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If evolution were true (it clearly is not), what would observable evidence look like? | Evolution is happening right now, maybe to you. Do you have wisdom teeth? Did you have to have them removed because there was no room for them in your jaw? Congratulations, you are experiencing evolution!
More and more people are being born who will never have to go through those extractions, because as humans who no longer need to gnaw on mastodon legs, the most advanced among us have gotten the evolutionary memo and do not develop unnecessary molars!
Simple, right? Even YOU can see it!
If you were 80 and you had the option to become 30 again, would you do it? | No, I would not want to go through that again.
Is it a good idea to start my cybersecurity career with a PhD in cryptography? I'm 23, and I am finishing my major in Computer Science. My goal is to become a complete cybersecurity expert. | A Ph.D will not help you with this. Being a cybersecurity expert requires you to understand what secure/insecure means at various levels in a software system from the hardware-level all the way up to a distributed system. Network security is different than application code security and is different than hardware-level security. You also need to understand technical security versus human factors in security engineering.
Now explain to me how 8 years of academia is going to prepare you for that? Honestly, you come to me in the financial industry with a Ph.D in Computer Security and no industry experience, I am still going to consider you entry-level. I know people with such backgrounds. I actually work with a couple. Guess what? They talk a great game and understand security theory but know fuck-all when it comes to implementing actual security in a software system that isn’t going to be a dog’s breakfast and takes into account real-world things you just can’t blithely waive away as “minor details”. You don’t get to walk into a room acting all high-and-mighty due to your degree and tell the people that write code to “figure this out”.
A lot of experience in real-world systems goes a lot further in cybersecurity than a Ph.D. Trust me, this is an area where you have to “walk the walk” and be able to explain HOW to secure things, not just explain WHY. When you can explain to me how a network vulnerability can result in a bytecode injection that bypasses the classloader in the JVM and result in an arbitrary remote code execution exploit that can work in reverse through same-said network vulnerability, you’ll be on a good path toward that eventual expertise you seek.
By the way, no one is a complete expert on anything. We’re all specialists. You will be an expert in certain aspects of computer security, not a complete expert. A lot of that specialization will depend on what you understand and what you are exposed to.
A Ph.D in cryptography will not prepare you for the world of cybersecurity as a whole. It makes you a theoretical math expert, not a cybersecurity expert. You’d be better off with a bachelor’s or Master’s degree and several years of industry experience to start the process of learning to become an expert.
If there are big cats, why are there no big dogs? | The big cats ate the dogs …
Does the experiment that showed thoughts affecting water molecules prove that the law of attraction exists? | The “experiment” is utter nonsense.
What program do photographers use to edit photos? | You should take a look at this review from our Shotkit team as it will run you through Luminar Neo which is an easy to use program that has some incredible AI enhancements. I have been using it for quite awhile and Im astounded by just what it can do.
How can I download magazines for free on the Internet? | Dgg
Is there something about Palestinian culture that makes them unable to let go of the past in order to achieve peace? | Yes there is. It’s called ISLAM.
Do all entrepreneurs need an outside investor? | No. Actually, most do not require “outside” investment.
Why does Modi celebrate Deepavali every year with the Indian Army, even though India is a secular country, and he does not celebrate other religious festivals? | Why does someone force him to celebrate muslim festival, is it necessary ?
No, it is not because he is a hindu he will celebrate festivals which belongs to hindu religion, but at the same time he does not have any problem with the muslim or anybody celebrate muslim festivals. He is a secular, he will remain be a secular.
What happens when you boil milk? | It gets too hot to drink
Why is everyone leaving Florida and Texas and moving to California and New York? | I am a realtor in Florida and have sold a lot of properties to New Yorkers and some Californians…especially lately and since covid. The New Yorkers tell me they do not feel safe there and will not ride the subway anymore or go out at night. One also complained that if someone broke into his house with a weapon and he shot or killed them that he could go to jail!
In Florida we have a hold your ground law which states you can defend yourself with lethal force if someone enters your home with the possibility of causing you or your loved ones harm. In California I guess people can park their vehicles in front of your house and sleep anytime they want and place PODS in the their backyard for others to live in…even if it is in an HOA? For these privileges they get to pay a hefty State Income tax as well! Florida does not allow such nonsense and BTW we don’t have a State Income tax..
