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Lucy: omg did you see JK this morning? Sue: I try to avoid it lol Lucy: you should have seen it it was disgusting Sue: I cant do it anymore i try to listen to the radio in the mornings.. jk makes you think the whole world is full of idiots lol Lucy: you may be right I dont know how some of them can go on there in public for the world to see Sue: I would die if I got a call to go on there lol Sue: could you imagine ha ha Lucy: I would piss myself If I saw you and Andy up there Sue: over my dead body !
Sue doesn't watch JK any more as it's disgusting.
Wendy: What's up? Simon: Nothing much. I'm painting my cupboards. Angela: Cool what colour? Simon: Green. Ben: I'm just chilling in the garden. Angela: Nice weekend! I'm about to meet Chris. Wendy: Say hello from me! Angela: Will do! And how is your weekend, Wendy? Wendy: Very lazy... The week was hard at work, I really needed some rest. Ben: We should all come and visit Simon in his new apartment! Simon: You are welcome, guys! Whenever you wish. Ben: I should be in Bournemouth next week. Simon: I'm not going anywhere :-) Ben: Cool, I'll call you next week.
This weekend Wendy is very lazy because she worked hard at work, and Angela is meeting Chris. Simon is chilling in the garden and painting his cupboards green. Next week, Ben, Angela, Chris and Wendy will visit him in his new apartament.
Petra: Hi Zack, I see you called. Sorry I can't pick up. In lectures all day. Zack: Ok, when will the break be I can try then. Petra: I will call you back in the lunch break because I am not sure if this lecturer will stick closely to the break times in the programme. Zack: OK. Petra: Or you can write to me what it's about. I can type and read I just can't listen or talk.
Zack called Petra, but she didn't answer because is in lectures all day. Petra will call Zack back during the break. Zack can write to Petra because she can read and write during the lecture. Petra can't talk or listen during the lecture.
Amelia: Want to go shopping tomorrow? :) Anna: can't :( Anna: I'm meeting my study group in the morning Amelia: noon? Anna: I'm visiting my grandma, she turns 86 Anna: Then I have to do some work cause I am sooo behind and have to make up for it by Monday Amelia: Omg that doesn't sound like a Sunday at all :( Anna: and then in the evening Anna: I have to help my mum cleaning windows Amelia: cherry on top Anna: I'm looking forward to Monday :( Amelia: shopping next weekend perhaps? :) Amelia: <file_photo>
Amelia wants to go shopping on Sunday with Anna. Anna can't join her, because she has already plans for the whole day.
Niki: Guess what Jeanna: Hmmm? ;p Niki: Angel has a boyfriend Jeanna: No wayyyyy!!! She looks like an elephant!!! Niki: I know, she’s the most disgusting person I ever seen, the day she eats… Jeanna: And WHEN she eats! Niki: I know, during the class, in front of the teacher Jeanna: It’s not the worst thing… How does he cope with the smell??!!! Niki: I have no fucking idea :D Jeanna: Maybe he’s as disgusting as her Niki: Nobody knows it, she told a few people and then they heard them talking at the phone Jeanna: It’s ridiculous! Niki: YES it is xD Jeanna: He must be as pathetic as hear, no other option Niki: We’ll see, she will surely bring him here for everyone to see ;D Jeanna: Yea, that would be typical for her ;p
To everyone's surprise, Angel has a boyfriend.
Gabriel: I'm picking up my new car today! Charles: You bought a car? Gabriel: Well, yes and no. Charles: Parents bought it for you? Gabriel: The lent me some money. I had some of my own and took a loan on the rest. Charles: Did you buy a Lamborghini or what? How much did it cost? Gabriel: 55k. Charles: So a new one? Gabriel: Yup. Charles: Tell me about it. Gabriel: Mercedes-Benz, sedan, 180hp, 0-100 kmh in 6.2 seconds Charles: Nice! Gabriel: I know :) they just gave ma a call that after I provide them with insurance data, I can pick it up. Charles: So going to insure it now? Gabriel: Yeah, have to. Wanna go for a ride later? Charles: Hell yeah! Will you let me drive? Gabriel: Not in a million years! Charles: Still ;)
Gabriel is picking up his new car today. He bought it with his own money, the money from his parents and a loan. It's a new Mercedes-Benz, sedan, 180hp, it goes from 0 to 100 km/h in 6.2 seconds. It cost 55 k.
Danny: geez, it's so boooring Kate: tell me about it *snooze* Danny: have you heard about Frank and Sue? Kate: ? no? what about them? Danny: I've heard they're dating Kate: pfff, says who Danny: Michael Kate: like he knows Danny: Hahaha, i know, right? :D Kate: I'd rather believe Frank and Mike are dating :P
Danny has info from Michael that Frank and Sue are dating.
Jenna: I'm cooking 2nite :) Eaton: yeah we know Lilly: so whatever are we going to eat? Jenna: chicken? indian way? Lilly: with rice? yummy Eaton: fine w me as long as you let me add my spices this time Jenna: if you don't add them to my food i don't care Lilly: kids, cut it, we'll enjoy it anyway
Jenna is going to prepare some Indian-style chicken with rice tonight. Eaton will use his own spices.
Toby: Maria, are you moving away? Maria: yes, my parents decided to move next month Ellen: wow, already? Have you found a new place? Maria: seems so Jeff: in Louisiana? Maria: LoL, I wish it was Louisiana Jeff: what? Maria: Toby didn't tell you? Toby: I didn't know if you want me to tell anybody Maria: oh, crap Maria: My parents decided to move to Costa Rica as soon as my father retires Jeff: oh no, that's crazy Maria: I think so too
Maria's parents decided to move next month. They want to move to Costa Rica as soon as Maria's father retires.
Monica: What time are you coming home? Larry: 6 Fiona: 7:30
Larry is coming home at 6, Fiona at 7.30.
Adam: Jackie, tell us more :) maybe something worth adopting at home ;) Jackie: Well, every year we gather around, sit together and think about the things we'd like to get 4 Xmas. Kris: So there's no surprise then? Jackie: No, but then we leave the lists on the table and forget about them. After some time we cross out the things we've bought 4 one another so that other ppl don't buy the same thing twice ;) Kim: That's actually pretty sensible. Last Xmas I got 2 identical sweaters and 3 nearly identical hats! Kris: Hahahaha! At least u didn't get socks! Adam: What's funny about that? Kris: Nothing. Just a stereotype that socks are on one hand the most popular present and on the other the least welcome one ;) Adam: I can vouch 4 that. I get socks every year! Jackie: Poor thing! Maybe u should do what I do? Adam: Not a bad idea. How do I convince my family to do the same? Kim: Just tell them? I'm also fed up with presents that don't suit me. Jackie: Kim, maybe u should do the same? Kim: Oh, I will! I'm going to do it 2nite at dinner table! They'll be so surprised! Adam: I don't think mine will even want to consider it. Jackie: Y not? Just tell them how much more fun it is! Adam: I don't think they'll understand! They think they know what's best 4 me, but have no idea what I like or want. Kris: Mabe u should talk to them like from ur heart? Tell them that u enjoy their presents, but would like to get something specific this year. Speaking of which, have u got something particular in mind? Adam: Actually, I do. I've been saving up for this stereo system, but need a little more cash so I thought that my parents could simply kick in a bit. Kris: And have u told them? Adam: No. They wouldn't approve. They already think I list to music too loud. Jackie: Still, worth a try. If u don't u'll never know. :) Kim: I know! Come over to my place. I'll tell my parents and u'll know how to talk to yours! Adam: That's actually not a bad idea. When do u want me over? Kim: Around 6? Jackie: Good luck, Kim! Kris: I think I'll do the same. Better to get tailored presents ;) Jackie: That's y I'm always happy with what I get :)
Before Christmas, Jackie's family gather and discuss what Christmas presents they want to get. They make a list, put it on the table, and people cross out the items they already bought for someone. Kim will try to convince her parents to do the same system. Adam will come over to listen at 6.
