(k) The provisions of paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(3) of this section satisfy the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(3). [66 FR 65632, Dec. 20, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 62564, Oct. 20, 2014] § 4.30 Disclosure of record to person other than the individual to whom it pertains.
230; as amended by Executive Order 12107, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264. (c) Self-evaluation. Each recipient education institution shall, within one year of September 29, 2000: (1) Evaluate, in terms of the requirements of these Title IX regulations, its current policies and practices and the effects thereof concerning admission of students, treatment of students, and employment of both academic and non-academic personnel working in connection with the recipient's education program or activity; (2) Modify any of these policies and practices that do not or may not meet the requirements of these Title IX regulations; and (3) Take appropriate remedial steps to eliminate the effects of any discrimination that resulted or may have resulted from adherence to these policies and practices.
(4) For non-USML shipments when the AES or AESDirect is unavailable, use the following instructions: (i) If the participant's AES is unavailable, the filer must delay the export of the goods or find an alternative filing method; (ii) If AES or AESDirect is unavailable, the goods may be exported and the filer must: (A) Provide the appropriate downtime filing citation as described in § 30.7(b) and appendix B of this part; and (B) Report the EEI at the first opportunity AES or AESDirect is available. (5) For used self-propelled vehicles as defined in 19 CFR 192.1 of U.S.
(d) The State licensing agency will be informed of the final decision on its appeal. Copies of the decision will be forwarded to the Department of Commerce official concerned and the Department of Education. [28 FR 7772, July 31, 1963, as amended at 55 FR 53489, Dec. 31, 1990]
(b) In making the determinations pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the Director will consider the following: (1) Whether sufficient financial and personnel resources are available to conduct an investigation; and (2) Whether an investigation of the building failure warrants the advanced capabilities and experiences of a Team; and (3) If the technical cause of the failure is readily apparent, whether an investigation is likely to result in relevant knowledge other than reaffirmation of the technical cause; and (4) Whether deployment of a Team will substantially duplicate local or state resources equal in investigatory and analytical capability and quality to a Team; and (5) Recommendations resulting from a preliminary reconnaissance of the site of the building failure.
(5) The provisions of this section do not, nor should they be relied on to, create, confer, or grant any rights, benefits, privileges, or protection enforceable at law or in equity by any person, business, or entity in any civil, criminal, administrative, or other matter. (c) Information to be provided—(1) General. Any person disclosing information that constitutes a voluntary self-disclosure should, in the manner outlined below, if a violation is suspected or a violation is discovered, conduct a thorough review of all export transactions for the past five years where violations of the FTR are suspected and notify the Census Bureau as soon as possible. (2) Initial notification.
This is the electronic equivalent of the export data formerly collected on the Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) and now mandated to be filed through the AES or AESDirect. Employer identification number (EIN). The USPPI's Internal Revenue Service (IRS) EIN is the 9-digit numerical code as reported on the Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, Treasury Form 941. End user. The person abroad that receives and ultimately uses the exported or reexported items. The end user is not an authorized agent or intermediary, but may be the FPPI or ultimate consignee. Enhancement. A change or modification to goods that increases their value or improves their condition. Entry number.
(d) Unusual circumstances. (1) Components may extend the time period for processing a FOIA request only in “unusual circumstances,” as described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, in which the component shall, before expiration of the twenty-day period to respond, notify the requester of the extension in writing of the unusual circumstances involved and the date by which processing of the request is expected to be completed. If the extension is for more than ten working days, the component shall provide the requester with an opportunity to modify the request or agree to an alternative time period for processing the original or modified request.
(d) The respondents may file a motion to compel dosclosure of the documents subject to the provisions of this section. Such a motion may only be filed with the ALJ following the filing of an answer pursuant to § 25.9. § 25.21 Discovery. (a) The following types of discovery are authorized: (1) Requests for production of documents for inspection and copying; (2) Requests for admissions of the authenticity of any relevant document or of the truth of any relevant fact; (3) Written interrogatories; and (4) Depositions.
(c) Award period. Projects initiated under this category may be carried out over a period of up to three years. If an application is selected for funding, DOC has no obligation to provide any additional future funding in connection with that award. Renewal of an award to increase funding or extend the period of performance is at the total discretion of DOC. (d) Matching requirements. Matching fund requirements for these proposals will be specified in solicitations including the breakdown of cash and in-kind requirements. For those projects not requiring matching funds, the presence of match will be considered in the evaluation under the Financial Plan criteria. (e) Information infrastructure projects evaluation criteria.
A Department employee shall immediately refer all inquiries and Demands to the General Counsel, or the Solicitor, or appropriate agency counsel. Where appropriate, the General Counsel, or the Solicitor, or appropriate agency counsel, may instruct the Department employee, orally or in writing, not to give testimony or produce documents. (c)(1) Demand for testimony or documents. A demand for the testimony of a Department employee shall be addressed to the General Counsel, Room 5890, Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230 or appropriate agency counsel.
§ 25.34 Evidence. (a) The ALJ shall determine the admissibility of evidence. (b) Except as provided in this part, the ALJ shall not be bound by the Federal Rules of Evidence. However, the ALJ may apply the Federal Rules of Evidence where appropriate, e.g., to exclude unreliable evidence. (c) The ALJ shall exclude irrelevant and inmaterial evidence. (d) Although relevant, evidence may be excluded if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, or by considerations of undue delay or needless presentation of cumulative evidence. (e) Although relevant, evidence may be excluded if it is privileged under Federal law.
If the debtor is not employed by Commerce Department, the agency employing the debtor will determine the amount of the employee's disposable pay and will implement salary offset upon request. (2) When salary offset begins. Deductions shall begin within three official pay periods following receipt of the creditor agency's request for offset. (3) Amount of salary offset. The amount to be offset from each salary payment will be up to 15 percent of a debtor's disposable pay, as follows: (i) If the amount of the Commerce debt is equal to or less than 15 percent of the disposable pay, such Commerce debt generally will be collected in one lump sum payment; (ii) Installment deductions will be made over a period of no greater than the anticipated period of employment.