Why would a narcissist block you on Facebook then unblock you then block you again? | I should ask you a question why are you checking to see if you’re blocked and unblocked? Obsessive behavior isn’t good in any relationship. The behavior of going quiet on somebody is called stonewalling and it’s a form of abuse I certainly wouldn’t want to be an abusive relationship would you?
What would happen if we could use 100% of our brain? | Looking for [LINKED_TEXT: best mind games] [URL:] ? Transitioning from pen and paper to brain workout apps has been controversial, primarily due to the involvement of a screen. However, when played in moderation, these games can boost brain power, prevent brain aging, and improve several aspects of mental functioning for a healthy brain. Brain booster games are highly likely to upgrade your logistic skills, increasing mental agility every day. They’re designed scientifically to supplement various human brain regions and control adverse emotions such as anxiety. You’re sure to notice the effects of improved cognitive skills in everyday life!
Why does Modi celebrate Deepavali every year with the Indian Army, even though India is a secular country, and he does not celebrate other religious festivals? | One thing, I clearly don’t understand is why would one really need to celebrate a particular occasion to show that he/she is secular? Really does not speak of any sense, if you ask me. However, if that is your particular criterion to see that whether a person is really secure, you should see the answer from [LINKED_TEXT: Dr. Balaji Viswanathan (பாலாஜி விஸ்வநாதன்)] [URL:], where he has clearly shown PM Modi, celebrating with the Muslims on Ramzan. So that pretty much kills the question, isn’t it?
However, if I am allowed to take a deeper look, I would say that you can’t really bring PM Modi down on this front. He has always maintained this very well. To be honest, leaving Pakistan aside, India has maintained considerably very good relations with India through out. This has only been taken to a newer level under PM Modi. Be it Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Iran or the Middle East. Take a look at the below link, to know more -
[LINKED_TEXT: Why Modi is no longer ignoring the Muslim world] [URL:]
Also, it must be observed that when he visits any foreign country, might it for pure diplomatic reasons, he truly gets mixed in the culture, where he goes. He gets imbibed in it, to be honest. The case, when he visits any Muslim country is also not that much different. Otherwise, how would you be explaining the pictures below?
The above images are from the PM Modi’s Turkmenistan visit, where he offered prayers, like it is done there. How can you dub the above man, non-secular?
It is true that PM Modi has declared himself to be a proud Hindu, but that does not mean he does not have equal respect for the other faiths as well. Had that been the case, I am you would not have been able to see the images below -
Yes, he is the Prime Minister. He has a lot of answers to give to everybody, but please not this one. And since you have asked why is it not being asked to others as well?
For example, one of the more popular Muslim leaders of our country is [LINKED_TEXT: Asaduddin Owaisi] [URL:].
Time and again, he has found himself in controversy. But nobody can deny his popularity. So if you are asking this question to PM Modi, why not you ask the same question to him as well, only on the reverse side? But again, as I have maintained previously, you can’t judge the secularity of a person just like that.
I seriously don’t find what problems have people got with PM Modi celebrating Diwali, the way he does.
Isn’t it only apt for the Prime Minister to be among the jawans on the auspicious occasion. He has always been there with them on this particular occasion every year and I would say that this is a great stance by him. No doubt the morale of all our soldiers there, guarding the front, do get boosted on seeing the man in front of them. ‘The Supreme Leader of the Nation to spend the Diwali with you’, this can only help them, this can only make them feel that they are not alone, the whole nation is with them. After all it is because of our jawans, we are what we are. Salute to you Sir, PM Modi for doing this! Proud of you, for spending the Diwali, the way you do. Jai Hind!
When do you think Stray Kids’ next world tour is? | MANIAC WORLD TOUR still is ongoing and they will update the song list. As of now, MAXIDENT album is included + CIRCUS EP.
My family wants to put my cat down. She started being sick a couple of weeks ago by throwing up and peeing everywhere. I don’t want to put her down. Will the veterinarian let me put my cat down even if she is not sick? | Yes, even if your cat is only a year old and healthy, most vets will put her down on request without judgement.
