1 value
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 6 4 3d8,15c1,a83b8,b83a8 O0 6 4 4,41c4,4, I1 6 13 a83b8,b83a8,c151,d83,8,,,,,,,, O1 6 13 4,,c414,4,,,,,,,,, I2 12 11 83i8,a83h8,b83g8,c83f8,d83e8,e83d8,f83c8,g83b8,h83a8,i838,j15 O2 12 11 4,,,,,,,,,,j41 I3 7 3 a83c8,b15b1,c83a8 O3 7 3 4,b41b4,4 I4T 8 8 8,,3f8,83e8,a83d8,b83c8,c83b8,d15a1 O4T None I5T 7 13 8,3e8,83d8,a83c8,b83b8,c15a1,d838,e83,8,,,, O5T None
4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444144 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444 4444444
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tlbr color2 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 11 3 g63a6,h363,i63 O0 11 3 4,h424,4 I1 15 4 j36b3,k63a6,l636,m63 O1 15 4 j42b4,4,, I2 4 5 6,,3b6,36a3,a636 O2 4 5 4,,,42a4,4 I3T 8 5 3f6,63e6,a36d3,b63c6,c63b6 O3T None
44444444 44444444 44244444 44444444 44444444
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tlbr mask0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 15 13 23l2,2,23l2,a23k2,b23j2,c23i2,d23h2,e23g2,f23f2,g23e2,h23d2,i23c2,j23b2 O0 15 13 3,0m3,3,,,,,,,,,, I1 6 6 d23,3b232,2323a2,2,2323a2,3b232 O1 6 6 3,,,a30b3,3, I2 15 8 e23d23a2,f23b23b2,g2323c2,2,g2323c2,f23b23b2,e23d23a2,d23f232 O2 15 8 3,,,h30d3,3,,, I3T 7 13 2,e23,d232,c23a2,b23b2,a23c2,23d2,2,23d2,a23c2,b23b2,c23a2,d232 O3T None
3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 0333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tlbr mask2 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 8 3 d0a50,0,e0a5 O0 8 3 3,e343,3 I1 3 5 5a0,0,a50,505,5a0 O1 3 5 3,4a3,3,, I2 3 13 050,,,,,a50,0,0a5,050,,,, O2 3 13 3,,,,,,343,3,,,,, I3 15 14 c05f05a0,d05e05a0,e05d05a0,f05c05a0,g05b05a0,h05a05a0,i0505a0,j0a5a0,0,k0a50,k0505,k05a0,, O3 15 14 3,,,,,,,,k34a3,3,,,, I4T 13 11 e05e0,,,5d05e0,05c05e0,a05b05e0,b05a05e0,c0505e0,d0a5e0,0,e0a5d0 O4T None
3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333333333333 3333334333333 3333333333333
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_tb mask1 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 13 6 79j7,97j9,,,, O0 13 6 63j6,,,,, I1 7 13 c97a9,,,,,,c79a7,c97a9,,,,, O1 7 13 c63a6,,,,,,,,,,,, I2 14 12 i97b9,,,,,,,,i79b7,i97b9,, O2 14 12 i63b6,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 12 11 i979,,,,,,,,i797,i979, O3T None I4T 13 5 h97b9,h79b7,h97b9,, O4T None
666666666636 666666666636 666666666636 666666666636 666666666636 666666666636 666666666636 666666666636 666666666636 666666666636 666666666636
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tb mask2 top_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 4 6 a162,1,1261,2161,a161, O0 4 6 a737,,,,, I1 13 4 1,c126f1,b1216f1,a12a16f1 O1 13 4 d73f7,,, I2 10 3 612f1,62g1,1 O2 10 3 3h7,, I3T 15 15 6c12h1,6b12i1,6a12j1,612k1,62l1,1,6m1,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 14 12 b16g121,b16f12a1,b16e12b1,b16d12c1,b16c12d1,b16b12e1,b16a12f1,b1612g1,b162h1,1,a126i1,1216i1 O4T None
377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777 377777777777777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tb color1 top_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 10 5,,,,,51b5,5,,, O0 5 10 40b4,,40a40,40404,4a0a4,40b4,a0b4,40b4,, I1 7 13 5,,,,,,,,,d515,5,, O1 7 13 d404,,,,,,,,d4a0,d404,c4a04,b40404,a40a404 I2 8 14 5,,,,,,,,,a51d5,5,,, O2 8 14 a40d4,,,,a40c40,a40b404,a40a40a4,a4040b4,a4a0c4,a40d4,4a0d4,040d4,a40d4, I3 6 14 5,d51,5,,,,,,,,,,, O3 6 14 d40,,c4a0,b4040,a40a40,40b40,0c40,d40,,,,,, I4T 8 3 5,d51a5,5 O4T None
44444004 44444044 44440044
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tb intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 4 9 6,,b62,a626,62a6,6b8,6,, O0 4 9 9,,,,,7,9,, I1 9 8 c62c6,b62d6,a62e6,86f8,2g6,6,, O1 9 8 9,,,7,9,,, I2 4 12 6,b62,a868,62a6,2b6,6,,,,,, O2 4 12 9,,7,9,,,,,,,, I3 5 15 6,,,,,,,,,,,,c62,b868,a62a6 O3 5 15 9,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,9 I4T 10 10 86g8,2h6,6,,,,,,, O4T None
7777777777 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_trbl color1 left_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O5T' predict the pixels
I0 10 4 d09c0,c90d9,b09e0,a09f0 O0 10 4 0,c06d0,0, I1 7 15 e09,d090,c09a0,b09b0,a09c0,09d0,0e9,0,,,,,,, O1 7 15 0,,,,,,6e0,0,,,,,,, I2 3 11 0,,,,,,,,a09,909,9a0 O2 3 11 0,,,,,,,,,060,0 I3 7 8 c09a0,b90b9,a09c0,09d0,9e0,0,, O3 7 8 0,b06b0,0,,,,, I4T 12 8 0,,j09,i090,h09a0,g09b0,f09c0,e90d9 O4T None I5T 7 11 0,,,,e90,d090,c09a0,b09b0,a09c0,09d0,9e0 O5T None
0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000006 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr mask2 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 6 6 2,,,,,0d2 O0 6 6 d29,c292,b29a2,a29b2,29c2,9d2 I1 7 10 2,,,,,,20d2,2,, O1 7 10 2,e29,d292,c29a2,b29b2,929c2,29d2,929c2,b29b2,c29a2 I2 11 8 2,,,,,,,i20 O2 11 8 b29f2,c29e2,d29d2,e29c2,f29b2,g29a2,h292,i29 I3 15 5 2,,,0m2,2 O3 15 5 b29j2,a29k2,29l2,9m2,29l2 I4T 9 9 2,,,,,,a20e2,2, O4T None