Deb: I missed seeing you when I visited last month. Deb: Hopefully in the near future or when you come to Melbourne! You'll have a room if you decide to visit! =) Danie: I know! Shame I wasn’t back in time. Danie: Would love to visit you some time! It’s on the to-do list 😉 Deb: Do what you love Danie others don’t live your life Deb: Good luck and enjoy feel free to join me one morning to tell the Capital about your experience on air xx Danie: Thanks Del, yes we should do that sometime, would be fun 🙂
Debi and Danie wish to see each other. Debi offers Danie a place to stay in Melbourne. Del tells Danie to do what she wants.
Irma: take the garbage when you'll go out Ross: ok Irma: :)
Ross will take out the garbage.
Lane: I'm going to sleep now Cadence: Good night Lane: Good night Cadence: One more thing haha Come on fb i will send you something funny hahha Lane: Last thing Cadence: Yes but wait i need come up with how to copy it Hahah i watched it several times and still can't stop laughing. Write to me tomorrow when u can skype for a while Lane: Haha do you have a lot to say ? Cadence: No why? I like talking :) Which may be sometime tiring... hehe Lane: Hahaha ok Cadence: Sometimes I'm too talkative Lane: I noticed Cadence: That's a bad side of me xd Lane: Like now I've said good night 4 times and you still won't let me sleep Cadence: Haha so just imagine how I wouldn't let u sleep if I was there next to you :) And it wouldn't be talking Lane: You would be curled up in a little ball sleeping like a little baby after just 1 go Cadence: The same i keep talking, the same i keep doing some things until I don't get what I want xd Lane: One day you will see Cadence: Hahaha or u will see Lane: Ok, we'll talk tomorrow. Good night! Cadence: Good night!!!
Cadence is talkative and won't let Lane sleep.
Sandy: wanna join? <file_other> Tina: no, I need to keep writing:/:/ Sandy: writing what? Tina: a stupid essay for Monday :/ :/ Sandy: about? Tina: some psychological shit..:P Sandy: uh, that sucks ;( Sandy: how many pages? Tina: 30............ Sandy: how many u have? Tina: don ask! Sandy: 3? :D Tina: 5... Sandy: fuck!!close fb and u gonna make it, fingers x!! Sandy: thx, enjoy tonite!
Tina can't join Sandy as she needs to keep writing an essay on psychology for Monday. She has to write 30 pages, but has only 5 now.
Dirk: Hey Molly, just wanted to tell you that I heard a commercial on 680 about disability claims (if they're denied). You can try Aaron Waxman law firm. Molly: Hey. I didn't file yet for disability as I'm not applicable for short, cause I get weekly allowance from my insurance. Dirk: Ok, no problem. I just gave you the info so you have it just in case it's denied. Molly: Thank you for thinking of me. Dirk: :) In the commercial, they say they don't take any fees until you get paid. Molly: That's up my alley!! LOL I wouldn't have the money for it. My lawyer works that way too. So I will see if I can get my loss of wages back. Dirk: Yeah, that's good. Anyways, keep me informed. Molly: Ok, no problem. This credit card debt is running a bit high. Dirk: Take care, it'll be good, don't worry. Molly: I know. I have to stay strong :) Dirk: Just take it one day at a time. Do you know when you can get back to work? Molly: No idea, the pain is still too much. Dirk: Ok, just try not to worry. Talk to you later Molly: Thanks, take care
Dirk has heard a law firm commercial about disability claims that might interest Molly. Molly has not yet filed a disability claim. Molly might get her loss of wages back. Molly's credit card debit is getting higher. Molly's pain is still tom much for her to get back to work.
Anna: Nice dress :-) Zoe: thx Anna: Zara? Zoe: C&A Anna: ok. Must check it :-)
Anna likes Zoe's C&A dress.
Robbie: Board game night! Kris: What? Robbie: Board game night! Friday night board game night. Kris: No, thank you, especially on a Friday night. Robbie: Come on, it'll be great! We plan on playing Catan and Risk (Europe edition). Kris: I hate Catan, but Risk is ok. Robbie: Just come and see if you like it. We bring snacks and beer. Kris: Did you say beer? Robbie: <file_photo> There's a pic of our last meeting. Kris: Wow, so many people? Robbie: Yeah, we usually split up into 3 or 4 groups. Kris: Ok, maybe I'll come. Robbie: Cool. My place at 7 then. Kris: Should I bring anything?? Robbie: You can bring some snacks if you want, but since you're a first-timer you don't have to worry about it. Kris: Ok, I'll bring a few beers. Robbie: Ok, <file_photo> Kris: hehe... bye
Kris, impressed by Robbie's last board game night, will join it Friday night.
Donald: hey Donald: stop lying everytime i ask you where is mike Scofield: dude, since when did i lie Donald: since you told me Mike was not at home Scofield: he wasnt i promise Donald: i dont beleive you Scofield: okay then
Donald doesn't believe Scofield that Mike was not at home.
Esme: <file_photo> Esme: <file_photo> Bella: ooohh you finally finished it! Esme: Yes :) Bella: i think John will like it :) Esme: I certainly hope so! Ivy: he definitely will! Ivy: you really put a lot of work into that Esme: Yeah it took me much longer than I had anticipated... Esme: But I'm really really happy with the result :) Bella: proud of you, too ;) Ivy: it was worth it :)) Esme: Thanks a lot for the kind words! :) Esme: Matters a lot to me. :)
Esme has finished something she was working on for a long time.
Diana: Hi, Linda. I am your new neighbor. Linda: Which one. And how did you get my number? Diana: From Lora. Your other neighbor. Linda: So, you must be from the grey house. Looking at me right now? Diana: That's me. I am waiving to you now. Linda: Yeah. I can see that. What's up? Diana: I think we should get know each other? Linda: Technically we've just introduced ourselves. So, we know each other, don't we? Diana: I don't think that counts. Linda: I think it does. But I am new here, right? Diana: Yep. Linda: So, aren't you supposed to bake something and bring it over? Diana: Maybe. Problem is, I don't bake. Linda: Not a problem. I avoid sweets. Diana: Tell you what. I'll bake a rabbit tonight and invite you for dinner. Linda: I'm a vegetarian. Diana: Perhaps we'll just wave to each other for now? Linda: Works for me.
Diana is Linda's new neighbour. They have just get to know each other.
Bernie: The wife will be out of town for a couple of days :) Chris: The house to yourself then? Marty: Lucky you ;) Bernie: Actually, I thought you could come over ;) Chris: When? Marty: How many beers should I bring? ;) Bernie: Marty, that's the spirit! It shows you're not married ;) Chris: So? Bernie: Friday after work? Marty: Works for me :) Chris: I'll talk to my wife about it. We had some plans, but maybe we'll be able to move them. Bernie: What plans? Chris: She wanted to go to some stupid exhibition. Marty: So why not let her go alone and you join us? Chris: That's actually date night. Bernie: A what then? Chris: A date night. Something she read about and we decided to implement...
Bernie's wife is leaving for a few days. He wants Chris and Marty to come in on Friday after work. Marty is in. Chris has a date night with his wife, but he will try to move it.
Shelly: How did Max find out there was no Santa? Diane: He just kind of figured it out when he was about 5 or so. Shelly: I'm having trouble with Taylor. Shelly: Some kid at school told her there was no Santa! Diane: That was bound to happen. Just tell her that kid has their own opinion and she doesn't have to share it. Shelly: That's a good one. I called the teacher also. Too much? Diane: Yes. Keep it between you and Taylor and don't make it a big deal. Shelly: You're right. Thanks for the advice! Diane: NP! I actually miss the Santa days! Shelly: I know, they grow up too fast! Diane: Not little kids anymore! Shelly: :'‑( Diane: I also miss Elf on the Shelf! Got him to go to bed on time! LOL! Shelly: See, I think that's creepy! Diane: It is a bit creepy, but does the trick. Shelly: I suppose. Unless they catch you moving the elf. Diane: Uh oh! Shelly: Yep, only one Christmas in our house and I was busted! LOL! Diane: LOL! Shelly: Have a good night! See you at the gym! Diane: You too! See you!
Diane's son, Max, found out that there is no Santa at the age of 5. Shelly's daughter, Taylor, was told at school that there is no Santa by some kid. Diane suggests not to make a big deal out of it.
