[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thanks, Josh.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. So for fixed video, the growth drivers really have fundamentally been through the first part of this year, North America. We talked about North America go-to-market coverage that's paid big dividends. I would also tell you, internationally, every theater grew. We've done a really nice job in growing international key accounts. That's also a growth driver. And when we start to think about from a technology standpoint, it's really been driven by a strength and analytics refresh, camera refreshes. And I'd have to hit it again. But the government vertical as well as education continue to be a benefit, not only Avigilon, but also the Pelco acquisition, which have helped us in the federal government's leave as well.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. We were talking at a high level, George is here, and he was involved day-to-day. I mean, I think it's as much a testament to the relationship, the acknowledgment that it's a partnership up there as anything. And look, in terms of giving away the farm, nothing could be further from the truth. It's very consistent with what you'd see in any sort of renewal. But George, is there any color you'd like to add to that?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Operator?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> I think we're going to continue to have some excess liquidity through the remainder of this year, Matt. It's probably a good outlook.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> It's been interesting to see in a number of these other markets that have gone to constraints and restrictions and then come off of them, how quickly the bounce back has happened. Again, when you look at some of the Mountain regions that have moved in and then back out, again, you get a return to what we were experiencing kind of in that September, October in relatively short order.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> I think the test well, we seem to -- at this stage, at least, we think that it will be -- test well will be this year and then it takes, as I've said, six to eight weeks and after the test well is completed, then we will be doing a lot of stimulation and looking at how that subsurface is reacting to it. The main purpose is to really also not just to decide, look at the location and decide how much carbon it can store each well, because if this well can hold about 2 million ton a year or it can hold only a 1 million ton a year. So that will be give us bit color on that, how much we can really bring the carbon from different -- several other different locations or other ethanol facilities, which we have non-binding agreement. So that will determine actually how much storage we have and then we can decide in the same area that, do we need to dig another well, that will be also carbon sequestration well, it will not be a test well or something. So those are the really reason we want to make sure the test well is, can define the area and confirm what seismic testing and other area is saying that, how much ton it can hold. So I think by next year, by this -- June, we will have a pretty good idea where exactly we stand with this location.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. So average price is about $90. And of course, we're having discussion with managed care. But as the volume has gone down significantly and we see the testing not where it was, say, back in December, those discussions continue to happen, but I think we have a very strong rationale based upon the CMS price and guidance.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> So on your -- the first part of your question on the broadband growth, are you talking about new construction growth?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah. So most of it is just inflation on the car itself. There has been a little bit related to the service contract to rollout so far. And as we look forward, I think we're looking maybe at another $400 to $500 overall ASP increase as we look at the entire portfolio having service contract at the higher rates. We could expect another -- maybe another month of term and another $500 of ASP, specifically related to the rollout of the new service contracts.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Sure. Janet, would you address both questions, please?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. I don't have anything to comment on necessarily the cadence, but I think the transaction that they announced, certainly removes the headwind that would have been in our way, and so glad to see that happen.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Sure. Hi, Eric. It's Sean. So let's talk a little bit about our cash projection in 2021. When we look at those projections, we necessarily look at them very conservatively. I think that's appropriate when we're managing our liquidity to make sure that we have sufficient liquidity. When we think of 2021, it's going to be an interesting year. The first half from a conservative point of view, again, at the first half, we're expecting cash burn to be somewhat similar to the cash burn that we've seen in the months of January and February. Q3 will be a transition quarter. And then Q4, our expectations as things start to return more to normalized levels, and so in Q4, we expect to be cash flow breakeven, just slightly cash flow positive. Q3, that transition period is probably somewhere around $50 million, let's say, a month cash burn during that Q3 period. If you -- when it added up all those quarterly numbers, you would see that based on that expectation, the conservative expectations, we have more than sufficient cash on hand right now to be able to cover that and advance that. What that translates -- to answer your question specifically, what that translates to from a box-office point of view is a box office that is significantly below 2011 levels, somewhere around --[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> In