(2) Maps: (i) In order for the Bureau to provide data on a block-by-block basis, it must have a map which clearly delineates each block. The contracting government authority must supply such maps. A copy of the specifications for preparing the block maps will be provided upon request and, in any event, will accompany the copy of the contract which is sent to the government authority for signature. (ii) The maps must be furnished to the Census Bureau within 30 calendar days after the government authority signs the contract. (iii) The Bureau will review the maps and, if revision is necessary, return them within 30 calendar days to the government authority.
An individual's name and address shall not be sold or rented by the Department unless such action is specifically authorized by law. (c) This subpart applies to all components of the Department. Components may promulgate supplementary orders and rules not inconsistent with this subpart. (d) The Assistant Secretary for Administration is delegated responsibility for maintaining this subpart, for issuing such orders and directives internal to the Department as are necessary for full compliance with the Act, and for publishing all required notices concerning systems of records. (e) Matters outside the scope of this subpart include: (1) Requests for records that do not pertain to the requester, or to the individual about whom the request is made if the requester is the parent or guardian of the individual;
§ 8a.230 Transition plans. (a) Submission of plans. An institution to which § 8a.225 applies and that is composed of more than one administratively separate unit may submit either a single transition plan applicable to all such units, or a separate transition plan applicable to each such unit. (b) Content of plans. In order to be approved by the Secretary of Education, a transition plan shall: (1) State the name, address, and Federal Interagency Committee on Education Code of the educational institution submitting such plan, the administratively separate units to which the plan is applicable, and the name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom questions concerning the plan may be addressed.
The failure of an agency to make final disposition of a claim within 6 months after it is filed shall, at the option of the claimant any time thereafter, be deemed a final denial of the claim for purposes of this section. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to such claims as may be asserted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by third party complaint, crossclaim, or counterclaim. (c) Section 2678 of said Title 28 provides that no attorney shall charge fees in excess of 25 percent of a judgment or settlement after litigation, or over 20 percent of administrative settlements. (d) Section 2401(b) of said Title 28 provides that:
§ 285.3 Referencing NVLAP accreditation. The term NVLAP (represented by the NVLAP logo) is a federally registered certification mark of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the federal government, who retain exclusive rights to control the use thereof. Permission to use the term and/or logo is granted to NVLAP-accredited laboratories for the limited purposes of announcing their accredited status, and for use on reports that describe only testing and calibration within the scope of accreditation. NIST reserves the right to control the quality of the use of the term NVLAP and of the logo itself.
and that a copy of the statement would be provided to persons and agencies to which the record is disclosed subsequent to the date of receipt of such statement; (4) The Department would append to any such disagreement statement a copy of the final determination or summary thereof, which also would be provided to persons and agencies to which the disagreement statement is disclosed; and (5) The individual has a right to judicial review of the final determination under 5 U.S.C. 552a(g)(1)(A), as limited by 5 U.S.C. 552a(g)(5).
Inspection is defines ad the evaluation by observation and judgment accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging of the conformity of a product, process or service to specified requirements. NIST means the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency within the United States Department of Commerce. Recognition means a procedure used to provide formal notice that an accreditation body is competent to carry out specific tasks. These tasks include: the accreditation of testing laboratories and inspection, certification, and registration bodies. A governmental recognition system is a set of one or more procedures used by a Federal agency to provide recognition. Registration means a procedure used to give written assurance that a system conforms to specified requirements. Such systems include those established for the management of product, process or service quality and environmental performance.
If declassified information remains exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, the requester shall be advised of the appellate procedures under that law. (d) Fees. If the request requires services for which fees are chargeable, the component assigned action shall calculate the anticipated fees to be charged, and may be required to ascertain the requester's willingness to pay the allowable charges as a precondition to taking further action on the request, in accordance with § 4.11 of the Department of Commerce Freedom of Information Act rules and § 4.31 of the Department's Privacy Act rules. (e) Right of appeal. (1) A requester may appeal to the DAS when information requested under this section is not completely declassified and released after expiration of the applicable time limits.
If the review goes back less than five years, there is a risk that violations may not be discovered that later could become the subject of an investigation. Any violations not voluntarily disclosed do not receive consideration under this section. However, the failure to make such disclosures will not be treated as a separate violation unless some other section of the FTR or other provision of law requires disclosure. Upon completion of the review, the Census Bureau should be furnished with a narrative account that sufficiently describes the suspected violations so that their nature and gravity can be assessed. The narrative account should also describe the nature of the review conducted and measures that may have been taken to minimize the likelihood that violations will occur in the future.
(2) Public health surveillance activities, including the collection and testing of information or biospecimens, conducted, supported, requested, ordered, required, or authorized by a public health authority. Such activities are limited to those necessary to allow a public health authority to identify, monitor, assess, or investigate potential public health signals, onsets of disease outbreaks, or conditions of public health importance (including trends, signals, risk factors, patterns in diseases, or increases in injuries from using consumer products). Such activities include those associated with providing timely situational awareness and priority setting during the course of an event or crisis that threatens public health (including natural or man-made disasters).
(e) This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of Federal Standard 595B, December 1989, color number 12199 (Fed-Std-595B 12199), may be obtained from the General Services Administration at General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service, FAS Office of General Supplies and Services, Engineering and Cataloging Division (QSDEC) Arlington, VA 22202 or at the General Services Administration Web site at:
(iv) The USPPI has a history of noncompliance with the Census Bureau export regulations contained in this part. (v) The USPPI has been indicted, convicted, or is currently under investigation for a felony involving a violation of federal export laws or regulations and the Census Bureau has evidence of probable cause supporting such violation, or the USPPI is in violation of Census Bureau export regulations contained in this part. (vi) The USPPI has made or caused to be made in the LOI a false or misleading statement or omission with respect to any material fact. (vii) The USPPI would pose a significant threat to national security interests such that its participation in postdeparture filing should be denied.