222222229 222222292 222222922 222229222 922292222 292922222 229222222 292922222 922292222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_trbl intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 15 8 5,,m56,l656,k56a5,j56b5,i56c5,h56d5 O0 15 8 8,,,l848,8,,, I1 9 13 5,,,,,g65,f565,e56a5,d56b5,c56c5,b56d5,a56e5,56f5 O1 9 13 8,,,,,g84,8,,,,,, I2 15 10 i56c5,h56d5,g56e5,f65f6,e56g5,d56h5,c56i5,b56j5,a56k5,56l5 O2 15 10 8,,,f84f8,8,,,,, I3 4 8 5,b56,a565,56a5,5b6,5,, O3 4 8 8,,,,4b8,8,, I4T 11 13 5,,,i56,h565,g56a5,f56b5,e56c5,d65d6,c56e5,b56f5,a56g5,56h5 O4T None I5T 3 10 5,,,a65,565,6a5,5,,, O5T None
88888888888 88888888888 88888888888 88888888888 88888888888 88888888888 88888888888 88888888888 88888488888 88888888888 88888888888 88888888888 88888888888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr mask0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 14 13 l48,k484,j48a4,i48b4,h48c4,g48d4,f48e4,e48f4,d48g4,0,b48i4,a48j4,48k4 O0 14 13 l84,k848,j84a8,i84b8,h84c8,g84d8,f84e8,e84f8,d84g8,c84h8,b84i8,a84j8,84k8 I1 13 14 0,4,,,,,,,,,,,, O1 13 14 4k8,8,,,,,,,,,,,, I2 11 10 4,,,,i48,h484,0,f48b4,e48c4,d48d4 O2 11 10 8,,,,i84,h848,g84a8,f84b8,e84c8,d84d8 I3 14 10 j48a4,i48b4,h48c4,g48d4,f48e4,0,d48g4,c48h4,b48i4,a48j4 O3 14 10 j84a8,i84b8,h84c8,g84d8,f84e8,e84f8,d84g8,c84h8,b84i8,a84j8 I4T 15 13 4,,m48,0,k48a4,j48b4,i48c4,h48d4,g48e4,f48f4,e48g4,d48h4,c48i4 O4T None I5T 5 5 c48,b484,a48a4,0,8c4 O5T None
88884 88848 88488 84888 48888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr color0 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 3 3 636,,363 O0 3 3 2,,262 I1 14 12 a63j6,,,,,,,,,,a36j3,a63j6 O1 14 12 2,,,,,,,,,,a26j2,2 I2 4 13 b63,,,,,,,,,,,,b36 O2 4 13 2,,,,,,,,,,,,b26 I3T 5 11 a63a6,,,,a36a3,a63a6,,,,, O3T None
22222 22222 22222 22222 22622 22222 22222 22222 22222 22222 22222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tb mask1 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 4 14 9,,,,,6b9,96a9,a969,9,a969,96a9,6b9,9, O0 4 14 8,,,,,,,,b83,a838,83a8,3b8,8, I1 9 8 6g9,96f9,a96e9,b96d9,c96c9,d96b9,e9696,9 O1 9 8 8,,,,,,g83,f838 I2 6 12 9,,6d9,96c9,a96b9,b9696,9,b9696,a96b9,96c9,6d9,9 O2 6 12 8,,,,,d83,c838,b83a8,a83b8,83c8,3d8,8 I3T 7 13 9,,,,,e96,d969,c96a9,b96b9,696c9,9,696c9,b96b9 O3T None I4T 9 11 9,g96,f969,6d96a9,96b96b9,a9696c9,9,a9696c9,96b96b9,6d96a9,f969 O4T None
8888888 8888888 8888888 8888888 8888888 8888883 8888838 8888388 8883888 8838888 8388888 3888888 8888888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tlbr mask2 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 14 26g2,,,,,,,,,,95g9,26g2,, O0 10 14 9,,,,,,,,,,1,9,, I1 9 7 5g9,6g2,,,,, O1 9 7 1,9,,,,, I2 5 5 26b2,,95b9,26b2, O2 5 5 9,,1,9, I3 13 8 6k2,,,,,,,5k9 O3 13 8 9,,,,,,,1 I4T 5 11 c26,,,,c95,c26,,,,, O4T None I5T 9 5 b26d2,,b95d9,b26d2, O5T None
999999999 999999999 111111111 999999999 999999999
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_lr color2 left_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 7 13 0,,,,a06c0,0,,,,,,, O0 7 13 4,,9e4,49d4,9,b49b4,c49a4,d494,e49,4,,, I1 9 3 0,,e06a0 O1 9 3 c49c4,d49b4,9 I2 7 12 0,,,,,,,,,,,a06c0 O2 7 12 4,,,,,,,,,9e4,49d4,9 I3 3 8 0,,,,,,,a06 O3 3 8 4,,,,,9a4,494,9 I4T 4 6 0,a060,0,,, O4T None I5T 15 3 h06d0,0, O5T None
4944 9999 4449 4444 4444 4444
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tlbr intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O5T', predict the pixels
I0 3 11 a18,,,1,1a8,818,a18,,,, O0 3 11 0,,,a04,040,4a0,0,,,, I1 7 8 c18a1,,c1818,c1a81,1,b1a8a1,a1818a1,18a18a1 O1 7 8 0,,e04,d040,c04a0,b04b0,a04c0,04d0 I2 14 8 1,e1a8e1,d1818e1,c18a18e1,b18b18e1,a18c18e1,18d18e1,8e18e1 O2 14 8 f04e0,e04f0,d04g0,c04h0,b04i0,a04j0,04k0,4l0 I3 6 14 c181,,,,,,,c1a8,1,b1a81,a18181,18a181,8b181,c181 O3 6 14 0,,,,,,,d04,c040,b04a0,a04b0,04c0,4d0,0 I4T 10 4 e18181,e1a8a1,1,d1a8b1 O4T None I5T 11 7 g18a1,,,,g1818,g1a81,1 O5T None
00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000004 00000000040 00000000400
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tb mask1 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 12 8,,,,,b98,a898,89a8,9b8,8,, O0 4 12 3,,,,,b32,3,,,,, I1 6 7 c989,b89a8,a89b8,89c8,9d8,8, O1 6 7 c323,3,,,,, I2 14 10 k898,j98a9,i89b8,h89c8,g89d8,f89e8,e89f8,d89g8,c89h8,b89i8 O2 14 10 3,j32a3,3,,,,,,, I3T 14 13 c98h9,b89i8,a89j8,89k8,9l8,8,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 14 9 d89g8,c89h8,b89i8,a89j8,89k8,8l9,8,, O4T None