The reason is because they prefer one deals with the situation properly rather than dump the animal somewhere.
In the event that your cat is sick, and your parents are not at all interested in learning about what is wrong or providing the option of helping her, the vet will most likely do what has been asked of the owner.
Your parents do have the option of finding out what is wrong first, by blood test, or even a wild educated guess from your vet as to what the problem could be, and how much money they’re possibly looking at in regards to their options.
Tell your parents that they DO HAVE THE OPTION of a payment plan, meaning they don’t have to pay the vet bill in one solid hit. Most vets provide the option of weekly/or monthly payments of the bill.
If your cat is walking with her hind quarters slightly dragged, she has renal failure (but, I can only guess that she probably wouldn’t last two weeks on those symptoms if that were the case, it really could be two things). The whizzing could be a hormonal thing (if she’s getting on in years) which is treatable.
Good on you for wanting to help your cat. You clearly care, and are in a bit of a helpless position yourself. If your family are not going to help her, it’s best she be put down bc it’s cruel to keep a cat in that condition without medical help.
If your cat is put down without any investigation re her medical condition, do not allow your parents to purchase another cat (if possible. Just stand against the idea). Tell them that they are not responsible pet owners, and should not consider replacing your pet as if she were a toy. As you are aware, animals are living creatures, just like your parents. It’s not acceptable to have a cat who is clearly ill be left without medical attention for any length of time. 4 days is the absolute max for the symptom of very mild vomiting when they are able to void their bowels. If they are not voiding their bowels or drinking water, its a possible emergency (bowel blockage) and straight to the vet. There’s not such thing as ‘lets give it two weeks’. That’s cruel. I’m pretty sure you can see this, and this whole problem must be very distressing for you.
The relationship between you and your pet is one of love, you give and receive love. Some people own pets, they put them in the back yard all day while they’re at work, they rarely spend time with the animal, they basically just TAKE from the pet without giving. Pets are not toys, they are a huge responsibility that your parents are not ready for. I suffered the same thing when I was young. My parent were not responsible enough with my pets and it breaks my heart to think back to the neglect I witnessed and had no control over. Unfortunately, many people just take without giving, or even considering the emotional, physical, and medical, needs of these live animals. A responsible pet owner MAKES SACRIFICES, does things that they do not want to do (like yesterday I was super busy, I had no time to spare, but I took my dog to the dog park bc he hadn’t been been out of the house for two days due to recent rain. I had to sacrifice for him). It’s a real shame people don’t realise the sacrifices they will need to make for their pet that involves the sacrifice of money, your time, and those last few bits of your steak you really wanted ; ) So when a person who is not a responsible pet own wants to put an animal to sleep, the job gets done.
You consider your cat to be a family member, and your parents are teaching you how to treat family. This is the lesson they are giving you for the day when they are in a nursing home and need you to make such sacrifices for them.
I’m sorry your cat isn’t well. I’m sorry your parent’s behaviour may cause a rift in your relationship. Try not to judge them, You can see what they can’t see. It’s possible your parents just don’t know any better, nor do they understand that there are options such as a payment plan for her treatment. Unfortunately there’s not much you can do. It’s basically a situation of have her put to sleep, or keep her sick in a neglected painful state.
If I were you, I would start saving now, just in case your parents do get another pet because when something like this happens, you are going to need to be able to be the responsible pet owner. I don’t know your age, but that’s what I did. I spent $700 on my dog one night as her intestines had twisted. Once that initial payment was made, my parents paid the remainder. If you’re anywhere near the age of 18, get a credit card so there’s an answer that’s ready when the time comes (don’t touch that card! It’s animal only emergency card!), and believe me, if your parents get another pet, the time will come.
If your cat is very old, maybe it’s her time and it’s not worth investing in huge medical costs for an animal who isn’t going to last much longer at any effort due to age. Putting her down may be the right thing to do. Leaving her in a state of illness without any medical attention while this is being discussed for two weeks, isn’t cool.
All the best of luck. I really hope she’ll be ok. Please give her a pat for me.
