7 values
1 value
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1 value
["Movies & TV", "Boxed Sets", "Drama"]
["Degrassi Junior High confronts it all-friendship, puberty, rumors, sports, studies, and more-with a refreshing ensemble cast and a unique teen's-eye-view of life. Sometimes moving, sometimes shocking, but always believable, Degrassi Junior High is a classic. All your favorite characters and storylines are waiting-find your seat-school's open!"]
Degrassi Junior High
["B01M6WOTUT", "B000PWQPAM", "B0002VOY40", "B000E6EGMI", "B00G9ERIK6", "B000M5AJOU", "B0009JKVSS", "B0035G5IS0", "B00E4Q6U9Q", "B0035G5IQM", "B000S0GYEI", "B00171PAQA", "B005FIXA90", "B002M2T1WM", "B000R5OFPO", "B07FB9W9KH", "B07D55J8P9", "B001O4KBNM", "B00MNOLCLW", "B001DSNEME", "B07895XQQ6", "B073R2C9T6", "B0748YHVZN", "B01LTIABIC", "B016YVK31Y", "B01CIS85YE", "B073H5D441", "B072RC11KH"]
49,802 in Movies & TV (
["B01M6WOTUT", "B0002VOY40", "B0009JKVSS", "B07G2Q91C8", "B00G9ERIK6", "B0009OL8ZI", "B000PWQPAM", "B000R5OFPO", "B00E4Q6U9Q", "B000S0GYEI", "B0009OL934", "B000E6EGMI", "B000M5AJOU", "B0035G5IQM", "B0006U3SY4", "B005FIXA90", "B0035G5IS0", "B007AFBYNA", "B002M2T1WM", "B00171PAQA", "B0001EFTSS", "B0007YXPLK", "B005GRF2QY", "B07HSKP9S9"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English (Stereo)", "Subtitles:": "English", "Dubbed:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEA2PMO"}
["Movies & TV", "Holidays & Seasonal", "Christmas"]
["It s a snowy day in the Neighborhood, and Daniel Tiger can t wait to play outside! Miss Elaina comes over to Daniel s house. Before they can go outside, Daniel learns that playtime in the snow is only grr-ific when he wears clothes that will keep him warm. Daniel also discovers that when an activity such as sledding or ice skating seems scary and hard to do, he can try a little bit at a time and then it s easier!"]
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Daniel's Winter Wonderland
["B01MQGVNUX", "B07BFBT3LD", "B07DY2MB5W", "B00F1BG22S", "B00PHD6F2M", "B00UBJQ3ME", "B00K6K9GKO", "B0788WV24T", "B00Y250IOM", "B06XN6RN6P", "B01N0HAIUQ", "B00NIBSGZO", "B00O4PF5K2", "B00K3VYO6M", "1481446606", "B072KPNKZV", "B076W3LD84", "B00ME8EPAW", "B00ORTUMTO", "1481417711", "B07LDTS6P4", "B07CZV1XC8", "B00MEXP52Y", "B01L8UYZW4", "B00H540LD0", "1680523279", "B01N10750K", "1442498390", "B00YTSKJ9Q", "B00K0MM4KM", "B00WL6NXA0", "B0152AW05A", "B077TR34ZT", "1481420488", "B0792FD69X", "B012U76WWU", "B00AMA8GH2", "1481423487", "B01NASJ2VU", "B01LA7DEC2", "B07F7VHSBJ", "B00S2SYW60", "B00EZ5LK14", "B01B8OHPUY", "B00EPKNTUO", "B00HW2PS7E", "B00IVLRAPS", "B00E5G03AM", "B07FQ4ZFJX", "B01KWLZR2C", "B0112HPTOQ", "B01N4FQ6FT", "B01N07G5KC", "B00J8DQIDS", "B004ODLUJ4", "1481457691", "B008A6Q78K", "1680523287", "1534425268", "B07577TH8P", "B07FQ596DJ", "B0112HPRSO", "B01N7JXYYZ", "B00561BMZU", "1534404538", "B01M0DVRD1", "1573305588", "B076JL6R25", "B07BFPS5FV", "B00NMJQM2Q", "B00A6SZS1W", "B00EXAS7BC", "B00765VVDC", "6317580669", "B01F73UWBG", "1481441701", "1534437509", "B016X7M9J8", "B00LN8786M", "B00006JU8F", "B075F5Q4GK", "B00U1RXIF6", "B07C5SJSR3", "B0002V7OIS", "B00JLJ0AM4", "B0081NAUJY", "B00U8O6IGS", "1481492209", "B07477ZLZW", "B00EXAQUEI", "B071WQT9FG"]
4,398 in Movies & TV (
["B06XN6RN6P", "B07BFBT3LD", "B00K6K9GKO", "B01MQGVNUX", "B00F1BG22S", "B07DY2MB5W", "B00PHD6F2M", "B00UBJQ3ME", "B0788WV24T", "B00Y250IOM", "B00O4PF5K2", "B01N0HAIUQ", "B00K3VYO6M", "6317580669", "B00NIBSGZO", "B07CZV1XC8", "1481417711", "B07LDTS6P4", "1481446606", "B00ME8EPAW", "B00MEXP52Y", "B01L8UYZW4", "B07HSRY459", "B015Y149GU", "B077TR34ZT", "B0112HPTOQ", "B07F7VHSBJ", "1481423487", "1680523279", "B00MMPB73A", "B008A6Q78K", "B076W3LD84", "1442498390", "B00K0MM4KM", "B01F73UWBG", "B00ORTUMTO", "B07577TH8P", "B0152AW05A", "B072KPNKZV", "1534425268", "1680523287", "B01NASJ2VU", "1481420488", "B074MYTTMW", "B01LA7DEC2", "B00EPKNTUO", "1680523295", "B00EZ5LK14", "B0754QPB8H", "1481492209", "B077NHJGBK", "B00U1RXIF6", "B076JP4BWN", "B07477ZLZW", "B0792FD69X", "B012U76WWU", "B01KWLZR2C", "1481457349", "B00AMA8GH2"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEA2QEG"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Documentary"]
["In this richly penetrating documentary odyssey, Pulitzer Prize-winning food critic Jonathan Gold pulls back the curtain on the perceived superficiality of Los Angeles to show us a genuine and vibrant world where ethnic cooking is a kaleidoscopic doorway to the mysteries of an unwieldy city and the soul of America.<br><br>Combing through colorful neighborhoods in his green pickup truck, Gold sniffs out his next strip-mall discovery whether Oaxacan grasshopper soup, hand-cut tonkotsu ramen, or a particularly unctuous pad see ew. As piping-hot platters are served up, so are stories of immigrants whose secret family recipes are like sacred offerings pledged for the opportunity to build their American Dream. With eternal curiosity, razor-sharp intellect, and existential longing, Gold is a culinary geographer casting his light upon a vibrant and growing cultural movement where food is the gateway for experiencing how we live."]
City of Gold
["0312267231", "B07DKSPGR2", "B07KWTMLNY", "0374524173", "1626400555", "B07HSK1LXH", "0767802535", "B07DKV22D1", "B07DRYCV9V", "B07C5NSSVC", "0525558705", "B07FMRQZJT", "B07FGT8HTY", "1476740186", "B07D4ZWCHX", "B07G1C687D", "B07G13R96D", "1579657389", "B07C5SJSR1", "B0789TKQL3", "B0784W97WG", "B07DTYDJZP", "B07D57L8J8", "1787014223", "B07FJ8FVFY", "B07BZC5KDP", "0451493605", "0143111388", "1501175513", "B07BZXYG42", "B07DY286P1", "B07C53ZZXY", "B07D4ZWCMB", "B07G28Y3SV", "B07H62PFTX", "B07FK78D6W", "B06XGRJ81X", "B017DYS7ZK", "B07CQL3452", "B000002GY2", "B0779934JW", "0062225855", "B076DQZ55H", "0062363034", "B01D7A718I", "1607749165", "B07BF1Z36Z", "B01GF7NA2G", "1909815594", "0848754417", "0374279861", "B07BSLQ66P", "0914671995", "B01BX2B4JE", "1626400288", "B007UW9WOQ", "1476753830", "1579656706", "0714877557", "B07979NS8F", "1324002646", "B00UHJ7F4S", "0525574824", "0062409956", "B01LTHZVM4", "B07472V1B9", "0060899220", "1596913606", "0547636474", "1601427565", "B005TK2252"]
Jonathan Gold
44,144 in Movies & TV (
["0312267231", "0374524173", "0520260155", "B07KZHVTKB", "1601069189", "B07KZ52983", "B07DKV22D1", "6317563772", "1626400555", "B07J3B7DJ2", "B07JX4SHWC", "0399589198", "B003TY2SNG", "1579658407", "1524758922", "1476740186", "1476753830", "1524763136"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HE9S3J4"}
["Movies & TV", "Movies"]
["B00VQK0436", "B01I5SLS9A", "B077RL8T87", "B00VMIU3CO", "B074ZY7L88", "0440212561", "1101887486", "0553393707", "B07CWNFVMC", "1780896611", "B077R4K3SK", "B01EN7KUG4", "B07FJ9ZR6W", "0399177531", "0440245680", "B07F3M1H66", "B07H19PS1K", "0440225809", "B01I5SLR3C", "B00KJ1CBPC", "B075569ZX6", "B00MO21WAY", "1547845643", "0385344449", "0385335970", "B014E1TJV6", "110188424X", "1101967579", "B075RT1NYK", "B06XWPPBQD", "B07C5FH654", "B07HGH7ZVM", "0385315279", "B07CVK279F", "1531904939", "B00KHWSB5M", "B07HGKKHPW", "0440217563", "B012HNW4HE", "0440215625", "0385336764", "B07G1THTZY", "0385302312", "B014R3PVYU", "1531903991", "B01F1NWZEY", "B07D1L75RY", "B07HSJQNWK", "B01H2AQVJE", "B07J3KHVQN", "B008U1ANHG", "B07G1XZ6FC", "0440221668", "0385302304", "B01JAQ6UR6", "B07JYR54B7", "B07H5VTTBH", "1531905196", "B07GSYVVY3", "B07FDT8PGV", "B07FDFQLTC", "B07KBTKCFZ", "B074ZQ777N", "B00JZUJLBK", "B07615CVB1", "1492657964", "B077HB8C8Y", "B0084IHVN4", "B01BLS9EVA", "B07CXZ9C5B", "B00005RRG7", "B073LC2F8S", "B07K46Z3M9"]
774,139 in Movies & TV (
["B074ZY7L88", "B01I5SLS9A", "B077RL8T87", "B07CWNFVMC", "B00VQK0436", "B015Y74Q4Y", "B07C6WT5YK", "B075JR5KFT", "B01MTV4FWV", "B01EN7KUG4", "B013JBH0CC", "B01I5SLOJ4", "B07F3M1H66", "0440212561", "B075JJL3SP", "1101887486", "1101884169", "B01H2AQVJE", "B075V9T65T", "1531905196", "B01N5EKDR8", "B07K6DL762", "0440215625", "1101967579", "B07K71WH5K", "1101887273", "1531903991", "0440217563", "B07FJ9ZR6W", "B076GDBYL3", "B07H19PS1K", "B001EAWMGA", "B0142W9WVY", "8498387183", "110188424X", "B077SBC92F", "B0721Y7ZCW", "B017DHLYP2", "B07H4C4VR2", "B078XH1P6Y", "0399177531", "B00VC1YIB8", "1531904939"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Italian (Dolby Digital 5.1), German (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 5.1), Spanish (Dolby Digital 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "German, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Turkish", "ASIN: ": "B01HEB8DL0"}
["Movies & TV", "Movies"]
["This unique old time radio DVD collectible features 8 digitized reels of classic Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy radio broadcasts and over 7 Hours 36 Minutes of total running time on 1 DVD. Take a journey back through radio broadcasting history with this large audio library of OTR memorabilia. The golden age of old time radio has been rescued, digitized, and packaged into a gift set that any classic radio lover can appreciate. The DVD opens and plays in a computer DVD drive and the collector can listen to the audio on a MP3 player, DVD/MP3-compatible car stereo, computer, MP3-compatible DVD player, or just compile favorites onto CD for greater user flexibility."]
The Foundation Trilogy
277,190 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
[",0,0,38,50_.jpg", ",0,0,38,50_.jpg", ",0,0,38,50_.jpg"]
["", "", ""]
{"ASIN: ": "B01HEBBW9A"}
["Movies & TV", "Boxed Sets", "Anime"]
["On the demon's playground, anything can happen.", "With the devastating Face weapon active, the battle against Tartaros seems desperate. The wizards of Fairy Tail must face down the Nine Demon Gates of Tartaros to stop the mass magic purge, or they will all become powerless. As the clock ticks down, what sacrifices will be made to protect the magic across the land? Will it even be enough?", "Natsu and his friends will have to use everything they've got if they want to prevent E.N.D.'s revival. But when each member is up against a different foe, things aren't looking good for our heroes. In this battle against demons, anything goes; including their ability to...resurrect?! And as if demons weren't enough, familiar foes join the battle with demonic powers that make them stronger than before.", "When the battle turns in Tartaros' favor, can Lucy summon the strength to call on the most powerful celestial spirit-the Celestial Spirit King?!"]
Fairy Tail: Part 21
["B01LX9LSF1", "B01D5MQPLC", "B01995ZHU4", "B014VB09NG", "B07894H9PL", "B0125IDPHE", "B077TM83CN", "B00XX9KLI6", "B00R7ECJH4", "B00F9F4DX6", "B01M7RQX7R", "B00NP06EKW", "B005HVWW6C", "B074V7YW5S", "B00LXGT8Q2", "B01MEH96W3", "B01N1V4CES", "B07GW2R7GG", "B00UXVS18Y", "B014662I12", "B00B1RB8ZC", "B00OLIIGRG", "B01N45HYV5", "B07J356J5H", "B06XRGR62X", "B01MR7O5UT", "B07CXC32WT", "B01N0E5NP1", "B075V1SNYN", "B07289LMVR", "B00CDV4NN4", "B071WTBZV3", "B01HEYB9NG", "B074128LCV", "B07CL79FDJ", "B06ZZ7FP31", "B06WWLTCZT", "B076W3LDV4", "B079VCSYL9", "B06WGZD4CX", "B07DVGS98G", "B01MRKRDFW", "B00LXGRR4W", "B077MYFLH2", "B0788XV978", "B07DVGQJPY", "B079F8C95P", "B07895ZX3R", "B06XSVZBTC", "B06X1DGXVM", "B072N9G1FJ", "B073ZWDZWR", "B07BF3V9BL", "B07BFB2SQZ", "B01N5S8NL2", "B07BFB2SQY", "B075V3PSWD", "B07GRJLZQ7", "B06X1DGWV7", "B07J34BL6R", "B01EIW2RLU", "B01EP1NUGK", "B07BC61HRR", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B00JKT5PSY", "B01KWK56TW", "B01N5QUHIU", "B01IDVSJ82", "B07FQ596D2", "B07J3GTYPS", "B01FXM2Q2O", "B01MY7AQSM", "B07GRVVZTS", "B07GRRGVJ1", "B00HFC7LYO", "B07D5155TR", "B01DN54ROI", "B07HCBX88Q", "B075V3PSWC", "B01IPE5UZW", "B07FQCQQST", "B07D4ZPM35", "B06XKNGBPV", "B07BF3V4R1", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B00II50JLE", "B07FSRDM49", "B07FRLQ52T", "B07GRK1JB9", "B07DVGP98L", "B07BBGJGC3", "B07BF3V9BM", "B07D51Y72W", "B07921WMPW", "B00KDQDU2G", "B071RGX65G", "B0791WTKDR", "B07FQLZL5X", "B01KWK56D8"]
Cherami Leigh
63,234 in Movies & TV (
["B06XRGR62X", "B07894H9PL", "B01LX9LSF1", "B01D5MQPLC", "B00B1RB8ZC", "B074V7YW5S", "B077MR2N2J", "B01995ZHU4", "B014VB09NG", "B00XX9KLI6", "B01N1V4CES", "B00LXGRR4W", "B00CDV4NN4", "B0125IDPHE", "B01M7RQX7R", "B00OLIIGRG", "B014662I12", "B00LXGT8Q2", "B00NP06EKW", "B00R7ECJH4", "B00UXVS18Y", "B077TM83CN", "B07FRX55RK", "B005HVWW8U", "B07CL79FDJ", "B00JKT5PSY", "B07JVF7MF4", "B00F9F4DX6", "B07J34LYBT", "B00V7ORQIM", "B07DVGQJPY", "B074R4KSTM", "B00LBU7K88", "B07GRJLZQ7", "B07D4ZPJCL", "B005NQ5LR8", "B07CJW4XS7", "B01IPDNKDW", "B01EIW2RG0", "B07DVGP98L", "B01LWC8P5Y", "B00CDV4OR4", "B005HE4AIC", "B079B8TNH1", "B075V3LXVR", "B07DY2M7H5", "B07CLYMTHH", "B07GRLPQLY", "B01LTHOAGM", "B07BZC5KHW"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXS7LE"}
["Movies & TV", "Boxed Sets", "Anime"]
["<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG /> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> <p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;\"><span style=\"mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; color: black;\">Don&rsquo;t miss this intriguing tale of magic, war, and sexual politics from Production I.G., the studio that brought you Eden of the East, FLCL, and Ghost in the Shell! <br /> <br /> In the time of the Hundred Years&rsquo; War, a young and powerful witch known as Maria leads a reclusive existence. Shunned by the church &ndash; but beloved by a few locals &ndash; Maria endeavors to use her magic to bring an end to the warfare she so despises. Using her magical ability, she aids humanity alongside her two familiars: a seductive succubus and an incubus&hellip;who&rsquo;s a little incomplete. Though she seeks only peace, the archangel Michael despises the way she uses magic to interfere with human affairs and decrees that should she ever manage to lose her virginity, her powers will vanish! To ensure that Maria no longer mixes magic with warfare, Michael sends the angel Ezekiel to keep a watchful eye on the virgin witch. In theory, his plan is sound. But keeping a fiery young woman bound by the rules of a higher power might prove too daunting even for an ever-vigilant angel.</span>"]
Maria the Virgin Witch: The Complete Series
["B0791WTKDR", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B07DY2M7H5", "B073ZWDZWR", "B07D5185K9", "B06WWLTCZT", "B07CL79FDJ", "B07GRVVZTS", "B01N5QUHIU", "B01N45HYV5", "B07CLYMTHH", "B06W9MS6M5", "B000AM4PC2", "B01KWK56TW", "B07FQ596D2", "B07BF3V4R1", "B07FQLZL5X", "B07LD23DMJ", "B06XSVZBTC", "B079ZV4NMF", "B07FQCQQST", "B01KWK5692", "B01HEYB9NG", "B0791TR1TT", "B01KWK56D8", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B01FXM9582", "B07J34BL6R", "B07GRLPQLY", "B07FRX55RK", "B07J35G3VN", "B07GRRGVJ1", "B075V3PSWC", "B01MRKRF40", "B077MQ596K", "B07CLVXGP1", "B079BJV36X", "B07GRK1JB9", "B06XSFCN2H", "B077MYFLH2", "B07D5155TR", "B07D51568N", "B01N12I48M", "B01M9D2J25", "B07BFB2SQY", "B07FQ321FZ", "B079B8TNH1", "B07J356J5H", "B07DVGP98L", "B07FGCX1K9", "B07JJGZW2H", "B07GRJGYPC", "B01EP1NUGK", "B077MR2N2H", "B00VKCI1JO", "B01850DIYG", "B07DV5GS4P", "B07DV6PJ2C", "B07H657X8S", "B07C57GMMH", "B07D55HV8N", "B01LYKJ12Y", "B075KZDKSL", "B07BC61HRR", "B07FQ63HG3", "B01IPEAHGO", "B00KDQDU2G", "B075V3LXVR", "B0794MCD86", "B00R7ECNBG", "B01ASMCMVE", "B076LW35NP", "B06WVMB85Q", "B07D58DD17", "B07DVGP98K", "B07GW2R7GG", "B0753GQ9BP", "B01M1KZSC9", "B07JHJFJPH", "B01N8WBEG3", "B07CJW4XS7", "B07C57GM7K", "B00XPKGZCY", "B06XS1K39C", "B01HEY1VB6", "B00GS20I7Y", "B00GS1YP6A", "B00V7ORQIM", "B07J35GDLP", "B07FGT7G3P", "B07FQ6SWTG", "B00HXEWFUY", "B07D4ZSQ7B", "B07DVGS98G", "B007I1TGOA", "B01MY7AQSM", "1626928312", "B07D51Y72W", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07GRMDFXG"]
