued: “In the light of the context of Article 6 para. 3 (art. 6-3) ..., which lays down fundamental guarantees for a fair trial, the Court ... interprets sub-paragraph (e) (art. 6-3-e) to mean that the assistance of an interpreter must not be made dependent on the accused’s making any advance payment. This sub-paragraph guarantees a court hearing for a foreigner who is ignorant of the language, regardless of his capacity to pay. Who finally has to bear the costs of interpretation after the proceedings have terminated is a different question. That after conviction this may be the accused is not excluded by Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) ...“ On 5 May 1977, following a request by Mr. Belkacem, the Berlin Justizkasse allowed him to defer payment “until the decision of the Commission of Human Rights be known“. From that time, he has not been required to pay the costs in question since, at the request of the Government, the relevant Berlin authorities (Landesjustizverwaltung) have suspended recovery awaiting the judgment of this Court. 3. Mr. Koç Mr. Arif Koç, a Turkish citizen born in 1940, has been employed in the Federal Republic of Germany in various trades, including mining and the construction industry. When he applied to the Commission, he was living at Geilenkirchen-Waurichen. On 12 April 1976, he notified the relevant authorities in Alsdorf, near Aachen, his last place of residence in Germany, of his intention to return to Turkey. On 6 December 1973, the Assize Court attached to the Regional Court (Schwurgericht beim Landgericht) at Aachen convicted Mr. Koç of causing grievous bodily harm. He was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment, but the balance of his sentence remaining after allowance had been made for his detention on remand was commuted to a period of probation. The court ordered the applicant to bear the costs of the proceedings “with the exception, however, of the costs occasioned by the assistance of the Turkish-language interpreter, which costs are to be borne by the Treasury“. Although taking notice of the conflicting practice of the German courts in this connection, the Assize Court held that the “free“ assistance of an interpreter, as guaranteed by Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) to every accused not conversant with the language of the court, is to be understood as being free once and for all time. On an “immediate appeal“ by the public prosecutor’s department, the Cologne Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht), in a fully reasoned decision delivered on 5 June 1975, set aside the Assize Court’s judgment insofar as it related to the interpretation costs. The Court of Appeal stated: “On [its] wording, it is controversial whether (Article 6 para. 3 (e)) (art. 6-3-e) forbids a convicted person’s being charged with the costs of interpretation under the above-cited provisions relating to costs or whether - in the case of criminal proceedings in German courts – it merely means that the assistance of an interpreter may not be made dependent on an advance payment by the accused. ... ..... The object of the Convention is to secure human rights and fundamental freedoms against arbitrary State action and to place them under the protection of supranational law. ... It is not its purpose to go further and alter the national legal systems ... The list of procedural guarantees in Article 6 (art. 6) of the Convention shows that the intention was to enshrine rights of the citizen and duties of the State which ensure a fair trial. This obviously means that the accused (or person charged) should be able to call for the assistance of an interpreter if he does not understand or speak the language used in court and that such assistance should be in no way dependent on the question of costs. But it certainly does not mean that even a convicted person may not have the costs of interpretation awarded against him. A fair trial is guaranteed in this respect insofar as the accused must be assisted by the interpreter he needs. The question whether he may later be required to bear the costs is not of the same order as the problem of guaranteeing human rights and fundamental freedoms but, both in theoretical and practical terms, is of lesser moment. It cannot be assumed that the Convention is intended to provide a piecemeal solution of the question of costs in criminal proceedings. Nor does the consideration that a foreigner should not receive worse treatment in the matter of costs than a national, dictate the conclusion that permanent exemption from costs is necessarily implied by the object of the Convention ... The Convention would not have come appreciably nearer to achieving its aim by prohibiting a financial disadvantage of such a kind.“ On 1 July 1975, Mr. Koç applied to the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) which, eight days later, declined to hear the application on the ground that it did not offer sufficient prospects of success. According to the payment vouchers (Kassenanweisungen), the fees paid to the interpreter amounted to DM 311.50 for the hearing on 4 December 1973, DM 510.50 for the hearing on 5 December and DM 112.50 for the hearing on 6 December - making a total of DM 934.50. Nevertheless, the applicant was not served with a notice to pay the costs for which he was liable, including the interpretation costs, since it was noted that he had a wife and four children to support, that his income was modest and that there was thus no prospect of recovering the costs. For these reasons, the competent court official, acting in pursuance of Article 10 para. 1 of the Service Instructions of 28 February 1969 on Court Costs (Kostenverfügung), had decided of his own motion on 23 October 1975 not to assess the costs. His decision was not notified either to Mr. Koç or to Mr. Koç’s lawyer. A second decision to this effect was taken by the same official on 20 December 1977. This decision recorded that the applicant was living in Turkey that his address was unknown and that recovery of the costs, being doomed to failure, should be waived. Mr. Koç’s lawyer discovered the existence of the decision in April 1978 when he sought from the court a photocopy of the interpreter’s payment vouchers. Before the Court, the Agent of the Government, with the agreement of the Minister of Justice for the Land of North-Rhine Westphalia made the following declaration: “... the compulsory collection of costs from the applicant Koç in pursuance of the judgment of 6 December 1973 by the Assize Court attached to the Aachen Regional Court, varied in part by the decision of 5 June 1975 by the Cologne Court of Appeal, will not be carried out in future; for the costs of such compulsory collection and the administrative costs would be out of proportion to the sum owed.“ The Agent specified that “the costs ... would not be collected even if the applicant were to return to the Federal Republic of Germany“. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION In their applications, lodged respectively on 23 July 1973, 20 December 1974 and 28 July 1975, Mr. Luedicke, Mr. Belkacem and Mr. Koç claimed to be victims of a violation of Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) of the Convention in that they had been ordered by the German courts to bear interpretation costs. Mr. Luedicke and Mr. Belkacem also alleged discrimination by reason of the fact that a foreigner not speaking German was in a less favourable position than a German person. The Commission declared Mr. Luedicke’s application admissible on 11 March 1976 and the applications of Mr. Belkacem and Mr. Koç admissible on 4 October following. In its report of 18 May 1977, the Commission expressed the opinion: unanimously, that the decisions concerning the interpreter’s costs in the applicants’ cases were in breach of Article 6 para. 3 (e) (art. 6-3-e) of the Convention; by twelve votes to one, that it was not necessary to pursue its examination of the case under Article 14 (art. 14). The report contains one separate opinion. CONCLUDING SUBMISSIONS MADE TO THE COURT In their memorial of 30 January 1978, the Government suggested that the Court, acting in pursuance of Rule 47 para. 2 of the Rules of Court, strike the case out of its list insofar as the applicant Koç was concerned; requested the Court to find that the Federal Republic of Germany has not violated the Convention to the detriment of the applicants Luedicke and Belkacem. At the hearing on 25 May, the Government specified that this latter request applied also to Mr. Koç if the Court did not comply with their above-mentioned suggestion.
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{ "applicant": "Gerhard W. Luedicke", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1978 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Gerhard W. Luedicke
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 52363/11) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Philippe Bidart (“the applicant”), on 16 August 2011. The applicant was represented by Mr P. Aramendi, a lawyer practising in Saint-Jean-de-Luz. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr François Alabrune, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the restriction on freedom of expression imposed on him in the framework of his release on licence was contrary to Article 10 of the Convention. On 5 September 2013 the application was communicated to the Government. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1953 and lives in Béziers. The applicant is the former head of the Basque separatist organisation Iparretarrak. After his detention in 1988, he was convicted several times: on 4 March 1991 he was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment for criminal association with a view to preparing a terrorist offence; on 10 November 1992 he was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder in the framework of terrorist activity, killing two members of the State security police force (“CRS”); on 9 April 1993 he was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment for armed robbery; on 9 June 1993 he was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder in the framework of terrorist activity, killing a gendarme; and on 31 March 2000 he was sentenced to twenty years’ imprisonment for conspiracy to murder, complicity in murder and armed robbery. By judgment of 1 February 2007 the Sentence enforcement division of the Paris Court of Appeal released him on licence from 14 February 2007 to 14 February 2014, ordering to follow a seven-year programme of assistance and supervision. The Government pointed out that the applicant was the first person sentenced to life imprisonment for offences linked to terrorism ever to have been released on licence. The Sentence enforcement division reiterated in its judgment that the applicant’s release on licence would be accompanied by the following general obligations (Article 132-44 of the Penal Code): complying with the instructions of the sentence enforcement judge or of the social worker from the Prison rehabilitation and probation service; receiving visits from the latter and providing him or her with information or documents facilitating supervision of his livelihood and compliance with his obligations; informing the social worker of any job changes and, if such changes are liable to hamper compliance with his obligations, obtaining prior authorisation from the sentence enforcement judge; informing the social worker of any changes of address and of any travel lasting for more than two weeks, reporting back to the latter on his return; and obtaining the authorisation of the sentence enforcement judge for any foreign travel and for any change of job or of address liable to impede compliance with his obligations. The division added the following special obligations (Article 132-45 [1], [3], [5] and [14] of the Penal Code): exercising an occupation or following vocational education or training; residing in Béziers; continuing, in accordance with his means, to pay into the Guarantee Fund for the compensation of victims of terrorism; and refraining from possessing or carrying a weapon. On 7 November 2007 the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal on points of law lodged by the Public Prosecutor with the Paris Court of Appeal. On 24 December 2007 the applicant took part in a peaceful demonstration outside Agen Prison in support of Basque detainees being held there. The media reported on that demonstration. Consequently, the Paris Sentence Enforcement Court delivered a judgment on 14 May 2008 imposing additional special obligations on the applicant: refraining from attending, in the vicinity of a prison or other detention facility, any demonstration in support of persons detained for terrorist offences or of any association or movement which is committing or has committed terrorist acts (Article 135-45 [9] of the Penal Code); refraining from distributing any document or audiovisual material produced or co-produced by himself concerning, in whole or in part, an offence committed by himself, and refraining from discussing that offence in public (Article 132-45 [16] of the Penal Code). That judgment was upheld by judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal on 2 October 2008. However, the latter judgment was quashed by judgment of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 10 June 2009, on the grounds that the sentence enforcement court did not have jurisdiction to modify the obligations for release on licence, for which matter the sentence enforcement judge held jurisdiction. On 18 February 2010 the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested that the sentence enforcement judge of the Regional Court of Paris add both the aforementioned obligations to the applicant’s list of obligations for release on licence, as well as a prohibition on “contacting any person actively engaged in promoting Basque separatism or supporting detainees convicted of or charged with terrorist acts pursuant to Articles 421-1 to 421-6 of the Penal Code, particularly with a view to expressing support for such detainees (Article 132-42 [12] of the Penal Code)”. By judgment of 28 June 2010 the sentence enforcement judge decided to impose on the applicant the obligation set out in Article 132-45 (16) of the Penal Code: “refraining from distributing any document or audiovisual material produced or co-produced by himself concerning, in whole or in part, the offence committed, and refraining from discussing that offence in public, whereby [these] provisions [are] applicable only in cases of convictions for serious offences of intentional homicide, sexual assault or sexual abuse”. He noted that in its judgment of 1 February 2007 the Paris Court of Appeal had described the applicant “as a calm, respectful person who spent most of his time writing his memoirs”. The judge inferred that “although it is unclear what the word ‘memoirs’ entails, it is quite possible that Mr Bidart might be tempted to publish his memoirs and make statements on the offences of which he was convicted”. Nor did the judgment go into further detail on that point. It explained, however, that “during the adversarial proceedings Mr Bidart was reminded that the prosecution had requested the prohibition only of writings or statements connected with the offences of which he had been convicted”. That judgment was upheld by judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal on 31 August 2010, stating that the obligation in question “merely prohibited commenting on or condoning the offences committed” and “that the obligation was not a disproportionate measure in the light of the need to protect public order, nor does it prevent Philippe Bidart from expressing his political convictions”. By judgment of 30 March 2011 the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal on points of law lodged by the applicant, on the grounds that in its judgment the Court of Appeal had properly applied Article 132-45 [16] of the Penal Code, in compliance with the legal texts and conventions relevant to the applicant’s appeal (including Article 10 of the Convention). ...
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{ "applicant": "Philippe Bidart", "articles": [ 91, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2015 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Philippe Bidart
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 58675/00) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Michel Martinie (“the applicant”), on 15 February 1999. The applicant was represented by Mr M. Meyer, a lawyer practising in Strasbourg. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The application was allocated to the Second Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). On 13 January 2004 it was declared partly admissible by a Chamber of that Section composed of Gaukur Jörundsson, President, Jean-Paul Costa, Loukis Loucaides, Karel Jungwiert, Volodymyr Butkevych, Wilhelmina Thomassen and Mindia Ugrekhelidze, judges, and Lawrence Early, Deputy Section Registrar. On 3 May 2005 a Chamber of that Section composed of András Baka, President, Jean-Paul Costa, Ireneu Cabral Barreto, Rıza Türmen, Karel Jungwiert, Antonella Mularoni and Elisabet Fura-Sandström, judges, and Sally Dollé, Section Registrar, relinquished jurisdiction in favour of the Grand Chamber, neither of the parties having objected to relinquishment (Article 30 of the Convention and Rule 72). The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and Rule 24. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits. A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 16 November 2005 (Rule 59 § 3). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Ms E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Ms A.-F. Tissier, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms C. Joly, Drafting Secretary, Human Rights Section, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr B. Genevois, President of the Judicial Division, Conseil d’Etat, Mr J.-Y. Bertucci, Principal Advocate-General at the Court of Audit, Mr O. Ortiz, President of the Regional Audit Office of Alsace, Advisers; (b) for the applicant Mr M. Meyer, lawyer, Ms V. Lechevallier, lawyer, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Meyer and Ms Belliard and by Mr Genevois and Mr Bertucci. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, who is a civil servant in the State education service, was born in 1948 and lives in Papeete. In June 1987 the Lycée René-Cassin in Bayonne – of which the applicant had been appointed accountant by a decision of the Director of Education for Bordeaux – and the French Federation of Basque Pelota signed an agreement to set up a centre at the school which would allow young athletes to continue studying during their training: the Basque Pelota National Training Centre (Centre national d’entraînement à la pelote basque – “the CNEA”). The CNEA, which had no separate legal personality, was attached to the school’s budget. The headmaster of the school was the director and authorising officer in respect of expenditure, and the applicant, who was appointed general secretary of the centre, was the accountant. In December 1987 the headmaster instituted a fixed monthly allowance in favour of the director of the CNEA and its general secretary. On an audit of the accounts submitted by the applicant for the years 1989 to 1993, the Aquitaine Regional Audit Office gave interim rulings on 3 May 1996 and 11 March 1997 ordering the applicant to produce certain supplementary evidence. In a judgment of 17 October 1997, the Aquitaine Regional Audit Office declared that the applicant owed the school the following amounts plus interest: 191,893.09 French francs (FRF), FRF 11,407.75 and FRF 17,806.60. Those amounts corresponded to payments made by the applicant in his capacity as public accountant of the school for the years 1989 to 1993. The first sum related to the fixed monthly allowance paid to the headmaster of the school in his capacity as director of the CNEA and to the applicant himself as general secretary; the second sum concerned a cashier’s indemnity paid to the applicant himself out of funds managed by the CNEA’s separate accounting department; and the third concerned the transfer of holiday compensation into the CNEA’s separate accounting department in favour of the director of the centre and the applicant himself. In its judgment, the Regional Audit Office noted that there was no resolution by the board of governors of the Lycée René-Cassin authorising these allowances – whereas that was the only body with power to set up a system of allowances – and, referring to the relevant provisions, pointed out that “the public accountant must satisfy himself that the documents he submits in support of the payments for which he takes charge are issued by the appropriate authority”. The applicant appealed to the Court of Audit, which gave judgment on 20 October 1998 upholding the main parts of the Regional Audit Office’s judgment but partly varying the total amount to be repaid, which it reduced to FRF 191,893.09. In a decision of 22 October 1999, the Conseil d’Etat declared an appeal on points of law lodged by the applicant “inadmissible”. The decision is worded as follows: “Under section 11 of the Law of 31 December 1987 reforming administrative proceedings, ‘an appeal on points of law to the Conseil d’Etat is first subjected to an admissibility procedure. Leave to appeal is refused by judicial decision if the appeal is inadmissible or not based on a genuine ground of appeal’. In applying for the judgment of 20 October 1998 [of] the Court of Audit ... to be set aside, Mr Martinie submitted that the judgment had been given in breach of the provisions of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention ..., since he had neither been summoned to appear nor invited to submit his observations; he had not been aware of the date of the hearing fixed by the Court of Audit; and the reporting judge and counter-reporting judge had taken part in the deliberations of the Court of Audit. In his submission, the Court had misdirected itself in law in considering that only an executory resolution of the school’s board of governors could have constituted justification for the payment; the accountant could not be held liable for the expenditure paid by the [CNEA] prior to 21 February 1992, which was the date of his appointment as accountant of the ‘direct accounting department’ that had borne the irregular expenditure; and, lastly, the Court of Audit had further misdirected itself in law by ordering repayment of the sum in question to the Lycée René-Cassin. None of these grounds justifies granting leave to appeal.” On 7 June 2001, on a non-contentious application, the Minister of Finance granted the applicant partial remission of the surcharge levied by the Court of Audit, in the sum of 21,953.91 euros (EUR), with EUR 762.25 thus remaining payable by him.
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{ "applicant": "Michel Martinie", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 2006 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Michel Martinie
PROCEDURE The case originated in two applications (nos. 35109/06 and 38112/06) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Austrian nationals, Mr Jochen Penias and Mr Walter Ortmair (“the applicants”), on 8 August 2006 and on 21 August 2006 respectively. The applicants were represented by Mr J. Postlmayr, a lawyer practising in Mattighofen. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. The applicants alleged in particular that the quashing of their convictions by the Independent Administrative Panel upon an official complaint by the relevant Federal Minister violated Article 6 of the Convention and Article 4 of Protocol No. 7. They also complained under Articles 6 and 13 about the length of the proceedings and lack of an effective remedy in that respect. On 18 June 2007 and 28 August 2008 respectively, the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the applications to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the applications at the same time (Article 29 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The first applicant was born in 1979 and lives in St Peter am Hart. The second applicant was born in 1955 and lives in Maria Schmolln. A. Mr Penias (application no. 35109/06) On 14 February 2002 the Braunau District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) informed the applicant that he was suspected of having driven a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol contrary to sections 5(1) and 99(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act (Strassenverkehrsordnung) on 10 February 2002. The breathalyser test had shown an alcohol level of 0.63 mg/l in his breath. In his submissions of 1 March 2002 the applicant argued that allowance should be made for 5% inaccuracy in the result of the breathalyser test. This would lead to an established alcohol level of less than 0.60 mg/l and his conduct would therefore constitute a less serious offence under Sections 5(1) and 99(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Act. On 8 April 2002 the Braunau District Administrative Authority found the applicant guilty of the offence of drunk driving under sections 5(1) and 99(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act, which provides for a fine of between 872 and 4,360 euros (EUR). It imposed a fine of EUR 1,162 on him with seventeen days’ imprisonment in the event of default. Having regard to the evidence before it, the District Authority noted that the breathalyser at issue had been duly checked by the Office of Weights and Measurements (Bundesamt für Eich-und Vermessungswesen) and the test had been carried out correctly. Referring to the Administrative Court’s case-law, it noted that in such circumstances there was no need to make any allowance for inaccuracy. The applicant appealed, repeating his argument as regards the alleged imprecision of the breathalyser test. After holding a hearing, the Upper Austria Independent Administrative Panel (Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat) allowed the applicant’s appeal in part. In its decision of 17 June 2002 it found that an alcohol level in the applicant’s breath of 0.59 mg/l could be considered to have been confirmed, since allowance had to be made for a possible inaccuracy in the result of the breathalyser test. Consequently, it convicted the applicant under sections 5(1) and 99(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Act, which provides for a fine of between EUR 581 and EUR 3,633, and reduced the fine to EUR 1,000 with fourteen days’ imprisonment in the event of default. The Independent Administrative Panel considered that the question about possible inaccuracy of the breathalyser test was not a matter of law but a matter of fact. There was documentary evidence, and also evidence from an expert on weights and measurements, that for this particular type of breathalyser 5% inaccuracy could not be ruled out. The decision was served on the applicant on 24 July 2002. He did not lodge a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) or the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) within the statutory six-week time-limit. There was no other party to the proceedings who could lodge a complaint. On 7 August 2002 the Independent Administrative Panel’s decision of 17 June 2002 was served on the Federal Minister for Traffic, Innovation and Technology. On 18 September 2002 the Federal Minister for Traffic, Innovation and Technology lodged an official complaint (Amtsbeschwerde) under Article 131 (1) subparagraph (2) of the Federal Constitution (Bundes‑Verfassungsgesetz) against that decision, on the ground that it contained an error of law. According to the Administrative Court’s case-law the authority was obliged to base its finding in respect of the blood alcohol level of the accused on the result of the breathalyser test. In the present case, the breathalyser had been duly examined by the Office for Weights and Measurements and no doubts had been raised as to its correct functioning. On 18 February 2005 the Administrative Court, following the official complaint, quashed the Independent Administrative Panel’s decision of 17 June 2002 and referred the case back to it. It found that the decision had applied the law incorrectly, since there was no ground to make allowance for inaccuracy in the breathalyser test. In his submissions of 15 March 2005 the applicant asserted that it would violate the requirements of a fair trial if the quashing of the Independent Administrative Panel’s decision following the Federal Minister’s official complaint had any negative consequences for him. On 21 March 2005 the Independent Administrative Panel, noting that it was bound by the Administrative Court’s legal view, dismissed the applicant’s appeal against the Braunau District Authority’s decision of 8 April 2002. Consequently, his conviction under section 99(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act was upheld. As regards the sentence, the Independent Administrative Panel noted that section 99(1)(a) provided for a fine of between EUR 872 and EUR 4,360. It found that the minimum fine of EUR 872 with ten days’ imprisonment in the event of default was appropriate. It noted that the applicant had no prior convictions, and also had regard to the Constitutional Court’s case-law, according to which unreasonably lengthy proceedings could lead to a reduction of the sentence. The applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court, claiming several violations of Article 6 of the Convention. He submitted, in particular, that the proceedings had been unreasonably lengthy and that he had no remedy in this respect; that the Administrative Court and subsequently the Independent Administrative Panel had disregarded the expert opinion and documentary evidence on the reliability of the breathalyser test and that his conviction had thus been based on a mere presumption. Moreover, the applicant alleged that the proceedings were unfair, and violated the ne bis in idem principle, since the proceedings had been reopened following the Federal Minister’s official complaint, although the Independent Administrative Panel’s decision had already become final. However the reopening was not justified by any of the reasons mentioned in Article 4 § 2 of Protocol No. 7, and the new proceedings had produced a result which was unfavourable to him. The applicant also complained that he did not have a review by a higher tribunal as required by Article 2 of Protocol No. 7, since the scope of the Administrative Court review was limited. Finally, relying on Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, he complained that the fixing of sentences in administrative criminal law did not take offenders’ financial situations into account. On 13 June 2005 the Constitutional Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint for lack of prospects of success. On a request by the applicant on 21 July 2005 it transferred the case to the Administrative Court. On 23 May 2006 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint as being unfounded. This decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 21 June 2006. B. Mr Ortmair (application no. 38112/06) On 1 December 2001 the applicant was stopped by a traffic patrol and asked to undergo a breathalyser test. The test showed an alcohol level of 0.60 mg/l in his breath. On 5 December 2001 the Braunau District Administrative Authority informed the applicant that he was suspected of the offence of driving under the influence of alcohol under sections 5(1) and 99(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act, with a breath alcohol level of 0.60 mg/l. The authority requested the applicant to submit his defence. By a penal order of 17 January 2002 the District Administrative Authority found the applicant guilty of drunk driving under sections 5(1) and 99(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act and sentenced him to a fine of EUR 872.07 with 13 days’ imprisonment in the event of default. Noting that the breathalyser used had been correctly calibrated, it dismissed the applicant’s argument that the result of the breathalyser test could not be deemed to be completely accurate and that allowance had to be made for possible calibration and measurement errors. As to the fixing of the sentence, the authority noted that despite its request the applicant had not submitted evidence of his income. Thus, it based itself on his unsupported submission that he had a net income of EUR 1,100 per month and no maintenance obligations. The applicant appealed on 24 January 2002. On 12 March 2002 the Upper Austria Independent Administrative Panel held a hearing. It questioned the applicant and an expert on weights and measurements. In addition it took documentary evidence, including submissions from the Federal Office of Weights and Measurements relating to the calibration of the breathalyser at issue, and an expert opinion which had been published in a professional journal. By a decision of 19 March 2002 the Independent Administrative Panel allowed the applicant’s appeal in part. Referring to the evidence before it, the Independent Administrative Panel held that a certain imprecision of the measurement could not be excluded. Even making allowance for possible inaccuracy a breath alcohol level of 0.57 mg/l could be established beyond all doubt. The offence therefore fell under section 99(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Act and the fine was to be reduced to EUR 700, with nine days’ imprisonment in the event of default. The Independent Administrative Panel’s decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 3 April 2002. The applicant did not lodge a complaint with the Administrative Court or the Constitutional Court within the statutory six-week time-limit. There was no other party to the proceedings who could lodge a complaint. On 10 May 2002 the Independent Administrative Panel’s decision of 19 March 2002 was served on the Federal Minister for Traffic, Innovation and Technology. On 19 June 2002 the Federal Minister for Traffic, Innovation and Technology lodged an official complaint under Article 131(1) subparagraph (2) of the Federal Constitution, arguing that the Independent Administrative Panel’s decision had applied the law incorrectly in that it had made allowance for a possible inaccuracy in the result of the breathalyser test. The Administrative Court served the official complaint on the applicant, informing him that he could submit observations. The applicant did not make use of this possibility. On 25 January 2005 the Administrative Court, following the official complaint, quashed the Independent Administrative Panel’s decision of 19 March 2002 and referred the case back to it. It observed that a driver who was required to undergo a breathalyser test had the right to request that a blood sample be taken to confirm the result, while the law and its own case‑law did not provide for a conclusion to be drawn from the result of the breathalyser test. On 7 March 2005 the Independent Administrative Panel asked the applicant to submit his comments and to indicate whether he wished a further hearing to be held. On 8 March 2005 the applicant submitted comments and stated that a further hearing could be dispensed with. On 14 March 2005 the Independent Administrative Panel dismissed an appeal by the applicant against the penal order of 17 January 2002. Applying the Administrative Court’s legal view, it held that an alcohol level of 0.60 mg/l in the applicant’s breath had been established by the breathalyser test. Therefore the conviction under section 99(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act stood. However, the Independent Administrative Panel noted that it shared the applicant’s concerns as regards a possible violation of Article 6 and Article 4 of Protocol No. 7 by the use of the official complaint procedure. It also noted that it had to set a fine of EUR 872, as this was the minimum fine applicable for the offence at issue. Taking the duration of the proceedings into account the Independent Administrative Panel reduced the default term of imprisonment from thirteen to ten days. The applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court on 19 May 2005. He raised complaints identical to the ones raised by the first applicant (see paragraphs 19‑21 above). On 13 June 2005 the Constitutional Court refused to deal with the applicant’s complaint for lack of prospects of success. In respect of the applicant’s complaint about the length of the proceedings, it noted that the Independent Administrative Panel had taken the lengthy duration of the proceedings into account. Upon the applicant’s request, the Constitutional Court referred the case to the Administrative Court by a decision of 29 July 2005. The applicant made submissions on 5 September 2005 to supplement his complaint to the Administrative Court. The Independent Administrative Panel submitted its observations in reply on 10 October 2005. On 14 July 2006 the Administrative Court, referring to its previous decision, dismissed the applicant’s complaint as unfounded. The judgment was served on the applicant’s counsel on 14 August 2006.
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{ "applicant": "Jochen Penias", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Jochen Penias
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 19 April 1991, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 10533/83) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by Mr Istvan Herczegfalvy, a Hungarian national, on 27 November 1978. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Austria recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 3, 5 (paras. 1, 3 and 4), 8, 10 and 13 (art. 3, art. 5-1, art. 5-3, art. 5-4, art. 8, art. 10, art. 13). In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr F. Matscher, the elected judge of Austrian nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 23 April 1991, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr F. Gölcüklü, Mr L.-E. Pettiti, Mr C. Russo, Mr R. Macdonald, Mr S.K. Martens, Mr R. Pekkanen and Mr A.N. Loizou (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). Mr R. Bernhardt and Mr J.M. Morenilla, substitute judges, subsequently replaced Mr Russo and Mr Macdonald, who were unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rules 22 para. 1 and 24 para. 1). Mr Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5) and, through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Austrian Government (“the Government“), the Delegate of the Commission and the lawyer for the applicant on the organisation of the procedure (Rule 37 para. 1 and Rule 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicant’s memorial, which incorporated his claims for just satisfaction (Article 50 of the Convention) (art. 50), on 16 October and 20 December. On 20 June the Government informed him that they would not be submitting a memorial. On 22 October 1991 Mr Ryssdal gave the applicant leave to use the German language (Rule 27 para. 3). In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 21 April 1992. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr H. Türk, Ambassador, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mr W. Okresek, Federal Chancellery, Mrs E. Schindler, Federal Ministry of Justice, Advisers; for the Commission Mr J.-C. Soyer, Delegate; for the applicant Mr H. Hoffman, Rechtsanwalt, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by them. AS TO THE FACTS I. THE PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mr Istvan Herczegfalvy is a Hungarian citizen who has lived in Austria since 1964. He currently resides in Vienna. A. The proceedings From 13 May 1972 to 13 May 1977 he served two prison sentences in succession, following convictions pronounced by the Vienna Regional Criminal Court (Landesgericht für Strafsachen) and confirmed in part by the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof), inter alia for assaults on his wife, clients of his television repair business and public officials. The Inner Vienna District Court (Bezirksgericht Wien Innere Stadt) on 23 December 1975 and the Vienna Regional Civil Court (Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen), acting as guardianship court (Pflegschaftsgericht), on 3 November 1977 declared the applicant partly incapacitated (beschränkt entmündigt) and appointed an adviser (Beistand) for him. They did so on the basis of a psychiatrist’s report which had been drawn up following numerous complaints by him about prison conditions. On 9 August 1983 the District Court appointed a new adviser, who has acted as such since then. According to a ruling of the guardianship court of 19 July 1984, his position was equivalent as from 1 July 1984 to that of a curator (Sachwalter) within the meaning of Article 273 (3), sub-paragraph 3, of the Civil Code (see paragraph 54 below). In the meantime, further prosecutions were brought against Mr Herczegfalvy for assaults on warders and fellow prisoners and for serious threats against judges. On 10 May 1977 the Regional Court ordered that once he had finished serving his sentence on 13 May (see paragraph 9 above) the applicant should remain in detention under Article 180 (2), sub-paragraphs 1 and 3, of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 40 below), as there was reason to fear that he might attempt to abscond and might commit other offences. The applicant unsuccessfully appealed to the Review Chamber (Ratskammer) of the Regional Court and to the Vienna Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht), whose rulings were given on 18 May and 21 June respectively. The pre-trial detention (Untersuchungshaft) was confirmed by the presiding judge of the Regional Court on 2 November 1977. In accordance with the opinions of several experts, the presiding judge on 9 January 1978 ordered Mr Herczegfalvy’s provisional placement (vorläufige Unterbringung) in an institution for mentally ill offenders (Article 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; see paragraph 44 below). The order was confirmed by the Review Chamber on 6 March and the Court of Appeal on 19 April 1978, and the applicant was transferred to the special prison at Mittersteig, Vienna. According to the psychiatrists who examined him, he was suffering from paranoia querulans, which was equivalent to a mental illness and meant that he was not responsible for his acts; he was extremely aggressive and incapable of understanding that his behaviour was unlawful, and there was a risk that attendance at the trial could harm his health. Following these reports, the public prosecutor’s office amended the indictment on 15 June 1978 and now sought Mr Herczegfalvy’s detention rather than conviction. From that date the detention in issue was based on Article 429 (4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 44 below). The applicant’s appeal against the amended indictment was dismissed by the Court of Appeal on 30 August 1978. The hearing before the Regional Court took place on 9 and 10 January 1979. It had previously been necessary to adjourn a hearing arranged for 14 December 1976 because the case-file had been lost, to adjourn a hearing of 3 May 1977 because of the applicant’s request for further witnesses to be called, a hearing of 25 October 1977 because the presiding judge was absent, one of 2 November 1977 because fresh evidence had been produced, one of 6 March 1978 because of mistakes in sending out summonses, and one of 5 April 1978 because the applicant had spat in the presiding judge’s face, which had led to the indictment being amended (see paragraph 13 above). On 10 January 1979 the court found that the charges against Mr Herczegfalvy had been proved and ordered him to be detained under Article 21 (1) of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 45 below), on the grounds that he was dangerous and not criminally responsible for his acts. The court relied on the opinions of three psychiatrists who had each diagnosed paranoia querulans which from 1975 at least had been equivalent to a mental illness. The applicant brought an application for a declaration of nullity (Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde) to the Supreme Court. The Regional Court decided, however, that pending the decision he should remain provisionally detained under Article 429 (4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, but in prison, on the psychiatrist’s recommendation. On 28 June 1979 the Regional Court, relying on section 50 of the Hospitals Law, ordered that the detention should be continued and that the applicant should be transferred as a matter of urgency to a psychiatric hospital, so that the treatment he required could be carried out. Mr Herczegfalvy stayed there from 29 June to 23 July 1979 and was then returned to the prison. The Vienna Court of Appeal, to which the applicant had appealed, held on 29 August 1979 that it had no jurisdiction: as Article 429 (4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure was the only provision which could apply, it was for the Review Chamber of the Regional Court to hear the appeal. On 5 September 1979 the Review Chamber upheld the detention in issue. Applying Article 429 (4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, it ordered Mr Herczegfalvy to be sent to the Vienna psychiatric hospital so that he could receive urgent medical and socio- and psycho-therapeutic treatment there, which was essential inter alia because of the hunger strike he had carried on since 2 August 1979. On 10 September 1979 he was admitted to ward 23 of that hospital, and stayed there until his release on 28 November 1984. The applicant’s appeal against this decision was dismissed by the Vienna Court of Appeal on 8 October 1979. In the meantime the Supreme Court had on 3 October 1979 varied the judgment of 10 January 1979 in part (see paragraphs 14-15 above), quashed the detention order and remitted the case to the Regional Court. On 4 December 1979 Mr Herczegfalvy requested his release. On 14 December the investigating judge informed him that he continued to be detained in accordance with Article 429 (4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. At that judge’s request, the psychiatric hospital submitted a report dated 17 January 1980 expressing the opinion that it was not possible to place the applicant in ordinary pre-trial detention, as his aggressive behaviour was still causing danger to those around him. Pursuant to Article 429 (4), the Review Chamber and the Court of Appeal extended the detention in question in 1980. After hearings on 20 March and 9 April 1980 the Regional Court, to which the case had been remitted (see paragraph 18 above), found that the charges against Mr Herczegfalvy - which included further serious threats against a judge on 24 December 1979 - had been proved and ordered him to be detained in an institution for mentally ill offenders under Article 21 (1) of the Criminal Code. It based its decision on the judgment of 10 January 1979, the three psychiatric reports on which it had been based (see paragraph 14 above), and the opinions of the authors of the reports, who had appeared at the hearing and stated that despite certain improvements there had been no fundamental change in the situation. As the applicant had withdrawn his appeal and application for a declaration of nullity in writing on 30 October 1980 and at a hearing on 6 November, the judgment was on the latter date declared binding by a final order (Endverfügung), which set the date of 1 October 1981 for the next judicial review of the detention (Article 25 (3) of the Criminal Code; see paragraph 46 below). The applicant subsequently challenged the validity of his declarations. He said that he had made them only with a view to his repatriation to Hungary, which was discussed on 6 November 1980 but did not come about. On 8 February 1982 the Regional Court, acting under Article 21 (1) of the Criminal Code, extended Mr Herczegfalvy’s detention, as a psychiatric report produced at the request of that court stated that he was a dangerous person. The court took its decision under Article 25 (3) of the Criminal Code, after an official of the psychiatric hospital had stated to the court that the annual review of the lawfulness of the detention should have taken place on 1 October 1981 at the latest (see paragraph 20 above). On 13 July, 19 September and a date in October 1983 the applicant requested his release, pointing out that the period for carrying out the annual review had expired on 8 February 1983. On receiving the first of these applications, the court consulted a psychiatrist, who submitted a report on 22 October recommending the applicant’s release subject to supervision (see paragraph 33 below). An application to exercise its supervisory jurisdiction (Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde) was made to the Court of Appeal, which ordered the Regional Court to reach a decision speedily; on 16 February 1984 the latter court ordered a further extension of the detention in issue. Taking into account the opinions of the psychiatric expert and the director of the hospital, filed on 25 January 1984, it considered that there had been no fundamental change in Mr Herczegfalvy’s mental state. He was still suffering from paranoia querulans, and if released would undoubtedly refuse to follow the necessary course of treatment; he would consequently be likely to bring numerous complaints or even carry out the threats he had made, in particular those against the prison staff (see paragraph 33 below). On 4 April 1984 the Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal and confirmed that the requirements for his release under Article 47 (2) of the Criminal Code were not satisfied. Mr Herczegfalvy made further applications for release on 6 June and 23 September 1984. He was conditionally released on 28 November in accordance with the court’s decision of 14 November, itself based on a psychiatric report dated 14 September (see paragraph 34 below). The court found that the applicant’s paranoia had admittedly worsened, but that it was primarily due to his detention (Haftquerulanz); the vexatious complaints and petitions (Rechtsquerulanz) did not constitute a danger within the meaning of Article 21 of the Criminal Code; since being detained the applicant had behaved with genuine aggressiveness on a few occasions only; although the possibility could not be excluded of his becoming aggressive in the event of frustration, his psychiatric history did not permit the conclusion that his abnormal personality would induce him to commit criminal offences; moreover, continued psychiatric treatment or treatment by drugs was not considered necessary by the expert, although it was recommended. B. The medical treatment On being returned to prison after his stay in the Vienna psychiatric hospital from 29 June to 23 July 1979 (see paragraph 16 above), Mr Herczegfalvy had begun a hunger strike on 2 August 1979 as a protest against his detention and the refusal to give him his files. He collapsed on 28 August and was transferred to a clinic where he received intensive medical care. On 10 September 1979 he was transferred back to the Vienna psychiatric hospital, where he remained until his release on 28 November 1984 (see paragraph 23 above). As the applicant was in an extremely weak state when returned there, the director of the hospital ordered him to be force fed, pursuant to section 8 (3) of the Hospitals Law (see paragraph 51 below). The applicant refused all contact and refused to have any medical examination or treatment, and was also given sedatives against his will (three doses of 30mg each of Taractan IM); on 14 and 15 September 1979 he was attached to a security bed, the net and straps of which he succeeded in cutting through. On 17 September he was given a different neuroleptic (Sordinol IM), as infiltrations had appeared. He stopped refusing food on 27 September 1979, after being allocated a single room and being given some of his files. Mr Herczegfalvy again went on hunger strike from 26 November to 13 December 1979, on which date he allegedly eventually agreed to be fed through a tube (Sondenernährung) once daily. However, he later denied that his consent had been validly given. In view of the deterioration of his physical and mental state, he was injected by force with 90mg of Taractan on 15 January 1980, in order to bring about a state of somnolence (Dämmerschlaf) in which it would be possible to treat him by means of perfusions. Since he had resisted this with violence, the emergency team had had to overpower him. On 18 January he was transferred to the intensive care unit, as he showed symptoms of pneumonia and nephritis; he stayed there until 30 January 1980. He had not made a complete recovery when he left, and he still needed treatment with antibiotics and neuroleptics. On his return to the closed unit he was handcuffed and a belt placed around his ankles because of the danger of aggression and the death threats he was making; the restraints were not removed until 14 February 1980. According to the Government, their position was changed regularly, in order to avoid nervous paralysis, and on 12 February he had agreed to be fed by a woman doctor. The applicant stated, however, that other belts had been put around his thighs and stomach and had been untied for the first time only on 2 February; in order to obtain his files and writing materials with which to write his complaints, he had continued his hunger strike without interruption, and had been artificially fed throughout this period. From 19 February 1980 the applicant calmed down and behaved in a more co-operative manner. Although he continued to insult the staff from time to time, he agreed to communicate with those around him and consented to being fed through a tube by a female doctor twice weekly. On 22 February he was given paper and a ballpoint pen. Following a dispute about his correspondence, Mr Herczegfalvy was forbidden on 27 December 1980 to watch television. As his physical resistance to the forced administration of neuroleptics had frequently been in vain and had even led to injuries (loss of teeth, broken ribs and bruises), he brought a complaint of assault on each occasion that he was given medicaments. These letters, which he claimed had not been communicated to the relevant authorities, filled six binders; they were given to him on his discharge. During this period he continued to refuse, at least in part, to take nourishment other than through a tube, but on 12 November 1982 he stated that he no longer needed to be fed artificially, as a doctor had persuaded him to end his hunger strike by explaining to him that it was endangering his life. Hospital reports had, however, stated that he appeared to be adequately nourished. In an opinion of 5 March 1983 an expert considered that conditional release of the applicant would be possible if certain accompanying psychiatric and social measures were taken. In his view, Mr Herczegfalvy’s behaviour was much improved, so that there was now virtually no danger. After a further series of complaints which were regarded as vexatious, the Regional Court consulted the hospital on 28 July 1983 as to the applicant’s possible release. On 22 October 1983 an expert noted the progress which the applicant had made and expressed the opinion that troublesome behaviour did not constitute a risk within the meaning of Article 21 of the Criminal Code. However, in a letter of 25 January 1984, the director of the hospital advised the court not to terminate Mr Herczegfalvy’s detention; as the treatment carried out, based on medication, had only a sedative effect, the possibility could not be excluded that if he were released, he would again become aggressive and dangerous. The Regional Court thereupon on 16 February 1984 refused to release the applicant (see paragraph 22 above). He eventually recovered his liberty on 28 November 1984, after a further expert report dated 14 September 1984 (see paragraph 23 above). C. The control of correspondence While in detention Mr Herczegfalvy addressed an extremely large number of petitions and complaints to various authorities, relating inter alia to his medical treatment and the proceedings brought by him. As he considered that he did not have the necessary money, he refused on several occasions to put stamps on his letters, or sent them to the Ministry of Justice for that purpose. In order to stem this flow of correspondence, he was deprived from time to time of writing materials, and his unstamped letters were frequently returned to him, with the exception of those addressed to the public authorities, in particular the courts. With respect to the letters written at the psychiatric hospital, the hospital management had agreed with the applicant’s curator that they would be transmitted to him regularly and it would be for him to decide whether it was necessary to send them on; this system would apply to all letters other than those to his lawyer, his adviser and the guardianship court. Mr Herczegfalvy has complained that even those letters were not all sent on. When he left the hospital the applicant was given six binders containing the originals of these letters and also about fifty sealed letters; the postal register showed that the latter had never been sent to their addressees, namely the police, the public prosecutor’s office and the courts. D. The restrictions on access to information Mr Herczegfalvy also claimed that he had been deprived of reading matter, radio and television for long periods during his detention, in particular from 15 January 1980 to the end of February of that year and from 27 December 1980; from 15 June 1981 there had been no television set in his cell or in the ward. He alleged that these measures had been taken for disciplinary purposes only. According to the Government, these measures were based on section 51 (1) of the Hospitals Law (see paragraph 51 below), had been justified for therapeutic reasons, and had lasted for a short time only on each occasion.
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{ "applicant": "Istvan Herczegfalvy", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1992 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Istvan Herczegfalvy
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 62303/13) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Wolfgang Adam Wenner (“the applicant”), on 30 September 2013. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr F. Haas, a lawyer practising in Starnberg. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by one of their Agents, Mr H.‑J. Behrens, of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. The applicant alleged that the refusal to grant him drug substitution treatment during his imprisonment, including a refusal to have the necessity of such treatment examined by an external medical expert, had breached Article 3 of the Convention. On 17 June 2014 the application was communicated to the Government. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1955. At the time of lodging his application, he was detained in Kaisheim Prison. He was released subsequently. A. The applicant’s medical condition and treatment received in detention The applicant has been continuously addicted to heroin since 1973, when he was aged 17. He has also been suffering from hepatitis C since 1975 and has been HIV-positive since 1988. He has been considered 100% disabled and has been receiving an employment disability pension since 2001. He has tried to overcome his addiction to heroin with various types of treatment (including five courses of in-house drug rehabilitation therapy), all of which failed. From 1991 to 2008 the applicant’s heroin addiction was treated with medically prescribed and supervised drug substitution therapy. Since 2005, the applicant had reduced the dosage of his drug substitution medication (Polamidon) and consumed heroin in addition to that medication. In 2008 the applicant was arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking and taken in detention on remand in Kaisheim Prison, where his drug substitution treatment was interrupted against his will. On 3 June 2009 the Augsburg Regional Court convicted the applicant of drug trafficking, sentenced him to three years and six months’ imprisonment and, having regard to a previous conviction, to another two years and six months’ imprisonment. It further ordered the applicant’s placement in a drug detoxification facility, to be executed after a period of six months’ detention in prison. The applicant was still not provided with substitution treatment for his heroin addiction. On 10 December 2009 he was transferred to a drug rehabilitation centre in Günzburg, Bavaria, where he underwent abstinence‑based treatment for his addiction, without additional substitution treatment. On 19 April 2010 the Memmingen Regional Court declared the applicant’s detention in the detoxification facility terminated and ordered his retransfer to prison. In a decision dated 25 June 2010 the Munich Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal. Having regard, in particular, to the views expressed by the applicant’s treating doctors, the court considered that it could no longer be expected with sufficient probability that the applicant could be cured from his drug addiction or could be prevented for a considerable time from relapsing into drug abuse. He had secretly consumed methadone at the clinic and lacked motivation to lead a drug-free life. The applicant was transferred back to Kaisheim Prison on 30 April 2010. The prison doctors gave him various painkillers for chronic pain resulting from his polyneuropathy, on a daily basis. During his detention, the pain in his feet, neck and spine became such that, at least during certain periods, he spent most of his time in bed. The applicant was examined by an external doctor for internal medicine, H., on the prison authorities’ request in October 2010. H. did not consider any changes in the treatment of the applicant’s HIV and hepatitis C infections necessary. Having regard to the applicant’s chronic pain linked to his long-term drug consumption and polyneuropathy, he suggested that the prison medical service reconsider the possibility of drug substitution treatment. He subsequently confirmed that the applicant should be examined by a doctor specialised in drug addiction therapy to that end. The applicant also obtained, on his request, an opinion drawn up by an external doctor specialised in drug addiction treatment (B.) dated 27 July 2011, on the basis of the written findings of doctor H. and the Kaisheim Prison doctor’s and authorities’ findings and statements, but without having been able to examine the applicant in person. B. considered that from a medical point of view, drug substitution treatment had to be provided to the applicant. He explained that in accordance with the Federal Medical Association’s Guidelines for the Substitution Treatment of Opiate Addicts (Richtlinien der Bundesärztekammer zur Durchführung der substitutionsgestützten Behandlung Opiatabhängiger) of 19 February 2010 (see paragraph 30 below), drug substitution therapy was internationally recognised as being the best possible therapy for long-standing opioid addicts. Detoxification caused the person concerned serious physical strain and extreme mental stress and should only be attempted in cases of a very short opioid dependence. Drug substitution therapy prevented a deterioration of the patient’s state of health and a high risk to life, which arose particularly after forced abstinence in detention. It further prevented the spreading of infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C. It had to be clarified whether, in the applicant’s case, further treatment for the hepatitis C from which he suffered was necessary. B. The proceedings at issue 1. The decision of the prison authorities By submissions dated 6 June 2011, which he supplemented subsequently, the applicant made a request to the Kaisheim prison authorities for treatment with Diamorphin, Polamidon or another heroin substitute for his heroin addiction. Alternatively, he requested that the question of whether such substitution treatment was necessary be examined by a drug addiction specialist. The applicant claimed that drug substitution treatment was the only adequate treatment for his medical condition. Under the relevant Guidelines of the Federal Medical Association for the Substitution Treatment of Opiate Addicts, drug substitution treatment, which he had received prior to his detention, was the required standard treatment for his condition and had to be continued during his detention. The applicant claimed that, as confirmed by doctor H., the serious chronic neurological pain from which he was suffering could be considerably alleviated by drug substitution treatment, as had been the case during his previous substitution treatment. Having been addicted to heroin for almost forty years, he stood hardly any chance of leading a totally drug‑free life on release from prison. His rehabilitation could therefore better be furthered by providing him drug substitution treatment. While undergoing such treatment previously, he had been able to lead a relatively normal life and to complete training as a software engineer. Furthermore, referring to doctor B.’s opinion, the applicant claimed that he was in need of Interferon therapy in order to treat his hepatitis C infection. In view of his poor physical and mental health, it was impossible to carry out such treatment without simultaneous drug substitution therapy. Substitution also helped to protect other prisoners from infection when using the same needles as he did for the consumption of drugs and diminished the trafficking and uncontrolled consumption of illegal drugs in prison. He also considered that the prison doctors did not have specialist knowledge in drug addiction treatment and asked to be examined by an external specialist. After the prison authorities’ first decision dismissing the applicant’s application was quashed by the Augsburg Regional Court on 4 October 2011 for lack of sufficient reasoning, the prison authorities, on 16 January 2012, again dismissed the applicant’s request. The prison authorities argued that substitution treatment was neither necessary from a medical point of view nor a suitable measure for the applicant’s rehabilitation. With regard to the medical necessity of drug substitution therapy, the prison authorities, relying on prison doctor S.’s statement, considered that drug substitution therapy was not a necessary treatment for the purposes of section 60 of the Bavarian Execution of Sentences Act (see paragraph 27 below). They found that the applicant, who was severely addicted to drugs, had not received drug substitution treatment prior to his current detention in Kaisheim Prison. He had been placed in a drug rehabilitation centre for five months before his transfer to Kaisheim Prison, where he had been treated by medical experts with considerable knowledge of drug addiction treatment. The applicant had neither been given substitution treatment in the clinic, nor had the doctors recommended substitution treatment in prison. After three years in detention, he no longer suffered from physical withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, his condition with regard to his HIV and hepatitis C infections was stable and did not require any therapy for which substitution treatment was a necessary precondition. As suggested by the prison doctor, the applicant should use the opportunity to wean himself off opioids, such as heroin and its substitutes, while in prison, as it was very difficult to obtain drugs there. With regard to the applicant’s social rehabilitation and treatment (sections 2 and 3 of the Bavarian Execution of Sentences Act, see paragraph 27 below), the prison authorities added that the main reason for which addicts underwent drug substitution therapy was to prevent them from becoming impoverished and from becoming involved in drug-related criminality. In prison, these risks were not present. Furthermore, the applicant had already shown that substitution therapy while he was at liberty had not prevented him from consuming other drugs or committing crimes, which had been caused by his antisocial nature. Moreover, the applicant had also consumed drugs while in detention. Therefore, providing him substitution treatment could lead to a risk to life and limb. 2. The proceedings before the Augsburg Regional Court On 26 January 2012 the applicant, relying on the reasons he had submitted to the prison authorities, appealed against the decision of the prison authorities to the Augsburg Regional Court. He further submitted that the authorities of Kaisheim Prison, where no substitution treatment had ever been provided, had omitted to examine the medical necessity of drug substitution therapy under the relevant criteria laid down, in particular, in the Federal Medical Association’s Guidelines for the Substitution Treatment of Opiate Addicts, which were clearly met in his case. He further argued that under the applicable administrative rules for substitution treatment in prison in the Land of Baden-Württemberg, he would be provided with drug substitution therapy, which is carried out in the prisons of the majority of the German Länder. On 28 March 2012 the Augsburg Regional Court, endorsing the reasons given by the prison authorities, dismissed the applicant’s appeal. It added that it was not necessary to obtain the opinion of a drug addiction expert. The prison doctors of Kaisheim Prison had sufficient training to decide on the medical necessity of drug substitution therapy, irrespective of the fact that drug substitution therapies might never have been used in that prison. The administrative rules for substitution treatment in prison applicable in the Land of Baden-Württemberg were irrelevant, given that Kaisheim Prison was situated in the Land of Bavaria. 3. The proceedings before the Munich Court of Appeal On 4 May 2012 the applicant lodged an appeal on points of law with the Munich Court of Appeal. He submitted that the Regional Court’s failure to investigate sufficiently whether drug substitution treatment was necessary, under the applicable Federal Medical Association’s Guidelines and with the help of an independent doctor specialised in drug addiction treatment, had breached section 60 of the Bavarian Execution of Sentences Act and Article 3 of the Convention. Refusing him the alleviation of his intense neurological pain with an existing and medically necessary treatment constituted inhuman treatment. On 9 August 2012 the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal as ill‑founded. In the court’s view, the applicant had failed to show why drug substitution therapy was the one specific medical treatment he needed. He had further failed to prove that the prison doctors of Kaisheim Prison were not qualified to decide about the medical necessity of heroin substitution. The applicant’s objection against the Court of Appeal’s decision was rejected. 4. The proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court On 10 September 2012 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court. He complained that his right to respect for his physical integrity under the Basic Law had been breached because he was denied drug substitution therapy, the only suitable therapy to treat his chronic pain, which would make Interferon therapy possible and allow him to reduce his craving for heroin and lead a “normal” everyday prison life without isolation. He further complained that his right to be heard under the Basic Law had been violated as the domestic courts had not taken into consideration the medical opinions he had submitted to show that a substitution treatment was necessary and had failed to consult an independent specialised expert. On 10 April 2013 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint without giving reasons (file no. 2 BvR 2263/12). C. Subsequent developments On 17 November 2014 the Kaisheim prison authorities rejected the applicant’s fresh request to be provided with substitution treatment in preparation for his release. The applicant’s counsel was advised to ensure that the applicant was taken to a drug rehabilitation clinic immediately on his release in order to prevent him from taking an overdose of heroine as soon as he was at liberty. On 3 December 2014 the applicant was released. When examined by a doctor on 5 December 2014 he tested positive for methadone and cocaine. The doctor confirmed that the applicant would receive drug substitution treatment from 8 December 2014 onwards.
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{ "applicant": "Wolfgang Adam Wenner", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2016 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Wolfgang Adam Wenner
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 34406/97) against the French Republic lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Claude Mazurek (“the applicant”), on 13 December 1996. On 20 October 1997 the Commission decided to give notice of the application to the French Government (“the Government”) and to invite them to submit observations in writing on its admissibility and merits. The Government submitted their observations on 9 March 1998, after an extension of the time allowed, and the applicant replied on 22 April 1998. Following the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention on 1 November 1998 and in accordance with Article 5 § 2 thereof, the application was examined by the Court. In accordance with Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court, the President of the Court, Mr L. Wildhaber, assigned the case to the Third Section. The Chamber constituted within that Section included ex officio Mr J.-P. Costa, the judge elected in respect of France (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 26 § 1 (a)), and Sir Nicolas Bratza, President of the Section (Rule 26 § 1 (a)). The other members designated by the latter to complete the Chamber were Mr L. Loucaides, Mrs F. Tulkens, Mr W. Fuhrmann, Mr K. Jungwiert and Mr K. Traja (Rule 26 § 1 (b)). On 4 May 1999 the Chamber declared the application admissible and decided to invite the parties to submit their observations on the merits at a hearing. The hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 12 October 1999. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mrs M. Dubrocard, Deputy Director, Human Rights Division, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mrs L. Delahaye, magistrat, seconded to the Human Rights Division, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs M. Faucheux-bureau, magistrat, General Civil Law Office, Civil Affairs Department, Ministry of Justice, Counsel; (b) for the applicant Mr A. Ottan, of the Montpellier Bar, Counsel. The applicant also attended the hearing. The Court heard addresses by Mr Ottan and Mrs Dubrocard. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, Claude Mazurek, is a French national who was born in Avignon in 1942 and lives at La Grande-Motte. The applicant’s mother died on 1 August 1990 of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) encephalopathy, having been infected after a blood transfusion. She left two children: a son, Alain, born out of wedlock in 1936 and legitimised by his mother’s marriage in 1937, and the applicant, born in 1942, on whose birth certificate only his mother’s name was entered as a parent, she being still married at the time of his birth, but living separately from her husband. They divorced in July 1944. On 30 April 1991 Alain brought an action against the applicant in the Nîmes tribunal de grande instance seeking an order that his mother’s estate be divided by a notary, that the applicant, as an adulterine child, could not lay claim to more than a quarter of it and that there be deposited with the notary a sum of money unlawfully withdrawn by the applicant from his mother’s account and transferred to a personal account while their mother was in a coma. In his pleadings, the applicant agreed to the appointment of a notary to divide the estate, but submitted that Article 760 of the Civil Code, which restricts the inheritance rights of adulterine children, was discriminatory and incompatible with Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention, the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and Article 334 of the Civil Code, which enshrines the principle that children born in wedlock and children born out of wedlock have equal rights. He requested the court to hold that he had the same inheritance rights as a legitimate child. He also submitted that the amount which he had been requested to deposit with a notary had been transferred as a gift which he was not required to bring into account, as evidenced by a letter from the deceased of 20 January 1988, a general power of attorney for bank transactions, dated 2 February 1988, and witness statements. In a judgment of 21 January 1993 the court ordered the estate to be divided. With regard to the applicant’s rights, it referred to Article 760 of the Civil Code (see paragraph 17 below). The court conceded that Article 760 of the Civil Code represented a derogation from the principle, enshrined in the first paragraph of Article 334 of the Civil Code, that children should be treated equally regardless of descent, but held that its purpose was not to discriminate between children on the grounds of their birth but to ensure minimum compliance with marital commitments on the part of the married parent who engenders an illegitimate child. It accordingly concluded that Article 760 was necessary in order to protect the rights of others and that it was a principle of public policy which was not contrary to the Convention. In respect of the sum which had been withdrawn by the applicant and transferred to his own account, the court held that the applicant had merely executed his mother’s intention to gift him a sum of money in addition to his share in the estate and that although that gift should notionally be brought into account in calculating the disposable portion of the estate, it was inappropriate as matters stood to order that the amount in question be deposited with the notary dividing the estate. The applicant appealed, arguing, among other things, that Article 760 of the Civil Code was incompatible with Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1. In a judgment of 24 March 1994, the Nîmes Court of Appeal upheld the provisions of the lower court’s judgment ordering the estate to be divided and determining the applicant’s inheritance rights. It considered, however, that the amount transferred to the applicant’s account should be returned to the estate to be divided because he had not proved that his mother had intended it as a gift. With regard to the complaint that the discrimination between legitimate children and adulterine children was incompatible with the provisions of the Convention, the Court of Appeal held: “In the instant case the provisions of Article 760 of the Civil Code, which limit the inheritance rights of adulterine children, are directly linked to the French legal principle of public policy according to which marriage should be monogamous and the interests of the spouse and legitimate children of an adulterer protected. Article 760 was not enacted in order to disadvantage adulterine children, but to protect the interests of the spouse and legitimate children of an adulterer; the provision does not therefore intentionally discriminate against adulterine children, but ensures the protection of children born of the marriage who might be disadvantaged on the division of their parents’ estate by the presence of an adulterine child who, on account of the predecease of the non-adulterous spouse and the system of matrimonial property elected by the spouses, might otherwise inherit from his or her parent both the assets from that parent’s estate and the assets from the estate of the spouse who is not his or her parent. The court was thus properly entitled to hold that it was not the intention of the legislature to discriminate between children on the grounds of their birth, but to ensure minimum compliance with the marital obligations of a married parent with regard to his or her legitimate children; the court was also properly entitled to hold that Article 760 of the Civil Code was a provision necessary for the protection of the rights of others, that it was a French legal principle of public policy and that it was not contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights.” The applicant appealed on points of law to the Court of Cassation, which delivered its judgment on 25 June 1996. With regard to the applicant’s complaint of unjustified discrimination on grounds of birth between children born in wedlock and children born out of wedlock, contrary to Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention, the Court of Cassation held that inheritance rights had nothing to do with respect for private and family life guaranteed by Article 8 of the Convention. In respect of the complaint that the Court of Appeal had ordered the sum transferred to the applicant’s account to be returned to the estate to be divided, the Court of Cassation held that in deciding that the facts of the case had not shown any intention on the part of the deceased to bestow a gift on her son in advance of the division of her estate the Court of Appeal had determined an issue which it alone had jurisdiction to determine. On 14 January 1994 the Commission of the Compensation Fund for Transfusion Patients and Haemophiliacs awarded the applicant, in his personal capacity, compensation of 40,000 French francs (FRF) and assessed the deceased’s loss at FRF 500,000, to be paid to her heirs. That amount was thus paid to the notary dealing with the estate and the applicant subsequently received one quarter of it.
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{ "applicant": "Claude Mazurek", "articles": [ 91, 34, 112, 49, 45, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2000 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Claude Mazurek
PROCEDURE The case originated in five applications (nos. 11106/04, 11108/04, 11116/04, 11311/04 and 13276/04) against the Kingdom of Norway lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by five Norwegian nationals, (1) Mr Roger Ekeberg (born in 1960), (2) Mr Hans Mikkelsen (born in 1968), (3) Mr Morten Hoelstad (born in 1967), (4) Mr Roger Elvsveen (born in 1963) and (5) Mr Torkjel Alsaker (born in 1960) (“the applicants”), on various dates between 19 and 24 March 2004. The applicants were represented by Mr S. Næss, a lawyer practising in Lillestrøm. The Norwegian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr E. Haaskjold. The applicants complained under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention that, due to its composition, they did not have a fair and impartial hearing before the Borgarting High Court, whose judgment of 24 March 2003 was upheld by the Supreme Court on 25 September 2003. The Chamber decided to join the proceedings in the applications (Rule 42 § 1). By a decision of 11 July 2006, the Court declared the applications admissible. The Government, but not the applicants, filed further written observations (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE All the applicants, but the fifth, were members of a motor cycle club named “Screwdrivers”, which was based in Hamar and was, at the time of the events giving rise to the proceedings described below, the “Hang-Around Club” of the Hells Angels. On 8 November 1997 it became a Prospect Club of the latter and, as from 8 May 1999, a “Chapter”. The fifth applicant was a member of Hells Angels in Oslo. A. Criminal conviction by the City Court On 18 March 2002 the applicants, along with two other defendants, B. and M., were indicted (count I) under Article 148 (1) (second alternative) of the Penal Code for having instigated fire or explosion capable of causing loss of human life and extensive material damage and resulting in death, or for aiding and abetting in this. On Wednesday, 4 June 1997 at around 11.45 pm in Drammen, they had, after having planned the operation, blown up parts of the club house in 25, Konnerud Street, of another motor cycle club, named Bandidos. A Volkswagen Transporter had been placed in the latter's courtyard, loaded with explosives that were detonated. The force of the explosion had been such that metal and rubber parts of the vehicle had hit and killed the driver of a passing car. The building in question had in part subsided and a massive fire had broken out, putting at risk the lives of three persons inside the building. The building had burned down to the ground and a neighbouring property had been severely damaged, several vehicles had been totally or largely destroyed. The total damage had amounted to at least NOK 2,000,000. Moreover, the applicants were indicted (count II) under Article 161(1) and (2) for the acquisition, confection or storage of explosives, or for aiding or abetting thereto, with the knowledge that the explosives had been intended to be used for the commission of the offence described under count I above, during the period before 4 June 1997. Furthermore, the applicants were indicted (count III) under Articles 291 and 292 for aggravated offences of serious material damage in respect of 25, Konnerud Street and a number of properties adjacent to or in the vicinity thereof, amounting to NOK 285,386,387 (approximately EUR 40 million). By a judgment of 10 June 2002, the Drammen City Court (tingrett) acquitted the first, second and third applicants of counts I and II but convicted them of count III and sentenced each of them to 3 years' imprisonment. The fourth applicant was acquitted of count II but convicted of counts I and III and sentenced to 8 years' imprisonment. For each of them the time spent in pre-trial detention was to be deducted. The fifth applicant was acquitted of all the charges. The two co-defendants, B. and M., were convicted of all the charges and were sentenced respectively to 10 and 5 years' imprisonment. B. Decisions on provisional detention pending final judgment On 1 July 2002 the Borgarting High Court (lagmannsrett), sitting with three judges, including Judge G., rejected an appeal by the fourth applicant against a decision of 10 June 2002 by the City Court to prolong his provisional detention. The decision included the following reasons: “The City Court has ordered detention of [the fourth applicant] on the ground of danger of evasion, see Article 171 (1) no. 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the defence counsel's first supporting letter concerned imprisonment on this ground. The High Court found it correct to assess whether there were grounds for imprisonment on the basis of law enforcement considerations pursuant to Article 172, and notified the defence counsel and prosecutor of this by telephone. The defence counsel's second supporting letter concerns this issue. According to the City Court's convicting judgment, the basic condition for remanding the prisoner in custody pursuant to Article 171 (1) [...] on ground of reasonable suspicion has been fulfilled. The High Court does not find it necessary to consider whether the danger of evasion ought to lead to imprisonment, but points out that if [the fourth applicant] does not attend court for the hearing of the appeal, his conviction will remain in force. This, and his personal circumstances as described by the defence counsel, are factors which indicate that the danger of evasion is not sufficiently great. The defence counsel has stated that the basic condition for imprisonment pursuant to Article 172 [...], namely the existence of factors which particularly strengthen the suspicion, has not been met and has alleged that the conviction is based on the statement of a co-defendant which is contradicted by other statements and evidence. The High Court bases its judgment, as in the Borgarting High Court's ruling of 28 June 2001 in the Orderud case (appeal case 01-02109) on the fact that when there is a convicting judgment, the qualified requirement of suspicion stated in Article 172 has usually been fulfilled. It is true that in that case this was not contested by the defence counsel, nor during the subsequent hearing by the Appeals Leave Committee of the Supreme Court (see Norsk Retstidende (“Rt”) 2001, page 940), but this is a matter the courts must consider of their own motion. In the High Court's opinion, there are no grounds for taking a different view in this case either. The basic condition stated in Article 172 is regarded as having been met. As regards the discretionary decision regarding whether imprisonment under Article 172 should take place, the High Court refers to the extensive discussions in the case mentioned above. The present case was widely covered by the media just after the explosion, regularly during the subsequent period, and later in connection with the arrest and the City Court proceedings. It appears from the judgment that this was a planned crime, within the meaning of section 148 of the Penal Code, organised by several persons where a passer-by lost her life. The explosion took place in a town and could easily have led to the loss of more lives. Damage amounting to great sums was caused. The City Court based its ruling on the fact that the matter arose out of rivalry between two Motor Cyclist milieus. The High Court adds, as a factor when assessing the case pursuant to Article 172, that this rivalry in Nordic countries has led to a number of violent confrontations, including several deaths. This case is undoubtedly likely to cause such a reaction among the general public as Article 172 is intended to counteract and must be said to lie in the core area for the application of this provision. On the basis of an overall assessment, the High Court has found that the law enforcement considerations which form the basis of Article 172 are so prominent here that the accused should remain in prison also after judgment. The accused's personal and family circumstances pointed out by the defence counsel cannot be given sufficient weight in the opposite direction, and continued imprisonment cannot be said to be a disproportionate measure under Article 170A. The decisions by the Appeals Leave Committee of the Supreme Court to which the defence counsel has referred – reported in Rt 1994, page 88, Rt 1998, page 470, Rt 1999, page 2102, and Rt 2000, page 1136 - cannot lead to any different result. The High Court has also considered decisions included in Rt 2000, page 371, page 1664 and page 1905. Unless it is of importance for the decision regarding whether or not the accused is to be released, especially in relation to the consideration of proportionality, where the accused is placed during the remand period is outside the High Court's control. The regime he is now subject to is found to be of no importance to the High Court's assessment.” C. Appeal against the City Court's judgment to the High Court The first, second and third applicants appealed to the High Court against the City Court's assessment of facts concerning the question of guilt and the application of the law with respect to count III. The fourth applicant appealed against the assessment of facts concerning the question of guilt, the application of the law and sentencing with regard to counts I and III. The prosecution appealed against the acquittals of the first, second and third applicants on count II and that of the fifth applicant's acquittal on counts I and III. M did not appeal whereas B only pursued an appeal against the sentence which the High Court dismissed by a separate decision of 5 February 2003. As for the appeal brought by the applicants, the High Court held an oral hearing between 24 February and 21 March 2003. The High Court was sitting with a jury of 11 members (reduced to 10 on the fifth day as one of the jury members was disqualified, see below) and with 3 professional judges, one of whom was Judge G. In the questions put to the jury the offences were described in the way set out in the indictment. The jury answered all the questions in the affirmative, except for one regarding count II with respect to the fourth applicant. The professional judges decided to pass judgment on the basis of the jury's verdict (Article 376B, first section, of the Code or Criminal Procedure) and, by a judgment of 24 March 2003, convicted all five applicants on counts I and III. Thereafter, the High Court, composed of the three professional judges, the jury chairperson and three other jurors drawn by lots among the jury (Article 376E of the Code or Criminal Procedure), unanimously sentenced the first, second and third applicants to 6 years' imprisonment and the fourth and fifth applicants to 12 and 16 years, respectively. For each applicant, the number of days spent in provisional detention was to be deducted from the sentence. Finally, the three professional judges awarded NOK 120,000 in compensation for non-pecuniary damage to the husband of the woman killed by the explosion. The issue of compensation for pecuniary damage was postponed. The applicants all appealed to the Supreme Court against the High Court procedure and the sentences. As regards the former appeal ground they all argued that they had not been afforded an impartial hearing before the High Court. Firstly, they argued that Judge G. had taken part in the High Court decision of 1 July 2002 rejecting an appeal against a prolongation by the City Court of the fourth applicant's provisional detention. Unlike the City Court, which had applied the ordinary grounds for such detention in Article 171 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the High Court had applied a special ground contained in Article 172, which authorised such detention, even if the ordinary grounds under Article 171 were not fulfilled, namely where it concerned an offence punishable by imprisonment for 10 years or more and provided that there was a confession or (as found here) other circumstances which strengthen particularly the suspicion (som i særlig grad styrker mistanken) against the defendant. The decision of 1 July 2002, it was argued, had also had implications for the other defendants. Secondly, they submitted that on the fifth day of the trial hearing, after having taken part for four full hearing days, a member of the jury had stated that on 10 July 1997 she had made a witness statement to the police that related to the case. Her name had not been included on the list of witnesses. The High Court had then discharged the jury member in question and had continued the trial, despite a request by the defence to postpone it and to have the case tried by a differently composed court. However, on 25 September 2003 the Supreme Court unanimously rejected both appeal grounds, on procedure and sentencing, subject to certain adjustments to the number of days to be deducted on account of provisional detention. The first voting judge, Mr Justice Støle, gave inter alia the following reasons: “(13) I will first deal with the allegation that High Court judge, Judge G., was disqualified. ... (14) From the outset, I find reason to point out that our rules of procedure for criminal cases in a High Court that sits with a jury are based on a distribution of functions. The decision regarding the question of guilt is the jury's alone, while the court proceedings are determined by the High Court's three professional judges. These decide on the issue of sentencing together with the jury's foreman and three members of the jury. In cases that are heard and ruled on in the first and second instance by a court sitting with professional judges and lay judges, the lay judges and professional judges have the same authority regarding all issues, which are decided on jointly. (15) Following the landmark judgment by the European Court of Human Rights on 24 May 1989 in the case Hauschildt v. Denmark (application no. 10486/83) regarding disqualification by reason of prejudice due to participation in decisions regarding remand in custody, there is extensive Supreme Court case law on this. In criminal cases which at first and second instance are heard and decided on by a court sitting with professional and lay judges, a professional judge who has previously taken part in a remand case in which imprisonment has been ordered under Article 172 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is regarded as being disqualified and shall therefore not take part in any subsequent main hearing to determine, inter alia, the question of the guilt of the same accused in the same body of cases. In Rt‑1996‑261, the Supreme Court has stated that the same applies to the presiding judge in a High Court case involving a jury. The first voting judge stated, on page 265, the following regarding the relationship to section 108 of the Administration of Courts Act: 'As regards the relationship with section 108 of the Administration of Courts Act, I would point out: Article 172 of the Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that there must be a very strong probability that the accused is guilty, see the wording of the section according to which, in the serious crimes covered, there must be 'a confession or other circumstances that strengthen the suspicion to a particularly high degree'. This is clearly a stronger suspicion than the one which is sufficient pursuant to Article 171 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which stipulates 'reasonable grounds' for suspicion.' (16) ... (17) In the above-mentioned judgment, the question of imprisonment was decided during the investigation and without a conviction by any court. In Rt-1996-925, the presiding judge of the High Court was, with dissenting votes, also regarded as being disqualified in a situation where the order to remand the accused in custody pursuant to Article 172 of the Code of Criminal Procedure had been made after there was a conviction by a first instance court. (18) In our case too, the relevant remand order had been made after a conviction by the court of first instance. But here the objection on the grounds of disqualification is not aimed at the presiding judge of the High Court, but at one of the other two professional judges who took part. It appears from what I have previously quoted from the first voting judge's vote in Rt-1996-261, that the emphasis was placed on the fact that the presiding judge in a jury case had a key function, with particular emphasis on his/her instructions to the jury, in which the evidence in the case was regularly reviewed. The question now is whether the other professional judges in a High Court that is convened with a jury are to be regarded as disqualified under section 108 of the Administration of Courts Act due to the fact that they have previously been involved in applying Article 172 of the Code of Criminal Procedure as a basis for imprisoning one or more of the accused in the same criminal case. (19) I find that there are insufficient grounds for regarding the other professional judges as being disqualified in such a situation, and refer to what I have already stated about the distribution of functions in criminal cases that are heard by a jury. It is for the presiding judge to give instructions to the jury, see Article 368 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and this is his responsibility alone. It is true that all the professional judges take part in the subsequent assessment of whether the jury's decision is to form the basis of the judgment, or in exceptional cases be set aside, see Articles 376A, 376B and 376C of the Code of Criminal Procedure. However, such a setting aside of decisions does not determine the question of guilt and is also so exceptional that, in my opinion, it cannot be given any significance worth mentioning in this context. (20) ... (21) My conclusion is thus that Judge G. of the High Court was not disqualified. (22) I will now deal with the allegation that the jury members were disqualified. The factual basis for this allegation is as follows: (23) W. went to the police at an early stage of the investigations, due to a newspaper article on 9 July 1997 which described, inter alia, the car that was used in the explosion. She believed she had seen such a car on two occasions at the Statoil petrol station on the E-18 near Lier toll station, on Saturday 30 May and on Wednesday 4 June 1997, when the explosion took place. She gave a statement regarding this to one of the detectives on Thursday 10 July 1997. When questioned by the police, she described three people she had seen both near the car and inside the shop, and stated she believed she had seen that one of them was carrying a black petrol can. She also stated what she believed she remembered of the car's licence number. (24) When the High Court's presiding judge discussed the impartiality rules with the jury members on the first day in court, on 24 February 2003, W. did not give any account of her previous statement to the police. She had not heard any more from the police and was not on the list of witnesses. The jury was constituted with 11 members, according to Article 355 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. (25) After the hearing had been adjourned on 27 February 2003, juror W. contacted a policeman she knew and asked if she could sit on the jury even though she had been questioned by the police on one occasion. This question was then put to the public prosecutor, and the matter was made known to the High Court when it convened on 28 February 2003. Her statement to the police, which was given on 10 July 1997, was read out and the parties were given the opportunity to make a statement. The High Court thereafter ordered that W. was to withdraw from the jury, and stated: 'It has become known that jury member W. gave a statement to the police on 10 June [presumably July] 1997. She has not been called as a witness in the case, and her impartiality must be assessed under section 108 of the Courts Act. According to this provision, no one can be a jury member if there are special circumstances that may weaken confidence in the impartiality of the person concerned. All the defence counsel have petitioned for her to withdraw and have also stated that the entire jury is disqualified. The High Court finds that such special circumstances exist in this case. It bases its decision on the fact that the jury member reported to the police as a witness and told the police about her observations in close connection to the day of the explosion. Her observations are of such a nature that it can be questioned whether she is impartial in this case. However, the High Court does not find that the jury member may, by having possibly stated her observations to the other members of the jury, have influenced the other jury members so that they are disqualified. It must be assumed that the jury members will be able to disregard any information she may have told the jury, as they are assumed to be able to disregard other information on the case that has arisen outside the court room, for example in the media.' (26) After this, W. withdrew from the jury and the hearing continued with the remaining 10 jury members. (27) I agree with the High Court that W. was prejudiced. The question is then whether the other 10 members of the jury became prejudiced as a result of W. serving on the jury for the four first days of the hearing. (28) ... (29) ... (30) ... (31) ... (32) What is decisive for our case is therefore whether the aforementioned matter can be regarded as a procedural error that may be considered pursuant to the provision stated in Article 343 (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The question here is whether W.'s presence as a member of the jury during the first four days of the hearing may have influenced the jury's verdict. (33) The defence counsel have alleged to the Supreme Court that the High Court has, in its reasons for regarding the other jury members as being impartial, incorrectly treated any information from W. on the same footing as information on the case that arose outside the court room, for example in the media. I agree that, when considering the impartiality issue, one cannot always treat these matters as being equal. The jury members will regularly be told by the presiding judge that, when deciding on the question of guilt, they must only place emphasis on what is stated as evidence in court, and that they must not discuss the case with third parties. There is no corresponding barrier to the jury members discussing the case among themselves – even continuously during the court hearing – and it is realistic to expect that this actually happens to a certain extent. (34) ... (35) When I nonetheless have decided that the jury members cannot be regarded as having been disqualified to serve as a result of jury member W.'s disqualification, I have placed decisive emphasis on the following: the statements that the foreperson of the jury and W. have given to the police for use in the Supreme Court do not provide any basis for assuming that she had given the other members of the jury factual information regarding her private knowledge of the case or in any other way influenced the others before she withdrew on 28 February 2003. I refer to the fact that W. was at no time called as a witness in the case, by either the prosecuting authority or the defendants. The prosecutor has stated to the Supreme Court that the observations she had told to the police on 10 July 1997 – including about parts of the vehicle in question's licence number – were clarified early on as being of no importance to the further investigation. (36) The jury foreperson has explained that the situation that arose after W. had withdrawn was discussed by the jury members and that they agreed that her participation during the first few days had not had any effect on the jury's verdict. (37) Accordingly, I cannot see that W.'s presence as a member of the jury during the introductory presentation of evidence in the first days of the hearing can be regarded as a procedural error to which Article 343 (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure applies.”
