1 value
3 values
simonsolveversion1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 4 10 9,5b9,9595,59a5,a9a5,a616,61a6,,1a61,a616 O0 4 5 a121,a2a1,b12,a121,b12 I1 4 6 9a59,5959,a9a5,6161,6,a616 O1 4 3 a1a2,2121,b12 I2 4 8 9a59,a595,59a5,9,a6a1,b61,a616,1 O2 4 4 1212,a2a1,2a12,2 I3T 2 10 95,9,,59,,61,6,16,6,16 O3T None I4T 3 10 959,,,5a9,9a5,6,,616,6, O4T None
121 121 111 211 122
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 7 5 a571b5,5751b5,,7571b5,7a51a57 O0 3 5 a25,252,,525, I1 11 2 5a7a51a57a5,575751d5 O1 5 2 25b2,25252 I2 5 4 751a5,a51a7,a71a7,a51a5 O2 2 4 52,5,2, I3 7 5 7a51b5,b51b5,a7517a5,a571b5,7571b5 O3 3 5 5a2,2,252,a25,525 I4T 11 5 d5175a75,d51d5,c571a57a5,d517b57,c571b575 O4T None I5T 7 2 a571b5,b51b7 O5T None
52552 22222 22525 52225 22255
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict pixels for O2T
I0 5 5 420a4,a4024,42024,420a4,a4042 O0 2 5 35,53,5,35, I1 9 4 2b402b4,c4042a4,c40a4a2,c40c2 O1 4 4 3,35a3,a3a5,5 I2T 9 2 24a202a42,c402a42 O2T None
3353 5335
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 3 8 818,8,818,8,818,181,8a1,818 O0 3 4 8,686,a86,868 I1 2 4 81,8,18, O1 2 2 6,68 I2 3 6 1a8,8,1a8,8,818,1 O2 3 3 6a8,868,8a6 I3T 4 4 8a18,a818,8a18,1a81 O3T None I4T 4 10 b81,8a18,b81,1b8,b81,8,1b8,81a8,8,1818 O4T None
8888 6866
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 3 7 9,,969,0,9a6,6a9,9 O0 3 3 6a3,3a6,636 I1 2 11 9,96,9,,96,0,9,69,9,, O1 2 5 6,3,6,,63 I2 3 11 a96,969,,a96,9a6,0,969,9a6,969,9a6,6a9 O2 3 5 6a3,a63,6,636,3 I3T 2 11 9,,6,9,96,0,9,,,,96 O3T None
66 66 33 66 66
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 10 3 d7a3737,c7a373a7,b7a3a73a7 O0 5 3 a8181,81818,a1b8 I1 6 2 b73a7,3b7a3 O1 3 2 8a1,8 I2 10 3 37b3d7,b7a3d7,b7373c7 O2 5 3 81b8,b1a8,8a181 I3T 8 4 a7a3a7a3,b737373,3c73a7,d7b3 O3T None
1111 1811 8811 1888
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 11 4 8c979a8a9,d9798a98,a9a8978b98,b9897d9 O0 5 4 b7a3,37a37,73b7,b373 I1 7 5 b97a98,a987b9,b979a8,b97b8,b97989 O1 3 5 a37,,3a7,7,373 I2 9 3 c9798a9,a8a97c9,b987c9 O2 4 3 37a3,a7a3,b37 I3 9 2 c97a989,8b97a8a9 O3 4 2 a373,37a3 I4T 5 5 a9798,a9789,a9798,98789,a9789 O4T None I5T 5 4 897a9,a9789,a97a9,89798 O5T None
37 73 37 77 73
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 5 6 b050,a0a50,05b0,a5b0,a0b5,a5b0 O0 5 3 a1313,c31,1c3 I1 3 4 0,5a0,a05,0 O1 3 2 a31,1a3 I2 3 4 0,050,0a5,0 O2 3 2 3a1,313 I3 2 10 5,05,0,05,0,,05,0,5, O3 2 5 1,3,,13,1 I4T 2 10 0,05,5,50,,,5,0,, O4T None I5T 4 8 0,,b05,0,5050,0b5,5050,05a0 O5T None
1313 3111 1311 3133
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 8 2 01a0c7,1b02b7 O0 4 2 78a7,7 I1 4 3 10a7,0127,a0a7 O1 2 3 87,8,7 I2T 6 2 b02a7,a01b7 O2T None
877 778
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 4 5 02a0,0,1,0,2b0 O0 4 2 81a8,1b8 I1 4 11 a202,2a02,a2a0,a020,0a20,1,0,,a0a2,a020, O1 4 5 a181,1a81,1,8,81a8 I2 4 11 0,02a0,0,,a020,1,0202,b20,2020,0202,b02 O2 4 5 8181,1818,,8181,a8a1 I3 3 7 020,a02,0,1,0,,2a0 O3 3 3 818,a81,1a8 I4T 3 7 020,a02,a20,1,0,,020 O4T None
818 881 188
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 8 2 c64a84,6a16b48 O0 4 2 5a45,5b4 I1 8 3 61a6c4,1b68b4,1b6c4 O1 4 3 54a5,5,4b5 I2 8 4 a616a8a4,c68484,c6c4,c6a8a4 O2 4 4 b45,4545,5,a4a5 I3 6 3 b6b4,616a84,b6a48 O3 3 3 5,4a5,a54 I4T 6 4 b68a4,a61484,1a6a84,1a64a8 O4T None I5T 10 5 61a618b48,d6a48a4,1c6d4,61b68c4,b61648b4 O5T None
455 544 545 444
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 5 5 74674,a76a7,,476a7,a76a4 O0 2 5 9,,,59,5 I1 5 2 a46a7,a7647 O1 2 2 5,59 I2 7 4 4a76b7,74767a4,b76747,a746b7 O2 3 4 5a9,a95,959,a95 I3T 9 2 74a76a747,a747647a4 O3T None I4T 9 4 a747674a7,4b76c7,c76c7,a7a46c7 O4T None
9559 5999 9999 9955
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 5 9 b2a9,a29a2,9a292,29b2,3,2,9a2a9,b292,29292 O0 5 4 b4a5,54b5,5c4,b454 I1 4 11 a2a9,9292,a292,9,a292,3,2,29a2,b29,2, O1 4 5 a4a5,b54,a4a5,5,a454 I2T 5 11 29292,b2a9,a29a2,29a29,2,3,c29,2a9a2,2,a2929,9b29 O2T None I3T 5 5 a29a2,2,3,2,9a292 O3T None
44544 54454
