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Collaborative OLAP with Tag Clouds: Web 2.0 OLAP Formalism and Experimental Evaluation
Increasingly, business projects are ephemeral. New Business Intelligencetools must support ad-lib data sources and quick perusal. Meanwhile, tag cloudsare a popular community-driven visualization technique. Hence, we investigatetag-cloud views with support for OLAP operations such as roll-ups, slices,dices, clustering, and drill-downs. As a case study, we implemented anapplication where users can upload data and immediately navigate through its adhoc dimensions. To support social networking, views can be easily shared andembedded in other Web sites. Algorithmically, our tag-cloud views areapproximate range top-k queries over spontaneous data cubes. We presentexperimental evidence that iceberg cuboids provide adequate onlineapproximations. We benchmark several browser-oblivious tag-cloud layoutoptimizations.
[ "There are decentralized models {{cite:6d30d451e9c3e38783de7e2329bba28a96c3373c}} and systems {{cite:9dc373a8f244f117e8d23c0e05b4394c813dd25f}}to support collaborative data sharingwithout a single schema.", "According to Wu et al., it is difficult to navigate an OLAP schema without help; they have proposed a keyword-driven OLAP model {{cite:854f3607614c99d277d38e60fbcd96552015ecbb}}.There are several OLAP visualization techniques including theCube Presentation Model (CPM) {{cite:8145d8e722c98647ef6ac9b782290db6ed0f661b}}, Multiple CorrespondenceAnalysis (MCA) {{cite:5f291d975ee4d1d596766dcd02ee486fecd18828}} and other interactive systems {{cite:5d80c018a1c20ea43e9ce033024230545a0d5ac8}}.", "Tag clouds have been popularizedby the Web site Flickr launched in 2004. Severaloptimization opportunities exist: similar tags can beclustered together {{cite:e6e5e72ee0e24e687923a0c5b804f4c2da61c47a}},tags can be pruned automatically {{cite:482463eb468372343e66113758b8619226c5dc15}}or by user intervention {{cite:57df1f63b3a055bb17208c888038465fd7d0c767}},tags can be indexed {{cite:57df1f63b3a055bb17208c888038465fd7d0c767}}, and so on. Tag clouds can be adapted to spatio-temporal data {{cite:a9c957297619f65506bbc46719df69da153141ab}}, {{cite:04023e202579ef4fbcf648e4c47f9289d0ead88d}}." ]
Graph Sparsification by Effective Resistances
We present a nearly-linear time algorithm that produces high-qualitysparsifiers of weighted graphs. Given as input a weighted graph $G=(V,E,w)$ anda parameter $\epsilon>0$, we produce a weighted subgraph$H=(V,\tilde{E},\tilde{w})$ of $G$ such that $|\tilde{E}|=O(n\logn/\epsilon^2)$ and for all vectors $x\in\R^V$ $(1-\epsilon)\sum_{uv\inE}(x(u)-x(v))^2w_{uv}\le \sum_{uv\in\tilde{E}}(x(u)-x(v))^2\tilde{w}_{uv} \le(1+\epsilon)\sum_{uv\in E}(x(u)-x(v))^2w_{uv}. (*)$ This improves upon the sparsifiers constructed by Spielman and Teng, whichhad $O(n\log^c n)$ edges for some large constant $c$, and upon those ofBencz\'ur and Karger, which only satisfied (*) for $x\in\{0,1\}^V$. A key ingredient in our algorithm is a subroutine of independent interest: anearly-linear time algorithm that builds a data structure from which we canquery the approximate effective resistance between any two vertices in a graphin $O(\log n)$ time.
[ "Batson, Spielman, and Srivastava {{cite:31b0dfcfbda4f1fbcd31fa57bab15faab548a782}} have given a deterministicalgorithm that constructs sparsifiers of size {{formula:9f139acc-b091-4e11-a81c-6e33f0c52757}} in{{formula:69ee8f78-f3a0-45b6-a6f9-fbdbebb0faa0}} time.While this is too slow to be useful in applications, it isoptimal in terms of the tradeoff between sparsity and quality ofapproximation and can be viewed as generalizing expander graphs.Their construction parallels ours in that it reduces the task of spectral sparsification to approximating the matrix{{formula:7467dcbc-d654-4078-bc83-0a6a6b49c1fc}} defined in Section 3; however, their method for selecting edges is iterativeand more delicate than the random sampling described in this paper.", "In addition to the graph sparsifiers of {{cite:a43e35ffff8cd60a00f0b78a07712def95abaa75}}, {{cite:31b0dfcfbda4f1fbcd31fa57bab15faab548a782}}, {{cite:b2b5a8f730ef4c373645713ed8e4eaa1393d94ae}},there is a large body of work on sparse {{cite:c211f5168620f47aed7f42d2d8da083e95e992b0}}, {{cite:4aecebad11b6dbdfc442852ece83a111fd34ffe1}} and low-rank{{cite:5b73954239e11e201e5946afa8c93ce533f9716c}}, {{cite:4aecebad11b6dbdfc442852ece83a111fd34ffe1}}, {{cite:bd2297989914b1918c5d8c055b9a3bc3d589b7ca}}, {{cite:dc5a8c27cc87c2ea894cb9e561ac38b54c2951f8}}, {{cite:88e6364bb365567066467dab2babdc2f99522112}}approximations for general matrices. Thealgorithms in this literature provide guarantees of the form {{formula:80753b01-4b1a-4918-af33-e22a2b34fb4e}} , where {{formula:9c42b08c-c4c6-449f-ab74-70bc2fcaf6d6}} is the originalmatrix and {{formula:02cac628-dd94-46bb-98be-ae2db88ccf4b}} is obtained by entrywise or columnwise sampling of {{formula:a289f69f-3f02-404d-864d-2dd20664259a}} . This isanalogous tosatisfying (REF ) only for vectors {{formula:a70ada77-fe5f-44be-8db7-7d48cfc7fe66}} in the span of the dominant eigenvectors of {{formula:c31df31b-7689-47a6-9e13-da8918d02c45}} ; thus,if we were to use these sparsifiers on graphs, they would only preserve the large cuts. Interestingly, our proofuses some of the same machinery as the low-rank approximation result of Rudelson and Vershynin {{cite:bd2297989914b1918c5d8c055b9a3bc3d589b7ca}} — thesampling of edges in our algorithm corresponds to picking {{formula:6cb0fd6e-357b-4961-9739-873c0fb085b1}} columns at random from acertain rank {{formula:4b6ddfe0-6d28-4564-a1fc-e5e797bf4fe5}} matrix of dimension {{formula:220d39cb-caa3-4113-ab9b-258e514353ef}} (this is the matrix {{formula:d5e92fa6-59ab-4f87-a04b-3c4301b07602}} introduced in Section 3).", "The use of effective resistance as a distance in graphs has recently gained attentionas it is often more useful than the ordinary geodesic distance in a graph.For example, in small-world graphs, all vertices will be close to one another, but those with a smallereffective resistance distance are connected by more short paths.See, for instance {{cite:b9a7b531c3dae1e09c1a5b52300ff409da4f81f9}}, {{cite:c3ac809c9218b1fd5a9b8e0849f13da1190de930}}, which use effective resistance/commute timeas a distance measure in social network graphs." ]
On the Expressive Power of Multiple Heads in CHR
Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) is a committed-choice declarative languagewhich has been originally designed for writing constraint solvers and which isnowadays a general purpose language. CHR programs consist of multi-headedguarded rules which allow to rewrite constraints into simpler ones until asolved form is reached. Many empirical evidences suggest that multiple headsaugment the expressive power of the language, however no formal result in thisdirection has been proved, so far. In the first part of this paper we analyze the Turing completeness of CHRwith respect to the underneath constraint theory. We prove that if theconstraint theory is powerful enough then restricting to single head rules doesnot affect the Turing completeness of the language. On the other hand,differently from the case of the multi-headed language, the single head CHRlanguage is not Turing powerful when the underlying signature (for theconstraint theory) does not contain function symbols. In the second part we prove that, no matter which constraint theory isconsidered, under some reasonable assumptions it is not possible to encode theCHR language (with multi-headed rules) into a single headed language whilepreserving the semantics of the programs. We also show that, under somestronger assumptions, considering an increasing number of atoms in the head ofa rule augments the expressive power of the language. These results provide a formal proof for the claim that multiple headsaugment the expressive power of the CHR language.
[ "In this paper we have shown that multiple heads augment the expressive power of CHR. Indeed we have seen that the single head CHR language, denoted by CHR{{formula:a6774294-6c04-4e00-adb4-873a7a535500}} , is not Turing powerful when the underlying signature (for the constraint theory) does not contain function symbols, while this is not the case for CHR.Moreover, by using a technique based on language encoding, we have shown that CHR is strictly more expressive than CHR{{formula:bc3bc3ed-2167-453d-bf60-ccdf109d000f}} also when considering a generic constraint theory, under some reasonable assumptions (mainly, compositionality of the translation of goals).Finally we have shown that, under some slightly stronger assumptions, in general the number of atoms in the head of rules affects the expressive power of the language. In fact we have proved that CHR{{formula:80e9a985-9ce7-4966-b1e1-26b11ecf5206}} (the language containing at most {{formula:fda50291-8ee9-44e3-8bee-1129bad798a7}} atoms in the heads of rules) cannot be encoded into CHR{{formula:cd7b3cb7-c4bd-4b2f-8da1-7a949b066011}} , with {{formula:2864e873-09bb-4bbb-bde4-0a774f9510d2}} .", "There exists a very large literature on the expressiveness of concurrent languages, however there are only few papers which consider the expressive power of CHR. A recent one is {{cite:7d89cd833054a856d626bc033d0efce78592c190}}, where Sneyers shows that several subclasses of CHR are still Turing-complete, while single-headed CHR withouthost language and propositional abstract CHR are not Turing-complete. Moreover{{cite:7d89cd833054a856d626bc033d0efce78592c190}} proves essentially the same result given in Theorem by using Turing machines rather than Minsky machines. Both Theorems and were contained in the short version of this paper {{cite:a0f89d7e8e7e34aef9672aedcab05d7c67936a4b}}, submitted before {{cite:7d89cd833054a856d626bc033d0efce78592c190}} was published and both these results, including the encoding of the Minsky machine, were suggested by Jon Sneyers in the review of an older version ({{cite:066dc7485591e7b69277f4e00470b2e36ce4f17c}}) of {{cite:a0f89d7e8e7e34aef9672aedcab05d7c67936a4b}}. It is worth noting that very similar encoding exists in the field of process algebras. For example, in {{cite:cfba5298cac41ba4b18bb54f1e34467c27153342}} an encoding of Minsky machines in a dialect of CCS is provided which represents the value {{formula:ac9fcf10-9972-45c6-a614-9ad24b0b6b97}} of a register by using a corresponding number of parallel processes connected in a suitable way. This is similar to the idea exploited in Section , where we encoded the value {{formula:a06b872b-37c3-4876-8659-8d80f1094254}} of a registers by using using a conjunction (the CHR analogous of CCS parallel operator) of {{formula:f19f3866-952b-41da-b909-e7fcd45354ec}} atomic formulas.", "Another related study is {{cite:d573a45ee7b386ba5b57e76e1499cdd4d84e34fc}}, where the authors show that it is possible to implement any algorithm in CHR in an efficient way, i.e. withthe best known time and space complexity. This result is obtained by introducing a new model of computation, called the CHR machine, and comparing it with the well-known Turing machine and RAM machine models. Earlier works by Frühwirth {{cite:b36d339d5d14f2c63e042466da27d4b671ff2f80}}, {{cite:eff4dd5b2bc208530f4f0446fdf23d378e7662c9}} studied the time complexity of simplification rules for naive implementations of CHR.In this approach an upper bound on the derivation length,combined with a worst-case estimate of (the number and cost of) rule application attempts, allows to obtain an upper bound of the time complexity. The aim of all these works is clearly completely different from ours, even though it would be interesting to compare CHR and CHR{{formula:c58d56cb-a2fe-4264-a8e9-3dc1b3e8fff3}} in terms of complexity.", "When moving to other languages, somehow related to our paper is the work by Zavattaro {{cite:5cc4840b471ca7e79a2fbaf9a7ffce0373973025}} where the coordination languages Gamma {{cite:a96c99ab636fa9d1d610b81243d2e5a361642e02}} and Linda {{cite:8ad0ebb30e5ed1e38bf4dc3b31cd09143e17765f}} are compared in terms of expressive power. Since Gamma allows multiset rewriting it reminds CHR multiple head rules, however the results of {{cite:5cc4840b471ca7e79a2fbaf9a7ffce0373973025}} are rather different from ours, since a process algebraic view of Gamma and Linda is considered where the actions of processes are atomic and do not contain variables. On the other hand, our results depend directly on the presence of logic variables in the CHR model of computation.Relevant for our approach is also {{cite:832ce14dddd3d402116e0f5d2d5a5aa65fbe1440}} which introduces the original approach to language comparison based on encoding, even though in this paper rather different languages with different properties are considered.", "In {{cite:0212ace5f743469569d9a10d577ba5da38a887c2}} Laneve and Vitale show that a language for modeling molecular biology, called {{formula:89820e52-5aea-47cf-98ba-6f347a9f8dde}} -calculus, is more expressive than a restricted version of the calculus, called nano-{{formula:14a57b92-bbbf-4461-9940-c85c56fdc1ac}} , which is obtained by restricting to “binary reactants” only (that is, by allowing at most two process terms in the left hand side of rules, while {{formula:02415ce8-7bf5-42c4-bc58-cf9299dc1e32}} terms are allowed in {{formula:0ee3fc38-1434-4c51-8429-149bc463866d}} ). This result is obtained by showing that, under some specific assumptions, a particular (self-assembling) protocol cannot be expressed in nano-{{formula:ea732597-c7d6-4834-a83d-966a2e013b46}} , thus following a general techniquewhich allows to obtain separation results by showing that (under some specific hypothesis) a problem can be solved in a language and not in another one (see also {{cite:3124ea4bae5e225549edb5586822feb7272d9d0e}} and {{cite:c6df39c80298a0d4d34d312651096b3f52e14a0c}}).This technique is rather different from the one we used, moreover also the assumptions on the translation used in {{cite:0212ace5f743469569d9a10d577ba5da38a887c2}} are different from ours. Nevertheless, since {{formula:a18afe92-58fd-4f33-aa01-d1f67380b411}} (and nano-{{formula:d00b3aa0-4a5d-48e0-bfdc-abefb60f3ae8}} ) can be easily translated in CHR, it would be interesting to see whether some results can be exported from a language to another. We left this as future work.", "We also plan to investigate what happens when considering the translation of CHRsince many CHR implementations are built on top of a Prolog system, by using a compiler which translates CHR programs to Prolog. Our technical lemmata about CHR{{formula:f9505435-45c3-40c6-b165-1dbde43516eb}} can be adapted to what is called {{cite:28a02d36778452587091dd5042f132403e2b4489}} “pure Prolog”, that is, a logic programming language which uses the leftmost selection rule and the depth-first search. Hence it is easy to show that, under our assumptions, CHR cannot be encoded in pure Prolog. However, implemented “real” Prolog systems are extensions of pure Prolog obtained by considering specific built-ins for arithmetic and control, and when considering these built-ins some of the properties we have used do not hold anymore (for example, this is the case of LemmaREF ). Hence it would be interesting to see under which conditions CHR can be encoded in real Prolog systems, that is, which features of real Prolog (which are not present in pure Prolog) are needed to obtain an acceptable encoding of CHR. Finally we plan to extend our results to consider specific constraint theories (e.g. with only monadic predicates) and also taking into account the refined semantics defined in {{cite:dec3c5ef8eb32bddcabf00480df0634288091e84}}. This latter semantics requires further work, because it allows an improved control on computations and some properties that we used do not hold anymore in this case." ]
Rateless Coding for MIMO Block Fading Channels
In this paper the performance limits and design principles of rateless codesover fading channels are studied. The diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) isused to analyze the system performance for all possible transmission rates. Itis revealed from the analysis that the design of such rateless codes followsthe design principle of approximately universal codes for parallelmultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, in which each sub-channel is aMIMO channel. More specifically, it is shown that for a single-inputsingle-output (SISO) channel, the previously developed permutation codes ofunit length for parallel channels having rate LR can be transformed directlyinto rateless codes of length L having multiple rate levels (R, 2R, . . ., LR),to achieve the DMT performance limit.
[ "The performance of rateless coding over fading channels has alsobeen considered in {{cite:e1acb52bd30fc53945a7ac1952356c8ad27e38f4}}, in which the throughput and errorprobability are discussed. However, the tradeoff between these twowas not analyzed explicitly. For example, the results in{{cite:e1acb52bd30fc53945a7ac1952356c8ad27e38f4}} shows that increasing the value of {{formula:e7563fb9-3bcc-4aec-8386-854df07d706a}} will decreasethe system error probability in certain scenario and is thereforedesirable. In this paper we show that while this discovery is true,the system throughput, i.e., multiplexing gain might decrease when{{formula:d18362f0-fb62-40ae-b2d5-747aaff20ea9}} becomes larger for every fixed value of {{formula:5e1f79a5-eac5-469c-b0a7-1b5e83913fdb}} . Overall, ourresults reveal that the optimal design of rateless codes requiresthe consideration of both {{formula:76f687c3-10dd-440e-b12a-66d7a191a971}} and {{formula:ed90ffd4-a1e3-41a5-90ce-5dd003440611}} .", "Rateless coding may be considered as a type of Hybrid-ARQ scheme{{cite:bc6936c26b9b04eb6f52b0998a8c8589474e37cb}}. The DMT for ARQ has been revealed in {{cite:bc6936c26b9b04eb6f52b0998a8c8589474e37cb}}.However, it will be shown in the paper that this DMT curve wasincomplete and represents the performance only when {{formula:3c09e247-60eb-4311-909d-26a3e8b44a6b}} in which {{formula:9266f497-f7fd-418f-bd78-104347965b6d}} and {{formula:14a85646-61a7-431d-a0fa-291d965fedda}} are the number of transmit and receiveantennas. The complete DMT curve for rateless codingincluding those parts for higher {{formula:987693c2-de1d-4149-9e8e-e9e4fc513a96}} has never been revealedbefore, and will be shown in this paper. In addition to this, theresults in this paper also offer a relationship between the designparameter (i.e., {{formula:b462aa1c-4226-491c-83ce-5481d25ac144}} and {{formula:8a387b9d-ceb3-4d98-bcb3-b69b6cad7cc3}} ) and the effective multiplexing gain{{formula:3b9ff3ac-a8dc-4516-8397-c451077b057c}} of the system, thus offer further insights into system designand operational meaning compared to conventional coding schemes.Furthermore, we suggest new design solutions for rateless codes.Previous work on finite-rate feedback MIMO channels relies on eitherpower control or adaptive modulation and coding (e.g., {{cite:769842698ffbb4b923b64d0bacacb2daed3d5b52}}),which are not necessary for our scheme.", "The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The system model isproposed in Section II. In Section III, the DMT performance ofrateless codes is studied. In Section IV, design of specificrateless codes over fading channels is discussed. Finally,concluding remarks are made in Section V." ]
On Emergence of Dominating Cliques in Random Graphs
Emergence of dominating cliques in Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graph model${\bbbg(n,p)}$ is investigated in this paper. It is shown this phenomenonpossesses a phase transition. Namely, we have argued that, given a constantprobability $p$, an $n$-node random graph $G$ from ${\bbbg(n,p)}$ and for $r= c\log_{1/p} n$ with $1 \leq c \leq 2$, it holds: (1) if $p > 1/2$ then an$r$-node clique is dominating in $G$ almost surely and, (2) if $p \leq (3 -\sqrt{5})/2$ then an $r$-node clique is not dominating in $G$ almost surely.The remaining range of probability $p$ is discussed with more attention. Adetailed study shows that this problem is answered by examination ofsub-logarithmic growth of $r$ upon $n$.