Proposals from applicants will be evaluated and rated on the basis of the following criteria listed in descending order of importance: (1) Demonstrated understanding of the environmentally-related information needs of manufacturers and technical assistance providers in the target population. Understanding the environmentally-related needs of the target population (i.e., customers) is absolutely critical to the success of such a resource center. Factors that may be considered include: A clear definition of the target population, size and demographic distribution; demonstrated understanding of the target population's environmentally-related information needs or a clear plan for identifying those customer needs; and methodologies for continually improving the understanding of the target population's environmentally-related information needs. (2) Delivery mechanisms. The proposal must set forth clearly defined, effective mechanisms for delivery of services to target population.
The proposal should identify the expected returns that the proposer expects to gain, as well as returns that are expected to accrue to others, i.e., spillover effects. The Program will assess the proposer's relevant experience and level of commitment to the project and project's organizational structure and management plan, including the extent to which participation by small businesses is encouraged and is a key component in a joint venture proposal, and for large company single proposers, the extent to which subcontractor/subrecipient teaming arrangements are featured and are a key component of the proposal. [63 FR 64414, Nov. 20, 1998] § 295.7 Notice of availability of funds.
Routed export transaction. A transaction in which the FPPI authorizes a U.S. agent to facilitate export of items from the United States on its behalf and prepare and file the EEI. Schedule B. The Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United States. These 10-digit commodity classification numbers are administered by the Census Bureau and cover everything from live animals and food products to computers and airplanes. It should also be noted that all import and export codes used by the United States are based on the Harmonized Tariff System. Schedule C. The Classification of Country and Territory Designations. The Schedule C provides a list of country of origin codes. The country of origin is reported in terms of the International Standards Organization codes.
26, 1996, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 65 FR 39802, June 28, 2000. § 280.200 Scope. Section 280.201 of this part specifies that failure to take any action required by or taking any action prohibited by this part constitutes a violation of this part. Section 280.202 describes the penalties that may be imposed for violations of this part. Sections 280.204 through 280.222 establish the procedures for imposing administrative penalties for violations of this part. [65 FR 39802, June 28, 2000] § 280.201 Violations. (a) Engaging in prohibited conduct.
27, 1976, as amended at 55 FR 38315, Sept. 18, 1990] § 230.5 Terms and shipping. (a) Prices are given in the SP 260 supplement. These prices are subject to revision and orders will be billed for prices in effect at the time of shipment. No discounts are given on purchases of SRM's. (b) Payment need not accompany a purchase order. Payment is due within 30 days of receipt of an invoice. (c) SRM's are shipped in the most expeditious manner that complies with transportation and postal laws and regulations. § 230.6 Standard Reference Materials out of stock.
This prohibition does not apply to disaster loans. Commerce entities may extend credit after the delinquency has been resolved. See 31 CFR 285.13. Waivers of ineligibility may be granted by the Secretary or designee on a person by person basis in accordance with 31 CFR 285.13(g). However, such authority may not be delegated below the Deputy Chief Financial Officer.
(6) A statement that the applicant for recordal is a “manufacturer” as that term is defined in 15 U.S.C. 5402; (7) A statement that the person signing the application on behalf of the manufacturer has knowledge of the facts relevant to the application and that the person possesses the authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer; (8) A verification stating that the person signing declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the information and statements included in the application are true and correct; and (9) The maintenance application fee. (d) Where no maintenance application is timely filed, a certificate of recordal will be designated inactive.
including contractors and/or informal collaborators, and have access to the necessary resources, for example research facilities, equipment, materials, and data, to conduct the research as proposed; (iv) The research result(s) has the potential to address the technical needs associated with a major societal challenge not currently being addressed; and (v) The proposed research plan is scientifically sound with tasks, milestones, timeline, decision points and alternate strategies. (2) Total weight of (a)(1)(i) through (v) is 50%.
(b) Announcements of solicitations. Announcements of solicitations will be made in the Commerce Business Daily. Specific information on the level of funding available and the deadline for proposals will be contained in that announcement. In addition, any specific industry sectors or types of tools and techniques to be focused on will be specified in the announcement. (c) Proposal workshops. Prior to an announcement of solicitation, NIST may announce opportunities for potential applicants to learn about these projects through workshops. The time and place of the workshop(s) will be contained in a Commerce Business Daily announcement. (d) Indirect costs.
Departures from particular technical and scoping requirements of UFAS by the use of other methods are permitted where substantially equivalent or greater access to and usability of the building is provided. (2) For purposes of this section, section 4.1.6(1)(g) of UFAS shall be interpreted to exempt from the requirements of UFAS only mechanical rooms and other spaces that, because of their intended use, will not require accessibility to the public or beneficiaries or result in the employment or residence therein of persons with physical handicaps. (3) This section does not require recipients to make building alterations that have little likelihood of being accomplished without removing or altering a load-bearing structural member. [47 FR 17746, Apr.
The Privacy Officer shall notify the individual of a determination to grant access, and provide the following information: (i) The methods of access, as set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of this section; (ii) The place at which the record may be inspected; (iii) The earliest date on which the record may be inspected and the period of time that the records will remain available for inspection. In no event shall the earliest date be later than thirty calendar days from the date of notification; (iv) The estimated date by which a copy of the record will be mailed and the fee estimate pursuant to § 4.31.
See appendix B of this part for the properly formatted proof of filing citations, exemption, or exclusion legends. Failure of the USPPI or the authorized agent of either the USPPI or FPPI to comply with these requirements constitutes a violation of the regulations in this part and renders such principal party or the authorized agent subject to the penalties provided for in subpart H of this part. (a) Mail exports. The proof of filing citation, postdeparture filing citation, AES downtime filing citation, exemption and/or exclusion legend for items exported by mail as required in § 30.4(b) shall be annotated on the appropriate U.S. Postal Service customs declaration form (and/or its electronic equivalent) and presented with the packages at the time of mailing.
