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Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B(1 Supple A):31-6.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
(Funded by River Vision Development and others; number, NCT01868997 .)
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Further large prospective studies are necessary to determine its predictive interest for post-treatment residual fertility, and eventually use it in fertility preservation counseling before treatment initiation.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Therefore, it may be used to monitor lifestyle modification to prevent development of diabetes among people with prediabetic conditions.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
BCS who adopted several healthy behaviors simultaneously had better HRQOL than one healthy behavior alone.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The results may be inflated by selection bias, bias in diet reporting, or residual confounding.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
To our knowledge, this is the first account of clozapine treatment in patients with ASPD and high psychopathy.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
A more aggressive management and diagnostic strategy may identify those in need of early operative intervention and provide robust rehabilitation programmes.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This randomized clinical trial demonstrated better postoperative outcomes at 6\\xa0months when subjects received preoperative IVB 5-10\\xa0days before PPV compared to 1-3\\xa0days for the treatment of PDR-related complications.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
TG has significant correlation with the severity of hearing loss.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
They allow patients to eat orally, thereby improving patient satisfaction.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Paracetamol-codeine combination overdoses are rarely associated with severe respiratory depression, with only two given naloxone and none intubated for respiratory depression.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The estimated cost per QALY gained was below the threshold recommended by English decision-makers.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship. Identifier: NCT02357420.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Among the control individuals, females had a significantly shorter NT than males.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The Pilates method could be used as an alternative to improve mood disorders in overweight/obese individuals.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"Stressing the use of modified criteria more universally to classify obesity among South Asian Indians may be optimal to identify obesity and help appropriately risk stratify for intervention to prevent chronic diseases."
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"It also offers the advantage of enabling simultaneous sentinel lymph node biopsy for invasive cancers."
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Our findings add to the available evidence that obesity might specifically be associated with the onset of multiple episodes of major depression (MDD-R).
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The relationship between IOP, glaucoma, and obesity deserves further study.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Among frail patients or those with multiple comorbidities, over three quarters with low HbA1C did not have their glycemic therapy deintensified, even after safety concerns were raised in the ACCORD trial.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Improving the blood protein status by consuming protein-sufficient foods such as soy food is a feasible approach for elderly anaemic women.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Large scale studies over a longer period of intervention are required to further establish the cholesterol-lowering effect of oat fiber.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Nutritional strategies for reducing salt intake, saturated fat and balancing energy nutrients should be urgently applied in Indian hypertensive and dyslipidemia patients.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Almost three out of ten BC patients have at least one hereditary risk cancer feature that would warrant further genetic counseling.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Intake of TFAs is high in Iranian homes and contributes to a sizeable proportion of CHD events.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Presence of GERD may not be considered as a contra-indication for sleeve gastrectomy.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Health economics modeling to inform the design of a randomized controlled trial looking at diagnostic technology has been demonstrated to be feasible as a method for improving research efficiency.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
These findings warrant effective treatment modalities to reduce the occurrence of oropharyngeal candidiasis.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
" Multiple epidemiologic, geographic, clinical, and immunologic factors are involved in the etiology of AP.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
"Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of hearing loss, and this difference is manifest particularly in adults <50 years old."
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The percentage of young women with risk factors for breast cancer was found to be alarmingly high.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Despite robust methodology, real-life data are exposed to important potential biases, and therefore, results need to be treated with caution.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Physical breast trauma, lower parity, a trend for less breast feeding had more significant associations with pre-menopausal than post-menopausal onset.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Diarrhea was more common with pertuzumab than with placebo.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The risk test appears to be a more effective screening tool in our population.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Moreover, screening programs should be started to ensure early detection and reduction of mortality rates caused by breast cancer also in young Pakistani females.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Compliance seems thus to be primarily a question of will and information; the importance of nutritional supplementation needs to be emphasized by specific patients education."