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{ "applicant": "Roger Ekeberg", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "NOR", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2007 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Roger Ekeberg
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and by the Government of the Swiss Confederation (“the Government“) on 13 March and 13 April 1987 respectively, within the three-month period laid down in Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 11368/85) against Switzerland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a Swiss national, Mr. Edmund Schönenberger, and a Turkish national, Mr. Mehmet Durmaz, on 10 January 1985. The Commission’s request referred to the declaration whereby Switzerland recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46) and to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48); the Government’s application referred to Articles 45, 47 and 48 (art. 45, art. 47, art. 48). Both sought a decision from the Court as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 8 (art. 8). The Commission also sought a decision under Article 10 (art. 10). In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicants stated that they wished to take part in the proceedings. The President of the Court gave Mr. Schönenberger leave to appear on his own behalf, while Mr. Durmaz designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mrs. D. Bindschedler-Robert, the elected judge of Swiss nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr. R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 § 3 (b)). On 23 May 1987, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other five members, namely Mr. L.-E. Pettiti, Sir Vincent Evans, Mr. R. Bernhardt, Mr. A. M. Donner and Mr. J. De Meyer (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 4) (art. 43). Subsequently, Mr. J. Cremona, substitute judge, replaced Mr. Donner, who was unable to attend (Rules 22 § 1 and 24 § 1). Mr. Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 5) and, through the Registrar, consulted those who would be appearing before the Court on the need for a written procedure (Rule 37 § 1). In accordance with the order made in consequence on 7 August 1987, the Registrar received the Government’s memorial on 21 September 1987 and the applicants’ memorial on 7 October. On 19 November, the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing. Having consulted - through the Registrar - the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the applicants, the President directed on 1 December 1987 that the oral proceedings should commence on 22 February 1988 (Rule 38). On 15 January 1988, he gave Mr. Schönenberger and his assistant leave to plead in German (Rule 27 § 3). The hearing was held in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. The Court had held a preparatory meeting immediately beforehand. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr. O. Jacot-Guillarmod, Head of the Department of International Affairs, Federal Department of Justice, Agent, Mr. R. Levi, former federal judge, Mr. B. Münger, Federal Department of Justice, Counsel; for the Commission Mr. S. Trechsel, Delegate; for Mr. Schönenberger Mr. E. Schönenberger, Rechtsanwalt, Applicant; Ms. B. Hug, Rechtsanwältin, Assistant; for Mr. Durmaz, applicant Mr. J.-P. Garbade, avocat, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr. Jacot-Guillarmod and Mr. Levi for the Government, Mr. Trechsel for the Commission and Mr. Schönenberger, Ms. Hug and Mr. Garbade for the applicants, as well as their replies to its questions. At the hearing, the Commission, the Government and the applicants lodged with the registry various documents, either at the President’s request or on their own initiative. AS TO THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The first applicant, Edmund Schönenberger, who is a Swiss citizen born in 1942, practises as a Rechtsanwalt (lawyer) in Zürich. The second applicant, Mehmet Durmaz, who is a Turkish national born in 1950, lives at Onex, in Switzerland. He is a taxi-driver. A. Stopping of a letter and enclosure from Mr. Schönenberger to Mr. Durmaz On 16 February 1984, acting on a statement by one O, the district prosecutor (Bezirksanwalt) for Pfäffikon (Canton of Zürich) issued a warrant for Mr. Durmaz’s arrest, in connection with suspected offences under federal legislation relating to the misuse of drugs. The applicant was arrested on the same day by the Geneva police and taken to Zürich the following day, where he was questioned for the first time by officials from the prosecutor’s office. He was further questioned and also confronted with other suspects on 23 and 24 February, and on each occasion he cooperated by answering all the questions put to him. Mr. Durmaz’s wife, who had been informed of the arrest on 16 February, spoke on the telephone to the Pfäffikon district prosecutor on 20 and 24 February. On these occasions she asked him whether her husband had a lawyer. He replied that he had not but added that he would take care of it. She also wrote to her husband on 21 and 24 February. In the second letter, which reached him on 28 February, she expressed the hope that the “lawyer“ - whose name she did not mention - “would look after [him]“. On 24 February, she asked Mr. Schönenberger to take charge of Mr. Durmaz’s defence. The first applicant immediately called the district prosecutor to advise him and to say that he would be sending authorisation forms and a letter. Also, on 24 February, he sent a letter and enclosure to the district prosecutor’s office, as required by the relevant legislation, requesting the district prosecutor to forward them to the addressee. The enclosure comprised a copy of the covering letter to the district prosecutor, two forms giving authority to act and a letter to Mr. Durmaz, which read as follows (translation from the German): “Sir, I am instructed by your wife to undertake your defence. You will find enclosed two forms giving me authority to act for you. If you wish to authorise me to represent you, please send one of the forms to the district prosecutor and return the other one to me (duly signed). It is my duty to point out to you that you are entitled to refuse to make any statement. Anything you say may be used in evidence against you. If you choose to remain silent, the district prosecutor will have to prove your guilt by other means (witnesses, etc.). He will usually then try to influence you by arguing that in that case you will remain in custody on remand until such time as he has questioned witnesses, other suspects, etc. If this does not worry you (i.e. a possible prolongation of your detention on remand), it will be to your advantage to exercise your right not to make any statement. Once I have received your authority to act, I shall apply for permission to visit you and will come and see you. At all events, be patient: you will have to be released at some stage! Yours faithfully ...“ The district prosecutor probably received the letter and enclosure for Mr. Durmaz on Monday 27 February, but kept them from him without telling him that he had received them. On the same day, he asked Mr. Durmaz to choose a lawyer. Mr. Durmaz, being unable to pay for one, applied for the only Zürich lawyer he knew, Mr. Garbade, to be assigned officially to him; the presiding judge of the Pfäffikon District Court duly appointed Mr. Garbade on 1 March. In an order made on 1 March, the prosecutor’s office decided not to communicate to Mr. Durmaz the letter and forms which were intended for him. It did so on the following ground (translation from the German): “As long as Edmund Schönenberger is not the suspect’s authorised legal representative, the general provisions of the Prisons Ordinance [see paragraph 18 below] apply to him. Section 53(3) prohibits the forwarding of letters concerning the preparation of a case for trial. In the present letter, Edmund Schönenberger has recommended to the suspect a particular course of conduct for the preparation of the case. In virtue of the aforementioned provision, his letter will therefore not be forwarded.“ The prosecutor’s office returned to Mr. Schönenberger the said documents together with the copy of the covering letter. On various dates between 5 and 23 March 1984, Mr. Durmaz was again questioned and confronted with other suspects. He also received visits from Mr. Garbade. On 8 March, Mr. Garbade had asked the presiding judge of the District Court to offer Mr. Durmaz the possibility of choosing between Mr. Schönenberger and himself as his defence lawyer. The two lawyers had a conversation on 9 March, as a result of which they agreed that Mr. Garbade would continue to assist Mr. Durmaz and that Mr. Schönenberger would challenge the order made on 1 March (see paragraphs 14 to 16 below). Mr. Durmaz was freed on 23 March 1984. On 29 May 1985 the Zürich district prosecutor ordered that he had no case to answer as it could not be excluded beyond all possible doubt that someone else had been mistaken for him. In respect of his detention on remand, the prosecutor awarded him 3,000 Swiss francs (CHF) which the Zürich District Court increased to 3,565 CHF on 30 October 1985. B. The appeals against the Pfäffikon district prosecutor’s order of 1 March 1984 The applicants lodged two appeals against the order of 1 March 1984 (see paragraph 11 above); the first of these was rejected by the Department of Justice of the Canton of Zürich on 19 March 1984, and the second was dismissed by the presiding judge of the Pfäffikon District Court on 11 April 1984. On 7 April 1984, they lodged a public-law appeal with the Federal Court against the decision of the Department of Justice; they alleged an infringement of the federal Constitution and of the Convention. During the proceedings they stated that they did not propose to challenge the dismissal of their second appeal. In a judgment on 20 June, which was notified on 6 November 1984, the Federal Court allowed the appeal in part. It noted in the first place that Mr. Schönenberger could not rely on the privileges conferred on prisoners’ defence lawyers under section 53(3) of the Prisons Ordinance. The Federal Court added that the prosecutor’s office had not infringed either the Constitution or the Convention by intercepting Mr. Schönenberger’s letter to Mr. Durmaz, since it related to pending criminal proceedings and gave the addressee advice on the behaviour to adopt during the investigation. On the other hand, the Federal Court held that the decision to withhold the two authorisation forms and the copy of the covering letter to the prosecutor’s office was contrary to the Constitution: since these documents did not relate to pending criminal proceedings, section 53(3) could not be relied on in respect of them. The Federal Court also pointed out that a person who has been charged with a criminal offence is at all times entitled to ask for a lawyer and to receive a form for giving authority to act. It concluded that the disputed measure was a disproportionate restriction on freedom of correspondence and on the rights of the defence. It consequently set aside the Department of Justice’s decision and awarded the applicants costs of 500 CHF. II. NATIONAL LEGISLATION AND CASE-LAW According to the general principles of criminal procedure, a suspect is under no obligation to make any statements. The Federal Court has held that, under the Constitution, he has the right to remain silent and that he cannot normally be held to have culpably obstructed the proceedings on the sole ground that he has refused to reply to questions, unless there has been some abuse of the right (Judgments of the Swiss Federal Court, vol. 106 (1980), part I a), p. 8, and vol. 109 (1983), part I a), p. 169). In the Canton of Zürich, the monitoring of correspondence with persons in custody is governed by section 53 of the District Prisons Ordinance of 19 April 1972 (Verordnung des Kantons Zürich vom 19. April 1972 über die Bezirksgefängnisse), which was made under section 73 of the law of 6 July 1941 by which the Swiss Criminal Code was enacted. Section 53(3) reads as follows (translation from German): “No correspondence with co-prisoners and former co-prisoners (except for close relatives) shall be allowed. Letters jeopardising the purpose of detention or prison security shall not be forwarded; letters relating to pending criminal proceedings shall be forwarded only if they form part of correspondence with a defence lawyer. A prisoner shall be informed if a letter is not forwarded.“ In 1973, the Federal Court considered the constitutionality of various provisions of the Zürich Ordinance of 1972. As regards the restrictions on freedom of correspondence, it noted the following (translation from German): “Section 53 lays down in particular that letters ‘whose content is improper’ or which relate to pending criminal proceedings shall not be forwarded. Correspondence with co-prisoners or former co-prisoners is likewise prohibited. On the other hand, communications addressed to supervising authorities or to a defence lawyer are not subject to any restrictions. The applicant alleges that prohibiting communications ‘whose content is improper’ goes much too far and leaves too great a discretion to the officials responsible for monitoring correspondence. In his submission, the prohibition should apply only to communications whose content is ‘illicit’. This change of wording would make no appreciable difference, since the second concept is likewise very imprecise in the present context. The applicant does not dispute the need to prohibit the dispatch of letters with a particular type of content, and that is the very purpose of the monitoring. It is clear, therefore, that any correspondence which might assist in the preparation of escape plans or the commission of fresh criminal offences, or which could have an impermissible influence on criminal proceedings (danger of collusion) must be prohibited. Even assuming that it is in principle desirable to maintain contacts with the outside world, these contacts must not compromise the purpose of detention. Moreover, the supervising authorities must also be given the right to hold back any communications which might jeopardise order in the prison. Conversely, the authorities cannot refuse to forward communications which do not jeopardise either the purpose of detention or order in the prison and which are permissible in their quantity (s. 52). It is accordingly of little consequence whether or not the supervising authority approves the content of such communications (cf., on the legal situation in Germany, the Federal Constitutional Court’s decision of 14 March 1972, vol. 33, no. 1). It is not possible to make an accurate general statement of where the line should be drawn, since it depends on the particular circumstances of each case. The general principle laid down in the disputed ordinance accordingly cannot be criticised as being unconstitutional, at least not if regard is had to the fact that correspondence with the supervising authorities and defence lawyers is not subject to any marked degree of control.“ (Judgments of the Swiss Federal Court, vol. 99, part I a), pp. 288-289) PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION The applicants applied to the Commission on 10 January 1985 (application no. 11368/85). They claimed that the Pfäffikon district prosecutor’s stopping of the letter from Mr. Schönenberger to Mr. Durmaz had violated their right to respect for their correspondence (Article 8 of the Convention) (art. 8) and their freedom of expression (Article 10) (art. 10). The Commission declared the application admissible on 4 March 1986. In its report of 12 December 1986 (made under Article 31) (art. 31), the Commission expressed the unanimous opinion that there had been a breach of Article 8 (art. 8) and that no separate issue arose under Article 10 (art. 10). The full text of the Commission’s opinion is reproduced as an annex to this judgment. CONCLUDING SUBMISSIONS BY THE GOVERNMENT At the hearing, the Government confirmed the submissions contained in their written pleadings. In them they invited the Court “to conclude that in the present case the non-forwarding of the letter in issue addressed by the first applicant to the second applicant, who was detained on remand and did not know the sender of the letter, did not constitute a violation of Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention or of any other provision of that instrument“.
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{ "applicant": "Edmund Schönenberger", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "CHE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1988 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Edmund Schönenberger
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 71932/12) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Afghan national, Mr Qadam Shah Mohammadi (“the applicant”), on 13 November 2012. The applicant was represented by Mrs N. Lorenz, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. The applicant alleged that his forced transfer to Hungary under the Dublin II Regulation would subject him to inhuman and degrading treatment, that he would face imprisonment under deplorable detention conditions, and that he would run risk of refoulement to Serbia. On 20 November 2012 the Court decided to apply Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, indicating to the Government that it was desirable in the interests of the parties and the proper conduct of the proceedings not to expel the applicant to Hungary until further notice. On the same day the Court decided to communicate the application to the Austrian Government and to grant priority to the application under Rule 41 of the Rules of Court. It further requested the Hungarian Government to provide information regarding the status of the applicant’s asylum proceedings, as well as the reception conditions for unaccompanied minor asylum-seekers in Hungary. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1995 and currently lives in Rein. He entered Austria on 20 October 2011 and lodged an asylum application. It remained undisputed by the Austrian authorities that at that time he was still a minor, even though his exact date of birth is unknown. He was not accompanied by any family members, nor were any of his relatives present in another member State of the European Union. The applicant stated that he had left his village in Afghanistan three months earlier, crossed the border to Iran and then the border to Turkey by foot. With the aid of a trafficker he reached Istanbul, where he stayed for three days. Together with a group of other refugees, he crossed into Greece by boat, where he was arrested and processed. He was released shortly after with an order to leave the country. He travelled to Athens, where he stayed for a month. He then left Greece together with two other refugees via the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia, from where he crossed the border to Hungary by foot. In Hungary, the applicant was arrested and processed. He claimed that he was forced to lodge an asylum request and placed in an open camp. Allegedly, the Hungarian authorities did not give any consideration to the fact that he was a minor. Because he had never planned to stay in Hungary, but wanted to lodge an asylum application in Austria, he left the camp two or three days later and took a train to Vienna. When the applicant was interviewed by the Austrian authorities on 21 October 2011, he stated that he did not want to return to Hungary. He claimed not to know the status of his asylum proceedings there because he was illiterate. In a second interview on 18 November 2011, he stated that he was arrested and detained for three days in Hungary. He was not given enough to eat and suffered from hunger in detention. He claimed that the conduct of the police towards him was rough. Officers were armed at all times, and he was woken up during the night for interviews. He further stated that he was afraid of being sent back to Serbia. When the applicant was asked why he had left Afghanistan, he stated that his family had sent him away so he could live a safer life. His father had died in Afghanistan six years earlier. His mother lived with the applicant and his three young siblings in the Jaghori district in Ghazni province. The precarious security situation and the lack of access to subsistence and education in the region prompted him to leave the country. On 15 December 2011 the Traiskirchen Federal Asylum Office (Bundes­asylamt – hereinafter “the Asylum Office“) rejected the applicant’s asylum request and established Hungary’s jurisdiction in this regard in accordance with Article 16 § 1 (c) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 343/2003 (“the Dublin II Regulation“). On 11 January 2012 the Asylum Court (Asylgerichtshof) quashed that decision pursuant to Article 66 § 2 of the Code of General Administrative Procedure (Allgemeines Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz) on the grounds that the facts had not been established exhaustively. It stated that the Asylum Office had failed to update its country information regarding the risk of refoulement of asylum‑seekers from Hungary to Serbia. Furthermore, the decision had not established the legal framework under which minors could be detained in Hungary and what the conditions of detention were. On 28 February 2012 the Asylum Office again rejected the applicant’s asylum request and ordered his expulsion to Hungary under the Dublin II Regulation. In addition to general information on the situation of asylum-seekers in Hungary, the Asylum Office referred to information obtained from the Austrian Embassy in Hungary dated 25 January and 2 February 2012. According to that information, the detention of minors could not be ordered in Hungary. If a detained refugee claimed to be a minor, an age assessment was ordered and the minor was released if his or her age was confirmed. As regards the evaluation of Serbia by Hungary as a safe third country, the Hungarian authorities stated that they did not have a list of safe third countries and evaluated each case individually. However, in most cases Serbia was considered to be a safe third country. Hungary expelled asylum-seekers to Serbia, if their first asylum proceedings were terminated and there was no obstacle under the non-refoulement rule. A person lodging a subsequent asylum request was not allowed to remain in Hungary. The same applied for Dublin returnees if their first asylum proceedings were terminated. If asylum proceedings were discontinued after an asylum-seeker left Hungary, an asylum request after his or her return under the Dublin regulation was considered a subsequent asylum request. It was further established that appeals against asylum decisions at first instance and during the first proceedings had automatic suspensive effect. However, appeals against decisions in subsequent asylum proceedings did not. It was in any event possible to lodge an appeal against the expulsion order itself. It was then up to the judge’s discretion to award the proceedings suspensive effect. When it came to the personal credibility of the applicant, the Asylum Office stated that it found his allegations of having been detained in Hungary for three days unconvincing, as the country information had shown that the detention of minors could not be ordered in Hungary. It further held that the information had shown that Hungary did not practise refoulement to Serbia. Finally, the Hungarian authorities had assumed jurisdiction over the applicant’s asylum request under Article 16 § 1 (c) of the Dublin II Regulation, which proved that the applicant still had access to asylum proceedings on the merits in Hungary. The Asylum Office concluded that it hence did not consider itself legally obliged to make use of the sovereignty clause and rejected the asylum request. On 20 March 2012 the Asylum Court awarded suspensive effect to the applicant’s appeal against that decision, but on 24 September 2012 dismissed it as unfounded. It pointed out that the Hungarian authorities had informed the Asylum Office that they had planned an age assessment, but could not carry it out because the applicant had left the country. Thereupon, on 24 October 2011 the Hungarian authorities had discontinued his proceedings. However, the Asylum Court assumed that because of Hungary’s acceptance of jurisdiction under Article 16 § 1 (c) of the Dublin II Regulation the applicant would have access to asylum proceedings on the merits in Hungary. In its reasoning the Asylum Court took note of a letter from the UNHCR Office in Vienna dated 3 February 2012, seemingly citing problems with the techniques of age assessment in Hungary, detention and the detention conditions for asylum-seekers, refoulement to Serbia and the fact that a Dublin-returner’s asylum request was considered a subsequent asylum request if the proceedings had been discontinued in Hungary. However, the Asylum Court noted a lack of sources in the UNHCR’s letter and referred to the recently updated country information obtained by the Austrian asylum authorities, which did not indicate systematic deficiencies in the Hungarian asylum proceedings and reception conditions that would have warranted an extensive use of the sovereignty clause of Article 3 § 2 of the Dublin II Regulation. On 10 October 2012 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court, which was rejected on 22 November 2012. This decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 30 November 2012. An arrest order stated that a transfer of the applicant to the Hungarian authorities was planned for 22 November 2012. At that time, the applicant was still a minor. On 20 November 2012 the Court applied an interim measure under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court and requested the Austrian Government to stay the applicant’s transfer to Hungary until further notice. The Austrian Government complied with this request. On 3 December 2012 the Hungarian Government informed the Court that the applicant’s asylum proceedings in Hungary had been discontinued on 24 October 2011. The decision had become final on 4 November 2011. The first asylum proceedings would not be reopened upon his return to Hungary. If he was returned to Hungary, an asylum request would be considered a subsequent request which would not have automatic suspensive effect if there were no new circumstances supporting his application but there was a safe third country which he could be returned to. Regarding the issue of appointing a guardian for the minor applicant, the Hungarian authorities stated that unaccompanied minor asylum-seekers were usually immediately assigned a guardian, except when the applicant would reach the age of majority before the decision on the merits was taken. Unaccompanied minors were placed in a children’s home in Fót, where care and education were provided to them according to their age. Having regard to the fact that the applicant would turn 18 on 1 January 2013, it was very unlikely that a guardian would be appointed for him upon his return. II. RELEVANT DOMESTIC LAW AND INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION A. Relevant European and Austrian law 1. Council Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 (“the Dublin II Regulation”) The Court notes that on 1 January 2014 Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (“the Dublin III Regulation“) entered into force. However, at the time of the decision by the Austrian authorities to expel the applicant to Hungary, the Dublin II Regulation was the applicable legal basis. Under the Dublin II Regulation, member States must determine, based on a hierarchy of objective criteria (Articles 5 to 14), which member State bears responsibility for examining an asylum application lodged on their territory. The aim is to avoid multiple applications and to guarantee that each asylum-seeker’s case is dealt with by a single member State. Where it is established that an asylum-seeker has irregularly crossed the border into a member State having come from a third country, the member State thus entered is responsible for examining the application for asylum (Article 10 § 1). This responsibility ceases twelve months after the date on which the irregular border crossing took place. Where the criteria in the regulation indicate that another member State is responsible, that State may be asked to take charge of the asylum-seeker and examine the application for asylum. The requested State must answer the request within two months of the date of receipt of the request. Failure to reply within two months is stipulated to mean that the request to take charge of the person has been accepted (Articles 17 and 18 §§ 1 and 7). By way of derogation from the general rule, each member State may examine an application for asylum lodged with it by a third-country national, even if such examination is not its responsibility under the criteria laid down in the Regulation (Article 3 § 2). This is called the “sovereignty” clause. In such cases the State concerned becomes the member State responsible and assumes the obligations associated with that responsibility. Article 19 § 2 provides that appeals and reviews concerning a decision of a requesting member State in which an applicant is informed that his or her request is not being examined by the requesting member State and that he will be transferred to the responsible member State shall not suspend the implementation of the transfer unless the courts and competent bodies so decide on a case-by-case basis. Article 6 of the Dublin II Regulation provides that, the member State responsible for examining an asylum application of an unaccompanied minor shall be that where a member of his or her family is legally present, provided that this is in the best interests of the minor. In the absence of a family member, the member State responsible for examining the application is that where the minor has lodged his or her application for asylum. For more detailed information on proceedings under the Dublin II Regulation see M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece [GC] (no. 30696/09, §§ 65‑75, ECHR 2011). 2. Austrian Asylum Act Section 5 of the Asylum Act 2005 (Asylgesetz) provides that an asylum application must be rejected as inadmissible if, under treaty provisions or pursuant to the Dublin Regulation, another State has jurisdiction to examine it. When rendering a decision rejecting an application, the authority must specify which State has jurisdiction in the matter. 3. Austrian Code of General Administrative Procedure Article 66 § 2 of the Code of General Administrative Procedure provides that the appellate body can quash a decision and remit the matter to the lower instance, if the facts have been established so inconclusively that the renewal of an oral hearing and the issuing of a new decision appears to be indispensable. B. International documents describing the reception and detention conditions of asylum-seekers in Hungary International documents describing the conditions of detention and reception of asylum-seekers in Hungary are extensively summarised in the judgment in Mohammed v. Austria (no. 2283/12, §§ 32-50, 6 June 2013). In the paragraphs that follow, the most relevant information will be reiterated, and new developments after the adoption of that judgment will be taken into account. 1. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) In October 2012 the UNHCR published a note on Hungary and Serbia as countries of asylum and concluded that it maintained its previously expressed concerns regarding Hungary’s ongoing practice of treating the asylum claims of most Dublin transferees as second applications, without guaranteed protection from removal to third countries before an examination of the merits of the asylum claims. The UNHCR was also particularly concerned about Hungary’s continuing policy and practice of considering Serbia as a safe third country and returning asylum-seekers to that country without conducting an examination of the merits of their claims. In an update to that note dated December 2012 the UNHCR observed that in November 2012 the Hungarian Parliament had adopted a comprehensive package of legislative amendments, and the UNHCR welcomed these initiatives and the amendments’ reported aim of ensuring that asylum-seekers whose claims had not yet been decided might remain in Hungary pending an examination of the merits of their claims, and would not be subject to detention, as long as they applied for asylum immediately. Furthermore, the UNHCR appreciated the State’s reported intention to introduce additional legal guarantees concerning detention to ensure, inter alia, unhindered access to basic facilities such as toilets, and access for detainees with special needs to appropriate treatment. The UNHCR further observed that Hungary no longer denied an examination of asylum claims on the merits where asylum-seekers had transited via Serbia or Ukraine prior to their arrival in Hungary. Such asylum-seekers were no longer returned to Serbia or Ukraine. In addition, access to asylum proceedings in Hungary had improved for those asylum‑seekers transferred to Hungary under the Dublin system whose claims had not been examined and decided in Hungary (in other words, those for whom no final decision on the substance of the asylum claim had been taken). Such asylum-seekers had access to an examination of the merits of their claims upon their return, provided they made a formal application to (re)initiate the examination of the previously made asylum claim. They would then not be detained and could await the outcome of the proceedings in Hungary. Some improvements had also been observed with regard to the detention of asylum-seekers. The UNHCR noted that the number of asylum‑seekers detained had significantly declined in 2012. Asylum-seekers who applied for asylum immediately upon their arrival, or at the latest during their first interview with the immigration police, were no longer detained. People who failed to apply immediately, or who otherwise failed to communicate such an intention, continued to be subject to detention for the duration of the entire asylum proceedings. 2. Hungarian Helsinki Committee (a) Statement on the Status of the Asylum Processes of Asylum-seekers returned under the Dublin II Regulations, 8 April 2013 33. In this statement, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee commented on legislative changes in Hungary which entered into force on 1 July 2013. It raised concerns that there might be a threat that asylum-seekers were placed in alien policing detention upon return to Hungary under the Dublin II Regulation for up to twelve months, if the person already had an expulsion order in Hungary before leaving for another EU member State. Arbitrariness could not be excluded, as detention was up to the discretion of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. The proposed detention regime for asylum‑seekers would also foresee the detention of first-time asylum-seekers as well as those whose cases had started even before the adoption of the proposed regulations. (b) Protection Interrupted – Jesuit Refugee Service Europe, DIASP national Report: Hungary, June 2013 34. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee noted that following the changes in legislation in January 2013 Dublin returnees were now considered as first-time applicants if they did not have a negative decision on the merits in their asylum procedure before leaving Hungary. They had the chance to substantiate the reasons for their application in a detailed “in-merit procedure” and were not detained. Those asylum-seekers who had withdrawn their application, or had received a negative decision on the merits, may however be placed in immigration detention after being returned under the Dublin II Regulation. (c) Brief information note on the main asylum-related legal changes in Hungary as of 1 July 2013, 28 June 2013 35. In this note, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee concluded that the amendments introducing a separate detention regime for asylum-seekers seriously weakened the judicial review of immigration and asylum detention and the right to appeal in asylum proceedings, and failed to ensure adequate reception conditions. (d) Country Report: Hungary, update of 30 April 2014, published on the Asylum Information Database (AIDA) 36. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee reported that following the changes in legislation taking effect in January 2013, asylum-seekers would not be automatically detained anymore if they submitted their first asylum application immediately upon apprehension. Those who were returned to Hungary under the Dublin II Regulation were not detained anymore either. Dublin returnees were therefore guaranteed access to the asylum procedures and to a full examination of their asylum claim if it was not yet examined on its merits, or if it was not rejected as manifestly unfounded or if they had not previously withdrawn the claim in writing. 37. From 1 July 2013, pursuant to Act XCIII of 2013, the Asylum Act provides for a newly created detention regime called “asylum detention”. These amendments widen the grounds for detention of asylum-seekers, applicable also to those who submitted their first asylum application immediately upon apprehension or return in the Dublin procedure. Under section 31/A of the Asylum Act, the refugee authority may detain asylum‑seekers if their identity or nationality is uncertain; if they absconded from the proceedings; if there is a risk of them obstructing, frustrating or delaying the asylum procedure; if they pose a threat to national security or public order or safety; if the application has been submitted at an airport; or if they have failed to appear on summons. The maximum period of asylum detention is six months. Asylum seekers submitting subsequent applications remain subject to immigration detention. 38. Between July and December 2013, 1762 asylum-seekers were detained under the asylum detention regime. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee observed that since the introduction of that regime, the asylum detention facilities were usually at full capacity. It calculated that on average, approximately 26% of all asylum-seekers were in asylum detention, while the number of male asylum-seekers in detention increased to around 42%. Vulnerable people were not excluded from detention, with the exception of unaccompanied children. 39. Alternatives to detention were available in the form of bail, a designated place to stay, and periodic reporting obligations. However, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee criticised that the scope of application of bail as alternative to asylum detention was not defined clearly enough, which it feared could result in the non-application of this measure in practice. Further, the conditions of assessment were not properly defined by law, which casted doubt on its transparent and coherent application. 40. Concerning conditions of detention, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee noted that the legal amendments relating to asylum detention provided that detention shall be carried out in “closed asylum reception centres“, which cannot be established on the premises of police jails or penitentiary institutions. The new rules specified minimum requirements for such facilities, including material conditions such as freedom of movement, access to open air, as well as access to recreational facilities, the Internet and phones, and a 24-hour availability of social assistance from social workers. 41. When carrying out visits to asylum detention facilities in Békéscsaba and Nyírbátor in summer 2013, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee noted that both facilities were at full capacity, which meant that there was a significant increase in the number of detained asylum-seekers. It examined some of the detention orders and observed that the Office of Immigration and Nationality failed to carry out a proper individual assessment of the cases before subjecting asylum-seekers to detention. It criticised that detention orders did not contain any justification why alternatives to detention were not used, despite the consideration of such alternatives being obligatory under the law. Further, it observed that the detention conditions for families were not appropriate; that the majority of the social workers hardly spoke any foreign languages and were mainly performing administrative tasks rather than engaging with the detainees; and that there were no psychologists working at the asylum detention facilities. 42. During a field visit under the auspices of the UNHCR Regional Representation for Central Europe in September 2013, detainees complained about inadequate housing conditions, such as a lack of equipment and cleaning materials, inadequate water quality, and difficulties in practising their religion. Further, there were complaints of a lack of access to specialist medical care. On a positive note, it was found that although the centres were usually at full capacity, there were no problems with overcrowding. Asylum-seekers had outdoor access during the day, and each centre was equipped with a fitness room and computers with internet access. Religious dietary requirements were always respected. Lawyers, family members and non-governmental organisations were able to access the detention centres, as long as they gave prior notice to the facility. 43. Turning to the issue of possible refoulement to countries which Hungary previously considered to be “safe third countries”, such as Serbia, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee noted that following the changes in legislation which took effect in January 2013, deportation could no longer be imposed on asylum-seekers during the asylum procedure. 3. UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention In its Statement on the conclusion of its visit to Hungary from 23 September to 2 October 2013, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention reported on its visits to two detention facilities for irregular migrants and asylum-seekers in Nyírbátor and Békéscsaba. It highlighted the pressure and challenges faced by Hungary as a transit country, having seen a radical increase in the numbers of asylum-seekers in 2013 alone. While in 2012 a total of 2,157 asylum-seekers’ applications were registered, in 2013 an estimated 15,000 were registered. It noted that the Government had responded in the last few years with different approaches to the influx of people crossing Hungary’s borders. The legislative changes to the Asylum Act that had come into effect in July 2013 had led to some positive changes, such as asylum detention having to be based on individual assessment; the introduction of alternatives to detention such as bail, and benefits such as the availability of social workers to assist those in detention. Unaccompanied minors remained exempted from detention. However, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention expressed its concern that there had been a significant focus on detaining asylum‑seekers. The issue of prolonging the detention of an asylum-seeker and the lack of proper judicial review were consistently raised during interviews it conducted. The right to a complaint which could be submitted against a detention order was not often explicitly communicated to those being detained. The Working Group therefore called to the Hungarian Government’s attention the fact that the situation of asylum-seekers and migrants in irregular situations needed robust improvements and attention to ensure against arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It recommended that the measures introduced by the recent law, which were considered to be positive, should be implemented in a clear and defined manner. Detention should not be the common and first resort and should be for the shortest possible duration, especially when genuine asylum-seekers may be overlooked or detained unnecessarily without proper justification.
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{ "applicant": "Qadam Shah Mohammadi", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2014 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Qadam Shah Mohammadi
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 18015/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Roland Schutte (“the applicant”), on 23 May 2003. The applicant was represented by Mr J. Postlmayr, a lawyer practising in Mattighofen. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On 15 September 2005 the Court decided to communicate the complaints concerning the length of the proceedings and the lack of remedies in that respect and the complaint about the alleged violation of the ne bis in idem principle to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time. The Government, in their observations, requested the Court to give a separate decision on the admissibility of the application. However, the Court has found no reasons to discontinue the application of Article 29 § 3. It therefore rejects the request. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1963 and lives in Ostermiething. In the early hours of 5 October 1997 the applicant drove a car through a village. Police officers required him to stop by giving a sign with a red light. The applicant disregarded their sign and drove on, obliging the police officers to step aside. On 21 November 1997 the Ried im Innkreis Public Prosecutor's Office charged the applicant with resisting the exercise of official authority (Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt) under Article 269 § 1 of the Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch) in that he had prevented the police officers from carrying out a traffic control by driving towards them with his vehicle, thus threatening them with bodily harm. On 12 December 1997 the Ried im Innkreis Regional Court (Landesgericht), having held a trial, acquitted the applicant of the above charge. As neither party appealed, the judgment became final. By letter of 29 January 1998 the Braunau District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) charged the applicant with failure to comply with a request to stop for the purpose of a traffic control contrary to Section 97 § 5 of the Road Traffic Act (Straßenverkehrsordnung). The applicant submitted his defence on 4 February 1998, asserting in particular that the conduct of proceedings for the said traffic offence violated Article 4 of Protocol No. 7, given that he had been acquitted of the offence of resisting the exercise of official authority in respect of the same act. On 11 March 1998 the District Administrative Authority issued a penal order (Straferkenntnis) against the applicant finding him guilty of the offence under Section 97 § 5 in conjunction with Section 99 § 3 (a) of the Road Traffic Act, and imposed a fine of 4,000 Austrian schillings on him (approximately 290 euros) with 6 days' imprisonment in default. Furthermore, it ordered the applicant to pay a contribution to the costs of the proceedings. Upon the applicant's appeal, the Upper Austria Independent Administrative Panel (Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat) held a hearing on 17 September 1998 at which it heard the applicant and the three police officers concerned. By decision of 15 December 1998 the Independent Administrative Panel dismissed the applicant's appeal. It noted that the applicant admitted to having disregarded the police officers' request to stop. It dismissed his argument that his conviction under the Road Traffic Act violated the ne bis in idem principle. The offence under Section 97 § 5 of the Road Traffic Act concerned a simple omission, namely the failure to comply with a request to stop for the purpose of a traffic control whereas Article 269 § 1 of the Criminal Code required the use of dangerous threat or force. It followed from the court file and from the police officers' statements that the applicant had been acquitted of resisting the exercise of official authority, as it had not been shown that he had driven towards the police officers and thus threatened them with bodily harm. In sum, the two offences were distinct and the applicant's acquittal under Article 269 § 1 of the Criminal Code did not hinder his conviction under Section 97 § 5 of the Road Traffic Act. On 8 February 1999 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). The Independent Administrative Panel submitted observations in reply on 24 March 1999. On 19 June 2000 the Constitutional Court dismissed the applicant's complaint as being unfounded. Referring to the Court's judgment in the case of Oliveira v. Switzerland (30 July 1998, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1998‑V), it found that the present case concerned an example of a single act constituting more than one offence (Idealkonkurrenz) which was in itself not contrary to Article 4 of Protocol No. 7. Further, it confirmed the Independent Administrative Panel's view that the offences at issue differed in their constituent elements. Upon the applicant's request the Constitutional Court referred the case to the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) by decision of 17 August 2000. The latter requested the applicant to supplement his complaint on 2 October 2000. The applicant complied with that request on 8 November 2000. He reiterated his complaint about a violation of the ne bis in idem principle and requested the Administrative Court to hold a hearing. On 11 April 2002 the Administrative Court requested the Independent Administrative Panel to submit observations. The latter did so on 23 May 2002. On 20 December 2002 the Administrative Court refused to deal with the applicant's complaint pursuant to Section 33a of the Administrative Court Act (Verwaltungsgerichtshofgesetz) as the fine imposed did not exceed 726 euros and the case did not raise an important legal issue. The decision was served on the applicant's counsel on 31 January 2003.
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{ "applicant": "Roland Schutte", "articles": [ 91, 34, 112, 55, 45, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 50, 57, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2007 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Roland Schutte
PROCEDURE The case originated in two applications (nos. 36812/97 and 40104/98) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by Mr Thomas Richard Sylvester, a national of the United States of America, and Ms Carina Maria Sylvester, a national of Austria and of the United States of America (“the applicants”), on 26 May 1997 and 26 February 1998 respectively. The applicants were represented by Mr S. Moser, a lawyer practising in Graz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicants alleged that the non-enforcement of the final return order under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction had violated their rights under Articles 6 and 8 of the Convention. The applications were transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The applications were allocated to the former Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 24 October 2000 the Court decided to join the applications and to communicate them to the respondent Government. The applicant and the Government each filed written observations on the admissibility and merits. In addition, third-party comments were received from Mrs Monika Sylvester, the second applicant's mother, Mrs Jan Rewers McMillan, attorney at law, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children, non-governmental organisations concerned with the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which had each been given leave by the President to intervene in the written procedure (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 61 § 3). On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed First Section (Rule 52 § 1). By a decision of 26 September 2002 the Court declared the applications admissible. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicants were born in 1953 and 1994 respectively. The first applicant lives in West Bloomfield (Michigan) and the second applicant lives in Graz. The first applicant married an Austrian citizen in April 1994. The marriage was concluded in the United States of America, where the couple set up their common residence. On 11 September 1994 their daughter, the second applicant, was born. The family's last common residence was in Michigan. Under the law of the State of Michigan the parents had joint custody over the second applicant. On 30 October 1995 the first applicant's wife, without obtaining his consent, left the United States with the second applicant and took her to Austria. On 31 October 1995 the first applicant, relying on the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“the Hague Convention”), requested the Austrian courts to order the second applicant's return. In these and the subsequent proceedings the first applicant was represented by counsel. On 3 November 1995 the second applicant's mother filed an application with the Graz District Civil Court (Bezirksgericht für Zivilrechtssachen) for the award of sole custody over the second applicant. On 20 December 1995 the Graz District Civil Court, after having heard evidence from the first applicant and his wife and the oral statement of an expert in child psychology, Dr. K., ordered that the second applicant be returned to the first applicant at her former place of residence in Michigan. The court, noting that under Michigan law the first applicant and his wife had joint custody of their daughter, found that the first applicant's wife had wrongfully removed the child within the meaning of Article 3 of the Hague Convention. Moreover, it dismissed the mother's claim that the child's return would entail a grave risk of physical or psychological harm within the meaning of Article 13 (b) of the Hague Convention. It considered that the second applicant's return could not be hindered by the fact that the mother was her main person of reference and that returning could cause a massive trauma affecting her development. Otherwise, mothers of small children could easily circumvent the aim of the Hague Convention. As to the mother's allegation that the first applicant regularly masturbated in the presence of the child, the court referred to the expert's statement that such conduct would, in view of the child's tender age, not cause immediate harm. The fact that such conduct, if proved, could in the long run be harmful to the child would have to be assessed in the custody proceedings. Finally, it held that the mother could be expected to return with the second applicant to the United States. On 19 January 1996 the Graz Regional Civil Court (Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen) dismissed an appeal by the second applicant's mother. The Regional Court confirmed the District Court's assessment as regards the question whether the second applicant's return would entail a grave risk of physical or psychological harm within the meaning of Article 13 (b) of the Hague Convention. It noted that the onus of proof was on the person opposing the return, i.e. the second applicant's mother. Further, it noted that the statement of the expert in child psychology had denied that there was any such risk. That statement had been made on the assumption that the mother's allegations were true. However, the Regional Court emphasised that the truth of these allegations had not been proved and that the District Court had had the benefit of hearing the first applicant and, thus, of forming a personal impression of him. On 27 February 1996 the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) dismissed a further appeal by the second applicant's mother. On 27 February 1996 the first applicant filed an application for enforcement of the return order of 20 December 1995. Meanwhile, the first applicant had started divorce proceedings before the Oakland Circuit Court (Michigan). By a decision of 16 April 1996, the court pronounced a default judgment of divorce. Further, it awarded the first applicant sole custody of the second applicant and ordered that the second applicant should reside with the first applicant in the event of her return. On 7 May 1996 the file arrived again at the Graz District Civil Court. On 8 May 1996 the Graz District Civil Court ordered the enforcement of the return order under section 19 (1) of the Non-Contentious Proceedings Act (Ausserstreitgesetz). It noted that it was necessary to order coercive measures as there were indications that the mother was obstructing the child's return. She had given an interview to a local newspaper according to which she frequently changed her whereabouts and was determined not to let the child be taken away from her. In the early hours of 10 May 1996, an attempt to enforce the return order was made in accordance with the terms set out in the order of 8 May. A bailiff, assisted by a police officer, a locksmith and a representative of the Youth Welfare Office, appeared at the house where the second applicant and her mother were living. The first applicant was also present. A search carried out in the house, necessitating the use of force against the second applicant's mother and the forceful opening of several doors, remained unsuccessful. On the occasion of the enforcement attempt the Supreme Court's decision of 27 February 1996 and the enforcement order of 8 May 1996 were served on the second applicant's mother. On 15 May 1996 the second applicant's mother appealed against the decision of 8 May 1996 and again filed an application for the award of sole custody of the second applicant. On 29 May 1996 the United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, issued an arrest warrant against the second applicant's mother on suspicion of international parental kidnapping. On 18 June 1996 the first applicant made a further application for enforcement of the return order. By a decision of 25 June 1996 the Graz District Civil Court, at the request of the second applicant's mother, transferred jurisdiction to the Leibnitz District Court, in the judicial district of which the second applicant had purportedly established her residence. On 29 August 1996 the Graz Regional Civil Court granted an appeal by the first applicant against the transfer of jurisdiction and, on the mother's appeal, quashed the Graz District Civil Court's enforcement order of 8 May 1996 and referred the case back to it. Referring to section 19 (1) of the Non-Contentious Proceedings Act, the court found that, in the enforcement proceedings, the child's well-being had to be taken into account in so far as a change in the situation had occurred since the issue of the return order and the taking of coercive measures. However, under Article 13 of the Hague Convention, this question was not to be examined by the court of its own motion but only upon an application by the person opposing the return. Following the service of the enforcement order of 8 May 1996 the mother had submitted, in particular, that she was the second applicant's main person of reference. Because of the lapse of time, the second applicant no longer recognised her father when she was shown his picture. By being taken away from her mother the child would suffer irreparable harm. The court therefore ordered the District Court to examine whether the situation had changed since the return order of 20 December 1995. It also ordered the District Court to obtain the opinion of an expert child psychologist on the question whether the child's return would entail a grave risk of physical or psychological harm and whether coercive measures were compatible with the interests of the child's well-being. Between May and December 1996 numerous letters were exchanged between the United States Department of State and the Austrian Ministry of Justice, acting as their respective States' Central Authorities under the Hague Convention. The United States Department of State repeatedly requested information as to which steps had been taken to locate the second applicant and to enforce the return order of 20 December 1995. The Austrian Ministry of Justice replied that the first applicant was represented by counsel in the Austrian proceedings and that it was up to him to take all necessary steps to obtain the enforcement of the return order. It also pointed out that there were only rather limited possibilities to locate a child who had disappeared after a return order had been made. On 15 October 1996 the Supreme Court dismissed an appeal by the first applicant and set aside the enforcement order of 8 May 1996. It noted in particular that the notion of the child's well-being was central to the entire proceedings. When ordering coercive measures under section 19 (1) of the Non-Contentious Proceedings Act, the court had to take the interests of the child's well-being into account, despite the fact that the return order was final, if the relevant situation had changed in the meantime. Having regard to the aims of the Hague Convention, a refusal of coercive measures was only justified if the child's return would entail a grave risk of physical or psychological harm for the child within the meaning of Article 13 (b) of the Hague Convention. The Supreme Court acknowledged that particularly difficult problems arose in cases in which the abductor had created the situation in which the return represented a serious danger to the child's well-being. Where the abductor of a small child was the latter's main person of reference and refused to return with the child, a serious threat to the child's well-being might arise. Nevertheless, Article 13 (b) of the Hague Convention made clear that the child's well-being took priority over the Convention's general aim of preventing child abduction. Reasons of general deterrence or, in other words, the aim of showing that child abduction was not worthwhile could not justify exposing a child to a grave risk of physical or psychological harm. In the present case, the mother had claimed that the child, who was now more than two years old, had become alienated from the father. The child's abrupt removal from her main person of reference and her return to the United States would cause her irreparable harm. The Supreme Court emphasised that the particularity of the case lay in the fact that, in the main proceedings, the courts had denied that there was any risk of psychological harm (as a result of the alleged sexual behaviour of the first applicant) exclusively on account of the child's tender age. In these circumstances, it could not be excluded that the child, who was now more than two years old and had been living solely with her mother for more than a year, would suffer grave psychological harm in the event of a return to her father. Thus, the Regional Court had rightly found that the question whether the return order could be enforced by coercive measures needed further examination, including an opinion by an expert in child psychology. It might also prove necessary to assess whether or not the mother's allegations were at all true. In accordance with the Supreme Court's decision, the case was referred back to the Graz District Civil Court. On 23 April 1997 the Oakland Circuit Court issued a “safe harbour” order, valid until 21 October 1997, which provided, inter alia, that pending determination of custody in expedited proceedings, the first applicant would not exercise his right to sole custody of the child; the second applicant would live with her mother away from the first applicant, who would undertake to cover their living expenses; and the arrest warrant against the mother would be set aside as soon as she and the second applicant boarded a direct flight to Michigan. On 29 April 1997 the Graz District Civil Court dismissed an application by the first applicant for enforcement of the return order. In the continued proceedings, the expert on child psychology, Dr. K., had submitted his opinion on 26 March 1997 and the first applicant had been given an opportunity to comment. On the basis of the expert opinion, the court found that since the second applicant's birth her mother had been her main person of reference. However, the first applicant had had regular contact with her until 30 October 1995, the date of her abduction. Thereafter they had had no contact at all. Since the return order had been made, a year and four months had elapsed and the first applicant had become a complete stranger to the second applicant. Given that a young child needed a stable relationship with the main person of reference at least until the age of six, the second applicant's removal from her main person of reference, namely her mother, would expose her to serious psychological harm. Having regard to the considerable lapse of time since the return order had been made on 20 December 1995, the District Court found that there had been a change in the relevant circumstances, in that the second applicant had lost all contact with the first applicant while her ties with her mother and her maternal grandparents had become ever closer. Consequently, her return would expose her to serious psychological harm. The court noted the first applicant's statement of 28 April 1997 and his offer within the meaning of the “safe harbour” case-law but considered that this offer did not guarantee that the second applicant's relationship with her main person of reference would be preserved in the long run. As this relationship was indispensable for her well-being, the application for enforcement of the return order had to be dismissed. On 28 May 1997 the Graz Regional Civil Court dismissed an appeal by the first applicant. It shared the District Court's view that the situation had changed fundamentally since the issuing of the return order. At that time the second applicant had been much younger and, given the short time which had elapsed between her abduction and the issuing of the return order, had not yet lost contact with the first applicant. A return of the second applicant accompanied by her mother could not be envisaged either. Apart from the reasons adduced by the District Court, the mother would face criminal prosecution in the United States and the child would, accordingly, be taken away from her. On 2, 3 and 4 June 1997 the first applicant was granted a couple of hours of supervised access to the second applicant. On 9 September 1997 the Supreme Court dismissed a further appeal by the first applicant on the ground that it did not raise any important legal issues. On 29 December 1997 the second applicant's mother was awarded sole custody of the second applicant by the Graz District Civil Court. It noted that Article 16 of the Hague Convention, which prohibited the State to which the child has been abducted from taking a decision on custody while proceedings for the child's return were pending, no longer applied, as the decision not to enforce the return order had become final. Following appeal proceedings the judgment became final on 31 March 1998.
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{ "applicant": "Thomas Richard Sylvester", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2003 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Thomas Richard Sylvester
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 63879/00) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Tunisian national, Mr Laïfa Ben Naceur (“the applicant”), on 13 September 2000. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr R. Abraham, and his successor, Ms E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged that the additional time granted to the Principal Public Prosecutor for appealing against a judgment of the Criminal Court amounted to a breach of the principle of equality of arms as enshrined in Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The application was allocated to the Second Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Second Section (Rule 52 § 1). In a decision of 29 November 2005 the Chamber declared the application admissible. Neither the Government nor the applicant filed further written observations on the merits of the case (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1951 and is currently detained in Muret Prison (Haute-Garonne). On 22 February 1999 the Lyons Criminal Court sentenced the applicant, who had been represented by counsel at trial, to seven years’ imprisonment and ordered his permanent exclusion from French territory for drug trafficking while classified in law as a recidivist. Neither the applicant nor the public prosecutor appealed against the judgment within the ten-day time-limit laid down in Article 498 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. On 8 March 1999 the public prosecutor asked the Principal Public Prosecutor at the Lyons Court of Appeal to lodge an appeal; the Principal Public Prosecutor did so in a notice of appeal served on 16 March 1999 in accordance with Article 505 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, by which the Principal Public Prosecutor has two months from the date of delivery of the Criminal Court judgment in which to lodge an appeal. Before the Court of Appeal, the Principal Public Prosecutor – the only appellant – submitted that the applicant should be sentenced to fifteen years’ imprisonment and permanently excluded from French territory. The applicant filed submissions urging the Court of Appeal to declare the appeal inadmissible for non-compliance with Article 6 § 1 of the Convention and the principle of equality of arms in that it had been lodged outside the time-limit applicable to the public prosecutor at the Criminal Court and to himself. He also challenged the finding as to his guilt. On 1 July 1999 the Lyons Court of Appeal upheld the judgment as to the issue of guilt and the permanent exclusion from French territory, and increased the sentence to twelve years’ imprisonment, with a minimum term of two-thirds of the sentence. Addressing the applicant’s plea of inadmissibility, the Court of Appeal held: “Under Article 505 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Principal Public Prosecutor may lodge an appeal within two months from the date of delivery of the judgment. This opportunity granted to the Principal Public Prosecutor is not at variance with the provisions of Article 6 of the aforementioned Convention where, as in this instance, the right of appeal is also available to the defendant. The appeal by the Principal Public Prosecutor must be declared admissible.” The applicant appealed on points of law and filed additional submissions in which he reiterated his argument that Article 505 of the Code of Criminal Procedure did not comply with the principle of equality of arms enshrined in Article 6 of the Convention. He also relied on the case-law of the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation, which had ruled that Article 546 of the Code of Criminal Procedure infringed Article 6 of the Convention in that it afforded only the Principal Public Prosecutor the right to appeal against certain judgments concerning petty offences (contraventions). In a judgment of 15 March 2000 the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal on points of law, holding as follows: “In declaring the appeal by the Principal Public Prosecutor admissible, the Court of Appeal stated that the opportunity granted to the latter to lodge an appeal within two months from the date of delivery of the judgment, in accordance with Article 505 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, was not at variance with the provisions of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights where, as in this instance, the right of appeal was also available to the defendant. In so holding, and in so far as Article 505 of the Code of Criminal Procedure does not deprive the defendant of a remedy that could be used by the Principal Public Prosecutor but simply subjects him to different formal conditions and time-limits from those applicable to the Principal Public Prosecutor, the judges applied the law correctly ...”
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Laïfa Ben Naceur
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 38032/05) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Ernst Gierlinger (“the applicant”), on 20 October 2005. The applicant was represented by Dr. H. Blum, a lawyer practising in Linz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On 11 January 2007 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time. THE FACTS THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1964 and lives in Neustift. In December 1999 the Neustift community (Gemeinde) requested a permit from the Rohrbach District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshaupt-mannschaft) to enlarge its canalisation system. At a hearing scheduled on 4 May 2000 the applicant, who had not been summoned as a party, filed objections and submitted that the project would interfere with his property rights as it would affect the drainage system on his real estates. On 15 June 2000, after having heard an official expert on water construction technology and biology, the Administrative Authority granted the requested permit. The applicant lodged an appeal with the Upper Austrian Regional Governor (Landeshauptmann). In the subsequent proceedings the Regional Governor ordered the expert to supplement his opinion which was then submitted to the applicant for comment. On 25 January 2001 the Regional Governor (Landeshauptmann) dismissed the applicant's appeal. Referring to the supplemented expert opinion, the Regional Governor found that the project at issue would not affect the drainage system on the applicant's premises. On 16 March 2001 the applicant filed a complaint with the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof). Having held an oral hearing, upon the applicant's request, the Administrative Court dismissed this complaint on 31 March 2005. It noted that the breach of the applicant's right to being summoned to be heard as a party before the District Administrative Authority had been remedied in the course of the proceedings. The applicant had been given an opportunity to submit comments and objections before the second instance and had thus been heard as a party. As to the remaining complaint concerning the alleged interference of the project with his property, the Administrative Court found that the applicant's general submissions could not disprove the conclusive findings of the expert. This decision was served on the applicant's counsel on 26 April 2005.
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{ "applicant": "Ernst Gierlinger", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2007 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Ernst Gierlinger
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 8 December 1993, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 16798/90) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a Spanish national, Mrs Gregoria López Ostra, on 14 May 1990. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Spain recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 3 and 8 (art. 3, art. 8) of the Convention. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that she wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent her (Rule 30). On 10 January 1994 the lawyer was given leave by the President to use the Spanish language in the proceedings (Rule 27 para. 3). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr J.M. Morenilla, the elected judge of Spanish nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 24 January 1994, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr R. Bernhardt, Mr J. De Meyer, Mrs E. Palm, Mr F. Bigi, Mr A.B. Baka, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha and Mr G. Mifsud Bonnici (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). Subsequently Mr A. Spielmann, substitute judge, replaced Mr De Meyer, who was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rule 22 paras. 1 and 2 and Rule 24 para. 1). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Spanish Government (“the Government“), the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the orders made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s and the applicant’s memorials on 3 and 4 May 1994 respectively. On 16 May the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing. On 10, 17 and 20 June 1994 the Commission supplied various documents which the Registrar had requested on the President’s instructions. In accordance with the decision of the President, who had also given the Agent of the Government leave to address the Court in Spanish (Rule 27 para. 2), the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 20 June 1994. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr J. Borrego Borrego, Head of the Legal Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, Agent; for the Commission Mr F. Martínez, Delegate; for the applicant Mr J.L. Mazón Costa, abogado, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by them and also their replies to questions from two of its members. On 23 November 1994 it declined to accept observations submitted out of time by counsel for the applicant on 13 October 1994 which related to the reimbursement of his fees in the national proceedings. AS TO THE FACTS Mrs Gregoria López Ostra, a Spanish national, lives in Lorca (Murcia). At the material time she and her husband and their two daughters had their home in the district of “Diputación del Rio, el Lugarico“, a few hundred metres from the town centre. I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE A. Background to the case The town of Lorca has a heavy concentration of leather industries. Several tanneries there, all belonging to a limited company called SACURSA, had a plant for the treatment of liquid and solid waste built with a State subsidy on municipal land twelve metres away from the applicant’s home. The plant began to operate in July 1988 without the licence (licencia) from the municipal authorities required by Regulation 6 of the 1961 regulations on activities classified as causing nuisance and being unhealthy, noxious and dangerous (“the 1961 regulations“), and without having followed the procedure for obtaining such a licence (see paragraph 28 below). Owing to a malfunction, its start-up released gas fumes, pestilential smells and contamination, which immediately caused health problems and nuisance to many Lorca people, particularly those living in the applicant’s district. The town council evacuated the local residents and rehoused them free of charge in the town centre for the months of July, August and September 1988. In October the applicant and her family returned to their flat and lived there until February 1992 (see paragraph 21 below). On 9 September 1988, following numerous complaints and in the light of reports from the health authorities and the Environment and Nature Agency (Agencia para el Medio Ambiente y la Naturaleza) for the Murcia region, the town council ordered cessation of one of the plant’s activities - the settling of chemical and organic residues in water tanks (lagunaje) - while permitting the treatment of waste water contaminated with chromium to continue. There is disagreement as to what the effects were of this partial shutdown, but it can be seen from the expert opinions and written evidence of 1991, 1992 and 1993, produced before the Commission by the Government and the applicant (see paragraphs 18-20 below), that certain nuisances continue and may endanger the health of those living nearby. B. The application for protection of fundamental rights 1. Proceedings in the Murcia Audiencia Territorial Having attempted in vain to get the municipal authority to find a solution, Mrs López Ostra lodged an application on 13 October 1988 with the Administrative Division of the Murcia Audiencia Territorial, seeking protection of her fundamental rights (section 1 of Law 62/1978 of 26 December 1978 on the protection of fundamental rights (“Law 62/1978“) - see paragraphs 24-25 below). She complained, inter alia, of an unlawful interference with her home and her peaceful enjoyment of it, a violation of her right to choose freely her place of residence, attacks on her physical and psychological integrity, and infringements of her liberty and her safety (Articles 15, 17 para. 1, 18 para. 2 and 19 of the Constitution - see paragraph 23 below) on account of the municipal authorities’ passive attitude to the nuisance and risks caused by the waste-treatment plant. She requested the court to order temporary or permanent cessation of its activities. The court took evidence from several witnesses offered by the applicant and instructed the regional Environment and Nature Agency to give an opinion on the plant’s operating conditions and location. In a report of 19 January 1989 the agency noted that at the time of its expert’s visit on 17 January the plant’s sole activity was the treatment of waste water contaminated with chromium, but that the remaining waste also flowed through its tanks before being discharged into the river, generating foul smells. It therefore concluded that the plant had not been built in the most suitable location. Crown Counsel endorsed Mrs López Ostra’s application. However, the Audiencia Territorial found against her on 31 January 1989. It held that although the plant’s operation could unquestionably cause nuisance because of the smells, fumes and noise, it did not constitute a serious risk to the health of the families living in its vicinity but, rather, impaired their quality of life, though not enough to infringe the fundamental rights claimed. In any case, the municipal authorities, who had taken measures in respect of the plant, could not be held liable. The non-possession of a licence was not an issue to be examined in the special proceedings instituted in this instance, because it concerned a breach of the ordinary law. 2. Proceedings in the Supreme Court On 10 February 1989 Mrs López Ostra lodged an appeal with the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo - see paragraph 25 below in fine). She maintained that a number of witnesses and experts had indicated that the plant was a source of polluting fumes, pestilential and irritant smells and repetitive noise that had caused both her daughter and herself health problems. As regards the municipal authorities’ liability, the decision of the Audiencia Territorial appeared to be incompatible with the general supervisory powers conferred on mayors by the 1961 regulations, especially where the activity in question was carried on without a licence (see paragraph 28 below). Regard being had to Article 8 para. 1 (art. 8-1) of the Convention, inter alia, the town council’s attitude amounted to unlawful interference with her right to respect for her home and was also an attack on her physical integrity. Lastly, the applicant sought an order suspending the plant’s operations. On 23 February 1989 Crown Counsel at the Supreme Court filed pleadings to the effect that the situation complained of amounted to arbitrary and unlawful interference by the public authorities with the applicant’s private and family life (Article 18 of the Constitution taken together with Articles 15 and 19 - see paragraph 23 below). The court should accordingly grant her application in view of the nuisance to which she was subjected and the deterioration in the quality of her life, both of which had moreover been acknowledged in the judgment of 31 January. On 13 March Crown Counsel supported the suspension application (see paragraph 12 above and paragraph 25 below). In a judgment of 27 July 1989 the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal. The impugned decision had been consistent with the constitutional provisions relied on, as no public official had entered the applicant’s home or attacked her physical integrity. She was in any case free to move elsewhere. The failure to obtain a licence could only be considered in ordinary-law proceedings. 3. Proceedings in the Constitutional Court On 20 October 1989 Mrs López Ostra lodged an appeal (recurso de amparo) with the Constitutional Court, alleging violations of Article 15 (right to physical integrity), Article 18 (right to private life and to inviolability of the family home) and Article 19 (right to choose freely a place of residence) of the Constitution (see paragraph 23 below). On 26 February 1990 the court ruled that the appeal was inadmissible on the ground that it was manifestly ill-founded. It observed that the complaint based on a violation of the right to respect for private life had not been raised in the ordinary courts as it should have been. For the rest, it held that the presence of fumes, smells and noise did not itself amount to a breach of the right to inviolability of the home; that the refusal to order closure of the plant could not be regarded as degrading treatment, since the applicant’s life and physical integrity had not been endangered; and that her right to choose her place of residence had not been infringed as she had not been expelled from her home by any authority. C. Other proceedings concerning the Lorca waste-treatment plant 1. The proceedings relating to non-possession of a licence In 1990 two sisters-in-law of Mrs López Ostra, who lived in the same building as her, brought proceedings against the municipality of Lorca and SACURSA in the Administrative Division of the Murcia High Court (Tribunal Superior de Justicia), alleging that the plant was operating unlawfully. On 18 September 1991 the court, noting that the nuisance had continued after 9 September 1988 and that the plant did not have the licences required by law, ordered that it should be closed until they were obtained (see paragraph 28 below). However, enforcement of this order was stayed following an appeal by the town council and SACURSA. The case is still pending in the Supreme Court. 2. Complaint of an environmental health offence On 13 November 1991 the applicant’s two sisters-in-law lodged a complaint, as a result of which Lorca investigating judge no. 2 instituted criminal proceedings against SACURSA for an environmental health offence (Article 347 bis of the Criminal Code - see paragraph 29 below). The two complainants joined the proceedings as civil parties. Only two days later, the judge decided to close the plant, but on 25 November the measure was suspended because of an appeal lodged by Crown Counsel on 19 November. The judge ordered a number of expert opinions as to the seriousness of the nuisance caused by the waste-treatment plant and its effects on the health of those living nearby. An initial report of 13 October 1992 by a scientist from the University of Murcia who had a doctorate in chemistry stated that hydrogen sulphide (a colourless gas, soluble in water, with a characteristic rotten-egg smell) had been detected on the site in concentrations exceeding the permitted levels. The discharge of effluent containing sulphur into a river was said to be unacceptable. These findings were confirmed in a supplementary report of 25 January 1993. In a report of 27 October 1992 the National Toxicology Institute stated that the levels of the gas probably exceeded the permitted limits but did not pose any danger to the health of people living close to the plant. In a second report of 10 February 1993 the institute stated that it could not be ruled out that being in neighbouring houses twenty-four hours a day constituted a health risk as calculations had been based only on a period of eight hours a day for five days. Lastly, the regional Environment and Nature Agency, which had been asked to submit an expert opinion by the Lorca municipal authorities, concluded in a report of 29 March 1993 that the level of noise produced by the plant when in operation did not exceed that measured in other parts of the town. The investigation file contains several medical certificates and expert opinions concerning the effects on the health of those living near the plant. In a certificate dated 12 December 1991 Dr de Ayala Sánchez, a paediatrician, stated that Mrs López Ostra’s daughter, Cristina, presented a clinical picture of nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, anorexia, etc., which could only be explained by the fact that she was living in a highly polluted area. He recommended that the child should be moved from the area. In an expert report of 16 April 1993 the Ministry of Justice’s Institute of Forensic Medicine in Cartagena indicated that gas concentrations in houses near the plant exceeded the permitted limit. It noted that the applicant’s daughter and her nephew, Fernando López Gómez, presented typical symptoms of chronic absorption of the gas in question, periodically manifested in the form of acute bronchopulmonary infections. It considered that there was a relationship of cause and effect between this clinical picture and the levels of gas. In addition, it is apparent from the statements of three police officers called to the neighbourhood of the plant by one of the applicant’s sisters-in-law on 9 January 1992 that the smells given off were, at the time of their arrival, very strong and induced nausea. On 1 February 1992 Mrs López Ostra and her family were rehoused in a flat in the centre of Lorca, for which the municipality paid the rent. The inconvenience resulting from this move and from the precariousness of their housing situation prompted the applicant and her husband to purchase a house in a different part of town on 23 February 1993. On 27 October 1993 the judge confirmed the order of 15 November 1991 and the plant was temporarily closed.
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{ "applicant": "Gregoria López Ostra", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1994 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Gregoria López Ostra
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 67175/01) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Karl Reinprecht (“the applicant”), on 25 August 2000. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mrs C. Lanschützer, a lawyer practising in Graz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant complained, in particular, that the hearings regarding the prolongation of his pre-trial detention were not held in public. The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 8 April 2003 the Chamber decided to communicate the applicant's complaint about the lack of public hearings regarding his pre-trial detention to the Government (Rule 54 § 2 (b)) and declared the remainder of the application inadmissible. By a decision of 12 October 2004, the Chamber declared the application admissible as regards the communicated complaint. On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Fourth Section. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). Written submissions were also received from the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, which had been granted leave by the President to intervene as a third party (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 2). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1966 and lives in Graz. On 6 May 2000 the Graz Regional Criminal Court (Landesgericht für Strafsachen) ordered the applicant's pre-trial detention on suspicion of attempted sexual coercion (geschlechtliche Nötigung). The court based the suspicion against the applicant on the statement of the victim, who had identified the applicant in an identity parade. Further, it considered that, given the applicant's criminal record, there was a risk that he might commit another offence similar to the one of which he was suspected (Tatbegehungsgefahr). On 19 May 2000 the Graz Regional Court, after a hearing held in the presence of the public prosecutor, the applicant and his defence counsel, ordered that the applicant's pre-trial detention should continue. Referring to the testimony of the victim, it found that there was a reasonable suspicion against the applicant. Further, there was a risk that he might commit another offence similar to the one of which he was suspected. The court stated that the applicant had nine previous convictions, mainly for property-related offences, but recently also for violent crimes. The court found that, in the light of the applicant's recidivism and his character, the prolongation of his pre-trial detention was reasonable. The applicant appealed against this decision. On 7 June 2000 the Graz Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht), sitting in private, dismissed the appeal and upheld the Regional Court's decision. On 19 July 2000 the Graz Regional Court, after holding a hearing in the presence of the parties, dismissed an application for the applicant's release and ordered the continuation of his pre-trial detention. The applicant lodged an appeal against this decision. On 20 July 2000 the applicant lodged another application for release. He stressed that there were no reasons to maintain his pre-trial detention. On 26 July 2000 the public prosecutor's office (Staatsanwaltschaft) filed the bill of indictment. The applicant appealed against it. On 2 August 2000 the Graz Regional Court, having held a hearing in the presence of the parties, ordered that the applicant's pre-trial detention should continue. On 7 August 2000 the applicant appealed against this decision. He submitted that there was no reasonable suspicion against him as the testimony of the only witness for the prosecution had been contradictory. On 17 August 2000 the Graz Court of Appeal, sitting in private, dismissed the applicant's appeal against the bill of indictment and the appeals against the Regional Court's decisions of 19 July 2000 and 2 August 2000. It found that there was no doubt about the credibility of the witness and that there was therefore a reasonable suspicion against the applicant. Further, it upheld the Regional Court's repeated finding that reasons for detention on remand (Haftgründe) existed. On 18 September 2000 the applicant lodged a fundamental rights complaint (Grundrechtsbeschwerde) with the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) against this decision. He submitted that there was no strong suspicion against him and that there were no reasons to maintain the detention on remand. On 16 October 2000 the Supreme Court, sitting in private, dismissed the complaint. It found that there was no doubt about the credibility of the witness and that reasons for the applicant's detention on remand subsisted. On 24 October 2000 the Regional Court, sitting with two professional and two lay judges, held a public hearing, convicted the applicant of attempted sexual coercion and sentenced him to two years' imprisonment. On 8 March 2001 the Supreme Court rejected the applicant's plea of nullity. On 8 May 2001 the Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by the applicant, but allowed one lodged by the public prosecutor and increased the term of imprisonment to two years and six months.
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{ "applicant": "Karl Reinprecht", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2005 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Karl Reinprecht
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 35214/09) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Spanish national, Mr Antonio Aldeguer Tomás (“the applicant”), on 22 June 2009. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr M. Ródenas Pérez, a lawyer practising in Madrid. The Spanish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr F. Sanz Gandásegui, State Attorney. The applicant complained under Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 8 that he had been discriminated against on the ground of his sexual orientation in that he had been denied a survivor’s pension following the death of his partner, with whom he had lived in a de facto marital relationship for twelve years. In substance the applicant also relied on Article 14 of the Convention in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention. On 18 October 2012 the application was communicated to the Government. Judge Luis López Guerra, the judge elected in respect of Spain, withdrew from sitting in the case (Rule 28 of the Rules of Court). On 11 February 2015, the President of the Section accordingly appointed Ms Blanca Lozano Cutanda to sit as an ad hoc judge (Article 26 § 4 of the Convention and Rule 29 § 1 (a) of the Rules of Court). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1955 and lives in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid). The applicant cohabited with another man in a homosexual relationship from 1990 until the latter’s death on 2 July 2002. During that period they lived together in an apartment belonging to the applicant’s partner. When his partner died, the sister and only heir of the applicant’s partner gave the applicant, because of the relationship he had had with her brother, an apartment that had belonged to the applicant’s late partner and in which the couple had spent their holidays together since 1990. On 19 September 2003 the applicant claimed social security allowances as a surviving spouse, under section 174 (1) of the General Social Security Act, arguing that he had cohabited with his deceased partner for many years. On 22 September 2003 the National Institute of Social Security (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, hereafter referred to as “INSS”) refused to grant the applicant a survivor’s pension on the ground that since he had not been married to the deceased person, he could not legally be considered as his surviving spouse for the purposes of section 174 (1) of the General Social Security Act. That decision was formally served on 13 June 2005. On 1 July 2005 Law no. 13/2005 amending the provisions of the Civil Code with respect to the right to enter into marriage was passed. Two days later it entered into force. This law legalised same-sex marriage in Spain. In accordance with its first additional provision all legal and regulatory provisions making reference to marriage should be understood thereafter as applicable to all marriages irrespective of the sex of its members (see paragraph 35 below). On 5 July 2005 the applicant filed an administrative complaint against the decision of 22 September 2003. This complaint was dismissed by the INSS on 11 August 2005. The INSS noted that there was no provision in the legislation in force that allowed, for the purposes of social security rights, the person who had been cohabiting with the deceased to gain the status of a widower. On 26 September 2005 the applicant challenged that decision before the Madrid Social Tribunal no. 33 (“the Social Tribunal”). In a judgment of 14 November 2005 the Social Tribunal ruled for the applicant. The Social Tribunal firstly outlined that the facts of the case had to be assessed in the light of the newly enacted Law no. 13/2005, which was already in force and deemed constitutional by the tribunal. As to the merits, the Social Tribunal observed that the issue at stake was whether the applicant, as the surviving partner of a same-sex relationship that ended (following his partner’s death) before the entry into force of Law no. 13/2005, had the right to a survivor’s pension. The Social Tribunal then reiterated that, according to the well-established domestic case-law, surviving partners of unmarried couples were not entitled to a survivor’s pension under section 174 of the General Social Security Act, marriage being a constitutive element to access any such social-security benefit; that the applicant had been prevented from marrying his partner because same-sex marriage had not been recognised in domestic law at the time his partner died; that the social security administration had relied on the fact that the couple had not married to refuse the applicant a survivor’s pension; and that it was evident that after the entry into force of Law no. 13/2005, surviving spouses of same-sex marriages were entitled to survivors’ pensions on the same footing as survivors of different-sex marriages. The Social Tribunal was of the view that the solution to the legal issue raised by the applicant’s case depended on whether it could be inferred from Law no. 13/2005 that Parliament’s intention had been that surviving partners of same-sex couples who had been prevented from marrying under the former legislation could access a survivor’s pension on a similar footing to same-sex couples who could marry after the entering into force of that Act. The Social Tribunal drew attention in this regard to the provisions and the explanatory memorandum of Law no. 13/2005 to contend that this new legislation had a very strong egalitarian purpose, and that from the date it entered into force, that is to say 3 July 2005, all legal provisions concerning marriage should be interpreted on the basis of the first additional provision of Law no. 13/2005 as applying fully to same-sex marriage (see paragraph 35 below). The Social Tribunal held in this regard that: “This is a wide-ranging provision which affects all the other provisions of the legal system making reference to marriage. From now onwards all references to marriage established in the law shall be understood as applying also to marriage celebrated between two persons of the same sex. Accordingly, whoever shall be called to interpret or apply any marriage-related provision should do so in egalitarian terms without taking into consideration whether the spouses are of the same or different sex”. The Social Tribunal further recalled that additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981 of 7 July 1981 amending the provisions of the Civil Code pertaining to marriage and the procedure to be followed for cases of annulment, judicial separation and divorce, recognised the right to obtain a survivor’s pension for individuals who had been prevented from marrying a person who later died by the legislation in force until then, provided that he or she had cohabited in a relationship similar to marriage with the deceased person and that the deceased had died before Law no. 30/1981 entered into force. The Social Tribunal stressed that such a provision was included in order to provide a solution for those cohabiting couples consisting of a man and a woman who could not have married under the legislation in force until that time, and thus did not qualify for a survivor’s pension, because one or even both of them had still been married to another person whom they had been prevented from divorcing, divorce having been legally impossible in Spain until the passing of Law no. 30/1981. The Social Tribunal considered that the applicant’s circumstances were “fully comparable” to those outlined in additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981 in so far as: “- the claimant could not marry his partner because the legislation then in force prevented him from doing so; the claimant had shared a marital life with his partner until the latter’s death; the latter’s death had taken place before the entry into force of Law no. 13/2005” The Social Tribunal acknowledged, however, that whereas Law no. 30/1981 was aimed at protecting the rights of those cohabiting heterosexual couples who were prevented from marrying because divorce was prohibited at the time, Law no. 13/2005 was aimed at protecting the rights of those who could not marry on account of their sexual orientation, and that this distinction was the main impediment to the recognition of the applicant’s right to a survivor’s pension. The Social Tribunal considered nonetheless that treating these two groups differently would not be in harmony with the strong egalitarian intention expressed by Parliament with the passing of Law no. 13/2005 and that, accordingly, additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981 was applicable to the applicant by force of additional provision no. 1 of Law no. 13/2005. The Social Tribunal stated as follows: “Therefore, the interpretation that in my opinion better fits the legislature’s intention is the following: If the first additional provision of Law no. 13/2005 sets out that provisions making reference to marriage shall apply irrespective of the sex of the spouses, And one of [these provisions], currently in force to provide access to a survivor’s pension, is additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981. The only method to apply it in a way which is consistent with the egalitarian intention of the legislature is to do so irrespective of the sexual orientation of the members of the cohabiting couple. In order to ensure that sexual orientation does not constitute discriminatory grounds in the application of additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981, the right thereby recognised shall currently be interpreted as providing a solution to factual situations such as the one in the instant case in which the impediment to access to a survivor’s pension is no other than the sexual orientation [of the claimant].” As regards the administration’s submission that in the area of social security benefits the governing principle was that of non-retroactivity of laws and that according to the law in force at the time the applicant’s partner died the former did not qualify for a survivor’s pension because they were not married, the Social Tribunal was of the view that this general principle was not absolute and that it did not apply where there was a specific rule giving retroactive effect to laws more favourable to the citizens, as is true of the instant case. Thus, additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981 should be read in the light of the first additional provision of Law no. 13/2005. As to the degree of retroactivity that should be given to additional provision 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981 in the applicant’s case, the Social Tribunal relied on the constitutive effects of Law no. 13/2005 which created new rights and was effective only from the date it entered into force. Accordingly, the Social Tribunal recognised the applicant’s right to be awarded a survivor’s pension with effect from 3 July 2005. The INSS and the Treasury General of Social Security appealed (recurso de suplicación) against that judgment to the Madrid High Court of Justice (Tribunal Superior de Justicia). On 18 September 2006 the Madrid High Court of Justice upheld the appeal and reversed the first-instance judgment. The court found that the legislature had not intended Law no. 13/2005 to cover same-sex partnerships which had been ended by the death of one of the partners before said law had entered into force and that the lack of protection of these unions could not be considered discriminatory in the light of Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution. For the court, it was only as from the entry into force of Law no. 13/2005 that marriage between same-sex couples was recognised and that this law affected other rights for those persons who would wish to marry thereafter. Hence, the court was of the view that Law no. 13/2005 had no retroactive effects, except as otherwise expressly provided, which was not the case at hand. The court further stated that even though Law no. 13/2005 had been inspired by the constitutional principle of equality, prior legislation preventing same-sex marriage could not be deemed unconstitutional as contrary to either any constitutional principle or to the right not to be discriminated against. The court referred to constitutional case-law dating from 1994 according to which the requisite of heterosexuality for the purposes of marriage was fully constitutional and that it was within the margin of appreciation of the public authorities to treat heterosexual marriages more favourably than homosexual partnerships. In this connection, the court maintained that despite the reference in the preamble of Law no. 13/2005 (see paragraph 35 below) to the discriminatory treatment to which homosexuals had traditionally been subjected on account of their sexual orientation, the aim of Parliament in passing that law was merely to respond to a new social reality and award homosexuals the right to marry, but not to protect same-sex partnerships which had already ended before its enactment. The court referred to constitutional case-law according to which a difference in legal treatment of individuals due to subsequent changes in the law does not necessarily entail discrimination, even if those persons could be said to be in similar circumstances. Given the complexity that a change in legislation might involve, it was for Parliament to establish the characteristics of the legal transition, either by introducing retroactivity clauses or by restricting the application of the new legislation to circumstances arising after its entry into force. The court noted in this regard that Law no. 13/2005 had not included any provision concerning same-sex partnerships which had already ended at the time of its entry into force and that it strictly concerned same-sex couples still in existence at that time and who would be willing to enter into marriage. The court considered that the difference between the situations before and after the passing of Law no. 13/2005 was essentially an expression of the principle of succession of laws without constitutional implications as regards the right not to be discriminated against. As regards the applicability to the present case of additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981, the Madrid High Court of Justice found that this provision was not applicable to the applicant’s case for two main reasons. Firstly, that provision could not be considered as among the provisions to which the first additional provision of Law no. 13/2005 referred. Additional provision no. 10 (2) was, as the Constitutional Court had established, of a provisional or transitory nature and had been envisaged for those specific cases in which one of the partners had died before the entry into force of Law no. 30/1981. It had not been intended to govern future situations. Secondly, that provision had been envisaged for a totally different situation from that of the applicant. Additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981 was aimed at guaranteeing a survivor’s pension to those heterosexuals who had been prevented from marrying their out-of wedlock partner because divorce had not been legal at the time of the latter’s death. The inability to remarry for those affected by additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/1981 was based on the fact that divorce was not permitted at the time. The institution of marriage was open to them in their capacity as heterosexuals. On the contrary, same-sex couples were absolutely prevented from marrying before Law no. 13/2005 since the institution of marriage was until then restricted to heterosexual couples. Furthermore, the court contended that the applicant could never have fulfilled the more uxorio marital cohabitation requirement established by additional provision no. 10 (2) of Law no. 30/ 1981 of, because only those who were in principle eligible for marriage but had been prevented from marrying for whatever reason could qualify for de facto marital cohabitation. The applicant and his partner could have never cohabited “as if married” before the entry into force of Law no. 13/2005, because before then they were ineligible for marriage as they were both male. The applicant lodged an appeal on points of law seeking harmonisation of the case-law (recurso de casación para la unificación de doctrina). In a decision of 27 June 2007, the Supreme Court (Social Chamber) declared the appeal inadmissible on the ground that the decision produced for purposes of comparison, specifically a judgment of the High Court of Justice of the Canary Islands of 7 November 2003, was not relevant. That decision was served on 26 July 2007. Relying on Articles 14 (principle of equality and prohibition of discrimination) and 24 § 1 (right to effective judicial protection), the applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court. In a decision of 11 February 2009, served on 17 February 2009, the Constitutional Court declared the appeal inadmissible on the grounds that the applicant had failed to substantiate the special constitutional relevance of his complaints.