Martin: Katie is in front of the door Martin: Can someone open? Andy: I'm not at home Greg: I heard the bell but I'm shitting Greg: Give me 5 min
Greg will open the door for Katie in 5 minutes.
Eve: Kate, is Matt ok? Joanna: Is everything ok? Kate: He was released from the hospital yesterday Kate: And seems to be doing good Carol: Kate, what happened to Matt? Kate: fell off his bike and has a broken leg Carol: Oh dear, I'm sorry Kate: Thanks Kate: It was on Monday and Simon sprained his toe yesterday... Joanna: Girl, you've got a lot going on right now! Carol: Bless you! Kate: You could say I've got my hands full Eve: Do want me to come over and help? Kate: That's so sweet of you Kate: But I will manage Eve: Okay, let me know if you need anything Kate: I sure will Joanna: Take care, honey Eve: and keep us posted Kate: Sure thing!
Matt fell off his bike and broke his leg on Monday. Matt was released from the hospital yesterday. Simon sprained his toe yesterday. Kate is busy, but will manage on her own.
Frank: Eliza Frank: Im going to IKEA to get some furniture stuff for our kids Eliza: Oh do we still need anything Frank: I might get something special for Morris Frank: His bday is coming up Eliza: Yeah that's a good idea Frank: And we need some new lamps Frank: They have deal this week Eliza: Are we getting a new lamp for Jeanine? Eliza: She needs a new lamp before she goes to school Frank: I will take care of that Frank: Do you need anything? Eliza: Hmm I think we're both good Eliza: But if you feel like buying something useful Eliza: then I am ok with that Frank: I will go for a few rounds in Ikea Frank: And will letcha know Eliza: Thanks dear Eliza: I will see you tonight
Frank is going to IKEA to buy furniture and a gift for Morris. Eliza wants him to buy a lamp for Jeanine.
Noel: You know who I hate the most? Oliver: No... Noel: Not even going to guess? Oliver: Tell me. Noel: Bikers! Oliver: You mean the ones on Harleys? Noel: No bikers like the ones with helmets, on their stupid two wheels... Oliver: You mean cyclists? Noel: Yup. Oliver: NTIM, but y? Noel: I'll tell you y. They blocked the whole damn city centre! Oliver: So? They have their own competitions and things. Noel: Yeah, cool, but on Friday night during rush hrs? Oliver: That's actually weak... Noel: Tell me about it. Stuck in horrible traffic. Gonna be late. Oliver: How bad is it? Noel: Well, I've been waiting for 30 mins now... Oliver: That's not bad at all. Sometimes it takes me that much to get to the main road... Noel: Yeah... but I was supposed to have a meeting with a client. Oliver: Call him? Noel: Her actually, but will have to. W8. Oliver: TYT. Noel: B2K. Turns out she's on the other side of town. Can't get here either. LOL. Oliver: So did you put it off? Noel: We had to. No other choice. Oliver: So you're free tonight? Noel: Turns out, yeah. Oliver: Grab a few beers? Noel: Y not. Oliver: See you at the usual place?
Noel hates cyclists because they blocked the road in the city centre. Noel's meeting with a client had to be canceled, because both of them are stuck in traffic. Therefore, Noel is meeting Oliver tonight.
Leo: did you hear Miley's new song? Evie: yeah! I love it!!! <3 <3 <3 Leo: <file_gif>
Evie loves Miley's new song.
Owena: Your dad has just come from the police station... Pamela: What? Why? Owena: Do you remember the guy named Jack? Pamela: The guy who was in jail for fraud? Owena: Yes. Your dad hired him as you know, Pamela: Did he do something bad? Owena: Yes. And he begged your dad to pay back his debt Pamela: What? Did dad do that? Owena: Yes he did. He thought he became an another man Owena: And maybe he cut down his salary for a few months for the amount of money he asked your dad to Pamela: Do you know why are swindlers called swindler? Pamela: Cause cheating is their talent!!! Owena: So he had to go to police and explain what happened Pamela: Accuse him!!! Pamela: Accuse that bastard! Owena: We will. He brought your dad's phone and bilked other people as well. Owena: And people who called your dad's number thought your dad did this fraud to them. Owena: Now he explained what happened to him and the phone isn't a problem anymore.. Pamela: What the hell is going on? Pamela: How does dad feel?.. Owena: Not happy of course... Pamela: Mom. Seriously he shouldn’t trust anybody Owena: This was what I was talking about to your dad. Owena: Don't worry we will solve this problem.
Pamela's dad had to explain to the police that he is not a part of Jack's swindle. Jack is his employee who had been previously imprisoned for fraud.
Amber: Did anyone see my flower necklace? I must have lost it at the party yesterday. Gabriel: I'll look for it in my flat as soon as I get to cleaning. Amber: You haven't started yet? It's 6 p.m.! Gabriel: You might not remember it, but the last guests left at 6 a.m. I needed some sleep. Amber: Hey, I do remember leaving the party :P Glen: Yeah, but do you also remember getting back home? Amber: Erm, not exactly XD Glen: That's because you fell asleep in my car :P Amber: Oops, sorry. But you didn't have to carry me inside, did you? Glen: Well, someone had to :P Amber: Sorry again XD Mariah: I think I've got your necklace. It was in my pocket, I've no idea how it got there. Is it silver? Amber: Yes, a silver flower with a green stone in the middle. Mariah: <file_photo> This one? Amber: Yes! Thanks, I was really worried it was gone for good. Mariah: No problem, I'll bring it to the office on Monday. Amber: Okay. Mariah: @Gabriel, do you need any help cleaning your flat? I feel bad about all that mess we've left you with. Gabriel: No, don't worry, it's not that bad. I'll take care of it as soon as I finish breakfast. Glen: More like supper :P Gabriel: Nope, breakfast is all about breaking the fast. I've fasted since last night, so I'm eating breakfast right now XD Amber: Never argue with a linguist :D
Amber lost her flower necklace. Gabriel will look for it when cleaning. Mariah found it in her pocket and she will bring it to the office on Monday.
Mike: hey have you played RDR2 already? Jack: of course Jack: I think I'm halfway through Mike: ooooh Mike: and whaddya think? Mike: coz I've just started Jack: what can I say, it's freaking great Jack: the storytelling, the acting, the graphics, immersiveness (is that a word? hehe) Jack: you know, when I was a kid, I used to play with cowboy-themed lego sets Jack: so it's like a dream coming true for me :D Mike: haha Mike: totally
Jack likes RDR2 mainly for the narration, acting and the graphics. Jack used to play with cowboy-themed lego sets when he was a child.
Leah: <file_other> Leah: just look at themmmm!!!! Gary: Omg <3 the new track really is amazing Maggie: theyr'e onfire!!! Maggie: i cant control myself haha so cute! Gary: so when are we going to a concert? :D Leah: how about today haha... Gary: I wish <3 i don't think theyll be touring around here anytime soon tho... Maggie: if i sniff any info i'll let yall know asap! Leah: same! :D
Leah, Gary and Maggie like the band's new song and would like to go to their concert.
Martha: Jessie's bf sent me a message Samantha: What?? Fiona: OMG Martha: <photo_file> Samantha: "Hi Martha, you looked cute in that green dress today" Samantha: "You should wear it more often" Fiona: What a bastard Fiona: Did you tell Jessie? Martha: You think I should? Martha: I'm not sure. She can take it the wrong way Samantha: Right. Samantha: She can be a bit unstable. Samantha: But she should know that Tom is an asshole.
Jessie's boyfriend sent Martha the unambiguous message. Samantha thinks Martha should tell Jessie about that.
Brandon: Wanna see a flick Sat? New Queen movie is out. Let me no… Sheila: Who else is going? Brandon: Only asked you so far… Sheila: Like a date? Brandon: NO! Sheila: Geez. Brandon: I don’t mean it like that! Calm Down!!! Sheila: J/K! Brandon: Really? Sheila: Maybe! Brandon: Can you go or not? Sheila: Yeah, if it’s a group. Brandon: Why? Sheila: Mom won’t freak if it’s not a date! Brandon: LOL! Sheila: Serious! Brandon: Your mom’s a freak! Sheila: I no… Brandon: I mean, you’re old enough to do what you want! Sheila: I no! Brandon: I’ll ask Kayla and Brent, will that work? Sheila: Def. Brandon: Kthxbai Sheila: LOL!