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 5 2 a2807,52807 O0 2 2 23,3 I1 9 3 b258c0,b5287a07,5a258a070 O1 4 3 b23,2b3,32a3 I2T 9 2 2a528a070,5a258c0 O2T None I3T 11 2 a5a258a0707,d28b070 O3T None
33322 22232
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 4 7 2626,a626,6,5,a7a3,7,3a73 O0 4 3 6a86,a868,6a86 I1 2 11 6,2,26,2,6,5,7,73,,7, O1 2 5 8,68,6,,8 I2 3 7 6a2,626,,5,3a7,a73,7 O2 3 3 6,8a6,868 I3T 4 7 62a6,26a2,2626,5,a3a7,37a3,73a7 O3T None
6888 8888 6668
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 4 4 49a4,a949,a4a9,a9a4 O0 4 2 7b0,b70 I1 5 10 b494,4,,4a9a4,9a494,4,a4b9,4b94,b9a4,a9a49 O1 5 5 b707,a7b0,7b07,0c7,707a0 I2 5 6 494a9,b9a4,49b4,94a94,b494,4a949 O2 5 3 b070,c07,a7070 I3T 4 6 a9a4,b94,9b4,4,9b4,4 O3T None
0077 7007 0777
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 7 4 0a36030,b36b3,,0a36a30 O0 3 4 a53,5,,353 I1 9 4 c36a303,b306c3,c36c3, O1 4 4 a535,b53,5, I2 11 5 d36d3,a0b36c30,d3603030,b03063a0a3,c306b303 O2 5 5 5,a3a53,35353,3b53,b5a3 I3T 7 3 b36b3,a3063a0,30360a3 O3T None I4T 11 3 0a3036303a0,c30630303,d36b3a0 O4T None
555 535 335
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O2T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 5 b9a0,a9090,8,2,b252 O0 5 2 b7a8,a7b8 I1 3 7 9,a90,0a9,8,2,,5a2 O1 3 3 7,a78,7 I2T 2 11 09,,9,,90,8,52,5,2,25,2 O2T None
77 78 77 78 78
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 4 7 a8a6,6,,2,6,a686,68a6 O0 4 3 a5a9,a959,95a9 I1 5 11 6,,8c6,,6,2,a8b6,a8686,8b68,a86a8,c68 O1 5 5 a5b9,a5959,c95,959a5,c95 I2 5 9 6a868,c68,6,8b68,2,86a86,b868,a8b6,68b6 O2 5 4 a59a5,b5a9,a5b9,a5a95 I3T 3 11 686,a68,8,8a6,a68,2,6,,a68,, O3T None I4T 5 11 6c8,68b6,a68a6,c86,8b68,2,6,,68b6,b686,6 O4T None
95555 95999 95599 55599 59995
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O5T' predict the pixels
I0 11 4 8c979a8a9,d9798a98,a9a8978b98,b9897d9 O0 5 4 b7a3,37a37,73b7,b373 I1 7 5 b97a98,a987b9,b979a8,b97b8,b97989 O1 3 5 a37,,3a7,7,373 I2 9 3 c9798a9,a8a97c9,b987c9 O2 4 3 37a3,a7a3,b37 I3 9 2 c97a989,8b97a8a9 O3 4 2 a373,37a3 I4T 5 5 a9798,a9789,a9798,98789,a9789 O4T None I5T 5 4 897a9,a9789,a97a9,89798 O5T None
73 73 33 77
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O5T, predict raw pixels
I0 10 5 9b1919b1,d1b9a1,9a1a9d1,f19a1,a9b19a191 O0 5 5 a8a08,b8a0,8a0a8,a08a0,08080 I1 10 3 a919191919,a9c19b1,19a19d1 O1 5 3 0c8,8c0,08a08 I2 10 5 f1919,g191,f1a91,a19c19a1,9f191 O2 5 5 a0808,b080,a0a80,0,8a080 I3 10 5 b191a9191,a9a1a919a1,e9c1,b19c191,1a9a1a9191 O3 5 5 a8b0,0a808,0c8,0,80a80 I4T 6 4 c191,1b9a1,1,19b19 O4T None I5T 6 2 b1919,19a191 O5T None
808 000
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 11 4 02b05a9696,b0a25a9a69,20b25b9a6,0b20596969 O0 5 4 8a989,a8989,989a8,a89a8 I1 7 4 2a059a6,2025b9,a205b9,2a059a6 O1 3 4 9,989,a98,9 I2T 5 3 025a9,20569,205a9 O2T None I3T 7 4 2a059a6,b25696,b25b9, O3T None
999 898 999 999
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 11 4 10b1210b1,b0a12a1b0,0b1020a101,0b102b010 O0 5 4 9,a09a0,b9a0,9a0a9 I1 9 4 01a020b1,a1a020101,1a0120a10,0b120b1 O1 4 4 a9a0,0a90,0,9 I2 11 3 0a1012a10a1,0c12d1,a10a12d1 O2 5 3 09a09,0c9,a90a9 I3T 9 3 10a12a101,01a0210a1,1a012c0 O3T None
9009 0000 0990
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 7 4 b568a1,5a46b8,b56818,b56b1 O0 3 4 1a6,,161,6 I1 7 5 4a56b1,a456b1,b56181,b46b1,a546b1 O1 3 5 1a6,a16,616,1,a61 I2T 9 2 c56c1,454568b1 O2T None I3T 9 3 4a54618a1,5a456b18,c561a81 O3T None
1161 6111 6116
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 2 a6g0,a06a06c0 O0 5 2 a5b7,575a7 I1 10 4 06a060a6a0,6d06b0,0,b06b06a0 O1 5 4 a7575,a5b7,7,a7a57 I2 8 2 a0606060,606d0 O2 4 2 5b7,5757 I3T 10 3 6b06c06,d06c0,a0a6a06b0 O3T None I4T 6 5 c060,a06b0,606b0,0, O4T None
57777 57777 75557
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 7 2 a952595,59529a5 O0 3 2 5a0,a50 I1 11 4 d5295959,a59a52d5,c592a59a5,d52d5 O1 5 4 50505,a05a0,a0505,0 I2T 9 4 c529b5,a5a9259a5,c52c5,59592a5a9 O2T None I3T 11 3 a5a952b595,95a952a5a95,959a52a59a5 O3T None