33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 23333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr mask0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 6 7 c939,,c9a3,9,b9a39,a93939,93a939 O0 6 7 2,,d26,c262,b26a2,a26b2,26c2 I1 15 6 3a93j9,393k9,a3l9,9,3m9, O1 15 6 b26j2,a26k2,26l2,6m2,2, I2 6 14 c939,,,,,,,c9a3,9,b9a39,a93939,93a939,3b939,c939 O2 6 14 2,,,,,,,d26,c262,b26a2,a26b2,26c2,6d2,2 I3 4 13 a939,,,,a9a3,9,9a39,3939,a939,,,, O3 4 13 2,,,,b26,a262,26a2,6b2,2,,,, I4T 4 7 b93,,,,9,a9a3,9393 O4T None I5T 15 7 9,b9a3i9,a9393i9,93a93i9,3b93i9,c93i9, O5T None
222262222222222 222622222222222 226222222222222 262222222222222 622222222222222 222222222222222 222222222222222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tb mask0 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 14 8 2,k232,2,,,,, O0 14 8 j45a4,5,l45,4,,,, I1 12 5 2,,,,g23b2 O1 12 5 c45f4,d45e4,e45d4,f45c4,5 I2 13 5 j232,2,,, O2 13 5 5,k45,4,, I3 3 15 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,232 O3 3 15 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,5a4,5 I4T 6 4 2,,a23b2,2 O4T None I5T 14 6 2,,h23c2,2,, O5T None
544444 454444 555555 444544
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tlbr intersection2 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 15 4 5,d59h5,5, O0 15 4 c0202g0,d02h0,c0202g0,b02b02f0 I1 4 8 5,,,,,,a595,5 O1 4 8 0,,,,2b0,0202,a020,0202 I2 7 10 5,,,c59a5,5,,,,, O2 7 10 02d0,a02b02,b02020,c02a0,b02020,a02b02,02d0,2e0,0, I3 8 12 5,,,,,,,,,,e595,5 O3 8 12 0,,,,2f0,02e0,a02d0,b02c0,c02b0,d0202,e020,d0202 I4T 12 4 5,,,a59h5 O4T None
000002000000 200020000000 020200000000 002000000000
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_trbl intersection1 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 12 f21a2,,,,,,,,,,f92a9,f21a2 O0 10 12 7,,,,,,,,,,f76a7,7 I1 15 11 e21g2,,,e92g9,e21g2,,,,,, O1 15 11 7,,,e76g7,7,,,,,, I2 7 6 b92b9,b21b2,,,, O2 7 6 b76b7,7,,,, I3 15 9 d21h2,,,,,,,d92h9,d21h2 O3 15 9 7,,,,,,,d76h7,7 I4T 3 8 212,,,,929,212,, O4T None
777 777 777 777 767 777 777 777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_lr color1 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 3 7 6,,,,,,8 O0 3 7 7,,,,,,8 I1 6 12 6,,,,,8,c696,b69a6,a69b6,69c6,9d6,6 O1 6 12 7,,,,,8,7,,,,, I2 9 12 8,9g6,6,,,,,,,,, O2 9 12 8,7,,,,,,,,,, I3T 14 9 k696,j69a6,i69b6,8,g69d6,f69e6,e69f6,d69g6,c69h6 O3T None I4T 9 3 c69c6,8,a69e6 O4T None
777777777 888888888 777777777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr color0 left_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 4 7 6,,,,,b86,a686 O0 4 7 7,,,,,b76,7 I1 3 13 6a8,6,,,,,,,,,,, O1 3 13 6a7,7,,,,,,,,,,, I2 12 12 c68f6,b68g6,a68h6,86i8,8j6,6,,,,,, O2 12 12 7,,,76i7,7,,,,,,, I3T 7 7 b68b6,a86c8,68d6,8e6,6,, O3T None I4T 13 7 e68e6,d68f6,c86g8,b68h6,a68i6,68j6,8k6 O4T None
7777777777777 7777777777777 7777677777777 7777777777777 7777777777777 7777777777777 7777777777777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr mask0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 14 11 4,l45,4,,,,,,,, O0 14 11 k474,l47,k474,j47a4,i47b4,h47c4,g47d4,f47e4,e47f4,d47g4,c47h4 I1 11 5 4,,f45b4,4, O1 11 5 d47b474,e4747a4,f47b4,e4747a4,d47b474 I2 6 5 4,,a45b4,4, O2 6 5 7b474,4747a4,a47b4,4747a4,7b474 I3T 10 6 4,,,a45f4,4, O3T None
4444474444 7444744444 4747444444 4474444444 4747444444 7444744444
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_trbl intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 9 12 d26b2,,,,d52b5,d26b2,,,,,, O0 9 12 d93b9,,,,,,,,,,, I1 5 10 a26a2,,a52a5,a26a2,,,,,, O1 5 10 a93a9,,,,,,,,, I2 3 10 525,262,,,,,,,, O2 3 10 939,,,,,,,,, I3T 12 3 f26c2,f52c5,f26c2 O3T None I4T 5 6 2c5,6c2,,,, O4T None
39999 39999 39999 39999 39999 39999
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tb color1 top_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 14 14 4,,,,,,,,,,l47,4,, O0 14 14 l83,,,,,,,,,,,k8a3,j8383,i83a83 I1 3 4 4,,a47,4 O1 3 4 a83,,,8a3 I2 13 3 a47i4,4, O2 13 3 a83i8,8a3i8,383i8 I3 3 9 4,,,,,7a4,4,, O3 3 9 3a8,,,383,a38,3a8,,, I4T 6 15 4,,,,,,,,,b47a4,4,,,, O4T None I5T 15 3 4,h47d4,4 O5T None
888888888338888 888888888388888 888888883388888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_trbl intersection2 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 3 15 656,a34,6,,,,,,,,,,,, O0 3 15 161,a16,1,,,,,,,,,,,, I1 8 10 b65c6,c65b6,d65a6,e656,f34,6,,,, O1 8 10 b16c1,c16b1,d16a1,e161,f16,1,,,, I2 14 3 d65g6,e34f3,f65e6 O2 14 3 d16g1,e16f1,f16e1 I3T 4 5 5b6,65a6,a343,b65,6 O3T None I4T 7 6 a65c6,b34b3,c65a6,d656,e65,6 O4T None
1161111 1116111 1111611 1111161 1111116 1111111
