Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie
Christian Bale star late Apple CEO Steve Jobs upcoming biopic director Danny Boyle. Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin confirmed decision upcoming interview Bloomberg Television today, adding Oscar-winning actor even audition role. "We needed best actor board certain age range that’s Chris Bale," Sorkin said. "He didn’t audition. Well, meeting." Bale among actors reported contention lead role, along Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Bradley Cooper, Leonardo DiCaprio. The still-unnamed film based Walter Isaacson's 2011 biography Jobs, shooting begin within next couple months. Sorkin, best known writing The West Wing The Social Network, says Bale lot work set, though he's confident abilities. "He words say movie people three movies combined," told Bloomberg. "There isn’t scene frame he’s in. So it’s extremely difficult part gonna crush it."
No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing
Critics slammed Vogue’s recent Kimye cover “disgusting,” what’s happening offices lately even worse! RadarOnline.com learned New York City’s dirtiest rats rolled red carpet welcome Anna Wintour Vogue staffers swanky new offices Freedom Tower. According insiders, pesky rodents invaded infamous accessories closet made presence known leaving droppings desks, computers, pricey couture! “The office over-run Vogue staff secretly whispering rats could cosmic payback Anna’s decision put Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover,” Vogue staffer revealed. “There much backlash, this!” Condé Nast Vogue recently decamped Times Square new digs One World Trade Center, move gone without hitch. PHOTOS: From Vogue To Vagina – Kim Kardashian Poses Nude For Paper Magazine’s 2014 Winter Issue – See The NSFW Photos! Vogue occupies floors 25 26, “this rats taken residence,” source said. “Condé Nast floors 20 44, rats confined Vogue floors only. Hey, New York City rats smart: know good stuff is!” “The famed accessories closet, put together designer wares old office, taking shape rats got it,” source revealed. “There droppings floor, shoe boxes chewed into.” “The rats appear gotten via venting, worked even staffers moving in,” source explained. “Walls moved accommodate last-minute design changes Anna Condé Nast, it’s assumed rats got in.” PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Match In Blazers In The Big Apple Now, source said, “A strict food drinks policy people’s work stations issued infestation gone.” (The source said pin-thin Wintour does, fact, normally allow staffers eat office.) But meanwhile, “It’s unnerving come work morning, find rat droppings computers, desks!” source said. “Anna isn’t amused top pest control experts hired get problem dealt quickly.” Gawker, broke story, says Wintour told assistants pristine office must rat-free enters. PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian Shows Off Purse Daughter North Painted For Her Birthday, While Out With Kanye West New York City rats notorious able survive floods, snow storms, force nature….have finally met match Anna?” A rep magazine didn’t immediately respond request comment.
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings
With Apple's media event week away company expected offer final details Apple Watch ahead April debut, The New York Times new report sharing new tidbits device. Among interesting details existence unannounced "Power Reserve" mode watch display time cut functions battery begins run critically low, preserving basic functionality watch. The report also notes Apple Watch widely tested Apple employees, company work conceal many prototypes disguising resemble Samsung smartwatches. Sources also provided context Wall Street Journal article last month discussed many originally planned health features Apple Watch dropped due consistency issues. According The New York Times' sources, decision drop many features came 18 months ago, refuting off-target reports recent weeks claiming cuts come last minute.Nearly two years ago, company experimented advanced health monitoring sensors tracked blood pressure stress, among variables. Many experiments abandoned 18 months ago sensors proved unreliable cumbersome, people said. Apple long ago decided first version product, would include heart rate sensor sensor tracking movement, market device fitness-tracking companion iPhone. Previous reports indicated Apple still working technologies, could appear future versions Apple Watch. Today's report reveals additional insight development process, noting Apple Watch coming bit later originally hoped due technical challenges likely exacerbated loss several engineers working project. Google's Nest Labs, headed iPod pioneer Tony Fadell, responsible poaching several key Apple Watch employees. Apple's media event take place 10:00 AM Pacific Time Monday, March 9 Yerba Buena Center Arts San Francisco. The company offer live video stream event, MacRumors provide full coverage event. Related roundup: Apple Watch , Tag: nytimes.com
Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — The leader Nigeria’s Islamic extremist group Boko Haram denied agreeing cease-fire government said 200 kidnapped schoolgirls converted Islam married off. In new video released late Friday night, Abubakar Shekau dashed hopes prisoner exchange get girls released. “The issue girls long forgotten I long ago married off,” said, laughing. “In war, going back,” said video received The Associated Press way previous messages. Nigeria’s chief defense staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh, Oct. 17 announced Boko Haram agreed immediate cease-fire end 5-year-old insurgency killed thousands people driven hundreds thousands homes northeast Nigeria. But attacks abductions continued extremists week seizing Mubi, town 200,000 people. Fighting also continued Friday Vimtin, nearby village Badeh born. Shekau August announced Boko Haram wanted establish Islamic caliphate, along lines IS group Syria Iraq. Fleeing residents reported hundreds people detained infractions extremists’ version strict Shariah law several towns villages control. Boko Haram’s kidnapping 276 schoolgirls taking exams boarding school remote northeastern town Chibok April prompted international campaign release criticism Nigeria’s government acting quickly free them. Dozens girls escaped first couple days, 219 remain missing. Unconfirmed reports indicated girls broken several groups may carried across borders Cameroon Chad. The government said negotiated two Boko Haram leaders Chad, talks hosted President Idriss Deby, confident girls would freed soon. But Boko Haram many factions. Shekau’s announcement discredits government President Goodluck Jonathan, Thursday formally announced candidacy elections Feb. 14, 2015 Africa’s populous nation. Nigeria, 160 million people, divided almost equally Muslims dominate north Christians south. The West African nation biggest oil producer continent biggest economy. Jonathan’s failure curtail insurgency many corruption scandals expected dim chances success. The election, though, expected hotly contested since People’s Democratic Party took power decades military dictatorship ended 1994. Dozens ruling party legislators defected coalition All Progressives Congress, losing PDP majority lower house Parliament. But coalition weakened inability choose presidential candidate, primaries December contested three powerful northerners Muslim. Jonathan, Christian minority southern tribe, criticized ignoring unwritten party rule alternate power Christian Muslim leaders, adding religious ethnic dimension election.
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official
Afghanistan veteran Sam Arnold uploaded spine-chilling video US Marine getting direct headshot Taliban sniper—only saved kevlar helmet. It's incredible watch, especially face relief disbelief impact victim. That really close call. According Arnold, "the Marines conducting joint helicopter raid Now Zad district, Helmand Province 2013. The shot occurs right :45 mark video."
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — The leader Nigeria’s Islamic extremist group Boko Haram denied agreeing cease-fire government said 200 kidnapped schoolgirls converted Islam married off. In new video released late Friday night, Abubakar Shekau dashed hopes prisoner exchange get girls released. “The issue girls long forgotten I long ago married off,” said, laughing. “In war, going back,” said video received The Associated Press way previous messages. Nigeria’s chief defense staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh, Oct. 17 announced Boko Haram agreed immediate cease-fire end 5-year-old insurgency killed thousands people driven hundreds thousands homes northeast Nigeria. But attacks abductions continued extremists week seizing Mubi, town 200,000 people. Fighting also continued Friday Vimtin, nearby village Badeh born. Shekau August announced Boko Haram wanted establish Islamic caliphate, along lines IS group Syria Iraq. Fleeing residents reported hundreds people detained infractions extremists’ version strict Shariah law several towns villages control. Boko Haram’s kidnapping 276 schoolgirls taking exams boarding school remote northeastern town Chibok April prompted international campaign release criticism Nigeria’s government acting quickly free them. Dozens girls escaped first couple days, 219 remain missing. Unconfirmed reports indicated girls broken several groups may carried across borders Cameroon Chad. The government said negotiated two Boko Haram leaders Chad, talks hosted President Idriss Deby, confident girls would freed soon. But Boko Haram many factions. Shekau’s announcement discredits government President Goodluck Jonathan, Thursday formally announced candidacy elections Feb. 14, 2015 Africa’s populous nation. Nigeria, 160 million people, divided almost equally Muslims dominate north Christians south. The West African nation biggest oil producer continent biggest economy. Jonathan’s failure curtail insurgency many corruption scandals expected dim chances success. The election, though, expected hotly contested since People’s Democratic Party took power decades military dictatorship ended 1994. Dozens ruling party legislators defected coalition All Progressives Congress, losing PDP majority lower house Parliament. But coalition weakened inability choose presidential candidate, primaries December contested three powerful northerners Muslim. Jonathan, Christian minority southern tribe, criticized ignoring unwritten party rule alternate power Christian Muslim leaders, adding religious ethnic dimension election.
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot
Claim: Deandre Joshua murdered testifying grand jury Ferguson. FALSE Example: [Collected via email, December 2014] Deandre Joshua, 20 murdered testifying grand jury ferguson, MO case. Supposedly found far Brown's body & covered lighter fluid. It post I saw FB & wondered true. Origins: Shortly 20-year-old man named Deandre Joshua killed Ferguson, Missouri, 24 November 2014, rumors started circulating around Internet connecting young man's murder non-indictment Officer Darren Wilson controversial shooting death Michael Brown. The details Joshua's death gruesome. According Washington Post, Deandre shot head burned inside car. The incident occurred night protesters took streets Ferguson protest grand jury's decision indict Darren Wilson. These circumstances, coupled fact Joshua friend Dorian Johnson, Mike Brown night death, led many believe Joshua's murder way connected Wilson's non-indictment: This Deandre Joshua. This 20 year old man testified Grand Jury case Darren Wilson. He shot killed Tuesday. His body found, lighter fluid it, far Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown. Why broken windows front page news, face? However, documentation Deandre Joshua testified grand jury. According Boston Globe , names witnesses kept secret, anyone disclosed information would face misdemeanor charge. Additionally, Joshua's family friends told New York Times nowhere near scene Mike Brown shot killed, prosecutors confirmed grand jury witness: According family members, friends law-enforcement officials, however, Joshua nowhere near Canfield Drive Brown killed confrontation Wilson Aug. 9 witnessed shooting. And McCulloch's office, remained tight-lipped Wilson investigation, confirmed Joshua offer testimony proceedings. "He witness," said Ed Magee, spokesman county prosecutor. Deandre Joshua witness shooting Michael Brown, testify grand jury. The connection Joshua case childhood friend Dorian Johnson (who witness shooting): As 2 December 2014, Deandre Joshua's death still investigation police. It unclear killed Joshua so, clear Joshua's death retaliation grand jury testimony Brown case." <!-- kmn_size = '300x250'; kmn_placement = '1c8834441f20e22a0aef009c095a6cab'; //--> <!-- google_ad_client = "pub-6608306193529351"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel = "0054321535"; google_color_border = "000000"; //-->
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi
Adding Apple's iOS 8 launch troubles, report Monday claims operating system's "Reset All Settings" feature hardware wiping user preferences also deletes data stored iCloud Drive. As discovered MacRumors, issue presents iPhone iPad users attempt reset preferences via device's Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings option. The feature allows users troubleshoot possible iOS issues reverting system settings back factory baselines. As OS X 10.10 Yosemite, subsequently iCloud Drive, yet available consumer download aside Apple's public beta testing program, effects consumers non-existent. However, large number untrained public beta participants opting service iOS 8, problem could become serious. According report, one iPad user performed reset found local iWork documents deleted, consequently wiped documents cloud tablet synced iCloud. It appears data first-party apps connected iCloud Drive affected bug, though users seeing issue play described. In cases, files delete upon syncing iCloud, data remains untouched. It suggested users back iCloud Drive documents local computer prior performing Reset All Settings operation. iCloud Drive Apple's solution cloud storage, syncing collaboration. The system allows seamless file transport storage across iOS, OS X Windows, enabling advanced features like document editing, asset tagging drag-and-drop data management. Apple activate iCloud Drive alongside release OS X Yosemite later fall, bringing company's The feature already rolled beta testers, well iCloud.com beta website, supports access editing stored documents.