Brandon and Sheila want to see New Queen movie. Sheila wants to go out as a group to prevent her mum freaking out. Brandon will ask Kayla and Brent to join them.
Leda: Ok, so first Homo Faber. Gaby: I've already booked the tickets. Ivan: Where is it exactly? Leda: Isola San Giorgio. Gaby: They say it's really worth it. It's for free, but you need to register on their site. Marc: OK, what about Giardini or Arsenale? I think we won't make it to see both. Leda: Well, the ticket is valid for both. We can ask around. Gaby: I'm for Arsenale! Ivan: Me too. We can also go different places... There are a lot of satelliti, the installations from other countries. Marc: OK. Leda: <file_gif> excited! Gaby: What about the transportation? Same ticket as 2 years ago? Marc: I heard there is some kind of monthly ticket that is cheaper. Ivan:? Marc: I'll ask Ale, he knows best.
Leda, Gaby, Ivan and Marc are deciding which shows to see. They are also deciding on the mode of transportation they're going to use.
Rose: I bought new jacket:) the other one got worn down Bree: Let me see! I thought you're broke totally Rose: Yeah, well, my mom funded part of this shopping Lily: Part:D? Probably she covered whole price Rose: No, no, no! Of course not, she paid half of it Bree: Does it really matter? I feel like we're gonna start fighting abut Rose's shopping, wtf? Lily: I'm chilling, not saying anything Bree: Well, I hope so:) Where did you find it? Rose: You know this place, it's this second hand on 1st Ave and Pride St Bree: OOOOh! I love this place, you can find really good vintage clothes there Lily: Why you guys didn't tell me about this place ever? Bree: Duh, yeah we did, you just don't like secondhand shops Rose: I agree, I remember you once said it's just trash coming back from the red cross boxes Lily: Cause some of it does, and people make straight profit from it Rose: Anyway, it was fairly cheap and in good condition Bree: Send us pics!
Rose bought a new jacket at a thrift store on 1st Ave and Pride St. Her mom paid a part of the price. Lily doesn't like the idea as she thinks people use vintage stores to make a profit.
Amy: How about we go to Spoons later? Helen: I can't. I'm stuck with my First Year Report. Anne: OMG me too... Amy: Me too but I feel like chilling Oli: I'm in! Deborah: Count me in! Amy: Cool so there are 3 of us. Anyone else wants to join? Adrienne: Me... but later, I'm entering my supervision now. Amy: Good luck xxx Adrienne: Thanks, I'll text you when I'm done Amy: How about we meet at 5? Oli: 5:30? :) Amy: Ok Deborah: ok! see you later mates
Amy, Helen, Oli, Deborah and Anne want to go to Spoons at 5:30. Adrienne will join them later when she's done.
Larisa: Where are all the spoons? Hubert: I’m sorry I tend to keep them in my room, I’ll wash them all when I come back Larisa: Chad, it can’t be like this all the time. We’re both renting rooms in this flat, you need to remember you’re not alone here Hubert: Trust me, I know that Larisa: Well you don’t behave like you do Hubert: Comon, I just forget about some things sometimes, you need to remind me about them. Larisa: I’m not your mum to remind you about cleaning or taking out the trash Hubert: Ehhh okay, I’ll take care of those things, I promise Larisa: I hope so. We need to cooperate so that we don’t destroy each other’s lives. Hubert: Sure thing, this is how it is Larisa: There are things I’m not going to accept Hubert: Okay, okayyy, got it Larisa: So today I’m waiting for the spoons and vacuuming the hall. Hubert: You know what? You DO behave like my mum
Larisa and Hubert are sharing a flat. Hubert took all the spoons. Larisa wants him to wash the spoons and to give themn back and to vacuum the hall.
Marie: Hi Tamara Marie: I love your T-shirts that you posted!! 😍 Tamara: Hey Mar! Thank you :) Marie: I will check out your site to purchase one ;) Tamara: Ok thank you!!! 😘 Marie: 😘
Marie will buy a T-shirt from Tamara's website.
Tessa: letters! Austen: eeeaaasyyy i'll get to it eventually :D Tessa: ud better cause i'll forget Tessa: and then you'll be sorry in the exam Austen: ok ok Tessa: tomorrow! Austen: ok they'll bethe best letter u've ever read! Tessa: theyd better be xD Austen: :D
Austen is going to write a letter and give it to Tessa tomorrow.
Lin: hello Lin: are you asleep? Lin: heeeeeelllloooooo Lin: please dont! Samuel: what's up? Lin: are you asleep? Samuel: yeah, sleepwalking and typing to you Lin: i suppose you re not Lin: i'm bored Samuel: go to bed? Lin: i cant sleep Lin: talk to me Samuel: im tired Samuel: read some book
Lin wants to talk to Samuel, but he's very tired and refuses.
Griff: hello buddy Tea: hi Griff: whats up? Tea: reading Griff: wanna go out? Tea: yeah Griff: i just wanted walk around Tea: will be great Griff: good Griff: so see you in the park? Tea: ok Tea: in 10 mins? Griff: okay
Griff and Tea will meet in 10 minutes to have a walk in the park.
Patricia: what's up? Jacob: not much, same old, you? Patricia: I am good, thanks, I was thinking we could meet this week, you and Kate? Jacob: well I am not really sure, we already have plans for most of the week Patricia: Next weekend then? Jacob: we have all of our weekends planned until the end of the year, apart from the one 2 weeks for now Patricia: my father has his 50th birthday then... Jacob: maybe next week on Wednesday, you could come to our place ? 6 PM after work? Patricia: That might be fine, I will let you guys know tomorrow ok? Jacob: Sure
Patricia will let Jacob know tomorrow if she can come over on Wednesday at 6 pm. Patricia's father celebrates his birthday in two weeks, at the weekend.
Alan: how's dad doing? Denise: he's not well today, the leg hurts him Alan: I thinks I'll be able to come by in the afternoon :) Denise: great, that might help him to cheer up a bit Denise: <file_gif>
Dad's leg hurts. Alan will pop by in the afternoon.
Sharon: have you seen Harry today? Benjamin: at the canteen at lunchtime Ali: me too, we ate together Sharon: and later? Josh: he left the building about 30min ago Josh: told me he was going to get his hair cut Sharon: damn it! the system has just collapsed, we need him Josh: so it must wait I guess
Benjamin and Ali had lunch with Harry today at the canteen. He left 30 minutes ago to go to the hairdresser, as Josh reports. The system just collapsed and Sharon needs Harry's help.
Hannah: I think shes serious about that now Hannah: she started the medication and it really works Patty: good news! Hannah: she was going to do some additional tests this week Patty: please let me know when you get some news Hannah: ok but I don't want to keep asking... Hannah: I can feel that she's a bit uncomfortable Patty: I'm just worried :( Hannah: I know, so am I Hannah: but I really think it's under control now Hannah: I'll let you know anyway Patty: last week was terrible but I really hope she got a little scared... Patty: you know what I mean? Hannah: totally Patty: she has to understand that she's not 20 anymore :D Hannah: yeah... we're already 23 :D :D :D Patty: I wish :) Hannah: I'm gathering some recipes for Mary Hannah: only easy ones ;) Patty: great idea! Hannah: I'll show you when it's ready Hannah: actually I'm going to put it all in one pdf Patty: wow that would be fantastic Patty: with your knowledge you should publish a book! Hannah: yeah right ;) Patty: seriously!!! Patty: go for it! ;)
Hannah is gathering recipes for Mary. She is going to put it all in one pdf file.
Steve: Was the technician already there? Aria: Nope... still waiting Steve: OK, let me know Aria: <file_gif>
Aria is waiting for the technician. Steve wants to know when he arrives.
Donna: Do you know of there is any laundromat around here? Ellis: one block from me. But it closes at 10PM Donna: ok, I'll do it now
Donna is going to use the laundromat which is one block away from Ellis's place now.
