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Can Logia users be hurt by intangible attacks? After reading chapter 757 I wondered the following: Rayleigh explained that objects like your body or other weapons could be imbued with Haki, but what about waves, beams or slashes? After reading the fight between Sabo and admiral Fujitori, it made me wonder if admiral Fujitora would be able to actually hurt Sabo with his power instead of just toying him around. I first thought something similar after seeing Law fight Smoker in Punk Hazard. Law didn't hurt smoker at all, while he sliced up every other person and every object nearby. He had to subdue him by taking his heart and he did so by actually touching him and not by using a long-ranged attack. At first I thought it was because Smoker could block or evade all his slashes, but now I start to think it was because Logia users can't be hit with intangible attacks. <Q> Technically the answer is yes, as any Logia can be hit by any sort of attack if they're in their flesh form, either because they were caught off guard and didn't reflexively transform, or if they wanted to take the hit (for example to shield someone else), or when they are wearing sea stone handcuffs. <S> I think the answer to the question of whether intangible attacks can hit logia users in general though is no. <S> I think the first method suffices for a basic intangible attack, as from what we have seen it is not possible to use haki on an intangible attack. <S> Sword beams are different, as they look intangible, but other than with Law, who uses his devil fruit, what swordsmen such as Zoro and Mihawk do is swing their sword fast enough to send the air in front of the sword flying at you at very high speeds, and they can transfer haki to the air itself, as when Zoro sliced Monet. <S> However, proper intangible energy based attack, such as Enel's Lightning, Kizaru's light and possibly Fujitora's gravity have never been shown to have haki infused in them, and Rayleigh's explanation didn't mention this as a possibility. <S> Also, there are relatively few intangible attacks in One Piece as a whole, some which seem to be such as Ace's hiken are in fact Ace turning his fist into fire, making the fire huge and hitting you with it, so this attack could easily contain haki. <S> Ace's move where he fires fire through his fingers like a gun however, probably could not contain haki. <S> I don't think it is possible, unless you were to hit them when they are in their flesh form, or with their eleme metal weakness, as the only thing that can normally hit a logia's true body when they are transformed is busoshoku haki. <A> The fight between Monet, Zoro and Tashigi where Monet was going to bite off Tashigi shoulder Zoro cut Monet face using slash/wave, bloods flows so definitely its a hit <S> and it is a slash/wave because Zoro was far from Monet and walking toward her to blow final attack. <S> Episode 613 17:23-17:35. <S> Here is the YouTube video clip <A> Logia users can be hit with intangible attacks. <S> Users of Busoshoku Haki can strike Logia users as if they were human. <S> When Haki is applied to a Logia user while they are intangible, rather than nullifying the powers completely; it turns the user back to their physical form. <S> I have listed 2 other ways to damage Logia users too: <S> Logia users suffer the same weakness to the sea and Kairoseki as with other Devil Fruit users, forcing them back into their original form and sealing their powers. <S> By using a weapon that is coated or tipped with Kairoseki. <S> An example of this is the Nanashaku Jitte that Smoker uses as his primary weapon. <S> It can be used to nullify Devil Fruit powers simply by contact. <S> Another way to harm a Logia is to exploit the element itself, using its properties to solidify the user and rendering them vulnerable to damage. <S> For example, Enel, being made of electricity, is vulnerable to Luffy's rubber body despite his honed reflexes, since rubber is an insulator. <S> Another example is Crocodile, who, being made of sand, can be struck if his body is dampened (either by getting him wet or striking with wet limbs), since sand sticks together if wet.
| Yes, the Logia user can be hurt by intangible attack. Logia users have two ways of evading attacks in general, they can become their element, such as when Crocodlie is hit by bullets and simply becomes sand where the bullets hit and then reforms, or by changing their shape they can avoid the attack, such as when Aokiji opened up a hole in his own chest when Whitebeard stabbed him with a haki infused bisento.
Is Yun male or female? In Only Sense Online, the main character is male, but in game people keep mistaking him for being female. Did the game actually turn him into a female character, or did he just get his features made more feminine? This was the explanation from the LN, but it doesn't actually state whether or not the avatar was skewed towards being feminine or it was actually a female body: When you don’t modify your body after your figure is captured by camera, an automatic body correction is applied. Mainly it works in the direction of adding femininity. <Q> The game automatically added a body correction. <S> It's near the beginning of Chapter 1 if you want to find it. <A> In Volume 2, the prologue states that the machine identified Syun as a female. <S> Unless there was a translation error in the previous volume, this is the first time there is definitive evidence that Syun's avatar Yun is female in the game. <S> This occurs when Yun goes an NPC and gets referred to as a female. <S> He then explains how it happened. <A> In Krytyk's translation of volume 8, in chapter 3 there's this: <S> I said and walked towards the men's bath entrance marked with blue curtain. <S> 『"——Entering prohibited. <S> You do not have authority to enter." <S> 』 <S> "Wha?!!" <S> " <S> Hey hey, Missy. <S> That's men's bath. <S> The one beside it is for women." <S> Mikadzuchi pointed at the red curtain marking women's bath... <S> As if I'd enter women's bathh!! <S> Heck! <S> Why the hell can't I enter men's?! <S> I'm a man!
| The game changed him into a female character because he didn't modify his body when setting it up.
What is this anime song? (Cross post from /r/AnimeOST , where I didn't get any answer) I have a song in mind recently, I'm pretty sure it comes from a well known anime that is less than 10 years old, but I can't remember which one. Do you know what it is? I made a quick music sheet here so that you can see a bit what it sounds like in my head, I unfortunately can't remember any more. There are supposed to be Japanese lyrics on the music. <Q> The melody seems to be playing the chorus of the song. <A> The first one that this tune brings to mind is the Attack on Titan opening song - "Guren no Yumiya" by Linked Horizon, which of course is very recent . <S> It doesn't match the tune exactly, but it's a chance it could be because of memory. <S> Here's an acoustic cover version of the song <S> The tune seems really familiar to me, so I'm hesitant about this answer, perhaps some more details like style/genre of music would help. <A> The melody really reminds me of main theme from Mahou Shoujo Tai Arusu. <S> Especially this part : <S> It has slow tempo, but it doesn't have any lyrics. <S> But I might be mistaking it because you used similar instruments in your music sheet.
| This melody seems to be " Aizome " by Mamiko Noto, the ending theme of Jigoku Shoujo .
Can Kakashi use the jutsu he copied without the Sharingan? I'm not talking about Sharingan specific moves like Amaterasu, but the ones he had copied with the Sharingan like Water Dragon Jutsu. With the sharingan he has copied and can use over a thousand moves. Lets say he no longer has it (removed), does he retain the skills he had copied? Does it depend on Sharingan or the skill of the user? <Q> It's a good question you there. <S> The Sharingan is a tool which he uses it to learn other ninja's ninjutsu the fast way and his brain memorises the ninjutsu so that he can cast it instantly whenever he needs it. <S> Hope I have answered your question. <A> Indeed a good question. <S> Yes, but there is a limit. <S> Based on the wiki : The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception. <S> This allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. <S> Now, if a Sharingan user has this incredible clarity of perception , he can easily copy hand seals. <S> The result is that he can copy that jutsu and store that in his memory for other use. <S> On the other hand, since it is a copied jutsu , it doesn't mean that he master that jutsu. <S> As a result, Kakashi requires more chakra to perform that jutsu thus giving him a limitation to use them frequently. <S> In addition, he can't fully utilize/copy if a jutsu requires Kekkei genkai (not just hand seals). <A> I agree with Bryan Se To above. <S> In terms of copying, I see the Sharingan as a camera. <S> It takes crystal clear images of the jutsu being perform from hand seals to chakra. <S> Kakashi remembers these images and can perform the same jutsu providing he have the same type of chakra and able to perform the hand seals. <S> He probably have images of jutsu he can't perform like bloodline limits, but still have knowledge of it. <S> With the sharingan like a camera, so long as he have the mental images in his brain he can perform the jutsu even if the sharingan is destroy/removed. <S> Kind of like taking photos of your girlfriend. <S> Doesn't matter if she destroy the camera, you still have the photos. <A> Yes he can. <S> His sharingan enables him to see the hand seals movement of the enemy, where then he do the same seals, thus copying the jutsu. <S> However, during Naruto's training of Rasen Shuriken, he told Naruto that he can copy the Rasengan but only up to the level where the Rasengan is on the palm in its sphere form. <S> He cannot copy beyond that despite the fact that Rasengan is not a Kekkei Genkai jutsu. <S> What this means is that the Sharingan is not the reason he can copy other people's jutsu. <S> Sharingan helped him copying jutsu by seeing the hand seals, but what enabled him to perform the jutsu is that he has the elemental affinity for the jutsu . <S> So far, it has been shown that Kakashi is able to use 4 of the 5 basic elements (fire, water, earth, and lightning). <S> His main affinity is lightning, though. <S> Also, based on the manga where ninjas not from Village of the Hidden Rock used earth jutsu to stop the bijuudama, it seems that up to a certain level, people can use jutsu of elements that they don't have the affinity for. <S> But, considering that Rasengan was said to be an A rank jutsu (or S, not sure) it is possible that people's element affinity itself has its level. <S> Meaning that Kakashi had the affinity for 4 of the 5 basic elements with lightning being the strongest considering his only original jutsu (Raikiri a.k.a Chidori) is of that element. <S> This fits the fact of him being able to use Rasengan, an A rank jutsu, but not being able to use Rasen Shuriken, an S rank jutsu which requires elemental transformation. <A> Well...yep he can use those jutsu which he sees with Hus sharingan.... <S> sharingan notes those hand seals which a ninja performs and Kakashi at the same time remembers them. <S> After remembering them it's easy for him to perform the jutsu in future however more chakra is required for him. <S> ... <S> + we may not forget that he has a affinity for lightning element...which certainly means that other jutsu which he copies.... <S> cannot be performed by their fullest potential.. <S> However with time and experience he can perform those abilities with their required amount of chakra and less burden
| Kakashi uses the Sharingan to copy ninjutsu that he has seen from other ninjas like the Water Dragon Jutsu and to continue using them, he has used his memory and experience to remember the seals to perform them.
How would Annie's going underground prove anything? I'm wondering how Annie's going underground (in episode 23) would prove she wasn't the Female Titan? Also, was her reason for not going there only because she knew it was a trap, or did she have another reason as well? It feels like I have missed something.. <Q> The problem is that Mikasa was with them. <S> Were it only Armin and Eren, Annie might not be that afraid of going underground. <S> Annie knows that in human combat, Mikasa can match her if not best her. <S> The only way for her to defeat Mikasa and take Eren with her is for her not to go underground. <S> Being unable to move will cause not only: her identity as the female titan be exposed be captured by the Scouting Legion failing her mission of capturing Eren alive <S> that's why. <A> Annie's titan transformation was her main weapon. <S> If indeed she was the Female Titan, she wouldn't want to go underground because that would put her at a huge disadvantage (she wouldn't be able to properly transform in such a small space). <A> Warning : possible spoilers from the manga <S> The power of the titans comes from light. <S> So, during the night, they lose their power and become inactive or, at least, less vigorous than during the day. <S> So, Annie may have feared that she would be unable to transform in the dark or to fight well against Mikasa and Eren.
| Going underground will prevent her from transforming, not because of the dark, but because if she transform there, she will be trapped in the tunnel, preventing her from moving.
What anime is this guy from? He has brown hair and is wearing a school uniform i tried different sites, so now I'm here. If anyone could help that would be great. If you could, can you tell me which anime he is from and the name of the character. Thanks <Q> This is for sure the Anime Guilty Crown (ギルティクラウン). <S> There is also a Manga of this Anime. <S> Icyk already answered correct but his answer is low quality. <S> I searched the other things up. <S> Information <S> Type: TV Episodes: 22 Status: Finished Airing <S> Aired: <S> Oct 14, 2011 to Mar 23, 2012 <S> Producers: Production I.G, Aniplex, FUNimation EntertainmentL, Movic, Fuji TV, Fuji Pacific Music Publishing <S> Genres: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Super Power <S> Duration: 24 min. <S> per episode <S> Rating: <S> R - 17+ (violence & profanity) <S> The story takes place in Tokyo in 2039, after the outbreak of the "Apocalypse Virus" during what became known as the "Lost Christmas" of 2029. <S> Since then, Japan has been under the control of the multinational organization called GHQ. <S> Ouma Shu is a 17 year-old boy who mistakenly obtains a rare and great power. <S> He can use this power, "The Right Hand of the King," to extract "voids," or tools/weapons that are the manifestations of peoples' hearts. <S> He has been rather shy since a childhood tragedy, but both his personality and life change forever when he meets a girl named Yuzuriha Inori, a member of the rebel group called "Funeral Parlor," whose members seek the restoration of self-government in Japan via the ousting of GHQ. <S> from MyAnimeList <S> Character <S> The character you see in the picture is Shu Ouma (桜満 集). <S> He is the main character of the Anime. <S> At the beginning you can say he is introverted and just a normal high school student. <S> from ZeroChan <S> One of the main protagonists of Guilty Crown, who's right hand holds a special power called "The Power of the King". <S> This ability allows him to extract weapons from his friends known as a "Void" which is a manifestation of a person's personality. <S> He is an unsociable 17-year-old young man who usually tends to stay out of people's way so as to not cause them any trouble. <S> However, this changes when he meets a girl named Inori Yuzuriha. <S> From that moment on, he must learn how to make friends because of his ability "The Power of King". <S> from MyAnimeList Scene <S> The scene in your picture is in the opening of the Anime. <S> It starts at 1:09 in this YouTube video. <A> If you watch the opening , you can see that the visual style is similar to your picture. <S> Here's another picture of him: <S> I really like this anime :) <A> The character you're looking at is Shu Ouma - the main protagonist from Guilty Crown , and that specific scene is from the opening. <S> Guilty Crown is quite a popular anime, however according to My Anime List , more popular than it is good (as seen by the rankings - Ranked <S> #616, Popularity Ranked #38). <S> The story takes place in Tokyo in 2039, after the outbreak of the "Apocalypse Virus" during what became known as the "Lost Christmas" of 2029. <S> Since then, Japan has been under the control of the multinational organization called GHQ. <S> - Source <S> Though, on the same page detailing more into the character - (Episode 1 spoiler - mouse-hover to view) Ouma Shu is a 17 year-old boy who mistakenly obtains a rare and great power. <S> He can use this power, "The Right Hand of the King," to extract "voids," or tools/weapons that are the manifestations of peoples' hearts. <S> I won't go throwing more information at you - <S> I'd rather recommend watching the first episode - <S> it's the best way for you to see if you like it or not !
| That looks like Shu Ouma , the main character of Guilty Crown ;)
How did Kirito's Illusion actually kill? In Episode 19 - The Lugru Corridor , Kirito and Leafa are blocked from entering Lugru by Salamanders and are forced to fight with them. In the middle of the fight, Yui tells Leafa to use all her magic to heal Kirito from the damage of the incoming barrage of Fire Spells, while Kirito is chanting an Ilusion Spell that Leafa taught him when they entered the corridor. Kirito turns into The Gleam Eyes from Sword Art Online and begins to kill everyone (save one Salamander who Kirito then bribes with the loot he just got, while another fled by diving into the lake, only to die). Leafa explained previously that Spriggan's spells are mostly useless in battle, and by definition Illusions shouldn't damage enemy players or even kill them (unless they are intimidated and back off falling into an abyss of a monster filled lake). If they could do damage, they'd technically be summoning/conjuring. Kirito isn't a hacker who made Leafa, Yui and all the Slamanders think that a giant beast was throwing them about, when really he was just stabbing them. And in Sword Art Online, Kirito didn't have any sort of summoning abilities (at least in the anime). So how did Kirito's Illusion pick up, throw and kill the Salamanders? <Q> Rather than an illusion magic, it seems what Kirito used is a transformation magic instead. <S> The following is based from the 3rd novel. <S> " <S> Well, I somehow remember the battle earlier. <S> I used the magic Yui suggested, and became very big. <S> Since my sword disappeared, I had to use my hands..." <S> "Also with the teeth bite yo~" On Lyfa's shoulder, Yui added with pleasure. <S> Remember that Yui is an AI from Aincrad and that upon arriving at the Alfheim world, Kirito noticed that Alfheim is based on Aincrad, including the skill sets and player data. <S> In the skills window, I saw several skills side by side. <S> These skills included: 1-H Swords, Unarmed Skills, and Parry, the Combat skills, as well as Fishing, a support skill, but the proficiency values were abnormal. <S> More were just about 900, and some had even reached 1,000 and had a tag denoting MASTERY. <S> Later when asking Yui, Yui confirmed that. <S> "It seems this world is based on a copy of the Sword Art Online server." <S> This explains how Kirito can turn into The Gleam Eyes. <S> Since it is a copy of the SAO, some resource file might be still left intact. <S> While it is not normally accessible by the players, with Yui giving assist, it is possible that she hacked the system a bit and granted access to Kirito to transform into The Gleam Eyes. <S> This wasn't explicitly mentioned in the novel, however. <A> Let's not forget that the Salamanders' remain-lights were extinguished as soon as they were formed. <S> This means that Kirito also got the special stats of the monster he became. <S> GLEAM EYES was the first demonic monster the SAO players faced, according to the wiki. <S> In Alfheim this must mean that any damage a demonic monster does cannot be healed by magic and anyone it killed could not be revived, thus they all faced the penalties for dying in Alfheim with no chance of escape through revival. <S> That's pretty terrifying if you ask me. <A> It is a spell called metamorphosis. <S> Here's the description from the wiki. <S> "Once the incantation is completed, the spell turns the caster into a monster. <S> The shape of the monster that the player is transformed into depends randomly on the player's combat skills. <S> However, this spell is not popular, as the end result is usually a weak monster with no change in stats, thus it is usually not viable in actual combat." <S> It is also an illusion spell. <A> From the scene, it seems implied that Yui had worked out a plan with Kirito to turn into the Gleam Eyes monster ("Do it now Daddy!"). <S> It obviously isn't an illusion <S> - he was killing other players with it. <S> Since Yui could not hack the systems as was mentioned earlier, the best we can say is that she recognized that he had higher level magic skills in his inventory that could be used to his advantage. <S> And although Leafa was generally aware of what Sprigins were capable of, she may not have been aware of what one at Kirito's power levels were capable of. <S> Thus I'd say he had the ability to transform into a real monster, given his ability, and perhaps Yui pointed this out to him and he made use of it.
| The only possibility you're left with is that although Sprigins normally have only illusion magic, he had a special ability which gave him access to transform into to this beast.
Is no one looking for Kaneki? In Tokyo Ghoul , during episode 1, Kaneki turns into a half-ghoul, and he is forced to abandon his old life, sans his good buddy Hide, though they do spend less time together. However, we barely even get a glimpse of Kaneki's home life. We see him briefly in what appears to be an apartment or small home, but without roommates or family. I think Kaneki is around 18, so it's possible he lives alone, but surely someone took care of him long enough to wonder where he is. Why does no one seem to be looking for him? <Q> In episode 12 of the anime, it is explained in detail. <S> His dad died before he was old enough to form memories <S> His mom died from "overwork" <S> trying to support Kaneki and her younger sister His aunt (which took advantage of his mom) is obviously not the responsible type As far as the anime goes, Kaneki does not have any other family. <A> I can't seem to remember when this is from but, it was revealed that in the later episodes, Kaneki's parents died when he was very young and ever since then he has been living alone. <S> In his life before the accident of him becoming half-ghoul <S> the only person close enough to care about him is Hide. <S> In the later episodes, Hide makes his appearance multiple times and show some concern for Kaneki. <S> According to the Wiki : <S> His aunt's son, Yuuichi, who she always compared with him since Yuuichi did not do well at school. <S> This greatly angered her. <S> When comparing her son with Kaneki, she also compared Kaneki with his late mother, saying how alike they were. <S> Her feelings of inferiority regarding Kaneki's mother were turned on him as spite. <S> As time passed, the family became a place that did not give Kaneki any comfort for long because nobody in the family would look after or care for him <S> I think Kaneki has now moved to Anteiku. <S> Since no one gives concern in regarding where Kaneki is, he could have moved out of the old house or still be staying there, but that would not make for any good content since, his hungers, desires are all satisfied at Anteiku to the extent that him in his home would just be watching TV or sleeping. <A> Kaneki moved out when he turned 18 to get away from his abusive relatives who didn't really like him or want anything to do with him. <S> After his mom died, her life insurance was left as a trust for him, which is where his living expenses came from. <S> Upon graduating from high school, he was able to get the entire thing and moved out to live by himself. <S> His "family" didn't give a damn about him, and as we find out, aside from Hide, he had no close friends, since he was emotionally distant and withdrawn. <S> Instead, he preferred to read in quiet places by himself, aside from the occasional friends by association with Hide. <S> However, in the manga, there were missing person flyers posted around after his sudden disappearance <S> 1 <S> following his kidnapping by Aogiri. <S> Even Touka didn't know where he was most of the time after that, because he distanced himself from them to protect them, while Hide was actually covering for him, saying he just had some family troubles and wasn't feeling well and just wanted some time alone. <S> Although Hide had been covering up for Kaneki, once they had made the connection, Hide basically told them everything to try and get them to agree to help him, which was why he was trying to tell Kaneki to give it his all to try and impress the CCG enough to consider him worth keeping around. <S> 1 Kaneki continued going to college all the way up until that point in the manga. <A> In Tokyo Ghoul A there were missing signs in the college that Kaneki went to, and there were also files on him missing. <S> In an episode his friend always take down the missing flyers, and I guess the government kept this accident confidential since only the doves had access to the information. <S> But he has no family because both of his parents died. <S> I conclude that his friend kept his disappearance a secret and the government or doves kept this confidential from the public eyes, and nobody worried or is looking for Kaneki.*according to the anime
| He grew up as a very lonely kid only having Hide as one of his closest and only friend. As a result, anyone that would care for him is dead, so they can't go looking for him, and his aunt doesn't care about him, so she would not look for him. The coincidence between the disappearance of Kaneki and the appearance of Eyepatch became an important clue for the CCG to discover Kaneki's identity as Eyepatch.
Why did Kaneki's hair change color? At the start of the series, Kaneki's hair is dark brown, except in the OP, where it we see an image of him with white hair. In episode 11, we see a final scene of Kaneki, his hair having turned white. This turns out to be a preview of things to come, his hair being brown at the start of episode 12. However, during episode 12, we see a scene, theoretically taking place in Kaneki's mind, or as a hallucination, wherein his hair fades from brown to white. After this scene, however, this color change seems to manifest in the real world, too. (Kaneki's clothes also seem to invert colors.) What caused Kaneki's hair (and/or clothes) to change color in the actual real world during this episode? <Q> You should read the manga. <S> His hair turned white because of the stress of being tortured 2 or 3 times everyday for 10+ days. <S> The anime is wrong. <S> Why? <S> Because Kaneki's hair didn't change in a moment, in the manga they show us his hair gradually turning white while he also loses his mind. <S> They don't explain why the hair turns white or the nails black (also they are not black black, they're more like super dark blood colored), but we can assume that the hair it's because of the Marie Antoinette syndrome , and the nails are because of the constant regeneration. <S> Like I said before the nails are like dark blood colored <S> , they're not pure black, it's like when you hit a finger really hard, and the nail falls off in a time? <S> Well before that, it gets really dark blood colored, Kaneki's are like that. <S> I know you posted this a time ago <S> but maybe if you can read it, or other people that has the same doubt will understand. <A> It seems that his hair turning white and his nails turning black was both due to the physical and mental stress he was experiencing during the torture and the forced regeneration of his toes. <S> (Sources: one , two , three ) <S> The whitening of the hair due to stress is also known as Marie Antoinette Syndrome . <S> The condition got its name after Marie Antoinette's hair supposedly turning white the night before she was going to be executed. <S> Sidenote: <S> Another anime <S> I know of where Marie Antoinette syndrome appears is Gosick <S> where Victorique 's hair also change colour due to experienced stress. <S> The changes going on both in his mind and the real world (even though that is just my opinion) might be because what happened in his mind affected his behaviour in the real world as well <S> (gave him strength to fight "Jason" while standing up to Rize) and vice versa. <A> Unlike stated in some of the other answers, it's not Marie Antoinette Syndrome. <S> In the Tokyo Ghoul Re: manga, it is explained in Chapter 131: because the bodies cells are only able to divide a certain number of times before they fail, aka Ageing. <S> As Kaneki had to repeatedly heal his toes over and over and over, all the while being tortured and borderline starved. <S> His body was basically getting weaker and weaker because the cells were wearing thin, which is why his hair turns white, as happens with people when they get old. <S> This is also why Takizawa from Re: had his hair turn white, torture. <S> For the same reason Kaneki's hair turns black again, because he was no longer undergoing torture. <S> It's explained in Chapter 131. <S> Directly states that his torture has caused him to age at a heightened rate. <S> Which seems to be an issue with human turned ghouls though... <S> Same with Takizawa <A> It's so named because Marie Antoinette's hair supposedly turned white after she was captured during the French Revolution. <S> Here's Wikipedia on Marie Antoinette Syndrome . <S> Here's a more reliable article from JAMA Dermatology, a site that archives papers in dermatology. <A> His clothes change colors probably due to the blood on his shirt drying. <S> Usually, when blood dries and forms scabs, it turns black. <S> That is also the basis for the suddenly darkened color in the fingernails. <S> His hair changes in color in response to extreme stress as pointed out by the others and is called Marie Antoinette syndrome. <A> Having read the manga and kind of knowing the style of writing this author does I doubt it's due to some Marie-whatever syndrome. <S> It's such a huge detail and having it be because "oops biology" doesn't seem very likely to me. <S> I would bet that it's symbolic, either just for Kaneki's change in character (although that maybe wouldn't make much sense since the second time Kaneki gets black hair he doesn't act at all like he did the first time he had black hair) or for some deeper poetic or philosophical reason. <S> The manga at the very least is very poetic after all. <S> But what this symbolism means is a different discussion.
| His change in hair color is probably due to Marie Antoinette syndrome, a rare condition that causes the hair to suddenly become white in response to some great stress or shock. Another possible reason is to depict the change in him as a person (not just the physical appearance).
Why is Kaneki's fighting ability improved when he put on his mask? In volume 8 chapter 72, Nishio mentions to Kaneki that his abilities will improve if Kaneki puts on his mask. As far as I know it's just a mask (with no special power or anything). So why does it increase his fighting ability? <Q> The mask covered Kaneki's nose and mouth. <S> This helps him suppress his urge to eat the opponent by reducing his ability to smell. <S> Remember that Kaneki's ghoul ability is originally Hanazawa Kana's... <S> no wait... <S> Rize's, nicknamed the Glutton for her great hunger. <S> By suppressing this urge to eat, he can concentrate more on the fight as he's not worried about getting carried away and going berserk. <A> To protect himself, as a human. <S> Fighting without the mask means accepting that he is a ghoul if he fights with his full strength, and as such without the mask he'll hold back to try and stay "human". <S> During his torture however, he came to accept his ghoul half as part of himself, and his mask loses it's meaning, just becoming a means to protect his identity from others then as an emotional crutch. <S> Nishio of course only knowing the old Kaneki, who wanted to hang on to his humanity as long as he could. <S> (Touka is actually the same, acting far more ruthless with her mask on <S> then she is when it's off, because of her strong desire to be human even though she knows she isn't at all). <A> most likely weather after touter by Jason or not the mask is basic his gate way into his monstrous Side because of the fact several times through the manga <S> he showed extreme compassion towards all his friends and even some people of the shady sort <S> but as an example when he had it on tearing apart the ghoul restaurant he has absolutely no moral even though the fact there could have bean several there how did not deserve death and even encountering Amon in the anime after he TOOK OFF the mask <S> his abilities were greatly decrease so basically the entire time he still tried to hold on to being at least civil to others and be some one <S> but once the mask was put on he went all out on more than one occasion. <S> also it is a possibility that he was trying to restrain hi urge to eat <S> but it was on several times uses such as his first encounter with Amon that drove him crazy. <S> also he used the mask as a symbol of his true nature for it was designed directly for him with the eye-patch,liples mouth, and bolts in the neck all to show that he is a monster and as the look says a half bread
| By putting on the mask, he's putting on becoming a ghoul and can fight as he must, knowing that by taking it off he can be "human" again and as such he can fight harder with it on.
What specific event was the forking point between the two storylines? In Rebuild of Evangelion, the first movie is almost an exact retelling of the original anime series. But soon it begins to deviate more and more (and more /sad ...), until I really wasn't sure of what I was watching anymore (but I digress). So, lets consider both storylines as happening on parallel universes . What is the event (onscreen or not) in the Rebirth series that is the turning point of the forking/deviating storylines? While this may seem opinion-based, it is not. I am asking you to compare the rebirth movies to the original series, script or storyline-wise, and backtrack the visible differences to their sources, pointing to a specific event that happened onscreen or was mentioned that may be the cause of those differences, looking backwards for the cause of that other event. Pepper your answer with references, please. You may add a few speculations in making your chain of causality, if the events have a significant impact or relation. <Q> Here's a list of differences between the first movie and the original timeline <S> The most notable plot-wise is that Misato knew about Lilith, and she knew what Lilith's purpose was, and later before the Ramiel battle, she showed Shinji what Lilith was and explained why he needed to fight the Angels. <S> More notably, Gendo and Fuyutsuki speak about a " contract with Lilith ," which did not exist in the old series. <S> Lilith's existence may not be a mystery, but its role is hinted to take a different turn from its original series counterpart. <S> There was no mention of a "contract" with Lilith in the original time-line. <A> I've only seen up to the second movie. <S> However, if i was to make a guess, it would be what Kaji gave to Gendo. <S> In the original one, it was a Adam's Embryo , while in Rebuild it's Nebuchadnezzar's Key . <S> I'd say its discovery (before the first movie) is what would be turning point, but a noticeable difference didn't occur until Kaji went to deliver it to Gendo. <S> In the original series, Gaghiel attacked the UN Pacific Fleet searching for Adam's embryo, but that never happened in Rebuild. <S> Rather, Ramiel became the new 6th Angel, while Gaghiel never appears. <S> Instead, we have the unnamed Third Angel <S> which, if you account for the fact it was subjected to experiments, is reminiscent of Gaghiel. <S> Also, Kaji released the Third Angel to cover his escape with Nebuchadnezzar's Key, so it's possible that the facility that the Third Angel was in was where Gaghiel attacked before the first movie. <S> Gaghiel may have been captured and experimented on, and became the Third Angel we see in the second movie (thus making Sachiel the Fourth Angel). <S> Kaji knew that by releasing the Third Angel, the facility will do everything they can to prevent its escape from the facility, and in the end, they destroy it. <S> I'd also note that Sachiel, Shamshel and Ramiel are very much the same since the first movie was more of less the same as the original (very little deviation), except their numbers have been pushed up thanks to the Third Angel appearing in the second movie (and numbering seems to be based off appearance) - from the Seventh Angel on they are different. <S> While Bardiel is just demoted in number, Asuka is the one who pilots the Eva, not Toji, and the Dummy Plug is over top Shinji and talks backwards which didn't happen in the original. <S> Jon Lin's Answer talks about Lilith which I totally forgot about. <S> However, both Rebuild's references to Lilith in the first movie and the original series references to her would still occur after the item Kaji gave to Gendo was discovered (Original = <S> Nebuchadnezzar's Key"), and as such I stand by my speculations. <A> As the wiki points, this represents a weakened political influence by the part of Seele. <S> Comparing the roles of Seele in both continuities, in NGE they are the masterminds, but in Rebuild they are more like an advisory board (going even to the extreme of shutting themselves down peacefully, instead of having the plug pulled by Gendo). <S> The Vatican Treaty may have arised from a stronger nationalism to fill the vacuum left by Seele's reduced influence. <S> Since Asuka identifies more as a German (even being part Japanese), this reduced the bonding between her and Shinji and probably supressed whatever crush she had on Kaji. <S> But keeping with the Rebuild continuity, there were no need to a fourth pilot, so Toji Suzuhara was never recruited. <S> When Bardiel attacked, the one inside the plug was Asuka, not Toji. <S> The bond between Shinji and the person trapped was smaller, and the psychological damage from the fight was also smaller. <S> Toji was Shinji's friend as much as in NGE, but Asuka was, instead of a love interest, just some annoying female. <S> This vacuum in Shinji's love interest created by Asuka disinterest had him gravitate more towards Rei. <S> So the psychological reaction to having Rei "dying" while fighting Zeruel had the added impact that was missing during the fight with Bardiel. <S> So instead of just going into 400% synchro like in NGE, Shinji causes the awakening of EVA-01 . <S> Notice that in both scenarios, EVA-01 ends up bearing both fruits (in NGE she eats Zeruel S2 engine, while in Rebuild the liquified Zeruel-Rei merges with EVA-01), becoming the forbidden godlike being. <S> So I think the root cause (as far as we can go from what is shown in the Movies) might have been the Vatican Treaty.
| "Adam's Embryo", Rebuild = " The appearance and identification of the Angel Lilith at the end of the first movie and just before the commencement of Operation Yashima (Corresponding to Episode 06 of the TV series), unlike the veil of secrecy kept in the original series where Lilith was never seen until Episode 15 and wrongly identified as Adam until Episode 24. I think one of the biggest changing points is the Vatican Treaty .