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley
In video titled "A Message America," ISIL militants beheaded man say American reporter James Wright Foley.
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley
The Islamic State released video jihadists beheading American journalist James Wright Foley Syria. The video almost five minutes long includes threats President Barack Obama United States. In video, temporarily available YouTube since removed, terrorists remind audience Obama authorized military action IS replayed Obama’s press conference announced airstrikes. To declaration “slippery slope towards new war front Muslims.” Foley appears knees orange jumpsuit. He relays message US government true killer. He addresses family well. The message choppy, gives appearance reading cards placed front camera. His executioner speaks appears British accent, saying many Muslims worldwide accepted IS war IS is, essence, war Muslims. The UK one Islamic State's active targets recruitment. After beheads Foley, presents camera another journalist, Steven Joel Soltoff, worked Time The National Interest. Soltoff reported missing middle last year. The executioner said America’s next move determine IS’s next move appears threat second journalist. Foley independent journalist Middle East. In 2011, one four journalists kidnapped Qaddafi’s forces Libya, said interview Boston Globe, “You don’t want defined guy got captured 2011... believe front-line journalism important.” He spoke Northwestern University experience Libya. His family set website help find Foley since disappearance Syria Thanksgiving 2012.
Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others
Some real estate agents really know tip. A Michigan pizza delivery driver got shock life Thursday receiving $2,000 tip delivering pizza group realtors, Detroit Free Press reported. Pizza House delivery manager Brian LeFevre told paper received call Thursday morning man requested one pizza delivered Sheraton Hotel Ann Arbor "at 2:20 p.m. dot." The driver escorted conference room filled 200 real estate agents. A video posted YouTube shows driver, identifies Rob video whose last name released, stopped handed pizza. He's presented $2,084, Visa gift card lottery tickets. For mobile users, click watch video LeFevre said Rob worked restaurant six years. Stacey McVey, team leader Keller Williams Greater Cleveland West, told Free Press company's annual conference, agents agreed pitch show someone service industry appreciation. "People service industry, I think they're pretty under-appreciated. It's lot fun something like this," said.
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled'
Eran Cicurel, editor Voice Israel, quoted YPG fighters familiar situation Kobani, saying Gill Rosenberg captured IS. Cicurel's claims contradict IS claims, made announcements IS-affiliated websites Samoach al-Islam, al-Platform Media, Twitter Rosenberg captured. Earlier day, IS media sources even alleged video coming soon. Considering scale yesterday's IS advance, story appeared plausible. Close friends, comrades, supporters also voiced credible concern Rosenberg's Facebook page. The YPG fighters noted, Cicurel, Rosenberg city Hoban time IS claims abducted. They also called story "mere propaganda". While confirmation per se, Cicurel's claims, addition circumstantial evidence, made story Rosenberg's capture implausible. Established Israeli sources exclusively ran story purporting primary sources reporting Rosenberg's capture. The Haaretz Israeli News, Times Israel, Jerusalem Post, Ynet News almost immediately published similar reports, media outside Israel either reported story quoted Israeli media. It illegal Israeli citizen travel Israeli-declared hostile state, including Iraq Syria, reason including business media reporting. Rosenberg, age 31, become infamous recent months joining YPG fighters Kobani despite illegality endeavor. In past 24 hours, IS advance pushed YPG back four fronts, including northern side borders Turkey. However, YPG mitigated many IS gains, due US airstrikes arrival Turkish forces sealing border north. Despite new information, little still publicly known Rosenberg's status time. Pro-IS sources still claiming captured, sources staying quiet. A link added comments story officially confirmed denied. Pictures Rosenberg (Not repost! The article completely original content. These images merely appended informational purposes) Kobani map November 28 (credits @deSyracuse) Kobani map late November 29 (credits @macroarch). Note: Some IS gains pushed back, claims total reversal untrue.
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years
The expensive Apple Watch set go sale April cost around $10,000, according analysis done timepiece blog Grail Watch. That's mostly Apple Watch Edition frame made solid 18-karat gold, expensive. Grail Watch notes gold sells $1,200 $1,300 per ounce days. By measure, Apple Watch Edition's frame would cost around $8,300 larger 42mm version, excluding costs. That's assuming watch's case made solid gold, gold-plated. But blog notes Apple's marketing material never uses "gold-plated" "gold-filled," conventional terminology gold-plated materials, Apple must abide laws governing jewelry makers describe products. The conventional wisdom far Apple Watch Edition cost $5,000. Apple announced price low-end Apple Watch Sport, sell $349. But gold-framed luxury watches usually go well $10,000 mark. Cartier's Tank MC lists $22,000 Jager-LeCoultre's Reverso Squadra Hometime lists $23,000. Even Apple Watch Edition sells less analog competitors, still Apple's expensive product. Grail Watch predicts larger Apple Watch Edition go $9,999, smaller version retailing $7,999.
Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past
First lady Michelle Obama’s face reportedly blurred Saudi state television Tuesday president met new Saudi King Salman Riyadh. The new Saudi king shook hands President Obama Erga Palace acknowledge first lady brief aside funeral King Abdullah, Bloomberg View reported. Ads Adblade Get fit holidays. 1 Weird Trick 20+ Yards. 12 Time PGA Winner's Shocking Claim: Ditch Conventional Golf Swing 9 Embarrassing Situations Caught On Camera. Warning: You Never Know Who's Watching... Mrs. Obama wear head scarf funeral, custom woman appearing public Saudi Arabia. Visitors kingdom required abide strict dress code, first lady still criticized social media Saudis using hashtags #Michelle_Obama_Immodest #Michelle_Obama_NotVeiled, Politico reported. Other news organizations, Al Jazeera, showed meeting without censoring Mrs. Obama’s face, Bloomberg reported. The president first lady cut short trip India attend funeral Tuesday. Mr. Obama praised late king statement following death, saying “King Abdullah’s vision dedicated education people greater engagement world,” Bloomberg reported.
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers
The Nigerian military says reached cease-fire violent militant group Boko Haram 200 young women kidnapped group earlier year freed, BBC reports. "They've assured us girls release them," said aide President Goodluck Jonathan, hopes reelected early 2015. "I cautiously optimistic." A spokesperson self-proclaimed secretary general Boko Haram confirmed Voice America Danladi Ahmadu girls released Monday Chad. Ahmadu said kidnapping victims "in good condition unharmed." The Nigerian government would reveal concessions Islamist insurgents. "We inching closer release groups captivity, including Chibok girls," said government spokesperson. Fingers crossed. We monitoring news huge expectations http://t.co/L01FrUFKwz #BringBackOurGirls
CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Celebrities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral
A man rifle shot soldier standing guard War Memorial downtown Ottawa, witnesses said shots fired Parliament Hill nearby. It immediately known injuries. Alain Merisier. works cafeteria Parliament building, told CBC News said saw man car Centre Block long gun. Witnesses said heard shots fired, unconfirmed report person injured outside Library Parliament. Police confirmed shooting War Memorial, sealed area injured soldier given emergency medical aid. He later put ambulance. Scott Walsh, working Parliament Hill, said saw man running double-barrelled shotgun, wearing scarf blue jeans. Walsh said man hopped wall fence surrounds Parliament Hill?, gun forcing someone car. He drove front doors Parliament fired least two shot, Walsh said. Police said man yet custody. The National War Memorial stands Confederation Square heart downtown Ottawa. The Parliament buildings Gatineau Hills background. More come [CUSTOM]
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist
Those caught moniker dictator would apparently "trained" change North Korean citizens hoping name Kim Jong-Un near future luck, leader banned use moniker, ordered already “trained” change it. According Daily Mail, South Korean television obtained leaked internal document state included “administrative order” army, police government officials establish new legislation. “All party organs public security authorities make list residents named Kim Jong-Un... train voluntarily change names,” reportedly reads. Those caught name Kim Jong-Un, continued, would identity cards, school diplomas official documents briskly adjusted. Birth certificates baring dictator’s name would also rejected. “Authorities make sure one making unnecessary complaints spreading gossip... regarding project,” Mail quotes document reading. A spokesperson North Korean Embassy London declined comment authenticity report. However, South Korean official claimed two previous presidents secret state, Kim Il-Sung Kim Jong-Il, similarly banned sharing names. “There possibility would continue now,” added. The document first obtained Park Jin-Hee, North Korean defector working KBS, left state 2008. “There one North named Kim Il-Sung Kim Jong-Il, doubt rule applies Jong-Un,” said. The report comes amid speculation Kim Jong-Un banned aides officials smoking foreign cigarettes unpatriotic.
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source
Kim Jong-un broken ankles hospital Pyongyang recovering surgery, according South Korean newspaper. It believed injury direct result excessive weight. The North Korean ruler believed weigh 20 stone, reportedly due heavy drinking overindulgence Swiss cheese. "Kim Jong-un injured right ankle June pushing ahead on-site visits ended fracturing ankles left injury unattended," anonymous source quoted saying Chosun Ilbo, according Daily Telegraph. The 31-year-old leader absent public eye three weeks missed important parliamentary session last week, fuelling speculation ill health. In rare display honesty leader's health, North Korean government finally confirmed last week Kim Jong-un suffering "uncomfortable physical condition", The Guardian reports. The operation ankles reportedly carried mid-September Kim believed still hospital heavy security, amid speculation European doctors flown treat him.
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease
An 85-year-old woman Waco, Texas arrested allegedly kidnapping neighbor’s cats making fur coats. Local residents couldn’t figure cats disappearing, one residents decided hire private investigator. Some even thought saw cats part fur coats. Eventually, investigator successfully videotaped woman stealing neighbor’s cat. According World News Daily Report, woman admitted court tried raise cats, became attached them. Prior caught tape, woman denied allegations. Prosecutors allege retired fashion designer skinned cats basement. The following photo woman wearing one fur coats: fur coat made cats Investigators estimate total 30 coats required make single jacket. Additionally, report 20 skinned cats found crime scene. If found guilty, unnamed woman could spend 18 months prison.