Alexis Tipton
58,079 in Movies & TV (
["B0791WTKDR", "B07FQLZL5X", "B01KWK56TW", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B07DV6PJ2C", "B073ZWDZWR", "B07D55HV8L", "B07DVGP98L", "B01HEYB9NG", "B07DVGS98G", "B07BF3V4R1", "B07D51Y72W", "B01KWK5692", "B01N8WBEG3", "B07CLYMTHH", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07FRX55RK", "B00UXXSWVI", "B01KWK56D8", "B07FQCQQST", "B07GRK1JB9", "B074R4KSTM", "B07GRVC32D", "B01MYN3MI2", "B07HCBX88Q", "B07FQ596D2", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B07DV5GS4Q", "B07D4ZPJCL", "B07BF3V4QZ", "B01N5QUHIU", "B06W9MS6M5", "1632360802", "B07JVF8B6T", "B010CVUXY4", "B07D4ZPJCP", "B008YRL7JE", "B00BFDXYYU", "B07D5185K9", "B07J368VR6", "B075V3LXVR", "B07DV5GS4P", "B07CL79FDJ", "B077MQ596K", "B07FQ63HG3", "B07D4ZSQ7B", "B07FQ4ZFJK", "B01N12I48M", "B07HC3KMYW", "B07DY2M7H5", "B00CU6WBOU", "B06XRRF551", "B00EZ22976", "B07GVS4R6H", "B015GKSXAC", "B07BF681HH", "B07GRLPXL2", "B01MR7O5UT", "B01N45HYV5", "B0753GQ9BP"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 2.0), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXXM9G"}
["Movies & TV", "Boxed Sets", "Anime"]
["<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG /> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> <p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;\"><span style=\"mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; color: black;\">Issei and his harem of hotties are back to take on their biggest, boldest, bounciest adventure yet as they fight to prevent Ragnarok (aka the end of the underworld)! <br /> <br /> With summer vacation just around the corner, Issei&rsquo;s got one thing on his mind&mdash;spending sunny days with bikini-clad babes. Unfortunately, the Chaos Brigade is planning something big, and with heavy-hitters like the Norse God Loki in their corner, the House of Gremory is going to have to survive Rias&rsquo; underworld boot camp if they hope to stand a chance.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">&nbsp; </span>While they prepare, dark forces gather strength behind the scenes, Koneko&rsquo;s family reunion turns into a real catfight, and Asia must survive an indecent proposal from a high-ranking demon. With plenty of balls-to-the-wall battles and bare-it-all beauties, fans of High School DxD should start making room on the shelf&mdash;their perfect pair is about to become a m&eacute;nage &agrave; trois.<br /> <br /> The Limited Edition comes in a collectible art box.</span>"]
High School DxD BorN: Season Three
["B07DVGS98G", "B07D51Y72W", "B073ZWDZWR", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B07FRX55RK", "B00KDQDU2G", "B07BF3V4R1", "B06XSVZBTC", "B00BFDXYYU", "B07DVGP98L", "B01N45HYV5", "B00HXEWFUY", "B06WWLTCZT", "B01MXLL967", "B00HXEWDDS", "B075V3LXVR", "B00UXXY4BA", "B00KDQG3A2", "B01995ZHIG", "B01EIW2RHE", "B07DY2M7H5", "B07CL79FDJ", "B01EP1NUGK", "B07D5185K9", "B01HEY879K", "B00E688XI8", "B07JJGZW2H", "B00AUJH39M", "B07CLVXGP1", "B07FQ321FZ", "B01ASMCMVE", "B00MP2FS94", "B075KZDKSL", "B075V3PSWC", "B00V7ORQIM", "B079BJV36X", "B00VKCI1JO", "B00TZZNO7M", "B01MRKRF40", "B07H657X8S", "B01N12I48M", "B0791WTKDR", "B07FQCQQST", "B00EZ227DW", "B07GRK1JB9", "B07GRVVZTS", "B06XSFCN2H", "B0753FDK2Q", "B07BFB2SQY", "B07D55HV8L", "B01M0N0U7R", "B077MR2N2H", "B07FQLZL5X", "B07J356J5H", "B01KWK56D8", "B00UXX6CEC", "B01KWK57RI", "B00I4F0HTW", "B00C3JUAYW", "B07D5155TR", "B07C57GM7K", "B07CLYMTHH", "B006XDU7Y2", "B01N7KZFEN", "B0794MCD86", "B00R7ECNBG", "B07DVGP98K", "B00D44IQQE", "B005HVWVU4", "B004SGWYWE", "B01MZBBZSC", "B079B8TNH1", "B00MP2G3C0", "B01M1KZSC9", "B07FQ63HG3", "B07GVS4R6H", "B0791TR1TT", "0316334820", "B00J9IP7FW", "B008YRL7JE", "B0045O2PH8", "B01N5I7314", "B071RHTNCT", "B07D55HV8N", "B07BF3V4QZ", "B00BCPOEIG", "B01N75LISS", "B074WVZK6K", "B00MZ3X908", "B00GS1YP6A", "B005NQ5LM8", "B014VB0A4E", "B07921WMPW", "B071V5M1N1", "B000AM4PC2", "B07J34BL6R", "B01711CI7S", "B01KWK57SW", "B01EIW2RLU", "B07894H9PL"]
Jamie Marchi
135,280 in Movies & TV (
["B07FRX55RK", "B07D51Y72W", "B07DVGS98G", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B0791TR1TT", "B073ZWDZWR", "B00HXEWFWM", "B07FQ321FZ", "B00BFDXYYU", "B07BF3V4R1", "B07FQLZL5X", "B07D55HV8L", "B07DVGP98L", "B01IPE0J44", "B06XSVZBTC", "B008YRL7JO", "B00TZZNO7M", "B07D4ZPM35", "B01KWK56TW", "B07D5185K9", "B00HXEWFUY", "B07BSLLB1R", "B00KDQG3A2", "B07FQCQQST", "B07DY2M7H5", "B07J368VR6", "B00AUJH32E", "B075V3LXVR", "B008YRL7JE", "B07JJGZW2H", "B07D4ZPJCL", "B07J35G3VN", "B074WVZK6K", "B07CL79FDJ", "B07HCBX88Q", "B00KDQDU2G", "B07D4ZPJCP", "B0049TC8C6", "B00B1RB942", "B00E688XI8", "B00EZ227DW", "B00AUJH39M", "B079BJV36X", "B00HXEWDDS", "B01EIW2RHE", "B01D7AA21G", "B00HXEWECI", "B01M0N0U7R", "B01995ZHIG", "B00D44IQQE", "B00ENNUC9Y", "B075KZDKSL", "B07BFB2SQY", "B07GRK1JB9", "B06WWLTCZT", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07GRVVZTS", "B00C3JUAYW", "B00NP06DJE", "B075V3PSWC"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 2.0), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXVLEE"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Drama"]
["Eager to leave behind his past in Germany, teacher Antek Liebmann rents a quaint house in the French countryside and takes a job in the towns antique shop. The tranquil setting initially appears to be perfect for blending in and disappearing, but life in the rural enclave isnt quite so simple. Local hunters are a little trigger-happy, and if that doesnt make the forest dangerous enough, apparently there is a serial killer stalking victims in the woods. And then there are the neighbors: single mother Genevieve, who is very welcoming, perhaps a little too much so, especially considering Liebmann seems more intrigued by the scruffy and sweet Sbastien, a customer at the antique shop. No one realizes that Antek has left behind a terrible secret in his own country. The discovery of a mysterious artists residency on the edge of town and the arrival of an unexpected visitor from Germany help Liebmann face his past and offer a way out of the darkness."]
["B01LZQGPXT", "B075MYR6D6", "B079KBLMR7", "B077QX21P2", "B01LR1OAHO", "B07C8Q5K46", "B00YV2OD5G", "B01M29LLLP", "B01N9GSMUU", "B01N6LTIJ7", "B001A94CSQ", "B06XJX4J5K", "B015GSX4JE", "B07D99F4P6", "B0721V9GR5", "B0779SRDTV", "B01M29CJYF", "B0751R4FWD", "B0753312S8", "B07BLHR52X", "B00L16P1M4", "B072HMS5LR", "B071RDRRPR", "B07G2CJPP9", "B00TEC7IEG", "B01NBALPRR", "B074T1KYMZ", "B01N66TEWO", "B01NARNBUG", "B07987TFP8", "B01N6XB97X"]
Godehard Giese
234,468 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "German, French, English", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXVYDC"}
["Movies & TV", "Blu-ray", "Movies"]
["In a future ruled by an unwavering dedication to good health, three high school girls led by the defiant Miach Mihie attempt suicide as the ultimate act of rebellion. Tuan Kirie survives, but can't shake the hatred she has for the \"perfect world\" she lives in.", "Years later, a simultaneous mass suicide rocks the globe and sends society into a state of shock. A small group stands up to take credit for the event, claiming they've hijacked the consciousness of every person on the planet. Everything about the terrorists' message sounds too familiar to Tuan. She suspects her old friend Miach might be involved, but how could that be when she'd supposedly killed herself years earlier? Desperate for answers, Tuan launches an investigation that takes her across the globe chasing the ghost of her old friend. But what is Miach's end game? Will she finally wake the world from its monotonous slumber? Or, end it all for good?"]
Project Itoh: Harmony
["B074WTYP3V", "B01EMOQ4L8", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B07J356J5H", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07GRLPXL2", "B07LD23DMJ", "B01N1FNDWG", "B06WWLTCZT", "B07GRMDFXG", "B074JS68B4", "B073ZWDZWR", "B074R4KSTM", "B01NCOVUTF", "B07GRLPQLY", "B074WVZK6K", "B01DEQ98HW", "B076LW35NP", "B01FXMI2I6", "B000VWYJ5Y", "B0791WTKDR", "B077MYFLH2", "B01KWK56FQ", "B06XSFCN2H", "B07JJGZW2H", "B07JHJFJPH", "B06XSVZBTC", "B01N45HYV5", "B078Y2PJ5K", "1421536439", "B01D7A93CU", "B07BF3V4R1", "B01D7AA21G", "B07FQ321FZ", "B01MRKRF40", "B06W9MS6M5", "B0765MNMBZ", "B01D7A9CEO", "B07DVGP98K", "B005WMQ5R8", "B07CJV3VR2", "B07CLYMTHH", "B07FRX55RK", "B01KWK56D8", "B07DVGP98L", "B07895V7DY", "B00B6DTF8S", "B07J368VR6", "B07D5185K9", "B07G1THXT1", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B077TM83CN", "B07CL79FDJ", "B07BC61HRR", "B00R6PE1DY", "B01MY7AQSM", "B07D58DD17", "B00D44IQQE", "B00MQVSFIA", "B00R7ECNBG", "B07FQ63HG3", "B01711CLY8", "B01KWK55UM", "B01EP1NUGK", "B0788WSVJ3", "B07D4ZPM35", "B01KWK577S", "B000AM4PC2", "B07FQLZL5X", "B00G0OM22O", "B07FGT7G3P", "B07J3GTYPS", "B00B1RB942", "B00CU6WBOU", "B00PHSDS0E", "B018373YQI", "B07FQ4ZFJK", "B00GS1DM2S", "B07BF681HH", "B077MQ596K", "B003XJDT0I", "B07CTWM7SD", "B075V3LXVR", "B074WVZDYD", "B01EIW2RJW", "B07FGCX1K9", "B01995ZGQ4", "B01EMOQSC8", "B0788WSV6M", "B07BF3V4QZ", "B01M1KZSC9", "B079VDHW37", "B07CLVXGP1", "B00KU3Y5CG", "B01HEYB9NG", "B07CJW4XS7", "B01MZWU7FO", "B002Y0KR66", "B07FQ6SWTG"]
Jamie Marchi
54,176 in Movies & TV (
["B074WTYP3V", "B01EMOQ4L8", "B01KWK577S", "1421536439", "B00G0OM22O", "B07D4ZPJCL", "B07D4ZPJCP", "B07FQ4ZFJK", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B072FPMPNX", "B0788XQ5YH", "B07DVGP98K", "B07J368VR6", "B0732MT77T", "B0791WTKDR", "B06WWLTCZT", "B07FQCQQST", "B01MF6A8TE", "B07JHJFJPH", "B00U0WY42S", "B07D55MDBZ", "B07GRVVZTQ", "B00R7ECNBG", "B07J3GTYPS", "B07DY2M7H5", "B07J368VR7", "B01M7WF3XC", "B07HSJ5BQQ", "B07BF3V4R1", "B06W9MS6M5", "B06XSFCN2H", "B07DV5GS4P", "B01N26BR9I", "1626927707", "B01KWK56D8", "B00XX8WMSO", "B07GRLPQLY", "B0173UQYAO", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07G1THXT1", "B07GSYVVVZ", "B07CLVXGP1", "1421542722", "B07HBYHWPN", "B007K7IC7Y", "B07D51568N", "B079B8TNH1", "B01M1KZSC9", "B008YRL6WM", "B07D4ZSQMJ", "B07DV6PJ2C", "B07C7NWFXQ", "B06XSVZBTC", "B07D4ZWCMM"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 5.1), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXY0U6"}
["Movies & TV", "Boxed Sets", "Anime"]
["<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG /> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> <p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;\"><span style=\"mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; color: black;\">Add the girl who changed the world to your video collection. The anime classic that stirred a worldwide phenomenon has stood the test of time, and now you can take home your favorite alien, time traveler, ESPer, and reality warper. <br /> <br /> Kyon is a cynical and sarcastic teenager. The first day of his first year of high school is filled with hopes of a normal school experience&mdash;hopes that are immediately dashed after meeting the beautiful and eccentric Haruhi Suzumiya. Haruhi is athletic, brilliant, and completely bored with life. At Kyon&rsquo;s accidental suggestion, she decides to create her own club dedicated to finding and observing life&rsquo;s oddities&mdash;like the aliens, espers, and time travelers she believes walk among normal people.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">&nbsp; </span><br /> <br /> Now, Kyon and a ragtag group of recruits are Haruhi&rsquo;s right-hand men in the newly formed SOS Brigade. But all is not what it seems. The quiet bookworm? Alien. The busty sophomore? Time-traveler. The handsome transfer student? ESPer. And the biggest surprise? They&rsquo;re all there because Haruhi herself has the ability to reshape the world as she sees fit. Maybe Kyon should have joined the literature club&hellip;<br /> <br /> Contains both seasons of the original The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya television series, The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya and Nyoron! Churuya-san spinoff ONA series, and The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan spinoff television series!<br /> <br /> Includes a collector's specialty print finish chipboard box with artwork from original character designer Noizi Ito, plus a set of exclusive art cards housed in a removable filler box.</span>"]
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
["B06X9C1HHR", "B074R4KSTM", "0316315303", "B0753FXGXT", "B07DV6PJ2B", "B01EIW2RMO", "B01AZDMOGO", "B01MG3ECAL", "B01IPEG91Q", "B01IY4J9Q4", "B010SZ0S9E", "B01N7KZFEN", "B00I462Y1K", "B00J9IP7FW", "B00OLII9RI", "B01711CI7S", "B0722C3WMQ", "B01LOD8N64", "B074GVWJ18"]
Wendee Lee
112,148 in Movies & TV (
["B01HEXUFAK", "B06X9C1HHR", "B01HEY3SI0", "B00NP06DJE", "B005F96UQO", "B003KO1JRQ", "B01HEYDITO", "B003UTS85C", "0316039020", "B07LDC9MR3", "B07D4ZPJCP", "031603889X", "B004DMIIPA", "B001LF3M9E", "B0753FDK2M", "B00V7ORQIM", "1947194399", "B07JHJFJPH", "B0116FT65W", "B00MMOZ1SS", "B01EIW2RMO", "B00C3JUGZA", "B00AUJH32E", "B07D4ZPM35", "B00KU3Y5CG", "B07JYQNLPW", "0316038989", "B0791WTKDR", "B0071LEJTO", "031603892X", "B00BFEGS42", "B07GRLPL8Q", "B01IPEG91Q", "B07J3KHVBQ", "0316038938", "B074XJ48WV", "B010CVUYKM", "B07967KQ2G", "B0732NMD2Z", "B00KGECY8Q", "B015GKSXAC", "B00TQGGLFW", "1421525828", "B07D5185K9", "B07D4ZPJCL", "B01KWK56D8", "B074R4KSTM", "B06XSVZBTC", "B07FSRBH15", "B00D44IQQE", "B06XPTSC6G", "B001CLTIIG", "1421582694", "B074GV3RVT", "B0173UQYAO", "B01995ZHIG", "B075V3LXVR", "B07FSVYSG7", "B01DO5873E", "B000767QTA"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 2.0), English (Dolby TrueHD 2.0), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXVKMM"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Kids & Family"]
["At a prestigious South African school, Melea and her boyfriend imagine a hip-hop version of Romeo and Juliet, but Melea's dreams are dashed when she's unable to pay tuition and is forced to leave. Determined to fulfill her destiny, she does the unthinkable persuades the community to support her artistic and unique vision. When adrenaline-filled rehearsals cause dance crew rivals and egos to get in the way, everything falls apart. Once again, Melea dares to dream and risks it all to put on a performance you'll never forget. From the director of Honey and Honey 2, Honey 3 is full of dance, romantic love triangles and heart-pumping music you won't want to miss."]