Henning: You wanna hear something weird? Max: yes, always! Henning: Recently somehow we talked about waiters/waitresses. And the Louis's interpretation was that in Italy they are so nice, because they are so lowly and cannot afford to be demanding and have to be servile, basically. Henning: And in France they are arrogant, because they can afford it. Henning: Somehow, because their status is higher. Max: LOL. Another beautiful theory - nationalist in its core, after all. Henning: And I agree with neither the first nor the second assessment. Max: me neither. Being honest I don't see huge differences throughout Europe. It happens to me to meet a very nice waiter here and there, and grumpy people as well Henning: No, so far i find Italian waiters much nicer and much less professional than in Germany. But I wouldn't venture any theories about the countries. Max: Jakob (the Slovene) told me after coming back from Berlin that waiters there are so much less nice than here in Italy. While Jakob (the Pole) always complains about them being so rude in comparison with Poland. Henning: Berlin is a big city though Max: And I am starting to think that all those theories say more about their authors than about the waiters and the countries. They are always nationally framed, which is stupid Henning: Maybe. Also our position, when I am in a restaurant in Germany I am often with my family, in Italy with a bunch of fun young, foreign people. Max: Paris is a different world than Bretagne I assume. In a small village. Of course, there is more of talking, touching, joking in Italy. But people in Germany, in Landshut are also more talkative than in Munich. That's all, I believe. Aaso it depends how touristic the place is, etc. Max: It's also about the general culture of eating out, talking to waiters, anonymity of the big city. Max: Especially between societies as diverse and generally as similar as France and Italy, just think about Genova and Nice! Max: just bullshit! Luis is so communists but keeps blushing conservative and nationalist stuff. Max: And in Poland they are sometimes super nice - new American-style capitalist and servile and sometimes the "communist" remnants.Throwing your plate in front of you with a hostile "proszĘ" with a long accent on the hiper-correct "ę". Max: And then one is confused about his/her judgements and builds new ones. But maybe we just don't need to read everything through this national framework. I agree that there is a lot about it, or about culture/climate/language/whatever, but we just exaggerate all the time. Max: even me! The single biggest anti-nationalist of Europe 🤣 Henning : Hehe, you got passionate! Max: a bit
Max thinks that waiters/waitresses shouldn't be framed by their nationality.
Lisa: Hi there. You all right? Dan: Hi, Lisa. I'm much better now. Lisa: Good to hear, Dan. Good luck.
Dan is much better now.
Angelica: How's ur day going? Scott: Alright and yours ? Angelica: Nothing special. I'm feeling ill a bit Scott: Oh shame
Angelica is a bit ill.
Terry: hey i heard you see a physiotherapist? Jennifer: true Terry: u have a minute? can i ask you some questions? Jennifer: sure ;) Terry: can you recommend anyone in Carlisle? Jennifer: yeah mine is really good Jennifer: i got to him after Mick has problems with his knee Jennifer: the GP recommended him Jennifer: the GP was a surgeon at the same time btw so it made the recommendation even more reliable;) Jennifer: he was seeing this physio as well Jennifer: so Mick went to him and after 2 days his knee was almost fine Terry: wow Jennifer: yeah and he couldn't walk for like weeks before that Jennifer: orthopaedists wanted to operate Terry: whaaa Jennifer: yeah exactly Jennifer: furtunately he went to David, the physio Jennifer: and then i went as well, with my spine Jennifer: and he helped me as well, after 3 months it was totally different Terry: sounds incredible Jennifer: yeah, i know Jennifer: <file_photo> Jennifer: so that's him, it's better to text him because he rarely picks up Terry: ok thanks a lot!! Jennifer: good luck ;) he's a magician, i'm sure he'll help :) Terry: i do hope so, thanks again!!! Jennifer: np ;)
Jennifer has a problem with her spine and goes to David, a physiotherapist in Carlisle. He helped Mick with a knee problem. Jennifer recommends Terry a visit to this physiotherapist.
Julian: Good evening everyone, I would like to thank you all for your interest in our performance tonight at Blind Goose but due to unforeseen circumstances we have been forced to cancel our tonight show. We apologise for the inconvenience. Brady: What happens to our tickets? Donna: I hope everyone is okay! Are you going to reschedule? Julian: We are aiming at next Tuesday, weather permitting. Brady: I cannot attend Tuesday, any chance for a refund?
Julian wants to reschedule the performance at Blind Goose to next Tuesday. Brady can't come, so he wants a refund.
Conrad: Hey man, where the fuck are you? Conrad: I’m pissed off, man Frank: Shit, I forgot, mate Conrad: You’re a dick head, bro
Conrad is angry, because Frank forgot about the meeting.
Taylor: Where have u reached? Owen: I have just crossed LA Taylor: would be waiting :)
Owen just passed LA. Taylor will be waiting.
Andy: Laura don't be mad Andy: please I'm sorry Andy: I was upset over some things at work and just exploded Andy: it didn't have anything to do with you Laura: it must have since you yelled at me for an hour Andy: sorry baby please come home :* Laura: idk. Andy: I ordered sushi and bought a bottle of your fave wine Laura: I'll think about it.
Andy is sorry he yelled at Laura. He ordered sushi an bought a bottle of wine.
Ann: Hi July :) Any plans for 2night? July: I'm going to the Cinema with Gus. U can go with us if u want. Ann: i wish but I've to buy new dishwasher for my mom. July: Oh, I see. July: If u need any help I'll call Gus and we will help u. Ann: Really?! You are great! :x July: No problem sis :x
July and Gus are going to the cinema tonight. Ann has to buy a new dishwasher for her mom.
Fanny: Hi, is Carol working on Friday? Jackie: Hi. Yes, she is. Would you like to make an appointment? Fanny: Is there any free slot? Jackie: 12.15, 3.30 and 6pm Fanny: 3.30 please Jackie: Done. Do you have any requests or would you like to leave any message? Fanny: No, it'll be a standard procedure. Jackie: OK. Then, this Friday, 3.30 pm. Room 2. Fanny: Thank you. Jackie: Thank you for contacting us. Have a nice day!
Jackie made an appointment with Carol for Friday, 3:30 p. Room 2.
Mark: I'm working from 6pm onwards Mark: And tomorrow 2pm-9pm Ann: what about saturday? Mark: I'm off Ann: so let's stick with saturday Mark: sure, we can go to the botanic gardens Ann: ok, let meet at my place at 11 and we'll decide then Mark: sure thing! see you! Ann: Bye
Mark will meet Ann at her place at 11 on Saturday.
Isabel: Hey, you know New York pretty well. What can you recommend for Italian restaurants? Gina: Oh gosh. There's too many. For starters, there's Barbuto on Washington St. It's pretty famous for its "JW Chicken." It has a lot of seasonal pastas too. Isabel: Noted. What else? Gina: Well, where will you be staying? Isabel: Soho. Gina: OK. Café Altro Paradiso on Spring St., would be reasonably close for you. They have great potato ravioli and swordfish. Isabel: Thanks, we'll likely check that place out. Anything else? Gina: Via Corota on Bleecker St. Their menu is very suitable for the time of day that you want to eat. Isabel: These all look great, thanks. Really excited about this trip! Do you yourself plan to visit New York again any time soon? Gina: I wish! I've been too busy with work. It doesn't look like I have any time for a vacation coming up. Isabel: That's a pity. Joe and I will have to fill you in. Gina: Please do. I'm envious of your trip. Will you be visiting anywhere else in the US besides New York? Isabel: We hope to make it to Philadelphia and maybe Boston. We'll have to play it by ear. It's a lot of work just planning our itinerary for New York. Gina: Ok, well I hope you have a wonderful time. Stay safe! Isabel: We will. You know us. Gina: That's true. Remember when we were in Vienna? You two wouldn't go anywhere until you took all the proper safety measures. Isabel: We're not THAT bad. Gina: Whatever you say. Anyway, I'll talk to you soon. Isabel: Thanks so much for your help. Later!
Isabel asks Gina about Italian restaurants in New York. Isabel will be staying in Soho. Gina recommends Barbuto (Washington St.), Café Altro Paradiso (Spring St.), Via Corota (Bleecker St.). Gina has a lot of work. Isabel wants to visit Philadelphia and Boston. Isabel and Gina were once in Vienna.