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{ "applicant": "Antonio Aldeguer Tomás", "articles": [ 91, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2016 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Antonio Aldeguer Tomás
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 7205/07) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr Sean Clift (“the applicant”), on 29 January 2007. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Amal Solicitors, a firm of lawyers practising in Huddersfield. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr D. Walton, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The applicant alleged under Article 5 together with Article 14 of the Convention that his continued imprisonment following the recommendation of the Parole Board on 25 March 2002 that he be released on licence violated his rights under the Convention on account of the difference in treatment between prisoners serving fixed-term sentences of less than fifteen years or discretionary life sentences, where in both cases a recommendation of the Parole Board resulted in release; and those serving fixed-term sentences of fifteen years or more, where in addition to the recommendation of the Parole Board, the approval of the Secretary of State was required. On 16 April 2009 the President of the Chamber decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility (Article 29 § 3). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1966 and lives in Westcliff on Sea. A. The background facts On 30 April 1994 the applicant was sentenced to eighteen years' imprisonment for serious crimes including attempted murder, which carried a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Under the legislative regime applicable at the time, he became eligible for release on parole on 13 March 2002 and entitled to release on 18 March 2005 (see paragraphs 24 and 27 below). On 25 March 2002 the Parole Board recommended the applicant's release on parole on the grounds that the risk to the public had been significantly reduced; that the proposed resettlement plan would secure his rehabilitation; and that the applicant would comply with the licence conditions. Under the legislation in force at the time, the final decision on early release in cases involving prisoners serving determinate sentences (i.e. fixed-term sentences) of more than fifteen years' imprisonment lay with the Secretary of State (see paragraphs 27-29 below). For prisoners serving determinate sentences of less than fifteen years and for prisoners serving indeterminate (i.e. life) sentences, the approval of the Secretary of State following a positive recommendation of the Parole Board was not required. On 25 October 2002 the Secretary of State rejected the recommendation of the Parole Board in the applicant's case, concluding that the release of the applicant would present an unacceptable risk to the public. As a result, the applicant was not released. B. The domestic proceedings 1. Proceedings before the Divisional Court On 17 February 2003, the applicant was granted leave to bring judicial review proceedings in respect of the decision of the Secretary of State to refuse his early release. His principal ground of challenge was that it was a breach of Article 5 of the Convention taken together with Article 14 that the Secretary of State should retain the power to determine the release on parole licence of only one group of prisoners, i.e. those who were serving determinate terms of imprisonment of fifteen years or more (see paragraphs 23-31 below for details of the law in force at the relevant time). The Parole Board subsequently reconsidered the applicant's case and on 17 March 2003 did not recommend release. The Court has not been provided with details of the reasons for this decision. On 9 June 2003, the Divisional Court dismissed the applicant's judicial review claim. For the purposes of the proceedings, the Secretary of State accepted that the question of early release from a determinate sentence fell within the ambit of Article 5 of the Convention and that Article 14 was therefore engaged. Hooper J found that there was differential treatment between analogous groups, namely those serving sentences of fifteen years or more and those serving sentences of almost fifteen years, in that prisoners serving sentences of fifteen years or more had to secure a recommendation from the Parole Board and approval from the Secretary of State whereas those serving almost fifteen years needed only a recommendation from the Parole Board. However, he considered that the differential treatment pursued the legitimate aim of reserving to a politically and democratically accountable minister the power to control the release of those serving long determinate sentences. He further considered that the power was proportionate in light of the problems posed by such prisoners for public safety and public order. Accordingly, he found that there was no violation of Article 5 together with Article 14. 2. Court of Appeal proceedings On 30 October 2003, the applicant was granted leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal. The Parole Board subsequently reconsidered the applicant's case and on 25 February 2004 once again recommended the applicant's release. On this occasion the Secretary of State accepted the recommendation, and on 10 March 2004 Mr Clift was released on licence. On 29 April 2004, the Court of Appeal endorsed the judgment of Hooper J and dismissed the applicant's appeal. It found the question of release from a determinate sentence to be arguably within the ambit of Article 5 of the Convention and agreed with Hooper J that although there was differential treatment between two comparable groups, this difference in treatment was objectively justified in that it pursued a legitimate aim and was proportionate. 3. Proceedings before the House of Lords The applicant was granted leave to appeal to the House of Lords. On 13 December 2006, their Lordships unanimously dismissed the applicant's appeal. They agreed that the right to seek early release, where domestic law provided for such a right, was clearly within the ambit of Article 5 of the Convention. Lord Bingham of Cornhill noted (at paragraphs 17-18): “The Convention does not require member states to establish a scheme for early release of those sentenced to imprisonment. Prisoners may, consistently with the Convention, be required to serve every day of the sentence passed by the judge, or be detained until a predetermined period or proportion of the sentence has been served, if that is what domestic law provides. But this is not what the law of England and Wales provided, in respect of long-term determinate prisoners, at the times relevant to these appeals. That law provided for a time at which (subject to additional days of custody imposed for disciplinary breaches) a prisoner must, as a matter of right, be released, and an earlier time at which he might be released if it was judged safe to release him but at which he need not be released if it was not so judged. A number of grounds (economy and the need to relieve over-crowding in prisons) have doubtless been relied on when introducing pre-release schemes from determinate sentences such as those under consideration here. But one such consideration is recognition that neither the public interest nor the interest of the offender is well served by continuing to detain a prisoner until the end of his publicly pronounced sentence; that in some cases those interests will be best served by releasing the prisoner at the earlier, discretionary, stage; and that in those cases prisoners should regain their freedom (even if subject to restrictions) because there is judged to be no continuing interest in depriving them of it. I accordingly find that the right to seek early release, where domestic law provides for such a right, is clearly within the ambit of article 5, and differential treatment of one prisoner as compared with another, otherwise than on the merits of their respective cases, gives rise to a potential complaint under article 14.” However, unlike the lower courts, and with some hesitation, their Lordships did not find the difference in treatment in the applicant's case to be the result of his “status”, such as to fall within the prohibition on discrimination in Article 14 of the Convention. Lord Bingham said (at paragraph 28): “I do not think that a personal characteristic can be defined by the differential treatment of which a person complains. But here Mr Clift does not complain of the sentence passed upon him, but of being denied a definitive Parole Board recommendation. Is his classification as a prisoner serving a determinate sentence of 15 years or more (but less than life) a personal characteristic? I find it difficult to apply so elusive a test. But I would incline to regard a life sentence as an acquired personal characteristic and a lifer as having an 'other status', and it is hard to see why the classification of Mr Clift, based on the length of his sentence and not the nature of his offences, should be differently regarded. I think, however, that a domestic court should hesitate to apply the Convention in a manner not, as I understand, explicitly or impliedly authorised by the Strasbourg jurisprudence, and I would accordingly, not without hesitation, resolve this question in favour of the Secretary of State and against Mr Clift.” Lord Hope of Craighead made similar observations (at paragraphs 46-49): “It could be said in Mr Clift's case that the length of his sentence did confer a status on him which can be regarded as a personal characteristic. This is because prisoners are divided by the domestic system into broadly defined categories, or groups of people, according to the nature or the length of their sentences. These categories affect the way they are then dealt with throughout the period of their sentences. As a result they are regarded as having acquired a distinctive status which attaches itself to them personally for the purposes of the regime in which they are required to serve their sentences. This is most obviously so in the case of prisoners serving life sentences and where distinctions are drawn between short-term and long-term prisoners serving determinate sentences. It is less obviously so in the case of long-term prisoners serving determinate sentences of different lengths. It must be accepted, as Lord Bingham points out, that a personal characteristic cannot be defined by the differential treatment of which a person complains. It is plain too that the category of long-term prisoner into which Mr Clift's case falls would not have been recognised as a separate category had it not been for the Order which treats prisoners in his group differently from others in the enjoyment of their fundamental right to liberty. But he had already been sentenced, and he had already acquired the status which that sentence gave him before the Order was made that denied prisoners in his group the right to release on the recommendation of the Parole Board. The question which his case raises is whether the distinguishing feature or characteristic which enables persons or a group of persons to be singled out for separate treatment must have been identified as a personal characteristic before it is used for this purpose by the discriminator. The function of article 14, read with article 1 of the Convention, is to secure to everyone within the jurisdiction of the High Contracting Parties the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set out in section 1 of the Convention without discrimination on grounds which, having regard to the underlying values of the Convention, must be regarded as unacceptable. This suggests that a generous meaning should be given to the words 'or other status' while recognising, of course, that the proscribed grounds are not unlimited. It seems to me, on this approach, that the protection of article 14 ought not to be denied just because the distinguishing feature which enabled the discriminator to treat persons or groups of persons differently in the enjoyment of their Convention rights had not previously been recognised. But the Strasbourg jurisprudence has not yet addressed this question and, as my noble and learned friend Baroness Hale of Richmond points out, it is possible to regard what he has done, rather than who or what he is, as the true reason for the difference of treatment in Mr Clift's case ... [T]he duty of national courts is to keep pace with the Strasbourg jurisprudence as it evolves over time. A measure of self-restraint is needed, lest we stretch our own jurisprudence beyond that which is shared by all the States Parties to the Convention. I am persuaded, with some reluctance, that it is not open to us to resolve the second agreed issue in Mr Clift's favour.” Baroness Hale of Richmond considered (at paragraphs 62-63) that: “it is plain ... that a different parole regime for foreigners who are liable to deportation from that applicable to citizens or others with the right to remain here, falls within the grounds proscribed by article 14 and thus ... requires objective justification. The same would surely apply to a difference in treatment based on race, sex or the colour of one's hair. But a difference in treatment based on the seriousness of the offence would fall outside those grounds. The real reason for the distinction is not a personal characteristic of the offender but what the offender has done. The result is that the difference of treatment between Mr Clift and people sentenced either to shorter determinate sentences or to life imprisonment is not covered by article 14 at all. The law may look odd. But not every apparent anomaly is a breach of Convention rights. This one is the result of what the Home Secretary chose to do in relation to people sentenced to shorter terms of imprisonment and what he was obliged by the terms of article 5 itself to do in relation to life imprisonment. The law has since been changed and one can well understand why. But it is not for us to declare legislation which Parliament has passed incompatible with the Convention rights unless the Convention and its case law require us so to do. For the reasons given above, in amplification of those given by my noble and learned friend, Lord Bingham of Cornhill, we are not required to do so in this case.” Notwithstanding the conclusion of the House as to the applicability of Article 14, Lords Bingham and Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood went on to consider whether, had there been “status”, the difference in treatment would have been objectively justified. Lord Bingham (at paragraph 33) was of the view that: “When, in October 2002, the Secretary of State rejected the Parole Board's recommendation that Mr Clift be released on parole, discretionary lifers and HMP detainees had already been brought within the definitive jurisdiction of the Parole Board, and Stafford v United Kingdom (2002) 35 EHRR 1121, requiring the same procedure for mandatory lifers, had already been decided. The differential treatment of prisoners serving 15 years or more had, in my opinion, become an anomaly. That would not, in itself, be a ground for holding it to be unjustified. Anomalies are commonplace. But by 2002 it had, in my opinion, become an indefensible anomaly because it had by then come to be recognised that assessment of the risk presented by any individual prisoner, in the application of publicly promulgated criteria, was a task with no political content and one to which the Secretary of State could not (and did not claim to) bring any superior expertise. I would accordingly resolve this issue in favour of Mr Clift and against the Secretary of State.” Lord Brown agreed with the conclusion of Lord Bingham.
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Sean Clift
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 33402/96) against the French Republic lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Turkish national, Mr Ali Riza Göktan (“the applicant”), on 11 March 1996. 2. The applicant was represented before the Court by Ms M.-C. Reminiac, of the Bourg-en-Bresse Bar, and Mr T. Beygo, of the Istanbul Bar. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs M. Dubrocard, Head of the Human Rights Office, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 3. The applicant alleged a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention and of Article 4 of Protocol No. 7. 4. On 1 November 1998 the application was transferred to the Court after the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). 5. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. 6. By a decision of 27 November 2001, the Chamber declared the application partly admissible. 7. The Government, but not the applicant, filed written observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). 8. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Second Section (Rule 52 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1953 and currently lives in Turkey. He entered France in 1974. At the material time, he worked for a business in Strasbourg. On 15 March 1991 he and another person, M. B., were arrested by officers from the Strasbourg Regional Police Department (“the SRPJ”) and customs officers on the verge of concluding a drugs deal with a couple, who managed to make their getaway. The applicant consistently protested his innocence, saying that he had been the victim of a put-up job by customs officers. He explained that he had agreed to act as an “informer”, and in that capacity had cooperated with J.-F. R. of the SRPJ and J.-P. C., a customs inspector and the person allegedly behind his arrest. As for the couple who had “escaped” arrest by the police, they were in fact both customs officers, known as “Maud” and “Serge”. On 18 March 1991 the applicant was charged with drug trafficking and detained. On 3 June 1991 he was brought before the Strasbourg Criminal Court, which on 25 June 1991 sentenced him and M.B. to the following penalties: (a) five years' imprisonment for the criminal offences of importing, purchasing, possessing and transporting drugs, attempting to supply drugs, and importing, possessing and dealing in drugs without a licence; (b) an order permanently excluding them from French territory; and (c) an order requiring them to pay 1,070,000 French francs (FRF) in lieu of confiscation and a customs fine of FRF 400,000 that was imposed jointly and severally for the customs offence of illegally importing goods. The Strasbourg Criminal Court also made an order under Article 382 of the Customs Code in the same judgment for the defendants' imprisonment if the sums were not paid. On 27 June 1991 the public prosecutor sought an order for two years' imprisonment in default, as the customs fine had not been paid. On 5 November 1991 the Criminal Appeals Division of the Colmar Court of Appeal upheld the Criminal Court's judgment in its entirety, as regards the issues of both criminal law and customs law. On 6 November 1991 the applicant decided to appeal to the Court of Cassation; however, he later withdrew his appeal and the case was struck out of the Court of Cassation's list on 3 February 1992. On 4 September 1994 the applicant completed his prison sentence. However, he remained in custody pursuant to the order requiring him to serve two years' imprisonment in default of payment of the customs fine of FRF 1,470,000. He made an urgent application to the President of the Mulhouse tribunal de grande instance, arguing that the order for his imprisonment in default was defective, as the Customs Office had failed to serve him with a demand for payment. The urgent-applications judge dismissed that application in an order of 27 September 1994. In a judgment of 28 November 1994 the Colmar Court of Appeal upheld that order for the following reasons: “Under Article 388 of the Customs Code the court may make an express order for a person who has been convicted of a [customs] offence or offence relating to indirect taxation to remain in custody, even if an ordinary appeal or appeal on points of law has been lodged, until he or she has paid the fiscal penalties imposed on him or her. The courts have consistently held that customs law is a special branch of law and an exception to the general law. In the present case, the express reference in the Customs Code to the Code of Criminal Procedure relates only to the length of the imprisonment in default. Consequently, since the Criminal Court made an express order – upheld by the Court of Appeal – under Article 388 of the Customs Code for enforcement of the order for imprisonment on the ground of anticipatory default, the provisions of Articles 749 et seq. of the Code of Criminal Procedure giving the President of the tribunal de grande instance jurisdiction to hear urgent applications are inapplicable.” On 26 October 1994 the Court of Cassation ruled that the applicant's appeal on points of law against that decision had lapsed, as he had not lodged written pleadings in support of his appeal within the statutory time-limit. On 14 March 1996 the applicant made an application for an order for the prison sentence and the term of imprisonment in default to run concurrently, arguing that he was serving two prison sentences for the same offence. He alleged a violation of Article 4 of Protocol No. 7 to the Convention, which sets out the non bis in idem rule, and of Article 6 of the Convention. He relied in particular on the Court's judgment in Jamil v. France (judgment of 8 June 1995, Series A no. 317-B), in which imprisonment in default was found to constitute a “penalty” for the purposes of the Convention. In a judgment of 21 May 1996 the Colmar Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's application on the grounds that, firstly, “the European Court of Human Rights' judgments are declaratory and therefore not binding on the trial court, which is only required to apply the European Convention on Human Rights”; and, secondly, “imprisonment in default possesses the legal characteristics not of a penalty, but of a means of enforcement attached to the financial penalties whose recovery they are intended to secure”. The Court of Appeal concluded from that that Article 5 of the former Criminal Code, which required sentences to run concurrently, had not been infringed by the trial court and could not enable a prison sentence and term of imprisonment in default to be served concurrently. On 22 May 1996 the applicant appealed to the Court of Cassation against that judgment. In a judgment of 16 September 1997 the Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal for the following reasons: “The appellant cannot validly argue that, by sitting in private in accordance with Article 711 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Court of Appeal infringed Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights ... The requirement for a public hearing laid down by that provision applies only to proceedings for 'the determination of a criminal charge' and cannot therefore be relied on with respect to proceedings relating, as in the instance case, to an application for a ruling that sentences be served concurrently ... The impugned judgment and procedural documents show that the appellant, Ali Göktan, was found guilty of an offence under the drug-trafficking and customs-offences legislation and, inter alia, sentenced to five years' imprisonment and a customs fine. After being ordered to serve two years' imprisonment in default of payment, he made an application for a ruling that that term should run concurrently with the prison sentence. In dismissing that application, the Court of Appeal found, in particular, that imprisonment in default possesses the legal characteristics not of a penalty, but of a means of enforcement attached to the financial penalties whose recovery they are intended to secure. In these circumstances, the Court of Appeal has justified its decision and the alleged grievance is without foundation ...” The applicant, who has now completed all the sentences he was required to serve, was deported to Turkey, where he came from, pursuant to the permanent exclusion order.
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{ "applicant": "Ali Riza Göktan", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 55, 45, 52, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2002 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Ali Riza Göktan
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 35637/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Gerald Sporer (“the applicant”), on 12 November 2003. The applicant was represented by Mrs M. Speer, a lawyer practising in Mattighofen. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. The applicant alleged that the relevant provisions of the Civil Code relating to custody and their application by the courts had discriminated against him as the father of a child born out of wedlock. Furthermore, he alleged that the District Court had failed to hold a hearing to discuss the decisive expert opinion and, more generally, that it had failed to hear him in person. By a decision of 25 September 2008 the Court declared the application admissible. Neither party filed further observations on the merits of the case. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1976 and lives in Schalchen. The applicant’s son K. was born out of wedlock on 26 May 2000. The child was given the applicant’s family name by decision of the Braunau District Administrative Authority of 29 June 2000. At that time K.’s mother was living as a tenant in the applicant’s house, in a separate apartment. The applicant was sharing an apartment with his long-term partner, U., who later became his wife, and their son D. aged six at that time. During K.’s first year the applicant took parental leave and took care of him together with U. Subsequently, K.’s mother took parental leave. In early January 2002 K.’s mother moved out of the applicant’s house. On 28 January 2002 the applicant asked the Mattighofen District Court (Bezirksgericht) to transfer sole custody of K. to him under Article 176 of the Civil Code (Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). He submitted in particular that he and U. had mainly taken care of K. and that the child’s mother was not capable of doing so. The latter opposed the transfer of custody. At that stage and at all subsequent stages of the proceedings the applicant was assisted by counsel. By letter of 12 February 2002 the Youth Office (Jugendamt), which had been following the case since summer 2001, expressed the view that both parents were capable of exercising custody. On 12 March 2002 the applicant and K.’s mother appeared before the District Court and were heard by the judge. According to the minutes, the applicant requested that the opinion of an expert in child psychology be taken. K.’s mother agreed to that request. The court appointed Dr J.-W., an expert in child psychology, and ordered him to submit an opinion on whether the interests of the child were better served by leaving sole custody with the mother or by awarding it to the applicant. The judge then proceeded to discuss the factual and legal issues with the parties. The parties then concluded an agreement to the effect that, pending a decision on custody, K. would spend three days with his mother and three days with the applicant. The expert, Dr J.-W., submitted his opinion to the Court on 17 April 2002. The opinion was based on interviews which the expert had conducted with K.’s mother and the applicant and his partner. He had also paid a visit to the applicant’s home during which he had observed how the applicant and the other members of his family interacted with K. The expert opinion was served on the applicant. On 8 July 2002 the District Court held a hearing in the presence of the applicant, his counsel, K.’s mother, Dr J.-W. and a representative of the Youth Office. According to the minutes, the contents of the file were read out. Subsequently, Dr J.-W.’s opinion was discussed. In the course of the hearing Dr J.-W. supplemented his opinion. He expressed the view that K.’s mother was very immature and not yet capable of taking care of him and recommended the transfer of sole custody to the applicant. The representative of the Youth Office opposed the view that K.’s mother was not capable of raising the child. None of the parties made further submissions. On the following day, that is, on 9 July 2002, the District Court ordered a second expert in child psychology, Dr R., to submit an opinion on whether or not K.’s mother was capable of taking care of him. In her opinion of 15 July 2002, Dr R. came to the conclusion that K.’s mother was sufficiently mature, did not show any emotional instability and was capable of taking care of him. A copy of this expert opinion was served on the applicant. In addition the District Court requested the Youth Office to prepare a report. A representative of the Youth Office visited K. and his mother at their home and as a result of that visit concluded that she was able to exercise custody. On 29 July and 13 August 2002 the applicant requested that a decisive expert opinion (Obergutachten) be commissioned. The motion contained comprehensive submissions on K.’s mother’s alleged incapacity to raise him. The District Court ordered a third expert, Dr B., to submit a decisive expert opinion on the question whether K.’s mother was capable of exercising custody. Both the applicant and K.’s mother made further written submissions. Each of them forwarded detailed arguments as to why the other parent was not an appropriate person to take care of K. On 14 October 2002 Dr B. submitted his expert opinion. Having interviewed the applicant and K.’s mother, he found that both parents were in principle capable of taking care of K. The mother had some issues as regards her own personality development and a somewhat limited capacity to cope with everyday life. The applicant had a tendency to dominate and had given reason to fear that, if custody was awarded to him, he would try to curtail the mother’s access rights. The applicant could provide a more stable environment and a more coherent style of upbringing. However, K.’s best interests would not be manifestly endangered if custody remained with his mother. It was recommended that the applicant be given extensive access rights, in that K. should stay with him from Friday to Sunday every second weekend, spend two weeks with him in summer and one week during the Christmas period. A copy of Dr B.’s expert opinion was served on the applicant, and he was given 14 days to submit comments. Within that time-limit, the applicant requested that the expert opinion be discussed at a hearing. He did not make any comments in writing. Without holding a further hearing, the District Court dismissed the applicant’s request for sole custody of K. to be transferred to him by decision of 4 December 2002. The District Court noted that under Article 166 of the Civil Code the mother of a child born out of wedlock had sole custody. A transfer of custody was only to be ordered if the child’s best interests were at risk. In the present case the applicant would have had to prove that K.’s mother was unable to take care of him. While the first expert, Mr J.-W., had come to the conclusion that this was the case, the second expert, Ms R., had reached the opposite conclusion. Finally, the decisive expert opinion by Mr B. had found it established that K.’s mother was capable of taking care of him. Having regard to the second and third expert opinions and to the view expressed by the Youth Office, it had been established that K.’s mother was able to exercise custody and the applicant had failed to adduce proof to the contrary. Furthermore, the District Court noted that it had not considered it necessary to hold a hearing to discuss the decisive expert opinion, since it found that opinion coherent and convincing. The factual and legal issues of the case had therefore been sufficiently clarified and a hearing would only have delayed the proceedings. It followed that the applicant’s further requests for the taking of evidence had to be dismissed. Finally, the court ruled that its decision was immediately enforceable with the consequence that the agreement of 12 March 2002 was no longer effective. The applicant appealed. He complained about a number of procedural shortcomings. He alleged, inter alia, that the District Court had failed to hold a hearing for the purpose of discussing Dr B.’s expert opinion, and that it had not heard him in person. In addition, the applicant contended that the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, namely, Articles 166 and 176, were discriminatory and suggested that the appellate court request the Constitutional Court to rule on their constitutionality. Since K. had been born out of wedlock, his mother had sole custody of him and he, as the child’s father, could only be awarded custody if the mother put the child’s well-being at risk. In the case of a child born in wedlock the parents had joint custody and retained it upon divorce or separation unless the child’s best interests required that sole custody be awarded to one of them. The application of different criteria when the parents of a child born out of wedlock separated lacked reasonable justification. On 24 February 2003 the Ried Regional Court dismissed the applicant’s appeal. The Regional Court found that the proceedings before the District Court had not suffered from any procedural defects. In non-contentious proceedings it was not always required to question the parties at a hearing. A hearing had been held on 8 July 2002 in the presence of the applicant. Furthermore, the applicant had had the opportunity to file written submissions, of which he had made ample use. He had also been interviewed by the experts. A further hearing for the purpose of discussing the decisive expert opinion of Dr B. would only have been required had there been substantial doubts as to its correctness. Moreover, the Regional Court did not see any reason to request the Constitutional Court to rule on the constitutionality of the relevant provisions of the Civil Code. It noted that Article 167 of the Civil Code allowed life-companions to request joint custody. The applicant had not claimed to have cohabited with K.’s mother. On the contrary he had co‑habited with another woman, U., who had meanwhile become his wife. A distinction between children born in wedlock and children born out of wedlock was not discriminatory as long as it was objectively justified. The rule contained in Article 176 of the Civil Code that in the case of a child born out of wedlock (unless the parents had requested joint custody under Article 167) custody was only to be transferred if the mother put the child’s well-being at risk, was based on the consideration that in the majority of cases of children born out of wedlock it was actually the mother who took care of the child. The applicant filed an extraordinary appeal on points of law. He repeated his complaints about the alleged procedural shortcomings. In particular, he submitted that the court had neither held a hearing to discuss the decisive expert opinion of Dr B. nor given him an opportunity to comment in writing. The applicant also reiterated his request for the case to be submitted to the Constitutional Court. On 26 June 2003 the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) dismissed the applicant’s extraordinary appeal on points of law. It noted that the courts were not obliged to hold hearings in custody proceedings. The applicant had been given the opportunity to comment on the expert opinion at issue. Moreover, the courts had correctly applied Article 176 of the Civil Code. It had not been shown that the mother put K.’s well-being at risk. To date, K.’s mother continues to have sole custody of him while the applicant has a right of access under the terms recommended by the courts in the custody proceedings. II. RELEVANT DOMESTIC AND COMPARATIVE LAW A. Relevant domestic law The relevant provisions of the Civil Code in the version in force at the material time read as follows: Article 144 “The parents shall care for and raise the minor child, manage its assets and represent it in these, as well as in all other matters; care, upbringing and asset management also include representing the child in these matters before the law [in court]. The parents shall proceed on a consensual basis when complying with these obligations and exercising these rights.” Article 166 “The mother shall have sole custody of an illegitimate child. Moreover, unless the present provisions stipulate otherwise, the provisions on legitimate children regarding maintenance and custody shall also apply to illegitimate children.” Article 167 “(1) Whenever the parents of a child live in a common household, they may agree that both parents will have custody in the future. The court shall uphold the agreement if it serves the interests of the child. If one parent leaves the common household, other than on a temporary basis, § 177 and § 177a shall be applied accordingly. (2) Whenever the parents do not live in a common household, they can agree that the father shall also have full custodial powers or regarding specific matters in the future, if they present such an agreement to the court indicating the parent with which the child is to stay primarily. If the child stays primarily in the household of the father, the latter must also be assigned full custody. The court shall uphold the agreement if it serves the interests of the child.” This version of Article 167 of the Civil Code was introduced by the 2001 Law Amending Child Custody Law, which entered into force on 1 July 2001. Before that date parents of an illegitimate child could only agree on exercising custody jointly if they were living in a common household. Article 176 “(1) Whenever the parents put the well-being of a minor child at risk, on account of their conduct, the court will take the steps necessary to secure the interests of the child, irrespective of which party has applied to the court. In particular, the court may withdraw all or part of the custodial rights in respect of the child, ...” Article 177 “(1) If the marriage of the parents of a minor legitimate child is dissolved or annulled, the custodial rights of both parents remain intact. However, they may present an agreement to the court – even modifying an existing agreement – regarding custodial responsibility. In this connection it may be agreed that one parent alone or both parents shall have custody. Where both parents have custodial powers, those of one parent may be limited to specific matters. (2) Where both parents have custody, they must submit an agreement to the court regarding the parent with whom the child is to stay primarily. This parent must always be put in charge of all custodial matters. (3) The court must approve the agreement of the parents, if it serves the interests of the child.” Article 177a “(1) If an agreement in accordance with Article 177 on the main domicile of the child or on custodial powers is not reached within a reasonable period after a marriage is dissolved or annulled, or if it is incompatible with the interests of the child, the court must decide which parent shall henceforth have sole custody, if all attempts to reach an amicable solution fail. (2) If both parents have custody under Article 177 after their marriage has been dissolved or annulled, and if one parent applies for the withdrawal of that custody, the court must decide which parent shall have sole custody, if all attempts to reach an amicable solution fail.” Article 177b “The above provisions shall also be applied if the parents of a minor legitimate child live apart, other than on a temporary basis. However, in such a case the court shall decide on custody only upon application by a parent.” B. Relevant comparative law A recent case concerning similar complaints (Zaunegger v. Germany, no. 22028/04, §§ 22-27, 3 December 2009) contains the following summary of comparative law: “22. A survey on comparative law taking into account the national laws of a selection of Member States of the Council of Europe shows that basically all Member States included in the survey provide for joint parental authority by unmarried parents over their children born out of wedlock. The main elements referred to as a basis for allowing joint parental authority for unmarried parents are the establishment of paternity and the parents’ agreement to exercise joint authority. However, the solutions in the Member States vary as regards the attribution of joint parental authority for children born out of wedlock in the event no agreement between the parents can be reached in this respect. In only a limited number of countries do the statutory regulations explicitly address this issue. In a few countries, such as Austria, Norway and Serbia, the national law stipulates that the exercise of joint parental authority of unmarried parents requires the consent of both parents and thus implies that the non-consenting parent has a right of veto. By contrast, the laws in Hungary, Ireland and Monaco appear to provide for a joint exercise of parental authority even without the parents’ consent. In some Member States such as the Czech Republic and Luxembourg, while the law itself is not clear on the subject, the domestic courts have interpreted the applicable provisions so as to allow joint parental authority only with the consent of the parents, whereas for example the Dutch Supreme Court has held that the national law has to be interpreted so as to enable the father of a child born out of wedlock to request joint parental authority with the mother even though the latter disagrees. A similar approach seems to be followed in Spain. With the exception of the few countries where a right of veto of one parent is explicitly stipulated in national law, the most common solution put forward by national legislations is that a court decides on the outcome of a corresponding dispute between the parents at the request of one of the parents bearing in mind the best interests of the child. All Member States emphasise the importance of the child’s best interest in decisions regarding the attribution of custody. In determining the child’s best interest in this connection domestic courts commonly take into consideration the positions of the parents and the child and the particular circumstances of the case, as regards, inter alia, the demonstrable interest in and commitment to the child by the respective parent. In summary, ... , the survey confirms that while different approaches exist in the Member States, the majority provide for paternal participation in custody if the parents were not married to each other, either irrespective of the mother’s will or at least by court order following an evaluation of the child’s interests.”
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{ "applicant": "Gerald Sporer", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Gerald Sporer
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 18 January 1995, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 16839/90) against the French Republic lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a French national, Mr Saïd André Remli, on 16 May 1990. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby France recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr L.-E. Pettiti, the elected judge of French nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 4 (b)). On 5 May 1995, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr Thór Vilhjálmsson, Mr B. Walsh, Mr R. Pekkanen, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, Mr L. Wildhaber, Mr G. Mifsud Bonnici and Mr B. Repik (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 5) (art. 43). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 6), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the French Government (“the Government“), the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the orders made in consequence, the registry received the applicant’s and the Government’s memorials and the Delegate’s written observations on 7 August, 25 August and 2 October 1995 respectively. On 8 June 1995 the Secretary to the Commission had supplied the Registrar with various documents he had requested on the President’s instructions. In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 21 November 1995. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr M. Perrin de Brichambaut, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mrs M. Dubrocard, magistrat, on secondment to the Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr F. Fèvre, magistrat, on secondment to the Department of Criminal Affairs and Pardons, Ministry of Justice, Mr P. Mollard, judge of the Metz District Court, Counsel; (b) for the Commission Mr J.-C. Geus, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Ms C. Waquet, of the Conseil d’Etat and Court of Cassation Bar, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Geus, Ms Waquet and Mr Perrin de Brichambaut and also replies by the latter two to a question put by one of its members. AS TO THE FACTS I. CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mr Saïd André Remli, a French national of Algerian origin, is currently in custody at Les Baumettes Prison in Marseilles. A. Background to the case On 16 April 1985, while attempting to escape from Lyons-Montluc Prison, the applicant and a fellow prisoner of Algerian nationality, Mr Boumédienne Merdji, knocked out a warder, who died four months later as a result of the blows he had received. The two prisoners were charged with intentional homicide for the purpose of facilitating, preparing or executing the offences of escape and attempted escape. In a judgment of 12 August 1988 the Indictment Division of the Lyons Court of Appeal committed them for trial at the Rhône Assize Court. On 5 December 1988 the Court of Cassation dismissed an appeal on points of law that Mr Remli had lodged against the decision to commit him for trial. B. Proceedings in the Rhône Assize Court The trial at the Assize Court took place on 12, 13 and 14 April 1989. On the first day, when the sitting began, the members of the jury and two additional jurors were drawn by lot. The defendants challenged five of them, the legal maximum, and the prosecution two of them. The jury was subsequently finally empanelled and the hearing of witnesses began. On 13 April 1989, at about 1.50 p.m., as the sitting resumed, counsel for the applicant filed submissions in which they requested the court to take formal note of a remark made by one of the jurors on 12 April, before the hearing began, which had been overheard by a third person, Mrs M., and to append her written statement, together with their submissions, to the record of the trial. Mrs M.’s statement of 13 April read as follows: “I, the undersigned Mrs [M.], declare on my honour that I witnessed the following facts: I was at the door of the court at about 1 p.m., next to a group of people. From their conversation, I chanced to overhear that they were members of the jury drawn by lot in the Merdji [and] Remli against Pahon case. One of them then let slip the following remark: ‘What’s more, I’m a racist.’ I do not know that person’s name, but I can state that he was on the left of the juror sitting immediately to the left of the judge on the presiding judge’s left. Being unable to attend the hearing to confirm the facts as my daughter has recently gone into hospital, but being at the court’s disposal if it proves essential to call me as a witness, I have drawn up this statement to be used for the appropriate legal purposes.“ The court, composed in this instance solely of the judges, withdrew to deliberate and then delivered the following judgment: “... According to the handwritten statement of a Mrs [M.] of 13 April 1989, one of the members of the jury in the present case said ‘What’s more, I’m a racist’ at the door of the court at about 1 p.m. According to this statement and the written submissions, these words were spoken before the beginning of the first hearing in the instant case and not in the presence of the judges of the Court. The Court is thus not able to take formal note of events alleged to have occurred out of its presence. For these reasons, it Refuses the application made to it for formal note to be taken; Holds that the applicants’ written submissions and the statement of Mrs [M.] are to be appended to the record of the trial; ...“ On 14 April 1989 the Assize Court sentenced Mr Remli to life imprisonment and Mr Merdji to a twenty-year term, for two-thirds of which he would not be liable to any form of release. C. Proceedings in the Court of Cassation Mr Remli appealed on points of law. He argued mainly that the Assize Court had made a mistake of law and had disregarded Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention in holding that it was “not able to take formal note of events alleged to have occurred out of its presence“ when it had power to do so. In a judgment of 22 November 1989 the Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal. It gave the following reason in particular: “The Assize Court rightly refused to take formal note of events which, assuming they were established, had taken place outside the hearing, such that it could not have been in a position to note them.“
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{ "applicant": "Saïd André Remli", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1996 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Saïd André Remli
PROCEDURE The case originated in two applications (nos. 27360/04 and 42225/07) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Martin Schummer (“the applicant”), on 10 July 2004 and 4 September 2007 respectively. 2. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr R. Kirpes, a lawyer practising in Offenburg. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. 3. The applicant alleged in both applications, in particular, that the retrospective extension of his preventive detention from a maximum period of ten years, which had been the maximum for such detention under the legal provisions applicable at the time of his offence, to an unlimited period of time breached the prohibition of retrospective punishment under Article 7 § 1 of the Convention. In his application no. 42225/07, he further complained under Article 5 § 1 of the Convention about his continued preventive detention beyond the ten-year period. 4. On 13 March 2007 a Chamber of the Fifth Section decided to adjourn the examination of application no. 27360/04 pending the outcome of the proceedings in the case of M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04. On 22 January 2009 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the applications no. 27360/04 and no. 42225/07 to the Government, requested them to submit information on changes in the applicant's detention regime and adjourned the examination of the applications until the judgment in the case of M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04, has become final. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the applications at the same time (Article 29 § 1). In view of the fact that the judgment of 17 December 2009 in the case of M. v. Germany became final on 10 May 2010, the President decided on 20 May 2010 that the proceedings in the two applications at issue be resumed and granted priority to the applications (Rule 41 of the Rules of Court). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1959 and lives in Freiburg. A. The applicant's previous convictions and the order for his preventive detention and execution thereof On 6 March 1985 the Stuttgart Regional Court convicted the applicant of two counts of rape and abduction and of one count of attempted rape and deprivation of liberty committed in 1984. It sentenced him to five years' imprisonment and ordered his placement in preventive detention pursuant to Article 66 of the Criminal Code (see paragraphs 35-36 below). The court found that the applicant, acting with full criminal responsibility, had raped two young women and had attempted to rape another woman all of whom he had taken with him in his car. It further noted that the applicant had previously been convicted by juvenile courts of attempted rape and of rape; in respect of the second offence he had been placed in a psychiatric hospital. The applicant served his full prison sentence in Freiburg Prison. He was then placed in preventive detention, executed in that same prison, for the first time on 27 June 1989; he had thus served ten years in preventive detention by 26 June 1999. The continuation of the applicant's preventive detention was ordered by the Freiburg Regional Court on several occasions. B. The first set of proceedings (application no. 27360/04) 1. The decision of the Freiburg Regional Court On 11 December 2001 the Freiburg Regional Court, in judicial review proceedings under Article 67e of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 38 below), refused to suspend the applicant's preventive detention and grant probation. The Regional Court considered that the applicant's continued preventive detention was necessary because there was still a risk that the applicant, owing to his criminal tendencies, might commit serious offences resulting in considerable psychological or physical harm to the victims if released (Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code; see paragraph 40 below). Since the court's last order of 18 June 1999, to the reasoning of which it referred, no circumstances leading to a more positive conclusion had become known. The Regional Court had consulted a psychological expert on the question whether there was a risk that the applicant, if released, might commit offences by which his victims would suffer serious physical or mental harm. However, the expert could only submit a view on the basis of the case file as the applicant had refused to talk to her. The Regional Court further noted that in his report of 11 November 1991 a neurologic expert had found that the applicant suffered from a personality disorder which had resulted in his acts of sexual aggression. The Regional Court acknowledged that the applicant had accepted social-therapeutic treatment from August 1985 until June 1988. However, he had then terminated that treatment. In 1992 the detention authorities had proposed certain relaxations in the conditions of the applicant's detention, but the applicant had refused to cooperate. In his report of 12 April 1999 the neurologic expert had found that the applicant still suffered from the said personality disorder. In recent years the applicant had refused any therapy. Therefore, there was nothing to indicate that the applicant was no longer dangerous. In any event, his release could only be taken into consideration after his conditions of detention had been relaxed, combined with a successful social-therapeutic treatment. The Regional Court further stated that it did not consider the new version of Article 67d of the Criminal Code of January 1998 (see paragraph 40 below) to breach constitutional law in so far as it applied also to persons convicted prior to that change in the law. 2. The decision of the Karlsruhe Court of Appeal By a decision of 21 March 2002, served on the applicant on 2 April 2002, the Karlsruhe Court of Appeal, fully endorsing the reasons given by the Regional Court, dismissed the applicant's appeal. In particular, contrary to the applicant's submission, it considered that Article 67d of the Criminal Code, read in conjunction with section 1a of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code (see paragraph 40 below), which entered into force on 31 January 1998, were constitutional. The prohibition on retrospective punishment did not apply to orders of preventive detention, which did not constitute a penalty, but a measure of correction and prevention. In view of the fact that there was a risk that the applicant, if released, might commit sexual offences similar to those he had previously committed, his continued detention was not yet disproportionate. 3. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court On 29 April 2002 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the decisions ordering his continued preventive detention even on completion of the ten‑year period. He argued that these decisions were based on Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code, as amended in 1998, under the terms of which the duration of a convicted person's first period of preventive detention was extended retrospectively from a maximum period of ten years, applicable prior to the change in the law, to an unlimited period of time. Therefore, this provision violated the prohibition on retrospective punishment under Article 103 § 2 of the Basic Law, the prohibition of retrospective legislation enshrined in the rule of law, his right to liberty under Article 2 § 2, second sentence, of the Basic Law and the principle of proportionality (see paragraph 32 below). On 22 March 2004 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant's constitutional complaint (file no. 2 BvR 664/02) as it was ill-founded. Referring to its leading decision given on 5 February 2004 in relation to the case of M. (file no. 2 BvR 2029/01; application no. 19359/04 before this Court), it found that Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code, read in conjunction with section 1a § 3 of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code, as amended on 26 January 1998, were constitutional. C. The second set of proceedings (application no. 42225/07) 1. The decision of the Freiburg Regional Court On 12 July 2006 the Freiburg Regional Court, having consulted a psychiatric expert, W., again refused to suspend the applicant's preventive detention and grant probation under Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code. 2. The decision of the Karlsruhe Court of Appeal On 11 December 2006 the Karlsruhe Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's appeal. The Court of Appeal endorsed the Regional Court's view that there was still a risk that the applicant, if released, might commit serious offences resulting in considerable psychological or physical harm to the victims. The Court of Appeal had regard to the report of 16 March 2006 by psychiatric expert W., who, having examined the applicant and the case file, had considered the applicant liable to reoffend. According to the expert, the applicant still suffered from a personality disorder which had, in the past, manifested itself by violent sexualised behaviour. The Court of Appeal observed that the expert's negative prognosis was based on a limited factual basis in respect of the applicant's personal development after his offences. The expert had only found that the applicant's personality disorder had not been cured by therapy, without assessing whether this disorder would still manifest itself in similar offences in the future. It was for the prison authorities and the regional courts to extend the basis for a prognosis by therapeutic measures and by granting relaxations in the conditions of detention. However, such therapeutic measures had not been taken in the applicant's case in the past years, even though an expert had already made specific proposals for such measures in 1991 and again in 1999. The applicant had refused a dialogue with the prison authorities on his therapy, but it was for the prison authorities to make reasonable offers of treatment and to grant relaxations in the conditions of the applicant's detention, which it had failed to do. However, without testing and preparing the applicant for release in the course of relaxations in his conditions of detention, there was a risk that he would commit serious sexual offences if released. 3. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court On 16 January 2007 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court. He argued that his continued preventive detention violated his right to liberty, the prohibition of retrospective punishment, the prohibition of double punishment for the same offence and the prohibition of inhuman treatment. He argued, in particular, that by the further execution of preventive detention against him, he had been treated as a mere object of State action in disregard of his human dignity. Moreover, his right to a fair trial had been breached, in particular in that the criminal courts had failed to decide on his continued preventive detention within the statutory time-limit. On 26 April 2007 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant's constitutional complaint (file no. 2 BvR 157/07). It found that the applicant's complaint was inadmissible for non-exhaustion of domestic remedies in so far as he had complained about the Regional Court's failure to decide on his continued preventive detention already in 2003, as prescribed by Article 67e §§ 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 38 below). The applicant had failed to apply for judicial review of this failure to comply with the statutory time-limit. In so far as the applicant had complained about his continued preventive detention for a period exceeding ten years, his complaint was ill-founded. His continued preventive detention on the basis of Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code, as amended in 1998, was constitutional. The criminal courts had further respected the principle of proportionality in respect of deprivations of liberty in their decisions. D. Subsequent developments On 31 July 2009 the Freiburg Regional Court, reviewing the necessity of the applicant's continued detention, decided that the applicant was to remain in preventive detention as, owing to his criminal tendencies, he was still liable to commit serious offences resulting in considerable psychological or physical harm to the victims. On 31 August 2009 the Karlsruhe Court of Appeal quashed that decision and remitted the case to the Freiburg Regional Court. It found that the Regional Court had not sufficiently established the facts on which it had based its decision and had failed to hear the medical expert, who had submitted a report in writing on its request, also in person at the hearing. On 11 June 2010 the Federal Constitutional Court dismissed the applicant's request of 15 May 2010 that the Constitutional Court, by way of an interim injunction, request the Regional Court to order the applicant's immediate release and declare whether the Court's findings in its judgment in the case of M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04, were applicable to other detainees (file no. 2 BvQ 34/10). It found that the applicant had failed to explain why he could not be expected to await the decisions to be taken by the courts responsible for the execution of sentences on his further detention. On 8 July 2010 the Freiburg Regional Court again decided not to suspend the applicant's preventive detention and grant probation. On 10 September 2010 the Karlsruhe Court of Appeal declared the applicant's preventive detention terminated and ordered his supervision of conduct. The Court of Appeal, referring to a leading decision of the Federal Court of Justice of 12 May 2010 (see paragraph 41 below), argued that it was possible to interpret the Criminal Code so as to comply with the Convention as interpreted by this Court in the case of M. v. Germany. Accordingly, it found that in relation to preventive detention the application of a new statutory provision retrospectively to the detriment of the person concerned was prohibited and the law in force at the time of the offence had to be applied. As Article 67d § 1 of the Criminal Code, in its version in force at the time the applicant committed his offences, provided that the first period of preventive detention could not exceed ten years, the applicant's preventive detention was terminated and the applicant was to be released. The Karlsruhe Court of Appeal further found that the applicant had no claim for damages under the Act on Compensation for Measures of Criminal Prosecution (Gesetz über die Entschädigung für Strafverfolgungs-maßnahmen). A claim for damages under Article 5 § 5 of the Convention or official liability proceedings had to be brought in the civil courts. The applicant was released on 10 September 2010 and has been submitted to constant surveillance by five police officers since then. II. RELEVANT DOMESTIC AND COMPARATIVE LAW AND PRACTICE A comprehensive summary of the provisions of the Criminal Code and of the Code of Criminal Procedure governing the distinction between penalties and measures of correction and prevention, in particular preventive detention, and the making, review and execution in practice of preventive detention orders, is contained in the Court's judgment in the case of M. v. Germany (no. 19359/04, §§ 45-78, 17 December 2009). The provisions relevant to the present case can be summarised as follows: A. The order of preventive detention by the sentencing court The German Criminal Code distinguishes between penalties (Strafen) and so‑called measures of correction and prevention (Maßregeln der Besserung und Sicherung) to deal with unlawful acts. Preventive detention (Article 66 et seq. of the Criminal Code) is classified as a measure of correction and prevention. The purpose of such measures is to rehabilitate dangerous offenders or to protect the public from them. They may be ordered for offenders in addition to their punishment (compare Articles 63 et seq.). They must, however, be proportionate to the gravity of the offences committed by, or to be expected from, the defendants as well as to their dangerousness (Article 62 of the Criminal Code). The temporal applicability of provisions of the Criminal Code depends on whether they relate to penalties or measures of correction and prevention. The penalty is determined by the law which is in force at the time of the act (Article 2 § 1 of the Criminal Code); if the law in force on completion of the act is amended before the court's judgment, the more lenient law applies (Article 2 § 3). On the other hand, decisions on measures of correction and prevention are to be based on the law in force at the time of the decision unless the law provides otherwise (Article 2 § 6). The sentencing court may, at the time of the offender's conviction, order his preventive detention under certain circumstances in addition to his prison sentence if the offender has been shown to be dangerous to the public (Article 66 of the Criminal Code). In particular, the sentencing court orders preventive detention in addition to the penalty if someone is sentenced for an intentional offence to at least two years' imprisonment and if the following further conditions are satisfied. Firstly, the perpetrator must have been sentenced twice already, to at least one year's imprisonment in each case, for intentional offences committed prior to the new offence. Secondly, the perpetrator must previously have served a prison sentence or must have been detained pursuant to a measure of correction and prevention for at least two years. Thirdly, a comprehensive assessment of the perpetrator and his acts must reveal that, owing to his propensity to commit serious offences, notably those which seriously harm their victims physically or mentally or which cause serious economic damage, the perpetrator presents a danger to the general public (see Article 66 § 1). B. The order for execution of the placement in preventive detention Article 67c of the Criminal Code governs orders for the preventive detention of convicted persons which are not executed immediately after the judgment ordering them becomes final. Paragraph 1 of the Article provides that if a term of imprisonment is executed prior to a simultaneously ordered placement in preventive detention, the court responsible for the execution of sentences (that is, a special Chamber of the Regional Court composed of three professional judges, see sections 78a and 78b(1)(1) of the Court Organisation Act) must review, before completion of the prison term, whether the person's preventive detention is still necessary in view of its objective. If that is not the case, it suspends on probation the execution of the preventive detention order; supervision of the person's conduct (Führungsaufsicht) commences with suspension. C. Judicial review and duration of preventive detention Pursuant to Article 67e of the Criminal Code the court (i.e. the chamber responsible for the execution of sentences) may review at any time whether the further execution of the preventive detention order should be suspended on probation. It is obliged to do so within fixed time-limits (paragraph 1 of Article 67e). For persons in preventive detention, this time‑limit is two years (paragraph 2 of Article 67e). Under Article 67d § 1 of the Criminal Code, in its version in force prior to 31 January 1998, the first period of preventive detention may not exceed ten years. If the maximum duration has expired, the detainee shall be released (Article 67d § 3). Article 67d of the Criminal Code was amended by the Combating of Sexual Offences and Other Dangerous Offences Act of 26 January 1998, which entered into force on 31 January 1998. Article 67d § 3, in its amended version, provides that if a person has spent ten years in preventive detention, the court shall declare the measure terminated (only) if there is no danger that the detainee will, owing to his criminal tendencies, commit serious offences resulting in considerable psychological or physical harm to the victims. Termination shall automatically entail supervision of the conduct of the offender. The former maximum duration of a first period of preventive detention was abolished. Pursuant to section 1a § 3 of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code, the amended version of Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code was to be applied without any restriction ratione temporis. D. The application of the Court's findings in the M. v. Germany case by the domestic courts By a decision of 12 May 2010 (file no. 4 StR 577/09) the Federal Court of Justice (fourth senate), in a decision concerning a retrospective order of preventive detention (nachträgliche Sicherungsverwahrung), found that the Criminal Code was to be and could be interpreted so as to comply with Article 7 § 1 of the Convention as interpreted by this Court in its judgment in M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04. Under Article 2 § 6 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 34 above), decisions on measures of correction and prevention were to be based on the law in force at the time of the court's decision unless the law provided otherwise. Article 7 § 1 of the Convention, in its interpretation by this Court, was such a law which provided otherwise as the Court had considered that preventive detention was to be qualified as a penalty for the purposes of Article 7 to which the prohibition of retrospective punishment applied (the fifth senate of the Federal Court of Justice, in its decision of 21 July 2010, file no. 5 StR 60/10, disagreed with the fourth senate on that point in relation to a different provision on retrospective preventive detention). Therefore, court decisions concerning orders of preventive detention had to be based on the law in force at the time of the offence. Referring, in particular, to these findings of the Federal Court of Justice, several Courts of Appeal found in cases comparable, as regards the temporal course of events, to the M. v. Germany case that the abolition of the maximum period of ten years laid down in Article 67d § 1 of the Criminal Code in its version in force before 31 January 1998 could not be effected retrospectively and therefore still applied to preventive detention ordered in relation to offences committed prior to that date. As a consequence, these courts declared terminated the preventive detention of the detainees concerned whose first period of preventive detention had been executed beyond that maximum period and ordered their release (see, in particular, Frankfurt am Main Court of Appeal, decision of 24 June 2010, file no. 3 Ws 485/10; Hamm Court of Appeal, decision of 6 July 2010, file no. 4 Ws 157/10; Karlsruhe Court of Appeal, decision of 15 July 2010, file no. 2 Ws 458/09; and Schleswig-Holstein Court of Appeal, decision of 15 July 2010, file no. 1 Ws 267/10). On the contrary, several Courts of Appeal considered that the Court's findings in the case of M. v. Germany could not be applied at present by the domestic courts responsible for the execution of sentences as the Criminal Code as it stood did not permit its interpretation in compliance with Articles 5 and 7 of the Convention. Section 1a § 3 of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code had expressly stipulated that the abolition of the maximum duration of ten years for a first period of preventive detention also applied to persons who had committed the offences in question prior to the entry into force of that abolition and had thereby unambiguously authorized the application of the amended law with retrospective effect. It was therefore for the legislator to execute the Court's judgment in the M. case. These Courts of Appeal accordingly did not terminate the preventive detention of the persons concerned (see, in particular, Celle Court of Appeal, decision of 25 May 2010, file no. 2 Ws 169-170/10; Stuttgart Court of Appeal, decision of 1 June 2010, file no. 1 Ws 57/10; Koblenz Court of Appeal, decision of 7 June 2010, file no. 1 Ws 108/10; Nuremberg Court of Appeal, decision of 24 June 2010, file no. 1 Ws 315/10; and Cologne Court of Appeal, decision of 14 July 2010, file no. 2 Ws 428/10). Several of these Courts of Appeal subsequently submitted such cases to the Federal Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling under a new provision of the Court Organisation Act (section 121 § 2 no. 3) in force since 30 July 2010, which is aimed at securing a uniform case-law of the German courts on that issue (see, for instance, Koblenz Court of Appeal, decision of 30 September 2010, file no. 1 Ws 108/10).
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{ "applicant": "Martin Schummer", "articles": [ 91, 34, 55, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Martin Schummer
PROCEDURE The case originated in two applications (nos. 31047/04 and 43386/08) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Hermann Walter Mork (“the applicant”), on 18 August 2004 and 3 September 2008 respectively. The applicant was represented by Ms M. Bürger-Frings, a lawyer practising in Aachen. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, and by their permanent Deputy Agent, Mr H.-J. Behrens, Ministerialrat, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the execution of his preventive detention violated his right to liberty under Article 5 § 1 of the Convention. On 13 March 2007 a Chamber of the Fifth Section decided to adjourn the examination of application no. 31047/04 pending the outcome of the proceedings in the case of M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04. On 22 January 2009 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the applications no. 31047/04 and no. 43386/08 to the Government, requested them to submit information on changes in the applicant’s detention regime and adjourned the examination of the applications until the judgment in the case of M. v. Germany (cited above) has become final. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the applications at the same time (Article 29 § 1). In view of the fact that the judgment of 17 December 2009 in the case of M. v. Germany became final on 10 May 2010, the President decided on 20 May 2010 that the proceedings in the applications at issue be resumed and granted priority to the applications (Rule 41 of the Rules of Court). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1955 and is currently detained in Aachen Prison. A. Background to the case Between 1978 and 1981 the applicant was convicted, among other offences, of numerous counts of joint burglary committed in companies and shops and was imprisoned from March 1980 until February 1985. In 1986 the Dortmund Regional Court convicted the applicant of trafficking in drugs (hashish and cocaine) and sentenced him to eight years’ imprisonment. The applicant was in pre-trial detention and served his sentence from August 1985 until June 1993. In December 1996 the applicant was arrested and placed in pre-trial detention on suspicion of drug trafficking; he has remained in prison since then. B. The proceedings before the sentencing courts (application no. 31047/04) 1. The proceedings before the Regional Court and the Federal Court of Justice In a judgment dated 9 February 1998 the Aachen Regional Court convicted the applicant of unauthorised importing of drugs and of drug trafficking committed in 1996 and involving some 280 kilos of hashish. It sentenced him to eight years and six months’ imprisonment. It decided not to order the applicant’s preventive detention under Article 66 of the Criminal Code (see paragraphs 22-23 below) as it was not convinced that the applicant was dangerous to the public owing to a disposition to commit serious offences. In this assessment, the court took into consideration that the applicant had not attempted to avert his punishment by lodging numerous procedural motions and had agreed to the forfeiture of money stemming from drug trafficking. The applicant claimed that he had struck a deal with the Regional Court on the latter’s proposal that the court would impose a sentence of less than ten years and would not order his preventive detention if he ceased to contest the court’s finding of fact. The Government submitted that there was no indication in the case-file that such an agreement had been made. In a judgment dated 7 April 1999 the Federal Court of Justice dismissed an appeal by the applicant on points of law. It allowed an appeal by the prosecution regarding the Regional Court’s decision not to order the applicant’s preventive detention and quashed the judgment in this respect as the Regional Court had not given valid reasons for considering the applicant not to be dangerous to the public. In a judgment dated 14 November 2001 a different chamber of the Aachen Regional Court ordered the applicant’s (first) indefinite preventive detention pursuant to Article 66 § 1 of the Criminal Code. Having consulted a psychiatric expert and having regard to the applicant’s personality and his previous convictions, the court considered that the applicant had a disposition to commit serious offences, was likely to commit further serious drug offences and was thus dangerous to the public. In a decision dated 31 May 2002 the Federal Court of Justice dismissed as ill-founded an appeal by the applicant on points of law, in which the latter had complained that provisions of substantive law had not been complied with (allgemeine Sachrüge). 2. The proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court On 24 June 2002 the applicant, without being represented by counsel, lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the two judgments of the Regional Court and the judgment and the decision of the Federal Court of Justice. He complained, in particular, that preventive detention was incompatible with his right to liberty under Article 5 § 1 of the Convention, which did not cover such a preventive measure. It further violated the prohibition of retrospective punishment under the Basic Law and Article 7 of the Convention because it was incompatible with the principle of legal certainty and because his preventive detention had been ordered without a maximum duration of ten years, which had been the maximum penalty at the time he committed his offences. Furthermore, his right to a fair trial had been breached in that the domestic courts had not subsequently respected the deal struck with the Regional Court that he would not further contest the court’s finding of facts in exchange for the court not ordering his preventive detention. On 11 March 2004 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint (file no. 2 BvR 1046/02). The Federal Constitutional Court found that in so far as the applicant complained about the judgment of the Regional Court of 9 February 1998 and that of the Federal Court of Justice of 7 April 1999, he had lodged his constitutional complaint out of time. In so far as the applicant complained that the Regional Court’s order for his preventive detention in its judgment of 14 November 2001 lacked a valid legal basis and was arbitrary, his complaint was inadmissible for non-exhaustion of domestic remedies. The court found that the applicant had failed to submit his statement of the grounds of his appeal on points of law nor had he claimed before it that he had complained about the unconstitutionality of the amended provisions on preventive detention and about their application by the Regional Court to him before the Federal Court of Justice, at least by complaining that provisions of substantive law had not been complied with. C. The proceedings before the courts dealing with the execution of sentences (application no. 43386/08) 1. The proceedings before the Regional Court On 13 July 2007 the Bochum Regional Court, acting as the court dealing with the execution of sentences, having heard the applicant in person, ordered the applicant’s placement in preventive detention as of 25 July 2007 (Article 67c § 1 of the Criminal Code; see paragraph 24 below), that is, as from the day on which the applicant would have served his full prison sentence. The court fully agreed with the findings of a psychiatric and psychotherapeutic expert it had consulted on the applicant’s dangerousness. In his report dated 7 May 2007 the expert, having examined the applicant, had considered that, if released, the applicant was very likely to commit further serious offences similar to those he had previously committed. He was still dangerous to the public as he had to date failed to reflect sufficiently on his numerous offences. Even assuming that the security measures taken against him by the prison authorities had not been justified, this did not alter the fact that there had not been a consistent treatment limiting the risk that he would reoffend after his release. 2. The proceedings before the Court of Appeal On 6 September 2007 the Hamm Court of Appeal, endorsing the reasons given by the Regional Court, dismissed the applicant’s appeal. On 24 January 2008 the Hamm Court of Appeal rejected an objection (Gegenvorstellung) by the applicant. 3. The proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court On 17 October 2007 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the Regional Court’s decision of 13 July 2007 and the Court of Appeal’s decision of 6 September 2007. By submissions dated 3 March 2008 he extended his complaint to the Hamm Court of Appeal’s decision of 24 January 2008. He claimed, in particular, that the order to place him in preventive detention disproportionately interfered with his right to liberty. He argued that the expert report on which the courts dealing with the execution of sentences had relied had not been drawn up in due form, that the courts had failed to give convincing reasons, in view of his mostly less serious previous convictions, why he was likely to commit further serious offences if released and that he had been refused relaxations in the conditions of his detention without convincing reasons. On 14 July 2008 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint (file no. 2 BvR 2356/07). It found, in particular, that the decisions of the courts dealing with the execution of sentences to order the applicant’s placement in preventive detention had not violated the applicant’s right to liberty. The Federal Constitutional Court found that the Regional Court’s assessment that the applicant had repeatedly committed serious offences was not arbitrary as the latter had been sentenced to one term of eight years’ imprisonment and another of eight years and six months. The expert report, which was of recent date, was sufficiently substantiated. In so far as the applicant had been refused relaxations in the conditions of his detention, the Constitutional Court noted that the courts dealing with the execution of sentences had not based their decision to order preventive detention globally on the fact that the applicant had failed to prove that he was no longer dangerous in the course of such relaxations. If the prison authorities refused to grant the applicant relaxations in the conditions of his detention in the future, the applicant had to raise this issue with the competent lower courts first. In view of the courts’ assessment that the applicant was likely to commit further serious offences if released, their finding that the interest in public safety prevailed over the applicant’s right to liberty had been proportionate. D. Subsequent developments On 12 August 2009 the Aachen Regional Court, acting as the court dealing with the execution of sentences, refused to suspend the execution of the preventive detention order against the applicant on probation. That decision was confirmed on appeal. II. RELEVANT DOMESTIC AND COMPARATIVE LAW AND PRACTICE A. Provisions concerning preventive detention A comprehensive summary of the provisions of the Criminal Code and of the Code of Criminal Procedure governing the distinction between penalties and measures of correction and prevention, in particular preventive detention, and the making, review and execution in practice of preventive detention orders, is contained in the Court’s judgment in the case of M. v. Germany (no. 19359/04, §§ 45-78, 17 December 2009). The provisions referred to in the present case provide as follows: 1. The order of preventive detention by the sentencing court The sentencing court may, at the time of the offender’s conviction, order his preventive detention, a so‑called measure of correction and prevention, under certain circumstances in addition to his prison sentence, a penalty, if the offender has been shown to be dangerous to the public (Article 66 of the Criminal Code). In particular, the sentencing court orders preventive detention in addition to the penalty if someone is sentenced for an intentional offence to at least two years’ imprisonment and if the following further conditions are satisfied. Firstly, the perpetrator must have been sentenced twice already, to at least one year’s imprisonment in each case, for intentional offences committed prior to the new offence. Secondly, the perpetrator must previously have served a prison sentence or must have been detained pursuant to a measure of correction and prevention for at least two years. Thirdly, a comprehensive assessment of the perpetrator and his acts must reveal that, owing to his propensity to commit serious offences, notably those which seriously harm their victims physically or mentally or which cause serious economic damage, the perpetrator presents a danger to the general public (see Article 66 § 1 of the Criminal Code, in its version in force at the relevant time). 2. The duration of preventive detention Article 67c § 1 of the Criminal Code provides that if a term of imprisonment is executed prior to a simultaneously ordered placement in preventive detention, the court responsible for the execution of sentences (that is, a special Chamber of the Regional Court composed of three professional judges, see sections 78a and 78b(1)(1) of the Court Organisation Act) must review, before completion of the prison term, whether the person’s preventive detention is still necessary in view of its objective. If that is not the case, it suspends on probation the execution of the preventive detention order; supervision of the person’s conduct commences with suspension. Under Article 67d § 1 of the Criminal Code, in its version in force prior to 31 January 1998, the first placement in preventive detention may not exceed ten years. If the maximum duration has expired, the detainee shall be released (Article 67d § 3). Article 67d of the Criminal Code was amended by the Combating of Sexual Offences and Other Dangerous Offences Act of 26 January 1998, which entered into force on 31 January 1998. Article 67d § 3, in its amended version, provided that if a person has spent ten years in preventive detention, the court shall declare the measure terminated (only) if there is no danger that the detainee will, owing to his criminal tendencies, commit serious offences resulting in considerable psychological or physical harm to the victims. Termination shall automatically entail supervision of the conduct of the offender. The former maximum duration of a first period of preventive detention was abolished. Pursuant to section 1a § 3 of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code, the amended version of Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code was to be applied without any restriction ratione temporis. B. Relevant case-law of the Federal Constitutional Court 1. Case-law on lodging a constitutional complaint Under the well-established case-law of the Federal Constitutional Court, a complainant is obliged to submit to that court, within the one‑month time-limit running from the notification of the impugned court decision, either a copy of the impugned decisions and of all documents necessary for their understanding or at least to set out their content in a manner allowing for a control of their constitutionality (see, inter alia, the decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court of 16 December 1992, file no. 1 BvR 167/87, Collection of the decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfGE), vol. 88 (1993), pp. 40 ss., 45; of 10 October 1995, file nos. 1 BvR 1476, 1980/91 and 102, 221/92, Collection of the decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court, vol. 93 (1996), pp. 266 ss., 288; confirmed, for instance, by a decision of 18 March 2009, file no. 2 BvR 1350/08). No distinction was made in these decisions between complainants who were and those who were not represented by counsel. 2. Recent case-law on preventive detention On 4 May 2011 the Federal Constitutional Court delivered a leading judgment concerning the retrospective prolongation of the complainants’ preventive detention beyond the former ten-year maximum period (compare the provisions in paragraphs 25-26 above) and about the retrospective order of the complainants’ preventive detention respectively (file nos. 2 BvR 2365/09, 2 BvR 740/10, 2 BvR 2333/08, 2 BvR 1152/10 and 2 BvR 571/10). The Federal Constitutional Court held that all provisions on the retrospective prolongation of preventive detention and on the retrospective order of such detention were incompatible with the Basic Law as they failed to comply with the constitutional protection of legitimate expectations guaranteed in a State governed by the rule of law, read in conjunction with the constitutional right to liberty. The Federal Constitutional Court further held that all provisions of the Criminal Code on the imposition and duration of preventive detention at issue were incompatible with the fundamental right to liberty of the persons in preventive detention because those provisions did not satisfy the constitutional requirement of establishing a difference between preventive detention and detention for serving a term of imprisonment (Abstandsgebot). These provisions included, in particular, Article 66 of the Criminal Code in its version in force since 27 December 2003. The Federal Constitutional Court ordered that all provisions declared incompatible with the Basic Law remained applicable until the entry into force of new legislation and until 31 May 2013 at the most. In relation to detainees whose preventive detention had been prolonged or ordered retrospectively, the courts dealing with the execution of sentences had to examine without delay whether the persons concerned, owing to specific circumstances relating to their person or their conduct, were highly likely to commit the most serious crimes of violence or sexual offences and if, additionally, they suffered from a mental disorder. As regards the notion of mental disorder, the Federal Constitutional Court explicitly referred to the interpretation of the notion of “persons of unsound mind” in Article 5 § 1 sub-paragraph (e) of the Convention made in this Court’s case-law. If the above pre-conditions were not met, those detainees had to be released no later than 31 December 2011. The other provisions on the imposition and duration of preventive detention could only be further applied in the transitional period subject to a strict review of proportionality; as a general rule, proportionality was only respected where there was a danger of the person concerned committing serious crimes of violence or sexual offences if released. In its judgment, the Federal Constitutional Court stressed that the fact that the Constitution stood above the Convention in the domestic hierarchy of norms was not an obstacle to an international and European dialogue between the courts, but was, on the contrary, its normative basis in view of the fact that the Constitution was to be interpreted in a manner that was open to public international law (völkerrechtsfreundliche Auslegung). In its reasoning, the Federal Constitutional Court relied on the interpretation of Article 5 and Article 7 of the Convention made by this Court in its judgment in the case of M. v. Germany (cited above).
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{ "applicant": "Hermann Walter Mork", "articles": [ 91, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Hermann Walter Mork
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 45681/99) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Alain Gutfreund (“the applicant”), on 6 January 1999. The applicant was represented before the Court by Mr F. Vallens, a lawyer practising in Saverne. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr R. Abraham, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged, in particular, a lack of impartiality on the part of a judge in connection with a legal-aid application. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Third Section (Rule 52 § 1). By a decision of 25 April 2002, the Chamber declared the application partly admissible. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE By a penal order of 8 October 1997, the applicant was fined 1,000 French francs (FRF) for an assault on his wife that did not incapacitate her from work. On 8 December 1997 he applied to the Saverne Police Court to have that order set aside. On 3 July 1998 the applicant was served by a court bailiff with a summons requiring him to attend the Police Court on 15 September 1998 to answer a charge of “intentional assault entailing no unfitness for work” on 24 July 1997. The offence was classified as a “Class 4 minor offence” and carried a maximum fine of FRF 5,000 under Article 131-13 of the Criminal Code. On 11 August 1998 the applicant lodged a legal-aid application with the legal-aid office of the Saverne tribunal de grande instance, in accordance with the provisions of the Legal Aid Act of 10 July 1991 and its implementing decree of 19 December 1991. He furnished evidence, which the legal-aid office accepted, that his monthly income was FRF 2,423. In accordance with section 4 of the 1991 Act, he claimed to be entitled to full legal aid. A committee of the legal-aid office presided over by R. (as attested by a letter of November 2000 from the registry of the Saverne tribunal de grande instance) dismissed the application on 27 October 1998 as being “manifestly inadmissible, since it concern[ed] a Class 4 minor offence”. On 13 November 1998 the applicant appealed against that decision to the President of the Saverne tribunal de grande instance. He said that in a similar case the Strasbourg tribunal de grande instance had construed the decree differently and granted legal aid. In an order of 16 September 1998, the Strasbourg tribunal de grande instance had noted a conflict between the decree and the Act and stated that to resolve it the decree had to be construed in the light of the purpose of the Act. The appeal was heard by R., now sitting in his capacity as the President of the Saverne tribunal de grande instance. He upheld the impugned decision in an order of 27 November 1998, against which French law afforded no right of appeal (section 23, sub-paragraph 2, of the Act of 10 July 1991). He gave a number of reasons for dismissing the applicant’s appeal: “... although section 10 of the aforementioned Act [of 10 July 1991] provides that ‘legal aid shall be granted ... before all courts’ ..., it does not require it to be granted in all types of proceedings. ... the table appended to Article 90 of the decree and to which the decree refers for the calculation of counsel’s remuneration only contemplates an accused receiving assistance in the police court for Class 5 minor offences. ... that restriction cannot be due to an oversight on the part of the public authorities. ... it is not for either the legal-aid office or the president of the court concerned unilaterally to extend the scope of rules in respect of which no appeal has been made to the Conseil d’Etat. ... it is perfectly clear that the relevant table is restrictive in scope.” On 15 December 1998 the applicant, assisted by a lawyer, attended the hearing at the Saverne Police Court. In a judgment delivered that same day, the court found him guilty of assault entailing no unfitness for work, but decided not to impose a penalty.