Such other related articles as the State licensing agency asks to be included shall be permitted to be sold, unless such factors as inadequacy of available facilities, safety, health, public welfare, or legal requirements demand otherwise. (d) The permit shall contain a provision that alterations made by other than the United States shall be approved by and conducted under the supervision of an appropriate official of the Department or the primary organization unit concerned. (e) The permit may contain other reasonable conditions necessary for the protection of the Government and prospective patrons of the stand. (f) The permit shall describe the location of the stand proper and the location of any vending machines which are operated in conjunction with it.
4, 122 (Patent Office); (b) 46 U.S.C. 1111(b) (Maritime Administration); (c) Certain provisions of the Defense Production Act of 1950, e.g., 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b)(2) (avoidance of conflicts of interest), 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b)(6) (financial statements), and 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(f) (prohibition of use of confidential information for purposes of speculation) (Business and Defense Services Administration and any other primary operating unit affected); and (d) Certain provisions of Pub. L.
Delinquent Commerce debt means a delinquent debt owed to a Commerce entity. Disposable pay has the same meaning as that term is defined in 5 CFR 550.1103. Employee or Federal employee means a current employee of the Commerce Department or other Federal agency, including a current member of the uniformed services, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service, including the National Guard and the reserve forces of the uniformed services. FCCS means the Federal Claims Collection Standards, which were jointly published by the Departments of the Treasury and Justice and codified at 31 CFR parts 900-904.
The person in the United States that conducts the direct negotiations or correspondence with the foreign purchaser or ultimate consignee and who, as a result of these negotiations, receives the order from the FPPI. If a U.S. order party directly arranges for the sale and export of goods to the FPPI, the U.S. order party shall be listed as the USPPI in the EEI. Packing list. A list showing the number and kinds of items being shipped, as well as other information needed for transportation purposes. Partnership agencies. U.S. government agencies that have statistical and analytical reporting and/or monitoring and enforcement responsibilities related to AES postdeparture filing privileges. Party ID type.
S.C. 552a (c)(3), (d), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G), (H), and (I), and (f). The reasons for asserting the exemption are to prevent subjects of investigation from frustrating the investigatory process; to ensure the proper functioning and integrity of law enforcement activities; to prevent disclosure of investigative techniques; to maintain the ability to obtain necessary information; to fulfill commitments made to sources to protect their identities and the confidentiality of information; and to avoid endangering these sources and law enforcement personnel. Special note is taken that the proviso clause in this exemption imports due process and procedural protections for the individual. The existence and general character of the information exempted shall be made known to the individual to whom it pertains.
The petition must include a summary of such evidence, the reasons why it is deemed relevant and material, and the reasons why it could not have been presented at the time the proceedings were held. The administrative law judge will grant or deny the petition after providing other parties reasonable opportunity to comment. If the proceeding is reopened, the administrative law judge may make such arrangements as the ALJ deems appropriate for receiving the new evidence and completing the record. The administrative law judge will then issue a new initial decision and order, and the case will proceed to final decision and order in accordance with § 280.222 of this part. [61 FR 50558, Sept. 26, 1996.
The request must include a sworn affidavit which states that the toy, look-alike, or imitation firearm will be used only in the theatrical, movie or television industry. A sample of the item must be included with the request. [78 FR 4765, Jan. 23, 2013]
(c) Award determination. The Director of the NIST, or her/his designee, shall select awardees based on total evaluation scores, geographic distribution, and the availability of funds. All three factors will be considered in making an award. Upon the final award decision, a notification will be made to each of the proposing organizations. § 291.6 Additional requirements; Federal policies and procedures. Recipients and subrecipients are subject to all Federal laws and Federal and Department of Commerce policies, regulations, and procedures applicable to Federal financial assistance awards. Pt. 292 PART 292—MANUFACTURING EXTENSION PARTNERSHIP; INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS
Each agency also remains the primary point of contact for information on the agency's regulatory and procurement conformity assessment actions. § 287.2 Definitions. 1 1 Definitions of accreditation, certification, conformity assessment, inspection, supplier's declaration of conformity, registration and testing are based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Guide 2 (1996). In certain industrial sectors, it is recognized that organizations other than ISO or IEC may issue definitions relevant to conformity assessment, such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission with respect to the food industry sector.
When a component seeks clarification of a request, the time for responding to a request set forth in § 4.6(b) is tolled until the requester responds to the clarification request. The tolled period will end when the component that sought the clarification receives a response from the requester. If a component asks for clarification and does not receive a written response from the requester within 30 calendar days from the date of the component's clarification request, the component will presume that the requester is no longer interested and notify the requester that the request will be closed. (d) Unusual circumstances.
(e) The ALJ may refuse to consider any motion, request, response, brief or other document which is not filed in a timely fashion. § 25.30 The hearing and burden of proof. (a) The ALJ shall conduct a hearing on the record in order to determine whether the respondent is liable for a civil penalty or assessment under § 25.3 and, if so, the appropriate amount of any such civil penalty or assessment considering any aggravating or mitigating factors. (b) The authority shall prove respondent's liability and any aggravating factors by a preponderance of the evidence. (c) The respondent shall prove any affirmative defenses and any mitigating factors by a preponderance of the evidence. (d) The hearing shall be open to the public unless otherwise ordered by the ALJ for good cause shown.
If the Director determines that a particular standard does not meet the criteria set out in § 10.0(b), the standard will be withdrawn. (b) The filing under paragraph (a) of this section of a request to retain a standard or standards shall operate to stay the withdrawal of such standard or standards until the Director's determination has been made. If the Director determines that the requested standard or standards shall be withdrawn, the stay will remain in effect, if an appeal is filed in accordance with the requirements of § 10.14, until the decision of the Director is announced in the Federal Register. If, however, no appeal is received, the Director shall announce withdrawal of the particular standard or standards.