Adam: <file_record> Brian: What is it? Adam: Just listen it. Brian: Ok, give me a sec! Adam: Sure... Adam: Do you know this song? Adam: I am looking for a band name everywhere. Brian: I have no idea, but the song sounds interesting. Brian: It must be sth completely new. Adam: It is Samantha's favourite song. Adam: I wish to buy CD for her but I can't find info about the band... Brian: U should ask Lizzy. Brian: I'm sure she will now it!
Adam will ask Lizzy about the name of the band whose CD he wants to buy for Samantha.
Howard: My sis just got a job! Sandra: wow, really?! Sandra: that's amazing! Howard: I know, I'm so proud of her and happy that someone finally decided to give her a chance Sandra: What's the job? :) Howard: A couple of months ago one woman decided to open a cafe and employ only people with special needs. Her son's autistic as well so she came up with the idea to create a place where people like her son can find a safe haven and work Sandra: Oh dear, that's amazing, bless her! Howard: Claire found out about them online, she applied for the job without even telling us! Sandra: She's doing much better, I'm glad :) Howard: I went to the interview with her, but waited outside. She made a good impression and got the job. She started this week Howard: <file_other> Sandra: Is this the place? Howard: Yes, Claire's very dedicated, I can see that she really likes going there Howard: They even organised baking workshops Sandra: I'm so happy for her Howard. Maybe we should go and visit her? :) Howard: Yes, why not, I'll tell her though, you know she's not very fond of surprises
Howard's autistic sister has just got a job in a cafe that employs disabled people. Sandra and Howard will visit her at work.
Dianne: i can't believe what andy told me yesterday at lunch Barrett: what did he said Dianne: he told me he was making a lot of money Dianne: that's really tacky and gross :-/ Barrett: lol you know andy Barrett: he's always been like that Dianne: showing off about doing great in school and how many girls you've dated is one thing Dianne: but talking about money and how rich you are... i don't like that Barrett: how did the conversation come up anyway? Dianne: it was time to pay and i forgot my purse Dianne: and he was like don't worry i know you're going throug a rough time Dianne: wtf Dianne: that's when he said lunch was on him Dianne: because he's supposedly making a lot of money $$$ Barrett: lol calm down that's andy Barrett: he's always been like this he'll always be like this Dianne: i guess so Dianne: he just makde me feel that crap :-( Barrett: don't worry about it Barrett: just let it go Barrett: it's really not important lol :-D Dianne: hahaha i know Dianne: you're right Dianne: i'm still pissed off though!!! lol
Yesterday Dianne ate lunch with Andy. Dianne forgot her purse, so Andy offered to pay, because he's earning a lot of money. He has always liked showing off.
Paul: hey, wanna go to an escape room this Friday? Joe: yeah! Rob: sure, love escape rooms, there a new one in the city I haven't been to yet Paul: which one is it? Rob: its theme is narcos, i can book us a slot if you're in Paul: yes, let's do this one Joe: agree! Friday sounds good Rob: great, just give me a minute
Paul, Joe and Rob will go to the new Narcos-themed escape room. Rob will book a slot for Friday.
Meryl: Are you going to be at the gala? Clint: No, I'm tired of this comedy Roberta: I'm working there this time Meryl: good, at least I won't be alone :) See you there Roberta: see u
Meryl and Roberta are going to the gala but Clint isn't as he's tired.
Miles: I had the weeeeeeeirdest dream for the longest time. I was stuck back in time, in the 80’s hahaha Connie: That sounds like awesome dream! Miles: And only my friend Annie new how to get back. And I couldn’t figure it out. So instead of just partying in the 80’s like I should’ve I just wasted the whole dream trying to figure how to get back to 2018 Connie: Well, funny thing is you can't just go back to dreams you liked, no matter how hard you try. For me it works like that anyway
Miles had a strange dream about being stuck in the 80's. Connie wishes they could go back to their dreams.
Edward: I'm upset with my mom. Sabrina: Why is that? Edward: I warned her about her new boyfriend. She didn't listen to me. Sabrina: What happened? Edward: I gave her $1,000 for her birthday. I told her to spend it on herself. Sabrina: Oh that was very nice of you! Edward: I found out that she gave it to her new boyfriend. Sabrina: Why did she do that? Edward: He said he would buy her a nice ring. Sabrina: And did he? Edward: Of course not... he went to Las Vegas and lost it all gambling. Sabrina: Omg that's awful, I hope your mom ends up with him.
Edward is upset with his mom. He gave her $1,000 for her birthday. Mom gave the money to her boyfriend, who promised to buy her a ring. He didn't, he went to Las Vegas and lost the money gambling.
Jose: <file_gif> Jose: wohooo, I passed the driving test! Julie: <file_gif> Julie: Congrats!!! So happy for you! Jose: it feels great :D Julie: so now you need to look for a nice car right? Jose: <file_gif> Jose: yeah, I've already started looking :D Julie: that's perfect :D
Jose passed his driving test.
Lenny: have you seen the trailer for Venom?? Rick: yes, can't wait to see it!! Lenny: really? Rick: yes! Thomas: omg Rick, seriously? it's going to be rubbish!! Lenny: I agree!
Rick wants to see Venom, but Lenny and Thomas don't think it's good despite they haven't seen this movie.
Luke: hey, so we gotta settle the car situation Chloe: what's to settle? Luke: we still don't know who is taking the car Luke: i can't really take mine Jack: maybe i can Jack: but you know it's really small Chloe: well it's not like we need a limousine :D Chloe: as long as I don't wrinkle my dress it's fine Jack: you can sit in the front seat Luke: but your car doesn't have air conditioning Luke: we will burn there Chloe: oh nooooo, my hair will be a disaster Jack: well that's true, how about you Chloe? Jack: can you take your car? Chloe: I don't want to drive but I can give it to one of you guys Jack: ok fine, I can be the driver Luke: then it's settled :)
Luke can't take his car. Jack's car is small and has no air conditioning. Jack will drive Chloe's car because she does not want to be a driver.
Violet: hi! i came across this Austin's article and i thought that you might find it interesting Violet: <file_other> Claire: Hi! :) Thanks, but I've already read it. :) Claire: But thanks for thinking about me :)
Violet sent Claire Austin's article.
Joseph: Hey, you're a Boca fan, right? I'm sorry about what happen to your mates. Carlos: That's insane. Carlos: But sadly it is not the first time this kind of things happen in Argentina. Carlos: People can get really violent when it comes to football.
Joseph is sorry for what happened to Boca fans. Carlos notices it is not the first time it happened in Argentina.
Gemma: Forgot my keys :( Suze: Come by my office Gemma: okay thanks! Suze: no problem
Gemma will come by Suze's office as she forgot her keys.
Kela: Happy birthday youabsolute beaut! I ho[pe you've had an amazing birthday in Vietnam with all your other friends :( AND I trust you've celebrated accordingly! These are just someof the many photos I own of you, me and the drank - haha We all miss you! See you sometime in the future :* <3 Cher: Aaaaaaaaaw my pooooooopies, thanks Kela bra! Miss you Kela: <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo>
Kela wishes Cher a happy birthday and sends her some photos.
Pete: I've got the milk. I'm coming. Nicole: You've just started?! Pete: Yeah... there was a line. Nicole: OMG, I thought you'd be half way home by now... Pete: Well, that's life for ya. Nicole: OK, are you hungry? Pete: starved... Nicole: OK I'll make dinner then Pete: Thanks! Nicole: Just drive safe ;* Pete: Always do. Nicole: that's bullshit :D Pete: gotta go, honey ;* See ya in a bit Nicole: love you, sweets!
Pete is coming home with milk. Nicole will make dinner.