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{ "applicant": "Alain Gutfreund", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2003 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Alain Gutfreund
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 80442/12) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Ms Cécile Lecomte (“the applicant”), on 9 December 2012. The applicant was represented by Ms U. Donat, a lawyer practising in Hamburg. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by two of their Agents, Mr H.-J. Behrens and Mrs K. Behr, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the conditions of her detention for preventive purposes in two police stations had violated Article 3 of the Convention. On 12 May 2014 the application was communicated to the Government. The Government of the French Republic, having been informed of their right to intervene in the proceedings (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention and Rule 44 of the Rules of Court), indicated that they did not wish to exercise that right. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1981 and lives in Lüneburg. A. The applicant’s arrest, the order for her detention, its termination and the conditions of its execution The applicant is an anti-nuclear and environmental activist. She has repeatedly used her climbing skills to draw public attention to her protest. 1. The applicant’s arrest On 6 November 2008 around 11 a.m. the applicant and three further persons belonging to the Robin Wood organisation, an environmental protection group, climbed on the arch of a railway bridge. The group fixed banners expressing protest against the transport, by train, of radioactive waste from La Hague, France, to the interim storage facility in Gorleben, scheduled from 7 to 9 November 2008. The members of the group refused to have themselves roped down by the police, who had dissolved their assembly. They were finally roped down by Federal Police’s mountain rescue team. The police then arrested only the applicant at 2.40 p.m. while the other three participants remained at liberty. They further seized the banners and the climbing equipment. 2. The detention order against the applicant On 6 November 2008 at 5.30 p.m. the Lüneburg District Court, having heard the applicant and the Lüneburg police, ordered the applicant’s detention for preventive purposes under section 18 § 1 no. 2 of the Lower Saxony Public Security and Order Act (Niedersächsisches Gesetz über die öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung, see paragraph 42 below). That detention was to last until the arrival of the “castor”0 containers in Dannenberg train station and until 10 November 2008, 0.00 p.m. at the most. The District Court found that the applicant, who had been represented by counsel throughout the proceedings before the domestic courts, and three further persons had let themselves down on a rope on a railway bridge. They had unrolled banners protesting against the castor transport. A commuter train had to be stopped because its passage would have put the protesters at risk. The District Court considered that the applicant’s detention was indispensable in order to prevent the imminent commission of a regulatory offence of considerable importance to the general public, as required by section 18 § 1 no. 2 of the Lower Saxony Public Security and Order Act. There was a risk that the applicant would block the forthcoming transport of the castor containers scheduled from 7 to 9 November 2011 by a climbing action. Thereby, she would commit regulatory offences under the Railway Construction and Operation Act (Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebsordnung) and the Assembly Act (Versammlungsgesetz) which would be dangerous to the public. That risk was also imminent in the applicant’s case as she was known for expressing political protest, including protest against the transport of castor containers, by climbing actions and for being ready to breach the law in that context. On 7 November 2008 at 9.15 p.m. the Lüneburg Regional Court, having heard the applicant in person at 2.10 p.m., dismissed the applicant’s appeal against the District Court’s decision. 3. The termination of the applicant’s detention On 9 November 2008 at 5.25 p.m. the Lüneburg District Court quashed the order of 6 November 2008 for the applicant’s detention for preventive purposes and ordered the applicant’s immediate release. The District Court found that, having regard to the applicant’s deteriorating state of health, there was no longer a risk that the applicant would commit a criminal or regulatory offence of considerable importance to the general public, as required by section 18 § 1 no. 2 of the Lower Saxony Public Security and Order Act, in the context of the transport of castor containers to Gorleben. Moreover, her continued detention was no longer proportionate in these circumstances. The District Court noted that medical doctor C., who had visited the applicant in detention on the latter’s request, had confirmed that the applicant suffered from serious rheumatism which necessitated her to move continuously and was in a poor mental condition. Her detention in Braunschweig Police Station, with little possibility to move, had already led to her joints having stiffened. The doctor had explained that she was not in a position to assess the applicant’s fitness for detention, but that it appeared excluded that the applicant would be capable of carrying out a climbing action in the days to come. The applicant was released on the same day at 6.32 p.m. 4. The places and conditions of the applicant’s detention Following her arrest on 6 November 2008 at 2.40 p.m. the applicant, having been found by a doctor of the Federal Police not to suffer from any health problems, was brought before the Lüneburg District Court which ordered her detention at 5.30 p.m. Following the District Court’s decision, the applicant was accompanied home by the police officers from 5.45 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. in order to enable her to take her own clothes and medication. She was detained in a cell in the Lüneburg Police Station from 7 p.m. onwards until 7 November 2008 at approximately 1.40 p.m., when she was brought to the Lüneburg Regional Court. The applicant’s small cell, equipped with a mattress and a chair, was lighted at least via a ventilation slot and by electric light. Between the end of the hearing of the applicant by the Lüneburg Regional Court on 7 November 2008 at around 3 p.m. and its decision at 9.15 p.m. on that day, the applicant essentially stayed in the office area of the Lüneburg Police Station. She went outside for a walk on the banks of the Ilmenau river with the police officers three times during that period. Following the Regional Court’s decision, the police decided to transfer the applicant to the Braunschweig Police Station which was considered being better equipped for police custody. When the applicant complained about breathing problems during the journey, the police called an ambulance. When both the ambulance crew and a police doctor had found that the applicant did not suffer from health problems, the transfer was continued in the ambulance. The applicant was detained in the Braunschweig Police Station from 8 November 2008, 2.10 a.m. until her release on 9 November 2008 at 6.32 p.m. Her cell was equipped with a bed, an empty desk, a chair and an open cupboard and had a barred window with frosted glass. In the corridor of the detention wing, which she had to pass to go to the toilet, photographs of shackled persons were exposed. These included a picture of a person subject to ankle and hand cuffs, with both cuffs being tied together by a chain in the person’s back lying on a mattress on the ground. During the applicant’s detention in the Braunschweig Police Station, the light in her cell remained switched on throughout the applicant’s first night in that cell. The applicant had climbed on the cupboard in her cell and passed the night thereon, failing to comply with the police’s order to descend. The applicant was taken out for a walk on the premises of the Braunschweig Police Station, which did not dispose of a closed courtyard, on 8 November 2008 from 2.20 p.m. until 3.02 p.m., being loosely shackled to a female police officer. On 9 November 2008 the applicant was allowed to stay outside on those premises from 12.22 p.m. until 12.35 p.m., without being shackled; she climbed on a tree on that occasion. The applicant was supplied with writing material on 8 November 2008. She was further allowed to receive three visits from a friend and two from her doctor C. She was also allowed to telephone her lawyer and her partner several times. B. The proceedings for review of the lawfulness of the applicant’s detention and of the conditions thereof 1. The proceedings before the Lüneburg District Court On 15 July 2009 the Lüneburg District Court dismissed the applicant’s action of 8 November 2008 under section 19 § 2 of the Lower Saxony Public Security and Order Act (see paragraph 43 below) against the Lüneburg police for a finding that both the order for her detention and the conditions of its execution had been unlawful. As regards the lawfulness of the applicant’s detention the District Court, endorsing the findings of fact made by the Regional Court in its decision of 7 November 2008 (see paragraph 12 above) as well as its reasoning, confirmed that the detention had complied with section 18 § 1 no. 2 of the Lower Saxony Public Security and Order Act. As regards the execution of the detention order against the applicant, the District Court considered that the manner in which the detention had been enforced had been lawful and had complied, in particular, with the provisions of the Police Custody Regulations (Polizeigewahrsamsordnung, see paragraph 45-49 below). The District Court noted that the detention order was executed in the detention wing of the Lüneburg Police Station until 7 November 2008 and subsequently in the detention wing of the Braunschweig Police Station. As to the applicant’s complaint that her detention cells did not have windows, but only ventilation slots, the District Court considered that the equipment of the detention cells had complied with no. 15 of the Police Custody Regulations (see paragraph 49 below) and that there had been enough light. The recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) were irrelevant here. The photographs of shackled persons exposed in the detention wing of the Braunschweig Police Station may have been tasteless, but did not render the applicant’s detention unlawful as a result of intimidation. Moreover, there had not been a breach of the right to sufficient night’s rest provided by no. 12 of the Police Custody Regulations (see paragraph 48 below). In Lüneburg, some noise made by a ventilator may have made it more difficult for the applicant to fall asleep, but the police was not obliged to be considerate of individual sensitivities. The fact that the light had remained switched on all night in Braunschweig had been a consequence of the applicant’s own behaviour. She had insisted spending the night on the cell’s cupboard the height of which was 1.90 metres. The light had therefore been necessary for her own protection. It had not been possible for the police to guarantee that, in case the applicant had fallen down from the cupboard, they would notice it immediately otherwise. According to the District Court, the applicant could ask herself whether she would have preferred having been shackled for her protection instead. Furthermore, the court noted that on 8 November 2008 the applicant had been outside on the premises of the Braunschweig Police Station from 2.20 p.m. until 3.02 p.m. She had to be shackled as, being an excellent climber, there had been a risk that she would climb on trees or buildings and abscond. The applicant had not, therefore, been “taken for a walk like an animal” on the parking. On 9 November 2008 the applicant had been outside from 12.22 p.m. until 12.35 p.m. She had not been shackled and had been allowed to climb on a tree. She had not objected to returning to the detention wing afterwards. The District Court further considered that the applicant had failed to substantiate that her state of health in detention had deteriorated in a manner so as to render her detention disproportionate already prior to the District Court’s decision of 9 November 2008 ordering her release. There had not been a written and impartial medical report proving the applicant’s allegation in that respect. The doctor who had visited the applicant in detention and had persuaded the then competent District Court judge to order her release had probably been a sympathiser. 2. The proceedings before the Lüneburg Regional Court On 28 October 2009 the Lüneburg Regional Court dismissed the applicant’s appeal against the District Court’s decision of 15 July 2009. As to the legality of the applicant’s detention, the Regional Court, endorsing the findings in its decision of 7 November 2008, confirmed that the applicant’s detention as such had complied with section 18 § 1 no. 2 of the Lower Saxony Public Security and Order Act. The Regional Court further confirmed that the conditions of the applicant’s detention, albeit onerous for the applicant, had complied with the applicable legal provisions and had not been so unacceptable as to render the execution of her detention unlawful. As regards the applicant’s detention during the first night in the detention cell in the Lüneburg Police Station, the Regional Court found that the cell had been uncomfortable, but had complied with no. 15.1 of the Police Custody Regulations in the version then in force (see paragraph 49 below). In that police station there were no detention cells suitable for a deprivation of liberty lasting several days. Despite this, the police had convincingly explained that transporting the applicant to and back from Braunschweig for the hearing before the Regional Court the following day would have restricted her even more in her liberty of movement. Furthermore, she had not complained to the police about the noise at night emanating from a ventilator. Moreover, the Lüneburg police had taken care of the applicant’s well-being after her hearing before the Regional Court (on 7 November 2008 from 2.10 p.m. until 2.50 p.m.) while they waited for the Regional Court’s decision until approximately 9 p.m. with the applicant in an office in the Lüneburg Police Station in that they had taken her outside three times. As regards the applicant’s subsequent detention in the Braunschweig Police Station, the Regional Court noted that the applicant arrived at that station on 8 November 2008 at 2.10 a.m. after the crew of the ambulance called by the police and a police doctor had confirmed her fitness for detention despite the breathing difficulties she had informed the police of. The Regional Court further confirmed the District Court’s finding that the pictures of shackled persons in the corridor of the detention wing – which included a photograph of a person subject to ankle and hand cuffs – may have been tasteless. However, it had neither been shown that the pictures had been put up to intimidate prisoners nor that the applicant had been intimidated in a considerable manner by them. Moreover, the court considered that it had been lawful for the police to leave the light switched on during the night. It noted that the applicant had climbed on a cupboard measuring 1.90 metres and had failed to descend on the police’s request. By choosing not to descend her by force and by leaving the light on instead the police had respected as much as possible the applicant’s right to liberty. As regards the applicant’s right to stays outside during her detention in Braunschweig, the Regional Court, endorsing the findings of the District Court in this respect, found that the right provided by no. 10 of the Police Custody Regulations (see paragraph 46 below) to be allowed to stay outside for 45 minutes per day in so far as the staffing and infrastructural situation permitted had not been breached. Shackling the applicant to a female police officer on 8 November 2008 had been necessary in order to prevent the applicant from absconding. The applicant, an excellent climber, had previously shown that she was not ready to comply with the police’s orders and there had not been a closed courtyard as in prison. On 9 November 2008 the applicant had not been shackled during her time outside and had been allowed to climb on a tree. She had also been able to move within her cell in order to alleviate ailments resulting from her rheumatism. As regards the applicant’s right to receive visits in detention, the Regional Court observed that under no. 11 of the Police Custody Regulations (see paragraph 47 below), such visits were permitted in so far as they did not endanger the purpose of the detention and were authorised by the police. The said provision had to be read in conjunction with section 20 § 4 of the Lower Saxony Public Security and Order Act (see paragraph 44 below). The Regional Court noted that the Braunschweig Police had received some 200 telephone calls of sympathisers of the applicant, some of whom had insulted the police, which had considerably disturbed the execution of the applicant’s detention. It had not been unlawful in these circumstances for the police not to permit visits by persons who had presented themselves at the police station without having lodged a request for a visit. In any event, the applicant had been visited by three persons while in detention, in addition to the two visits by her doctor, C., who had prescribed her necessary medication and had brought a couple of magazines. Her right to receive visits had not been unlawfully restricted in these circumstances. The Regional Court’s decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 6 November 2009. 3. The proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court By submissions dated 1 December 2009 the applicant, represented by counsel, lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the decision of the Lüneburg District Court of 6 November 2008, confirmed on appeal by the Lüneburg Regional Court on 7 November 2008, and against the decision of the Lüneburg District Court of 15 July 2009, confirmed on appeal by the Lüneburg Regional Court on 28 October 2009. She argued, in particular, that her right to liberty, the principle of proportionality and her right to freedom of assembly and of expression had been violated by her long illegal detention in unreasonable conditions in order to prevent insignificant regulatory offences. Her complaint was registered under file no. 2 BvR 2794/09. In a letter dated 18 August 2010 addressed to the applicant in person, the Federal Constitutional Court informed the applicant that her constitutional complaint of 1 December 2009 against the decisions of the Lüneburg District Court of 15 July 2009, confirmed on appeal by the Lüneburg Regional Court on 28 October 2009, in so far as the decisions concerned the conditions of her detention, had been registered under file no. 2 BvR 1779/10. On 24 August 2010 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint against the above‑mentioned four decisions in so far as these decisions concerned the lawfulness of the applicant’s detention, without giving reasons (file no. 2 BvR 2794/09). The Federal Constitutional Court’s decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 21 September 2010. In her letter to the Federal Constitutional Court dated 3 October 2010 the applicant’s counsel, referring to the two file numbers assigned to the applicant’s constitutional complaint, the letter of 18 August 2010 and the decision of 24 August 2010, asked for a progress report; she was informed that it was not possible to indicate when a decision on the complaint under file no. 2 BvR 1779/10 would be taken. On 30 May 2012 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint against the decision of the Lüneburg District Court dated 15 July 2009, confirmed on appeal by the Lüneburg Regional Court on 28 October 2009, without giving reasons (file no. 2 BvR 1779/10). The decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 18 June 2012.
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{ "applicant": "Cécile Lecomte", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2015 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Cécile Lecomte
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 25706/03) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Polish national, Ms Ewa Glesmann (“the applicant”), on 13 March 2003. 2. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr T. Kochanowski, a lawyer practising in Berlin. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. 3. On 19 June 2006 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility. 4. The Polish Government, having been informed of their right to intervene in the proceedings (Article 36 § 1 and Rule 44), did not indicate that they wished to exercise that right. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE 1. Background to the case The applicant was born in 1948 and lives in Berlin. 6. She is the mother of a daughter S., born in wedlock on 19 September 1990. 7. On 9 December 1996 the applicant filed a petition to be divorced from the child’s father. In February 1997 she requested to be granted sole parental authority. 8. On 19 June 1997, during a hearing before the Pankow-Weissensee District Court (Amtsgericht) in proceedings relating to divorce and parental authority, both parents declared their consent to the child’s temporary placement in a foster family. This measure was originally planned for a short period of time during which a court-appointed expert was to prepare his opinion on custody rights and aimed at preventing the child’s welfare being jeopardised by serious tensions arising from her parents’ divorce proceedings. According to the applicant’s submissions, which are contested by the Government, she gave her consent only under the threat that the child would otherwise be permanently placed in a children’s home. 9. On 25 June 1997 S. was placed in the care of a foster family. According to the applicant’s submissions, which are contested by the Government, the applicant was not informed about the foster parents’ place of residence for almost two years and was thus prevented from exercising access rights. 10. On 3 July 1997 the District Court ordered the preparation of an expert opinion on the questions of parental authority and access rights. 11. On 9 February 1998 the expert E. submitted her expert opinion. She considered that the child S. suffered from a serious emotional disorder which had been caused by family tensions and that S. should be offered psychotherapy in order to overcome her traumata. The decision on custody and access rights should be suspended until the child had stabilised. 12. In August 1997 a scheduled visiting contact with the applicant failed because of the child’s objections. On 11 September 1997 the District Court suggested that visiting contacts with both parents should be suspended during the child’s examination or should only take place with the expert’s collaboration. By letter of 23 October 1997 the applicant’s counsel supported the proposal that both parents’ access should be suspended in order to prevent the father from negatively influencing the child. 13. On 9 July 1998 the applicant consented to the child’s remaining with the foster family for the duration of the necessary psychotherapy, which she estimated at one year. 14. On 29 October 1998, during the hearing on the parents’ divorce, both parents’ counsels unanimously declared that they presently did not lodge any motions regarding parental authority. The divorce was decreed on that same day. 15. On 28 January 1999 staff members of the Youth Welfare Office, of the Child and Youth Psychiatric Service and the expert E. discussed the child’s therapy requirements. In the course of the discussion the Child and Youth Psychiatric Service, whose recommendation was necessary for instigating therapeutic measures, convinced the expert that S. was not in need of psychotherapy. 2. Proceedings on parental authority and access rights On 10 February 1999 the applicant filed a motion with the Pankow-Weissensee District Court with the aim to be granted regular access rights to her daughter. She declared that she presently did not wish to have the child’s placement with the foster family terminated. On 23 March 1999 the Child and Youth Psychiatric Service submitted its report. They considered that psychotherapy was currently not necessary, as the child’s psychological situation had considerably improved and stabilised. It was proposed to instigate contacts between the child and her parents under psychotherapeutic or pedagogical guidance. On 21 April 1999 the Youth Office, the applicant and S.’s father agreed on three initial visiting contacts under the supervision of a family assistant. By letter dated 23 July 1999 the applicant urged the District Court to promote the proceedings. On 9 September 1999 the District Court held a hearing in the presence of the applicant, the child’s father and their counsels. The parties agreed that a supplementary expert opinion should be commissioned as to how visiting contacts could be instigated and the child’s return prepared. The District Court judge emphasised that visiting contacts should take place at least once per month in order to avoid further alienation. On 10 September 1999 the District Court ordered the parents to advance the costs for the expert opinion. On 26 October 1999 the applicant advanced her share of the costs. On 9 February 2000 the District Court, following the applicant’s enquiry, informed her that the father had failed to advance his share of the costs. On 6 March 2000 the applicant advanced the father’s share of the costs. On 6 March 2000 the District Court ordered the psychological expert H. to prepare an expert opinion on how parental authority, the child’s residence and access to the child should be regulated. On 28 June 2000 the applicant urgently requested the District Court to be granted parental authority and the right to decide on the child’s residence with the aim to return the child to the applicant’s household. On 29 June 2000 the District Court informed the applicant that the outcome of the expert examination should be awaited. On 24 August 2000 the expert informed the court that the termination of the expert opinion had been delayed by an attempt to return the child to the applicant and announced that he would submit his opinion by mid-September at the latest. On 23 October 2000 the District Court received H.’s expert opinion. Having on several occasions heard and examined both parents, the child S., the foster family and the Youth Office, the expert found that S. felt at ease within the foster family, where she was well taken care of and encouraged. The expert further noted that both parents were in principle able to raise the child. However, the child’s relationship with her mother was seriously disrupted. An attempt gradually to return the child to the applicant had failed. Having initially agreed to visits, the child had been deeply disturbed by an overnight stay and expressed the wish not to visit her mother again. The expert concluded that the child’s fears could be handled once she could rest assured to permanently remain in the foster family. The expert suggested that the child should remain in the foster family, that the Youth Office should be granted the right to decide about the child’s place of residence and that visiting rights with the parents should be limited to one visit per month in order to allow the child to stabilise. The expert further stressed that S. was in need of psychotherapy. On 15 January 2001 the applicant requested to be granted parental authority and that the child be returned to her. On 22 January 2001 the child’s father opposed the applicant’s request and proposed to leave the child with the foster family. On 26 January 2001 the District Court held a hearing in the presence of the applicant, the child’s father, a representative of the Youth Office, the child S. and the foster parents. All parties to the proceedings agreed that the child should be offered therapy without further delay. During the time of therapy, which was estimated at fifteen months, S. should stay with the foster family and the parents should be granted access at least once per month. The parties further agreed that no decisions should presently be taken on the pending motions on parental authority and the determination of the child’s place of residence. On 26 March, 25 April and 9 July 2001 the applicant informed the District Court that visiting contacts had failed due to the child’s resistance and the foster parents’ lack of cooperation. On 10 July 2001 the applicant requested the court to give a decision on her motions. On 16 July 2001 the court informed the applicant that it did not serve the child’s best interests to interfere with the current process of consolidation and asked the applicant if she requested the court to give a decision. On 30 July 2001 the applicant confirmed that she requested that a decision be given on her motions. On 3 September 2001 the District Court judge heard the child S. who declared that she felt at ease with the foster family and wished to remain there. S. further stated that the monthly contacts with her mother were not good since she did not feel at ease with her, while the monthly contacts with her father were good. On 21 September 2001 the applicant requested the District Court to appoint a curator ad litem to represent the child. On 25 October 2001 the District Court appointed a curator ad litem and requested the Youth Office to report on the development of psychotherapy. On 9 February 2002 the child’s curator informed the court that she would need another six weeks to prepare her submissions. On 5 March 2002 the applicant requested that a court decision be given immediately. On 15 March 2002 the District Court judge informed the applicant that he awaited the curator’s submissions. On 25 March 2002 the applicant informed the District Court that psychotherapy had been terminated and complained about the conduct of the proceedings. On 25 March 2002 the child’s curator submitted her statement to the court. She reported that S. wished to live with the foster family and was seriously opposed to contacts with her parents. The curator recommended that this wish be respected. On 28 June 2002 the court requested the Youth Office to report on the child’s present life circumstances and on the discontinuation of therapy. On 21 October 2002 the Youth Office submitted a report by the psychologist L. dated 30 August 2002. According to the Youth Office, it had not been able to submit the report earlier as the applicant had not given her authorisation for release of medical information. In her comments, L. reported that her attempts to build up contacts with S. had failed due to the child’s resistance to any such efforts. She had discontinued psychotherapy on 5 March 2002 as a continuation of her efforts would be harmful for the child’s development. The expert further noted that S. suffered from a trauma caused by the life circumstances in her family of origin and that she tried to distance herself from her parents. The expert further expressed the opinion that the proceedings had been burdened by a number of shortcomings. Under the present circumstances, the parents had to cope with the fact that it was in the child’s best interest to remain with the foster family. However, it was essential for both the parents and the child that visiting contact were not discontinued completely. On 13 December 2002 the Youth Office recommended that S. should stay with the foster family until reaching majority and that no contacts should be instigated against the child’s wishes. On 6 January 2003 the District Court proposed that the parents should abstain from making use of access rights for one year and that contact should be carefully re-established afterwards. On 15 January 2003 the applicant rejected this proposal and submitted that recent visiting contacts between herself and her daughter had developed in a more positive way. On 24 April 2003 the Pankow-Weissensee District Court, following a hearing attended by the parents, the child’s curator ad litem, two representatives of the Youth Office and the foster parents, withdrew parental authority from the parents and transferred it to the Youth Office. Furthermore, visiting contacts between the child and her parents were suspended for one year. The District Court considered that the applicant was unable to accept the child’s wishes and her present life circumstances within the foster family. She was, in particular, unable to accept that a parent-child relationship had developed between the child and her foster parents. Accordingly, she was unable to try to alleviate the conflict constantly arising from this situation. Taking into account the fact that the child was deeply rooted within the foster family, it would be potentially harmful for the child’s well-being to remove her from there, as requested by the applicant. The District Court further considered that S.’s father had shown great understanding with regard to the child’s needs and that he had given his consent to the child’s remaining with the foster family. However, transferring sole parental authority to the father would distort the situation of conflict the child was exposed to and could jeopardise her psychological well-being. It followed that parental authority had to be withdrawn from both parents and transferred to the Youth Office. Finally, the District Court considered that, taking into account the child’s serious objections, the applicant’s tendency to massively interfere with the child’s life in the foster family and the need to stabilise and strengthen the child, access rights would very probably jeopardise the child’s well-being and had to be suspended for one year. This decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 9 July 2003. On 8 August 2003 the applicant lodged an appeal with the Berlin Court of Appeal (Kammergericht). She emphasised that the child’s placement in the foster family had been devised as a temporary measure and considered the measures taken by the District Court to be disproportionate. On 13 November 2003 the child’s curator submitted her comments. She considered that the child’s persistent wish not to see her parents should be respected. On 9 January 2004 the child’s father submitted his comments. He considered that the child should remain with the foster family, but requested to be granted monthly access rights. On 12 January 2004 the Court of Appeal held a hearing in the presence of S., her curator ad litem, her parents, the foster parents and a Youth Office representative. Following the hearing, the Court of Appeal quashed the District Court’s decision, transferred sole parental authority to the child’s father and granted the applicant visiting rights once per month for five and a half hours each. Referring to the opinion submitted by the court-appointed expert H. and to the comments submitted by the therapist L., the Court of Appeal considered that the relationship between the child and the applicant had to be regarded as problematic. The applicant’s wish to remove the child from the foster family would cause the child serious psychological damage. All parties heard in the proceedings had confirmed that the child found a sense of security and stability in the foster family, where she had been living for six and a half years. The child had consistently expressed the wish to live with the foster family as a full family member. The Court of Appeal conceded that the alienation between the applicant and her daughter had to a substantial degree been caused by the period of time which had elapsed since her placement in the foster family, which was originally planned as a short-time measure. The proceedings could and should have been conducted in a considerably more stringent way. However, the decision had to be taken in accordance with the child’s welfare, which was not defined by earlier shortcomings of the proceedings. The child’s welfare required to assure her that she could remain with the foster family without having to fear that her stable life situation would change for reasons which she could not understand. The Court of Appeal noted, however, that the prerequisites of section 1666 of the Civil Code had not been met, as the child’s father was able and willing to accept the child’s wishes and to co-operate with both the Youth-Office and the foster family. Accordingly, sole parental authority was to be awarded to him. The Court of Appeal finally found that there were no reasons to suspend the applicant’s access rights. While the child S., when heard by the Court of Appeal, had confirmed that she did not have any interest in meeting her mother, she had also declared that she was ready to visit her once per month if the court proceedings and permanent hearings would come to an end. The Court of Appeal considered monthly visits of five and a half hours each necessary and sufficient to give the applicant and her child the possibility to get closer again. It also stated that the child was free to visit her mother at any other time if she should wish to do so. On 1 March 2004 the applicant lodged a complaint against the Court of Appeal’s decision, in which she gave a full account of the proceedings before the civil courts and alleged that the impugned decision was disproportionate and violated her right to the enjoyment of her family life under Article 6 of the Basic Law. On 8 March 2004 the Federal Constitutional Court’s Registry requested the applicant’s counsel to submit a copy of the District Court’s decision dated 24 April 2003. On 22 March 2004 the applicant’s counsel submitted the requested document. On 12 October 2004 the Federal Constitutional Court, sitting as a panel of three judges, refused to admit the applicant’s constitutional complaint for adjudication pursuant to the relevant provisions of that court’s Rules of Procedure without giving any further reasons. 3. Proceedings concerning accommodation costs On 2 July 2002 the Reinickendorf-Berlin District Council (Bezirksamt) ordered the applicant to contribute a specific amount to the costs incurred by the accommodation of her daughter in the foster family from 25 June 1997 until 31 December 1998. On 4 June 2004 the Berlin Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgericht) rejected the applicant’s complaint. On 19 September 2005 the Berlin-Brandenburg Administrative Court of Appeal (Oberverwaltungsgericht) refused to grant the applicant leave to appeal.
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{ "applicant": "Ewa Glesmann", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2008 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Ewa Glesmann
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 16 February 1990, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). It originated in an application (no. 11662/85) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by an Austrian citizen, Mr Gerhard Oberschlick, in June 1985. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Austria recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether or not the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 para. 1 and Article 10 (art. 6-1, art. 10) of the Convention. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and sought leave to present his case himself. On 24 April 1990 the President granted this leave, subject to the applicant’s being assisted by an Austrian jurist (Rule 30 para. 1, second sentence). At the same time he authorised the applicant to use the German language (Rule 27 para. 3). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr F. Matscher, the elected judge of Austrian nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 26 March 1990 the President drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the other seven members, namely Mr Thór Vilhjálmsson, Mrs D. Bindschedler-Robert, Mr J. Pinheiro Farinha, Sir Vincent Evans, Mr N. Valticos, Mr S.K. Martens and Mr I. Foighel (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). Mr Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5) and, through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Austrian Government (“the Government“), the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant on the need for a written procedure (Rule 37 para. 1). In accordance with the orders made in consequence, the registry received, on 29 June and 3 July 1990 respectively, the Government’s and the applicant’s memorials. In a letter of 19 July 1990 the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing. Subsequently, the Secretary produced a number of documents requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions. Having consulted, through the Registrar, those who would be appearing before the Court, the President directed on 14 June 1990 that the oral proceedings should open on 19 November 1990 (Rule 38). The hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr W. Okresek, Federal Chancellery, Agent, Mr F. Haug, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr S. Benner, Federal Ministry of Justice, Advisers; for the Commission Mr L. Loucaides, Delegate; for the applicant Mr H. Tretter, Assistant. The Court heard their addresses and their replies to its questions. During the hearing the Government and the applicant filed several documents; the latter also lodged supplementary observations on the application of Article 50 (art. 50) of the Convention. Subsequently the Government was invited to comment thereon and replied on 21 January 1991. After the closing of the procedure, the registry received on 4 February 1991 several observations by the applicant which were rejected in accordance with Rule 37 para. 1, second sub-paragraph. On 22 November 1990 the Chamber had relinquished jurisdiction in favour of the plenary Court (Rule 51). Having taken note of the Government’s agreement and the opinions of the Commission and the applicant, the Court decided, on 23 January 1991, to proceed to judgment without holding a further hearing (Rule 26). AS TO THE FACTS I. THE PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mr Oberschlick, an Austrian journalist residing in Vienna, was at the relevant time the editor of the review Forum. A. Background to the case On 29 March 1983 - during the parliamentary election campaign - it was reported in a television programme that Mr Walter Grabher-Meyer, then Secretary General of one of the political parties which participated in the governing coalition, the Austrian Liberal Party (FPÖ), had suggested that the family allowances for Austrian women should be increased by 50% in order to obviate their seeking abortions for financial reasons, whilst those paid to immigrant mothers should be reduced to 50% of their current levels. He had justified his statement by saying that immigrant families were placed in a discriminatory position in other European countries as well. On 20 April 1983 the applicant and several other persons laid a criminal information (Strafanzeige) against Mr Grabher-Meyer. However, the Vienna public prosecutor’s office decided on 1 June 1983 not to prosecute him. On the day it was laid, the full text of the criminal information was published by the applicant in Forum. The cover page of the relevant issue contained a summary of its contents, including the title : “Criminal information against the Liberal Party Secretary General (Strafanzeige gegen FPÖ-Generalsekretär)“. The following text appeared at page 9: (Translation) “CRIMINAL INFORMATION against WALTER GRABHER-MEYER Date of birth unknown, occupation: Secretary General, c/o FPÖ (Liberal Party), Federal Central Office, Kärntnerstrasse 28, 1010 Vienna ON SUSPICION OF the misdemeanour (Vergehen) of incitement to hatred, contrary to Article 283 of the Criminal Code, the misdemeanour (Vergehen) of incitement to commit criminal offences and expressing approval of criminal offences, contrary to Article 282 of the Criminal Code, and the offence (Verbrechen) of activities within the meaning of sections 3 and 3d of the Constitutional Law of 8 May 1945 (StGBl. no. 13) on the prohibition of the National Socialist Party (NSDAP) (“Prohibition Act“). THE FACTS ‘The Secretary General of the Liberal Party, Mr Walter Grabher-Meyer today proposed raising family allowances for Austrian women by 50%, the aim of this measure being to deter Austrian women from having abortions for financial reasons. At the same time Walter Grabher-Meyer demanded that family allowances from the Austrian State for mothers of migrant workers’ families (Gastarbeitermütter) should be reduced to half the present level. Grabher-Meyer stated that migrant worker families are placed in a less favourable position in other European countries too.’ ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation), Television programmes 1 + 2 Late News 29.3.1983 Count 1: Walter Grabher-Meyer’s public statement was made in a way which offends human dignity and is directed against a group of persons defined by their membership of a people, ethnic group or State; in the present case, by the fact that they do not have Austrian citizenship. The contrasting treatment of Austrian women, who are to be spared the need for abortions by being placed in a better financial position, and mothers of migrant workers’ families who are not only not to be treated in the same way, but who are moreover, according to Walter Grabher-Meyer’s suggestion, to have their family allowances halved (allowances which in his opinion are too low to prevent abortion for financial reasons), gives the impression, which must in all likelihood have been intended by him, that mothers of migrant workers’ families and their unborn children are an inferior, worthless or less valuable sector of the population as a whole, and that it is in the interests of the Austrian people for such mothers to have abortions. Walter Grabher-Meyer has thereby presented migrant workers as being undeserving or unworthy of the respect of their fellow human beings; the authors of this information regard this as a tendentious incitement to hatred of and contempt for migrant workers in Austria, object thereto and lay this information. Count 2: Walter Grabher-Meyer is publicly proposing - and thereby calling in particular on the Austrian Parliament and the Federal Government to introduce - measures which constitute the substance of the offence of activities within the meaning of sections 3 and 3d of the Prohibition Act (see below). Count 3: Under section 3 of the Prohibition Act, activities of any sort on behalf of the NSDAP or its aims are prohibited, even if such activities are carried out outside that organisation. Section 3d of the Prohibition Act says that “A person who in public or in the presence of several persons ... instigates, incites or seeks to induce conduct prohibited by section 1 or section 3, in particular any person who for this purpose glorifies or extols the aims, organs or actions of the NSDAP, shall, unless a more serious offence appears therein, be punished by a term of imprisonment of from 10 to 20 years and confiscation of his entire property“. The authors of this information refer in this connection to the 25 points of the NSDAP Manifesto of 24.2.1920. They note that, until the passing of the NSDAP Prohibition Act of 8 May 1945 by the Provisional Government, this manifesto remained the party’s sole programme and that it therefore contains in authentic and complete form the aims of the NSDAP’s programme. It says inter alia that: ‘5. A person who does not have German nationality is to be able to live in Germany only as a visitor and must be subject to aliens legislation. 7. We demand that the State undertake, first and foremost, to provide opportunities for employment and the subsistence of its citizens. If it is not possible to feed the entire population of the State, citizens of foreign nations (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich. 8. All further immigration of non-Germans is to be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have immigrated to Germany since 2 August 1914 be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.’ Creating a hostile attitude to citizens of foreign nations (non-citizens), and placing them in a less favourable position, to such an extent that it became difficult for them to live in the Reich and they were forced to leave, were essential aims of the NSDAP and its policy. Walter Grabher-Meyer’s proposal to increase family allowances for Austrian women by 50% in order to stop them having abortions for financial reasons, and at the same time to reduce family allowances for mothers of migrant workers’ families to half the present level, represents a cynical means of driving citizens of foreign nations out of the Republic of Austria and indeed forcing those who stay in the Republic of Austria to have abortions; being entirely consistent with and corresponding to the philosophy and aims of the NSDAP that ‘the State must first and foremost provide opportunities for employment and the subsistence of its citizens’, these proposals are aimed, amongst other things, at improving the living conditions of citizens (Austrian mothers) by worsening those of migrant workers and, at the same time, at preventing all further immigration of non-Austrians (see above, NSDAP points 7 and 8). From this it is apparent that Walter Grabher-Meyer has undertaken activities which correspond to the aims of the NSDAP, or at the very least has extolled its measures against citizens of foreign nations by proposing that such measures be applied in Austria. As to the accuracy of these allegations, the authors of this information rely on their own statements, the ORF newsreaders’ scripts for the Late News on television programmes 1 and 2 on 29.3.1983 and the NSDAP manifesto of 24.2.1920. This criminal information is therefore laid against Walter Grabher-Meyer etc. (Signed):..., Gerhard Oberschlick“ B. Private prosecution against the applicant 1. First set of proceedings On 22 April 1983 Mr Grabher-Meyer brought a private prosecution for defamation (üble Nachrede, Article 111 of the Criminal Code - see paragraph 25 below) against the applicant and the other signatories of the criminal information. He also sought the immediate seizure of the relevant issue of Forum (sections 33 and 36 of the Media Act - Mediengesetz) and compensation from its owners (section 6 of the Media Act - see paragraph 26 below). The Review Chamber (Ratskammer) of the Vienna Regional Criminal Court (Landesgericht für Strafsachen - “the Regional Court“) decided on the same day to order the discontinuance of the proceedings under Article 485 para. 1 (4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 28 below). It found that the publication did not constitute the criminal offence defined in Article 111 of the Criminal Code, since the case did not concern the wrongful attribution of a certain (dishonest) behaviour, but only value-judgments (Bewertung) on behaviour which, as such, had been correctly described. On appeal by Mr Grabher-Meyer the Vienna Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht), composed of Mr Cortella, as President, and Mr Schmidt and Mr Hagen, quashed the above decision on 31 May 1983. It held that for the average reader the publication must have created the impression that a contemptible attitude (verächtliche Gesinnung) was ascribed to Mr Grabher-Meyer. The authors had disregarded the standards of fair journalism by going beyond a comparative and critical analysis of his statements and insinuating motives which he had not himself expressed, in particular by alleging that he had been guided by National Socialist attitudes. Accordingly, the case was referred back to the Regional Court. 2. Second set of proceedings (a) Before the Regional Court 17. On 20 July 1983 the defamation proceedings against the signatories of the criminal information other than Mr Oberschlick were severed from the main proceedings by the Regional Court and referred for decision to the Vienna District Court for Criminal Matters (Strafbezirksgericht), on the ground that those persons had not been associated with the publication in Forum. On 9 April 1984 the former proceedings were discontinued. 18. On 25 July 1983 the Regional Court ordered the publication in Forum of information about the defamation proceedings against the applicant (section 37 of the Media Act - see paragraph 26 below). This decision was confirmed by the Court of Appeal on 7 September 1983. 19. The Regional Court held a hearing on 11 May 1984, during which it heard evidence from Mr Grabher-Meyer and the applicant. The latter offered evidence that what he had written was true (Wahrheitsbeweis), claiming that in this respect it was sufficient to establish that a criminal information had actually been laid in the terms published in Forum. He argued that by reporting his suspicions he had been fulfilling a legal duty and that he was therefore exculpated under Article 114 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 25 below). The fact that the legal qualification of Mr Grabher-Meyer’s statements might have been erroneous could not be held against him because he was not a lawyer. 20. On the same day the applicant was convicted of defamation (Article 111 paras.1 and 2) and sentenced to a fine of 4,000 Austrian schillings or, in default, to 25 days’ imprisonment. The Regional Court also made the following orders against the owners (Medieninhaber) of Forum - the Association of Editors and Employees of Forum (Verein der Redakteure und Angestellten des Forum): the seizure of the relevant issue of Forum, the publication of its judgment (sections 33 and 34 of the Media Act), and the award to Mr Grabher-Meyer of compensation of 5,000 schillings (section 6 of the Media Act). In addition, they were declared to be jointly and severally liable for the payment of the fine (section 35 para. 1 of the Media Act - see paragraph 26 below). In its judgment of 11 May 1984, the Regional Court held that it was bound by the opinion expressed by the Court of Appeal in its decision of 31 May 1983 (see paragraph 16 above). Therefore the objective conditions for the offence of defamation were satisfied. Mr Oberschlick also fulfilled the subjective requirements because he had acknowledged that he had intended to draw attention to what, in his opinion, was the National Socialist way of thinking of Mr Grabher-Meyer. Mr Oberschlick had, however, not established the truth of his allegations nor justified them. In the Regional Court’s view, it was not sufficient that this politician had made the criticised statements and that a criminal information regarding it had been laid in the terms published in Forum. The statements in question did not necessarily show the intentions Mr Oberschlick had inferred therefrom. It could also be understood as a proposal to reallocate the notoriously limited resources of the Family Compensation Fund in favour of Austrians in order to stem the influx of migrant workers. This admittedly revealed a xenophobic way of thinking, but did not yet amount to a National Socialist attitude or to a criminal offence. The fact that the publication involved only a reprint of the criminal information did not exculpate the applicant. Whilst everyone was free to report to the police facts which he considered constituted a criminal offence, it went far beyond the mere reporting of a criminal suspicion to publish the text of the information in a periodical and thus to make it accessible to the general public. There was no justification for doing so. In this respect, the applicant could not invoke a legal duty under Article 114 of the Criminal Code, namely to draw the public’s attention to the (allegedly) Nazi mentality of a high-ranking official of a governing party. That allegation came under the general rule that a person who had made an attack of this kind through the media had to prove that it was true. 21. Mr Oberschlick subsequently requested on several occasions to be supplied with a copy of the record of the hearing, but without success. It seems that it was not until after the communication of the written judgment on 24 August 1984 that the record reached the applicant. On 6 September he applied for a rectification of the trial record which, according to him, failed to mention certain statements by Mr Grabher-Meyer which were of importance for assessing the evidence concerning the truth of the applicant’s allegations. He had allegedly stated at the trial, inter alia, that he was opposed to excessive immigration of foreigners (Überfremdung) and that for tactical reasons he approved the “stop foreigners“ campaign (“Ausländer Halt“) which had been conducted by a right-wing political party and had subsequently been prohibited. He had also allegedly admitted having considered social-policy measures directed against the children of foreign workers in Austrian schools. On 4 October 1984 the Regional Court rejected this application, after having consulted the transcriber, on the ground that after five months the judge had no recollection of the detailed statements. It nevertheless pointed out that although the latter did not appear in the transcriber’s notes, similar statements did. (b) Before the Court of Appeal 22. On 17 December 1984 the Vienna Court of Appeal, composed of the same judges and again presided over by Mr Cortella (see paragraph 16 above), dismissed the applicant’s appeal (Berufung). In relation to a complaint concerning the Regional Court’s decision of 4 October 1984 (see paragraph 21 above), the Court of Appeal observed that this decision was final. Furthermore, it did not appear that the Regional Court had failed to determine any requests made during the trial concerning the record. In any event, the statements in question were irrelevant for the judgment on the merits of the matter. 23. The Court of Appeal then dealt with the substantive issues. In its view, the Regional Court had not been legally bound by the Court of Appeal’s earlier decision concerning the qualification of the offence. The Court of Appeal, however, saw no reason to depart from that decision. What was decisive was that Mr Grabher-Meyer was alleged to have had motives which he himself had not expressed. The case therefore did not concern the (possibly incorrect) legal qualification of his statements, but allegations putting a stain on his character which objectively could not be inferred from those statements. According to the Court of Appeal, the Regional Court had rightly held that what had to be proved was the truth of the critical inferences as to Mr Grabher-Meyer’s character made in the article and had rightly found that the applicant had failed to bring this proof. The fact that a short report on the criminal information against this politician would not have been punishable did not justify the conclusion that a full reprint of it was not punishable either. The publication in the form of a criminal information was intended to ensure that the accusation as to his character made therein would have a particularly telling effect on the average reader. Neither the right to report a criminal suspicion (Article 86 para. 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure - see paragraph 27 below) nor the exception provided for in Article 114 para. 2 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 25 below) justified the publication because it was not appropriate (mangels Anlassadäquanz): it had been insinuated, without a sufficient basis in the facts, that Mr Grabher-Meyer held National Socialist attitudes. 24. The written text of the judgment was served upon the applicant on 7 January 1985. On 25 September 1985 he requested the Attorney-General (Generalprokurator) to file a plea of nullity for the preservation of the law (Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde zur Wahrung des Gesetzes), but he was informed on 9 January 1986 that the Attorney-General did not intend to take any action.
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{ "applicant": "Gerhard Oberschlick", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1991 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Gerhard Oberschlick
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 28274/08) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Ms Brigitte Heinisch (“the applicant”), on 9 June 2008. The applicant was represented by Mr B. Hopmann, a lawyer practising in Berlin. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged, in particular, that her dismissal without notice from her employment as a geriatric nurse, on the ground that she had brought a criminal complaint against her employer alleging deficiencies in the institutional care provided, and the refusal of the domestic courts in the ensuing proceedings to order her reinstatement had infringed her right to freedom of expression. On 15 December 2009 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1). The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the admissibility and merits of the application. In addition, third-party submissions were received from Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di), a trade union representing employees in the service sector, including nursing services, which had been granted leave by the President to intervene in the written procedure (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 3 of the Rules of Court) and which was represented by Mr F. Bsirske, Chairman of its Managing Board, and Mr G. Herzberg, Deputy Chairman. The parties replied to those third-party submissions (Rule 44 § 6). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1961 and lives in Berlin. She had been working as a geriatric nurse for Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Vivantes”), a limited liability company specialising in health care, geriatrics and assistance to the elderly which is majority-owned by the Land of Berlin, from 16 September 2000 until 9 February 2005, when she was dismissed. A. The events leading to the applicant’s dismissal Since January 2002 the applicant had been working in a geriatric nursing home operated by Vivantes, where the patients were partly bedridden, disorientated, and generally dependent on special assistance. In 2002 the Medical Review Board of the Health Insurance Fund (Medizinischer Dienst der Krankenkassen, hereinafter referred to as “MDK”) established serious shortcomings in the daily care provided there, caused by a shortage of staff. Between 24 January 2003 and 19 October 2004 the applicant and her colleagues regularly indicated to the management that they were overburdened on account of staff shortages and therefore had difficulties carrying out their duties. They specified the deficiencies in the care provided and also mentioned that services were not properly documented. In a notification dated 18 May 2003 the applicant further mentioned that she was no longer in a position to assume responsibility for the shortcomings in care resulting from staff shortages. From 19 May 2003 onwards the applicant repeatedly fell ill and was sometimes unable to work. One medical certificate stated that this was the result of overworking. In November 2003, following a further inspection, the MDK, established serious shortcomings in the care provided, on grounds of, inter alia, staff shortages, inadequate standards and unsatisfactory care as well as inadequate documentation of care, and accordingly threatened to terminate the service agreement with the applicant’s employer. Subsequently, restructuring took place. Following a number of further notifications to her superiors explaining the situation, in particular in October 2004, the applicant again fell ill and finally consulted a lawyer. In a letter dated 9 November 2004 the applicant’s legal counsel wrote to the Vivantes management. He pointed out that, on account of the lack of staff, the patients’ basic hygienic care (ausreichende hygienische Grundversorgung) could no longer be guaranteed. He also requested the management to specify how they intended to avoid criminal responsibility – also for the staff – and how they intended to ensure that the patients could be properly cared for. He pointed out to the management that only then could they avoid a criminal complaint or a public discussion of the situation, with all its negative implications. He gave the management until 22 November 2004 to respond. On 18 November 2004 the MDK again visited the premises without prior notice. It was subsequently in dispute between the parties whether the MDK had in fact established that the staffing situation, although difficult, was not critical. On 22 November 2004 the management rejected the applicant’s accusations. On 7 December 2004 the applicant’s lawyer lodged a criminal complaint against Vivantes for aggravated fraud and requested the public prosecutor to examine the circumstances of the case under all its relevant legal aspects. He specified that the complaint also served the purpose of avoiding criminal responsibility for the applicant herself following her numerous complaints to Vivantes which had not brought any improvements in the care provided. It was argued that, owing to the lack of staff and the inadequate standards, her employer knowingly failed to provide the high-quality care announced in its advertisements and hence did not provide the services paid for and was putting the patients at risk. He also alleged that Vivantes had systematically tried to cover up the existing problems and urged staff to falsify records of services rendered. The applicant’s complaint referred to the report produced by the MDK following their visit in 2003, and stated that she would be willing to attest to the bad conditions at the nursing home. It further included statements by the applicant concerning overworking and referred to minutes of a team meeting advising Vivantes staff, in order to avoid disciplinary consequences, not to disclose staff shortages and time pressures to patients and their relatives. The criminal complaint included the following passage: “The company Vivantes GmbH, which has financial difficulties and is aware of this, has deceived family members, because the care provided does not in any way correspond to or justify the fees paid. Vivantes GmbH is therefore enriching itself and accepts the inadequacy of the medical and hygienic care. ... This demonstrates how it systematically – including by intimidating staff – tries to cover up existing problems. Staff are requested to draw up records of care provided which do not reflect the way such care was actually given ... Similar problems exist in other institutions; therefore considerable damage is at issue.” On 10 December 2004 the applicant’s lawyer also contacted the board of directors of the applicant’s employer and stated that there was a shortage of staff at the nursing home and that it failed to meet hygiene standards. On 5 January 2005 the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office discontinued the preliminary investigations against Vivantes pursuant to Article 170 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozessordnung - see “Relevant domestic law and practice” below). By a letter dated 19 January 2005 the nursing home dismissed the applicant, on account of her repeated illness, with effect from 31 March 2005. The applicant challenged the dismissal before the Berlin Labour Court (file No. 35 Ca 3077/05). Subsequently, the applicant contacted friends and also her trade union, Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di). On 27 January 2005 they issued a leaflet headed as follows: “Vivantes wants to intimidate colleagues!! Not with us! Immediate revocation of the dismissal of our colleague Brigitte who used to work at Vivantes Forum for Senior Citizens Call for the foundation of a non-party solidarity group” The leaflet also stated that the applicant had lodged a criminal complaint but that this had not resulted in a criminal investigation and that she had been dismissed on account of her illness. It further stated as follows: “Let’s answer back at last ... The insanity that private operators, together with the Berlin SPD/PDS senate, are destroying our manpower out of greed ... Vivantes flagrantly takes advantage of our social commitment. ... This is more than just a dismissal! This is a political disciplinary measure taken in order to gag employees ...” On 31 January 2005 the applicant sent one such leaflet by fax to the residential home, where it was distributed. Only then did Vivantes become aware of the applicant’s criminal complaint. On 1 February 2005 the applicant’s employer gave her the opportunity to make a statement regarding the leaflet; the applicant declined to do so, however. On 4 February 2005 Vivantes informed the works council that it intended to dismiss the applicant without notice. On 8 February 2005 the works council declared that it would not agree to the applicant’s dismissal. On 9 February 2005 the applicant’s employer dismissed her without notice or, alternatively, by 31 March 2005 on suspicion of having initiated the production and dissemination of the leaflet. A new leaflet was subsequently issued reporting on this dismissal; in addition, the situation was reported in a TV programme and in two articles published in different newspapers. On 21 February 2005 the preliminary investigation proceedings against Vivantes were resumed by the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office at the applicant’s request. On 25 February 2005 the applicant lodged a claim with the Berlin Labour Court (file no. 39 Ca 4775/05) against her dismissal without notice of 9 February 2005. On 25 April 2005 the applicant’s former employer issued a further notice of dismissal. The applicant’s claim of 25 February 2005 was then extended accordingly. On 12 May 2005 the applicant was heard as a witness by the public prosecution in preliminary investigation proceedings against Vivantes. The preliminary proceedings were again discontinued on 26 May 2005 pursuant to Article 170 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. B. Civil proceedings following the applicant’s dismissal without notice By a judgment of 3 August 2005 (file No. 39 Ca 4775/05) the Berlin Labour Court (Arbeitsgericht) established that the employment contract had not been terminated by the dismissal of 9 February 2005 since this could not be justified under Article 626 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) or section 1(1) of the Unfair Dismissal Act (Kündigungsschutzgesetz - see “Relevant domestic law and practice” below). In this connection it found that the leaflet – the content of which was attributable to the applicant, since she had transmitted it to her employer without any further declaration – was covered by her right to freedom of expression and did not amount to a breach of her duties under the employment contract. Although it was polemical, it had been based on objective grounds and had not upset the “working climate” in the nursing home. Following a hearing on 28 March 2006, the Berlin Labour Court of Appeal (Landesarbeitsgericht), by a judgment of the same date, quashed the judgment of the Labour Court and found that the dismissal of 9 February 2005 had been lawful as the applicant’s criminal complaint had provided a “compelling reason” for the termination of the employment relationship without notice under Article 626 § 1 of the Civil Code and had made continuation of the employment relationship unacceptable. It found that the applicant had frivolously based the criminal complaint on facts that she could not prove in the course of the proceedings since, in particular, merely referring to the shortage of staff was not sufficient to enable her to allege fraud, and since she had failed to further specify the alleged instruction to falsify records, which was also evidenced by the fact that the public prosecutor had not opened an investigation. The Labour Court of Appeal further held that the criminal complaint amounted to a disproportionate reaction to the denial by Vivantes of any staff shortages, since the applicant had never attempted to have her allegation of fraud examined internally and since, moreover, she had intended to put undue pressure on her employer by provoking a public discussion of the issue. It also pointed out that the nursing home was under the supervision of the MDK, which had carried out a further inspection there on 18 November 2004, shortly before the applicant had lodged her complaint. She could have awaited the outcome of that visit and therefore her criminal complaint had been unnecessary. The court, referring also to the principles established by the Federal Labour Court in its relevant case-law (see “Relevant domestic law and practice” below), concluded that the applicant had not been acting within her constitutional rights and had breached her duty of loyalty towards her employer. On 6 June 2007 the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht) dismissed an appeal by the applicant against the decision refusing her leave to appeal on points of law. By a decision of 6 December 2007, which was served on the applicant on 12 December 2007, the Federal Constitutional Court refused, without stating further reasons, to accept her constitutional complaint for adjudication. II. RELEVANT DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL LAW AND PRACTICE A. Relevant domestic law and practice Dismissal of an employee for having lodged a criminal complaint against the employer Apart from specific legislation with respect to civil servants exposing suspected cases of corruption, German law does not contain general provisions governing the disclosure of deficiencies in enterprises or institutions, such as illegal conduct on the part of the employer, by an employee (“whistle-blowing”) and discussions on related draft legislation have for the time being not produced any results. (a) The relevant provisions of the German Civil Code and the Unfair Dismissal Act In the absence of such specific legislation, an extraordinary dismissal of an employee for having lodged a criminal complaint against his or her employer may be based on Article 626 § 1 of the Civil Code, which provides that an employment relationship may be terminated by either party to the contract without complying with a notice period for a “compelling reason” (wichtiger Grund). Facts must be present on the basis of which the party giving notice cannot reasonably be expected to continue the employment until the end of the notice period or to the agreed end of that relationship, taking all circumstances of the individual case into account and weighing up the interests of both parties to the contract. Section 1(1) of the Unfair Dismissal Act provides that termination of an employment relationship by the employer is unlawful if it is socially unjustified. Under section 1(2) of the Act, termination is socially unjustified unless it is, inter alia, based on grounds relating to the employee himself or to his conduct or continuation of the employment relationship would conflict with compelling requirements for the operation of the enterprise. (b) Case-law of the Federal Constitutional Court and Federal Labour Court In a decision of 2 July 2001 (file No. 1 BvR 2049/00) the Federal Constitutional Court ruled in a case where, at the request of the public prosecutor, an employee had given evidence and handed over documents in preliminary criminal investigations that had been instituted against his employer by the public prosecutor ex officio. The Federal Constitutional Court held that, in accordance with the rule of law, the discharge of a citizen’s duty to give evidence in criminal investigations could not in itself entail disadvantages under civil law. The Federal Constitutional Court further pointed out in an obiter dictum that even in the event that an employee reported the employer to the public prosecution authorities on his or her own initiative, the rule of law required that such exercise of a citizen’s right would, as a rule, not justify dismissal without notice, unless the employee had knowingly or frivolously reported incorrect information. In the light of the Federal Constitutional Court’s case-law, the Federal Labour Court, in a judgment of 3 July 2003 (file No. 2 AZR 235/02), further elaborated on the relation between an employee’s duty of loyalty towards the employer and the exercise of his or her constitutionally guaranteed rights. It reiterated that in reporting a criminal offence an employee had recourse to a means of implementing the law that was not only sanctioned by the legal order but also called for under the Constitution. An employee who exercised that right in good faith could not therefore incur a disadvantage in the event that the underlying allegations proved wrong or could not be clarified in the course of the ensuing proceedings. It held, however, that, taking into consideration the employee’s duty of loyalty, a [criminal] complaint lodged by an employee must not constitute a disproportionate reaction in response to the employer’s conduct. Indications of a disproportionate reaction by the complainant employee could be the justification of the complaint, the motivation of the person lodging the complaint or the failure to have previously drawn attention to the impugned deficiencies internally within the enterprise. In this context the employee’s motives for lodging the complaint were of particular significance. A complaint that was lodged solely to cause damage to the employer or to “wear him or her down” could constitute a disproportionate reaction depending on the charges underlying the complaint. As regards the possibility of previous internal clarification of the allegations, the court stated that it had to be determined in each individual case whether such an approach could reasonably have been expected of the employee. It would not be expected if the latter had obtained knowledge of an offence which, if he or she failed to report it, would render him or her liable to criminal prosecution or in the event of a serious criminal offence or an offence committed by the employer himself. In addition, previous internal clarification of the matter was not required if redress could not legitimately be expected. If the employer failed to remedy an unlawful practice even though the employee had previously drawn his attention to that practice, the latter was no longer bound by a duty of loyalty towards his employer. 2. The Code of Criminal Procedure Article 170 of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides for the following outcomes of investigation proceedings: “(1) If the investigations offer sufficient reason for bringing public charges, the public prosecution office shall submit a bill of indictment to the competent court. (2) In all other cases the public prosecution office shall terminate the proceedings. The public prosecutor shall notify the accused accordingly if he was examined as such or a warrant of arrest was issued against him; the same shall apply if he has requested such notice or if there is a particular interest in notifying him.” B. Relevant international law and practice In its Resolution 1729 (2010) on the protection of “whistle-blowers” the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe stressed the importance of “whistle-blowing” – concerned individuals sounding the alarm in order to stop wrongdoings that place fellow human beings at risk – as an opportunity to strengthen accountability, and bolster the fight against corruption and mismanagement, both in the public and private sectors. It invited all member States to review their legislation concerning the protection of “whistle-blowers”, keeping in mind the following guiding principles: 6.1.1. the definition of protected disclosures shall include all bona fide warnings against various types of unlawful acts, including all serious human rights violations which affect or threaten the life, health, liberty and any other legitimate interests of individuals as subjects of public administration or taxpayers, or as shareholders, employees or customers of private companies; 6.1.2. the legislation should therefore cover both public and private sector whistle-blowers ..., and 6.1.3. it should codify relevant issues in the following areas of law: employment law – in particular protection against unfair dismissals and other forms of employment-related retaliation; ... 6.2.2. This legislation should protect anyone who, in good faith, makes use of existing internal whistle-blowing channels from any form of retaliation (unfair dismissal, harassment or any other punitive or discriminatory treatment). 6.2.3. Where internal channels either do not exist, have not functioned properly or could reasonably be expected not to function properly given the nature of the problem raised by the whistle-blower, external whistle-blowing, including through the media, should likewise be protected. 6.2.4. Any whistle-blower shall be considered as having acted in good faith provided he or she had reasonable grounds to believe that the information disclosed was true, even if it later turns out that this was not the case, and provided he or she did not pursue any unlawful or unethical objectives.” The above guidelines were also referred to in the Parliamentary Assembly’s related Recommendation 1916 (2010). 38. Article 24 of the Revised European Social Charter reads as follows: “With a view to ensuring the effective exercise of the right of workers to protection in cases of termination of employment, the Parties undertake to recognise: ... a) the right of all workers not to have their employment terminated without valid reasons for such termination connected with their capacity or conduct or based on the operational requirements of the undertaking, establishment or service; ... The Appendix to Article 24 specifies : “3. For the purpose of this article the following, in particular, shall not constitute valid reasons for termination of employment: ... c the filing of a complaint or the participation in proceedings against an employer involving alleged violation of laws or regulations or recourse to competent administrative authorities; ...” Article 24 of the Revised European Social Charter has been ratified by twenty-four of the Council of Europe’s member States. Germany has signed but not yet ratified the Revised European Social Charter. 39. Article 5 of the Termination of Employment Convention of the International Labour Organisation (ILO Convention No. 158 of 22 June 1982) stipulates: “The following, inter alia, shall not constitute valid reasons for termination: ... (c) the filing of a complaint or the participation in proceedings against an employer involving alleged violation of laws or regulations or recourse to competent administrative authorities; ...”. Germany has not ratified ILO Convention No. 158. 40. A number of other international instruments address the protection of whistle-blowers in specific contexts, in particular the fight against corruption, such as the Council of Europe’s Criminal Law Convention on Corruption and Civil Law Convention on Corruption or the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
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{ "applicant": "Brigitte Heinisch", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Brigitte Heinisch
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 35396/97) against the Republic of San Marino lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a San Marinese national, Mrs Sylviane Stefanelli (“the applicant”), on 13 January 1997. The applicant was represented by Mr A. Selva, a lawyer practising in San Marino, and the San Marinese Government (“the Government”) were represented by their co-Agent, Mr G. Ceccoli. The applicant complained under Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 of the Convention of the unfairness of criminal proceedings that had been brought against her on the grounds that the preparatory stages of the proceedings at both first instance and on appeal had been directed by the same person, the public prosecutor had not been appointed in accordance with domestic law and there had been no public hearing either at first instance or on appeal. On 21 October 1998 the Commission (First Chamber) decided to give notice of the application to the Government and to invite them to submit observations in writing on its admissibility and merits. Following the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention on 1 November 1998 and in accordance with Article 5 § 2 thereof, the application was examined by the Court. The Government submitted their observations on 12 February 1999 and the applicant replied on 15 March 1999. In accordance with Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court, the President of the Court, Mr L. Wildhaber, assigned the case to the Second Section. The Chamber constituted within that Section included ex officio Mr L. Ferrari Bravo, the judge elected in respect of San Marino (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 26 § 1 (a)), and Mr C.L. Rozakis, President of the Section (Rule 26 § 1 (a)). The other members designated by the latter to complete the Chamber were Mr M. Fischbach, Mr G. Bonello, Mrs V. Strážnická, Mr A.B. Baka and Mr E. Levits (Rule 26 § 1 (b)). On 1 June 1999 the Chamber declared the application admissible as regards the lack of a public hearing at first instance and on appeal and inadmissible as to the remainder. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant is a San Marinese national. She was born in 1950 and lives in the Republic of San Marino. She works as a clerk. On 24 February 1992 the public prosecutor’s office in Bologna (Italy) sent letters rogatory to the San Marino Court requesting it to carry out a search at the applicant’s office. She was suspected of offences connected with the illegal sale of milk for zootechnical use. The San Marinese judicial authority decided to start its own investigations and the task of making the inquiries was assigned to an investigating judge (Commissario della Legge), E. On 28 February 1992 the applicant was questioned and arrested. On 2 April 1993 the Council of the XII appointed Mrs Z. as the public prosecutor (public prosecutor’s office). As she was unable to perform her duties owing to a conflict of interest she was replaced on 15 April 1993 by Mr S. The applicant maintained that the public prosecutor should have been appointed by the General Grand Council and not by the Council of the XII. On 15 December 1993 the investigating judge preferred final charges. After the witnesses had given evidence and the defence lawyers lodged their memorials, the case file was sent to Mr G., a first-instance judge. Public hearings at which witnesses gave evidence before the investigating judge were held on 19, 20 and 25 April and 3 and 4 May 1994. On 19 June 1996 the first-instance judge delivered his verdict without holding a public hearing and in the accused’s absence. He sentenced her to four years and six months’ imprisonment. He also ruled that she was dangerous and imposed a court supervision order as a security measure. The applicant appealed and lodged her grounds of appeal on 12 August 1996. The preparatory stage of the appeal was conducted by the same investigating judge, E., who had led the investigation at first instance. On 17 September 1996 the applicant lodged a complaint alleging a violation of fundamental principles of domestic law and of the European Convention on Human Rights. On 26 September she lodged a memorial. On 31 October 1996 Mr N., a criminal appeal court judge (Giudice delle Appellazioni penali), delivered the final judgment of the court of appeal, which was made public on 18 November 1996. In his decision, he rejected the allegation of a violation of fundamental principles on the ground that the legislation in issue had been amended in November 1992 and it was for the legislature to decide whether or not the reform applied to pending proceedings or, as it in fact decided, only to new proceedings. The judge upheld the conviction on the merits but reduced the sentence to three years’ imprisonment. He also quashed the declaration that the applicant was dangerous and the security measure.
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{ "applicant": "Sylviane Stefanelli", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "SMR", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2000 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Sylviane Stefanelli
PROCEDURE The case originated in three applications (nos. 21980/06, 26944/07 and 36948/08) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by the German national, Mr Iradj Kuhlen-Rafsandjani (“the applicant”), on 29 May 2006, 6 June 2007 and 11 July 2008 respectively. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Ms C. Krüger-Rauch, a lawyer practising in Schifferstadt. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the length of two sets of proceedings concerning custody of his children had been excessive. On 9 December 2009 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the applications to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the applications at the same time (Article 29 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1939 and lives in Heidelberg. A. Background to the case The applicant and his former wife married in 1996. They have two children, a son born in December 1992 and a daughter born in May 1996. Until 1997 the applicant assumed a major part of the child care while the mother completed her studies. In July 1997 the couple separated and the children remained with the mother. The applicant had regular contact with his children until the beginning of 1998 when the mother and children moved from Heidelberg to Rees in North Rhine-Westphalia. Following the move the mother's parents assumed a large part of the child care because the mother was in full-time employment. The applicant subsequently found that his regular contacts with the children were obstructed by the mother and her parents and lodged an application for the regulation of his contact rights (Umgangsrecht) with the Emmerich District Court in March 1998. By a court decision of 23 July 1998 (file no. 5 F 105/98) he was granted contact with his children every second and fourth weekend of the month from 6 p.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday. Since disputes regarding the applicant's contact with his children persisted, the applicant instituted further proceedings for the regulation of his contact rights. At the same time, proceedings for a provisional decision on custody were opened, as well as divorce proceedings which also dealt with the issues of custody and contact rights as ancillary matters (Folgesachen). The proceedings were to a large extent conducted jointly until the applicant's former wife's petition for divorce was granted by a judgment dated 29 November 2001 and custody of the children was decided as an ancillary matter to the divorce. However, no decision on the applicant's contact rights was taken at that time. The parties continued to argue about the applicant's contact rights with the children and regular contact was interrupted repeatedly and for longer intervals. The applicant instituted several further proceedings for the regulation of his contact rights on his own behalf and on behalf of his children, as well as proceedings to restrict contact between the children and their grandparents who, according to the applicant, were manipulating the children so as to alienate them from him. A court settlement on the regulation of the applicant's contact rights, concluded on 9 September 2002, was never accepted by the applicant, and he later challenged it. B. The proceedings concerning custody of the children and the applicant's contact rights 1. The proceedings before the divorce On 31 August 1998 the applicant filed an application with the Emmerich District Court to be granted contact with his children in accordance with the aforementioned decision of 23 July 1998, arguing that the mother was not complying with the regulations set out therein. The proceedings were instituted under file no. 5 F 272/98. At approximately the same time custody proceedings were opened before the same court under file no. 5 F 283/98. A first hearing in the custody and contact rights proceedings was held on 29 September 1998, during which the older child was heard. In 1999 the applicant's wife filed a petition for divorce with the Emmerich District Court under file no. 5 F 18/99. A joint hearing in the custody, contact rights and divorce proceedings took place on 22 April 1999. The parties agreed to the commissioning of an expert opinion on a possible regulation of custody and contact rights. They further agreed that until the completion of the expert opinion the contact of the applicant with his children should be provisionally regulated by the acting judge in cooperation with the Kleve child protection agency (Kinderschutzbund). On 28 April 1999 the District Court ordered an expert opinion on the question of what attribution of custody rights and – should sole custody be awarded to the mother – what contact with their father would be in the children's best interest. In the meantime the applicant had supervised contact in cooperation with the Kleve child protection agency, as determined for the transitional period following the hearing of 22 April 1999. However, by written submissions dated 12 August 1999 he revoked his approval of the supervised contacts and applied to the District Court for contact in accordance with the regulations set out in the court's decision of 23 July 1998, as his attempts to exercise his contact rights in August and September 1998 had been to no avail. At a court hearing on 28 September 1999 the parties agreed that from 15 October 1999 the applicant would be entitled to visit his children every fortnight, accompanied by a representative of the Kleve child protection agency, and that he could have telephone contact with the children every two weeks at a set time. Nevertheless, it appears that regular contact between the father and the children ceased temporarily during the year 2000. The expert opinion was finalised on 31 August 2000. The mother had previously cancelled appointments for appraisals in connection with the drawing up of the expert opinion, thereby delaying its completion. In view of the repeated disputes between the parents and the fact that the children had been living with the mother for a considerable time and were settled, the expert recommended that sole custody be transferred to her. However, finding that the mother and grandparents were influencing the children against their father, she proposed that the question of where the children should reside (Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht) be referred to the Rees Youth Welfare Office (Jugendamt) with a view to ensuring the establishment of regular contact between the applicant and his children. The expert further recommended that the applicant be granted contact every second weekend on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the children's home in Rees and suggested that the applicant should be entitled to spend holidays of one or several weeks with the children at his home in Heidelberg. At a further joint hearing in the separate custody, contact rights and divorce proceedings on 19 October 2000, the District Court again heard the parties, as well as the Kleve child protection agency, which had been appointed as the children's curator ad litem (Verfahrenspfleger). The mother requested sole custody of the children for the duration of the separation of the spouses. The applicant asked to be granted contact rights in accordance with his request as reformulated on 18 October 2000 including, in addition to regular contact at the weekends, the right to spend the second Christmas holiday and half of each of the summer, autumn and Easter holidays with his children. The curator ad litem emphasised, in particular, that the son's apparent rejection of his father was due to the influence of the mother and the grandparents and recommended that regular contact between the son and the father be re-established as soon as possible. On 9 November 2000, in the separate custody proceedings, the District Court decided to provisionally grant sole custody of the children to the mother. The District Court found that relations between the parents had deteriorated to the extent that joint custody was no longer in the children's best interest and since the children's main focal point and familiar environment remained with the mother it was in their interest that sole custody be awarded to her. However, the District Court deprived the mother of the right to determine the children's place of residence because her past behaviour had demonstrated that she was not willing to accept regular contact between the father and his children. It appointed the Kleve District Youth Welfare Office as the children's guardian in this respect (Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrechtspfleger). The District Court reserved its decision on the details of the applicant's contact rights until further consultation with the guardian. On 13 December 2000 the applicant appealed against the attribution of sole custody to the mother and requested legal aid for the appeal proceedings. By a decision of 17 May 2001 in the divorce proceedings the District Court suspended the custody proceedings conducted as an ancillary matter to the divorce proceedings pending the decision of the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal on the applicant's appeal. On 21 May 2001 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's request for legal aid in the appellate proceedings on the ground that his claim was devoid of any prospect of success. The Court of Appeal confirmed that, in view of the tensions and lack of cooperation between the parents, the transfer of sole custody to the mother was in the children's best interest. Furthermore, by transferring the right to determine the children's place of residence to the Kleve District Youth Welfare Office, the District Court had set the stage for implementing regular contact between the father and his children. Regarding the contact rights proceedings, the applicant or his counsel reminded the District Court on several occasions that the question of contact rights was still outstanding. By a decision dated 18 June 2001 the District Court, in view of failed mediation attempts by the guardian, set a deadline of 20 July 2001 for the parties to reach an agreement on the contact rights, failing which these would have to be determined by a court decision after consultation with the guardian. The District Court referred to the expert report and stressed that the implementation of the applicant's contact rights could no longer be delayed. By a letter dated 12 July 2001 the District Court asked the parties whether a decision in the divorce and ancillary custody proceedings could be taken solely on the basis of the written submissions of the parties. On 18 July 2001 the applicant's counsel agreed. On 27 August 2001 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's appeal against the decision of the District Court dated 9 November 2000 in the proceedings regarding the provisional attribution of sole custody to the mother (5 F 283/98), referring to the reasoning given in its decision of 21 May 2001. By written submissions of 4 October 2001 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the decisions of the Emmerich District Court of 9 November 2000 and the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal of 27 August 2001 regarding the provisional regulation of custody. By a joint judgment (Verbundurteil) of 29 November 2001 the District Court granted the wife's petition for divorce and transferred sole custody of the children to her. The court again found that, in view of the lack of cooperation between the parents on matters concerning their children, as demonstrated in particular in the previous separate proceedings on the provisional regulation of custody, joint custody was not an option. Since the children's main focal point for several years had been their mother, sole custody had to be awarded to her. The applicant appealed on 18 February 2002 and requested to be granted joint custody with the mother and to leave the right to determine the children's place of residence with a guardian. By written submissions of 7 March 2002 the Kleve District Youth Welfare Office recommended that sole custody remain with the mother but at the same time the right to determine the children's place of residence should lie with the District Youth Welfare Office. On 10 May 2002 a hearing took place before the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal to which the children had also been summoned. The children attended the hearing but were not heard by the Court of Appeal. By a decision of 26 June 2002 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal partially varied the judgment of the District Court dated 29 November 2001 (5 F 18/99). It confirmed the attribution of sole custody to the mother but, with a view to enabling and encouraging regular contact between the father and his children, appointed the Kleve District Youth Welfare Office as guardian as far as the right to determine the children's place of residence was concerned. By written submissions dated 30 July 2002 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint against the decisions of the District Court of 29 November 2001 and the Court of Appeal of 26 June 2002 complaining, in particular, that the children had not been heard by either the District Court or the Court of Appeal. The proceedings regarding the applicant's contact rights following the divorce Following the divorce the parties continued to argue about the applicant's contact rights. The applicant unsuccessfully objected twice to the participation of the acting judge in the respective proceedings (5 F 272/98). On 5 September 2002 a hearing took place. The applicant did not attend in person but was represented by counsel. The parties, the children's guardian and their curator ad litem were heard. The applicant, represented by his counsel, and his former wife entered into a court settlement (Prozessvergleich) stipulating that the applicant should have contact with the children every fortnight on Saturdays or Sundays from 2 p.m. in the mother's presence and by prior agreement with her. The parties further agreed that with effect from 2003 they would plan at least one holiday per year with the children at approximately the same place and time, so as to enable the applicant to meet the children regularly for a period of several days during the holidays. The applicant was further granted the right to visit the children at their mother's house on the occasion of the Iranian public holidays at a time to be previously agreed with the mother. The applicant subsequently challenged the court settlement on the ground that he had not authorised counsel to enter into such agreement. He further alleged that the agreement was void since it did not sufficiently take into account the interests of the children and had therefore been concluded contra bonos mores. On 10 July 2003 a hearing took place which was attended by the applicant and a representative of the Kleve Youth Welfare Office in its capacity as guardian. The mother did not attend. On 28 August 2003 the District Court rejected the applicant's further application for a decision on his contact rights since the court settlement of 5 September 2002 constituted a binding agreement between the parties in this regard. On 2 April 2004 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and confirmed that the settlement was neither invalid nor void and had therefore effectively terminated the proceedings. On 4 October 2004 the applicant filed an application with the Emmerich District Court to modify the settlement and extend his contact rights with a view to enabling him to spend holidays with his children at his home in Heidelberg and to have contact with them for part of the Easter and Christmas holidays. Proceedings were instituted under file no. 5 F 271/04. On 20 January 2005 the District Court appointed a curator ad litem for the children. A hearing took place on 11 March 2005, during which the children were heard. By a decision of 2 May 2005 the District Court ordered an expert psychological opinion on the question of what regulation of the father's contact rights would be in the children's best interest and whether the mother and the grandparents were facilitating regular contact between the children and their father. For the period until finalisation of the expert opinion the applicant was granted unaccompanied contact with the children every fortnight on Saturdays or Sundays from 10.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. On 31 August 2005 the District Court, referring to the considerable length of the proceedings in connection with the determination of the applicant's contact rights, discharged the appointed expert on the ground that she had announced that she could not provide an opinion before February 2006. A new expert was appointed who agreed to provide an opinion by the end of November 2005. The applicant objected to the new expert on the ground that she did not have the necessary professional qualifications and refused to be examined by her. An expert opinion could therefore not be established. On 10 March 2006 a further hearing took place, during which the parties, the curator ad litem and the guardian were heard. By a decision of 29 March 2006 the District Court amended the court settlement of 5 September 2002 and granted the applicant access to his children every second weekend on Saturdays or Sundays from 10.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. but refrained from regulating the applicant's contact rights for the holidays since at the hearing of 11 March 2005 the children had objected to spending holidays alone with their father. The court further found that there was no evidence that the children had been manipulated by their grandparents. It specified that in reaching its conclusion it could not rely on an expert opinion because the father had refused to be examined by the appointed expert. Following an appeal by the applicant on 10 April 2006, reasoned on 9 May 2006, a hearing took place before the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal on 2 March 2007, during which the parties, the children and their guardian were heard. The curator ad litem could not attend. On 20 March 2007 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's appeal and held that an extension of the applicant's contact rights could not be granted, mainly because the children had objected and thus it could not be in their interest. The Court of Appeal also found that while it was probable that the children had been negatively influenced by the mother's family as regards their father, the applicant's fixation on the conflict with the grandparents was partly responsible for the difficulties in finding a practicable regulation of his contact rights with the children. On 15 May 2007 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dismissed a complaint by the applicant that his right to be heard had been infringed in the proceedings. On 12 June 2007 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint against the decision of the Emmerich District Court of 29 March 2006, as well as the decisions of the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal of 20 March 2007 and 15 May 2007 in the proceedings instituted under file no. 5 F 271/04. He also complained about the court settlement dated 5 September 2002 in the proceedings 5 F 272/98 and the related decisions of the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal of 2 April 2004. In February 2008 the applicant filed a request to spend summer holidays with his children at his home in Heidelberg from 23 July to 3 August 2008 (file no. 5 F 33/08). A hearing took place on 21 May 2008, during which the parents and the children were heard. By a decision of 6 June 2008 the District Court rejected the request since the children had objected to spending the holidays with him; the request therefore could not be regarded as being in their interest. On 19 August 2008 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal against that decision, since because of the passage of time a decision in the matter was no longer required. 3. The decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court (a) The separate custody proceedings (file no. 5 F 283/98) 42. On 7 December 2005 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the constitutional complaint (file no. 1 BvR 1716/01) concerning the separate custody proceedings (5 F 283/98) in which the applicant challenged the provisional attribution of sole custody to the mother. The decision was served on the applicant on 20 December 2005. (b) The divorce and ancillary custody proceedings (file no. 5 F 18/99) 43. By a decision of 17 October 2006 (file no. 1 BvR 1400/02) the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant's constitutional complaint regarding the attribution of sole custody to the mother as an ancillary matter to the divorce proceedings. Since the applicant had failed to inform the Federal Constitutional Court of his new address the decision could only be served on him on 9 December 2006. 44. The Federal Constitutional Court held that the applicant's parental rights as guaranteed by the Basic Law included an obligation for the courts to conduct custody proceedings in such a way as to obtain a reliable basis for a decision founded on the child's wellbeing. Section 50 b § 1 of the Act on Non-Contentious Proceedings (Gesetz über die Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit, see “II. Relevant Domestic Law“ below), which required the court to hear a child in person, reflected the constitutional requirement to take the child's wishes into account when taking decisions on custody. A decision in line with the child's concerns could only be taken after the child had been given the opportunity to disclose its personal relations with the other family members during the proceedings. 45. The Federal Constitutional Court pointed out that it was questionable in the case at hand whether the proceedings had satisfied these requirements since the lower courts had not given any convincing reasons why the children had not been heard. However, there was no need to take a decision in this respect because in any event the applicant could not claim to have suffered a particularly serious disadvantage since his complaint did not have any prospect of success even if remitted to the lower courts. As had been established in the decision of the District Court of 29 March 2006 in the proceedings instituted subsequently under file no. 5 F 271/04 regarding the applicant's contact rights, it had been difficult for years to regulate the father's contact rights with his children. At a hearing that had taken place in those proceedings it had transpired that the children were rather opposed to an extension of the applicant's contact rights. (c) The contact rights proceedings (file no. 5 F 272/98 and file no. 5 F 271/04) 46. By a decision of 4 January 2008, served on the applicant on 12 January 2008, the Federal Constitutional Court (file no. 1 BvR 1544/07) declined to consider his constitutional complaint regarding the proceedings for the regulation of his contact rights, instituted under file no. 5 F 272/98 and file no. 5 F 271/04. C. The proceedings instituted on behalf of the applicant's children On 15 March 2001 the applicant lodged a separate application with the Emmerich District Court on behalf of and in the name of his children for the regulation of the children's contact rights with respect to their father. On 4 July 2001 (file no. 5 F 134/01) the District Court dismissed his request as inadmissible on the ground that the determination of contact arrangements between the father and the children was already the subject of the still pending proceedings under file no. 5 F 272/98. On 24 July 2001 the applicant lodged a complaint against that decision, providing a statement of the grounds of appeal on 10 August 2001. On 10 September 2001 he was informed by the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal that there existed doubts as to his entitlement to represent his children in the proceedings. On 7 November 2001 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal as inadmissible. It found that the applicant could not represent the children in the proceedings since the power of representation was part of the right to custody which in proceedings no. 5 F 283/98 had been transferred solely to the mother, with the exception of the right to determine the children's place of residence. By written submissions dated 11 December 2001 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the decisions of the District Court and Court of Appeal and further argued that Article 1671 of the German Civil Code in its current version was unconstitutional. By a decision of 7 December 2005, served on the applicant on 20 December 2005, the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant's constitutional complaint (File no. 1 BvR 2127/01). D. The proceedings regarding the grandparents' contact rights On 9 January 2001 the applicant requested the District Court to prohibit any contact by the grandparents with his children and alternatively to grant them contact only in the presence of a third person to be determined by the children's guardian. The applicant argued that the grandparents were setting the children against him and obstructing the exercise of his contact rights. The applicant had already lodged a similar application in previous proceedings (5 F 155/99), which had been rejected by a decision of the District Court dated 9 November 2000. On 12 February 2001 the District Court granted the applicant's request for legal aid for the alternative motion but rejected it for his main application since the latter was devoid of any prospect of success. The Court held that even though the grandparents might have a negative impact on the children's relations with their father, a complete ban on their contact with the children was neither practicable, owing to the proximity of their respective homes, nor in the children's interest, given the close relations between them and their grandparents. On 22 March 2001 the parties were heard by the District Court, and on 5 April 2001 the court rejected the application. It found that preventing contact between the children and their grandparents could in no way help to ensure regular contact between the applicant and his children but would to the contrary further obstruct such an aim. In view of the close relationship between the mother, children and the grandparents and the fact that the grandparents assumed a considerable part of the child care, a prohibition of contact with the children was neither practicable nor in the children's best interest. Following an appeal lodged by the applicant on 10 May 2002, a hearing took place before Düsseldorf Court of Appeal. By a decision of 17 May 2002 the Court of Appeal rejected the applicant's request for legal aid for the appellate proceedings since his appeal was devoid of any prospect of success. On 3 June 2002 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal since there was nothing to establish that contact with their grandparents was contrary to the children's wellbeing and there was no evidence that the grandparents had obstructed contact between the children and their father or had damaged their relationship. On 17 October 2006 (1 BvR 1194/02) the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant's constitutional complaint that his parental rights had been violated by the decisions of the lower courts. It held that the right to determine the contact of the children with third persons was part of the right of custody which had been awarded solely to the mother. The applicant's parental rights could therefore not be directly affected by the contact of his children with third persons and his own contact rights could be affected only indirectly. However, a limitation on the contact rights of third persons with the children could not entail any binding regulation of the applicant's contact with his children and he could thus not claim that his own rights were affected.