Is LPU good for taking admission in the CSE branch? | LPU is one of India's best private university; it has been ranked 2nd highest position among all the Indian universities in its debut year itself by the World in Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2021; LPU has achieved a great milestone by becoming one of the three Indian universities to secure a place in the Top 200 in the World in Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2021. its very huge achievement for the LPU family that the university has been ranked ahead of universities like IIT (Indore, Rourkela, Guwahati, Gandhinagar), NIT (Silchar, Tiruchirapalli), Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Manipal Academy of Higher Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST) and VIT University.
And definitely, it is good for CSE. Well, LPU is best for engineering as they have so many achievements in their bag. LPU students have bagged so many good placements. They have uncountable achievements and innovations, and my friends are also pursuing engineering from Lovely Professional University. A few things which I have seen and observed is that.
LPU faculties are highly qualified many from IITs, IIITs, NITs, etc. And most of them are Ph.D. The curriculum is built keeping in mind the current technology trends. LPU offers different specializations, namely IOT, Data Science, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Full Stack Web Development, Big Data, and many more. Moreover, they give you the option to choose your pathway elective and whether you want a corporate Job or Research or Government Job.
LPU has even Tie-up with Upgrad as LPU is very much focused on industry-based training so that students get prepared for industry-ready from day 1. students are getting Specialization Certification By Upgrad in ML-AI and upgrad alumni status.
Besides all this, placement is the top priority of LPU. The preparation for placements starts from the first year itself. Many top recruiters visit the LPU campus to employ graduates, such as Amazon, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Capgemini, Bosch, TCS, and several other firms.
More than twelve Center of Excellence is established by reputable companies like Automation Anyware, Texas Instruments, CISCO, SAP, Cadence, etc. The highest Package, Availed by Engineering Student Miss Tanya Arora, bagged 42 LPA ( batch 2020) by Microsoft.
Students are placed in AMAZON at a package of 28 LPA. Rs. 24 LPA for B.Tech/M.Tech by Optmyzr. Rs. 80,000 per month as the highest internship stipend by LPU Student (Summer Internship with Microsoft). LPU is ranked among the Top 100 universities by NIRF Ranking 2020. More than 650 companies visit LPU every year for recruitment with an average of 4-10 LPA package. Every year visiting companies increases in the number and till date, University has recorded the highest placements in North India.
so that’s all from my side; I hope this helps.
After the defeat at the Battle of Midway, why didn't the IJN remove Nagumo from command? | I am guessing that Nagumo had a lot of political power at the time, removing him would probably cause a political uproar, its like trying to run the oil companies out of buisness
What is the difference between "perfume", "eau de toilette" and "cologne"? | Jaimin you have received quiet a few good answers to your question from co-quorians. Below are the concentration rules we follow for our fragrances.
These terms refer to the strength of the fragrance, or more specifically, to how much high-grade alcohol and/or water has been added to the fragrance oils. Perfume (generally the most concentrated form you can buy) has 18-25% perfume oil dissolved in alcohol. Any mixture with a lower proportion of oil to alcohol is an eau (water).
Eau de Cologne – usually 3% or less perfume oil
Eau Fraiche – 3 -5% perfume oil
Eau de Toilette – 6-12% perfume oil
Eau de Parfums – 13-18% perfume oil
Perfume or Extrait – 18-25% perfume oil
Why is there no cashew butter when there is peanut butter? | Cashew butter most certainly exists and is sold in almost every store that sells peanut butter.
Would you rather make out with a vampire or make out with a mermaid? | Mermaid, I dont want to get any vampirism.
Who are some of the big hearted citizens of India? | Alot of people just know him as an underrated actor but he has some big heart for his country and his people.
Vivek Oberoi has never been a brand name of Film industry but he has been known for his philanthropic work & culture and been ideal because of this.
What made us proud is Vivek's company Karrm Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. has donated 25 flats to the families of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) martyrs in Thane, Maharashtra.
The flats are located in a residential real estate project owned by the actor in Thane, Maharashtra.
We does feel proud with moment like these.