What Mangekyo Sharingan power does Itachi have? Kakashi and Obito, have Mangekyo Sharingan powers but what power does Itachi have? I tried researching it but nothing is helping. <Q> Mangekyou Sharingan users have three abilities. <S> Two unique ones in either eye, and Susano'o, which can only be used if you have Mangekyo Sharingan in both eyes. <S> Itachi had Tsukuyomi in his left, and Amaterasu in his right. <S> Sasuke had Amaterasu in his left eye, and could extinguish and control the shape of the flames in his left, as he did during his fight with Killer B, stopping B from being killed by the Amaterasu. <S> Obito's Mangekyo both used different forms of Kamui, the left one he gave to Kakashi could uses a long range form that could teleport objects within the user's line of sight to the Kamui dimension. <S> The right one he kept could only teleport himself and people <S> he had physical contact with to the Kamui dimension. <S> It also allows the user to become intangible, by teleporting the parts of themselves hit by attacks to the Kamui dimension. <S> The full extent of Shisui's abilities are unknown, but both the eye that Shisui gave Itachi and the eye taken by Danzo could use Kotoamatsukami. <S> The abilities of Madara and his brother were not revealed, but we know Madara was able to use Susano'o, meaning he unlocked the power of both his eyes. <S> However, Amaterasu and Tsukyomi are not generic Sharingan powers. <S> While Sasuke had Amaterasu like Itachi, I believe that was due to them being closely related, and not because it was a generic power, because no other Mangekyo Sharingan user has demonstrated the ability to use either Amaterasu or Tsukuyomi, apart from Madara using Infinite Tsukuyomi, but I think it's safe to say that's a special case because of the Rinne Sharingan on his forehead. <A> From the Naruto Wikia site under Mangekyō Sharingan <S> (Itachi Uchiha): <S> With the Mangekyō Sharingan, Itachi was able to use at least three powerful techniques. <S> With his "left Mangekyō" he could use Tsukuyomi, an extremely powerful genjutsu that allowed him to distort the victim's perception of time, torturing their psyche for what seemed like days in a matter of seconds. <S> The last of these known techniques was Susanoo, which allowed Itachi to summon a massive ethereal warrior. <S> As such we can conclude Itachi's powers are, Tsukuyomi Amaterasu Susanoo <A> The manga is not clear on this, but the idea many people seem to have is that Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are two generic powers every Mangekyo user has and that Obito and Shisui had various bonus unique powers, but I don't think this is the case. <S> Neither Obito nor Shisui are ever shown to use either of these, my understanding is as follows: Itachi, Sasuke: Amaterasu in one eye, Tsukuyimi in the other. <S> Obito: <S> Kamui, close range in one eye, long range in the other (Kakashi's) <S> Shisui: Kotoamatsukami, perhaps in both eyes. <S> Madara: <S> ?? <S> I can't remember if this has been shown And then any Mangekyo user who has awakened both powers will be able to use Susanoo. <A> Itachi Left Eye <S> : Tsukuyomi (powerful genjutsu)Right Eye : Amatarasu (black flames)
| With his "right Mangekyō" he could use Amaterasu, a ninjutsu which creates virtually-inextinguishable black flames at the user's focal point that continue to burn until the target is reduced to ash.
Why did Vegeta never reach Super Saiyajin 3? Further details: Gohan also did not reach it. Goku was able to do it for a short time once, and later a long time. Gotenks did it but for a short time. <Q> There are actually a lot of ideas about that, and one is that Goku spent a long time training in the heavens, where power is limitless and that is said to have greatly strengthened him. <S> Vegeta on the other hand, never had that chance. <A> As an additional note to the accepted answer, Gotenks was able to reach SSJ3 only because the fusion dramatically increased his power. <S> Gohan never reached it because he had the Old Kai awake his sleeping powers (Mystical Gohan form) which made his power comparable to a SSJ3. <A> And to perfect that form, Goku needed to work on his stamina, which he did when he was at King Kai's planet. <S> Prior to fighting Kid Buu, he had not perfected the form. <S> Infact, that form was even hidden from Vegeta, because Vegeta had no clue that there was a possibility of moving beyond the Super Saiyajin 2 level. <S> In case you remember, when fighting Kid Buu, Goku tried recharging himself in the Super Saiyajin 3 form, when Vegeta was the bait, but he failed to restore his strength, unlike what he expected. <S> Likewise, while fighting Beerus, his energy was not even close to that of the God of Destruction. <S> I think , the SSJ 3 form is a form that requires extremely high energy surge. <S> As for Gotenks, SSJ3 was possible, because of the combined strength of Goten and Trunks. <S> As for Vegeta, well, even though he is the Prince of all Saiyans, he lacks the potential to power up to that level. <S> And he lacks training, unlike Goku, we can never stop himself from continuing to train and fight. <S> Half saiyans have the potential to reach SSJ3, however, Toriyama hasn't focussed much on the SSJ3 transformation part. <S> And there ain't no discrete logic to support the transformation as such.
| As a note, Vegeta did reach Super Saiyajin 4 after gaining power from one of Bulma's machines, then he fused with Goku to beat the One-Star Dragon. Super Saiyajin 3 transformation takes in a lot of energy.
Requirements to be an Anbu Black Op I am curious as to how is an Anbu chosen, what are the requirements, and does every one of them have like a certain backstory that makes them special or different from the normal ninjas (like how Yamato is able to do Wood style jutsu's and how Kakashi was one of the youngest Jounin in the village), or are they just trusted by the Kage's? <Q> Anbu are recruited directly by the Hokage (or, in case of Root, by Danzou). <A> In general, they are chosen from the excellent jounins the village has. <S> This is because the ANBU has to do missions like assassinating missing ninjas, and missing ninjas are more often than not, includes ninjas of jounin level. <S> So if they are just so-so <S> level jounin <S> , they won't be able to do their missions well. <S> Of course, even though s/he is strong, doesn't necessarily qualifies them as ANBU. <S> Notice that although Might Guy is a strong ninja, he never joined ANBU. <S> I think one of the qualifications for entering ANBU is that even if you excels in one ability, your other abilities must be high-leveled too . <S> Guy is very strong in taijutsu (even Uchiha Madara admitted that he never met someone remotely as good as Guy in taijutsu), but his ninjutsu and genjutsu is so so. <S> Compared to Kakashi, although Kakashi is not as strong as Guy in taijutsu, he is quite high-leveled in it. <S> His genjutsu is good and he is excellent in ninjutsu, being called the Copy Ninja. <S> The last requirement and the most important is the willingness . <S> That they know what missions the ANBU conducts <S> and they accept that if they join, they have to do it, even if that means you have to massacre your entire clan. <A> Guy actually requested to be in ANBU to keep an eye on Kakashi but the third hokage and Danzo <S> didn't let him because they said he "Lacked the necessary darkness in his heart"
| There's no mention of a hard requirement, but generally excellent shinobi are chosen.
Why do they call their Sensei by his given name? I read that in Japanese culture a person's given name is used very rarely except for children, so I guess that's why for example Naruto refers to Sakura Haruno as Sakura. But why do they call Kakashi Hatake "Kakashi Sensei" and not "Hatake Sensei"? This also applies for all the other teams and their teachers. <Q> The main reason is Naruto's Universe is different from ours. <S> In most of the other anime where story takes place in Japan, Japan's mode of addressing applies. <S> Calling your teacher and your female/male friend by family name. <S> Calling each other by name if you are lover or male-male or female-female friend. <S> Respecting your senior by calling them Senpai, etc. <S> However, since Naruto takes place in a different universe, the mode of addressing is different. <S> In Naruto, you can find people not only calling by their names but also by their nicknames. <S> This is not limited to just Naruto. <S> One Piece, Attack on Titan and most of the other anime where their universe is different from ours (or Japan), the usual Japanese mode of addressing doesn't apply. <A> I agree with the other answers which point out that the Naruto universe doesn't necessarily follow the Japanese culture in our real life. <S> However, in case of Naruto, there's one other reason. <S> 1 <S> This practice seems to have its roots in the shinobi rule of guarding one's surname from strangers, which was strictly followed in the times before Konohagakure was founded. <S> (Chapter 622) After Konohagakure was founded, it was no longer necessary to hide your surname, but the habit of calling people by their first name remained. <S> Nobody felt the need to reconsider the practice and think, "Hey, we don't need to hide our surnames anymore, let's just call each other by our surnames from now on, mkay?" <S> (If it ain't broken, don't fix it.) <S> 1 <S> The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, seems to be the only major character who is an exception, as everyone addresses him by his last name. <A> It could be because Naruto doesn't take place on Earth and so the culture is 'Japanese-esque' with certain differences. <S> Or it could be to encourage feelings of comradery between teacher and students so they work better as a team.
| Naruto has nickname for most of his friends, sensei and elders, like Rock Lee-Bushy Brows, Ero Sennin-Jiraya, ... which you mostly don't find in real life. Not just the jonin teachers, but pretty much everyone in the Naruto universe addresses everyone else by their first name.
Why can Sailor Pluto be away from the Space-Time Door? In the classic 90s anime, Sailor Pluto was commissioned by Queen Serenity (mom of Princess Serenity [Sailor Moon's ancient incarnation]) to guard the Space-Time Door, which she is shown doing in the R season, but she is later allowed to leave, and thus shows up with a civilian form (Setsuna) in the S season. One of the 3 rules given by Queen Serenity was that she could not leave her post at the door. She does go on to break all of the rules, but according to Wikipedia , Neo-Queen Serenity (future Sailor Moon) gives her permission to leave her post . But why? Does the door not need to be guarded anymore? Is it temporary leave and she will need to return eventually, or is it permanent leave ? In the manga, Sailor Pluto's guarding location might be located outside of time (or is it located inside of the palace in 30th century Crystal Tokyo?), so perhaps she could technically be there as well as have a 20th century civilian incarnation that is at a point inside of time , so she could apparently continue to guard the door while she shows up in S , the SuperS movie, and Sailor Stars (but this is unrelated to why Neo Queen Serenity would excuse her from her post in the classic anime). In the Sailor Moon Crystal canon , is Sailor Pluto able to and/or permitted to leave her post at the door? Is this aspect identical to the manga version ? <Q> if she will leave the door or not. <S> There is still no canon material on the matter. <S> Since you need a time-space key to safely navigate fouth dimension, she could secure all keys, lock the access to the place where the keys were stored and leave for a short time. <S> Probably her leave cannot be defined as permanent or temporary. <S> Since the fourth dimension is outside normal time, she can safely exists in the fourth dimension and outside it: <S> However, for all intents and purposes, in the manga the technicality of Sailor Pluto existing outside of time means she is able to be reincarnated as a normal woman while still existing back at her post at the Time Gate. <S> (ref) <S> Sailor Pluto's racial status is also subject of controversy. <S> While Endymion/Tuxedo Mask is from the Earth realm, Usagi/Sailor Moon is from the Silver Millenium race, the other sailor senshi seem to be reincarnated humans, Sailor Pluto is more of a goddess than a human: <S> She is also stated to be the daughter of Chronos, god of time. <S> (manga act 18, original anime ep. 82). <S> They made significant changes in Crystal from the original Sailor Moon works (like giving Tuxedo Mask an attack), so I wouldn't expect it to be identical, but to follow closely. <S> You can compare Crystal and the original making a parallel between the original Yamato series and Yamato 2099 that aired in 2014. <S> They tend to follow the original work closely, but making adaptations and concessions to suit XXI century's scientific and social developments. <A> In the manga, as she the daughter of the god of time, she has a strong connection to the Space-Time Door and can control it from anywhere. <S> She even used an attack with the Garnet Rod, <S> Dark Dome Close to close the Door from the 20th century. <S> However, she sometimes cannot use this abilities, such as in case of an eclipse - <S> that's why the Dead Moon Circus arrived in time of an eclipse. <S> In Crystal, as it's following the manga, it might be the same. <S> In the anime, this wasn't explained too much, as Setsuna was a minor character. <A> You're not thinking fourth-dimensionally. <S> (As Doctor Emmet Brown says). <S> The Space-Time Door exist outside of the Physical Realm. <S> And as the name says, this door let's the people to travel throught Time and Space. <S> I'm Sure <S> that as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask can find themselves at the future, Pluto can Stand at the door and in XX centrury Tokyo at Same time. <S> Remember that She left the others at the end of the Death Busters Arch, to help to rise Hotaru Tomoe after she uses her Death Reborn Revolution Attack and return as a baby. <S> The episode when She appears in front of Chibimoon at the Middle of Sailor Moon S is the episode when Pluto Says about the permission that Neo Queen Serenity Gave Her to travel at that time.
| As to why she can leave the door, she has the power to seal off entire worlds out of the fourth dimension (the time dimension) (ref) . In the Crystal continuity it is unknown as it is a work in progress, and did not progress too much further from Pluto's introduction, so it is unknown for Crystal continuity
What is Alluka's (Nanika's) gender? In the anime Hunter x Hunter , Alluka Zoldyck is considered as a girl by Killua, shown when they leave their estate and were accompanied by four butlers. Killua shouted to Gotoh and said that he needs a female butler to join them because Alluka is a girl. However, I am confused because Milluki address Alluka as a brother, in the episode when he wished to Nanika to kill the tourist photographer. He clearly told the the tourist that he was just taking his brothers for a walk. In addition, the Hunter Wiki acknowledged Alluka as a male. What is Alluka's actual gender? <Q> There is considerable confusion about Alluka's gender. <S> Two of Alluka's brothers, Illumi and Milluki, refer to Alluka as their brother. <S> But Killua, the closest brother of Alluka, specifically states that Alluka is a "girl" and refers to Alluka as his sister multiple times. <S> This inconsistency can be explained by Killua's intimate and understanding bond with Alluka, hence he would know and care that Alluka is mentally female, versus Illumi's cold and dehumanizing attitude towards Alluka. <S> While Alluka is most likely biologically male, Killua's interactions show that Alluka's psyche may be female. <S> Everyone (except Killua) addresses Alluka by her biological gender, which appears to be male. <S> However, she is very sensitive, gentle, and reserved, and has a very feminine side. <S> Being that Killua is the only one who dares to actually interact with Alluka as a person, he would be the best one to understand that she probably is more feminine inside. <S> This does seem a bit odd to me; even if someone I knew were closer to "she" in his head, unless they specifically asked, I'd probably still say "he". <S> But perhaps either Alluka did ask this of Killua, or Killua just took it upon himself because he knew Alluka so well. <S> Unfortunately, since it's never explicitly stated, this is somewhat assumption, but realistically it's the only explanation that makes sense since Killua is the only one to refer to Alluka as female. <A> Alluka is male. <S> He just dresses like a girl. <S> From Alluka article on Hunter x Hunter Wiki (emphasis mine): <S> There is conflicting information regarding Alluka's gender. <S> The official data book lists Alluka's gender as male , and two of Alluka's brothers, Illumi and Milluki, refer to Alluka as their brother. <S> However, Killua, the person closest to Alluka, specifically states that Alluka is a girl and refers to Alluka as his sister multiple times. <S> This inconsistency may be due to Killua's intimate and understanding bond with Alluka, hence he would know and care that Alluka identifies as female, versus Illumi and Milluki's cold and dehumanizing attitude toward Alluka. <S> He ended up looking like a girl, because he played with doll too much that his parent decided to dress him up like a girl. <A> He is physically a male, and mentally female. <S> It is the reason why Killua referred to him as "she". <S> This is stated in the databooks and also by the canon writers. <S> So in other words, Alluka is transgendered. <S> Though, I believe people have the right to think of him as whatever they like, male or female. <A> I've always played with two theories: <S> It could be the case that the family refer to Alluka as male to distance themselves from her, denying the fact that she's female to dehumanize her, or to further disassociate her from the family in some way. <S> Or it could very well be that, as Alluka's exact origin is unknown, she isn't strictly human and doesn't possess what we would call a conventional gender, but rather <S> , her gender is simply non-existent, like a Nen beast. <S> Personally, I favor the latter, or a mix of the two. <S> These are all just speculation, of course, but it's interesting to think about nonetheless. <A> Nah, here is my assumption : When Alluka was born, her mother didn't take care of her, she let the butlers to take care of her (like bathing her, etc), and because their mother always thought that all her child must be male, so she thinks that Alluka is male too, especially because she is cold to her and never bathe her, so she doesn't know that Alluka is actually female, and the butlers are too afraid to tell their mother that Alluka is female. <S> While Killua is the one who really cares for her, and knows her the most. <S> So even thought in the birth-biodata and everywhere, Alluka is stated as a male, but Killua knows the truth, and so the butlers who ever took Alluka to bath also have known that. <S> Lol, it's just my hypothesis after watching the anime. <S> I think if this hypothesis is true, this story will be a very nice scene, because then it will be stated that "Even the writer of the story doesn't know about Alluka's gender,but her brother knows it because of how he always set an eye on her"
| While Alluka may have been designated male at birth, Killua's interactions show that Alluka may identify as female. Actually, the Hunter x Hunter wiki addresses this , and is quite accurate in its assessment, though the references cite the wrong volumes (but correct chapters). While she is quite small, she shows no female development. In the episode showing Alluka in his childhood, we can see that he used to dress like a boy.
How much of the manga does the Knights of Sidonia anime cover? I see there are many more chapters/volumes of Knights of Sidonia than there are episodes. If I were to want to get onto the manga after the anime series finishes, where would I start and are they directly correlated? <Q> According to Manga Updates , the first season of Knights of Sidonia starts at Vol 1, Chap 1 and ends at Vol 6, Chap 26. <A> It's not actually that easy to answer. <S> The Anime covers most of the source material pretty closely but not all of it. <S> Some events have been left out or altered. <S> Several events have also been shifted around in the time line. <S> A perfect example of this is the final battle against Benisuzume <S> ( Crimson Hawk Moth ). <S> It's pretty much the end of Season 2 of the Anime but in the Manga this fight happens in Volume 9. <S> However, quite a lot of Volume 10 material also made it into the Anime. <S> In the Anime these events, mostly some social interactions and the like, happen before the fight on Lem 9 while they happen afterwards in the Manga. <S> Other stuff has been left out so the Anime doesn't cover all of Volume 10. <S> For anyone interested in reading the Manga (as a third seasons has still to be announced) I would definitely recommend reading from the start, even if you know the Anime. <S> It's what I did and you can spot the differences and what has been left out or changed in comparison. <A> According to Manga Updates , the second season of Knights of Sidonia seems to end at Chapter 43.
| In conclusion the Anime (both seasons) roughly cover the first 10 volumes out of 15, with about 5 volumes per season.
Is the manga Emma a retelling of Jane Austen's novel? I haven't read either, but was wondering if the manga Emma is the same as the novel by Jane Austen under the same name. They have several similarities: They're both set in Victorian England. They both have the same title They are both romance stories Jane Austen is a famous author, and it's conceivable that someone could adapt her novel into a new graphic format. However, none of the descriptions I've read of the manga mention Ms. Austen. Are the series related? <Q> It's a reasonable question (see Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo ), but I think the answer is no . <S> Note that I also have not read either work, but from looking at the Wikipedia articles for the manga <S> Emma by Kaoru Mori and the novel Emma by Jane Austen: <S> The manga Emma is set in 1895 in the Victorian Era. <S> This is much later than the novel Emma , which was published during the Regency Era in 1815. <S> One of the defining features of the title character in Jane Austen's novel is that, unlike the heroines of earlier Austen work, she is independently wealthy and runs her own household. <S> The anime's Emma is a commoner, kidnapped as a child for a brothel, who escaped to the streets and was taken in and brought up as a maid by a wealthy family. <S> She is a diligent and hard worker, whereas Austen's Emma was described by Austen as "a heroine whom no one but myself will much like" and is said on the Wikipedia article to have "a strong sense of class". <S> Anime's Emma lives in London, whereas Jane Austen's Emma lives in a small country estate in Surrey. <S> It is possible that the manga's author, Kaoru Mori, incorporated some influence from Austen's work, since she's a self-declared Anglophile, <S> The author and illustrator of the manga, Kaoru Mori, is a self-professed Anglophile, [...] <S> ( Overview - 2nd sentence) <S> But overall, it doesn't look like a direct adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma . <A> If there is any relation between the two, it is scarce at best. <S> While I didn’t read Austen’s novel, I watched the anime adaption of Emma, the manga. <S> A pretty long scene <S> (I would almost call it a key scene) is set in the Crystal Palace which was built for the 1851 Great Exposition . <S> Austen’s novel was published in 1815; way before anybody even thought of the palace. <S> It would be conceivable that some other publicly accessable exhibition site housed a similar scene in Austen’s novel, but then why go such great lengths transferring the entire scene and thus the entire work to a point in time decades later? <S> I think it’s <S> just way too unlikely; that’s not really the kind of thing you do when adapting a story. <A> That's a <S> yes <S> but also a no . <S> Very interesting that both are set in England in the 19th Century. <S> By contrast, the series of manga simply titled Emma by Kaoru Mori is a completely different English tale from a similar time period but about 50 years removed.
| On the side of yes, there is a manga that is a direct adaption called Emma: Manga Classics by Stacy King (who performed the adaption), Jane Austin (who of course wrote the original story, and Tse (who was the illustrator)
Who is Ruby Rose's father? The Wikia says that Taiyang Xiao Long, Yang's father, first married Summer Rose, Ruby's mother. But why isn't Ruby's name Ruby Xiao Long? This might mean that Ruby isn't the real daughter of Taiyang, probably his adopted daughter. <Q> TaiYang Xiao Long is both Yang & Ruby's father. <S> Yang's mother is unnamed as of Season 2. <S> Ruby's mother is Summer Rose , who is Yang's step-mother. <S> I have two theories as to why Ruby is Ruby Rose <S> not Ruby Xiao Long. <S> Theory 1 Summer Rose was insistent that her name be carried on, and so Ruby was given the surname Rose. <S> As Memor-X has said in the comment , a husband taking a wife's surname isn't all that rare nowadays. <S> Theory 2 <S> It was a convenient choice for the writers - Ruby and Rose <S> are both very vividly red items, whereas Yang Xiao Long can be translated as Small Dragon of the Sunshine or Little Sun-Dragon , reflecting Yang's powerful, fiery personality & battle ability quite well. <S> Theming the characters with their colour seems to be quite important in RWBY <S> - For instance, check out their pajamas below <S> - Yang has a fiery heart on her tank top, whilst Ruby has rose-patterned bottoms. <S> I suspect we may find out more if/when Yang's mother's identity is revealed. <A> In later seasons, it is stated that Raven Branwen, Qrow's twin sister, is Yang's mother. <S> Still, it's the top result when you ask Google about Ruby's lineage. <A> It's possible that Neo can be part of Yang's family. <S> In Volume 2, pay attention to the neck of Neo and the mystery red girl. <S> People say that the mystery red girl could be Yang's mom. <S> And both the mystery red girl and Neo has the exact same necklace on. <A> I have a theory that Summer Rose is Ruby Roses's mother and Raven <S> (last name:??) <S> is Yang's mother (obviously!). <S> I believe when Raven went on that mission so long ago (after she gave birth to Yang, of course), something came up and caused Raven to stay out on her mission for years to come. <S> That lead TaiYang to believe that Raven had disappeared or died. <S> Then, he took his old teammate Summer Rose and married her and got Ruby, When Summer died, I think he thought he was a lone man raising two children and his brother (Uncle Qrow) to help, so he didn't want to marry again because he didn't want his heart to be broken once more. <S> And I don't feel like Neo would be part of the family. <S> It may be a coincidence that somehow they both bought the same necklace, but no one knows for sure. <S> Thus, leading up to my Theory. <S> Again, this is a theory and I may be wrong. <A> I'm thinking maybe last names aren't that important in Remnant. <S> Like it doesn't matter if the child takes the mother's last name, if the wife doesn't change hers, or if the husband takes the wife's name. <S> Weiss's father took her mother's last name, so they might not follow the same traditions we do. <S> Or perhaps the last name Rose has special significance, so they decided to pass it down to Ruby. <S> Since RWBY is meant to be (mostly) family friendly, I'm not sure why the writers would include characters having premarital sex so openly. <S> I know Rooster Teeth has made the show a little dark and more mature recently, but with the exception of a couple innuendos here and there, they've stayed away from the topic of sex. <A> I think Qrow is Ruby's father. <S> Maybe Qrow left Ruby for that reason and therefore, Qrow is probably Ruby's father. <A> She was adopted by Taiyang Xiao Long because of his semblance to bad luck, which causes bad luck to people he cares about but also bad luck to people he faces in battle, making him the ultimate undercover agent. <A> The Qrow being Ruby's dad has been debunked by RT. <S> And besides, it'd be an unnecessary plot twist. <S> They confirmed that Tai and Summer had Ruby. <S> Qrow was just her teacher and mentor. <S> Even though RWBY takes place in a fictional world called Remnant, it's basically a more awesome Earth, with the same calendar type, and possibly the same legal systems as Earth. <S> It's possible that they loved the name 'Rose' for their daughter Ruby, due to it sounding a bit better than 'Ruby Xiao Long' (and Yang Xiao Long translates to 'Sunny Little Dragon', and <S> 'Ruby' doesn't fit the chinese theme, lol). <A> I don't have a direct source, but Miles and Monty stated that the "Qrowdaddy" theory is false. <S> First time was in an RTX panel (forgot the date, but it was before Monty passed, because Monty said so himself that Qrow isn't the father), and second I know was in a Reddit post by Miles. <S> As for the domestic laws in real life (at least in America where I live), even though it's the norm, the wife after marriage doesn't have to take the husband's name. <S> They can keep their names, and in some cases the husband may take the wife's name, but those are somewhat rare. <S> And for the child's last name, they can choose whether they want the child's surname to be the husband's or the wife's. <S> So, if the countries of Remnant have the same laws and policies as our world, my speculation is that Tai and Summer may have named her 'Rose' because of this, as well as 'Rose' complimenting the name <S> 'Ruby' quite well (Just a theory on that one). <S> And as I've stated before, 'Ruby' doesn't really fit the Xiao Long name. <S> I learned these laws from my history teacher, who used to go to law school (he could be a lawyer, <S> but instead he chose to be a teacher. <S> lol)
| Ruby Rose is Qrow's (crow, Raven's brother Ruby's aka uncle...) and Summer Rose's daughter. Maybe he doesn't want Ruby to know because he is on a dangerous mission, and if Ruby know, she will obviously go. It's possible that if it follows domestic laws, that the parents may choose the last name for their child, and the wife doesn't have to take the husband's name after marriage.
What does "Elohim, Essaim... Elohim, Essaim I implore you" mean? In episode 4 of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ( Your Lie in April ), Kaori says a prayer "Elohim, Essaim... Elohim, Essaim I implore you" before the performance. What does it mean? <Q> Both of the words "Elohim" and "Essaim" could be meaning a variety of things. <S> But my speculation goes as follows: From this Reddit thread : <S> A similar phrase occurs in the Book of Black Magic and in theItalian <S> Il Grand Grimoire . <S> A couple translations andtranscriptions later, we end up with this. <S> "Eloim" is " God " or"Powers", "Essaim" might be "Locusts" or "Swarm". <S> I'm thinking thatshe's offering her soul to the devil/ <S> the angels/god in exchange forbeing able to captivate her audience. <S> This isn't Faust; it's not a serious treatment of pacts. <S> The Japanese adore Christian mythology, similar to how the West adores Eastern mythology. <S> In effect, she's doing the same thing as someone in a Western work invoking his "chi" or whatever. <S> (It's shōnen; teenage boys love foreign mysticism.) <A> It's a chant common in anime and manga (For example, it occurs in Gugure! <S> Kokkuri-san ep12 this season) <S> , if recited 3 times can give good luck or summon demons. <S> Its origin comes from The Grand Grimoire, it's "The secret of the Black hen, a secret without which one can not count on the success of any cabala". <S> + im (hebrew plural).You can read more here: (Japanese) <A> Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) is a Hebrew word that means either 1) "gods" in the plural, or 2) "God." <S> "El" (אֵלִי) and "Eloi" (אֶלֹהִי) are "God," and the "-him" suffix (הִים) makes it plural. <S> So it would literally mean "gods" in the plural; however <S> , it is also used in the specific case of referring to the monotheistic Judeo-Christian God. <S> It is found 2602 times in the Hebrew Bible. <S> It does <S> not mean "powers" as Hashirama Senju wrote. <S> " Essaim " is French for "swarm." <S> This word does not occur in Hebrew. <A> As mentioned in other answers, Elohim is Hebrew for gods and Essaim is for swarm. <S> I believe it could be interpreted to mean that she believes the swarm of music notes should be as powerful as gods and that she is asking that they listen to her plea.
| Elohim as mentioned is Hebrew for God, Essaim could be french for swarm, or a way of writing Jesse; Jesse -> Esse
Why did Guru come back to life? During the Namek Saga of Dragon Ball Z, the first wish to Porunga was to bring Piccolo back, next was teleport him to Namek but before the third wish could be granted Guru died making the Namekian Dragonballs useless. After Freeza sets Namek to explode the Dragonballs bad been collected on earth (now that Kami was back) and the wish made to Shenron was to "Bring back everyone who had been killed by Freeza" . after this the Namekian Dragonballs come back and Dende uses the final wish to teleport everyone except Freeza and Goku to earth. what i don't get is how Guru was resurrected when the wish to Shenron was to bring everyone Freeza had killed back to life, why was Guru brought back to life even though he wasn't killed by Freeza? <Q> This is all explained by King Kai during the Freeza Saga in chapter 321 . <S> King Kai asks Kami whether people that had died from old age could be revived, to which the answer was negative. <S> So then he asks whether people that had indirectly died by an evil person could be revived, to which the answer was positive. <S> Kami replied positive, saying that even though it'd be a first-time case, he'd believe it would be possible to revive those that indirectly died. <S> They would then remain alive for the duration of time their life was shortened by. <S> King Kai: <S> What if they were confronted by an evil person, and, indirectly though it may be, their death was hastened, even a little bit...? <S> Kami: I believe they would remain alive for the duration of time their life was shortened by... Knowing this, King Kai asked not only to bring back those killed by Freeza himself, but also by his henchman (Eg: which would include Vegeta). <A> It's true that Grand Elder Guru was not directly killed by Freeza's hands, but his death was someway caused by Freeza, according to Dragon Ball Wiki : <S> He dies before Frieza is defeated, of a combination of a broken heart and stress (both brought on from repeatedly sensing his children's deaths at the hands of Frieza's minions). <S> So the way Freeza and his minions decimated his race caused his death. <S> So the wish "Bring back everyone who had been killed by Freeza" involves a lot more cases than only the ones that died from Freeza's hands. <S> It also involves the ones killed indirectly by his acts. <S> To confirm this, the Wiki also says: King Kai chooses to revive him and all the other victims of Frieza's army with the Earth's Dragon Balls so the Namekian dragon, Porunga, would be brought back. <A> They actually address this in the anime. <S> Guru died from a broken heart due to Frieza's genocide of his people and utter destruction of his home planet. <S> So technically, Frieza did kill guru, even though it wasn't directly, he was still responsible.
| The wish revives Elder Guru because Frieza's murder of the Namekians caused Guru to die of grief.
Why did Kirito toss the sword away in episode 17 of the second season? Towards the end of episode 17 (of the second season of SAO), after extricating Excaliber from the dais in the lowest level of Thrymheim, Kirito makes a comment about the sword "still being too heavy" for him. He then throws Excaliber away before jumping onto the flying tentacle-elephant. Why did he do that? He doesn't seem averse to accepting the sword from Sinon a few minutes later (after she grabs the sword out of the air with one of her arrows), so it didn't seem like a "I am unworthy to wield this sword" type of thing. <Q> It's because the sword was overburdening Kirito and since he can't put it into his inventory, he had to make a choice of either letting it go so he can make the jump onto Tonkii or going down with it: From the (previously translated) light novel ( Sword Art Online Volume 8, Early and Late, Caliber, page 308): <S> At that point, I noticed one terrible fact. <S> I couldn't jump. <S> To be more exact, in my arms was a heavy load the «Holy Sword Excaliber», so jumping five meters wouldn't be possible. <S> Just by standing, my boots already bit into the ice. <A> It could be that he was still bearing the fact that he first met the sword during his first days in ALO when to him <S> it was still not just a game but a reality <S> so when he had the sword in hand during the 17th episode he began to remember certain unpleasant memories and thought to himself the weight of it all is still to heavy for him to bear its quite possible Sinon <S> saw this (from the sideline) and retrieved the sword for him as a form of gratitude for helping to deal with her traumatic past once again possible kirito <S> saw this in her eyes and accepted the sword as a gift from Sinon. <A> It is a very simple answer. <S> He cannot claim until Jötunheimr is restored, hence the end of the quest. <S> Also he cannot jump with it because he would fall like a rock. <S> He blames the Cardinal system because it will not let him have it because he has not completed the quest at hand. <S> He has no ability to claim the sword <S> therefore he throws it away because he cannot jump with it. <S> Once on Tonky, sinon retrieves the sword with an arrow, but since Kirito is on Tonky and his handed the sword he can find out what he has to do to claim it without having to jump and fall to his death.
| He has no ability to use the sword unless he carries it forever because he cannot claim it.
How does Hisoka see Gon exactly? As a rival or as a toy to entertain himself? Hisoka hinted that Gon is his treasure and also his prey, but it can't be both, right? Because in the end, he didn't want Gon to die no matter what. So it's weird that he didn't want Gon to die but also made him his prey to fight till death. Is it sexual for Hisoka or what? I still remember the 'Schwing' thing. <Q> Hisoka is a psycho that only seek for strong opponents to fight. <S> He saw a real potential in Gon since they met <S> (Killua too , Leorio and Kurapika too) and just want him not to die until he becomes a monster worth to confront. <S> And yes , for psychos , the pleasure they find in their... "activities" are orgasms-like. <S> Remember just what Hisoka had to do only to "fight" Kuroro , he likes to take his time but in the same time when he fought Gon he could hardly prevent himself from killing him ^^ <S> So we can't say he's a rival <S> , he's just another "toy" for Hisoka , but a special one as he really has the potential to become a monster. <A> Neither a rival nor a toy. <S> I believe Hisoka has mixed feelings. <S> His stated goal is to allow Gon to "ripen" (achieve his full potential), then defeat him, body and soul. <S> Yet he also has high respect for Gon and will protect him, at least until that "harvest". <S> We even see him as an ally during the Yorknew City and Greed Island arcs. <S> Being a psycho is complicated. <S> But it is not a love which is likely to end well. <A> The pleasure is often depicted in the anime and manga similar to a sexual orgasm. <S> He even makes moaning sounds. <S> Lol. <S> This pleasure seeking is a never ending ladder. <S> The next one must be greater than the previous. <S> He sees Gon as the one who can give him this satisfaction when the right time comes. <S> Killing Gon now would be a huge waste. <S> Gon is his boy toy.
| In a very warped way, Hisoka may even love Gon (in addition to a possible sexual attraction). Hisoka is a maniac, addicted to pleasure derived from fighting strong opponents and killing them.