terms of tech, it is our largest vertical. So when we look at all of our verticals, it is our largest. We don't give percentages, but it's our largest single vertical. And when I think about the change in existing or hiring in the quarter, then that hiring was actually up about 7%. So just quarter-over-quarter, we saw a 7% increase in the tech vertical, just given the strength there. Our average size of client, I think we're right around 21, so it's still relatively small. You asked about a distributed workforce and does that change our pricing? We currently do not distinguish pricing based on the level of distribution of our workforce at this point in time. And then on retention, I think that was your last question. And then I'll make sure I was responsive. But on retention, we are seeing people now focusing on the back-end of the house. They were during the period of deep COVID really not focusing on back office and trying to make sure they could keep their businesses surviving, but we are seeing a little more retention, but just really back to historical levels. I wouldn't say it's elevated.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hi, Michael, so why don't I have Jeff go ahead and answer your question on how we think about footprint for coverage of broadband, and then, I'll come back and touch on your point of view on the wholesale piece.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> We published that our July revenue grew 2.4%, compared to June. Basically, we are optimistic for second half of this year. Our memory business comes from two segments: one is more like commodity and the other one is niche. Even the commodity memory could fluctuate. We see more stable and growing demand from the niche memory like low density DRAM, NOR and NAND. Our customers are also shrinking their wafer technology to increase the chip quantity. So we are expanding capacity to meet customers' demand.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> I think it will be more active. I think the variable, Stephen, as you know, if the vaccine is much slower coming out, those kind of things that could slow the process because the sales, you know, the length of the sales cycle, whether you recruiting people or moving business is lengthened in a COVID environment, so that would weight for the negative side. But I think on the positive side, our reputation is really strong in the markets that we're trying to grow in. And the vulnerability is really high at many of the large bank competitors with whom we compete, lots of turnover going on in several of those organizations. And to your point, the hiring was actually really strong in the fourth quarter. And my expectation is that if it's one way or another, it ought to be stronger in 2021 than in 2020.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hey, Michael.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hi, good morning everyone and congrats on the quarter.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hi, everyone. Thanks for taking my questions. Congrats on the quarter. Wanted to dig into the chip supply situation a bit more. I know you gave a bunch of color already. But in terms of the component availability catching up to demand, seems like we're going to get a meaningful improvement in Q1. Is it fair to say that the bottleneck from chips might be limited by Q1 or is it maybe Q2 or perhaps the back half of '22? Thanks.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah, Matthew. So it is a worldwide market now, which gives some great opportunity for optimization. This is basically why we focus so much on logistics access because it gives us optionality, and at Geismar, because we have logistics that gives us water access. At any given time, were evaluating shipments to California, Norway, British Columbia. So, those are really our three biggest markets, but we do ship to others as well now, and if you stand back and look at it largely, over the last couple of years, we ship about a third to each of those three markets in terms of total volume but we do watch market signals very carefully. And as the market signal switch, which they will do, we can switch where were actually routing our feedstocks or our products rather.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Sure.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Great. Good afternoon. Thanks very much. I guess I just wanted to confirm sort of your underlying assumptions for the demand picture. It sounds like I know you've obviously highlighted a handful of one-time headwinds heading into the first quarter. But it sounds like to overcome them, you expect actually the underlying demand picture to get a bit better for patients, but I realize maybe marginally. So could you just comment on that and how you're thinking about that relative to the pandemic over the next sort of two quarters before you think there's a significant pickup in the second half?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. So Adam, I wouldn't tie too much back to that incentive target. I mean, we work with our comp committee, and we provide them information, and they come up with what they think is a reasonable target. So like we said, we don't have a clear picture on the second half of the year. And if we did, we'd be providing guidance for the rest of the year. So it's probably all I can say about it.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Appreciate it. Ryan, as I said, we regularly speak with our developers, and we have ongoing dialogue and discussion with our developers to ensure that we remain part of the dialogue through the process. Of course, when those projects operationalize, that takes a significant amount of work on our team's side as well. And so there's constant communication to ensure that we're pacing alongside one another. Our counterparties have track records of being on time and on budget. This, combined with the long lead time of the contracts themselves, give us the confidence that these projects continue to path.