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit
Two nation’s leading experts use deadly force police warning overreaction audio recording purportedly captures sound gunshots killed Michael Brown. The newly surfaced recording, publicly verified investigators, first broadcast CNN. On 12-second clip, possible hear series appears quick pops, followed brief pause another succession rapid shots. St. Louis attorney Lopa Blumenthal client, wishes remain anonymous public, took recording FBI Monday. Blumenthal says counted 11 shots fired. “There's pause, gave pause, I first saw it,” Blumenthal told Yahoo News. “It pause time think deliberate. That mean I'm saying helps one side other. But I know 12-second tape, eight seconds shooting, three-second delay significant period time.” Ron Martinelli Michael Levine, longtime criminal justice consultants, told Yahoo News audio needs authenticated considered evidence importance evaluated. “Pauses may may anything tremendous significance,” said Martinelli, retired officer criminologist specializing police practices. “The answer is: It depends. In end, forensic reconciliation statements forensic facts evidence.” Levine, retired DEA agent law enforcement trainer, said anyone willing put value recording corroborated discrediting themselves. “If gave opinion witness stand, would chewed spit defense attorney, even defense attorney got degree Sears & Roebuck School Law,” Levine said. Blumenthal told Yahoo News qualms bringing recording forward. “There's bad evidence, there's evidence,” Blumenthal said. “It take sides. It helps lead going discover truth. Every little bit helps.” The potential new discovery comes light two weeks Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Brown, unarmed 18-year-old, broad daylight middle residential street. The audio unwittingly captured man taping online web chat inside apartment near shooting scene. On recording, unidentified Ferguson resident heard complimenting friend’s looks video chat, two bursts loud pops erupt background. Blumenthal said client heard noise, paid attention gunshots common neighborhood. The unidenitifed man, said, persuaded come forward. “Even I talked it, dubious type value,” Blumenthal said. “My client I seeking publicity attention all. There's motivation say not." Blumenthal said client interviewed FBI agents recording late Monday. Federal state investigators conducting separate criminal civil rights investigations controversial shooting. Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Wilson attempting tell Brown friend, Dorian Johnson, stop walking middle road, officer realized pair fit description suspects sought theft cigars nearby convenience store. Chief Jackson said scuffle ensued teen struck Wilson face shot fired inside officer’s squad car Brown attempted grab officer’s gun. But Johnson told reporters Wilson aggressor, Brown never went weapon. Instead, Johnson says, officer shot friend Brown trying flee stopped put hands surrender. Wilson, 28, paid leave spoken publicly shooting. Blumenthal said client gave copy recording federal investigators. “(The FBI) thought would important piece investigation,” told CNN. An FBI spokesperson declined address issue recording contacted Yahoo News Tuesday. FBI audio engineers reportedly planning analyze recording authenticity. Mark O’Mara, Florida attorney successfully defended shooting suspect George Zimmerman, told CNN may early judge audio’s significance, scientific review could unearth new evidence. “I look forward hearing tape Mike Brown’s Darren Wilson’s voice saying stop,” O’Mara said. Separate autopsies performed Brown revealed struck least six times, including likely fatal shot top head. Authorities disclosed many times Wilson fired weapon. Veteran forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg listened recording Tuesday. “The gunshots unmistakable," Ginsberg told Yahoo News. By Ginsberg’s count, said, 10 shots recording, said could understand untrained ear might hear more. “I confidently say I heard least 10 shots,” said Ginsberg, worked major investigations Sandy Hook school shooting. “I'm hearing six shots, followed close three seconds pause, followed four shots.” Messages sent Ferguson police seeking information type service weapon assigns officers went unanswered Tuesday. Levine said officers across country commonly carry semi-automatic pistols capacity 15 17 bullets. Any potential pause Wilson’s shooting would weighed statements given investigators, Levine said. Levine said pause “would raise alarm I qualified witness statements officer’s statement conflicts that.” He added, “But I don’t know officer’s official statement here. I don’t think anyone does.” (This story updated 8:30 p.m. CT.) Follow Jason Sickles Twitter (@jasonsickles).
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua
Lebanese authorities holding daughter ex-wife head ISIS jihadist group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, interior minister said. It initially reported wife son self-proclaimed “caliph” arrested November. The woman, named Saja al-Dulaimi, travelling two sons daughter, interior minister Nouhad Mashnuq told Lebanese MTV channel late Wednesday. He said DNA tests showed girl Baghdadi’s child. “Dulaimi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s wife currently. She married three times: first man former Iraqi regime, two sons,” said. “Six years ago married Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi three months, daughter him. Now, married Palestinian pregnant child,” Mr Mashnuq added. “We conducted DNA tests daughter, showed mother girl, girl (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s) daughter, based DNA Baghdadi Iraq,” Mr Mashnuq said.
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing
(DETROIT) In decision that’s expected send shockwaves African-American community—and yet, give much relief teachers everywhere—a federal judge ruled today black women longer independent naming rights children. Too many black children—and many adults—bear names border even words, said. “I simply tired ridiculous names black women giving children,” said U.S. Federal Judge Ryan Cabrera rendering decision. “Someone put stop it.” The rule applies black women, Cabrera singled impoverished mothers. “They worst perpetrators,” said. “They put apostrophes none needed. They think ‘Q’ must. There time Shaniqua Tawanda names dreaded. Now, you’re black girl, hope get name sensible one those.” Few stepped forward defend black women—and black women seemed relieved. “It’s hard keep coming something unique,” said Uneeqqi Jenkins, 22, African-American mother seven survives public assistance. Her children named Daryl, Q’Antity, Uhlleejsha, Cray-Ig, Fellisittee, Tay’Sh’awn Day’Shawndra. Beginning one week, least three white people must agree name black mother name child. “Hopefully see lot black children sensible names like Jake Connor,” Cabrera said. His ruling stemmed lawsuit brought 13-year-old girl whose mother created name using Incan hieroglyphics. “She said would make stand out,” said girl, whose name can’t reproduced The Peoples News’ technology. “But it’s really stupid.” The National Association Elementary School Teachers celebrated Cabrera’s decision. “Oh God, first day school you’d standing sweating, looking list names wondering ‘How I pronounce Q’J’Q’Sha.’?” said Joyce Harmon, NAEST spokeswoman. “Is even English?” The practice giving black children outlandish names began 1960s, blacks getting touch African roots, said historian Corlione Vest. But even admits got hand. “I niece who’s six. I’m embarrassed say I can’t even pronounce name,” said Vest, professor Princeton University. “Whenever I want talk her, I wait looks I wave over.” Cabrera’s ruling exempted black men actually involved children’s lives. Note: This article satire, brought creative minds The Peoples News. It’s real, hope made think.
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated]
The suitcase held number dog's belongings, including pillow, toy, food bowl food A shar-pei cross found abandoned railway station along suitcase belongings. The dog, named Kai, tied railing outside Ayr station Scotland. The Scottish SPCA (Scotland’s Animal Welfare Charity) appealing information. A statement SPCA said: "Regardless act Kai left belongings, cruel incident keen identify person responsible." The suitcase held number dog's belongings, including pillow, toy, food bowl food. Inspector Stewart Taylor said: "The dog microchipped able find name Kai. "We contacted owner registered microchip, stated sold Kai Gumtree 2013. Unfortunately could tell us address person bought him." Abandoning animal offence Animal Health Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 anyone found guilty expect banned keeping animals fixed period life. Inspector Taylor added: "This case highlights potential consequences selling animal online often leads impulse buying pets people know little about."
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage
Islamic State Iraq Syria leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi probably dead, one who's position know sure saying anything. Rumors Baghdadi's death exploded weekend social media along photograph purporting show body. The photo debunked fake several sources appeared doctored version image Albanian militant killed Syria 2013 published Arabic-language Yemeni hournews.net website. But clear what, anything, actually happened Baghdadi. Iraqi officials revealed Thursday U.S. attacks killed one top aides two others. The Iraqi newspaper Al-Sabah reported Monday Baghdadi seriously wounded strikes. The Pentagon weighed matter since Thursday, spokesman Col. Steve Warren told reporters airstrikes directed troop formations Islamist extremist group leaders troops "they likely killed." ISIS emerged major new threat Middle East year adding large portion northern Iraq, including major city Mosul, holdings Syria. It seeking establish new Islamic caliphate challenge existing governments region. President Obama plans major speech Wednesday outline strategy confronting defeating group.
No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days
Talk story make skin crawl. Australian Dylan Thomas, 21, vacation beautiful Bali, Indonesia, body invaded -- spider burrowed skin. He awoke one morning find mysterious red trail stretching abdomen, continued creep higher throughout day. “It someone scratched tip knife,” told Darwin, Australia-based NT News. Concerned, Thomas visited hospital, told could small insect bite. “So according doctors I've come mystery condition,” said Facebook post Oct. 12 included photo scar. “Tad scary.” Later day, Thomas posted another photo showed scar beginning ooze. “It searing burn,” said. Turns out, match-head-sized tropical spider burrowed Thomas’ skin scar appendix removed recently. “Well running tests putting things inside stomach finally found tropical spider that's living inside last 3 days, managed get luckily,” Thomas wrote follow-up Facebook post, showing freshly bandaged scar. “Haven't felt violated life before! Just glad over.” While experience literally got skin, Thomas remained good spirits throughout ordeal, Facebook posts indication. “Still hoping I'm going develop superpowers time I'm home,” wrote, joking fitting new nickname, Spider-Man. “I'll highly disappointed I . . . Until next time catch later Bali.” See photos Thomas' skin-crawling ordeal below.
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Saturday US journalist Luke Somers killed militants operation aimed freeing Al-Qaeda kidnappers Yemen. "US Special Operations Forces conducted mission Yemen rescue US citizen, Luke Somers, foreign nationals held hostage Al-Qa'ida Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) terrorists," Hagel said statement released visit Kabul. "Both Mr. Somers second non-US citizen hostage murdered AQAP terrorists course operation." A grab taken propaganda video released al-Malahem Media December 4, 2014 purportedly shows US hostage Luke Somers, 33, kidnapped year ago Yemeni capital Sanaa, saying life danger A charity involved negotiations said second dead hostage Pierre Korkie South Africa. Hagel added Friday's operation undertaken "there compelling reasons believe Mr. Somers' life imminent danger." "Several AQAP terrorists holding hostages captive killed mission," said. "The rescue attempt took place central Yemen conducted partnership Government Yemen. "Yesterday's mission reminder America's unrelenting commitment safety fellow citizens -- wherever might around world. "I commend troops undertook dangerous mission." Sorry currently accepting comments article.