Is Panzerfahren only for girls? In the anime series, all the Panzerfahren participants are girls. Are there any guys who also participate in Panzerfahren? And if I recall correctly, all schools that participate in Panzerfahren are also all-girl schools. Is there any rule of Panzerfahren that all participants must be girls? <Q> These activities that are offered to the girls are ones that are symbols of femininity and lady-likeness. <S> At the start of the series, the girls have to choose between flower arranging, tea ceremonies and tankery. <S> All equally feminine subjects (>_> in the Girls Und Panzer universe at least) Because tankery is seen as a feminine sport <S> , there are not many male players. <S> There are possibly some, but the overwhelming majority is female as many areas would not have enough interested guys to form a team. <S> If you tried to form a flower arranging club in an all male school, you would probably find there would be few members - This is the case with tankery also. <A> According to the Girls Und Panzer wiki , Panzerfahren (Sensha-do) is: a martial arts that involves tanks as weapons. <S> This martial arts are just exclusive for high school girls to develop their self-esteem as young women. <S> Like you mentioned, all the participating schools are all-girls schools. <S> The rules themselves don't seem to limit the competitions to only girls, but the martial art itself seems to be only for girls. <A> Episode 1, Tankery, <S> Here It Comes! <S> At 17 minutes (17:05 to 17:10) after the 'Introduction to Tankery' film has been shown. <S> Miho Nishizumi, Saori Takebe & Hana Isuzu are in the cafeteria. <S> Unknown students are chatting in the background, about Tankery. <S> One says, "They say its perfect training for women." <S> Another student excitedly says, "I never heard of men doing Tankery. <S> Guys and tanks seem kind of mismatched to me." <S> (I only noticed this revealing bit of background info on my 4th rewatch!) <A> There is a snippet of conversation, background chatter. <S> Someone says, "I can't imagine boys doing tankery. <S> That would be weird." <S> Or something to that effect (from memory). <S> This directly implies that Tankery is girls only.
| In the all-girl schools, it is compulsory that all students select a particular extracurricular activity to do.
Is there any reference which confirms that Meruem is much more powerful than Hisoka? In the Hunter X Hunter anime, Meruem is said to be (arguably) the strongest character in the series. However while reading about Hisoka , I found that he once thought to challenge Ging to a battle to death, which seems astonishing because Netero once said that Ging is one of the five best Nen users in the world. Is there any reference (either in the manga or in the anime) that conclusively says that Meruem is far more powerful than Hisoka? Note : In the anime, Neferpitou 's aura is reported to have much more murderous intent that both Hisoka and Illumi's, but I don't know whether it necessarily implies that Hisoka is weaker than Meruem. <Q> This is also due to his Nen consumption ability, as seen in his wiki article : Meruem's initial ability gives him strength through consumption. <S> Meruem's aura grows every time he devours a user of Nen, with their aura synthesizing to his own. <S> Additionally, Netero , who was one of the strongest characters in Hunter X Hunter, couldn't really beat Meruem. <S> Don't forget what he said to Meruem when he met him: <S> When? <S> When did I start waiting for my opponent to make the first move? <S> When, indeed? <S> It became a routine. <S> The loser held out his hands in gratitude for the lesson <S> and I graciously accepted without skipping a beat. <S> As if that was what I wanted!! <S> That's not how it should be!! <S> For so long, I sought the height of perfection. <S> I dreamed of giving my heart and soul to battle an unstoppable adversary!! <S> I'm a lucky man. <S> I'm thankful for everything that led me to this point... <S> that led me to you!! <S> So considering this, Hisoka has to be weaker than Netero, who is indeed weaker than Meruem. <S> But as already said in Kalilz's answer : <S> When it comes to a fight between Nen users, pure power doesn't mean everything. <S> One may have an ability than can overpower a type of opponent. <A> This can be answered by using the only quantitative source of strength we have for HxH. <S> I've said it before however, <S> When it comes to a fight between Nen users, pure power doesn't mean everything. <S> One may have an ability than can overpower a type of opponent. <S> However the below data points conclusively prove that Meruem is WAY more powerful than Hisoka and he can only beat him under extraordinary circumstances. <S> According to the "Hunter × Hunter Manual" section found in the Yu ☆ Yu ☆ Hakusho official character book (Shueisha Jump remix), Hisoka's stats are: Comparing them to Meruem Sources: <S> Read The Trivia Section at the page's bottom Meruem: HxH Wikia Hisoka: HxH Wikia <A> When it comes to a fight between Nen users, pure power doesn't mean everything. <S> One may have an ability than can overpower a type of opponent (for instance: Kurapika vs. Uvogin). <S> In terms of pure power, Meruem is far stronger than Hisoka (probably stronger than any living being). <S> I'd say Hisoka is about the same level as a Royal Guard (mainly because Hisoka has a lot of battle experience). <S> That being said, Hisoka doesn't seek for anyone weaker than him when he wants to fight. <S> So the fact that he thought to challenge Ging doesn't mean he's able to gauge his power and think he can beat him. <S> I can't give you any reference, personally I think the 2011 anime (didn't read the scans) shows that Meruem is the strongest being we ever saw by far. <S> There is something else though. <S> Before the final battle between Hunters and Ants, Netero says that someone will have to be sacrificed. <S> I think he simply knew that nobody could beat the Ant King in a fight and already thought about using a bomb. <A> In the beginning of the anime, Hisoka point blank tells Netero he wants to fight him, but Netero ignores him. <S> This is significant because as stated during the fight with Meruem, Netero has been bored for a long time and is grateful to have a chance to fight someone that could kill him. <S> Again, he ignored Hisoka, not because Hisoka was hiding his bloodlust or aura (the examiners felt it and so did the other applicants; also, he almost killed an examiner the last time he took the test, so it would be odd if Netero wasn't aware of him.) <S> Yet, did Netero fight him? <S> Nope. <S> He just ignored him. <S> So Netero clearly doesn't find Hisoka to be worth fighting. <S> And why should he? <S> We have seen Hisoka go all out already in his fight with Chrollo and he showed no other ability than his gum... <S> and while a flexible use of nen, it provides him with no way of hurting someone like Netero. <S> Netero's fight with the King dealt thousands of punches in the blink of an eye. <S> Hisoka has shown no such speed or endurance to tank attacks of that caliber. <S> Sun and Moon, the attack Chrollo uses to kill Hisoka, explodes Heaven Arena, sure, but Netero's Zero Hand melted stone! <S> There would be nothing left from Hisoka. <S> And yet, Meruem tanked all those attacks from Netero. <S> So yes, I would put him way above Hisoka. <S> What can Hisoka do? <S> Throw a card? <S> Won't damage the King's skin. <S> Hold him down with gum? <S> Hisoka couldn't move Razor's puppet and had to release the nen gum. <S> I seriously doubt he could stop Meruem from moving. <S> One slap from the King's tail and Hisoka is dead. <S> Hisoka is not fast enough to dodge an attack from the Ant King. <S> Now Hisoka wanting to fight Ging... <S> his bloodlust clouds his vision. <S> He wanted to fight Netero, and he could never win that fight. <S> He wanted to fight Chrollo and Chrollo killed him. <S> I would also like to point out Killua thought he could kill Netero during the exam... <S> so clearly rankings by Killua or Hisoka are not to be relied on. <A> Hisoka died from an explosion in the Heaven's Arena, Compare that with Meruem who survived a Nuke. <S> Even the calamities (except may be Bryon and Ai) are probably weaker than him.
| Meruem is actually the strongest living being in term of Nen Aura.
What happen to Orochimaru and his team after the war ended? We all know Naruto has ended. But seriously, what happen to Orochimaru and his team, Suigetsu, Juugo, and Karin? What did Sasuke do to them? <Q> There was no mention of them. <S> Not by manga nor by databook. <S> We might get a glimpse of them in The Last: Naruto the Movie, but we don't know, and likely never will. <S> (Unless, of course, Kishimoto-sensei decides to reveal those details somehow). <A> As mentioned by Anastasiya-Romanova, Sasuke left Taka and Orochimaru. <S> Rest, character by character status is below: From Naruto Gaiden: <S> The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring <S> Karin <S> After the war, Karin resumed her work for Orochimaru at one of his hideouts. <S> She helped Sakura, by delivering her and Sasuke's daughter, Sarada at Orochimaru's hideout — as Sakura, while pregnant, had refused to leave Sasuke's side while he was traveling. <S> She also became friends with Sakura, at some point. <S> Suigetsu & Jugo Suigetsu and Jugo also joined Orochimaru's hideout. <S> They even greeted the Naruto and next generation when they came to the hideout for Information about Shin <S> Uchiha Suigetsu even increased the confusion of Sarada. <S> Sarada requested for Suigetsu's assistance in checking whether Karin is her birth mother or not. <S> Suigetsu found a strand of Karin's DNA in her desk (not knowing that it was Sarada's umbilical cord) and used it to run a test with that of Sarada's, which revealed a perfect match. <S> Some time after Shin's defeat, Karin scolded Suigetsu for touching her belongings, explaining to him that he had used Sakura and Sarada's umbilical cord in the DNA test. <S> Kabuto <S> He runs Konoha Orphanage in the next generation era. <S> He happily became a father to all remaining Shin clones and intended to name every single clone. <S> Orochimaru Orochimaru even helped to break the secret about Shin Uchiha . <S> From Boruto: <S> Boruto and Sarada ask Mitsuki who his parents are and after he tells them it's Orochimaru, Sarada asks if he's the mother or the father. <S> Mitsuki answers that either one is fine, while Boruto loudly asks who Orochimaru is. <S> He's then shown standing on top of a house, looking at the three genin. <A> Taka (Suigetsu, Juugo, and Karin).
| Naruto the Movie Orochimaru has a cameo appearance in the film with one secret revelation According to the new release of Naruto Gaiden manga chapter 7 (or Naruto manga chapter 707), Sasuke split up with team Taka and Orochimaru went back to his hideout with the rest of team
Why is Parasyte spelled with a y in the title? It is my understanding that the word parasite is spelled with an i and not a y. However, the title of the anime and manga, when translated into English, uses a y in the spelling. However, this only seems to apply to the title, since the species is referred to as "parasites" (at least throughout the wikipedia article ) and Uda Mamoru calls his parasite as Parasite in episode 7: Is there a reason for this misspelling? Or is there maybe a difference between "parasyte" and "parasite"? <Q> According to Wikipedia user Doceirias who translated the Del Rey version of the manga: <S> Essentially, the word kiseiju 1 is consistently translated as Parasyte, while the word kiseichu 2 is translated literally as parasite. <S> The creatures themselves are referred to either as kiseichu or parasaito. <S> The word kiseiju only appears one time (if memory serves) and is used to refer to human beings. <S> I decided the distinction was an important one, and that the word Parasyte actually referred to mankind. <S> As with writing byte instead of bite, Parasyte is a deliberate respelling of parasite for distinction purposes. <S> 1 <S> kiseijuu <S> 寄生獣 : <S> parasite beasts 2 kiseichuu 寄生虫 : <S> parasite bugs <A> I believe it is intentional. <S> Because there's no "Kiseijuu" word in Japanese. <S> I mean the Japanese original title, "Kiseijuu," itself is a coined word; parasitized + beast. <S> Japanese people know well about the word "Kiseichu", that means parasite. <S> Here, "Juu" means animals especially something dangerous or beasts, and "Chu" is bugs. <S> I think this is why "Parasite" won't suit for English title. <S> And the below is a spoiler for this topic. <S> In this series, the word "Kiseijuu" will be used or appeared only once. <S> And that is not refer the parasitic monsters like Migi, Tamiya, Shimada, etc. <S> One of the key person in this series says "Human-being is the "Kiseijuu (parasyte)" who destroy the Earth!" <A> Parasyte is more like parasite-scythe. <S> Scythe is the weapon of the parasites in this anime/manga, so it's that kind of a pun. <S> Parasyte is because the weapon of the parasites are scythes. <A> Actually the likely reason it's titled as Parasyte with a Y instead of an I is likely a play on words having to do with a physiological reference to the blood brain barrier (which protects the brain against toxins/pathogens). <S> There are cells called "pericytes" that regulate blood flow through capillaries. <S> I should note I'm a med student <S> so this came to me while I was doing an assignment lol <S> I'm sure other people have thought of this too though.
| So the name Parasyte is likely a clever combination (and way to avoid copyright issues) of the parasite taking over the host in the anime and pericytes that help with brain function.
Is Rui a boy or girl? In Gatchaman Crowds , when we see Rui outside he/she is wearing a blonde wig of either long hair when looking like a punk rocker or short hair when wearing a blue dress. When Rui is getting dressed to meet Hajime see see his/her chest exposed however there was no sign that he/she was a girl. while there was no nipples shown normally even with flat chested girls there is an attempt to try and hide their breasts and with Rui i think i saw more chest than i was expecting. All the Gatchamen refer to Rui as a girl however they only have seen him/her in disguise, Hajime makes a comment during their meeting of hiding behind makeup however i don't think i remember her say if Rui is a boy or girl (or correcting anyone) I'm watching the English Dub and in the credits Shannon Emerick is credited to be the Vorice Actress of Rui, who is the same woman who is credited for being the Voice Actress of "Garden" Engi Threepiece in the Dub of Dream Eater Merry (both i brought from Hanabee Entertainment). So i am wondering, is Rui just a very flat chested girl or is Rui a cross dressing guy? <Q> Ninomiya Rui is a boy who disguises himself as a girl most of the time/crossdresses so that he could easily observe people without being notice. <S> He acts so manly while dressing like this <S> But sometimes it's so suspicious because of this <S> And this <S> But to answer your question : He IS A BOY. <S> definitely. <A> One of the main visual points of Crowds' characters design and attitude is "be yourself". <S> That is why Utsutsu is wearing underwear a swimsuit all the time, OD is perfectly confortable being that flashy, and yes, Rui goes crossdressing as if it were another ordinary monday. <S> One exception might be Sugane. <S> What struck me the most was Hajime's ability to take everyone at face value: not once she does any judgement of character, not even with the main villain. <S> IMO this is one of the messages Crowds try to send through: don't form preconceptions of people, instead learn who they are. <S> It might be that Rui went into crossdressing to better hide <S> is identity as creator of the Crowds system. <S> But it was never explained as such, so it falls into fan theory. <S> The fact that he kept crossdressing even after coming public shows that it might not be that, or that he grew into his costumes and kept wearing them. <S> I don't have the reference here, but there is one scene when Sugane is shocked to learn Rui's gender and Hajime states something to the effect of "I always knew". <A> Senpai also points this out in the kindergarden.
| If you watch episode 9, you'll see that he's a boy!
How does Obito have two Sharingans if Madara took one? If Madara took Obito's left eye, how come he has both Sharingans? (Chapter 683, page 15) Did Obito replace the one he lost with Kakashi's Sharingan, like a trade? <Q> TL;DR: <S> Because Madara gave him the Sharingan he had taken from Kakashi back when he took the Rinnegan Obito had in his left eye socket. <S> Long version: In chapter 674, page 14, Madara takes Kakashi's Sharingan eye (Obito's left eye): <S> In chapter 675, page 10, Madara switches his left eye - currently holding Obito's left eye - for <S> the Rinnegan Obito has in his left eye socket: <S> In that same chapter, he lets Black Zetsu take control of Obito's left side. <S> In chapter 676, page 2, we see that Obito now has both of his Sharingan, though he is not in control of his body: <S> In chapter 679, page 6, Black Zetsu leaves Obito's body to join Kaguya: <S> Leaving him finally in control of both of his Sharingan when Naruto revives him and he regains consciousness in chapter 683, page 6: <A> Madara snatched Kakashis Kamui Sharingan and used it to <S> enter Kamui Dimension and retrieve his Rinnegan. <S> He was successful and Black Zetsu possessed Obitos right body half, which was eyeless until Madara popped Kakashis Sharingan in. <S> Obito got both his eyes back in that moment, but B Zetsu was using the Obitos right half and used Kakashis eye to get himself and Madara out of the dimension.. <S> It was mentioned, but it was easyly possible to miss.. <S> I thought for quite a while that Obito didn't have both of his eyes until it was cleared up to me, that the Obitos right eye was never touched by madara.. <S> thus giving him both eyes. <S> Why did Madara pop Kakashis Kamui eye back? <S> I don't know... <S> Lets just say for plot, <S> because he could have just crushed it. <S> I'd assume he didn't consider Obito a threat anymore and wanted the MS Sharingan as backup for whatever reason.. <S> It really caused a stir here when those chapters came around The "unmentioned" situation you're looking for spans from chapter 674 to 676. <S> -KuramaErricson <S> This is the answer given by that person, you can refer to his post here. <S> <A> He gave it black zetsu to use madara and himself to get out of the dimension madara basically madara put his rennigan on while he was in the other dimension and only way to get out is with obitos sharingan capish
| Obito had his Right eye Kamui Sharingan and Madaras Rinnegan in his left socket.
Why doesn't Donflamingo control Luffy? Donflamingo can control people using his strings. Why doesn't he use his ability to control Luffy, or Law instead of fighting them? <Q> I think Doflamingo can only control those who are weaker than him with his strings. <S> The most powerful man he has been shown affecting with his strings by far is Jozu, but he didn't control him in the same way he did Bellamy, he just froze him still. <S> Jozu couldn't move, but Doflamingo didn't move him around like a puppet either, whether because he couldn't or just didn't bother isn't clear. <S> I suspect that for people far weaker than Doffy, like Bellamy or Riku, he is able to completely control their movements, for those weaker than himself he is able to stop their movement, but not move them like a puppet, and that those stronger than him, like presumably Kaido, are able to move freely even when he's trying to control them. <S> I think Luffy and Law are at the level that Doflamingo could perhaps stop their movements, but he wouldn't be able to puppet them around like Bellamy. <A> I think he has to make them weaker and break their mind psychologically before he can control them, like he does with Bellamy. <A> In my opinion, Doflamingo is only able to control opponents stronger or equally strong as him in a limited amount of time, while the latter still don't figure out yet what Doflamingo's power is about. <S> After they realize his strings Devil fruit power, they can use Haki to break free. <S> However, their Haki must be strong enough to free themselves from Doflamingo's non-Haki strings, and stronger than Doflamingo's Haki in order to overcome his Haki-imbued strings. <S> Like when Luffy very recently did it with Gear fourth. <S> I hope I made sense in the comment above :)
| Almost no-one in One Piece has any absolute powers, I don't think Doflamingo's puppet ability is magic, I think he is just able to exert a great deal of his strength through his strings.
Who invented the Rasengan: Jiraiya or Minato? Was it Minato who invented the Rasengan, or was it Jiraya? All I know is that Jiraiya taught Naruto the Rasengan. Who is the original creator? <Q> The Rasengan is an A-rank technique created by the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, by observing the Tailed Beast Ball. <S> Minato spent three years developing the Rasengan. <A> It was Minato. <S> The Fourth Hokage invented in from seeing the Bijuu-dama. <S> Jiraiya learned it from Minato and then taught Naruto about it. <S> See Rasengan article on Naruto Wiki. <S> Edit: While it wasn't mentioned which Bijuu Minato based his Rasengan from, it is presumably the Kyuubi as the Kyuubi was the only Bijuu in possession of Konoha at that time and the Jinchuuriki is his wife. <A> No, it wasn't Minato or Jiraiya who invented Rasengan. <S> If you watch Naruto from the beginning to the last (Naruto Shippuden), Rasengan was made by Ashura, one of Hagoromo's sons. <S> It means Rasengan has been invented a long time ago, even before Minato was born. <A> The true inventer is Ashura. <S> Yes, Minato worked so hard to make it <S> but he was sadly not the person who invented it. <S> Around episodes 400-500 <S> there is an episode where Ashura and Indra fight; Indra has the full Susanoo and Ashura has the Truth Seeker Orbs. <S> After about 7 minutes, Ashura makes a Rasangan with like 4-5 <S> mini Rasangans in it. <S> So the part that Minato "invented" it is false, he just happens to have revived a really old ninjutsu. <S> So in his way he "invented" it. <A> It is true Ashura made the first Rasengan, but as far as who did it first between Jiraiya or Minato, Jiraiya did tell Naruto that the 4th Hokage invented it. <S> There's an episode, I believe 33 of season 1 Shippuden , showing that Jiraiya mastered that jutsu in way less time.
| Jiraiya taught Naruto how to create and use Rasengan.
Is there any humor or meaning to the conversation about Yuri's dream and how many Hinatas there were? In episode 5, Otonashi and Angel had a conversation about Yuri's dream and how many Hinatas there were, which seemed totally random and out of nowhere. When I first watched that episode, I didn't get the humor and meaning that I expected were there in the conversation. Is there a joke or meaning to those remarks, or are they just some disposable lines? The curious conversation between Otonashi and Angel 音無 :「すまん!ゆりの調子が不安定だ。 原因は、昨夜夢に日向が出てきて……」 日向 :『今日の俺と明日の俺が同じ俺だと思うな。気を付けな。』 音無 :「……と忠告してきたことによる。そして今、その忠告が事実であることをゆりが証明しちまったところなんだ。」 天使 :「日向君は二人いるの?」 音無 :「あ、ああ、そういうことになる。」 天使 :「三人以上いるかもしれない?」 音無 :「え?ああ、ありえる。」 天使 :「お気の毒に。」 Otonashi : Sorry! Yuri's a little emotionally unstable. Because last night, Hinata showed up in her dream and— Hinata : Don't think that the me from today and tomorrow will be the same. Watch out. Otonashi : That's what he said, and Yuri just proved it. Angel : Are there two Hinata-kun's? Otonashi : Y-Yeah... that's right. Angel : Is there a chance that there's more than three of him? Otonashi : Huh? Oh, uh... it's possible. Angel : I'm sorry to hear that. <Q> The joke here, I think, is that before this conversation, Hinata showed up in front of Yuri and behaved very differently from yesterday (before Yuri dreamed about him), so Otonashi said that the warning came true: Hinata really changed. <S> Since Hinata said, "don't think that the me from today and tomorrow will be the same", tomorrow, he might change again, making Kanade say that there could be more than three of him. <A> The conversation actually foreshadows a future event where Angel makes an aggressive clone of herself using Guard Skills: Harmonics. <S> Are there two Hinata-kun's? <S> Is there a chance that there's more than three of him? <S> In episode 8, Hinata reciprocated this saying to Angel, which is in itself a gag. <S> Don't think that the me from today and tomorrow will be the same. <S> Watch out. <S> This is what the SSS members were worrying about in episode 9: which "Angel" would wake up from the coma after Kanade had absorbed all her clones? <S> I'm sorry to hear that. <S> (お気の毒に) <S> The second kanji character used in Angel's expression of pity, 毒 ("poison"), was actually shown right at Hinata's face in episode 2, the last time he was made to be sacrificed by Yurippe. <S> In episode 5, he had to make his sacrifices again at the coercion of Yurippe, but don't worry, the maxim "people die if they are killed" doesn't apply in the Afterlife World. <A> Angel: Is there a chance that there's more than three of him? <S> Otonashi: <S> Huh? <S> Oh, uh... it's possible. <S> Angel: I'm sorry to hear that. <S> Hinata: Don't think that the me from today and tomorrow will be the same. <S> Watch out. <S> Angel: Are there two Hinata-kun's? <S> There's a misunderstanding here where Hinata is saying that how is personality is one day is different to how it is another day. <S> Angel has mistaken this as being two distinctly different Hinatas .
| The humour here is that Angel's basically saying having one Hinata is bad enough and she is sad to hear there is more of him.
Where can I find a list of recipes (and their directions) that were used in Shokugeki no Soma? I'm reading Shokugeki no Soma and at some points, I thought it would be nice to cook some of these dishes. Unfortunately, I haven't found more than the mackerel burger recipe. I know that not all recipes are published, but I would like to know if there were also other ones that were published. <Q> As Krazer said, the recipes can be found on the Japanese tankobon versions as extras. <S> The English version, however, also have the same recipes. <S> At the time of this writing, 6 volumes have been released in English and this Imgur album contains the English version of the recipes up to the 6th volume. <S> It doesn't contain all of the recipes, as you guessed yourself, but it contains most of the meals that the main cast cooked. <S> They usually only contain the ingredients and not step-by-step instructions on how to prepare the food. <A> In addition to the extras in the tankobon mentioned in Frosteeze's answer , there's also an official recipe book titled Tōtsuki Academy Challenge Plate: Shokugeki no Soma Official Recipe Book which is currently only available in Japanese. <S> According to Wikia , it contains 27 recipes from the manga as well as new ones that were either featured in JUMP magazine or inspired by Shokugeki characters' cooking style. <S> Other than that <S> , there doesn't seem any other official recipes published anywhere else. <A> I also want to cook the recipes, as I have cooking as one of my hobbies that I would like to get decent at. <S> What I do is I go to the wikia and find the EXACT list of all ingredients for most recipes, and then for specific directions <S> I try to adapt with both my knowledge and the food descriptions. <S> Example: I cooked the Hachis Parmentier <S> they did on the train trip to the final exam (season 3) team Doujima version. <S> I needed mashed potatoes, sauce espagnole, the meat sauce and the anchoiade sauce. <S> So I either know how to make some of those things, or I dont <S> and I google <S> , so for example: "how to cook fast mashed potatoes", "how to make sauce espagnole", and in multiple scattered websites I go from ingredients to preparation of everything <S> and then i use my cooking skills to get a finished product. <S> This is my Hachis Parmentier. <S> Without the green sauce, used only basil and white vineager.
| You can also find partial recipes in the Shokugeki no Soma wiki by looking up the names of the food.
Does Sidonia no Kishi's 256 frame formation have scientific advantages? In episode five or six of Sidonia no Kishi, Tanikaze and Shizuka were rescued by their fellow knights against orders of the captain. The rescuers adopted a 256 Gardes formation traveling to and from the protagonist's location. Is the scientific reason behind this peculiar formation explained anywhere in the series (because I can't recall)? Their formation was a perfect circle when they traveled to Tanikaze's location but was uneven as they carried his frame, hence balance might be out of the answer. This formation was also used later in the series when they were going to attack the massive Gauna (as the picture shows). They used all 256 for the formation but still, the mission-grouping were in 128 frames per objective. I don't think this question is a duplicate of this question because I'm asking for the scientific explanation of the formation. I'm also aware this question may be put on hold or closed as too speculative, but it's an interesting thing to ask if the explanation is in the series anyway. I believe krazer's explanation to the question above (as ton.yeung comments below) is on spot after a little research. However, what I really want to know is the benefits in having everyone in one giant ring when they could create two 128-frame rings that would've been apt on the later event I mentioned. They could even have 64 4-frame rings that might cover a greater area in the long run (or not). Does it save energy, minimize danger, or perhaps guarantee a lesser chance of being lost in space? <Q> Having studied orbital dynamics and aerospace engineering, I can simplify your answer down for you. <S> Let's just say 1 mech exhibits a mass of about 5 units. <S> However, the engine can lift up to 10 units, so in a 2-mech clasp formation: ( 2 x 10 )-( 2 x 5 )= <S> 10 units <S> This means that they effectively double the output of their engines. <S> So, the thrust of a 256-unit clasp formation, and let's also include the weight of one broken mech: ( 256 x 10 )-( 257 x 5 ) <S> = 1275 units <S> This would give them an extremely long range compared to the distance <S> only 2 or 4 mechs could fly. <S> To answer your question as to how they would balance it, simply cut the engine of 1 or 2 other mechs in strategic locations <S> This may just sound like I'm saying they can lift more, but the point is the amount of thrust generated exceeds the thrust needed to lift all of the units' mass, thus translating to more speed and range Hope <S> this clears it up for ya! <A> There appears to be a lot of confusion in the answers provided thus far... <S> What we care about here is rate of acceleration. <S> Acceleration = force <S> / mass(AKA thrust to mass ratio) <S> The thrust to mass ratio for 1 unit is identical to n number of combined units (256 or otherwise). <S> Therefore there is no acceleration advantage to combining units. <S> Example:Assuming a single guard has a thrust of 10 and a mass of 1 then <S> : 10 units of thrust divided by 1 unit of mass gives a 10/1 thrust/mass ratio.2560 units of thrust divided by 256 units of mass gives the same 10/1 thrust/mass ratio. <S> There simply is no advantage with regards to raw acceleration performance nor maximum speed (assuming the vacuum of space of course). <S> There are also no special relativistic considerations since the units do not ever accelerate to anywhere near the speed of light. <S> On the flip side, combining multiple units together would have major structural disadvantages with regards to high-rate manoeuvring outside the axial line of thrust - that is, the circle would want to tear itself apart in turns... <S> Additionally, from a tactical perspective, it makes no sense to maintain tight formation if the potential of a surprise attack is a possibility. <S> w/ regards to carrying a wounded or damaged mech home <S> , that would be advantageous as the broken mech would just be extra mass for the formation to carry - which would limit the acceleration of the group as a whole but might get the broken unit home... <A> I'm not 100% sure about the intent of the original question. <S> I know what mine was and <S> what caused me to go looking for an answer, is "within the framework of K.o. <S> S., what are the advantages of the large clasp formations?". <S> Clearly, using classical physics there is no particular reason why a 256 clasp formation would have any benefit for speed or range other than some of the minor items touched on in this thread (ie communalization of resources, distribution of tow loads, possibly control, distribution of weaknesses, etc.). <S> So if the original question was about how realistic physics applies to the situation, there's your answer. <S> Also, for whoever answered that balance doesn't matter in space, that's not true at all. <S> Any unbalanced load would quickly cause rotations on all unbalanced axes, which would immediately cause either a need for a course correction or an extreme error in course. <S> Clearly what would be required would be a course correction and that requires thrust, which would significantly reduce their range. <S> An unbalanced thrust (load) in space is extremely inefficient and a lot of work is done to ensure symmetry of thrust in realistic physical situations. <S> As for my original question, it appears that within the physics of K.o. <S> S., there are these fictional particles called Heigus particles which have different properties than described for any particle in normal physics. <S> According to the description above from the wiki, the Heigus engines work much better when used together, clearly balance is still of primary concern, but equally clear is that the physics of K.o. <S> S. Can not be adequately described using our rudimentary knowledge of Heigus physics :-) <S> The next question for me is, "is it described in more detail in further or other K.o. <S> S. Episodes or manga?" <S> Would be very interested to know the answer to that if anyone has input as I have not read the manga. <A> With the placement of the propulsion unit high on the back and a bit backward, the main source of propulsion is way behind the center of mass, which makes for a rather erratic flight pattern without having a lot of stabilization thrust. <S> So assuming that a lot of energy is burned for the sake of stabilization via other thrusters, then having units join together spreads out the sources of propulsion, and also stabilization, while the center of mass would stay in the center of the formation (depending on how tightly they’re holding hands, which i assume is meant to be rigidly locked) <S> If that’s the case, then virtually all if the energy that was previously being used to stabilize the flight is now being used purely for thrust. <S> Although, If that’s the case, i don’t see how a 256 unit formation would have much advantage over a 48 unit formation, any difference would be slight.
| Only thing i could think up to justify it, was if the individual units burned a lot of energy by stabilizing their flight pattern.
Was Lilium written or composed solely for Elfen Lied? Elfen Lied's opening, Lilium, is a symphony sung in Latin. Was it written/composed just for Elfen Lied (like for example, the opening songs for Pokemon)? <Q> The answer is yes. <S> According to the pamphlet included in the Elfen Lied OST, the melody of Lilium just surfaced to MOKA, <S> the two-person musician group who was appointed the music producer staff of the Elfen Lied anime TV production team, when they looked at Elfen Lied from a certain perspective <S> : it's not that Lucy wants to be born special — what she desires, the mundane happiness, that which appears to be easily obtainable is in fact obtainable by only a small handful of people. <S> 望んで特別に生まれたわけじゃない、欲しいものは簡単に手に入りそうでほんの一握りの人しか手に入れられないであろう、ありふれた幸せ…… <S> そんな角度からこの『エルフェンリート』を感じた時に、メインテーマである「LILIUM」の祈るような旋律が浮かびました <S> 。 <S> MOKA later included rearrangements of Lilium in Ryugu Genka , Shinra Soloist , <S> Felix Culpa and LILIUM MOKA☆ Produce Mixed Chorus . <A> As is almost always the case with anime music, Lilium was composed just for Elfen Lied. <S> KONISHI Kayo and KONDO Yukio collectively handled the composition, arrangement, and lyricwriting (and also did the rest of the soundtrack ). <A>
| Lilium was inspired by the poem 'Elfenlied' which is in the Manga, written by Eduard Mörike, and later adapted to a Lied by Hugo Wolf.
Can a Kage Bunshin make another Kage Bunshin? Can a Kage Bunshin make another Kage Bunshin? Sometimes you see the clones die and I am screaming at the TV, why didn't that clone just make a clone of itself before it died? Or does Naruto tend to let them die on purpose so he can gain their knowledge? <Q> In short: <S> Yes . <S> There are several instances where Naruto will create several Shadow Clones, which in turn create more Shadow Clones. <S> As far as why he doesn't create any more, this is speculative. <S> I can think of a few reasons: <S> Naruto doesn't possess the skill to do so. <S> The useful part of a clone creating a clone right before "death" would be to gain tactical advantage. <S> Naruto's strategy is generally to "charge right in", while this kind of strategy would rely on the clones "dying" so as to be the bait for a new clone coming right in. <S> There simply isn't enough reaction time. <S> Naruto has demonstrated that it takes time to create clones, even if the amount of time is relatively small. <S> Rather than take the time to mold chakra and perform the technique, why not actually fight? <A> I see two questions here why didn't clones create another clone before they die? <S> A. <S> Image this very thin instance where the clone realizes he is about to die, what amount of chakra does a clone have in that instance, likely very minimal. <S> If he tries to make a clone then, he actually has to divide his chakra, which will further diminish his chakra resource. <S> In this case, he might actually quicken his death, or miraculously if he succeeds in making a clone with such minimal amount of chakra, I don't think the clone is of any use in the fight. <S> Does Naruto tend to let clones die on purpose to gain knowledge ? <S> A. More or less <S> YES , because clones act on their own, they have their own conscience and they can use full abilities of his caster(who made the clones). <S> They go head on with their opponent. <S> It's a better strategy to learn opponent abilities quickly. <S> Answering you question, its depends on the situation, not every time Naruto purposefully let's clones dispel, even though users have ability to control their clone chakra. <A> Yes, it can. <S> Kage Bunshin making Kage Bunshin is called Tajuu Kage <S> can see it from the interval and placement of the new clones.
| As we know that clones dispel when they are hit by a force enough to severely hurt them.