[ "Dominating sets and cliques are basic structures in graphs andthey have been investigated very intensively. To determine whetherthe domination number of a graph is at most {{formula:6e5858ab-0d81-4f97-b92f-a74229fa085e}} is an NP-completeproblem {{cite:9ba7966d812db19ef75bbf10ab2877b0bdeb5d66}}. The maximum-clique problem is one of thefirst shown to be NP-hard {{cite:659740909e6d69c21cd249b1bedcb807c71d6c15}}. A well-known result of B.Bollobás, P. Erdös et al. states that the clique number inrandom graphs {{formula:447f7ac0-e727-4b14-b514-9e55ae58b9e5}} {{formula:20214961-5204-437b-afb8-65f85fac8dcd}} {{formula:6fe1f622-2339-4aa2-a7f3-932992bcb67c}} (n,p){{formula:979d0207-f3f6-437b-a7c2-52c913c45cf6}} b=1/p{{formula:dae52c94-85ef-4554-96be-dae10b2dc0c2}}{{formula:a21aacf8-e55b-4d62-aad8-3b9005e5c581}} {{formula:7e60a683-1ef8-4458-ba3c-5ae7620b7bbe}} {{formula:62277781-e187-4de4-83a9-d6862114487c}} {{formula:294a241c-5226-4b83-b085-9b58a475d394}} (n, p){{formula:5618775d-cb48-4140-99ab-5230fd3d04d3}} r1 {{formula:aea3b24b-f7aa-4dee-92cd-f0e9ff8d29b9}} r0 {{formula:2fa7a9d2-f3a4-401a-9112-de5b5e4b9c62}} The phase transition of dominating clique problem in random graphswas studied independently by M. Nehéz and D. Olejár in, and J. C. Culberson, Y. Gao, C. Antonin {{cite:67c9bba5f9d7ce0a335df5511fa16822eb7216a9}}. It was shown in {{cite:67c9bba5f9d7ce0a335df5511fa16822eb7216a9}} that the property ofhaving a dominating clique is monotone, it has a phase transitionand the corresponding threshold probability is {{formula:13a17e4a-8084-4e77-8368-c2decfa35627}} . The standard first and the second moment methods(based on the Markov's and the Chebyshev's inequalities,respectively, see , ) were used to prove thisresult. However, the preliminary result of M. Nehéz and D.Olejár {{cite:8c67026b8b63bea9c1670fe9878676e5550f11f2}} pointed out that to complete the behaviorof random graphs in all spectra of {{formula:63e308e1-0d3e-44aa-ba40-b55ee90fa53b}} needs a more accurateanalysis, namely in the case when {{formula:349a59f0-85d6-479b-bdb5-738bf86d630b}} .The main result of this paper is the refinement of the previousresults from , , . Let usformulate this as the following theorem.", "Theorem 1 Let {{formula:41ea9acc-fcdb-4424-89d2-273d91692b21}} be fixed and let {{formula:8a0d3954-1031-44e5-a103-25c6511615da}} denote{{formula:d3801cca-8119-4ff5-bd3d-a9c0985dfc48}} . Let {{formula:1dd91374-91f9-4feb-8667-0755f489fbe9}} be order of a clique such that{{formula:98596f95-0490-4b8e-b7f1-f777fd3dabb9}} . Let{{formula:8d4aab2b-d498-4786-8d6d-0fd6e7e0ac00}} be an arbitrary slowly increasingfunction such that {{formula:c1d0ea5c-95aa-4bdf-9c80-c8ee2b643596}} and let {{formula:7b1bb690-06c9-4cdb-9737-e971dde5040d}} {{formula:d19f62a2-baef-4042-a357-8df861e8861c}} (n,p){{formula:2e96f3e0-5129-4326-a4eb-7bf88ad8cc41}} To prove Theorem REF the first and the second moment methodwere used. The leading part of our analysis follows from aproperty of a function defined as a ratio of two random variableswhich count dominating cliques and all cliques in random graphs,respectively.The critical values of {{formula:cc311620-e96b-44ab-b705-1b3cbc65e504}} : {{formula:df7c126e-00b7-4971-ad4a-c0ad9bf3c659}} and {{formula:725ca8ff-2ee3-4304-8ff6-e2b2db3dd3a3}} ,respectively, are obtained from the bounds (), ()see , .", "The rest of this paper contains the proof of the TheoremREF . Section 2 contains the preliminary results. Anexpected number of dominating cliques in {{formula:cc88e648-fec3-4da6-94f6-c4892d776789}} {{formula:f86ca40c-d345-45fc-beed-ea6cca2c0285}} (n,p){{formula:c579cbde-6b55-4f6e-a70e-6cfdf5bc72c9}}" ]
The Offset Tree for Learning with Partial Labels
We present an algorithm, called the Offset Tree, for learning to makedecisions in situations where the payoff of only one choice is observed, ratherthan all choices. The algorithm reduces this setting to binary classification,allowing one to reuse of any existing, fully supervised binary classificationalgorithm in this partial information setting. We show that the Offset Tree isan optimal reduction to binary classification. In particular, it has regret atmost $(k-1)$ times the regret of the binary classifier it uses (where $k$ isthe number of choices), and no reduction to binary classification can dobetter. This reduction is also computationally optimal, both at training andtest time, requiring just $O(\log_2 k)$ work to train on an example or make aprediction. Experiments with the Offset Tree show that it generally performs better thanseveral alternative approaches.
[ "The problem considered here isa non-interactive version of the contextual banditproblem (see {{cite:6eb28ad24a6fb344fcaba1fd90bee6cd52477ca0}}, {{cite:689104a179198faaa68c3d4a14c65fdf5bf9120a}}, {{cite:0c005a1e26e5e35f71c9585af774cddd8ce7a61c}}, {{cite:bcc4f3bf6fa97df09eac3364f08c847b0e66319e}}, {{cite:37aa6d304801f27e6cd87a446b44c21d22be99cf}} for backgroundon the bandit problem).The interactive version has been analyzed under various additionalassumptions {{cite:77e0b9a5c1d7eb7c315434413377b215860097ea}}, {{cite:7e9e21bed8a59bfe65295f97440a094afe9e6c0e}}, {{cite:4681ded22591474ae3cb40d3eed8badb31d09b9a}}, {{cite:37167e50798707bd2fedb36c991cb143c2913818}}, {{cite:89806877d1610faae89387be0e3b6046d574128a}}, {{cite:348c975efcda6c8f4ea904cefba9179afb4504c5}},including payoffs as a linear function of the sideinformation {{cite:19293209882b6c3c2dd049e434ddf44b06f11464}}, {{cite:6eb28ad24a6fb344fcaba1fd90bee6cd52477ca0}}. The Exp4 algorithm {{cite:689104a179198faaa68c3d4a14c65fdf5bf9120a}} has anice assumption-free analysis. However, it is intractable when thenumber of policies we want to compete with is large. It also relies oncareful control of the action choosing distribution, and thus cannot beapplied to historical data, i.e., non-interactively.", "Sample complexity results for policy evaluation in reinforcementlearning {{cite:faf08478600624cd920f94d759c426a4f1ea20d5}} and contextual bandits {{cite:4681ded22591474ae3cb40d3eed8badb31d09b9a}} showthat Empirical Risk Minimization type algorithms can find a goodpolicy in a non-interactivesetting. The results here are mostly orthogonal to theseresults, although we do show in section  that a constantfactor improvement in sample complexity is possible using the offsettrick.", "The Banditron algorithm {{cite:77e0b9a5c1d7eb7c315434413377b215860097ea}} deals with a similar settingbut does not address several concerns that the {{formula:e47280a7-fa52-4356-a34a-bd3b7e555a23}} addresses: (1)the Banditron requires an interactive setting; (2) it deals with aspecialization of our setting where the reward for one choice is 1,and 0 for all other choices; (3) its analysis is further specializedto the case where linear separators with a small hinge loss exist; (4)it requires exponentially in {{formula:26cbb4da-5b96-47d5-a155-1887faedd2ed}} more computation; (5) the Banditronis not an oracle algorithm, so it is unclear, for example, how tocompose it with a decision tree bias.", "Transformations from partial label problems to fully supervisedproblems can be thought of as learning methods for dealing with sampleselection bias {{cite:560bbbba8817b6e5365a8406ef03ec3fe9a72667}}, which is heavily studied in Economics andStatistics." ]
Effective Dielectric Response of Metamaterials
We use a homogenization procedure for Maxwell's equations in order to obtainin the local limit the frequency ($\omega$) dependent macroscopic dielectricresponse $\epsilon^M(\omega)$ of metamaterials made of natural constituentswith any geometrical shape repeated periodically with any structure. Weillustrate the formalism calculating $\epsilon^M(\omega)$ for severalstructures. For dielectric rectangular inclusions within a conducting materialwe obtained a very anisotropic response which changes along one direction fromconductor-like at low $\omega$ to a resonant dielectric-like at large $\omega$,attaining a very small reflectance at intermediate frequencies unrelated tosurface plasmon excitation and which can be tuned through geometrycaltayloring. A similar behavior is obtained for other shapes close to thepercolation threshold.
[ "In this section we apply our results to light moving across a 2Dsquare array of infinite square dielectric prisms with diagonalsaligned with the sides of the square primitive cell, a systempreviously proposed byMilton etal.{{cite:52926aec4898d29c9bee9b02f7fa7ba5e50188b1}}We chose the parameters{{formula:8369d940-a55b-42f7-b7b3-6aca3dec1d0b}} ,{{formula:54910a1e-fa6c-4ba0-b5f1-317dfe34d5fc}} , and {{formula:7370abbe-37ff-418b-820b-a37b0a04cbf8}} . We takea finite free-space wavelength {{formula:ea3d4864-3f41-4fba-80e8-99bc9900cdbc}} , with {{formula:7e310fd5-64a0-4b16-a7dc-784734d9c811}} the lattice parameter, sothat, according to Eq. (REF ) we expect only small retardationeffects of the order of {{formula:d728b511-1a63-4b0a-b4d1-fa7890ad9817}} .We choose the polarization normal to the prisms axis so that in ourlocal limit the system is effectively isotropic in 2D.We truncated our matrices in reciprocal space by setting a maximumvalue {{formula:e19964af-8929-4d36-9161-d4bdd1cdae60}} for the magnitude {{formula:9f476dcd-4cb5-424a-805b-ef673b9e16c2}} and {{formula:f27024be-95c8-4698-8450-dfadf83dce88}} ofthe components of the reciprocal vectors, so for a field polarizationwithin the planethe numberof rows and columns for the matrix {{formula:b5a262fe-d56e-4a61-b29d-f92dfab7614b}} inEq. (REF ) is given by{{formula:450333d2-b7a7-4580-8bc4-2916bf8db2ad}} .To test the convergence of our computational procedure, inFig. REF we show our results for {{formula:88111eac-370b-4311-8ff0-fbd7966eb978}} as a functionof the maximum index {{formula:e43d95d1-fcf4-4e9a-96fb-ca18d0311e3b}} .{{figure:56fc6a11-490e-4bf7-8ea6-dd70bbad2e1d}}", "FromFig. REF we see that {{formula:0156805a-6c34-4855-8c32-7e3ca8981a30}} converges approximately as{{formula:b8b64f9d-9aa4-4183-b767-4ba92472487f}} , andvalues of the order around {{formula:6d3f297e-f2a8-462c-a732-7b1c39270854}} are needed to obtainan accuracy better than 0.5% without extrapolating,yielding large matrices of more than {{formula:c63b5fe3-ad17-4f1c-bb97-d4c460f41c8d}} elements. In the same figure we have indicated the response obtainedby Milton etal.,{{cite:ab65a242db4b6f96a28d39ebd3bb2a5444d0b59f}}, Tao et al.,{{cite:1b574e39669250de7304ba22f9731f0afc00e3c3}} and Bergman etal.{{cite:88152c0954aecc4c84ca086e0f49ddbcc540098f}}which studied the same composite. As we see, linear extrapolation ofour results towards {{formula:73058fc9-9975-4f4b-85c5-9149b8cb83d7}} converge tothose Bergman et al. and of Milton et al., whereas theresult of Tao et al.differs slightly.Finally, we also compare our results with those of mean-field theory,as embodied in Maxwell-Garnet's (MG) formulae{{formula:365df2ba-c08c-4802-b852-b4447a7761ca}} ", "with {{formula:435cd4f5-62c3-48ab-86c5-3cbfa01a0979}} for our 2D system.{{cite:d5ff77e7414f9709423e1dcd22b134da7c244178}}As we see in the figure, the MG results differ from ours and the otherauthors' results, mainly due to its intrinsic limitations.{{cite:d5ff77e7414f9709423e1dcd22b134da7c244178}}We havechecked our results with other set of parameters also reported bythe same cited authorsand we have obtained similar agreementas mentioned above. The rate of convergence of our method is similarto that reported in Ref. Sozuer(1992) when written in terms of{{formula:6214eff1-0ae0-42ee-9092-46d2101d8b4b}} .", "We can also test the convergence of our results above using Keller'stheorem,{{cite:06e170ba7bca2feefb575b966203ac9679dd8c9d}}, {{cite:b1c4d273be490d81ea7da6f6be6d075c5266df45}}, {{cite:8717ac29b78884c48971e69127db1fe32e756cb2}} which we maywrite as{{formula:f33085b1-39aa-4648-87ae-8683d4fbb6bc}} , where we define Keller's coefficients along principalaxes {{formula:1014a318-4eca-4db3-a6df-11fd97d23752}} as {{formula:cb051eac-1d42-4ec5-a904-69ef47f174ef}} and{{formula:b023e1b3-872e-48e7-807b-c0f60e67752b}} . Here, we introduced themacroscopic response {{formula:b5d7395c-2989-417c-979d-4279f5fdf27d}} and {{formula:1805adad-0d01-496e-9112-2bbae3bb0810}} ofthe reciprocal system that is obtained from the original system byinterchanging{{formula:d0547285-3a03-409b-aa45-31377de6dad6}} . Indeed, for our isotropic systemwe expect {{formula:e5ec8a65-db7a-405c-b10d-5cae2f9841f5}} as {{formula:158a5dce-2a1d-43ef-8b6c-229ed3c940a6}} .In Fig. REF we show {{formula:aa31f525-8315-4c11-a5dd-eb3b5ae2ab7d}} vs. {{formula:ce0ca4fc-adce-4e01-984f-caf6b740bef5}} forthe system corresponding to Fig. REF .{{figure:c4525403-a1bf-4238-be0d-9c94ee53ebc5}}", "We see clearly that {{formula:289296fa-2a1f-473b-8787-1199956c8cb7}} decreases linearly in{{formula:e26cfe9c-3d3f-4719-888a-847fe2a4eb1b}} . However, its extrapolation towards{{formula:c8c8acc8-9fd1-4afc-9a14-286c6b5b5697}} does not attain the value {{formula:b08b6902-fd65-491d-a41a-a22d00794503}} asexpected from Keller's theorem. The reason for the small discrepancy isthat our calculation includes retardation effects which we expect tobe of order {{formula:4f7a46af-81f8-4ad9-8937-09362ce99e3d}} , while Keller's theorem is strictlyvalid only in systems with no retardation. To confirm this statement,we also display in Fig. REF the results of a calculationfor {{formula:18417c20-ea68-4c46-b145-49199f6cb557}} , showing that in this case, the discrepancybetween the extrapolated and the expected value is negligible. Thus,we have verified that our calculation is consistent with Keller'stheorem inthe absence of retardation and has an error that goes to zero as{{formula:793cb05a-cb79-4706-9535-09000bf3595f}} when{{formula:75ee6de6-fddc-4319-976b-dbb187deaab6}} .{{figure:c32ea90d-8ac0-4322-8429-aaf84875a5f5}}", "In Fig. REF we show nearly converged (error {{formula:273c9d2c-73f2-4029-ac22-1375d2a9dd2b}} )results for {{formula:98bf1390-4f8a-4fe0-af59-b253573257d3}} as a function of the filling fraction {{formula:1fa6222d-8346-43bf-8d4b-9931e2ab035a}} for the same system as inFig. REF . We can see again an excellentagreement of our results with those obtained by Milton et al., and Bergmanet al., and, to a lesser extent, with those of Tao et al.The MG results are noticeably lower, with a discrepancy that increaseswith filling fraction.We have obtained results identical to ours in Figs. REF andREF using Eq. (35) of Ref. Perez(2006),confirming that our formalism is equivalent to that of Halevi andPérez-Rodríguez. In conclusion, our approach does indeedreproduce the resultsof other works, and thus we have validated our numerical scheme andcan be confident on the accuracy of our results." ]
Pricing strategies for viral marketing on Social Networks
We study the use of viral marketing strategies on social networks to maximizerevenue from the sale of a single product. We propose a model in which thedecision of a buyer to buy the product is influenced by friends that own theproduct and the price at which the product is offered. The influence model weanalyze is quite general, naturally extending both the Linear Threshold modeland the Independent Cascade model, while also incorporating price information.We consider sales proceeding in a cascading manner through the network, i.e. abuyer is offered the product via recommendations from its neighbors who own theproduct. In this setting, the seller influences events by offering a cashbackto recommenders and by setting prices (via coupons or discounts) for each buyerin the social network. Finding a seller strategy which maximizes the expected revenue in thissetting turns out to be NP-hard. However, we propose a seller strategy thatgenerates revenue guaranteed to be within a constant factor of the optimalstrategy in a wide variety of models. The strategy is based on aninfluence-and-exploit idea, and it consists of finding the right trade-off ateach time step between: generating revenue from the current user versusoffering the product for free and using the influence generated from this salelater in the process. We also show how local search can be used to improve theperformance of this technique in practice.
[ "The problem of social contagion or spread of influence was firstformulated by the sociological community, and introduced to the computerscience community by Domingos and Richardson {{cite:8d636642ad9affa5f2c58dc07f1c4f4f800e829d}}. An influentialpaper by Kempe, Kleinberg and Tardos {{cite:b653f32aa3d87a157a01e4bce8a4ccec7ed23d09}} solved the target setselection problem posed by {{cite:8d636642ad9affa5f2c58dc07f1c4f4f800e829d}} and sparked interest in this areafrom a theoretical perspective (see {{cite:530992e480d8997822ba0fd8019c57a2b584e422}}). This work hasmostly been limited to the influence maximization paradigm, whereinfluence has been taken to be a proxy for the revenue generated through asale. Although similar to our work in spirit, there is no notion of price in thismodel, and therefore, our central problem of setting prices to encourage influencespread requires a more complicated model.", "A recent work by Hartline, Mirrokni and Sundararajan {{cite:795eca3eca67497af38f7a6bf2e81ad9599bf919}} is similarin flavor to our work, and also considers extending social contagion ideaswith pricing information, but the model they examine differs from our modelin a several aspects. The main difference is that they assume that the selleris allowed to approach arbitrary nodes in the network at any time and offertheir product at a price chosen by the seller, while in our model the cascadeof recommendations determines the timing of an offer and this cannot bedirectly manipulated. In essence, the model proposed in {{cite:795eca3eca67497af38f7a6bf2e81ad9599bf919}} is akinto advertising the product to arbitrary nodes, bypassing the networkstructure to encourage a desired set of early adopters. Our model restrictssuch direct advertising as it is likely to be much less effective than adirect recommendation from a friend, especially when the recommender has anincentive to convince the potential buyer to purchase the product (forinstance, the recommender might personalize the recommendation, increasingits effectiveness). Despite the different models, the algorithms proposed byus and {{cite:795eca3eca67497af38f7a6bf2e81ad9599bf919}} are similar in spirit and are based on an influence-and-exploit strategy.", "This work has also been inspired by a direction mentioned byKleinberg {{cite:530992e480d8997822ba0fd8019c57a2b584e422}}, and is our interpretation of the informalproblem posed there. Finally, we point out that the idea of cashbacks hasbeen implemented in practice, and new retailers are also embracing theidea {{cite:a1c13860929510447ff3ecad8d57983bcf478ff6}}, {{cite:4771c1c084e71f63440063a0de804504f0a10d12}}, {{cite:0a118da4bb9c93dbdb468c64afbb1bf78a7558b4}}. We note that some of the systems beingimplemented by retailers are quite close to the model that we propose, andhence this problem is relevant in practice." ]
Algorithms for Weighted Boolean Optimization
The Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO) and Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT)problems are natural optimization extensions of Boolean Satisfiability (SAT). In the recent past, different algorithms have been proposed for PBO and forMaxSAT, despite the existence of straightforward mappings from PBO to MaxSATand vice-versa. This papers proposes Weighted Boolean Optimization (WBO), a newunified framework that aggregates and extends PBO and MaxSAT. In addition, thepaper proposes a new unsatisfiability-based algorithm for WBO, based on recentunsatisfiability-based algorithms for MaxSAT. Besides standard MaxSAT, the newalgorithm can also be used to solve weighted MaxSAT and PBO, handlingpseudo-Boolean constraints either natively or by translation to clausal form.Experimental results illustrate that unsatisfiability-based algorithms forMaxSAT can be orders of magnitude more efficient than existing dedicatedalgorithms. Finally, the paper illustrates how other algorithms for either PBOor MaxSAT can be extended to WBO.
[ "A brief account of MaxSAT and PBO solvers is provided inSection .The use of unsatisfiability for solving MaxSAT was first proposed in2006 {{cite:82e2f97aac12b1665eed2913be92883d27953f01}}. This work was laterextended {{cite:e53315d5f7bbf2526e648c846e2b5f6b1adf882d}}, {{cite:ccc28352aae05aa512346bf1edee35c57fdee544}}, {{cite:439276b3910d7239a8aa5bc03c3bd90fde00c614}}, to accommodateseveral alternative algorithms and a number of optimizations to thefirst algorithm.To the best of our knowledge, MSUnCore is the first algorithm forsolving (Partial) Weighted MaxSAT with unsatisfiable sub-formulaidentification. Also, to the best of our knowledge, WBO represents anew modeling framework, and the associate algorithm is new.", "The use of optimization variants of decision procedures has also beenproposed in the area of SMT {{cite:0cce8452034b4602c27cd7bd49e595b3b4a18d5a}}, and a few SMTsolvers now offer the ability for solving optimization problems. Theapproaches used for solving optimization problems in SMT are based onthe use of relaxation variables, similarly to the PBO approach forsolving MaxSAT {{cite:432f86f940d5afeb301d4405b5033749a14d177a}}." ]
A 4/3-competitive randomized algorithm for online scheduling of packets with agreeable deadlines
In 2005 Li et al. gave a phi-competitive deterministic online algorithm forscheduling of packets with agreeable deadlines with a very interestinganalysis. This is known to be optimal due to a lower bound by Hajek. We claimthat the algorithm by Li et al. can be slightly simplified, while retaining itscompetitive ratio. Then we introduce randomness to the modified algorithm andargue that the competitive ratio against oblivious adversary is at most 4/3.Note that this still leaves a gap between the best known lower bound of 5/4 byChin et al. for randomised algorithms against oblivious adversary.