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{ "applicant": "Iradj Kuhlen-Rafsandjani", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2011 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Iradj Kuhlen-Rafsandjani
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 12050/04) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Greek national, Mr Apostolos Ioannis Mangouras (“the applicant”), on 25 March 2004. The applicant was represented by Mr J.-M. Ruiz Soroa, a lawyer practising in Bilbao. The Spanish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr I. Blasco, Head of the Legal Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the sum set for bail in his case had been excessive and had been fixed without his personal circumstances being taken into consideration. He relied on Article 5 § 3 of the Convention. The application was allocated to the Fifth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). On 14 November 2006 the Section President decided to give notice of the application to the Government. By virtue of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention and Rule 54A, it was decided to examine the admissibility and merits of the case at the same time. The Greek Government, who had been invited to submit written observations on the case, did not express any wish to exercise that right (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 1). On 1 February 2008 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). The case was assigned to the newly composed Third Section (Rule 52 § 1). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. Luis López Guerra, the judge elected in respect of Spain, withdrew from sitting in the case. The Government accordingly appointed Alejandro Saiz Arnaiz to sit as an ad hoc judge (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 29 § 1). On 8 January 2009 the Chamber, composed of Josep Casadevall, President, Elisabet Fura, Corneliu Bîrsan, Boštjan M. Zupančič, Egbert Myjer, Ineta Ziemele, judges, and Alejandro Saiz Arnaiz, ad hoc judge, and of Santiago Quesada, Section Registrar, delivered a judgment in which it held unanimously that there had been no violation of Article 5 § 3 of the Convention. On 7 April 2009 the applicant requested, in accordance with Article 43 of the Convention and Rule 73, that the case be referred to the Grand Chamber, arguing that there had been a violation of Article 5 § 3. On 5 June 2009 a panel of the Grand Chamber granted the request. The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined according to the provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and Rule 24. The applicant and the Government each filed a memorial before the Grand Chamber. In addition, third-party comments were received from Mr Hugh Mercer QC, who had been given leave by the President to intervene in the written procedure (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 2) on behalf of the International Transport Workers’ Federation, the International Chamber of Shipping, the International Shipping Federation, the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners, the Hong Kong Shipowners’ Association, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners, the International Ship Managers’ Association, the Greek Shipping Cooperation Committee, the Asian Shipowners’ Forum, the International Group of P and I Clubs, the International Maritime Employers’ Committee Ltd and the European Community Shipowners’ Association. A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 23 September 2009 (Rule 59 § 3). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr I. Blasco Lozano, Head of the Legal Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, Agent, Ms C. Castro Rey, State Counsel, Adviser; (b) for the applicant Mr E. Fitzgerald QC, lawyer, Counsel, Mr K. Annand, lawyer, Mr J.-M. Ruiz Soroa, lawyer, Mr S. Zabaleta Sarasua, lawyer, Mr M. Volikas, lawyer, Mr O. Murray, lawyer, Advisers. The Court heard addresses by Mr Fitzgerald and Mr Blasco. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1935 and lives in Greece. On 13 November 2002 the ship Prestige, flying the flag of the Bahamas, was sailing in the Spanish exclusive economic zone off the coast of Galicia, carrying 70,000 tonnes of fuel oil. At a distance of 28 miles from Cape Finisterre it sent out an SOS after sustaining sudden and severe damage which produced a leak and caused the contents of its tanks to spill into the Atlantic Ocean. As the Prestige was in danger of sinking, the maritime authorities launched a large-scale operation to rescue its crew. The ship was adrift and was approaching the coast, spilling its cargo into the sea. The applicant, who was the ship’s Master, was taken by helicopter to the offices of the Corunna (A Coruña) harbourmaster, where he was arrested. The spillage of the ship’s cargo caused an ecological disaster whose effects on marine flora and fauna lasted for several months and spread as far as the French coast. The shores of the Atlantic coast of Cantabria and Galicia were severely polluted by the numerous waves of oil which were washed up. The oil spill blackened beaches and cliffs, destroyed marine life, adversely affected water quality and had an immediate environmental impact on numerous animal species. It caused damage to protected natural areas and had considerable repercussions on several sectors of the economy in the regions concerned, particularly on fishing, commerce and tourism. By a decision of 17 November 2002, the Corunna no. 4 investigating judge remanded the applicant in custody and set bail at 3,000,000 euros (EUR), after finding that the facts of the case disclosed sufficient indicative evidence to justify opening a criminal investigation. While acknowledging that the oil spill had been caused by an accident, the judge said that some of the information in the file, although still provisional at that stage in the proceedings, suggested that the applicant had been at fault in several respects, in particular in failing to cooperate sufficiently with the port authorities when they had tried to take the vessel in tow. The applicant’s conduct could constitute an offence of causing damage to natural resources and the environment and one of failing to comply with the instructions of the administrative authorities. In the judge’s opinion, the seriousness of the offences in question and the fact that the applicant was a foreign national who had no particular ties with Spain justified the high sum set for bail. The relevant part of the decision reads as follows: “The information obtained discloses indicative evidence – still provisional at the preliminary investigation stage – of an offence of causing damage to natural resources and the environment for the purposes of Article 325 and, possibly, Article 326 of the Criminal Code, and of an offence of failure to comply with the instructions of the administrative authorities, punishable under Article 556 of the Code. The investigation has produced sufficient indicative evidence to suggest that Mr Apostolos Mangouras could be criminally responsible for the offences in question. In view of the penalties laid down in the Criminal Code for these offences, and the fact that the application provided for in Article 504 bis § 2 and Article 539 of the Code of Criminal Procedure was made at the mandatory hearing, an order should be made, in accordance with Articles 503 and 504 of that Code, for the accused’s pre-trial detention as a preventive measure, accompanied by the right for the accused to communicate with others and the possibility of release on bail. The reasonable indications referred to above emerge from the documents in the case file and, in particular, from detailed examination of the testimony of the witnesses who appeared this morning. All the evidence indicates that the severe damage to the Prestige was caused by the unforeseeable phenomenon of a storm surge, but that actions were taken which could form the basis of a criminal prosecution, as indicated in the previous paragraph. It should be stressed that the steps taken hitherto and the conclusions to be drawn for the purposes of this decision are of a wholly provisional nature and that many further steps and much more expert evidence will be needed in order to fully elucidate the facts. However, it is clear at this stage that the Prestige did not have any emergency towing equipment or that if it did, it was not in working order, as demonstrated by the recordings of conversations. It is also clear that the ship’s Master, by repeatedly ignoring the instructions of the port authorities, hampered meaningful joint efforts to lessen the extremely serious risks. It appears that the Master of the Prestige refused for almost three hours to cooperate and subsequently continued to do so indirectly, creating difficulties by refusing to take the necessary steps to ensure effective towing of the vessel or to start the engine so that the ship could advance, however slowly. These events occurred within the country’s 24-mile limit and, by definition, within the 200-mile zone. It is true, as already indicated, that further investigative elements are required, in particular the ship’s log, which has been urgently requested, and that it will be necessary to verify all the other information contained in the recordings of conversations, transcripts of which appear to be in the possession of the Cape Finisterre control centre. Without prejudice to all of the above, the accused’s detention could be dispensed with subject to bail being furnished in the amount of three million euros. In the court’s view, the security in question is justified in view of the seriousness of the offences concerned and the heavy sentence they carry and also because the investigation is in the early stages, the accused’s release could impede the investigation, the case has clearly caused a major public outcry and, in addition to the issues of criminal responsibility raised, there are significant civil liability issues at stake involving substantial sums. Furthermore, Mr Mangouras has no ties in Spain and could leave the country at any time and thus evade prosecution. For all the reasons outlined above it is necessary and unavoidable, in the present circumstances, to fix bail. Bail cannot, for the time being at least, be replaced by a less restrictive measure.” On 19 November 2002 the applicant requested his release and, in the alternative, the reduction of bail to EUR 60,000 to reflect his personal situation. He also submitted that his advanced age should be taken into account. In a decision of 27 November 2002, the Corcubión (Corunna) no. 1 investigating judge refused the applicant’s request. The judge took the view that the seriousness of the offences of which the applicant stood accused justified his continued pre-trial detention and that the latter measure was exceptional, subsidiary, temporary and proportionate in nature and thus satisfied the remaining criteria laid down by the case-law of the Constitutional Court. As to the amount set for bail, the judge stated that the applicant’s appearance at trial was vital in order to elucidate the sequence of events following the leak in the vessel. He also reiterated the arguments of the first investigating judge to the effect that the seriousness of the offences, the public outcry caused by the marine pollution, the applicant’s Greek nationality, the fact that his permanent address was abroad and the fact that he had no ties with Spain justified setting a high level of bail in order to rule out any risk that the applicant might fail to appear. On 7 December 2002 the same investigating judge confirmed the decision, rejecting an application from the applicant to set it aside (recurso de reforma). An appeal by the applicant was dismissed on 3 January 2003 by the Corunna Audiencia Provincial on the ground that there was sufficient evidence to charge the applicant with serious offences and that the amount of bail was justified by the unusual circumstances of the case. The court pointed out that the applicant had been remanded in custody on account of his “alleged involvement in the acts of which he is accused, namely acting in a manner liable to cause a disaster, failing to comply with the instructions of the port authorities and committing an offence of causing damage to natural resources”. It further pointed out that the investigating judge had offered the applicant the possibility of avoiding custody on grounds of “alleged responsibility for offences against natural resources and the environment and an offence of failure to comply with the instructions of the administrative authorities”, subject to the posting of bail in the amount of EUR 3,000,000. The Audiencia Provincial noted the outcry caused by the alleged offences and took the view that the impugned decision was not open to criticism on any account, “including with regard to the amount of bail”. The Audiencia Provincial stressed that the prima facie evidence taken into consideration by the investigating judge in ordering the applicant’s pre‑trial detention concerned serious offences, that it was too early to rule on whether the offence had been committed intentionally and that the applicant’s detention pursued the legitimate aim of preventing the risk of his absconding, a risk closely linked to the seriousness of the alleged offence and his lack of any particular ties in Spain. It referred in that regard to the category of offences in question and the severity of the likely sentence, the fact that the accused’s presence was essential to the investigation, the possibility that the trial might collapse if he absconded and the public outcry surrounding the established facts. The Audiencia Provincial dismissed the ground of appeal based on the applicability of Article 230 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, holding that the provision in question referred only to administrative offences relating to pollution of the marine environment committed by foreign vessels beyond the territorial sea, for which only monetary penalties could be imposed, and not to wilful and serious acts of pollution in the territorial sea. On 6 February 2003 the Corcubión (Corunna) no. 1 investigating judge recorded the lodging of a bank guarantee in an amount corresponding to the sum set for bail, which was provided as a one-off, spontaneous humanitarian gesture by the London Steamship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Limited (“the London P and I Club”), which insured the ship’s owner. Accordingly, on 7 February 2003, the judge ordered the applicant’s provisional release after eighty-three days in detention, subject to the following conditions: “(a) that [the applicant] supply an address in Spain; (b) that he report every day before 1 p.m. to the police headquarters corresponding to the address supplied; (c) that he remain in the country and surrender his passport to the court’s registry.” On 28 May 2003 the London P and I Club and the ship’s owner, Mare Shipping Inc., paid out EUR 22,777,986 in compensation for the damage for which they were civilly liable within the limits laid down by Article V of the 1992 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (“the CLC 1992”, see paragraph 54 below). Relying on Article 17 of the Constitution (right to liberty and security), the applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court. While he did not appeal against his pre-trial detention, for which he considered sufficient reasons to have been given, the applicant complained of the amount set for bail, arguing that it had been excessive and disproportionate in view of his financial circumstances and had made any prospect of provisional release unrealistic. He alleged that the amount had been fixed without account being taken of his personal circumstances, in disregard of the requirements of the court’s case-law. By a reasoned decision (auto) of 29 September 2003, the Constitutional Court declared the appeal inadmissible. It began by observing that, according to its case-law, the fact that the applicant had been released did not render the amparo appeal devoid of purpose, given that “... in the event of a breach of the fundamental right asserted, the [c]ourt should allow the appeal and grant the applicant amparo relief”. However, on the merits, the Constitutional Court ruled as follows: “... Article 531 of the Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that the amount set for bail should take into account, among other factors, the nature of the offence, any previous convictions and other circumstances that might prompt the accused to seek to evade justice. According to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, the object of bail is to secure the presence of the accused at the trial ... and the amount should act as a deterrent against any wish to abscond. ... The rulings given in the instant case concerning the amount of bail and the refusal to reduce it provided ample reasons based on the primary objective of securing the accused’s presence at the trial, the seriousness of the offences in question, the national and international disaster caused by the oil spill, the fact that the accused is a non‑national and the fact that he has no ties in Spain. These circumstances led the courts to consider that the risk of flight could only be reduced by setting such a high sum for bail ... They also took into consideration the accused’s personal and financial circumstances and his professional environment. ... In fixing bail at a level such as to dispel any wish to abscond, they further took account of other aspects of the accused’s personal situation, namely his Greek nationality, the fact that his permanent address is abroad and the fact that he has no ties whatsoever in Spain. It follows that bail was fixed on the basis of criteria of proportionality ... The exceptional amount reflects the exceptional nature of the situation.” Subsequently, in March 2005, the Spanish authorities authorised the applicant’s return to his country of origin, where he is now living, on condition that the Greek authorities ensured his compliance with the periodic supervision to which he had been subject in Spain. The applicant is therefore required to report every two weeks to a police station on the island of Icaria, where he was born, or in Athens, where his children live. The criminal proceedings are currently pending before the Corcubión (Corunna) no. 1 investigating judge.
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{ "applicant": "Apostolos Ioannis Mangouras", "articles": [ 91, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 2010 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Apostolos Ioannis Mangouras
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 23279/14) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Karl-Heinz Bergmann (“the applicant”), on 18 March 2014. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr A. Sommerfeld, a lawyer practising in Soest (Germany). The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by two of their Agents, Mr H.-J. Behrens and Mrs K. Behr, of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. The applicant alleged that the retrospective prolongation of his preventive detention, in the Rosdorf centre for persons in preventive detention, beyond the former statutory ten-year maximum duration breached his right to liberty under Article 5 § 1 of the Convention and the prohibition on retrospective punishment under Article 7 § 1 of the Convention. On 17 June 2014 the application was communicated to the Government. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1943 and is currently detained in the centre for persons in preventive detention on the premises of Rosdorf Prison (hereinafter the “Rosdorf preventive detention centre”). A. The applicant’s previous convictions, the order for his preventive detention and its enforcement Between 1966 and 1984, the applicant was convicted by the criminal courts five times. He was found guilty of sexual assault of a seven-year-old girl and attempted rape of a fourteen-year-old girl, committed under the influence of alcohol, and of attempted sexual acts with a thirteen-year-old boy. He was found to have committed other unlawful acts, including arson and strangulating a ten-year-old boy during a burglary, but was not held criminally liable because he had been drunk. He was sentenced, in particular, to terms of imprisonment ranging from six months to ten years. On 18 April 1986 the Hanover Regional Court convicted the applicant of two counts of attempted murder, combined with attempted rape in one case, and of two counts of dangerous assault. It sentenced him to fifteen years’ imprisonment and ordered his preventive detention under Article 66 § 2 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 46 below). The Regional Court found that between 7 July 1985 and 3 October 1985, the applicant had stabbed a nineteen-year-old female cyclist in the back in a life-threatening manner for sexual gratification; had stabbed a male cyclist he had mistaken for a woman twice in the back and at the temple, again for sexual gratification; and had stabbed a twenty‑three ‑year‑old woman three times in a life-threatening manner in an attempt to rape her. He had committed those offences under the influence of alcohol in a park in Hanover. Still drunk, he had then broken into a house, strangulated a four-year-old girl and had injured her with a knife below the waist for sexual gratification. He was arrested on 9 October 1985. Having consulted two medical experts, the Regional Court found that at the time of committing the offences, the applicant had been in a state of diminished criminal responsibility (Article 21 of the Criminal Code, see paragraph 62 below). He was diagnosed with sexual deviance, a personality disorder and psycho-organic syndrome, which was probably a consequence of his longstanding alcohol abuse. As long as the applicant did not drink alcohol, those abnormalities did not affect his criminal responsibility as he was able to control his aggression. However, combined with the consumption of alcohol, they led to his criminal responsibility being diminished. The Regional Court decided to order the applicant’s preventive detention under Article 66 § 2 of the Criminal Code. It considered that as a result of his personality disorder, the applicant had a propensity to commit serious offences which seriously harmed the victims both physically and mentally. As confirmed by the two medical experts, there was a high risk that if released, the applicant would commit further violent offences for sexual gratification under the influence of alcohol, similar to those of which he had been found guilty. He therefore presented a danger to the general public. Lastly, the Regional Court decided not to order the applicant’s detention in a psychiatric hospital under Article 63 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 63 below). The court endorsed the experts’ finding that the applicant’s personality disorder could no longer be treated because his sexually deviant aggressive behaviour had lasted for decades and because he would be unable to pursue psychotherapy in view of his limited intellectual capacity. Public security could therefore be better safeguarded by placing the applicant in preventive detention. The applicant served his full term of imprisonment, and on 12 June 2001 he was placed for the first time in preventive detention, for which he was held in a wing of Celle prison. By 11 June 2011 he had served ten years in preventive detention. The courts responsible for the execution of sentences ordered the continuation of the applicant’s preventive detention at regular intervals. In particular, the Lüneburg Regional Court ordered the continuation of his detention on 13 May 2011 and 5 October 2012. B. The proceedings at issue 1. The decision of the Lüneburg Regional Court On 26 July 2013 the Lüneburg Regional Court, sitting as a chamber responsible for the execution of sentences, ordered the continuation of the applicant’s preventive detention. The Regional Court further ordered the Rosdorf Prison authorities to offer the applicant, within three months of the date on which its decision became final, a specific anti-hormonal therapy with medication aimed at reducing his sadistic fantasies and his libido, and thus his dangerousness. The court had consulted the Celle Prison authorities and the prosecution and had heard the applicant in person as well as his counsel, who represented him throughout the proceedings before the domestic courts. The Regional Court considered that the requirements for ordering the continuation of the applicant’s preventive detention laid down in the second sentence of section 316f(2) of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code (see paragraph 53 below) had been met. The Regional Court confirmed that the said transitional provision was applicable to the applicant’s case. It noted that at the time of his last offence on 3 October 1985, the applicant’s first placement in preventive detention could not exceed ten years. It was only following the entry into force of the Combating of Sexual Offences and Other Dangerous Offences Act on 31 January 1998 (see paragraph 51 below) that the courts responsible for the execution of sentences could prolong preventive detention without any maximum duration. The applicant therefore fell within the category of detainees whose preventive detention had been prolonged retrospectively, as defined by the Federal Constitutional Court in its judgment of 4 May 2011 (see paragraphs 66-72 below). The Regional Court further noted that the second sentence of section 316f(2) of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code had regard to, and had taken up, the standards set up by the Federal Constitutional Court in the above-mentioned judgment for the continuation of retrospectively ordered or retrospectively prolonged preventive detention. The Regional Court considered that, in accordance with section 316f(2) of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code, the applicant suffered from a mental disorder for the purposes of section 1(1) of the Therapy Detention Act (see paragraph 64 below). It endorsed the findings made on that point by W., an external psychiatric expert it had consulted, in his report dated 8 June 2013. The expert had been obliged to draw up his report on the basis of the case files as the applicant had refused to be examined. Expert W. had confirmed that the applicant suffered from sexual sadism, a sexual deviance, and was addicted to alcohol, even though he had not drunk since being detained. The Regional Court stressed that expert W.’s assessment confirmed the findings made by a number of previous experts, notably those made in January and May 2011 by two experts who had diagnosed the applicant with a sexual preference disorder with sadomasochistic, fetishist and paedophiliac elements and with an alcohol addiction without current consumption of alcohol. Furthermore, the Regional Court found that, as required by section 316f(2), second sentence, of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code, there was still a very high risk that, owing to specific circumstances relating to his personality and his conduct, the applicant would if released commit the most serious sexually motivated violent offences, similar to those of which he had been convicted. Endorsing the findings of expert W., in accordance with the above-mentioned previous expert reports, the court noted that the applicant had admitted to his sadistic fantasies but had been unable to address them through therapy. In Celle Prison, he had stopped participating in any activities for persons in preventive detention. The Regional Court stressed that, in his assessment of the applicant’s dangerousness, the expert had taken into consideration his advanced age of sixty-nine years. However, he had convincingly explained that the applicant’s sexual deviance had not yet been considerably alleviated thereby. Furthermore, his alcohol addiction had not yet been treated adequately. However, the consumption of alcohol further increased the high risk that the applicant would commit sexual or violent offences again if released. The Regional Court considered that the prolongation of the preventive detention of the applicant, who had been detained for almost thirty years, was still proportionate in view of the considerable threat he posed to the public. It noted in that context that the applicant’s detention in a supervised residence, which it had suggested in its previous decision, was not possible in practice. As regards the order issued by the Regional Court, based on Article 67d § 2 of the Criminal Code, read in conjunction with Article 66c § 1 sub-paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code (see paragraphs 49 and 54 below), that the Rosdorf Prison authorities offer the applicant specific anti-hormonal therapy, the court found that that order was necessary to guarantee the applicant sufficient care while in preventive detention. Expert W. had stressed – as he had already done in 2012 – that the prison authorities must at least attempt to treat the applicant, who was willing to undergo treatment with medication. The anti-hormonal therapy to be offered had proved to diminish sadistic fantasies and the libido, and could therefore reduce the applicant’s dangerousness. 2. The decision of the Celle Court of Appeal On 1 August 2013 the applicant lodged an appeal against the Regional Court’s decision, for which he submitted reasons on 14 August 2013. He argued, in particular, that his preventive detention, a penalty which had been prolonged retrospectively, failed to comply with the Convention. On 2 September 2013 the Celle Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal. Endorsing the reasons given by the Regional Court, it confirmed that the requirements laid down in section 316f(2), second sentence, of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code for ordering the continuation of the applicant’s preventive detention had been met. Taking into account the report submitted by expert W., the Court of Appeal held that the applicant was suffering from a mental disorder as defined in section 1(1) of the Therapy Detention Act. Referring to the Federal Constitutional Court’s case-law (see paragraphs 73-76 below), it found that a mental disorder under that Act did not require that the disorder was such as to diminish or exclude the criminal responsibility of the person concerned for the purposes of Articles 20 and 21 of the Criminal Code (see paragraphs 61-62 below). Specific disorders affecting a person’s personality, conduct, sexual preference and control of impulses were covered by the notion of “mental disorder” in section 1(1) of the Therapy Detention Act. The applicant’s sexual sadism and his alcohol addiction without current consumption of alcohol amounted to a mental disorder within the meaning of that provision. Moreover, there was still a very high risk that, if released, the applicant would commit the most serious violent and sexual offences, similar to those of which he had been convicted, owing to specific circumstances relating to his personality and his conduct. The applicant’s dangerousness had not been reduced through therapy; nor had he become less dangerous by his advancing age. He currently did not participate in any serious therapeutic activities and kept trivialising his offences. Moreover, expert W. had confirmed that his mental illness was difficult to treat. The Court of Appeal further endorsed the Regional Court’s finding that the applicant’s continued detention was still proportionate, despite the considerable overall length of his detention. 3. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court On 24 September 2013 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the decisions of the Lüneburg Regional Court and the Celle Court of Appeal. He claimed that the order for the continuation of his preventive detention violated his constitutional right to liberty, read in conjunction with the constitutional right to protection of legitimate expectations guaranteed in a State governed by the rule of law. The applicant argued that under the European Court of Human Rights’ well-established case-law (he referred to M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04, ECHR 2009), the retrospective prolongation of a person’s preventive detention – a penalty – beyond the former ten-year time-limit breached the prohibition on retrospective punishment under Article 7 of the Convention and did not comply with sub-paragraph (a) of Article 5 § 1 of the Convention. Moreover, his continuing preventive detention could not be justified under sub-paragraph (e) of Article 5 § 1 either. He did not suffer from a mental disease as required by that provision. In addition, the notion and scope of “mental disorder” under the applicable provisions of domestic law and in the domestic courts’ case-law was unclear. The applicant further stressed that the Regional Court had recommended his placement in a supervised residence. In those circumstances, his continued preventive detention on the premises of Rosdorf Prison was no longer proportionate. He conceded, however, that his detention in the new preventive detention centre on the premises of Rosdorf Prison complied with the constitutional requirement to differentiate between preventive detention and detention for serving a term of imprisonment. On 29 October 2013 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint without giving reasons (file no. 2 BvR 2182/13). The decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 7 November 2013. C. Parallel and further developments On 5 December 2011 the Lüneburg Regional Court, civil section, ordered the applicant’s placement in Moringen Psychiatric Hospital under the Therapy Detention Act. It found that the applicant suffered from a mental disorder for the purposes of section 1 of that Act and that there was a high risk that, if released, he would commit further serious offences. On 31 January 2012 the Celle Court of Appeal quashed that decision on the grounds that detention under the Therapy Detention Act could only be ordered once the preventive detention of the person concerned had been terminated by a final decision. On 25 April 2014 the Göttingen Regional Court, in a decision reviewing the continuation of the applicant’s preventive detention, ordered the continuation of the applicant’s preventive detention. It noted that the applicant had repeatedly refused treatment with medication to diminish his libido. On 15 January 2015 the Göttingen Regional Court, having consulted medical expert J., again ordered the continuation of the applicant’s preventive detention under Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code, read in conjunction with section 316f(2), second sentence, of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code (see paragraphs 51 and 53 below). On 24 April 2015 the Braunschweig Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal lodged by the applicant against the decision of the Regional Court. D. The conditions of the applicant’s preventive detention 1. Conditions prior to the period of detention at issue Until 20 February 2012 the applicant had been held in preventive detention in a wing of Celle Prison. He had participated in therapy with a psychologist between 2005 and 2010, but had then stopped that therapy. He had refused to participate in the alcohol addiction treatment programme offered to him or any other treatment measures. On 20 February 2012 the applicant was transferred with his consent to a wing of Celle Prison for persons in preventive detention where a transitional concept had been adopted. The aim was to improve the available treatment options in the light of the duty to differentiate preventive detention and detention for serving a term of imprisonment, by reference to the European Court of Human Rights’ judgment in M. v. Germany (cited above) and the Federal Constitutional Court’s judgment of 4 May 2011 (see paragraphs 66-72 below). The applicant participated in group therapy sessions run by a doctor and in a social skills training course. He stopped attending the group for addicts and refused to take medication to reduce his libido for fear of side effects. 2. Conditions of detention at the relevant time Since 2 June 2013 the applicant has been detained in the new Rosdorf centre for persons in preventive detention, a separate building constructed on the premises of Rosdorf Prison. The conception of preventive detention in the centre was developed in order to comply with the constitutional requirement to differentiate between preventive detention and imprisonment, as defined in the Federal Constitutional Court’s judgment of 4 May 2011 (see paragraphs 67 and 70 below) and as further specified in the newly enacted Article 66c of the Criminal Code and in the Lower Saxony Preventive Detention Act (see paragraphs 54, 56-57 and 59-60 below). Up to forty-five persons can be detained in the Rosdorf centre. Detainees are placed in apartment units measuring some 23 square metres containing two furnished rooms and a bathroom. With the exception of detainees posing a particular security risk, the detainees can move freely within the preventive detention building and on its outdoor premises from 6 a.m. to 9.45 p.m. They may furnish and paint their rooms, to which they have their own keys. The rooms are equipped with a controlled access to the internet including e-mail, telephone, television, CD and DVD player and radio. There are common rooms for residential groups consisting of some seven detainees, which include a kitchen, a dining room, a television room and rooms for games, handicraft work and exercise. The outdoor premises, measuring some 1,600 square metres, can be used for sports, recreation or gardening. Persons in preventive detention in the Rosdorf centre may wear their own clothes. They can either take meals prepared by the centre’s staff or prepare their own meals (in which case they receive an allowance for purchasing food in the centre’s supermarket). Persons in preventive detention may work, but are not obliged to do so. They may receive visits regularly. According to information furnished by the Government, at the relevant time the applicant was one of some thirty persons detained in the Rosdorf preventive detention centre. In order to comply with the duty to provide the necessary therapy and care and to motivate detainees to participate in the relevant therapies and treatment, the centre’s staff comprised one psychiatrist, four psychologists, five social workers and twenty-five members of the general prison service. The staffing situation was similar to that of Moringen Psychiatric Hospital, situated in the same Land and where persons were detained under Article 63 of the Criminal Code. Detainees are examined at the beginning of preventive detention in order to determine the necessary therapy and care. A personal treatment plan (Vollzugsplan) is then drawn up. According to the personal treatment plan drawn up for the applicant by the Rosdorf centre on 28 November 2014, it was noted that in the past, from July 2013 until August 2014, the applicant participated in group sessions aimed at preventing detainees from relapsing into excessive alcohol consumption. He then stopped attending the meetings. He also regularly participated in group sessions at which detainees discussed their experiences during leave from detention. He stopped participating in those meetings in August 2014 too, arguing that the participants were not granted sufficient additional leave. In addition, he had motivation meetings with a psychologist fortnightly until March 2014, when he stopped attending the meetings, alleging that the psychologist lacked experience. He took part in weekly residential group meetings from June 2013 until February 2014, when he stopped attending the meetings, arguing that his treatment plan did not meet his expectations. He did not take part in any structured leisure activities and spent most of his day alone watching television. He declined repeated invitations to take part in group sessions of the treatment programme for offenders. Thus, as from August 2014 the applicant no longer participated in any therapy measures. He proved reliable during leave from the detention centre under escort on a number of occasions. According to the Rosdorf centre’s treatment plan for the applicant of 28 November 2014 and an internal note from a staff member of the centre, the applicant has refused regular and repeated offers to start a treatment with medication to reduce his libido, which had been recommended by expert W. in 2013, for fear of side effects. In December 2014 he showed willing for the first time to take up such treatment.
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{ "applicant": "Karl-Heinz Bergmann", "articles": [ 91, 34, 55, 34, 44, 32, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2016 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Karl-Heinz Bergmann
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 3084/07) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by Falter Zeitschriften GmbH, a limited liability company with its registered office in Vienna (“the applicant”), on 27 December 2006. The applicant company was represented by Mr A.J. Noll, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. The applicant company alleged that a court judgment under the Media Act ordering it to pay damages had infringed its right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the Convention. On 29 January 2009 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant company is the owner and publisher of the weekly newspaper Falter. A. The background to the case On 2 May 2005 the Wiener Neustadt Regional Court, sitting as a court with two professional and two lay judges (Schöffengericht) under Presiding Judge I.K., acquitted H.P., a security officer at the Traiskirchen Reception Centre, of a charge of raping K., an asylum seeker from Cameroon, basing its ruling on the principle of in dubio pro reo. The reasoning of the judgment contained the following passage: “Lastly, the statement made by witness K. during her examination [recorded on video tape in a separate room – kontradiktorische Einvernahme], to the effect that she had previously been engaged in prostitution in her country of origin, allows inferences to be drawn with regard to the statement by the accused [P.] that the witness might have become involved with him because she expected – for whatever reason – to gain some advantage.” B. The article published by the applicant company In issue no. 19/05 of Falter, an article was published on page 14 concerning the criminal proceedings against P., which read as follows: “‘Sex with a nigger woman’ The courts: An asylum seeker lodges a criminal complaint alleging rape against a security officer. The case takes on a political dimension because it exposes conditions in the Traiskirchen centre. One year later only the victim is still before the courts. The chronicling of a judicial scandal. F. K. She thought she had made it to safety. Elaine B. (name changed, ed.) had been ill-treated by police officers in Cameroon, kicked by them in the abdomen and placed with 18 other women in ‘stinking, damp cells’ for having demonstrated on behalf of her son, abducted by the authorities. She had survived her escape on a container ship, during which she ‘nearly went mad’ because in mid-ocean she ‘no longer knew whether it was night or day outside’. Finally, after a lorry journey lasting several days, she found herself in Vienna, where all at once, she was ‘surrounded by white people’. She thought she was safe. Her case was so well documented that Austria, in the form of the normally very strict Federal Refugee Office, granted her asylum quickly and without red tape. But then this country revealed its other side. Elaine B., 35, a well-groomed businesswoman and mother of three, holds on tight to her handbag during the interview and breaks down in tears repeatedly, says her life is a mess [and that] she can no longer trust the authorities here because they treat her like a liar and a prostitute. Elaine B. caused a media stir last year when she became the first asylum seeker to lodge a complaint against a blind-drunk security officer who she claims abused his authority in the Traiskirchen centre in order to rape her. Now she faces trial for defamation. A few fellow Cameroonians, as well as the campaigning lawyer W.R. and his colleague R.H., are continuing to stand by her. ‘Otherwise I would have killed myself’, says Elaine. It’s difficult to know where to begin in this case. With the then Interior Minister E.S. who, while the proceedings were in progress, told the National Assembly that the woman’s accusations were ‘unfounded’? With the company European Homecare, engaged by him, which ostensibly ran the centre on a much smaller budget than Caritas, but in fact used sub‑contractors employing drunken nightwatchmen who had to be dismissed for sexual assault? With centre director F.S., who later commented on the attacks in the washrooms of the women’s quarters by telling the court: ‘According to our information such incidents are very common and no one thinks anything of them’? Or with Judge I.K., who at the end of the drama would no longer ‘refute’ the suggestion that Elaine B. was just a ‘prostitute’ – although not even the accused security officer claimed that that was the case? Spring 2004. With a thousand asylum seekers, Traiskirchen is hopelessly over­crowded. Another hundred arrive every day. The Interior Ministry is coming under political pressure and discredits Caritas. Security officers at the centre later state in court that female asylum seekers could be paid for quick sex. They also tell of pimps rolling up to the centre in their cars. The sexual exploitation seems to have been unbearable. In a series of articles for profil, a female journalist published an email and statements from several women complaining of sexual assaults by security staff. ‘Please help us!’ pleaded the women. The Interior Ministry stated at the time that the police were confronted with a ‘wall of silence’. At that time Elaine B. from Cameroon demanded an interview with the head of the Traiskirchen [branch of the] Gendarmerie. She placed a pair of torn red underpants on the interview room table and described ‘through her tears’ how a drunken security officer had pursued her for days, pointing to his uniform and threatening to have her thrown out of the centre and to slit her throat. One night he had crept into the room, switched on the light and told her to go with him. Elaine B., who had not yet been granted asylum and feared his authority, wrapped a towel around herself and followed the uniformed officer into the office, where there was a bed and a roll of kitchen towel. He had prepared the kitchen towel for ‘ejaculating into’, as he later admitted. ‘At first I didn’t realise what the man wanted. I thought I’d done something wrong. But there in that room I realised that he was going to rape me’, stated Elaine B. She could smell the drink on his breath and didn’t dare cry out. The practising Christian from Cameroon is called upon to describe the incident many more times in the most intimate detail, without contradicting herself. She describes with precision how the man locked the door and removed the key. She tells of the pains in her lower abdomen afterwards and how she washed herself with warm water for weeks. She immediately identifies the security officer in a photo. The officials record in the minutes that Elaine B. appears disturbed. ‘We were in no doubt that it happened as she described it. The woman was intimidated and seemed very anxious’, recalls District Inspector W.S., who investigated the case, a year later in court. His statement, like that of the victim, is disregarded. Disturbing errors occur. For the first interview in the interview room no trained interpreter can be found; moreover, the traumatised woman is initially interviewed by a man. In their minutes the police officers at times refer to Elaine B. not by her name but as ‘the nigger woman’. She is repeatedly linked to prostitution. H.P., 48, is interviewed as the presumed perpetrator. When first questioned the trained bricklayer with the thick moustache states: ‘I didn’t have sex with the nigger woman.’ The next time his recall is more accurate: ‘It’s possible that I had intercourse with the nigger woman. I’d had twelve and a half litres of beer and one and a half litres of herb lemonade mixed with red wine.’ He claims it was entirely consensual. However, he doesn’t recognise Elaine in a photo. Police officer: ‘Could the woman have left the room if she’d wanted to?’ Answer: ‘No, only I had a key’. Again the question: ‘Did you pay the nigger woman for sexual intercourse?’ Answer: ‘No way!’ Third [interview] record: ‘I’d noticed the nigger woman about a week before we had sex. I fancied her from the beginning. I went into her room and gestured to her to come out.’ According to him, she followed him out of her own accord, undressed in front of him, took hold of his penis, inserted it and then got dressed again. Then she disappeared for good – without making any demands. ‘Maybe she thought she’d be given asylum sooner’ speculates the security officer. Something else occurs to him. He had offered to buy the woman a drink in the bakery a few days before. She had stroked his back and ‘cosied up’ to him. Elaine B. denies this version of events. She says that she had other things on her mind at the time. She is not a whore. She felt repelled by this fat man with a moustache who smelled of alcohol, she was afraid of him. Also: if she had really been hoping to be granted asylum, why would she then have defamed the security officer? Next to take the witness stand are the employees of the bakery. The first to be examined is saleswoman R.Z.: ‘She gave him a kiss. She was fairly young, I’d say between 20 and 25. The two of them were talking quietly. I couldn’t describe the woman.’ When confronted with Elaine B. Z. says: ‘I’m not quite sure whether it’s her.’ At the second confrontation a year later she suddenly says: ‘Yes, that’s her!’ She has something else to get off her chest: ‘I have to say that we’re losing a lot of customers because of the black Africans. It’s bad for business!’ Likewise the second saleswoman. The first time she gives evidence: ‘I’m not sure’. The second time: ‘I’m 99 per cent certain.’ Elaine B. is 35 years old and speaks neither German nor English – only French. The quiet talk described could not have taken place. One detail, however, is never mentioned: at the time, the bakery was delivering tens of thousands of bread rolls to the reception centre. The Wiener Neustadt Public Prosecutor’s Office, which sees the Africans from Traiskirchen most often in connection with drug dealing, wants to discontinue the proceedings on the basis of the statements by the bakery employees. Elaine’s lawyer, W.R., then brings a ‘subsidiary private prosecution’ (Subsidiaranklage) before the Court of Appeal. The victim can take over the role of the public prosecutor at his or her own risk. The unexpected happens: the Court of Appeal finds in the woman’s favour and orders the Justice Ministry to prosecute the security officer. ‘As the case file currently stands, both the factual element of the offence of rape and the element of coercion appear to be made out beyond doubt’, states the judgment. According to the court, the bakery employees could not have identified Elaine. The trial with judges and lay assessors before Wiener Neustadt Criminal Court does not last long. No evidence is taken either from other asylum seekers or from the female staff in the women’s quarters. Judge I.K. acquits the security officer. Of course, if she has doubts as to the defendant’s guilt, she has to do so. But this judge and her lay assessors are in no doubt as to the woman’s guilt. They have unfinished business with the African woman and attribute the basest intentions to her – without furnishing any proof. The reasoning is diametrically opposed to that of the Court of Appeal: ‘It cannot be established that the accused performed sexual intercourse against the will of Elaine B.’ And what of the statements of the bakery employees, called into question by the Court of Appeal? ‘Clear proof’ that Elaine B. had also been lying about the sexual encounter. The fact that the bakery employees got her age wrong by ten to fifteen years? ‘The difficulty of correctly estimating the age of persons with a different skin colour is known to the courts.’ And the constantly changing replies of the security officer? ‘He is a very simple man’ and it therefore spoke in his favour ‘that he himself admitted that intercourse with the witness was not easy to achieve.’ The ‘black African’ on the other hand, appeared ‘very confident’, with the result that ‘it is hard to imagine that she could have felt so intimidated by the accused, who appears somewhat unsure of himself, that she left her quarters against her will.’ And what of the only piece of physical evidence, the torn red underpants? ‘These have no evidentiary value’ according to Judge K. Why not? Because the accused said that the underpants had been ‘beige’. Not another word from the detectives who had been faced with a crying, completely intimidated woman. No mention of the fact that the security officer himself admitted locking Elaine in [the room] and removing the key. Not a single line about the predicament in which female asylum seekers found themselves at the time. Complete understanding, on the other hand, for the accused: ‘The accused’s objection that the woman may have hoped, since her asylum claim had not been decided, to obtain Austrian citizenship by marrying him, has not been completely refuted’. Even if this were true, why would she then lodge a complaint against him two weeks later? The judgment fails to give rise to a scandal. ‘Flirtation in Traiskirchen’ runs the title in the Kurier. Then, what women’s shelters have been complaining of for years happens: the woman becomes the presumed perpetrator. With the approval of Justice Minister K.M., the principal public prosecutor’s office institutes preliminary proceedings for defamation. Elaine B. must appear before the investigating judge ‘or be brought by force’. She could face up to five years in prison. ‘That’s just routine, nothing unusual’ says a Justice Ministry spokesman. According to principal public prosecutor P.: ‘After [the] acquittal we have no choice but to initiate proceedings.’ Justice Minister K.M. has promised to do more to protect the victims of crime. She should study this case. She is the highest-ranking public prosecutor. She has the right to give instructions. She bears the political responsibility if this woman, in addition to everything else, faces charges.” C. The compensation proceedings under the Media Act Subsequently, Judge I.K. brought an action for defamation against the applicant company under section 6 of the Media Act and Article 111 of the Criminal Code, and requested that the applicant company be ordered to pay compensation and retract the following statements made in the article, which she claimed amounted to a statement that she had grossly misused her office as a judge: “Judge I.K. alleges that the asylum seeker had immoral motives.” Judge I.K. alleges in the judgment – without giving any reasons – that the asylum seeker was driven by the basest motives. “Judge I.K. acquits the security officer. Of course, if she has doubts as to the defendant’s guilt, she has to do so. But this judge and her lay assessors are in no doubt as to the woman’s guilt. They have unfinished business with the African woman and attribute the basest intentions to her – without furnishing any proof.” Judge I.K. had no doubt about the woman’s guilt. The judge ignored relevant evidence and delivered a scandalous judgment (“The judgment fails to give rise to a scandal.”) On 1 September 2005 the first hearing in the defamation proceedings was held. The applicant company argued that the impugned statements were true and sought to prove the truth of those statements by asking the court to call several witnesses and admit as evidence the files of the proceedings concerning K.’s asylum request and the criminal proceedings against H.P. It considered that by publishing the impugned statements it had merely expressed criticism, protected by the freedom of speech, which had not concerned the acquittal itself but rather the way in which the victim of the crime had been treated in the written version of the judgment, which had neglected important evidence and had accused the victim, K., of having been a prostitute. In October 2005 the applicant company sought the disqualification of Judge N.F., the judge assigned to the media proceedings, for bias. It submitted that the lawyer representing the claimant, I.K., had also represented N.F. in the past in court proceedings. As Judge N.F. had to decide on a case in which her previous lawyer was acting as representative of one of the parties, there was reasonable doubt that she would not decide the case objectively. The president of the Vienna Regional Court dismissed the motion on 17 October 2005 and held that the issue raised by the applicant was not sufficient to give rise to doubt that Judge N.F. would not decide the case objectively. On 17 October 2005 a further hearing was held in the defamation proceedings. The hearing was adjourned in order to hear three witnesses proposed by the applicant company. The Regional Court refused to hear other witnesses proposed by the applicant company, as it considered that those persons could not make any statements relevant to the proceedings. The applicant company had sought to call R., who had been K.’s lawyer in the criminal proceedings, in order to clarify the meaning of statements that K. had given during her examination as a witness which had been recorded on video in order to prevent her as the victim having to face the accused (kontra­diktorische Einvernahme). This request was refused by the Regional Court on the grounds that the transcript of K.’s examination had been included in the case file and therefore no additional witness was required. On 12 December 2005 the Regional Court held another hearing in the defamation proceedings in which it examined two of the witnesses proposed by the applicant company. The third witness proposed did not appear. On the same date the Regional Court found against the applicant company. It held that the impugned statements had constituted defamation under Article 111 of the Criminal Code and that I.K. was therefore entitled to compensation, which it set at 7,000 euros (EUR). It also ordered the applicant company to publish a summary of the judgment. The Regional Court found that the contents of the article had given a biased account of the taking of evidence at the trial of H.P., taking the side of K. and characterising any statement of a witness which did not coincide with hers as lacking credibility. According to the article, the judge had acted arbitrarily and out of racist motives and had disregarded evidence produced, whereas the rape asserted by K. had been described as proven and the assessment of evidence by the Regional Court as absurd. Such an account was not an objective critique of the judgment. As regards the criminal proceedings against H.P., the Regional Court observed that: (a) they had been discontinued by the Public Prosecutor; and (b) upon a subsequent decision by the Senior Public Prosecutor H.P. had been committed for trial (Versetzung in den Anklagestand). Following three hearings at which a total of seven witnesses had been heard, the tape recording of the questioning of the victim had been viewed in part by the court and a confrontation between two witnesses and K. had taken place, the court had acquitted the accused. In its judgment of 2 May 2005 the court had found that it could not be excluded that the sexual intercourse which had taken place between K. and the accused had been consensual, in accordance with the version of events given by the accused and which had, to some extent, been corroborated by the statements of witnesses who had seen the accused and K. together in a coffee shop in town. K.’s assertion that she had been the victim of an assault had not been excluded but because it contradicted the statements of witnesses it had been considered to be partially implausible. The accused had not therefore been acquitted because his innocence had been proven but rather on the basis of the principle of in dubio pro reo. The Regional Court also referred to one passage of the written judgment on which the article had put much emphasis, namely a reference to a statement by K. made in the course of her questioning as a witness to the effect that she had previously been engaged in prostitution in her country of origin, which the judgment stated had allowed inferences to be drawn with regard to the statement by the accused that the witness might have become involved with him because she expected – for whatever reason – to gain some advantage. The Regional Court found that the applicant company had not succeeded in proving the truth of the impugned statements. From the case file concerning the proceedings against H.P. and, in particular, the written version of the judgment it appeared that Judge I.K. had dealt with all the evidence taken and had assessed each item of evidence extensively. Therefore, it could not be established that Judge I.K. had made base insinuations (üble Unterstellungen) or disregarded evidence. The judgment had clearly indicated the court’s reluctance to accept the version of events given by K. also. In addition, the indication of K. having been a prostitute in the past had been based on a statement from the questioning of that witness and had not been made up out of thin air. The relevant part of the transcript in question read as follows: [Original] “Untersuchungsrichter: Es gibt einen Zeugen. Er sagt aus: “im Haus Nr. 8 gibt es Frauen die auf den Strich gehen.” Wissen Sie was davon? Zeugin: Keine Ahnung, ich nicht, nein. Seit meiner Heimat habe ich es nie gewagt.” [English translation] “Investigating judge: There is one witness. He said: “at no. 8 there are women who walk the streets.” Do you know anything about it? Witness K.: No idea, not me, no. Since leaving my country I haven’t dared it.” An error in the translation of that statement could not be excluded, but that did not allow the conclusion that there had been no basis in the file for the above finding of Judge I.K. The accusation that a judge, who was under the duty to act objectively and impartially, had without any factual basis and out of racist motives deliberately disregarded evidence in order to acquit an accused from the same country (inländischen Angeklagten) had to be qualified as defamation and there was hardly a more severe accusation which could be levied against a judge. The term scandal of justice was a value judgement, which, however, was based on assertions of fact which had been disproven in the proceedings. Insofar as the applicant company had relied on Article 10 of the Convention, the Regional Court referred to the case of Prager and Oberschlick v. Austria (26 April 1995, Series A no. 313), and observed that the press had the right and the duty to impart information on matters of public interest, including questions concerning the functioning of the justice system, and to criticise any shortcomings found, but in doing so it had to be mindful of the special role of the judiciary in society. It was therefore necessary to protect public confidence in the judiciary against destructive attacks that were essentially unfounded. Taking these principles into account, the sharp critique of Judge I.K. in the impugned article, which had lacked any sufficient factual basis, had been excessive. Taking the gravity of the attacks on the claimant’s professional reputation, the broad public attention the article had received and the consequences it had had for the claimant, the Regional Court found that the amount of EUR 7,000 in compensation was appropriate. The applicant company appealed on 8 March 2006 against the Regional Court’s judgment. On 19 June 2006 the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and upheld the judgment. This judgment was served on the applicant’s company lawyer on 29 June 2006.
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{ "applicant": "Falter Zeitschriften GmbH", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2012 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Falter Zeitschriften GmbH
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 948/12) against the Swiss Confederation lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Kosovar nationals, Mr Sait Berisha (“the first applicant”) and Mrs Selvije Berisha (“the second applicant”), on 21 December 2011. The applicants were represented by Mr Ph. Liechti, a lawyer practising in Lausanne. The Swiss Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr A. Scheidegger, of the Federal Office of Justice. The applicants alleged, in particular, that the refusal by the Swiss authorities to allow their three children, R. Berisha, L. Berisha and B. Berisha, to reside in Switzerland constituted a breach of their right to respect for family life as guaranteed by Article 8 of the Convention. They further held that expulsion of the children, who were residing in Switzerland illegally, would violate Article 3 of the Convention. Pending proceedings before the Court the applicants therefore requested that Rule 39 of the Rules of Court be applied. On 9 March 2012 the Vice-President of the Second Section, to which the case was allocated, decided not to apply Rule 39 of the Rules of Court but to grant priority to the application under Rule 41 of the Rules of Court. On 29 June 2012 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1). The applicants and the Government each submitted observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The first applicant was born in 1967 and the second applicant in 1974, both in Kosovo. Their children R., L. and B. were also born in Kosovo in 1994, 1996 and 2003 respectively. The applicants have a fourth child, E., who was born in Switzerland in 2010. They all live in Lausanne, Canton of Vaud. In June 1997 the first applicant entered Switzerland, where he applied for asylum. His asylum request was rejected by the Federal Office for Migration on 19 November 1997 and it ordered that he should be expelled. The expulsion was not executed, and on 21 May 1999 the first applicant received a temporary residence permit for Switzerland. On 28 February 2000 the first applicant married a Swiss national. On 2 March 2005 he received a permanent residence permit for Switzerland. On 26 August 2006 he got divorced. On 10 January 2007 he married the second applicant - whom he had known since 1993 and with whom he had had the three children - in Rahovec (Kosovo). The second applicant entered Switzerland on 6 April 2007 with a visa. On 7 June 2007 the first applicant applied for a residence permit for the second applicant on the ground of family reunification. The second applicant announced her arrival in Lausanne on 8 June 2007. When she filled in the arrival form she left the question regarding family members unanswered. On 6 September 2007 the Office for Migration of the Canton of Vaud (Le service de population du canton de Vaud; hereafter “the Migration Office”) granted her a residence permit valid until 5 April 2012. On 4 December 2007 the second applicant applied to the Swiss representation in Pristina (Kosovo) for residence permits on the ground of family reunification for the three children, R., L. and B. She enclosed with the application the birth certificates of the three children, which named the first applicant as the father. On the basis of that application the Migration Office decided on 2 June 2008 to investigate the applicants’ family situation. Both applicants, as well as the first applicant’s ex-wife, were interviewed. On this occasion the ex-wife declared that the first applicant “had abused her naivety and her good will” and “had lied to her by hiding from her the fact that he had children, especially one born during their marriage”. The first applicant in turn stated that he had hidden those facts from his ex-wife because “his relationship with the second applicant was not a serious one at that time” and “he was not sure whether he was the father of the children”. Further, “[he] did not know then whether he was going to marry the second applicant”. On 18 December 2008 the second applicant wrote another letter to the Migration Office, informing it that her oldest daughter, L., had fallen seriously ill and had been hospitalised in Pristina. L.’s only relative who could care for her in Kosovo was her elderly grandmother. She therefore urged the Migration Office to decide the matter promptly. She attached a medical certificate of 11 December 2008 issued by the children’s hospital in Pristina, which stated that L. was suffering from rheumatic fever (febris rheumatica). On 9 January 2009 the Migration Office informed the second applicant that it was minded to refuse the request for residence permits for the children on the ground of family reunification. The Migration Office held that neither she nor the first applicant had previously mentioned the existence of the three children, and it doubted whether the first applicant was in fact the father of the three children. The second applicant was however given the opportunity to contest those findings within a time-limit. By a letter of 2 March 2009 the second applicant answered that she had never concealed the existence of her three children from the Swiss authorities. She explained that when she had entered Switzerland she had had no knowledge of the French language and had had to “improvise” when completing the entry form. That was why she had not answered the question regarding her children. However, in her personal visa application to the Swiss representation in Pristina on 13 March 2007 she had revealed the identity of her three children. She stated furthermore that her children had been mentioned regularly in the tax declarations to the Swiss authorities, and that the first applicant’s employer in Switzerland had paid child allowances for them for many years. Therefore, the Swiss authorities had always been aware of the existence of the children. As evidence she attached a copy of the tax declaration for the year 2007. On 28 April 2009 the Migration Office refused the applicants’ request for family reunification with their children. It ruled that neither the first nor the second applicant had mentioned the existence of their three children when they entered Switzerland, and they doubted that the first applicant was the father of the three children. They established that the applicants had not conducted themselves correctly with regard to the application, and accordingly they were no longer entitled to family reunification. The applicants did not appeal against this decision and it became final. On 15 August 2009, the three children, R., L. and B., entered Switzerland clandestinely. On 12 April 2010 the second applicant gave birth to a fourth child, E. By a letter of 31 May 2010 the first applicant informed the Migration Office that R., L. and B. had been living in Switzerland illegally since 15 August 2009. He explained that it had been urgent to bring them to the respondent State because L.’s chances of recovery were better in Switzerland. Furthermore, he alleged that it had been for various reasons impossible for the children to remain in their home country. On 1 June 2010 the Migration Office officially registered the entry of the three children into Switzerland on 15 August 2009, and noted that the applicants had submitted a request for residence permits for them on the ground of family reunification. On 13 July 2010 the Migration Office informed the applicants that it intended to dismiss their request. It established that the applicants had brought the children to Switzerland illegally despite the negative decision of the Migration Office of 28 April 2009. Therefore, the applicants had acted contrary to the rules of the immigration authorities. The Migration Office also reiterated that the children’s existence had previously been concealed from the Swiss authorities, and that the paternity of the first applicant had not been established. In addition, the legal requirements for family reunification had not been met. According to Article 47 (1) together with Article 47 (3b) of the new Foreign Nationals Act (see below, § 31), the right to family reunification had to be exercised within five years after the granting of a residence permit to the family member. This time-limit was only twelve months if the children were more than twelve years old. The request regarding R. and L., aged fifteen and fourteen respectively at the time of the application, was therefore late. Conversely, the request for B., aged seven at that time, was within the set time-limit. The Migration Office however found that, according to Rule 6.8 of the Federal Directive regarding family reunification, the purpose of a residence permit on the ground of family reunification was to enable all the members of a family to live together in the respondent State. Since R. and L. did not fulfil the prerequisites for a residence permit, it was not possible for the whole family to live together in Switzerland. Therefore, in the case of B. the requirements for family reunification were not met either. The Migration Office further added that, given that the second applicant had been granted a residence permit on 6 September 2007, the applicants had waited quite a while before applying for family reunification, and they had not cited any other important family reasons for seeking reunification. Finally, they established that R., L. and B. had lived their entire lives in their home country of Kosovo, where they had attended school, that the two oldest siblings would soon attain the age of majority and that in the circumstances of the case it remained doubtful whether it had always been the applicants’ true intention to construct family life in Switzerland. The Migration Office gave the applicants another opportunity to contest those findings. By a letter of 29 July 2010 the applicants informed the Migration Office that they wanted to maintain their request. They affirmed that the children had come to live in Switzerland because their grandmother, with whom they had been living in Kosovo, was old and could no longer care for them. Furthermore, it had always been the intention of the applicants to be reunited with their children once the second applicant had obtained a residence permit in Switzerland; this was illustrated by the first request for family reunification, made on 4 December 2007. They held that they could not be reproached with tardiness in applying for family reunification, because it was the Migration Office which had taken a year and four months to decide on the first application. They further reiterated that they had never attempted to deceive as to the existence of the children, and they indicated that a refusal to issue residence permits to the three children would breach Article 8 of the Convention and be against their best interests as children as established in Article 3 (1), 8 (1), 9 (1) and 10 (1) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (see below § 33). Finally, they drew attention to the birth of the applicants’ fourth child and the risk that a refusal of family reunification would separate the siblings. By a decision of 23 August 2010 the Migration Office rejected the applicants’ request for family reunification with their three children, on the grounds given previously. It further ordered that the children had to leave Switzerland within a month of the notification of the decision. The applicants and their children appealed against this decision to the Cantonal Administrative Court of the Canton of Vaud (“the Cantonal Court”). They attached Swiss school certificates for R., L. and B. which stated that they were well integrated in Switzerland. In particular, the applicants reiterated that, if returned to their home country, the children would be obliged to live in an orphanage, because their grandmother was no longer able to care for them. Furthermore, they stated that the first applicant had always been officially recognised as the father of the children and that he had regularly visited them and financially supported them in Kosovo as well as now in Switzerland. At the Cantonal Court’s request, a DNA examination was conducted. In a report of 30 December 2010 the University Centre of Legal Medicine Lausanne-Geneva established that the applicants were indeed the parents of the three children. By a fax of 22 February 2011 the Cantonal Court asked the Swiss embassy in Pristina to send it a copy of the visa application the second applicant had made on 13 March 2007, in which she had allegedly mentioned the existence of her three children. In its answer the embassy informed the Cantonal Court that it could not provide a copy of the visa application because in accordance with internal instructions it had been destroyed after two years. By a decision of 23 March 2011 the Cantonal Court dismissed the applicants’ appeal. It first concluded that the decision of the Migration Office of 28 April 2009 had indeed become final. Therefore, only the facts as presented by the request for family reunification made on 1 June 2010 were relevant. On the merits, the Cantonal Court established that the domestic law indicated that the request for residence permits on the ground of family reunification for R. and L. had been submitted late. Residence permits could therefore only be issued to them if there were important family reasons as set out in Article 47 (4) of the Foreign Nationals Act. According to Article 75 of the Federal Ordinance “Admission, Residence and Exercise of a Lucrative Activity” (see below, § 32) - the operative provision to Article 47 (4) of the Foreign Nationals Act - “important family reasons” were given when the best interests of the child could only be guaranteed by family reunification in Switzerland. The Cantonal Court however considered that in the case of R. and L. no such important family reasons could be identified; in particular, the positive development of L.’s recovery would not justify the permanent establishment of the children in Switzerland. Regarding the request of B., the Cantonal Court reiterated that in application of Article 96 (1) of the Foreign Nationals Act (see below § 31), the applicants had failed to establish that their private interest in a family reunification outweighed the public interest of the respondent State in controlling the entry of foreigners into its territory, although the second applicant had applied within the legal time-limit. In particular, it held: that in light of the statements made by the first applicant’s ex-wife, the applicants had engaged in deliberate deception between July 1997 and December 2007 as regards the existence of their three children; that according to Article 51 (2) and 62 (a) of the Foreign Nationals Act (see below § 31) this dissimulation alone justified the refusal of the children’s residence permits, because it breached public order; that the applicants had illegally brought the children to Switzerland and thereby presented the authorities with a fait accompli; that the applicants had not substantiated the age of the children’s grandmother in Kosovo and had not produced any medical evidence that the grandmother was no longer in a position to care for them; and that neither the birth of the fourth child nor the three children’s positive (Swiss) school certificates were decisive elements which would justify the issuing of residence permits. The application for residence permits for the three children should therefore be dismissed. The applicants and their children appealed to the Federal Supreme Court against the Cantonal Court’s decision. They argued in particular that the Cantonal Court had not considered whether the refusal of the residence permits for the children was in breach of Article 8 of the Convention. Furthermore, they claimed that expulsion of the three children would violate Article 3 of the Convention, because in their home country the children would have to be dependent on social services or be sent to an orphanage. By a decision of 18 November 2011 the Federal Supreme Court rejected the applicants’ appeal. It endorsed the Cantonal Court’s findings, and ruled that the refusal of the residence permits was proportionate under domestic law as well as under Article 8 of the Convention. It further ruled that the applicants’ claim of a breach of Article 3 of the Convention in the event of the children’s expulsion to Kosovo was manifestly ill-founded. By a letter of 29 February 2012 the applicants addressed the Court requesting that, pending the proceedings before it, the Swiss Government be invited to revoke the expulsion of their three children. By a letter of 12 March 2012 the applicants were informed that their request for the application of Rule 39 of the Rules of the Court had been dismissed but that their application had been granted priority. In addition to the documents produced in the domestic proceedings, the applicants also submitted to the Court new certificates from the schools where B. and L. were enrolled. With respect to B., the school certificates of the primary school of 15 February 2012 and 13 December 2012 indicated that she was an excellent student, speaking French fluently and being well integrated. Her teacher expressed incomprehension regarding the proposed expulsion, and stated that it would be against B.’s best interests as a child. Regarding L., the Director of the secondary school (établissement secondaire) wrote in a certificate dated 8 February 2012 that L. was very well integrated and that her high marks would presuppose her entry into high school (le lycée) the following school year. On 17 July 2012 the cantonal authorities of the Canton of Vaud issued a permanent residence permit to the second applicant. By a letter of 18 April 2013 the applicants’ lawyer confirmed that R., L. and B. were still residing in Switzerland.
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{ "applicant": "Sait Berisha", "articles": [ 91, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "CHE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2013 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Sait Berisha
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 43631/09) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Ms Katya Harroudj (“the applicant”), on 10 August 2009. The applicant was represented by Mr M. Bescou, a lawyer practising in Lyons. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms. E. Belliard, Head of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged that there had been a violation of Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention. On 15 September 2010 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1962 and lives in Villeurbanne. Zina Hind was born on 3 November 2003 in Algeria and was abandoned immediately by her biological mother, who gave birth anonymously. As her father was also unknown, Zina Hind became a ward of the Algerian State on 3 December 2003. The director of social services in Boumerdès (Algeria) was appointed as her guardian. On 13 January 2004 the President of the court of Boumerdès granted the applicant, then aged 42 and unmarried, the right to take the child Zina Hind into her legal care (kafala). He also authorised Zina Hind to leave Algeria and settle in France. In a decision of 19 January 2004, the President of the court of Bordj Menaïel (Algeria) admitted a request for the child to take the same name and authorised the change from Zina Hind to Hind Harroudj. Hind Harroudj arrived in France on 1 February 2004. Since then she has been living with the applicant and the applicant’s mother. On 8 November 2006 the applicant applied for the full adoption of Hind. In support of her request she argued that to enable Hind to be adopted was the solution most consistent with “the best interests of the child”, within the meaning of Article 3 § 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 November 1989 and Article 1 of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. In a judgment of 21 March 2007 the Lyons tribunal de grande instance dismissed her application for adoption, after noting that kafala gave her parental authority, enabling her to take any decisions in the child’s interest. The court found that kafala gave the child the protection to which all children were entitled under the international conventions. It further pointed out that, under Article 370-3 of the French Civil Code (see paragraph 23 below), a child could not be adopted if the law of his or her country prohibited adoption, which it did in the case of Hind, as the Algerian Family Code stipulated: “adoption is prohibited by the Sharia and by legislation” (see paragraph 17 below). The applicant appealed against that judgment. In a judgment of 23 October 2007 the Lyons Court of Appeal upheld the judgment of the court below: “Article 370-3, second paragraph, of the Civil Code, inserted by the Law of 6 February 2001 on Intercountry Adoption, stipulates: ‘Adoption of a foreign minor may not be ordered where his or her personal law prohibits that institution, unless the minor was born and resides habitually in France’. The choice-of-law rule, in so far as it refers to the personal law, is not discriminatory and is compliant with Articles 8 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights and with international law; Article 4 (a) of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption provides that adoption may take place only if the competent authorities of the State of origin have established that the child is adoptable, this not being the case where adoption is prohibited. Hind Harroudj was born in Algeria. Article 46 of the Algerian Family Code authorises kafala, but prohibits adoption. Under French law, simple or full adoption creates a legal parent-child relationship for the benefit of the adopters and cannot be equated with kafala. The Algerian Family Code does not provide for any exception to the prohibition of adoption where the child has no established parentage. The executive decree of 13 January 1992 on changes of name does not establish parent-child relationships, as the holder of the right of kafala retains the status of guardian. The kafala system preserves the child’s interests by conferring legal status on the care provided by guardians. It is expressly recognised by Article 20 § 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 November 1989. Islamic law makes other provision for the inheritance of property. Accordingly, the above-mentioned provisions do not run counter to the child’s best interests.” The applicant lodged an appeal on points of law. Under Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention, she relied on Hind’s right to respect for her family life, submitting that it was in the child’s interest for a legal parent-child relationship to be established between them, and that her inability to adopt Hind entailed a disproportionate interference with her own family life. She argued that the fact of denying her the right to adopt had the effect of establishing a difference in treatment in respect of the child’s family life on account of the child’s nationality and country of origin, as children born in countries which did not prohibit adoption could be adopted in France. In a judgment of 25 February 2009 the Court of Cassation dismissed her appeal on points of law: “After noting that the choice-of-law rule in Article 370-3, second paragraph, of the Civil Code, referring to the personal law of the adopted child, was consistent with the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption – the application of which is intended only for adoptable children, excluding those whose country of origin prohibits adoption – the Court of Appeal did not establish any difference in treatment in respect of the child’s family life or disregard the right to respect for the latter, in finding that Article 46 of the Algerian Family Code prohibited adoption but authorised kafala and in rejecting the application for adoption, in so far as kafala was expressly recognised by Article 20, paragraph 3, of the New York Convention of 26 January 1990 [adopted on 20 November 1989] on the Rights of the Child, as preserving, on a par with adoption, the child’s best interests. ...”