What does the seal on Meliodas's forehead mean? How did he get this seal? In episode 5, when the enemy tried to steal his sword, this seal appeared on his forehead. What does it mean? <Q> SPOILER UP AHEAD!!!!! <S> It is the symbol of the demon clan. <S> Meliodas is a demon. <S> This advancement is explained in the Manga. <S> Although it is hinted throughout the series, but it is never really explicitly shown that he really isn't human until after the Kingdom Infiltration arc has ended. <S> The Ten Commandments, a group of the most fearsome demons are revived. <S> They were sealed 3000 years ago, yet Meliodas knows them all by their names. <S> King confronted him claiming he was a demon. <S> Although he didn't answer, it is obvious from the situation. <S> That also accounts for his never aging body. <S> The Ten Commandments know him well too. <S> And Meliodas actually calls them his brothers in chapter 135. <S> So, yeah, he is a demon. <S> Later on in the manga, his past and identity is explicitly revealed to be one of the Ten Commandments. <A> Meliodas is a demon. <S> When he uses his demon powers, his eyes turn black and the Mark of the Beast, the symbol of the Demon Clan, appears on his forehead. <A> Meliodas is a full demon, and the eldest son of the demon king. <S> He can be killed (Estarossa stabbed all his hearts) but will come back to life about a month later. <S> I'm guessing each family of demons has a different mark, so Zeldris, Estarossa, and Meliodas have the same thing. <S> Say, Derriere has a different one than them. <A> The mark signifies that Meliodas and his brothers are from the ruling class as the demon king has the same seal or you could say it <S> ’s because he’s the demon King’s son. <S> The marks on the others is a representation of their commandments.
| It is the symbol of the Demon Clan .
What is this bubble thing next to Marco's face? The white bubble thing coming out of Marco's mouth kinds of stands out. What is it? <Q> I can only see three possible things causing this as it's an anime. <S> It's common for small bubbles like that to be in mangas to express a sigh, sometimes it occurs in animes too, but it's more common for that to happen when characters enter a more comedic and less serious stage <S> (it tends to be fairly obvious). <S> Another reason is the above mentioned bubble-gum bubble, no further explanation required (you will know by observing the context if he put something in his mouth). <S> The third possibility (that I can see) is that it's a part of his soul. <S> It is also fairly common that some characters have special powers that lets part of the soul slip out through their mouths for various reasons. <S> I haven't watched this anime <S> so I can't tell for sure since I don't know the context. <S> My answer could however be of use to anyone else wondering in general about bubbles from the mouth. <S> Just by looking I'd place it more likely that it's a gum-bubble. <A> I'm pretty sure it is not an "emotion bubble" <S> like @seijitsu suggests: <S> In this particular scene, there is no trigger/reason to show one. <S> These bubbles are shown in anime usually when a character is disappointed or tired. <S> But Marcos is actually joyful for the medicine. <S> This anime has never used this type of artifact in any other episode. <S> The bubble is moving up & down as Marcos speaks. <S> However, the traditional "emotion bubble" either remains static OR moves in a direction opposite to the mouth while it fades away. <S> The fact that it moves up & down as he speaks suggests that it is something that exists physically (unlike "emotion bubbles", which are more abstract) - given the above, and the fact that Marcos had just eaten a small candy-like medicine , it is most likely just some sort of bubble made out of the medicine's gum. <S> I know it looks odd (a gum bubble should probably be smaller) <S> - but that's probably attributed to the artists' drawing style. <A> Like AnimatedLime and Omega said, that is his medicine. <S> For Arachnids <S> M.O. Organ holders, their medicine is consumed in the form of bubble gum. <S> That is Marcos blowing a bubble from his medicine. <S> For what it is worth, the bubble looks a little better in the manga. <S> Taking a type of drug will bring out the abilities gained through the Mosaic Organ to make the individual capable of facing against the Terraformar race on Mars. <S> The drug varies between an injection, biting a vial with a substance inside, consuming a type of tablet, or sniffing a type of powder. <S> Different bases have different medicines . <S> Plants: Capsules <S> Insects: <S> Injections <S> Crustaceans: <S> Smoke, cigars like Sylvester Asimov or opium pipes like Onizuka Keiji. <S> Fishes: <S> Powder, Adolf snorts the powder <S> This image covers the above 4 types. <S> Arachnids: <S> Birds: Vials of Liquid Cephalopods: <S> Liquid absorbed by the large intestine Mammals/Cetaceans: A Patch <A> You often see these type of bubbles coming from characters' noses while they are asleep. <S> It is highly unusual to see one while a character is awake. <S> Is it possible that he was chewing bubblegum in this scene?
| Bubble Gum (Bubble gum image for comparison) In Japanese culture the soul can exit through your mouth, normally through great shock or near death experiences.
What is the gender of Armin in Shingeki no Kyojin? One of my friends read an article which claimed that Armin Arlert of Attack on Titan is female. Can anyone confirm or deny this? This article included the following statement: Q : Out of the group of female characters in the 104th Trainee Squad, who did Mikasa get along with the most? A : Armin This related article further states the following: Isayama has revealed that Armin is a female character. Now this is a huge surprise for Shingeki no Kyojin fans. Everyone thought that Armin was always a boy but it looks like she was a girl. Finally, here's another article discussing the possibility of Armin being female. <Q> Armin is a boy. <S> There are some reasons worth consideration: <S> His appearance is male. <S> This isn't always telltale, due to traps . <S> (He refers to himself as 僕【ぼく】 <S> ( boku ), which is a male pronoun, fairly rarely used by females unless they are traps.) <S> The Shingeki <S> no Kyojin Wiki refers to him as male. <S> Armin is a boy's name. <S> ( One source , but there's many.) <S> He is voiced by a male in the English dub. <S> Though he is voiced by a female in Japanese, this is common for young or weak boys (Shinji Ikari, Edward Elric, etc.). <S> However, a male voicing a female character is exceedingly rare, and I doubt the mangaka would have allowed it. <S> In the article you are referring to , the answers to the questions are actually just for humorous purposes, and should not be regarded canonically. <S> For example: Q: Mike smells all kinds of stuff, <S> how does a titan smell? <S> A <S> : They smell like a spa-town. <S> After this article, Armin was later confirmed to be male by the mangaka himself at a public event found in this Japanese video at 3:09 <S> (thanks <S> @OshinoShinobu ): <S> Q: <S> アルミンの性別はどっちですか <S> ? <S> What is Armin's sex? <S> A: 男です。 Male. <A> Armin is confirmed to be a boy in story when: He is kidnapped while pretending to be Krista/Historia. <S> While the kidnappers originally think him to be female, they are... shocked... <S> when they find out he is male. <A> Armin is a boy because of his physical appearance. <S> Although a woman plays Armin in the Japanese version of Attack of Titan, the voice actor is a guy in the English version. <A> Armin is male. <S> It was joked that the girl Mikasa got along with best was Armin. <S> This is kind of a joke on the fact that Mikasa doesn't seem to have any female companion that she likes and also because of Armin's more feminine build and behavior as opposed to Eren or any other distinctively male character. <S> It is common practice in Japanese production that mild, gentle and physically weaker males are voiced by women as well as young boys. <S> Armin is all of these as a 15 year old intellectual who has been thrust into the position of a soldier because he was alone and scared.
| Armin uses distinctly male language in Japanese.
What are OVAs and how are they different from Specials? I often see that a lot of Anime series have a few extra episodes. Some are explicitly labeled as Specials , others labeled as OVAs . I get Specials , but I don't quite understand the term OVAs. I googled, and found this: What is the difference between an OVA and an OAV? , but all I understood from it is that: OVA /OAV stands for Original Video Animation Now that doesn't explain much, does it? So my question is, how is it different from other extra episodes (Specials)? Are they the same thing and the producers use the terms interchangeably or something else? <Q> Broadly, the two terms could be interchanged, although there are a few points of (almost) difference: <S> OVAs are generally released for home video (be that VHS, DVD, or whatever), whereas it's possible for a Special to be released as a television broadcast that is just separate from the rest of the show. <S> OVAs are often shorter than a normal episode of the show, while Specials are often as long or longer, although this definitely doesn't always hold. <S> Some OVAs are not associated with a show, so they aren't a "special episode" of anything. <S> For example, the series Video Girl Ai was only ever released as a 6 episode straight-to-video OVA. <A> To describe "Special" and OVA, we need to describe what's "normal" anime. <S> Usually anime (TV series anime) is broad-casted weekly. <S> It will continue 13 or more weeks. <S> It's usually free with Television advertisement (and has eye-catch at center of episode).TV station have their code: no pantsu scene, no violence scene. <S> The DVD (or BD) will be release later. <S> Special (aka TV Special ) is not weekly. <S> Usually yearly or one shot. <S> It's have only one episode <S> but it's have longer length ( <S> ex 2 hours).It's still intended for broadcast. <S> Need to meet broadcast code. <S> OVA is created for selling (by Video or DVD).It's intended to the small number of viewer without advertisement. <S> It means more otaku friendly theme. <S> No need to follow broadcast code. <S> It's OK to have hard violence scene. <S> But, in recent time, some OVA was broadcasting with censorship. <S> On the other hand, some TV series is on air with censorship, and selling DVD (or BD) without censorship version. <S> The boundary became ambiguous. <S> Other category is anime movie which is intended to show in theater. <S> Anime movie is between special and OVA. <S> The anime Lupin the Third has all TV series version, OVA, Anime movie and TV Special. <S> In this case, special version is yearly release. <A> OVA stands for Original Video Animation, this means these episodes are much like "Beta-tests. <S> " Or they can be anything that isn't related to the Anime itself, for example; In the Anime "Clannad" there is an OVA episode where Tomoyo /Spoilers/ and Tomoya have a romantic relationship, however in the actual series this relationship does not exist, but it does within the OVA. <S> I hope this can help. <A> OVAs are not special episodes, as its own name states: Original Video Animation (OVA) <S> they were made for video consumption and had no limitations (censorship) with the intention to expand the market to a more mature audience. <S> There's also ONA (Original Net Animation) which has been conceived to premiere in the Internet. <A> OVA is a fickle idea, and changes it purpose from title to title. <S> The one thing that seems to hold in most all of them is that OVA is much closer to what the original writer invisioned. <S> Some series originally release with OVA because the writer can produce a quality high enough for public release. <S> Others release OVA afterwards, when the project gets more funding, so it can be completed as they wanted to originally, but couldn't afford. <S> Take it as you will.
| The OVA's are separate from the series, and are usually just a little bonus from the producers, however it should be noted that they are non-canonical and should be treated as such.
Why can Naruto still use Rasenshuriken? When Naruto first used Rasenshuriken against Kakuzu the effect was massive. He destroyed two of Kakuzu's hearts, but there were a huge after effect to him. If I'm not mistaken, Tsunade advised Kakashi to ask Naruto never to use the technique again due to the huge risk. So why is Naruto still able to use the technique and have no side effects after that battle? I may have missed out on something. <Q> Naruto only used this jutsu one time in normal form (against Kakuzu, and got many side effects, like you said), the other times he was at Sage mode , at this state he didn't damage himself. <S> According to Naruto Wiki : Naruto later improved the Rasenshuriken with Sage Mode. <S> This allows him to throw it at his opponents, and removes the threat of damaging himself with the technique. <A> To expand on Rikkin's answer, the damage is only done on impact. <S> When Naruto first tried to use it on Kakuzu, his arm was at the very center of the damage radius when it impacted, which caused the damage. <S> While training for Sage Mode, Naruto learnt to throw the Rasenshuriken, which allowed him to only damage his opponent and not himself by staying out of the damage radius. <A> When Naruto first created the Rasen-Shuriken, the technique was only half-completed. <S> It wasn't stable enough to be thrown, so Naruto has to use it as a melee attack like the standard Rasengan. <S> However, the kickback of the jutsu is extremely dangerous. <S> The when the Rasen-Shuriken strikes, it dissolves into a veritable armada of microscopic wind blades that attack every cell in the opponent's body, severing the the victim's Chakra network. <S> However, due to his close proximity to the point of impact, Naruto experiences similar aftereffects in the arm that wielded the technique. <S> While the damage to his Chakra network wasn't nearly as severe, if overused, it would render Naruto permanently incapable of molding Chakra. <S> However, after Naruto learns to enter Sage Mode, he can use the Sage Chakra to stabilize the Jutsu's form, allowing it to be thrown like a real shuriken. <S> This is also true for when Naruto gains control over the Nine Tails' Chakra. <S> As a long range technique, the Rasen-Shuriken no long poses any danger to Naruto. <A>
| Naruto is able to use the Rasenshuriken freely basically because he enters sage mode which allows him to throw the Rasenshuriken because of the nature energy and his own Charkra combined granting him the ability to throw it, in his base form he couldn't he had to attack Kakuzu up close like an regular rasengan, which damages both the user because he had to get up close, and the victim.
What are the differences between the Akame Ga Kill! manga and anime? First of all, why was the anime completed before the manga? As far as I am aware, the anime is ahead of the latest manga chapters by a large margin. I've heard that the anime actually differs from the manga; does this mean we might get a remake like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood for Fullmetal Alchemist ? Furthermore, will the manga continue on with Akame's story? Will it explain some of the plot holes that were left unanswered in the anime? <Q> Difference between the anime and manga of <S> Akame ga KILL! <S> I have listed out some of the differences between the anime and manga of Akame ga KILL! <S> in this answer . <S> Let me reproduce it here for posterity. <S> The story is generally the same up to episode 17/chapter 33. <S> However, the anime begins to have minor deviations from the manga from episode 18/chapter 34. <S> After chapter 38, which corresponds to episode 19, the anime totally skips more than 10 chapters starting from chapter 39, except for this plot point in chapter 43, where ... Susanoo died fighting Esdeath to let the rest of the Night Raid escape. <S> Originally, this happened during the mission to assassinate Borick, which spans from chapter 40 to chapter 43. <S> In the anime, Susanoo's death is moved to episode 21 during the rescue for Tatsumi instead, and Borick's assassination is trivialized at the end of episode 19. <S> Episode 20 restarts from second half of chapter 50, but doesn't follow the manga too closely, since the manga introduces many new characters during the Wild Hunt arc (from chapter 44 to 48), <S> and several of them affect the story beyond Wild Hunt arc. <S> Most of the differences between manga and anime adaptation come from this 10-chapter gap. <S> Possibility of a remake ending <S> It's not unprecedented and even common for the anime to have an original ending, when the anime runs out of source material. <S> Heck, for the case of Fullmetal Alchemist , the 2003 anime branched off from the manga half-way and followed its own original storyline. <S> For the case of Akame ga KILL! , it is extremely unlikely that it gets a remake. <S> Unlike the case of Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) anime where the plot in the manga was still developing, Akame ga KILL! <S> manga is currently on its way to the ending. <S> Since the manga is currently on-going, only time will tell whether the manga has the same ending as the anime or not, or whether there is any extension to the story of the characters who survives. <A> There are also several exclusions of the story of several side characters. <S> For example the anime completely leaves out the Wild Hunt without which viewers never find out Run's story (it's touched on in the anime but never developed).Because the anime ended early, people will never know the story of people like Wave. <S> Spoiler: <S> Lubbock gets killed by Budo after escaping being tortured in prison by Syura. <S> And there will probably never be a remake - <S> it's just too brutal... <S> But you should definitely read the manga. <A> It's the same from episode 1 to 18, but after that, they did many shortcuts: Borik's assassination became "easy np" <S> They skipped the Wild Hunt Arc <S> Transformed many awesome combats and just ruined it. <S> Most of them are short silly combats, removing most of the meaning et deap of some characters. <S> The adaptation was quite disappointing.
| The anime's ending also prohibits any logical extension to the story, and an anime continuation would require a completely new arc in the manga, plus great demand from fans.
Why is Akame the center of attention? Akame is just an ordinary member of Night Raid. She doesn't have an integral role in the plot, and she is not an essential character: her absence wouldn't had changed the framework of the story significantly. Though she did fight an amazing battle, this doesn't seem like it should differentiate her from the others, because all the other members did the same thing. The only difference is that she fought Esdeath, the primary antagonist, and ultimately survived. However, on the other hand, the show is named after her. In addition, the opening and ending is full of portrayals of her. She takes most of the attention, but she doesn't seem to display a leading role. Why is she emphasized so much, especially over the other characters? <Q> I could be completely off base here, but honestly I think it's because she is the one of the only ones who survive. <S> I think she is very central to the story, though. <S> She just isn't your stereotypical front and center protagonist. <S> Zero to further develop her character. <A> Akame, like all other Night Raid members, had a reason for joining. <S> However, unlike the others, she had to leave an actual relative behind on the government's side, <S> so she's already different from everyone else right off the bat, not to mention the fact that her sister (pretty much her past) came back later on in the series. <S> She had the most character development. <S> Sure the author could've used any character to zero in on, but he chose Akame. <S> So it's only natural that she was the center of attention. <A> Very late to the party here, but as a writer, I can say that the "POV" and the "protagonist" are not the same thing, even though ~99 <S> % of the time in stories, shows, or films the POV character is in fact the protagonist. <S> It's hard to say for certain if it was intentional, but this makes it even more emotionally impactful when Tatsumi dies. <S> Gave this show additional rewatch value for me knowing that Akame is, in fact, the main character. <S> Besides Tatsumi, she has the most character growth. <A> Akame is the centre of attention because her role in the anime is to kill the minister or esdeath either so the story follows all of night raid however it shows akame more due to the her experiences as a imperial spy and being seperated from her sister. <S> although tatsumi is the main protagonist and the main character its akame who has the main role of "assassin of the empire"
| She does have the most backstory, and they did create Akame ga KILL! As to why she was the center of attention, well, she was really the strongest one, not to mention the only one who survived of nightraid.
What type of Logia can defeat a Haki user? What type of Logia can defeat a Haki user? Some Logia users are hard to defeat. Fleet Admiral Sakazuki a.k.a. Akainu , and Former Admiral Kuzan a.k.a. Aokiji are some examples. <Q> There is no such thing as a Devil's Fruit that automatically beats a Haki user. <S> The use of Haki is to be able to make contact with a Logia type fruit user. <S> This allows for a "fair" fight (in the sense that one person isn't inherently untouchable). <S> However, there is no fruit that negates the power of Haki (or at least among the fruits that have been revealed). <A> From the other perspective, having Haki only allows for Haki user to make contact (or touch) <S> the Logia. <S> It does not give them any anti-Logia super-effective skills. <S> In other words, any Logia can beat any Haki user, as the fight essentially comes down to better skills (unless we go and look for specific combinations) <A> You would recollect that Ceaser KO'ed both Luffy and Smoker by depriving them of oxygen. <S> In the future, we could probably see Logia abilities like hot plasma or gamma ray, which could possibly penetrate Haki. <A> In a sense, Soru Soru no Mi. <S> It's not logia, but paramecia. <S> Other answer already provide how logia can beat haki user but this devil fruit power can make haki useless against them. <S> The devil fruit user them self aren't automatically immune to haki but the objects with soul fragments inside them are immune to haki attack. <S> Surely homies (objects and animals that have been anthropomorphized by the Soru Soru no Mi) like King Baum can be cut easily with simple sword attack. <S> But with powerful enough soul like Prometheus, a mass of compressed flames, is completely immune to Luffy's busoshoku haki attack Powerful as it seems, even Prometheus can get injured by Brook. <S> Supposedly, not because of his haki but because of devil fruit incompatibility. <S> Brook, a soul king, can attack soul directly.
| The only Logia ability that has a proven record of defeating - nay KO'ing Haki users is the Gas-Gas no Mi , provided it is used with an element of surprise.
Manga/Anime of two female secret/military agents featuring countless upskirt moments I remember an anime that was broadcasted somewhere between 2002 and 2006 on the German MTV.It was about two female agents if I remember correctly that were members of some secret/military organization. The most noticeable part is the countless upskirts and bra flashes the series showed, never anything more revealing. One of the two females is rather small and both mainly use simple handguns in combat. Can someone help me find the animes name? edit writing these details down, bopped a title to my head.. Noir .. But I'm not quite sure yet and I can't verify that right now, as I am in the office. <Q> Could it be Agent Aika ? <S> It features the main character (older woman) Aika and her partner Rion. <S> There's a lot of fan service, especially panty shots and bra shots. <S> It was released as an OVA in 1997 but was aired on several German TV channels. <S> The character designs practically make it impossible not to see panties <S> More info: <S> Anime News Network <S> Wikipedia MyAnime List Agent Aika Wikia <A> I also find Aika to be the most likely candidate as it is the epitome of the panty shot anime. <S> However, there is also another candidate which fits the description: Aika's spiritual successor Najica Blitz Tactics which ran on the other German music TV station Viva in 2004. <S> However, the most memorable difference is that the younger character is an android (gynoid?) <S> whose character development gets much story focus (not as much as her underwear, though). <S> More info: <S> Anime News Network MyAnimeList <S> TV Tropes <S> Wikipedia <A> Aika and Najica are the most likely answers -- Noir has handguns, short skirts and occasional fanservice, but zero panty shots -- <S> but I have a third guess: Kiddy Grade <S> Kiddy Grade is a 2002 science fiction series about two superpowered interstellar secret agents for the Galactic Organization for Trade and Tariffs, Éclair and Lumière. <S> It's pretty heavy on the fanservice early on, and they largely fight with handguns — along with super-lipstick, robots and a spaceship, anyway. <S> Anime News Network MyAnimeList <S> TV Tropes <S> Wikipedia
| Produced by the same studio (Fantasia) under the same director (Katsuhiko Nishijima) as Aika, it also features an older and a younger female agent and lots and lots of panty shots.
Why didn't Akame die when she cut herself with Murasame? As per the wiki , Murasme ... ... is a poisonous blade that can kill a person with only one cut. Once the sword pierces skin, it injects a lethal poison into the victim, killing them within seconds. Akame states that cleaning this weapon is very dangerous because of this ability. In the anime, episode 24 to be exact, she cuts herself when fighting Esdeath to get a massive power boost for a few minutes by supposedly using the strength of all the people she has killed. Based on what I've seen in the anime and the discussions around the blade, she should have died, why didn't she? <Q> It indeed is very confusing. <S> In episode 4 of the anime, Akame tells this to Tatsumi in the alley: <S> Maintaining it is nerve-raking referring to her sword. <S> She continues and says If you accidentally cut your finger, you die instantly <S> Keeping the above in mind, I think there are three possibilities: <S> She was not aware of the hidden power of the sword at that moment (in episode 4) and <S> later on found that she can cut herself to get the cursed power for a short period. <S> This behavior of an imperials arm has been seen at other places too, where Esdeath did not initially know that she can stop time, but she learned that after Tatsumi escaped her. <S> She knew that if she cuts herself with her sword, she would get the cursed powers, but at that moment in episode 4, she wanted to signify that even an invincible looking imperial arms can have weaknesses. <S> So when she actually does not want to use the hidden ability and she gets cut by the sword, she might die. <S> Furthermore, in the last episode, while using the hidden ability, Akame thinks Even if this consumes me which indicates that prolonged/over use of the ability might lead the user to get consumed by the curse itself. <S> In any of three scenarios, I think the anime overall was really nice <S> and it just left some open ended questions to the imagination of the viewers. <A> Many teigu have a hidden ability based on an extension of the teigu's root power: Incursio 's invisibility is derived from the Danger Beast, <S> Tyrant that the armor was made from. <S> Susanoo 's power increases significantly by borrowing the power from its user's life force. <S> Pumpkin 's power increases based on the user's emotional energy. <S> Demon's Extract extends the power to freeze time and space. <S> Based on this, we can derive that a given teigu's "trump card" is an extension of the original power. <S> It was previously stated by Lubbock that Akame couldn't use Murasame's hidden ability for an unknown reason (chapter 52). <S> There is no information that alludes as to what this might be, though we can take a guess: <S> A prerequisite. <S> Killing her sister would be a likely one, as that was one big emotional hurdle for Akame. <S> Another possible prerequisite would be Akame's acceptance of those that she killed. <S> A risk. <S> Akame states "Even if this consumes me, I'll kill you. <S> " She must be aware of some risk that either drains life force (such as Susanoo) or causes some form of strain or harm to the user. <S> We also see that Akame is initially affected by the curse, but then the curse disappears. <S> Until it is explained in the manga, we cannot be 100% certain the exact reason she does not die. <S> We already know that the poison is the key to activating this trump card, and that she had to push back the effects of the poison to do so. <S> However there is no information stating why she couldn't use this ability before, or how she is capable of using it now. <S> However regardless of what process she uses, she is nullifying the poison's effect and therefore won't die from it. <A> SPOILER FROM MANGA! <S> Whoever read the manga knows that Kurome is still alive, so how is Kurome's death the prerequisite to use the trump card? <S> I think that is because the blade consumes the humanity of the user (I remember that Akame said that before) <S> and, because of the risk and that the curse gave her a nice tattoo, the trump card can be only use once. <S> So if she used that before, how she is supposed to face the world's strongest women? <A> Maybe because of the fact that she killed <S> Kurome(it was shown that the sword absorbed the blood of her sister). <S> Another thing that supports to that was why did Kurome not get any marks of her body like the usual casualties of the sword? <S> it means that Akame's loved one being the ultimate key for the trump card make sense tbh. <A> I had assumed it's because she has an affinity with the blade. <S> And like Esdeath, she overcame its curse. <S> The reason why she mentions maintaining <S> it is <S> nerve-wracking could be out of fear of harming others around her, or because the power of cutting herself with the blade is so draining that it would eventually kill her. <S> So naturally she'd only ever want to do that in a life or death situation, like the final battle.
| The last possibility is that the hidden ability of the sword cannot be simply invoked. I think it was connected to unleashing the trump card which means that the user must kill the ultimate loved one and accept the curse that the Murasame holds after killing people. Many teigu (Imperial Arms) have demonstrated a deep connection with their user, and they have shown to be very adaptable. This could mean that Akame must overcome the curse in order to gain its power, whether it be a one-time event or once for each time that she activates this ability.
What is the relationship between Natsu and E.N.D? From what I know, E.N.D is the most powerful demon created by Zeref.Zeref tells Natsu to choose between life and death. He's practically telling him that he'll have to decide if he wants to live or if he's going to kill himself for the sake of the other’s. He'll want to die instead of hurting his friends. Zeref said that Igneel wanted to kill E.N.D but couldn't. So, What is the relationship between Natsu and E.N.D? <Q> In chapter 436 it is revealed that, ... Natsu (Dragneel) is the younger brother of Zeref (Dragneel). <S> Zeref's younger brother died a few years after birth. <S> Unable to let go, Zeref researched everything he could find about bringing back the death ( R-system ), travelling through time ( Eclipse Gate ) and creating magical beings ( Etherious ). <S> In the end (pun not intended), he combined all of his knowledge and created an Etherious version of his younger brother, using the original body of that younger brother, named E(therious) N(atsu) D(ragneel). <S> On a side note. <S> This does not yet explain why Zeref was holding the book of E.N.D. in chapter 413. <S> By holding the book, it would give the impression that E.N.D. is not yet summoned, which imho contradicts the above. <A> " Who will be facing me ? <S> Is it you or END ? " . <S> Igneel Knows about Natsu . <S> He knows something <S> but he could'nt about it. <S> this article says about Natsu where Makarov hint about Natsu's Ability . <S> this That moment when Atlas meet Natsu. <S> E: Etherious N: Natsu D: <S> Dragneel About the Prediction Chapter 373 - Death or Live Natsu : <S> The Guy Igneel to wanted Zeref : to be precise the one he could'nt kill . <S> Natsu : <S> *I 'll defeat him <S> * Zeref <S> : You can do it .However <S> remember one thing <S> Igneel could'nt kill him. <S> Only You and End will be able get to me . <S> - Zeref <S> Fan Art of Natsu Dragneel Becoming END . <A> CH 416 blatantly told us that Natsu is E.N.D, I think the book contains Natsu's demonic powers, it would make sense, though I'm wondering why we're still discussing this. <S> Natsu is Zerefs strongest demon <A> This answer contains knowledge from different parts of the series, especially chapter 416, and up to the current chapter 421. <S> Read it at your own risk. <S> It has been revealed that Natsu, or another being inside of Natsu which may be dormant, is in fact END. <S> It stands for Etherias Natsu Dragoneel. <S> Crazy connection right? <S> Though after Hiro Mashima tossed that bombshell, he sent the story into another adventure with a disbanded Fairy Tail: guild master gone missing, guild mates scattered across the continent, Natsu just returning from a two year long training by himself in the wilderness (basically pulled a Naruto) and teaming up with a semi-depressed Lucy, who was a reporter by that time, and had been keeping tabs on everyone in the hopes of the guild reforming. <S> However, from what we have seen so far, none of the other Dragon Slayers have been able to stomach other Dragon Slayers' powers and combine them with their own, except for Natsu, which is where his END part comes in. <S> That's the only connection that I can come up with so far. <S> Gajeel had done it too, so maybe he has something to do with Zeref's demons as well. <S> It would make sense why there are the three dragons that talk together, about the three dragonslayers meeting and them forging their own path from now on. <S> That and when the series first starts jogging in the "Erza Arc", we can see Natsu ate a rock of Etherias (hint hint) which should have killed him (hint hint) but it didn't. <S> Instead, it just gave him a power up and a massive stomachache (hint hint) in the fight against Jellal who was possessed by a demon of Zeref. <S> The story is now at chapter 421, and those stuffs in the first, second and third arcs are starting to make sense. <S> But as there have been a plethora of arcs since then, you kinda need to go back and re-read it. <S> Anyway, this is just based off of my observations and what I have connected. <S> If you'd like the refute my findings and opinions in a mature rebuttal you may. <A> Chapter 416 pretty much confirmed that Natsu is E.N.D, but there is always the chance that E.N.D is some sort of clone of Natsu and Zeref was calling the clone Natsu <S> (I'm just looking on the bright side...). <S> Although the guild is now disbanded (Assuming they don't start it up again) <S> I PERSONALLY believe that the ex-guild members can save Natsu.
| The only thing I can connect Natsu and END is his Dragon Force, but even that's far-fetched since the other Dragon Slayers can also enter Dragon Force.
What exactly was the "lie" in April? The title of the series is Your Lie in April (Japanese: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ). What was the lie? What was the reason for the lie? <Q> On page 13 of Chapter 44. <S> She says in her letter "This lie was that Miyazono Kaori had feelings for Watari Ryouta". <S> She was secretly in love with Arima but didn't want to break the relationships between Arima and Tsubaki. <A> There are two "lies" that I can see in the last parts: 1. <S> The lie is the promise between Kousei and Kaori "Let's play again together" 2. <S> Kaori lied that she liked Watari at the beginning of the series <A> The real lie is that she never got to play with him again. <S> As a child, she fell in love with him when she saw him play, and her dream was to one day stand by his side and play along with him. <S> She managed to achieve her dream and play on the same stage along with him. <S> After that she promised to do it again with him, but she died before it could happen.
| I believe the lie was that Kaori lied about being in love with Watari.
What factor led Zoro to accept Luffy as Captain? Why does Zoro respect Luffy? When they first met, he wasn't really pleased about Luffy.Zoro was always quite a loner, even now in the crew.Does he accept Luffy as his captain because of his dream? Or because he is stronger than him? (even though their strength is similar, I think Luffy is still stronger) On Thriller Island, we saw how big his support for his captain was, when he took all the pain, to save them all! <Q> I just rewatched the beginning and it makes is surprising clear. <S> At that time everyone knows who Zoro is, it is implied Zoro could kick Luffy's ass, and everyone looks down on Luffy until they get confused by his devil fruit power. <S> Zoro is a demon. <S> Zoro is however a very honorable demon. <S> He signs (figuratively) <S> a contract to torture himself to protect someone he views as innocent from someone he views as completely dishonorable. <S> He follows that contract twice: once to honor the efforts of the girl he was protecting after the vermin mistreated her; once when the vermin clearly broke their contract. <S> He, while powerless, signs a contract with Luffy. <S> Even when Zoro finds out that Luffy doesn't really have a crew at all, he shows a ting of apprehension but no willingness to break his contract. <S> As time continues, Zoro increasingly grows to respect Luffy above and beyond the requirements of his contract. <S> He will not leave Luffy, however, unless his contract is broken. <S> This would have likely occured if Luffy was not strong enough to proceed into the New World and provide Zoro the opponents he needed. <S> I guess when you make a contract with a straight shooting demon, expect him to follow through in incredible ways. <A> I guess he accepts him as captain because of his kindness, when he was about to be executed, the soldiers hold up their rifles and open fire, and Zoro thinks how he cannot die, and remembers Kuina. <S> However, before the bullets can reach them, Luffy leaps from the Marine base and uses his rubber body to block the bullets and send them flying. <S> When Zoro is shocked and asks who he is, Luffy responds that he is Monkey D. Luffy, and that he will become the Pirate King. <S> He wants to help Luffy to become Pirate King not because he asked him to join the crew but he was willing to help and to meet Dracule Mihawk while they're sailing . <S> Click <S> Here: First Meet <A> He believes Luffy has what it takes to be a Captain. <S> Zoro believes in Luffy, he believes that Luffy would go to any length to keep his word. <S> He sees this quality the first time they met each other. <S> He said that Zoro was his comrade and he fought for him, honoring his word. <S> He also sees that Luffy has a big dream, and he was serious about it. <S> Plus, he believes in Luffy to be Captain. <S> This can be seen when Luffy fights Usopp. <S> Luffy had to beat Usopp and leave him, which was very hard for Luffy to do, but Luffy does it as a Captain. <S> Zoro remarks that it's the burden of the Captain, and the rest of the crew relies on him to bear it (read more about it on the wikia ). <A> The fact that Zoro cannot bear Luffy's pain (as depicted above) is why he will never be the Captain. <S> Besides, why would he want himself as the Captain, if he is the one who joined Luffy's team? <S> By so doing, I think he is fully aware that the Captain of Luffy's crew is Luffy himself.
| It is his trust in Luffy and Luffy's dedication to his dream. As long as Luffy frees him and supports (or more accurately does not get in the way of), Zoro's dream to become the worlds greatest swordsman, Zoro will be part of Luffy's crew.