00500 50000 50000
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 10 1a919,,91b9,a1b9,1,b919,c91,9,a91a9,b9a1 O0 5 5 3c4,3a4a3,43b4,b3a4, I1 3 8 9,,919,9,a19,919,191,919 O1 3 4 a34,434,3,434 I2 5 10 a1b9,1c9,b919,9c1,91a91,,1b91,9,1c9,9a1a9 O2 5 5 3b43,c43,b434,3,a4343 I3 5 6 b919,a91a9,c91,91919,9,c91 O3 5 3 43b4,a43a4,4 I4T 3 8 9a1,191,1a9,a91,9,,919, O4T None I5T 4 6 1b9,9,,a919,9,a9a1 O5T None
433 343 334 433
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 10 31a31,131a3,3b13,a3a13,1a3a1,7,6c7,7,,a76a7 O0 5 5 14a14,a14a1,1b41,a1a41,41b4 I1 5 6 3,,13a13,7,76b7,676a7 O1 5 3 1,14b1,b141 I2 2 8 31,3,31,,76,7,67,7 O2 2 4 1,,4,14 I3 3 4 3,a31,7a6,6a7 O3 3 2 1a4,414 I4T 5 8 31313,13131,3a1a3,b1a3,a7a67,b676,67676,c76 O4T None I5T 3 4 3,313,767,7 O5T None
14411 14111 44114 44414
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 6 5 a52525,2a5b2,a5a2a5,252b5,525a25 O0 3 5 3a6,,636,,6a3 I1 6 3 2d5,5,2c52 O1 3 3 6a3,3,636 I2 4 5 a525,5252,2b5,a2a5,5252 O2 2 5 63,3,63,6,3 I3 6 5 2b5a2,5,252b5,b52a5,5 O3 3 5 6,3,636,6a3,3 I4T 6 5 2d5,c5a2,5a25a2,5,2b5a2 O4T None I5T 8 4 f52,e525,a52a5252,5 O5T None
633 366 333 333 666
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 11 3 9b791b979,979a7197b9,d917c9 O0 5 3 4a2a4,b4a2,2c4 I1 7 4 b91b9,7a91a97,b917a9,7a91b9 O1 3 4 4,242,2a4, I2 5 2 971a9,a9197 O2 2 2 42, I3 5 4 a9179,a91a7,791a9,a7197 O3 2 4 24,2,24, I4T 11 4 97b91d9,d91d9,c791b979,979a71a97a9 O4T None I5T 9 4 a9791b97,7b91a979,c917b9,79791c9 O5T None
42444 44444 22244 42222
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 10 4 b2a8a46a4,d264646,a28a2646a4,c284c6 O0 5 4 a0b7,70707,7c0,0b70 I1 8 4 28a246a4,2a82a464,c2c4,c26b4 O1 4 4 0,07a0,0,7b0 I2 6 5 2a8464,a82464,282b4,282a64,282b4 O2 3 5 a07,7a0,070,7a0,070 I3T 10 3 28b2b6a4,d2a4b6,2a8a2d4 O3T None I4T 4 5 82a6,8246,2864,a8a4,a2a4 O4T None
07 77 77 77 00
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 5 5 973a8,a93a8,a7381,a73a8,973a8 O0 2 5 35,3,53,5,35 I1 11 3 79b73181a8,79b73a81a8,a79793b818 O1 5 3 b3a5,5a3a5,a5b3 I2T 9 4 c73a818,7979381a8,b793a181,a7973a818 O2T None I3T 9 3 9a793c8,79793c8,c73b81 O3T None
5535 5553 3355 5555
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O5T
I0 4 4 1b4,b41,0b5,b05 O0 4 2 0,9 I1 5 10 a41a4,b414,,1a414,b4a1,5,,50b5,5,50b5 O1 5 5 a09a0,b090,09090,9a090,090a9 I2 5 4 a4141,1c4,0,5 O2 5 2 a9090,9c0 I3 5 6 b1a4,b414,4,5a050,0b50,0c5 O3 5 3 9b09,9a0a9,9c0 I4T 3 4 4,a41,5,0a5 O4T None I5T 3 4 414,,5,505 O5T None
090 000
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O2T' predict the raw pixels
I0 5 5 8c9,89a89,5,0,1c0 O0 5 2 7c0,a0a70 I1 5 9 a9898,9,,,5,0,c01,a0a10,01b0 O1 5 4 a0707,c07,a0a70,07b0 I2T 4 7 a989,b98,8989,5,a010,1,a010 O2T None
0000 7770 7000
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 11 2 d93b929,9a2a93d9 O0 5 2 b676,6a7a6 I1 9 2 92923c9,92923b92 O1 4 2 6767,67a6 I2 11 4 b9293c92,d93a92a9,d93c92,b9293b929 O2 5 4 b6a7,a67a6,c67,6 I3 11 3 92b939c2,c92392b9,a9292392b9 O3 5 3 a6b7,67a67,6a767 I4T 9 4 2a923a9a2,92a93c9,c9392a9,c93c9 O4T None
7676 6766 6766 6666
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 3 5 4,454,1,4,5a4 O0 3 2 0,a30 I1 3 9 454,545,5a4,4a5,1,4a5,5a4,4, O1 3 4 a03,,3a0,0a3 I2 3 11 4,5,4,5a4,4,1,454,4,a45,4,a45 O2 3 5 030,3,a03,3a0,a03 I3T 3 7 4a5,545,4,1,a45,5a4, O3T None I4T 5 5 4a545,4,1,a4a54,5a4a5 O4T None
03033 30033
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 4 7 2525,b25,5b2,3,b08,8,b08 O0 4 3 09a0,b90,9a09 I1 5 7 25b2,2,5b25,3,b808,80a80,8 O1 5 3 90909,90a90,0b90 I2T 5 9 25b2,b252,525a2,2a5a2,3,80b8,,8, O2T None I3T 5 5 a2a52,5a252,3,b808,a80a8 O3T None
99999 90909 09099 90099
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 9 4 c01a404,c01a4a0,c01a040,b0410404 O0 4 4 a343,a3a4,a434,43a4 I1 7 2 a041b0,b014a0 O1 3 2 a43,3a4 I2 7 2 b014a0,4a010a4 O2 3 2 3a4,3 I3T 7 3 4a014a0,4a01b0,4041b0 O3T None
444 344 343