Jacqui: I've got a new idea for a website Andy: Oh yes? Jacqui: Yes. A self-learning institute. The Institute of Self-Tuition. Andy: What would that look like then? Jacqui: if anyone wanted to learn a topic, they would go to that section of the site and the site would give an introduction to the areas of learning within that topic and what to look out for, Andy: Sounds interesting. Is that all? Jacqui: plus links to books on Amazon for that topic graded by difficulty. Andy: How about links to selected YouTube videos on the topic Jacqui: Exactly. And wikipedia articles and other websites, all recommended as good learning resources and ranked. The users of the site would rate them for various aspects like clarity, production quality, lack of boredom, etc, and would answer other peoples questions on them. Andy: So how would this make money? Jacqui: It would be an Amazon partner as far as the paid books are concerned, and as far as the other resources were concerned it would run ads, or offer a paid version with no ads. Andy: What about the cost of all the labour in setting it up? Jacqui: I was thinking of using work-experience kids for that, from various University faculties. They could get it started and at critical mass we could throw it open to the public with options for them to content-create within the portal. Andy: OK, well I can write the architecture for you, and that together with a hosting for the first year and the cost of getting the start of content is going to be something between two and three hundred dollars. Jacqui: OK, I'll see if I can get some crowdfunding going. Watch this space.
Jacqui has an idea for a new website, a self-learning institute. Andy will write website architecture for him and provide hosting for the first year. It will cost between two and three hundred dollars. Jacqui is going to start a crowdfunding campaign.
Stephanie: have you heard about that new movie? Victor: which one? Stephanie: uhh... I can't remember the name Stephanie: the superhero one Victor: Steph... there are so many of those these days Victor: I literally saw three trailers the last time I went to the movies Stephanie: ok, ok, I mean the one with a female lead Victor: Captain Marvel? Stephanie: oh yeah, that's the title! Victor: how do you forget a title like that tbh Victor: lol Stephanie: uhhh I DON'T KNOW okay... Stephanie: my memory isn't the greatest Victor: well... if you couldn't remember THAT... you might be right, haha Stephanie: ANYWAY Stephanie: what I wanted to say was Stephanie: I'm kind of really excited about this?? wow Victor: I guess it does sound like a cool idea? Victor: idk, I'll wait until I've seen it, hard to have an opinion before that Stephanie: you're saying that bc you're a guy Stephanie: there's so many male superheroes, but women? Stephanie: I mean ok there are SOME but... this is big Victor: yeah I suppose youre point of view would be different Victor: I get it Victor: wanna see it together when it comes out? Stephanie: I was hoping you'd ask!
Victor and Stephanie will see Captain Marvel together when it comes out.
Jill: Jack, they're doing it again Jack: ?? Jill: our upstairs neighbours!! it's like a freakin porno movie Jack: hahaha aren't you a little jealous Jack: cause your husband Jack: who's an excellent lover might I add Jack: is away? Jill: yes I am SO turned on by this couple of weirdos Jack: :* just wait until 10pm and knock on their door Jill: too embarrasing :P Jack: silly Jill: how is your night? Jack: no sexy noises on my end Jill: yeah right Jack: not live anyway ;D Jill: how did the meeting go? Jack: I will know tomorrow they said they need to sleep on it Jill: sleep on what? considering whether your idea is briliant or super brilliant? Jack: apparently :(
Jill’s neighbours from upstairs are having loud sex. Jack will know how his meeting went tomorrow as they need to sleep on it.
Charles: Man, I have to tell ya Charles: Long distance relationships don't work Charles: Sooner or later she'll cheat on you with some big dicked guy who's nearby Jim: What's worse, If she's cold bitch, she won't admit it and you'll be faithful while she's not Jim: What a waste :D
According to Charles, long-distance relationships don't work because women cheat.
Michael: Have you seen the last episode?! Jane: Oh my god, yes!!! Jane: IT. WAS. PERFECT. Michael: hahahaha, thought you may like it :D Michael: I must admit I was waiting for something like this, finally the plot is back. Jane: I was enjoying it even without the plot ;) Michael: Well, not everyone is satisfied with just looking at Jensen Ackles ;P Jane: Which I don't understand. Jane: But yeah, it was a great ep. I'm glad we've seen more hunting stuff and they've finally decided to paint Mommy dear out of the picture. Michael: I agree, I was so fed up with this. I don't get why they brought her back in the first place. Jane: Ran out of ideas probably, but come on. I could've understood them if they brought her back only for one season, ok, but more? Michael: Tell me more. Especially, as it seems that they focused more on her than the boys. Jane: And there's less and less Castiel :( Not a good sign Michael: I love this show, but I must admit I came close to letting it go. Jane: me too... I had a break when season 9 was on, but I was feeling nostalgic once and here I am again XD Michael: At least we've got one really good episode after 3 awful seasons :D
Jane and Michael enjoyed watching the last episode. Jane is happy to see more hunting and Mommy written out. She is not happy with seeing less of Castiel. Jane took a break from watching after season 9. Michael is happy to see an interesting episode after 3 bad seasons.
Andy: Sharol can you pick up Mary from university? Sharol: Sure i can, but what happened? Andy: She is saying some one has hit her car when it was parked now she cant start it. Sharol: oh my goodness, she must be very upset. Andy: She is,.. you can imagine it you know how she is crazy about her car.. Sharol: i know she reacts so much to a single scratch i dont know what she would be doing. Andy: just try to cheer her up and talk about other stuff. Sharol: ok mom dont worry i will take care of her. Andy: thanks darling. Sharol: no problem mom.
Sharol will pick up Mary from university, because someone has hit her car when it was parked, and now she can't start it.
Caroline: Are you in San Remo right now? Reinhard: No, we're in Monaco for a few days Caroline: on the yacht? Hans: Yes, we wanted some time off Hans: and the weather is perfect again Carla: why, wanna join us? Caroline: I have to be in Basel tomorrow, so I just can't Carla: the art fair? Caroline: yes, we want to buy some more art Caroline: Blake prefers to invest in art than diamonds now Carla: because you're an art historian? Caroline: I think I convinced him it's better hehe Hans: you can join us afterwards Caroline: ok, we're in touch
Reinhard, Hans and Carla are on a yacht in Monaco. Caroline has to be in Basel tomorrow to buy some art. Caroline is an art historian.
Carol: hey i need your help Carol: my computer stopped working Michelle: that sucks :-( Michelle: your laptop or desktop? Carol: laptop Carol: wha's the name of your guy? Carol: the one you told can fix any computer Michelle: his name is bill Michelle: would you like his number? Carol: please Michelle: it's 717-222-4877 Carol: thank you so much Carol: i owe you one
Carol's laptop stopped working, he needs help. Michelle gives Carol a phone number of a computer specialist to fix the laptop.
Diana: One year ago my mother passed away Danielle: I’m sorry to hear that Diana: She was an amazing woman Diana: She was born in 1920 Diana: She was a young woman when the war started Danielle: Like my mother… Diana: Is she still alive? Diana: No. She died in 1977. Danielle: My mother joined the communist party and was fighting in the resistance movement Danielle: She saw many of her colleagues arrested and executed but she was lucky to survive Danielle: She met my father in 1943 Danielle: He was also a communist Danielle: He was killed one year after I was born Diana: So you don’t remember your dad? Danielle: Sadly I don’t. But my mother loved him dearly. Danielle: He was the love of her life. Danielle: She was with a few men later in her life Danielle: But none of them was so dear to her Danielle: Mostly she brought me up alone, which was uncommon in the 50s. Danielle: She was a really strong and courageous woman. Danielle: I miss her a lot. Danielle: For the past 10 years, we used to call each other everyday at 9 p.m. Danielle: And suddenly she passed away Danielle: I still feel the need to talk to her in the evening. Danielle: But she’s not there anymore to pick up my phone call…
Diana's mother died a year ago. Danielle's mother died in 1977. They used to talk every day at 9 pm.
Adalyn: hey :) Adalyn: the university is organizing self-defence classes for women. are you going? Nora: oh, really? that's a really good idea! Nora: i'll definitely sign up for them :) Nora: and you? are you going? Adalyn: if they won't interfere with my work, I'll sign up for them too :) Nora: cool :) let me know, when you decide Adalyn: sure :)
Nora will sign up for self-defence classes for women organized by the university. Adalyn will sign up too if they don't interfere with her work. She will let Nora know.
Mat: he doesn't answer. Shall i go? Chris: yes give a try Mat: ok but i'll have to wait 20 minutes... Chris: doesn't matter. it would be done. Work on your presentation Mat: i don't have it with me... bad luck
Mat hasn't his presentation with him.