[ "The best known deterministic and randomized algorithms for generalinstances have competitive ratios at most{{formula:d4dc3297-f1ae-458b-9458-b8d8e4738269}}  {{cite:0b4176c20a007af53f0b51f46439fe1fe4e46c8f}} and{{formula:e0a00853-b7a6-44b3-99b3-2a4b4df0b514}}  {{cite:044891f32e11d937d3d57bc4c756a34913ccf7b3}},respectively. A recent analysis of the latter algorithm shows that itretains its competitive ratio even against adaptive-onlineadversary {{cite:44a91652adee7c0265acafb1494c09e4334f24a4}}.", "The best known lower bounds on competitive ratio against either adversary typeuse rather restricted 2-bounded sequences in which every packet haslifespan (deadline {{formula:d833deb1-0642-4ac5-98d6-c53e41a364dd}}  release time) either 1 or 2. The lower bounds inquestion are {{formula:f8de19b6-4fc9-4218-a531-9c88ac57e28e}} for deterministic algorithms {{cite:a38da7f30309202a69301a7dd1c28d83150afe05}},{{formula:6a8887f6-360c-44a0-8ed7-c4046f3f6741}} for randomized algorithms against adaptiveadversary {{cite:7be71c77299741c8aa07a897fdf510c6eff6b8ac}},and {{formula:26a8e91a-7676-45c0-9a79-4c13d5db410f}} for randomized algorithms against obliviousadversary {{cite:f58b49b89a42eca622ae16fc3b64c7b24f2c0c56}}.All these bounds are tight for 2-boundedsequences {{cite:6bb9a820513ba45ece3bc200feb842d10c3d1a68}}, {{cite:7be71c77299741c8aa07a897fdf510c6eff6b8ac}}, {{cite:044891f32e11d937d3d57bc4c756a34913ccf7b3}}.", "We restrict ourselves to sequences with agreeable deadlines, in whichpackets released later have deadlines at least as large as those released before({{formula:1088f929-7a8f-4a5c-86da-1a4fcfcc6949}} implies {{formula:e0d6ef22-5ed0-40e1-8a4f-13049b848cb8}} ). These strictly generalize the2-bounded sequences. Sequences with agreeable deadlines also properly contains-uniform sequences for all {{formula:15469d47-4b6f-404d-8b9f-8d014ec396a6}} , i.e., sequences in which every packet haslifespan exactly {{formula:7e4acfa4-33f4-40db-b068-52dce99060f2}} . An optimal {{formula:52ff7019-4160-4f41-8b08-2f364ee07ce0}} -competitive deterministicalgorithm for sequences with agreeable deadlines is known {{cite:7dea4b903be4da72f90bb017b8160de130d3a1ab}}.", "Jeżabek studied the impact of resource augmentation on the deterministic competitiveratio {{cite:a51cea2163dabf75b46ab3f2885d31f9c393b8cb}}, {{cite:25b87699de3772eee7955bab7305c1d6dfbe4086}}. It turns out that whileallowing the deterministic algorithm to transmit {{formula:bfe7bbe0-50c2-485f-800f-6ff23e92f3d1}} packets in a single step forany constant {{formula:fd9c56c5-984b-4ca5-951c-302c9ecd9ead}} cannot make it 1-competitive (compared to the single-speedoffline optimum) on unrestricted sequences {{cite:a51cea2163dabf75b46ab3f2885d31f9c393b8cb}},{{formula:98654d20-eb69-436b-ad6f-3bdf724dd338}} is sufficient for sequences with agreeable deadlines {{cite:25b87699de3772eee7955bab7305c1d6dfbe4086}}." ]
An Event Based Approach To Situational Representation
Many application domains require representing interrelated real-worldactivities and/or evolving physical phenomena. In the crisis response domain,for instance, one may be interested in representing the state of the unfoldingcrisis (e.g., forest fire), the progress of the response activities such asevacuation and traffic control, and the state of the crisis site(s). Such asituation representation can then be used to support a multitude ofapplications including situation monitoring, analysis, and planning. In thispaper, we make a case for an event based representation of situations whereevents are defined to be domain-specific significant occurrences in space andtime. We argue that events offer a unifying and powerful abstraction tobuilding situational awareness applications. We identify challenges in buildingan Event Management System (EMS) for which traditional data and knowledgemanagement systems prove to be limited and suggest possible directions andtechnologies to address the challenges.
[ "Formal methods for reasoning about events based on explicit representation of events date back at least to work on situation calculus {{cite:fbcf4e17033c4c16735702394a6a3b0cf80fef8a}}. Situation calculus treats situations as snapshots of the state of the world at some time instants. Actions change one situation to another. These actions are instantaneous, have no duration, and have immediate and permanent effects upon situations. Another formal method is the event calculus {{cite:17e86007b6487fa8b17492a10ba747456c5eef6e}} which explicitly represents events (including actions) that belong to an event type and generate new situations from old ones. Predicates in event calculus are defined over fluents which are time-varying property of a domain, expressed by a proposition that evaluates to true or false, depending on the time and the occurrence of relevant events. Predicates on fluents include: Occurs(event,time), HoldsAt(fluent,time), Initiates (event,fluent,time), Terminates (event,fluent,time).", "Reactive systems (including active databases and large system monitoring applications) also explicitly store and reason about events. Here, an event is defined as a system generated message about an activity of interest and it belongs to an event type (situation). In addition to representing events, these applications are also interested in detecting the occurrence of events (e.g. {{cite:f4d37d09e1418e51490a0c98f4818cdc5892ca91}}, {{cite:e9f176145f54537c27acd2cba38b7ee726938b63}}, {{cite:fd9a7e4065f578f7750eac4ad781fcaf55b0220f}}). Besides detecting and storing primitive events, these applications detect and represent composite events which are defined as some sequence of primitive events using an event algebra (e.g. {{cite:85f2276873c4aacf49ecb0127a1b8dec31081b90}}). As in situation calculus, an event is considered to occur at a precisely determined point in time and has no duration. Although composite events span a time interval they are typically associated with the time-point of the last component event. However, events can be mapped to time intervals to apply queries over the duration of the sequence that a “compound composite\" event matches. All event types consist of core attributes like time point of occurrence, event identifier, event type label, event source identity, and so on. There are a number of commercial products that support such applications including IBM's Tivoli Enterprise Console (and its Common Base Event Infrastructure) and iSpheres EPL Server.", "Our focus is different from this body of work in several ways, namely:(1) Events in reactive systems are well-defined structured messages with restricted variations. In contrast, real-world events are communicated in diverse formats like text, video, audio, etc., (2) Since we deal with real world events, we consider spatial aspects of events which are not dealt with in reactive systems, (3) Information about real-world events can be much more imprecise (as it is derived from potentially noisy source like human reports) and much more complex. (4) Relationships between events (e.g. causation) in reactive systems are typically strong and easier to detect due to the static nature of the environment (system configuration) in which the events occur. Real-world events have weaker relationships and include temporal, spatial and domain relationships.", "Recent work in video content representation has also considered events as foundations of an ontology-driven representation {{cite:a7f55d9e2e666072ff259c173317a5a2e6e57cc4}}, {{cite:508f9012acc049cc1f72f4a4e716e759bebe5169}}, {{cite:f98b4543851dc5fd3d700cdc1fff589f5d6168ad}}. The goal of this body of work thus far has been on producing a video event mark-up language that can facilitate data exchange and event recognition. As in situation calculus, an event is defined as a change in the state of an object. A state is a spatio-temporal property valid at a given instant or stable within a time interval. Events can be primitive or composite. Primitive events are state changes directly inferred from the observables in the video data. Primitive events are more abstract than states but they represent the finest granularity of events. As in situation calculus {{cite:fbcf4e17033c4c16735702394a6a3b0cf80fef8a}}, time is the critical distinguishing factor between states and events. For example, two identical states with different time values represent two different events. A composite event is a combination of states and events. Specifically, a composite event is defined by sequencing primitive events in a certain manner. This sequencing can be single-threaded (single-agent based) or multi-threaded (multi-agent based). Events, states and entities can be related to each other using predicates. Spatial and temporal relationships are defined as predicates on members of the time and space domains linked to events. In general this body of work is object-centric, i.e. assumes knowledge of objects precedes knowledge of the event as it defines events as changes in object states. As discussed in Section , we adopt an event-centric approach. Besides, the constructs in this body of work are tailored to automatic recognition of events from video while we focus on facilitating queries on event data.", "Event-oriented approaches have also been studied in spatio-temporal data management. The goal here is to represent events associated with geographical/spatial objects. As noted in {{cite:1af6b0a969cff6dac0b9d7e86ab4bda9df19c918}}, the effort on spatio-temporal event representation has evolved in three stages: (1) Temporal snapshot of spatial configurations of events, (2) Object change (captured in terms of change primitives such as creation, destruction, appearance, disappearance, transmission, fission, and fusion) stored as a sequence of past states, and recently (3) Full-fledged representation of changes in terms of events, actions (initiated occurrences), and processes. An example of stage 1 representation is [11] where, starting with an initial state (base map), events are recorded in a chain-like fashion in increasing temporal order, with each event associated with a list of all changes that occurred since the last update of the event vector. The Event-based Spatio-Temporal Data Model (ESTDM) {{cite:e42b9e449fdf8fa74c96699cf31927828ea91a0a}} is an example of stage 2. ESTDM groups time-stamped layers to show observations of a single event in a temporal sequence. The ESTDM stores changes in relation to previous state rather than a snapshot of an instance. An event component shows changes to a predefined location (a raster cell) at a particular point in time. The SPAN ontology {{cite:dc13e4e74162c161e5741a0f3b89e548587bd788}} that defines an event/action/process view and the process calculus based approach of {{cite:1af6b0a969cff6dac0b9d7e86ab4bda9df19c918}} that can also represent event-event relationships are examples of stage 3. Basically, in stage 3, rather than the sequence of past states of each object, the events that caused the state changes are modeled resulting in a a more richer representation. As such, stage 3 can: (1) tell us “why” a state exists, and (2) enable us to represent which event caused a state change when multiple events (or sets of events) can potentially cause the same state change." ]
Incorporating Integrity Constraints in Uncertain Databases
We develop an approach to incorporate additional knowledge, in the form ofgeneral purpose integrity constraints (ICs), to reduce uncertainty inprobabilistic databases. While incorporating ICs improves data quality (andhence quality of answers to a query), it significantly complicates queryprocessing. To overcome the additional complexity, we develop an approach tomap an uncertain relation U with ICs to another uncertain relation U', thatapproximates the set of consistent worlds represented by U. Queries over U caninstead be evaluated over U' achieving higher quality (due to reduceduncertainty in U') without additional complexity in query processing due toICs. We demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our approach to largedata-sets with complex constraints. We also present experimental resultsdemonstrating the utility of incorporating integrity constraints in uncertainrelations, in the context of an information extraction application.
[ "Probabilistic databases have been an area of activity since the 1980s with foundational works such as {{cite:040bad85e9d0ad79104fd8092475e9305d15370b}}, {{cite:79d5898ad1fdddbc324cb5b15882a9a279078a56}}extending the relational model and algebra to represent and support uncertainty in databases.Current active projects - MystiQ{{cite:3383674b718762f710e3333824e2d5148261cd6a}}, MayBMS, Trio, or Orion {{cite:f1a2652c0137c0a38899129be01d98a11c85b92a}} employ different underlying uncertain databaserepresentation formalisms that either vary subtly, or in some cases significantly across each other, for instance MystiQusing \"or-tuples\", Trio using or-sets but with additional \"lineage\" information, and MayBMS using more expressiveworld set decompositions (WSDs). MayBMS has considers conditioning probabilisticdatabases with ICs which is motivated from a data cleaning perspective, dealing with \"equalitygenerating dependencies\" (equivalent to the tuple level ICs) and just functional dependencies (FDs)from amongst relation level ICs (as opposed to the larger class of relation ICs that we address).Their approach to resolving ICs is quite different from ours. Instead of applying ICs to an uncertain database as wedo, they augment queries with the ICs so that the ICs are resolved at query time.The approach to factor in FDs using a chase based procedure {{cite:19b80c2ff519ab951ac7e833cd691ceebc788767}} can result inan exponential blow up even with a single FD. Each relation is represented as decomposedinto multiple \"components\" the product of which yields the entire relation. Each component essentiallycontains the values of an attribute or a set of attributes.Their algorithm is to consider pairs of tuplesviolating the FD, take each attribute in the FD and merge the components containing those attributesfor the pair of tuples into a new component, and then clean the new component by eliminatingattribute value combinations that are inconsistent with the FD. In the case of a relation R,with FD {{formula:fb660feb-7d88-47db-ad47-391cb3de8964}} , and pair-wise violations {{formula:b6220b84-3b72-4495-823d-b53770869340}} with thisFD, we will end up with a component that has as columns ({{formula:4b48f3e0-10c0-40e0-a601-e07df7cc18db}} ) andin the rows of this component have all consistent combinations of attribute A and B values.The size of this component is {{formula:9c213fb4-e7e8-4b42-b6b7-0f41d2d16afb}} where M is the degreeof uncertainty (choices) in the attributes. Further, the chase based procedure must select the consistentcombinations only and its compelxity is also {{formula:120c1064-4ae4-4944-b684-c6cea3697f44}} . Even with modest values of say M=2 and K= 30, {{formula:1378af6e-8379-43bd-96f7-b3fb1bed689c}} is extremely large.While we observe that their approach is exponential, we note that the authors essentially meant the technique to be used in the context of data that has onlyvery few violations, in which case their approach will work fine. This is substantiated by their experimentswhich have been done with a degree of data dirtiness as low as 0.001% - 0.005% and also stated as a validassumption by them given the focus on data cleaning applications. In contrast, our approach is applicable todatabases with a much higher degree of data dirtiness, for applications such as information extractionwhere literally all fields in the data can be uncertain i.e., with a degree of dirtiness of 100% !Also in our synthetic data evaluation we have used an {{formula:4a90a3ac-a4e3-46d5-82ca-c88a337a30c6}} (dirtiness) factor of at least 5% (Table REF ).To the best of our knowledge our work is the first to a) Provide an approach to factoring a large class of ICs, including many kinds of relation level ICssuch as FDs, aggregation constraints, inclusion dependencies, and set constraints in a correct manner into an uncertain database, b) Provide an approachto incorporating ICs that makes no assumptions on factors such as the degree of data dirtiness and is thus applicable to applications where the degreeof data dirtiness can in practice be quite high.", "In information extraction, the approach developed in {{cite:8e45657fc97cfbbd9101d55a304af15b3dae5361}} is to approximate a complex CRF distribution that represents text segmentation possibilities into a probabilistic relational model. This work however does notconsider any dependencies across different extracted segments, where each extracted segment is treated as a tuple.We address such dependencies as relation level ICs. In {{cite:8e45657fc97cfbbd9101d55a304af15b3dae5361}} the probability distribution beingapproximated is known to be generated from a CRF and an efficientforward-backward-message-passing algorithm is employed for marginal computation, vs our setting where marginal probabilities must be estimated.We compared with database repair {{cite:8b43871a9f40ad7ed78312934dd968781680fec5}}, {{cite:6008d555049a832c3f7b4147fc7c1bf512088099}}, {{cite:079bae6aa2d76fb92ae942bb03b575f4fa5227b3}} earlier and further note that most prior work on repair has considered only a limited set of constraints, such as {{cite:6008d555049a832c3f7b4147fc7c1bf512088099}} which deals with only functional (FD) and inclusion (IND) dependencies whereas our paper addresses a large class of attribute, tuple, and relation level ICs. Workon consistent query answering (CQA) deals with a related but different problem of answering queries over a dirty database considering constraintsover the database - this is established as a hard problem in general {{cite:079bae6aa2d76fb92ae942bb03b575f4fa5227b3}} with practical approaches {{cite:d68fb683c8b06778da590cd07ebd3a1c01bd1ece}} providedconsidering only primary key constraints." ]
Memento: Time Travel for the Web
The Web is ephemeral. Many resources have representations that change overtime, and many of those representations are lost forever. A lucky few manage toreappear as archived resources that carry their own URIs. For example, somecontent management systems maintain version pages that reflect a frozen priorstate of their changing resources. Archives recurrently crawl the web to obtainthe actual representation of resources, and subsequently make those availablevia special-purpose archived resources. In both cases, the archival copies haveURIs that are protocol-wise disconnected from the URI of the resource of whichthey represent a prior state. Indeed, the lack of temporal capabilities in themost common Web protocol, HTTP, prevents getting to an archived resource on thebasis of the URI of its original. This turns accessing archived resources intoa significant discovery challenge for both human and software agents, whichtypically involves following a multitude of links from the original to thearchival resource, or of searching archives for the original URI. This paperproposes the protocol-based Memento solution to address this problem, anddescribes a proof-of-concept experiment that includes major servers of archivalcontent, including Wikipedia and the Internet Archive. The Memento solution isbased on existing HTTP capabilities applied in a novel way to add the temporaldimension. The result is a framework in which archived resources can seamlesslybe reached via the URI of their original: protocol-based time travel for theWeb.
[ "The goal of adding a temporal aspect to web navigation has been explored in projects that focus on user interface enhancement. The Zoetrope project {{cite:4ae2df43555fbcd9f6f3843f4b6aee904e322e58}} provides a rich interface forquerying and interacting with a set of archived versions of selected seed pages. The interface leverages a local archive that is assembled by frequently polling those seed pages. The Past Web Browser{{cite:088df1174b81752ed81450ff7f4bb9e3ce18fe24}} provides a simpler level of interactionwith changing pages, but it is restricted to navigating existing web archives such asthe Internet Archive. And DiffIE is a plug-in for Internet Explorer that emphasizesweb content that changed since a user's previous visit by leveraging a dedicated client cache {{cite:4bc99b5376dea85d15c53cc7a738f14d5c5d1069}}. None of these projects propose protocol enhancements but rather use ad-hoc techniques to achieve their goals. All could benefit from DT-conneg as a standard mechanism for accessing prior representations of resources.", "Some projects have dealt with the problem of disappeared web pages and finding archived or replacement copies on the Web. The use of lexical signatures as search engine query terms was proposed as a way to find content that had moved from its original URI {{cite:dac3422954601cea5934b5f2f269946f7f5d22b8}}, {{cite:894219d29daef6941f58931c3cd9b24efafd7445}}. This approach was later applied to search for content in web archives {{cite:194fefba72c560a1530be74a03d9a44da26536cc}}, {{cite:ed56057cdccf6ab53e970b75f24584ffb3eb3b07}}. Also, when a “HTTP 404 Not Found” occurs, the ErrorZilla FireFox plug-inhttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3336 presents a user with a search page allowing her to find disappeared pages in web archives, and the UK National Archive's server plug-in redirects the client to an archive of its choice. As suggested (Section ), in the DT-conneg framework a client could intelligently react to 404s, and when doing so leverage available re-finding approaches.", "To the best of our knowledge, very little research has explored a protocol-based solution to augment the Web with time travel capabilities. TTApache {{cite:79a23e7897cb11d269daa89c40fe5dab1ef1bfb8}} introduced a modified version ofApache that stored archived representations in a local transactional archive(similar to the configuration illustrated in Figure REF ).Ad-hoc RPC-style mechanisms were used to access archived representations given the URI of their original, e.g. “page.html?02-Nov-2009” and", "“page.html?now”. This approach reveals the local scope of the problem addressed by TTApache, as opposed to the global perspective taken by the proposed DT-conneg framework. Indeed, the query components are issued against a specific server, and are not maintained when a client moves to another server as is the case with the X-Accept-Datetime header of DT-conneg. TTApache also allowed addressing archived representations using version numbers in query", "components rather than datetimes. This capability is similar to the deprecated “Content-Version” header field from RFC 2068 {{cite:a176598f79057036aefa0cfc135dd275f97e385b}} and other, similar expired proposals (e.g., {{cite:cf95370d6d3adffc4925cd7a1eedaf77657096db}}). Such versioning features have not found wide-spread adoption, presumably because their address space is tied to a specific resource or server, and not universal like the datetime of DT-conneg." ]
Estimating and Sampling Graphs with Multidimensional Random Walks
Estimating characteristics of large graphs via sampling is a vital part ofthe study of complex networks. Current sampling methods such as (independent)random vertex and random walks are useful but have drawbacks. Random vertexsampling may require too many resources (time, bandwidth, or money). Randomwalks, which normally require fewer resources per sample, can suffer from largeestimation errors in the presence of disconnected or loosely connected graphs.In this work we propose a new $m$-dimensional random walk that uses $m$dependent random walkers. We show that the proposed sampling method, which wecall Frontier sampling, exhibits all of the nice sampling properties of aregular random walk. At the same time, our simulations over large real worldgraphs show that, in the presence of disconnected or loosely connectedcomponents, Frontier sampling exhibits lower estimation errors than regularrandom walks. We also show that Frontier sampling is more suitable than randomvertex sampling to sample the tail of the degree distribution of the graph.
[ "This section is devoted to review the related literature.FS can be classified as a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method.Other MCMC-based methods have been applied to characterize complex networks.Applications include, but are not limited to estimating characteristics of a population {{cite:2ec11f040a837d762296ce021d6f6b2e1aad90d4}} (e.g. estimation of HIV seroprevalence among drug users {{cite:d3f734b2bf2e028b28c28584e7b697b88e9e5b57}}), content density in peer-to-peer networks {{cite:63284a805726f9012f8504a186629695e4908bd9}}, {{cite:14142d826d92da6059f2d3e90fb48517e2623a96}}, {{cite:f02496846070308c8f494590d1d01543437abe1a}}, {{cite:94003f891c9ec9fde2aa98b171fcdd554e85144a}}, uniformly sampling Web pages from the Internet {{cite:e8dd71c724283a14348d57088bc2a07ac1782fdb}}, {{cite:92f20a41a86d511c13c1331990819229b8b4dfa9}}, anduniformly sampling Web pages from a search engine's index {{cite:75a1e3948c760a0d185e063e5dfe6399495e6e93}}.The above literature is mostly concerned with random walks that seek to sample vertices uniformly (also known as Metropolized Random Walks or Metropolis-RW) {{cite:63284a805726f9012f8504a186629695e4908bd9}}, {{cite:e8dd71c724283a14348d57088bc2a07ac1782fdb}}, {{cite:92f20a41a86d511c13c1331990819229b8b4dfa9}}, {{cite:75a1e3948c760a0d185e063e5dfe6399495e6e93}}, {{cite:94003f891c9ec9fde2aa98b171fcdd554e85144a}}.The accuracy of RW and Metropolis-RW (MRW) is compared in {{cite:bba33f242f24bb35c2d39da418a825c2d1cf4cfe}}, {{cite:f02496846070308c8f494590d1d01543437abe1a}}, and in a variety of experiments RW estimates are shown to be consistently more accurate than or equal to MRW estimates.", "The above literature does not consider the use of multiple random walks to address the problem of estimating characteristics of disconnected or loosely connected graphs.While multiple independent random walkers have been used as a convergence test in the literature, our simulations in Section  show that independent walkers are not suited to sample loosely connected graphs when the starting vertices are selected uniformly at random.", "A number of real complex networks are known to have disconnected or loosely connected components.A large body of MCMC literature is dedicated to overcome the locality problem described in Section REF .However, the literature either assumes that the graph is very structured, e.g., a 2 dimensional lattice, or that the graph is completely known. These assumptions make the solutions inapplicable to our problem.A comprehensive list of MCMC methods and their characteristics can be found in {{cite:e71430ab930af03df04a57af291baf84f45f1d08}}.", "Projecting a RW onto a higher dimensional space has been used in {{cite:edd2459a93cf99942cd5d77d463f9f7148a8366b}} to make the Markov chain associated to the random walker nonreversible, which can speed up the mixing of the original RW.Unfortunately, it is unclear if this method can be successfully used to estimate characteristics of complex networks.", "In networks that cannot be crawled (e.g., the Internet topology), samples must be obtained along shortest paths, and vertex degrees cannot be queried, {{cite:b840b7e397171773db49d662ad2b2fe9673f8c54}} shows that observed vertex degrees are biased.Our work, however, assumes a graph can be crawled and vertex degrees queried.Our scenario admits a RW with an unbiased estimator.Multiple random walks also find other applications besides the one presented in this work.They are used to collect Web data {{cite:b43b2141ee801aa7999232ba48c45eba94ecc552}}, search P2P networks {{cite:71161fc20cb9548e596e16bcc801b539998d0fb5}}, {{cite:d4b6ff006046dc80e9d5aa3d57619eaaef2cc147}}, and decrease the time to discover “new wireless nodes” {{cite:aca5dfa7c22cc719b632d6fec29773488f91751d}}.Dependent multiple random walks are also used in percolation theory {{cite:65a60365376c29866b57ec95f8b5544f2a923681}}." ]
A Distributed Sequential Algorithm for Collaborative Intrusion Detection Networks
Collaborative intrusion detection networks are often used to gain betterdetection accuracy and cost efficiency as compared to a single host-basedintrusion detection system (IDS). Through cooperation, it is possible for alocal IDS to detect new attacks that may be known to other experiencedacquaintances. In this paper, we present a sequential hypothesis testing methodfor feedback aggregation for each individual IDS in the net- work. Oursimulation results corroborate our theoretical results and demonstrate theproperties of cost efficiency and accuracy compared to other heuristic methods.The analytical result on the lower-bound of the average number of acquaintancesfor consultation is essential for the design and configuration of IDSs in acollaborative environment.