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah. Thank you, Doug. We'll miss you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thank you, Koji.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thanks, A.J.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hello, Steven.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thank you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Sure. This is Tim. Primarily, it's the revenue expectation from higher retention of our current enrollments.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thank you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hi, everyone. I just have one question. Historically, you guys have included debt repayments at your equity investment in your capex. And as we look to 2022 and try to think about and calculate free cash flow generation, with the Ruby pipeline debt coming due in first half of next year, how should we be thinking about that?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Well, certainly for us, we wish we were already there, because I've always pointed out that if we were, it would better reflect our customer spend and that's a key element of that. And so I think we're making good progress. We're starting to see that really increases a percentage of total. And although we're wanting growth in the Asset-Based business as we just discussed, we feel like with our size relative to the opportunity on the Asset-Light business, we have a lot more to go there. And again it's really relative to customer opportunity. One of the things that is really working for us now is we have relatively new leadership in our customer management area. I think we announced Dennis Anderson and Steven Leonard as leaders last April. And what I love about what they're doing is it's much more focused on the customer segments and they use data and analytics in their decision making and in the information that we use to really try to target those opportunities both within existing customers and new customers. And I think that with that visibility, we're able to really deepen the relationships with many customers and identify ones that we would do well with. And especially in this environment, we're really seeing the combination of our solutions and the flexibility of that play well with the issues that our customers are facing in supply chain, either optimization or just disruptive effects that they're experiencing. So, we hope to make accelerated progress on that in the next few years. But again a great problem to have would be that the Asset-Based business is growing in a way that really challenges that, so anyway, but I hope that helps.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. I mean, that's a good question. And I think there's post pandemic and pre pandemic. And then there's just kind of the normal cycle that our business goes through in general. And so as we look at kind of the bid environment, normally, contractors tend to pick up work late Q4, Q1. As they start to put work on their books, we see the competitive landscape, I'm being very general, start to back off a little bit in the summer months, while our contractors are busy building work. I think the pandemic may have shifted things a little bit. As I mentioned before, that lettings were delayed in some markets. So that kind of moved things around for contractors in order to put backlog on their books. But in general, I think we're seeing the market a little more competitive than it's been in the past. I think as there was a little bit of a slowing in lettings of the contractors went through some backlog. And I think they're looking to put more on their books. So I think -- I'm being very broad brush across a big organization. But in general, we're seeing a little bit more bid activity than we were probably pre pandemic.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thank you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> You bet.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> It's -- Joe, I think what's really happened is there has been an openness in general to understand the dynamics. I think that a fear that many of us had was that there might have been unilateral action, if you go back a year or so, and it doesn't feel like there's going to be that now. It's going to be multilateral, it's going to be thoughtful, and we're all in favor of free trade and nobody wants IP or other factors to be compromised. So I do feel like there's a constructive dialogue around that and it's not just the semiconductor guys, it's also the equipment companies, and we feel really good about where that conversation is.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hi, Sharon and team. Thanks for taking the question and congrats on a good quarter progress. Wanted to ask you, first of all, Mark, quick question regarding kind of the survey work that you've done. In terms of the importance of lack of weight gain and extrapyramidal side effects etc., being more important for BPD I and II versus, say, schizophrenia in terms of prescriber decision making, I guess, I'm wondering, are you specifically asking those questions of current prescribers or of prescribers that have not yet prescribed CAPLYTA? And what is the awareness of CAPLYTA for -- in terms of its profile for those not-current prescribers?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Okay. I'd like to end by reiterating the five points that I made at the beginning. First, we have good commercial performance. Our two commercial products are now gaining market share and consistently hitting the revenue projections. Second, we are leveraging our products via ex U.S. partnerships, and that will enhance our balance sheet. Third, we have two clearly differentiated Phase III ready products in development, a strong pipeline behind them. Fourth, we have a well-functioning manufacturing operation in Athlone, Ireland. Fifth, we're in a good financial position and have adequate resources to execute our business plan. We want to thank all of you for joining the call today.