How old were Ed and Al when they performed the human transmutation? How old were Edward and Alphonse when they performed human transmutation? I am referring to the Brotherhood series, not the 2003 version. <Q> Brotherhood more or less follows the manga. <S> I don't remember if we get a montage of events in the brothers' childhoods with their ages (a quick search through volume 6 <S> doesn't give me anything), but we do see Mustang arrive at Resembool presumably shortly after their human transmutation attempt, so we can get some information from there. <S> So Edward is at most 11, and Alphonse 10, when human transmutation is attempted. <S> This matches up more or less with the ages I remember possibly having seen from 2003 and Brotherhood. <S> (Keep in mind that some chronology - such as the death of Winry's parents - might have occurred at a different point in the manga continuity compared to that of 2003, and that there is the additional half year before Ed takes the State Alchemist exams.) <A> In Episode 2, the past was shown which was 10 years ago . <S> Let's start when his mother was still alive . <S> Edward was 7 years old and Al was 6 years old. <S> Research and training (4 years) <S> When their mother died, Edward and Al agreed to revive their mother again by using the taboo which is the human transmutation, but before that, they searched about the human transmutation and improved their alchemy by training with the alchemy master in order to revive their mother... <S> it took many years. <S> After the training, they've completed the ingredients and performed the human transmutation. <S> Then that dark incident happens... <S> It took 4 years of preparation <S> and then their bodies were the sacrificed... <S> When Edward became a state alchemist / test part (1 year) <S> After that <S> "dark incident" , Roy Mustang came to their town hearing that there is a talented alchemist which is referred to as Edward (knowing what Edward have done), then he offered Edward to become a state alchemist and told him about the Philosopher Stone that could bring back their body, which Edward grabs that. <S> Edward had his surgery and rehab which took only one year . <S> He was twelve years old then, and Al was 11 years old. <S> To shorten my answer, Edward Elric was 11 years old and Al Elric was 10 years old when they've done the human transmutation.(Refer to Brotherhood series; his present is 17 years old in Episode 2.) <A> Ed was born in 1899Al <S> was born in 1900Trisha <S> died when in 1904 at the age of 26So Ed and Al were 5 and 4 respectfully <S> when Trisha diedSo if Ed was made a state alchemist at the age of 12, he had to be fitted with his automail, which supposedly takes at least 7 months to fully atune to.
| So when Ed and Al preform the human transmutation, Ed had to be 11 or at least early 12 years old, while Al would be 9 or 10.
What are the real life counterparts of the anime studios mentioned in episode 12 of Shirobako? In episode 12 of Shirobako , five major animation studios were listed: スタジオカナン (Studio Canaan) barmedéa 武蔵野アニメーション (Musashino Animation) The born G.I.STAFF I'm pretty sure "G.I.STAFF" is "J.C.STAFF". What are the real-life counterparts of the other studios? <Q> Partial answer - I'm not sure about Studio Canaan. <S> G.I. Staff → Production I.G (the "G" and "I" on the in-show logo are lifted directly from the actual logo), possibly with an admixture of J.C.Staff Barmedéa → Diomedéa (formerly known as Studio Barcelona; the logos are similar) <S> The Born → probably Bones (the logos don't really match, but the president of The Born [Inami Masahiko] looks like the president of Bones [Minami Masahiko] - comparison picture <S> courtesy /u/TheVict on reddit ) <S> I doubt that Musashino Animation, being the focus of the show, is a parody of any existing studio. <S> If it were, the obvious choice would be P.A. Works (which is the company producing Shirobako), but P.A. Works doesn't really map onto Musashino Animation well. <S> P.A. Works is a lot more successful, for one. <A> A friend of mine theorizes Musashino is a parody of Shaft. <S> Up until Madoka , Shaft had not produced original work in years. <S> Just like Musashino did with Exodus! <S> , Shaft was the same with Madoka . <S> But that's according to him. <A> Musashino Animation is most likely Mushi Production. <S> Masato Marukawa, the owner of MusAni, is based on real-life producer and animator Masao Maruyama, who did animation work as MushiPro. <A> From the anime, there is a poster parodying the anime The Adventures of Hutch <S> the Honeybee <S> which is the anime produced by Tatsunoko. <S> Tatsunoko itself resides in Musashino, Tokyo.
| I am pretty sure Musashino Animation is Tatsunoko Production .
How does Ymir turn back into her human form? Late in the manga, we know that titans are actually transformed humans, and that not all people who transform into titans can turn back into human form. I did a lot of research on Ymir and there are many theories regarding how she turns back to her human form for the first time. How does it work? <Q> The answer contains heavy spoilers to anime watchers. <S> You have been warned! <S> It's been heavily hinted (almost confirmed, really) that titans are created by transforming humans in some way. <S> Ymir was transformed to a mindless titan over 60 years ago, and was unable to return to her human form for a very long time. <S> We already know that several powers (such as titan shifter powers, titan control powers, and "The Memories") can be transferred by eating. <S> This conclusion was reached by Hanji in chapter 57. <S> When Ymir ate Reiner's and Berthold's friend (who was also a titan shifter), she gained his titan shifting abilities, and was able to return to human form. <A> I wanted to update this question because the answers are outdated, and all of this information has been revealed in Chapter 89. <S> Please note, spoilers ahead, read at your own risk. <S> In Chapter 89, pages 8-18, we see a summary of Ymir's life in chronological order. <S> Ymir was originally an Eldian begger in the Marleyan internment zone for Eldians. <S> As a child, she was caught associating herself with Ymir Fritz cultists, and she took the punishment for the cultists. <S> As a result, she was sentenced to life as a mindless titan, taken to the penal colony Island Paradis, injected with titan serum in her spinal fluid, and shoved off the wall into the territory. <S> This results in her roaming the titan territory of the penal colony for 60 years as a mindless titan. <S> At some point Ymir hibernates in the earth under dirt and brush until 845 when Reiner, Marcel, Bertholdt, and Annie accidentally stumble upon her in hibernation. <S> Marcel, seeking to save Reiner, sacrifices himself when Ymir tries to eat Reiner. <S> Since Marcel was a titan-shifter he passed on his powers to Ymir, and Ymir regained the ability to shift back to human form. <S> All of this was entirely by accident and never meant to occur. <A> So how did Ymir turn to a titan Major spoilers <S> So she was in Marley,Marley is a place beyond the walls. <S> Eldians found her and called her Ymir after Ymir Fritz. <S> She was worshipped. <S> She was caught by Marleyians and was sent to Utopia. <S> Utopia is a place that turns people into mindless pure titans by injecting titan serum. <S> She roamed the earth for over 60 years. <S> She was hibernating under the ground. <S> Reiner and Bertholdt’s friend saved Reiner from being eaten and got eaten instead. <S> So she turned to a Human for eating a Titan shifter and got his powers. <S> So That is It.
| So, in essence, Ymir was only able to return to her human form because she ate a titan-shifter and then became one.
What are the reasons for producing short-form anime? Short-form anime (or tanpen anime, see Is there official terminology for anime series that run less than the standard length? ) are relatively common, with at least a few each season. It seems strange to me that this would be a worthwhile investment for studios. Sure, the production costs will be lower, but there are certain overheads that aren't going to scale with cost, and their DVD sales will surely be lower. So it seems like a losing deal for studios. Why, from a production standpoint, would studios decide to produce short-form anime over a full-length TV series? <Q> Most of the short-form Anime that I've seen are comedies that have little to no character development. <S> So it would be quite difficult to find enough content to "fill up" an entire full-length episode. <S> It's the sort of thing where you sit down laugh for a few minutes and leave. <S> From another angle, the cost reduction of producing short form Anime is probably even lower than you'd expect. <S> A lot of short form Anime retain the standard 90-second OP and ED . <S> Since each episode is already short to begin with, 3 minutes becomes a significant portion of the episode to get "for free" - thus even less content needs to be produced. <A> One reason that shows may be very short <S> is so that studios can try some experimental works that production companies would be hesitant to release as a full series. <S> One example of this is Lychee Light Club which took a vastly different approach to the anime than they did with the manga. <S> Characters were chibified and humourous rather than the disturbing horror depicted in the manga. <S> Such a change was likely to spark various backlashes from hardcore fans if it were a full length show <S> Often shows like this have a much lower production quality and would be ignored by the viewers if they ran the full length of a show: like Line Offline Salaryman or Naked Wolves which are very low budget. <S> The short time slot gives a lot of opportunity to be largely non-committal to plot and shows tend to be more episodic than sequential. <S> Take for example Tonari no Seki Kun which simply takes place solely at the back of a classroom with a similar plot each episode <A> While the actual reasons and circumstances my vary, usually short-length anime series are created for the following reasons (or combination of them): <S> The adapted content does not have enough content to be adapted to a full length season <S> The studio is pretty new to the industry (even if it's founded and made by industry vets, they've yet to prove themselves to the mass). <S> This can be seen with series like Studio Trigger's Inferno Cop . <S> A studio is trying something new or drastically different from their norm <S> Shorts have also been a way for the industry to showcase their work like manga authors and light novel writers to do with oneshots and short stories, respectively. <A> Anime festivals have some restrictions regarding the length of the animation. <S> There are usually multiple short films shown, so to fit in more works in a 2-3 hour event schedule, in case of Tokyo Anime Awards Festival 2015 <S> it has to be under 30 minutes. <S> The work applied must be a 30 min. <S> Or shorter animation film unreleased in Japan whose copyright is owned by the director, producer or applicant. <S> Note short animation films produced mainly for the purpose of advertisement or promotion of any corporation or organization are not accepted. <S> Also note short animation films having already been commercially released in Japan for a certain continuing period are not accepted; however, those submitted just to film festivals or screened only at graduation shows are not deemed as “commercially released”. <A> It can allow a studio a more relaxed production schedule, for a full-length production, like for example Yama no Susume S2 or Kurmajo-san. <S> This could actually result in similar or increased quality, while keeping additional costs down. <S> Having half-length or shorter episodes serves a similar purpose. <S> Some examples of shows that have not been able to keep the animation quality up throughout, are "Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu" and "Rail Wars!". <A> Short form anime has several advantages for creators and studios <S> They allow writers to be more "daring" with their story, short forms can contain stories and ideas that will not work on full episodes. <S> Short forms generally do operate on a lower budgets than their "full-fledged" big brothers. <S> While it's true that there are some costs that don't scale, there are also many of those who do. <S> Short forms allows for potentially higher quality episode due to its short length. <S> Short forms can squeeze between the larger shows, allowing studios and channels to fill in gaps in precious air time. <S> Bottom line, it probably does pay off. <S> Studios wouldn't have done it if it didn't. <S> Short forms led to many great works that gained a lot of popularity and views. <A> Even though I said the budgettends to be smaller, that might be part of the producers plan, thesmaller the budget is, the more profit they'll make of it. <S> Another circumstance might be because there isn't enough material fora normal length season. <S> [This one is rare. <S> Short anime are most ofthe times kept as short anime, and full length anime are most of thetimes kept as full length anime] <S> Short anime are also used to promote certain entities, like train stations, cities, Japanese "idols", shops, etc. <S> The most common case might be that the producers realized that the story being used isn't going to make profit (or not enough profit) and decided to use a short anime adaptation, managing the story to get adapted while still making enough profit off it. <S> Another circumstance is when the studio is new to the industry and doesn't have much money or sponsors. <S> They usually make an adaptation in order to promote their studio as well, just using a small budget, affordable to the studio. <S> Shorts are a good opportunity to promote a manga story.
| Short anime usually aren't very popular and since they aren't verypopular the budget tends to be smaller. Production of a 20-minute episode every 2 weeks rather than every week seems to be a more natural pace, as is apparent in the growing number of split-cour series (series that are spread over multiple seasons) and some series, like Sailor Moon, which broadcast on 2-week intervals.
Do normal titans have humans in them as well? There are several humans which can transfer into titans at will. What about the normal titans? Hange said that titans do not weight as much as they should. Their only vulnerable area is where the real human body would be for shape-shifting Titans. They also look like humans, are there humans inside normal titans as well? <Q> This was explained titans were humans at one point. <S> The ones from the Ymir's village were turned into them against their will. <S> <S> It was also hinted at by experiments with Eren that the more he uses shifting without resting the more he merges with the titan. <S> Ymir also wandered aimlessy as a titan without ability to shift or control her actions for a while, indicating most titans are in the same situation as her. <A> Although the manga hasn't actually confirmed this, but here's a theory. <S> Honestly, don't read the manga spoiler if you don't want it. <S> You will regret it. <S> As we already know, Eren and Annie are humans who can turn into Titans. <S> In the manga, Ymir, Reiner and Bertolt are revealed to be able to do the same. <S> There is also this Beast Titan, who is very intelligent and can speak. <S> It is also able to turn humans to titans through some unknown means and give them orders. <S> The manga also reveals that there are titans inside the walls. <S> Maybe that would explain the last scene after the ending in the anime (the Colossal Titan inside the wall Sina). <S> So my theory is that the Beast Titan can convert humans into titans. <S> Most are stuck in this form, and their human bodies eventually merge with the titan's and they become full titan, thus become unable to return to human forever. <S> Some are able to break free, and they become Titan Shifters <A> The most reasonable explanation is that the Beast Titan turns them into full titans. <S> If you read the manga, it says the Beast Titan can turn humans into titans without a serum. <S> They revealed that a SERUM turns humans into titans. <S> They cannot break out of this form, unless eating one of the nine titan shifters. <S> Only 9 can change form, no more than that. <A> Regular titans have had their weak area cut into. <S> The visible result was that there was no human in that <S> or any other part of the body. <S> The weak area does, however, correspond with the size of the person's spinal cord but that isn't their either. <A> No, because titans can't absorb people when they eat them because they don't have a digestive system. <S> They just vomit the people back up. <A> No, the regular titans, not the titan shifters, were humans who were injected in the back of their nape with some sort of liquid, most presumably titan spine fluid, by the nation of Marley. <S> It's kind of like a punishment, for example Ymir was taken in by a religious group and got turned into a mindless titan as a punishment due to the religion going against certain things that are classed illegal. <S> However, the beast titan can turn people into mindless titans so he also plays a role in this. <S> Titans don't weight that much because technically they're a fabrication of the normal human anatomy, meaning they only use what they have, the human body, to make a titan out of it, so as the human body doesn't weight as much as a titan would look to weight, they don't look their weight. <S> My guess would be that when you would be turned into a titan, your body will change and become something new, a titan, and this is reversible due to the fact that if a titan eats a human who possesses one of the (now 8) titan abilities, it will turn back into a human but it will possess that titan ability. <S> The only reason titans eat humans is because all they know is that eating humans is the only way to pretty much end what they're going through.
| The ability to transform back into human is a special power special titans have... they can obtain it by eating other transforming human/titans.
Are titan's other weakness the underground? They do seem to become less active at night or if deprived of sunlight, and so it may be possible they draw their primary source of energy from the sun. Annie refused to go underground. There also seems to be types of wall titans . It seems to me that titans are scared of underground and need of sunlight make them weak to underground. Is this true and if so why doesn't the humans try to colonize underground? <Q> However there isn't any evidence supporting the contrary as well. <S> A definite strategic disadvantage of underground transformation is obvious (due to the restricted space for movement and the lack of visibility). <S> However in the corresponding chapter, you would do well to <S> notice that the Titan smashes the tunnel from outside, all too easily. <S> So underground colonization is a definite <S> NO . <S> There is also no hard evidence on whether sunlight is a primary source of power for Titans. <S> If that were the case, then Annie's transformation in the forest would have degenerated (no/minimal sunlight there). <S> Also (as suggested by @mirroroftruth ), the use of forests is mainly because of the better 3D maneuver environment. <S> However from my perception, undergrounds are just as bad an environment for 3D maneuvers, as they may be for Titans. <A> The main weakness is the back part on the neck that what I want to say. <S> Underground is not exactly weakness. <S> How I want to compare is Levi fighting with Titan on plain ground without tree and building. <S> Why lead Titan to forest or underground ? <S> Because they loose their power. <S> No The main reason is full utilization of 3D maneuver gear. <S> They are confined and they can't use their full potential and give benefit to Scouting Legion to use their 3D maneuver gear. <S> If you read answer and all the comment you would get the knowledge why Annie refused to go underground. <S> For the case of sunlight <S> I can't confirm that sunlight <S> give extra power or not <S> but night means less visibility which apply for both human and titan. <S> In Chapter 38 Castle Utgard <S> there is night scene and Titan attack castle at night. <S> But in Chapter 34 Warriors Dance face of Titan inside wall is covered so that daylight won't reach the titan. <S> Ymir turn into Titan at night to protect her friend from other Titan and to fulfill the promised made with Krista <S> And for underground colonization, it is bad idea <S> the reason is as キルア says in the comment . <S> Would you want to live underground when a group of Titans could walk overhead and demolish your entire city with one jump? <A> I think the titans choose not to move around at night because if you read attack on titan before the fall recent chapters you'll see how when kuklo went to test the prototype for the 3-D maneuver gear he was still attacked by 3 titans they probably can only see when they're right on you <S> but I think in the dark they can actually rely on smell and hearing which is how they attacked kuklo
| There is no evidence to suggest that being underground/confined spaces can actually be a weakness for Titans.
Why didn't the Titans wipe out humanity yet? It seems like the Titans have a really huge advantage like the colossal, armored, female Titan. They could probably charge at Wall Sina instantly, take it down and wipe out humanity. The female Titan spared Armin's life a few times, when she could take him out in seconds. So it seems the Titans are capable of killing all the humans completely but they don't. Why is that so? <Q> This has no answer yet, and probably will not for a while. <S> The author has stated the publication will run for at least another three years from the date of the linked article ( September 2014 ). <S> Below is what has been revealed so far: <S> Mindless titans can't be controlled without it. <S> It could be said that Colossal Titan only emerged recently to take down the wall since a Titan of that size and power has never been available before. <S> Titans are actually used to enslave/control the population (since the royal family seemed to have had the Coordinate power for several generations). <S> They never attempted to use it against the "enemy" before Eren took control of it, which is odd. <S> Bertolt, Reiner, Annie could actually be working for the king, since the royal family "lost" the Coordinate to Eren's father. <A> The exact answer has not been revealed, but some conclusion can be drawn from different episodes and chapters of anime and manga. <S> The prelude of several episodes of Attack on Titan stated that: Over a hundred years ago, humanity suddenly found itself faced with a new predator. <S> They were more powerful than humans. <S> Humanity was immediately pushed to the brink of extinction. <S> The survivors built three walls: Maria, Rose, and Sina. <S> From the anime and manga: The Female Titan spared Armin's life several times. <S> The walls were built with the exoskeletons of titans. <S> Colossal Titan, Armored Titan, Female Titan (i.e. Bertolt Hoover, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart respectively) and other Titan Shifters actually lived among humans. <S> Ymir turned into titan and protected her friends from other titans. <S> Rich people and the top brass who mainly lived inside Wall Sina knew a lot about the titans, the walls and the titan inside the walls. <S> The titans who broke through the wall and led other titans inside were mainly the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan, and their objective was to search for the mysterious power known as the "Coordinate". <S> These points lead me to conclude that their main intention is not to destroy humanity, but to find the Coordinate ability for which they may destroy humanity. <S> The relation of the Titan Shifters with human, and their willingness to sacrifice their lives for their friends shows that their main intention was not to destroy humanity. <S> And humans are not as weak as they seem to be; titans need to make some effort to destroy all humans, and those titans with brain know that. <A> The Titans can't wipe out the human race by themselves. <S> I think certain Titan Shifters are on a kind of a mission — maybe they want to show the human race that they can't sit around and do nothing? <S> Or perhaps they have an even bigger goal? <S> I read somewhere <S> (sadly I can't remember where) that the Titans stopped their mission of attacking because they are afraid of the new Titan Eren. <S> He could be a problem if he finds out the truth behind the Titans.
| The reason seems to be that the Coordinate, which has the power to control Titans, is "lost". They couldn't break through the wall for over 100 years, and still required the help of the intelligent Titan Shifter to break through the wall at all.
Is there a way for Naruto to get the Rinnegan? Madara was able to get the Rinnegan by mixing Hashirama's meat with his own (i.e. mixing the Indra and Asura chakras) to get the Sage's power. If Naruto did the same by mixing Sasuke's meat with his own, would he get the Rinnegan? Or, if Sasuke mixed Naruto's meat with his own, would he get Rinnegan in both of his eyes? <Q> I guess, if you combine Ashura's and Indra's chakra, you will obtain the ultimate dojutsu (Rinnegan). <A> Naruto could obtain the Rinnegan by means of transplanting. <S> The only option would be taking the eyes from uchiha madara whom already awaken the Rinnegan. <S> On the other hand he could not awaken a Rinnegan by just mixing uchiha cell to his body. <S> The best option would be like what Danzo did, with his uzumaki chakra he might able to handle the sharingan's chakra drainage issue. <S> For sasuke part he may awaken the Rinnegan using the same technique Madara used. <S> But all this is a speculation answer, by means in theory sake based on the whole manga series. <S> Only Kishi Sensei could tell otherwise. <A> the most likely idea is naruto needs sasuke's eyes because naruto doesn't have any chakra coils in his eyes like a person with a doujutsu does which would mean that naruto would need indra's eyes meaning taking sasuke's sharingan.
| Since Naruto is a rebirth of Ashura and if he can implant Sasuke's chakra (since Sasuke is a rebirth of Indra), Naruto probably will obtain the rinnegan.
How did the Dragon King's Eye ended up inside Nanami? In the first season (The goddess goes to the Dragon King Palace) Nanami asks Isohime to remove the eye from her. But in the same episode, it is shown that the eye was consumed by Yukiji in the past. So how did the eye go from Yukiji to Nanami? <Q> Spoilers ahead... <S> TL;DR: <S> So the eye mystically passed from parent to child until it ended up inside Nanami. <S> After a girl of Yukiji's lineage gets pregnant (and they can only have girls) <S> The eye passes on to the child, leaving the mother's system. <S> Since Yukiji's bloodline is very weak, this means the mother dies soon after childbirth, but the child becomes quite healthy due to the eye's properties. <S> There is a deeper backstory in the Manga, and I will quit here in order to spoil the least possible. <A> Perhaps Yukiji is Nanami's ancestor <S> so maybe the Dragon King's Eye went through her when she was born. <A> Yukiji is Nanami's ancestor. <S> When she had a kid, the dragon's eye was passed down to her daughter and so on till Nanami
| Nanami is a direct descendant of Yukiji.
How can a death note shorten the lifespan of others? The use of the Death Note in the human world sometimes affects other humans' lives or shortens their original life span, even though their names are not actually written in the Death Note itself. In these cases, no matter the cause, the god of death sees only the original lifespan and not the shortened lifespan. We saw, that Misas lifespan was shortened because Light was killed by Ryuk. So this means, that you can shorten a persons lifespan with the death note. So let's say, A has a death note and knows that C wants to kill B with a death note. He writes B's name in his death note, thus preventing him from being killed by a death note. So C, can't kill B with a death note anymore. But since the death note can shorten the lifespan of those, whos name isn't written in the death note, C decides to use Y, to set up a trap. C writes: Y, Car accident. Dies at 12:30, after he produces a deadly poison, which he injects into the food the person he knows as ''B'' eats. After he did this, he will die 9 days later in a car accident. So, could C shorten B's lifespan in this way, so that he is able to indirectly kill him? <Q> Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident. <S> If the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. <S> This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced. <S> So that's when the death will directly influence others, so in the example you gave, Y will die of a heart attack. <S> The use of the Death Note in the human world sometimes affects other humans' lives or shortens their original life span, even though their names are not actually written in the Death Note itself. <S> In these cases, no matter the cause, the god of death sees only the original lifespan and not the shortened lifespan. <S> I don't really understand the meaning of "the god of death sees only the original lifespan and not the shortened lifespan" but I can imagine this scenario: <S> Let A, B, C and D four people. <S> A has the DN, B hates C a lot and D is the son of C. <S> We can suppose that A doesn't have any relation with C and D, and that even if B hates C, B has never and will never think of killing C. For a certain reason, A chooses to kill C by making him falling into the sea in his car after losing its control. <S> D will suspect B to have killed C and will tell the police during the investigation that B is suspicious because he hates B a lot for reasons and reasons. <S> Then suppose police finds no evidence that B is involved, and even conclude that it was an accident due to high speed. <S> Still D is persuaded that B killed C, especially that he seemed happy when he heard that C died. <S> D will take vengeance and kill B. <S> If A didn't kill C, this wouldn't have happened. <S> So B's life has been shorten. <A> Yes, to the extent of how can you manipulate a person's actions with the DN. <S> (1) (2) . <S> But care must be taken not to break the other rules: <S> In your example, B will die in at most 23 days because A has written B's name in his DN. <S> But let's assume <S> C wants B dead BEFORE that timeframe. <S> There is a conflict in the writing C did in the DN: <S> Y, Car accident. <S> Dies at 12:30, after he produces a deadly poison, which he injects into the food the person he knows as ''B'' eats. <S> After he did this, he will die 9 days later in a car accident. <S> C's writing may be in conflict with this rule: <S> If the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. <S> This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced. <S> Even though only one name is written in the Death Note, if it influences and causes other humans that are not written in it to die, the victim’s cause of death will be a heart attack <S> So it can either be considered as a violation of the rule above (and Y will die of heart attack) or work as intended by C. <A> It's not shortening B's lifespan, you had to write B's name in the death note to make that happen.
| The way you can accidentally shorten someone's lifespan is, for example, killing the police officer that stopped B from getting shot, thus B's lifespan is implicitly shortened to the time where he gets shot.
Why didn't Minato's shroud change when he used Tailed Beast Mode? Naruto's Nine Tails Chakra Mode : Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode : The change in the appearance is very clear. Minato Minato's Nine Tails Chakra Mode and Tailed Beast Mode (when he can use Kurama avatar) appearance remains the same. Only his pupils change. So why didn't his shroud get a new design like Naruto's? <Q> According to the wiki , the difference between "Nine-tails Chakra Mode" and "Kurama Mode", the one you called "Tailed Beast Mode" is simply that Naruto learned Kyuubi's name: Kurama. <S> At that point, Kurama wasn't just lending Naruto chakra, they were fighting together. <S> I would guess that Minato never learned to fight together with Kurama or ALWAYS fought together with it, so Kurama never changed Minato's appearance. <S> The wiki actually defined "Tailed Beast Mode" when the Jinchuuriki assumes their tailed beast's form: <S> This is both Naruto and Minato in "Tailed Beast Mode" performing a combined Rasengan . <A> I think it's because when the nine tails was split into two halves, so was it's ability to transform into Tailed Beast Mode. <S> Yang Kurama (the one Naruto has) has to go Kurama Mode prior to going into Tailed Beast Mode where as Yin Kurama (the one Minato has) has to go straight into Tailed Beast Mode. <A> I think that it's because Minato has better chakra control than naruto if you look at the pics the first version(nine tails chakra mode) <S> he looks like he's having trouble controlling the chakra whereas in the second (tailed beast mode) one its not a problem I would assume <S> this is because when he's in nine tails chakra mode he had to take the chakra by force from the nine tails (episode 245)and in Tailed Beast Mode <S> they are acting more as a team (episode 500). <S> While he might have trouble since it's commonly known that Naruto's chakra control is not too great Minato became the 4th Hokage <S> so I would assume he has good control since I doubt he had tons of chakra he could just throw around like Naruto <S> can so he could probably refine his without teaming up with the nine tails. <S> Its been a while since I watched Naruto though so this might not be totally accurate <S> but as far as I can remember this would explain the difference.
| When both halves of Kurama are combined into the original form, they gain the ability to go into Tailed Beast Mode however they want (either straight from Nine Tails Chakra Mode or from Kurama Mode).
What happened to Naruto's Six Paths Sage Mode? In The Last: Naruto the Movie , Naruto appears fighting Toneri using Tailed Beast Mode with Sage Mode. What happened to his stronger form (Six Paths Sage Mode)!? Did he lose it? <Q> There is a theory that Naruto still has the potential to use it <S> but he doesn't, since it needs chakra from all nine Tailed Beasts, which he used up in his battle against Sasuke. <S> The sage said that he was a pseudo-Ten Tails and that the Tailed Beasts could all go into him to speak with each other (this was after he took back his yin and yang seals from Naruto and Sasuke). <S> He may have felt there was no need to, since both halves of the Kyuubi are sealed inside him now. <A> Even If he doesn't have all the tailed beast he still should have half of the sages chakra <S> but he did lose the are in which the sage gave his chakra. <S> The movie didn't really show Naruto going all out from what I've seen. <S> I don't even know if Naruto still have the truth seeking balls. <A> The Six Paths Sage Mode is a heightened state of Sage Mode, which drastically empowers the user's abilities to a far greater extent by combining the Six Paths Sage Chakra and the chakra of all nine Tailed Beasts . <S> Hagaromo takes back his Yang chakra from Naruto, thus taking away the Six Paths Sage Chakra. <S> I think this might have led to Naruto losing the Six Paths Sage Mode. <S> Maybe... <A> Plus, even after the battle with Sasuke, it is shown that he was able to dispel the Infinite Tsukiyomi with Sasuke, which requires both the Rinnegan and the power of all Tailed Beasts according to the sage. <A> I would think that how Minato sealed part of Kurama, in which it could repllenish its own energy when its low. <S> I'm guessing that the taled beast within Naruto could do the samething. <S> Seeing as Hagoromo said that Naruto would be the meeting place for all the tailed beast. <S> Naruto should have the potential to use six paths sage mode, seeing as Sasuke still has full access of his rinnegan. <S> He could even turn the eye off completly. <S> I remember reading somewhere that in the Last movie Naruto's chakra was turned into a bomb that destroyed half the moon. <S> That could be why he doesn't use that mode.
| I did see that Naruto could touch Toneri Ōtsutsuki's truth seeking balls which means he has the other half of Hagoromo's chakra which is the important thing. I believe that he still has access to the Six Paths Sage Mode, due to the fact that he could still enter it during his fight with Sasuke even after the mark on his hand vanished.
Is it possible to get the Rinnegan by injecting Senju and Uchiha DNA into yourself? Is it possible to get the Rinnegan if you are not in the Senju or Uchiha clan (including branch clans such as Uzumaki) and inject Senju and Uchiha DNA into yourself? <Q> To awaken the Rinnegan, it's not enough to be a Senju with Uchiha eyes or vice versa, you must be Indra's successor that obtained chakra from Asura's successor. <S> A successor does not necessarily come directly from the Senju clan, as Naruto, who is an Uzumaki, is a successor. <S> However, Indra's successor is always an Uchiha. <S> So in short, no. <S> It's not possible to do what you describe. <A> My answer is yes, but only by nature of technicality. <S> It may in fact not have a prayer of working at all. <S> However, let me lay out this plan for you. <S> Firstly, we know that creatures like the Tailed Beasts can be sealed within a host body. <S> The host body then can gain the power of the sealed Tailed Beast. <S> We also know that a human soul can be sealed, though whether it is possible to seal another person inside one's self is not explicitly shown (to my knowledge anyway). <S> We have, however, seen the souls of all the first four Hokage being sealed within the Shinigami as part of the Reaper Death Seal. <S> Putting these elements together, I think it would be safe to assume it is at least possible for one person to use a similar sealing method as used on the Tailed Beasts to incorporate another human being into themselves. <S> We also know from Obito and Kakashi that the entire chakra and essence of a person's Kekkei Genkai can be placed into another person's body. <S> This is what allowed Kakashi to make use of the full power of Obito's eyes as well as Susanoo. <S> Now, for the final piece of information before this can all come together, we know that the requirements for activating the Rinnegan, which, as explained by Black Zetsu, is to bring together the chakra of Indra and Asura, thus giving you the chakra of their father. <S> Therefore, if you could actually seal whoever the current successor of Indra and Asura are, then in this given hypothetical scenario, a third party could in fact gain a Rinnegan. <S> In no shape or form would I consider this natural, and I'm sure there are a lot of questionable morals involved with the entire idea, but through this strange course of action or something similar in nature, I believe it is possible to gain the Rinnegan even as someone who was not born with either Indra or Asura's chakra. <S> I know, it's a crazy, loophole kind of a way of going about it. <S> But hey, you asked for possibility, not plausibility or even likelihood. <S> Heh. <A> No it’s not possible, Orochimaru probably tried countless of times to replicate the scenario, but only Madara got lucky; Madara, while being alive, was able to unlock the Rinnegan near his death.. <S> He was <S> reincarnation of Indra was well...and probably had the purest connection to Indra next to Sasuke. <S> We know in order to get Rinnegan, the person must have Indra and Ashura cells (not just Uchiha and Senju, because the person needs to be more related to Hagoromo), <S> But it’s extremely hard to match the right genes. <S> Madara, being the reincarnation of Indra and Hashirama being reincarnation Ashura is your best chance... <S> other Uchihas will not even come close. <S> After that, it will take years to even unlock it, and who know what events need to take place... <S> I think Obito had Hashirama cells in him if I recall, but he was never able to unlock Rinnegan. <A> I think it could be possible if you were to put both dna from madara and hashirama in you. <S> Or to put sasuke and narutos dna inside of you giving you both asura and indra chakra inside yourself though it could be very risky if niether or 1 arent compatible with your own dna. <S> So say you managed to do it and not die. <S> Then it would take a long time to unlock it. <S> and if you did you might not have enough chakra to use it and have to cover both eyes all of the time ( <S> basicly making you blind in a sense) so it could be possible but make it almost impossible to be a shinobi. <S> The reason nagato could use it all the time is because he is uzimaki and has insane chakra reserves. <S> That is why i dont think anyone (aside from people with insane amount of chakra) would even try. <A> In epidoe 420 of Naruto Shippuden , The sage of the six path's said that Madara awakened his rinnegan only because he mixed the powers of the reincarnates of the Brothers Indara and Ashura. <S> So only if you mix the powers of two reincarnates of the brothers,like Naruto and Sasuke ,can you awaken a rinnegan.
| No ,it's not possible by just mixing senju an Uchiha powers. This method is possible, though highly improbable.