Tourist dubbed ‘Spider Man’ after spider burrows under skin for days
Forget sweater weather crisp autumn leaves; days, true arrival fall seems marked arrival Starbucks' infamous pumpkin spice latte -- least social media sphere. This year, rumor surfaced sticky sweet craze spawned entirely different pumpkin spice-flavored item: condoms, made Durex. Because safe sex important, matter season is. 🎃 #pumpkinspice pic.twitter.com/kzHSBgw87a — IG:Bennett Kulcsar (@BennettKulcsar) September 8, 2014 The company immediately confirm deny existence product, leaving Internet tizzy. The plot thickened morning, Durex initially tweeted denial deleted it, leading confusion. Finally, though, Durex put rumors rest: unnamed company spokesperson told BuzzFeed Durex would coming pumpkin spice condom. “Durex heard people saying launched ‘Pumpkin Spice’ condom," spokesperson said. "We can’t claim one, love people spice bedroom." Even though pumpkin spice condoms proved myth, Internet still field day. Never forget. pumpkin spice condom available tall, grande, venti *high fives self* *cries* http://t.co/wFbavPiTjh — Tabir Akhter (@tabooradley) September 8, 2014 I'm strangely disappointed pumpkin spice condoms actually thing. Because come on, pumpkin spice! — Corinne. (@corinneeee_xoxo) September 8, 2014 I guess thankful coworkers break pumpkin spice candles pumpkin spice condoms — ohkatieb (@ohkatieb) September 8, 2014 Durex makes pumpkin spice condoms means white girl ever going get pregnant again. — kailin (@ayokailin) September 7, 2014 Don't need pumpkin spice flavored condoms. I use natural birth control like wearing Crocs cargo shorts. — Keith-182 (@rarekeith) September 8, 2014
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax)
Apple may planning hold special event month February, according French Apple-focused website iGen [Google Translate] (via iDownloadBlog). The site's sources, often reliable, suggest event might take place last week February, potentially Tuesday, February 24. The event may see Apple showcasing Apple Watch, set debut April, may also see launch 12-inch MacBook Air. KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo recently predicted upcoming notebook debut March, line late-February unveiling. Rendering 12-inch MacBook Air Martin Hajek Apple's 12-inch MacBook Air rumored feature new ultrathin design away fans introduces revamped trackpad. It may include low-power Core-M processor may first device take advantage new reversible USB Type-C connector, much smaller allows USB cable inserted notebook orientation. Apple may also use event unveil additional details Apple Watch, pricing battery life. An event showing Apple Watch could explain Apple asking developers apps ready launch App Store mid-February, reported last week. It's possible Apple use apps developers demonstrate additional capabilities watch. Though rumored, February event means confirmed point, unclear else Apple might cover addition Apple Watch 12-inch MacBook Air. Update 12:23 PM: Sources speaking 9to5Mac indicated Apple holding late February media event. Related roundup: Apple Watch , Tag: igen.fr
A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner
Eran Cicurel, editor Voice Israel, quoted YPG fighters familiar situation Kobani, saying Gill Rosenberg captured IS. Cicurel's claims contradict IS claims, made announcements IS-affiliated websites Samoach al-Islam, al-Platform Media, Twitter Rosenberg captured. Earlier day, IS media sources even alleged video coming soon. Considering scale yesterday's IS advance, story appeared plausible. Close friends, comrades, supporters also voiced credible concern Rosenberg's Facebook page. The YPG fighters noted, Cicurel, Rosenberg city Hoban time IS claims abducted. They also called story "mere propaganda". While confirmation per se, Cicurel's claims, addition circumstantial evidence, made story Rosenberg's capture implausible. Established Israeli sources exclusively ran story purporting primary sources reporting Rosenberg's capture. The Haaretz Israeli News, Times Israel, Jerusalem Post, Ynet News almost immediately published similar reports, media outside Israel either reported story quoted Israeli media. It illegal Israeli citizen travel Israeli-declared hostile state, including Iraq Syria, reason including business media reporting. Rosenberg, age 31, become infamous recent months joining YPG fighters Kobani despite illegality endeavor. In past 24 hours, IS advance pushed YPG back four fronts, including northern side borders Turkey. However, YPG mitigated many IS gains, due US airstrikes arrival Turkish forces sealing border north. Despite new information, little still publicly known Rosenberg's status time. Pro-IS sources still claiming captured, sources staying quiet. A link added comments story officially confirmed denied. Pictures Rosenberg (Not repost! The article completely original content. These images merely appended informational purposes) Kobani map November 28 (credits @deSyracuse) Kobani map late November 29 (credits @macroarch). Note: Some IS gains pushed back, claims total reversal untrue.
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel
Glenn Beck Wednesday expressed fear 11 jets reportedly seized radical Islamist groups Libya past month could used cause extraordinary damage United States, even jets never leave Middle East. How? Extremists could crash planes oil fields oil-rich countries U.S. dependent. Beck speaking Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) jets Bachmann remarked: “There’s really two concerns. One, planes could used similar way used 9/11 United States. They could used as, essentially, flying bombs — oil fields, buildings strategic targets. Number two, [a] plane could loaded terrorists, could land commercial aircraft American city somewhere, European city. [They could] deplane, go about, carry maybe Mumbai-type disaster. So there’s multiple ways planes could used.” “Oil fields,” Beck repeated. “The thing said feels true oil fields. … We’ll know airplane — that’s one missing airplanes — could take Libya skies Saudi Arabia lightning speed, crash it.” Bachmann said routes, flight Saudi Arabia deviates course, Saudis 90 seconds neutralize threat could cause tremendous harm. “It’s little time have,” said. Watch complete interview, below:
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures'
India going serious public sector reforms Prime Minister Narendra Modi. So turning work quarter century OK, one civil servant found recently. India's Central Public Works Department (CPWD), press release dated Jan. 8, 2015, announced dismissal senior electrical engineer employed department 35 years. He worked first 10. It sounds like CPWD could use bit reorganisation. The employee stopped turning work 1990, inquiry launched 1992. The department seems forgotten 13 years: Charges clearly established six years ago, Verma apparently remained employment another eight years sacked today. It's clear press release whether paid whole period. In 2014, German civil servant admitted done work last 14 years, Verma beats decade.
ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come
President Obama declared entire world “appalled” beheading American journalist militants Syria, vowed America would change course Iraq, United States conducting airstrikes terrorists, despite threats group kill another reporter days ahead. “The United States America continue must protect people,” Mr. Obama said brief statement Martha’s Vineyard, vacationing. “We vigilant relentless.” Before speaking reporters, Mr. Obama said placed phone call parents James Foley, slain reporter, telling Americans “are heartbroken loss.” He described Mr. Foley “journalist, son, brother friend “taken us act violence shocked conscience entire world.” But president’s harshest emotional words reserved Islamic State Iraq Syria, militants released video killing Mr. Foley Tuesday. American intelligence agencies Wednesday verified authenticity video, shows masked man decapitating James Foley, American journalist kidnapped Syria nearly two years ago. It also shows another American captive, journalist Steven Sotloff, warns would next die. The president called ISIS “cancer” region accused “rampaged across cities villages, killing unarmed civilians cowardly acts violence.” He said committed torture rape innocent women children continued enslave kill. “No faith teaches people massacre innocents,” Mr. Obama said. “No God would stand yesterday every single day. People like ultimately fail. They fail future people build destroy.” The killing Mr. Foley triggered fierce response. The New York Daily News The New York Post used banner headline front pages: “Savages.” Prime Minister David Cameron Britain released statement saying “the brutal murder James Foley shocking depraved.” At United Nations, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued statement condemning ISIS “the horrific murder journalist James Foley, abominable crime.” Mr. Ban said “the perpetrators horrific crimes must brought justice.” The four-minute, 40-second video posted YouTube website later took down. Titled “A Message America,” shows Mr. Foley kneeling desert landscape, clad orange jumpsuit apparent reference uniforms worn prisoners American military detention camp Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Standing left masked ISIS fighter begins speaking English, sounds like East London accent. Pulling knife, says Mr. Foley’s execution retaliation recent American airstrikes ordered Mr. Obama extremist group Iraq.
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name
(DETROIT) In decision that’s expected send shockwaves African-American community—and yet, give much relief teachers everywhere—a federal judge ruled today black women longer independent naming rights children. Too many black children—and many adults—bear names border even words, said. “I simply tired ridiculous names black women giving children,” said U.S. Federal Judge Ryan Cabrera rendering decision. “Someone put stop it.” The rule applies black women, Cabrera singled impoverished mothers. “They worst perpetrators,” said. “They put apostrophes none needed. They think ‘Q’ must. There time Shaniqua Tawanda names dreaded. Now, you’re black girl, hope get name sensible one those.” Few stepped forward defend black women—and black women seemed relieved. “It’s hard keep coming something unique,” said Uneeqqi Jenkins, 22, African-American mother seven survives public assistance. Her children named Daryl, Q’Antity, Uhlleejsha, Cray-Ig, Fellisittee, Tay’Sh’awn Day’Shawndra. Beginning one week, least three white people must agree name black mother name child. “Hopefully see lot black children sensible names like Jake Connor,” Cabrera said. His ruling stemmed lawsuit brought 13-year-old girl whose mother created name using Incan hieroglyphics. “She said would make stand out,” said girl, whose name can’t reproduced The Peoples News’ technology. “But it’s really stupid.” The National Association Elementary School Teachers celebrated Cabrera’s decision. “Oh God, first day school you’d standing sweating, looking list names wondering ‘How I pronounce Q’J’Q’Sha.’?” said Joyce Harmon, NAEST spokeswoman. “Is even English?” The practice giving black children outlandish names began 1960s, blacks getting touch African roots, said historian Corlione Vest. But even admits got hand. “I niece who’s six. I’m embarrassed say I can’t even pronounce name,” said Vest, professor Princeton University. “Whenever I want talk her, I wait looks I wave over.” Cabrera’s ruling exempted black men actually involved children’s lives. Note: This article satire, brought creative minds The Peoples News. It’s real, hope made think.
Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group
By Sylvia Westall BEIRUT (Reuters) – Iraqi pilots joined Islamic State Syria training members group fly three captured fighter jets, group monitoring war said Friday, saying first time militant group taken air. The group, seized swathes land Syria Iraq, flying planes captured al-Jarrah military airport east Aleppo, said Rami Abdulrahman, runs Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights. Reuters immediately able verify report U.S. Central Command said aware Islamic State flying jets Syria. U.S-led forces bombing Islamic State bases Syria Iraq. The group regularly used weaponry captured Syrian Iraqi armies overrun several military bases but, report confirmed, would first time able pilot warplanes. “They trainers, Iraqi officers pilots (former Iraqi president) Saddam Hussein,” Abdulrahman said. “People saw flights, went many times airport flying skies outside airport coming back,” said, citing witnesses northern Aleppo province near base, 70 km (45 miles) south Turkish border. Witnesses reported flights low altitude lasted five 10 minutes landing, Observatory said. It possible reach Syrian government comment state media mention report. It clear whether jets equipped weaponry whether pilots could fly longer distances planes, witnesses said appeared MiG 21 MiG 23 models captured Syrian military. U.S. MILITARY KEEPING “CLOSE EYE” “We’re aware ISIL conducting flight operations Syria elsewhere,” U.S. Central Command spokesman Colonel Patrick Ryder said, using former name Islamic State. “We continue keep close eye (Islamic State) activity Syria Iraq continue conduct strikes equipment, facilities, fighters centres gravity, wherever may be.” General Lloyd Austin, head U.S. military’s Central Command, said could confirm Iraqi pilots joined Islamic State. “We don’t operational reporting ISIL flying jets support ISIL activity ground I cannot confirm that. And degree pilots may defected joined ranks ISIL, I don’t information either,” told Pentagon news briefing. Pro-Islamic State Twitter accounts previously posted pictures captured jets parts Syria aircraft appeared unusable, according political analysts diplomats. The countryside east Aleppo city one main bases Islamic State Syria. The al Qaeda offshoot controls third territory Syria, whose civil war pitting various rebel groups regime President Bashar al-Assad raged three years. (Additional reporting Oliver Holmes Beirut Phil Stewart David Alexander Washington; Editing Gareth Jones)
Met police denies reports of Banksy arrest
Elusive graffiti artist Banksy’s cover blown unceremoniously arrested vandalism, conspiracy, racketeering counterfeiting. Well that’s US website National Report would believe. The bogus story alleged infamous street artist arrested following raid London studio. It ‘outs’ Paul Horner, 34-year-old born Liverpool says held “without” bail, along four other, unnamed individuals. Banksy's publicist Jo Brooks confirmed Independent viral story hoax. Indeed quotes accompany piece date back identical spoof February last year, claimed Banksy arrested charges outed as, yep, Paul Horner. So basically internet recycling hoaxes. Lazy.