Honey 3: Dare to Dance
["B0068FYZES", "B0001CNRS4", "B078Y2PGKT", "B0012QCZ54", "B004529NKC", "B009ANP4F4", "B00MJ4OJ8O", "B000J3OTSM", "B01I9WR68Y", "B00J5LXSBI", "B01GDJZJVQ", "B001K2LFNI", "B00CPKZLG6", "B00YOTINCA", "B00FMXMRWE", "B01GQIKLHG", "B00EZ50RU4", "B00AMEZDJW", "B00HZMZ272", "B003NHRIVQ", "B00TT66VJ0", "B07CXFD7QL", "B00023BLXK", "B00004XPPD", "B07F5CPBPQ", "B000XSWVEC", "B003SYQ7FC", "0767812387", "B0725W7B9X", "B0000524E5", "B01BTTAJ9C", "B074BQ2BF8", "B01LTHKKZM", "B076ZSYXPD", "B0158W4NT8", "B075FSRZK8", "B01M2WL79W", "B07C5H8DFX", "B074P3ZD6P", "B077V4S33Y", "B06Y3MYS83", "B00006HAWN", "B0713XVXRZ", "B01MA3XL0S", "B07G1YS8T1", "B07J35GD1V", "B076R3FM2F", "B0009JE57G", "B07BQP1G94", "B01LTHWY1K", "B00005JOZC", "B0788XV93X", "B079V992FD", "B0000DIXDR", "B07CF6WDGT", "B00KB49JDY", "B000ERVJHW", "B07GJ314W5", "B0794Y2D6B", "B072QKGFVQ", "B00097DXFS", "B078Y2PGM5", "B00DWZHTOU", "B005LAIH1S", "B005LAII0I", "B079JCLP5P", "B01AH3QQ1Q", "B07C5NSSVF", "B07BF3V4TG", "B07985BXGP", "B00KO6EC4A", "B07HGGC719", "B01M3SYOXY", "B075FM4GLY", "B06WD3ZMGS", "B003B1X85O", "B07CXZ9CGX", "B0112HPX1K", "B07FCSHVD5", "B01N5Q2UQJ", "B001F0TM2G", "B07FNDRB8J", "6305428409", "B075P9256K", "B002ZG976U", "B002ZG99KO", "B0013K2ZFY", "B01FGQG61E", "B01KFJRW5G", "B00BIYQPJC", "B071S7J7PV", "B07CYGSKS3", "B000Y9PC7S", "B01D9TA50I", "B003EYVXZ0", "B00QHIRRSC", "B00AEFXZVM", "B00JF8YLNA", "B01BTDOSTK", "B006X08DZ0"]
Cassie Ventura
82,434 in Movies & TV (
["B0068FYZES", "B0001CNRS4", "B078Y2PGKT", "B004529NKC", "B0012QCZ54", "B00MJ4OJ8O", "B000J3OTSM", "B01I9WR68Y", "B009ANP4F4", "B001K2LFNI", "B01GDJZJVQ", "B00J5LXSBI", "B07JJY7P5M", "B07HGQ53LY", "B00AMEZDJW", "B07473FZXD", "B00YOTINCA", "B0002JP4L4", "B079JPMFFQ", "B0000524E5", "B07F7V1WL7", "B00FMXMRWE", "B00EZ50RU4", "B00004XPPD", "B06WD3ZMGS", "B01BTTAJ9C", "B07JYR54B7", "B07HGQ4NGJ", "B072QKGFVQ", "B01KFJRW5G", "B00GQQ75QO", "B00HZMZ272", "B01E8CKGUE", "B079FLYB41", "B07F5CPBPQ", "B07JYQN7J6"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English (Dolby Digital 5.1), French (Dolby Digital 5.1), Spanish (Dolby Digital 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "French, Spanish", "Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXSZJI"}
["Movies & TV", "Boxed Sets", "Anime"]
["<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG /> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> <p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;\"><span style=\"mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; color: black;\">From studio Doga Kobo, who brought you Laughing Under the Clouds and Yuruyuri, comes a new magic school adventure!<br /> <br /> Eruna Ichinomiya has no desire to focus on what high school to pick. She&rsquo;d rather spend her time chasing after pretty girls or playing dating sims. After all, when the only job you want is to watch TV all day, who cares what school you attend? But when her cousin Shigure Ninomiya shows her the pamphlet to Mikagura Academy, Eruna finds her picture-perfect reason to go to high school: the beautiful Seisa Mikagura. <br /> <br /> After a bizarre entrance exam and interview with a flying, talking cat, it&rsquo;s clear that Mikagura is not a typical high school. Students are focused more on clubs, battles, and their special magical attacks instead of regular studies. And if Eruna wants to win over the cool, powerful Seisa, she&rsquo;s got to join a club and hone her own special attack. But that&rsquo;s easier said than done. Especially when there are so many cute girls to distract her!</span>"]
Mikagura School Suite: The Complete Series
["B0791WTKDR", "B07D5185K9", "B07CL79FDJ", "B01N45HYV5", "B07J35G3VN", "B07JJGZW2H", "B07JVF8B6T", "B07C57GMMH", "B07DVGP98K", "B01N12I48M", "B07J35GDLP", "B07BF3V4R1", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B07DV6VWL3", "B07FQ596D2", "B07J356J5H", "B0791TR1TT", "B07HC3SSKH", "B077MYFLH2", "B075V3PSWC", "B07DY2M7H5", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B07GW3QSNF", "B000AM4PC2", "B077MYF478", "B07894H9PL", "B079VDHW37", "B07GRLPXL2", "B07DVGP98L", "B01M9D2J25", "B07BF3V9BM", "B073ZWDZWR", "B074WVZK6J", "B06WWLTCZT", "B07FSRDM49", "B07GRK1JB9", "B01EP1NUGK", "B076LPS5JG", "B07CLVXGP1", "B01LXLCFTR", "B077MR2N2H", "B07J34BL6R", "B06W9MS6M5", "B01HEY3SI0", "B07CLYMTHH", "B07FQ6SWTG", "B07FQLZL5X", "B06XSVZBTC", "B01KWK57SW", "B07BF39RP8", "B07FQ321FZ", "B075V3LXVR", "B07921WMPW", "B07HCN5MWR", "B076N3932W", "B07BFB2SQY", "B07FRX55RK", "B01MR7O5UT", "B01KWK5692", "B01LYNM2G6", "B079B8TNH1", "B07FQ63HG3", "B07C57GM7K", "B07HC8LP9K", "B07GRRGVJ1", "B01MROZUP0", "B07D55HV8N", "B07GRVVZTS", "B01EIW2RMO", "B076LW35NP", "B01KWK57RI", "B01NCOVUTF", "B077TM83CN", "B07BC61HRR", "B00BKBCLK0", "B0083QJVLC", "B077MQ596K", "B07FQCQT4T", "B01D5MQQ2A", "B0173UQZYE", "B00I4F0HTW", "B01N0E5NH3", "B01LYBSGIB", "B07FSN65FY", "1626928312", "B07D57FF31", "B00DJ5IOEW", "B078Y2PJ5K", "B07DV6PJ2C", "B002CWKTQY", "B07D512D5M", "B07G2D87BR", "B01HEXXM9G", "B01D5MQPXK", "B06X9C1HHR", "B07DV5GS4P", "B07DVGS98G", "B007I1TGOA", "B07DVGLTY4", "B07FQCQQST"]
Jamie Marchi
153,470 in Movies & TV (
["B07J35G3VN", "B01N12I48M", "B07HC3SSKH", "B07FRX55RL", "B07D4ZPJCN", "1944937986", "B07HCBX88Q", "B07FRX55RK", "B07D55HV8N", "B01711CLY8", "B01HEXXM9G", "B077MR2N2H", "B01KWK56T2", "B01NCOXDFI", "B06X9C1HHR", "B079B8TNH1", "B07CLYMTHH", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B0038QIYVA", "B01L91PBUW", "B07DVGLTY4", "B077MYFG4F", "B07GRVC32D", "B01850DIYG", "B00BFDXYYU", "B07D55HV8L", "B07FSRDM49", "B00II6C66E", "B01FZ8E63I", "B07FQCQQST", "B07D5185K9", "B071RMZ3VS", "B01KWK56D8", "B07H657X8S", "B01MYC919V", "B01N0E5NH3", "B008YRL7JO", "B07D4ZSQMJ", "B06WD96B8M", "B074WVCJD2", "B06WWLTCZT"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 2.0), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXUY7Y"}
["Movies & TV", "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction", "Animation"]
["<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG /> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> <p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;\"><span style=\"mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; color: black;\">Kyon is a cynical and sarcastic teenager. The first day of his first year of high school is filled with hopes of a normal school experience&mdash;hopes that are immediately dashed after meeting the beautiful and eccentric Haruhi Suzumiya. Haruhi is athletic, brilliant, and completely bored with life. At Kyon&rsquo;s accidental suggestion, she decides to create her own club dedicated to finding and observing life&rsquo;s oddities&mdash;like the aliens, espers, and time travelers she believes walk among normal people.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">&nbsp; </span><br /> <br /> Now, Kyon and a ragtag group of recruits are Haruhi&rsquo;s right-hand men in the newly formed SOS Brigade. But all is not what it seems. The quiet bookworm? Alien. The busty sophomore? Time-traveler. The handsome transfer student? ESPer. And the biggest surprise? They&rsquo;re all there because Haruhi herself has the ability to reshape the world as she sees fit. Maybe Kyon should have joined the literature club&hellip;</span>"]
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Seasons One &amp; Two
["B06X9C1HHR", "B01HEY3SI0", "B01EIW2RMO", "B01N0E5NH3", "B00KU3Y5CG", "B01NCOVUTF", "B0791WTKDR", "B07FQ596D2", "B01HEYDITO", "B00HXEWFWM", "B074R4KSTM", "B00G0OM22O", "B00XZZMY2E", "B07DVGP98L", "B01FXLRIKU", "B004DMIIPA", "B00V7ORQIM", "B0102AL65K", "B01IPEG91Q", "B00L3ZB3Q6", "B00MP2G3C0", "B01FXM2ZRU", "B01N45HYV5", "B01MY7AQSM", "B07FSVYSG7", "B0753FXGXT", "B07CLYMTHH", "B0722C3WMQ", "B0083QJV30", "B07LDC9MR3", "B00WF9LL7A", "B0791TR1TT", "B00C3JUGZA", "B01MG3ECAL", "B01KWK56D8", "B005DEUEVI", "B07GRVVZTS", "B01EIW2RLU", "B07GRK1JB9", "B07FGT7G3P", "B008YRL7JE", "B01IPE0J44", "B01IPDNKDW", "B0721VC3J2", "B07FRX55RL", "B06WWLTCZT", "B007K7IBXE", "B00D44IQQE", "B002Y0KR66", "B01N75LISS", "B01MYN3MI2", "B00B1RB8AC", "B074GV3RVT", "B01MRKRDFW", "B01AZDMOGO", "B06XSVZBTC", "B01N5I7314", "B003VOVW90", "B0753FDK2M", "B077MYFLH2", "B07D55HV8N", "B0102AL2H2", "B076N3932W", "B074WVZK6K", "B01KWK577S", "B01EIW2SUK", "B01KWK55UM", "B07FRX55RK", "B008YRL7JO", "B07CLVXGP1", "B010CVUXY4", "B01D7A9CEO", "B00BFDXYYU", "B00NP06DJE", "B01EIW2RHE", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B06W9MS6M5", "B07FQLZL5X", "B0030ZOYPO", "B00B6DTFTC", "B00OLII9RI", "B079BJV36X", "B00UXXY4BA", "B004XC5LHS", "B07FQCQQST", "B072FPMPNX", "B00W3W2OH0", "B07921WMPW", "B07J356J5H", "B00HXEWDDS", "B00MP2FS94", "B01EP1NUGK", "B07D5185K9", "B00JXBLM72", "B07GRJGYPC", "B073ZTH54W", "B07BF3V4QZ", "B071RMZ3VS", "B01MR7O5UT", "B07D4ZPJCP"]
Wendee Lee
18,977 in Movies & TV (
["B06X9C1HHR", "B01EIW2RMO", "B00KU3Y5CG", "B01HEY3SI0", "B01HEXVKMM", "B01N0E5NH3", "B01HEYDITO", "B003KO1JRQ", "B07D4ZPJCP", "B004DMIIPA", "B005F96UQO", "B074WVZK6K", "B07DVGP98L", "B0753FXGXT", "B00L3ZB3Q6", "B015GKSXAC", "B00HXEWFWM", "B00G0OM22O", "0316039020", "B000NVT0PW", "B07GRLPQM1", "B01N45HYV5", "B07DV5GS4P", "B01NCOVUTF", "B07D4ZPJCL", "B00V7ORQIM", "B00HXEWDDS", "B07D4ZPM35", "B07FGT7G3P", "B01AZDMOGO", "B01M7WF3XC", "B008YRL7JO", "B07GRVVZTS", "B07CL79FDJ", "B00B1RB8AC", "B0791TR1TT", "B079B8TNH1", "B07LD23DMJ", "B07FRX55RK", "B00D44IQQE", "B07J3KHVBQ", "B01KWK577S", "B00R7ECNBG", "B00AUJH32E", "B06XPTSC6G", "B07J35GDLP", "B07FSVYSG7", "B0753FDK2M", "B0791WTKDR", "B01KWK56TW", "B00XZZMY2E", "B01MR7O5UT", "B0102AL65K", "B07G1THXT1", "B075V2ZD5P", "B00NP06DJE", "B074R4KSTM", "B004XC5LHS", "B00JKT4E5E", "B07D5185K9"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 2.0), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXUFAK"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Anime & Manga"]
["Playful banter and misunderstandings are the flavor of the week in this comedy series that takes a light-hearted look at the everyday drama surrounding the adorable boys working at a local cafe!", "A part-time job turns into one awkward situation after another for the angel-faced Aoi Tokura. He may love his job but can't stand the embarrassment of being mistaken for a girl by his handsome male customers-and when the rest of the staff chimes in, all bets are off! Things are never quiet for long in this cozy cafe, especially once the rambunctious twins Noel and Nicola show up to lend a helping hand. Clumsy, chaotic, but endlessly enthusiastic, their help may just turn into more trouble than it's worth. There's no better place to wait out a rainy day. So come in, kick back, and enjoy a cup of cocoa courtesy of the cute boys at the Rainy Color Cafe!"]
Rainy Cocoa: Season One and Two
["B079P9BWR8", "B07FQ8H22T", "B07DY2C1L1", "B07DXS2KH8", "B07HBYLQCB", "B07GSYVVVZ", "B07HC3G9RG", "B07DVM69BP", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07FQ4ZFJK", "B07FQCQT4T", "B072FPMPNX", "B07DV6PJ2C", "1421599554", "B075V3LXVR", "1421596504", "1421599082", "1421589060", "1421588048", "B00WFFCYOS", "B01N75LISS", "1421593734", "B0721VC3J2", "B01N2WP4VT", "B01EIW2RG0", "142158803X", "B01N4181IY", "B01MS5ODP4", "B078952HXJ", "142159644X", "B007BMIFL6", "B01KWLA6F0"]
Hikaru Midorikawa
231,399 in Movies & TV (
["B07GRLPQM1", "B0721VC3J1"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEY8NMG"}
["Movies & TV", "Boxed Sets", "Anime"]
["<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG /> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> <p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;\"><span style=\"mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; color: black;\">Brace yourself for a hardboiled, sci-fi thriller from the creator of Madoka Magica and the studio that brought you Ghost in the Shell.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">&nbsp; </span><br /> <br /> Welcome to a world where just thinking about a crime is enough to enough to make you guilty. Bad intentions can no longer be hidden, and the police know exactly which tainted minds are about to cross over to the wrong side of the law. The great equalizer in the war on thugs is the Dominator, a futuristic weapon that can read minds and assess the risk that a citizen will turn criminal. Cops work in teams made up of Enforcers and Inspectors. Enforcers take out the bad guys, Inspectors stop their partners from going rogue, and the all-powerful Sibyl System keeps a watchful eye on us all. Society is paralyzed by its deepest, darkest desires, and trial by jury has been replaced by the wrath of the Dominator. Welcome to the future. How guilty are you?</span>"]
Psycho-Pass: Season One
["B01995ZGQ4", "B01D7A93CU", "B00KU3Y5CG", "B07LDC9MR3", "B01KWK55UM", "B077MYFLH2", "B01KWK577S", "B074WVZK6K", "B07D4ZPJCP", "B01NCOVUTF", "B019KDXB7Q", "B008YRL7JE", "B01MY7AQSM", "B015GKSXAC", "B01DEQ95PW", "B01NCB8380", "B076LW35NP", "B00D44IQQE", "B0102AL8V2", "B00B1RB8AC", "B0102AL65K", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B00II6C66E", "B07DVGP98J", "B01IPDNKDW", "B07J356J5H", "B00CU6WBOU", "B00NP06DJE", "B0049TC8C6", "B00WF9LL7A", "B008YRL7JO", "B00C3JUGZA", "B01FXMI2I6", "B00G0OM22O", "B07JYQNLPW", "B00JKT4E5E", "B07J34LYBT", "B07FQ4ZFJK", "B01BUQ70AU", "B07D512D5N", "B01IPE0J44", "B01MR7O5UT", "B0102AL2H2", "B07GRM8STC", "B01711CLY8", "B00HXEWFWM", "B07FSVYSG7", "B07J3691JN", "B0753FDK2M", "B074R4KSTM", "B002Y0KR66", "B07FQ321FZ", "B00OLIIMM0", "B07921WMPW", "B07CLYMTHH", "B07JHJFJPH", "B00OLII9RI", "B004DMIIPA", "B00AUJH32E", "B01711CI7S", "B01KWK56D8", "B01IPDFRJM", "B005DEUEVI", "B00BFDXYYU", "B01EIW2SUK", "B00MP2G3C0", "B012C89VGQ", "B07FQ596D2", "B01MRKRDFW", "B07FSRBH15", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07GRMDFXG", "B07GRLPQLY", "B075V2ZD5P", "B07BBGJGC3", "B00LXGZCBC", "B0791WTKDR", "B073ZWDZWQ", "B07FGT7G3P", "B01EIW2RLU", "B07GVS4R6H", "B06W9MS6M5", "B07DVGP98L", "B07BF3V9BM", "B00LXGN2L4", "B00V7ORQIM", "B07DV5GS4P", "B07D55HV8L", "B07C5FH5X5", "B01M586WGP", "B0030ZOYHC", "B00R7ECNBG", "B07J3KHVG1", "B07DVGP98K", "B07D4ZPM35", "B01711D69W", "B01EIW2RJW", "B07FGCX8DS", "B07GRK1JB9", "B00BQ1DDUG"]
Robert McCollum
14,379 in Movies & TV (
["B07D4ZPJCP", "B01D7A93CU", "B07FQ321FZ", "B01995ZGQ4", "B00HFC30A8", "B00KU3Y5CG", "B01KWK577S", "B074WVZK6K", "B07D55HV8L", "B01KWK55UM", "B07J368VR6", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07FGCX8DS", "B07D512D5N", "B07D4ZPM35", "B00LCLG3NO", "B01NCOVUTF", "B07HBYLQC9", "B019KDXBA8", "B07D4ZPJCL", "B004VDL826", "B008YRL7JE", "B00HFC1V8Q", "B07D55HV8M", "B01KWK56TW", "B07FRX55RK", "B07FPTXFH1", "B07DV5GS4P", "B002Y0KRFM", "B0102AL8V2", "B00HFC547A", "B00D44IQQE", "B0102AL65K", "B00NP06DJE", "B0049TC8C6", "B015GKSXAC", "B07D4ZSQ7B", "B00C3JUGZA", "B07DVGP98J", "B002Y0KR66", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B07FRX55RL", "B07GRLPQM1", "B00B1RB8AC", "B07DV95WQP", "B07FQ4ZFJK", "B077MYFLH2", "B01MY7AQSM", "B00WF9LL7A", "B008YRL7JO", "B00CU6WBOU", "B01NBHMO5B", "B00AUJH32E", "B00TQGGLFW", "B07HCBX88Q", "B01HEYB9NG", "B00MP2G3C0", "B004DMIIPA", "B07FQ63HG3", "B07GVS4R6H"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 2.0), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEXVJJG"}
["Movies & TV", "Boxed Sets", "Anime"]
["From the creator of the international hit The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya comes a new spinoff featuring familiar faces!", "In an alternate universe, shy, awkward Yuki Nagato attempts to court her crush, Kyon, with the help of her best friend, the perky and indomitable Ryoko Asakura. Together, the trio defends their high school literature club from extermination...and from the pestering of Haruhi Suzumiya and her lovable friend Koizumi!", "Watch as Yuki navigates normal high school life, like Christmas parties, festivals, and feelings. And when another side of Yuki comes out will full-force, will her chances with Kyon be obliterated?", "No true Haruhi devotee should miss The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan!"]
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan: The Complete Series
["B06X9C1HHR", "B01HEXUFAK", "B01HEYDITO", "B01EIW2RMO", "B01NCOVUTF", "B0791WTKDR", "B01HEY1QKW", "B01N0E5NH3", "B06XSVZBTC", "B00KU3Y5CG", "B07DVGP98L", "B074R4KSTM", "B00HXEWFWM", "B0791TR1TT", "B07FQ596D2", "B00XZZMY2E", "B01AZDMOGO", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B01MYC919V", "B07CLYMTHH", "B01N45HYV5", "B07D5185K9", "B0721VC3J2", "B07921WMPW", "B07GRLPQLY", "B07LDC9MR3", "B07FGT7G3P", "B00G0OM22O", "B074WVZK6K", "B073ZWDZWR", "B074GV3RVT", "B01MZWU7FO", "B07GRVVZTS", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B07J356J5H", "B07J35G3VN", "B01KWK56D8", "B07FQLZL5X", "B01MRKRDFW", "B0722C3WMQ", "B01DEQ98HW", "B01D7A9CEO", "0316476420", "B01N75LISS", "B07GRK1JB9", "B01MY7AQSM", "B0083QJV30", "B07FSVYSG7", "B077MR2N2H", "B07FQCQT4T", "B00HVFA2XC", "B07BF3V9BM", "B007K7IBXE", "B07D55HV8N", "B00MP2FS94", "B01N5I7314", "B00CU6WBOU", "B07G1THXT1", "B06W9MS6M5", "B071RMZ3VS", "B00C3JUGZA", "B01EP1NUGK", "B07CL79FDJ", "B01LZJMXHG", "B00WF9LL7A", "B00BFDXYYU", "B01FXM2Q2O", "B01MR7O5UT", "B07FRX55RK", "B000AM4PC2", "B06XSFCN2H", "B07DV6VWL3", "B00L3ZB3Q6", "B076N3932W", "B008YRL7JO", "B00II6C66E", "B06WWLTCZT", "B072FPMPNX", "B075V3LXVR", "B01MG3ECAL", "B079B8TNH1", "B07FQ6SWTG", "B074WVZK6J", "B07J35GDLP", "B07BC61HRR", "B01MRKRF40", "B015GKSXAC", "B00B6DTFTC", "B01KWK55UM", "B0102AL65K", "B01HEYB9NG", "B01LXLCFTR", "B00EZ228GI", "B01MZBBZSC", "B0030ZOYPO", "B06WD96B8M", "B07JHJFJPH", "B077MYFLH2", "B00R7ECNBG", "B07GRJGYPC"]
Crispin Freeman
66,096 in Movies & TV (
["B01HEXUFAK", "B06X9C1HHR", "B01N0E5NH3", "B01HEYDITO", "B07DVGP98L", "B01EIW2RMO", "B0791WTKDR", "B00KU3Y5CG", "B0753FDK2M", "B07G1THXT1", "B07D4ZPJCP", "B07CLYMTHH", "B01HEXVKMM", "B07D4ZPJCL", "B07FQ596D2", "B07GRVVZTS", "B07FRX55RK", "B07CL79FDJ", "B07DY2M7H5", "B07FGT7G3P", "B005F96UQO", "B07GRLPQLY", "B01KWK57RI", "B074WVZK6K", "B07FRX55RL", "B00B1RB942", "B07BF3V4QZ", "B07BF3V9BM", "B07D55HV8N", "B07GRK1JB9", "B07HCBX88Q", "B07FQ321FZ", "B01N12HB73", "B07D5185K9", "B07FSVYSG7", "B07GRLPQM1", "B01MG3ECAL", "B01N5I7314", "B004DMIIPA", "B07DV6VWL3", "B079B8TNH1", "B00AUJH32E", "B07J3KHVG1", "B07DVGNYTJ", "B074R4KSTM", "B07DVGP98K", "B0791TR1TT", "B07FSRBH15", "B07J35GDLP", "B01N75LISS", "B01M7WF3XC", "B007NU53YS", "B07J35G3VN", "B074121MFQ", "B075L67QXY", "B00C3JUGZA", "B00OLIIMM0", "B07FPTXFH1", "B07D55HV8M", "B00UIR8IW2"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby TrueHD 2.0), English (Dolby TrueHD 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HEY3SI0"}
["Movies & TV", "TV"]
["Individually packaged seasons."]
Family Matters Season 1-6 Bundle
360,677 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"ASIN: ": "B01HFCOQ0A"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Music Videos & Concerts"]
["1. Put Out The Fire 2. We Can't Tell It All 3. Toes In The Water 4. He Does 5. In The Sandals Of Daniel 6. Let The Blood Of Calvary Speak For Me 7. Never Will I Ever Again 8. I Do Know 9. Saved By The Same Grace 10. As We Speak"]
As We Speak - Lyric Video
Greater Vision
269,649 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"ASIN: ": "B01HFFZNCW"}
["Movies & TV", "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction", "Alien Invasion"]
["Thirteen years after the original series run, the next mind-bending chapter of The X-Files is a thrilling, six-episode event series from creator/executive producer Chris Carter, with stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson re-inhabiting their roles as iconic FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Mitch Pileggi also returns as FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner Mulder and Scullys boss who walks a fine line between loyalty to these investigators and accountability to his superiors. This marks the momentous return of the Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning pop culture phenomenon, which remains one of the longest-running sci-fi series in network television history. The event series encompasses a mixture of stand-alone episodes and those that further the original shows seminal mythology. In the opening episode, Mulder and Scully take on a case of a possible alien abductee. The all-new episodes feature appearances by guest stars including Joel McHale (Community), Robbie Amell (The Flash), Lauren Ambrose (Six Feet Under), Annabeth Gish (The Bridge), Annet Mahendru (The Americans), Rhys Darby (Flight of the Conchords), Kumail Nanjiani (Silicon Valley) and William B. Davis, who reprises his role as \"Cigarette Smoking Man.\" Three of the episodes are written and directed by Chris Carter, with the remaining new episodes written and directed by original series veterans Glen Morgan, Darin Morgan and James Wong. The X-Files originally premiered in September 1993. Over the course of its nine-season run, the influential series went from breakout sci-fi favorite to massive global hit, and became one of the most successful television dramas of all time. The show, which earned 16 Emmy Awards, five Golden Globes and a Peabody Award, follows FBI special agents Scully (Anderson) and Mulder (Duchovny), as they investigate unexplained cases \"X-Files\" for which the only answers involve paranormal phenomena."]