IF John Bonham never died in 1980, Led Zeppelin stayed together, The Beatles never broke up, and none of them died, do you think that the Music industry would be different today? Who do you think would be bigger? | That's a tricky question. I don't think that it the music industry really changed. The Beatles did a lot of sort kinds of music, Zeppelin was in basic a hardrock band with steps to blues and folk. Important question is, how they manage both the new times and could they do their own thing without being out of time. My feeling is that The Beatles not really changing their vision of making songs. McCartney for the lighter things, Lennon doing maybe a bit more experimental and Harrison melancholy kind of stuff. I guess that could be good for years. Zep could be more a sort of A.O.R band in the 80's, but changed their vision in a more old school sound in the 90's and futher. My feeling is that The Beatles stay big. Simply also for the legacy. But it's only a thought.
Should we be kind to people? | You don't need to be
How do you calculate | There is a well-known formula for summing the first n natural numbers, which is:
sum = n*(n+1)/2
Using this formula, we can calculate the sum of the first 10 natural numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10) as follows:
sum = 10*(10+1)/2 sum = 10*11/2 sum = 55
Therefore, the sum of the first 10 natural numbers is 55. This is a quick and easy way to calculate the sum of a series of consecutive numbers, without having to add them up one by one.
How do I view saved videos from Facebook? | Facebook Group is a good place to advertise your products and service, it is great for engaging and taking good care of your customers, that help increase return customers. For people that wish to learn how to make a successful Facebook group which may help market your business then you should check this infographic:
How do homosexuals decide who is the alpha; coin toss? | Yeah they'll probably talk then play with change later
What is the difference between "perfume", "eau de toilette" and "cologne"? | Perfume, also known as parfum, is the most concentrated and long-lasting type of fragrance, with a concentration of 15% to 40% [LINKED_TEXT: French perfume] [URL:] oil. This means that a small amount of perfume can last for hours and even days. La French Perfume is an example of a brand that produces high-quality perfumes.
Eau de toilette, on the other hand, is less concentrated than perfume, with a concentration of 5% to 15% perfume oil. It has a lighter, fresher scent and is intended for everyday use. Eau de toilette typically lasts for a few hours and needs to be reapplied throughout the day. Brands like Dior and Chanel are known for their eau de toilette formulations.
Cologne, or eau de cologne, is the least concentrated type of fragrance, with a concentration of 2% to 5% perfume oil. It has a lighter, more refreshing scent than eau de toilette and is usually used as a body splash or aftershave. La French Perfume also produces colognes with unique scents.
In summary, the main differences between perfume, eau de toilette, and cologne lie in their concentration levels, longevity, and intended use. While perfume is the most concentrated and long-lasting, eau de toilette is lighter and fresher, and cologne is the least concentrated and most refreshing. Choosing the right type of fragrance depends on your personal preference, occasion, and budget.
Who would win, Itachi Uchiha vs Tobirama Senju? | This would be a very interesting fight, however tobirama entire fighting style is tailored against the uchiha. He’s immune to normal genjutsu to an extent and has created most of the jutsu we see today. He can cast yin or yang genjutsu compared to itachi only casting yin genjutsu. His chakra reserves are a lot higher than itachis and he possesses jutsu like the flying raijin, shadow clone, and very powerful water techniques.
He was on par with madaras brother , who according to itachi was madaras sparring partner growing up. His intelligence is supreme and he’s very adaptable, and analytical. He grew up fighting countless battles against the uchiha and Can easily fight to counter genjutsu. He even created a specific genjutsu to counter the sharingan ( the darkness genjutsu edo tobirama used against hiruzen. )
Itachi also has supreme intelligence, excellent taijutsu, decent ninjutsu and average chakra reserves, and a mangyekou sharingan. He is very analytical and depends a lot on his eyes to tip the scale in battle. He quickly fatigues himself while using the mangyekou. He is fast enough to swap hands with Kcm naruto ( although naruto wanted to talk to him and not just defeat him).