Cass: I'm ordering pizza for dinner, anyone wanna chip in? Drew: I'm out, we're haveing a little date with Cassie Cass: Sure, how bout ya Braden? Braden: Yeah I'm in, I'll be home around 9 Mickey: Same here, I'll buy some beers, gotta chill down after work Cass: Gotcha, I'm gonna order some extras, salad? Mickey: Crazy man? Just get the pizzas:D Cass: hahah It won't kill ya, chill
Cass will order some pizzas and a salad. Mickey is going to buy some beers.
Wendy: Hey, Pam has her birthday on 24th. Diana: Hey Wendy, yes I remember. Wendy: I want to make her happy 😉 Diana: I was thinking of a big cake, decorations, inviting close friends. Wendy: Surprise party? Oh I see! 😎 Diana: Yeah, I'm sure she won't do anything by herself. Wendy: That might be true. Let's invite people, and think of a plan on how to arrange this. Diana: We can come to her place and after some time we'll tell her to go to the store. Wendy: Yes, and when she's gone we will let people in, brilliant! 😎 Diana: It's gonna be legen-wait for it-dary. 😎 Wendy: Hope it all works out. 😎 Gotta go. Speak soon. Diana: Sure, take care.
Wendy and Diana are planning a surprise birthday party for Pam. They are going to invite some guests over to Pam's and let them in after she goes out to a shop.
Peter: Are you there? Liz: Yes Peter: How's the day? Liz: Good... boring :/ Peter: I'm home already Liz: So soon?? Peter: It's Friday :) Liz: I know... I can't leave before 5pm :/ Liz: Fat Hill is watching... Peter: looking busy? :) Liz: Always... Peter: What do you want to do? Liz: When? Peter: Tonight Liz: No idea... Nothing. Netflix + doing nothing... Peter: Are you sure? Liz: Do you want to go out? Peter: Would be nice, the weather is fantastic Liz: Okay, I'll get home and we will see... Im a bit tired Peter: Ok. But netflix and you and wine sounds great too :) Liz: in that order... :) I'll buy a bottle of wine on my way home Peter: I've just bought two bottles of primitivo :) :) one for tomorrow. Liz: I love you... ;) Peter: oh... we're staying home tonight :D Liz: I'll be home before 6. bye :* Peter: see you home :*
Liz can't leave before 5 pm as Fat Hill is watching so will be home before 6. Liz isn't sure if she wants to go out. Liz and Peter will probably stay in watching Netflix. Peter has bought a bottle a of primitivo for tomorrow.
Scott: Hey sexy Sasha: Hey Scott: How are you ? Sasha: I'm fine thanks and you? Scott: Not too bad. What you been up to ? Sasha: I'm getting ready for the party with my mates from the uni Scott: Oh ok enjoy. I missed you! Sasha: I missed you too! Scott: I'm back in Uganda now, so nice having good food and not paying crazy amounts for it Sasha: Thnx actually I'm feeling tired already but I know I need to go there because it's the first such a party with them. So if I don't go there they won't invite me anymore Scott: Haha you should go then Sasha: Yeah :) Scott: Have fun Sasha: Thank u
Scott is back to Uganda. Sasha is tired but she is going to attend a party with her colleagues from university. Scott and Sasha miss each other.
Kyle: you guys want to check out the new D&D expansion I just finished reading? Stephen: It's the one about the beasts and creatures, isn't it? Carol: I'm up for it Josie: as well Kyle: yes, that's the one Stephen: Kyle, as much as I love you as our DM could you try and not make the situation hopeless for our characters from beginning to end this time? Stephen: I just feel the PCs with you are always in shit and almost never succeed at anything. Kyle: I just try to make it challenging for you :P Do you all feel this way? Carol: a tiny bit Josie: kinda yes Kyle: okay, I'll let you guys succeed this time. Kyle: a tiny bit :P
Josie, Stephen and Carol have accepted Kyle's invitation to try out a new D&D expansion. Stephen asks Kyle to give their player characters a chance to succeed more often when Kyle is the Dungeon Master. Carol and Josie agree with Stephen. Kyle obliges.
Troy: You know that Boyle moved out? Kayla: How come? Kayla: Really? Troy: ye hes tired of living with mom haha Kayla: She screams at him a lot... Troy: Ye, he moved to the other side of the city Troy: With his buddy from work Kayla: Where exactly? Troy: Stonehenge Kayla: Now that s quite area!
Troy and Kayla's friend Boyle move out with his workmate to Stonehenge.
Cora: what do you think about going to a spa? Kaylee: <file_other> I've done a research and this one looks the best Lydia: Nice idea, we will finally get some rest Cora: Ye... this schoold is driving me crazy Kaylee: Done, I've bought a groupon, that one is on me! Lydia: Kaylee you are crazy
Cora, Kaylee and Lydia are going to a spa. Kaylee pays for everything.
Sasha: Hi Dean Dean: Hi :) Sasha: Are you at school now? Dean: yes Sasha: great! Would you mind helping me a little? Dean: ?? Sasha: I forgot to give in my essay on modernism and you know how digitally retarded professor Dickins is Dean: Haha, I do :D Sasha: Could you please please please go to the library and print it out for me? Dean: Sure, does it have to be now? Sasha: By the end of the day is okay Dean: Good, cause I was just going to grab some lunch Sasha: No worries, I oweyou forever Dean: :) Sasha: Thanks!!! Dean: I'll let you know when it's done
Dean will print out Sasha's essay in the library for her to hand it in to professor Dickins.
Ralph: Have you ever heard of a company called "Venque"? Victoria: No. what is this? Ralph: <file_other> Ralph: Check it out Charles: it's a Canadian company Charles: They have very beautiful but expensive products. Ralph: What do think about this bag? Ralph: <file_other> Charles: Very stylish
The Canadian company Venque has beautiful but expensive products.
Gera: hey, i was given your number by lucy Hope: hey, yeah she told me of a client who wanted some help. Gera: im glad she told you. Hope: yeah she did. Gera: what time will you be available in your office? Hope: meet me at 2, ill be there Gera: okay then
Gera got Hope's number from Lucy. She is going to meet Hope at 2 in her office.
Fiona: Pick me up after work? Tom: Okay, I might be a little late though, I have a meeting at 5 and I'm not sure how long it will be Fiona: No problem, just text me Tom: OK
Tom will pick Fiona up, but may be late to do so. Tom has a meeting at 5. Tom will text Fiona.
Caron: ahhh Ive found the Beautiful South on my tidal app Andy: oh have you darling? Caron: yes I'm having a few moments Andy: I bet you are Andy: they were one of our favourites Caron: they were Andy: housemartins first Caron: yes we played the video over and over remember in that pub in Southampton with the video jukebox Caron: God how old do we sound video jukebox Andy: we are old now darling Caron: lol speak for yourself Andy: I need to get that tidal app Caron: yes its good everytime a song jumps in my head I just search for it and I find the whole bloody playlist and I'm having moments all day lol Andy: you and your moments😂😂 Andy: you are like a marshmallow😂😂 Caron: oh not good near naked flame😁🤦‍♀️ Andy: lol no defo not Caron: no I am having a good day listening to my music today but I cant type in time to the beat lol Andy: you kill me Caron: lol xx
Caron has found The Beautiful South on her Tidal app. The music brought back memories of her and Andy's past. Caron enjoys Tidal. Andy is interested in getting the app.
Susanne: what time does the concert start? Lilly: wait a minute, i had our tickets here somewhere Lilly: <file_photo> Rachel: ohhh i can't wait!!! see you there bitchess! :* Susanne: thanks Lilly!! see you both there! :*
Susanne, Lilly and Rachel are going to a concert together.
Dora: Sorry Kev, I cant come to the party Dora: my moms ill and I need to look after Lucy:( Kev: Im sorry... But I see Lori: Oh, what a pity, Dora! Dora: :( Lori: Whats up with your mom? Dora: She has a fever, about 39 degrees, and a terrible cough Kev: thats too bad:( Lori: I hope she gets better soon! Give her my regards :* Dora: thanks!
Dora can't come to the party. Her mother is sick with fever and cough.
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