Port of Unlading (h) In-bond Carrier (i) Foreign Port of Lading (j) Bill of Lading/AWB Number (k) Number of Packages & Country of Origin (l) Description of Merchandise (m) HTSUSA Number (n) Quantity (HTSUSA) (o) Gross Weight (p) Separate Value and Aggregate Charges (q) Status Designation [78 FR 16382, Mar. 14, 2014]
A transcript shall be made of the oral evidence except to the extent the substance thereof is stipulated for the record. All decisions shall be based upon the hearing record and written findings shall be made. (e) Consolidated or joint hearings. In cases in which the same or related facts are asserted to constitute noncompliance with this part with respect to two or more Federal statutes, authorities, or other means by which Federal financial assistance is extended and to which this part applies, or noncompliance with this part and the regulations of one or more other Federal departments or agencies issued under Title VI of the Act, the Secretary may, by agreement with such other departments or agencies where applicable, provide for the conduct of consolidated or joint hearings and for the application to such hearings of rules of procedures not inconsistent with this part.
(3) The Executive Steering Committee for A.C.E. Policy is composed of the following employees of the Bureau of the Census: (i) Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer; (ii) Principal Associate Director and Chief Financial Officer; (iii) Principal Associate Director for Programs; (iv) Associate Director for Decennial Census (Chair); (v) Assistant Director for Decennial Census; (vi) Associate Director for Demographic Programs; (vii) Associate Director for Methodology and Standards; (viii) Chief; Planning, Research, and Evaluation Division; (ix) Chief; Decennial Management Division; (x) Chief; Decennial Statistical Studies Division; (xi) Chief; Population Division; and (xii) Senior Mathematical Statistician. [66 FR 11232, Feb. 23, 2001]
Pt. 287 PART 287—GUIDANCE ON FEDERAL CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT Sec. 287.1 Purpose and scope of this guidance. 287.2 Definitions. 287.3 Responsibilities of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 287.4 Responsibilities of Federal agencies. 287.5 Responsibilities of an Agency Standards Executive. Authority: Sec. 12, Pub. L. 104-113, 110 Stat. 782 (15 U.S.C. 272). Source: 65 FR 48900, Aug. 10, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
(h) No reporting is required for an activity paid for with appropriated funds if that activity is allowable under either subpart B or C. Subpart B—Activities by Own Employees § 28.200 Agency and legislative liaison. (a) The prohibition on the use of appropriated funds, in § 28.100 (a), does not apply in the case of a payment of reasonable compensation made to an officer or employee of a person requesting or receiving a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement if the payment is for agency and legislative liaison activities not directly related to a covered Federal action. (b) For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, providing any information specifically requested by an agency or Congress is allowable at any time. (c) For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, the following agency and legislative liaison activities are allowable at any time only where they are not related to a specific solicitation for any covered Federal action:
(5) Vessels and aircraft lawfully leaving the United States for temporary sojourn to or in a Country Group E:1 or E:2 country under License Exception AVS (15 CFR 740.15). (6) Tools of trade that will be used by a person traveling to a Country Group E:1 or E:2 destination, that will be returned to the United States within one year and that are lawfully being exported to a Country Group E:1 or E:2 destination under License Exception BAG (15 CFR 740.14) or License Exception TMP (15 CFR 740.9(a)). [73 FR 31555, June 2, 2008, as amended at 78 FR 16380, Mar.
(g) Support order. Any order for the support of any person issued by a court of competent jurisdiction or by administrative procedures established under state law that affords substantial due process and is subject to judicial review. A court of competent jurisdiction includes: (1) Indian tribal courts within any state, territory, or possession of the United States and the District of Columbia; and (2) a court in any foreign country with which the United States has entered into an agreement that requires the United States to honor the notice. § 15.24 Policy.
§ 241.1 Capacities. (a) The capacities of the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities, other than cranberries, and its subdivisions, are as follows: Size Cubic inches Bushels 1 Quarts 1 Barrel 7,056 3.281 105  3/4 barrel 5,292 2.46 783/4 1/2 barrel 3,528 1.641 521/2
Summary results are available upon request to other interested parties; e.g., professional societies and standards writing bodies. The identity and performance of individual laboratories are kept confidential. (c) Proficiency testing deficiencies. (1) Unsatisfactory participation in any NVLAP proficiency testing program is a technical deficiency which must be resolved in order to obtain initial accreditation or maintain accreditation.
In all cases, the appeal (written or electronic) should include a copy of the original request and initial denial, if any. All appeals should include a statement of the reasons why the records requested should be made available and why the adverse determination was in error. No opportunity for personal appearance, oral argument or hearing on appeal is provided. Upon receipt of an appeal, the Counsel to the Inspector General, or the Deputy Inspector General if the records were initially denied by the Counsel to the Inspector General, ordinarily shall send an acknowledgement letter to the requester which shall confirm receipt of the requester's appeal.
(e) Upon transfer or assignment of an alphanumeric designation, the Director, USPTO, shall designate such alphanumeric designation as inactive. The alphanumeric designation shall be deemed inactive as of the effective date of the transfer or assignment. Alphanumeric designations which are designated inactive due to transfer or assignment may be reactivated upon application by the assignee of such alphanumeric designation. Such application must meet all the requirements of § 280.310 and must include a copy of the pertinent portions of the document assigning rights in the alphanumeric designation. Such application must be filed within six months of the date of assignment.
(12) Office of Inspector General, FOIA and Records Management Specialist, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th and Constitution Avenue NW., Room 7099C, Washington, DC 20230; Ph.: (202) 482-3470; Fax: (202) 501-7921; Email:; FOIAonline: This component maintains a separate online Electronic FOIA Library through its Web site, [79 FR 62566, Oct. 20, 2014, as amended at 83 FR 39596, Aug. 10, 2018]
The ultimate consignee as known at the time of export shall be reported. For shipments requiring an export license including shipments to international waters, the ultimate consignee reported in the AES shall be the person so designated on the export license or authorized to be the ultimate consignee under the applicable license exemption or exception in conformance with the EAR or ITAR, as applicable. For goods sold en route, report the appropriate “To be Sold En Route” indicator in the EEI, and report corrected information as soon as it is known (see § 30.9 for procedures on correcting AES information). (4) U.S. state of origin. The U.S.