The X-Files: The Event Series [Blu-ray]
David Duchovny
370,140 in Movies & TV (
["B01BX7WUCO", "B078Y34WJ4", "B01C7Y32F6", "B07FYL7BVK", "B01DX72JX2", "B07GFMR1FF", "B008SAPCC0", "B019NPCXDE", "B016OLA1B6", "B015AJOKFG", "B016YVK31Y", "B016YVK36Y", "B01729J1KQ", "B07FDNRPR5", "B07CQKKFKB"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HFH0NI4"}
["Movies & TV", "BBC", "All BBC Titles"]
["Before Billy the Kid and Jesse James, the golden age of the outlaw blossomed in Great Britain, where real-life Robin Hoods prowled the open roads and urban alleyways of the 17th and 18th centuries. Few figures in British history have captured the popular imagination as much as the outlaw: their brazen escapades and flamboyance made them the antihero of their time - feared by the rich, admired by the poor and celebrated by writers and artists."]
243,677 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HFJ6QG0"}
["Movies & TV", "Blu-ray", "Movies"]
["Newly Re-mastered in HD! Grandview, U.S.A. joins together unforgettable stars in a quirky romantic comedy set in a town like no other. Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween) is Michelle &#34;Mike&#34; Cody, proprietor of a demolition derby. Patrick Swayze (Road House) is her star driver &#34;Slam&#34; Webster, who's just as fast as he is reckless. Everything changes when high school graduate Tim Pearson (C. Thomas Howell, The Hitcher) crashes into their lives, leading to an unlikely romantic triangle with hilarious and heart-wrenching consequences. Randal Kleiser, the director of Grease and The Blue Lagoon, unties a brilliant cast of familiar faces including Jennifer Jason Leigh (Rush), M. Emmet Walsh (Blood Simple) Troy Donahue (Cry-Baby), John Cusack (Better off Dead) and Joan Cusack (My Bodyguard). Together, they make Grandview, U.S.A. the kind of place you never want to leave.<br><br>Bonus Features: Trailers"]
Grandview, U.S.A. 1984
["B01A8RD2HC", "B00USBLXVG", "B00JAB1PEU", "B07J35GBHH", "B07DXSK4XQ", "B07DKRPFY8", "B07FBFJX82", "B07F7W7WW9", "B07J3B7DQ9", "B07FQ6GTHW", "B07BR9FHHN", "B0776K7CPV", "B01MTCF5WX", "B00S80FRDO", "B071RFW4DN", "B079PT2YH3", "B079F9NCM6", "B06W52DKSP", "B07CZF368P", "B07CTBQ7JG", "B018TJ0LP2", "B07987TFN7", "B07FQ3RPND", "B074GV3RTN", "B077HP1DSS", "B01LTHZVN8", "B018STFGYO", "B074GTWNBC", "B01DVALSWE", "B07H5VVLTT", "B004QXJZY4", "B00TF7KZ2W", "B01MS71NEE", "B075DSLWCJ", "B077H8N7PP", "B0711CP878", "B00USBLYBA", "B075TDQX5J", "B079FLMYQ9", "B07F576MSM", "B07CT9563Y", "B01LRCDYXE", "B077ZH9D7V", "B073LYMWPV", "B00EVIOWUG", "B072ZPTSWK", "B01LTHWY2O", "B00IXD2LJY", "B07D2XKQXF", "B00049QJBG", "B071JW9SYY", "B00CPTUO1Y", "B00ARWWUYA", "B076F3Y3H3", "B0776K6V1W", "B006U49SIA", "B00LBFFR2Y", "B073LK1MK6", "B0058S0OMS", "B01M2CAWCD", "B079PDT7C3", "B01M6ZV1EZ", "B076DQVTGK", "B000H5TVL2", "B06XPFF21X", "B077ZCTV4L", "B079ZT1XV6", "B00Y250HSE", "B06XPFWPLW", "B075G1KWFJ", "B01LYZ1FKV", "B07445CT9G", "B004HHX9OQ", "B005ERX1Z0", "B015UDENRW", "B00R4SM4LY", "B0748YH94G", "B00QSHWYWQ", "B01HJRF64Q", "B00005MM5Y", "B00EF0NY7W", "B00332F3MW", "B01BHCPQ5S", "B07FSRBMTJ", "B01G8S23JS", "B01G8RTRCA", "B076W77XYQ", "B07HPY5SYT", "B007BOCCKE", "B00OZ8XHFI", "B01MSXQ25I", "B01DCG7LQE", "B00006BS7R", "B073ZTH4M1", "B01CH6SAF6", "B0000996F3", "B07CXBXRBW", "B004RA7Y7G", "B00CZZJPT0"]
Jamie Lee Curtis
52,257 in Movies & TV (
["B004QXJZY4", "B01A8RD2HC", "B00004WG8T", "B07BR9FHHN", "B00B4VSSRG", "B000066C6F", "B07KLNHN4B", "B0058S0OMS", "B01ENB213U", "B001AGXEA6", "B071JW9SYY", "B00USBLXVG", "B018TJ0LP2", "B01CJ5WV4G", "B018STFH84", "6301720415", "B012BUQOU6", "B00USBLYBA", "B000KX0IT0", "B01LAQPGCO", "B00MYMTAM6", "B00006L92P"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HFRBJAA"}
["Movies & TV", "Art House & International", "By Original Language", "Portuguese"]
["Shirley (Dandara de Morais) has left the big city to live in a small seaside town and look after her elderly grandmother. She drives a tractor on a local coconut plantation, loves rock music and wants to be a tattoo artist. She feels trapped in the tiny coastal village. She is involved with Jeison (Geova Manoel dos Santos), who also works on the coconut farm and who free dives for lobster and octopus in his spare time. During the month of August, when tropical storms pound the coastline, a researcher registering the sound of the trade winds emanating from the Intertropical Convergence Zone arrives in their village. The high tides and the growing winds mark the following days of the village and a surprise discovery takes Shirley and Jeison on a journey that confronts them with the duel between life and death, loss and memory, the wind and the sea.<br><br>Bonus Features: 5.1 Surround Sound"]
August Winds
["B07C53MXCR", "B01HFRBJ6Y", "B07GVXDZLJ", "B07B16RGBK", "B07923NK4L", "B079VD5SGK", "B06W56NFCM", "B06XNW5NPW", "B074JS3JW4", "B01M8MVUW3", "B07G1XX3JS", "B06Y1XSL8H", "B0716QLDP7", "B06X3W1DNZ", "B01MSLKVOE", "B00OL0LU6I", "B00S80E5J6", "B01N968RPO"]
Dandara de Morais
220,386 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Portuguese", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HFRBJLE"}
["Movies & TV", "Music Artists", "Santana"]
["Neon Bull is a wild, sensual and transporting experience. Brazilian writer-director Gabriel Mascaro s second fiction feature (after August Winds), it takes place within the world of the vaquejada, a demanding traditional style of rodeo in which cowboys attempt to wrest bulls to the ground by their tails. Neon Bull explores this dangerous job through the eyes of Iremar (Juliano Cazarre ), a mysterious and handsome cowboy who cares for the bulls. While riding the roads with the animals and his close-knit circle of outcast friends, he begins to think of a world outside the ring, dreaming of sequins and fabrics and of his desire to become a fashion designer.<br><br>Bonus Features: 5.1 Surround Sound, English Subtitles, Behind-the-Scenes Featurette, Interview with director Gabriel Mascaro, Trailer"]
Neon Bull
["B07C5NSSVC", "B0764KG9BT", "B06XPRFH4V", "B01LTHWY3S", "B07JJPDBVV", "B075P5XHQG", "B07D57FDXL", "B00V1119HA", "B06XJX4J5K", "B01FT0ZMSU", "B071DHPSML", "B0721V9GR5", "B013W7LT8E", "B01MQ4SMP5", "B073XZ2Y6V", "B01MZCVZKQ", "B06X3W1DNZ", "B01N7RSLVI", "B01N3737LI", "B01N1M9DMV", "B01K60FJVS", "B01N0KEBWU", "B01MV38YTN", "B01LZQGPXT", "B07628KNWC", "B01N4MP4JS", "B01NBJUC78", "B075JFDK1Y", "B073LWR86G", "B01NGYLGNM", "B01N4AYSCM", "B06WLMX5BJ", "B01MYMECFI", "B06XHSSRP9"]
Juliano Zacarr
140,456 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Portuguese", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HFRBJ8W"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Drama"]
["In The Measure of a Man Vincent Lindon (Mademoiselle Chambon) gives his finest performance to date as unemployed everyman Thierry, who must submit to a series of quietly humiliating ordeals in his search for work. Futile retraining courses that lead to dead ends, interviews via Skype, a workshop critique of his self-presentation by fellow jobseekers; all are mechanisms that seek to break him down and strip him of identity and self-respect. In his award-winning performance, Vincent Lindon is quietly heartbreaking, revealing the soul of the unemployed.<br><br>Bonus Features: Interview with Director Stphane Briz, Trailer"]
The Measure of a Man
["B01HY1QUXS", "B06XCNKFWN", "B06XG2N43G", "B06W9KXJ3Q", "B00Q8CW9JY", "B06X3W1DNZ", "B0001DMVBC"]
Vincent Lindon
122,866 in Movies & TV (
["B008B49EGS", "B07DVM7QGD"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "French", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HFRBJJG"}
["Movies & TV", "Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment", "All Disney Titles"]
["Join Doc as she goes from running her backyard clinic to taking charge of a new, state-of-the art TOY HOSPITAL! The excitement begins when Doc is transported to McStuffinsville, a magical new place filled with toys! There, she becomes the new Chief Resident of McStuffins Toy Hospital. Thankfully, she's brought the whole gang to pitch in, with Lambie in the nursery, Stuffy on vet duty, Chilly as receptionist, Rosie the ambulance and, of course, Hallie too. Together, they'll heal toys from near and far. Plus, there's more! You'll get to join Doc as she meets her new baby sister and learns how to care for her with toy Baby Cece! Super-stuffed with over two hours of heartwarming, song-filled fun, this is Doc's biggest adventure ever!"]
Doc McStuffins: Toy Hospital
["B00L1WJH0A", "B017Z3I9TI", "B00HDF6ZWM", "B013F5IMYM", "B00PM0SPLE", "B0087NJ7WE", "B074QVQ1VT", "0736435670", "B079NBWJL9", "B07HGQ53DV", "B011ID19PW", "B009D8ZQ9U", "B00HUS7W88", "B01CKTJCCA", "B01D8YMX90", "B01CQJ10VU", "1423194195", "B00BG02FVA", "B00EJXX2DQ", "B07F7R8KY7", "B01B2CWHVE", "B009FRSH6S", "1484706986", "0736434070", "0736432361", "B001R3YRIA", "B001AIRUOA", "B00IJYP838", "B072RBY4KV", "B01NCIRGHW", "B00MMPB64K", "B07958PQ96", "B00GVDHS6E", "B008G0YIL8", "B01MQGVNUX", "B00ANVX6DY", "073643142X", "B01CEFE0FO", "B00IA524LU", "B019A3QMG8", "B078DDYRHR", "B01N1QUJJ1", "B00D3LA6YI", "B01HEA2QEG", "B00ZUL9LGS", "B00ORTUMTO", "B00WHZX4WW", "B00CTA8U1U", "B009D647ZQ", "B0051GSZQ4", "B009M5014E", "B014UL211A", "B00F1BG22S", "B079PDLDQ2", "B003ND0ATC", "B00UBJQ3ME", "B00IA4K5P8", "B072148H96", "B07C5K7Q51", "B01MED3SC1", "B00BK8E4D0", "B079Y48Z6C", "B07577TH8P", "B00CA4S3OO", "B07896QRSC", "B00MMPB73A", "B013IPO1JY", "B01L8UYZGA", "B002W1HBLQ", "B002W1HBL6", "B01NA79E61", "B077Y2RHBW", "B01DB17HIC", "1423171357", "B00GVDHWEM", "B00J0V11F8", "B00XX3VRAI", "B015FR7JEC", "B07DVGSXN2", "B00QJ9N1KW", "0736432744", "1484706870", "B00PHD6F2M", "B01ATBQ4SQ", "B078DZK4T2", "B00I0VTPYI", "B01CQJ110K", "B01L2KEJ8A", "B01M3YXRRU", "B01H7N9QCA"]
Kiara Muhammed
5,361 in Movies & TV (
["B00L1WJH0A", "B017Z3I9TI", "B00HDF6ZWM", "B00PM0SPLE", "B013F5IMYM", "B0087NJ7WE", "B00EJXX2DQ", "B00EJXWYMQ", "B074QVQ1VT", "B01D8YMX90", "B00BMMNZQQ", "0736435670", "B00KS11IRK", "B00M0GLMI6", "B01M3YXRRU", "B01CQJ110K", "B009D8ZQ9U", "B011MIV2R8", "B071FZLMZL", "B06XPGL94K", "B00BG02FVA", "B00EBCBCRI", "B077BXCKTV", "B079NL1Z5Q", "B00ANVX6DY", "B07765H53M", "B079NBWJL9", "B00J0V11F8", "B00O7BA52G", "1484706986", "B01M2DI2TK", "B00UAYBYTC", "B01CEFE0FO", "B00EO5BQOQ", "B06ZYW2KKN", "B00FEIUVZC", "B07FFK4RPR", "B01DLZVEM8", "B01MED3SC1", "B07F7R8KY7", "B0110P0MRY", "B01CQJ10VU", "B01MQGVNUX", "B01DB17HA0", "0736434070", "B00BEUATCO", "B01DB17HIC", "B072L2STKK", "B07958PQ96", "B072P18WS5", "B079FYSSMF", "B001AIRUOA", "B07HGQ53DV", "B00ETIAS2Y", "B011ID19PW", "073643142X", "B00XX3VRAI", "B079G58VLF", "B00D4IXXR2"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English (Dolby Digital 2.0), French (Dolby Digital 2.0), Spanish (Dolby Digital 2.0)", "Subtitles:": "French, Spanish, English", "Dubbed:": "Spanish, French", "ASIN: ": "B01HFV6BXQ"}
["Movies & TV", "Studio Specials", "20th Century Fox Home Entertainment", "Fox TV", "General"]
Unlikely Animal Friends Season 1
["B009NRQTKQ", "B07253X48X", "B0071L6T24", "B01CJCQDNY", "B00RDEISG4", "B006US3UQC", "B01LXZI82N", "B01DRWA8CM", "B001P7YDAK", "B014VVNZJ6", "B0090XO57C", "B004VJJFZM", "0761159134", "B007I1Q4KO", "B00308BB2U", "B01G91G5Y8", "B00HRUQ9N8", "B075W27JG4", "0761187286", "B0018PH3IS", "B014VVNY6A", "B00SDB0H1A", "B0002CHIM4", "B013I9RT62", "B001957A4E", "B00UMDF18G", "B00308BAQ2", "B00QRPZEIK", "B00308BAM6", "B00007JMDX", "B000AYQNXE", "B005R2SHQA", "B075QWR6PR", "B0043SS2DC", "B002YOJEHK", "B00BQI3Y7Q", "B076DMTWZ2", "B00NLZAAJW", "B00559SGKC", "B00IAR2BQG", "B00MQVSDLY", "B0009K7R0C", "B01648P7X6", "B00B4TAXXK", "B003QF1N7K", "B002UXRGLG", "B0077AYMVE", "B0016I0AH8", "B01648PBV4", "B077XY5SCB", "B0009K7R16", "B0014N0EWG", "1426310226", "B008V8NR8U", "B077VB1RX9", "B00MHT49FE", "B00379AHDQ", "B01LTHYIC8", "B015KRERII", "B018V1ZY3M", "B00443FMHK", "B00UUOVI70", "B00BT2E9RI", "B00JJRLGCG", "B00T797C9M", "6305572194", "B00JRB01IY", "B00PLYU8JS", "B000OHZJPA", "B000G1R35S", "B006UTDHQ4", "B000G1R358", "B005HIU9GA", "B0012YN5A0", "B000VKL6WA", "B0077PTWTQ", "B0077PHPZO", "B004D7SB3E"]
Stevi Calandra
45,049 in Movies & TV (
["B009NRQTKQ", "B07253X48X", "B0043SS2DC", "B006US3UQC", "B001P7YDAK", "B007I1Q4KO", "B00VNQWVE8", "B01DRWA8CM", "B00FOLGVOE", "B0071L6T24", "B077XY5SCB", "B0090XO57C", "B00ANDPGGW", "B01LXZI82N", "B004VJJFZM", "0761159134", "B00BQI3Y7Q", "B00IAR2BQG", "B0039UTDA6", "B00UMDF18G", "B009B0L4H8", "B000AOEMUK", "B00DNF1SCI", "B001MM3B0Q", "B0055HK6XY", "B0794Y2D6S", "B002YOJEHK", "B00AKIPA52", "B004FN26Y6", "B01KJ608OM", "B00RDEISG4", "B076DMTWZ2", "B0009K7R1Q", "B00PLYU8JS", "B01CJCQDNY", "B01G91G5Y8", "B01L7PSJFO"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English (Dolby Surround)", "ASIN: ": "B01HG6LPCW"}
["Movies & TV", "Studio Specials", "20th Century Fox Home Entertainment", "Fox TV", "General"]
Dinosaurs Of The Jurassic Collection
["B01HG6LPBS", "B003H8F43K", "B00AYV9U8I", "B0077AYMVE", "B001CIOCP8", "B00DULUIDU", "B0083VP2KQ", "B000GIXLU2", "B00FQI1S1G", "B00O9ZSI9C", "B004MCGNSK", "B000CEXG0K", "B0055HK6X4", "B004QSQMJ0", "B007I1Q4KO", "B00120TJFE", "B006US3UQC", "B00B1LM762", "B0014VPFIG", "B00OYSYEQ0", "B004FN26HI", "B004QSQMMW", "B01LTHZEOY", "B000XCK0N2", "B0032LV4LS", "B00ESZZNVY", "B009NI2XQ4", "B00FOLGVOE", "B000BNI9EU", "B004MCGNW6", "B00HRUQ9VA", "B0788XRYGM", "B0007LBM4K", "B07895MDP7", "B00B1LN8YC", "B00281XB3C", "B0030BS1F2", "B004VW4VDK", "B005HIU9G0", "B00005MKL5", "B01BEQ4IQK", "B004LGGXGE", "B0036K9CJ6", "B00GM3FZKY", "B00HRUQ7YO", "B001ECDVJK", "B001HRJG5A", "B001IBCS3M", "B01N3TPQ9O", "B00008J2KT", "B001RUEDKA", "B002PTBSDW", "B00008YLVA", "B0009HMTI0", "B003G715J4", "B0064EGQ8G", "B002BLNGU2", "1785003348", "B0058EAT9U", "B0089BSLZS", "B005JKF0X8"]
Phillip Manning
38,661 in Movies & TV (
["B00FQI1S1G", "B000GIXLU2", "B004MCGNSK", "B01HG6LPBS", "B00DULUIDU", "B00153ZQY6", "B000BNI9EU", "B000XCK0N2", "B00OYSYEQ0", "B0014VPFIG", "B0009K7R16", "B000UPMZ44", "B003H8F43K", "B00005MKL5", "B00AYV9U8I", "B0077AYMVE", "B004LGGXGE", "B00017LVSM", "B00H7KJTMG", "B005HIU9G0", "B00ESZZNVY", "B004V4RWF2", "B004QSQMMW", "B0083VP2KQ", "B0032LV4LS", "B0788XRYGM", "B01CHBDRHW", "B000Z7G88G", "B001DITH8E", "B001ECDVJK", "1472365550", "B00120TJFE", "B003M9ZA8S", "B000050MN3", "B009NI2XQ4", "1615192743", "B077XY5SCB"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English (Dolby Surround)", "ASIN: ": "B01HG6LPB8"}
["Movies & TV", "Movies"]
The Rezort
["B07HSK1LX4", "B06XC76G5K", "B0192PERT8", "B01N56KV0I", "B071XGGFCL", "B01LX04IH9", "B07894WXHK", "B078Y2PCKC", "B00PADRRJO", "B01NCL40X5", "B01KP7L3Z8", "B071XF8381", "B01MZCQ0CV", "B072KBC5Z8", "B07D51TZ15", "B001CMV1GM", "B00IYRLUGO", "B015XC8DPS", "B01NC21WQE", "B0051GLDQS", "B00XWQ44UG", "B06XDSH3TQ", "B00127RAHQ", "B071JMF2TV", "B01CPTCED4", "B07CC3LYR5", "B00HF00RJW", "B00MNBTNZC", "B01M09MFUQ", "B000UAFDR0", "B00W3W2TC0", "B001DM3Q3C", "B01N754APX", "B00RWCJXBQ", "B077ZCTSY5", "B01EG1R9W0", "B000MV8ZDG"]
170,836 in Movies & TV (
["B07624VF27", "B01GGJZNX2"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "German (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "German", "ASIN: ": "B01HGRJUGE"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Anime & Manga"]
["Overall, I found this a highly enjoyable DVD, but it does contain some reasonably explicit sex scenes, and I can appreciate that this might not be everybody's cup of tea. The ending, however, is a happy one, so fear not. The animation is very good, and while it's unfortunately in Japanese there are English subtitles. The story is set in Japan's seedy criminal underworld, where Yakuza-run casinos collect their debts by selling people into slavery or selling off their organs. Kanoh is a loan-shark who fits neatly into this world, and buys Ayase at one such auction, after Ayase was offered as collateral by his gambling cousin Ishii. Ayase doesn't remember Kanoh, but the two have some history, and Kanoh is absolutely obsessed with the pretty youth. But I won't tell you anymore, lest I spoil the story... The character of Kanoh is particularly interesting, as he swings between a bad man being bad and a bad man trying to be good. Ayase is stereotypically tragic, but sweet, and the combination works pretty well. Some extra angst is added by the fact that Kanoh is struggling with his sexuality, maintaining that he isn't gay, it's just that Ayase is special. Anyway, it's got some hot scenes, and just enough plot to make it interesting ;) -------------- Each DVD is 60 Min Long a Total of 120 minutes"]