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Multiple and immediate access to the web-based education program at home may prove useful as a source of reference for women with GDM.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Extrapulmonary manifestations may be useful clues for diagnosis.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This study showed that metabolic syndrome was present in almost one third of study population.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Body mass indices calculated on the basis of stated weights and heights of Playboy centrefolds reveal the majority to be technically undernourished, which is clearly not so on inspection of the centrefolds.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Elevated weight and obesity may cause these children significant additional health burdens.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Widening disparities were identified over time with key areas of concern including disproportionate, progressive increases in the burden of chronic conditions among women from rural and low-income communities and those with deliveries funded by Medicaid.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The addition of HT to RT significantly increases the pain control rate and extends response duration compared with RT alone for painful bony metastases.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
In patients with diabetic retinopathy, we confirmed the increase of hemoglobin oxygen saturation as in the arterial as in the venous blood in retinal vessels; and significant decrease of arterio-venous difference according to the severity of diabetic involvement was confirmed as well.Key words: automatic retinal oxymetry, diabetic retinopathy, oxygen saturation, Oxymap.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This study reveals that a large proportion of patients dose bolus insulin PostP.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
WtH ratio (a measure of central fatness) was not associated to HDLc, but to MRP8/14, suggestive of central fatness as an additional driving factor for the chronic inflammation in JIA.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Percutaneous CA is safe and well tolerated for non-resected elderly BC patients.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The association of high PCT and CRP was no more predictive of mortality than high CRP.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
We did not find strong evidence for concordance between the few associations highlighted by previous GWAs of breast cancer survival and this study.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
KEY POINTS Middle age, low education, and low income were associated with nonattainment of goals for diabetes care, especially for lifestyle goals.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Worse QOL was correlated with poorer values for FEF 25-75%.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The DFS of patients staged pT3-4 pN1-3 cM0 was also improved.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Measuring blood lipids may aid in counseling individual women about initiating MHT and cardiovascular risk mitigation.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Moreover, the benefit varies according to the adiponectin basal level and adiponectin variation after supplementation.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The likelihood of malignancy for a NML on screening breast US was greater than 2%.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Aggressive treatment of lipid abnormalities in these patients may be warranted.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Only a quarter of children with stroke had recorded lipid testing.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
At minimum this study reinforces the need for higher level, structured interventions to tackle the growing public health burden of obesity in the UK and internationally.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
These data suggest that patients with psoriasis are more susceptible to vascular diseases.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Deaf women are not at increased risk of the majority of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
A minority modified their diving practices to mitigate the risk of their condition and approximately half sought specialist diving medical advice.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
A brief telephone-based intervention with a focused message delivered by a registered dietitian is a feasible approach for encouraging targeted dietary changes, such as an increase in soy intake among peri- and postmenopausal women.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
LAGB was associated with poor short and long-term weight loss outcomes and a high failure rate.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Visual attention is an interference factor in terms of the safe performance of driving after a stroke.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Timing of colostrum collection is critical in determining colostral fatty acid and metabolite concentrations.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Use of anthracycline-containing chemotherapy regimens in eligible patients appears to vary with use of the RS assay, despite the lack of evidence supporting use of the assay to guide regimen selection.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Effects increased for individuals with more advanced cancer stages.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The malnutrition diagnosis of patients submitted to abdominal surgeries is associated to greater risk of post-operational complications and longer hospitalization permanence.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
A possible effect of pubertal tempo on density needs further investigation.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
This repeated measures nested case-control study identified increased inflammatory markers in IA children who developed T1D compared to IA children who had not progressed to clinical disease.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Increasing the adherence to healthy lifestyle behaviors might strengthen and balance body constitution, which could improve supportive care in breast cancer survivors.
This is a causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
A history of a previous DFI episode did not predict a greater likelihood of any antibiotic-resistant isolate in subsequent episodes.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
These findings emphasize the importance of the patient-provider relationship during a clinic visit and help inform how nurses may be incorporated into subsequent screening mammography interventions tailored to Latinas.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Critically ill patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage show a strong association between hyperchloremia and acute kidney injury as well as acute kidney injury and mortality.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
NAFLD patients were older and had a later onset of IBD disease.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Individuals were unsure of the benefits and risks associated with dietary supplementation.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
It is important to make efforts to watch the growth of the children during their first 3 years of age, to focus on improving the diet of women at fertile age and pay special attention to environmental conditions to break the vicious cycle of malnutrition.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
However, serum folate levels were decreased in postadolescent acne patients.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
" Participation in a daily physical activity program not only reduces adiposity but also improves childrens cognitive function as demonstrated by an inhibitory control task.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Healthcare professional and family support are key elements to empowering women with GDM and require further consideration in future interventions.
This no relationship.
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
ACCHSs may need assistance to achieve desirable levels of testing.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
IMPACT: These findings, coupled with evidence that statin use is associated with reduced recurrence risk, suggest that lipid levels should be explored as a modifiable risk factor for prostate cancer recurrence.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
We revealed sex dependent differences in the distribution of tested loci which are associated with BMI in the population of Poles.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Emotional eating could be a future target for screening and potentially intervening in those with T1DM, as part of a wider treatment package to improve glycaemic control.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The socioeconomic status was associated with the psychological outcome.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
" PU incidence is related to severity of the patients condition and predicted by Braden Scale score.
This is a conditionally causative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Future prospective studies should include direct measures of aspirin compliance, gestational age at initiation, and explore the influence of race and ethnicity on the efficacy of this primary prevention.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
For geriatrics, oncology, gastroenterology, and internal medicine, this ratio was even greater (1 out of 3–4).
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Most research has yielded mixed results regarding the efficacy of contracts in improving health outcomes.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Further prospective studies are necessary to explore the biological mechanisms underlying these sex-specific findings.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
Thus, the clinical impact of the findings is most likely limited.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
We think that nutritional interventions can be inexpensive, safe, easy to administer and generally acceptable to patients with postadolescent acne.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.
The high proportion of variation explained by hospital factors suggests potential opportunities for improvement, and identifying specific complication categories may provide focus areas.
This is a directly correlative relationship
Question: Is this describing a (1) directly correlative relationship, (2) conditionally causative relationship, (3) causative relationship, or (0) no relationship.