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Well, there -- it's tough to keep it analog, because there's not many deposits in that size and grade to look at in the world. It's also a deep-seated deposit, like many new deposits are deep seated. Of course, over the last 100 years as a mining industry [Inaudible] a lot of the deposits closer to surface, and we go deeper and deeper down. So that changes and complicate obviously, situations for all the deposits. So it's kind of a bit difficult to just to compare one with the other because there are so different situations of the geology of the ground conditions, the size, etc. So I think I really would look at each separate. I don't have all the details on the tailored deposit for sure. We're looking at it to kind of pair a bit later on size and grade. If you look at sizes of this kind of deposits, and I don't want to jump ahead here for Martin, but I'm pretty sure that $500 million will not do to develop any of these kind of deposits, right? That's far north of that, but we don't have a number yet to share with you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thanks, Adam.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hey, good morning, Brian. Thank you for the question. We have multiple interested parties and our next step will be really to initiate a formal process, where we'll select who we believe would be the ideal partner. We currently are not building infrastructure for launching in Europe and we feel confident with the interest that we've receive that we intend to have a partner in place in time for the launch.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thank you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah. I think your terminology of not getting too out of hand is probably a good way to summarize it, Matt. Competition hasn't really changed that much. It's still very competitive. But we are not seeing -- I would not say we're seeing irrational competition, either. I read the same things you've been reading about there's people hopeful, or maybe have seen some rate increases. I can say AMERISAFE is not seeing that. I do think it's very state-focused. I think it depends on the hazard groups that you're underwriting, if you're seeing more elasticity or less elasticity. But for AMERISAFE, it's still the same level of competition we've been experiencing for over a year.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hey, how are you?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> In terms of the first one, capital allocation priorities.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah, the buyer pool has gotten bigger. Private equity continues to -- "Private equity", if you will, continues to raise a lot of capital, continues to explore both individual assets and the portfolios have been floating around. We haven't seen anything -- I mean, of course, we look at everything that's marketed but most of our -- substantially all of our transaction volume this year will be off market and not portfolio based transactions, but there is a premium out there for the portfolios, we've seen traded at least based on the quoted cap rates. Those -- the ones that have the $300 million to $500 million portfolios that have floated around. I think we're hearing five in the quarter kind of cap rates, 5.5 on some of those on assets that are probably high fives to six if bought on an individual basis. So a lot of capital chasing the assets. As we said, we're -- we expect to dispose of opportunistically a few of our assets that just don't fit our strategic portfolio going forward. But they are tracking a nice high price.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> So what -- what I would say is that the digital transformation has been happening and is -- over time here, Chris. And so, you know, the -- the ability to make a move like this happen because of technology that was put in place. It's going to continue to happen. So the -- the -- the enabler here was how we communicate with each other inside the company and how work gets done. You know, we're beginning to make some inroads and investments.A few of the investments we're making are around the digital interface with customers as well and that's, you know, be -- beyond a website, but some -- some other elements so I would say it's going to continue. But certainly, it's been an enabler to make this happen.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah. $32 million.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hey, guys. Thanks for taking my questions, and appreciate all the detail in the shareholder letter. I wanted to ask, first, starting on NRR. Can you maybe walk us through a few of the puts and takes? I guess, a, does that capture churn to the extent that there are 6-figure customers who, in the span of a year, do churn off, either completely offer downgrade to the point that they're no longer in the $100,000 bucket? Mark, I believe you had said you plan on disclosing this metric for all customers, not just $100,000 customers in the future. I just wanted to make sure I understood that correctly. And maybe wanted to understand, if we look at the historical trend in that, I mean we've seen this -- the NRR metric for even the six-figure customers decline about 20 points in the span of six, seven quarters. So maybe walk us through that, and then I've got a follow-up.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> And Micheal, I would just add on the deepwater on the well project. That pipe and a lot of the engineering thats gone into that and a lot of the specialty fabrication is already in this years capital budget. So a lot of the materials and pipe has already been paid for or is included in this years budget. So theyll pile it on to the next couple of years debt.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. So it's a combination of all the things that Jordan laid out in the opening remarks that are driving the overall improvement. So yes, there's some collections. Improvement in parking, tenant recoveries, all those play into the office numbers, offset by -- partly by slightly lower occupancy. And then on the multifamily side, you've got improvement in occupancy versus last year as well as rent improvements and some collection improvement.