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_lr color2 topleft_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 14 12 5,,,,2l5,52k5,a52j5,b52i5,c52h5,d65g6,e52f5,f52e5 O0 14 12 0,,,,8l0,08k0,a08j0,b08i0,c08h0,d08g0,e08f0,f08e0 I1 8 12 5,,5f6,52e5,a52d5,b52c5,c52b5,d52a5,e525,f52,5, O1 8 12 0,,8f0,08e0,a08d0,b08c0,c08b0,d08a0,e080,f08,0, I2 14 13 5,,2l5,52k5,a65j6,b52i5,c52h5,d52g5,e52f5,f52e5,g52d5,h52c5,i52b5 O2 14 13 0,,8l0,08k0,a08j0,b08i0,c08h0,d08g0,e08f0,f08e0,g08d0,h08c0,i08b0 I3 10 4 e52b5,f52a5,g525,h65 O3 10 4 e08b0,f08a0,g080,h08 I4T 5 10 5,,,,,,,5c6,52b5,a52a5 O4T None
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 80000 08000 00800
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tlbr color1 topleft_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 14 6 6,,,,,j69a6 O0 14 6 7,,,l71,k717,1 I1 6 9 6,,,69c6,6,,,, O1 6 9 c717,b71a7,a71b7,1,1d7,7,,, I2 11 10 6,g69a6,6,,,,,,, O2 11 10 h717,1,f71b7,e71c7,d71d7,c71e7,b71f7,a71g7,71h7,1i7 I3 6 13 b69a6,6,,,,,,,,,,, O3 6 13 1,a71b7,71c7,1d7,7,,,,,,,, I4T 7 11 6,,e69,6,,,,,,, O4T None
7777777 7777777 1111111 7777717 7777177 7771777 7717777 7177777 1777777 7777777 7777777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr intersection2 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 13 5 0,4k0,04j0,a40i4,b04h0 O0 13 5 6,,,7,6 I1 14 3 b04i0,c40h4,d04g0 O1 14 3 6,7,6 I2 9 15 0,4g0,04f0,a04e0,b04d0,c04c0,d04b0,e04a0,f040,g40,0,,,, O2 9 15 6,,,,,,,,,7,6,,,, I3T 10 12 c04d0,d04c0,e04b0,f04a0,g040,h40,0,,,,, O3T None I4T 5 4 4c0,40b4,a04a0,b040 O4T None
66666 77777 66666 66666
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tlbr mask2 left_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 4 14 5,,,,,,,,0b5,5,,,, O0 4 14 1b5,,,,,,,,1,1b5,,,, I1 12 11 5,,,,,i505,5,,,, O1 12 11 i515,,,,,1,i515,,,, I2 9 8 5,,,,c50c5,5,, O2 9 8 c51c5,,,,1,c51c5,, I3T 15 3 5,,c50i5 O3T None I4T 6 12 5,,,,,,,,,,a50b5,5 O4T None
551555 551555 551555 551555 551555 551555 551555 551555 551555 551555 111111 551555
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_lr intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 14 7 f2a1d2,2,e2a1e2,d2121e2,c21a21e2,b21b21e2,a21c21e2 O0 14 7 2,f23e2,2,,,, I1 10 15 1e21a2,1d21b2,1c21c2,1b21d2,1a21e2,121f2,a1g2,2,1h2,,,,,, O1 10 15 2,,,,,,,3h2,2,,,,,, I2 11 5 e21a212,e2121a2,e2a1b2,2,d2a1c2 O2 11 5 2,,,e23c2,2 I3T 3 14 1a2,,,,,121,a12,2,1a2,,,,, O3T None
222 222 222 222 222 222 222 322 222 222 222 222 222 222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tb mask0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 13 3 a1010g1,a1a0h1,1 O0 13 3 a89i8,, I1 3 11 101,,,,,,,1a0,1,a01,101 O1 3 11 898,,,,,,,,,, I2 15 15 j10b1,,,,,,,j10a10,j10101,j1a0a1,1,i1a0b1,h1010b1,g10a10b1,f10b10b1 O2 15 15 j89b8,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 3 13 101,,,,,,,,,,,1a0,1 O3T None
898 898 898 898 898 898 898 898 898 898 898 898 898
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_trbl mask2 top_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 7 6 3,a3534a3,35b343,5d34,3, O0 7 6 b03b0,0,,,, I1 10 14 3,,h35,g353,f35a3,e35b3,d35c3,c35d3,b35e3,a35f3,35g3,3,34g3,a34f3 O1 10 14 0,,,,,,,,,,,3h0,0, I2 4 15 3,,,,,,b35,a353,35a3,3,34a3,a343,b34,3, O2 4 15 0,,,,,,,,,3b0,0,,,, I3 13 6 b34d35b3,c34b35c3,d3435d3,3,d3534d3,c35b34c3 O3 13 6 0,,,e03e0,0, I4T 12 11 4b35f3,3435g3,3,3534g3,5b34f3,d34e3,e34d3,f34c3,g34b3,h34a3,i343 O4T None I5T 15 6 d34f353,e34d35a3,f34b35b3,g3435c3,3,g3534c3 O5T None
000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000300000 000000000000000
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_trbl color1 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 4 14 7,,,,,,,,,,,7b1,71a7,a717 O0 4 14 8,,,,,,,,,,,2b8,8, I1 14 4 a17j1,b71i7,c71h7,d71g7 O1 14 4 a82j8,8,, I2 9 3 b17d1,c71c7,d71b7 O2 9 3 b82d8,8, I3 9 5 b17d1,c71c7,d71b7,e71a7,f717 O3 9 5 b82d8,8,,, I4T 13 11 7,,,,1k7,71j7,a71i7,b71h7,c71g7,d71f7,e17e1 O4T None
8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888882888888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_lr mask1 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 13 9 g67c6,f76d7,e76e7,d76f7,c76g7,b76h7,a76i7,76j7,6k7 O0 13 9 8,3,,,,,,, I1 15 8 e76g7,d76h7,c76i7,b67j6,a76k7,76l7,6m7,7 O1 15 8 3,,,8,3,,, I2 13 7 d67f6,c76g7,b76h7,a76i7,76j7,6k7,7 O2 13 7 8,3,,,,, I3T 9 14 d76b7,c76c7,b76d7,a76e7,76f7,7g6,7,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 11 11 7,,,,,,i76,h767,g67a6,f76b7,e76c7 O4T None
33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 88888888888 33333333333 33333333333
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_trbl mask2 left_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O5T, predict raw pixels
I0 13 12 0,,,,,,,,,3k0,0, O0 13 12 h09b0,g09c0,f09d0,e09e0,d09f0,c09g0,b09h0,a09i0,09j0,9,0, I1 10 15 0,,,,,f03a0,0,,,,,,,, O1 10 15 0,,,h09,g090,9,e09b0,d09c0,c09d0,b09e0,a09f0,09g0,9h0,0, I2 14 5 b03i0,0,,, O2 14 5 9,a09j0,09k0,9l0,0 I3 9 12 0,,,,3g0,0,,,,,, O3 9 12 c09c0,b09d0,a09e0,09f0,9,0,,,,,, I4T 15 12 0,,,,,,,,,,h03d0,0 O4T None I5T 13 15 0,,,,,,,,f03d0,0,,,,, O5T None