[ "Many CIDNs were proposed in the literature, such as Indra {{cite:2a0becc7507bf7f23c613606499e1fe44e19e5fb}}, DOMINO {{cite:41f9955089ddb91f28303121b7a7b3dec4b9fbca}}, and NetShield {{cite:3506b9cef39920d91a4a6171b350453ed01cd494}}. However, these works did not address the problem that the system might be degraded by some compromised insiders who are dishonest or malicious.", "Simple majority voting {{cite:4b22d410230b9577268c43712f7f08f3da2844ea}} and trust management are commonly used to detect malicious insiders in CIDNs. Existing trust management models for CIDN are either linear as in {{cite:91bedd2bc87b20983da37b19473bd0b68f813718}}, {{cite:461518c8c57fd5cc1e93631a165a2edfe5f6d0a9}}, or Bayesian model as in  {{cite:65f8769a30456508489fe78e75aced95b225af40}}. They are based on heuristic where the feedback aggregation is either a simple average  {{cite:9b5ba57845f940c3f62bc3396596563baac40b97}} or a weighted average {{cite:65f8769a30456508489fe78e75aced95b225af40}}. Moreover, no decision cost is considered in these models. In this paper, we use a sequential hypothesis testing model aiming at finding cost-minimizing decisions based on collected feedback. Existing work that applies hypothesis testing for intrusion detection includes{{cite:8dcfc71fde026ba4487fb6a58473775b5b560369}} and {{cite:ab359632c7541b24ce646959887fbb41ad768364}}, where a central data fusion center is used to aggregate results from distributed sensors in a local area network. However, their methodologies are limited to the context that all participants need to engage in every detection case. While in our context, IDSs may not be involved in all intrusions detection and the collected responses may be from different groups of IDSs each time.{{figure:9a96e506-b0cf-4295-949d-c64e77d122ba}}" ]
Parallel Generation of Massive Scale-Free Graphs
One of the biggest huddles faced by researchers studying algorithms formassive graphs is the lack of large input graphs that are essential for thedevelopment and test of the graph algorithms. This paper proposes two efficientand highly scalable parallel graph generation algorithms that can producemassive realistic graphs to address this issue. The algorithms, designed toachieve high degree of parallelism by minimizing inter-processorcommunications, are two of the fastest graph generators which are capable ofgenerating scale-free graphs with billions of vertices and edges. The syntheticgraphs generated by the proposed methods possess the most common properties ofreal complex networks such as power-law degree distribution, small-worldness,and communities-within-communities. Scalability was tested on a large clusterat Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. In the experiment, we were able togenerate a graph with 1 billion vertices and 5 billion edges in less than 13seconds. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest synthetic scale-freegraph reported in the literature.
[ "Erdös and Rényi have proposed a simple model that generates equilibrium random graphs, calledErdös-Rényi random graphs {{cite:514f35540db7c39d6416f724d53c8fc28e5fdd3d}}.In this model, given a fixed number of vertices, a graph is constructed by connectingrandomly chosen vertices with an edge repeatedly until the predetermined number of edges areobtained. This model is restrictive in that it produces only Poisson degree distributions.", "Dorogovtsev et al. proposed a model that can generate graphs with fat-tailed degreedistributions {{cite:0301e97893b07c9d15557af160b936fae38e5ae3}}.Given a random graph, this model restructures the given graph byrewiring a randomly chosen end of a randomly chosen edge to a preferentially chosen vertex andalso moving a randomly chosen edge to a position between two preferentially chosen verticesat each step of the evolution.", "The model proposed by Watts and Strogatz {{cite:69c8408d866960664185df2a74b54ff4b9938037}} generates random structureswith small diameter, which has been named as small-world graphs. This model transforms aregular one-dimensional lattice (with vertex degree of four or higher) by rewiring each edge,with certain probability, to a randomly chosen vertex. It has been found that, even with the smallrewiring probability, the average shortest-path length of the resulting graphs is of the order ofthat of random graphs, and generate graphs with fat-tailed degree distributions.", "The majority of recent models uses a method called preferential attachment {{cite:13bd0ef03de63b67546412163aefc6e173df72d9}}.In a representative model among these, proposed by Barabasi and Albert {{cite:3b8fa15978ec81913ffe77d0837dabc44cd1e08c}}, a new vertexjoins the graph at each time step and gets connected to an existing vertex with probabilityproportional to the vertex degree. With preferential attachment, these models canemulate the dynamic growth of real graphs.", "Leskovec et al. {{cite:6bced70bfe7bcacbf29c359b00456b45c3c2514e}} have proposed a graph generation model that addressessome of recently discovered properties of time-evolving graphs: densification andshrinking diameter. The main idea of their model is to recursively create self-similar graphswith certain degree of randomness. The self-similarity of the graphs is achieved by usingthe Kronecker product (also known as tensor product) {{cite:f65b26e2797498aa5dbacea3bc942fc55abaf6b2}}, which is a naturaltool to construct self-similar structures.Given a seed graph, at each step this model computes theKronecker product of two matrices that represent the seed graph and the graph generated in previousstep respectively.The graphs generated with this method have regular structure. The model changes the entries inthe target matrix with a certain probability before each multiplication toadd randomness to the graph." ]
Self-Taught Hashing for Fast Similarity Search
The ability of fast similarity search at large scale is of great importanceto many Information Retrieval (IR) applications. A promising way to acceleratesimilarity search is semantic hashing which designs compact binary codes for alarge number of documents so that semantically similar documents are mapped tosimilar codes (within a short Hamming distance). Although some recentlyproposed techniques are able to generate high-quality codes for documents knownin advance, obtaining the codes for previously unseen documents remains to be avery challenging problem. In this paper, we emphasise this issue and propose anovel Self-Taught Hashing (STH) approach to semantic hashing: we first find theoptimal $l$-bit binary codes for all documents in the given corpus viaunsupervised learning, and then train $l$ classifiers via supervised learningto predict the $l$-bit code for any query document unseen before. Ourexperiments on three real-world text datasets show that the proposed approachusing binarised Laplacian Eigenmap (LapEig) and linear Support Vector Machine(SVM) outperforms state-of-the-art techniques significantly.
[ "There has been extensive research on fast similarity search due to its central importance in many applications.For a low-dimensional feature space, similarity search can be carried out efficiently with pre-built space-partitioning index structures (such as KD-tree) or data-partitioning index structures (such as R-tree) {{cite:ca838cb460151855f7e446ad7cef0b2c345b4f74}}. However, when the dimensionality of feature space is high (say {{formula:5065f3a9-0e61-4fac-abf2-9655e9a3c93f}} ), similarity search aiming to return exact results cannot be done better than the naive method — a linear scan of the entire collection {{cite:bffd0c30c93a423b2144cfd1382dce30020a9365}}. In the IR domain, documents are typically represented as feature vectors in a space of more than thousands of dimensions {{cite:850acbe3d8f4cad84396b5de6cf981d8de4a7bce}}. Nevertheless, if the complete exactness of results is not really necessary, similarity search in a high-dimensional space can be dramatically speeded up by using hash-based methods which are purposefully designed to approximately answer queries in virtually constant time {{cite:e405e16b3f5535f26dd554c943e33fa9f7a75438}}.", "Such hash-based methods for fast similarity search can be considered as a means for embedding high-dimensional feature vectors to a low-dimensional Hamming space (the set of all {{formula:91b99edf-53a2-4496-97fe-74550e350715}} binary strings of length {{formula:c485f242-7d46-4261-947a-89218adfa6b5}} ), while retaining as much as possible the semantic similarity structure of data. Unlike standard dimensionality reduction techniques such as Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) {{cite:4cb644231d7832d2af2e29d834be88edfe29beb1}}, {{cite:1924914565406b0331c7d678e2e7305f97317dfe}} and Locality-Preserving Indexing (LPI) {{cite:6983bf0708f048b4743bd4159bd95b1b9abd67cd}}, {{cite:91a7a82965cf7dadc1816e13b23d243d31913afc}}, hashing techniques map feature vectors to binary codes, which is key to extremely fast similarity search (see Section ).One possible way to get binary codes for text documents is to binarise the real-valued low-dimensional vectors (obtained from dimensionality reduction techniques like LSI) via thresholding {{cite:70cb018f31480b7be16ea3eace40d30427328bf7}}.An improvement on binarised-LSI that directly optimises a Hamming distance based objective function, namely Laplacian Co-Hashing (LCH), has been proposed recently {{cite:fd96b58ec17238e3ef8d1cf13653391923ddc9ed}}.", "The most well-known hashing technique that preserves similarity information is probably Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) {{cite:7953108a2b7fee7d9fa42a6f2012853b4fdd8131}}. LSH simply employs random linear projections (followed by random thresholding) to map data points close in a Euclidean space to similar codes. It is theoretically guaranteed that as the code length increases, the Hamming distance between two codes will asymptotically approach the Euclidean distance between their corresponding data points. However, since the design of hash functions for LSH is data-oblivious, LSH may lead to quite inefficient (long) codes in practice {{cite:70cb018f31480b7be16ea3eace40d30427328bf7}}, {{cite:ea06e280abea126f58f9204708d821ad7b43f4ea}}.", "Several recently proposed hashing techniques attempt to overcome this problem by finding good data-aware hash functions through machine learning.In {{cite:70cb018f31480b7be16ea3eace40d30427328bf7}}, the authors proposed to use stacked Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) {{cite:45eafc925ed92850838e674589ad6dc51bd779b9}}, {{cite:84bbd6161f082146efd00e8001ca1be4e97963ca}}, and showed that it was indeed able to generate compact binary codes to accelerate document retrieval.Researchers have also tried the boosting approach to Similarity Sensitive Coding (SSC) {{cite:8020bb079f6372294a8a900e1f16b9b343e594ad}} and Forgiving Hashing (FgH) {{cite:b07b4af1477e8107f2732daf2b16b7274abbd087}} — they first train AdaBoost {{cite:2d2f8a593fd54d74fe2e435688c852c784f8c4a1}} classifiers with similar pairs of items as positive examples (and also non-similar pairs of items as negative examples in SCC), and then take the output of all (decision stump) weak learners on a given document as its binary code.In {{cite:1f67fb9947af7f7314954a73f946bb2968a5d757}}, both stacked-RBM and boosting-SSC were found to work significantly better and faster than LSH when applied to a database containing tens of millions of images.In {{cite:ea06e280abea126f58f9204708d821ad7b43f4ea}}, a new technique called Spectral Hashing (SpH) was proposed. It has demonstrated significant improvements over LSH, stacked-RBM and boosting-SSC in terms of the number of bits required to find good similar items.There is some resemblance between the first step of SpH and the unsupervised learning stage of our STH approach, because both are related to spectral graph partitioning {{cite:15d612f335fecf89378125576b35a9620235a29b}}, {{cite:f7030e49e420d07087f856481a7e9aaa10dae001}}, {{cite:bce5c764852c8361eb61a80cbbd0294b09a6c288}}. Nevertheless, we use a different spectral method and take a different way to address the entropy maximising criterion (see Section REF ). More importantly, in order to process query documents, SpH has to assume that the data are uniformly distributed in a hyper-rectangle, which is apparently very restrictive. In contrast, our proposed STH approach can work with any data distribution and it is much more flexible (see Section REF ). The superiority of STH to SpH has been confirmed by our experimental results (see Section ).", "A somewhat related, but different, line of research is to use hashing representations for machine learning {{cite:41c7af64d1300dac8e22270c46bb7a71f46b080e}}, {{cite:de69112802224f999b0bb4bcc98d2c04bb6a9cc9}}. The objective of such techniques is to accelerate complex learning algorithms, but not similarity search. Our work is basically the other way around." ]
MIREX: MapReduce Information Retrieval Experiments
We propose to use MapReduce to quickly test new retrieval approaches on acluster of machines by sequentially scanning all documents. We present a smallcase study in which we use a cluster of 15 low cost ma- chines to search a webcrawl of 0.5 billion pages showing that sequential scanning is a viableapproach to running large-scale information retrieval experiments with littleeffort. The code is available to other researchers at:http://mirex.sourceforge.net
[ "The idea to use sequential scanning of documents to research new retrieval approaches is certainly not new: We know of at least one researcher who used sequential scanning over ten years ago for his thesis {{cite:3d7bcd8bb0346ac3ab2859d244ca4b50f3300547}}. Without high-level programming paradigms like MapReduce, however, efficiently implementing sequential scanning is not a trivial task, and without a cluster of machines the approach does not scale to large collections.", "Lin {{cite:0a09b5ba741b223d0a3d9b6182ae6cb3f37cae01}} used Hadoop MapReduce for computing pairwise document similarities. Our implementation resembles Lin's brute force algorithm that also scans document representations linearly. Our approach is simpeler because our preprocessing step does not divide the collection into blocks, nor does it compute document vectors." ]
A New Benchmark For Evaluation Of Graph-Theoretic Algorithms
We propose a new graph-theoretic benchmark in this paper. The benchmark isdeveloped to address shortcomings of an existing widely-used graph benchmark.We thoroughly studied a large number of traditional and contemporary graphalgorithms reported in the literature to have clear understanding of theiralgorithmic and run-time characteristics. Based on this study, we designed asuite of kernels, each of which represents a specific class of graphalgorithms. The kernels are designed to capture the typical run-time behaviorof target algorithms accurately, while limiting computational and spatialoverhead to ensure its computation finishes in reasonable time. We expect thatthe developed benchmark will serve as a much needed tool for evaluatingdifferent architectures and programming models to run graph algorithms.
[ "Although there are numerous graph algorithms reported in the literature,little work has been done in graph-centric benchmark development.The most relevant work in this area is probably the recently developedbenchmark suite, called DARPA High Productivity Computer Systems (HPCS) Scalable Synthetic Compact Application (SSCA)Graph Analysis Benchmark, which is commonly known as SSCA#2 benchmark {{cite:0ac1b856c036de203dcefe3bbbbea2ff51d32000}}.The SSCA#2 benchmark suite is comprised of a synthetic scale-free graph generator based on RMATmethod {{cite:d5c842437c8b33e19ce6893414034cd2d5cff1ba}}and four kernels. Each of the kernels is designed based on a small set of fundamental graph-related algorithms.It is the only benchmark currently available for architectural evaluation for graph-theoretic problems.However, the SSCA#2 benchmark suffers significant shortcomings.One of the biggest drawbacks is that the benchmark is not comprehensive.Also, among the four kernels in the benchmark, kernels 1 and 2 are not directly graph-related.Remaining kernels suffer design flaws that prevent the benchmark from accurately modeling the real execution-timecharacteristics of the targeted algorithms.In addition, its use of RMAT as a synthetic graph generator results in longer graph generation time andgraphs that do not resemble common real-world scale-free graphs.", "Gokhale et. al. {{cite:7351c7297bc9457c941718e0fef927a123031e75}} have evaluated the use ofexisting and emerging computing architectures, storage technologies,and programming models to solve data-intensive problems in various scientific and engineering disciplines.One of the data-intensive applications considered in their research was graph algorithms. In particular, they wereinterested in the graph algorithms that access very large graphs stored in external storage devices.In an effort to investigate the use of the new storage devices and identify what is needed for the efficient and scalablecomputation of graph applications, they developed a graph-centric benchmark that operates on out-of-core graphs.This benchmark measures the performance and scalability of the graph ingestion and search.", "A library that contains a set of the most commonly used graph algorithms hasbeen developed {{cite:852c3830f29d016252c18e490721244146110799}}.The library, called Boost Graph Library (BGL), enables the reuse of graph algorithms and datastructures by providing the users with a generic interface that allows access to a graph's structure whilehiding the details of the implementation.Therefore, any graph algorithms or libraries that implement this interface will be able toaccess the BGL generic algorithms and other algorithms that use the interface.The BGL offers some of the fundamental graph algorithms that includebreadth- and depth-first search algorithms, Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, Kruskal's and Prim'sminimum spanning tree algorithms, and find strongly connected components algorithms.In addition to the graph algorithms, the BGL supports common graph representations: adjacency_list andadjacency_matrix.The BGL itself can be used as a benchmark, since it supports a wide range of fundamentalgraph algorithms and common data structures to represent graphs.However, it lacks a means to fine control the behavior of these graph algorithms, which any realbenchmark is expected to provide." ]
Gaussian Z-Interference Channel with a Relay Link: Achievability Region and Asymptotic Sum Capacity
This paper studies a Gaussian Z-interference channel with a rate-limiteddigital relay link from one receiver to another. Achievable rate regions arederived based on a combination of Han-Kobayashi common-private informationsplitting technique and several different relay strategies includingcompress-and-forward and a partial decode-and-forward strategy, in which theinterference is partially decoded then binned and forwarded through the digitallink for subtraction at the other end. For the Gaussian Z-interference channelwith a digital link from the interference-free receiver to the interferedreceiver, the capacity region is established in the strong interference regime;an achievable rate region is established in the weak interference regime. Inthe weak interference regime, the partial decode-and-forward strategy is shownto be asymptotically sum-capacity achieving in the high signal-to-noise ratioand high interference-to-noise ratio limit. In this case, each relay bitasymptotically improves the sum capacity by one bit. For the GaussianZ-interference channel with a digital link from the interfered receiver to theinterference-free receiver, the capacity region is established in the stronginterference regime; achievable rate regions are established in the moderatelystrong and weak interference regimes. In addition, the asymptotically sumcapacity is established in the limit of large relay link rate. In this case,the sum capacity improvement due to the digital link is bounded by half a bitwhen the interference link is weaker than certain threshold, but the sumcapacity improvement becomes unbounded as the interference link becomesstronger.