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Great, thanks for the question. And maybe just on Evernorth in the guidance, if I look at this $5.6 billion of operating profit expectations, it doesn't seem like it bakes in too much underlying growth if I'm thinking about this, right. So I just wanted to talk through some of the pieces, if you account for the -- the expected benefits from the Anthem overhead costs rolling off some of the incremental deal synergies, the Prime scripts, just want to make sure I'm thinking about the underlying business there correctly and what you guys are assuming the kind of organic underlying growth could be in this business for '21?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> I'll take that. So you know just for background, we've worked with Syniverse for a long time so they've been a partner of ours for many years. And so there hasn't been -- we didn't need to like make a material change to our business, as a part, where really that I feel is about cementing our relationship. But as you pointed out, we haven't closed the partnership yet, that's still pending. And so a lot of that work still is forthcoming as we close that partnership that we previously announced.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Hi good morning.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> No, I will not get into that level of detail, Seth.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. The good news there is that they already have a dual-pronged approach. When you look at, obviously, the e-commerce integration into waterfalls that are some of the logos that we had up on the slide, both in the physical and the e-comm side, sorry, that ends up being something that we can continue to build off of. So it's not an either/or. Those capabilities are actually already generating significant amounts of revenue and the goal is to continue to increase. And so I think the other two factors that you'll see, we'll -- we're going to continue to do further integrations from waterfall perspective, partnering with the types of partners that you mentioned. And then in addition to that, we are on target with our own browser and marketplace technology, which enables us to take a very large multi, multimillion universe of customers and provide them with a seamless experience to be able to do LTO online. So the good news is the foundation is not only already there, it's in use, and now we're looking to accelerate upon it.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thanks, Will.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thanks, Maggie, this is Rohit. So, A, we were definitely surprised with our ability to acquire new customers in a pretty challenging environment, all of which was pretty much a virtual environment. But the 45 new logos that we acquired in 2020 are actually nicely spread both between Operations Management and Analytics. Also, they are very nicely spread across industry verticals and across business lines. So for us, this represents a ground-up activity and demand that's taking place and our ability to offer the right kind of products and solutions to our customers and be able to bring them on as new clients. I think the exciting part is that some of these clients are real marquee names and we are really, really proud of having won these accounts in this kind of an environment.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> You bet.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes, Ross, I can take that. I think it's a question of definition as well. I mean we already, like YouTube, pay a lot out to the creative industry more broadly as opposed to specific individual creators. So for instance, we pay to -- on the music licensing front, we do a fair amount of that. There's significant payments we make there above and beyond what we're talking about with the $1 billion commitment to creators that Mark outlined. This is obviously something that is part of the cost structure, but it's something that we've long had in our outlook. So I don't think it's a meaningful change in the business model or outlook, but it is something that we're committed to helping people continue to build vibrant communities and businesses on our platform just like we have with advertising. So France, you can go ahead and go to the next question, please. Thank you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Brady, I would just point you to the long-term goals of what -- our [Indecipherable] of what we've said we'll keep CET1 at on the September 1st call of 10 or greater. And if we do what we say we're going to do, I said at the outset of this call that it will require loan growth to be successful and we need this capital to execute our strategic plan and we're not interested in the short-term returns of a buyback because we'll have greater returns by achieving the plan in which we'll need the capital.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Okay. Again, we lost you again, but [Technical Issue] bulk of your question. Mariano, do you want to answer this?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Stan, we're really pleased with where our net dollar retention rate came out for the quarter. It's the first quarter where the net retention rate has gone up quarter over quarter. That being said, as I stated in my prepared remarks, we expect that to trend up moderately as we go through the year. And that includes the fact that there's potentially a headwind in Q3 as we bring on Brandfolder, which will be lapping its first year of about 1 to 2 points. So we expect that to grow through the year.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thanks, Felix.