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 7 5 a692b3,a692434,a9624a3,b623a4,b62a43 O0 3 5 a05,5a0,050,0a5,a50 I1 7 2 6962b3,b62343 O1 3 2 050, I2 11 5 b6a92d4,b9a6234a34,c692a3434,a6a962434a3,a696924c3 O2 5 5 b5a0,50505,a05a0,5a050,50505 I3T 5 5 a6243,96243,692a4,692a3,a92a3 O3T None
50 00 50 05 55
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 10 5 2a121d7,212a1a75a7,b121d7,a12a1a75a7,12b1d7 O0 5 5 1a717,1c7,b717,7,71b7 I1 10 4 21a215c7,d1c57,1a2125c7,12a12c57 O1 5 4 a7a17,c17,b171,17b1 I2T 6 3 1a2a57,2a1a75,a12b7 O2T None I3T 8 3 c1c7,12a15b7,c17b5 O3T None
7777 1177 7111
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 6 5 a71b9,1719a8,a17a89,b7b8,b1989 O0 3 5 a25,a52,2,5,525 I1 8 2 b178989,a7a1c8 O1 4 2 25a2,a5a2 I2 8 5 b1789a8,c1a898,17a18b9,b17c8,a171b89 O2 4 5 2525,a252,a2a5,b25,a2a5 I3 4 5 71a8,a189,a198,a798,a7a9 O3 2 5 52,25,52,25,2 I4T 10 2 a17179a898,a17a1a89a8 O4T None I5T 10 2 1a7a1d8,a17a189b8 O5T None
52555 22222
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 4 9 8,7a87,a8a7,,4,8787,7b8,a878,8787 O0 4 4 9191,b91,,9a19 I1 4 5 8a78,,4,a8a7,8 O1 4 2 9191,9a19 I2T 2 11 8,78,87,78,87,4,78,7,8,,87 O2T None
19 91 91 19 99
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 10 4 b48d48,a48f4,e48a48,8a48b48a4 O0 5 4 b3a7,a37a3,37a37,73a73 I1 8 4 f48,c48b4,,8f4 O1 4 4 b37,7b3,, I2T 6 2 d48,4a84a8 O2T None I3T 8 5 b484848,8a48a484,8c48a4,8b4b84,a4848b4 O3T None
337 333
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 10 2 7c0c19,d01b91 O0 5 2 0b90,9b09 I1 4 4 70a1,0791,a0a1,a791 O1 2 4 09,0,9,90 I2 6 4 b09a1,7071a9,0a7191,0a7919 O2 3 4 0a9,a09,a90,a09 I3 8 4 a0709b1,a7a0a191,a7a0a919,70a79b1 O3 4 4 0909,b09,b90,a9a0 I4T 8 5 c09b1,c0a9a1,b07a191,c0a919,07a01b9 O4T None
0999 0099 9900 0090 9900
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 4 9 3b1,3131,3,3b1,7,1b3,b13,1b3,31a3 O0 4 4 2,25a2,2b5,a5a2 I1 5 5 3,b313,7,3a131,b3a1 O1 5 2 5a252,c52 I2T 5 11 3,,c31,1c3,3,7,31a31,131a3,a31a3,a13a1,a3b1 O2T None I3T 4 7 3131,1a31,3a13,7,a313,3, O3T None
5222 2552 5225
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 7 5 b75b9,1715b9,1a75b9,7175a90,1715b9 O0 3 5 4,646,6a4,4a6,646 I1 11 2 a71a75a9a09,b7a15a0909 O1 5 2 b464,a6a46 I2T 9 4 17a159090,b715a909,717159a09,a1a75b90 O2T None I3T 7 5 1a75b9,b15909,a715909,7175a90,b75b9 O3T None
644 646 466 466 444
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 5 b191,c19,3,4a5a4,a5a45 O0 5 2 6b36,a3b6 I1 4 9 9b1,9a19,a191,1,3,b45,4b5,54a5,a454 O1 4 4 3a63,b36,3a63,a636 I2 5 11 a1a91,b1a9,b191,91b9,1a919,3,4,,4a5a4,4, O2 5 5 a6a36,b6a3,6b36,36b3,6a363 I3 3 9 1,,,1a9,3,4,,454, O3 3 4 6,,636,a63 I4T 5 5 a1a91,a9b1,3,a4a54,4b54 O4T None
66666 36336
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 11 2 4a3a460b50,a34346a05a0 O0 5 2 b363,c63 I1 7 4 a346b0,3a46a05,b46a05,43465a0 O1 3 4 a63,636,a36,a63 I2T 11 4 b43460a505,a34346b050,a43a4650a50,3a4a365c0 O2T None I3T 5 5 a46a0,,a4605,a46a0,346a0 O3T None
36666 66333 63363 33366
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 7 2 b85a67,b35b6 O0 3 2 a06,6 I1 11 3 a38a3576767,d3576a76,d3567b6 O1 5 3 0b60,06a06,60b6 I2T 11 2 a8b35767a6,838a35a7676 O2T None
60066 60006
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O5T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 7 3,7b37,b3a7,1,9,,b959 O0 5 3 0,2b02,c02 I1 3 9 3a7,373,3,,1,959,9,5a9,959 O1 3 4 a02,020,2a0,020 I2 4 7 3a73,3,,1,9595,b95,9 O2 4 3 a0a2,b02,0 I3 3 11 3,373,3,,,1,959,9,,5a9,959 O3 3 5 020,,0,2a0,020 I4T 5 7 3b73,a3737,37b3,1,9,b959,9 O4T None I5T 5 11 37b3,,7b37,c37,a3737,1,95b9,9,,,5c9 O5T None
00000 02000 20002 00002 20202
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O5T', predict the raw pixels
I0 9 5 a3136c0,a3136a0a5,c36c0,, O0 4 5 a292,b29,2,, I1 7 2 b36050,3136a05 O1 3 2 292,2a9 I2 9 2 13a16c0,c360b5 O2 4 2 92a9,2b9 I3 9 4 13136a0a5,b3160505,3a136a5a0,31a36a5a0 O3 4 4 9a29,29a2,9292,9b2 I4T 9 5 131360b5,313160505,b1360b5,131365050,a3136c0 O4T None I5T 9 4 c3605a0,c36c0,1b36a050,c36a050 O5T None
2922 2222 9292 2292