Is Hidan still alive? From what I recall, Hidan's head was buried deep inside a hole in the Konoha Forbidden Jungle. Does it mean that Hidan is still alive after all this year? Is it possible for someone to rescue him and bring him back if he is still alive? <Q> Although it's mostly based on speculation and it isn't really mentioned in the series that that he is definitely alive, when Kakuzu was reincarnated during the Fourth Shinobi World War, he took Hidan's absence as proof that he was still alive <S> (Chapter 530, page 3). <A> When Kakuzu was reincarnated during the Fourth Shinobi World War, he took Hidan's absence as proof that he was still alive. <A> he is dead, the 4th databook states that he required nutrients to survive like anyone else. <S> this means food and water, no human can survive longer then a week without water so he was dead within a week
| According to the Wiki Though believed dead by Akatsuki, Hidan is in fact alive but is dying slowly from a lack of nutrition.
In Episode 9 of Steins;Gate, why did Feris's message affect the past? Whose phone was connected to the microwave? Who did her message reach to change it, and if she kept it a secret, how did they know whose phone to use on the microwave? Am I forgetting/missing something? <Q> The phone that matters is the phone that the microwave phone sends the message to. <S> The message is sent to Faris's father, Yukitaka Akiha . <S> The reason could be classed as spoilers, so make sure you watch the show first. <S> Yukitaka died in a plane crash several years before the events of Steins;Gate . <S> He was the only victim of the crash. <S> However, his daughter later uses a D-Mail to save his life, by making him believe she was kidnapped and forcing him to take the bullet train instead. <A> Her message was sent back in time to her father's phone. <S> The message she sent changed the fact that he had gotten on the plane and died. <S> Without her father in the picture, she sparked the existence of the moe culture in the city. <S> But with her father in the equation, she had never sparked the moe‑ization of the city. <A> Here's a quote from the Steins Gate wiki regarding the message sent back: <S> She joined in episode 9, recruited by Rintarou because she wanted to make a D-Mail to avoid her father's death. <S> I believe it ended up taking out May Queen (the cafe) and replaced it with some other store. <S> The Akiba district was also heavily influenced by the D-Mail. <S> Here's a discussion on the episode that you might want to check out as well. <S> Source:
| The mistake you're making is that the phone attached to the microwave is irrelevant—any phone is okay. Answering your question of who sent it, I believe Faris sent it herself.
Is there any connection between Otonashi and the first NPC? In episode 12, the Mysterious Boy (who is probably the first NPC) explained to Yuri that there was a boy from a long time ago who loved another girl who left him alone in this world. Thus he lost his grip on sanity, and created some sort of "requirements" to this world (the main one being to not allow love to spread). But the Mysterious Boy also told her that his chances of meeting her again are better than 0. Based on this question , it is assumed that Otonashi didn't have regrets so he did passed on. But I beg to differ on that, because we can also assume Otonashi DID have regrets right after Kanade left him even when he begged for her to stay with him. It's all based on assumption really, but could it be that the first NPC was actually Otonashi himself in some way? <Q> Theoretically, no. <S> It's true that Kanade arrived before Otonashi and Otonashi died in the real world before Kanade (because Otonashi's heart went to Kanade), but I think this question never received a response from Key. <A> I still haven't gotten my head wrapped around the ending, but the creator of Angel Beats! , Jun Maeda, has purportedly said in an interview : <S> It was no use being there by himself, so I believe he also left the world after that. <S> Besides, he was rewarded. <S> It wasn’t a bad life. <S> It wouldn’t be like Otonashi for him to stay. <S> He’s <S> a forward-thinker…looking towards his next life. <S> So it seems that Otonashi eventually passed on without regrets. <S> Otonashi is undoubtedly portrayed as a parallel of the Programmer, but it is not known whether he will end up turning himself into an NPC like the Programmer had done, because the anime didn't give us a clear and definitive answer, and neither did Jun Maeda in the interview. <S> I guess it's really up to you to decide on what you believe in. <A> The Programmer's details match that of Otonashi's with striking similarities. <S> Let's not forget that alongside the original ending of Angel Beats, Key issued another epilogue, aptly titled "Another Epilogue". <S> In this, the main focus is another person that's arrived in the Afterlife, and he is surrounded by quiet, obedient NPCs. <S> After challenging the reality of the Afterlife School, he is talked to by the Student Council President, the Otonashi in an alternate timeline, who hasn't moved on yet, <S> and he is told that if he has any question about the world that they both live in that he should come down to the Student Council room. <S> However, as Otonashi heads back to the Student Council room, a girl can be heard saying, "There's a rumor that he's waiting for someone." <S> So therefore, it's entirely possible that Otonashi is waiting for Kanade, and that this timestream somehow loops. <S> Otonashi goes crazy waiting for Kanade, who has an infinitesimally small chance of reappearing in the Afterlife, but still, better than zero. <S> He turns himself into an NPC to be able to withstand the long wait, and creates the AI, or the "Mysterious Boy" to be able to maintain the requirements of the Afterlife, not allowing love to manifest, therefore possibly saving future arrivals from the pain that he has been exposed to. <S> This may be why he creates Angel Player , because he knows that if Kanade reappears, then she'll know how to use it, and maybe program it to move him back from his NPC state. <S> The members of the SSS arrive after this. <S> Then, at the time of Episode 1, the timestream loops, causing Otonashi to revert back from an NPC. <S> Forgetting everything that's happened to him, the events continue their course the same way they did before, causing the timeline to repeat over and over and over. <S> Any thoughts? <S> This seems pretty far-fetched, but it's out there now.
| The Mysterious Boy, aka the AI , was created by the Programmer as the first NPC in the Afterlife.
Why did Suzaku change sides? Suzaku was always Lelouch's enemy; they had the same goal, but different ways. But when they met and killed Lelouch's father, he changed sides and became Lelouch's Knight.Why did this happen? At that point, Lelouch had the Geass in both eyes. Could he now manipulate people more often?Or did he just agree with Lelouch's plan to cheat the whole world? <Q> TL;DR: <S> He never changed sides. <S> Suzaku's allegiance remained with the Britannia Empire the whole series . <S> After the events in C world that culminated with the Emperor's death, Lelouch became the new Emperor, and it was only logical that Suzaku would serve Britannia's Emperor, Lelouch. <S> Both Lelouch and Suzaku had the same goal: to restore Britannia and end the corruption. <S> Suzaku wanted to do it by working WITHIN the system, Lelouch would do it by the fastest means available. <S> That is why they were at odds before the Emperor's death. <S> Once Lelouch became part of the system, that rivalry ended. <S> Also, Lelouch had already used Geass on Suzaku in the first season, by ordering him To Live! <S> that was triggered <S> anytime Suzaku was at a risk of death, most of the time improving his combat edge. <S> Lelouch could use Geass more than once on an individual, only if Orange-kun used his Geass Canceler between uses . <S> Happened only once in the whole series, with Shirley: he used it once to eraser her memory, then Orange-kun wiped that effect, and later while she was dying on Lelouch hands, he commanded her to live, but she was unable to carry that and died anyway. <S> Agreeing to the Zero Requiem plan suited Suzaku on several levels. <S> He would Serve his Emperor's (Lelouch's) orders, Avenge Euphemia (by killingLelouch), <S> Clear his slate with Karen <S> (by being dead, or even if hewas unmasked as Zero afterwards, she would still be ok, I guess), And stay in a position able to defend Nunnally forever. <A> Near the end of the series it is explained how Lelouch came up with the Zero Requiem; that being, the idea of creating a focal point of the entire world's hatred and then having that point be destroyed thus "Breaking the chains of hatred" furthermore he would make this focal point himself. <S> Thus, by giving the entire world a single target, they would be united in their fight against the tyrannical leader he became. <S> Through his death, he could facilitate a peace throughout the world. <S> It is this idea that led Suzaku to join Lelouch, this also coincides with the fact that Lelouch would also be atoning for his sins through his death, one sin in particular being the death of Euphemia li Britannia. <S> This fact also contributes to Suzaku joining Lelouch as he would gain both justice for Euphemia as well as being able to bring about lasting peace. <A> I think you guys are missing the point. <S> By the end of episode 21, I believe that Suzaku had forgiven Lelouch for what he had done. <S> There are many reasons why he did this. <S> Firstly, in episode 'Assassin from the Past', Shirley reveals that she has forgiven Lelouch for something that he had done to her an urges Suzaku to do the same. <S> Also, by the end of the episode, Suzaku realises that both Euphemia and Shirley knew who Zero really was, and yet they both kept his secret to the very end, even though revealing his identity would have prevented both their deaths. <S> This leads Suzaku to realise that Zero may not be as bad as he thought. <S> Furthermore, in 'One Million Miracles' while contemplating what to do, Suzaku comments that both Euphemia and Nunnally wanted to forgive Zero for his sins. <S> Although it is not enough at the time, it does create doubts within Suzaku which help lead to his changing sides. <S> Moreover, in 'A Taste of Humiliation', Suzaku confronts Lelouch about his past sins. <S> Lelouch, not caring about himself and wanting punishment to atone for his sins, lies about everything he's asked about. <S> Suzaku, having experienced this already, realises that he's lying, and perhaps finally understands that Lelouch didn't want to kill Euphemia or anyone else. <S> This allows him to open up to the prospect of forgiving Lelouch, though he doesn't at that particular moment. <S> This moment, in particular, was paramount in Suzaku's joining sides with Lelouch. <S> Finally, after the main events of the 'The Ragnarök Connection', Suzaku, once again, confronts Lelouch over Euphemia's death, but Lelouch challenges him and says that nothing is unforgivable. <S> (Since Lelouch never blamed Suzaku for killing his father and that he was forgiven by those closest to him, Suzaku found it in his heart to forgive Lelouch, too.) <S> This, coupled with that fact that Suzaku had realised that Lelouch was now fighting for all humanity, is the final turning point in the friendship/enmity between Lelouch and Suzaku. <S> PS. <S> For those with any doubts that Suzaku had forgiven Lelouch by the end of the series need only be reminded that Suzaku was weeping when he killed Lelouch. <A> As far as we know, it's true that their ideals were fundamentally the same: <S> Britannian Empire is corrupt and not worth serving <S> To change the corruption of the Britannian Empire, each had his own way to do it. <S> As for Suzaku, he didn't agree with Lelouch's way because he wants to change and improve the Empire from within, to show that his father's death was not in vain. <S> This is because, as Suzaku claims, achieving results by wrong or illegal methods is meaningless.
| The reason Suzaku chose to join Lelouch is because after the incident with the death of Euphemia, Suzaku's only motive to keep going basically was to protect Nunnally as long as Lelouch will pay for what he did to him.
Why is Aomine so dark-skinned? As you can see above, Aomine is awfully dark-skinned compared to all the other Japanese characters in Kuroko no Basuke. Why is that? <Q> Aomine being dark-skinned is to show that he used to play street basketball a lot. <S> Unlike indoor basketball, where the players are not subject to direct sunlight, street basketball is played outdoor. <S> Also notice that although his skin is dark, he is not as dark-skinned as Papa "Otou-san" Mbaye. <A> Apparently the author wanted a "black" character in the story as a stereotype of being the "best basketball player" but still wanted him to be Japanese, so he is a little lighter than Papa who is African American if I'm correct. <S> Another Black Japanese guy is Nebuya on the Rakuzan team who is the same color as Aomine. <S> Just because they aren't as dark as Papa does not mean they are not black as people like Chris Brown and Beyonce are quite light for black people. <S> Note <S> if you look at the official colored manga for Aomine, Nebuya and Papa they're relatively similarly as dark. <S> Granted papa is still the darkest but not by much. <A> Black people have different shades of skin color. <S> So it doesn't have to be to look Japanese. <S> Taiga too played a lot outside <S> but he doesn't have the same skin color which means that Aomine is naturally dark colored.
| Since Aomine used to play street basketball a lot, which can be seen from his playing style, his skin got darker.
When did Naruto learn how to generate a Rasengan unassisted? Jiraiya, Minato, and Kakashi each could generate and maintain a Rasengan using only one hand. When Naruto first learned the technique, he needed shadow clones to help him. When did Naruto learn how to generate and maintain a Rasengan without the aid of shadow clones or chakra arms? <Q> The first time Naruto used Rasengan without clones is in Naruto episode 134 at around 8:20. <S> Edit: <S> Here is the part where Naruto first used Rasengan with only one hand. <A> When Naruto and Sasuke were fighting at episode 134, Sasuke let his curse mark's power activate. <S> He knew that the power would soon eat away at his body, so he planned to finish off Naruto with a chidori. <S> However, when Naruto's body was taken over by the Ninetails cloak, he didn't need a clone to make a rasengan. <S> So, to counter Sasuke's chidori, Naruto made a rasengan with a single hand for the first time. <S> Later on, Naruto never really noticed how amazing that was, or how he still had to use shadow clones for a while. <A> Rasenshuriken with one hand using Four-Tails Chakara and cut Madara in half with it. <S> So he used the sage art lava style Rasenshuriken first with one hand. <S> So it is evident he could make the Resengan with one hand after gaining the Six Paths power. <A> I believe that it was after Naruto got the half of the sage of six path Chakara, mainly because in part one (ep135) he had the cloak of the nine tails to help him, so he wasn't conscious of it. <S> I think he was conscious of it when he fought Saskue because he did multiple shadow clones with Rasengan. <S> Also because of the half he received he could naturally learn Chakara control (Thus how to use Rasengan with one hand). <S> Edit: Chapter 642, sage mode.
| In the Fourth Shinobi Great War after Sasuke and Naruto receive half the Sage of Six Paths Chakara, Naruto has the ability to maintain a perfect Sage Mode and directly after that he made a lava style:
How did Jiraiya find out Tsunade's breast size? Jiraiya stated that Tsunade's oppai size was 106cm . From Tsunade article : Despite being known as flat-chested in her childhood, she now has a rather large bust; 106 centimetres in circumference, according to Jiraiya. From Jiraiya article : when caught spying on Tsunade in his younger years, she proceeded to break both of his arms, six of his ribs, and ruptured a number of organs as punishment. Considering the amount of fear and respect Jiraiya then developed towards her, how did he know the measurement of the adult Tsunade? Source: (I'm really sorry about the quality of the video) Below is the image from the corresponding scene in the manga (chapter 406, page 9): <Q> He may have used Sexy Technique . <A> Jiraiya was a very powerful ninja, and particularly proficient in stealth missions. <S> He was almost the sole source of all information on Akatsuki, and was able to enter Amegakure and defeat several of Pain's bodies. <S> Jiraiya feared Tsunade after she beat him particularly badly once, but if the mission was important enough he showed himself to be ready to risk death. <S> I believe that with careful planning and execution, Jiraiya could have and would have done this. <A> During the time he was training Naruto, Jiraiya was seen fooling around with girls. <S> It could be from the experience with girls that he had gathered for decades, that he was able to measure a girl's breast size based on looking only. <A> My best guest is he use his Cloak of Invisibility Technique a.k.a Cloaking Technique. <S> (Synonymous to Naruto's kage bunshin). <S> I just can't remember on what episode of manga the 3rd Hokage mentioned about Jiraiya using it <S> (I think during a flashback of their training).
| Maybe Jiraiya transformed into Tsunade using a transformation technique and found the size using traditional measures by measuring himself(!).
Which of Usopp's lies have not come true? A running gag in One Piece is that Usopp's lies eventually turn out to be true (with some minor modifications such as his age). For instance, he discovered giant goldfish, pirates came (though they don't find out), and the existence of an island of dwarves. I fully expect every significant lie he says from the beginning of the story to come true in some (likely absurd) way at some point in the story. I want to know the lies which are yet to come true. Currently, I am only aware that he lied about a medicine that can cure any disease. His claims to be captain could potentially count, but he has been acknowledged by the title "Captain Usopp". What other lies are left that have not yet come true? <Q> I'm using the youtube link <S> OP provided in one of the comments to answer this question. <S> Having 8000 followers. <S> Medicine that cures all diseases <S> Brave warrior of the sea King usopp from hell <S> Beating ten giant shadows Assisting in bringing down a bombman Descendant of Noland <S> Being born on sniper island. <S> Personally I believe three of them have been verified in recent chapters though. <S> - Haki could be considered as truth as he indeed unlocked (Observation) Haki and he will most likely not discover Conqueror's Haki. <S> - Law's DF could be considered the medicine that cures all diseases as he could cure fatal diseases as lead poisoning and could even cure the terminal illness called death... - Assisting in bringing down a bombman is probably referring to the fact that he sniped Sugar the second time bringing down the giant toys that were aiding. <S> For completeness, here are the lies that have been confirmed according to the same video: <S> Pirates came to Syrup village (Black Cat Pirates) Saved a whale from North Blue (Laboon) Fought a huge goldfish with poop as large as islands (The goldfish at Little Garden killed by Brogy and Dorry. <S> The same goldfish had pooped the island called nanimonai) <S> "Honestly, I know I'm a man amoung men, but you can't fall in love with me, girl. <S> Not my fault if you get burned." <S> (Basically what Sanji told the Okama) <S> A big condor, flying through the skies (The big condors Chopper met during the time-skip. <S> Usopp rode one during the reunion) <S> Abominable snowman (Rock and Scotch, the Yeti Cool brothers) A beautiful female swordmaster that brought a lot of meat (Rebecca buying Luffy three bentos at the Colosseum) <S> A huge mole inside the mansion (Miss Merry Christmas from Barocque Works) <S> During Syrup village arc, they pretend to chase "Cerberus", while chasing a regular dog (Usopp met a real Cerberus at Thriller Bark) <S> They also pretend to capture a dragon (The Straw Hat Pirates actually capture (eat) a dragon on Punk Hazard) <S> Country of dwarves (Tontatta country) <S> Legendary hero Usoland (God Usopp) <A> None, you got that all right. <S> There's korean website which I just checked for you, and the person who studies one piece whole time, said that those are the ones which are yet to come. <S> Source <A> I remember one during the Thriller Bark arc. <S> Where he tries to wake Luffy, Zoro and Sanji up by yelling that there is a beautiful lady swordsman with a ton of meat. <S> I think that one would be good to see if it comes true. <A> There is one more lie. <S> Ussop said "First, for the giant cat, I used a cattail plant" back in episode 9 ) <S> 22:12.This kinda happened later on in ep 765, where he stands beside Robin who uses a cattail plant to calm Nekomamushi.
| Basically the lies that haven't come true according to this video are: (Conqueror's) Haki.
Difference between a code and geass? Code seems to be obtained after your geass upgrades to full power and you kill a code bearer. What happens to your geass after you obtain the code? Do you lose your geass? Is code an extra power? What is the difference between these two? <Q> When the Code is obtained, the one who obtains it seems to lose their Geass Powers. <S> We see this happen with C.C in her flashbacks as beforehand <S> she had the Geass Power to make everyone love her. <S> In the scene where we last see with her Geass her Geass is now uncontrollable before the Nun admits she tricked C.C, <S> from then on we see C.C's Geass Sigals on her forehead instead of in her eyes. <S> We can assume the same thing happened with Charles. <S> At the end of the first season he uses his Geass to manipulate Lelouch's memories <S> but he didn't have V.V's Code <S> yet as later on in the second season when Cornelia infiltrate's the Order's Base she throws a knife at V.V seemingly killing him until he gets up and takes the blade out of his head. <S> However at the Sword of Akasha after Charles "comes back to life <S> " he doesn't once uses his Geass on Lelouch. <S> We also know that the Code doesn't have to be given/received willingly. <S> The Nun who gave C.C the Geass powers forced her to take the code (though we are unsure how) and in the second season as C.C is about to reach the Twilight Gate V.V is seen wounded saying Charles "stole" his code <S> In terms of what the Code Bearer gains, from observations we see: Ability to create contracts with others to bestow Geass Immunity to Geass Immortality <S> There is another power we only see once in the first season and used by C.C at the Battle of Narita where C.C feeds Suzaku "shock images" to immobilize him. <S> However I am unsure if this is a power related to the Code or a natural power C.C has as neither V.V nor Charles demonstrates such a power. <S> Also, the Twilight Gates can be accessed by anyone who has Geass or the Code as Charles is seen at the Sword of Akasha without V.V with him at the beginning of the second season (where he first shows Suzaku the Sword of Akasha saying it's a weapon to slay God) <A> A geass is a supernatural power, like Lelouch's ability to command people to do things, or Charles's ability to rewrite people's memories. <S> What happens to your geass after you obtain the code? <S> Do you lose your geass? <S> Yes, you lose your geass. <S> Recall that C.C.'s geass was the power to make people love her. <S> Once the nun passed her code on to C.C., she lost her geass - if she still had the power to make people love her, surely she would not have been tormented and treated as a witch by the people of her time. <S> Similarly, V.V., another code-bearer, shows no signs of having a geass. <A> A code and a geass are two different things. <S> A code grants immortality and eternal youth and allows the person to give geass powers to others. <S> A geass is a power which differs from person to person. <S> It's said that it is the expression of the utmost inner desire of the person with the geass. <S> Examples are mind control, mind reading, altering memories, forcing people to love you, etc.when a geass user uses his geass a lot it grows "stronger", which means that after a while he can no longer turn it off and it will be active at all times. <S> if it gets even stronger it will affect the second eye of the user and from then on he can take the code from a code bearer, rendering the former code bearer mortal. <S> There's a lot of disinformation about this online, but the anime is actually very clear on this: When you get a code, you lose your geass. <S> This was shown to be the case for C.C., Charles, V.V. and the nun from C.C.'s backstory (those last 2 never displayed any geass, and since they have the code it means their geass must have been constantly active in both eyes, and yet we don't see their geass, therefore it's gone). <S> There are no exceptions for this in the lore. <S> And Charles even explicitly says "I've gained a new power IN PLACE OF geass". <S> Transferring the code does NOT kill the former code bearer, it merely makes them mortal again. <S> The nun was lying in a pool of blood because she committed suicide after regaining her mortality. <S> V.V. was still alive for quite a while when Charles had his code. <S> Killing the former code bearer is NOT a requirement to get the code. <S> C.C. herself had been severely injured by the nun (to force a dilemma on her "accept my code and live, or refuse and die") and was lying on the floor bleeding, she was in no shape to kill the nun. <S> V.V. wasn't killed by Charles, he eventually succumbed to his injuries sustained in battle with Cornelia and Lelouch. <A> Codes serve as the connection to The World of C, and have enough "power" themselves to enact physical changes to the world ala Regeneration and their soul returning to their bodies. <S> Geass is a manifestation of the users soul plus "power", the bridge between it and their codes getting larger as more "power" is transferred. <S> Once it grows large enough it can "suck" the code through the link. <S> This is probably accidental, with the original owners not wanting to die otherwise why would they seek immortality. <S> The codes can do more than the automatic abilities looking at C.2's telepathy(?) <S> but this knowledge was lost with their original bearers and has to be rediscovered on their own (thus why V.V can't).
| A code is a, uh, different supernatural doohickey that 1.) makes you immortal; and 2.) allows you to grant geasses to other people.
Why doesn't Naruto possess any of his clan's specific jutsu? Neji, Hinata, Shino, Kiba, Sasuke, Choji, Shikamaru and Ino all have their clans' Kekkai Genkai, e.g. Shikamaru possesses shadow jutsu, Ino has mind controlling jutsu. The Uzumaki clan is said to have sealing techniques. Then why doesn't Naruto possess any of the techniques? At least, he should have some of his father's abilities (excluding Rasengan, as Jiraiya and Kakashi were able to do it), but from the beginning, it is shown that he didn't possess any clan-specific technique. Why so? <Q> To expand on my comment, as per nhahtdh's request : Because clan specific jutsu have to be taught , even though you may have an affinity toward them or less difficulty in learning them. <S> Unlike Kekkei Genkai , which are techniques (usually) unique to a clan <S> passed down genetically , clan specific jutsu - or Hiden - are passed down through teaching/orally . <S> Examples of Kekkei Genkai include, but are not limited to, the Sharingan, the Byakugan, the Shikotsumyaku (Kimimaro's bone ability), Ice Release techniques (used by Haku) and Wood Release techniques. <S> Examples of Hiden include, but are not limited to, the Nara clan's Shadow techniques, the Aburame clan's Insect techniques, the Hyuuga clan's fighting style (Gentle Fist) and the Uzumaki clan's Sealing techniques. <S> However, it is also noteworthy to point out that Naruto possesses many of the general "abilities" of the Uzumaki clan , such as an incredibly strong life force, great recuperative powers and over the average longevity. <S> He possesses these because, not unlike Kekkei Genkai , they are passed down genetically. <S> On the other hand, he does not posess the clan's specific jutsu, due to the simple fact that there was no Uzumaki around to teach them to him. <A> I think this is probably because Naruto is genetically 1/2 Uzumaki and 1/2 <S> another clan (Namikaze). <S> Unlike the other Uzumaki clan members we have seen (Kushina, Karin, Nagato, Mito), Naruto does not have their trademark straight red hair. <S> Instead, he inherits his father's spiky blonde hair. <A> Naruto does seem to have the innate ability to manipulate the seal on Kurama however, with not indication that he received training on this. <S> So he does have some skill in the art.
| I think this probably results in inheriting only a portion of the Uzumaki genetic characteristics (e.g., compatibility as Kurama's jinchukiri), but losing others (e.g., chakra chains, fuinjutsu).
Why did Rem kill L? I know that it was Light's plan to make Misa look suspicious again so that Rem would kill L. But why did she think that Misa was going to be executed? Was it because her lifespan was shortened again? I thought that only a Death Note can shorten the lifespan of a person, and even though she did the Shinigami eye deal again, was her lifespan too shortened? Or can your lifespan get shortened by other people, because of their actions? <Q> Basically, L told her what would happen, when she would be caught. <S> Light made it pretty obvious that Misa was the new Killer , letting all evidence point in her direction. <S> He made her kill people the instant she left the mansion. <S> Especially since Misa was the original suspect for being the second killer . <S> If it wasn't for the fake rule, Misa would have been arrested or at least thoroughly investigated and L had doubts about that rule from the beginning anyway. <S> L: <S> If the murderer by notebook is recognized, at the very least, if we cannot get the capital punishment, we would have them write their own name in the book. <S> That's how it is. <S> chapter 57 Rem, being pretty sharp herself, came to the same conclusion. <S> She knew L would figure it out <S> , she knew it would mean the end for Misa. <S> Though, she had made a promise to protect her till the end, so she knew she had to kill L to prevent Misa from dying early. <S> Rem: <S> The one who is killing the convicts right now is Misa. <S> There is no doubt about that. <S> Since the notebook has been revealed, no matter what happens from this point on, the one who will be caught as Kira will be Misa. <S> That wont change... <S> Yagami Light is confident that I will save Misa's life... <S> The only way to save Misa in a situation like that would be for me to write Ryuuzaki's true name in the notebook... <S> And in that situation if I were to kill Ryuuzaki then I would have clearly meddled with Misa's lifespan and die. <S> chapter 57 <A> This is for me the weakest play from any character in the series. <S> I've searched through the internet to see if someone had the same thought that I did but haven't found any mention to it. <S> Rem wants to protect Misa Rem <S> needs to be alive to protect Misa <S> Then, Rem can't protect Misa if she's dead With this simple point in mind <S> , what she did was only the last resource she had, a resource that she should of have taken after discarding other ways of action. <S> If she's dead nothing stops Light from killing Misa on his own (which was his initial plan). <S> Why didn't she talk to L and negotiate? <S> Give him two options: Option 1 <S> (what she partially did): I kill you, Watari and the whole task force <S> and you'll never catch Kira nor Misa, failing in every aspect of your investigation. <S> Option 2 <S> (what she could have done before going for Option 1): I tell him that I can see who's the first Kira, and that the second Kira is Misa. <S> But that as a Shinigami who's involved with Misa, I will not let anything happen to her, so I can either kill them all, or give them, in exchange for Misa's innocence), the name for the first Kira. <S> If they refuse this deal, then they will have none (and go to Option 1). <S> There's a chance L would of rejected this deal, for an ideal about finding through himself who's Kira or an ideal of justice where he wouldn't want Misa to have immunity. <S> But in the face of death, there was a chance where he could see that one of the two options had a better outcome than the other. <A> The police suspected Misa of being Kira, and she was about to be exposed. <S> If a Shinigami helps a human by extending their life like this, the Shinigami dies. <S> Even knowing this, Rem sacrificed herself in order to save Misa by killing L and making it so Misa would no longer be a suspect. <S> Also see: What was the intent for making Rem sacrifice herself for Misa? <A> to save miss I think. <S> because if watari told L the information he had, then both Light and Misa would be executed.
| Rem realized that Light had purposely set Misa up to get caught so that the only way to save her would be to kill L, otherwise, Misa would get the death penalty for being Kira.
Did Kirito lie about being the *best* beta tester? I watched SAO on Crunchyroll, where the subtitles for episode 2 have Kirito saying: I made it higher than anyone else during the beta test. The reason I knew the bosses skills is because I fought monsters with katana skills on floors far above us. At the time, I just accepted this as "Kirito is just that good," which was born out by his skills and abilities later on in the series. After all, someone had to be the best. However, this question claims he lied during that speech, and I've since checked the dubbed version, where he says During the beta, I made it to floors that were higher than any of the other testers. That's a fact. I knew about the boss 'cause I fought tons of monsters with way more sword skills on higher floors. The implication of word choice and tone in the dub does sound like the kind of exaggerated bragging that gamers do when they're claiming preposterous things, but the subs don't convey that to me at all. Is there any information showing whether he was actually lying? Was he just a good beta tester (possibly in the lead group), or was he really significantly above everyone else? <Q> You can think that's a lie, but not totally. <S> I made it higher than anyone else during the beta test. <S> The reason I knew the bosses skills is because I fought monsters with katana skills on floors far above us. <S> There are two possible interpretations of his claim: Kirito made it to higher floors than anyone else. <S> This is incorrect, because you cannot go to higher floor without defeating the boss first. <S> And, after you defeat it, everyone else can go to the next floor through the teleport door. <S> Kirito have more experience than others. <S> This is probably correct, because from Light Novel Volume 1 - Chapter 2: <S> The two months of beta testing were like a dream. <S> At school I thought endlessly of my skill set, equipment, and items. <S> I ran all the way home as soon as school ended and dived till dawn. <S> The beta test ended in the blink of an eye. <S> On the day my character was reset, I felt a sense of loss as if half of my actual self had been cut away. <S> Because of this, you can assume that Kirito had spent a lot of time on the game, maybe more than others. <S> Maybe he compiled more floor map information than other players... <S> maybe, he knew more mobs, but he couldn't know mobs or bosses from upper floors. <S> All information which Kirito knew was also available for other beta players if they tried to view it (maybe, but unique quests were unlikely to be made public). <S> There's no info about boss defeat in beta, but there probably wasn't any boss defeated by Kirito only (but that's my opinion). <A> He was a Beta Tester. <S> Klein identified Kirito as one in the first episode before Kayaba trapped all the players. <S> The Sword Art Online Wiki also confirms this: Early in the official version of the game, he noticed and identified Kirito as a beta tester, and asked to be taught the basics of fighting. <S> However, what Kirito was lying about was how far he got during the Beta testing phase. <S> In fact, he only got to the 10th floor during the Beta, which was about as far any of the Beta Players got: <S> One of the lucky 1000 players accepted into the closed-beta, Kirito logged hundreds of hours of playtime. <S> He, along with the other top players, were able to reach the 10th Floor before the beta had ended. <S> Source: Kirito: <S> Sword Art Online Closed <S> Beta <S> Also, the article on Beta Tester says The beta period lasted until the August 31, 2022 and the beta testers managed to reach the 10th Floor by the end of the beta. <S> In both instances, it says that they reached the 10th floor, not cleared it. <S> However, as cited in my question that you link to, during the scene, Kirito claimed that (emphasis mine): Kirito: <S> I made it to floors <S> not even the other Beta players could reach. <S> Also Kirito seemed to be out of character when he acted stuck up and looked down at the other Beta Players as he compared himself to them and accepted the term Beater. <S> So while Kirito is one of the top Beta Players, I believe he was lying about his own progress during this scene 1 . <S> 1 <S> This is based on watching the anime. <S> I have not read the light novels. <A> Yes, Kirito did lie. <S> Before Klein tried to log out, he said that he reached till floor 8 in 2 months. <S> About the term "beater" in the extra edition of SAO, the guy said that he accepted his fate just to keep other beta testers from being hated. <A> He must've did that to make betas not receive so much hate. <S> But, he could have meant he leveled up wayyyy higher then other betas. <S> Though I still think he did that to make the betas receive less hate and not to brag. <A> Ok, I have an idea. <S> This was the beta, right? <S> So wouldn't there be bugs? <S> What if he wasn't lying about advancing past other beta testers? <S> What if he found a glitch a way to pass floors with nothing stopping him? <S> Also what if he fought the bosses, but merely got them low and claimed he beat them. <S> But just before killing the boss he would leave, but not without reward. <S> Because that reward would be knowing how to fight and beat the bosses. <S> The boss would live to continue keeping the gate closed for other testers. <S> So perhaps he did go to other floors farther above. <S> And since it's the beta, the bosses may be easier to fight. <S> They may have the same abilities in the alpha but their attack damage and maybe attack speed had increased. <S> Or maybe more HP and less damage but maybe the room itself worked against you. <S> Like hidden traps for the boss to push or somehow get you into. <S> So, in conclusion, I believe that he did make it way higher than other beta testers but in a way that made it impossible for them to progress without finding that glitch. <S> Being able to advance levels just before killing the boss. <S> Maybe even acquiring new items. <S> I don't believe that you'd get a plethora of items at the start of the game. <S> But seeing as he said previously that he was imagining item builds means that he may have more items then just beginner items. <A> I believe he made this statement to try and remove the hate towards other Beta testers and direct it at himself.
| What he claimed contradicts with the information from the Wiki, so I think Kirito is lying about his progress. I think that he lied in that scene because he wanted to get all the hate towards him.