No Money 1: In The Hole / No Money 2: Paid In Full (Two-Pack)
["B077697HXH", "B07146QK35", "B01N2WP4VT", "B0772Y7TJ7", "B07DXS2KH8", "B01N4181IY", "B07DB1TWWD", "B01LOD8MTC", "B073ZTH54V", "1421564211", "B00151QYJ4", "B01C6S1Z2K", "B00MBI09PU", "B0083QJV44", "1421588048", "1421593734", "B07BFB2SQZ", "B077MYFXF7", "B00SHEOR1E", "1421564246", "1421564238", "B013D10GSI", "142156422X", "B01C6S1PYI", "142158803X", "B0776981XT", "B01BUQ70W8", "1421589060", "1421593122", "B012C89J0O", "B01EIW2RG0", "B000HWZ9WU", "B07FRX55RK", "B000TZJC8C", "B07923NK5P", "1421599082", "1421586975", "B00ENNUC9Y", "1421599554", "1421586983", "B000DZ7XX4", "1421588692", "B002OMIKOK", "B06VXFH3KT", "B06Y3KS6S9", "1569707839", "1598167197", "B00004YS8G", "1421586991", "1421587009", "1421593114", "B0102AL4G6", "1569703183", "B00LBU7USS", "B00I462XN4", "B000CEV3SM"]
141,663 in Movies & TV (
["B077697HXH", "B01N2WP4VT", "B07146QK35", "B0772Y7TJ7", "B07DXS2KH8", "B013D10GSI", "B00MBI09PU", "B01C6S1Z2K", "B073ZTH54V", "B004GOKBOQ", "B07D4ZPJCN", "B07FQ321FZ", "B008DL4M52", "B002OMIKOK", "B000X20SLQ", "B0087DGB6Y", "B07DB1TWWD", "B01N4181IY", "1569707847", "B07DY2C1L1", "B005ZJCJ1E", "B07BF7BP27", "B01HD2S4QY"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HGX8ZXM"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Kids & Family"]
["<strong>Are We There Yet? (2005)</strong>", "<strong>North (1994)</strong>", "<strong>Last Day of Summer (2007)</strong>"]
Family Road Trip -3 Movie Collection - Are We There Yet, North, Last Day of Summer
["B000RBA6C4", "B0019PL2PM", "B00QRPZEIK", "B0074FUROI", "B01M30AD0Z", "B07C5FH61C", "B00AMDA2O4", "B000LV6NZY", "B004SIPAFK", "B000RGX0F4", "B000065V42", "B00005JMCW", "B000YGGNM4", "B00WBJSNUW", "B002935GMS", "B008R65XSI", "B01MT1DQU9", "B000H5TH2A", "B002XUBDRY", "B0009RCPUW", "B00028HBES", "B06Y16LBNC", "B00365F6I2", "B06Y16PX7B", "B00HZMZ2N6", "B000Y11B7G", "B008H6GHHY", "B00AOCDDXU", "B00287Z18Y", "B00005JM4W", "B073VS8VCG", "B07J33MNL5", "B01N6GN1T9", "B06XZ6578K", "B00008977A", "B07D2XCJJ2", "B00IIJ9EZ2", "B00JL6L4V8", "B008H6GH7Y", "B005FLSZQU", "B01I5JTBRU", "B00008L3U1", "B00JSY7566", "B002ZG97F6", "B00DDT0JB0", "B000089771", "B077TR34ZT", "B004Z7AHZC", "B000VAHQWY", "B0007LLPWO", "B00CB7SRG4", "B003CWEQFS", "B000TJBN6W", "630529142X", "B01MSYVLU7", "B008DVJNCY", "B06XGD93BP", "B01MF7KJZX", "B000BJ7BCK", "B01J3FDJ96", "B00NT71BNQ", "B00004Z4SE", "B000Y11B7Q", "B07CZV1XC8", "B00094ARVO", "B000G1R394", "B004LWZW9W", "B000065V3P", "B00H5MI9KO", "B00A24CAAW", "B01CQOVH8Q", "B00DRTYZAC", "B00386EZKE", "B000K7VHTQ", "B00S4YGV6Q", "B00005T7HZ", "B00K2CHSS8", "B079JCM1S6", "B0074JOVIW", "B0009DWL8W", "B01I2FFJW8", "B0034G4OWM", "B0007N1A36", "B004SIP75S", "B007JWII4W", "B00004Z1GR", "B005BXY1QU", "B00MP2FSLM", "0843174986", "B00O1D3C1G", "B008IG0BBQ", "B00I099K0Y", "B004HHX9H8", "B00G15MDI0"]
Ice Cube
38,297 in Movies & TV (
["B00HZMZ2N6", "B000RBA6C4", "B07C5FH61C", "B00AMDA2O4", "B00MH26OBI", "B00QRPZEIK", "B0074FUROI", "B00AOCDDXU", "B0019PL2PM", "B000LV6NZY", "B000H5TH2A", "B00HFWETIK", "B002XUBDRY", "B00ADQDTPE", "B01M30AD0Z", "B000065V42", "B000RGX0F4", "B0009RCPUW", "B000YGGNM4", "B000Y11B7Q", "B00JL6L4V8", "B004SIPAFK", "B008H6GHEM", "B000Y11B7G", "B00IMYVCGW", "B01DL6PBP8", "B00287Z18Y", "B008H6GHLU", "B00A24CAAW", "B077Y87DV4", "B008SOS7W8", "B00H5MI9KO", "B077Y9BPRD", "B076ZSYXPD", "B005M2AKO2", "B00CWM58WY", "B00FDZ7WEO", "B01N25PBUS", "B000TJBN6W", "B008H6GH9W", "B008874904", "B00386EZKE", "B0000633U2", "B006WN5W5M", "B00EO87RUK", "B0000AYJXV", "B00MI56UI6", "B0721685FN"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HGYG5HE"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Anime & Manga"]
["Boobalicious aka Milk Junkies is a Hentai title that is rare these days. I liked all the characters, could believe the story, and got a laugh after watching all of the episodes. In addition, all of the sex in the 4 OVAs is consensual and wanted by all parties involved. Not to mention it is kind of sweet in its own way. It's a story of someone coming of age after being reunited with some of his favorite people from his past with a twist. It seems our friend has become very fascinated with large breasted women and it just so happens that his childhood friends Tomoka and Fumie, who he now lives next door to, are very well endowed in that area. And lo and behold, the feeling is mutual, as we see from the Fusono sisters. ------ Each DVD is 30 Min Long a Total of 60 minutes (Complete 4 Episode OVA Collection on 2 DVD's)"]
Boobalicious Volume 1 &amp; 2 - Milk Junkie: Shimai-hen (Two-Pack)
["B07H657X8S", "B07JJGZW2H", "B06XZWVRRG", "B071V5M1N1", "B00JEGBK7I", "B002EP8TU2", "B07DY2M7H5", "B074F3F8PY", "B07D4ZLFXC", "B07BF3V4R1", "B0794MCD86", "B071RHTNCT", "B01M0N0U7R", "B01HIIX83C", "B076ZYFPJ5", "B075KZDKSL", "B00LPS4OL2", "B07F1L9LDF", "B07D7MHXRN", "B01I06CSZA", "B076ZX96W8", "B07D5185K9", "B071RKTWJT", "B00VKCI1JO", "B000F8YMGA", "B06XSVZBTC", "B00UGQ87X0", "B07732HJYF", "B009SQWOHY", "B0796YLW5L", "B07CLVXGP1", "B00JJ3OELU", "B002WC28J0", "B000F8UIAY", "1634421175", "1598837508", "B07CL79FDJ", "B07D5155TR", "B07J21QHX2", "B01J07J0TU", "B07CLYMTHH", "1634420349", "B07BZ4561K", "B07D4ZSQMJ", "B01N12I48M", "B0013WEGFY", "B073ZWDZWR", "B07FRX55RK", "B00LT50X7U", "B003UNCIMC", "B07BN7X84X", "B00UGQEHYI", "1634420861", "B077MR2N2H", "B0118DSIN8", "B06WW7BYK8", "B07C57GM7K", "B0787D7M7C", "B07921WMPW", "1634420926", "B079BJV36X", "B01HEYB9NG", "B01M1KZSC9", "1626928312", "B07GRVVZTS", "B00FQM3K04", "B07FQ596D2", "B00UGPJRVW", "B07J356J5H", "B07DVGS98G", "B01ASMCMVE", "B07GW3QSNF", "B07H62ZCJ9", "B000AM4PC2", "B00KDQ4DS6", "B01N45HYV5", "B07DVGP98L", "1626926093", "B07D4ZPM35", "B079B8TNH1", "B00PSW82E6", "B00SIHK3UO", "B07BF3V9BM", "B00VKBVSCW", "B00CU6WBOU", "B006XDU7Y2", "B0014H11A6", "B07D55MDBZ", "B009SQWSD4"]
Fumie Fusano
79,539 in Movies & TV (
["B002EP8TU2", "B071V5M1N1", "B000FBFUH2", "B06XZWVRRG", "B00JEGBK7I", "B01I06CSZA", "B0796YLW5L", "B01J07J0TU", "B0794MCD86", "B07H62ZCJ9", "B07J21QHX2", "B009SQWOHY", "B002WC28J0", "1598837508", "B00LPS4OL2", "B00VKCI1JO", "B074F3F8PY", "B07DY2M7H5", "B00FQM3K04", "B076ZX96W8", "B00JJ3OELU", "B00EZ229JO", "B071RKTWJT", "B07F1L9LDF", "B07D7MHXRN", "B07D5185K9", "B00SIHK3UO", "B00UGQ87X0", "B076VR7KX1", "B00UGQEHYI", "B07KM37F8R", "B01HIIX83C", "B00OK3ZXXW", "B00BY8DAUY", "1634420861", "B00SIHK4E4", "B00BY8DNBA", "B07HSKMMC1", "B00W57VENS", "B00PSW82E6", "B07F9Q4C3V", "B00LT50X7U", "B009SQWSD4", "B000F8YMGA", "B07732HJYF", "6305425426", "B076ZYFPJ5", "B00OK3ZXZ0", "1634420349", "B07FQ321FZ", "B00VKBVSCW", "B01I0612HA", "B00UGR6PEW", "B00LT9A4WU", "B06WW7BYK8"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HGY7IAM"}
["Movies & TV", "TV"]
["Product: ZATOICHI: The Blind Swordsman (Television Series), Collections One & Two (1974) 1:33 Full Screen ------------------------------------------------ Complete all 26 Episodes --- Each episodes (1-13 & 14-26) averages *about* 50 minutes. If you find yourself questioning \"how many scumbags can our hero possibly dispatch in only 50 minutes?\", well, the answer is \"as many as he wants\".Each episode is a mini-movie,"]
Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman Complete TV Series Collection 1 &amp; 2
["B07FNTN7JS", "B01H66WAPS", "B0001610RU", "B01KGR17TY", "B007N5YJZM", "B000G8NXYG", "B003KGBISY", "B004XQO8MS", "B016R7C3NG", "B019WMTY30", "B003BNCMVS", "B0029Z8KD8", "B0080WPADW", "B016R7C3AE", "B07D5186CP", "B00XVHJWJ4", "B00ZPH4SLK", "B008Y5OWI4", "B07DKWP371", "B0774D6BYK", "B00687XNQM", "B07FSRB4NM", "B01BHCPQPS", "B00687XNNK", "B002ZG4Q5W", "B01BP06EQ2", "B07FDT8PGV", "0834803399", "B00ET2ODYY", "B006H3KQSK", "B002KYIAKQ", "B0017TCSMG", "B0017TCSMQ", "B0004IXFJQ", "B000063UQU", "B000EWBNZK", "B009YX8K6A", "B00CHRBADK"]
Shintaro Katsu
85,436 in Movies & TV (
["B00073K7JY", "B0001610RU", "B0017MO0U6", "B01KGR17TY", "B000ASATM6", "B0011NVC7U", "B000FKPE9W", "B000EWBNZK", "B006HAJ9FE", "B007N5YK10", "B000O7864G", "B016R7C3NG", "B00K5EJHGO", "B07KZ4MW2C", "B002KYIAKQ", "B00065GX0K", "B000BPK2HK", "B00687XNNK", "B000G8NXYG", "B0012R1R2A", "B000K0YM0Y", "B000067IY6", "B0000C3WXO", "B00019JR5Y", "B0007989YS", "B0029Z8KD8", "B0002DB54U", "B004XQO8MS", "B00MP2FKLU", "B01E4687AU", "B003BNCMVS", "B000063UQV", "B07D4ZPM35", "B00L8QP0U0", "B00EJ8HQLK", "B0000AN18M", "B000FDECGA", "B000063UQU", "B0002W4TOO", "B0785WY1YM", "B07FSRB4NM"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HGZB17W"}
["Movies & TV", "Movies"]
The Raw Chef Academy Raw Decadent Desserts Russell James
Russell James
538,198 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"ASIN: ": "B01HH17FAM"}
["Movies & TV", "Science Fiction & Fantasy"]
["Get ready for another spooktacular chapter in the Mostly Ghostly series from international best-selling author R.L. Stine. Just one enchanted jewel stands between Earth and an army of evil spirits led by the devious ghoul, Phears. With the help of his new girlfriend and ghost pals, Max Doyle races to find the crystal and save the world. Corey Fogelmanis (Girl Meets World), Sophie Reynolds (Gamers Guide to Pretty Much Everything), Morgan Fairchild (Falcon Crest) and Danny Trejo (Spy Kids franchise) deliver a paranormal comedy the whole family will love!"]
R.L. Stine's Mostly Ghostly: One Night in Doom House
["B00LFHYX0U", "B001DB6J7S", "B01147YQKW", "B000SAGGQE", "B00A429YBK", "B0089BSLIK", "B00D7AM6QQ", "B00A429Y60", "B00D7AM64I", "B0089BSODC", "B00Z710UES", "B00919TING", "B00L90559Q", "B00L89VL96", "B07HSK1LXJ", "B00M115G96", "B00LBHODDG", "B000Y9PC7S", "B00L9052J4", "B00NWVWD3G", "B07HSKP9S9", "B00008L3SY", "B00M115IQM", "B000FVQM4W", "B00LFHYWRO", "B00L9056XG", "B000HD148C", "B001B1UO8A", "B0007Z9R66", "B000QXDG4S", "B00L905B36", "B07FK92NS1", "B00L905DXE", "B0007Z9R5W", "B07H5VTBGJ", "B079P978JC", "B0002IQLFI", "B001MT7ZJM", "B07GRMD987", "B07GVXHY9Y", "B00K31RC52", "B016QQZB4G", "B005OK0YPW", "B0001A79EO", "B00RU9UJ78", "B000E1P2EY", "B0009X759M", "B078Y34P1W", "B00SL9CXOS", "B075QWMC34", "B07CF6WDGT", "B07FK73GH8", "B0000AK7AA", "B07FD3PP6F", "B07CPJYR3G", "B07CQKS23B", "B002PMA970", "B0002IQLEE", "B018TNKDOW", "B005FLSZQU", "B0753QPNY5", "B076HTKKXC", "B00015YVD6", "B00004Z1GR", "B016QQZC90", "B0112HPVEY", "B07377BB6W", "B008JFUO72", "B0002IQLE4", "B008H1Q36O", "B07H5VV3Z6", "0062694251", "B01N3CYKI2", "B001B1UO80", "B071RDRRPR", "B075JPT64Z", "B000H6SY6O", "B00L9058ES", "B008F5HOYW", "B000056T4I", "B00AGKHBQK", "B071S7J7PV", "B00HZULF8Y", "B01MRVB5U8", "B01N2TZRQ2", "B07DQMJBHS", "B004LWZW24", "B000FVQLM0", "B000G6BLCO", "B079PDLQJZ", "B004SIPAFK", "B0748YHVZN", "B00IWULQQ2", "B00094ARJ6", "B07377RP8J", "B06XSG1NYF", "B01690GTK4", "B01M5FSAFG"]
Corey Fogelmanis
69,547 in Movies & TV (
["B00D7AM64I", "B00A429Y60", "B001DB6J7S", "B01147YQKW", "B00LFHYX0U", "B000SAGGQE", "B0089BSODC", "B0089BSLIK", "B00D7AM6QQ", "B00L89VL96", "B00A429YBK", "B00L90559Q", "B0007Z9R5W", "B00919TING", "B00Z710UES", "B0009X759M", "B000FVQM4W", "B0007IO718", "B000HD148C", "B005OK0YPW", "B0002IQLFI", "B00L9052J4", "B073ZYKLKL", "B00CEAXE7U", "B07H5VV3Z6", "B01MRVB5U8", "B0000AK7AA", "B008H6GH7Y", "B000RPOCJ8", "B004NM30QC", "B000QXDG4S", "B000Y9PC7S", "B016QQZB4G", "B00L905B36", "B00008L3SY", "B07GRMD987", "B003UAKE9Y", "B0001A79EO", "B00L905DXE", "B000067FPA", "B00LBHODDG", "B000056T4I", "B0002IQLE4", "B07CPJYR3G", "B00T03UAEY", "B01N7FX1M8"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 5.1), Portuguese (Dolby Digital 5.1), Spanish (Dolby Digital 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "Portuguese, Cantonese, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Thai", "Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HH20HHE"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Kids & Family"]
["Get ready, get set, GO! When the best engines from around the world gather to compete in The Great Railway Show, Thomas is determined to find a way to represent Sodor. But he's left disappointed as Gordon is chosen to be the new \"Shooting Star\" for The Great Race. With Gordon and the other engines making the journey to compete, something suddenly goes terribly wrong and Gordon is in danger! Will Thomas get to the mainland in time to help him and save the day? Join Thomas and his new international friends in this high-speed musical adventure where friendship always wins!"]
Thomas &amp; Friends: The Great Race - The Movie
["B00ZR3W3WI", "B00LAYEN4Y", "B00DP3E2HG", "B072C8HBLZ", "B01LAQPG6A", "B01NCEXP8J", "B00QV2I51M", "B00E21QTG2", "B00MN9PQ2I", "B003O85VYU", "B074FZNS8R", "B002E9HML0", "B01J3FDJ9Q", "B0055SOAAI", "B01K4EU8O4", "B008EPKWWE", "B00WIGAAHW", "B019DTO536", "B013WGES9W", "1465466622", "B011PR3JHM", "B07G1QNGT9", "B00HHYF5CU", "B01JA5VKAO", "B00F7OZ9OQ", "B079JNHBHR", "B005DZ35UE", "B001BEK856", "1524773166", "B01ASVDJ12", "B00004XPPF", "B078SV8LR8", "0399552073", "B07J524G7Q", "B01JA5VKT0", "B016BDG42C", "B003WVJ66S", "B01KFDV48I", "B075DSDZP1", "B07D3WCMW2", "B00IYFBBO2", "B078K8NTDV", "0375843221", "B071GRMV5Y", "B008EPKWQU", "B003O85W2Q", "B00IWOGE3S", "B075DR7DYP", "B075DSVQC9", "B001LXIDSG", "0307982009", "B01ASVDIKY", "B07FS46V2K", "B00ECXJBYM", "B00930LIV8", "0307976971", "B011CF5A10", "B00FAPPQ54", "B072F29FQR", "B01MS6AASK", "B001NYSW1Q", "B075ZXKNK4", "B00289L0N2", "B075DS2RRQ", "B075VZJWV8", "B00NFFPL88", "B01ASVDJCG", "B00IWOHG26", "B077DWDFMS", "B01AU7SYNW", "B009K4E4PE", "0385373910", "B00JKQ9YF2", "B01JA5VZO0", "B0074NKR5O", "B079FZ4NS7", "B01N2K3IP4", "0679893571", "B01JA5V5WW", "B01JA5VRUC", "0553496786", "B000TLTCWC", "B01483PARW", "B00ZR3W3S2", "B009K4E6X4", "B01N4PD1JK", "B00SYIJL00", "B01ASVDF4S", "B016BDG82I", "B016BDG83C", "B07FRTCLC7", "B009K4E77O", "B00BM60HZ4", "B00F6N09NO", "B00KJG6YLE", "B01E7IA7BW", "B00SYIJH4U", "B078K6HXZR"]
Tina Desai
2,985 in Movies & TV (
["B00ZR3W3WI", "B00DP3E2HG", "B01LAQPG6A", "B00LAYEN4Y", "B01NCEXP8J", "B072C8HBLZ", "B008EPKWWE", "B00QV2I51M", "B003O85VYU", "B00MN9PQ2I", "B00E21QTG2", "B01J3FDJ9Q", "B01K4EU8O4", "B002E9HML0", "B0055SOAAI", "B011PR3JHM", "B074FZNS8R", "B006HFXD6K", "B07FHGLDR2", "B07G1QNGT9", "B000TLTCWC", "B0040J1RWW", "B00ECXJBYM", "B00WIGAAHW", "B00LAYEN7G", "B01ASVDJ12", "B005DZ35UE", "1524773166", "B01JA5VKAO", "B0085MJQ7S", "B00VJTQ5U0", "B000PMGN9U", "B00930LIV8", "B01ASVDF4S", "B013WGES9W", "B003BJODJQ", "B075MGHVR9", "B00004XPPF", "B00F7OZ9OQ", "B003WVJ66S", "B000S1MMC0", "B016BDG83C", "1465466622", "B019DTO536", "B004WSJ796", "B00289L0N2", "1405291672", "B079JNHBHR", "B005WKH2XG", "B000CEXF74", "B0037TVOEW", "0375843221", "B001NYSW2U", "B00HHYF5CU", "B001DE29PQ", "B075DS4KG9", "B01N2K3IP4", "B07K9DFBHG", "B00IYFBBO2", "0553496816"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo), English (Dolby Digital 5.1), French (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo), Spanish (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)", "ASIN: ": "B01HH20HH4"}
["Movies & TV", "TV"]
["The crew of the Raza, a derelict spaceship, is awakened from stasis with no memories of who they are or how they got on board. Facing threats at every turn and the realisation that they were wanted criminals pre-amnesia they have to work together to survive a voyage charged with vengeance, betrayal and hidden secrets, while also facing questions of Nature vs Nurture, identity and rehabilitation. In Season Two, the crew of the Raza find themselves prisoners on the Hyperion-8 Maximum Security Galactic Detention Facility. They are soon embroiled in an intergalactic conspiracy, seeking a mysterious device that may hold the key to victory in a looming all-out corporate war. DARK MATTER was made by Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie, the creators of the graphic novel of the same name and the executive producers and writers of STARGATE."]