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 11 5 919a142a8a2,d14b282,d142a8a2,d14c28,a1b94c28 O0 5 5 a8b5,b585,5a8a5,c58,a5a85 I1 7 5 1914282,a194828,b148a2,9194282,b142a8 O1 3 5 5,8a5,,8,5a8 I2 9 5 c148b2,c14c2,a1914a282,9b1428a2,c14b28 O2 4 5 8b5,5,,a8a5,b58 I3 11 4 d14a8a28,d14a82a8,9c1428b2,a19a14828a2 O3 5 4 a8a58,a85a8,a8b5,8c5 I4T 5 5 914a2,194a2,19482,91482,914a2 O4T None
85 58 88 55 85
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 5 5 a15a1,815a1,a15a1,,a1518 O0 2 5 8,08,8,,80 I1 5 5 a15a1,a15a8,185a1,a15a8,18518 O1 2 5 8,0,80,0,8 I2 11 5 a18a15a18a1,18b15a1818,a8b15d1,d15b181,c185a8181 O2 5 5 8,8a080,a0b8,b808,a08a0 I3 9 2 b185b18,a8a15b18 O3 4 2 8,a080 I4T 9 4 c15a818,18a151818,c15a1a8,c15b18 O4T None
0080 8880 8800 8880
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 6 4 b7b1,b74a1,,7a6a14 O0 3 4 8,5a8,,858 I1 8 4 a676c1,76a74b1,a676c1,a767c1 O1 4 4 a585,a5a8,a585,a858 I2 10 2 a7676b141,76b7d1 O2 5 2 a8b5,85b8 I3T 10 4 c76d1,67a67c14,c76b141,7b67d1 O3T None I4T 8 4 c7b14,c7a141,c74a14,b764141 O4T None
8885 8858 5885 5855
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O5T' predict the pixels
I0 3 6 8a9,a89,8,9a8,8, O0 3 3 6,a76,7 I1 2 10 9,89,98,8,,89,98,8,98,89 O1 2 5 67,6,67,,76 I2 5 10 a8b9,8a9a8,a89a8,,a9898,8,9c8,b898,8, O2 5 5 a7b6,b6a7,a7a67,a76a7,a6767 I3 2 6 8,,98,9,89,8 O3 2 3 6,76,67 I4T 4 6 8,a898,8,,,a8a9 O4T None I5T 4 10 8,,9b8,b89,8,,,b89,8,89a8 O5T None
7777 7777 6776 7776 7677
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 3 11 5,,,,585,6,5,8a5,a58,8a5,585 O0 3 5 0,6a0,a06,6a0,0 I1 3 5 585,5,6,8a5,5 O1 3 2 a60,0 I2 4 9 5,b58,5,,6,5a85,a585,8585,58a5 O2 4 4 0a60,a0a6,6060,06a0 I3T 4 5 b58,8585,6,5,b58 O3T None I4T 3 5 5a8,8a5,6,5,a85 O4T None
066 060
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 11 3 d693a838,c649b838,d69d8 O0 5 3 6a262,b2a6,2 I1 5 3 a69a8,a49a8,a6938 O1 2 3 2,6,62 I2T 5 5 a69a3,469a8,46983,a6938,469a8 O2T None I3T 11 3 a4646983a83,b64698a383,4b6493b83 O3T None
62266 26666 22222
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 8 5 9b38b1,c3c1,a9a3c1,9b3b18,c3c1 O0 4 5 5,,a7a5,7a57,5 I1 6 2 a398a1,b3818 O1 3 2 757, I2T 10 3 d381a81,c3918181,d3b181 O2T None I3T 8 5 9a398b1,a9a3a8a1,c3a181,c3b18,c3b81 O3T None
5557 5555 5575 5557 7775
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 4 10 a7a6,b76,a7a6,7676,7b6,67a6,b76,6,b67,67a6 O0 4 5 7b1,1,a7a1,71a7,a7a1 I1 5 8 767a6,76767,a6b7,67676,6,,,b6a7 O1 5 4 717a1,71717,a1b7,17a17 I2 5 8 a67a6,a7676,6,a7b6,6,c67,7c6,6 O2 5 4 a17a1,a71a7,7c1,a7b1 I3 4 4 7a67,a6a7,7b6,a7a6 O3 4 2 b17,7 I4T 5 4 c67,6,7b67,c67 O4T None
71111 11117
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 7 2 b08a01,a018b0 O0 3 2 a76, I1 11 2 101018a1b0,c018a1010 O1 5 2 7a676,a67a6 I2 9 3 1b08c0,c08c0,c08b01 O2 4 3 6b7,7,b76 I3 9 2 01a0801a0,a1a08c0 O3 4 2 7,a6a7 I4T 7 4 0108b1,1018b0,a018010,1018b0 O4T None
676 676 766 676
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 2 6 95,59,95,,,5 O0 2 3 6,4,46 I1 3 6 5,959,9a5,5,959,a59 O1 3 3 6,,464 I2 3 4 9a5,5a9,a59,5 O2 3 2 464,6a4 I3 5 6 b595,9c5,b5a9,5,95959,9c5 O3 5 3 b646,a6464,4a6a4 I4T 3 8 a95,959,9a5,a59,a95,a59,5a9,9a5 O4T None
666 466 444 464
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 9 5 b7404747,a4a7074a7,c70a4a7,7a470a474,a4740c7 O0 4 5 63a6,6b3,a6a3,63a6,a636 I1 11 5 a47470d7,d70d7,d7074b7,b7470d7,a74a704c7 O1 5 5 a6363,3,36b3,b363,636a3 I2 11 2 d70c74,a74a70b747 O2 5 2 c36,a3a63 I3T 11 2 747470d7,a74a70c74 O3T None
36363 33636
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 9 2 c423b5,49a4253a5 O0 4 2 8b1,1 I1 7 2 b42b5,4a92353 O1 3 2 1,a81 I2T 5 3 a4235,a42a5,942a5 O2T None
81 11 81
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 11 3 c41275b7,b4142d7,4a1a42d7 O0 5 3 91a91,b919,9a1a9 I1 9 3 41a425a75,c42c7,c42a757 O1 4 3 a191,9,a919 I2 11 2 1b412a75a7,c412a5a75 O2 5 2 19191,a1b9 I3 11 5 d42b5a7,b4a125a7a5,b4142b5a7,b414275a75,c412a75a7 O3 5 5 b1a9,1c9,c19,919a1,a9191 I4T 7 4 b12757,b42a75,4142a57,4a12575 O4T None
191 991 199 119