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{ "applicant": "Katya Harroudj", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2012 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Katya Harroudj
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 29 May 1995, and by the Government of the Swiss Confederation (“the Government“) on 26 June 1995, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 23218/94) against Switzerland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a Turkish national, Mr Riza Gül, on 31 December 1993. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Switzerland recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); the Government’s application referred to Articles 45, 47 and 48 (art. 45, art. 47, art. 48). The object of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyers who would represent him (Rule 30). The Turkish Government, having been informed by the Registrar of their right to intervene in the proceedings (Article 48 (b) of the Convention and Rule 33 para. 3 (b)) (art. 48-b), did not indicate any intention of so doing. The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr L. Wildhaber, the elected judge of Swiss nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Bernhardt, the Vice-President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 4). On 8 June 1995, in the presence of the Registrar, the President of the Court drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr F. Matscher, Mr C. Russo, Mr N. Valticos, Mr S.K. Martens, Mrs E. Palm, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha and Mr K. Jungwiert (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 5) (art. 43). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 6), Mr Bernhardt, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyers and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the memorials of the applicant and the Government on 3 and 11 August 1995 respectively. On 4 September 1995 the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing. On 25 August 1995 the Commission produced the file on the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions. In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 October 1995. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr O. Jacot-Guillarmod, Assistant Director, Head of the International Affairs Division, Federal Office of Justice, Agent, Mr F. Schürmann, Deputy Head of the European Law and International Affairs Section, Federal Office of Justice, Mrs S. Marconato, Legal Officer, Federal Aliens Office, Counsel; (b) for the Commission Mr H. Danelius, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr R. Plender QC, Mr J. Walker, Fürsprech, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Danelius, Mr Plender and Mr Jacot-Guillarmod, and the latter’s reply to the question asked by one member of the Court. On 25 and 27 October 1995 the Registrar received the Government’s and the applicant’s written replies to that question. AS TO THE FACTS I. CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE A. Situation of the applicant and part of his family in Switzerland Mr Gül is a Turkish national, who was born in 1947 and now lives with his wife at Pratteln in the canton of Basle Rural, Switzerland. Until 1983 he lived with his wife and their two sons, Tuncay (born on 12 October 1971) and Ersin (born on 20 January 1983), in the town of Gümüshane in Turkey. On 25 April 1983 he travelled to Switzerland, where he applied for political asylum as a Kurd and former member of the Turkish Social Democratic Party (“the CHP“). He worked in a restaurant there until 1990, when he fell ill. Since then he has been in receipt of a partial-invalidity pension. In 1987 the applicant’s wife, who had remained in Turkey with their two sons, seriously burned herself during a fit brought on by her epilepsy, from which she had suffered since 1982. In December 1987, having found that it was impossible for her to obtain proper treatment in the area where she was then living, she joined her husband in Switzerland, where she was taken into hospital as an emergency case. Two of the fingers of her left hand were amputated. On 19 September 1988 in Switzerland Mrs Gül gave birth to her third child, Nursal, a daughter. As she still suffered from epilepsy, she could not take care of the baby, who was placed in a home in Switzerland, where she has remained ever since. In a written declaration dated 31 March 1989, a Pratteln specialist in internal medicine stated that a return to Turkey would be impossible for Mrs Gül and might even prove fatal to her, given her serious medical condition. On 9 February 1989 the Minister for Refugees rejected Mr Gül’s application for political asylum, on the ground that he had not been able to establish that he personally had been a victim of persecution, as the general situation of the Kurdish population in Turkey was not in itself sufficient to justify granting political asylum. He went on to say that, according to reliable sources, no measures were being taken by the State authorities against former members of the CHP, and ordered the applicant to leave Switzerland by 30 April 1989, failing which he would be deported. On 10 March 1989 the applicant appealed against the above decision to the Federal Justice and Police Department. He asserted that the collective repression of Kurds in Turkey, of which he himself had been a victim, in itself justified granting political asylum. In addition, at the time when he had fled to Switzerland all political parties had been proscribed and their members - especially the members of left-wing parties like the CHP - were being prosecuted. He could not therefore be required to return to Turkey, and this would be in breach of Article 3 (art. 3) of the Convention. In a letter of 26 June 1989, the Basle Rural Cantonal Aliens Police (Fremdenpolizei) informed the applicant’s lawyer that they supported Mr Gül’s request for a residence permit (Aufenthaltsbewilligung) on humanitarian grounds in respect of himself, his wife and his daughter Nursal. In view of the length of time Mr Gül had been living in Switzerland and his wife’s precarious state of health, the police considered that the conditions for the issue of such a permit laid down in Article 13 (f) of the Federal Council’s Order Limiting the Number of Aliens (“the OLNA“ - see paragraph 21 below) had been satisfied. The final decision to grant a residence permit was given by the Federal Aliens Office on 15 February 1990. As the Federal Justice and Police Department had informed Mr Gül that his application for political asylum had only very limited prospects of success on appeal, he withdrew it. The authorities took formal note of this on 8 November 1989. B. Steps taken by the applicant with a view to bringing his two sons to Switzerland 1. Before the Basle Rural Cantonal Aliens Police On 14 May 1990 Mr Gül asked the Basle Rural Cantonal Aliens Police for permission to bring to Switzerland his two sons, Tuncay and Ersin, who had remained in Turkey. In a decision of 19 September 1990 the Aliens Police rejected Mr Gül’s request, on the ground that the conditions for family reunion had not been satisfied (Article 39 of the OLNA - see paragraph 21 below). Firstly, the Gül family’s flat did not conform to the standards laid down and, secondly, the applicant did not have sufficient means to provide for his family. In any event, Tuncay was already eighteen and was therefore ineligible for a residence permit under the rules governing family reunion. 2. Before the Basle Rural cantonal government On 1 October 1990 the applicant appealed against this decision to the Basle Rural cantonal government (Regierungsrat). He argued that the residence permit issued to him and his wife under Article 13 (f) of the OLNA should have been extended to include his two sons, as his personal circumstances made it an extremely serious case. Since it was impossible to return to Turkey because of his wife’s precarious state of health and the length of time he had lived abroad, the family could be brought back together only in Switzerland. Both Article 8 (art. 8) of the European Convention on Human Rights, guaranteeing the right to respect for family life, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child gave the two boys the right to join their parents in Switzerland. If the cantonal government were nevertheless to rely on the provisions of Articles 38 et seq. of the OLNA (see paragraph 21 below) on family reunion, the younger son, Ersin, could and should be permitted to exercise that right. There was enough room for him in the family’s flat and Mr Gül’s financial resources were sufficient to provide for his family. On 30 July 1991 the Basle Rural cantonal government dismissed the applicant’s appeal. It pointed out that under section 4 of the Federal Residence and Settlement of Aliens Act (“the RSAA“ - see paragraph 20 below) the question whether to grant a residence permit (Aufenthaltsbewilligung) or settlement permit (Niederlassungsbewilligung) was determined by the competent cantonal authorities with unfettered discretion (nach freiem Ermessen), having regard to the relevant statutory provisions and international agreements. In that connection, the authorities had to take account of the country’s moral and economic interests, and of the degree of immigrant penetration (Überfremdung). The cantonal government then considered whether Mr Gül’s two sons could rely on a right to obtain permission to reside in Switzerland (Anwesenheitsbewilligung) on the basis of the statutory provisions, as the agreement on settlement concluded by Turkey and Switzerland on 13 December 1990 did not confer such a right. Under section 17 (2) of the RSAA (see paragraph 20 below) a minor did not have such a right unless his parent was in possession of a settlement permit. As Mr and Mrs Gül only had a residence permit, they could not rely on that provision in order to assert a right to family reunion. As for the guarantees set forth in Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention, only Swiss nationals or persons in possession of a settlement permit could rely on these; Mr and Mrs Gül fell into neither of those categories. Articles 38 et seq. of the OLNA (see paragraph 21 below) did not confer a right but merely set out the minimum conditions to be satisfied before family reunion could be authorised. The cantonal authorities had the final say on the matter, and in reaching their decision they had unfettered discretion. It being established that the provisions concerned could only apply, if at all, to the minor son, Ersin, the cantonal government listed the minimum conditions which Article 39 para. 1 of the OLNA (see paragraph 21 below) required to be satisfied by a foreigner living in Switzerland before family reunion could be authorised, namely: (a) his residence and, where relevant, his gainful employment should appear to be sufficiently stable; (b) he should live with his family and occupy accommodation suitable for that purpose; (c) he should have sufficient means to support his family; and (d) firm arrangements should have been made for the care of any children who still needed their parents’ presence. The cantonal government did not determine points (a) and (b), but carefully considered points (c) and (d), on which it gave the following decision: “(c) The calculations made by the Aliens Police and the cantonal government’s legal service, which investigated the case, show that Mr Gül has not satisfied the condition laid down in Article 39 para. 1 (c) of the OLNA. He does not have sufficient means to support his family during their residence in Switzerland. According to the reference calculation, Mr Gül should have a monthly net income of at least 2,710 Swiss francs (CHF) if he is not to fall below the minimum standard of living. That figure is derived from the base rates used by the cantonal social security office for assessing the likelihood of reliance on social security, which are on the whole identical with the base rates adopted by the Swiss Conference on Public Assistance for the calculation of financial support. These base rates are used to establish the monthly living expenses of the foreigner concerned and the members of his family seeking to join him, which have to be covered by his income. This must be sufficient to provide not only the basic necessities of life but also a minimum standard of living. In this way the legitimate interest of the public authorities in preventing the family from becoming a burden on the social security services is also taken into account. Mr Gül’s net monthly income is CHF 2,060, which falls CHF 650 short of the amount required for the minimum standard of living as calculated by the social security services. The cost of keeping the youngest child, Nursal, in a children’s home has not been taken into account, as it is not known who pays for this. The calculation of income is based on pay-slips from 1989, the latest available. On 23 October 1990 the Liestal Cantonal Hospital sent the Basle Rural Aliens Police a medical certificate stating that Mr Gül was 100% unfit for work and would remain so for a period that it was not possible to determine. On enquiry being made, it was confirmed in a medical certificate dated 19 April 1991 that Mr Gül had suffered from 100% incapacity since April 1990 and would remain unfit for work for the foreseeable future. The Pratteln municipal social security services stated in a letter of 11 June 1991 that Mr Gül would have to have several operations and that for the time being he was waiting to be awarded an invalidity pension. For the first three months of this year alone the social security services have paid the Gül family CHF 8,731.75, and the family will remain dependent on social security payments. In June 1991 Mr Gül stated during a personal interview with the subordinate authority (Vorinstanz) that his family was at that time entirely dependent on social security payments. He therefore has no other source of income. At present the social security services are paying the Gül family the amount needed by a three-person family, but no more. The social security services cannot be expected to provide for children arriving from abroad when it is known in advance that they will have to support them. Nor can Mr Gül support his other children from his own resources. For that reason alone the application for family reunion must be refused. (d) Article 39 para. 1 (d) also requires firm arrangements to be made for the care of children. But Mrs Gül, for reasons connected with her illness, is not mentally or physically capable of keeping her daughter Nursal with her and looking after her. That is why Nursal has been brought up in the “Auf Berg“ children’s home in Seltisberg, where she is to remain. It follows that if Mr and Mrs Gül’s eight-year-old son Ersin joined the family, it is not at all certain that firm arrangements could be made for his care. He too would presumably have to be brought up in a children’s home, which is not the aim of family reunion. A medical certificate dated 18 April 1991 states that Mrs Gül is suffering from a serious illness which makes it necessary for her to have constant medical supervision and treatment. She might even need to go into hospital again. That prospect makes it impossible to consider that firm arrangements have been made for the child’s care as the Order requires.“ The cantonal government went on to say that residence permits issued on humanitarian grounds under Article 13 (f) of the OLNA could not in addition confer on the recipients a right to family reunion. In order to ensure equal treatment for all aliens not having the right to reside in Switzerland, such reunion could take place only under Articles 38 et seq. of the OLNA. Lastly, the cantonal government considered the situation of the younger boy from the standpoint of Article 36 of the OLNA (see paragraph 21 below), announcing its decision in the following terms: “Ersin Gül is only eight. It must be determined whether his entry into Switzerland would be in accordance with Article 36 of the OLNA, which requires an `important reason’ that is lacking in this case. There is no special reason for treating Ersin Gül differently from other children wishing to rejoin their families in respect of whom the conditions laid down in Articles 38 et seq. of the OLNA have not been satisfied. Another reason for refusing to admit him to Switzerland is the fact that Ersin and Tuncay Gül would be separated. Ersin has lived with Tuncay since birth. On the other hand, he has been separated from his father and mother for eight years and three and a half years respectively. Having regard to the child’s welfare, which plays an important role in family reunion cases, the question arises, at the very least, whether it is reasonable to separate him from his brother and the environment he is used to in order to bring him to live with his mother, who is seriously ill and unable to keep him with her or look after him, and his father, who went away to Switzerland three month’s after Ersin’s birth, which means that he hardly knows him. In view of all the circumstances, and having regard to the child’s welfare, the cantonal government considers that Ersin Gül should not be authorised to join his parents in Switzerland. In any case, there is no important reason within the meaning of Article 36 of the OLNA which requires him to be admitted to Switzerland.“ The cantonal government concluded that Mr Gül had not satisfied the conditions laid down for family reunion and that his children could not rely on Article 13 (f) or Article 36 of the OLNA either in order to come to Switzerland to join him. 3. In the Federal Court On 2 September 1991 the applicant lodged an administrative-law appeal with the Swiss Federal Court. He repeated his previous arguments (see paragraph 15 above) and added that, because of the “special circumstances“, Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention gave his sons the right to obtain permission to reside in Switzerland. The earlier issue of a residence permit on humanitarian grounds to himself, his wife and his daughter had been based on the finding that a return to Turkey was impossible, as it would put the health of his wife and daughter seriously at risk. Mr Gül argued that the same considerations which had prevailed in the decision to grant that residence permit should prevent any withdrawal thereof, which would be tantamount to subjecting Mrs Gül, whose state of health was still causing concern, to inhuman and degrading treatment contrary to Article 3 (art. 3) of the Convention. The residence permit issued to Mr and Mrs Gül on humanitarian grounds was therefore the equivalent of a settlement permit, and it followed that they had the right to family reunion, which could only take place in Switzerland. In a judgment of 2 July 1993 the Federal Court declared the applicant’s appeal inadmissible. It pointed out that, pursuant to section 100 (b) (3) of the Federal Administration of Justice Act, an administrative-law appeal in an immigration-control case was inadmissible if it concerned the issue or refusal of permits to which federal legislation conferred no entitlement. Like the cantonal government, the Federal Court found that neither section 17 (2) of the RSAA nor Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention conferred such a right on an alien resident outside Switzerland whose parent living in Switzerland had only a residence permit, as Mr Gül did. In particular, Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention could be relied on only by a person who had the right of abode in Switzerland either by virtue of his Swiss nationality or by virtue of a settlement permit. The court gave this ruling in the following terms: “Article 8 (art. 8) of the European Convention on Human Rights guarantees the right to respect for family life. In certain circumstances the right to be issued with a residence permit can be deduced from this (see ATF [Judgments of the Swiss Federal Court] 118 Ib 152 at 4, 157 at c; 116 Ib 355 at 1b; 109 Ib 185 at 2), so that Article 8 (art. 8) may be breached where an alien whose family lives in Switzerland is refused leave to enter the country. According to the Federal Court’s established case-law, however, a breach can occur only where the family members living in Switzerland themselves possess a well-established right of abode (Anwesenheitsrecht). For that purpose, it is in principle necessary to have Swiss nationality or possess a settlement permit (see ATF 116 Ib 355 at 1b; 115 Ib 4 at 1d). A mere residence permit is at any rate not sufficient unless it is based on a firmly established right (see ATF 111 Ib 163/4 at 1a), as the Federal Court has held in many unpublished judgments (most recently in the judgment of 6 April 1993 in the case of K., at 1b) ... That is, moreover, consistent with the new provisions on the legal status of aliens having family members in Switzerland (sections 7 and 17 (2) of the RSAA, as amended on 23 March 1990, which came into force on 1 January 1992). Under the Act the right to family reunion presupposes a firmly established right of abode, as pointed out above (at 1b). Given that the legislature’s intention in adopting the amendment in question was precisely to take account of Article 8 (art. 8) of the European Convention on Human Rights (see Bbl [Federal Gazette] 1987 III, pp. 293 et seq., particularly pp. 321 and 322), there is no reason, when that provision (art. 8) of the Convention is invoked with regard to recognition of legal rights in the matter of residence permits, to go beyond what the Act itself expressly provides (see the Federal Court’s unpublished judgment of 6 April 1993 in the case of K., at 1b).“ The Federal Court also emphasised the differences between settlement permits and residence permits, stating: “Unlike settlement permits, which are issued for an indefinite period (section 6 (1) of the Federal Residence and Settlement of Aliens Act - hereinafter the RSAA), residence permits are always subject to a time-limit (section 5 (1) of the RSAA). Whatever the reason for granting the first residence permit, an alien must therefore allow for the possibility that his permit will not be renewed. There could be many reasons for this, including, for example, police, economic or demographic considerations. Although the alien’s personal circumstances have to be taken into account in the inquiry into the proportionality of the decision not to renew, that does not mean that the alien is on that account entitled to have his residence permit renewed. The above statement of the law also applies to residence permits issued on humanitarian grounds. The only effect of a finding that a case is an extremely serious one within the meaning of Article 13 (f) of the Federal Council’s Order Limiting the Number of Aliens of 6 October 1986 (hereinafter the OLNA - SR 823.21) is to exclude the alien concerned from the quotas laid down in that Order; it does not imply the existence of a right to a residence permit. The Aliens Police prefer to remain free to decide when such a permit should be issued (see ATF 119 Ib 35 at 1a). In addition, the possibility cannot be ruled out that the particular circumstances which justified the issue of a residence permit on humanitarian grounds will subsequently cease to exist, or lose their significance to such an extent that not only will there no longer be any reason to exclude the person concerned from the quotas, but even renewal of the residence permit will no longer be justified. Moreover, it is apparent from the rule established in Article 12 para. 2 of the OLNA that the conditions required for a finding that the case is an extremely serious one may subsequently cease to exist (see the unpublished judgment of 3 July 1992 in the case of P., at 6). The question whether the case is of this type is therefore entirely separate from the question whether the person concerned has the right to obtain permission to reside in Switzerland by virtue of Article 8 (art. 8) of the European Convention on Human Rights (see ATF 115 Ib 8). Furthermore, in the instant case the possibility cannot be entirely ruled out that in the future the medical or other reasons which led the authorities to grant the residence permit will lose their significance, or that new grounds justifying a refusal to renew the permit will become apparent. The appellant can therefore not deduce from the fact that he is authorised to reside in Switzerland any right to the issue of a residence permit for his sons.“ The Federal Court went on to say that the question how the OLNA should be applied to the issue of permits was not one it had to examine in connection with the administrative-law appeal, as the cantonal government had already looked into the question whether the Güls’ younger son could be issued with a residence permit under Article 36 of the OLNA. C. Situation of the applicant’s son Ersin in Turkey Ersin has lived in Turkey since his birth, at first in Gümüshane until 1993 (with his mother until 1987), and then in Istanbul. According to the Government, he is at present living, as is his grandfather, with the family of his elder brother Tuncay, and has been visited several times by his father. The applicant maintained that Ersin frequently moved from one home to another and spent two or three days staying with various Kurdish families who used to live in the village where he was born, including the family of his elder brother. Owing to his grandfather’s limited financial resources and the distance between the homes of some of these families and the school it was not possible for the boy to attend school on a regular basis. As is evidenced by an article which appeared in the Turkish newspaper Sabah on 25 July 1995, Mr and Mrs Gül visited their son in Turkey in July and August 1995.
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{ "applicant": "Riza Gül", "articles": [ 91, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "CHE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1996 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Riza Gül
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 45369/07) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Austrian nationals, Mr Wolfgang Rambauske and Mrs Martina Rambauske (“the applicants”), on 15 October 2007. The applicants were represented by Mr P.-L. Kirste, a lawyer practising in Salzburg. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. On 11 February 2009 the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 3). THE FACTS THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicants are the joint owners of a house in Salzburg which they had acquired in 1996. In spring 1997 they discovered that the distance between an annex to their house and the neighbouring plot of land did not correspond to the minimum distance required by the building permit. On 24 November 1997 the applicants applied to the Salzburg Municipal Authority (Magistrat) for a retrospective building permit including, among other points, the authorisation to go below the minimum distance between the annex to their house and the neighbouring plot. The Salzburg Municipal Authority fixed a date for a hearing on the property in question, but cancelled that date on the applicants’ request. Subsequently, the applicants and their neighbours filed comprehensive submissions and the applicants submitted substitute plans which were then examined by a court-appointed expert, A. A hearing on the applicants’ property was held on 4 November 1998. On the applicants’ request the time-limit for commenting on the results of the hearing was extended from 4 to 31 December 1998. Having announced to submit a private expert opinion by the end of January 1999 the applicants did so on 2 June 1999. On 1 August 1999 the applicant’s neighbours filed comments. The Salzburg Municipal Authority granted the applicants’ request on 7 December 1999. On 23 December 1999 the applicants’ neighbours appealed against the authorisation to reduce the minimum distance between their property and the applicants’ house. Until August 2000 the Appeals Commission (Bauberufungs-kommission) tried to achieve a settlement between the applicants and their neighbours. As these efforts failed, it took further evidence, asking expert A. to supplement his opinion. The parties were asked to comment by 21 February 2001. That time-limit was extended several times on the applicants’ request until 30 March 2001. The Appeals Commission held an on-site hearing on 6 July 2001. On 17 October 2001, after a further attempt to achieve a friendly settlement had failed, the Appeals Commission requested the applicants for further comments by 6 November. On their request the time-limit was extended until 28 November 2001. Following a change in the designation of the applicants’ property, the Appeals Commission asked them to comment by 13 February 2002. On that date the applicants submitted comments and amended their request which was subsequently submitted to expert A. The latter submitted his opinion, after the applicants had made further necessary amendments of the plan, on 24 September 2002. On the applicants’ request, the time-limit for filing comments was extended from 12 November until 9 December 2002. The time-limit for replying to their neighbours’ comments was extended from 2 January until 28 January 2003. On 18 March 2003 the Appeals Commission confirmed the Municipal Authority’s decision. On 2 May 2003 the applicants’ neighbours lodged a complaint to the Administrative Court. The Appeals Commission submitted its observations on 3 July and the applicants submitted their observations in reply on 24 July 2003. On 27 March 2007 the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) dismissed the neighbours’ complaint as being unfounded. The judgment was served on the applicants’ counsel on 19 April 2007.
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{ "applicant": "Wolfgang Rambauske", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 51, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2010 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Wolfgang Rambauske
PROCEDURE The present case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and the Government of the Swiss Confederation (“the Government“). The case originated in an application (no. 8737/79) against that State lodged with the Commission on 30 August 1979 under Article 25 (art. 25) of the Convention by two Swiss nationals, Mr. Werner Zimmermann and Mr. Johann Steiner. The Commission’s request and the Government’s application were lodged with the registry of the Court within the period of three months laid down by Articles 32 § 1 and 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) - the former on 17 May and the latter on 8 July 1982. The request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the Swiss Confederation recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46), and the application to Articles 45, 47 and 48 (art. 45, art. 47, art. 48). The object of the request and the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the length of the proceedings relative to the hearing of the applicants’ appeal to the Swiss Federal Court had exceeded the reasonable time stipulated by Article 6 § 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention. The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Mrs. D. Bindschedler-Robert, the elected judge of Swiss nationality (Article 43 (art. 43) of the Convention), and Mr. G. Wiarda, the President of the Court (Rule 21 § 3 (b) of the Rules of Court). On 28 May 1982, the President drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the five other members, namely Mr. F. Matscher, Mr. J. Pinheiro Farinha, Mr. L.-E. Pettiti, Mr. R. Macdonald and Mr. R. Bernhardt (Article 43 (art. 43) in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 4). Subsequently, Mr. Bernhardt was exempted by the President from sitting and was replaced by Mr. D. Evrigenis (Rule 24 § 4). Mr. Wiarda, who had assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 5), ascertained, through the Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government and the Delegate of the Commission regarding the procedure to be followed. On 12 October 1982, he decided, having particular regard to their concurring statements, that it was not necessary for memorials to be filed and that the oral proceedings should open on 24 January 1983. By Order of 22 December 1982, the President requested the Government and the Commission to supply certain documents; these were received at the registry on various dates. The hearings were held in public at the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 24 January 1983. Immediately before they opened, the Court had held a preparatory meeting; it had authorised the person assisting the Delegate of the Commission to use the German language (Rule 27 § 3). There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr. J. VOYAME, Director of the Federal Office of Justice, Agent, Mr. P. MÜLLER, Director of the registry of the Swiss Federal Court, Mr. O. JACOT-GUILLARMOD, Federal Office of Justice, Mr. B. MÜNGER, Federal Office of Justice, Counsel; for the Commission Mr. J. SAMPAIO, Delegate, Mr. L. MINELLI, the applicants’ representative before the Commission, assisting the Delegate (Rule 29 § 1, second sentence, of the Rules of Court). The Court heard addresses by Mr. Voyame for the Government and by Mr. Sampaio and Mr. Minelli for the Commission, as well as their replies to its questions. AS TO THE FACTS Mr. Werner Zimmermann and Mr. Johann Steiner were born in 1937 and 1904 respectively. Mr. Zimmermann is a fitter and resides at Uster (Zürich); Mr. Steiner is retired and resides at Bargen (Berne). Until 30 September 1976, each of the applicants was the tenant of a flat, Mr. Zimmermann in Kloten and Mr. Steiner in Rümlang; these localities are close to Zürich-Kloten airport, which is in the territory of, and operated by, the Canton of Zürich. A. Proceedings before the Federal Assessment Commission In 1974, the applicants sought compensation from the Canton of Zürich for the damage caused by the noise and air pollution resulting from the operation of the airport; Mr. Zimmermann claimed a lump sum of 28,242 SF and Mr. Steiner a lump sum of 54,199 SF. Having been unable to arrive at a settlement with them, the Canton applied on 17 June 1974 for assessment proceedings to be opened under section 57 of the Federal Expropriation Act of 20 June 1930. The case was referred to the Federal Assessment Commission having jurisdiction in the matter, namely the Commission for the Tenth District; on this occasion it was presided over by a judge of the St. Gallen Higher Court and also comprised an architect, an engineer and the registrar of that court (sections 59 et seq. of the above-mentioned Act, Order of 24 April 1972 on the Federal Assessment Commissions and Order of 17 May 1972 on the Federal Assessment Districts). The Assessment Commission rejected the applicants’ claims by a decision of 6 October 1976, which was served on them on 7 March 1977. It recognised that under Swiss case-law and legal theory tenants could in principle rely on the law of nuisance (voisinage) set out in the Civil Code (Articles 679 and 684); however, it considered that the applicants were alleging non-pecuniary damage and not damage to property, whereas only the latter fell to be taken into account under the Federal Expropriation Act. B. Proceedings before the Federal Court On 18 April 1977, Mr. Zimmermann and Mr. Steiner lodged with the Federal Court an administrative-law appeal against the Federal Assessment Commission’s decision (section 77 § 1 of the Federal Expropriation Act). The Federal Court sought the views of the Assessment Commission on 27 April. The latter filed its observations on 18 May 1977 and the administrative authorities of the Canton of Zürich filed theirs on 24 May 1977. This concluded the pleadings (procédure contradictoire). The applicants’ lawyer wrote to the Federal Court on 8 September 1978 to enquire about the state of the proceedings. It replied, on 21 September, that it had not yet been able to deal with the case because of its excessive workload, but hoped to be able to give a decision during the coming months. The Federal Court enclosed with its letter a copy of the observations filed by the Canton of Zürich. The applicants reverted to the matter on 15 March 1979. In a letter of 23 March, the judge acting as rapporteur of the First Public-Law Chamber of the Federal Court informed them that, save for unforeseen circumstances, a decision would be given before the court vacation. On 29 June 1980, the applicants’ lawyer again asked the Federal Court for information about the state of the proceedings. On 11 July, the judge acting as rapporteur, whilst expressing his regrets about the delay in examining the case, replied that judgment would be delivered after the court vacation. The First Public-Law Chamber of the Federal Court dismissed the appeal on 15 October 1980. Its judgment, which was fifteen pages in length, began by analysing the situation of residential and agricultural tenants in the event of expropriation. It went on to observe that when - in 1967 and 1958 respectively - the applicants signed their leases, which were renewable every three months, they were aware of the nuisance to which they would be subjected; they had not established that it had grown noticeably worse in the meantime (section 41 of the Expropriation Act). C. The Federal Court’s excessive workload and the measures taken to deal with it According to the statistics supplied by the Government, from 1969 to 1979 the total number of appeals rose from 1,629 to 3,037, that is an increase of 86%. The rate of growth was 107% for public-law appeals (1,336 against 634) and as much as 318% for administrative-law appeals (590 against 141). As early as 1970, the Federal Assembly decided to increase the number of members of the Federal Court from 26 to 28 and the number of substitute judges from 12 to 15; thereafter the Public-Law and Administrative-Law Chamber had 11 members instead of 9. In its report for 1971, published on 1 February 1972, the Federal Court drew attention to a build-up in the volume of litigation; it stated that “despite the increase, in 1970, in the number of judges“, it would “already have to consider at an early date the measures to be taken to deal with the growth in the quantity of cases“. In November 1973, the Federal Court submitted to the Federal Government a number of urgent proposals designed to reduce this excessive workload; at the same time it suggested that a thorough review be undertaken of the whole organisation of the Federal courts, especially in public- and administrative-law matters, as regards its objectives and its relationship with the administration of the Cantonal courts. In its message of 22 May 1974 to the Federal Assembly, the Federal Government put forward draft texts designed, on the one hand, to modify the Federal Constitution of the Courts Act as regards the Public-Law and Administrative-Law Chamber of the Federal Court and, on the other hand, to amend the Federal Decree fixing the number of registrars and secretaries; it proposed that the number of judges be increased from 28 to 30 and the number of registrars and secretaries from 24 to 28. In its preliminary observations, the Federal Government stated: “The cases coming before the Public-Law and Administrative-Law Chamber of the Federal Court constitute a task which, for a long time now, has been growing continuously and threatening to become an excessive workload of a permanent nature; in the long term and having regard to the Court’s present organisation, it will not be possible to keep abreast of this task without there being detrimental effects on the quality of the handling of cases and, at the end of the day, on protection under the law.“ However, the Federal Court itself requested that these reforms be deferred, pending a full-scale revision of the Federal Constitution of the Courts Act; this revision has not yet been effected (see paragraph 16 below). In its report for 1977, dated 14 February 1978, the Federal Court recorded that there had been no diminution in the growth of its caseload, above all in the area of public and administrative law. It attributed this not only to the extension of the Confederation’s powers in administrative matters but also to the fact that citizens were having increased resort to the guarantees which the law afforded to them vis-à-vis the public authorities. On 14 December 1977, the Federal Court had recommended to the Federal Government urgent measures similar to those it had sought in 1973. As a result, in 1978 the Federal Assembly took a first series of decisions. It increased the number of Federal judges from 28 to 30 and, with effect from 1 February 1979, the number of registrars and secretaries from 24 to 28. It also decided to split the Public-Law and Administrative-Law Chamber into two Public-Law Chambers. The Federal Court, for its part, adopted on 14 December 1978 revised Rules of Procedure which also came into force on 1 February 1979. Public-law and administrative-law cases are now distributed, according to their subject-matter, amongst the different Divisions of the Federal Court. These reforms were to prove insufficient. In its management report for 1979, dated 12 February 1980, the Federal Court recorded that 3,037 cases had been brought and 2,786 disposed of during the year; however, it had been necessary to carry over to 1980 the examination of some 1,565 cases that is more than half of those registered in 1979. The Federal Court observed that the vast majority (84%) of the cases remaining on its list concerned public and administrative law and stated: “In these areas, if no immediate solution is found, a litigant will in future have to wait for years before the Court rules on his case. In a State governed by the rule of law, such a situation is incompatible with the role that should be played by the Supreme Court.“ The Federal Government therefore proposed in their message of 17 September 1980 to the Federal Assembly that the number of registrars and secretaries be increased from 28 to 60. It should be noted that these are not junior administrative staff but highly-qualified lawyers who play an essential role in the functioning of the Federal Court (Rule 10 of the Federal Court’s Rules of Procedure, dated 14 December 1978); indeed they act in a consultative capacity during deliberations (Rule 12, second paragraph). In its management report for 1980, dated 6 February 1981, the Federal Court pointed out that the situation was still serious. It regretted that the two legislative Chambers had not yet been able to adopt the Government’s proposals and added: “Owing to its overwhelming workload, the Court is now no longer able, in certain areas, to fulfil its role as guardian of the law, even though for its part it is doing everything possible, as regards internal organisation, to keep abreast of its obligations.“ On 20 March 1981, the Federal Assembly adopted a Decree raising from 28 to 40 the posts for registrars and secretaries of the Federal Court and also increasing its administrative staff. These measures led to some improvement: in its report for 1981, dated 12 February 1982, the Federal Court noted that for the first time since 1975 it had succeeded in disposing of almost as many cases (3,164) as had been registered (3,187); however, it had been obliged to adjourn 1,787. It concluded from this that “for some years more it will remain burdened by an excessive workload and will therefore not be able to decide cases within a time which would, having regard to their nature, appear reasonable in terms of the Constitution and the Convention“. Quite apart from these decisions intended to cater for the immediate problem, the Federal committee of experts preparing a full-scale revision of the Federal Constitution of the Courts Act of 16 December 1943, designed to reduce the Federal Court’s workload and accelerate its proceedings, completed its work at the end of 1981. Recently, the Federal Office of Justice and Police submitted a preliminary draft text to the Government, with a view to setting in motion a consultation procedure which should be terminated in 1983. The Federal Court has itself taken practical steps aimed at coping with its backlog of pending business. Believing that to process cases in chronological order would give rise to serious injustices, it has, in particular, utilised a system, known as “sorting“, based on the degree of urgency and the human implications of each case. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION In their application of 30 August 1979 to the Commission (no. 8737/79), Mr. Zimmermann and Mr. Steiner alleged that the length of the proceedings relative to the hearing of their administrative-law appeal to the Federal Court (18 April 1977 - 15 October 1980) had exceeded the “reasonable time“ stipulated by Article 6 § 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention. The Commission declared the application admissible on 18 March 1981. In its report of 9 March 1982 (Article 31 (art. 31) of the Convention), the Commission expressed the unanimous opinion that there had been a violation of Article 6 § 1 (art. 6-1). FINAL SUBMISSIONS MADE TO THE COURT BY THE GOVERNMENT At the hearings of 24 January 1983, the Government requested the Court “to hold that in the present case Switzerland has not violated Article 6 § 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention“.
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{ "applicant": "Werner Zimmermann", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "CHE", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1983 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Werner Zimmermann
THE FACTS . The applicant church is a San Marinese church institution. 9. On 7 March 1985 the San Marinese government issued an expropriation order in respect of certain plots of land belonging to the applicant church. The latter was awarded 114,790,590 Italian lire (about 59,284 euros) in compensation. The land, which was earmarked for urban development projects that were scheduled for completion by 31 December 1987, was only partially used. On 16 February 1987 the applicant church applied to the government seeking to recover possession of the unused land. On 20 October 1987 the government refused the application on the ground that the land in question could still be used in the interests of the community. 1. Proceedings in the civil courts On 10 November 1988, relying on section 14(3) of Law no. 18 of 25 March 1980 (“Law no. 18/1980”), which provides that expropriation orders lapse in the event of expiry of the deadline set for completion of the relevant work, the applicant church brought an action before the first-instance civil judge (Commissario della Legge) to recover possession. The first hearing, which was set for 19 January 1989, could not be held on that date as the government had not been notified. The government joined the proceedings on 5 May 1989. At a hearing on 23 September 1989, the government requested that a particular witness be heard. That request was granted on 12 January 1990. On the date in question, namely 5 April 1990, the witness failed to attend the hearing. On 26 September 1990 the government waived its right to have the witness heard. The parties submitted their written pleadings on 23 May 1991. Preparation of the case was concluded on 14 November 1991. By a judgment of 14 January 1992, deposited at the registry on the same date, the court dismissed the applicant church’s request on the grounds that, firstly, the expropriation order of 20 October 1987 was an administrative act and thus fell outside the civil court’s jurisdiction and, secondly, that the applicant church could not bring an action to recover possession, since the disputed land had been lawfully expropriated and had not been obtained by the State without title. On 12 March 1992 the applicant church brought an action before the judge of civil appeals (Giudice delle Appellazioni Civili) to establish title to land, seeking to obtain restitution of the land in question in accordance with section 14(3) of Law no. 18/1980. It also alleged that the authorities’ conduct had breached Article 1 of Protocol No. 1. The first hearing was held on 9 April 1992. On 21 May 1992 the applicant church filed a number of documents. On 29 May 1992 the proceedings were adjourned on the ground that an attempt to reach a friendly settlement was in progress. On 2 December 1992, noting that the negotiations had failed, the Commissario della Legge, the official responsible for preparing appeal cases, ordered that the proceedings be resumed. At a hearing on 25 February 1993, the applicant church requested that an expert be appointed and a witness questioned in order to determine exactly which parts of the land had not been used. By decisions of 2 March and 6 April 1993, the Commissario della Legge allowed both requests. Evidence was heard from the witness on 24 June 1993 and the expert report was filed on 7 November 1993. The parties lodged their final submissions on 10 February and 24 March 1994. Preparation of the case was concluded on 27 April 1994. In December 1994 the appeal Judge C.P. died. No other judge could replace him, as the organisational structure of the court of civil appeals provided for only one judge. On 17 January 1995 the General Grand Council (Consiglio Grande e Generale) enacted Law no. 2/1995, section 1 of which provided: “If the judge of civil appeals dies or if, following a serious impediment, he or she is unable to perform the duties of investigating judge, those duties shall be carried out by one of the judges of criminal appeals, who shall carry out any urgent measures until such time as a replacement is appointed or the serious impediment is removed ...” On 25 April 1995 the General Grand Council appointed Judge P.G.P. to replace the deceased judge. However, P.G.P. asked the Council of the XII for leave to withdraw from the proceedings in question on the ground that he had been involved as the first-instance civil judge. Under section 17 of Law no. 2/1995, the Council of the XII, which acted as a third-instance judicial body in cases where the appeal court did not uphold the decision of the first-instance court, was also responsible at the material time for ruling on requests to withdraw or applications challenging a judge. On 26 September 1995 the Council of the XII granted the request and sent the case in question to P.G., an appeal judge in criminal cases (Giudice delle Appellazioni per le cause penali). He dismissed the appeal in a judgment of 18 December 1998, which was deposited at the registry on the same date. He found that section 14(3) of Law no. 18/1980 provided that expropriation orders would lapse where the deadline for execution of the relevant work had expired, but not in the event of failure to use all of the expropriated assets; that, in any event, the administrative courts had jurisdiction to rule on the merits of expropriation proceedings; and that the appellant sought restitution of its title to the assets, whereas at first instance it had sought merely to recover possession of the land. He concluded that the request could not be granted since, according to the established case-law, “requests made for the first time on appeal [were] manifestly inadmissible” (judgment of the Giudice delle Appellazioni Civili, 20 July 1970, no. 147). 2. Proceedings in the administrative courts In the meantime, after a new land-use plan had taken effect, changing the designated use of the land in question from industrial to agricultural, the applicant church had asked the government on 3 March 1992 to return its assets. On 24 November 1992, having received no reply, it sent the government a formal notice asking it to adopt the necessary measures for restitution. On 20 April 1993 it applied to the first-instance administrative court. A hearing took place on 3 August 1993. By a judgment of 17 August 1993, deposited at the registry on the same date, the court stated that it did not have jurisdiction to “recognise the existence of a possible right to restitution of unused land”, as the administrative courts could only examine legitimate interests. It found that the General Grand Council alone was entitled to rule on what was to be done with the said property. Noting finally that the new land-use plan had changed the designated use of the unused land, it declared the expropriation order of 7 March 1985 void in so far as it had lapsed in respect of that particular property, but pointed out that declaring it void did not create a right to reconveyance. The government then lodged an appeal, disputing the existence of an implied refusal which would legitimise an application to the first-instance administrative courts, and also the latter’s jurisdiction to declare the expropriation order partially void. The appeal hearing, initially fixed for 13 January 1994, was adjourned to 24 May 1994 because the judge of administrative appeals was unable to attend. He allowed the appeal in a judgment of 26 May 1994, which was deposited at the registry on the same date. The judge found that the State had acquired ownership of the plots of land in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law, on payment of compensation for expropriation, and that no legislative provision obliged the government to return that property. Accordingly, he concluded that the applicant church’s request of 20 April 1993 was inadmissible, since the government’s behaviour could not be described as an implied refusal. Finally, he stated that, in declaring the expropriation order partially void – an order which, moreover, had never been contested – the first-instance administrative court had exceeded its jurisdiction, which only permitted it, where appropriate, to declare unlawful the government’s alleged implied refusal. On an unspecified date, the administrative court of appeal ordered that the case file be sent to the Council of the XII. After taking expert advice, that body gives rulings in administrative disputes where first-instance and appeal judgments reach opposite conclusions (section 21 of Law no. 68 of 28 June 1989 establishing the administrative courts). On 27 September 1994 the Council of the XII upheld the appeal court’s judgment, thus endorsing the expert’s conclusion that, while the public-interest declaration in connection with the urban development work had transformed Beneficio Cappella Paolini’s right of property into a mere legitimate interest, section 14(3) of Law no. 15/1980 conferred not only a legitimate interest in the lawfulness of the authorities’ actions but an actual right to apply to the civil courts and obtain a declaration that the expropriation order had lapsed because the deadline for completion of the work had expired.
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{ "applicant": "Beneficio Cappella Paolini", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "SMR", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2004 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Beneficio Cappella Paolini
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 28527/08) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an apparently stateless person, Mr Peter Ludwig Reiner (“the applicant”), on 8 June 2008. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was initially represented by Mr D. Hartmann, a lawyer practising in Cologne. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, and by their permanent Deputy Agent, Mr H.-J. Behrens, Ministerialrat, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged that his continuing preventive detention violated his right to liberty as provided in Article 5 § 1 of the Convention. On 26 August 2008 the President of the Fifth Section granted the applicant’s request to give priority to his application (Rule 41 of the Rules of Court). On 11 September 2008 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1932. When lodging his application, he was detained in Aachen Prison. He currently lives in Erkelenz. The applicant has been registered by the Aachen Pension Office as 80% disabled since 1 January 2005. This finding was based, in particular, on the applicant’s prostate disease, kidney disorder, heart disease and severe walking disability. A. Background to the case The applicant’s previous convictions and the order for his preventive detention Between 1952 and 1972 the applicant was convicted of numerous offences, which, apart from one conviction for assault, were directed against the property of others. These included fraud, theft and aggravated theft, handling of stolen goods and extortion. The applicant was sentenced nine times to terms of imprisonment of between three months and four years and spent more than nine years in detention. On 6 June 1972 the Cologne Regional Court convicted the applicant on seven counts of joint aggravated robbery. It sentenced him to thirteen years’ imprisonment and ordered his preventive detention. The Regional Court found that the applicant had robbed seven banks between 1968 and 1970 together with one or two accomplices. In each case, he and his accomplice(s) had threatened the bank employees with loaded guns and collected between 4,450 and more than half a million German marks (DEM). Having heard evidence from a medical expert, the Regional Court could not exclude the possibility that the applicant’s criminal responsibility had been diminished at the time of the offences because of an organic brain defect. Relying on Article 42e of the Criminal Code and Article 20a of the Criminal Code, in their versions in force before 1 April 1970, and on Article 42e of the Criminal Code, in its version in force after 1 April 1970 (see paragraphs 43-45 below), the Regional Court also ordered the applicant’s preventive detention. It observed that the applicant had twice been sentenced to terms of imprisonment of at least one year (for several acts of fraud, embezzlement, theft and burglary). In addition, he had spent more than two years in prison on two occasions and was now being sentenced to more than two years’ imprisonment for the robberies at issue. Furthermore, he had a disposition to commit serious offences and was therefore dangerous to the public. Since the age of twenty, he had committed different types of increasingly serious offences against the property of others. Through the offences committed since 1960 and the offences at issue, he had caused substantial material damage and had acted with considerable criminal energy. He did not feel like working and financed his very costly lifestyle through crime. Previous proceedings concerning the execution of the preventive detention order On 17 December 1980 the Krefeld Regional Court suspended on probation, with effect from 17 January 1981, the remainder of the applicant’s prison sentence and his preventive detention as ordered in the Cologne Regional Court’s judgment of 6 June 1972. On 26 October 1984 the Krefeld Regional Court revoked the above‑mentioned suspension on probation as the applicant had committed further offences (driving without a licence on two occasions) and had refused to cooperate with his probation officer. On 8 February 1988 the applicant was arrested and placed in detention in France. After his extradition to Germany, he served the remainder of the sentence imposed on him in the judgment of 1972. Until 19 April 1994 he then served a further prison sentence imposed on him in 1992 for three offences of fraud (obtaining credit on three occasions on false pretences) committed in 1983 and 1984, causing damage amounting to DEM 215,200. On 2 March 1994 the Krefeld Regional Court again suspended on probation the applicant’s preventive detention ordered in the judgment of 1972 pursuant to Article 67c § 1 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 47 below) and ordered the supervision of his conduct. On 20 December 1999 the Hagen Regional Court revoked the suspension on probation of the applicant’s preventive detention as ordered by the Krefeld Regional Court on 2 March 1994 pursuant to Article 67g § 1 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 48 below). It had examined the applicant, who had been represented by counsel. The court found that in 1997 the applicant had been convicted on two further counts of fraud causing damage amounting to DEM 200,000, committed in 1996 – that is, during the period of supervision of his conduct – and had been sentenced to two years and ten months’ imprisonment. Moreover, his preventive detention was necessary in view of the purpose of this measure. Despite the fact that he had repeatedly served long prison sentences, the applicant had kept committing increasingly serious offences for fifty years in order to obtain substantial amounts of money. As confirmed by the convincing report of a psychiatric and neurological expert, Sa., it was to be expected that the applicant would commit further offences against the property of others if released. Since 26 January 2000 the applicant, having served the sentence imposed in the judgment of 1997, has been in preventive detention. On 31 October 2000 the Hamm Court of Appeal, having consulted a further psychiatric expert, L., dismissed an appeal by the applicant against the decision of the Hagen Regional Court. It found that there was still a risk that the applicant would commit further acts of fraud causing substantial economic damage if released. On 7 March 2002, 19 May 2004 and 19 July 2006 the Aachen Regional Court dismissed requests by the applicant to suspend on probation his preventive detention. Those decisions were confirmed on appeal by the Cologne Court of Appeal (on 11 June 2002, 13 July 2004 and 10 October 2006 respectively). In the last-mentioned decision the Court of Appeal, endorsing the reasons given by the Regional Court, notably stressed that in view of his age, the applicant was liable to commit acts of fraud rather than robberies. However, such offences equally justified his preventive detention as the applicant was still liable to commit offences causing considerable economic damage, as required by Article 66 § 1 of the Criminal Code (see paragraphs 45-46 below). This had been demonstrated by his past acts of fraud, which had caused considerable damage. B. The proceedings at issue 1. The proceedings before the Aachen Regional Court On 16 December 2006 the applicant, represented by counsel, requested the Regional Court to suspend on probation his preventive detention, in particular because of his poor state of health. On 14 June 2007 the Aachen Regional Court dismissed the applicant’s request for the suspension on probation of his preventive detention as ordered by the Cologne Regional Court on 6 June 1972. It further declared that no request for review of this decision would be admissible within a one-year period (Article 67e § 3 of the Criminal Code – see paragraph 49 below). The Regional Court found that there was no basis to expect that the applicant, if released, would not commit further serious offences (Article 67d § 2 of the Criminal Code – see paragraph 50 below). In concluding that the applicant still had to be considered dangerous, the Regional Court had regard to the decisions of the Hagen Regional Court of 20 December 1999 and of the Hamm Court of Appeal of 31 October 2000 (see paragraphs 15 and 17 above) and to the reports of the two experts these courts had consulted. It further referred to the reasoning set out in its decision of 19 July 2006 and in the Court of Appeal’s decision of 10 October 2006 (see paragraph 18 above). It further found that it was clear from the report dated 4 January 2007 submitted by the governor of Aachen Prison, who had recommended not suspending on probation the order for the applicant’s preventive detention, that there had not been any developments on his part warranting a different conclusion. Likewise, at the hearing of his case on 2 April 2007 the applicant had again declared that he considered himself to be detained unlawfully and had kept trivialising his offences. His personal circumstances could not lead to a different assessment either. His contacts outside prison had deteriorated as his relationship with his fiancée had ended. The applicant had subsequently insulted and threatened her. Furthermore, the applicant’s age and his state of health did not necessitate the suspension on probation of his preventive detention. The Regional Court had regard, in this connection, to a report dated 21 February 2007 submitted by the Aachen Prison doctor. The latter had stated that the applicant suffered from prostate cancer, which was being stabilised by hormonal medication. He had had an artificial hip fitted in October 2006 without any complications. It had also been possible to treat his heart disease with medication. The likelihood of the seventy‑four‑year‑old applicant dying in the years to come was slightly increased because of his illnesses. According to the Regional Court, it was clear from the Aachen Prison doctor’s report that the applicant’s illnesses were being treated appropriately. His state of health did not alter the prognosis as to his dangerousness. In the past, he had committed mainly non-violent offences against property. His most recent acts of fraud, in respect of which he had been convicted in 1992 and 1997, had caused substantial economic damage. Committing such offences, however, did not require particular physical fitness. Despite the applicant’s impaired state of health and his age, his continuing detention was proportionate because there was still a risk of his committing serious offences causing considerable damage. 2. The proceedings before the Cologne Court of Appeal On 26 June 2007 the applicant, represented by counsel, lodged an appeal against the Regional Court’s decision. He claimed that in view of his poor state of health, he could no longer be considered dangerous and complained that he had not had the conditions of his detention relaxed in any way. On 19 September 2007 the Cologne Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal against the Regional Court’s decision of 14 June 2007. Referring to the reasoning in its decision of 10 October 2006 (see paragraph 18 above), the Court of Appeal found that the applicant’s preventive detention was still necessary in view of his dangerousness (Article 67c § 1 and Article 66 § 1 of the Criminal Code – see paragraphs 47 and 45-46 below). The court referred to a report dated 21 February 2006 by a medical expert, Sch., whom it had previously consulted. The latter had found that the applicant suffered from a personality disorder. This finding, which was still valid, was at the root of his previous offences and was the reason why he risked committing further offences if released. The applicant’s failure to reflect on his offences had been confirmed by the governor of Aachen Prison. The latter had considered that the applicant’s personality, which was the cause for his committing offences, had not changed. As he had no family or friends outside prison, he could, if anything, be placed in a supervised residence (betreute Wohneinrichtung), but it could not be ascertained whether he was sufficiently ready to cooperate. Moreover, his social prospects in the event of his release had deteriorated as his relationship with his fiancée had ended. Furthermore, the applicant’s age and his state of health did not call into question his continued dangerousness. There was still a risk of his committing serious acts of fraud, an offence which he was able to commit despite his illnesses. The Court of Appeal noted that the negative prognosis as to the applicant’s future conduct could partly have been caused by misconduct on the part of the Aachen Prison management. Although it had found, in its decision of 10 October 2006, that the granting of measures relaxing the conditions of the applicant’s detention was indispensable in order to assess his personality and to encourage a change in his attitude, no such measures had been granted. The applicant’s request to that effect had been rejected with an inordinate delay. However, this did not warrant the suspension on probation of the applicant’s detention as it was in the first place his own attitude which was the reason for the negative prognosis. The prison authorities were now called upon to take reasonable measures to relax the conditions of the applicant’s detention so that his release into a supervised residence could become an option. The Court of Appeal further found that the applicant’s continued preventive detention, which had lasted for seven years, was proportionate. The public interest in the detention of the applicant, who still risked committing serious property offences, continued to prevail over his own interest in personal liberty. On 12 November 2007 the Cologne Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s objection to its decision of 19 September 2007. 3. The proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court On 7 October 2007 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court. He claimed that his continued preventive detention since 26 January 2000 violated his right to liberty as guaranteed by the Basic Law and Article 5 § 1 of the Convention. On 21 January 2008 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint (file no. 2 BvR 2124/07) as it was ill-founded. The decisions of the courts responsible for the execution of sentences had not disregarded the applicant’s constitutional rights. The Federal Constitutional Court referred to its well-established case-law to the effect that preventive detention as such pursuant to Article 66 § 1 of the Criminal Code was constitutional. In the present case, the courts responsible for the execution of sentences had found that there was a high risk that, if released, the applicant would commit acts of fraud. Because of this risk, the courts had rightly refused to set a date for the applicant’s release despite the prison authorities’ failure to relax the conditions of his detention. The court stressed, however, that the prior relaxation of conditions of detention was not indispensable for a prisoner’s release on probation, in particular if measures to that effect had wrongly been refused. Should the prison authorities persist in refusing such measures, it was for the applicant to seek their enforcement before the courts. The applicant’s continuing preventive detention was also not yet disproportionate. The fact that the order for his preventive detention had been made as far back as 1972, but had not been implemented until 2000, did not warrant a different conclusion because the offences he had committed in the meantime proved his persisting dangerousness. Furthermore, according to the findings of the courts responsible for the execution of sentences, the applicant’s state of health was not so poor as to render his detention disproportionate. C. Subsequent developments On 12 June 2008 the Hamm Court of Appeal upheld a decision of the Aachen Regional Court dated 25 March 2008 in which the latter had found that the prison authorities’ refusal to grant the applicant’s request for leave under escort was unlawful. The Court of Appeal stated that the applicant was not likely to abuse the granting of leave under escort. There were no grounds to assume that a seventy-six-year-old prisoner who was severely disabled, suffered from a walking disability and had no contacts outside prison was likely to abscond alone or with the help of others. In so far as the prison authorities had submitted that the applicant’s preventive detention had been ordered in respect of an aggravated robbery and thus a crime involving violence, the Court of Appeal stressed that the order dated from 1972 and that currently, as confirmed by a medical expert in 2006, there remained only a risk that the applicant might commit acts of fraud. Since September 2008 the applicant has regularly been granted leave under escort. On 8 January 2010 the Aachen Regional Court declared that the applicant’s preventive detention would end on 25 January 2010, by which date he would have spent ten years in that form of detention (Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code – see paragraph 51 below). It found that there was no risk that the applicant would commit serious offences resulting in considerable psychological or physical harm to the victims if released. The courts had repeatedly considered that he might commit only non-violent property offences if released. The applicant was released, accordingly, on 25 January 2010 and has been living in a residential care home in Erkelenz since then.
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{ "applicant": "Peter Ludwig Reiner", "articles": [ 91, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2012 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Peter Ludwig Reiner
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 19844/08) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Michael Becker (“the applicant”), on 22 April 2008. The applicant was represented by Ms U. Koller, a lawyer practising in Melk. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. The applicant complained, in particular, that in the proceedings for the withdrawing of his driving licence he did not have a hearing before the Administrative Court. On 28 September 2009 the application was communicated to the Government. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1959 and lives in Vienna. On 3 October 2000 the applicant was stopped by the police at 11.05 p.m. while driving his car on a public road. He was ordered to undergo a breathalyser test. After nine attempts to measure the amount of alcohol, among which only one was valid, the test was discontinued. The applicant’s conduct was considered to amount to a refusal to undergo the breathalyser test and his driving licence was temporarily withdrawn. Two different sets of proceedings were initiated against the applicant. On 15 December 2000 the Melk District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft, DAA) issued a decision to withdraw the applicant’s driving licence for a period of four months as a preventive measure to secure road safety. The DAA observed that, according to the case-law of the Administrative Court, it amounted to a refusal to undergo a breathalyser test if the person who had been ordered to undergo the test had made four invalid attempts out of five. According to the statements of police officers W. and R. and the paper print outs of the test results, the applicant had been allowed to make much more attempts, namely nine and only one had produced a valid result. When the applicant had claimed that the breathalyser had been defective, police officer R had made himself two attempts using the same mouthpiece as the applicant and both attempts had produced valid results. The DAA also noted that technical tests of the breathalyser had been carried out on 15 May 2000 and on 9 November 2000 and each time the breathalyser had been found fully functioning. On the basis of this evidence it was safe to conclude that the applicant had refused to undergo the breathalyser test. The DAA also ordered that an appeal had no suspensive effect because it was necessary to avoid the risk that a person lacking trustworthiness for road traffic might drive. Moreover the applicant was ordered to follow driver improvement training before his driving licence would be returned. The applicant appealed and argued that the DAA should have obtained the report of a technical expert on the functioning of the breathlyser as only such an expert could clarify whether the machine was working properly. On 19 December 2005 the Lower Austria Regional Governor (Landeshauptmann) dismissed the applicant’s appeal. He found that according to the paper print out of the breathalyser test the applicant had made nine attempts of which only one had been valid whereas during the other attempts the applicant had not blown sufficient air into the mouth-piece. Thereupon two attempts with the same mouth-piece as used by the applicant had been made by police officer R., which both produced valid results. Thus, there were no indications that the breathalyser did not function properly or that it had not been handled correctly by the police officers who had been specially trained for this task. In such circumstances a request for obtaining a report by a technical expert, without giving clear indications in what the malfunctioning of the breathalyser might have consisted, amounted to an inadmissible request for evidence (Erkundungsbeweis). The Regional Governor concluded that refusing to undergo a breathalyser test was as serious as driving under the influence of alcohol because it prevented the authorities from verifying whether a person was actually drunk. The additional measure imposed on the applicant was therefore justified in order to improve his attitude. On 8 February 2006 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Administrative Court and requested an oral hearing. In his complaint he argued that the Lower Austria Regional Government had not been competent to decide on his case as he resided in Vienna. He further complained about the authority’s assessment of evidence, as the statements of the police officers who had ordered him to undergo the breathalyser test were contradictory and stated that they should be questioned on the precise circumstances in which breathalyser test had been carried out. Lastly he complained that the authority had wrongly applied the law because it should not have refused to obtain the opinion of a technical expert on the functioning of the breathalyser. On 27 September 2007 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint. It found that on the basis of the evidence before them the authorities had arrived at the conclusion that the applicant had refused to undergo the breathalyser test. The applicant had failed to raise any substantial arguments against these findings and had not shown that the assessment of the evidence carried out by the authorities was contradictory or implausible. In accordance with Section 39 § 2 of the Administrative Court Act (Verwaltungsgerichtshofgesetz) the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant’s request for a hearing as it found that an oral hearing was not likely to contribute to the clarification of the case. This decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 25 October 2007. On 20 April 2001 the DAA issued a penal order (Straferkenntnis) and imposed a fine for refusal to take the breathalyser test. On 30 April 2001 the applicant appealed. On 30 September 2005 the Lower Austria Independent Administrative Panel found that, since no decision had been taken within the prescribed time limit of 15 months after the lodging of the appeal, the fine imposed by the DAA had expired ipso iure.
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Michael Becker
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 65436/01) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Albert Hénaf, (“the applicant”), on 13 November 2000. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr R. Abraham, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged that he had been subjected to treatment contrary to Article 3 of the Convention. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed First Section (Rule 52 § 1). By a decision of 24 January 2002 the Chamber declared the application admissible, while noting that the objections raised by the Government were inseparable from the examination of the merits. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, who was born in 1925, is currently in prison in Nantes. During the past few years he has been convicted of various criminal offences. In particular, he was sentenced on 9 November 1992 by the Assize Court for the département of Cher to ten years' imprisonment for armed robbery; on 2 September 1998 by the Bernay Criminal Court to six months' imprisonment for making off without payment; on 14 January 1999 by the Nevers Criminal Court to five years' imprisonment for armed robbery; and on 20 January 1999 by the Rouen Court of Appeal to six months' imprisonment for making off without payment. He was due for release from September 2001 onwards according to him, and from 17 February 2002 onwards according to the Government. In February 1998 the applicant was also sentenced to six months' imprisonment by the Nevers Criminal Court for failing to return to prison on time after his last period of leave in 1998, having complied with the arrangements on the previous four occasions. The experts who examined him on the subject concluded that “at the material time” he had been suffering from a “psychological disorder” that had temporarily “impaired his judgment” and that prison could not be “therapeutic” for him, especially in view of his advanced age. The applicant subsequently underwent a medical examination in prison and was found to have swollen glands in the throat area. The relevant service accordingly prescribed medical treatment. It was decided that the applicant would undergo an operation on 8 November 2000 after being taken to hospital on 7 November 2000 at 2.30 p.m. On 6 November 2000 the governor of Eysses Prison informed the prefect that the prisoner needed to be taken to hospital and requested the presence of a police escort to supervise and guard him throughout his stay. As regards the security risk, the prison staff were issued with instructions that the applicant was to be kept under normal and not heightened supervision, left to the discretion of the senior escorting officer but in principle not requiring the permanent use of handcuffs and restraints. On 7 November 2000, the day before the operation, the applicant was transferred, in handcuffs, to Pellegrin Hospital in Bordeaux in a prison van. Two police officers were waiting for him at the hospital in order to supervise and guard him throughout his time there. For the rest of the day the applicant remained handcuffed but not shackled. During the night, a restraint was used on the applicant, consisting of a chain attaching one of his ankles to the bedpost. The Government assert that the restraint left him considerable freedom to move about in the bed, whereas the applicant maintains that the tension of the chain made any movement difficult or painful and sleep impossible. On 8 November 2000, in the morning, the applicant stated that, if he could not be kept in humane conditions in hospital, he would prefer to be operated on once he had been released from prison. After a meeting with the hospital staff, he returned to prison on the same day at 11.45 a.m. On 9 November 2000 the applicant lodged a criminal complaint, together with an application to join the proceedings as a civil party, with the senior investigating judge at the Agen tribunal de grande instance, alleging “serious ill-treatment”, “assault” and “torture”. In the complaint, lodged against the two police officers who had guarded him while he was in hospital, he alleged a violation of Article 803 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and of Article 3 of the Convention, on account of the use of a restraint during the night of 7 to 8 November 2000. In an order of 16 November 2000, served on 24 November, the senior investigating judge set the amount of the security payable for costs at 6,000 French francs. On 24 November 2000 the applicant appealed against that order in a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the senior registrar of the Agen tribunal de grande instance, and also applied to the legal aid office on account of his limited resources. On the same day, he informed the senior investigating judge that he was appealing because his means were insufficient. The application for legal aid was registered on 8 December and refused on 15 December 2000. In an order of 23 March 2001 the President of the Agen tribunal de grande instance confirmed the refusal on the following ground: “The Code of Criminal Procedure expressly reserves the use of restraints for persons who are likely to attempt to abscond. That is so in the case of a prisoner who is outside the prison compound.” In an order of 15 May 2001, the senior investigating judge declared the applicant's complaint inadmissible for failure to pay the security. In the meantime, on 4 April 2001, the Investigation Division of the Agen Court of Appeal had declared the appeal against the order for payment of a security inadmissible for failure to comply with Article 503 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, by which an appeal by a prisoner must be lodged through the prison governor. On 11 April 2001 the applicant appealed on points of law against that judgment. The proceedings are currently pending before the Court of Cassation. Having been released on 1 October 2001 after completing his sentence, the applicant has subsequently been imprisoned in the context of separate proceedings.
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{ "applicant": "Albert Hénaf", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 51, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2003 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Albert Hénaf
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 37040/02) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Austrian nationals, Franz and Christina Riepl (“the applicants”), on 1 October 2002. The applicants were represented by Mr H. Blum, a lawyer practising in Linz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Departement at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs. On 12 November 2003 the Court decided to communicate the application. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time. THE FACTS The applicants were born in 1935 and 1939 respectively and live in Freistadt. On 11 April 1994 the applicants applied for a building permit for an adjoining building with a garage on their property. On 16 August 1994 the Mayor (Bürgermeister) of Freistadt granted the building permit. On 31 August 1994 the applicants’ neighbours appealed. On 30 March 1995 the Municipal Council granted the appeal and refused the building permit. On 12 July 1995 the Upper Austria Regional Government (Landesregierung) dismissed the applicant’s appeal (Vorstellung). On 27 February 1996 the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof), upon the applicants’ complaint, quashed this decision. Subsequently, on 25 June 1996, the Regional Government quashed the Municipal Council’s decision and remitted the case back to the Municipal Council. On 10 February 1997 the applicants lodged an application with the Administrative Court against the Municipal Council’s failure to decide (Säumnisbeschwerde). On 21 April 1997 the Municipal Council again dismissed the applicants’ request for a building permit. On 17 June 1997 the Regional Government dismissed the applicants’ appeal. On 31 July 1997 the applicants filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). In October 1997 the Upper Austria Regional Government and the Mayor of Freistadt submitted their observations. On 28 September 1999 the Constitutional Court instituted proceedings for the review of the lawfulness of the ordinance (Verordnungsprüfungsverfahren) upon which the Municipal Council had based its decision. On 15 March 2000 the Constitutional Court found that the ordinance at issue was unlawful. On 6 April 2000 this decision was served on the applicants’ counsel. On 26 May 2000 the Regional Government quashed the Municipal Council’s decision and remitted the case back to the Municipal Council. In January 2001, following negotiations, the applicants reached an agreement with the Municipal Council to the effect that the latter accepted to pay the fees incurred by the applicants’ representation in the proceedings so far, on the condition that the applicants amended their request for a building permit in accordance with the newly established building scheme (Bebauungsplan). On 6 February 2001 the applicants amended their request for a building permit. Subsequently, on 28 May 2001, the Municipal Council quashed the building permit of 16 August 1994 and remitted the case back to the Mayor of Freistadt. It noted that the applicants had amended their request for the building permit with a view to the new building scheme. On 28 June 2001 the Mayor of Freistadt requested the applicants to submit plans concerning their amended building project. On 28 September 2001 the Mayor of Freistadt reiterated this request. On 30 October 2001 the applicants submitted the requested plans, which, however, turned out to be incomplete. On 21 November 2001 the Mayor of Freistadt requested the applicants to correct the plans within two weeks. On 14 December 2001 the applicants requested to extend this time-limit until 15 January 2002. On 15 January 2002 they submitted the corrected plans. On 28 March 2002 the Mayor of Freistadt granted a building permit for a double garage with a parking area. This decision was served upon the applicants’ counsel on 4 April 2002.
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Christina Riepl
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 46800/99) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Ms Marie-Françoise Del Sol (“the applicant”), on 12 November 1998. The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr J.-M. Hocquard, a lawyer practising in Paris. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs M. Dubrocard, Deputy Head of Human Rights, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicant alleged that the refusal of her application for legal aid to appeal to the Court of Cassation had infringed her right of access to a court, contrary to Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 3 April 2001, the Chamber declared the application admissible [Note by the Registry. The Court's decision is obtainable from the Registry]. The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 2 in fine), the parties replied in writing to each other's observations. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1), but this case remained with the Chamber constituted within the former Third Section. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE By a judgment of 6 October 1995, the Paris tribunal de grande instance made a divorce order terminating the marriage of Mr and Mrs Del Sol, ordered the liquidation and partition of the matrimonial property, set the level of maintenance to be paid to the applicant at 1,300 French francs (FRF) monthly and dismissed a claim for damages by the applicant. On 8 December 1995 the applicant appealed against that judgment, stating, inter alia, that her husband, the petitioner in the proceedings, had failed to satisfy the conditions set out in the Civil Code, as he had no rights in the assets he had offered to leave her. She argued in the alternative that a divorce would cause her exceptional hardship and that her husband's petition should be dismissed in accordance with Article 240 of the Civil Code, which empowered the court to dismiss a divorce petition if the respondent showed that “the divorce would cause the respondent ... or the children exceptional material or psychological hardship ...”. The applicant also sought maintenance in the form of monthly payments of FRF 3,000. On 25 February 1997 the Paris Court of Appeal upheld all the provisions of the impugned judgment, with the exception of the decision relating to maintenance, which was reduced to FRF 1,000 monthly. It held, inter alia, that the applicant's husband satisfied all the conditions on which the admissibility of the divorce petition depended, as he had offered to assign to the applicant his rights in property which the couple jointly owned in Italy. It further held that the applicant had failed to show that the divorce would cause her exceptional hardship, either psychologically or materially. On 20 May 1997 the applicant applied to the Legal Aid Office at the Court of Cassation for legal aid to enable her to appeal to that court against the Court of Appeal's decision. Her application was refused on 2 April 1998 on the ground that no arguable ground of appeal could be made out against the impugned judgment. The Legal Aid Office noted, however, that the applicant satisfied the means test for legal aid. On 22 May 1998 the applicant appealed against that decision. By an order of 11 June 1998 the President of the Court of Cassation upheld it, holding that the Legal Aid Office had “found no arguable ground of appeal after assessing the facts of the case in its unfettered discretion”.