Tobirama will be careful to not get caught in genjutsu, however Amaterasu would kill him if he was caught. It’s not clear if he can seal jutsu like minato. Itachi is faster than tobirama but tobi makes up for it with teleportation. His striking speed is on par with minato. If itachi is marked the only way to protect himself is susanoo. Tobirama is too fast to be caught by susanoo attack so he could wait till itachi exhausts himself or uses too much chakra. Tobirama can cast the darkness genjutsu to render the sharingan useless in any other situation. With itachi main card revoked he’ll have to switch up his tactic and it would give tobirama the advantage with the speed of the ftg technique. Not to mention shadow clones for multiple attack patterns. So in conclusion tobirama would win this because of his resistance to genjutsu , higher chakra reserves and speed and experience over itachi.
Why does everyone hate Captain Marvel for squeezing that guy’s hand? He was rude to her. | OQ:
Why does everyone hate Captain Marvel for squeezing that guy’s hand? He was rude to her.
Let’s play a game.
Reverse the sexes, is the scene still okay with you?
If not, you can probably now see the problem.
If it is still okay with you, then you don’t understand a few things, so let’s start with something that we who study self-defense call “The Use of Force Continuum” It’s a fancy way of saying that you don’t use more force than is required to end a hostile situation.
So, exactly how much force was required to end that situation?
If you said anything other than, “no force was required”, you’re just plain wrong. You don’t get to deploy force first.
So even assuming that Carol assumed that every person on Earth was as powerful as she is, the starting assumption that you are on a level playing field until otherwise demonstrated, we can see that she was over reacting with the crushing of the hand. It was an assault. Period.
Now let’s go a step further, the closest real world equivalent I can give you here is this:
David Horne holds the world record (I believe, at the time of this writing, last I have available is a 2010 competition) for strongest grip, at over 119 kg. Now imagine Mr. Horne deciding to crush a 4 year old’s hand and then steal their bike.
That’s the best real world equivalent. Do you now understand why it was wrong?
Of course two points need to be made to be fair.
Carol, at this point in the movie is two very specific things:
Not (yet) Captain MarvelA Bad guy.
So while the scene was Carol being evil, well, at this point in the film, she is evil. So yeah that kinda works and it is a great scene, and I feel shouldn’t have been cut, if you understand that, and take into account that at this point in the film she hasn’t yet become the hero she will.
Should we boot Turkey out of NATO for playing silly games regarding the acceptance of Sweden as a NATO member? If Turkey is more interested in fooling around in such serious matters, it cannot be a reliable NATO partner. | Turkey should have been booted out long time ago. They are nuisance to NATO and this had become so clear with Erdogan.
Why does not time travel backwards? | Watch interstellar for yr answer.
How do airports ensure that luggage of one passenger is not picked by another at the baggage claim area? | It really depends on the airport. Different airports have different ways of doing it.
Hong Kong airport is the airport I used the most and basically they do not have any precaution on this. It is really down to the self-discipline of the travelers. Plus, if someone is taking the luggage that doesn’t belong to them, there are hundreds of CCTV camera recording at different angles so there is a good chance of identifying who that person is.
I have also been to some other airports, say the Jakarta airport, which takes a stricter approach against this. The airlines dedicated airport staff to tally the luggage with tag that sticks on your boarding pass.
The different approaches are simply responding to the local situation and in some airports, travellers are more behaved than some other airports.
Having said all these, the general advice is you should always keep the valuable items with you and not to put them in your check-in bags. The baggage reclaim is just one of the spots where someone could have taken your belongings. The baggage also passes through certain areas of the airport where CCTV coverage is very limited, and anything could happen.
[LINKED_TEXT: Hidden cameras reveal airport workers stealing from luggage - CNN] [URL:]
What is the function of an SAP FICO consultant? | SAP FICO consultant is mainly responsible for designing and deploying SAP ERP solutions.
Here are some of the functions of an SAP FICO consultant.
Need to meet the clients to understand the requirementHelp clients in choosing the suitable SAP FICO moduleWork on Implementing the moduleSupport clients on handling the moduleNeeds to incorporate SAP technology in clients business moduleDesign and configure SAP FICO modulesNeeds to constantly test the modulesNeed to work on product costing aspectHas to learn the updates in the technology and have complete knowledge about SAP solutions
There are a lot of other functions of FICO consultant apart from the above.