(3) Hold conferences to identify or simplify the issues, or to consider other matters that may aid in the expeditious disposition of the proceeding; (4) Administer oaths and affirmations; (5) Issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents at depositions or at hearings; (6) Rule on motions and other procedural matters; (7) Regulate the scope and timing of discovery; (8) Regulate the course of the hearing and the conduct of representatives and parties; (9) Examine witnesses; (10) Receive, rule on, exclude, or limit evidence; (11) Upon motion of a party, take official notice of facts; (12) Upon motion of a party, decide cases,
§ 8.12 Hearings. (a) Opportunity for hearing. Whenever an opportunity for a hearing is required by § 8.11(c), reasonable notice shall be given by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the affected recipient or other party subject to this part.
§ 296.4 Limitations on assistance. (a) The Federal share of a project funded under the Program shall not be more than 50 percent of total project costs. (b) Federal funds awarded under this Program may be used only for direct costs and not for indirect costs, profits, or management fees. (c) No large-sized business may receive funding as a recipient or subrecipient of an award under the Program. When procured in accordance with procedures established under the Procurement Standards required by part 14 of Subtitle A of this title, recipients may procure supplies and other expendable property, equipment, real property and other services from any party, including large-sized businesses.
(g) Non-major agencies are requested to provide machine-readable compilations to the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives. (h) Agencies shall keep the originals of all disclosure reports in the official files of the agency. § 28.605 Inspector General report. (a) The Inspector General, or other official as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, of each agency shall prepare and submit to Congress each year, commencing with submission of the President's Budget in 1991, an evaluation of the compliance of that agency with, and the effectiveness of, the requirements herein. The evaluation may include any recommended changes that may be necessary to strengthen or improve the requirements.
The certificate of recordal shall be deemed inactive as of the effective date of the transfer or assignment. Certificates of recordal designated inactive due to transfer or assignment of a trademark application or registration cannot be reactivated. (c) An assigned trademark application or registration may form the basis for a new application for recordal of a fastener insignia. (d) A fastener insignia consisting of an alphanumeric designation issued by the Director, USPTO, can be transferred or assigned. (e) Upon transfer or assignment of an alphanumeric designation, the Director, USPTO, shall designate such alphanumeric designation as inactive. The alphanumeric designation shall be deemed inactive as of the effective date of the transfer or assignment.
(10) 16 U.S.C. 1174(b), Fur Seal Act Amendments of 1983 (1983), violation, maximum from $24,421 to 25,037. (11) 16 U.S.C. 1375(a)(1), Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (1972), violation, maximum from $28,520 to $29,239. (12) 16 U.S.C. 1385(e), Dolphin Protection Consumer Information Act,4 violation, maximum from $184,767 to $189,427. (13) 16 U.S.C. 1437(d)(1), National Marine Sanctuaries Act (1992), violation, maximum from $173,951 to $178,338.
(1) Discussing with an agency (including individual demonstrations) the qualities and characteristics of the person's products or services, conditions or terms of sale, and service capabilities; and, (2) Technical discussions and other activities regarding the application or adaptation of the person's products or services for an agency's use.
Source: 73 FR 31555, June 2, 2008, unless otherwise noted. Subpart A—General Requirements § 30.1 Purpose and definitions. (a) This part sets forth the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) as required under the provisions of Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Chapter 9, section 301. These regulations are revised pursuant to provisions of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Public Law 107-228 (the Act).
State Department that provide for the control of the export and temporary import of defense articles and defense services. These regulations are located in 22 CFR 120-130. International waters. Waters located outside the U.S. territorial sea, which extends 12 nautical miles measured from the baselines of the United States, and outside the territory of any foreign country, including the territorial waters thereof. Note that vessels, platforms, buoys, undersea systems, and other similar structures that are located in international waters, but are attached permanently or temporarily to a country's continental shelf, are considered to be within the territory of that country. Interplant correspondence. Records or documents from a U.S.
(2) If a criminal investigation of the building failure being investigated by a Team is initiated at the state or local level, the Team will relinquish investigative priority to the appropriate law enforcement agency. (3) The relinquishment of investigative priority by the Team will not otherwise affect the authority of the Team to continue its investigation under the Act. (c) National Transportation Safety Board. If the National Transportation Safety Board is conducting an investigation related to an investigation of a Team, the National Transportation Safety Board investigation will have priority over the Team investigation. Such priority will not otherwise affect the authority of the Team to continue its investigation under the Act.
and (4) the expiration of 30 days after the Secretary has filed with the committee of the House and the committee of the Senate having legislative jurisdiction over the program involved, a full written report of the circumstances and the grounds for such action. Any action to suspend or terminate or to refuse to grant or to continue Federal financial assistance shall be limited to the particular political entity, or part thereof, or other recipient or other party as to whom such a finding has been made and shall be limited in its effect to the particular program, or part thereof, in which such noncompliance has been so found. (d) Other means authorized by law.
Generally, the principal parties in interest in a transaction are the seller and buyer. In most cases, the forwarding or other agent is not a principal party in interest. (2) USPPI. For purposes of filing EEI, the USPPI is the person or legal entity in the United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the transaction. Generally, that person or entity is the U.S. seller, manufacturer, order party, or foreign entity if in the United States at the time goods are purchased or obtained for export. The foreign entity shall be listed as the USPPI if it is in the United States when the items are purchased or obtained for export.
552a, and, if applicable, the information used in the research was collected subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (5) Research and demonstration projects that are conducted or supported by a Federal department or agency, or otherwise subject to the approval of department or agency heads (or the approval of the heads of bureaus or other subordinate agencies that have been delegated authority to conduct the research and demonstration projects), and that are designed to study, evaluate, improve, or otherwise examine public benefit or service programs, including procedures for obtaining benefits or services under those programs, possible changes in or alternatives to those programs or procedures, or possible changes in methods or levels of payment for benefits or services under those programs.