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{ "applicant": "Del Sol", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2002 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Del Sol
PROCEDURE The Buchholz case was referred to the Court by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (“the Government“). The case originated in an application against that State lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 18 December 1976 under Article 25 (art. 25) of the Convention by a German national, Mr. Walter Buchholz. The Government’s application, which referred to Article 48 (art. 48) of the Convention, was lodged with the registry of the Court on 3 October 1980, within the period of three months laid down by Articles 32 par. 1 and 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47). The purpose of the application is to submit the case to the Court and invite it to find that there has been no breach of the Convention. On 4 October, the Registrar received from the Secretary to the Commission forty copies of the latter’s report. The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Mr. H. Mosler, the elected judge of German nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr. G. Balladore Pallieri, the President of the Court (Rule 21 par. 3) (b) of the Rules of Court). On 4 October, the President drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the five other members, namely Mr. Thór Vilhjálmsson, Mr. W. Ganshof van der Meersch, Mrs. D. Bindschedler-Robert, Mr. F. Matscher and Mr. E. García de Enterría (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 par. 4) (art. 43). Mr. Balladore Pallieri assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 par. 5). He ascertained, through the Deputy Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government and the President of the Commission regarding the procedure to be followed. On 4 October, he directed that the Agent should have until 5 December to file a memorial and that the Delegates of the Commission should be entitled to file a memorial in reply within two months from the date of the transmission of the Government’s memorial to them by the Registrar. On 9 October, the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Commission had appointed Mr. Gaukur Jörundsson as its Delegate. The Government’s memorial was received at the registry on 5 December. On 15 December, the Secretary to the Commission advised the Registrar that the Delegate would present his observations at the hearings. After consulting, through the Deputy Registrar, the Agent of the Government and the Delegate of the Commission, Mr. Wiarda, the Vice-President of the Court, who had replaced Mr. Balladore Pallieri following the latter’s death (Rule 21 par. 3 (b) and 5), directed on 15 December that the oral hearings should open on 27 January 1981. On 22 January 1981, he requested the Commission to produce certain documents to the Court; these documents were filed by the Commission on 27 January and 6 February. The oral hearings were held in public at the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 27 January. Immediately before their opening, the Chamber had held a preparatory meeting; it had authorised the Agent and counsel of the Government and the person assisting the Commission’s Delegate to use the German language (Rule 27 par. 2 and 3). There appeared before the Court: for the Government: Mrs. I. MAIER, Ministerialdirigentin at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Agent. Mr. H. STÖCKER, Regierungsdirektor at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Mr. M. LORENZ, Regierungsdirektor at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Mr. H. WEGENER, Oberregierungsrat at the Department of Labour and Social Affairs of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Advisers; for the Commission: Mr. GAUKUR JÖRUNDSSON, Delegate, Mr. K. SOJKA, the applicant’s lawyer before the Commission, assisting the Delegate under Rule 29 par. 1, second sentence, of the Rules of Court. The Court heard addresses by Mrs. Maier for the Government and by Mr. Gaukur Jörundsson and Mr. Sojka for the Commission, as well as their replies to questions put by the Court. At the hearings, the Agent of the Government made several documents available to the Court. On 6 February, the Agent of the Government and the applicant’s lawyer supplemented in writing their answers to certain questions put to them at the hearings; on 19 February, Mrs. Maier filed observations relating to the letter received from Mr. Sojka in this connection. AS TO THE FACTS Mr. Buchholz was born in 1918 and lives in Hamburg. From February 1949 onwards he worked for the dry-cleaning firm of J. H. Dependorf KG; he was mainly employed as a driver until the end of 1963 and thereafter as, in particular, controller of branch establishments. On 28 June 1974, he was given notice that he was dismissed with effect from 31 December of the same year as a result of rationalisation measures. He took proceedings before the appropriate courts contesting the lawfulness of this notice; in his submission, those courts did not determine his case within “a reasonable time“ as required by Article 6 par. 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention. 1. Proceedings before the labour courts (a) The Hamburg Labour Court (Arbeitsgericht) 13. On 10 July 1974, the applicant commenced an action before the Hamburg Labour Court claiming that his dismissal was “socially unjustified“ (“sozial ungerechtfertigt“) within the meaning of section 1 of the Unfair Dismissal Act (Kündigungsschutzgesetz). The other party (“the defendants“) served a defence on 25 July, one day before the expiry of the time-limit granted for this purpose by the Labour Court. 14. At the first hearing on 16 August, Mr. Buchholz’s lawyer submitted new written pleadings. The Labour Court thereupon allowed an application by the defendants for time to reply and adjourned the case until 4 October. 15. In their written reply of 22 August, the defendants, as requested by the Labour Court, gave a detailed account of the reasons for the contested dismissal; they also described the economic situation of the firm and explained the rationalisation measures taken. The applicant’s lawyer appended to his counter-reply of 19 September a note written to him by his client. This note contained the charge that the managers of the Dependorf firm had “negligently squandered the millions (business and private assets) properly earned by Robert Dependorf“ but had “personally secured to themselves such a safe position that these people are no longer interested in whether or not the Dependorf firm gets even deeper into the red“. These accusations prompted the defendants on 30 September to send the applicant two further notices of dismissal, an extraordinary notice (ausserordentliche Kündigung) effective forthwith and, as an alternative or precautionary (vorsorglich) measure, an ordinary notice (ordentliche Kündigung) with effect from 31 March 1975. The extraordinary notice was based on Article 626 of the Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) which requires a “serious reason“ for a dismissal of this kind and the giving of notice within two weeks from the moment when the employers had knowledge of the facts judged by them to constitute such a reason. On 2 October, Mr. Buchholz’s lawyer filed two further sets of written submissions dated 1 and 2 October respectively; appended to the former was a copy of the defendant’s letter of 30 September; the latter extended the plaintiff’s action to cover the two dismissal notices of 30 September. 16. At a hearing on 4 October 1974, the Labour Court adjourned the proceedings until 25 October as the defendants’ lawyer had only received the applicant’s latest written pleadings at that hearing. On 14 October, the applicant’s lawyer submitted another memorandum. At the adjourned sitting on 25 October, the Labour Court, acting in accordance with the applicable legislation, proposed a friendly settlement, but the proposal was not accepted. 17. The Labour Court delivered judgment on 8 January 1975 immediately after hearing the final submissions of the parties. It held that neither the notice of 28 June 1974 nor the extraordinary notice of 30 September 1974 had terminated the applicant’s contract, since the former was “socially unjustified“ within the meaning of section 1 of the Unfair Dismissal Act and the latter was invalid for lack of a “serious reason“ as required by Article 626 of the Civil Code. The Court also rejected an alternative request by the defendants for discharge (Auflösungsantrag) of the contract of employment in pursuance of section 7 of the Unfair Dismissal Act. It ordered the defendants to pay Mr. Buchholz DM 5,700 arrears of wages but dismissed the claim for future salary. The judgment was notified in writing to the parties on 25 February 1975. (b) The Hamburg Labour Court of Appeal (Landesarbeitsgericht) 18. The defendants appealed to the Hamburg Labour Court of Appeal on 13 March 1975. In their submission, the accusations made by Mr. Buchholz constituted a “serious reason“ warranting the extraordinary notice of 30 September 1974; the two ordinary notices of 28 June and 30 September 1974 were likewise valid, the former being “socially justified“ for pressing reasons connected with the running of the business. They called on the Court to overrule the judgment appealed from and to dismiss the plaintiff’s action or, in the alternative, to discharge the contract of employment existing between the two parties. The applicant in turn lodged a cross-appeal (Anschlussberufung) on 25 March, seeking payment of arrears of wages for the first three months of 1975. 19. The parties then filed written pleadings dated 2 April and 15 May 1975 (the defendants) and 22 April (Mr. Buchholz). The applicant maintained his accusations against the managers of the firm and asked the Court of Appeal to call for an expert’s opinion in order to corroborate the allegations made. 20. In the course of this written procedure both the applicant and the defendants had requested the Court of Appeal not to hold sittings during certain periods, namely from 25 May to 5 June for the applicant and from 11 April to 2 May and from 6 to 11 June for the defendants. 21. Taking due note of this, the Court of Appeal on 16 May 1975 set the case down for hearing on 22 July. On that date, the Court examined, amongst other matters, the exact circumstances surrounding the tendering in evidence of the applicant’s accusations which had been appended to his lawyer’s written pleading of 19 September 1974 (see paragraph 15 above). When questioned whether he had intended use to be made of these accusations in the lawsuit, he stated that he had relied on the judgment of his lawyer. The Court also raised the possibility of employing Mr. Buchholz in some other capacity; it directed the defendants to submit within one month a chart setting out the firm’s commercial staff structure, indicating for each post whether it was suitable for the applicant and, if not, the reason why. The applicant was given one month to reply. 22. The defendants filed the chart, with accompanying explanations, on 31 July; then, on 6 August, they replied to a written pleading from Mr. Buchholz which, though presented on 16 July, had been communicated to them after the hearing of 22 July. On 20 August 1975, the applicant put forward a proposal for a friendly settlement, but this was rejected by the defendants on 19 September. By letter of 3 October, Mr. Buchholz’s lawyer filed a memorandum, dated 28 September, containing comments by his client and asked the Court to set the case down for an early hearing, thereby renewing a request he had already made on 18 September, one day before the defendants had refused the offer of friendly settlement. He stated, amongst other things, that “the disproportionately long state of suspense [had] become physically and psychologically unbearable“ for Mr. Buchholz. On 9 October, the Court of Appeal decided to hold a hearing on 19 March 1976 and transmitted to the defendants the above mentioned written pleadings of 3 October. 23. On 12 November 1975, the applicant’s lawyer addressed to the Parliament (Bürgerschaft) of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg a petition seeking measures to expedite proceedings before the labour courts. Early in 1976, as an apparent sequel to this petition and following an increase in the number of judicial posts (see paragraph 39 below), the Court of Appeal was able to establish a Sixth Chamber. Almost 50 per cent of the cases pending before the Third Chamber were referred to the new Chamber, although the former continued to deal with the Buchholz action. The Parliament advised the applicant in reply on 5 May 1976 that the authorities had immediately taken the necessary steps to ease the workload of the labour courts. 24. The legal and factual questions to be decided were debated by the two parties at the hearing held on 19 March 1976. At the close of the sitting, the Court of Appeal made an order setting out the various points in issue and their possible implications as seen by the Court; it then proposed a settlement whereby the contract of employment would be considered as having terminated on 31 December 1974 and the defendants would pay the applicant a lump sum of DM 34,200. The Court called on the parties to state their views by 30 April. 25. By memorandum of 7 April, the defendants refused the settlement proposal; they referred to the “undisputed“ fact that the two notices of 30 September 1974 had been served on the applicant on the same day. For his part, Mr. Buchholz’s lawyer, in a written statement of 8 April in which he paid tribute to the Court of Appeal for its “thorough and prudent examination of the case“, declined to accept the suggested settlement; he specified that he could only agree to such a solution if the contract were regarded as terminated on 31 December 1975. In addition, on 28 April 1976 he filed a brief reply to the above-mentioned memorandum of 7 April. He contested the defendants’ affirmations “insofar as they deviate[d] from the explanations“ given by his client, but he did not however specifically deal with the matter of the date of receipt of the two notices of 30 September 1974. He added that he would be absent from 30 May to 18 June and requested the Court of Appeal to fix a hearing in May. On 3 May, the Court of Appeal directed that the hearings should resume on 27 August and so advised the parties on 1 June. 26. At the hearing on 27 August 1976, Mr. Buchholz denied that he had actually received the two notices of 30 September on that day and asked the Court to question on his wife on this point, which was material for the purposes of Article 626 of the Civil Code (see paragraph 15 above). The Court acceded to this request. Mrs. Buchholz, who was present in the court-room, confirmed the statements of her husband; she asserted that the notices had been served between 5 and 7 October 1974. The defendants contested this testimony and asked for the counter-evidence of four witnesses to be heard. The applicant objected to such a move on the ground that it would tend to protract the proceedings. The Court nevertheless decided that Mr. Buchholz, as well as the chief executive of the Dependorf firm and the four witnesses nominated by the defendants, should be heard on 11 January 1977. At the same time it invited the applicant, who had applied for free legal aid in the appeal proceedings, to supply the necessary certificate for that purpose. 27. The certificate was submitted under cover of a letter of 28 August from Mr. Buchholz’s lawyer. Consequently, on 29 September the Court granted free legal aid for the applicant’s defence against the main appeal; it reserved its decision as regards his cross-appeal (see paragraph 31 below). 28. Earlier, on 21 September 1976, the applicant had challenged the above-mentioned decision of 27 August before the Federal Constitutional Court. Complaining of the duration of the litigation and relying on Articles 2, 3, 12 and 20 of the Basic Law as well as Article 6 (art. 6) of the Convention, he had sought from the Constitutional Court an order requiring the Court of Appeal to bring its consideration of the matter to an immediate close. The case-file was sent to the Federal Constitutional Court which, sitting as a panel of three judges (section 93 (a) of the Federal Constitutional Court Act, Bundesverfassungsgerichtsgesetz), gave judgment on 2 November. The Court refused leave for the constitutional application to proceed: even supposing the application to be admissible, it did not offer sufficient prospects of success since there was nothing in the evidence to show that the Court of Appeal had protracted the proceedings; having regard to the extreme complexity of the facts of the case, the length of the lawsuit had been caused primarily by the applicant who had continuously supplemented his submissions and called for the taking of further evidence. 29. The presiding judge of the Third Chamber of the Labour Court of Appeal, which was dealing with the applicant’s case, retired on 19 November. 30. On 11 January 1977, the Court of Appeal heard four witnesses in connection with the date of receipt of the dismissal notices. It reserved until 28 January its decision whether, despite the objections of Mr. Buchholz’s lawyer, it should hear evidence from an additional witness nominated by the defendants and from Mr. Lentfer, the chief executive of the Dependorf firm. 31. On 28 January, the Court of Appeal granted the applicant free legal aid for his cross-appeal (see paragraph 27 above) and directed that Mr. Lentfer be called to give evidence on 22 March. By letter of 31 January, the defendants’ lawyer, pleading a prior commitment, asked for adjournment of the hearing of Mr. Lentfer; he further specified that both he and Mr. Lentfer would be on leave from 15 April until 4 May. The Court of Appeal granted this request on 2 February and postponed the hearing until 6 May. The applicant wrote on 5 February to the Secretary to the Commission - his petition to the Commission having been lodged on 18 December 1976 - to complain of this decision, but according to the Government there is no trace in the record of the case of his having entered any such objection before the Court of Appeal. 32. On 6 May, the representatives of both parties declared that the two disputed dismissal notices had indeed been received by Mr. Buchholz on 30 September 1974. On 13 May, the Court of Appeal ordered that an expert opinion should be obtained on the question whether or not the applicant’s accusations against the managers of the Dependorf firm were justified (see paragraph 15 above). The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, on being so requested, nominated an expert on 14 June; after hearing the parties, the Court appointed the expert on 30 June. The expert’s report was filed on 2 December 1977; the Court communicated it to the applicant and the defendants for comment by 5 January 1978. 33. The last hearing was held on 3 February. The parties made their final submissions, following which the Labour Court of Appeal delivered its judgment. It allowed the defendants’ appeal and dismissed the applicant’s cross-appeal, awarding the costs of the proceedings against him. The Court of Appeal held that the extraordinary notice of 30 September 1974 was valid for the following reasons. The charges made by the applicant constituted a serious reason for dismissal within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Article 626 of the Civil Code and the dismissal notice had been served within the period of two weeks laid down by paragraph 2 of that Article. The thorough and convincing explanations furnished by the expert made it clear that Mr. Buchholz’s accusations were without foundation (haltlos): apart from being extremely defamatory, they were inappropriate and quite unnecessary for his cause of action contesting the ordinary notice of 28 June 1974 (see paragraph 15 above). The judgment was notified in writing to the parties on 5 April. (c) The Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht) 34. With a view to bringing a petition for a review on a point of law (Revision), Mr. Buchholz applied on 13 April to the Federal Labour Court for free legal aid; his application was granted on 12 September. On 20 September, he asked the Federal Court for leave to petition notwithstanding expiry of the legal time-limit; the Court gave leave on 10 October. The petition which had been filed earlier on 22 September, was transmitted to the defendants who replied in writing on 29 December. 35. On 26 April 1979, the Federal Court, after hearing the parties, proposed a settlement whereby the contract of employment would be considered as having terminated on 31 December 1974 and the defendants would pay the applicant a lump sum of DM 24,000 in addition to the DM 5,700 already paid as arrears of wages in compliance with the Labour Court’s judgment. The proposal was rejected by the defendants; by judgment of the same day, the Federal Court dismissed the petition for review as unfounded. 2. Proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) 36. On 10 May 1979, Mr. Buchholz challenged this decision before the Federal Constitutional Court alleging violation of several basic rights. He complained of the length of the proceedings before the various labour courts, citing this factor as the cause of the contested decision. He further criticised the Federal Labour Court for having terminated a lawsuit “which in normal circumstances should not have been terminated yet“; in view of his application to the Commission, so he contended, the Federal Labour Court had “clearly not wished to make the breach of the Convention more evident by continuing the proceedings“. In addition, the applicant claimed that the judgment being challenged was unsustainable as far as its reasoning was concerned (sachlich unhaltbar) and constituted an unacceptable domestic sanction intended to punish him for having taken his case to the Commission. On 19 July, the Constitutional Court refused leave for the constitutional application to proceed on the ground that it was inadmissible. The applicant had not, it was stated, identified with sufficient clarity any possible violation of his basic rights. In particular, his complaint regarding the length of the proceedings did not warrant a finding that the outcome of the action was incompatible with any of his basic rights; this was likewise true of his submission that the reasoning of the judgment being challenged did not bear examination. As in 1976 (see paragraph 28 above), the Court had sat in judgment as a panel of three judges. 3. The applicant’s situation after his dismissal For a year after his dismissal, Mr. Buchholz was paid weekly unemployment benefits (Arbeitslosengeld) under the Promotion of Employment Act (Arbeitsförderungsgesetz), that is to say, DM 202.20 from 9 October to 31 December 1974, DM 228 from 1 January to 30 September 1975 and DM 250.80 until 7 October 1975. The Hamburg Employment Office (Arbeitsamt) refused, on 23 December 1975, to grant him unemployment welfare assistance (Arbeitslosenhilfe) thereafter on account of his wife’s earnings. Since 1 August 1978, the applicant has been in receipt of a social security retirement pension (Sozialversicherungsrente), the amount of which – originally DM 1,462 per month - has been periodically adjusted. According to the Government, from October 1974 onwards the Hamburg Employment Office endeavoured in vain to find the applicant some other employment, even offering financial help to potential employers. 4. Workload of the Labour Courts of Appeal between 1974 and 1976 As the result of an economic recession in the Federal Republic of Germany, the labour courts of appeal experienced a significant increase in their workload between 1974 and 1976. According to the statistics supplied by the Government at the request of the Court, the incidence of appeals from labour court judgments rose, as compared with the previous year, by 23.1 per cent in 1974, by 20.8 per cent in 1975 and by 9.7 per cent in 1976. In order to cope with this state of affairs, the relevant authorities increased the number of judicial posts by 9.6 per cent in 1974, by 12.5 per cent in 1975 and by 11.1 per cent in 1976. There were 17.3 per cent more cases dealt with in 1974, 27.5 per cent in 1975 and 13.4 per cent in 1976. As regards the Hamburg Court of Appeal in particular, 689 appeals were entered in 1974, 758 in 1975, 786 in 1976 and 756 in 1977; 716 appeals were decided in 1974, 700 in 1975, 798 in 1976 and 788 in 1977. The average length of proceedings progressed from 2.88 months in 1974 to 3.20 months in 1975, but then fell to 2.98 months in 1976, 2.79 months in 1977 and 2.53 months in 1978. In this respect, the Hamburg Court of Appeal was more favoured than the labour courts of appeal of the other Länder where, nevertheless, a downward trend was also registered. Examination of the 255 cases decided in 1975 and 1976 by the Third Chamber, which dealt with the Buchholz appeal, showed, according to the Government, that 163 cases were disposed of after one hearing, 59 cases after two hearings, 23 cases after three hearings and 10 cases after four to six hearings. Faced with the backlog of labour court business in the 1970’s, the Government tabled in the legislative assemblies in 1978 a Bill designed, amongst other things, to expedite proceedings before the labour courts. The resultant Act entered into force on 1 July 1979. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION In his application of 18 December 1976 to the Commission (no. 7759/77), Mr. Buchholz complained of the length of the proceedings before the German courts and alleged a breach of Articles 6 par. 1 and 8 (art. 6-1, art. 8) of the Convention. During the course of the proceedings on the merits, he also relied on Articles 3 and 12 (art. 3, art. 12). On 7 December 1977, the Commission declared the application admissible. In its report of 14 May 1980, the Commission expressed the opinion that the requirements of Article 6 par. 1 (art. 6-1) had not been observed (seven votes to five), but that no issue arose under Articles 3, 8 or 12 (art. 3, art. 8, art. 12). FINAL SUBMISSIONS MADE TO THE COURT At the hearings on 27 January 1981, the Government made the following final submission, which had been indicated in their memorial of 5 December 1980: “[We] request a finding that the Convention has not been violated in the instant case.“
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{ "applicant": "Walter Buchholz", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 34, 44, 32, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 50, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1981 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Walter Buchholz
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 13 April 1992, within the three-month period laid down in Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 12875/87) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by an Austrian, Mrs Ingrid Hoffmann, on 20 February 1987. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Austria recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 8, 9 and 14 (art. 8, art. 9, art. 14) of the Convention and Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 (P1-2). In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that she wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent her (Rule 30). The President gave him leave to use the German language during the proceedings (Rule 27 para. 3). The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr F. Matscher, the elected judge of Austrian nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 25 April 1992 the President drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the other seven members, namely Mr L.-E Pettiti, Mr B. Walsh, Mr R. Macdonald, Mr C. Russo, Mr N. Valticos, Mr I. Foighel and Mr G. Mifsud Bonnici (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). Mr Macdonald was later replaced by Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, substitute judge, as he was unable to attend (Rules 22 para. 1 and 24 para. 1). Mr Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5) and, through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Austrian Government (“the Government“), the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant’s representative on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the resulting orders and instructions, the Registrar received the memorial of the applicant and the memorial of the Government on 17 September 1992 and 21 September 1992 respectively. The Secretary to the Commission indicated that the Delegate would submit her observations at the hearing. In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 January 1993. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. Mr R. Bernhardt, the Vice-President of the Court, replaced Mr Ryssdal, who was unable to attend (Rule 21 para. 5, second sub-paragraph). There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr W. Okresek, Federal Chancellery, Agent, Mr F. Haug, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Adviser; for the Commission Mrs J. Liddy, Delegate; for the applicant Mr R. Kohlhofer, Rechtsanwalt, Counsel, Mr A. Garay, Avocat, Counsel, Mr H. Renoldner, Adviser. The Court heard their addresses as well as replies to the questions of some of its members. AS TO THE FACTS I. THE PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE A. Introduction Mrs Ingrid Hoffmann is an Austrian citizen residing in Gaissau. She is a housewife. In 1980 Mrs Hoffmann - then Miss Berger - married Mr S., a telephone technician. At that time, they were both Roman Catholics. Two children were born to them, a son, Martin, in 1980 and a daughter, Sandra, in 1982. They were baptised as Roman Catholics. The applicant left the Roman Catholic Church to become a Jehovah’s Witness. On 17 October 1983 the applicant instituted divorce proceedings against Mr S. She left him in August or September 1984 while the proceedings were still pending, taking the children with her. The divorce was pronounced on 12 June 1986. B. Proceedings before the Innsbruck District Court Following their separation, both the applicant and Mr S. applied to the Innsbruck District Court (Bezirksgericht) to be granted parental rights (Elternrechte) over the children. Mr S. submitted that if the children were left in the applicant’s care, there was a risk that they would be brought up in a way that would do them harm. He claimed that the educational principles of the religious denomination to which the applicant belonged were hostile to society, in that they discouraged all intercourse with non-members, all expressions of patriotism (such as singing the national anthem) and religious tolerance. All this would lead to the children’s social isolation. In addition, the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ ban on blood transfusions might give rise to situations in which their life or their health was endangered. With regard to the son, Martin, Mr S. noted that he would eventually have to refuse to perform military service or even the civilian service exacted in its stead. The applicant claimed that she was better placed to take care of the children, being in a position to devote herself to them completely, and as a mother better able to provide them with the necessary family environment. She alleged that Mr S. did not even provide for their maintenance, as he was both legally and morally bound to do. She acknowledged, however, that she intended to bring the children up in her own faith. The youth office of the Innsbruck District Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft, Abteilung Jugendfürsorge) expressed a preference for granting parental rights to the applicant; it referred to, inter alia, the expert opinion of a child psychologist. By decision of 8 January 1986, the District Court granted parental rights to the applicant and denied them to Mr S. According to its reasoning, only the children’s well-being fell to be considered. The material living conditions of both parents were such that either of them would be able to take proper care of the children; however, the father would need his mother’s help. The children had stronger emotional ties with the applicant, having lived with her for a year and a half already, and separating them from her might cause them psychological harm. It followed that it was preferable to leave the children with the mother. The District Court further observed: “As against this, it has been stated by the children’s father, essentially as his only argument, that Ingrid S.’s membership of the religious community of the Jehovah’s Witnesses has serious detrimental effects on the children. As to this, it ought to be made clear right away that in no case are parents’ religious convictions as such a relevant criterion in deciding on parental rights and duties pursuant to Article 177 para. 2 of the Civil Code. These rights cannot be refused to a parent or withheld from him for the sole reason that he or she belongs to a religious minority. However, in the concrete case it needs to be examined whether the mother’s religious convictions have a negative influence on her upbringing of the children which should be taken into account and whether their well-being is impaired as a result. It appears in particular that Ingrid S. would not allow blood transfusions to be given to her children; that for herself she rejects communal celebration of such customary holidays as Christmas or Easter; that the children experience a certain tension in relation to an environment which does not correspond to their faith; and that their integration in societal institutions such as kindergarten and school is made more difficult. However, the father’s apprehension of complete social isolation as a result of the mother’s religion does not appear well-founded in the light of the established facts. In addition, no possible dangers to either child’s development have appeared in the course of the establishment of the facts. It is true that the facts adduced (blood transfusions, holidays, impaired social integration) are in principle capable of having detrimental effects on the children. This point must now be examined in the context of the particular case. It appears first of all that the father’s argument that Martin and Sandra would be exposed in an emergency to serious danger to their life and health by the refusal of a blood transfusion is not of decisive importance. In the absence of parental permission for a medically necessary blood transfusion to either child, such permission can be replaced by a judicial decision in accordance with Article 176 of the Civil Code (compare the decision of the Innsbruck Regional Court (Landesgericht) of 3 July 1979, 4R 128/79). In any case, according to this legal provision, anyone can apply to the court for an order that is necessary to ensure the welfare of the child when the parent endangers it by his conduct. In view of this possibility of applying to the court, which is available at all times, no danger to the children need be inferred from the mother’s attitude to blood transfusions. As for Ingrid S.’s rejection of holidays, notice must be taken of her express agreement to allow the father to take the children on such occasions and celebrate them with the children as he sees fit. The mother’s religious convictions thus do not deprive Martin and Sandra of the possibility of celebrating these holidays in the usual way, so that no detriment to the children can be found in this regard either. Of the reservations with regard to the mother’s upbringing of the children resulting from her religion the only remaining one of any significance is the circumstance that Martin and Sandra will in later life experience somewhat more difficulty in finding their way in social groups as a result of the religious precepts of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and will find themselves to some extent in a special position. However, the court cannot consider this so detrimental to the children’s welfare that they should for that reason not be entrusted to their mother, with whom they have such a close psychological relationship and to whose care they are accustomed. Careful consideration must lead to the conclusion that in spite of more difficult social integration, as discussed above, it appears to be more in the interest of the children’s welfare to grant parental rights to the mother than to transfer them to the father.“ C. Proceedings before the Innsbruck Regional Court Mr S. appealed against the above decision to the Innsbruck Regional Court (Landesgericht). The Regional Court rejected the appeal by decision of 14 March 1986. Its grounds for so doing were the following: “The main thrust of the appeal is to argue that the decision of the first-instance court is incompatible with the children’s welfare in view of the mother’s membership of the religious community of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In this connection, the appellant discusses the criteria and objectives peculiar to that religious community and the resulting social attitudes, which are in his opinion wrong; it follows, in his view, that both children are bound to suffer harm if the parental rights and duties are assigned to the mother, and in particular that they may be forced into social isolation removed from reality. The appellant’s line of argument in this regard is unsound. The Jehovah’s Witnesses, formerly known as Serious Bible Students, a community based upon their own interpretation of the Bible, are not outlawed in Austria; it may therefore be assumed that their objectives neither infringe the law nor offend morality (see Article 16 of the Basic Law in conjunction with Article 9 (art. 9) of the European Convention on Human Rights). Therefore, the mother’s membership of that religious community cannot of itself constitute a danger to the children’s welfare ... Admittedly, the mother’s religion will in all probability affect the children’s care and upbringing, and they may come to experience a certain tension in relation to an environment which does not correspond to their faith. The first-instance court has already dealt at length with part of the appellant’s arguments that relate thereto and has given detailed and conclusive reasons why the father’s objections against assigning the parental rights and duties to the mother cannot in the final instance be decisive. The new points raised on appeal - relating to a lack of understanding of democracy and a lack of subordination to the State - cannot cast doubt on the first-instance decision as regards the children’s welfare; it suffices in this respect to recall the legal recognition of the religious community of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which meant, contrary to the appellant’s allegation, that the first-instance court did not in fact need to seek ex officio an expert opinion on the objectives or the ‘nature’ of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Nor were the first-instance proceedings incomplete because no expert medical opinion was sought regarding the question, which was raised anew on appeal, of blood transfusions, which are rejected by the Jehovah’s Witnesses; in the event that a judicial remedy (a decision pursuant to Article 176 of the Civil Code) arrives too late, it will in the final instance be up to the physician treating the patient, when confronted with the problem, to reach a decision, with a view in the first place to life-saving medical action and only in the second place taking into account the rejection of blood transfusions which is peculiar to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The appellant’s further line of argument - to the effect that a properly arranged transfer of the children to himself and properly arranged visiting rights for the mother could not cause the same shock as had the mother’s forcible removal of the children, and that the decision under appeal had legalised her unilateral action - also fails to convince. The appellant overlooks the fact that, in view of the paramount importance of the children’s welfare, the way in which they reached the place where they are currently being taken care of is not necessarily decisive. Even illegal conduct would be of relevance only to the extent that it might, in an individual case, be possible to infer therefrom a lack of suitability for care or upbringing; it is not otherwise decisive for determining the attribution of parental rights and duties whether or not the parent concerned has taken charge of the children without authorisation. It remains true, however, that both children have for a long time developed harmoniously in the mother’s care, that there is a closer relationship with her than with the father, and that, whatever the religious or philosophical views of the mother, neither child has suffered any harm in his or her physical or - particularly - psychological development; in fact the appellant could not seriously claim that they had actually suffered in the latter respect.“ D. Proceedings before the Supreme Court Mr S. lodged an appeal on points of law (außerordentlicher Revisionsrekurs) with the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof). By decision of 3 September 1986, the Supreme Court overturned the judgment of the Innsbruck Regional Court, granting parental rights to Mr S. instead of the applicant. It gave the following reasons: “The appellant has not hitherto claimed that the children belonged to the Roman Catholic faith; however, he has stated, and it has in fact been established, that the mother is bringing them up according to the principles of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ teaching. It is also uncontested that the children do not belong to this confession. The lower courts had therefore to examine whether or not the mother’s bringing up the children in this way contravened the provisions of the Federal Law of 1985 on the Religious Education of Children (Bundesgesetz über die religiöse Kindererziehung), BGBl (Bundesgesetzblatt, Federal official Gazette) 1985/155 (re-enactment of the Law of 15 July 1921 on the Religious Education of Children, dRGB (deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt, German Reich Gazette) I. 939). According to Article 1 of the 1921 Act the religious education of a child shall be decided upon by an agreement freely entered into by the parents, in so far as the responsibility for his or her care and upbringing is vested in them. Such an agreement may be revoked at any time and is terminated by the death of either spouse. Article 2, paragraph 1, of the 1921 Act lays down that if such an agreement does not or ceases to exist, the provisions of the Civil Code on the care and upbringing of children shall extend to their religious education. However, according to Article 2, paragraph 2 of the 1921 Act, during the existence of the marriage neither parent may decide without the consent of the other that the child is to be brought up in a faith different from that shared by both parents at the time of the marriage or from that in which he or she has hitherto been brought up. Since in any case the children do not belong to the faith of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, their education according to the principles of this sect (which is not, as the appellant rightly points out, a recognised religious community: see Adamovich-Funk, Österreichisches Verfassungsrecht, [Austrian Constitutional Law], Vol. 3, p. 415) contravenes Article 2, paragraph 2, of the 1921 Act. The Regional Court’s failure to apply this provision is obviously in breach of the law. Moreover, the lower courts also failed in their decisions to give due consideration to the children’s welfare ... . That the mother, as has been established, would refuse to consent to the children’s receiving a necessary blood transfusion constitutes a danger to their well-being, since requesting a court to substitute its consent for that of the mother ... may in urgent cases involve a life-threatening delay and medical intervention without seeking the approval of the person entitled to take care of the child is considered contrary to the law ... . It has also been established that if the children are educated according to the religious teaching of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they will become social outcasts. In the initial decision as to which of the spouses is to have the right to provide care and upbringing, these circumstances cannot be ignored. Although it is preferable for young children to be taken care of by their mother ..., this applies only provided that all other things are equal ... . There is no maternal privilege as regards the attribution of parental right ... . The stress caused to the children by being transferred to the care of the other parent, which in any case is usually transitory, has to be accepted in their own best interests ... . The file contains no documentary basis for the assumption that a change to another carer ‘would with a high degree of probability cause the children serious psychological harm’ ... . Even according to the opinion of the lower courts, the father is able to see to the children’s upbringing, since they have a good relationship with him and with their grandmother, who would take charge of their care and upbringing during the father’s absence at work; the availability of accommodation for the children in the house of the father’s parents is assured. Therefore, only transfer of parental rights and duties to the father is in the children’s interest.“ II. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Numbering about four million worldwide not counting uninitiated sympathisers, the Jehovah’s Witnesses form a particular religious movement. It originated in America in the 1870s. Formerly known by names such as International Bible Students, the Jehovah’s Witnesses took their present name in 1931. A central feature of Jehovah’s Witness doctrine is the belief that the Holy Scriptures in the original Hebrew and Greek are the revealed word of Jehovah God and must therefore be taken as literal truth. The refusal to accept blood transfusions is based on several scriptural references, most notably Acts 15: 28-29, which reads (New World translation): “For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper ...“
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{ "applicant": "Ingrid Hoffmann", "articles": [ 91, 34, 57, 34, 44, 32, 34, 112, 49, 45, 50, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1993 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Ingrid Hoffmann
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 21906/09) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Franz Xaver Kronfeldner (“the applicant”), on 24 April 2009. The applicant was initially represented by Ms M. Kronfeldner, his sister, and subsequently by Mr A. Ahmed, a lawyer practising in Munich. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, and by their permanent Deputy Agent, Mr H.-J. Behrens, Ministerialrat, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the retrospective extension of his preventive detention from a period of ten years, which had been the maximum for such detention under the legal provisions applicable at the time of his offence, to an unlimited period of time violated Article 5 of the Convention. On 22 March 2010 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government, requested them to submit information on changes in the applicant’s detention regime and adjourned the examination of the application until the judgment in the case of M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04, had become final. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1). In view of the fact that the judgment of 17 December 2009 in the case of M. v. Germany became final on 10 May 2010, the President decided on 20 May 2010 that the proceedings in the application at issue be resumed and granted priority to the application (Rule 41 of the Rules of Court). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant was born in 1958 and was in Straubing Prison until his preventive detention was declared terminated and his provisional detention in a suitable institution under the Therapy Detention Act was ordered on 28 November 2011. He is currently detained in Straubing Psychiatric Hospital. A. The applicant’s previous convictions and the order for his preventive detention and execution thereof Since the age of sixteen, the applicant was sentenced to terms of imprisonment several times and spent only some four years outside prison. On 20 November 1990 the Regensburg Regional Court convicted the applicant of rape. It sentenced him to eight years’ imprisonment and ordered his placement in preventive detention pursuant to Article 66 § 1 of the Criminal Code (see paragraphs 32-33 below). The court found that in July 1989, some four months after his release from prison, the applicant had raped a woman whom he had come across in Regensburg at night. The Regional Court had consulted a psychiatric expert, S., on the applicant’s criminal responsibility and his propensity to commit further sexual offences and endorsed his findings. The expert had found that the applicant did not suffer from a mental illness diminishing his criminal responsibility. His criminal responsibility had, however, been diminished at the time of the offence due to his prior consumption of alcohol. The court further noted that the applicant had previously been convicted, in addition to several offences against the property of others, in particular, of attempted rape committed in 1973, two counts of sexual assault committed in 1978 and rape and coercion committed in 1984. The court considered that owing to his propensity to commit serious sexual offences, the applicant was dangerous to the public. Since 13 November 1997 the applicant, having served his full prison sentence, has been in preventive detention. Its continuation was ordered by the Amberg Regional Court on 3 November 1999 and on 26 February 2002. On 4 March 2004 the Regensburg Regional Court again decided not to suspend the applicant’s preventive detention on probation and ordered the execution of that measure in a detoxification facility (Article 67a §§ 1 and 2, read in conjunction with Article 64 of the Criminal Code; see paragraph 37 below). The applicant was accordingly transferred from Straubing Prison to Regensburg District Clinic on 31 March 2004. On 26 October 2005 the Regensburg Regional Court declined to suspend the applicant’s preventive detention on probation and ordered its execution in a psychiatric hospital (Article 67a §§ 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code; see paragraph 37 below). It had consulted a psychiatric expert, N., who had considered that the applicant suffered from a dissocial personality disorder since his youth and that it was very likely that he would reoffend if released. His disorder could only possibly be treated in a psychiatric hospital. The applicant was accordingly transferred to Straubing Psychiatric Hospital on 15 December 2005. On 25 October 2007 the Regensburg Regional Court prolonged the execution of the applicant’s preventive detention in a psychiatric hospital. As the execution of his preventive detention was interrupted in order to execute another sentence of imprisonment, the applicant had served ten years in preventive detention by 11 May 2008. B. The proceedings at issue 1. The decision of the Regensburg Regional Court On 12 June 2008 the Regensburg Regional Court, having heard the applicant, his counsel H. and expert K. in person, decided neither to terminate the applicant’s preventive detention after expiry of a period of ten years nor to suspend it and grant probation. The Regional Court considered that it was very likely that the applicant, if released, would commit further serious offences resulting in considerable physical or psychological harm to the victims (Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code; see paragraph 36 below). Having regard to the observations made by the psychiatric expert K. it had consulted and to the applicant’s previous convictions, the court took the view that the applicant’s dangerousness had not diminished. Owing to his strong propensity to commit crimes, there was a risk that he might commit further violent sexual offences, in particular rapes. The Regional Court noted in this connection that expert K. had consulted, inter alia, the applicant’s medical files drawn up by doctors of Straubing Psychiatric Hospital. Having examined the applicant, the expert had diagnosed him with a serious dissocial personality disorder which was notably reflected in a number of sexual offences he had committed. The expert found that the applicant did not, however, suffer from a pathological sexual deviation, a psychiatric illness or a mental disorder which diminished his criminal responsibility or called for a psychiatric therapy. He noted that the psychiatric experts having examined the applicant throughout the proceedings had agreed on that point. The Regional Court further quashed its decision of 26 October 2005 to execute the applicant’s preventive detention in a psychiatric hospital and decided to retransfer the applicant to prison in accordance with Article 67a § 3 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 37 below). Having regard to the statements made by the psychiatric expert and by Straubing Psychiatric Hospital, it found that the reintegration into society of the applicant, who did not suffer from a psychiatric illness, could not better be furthered in that hospital. The therapy in the psychiatric hospital, in which he might become even more dangerous, had not yielded any success. The applicant was accordingly transferred from Straubing Psychiatric Hospital to Straubing Prison on 19 June 2008. 2. The decision of the Nuremberg Court of Appeal On 22 July 2008 the Nuremberg Court of Appeal, fully endorsing the reasons given by the Regional Court, dismissed the applicant’s appeal as ill‑founded. The Court of Appeal added that the reasons why the applicant’s therapy in Straubing Psychiatric Hospital had not been successful were irrelevant for the question whether there was still a risk that the applicant, if released, might commit further sexual offences. Therefore, Straubing Psychiatric Hospital had not been obliged to submit information concerning therapeutic methods contained in the medical files as requested by the applicant. Furthermore, the psychiatric expert report drawn up by expert K. was clear and conclusive and complied with the minimum standards required for such reports. The court further referred to the leading judgment dated 5 February 2004 of the Federal Constitutional Court, in which the latter had considered the retroactive extension of a convicted person’s preventive detention beyond a period of ten years to be constitutional (file no. 2 BvR 2029/01; see paragraph 36 below). It found, accordingly, that the applicant’s continued preventive detention was lawful and proportionate. 3. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court On 21 August 2008 the applicant, represented by counsel H., lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court. He argued that the court decisions ordering his preventive detention to continue violated his right to liberty under the Basic Law. He complained, in particular, that the psychiatric expert report on which the decisions had been based had not complied with the minimum standards to be met by such reports. Moreover, his right to a fair trial had been breached because he had not obtained information he had requested concerning the therapy in Straubing Psychiatric Hospital and because the courts had disregarded his submissions. On 3 November 2008 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint without giving reasons (file no. 2 BvR 1921/08). C. The conditions of the applicant’s detention during the execution of the preventive detention order in prison From 13 November 1997 to 31 March 2004 and from 19 June 2008 onwards, the preventive detention order against the applicant has been executed in a separate wing of Straubing Prison for persons in preventive detention. Persons in preventive detention have certain privileges compared with convicted offenders serving their sentence. In particular, at the relevant time, persons in preventive detention in Straubing Prison had more wide-ranging possibilities to occupy themselves in their spare time (one extra hour could be spent outside on non-working days; use of a kitchen and a well-equipped sports room; additional private telephone calls). They had shorter lock-up hours (some five hours less per day), more generous visiting times (up to ten hours per month) and more wide-ranging opportunities to purchase goods (six extra opportunities to buy a larger variety of goods). They further had the right to wear their own underwear and T-Shirts, use their own bed linen and bath robes, and receive more pocket money. They had bigger cells (between 8.75 and 10.3 sq. m) which they could equip with bigger TV sets and additional furniture. The applicant was considered by the Straubing Prison authorities to be a self-confident, demanding and mistrustful person. He received regular visits from his mother, his brother and his sister and spoke to them regularly on the phone. Since July 2009 he has been working in the prison’s furniture factory. From 2002 to 2004 he participated in a discussion group in prison. Following his retransfer to Straubing Prison in June 2008 the applicant did not make any of the therapies available – notably a group or possibly individual social therapy for sexual offenders – for lack of motivation. He consistently refused the treatment offered, questioning the therapists’ expertise. He was not granted any relaxations in the execution of the preventive detention order against him for fear of abuse. D. Subsequent developments On 26 July 2010 the Regensburg Regional Court, having consulted psychiatric expert A., ordered the applicant’s preventive detention to continue (Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code). On 24 August 2010 the Nuremberg Court of Appeal, following the applicant’s appeal, referred the case to the Federal Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling. The Court of Appeal asked the Federal Court of Justice to decide whether, having regard to this Court’s judgment of 17 December 2009 in the case of M. v. Germany, the preventive detention of persons in the applicant’s situation could exceed ten years. On 10 November 2010 the Federal Court of Justice decided to adjourn the case pending a decision of its grand senate on the legal question at issue. It remitted the case-file to the Nuremberg Court of Appeal in order for it to review whether, applying a stricter standard of proportionality, the applicant’s preventive detention was to continue (Articles 67d and 67e of the Criminal Code; see paragraphs 34 and 36 below). The Federal Court of Justice subsequently confirmed that the criteria set up by the Federal Constitutional Court in its leading judgment of 4 May 2011 (see paragraphs 41-45 below) should be applied to the case at issue. By decision of 12 January 2011 the Nuremberg Court of Appeal ordered expert A. to supplement his previous report. In his fresh report dated 9 March 2011 expert A. took the view that there were no concrete circumstances in the applicant’s personality or conduct which warranted the conclusion that there was a very high risk that he would commit the most serious violent or sexual offences if released. The Court of Appeal took the view that expert A.’s report was not a suitable basis for its decision. On 18 April 2011 it ordered expert L. to submit another expert report, which the latter did on 26 August 2011 and which he supplemented on 19 October 2011. On 28 November 2011 the Nuremberg Court of Appeal quashed the decision of the Regensburg Regional Court of 26 July 2010. It declared the applicant’s preventive detention terminated with immediate effect and ordered the supervision of his conduct. It found that, having regard to the criteria set up by the Federal Constitutional Court in its judgment dated 4 May 2011 (see, in particular, paragraph 43 below), the applicant’s preventive detention was disproportionate. It had not been shown that the applicant, owing to specific circumstances, was highly likely to commit the most serious crimes of violence or sexual offences if released. In a different set of proceedings, the Straubing Prison authorities requested the Regensburg Regional Court on 3 January 2011 to order the applicant’s placement in a suitable institution under Article 1 of the Therapy Detention Act (see paragraph 40 below). These proceedings are currently pending. On 28 November 2011 the Regensburg Regional Court ordered the applicant’s provisional detention in a suitable institution pending a decision on his placement under the Therapy Detention Act. The applicant was transferred to Straubing Psychiatric Hospital thereupon. The applicant had not previously been placed in a psychiatric hospital under section 1 of the Bavarian (Mentally Ill Persons’) Placement Act (see paragraph 39 below). II. RELEVANT DOMESTIC AND COMPARATIVE LAW AND PRACTICE A comprehensive summary of the provisions of the Criminal Code and of the Code of Criminal Procedure governing the distinction between penalties and measures of correction and prevention, in particular preventive detention, and the making, review and execution in practice of preventive detention orders, is contained in the Court’s judgment in the case of M. v. Germany (no. 19359/04, §§ 45-78, 17 December 2009). The provisions referred to in the present case provide as follows: A. The order of preventive detention by the sentencing court The sentencing court may, at the time of the offender’s conviction, order his preventive detention (a so-called measure of correction and prevention) under certain circumstances in addition to his prison sentence (a penalty), if the offender has been shown to be a danger to the public (Article 66 of the Criminal Code). In particular, the sentencing court orders preventive detention in addition to the penalty if someone is sentenced for an intentional offence to at least two years’ imprisonment and if the following further conditions are satisfied. Firstly, the perpetrator must have been sentenced twice already, to at least one year’s imprisonment in each case, for intentional offences committed prior to the new offence. Secondly, the perpetrator must previously have served a prison sentence or must have been detained pursuant to a measure of correction and prevention for at least two years. Thirdly, a comprehensive assessment of the perpetrator and his acts must reveal that, owing to his propensity to commit serious offences, notably those which seriously harm their victims physically or mentally or which cause serious economic damage, the perpetrator presents a danger to the general public (see Article 66 § 1 of the Criminal Code, in its version in force at the relevant time). B. Judicial review and duration of preventive detention Pursuant to Article 67e of the Criminal Code, the court (that is, the chamber responsible for the execution of sentences) may review at any time whether the further execution of the preventive detention order should be suspended and a measure of probation applied or whether it should be declared terminated. It is obliged to do so within fixed time-limits (paragraph 1 of Article 67e). For persons in preventive detention, this time‑limit is two years (paragraph 2 of Article 67e). Under Article 67d § 1 of the Criminal Code, in its version in force prior to 31 January 1998, the first period of preventive detention may not exceed ten years. If the maximum duration has expired, the detainee shall be released (Article 67d § 3). Article 67d of the Criminal Code was amended by the Combating of Sexual Offences and Other Dangerous Offences Act of 26 January 1998, which entered into force on 31 January 1998. Article 67d § 3, in its amended version, provides that if a person has spent ten years in preventive detention, the court shall declare the measure terminated (only) if there is no danger that the detainee will, owing to his criminal tendencies, commit serious offences resulting in considerable psychological or physical harm to the victims. Termination shall automatically entail supervision of the offender’s conduct. The former maximum duration of a first period of preventive detention was abolished. Pursuant to section 1a (3) of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code, the amended version of Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code was to be applied without any restriction ratione temporis. These provisions were initially considered compatible with the Basic Law by the Federal Constitutional Court in its leading judgment of 5 February 2004 (file no. 2 BvR 2029/01; the decision at issue in the case of M. v. Germany, cited above, §§ 27-40). That case-law was subsequently reversed (see paragraphs 41-45 below). C. Transfer for enforcement of a different measure of correction and prevention Article 67a of the Criminal Code contains provisions on the transfer of detainees for the execution of a different measure of correction and prevention than the measure ordered in the judgment against them. Under Article 67a § 2, read in conjunction with § 1, of the Criminal Code, the court may subsequently transfer a person against whom preventive detention was ordered to a psychiatric hospital or to a detoxification facility (see Article 64 of the Criminal Code) if the person’s reintegration into society can be better promoted thereby. The court may quash that decision if it later emerges that no success can be achieved by placing the person in a psychiatric hospital or a detoxification facility (Article 67a § 3). The duration of the placement is determined by the provisions which apply to the measure ordered in the judgment (Article 67a § 4). D. The detention of mentally ill persons The detention of mentally ill persons is provided for, first of all, in the Criminal Code as a measure of correction and prevention if the detention is ordered in relation to an unlawful act committed by the person concerned. Article 63 of the Criminal Code provides that if someone commits an unlawful act without criminal responsibility or with diminished criminal responsibility, the court will order his placement – without any maximum duration – in a psychiatric hospital if a comprehensive assessment of the defendant and his acts reveals that, as a result of his condition, he can be expected to commit serious unlawful acts and that he is therefore a danger to the general public. Secondly, pursuant to sections 1 § 1, 5 and 7 of the Bavarian Act on the Placement in an Institution of Mentally Ill Persons and Their Care of 5 April 1992 (Bavarian (Mentally Ill Persons’) Placement Act – Bayerisches Gesetz über die Unterbringung psychisch Kranker und deren Betreuung) a court may order a person’s placement in a psychiatric hospital at the request of the authorities of a town or county if the person concerned is mentally ill and thereby poses a severe threat to public security and order. Such an order may only be executed as long as no measure under Article 63 of the Criminal Code has been taken (section 1 § 2 of the said Act). Furthermore, on 1 January 2011, following the Court’s judgment in the case of M. v. Germany (cited above), the Act on Therapy and Detention of Mentally Disturbed Violent Offenders (Therapy Detention Act – Gesetz zur Therapierung und Unterbringung psychisch gestörter Gewalttäter) entered into force. Under sections 1 § 1 and 4 of that Act, the civil sections of the Regional Court may order the placement in a suitable institution of persons who may no longer be kept in preventive detention in view of the prohibition of retrospective aggravations in relation to preventive detention. Such a therapy detention may be ordered if the person concerned has been found guilty by final judgment of certain serious offences for which preventive detention may be ordered under Article 66 § 3 of the Criminal Code. The person must further suffer from a mental disorder owing to which it is highly likely that he will considerably impair the life, physical integrity, personal liberty or sexual self-determination of another person. The person’s detention must be necessary for the protection of the public. E. Recent case-law of the Federal Constitutional Court on preventive detention On 4 May 2011 the Federal Constitutional Court delivered a leading judgment concerning the retrospective prolongation of the complainants’ preventive detention beyond the former ten-year maximum period and about the retrospective order of the complainants’ preventive detention respectively (file nos. 2 BvR 2365/09, 2 BvR 740/10, 2 BvR 2333/08, 2 BvR 1152/10 and 2 BvR 571/10). The Federal Constitutional Court held that all provisions on the retrospective prolongation of preventive detention and on the retrospective order of such detention were incompatible with the Basic Law as they failed to comply with the constitutional protection of legitimate expectations guaranteed in a State governed by the rule of law, read in conjunction with the constitutional right to liberty. The Federal Constitutional Court further held that all provisions of the Criminal Code on the imposition and duration of preventive detention at issue were incompatible with the fundamental right to liberty of the persons in preventive detention. It found that those provisions did not satisfy the constitutional requirement of establishing a difference between preventive detention and detention for serving a term of imprisonment (Abstandsgebot). These provisions included, in particular, Article 66 of the Criminal Code in its version in force since 27 December 2003. The Federal Constitutional Court ordered that all provisions declared incompatible with the Basic Law remained applicable until the entry into force of new legislation and until 31 May 2013 at the most. In relation to detainees whose preventive detention had been prolonged or ordered retrospectively, the courts dealing with the execution of sentences had to examine without delay whether the persons concerned, owing to specific circumstances relating to their person or their conduct, were highly likely to commit the most serious crimes of violence or sexual offences and if, additionally, they suffered from a mental disorder within the meaning of section 1 § 1 of the Therapy Detention Act (see paragraph 40 above). As regards the notion of mental disorder, the Federal Constitutional Court explicitly referred to the interpretation of the notion of “persons of unsound mind” in Article 5 § 1 sub-paragraph (e) of the Convention made in this Court’s case-law (see §§ 138 and 143-156 of the Federal Constitutional Court’s judgment). If the above pre-conditions were not met, those detainees had to be released no later than 31 December 2011. The other provisions on the imposition and duration of preventive detention could only be further applied in the transitional period subject to a strict review of proportionality; as a general rule, proportionality was only respected where there was a danger of the person concerned committing serious crimes of violence or sexual offences if released. In its judgment, the Federal Constitutional Court stressed that the fact that the Constitution stood above the Convention in the domestic hierarchy of norms was not an obstacle to an international and European dialogue between the courts, but was, on the contrary, its normative basis in view of the fact that the Constitution was to be interpreted in a manner that was open to public international law (völkerrechtsfreundliche Auslegung; see § 89 of the Federal Constitutional Court’s judgment). It stressed that, in line with that openness of the Constitution to public international law, it attempted to avoid breaches of the Convention in the interpretation of the Constitution (see §§ 82 and 89 of the Federal Constitutional Court’s judgment). In its reasoning, the Federal Constitutional Court relied on the interpretation of Article 5 and Article 7 of the Convention made by this Court in its judgment in the case of M. v. Germany (cited above; see §§ 137 ss. of the Federal Constitutional Court’s judgment). It stressed, in particular, that the constitutional requirement of establishing a difference between preventive detention and detention for serving a term of imprisonment and the principles laid down in Article 7 of the Convention required an individualised and intensified offer of therapy and care to the persons concerned. In line with the Court’s findings in the case of M. v. Germany (cited above, § 129), it was necessary to provide a high level of care by a team of multi-disciplinary staff and to offer the detainees an individualised therapy if the standard therapies available in the institution did not have prospects of success (see § 113 of the Federal Constitutional Court’s judgment).
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{ "applicant": "Franz Xaver Kronfeldner", "articles": [ 91, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2012 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Franz Xaver Kronfeldner
PROCEDURE The present case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and by the Government of the Republic of Austria (“the Government“) on 14 March and 30 April 1985 respectively, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. The case originated in an application (no. 9120/80) against the Republic of Austria, lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) on 1 September 1980 by an Austrian citizen, Mr. Alois Unterpertinger. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Austria recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); the Government’s application referred to Article 48 (art. 48). Both sought a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (d) (art. 6-1, art. 6-3-d). In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings pending before the Court and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30). The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Mr. F. Matscher, the elected judge of Austrian nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr. G. Wiarda, the President of the Court (Rule 21 § 3 (b)). On 27 March 1985, the President drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the five other members, namely Mrs. D. Bindschedler-Robert, Mr. J. Pinheiro Farinha, Mr. E. García de Enterría, Mr. B. Walsh and Sir Vincent Evans (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 4) (art. 43). Subsequently, Mr. García de Enterría, Mr. Pinheiro Farinha and Mrs. Bindschedler-Robert, who were unable to take part in the proceedings, were replaced by Mr. W. Ganshof van der Meersch, Mr. C. Russo and Mr. R. Macdonald, substitute judges (Rule 24 § 1). Having assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 5), Mr. Wiarda ascertained, through the Deputy Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and Mr. Unterpertinger’s representative on the need for a written procedure (Rule 37 § 1). On 24 April, he directed that the applicant’s representative should have until 6 June 1985 to submit a memorial and that the Delegate should be entitled to file a reply within two months of the transmission of that memorial to him by the Registrar. On 12 April, the President had granted the applicant’s lawyer leave to use the German language (Rule 27 § 3). The Registrar received the applicant’s memorial on 10 June. On 11 July, the Secretary to the Commission notified the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations orally at the hearing. At the Delegate’s request, the President directed on 3 December 1985 that one paragraph in the applicant’s memorial should not be published or otherwise made accessible to the public (Rule 55). Earlier, on 23 October, after consulting - through the Deputy Registrar - the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant’s representative, the President had directed that the oral proceedings should open on 17 February 1986 (Rule 38). On 3 February 1986, the Commission supplied to the Registrar certain documents which he had requested on the President’s instructions. The hearings were held in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. The Court had held a preparatory meeting immediately beforehand. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr. H. Türk, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mr. M. Matzka, Federal Chancellery, Mr. H. Epp, Federal Ministry of Justice, Advisers; for the Commission Mr. Gaukur Jörundsson, Delegate; for the applicant Mr. F. Krall, Rechtsanwalt, Counsel. The Court heard their addresses as well as their replies to its questions. The Government and the applicant produced documents at the hearings. THE FACTS Mr. Unterpertinger, who is an Austrian national born in 1938, lives in Wörgl. He complains of criminal proceedings brought against him for causing actual bodily harm to his step-daughter on 14 August 1979 and to his wife on the following 9 September. 1. Police proceedings The incident on 14 August 1979 was reported to the Wörgl police (Gendarmeriepostenkommando) that day, first by a neighbour at the applicant’s request and then by the applicant himself. According to him, his wife and step-daughter - who had that morning called him a “convict“ (Zuchthäusler) - attacked him at about midday during a quarrel. In particular, he claimed that his wife had inflicted several head wounds with a paper-knife and gashed his forehead close to his eyebrow. He had needed treatment by a doctor. He admitted that he had pushed his wife at the time and had tried unsuccessfully to slap his step-daughter in the face. On 22 August 1979, the police questioned the applicant’s wife as a “suspect“ (Verdächtige) and his step-daughter, Miss Tappeiner, as a “person involved“ (Beteiligte). Mrs. Unterpertinger stated that she had been slapped in the face and beaten by her husband, who had grabbed her daughter by the hair to stop her running away; both of them had then fought back. She had been holding a paper-knife and had, she said, probably struck him with it, but neither she nor her daughter had deliberately caused him any wounds to the head or face. Miss Tappeiner admitted having called her step-father a “convict“ that morning, and said that he had responded by slapping her in the face, but without injuring her. During the quarrel at midday, he had hit her mother several times, once in the face. When she herself had tried to escape, he had grabbed her by the hair and scratched her just below the right eye. He had also grabbed her mother by the hair and by the scruff of the neck. The two women had therefore fought back, and she had pulled her step-father’s hair but had not hit him; she had not seen her mother strike him with the paper-knife. Her step-father’s forehead was bleeding, but she had not seen a wound on the back of his head. She added that a doctor she had consulted had issued a certificate in respect of her own injury. On 28 August 1979, the Wörgl police sent the Kufstein District Court (Bezirksgericht) a report (Strafanzeige) “concerning Alois Unterpertinger and Rosi Unterpertinger, suspected of causing actual bodily harm (Körperverletzung)“. According to the police, Mrs. Unterpertinger and her daughter had attacked the applicant in the course of a quarrel, during which the former had probably (vermutlich) struck him several times with a paper-knife, causing a laceration on the back of his head and again close to his eyebrow. He himself had allegedly (angeblich) hit his step-daughter in the face and scratched her slightly just below the right eye. Under the heading “Evidence“, the report referred to the statement by the above-mentioned neighbour of the Unterpertingers to the effect that the applicant, whose face was covered in blood, had asked her to alert the police. The applicant had appeared in person at the police station ten minutes later holding a paper-knife; he had explained that his wife had struck him on the head with it several times. Since Mr. Unterpertinger seemed to need first aid, the officer on duty had suggested that he should see a doctor. The police went on to say that they had already had to intervene in several quarrels in the household. They added that the three protagonists had given conflicting accounts of the incident on 14 August. Miss Tappeiner, who had been questioned as an informant (Auskunftsperson), had clearly taken her mother’s side. The report indicated that the applicant’s injuries had been described as “slight“ by the doctor. Under the heading “Information given by the suspects“, the police summarised Mr. and Mrs. Unterpertinger’s statements. The report was accompanied by several documents, including the statements made by the applicant, his wife and his step-daughter and the certificate issued by the doctor who had examined Miss Tappeiner. The second incident, which took place on 9 September 1979, was reported to the Wörgl police on 14 September by Mrs. Unterpertinger. She stated that her husband, who was slightly drunk, had kicked her right arm during a quarrel, causing her acute pain. An X-ray at the hospital next day had shown that her right thumb was broken, and this had left her unfit for work for a period of four weeks. She added that she had started divorce proceedings against her husband. On 11 September, the hospital in Wörgl had sent the police a report stating that the injury, inflicted by the complainant’s “own husband“, should be regarded as serious. The police took a statement from Mr. Unterpertinger on 17 October. He denied injuring his wife on 9 September, saying that her hand had already been bandaged when he had come home. She had actually attempted to hit him on the head with a hairbrush, but had missed and collided with the stair-rail instead. This might have aggravated the thumb injury, but the accusation she had made against him was a complete fabrication. The applicant confirmed that divorce proceedings had been pending for some time. On 20 October, the Wörgl police sent the Kufstein District Court a report “concerning Alois Unterpertinger, suspected of causing grievous bodily harm“. This stated that the couple had had a quarrel on 9 September, during which Mr. Unterpertinger had kicked his wife’s right arm. It went on to summarise Mrs. Unterpertinger’s and her husband’s statements, which were appended. 2. The investigation (Vorerhebungen) On an application from the Innsbruck Public Prosecutor’s Department, the Kufstein District Court decided on 9 November 1979 to open an investigation against the applicant in respect of the two incidents. After separating the proceedings against Mrs. Unterpertinger in respect of the first incident (see paragraph 11 above), the District Court acquitted her on 28 January 1980. On 3 December 1979, Mrs. Unterpertinger appeared before a judge at Kufstein, who told her that, as the wife of the accused (Beschuldigter), she was entitled to refuse to give evidence. In fact, Article 152(1)(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides: “members of the accused’s family ... shall not be required to give evidence“. She replied that she nonetheless wished to do so, and gave an account of the facts in dispute, summarising what she had already told the police and disputing her husband’s version of the incident on 9 September. Suspected of causing actual bodily harm contrary to Articles 83 et seq. of the Criminal Code, the applicant was questioned on 12 December by a judge of the Innsbruck District Court. He admitted slapping his wife in the face on 14 August. According to him, he had pulled Miss Tappeiner’s hair in order to escape the two women’s attacks and might in so doing have injured her close to her eye; he had also struck her in the face. As regards the second incident, he repeated what he had already said (see paragraph 13 above); he also stated that he had not seen his wife come into contact with the stair-rail and added that he was not sufficiently agile to have been able to kick her thumb. 3. The proceedings at first instance The case was heard on 10 March 1980 by a judge of the Innsbruck Regional Court (Landesgericht), sitting alone. According to the record of the hearing, the applicant pleaded not guilty. He admitted that he had hit his step-daughter on the head, but not that he had injured her. Nor had he broken his wife’s thumb by kicking it; he had no idea where she had broken it. The Regional Court then called Mrs. Unterpertinger and Miss Tappeiner. On being told by the court of their right to refuse to give evidence (see paragraph 16 above), they replied that they wished to avail themselves of that right. The court was consequently unable to examine them or to read out the record of Mrs. Unterpertinger’s interview with the judge at Kufstein (Article 252(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure). At the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Department, however, the documents it had mentioned in its application for leave to prosecute (Strafantrag), including the police reports, the accused’s criminal record and two files relating to previous convictions of his, were read out. These documents thus included the various statements made to the police: in Austrian judicial practice these had to be regarded as documents for the purposes of Article 252(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see in particular judgment of 14 November 1974 of the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof, Österreichische Juristenzeitung 1975, p. 304); this meant that they had to be read out, unless the parties agreed that they should not be. At the end of the hearing, the Regional Court found the applicant guilty of having committed, on 14 August 1979, the offence (Vergehen) of causing actual bodily harm (Article 83(1) of the Criminal Code) to his step-daughter and, on 9 September 1979, the offence of causing grievous bodily harm (schwere Körperverletzung, Articles 83(1) and 84(1) of the Criminal Code) to his wife. He was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. Referring to the “inquiries made“ and to the defence (Verantwortung) put forward by Mr. Unterpertinger, the court held that the following facts had been established. During the quarrel on 14 August 1979, the applicant had hit his wife several times and had struck his step-daughter in the face, bruising her between the eye and nose and scratching her close to her right eye. His account could not be believed: he had admitted to the judge at Kufstein that he had struck Miss Tappeiner in the face and he had not ruled out the possibility that this might have caused the scratch. The injuries were slight, but his conduct showed that his actions had been deliberate. On 9 September, Mr. Unterpertinger had broken his wife’s right thumb by kicking her. Again, his defence did not stand up to examination. In addition, his record showed that he was quite capable of behaving in this way. He and his wife had had frequent quarrels, often ending in assault. The court pointed out that Mrs. Unterpertinger - who in the meantime had divorced her husband - and her daughter had refused to give evidence at the trial. It nonetheless found their statements to the police “sufficiently clear and specific to support a conviction“; “there [could be] no doubt as to the truth of these statements“. In this instance too, the applicant had acted deliberately. The court found no mitigating circumstances; on the contrary, it saw the applicant’s criminal record as an aggravating circumstance. 4. The appeal proceedings Mr. Unterpertinger appealed on 9 April 1980. He argued that the judgment of 10 March was null and void (Article 281(1)(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure): in spite of Article 152 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, his former wife and step-daughter, whose statements to the police had formed the sole basis of his conviction, had not been informed at the outset that they were entitled to refuse to give evidence, and had thus been unable to avail themselves of this right. Furthermore, the Regional Court had not taken sufficient account of certain circumstances which made the credibility of Mrs. Unterpertinger and her daughter doubtful. In this connection, the applicant requested that evidence should be taken from several witnesses, including two doctors, a police officer, a neighbour and his own mother, step-daughter and former wife. Finally, he emphasised that in the past he had always admitted the offences with which he had been charged - as was clear from the files on the earlier proceedings. In this instance, however, he had acted in self-defence during the first incident and with no intention of injuring his step-daughter - if indeed he really had injured her. The Regional Court had disregarded his version of the events of 14 August 1979. As for the incident of 9 September 1979, he repeated that his former wife had been having trouble with her right thumb even before that date, as he had mentioned when he was first questioned. He further claimed that he himself had been suffering from a knee injury which would have prevented him from kicking hard enough to break his wife’s thumb. He requested that these points should be investigated further and, in particular, that evidence should be taken from a number of people and an expert opinion (Sachbefund) obtained. In conclusion, Mr. Unterpertinger asked the Innsbruck Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) to quash the conviction of 10 March and acquit him. Failing this, he asked it to review his sentence in the light of the degree of his guilt. The Court of Appeal sat on 4 June 1980. Counsel for the applicant submitted the grounds of appeal and requested, inter alia, that additional witnesses be called by the court. He added that the fact that his client was not allowed to put questions concerning the statements made to the police by the prosecution witnesses contravened the European Convention on Human Rights. The prosecution sought to have the appeal dismissed. Thereupon, the court decided to re-examine the evidence submitted to the court of first instance and to supplement it (Wiederholung und Ergänzung) by having the file on the divorce proceedings read out and hearing testimony from the wife of Mr. Unterpertinger’s brother. She was unable to say whether the applicant’s former wife had had a bandage on her hand in the autumn or summer of 1979. The applicant waived his right to cross-examine her. The court had the documents in the file on the case read out and put several questions to Mr. Unterpertinger, in particular about his knee injury. According to him, he was asked to walk up and down so that the judges could form an idea of his condition. The court refused to admit the remaining evidence proffered, as to part, on the ground that the circumstances to which it related were of no importance and, as to the rest, because the applicant had not specified the matters he wished to be investigated further. The Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal immediately after the hearing on 4 June 1980. With regard to the ground of nullity on which he had relied (see paragraph 21 above), it noted, on the basis of the Supreme Court’s case-law, that a lawful refusal to give evidence did not prevent the court from having read out witnesses’ statements which had been made to the police (Sicherheitsbehörden) and not during the judicial proceedings proper. It added that the Supreme Court had ruled that the courts were indeed obliged to have such statements read out and to weigh them as evidence. Otherwise, the Court of Appeal was of the opinion that the evidence it had heard confirmed the findings of the Regional Court. The victims’ statements to the police were plausible and credible; their account of the incident was logically coherent. The applicant’s previous convictions showed that conduct like that of which he was accused was by no means alien to his nature. Moreover, he had given the police and the investigating judge conflicting versions of what had happened on 9 September 1979. His sister-in-law, who had been called as a witness, had been unable to give any information in this regard. As for his claim that he was not sufficiently agile to have been able to break his wife’s thumb with a kick, this did not stand up to examination either. Except for his sister-in-law, it was unnecessary to hear the witnesses the applicant had sought to have called, since he had referred to them in connection with matters that were either of no importance or else extremely vague. Consequently, Mr. Unterpertinger’s conviction on the two counts against him was justified; he had not been acting in self-defence on 14 August 1979. The sentence imposed was consistent with the degree of his guilt (schuldangemessen). The applicant served his sentence from 22 September 1980 to 22 March 1981. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION Before the Commission, to which he applied on 1 September 1980 (application no. 9120/80), Mr. Unterpertinger complained of the proceedings which had led to his conviction and alleged that they had violated Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (d) (art. 6-1, art. 6-3-d) of the Convention. The Commission declared the application admissible on 8 July 1983. In its report of 11 October 1984 (Article 31) (art. 31), the Commission expressed the opinion that there had been no breach of paragraph 3 (d) of Article 6 (art. 6-3-d) (five votes to five, with the President’s casting vote, Rule 18 § 3 of the Rules of Procedure) or of paragraph 1 (art. 6-1) (five votes to four, with one abstention). The full text of the Commission’s opinion and of the separate opinions contained in the report is reproduced as an annex to the present judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS BY THOSE APPEARING BEFORE THE COURT At the hearing on 17 February 1986, the Court was requested by the Government, “to hold that in the present case the provisions of Article 6 §§ 3 (d) and 1 (art. 6-3-d, art. 6-1) of the European Convention on Human Rights have not been violated and that therefore the facts underlying the dispute do not reveal any breach by the Republic of Austria of its obligations under the Convention“; by the Delegate of the Commission, “to find, in accordance with the majority of the Commission, no violation of Article 6 (art. 6)“; by the applicant, “to find that the Republic of Austria violated several provisions of the Convention in these criminal proceedings“ and “to require the Republic of Austria to pay appropriate compensation“.
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{ "applicant": "Alois Unterpertinger", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1986 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Alois Unterpertinger
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 50615/99) against the Kingdom of Belgium lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Greek national, Mrs Stavroula Boca (“the applicant”), on 11 June 1999. The applicant was represented before the Court by Mrs F. Legros, a lawyer practising in Brussels. The Belgian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr C. Debrulle, Head of Department, Ministry of Justice. Relying on Article 6 of the Convention, the applicant alleged that the civil proceedings to which she had been a party had been excessively long. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. By a decision of 12 June 2001, the Court declared the application admissible and invited the parties to submit additional observations on one question (Rule 59 § 1). The Government filed their written observations within the time allowed, but the applicant did not. On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed First Section (Rule 52 § 1). THE FACTS The application relates to two sets of proceedings. The first concerns the divorce proceedings proper before the court of first instance and the second concerns the interim measures in respect of which Article 1280 of the Judicial Code gives the summary applications court special power and jurisdiction to hear applications for interim measures during the divorce proceedings. A. Divorce proceedings: merits On 17 March 1998 the applicant's husband filed a divorce petition against her on a specified ground. After a hearing on 20 October 1998 judgment was reserved until 4 November 1998, when the Brussels Court of First Instance granted a divorce against the applicant and ordered each party to pay its own costs. On 22 December 1998 the applicant's husband appealed against the costs order. At a preliminary hearing on 26 January 1999 the parties declared that the case was ready for trial. It was immediately set down for hearing in the relevant ordinary division. On 7 May 1999, in reply to a letter from the applicant's lawyer, the registry of the Brussels Court of Appeal informed her that it would take eight months for the appeal to be heard. On 25 November 1999 the registry listed the case for hearing on 24 February 2000. At the hearing the applicant's husband stated that he was withdrawing his appeal. The court gave judgment on 16 March 2000 acknowledging that the appeal had been withdrawn. The divorce decree was registered on 24 October 2000. B. Summary proceedings On 17 March 1998 the applicant was summoned before the Brussels Court of First Instance, as the court hearing summary applications, to deal with interim measures relating to the divorce petition and, more particularly, to the two children, born in 1984 and 1988, of whom the father had had custody since the couple had separated in 1995. The parties filed their main pleadings before the hearing of 17 June 1998. The applicant then filed further pleadings at the hearing. In an order of 26 June 1998 the President of the Brussels Court of First Instance provisionally granted the mother renewed contact with the children and determined the maintenance payable to the applicant by the father per child and per month. On 31 July 1998 the applicant's husband appealed against that order. Neither party appeared at a preliminary hearing on 11 August 1998 and the appeal was re-listed for hearing. On 21 October 1998 the appellant asked for the hearing date to be fixed by judicial recorded delivery. At the hearing listed for 24 November 1998 the appeal was adjourned until 12 January 1999 for the court to check that it was ready for hearing. At the hearing the parties filed their grounds of appeal and a timetable for subsequent pleadings. On 21 January 1999 the applicant filed further pleadings and a list of documents. Her ex-husband filed further pleadings on 27 January 1999. On 28 January 1999 the case, which was now ready for hearing, was set down for hearing in an ordinary division. On 6 May 1999, in reply to a letter from the applicant's lawyer, the registry of the Brussels Court of Appeal stated that the case had been set down for hearing and would take approximately eight months to come to a hearing. On 14 December 1999 the registry informed the parties that the case would be heard on 24 March 2000 but did not specify how the hearing would be conducted. On 16 May 2000 the parties filed joint pleadings with the registry of the Court of Appeal stating that they intended to withdraw from the proceedings. After a hearing on 23 June 2000 the Court of Appeal gave judgment on 27 June 2000 acknowledging their decision. In its judgment it noted that counsel for the parties had stated at the hearing that the parties would continue to comply with the interim measures set out in the order of 26 June 1998.
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{ "applicant": "Stavroula Boca", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "BEL", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2002 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Stavroula Boca
PROCEDURE The present case was referred to the Court, within the period of three months laid down by Articles 32 para. 1 and 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“), by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 16 May 1983 and then by the Government of the Republic of Austria (“the Government“) on 25 May 1983. The case originated in an application (no. 8790/79) against Austria lodged with the Commission on 19 September 1979 under Article 25 (art. 25) by Mrs. Viera Sramek, a United States citizen. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the Republic of Austria recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46), and the Government’s application referred to Article 48 (art. 48). The purpose of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether or not the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1). In response to the inquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that she wished to take part in the proceedings pending before the Court and designated the lawyer who would represent her (Rule 30). The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Mr. F. Matscher, the elected judge of Austrian nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr. G. Wiarda, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b) of the Rules of Court). On 27 May 1983, the President drew by lot, in the presence of the Deputy Registrar, the names of the five other members, namely Mr. Thór Vilhjálmsson, Mrs. D. Bindschedler-Robert, Mr. D. Evrigenis, Sir Vincent Evans and Mr. C. Russo (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). Having assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5) and having on each occasion consulted, through the Registrar, the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and Mrs. Sramek’s lawyer, Mr. Wiarda decided, on 13 June 1983, that there was no call for memorials to be filed (Rule 37 para. 1); directed, on 17 November, that the oral proceedings should open on 24 January 1984 (Rule 38). The Registrar, acting on the President’s instructions, requested the Commission to produce certain documents, which were received on 29 November 1983. On 13 and 14 December, the applicant filed her claims under Article 50 (art. 50) of the Convention. On 17 December, the President granted the applicant’s lawyer leave to use the German language (Rule 27 para. 3). The hearings were held in public at the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. Immediately before they opened, the Court had held a preparatory meeting. There appeared before the Court: for the Government Mr. H. Türk, Legal Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mr. M. Matzka, Federal Chancellery, Mr. G. Liebl, Office of the Government of the Tyrol, Advisers; for the Commission Mr. F. Ermacora, Delegate; for the applicant Mr. E. Proksch, Rechtsanwalt, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr. Türk and Mr. Matzka for the Government, by Mr. Ermacora for the Commission and by Mr. Proksch for the applicant, as well as their replies to its questions. During the course of the hearings, the Government filed a document. Following deliberations held on 26 January, the Chamber decided under Rule 50 of the Rules of Court to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of the plenary Court. Having taken note of the agreement of the Agent of the Government and the concurring opinion of the Commission’s Delegate and Mrs. Sramek’s lawyer, the Court decided on 27 March that the proceedings should continue without resumption of the hearings (Rule 26). Various documents were produced to the Court by the Government on 6 February, 27 March and 25 April, and by the applicant on 1 and 7 February and 28 March. The Government also replied on 27 March to two supplementary questions which the Registrar had addressed to them on the instructions of the President. AS TO THE FACTS I. PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, who is a United States citizen, lives in Munich in the Federal Republic of Germany. Wishing to build a holiday residence in Hopfgarten, a village in the Austrian Tyrol, she approached, with the assistance of municipal officials, the owners of a plot of land which had until then been used for agricultural purposes. Sale negotiations began in 1971 and apparently led, in 1973, to an initial contract. One year later, Mrs. Sramek paid to the vendors the greater part of the agreed price. However, the definitive contract was not drawn up until 13 January 1977. Under section 3 of the Tyrolean Real Property Transactions Act (Grundverkehrsgesetz) 1970, as amended by, inter alia, an Act of 28 November 1973 which came into force on 1 January 1974 (“the 1970/1973 Act“), the contract could not take effect unless it were approved by the local Real Property Transactions Authority (Grundverkehrsbehörde); in fact, it contained a clause which so provided. The 1970/1973 Act applies to agricultural and forestry land and also to any land over which rights are acquired by, in particular, a natural person who does not possess Austrian nationality (section 1(1) and (2)). The local Real Property Transactions Authority for Hopfgarten at the office of the Kitzbühel District Administration (Bezirkshauptmannschaft), to which the contract had been submitted, approved it on 7 March 1977; the decision (Bescheid) was dated 31 March. On 6 April, the Real Property Transactions Officer (Landesgrundverkehrsreferent, “the Transactions Officer“, see paragraph 23 below) at the Government Office of the Tyrol (Amt der Landesregierung) in Innsbruck exercised his right of appeal (Berufung) to the Regional Real Property Transactions Authority (Landesgrundverkehrsbehörde; section 13(3) of the 1970/1973 Act and see paragraphs 22-23 below). In his view, the contract fell foul of section 4(2) of the 1970/1973 Act. Under that sub-section, where the purchaser of real property is a foreigner a contract of the kind in question can be approved only “if the acquisition of rights (Rechtserwerb) is not contrary to political (staatspolitisch), economic, social (sozialpolitisch) or cultural interests; such a conflict (Widerspruch) is deemed to exist, in particular, where, (a) having regard to the extent of existing foreign ownership or to the number of foreign owners, there is a risk of foreign domination (Uberfremdung) in the municipality or locality concerned, (b) ... .“ In the submission of the Transactions Officer, there were, in fact, already 110 foreign landowners in Hopfgarten and it could be seen from a series of decisions of the Regional Authority that this municipality was one of those where the danger of foreign domination was imminent. The contract in question was therefore contrary to social and economic interests within the meaning of the above-mentioned Act. The applicant received a copy of the appeal but did not file any observations in reply. The Government Office of the Tyrol was organised in a number of “groups“ and each group comprised several “divisions“. In the present case, the Transactions Officer was the director of group III; his secretariat was provided by one of the seven divisions in that group, namely division III b. 2. On 3 June 1977, the Regional Real Property Transactions Authority at the Government Office of the Tyrol held a hearing. The Regional Authority sat in camera but the parties, namely the Transactions Officer and Mrs. Sramek, were present. The latter appeared in person, without the assistance of a lawyer. In accordance with section 13(4), no. 1, of the 1970/1973 Act (see paragraph 24 below), the Regional Authority was composed as follows: the elected mayor of a municipality in the Tyrol, who was a farmer experienced in real estate matters, as chairman; a judge of the Innsbruck Court of Appeal; a civil servant from division III b. 3 - one of the seven divisions in group III - of the Government Office, as rapporteur; the head of group III d; the director of the Regional Forestry Service, being the head of group III f; a farmer; and a lawyer. The secretariat was provided by division III b. 3, to which the rapporteur belonged. According to the minutes of the hearing, the rapporteur presented the facts and read out the expert opinions and observations received during the course of the investigation; the latter concerned, inter alia, the percentage of the parcels of land in Hopfgarten which was in foreign hands. The Transactions Officer then requested the Authority to uphold his appeal on the ground that as there was already a risk of foreign domination in Hopfgarten, the acquisition of the land in question would be contrary to social and political interests. The applicant stated that she had signed the initial contract (Erstvertrag), which could not then be found, on 13 March 1973. As early as 23 January 1971, she had reached an agreement to purchase (Vertragsabsprachen) and had received assurances that all would go well. Since that time, she had come to Austria several times each year to settle the matter. Her husband was living with the family in Munich, where he worked, but would be retiring shortly. She declared that she herself was prepared to apply for Austrian nationality. Their permit to reside in the Federal Republic was temporary and she did not wish to return to the United States. She added that she had already made a first payment of 111,591 schillings. In conclusion, she requested that the contract be approved. On the same day, that is 3 June 1977, the Regional Authority upheld the appeal: referring to the above-mentioned section 4(2)(a) of the 1970/1973 Act, it refused to approve the transfer of title. Its decision (Bescheid) was dated 16 June. The Authority noted firstly that according to a statement from the municipality of Hopfgarten, which had not been challenged at the hearing, there were 110 foreign landowners in Hopfgarten, owning 5.6 hectares of land. There were 4,800 inhabitants and 1,100 families in the locality, though not all of them were landowners. The proportion of non-Austrian owners already exceeded 10 per cent and the extent of their holdings revealed a tendency towards foreign domination. The Authority then recalled that for some years past it had been refusing to approve the transfer of land in Hopfgarten to foreigners since it had concluded that there was a risk of foreign domination in the area. It had to take account, inter alia, of the effects of its decision on third parties. According to the Authority, experience showed that the approval of a contract between a landowner and a foreigner led to an influx of other foreigners who also wished to buy land in the locality. This caused prices to rise substantially, making it very difficult, if not impossible, for the indigenous population to find housing for themselves. For these reasons and in view of the scarcity of building plots in the Tyrol, very strict legal (gesetzlich) control had to be exercised: sales and purchases could normally be approved only if they contributed to the establishment or maintenance of an effective (leistungsfähig) agricultural population or if they served to satisfy domestic land needs (inländischer Bodenbedarf) for any kind of public or social purposes. However, Mrs. Sramek was intending to use the land in question - at least for some time - for the construction of a holiday residence. Such an objective could easily be satisfied by the local hotel trade which, furthermore, was losing potential customers as a result of the construction of villas by foreigners. The acquisition contemplated was therefore prejudicial to economic and social interests and thus fell foul of, in particular, section 4(2)(a) of the 1970/1973 Act. Lastly, the Regional Authority rejected the applicant’s argument that she had already concluded a contract in 1973, that is at a time when American citizens were treated on an equal footing with Austrians by virtue of a bilateral treaty dating from 1928. The Authority emphasised firstly that it had to base itself on the factual and legal situation obtaining at the time when the decision had to be taken. In its view, the 1928 treaty had not established any equality between citizens of the two States in the area concerned. In the case in question, the transfer of ownership contemplated fell under Article 1 para. 2, as interpreted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a 1973 memorandum which stated that the general regulations with regard to foreigners were applicable. Even if this interpretation had not been known at the time when the initial contract had allegedly been concluded (13 March 1973, see paragraph 14 above) - though this was not the case, since the above-mentioned memorandum dated from early 1973 -, Mrs. Sramek could not claim that she had acted in good faith: she was obliged under section 15 of the 1970/1973 Act to seek approval of the contract within two months and she alone bore the responsibility for not having done so. On 22 August 1977, the applicant appealed to the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) against the decision of the Regional Authority. She claimed that her right to inviolability of property and her right to a decision by the legally competent court (gesetzlicher Richter) had been infringed and relied on Article 5 of the Basic Law (Staatsgrundgesetz), Article 83 para. 2 of the Federal Constitution (Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz) and Article 6 (art. 6) of the Convention. As concerns the first complaint, Mrs. Sramek alleged that the Regional Authority had applied section 4(2)(a) of the 1970/1973 Act in a misconceived (denkunmöglich) manner by adopting an illogical approach; amongst other things, it had concluded that there was a danger of foreign domination in Hopfgarten without being in possession of detailed documentation, without defining the risk in question and without enquiring into the actual position in Hopfgarten regarding real property ownership. She further contended that the Regional Authority was not an “independent tribunal“ within the meaning of Article 6 (art. 6) of the Convention. On these grounds, she requested the Constitutional Court to annul the decision under appeal or, in the alternative, to refer the case to the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof). Mrs. Sramek supplemented her grounds of appeal on 9 March 1978. She asserted that her lawyer had not been able to consult the minutes of the Regional Authority’s deliberations. She had, in fact, learnt that the Authority had not given its ruling on 3 June 1977, immediately after the closure of the hearing. She inferred from this that the decision complained of had not been taken by the legally competent court. She requested the Constitutional Court to provide her lawyer with an opportunity of reading the above-mentioned minutes. The Constitutional Court dismissed the appeal on 3 March 1979 (Erkenntnisse und Beschlüsse des Verfassungsgerichtshofes, 1979, vol. 44, no. 8501). It took the view that the Regional Authority was indeed a “tribunal“ within the meaning of Article 6 (art. 6) of the Convention. It gave decisions which the executive could neither annul nor vary. As regards its members - who included a judge -, they had a degree of independence equal to that of judges. They were not bound by any instructions in the exercise of their functions and they could not be removed during their three-year term of office, except for reasons which would have precluded their appointment or if they were permanently prevented from carrying out their duties. The Constitutional Court accordingly held that Article 6 (art. 6) had not been violated. The applicant’s other ground of appeal was also rejected. Recalling that it had already held in another case, in 1974, that it was not misconceived to conclude that there was a danger of foreign domination in Hopfgarten, the Constitutional Court stated that it saw no reason to change its opinion in the instant case. As regards the facts noted by the Regional Authority, they had not been the subject of any dispute during the administrative proceedings. The Constitutional Court sat in camera and gave judgment without holding a hearing. Even before the above-mentioned judgment had been delivered, the plot in question was sold to an Austrian who, according to the Government, turned it back into grazing-land. The Regional Authority had taken the view that it could examine the new contract, provided that its decision was held in abeyance pending the outcome of the Constitutional Court’s proceedings. The Government stated that during the last ten years or so the Regional Authority had not approved any acquisition of real property in Hopfgarten by a foreigner. They supplied a list of thirteen refusals in the period between July 1973 and February 1983; according to the applicant, the list was insufficiently detailed to be conclusive. II. RELEVANT LEGISLATION Under Article 15 of the Federal Constitution, as interpreted by the Constitutional Court, the regulation of real property transactions is a matter coming within the jurisdiction of the Länder. Most of the Länder have enacted legislation whereby all contracts relating to agricultural or forestry land and also, in some cases, real property transactions with foreigners have to be approved by special authorities. In the Tyrol (see paragraph 9 above), section 15(1) of the 1970/1973 Act obliges the purchaser to seek such approval within two months of the conclusion of the contract. No entry can be made in the land register until the transaction has been approved by the competent authority (section 1(4)). If approval is withheld, the acquisition is null and void (section 16(1)). When the contract relates to agricultural or forestry land and irrespective of the purchaser’s nationality, the first-instance authority is the Höfekommission (“Farm Commission“) (section 13(1)(a)). The Farm Commission is established at the seat of the District Administration and has three members: the head of the District Administration, or a legally qualified (rechtskundig) official of that Administration appointed by him, as chairman; a person designated by the chamber of agriculture of the district; and another person, designated by the municipality in question, who is engaged in agriculture or forestry (section 9 of the Tyrolean Farms Act of 12 June 1900; Gesetz betreffend die besonderen Rechtsverhältnisse geschlossener Höfe). The decisions of the Farm Commission are taken by majority vote (section 13(2) of the 1970/1973 Act); they are subject to appeal to the Regional Authority (see paragraph 24 below) by, amongst others, the parties to the contract or the Transactions Officer (section 13(3)). The Transactions Officer, who is appointed for three years by the Government of the Tyrol, must be a person who is experienced in real property transaction matters (section 14). His secretariat is provided by a division of the Office of the said Government. If the case is referred to it, the Regional Real Property Transactions Authority established at the Office of the Land Government takes a decision as the second and final instance (section 13(4)). Its membership varies according to the subject-matter of the contract to be examined. In the case of agricultural or forestry land - whether the buyer be Austrian or foreign - its voting members are (section 13(4), no. 1): “(a) a person experienced in real property transaction matters, who shall act as chairman; (b) a member of the judiciary (Richterstand); (c) a legally qualified civil servant from the Office of the Regional Government, with training in real property transaction matters, who shall act as rapporteur; (d) a senior civil servant from the Agricultural Services Department (technischer Agrardienst) of the Office of the Regional Government; (e) a senior civil servant from the Forestry Services Department (forsttechnischer Dienst); (f) an agricultural expert; (g) a lawyer (Rechtsanwalt or Notar).“ The above-cited provision, which was introduced by the Act of 28 November 1973 (see paragraph 9 above), replaced a text which the Constitutional Court had held to be incompatible with Article 6 (art. 6) of the Convention, as interpreted by the European Court in its Ringeisen judgment of 16 July 1971 (Series A no. 13). The Constitutional Court had ruled that the Regional Authority, as it was constituted under the original Act of 1970, could not be considered an “independent and impartial“ tribunal because its members included, as chairman, one of the members of the Government of the Tyrol (section 13(1), no. 1(a), former version). Furthermore, so the Constitutional Court held, the Act did not fix the duration of the members’ term of office, conferred on the said Government the power of appointing the members (save for a judge, who was appointed by the Federal Minister of Justice) and did not lay down the circumstances in which members might be removed from office (judgment of 29 June 1973, Erkenntnisse und Beschlüsse des Verfassungsgerichtshofes, 1973, vol. 38, no. 7099). Following this judgment, the Tyrolean legislature amended, by the same Act of 28 November 1973, the provisions in section 13 concerning, inter alia, exercise of the office of member of the Regional Authority. Sub-sections 5 to 13 of that section read as follows: “(5) The member of the Regional Real Property Transactions Authority appointed from the judiciary (sub-section 4, no. 1 (b)), shall be appointed by the Federal Minister of Justice and the remaining members, by the Regional Government. For each member a substitute member shall be similarly appointed. (6) Only Austrian citizens who have reached the age of 25 years and are in full possession of their legal rights shall be eligible for appointment as members or substitute members. Persons who by reason of a criminal conviction are disqualified from jury service or from acting as lay assessors shall be ineligible. (7) Members and substitute members shall hold office for three years. Members or substitute members who are appointed within the general three-year term of office shall cease to hold office at the end of that term. Re-appointment is possible. Members and substitute members shall continue to perform their duties after expiry of their term of office until they have been replaced. (8) The quorum of the Regional Real Property Transactions Authority shall be constituted if the chairman, the member appointed from the judiciary, the rapporteur and at least two other members are present. Decisions shall be taken by majority vote. If the votes are equally divided, the chairman shall have a casting vote. Abstention shall count as a negative vote. (9) In the performance of their duties the members of the Regional Real Property Transactions Authority shall not be subject to any instructions; the executive may neither annul nor vary their decisions. (10) The details of the Real Property Transactions Authorities’ procedure (such as the convening of sittings, summoning of substitute members, conduct of voting, keeping of minutes and signing of decisions) shall be laid down by the Regional Government in rules of procedure (Geschäftsordnung) for the said Authorities. (11) Unless they are civil servants, members of the Real Property Transactions Authorities shall receive for their work remuneration and a travel allowance, the amount of which shall be laid down in regulations made by the Regional Government. (12) A member or substitute member shall be removed from office, before the end of his term of office, if: (a) circumstances intervene which would have made him ineligible for appointment; (b) the regular performance of his duties becomes per80 manently impossible. (13) If an official of a “territorial“ authority (Gebietskörperschaft) is suspended from duty under the regulations governing his employment, he shall cease to exercise his functions as a member or substitute member of a Real Property Transactions Authority for the duration of the suspension.“ Sub-section (9), cited above, corresponds to Article 20 para. 2 of the Constitution, which reads: “If a Federal or a Land Act makes provision for the last-instance decision to be given by a collegiate body at least one of whose members is a judge and whose decisions cannot be annulled or varied by the executive, the other members of that body shall also not be subject to any instructions.“ Article 20 para. 3 of the Federal Constitution obliges the members of the Regional Authority not to disclose facts which have come to their knowledge in the exercise of their functions, if the interests of a “territorial“ authority or of the parties so require (Amtsverschwiegenheit). Procedure before the Real Property Transactions Authorities is governed by the General Administrative Procedure Act 1950 (Allgemeines Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz). The parties are entitled to consult the case-file (section 17) and must be given an opportunity of presenting their arguments (section 37). The competent authority may decide to hold a hearing (section 39(2)), which will not take place in public; the parties have the right to be heard (rechtliches Gehör) and, inter alia, to adduce their arguments and evidence and comment on facts presented and submissions made by other persons appearing, witnesses or experts (section 43(3)). In certain circumstances which may give reason to doubt his impartiality, the civil servant concerned must arrange to be replaced (section 7). By an order (Verordnung) of 13 September 1966, the Government of the Tyrol issued rules of procedure for the Real Property Transactions Authorities. Under Article 3 para. 1, the Authorities shall deliberate and vote in the absence of the parties, if appropriate after oral hearings. The deliberations shall be recorded in minutes to which the right to consult the case-file (Akteneinsicht), guaranteed by Article 17 of the General Administrative Procedure Act, does not extend (Article 3 para. 3). The Authorities’ resolutions (Beschlüsse) must be recorded, but may be altered as long as they remain unpublished (nicht nach aussen in Erscheinung getreten) (Article 3 para. 4). Their decisions (Bescheide), which are to be reached on the basis of those resolutions (Article 4 para. 1), shall be given in writing but may in case of urgency be given orally by the chairman (Article 4 para. 2). Before the Regional Real Property Transactions Authority, the rapporteur shall, after setting out and commenting on the results of the investigation (Ermittlungsverfahren), present conclusions (Antrag); those who wish to propose alternative conclusions (Gegen- oder Abänderungsanträge) shall give reasons for them (Article 9 para. 2). The chairman shall decide the order in which voting on the conclusions is to take place (Article 9 para. 3). Decisions of a Regional Authority may be challenged before the Constitutional Court but not before the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof; Articles 133 para. 4 and 144 of the Federal Constitution). PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION In her application of 19 September 1979 to the Commission (no. 8790/79), Mrs. Sramek alleged that she had not received a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law; she relied on Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention. On 4 March 1982, the Commission declared the application admissible. In its report of 8 December 1982 (Article 31) (art. 31), the Commission expressed the opinion, by eleven votes to one, that there had been a violation of Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1). The full text of the Commission’s opinion and of the separate opinion contained in the report is reproduced as an annex to the present judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS PRESENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT At the close of the hearings on 24 January 1984, the Government requested the Court “to hold that in the present case the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 6 (art. 6-1) of the Convention ... were not violated and that, as a consequence, the facts underlying the dispute do not indicate any breach by the Republic of Austria of its obligations under the Convention“.