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 5 3 930a3,a30a3,93093 O0 2 3 26,6, I1 9 4 a9a30a393,b390a3a9,9a3909b3,9b303939 O1 4 4 b26,a626,b62,a262 I2 7 3 a390393,b30b3,b30a93 O2 3 3 6a2,6,a26 I3T 11 4 39b309c3,d30d3,b3a90b393,3a9390d3 O3T None I4T 7 2 b30393,9a30393 O4T None
22666 66666 66662 62262
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O5T', predict the pixels
I0 9 5 b1963b0,c96a030,b916c0,191963b0,1a916b03 O0 4 5 0a50,a050,b05,a050,5b0 I1 9 2 91a96c0,19196a030 O1 4 2 05a0,5b0 I2 9 5 c96c0,c963b0,1b96c0,c960a30,1b9603a0 O2 4 5 0,5b0,,0a50,a5a0 I3 11 4 b1a9630303,a1a916b0a3,1c9603b0,b9196b0a3 O3 5 4 05a05,a5050,a5b0,c05 I4T 11 3 c9163b03,b9196b3a0,a91a96a03a0 O4T None I5T 11 5 a1b963a030,b9a163b03,1b916a0a30,b9196d0,9a191603b0 O5T None
05050 50050 50555 00050 00505
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 10 2 37d37a3,d37b37 O0 5 2 3a4a3,4b34 I1 6 4 3,a3a7a3,3a7a37,7d3 O1 3 4 3,434,343,4a3 I2 4 5 b73,3,,, O2 2 5 34,3,,, I3T 4 5 37a3,7373,3a73,3,7a37 O3T None
34 33 44 33 44
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 10 2 a6g0,a06a06c0 O0 5 2 a5b7,575a7 I1 10 4 06a060a6a0,6d06b0,0,b06b06a0 O1 5 4 a7575,a5b7,7,a7a57 I2 8 2 a0606060,606d0 O2 4 2 5b7,5757 I3T 10 3 6b06c06,d06c0,a0a6a06b0 O3T None I4T 6 5 c060,a06b0,606b0,0, O4T None
757 775 575 777 777
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 5 4 48484,a8a48,4,c84 O0 5 2 07070,a0b7 I1 3 8 484,a48,4,8a4,4,a84,4, O1 3 4 070,7,0,7a0 I2 5 4 8a4a8,848a4,a8a48,8c4 O2 5 2 07070,a07a0 I3 4 10 8b4,4,,8b4,4,,,a484,48a4,4 O3 4 5 7b0,0,a070,a7a0,0 I4T 5 4 48b4,848a4,a48a4,4 O4T None I5T 3 8 a48,4,a48,a84,4,a48,8a4,a48 O5T None
07700 70700
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 11 3 65a650c81,d6081b8,b6560a8181 O0 5 3 87b8,,a8b7 I1 11 3 d60181a8,d60a1b8,c650818a1 O1 5 3 787a8,a7b8,87878 I2 9 5 65a601a81,5a6501818,6a5608b1,5b601a81,a6a50a818 O2 4 5 a787,a8a7,b87,, I3 11 4 b6560b8a1,a56a50181a8,a565601b81,65a65081818 O3 5 4 c87,8c7,878a7,b8a7 I4T 11 4 5c60c81,d60d8,c650c81,d60d8 O4T None I5T 11 4 c6501c8,b5a60b818,c560d8,5b650d8 O5T None
78887 88888 88888 88888
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 3 10 a35,5a3,3a5,a53,3,4,,,8,4 O0 3 5 a89,9a8,8a9,a89,8 I1 5 10 3,,,c35,,8a484,b4a8,a8a48,4,8 O1 5 5 9a898,b8a9,a9a89,c89,c98 I2 3 8 3,a35,,3a5,a48,4,4a8,4 O2 3 4 a89,,898,8a9 I3T 3 10 353,3a5,3,,,8a4,a48,4,484,8a4 O3T None I4T 5 10 3,53a53,5c3,b353,3,a8b4,8a4a8,b4a8,8c4,48484 O4T None
998 898 888 898 988
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 5 5 a92a4,,,a9241,902a1 O0 2 5 0,,,04,40 I1 11 5 c902a41a4,b0a92c41,0a9a021c4,090a92b414,0a9a02c41 O1 5 5 a0404,b404,b0a4,40a40,4a040 I2T 9 4 0b9241a4,c92b14,c924a14,c92a1a4 O2T None I3T 11 5 d92a1b4,90b92a1414,909a02c14,c902a4141,d921c4 O3T None
44000 40040 40404 00400 40000
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O5T' predict the pixels
I0 4 4 a8a0,a8a1,a810,8301 O0 2 4 5,8,85,5 I1 10 4 d8d0,3c81b01,b3a81b01,8a3a81a010 O1 5 4 5,c58,5a858,c85 I2 10 3 b838101a0,c8310101,83b8c01 O2 5 3 85a85,858a5,58a58 I3 10 2 d8101a0,a83a81c0 O3 5 2 858a5, I4T 4 4 a8a1,83a0,3810, O4T None I5T 4 3 a8a0,3810,3801 O5T None
55 55 88
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 9 5 b50468a6,b0548b6,a505486a8,b054a8a6,a5a04a686 O0 4 5 3939,3a93,9a39,a393,b39 I1 7 5 0a548a6,b54b6,,b54a68,b54a86 O1 3 5 3,,,a39,a93 I2 5 5 a5486,,a54a8,054a6,a54a6 O2 2 5 93,,9,93,3 I3 7 2 5a048a6,b54b6 O3 3 2 9,3 I4T 7 4 a054b6,a5048a6,0504868,a504686 O4T None
993 939 333 399
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 9 2 131345a25,1b34a2a5 O0 4 2 a4a7,74a7 I1 7 2 3a14b5,a3142a5 O1 3 2 7a4,474 I2T 9 5 a131452a5,1a314a525,31a342b5,131342a52,a1a3452a5 O2T None I3T 11 4 b3134a5252,31a31452b5,1b3142a5a2,1c345c2 O3T None
77444 77774 77747 44444
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 10 2 a2b85a454,28a284b54 O0 5 2 46464,a6b4 I1 10 2 c8254545,a82a84a5a4 O1 5 2 646a4,46b4 I2 10 2 d8c45,82b8a45a4 O2 5 2 c46,4a6a4 I3T 4 4 a854,a2a4,a845,a8a4 O3T None I4T 10 3 b828a5a45,82b845a45,2c8a5b4 O4T None
66466 44446 46444