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Probably more like the range that we got in San Diego because Sacramento is just the weakest of all five markets that we're in or seven markets that we're in. So we have nothing left there, and as we turn to the primary markets in terms of sales, you're certainly going to get what you got here in San Diego.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Do we break it out by segment?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes, thank you. Good evening. I guess the first question is just digging into what was different from your expectations going in the quarter again. And if I could ask the question maybe a little differently, we had talked about some supply constraints coming into the quarter. Was the nature of this beat just that you were able to get more supply out the door this quarter than you had expected? And otherwise, when you guided back in September, that perhaps more of this would have been pushed into the March quarter? Was it that either content or demand from your customers turned out to be better?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thanks. Hello everyone. Thanks for taking the question. You just touched on a couple of these, but Rick, just on that topic of labor and the inter-related impact on SNF occupancy, you provided some useful commentary in your prepared remarks. We did see that one of your SNF REIT peers talked about some portfolio facilities and operators having self-imposed admission bans if they cannot stab at clinically appropriate levels. So I wanted to hear just a little bit more on your characterization of your collective operator partners around that, if that's possible. And also, if we'd just break down labor between RN versus LPN, any comments on severity of labor shortage when breaking it down that way? Thanks.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Well, first of all, yes, we're -- I think as Pete mentioned, I said approaching and Pete indicated that there's still room, and there is. We're kind of at that 80% level in our mills and a high watermark would be closer to the mid-80s or so. Historically, the average is 80% to low 80s. And of course, with all the stimulus spending, not just here, but in other markets where we provide services to steel mills, we think there's opportunity beyond that because of the stimulus spending beyond the historical highs even. So -- and of course, a lot of capacity has been taken out in mills that we don't serve. So that should lead to higher utilization of the mills that we do.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> I'll let John take that one. That's, those issues are the ones that literally drove his entire design philosophy.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> No, I was going to say, yes, for us, it's just -- we've always been a little bit different, right? We typically have more liquidity than most. But yes, right now, where we're at is is really way up there. And yes, not something that we would expect to have longer term, and I think something in the mid- to high single digits, it's where we'd be.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. Of course, I don't -- I won't get into the detail of anything specific for -- related to Enphase. Generally speaking, and we spoke about this in the past, the markets in Europe and Australia have become much more -- a -- Chinese on one hand and premium on the other hand, being SolarEdge. So it's a different competitive environment in -- than in the U.S. because there are so many -- there's a very broad offering of low-cost and decent-quality Chinese products. And that's the dynamic of competition in these markets, and it's very different in that regards to the U.S. And we have developed some experience and specific offering for those markets that is -- that reflects that different competitive environment, especially taking to -- into account that there's no rapid shutdown requirements in these markets, so you really are -- or have to be either cost competitive or be able to justify the cost difference compared to the Chinese alternatives that are out there. So it's a very different landscape. And that requires a special type of approach that we've adopted over the years.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thank you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes, PJ. Good question. So the advanced nodes obviously are critical for us. I would say the bulk of our portfolio is positioned to be able to help our customers solve for solutions at the advanced nodes, whether that's kind of below -- 20-nanometer and below, the 14, 7, 5 and now even 3. When I talk about market share, obviously, each fab and each customer is different, and I want to stay away from customer-specific comments. But in general, our portfolio is weighted more toward the advanced nodes and probably a little bit more on the logic side versus the memory side, although we definitely participate broadly across both segments of the market. On the pricing question, so we typically -- the electronics segment in general, we'd be about minus 1% a year based on the cost down and performance expectations of our customers. And where we really are able to capture price is on the next-generation products, and they tend to be fairly fast-cycle launches of new technology. So we typically get price on new technology. And then that technology pricing will erode over time, constantly replaced with the next generation of products where we get price. So in general, we see price kind of in the down half a percent to maybe one and a half percent. This year, pricing is relatively flat. So we're actually holding price pretty well in this environment. And I think as Lori alluded to earlier, we'll continue to see positive price -- kind of flat to positive price for the rest of the year.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah. So the single -- I would say the largest grower there is within Telos ID, followed by information assurance, which is primarily our Xacta solutions capability.