[ "The Gaussian Z-interference channel has been extensively studied inthe literature. It is one of the few examples of an interference channel(besides the strong interference case {{cite:af6b71c861c284a4417dc863a80cabccda778b2a}}, {{cite:2c5f741d381a568345276f9de50e39d2f76119e4}}, {{cite:a652a614f427661b802a21c5fc8d5db90e271086}}and the very weak interference case {{cite:0095f89608cfdab4bdc2f73f921dd9d9bc612474}}, {{cite:25c1cdb24b6f0abe75b2089bb75f4d4aa90e0562}}, {{cite:2ac412688819a8ed730983132accc7dee86c10ac}}) forwhich the sum capacity has been established. The sum capacity of theGaussian Z-interference channel in the weak interference regime isachieved with both transmitters using Gaussian codebooks and with theinterfered receiver treating the interference as noise{{cite:e207a6a79e91eacf759563368831bba85f98bcb1}}, {{cite:a7b1f9e4e2e715bac563a467c8006463d6f2cf19}}.", "The fundamental decode-and-forward and compress-and-forward strategiesfor the relay channel are due to the classic work of Cover and El Gamal{{cite:2c8d9674d3a5a81667a6a8f803eb0168ec6d4a15}}. Our study of the interference channel with a relaylink is motivated by the more recent capacity results for a class ofdeterministic relay channels investigated by Kim {{cite:59cc8e8ce3a91312f1b734f1cb2b7a74dca1c2c9}} and aclass of modulo-sum relay channels investigated by Aleksic et al.{{cite:491b1725c211a2633d81c963bd94bc3c36eea90d}}, where the relay observes the noise in the directchannel. The situation investigated in {{cite:59cc8e8ce3a91312f1b734f1cb2b7a74dca1c2c9}}, {{cite:491b1725c211a2633d81c963bd94bc3c36eea90d}} is similarto the Type I Gaussian Z-relay-interference channel, where theinterference-free receiver observes a noisy version of theinterference at the interfered receiver and helps the interferedreceiver by describing the interference through a noiseless relaylink.", "The channel model studied in the paper is related to the work of Sahin et al. {{cite:b56f4498b44a2a2b5b7743d50ac8922f063560af}}, {{cite:dc1755a5e8d84f9d17e5dbdda356db7808889030}}, {{cite:6085a029f9876ef4f404f116732229e301225a75}}, Marić et al.{{cite:6beca44a35a44759a2b8432b32910dfae7a5f922}}, Dabora et al. {{cite:e0fe2fc1dd89a778945610be16fbcb814648247e}}, and Tian and Yener {{cite:2a2995f2afc87882cc08eef7b53abe7e3a6b3892}}, where theachievable rate regions and the relay strategies are studied for an interference channel with an additional relay node, and where the relay observes the transmitted signals from the inputs and contributes to the outputs of both channels. In particular, {{cite:6beca44a35a44759a2b8432b32910dfae7a5f922}}, {{cite:e0fe2fc1dd89a778945610be16fbcb814648247e}} propose an interference-forwarding strategy which is similar to the one used for the Type I channel in this paper.In a similar setup, the works of Ng et al.{{cite:29ca81649955fb9b1404a0d09e761fdc2b013358}} and Høst-Madsen{{cite:531ce803863cac3b230fb72060b57d028c95eb38}} study the interference channelwith analog relay links at the receiver, and use thecompress-and-forward relay strategy to obtain capacitybounds and asymptotic results.", "This paper is closely related to the work of Wang and Tse{{cite:e126564aea14c573f112d9c950ad5c8944c333c7}}, Prabhakaran and Viswanath{{cite:c4b7ee645be2c1517ddcdfed4ce5a6f0441fa078}}, and Simeone et al.{{cite:a8b5ba805a29d1f39c619191468240e42778143a}}, where the interference channel with limited receivercooperation is studied. In {{cite:a8b5ba805a29d1f39c619191468240e42778143a}}, the achievable rates of aWyner-type cellular model with either uni- or bidirectionalfinite-capacity backhaul links are characterized. In{{cite:e126564aea14c573f112d9c950ad5c8944c333c7}}, a more general channel model in whicha two-user Gaussian interference channel is augmented with bidirectionaldigital relay links is considered, and a conferencing protocol basedon the quantize-map-and-forward strategy of {{cite:e8dbc50974bf9b18c8dc68d86d22fe4c7b69bbd7}}is proposed.", "The present paper considers a special case of the channel model in{{cite:e126564aea14c573f112d9c950ad5c8944c333c7}}, i.e.,a simplified Gaussian Z-interference channel model witha unidirectional digital relay link. Byfocusing on this special case, we are ableto derive concrete achievability results and upper bounds and obtaininsights on the rate improvement due to the relay link.For example, while {{cite:e126564aea14c573f112d9c950ad5c8944c333c7}} adopts a universalpower splitting ratio of {{cite:e207a6a79e91eacf759563368831bba85f98bcb1}} at the transmitter to achievethe capacity region to within 2 bits, this paper adapts thepower splitting ratio to channel parameters, and shows thatin the weak interference regime a relay link from the interference-freereceiver to the interfered receiver is much more beneficial than arelay link in the opposite direction for a Z-interference channel." ]
Efficient L1/Lq Norm Regularization
Sparse learning has recently received increasing attention in many areasincluding machine learning, statistics, and applied mathematics. The mixed-normregularization based on the L1/Lq norm with q > 1 is attractive in manyapplications of regression and classification in that it facilitates groupsparsity in the model. The resulting optimization problem is, however,challenging to solve due to the structure of the L1/Lq -regularization.Existing work deals with special cases including q = 2,infinity, and theycannot be easily extended to the general case. In this paper, we propose anefficient algorithm based on the accelerated gradient method for solving theL1/Lq -regularized problem, which is applicable for all values of q larger than1, thus significantly extending existing work. One key building block of theproposed algorithm is the L1/Lq -regularized Euclidean projection (EP1q). Ourtheoretical analysis reveals the key properties of EP1q and illustrates whyEP1q for the general q is significantly more challenging to solve than thespecial cases. Based on our theoretical analysis, we develop an efficientalgorithm for EP1q by solving two zero finding problems. Experimental resultsdemonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
[ "We briefly review recent studies on {{formula:6afc3de0-83a5-42d4-bc08-e0c43a3663ed}} -regularization,most of which focus on {{formula:39c290a7-aca4-4885-9260-5452d3fe5d10}} -regularization and/or{{formula:4e90eb7b-656d-4c16-99fd-a8206eaa8c4b}} -regularization.", "{{formula:b67b1ad1-866c-4c52-9fa4-2e0fed57e15b}} -Regularization: The group Lasso was proposedin {{cite:666cd9b841ce59bfa32b4ea2988ee534e54903ce}} to select the groups of variables for predictionin the least squares regression. In {{cite:38be93ed19eade5dec9b93ed2952849a4956e139}}, the idea ofgroup lasso was extended for classification by the logisticregression model, and an algorithm via the coordinate gradientdescent {{cite:d847710a1bfd84aa3e4e1947de3f73242581cccb}} was developed. In {{cite:9592bc1ff3b821e5868f7e347e5b555595f603cc}},the authors considered joint covariate selection for groupedclassification by the logistic loss, and developed a blockwiseboosting Lasso algorithm with the boosted Lasso {{cite:33b0d3f4d1613344bdfd884c2348c820f4cb0919}}.In {{cite:045484f1762bf64e95fe132aef421d9ba3a5c3f7}}, the authors proposed to learn the sparserepresentations shared across multiple tasks, and designed analternating algorithm. The Spectral projected-gradient (Spg)algorithm was proposed for solving the {{formula:cc467912-53b1-4e37-8e79-20a733f19117}} -ballconstrained smooth optimization problem {{cite:35dea6998e856d2cdccb3b5e4f9f2c071e8e040c}},equipped with an efficient Euclidean projection that has expectedlinear runtime. The {{formula:b54a8290-ca14-48ac-ab95-96cdd6335471}} -regularized multi-task learningwas proposed in {{cite:f4e7cea3eb152c31c69e42533ca0406b6d186b51}}, and the equivalent smoothreformulations were solved by the Nesterov'smethod {{cite:71b848dcffa1019d020b95886f5d83c2a1bd5d5e}}.", "{{formula:880423b2-a44f-4f50-8357-fb958eb14ed0}} -Regularization: A blockwise coordinate descentalgorithm {{cite:f1ca8f344ccb8c8669dab5a29921b9ccd8246109}} was developed for the mutli-taskLasso {{cite:6465c603a124711dbac5200e962d788c0d038e99}}. It was applied to the neuralsemantic basis discovery problem. In {{cite:ef29eece38b4ffa6f04e7e18623f9f7fbe22a7f5}}, theauthors considered the multi-task learning via the{{formula:256e6b6d-3080-4457-8c2f-b865965411e5}} -regularization, and proposed to solve theequivalent {{formula:3ed04e70-d5d6-4831-a965-3f1bfe37f6fa}} -ball constrained problem by theprojected gradient descent. In {{cite:e842f18d5089558121887eb764bc0d09a11689d4}}, the authorsconsidered the multivariate regression via the{{formula:d56fb249-34e9-4ebc-b86a-78fd44d50c84}} -regularization, showed that thehigh-dimensional scaling of {{formula:be75c95c-c43e-4232-9df9-41d4270cf146}} -regularization isqualitatively similar to that of ordinary {{formula:28697f86-2178-4e44-a332-b5cb3e68032d}} -regularization,and revealed that, when the overlap parameter is large enough({{formula:3c687f41-6787-44c0-949c-d27f0f3bceae}} ), {{formula:09244e5b-316d-44aa-980a-8a0e8309ae5b}} -regularization yields the improvedstatistical efficiency over {{formula:e330324c-c197-49ac-9bde-7ff57047620f}} -regularization.", "{{formula:655348ab-12da-4c69-9f71-7cfd2ead1191}} -Regularization: In {{cite:b2b59eee222da890c9d3e01cd3639ec541134395}}, theauthors studied the problem of boosting with structural sparsity, anddeveloped several boosting algorithms for regularization penaltiesincluding {{formula:8b44efb4-cd3f-434c-af91-cc878627659f}} , {{formula:f82f0acb-e5e8-4196-bc2d-9404f8fa41ad}} , {{formula:075e740a-43dd-4de3-9e5a-1f980ca6a3d3}} , and{{formula:884be1b1-094b-4831-bfb3-8d5ecf379e0f}} . In {{cite:27a208aec9a07e7d21d562be84833d54137a178a}}, the composite absolutepenalties (CAP) family was introduced, and an algorithm called iCAPwas developed. iCAP employed the least squares loss and the{{formula:cda1092a-0eaa-407a-9de2-ae522ae8627a}} regularization, and was implemented by theboosted Lasso {{cite:33b0d3f4d1613344bdfd884c2348c820f4cb0919}}. The multivariate regression with the{{formula:0e113360-8e3d-418c-a84c-0462b03b3edb}} -regularization was studiedin {{cite:652f8c07f7cb48abd3535fc648f1bd629166b6d1}}. In {{cite:1109311f8eaf9dcd6ed11206ad526e153deee85a}}, a unifiedframework was provided for establishing consistency and convergencerates for the regularized {{formula:0ee7bb63-7a13-4bfe-8097-71b40e61d93e}} -estimators, and the results for{{formula:38b291ff-d1b0-4ca0-abae-54c07932cb06}} regularization was established." ]
Higher-order derivatives of the QR and of the real symmetric eigenvalue decomposition in forward and reverse mode algorithmic differentiation
We address the task of higher-order derivative evaluation of computerprograms that contain QR decompositions and real symmetric eigenvaluedecompositions. The approach is a combination of univariate Taylor polynomialarithmetic and matrix calculus in the (combined) forward/reverse mode ofAlgorithmic Differentiation (AD). Explicit algorithms are derived and presentedin an accessible form. The approach is illustrated via examples.
[ "This paper is concerned with the efficient evaluation of higher-order derivatives of functions {{formula:131b3eac-4f50-41a7-8922-6dd998fc578f}} which are implemented as computer programs that contain numerical linear algebra functions like the QR or the real symmetric eigenvalue decomposition.", "Traditionally, Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) tools like ADOL-C {{cite:f6a242a669dc9e6bde786f53124af2802355c7b8}} or CppAD {{cite:a7aa740d80612f6d364fc6e27468f4077b949232}} regard the functions defined in the C header file math.h as elementary functions. In the forward mode of AD, their approach to compute higher-order derivatives is to generalize from real arithmetic to univariate Taylor polynomial (UTP) arithmetic {{cite:f6a242a669dc9e6bde786f53124af2802355c7b8}}, {{cite:66cb1d4ec10db133abb8ccd388be564c3c6348c9}}, {{cite:4624e48a7113692e656efe202c6e339fed2a4d01}}. For the reverse mode of AD, the program evaluation is traced and stored in a computational graph or on a sequential tape. During the so-called reverse sweep the stored intermediate values are retrieved and used to compute derivatives (c.f. Section ).", "As explained in Section , the functions in math.h suffice since all computable functions are a concatenation of these functions. However, working only at the expression level has also disadvantages since no global knowledge of the function's structure can be used. A particularly important class of algorithms in science and engineering are numerical linear algebra (NLA) functions. Though NLA functions are typically locally smooth, their implementations often contain non-differentiable operations and program branches. If no special care is taken, this may result in incorrect computations of derivatives. Also, many NLA functions on {{formula:988407db-fe60-4a36-be59-87ce9781f5d1}} matrices require {{formula:4bcd4b22-cc84-42fc-b21e-9c58a19b641c}} arithmetic operations. Since during the reverse mode intermediate results are required, this would yield an {{formula:016c05ee-8709-4a45-8f92-eef24b27ea3c}} memory requirement. Though it may be possible to adapt codes to yield reduced memory requirements, as for instance reported for the LU decomposition {{cite:32abf7318be081b42089a0e697f42391c5fd4132}}, in practice it can be a cumbersome and error-prone process. Also one would like to reuse existing, high-performance implementations of NLA algorithms. Adding the NLA functions to the list of elementary functions circumvents this problem. This has been realized before {{cite:10cc54e278cac8ecb500c2414529842b5bc90492}}, {{cite:2efae808f0b1e657954668fcdbfe61b4c28a9727}} and also UTP algorithms for some NLA functions (e.g. the solution of linear equations) have been implemented in software {{cite:73e22ead829e6ba6dd0ce479c35a0083d4ce821d}}.", "The contribution of this paper is to provide explicit algorithms for UTP arithmetic applied to the QR decomposition and the real symmetric eigenvalue decomposition. Note that our approach to the real symmetric eigenvalue decomposition is similar to {{cite:326dcd4affe57503aa6a73fbee3c32a1cb527069}}, {{cite:a9f97b685629f079fa8181fd3b2812356a3fcd91}} but our algorithmic result differs. In addition, we also treat the reverse mode of AD.", "The document is structured as follows: In Section we give two application examples for the algorithms presented in this document, followed by a brief review of the underlying computational model in Section . We shortly describe the basics of AD in Section where we make use of the results from . In Section we describe the general approach of NLA functions. After that, we apply the results from Section to find extended functions for the QR and eigenvalue decomposition in Section and and also provide pullback algorithms that are necessary in in the reverse mode of AD. Finally, we present some numerical results in Section ." ]
Time Series Classification by Class-Specific Mahalanobis Distance Measures
To classify time series by nearest neighbors, we need to specify or learn oneor several distance measures. We consider variations of the Mahalanobisdistance measures which rely on the inverse covariance matrix of the data.Unfortunately --- for time series data --- the covariance matrix has often lowrank. To alleviate this problem we can either use a pseudoinverse, covarianceshrinking or limit the matrix to its diagonal. We review these alternatives andbenchmark them against competitive methods such as the related Large MarginNearest Neighbor Classification (LMNN) and the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)distance. As we expected, we find that the DTW is superior, but the Mahalanobisdistance measures are one to two orders of magnitude faster. To get bestresults with Mahalanobis distance measures, we recommend learning one distancemeasure per class using either covariance shrinking or the diagonal approach.
[ "Several distance functions are used for time series classification, such as", "Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) {{cite:edafc5def43a4cec31407ee68c48578e5848a579}},DISSIM {{cite:c3304790974f2d54be2d7192f38a133a5d97b4dc}},ThresholdQueries {{cite:65d7ca02b17ddd7a384265a00d73f93be38ff3e1}},Edit distances {{cite:21b01bd0cfffa07b1fd0457fca86619b627686a6}}, {{cite:3be4c92db57eb6da108e4130a5c722c8b84addf5}},Longest Common Subsequences (LCSS) {{cite:8c5e54d190902d9032f95eedf967fb5924e776f6}},Swale {{cite:04688d37ac7055b0359652c25b64e2419e5cfcba}},SpADe {{cite:b9116874ec819695d2cb46378c75c265102d459f}},and Cluster, Then Classify (CTC) {{cite:9eafc00b1a5e0348295967712cd7d6075317720b}}.", "{{cite:ef4231577f481c6764b07f497a9e6ab5acd09c38}} presented an extensive comparison of these distance functions andconcluded that DTW is among the best measures and that the accuracy of the Euclidean distanceconverges to DTW as the size of the training set increases.", "In a general Machine Learning setting, {{cite:ad10ea0da68bf725251b7bb32788f06a015f0895}}, {{cite:c3aa6e3ff7190315f3fc2900e053bf845aeae682}} compared Euclidean distance with the conventional and class-based Mahalanobis distances.One of our contribution is to validate these generic results on time series: instead of tens of features, we have hundreds or even thousands of values which makes the problem mathematically more challenging: the rank of our covariance matrices areoften tiny compared to their sizes.", "More generally, distance metric learning has an extensive literature {{cite:811bb32169fcc31f62c56ccfba7db2b5d0aeaf21}}, {{cite:e8f3bdc2fc5bd14049348f1f78cfd960f4e5fae5}}, {{cite:d31f0a6bd837ee90b520e965a0c43e96b1840d00}}, {{cite:bb633cd1fed7c25083bab126de21463a7e7cd380}}.We refer the reader to {{cite:7b3426c9378ce15f08e8f88ab1eaa2165a73e44a}} for a review.", "A conventional distance-learning approach is to find an optimal generalized ellipsoiddistance with respect to a specific loss function.The LMNN algorithm proposed by {{cite:7b3426c9378ce15f08e8f88ab1eaa2165a73e44a}} takes a different approach. It seeks to force nearest neighbors to belong to the same class and it separates instances from different classes by a large margin.LMNN can beformulated as a semi-definite programming problem.They also propose a modificationwhich they call multiple metrics LMNN as it learns different distances for each class.", "There are many extensions and alternatives to NN classification. For example,{{cite:03ba381dda558e4d88c062b3ec8b085d3f18acbf}} use instance weights to improve classification.Meanwhile, {{cite:f482d7aa11071cf733368e35049c643978ed5df6}} learn a distance per instance." ]
The use of machine learning with signal- and NLP processing of source code to fingerprint, detect, and classify vulnerabilities and weaknesses with MARFCAT
We present a machine learning approach to static code analysis andfingerprinting for weaknesses related to security, software engineering, andothers using the open-source MARF framework and the MARFCAT application basedon it for the NIST's SATE2010 static analysis tool exposition workshop found athttp://samate.nist.gov/SATE2010Workshop.html
[ "Related work (to various degree of relevance)can be found below (this list is not exhaustive):", "Taxonomy of Linux kernel vulnerability solutions in terms ofpatches and source code as well as categories for both are found in{{cite:5c011da7e818d0328b95c2ac9b8340637310e4d3}}.The core ideas and principles behind the MARF's pipeline and testingmethodology for various algorithms in the pipeline adapted to this caseare found in {{cite:12fa7112a6e1a85ca690a4c19f0959c57b734631}}. There also one can find the core optionsused to set the configuration for the pipeline in terms of algorithms used.A binary analysis using machine learning approach for quick scans forfiles of known types in a large collection of files is described in{{cite:90074dbd70419fb1c627c06e1f4135573cdc4d61}}.The primary approach here is similar in a way that was done forDEFT2010 {{cite:022e7d7cb3aaa29540190623c387855043dc0c35}}, {{cite:e62f198812e71f23ace13e82c9c5685eef57faf8}} with thecorresponding DEFT2010App and its predecessorWriterIdentApp {{cite:b1255f866f53443d8a10846b1a9ea17ed8865744}}.Tlili's 2009 PhD thesis covers topics on automatic detection of safety and securityvulnerabilities in open source software {{cite:c815299fe0e9a66cb9921a0e42de4b83ef9c0bf5}}.Statistical analysis, ranking, approximation, dealing with uncertainty,and specification inference in static code analysis are found in theworks of Engler's team {{cite:39ff7d6d92ad3fede6066cc81fda6662df54821c}}, {{cite:9f916c483a53ccaee47c8d8d45c89a5769bea9f8}}, {{cite:ec19209e06065139727d86a7a508879e78d8fae2}}.Kong et al. further advance static analysis (using parsing, etc.) and specificationsto eliminate human specification from the static code analysis in{{cite:88572f6e7f9311d17be34593572d6f1b0658c67c}}.Spectral techniques are used for pattern scanning in malware detection by Eto et al. in{{cite:ac5d0d74a494ee791b1e6405ebd869aef7fdb400}}.Researchers propose a general data mining system for incident analysis with data miningengines in {{cite:6b79c9215d86898908f8b5a75a60edc86a0fe7cf}}.Hanna et al. describe a synergy between static and dynamic analysis for the detectionof software security vulnerabilities in {{cite:b4561f1d2b2b50c4b13d9590a4386c380a5d6fe8}} paving the wayto unify the two analysis methods.The researchers propose a MEDUSA system for metamorphic malware dynamic analysisusing API signatures in {{cite:6ed84d6e176ee7e57a4af020b17aafb629319b97}}." ]
Towards Unbiased BFS Sampling
Breadth First Search (BFS) is a widely used approach for sampling largeunknown Internet topologies. Its main advantage over random walks and otherexploration techniques is that a BFS sample is a plausible graph on its own,and therefore we can study its topological characteristics. However, it hasbeen empirically observed that incomplete BFS is biased toward high-degreenodes, which may strongly affect the measurements. In this paper, we firstanalytically quantify the degree bias of BFS sampling. In particular, wecalculate the node degree distribution expected to be observed by BFS as afunction of the fraction f of covered nodes, in a random graph RG(pk) with anarbitrary degree distribution pk. We also show that, for RG(pk), all commonlyused graph traversal techniques (BFS, DFS, Forest Fire, Snowball Sampling, RDS)suffer from exactly the same bias. Next, based on our theoretical analysis, wepropose a practical BFS-bias correction procedure. It takes as input acollected BFS sample together with its fraction f. Even though RG(pk) does notcapture many graph properties common in real-life graphs (such asassortativity), our RG(pk)-based correction technique performs well on a broadrange of Internet topologies and on two large BFS samples of Facebook and Orkutnetworks. Finally, we consider and evaluate a family of alternative correctionprocedures, and demonstrate that, although they are unbiased for an arbitrarytopology, their large variance makes them far less effective than theRG(pk)-based technique.
