if i'm still able to mount my root partition as ro, it isn't the superblock that is corrupted, it is?
mounting anything as ro doesn't mean anything if it's complaining about superblock
can someone tell me how i launch a java *.jar file?
yeah it is
hello all, i'm having trouble trying to figure out which sound card i have from this list: can anyone help please?
try aplay -l
i'm using firefox 1.5 beta 2, and flash doesn't work. it plays sounds, but doesn't display anything, only black.
try a different flash package?
is there a link to show the differences between 8.04 and 8.10? < not 100% complete but it has some info
assaultcube doesnt need superuser idleone
just create the file and then copy it with sudo after
hello, do i need lvm to run a desktop?
no......lvm = a new kind of partiotioning
is there a way to keep broken parts of rar archives together. like i have 4 parts of one rar archive and the 4 th is broken. how can i extract the other 3 without them getting deleted.
check out the -kb flag to unrar (man unrar)
is ubuntu 100 % compatible with debian, ie. if i add debian sources to my /etc/apt/sources.list will stuff break ?
how do you reverse mount --bind?
mount --bind doesn't have a reverse
quick question... does ubuntu come with a command-line program that will let me grab a single image (or a segment of video) from a webcam? i can use programs like cheese (using gstreamer for configuration) and they work fine, but i need something that i can script.
not by default, but you can install it: came
what is the command to check the current version of ubuntu
lsb_release -a
how to enable dma on hoary at bootup ??
not in add/remove?
i need a program to edit pdf files, does anyone have a suggestion?
try pdfedit
for some reason nothing in gutsy will automount for me via usb (ipod, flash drives, etc). anyone know the problem?
i have the same problem, not sure of the solution
can anyone recomend an ircd. i want the most secure and the most stable and with most veriety options and control
but freenode is running hyperion-1.0.2b if that helps
hi all..does anyone know how to enable sshd on ubuntu so i can remote login to my pc?
look below
hi all. anyone with webcamstudio around? thanks a lot in advance!!
ask your real question
in man soundconvert: 'set the output mime type for batch mode. the default is audio/x-vorbis.'. how i know other types?
hi guys. i was wondering if anyone has been using a wd passport essential under ubuntu and if it's running fine? official info only says compatible ms/apple. i assume it's fine, but i would like to be sure before buying it
well, it's a wd passport, i think it is a model older than the essential, should probably still work though
how can i pass boot options at the ubuntu livecd startup?
it should take you to the debian help screen and one of the f keys will show how to pass options
can someone tell me the terminal command to configure wine?
were can i get a gantt chart for any of the ubuntu projects? thanks
don't know of a gantt chart but there is
is rc.local the typical place to lay out iptables rules, or is there a more preferred way to define them in a debian/ubuntu environment?
use iptables-save and iptables-restore
how to setup a static ip address ? i dont have fixed ip.... please help...
i believe in gnome there is preferences(or administration)->network
how can i see what processes are runing now on my ubuntu 6.10 server?
ps ax | less
one would think that linux -> linux networking should be rather easy?
is that an open or a rhetorical question?
under what package category would i find databases ?
openoffice type databases would be in office stuff. more complex ones may be in system tools, administration, networking, development or anything else. databases are used for all kinds of things
hi ,i am trying to install the 32 bit emulation libraries for firefox, i am following instruction from one of the ubuntu help form which tells me to install the library file when i type ' sudo aptitude install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2
have you done a sudo aptitude update
hi guys. are there any documents out there that explain ubuntu's root policy? i seem to be able to use kdesu with my own password to run commands as root, but not su in a konsole session. anyone clarify?
did u edit /etc/sudoers?
does anyone know of a program gui or console, pref console, that shows you which programs are using bandwidth, ie kb/s. and i know about netstat but i need something else ?