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City
Durex denies rumors ‘pumpkin spice’ flavored condom. Oh gourd hoax! The arousal pumpkin spice flavored condom made rounds internet weekend, Durex confirmed autumnal-themed birth control fake. “Durex heard people saying launched ‘Pumpkin Spice’ condom. We can’t claim one, love people spice bedroom,” Durex spokesperson told BuzzFeed. Pumpkin spice finds way everything: coffee, cupcakes candles surprise social media buzz fake photo released. Because safe sex important, matter season is. 🎃 #pumpkinspice pic.twitter.com/kzHSBgw87a One user tweeted, "Because safe sex important, matter season is." The photo appears altered image Durex's flavored "Taste Me" selection condoms, come apple, banana, strawberry orange. jsettembre@nydailynews.com
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada
Rumors Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed airstrike circulated Iraqi social media Sunday, along photograph purportedly showing bloodied jihadi leader. The speculation backed several unconfirmed Iraqi media reports, maintained Baghdadi slain US airstrike several days ago. However, later Iraqi reports said IS leader severely wounded chest near Syrian border receiving medical treatment. The reports could independently confirmed. Washington expanded month-long air campaign Iraq’s Sunni Arab heartland, hitting Islamic State fighters west Baghdad troops allied tribesmen launched ground assault Sunday. The new strikes deepen Washington’s involvement conflict significant escalation President Barack Obama, made political career opposing war Iraq pulled US troops 2011. Previous strikes — since US air campaign began August 8 — mainly support Kurdish forces north. US warplanes bombed IS fighters around strategic dam Euphrates River area jihadists repeatedly tried capture government troops Sunni militia allies. “We conducted strikes prevent terrorists threatening security dam, remains control Iraqi security forces, support Sunni tribes,” Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said. “The potential loss control dam, catastrophic failure dam — flooding might result — would threatened US personnel facilities around Baghdad, well thousands Iraqi citizens,” added. AFP contributed report. Read more: Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain | The Times Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/iraqi-social-media-rumors-claim-is-leader-slain/#ixzz3CemgIdtk Follow us: @timesofisrael Twitter | timesofisrael Facebook
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley
We’ve seen traditional depictions God cloud-dwelling figure flowing mane white beard. But now, Catholic priest America apparently claimed God female, officially died 48 minutes following massive heart attack. According unverified report, Father John Micheal O’Neal, 71, briefly went heaven met ‘warm comforting’ motherly figure doctors battled save life Massachusetts General Hospital. Although doctors feared religious cleric would suffered brain damage, woke 48 hours later recovered heart attack. Recalling experience, priest apparently said engulfed feeling unconditional love met God, described mother-like ‘being light’. He said: ‘Her presence overwhelming comforting. MORE: Would let baby nap outside sub-zero temperatures? MORE: Honeymooner survives fall 4,000ft cliff front bride ‘She soft soothing voice presence reassuring mother’s embrace. ‘The fact God Holy Mother instead Holy Father doesn’t disturb me, everything I hoped would even more.’ O’Neal reportedly said continue spread word God, despite Archbishop Boston moving rubbish claims ‘Holy Mother’. He added: ‘I wish continue preaching. I would like share new knowledge Mother, Son Holy Ghost Catholics even Christians. God great almighty despite woman.’
Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch
Less two weeks Aaron Sorkin said Christian Bale would play Steve Jobs screenwriter's forthcoming biopic late Apple co-founder, Bale dropped project. According The Hollywood Reporter, Bale "came conclusion right part decided withdraw" negotiations began. Sony, studio releasing film, comment THR report contacted HuffPost Entertainment. Bale becomes second high-profile star bail Sorkin's film within last month. Back October, Leonardo DiCaprio, talks play Jobs, pulled consideration well. "We needed best actor board certain age range that’s Chris Bale," Sorkin said Bloomberg Television recent interview asked Jobs role. "He really phenomenal actor." It's unclear replace Bale lead film, actors rumored included Bradley Cooper, Ben Affleck Matt Damon. Last week, also reported Seth Rogen talks play Steve Wozniak, casting confirmed time. Danny Boyle, meanwhile, still set direct film. He replaced David Fincher, initially attached project. When Fincher departed back April, THR noted wanted Bale play lead role well. For more, head THR.
Setting the record straight on tor
A woman claims Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps’ girlfriend checked rehab allegedly dropped big bomb. Taylor Lianne Chandler, 41, told Radar Online actually born male — never told Phelps. Chandler, whose birth name David Roy Fitch, told website “intersex baby,” partial male partial female genitalia. When teenager, started going Paige Victoria Whitney later underwent surgeries become woman. Taylor Lianne Chandler (Facebook Photo) Taylor Lianne Chandler (Facebook Photo) Chandler said met Phelps, 29, Tinder August. He eventually invited place Baltimore watch Ravens game September that’s things went another level. “One thing led next, made love halftime,” told Radar. “Later, sex again. The intimacy amazing! It first time life someone made feel like true woman.” Chandler said eventually come clean, least try to, sending Phelps email entered rehab October following arrest drunk driving. He reportedly yet respond. As future together, Chandler basically said she’s hopeful counting anything. “Michael brand, dating someone like may best thing,” said. “I hope follows heart people tell him.”
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?
SEVEN girls, aged 13 15, fallen pregnant five-day school trip country’s capital city parents blamed. The schoolgirls, city Banja Luka, went Bosnia Herzegovina capital, Sarajevo. Nenad Babici, National Coordinator Reproductive Health Republika, told Inserbia.info discovered seven schoolgirls fell pregnant school trip. The school Banja Luka taken 28 girls nation’s capital city five-day trip visit museums historic sights city, ranked among finest world. Furious parents demanding know lack teacher supervision, reported Daily Mail. However, Babici blamed parents educating children properly.
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing
A hallucinogenic fungi found growing Queen’s garden Buckingham Palace discovered gardening expert Alan Titchmarsh. The television presenter unearthed fungi Buckingham Palace ITV gardening show called The Queen’s Garden, said: “I won’t eating that.” Titchmarsh came across red white spotted toadstool — called Amanita muscaria, fly agaric — tour private 40-acre plot ecology expert Professor Mick Crawley. Titchmarsh, 65, asks ITV show screened Christmas Day: “Is edible?” Professor Crawley replies: “That depends mean. It’s eaten cultures hallucinogenic affects. But also makes people eat sick. “The old-fashioned thing feed village idiot, drink urine get high without sickness.” Titchmarsh jokingly replies: “I think I’ll forgo stick normal mushrooms.” Then adds: “Not something try home.” Later told The Sun newspaper: “That surprise shows varied species are. I won’t eating that, though, no. My idea hard drugs Nurofen.” On new TV show, Titchmarsh explains gardeners actively encourage mushrooms toadstools. He says: “Every time chop something down, leave wood rot.” Magic mushroom slang term hallucinogenic fungus. The common, illegal form contains drug psilocybin, suggestion grows Palace garden. Last night Palace spokesman told Sun: “For avoidance doubt, fungi garden used Palace kitchens.” The new programme show viewers entire year life Buckingham Palace garden, summer garden parties nocturnal wanderings wildlife heart London. It demonstrate gardeners work tirelessly maintain Queen’s flowers, bearing mind wish see animals insects made welcome gardens, swapping pesticides homemade garlic treatments. Titchmarsh explore bee hives, homes insects deposits Royal mews help cultivate gardens Buckingham Palace, top tips gardeners giving insight Queen’s tastes. The programme, broadcast ITV Christmas Day, also show garden used royal family generations, king planted mulberry trees rival French young Princesses Elizabeth Margaret climbing peer high garden walls. A sandpit used royal children filmed, along oak trees planted decades ago young Prince Wales Princess Royal, grown acorns sown event birth. Titchmarsh, spent 12 months exploring Palace garden changed seasons, seen finishing calendar year Christmas tree mounted Marble Hall, decorated holly mistletoe royal garden festooned festive golden crowns.
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website
Lucita Sandoval apparently filmed sex teenage pupils films smiling giving thumbs A teacher facing sack secretly filmed sex one pupils - video ended porn site. Argentinian beauty Lucita Sandoval unwittingly recorded sex 16-year-old pupil switched camera phone asking teacher turn around. The teenager, wear football shirt throughout 23 minute long video, seen giving thumbs smiling panning round show naked teacher engaging sexual acts him. CEN Lucita Sandoval According newspapers Argentina, 26-year-old Miss Sandoval realises later filmed, appears nothing it. It reported pupil told teacher deleted footage, instead shared friends WhatsApp . The graphic footage shared hundreds times around country even ended pornographic website. Miss Sandoval allegedly faced previous disciplinary hearings school Santiago del Estro inappropriate relationships pupils, nothing done due lack evidence. CEN Lucita Sandoval With emergence video, education authorities said forced act teacher. Miss Sandoval, teaches English school, commented suspended work.
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards
Mounted cannon leaving trail shells wake, black pickup truck hands jihadists Syria brought woe family Texas City plumbers way insignia driver-side door: “Mark-1 Plumbing”. On Monday Chechen-led group linked extremist group Ansar al-Deen, sometime ally Islamic State (Isis) al-Nusra fighters, tweeted photo black Ford F-250 action near Aleppo. Since then, Mark Olberholtzer family near Houston received hundreds phone calls questions threats. Attempts call Olberholtzer family, Mark-1 Plumbing, reached recorded message disconnected line. On Tuesday Mark Olberholtzer told Galveston Daily News mystified: “How ended Syria, I’ll never know.” His son Jeff similarly expressed bafflement KHOU local news: “We intentions idea would happen.” “To think something would use pull trailers, used terror – it’s crazy. Never life would I think something like that,” younger Olberholtzer told KHOU. The Olberholtzers sold truck October 2013 nearby Houston dealership run AutoNation, confirmed Marc Cannon, senior vice-president AutoNation’s corporate communications. Cannon told Guardian AutoNation sent truck Adesa auction house Houston. The car sold auction block local used car dealer, though Adesa yet responded requests identify dealer. An operator auction house told Guardian company bombarded calls, surprised neither plumbers jihadis simply removed logo. From port Houston Olberholtzers’ old F-250 likely made dealership eastern Europe, Africa Middle East, within months changed hands several times finally reached jihadist sympathizer. The truck likely passed Turkey’s porous border, lies hours’ drive Aleppo chaotic battles far removed south-eastern Texas. About erasing logo, elder Olberholtzer told Galveston Daily News AutoNation one middlemen “were supposed done looks like didn’t it”. The plumber 32 years said family received death threats callers “are really ugly”. “We secretary here, she’s scared death. We families,” son told KHOU. “We nothing terror all.” His father message broader world: “I want go away, tell truth.” A representative Mark-1 Plumbing told CBS News plan pursue legal action force Twitter remove photo. The person said sold vehicles would “most definitely” logo removed henceforth. Auction houses, make profit faster turn products, usually sell used cars quickly, exporters often keen pick unwanted vehicles lots. Those exporters ship used cars sizeable market developing nations, battered Ford find long second life, scavengers resurrect lemon dismantle parts.
Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports
Supporters Islamic State Iraq Syria militant group recently circulated pictures “Cub Baghdadi,” say youngest ISIS “martyr” Arabian Peninsula killed Syria. On “The Cub Baghdadi Channel” YouTube, ISIS supporters Oct. 7 published obituary young boy. “In life met, afterlife, hope - ask God see happiness, place boredom. In heaven,” read. The YouTube video featured collage pictures young boy believed 10-years-old. The images, show wearing military clothes carrying arms, cannot independently verified however. Other pictures show posing “martyred” father. The video garnered least 56,296 views Thursday. On Twitter, “Cub Baghdadi Staying” twitter account dedicated boy 4,309 followers Thursday. There mixed reactions reports death. On YouTube, one user commenting said “Oh mother, I die, I martyr God,” another user Twitter said: “God bless cub Baghdadi, picture made cry. I swear I wished I place.” Charlie Cooper, researcher Quilliam Foundation, told The Independent newspaper sharing pictures paying tribute child youngest martyr Arabian Peninsula killed Syria. However, others criticized scorned use children conflict. On YouTube commented said: “Unfortunately everyday child Palestine martyred either conflict, hunger sickness. We see anyone objecting…” Another rebuked use children conflicts YouTube: “Is holy jihad? Brainwashing kids’ brains?” On Twitter user said: “Cub Baghdadi youngest ISIS fighter killed, child Arabian Peninsula came kill Arabs, great upbringing.” Another Twitter user said: “ISIS announced killing youngest jihadist, says heaven 72 Barbie dolls,” apparent reference saying propagated extremist groups men rewarded 72 virgins heaven. The United Nations previously rebuked group using children age 15 accused committing war crimes.
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fabricated Iraq helicopter story
Macaulay Culkin died — least, according death hoax spreading online. The troubled actor, one point reportedly entrenched heroin addiction friends feared months live, subject hoax claiming found dead Manhattan apartment. News Macaulay Culkin allegedly died spread quickly Facebook Twitter, users linking story something called MSNBC.website.com (which entirely separate real MSNBC). The report read: Sources reporting Macaulay Culkin, best known role Kevin McCallister Home Alone sequel Home Alone 2: Lost New York, found dead age 34. Multiple unconfirmed reports say Culkin found dead Friday afternoon Manhattan apartment police responded wellness check requested family member. At least one occupant Manhattan apartment confirmed apartment belongs Culkin police confirmed man’s identity time. “The apartment exceptionally clean found signs abuse foul-play depending coroner make final ruling happened today,” said Det. James Patterson, Manhattan Police Department. It months since last hoax claiming Macaulay Culkin dead. The actor also reported dead back April, Facebook users mourning alleged death even memorial page popping up. “At 11 a.m. ET Sunday (April 20, 2014), beloved actor Macaulay Culkin passed away,” report claimed. “Macaulay Culkin born August 26, 1980 New York. He missed forgotten. Please show sympathy condolences commenting liking page.” Though reps actor denied April reports, yet spoken latest hoax claiming Macaulay Culkin dead.
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq
The heroic sergeant-at-arms shot dead lone gunman Canada's Parliament Wednesday greeted back work lengthy standing ovation. Kevin Vickers, 58, struggled contain emotions members House Commons paid tribute bravery, put end Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's shooting spree. Rousing footage shows Vickers leading ceremonial parade chamber Thursday morning greeted enthusiastic applause members Parliament. He managed stay mostly expressionless throughout standing ovation - simply nodding thanks several times - cheers continued, appeared tear emotion. Scroll videos Overwhelmed: Kevin Vickers, sergeant-at-arms Canada's House Commons, becomes emotional members Parliament applaud Thursday, day shot dead gunman inside building On feet: Members Parliament clap Vickers led ceremonial parade chamber Stoic: He managed keep straight face completed ceremonial parade Thursday morning The rousing standing ovation House Commons continued walked chamber Thankful: After assumes position end chamber, minutes-long applause continues After reaching position end chambers, greeted Prime Minister Stephen Harper, shook hand. Following minute silence, Harper embraced Liberal leader Justin Trudeau Opposition leader Thomas Mulcair read statement expressing thanks bravery security staff. 'We intimidated,' said, CTV News reported 'We vigilant, run scared. We prudent, panic. 'Here are, seats, chamber heart Canadian democracy, work going on.' His speech also came days previous terror attack, man jihadist sympathies ran two Canadian soldiers Quebec, killing one. Following show support, Vickers released statement expressing gratitude. Appreciation: Vickers nodded thanks several times applause continued heroic feat Service: Prime Minister Stephen Harper shakes hands sergeant-at-arms meeting Thankful: He thanked Vickers shooting suspect Wednesday's incident ending terror Humbled: He took role sergeant-at-arms 8 years ago working RCMP 29 years 'I touched attention directed following yesterday’s events,' said. 'However, I support remarkable security team committed ensuring safety Members, employees visitors Hill.' He went on: 'On behalf members House Commons Security Services team, I would like extend deepest condolences family Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. Our prayers you. 'Our thoughts also Constable Samearn Son, House Commons Security Services 10 years. Constable Son suffered gun shot wound leg. He stable condition expected make full recovery.' Vickers served RCMP 29 years assuming role Parliament eight years ago. The sergeant-at-arms charge security House Commons. Despite lengthy service, family members revealed Wednesday's attack first time Vickers ever shot anyone. 'For happen Parliament ... unbelievable,' brother John Vickers told CNN. 'We're relieved he's OK.' His sister, Mary, added Sun News: 'We're always proud Kevin, moment concerned - make serious decision today.' 'He's always natural leader. He would taken decision lightly, I can't stress enough - would always expect would expect men women him.' Heroic: He took Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, pictured - first ever exchange gunfire career Hailed hero: MPs line shake hands sergeant-at-arms Thursday morning Determined: Prime Minister Stephen Harper tells House Commons initimated Vickers' family gathered homes hometown Miramichi, New Brunswick talk previous shows leadership. The National Post explained Vickers dispatched Burnt Church wharf 14 years ago native non-native fisherman scrapping. He often visited off-duty ready listen fishermen helping resolve arguments. 'The inspector real community man,' Bobby Sylliboy, longtime band constable Burnt Church First Nation, said. 'He professional. And use force, would life death.' Relatives added Vickers' constable son, Andrew, also selfless leader saved drowning woman three years ago. After Wednesday's fraught events, MPs hailed Kevin Vickers hero. Riveting video: Vickers led way officials chased terrorist Michael Zehaf-Bibeau Wednesday murdered reservist Nathan Cirillo entered House Commons building Inches disaster: The terrifying morning attack happened outside MPs' caucus rooms Job done: Kevin Vickers, Canada's House Commons' sergeant-at-arms, looks around hallways gun hand shooting dead attacker, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, Wednesday morning 'I writing note behalf husband myself. No words express sadness feeling time. 'We sad man lost life. He lost everything leaves behind family must feel nothing pain sorrow. We send deepest condolences although words seem pretty useless. We crying them. We also wish apologize pain, fright chaos created. 'We explanation offer. I mad son, I understand part wants hate time. You write son vulnerable, know, (he) lost fit in. I mother spoke last week lunch, I seen five years that. So I little insight offer. We wish part media circus, think add anything conversation. Please respect privacy although many may feel deserve ... Once sorry.' 'MPs Hill staff owe safety, even lives, Sergeant Arms Kevin Vickers shot attacker outside MPs' caucus rooms,' tweeted New Democrat MP Craig Scott Wednesday. Matt Miller, Vancouver Observer's parliamentary bureau chief, concurred. 'Kevin definitely hero,' Miller told CNN. Vickers serves largely ceremonial role House Commons, carrying scepter wearing rich green robes, white gloves tall imperial tricorne hat. A fit, tall 6-foot-4, Vickers spends many lunch breaks running order stay fit. He also carries 9mm pistol work. Both things appeared come extremely handy Vickers took parliament terrorist Wednesday. 'It's Kevin Kevin,' cousin Keith told CBC. 'He's intelligent responsible person. He's people person-type fellow, too, want mess him.' He called action Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ran towards National War Memorial 10am Wednesday shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo, single dad, abdomen. He ran towards Parliament opened fire, shooting dozens shots politicians journalists barricaded doors inside. Video taken inside Ottawa's House Commons shows rush armed police running toward unseen suspect. Victim: Nathan Cirillo, 24, standing guard memorial fatally shot abdomen Remembered: A Canadian flag flies half staff top Peace Tower Parliament Thursday Patrol: Members Ottawa Police stand guard front War Memorial one day attack Vigilant: A police officer patrols hallway near entrance Parliamentary Library Thursday Chilling: Bullet holes seen window rotunda House Commons Ottawa Thursday At head pack man - Vickers - moving swiftly gun toward Zehaf-Bibeau. Vickers takes aim fires multiple shots, killing gunman. As shots echo throughout hall, video goes wobbly men behind leader Vickers move cover. It since emerged gunman - whose full name Michael, Joseph, Paul, Abdallah Bulgasem Zehaf Bibeau - recently converted Islam length history petty crime. He also recently designated 'high-risk traveler' Canadian government passport seized, according reports. On Thursday, mother Susan Bibeau, sits country's Immigration board, released statement saying shocked shooting spree and, long estranged son, unable shed much light carried crime. Tribute: Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited scene shooting Thursday morning lay flowers All quiet: Evidence tags seen steps memorial Harpers walk away Remembered: Flowers card Corporal Cirillo seen foot War Memorial She said felt pain victims - loss son. 'We crying them,' told Associated Press. 'We also wish apologize pain, fright chaos created. 'We explanation offer. I mad son, I understand part wants hate time. You write son vulnerable, know, lost.' On Thursday, flags flown half-mast across Canada shocked still fearful Ottawa awoke. Harper MPs stopped lay wreath war memorial - prime minister arrived, police wrestled man ground getting close leader, CTV reported. Security remains tight around Parliament, politicians staff returned work Thursday. The grounds, nearby streets war memorial still closed visitors. Solemn: Canada's Minister National Defence Rob Nicholson (center) Chief Defence Staff General Tom Lawson (right) prepare lay wreath National War Memorial Thursday Fallen: The wreath stands memorial Corporal Cirillo shot dead Wednesday Honoring fallen: An unidentified man prays placing flowers near National War Memorial Arrest: An uniendtified man arrested disturbing crime scene Harper visited area Queen Elizabeth released statement country saying saddened events. 'Prince Philip I shocked saddened events Ottawa. Our thoughts prayers affected' said. Cirillo, Hamilton, Ontario, remembered generous man fitness fanatic, rescued dogs bringing kindergarten age son own. 'He amazing guy,' Michelle Howlett, briefly dated Cirillo summer, told Washington Post. 'He real sweetheart. He son real great father. He exceptional person.'
Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000
Apple took leap wearable space announcement Apple Watch earlier September year, revealing device start $349. Now rumors suggest gold stainless steel editions Apple Watch may set consumers back $5,000 $500, respectively! Apple revealed would release three collections - Sport Collection, Watch Collection Edition Collection, would composed aluminum, stainless steel gold cases, respectively. It anticipated company would three basic price points, would vary depending band choice perhaps size. Now, according French website iGen.fr, stainless steel version Apple Watch start $500, whereas gold variant wearable may start $4000 $5000. "Apple Watch Stainless Steel (polished black sidereal) would proposed $ 500. The Edition model yellow pink gold would sold $4,000 $ 5,000 (translated)," reveals iGen.fr. The French website cites reliable sources basis information. iGen.fr track record dependable publication reported dimensions impending iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6 smartphones Apple correctly. Previous estimates industry experts pegged top-end gold Apple Watch's pricing $1000 $5000. The Edition Collection fashioned 18K gold sapphire crystal. This variant Apple Watch also come several expensive strap options. Apple, however, disclosed whether chassis variant Apple Watch solid gold simply gold plated. According iGen.fr's sources, Apple Watch release Feb. 2015 Valentine's Day. Both resellers distributors fervently preparing mid-Feb release Apple Watch next year per site. Apple SVP Retail Online Stores Angela Ahrendts' leaked video employees let slip company would release Apple Watch Spring next year. With pricing stainless steel gold variants Apple Watch veering towards expensive, seems aluminum version poised low-end model. It interesting see consumers willing spend bomb smartwatch whose performance known.