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Alex, we bought back about 243,000 shares. And our current plans based on how things are in the market and so forth are to continue repurchasing shares. We have about $84 million left under our current authority. Book values up to 53 bucks a share. It's up 12 bucks in the last 12 months so we feel good about that.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes, we've been in close contact for the last several months with the local approval process. And I think that would be the first hurdle that you're going to see, and it's somewhere between right around 12 months from now, I think you'll see some major aspects around that. So yes, we're really excited and we're moving in the right direction. Thank you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah, I don't. Don. This is Joe. I think surprise billing and kind of all the dynamics around that. I think we're actually in a very, very strong position, just given the level of visibility we have on billing points in general to be a partner of choice as you look at ED physician companies that are not yet working with us and so that's the way I think about it. I think we've demonstrated that expertise on many, many dimensions. So that's kind of the thought process along those lines.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. So in terms of the, I'll say, the general headwinds, as we talk about the second quarter, two buckets. In general, first and second quarter, we talked about the input costs, inflationary costs really, for us, the bulk of that is coming out of higher freight costs that we're seeing, inbound and outbound as well as increased commodity costs. I mentioned in the first quarter that's running about 250 to 300 basis points across each one of our segments. And in the second quarter, that's continuing, actually even a little bit of a higher rate on a year-over-year basis, so definitely a big headwind for us. On top of that, when you look at things sequentially, I mentioned in my prepared comments that there's about a $0.42 impact on EPS. Some of that really coming out of the higher stock compensation, about half of that coming out of the higher stock compensation sequentially. So net-net, we expect that our flow-through in the second quarter, year-over-year, second quarter will be better than the first quarter, but not -- I've talked about in the past, our targets flow through ranges being, say, in the mid-30s, I wouldn't expect it to be that high.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Well, there's definitely impact from the exchange rebates as I mentioned, but again, most of that is passed through to the customers in the form of reduced commissions. So you will see it come out of the expense line, but also the revenue line. One of the things we've been able to do over time or certainly over the last year is improve our software to -- our routing software to optimize the routing of orders to maximize the rebate that we can then pass through to our customers. And we're constantly looking at improving all of those systems in that regard. So -- but to the bottom line, it might have a small impact, but because we're passing them through our customers, biggest impact is a better deal for the customer.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Its says in our original guidance, David. sales have doubled, and fiscal year '22 or fiscal year '21, in that same assumption, is in the guidance -- the revised guidance that we've gave today.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> To some extent, it's the leverage, but not the current leverage. It's the anticipation of future M&A and our ability to flex the leverage, I would say.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes. When we think about that partner channel that I was talking about earlier is a go-to-market channel for us, we think broadly across the set of partners that we have today as well as new partners that we want to nurture and grow. Starting with cloud providers, we obviously have a strategic partnership with AWS. But increasingly, our customers run in many clouds and want to see New Relic available and partner with the other major cloud providers as well. We see MSPs as an existing partner channel as well. That works for us today, and we increasingly want to invest in to nurture more business going forward. And we did some business through other reseller channels and ISVs through technology partnerships. We have a team looking at that as well. And so when I think about partners, it's a third leg of the stool that I expect will continue to contribute to New Relic's growth in the quarters ahead.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah. I mean, that's a little bit of the secret sauce. But I do think that we really kind of look at what it is and then try and be not too exacting on what it can be, but have a decent idea of that when you go in. And we -- the No. 1 focus is cutting cost. And once you do that, we tend to find that it opens up a lot of opportunities that maybe you weren't even sure existed because you'd lowered that cost structure in the field. So we -- that's kind of how we approach it.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Well, I think you like to do what you do and then in terms of the infrastructure efficiencies if you can -- if you can find things that fit. So frozen is fine, but whether it'd be frozen whether it'd be seasonings, whether it'd be meal solutions or baking, it has to be a brand that fits the M&A formula that we've had over the years. I think the difference -- one of the differences we have and one of the advantages we have is that we're willing to take on brands that are in the other owner -- and the owners portfolio you know flat or maybe even declining a little bit, if we see the prospect for growth, which we do in Crisco. I mean there is holes in distribution in Crisco that are pretty significant. So it -- that gives us an advantage in terms of not having to compete with a lot of large cap companies that really are not going to take on a for them smallish brand that isn't in the growth profile and we think we have an advantage over the private equity guys and all that, because we have -- we have the established infrastructure and kind of layer things on cost effectively. So, but it's all about the brand, it's all about the product and you know, they're having the right financial profile to fit into what we do, but we like seasonings we like -- we like meal solutions, we like baking and with the right brand, we like frozen. We have infrastructure in all of those.