A recipient is not required to make structural changes in existing facilities where other methods are effective in achieving compliance with paragraph (a) of this section. In choosing among available methods for meeting the requirement of paragraph (a) of this section, a recipient shall give priority to those methods that serve handicapped individuals in the most integrated setting appropriate. (c) If a small recipient finds, after consultation with a qualified handicapped individual seeking its services, that there is no method of complying with paragraph (a) of this section other than making a significant alteration in its existing facilities or facility, the small recipient may, as an alternative, refer the qualified handicapped individual to other providers of those services that are accessible at no additional cost to the handicapped. (d) Time period.
17. Assistance to State and other non-Federal interests under cooperative agreements to conserve, develop, and enhance anadromous and Great Lakes Fisheries (16 U.S.C. 757a et seq.). 18. Grants and other assistance under the National Sea Grant College and Program Act of 1966: To support establishment of major university centers for marine research, education, training, and advisory services (33 U.S.C. 1121-1124). 19. Geodetic surveys and services; advisory services; dissemination of technical information (33 U.S.C. 883a). 20. Nautical charts assistance; advisory services; dissemination of technical information (33 U.S.C. 883a). 21.
(i) 15 CFR Part 24—Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments. (ii) OMB Circular A-87—Cost Principles for State and Local Governments. (iii) 15 CFR Part 29a—Audit Requirements for State and Local Governments (implements OMB Circular A-128—Audit of State and Local Governments). (3) Educational institutions. (i) OMB Circular A-110—Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations. (ii) OMB Circular A-21—Cost Principles for Educational Institutions.
Pt. 80 PART 80—FURNISHING PERSONAL CENSUS DATA FROM CENSUS OF POPULATION SCHEDULES Sec. 80.1 General requirements. 80.2 Rules pertaining to records of the living. 80.3 Rules applicable to deceased persons and estates. 80.4 Signature of persons unable to sign their name. 80.5 Detrimental use of information. 80.6 False statements. Authority: Sec. 1, Pub. L. 83-1158, 68 Stat. 1013 (13 U.S.C. 8).
(2) An accreditation body accrediting laboratories as described in section 3(1)(B) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 5402(1)(B)) shall affirm to the Director, NIST, that it meets the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 58 (or another document approved by the Director, NIST, under section 10(d) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 5411a(d)) and § 280.101(d) of this part), including revisions from time to time.
If the designated representative of the Government is not with the Office of General Counsel, the representative shall forward all settlement offers to the reviewing official and cannot negotiate a compromise or settlement with the respondent except as directed by the reviewing official. (c) The authority head has exclusive authority to compromise or settle a case under this part at any time after the date on which the ALJ issues an initial decision, except during the pendency of any review under § 25.42 or during the pendency of any action to collect penalties and assessments under § 25.43. (d) The Attorney General has exclusive authority to compromise or settle a case under this part during the pendency of any review under § 25.42 or of any action to recover penalties and assessments under 31 U.S.C.
§ 8c.11 Notice. The agency shall make available to employees, applicants, participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons such information regarding the provisions of this part and its applicability to the programs or activities conducted by the agency, and make such information available to them in such manner as the Secretary of Commerce or the Secretary's designee finds necessary to apprise such persons of the protections against discrimination assured them by section 504 and this regulation. §§ 8c.12-8c.29 [Reserved]
This includes: Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audits. [Dependent upon type of Recipient organization: nonprofit, for-profit, state/local government, or educational institution] (1) Nonprofit organizations. (i) OMB Circular A-110—Uniform Administrative Requirements of Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations. (ii) OMB Circular A-122—Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations. (iii) 15 CFR part 29b—Audit Requirements for Institutions of Higher Education and Other Nonprofit Organizations [implements OMB Circular A-133—Audits for Institutions of Higher Education and Other Nonprofit Organizations]. (2) State/local governments.
(d)(3)(i)(C), or (d)(7) or (8)) that takes place at an institution in which IRB oversight is conducted by an IRB that is not operated by the institution, the institution and the organization operating the IRB shall document the institution's reliance on the IRB for oversight of the research and the responsibilities that each entity will undertake to ensure compliance with the requirements of this policy (e.g. in a written agreement between the institution and the IRB, by implementation of an institution-wide policy directive providing the allocation of responsibilities between the institution and an IRB that is not affiliated with the institution, or as set forth in a research protocol). (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control Number 0990-0260)
Where elements of a solution are available from an existing source, they should be employed. Where private-sector consultants who can meet the needs of a small- or medium-sized manufacturer are available, they should handle the task. Each Center should bring to bear the technology expertise described in § 290.3(d) to assist small- and medium-sized manufacturing firms in adopting advanced manufacturing technology. (b) Program objective. The objective of the NIST Manufacturing Technology Centers is to enhance productivity and technological performance in United States manufacturing.
[82 FR 7270, Jan. 19, 2017, as amended at 83 FR 28512, June 19, 2018] § 27.102 Definitions for purposes of this policy. (a) Certification means the official notification by the institution to the supporting Federal department or agency component, in accordance with the requirements of this policy, that a research project or activity involving human subjects has been reviewed and approved by an IRB in accordance with an approved assurance. (b) Clinical trial means a research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of the interventions on biomedical or behavioral health-related outcomes.
(3) When an employee transfers to another agency, Commerce entities should resume collection with the employee's new payment agency in order to continue salary offset. § 19.13 How will Commerce entities use administrative wage garnishment to collect a Commerce debt from a debtor's wages? (a) Commerce entities are authorized to collect Commerce debts from an individual debtor's wages by means of administrative wage garnishment in accordance with the requirements of 31 U.S.C. 3720D and 31 CFR 285.11. This part adopts and incorporates all of the provisions of 31 CFR 285.11 concerning administrative wage garnishment, including the hearing procedures described in 31 CFR 285.11(f).