- iostat in a terminal
what is /usr/local usually used for?
things you install system-wide without using the package manager
avg has found 32 instances of a win32/polycrypt virus on the l:\ (ubuntu) drive of my pc. it is in normal places like l:\usr\bin\gnome-system-moniter, ect. is this something i should be worried about??
according to, it's not an uncommon problem
i'm trying to cp -a my /home directory to a usb drive with pv so that i know it's working properly, but i can't seem to figure out how to make it work. it copies properly, but pv just sits there. can someone tell what the right syntax would be to do that?
use two tar commands... something like 芦 tar cf - /home/$user | pv | (cd /media/disk && tar xbf -)
does anyone know how to make utorrent run on linux?
try wine
howdy, ubuntuers! hows everyone today?
please! a problem i could not solve via google: how can i convert .emf-files (windows enhanced metafile graphics) to .svg (scalable vector graphic) under linux/ubuntu??
does batik do it?
how can i capture the details of a shell telnet session to a text file?
you could use script - see the manpage on how to use it
hi, im using the ubuntu netbook version and im trying to get my main menu to the default ubuntu style and not with those big symbols on the left side. can anyone help me? =/
that is essential compontent in the netbook-interface. you should best re茂nstall with normal gnome. you cannot have both gnome and netbook remix.
guys, i have mac mini powerpc 1.2ghz and 256 ram... can anybody please help how to dual boot with 8.10? please? been searching for it on google but i can't find a perfect howto ... please
i'm not at all a mac user, but general :
how can i set the compression level over ssh on the command line?
i believe like: ssh -c -o compressionlevel# where # is 1-9
how do i do something similar to a 'scandisk' in windows, in ubuntu? just to scan my disk for errors and make sure it's ok..
fsck for filesystem, badblocks for the disk itself
!tell wweasel about xorgbug
that works better
hi, can i share an internet connection with network manager if i have two network cards?
yes you can
is it possible to mount a partition on a drive image? i did a 'dd if=/dev/sdb of=filename' now i want to mount what was sdb1 on that drive
hey what is the package name for libcurl?
hi ppl, does anyone knows how to verify a .tar file with its md5 key like: b73fb9e365d2edcd031d65b16e965a18 ?
md5sum <filename> gives you a string to compare to the one you got for the file
how do i remove a driver module? the module name is 0v511 so i typed 'modprobe -l | grep ov511' and it tells me '/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-lowlatency/kernel/ubuntu/media/ov511/ov511.ko' so i sez to it i sez 'modprobe -r ov511.ko' then it says ' fatal: module ov511.ko not found.' what do i do?
modprobe -r ov511
i'm trying to get ssh setup and connect to a local machine but i'm geiint 'could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.' am i missing something?
missing crypto key
how can i use cli to find out whether a usb device is usb 1.1 or usb 2.0?
lsusb, or hwinfo may tell you.
is there a way, without root/sudo, to change the default editor (for the user, not the system)?
editor=/usr/bin/vim for example
hello to every one and a good afternoon to you all. ok lets see does any one know a good web site with photos and step by step guide to backing up ubuntu, ive been searching google, but the results always seem to turn up with installing ubuntu.thanks in advance.
hi, i have crontab to run a script, when it was * * * * * /home/user/update.php it didnt work and when i changed it to * * * * * php /home/user/update.php it works fine the question is what is the rright way to run it?
are you sure the file /home/user/update.php is set to executable? what does this say? ls -l /home/user/update.php
for some reason, clicking on a 'mailto' link in any browser is not working at all. it does not start up thunderbird (my default mail client) nor does it create an email. can anybody help me track down why, and fix it?
this might help
where might i find information on encoding formats for dvds?
it will encode most video files such as xvid to standard dvd format, i suppose this would be totally supported by an xbox but i don't have one so i don't know, perhaps it even has more advancec format support? o.o
how to convert tiff to jpg ?
if you want to do it from commandline, you'd probably need to install the imagemagick tools, not sure of the package name
hello! is there some tool, that listen for mouse events and prints them to the console, in the same style as acpi_listen does?
excuse me, but what command do i use to restart a program from the terminal?
killall nautilus & nautilus
anyone around running ubuntu on an asus eee pc ?
ask the room, it will respond
hey, is it me or bug #423694 && #421347 are dups?
ubottu doesn't report bugs here.
hey, can someone tell me how to find out what version of a package is installed? i'm trying to help someone out and i am not really familiar with apt-get and such
apt-cache policy packagename
how to make a symlink to get mplayer play dvd's
try 'sudo ln -sf /dev/hdc /dev/dvd'
is there any trusted irc proxy or a way to hide personal information?
also, it's not as secure, but:
how can i disable automount of cds in hardy?
you can set it up in nautilus
is there a windows equivalent to ubuntu's 2d mode?
please don't start
hey could you tel me how can i have the same dimension of my terminal all the time ? when i close or reboot my cmputer, the terminal open small again :/
you can pass --geometry geometry to gnome-terminal
what program can i use to backup my ubuntu installation (including partitioning) and burn it to dvd so later i can boot from that dvd and restore the system ?