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 4 8 7b6,6,,,b83,,83a8,8b3 O0 4 4 7a27,b27,27a2,2b7 I1 5 6 76a76,c67,7a6a7,a83a8,b8a3,8 O1 5 3 7a272,b272,7a2a7 I2 2 10 6,,7,,76,38,8,,83,8 O2 2 5 72,2,7,72, I3T 5 4 a67a6,7a6a7,a3a83,3a838 O3T None I4T 3 4 a67,a76,a83,8a3 O4T None
77727 22227
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for O2T
I0 10 5 a898b9b8,89b8c98,b89b8989,h89,b89a89b8 O0 5 5 b727,72a72,a2b7,c27,27272 I1 10 5 989b89a89,a9b8a9b8,989a89a8a9,b89898989,a9a8989898 O1 5 5 b727,2,a2b7,72b7,7a2a7 I2T 6 4 9d8,c898,a89b8,a9a898 O2T None
722 272 227 722
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 3 g0a2,2h0,h02 O0 5 3 b0a9,9c0,c09 I1 4 5 02a0,0,,02a0,b02 O1 2 5 09,0,,09, I2T 6 5 0a2a02,b02a0,a0a2a0,c020,0 O2T None I3T 10 3 0202a0c2,02a0b2b0,0202e0 O3T None
00909 90009 09090
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 10 4 8b98d7,89b8a7373,a89a8d7,a9898d7 O0 5 4 3b63,3a636,a36a3,a6363 I1 4 5 98a7,a8a7,a9a7,a8a7,a873 O1 2 5 63,3,6,3,36 I2 6 5 a89a37,b8737,9a8b3,b8b7,8a9737 O2 3 5 6,363,3a6,3,a36 I3T 10 3 b8a9c73,d8d7,b898d7 O3T None I4T 6 5 b8b7,8a9737,b8a37,a893a7,b8b7 O4T None
333 336 663 636 333
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 2 b5a91a313,595a91b31 O0 5 2 7b97,a7979 I1 6 5 595313,959a31,b91a3,a591a3,a593a1 O1 3 5 9,7a9,9a7,797,979 I2 10 3 b959b3a1,d9c31,d9b313 O2 5 3 c79,,b797 I3 6 2 a59b3,a95313 O3 3 2 a97,7a9 I4T 6 2 959313,959b3 O4T None I5T 10 5 d931b3,d9d3,c9531b3,d9b1a3,b959d3 O5T None
79777 77777 79779 99977 77797
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O2T'
I0 5 3 534a9,a3496,a54a6 O0 2 3 34,43,4 I1 9 5 35a34a6a9,5b34a969,35a346b9,a3534b96,c34a969 O1 4 5 3b4,3434,a3a4,a4a3,a434 I2T 9 5 c34c9,5b34c9,c34b96,a5a34a6a9,5b34b96 O2T None I3T 11 5 3a5a34a96a9,d34a6b9,5c34c96,b3a54d9,d34969a6 O3T None
4444 3444 4443 4444 3443
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 5 11 6,c69,6,,a69a6,4,28b2,c28,282a8,a2b8,a82a8 O0 5 5 47b4,4,474a7,a4b7,7 I1 3 11 6a9,a69,,,969,4,2,a28,8a2,a82,2 O1 3 5 4a7,4,747,7,747 I2 2 9 69,6,96,9,4,2,82,28,8 O2 2 4 47,74,7,4 I3T 5 7 6,,9c6,4,a28a2,b2a8,82b8 O3T None
44744 44477 44777
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 4 4a6a53,646b5,4a6a53,4a6b5 O0 3 4 565,656,565,5a6 I1 8 4 4646a353,c6a353,c6c5,4b6c5 O1 4 4 6b5,a565,6,5b6 I2T 6 4 4a65a3,646a35,6465a3,b6b5 O2T None I3T 8 3 4a64a3a5,c6c5,a4a6c5 O3T None
6565 6666 5566
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 3 8 a27,272,2,a72,2,a27,2,7a2 O0 3 4 a46,4a6,4,464 I1 4 10 b27,27a2,2,,,7272,b72,2b7,27a2,a272 O1 4 5 64a6,6464,4b6,46a4,a464 I2T 3 6 a27,2a7,2,7a2,2, O2T None
646 466 444
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 5 9 17b1,,1,,2,1,a17a1,a1b7,7b17 O0 5 4 49b4,4a9a4,a4b9,9b49 I1 3 9 7a1,1,,171,2,717,1,, O1 3 4 a49,4,,494 I2 4 9 1,1717,b17,1,2,b17,7b1,17a1,1 O2 4 4 b49,a949,4949,4 I3 5 11 a17a1,a1717,a71a7,7c1,b1a7,2,a17a1,171a7,7a171,71717,1a717 O3 5 5 4,4b94,49a49,a4949,4b94 I4T 4 11 1,17a1,1,,b17,2,1,7a17,a717,17a1,1a71 O4T None
4444 9949 9949 4944 4999
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 7 4 b09b3,1019b3,0a19a36,0a19363 O0 3 4 9,595,959,a95 I1 9 2 0a109b36,0b19a6a3 O1 4 2 9b5,59a5 I2 11 4 0a1019a3636,101a09b363,b1019c36,d19d3 O2 5 4 95b9,59a59,b5a9,5 I3 5 5 a19a6,a1936,109a3,01936,10936 O3 2 5 9,59,,9,5 I4T 9 5 0b196b3,c196a36,c19c3,10109b36,a10193a63 O4T None
5555 9559 5555 5955 5955
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 5 6 4b14,a1414,c41,b4a1,414a1,1c4 O0 5 3 2a424,4b24, I1 4 10 b41,4,b14,1414,4,4b1,4,,41a4,4a14 O1 4 5 2a42,2,b42,,2a42 I2 3 4 414,4a1,a41,4 O2 3 2 2a4, I3 3 4 1a4,4,a41,1a4 O3 3 2 424,4a2 I4T 3 6 1a4,4,,4a1,a41,4 O4T None I5T 3 4 1a4,141,a41,4 O5T None
444 224 222
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 6 4 212a09,1a2b0,a219a0,1a2b0 O0 3 4 7a1,1a7,171,1a7 I1 10 3 d209b0,a2a12d0,a2121d0 O1 5 3 71b7,a7a17,a7171 I2 8 3 a212a9a0,c2a0a9,a2120909 O2 4 3 b17,a7a1,7b1 I3 8 3 2a1209a0,a212a0a9,2b109a0 O3 4 3 a717,b71,a7a1 I4T 4 3 a2a9,a2a0,21a0 O4T None I5T 8 5 1a219090,a2120a90,c29090,2a12b09,a21209a0 O5T None