[ "BFS used in practice. BFS is widely used today for exploring large networks, such as OSNs.In {{cite:d16d04a4221fa95a7d2e9affc225382e955c529a}}, Ahn et al. used BFS to sample Orkut and MySpace. In {{cite:9b9a8002cb9355adb598c6be7c55ea7cb93a74e7}} and {{cite:b4a549cc4efb49ecba4c9c445635ea89d5739056}}, Mislove et al. used BFS to crawl the social graph in four popular OSNs: Flickr, LiveJournal, Orkut, and YouTube.{{cite:9b9a8002cb9355adb598c6be7c55ea7cb93a74e7}} alone has about 380 citations as of December 2010, many of which use its highly biased Orkut BFS sample.In {{cite:f7f49438fc3cb6641d148b82a5cba17b80213139}}, Wilson et al. measured the social graph and the user interaction graph of Facebook using several BFSs, each BFS constrained in one of the largest 22 regional Facebook networks. In our recent work {{cite:38b6555ca4bf7d681ad190eea9f9afa7a27a93a3}}, {{cite:65323233c2e865ca9bb3495a5123e53f73186d29}}, we have also crawled Facebook using various sampling techniques, including BFS, RW and MHRW.", "BFS bias.It has been empirically observed that incomplete BFS and its variants introduce bias towards high-degree nodes {{cite:863e2f895fda44f17a9682aa2defbb54718bbf81}}{{cite:dfa53efe127599f8cee97c312db3a703ff1778f3}}, {{cite:2a42a1dfd8f95f484ee11d3dce8537e1a7855402}}, {{cite:47edcb051ce9db13e8acd8586a40c5aae3ece2a4}}.We confirmed this in Facebook {{cite:38b6555ca4bf7d681ad190eea9f9afa7a27a93a3}}, {{cite:65323233c2e865ca9bb3495a5123e53f73186d29}}, which, in fact, inspired and motivated this paper.Analogous bias has been observed in the field of social science, for sampling techniques closely related to BFS, i.e., Snowball Sampling and RDS {{cite:eb00a72c57a45a58da082a962a95493adc6e5827}}, {{cite:6a2d48cda2946f963edd94bb5f4e3d7a4bf3264d}}, {{cite:dfa1e67ebf321a93148f1d2752fe9b5221438159}} (see Section REF ).", "Analyzing BFS. To the best of our knowledge, the sampling bias of BFS has not been analyzed so far.{{cite:98eb22af34973ae5035a45bf7f07af3f717cdb28}} and {{cite:b7bedeaa7a2fd51fe049b47fe5fd3a1c55f56ccb}} are the closest related papers to our methodology. The original paper by Kim {{cite:98eb22af34973ae5035a45bf7f07af3f717cdb28}} analyzes the size of the largest connected component in classic Erdös-Rényi random graph by essentially applying the configuration model with node degrees chosen from a Poisson distribution. To match the stubs (or “clones” in {{cite:98eb22af34973ae5035a45bf7f07af3f717cdb28}}) uniformly at random in a tractable way, Kim proposes a “cut-off line” algorithm. He first assigns each stub a random index from {{formula:eb9f7941-de51-4403-a372-b83684e7f9ae}} , and next progressively scans this interval. Achlioptas et al. used this powerful idea in {{cite:b7bedeaa7a2fd51fe049b47fe5fd3a1c55f56ccb}} to study the bias of traceroute sampling in random graphs with a given degree distribution.The basic operation in {{cite:b7bedeaa7a2fd51fe049b47fe5fd3a1c55f56ccb}} is traceroute (i.e., “discover a path”) and is performed from a single node to all other nodes in the graph.The union of the observed paths forms a “BFS-tree”, which includes all nodes but misses some edges (e.g., those between nodes at the same depth in the tree). In contrast, the basic operation in the traversal methods presented in our paper is to discover all neighbors of a node, and it is applied to all nodes in increasing distance from the origin. Another important differenceis that {{cite:b7bedeaa7a2fd51fe049b47fe5fd3a1c55f56ccb}} studies a completed BFS-tree, whereas we study the sampling process when it has visited only a fraction {{formula:fe82f41f-f685-4c02-8225-b4761c32916e}} of nodes. Indeed, a completed BFS ({{formula:ebf33f29-570f-45e1-aa0d-d92a9decf64f}} ) is trivial in our case: it has no bias, as all nodes are covered.", "In the field of social science, a significant effort was put to correct for the bias of BFS's close cousin - Snowball Sampling (SBS) {{cite:eb00a72c57a45a58da082a962a95493adc6e5827}}. SBS together with a bias correction procedure is called Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS) {{cite:6a2d48cda2946f963edd94bb5f4e3d7a4bf3264d}}. The currently used correction technique {{cite:dfa1e67ebf321a93148f1d2752fe9b5221438159}}, {{cite:d11f53a459ecb4a23927e0e97436bde42b3c3a98}} assumes that nodes can be revisited, which essentially approximates SBS by Random Walk (see Section REF ).In this paper, we formally show that this approximation is valid if the fraction {{formula:a62a0bcd-e73e-426e-9314-a8563b9c003c}} of sampled nodes is relatively small. However, as {{cite:fd21b76f4cab95ec29638701823809aecf76359f}} points out, the current RDS methodology is systematically biased for larger {{formula:bc8a7c81-fd38-49cc-b844-228c8c6271ac}} . Consequently, {{cite:2d2e4819a1a782e6e4e0aeb2d4eb2f17a9e35180}} proposed an SBS bias correction method based on the random graph {{formula:3c10a542-3909-405c-ad2a-4745ff740178}} . This is essentially the same basic starting idea as used in our original paper published independently {{cite:1d9bb95cb3fc352383198ca81519454e5223d1d0}}. However, the two papers fundamentally differ in the final solution: {{cite:2d2e4819a1a782e6e4e0aeb2d4eb2f17a9e35180}} proposes a simulation-aided approach, whereas we solve the problem analytically.", "Another recent and related paper is {{cite:19d8c55e7cfca9ab9588250b4631ac59009c54b2}}.The authors propose and evaluate a heuristic approach to correct the degree bias in the {{formula:f01a461e-c454-4cbc-a55f-a35d6e60c6a0}} th generation of SBS, based on the values measured in the generation {{formula:682227f1-39cd-48de-918c-86f728c0cc80}} .In practice, this generation-based scheme may be challenging to implement, because the number of nodes per generation may grow close to exponential with {{formula:2d8eafde-1637-4162-82cb-1c0d5c65c826}} . Consequently, we are likely to face a situation where collecting the next generation is prohibitively expensive, while the current generation has much fewer nodes than our sampling capabilities allow for.", "Probability Proportional to Size Without Replacement (PPSWOR).At a closer look, our {{formula:c7452159-7ec2-4232-97d4-75c13465336c}} -based approach reduces BFS (and other graph traversals) to a classic sampling design called Probability Proportional to Size Without Replacement (PPSWOR) {{cite:a7e241ab57ac93e7a43f1bc5ef6108e4a9b8421a}}, {{cite:047131937998d3f941d1c495c129f9e71688b491}}, {{cite:7ce956ef7c9bc5b6f5f9705508d980881161c440}}, {{cite:7e425605cbc5c9430e0da8d4173b0d80a4fae64c}}, {{cite:6848de37a9b222230f8ec9feb4222e7a1ab7c013}}, {{cite:4a86490de46e2db7293e93f7dfb44c7a6269ad02}}, {{cite:c1db3848db70f4a6d310c84daa899b00bdf67cd4}}, {{cite:80ead95d2bf000d14fc5012570cca4248ec30fca}}.Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge, none of the existing results is directly applicable to our problem.This is because, speaking in the terms used later in this paper, the available results either (i) require the knowledge of {{formula:607e33c6-dbbb-41a5-ac64-2ac9e4f8d7a2}} (expected, not sampled) as an input, (ii) propose how to calculate {{formula:c6d38e1d-9afa-40dd-a364-2ed1df2d6712}} for the first two nodes only, or (iii) calculate {{formula:5b217859-3d74-424f-a67a-e12207903151}} as an average of many simulated traversals of the known graph (in contrast, we only have one run on unknown graph) {{cite:80ead95d2bf000d14fc5012570cca4248ec30fca}}.In fact, this work can be naturally extended to address the problems with PPSWOR.", "Previous version of this paper.This work is a revised and extended version of our recent conference paper {{cite:1d9bb95cb3fc352383198ca81519454e5223d1d0}}.The main changes are:(i) a successful application of our {{formula:39746796-c3ac-4ca2-9fa6-b1cc48115624}} -based correction procedure to a wide range of large-scale real-life Internet topologies (Table REF , Fig. REF , Fig. REF (d), Section REF ),(ii) bias correction procedures for arbitrary node properties (Section ),(iii) a complementary BFS-bias correction technique (Section ), and(iv) a publicly available ready-to-use python implementation of our approach.", "Finally, we would like to stress that our two other JSAC submissions {{cite:65323233c2e865ca9bb3495a5123e53f73186d29}}, {{cite:aaf2b2bfb3f1308d1ae6a9349d118a0d16c823b0}} focus on sampling techniques based on random walks, which differ in fundamental aspects (sampling with replacement vs without, sampling of nodes vs of topology) from the BFS sampling addressed here." ]
Logical, Metric, and Algorithmic Characterisations of Probabilistic Bisimulation
Many behavioural equivalences or preorders for probabilistic processesinvolve a lifting operation that turns a relation on states into a relation ondistributions of states. We show that several existing proposals for liftingrelations can be reconciled to be different presentations of essentially thesame lifting operation. More interestingly, this lifting operation nicelycorresponds to the Kantorovich metric, a fundamental concept used inmathematics to lift a metric on states to a metric on distributions of states,besides the fact the lifting operation is related to the maximum flow problemin optimisation theory. The lifting operation yields a neat notion of probabilistic bisimulation, forwhich we provide logical, metric, and algorithmic characterisations.Specifically, we extend the Hennessy-Milner logic and the modal mu-calculuswith a new modality, resulting in an adequate and an expressive logic forprobabilistic bisimilarity, respectively. The correspondence of the liftingoperation and the Kantorovich metric leads to a natural characterisation ofbisimulations as pseudometrics which are post-fixed points of a monotonefunction. We also present an "on the fly" algorithm to check if two states in afinitary system are related by probabilistic bisimilarity, exploiting the closerelationship between the lifting operation and the maximum flow problem.
[ "Probabilistic bisimulation was first introduced by Larsen and Skou{{cite:666836408f9092d5ffaa2ad5e1c3361f1318ca47}}. Later on, it was investigated in a great manyprobabilistic models.An adequate logic for probabilistic bisimulation in a setting similar to our pLTSs hasbeen studied in {{cite:7658097f60c258c81bc760d0c3bc9f9cd1a02128}}, {{cite:c92da52af7d6922fd31ba84dbea385bda1836e4f}}. It is also based on an probabilisticextension of the Hennessy-Milner logic. The main difference from ourlogic in Section REF is the introduction of theoperator {{formula:9c652ccd-65a0-4686-9367-d69703d1510d}} . Intuitively, a distribution {{formula:cd2471a2-ad34-4dee-9afe-e5a6ed6d4a9c}} satisfies the formula {{formula:20bf693a-52be-43f9-9ae7-b72d72c38f41}} when the set of states satisfying{{formula:f3c49522-eeca-4d87-92cf-56cdbf093d1c}} is measured by {{formula:9eff8e1c-f1d3-409c-8099-631a8e6a00de}} with probability at least {{formula:7ad70c76-61b4-43e8-8d6b-e7784c239f33}} . So theformula {{formula:62d374c8-f516-4f5d-89cf-c5d9cde97663}} can be expressed by our logic in terms of theprobabilistic choice {{formula:46e0ec9a-2805-4773-995c-301b4fe0d810}} by setting{{formula:576634dc-1f3e-47c1-8dfc-640e7cbcf4d0}} , {{formula:81ad43de-6c3c-4a97-8d23-5bd62021e598}} , {{formula:d27b1b36-e22f-41ce-9521-38fe5d9310eb}} , {{formula:4834dbd9-5936-4df8-ac69-975c49384d09}} , and {{formula:d3e3be9f-bcc2-4027-8bb6-74bbaa7505ce}} .When restricted todeterministic pLTSs (i.e., for each state and for each action, thereexists at most one outgoing transition from the state),probabilistic bisimulations can be characterised by simpler forms oflogics, as observed in {{cite:666836408f9092d5ffaa2ad5e1c3361f1318ca47}}, {{cite:fa6c7e6a35963934d19ecdac2b2b924de65ee109}}, {{cite:c92da52af7d6922fd31ba84dbea385bda1836e4f}}.", "An expressive logic for nonprobabilistic bisimulation has been proposed in {{cite:aeaf93ffede047bd6807538dd8981b4677eec0c8}}.In this paper we partially extend the results of{{cite:aeaf93ffede047bd6807538dd8981b4677eec0c8}} to a probabilistic setting that admits bothprobabilistic and nondeterministic choice. We present aprobabilistic extension of the modal mu-calculus {{cite:69996de659a8d498677240eba1f02ec7f3ed9156}}, wherea formula is interpreted as the set of states satisfying it. This isin contrast to the probabilistic semantics of the mu-calculus asstudied in{{cite:3812026da5b8b308d30a424c33dd8e1ebd2ee836}}, {{cite:2e257c62e1a3edd0c8cd0d79f38c791d7d9db2db}}, {{cite:ae9f7672edffb95e873b0d9f4c71455779b98bcd}} where formulae denote lower bounds ofprobabilistic evidence of properties, and the semantics of thegeneralised probabilistic logic of {{cite:b0756462975382fb8e889d5ff059791beaa0c00c}} where a mu-calculusformula is interpreted as a set of deterministic trees that satisfyit.", "The Kantorovich metric has been used by van Breugel et al.for defining behavioural pseudometrics on fully probabilisticsystems {{cite:251bbd213a6bf3c4bfd270c44fca9932089a1a72}}, {{cite:305db3ffb8a2eb4b5a6ebe5b02da164766fd1961}}, {{cite:130d0f07f7c032c2a812be1109f5884a07dccef0}} and reactive probabilistic systems{{cite:c69b8442273febbc3ca4147875b04de9a6ca2986}}, {{cite:8c303c1d62b17b464f60d966ba0b7801506467ab}}, {{cite:245bf25fa94bd3f2cf4b0ebf4a77567d3ebec56d}}, {{cite:d44f511b30372dd1b6dd3886e40f79e330009dd0}}; and by Desharnais et al. forlabelled Markov chains {{cite:a0ad4a73267a0089018e7185da765f2468f23215}}, {{cite:d18c40282bd5c5f78beee821bbea90d9b84eae5d}} and labelled concurrentMarkov chains {{cite:fcae1b4fee68657219ba636e3a4969310d598114}}; and later on by Ferns et al. forMarkov decision processes {{cite:a034fc98f7115ec5722e763f54aa68806bf95a90}}, {{cite:85e03e30f5cfc1b80a58d58c606b58d48ae2e87d}}; and by Deng etal. for action-labelled quantitative transition systems{{cite:ef5a81fb28cc472a9c10674978578d0173539130}}. One exception is {{cite:673b39f952067f8c43e82ba58af6343b84d90d66}}, which proposes apseudometric for labelled Markov chains without using the Kantorovichmetric. Instead, it is based on a notition of {{formula:a5435913-f030-4456-b628-5ebc5c09de7f}} -bisimulation, whichrelaxes the definition of probabilistic bisimulation by allowing smallperturbation of probabilities.In this paper we are mainly interested in thecorrespondence of our lifting operation to the Kantorovich metric.The metric characterisation of probabilistic bisimulation inSection  is merely a direct consequence of thiscorrespondence.", "Decision algorithms for probabilistic bisimilarity and similarityhave been considered by Baier et al. in {{cite:54cb57fbee52d48d5e446bf5dc94732e47e28372}} and Zhang etal. in {{cite:12ee29ce425d8893dbe74d68d29e5623ead2bf70}}. Their algorithms are global in the sense thata whole state space has to be fully generated in advance. Incontrast, “on the fly\" algorithms are local in the sense that thestate space is dynamically generated which is often more efficientto determine that one state fails to be related to another. Ouralgorithm in Section  is inspired by {{cite:54cb57fbee52d48d5e446bf5dc94732e47e28372}}because we also reduce the problem of checking if two distributionsare related by a lifted relation to the maximum flow problem of asuitable network. We generalise the local algorithm of checkingnonprobabilistic bisimilarity {{cite:54ed00f18a727eac027bcaadfa22140b1f0e0020}}, {{cite:6bbf927b191952265b802bd02f8e49cec9bab517}} to the probabilisticsetting.", "This paper provides a relatively comprehensive account ofprobabilistic bisimulation. Some of the results or their variants were mentioned previouslyin {{cite:ef5a81fb28cc472a9c10674978578d0173539130}}, {{cite:05ea6eb600755903881c5752828fc1d95116f7e0}}, {{cite:a931b38ebf6e44d87c95ec0de9ea42187d810403}}, {{cite:34d3caa2a5903d5619b7fa6d207022779b2cb94d}}. Here they are presented in a uniformway and equipped with detailed proofs." ]
Network Estimation and Packet Delivery Prediction for Control over Wireless Mesh Networks
Much of the current theory of networked control systems uses simplepoint-to-point communication models as an abstraction of the underlyingnetwork. As a result, the controller has very limited information on thenetwork conditions and performs suboptimally. This work models the underlyingwireless multihop mesh network as a graph of links with transmission successprobabilities, and uses a recursive Bayesian estimator to provide packetdelivery predictions to the controller. The predictions are a joint probabilitydistribution on future packet delivery sequences, and thus capture correlationsbetween successive packet deliveries. We look at finite horizon LQG controlover a lossy actuation channel and a perfect sensing channel, both withoutdelay, to study how the controller can compensate for predicted networkoutages.
[ "Schenato et al. {{cite:c469e9eb7344a215148fcae715c1288e4745de86}} and Ishii {{cite:90fc5a47a4b748394240972defc4881ea8ddcd5e}} study stabilityand controller synthesis for different control system architectures,but they both model networks as i.i.d. Bernoulli processes that droppackets on a single link. The information passed through theinterface between the network and the control system is the packetdrop probability of the link, which is assumed to be known and fixed.Seiler and Sengupta {{cite:714b6d125d15daa617d9744d9d37c8216aff530e}} study stability and {{formula:4ddbadaf-5e1f-400c-a947-64596a81b689}} controller synthesis when the network is modeled as a packet-droppinglink described by a two-state Markov chain (Gilbert-Elliott model),where the information passed through the network-controller interfaceare the transition probabilities of the Markov chain. Elia {{cite:31d99dd0c6980bad15f1a306e9d11f1e3b5135dc}}studies stability and the synthesis of a stabilizing controller whenthe network is represented by an LTI system with stochasticdisturbances modeled as parallel, independent, multiplicative fadingchannels.", "Some related work in NCSs do use models of multihop networks. Forinstance, work on consensus of multi-agent systems{{cite:e94146884b075acc1dedf4fa798c8c1322e2d2ca}} typically study how the connectivitygraph(s) provided by the network affects the convergence of thesystem, and is not focused on modeling the links.Robinson and Kumar {{cite:29526740679ab160495349131e5b0556a23006cb}} study the optimal placement of a controller ina multihop network with i.i.d. Bernoulli packet-dropping links, wherethe packet drop probability is known to the controller.Gupta et al. {{cite:2594673179f59209c38b1cc2493db205f5a201ed}} study how to optimally process and forward sensormeasurements at each node in a multihop network for optimal LQGcontrol, and analyze stability when packet drops on the links aremodeled as spatially-independent Bernoulli, spatially-independentGilbert-Elliott, or memoryless spatially-correlatedprocesses.Here, “spatially” means “with respect to otherlinks.” Varagnolo et al. {{cite:40ce7714e9fce3b5e8cd98afa89452d0a94423ee}} compare the performance of atime-varying Kalman filter on a wireless TDMA mesh network underunicast routing and constrained flooding. The network model describesthe routing topology and schedule of an implemented communicationprotocol, TSMP {{cite:cf542763dee69e199345639b1b664c1421473dd0}}, but it assumes that transmissionsuccesses on the links are spatially-independent and memoryless.Both Gupta et al. {{cite:2594673179f59209c38b1cc2493db205f5a201ed}} and Varagnolo et al. {{cite:40ce7714e9fce3b5e8cd98afa89452d0a94423ee}} are concernedwith estimation when packet drops occur on the sensing channel, and theestimators do not need to know network parameters like the packet lossprobability." ]
Multi-path Routing Metrics for Reliable Wireless Mesh Routing Topologies
Several emerging classes of applications that run over wireless networks havea need for mathematical models and tools to systematically characterize thereliability of the network. We propose two metrics for measuring thereliability of wireless mesh routing topologies, one for flooding and one forunicast routing. The Flooding Path Probability (FPP) metric measures theend-to-end packet delivery probability when each node broadcasts a packet afterhearing from all its upstream neighbors. The Unicast Retransmission Flow (URF)metric measures the end-to-end packet delivery probability when a relay noderetransmits a unicast packet on its outgoing links until it receives anacknowledgement or it tries all the links. Both metrics rely on specific packetforwarding models, rather than heuristics, to derive explicit expressions ofthe end-to-end packet delivery probability from individual link probabilitiesand the underlying connectivity graph. We also propose a distributed, greedy algorithm that uses the URF metric toconstruct a reliable routing topology. This algorithm constructs a DirectedAcyclic Graph (DAG) from a weighted, undirected connectivity graph, where eachlink is weighted by its success probability. The algorithm uses a vector ofdecreasing reliability thresholds to coordinate when nodes can join the routingtopology. Simulations demonstrate that, on average, this algorithm constructs amore reliable topology than the usual minimum hop DAG.
[ "In single-path routing, the path metric is often defined as the sum ofthe link metrics along the path. Examples of link metrics include thenegative logarithm of the link probability (for path probability){{cite:d83e7d46fa3d65f560f51178dfcfcf330bbaed58}}, ETX (Expected Transmission Count), ETT(Expected Transmission Time), and RTT (Round Trip Time){{cite:7b735931d0def13994cc7372a69b7c68384f70f9}}. Most single-path routing protocols find minimumcost paths, where the cost is the path metric, using a shortest pathalgorithm such as Dijkstra's algorithm or the distributed Bellman-Fordalgorithm {{cite:bc1183d5e23e6dc2608ccc773729a9e2b51a9185}}.", "In multi-path routing, one wants metrics to compare collections ofpaths or entire routing topologies with each other. Simply definingthe multi-path metric to be the maximum or minimum single-path metricof all the paths between the source and the sink is not adequate,because such a multi-path metric will lose information about thecollection of paths.", "Our FPP metric is a generalization of the reliability calculationsdone in {{cite:5d29370494ffcbf870a59dc9cf44b5223ae8619e}} for the M-MPR protocol and in {{cite:bf99c2307e49688613ec2a1cb6a11c99d258571d}}for the GRAdient Broadcast protocol. Unlike{{cite:5d29370494ffcbf870a59dc9cf44b5223ae8619e}}, {{cite:bf99c2307e49688613ec2a1cb6a11c99d258571d}}, our algorithm for computing the FPP metricdoes not assume all paths have equal length.", "Our URF metric is similar to the anypath route metric proposed bydubois-Ferriere et al. {{cite:d83e7d46fa3d65f560f51178dfcfcf330bbaed58}}. Anypath routing,or opportunistic routing, allows a packet to be relayed by one ofseveral nodes which successfully receives a packet {{cite:38b54602b72f9f19cfb592dc40125099eed67a95}}.The anypath route metric generalizes the single-path metric bydefining a “links metric” between a node and a set of candidaterelay nodes. The specific “links metric” is defined by thecandidate relay selection policy and the underlying link metric (e.g.,ETX, negative log link probability). As explained later inSection REF , although the packet forwardingmodels for the URF and FPP metrics are not for anypath routing, avariation of the URF metric is almost equivalent to the ERS-best E2Eanypath route metric presented in {{cite:d83e7d46fa3d65f560f51178dfcfcf330bbaed58}}.", "One of our earlier papers, {{cite:be664e02b9c65f3bca9e9b12a2a4d381329e7fc7}}, modeled theprecursor to the WirelessHART protocol, TSMP {{cite:c58866ccc6ac20e8c692e8d0a3ee7ef1e80748b6}}. Wedeveloped a Markov chain model to obtain the probability of packetdelivery over time from a given mesh routing topology and TDMAschedule. The inverse problem, trying to jointly construct a meshrouting topology and TDMA schedule to satisfy stringent reliabilityand latency constraints, is more difficult. The approach taken inthis paper is to separate the scheduling problem from the routingproblem, and focus on the latter. The works{{cite:2900c980fdd4bc65884f48d5c8b2c2a95bcf6d7d}}, {{cite:21f4ed96e935a317302fd478cdcd0690e4d36827}} find the optimal schedule and packetforwarding policies for delay-constrained reliability when given arouting topology.", "Many algorithms for building multi-path routing topologies try tominimize single-path metrics. For instance, {{cite:9957e480d159d74c27218a41c3281161e9ac7733}}extends Dijkstra's algorithm to find multiple equal-cost minimum costpaths while {{cite:943bc0691b7ce03e331f138218d39aef983e9d86}} finds multiple edge-disjoint andnode-disjoint minimum cost paths. RPL {{cite:25ceb1e485103396fbc5b97f0cbdfdb10b4db544}}, arouting protocol currently being developed by the IETF ROLL workinggroup, constructs a DAG routing topology by building a minimum costrouting tree (links from child nodes to \"preferred parent\" nodes) andthen adding redundant links which do not introduce routingloops.The primary design scenario considered by RPL usessingle-path metrics. Other extensions to consider multi-pathmetrics may be possible in the future. In contrast, our URF-DTalgorithm constructs a reliable routing topology by locally optimizingthe URF metric, a multi-path metric that can express the reliabilityprovided by hop-by-hop routing over interleaved paths.", "Another difference between URF-DT and RPL is that URF-DT specifies amechanism to control the order which nodes connect to the routingtopology, while RPL does not. The connection order affects thestructure of the routing topology.", "Finally, the LCAR algorithm proposed in {{cite:d83e7d46fa3d65f560f51178dfcfcf330bbaed58}}for building a routing topology cannot be used to optimize the URFmetric because the underlying link metric (negative log linkprobability) for the URF metric does not satisfy the physical costcriterion defined in {{cite:d83e7d46fa3d65f560f51178dfcfcf330bbaed58}}." ]
Lower Bounds for Sparse Recovery
We consider the following k-sparse recovery problem: design an m x n matrixA, such that for any signal x, given Ax we can efficiently recover x'satisfying ||x-x'||_1 <= C min_{k-sparse} x"} ||x-x"||_1. It is known that there exist matrices A with this property that have only O(klog (n/k)) rows. In this paper we show that this bound is tight. Our bound holds even for themore general /randomized/ version of the problem, where A is a random variableand the recovery algorithm is required to work for any fixed x with constantprobability (over A).