(reinstalling using that package list)
is there a way i can launce xcfe settings from cli?
just looked, it is called 'xfce-setting-show'
hello! i've upgraded from feisty to gutsy. after some daily updates i've received this error any idea? ;)
gusty is still in development so expect breakages
i had done a ./configure and was running the make when i got logged out of my desktop. how would i got about fixing this so i can continue compiling.
make clean, then make to start over. else just type make and it should continue where it left off.
well jamili, i'm swayed by your powerful argument. tell me what are these windows you talk of? are they vinyl?
what are you feeding that troll?
hey, what's the quickest way to mass encode a bunch of m4a songs to mp3?
so i was using transmission on a 88gb collection of files and it says that there is 800+mb corrupted. how could i replace the corrupted file parts?
you can do so by going choosing torrent -> verify local data
guys real quick when will gutsy be released?
october, not sure exactly
hello everyone. this may not be the appropriate place for this question, but i don't know where else to start asking. my wife got an email for someone who claims to be one of my wife's friends (who took a trip to scottland, got mugged, and asking for help, but my wife know for a fact her friend is not in scottland). can one trace an im chat to get a source ip??
contact nearby cyber crime department of police
can i use the alternate cd to upgrade my distro or do i have to actually boot off of it?
last time, i used the alt.
i'm trying to run a java app, but i get 'no java virtual machine could be found from your path variable'.... i have all the sun java stuff installed. what can i do to fix?
: set environments
i've a question nobody can answer
maybe with ulimit?
hey guys. any ubuntu 11.10 repositories with mysql 5.5 or 5.6?
maybe this will help
with this simple scron script, what would cause this 'exit status 1' error?
some possibilities: script is not executable, log file directory does not exist or is not writable.
using the command line, how can i know the space used by a directory and its subdirectories?
probably du -h
sorry - this question is not about ubuntu, but the gimp. how do i make a black frame around a picture?
eh no.. not image size. increase canvas size.
hey was wondering if theres a place i can find some codecs to play newer movies,
pretty much the ultimate movie player. knows nearly every single format.
hi. why does hardware drivers not bring up the official ati driver as an option? i'm stuck with opensource radeon driver that doesn't so what i need. any ideas? tried downloading official, but that fails too. x1300/r500 series. many thanks....
talk to ati, or go back to an older ubuntu... nothing you can do in jaunty
how can i run apt-get install from a python script?
using the system command?
bottom line is that xorg.conf is not obsolete. there are cases where you can get by without one. its still a transition time. idiots saying 'blame nvidia' are on a moral crusade and not one to actually help you.
that's correct about nvidia. if nouveau comes that far, i will surely use it... after all i am an avid open-source fan too, but if something works good i have to accept it
heya i have a question about livecd not working on a compaq system... is this the right place or is there a chan for livecd support?
what's the specific issue?
how do i mount the floppy drive?
you still have a floppy drive??? that's awesome. i haven't seen those since.... high school
how can i find a list of processes currently running?
ps aux
can anyone try and tell me if theres sound?
i got sound there
hello, how can i use a .deb file?
try sudo gdebi foo.deb or sudo dpkg -i foo.deb
which directory is the gnome trashbin connected to? i thought ~/.trash but i can't seem to find such dir...
moved to .local/share/trash
is it possible to use the autodetection for proprietary graphicsdriver on cli ( or automatically in a script)? i just wonder if i have to setup my own detection script or if i can use ubuntu scripts.
jockey-text may help you
i'm trying to compile something that needs the libglade2.0 headers and apparently it can't find them, how can i compile the headers?
you need liblglade2.0-dev, then
hola, i have a silly question. i am trying to get into a folder that i have sitting in the home directory and every time i try to cd into it i get /foldername no such file or directory when i do the ll i see the folder but when i do cd /foldername no dice. any help? merci!!!
try ~/, not /
is there any animated wallpaper for ubuntu 8.10 ?
or the 'this other method' link to lifehacker at the page i just linked
any suggestions for my situation? keyboard input gets deactivated when changing brightness from the function keys
your problem sounds like it would require some kind of keyboard remapping or something complicated to fix. so personally i would stick to work arounds.
should the word 'for' be capitalized in a title? i know 'and' is not capitalized
no, the word 'for' should not be capitalized.
when i get an error message from azureus i cant close it, does anyone else get this problem?
and, its a problem on other distros too