0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000009 0000000000090 0000000000900 0000000009000 0000000090000 9999999999999 0000009000000 0000090000000 0000900000000 0009000000000 0090000000000 0900000000000
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_trbl intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 8 3 c90989,c908a9,9 O0 8 3 6,,c61b6 I1 5 11 0c9,,0b98,0a989,098a9,08b9,9,0c9,,, O1 5 11 6,,,,,,1c6,6,,, I2 8 11 f90,,,,,,,,9,e980,d9890 O2 8 11 6,,,,,,,,f61,6, I3 15 5 e90b98c9,e90a98d9,e9098e9,e908f9,9 O3 15 5 6,,,,e61g6 I4T 8 8 c90b9,,,,c90a98,c90989,c908a9,9 O4T None
66666666 66666666 66666666 66666666 66666666 66666666 66666666 66661666
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tb color1 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 6 10 0,,,,5d0,0,,,, O0 6 10 c717,b71a7,a71b7,71c7,1d7,71c7,a71b7,b71a7,c717,d71 I1 3 13 0,,,a05,0,,,,,,,, O1 3 13 7,1a7,717,a71,717,1a7,7,,,,,, I2 3 14 050,0,,,,,,,,,,,, O2 3 14 717,171,7,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 6 9 0,,,,,,,05c0,0 O3T None
777777 777777 777777 777771 777717 777177 171777 717777 171777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_trbl intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 15 8 5,,m56,l656,k56a5,j56b5,i56c5,h56d5 O0 15 8 8,,,l848,8,,, I1 9 13 5,,,,,g65,f565,e56a5,d56b5,c56c5,b56d5,a56e5,56f5 O1 9 13 8,,,,,g84,8,,,,,, I2 15 10 i56c5,h56d5,g56e5,f65f6,e56g5,d56h5,c56i5,b56j5,a56k5,56l5 O2 15 10 8,,,f84f8,8,,,,, I3 4 8 5,b56,a565,56a5,5b6,5,, O3 4 8 8,,,,4b8,8,, I4T 11 13 5,,,i56,h565,g56a5,f56b5,e56c5,d65d6,c56e5,b56f5,a56g5,56h5 O4T None I5T 3 10 5,,,a65,565,6a5,5,,, O5T None
888 888 888 884 888 888 888 888 888 888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr mask0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for O5T
I0 8 6 8,,,,a81d8,8 O0 8 6 4,,1f4,41e4,1,b41c4 I1 15 9 8,,,,,,,,l818 O1 15 9 d41h4,e41g4,f41f4,g41e4,h41d4,i41c4,j41b4,k41a4,1 I2 3 13 8,,,,,,,,,818,8,, O2 3 13 4,,,,,,,,1a4,1,a41,4, I3 13 6 8,,,a81i8,8, O3 13 6 4,1k4,41j4,1,b41h4,c41g4 I4T 3 11 8,,,,,,a81,8,,, O4T None I5T 6 11 8,,,,,,,,,,b81a8 O5T None
444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 144444 414444 441444 111111
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tlbr intersection2 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 3 15 3a8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0a5 O0 3 15 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9 I1 4 4 b83,b50,b83, O1 4 4 2,9,2, I2 13 13 e83e8,,,,e50e5,e83e8,,,,,,, O2 13 13 2,,,,9,2,,,,,,, I3 9 15 d83b8,,,,,d50b5,d83b8,,,,,,,, O3 9 15 2,,,,,9,2,,,,,,,, I4T 4 10 83a8,,50a5,83a8,,,,,, O4T None I5T 5 9 3c8,,,,,,0c5,3c8, O5T None
2222 2222 9999 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tb color2 left_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 14 3 c39b38d3,d3938e3,e31f3 O0 14 3 c79h7,d79g7,e79f7 I1 8 14 3,,,f38,e383,d38a3,9b38b3,3938c3,a31d3,3839c3,8b39b3,d39a3,e393,f39 O1 8 14 7,,,,,,9f7,79e7,a79d7,b79c7,c79b7,d79a7,e797,f79 I2 11 11 e39b38,f39383,g31a3,f38393,e38b39,d38d3,c38e3,b38f3,a38g3,38h3,8i3 O2 11 11 e79c7,f79b7,g79a7,h797,i79,7,,,,, I3T 13 3 3938h3,a31i3,3839h3 O3T None
7977777777777 7797777777777 7779777777777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tlbr color2 topleft_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 10 6 6,,,g636,6, O0 10 6 d46c4,e46b4,f46a4,6,h46,4 I1 13 5 6,,,,e63e6 O1 13 5 a46i4,b46h4,c46g4,d46f4,6 I2 12 5 6,,c63f6,6, O2 12 5 a46h4,b46g4,6,d46e4,e46d4 I3 4 7 6,,,b63,6,, O3 4 7 6b4,46a4,a464,6,4,, I4T 3 4 636,6,, O4T None I5T 12 13 6,,,,63i6,6,,,,,,, O5T None
666 446 444 444
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_lr intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 8 14 7,,,,,f71,e171,d71a7,c71b7,b71c7,a71d7,71e7,1f7,7 O0 8 14 6,,,,,f62,e626,d62a6,c62b6,b62c6,a62d6,62e6,2f6,6 I1 4 5 7,b71,a717,17a1,1b7 O1 4 5 6,b62,a626,62a6,2b6 I2 10 13 b17e1,a71f7,71g7,1h7,7,,,,,,,, O2 10 13 b62e6,a62f6,62g6,2h6,6,,,,,,,, I3 9 3 g71,f717,e17a1 O3 9 3 g62,f626,e62a6 I4T 9 4 d17b1,c71c7,b71d7,a71e7 O4T None I5T 12 5 j71,i717,h71a7,g71b7,f17c1 O5T None
666662666 666626666 666266666 662666666
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_trbl mask1 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 9 14 f939,e93a9,d93b9,3b93c9,9393d9,9,9393d9,3b93c9,d93b9,e93a9,f939,g93,9, O0 9 14 f818,e81a8,d81b8,c81c8,b81d8,a81e8,81f8,1g8,8,,,,, I1 7 5 9,3d93,93b939,a9393a9,9 O1 7 5 8,e81,d818,c81a8,b81b8 I2 13 5 h93b9,i9393,9,i9393,h93b9 O2 13 5 8,k81,j818,i81a8,h81b8 I3T 5 5 b939,9,b939,a93a9,93b9 O3T None I4T 3 11 9,,,,,,,,393,9,393 O4T None