[LINKED_TEXT: Learn more about SAP FICO here] [URL:]
Why does the hand phaser in the Star Trek reboot switch from red to blue? | Why does the hand phaser in the Star Trek reboot switch from red to blue?
The hand phasers used in the Kelvin Timeline can switch between blue and red beams, depending on whether you have it set to STUN or KILL. You actually see the emitter module (set to STUN in the image below, the red tipped end is for KILL) spin 180 degrees whenever they change the setting.
Will the megacomet heading towards Earth hit Earth? | You know, “headed towards Earth" in this case means around the orbit of Saturn.
Yeah, when we're talking about something that may have come from up to a light year away, that's pretty much heading towards Earth.
When we're talking about something hitting the Earth though, that's not even vaguely close.
As a doctor, what is the most stunning lack of understanding of their own body you've seen a patient have? | This is the opposite.
I had my son, natural birth.
Social worker referred to herself as a nurse and stated she was there for my ‘check up’.
I proceeded to show her my ‘bits’ and commented that it seemed like my urethra or something was hanging out, and pointed to the back. I was slightly in shock post birthing and mislabelled my own genitalia because they looked different.
She treated me like a moron and refused to look at the mislabelled prolapsed cervix..
I haven't shown another human being to this day and just suffer, because that nurse had to use the opportunity to laugh and dismiss me.
The reason - she was only there to do an impromptu, sick and illegal check up from child services…
They always lie and say they're doctors or nurses, then use whatever you say against you.
I never had a post baby check up because of this woman, I was too embarrassed after that.
What do you think about President Biden's revocation of the Keystone XL Pipeline permit? | Biden is a total moron. If he had a brain he’d be more dangerous than he already is. I hope the idiots who voted for him wise up by 2024.
Which online booking system should I use on my travel agency website to sell packages and tours? | depends on your need…. are you selling your own product? or are you looking to earn commissions from selling tours?
Have you ever found out your kid wasn’t yours by getting a paternity test? If so, what did you do and did you stay in the child’s life? | Happened to a close friend’s parents.
The mother engaged in an affair with the family's driver and subsequently became pregnant. Deceptively, she claimed to the father that the child was his own, despite him harboring suspicions for some time. However, the truth eventually came to light, and he discovered that the little boy was not his biological son.
What did he do?
The father decided to confront the situation head-on. He patiently waited for the opportune moment when the driver came to the house and engaged in a conversation with the mother, while the father was not present. But unbeknownst to them, the father was secretly observing their interaction.
In a tragic turn of events, the father made an irreversible and devastating choice. He entered the room, asked his other children (two boys and one girl) to wait outside, and closed the door behind them. In a moment of extreme emotional turmoil, he took out a gun and, overwhelmed by his emotions, made an unfathomable decision – he shot the baby, the mother, and the driver, and ultimately took his own life.
This heart-wrenching incident was the result of the mother's grievous mistake, which the father decided to act upon. Regrettably, this dreadful act left three innocent children orphaned, shattered the family, separated siblings, and tragically claimed the life of a defenseless baby, who had no connection to the issues at hand.
My friend who witnessed this harrowing event firsthand was left traumatized, suffering from panic attacks, depression, and social anxiety. The impact was so profound that it shattered any desire he had to create a family of his own.
Situations like this are moments that define the hardest thing in life, which is figuring out what you are willing to give up in order to be and do the things you really care about and matter in life.
If Martian soil is toxic, can't be terraformed, and there is no way to retain an atmosphere, why is Elon Musk so determined to plant a colony there? | You mean the man who shot a Tesla into the sun?
There’s a sucker born every minute?
Human kind will be in space for a long time to come and Elon IS furthering that in his way.
He’s not going to be making any Martian colonies in this lifetime.