[ "There have been a number of earlier works that have, directly or indirectly,shown lower bounds for various models of sparse recovery and certain classesof matrices and algorithms. Specifically, one of the most well-known recoveryalgorithms used in compressed sensing is {{formula:3f30f8c2-157e-4672-ae72-0a6f40c81b4f}} -minimization, where asignal {{formula:b4147c7d-3729-4567-84f2-803ef49985f3}} measured by matrix {{formula:94a0f3b9-00f2-491c-a148-4a20d3d93c82}} is reconstructed as{{formula:61b90d45-8ee5-4c80-8dfb-d739499b40d1}} ", "Kashin and Temlyakov {{cite:8b0700a156118e066faae47fa74b57332d0764a2}} (building on prior work on Gelfand width {{cite:ea10e6cde60100d2eef1b2b6c87a8fab3a71bde0}}, {{cite:b8e6ac9ab707984ef1aa9b0d4a63a7d83288b10e}}, {{cite:2f4d3b5457162a6bcfbbdae8112566c3833ca1f7}}, see also {{cite:5a1d153d48b76c5b5ea863f2ddda00dbf263a587}}) gave a characterization of matrices {{formula:082b5689-2ac5-4d48-a3a8-cb882d0cba2c}} for which the above recovery algorithm yields the{{formula:260179fc-a6f1-40b2-bd7f-fc9659761b70}} guarantee, i.e.,{{formula:b53446ce-f1c0-4e9b-b191-10d4cfc6a0a9}} ", "for some constant {{formula:57764a3a-1040-461d-9596-b539901503a1}} , from which it can be shown that such an {{formula:165a8cc6-3398-4f57-9590-3749f21d3516}} must have{{formula:64dc8f68-564e-465f-8feb-30d0a2e784db}} rows.", "Note that the {{formula:75ef0bf6-7ade-41d0-bf77-b052f7b2f6c7}} guarantee is somewhat stronger than the {{formula:560f4790-266b-454b-8d2e-def2eb630fb8}} guarantee investigated in this paper. Specifically, it is easy to observe that if the approximation {{formula:aa24da97-7471-4af1-9cc3-db570e2ac394}} itself is required to be {{formula:996c6a19-f9fa-4376-860e-f775755b90a9}} -sparse, then the {{formula:859d8059-295b-4520-9a59-cb27687b238a}} guarantee implies the {{formula:1dcf6e55-17c3-4f2e-a745-b93e1d821268}} guarantee (with a somewhat higher approximation constant).For the sake of simplicity, in this paper we focus mostly on the {{formula:2f2e3f22-2966-4b96-b060-29da0b383d9d}} guarantee.However, our lower bounds apply to the {{formula:d9de8eea-d6f5-4010-9f3d-fcc838ec9c9a}} guarantee as well: see footnote on pageREF .", "The results on Gelfand width can be also used to obtain lower bounds for general recovery algorithms (for the deterministic recovery case), as long as the sparsity parameter {{formula:69902691-3993-4f63-b90e-3db49afa36d2}} is larger than some constant. This was explicitly stated in {{cite:40854d9d0d502cd039f54e66bfe77e755345a696}}, see also {{cite:5a1d153d48b76c5b5ea863f2ddda00dbf263a587}}.", "On the other hand, instead of assuming a specific recovery algorithm,Wainwright {{cite:2715917273990b79c3df9ac4c802c16f765ef900}} assumes a specific (randomized) measurement matrix. Morespecifically, the author assumes a {{formula:3caee180-1e12-43bd-8b28-321764e19232}} -sparsebinary signal {{formula:b9a72adf-0b30-42ed-bd20-4828cd6e342e}} , for some {{formula:1e4b7b01-5279-4555-93e4-27d2e077eba8}} , to which is added i.i.d.standard Gaussian noise in each component. The author then shows thatwith a random Gaussian matrix {{formula:4fd636f1-1635-4b0f-8fe2-b1c06b9a4e8a}} , with each entry also drawn i.i.d. from thestandard Gaussian, we cannot hope to recover {{formula:3518fc30-1959-4032-9771-04d25775ddf3}} from {{formula:56f804d5-aaae-449c-a423-87f9ff033c62}} with any sub-constantprobability of error unless {{formula:0d8c352a-227b-48e5-b1dd-abe61512f65f}} has {{formula:679e4c21-279d-4a5f-af36-0c7c80292c27}} rows. The author also shows that for {{formula:ea2089b2-f2a4-487b-ad46-9b9dbbb11130}} , this istight, i.e., that {{formula:e8810d8f-5393-4611-a936-18819e8b3efe}} is both necessary and sufficient. Althoughthis is only a lower bound for a specific (random) matrix, it is a fairly powerfulone and provides evidence that the often observed upper bound of {{formula:ff6815e8-789d-4047-920b-2721a35da20a}} islikely tight.", "More recently, Dai and Milenkovic {{cite:b21cdb1432eb3cef01c271f6b4c6c2effe0cd4ad}}, extending on {{cite:500c55695c19f8f8c5cb20a930c464fad5fde770}} and {{cite:121384b8acf165e20cc51f476f38251264131b4e}},showed an upper bound on superimposed codes that translates to a lower bound on thenumber of rows in a compressed sensing matrix that deals only with {{formula:de5ff6bc-60fd-48c1-8d2d-cd851baabda3}} -sparsesignals but can tolerate measurement noise.Specifically, if we assume a {{formula:247f4ffa-19b7-4853-a6be-60b1b99af223}} -sparse signal {{formula:df57f575-4cdd-4150-9e7a-e5c08381cdbc}} ,and that arbitrary noise {{formula:233e9ac5-d189-4527-9098-3c6b5ed488f8}} with {{formula:08538b1b-cd2c-4cec-a4d0-b46fe7281803}} isadded to the measurement vector {{formula:813095d7-b315-462e-8c37-54f81c513bb0}} , then if exact recovery is still possible, {{formula:2207e2e9-04df-45e5-b231-29ed79131d03}} must have had {{formula:682c8bbb-8556-4712-80a4-ca89d1e10018}} rows, for some constant {{formula:e0df4a98-1520-4df8-b0a4-b1fd52f1c9e4}} andsufficiently large {{formula:dc19ea15-3afb-4d5f-b722-f34d3f0bc1dd}} and {{formula:7e778d5a-a367-49e4-9cfa-e21c0577601d}} .Here {{formula:169e5f7d-cb03-4a0f-bfad-3f4a62db69f4}} is assumed tohave its columns normalized to have {{formula:b2a28f1e-b990-4a69-be4e-5bb57a89ac46}} -norm 1. This is natural sinceotherwise we could simply scale {{formula:182de2ab-bb85-474e-922a-adfb18319478}} up to make the image points {{formula:981b3da3-b923-4c17-b6bf-5c3b915f5ec5}} arbitrarilyfar apart, effectively nullifying the noise." ]
Type classes for efficient exact real arithmetic in Coq
Floating point operations are fast, but require continuous effort on the partof the user in order to ensure that the results are correct. This burden can beshifted away from the user by providing a library of exact analysis in whichthe computer handles the error estimates. Previously, we [Krebbers/Spitters2011] provided a fast implementation of the exact real numbers in the Coq proofassistant. Our implementation improved on an earlier implementation by O'Connorby using type classes to describe an abstract specification of the underlyingdense set from which the real numbers are built. In particular, we used dyadicrationals built from Coq's machine integers to obtain a 100 times speed up ofthe basic operations already. This article is a substantially expanded versionof [Krebbers/Spitters 2011] in which the implementation is extended in thevarious ways. First, we implement and verify the sine and cosine function.Secondly, we create an additional implementation of the dense set based onCoq's fast rational numbers. Thirdly, we extend the hierarchy to capture orderon undecidable structures, while it was limited to decidable structures before.This hierarchy, based on type classes, allows us to share theory on thenaturals, integers, rationals, dyadics, and reals in a convenient way. Finally,we obtain another dramatic speed-up by avoiding evaluation of terminationproofs at runtime.
[ "We have greatly improved the performance of real number computation in using 's new machine integers. We produced highly structured and abstract code using type classes with no apparent performance penalty. Moreover, 's notation mechanism combined with unicode characters gives nicely readable statements and proofs. Type classes were a great help in our work. However, the current implementation of instance resolution is still experimental and at times too slow (at compile time).", "Canonical structures provide an alternative, and partially complementary, implementation of type classes {{cite:c79eb664a1e572be9b8e9c88fab498f2cb8ffcf2}}. By choice, canonical structures restrict to deterministic proof search, this makes them more efficient, but also somewhat more intricate to use. The use of canonical structures by the team {{cite:91aff1ddc482050d3dd84eb49fb97dd59d23aafa}} makes it plausible that with some effort we could have used canonical structures for our work instead. However, the -library is currently not suited for setoids which are crucial to us. The integration of unification hints {{cite:88be0387286ad548e4200c093dee1ae4e35303d7}} into may allow a tighter integration of type classes and canonical structures.", "We needed to adapt our correctness proofs to prevent the virtual machine from eagerly evaluating them. Lazy evaluation for would have allowed us to use the original proofs. Moreover, setoid rewriting over relations in would have made our work much easier.", "The experimental |nativecompute| by Boespflug, Dénès and Grégoire {{cite:565ee9249d06584a512469609c5fbc78b874ea27}} performs evaluation by compilation to native code. This approach uses the compiler available and is interesting for heavy compilation. Our first experiments indicate an additional speed up of 3 times compared to |vmcompute|.", "The project {{cite:9c0489d714b9bdb0e8373e61b773c0d6a9b78d73}} formalizes infinitary floating-points in . It provides a library of theorems on multi-radix multi-precision arithmetic and supports efficient numerical computations inside . However, the current library is still too limited for our purposes, but in the future it should be possible to show that they form an instance of our approximate rationals. This may allow us to gain some speed by taking advantage of fine grained algorithms instead of our more straightforward ones.", "The encoding of real numbers as streams of `bits' is potentially interesting. However, currently there is a big difference in performance. The computation of 37 decimals of the square root of 1/2 by Newton iteration {{cite:26fc3cdfd73f2e1ef0340f97d36b1952899878b8}}, using the framework described in {{cite:335bf4074a73406711c60aaa97bdd297f839a738}}, {{cite:0645f56a9008a2911f2a2f585eccccffbb62dc94}}, took 12s. This should be compared with our use of the Wolfram iteration, which gives only linear convergence, but with which we nevertheless obtain 3,000 decimals in a similar time. On the other hand, the efficiency of {{formula:97e3f872-23c1-44cb-97f6-fadf82d8d7bd}} in their framework is comparable with ours. Berger {{cite:274d3361a42c88d434d6ddedb23e680f62cdce59}}, too, uses co-induction for exact real computation.", "The present work is part of a larger program to use constructive mathematics based on type theory as a programming language for exact analysis. This should culminate in a numerical ODE-solver. To do so we need to extend the current technology to functional analysis. For instance we will build a type class interface for metric spaces in order to treat various function spaces.", "Cohen and Mahboubi {{cite:f0b6c308b0bff7151e86afca80120eac91d3ede8}}, {{cite:404a147ce0d8accef11db99a994345383b7c52a2}} provide a formalization of quantifier elimination for the theory of decidable real closed fields, and an implementation of the algebraic real numbers. Quantifier elimination will automate many proofs in constructive analysis which only involve algebraic real numbers.Conversely, our implementation could be used for efficiently evaluating a Cauchy representation of an algebraic real number." ]
The Open Annotation Collaboration (OAC) Model
Annotations allow users to associate additional information with existingresources. Using proprietary and closed systems on the Web, users are alreadyable to annotate multimedia resources such as images, audio and video. So far,however, this information is almost always kept locked up and inaccessible tothe Web of Data. We believe that an important step to take is the integrationof multimedia annotations and the Linked Data principles. This should allowclients to easily publish and consume, thus exchange annotations aboutresources via common Web standards. We first present the current status of theOpen Annotation Collaboration, an international initiative that is currentlyworking on annotation interoperability specifications based on best practicesfrom the Linked Data effort. Then we present two use cases and early prototypesthat make use of the proposed annotation model and present lessons learned anddiscuss yet open technical issues.
[ "Annotations have a long research history, and unsurprisingly the research perspectives and interpretations of what an annotation is supposed to be vary widely. Agosti et al. {{cite:367218acd61c94b2acb4eef452e766d57ac13149}} provide a comprehensive study on the contours and complexity of annotations. A representative discussion on how annotations can be used in various scholarly disciplines in given by Bradley {{cite:ba0d4991ce79d45b19f0af22e45601af371110d9}}. He describes how annotations can support interpretation development by collecting notes, classifying resources, and identifying novel relationships between resources.", "Besides Annotea other annotation models have been proposed: {{cite:fbb87b2f39326e6c6cdf809912b673e86a990e69}} built the MPEG-7 compliant COMM Ontology. OAC, in contrast, is a resource-centric annotation model, which is more light-weight because it doesn't have a background in the automated feature extraction and representation. The M3O Ontology {{cite:afccc219cd79509f394554a2a5316a92fdfd48b6}} allows the integration of annotations with SMIL and SVG documents. OAC, in contrast, treats annotations as first-class resources on the Web, which would not be part but about a presentation.", "Early related work on the issue of describing segments in multimedia resources can be traced back to research on linking in hypermedia documents {{cite:a7467549ea3e596fc94ed7dc61abf8903b56b915}}. For describing segments using a non-URI based mechanism one can use MPEG-7 Shape Descriptors (cf. {{cite:81dd3324d5cc812c41d48b2ea4c9d16a9c0f0152}}) or terms defined in a dedicated multimedia ontology. SVG {{cite:3cbb1294dab518ad7640ff54c15c80395139ceb5}} and MPEG-21 {{cite:b2d223bb1a8e4cb97852011fa35d55e36ad8f93b}} introduced XPointer-based URI fragment definitions for linking to segments in multimedia resources." ]
AGN Unification at z ~ 1: u - R Colors and Gradients in X-ray AGN Hosts
We present uncontaminated rest-frame u - R colors of 78 X-ray-selected AGNhosts at 0.5 < z < 1.5 in the Chandra Deep Fields measured with HST/ACS/NICMOSand VLT/ISAAC imaging. We also present spatially-resolved NUV - R colorgradients for a subsample of AGN hosts imaged by HST/WFC3. Integrated,uncorrected photometry is not reliable for comparing the mean properties ofsoft and hard AGN host galaxies at z ~ 1 due to color contamination frompoint-source AGN emission. We use a cloning simulation to develop a calibrationbetween concentration and this color contamination and use this to correct hostgalaxy colors. The mean u - R color of the unobscured/soft hosts beyond ~6 kpc isstatistically equivalent to that of the obscured/hard hosts (the soft sourcesare 0.09 +/- 0.16 magnitudes bluer). Furthermore, the rest-frame V - J colorsof the obscured and unobscured hosts beyond ~6 kpc are statisticallyequivalent, suggesting that the two populations have similar distributions ofdust extinction. For the WFC3/IR sample, the mean NUV - R color gradients ofunobscured and obscured sources differ by less than ~0.5 magnitudes for r > 1.1kpc. These three observations imply that AGN obscuration is uncorrelated withthe star formation rate beyond ~1 kpc. These observations favor a unification scenario for intermediate-luminosityAGNs in which obscuration is determined geometrically. Scenarios in which themajority of intermediate-luminosity AGN at z ~ 1 are undergoing rapid,galaxy-wide quenching due to AGN-driven feedback processes are disfavored.
[ "This work is the first to measure the UV/optical colors of a large sample of AGN host galaxies at {{formula:254a978d-cc49-4d3e-b6c5-7d8baf3cf0c8}} while quantitatively, reliably correcting for point source contamination in individual galaxies. Ignoring or insufficiently correcting for point source contamination results in systematic error in comparing the colors of hard and soft X-ray sources (see Figure REF ).", "Direct comparisons of our results with those obtained for Seyfert galaxies in the local universe are problematic, as numerous AGN selection techniques are commonly used in the literature. At low redshift, the effects of point source contamination on host galaxy color measurements are negligible because the galaxies are well-resolved. Locally, {{cite:bf72f478528d0642db770f833dc78ebe2d1cc46b}} find little host color difference between obscured and unobscured X-ray-selected AGN, in agreement with our results. Although the sample is small, their selection techniques and use of X-ray-derived obscuration measurements are more analogous to those utilized in this study. Given the similarity of our selection criteria, the agreement of our results suggests that the mean color offset between soft and hard sources has not evolved since {{formula:a39b1f42-bd42-49fa-aeef-048fcd1f5941}} .", "{{cite:8068c65b2796bd18d5c2d95ef32925da00a65040}} find that unobscured broad-line AGN hosts at low-redshift are observed to possess large reservoirs of HI gas. This result is interpreted as being evidence against a feedback scenario, in which unobscured AGNs are thought to be caught in the act of expelling gas {{cite:8068c65b2796bd18d5c2d95ef32925da00a65040}}. No comparison is made between Type I and II sources. Considering the use of different selection methodologies and measurements, there is no inconsistency between this study and our own. For a sample of mid-infrared Type II QSOs at {{formula:3b43ebf7-618c-4ec6-95ee-7e5bc40ef3f3}} , {{cite:863e524dfb79a964acb298327331c6abe44210b7}} find that the host galaxies exhibit significant star formation rates ({{formula:6880ba0c-a7e1-40a3-b026-9e467d55c0d1}} yr{{formula:c8f895c9-f913-4372-95d6-43768360ca2f}} ) and that disk inclination correlates with silicate features, implying that at least some of the reddening arises from the host galaxy. However, it is not clear how these star formation rates would compare to similarly selected Type I QSOs at similar redshift. Moreover, the AGN selection techniques, selected luminosity range, and redshift range are different from those in the present study, preventing direct comparison.", "{{cite:3964638362d1392abf10d1081d8c92fda3bad36a}} compares the {{formula:c224b7e9-e565-4144-a691-3f8258f77f20}} m fluxes of luminous ({{formula:75dec30e-3580-4d97-9516-4ba50fe9bbb4}} ergs s{{formula:2ab7fdf8-414f-4421-afbc-38b5a88ad5e2}} ), X-ray-selected AGN at {{formula:be72b612-1bea-4058-abdb-4b0890e87548}} , finding that obscured sources have significantly more submillimeter emission than unobscured sources. As a function of redshift, the mean flux difference between obscured and unobscured sources is consistent with zero at redshifts below {{formula:9bc436c4-8550-4462-b924-96629e565853}} and rises significantly at higher redshifts. Contrastingly, {{cite:acb478c09c24fd89b7a3bfa515d3c7518d010b3b}} measures the far-infrared-derived star formation rates of X-ray selected intermediate-luminosity AGNs ({{formula:0835f2ea-ef95-4e8b-9714-0bebafc53d2e}} ergs s{{formula:eb536e4a-7d5d-4b10-bf92-d4f3eab4f96b}} ) at {{formula:5d224216-7d45-49c2-a44e-fbb0be1b2e08}} in GOODS-North, finding no dependence of star formation rate on X-ray absorbing column density. It appears that the mean star formation rate of obscured sources diverges from that of unobscured sources at either the highest X-ray luminosities ({{formula:46c39dbd-a9d2-47e5-97c8-e94df130da64}} ergs s{{formula:626f75eb-0c1e-4df1-9436-5e249743fbae}} ), at higher redshifts beyond {{formula:28dd6f5c-f405-4eac-b81c-cfd8ee227a8e}} , or in both of these regimes.", "CP10 measures the rest-frame U-V colors of intermediate-luminosity, X-ray-selected AGN in the Extended Groth Strip {{cite:07ebd180b37c95096fe97f9300d0a3bab7ac2201}}. They find that soft sources are systematically bluer than hard sources in both nuclear ({{formula:1fadfeed-8ce4-458c-9b4d-f96eba18048a}} ), extended ({{formula:883745da-63d3-4d4d-9c7f-45742df9b290}} ), and integrated apertures. The mean difference in extended color between soft and hard populations in our GOODS sample differs from the CP10 value by {{formula:5e543a84-5378-4d88-b0da-f398f6883794}} ({{formula:06d67f99-becd-4e25-a956-5039ca9c8604}} mag in {{formula:93442cac-8766-470c-95bd-91dc37bf5815}} ). Our color offsets are consistent to within {{formula:c34419e7-d8eb-4f7f-ac3c-26376e98ef5e}} ({{formula:8b560476-e87e-4ec0-ade4-608270e19e90}} mag in {{formula:d5d0d17c-1a3f-44e4-ad27-c6f7d43bae76}} ) when the CP10 sample is trimmed of all sources that they identify visually as having “definite” or “possible” point sources. In addition, color offsets are similar when no correction for point source contamination is used in our sample ({{formula:b9f33a38-0002-432a-a6b6-4b43183e3d2b}} mag in {{formula:8446faf5-4163-47a0-88d5-0540f16faaac}} ; see Figure REF and Table REF ). In CP10's Figure 11d it is clear that sources visually identified as possessing “definite” or “possible” point sources display anomalous color gradients (i.e., blue nuclear regions). These lines of evidence point to some amount of point source contamination in CP10's extended colors.", "{{cite:2df46d31605ffbf7595e51696069b6fb5ceb6f27}} find that X-ray selected AGN hosts at {{formula:a5512280-8fee-46ec-9331-c4d175783c25}} are frequently in dust-enshrouded galaxies. Approximately one-half of our sample occupy a region in the rest-frame {{formula:753ec637-7aac-4867-a82a-6d5b0f603ebb}} vs. {{formula:1c99d212-d27a-4a1f-a7d9-fb55d5375c85}} diagram corresponding to {{formula:6f03307c-89f7-4653-98db-51eeeb764e51}} , so our results are not inconsistent. Although the authors do not explicitly compare the locations of obscured and unobscured sources in this plot, it is clear from their Figure 2 that the mean locations of these populations are similar, as in our sample." ]
MediaWiki Grammar Recovery
The paper describes in detail the recovery effort of one of the officialMediaWiki grammars. Over two hundred grammar transformation steps are reportedand annotated, leading to delivery of a level 2 grammar, semi-automaticallyextracted from a community created semi-formal text using at least fivedifferent syntactic notations, several non-enforced naming conventions,multiple misspellings, obsolete parsing technology idiosyncrasies and otherproblems commonly encountered in grammars that were not engineered properly.Having a quality grammar will allow to test and validate it further, withoutalienating the community with a separately developed grammar.