88888 88881 88818 88188 81888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_trbl mask1 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 12 4 i8a3,8,j83, O0 12 4 9,j94,9, I1 4 12 3b8,,,,,,,,,8,a3a8,3838 O1 4 12 9,,,,,,,,,4b9,9, I2 15 4 8,i8a3b8,i8383a8,i83a838 O2 15 4 i94c9,9,, I3T 9 4 c83a838,d83838,e8a38,8 O3T None
999999999 999999999 999999999 999999949
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_tb mask2 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 12 14 3,,,,,b30g3,3,,,,,,, O0 12 14 b36c36b3,b36b36c3,b36a36d3,b3636e3,b3a6f3,b36g3,a3a6g3,3636g3,6a36g3,b36g3,,,, I1 4 9 3,,,,,,,,0b3 O1 4 9 6b3,,,,,6a36,6363,a6a3,6b3 I2 3 12 3,,,,,,,,,,303,3 O2 3 12 363,,,,,,,,,3a6,363,a63 I3T 7 15 3,,,,,30d3,3,,,,,,,, O3T None
3633336 3633363 3633633 3636333 3663333 3633333 6633333 3633333 3633333 3633333 3633333 3633333 3633333 3633333 3633333
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_trbl intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 5 h78a7,g87b8,f87c8,e87d8,d87e8 O0 12 5 h84a8,8,,, I1 13 6 8,,k87,j878,i78a7,h87b8 O1 13 6 8,,,,i84a8,8 I2 7 4 b87b8,a87c8,87d8,8e7 O2 7 4 8,,,4e8 I3T 9 11 8,g87,f878,e87a8,d78b7,c87c8,b87d8,a87e8,87f8,7g8,8 O3T None I4T 8 12 f87,e878,d87a8,c87b8,b78c7,a87d8,87e8,7f8,8,,, O4T None
888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888884888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_trbl mask1 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 10 10 d98c9,,,,,,,d17c1,d98c9, O0 10 10 8,,,,,,,d80c8,8, I1 8 14 c98b9,,,,,,,,c17b1,c98b9,,,, O1 8 14 8,,,,,,,,c80b8,8,,,, I2 14 8 d98g9,,d17g1,d98g9,,,, O2 14 8 8,,d80g8,8,,,, I3 10 7 a17f1,a98f9,,,,, O3 10 7 a80f8,8,,,,, I4T 3 11 a98,,,,,,,,a17,a98, O4T None I5T 12 10 98i9,,,,,,17i1,98i9,, O5T None
888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 880 888 888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tb color2 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 8 5 c54b5,c54a54,c54545,c5a4a5,5 O0 8 5 c29b2,,,, I1 4 13 54a5,,,,,,5454,5a45,5,a4a5,54a5,, O1 4 13 29a2,,,,,,,,,,,, I2 12 14 d54e5,,d54d54,d54c545,d54b54a5,d54a54b5,d5454c5,d5a4d5,5,c5a4e5,b5454e5,a54a54e5,54b54e5,4c54e5 O2 12 14 d29e2,,,,,,,,,,,,, I3 14 5 j5a45,5,i5a4a5,h5454a5,g54a54a5 O3 14 5 j29a2,,,, I4T 9 8 c54c5,,c54b54,c54a545,c5454a5,c5a4b5,5,b5a4c5 O4T None I5T 12 15 e54d5,,,,,,,,e54c54,e54b545,e54a54a5,e5454b5,e5a4c5,5,d5a4d5 O5T None
222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222 222222922222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tb mask2 top_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolveversion1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 4 14 a696,,,,,,,,9696,6a96,6,a6a9,a696, O0 4 14 0,,,,,,,,,,a020,0,, I1 4 10 9b6,,,6,a9a6,9696,9a69,9b6,, O1 4 10 0,,,2b0,0,,,,, I2 5 3 a9b6,6,6a9a6 O2 5 3 0,02b0,0 I3 5 11 9c6,,,,6,a9b6,969a6,9a696,9b69,9c6, O3 5 11 0,,,,2c0,0,,,,, I4T 13 6 6969h6,a6a9h6,6,b6a9g6,b6969f6,b69a69e6 O4T None I5T 6 5 69c6,a9c6,6,6a9b6,6969a6 O5T None
0000000000000 0000000000000 0002000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_tlbr mask0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 6 3 9,a96b9,9 O0 6 3 9898a9,a98b9,9898a9 I1 13 15 9,,,,,,k96,9,,,,,,, O1 13 15 e98e9,f98d9,g98c9,h98b9,i98a9,j989,k98,j989,i98a9,h98b9,g98c9,f98d9,e98e9,d98f9,c98g9 I2 5 5 9,,96b9,9, O2 5 5 b989,898a9,98b9,898a9,b989 I3 10 3 a96f9,9, O3 10 3 a98f9,9898e9,8b98d9 I4T 4 5 96a9,9,,, O4T None
9899 8989 9998 9999 9999
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_trbl intersection1 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 6 6 0d5,8,a50b5,b50a5,c505,d50 O0 6 6 4,1,4,,, I1 11 8 a50g5,b50f5,c50e5,d50d5,e50c5,8,g50a5,h505 O1 11 8 4,,,,,1,4, I2 6 11 8,d50,5,,,,,,,, O2 6 11 1,4,,,,,,,,, I3T 7 9 a50c5,b50b5,c50a5,8,e50,5,,, O3T None I4T 13 7 h50b5,8,j505,k50,5,, O4T None
4444444444444 1111111111111 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_lr color0 left_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 12 5 5,f568b5,e5658b5,d56a58b5,c56b58b5 O0 12 5 g63b6,f63c6,e63d6,d63e6,c63f6 I1 12 3 f586b5,5,e568c5 O1 12 3 g63b6,f63c6,e63d6 I2 5 10 a58a5,a5856,a5865,5,568a5,658a5,a58a5,,, O2 5 10 6,c63,b636,a63a6,63b6,3c6,6,,, I3 15 10 l585,,,,l586,5,k5685,j56585,i56a585,h56b585 O3 15 10 6,,,,m63,l636,k63a6,j63b6,i63c6,h63d6 I4T 15 14 58i56a5,58h56b5,58g56c5,58f56d5,58e56e5,58d56f5,58c56g5,58b56h5,58a56i5,5856j5,586k5,5,68l5,58l5 O4T None I5T 6 15 c585,,c586,5,b5685,a56585,56a585,6b585,c585,,,,,, O5T None
666666666666366 666666666663666 666666666636666 666666666366666 666666663666666 666666636666666 666666366666666 666663666666666 666636666666666 666366666666666 663666666666666 636666666666666 366666666666666 666666666666666