Dark Matter - Season 2
["B01D5MQPNU", "B01N5UX1FN", "B07BF3V4R3", "B0713SB396", "B075K23YTM", "B079F9D92P", "B06XS2PHJR", "B01LTHLW9A", "B0713S9YYL", "B002USF1UO", "B000BO0LH2", "B01BV7PGGI", "B07DQMJBHS", "B06XT33C6X", "B01AHWLXEC", "B008JFUO36", "B07K14M1B4", "B0119MC3SY", "B01MSPPNAQ", "B07JZ5BMJG", "B015JLUO1E", "B015EP2KRQ", "B0744NK3RB"]
Marc Bendavid
168,623 in Movies & TV (
["B06XS2PHJR", "B07BF3V4R3", "B01D5MQPNU", "B071WQF634", "B0119MC3SY"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HH2QNY0"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Special Interests"]
["A first kiss, a first dance. These are the rites of passage of American youth that hold the promise of magic, romance and initiation into adulthood. For kids from all walks of life, these first steps toward intimacy are at once exciting and terrifying. For some teenagers and young adults on the autism spectrum, the transition can be nothing less than paralyzing. In Columbus, Ohio, a group of young people with an array of developmental challenges prepares for an iconic event - a spring formal dance. They spend 12 weeks confronting and practicing their social skills as they prepare for the big event, to be hosted at a local disco. Working with their trusted psychologist, they deconstruct fear and larger-than-life social anxiety one step at a time by picking dates, dresses, and, ultimately, a King and Queen of the Prom. How to Dance in Ohio is a story of the universal human need to grow, connect and belong as uniquely dramatized by individuals facing the deepest struggle toward social survival.<br><br>Bonus Features: 5.1 Surround Sound, Closed Captions, Deleted Scenes, Trailer"]
How to Dance in Ohio
["B004H4XDI6", "B0012XIGZ0", "B01KNCHQVA", "B0038M2AZA"]
114,959 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HH4TI3Q"}
["Movies & TV", "Art House & International", "By Original Language", "Japanese"]
["Based on the popular manga by Uziga Waita, MAI-CHAN S DAILY LIFE is a diabolical dark comedy that takes fetish violence to shocking new extremes. A young woman, Miyako (Akane Miyako) responds to an advertisement for a live-in maid, and is given a job alongside the playfully alluring Mai-chan (Koshi Ann). Miyako quickly learns that housecleaning is the least of her duties, as the master (Maruyama Shogo) and his wife (Roman Soako) use the maids as toys in their unbridled erotic fantasies. Since Mai-chan possesses the uncanny ability to recover from any injury, no matter how severe, every violent desire is indulged, and Miyako soon finds herself actively involved in Mai-chan's horrific destruction (and miraculous resurrection).<br><br>Bonus Features: English Subtitles, Original Trailer, Waita s Daily Life, a two-part documentary of behind-the-scenes footage (31 Min.)"]
Mai-Chan's Daily Life: The Movie; Bloody Carnal Residence
Koshi Ann
114,274 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Japanese", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HH4THS2"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Documentary"]
["The Dwarvenaut gives viewers a glimpse into the visionary mind of Brooklyn-based artist and entrepreneur Stefan Pokorny. Director Josh Bishop weaves together memories of Stefan s tumultuous childhood with his modern day escapades to paint a mesmerizing portrait. An art prodigy obsessed from a young age with the game Dungeons & Dragons, Stefan navigates absurd adventures from Midwestern game conventions to the canals of Venice to Bushwick dive bars on a quest to bring his most ambitious miniature sculpture project to life through a multimillion dollar Kickstarter campaign. Part philosopher, part jester, he preaches the virtues of fantasy gaming as a vehicle for uniting the human race on his whimsical, bizarre life s journey.<br><br>Bonus Features: Closed Captions, Audio Commentaries, Deleted Scenes, Kickstarter Videos, Shorts"]
The Dwarvenaut
209,927 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HH4THYG"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Documentary"]
["Colliding Dreams is a feature-length documentary on one of today s most explosive issues the question of Zionism and the Israel-Palestine conflict. The film is a searching and dramatic exploration of the dream of a Jewish state and its impact on both Jews and Arabs, unfolding across the broad canvas of one hundred fifty years of history from 19th century Europe to the modern Middle East. Told through the remarkable lives and voices of Jews and Palestinians living in the Middle East today, Colliding Dreams weaves together past and present, ideas and passions, wars and peace talks, brilliant minds with the voices of ordinary citizens to develop a film portrait of sensitivity and depth like none before of the story of Zionism and its controversies.<br><br>Bonus Features: 5.1 Surround Sound, English Subtitles, Deleted Scenes, Trailer"]
Colliding Dreams
72,476 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English, Hebrew", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HH4TI04"}
["Movies & TV", "Movies"]
Trading Spaces 4 Pack (The Best of Trading Spaces / They Hated It! / Viewers' Choice! / Trading Spaces: The Special)
301,993 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"ASIN: ": "B01HH5I2RI"}
["Movies & TV", "Studio Specials", "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment", "All Sony Pictures Titles"]
["In the taut thriller, when Nancy (Blake Lively) is surfing on a secluded beach, she finds herself on the feeding ground of a great white shark. Though she is stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of Nancys ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude."]
The Shallows
["B01LTHYDZA", "B07GVXD648", "B001F76PDS", "B07442LTNY", "B01A9GD3BM", "B07GVXD649", "B01FH1SM1A", "B07FP4HJDD", "B01A9GD3MQ", "B07G1ZS2VS", "B07DV6YGZL", "B01BLH8R50", "B07HSJW7DV", "B07BZC8LFX", "B01JPYUZF6", "B01LTHMF3M", "B07GW4FBPV", "B01D1JDHIS", "B01AYDOH9M", "B01LTHWXY8", "B01638AYR6", "B07FSRBMTJ", "B01LTHO3QY", "B01723F980", "B01LTHZ5JS", "B01G3MH8OY", "B076171S7Q", "B06WD8YS8M", "B01AB0DX2K", "B01KP7LB3M", "B01LTI1WBC", "B075FMD4HW", "B07FKPNJ8Q", "B07DY2HFV4", "B07CF6X8S7", "B004USUPAI", "B072HSQ7J1", "B07J3691HG", "B07FDVCJNP", "B07DQ3ZWYS", "B0788WXTMQ", "B06XT9C1C9", "6317578826", "B07JJ6HQGF", "B01FH1TMRS", "B00K2CHYHS", "B01E010SY2", "B07BF2SPZ3", "B07DQ9JMQS", "B07GRN9329", "B07F54P3JH", "B0725X1SL7", "B07DKS65HN", "B079ZSFHBG", "B075FDJ8DB", "B07D52YWS4", "B074486NBN", "B07JVF7KZM", "B0743QPS8L", "B0727PMH49", "B072873M1B", "B07CCZY31D", "B0746Z6Q6R", "B01LTHO3QO", "B074Q1QKY9", "B01N5RAO66", "B06XWWZ955", "B06W2G6XTP", "B07HSM5VQ5", "B075G3TMB7", "B079PT2YH3", "B01H4FJQ2G", "B01DUHO4QU", "B07JHJTQ8M", "B07G2CJP6C", "B00XI057M0", "B07CXGS4FT", "B01ELI9E9O", "B01LTI0BPU", "B07JJ5WH61", "B01HC389NW", "B07F576MSM", "B01LTHZVSS", "B076VZ8BN3", "B075FMD4HG", "B079P9BWR8", "6317628459", "B07FDNRPR5", "B0741CL8X7", "B00OMC0W9G", "B01KP7L9VG", "B079VRMQQD", "B00OV3VGP0", "B07F4251BP", "B07F9G56LD", "B077HP62ZQ", "B07D512BDG", "B01GGXDRS6", "B079NBWT45"]
Blake Lively
22,807 in Movies & TV (
["B001F76PDS", "B01KA2D2RA", "B07442LTNY", "B004USUPAI", "B01LTHYDZA", "B0021L8V0W", "B01G3MH8OY", "B01AYDOH9M", "B01LTHWXY8", "B01A9GD3MQ", "B01LTHMF3M", "B01JPYUZF6", "B07GVXD648", "B01LTI0BPU", "B0727PMH49", "B01LTHO3QY", "B01723F980", "B06XT9C1C9", "B01LTI1WBC", "B075FMD4HW", "B0788WXTRM", "B01AJWU832", "B07FP4HJDD", "B0743QPS8L", "B01E010SY2", "B01D1JDHIS", "B06XZBSLDV", "B0746Z6Q6R", "B019T8Q426", "B0741CL8X7", "B01AB0DX2K", "B01B6WS8VS", "B01J93C6LE", "B079PT2YH3", "B07DKS65HN", "B01LTHO3QO", "B0041B4H1M", "B0788WXTMQ", "B07G1ZS2VS", "B077HP62ZQ", "B01638AYR6", "B07BZB644S", "B06WW76HBM", "B07GW4FBPV", "B075FDJ8DB", "B01FH1SM1A", "B07B62TYBQ", "B00XI057M0", "B00K2CHYHS", "B07FDVCJNP", "B075FMD4HG", "B0774NRYZT", "B01HC3880G", "B01DUHO4QU", "B01KP7L9VG", "B07DQ9JMQS", "B07DV6YGZL", "B071GW29JP", "B072HSQ7J1"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English (Dolby Digital 1.0)", "Subtitles:": "Spanish, English", "Dubbed:": "Spanish", "Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired:": "English", "Audio Description:": "English", "Digital Copy Expiration Date:": "December 31, 2019 (", "ASIN: ": "B01HH7KC60"}
["Movies & TV", "Studio Specials", "MGM Home Entertainment", "All MGM Titles"]
["<b>WARGAMES</b><br> A young man finds a back door into a military central computer in which reality is confused with game-playing, possibly starting World War III. <br><br> <b>WARGAMES: THE DEAD CODE</b><br> The United State's Department of Homeland Security is led to believe an American teen hacker playing a terrorist-attack simulator game online is a real terrorist out to destroy the U.S."]
Wargames / Wargames: The Dead Code (Double Feature Pack)
Matthew Broderick
175,967 in Movies & TV (
["B0015NORDW", "B0015NORDM"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "Subtitles:": "English, Spanish", "ASIN: ": "B01HH8D5JA"}
["Movies & TV", "TV"]
Castle : Complete Collection, DVD (Series Seasons 1-8, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Bundle) USA Fromat Region 1 Pre-order
["B07GJLNJR7", "B01N95Z9L8", "B00UCJ6TPE", "B07D515635", "B00ECGEGGM", "B06XRQ935Z", "B07B5WCX4R", "B01FL1TQM0", "B06WW72LMP", "B00CL151G4", "B07GW2ZW5K", "B01D4SPZPE", "B001XRLWPQ", "B07JVF7KZM", "B07FK4KCNL", "1484787854", "B002NS2HBM", "B00YSBFG2E", "B06XXB9M3V", "B00CYQXBSQ", "B008I34Z34", "B002BWP2JO", "B00RCPFF06", "B00NGAJJGC", "B001OQCVCY", "B07GJFS36F", "B00HSSZKAW", "B01D4SPZR2", "B01IP2X73G", "B00T6KIQJC", "B009GYTP0W", "B007ZXW3SM", "B004T0XYKA", "B01N1ZNLJO", "1484716353", "B003L77FYS", "B00U1U2JGC", "B01IBLL4RM", "B07HG8JYBH", "B0000AQS0F", "B071G57NKW", "B07GJJGWKH", "B00DI013EG", "B00BLN4V4G", "B00NQ9EE1S", "B072148H97", "B001KOFH2G", "B01D66KWSO", "B077V4NM64", "B01BN52ZKI", "B0752FMLKV", "B00B6OEC5S", "B00LU5PB0I", "B01D4SPZOA", "B008P9M614", "B074S83V5F", "B01C7Y32F6", "B07GJ35FH1", "B004YPED14", "B07D58Y2G6", "B07FK92NS1", "B00GSTHC7G", "B07D577RY9", "B000274T94", "B000HT3P60", "B008M7OGWQ", "B01E7XTFN8", "B0053O89IS", "B0074GV2EQ", "B001MVWRNE", "B071G57NKZ", "0783228686", "B00YSBFHMI", "B07B16RBV9", "B00YSBFH8C", "B009LDD4V4", "B00X797NTW", "B0776K45PK", "B01M5FSAFG", "B07GVXHY9Y", "B000H7JCHS", "B07451532Z", "B00DYQ1G78", "B00E5I2MEK", "B075JPT64Z", "B07HSKPDBV", "B00FOGH2RY", "B00V5JEISU", "B07DWCBXHY", "1438863462", "B01NCO9V09", "B00GX7D5G0", "B07FDNRPR5", "B07D58QQBZ", "B0776JGNYG", "B078Y34WJ4"]
178,932 in Movies & TV (
["B07FB3P2WC", "B06XRQ935Z", "B003L77FYS", "B01E7XTFN8", "B0053O89KG", "B009RX7IX8", "B001XRLWPQ", "B00FR23QNE", "B00X797N9C", "B01N95Z9L8", "B00FSKOFKS", "B003F3NDWG", "B07GJLNJR7", "B00NW4SWSS", "B00UCJ6TPE", "B07FK4KCNL", "B06XXB9M3V", "B07GJFS36F", "B07B5WCX4R", "B07JB9MYSP", "B00WGA9VWK", "B00ECGEGGM", "B00XPU4YSQ", "B01IP2X73G", "B008P9M614", "B0752FMLKV", "B00T6KIQJC", "B010PS002E", "B07B3WG8TC", "B074N96BN4", "B00CQW2XQE", "B01LTI1RIA", "B075GJ1HT8", "B003N0QF1W", "B01A7RP1BI", "B00BLN4V4G", "B00A196SE2", "B07HLC96T3", "B01FL1TQM0", "B074S83V5F", "B07B5Y3P6X", "B01HFFKTOY", "B009GYTP0W", "B01MTP5APE", "B07H4C4VR2", "B000ICL3SS", "B00HSSZKAW", "B00RCPFF06", "B076SL4P8B", "B07HG8JYBH", "B077V4NM64", "B00FOGH2RY", "B001CTDH76", "B07C563VQS", "B00GLP0WP6", "B079W8CZ18", "B075B3877N"]
Movies & TV
{"ASIN: ": "B01HH95M2M"}
["Movies & TV", "Musicals & Performing Arts", "Musicals"]
["1. Betty in Blunderland, 2. Be Human, 3. Betty Boops Big Boss, 4. Parade of the Wooden Soldiers, 5. Not Now, 6. She Wronged Him Right, 7. Betty Boop and Grampy, 8. Minnie the Moocher", "<i>When sold by, this product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.</i>"]
Betty Boop
Mae Questel
310,546 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HHA5FL4"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Special Interests"]
["KIDS PIANO LESSON Z DVD<br> Have Fun Learning How To Play The Piano or Keyboard!<br><br> Lessons Taught by 3 Professional Pianists<br> Kyla Gabka, Ron Justo, Matt Scavo<br><br><br> <br> <br>Your kids will have alot of fun learning how to play the piano with this DVD<br>It is created for kids of all ages to learn the art of playing a piano and master it.<br><br>FUN FUN FUN LEARNING EXPERIENCE<br><br>Lessons are split into scenes<br><br>Lesson 1 Beginners Basics! Learn the parts, learn <br>Lesson 2 Middle C, Positions, Scales, Chords<br>Lesson 3 Mary Had a Little Lamb, Jingle Bells<br>Lesson 4 Perfect Posture, The Grand Staff<br>Lesson 5 Yankee Doodle, Ode to Joy<br>Lesson 6 Learn About notes featurette<br>Lesson 7 Learn Musical Vocabulary <br>Lesson 8 Learn About the pedals and tuning<br>Lesson 9 Learn about basic positions formations<br>Lesson 10 Learn melodies", "<i>When sold by, this product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.</i>"]
Kids Piano Lesson Z: for Beginners! Learn How To Play The Piano or Keyboard!
["0793562023", "0877180202"]
178,429 in Movies & TV (
["B07B8N7NP9", "1908707151", "B00DSHT9QI", "B07BLRMPFR", "0996626700"]
Movies & TV
{"ASIN: ": "B01HHA5FH8"}
["Movies & TV", "Blu-ray", "TV"]
["The English village mystery gets a contemporary spin in this hit British television series that has earned a worldwide following. Bucolic settings harbor macabre crimes and eccentric characters that are no match for DCI John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon, Life of Riley) and his assistant, DS Charlie Nelson (Gwilym Lee, Land Girls). Delightful in a murderously charming way (Leonard Maltins Movie Crazy). Guest stars include Diana Quick, Helen Baxendale, Julia Sawalha, Pip Torrens, Cherie Lunghi, and Malcolm Sinclair.<br><br>THE MYSTERIES Habeas CorpusWhen the corpse of an elderly man disappears from his deathbed, Barnaby and Nelson find themselves on the hunt for a serial body-snatcher.<br><br>The Incident at Cooper HillThe death of a forest ranger in a UFO-sighting hot spot leads locals to believe that she was killed by aliens.<br><br>Breaking the ChainWhen a champion cyclist is murdered minutes after winning a race, suspicion falls on both his rivals and his teammates.<br><br>A Dying ArtA wealthy eccentric dies on the opening night of his outdoor sculpture park, his body positioned in one of the artworks.<br><br>Saints and SinnersHours after making an important find, an archaeologist is found buried alive at the site of her dig.<br><br>Harvest of SoulsBarnaby and Nelson investigate the death of a man trampled by a horse near the Whitcombe Mallet Harvest Fayre."]