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> No. Those are -- Michael, it's Tom. No, those are almost all -- those are exclusively nongovernment. So the government contracts are always, by definition, kind of 12 months in duration, OK? Even if it's funded for multiyears, the part here that's irrevocable, nonrefundable is only 12 months at a time. So the cancelable deals tend to be where we do three- or four- or five-year transactions with a large private sector corporation where if it's not going well after the first year, they have the right to cancel. And so you can be certain that we have every incentive, make sure that customer is highly satisfied at the end of the first year. So there's almost no public checks or anything.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Okay. Thank you.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Anyone would be.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): UP
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Sam, I credit the merchants that we hired together that we all reported.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> So I think if you go back to our prepared remarks, we expect revenue to remain strong and fall within the range. And while GP operating -- now the GP operating margin and EPS will be pressured primarily due to some of the inventory adjustments that we have taken this year, we're happy to be past that. But because of that and some other pressures related to some wage increases and things like that, that we noted, we will -- we're saying now that GP operating margin and EPS will fall at the lower end of the guidance range that we provided in the first quarter. So we are maintaining our guidance and giving color related to revenue, GP, operating margins and EPS.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yeah, sure. We feel great about the position that we're in, good cash generation in the first quarter. I mentioned in my prepared remarks, a little bit of accounts receivable growth driven this given the strong March, which of course will generate cash in the second quarter as we collect those receivables, 103% conversion in the first quarter, well on track to do the 108% for the full year. So we feel that we've got continued good strong free cash flow generation, gives us the capacity to buy back shares and of course, as you heard us lay out in our earnings, looks to me at our Investor Day back in December $30 billion of capital to deploy over the next five years. We did a meaningful buyback in the first quarter and we see the opportunity to do that for the balance of the year.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Okay...[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Yes, I do expect that that's going to occur. First off, the normalization happening and what we're seeing right now from a customer payment perspective, we do feel confident and when you think about normalization, the way that I look at it in the Rent-A-Center business is, I'm not expecting that we're going to go back to pre-pandemic numbers. And the reason that I can feel confident about that is because now we have centralized decisioning that's available inside of all of our stores. In addition to that, as a byproduct of the pandemic, customer communication tactics and the initiatives that we employed there and then the ramping up of digital payments. So when you put those things together, that's what makes me confident in the go-forward of 3%, around 3% being the range for RAC.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thanks a lot and congrats on the strong results. My question is around the Sealy and Sherwood businesses. First of all, the pressures that you're seeing there from a commodity standpoint, are they primarily confined to those businesses relative to Tempur-Pedic? Secondly, are the sales that you left on the table, the $80 million to $100 million, primarily in those areas and do you expect to capture them pretty much entirely in the second quarter?[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): DOWN
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Thank you, gentlemen. Good afternoon.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Sure. I'll take a stab at that. Well, it was a good quarter. Right? $2.75 per gallon EBITDA. And if you look versus first quarter of '20, soybean oil price is up 1.6 times, but the D4 RIN price is up 2.6 times. So the D4 RIN has done a lot of lifting, and that's provided margin. So we're looking -- I think if you look over history, we've had a pretty good stress test the last three years. We've had a wide variation in RIN prices, wide variation in feedstock prices, wide variation ULSD prices, yet our margin has only varied from 2.17 a gallon EBITDA in 2018 to 2.37 a gallon EBITDA in 2020. And now, last -- first quarter of '20, first quarter of '21, about the same and is 2.70 EBITDA range. So again, a pretty good stress test. So we feel pretty comfortable about those kind of margins going forward for the foreseeable future.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME
[INST] <<SYS>>You are a financial analyst, determining what effect an earnings call will have on the company's stock price, based on a summary of one. Be as critical and skeptical as possible, and remember that the market may disproportionally react to small unexpected details. Respond with one of: UP, DOWN, SAME<</SYS>> Exactly.[/INST] Prediction (one of UP, DOWN, SAME): SAME exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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