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_trbl color1 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 3 4 691,1,6a1, O0 3 4 1a9,,, I1 5 11 a16a1,,,,,,,a1619,a1691,1,196a1 O1 5 11 a91a9,,,,,,,,,, I2 14 13 h16c1,,,,,,,,h16b19,h16a191,h1619a1,h169b1,1 O2 14 13 h91c9,,,,,,,,,,,, I3T 14 8 b16d19c1,b16c19d1,b16b19e1,b16a19f1,b1619g1,b169h1,1,a196i1 O3T None I4T 9 12 6d19a1,6c19b1,6b19c1,6a19d1,619e1,69f1,1,6g1,,,, O4T None
99919999999999 99919999999999 99919999999999 99919999999999 99919999999999 99919999999999 99919999999999 99919999999999
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tb color1 top_bottom predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, O5T, predict raw pixels
I0 3 10 1,,,,,101,1,,, O0 3 10 242,,,,a42,242,2a4,242,, I1 7 11 1,,,,,,,d101,1,, O1 7 11 d242,,4c242,24b242,a24a242,b24242,c2a42,d242,d2a4,d242, I2 8 6 1,,,b10c1,1, O2 8 6 4a24c2,2424c2,a2a4c2,b24c2,b2a4b2,b2424a2 I3 9 7 1,,,,c10c1,1, O3 9 7 4b24c2,24a24c2,a2424c2,b2a4c2,c24c2,c2a4b2,c2424a2 I4T 10 6 c10d1,1,,,, O4T None I5T 6 7 1,,,,,,b10a1 O5T None
222422 222422 222422 422422 242422 224422 222422
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_tb intersection0 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 10 8 e34b3,,,,,e26b2,e34b3, O0 10 8 9,,,,,e92b9,9, I1 15 7 e34g3,,,,e26g2,e34g3, O1 15 7 9,,,,e92g9,9, I2 10 9 e34b3,,,,,,,,e26b2 O2 10 9 9,,,,,,,,e92b9 I3T 6 13 a34b3,,,,,,,,a26b2,a34b3,,, O3T None I4T 5 6 a34a3,,a26a2,a34a3,, O4T None
99999 99999 99299 99999 99999 99999
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_lr color2 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 14 14 4,,,,,,,,,,l47,4,, O0 14 14 l83,,,,,,,,,,,k8a3,j8383,i83a83 I1 3 4 4,,a47,4 O1 3 4 a83,,,8a3 I2 13 3 a47i4,4, O2 13 3 a83i8,8a3i8,383i8 I3 3 9 4,,,,,7a4,4,, O3 3 9 3a8,,,383,a38,3a8,,, I4T 6 15 4,,,,,,,,,b47a4,4,,,, O4T None I5T 15 3 4,h47d4,4 O5T None
888388 888388 888388 888388 888388 888388 888388 888383 888338 888388 883388 838388 388388 888388 888388
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_trbl intersection2 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 3 0d1,1, O0 6 3 2d3,, I1 9 9 c10c1,1,,,,,,, O1 9 9 c32c3,b3a2c3,a3232c3,32a32c3,2b32c3,c32c3,,, I2 3 10 1,,,,,,101,1,, O2 3 10 323,,,,,3a2,323,a23,323, I3T 10 12 1,h10,1,,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 14 4 d10g1,1,, O4T None
3333333332 3333333332 3333333322 3333333232 3333332332 3333323332 3333233332 3332333332 3323333332 3233333332 2333333332 3333333332
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_trbl intersection1 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 3 7 818,2a0,0,,,, O0 3 7 202,0a2,2,,,, I1 14 11 g02d0,f02e0,e02f0,d02g0,c81h8,b02i0,a02j0,02k0,2l0,0, O1 14 11 g20d2,f20e2,e20f2,d20g2,c20h2,b20i2,a20j2,20k2,0l2,2, I2 12 9 a81h8,02i0,2j0,0,,,,, O2 12 9 a20h2,20i2,0j2,2,,,,, I3T 14 9 e02f0,d02g0,c02h0,b81i8,a02j0,02k0,2l0,0, O3T None
22222202222222 22222022222222 22220222222222 22202222222222 22022222222222 20222222222222 02222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_trbl color2 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 9 14 f939,e93a9,d93b9,3b93c9,9393d9,9,9393d9,3b93c9,d93b9,e93a9,f939,g93,9, O0 9 14 f818,e81a8,d81b8,c81c8,b81d8,a81e8,81f8,1g8,8,,,,, I1 7 5 9,3d93,93b939,a9393a9,9 O1 7 5 8,e81,d818,c81a8,b81b8 I2 13 5 h93b9,i9393,9,i9393,h93b9 O2 13 5 8,k81,j818,i81a8,h81b8 I3T 5 5 b939,9,b939,a93a9,93b9 O3T None I4T 3 11 9,,,,,,,,393,9,393 O4T None
888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 881 818 188
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tlbr_trbl mask1 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 4 7 6,,,,,b86,a686 O0 4 7 7,,,,,b76,7 I1 3 13 6a8,6,,,,,,,,,,, O1 3 13 6a7,7,,,,,,,,,,, I2 12 12 c68f6,b68g6,a68h6,86i8,8j6,6,,,,,, O2 12 12 7,,,76i7,7,,,,,,, I3T 7 7 b68b6,a86c8,68d6,8e6,6,, O3T None I4T 13 7 e68e6,d68f6,c86g8,b68h6,a68i6,68j6,8k6 O4T None
7777777 7767777 7777777 7777777 7777777 7777777 7777777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr mask0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 6 9 d50,,,,,,,d72,d50 O0 6 9 2,,,,,,,d23,2 I1 11 12 50h5,,,,,,,,,,72h7,50h5 O1 11 12 2,,,,,,,,,,23h2,2 I2 12 13 b50g5,,,,,,,b72g7,b50g5,,,, O2 12 13 2,,,,,,,b23g2,2,,,, I3T 12 11 f72c7,f50c5,,,,,,,,, O3T None
222222232222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_lr color2 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 14 13 3,,,,,i32b3,3,,,,,, O0 14 13 d18g1,e18f1,f18d18,g18b181,h1818a1,i18b1,h1818a1,g18b181,f18d18,e18f1,d18g1,c18h1,b18i1 I1 10 7 h32,3,,,,, O1 10 7 h18,g181,f18a1,e18b1,d18c1,c18d1,b18e1 I2 7 9 d323,3,,,,,,, O2 7 9 d181,c1818,b18b1,a18c1,18d1,8e1,1,, I3 7 12 3,,,,,,,,e32,3,, O3 7 12 1,,8e1,18d1,a18c1,b18b1,c18a1,d181,e18,d181,c18a1,b18b1 I4T 5 13 3,,,,,,,,,,,,32b3 O4T None