7711 7177 1717 7111 7117
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 7 3 b080a5,,0508b0 O0 3 3 1a5,,151 I1 7 2 a058b0,50580a5 O1 3 2 a15,a51 I2 9 2 0a508c0,c08a0a5 O2 4 2 1a51,a1a5 I3 7 3 b08050,a0585a0,5a085a0 O3 3 3 151,515,1 I4T 5 5 a08a5,,508a0,50805,a08a0 O4T None I5T 7 2 0a58050,5a080a5 O5T None
55 55 51 55 11
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 5 8 8a989,9b89,8c9,c89,7,a27a2,272a7,7 O0 5 4 0a101,01010,a10a1,c01 I1 5 10 9a898,98989,8,8a989,a98a9,b7a2,a7a27,a2b7,b7a2,b272 O1 5 5 1b01,1a0a1,a1b0,0b10,a0a10 I2T 3 8 8,898,8,9,7,a72,2a7,7 O2T None I3T 5 8 9a898,b8a9,9a898,a8989,a2a72,2a727,a2a72,72a72 O3T None
000 011 100 111
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for 'O2T'
I0 9 2 5b27c2,2a527a252 O0 4 2 7b3,37a3 I1 11 2 d272a525,25a257c25 O1 5 2 3a737,37b3 I2T 5 3 a27a2,257a2,a2725 O2T None
33 37 37
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 8 4 d3a63,b3b6a3,b36c3,36a3c6 O0 4 4 4a24,a242,b42,24a2 I1 6 4 b3636,3636a3,3,a36b3 O1 3 4 242,a24,4,a42 I2 6 5 3a6b3,636b3,a36b3,,b36a3 O2 3 5 4a2,242,a42,,2a4 I3T 10 2 b36a3a636,c6b3636 O3T None I4T 10 4 36g3,a6e363,36c36363,3636d36 O4T None
42444 22424 44424 42422
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 4 5 2b7,27a2,9,6b1,6 O0 4 2 7,79a7 I1 5 7 2,,a27a2,9,c61,16161, O1 5 3 c79,97979,9b79 I2 2 7 27,,2,9,1,16,6 O2 2 3 97,9,7 I3T 3 7 272,7,2,9,6,161,1a6 O3T None
797 797 977
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 8 9b7,7,79a7,a797,,,b79,7 O0 4 4 8686,a686,6868,a686 I1 4 10 b79,9b7,9a79,a7a9,9a79,7,9797,a797,b97,a7a9 O1 4 5 b68,a686,86a8,a868,8686 I2 2 10 7,97,7,,9,7,9,79,,97 O2 2 5 6,68,,, I3T 2 6 9,7,79,,7, O3T None I4T 3 6 7,a79,979,797,a79,7 O4T None
86 66 68
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 11 5 d27b191,b2627b191,d2719191,d2719a19,b262719b1 O0 5 5 b959,9,95959,95a95,95959 I1 5 4 26719,a2719,a2791,a27a1 O1 2 4 9,95,59,9 I2 7 5 a267b1,b279a1,b27b1,, O2 3 5 a95,5a9,9,, I3T 7 3 6a27b1,,a2679a1 O3T None I4T 9 4 62627b19,a6a27c9,26a27b19,26a27c1 O4T None
5955 9955 9595 9599
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 9 3 a8a29a6a7,b28976a7,2b89a676 O0 4 3 0,0202,2020 I1 11 4 d29a7a67,b2a89a6b7,d29767a6,b2a897a676 O1 5 4 a0a20,a20a2,020a2,0b20 I2 11 4 b2829767a6,b8a29a76a7,82a82967a67,a2b8967676 O2 5 4 02a02,a2b0,0,2a020 I3T 7 4 8a29b7,a829b7,a289b7,2a896a7 O3T None
200 220 002 222
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 2 6 3,,73,,3, O0 2 3 93,3,93 I1 3 8 3,,7a3,737,7a3,3,373,3 O1 3 4 9a3,3,a93,939 I2 2 6 73,3,,,,73 O2 2 3 93,3,93 I3 3 6 373,a37,7a3,3,,373 O3 3 3 393,a39,a93 I4T 2 10 73,,37,,73,,3,7,37,73 O4T None I5T 5 10 73b7,37a37,3a737,737a3,37b3,3,37b3,b373,3, O5T None
33 93 93 33 33
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 11 2 9c25b7a3,2a9a25a3737 O0 5 2 1a6a1,16a16 I1 11 5 d25d7,,,b292573a73,9c25d7 O1 5 5 6,,,616a1,1c6 I2 11 4 d25c73,d253b73,929a25d7,d25c73 O2 5 4 c61,1b61,161a6,c61 I3 11 5 d25b737,c295b7a3,d253c7,d253a737,c295b737 O3 5 5 b616,,1c6,1a616,b6a1 I4T 11 3 9c25b7a3,292a95d7,a92925c73 O4T None
16611 61611 11611
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 2 7 40,0,,2,04,,40 O0 2 3 8,38,83 I1 3 9 0,040,0,,2,4a0,,,0 O1 3 4 8a3,a83,8a3,3 I2T 5 5 04040,04b0,2,04040,a0a40 O2T None
33333 38883
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a

Version 1

ARC-AGI Tasks where the job is to apply boolean operations between 2 images that are stacked.

example count: 2-4.

test count: 1-2.

image size: 3-5.

operations: same, and, or, xor.

Version 2

operations: and, or, xor. Eliminated the same, since it's the same as xor.

Different palette for input_a and input_b.

Version 3

image size: 2-7.

Version 4

Earlier predictions added to some of the rows.

Version 5

Added fields: arc_task, test_index, earlier_output.

Version 6

Replaced RLE compressed response with raw pixel response.

image size: 2-5.

Downloads last month
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