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports
British intelligence agencies MI5 MI6 identified man suspected horrific beheading American journalist James Foley, according UK media reports. The hooded man English accent believed 23-year-old Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, known fellow Islamic State militants Jihadi John. The former rapper left family home affluent west London suburb last year fight civil war Syria. In early August tweeted photo wearing military camouflage black hood, holding severed head left hand. British SAS forces hunting Foley's killers, using range high-tech equipment track potentially free hostages. The Mail Sunday reporting "significant force" SAS personnel deployed northern Iraq past two days, joining local units fighting IS. They fanned four-man teams, accompanying Iraqi Kurdish troops effort find British jihadis. The Sunday Times reports Bary key focus man hunt. He one British jihadists former hostages referred Beatles British accents. The two others called "George" "Ringo". >Share story Facebook The two Britons suspected involvement crime Aine Davis, former drug dealer converted Islam, Razul Islam, believed joined terrorist group murdered Foley. Bary son Egyptian-born militant awaiting trail terrorism Manhattan, due alleged involvement bombing US embassies Kenya Tanzania 1998. Before leaving family home fight Syria, Bary aspiring rapper known L Jinny whose music played one UK's popular radio stations, BBC Radio 1. Recordings songs prove vital investigating team, experts using voice recognition technology match voice man brutally decapitated Foley. Bary made number music videos songs, titles Flying High, Dreamer Overdose. It believed indoctrinated Islamic preacher named Anjem Choudary persuaded join fight Syria.
No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq
(Reuters) - No suspected cases Ebola found Iraq, despite reports contrary Iraqi media past week, World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday. Describing reports suspect cases deadly viral infection Mosul "rumor", Geneva-based United Nations health agency said Iraqi health ministry conducted full investigation. "All sources contacted negated existence suspected cases Ebola," WHO said statement. "The (Iraqi) Ministry Health World Health Organization confirmed laboratory facilities Mosul necessary capabilities diagnose confirm Ebola virus." Reports suspected Ebola cases appeared Dec. 31 Iraq's Al-Sabah newspaper, Rudaw online newspaper Shafaq news agency relayed media outside Iraq, prompting WHO Iraqi authorities investigate.
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’
SEVEN girls, aged 13 15, fallen pregnant five-day school trip country’s capital city parents blamed. The schoolgirls, city Banja Luka, went Bosnia Herzegovina capital, Sarajevo. Nenad Babici, National Coordinator Reproductive Health Republika, told Inserbia.info discovered seven schoolgirls fell pregnant school trip. The school Banja Luka taken 28 girls nation’s capital city five-day trip visit museums historic sights city, ranked among finest world. Furious parents demanding know lack teacher supervision, reported Daily Mail. However, Babici blamed parents educating children properly.
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas
The scuttlebutt sources Detroit one Batmobile models used filming Batman Vs. Superman gone missing, believed stolen. It would first time Batmobile nicked Detroit. Though $200 replica TV Series version back 2o10. Anyway, driving around get overtaken this… …do get touch. Warner Bros representatives respond inquiries.
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater
Thousands social media users distributing unverified photo claims show body ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi purportedly killed US airstrikes three senior members ISIS, including aide al-Baghdadi also killed US air strikes. Talking NBC News, senior Iraqi official confirmed deaths Thursday. The strike ISIS stronghold Mosul killed Abu Hajar al-Sufi, aide al-Baghdadi, well explosives operative military leader nearby Tal Afar, source said. Al Arabiya cited Iraqi Defence Ministry saying Baghdadi’s aide killed. Pentagon Spokesman Col Steve Warren could confirm deaths said ISIS leaders targeted. But added ISIS leaders embedded “inside troop formations likely killed”. The US carrying airstrikes across north Iraq brutal terrorists ISIS gained ground murderous sweep June. A number news outlets websites published unverified photo news death al-Baghdadi US airstrikes.
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic
Apple reportedly relying Samsung’s chip-building talents mass-produce brand-new chip Apple Watch device’s launch nears. The S1 system-in-package (SiP) Apple mostly secretive smartwatch’s introduction contains various components top Samsung’s chip, including mobile DRAM, NAND flash, peripheral chips, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering providing SiP modules. FROM EARLIER: It looks like Samsung finally developing worthy rival Apple Watch Moto 360 According Digitimes’ sources, Samsung orders Apple make 3,000 4,000 12-inch wafers month, using 28nm process technology, Apple Watch expected launch point March. The Apple Watch expected become another important revenue source Apple, though analysts disagree device’s sales performance first year. Some expect Apple sell impressive number smartwatches converting plenty existing iOS users first-gen Apple Watch buyers. Samsung reportedly making secret new chip Apple WatchSamsung reportedly making secret new chip Apple Watch Digitimes says others revised downward number first-gen Apple Watch shipments low 10 million units 2015, although seem optimistic device’s second-generation model presumably offer stronger battery life important improvements.
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden
A luxe Viking island owned world's sixth-richest athlete, golfer Tiger Woods, sale, Telegraph London reports. Naturally room putting practice, half dozen tee boxes golf hole. It also private ferry, stables pasture land, protected bay, "mini-mansion" villa, hunting lodge landing strip. Oh -- also "hill fort" dating back Stone, Bronze Iron ages recently (about thousand years ago) Viking stronghold. Visitors take forest trails top views like ancient man might seen. Listing agent Sabine Rollinger Vladi Private Islands confirmed Telegraph report: "This island owned Tiger Woods, divorce need island Sweden anymore." Called Stora Rullingen, Lake Malaren, hour Stockholm. Three international airports within 60 miles. CLICK PHOTO FOR SLIDESHOW. CLICK PHOTO FOR SLIDESHOW. Woods married Elin Nordegren, former model born raised Stockholm, 2004. They two children -- daughter Sam June 2007 son Charlie February 2009 -- marriage unraveled Charlie baby. Nordegren learned Thanksgiving 2009 Woods cheating her, soon after, public one-man SUV crash revealed marital problems world. Subsequent news reports said dalliances involved perhaps dozen women. Their divorce finalized August 2010. Vladi Private Islands declines disclose asking price except upon application, listing Private Islands Online prices property 6 million euros, $7.1 million today's exchange rates. The Vladi listing pegs property 62 acres; Private Islands Online says 82 acres.
Updates 5:10 p.m. Soldier killed War Memorial confirmed Cpl. Nathan Cirillo Suspect, reportedly Canadian-born Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, killed Centre Block shootout Police call situation ‘fluid'; won’t say suspects involved Downtown security zone reduced size: Ottawa police, 5:09 p.m.: Three victims treated Ottawa Hospital Civic campus School lockdown lifted except inside security zone Click Audio: Paramedics give soldier's status dispatcher vital signs absent. A terrorist struck heart nation Wednesday, gunning sentry National War Memorial wreaking havoc Parliament Hill marble stone halls echoed gunfire ran blood. The gunman shot killed near Library Parliament, reportedly House Commons Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers, former RCMP officer, man responsible security Hill. It appears gunman walked right past Centre Block’s Reading Room, Prime Minister Stephen Harper meeting caucus Wednesday morning. Citing U.S. intelligence sources, CBS identified attacker Canadian-born Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32. That independently confirmed. The fatal showdown Centre Block followed cold-blooded slaying Cpl. Nathan Cirillo standing guard Tomb Unknown Soldier, short distance away Parliament Hill. That soldier, reservist Argyll Sutherland Highlanders Canada, based Hamilton, shot close range front war memorial 9:52 a.m. He rushed Ottawa Hospital’s Civic Campus, survive injuries. It unclear whether gunman acting alone joined attack others, attack, gunman fled toward Parliament Hill, according witness accounts. Parliament Hill large swaths downtown Ottawa went lockdown Ottawa police, RCMP special forces pursued confusing unconfirmed reports gunshots near Rideau Centre Chateau Laurier. At one point, officials believed least three gunmen could involved. It still unclear late afternoon Wednesday many people took part attack, police said shooting near downtown mall all. City Hall, Ottawa courthouse, Lisgar Collegiate University Ottawa among many institutions went emergency lockdown. The NHL postponed Ottawa Senators game scheduled Wednesday night, National Arts Centre cancelled two performances. Inside Parliament Hill, gunman — likely one shot National War Memorial sentry — stormed Centre Block NDP Conservative caucuses convened 9:15 a.m. meetings. The Liberal caucus meeting basement. Prime Minister Stephen Harper party’s caucus gunman entered second floor Centre Block, escorted safety RCMP security team. Across hall, NDP caucus room, 100 MPs aides piled tables chairs front doors heard gunshots crash Centre Block 10 a.m. “A series gunshots rang realized right side door,” NDP MP Charlie Angus told Citizen. Parliament Hill security officers rushed politicians building, Liberal MP Marc Garneau among them. “You could smell gunpowder,” said. Security officers pursued gunman Hall Honour, near Library Parliament, exchanged hail gunfire. One guard wounded confrontation killed terrorist. It’s believed Vickers fired shots killed him. A video shot Globe Mail reporter Josh Wingrove showed crouching RCMP officers moving main hall toward Parliamentary library, hallway echoed gunfire. “I safe profoundly grateful Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers security forces selfless act keeping us safe,” Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino said Twitter. Justice Minister Peter MacKay offered similar praise: “Thank God Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Canadian security forces.” The injured guard taken The Ottawa Hospital non-life threatening leg injury. The Ottawa Hospital also treated two people injured incident. The attack serious security breach Parliament Hill since 1966, unhinged man, Paul Chartier, tried blow 10 sticks dynamite floor House Commons. He killed explosives detonated could throw them. Wednesday’s shooting National War Memorial represents second time week Canadian soldier come attack national soil. On Monday, 25-year-old Martin Rouleau, Saint-Jean-sur-Richeleau, southeast Montreal, used car assault two Canadian soldiers, one later died wounds. Rouleau convert Islam whose online postings become radical RCMP confiscated passport. The attacks could reaction homegrown extremists federal government’s decision join international coalition battling Islamic State Iraq Levant (ISIL) Middle East. Parliament approved motion launch combat mission ISIL earlier month. “Canada terrorized intimidated,” senior Conservative cabinet minister Jason Kenney declared Twitter message. Wednesday’s attack began ground National War Memorial, dedicated fought died country. Witnesses said long-haired gunman, dressed dark hoodie, blue jeans wrapped scarf, opened fire one two guards Tomb Unknown Soldier. The gunman used long rifle kind, possibly shotgun. Construction worker Matthew Blais working near East Block heard described bunch “pops.” “I looked War Memorial I saw man rifle shooting innocent people,” Blais said. “We ducked cover.” Raivo Nommik, lighting designer, walking past National War Memorial shots fired: “(The soldier) shot close range: It couldn’t 20 feet.” Tourist Jan Lugtenborg, Netherlands, said waiting near memorial tour bus. “Then sudden happens: I heard four shots. I thought firework,” said. Lugtenborg said saw man long, black hair running rifle. “We scared like hell ran back,” said. Chaos ensued. Witnesses don’t agree happened next. Some said gunman ran toward Parliament Hill. Others said carjacked vehicle first. Blais said saw man jump green car. “He parked right front Parliament ran building,” said. Another witness, Construction worker Scott Walsh, working near East Block saw man run Parliament Hill, carjack vehicle man dark suit, drive Centre Block. The NDP’s Angus described wild scene inside party’s caucus room first shots fired Hill. “We put flimsy little tables get people behind get chairs,” said. “We wanted make sure everyone safe. Security came fairly fast — I surprised fast came — I could see look eyes worried. We know them. We talk every day. They wanted us building.”