11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11118 11181 81811 18111
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tlbr intersection1 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 8 10 9,,,,,,c93b9,9,, O0 8 10 7,,0f7,70d70,a70b707,b7070a7,c70b7,b7070a7,a70b707,70d70 I1 12 3 9,,b93g9 O1 12 3 70b70e7,a7070f7,b70g7 I2 9 11 9,,,,c93c9,9,,,,, O2 9 11 0f70,70d707,a70b70a7,b7070b7,c70c7,b7070b7,a70b70a7,70d707,0f70,7, I3T 12 7 9,,,a93h9,9,, O3T None
777770777777 077707777777 707077777777 770777777777 707077777777 077707777777 777770777777
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_tlbr intersection2 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 8 11 a47c42,b47b42,c47a42,d4742,e472,f43,f42,,,, O0 8 11 a21d2,b21c2,c21b2,d21a2,e212,f21,2,,,, I1 8 9 2f4,,,,3f4,27e4,247d4,2a47c4,2b47b4 O1 8 9 2,,,,1f2,21e2,a21d2,b21c2,c21b2 I2 5 13 2c4,3c4,27b4,247a4,2a474,2b47,2c4,,,,,, O2 5 13 2,1c2,21b2,a21a2,b212,c21,2,,,,,, I3T 6 7 b43a4,b4274,b4247,b42a4,,, O3T None I4T 10 7 42g4,,,,,72g4,43g4 O4T None
222122 222212 222221 222222 222222 222222 222222
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_tlbr color2 topleft_bottomright predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 8 7 1,,,,,,d19a1 O0 8 7 9,,,,f95,e959,5 I1 9 3 1,a19e1,1 O1 9 3 b95d9,5,95f9 I2 13 6 1,,,,g19c1,1 O2 13 6 k95,j959,i95a9,h95b9,5,f95d9 I3T 10 5 1,,,,b19e1 O3T None I4T 10 13 1,h19,1,,,,,,,,,, O4T None
9999999599 9999995999 9999959999 9999599999 5555555555
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_trbl intersection1 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 4 15 2,,,b82,a282,28a2,8b2,2,,,,,,, O0 4 15 5,,,3,5,,,,,,,,,, I1 9 4 d28b2,c28c2,b28d2,a82e8 O1 9 4 5,,,3 I2 15 3 m82,l282,k28a2 O2 15 3 3,5, I3 15 6 i28c2,h28d2,g28e2,f82f8,e28g2,d28h2 O3 15 6 5,,,3,5, I4T 10 5 a28f2,28g2,2h8,2, O4T None I5T 7 11 2,,,e28,d282,c28a2,b28b2,a28c2,82d8,8e2,2 O5T None
5555555555 5555555555 3333333333 5555555555 5555555555
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr mask2 left_right predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 13 10 4,k19,j404,i40a4,h40b4,g40c4,f40d4,e40e4,d40f4,c40g4 O0 13 10 8,k87,j878,i87a8,h87b8,g87c8,f87d8,e87e8,d87f8,c87g8 I1 15 9 4,,m40,l191,k40a4,j40b4,i40c4,h40d4,g40e4 O1 15 9 8,,m87,l878,k87a8,j87b8,i87c8,h87d8,g87e8 I2 9 11 4,,,g40,f404,e40a4,d40b4,c40c4,b19d1,a40e4,40f4 O2 9 11 8,,,g87,f878,e87a8,d87b8,c87c8,b87d8,a87e8,87f8 I3 10 3 a40f4,19g1,0h4 O3 10 3 a87f8,87g8,7h8 I4T 11 6 i40,h404,g40a4,f40b4,e40c4,d19d1 O4T None
88888888887 88888888878 88888888788 88888887888 88888878888 88888788888
dataset=solve_cross group=cross trbl_lr color2 topright_bottomleft predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 10 3 4,,9h4 O0 10 3 6h0,, I1 5 11 4,,,a49a4,4,,,,,, O1 5 11 a06a0,606a0,0a6a0,a06a0,a0a60,a0606,a06a0,,,, I2 5 4 4,49b4,4, O2 5 4 a6b0,06b0,0a6a0,06060 I3 4 11 4,,b49,4,,,,,,, O3 4 11 0606,a0a6,b06,,,,,,,, I4T 10 3 4,9h4,4 O4T None
6000000000 6000000000 6600000000
dataset=solve_cross group=cross tb_tlbr intersection1 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 8 8 7,,,,,,,c73b7 O0 8 8 5,,,,f59,e595,d59a5,9 I1 5 9 7,,,,b737,7,,, O1 5 9 5,,,c59,9,a59a5,59b5,9c5,5 I2 12 9 7,,,,,,,,g73b7 O2 12 9 5,,,,,j59,i595,h59a5,9 I3T 8 9 7,,,,,,a73d7,7, O3T None
55555555 55555559 55555595 55555955 55559555 55595555 99999999 59555555 95555555
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_trbl intersection2 bothlines predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O5T', predict the raw pixels
I0 14 4 l05,,,l25 O0 14 4 4,,,l42 I1 10 5 h05,h25,h05,, O1 10 5 4,h42,4,, I2 5 14 5c0,5c2,5c0,,,,,,,,,,, O2 5 14 4,2c4,4,,,,,,,,,,, I3 13 14 c05g0,,,,,,,,,,,,c25g2,c05g0 O3 13 14 4,,,,,,,,,,,,c42g4,4 I4T 5 11 05b0,,,,,,,25b2,05b0,, O4T None I5T 9 13 e05a0,,,,,,,,,,,e25a2,e05a0 O5T None
444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444 444444244 444444444
dataset=solve_cross group=cross lr_tb color0 intersection predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c

Version 1

ARC-AGI Tasks where the job is to identify how 2 lines are intersecting, what line is the top-most, bottom-most.

example count: 3-4.

test count: 1-2.

image size: 3-6.

Version 2

image size: 3-10.

Verison 3

image size: 3-15.

Added new task type: Identify from an intersection point, what are the lines that goes through the intersection point.

Version 4

Earlier predictions added to some of the rows.

Version 5

Added fields: arc_task, test_index, earlier_output.

Version 6

Replaced RLE compressed response with raw pixel response.

Downloads last month
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