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{ "applicant": "Viera Sramek", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "AUT", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1984 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Viera Sramek
PROCEDURE The Golder case was referred to the Court by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereinafter called “the Government“). The case has its origin in an application against the United Kingdom lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (hereinafter called “the Commission“) under Article 25 (art. 25) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention“), by a United Kingdom citizen, Mr. Sidney Elmer Golder. The application was first submitted in 1969; it was supplemented in April 1970 and registered under no. 4451/70. The Commission’s report in the case, drawn up in accordance with Article 31 (art. 31) of the Convention, was transmitted to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 5 July 1973. The Government’s application, which was made under Article 48 (art. 48) of the Convention, was lodged with the registry of the Court on 27 September 1973 within the period of three months laid down in Articles 32 para. 1 and 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47). The purpose of the application is to submit the case for judgment by the Court. The Government therein express their disagreement with the opinion stated by the Commission in their report and with the Commission’s approach to the interpretation of the Convention. On 4 October 1973, the Registrar received from the Secretary of the Commission twenty-five copies of their report. On 9 October 1973, the then President of the Court drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of five of the seven judges called upon to sit as members of the Chamber, Sir Humphrey Waldock, the elected judge of British nationality, and Mr. G. Balladore Pallieri, Vice-President of the Court, being ex officio members under Article 43 (art. 43) of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 3 (b) of the Rules of Court respectively. The five judges chosen were MM. R. Cassin, R. Rodenbourg, A. Favre, T. Vilhjálmsson and W. Ganshof van der Meersch, (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). The President also drew by lot the names of substitute judges (Rule 2l para. 4). Mr. G. Balladore Pallieri assumed the office of President of the Chamber in accordance with Rule 21 para. 5. The President of the Chamber ascertained, through the Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government and of the Delegates of the Commission on the procedure to be followed. By Order of 12 October 1973, he decided that the Government should file a memorial within a time-limit expiring on 3l January 1974 and that the Delegates should be entitled to file a memorial in reply within two months of the receipt of the Government’s memorial. The President of the Chamber also instructed the Registrar to request the Delegates to communicate to the Court the main documents listed in the report. These documents were received at the registry on 17 October. The President later granted extensions of the times allowed, until 6 March 1974 for the Agent of the Government, and until 6 June and then 26 July for the Delegates (Orders of 21 January, 9 April and 5 June 1974). The Government’s memorial was received at the registry on 6 March 1974 and that of the Commission - with observations by the applicant’s counsel annexed - on 26 July. The Chamber met in private on 7 May 1974. Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice, who had been elected a member of the Court in January 1974 in place of Sir Humphrey Waldock, took his seat in the Court as the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention and Rule 2 para. 3) (art. 43). On the same day the Chamber, “considering that the case raise(d) serious questions affecting the interpretation of the Convention“, decided under Rule 48 to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of the plenary Court. The new President of the Court, Mr. Balladore Pallieri, assumed the office of President. After consulting the Agent of the Government and the Delegates of the Commission, the President decided, by Order of 6 August 1974, that the oral hearings should open on 11 October. The public hearings took place on 11 and 12 October 1974 in the Human Rights Building at Strasbourg. There appeared before the Court: for the Government: Mr. P. Fifoot, Legal Counsellor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Barrister-at-Law, Agent and Counsel, Sir Francis Vallat, K.C.M.G., Q.C., Professor of International Law, King’s College, London; formerly Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, Mr. G. Slynn, Q.C., Recorder of Hereford, Counsel, and Sir William Dale, K.C.M.G., formerly Legal Adviser to the Commonwealth Office, Mr. R. M. Morris, Principal, Home Office, Advisers; for the Commission: Mr. G. Sperduti, Principal Delegate, MM. T. Opsahl and K. Mangan, Delegates, and Mr. N. Tapp, Q.C., who had represented the applicant before the Commission, assisting the Delegates under Rule 29 para. 1, second sentence. The Court heard the addresses and submissions of Mr. Fifoot, Sir Francis Vallat and Mr. Slynn for the Government and of Mr. Sperduti, Mr. Opsahl and Mr. Tapp for the Commission, as well as their replies to questions put by the Court and by several judges. At the hearings, the Government produced certain documents to the Court AS TO THE FACTS The facts of the case may be summarised as follows. In 1965, Mr. Sidney Elmer Golder, a United Kingdom citizen born in 1923, was convicted in the United Kingdom of robbery with violence and was sentenced to fifteen years’ imprisonment. In 1969, Golder was serving his sentence in Parkhurst Prison on the Isle of Wight. On the evening of 24 October 1969, a serious disturbance occurred in a recreation area of the prison where Golder happened to be. On 25 October, a prison officer, Mr. Laird, who had taken part and been injured in quelling the disturbance, made a statement identifying his assailants, in the course of which he declared: “Frazer was screaming ... and Frape, Noonan and another prisoner whom I know by sight, I think his name is Golder ... were swinging vicious blows at me.“ On 26 October Golder, together with other prisoners suspected of having participated in the disturbance, was segregated from the main body of prisoners. On 28 and 30 October, Golder was interviewed by police officers. At the second of these interviews he was informed that it had been alleged that he had assaulted a prison officer; he was warned that “the facts would be reported in order that consideration could be given whether or not he would be prosecuted for assaulting a prison officer causing bodily harm“. Golder wrote to his Member of Parliament on 25 October and 1 November, and to a Chief Constable on 4 November 1969, about the disturbance of 24 October and the ensuing hardships it had entailed for him; the prison governor stopped these letters since Golder had failed to raise the subject-matter thereof through the authorised channels beforehand. In a second statement, made on 5 November 1969, Laird qualified as follows what he had said earlier: “When I mentioned the prisoner Golder, I said ‘I think it was Golder’, who was present with Frazer, Frape and Noonan, when the three latter were attacking me. “If it was Golder and I certainly remember seeing him in the immediate group who were screaming abuse and generally making a nuisance of themselves, I am not certain that he made an attack on me. “Later when Noonan and Frape grabbed me, Frazer was also present but I cannot remember who the other inmate was, but there were several there one of whom stood out in particular but I cannot put a name to him.“ On 7 November, another prison officer reported that: “... during the riot of that night I spent the majority of the time in the T.V. room with the prisoners who were not participating in the disturbance. 740007, Golder was in this room with me and to the best of my knowledge took no part in the riot. His presence with me can be borne out by officer ... who observed us both from the outside.“ Golder was returned to his ordinary cell the same day. l5. Meanwhile, the prison authorities had been considering the various statements, and on 10 November prepared a list of charges which might be preferred against prisoners, including Golder, for offences against prison discipline. Entries relating thereto were made in Golder’s prison record. No such charge was eventually preferred against him and the entries in his prison record were marked “charges not proceeded with“. Those entries were expunged from the prison record in 1971 during the examination of the applicant’s case by the Commission. On 20 March 1970, Golder addressed a petition to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, that is, the Home Secretary. He requested a transfer to some other prison and added: “I understand that a statement wrongly accusing me of participation in the events of 24th October last, made by Officer Laird, is lodged in my prison record. I suspect that it is this wrong statement that has recently prevented my being recommended by the local parole board for parole. “I would respectfully request permission to consult a solicitor with a view to taking civil action for libel in respect of this statement .... Alternatively, I would request that an independent examination of my record be allowed by Mrs. G.M. Bishop who is magistrate. I would accept her assurance that this statement is not part of my record and be willing to accept then that the libel against me has not materially harmed me except for the two weeks I spent in the separate cells and so civil action would not be then necessary, providing that an apology was given to me for the libel ....“ In England the matter of contacts of convicted prisoners with persons outside their place of detention is governed by the Prison Act 1952, as amended and subordinate legislation made under that Act. Section 47, sub-section I, of the Prison Act provides that “the Secretary of State may make rules for the regulation and management of prisoners ... and for the ... treatment ... discipline and control of persons required to be detained ....“ The rules made by the Home Secretary in the exercise of this power are the Prison Rules 1964, which were laid before Parliament and have the status of a Statutory Instrument. The relevant provisions concerning communications between prisoners and persons outside prison are contained in Rules 33, 34 and 37 as follows: “Letters and visits generally Rule 33 (1) The Secretary of State may, with a view to securing discipline and good order or the prevention of crime in the interests of any persons, impose restrictions, either generally or in a particular case, upon the communications to be permitted between a prisoner and other persons. (2) Except as provided by statute or these Rules, a prisoner shall not be permitted to communicate with any outside person, or that person with him, without the leave of the Secretary of State. ... Personal letters and visits Rule 34 ... (8) A prisoner shall not be entitled under this Rule to communicate with any person in connection with any legal or other business, or with any person other than a relative or friend, except with the leave of the Secretary of State. ... Legal advisers Rule 37 (1) The legal adviser of a prisoner in any legal proceedings, civil or criminal, to which the prisoner is a party shall be afforded reasonable facilities for interviewing him in connection with those proceedings, and may do so out of hearing but in the sight of an officer. (2) A prisoner’s legal adviser may, with the leave of the Secretary of State, interview the prisoner in connection with any other legal business in the sight and hearing of an officer.“ On 6 April 1970, the Home Office directed the prison governor to notify Golder of the reply to his petition of 20 March as follows: “The Secretary of State has fully considered your petition but is not prepared to grant your request for transfer, nor can he find grounds for taking any action in regard to the other matters raised in your petition.“ Before the Commission, Golder submitted two complaints relating respectively to the stopping of his letters (as mentioned above at paragraph 13) and to the refusal of the Home Secretary to permit him to consult a solicitor. On 30 March 1971, the Commission declared the first complaint inadmissible, as all domestic remedies had not been exhausted, but accepted the second for consideration of the merits under Articles 6 para. 1 and 8 (art. 6-1, art. 8) of the Convention. Golder was released from prison on parole on 12 July 1972. In their report, the Commission expressed the opinion: unanimously, that Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) guarantees a right of access to the courts; unanimously, that in Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1), whether read alone or together with other Articles of the Convention, there are no inherent limitations on the right of a convicted prisoner to institute proceedings and for this purpose to have unrestricted access to a lawyer; and that consequently the restrictions imposed by the present practice of the United Kingdom authorities are inconsistent with Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1); by seven votes to two, that Article 8 para. 1 (art. 8-1) is applicable to the facts of the present case; that the same facts which constitute a violation of Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) constitute also a violation of Article 8 (art. 8) (by eight votes to one, as explained to the Court by the Principal Delegate on 12 October 1974). The Commission furthermore expressed the opinion that the right of access to the courts guaranteed by Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) is not qualified by the requirement “within a reasonable time“. In the application bringing the case before the Court, the Government made objection to this opinion of the Commission but stated in their memorial that they no longer wished to argue the issue. The following final submissions were made to the Court at the oral hearing on 12 October 1974 in the afternoon. for the Government: “The United Kingdom Government respectfully submit to the Court that Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention does not confer on the applicant a right of access to the courts, but confers only a right in any proceedings he may institute to a hearing that is fair and in accordance with the other requirements of the paragraph. The Government submit that in consequence the refusal of the United Kingdom Government to allow the applicant in this case to consult a lawyer was not a violation of Article 6 (art. 6). In the alternative, if the Court finds that the rights conferred by Article 6 (art. 6) include in general a right of access to courts, then the United Kingdom Government submit that the right of access to the courts is not unlimited in the case of persons under detention, and that accordingly the imposing of a reasonable restraint on recourse to the courts by the applicant was permissible in the interest of prison order and discipline, and that the refusal of the United Kingdom Government to allow the applicant to consult a lawyer was within the degree of restraint permitted, and therefore did not constitute a violation of Article 6 (art. 6) of the Convention. The United Kingdom Government further submit that control over the applicant’s correspondence while he was in prison was a necessary consequence of the deprivation of his liberty, and that the action of the United Kingdom Government was therefore not a violation of Article 8 para. 1 (art. 8-1), and that the action of the United Kingdom Government in any event fell within the exceptions provided by Article 8 para. 2 (art. 8-2), since the restriction imposed was in accordance with law, and it was within the power of appreciation of the Government to judge that the restriction was necessary in a democratic society for the prevention of disorder or crime. In the light of these submissions, Mr. President, I respectfully ask this honourable Court, on behalf of the United Kingdom Government, to hold that the United Kingdom Government have not in this case committed a breach of Article 6 (art. 6) or Article 8 (art. 8) of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.“ for the Commission: “The questions to which the Court is requested to reply are the following: (1) Does Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) of the European Convention on Human Rights secure to persons desiring to institute civil proceedings a right of access to the courts? (2) If Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) secures such a right of access, are there inherent limitations relating to this right, or its exercise, which apply to the facts of the present case? (3) Can a convicted prisoner who wishes to write to his lawyer in order to institute civil proceedings rely on the protection given in Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention to respect for correspondence? (4) According to the answers given to the foregoing questions, do the facts of the present case disclose the existence of a violation of Article 6 and of Article 8 (art. 6, art. 8) of the European Convention on Human Rights?“
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{ "applicant": "Sidney Elmer Golder", "articles": [ 91, 34, 54, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 44, 32, 34, 52, 49, 34, 93 ], "countries": "GBR", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1975 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Sidney Elmer Golder
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 34000/96) against the French Republic lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two French nationals, Mr Albert Du Roy and Mr Guillaume Malaurie (“the applicants”), on 13 September 1996. The applicants were represented by Mr J.-Y. Dupeux and Mr C. Bigot, both of the Paris Bar. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr Y. Charpentier, Head of the Human Rights Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and subsequently by his successor, Mrs M. Dubrocard. Relying on Article 10 of the Convention, the applicants complained of an infringement of their right to freedom of expression. On 22 October 1997 the Commission (Second Chamber) decided to give notice of the application to the Government, inviting them to submit written observations on its admissibility and merits. The Government submitted their observations on 10 February 1998 and the applicants submitted theirs on 2 April 1998. Following the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention on 1 November 1998, and in accordance with Article 5 § 2 thereof, the case was examined by the Court. In accordance with Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court, the President of the Court, Mr L. Wildhaber, assigned the case to the Third Section. The Chamber that would consider the case was then constituted within that Section (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention and Rule 26 § 1). On 15 June 1999 the Chamber declared the application admissible [Note by the Registry. The Court's decision is obtainable from the Registry.]. On 25 June 1999 it requested the parties to submit further evidence and observations, together with any proposals for a friendly settlement, by 30 August 1999 and informed them that they were entitled to request a hearing; it also requested the applicants to submit their claims under Article 41 of the Convention by the same date. In a letter of 2 July 1999 the applicants asked for a hearing on the merits of the case. In a letter of 27 August 1999 the Government stated that they did not consider a hearing necessary and that they were not prepared to reach a friendly settlement. The parties did not submit any further observations. On 7 March 2000 the Chamber decided that it was not necessary to hold a hearing. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE At the material time the first applicant was the editor of the weekly magazine L'Evénement du Jeudi and the second applicant was a journalist on the magazine. In its edition of 11 to 17 February 1993 L'Evénement du Jeudi published an article by the second applicant under the headline: “Sonacotra: the Left puts its house in order”. The article was particularly critical of Michel Gagneux, the former head of Sonacotra (national company for the construction of workers' housing), and of his relations with Sonacotra's new management, who on 10 February 1993 had lodged a criminal complaint against Mr Gagneux alleging misuse of company property and had applied to join the proceedings as a civil party. On 11 March 1993 Mr Gagneux summoned the applicants to appear in the Paris Criminal Court to answer a charge of publishing information concerning applications to join criminal proceedings as a civil party, an offence under section 2 of the Act of 2 July 1931. Mr Gagneux considered that he had been the victim of a breach of that provision on account of the following passages of the article published in L'Evénement du Jeudi: “Sonacotra: the Left puts its house in order” “Never before! The managers of a public company have condemned their predecessors' running of the company – and lodged a criminal complaint!” “Raison d'Etat foiled! In bringing a complaint against their predecessor Michel Gagneux for misappropriation and misuse of company property, Sonacotra's managers have shown courage. As they are well aware, there is a serious risk that it will be discovered that men with links to the PS [Socialist Party] have been able to make free with the 'immigrants' cash'.” In a judgment of 9 July 1993 the Paris Criminal Court found the applicants guilty and fined them 3,000 French francs (FRF) each. In addition to that sentence, damages were awarded to Mr Gagneux in his civil action and an order was made for the judgment to be published. The court noted that the prohibition in section 2 of the Act of 2 July 1931 was general and absolute; the information had only to concern a criminal complaint that had been lodged together with an application to join the proceedings as a civil party. The court further stated that the prohibition was intended to safeguard the presumption of innocence and to prevent any external influence on the course of justice. Accordingly, it was necessary in a democratic society for the “protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary” within the meaning of Article 10 of the Convention. On 16 July 1993 the applicants appealed against that judgment. In a judgment of 2 February 1994 the Paris Court of Appeal upheld the applicants' conviction and the amount of the fine but reduced to one franc the damages awarded to Mr Gagneux as the civil party. Its decision included the following passage: “The trial court rightly dismissed the defendants' submission that the Act of 2 July 1931 was incompatible with Article 10 [of the Convention], noting that the provisions of that Act, which were designed to protect persons against whom a complaint is lodged, to safeguard the presumption of innocence and to prevent any external influence on the course of justice, fell within the scope of the restrictions on freedom of expression permitted by the ... Convention ..., the restriction in question being proportionate to the aim pursued.” The applicants then appealed on points of law. In their grounds of appeal they submitted, as they had done in the courts below, that there had been a violation of Article 10 of the Convention. They referred to the general and absolute nature of the prohibition of publication, arguing that it was disproportionate to the aim pursued. In a judgment of 19 March 1996 the Court of Cassation held that the criminal proceedings had become barred as a result of an intervening amnesty. It further held that it was still required to rule on the appeal on points of law in respect of the civil action and dismissed it, stating in particular: “The Court of Appeal rightly dismissed the defendants' submission that the Act of 2 July 1931 was incompatible with Article 10 of the ... Convention ... While the first paragraph of Article 10 of the said Convention states that everyone has the right to freedom of expression, the second paragraph provides that the exercise of that freedom, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society for, inter alia, the protection of the rights of others, and for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary; such is the purpose, which is proportionate to the aim pursued, of section 2 of the Act cited above.”
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{ "applicant": "Albert Du Roy", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "FRA", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2000 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Albert Du Roy
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court on 18 July 1994 by the Government of the Kingdom of Spain (“the Government“) and on 9 September 1994 by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“), within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 of the Convention (art. 32-1, art. 47). It originated in an application (no. 19382/92) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a Netherlands national, Mr Antonius Adrianus van der Tang, on 2 December 1991. The Government's application referred to Article 48 (art. 48); its object was to obtain a decision as to whether the Convention afforded protection to a person such as the applicant who complained of the unreasonable length of pre-trial detention but who had absconded and evaded trial after being released on bail. The Commission's request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Spain recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); its object was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 5 para. 3 (art. 5-3) of the Convention. In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30). The President gave the lawyer leave to use the Dutch language (Rule 27 para. 3). The Netherlands Government, who had been notified by the Registrar of their right to intervene in the proceedings (Article 48 (b) (art. 48-b) of the Convention and Rule 33 para. 3 (b) of Rules of Court A), indicated that they did not intend to do so. The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr J.M. Morenilla, the elected judge of Spanish nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 26 August 1994, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr S.K. Martens, Mrs E. Palm, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, Mr D. Gotchev, Mr B. Repik, Mr P. Jambrek and Mr K. Jungwiert (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant's lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government's memorial on 20 December 1994 and the applicant's memorial on the following day. The Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing. On 16 January 1995 the Commission produced the file on the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President's instructions. In accordance with the decision of the President, who had given the Government's representative leave to address the Court in Spanish (Rule 27 para. 2), the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg on 20 February 1995. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr J. Borrego Borrego, Head of the Legal Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice and of the Interior, Agent; (b) for the Commission Mr H. Danelius, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr J.K. Gaasbeek, advocaat en procureur, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by the three of them as well as replies to its questions. AS TO THE FACTS I. PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE Mr Antonius Adrianus van der Tang was born in 1959 and lives in Haarlem in the Netherlands. At the material time he worked as a lorry driver. A. Applicant's arrest In the early morning of 26 May 1989 Mr van der Tang was arrested by the police (Guardia Civil) in Bayona, Galicia, on the north-west coast of Spain. He was found driving a lorry which contained 1,300 kg of hashish. The lorry belonged to the applicant. He was also found in possession of a pistol with its serial number chiselled off and of a radio pre-tuned to a station which coincided with that of another set found later in the possession of Luciano Núñez, who was also arrested (see paragraph 32 below). At least eight more people were subsequently detained for allegedly being involved in a three-stage operation to deliver about 7,000 kg of hashish. B. Proceedings in the Audiencia Provincial According to the applicant's statement to the police, made with the assistance of a lawyer and an interpreter on 26 May 1989, an unknown person had approached him sometime in March and again in May 1989 and offered him 20,000 Netherlands guilders to transport 1,300 kg of “dope“ (droga) from Bayona to the Netherlands. After some hesitation Mr van der Tang had finally accepted. Late in the evening of 25 May 1989, following the unknown person's instructions, he had taken his truck to Bayona, where another man had loaded the drugs and then gone away. The applicant had only been driving for about ten minutes when he was arrested. This statement was confirmed by the applicant on 27 May 1989 before the relevant judicial authority (see paragraph 34 below), Vigo investigating judge no. 1, who then ordered Mr van der Tang's detention pending trial (auto de prisión). Basing his decision on sections 503 and 504 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, “LECrim“ - see paragraphs 42 and 43 below), the judge held that there was sufficient reason to believe that the applicant was criminally responsible for the commission of a public-health offence. According to the applicant, the other persons detained, all Spanish nationals, were unconditionally released. On 12 June 1989 Mr van der Tang made a written statement to Vigo investigating judge no. 1 in which he explained that, contrary to his previous statements, he had not known that he was transporting drugs at the time of his arrest. He had thought the consignment was tobacco but had said drugs because of the pressure put on him and language difficulties. In an order of 18 November 1989 (auto de procesamiento) investigating judge no. 1 decided that the available evidence was sufficient to charge the applicant with an offence against public health (sections 344 and 344 bis (a) of the Criminal Code - see paragraphs 37 and 38 below) and unlawful possession of a firearm (section 254 of the Criminal Code - see paragraph 39 below). The applicant's detention was confirmed. An appeal by the applicant against this order appears to have been dismissed. On 25 September and 22 November 1989 Mr van der Tang lodged with investigating judge no. 1 his first applications for provisional release. Arguing that he had throughout been unaware of the real nature of the consignment, he insisted that he was not involved with any drug-trafficking organisation. He further complained that during his four-month detention he had only been questioned twice by the judge - in May and June 1989 - and was the only person still held in custody despite the relatively minor character of his offence. Mr van der Tang also undertook to comply with any conditions attached to his release. These applications were rejected on 9 October and 25 November 1989 respectively by means of orders not containing reasons. A similar application for provisional release followed on 22 December 1989 and was rejected on 27 December 1989 by an auto (reasoned decision). The ground for the decision was the seriousness of the offences - illegal possession of a firearm and drug trafficking in large quantities; the second offence in itself attracting a prison sentence of “prisión menor en su grado medio“ (that is, from two years, four months and one day to four years and two months). By an order of 19 April 1990 (auto de conclusión del sumario) the applicant was committed for trial. Further applications for provisional release were addressed to the Audiencia Provincial in Pontevedra (see paragraph 34 below) on 20 April, 28 May, 19 July and 5 September 1990. On 21 September 1990 the Pontevedra public prosecutor (Ministerio Fiscal) stated that he would not oppose the applicant's release provided that he paid security of 500,000 pesetas, handed in his passport and reported daily to the police. However, on 26 September 1990 the Audiencia Provincial refused the applications for release, briefly stating: “The original circumstances on which the detention pending trial was decided remain unchanged“ (see paragraph 45 below). The applicant then requested the Audiencia Provincial to reconsider its decision, complaining, inter alia, that several co-detainees in respect of whom the prosecution was seeking sentences of up to ten years' imprisonment had obtained conditional release upon payment of only 200,000 pesetas. In the applicant's submission, only the fact of his being a foreigner seemed to account for his long period of detention. On 9 October 1990 the Audiencia Provincial declined to reconsider its decision. C. Proceedings in the Audiencia Nacional In the course of 1989 the Spanish authorities had launched a nationwide operation (Operación Nécora) to combat a large-scale drug-trafficking organisation which operated mainly in Galicia. Central investigating judge no. 5 in the Audiencia Nacional, Madrid (see paragraph 35 below), was put in charge of the overall investigation. The applicant's case was considered to be closely linked with other files relating to Nécora and was therefore transferred to Madrid on 29 October 1990. The Audiencia Provincial had heard the parties beforehand; the applicant's lawyer did not make any submissions (see paragraph 36 below). On 8 January 1991 central investigating judge no. 5 issued an order (auto de procesamiento) whereby new charges were added against the applicant without any alteration to the established facts. He was now charged not only with an offence against public health and unlawful possession of a firearm of foreign origin (see paragraph 10 above) but also with smuggling and criminal association (sections 173 and 174 of the Criminal Code). An appeal by the applicant against these orders which included a request for release was eventually rejected on 8 July 1991 by the Third Criminal Division of the Audiencia Nacional. The grounds for the decision not to release the applicant were the seriousness of the alleged offences, considerations of public order and the high risk of absconding on account of the applicant's foreign nationality. On 19 November 1990 the applicant had lodged a fresh application for release with investigating judge no. 5 in which he repeated arguments adduced earlier and additionally submitted that the transfer of his case to Madrid would inevitably mean that his trial would be further delayed. The public prosecutor opposed the applicant's release, and on 30 November 1990 central investigating judge no. 5 decided to continue the applicant's detention in view of the available evidence, the nature of the offence and its seriousness, the prison sentence that it would attract, the extent of the applicant's involvement and the likelihood of his absconding. Mr van der Tang challenged this in the Third Criminal Division of the Audiencia Nacional. In his appeal the applicant submitted, inter alia, that as his alleged offence was wholly unconnected with the charges relating to drug trafficking, he could easily have been tried only thirty days after his arrest. He further submitted that, in any case, even if he were to be found guilty of the offences with which he was charged, he would already have served his sentence in detention pending trial (over two years). On 30 April 1991 the Audiencia Nacional dismissed the appeal, thereby confirming the investigating judge's decision. The applicant's subsequent constitutional complaint (recurso de amparo) was declared inadmissible by the Constitutional Court on 11 September 1991 on the ground that none of the issues raised by the applicant were of a constitutional nature. In the meantime, in a telegram of 30 January 1991 addressed to central investigating judge no. 5, the applicant had renewed his application for release. The public prosecutor attached to the Audiencia Nacional requested that the applicant's detention be prolonged to the statutory maximum of four years (see paragraph 43 below). Mr van der Tang responded by offering to make a formal undertaking that he would reside in Vigo should his release be granted. On 6 March 1991 central investigating judge no. 5 decided to continue the applicant's detention and to adjourn any decision on the public prosecutor's request for its extension. As Mr van der Tang's period of detention approached two years, the central investigating judge no. 5 decided on 22 May 1991, in accordance with section 504 (4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 44 below) and after hearing the parties, that the maximum duration of the detention should be extended by two years. He based this decision on the seriousness of the charges and the sentence which could be imposed in the event of conviction. On 19 February 1992 the central investigating judge no. 5 concluded the preliminary investigation. The case was sent to the Third Criminal Division of the Audiencia Nacional for trial. D. Applicant's release on bail On 29 April 1992 the applicant lodged a new application for release, this time with the Audiencia Nacional, which on 11 June 1992 allowed it subject to the following conditions: (a) the applicant was to pay in cash a security of 8 million pesetas; (b) he was to give an address and inform the court of any subsequent change; (c) he was to report daily to the police in Vigo; and (d) he was not to leave Spanish territory. The Audiencia Nacional gave the following reasons for its decision: “There is prima-facie evidence that ... the accused did not play a major role in any of the organisations concerned, as he merely transported the illegal substance in question, the nature of which also has to be taken into account by the court. The time that has elapsed since Van der Tang was placed in custody - over three years (he has been in detention far longer than any of the other defendants in this case) - means that it is possible to rule out his being able to conceal or suppress evidence. The period of time that has elapsed clearly - why not be frank about it? - owes much to ill fortune and the vicissitudes of the proceedings. He could have been tried in Galicia several months ago, when the Pontevedra public prosecutor did not oppose his provisional release. The same lapse of time, viewed in the context of the brief provisional summary of the facts, argues in favour of varying the order placing him in detention pending trial, relaxing the conditions of detention by making it possible to avoid it altogether, provided that the measures referred to in the operative provisions below are taken so as to ensure that he appears for trial. The court did not consider that the accused's foreign nationality constituted an insurmountable obstacle to reaching this conclusion, because other foreign defendants in the case are in fact not being held in detention. The court simply took the view that it was just another factor which, combined with the accused's lack of close ties with Spain, could lend support to the idea that he might be likely to seek to evade trial; but that cannot be presumed without additional evidence. Furthermore, this type of fear, which is always relative, cannot in such circumstances have the effect of inexorably making the accused serve in advance the sentence which may be imposed on him. This is particularly so as the accused has shown, at least to some extent, that he is able to remain on Spanish territory and obtain a contract of employment there which would enable him to engage in a lawful activity for the duration of the contract.“ On 2 July 1992, in response to a request by the applicant for a reduction in the amount of the security, the Audiencia Nacional set it at 4 million pesetas either to be paid in cash or to be guaranteed by a bank. On 24 July 1992 the security was deposited by the applicant's wife, whereupon Mr van der Tang was released. During his stay in Vigo prison, Mr van der Tang was of good behaviour and participated in several prison activities. He also worked as a clerk in the prison bursar's office. On 9 October 1992, on an application by Mr van der Tang, the Audiencia Nacional gave him leave to report to the police only once a week and returned certain documents to him, including his driving licence. On 12 November 1992 the applicant sought permission to travel to the Netherlands in order to spend Christmas with his family. This request was refused by the Audiencia Nacional on 24 November 1992 in view of the obvious risk of absconding. On 23 December 1992 the applicant travelled by car from Spain to the Netherlands. By letter of 5 January 1993 the applicant's Netherlands lawyer informed his Spanish lawyers that their client had left Spain and returned to the Netherlands, as he had no means of subsistence. The Netherlands lawyer requested them to secure a variation of the conditions on which release had been granted, in particular the obligation to stay in Spain. In a letter of 7 April 1993 to the Spanish embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands lawyer proposed that Mr van der Tang should report weekly to the embassy. He further stated that his client intended to return to Spain in order to stand trial. The embassy answered by advising the applicant to contact the Audiencia Nacional. Neither the applicant nor his representatives appear to have contacted the Audiencia Nacional at this stage, nor do they seem to have informed that court of his new address. E. Applicant's failure to appear for trial Meanwhile, on 3 July 1992, the Audiencia Nacional had confirmed the investigating judge's decision to conclude the investigation (see paragraph 20 above), thereby ordering the opening of the trial (juicio oral). By that time the case file ran to more than 22,000 pages. On 15 July 1992 the public prosecutor made provisional indictment submissions (conclusiones provisionales) containing charges against fifty-two people. In respect of the applicant, the public prosecutor demanded a total prison sentence of fourteen years and a fine of 60 million pesetas in respect of an offence against public health (see paragraphs 37 and 38 below) and of unlawful possession of a firearm of foreign origin (see paragraphs 39 and 40 below). In a summons of 10 June 1993 the applicant was ordered to appear before the trial court. However, the summons could not be served on him, as he no longer lived at the address he had originally given the Spanish authorities. On 9 July 1993 the police informed the court that the applicant's whereabouts were unknown. Thereupon the Audiencia Nacional ordered the applicant and his surety - his wife - to appear before it on 23 July 1993 at a hearing concerning the forfeiture of the bail. The applicant's Spanish lawyer filed an objection against this order, submitting, inter alia, that the applicant had had to leave Spain for a compelling reason, namely the terminal illness of his father, but that he had no intention of evading Spanish justice and would appear for trial. On 31 July 1993 the Audiencia Nacional, noting that the applicant had failed to comply with the conditions attached to his release, dismissed the objection and ordered his arrest. On 16 September 1993 the Audiencia Nacional declared that the applicant had failed to appear (rebeldía) and his security was forfeited. The trial took place in Madrid from 20 September 1993 to 24 May 1994. Mr van der Tang did not attend it and could therefore not be tried pursuant to section 841 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. On 27 September 1994 the Audiencia Nacional delivered a 529-page-long judgment. Luciano Núñez (see paragraph 8 above) was held to have played a leading role in importing very large quantities of hashish. He was accordingly sentenced to a total of thirteen years' imprisonment and a fine of 100 million pesetas. It does not appear from the facts set out in this judgment that the applicant was involved in drug-trafficking activities beyond the transporting of 1,300 kg of hashish for which he was arrested (see paragraph 8 above). The Spanish authorities have not requested Mr van der Tang's extradition.
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{ "applicant": "Antonius Adrianus van der Tang", "articles": [ 91, 34, 51, 53, 34, 44, 32, 34, 53, 34, 93 ], "countries": "ESP", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 1995 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Antonius Adrianus van der Tang
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 30943/96) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national of Turkish origin, Mr Asim Sahin (“the applicant”), on 16 June 1993. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agents, Mrs H. Voelskow-Thies, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice, at the initial stage of the proceedings, and subsequently by Mr K. Stoltenberg, Ministerialdirigent, also of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant was, exceptionally, granted leave to represent himself (Rule 36 of the Rules of Court). The applicant alleged, in particular, that the German court decisions dismissing his request for a right of access to his child, born out of wedlock, amounted to a breach of his right to respect for his family life and that he was a victim of discriminatory treatment in this respect. He relied on Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention. The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1, and composed of Mr A. Pastor Ridruejo, President, Mr G. Ress, Mr L. Caflisch, Mr I. Cabral Barreto, Mr V. Butkevych, Mrs N. Vajić, Mr M. Pellonpää, judges, and Mr V. Berger, Section Registrar. On 12 December 2000 the application was declared admissible as regards the applicant's complaints that the German court decisions dismissing his request for a right of access to his daughter, born out of wedlock, amounted to a breach of his right to respect for his family life and that he was a victim of discriminatory treatment in this respect. On 11 October 2001 the Chamber delivered its judgment in which it held, by five votes to two, that there had been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention. It also held, by five votes to two, that there had been a violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 8 and that the respondent State was to pay the applicant (i) DEM 50,000 (fifty thousand German marks) in respect of non-pecuniary damage and (ii) DEM 8,000 (eight thousand German marks) in respect of costs and expenses. The separate opinion of Mr Pellonpää joined by Mrs Vajić was annexed to the judgment. On 9 January 2002 the Government requested, in accordance with Article 43 of the Convention and Rule 73, that the case be referred to the Grand Chamber, contending that the Chamber should not have found violations of Article 8 and 14 of the Convention. They maintained that the Chamber had erred in its approach to the margin of appreciation left to the national courts. Referring to Elsholz v. Germany ([GC], no. 25735/94, ECHR 2000-VIII), they further considered that, in the present case, the application of the former German legislation, namely Article 1711 § 2 of the Civil Code, had not led to discrimination between fathers of children born out of wedlock and divorced fathers. On 27 March 2002 a panel of the Grand Chamber decided to refer the case to the Grand Chamber. The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined according to the provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and Rule 24. Mr J.-P. Costa, who was unable to take part in the final deliberations, was replaced by Mr P. Kūris (Rule 24 § 3). The applicant and the Government each filed a memorial. THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant, born in 1950, was a Turkish national at the time of the events complained of. He subsequently obtained German nationality. The applicant is the father of G., born out of wedlock on 29 June 1988. In a document dated 15 June 1988, he acknowledged paternity of the unborn child, and in a further document, dated 15 August 1988, he acknowledged paternity and undertook to pay maintenance. The applicant met the child's mother, Ms D., in 1985 and in December 1987 he moved into her flat, where they lived together until at least July 1989 or, as stated by the applicant, until February 1990. In any event, the applicant continued to visit the child and her mother until February 1990, and between the end of July and October 1990 he regularly fetched G. for visits. From November 1990 onwards, Ms D. prohibited any contact between the applicant and the child. On 5 December 1990 the applicant applied to the Wiesbaden District Court for a decision granting him a right of access to his daughter on every Sunday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. as well as on Boxing Day and Easter Monday. On 5 September 1991 the District Court, having regard to the statements made by the parties and the Wiesbaden Youth Office and having considered evidence obtained from several witnesses, dismissed the applicant's request. The court, referring to Article 1711 of the Civil Code, observed that the mother, as the person having custody, determined the father's right of access to the child and that the guardianship court could only grant the father a right of access if this was in the child's best interests. The court found as follows: “The Court is convinced that the petitioner's wish for [G.] to visit him is motivated by attachment to his child and genuine affection for her. It nonetheless takes the view that personal contact with her father is not in the child's best interests, since her mother dislikes her father so deeply and opposes all contact so fiercely that any visits ordered by the court would take place in a tense, emotionally charged atmosphere which would probably be extremely harmful to the child. The Court can discern no special circumstances which, given the strong differences between the parents, might make personal contact with her father appear beneficial for [G.] ... The relationship which developed between [G.] and her father in the period from her birth to her father's moving out – that is, approximately one year and nine months – is probably not of such fundamental importance that the risk of seriously upsetting the child by resuming contact opposed by her mother is worth taking. The staff who looked after [G.] at the day nursery, and who were questioned as witnesses, stated that she displayed no – or at least no serious and lasting – behavioural abnormalities when she was parted from her father and contact between them ceased, and that she is a balanced, cheerful and outgoing child. The evidence does not therefore confirm her father's claim that she missed him and frequently asked about him after their contact at the day nursery ceased. It has not therefore been shown that the conditions laid down in Article 1711 § 2 have been met, and the Court is accordingly obliged to dismiss the father's request.” On 12 March 1992 the applicant appealed to the Wiesbaden Regional Court. On 12 May 1992 the Regional Court ordered a psychological expert opinion on the question whether contact with the applicant was in G.'s interests. On 8 July 1992, following a first conversation with the expert, the applicant challenged her for bias. He also requested that another expert be appointed on the ground that the scientific approach adopted did not reflect the latest state of research. On 9 September 1992 the Regional Court refused the applicant's request, finding that, taking into account the expert's explanations of 8 August 1992, there were no reasons to doubt her impartiality or her capabilities. On 17 December 1992 the applicant requested the Regional Court to progress with the proceedings. He also applied for a provisional order granting him a right of access to G. during one afternoon every week and prohibiting her mother from obstructing such contact. On 23 December 1992 the Regional Court dismissed the applicant's request for a provisional order granting access. The Regional Court found that there was no urgency and that the applicant could be expected to await the outcome of the main proceedings. Furthermore, such an order would anticipate the possible terms of a final decision. Should a provisional order be issued and the request be eventually dismissed in the main proceedings, the disadvantages for the child would be more serious than those for the applicant in continuing with the prevailing situation. In her opinion dated 25 February 1993, the expert noted that she had visited the applicant's family in June 1992 and again heard the applicant, the child's mother and the child on several occasions between November 1992 and February 1993. As regards her meetings with G., the expert explained that in the course of various games she had explored her feelings concerning persons and situations and concerning the applicant. They had also looked at a family photo album and G. had avoided looking at the more recent photographs. This reaction showed that G. had repressed the memories of her father. The expert reached the conclusion that a right of access without prior conversations to overcome the conflicts between the parents was not in the child's interests. By a letter of 8 March 1993, the Regional Court, noting that the District Court had omitted to hear the child, enquired of the expert whether hearing the child in court on the issue of her relationship with her father would place a psychological strain on her. In her reply of 13 March 1993, the expert indicated that she had not directly asked the child about her father. She had expected that G. would react spontaneously in the course of the meetings and express her feelings towards him. In the expert's view, the fact that G. had not mentioned her father was certainly relevant. The expert further referred to the last meeting, when they had glanced through a family photo album and she had asked G. about whether she still knew her father. On both occasions, she had appeared to repress her memories concerning him. The risk inherent in questioning her about whether she wished to see her father was that, in this conflict between the parents, the child might have the impression that her statements were decisive. Such a situation could provoke serious feelings of guilt. At a court hearing on 30 April 1993, the applicant and the child's mother entered into an agreement. Under the terms of this agreement, the applicant declared that he would refrain from instituting any court proceedings, making any enquiries about the mother's personal circumstances and exercising his right of custody obtained under Turkish law on condition that they underwent parental therapy. The proceedings were suspended until the termination of this therapy. On 1 June 1993 the applicant requested that the proceedings be resumed as the child's mother had not approved the two institutions for family therapy proposed by the applicant and had failed to react to his suggestion that she should make a proposal. On 25 August 1993 the Wiesbaden Regional Court dismissed the applicant's appeal, finding as follows: “Personal contact with a child born out of wedlock is intended to allow a father to satisfy himself as to the child's welfare and development and preserve the natural ties existing between them. It is not therefore the purpose of granting access, but the legal conditions for doing so, which differ: while a parent who does not have custody of a child born in wedlock is entitled to access under Article 1634 [of the Civil Code], Article 1711 [of the Code] does not grant a right of access to the father of a child born out of wedlock. Rather, the law leaves it up to the person having custody, as a rule the mother, to determine whether, and to what extent, the father should be able to spend time with his child. However, the guardianship court may decide that the father is entitled to access if this is in the child's best interests. The main reason for the weaker legal position of the father of a child born out of wedlock is his different social position. After the Federal Constitutional Court's decisions of 1971 and 1981, the constitutionality of Article 1711 can no longer be seriously doubted. For considerations of legal policy, a reform of the law on children born out of wedlock is even more urgently necessary. In the meantime, the courts are bound by Article 1711. Under that provision, the guardianship court decides to grant a father access to a child born out of wedlock if this is beneficial for the child's welfare. It is not enough for such contact to be consistent with, or not contrary to, the child's interests, it must serve those interests and promote them. This interpretation justifies the assumption that fathers should generally be granted access to their children because this enables the latter to develop as normally as possible and helps them to form a clear image of themselves and their origin. It is in fact important for children not simply to have a fantasy picture of their fathers, but to be able to form a personal, realistic picture. Whether contact with the father is conducive to the child's well-being depends initially on the father's motives for seeking it. The Regional Court is convinced that the father in this case is motivated by attachment to [G.] and genuine affection for her. Even when a father acts from responsible motives, however, the court is not necessarily obliged to grant him access if there are serious tensions between the parents, these are communicated to the child, and there is reason to fear that every meeting with the father will interfere with the child's further undisturbed development in the residual family provided by the mother ... In view of the findings in the [psychological expert] report referred to above, it must be assumed that this would happen in the instant case. If the father were granted access to [G.] in present circumstances, she would have to shuttle between hostile camps, which should not be asked of her. If – as in this case – there is a danger that differences between parents may affect a child, then special circumstances are needed to justify the assumption that contact with the father will nevertheless have permanently beneficial effects on the child's development or well-being ... However, no such circumstances can be discerned here. It is true that, for the first two years of her life, [G.] grew up with both father and mother, but this period was not conflict-free. The disagreements and sometimes open aggression between her parents – in other words, the family violence she witnessed – have certainly left their mark on her, even if she can no longer recall them spontaneously. As the psychological report indicates, she has also repressed her old ties with her father – a fact reflected in the care she takes to avoid talking about him. In view of all this, the report finds that she does not suffer as a result of the present situation. The Court can rely fully on the report, which has no apparent defects and is not invalidated by the fact that the father sees the situation differently. In finding that therapy had not enabled the parents to put their former conflicts behind them, thus making it possible for [G.] to have access to both of them, the Court did not have to decide who was to blame for this ... The decisive factor is always the child's point of view. As already pointed out, however, the situation in this case is such that the parents must first initiate dialogue with each other.” The Regional Court finally considered that exceptionally it had not been required to hear the child, since questioning her about her relationship with her father would have placed a psychological strain on her. In this connection, the court referred to the expert's supplementary report of 13 March 1993 (see paragraph 23 above). On 21 September 1993 the applicant filed a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court, complaining that the refusal of access to his daughter infringed his parental rights and amounted to discrimination, and alleging that the taking of expert evidence had been unfair. The Federal Constitutional Court acknowledged receipt on 29 September 1993. By a letter of 26 April 1994, the applicant asked the Constitutional Court about the state of the proceedings and urged a speedy decision. On 16 May 1994 the Constitutional Court informed him that in a similar case which had been registered at an earlier date a decision was envisaged for the first half of 1995. On 26 November 1995 the applicant sent a letter to the President of the Federal Constitutional Court complaining that the examination of his constitutional complaint had been postponed until the first half of 1996. In her reply of 15 February 1996 the judge dealing with the applicant's case informed him that, owing to the heavy workload of the Federal Constitutional Court in 1995, it had not been possible to take a decision. A decision was envisaged in 1996. Having regard to the importance of the subject matter, such a decision required careful preparation. On 1 December 1998 the Federal Constitutional Court, sitting as a panel of three judges, refused to entertain the applicant's constitutional complaint.
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{ "applicant": "Asim Sahin", "articles": [ 91, 34, 52, 49, 34, 44, 32, 34, 49, 52, 34, 44, 32, 34, 56, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "GRANDCHAMBER", "year": 2003 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Asim Sahin
PROCEDURE The case originated in an application (no. 48311/10) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a public limited company incorporated under German law, Axel Springer AG (“the applicant company”), on 19 August 2010. The applicant company was represented by Mr U. Börger, a lawyer practising in Hamburg. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agents, Ms K. Behr and Mr H.-J. Behrens, of the Federal Ministry of Justice. The applicant company alleged that an injunction prohibiting it from further publication of two sentences was in breach of Article 10 of the Convention. On 28 March 2012 notice of the application was given to the Government. The Media Legal Defence Initiative, a non-governmental organisation, was granted leave to submit written comments (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 3 of the Rules of Court). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicant company is a public limited company with its registered office in Hamburg. Among other activities, it is the publisher of the mass-circulation daily newspaper Bild. A. Background to the case On the evening of 22 May 2005, after his party (the Social Democratic Party (SPD)) had suffered a heavy election defeat in the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who had been in power as head of the Federal Government since 1998, announced that parliamentary elections would be brought forward to autumn 2005 from their scheduled date in September 2006. Because the early elections could not be held until the Bundestag (German Federal Parliament) had been dissolved – a process which could only take place by order of Federal President of Germany after a motion of confidence in the Federal Chancellor had been defeated – Chancellor Schröder called a vote of confidence on 1 July 2005 and lost it, with 148 of the 304 members of parliament from the parties making up his government abstaining as requested by the Chancellor. On 21 July 2005 Federal President Horst Köhler dissolved the Bundestag. This means of securing the dissolution of Parliament prompted discussions in public and among members of parliament, and was also the subject of appeals to the Federal Constitutional Court, which, by a majority, dismissed them and ruled that the disputed procedure was in conformity with the Basic Law (see in particular the decision of 25 August 2005, nos. 2 BvE 4/05 and 7/05). The elections were held on 18 September 2005. None of the main political parties emerged victorious with a sufficient majority, but the parties forming the outgoing Schröder government (the SPD and the Greens) lost their majority. Subsequently, the conservative parties (the CDU and CSU) and the SPD agreed to form a coalition headed by Ms Angela Merkel, the candidate for the CDU and CSU. On 22 November 2005 Mr Schröder left office and Ms Merkel was elected as the new Federal Chancellor. On 9 December 2005, at a ceremony to mark the start of work on the Baltic Sea gas pipeline (“Ostseepipeline”), it was announced that Mr Schröder had been appointed chairman of the supervisory board of the German-Russian consortium NEGP (Konsortium Nordeuropäische Gaspipeline). The aim of the consortium, which had its registered office in Switzerland and was controlled by the Russian company Gazprom, was to build a gas pipeline to supply Russian gas to western Europe. The agreement on the principle of building the pipeline had been signed on 11 April 2005 by the German company BASF and Gazprom in the presence of Mr Schröder and the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The signing of the contract itself, initially scheduled for mid-October at an energy summit in Moscow, had taken place on 8 September 2005 – again in the presence of Mr Schröder and Mr Putin – ten days before the early elections. On the day of the announcement, a member of Bild’s editorial staff attempted to contact the deputy spokesperson for the government, S. (who had continued to occupy this post under the new government), for information on the subject but received no reply. The following day he made a further attempt, which was likewise unsuccessful. Following a third request later that day, the deputy spokesperson informed the journalist that Mr Schröder had nothing to add to his statement of 9 December 2005 in which he had indicated his willingness to accept an offer from the consortium partners to take up a position on its supervisory board. On Sunday 11 December 2005 a Bild journalist called the vice-chairman of the parliamentary group of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), Carl-Ludwig Thiele. In a sworn statement of 14 December 2005 the journalist affirmed that Mr Thiele had wondered whether Chancellor Schröder had already spoken to the Russians about a lucrative position before calling the early elections in May 2005. When asked by the journalist what he meant, Mr Thiele had replied: “The early election gambit must now be seen in a new light”. The journalist had then asked Mr Thiele whether he meant that Mr Schröder might have triggered the fresh elections on the basis of promises from Russia. Mr Thiele had replied: “That’s a question we need to ask”. He had added that, from his own experience in politics, a matter involving such a major change in personal activity must have been settled well before May. He had then asked two further questions: “Did Schröder want to resign because he had been offered lucrative positions? Did he have personal motives in deciding to call early elections in a politically desperate situation?” According to the statement, Mr Thiele had agreed for his comments to be quoted. On 14 December 2005 the journalist called Mr Thiele again and asked him whether, in the light of the warning (Abmahnung) which Mr Schröder had issued to Bild, he still stood by his comments; Mr Thiele confirmed that he did. B. The impugned article In its edition of 12 December 2005 Bild published a front-page article with the headline: “What does he really earn from the pipeline project? Schröder must reveal his Russian salary.” On page 2 of the newspaper, under the headline “Russian salary – will Schröder earn more than a million a year?” the article read as follows: “The ex-Chancellor and Russian gas: there is growing outrage among all political parties. For Schröder is to head the supervisory board of a business seeking to build a four-billion-euro gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. While he was Chancellor, he pushed this project through despite considerable resistance. Lower Saxony Prime Minister Christian Wulff (CDU) called on Schröder to act, either by declining the chairmanship of the NEGP consortium’s supervisory board, or by revealing all his income from his Russian job! Wulff told Bild: ‘Through his behaviour Gerhard Schröder has seriously damaged the reputation of politics in Germany. Schröder must decline the job of supervisory board chairman, because otherwise this may create the impression of being a reward for promoting the pipeline.’ The politician added: ‘If Schröder nevertheless accepts his appointment to the supervisory board, he must disclose what he is getting paid. This is a requirement under the regulations on disclosure [of income], which were toughened up by the Schröder government this year. The fact that the pipeline company has its headquarters in Switzerland is no reason for the former Federal Chancellor not to abide by these rules.’ Insiders reckon that Schröder is pocketing more than a million dollars a year for his gas job. After all, the Russians are not stingy. For example, five supervisory board members of the Russian company Northgas, a Gazprom subsidiary, have received payments totalling seven million dollars. The fact that Schröder is walking into the joint German-Russian venture so soon after leaving the Government has been met with incredulity across all political parties. One particularly delicate matter is that on 11 April the Russian energy giant Gazprom and the German [company] BASF signed a memorandum in Hanover for the joint exploitation of a Russian gas field, in the presence of Schröder and Russian head of State Vladimir Putin. Following the signing, the two government leaders stayed up late drinking red wine together. Was Schröder’s recruitment to the multinational gas company already being discussed at that time – six weeks before he called the early elections? The vice-chairman of the FDP parliamentary group, Carl-Ludwig Thiele, said: ‘That’s a question we need to ask!’ Thiele has a monstrous suspicion: ‘Did Schröder want to resign because he had been offered lucrative positions? Did he have personal motives in deciding to call early elections in a politically desperate situation?’ The early election gambit should ‘now be seen in a new light’, he added. Peter Ramsauer, chairman of the CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, said: ‘You don’t make a deal like that overnight, and Gerhard Schröder was still Chancellor three weeks ago. He should now lay his cards on the table and say whether these agreements had already been reached while he was in office.’ The vice-chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, Wolfgang Bosbach, added: ‘Schröder should finally say what’s going on (was Sache ist)!’ The economic affairs spokesperson for the Greens parliamentary group, Matthias Berninger, said: ‘Schröder must now ensure maximum transparency and disclose his contract and remuneration.’” The article on page 2 was accompanied by a photograph of Mr Schröder wearing a chapka on his head. Further down there was a short article stating that the NEGP consortium was headed by a former major from the State Security Ministry of the former German Democratic Republic, who was a friend of Mr Putin. Mr Schröder’s appointment as chairman of the supervisory board gave rise to public debate and was reported in the media and discussed in the German Parliament, in particular on 15 December 2005. An article published in Focus magazine (no. 50/2005) on 12 December 2005 stated that a journalist from the magazine had contacted the Schröder government in August 2005 to find out whether indications from Moscow that Gazprom was preparing a post for Mr Schröder were true. The government spokesperson had said that this was absurd and denied the existence of any such offer. In April 2006 it emerged that in late October 2005, while government business was still being conducted on an interim basis by the outgoing government pending Ms Merkel’s election as Chancellor, guarantees had been signed whereby the German government agreed to underwrite a loan of one billion euros from two German banks in favour of Gazprom and part of the pipeline. Mr Schröder indicated that he had had no knowledge of the signing of the guarantees and Gazprom stated that it had not made use of them. C. The proceedings in issue On an unspecified date in 2006 Gerhard Schröder sought an injunction in the Hamburg Regional Court prohibiting any further publication of the following passage of the article: “Thiele has a monstrous suspicion: ‘Did Schröder want to resign because he had been offered lucrative positions? Did he have personal motives in deciding to call early elections in a politically desperate situation?’” 1. The Regional Court’s judgment In a judgment of 24 June 2005 the Regional Court granted the injunction. It held in particular that the quotation in issue was neither a factual allegation nor a value judgment but mere speculation in the form of questions, the legality of which was a matter for assessment in the light of the principles established for reporting on suspicions (Verdachtsberichterstattung). According to these criteria, the courts had to assess whether the impugned report concerned a matter of public interest, whether there was a sufficient factual basis for the speculation, whether the newspaper had been sufficiently diligent in carrying out its research and in deciding to publish the report, and whether the nature of the report made it sufficiently clear that what was being reported was speculation and that the factual reality might be different. The regional court held that the publication of the passage in issue in the case before it did not satisfy these criteria in so far as the applicant company had not sought to obtain Mr Schröder’s views on the matter beforehand and had not established a sufficient factual basis to justify publishing the passage in question. 2. Judgment of the Court of Appeal In a judgment of 8 April 2008 the Hamburg Court of Appeal upheld the Regional Court’s judgment. It held that the publication of the offending quotation breached Article 823 § 1 of the Civil Code, in conjunction with Article 1004 § 1 (by analogy) of the Civil Code and the right to protection of personality rights (Allgemeines Persönlichkeitsrecht – see “Relevant domestic law and practice”), because it suggested to readers of the newspaper that Chancellor Schröder had taken the decision to hold early parliamentary elections on the basis of private considerations motivated by self-interest. The Court of Appeal found it unnecessary to determine whether the quotation in issue amounted to a genuine (open) question or a factual allegation in the form of a question, since the applicant company had conveyed a suspicion which could also have been formulated as a question. The Regional Court had thus been correct in applying the criteria for reporting on suspicions. The Court of Appeal observed that the report published by the applicant company did not merely reproduce what Mr Thiele had said, but the quotation had formed part of a significantly longer article intended to steer readers in a certain direction. It further pointed out that the article had begun by saying that Mr Schröder and the Russian President Putin had met in April 2005, and had then asked whether Chancellor Schröder’s activities on behalf of Gazprom had been discussed on that occasion. In the court’s view, this encouraged readers to believe that it was possible that an agreement had been reached for Mr Schröder to take up a private-sector post and that he had used the election defeat in North Rhine-Westphalia as a pretext for triggering a series of events that would lead to his leaving office as Chancellor. It added that this line of thinking was borne out by the two questions in the quotation in issue and the use of the phrases “early election gambit” and “must now be seen in a new light”. The Court of Appeal observed that the principles for reporting on suspicions applied to the case before it, although the report in question had not contained any suspicion that Mr Schröder had committed a criminal offence. What was decisive in the court’s view was that the applicant company had conveyed a suspicion entailing a serious and damaging accusation against the former Chancellor. The article had suggested that he had misled the general public and the electorate about the true reasons for his decision to call early elections and that he had prioritised his own financial interests over the common good, which he was required to serve as Federal Chancellor. The Court of Appeal considered that this was one of the most serious accusations that could be levelled against a person who had formerly held one of the highest State offices. In its view, the quotation in issue confirmed the seriousness of the accusation by using the phrase “monstrous suspicion”. The Court of Appeal added that the applicant company had not had due regard to the principles established for reporting on suspicions. According to these principles, any such reports had to concern a matter of justifiable public interest, have a minimum factual basis, set out the facts objectively by indicating both the circumstances supporting the suspicion and those pleading in favour of the person under suspicion, be published, in principle, after obtaining comments about the accusations from the person concerned and be the result of research satisfying the requirements of journalistic rigour. Applying those principles to the case before it, the Court of Appeal noted firstly that the subject-matter of the report was in the public interest. It also accepted that there had been sufficient material to justify reporting on the suspicions in question. In that connection, it recapitulated the sequence of events forming the background to the article, namely that Mr Schröder had expressed support for the pipeline project throughout his time as Chancellor, that he had met President Putin at the signing of the declaration of 11 April 2005 by two Russian and German private-sector firms, that he had decided to hold early elections at a time when his political party had been in difficulty following its election defeat in North Rhine-Westphalia, that he had triggered a process resulting in his relinquishing the office of Chancellor and that – according to the Court of Appeal – it had emerged that between the date of the early elections and his last day as Chancellor, Mr Schröder had secured a very well-paid post in a consortium controlled by Gazprom. The Court of Appeal added that it was especially legitimate to ask how Mr Schröder could have secured that post as the events in question belonged to an area of fundamental importance in shaping public opinion. It pointed out that the requirements for assessing the legitimacy of such a report should not be too stringent. Otherwise, there was a risk that the media would be limited to commenting on politicians’ conduct only where there was substantial evidence corroborating the suspicions raised. Such a restriction, however, was not acceptable in this sphere. The Court of Appeal noted that anyone who attracted public attention, such as politicians, had to accept that the threshold beyond which their conduct could be investigated by the media was lower than that applicable to anyone not in the public domain. The Court of Appeal added that the impugned publication had lacked objectivity and balance. It pointed out that the version of events set out in a report should not amount to a prejudgment (Vorverurteilung) of the person concerned. This was not only the case where the report gave the impression that the person had in fact done what he or she was suspected of doing, but also when a report was intentionally biased and distorted the facts for sensationalist purposes, without regard to the circumstances militating in favour of the person concerned. In the Court of Appeal’s view, this was what had happened in the case of the report in issue, since it had made no mention of any factors casting doubt on the accusations made but had referred solely to circumstances corroborating the suspicions, which to a certain extent were concentrated within the offending quotation. In this connection the Court of Appeal observed that the report did not mention that the May election defeat in North Rhine-Westphalia had considerably weakened the authority of the government majority at federal level and could have constituted a valid reason for asking the electorate, by means of early elections, whether it still supported this majority. Likewise, the report did not mention anywhere that Chancellor Schröder had not adopted an attitude of resignation but rather had been active and combative throughout the election campaign. Lastly, the Court of Appeal found that at the time of the article’s publication there had been no information from anyone close to Mr Schröder to suggest that he had based his decision to call early elections on grounds that were spurious (sachfremd). The Court of Appeal added that the applicant company had no basis for arguing that these circumstances were so well known to readers that there was no need to reiterate them in the report, since the entire article had sought to suggest to readers that there were no circumstances casting doubt on the facts as presented. Similarly, the fact that the subject of the report was of considerable public interest could not exempt the applicant company from its duty to present a balanced account of the facts. On this point, the Court of Appeal emphasised that the applicant company was not prevented from criticising Mr Schröder. However, in view of the extremely serious accusation being made, it could have been expected to indicate that the facts had yet to be established. The Court of Appeal held, lastly, that the applicant company had not carried out sufficient research before publishing the article. It considered that irrespective of whether the politician quoted in the article should have been required to conduct his own research before raising his questions, the applicant company had had a duty to clarify the facts further before publicly reproducing those questions, which concerned extremely serious allegations. It pointed out that there had been sufficient connecting factors in this regard. For example, the applicant company could have contacted the consortium in Switzerland, Mr Schröder himself or one of his team to find out when the post for the former Chancellor had been planned or created, when he had discovered the existence of the post and when and by whom the post had been offered to him. The Court of Appeal added that the fact that other media outlets had reported on similar suspicions could not release the applicant company from its duties. Moreover, the company had not asked Mr Schröder for his views. In the Court of Appeal’s opinion, irrespective of whether the views of the person concerned should always be sought when suspicions were being reported, the press had a duty in any event, in order to satisfy the requirements of journalistic rigour, to contact the person concerned when publishing speculation relating to that person’s motives, provided that the person could be reached for comment. The Court of Appeal concluded that this duty had been all the more compelling in the case before it, in view of the especially serious nature of the allegation being made. 3. Decision of the Federal Court of Justice In a decision of 13 January 2009 the Federal Court of Justice refused the applicant company leave to appeal on points of law, holding that the case did not raise a question of fundamental importance and was not necessary for the development of the law or to guarantee uniformity of the case-law. 4. Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court On 18 February 2010 a chamber of the Federal Constitutional Court decided not to accept for adjudication a constitutional appeal by the applicant company (no. 1 BvR 368/09). It declined to give reasons for its decision.
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{ "applicant": "Axel Springer AG", "articles": [ 91, 34, 49, 48, 34, 93 ], "countries": "DEU", "legal_branch": "CHAMBER", "year": 2014 }
Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Axel Springer AG
PROCEDURE The case was referred to the Court in accordance with the provisions applicable prior to the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”)0 by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) (Article 5 § 4 of Protocol No. 11 and former Articles 47 and 48 of the Convention). The case originated in an application (no. 27644/95) against the Swiss Confederation lodged with the Commission under former Article 25 of the Convention by twelve Swiss nationals, Mr Andy Athanassoglou, Mrs Ursula Athanassoglou, Mr Martin Schlumpf, Mrs Antoinette Schweickhardt, Mr Claudius Fischer, Mrs Ursula Brunner, Mr Ernst Haeberli, Mrs Helga Haeberli, Mr Pius Bessire, Mrs Katharina Bessire, Mr Hans Vogt-Gloor and Mrs Claudia Rüegsegger (“the applicants”), on 9 June 1995. The applicants complained that they had not had access to a “tribunal” within the meaning of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention in respect of the decision of the Federal Council of 12 December 1994 to grant the Beznau II nuclear power plant an extension of its operating licence and that the procedure followed by the Federal Council had not been fair. Invoking Article 13 of the Convention, they also complained that they had no effective remedy enabling them to complain of a violation of their right to life and their right to respect for physical integrity as guaranteed by Articles 2 and 8 of the Convention. The Commission declared the application admissible on 7 April 1997. In its report of 15 April 1998 (former Article 31 of the Convention), it expressed the opinion that there had been no violation of Article 6 § 1 (fifteen votes to fifteen with the casting vote of the Acting President) and that there had been no violation of Article 13 (sixteen votes to fourteen)0. Before the Court the applicants were represented by Mr R. Weibel, a lawyer practising in Berne (Switzerland). The Swiss Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr P. Boillat, Deputy Director, Head of the International Affairs Division, Federal Office of Justice. On 14 January 1999 a panel of the Grand Chamber determined that the case should be decided by the Grand Chamber (Rule 100 § 1 of the Rules of Court). The applicants and the Government each filed a memorial and replied to the questions of the Court. After consulting the Agent of the Government and the applicants' lawyer, the Grand Chamber decided that it was not necessary to hold a hearing. On 27 August and 10 September 1999 the applicants submitted a request for an interim measure under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court preventing the Beznau II nuclear power plant, which at that time was not functioning because of maintenance and repair works, from resuming its operation until the Court had given its judgment. On 13 October 1999 the Grand Chamber decided (by sixteen votes with one abstention) not to apply Rule 39 in the present case. On 28 February 2000 the applicants submitted unsolicited material relating to the supply of nuclear fuel to the Beznau II nuclear plant from 1996 to 1998 by a British company. The President of the Grand Chamber decided that this material should be included in the case file despite its being submitted after the close of the written procedure (Rule 38 § 1 in fine). THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE The applicants live in the villages of Villigen, Würenlingen, Böttstein and Kleindöttingen, situated in zone 1 in the vicinity of unit II of a nuclear power plant in Beznau (Canton of Aargau). They either own or rent property. The Beznau II nuclear power plant consists of a dual-loop pressurised water reactor. The site is situated five kilometres from the German border. A. The application for an operating licence On 18 December 1991, the Nordostschweizerische Kraftwerke AG (“NOK”), a private company which had operated the nuclear power plant since 1971, applied to the Swiss Federal Council (the government) for an extension of its operating licence for an indefinite period. The application was supported by a technical report and a safety analysis report established by NOK. The application and these reports were published in the Official Journal (Amtsblatt) of the Canton of Aargau of 27 January 1992 and in the Official Gazette of 28 January 1992 together with a notice inviting persons satisfying the requirements laid down by sections 6 and 48 of the Federal Administrative Proceedings Act (see paragraph 28 below) to file an objection. By 28 April 1992 more than 18,400 objections were lodged by virtue of these provisions with the Federal Energy Office, a large part of which came from Germany and Austria. More than 99% of the objections were photocopies. In their objections the complainants requested the Federal Council to refuse an extension of the operating licence and to order the immediate and permanent closure of the nuclear power plant. They attached an expert opinion of the Institute for Applied Ecology (Öko-Institut – Institut für angewandte Ökologie e. V.) in Darmstadt, Germany, to their objections, namely a report of April 1992 on selected aspects of the safety analysis report produced by NOK in December 1991. Relying in particular on section 5(1) of the Nuclear Energy Act (see paragraph 22 below), they opposed the application for an extension of the operating licence because of the risks which they maintained such an extension entailed for their rights to life, to physical integrity and of property. According to them, the nuclear power plant did not meet current safety standards on account of serious and irremediable construction defects and, owing to its condition, the risk of an accident occurring was greater than usual. They also requested that in the meantime certain provisional measures be taken. The complainants also disputed the impartiality of the administrative bodies involved in the proceedings. With regard to the fact that under the applicable law the Federal Council would consider the application for an operating licence as an authority of both first and last instance, they invoked their right of access to a court, as guaranteed by Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. On 5 February 1993 the Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy, as the competent body deciding prior to the decision of the Federal Council, rejected the requests for provisional measures. B. The Federal Council's decision On 12 December 1994 the Federal Council dismissed all the objections as being unfounded and granted NOK a limited operating licence expiring on 31 December 2004. The licence was subject to compliance with various specific conditions concerning, for instance, threshold levels for radioactive substances, tests of the safeguard system, improvements of the feedwater system, a systematic programme, specific to the Beznau II nuclear power plant, for ageing surveillance and various other continuous technical improvements of the plant. NOK was also requested to submit periodically updated safety reports. In its decision the Federal Council relied on a safety evaluation report established by the Swiss Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (Hauptabteilung für die Sicherheit der Kernanlagen – “HSK”). The report gave the results from the point of view of nuclear safety and radiation protection, including conclusions and proposals for licence conditions to be formulated in the licensing decision. The Federal Council further relied on an opinion of the Nuclear Technology and Safety Section of the Federal Energy Office, a statement of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Commission (Eidgenössische Kommission für die Sicherheit von Kernanlagen – “KSA”) on basic aspects of the application and on the safety evaluation report of the HSK and the view expressed by the cantonal authorities. With regard to the complainants living in Austria, the Federal Council considered that these persons had no locus standi on the ground that they were not exposed to a significantly higher risk than that existing for the population in general, in view of the distance between the nuclear power plant and the Swiss-Austrian border. As to the remaining complainants, the Federal Council was satisfied that certain complainants lived in zone 1 around the nuclear power plant and were therefore entitled to take part in the proceedings. The Federal Council observed that although power stations built twenty years earlier certainly no longer met current technical standards, they could nonetheless be maintained and modernised so that they could continue to operate quite safely. In order to satisfy itself that this was so in the case under review, the Federal Council considered each of the objections in turn. It examined in particular the complainants' objections relating to the emergency cooling system and the residual heat removal, the emergency feed system, the reactor containment and pressure-limiting system, the fire-protection, the emergency power supply, the emergency boronising system, the control circuits and outside influences, such as plane crashes and actions by third parties. The Federal Council observed that since the Beznau II nuclear power plant had come into operation various backfittings to improve the safety of the power plant had been carried out. It referred to the emergency standby system and improved power supply system (NANO), put into operation in 1992, and the filtered containment venting system. Furthermore the results of the probabilistic safety analysis carried out at the Beznau II nuclear power plant showed that a nuclear accident was unlikely. The Federal Council gave detailed reasons why it found the objections to be unfounded and concluded that on the basis of the evidence submitted no relevant deficiencies could be established. The Federal Council further pointed out that an assessment of the organisation, management and staff situation at the Beznau II nuclear power plant presented a positive overall picture. The Federal Council further observed that by voting against the popular initiative of 23 September 1990 (see paragraphs 20-21 below) “For the Progressive Abandonment of Nuclear Energy” the Swiss people and the majority of the cantons had expressed the wish to continue using nuclear energy. With regard to the complaint based on the right to life, the Federal Council pointed out that this right was protected by the Constitution and drew attention to the position under the Federal Court's case-law, whereby only deliberate infringements could constitute a breach of that right. That did not apply to the operation of a nuclear power plant, at least so long as appropriate technical and operating procedures were adopted to prevent such an infringement and so long as these could reasonably be considered to provide a level of protection comparable to that existing in other generally accepted technical installations. With regard to the reactor accident at Chernobyl, the Federal Council stated that the reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was technically not comparable to a light-water reactor like that of the Beznau II power plant. Furthermore the Chernobyl reactor had never undergone a safety review process as normally carried out in western countries. The Chernobyl power plant was therefore not relevant in the context of the assessment of the risks of western nuclear power plants. The Federal Council also pointed out that, in accordance with the Agreement of 10 August 1982 between the government of the Swiss Confederation and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany on mutual information on the construction and operation of nuclear installations in the vicinity of the border, the German authorities had been provided with the relevant documents relating to the requested operating licence for the Beznau II power plant. From the beginning, this subject had been discussed during the sessions of the German-Swiss Commission on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (Deutsch-Schweizerische Kommission für die Sicherheit kerntechnischer Einrichtungen – “DSK”). In its report adopted at its session held from 5 to 7 October 1994 this commission had expressed the view that, if the terms of the licence were observed, the Beznau II nuclear power plant would operate safely. There would be no risk for the population of the Federal Republic of Germany. C. Further developments Following the decision of the Federal Council, the Beznau II nuclear power plant, like all the Swiss nuclear installations, was subject to official surveillance by the HSK in all matters regarding nuclear safety and radiation protection. The HSK presented annual reports giving a concise evaluation of the conditions and standards of operation of the Beznau II power plant. It followed from these reports that the condition of the power plant with regard to nuclear safety and radiation protection and also to its operation had been rated as good. It followed in particular from the annual report of 1997 that the notifiable incidents which had occurred were of minor relevance to nuclear safety. Appropriate improvements had been carried out. However, further efforts were needed in order to recognise problems in the area of human behaviour and organisational management. Since 1996, the Beznau II power plant had followed an ageing surveillance programme as a permanent task for its safety-relevant plant components. The relevant documentation examined by the HSK had not revealed any safety-relevant gaps in the maintenance programmes. Furthermore, these results indicated that no unacceptable reduction in safety-related properties was to be expected in the near future. As to the requirements in connection with the operating licence of 12 December 1994 the HSK stated that all conditions which were associated with deadlines had been complied with and some conditions had in part to be updated periodically with respect to plant documentation and analyses. From 13 November to 1 December 1995 a mission of the Operational Safety Assessment Review Team (OSART) from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was conducted at the Beznau II power plant. The experts noted especially “the stringent requirements with regard to quality and safety, the professional qualities of the staff at all levels as well as the very satisfactory condition of the Beznau II nuclear power plant”, but recommended additional safety improvements. On 15 December 1997 the applicants submitted an expert report of 26 November 1997 drawn up by the Institute for Applied Ecology in Darmstadt. According to that report, the licence at issue continued to tolerate the serious safety deficiencies which had already been mentioned in the institute's previous expert reports of 1992 and 1994. It was stated that the modernisation which was both technically possible and had been required in the case of pressurised water reactors of the same generation had not been carried out. All the safety systems installed at the Beznau II nuclear power plant for the purpose of preventing nuclear accidents were very seriously flawed compared with more modern pressurised water reactors in central Europe. The report criticised, for example, the safety systems for their failure to ensure that the back-up components were physically separate and protected from fire; the standard of the emergency cooling system and residual heat removal compared to modern light water pressure reactors in central Europe; the unsatisfactory emergency power supply concerning certain components that were important for the safety of the plant; the design of the emergency power supply itself with regard to back-up and separation from the main system; the emergency feed system not satisfying the standards applying to modern pressurised water reactors; the deficiency of the emergency boronated water system, the purpose of which was to ensure that the pressurised water reactor was switched off until it was cold; the reactor containment in case the active pressure-limiting process could not be carried out successfully; the design of the pressure-limiting systems themselves and the deficiency of the control circuits with regard to the back-up system, physical separation, the main and emergency power supply, the fail-safe mechanism and the production of readings. Moreover, the lack of protection against outside influences rendered the plant much more vulnerable to a plane crash or to action by third parties. In spite of the fact that it was a condition for the granting of the licence that parts of the plant be modernised, no demand had been made for an actual emergency system, such as was required for the more recent western European pressurised water reactors. The report compared the attitude adopted in the last few years to older, Westinghouse-type, first-generation pressurised water reactors by the supervisory authorities in various countries of Europe, the USA and Japan and reached the conclusion that the standards applied in the licensing procedure at issue were far below those applying in other central European countries – i.e. risks were accepted that would no longer be tolerated in other countries. The report further referred to the OSART mission which was conducted in 1995 and the criticism expressed by the experts with regard to the organisational structures and management at the Beznau II power plant. According to the report, such deficiencies not only created an increased risk of accident but gave rise to concern with regard to the effectiveness of damage limitation and emergency protection in the event of serious malfunctions at the power station. From 30 November to 11 December 1998 a team of eleven experts of the International Regulatory Review Team (IRRT) reviewed the working methods of the HSK. During the mission six members of the team also visited the Beznau II nuclear power plant. In their report of January 1999 the reviewers identified “a number of good practices which had been recorded for the benefit of other nuclear regulatory bodies”. They also made recommendations and suggestions which indicated where improvements were necessary or desirable to further strengthen the regulatory body in Switzerland.
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Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Andy Athanassoglou