What are the qualities of a successful leader? | A good leader possesses a variety of qualities and skills that enable them to effectively guide and motivate their team. Here are some of the most important traits of a good leader:
Visionary: A good leader has a clear vision of the future and inspires their team to work towards a common goal.Communicative: A good leader communicates effectively with their team, providing clear instructions and feedback, as well as actively listening to their ideas and concerns.Empathetic: A good leader understands and empathizes with their team members, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses, and providing support and guidance where necessary.Decisive: A good leader is able to make difficult decisions quickly and confidently, based on sound judgment and thorough analysis.Authentic: A good leader is genuine, honest, and transparent in their actions and words, which helps build trust and respect with their team.Adaptable: A good leader is able to adapt to changing circumstances and challenges, and is willing to try new approaches to achieve their goals.Empowering: A good leader empowers their team members to take ownership of their work, delegate responsibilities, and develop their skills and abilities.Innovative: A good leader encourages creativity and innovation, and is open to new ideas and approaches that can help achieve their vision.
By embodying these qualities, a good leader can create a positive and productive work environment that fosters growth, collaboration, and success.
Why is SRK the biggest superstar in India? | yes
How can I download magazines for free on the Internet? | Free books can be found on the wonderful Project Gutenberg website ([LINKED_TEXT:] [URL:]). They provide a sizable selection of public domain and classic works of literature. Books are available for free download in a number of formats, including Kindle and ePub.
Why do cats abandon their owners? | What do you mean by abandon? Did cat sleek out if the house? Is cat spayed nor neutered? Does cat have enough food in the house? Does cat have enough attention from her caretakers? More information needed.
The justice department has told the state of Missouri that they can’t void federal gun laws. What would the justice department seek to do if the state went ahead with their plans anyways? Have many states pushed back against the federal government? | Yes, States have pushed back. Generally the Federal government would withhold funds to force compliance.
Aren’t you upset seeing a tattoo all over Jungkook’s arm? | sum people like to have tattoos while sum dont. we all have different perspectives in life and jk chose to have meaningful tattoos on his body. it was his own personal choice, so i think that it shouldn’t really be part of anyone’s business. let the man enjoy ink :D
Is false surrendering a war crime? Has this tactic ever been used in war? | Yes!Contrary the popular opinion waving of a white flag isn't a sign of surrender, but a request to negotiate. Until the negotiation has indicated an intent to surrender it is to be treated as such. Now should a combatant abuse the white flag they will have forfeited their right for protection under it....
What are the various parameters that effect the permeability of soil in the field? | Parameters like grain size, viscosity , void ratio, water content ,denseness of soil etc effect the permability of soil
Why are we allowed to say that a polynomial | Because there is an isomorphism from any [math]n[/math]-dimensional [math]F[/math] vector space to the [math]F^n[/math].
Polynomials of max degree 2, are a 3-dim. vector space and that is a vector in [math]F^3[/math]
So that is totally valid.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "Going by track record, I’d feel safer in a bathroom with a trans woman than a powerful male executive any day of the week." What do you think about this? | I think she’s right, one is a homosexual with no interest in women, the other is someone who, if interested in women, is also used to getting their way.
Is becoming a doctor financially worth it? | Yes if you want to help people and eliminate pain in your life.
I love what I do because I am helping people prolong, or sometimes even save, their lives. I am providing this community with a source of help they otherwise would not get. You do not often see urgent care centers in the inner city. I work with my staff to make an impact almost daily. I get excited when I see patients react to our facilities. From the outside, it looks like a bank; once [patients are] inside, they see a medical center hopping with activity, and most importantly, they see people getting the help they need and desire for their community.
Where can one find the best biryani in bangalore? | Biryani crafts.These guys will give proper authentic Hyderabadi biryani try once
Which smartphone is best for middle class people? | Oneplus nord
Why am I always rejected by the men I am interested in? | I am a man, just not competitively and I will tell you why I reject most of the time. I think this will actually mean something because I am homeless.
I reject because I watch a lot of porn. I am 40, no kids. No money.
I reject because I have no money. No car. Can't take you someplace anywhere.
I would like to. Because I can talk to you.
I don't have ANY gold.
That's not me rejecting you. I know stuff other than rejection, projection, protection.
How am I going to take care of myself? This is not a question I can answer easily.
I don't know how people value looks or how frequently. Especially women.
There are no shows on how to bed a new woman every night. I do things besides watch tv and it's not much. I can't understand why those with money have so much and I recently realized you all spend a lot of time waiting and participating in meetings.
Building ribs. It's weird.
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