Why does the Teiko basketball club have over 100 members? The Teiko basketball club in Kuroko no Basket is described as an incredibly strong team with over 100 members that won the championship three times in a row. However, only 6 in the main roster and 2 of their senpai(s) are actually shown and mentioned in the whole anime. The other 92+ players were never mentioned and are literally useless. They also affected the basketball in middle school, where they themselves got more and more bored and their enemies gave up before even playing. So I'm wondering why would 92+ players even join the basketball club when they obviously have no chance to play in a real match? <Q> The second/third string in Teiko play matches against weaker schools. <S> In one of the OVAs (Tip Off) Kise (when he first joined) and Kuroko help the second string in an exibition match. <S> Also, first years and even second years would not usually make first string right away in a bigger school, but they still need training so that they can possibly join later. <S> They could just have joined to play/practise basketball. <S> Remember that it's a club not just a team. <S> I doubt that anyone would even attempt to join if they had to make first string. <S> It's pretty clear playing in matches is a privilge for most people, not an expected outcome. <A> If it's anything like when I was in school (which isn't too long ago): <S> There may be age-limited leagues. <S> When I was in my first year, there were leagues that only allowed first year players to compete. <S> There may be multi-tiered leagues <S> Much like soccer, there could be an A-league, B-league, C-league, etc. <S> Generally our school would put one team in each league - according with skill of course. <S> Players join for the fun of it, rather than the competition <S> I had a short stint at playing volleyball and really enjoyed it <S> - I didn't want to play it competitively though, and that's the attitude a good few others might have too <S> There's still the opportunity to get in the lead team with enough time and effort. <S> If there's no real games to be played by the other players, there's still the opportunity to get on the team that plays. <A> I'm not sure how this works in Japan, but I could imagine that the school has multiple teams for different age groups. <S> Maybe they couldn't get into the main basketball team, and play in a lower or younger team.
| Anime sports rosters don't change that much, but if a coach sees one player who is really good but isn't playing - they'll probably bring them onto the team.
What powers did Gol D. Roger possess? I am a big fan of the One Piece manga. I just started watching the anime (completed 3 seasons). I was wondering: What powers did the Pirate King Gol D. Roger possess? Is there any chapter/episode which reveals his powers? Or is there any theory about it? <Q> There has not been any information about the Gol D Roger power. <S> Though there are some episode where part of Gol D. Roger are connected but information about him is very low. <S> Main information about him are about family member, some crew, cause of death, very few information about his treasure One Piece but information of power has not been revealed. <S> There are some more information about him in this wiki page . <S> As the story is progressing lots of thing are untold or unknown which may be revealed in future. <A> It would explain why he could understand the Poneglyphs, and why he was the most wanted man (before Dragon), because in terms of strength/power, he was Whitebeard's rival. <S> However, this is just a theory (I think). <A> it is very plausible <S> he is have a Weather Controlling Fruit. <S> In battle with Shiki the Golden Lion, Roger can win because of the storm destroyed majority of Shiki <S> fleet.and <S> we know Weather controlling fruit exist <S> when Monkey D.Dragon saving Luffy from execution in Logue its a high possibilty <S> Dragon found Roger DF after he died, hence He (Dragon) is named as the World Government's greatest enemy, and is the most dangerous and most wanted man in the world because World Government knows Roger`s power (probably from Garp) and what it can do.
| There is a theory which says that Gol D. Roger ate an Akuma no Mi, which made him capable of speaking/understanding any language.
What was L's real name? I watched through Death Note once, and I never remember hearing L's name, even after he died. What was L's real name, or did he never have one (it was never said)? <Q> According to both the Death Note Character list on Wikipedia and the L character page on the Death Note Wikia , his full name is L Lawliet . <S> He does have several aliases that sound more like real names <S> but L seems to be his actual name. <S> From the L Wikipedia page : <S> Tsugumi Ohba, the writer of the series [...] <S> For L's name, he wanted to use a single letter with a lot of significance; he considered "I" and "J", but eventually chose "L" after careful consideration. <S> The Wiki page also points out that his name is written in Latin characters as "L" <A> Alias: <S> L Letter: <S> L Real Name: <S> L Lawliet Relation: <S> The famous detective L. He was found by Wammy as a child and brought to the orphanage. <S> The goal of the orphanage is to train a worthy successor to his title.(†) <S> Source: <S> Wammy's House - Characters related to Wammy's House <S> Also, Wikia lists his name as エル ( Eru ), so most likely that is how you would spell L in his name (over using the English letter L) <S> There is also a scene in the movie <S> Death Note 2: <S> The Last Name where we see L's real name written in the Death Note which he shows to Light that he wrote in himself to become immune to Rem's use of the Death Note and trap Light. <A> There are Death Note cards that state the characters' full and true names. <S> And L's card says "L Lawliet." <S> So that is his true name. <S> The letter "L" and Lawliet as his last name. <S> The cards are, as far as copyright goes, completely under the suit of the same owners as the anime and manga.
| L's real name is L Lawliet
Why didn't Kenshin use a bokutou? Himura Kenshin, the Battousai, used a sakabatou . He did this to prevent himself from killing people anymore. My question is, if that is his goal, then why didn't he settle with a bokutou (wooden sword) instead? A bokutou would definitely be duller than a sakabatou , which is made of steel. <Q> There are several reasons he would go the awful length to get his Sakabato forged by a master swordmaker, with metal: 1) <S> For a swordsman, the weight of the blade is very important. <S> For Kenshin, since all of his attacks are blunt attacks, it is vital. <S> 2) <S> Resilience : enemies can break wood and bamboo swords. <S> The medieval jousters carried twenty plus jousting lances to tournaments, because they would break every time they delivered a solid blow, and most of the times when they missed or scraped. <S> 3) <S> The edge : the Sakabato does have an edge, on the back side of the blade. <S> Himura uses it to cut everything from pottery to cannonballs. <S> His only exception is people. <S> 4) <S> His self-image : even though his passive servant act, Kenshin is still a japanese swordsman. <S> The fact he has a sheathed sword by his side still demands some respect from his opponents (and the most wary ones are the ones that did not fall for his timid demeanor). <S> Also whatever shred of pride he have (arguably some) would demand he carried a real sword (even though several characters in that universe do not consider the sakabato a real sword). <S> His use of a Sakabato is foremost a physical expression of his vow (in the manga several times his Sakabato is inspected by officers or other swordsman, only to be met with disdain), and in a second moment for the convenience of not having to twist the blade everytime he wants to deliver a non-lethal blow. <S> Several other anime has this scene in a swordfight where the winner delivers a otherwise fatal blow and follows up with "don't worry, I used the backside of the blade". <A> But I'm pretty sure a bokuto would break if he was fighting against a person with a sharp blade. <S> It's better to use a metal sword so it doesn't break. <S> Yeah, metal's just stronger than wood. <A> This is the philosophy that Kenshin wants to be true. <S> Although it is symbolic it is also practical. <S> A wooden sword would just get cut in half against a skilled opponent.
| The Sakabatō holds a deep meaning, as a blade that is not meant to kill. Weight : there are no material at the time that could have the same density as metal.
Was Broly able to transform into Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball Z? Broly is shown to have a tail as a baby. But the tail is not there when he is an adult or kid, which means that he has the potential to become Super Saiyan 4. The only time he has a tail is when he was cloned, as shown in Bio-Broly .The time span in which Broly does not have a tail is: Broly — The Legendary Super Saiyan and Broly — Second Coming . Do we know if Broly was able to transform into Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball Z ? The only time he turned to Super Saiyan 4 is in Dragon Ball Heroes , which is a game and not canon. <Q> Broly wasn't a canon character and Super Saiyan 4 isn't a canon transformation, so the idea of Broly being a canon Super Saiyan 4 is kind of madness. <S> Broly is a character from the movies, in which there is no hint that he or anyone else can become a Super Saiyan 4, and SS4 is from GT <S> and there was no mention of Broly in GT. <S> If he went SS4 in some game, then in the canon of that game he is able to, but otherwise I would say no <S> , there is no reason to think Broly could be a SS4, as even his normal Super Saiyan form is in fact pretty weird and not particularly similar to the main characters' Super Saiyan transformations. <A> No, Super Saiyan 4 was never a canon - all of the Dragon Ball GT episodes are filler and Akira Toriyama, the manga author, had never made SSJ4 and the next official transformation or rather power up is "Super Saiyan God" - achievable by 5? <S> (I don't remember) <S> Saiyan powering up one Saiyan. <A> Dragon Ball Z.Actually <S> no character was able to achieve Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball Z as Super Saiyan 4 was introduced in Dragon Ball GT. <S> I will not go into details of what is canon and what is filler as the other answers have explained it well. <S> However, Broly had a Legendary Super Saiyan form - the only Super Saiyan transformation that Goku has not been able to achieve in the series, canon or otherwise. <S> How strong the Legendary form is in comparison to Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan <S> 2 etc. is open to interpretation. <S> Still one can say quite surely say that Legendary Super Saiyan form was considerably weaker than Super Saiyan 4. <S> So, no Broly never achieved Super Saiyan 4 and he never got as strong as Super Saiyan 4 either. <A> No <S> because there is no Super Saiyan 4 <S> it is not canon to DBZ however in <S> DBGT Vegeta turned into SSJ4 with the help of a machine build by his wife Bulma so possible that he can since his a saiyan only based on a series GT not DBZ.
| No Broly was not able to transform into Super Saiyan 4 in
Why is Miku shown with a leek? Many times when I see images of Hatsune Miku, she is shown holding a leek or spring onion. Apart from headphones and microphones, other popular and well known Vocaloids, such as Rin, Len, Kaito and Luca, don't seem to have any strange items like vegetables. So why is Miku shown with a leek? And if there aren't any other Vocaloids with strange items, why is she the only one? <Q> Hatsune Miku holding a leek comes from a parody video of the Leekspin meme. <S> On another note, the vegetable she is holding is actually a "negi" or green onion. <S> However, the English dub for Bleach called it a leek. <S> Sources: <S> The Hatsune Miku parody video: <S> Leekspin meme: <A> Apart from headphones and microphones, other popular and well known Vocaloids, such as Rin, Len, Kaito and Luca, don't seem to have any strange items like vegetables. <S> Actually, many vocaloid (and other voice software) have items associated with them GUMI (a Megloid) has a carrot for her item Teto Kasane (an UTAUloid) <S> has bread Luka is often associated with fish, or because of her hair, octopuses. <S> There are more listed here <S> Most of these originated from fans rather than the original creators, and are not official - even though there is a casual acceptance of the character items. <S> For example Leek shaped glowsticks are occasionally given out at Miku concerts. <S> Character items frequently feature in artists videos also <A> The reason Miku usually has a leek with her most of the time when you see her, is because since she is a vocaloid, someone (I guess) wanted to make her sing Ievan Polkka, a Finnish song, and that's what got her popular at first. <S> *Luka <S> And as one of the answers already stated this, these vegetable pairings with Vocaloids came from the fans themselves, so it's not exactly official. <S> Actually, many Vocaloids (even UTAUs) have been associated with vegetables. <S> Here are some examples: Megurine Luka - Fish or TunaKagamine Rin - Orange(s)Kagamine <S> Len - Banana(s)KAITO - Ice creamMEIKO - Sake (A traditional Japanese alcohol) <S> GUMI - Carrot(s)Camui/ <S> Kamui Gakupo - Eggplant (UTAU) <S> Kasane Teto - (French) <S> Bread or a Baguette Namine Ritsu - Chocolate Crisps <S> So Luka is paired with fish because she has a chibi head character who has hair like an octopus. <S> Rin has an orange for her fruit because her neckerchief resembles an orange peel. <S> Len was paired with a banana mostly because of his hair color and that piece of his hair sticking upwards resembles a banana, just a bit. <S> KAITO with ice cream <S> because fans notice the scarf he wears and in his new V3 update, boots. <S> People thought he seemed to wear winter-special clothes and since his hair is blue it easily resembles snow/ice and relating things, they decided his food was going to be Ice cream. <S> MEIKO with sake <S> because she seemed to look older and mature <S> so I guess they thought it'd be fun if they made her drunk <S> (?) <S> Not quite sure about this one. <S> GUMI with carrots because of her color scheme mostly, since she has green hair and orange official clothes so it reminds people of carrots. <S> Gakupo with Eggplant because he has purple hair and a stronger/deeper voice <S> so I think it reminded them of an eggplant <S> Now, the UTAUs were officially paired with random foods because they were sorta supposed to be a parody April fool's joke. <S> (?) <S> Here is a picture of them with the foods too:
| The Leekspin meme is a video of Orihime from Bleach spinning a leek in one of the episodes with the Finnish folk song Ievan Polkka playing in the background.
Can someone please explain the ending of Shiki? Did the whole village get burned down? How about the girl? The whole thing seems quite incomplete to me. Can someone explain the ending? <Q> Sunako and the monk got away. <S> And probably began spreading their disease from there. <S> They will most likely stick to low level feeding rather than the full village conversion. <S> Since that turned out really bad. <S> The vampires were clearly aggressors as they preyed on the villagers. <S> We start out really hating the vampires. <S> In addition to that, we also hate the villagers too for being so docile and complacent. <S> They had numerous warnings that they were being attacked by vampires, but no one took it seriously. <S> Eventually the doctor and the monk figured it out but the doctor quickly turned into a blood feud. <S> By the end of the season, we no longer feel sorry for the villagers as they have now banded together and have turned the tide of the war. <S> Instead, we feel sorry for the vampires since only a small handful of them actually attempted to fight back. <S> The vampire faction were simply not prepared for a united front. <S> Ninety percent of the vampires were simply running away with white flags over their heads. <S> And the villagers pretty much demolished them. <S> The writers wants us to feel sorry for the vampires especially how sad music kept playing whenever one of them died. <S> The story was pretty tragic. <S> There was definitely a better way to settle this. <S> But that would make an uninteresting story. <S> Like authorities could be called in. <S> Police, soldiers, and helicopters could gun the vampires down and then strap their immortal bodies to a stretcher. <S> And then send them to some underground military clinic to run experiments on them. <S> lol. <S> Help find a cure and also produce new vampires without the bloodsucking and daylight phobia drawbacks. <S> lol <S> Anyways. <S> Watching the villagers go vigilante was definitely an interesting turn. <S> Just bodies everywhere. <A> It's an open-ended finale. <S> After the credits, there are still 30 seconds that you might have missed. <S> All this is conjecture: <S> the village burned but as fire pass away (purification) <S> the survivors rebuilt it and the villagers' life goes on. <S> The only Shiki whose status we're not sure about (for romantic reasons) are Sunako, the little girl of the mansion, and the head monk; either they burnt in the church or survived. <A> It was interesting to say the least but as many people have said it seems incomplete <S> In the end it does show that the monk survived and had a briefcase (with the girl inside) driving down what we can only assume is the national road spoken of in the anime <S> This kind of ending also allows a continuation of it Mabey a shiki2 or season 2 Mabey from the vampires perspective who knows <S> But since it was ended in 2010 8 years ago its unlikely of animators to make another season (as sad as that may be) <S> One real question is how did the boy get back when he was tied up for the vampire <S> (Mabey it was explained and I missed it <S> but if not I'd like to know) <A> As others have said there were a few seconds after the ending credits and it was more of an open ending I personally take solace in how it ended being that I myself could not find a better way to end it that supported the themes and messages it seemed to convey. <S> The point is that nothing is truly good and nothing is truly evil. <S> Both the humans and vampires committed immoral acts towards one another with self preservation in mind <S> All that exists is perspective there were a few other anime I enjoyed that made me feel the same way over the years. <S> Shiki being recently added to that list. <S> But boy was that a sad anime the truth is blunt and unyielding.
| The ending of shiki was an open ending where the viewer has to imagine for him/her self what happened
Where is Eren's father Dr. Jaeger? So I finally got around to seeing what the fuss was all about with Attack on Titan anime series, by marathoning it in two days, and I am glad I did. Do note that I just finish watching the anime series only, so if it's answered in the manga, please indicate spoilers. The thing that stood out for me though was the complete absence of Eren's father after the first two episodes, and the fact that no one seemed in the least bit concerned. We know he was (probably) not dead, because in the second episode, he was seen riding back home concerned about whether his wife, Eren and Mikasa were safe. In Eren's memories, he also seemed to be aware of what was going to happen (or saw it as inevitable), so it seemed unlikely that he had been killed, particularly with no mention of it. However, aside from some recurrences of Eren's dream/memory, there was no sign of his father at all, and nobody seemed to care. Eren and Mikasa didn't mention or even recognised the absence. And the various soldiers, generals, etc. didn't seem interested either, even though Eren made it clear that his father had something hidden in his basement, possibly related to his ability. I would have thought that someone would have interrogated him further on what his father was doing or what could be in the basement. All we seem to know is that he had been traveling somewhere for a week or so. Is there an explanation as to where Dr. Jaeger was during the 5+ years? Is it just an oversight that Eren's father is so glossed over by the series? Seems kind of weird when he's potentially a crucial character in the same vein as Annie's father. <Q> The whereabouts of Dr. Jaeger are revealed in chapter 62. <S> To give you an idea how far ahead that is, the latest episode (25) plays out during chapter 33, so you are basically halfway through. <S> Eren has eaten his own father . <S> This event happened somewhere during the time-skip of the second chapter, so Dr. Jaeger has basically been dead for most of the series. <A> Unmarked spoilers because otherwise this whole A would be a yellow rectangle. <S> Dr. Jaeger is dead, he was eaten by Eren during his first titan transformation. <S> As of his remains, it should be somewhere, a pile of half-digested bones because titans (do not have digestive organs) <S> vomit the remains of humans they eat (gross, sorry). <S> But do not feel sorry for the doctor , because he probably wanted to be eaten, in order to pass the progenitor titan powers to Eren. <S> just to finish the yellow block, progenitor titan power is passed by drinking the spinal fluid of the former holder, killing him in the process. <S> You can also eat the person with the spinal fluid to the same effect. <S> Actually Dr. Jaeger is not THAT crucial by himself in person as much as being a plot device on Eren's background. <S> His role was giving Eren titan powers and putting whatever is inside the basement near wall maria there. <S> Now that it is done, another scholar character can pick up from where he left. <S> You could also argue that since he probably knows too much about Titans, he would be a dealbreaker character if he was still alive, so taking his secrets to the grave (aside what is in the basement) protects the mysteries of the series. <S> The same thing happened when they threw the king under the bus. <S> But there are still the wallist priests <S> , I doubt they do not have a compendium of all the truth hidden somewhere. <S> It was shown they are very good at taking their secrets to the grave, so it is not unthinkable they have the complete faq/walkthrough to their universe. <S> He (Dr. Jaeger) can come back through the basement content's (not back to life, but back to the story, in some flashback fashion). <A> In the anime, though, Eren's dad is glossed over, but that's because he isn't Eren's main priority. <S> Learning how to kill Titans is. <S> I would think he doesn't really want to think about his dad because there is a possibility that he may be dead! <S> Having to deal with the pain of his mother dying is a lot for a little boy to deal with. <S> There are instances though when he is thinking about the basement that he asks himself why his dad just disappeared. <S> So, the watcher is lead to believe that he is either dead or gone somewhere. <S> Of course, if you read the manga, you know what really happens.
| What happened to Eren's dad is revealed in volume 62 of the manga.
Is Monkey D. Luffy named after Sun Wukong? Monkey: Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en in the 16th century is regarded as one of the 4 great classical novels of China (at least according to Wikipedia). I have read that Son Goku ( Dragon Ball ) is directly inspired by Sun Wukong as Dragon Ball was originally supposed to mirror Journey to the West (and of course deviated from this). While I don't know if that is true, I know Oda lists the Dragon Ball series as a major inspiration. Is Monkey D. Luffy the man aiming to become the King of the Pirates named after Sun Wukong: the Monkey King? Update: I apparently overlooked that Sun Wukong (Chinese) is referred to as Son Goku (Japanese). <Q> I don't think so. <S> The novel is called Journey to the West , and Monkey is the name of a translation into English that became popular that shifted more of the focus onto the Monkey King, Sun Wukong. <S> I don't think he is named after this story, there are many stories in the Far East about a handful of animals such as monkeys, dragons and tigers, often the monkeys in the stories will have similar traits, like being playful and strong. <S> Many characters in One Piece have animal themes, notably the original Shichibukai and Admirals, and they all act/appear in a way that suits their animal to some extent, Mihawk hunting Krieg in his first appearance, Doflamingo being flamboyant. <S> I think Luffy was just given the name Monkey to highlight his monkeyish characteristics. <A> There is one Monkey King in One Piece , not Luffy. <S> He is the leader of <S> Coffee Monkeys <S> and he appears in episode 395. ] <A> I believe so. <S> Luffy's primary attack involves manipulating the size of his arms, similar to the staff of Sun Wukong. <S> They're both useless in water. <S> Also, the Pirate King thing is very much like Sun Wukong's "Equal to the heavens" schtick.
| It is possible, but Goku was literally given the Japanese name of the Monkey King and had the ability to change into a Giant Ape and the magical staff of the Monkey King, whereas for Luffy it is just his family name, that he shares with Garp and Dragon.
Why didn't Ashitaka return to his village after his curse was lifted? After his curse was lifted, the reason for his exile from his village no longer existed. His relationship with San also showed no signs of developing further. But he decided to remain in Irontown. Since he is a prince of his people (and the last one to boot), wouldn't it be more logical for him to return home? <Q> I have a couple arguments on why he no longer returns home. <S> The first is that his banishment forbids him from doing so. <S> Ashitaka cut his own hair which symbolizes him losing his culture and heritage. <S> Kaya also gives Ashitaka her dagger because she wanted him to have a memento of her. <S> It shows that he is no longer allowed to come back to the village. <S> Most likely he has forgotten the way home. <S> Lastly, he could have stayed behind out of consideration for the others. <S> Mononoke-hime is the person he loves and he wants to stay with her. <S> Furthermore, his elk was shot and probably can't go as far as it once could. <S> So he stays out of consideration for the elk, since it's possible the elk would not have been able to make the journey. <A> This is what director Miyasaki says: Ashitaka is at a loss as he comes into the outside world, that is, town, from his village. <S> At this point, he is hiding his face to show that he is a non-person. <S> Actually, at the moment he cut his topknot off, he was no longer human. <S> Cutting one's topknot in a village has that meaning. <S> So, it looks like Ashitaka leaves (the village) of his own will, but actually, the village forces him to leave, I think. <S> Ashitaka, as such a boy, cannot negotiate well when he goes to the market. <S> The Northeast area, where Ashitaka's village was, used to produce gold. <S> So Ashitaka just offered a gold grain instead of money, not knowing the value of it. <S> And... <S> How about going back to the Emishi's village? <S> M: He can't go back. <S> Even if he could go back, what would be there? <S> There might be some time lag, but eventually, the world of what Eboshi has been doing at Tatara Ba will come rushing in. <S> So if Ashitaka says "I will go home" <S> since his curse was cured, that will be no solution. <S> And it will be a big problem if he brings San back. <S> Kaya, who saw Ashitaka off, loved Ashitaka, didn't she? <S> M: <S> Yes of course. <S> She calls him "Anisama (older brother)", but it just means that he is an older boy in her clan. <S> So they are not real brother and sister. <S> M: If they were, that wouldn't be interesting at all. <S> There used to be a lot of marriage among blood relations in Japan. <S> I thought of Kaya as a girl who is determined to do so (marry Ashitaka). <S> But Ashitaka chose San. <S> It's not strange at all to live with San, who lives with such a brutal fate. <S> That's life. <S> Source: <S> Miyazaki on Mononoke-hime <A> Take this with a grain of salt because I’m just taking a wild guess. <S> In the beginning of the movie, one of Ashitaka’s village higher ups said something about their tribe being driven out 500 years ago by the Shogunate, so they probably wanted nothing to do with them anymore. <S> The Emishi tribe seems like a tribe that takes pride and really value own culture <S> it is likely they don’t want involvement from any outside parties/influences. <S> Ashitaka took the desicion to journey outside of the tribe’s area and cut his hair as a symbol to cut his lineage and involvement with the tribe, so that’s probably the reason why they seemed so sad and lost all hope, it wasn’t because they didn’t think he’d make it, but rather even if he did make it alive, he can’t go back anymore.
| Another argument is that he no longer has a way of returning home. In the scenes following Ashitaka leaving the village, it is apparent that he has traveled a great distance from his village. It is possible he also wants to forge a good relationship between Irontown and the forest so that future demons won't come and attack his village or other villages.
What is the relationship between the male and female character? In the short Me Me Me, the male character seems to be mentally tormented by a female character. There are various hints in the short about the relationship of the two. Is there anything official describing the relationship between the two characters? <Q> In the western side of the web, probably not. <S> The only official description is <S> “You are attacked and ravished by many girls” <S> That really does not answer the question. <S> But looking up for explanations of the symbolism, I came upon two analysis of the video: the first one by NewVagabond.tumblr , the other one on the Ask John column of . <S> They are lengthy and detailed, full of screenshots and worth reading. <S> Go read them, I'll wait . <S> At the end, the writer behind "Ask John" says: <S> After composing my own interpretation, I did a web search for other criticisms and interpretations. <S> I encountered a number of analysis that interpreted the video entirely oppositely to the way I did. <S> I encountered several interpretations that suggest that the video represents the boy’s effort to stop being an otaku, that the video is a criticism of hikikomori otaku culture. <S> He did his homework, it seems. <S> But one other thing on his closing thoughts caught my eye: (...) <S> Hideaki Anno’s influence and involvement in the production <S> (...) Anno-sensei is well-known for his " Death of the Author " philosophy, where what the author meant with his work is replaced with what the viewer felt when consuming said work. <S> From Anno-sensei's roundtable discussion at Anime Expo '96 convention : "Animation makes sense to people in the process of their seeing it. <S> (...) There has to be a relationship that comes into being between the person watching and what the character's saying in the animation itself. <S> " <S> I am inclined to assume that the production staff of Me!Me!Me! <S> follows the same ethos. <S> But all this about Anno's philosophical influence is totally an assumption on my part. <S> Since even the know your meme page (and the linked articles therein) also do not point to an official explanation (but do comment on the confusion <S> the viewership feels when watching the video), I end my report with: <S> Is there anything official describing the relationship between the two characters? <S> No, to the best of my Google-jutsu , there is not. <S> Appendix Link to the translated lyrics . <S> Yet another translation, with Kanji and Romaji lyrics by newvagabond.tumblr . <S> The official site of Japan Animator Exhibition (Japanese) also have the Kanji lyrics. <S> Yes, I also felt like this: <A> The lyrics and parts of the video indicate that the guy and girl were in a relationship, but have since separated. <S> Specifically the first 9 translated lines of the song indicate a happy relationship and the 2:55 mark of the video where the breakup is presumably shown. <S> All the time, all the time We were together, weren’t we? <S> All the time, all the time I was thinking about you <S> You were that way too <S> You were the same <S> There were only two feelings And going ahead, and going ahead <S> You felt like you were living too - translated by newvegabond <S> As for the circumstances between the two, a quick analysis (speculation by me) of the video and the lyrics indicate that he forced his ideals on the girl in the beginning of the relationship. <S> This is indicated by the next 20 lines of the song and the first half of the video where every thing is happy. <S> After that things go down hill. <S> I'm assuming he realizes that she isn't the girl he made her out to be, and so he unilaterally ends the relationship. <S> At this point, the song seems to tell of how the girl still loves the guy, but hates the girl she had pretended to be. <S> The last part of the song - I waited for you nonetheless <S> I loved you nonetheless Eternal love <S> Within my cry for help <S> Eternal love <S> Certainly Won’t be <S> Anywhere anymore <S> Goodbye <S> The song indicates she still loves him, but if the love isn't there anymore, she has to be gone. <S> The image below shows her being swallowed up, and that's the last we see of her. <S> With that said, a quick wrap up of the short - the guy is bed ridden due to guilt. <S> He dreams of his ex-girlfriend. <S> He is haunted by his guilt, in the form of the masked succubus. <S> The succubus shows him the break up scene and continuously attacks him. <S> He tries to fight back but its all in vain. <S> She's already dead. <S> thanks krazer for pointing me to the translated lyrics <A> I think it would be tougher to prove that there <S> wasn't some sort of relationship between the two. <S> In Me! <S> Me! <S> Me! <S> , there's a lot of hints and inferences that these two were romantically involved. <S> Around 3:30 in the video , you're shown flashbacks of various events that the two participated with each other - a lunch date, a trip to the aquarium, the beach, among others. <S> There's nothing official about their relationship, but the implications are very much there. <S> A year or so later, with Girl , we're shown a scene with the same couple. <S> I'm...really not sure what significant role they play in Girl , but that's where things really go off the deep end there... <S> Even if the creators don't outright say anything about it, their interactions leave little room for doubt.
| There's nothing official about their relationship, but it's tough to deny their implicit relationship.
What anime/manga are the sword and the dog in this image from? I can figure the rest of this image out, but I just don't know what anime/manga the sword and the dog are from. Can someone help me out? <Q> The colour of the dog is of course Pikachu. <S> The sword is the Shikai form of Zangetsu, Ichigo's sword from Bleach. <S> From <A> For the record, here are the rest of the references: <S> The color of the dog references Pikachu from Pokemon. <S> The guy's hair references Death the Kid from Soul Eater <S> The guy's face references Goku from Dragon Ball <S> The whiskers belong to Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto <S> The hat belongs to Luffy from One Piece <S> The necklace belongs to Yugi from <S> Yu-Gi-Oh! <S> The prosthetic arm, the torn shirt and the robe are references to Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist <S> The apple is probably a reference (?) <S> to Ryuk from Death Note. <A>
| The scarf belongs to Natsu from Fairy Tail The dog is a smaller version of Sadaharu from Gintama From I think the sword is Dragonslayer , Guts' sword from Berserk.
What are the 9 mountains and 8 seas? So we have all seen Zoro boast. Over the 9 mountains and 8 seas... Throughout the world itself... There is nothing I cannot cut. Now it made me wonder, which mountains and what seas was he referring to? <Q> Some of Zoro's attacks are named after Buddhism like 36/72/108 <S> Pondo Hou <S> One Piece Wiki : <S> the 36/72/108 Pondo Hou, is a reference to the 36 passions of Buddhism <S> So most likely Zoro is referring to the Buddhist legend of Sumeru the central world-mountain in Buddhist cosmology. <S> I'm not an Buddhism expert but in the Wikipedia article about Sumeru <S> you see a list of 9 mountains and 8 seas, so since Zoro likes Buddhism and Hindu references in his attacks, it's most like Oda made a reference to this. <A> Mintri's answer is right, but for the sake of having an in-universe/joke answer: 8 Seas: <S> North Blue South Blue <S> East Blue <S> West Blue Paradise (Grand line, <S> 1st half) <S> New World (Grand line, 2nd half) Left Calm Belt <S> Right Calm Belt <S> 9 Mountains: <S> Reverse Mountain <S> Drum Rockies <S> Marijois' Mountain Range Mt Colubo Punk Hazard's Mountain Range <S> With the remaining 4 yet to be seen. <A> The nine mountains are Mount Sumeru at the center of the world and eight concentric mountain ranges that surround it. <S> Eight concentric seas separate these mountain ranges. <S> According to The Dharma Analysis Treasury, the eight circular mountain ranges are, from the innermost out, Yugamdhara, Īshādhāra, Khadiraka, Sudarshana, Ashvakarna, Vinataka, Nimimdhara, and Chakravāda-parvata. <S> All these mountain ranges are made of gold except the outermost, Chakravāda-parvata, also known as the Iron Encircling Mountains, which is made of iron. <S> Mount Sumeru and the eight mountain ranges are each separated from one another by a sea. <S> The distance between Mount Sumeru and Mount Yugamdhara is eighty thousand yojanas. <S> The inner seven seas are of fresh water, while the outermost sea, just inside the iron mountain range, is salty. <S> In this sea are four continents—Pūrvavideha in the east, Jambudvīpa in the south, Aparagodānīya in the west, and Uttarakuru in the north. <S> See also four continents. <S> From:
| Nine mountains and eight seas [九山八海] ( kusen-hakkai): The mountains and seas that constitute the world, according to ancient Indian cosmology.