Midsomer Murders, Series 18
["B01MRCHTG5", "B073LT179C", "B00XDBMB4Q", "B07F3M1H68", "B00XDBMBRI", "B00S8ONLYM", "B07CXH4YSM", "B06Y5NXHFV", "B00S8ONM46", "B07CV2BLFJ", "B07CVK279F", "B07KZHL944", "B00XDBMA4W", "B077V9Y9KP", "B01MTLD4W4", "B00O28CD4M", "B00GWXI2X6", "B009DS5Y6A", "B01MTFHTQU", "B00VKX6U6O", "B00OYTJRUC", "B073LGMWMC", "B01DGN3P8Q", "B07GJJGWKH", "B01LPCIZUS", "B07C2PY49Z", "B07GSYVVY4", "B074BQ87P7", "B07FDMJRT3", "B00GHH9IRG", "B073LF8C3D", "B071Z7MJLL", "B009D4RPIE", "B00KOW49RO", "B00C888NFQ", "B07F3MSCVR", "B00O28CD3S", "B01N7YIZ5X", "B01BEDN0FI", "B07H5VTB7S", "B07F7VHQVM", "B07FL2NZQZ", "B073LBRNJV", "B07JVF7R5H", "B07CV1Z8K6", "B00UA00EPQ", "B072ZF5BX2", "B00BVMXARG", "B07GGG5BRW", "B07GJFS36Y", "B07J3B7D8M", "B01EIS4604", "B07FDT8PGP", "B0772SV5Q1", "B071W1ZMYW", "B07G1XZ6FC", "B074WVCS63", "B00HW0ORP0", "B076W8Y6BK", "B00KOW4A0K", "B00XDBMBVO", "B01IR3PEHU", "B075FYTB5L", "B01BX2B4JE", "B07DQ9M412", "B00HW0OSPO", "B07C5QV7F6", "B074ZVMJYS", "B01MUG6A4S", "B0788XV93Y", "B01IDRSB3O", "B079Y48Z6B", "B076DZ6HVL", "B00JJRLFTU", "B008CYDE7C", "B01EIS45ZK", "B01ICF729G", "B01ICLU7P6", "B071G57NKW", "B07DKSPGP4", "B077VB1RX9", "B00GAJFJTC", "B00CEBJC3Y", "B077697MTB", "B00AO1RKFS", "B01EKMKESQ", "B01ICF728C", "B00ANGICW4", "B00GAH87RK", "B01CIXVX84", "B07C8FCK9K", "B003YCI238", "B0788XVVWG", "B06XQBVCSV", "B074JQDTKH", "B01MRIA34B", "B01LTHOAGM", "B07BQNDXHN", "B01IDRSB1Q", "B00GAHG7PE"]
Neil Dudgeon
80,241 in Movies & TV (
["B01MRCHTG5", "B07F3M1H68", "B073LT179C", "B00XDBMB4Q", "B00XDBMBRI", "B00S8ONLYM", "B009D4RPIE", "B006YM92BQ", "B00S8ONM46", "B009DS5Y6A", "B00OYTJRUC", "B00O28CD4M", "B001V7YZD4", "B075K9WV21", "B005A1GRO2", "B00O28CD3S", "B00GHH9IRG", "B0053O8AGY", "B00GWXI2X6", "B079P4PVSV", "B00CEBJCBQ", "B07CV1Y5P2", "B01MTFHTQU", "B004AE3QUS", "B07CXH4YSM", "B07CV2BLFJ", "B00CEBJCF2", "B002MUAXJ4", "B00GAJFJTC", "B00KOW49RO", "B07CVK279F", "B00HW0OSPO", "B002MUAXIA", "B01E1DJNV8", "B00KOW4A0K", "B077V9Y9KP", "B00GAHJO8G", "B01EIS4604", "B004HHX9H8", "B00CEBJC84", "B00CEBJC3Y", "B00UA00BMC", "B07C2PY49Z", "B0018JJH3S", "B00HW0ORP0", "B07DQ9M412", "B07FDT8PGP", "B071Z7MJLL", "B01ICF728C", "B00HYZ10RQ", "B010GHYKNY", "B001CWLF9K", "B077V5Q7JJ", "B00GWXI1AK", "B00AO1RKFS", "B0028AENSK", "B07FL2NZQZ", "B01DDUUXIC", "B00CLF81Z8", "B07GGG5BRW"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HHGAKEU"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Drama"]
["The Morels are a typical family living in Lyon, France. But when their 17-year-old daughter, La (Camille Razat), fails to return home after a night out celebrating her birthday, the Morels are unexpectedly thrown into their worst nightmare. Mother Florence (The Returneds Alix Poisson) tries to remain strong for her other children and hopeful that her daughter will return home safely, while father Julien (Pierre Franois Martin-Laval) begins an investigation of his own.<br><br>As the policeled by Commander Bertrand Molina (Franois-Xavier Demaison) and his lieutenant, Camille Guerin (Alice Pol)desperately search to find the missing teen, shocking truths begin to come to light, revealing secrets hidden by La and those closest to her."]
The Disappearance
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Franois-Xavier Demaison
97,789 in Movies & TV (
["B01ICF703O", "B07377YPH1", "B07GGG5BRW", "B07C8ZPLC6", "B07DXSK52J", "B07CBZSDZB", "B07BXB4SM6", "B01BKI6IF6", "B07H5VTTBH", "B07C5K7QC1", "B0757DT4T9", "B078D674VV", "B07B61GLBP", "B07JJPCSKY", "B01N3S1XMI", "B000077VQP", "B079PCB9R7", "B01FT0ZNVQ", "B07CV2BLFJ", "B073LP58FD", "B06XD188TX", "B0791VZ9HS", "B07FT6DGLP", "B01N3RRGDF", "B00VKX6V9U", "B071JW9814", "B076VY9185", "B07FQ596CZ", "B07CVK279F", "B07D57ZRWM", "B074JQDKNJ", "B07GSYVVY3", "B01JPN6MQ8", "B07GGRJWQY", "B01ENSOKP0", "B079B6KHQ4", "B007JUX1TQ"]
Movies & TV
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["Movies & TV", "Independently Distributed", "Kids & Family"]
["In Stunning High Definition, From A Brand-New 4K Transfer! <br><br><br>The year is 2005<br><br><br>For millennia, the heroic Autobots, led by Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen), have been at war with the evil Megatron (Frank Welker) and his Decepticons over control of their home planet of Cybertron. However, an even greater threat: Unicron (Orson Welles, Citizen Kane), a colossal converting planet that devours everything in its path and is heading right for Cybertron. The only hope is the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Will the Autobots be able to save themselves and their home world in time? <br><br><br>An all-star cast, including Judd Nelson (The Breakfast Club), Leonard Nimoy (Star Trek), Eric Idle (the Monty Python films) and Robert Stack (The Untouchables), brings this inimitable, explosively entertaining Autobot adventure to life. <br><br><br>Includes Both Widescreen (1.85:1) And Full Frame (1.33:1) Versions!<br><br>(Digital Copy redemption expires 9/13/17)"]
Transformers: The Movie 30th Anniversary Steelbook Digital
["B003CNQPOW", "B004NJC0JI", "B00IXPQU08", "B00IXPQUH6", "B00IXPQU1M", "B007TX1BN6", "B00IXPQULW", "B079Y3F752", "B003CNQPOM", "B00ZGRLJJS", "B01BY1KHZQ", "B004RBC5RY", "B01IMZY8T8", "1600106676", "B00GSTHDCU", "B0009IW8AI", "B07JVF7KZM", "1440246408", "B006JN8770", "B072QWP8N3", "B008WAM2TW", "B013JAFWLE", "B01GU82O9K", "B07HPY5SYT", "B00029QQQG", "B075F5RF67", "B00F40UBM8", "B01L6ODAD2", "B01GU82O9U", "B07JQ6YHSP", "B07DFMLMTH", "B00ZGRLHZE", "B0031L5CJE", "B00XD6C36W", "B07BNT2R4L", "B005BUA1H6", "B074XJ48WV", "B00HRUQAKU", "B076QWG87D", "1600108563", "B07C5BYWH3", "B00OWGP47C", "B00WO0B12K", "B076BK4DFL", "B072R7FMH3", "B01L7JFJ9Y", "1631403648", "B076Q3ZBDZ", "B001U9BS38", "B013JAFXYA", "B009474UW4", "B0157OF9F4", "B0025VLELQ", "B00MEEVVY4", "B076BJVR9N", "B07JYQTLWF", "B00ESZZOEA", "B071GKQQD3", "B07FSRBWXK", "B0014567VQ", "B01HEYB9NG", "B013TOVA98", "B074WRTNL2", "B002YOKVUE", "B01AEOM55Y", "B07C4719YJ", "B07GRN9329", "B0721JXX6V", "B072QXM5KM", "B072MZ4NSQ", "B072KD9T3T", "B07FBCMM4B", "B072MZ4NSG", "B072MZ4FN9", "B01LYCRKJG", "B072QWP8N5", "B072QY9HYV", "B071GKQVJL", "B075LQL5RN", "B071GKQYBW", "B079Y431MM", "B072QX3CV1", "B071GKQVJR", "B010SFR5VS", "B071GKQW9W", "B01N3AZ13G"]
Peter Cullen
1,006 in Movies & TV (
["B01GU82O9U", "B004NJC0JI", "B003CNQPOW", "B00IXPQU08", "B004L5SBTW", "B007TX1BN6", "B07LB1VB8T", "B00IXPQU1M", "B002KJ7ODU", "B00IXPQUH6", "B00IXPQULW", "B07C5BYWH3", "B0077T5SN6", "B00ITAQ2MS", "B00GSTHDCU", "B005SQRYJ6", "B005BUA1H6", "B00KTFJ79Q", "B07C4719YJ", "B004RBC5RY", "B0031L5CJE", "B000059YW1", "B001SLNPTI", "B00P8H2FGW", "1613776624", "B00JHH1ZYW", "B00HRUQAKU", "B006JN87UC", "B0721JXX6V", "B00XD6C36W", "1600109357", "B01KJKIO5S", "B008WAM2VU", "B00ESZZOH2", "B072QXM5KM", "B076QB19S2", "B07FBCMM4B", "B01HJRMTZA", "B00HNYDHBU", "1600106676", "B072MZ4NSQ", "B06XWVK4WH", "B00ND5ZWKC", "B079Y3F752", "B00ZGRLJJS", "B07H8JC2F7", "B00029QQQG", "B07BVR51VD", "B07JQ6YHSP", "B000KBHSNG", "B07DBKLB1F", "B07DW17WZK", "B004UFE2XM", "B0749TSW79", "B001U9BS38", "B00JWGI08C", "B07FYHFS35", "B074J5M3ZJ", "1600107516"]
Movies & TV
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{"Subtitles:": "Spanish, French", "ASIN: ": "B01HHGAIHE"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Drama"]
["The Greek tragedians Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides produced a group of plays whose grandeur and uncanny power are undiminished despite the passage of 2,500 years. Two-and-a-half thousand years after they were written, ancient Greek Dramas such as Eumenides, Oedipus the King, and Trojan Women retain a compelling, almost incantatory power. These plays have attracted focus and reflection from Aristotle, Freud, Nietzsche, and others. Led by Dr. Elizabeth Vandiver is Professor of Classics and Clement Biddle Penrose Professor of Latin at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, these lectures are designed to give you a full overview of Greek tragedy, both in its original setting and as a lasting contribution to the artistic exploration of the human condition. Professor Elizabeth Vandiver's 24 engrossing lectures shed revealing light on both the context and the content of these stunning dramas from Athens's Golden Age."]
Greek Tragedy
["B0016BXFDG", "1565857283", "1598034448", "1598036904", "B003LXADIC", "159803653X", "1598037382", "1598031716", "1565859677", "1598034146", "1598033441", "1565858786", "1598034405", "156585604X", "1598032909", "B00C7S0UMG", "1598034308", "1565857410", "1598031074", "159803670X", "1598038214", "159803040X", "1598033743", "1598035576", "1629973734", "1565857488", "B00JB4B5KK", "B00C7S8EZQ", "159803989X", "1629970786", "1565855973", "1598035932", "1598030507", "1565855744", "B00AW0YDBU", "B0013EPAF2", "1565859820", "1598032135", "1565858336", "1565859723", "1629972746", "1598035452", "1598033700", "1565857275", "1629975419", "1629970069", "1598035436", "1598037358", "1598031619", "1629973769", "159803314X", "1565855787", "1598035134", "1598033484", "1598033603", "1598034626", "B009AU8I0K", "1598031864", "1598031376", "1565856996", "1598032437", "1629972177", "1598032399", "1598033883", "B00B022NB6", "156585571X", "B01DO9K1ES", "1565859200", "159803278X", "1565859731", "156585568X", "1565857305", "1598034758", "162997370X", "1598033085", "1598037285", "1629974994", "B00DWGNNNA", "1565855728", "1598036629", "1629970182", "B002ONJBCY", "B00CPRH70M", "1565857798", "162997126X", "1598038575", "1565855701", "1598030957", "1598035037", "1598032607", "1629974331", "1598034707", "1598032666", "B019WQ8UVS", "1598031120", "1598031538", "1565856341", "1629973149", "1565859308", "1598037145"]
Elizabeth Vandiver
143,298 in Movies & TV (
["B0016BXFDG", "B004GJYRLY", "159803653X", "B003LXADIC", "1565858336", "1598034448", "B00AW0YDBU", "1598032909", "1598037382", "1565857313", "1565857259", "1598038214", "1598034308", "1598031538", "1598035576", "1565857798", "1565855981", "159803278X", "B00KGOYLG4", "1629971146", "1598030752", "1598033883", "1598031074", "B00C7S0UMG"]
Movies & TV
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Legacy: Volume Two
["B01A80HMMK", "B0794SPYPQ", "B00AX5B0QU", "B014JC19J0", "B014JC12EM", "B004G8LKBU", "B01HHRHDAS", "B00152PFAM", "B006PF64AO", "B014JC1DW8", "B01A85MU86", "B003019LWY", "B00T5MUTXC", "B074JHP7QY", "B01M0D54F7", "B002AK9UUO", "B01A7ZI6CQ", "B010Q51AQ6", "B0794Y2D1R", "B01N6PODV6", "B010Q6UNZY", "B0046M4H7K", "B06XGH7VR1", "B077THZ6QC", "B007W38WQ2", "B01MYH0V6T", "B014JC1M6U", "B073JYKHB7", "B077ZJ6V1S", "B0154ZT8VW", "B076GLS516", "B008N5UX8S", "B016PUXLM2", "B014JC1E6I", "B074G5Z1C7", "B014JC1NXW", "B019LLEWI4", "B00GNZLWQW", "B01M3Q2AG1", "B01M8LDXWT", "B0024RIMBG", "B01BIZRJQS", "B00F1BFMPQ", "B014SDJN4I", "B00O8UI44M", "B07GW3XF7Y", "B002UZXJAG", "B014JC1058", "B005RYF5JA", "B00EZRY62C", "B008HTUVTG", "B000UPWO5E", "B01NCJAKKV", "B00T4LLMO4", "B00AX5B0QA", "B003TWP5NI", "B0049VGQ4U", "B01MV1EU2E", "B00HGGUS4O", "B075FLBK2N", "B0772CJR2Y", "B07CDDKRW7", "B006PF627O", "B014JC1BFM", "B00HGTNKE6", "B00FLUD46Q", "B00CYPMO4E", "B00152IAIQ", "B01MRDMUKG", "B01M09TWUH", "B014JC1JZY", "B014JC0YI2", "B077Y2RHBS", "B001D27GLK", "B010EQK98C", "B016PUVO0S", "1423458672", "B00IKLRW02", "B0007M22TI", "B0081AH41Y", "B00BCM2F3U", "B014JC13E6", "B07F9GVFK6", "B010BD1KUE", "B004LDK20A", "B00JL3DDUQ", "B003019LWO", "B001KKU982", "B013T5IH52", "B074J9RHY2", "B076CZS8BG", "B002UZXJA6", "B005EYP8C2", "B014JC1JIQ", "B00UCR0LE6", "B005CHZZ06", "B01M9FQJZS", "B00005R1N6", "B00HF95PA4"]
Celtic Thunder
21,068 in Movies & TV (
["B01A80HMMK", "B0794SPYPQ", "B014JC19J0", "B014JC12EM", "B003019LWY", "B00AX5B0QU", "B002AK9UUO", "B010Q51AQ6", "B014JC1DW8", "B004G8LKBU", "B01M0D54F7", "B00152PFAM", "B077THZ6QC", "B01A85MU86", "B0046M4H7K", "B010Q6UNZY", "B00T5MUTXC", "B006PF64AO", "B01HHRHDAS", "B01MYH0V6T", "B014JC1M6U", "B074JHP7QY", "B00152IAIQ", "B014SDJN4I", "B074G5Z1C7", "B0772CJR2Y", "B007W38WQ2", "B0794Y2D1R", "B0024RIMBG", "B00J4PL3YE", "B014JC1NXW", "B014JC1E6I", "B01MV1EU2E", "B002UZXJAG", "B01M1RPTFR", "B077ZJ6V1S", "B073JYKHB7", "B002MNO9FU", "B00HGGUS4O", "B0154ZT8VW", "B006PF627O", "B01M3Q2AG1", "B000UPWO5E", "B003TWP5NI", "B005RYF5JA", "B001D27GLK", "B00FLUD46Q", "B00UGQEUZE", "B002AK9UTU", "B005DEVH1E", "B001KKU982", "B008HTUVTG", "B014JC0YI2", "B07D74GBCQ"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HHRHDAI"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Foreign Films"]
["Original Shemaroo DVD Erotic Movie"]
Miss Teacher
Rahul Sharma
254,587 in Movies & TV (
["B06VWY2VMJ", "B06VW36VZ9", "B07DPFFT19", "B073LWR86G", "B07F7X7HPM", "B07DPJG8ZZ", "B07DPFCBDL", "B07G1ZHW8B", "B07HSLVBMJ", "B01DZEQESE", "B07FPRXFHK", "B07HSKMMXY", "B07J35GD48", "B07FNRFZY6", "B07DP6PQDN", "B07DPFBCWC", "B07GRRGVGL", "B07DR3BQSS", "B07GJ4C71Q", "B07DP77YD1", "B000E7K3EW", "B07F5CPBPQ"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Unknown (Dolby Digital 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "English", "Dubbed:": "Hindi", "ASIN: ": "B01HHZKOG0"}
["Movies & TV", "Movies"]
["Quick Shipping !!! New And Sealed !!! This Disc WILL NOT play on standard US DVD player. A multi-region PAL/NTSC DVD player is request to view it in USA/Canada. Please Review Description."]
Sonic Boom: Volume 3 - Mayor Knuckles
["B018VSW2O4", "B01CJPY12G", "B01M3PNSTS", "B01LZ4UW8M", "B01M7NKWUP"]
245,607 in Movies & TV (
["1627389830", "B01CJPY12G", "B01LZ4UW8M", "B01M3PNSTS", "B018VSW2O4", "B005LAII1W"]
Movies & TV
{"ASIN: ": "B01HI87PFE"}
["Movies & TV", "Blu-ray", "Movies"]
We Still Steal the Old Way
389,929 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HI87P4K"}
["Movies & TV", "Independently Distributed", "Documentary"]
["CANNES FILM FESTIVAL NOMINEE AND NEW YORK TIMES CRITICS' PICK", "In an invisible territory at the margins of society lives a wounded community who face the threat of being forgotten by political institutions and having their rights as citizens trampled. Disarmed veterans, taciturn adolescents, drug addicts trying to escape addiction through love; ex-special forces soldiers still at war with the world; floundering young women and future mothers; and old people who have not lost their desire to live. Through this hidden pocket of humanity, renowned documentarian Roberto Minervini opens a window to the abyss of today's America.", "Bonus Features, include: Deleted Scenes", "NOMINATED - Un Certain Regard - Cannes Film Festival<br> NOMINATED - Golden Eye Award - Cannes Film Festival<br> WINNER - Best Cinematography Award - Montreal Int'l Film Festival<br> WINNER - Busan Cinephile Award - Busan Int'l Film Festival<br> WINNER - Best Director - Seville European Film Festival<br> WINNER - Best Cinematography - Seville European Film Festival<br> WINNER - Silver Ribbon, Best Documentary - Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Toronto Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Art of the Real<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Rio de Janeiro Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Goteborg Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - True/False Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Karlovy Vary Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Bergen Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - BiografilmFestival ---<br /><br />Although it's being marketed as something like a documentary, this film, directed by Roberto Minervini, is, in fact, something oddly different. To call it a cross between reality television and art film would perhaps be more accurate. Whatever genre it belongs to, The Other Side is powerful and disturbing. - Glenn Kenny, The New York Times", "...Minervini deserves credit for going where few high-minded filmmakers have gone before, revealing a side of Americana rarely seen onscreen. --Jordan Mintzer, The Hollywood Reporter<br /><br />The Other Side is heart-wrenching...If it were possible to splice the DNA of William Faulkner and John Cassavetes, the resulting progeny might produce a film like Roberto Minervini's The Other Side, an immersive, almost harrowingly naturalistic plunge into the lives of marginal Louisianans obsessed with guns, drugs and belligerent resentments. - Godfrey Chesire,", "...a soul-draining, feature-length look at the bastard stepchildren of the American Dream. --Peter Debruge, Variety"]
The Other Side
["B07CF6WRSX", "B07D5SLXHP", "B00WZY4EXS", "B01HR48RX8", "B078X52K3H", "B078D2KK8S", "B01F3XQSU4", "B01DALQ180", "B01N75CXU1", "B06XX95184", "B06XJX4J5K", "B06X3W1DNZ"]
Mark Kelley
39,946 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HI8KC5E"}
["Movies & TV", "Blu-ray", "Movies"]
["UK Released DVD/Blu-Ray item. It MAY NOT play on regular US DVD/Blu-Ray player. You may need a multi-region US DVD/Blu-Ray player to play this item."]
Forces of Nature
["B00MCKN8GE", "B077XRG26F", "B003NF97O4", "B07D2W8BHP", "B01LYQFYV6", "B002UXRGM0", "0007488823", "B073LPCNL1", "B00AK7806E", "B00IWULSTC", "B004XKVQVU", "B005SH65UO", "B018V1ZYJQ", "B074Q1QKY9", "B008RA62HK", "B07HFYZY7D", "B0012YN5AK", "B01HOIXOHQ", "B002BEXDXO", "B00IN0RSEA", "B00B5ACNQI", "B002EZLO0Y", "B0018CWVWO", "B004PHSTZ2", "B007IUEE8O", "B00UMDEYMK", "B004HJ0ZMI", "B001W79MQS", "B00GLXJWW2", "B00GSDSRQW", "B003ZEQMFK", "B0000AISJC", "B003ONR38C", "0062238833", "B008RA57OY", "B017NBOY2S", "B00QYZJ79K", "B00K6K9G86", "B008RA57W6", "0008125082", "B001P72A1E", "0007488807", "B003DC87XE", "B00BQI4BS2", "B0016OKR2U", "B005F3DFXG"]
Professor Brian Cox
205,569 in Movies & TV (
["B01LYQFYV6", "B001W79MQS", "B004XKVQVU", "B07J33SHKD", "B00MCKN8GE", "B0018CWVWO", "B07D2W8BHP", "B00ANDGYQS", "B077XRG26F", "B07H62PFPS", "B0019MG35O", "B07J35T8H2", "B005C9YZIW", "B00PHD6FI6", "B00BBXTS94", "B002EWD0D6", "B002UXRGM0", "B017NBOY2S", "B004PHSTZ2", "B005SH65UO", "B007IUEDLW", "B003NF97O4", "B076DQZ593", "B018V1ZYJQ", "B01KK7Z7QE", "B00IWULSTC", "0008259372", "B00UMDF0O6", "B000ROA01S", "B016MFFXLC", "B07J35TBFC", "B01A6GG2QS", "B008RA62HK", "B00CYP9JTC", "B00BQI4BS2", "0783235380", "B00AK7806E", "B01LTHYICS", "B07CCZYGC7", "B00LOCLCIM", "B00GLXJWW2", "B07JJY4ZHM", "B00UMDEYMK", "B00VNQWWXI", "B01KJ2X6DQ", "B0012YN5AK", "B06Y5N3YGV", "B002EZLO0Y", "B007RMQ53K", "B06Y5VX934", "B00DUX291C", "B00FRQ0GA6", "B00406UJVU", "B07JJ6VKQH", "B01648PBV4", "0008125082", "B004PQM80K", "B01HOIXOHQ", "6317582068", "B0055CP9PE"]
Movies & TV
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["Movies & TV", "Blu-ray", "Movies"]
["Barbie is a cosmic princess who flies high on her hoverboard through a far-off universe with her adorable and devoted pet sidekick, Pupcorn. One day, everything changes when the twinkling stars start to dim and slow their dance in the sky. Barbie travels to a beautiful new planet to join a special rescue team on a mission to save the stars. Once there, she teams up with a group of talented new friends who work together to save the galaxy through exciting hoverboarding adventures. Barbie soon discovers that if she listens to her heart, and with the help of her friends, she might be the leader the whole universe has been waiting for!"]