[ "Most of operational grammars for mainstream software languages are handcrafted, many are not publicly disclosed, few are documented. The firstcase reported in detail in 1998 was PLEX (Programming Language for EXchanges), a proprietary DSL for real time embedded software systems byEricsson {{cite:c2a4fe46414b5553917946e829901b414311248d}}, a successful application of the same technology to COBOL followed {{cite:c978f54fa73ff636a56e2f6b701c9dc812828666}}. Grammar recovery technique isnot only needed for legacy languages, examples of more modern and presumably more accurately engineered grammars being nontrivially extractedinclude C# in {{cite:e7c215fe07f355ed54eded723a17a7a112011873}} and {{cite:874857437fee2018fd660b6e49243eda5ac74725}} and Java in {{cite:1e73129b00503cc8b34d757a6de1bd90166ec54f}} and {{cite:d164141bf125da79a68c993923e9f6cbc924f34e}}. The wholeprocess of MediaWiki grammar extraction is documented by this report, all corrections and refactorings are available online, as is the endresult (under CC-BY-SA license).", "Wiki Creole 1.0http://wikicreole.org is an attempt for engineering an idealwiki syntax and a formal grammar for it. While the goal of specifying the wiki syntax with a grammaris not foreign to us, but the benefits listed in {{cite:b3cfffdf1c311d005b7a3735177282e6eb40e331}} are highly questionable:", "1. Trivial parser construction.In the paper cited above it is claimed that applying a parser generator is trivial.However, the main prerequisite for it is successful grammar adaptation for theparticular parsing technology {{cite:7ee945ffeea1424a5c2df2ac38b6c02bcc5c8db2}}. A Wiki Creole grammar was specifically geared toward ANTLR,and it is a highly sophisticated task to migrate it anywhere if at some point ANTLR useis deemed to be undesirable.Hence, the result is not reproducible without considerable effort and expertise.2. Foundation for subsequent semantics specification.The grammar can certainly serve as a basis for specifying semantics.However, the choice of a suitable calculus for such semantics specification is of even more importance.Furthermore, syntax definition does not guarantee the absence of ambiguities in semantics,or even changes of semantics as a part of language evolution (cf., evolutionary changes of HTML elements).3. Improved communication between wikiware developers.The paper claimed that if wiki syntax is specified with a grammar, there can be no different interpretations of it.However, it is quite common to have different interpretations (dialects) of even mainstream programming languages,plus wiki technology in its current state heavily relies on fault tolerance (somewhat less so in the future when no bare textediting should be taking place).4. Same rendering behaviour that users rely on.Depending on the browser or the particular gadget that the end user deploys to access the wiki, rendering behaviourcan be vastly different, and this has nothing to do with the syntax specification.5. Simplified syntax extension.It is a very known fact in formal grammar theory {{cite:442baef75e7185d0c670fd3646cf855fe95a9477}} that grammar classes are not compositional: that is, the resultof combining two LL(*) grammars (which ANTLR uses) does not necessarily belong to the LL(*) class; we can onlyprove that it will still be context-free {{cite:f05a651d51add30ca27dc6bfd027608efdcb05e8}}. In other words, it is indeed easy to specify a syntax extension, but suchthe extended grammar sometimes will not be operational.Modular grammars can be deployed in frameworks which use different parsing technologies, such as in Meta-Environment {{cite:215657fa1705f891c6be89d6757d60771fe12508}}or in Rascal {{cite:3a862aded63e2b4aefb1ca6236b318d06e61b97d}} or in MPS {{cite:b2e90b46a400abb93637b45160a11bb37829e960}}, but not in ANTLR.6. Performance predictions.The paper claims that it is easier to predict performance of a parser made with “well-understood language theory” than witha parser based on regular expressions. However, there are implementation algorithms of regular expressions that demonstratequadratic behaviour {{cite:e58a55fcc20c84922c5ca6995257d5b1855a3141}}, and ANTLR uses the same technology for matching lookahead anyway, which immediately meansthat their performance is the same.7. Discovering ambiguities.It is true that ambiguity analysis is easier on a formal grammar than on the prose, but it is not achieved by “more rigorous specificationmechanism” and even the most advanced techniques of today do not always succeed {{cite:3a756a9276acde6157627beb4b01a2fae5385d04}}.8. Well-defined interchange format.A well designed interchange format between different types of wikiware is a separate effort that should be based on appropriategeneralisations of many previously existing wiki notations, not on one artificially created one, even if that one is better designed.", "In general, Wiki Creole initiative is relevant for us because it can serve as a common grammar denominator later to converge several wikigrammars {{cite:a33b7f049d2671ecefb02049fc3d0d2857828fce}}, {{cite:2d5918b056fe382e210f4e2d2d30fbce9c6b4f09}}, but is neither contributing nor conflicting directly with our grammar recovery project." ]
Reachability in Biochemical Dynamical Systems by Quantitative Discrete Approximation
In this paper a novel computational technique for finite discreteapproximation of continuous dynamical systems suitable for a significant classof biochemical dynamical systems is introduced. The method is parameterized inorder to affect the imposed level of approximation provided that withincreasing parameter value the approximation converges to the originalcontinuous system. By employing this approximation technique, we presentalgorithms solving the reachability problem for biochemical dynamical systems.The presented method and algorithms are evaluated on several exemplarybiological models and on a real case study. This is a full version of the paperpublished in the proceedings of CompMod 2011.
[ "Discrete approximation methods are commonly used in continuous and hybrid systems analysis (see {{cite:298531a47fd30f2557f18e439094f4ee33d0f2ce}} for an overview regarding reachability) to handle the uncountability of the state space. Direct methods work on the original system and rely on a successor operation iteratively computing the reachable set whereas indirect methods abstract from the continuous model by a finite structure for which the analysis is simpler. Our method belongs to the latter class, sinceit uses numerical simulations and creates the abstraction automaton. Considering a fixed set of initial conditions, there is a certain overhead with generating states of the automaton in comparison with simple numerical simulations.However, the advantage of constructing the automaton is obtaining a global view of the dynamics. Moreover, in addition to rectangular abstraction, the automaton is augmented with weighted transitions which represent quantitative information describing volumes of subsets of initial conditions belonging to attraction basins of different parts of the phase space.", "An indirect method based on rectangular abstraction automaton making the finite quotient of the continuous state space has been employed, e.g., in {{cite:d2eb3b2216d0bd406539f917524683e6d7fa66e5}}, {{cite:9ffb747f166e375523913b073ef4c3ac057fcc4f}}, {{cite:c3f14e01847e27d548de59b422549c7840e61fbc}}. In general, these methods rely on results {{cite:5250223a05f0aac54a129edbfd621e7a6c221429}}, {{cite:f8cce4e977aadb58baa2fa5a759556a31bf0d378}} and are applicable to (piece-wise) affine or (piece-wise) multi-affine systems.Although not addressed formally in this paper, our technique can be considered as a refinement of {{cite:d2eb3b2216d0bd406539f917524683e6d7fa66e5}}. However, we focus on obtaining satisfactory approximate results eliminating the extent of spurious behaviour coming from conservativeness of rectangular abstraction.Our technique can be employed for the recognition of spurious behaviour of the rectangular abstraction transition system.", "The technique presented in {{cite:62d676136447c90088183e943e92e68ed02dcbd2}} employes timed automata for the finite quotient of a continuous system as an alternative to piece-wise linear approximations. Another indirect technique adapted to multi-affine biological models is {{cite:131da993155297d80bdb4ca5effebe897f481ee5}}. The approach also employes rectangular abstraction, but results in less conservative reachable sets by means of polyhedral operations. In {{cite:298531a47fd30f2557f18e439094f4ee33d0f2ce}}, {{cite:4ddfcd19e3589170d16fec77acc8da1d823de1f3}} there are techniques proposed for rectangular refinement that go towards reduction of over-conservativeness. These techniques work fine for linear systems while leaving the non-linear systems as a challenge.", "Direct methods are mostly based on hybridization realized by partitioning the system state space into domains where the local continuous behaviour is linearized {{cite:70f41c341dbd9c54b78fd8d74bc2463a22902fb7}}. This method, in an improved form, has been applied to non-linear biochemical dynamical systems {{cite:384d2f439aad64d20f37536798f9e15d28430d74}}. In general, direct methods give good results for low-dimensional systems and small initial sets. In comparison with indirect approaches, they are computationally harder. From this viewpoint, our approach lies between both extremes." ]
City on the Sky: Flexible, Secure Data Sharing on the Cloud
Sharing data from various sources and of diverse kinds, and fusing themtogether for sophisticated analytics and mash-up applications are emergingtrends, and are prerequisites for grand visions such as that of cyber-physicalsystems enabled smart cities. Cloud infrastructure can enable such data sharingboth because it can scale easily to an arbitrary volume of data and computationneeds on demand, as well as because of natural collocation of diverse such datasets within the infrastructure. However, in order to convince data owners thattheir data are well protected while being shared among cloud users, the cloudplatform needs to provide flexible mechanisms for the users to express theconstraints (access rules) subject to which the data should be shared, andlikewise, enforce them effectively. We study a comprehensive set of practicalscenarios where data sharing needs to be enforced by methods such asaggregation, windowed frame, value constrains, etc., and observe that existingbasic access control mechanisms do not provide adequate flexibility to enableeffective data sharing in a secure and controlled manner. In this paper, wethus propose a framework for cloud that extends popular XACML modelsignificantly by integrating flexible access control decisions and data accessin a seamless fashion. We have prototyped the framework and deployed it oncommercial cloud environment for experimental runs to test the efficacy of ourapproach and evaluate the performance of the implemented prototype.
[ "There exists cloud-based systems that enable data sharing frommultiple sources. SenseWeb {{cite:4c0b8a8384e0d0ac13987680d7cdf94b361985c6}},SensorBase {{cite:0747ce2048ea7ea547f58b8fa11281b082104016}} are examples of cloud services that letusers upload and share their sensor data. They support coarse-grainedaccess control model in which an user either makes its dataset public,shares it with a list of collaborators or keeps it private. Similarly,Google's Fusion Table {{cite:c57fe8864b1bbbe2bd65fbbcddb80c2b91ce4141}} allows user to upload genericdata and to perform simple analysis such as data visualization on thecloud. Recently, companies such as Okta {{cite:7618f34b2d0ae1df50e0b31e6523f0ed5daab8be}} have startedimplementing cloud-brokerage models that provide centralized servicefor management of enterprises' resources, including access control.However, these access control model is also coarse-grained, whichmeans it cannot deal with the access scenarios we consider in thispaper. In addition, data owners in these systems upload their datasetsonto a centralized cloud, whereas our work does not make suchassumption (we consider multi-cloud environment in which differentdata owner uses its own cloud provider).", "There are also numerous works focusing on access control and dataprivacy on the cloud. Airavat {{cite:21f34cd5ba6d8456366bf5dcc0dae33d50f72f86}}, for example, assumes thecloud is trusted in enforcing access control. It uses a simplemandatory access control system available in SELinux {{cite:10d72fdf68f256ed58e4b5a9b1b04eb12c80f3ec}},and provides a trusted environment for executingMapReduce {{cite:957916ffca98e42c62fd145205ed2d8eab2a5ab2}} jobs while guaranteeing differentialprivacy {{cite:3d3dbf1cf42dca6ef8b6db2fa0af166628ea2e98}}. Our work makes the same assumption aboutclouds' trustworthiness, but aims at improving the access controlaspect of the system, which is complementary to Airavat. Otherworks {{cite:e3ef7a0e4f5196a0bef89a646b7452e90a4cb868}}, {{cite:b34989430560e13d79345d89f61586f2b2d1f892}}, {{cite:e3aa542243c0cfd52cc8c70b20a1057cefd878f2}} assume the cloud is untrustedand employ cryptographic approach for access control. In {{cite:e3ef7a0e4f5196a0bef89a646b7452e90a4cb868}},data is encrypted with attribute-basedencryption {{cite:3f39303e37ae89ac9de4c71a2e74d473db4466d9}}, {{cite:5c2042c46798ff41b0219232e45cafe138b7ac94}} by a proxy using a proxyre-encryption technique. Embedded in the ciphertext are conditionsthat must be met when decrypting. Plustus andCloudProof {{cite:b34989430560e13d79345d89f61586f2b2d1f892}}, {{cite:e3aa542243c0cfd52cc8c70b20a1057cefd878f2}} use broadcastencryption {{cite:9ef210893df0e0e765395dd8ce206468dd501c16}} to protect the data, while keymanagement {{cite:b34989430560e13d79345d89f61586f2b2d1f892}} is done using key rolling and lazyrevocation techniques. These cryptographic approaches provide strongguarantees for data security, but they cannot express fine-grainedaccess control policies as described in our work. Thus the focus in these works is also complimentary to ours. In addition, keymanagement and revocation protocols are complex and incur muchoverhead in such an untrusted environment.", "Multiple policies matching in XACML is usually resolved by thetop-level policy combining algorithms. XACML supports only a limitednumber of combining algorithms. Ninghui et al. {{cite:8f16ff9affae4ae11a40b740bab68bd6a55392d6}} andRao et al. {{cite:8d958bc7af2e6a17e99ca37bc6791e43b647a6d3}} propose a formal language for expressing morefine-grained policy composition. The language can deal with evaluationerrors and combining of obligations. Mazolleni etal. {{cite:fa735fbc0c55f2fb42f10bd33ef1641632029f85}} propose a method for combining policies basedon their similarity and users' preferences.", "Time-series data — similar to those considered in our paper —could arrive at the system in continuous streams, for which relationaldatabases such as MySQL and Postgresql are not ideal.Aurora {{cite:b130dd7406f253f3c77b02dc10bcfde79cc55148}} is a popular data stream management system thataddresses limitations of relational databases when it comes to streamdata. Carminati et al. {{cite:e310c65bedd5ef20f9291e03aca5c66daf9d543f}}, {{cite:3d46e0f66fe7fc9671c6f95a95ac674896b31360}} are among thefirst to propose a model and implementation of access control for datastreams based on Aurora. The model supports four access scenarios:column-based, value-based, general window and sliding window. Ourframework supports all of these scenarios for on-demand queries overarchival databases. The extension to eXACML that deals with continuousqueries over stream databases is left for future work." ]
A Classification Framework for Web Browser Cross-Context Communication
Demand for more advanced Web applications is the driving force behind Webbrowser evolution. Recent requirements for Rich Internet Applications, such asmashing-up data and background processing, are emphasizing the need forbuilding and executing Web applications as a coordination of browser executioncontexts. Since development of such Web applications depends on cross-contextcommunication, many browser primitives and client-side frameworks have beendeveloped to support this communication. In this paper we present asystematization of cross-context communication systems for Web browsers. Basedon an analysis of previous research, requirements for modern Web applicationsand existing systems, we extract a framework for classifying cross-contextcommunica-tion systems. Using the framework, we evaluate the current ecosystemof cross-context communication and outline directions for future Web researchand engineering.
[ "In this section we give an overview of research that contributed to the analysis and systematization of cross-context communication systems. Most previous research activities were focused on evaluating and comparing security properties of cross-context communication systems based on browser primitives not intended for cross-context communication. Other research was focused on designing new browser primitives and client-side libraries that overcome specific security deficiencies.", "One of the earliest critiques of the lack of secure browser primitives for cross-context communication was given by the proposal of the {{formula:d0b5676c-5d89-4a75-9370-fd05a4e29beb}} module{{formula:e45d7cc8-bb73-4777-beee-bc4965178dbc}} HTML tag and API {{cite:3a14363106931fa4866a64793733414800a5c4d2}}, {{cite:1f61895c5154ecd437182742d16cbfe53b738de2}}. Although it was never standardized or implemented, the proposal inspired research of the later standardized HTML5 postMessage API {{cite:8c726a8b705d17d2fc2746f0b7ef03207c76f4e7}}. A list of several similar early research proposals is given in {{cite:c832532ab6d9860a7b13f982b2c6d2598af608a5}}. In {{cite:3a14363106931fa4866a64793733414800a5c4d2}} two techniques for communication between window contexts are analyzed with respect to confidentiality and authenticity; fragment identifier messaging (FIM) and higher-level protocols based on FIM, and the postMessage API.", "In {{cite:c47221fd9716bddb40717638a586a347f52e049a}} the authors analyze whether existing and proposed browser mashup communication primitives enable communication between two principals, browser contexts for example, without ceding complete control to each other. Vulnerabilities of primitives are illustrated through several proof-of-concept attacks and recommendations for prevention are given. Furthermore, an evaluation of design choices for access control aspects of communication primitives is given; for example, using values versus objects for communication. In {{cite:a4ce570ea08bc93a461091014c4e911e13dbc7d9}} the authors demonstrate that the existing browser security model was not designed to support multi-context Web applications, and that as a consequence these are typically implemented insecurely. The paper also emphasizes the need for higher-level communication abstractions and presents a secure component model based on a publish-subscribe communication abstraction. In {{cite:4ea702df12654715810193d4e36dacb709927d9a}} a critique of cross-context communication based on browser cookies is given with respect to security. The paper also recognizes the security disadvantages of using server-side proxies for cross-context communication. Furthermore, a proposal for a secure publish-subscribe communication system is given. In {{cite:0f94b1ab8207e53837e2572885c050b60ed492e4}} the authors analyze incoherencies in browser access control policies. A special part of this analysis are browser resource types which may be shared among principals and their interaction, which is a subset of cross-context communication systems.", "In {{cite:dc3e3b09f788f08a8b4821f4027295c6d440671e}} the authors analyze inter-widget communication, a specific application of cross-context communication, with the purpose of maximizing usability of widget-based personal learning environments. The analysis is based on a framework for categorization of inter-widget communication systems, an approach similar to the one we present later in this paper. For example, the authors distinguish between same-browser and cross-browser communication, inter-widget and intra-widget communication, several types of event distribution, such as broadcast and direct subscription, and several types of security and semantic interoperability. However, the framework is strongly focused on end-user usability of inter-widget communication and does not take into account many technical dimensions of cross-context communication, such as discovery, cross-origin support and reliability.", "The most recent and broad analysis of browser primitives for Web application interactivity is given in {{cite:24770350e532c4619064d17a7ecdc903dfb8a8b0}}. The authors present results of a usage analysis of several new browser primitives implemented in browsers as a part of the HTML5 group of standards. The results show that the postMessage API, Web Storage API {{cite:aa7bc160421bcde2a55c79c32f3dd711c33a422a}} and the Web SQL Database APIs {{cite:c1cfc9988906897d0544a70d926cba786d50884b}} are being used insecurely. Moreover, the authors give insights into why these primitives can potentially be hard to use safely and propose the economy of liabilities principle in designing security primitives - a primitive must minimize the liability that the user undertakes to ensure application security. The authors also propose several enhancements to the postMessage API to shift the burden of verifying and ensuring security properties from the developer to the browser.", "Another relevant field of research is secure architectures for modern Web browsers. In this research field, the browser and management of Web applications are observed at a lower level with regard to operating system integration and inter-process communication. Still, this work is the foundation for implementing communication abstractions at the Web application level. The security architecture of the open-source Chromium browser is described in {{cite:5c46ffef37242a194ba184ddea32c17272afa043}}. In Chromium, the traditional monolithic architecture of browsers is replaced with an architecture based on two modules in separate protection domains: a browser kernel, interacting with the operating system, and a rendering engine, executing with restricted privileges in a sandbox. The authors describe the security advantages of the architecture and describe how other architectures make it difficult to implement cross-context communication primitives. The architecture of Gazelle, a secure Web browser constructed as a multi-principal operating system, is presented in {{cite:e72ebd87f726c588533270526f873224b057cc10}}. Gazelle's security model protects principals, contexts from different origins, by separating their resources into hardware-isolated protection domains. The authors describe benefits of aligning the browser architecture with the SOP policy and analyze cross-principal interaction possibilities.", "Lastly, operating systems (OS) {{cite:151f5cdb1c02ccf5bc7a5e53743411ab21a20ee2}} have been extensively researched through the last decades providing valuable experience for designing browsers as multi-context execution environments. Specifically, multi-process applications and inter-process communication mechanisms designed for OSes provide a starting point for cross-context browser communication research. However, these mechanisms were seldom taken into account in previous cross-context communication research.", "In conclusion, cross-context communication is still an unresearched field and trailing behind industry requirements. First, since SOP has been a major issue for the last several years, research has been focused mainly on security aspects of cross-context communication and disregarded other aspects. Second, since until recently only window contexts were in use, no prior research includes worker contexts in their analyses. Third, many existing systems for cross-context data exchange have similarly received little attention. Fourth, there is no systematic approach aimed at analyzing cross-context communication or a broad systematization of existing systems. Fifth, existing operating systems IPC mechanism research has not been integrated into cross-context communication research. Our systematization presented in the next section addresses some of the stated challenges." ]
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