Is there any anime series of Dragon Ball after Dragon Ball GT? I am a great fan of Dragon Ball, and I have watched almost every series and movies of Dragon Ball. However, I'm not sure if there is any other series after Dragon Ball GT. <Q> There is no anime series of Dragon Ball after Dragon Ball GT.Dragon Ball Kai has no independent story but is basically the story of Dragon Ball Z itself. <S> Instead of an anime series, the movie Dragon Ball Z: <S> Battle of Gods was released which is in official continuity with Dragon Ball Z and therefore, before the events of Dragon Ball GT. <S> This year (2015) <S> the sequel to Battle of Gods - Dragon Ball Z: <S> Resurrection 'F' will be released. <S> Update <S> A new anime series Dragon Ball Super is going to be aired from July 2015 onwards. <S> It's story will pick up after the events of Resurrection 'F'. <S> Since the story of Dragon Ball Z has taken a significant turn by introducing the Super Saiyan God ability and other plot events, the fate of Dragon Ball GT is left hanging in the balance. <S> At this minute, there is no official word about whether it will still exist in the continuity of the Dragon Ball Universe or not. <A> After Dragon Ball GT came Dragon Ball Z Kai . <S> Dragon Ball Z Kai is a high-definition remastered and recut of Dragon Ball Z, done for its 20th Anniversary. <S> The series' plot focuses more on the manga style. <S> The total episode count for the series is 167, comprising of : Saiyan Saga (26 Episodes) Frieza Saga (26 Episodes) Androids Saga (25 Episodes) Cell Saga (21 Episodes) Majin Buu Saga (35 Episodes) Evil Buu Saga <S> For more details on the episode list, click here . <S> Related : <S> Will I miss anything by watching Dragon Ball Z Kai instead of the other series? <S> EDIT: <S> The plot framework and character designs were created by original author Akira Toriyama. <S> The series will be developed by Toei, in a similar process to the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT animes. <S> The beginning of the series plot takes place after the Majin Buu Saga, potentially putting it in either the 10 year gap towards the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament, or afterwards. <S> Dragon Ball Super is set to begin airing in Japan on Fuji TV, July 5th, 2015. <S> source: <A> Following the storyline, after Dragon Ball GT , there was Dragon Ball GT: <S> A Hero's Legacy . <S> The story ends with the TV special mentioned above. <S> Meanwhile, the same series were remastered/revised <S> ( Dragon Ball Kai , Dragon Ball Kai (2014) ), also two new movies Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ (this movies takes place on Frieza Saga).
| A new Dragon Ball series has been announced, titled: Dragon Ball Super From Dragon Ball Wikia :
When or in what part did Milly Ashford (the school president) admit that she has feelings for Lelouch? I have read from an anime magazine that Milly Ashford, the school president, was described as the daughter of the owner of the school which is obvious because the name is Ashford Academy. However, she was also described as the girl who always pairs up Lelouch and Shirley as couple, despite she herself having feelings for Lelouch. Is there any proof of that? I watched the R1 and R2 anime 5 years ago and I cannot remember a part that could prove it. Or am I missing something? <Q> It has never been show if she has or ever had feelings for Lelouch. <S> However she is very caring as demonstrated in Episode <S> 9 - Refrain when talking to Kallen about her parents. <S> The Wikia does says she cares deeply for him <S> Milly cares deeply about Lelouch, but realizes the need to restore her family's status by marrying a noble. <S> She is aware of Lelouch's identity as a former prince of Britannia, since her family were close supporters of his mother, Empress Marianne. <S> This relationship however, would lead to the family's nobility status being stripped. <S> "this relationship" refers to supporting Marianne who was a commoner at birth and already looked down upon by members of the royal family (though it was more jealousy that she became a wife despite being a commoner). <S> I remember reading somewhere (though I don't remember where so don't hold me to it) that Milly spent time with Lelouch and Nunnally as children before Marianne's death which is why despite knowing they are royalty, she can be very forward with them, making her probably the closest person alive to them to date. <A> The only part in the anime that I remember was her "Cupid Day" where she said that when a girl and guy exchange hats, they will officially start becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. <S> And throughout the day, she had everyone chase Lelouch's hat to give it to her. <S> At first, I thought it was for fun, teasing Lelouch like usual <S> but... <S> When Shirley and Lelouch appear to have exchanged hats, Milly removes her hat and says, "I'm disappointed this all ended so predictably. <S> I guess you win. <S> " <S> The maid (I forgot her name) says behind her, "Although I think you were a little serious about it. <S> " <S> This shocks Milly and looks back, but the maid is gone. <S> She then smiles and says, "Yeah, maybe I was. <S> Just a little." <S> I questioned it <S> so I went to search if it meant that she liked him for real, and I stumbled upon people saying yes. <S> And then I saw your question, and here's my take on it. <S> XD (I'm not yet finished with this anime though) <A> It was hinted actually especially in picture dramas. <S> Although in the anime it was only shown during the Cupid Day. <S> Remember, prior to that event she and the psychotic Nina had an argument of some sort about Milly herself not being true to herself or something. <S> That was why during the start of the Cupid day episode she was in the shower(she <S> was sooo hawt in that scene being nude and all, LOL) and looks like absorbing the psycho Nina's rant about her. <S> Then after that she announced her graduation event. <S> And when the event was about to start, when she was about to command the students by bringing Lelouch to her, she actually closed her eyes for a moment and then opened it with determination. <S> And also her comments after the event and Sayoko's statemnt. <S> LOL. <S> I soo love ninja Sayoko. <S> So yeah, the playful Milly was actually in love with our beloved demon emperor. <S> Too bad it wasn't clearly established in the anime. <S> I love her <S> and I kinda ship her with Lelouch. <S> If it weren't for the official release of the anime mags, CLAMP and the side materials you wouldn't know about it since it was not established clearly in the anime <S> not to mention she wasn't given enough screen time. <S> You should be really keen to details to notice it in the first place. <S> And also by re-watching it. <S> P.S. <S> The sound episode of code geass entitled "Meeting Milly" was hilarious, heartwarming and kinda nostalgic. <S> It was about the first meeting of Lelouch, Milly and of course Nunnally. <S> If you would listen to it after watching the entire series <S> it was like <S> Milly was reminiscing it after Lelouch's death. <S> Really sad. <S> Milly was kinda tragic you know. <S> She was the character where she secretly love the main guy but never got the chance to express it. <S> Not to mention that she constantly paired him up with a friend, Shirley. <S> You should read the fanfic "Until". <S> Its a Oneshot and it showed Milly's thoughts and feelings about Lelouch. <S> The crossdressing picture drama was hilarious too. <S> Too funny <S> and it was refreshing to see despite the darkness of the plotline of Code Geass.
| Yes, Milly was in love with Lelouch.
What do we know about Shirou's biological ancestors? (not Kiritsugu) What do we know about Shirou's biological parents/grandparents/etc.? Do we even know anything at all? This is relevant to e.g. understanding why Shirou can perform magecraft despite presumably having had non-mage parents. (Also, it's just kind of weird that he seems to never say anything about them. He was certainly old enough to remember them when they died in the fire at the end of the fourth grail war.) <Q> The identity of Shirou's biological family was never revealed in the game, the anime or the manga of Fate/Zero and Fate <S> /Stay Night. <S> As for the reason why Shirou can perform magecraft, It is caused by the sheath of Excalibur : Avalon, which have been implanted in Shirou's body by Kiritsugu. <S> Even though it is not clearly explained. <A> To answer your first question, What do we know about Shirou's biological parents/grandparents/etc.? <S> Do we even know anything at all? <S> However, there is this piece of information on the wikia site . <S> Ten years before the start of Fate/stay night, Shirou was an ordinary boy living with his parents in Shinto. <S> The great fire caused by the contents of the Holy Grail spilling out at the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War killed both his parents and left him mortally wounded within the blaze. <S> Therefore, we do know that his biological parents died during the Fourth Holy Grail War. <S> To answer your second question, Understanding why Shirou can perform magecraft despite presumably having had non-mage parents. <S> Again, the wikia site states that Shirou persistently asked Kiritsugu to teach him Magecraft. <S> Kiritsugu eventually complied even though he disapproved of Shirou's desire to learn his craft. <S> That is why Shirou Emiya can perform magecraft. <S> To answer your third question, He seems to never say anything about his parents. <S> All I can say that there is no definitive answer to this question owing to the fact that there is no reference to this in any of the aforementioned media. <A> As revealed during Epic of Remnant within Fate/Grand Order (An alternate timeline), Pseudo-Servant Sengo Muramasa uses the body of Shirou Emiya as they are compatible. <S> Muramasa later states that there is a possibility of Shirou being his descendant. <A> Ok, really? <S> One, Shirou doesn't remember anything before the fire. <S> The fire literally distorted him, making his mind inhuman enough to house a Reality Marble, and because of his survivors guilt as that happened and his awe at the person that saved him like a hero, heroism was practically imbedded in his soul. <S> Distortion is akin to becoming Eldritch to a small extent. <S> It's not normal and he lost his memories in that blaze. <S> Two, he can perform magecraft because he was born with Circuits. <S> However, the reason Avalon is the reason he can use magecraft is because Kiritsugu half-assed his teaching <S> and he did it wrong, turning his nerves into makeshift, temporary magic circuits everytime <S> he used magecraft instead of using his actual circuits. <S> This usually crippled people but avalon healed that damage and allowed him to practise the almost suicidal method of magecraft. <S> Rin awakened his actual circuits during the war. <S> The reason why he had circuits, the background of his family, name or true age, no one really knows. <S> And why would Shirou talk about something he doesn't remember and holds no attachment too because he doesn't? <S> Besides his one-tracked mind towards self-sacrifice that stops him ever caring about himself that is.
| I would like to say that there has been no information released regarding it in the anime/manga/visual novel/games/wikia site. The only thing you know about them is that they died because of the end of the 4th Holy Grail War.
In Deadman Wonderland, is the Red Man is supposed to be Ganta's childhood hero, Ace Man? I watched Deadman Wonderland about two months ago, when I started I watched the first episode on Adult Swim. I saw the Red Man kill Ganta's classmates and other episode Shiro was passed out in dark basement with this older gentle man. As soon Shiro wake up it wasn’t her, she was a different person and she grabs this outfit that look like the Red Man’s clothes. Later on of the season it was Ganta’s flashback he had a figure look like Red Man also. Who is the red man? Aceman ? Shiro? <Q> On the contrary to what Zeor mentioned, I believe that the Ace Man action figure did have some influence on the Wretched Egg and Shiro. <S> Spoilers <S> At 1 minute into Episode 8 of the anime, we see that Shiro dropped down from the ceiling and attacked Azuma Genkaku, and then went on to point out her special move, which is identified to be Ace Man's special move: Ultra Chaos Endorphin Screw, Hadouken-Style Alpha-Wave Version Kick . <S> Then she said, "Ace Man is here." <S> When Shiro and Ginta were younger and were living together, Shiro would impersonate Ace Man (as seen in Episode 7 at 10:45). <S> In that scene, Shiro also dropped down onto a dog and said, "Ace Man is on the scene." <S> In this sense, we can see that it's not simply coincidence that the Wretched Egg looked like Ace Man. <S> Conclusion <S> Ace Man is the action TV hero Ganta looked up to. <S> Shiro is the Red Man, AKA Wretched Egg, or more precisely, the Wretched Egg is a split personality of Shiro's. <S> The outfit of the Wretched Egg is derived from Shiro's personality where Shiro impersonates Ace Man to act as Ganta's hero. <S> So yes, Ace Man did have direct correlation to Shiro and the Wretched Egg. <A> I don't really get the question. <S> The fact that there was that Ace Man figure in the flashback doesn't have anything to do the Red Man (or at least that's what I think). <S> Maybe the author decided to do a very similar costume, but for the story, there wasn't a specific inspiration. <S> I will explain a little better who is the Red Man, major spoilers. <S> Shiro is actually the Red Man, as you have mentioned, but it needs some clarification. <S> When they were small, Shiro saved Ganta, so she became his "Ace Man". <S> After the experiments and Ganta's departure, Shiro cracked up and developed alternate personalities: the perfect, childish, happy Shiro and the Wretched Egg, who is more mature and filled with hatred (Red Man). <S> Keep in mind that the happy-Shiro isn't the former Shiro. <S> Eventually the happy-Shiro and the Wretched Egg fuse together. <A> I have many reasons why. <S> In one of the episodes where Shiro was fighting the old man, you can see the man has branch of sin like the Red Man, and which you can see he gets the blood from his chest. <S> If you look closely, you can see an empty hole there, the hole is the shape of a crystal but the crystal is missing. <S> I have a theory: you don't see a crystal because he's the Red Man. <S> In an episode before them fighting, you can hear the person in control of all of that say that the Red Man was their secret weapon and they weren't ready to use him. <S> In the end of the episode, you can see a little bit of the Red Man. <S> The old man has been there for years, you can tell. <S> He is as good as the Red Man. <S> He has no crystal because he put it inside of Ganta. <S> I will be posting pictures for evidence. <S> I have another theory: at the same time I think that Shiro is the Red Man. <S> I think she did all that and got him to Deadman Wonderland <S> so he could be her ace man, so she could be his hero. <S> In the flashback, you see she breaks Ganta's ace man toy, so I think she did all that <S> so she could make up for it by saving him. <A> I think Shiro is The Red Man, because all times The Red Man has appeared Shiro wasn't there. <S> When Gunta arrives to Deadman Wonderland Shiro was waiting for him. <S> When that robot tried to identify her it said UNKNOWN. <S> Also, when she was in the tower, it exploded just like the classroom. <S> At the final attack of episode 12 you see Gunta and Shiro with the same markings like they're connected somehow. <S> And when Shiro loses it her grin is similar to the Red Man's. <S> Finally, at the end of episode 12 you hear Shiro singing the same song she song when Gunta arrives and he said that's the song he heard before his friends got murdered.
| I believe that Shiro is not the Red Man. The outfit most likely derives from Shiro's personality and her attachment to impersonating Ace Man for Ganta.
Why didn't L check Light's handwriting? Why didn't L check Yagami Light's handwriting and try to match that to the handwriting in the Death Note when he had the notebook? <Q> Later in the story, one of Near's subordinates created a fake Death Note containing the names Mikami had written. <S> Mikami didn't notice this since the fake book had "his" writings in it. <S> L, being someone on a greater level than Near, would have thought that Kira might have faked his own handwriting so that just in case the Death Note falls into the SPK's hands, his handwriting won't be used as evidence. <S> Therefore, he didn't even bother trying to check Yagami's handwriting. <S> Also, handwritings are not that distinguishable from one and another. <S> It is very likely for some people to have the same or similar handwriting. <S> As a side note, we can try to do a similar experiment by showing someone we know our handwriting using our non-dominant hand. <S> I practiced this before and the person didn't notice that it was me writing it, despite knowing my usual handwriting. <A> In addition to what Sakurai said , there were also times in the show where L thought that Light could have been manipulated by Kira, so it would have been in Light's handwriting anyway. <S> He already practically knew that he was involved with Kira in someway or another, but at that time in the show, he theorized that Kira had cut ties with him, so it did not matter if it was his handwriting or not. <A> After handing over the Death Note to Rem in the plan to free Misa out Light says (chapter 54): <S> In other words, he tore the pages out and checked there's none of the fingerprints or his handwriting , so it's no surprise that L didn't check out the handwriting since there weren't any other names written beside Higuchi's. <S> And though in the anime it didn't mention it is hinted by Light grabbing the Death Note with a kerchief .
| L had foreseen that the handwriting could be faked.
Why was One Piece white washed? After the two-year time skip, Zoro and Robin came back lighter skinned. I would have thought nothing of it, but after searching for "fishman racism" on Google, I ran into an article on Oda's racism towards "ethnic" people . One Piece is my favorite anime and I watch it a lot, so I don't take any "white washing" argument lightly. I don't even want to think of Oda as having racial bias, but I won't ignore the facts. The article discusses different aspects of One Piece that can lead one to believe that the show has some racist undertones, but I won't go into detail about the article. The story about racism in One Piece mentions that Oda did tell the animators to change certain things concerned with the two-year time skip, and two of the dark-skinned characters came back way lighter. Is Oda racist? I don't know but I can't say he isn't, as the article had valid and reasonable points to prove that he at least has a racial bias. Then after reading the article above, I am sitting around thinking about it from time to time. So was it actually white washed or did these changes happen for some other reason? <Q> Well, Zoro did spend those two years in a dark island/gloomy castle, so he probably didn't see much sun. <S> Robin also spent her time in the mountains, I believe, which were hardly places to get sun tans (compared to her old job in a desert). <S> I don't think the skin pigment changes had anything to do with racism, as these kinds of changes were more associated with tans and less with race. <A> In Japan, being white is a sign of being rich and wealthy since the working class is out in the fields so they would obviously have a darker skin tone. <S> It's been like this for thousands of years. <S> There is a huge prejudice. <S> You don't see many anime characters that have a darker skin shade anymore because Japan's definition of beauty is being white. <S> There are African American characters <S> yes but not the in between. <S> And don't even get me started on the over-sexualization in One Piece and <S> the RIDICULOUS reasons Oda gave for drawing Robin and Nami the way they're drawn in the timeskip. <S> Also, go compare the straw hats timeskip to pre timeskip. <S> It's like Luffy went from being 16 to 14 lol. <A> Oda does use race and culture in a lot of places and some of them may seem offensive to a group or race. <S> One example would be underneath the Corrida Colosseum the Officer Tower has moon and stars which resembles the Turks. <S> Earlier Ottoman's did have the control over of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea markets. <S> Ottoman's also had the biggest slave trade in that time and lots of slaves worked at the docks. <S> Is Oda racist? <S> This may seem offensive to some Turks cause it's clearly the bad guys which remsebles to Turks but does that make Oda a racist? <S> It's hard to imagine someone who doesn't have any racial bias. <S> But if you look at Fishman Island arc you'd notice that Oda tried to explain the whole racism thing as stupid. <S> So was it actually white washed or did these changes happen for some other reason? <S> Nilone4's answered it effectively. <S> In simple One Piece is an anime/manga series which needs to generate money by making what people want to see.
| Oda is appealing to the wealthier class.
How is King Bradley's sword so sharp? Throughout all of Fullmetal Alchemist Manga, King Bradley chopped his way through everything, from stone to arms to automail. How did it get to be so sharp? What did the King use to sharpen his sword? An aside: the sharpness of his sword seemed to transfer to any bladed weapon he used. Was it a side effect of his homunculus-ness? <Q> They're so sharp because he takes care of them. <S> Everything King Bradley uses to fight with <S> is really just ordinary weapons. <S> There is a scene in the brotherhood series (I'm aware you mentioned the manga <S> but your overall question is generic) where he even picks up two dagger and starts to fight the old man with no problem. <S> With the right amount of precision and strength it is possible to slice through some really dense materials (Including metals) with a really well made sharp sword. <S> Keep in mind that it is still just an Anime/Manga. <A> Adding to TonyBilby's answer:In the manga you get a short flashback into Wrath's "creation" or "selection". <S> There are quite a lot of candidates to become wrath, training day and night and only the best one is chosen to become King Bradley. <S> At the said point in the story he is 60 years old, in which he summed up a little bit of experience, compared to Ed's ~5(?) years of training. <S> So my conclusion is the same:Superhuman strength, incredible speed and possibly the best swordsmanship in the country. <A> A lot of it boils down to superhuman strength and speed, so he's going to hit his target with a lot of force behind each strike. <S> There are a few other things to consider: <S> Weapon: the sword he uses, a spadroon , isn't that strong a sword in terms of durability. <S> However, he likely goes through these things like popcorn and is routinely replacing older/damaged swords with new, sharpened blades (he breaks them several times in the series). <S> Training: knowing all about body mechanics, timing, etc.; is something any competent martial artist possesses. <S> There are plenty of articles and YouTube videos just on the topic of how a boxer generates so much more force than an "average Joe" when throwing a punch (chambering, stance, multi-joint-acceleration, muscle memory, etc.). <S> The same applies to swordsmanship. <S> "Ultimate eye": he possesses a magical ability to hone in on his opponent's weak spot. <S> Whether this is the opponent's vital points/organs, or if it also includes instantaneous weaknesses (weak points in armor, a bad stance or being off-balance, etc.) <S> it could explain certain feats of skill/strength (i.e. chopping off Captain Buccaneer's automail arm so easily, or even damaging the treads on a tank, or the blades not breaking when striking Greed's/Ling's armored arms, or chopping through thousands of pounds of rock pillars): he just hits with absurd strength and accuracy (though, IRL, a spadroon isn't doing that kind of damage to caterpillar treads without snapping in half). <S> Summary Superhuman abilities provide a reasonable-enough explanation, but it takes an aweful lot of handwavium/unobtainium to explain how those fragile swords can withstand even 1% of the force thrown at them without dulling and/or shattering with each strike. <S> TL;DR <S> He's a superhuman with mithril blades.
| The true power behind his swords are his swordsmanship, superhuman strength and incredible speed.
What's the secret behind Eren's key? In chapter 10, during Eren's flashback, Eren's father gave him a key and told him to embrace the power of Titan transformation if he wanted to protect Mikasa and Armin. His father said that the key is for the basement under their home in Wall Maria where all the secrets would be revealed. I wonder if it's already been revealed in the manga. If it has been revealed, can anybody explain it? <Q> but there have been further clues than are available in the anime. <S> Please note that this contains major spoilers. <S> Some Titans can turn back into humans. <S> This ability can be obtained by eating a human with that ability. <S> Some other titan powers can be transfered in this way. <S> Some lineages of humans have special powers and most of humanity is from a single related lineage. <S> Most of the memories of this family were erased by the "true royal family". <S> One Titan has the ability to hold the memories of some past Titans including the Titan who built the walls and erased the memories. <S> This ability can only be unlocked if a member of the true royal family has that Titan power. <S> As this was said by a member of the true royal family trying to convince his family member to eat the current holder of that power (who wasn't a member of that family) <S> this information is somewhat suspect. <S> At one point in time, Eren's father had this ability (though possibly could not unlock it). <S> In addition, the member of the royal family demonstated the ability to inject himself with a syringe which turned him into a specific titan of his choosing. <S> Eren's father showed familiarity with this family and that ability. <S> In the basement, Eren's father has left some information either about the syringes, unlocking the Titan memory, what he learned via the Titan memory, why he betrayed the true royal family, or simply what we have already learned about Titans and the royal family but what Eren wouldn't have known at the time the key was given to him. <S> It is also possible (with the way this amazing manga preceeds) that the basement pertains to some secret that hasn't even been hinted to us yet. <A> This has been revealed now in the manga. <S> Please note that this contains major spoilers. <S> The basement key... does not open the basement. <S> The basement contains a modest office that looks ordinary. <S> The key opens a hidden drawer in the desk which... is empty. <S> But the drawer has a hidden compartment which contains three books. <S> A book contains a photo of a family. <S> On the back of the photo is a note indicating that this is a photo, not a drawing, and that is proves humanity is alive beyond the walls. <S> The books give Eren's father's life story and how that relates to their current situation. <S> That is being revealled in current chapters. <A> Updating @kaine's answer... <S> The latest manga (Issue 86) has given further info regarding the key. <S> Major spoilers follow. <S> The book Eren finds in the drawer opened by the key expands the universe in which the characters live on, saying that not only humanity has not been confined (and on brinks of extinction) but that the ones inside said wall are somewhat exiled from the "main", dystopic society. <S> Eren's father himself was exiled after plotting against the rulers of said society alongside with his original wife, after his original son betrayed the couple. <S> If you do know what the beast titan is, then the following spoiler (also major, so please be careful) <S> will be an upsetting twist of events. <S> It has also been revealed that he is the son who betrayed Grisha Yaeger and, conclusively, Eren's halfbrother.
| This has not been revealed yet in the manga
Why did the Uchihas never try to learn Sage Mode? Jiraiya, Naruto, Hashirama and Kabuto were able to enter into Sage Mode. One who enters Sage Mode possesses more abilities than a normal ninja. Why did the Uchihas never try to learn Sage Mode? Is it because of the Sage of Six Paths dividing his power among his sons? <Q> Sage Mode requires a large chakra pool. <S> Most Uchihas can't learn it because of it. <S> According to Fukasaku, only those who already possess "extreme chakra levels" can utilise natural energy to invoke senjutsu. <A> The Uchiha never tried learning Sage Mode, because, they never wanted it in the first place. <S> Yeah, the Uchiha don't have a large chakra pool. <S> But that couldn't be the only reason. <S> The first quality that comes into mind when taking the Uchiha clan for analysis, is pride . <S> The joy of the clan members when a Sharingan develops in someone, is boundless. <S> They keep the Sharingan in very high regard and consider it as the ultimate weapon. <S> Another (incomplete) reason could be the Sage of Six Paths. <S> He was the only other person Indra Otsutsuki despised (other than Asura). <S> And the Sage Mode being something that stemmed out from the Rikudo Sennin, that hatred indirectly and unknowingly influenced Indra's descendants. <A> Other than the good theories everybody else have already listed, my guess is: except Madara, Uchiha clan only focus on abilities and knowledge that came from their doujustu rather than look outside of their clan's specialties. <S> This limit was something that made Madara, then later Obito, Itachi, and Sasuke stronger and different from their clan history later on. <S> Other than that <S> , the whole length of Shippuden has been the creator wanking out powers for the Uchiha whole way 700 chapters through. <S> Did he really need to give them another power they really don't need? <A> All of the people whom you mentioned (Naruto, Jiraiya, and Kabuto) were taught Senjutsu even though they were eager or not. <S> Not sure about Hashirama because it was never mentioned in the anime or manga, but Orochimaru wanted to learn it and failed. <S> You see, whether it is the giant snake, the great elder frog, or some guy from the Hidden Woods, where Hashirama must have learnt Senjutsu, should decide to teach you the Senjutsu. <S> Some Uchihas would have tried and failed or gotten rejected.
| Due to the amount of consideration and importance the Uchiha gives to the Sharingan, it is highly likely that they felt there was no need for any external enhancement jutsu, such as Sage Mode. The Uchiha's pride stems from their battle skills, dexterity, intelligence and most importantly, their prized Sharingan.
Was Shanks expected to eat the Gomu Gomu no Mi? At the beginning of the series, we see Shanks carrying the Gomu Gomu no Mi fruit around like a treasure. Was he expected to eat this fruit? Or did he just sell it? It's obvious he didn't want Luffy to eat it. <Q> I think he probably gave it to one of his crew members or sold it for some sake. <S> With Shanks being one of the most powerful men in the world, I think if he ever wanted a Devil Fruit, he would have been able to get one pretty easily. <S> If he wanted the Gomu Gomu <S> no Mi specifically, then it would be a different story. <S> However, I just can't think of any reason why he could have wanted that one Devil Fruit. <S> There are more powerful fruits to go after which would suit him better, I think. <A> When Luffy ate the fruit, Shanks was even quoted as saying that Not Being Able to Swim is a pirate's biggest weakness Based on Shank's reaction <S> it's reasonable to assume that he wouldn't have eaten or let his crew eat the devil fruit. <A> I don't believe he was looking for that specific Devil Fruit, nor do I believe he intended to eat it himself. <A> I think he wanted to eat it because he knew what the fruit is capable of <S> otherwise he could not kept the devil fruit with him. <S> That's what i think <A> I sincerely think Shanks had the gum gum no mi for his personal consumption. <S> As we know, Shanks knew everything about the fruit and its ability of gum. <S> Now we all know that gum can be modified into anything as we see the straw hat's gears. <S> So imagine someone like Shanks with tremendous Haki ability having to be able to use the gum gum power. <S> For all you know, he could have already been the king of the pirates by now with that ability. <S> And if you think it over, Shanks left the previous Kings straw hat with Luffy probably because he knew that with that determination, ability, and haki (as he was friends with Garp), Luffy would actually have the potential to be the pirate king.
| I don't think Shanks ever planned to eat the Gomu Gomu no Mi. I believe he simply came across this Devil Fruit by pure chance or by taking it from another pirate crew who he happened to fight, and intended to sell it; if another member of his crew wanted to eat it, they probably would've done so before Shanks even arrived at Fuschia Village.
Feasibility of Guts using the Dragonslayer In the Berserk manga, given the enormous amount of chapters dealing with Guts' over-sized sword, the Dragonslayer , I didn't try finding a pic that clearly shows the sword hanging slantingly along his dorsum. Neither did I notice the following issue before completing all the available episodes. I'm intrigued by how exactly Guts was always able to wield Dragonslayer without at first having any difficulty from the hooks holding it, unhinges it to be more precise to say. If we assume having his arm fully stretched upward and trying to displace Dragonslayer from its stationary position, then prima facie the distance between his grip (not of sword's) and shoulders cannot be greater than or equal to the length of the blade of the Dragonslayer. It is this impracticability that made me to request here, a picture of Guts along with the Dragonslayer featuring his dorsum without any cape, so as to understand the truth. While a picture will speak the answer by itself, a context around it or without the picture itself may help too. Edit: On a side note, these pictures of Guts somewhat shows the hinge which holds off Guts' sword. But I can't fathom how then he could use the sword instantly when the sword needs to be unhooked every time to slay the enemy. (Click image to enlarge it) <Q> So if I am understanding the question correctly, you are wondering why he has no issues with unhinging the sword from his back and getting it into battle position. <S> Let me instantly break the bad news, in real life this would not have been possible. <S> And it falls under the BFS trope . <S> Even so people tend to want to investigate how 'impossible' it would be to wield such a weapon. <S> And which real life weapon would be most comparable to this. <S> They came to the following numbers: <S> Guts is roughly 1.90 meters high <S> The Dragon slayer is roughly the same height (the size is a bit variable through out the series) <S> The blade most likely weights about 220 pounds or 99.8KG. <S> Although on the wiki , it has been stated that it should be around 400 pounds, and some reddit user calculated it to be around 625 pounds or 283.5KG <S> So coming back to your question, to displace the sword, assuming that Guts and the blade are equal in height and the blade weighs 220 pounds. <S> Trying to pull it with a stretched arm length of 0.95m (it is said that the length of fingertip to fingertip is roughly your body length) <S> (not sure how to do the maths from here, but feel free to edit it in) And to round up the post, the closest resembling sword to that of Guts', would be a two handed ceremonial sword which only resembles the blade in length (199cm / 78.3inch) and weighing much less (5.42KG / 11.9 pounds) <A> Looking at the images given, I can't imagine his sword to be any less than 180 kg, even if it was high-carbon steel it should weigh more than that. <S> Also, since he doesn't unsheathe basically any of his swords and just keeps it hung on a couple of loops by the crossguard <S> (if I remember correctly), he doesn't need extreme reach to use it but only about a foot or two to get the thicker base of the blade free. <A> The sword is not held by hinges, but with a hook at the top that goes into a ring on the sword near the handle, and a long leather belt that has a cranny at the end of the tip of the sword. <S> I actually have a detailed/movable figurine of Gatsu with the dragon slayer <S> and I can remove the sword. <S> It shows in great details how the sword is holding onto his back. <S> The hook is more like a pin actually and makes it very easy to remove the sword. <S> Also the author does not always draw the whole thing. <S> Like in the picture on the right, we do not see the leather belt that hold the tip of the sword. <S> yet the sword is shown being slightly tilted. <S> I am guessing the author was being a bit lazy/pressed by time. <A> No one could swing this sword in real life but even the Mountain from GoT is not as strong as the fictional Gatsu. <S> Perhaps no human could ever get that strong, but there are other things to show he's somehow superhumanly strong even if it's all "natural" in the manga/anime. <S> As a skinny (relatively) 15 year old he's still swinging around a sword with speed that is clearly many times heavier than the heaviest swords used in real history. <S> He's also been able to stabilize the mast of a big ol' ship. <S> His strength is comparable to Hulk levels despite being much much much skinnier than a superhero character like the Hulk. <S> In a world that is gritty and realistic EXCEPT the supernatural demons of course, his strength not being explained by anything supernatural has always been the one "catch", but I guess that's kind of a cool, special thing about it. <S> Just by genetic miracle, sheer will, or some other explanation, he is, without supernatural ability--many times stronger than the strongest men who have ever lived. <S> It's kind of cool because usually characters in fiction with that much strength need a supernatural or sci fi "boost". <S> But yes, it's impossibly large for a human in real life to swing--really to pick up for most of us. <S> When you factor in momentum and leverage/pendulum stuff and all that nonsense. <S> One's forearm can get tired just waving a crow bar around in the air for a while and the metal of the Dragon Slayer is likely no less dense. <S> It's non-magic magic. <S> :) :P Gatsu rules! <S> Also, I forget when and why he changes it up or how often he goes back and forth, but clearly Miura would sometimes just have the "clip" at the top and other times have the clip and the belt at the bottom. <S> I'm not sure if there was a rhyme or reason for why it would switch sometimes but most other design elements are pretty consistent with his gear. <S> In the Sword of the Berserk video game which the story he wrote and sort of directed, he just has the clip as well--no belt at the bottom. <S> Death to the God Hand
| If it was real/human-sized, the way is it made makes it actually quite easy to take out, but not to put it back since you need to put the hook between the shoulder blades in the loop and then move/lift the sword until the tip is in its cradle at the end of the leather belt.
Who are the Witches whom these Magical Girls represent? I found this image a little while ago. It appears to be fan depictions of the magical girls who end up becoming witches who are fought in the series. I know that: The 2nd one is Elly due to the the apperance of the screens on her left and the doll thing which is like Elly's Minions The 3rd is supposed to be Nagisa looking more like Charlotte The 5th one is Elsa Maria due to the appearance of the Sun above her head However I don't know which witches the first and fourth girls are supposed to be. <Q> the crests in the background are giving it away from left to right: 1: <S> Gisela 2: Elly 3: <S> Charlotte 4: Gertrud 5: Elsa Maria <A> The 4th girl looks a lot like Gertrud . <S> I'm not sure about the first one, however, as there are no witch that is associated with those weapons or her colors of the witches in the anime, which <S> I assume the fanart is based on. <S> There are also no witches from the manga spin-off that might look like her. <A> Adding to what Frosteeze said (I still can't add comments), the most left girl might be Gisela as shown from given link ( ). <S> I think it might have to do with the crest behind each girl. <S> The wiki also speculates that the magical girl who became her was a bosozoku. <S> The bokuto and nail bat that the first girl is carrying are associated with bosozoku. <S> Whether or not this is true, the artist of the picture might have believed it and included it in the picture.
| The wiki page on Gisela mentions that she's the silver witch, and the first girl clearly has a silver color theme.
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