Barbie: Star Light Adventure
["B01NCB33T2", "B01J3FDJBE", "B019GY79LS", "B01ARGBMXK", "B00ZR3W3EG", "B07FDQRK8T", "B013HY6KVS", "B01ARGBTRE", "B00QRPZEVW", "B00AHTKIWY", "B00E95AEAI", "B01ARGC12Q", "B00HDAG7FW", "B01N4QZRLO", "B013HY6KQ8", "B018E2LV3U", "B00D78DBPS", "B01ARGBYP6", "B018E2LV1M", "B01DUK4M82", "B019GY79UO", "B01J3FDJJ6", "B00L8QP0C8", "B075FLJ8HL", "B01M4GTO67", "B01LTHXYY6", "B06Y2M7YY9", "B01LTI0P1U", "B01AT5MKMG", "B00DY1KPLG", "B01AT5MKLC", "B01IDP25PQ", "B01AT5MKI0", "B010LY97EO", "B019OI2HDQ", "1101940204", "B01ARGBR80"]
Erica Lindbeck
85,690 in Movies & TV (
["B01ARGBMXK", "B019GY79LS", "B07FDQRK8T", "B00L8QP0C8", "B01NCB33T2", "B01J3FDJBE", "B013HY6KVS", "B00ZR3W3EG", "B01ARGBTRE", "B01ARGBR80", "B06XGG7V6D", "B01DUK4M82", "B00AHTKIWY", "B00E95AEAI", "B01CE58P64", "B00QRPZEVW", "B01J3FDJJ6", "B07B12HY6L", "B00D78DBPS", "B073CXQGLD", "B00HDAG7FW", "B07G2CJP85", "B01ARGBYP6", "B01M3O5FQD", "B008POSU3W", "B003RHZ66Q", "B01M4GTO67", "B008CN091M", "B000GGSMNK", "B003ZIXNWG", "B0042XPF5Q", "B005GJCGIE", "B01AWGZ5DI", "B002TLRG64", "B001A7X0YA", "B000Q7ZLQU", "B01K4EU89Y", "B018E2LV3U", "B018E2LV1M", "B01N5HMTF7", "B002TLRG5K", "B001B7CNZQ", "B01C45GOCQ", "B01AT5MKI0", "B01AT5MKLC", "B0785GQBCF", "B001O3M370", "B004H1HJ4S", "B01AT5MN0U", "B002TLRG5U", "B018E2LUZ4", "B077SGDFB6", "B01AT5MMYC", "B01AT5MKMG", "B0010VDYKG", "B01ARGC12Q", "B07G7SF8XS", "B005KQ4HPI", "B002WG8U4I"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1), French (Dolby Digital 5.1), French (DTS 5.1), Spanish (Dolby Digital 5.1), Spanish (DTS 5.1)", "Subtitles:": "French, Spanish", "Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HIQ3TO2"}
["Movies & TV", "Movies"]
["Between the years of 1954 and 1963, the Rebbe reintroduced and taught 14 niggunim that had been forgotten over time. Known affectionately as The Rebbes Niggunim, the Rebbe imparted the meaning and message behind each niggun to the Chassidim. Join Zaidy as he brings 7 of these Niggunim to life by explaining the setting of when the Rebbe taught the Niggunim and the stories the Rebbe told before he would teach the new niggun. Brought to life with exciting music videos with some of the most popular singers, as they sing the Niggunim and act out their stories and messages. Highlighted throughout, are clips of the Rebbe singing the Niggunim and beautiful drawings depicting these special moments."]
The Rebbe's Nigunim
["B00V3UOVBA", "B07J22VS9C", "B06WGSL4J6", "B00HSC0OJU", "1583303480", "B00KLJFHLW", "B00EH135ZA", "B00N4AQVGU", "1929628250", "1929628692", "B004I41VKC", "B009PAO5SO", "0615243932", "1929628544", "1932349049", "1932349057"]
Benny Friedman
120,487 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
[",0,0,38,50_.jpg", ",0,0,38,50_.jpg", ",0,0,38,50_.jpg"]
["", "", ""]
{"ASIN: ": "B01HIQHDAS"}
["Movies & TV", "HBO", "All HBO Titles"]
["<![CDATA[", "All the Way (Digital HD/DVD)", "Bryan Cranston stars in a riveting look at the formidable challenges and demons faced by President Lyndon Johnson in his tumultuous first year in office from his accidental ascension to the presidency in November 1963, to his relentless fight to win passage of a landmark Civil Rights Bill with the election of 1964 looming."]
All the Way (Digital HD/DVD)
["B077SKJCWZ", "B001BSBC16", "B00CLH08KC", "B076ZR2F99", "B004YDSNMQ", "B078952HSB", "B07BZBW89B", "B00000IQC0", "B078952HWQ", "B007KAUWO2", "B01LTI1L9U", "B0788YKWR1", "B00NMF8SEK", "B00005J760", "B001AMHNKW", "B01N2TIPBK", "B002CWKTUA", "B07GX5PW3P", "B076CVHLJ1", "B00008W2OX", "B01LTHNHK2", "B0045HCJHQ", "B01C69QV64", "B0747W8X1L", "B07FDN2LLJ", "B001MVWFAO", "B01LTHZK34", "B01J1HF386", "B00407PNX8", "B07HSK3HKD", "B077Y8DJ2P", "B0785VLCFD", "B07HSJQNWK", "B001KGDNAW", "B002AMUDJY", "B00DDY45DI", "B06XJM529M", "B07HSM5VQN", "B000BYRCDI", "B01LTI0KQK", "B0167IE0KY", "B07GJFS31Y", "B07G28Y3XV", "B07H5VTTBH", "B00EV4EUT8", "B077TCG2JZ", "B07DXSK91B", "B01BTDOSTK", "B076V8P45L", "B07KBTKCFZ", "B01FWU1308", "B009AMANBA", "B01LTHZ5K2", "B00EO10IEE", "B07JVF7QS9", "B01LTI1RHG", "B001TH92N4", "B00YXRPLVO", "B015HM3E8K", "B07BX3KJ4X", "B07BZXYG42", "B01KAKD6OG", "B0788YKWLC", "B0789TBYB4", "B01N2PJOO1", "B07DXS2KX1", "B00ECXJBTM", "B004FQX59I", "B01LTHZVTW", "B075ZKWGL5", "B00CZB9BE8", "B075569ZX6", "B07FJ8TL1M", "B071YDKZRX", "B07BQP1G94", "B07D51Y78V", "B01LTHWUHI", "B07894H9N6", "B01KP7LAQ0", "B01LTIB9MY", "B07C5SJSR1", "B00GM7SIWC", "B077H8V6R9", "B01H49VL7A", "B01LTIAQEG", "B073HL5DW4", "B07G2PK4PH", "B000MEYJI8", "B079ZT1TYC", "B01FL1VK8I", "B0789TKQL3", "B06XNSCBT4", "B019NB5GZU", "B01LTHNHJS", "B07FSRB4NM", "B01LTHYE04", "B01LTHZVSI", "B073MDN9NF", "B000059TFO", "B07615P1WX"]
50,367 in Movies & TV (
["B077SKJCWZ", "B001BSBC16", "B00CLH08KC", "B078952HSB", "B078952HWQ", "B076ZR2F99", "B00000IQC0", "B004YDSNMQ", "B076CVHLJ1", "B07BZBW89B", "B079ZT1TYC", "B01N2TIPBK", "B07HSM5VQN", "B07615P1WX", "B007KAUWO2", "B0785VLCFD", "B01FWU1308", "B07HSK3HKD", "B07D51Y78V", "B07H5VTTBH", "B07GX5PW3P", "B0167IE0KY", "B009AMANBA", "B001TH92N4", "B001AMHNKW", "B001MVWFAO", "B07GVZJWD8", "B0788YKWR1", "B07JJ5WHCK", "B07B5WBB28", "B00NMF8SEK", "B07B5W7DJR", "B00DDY45DI", "B07DY286QY", "B075FNZL5T", "B01LTHZK34", "B07DKV22D1", "B0192PEPKO", "B07KBTKCFZ", "B000MEYJI8", "B001KGDNAW", "B07G2PK4PH", "B07FGT76N4", "B00YXRPLVO", "B06XVMX1FK", "B00006ADFM", "B07DL8NKWZ", "B06XJM529M", "B002UNXS6S", "B07673TV86", "B01LTI1L9U", "B01BMFX1D4", "B07FT6DGLP", "B00GM7SIWC", "B00EV4EUT8", "B01LTHXM0M", "B01BZ4DS58", "0451492048", "B01KP7LAQ0", "B07FDFQLTC"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "Dubbed:": "English", "Digital Copy Expiration Date:": "December 31, 2021 (", "ASIN: ": "B01HIUL6WU"}
["Movies & TV", "Music Artists", "Denver, John"]
["Filmed in 1981, 18 unforgettable performances: 1. Starwood in Aspen. 2. Take Me Home, Country Roads 3. Follow Me 4. I'd Rather Be A Cowboy 5. Leaving on a Jet Plane 6. Goodbye Again 7. Rocky Mountain Suite 8. Matthew 9. Fly Away 10. Dancing With The Mountains 11. Back Home Again 12. Thank God, I'm A Country Boy 13. Sleepin' Alone 14. Rocky Mountain High 15. Eagle and the Hawk 16. Annie's Song 17. Calypso 18. Sunshine On My Shoulders"]
John Denver: Greatest Hits Live (Collector's Edition)
["B00316QY8M", "B0009I7O4I", "1573306983"]
John Denver
203,273 in Movies & TV (
["1573306983", "B00MGBS6MU", "B00V42YNLA", "B002N7W3N0", "B0009I7O4I", "B002N7SXJI", "B00316QY8M", "B0749VHVC8", "6305078440", "B005LTDP8Y", "B0071PT9WM", "B005803T50", "6305054045", "B000UX6TG6", "B000ZOSMT2", "B00000DGL5", "B000053V4G", "B0000A2ZU9", "B0060ANYL6", "B001CY2EMU", "B000MM0Y8Y"]
Movies & TV
{"ASIN: ": "B01HJ1BKUQ"}
["Movies & TV", "Studio Specials", "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment", "All Sony Pictures Titles"]
["Tony Award-winning director Bartlett Sher probes the Moor s dramatic downfall with an outstanding cast: new soprano star Sonya Yoncheva sings Desdemona, Otello s innocent wife and victim; tenor Aleksandrs Antonenko plays the doomed Otello; and baritone Zeljko Lucic plays the evil Iago, who masteminds Otello s demise. Both the Blu-ray and DVD include bonus material featuring an interview with Zeljko Lucic and Aleksandrs Antonenko, rehearsal footage, interview with Bartlett Scher and an interview with Sonya Yoncheva. <br> <br>Sonya Yoncheva's upcoming U.S. Metropolitan Opera Appearance:<br>La Traviata February through April 2017"]
Verdi: Otello
["B01MXE4EVV", "B014HFML6E", "B07HGR7P4Z", "B000F3T3CS", "B0727Z52CB", "B0125Q35OY", "B01I23R1LM", "B000094HMU", "B008K7RGA2", "B01HSQZ7KG", "B00579EKW8", "B0007Q6PBK", "B01IQEGCI0", "B007R5KKJW", "B004QQDUZ6", "B0007VY5JE", "B00Y07Q882", "B000Y9M09G", "B077FB2YHD", "B075VVSFBX", "B002MEW7YY", "B00P7O8OTS", "B01AXA6FKA", "B005MYEQ9U", "B0039I1HN4", "B003Y58CL2", "B0719X6HCX", "B07BN6QCM7", "B000059QY3", "B0006O9M6S", "B019KF6NQA", "B075SLMK8S", "B0009W4LLS", "B004097IKW", "B000068UXH", "B01LTHOE8Q", "B06Y2D3WL7", "B00H28A5EO", "B00BXHLM1K", "B00005OATR", "B00H540M9S", "B002LK50UM", "B01IQEGCGW", "B003ZWTGKU", "B01JVKSHQ8", "B01M4HLDR2", "B002HWBS96", "B073WSPHBM", "B000083C73", "B00005BI90", "B013JCGGTE", "B000050X30", "B001LMSP26", "B074BNB12T", "B019PJXAP8", "B01N54XXHI", "B004O5N3QU", "B001BWQVW2", "B00006CXFD", "B01L0SZ6TU", "B0013V33DG", "B002EWGYAM", "B006ZRAF0C", "B01M0ZZHKS", "B072HHTPY7", "B000E5KOJI", "B01L0RHZMM", "B00CU55HMY", "B002LK8HAW", "B07HGGBXJP", "B00024YUPU", "B005KQ8NYE", "B077TKYRTT", "B000VLYIW4", "B003AMAOW4", "B0079IJ17E", "B00DPMFEQA", "B0049YB6U6", "B00UOFX41S", "B00IAV08DK", "B00H540KMM", "B07C5GZH8G", "B00FEMGCB0", "B07141J77N", "B071S2XZVY", "B01J4P3XIC", "B01NBKVOPK", "B074BL54W1", "B006WN5VDU", "B00FGHCJAG", "B00DPMFE6U", "B00DIZS5GU", "B000A16I2I", "B002Y5FKUE", "B00507ZQNO", "B00FABG404", "B000787X00", "B008OGI5VI", "B000UPSKO8"]
Sonya Yoncheva
68,026 in Movies & TV (
["B07BF2PQHM", "B00012AST0", "B0094AH3Q6", "B0007P0LP2", "B00V5RRBF4", "B07HGR7P4Z", "B06XXMSBCP", "B00005BI90", "B008ER9QKG", "B014HFML6E", "B06Y2D3WL7", "B000LSBMV2", "B0125Q35OY", "B01MXE4EVV", "B00DJ1TA76", "B07GVX9BL9", "B01I23R1LM", "B01IQEGCI0", "B075VVSFBX", "B00007KQ9Y", "B0727Z52CB", "B00BUYC2NI", "B00IAD18KK", "B00H28A5EO", "B003Y58CL2", "B00WUKHZOC", "B00P7O8OTS", "B014VLVPU2", "B009DTI3FS", "B000094HMU", "B002LK50UM", "B0779L56MY", "B002MEW7YY", "B008K7RGA2", "B00EWT17I4", "B077FB2YHD", "B000NIWI9K", "B000T0XEGS", "B0013HA838", "B01AMWKKC8", "B07FDQRK7Q", "B0128ETXUI", "B005FWO3QK", "B0052GKCH8", "B00CU55HMY", "B072HHTPY7", "B00UGQF8NM", "B003ELZL0Q", "B07B5WB6XL", "B0006O9M6S", "B00NCZ971S", "B000JJSRMA", "B00AA13ZFG", "B000VKW6O2", "B071S2XZVY", "B000FTJEBM", "B00406UK8W", "B008LZYR9Q", "B07DY2M94L"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "Subtitles:": "Italian, English, German, French", "ASIN: ": "B01HJ1INB0"}
["Movies & TV", "Movies"]
["Mr. Miracle DVD Region 2 need an all region DVD player."]
Mr. Miracle - Ihn schickt der Himmel
344,483 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
[",0,0,38,50_.jpg", ",0,0,38,50_.jpg", ",0,0,38,50_.jpg"]
["", "", ""]
{"Language:": "German (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 5.1)", "ASIN: ": "B01HJ3E0PQ"}
["Movies & TV", "Independently Distributed", "Drama"]
["The President and his family rule the land with a draconian fist, enjoying a privileged and luxurious existence at the expense of his miserable and oppressed subjects. After a coup d'etat uproots his position of power, the President's wife and daughters are flown out of the country as he stays behind with his grandson, who is too young to grasp the unfolding events. After his personal escort and bodyguards turn on him, he is forced to disguise himself and flee into the countryside to avoid capture. He soon learns that he is now the country's most wanted fugitive and begins a perilous journey with his grandson, his only ally. Posing as street musicians, the pair blend in with a band of haggard political prisoners just released from jail as they travel towards the coast to an awaiting ship that will take them to safety.", "WINNER - Best Film - Chicago Int'l Film Festival<br> NOMINATED - Best Film - London Film Festival<br> NOMINATED - Best Film - Venice Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Opening Night Film - Venice Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Rio de Janeiro Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Busan Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Talinn Black Nights Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Hong Kong Int'l Film Festival<br> OFFICIAL SELECTION - Galway Film Fleadh ---<br /><br />Perhaps even Mohsen Makhmalbaf's most devoted admirers weren't expecting his latest film - opening the Festival's Orrizonti sidebar section - to be quite so absorbing and gripping. But that's what it is, and the director discloses a unsuspected gift for satire and suspense, along with some old-fashioned storytelling gusto. --The Guardian<br /><br />Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf has cranked up the voltage from his trademark stately style in this newsworthy drama. --Time Out"]
The President
["B01M6DA5RJ", "B0002F6BFG", "B06XRGPHM3", "B06XG2N43G", "B00IGK6TH4", "B01180FCR6"]
Misha Gomiashvili
199,854 in Movies & TV (
["B01GWCHP2U", "B0009PW3RE"]
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "Georgian", "Subtitles:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HJ6R77G"}
["Movies & TV", "Genre for Featured Categories", "Action & Adventure"]
["Filmed in 1972 as Pope Joan, Michael Andersons lavish drama has been lovingly restored and can now be seen in its original intended glory! Told through the eyes of a troubled 20th Century evangelist She who would be Pope follows the extraordinary exploits of a 9th century preachers daughter Joan (Liv Ullmann). Born into political and violent times, Joan on her fathers death disguises herself as a friar, John. By a twist of fate John becomes a Cardinal in Rome and eventually Pope. But Joans deception proves hard to keep up and passion ultimately brings about her downfall. This epic tale of power, intrigue and deceit is brought to life by a star-studded cast including Oscar winners and nominees: Liv Ullmann, Maximilian Schell, Trevor Howard, Franco Nero and Olivia de Havilland. Directed by Oscar Nominee Michael Anderson (Around the World in 80 Days) and written by Oscar winner John Briley (Gandhi), the film is complemented with a stirring score composed by triple Oscar winner Maurice Jarre."]
She.....Who Would Be Pope
Liv Ullmann
246,494 in Movies & TV (
Movies & TV
{"Language:": "English", "ASIN: ": "B01HJCCLOY"}
["Movies & TV", "Blu-ray", "Movies"]
["Japanese Rare Items"]
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Limited Edition Blu-ray
["B073XHMCB4", "B0714J1MPR", "B072MZN33K", "B01MYFLZR7", "B06XDRSH35"]
239,915 in Movies & TV (
["B071KW44QB", "B073XHMCB4", "B07KZ4HB41", "B01EHI4MOK", "B0714J1MPR", "B01FDBHGKC", "B06XDRSH35", "B07J3691JN", "B07D55HV8M", "B07HSK3HK2", "B07JYQNLPW", "B013TOVA98", "B06XTH7571", "B074WRTNL2", "B07D4ZP9L9", "1974701077", "B01HC8ZLV0", "B01MYFLZR7", "B0788WSV6M", "B07BZG5NPZ", "B07DLYN6MH", "B0722K37G2", "B01N4PLQXN", "B074QWGFWH", "B07FSRBH15", "B01B401PO4", "1506711987", "B074WVCJCN", "B073L8PGX6", "B07BBSH59W", "B074R64D5B", "B071S71D4N", "B01IW8MLGC", "B01CN38VP2", "B07HGBR8YB", "B07J35GDLP", "B00YGEKDLW", "B07JHJTQ8M", "B01MROTUKQ", "B07C826FF6", "B077RY282W", "B01GUVOZLC", "B01LTI1KGO", "B077QT3DYX", "B01HC8ZLQ0", "1421599155", "B012C89VGQ", "B01MUGEO9X", "B01AY1FMDE", "B07J368VR6", "B005ED3PAU", "B07D4ZPJCP", "B074R64BZL", "B01LEQLBNS", "B074R4KSTM", "1421593041", "B07CLP4ZQM", "B01ICR1WL8", "B0746DTJN3", "B07JJ6HQGF"]
Movies & TV
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{"ASIN: ": "B01HJF79XO"}