(b) Rule. The greater amount of the actual cost of the transferred goods and services as determined in accordance with applicable Federal cost principles, or 75 percent of the best customer price of the transferred goods and services, shall be deemed to be allowable costs; provided, however, that in no event shall the aggregate of these allowable costs exceed 30 percent of the non-Federal share of the total cost of the joint research and development program. (c) Definition. The term “best customer price” shall mean the GSA schedule price, or if such price is unavailable, the lowest price at which a sale was made during the last twelve months prior to the transfer of the particular good or service. [62 FR 64687, Dec. 9, 1997]
The certificate of recordal shall become inactive as of the date the amendment is filed. A new application for recordal of the amended trademark application or registration may be submitted to the Commissioner at any time. (b) Certificates of recordal designated inactive due to cancellation, expiration, or amendment of the trademark registration, or abandonment or amendment of the trademark application, cannot be reactivated. [61 FR 50558, Sept. 26, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 65 FR 39803, 39804, June 28, 2000] § 280.325 Cumulative listing of recordal information.
553(e). If the exemption was determined by the Department, such petition shall be filed with the Assistant Secretary for Administration. If the exemption was determined by another agency (as described in § 4.23(f)), the Department will provide the individual with the name and address of the other agency and any relief sought by the individual shall be that provided by the regulations of the other agency. Within the Department, no such denial is administratively final until such a petition has been filed by the individual and disposed of on the merits by the Assistant Secretary for Administration.
This description must include sufficient information such that a reasonable person would expect that the broad consent would permit the types of research conducted; (3) A description of the identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens that might be used in research, whether sharing of identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens might occur, and the types of institutions or researchers that might conduct research with the identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens; (4) A description of the period of time that the identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens may be stored and maintained (which period of time could be indefinite), and a description of the period of time that the identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens may be used for research purposes (which period of time could be indefinite);
A party seeking to restrict access to any portion of the record is responsible for submitting, at the time specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, a version of the document proposed for public availability that reflects the requested deletion. The restricted access portion of the record will be placed in a separate file and the file will be clearly marked to avoid improper disclosure and to identify it as a portion of the official record in the proceedings. The administrative law judge may act at any time to permit material that becomes declassified or unrestricted through passage of time to be transferred to the unrestricted access portion of the record. (c) Availability of documents—(1) Scope.
The Department, at its own initiative, may elect to provide a copy by mail, in which case no fee will be charged the individual. (c) Access to medical records is governed by the provisions of § 4.26. (d) The Department shall supply such other information and assistance at the time of access as to make the record intelligible to the individual. (e) The Department reserves the right to limit access to copies and abstracts of original records, rather than the original records. This election would be appropriate, for example, when the record is in an automated data medium such as tape or disc, when the record contains information on other individuals, and when deletion of information is permissible under exemptions (for example, 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2)).
(3) While voluntary self-disclosure is a mitigating factor in determining what corrective actions will be required by the Census Bureau and/or whether the violation will be referred to the BIS to determine what administrative sanctions, if any, will be sought, it is a factor that is considered together with all other factors in a case. The weight given to voluntary self-disclosure is within the discretion of the Census Bureau and the BIS, and the mitigating effect of voluntary self-disclosure may be outweighed by aggravating factors. Voluntary self-disclosure does not prevent transactions from being referred to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for criminal prosecution.
(1) 15 U.S.C. 5408(b)(1), Fastener Quality Act (1990), violation, maximum from $46,192 to $47,357. (2) 22 U.S.C. 6761(a)(1)(A), Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (1998), violation, maximum from $37,601 to $38,549. (3) 22 U.S.C. 6761(a)(l)(B), Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (1998), violation, maximum from $7,520 to $7,710. (4) 50 U.S.C. 1705(b), International Emergency Economic Powers Act (2007), violation, maximum from $295,141 to $302,584.
(c) The Department shall be responsible for the organization of the committee. Any formal operating procedures developed by the committee shall be subject to approval by the Department. The committee may conduct business either in a meeting or through correspondence, but only if a quorum participates. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of all voting members of the committee. A majority of the voting members of the committee participating shall be required to approve any actions taken by the committee except for the action of recommending a standard to the Department, the requirements for which are contained in § 10.5(b). § 10.5 Development of a recommended standard.
(6) Management experience and plans. Applicants should specify plans for proper organization, staffing, and management of the implementation process. Factors that may be considered include: Appropriateness and authority of the governing or managing organization to conduct the proposed activities; qualifications of the project team and its leadership to conduct the proposed activity; soundness of any staffing plans, including recruitment, selection, training, and continuing professional development; and appropriateness of the organizational approach for carrying out the proposed activity. (7) Financial plan. Applicants should show the relevance and cost effectiveness of the financial plan for meeting the objectives of the project; the firmness and level of the applicant's total financial support for the project; and a plan to maintain the program after the cooperative agreement has expired.
Commerce entities shall give the debtor notice and an opportunity for review as soon as practicable and promptly refund any money ultimately found not to have been owed to the Government. (See Commerce Department Credit and Debt Management Operating Standards and Procedures Handbook, available at § 19.11 How will Commerce entities use tax refund offset to collect a Commerce debt? (a) Tax refund offset. In most cases, the Bureau of the Fiscal Service uses the Treasury Offset Program to collect Commerce debts by the offset of tax refunds and other Federal payments. See § 19.9(c) of this part.
Items of domestic and foreign origin under the same commodity classification number must be reported separately and EEI filing is required when either is over $2,500. For the reporting of household goods see § 30.38. Note: this exemption does not apply to the export of vehicles. The export information for vehicles must be filed in AES regardless of value or country of destination. (b) Tools of trade and their containers that are usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of commodities and software intended for use by individual USPPIs or by employees or representatives of the exporting company in furthering the enterprises and undertakings of the USPPI abroad.
(8) Secondary quantity. The total number of units that correspond to the secondary unit of measure, if any, specified in the Schedule B or HTSUSA. See the definition of primary quantity for specific instructions on reporting the quantity as a weight and whole unit, rounding fractions. (9) Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)/Product ID. The identification number found on the reported used vehicle. For used self-propelled vehicles that do not have a VIN, the Product ID is reported. “Used” vehicle refers to any self-propelled vehicle where the equitable or legal title to which has been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. See U.S.