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11
Years ago, I job China I evaluated spoken English college students. One bright young woman introduced Chinese name. Then added: "You call 'Easy.' That's English name." I paused, thought moment, decided say something. "You might want consider changing name," I said, explaining—as delicately possible—that "easy" unfortunate name woman. Mortified, thanked tip. "I'm going go change name now," said. People China adopted English names decades. Many choose ones resemble birth names: Chinese boys named "Da Wei," common name, almost invariably become "David." Others find inspiration singers, athletes, politicians, movie stars. In first year China, I taught five different boys called "Tom Hanks," thanks part Castaway's success. Most "English" names I encountered conventional, though others—like aforementioned "Easy"—were less appropriate. (I also taught boy named "Fish" who, perhaps inspired certain musical artist, preferred render name drawing it.) Sweets-inspired names "typically thought ‘non-smart girl’ names, ‘stripper’ names." CCTV, China's state-run broadcaster, wants solve problem. In article published English-language channel, network laid series guidelines name yourself. For example, avoid naming food item ("Candy"), famous person ("Obama"), old person ("Gertrude"). If name "Satan," says CCTV, people might think anti-Christian, worse, "member heavy metal band." Proper traditional names, like "Michael," "William," "Elizabeth," hand, imply fancy conservative family. Sweets-inspired names "typically thought ‘non-smart girl’ names, ‘stripper’ names." One wonders certain American celebrities might also benefit guidelines. For instance, here's CCTV say using food name: "Food hit miss. And usually miss. One issues food names 'very' suggestive." Gwyneth Paltrow, take note.
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea
One passenger Dulles International Airport outside Washington, D.C. apparently taking chances. A female passenger dressed hazmat suit — complete full body gown, mask gloves — spotted Wednesday waiting flight airport. Another traveler snapped photo woman provided The Daily Caller. Thomas Eric Duncan, first person diagnosed Ebola American soil, layover Dulles last month traveling West Africa Texas. He died last week. Health officials said passengers airport risk exposure Ebola Duncan symptomatic time flight. SEE THE PHOTO:
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift
New Delhi: AK Verma, executive engineer Central Public Works Department, fired last appearing work December 1990. "He went seeking extension leave, sanctioned, defied directions report work," government said statement Thursday. Even inquiry found guilty "wilful absence duty" 1992, took another 22 years intervention cabinet minister remove him, government said. Government fires employee skipped work 24 years AK Verma, executive engineer Central Public Works Department, fired last appearing work December 1990. #india #government job #ak verma #absence India's labour laws, World Bank says restrictive anywhere, make hard sack staff reason criminal misconduct. States, led Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh, recently changed law make easier hire fire staff, move welcomed industry leaders opposed labour unions. Prime Minister Narendra Modi cracked rampant absenteeism making New Delhi bureaucrats sign work using fingerprint scanner. The results publicly available online - www.attendance.gov.in - real time.
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi
DNA tests confirmed daughter ex-wife head Isis, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, indeed held Lebanese authorities. There conflicting reports identity woman, Iraqi official denying Wednesday al-Baghdadi's ex wife. But Lebanese interior minister confirmed today woman child detained 10 days ago northern Lebanon travelling fake ID fact ex wife daughter terrorist leader. Islamic State (IS) group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi addresses worshippers mosque Mosul, established self-declared caliphate across Iraq Syria July 5, 2014 The woman, named Saja al-Dulaimi, travelling two sons daughter, Interior Minister Nouhad Mashnuq told Lebanese MTV channel late Wednesday. He said DNA tests showed girl Baghdadi's child. 'Dulaimi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's wife currently. She married three times: first man former Iraqi regime, two sons,' said. 'Six years ago married Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi three months, daughter him. Now, married Palestinian pregnant child,' Mashnuq added. 'We conducted DNA tests daughter, showed mother girl, girl (Baghdadi's) daughter, based DNA Baghdadi Iraq,' minister said. The woman, named Saja al-Dulaimi (pictured), travelling two sons daughter, Interior Minister Nouhad Mashnuq told Lebanese MTV channel late Wednesday He gave details Dulaimi's nationality, security source said believed Iraqi. Mashnuq offered information current husband, although said investigations showed woman ties extremists Lebanon. Dulaimi's children children's care centre interrogated, said. Mashnuq also confirmed arrest wife Anas Sharkas, leader Al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate Al-Nusra Front. Dulaimi among group female prisoners released Syrian jails March, exchange 13 nuns ancient town Maalula held Al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate Al-Nusra Front. The Islamic State (IS) group yet comment publicly Dulaimi's detention, Al-Nusra, despite feud Baghdadi's group, issued statement condemnation. It described 'sister Saja al-Dulaimi' said arrest women children evidence 'weakness' Lebanese state. Sources said detention Dulaimi Sharkas's wife could help Lebanese struggle negotiate release 27 members security forces held jihadists IS Al-Nusra. The soldiers police abducted militants two groups briefly overran Lebanese border town Arsal August. The fighters withdrew truce negotiated clerics, took 30 hostages, three executed.
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen
American fears may realized. One five Taliban members released Guantanamo Bay exchange Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl believed returned militant activity Qatar. CNN’s Barbara Starr reported Thursday one Taliban Five may reverted back terrorism. Over last months, one men released reached militants. The administration suspects may threat. The White House already facing renewed criticism deal made summer. Many experts criticized plan, saying set precedent negotiate exchange prisoners terrorist groups. The government Jordan indicated willing trade attempted suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi Jordanian fighter pilot Lt. Muath al-Kasaesbeh. This week, NBC reported Pentagon charge Bergdahl desertion although charges made yet. Obama brought Bergdahl mother June 1, 2014, Rose Garden promote deal brought soldier home. The slew news surrounding transfer vindicates skeptical deal White House made without notifying Congress, required law. At every turn, decision proven bad deal America’s security.
Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been arrested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse
A woman detained Lebanese authorities wife Islamic State leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sister man convicted bombings southern Iraq, Iraq’s interior ministry said. “The one detained Lebanese authorities Saja Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, sister Omar Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, detained authorities sentenced death participation … explosions,” ministry spokesman said Wednesday. “The wives terrorist Al-Baghdadi Asmaa Fawzi Mohammed al-Dulaimi Esraa Rajab Mahel al-Qaisi, wife name Saja al-Dulaimi,” said. The spokesman said Saja Dulaimi fled Syria detainees authorities. She part group female detainees freed exchange release group nuns captured Islamist rebels Syria, said. Security officials Lebanon said Tuesday Lebanese army detained wife daughter Baghdadi crossed Syria late last month. They picked northern Lebanon woman found fake passport, officials said. Investigators questioning Lebanese defence ministry.
This Is a Truly Horrifying Story About a Spider
Word Durex rolling pumpkin-spice-flavored condom swept social media weekend: The autumnal-themed birth control may well internet invention, riff Starbucks’ wildly popular coffee drink. The photo tweet appears altered version Durex’s flavored “Taste Me” range condoms, come apple, strawberry, banana orange, (yet) pumpkin. There corporate announcements new offering. Several emails Durex’s parent company, Reckitt Benckiser, Virgo Health, PR company handles communications Durex, didn’t yield conclusive answer. A spokeswoman Virgo Health said couldn’t say whether company actually developing thing. Reckitt Benckiser growing Durex brand emerging markets, Quartz reported earlier, transforming “sexual well-being brand.” But plans holiday-themed contraception remain mysterious, possibly imaginary, even ones involving certain cult cinnamon nutmeg-laced spice flavor.
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there'
In case missed it, Vogue Magazine, one glamorous institutions country dealing least glamorous issue ever: rat infestation. The rodents literally living Vogue’s new luxurious digs 1 World Trade Center New York City. Reportedly, rats took residence Anna Wintour’s office moved magazine’s world famous accessories closet. Gawker reported critters made Vogue’s infamous editor-in-chief scared enter office without taking precautions first. “The infestation acute, one source said, fashion title’s editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour, recently issued standing order: Staffers must ensure personal office rat-free enters it…” A source told People that: “the girls work see droppings everywhere. It’s nasty.” The rats also reportedly eaten holes shoe boxes left droppings floor accessories closet. It’s believed Vogue’s newest office mates made way office ventilation system. Anna Wintours New Office One WTC via Hamish Bowles Instagram (Photo via Instagram) Anna Wintour’s new office. Call petty, headline made gag, also made laugh hysterically. I know vermin infestations laughing matter many hilarious visuals headline conjures up. I keep picturing rats happily nibbling Michael Kors dresses they’re camembert cheese. I also can’t get image Anna Wintour frantically directing Vogue staffers hands knees verify office rat-free. It seems like something episode Ugly Betty scene sequel The Devil Wears Prada (which I would totally watch way). Vogue Staffers Packing Up Via Vogue Instagram (Photo via Instagram) If you’re worried Anna deal crisis, never fear. Apparently Ms. Wintour calling Olivia Pope rat exterminators. A source allegedly told Radar.com following: “Anna isn’t amused top pest control experts hired get problem dealt quickly.” I guess situation getting handled. In meantime, I’ll keep picturing rats chasing models around halls Vogue’s new offices. You reach post's author, J. Assita Camara, twitter.
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen'
Mounted cannon leaving trail shells wake, black pickup truck hands jihadists Syria brought woe family Texas City plumbers way insignia driver-side door: “Mark-1 Plumbing”. On Monday Chechen-led group linked extremist group Ansar al-Deen, sometime ally Islamic State (Isis) al-Nusra fighters, tweeted photo black Ford F-250 action near Aleppo. Since then, Mark Olberholtzer family near Houston received hundreds phone calls questions threats. Attempts call Olberholtzer family, Mark-1 Plumbing, reached recorded message disconnected line. On Tuesday Mark Olberholtzer told Galveston Daily News mystified: “How ended Syria, I’ll never know.” His son Jeff similarly expressed bafflement KHOU local news: “We intentions idea would happen.” “To think something would use pull trailers, used terror – it’s crazy. Never life would I think something like that,” younger Olberholtzer told KHOU. The Olberholtzers sold truck October 2013 nearby Houston dealership run AutoNation, confirmed Marc Cannon, senior vice-president AutoNation’s corporate communications. Cannon told Guardian AutoNation sent truck Adesa auction house Houston. The car sold auction block local used car dealer, though Adesa yet responded requests identify dealer. An operator auction house told Guardian company bombarded calls, surprised neither plumbers jihadis simply removed logo. From port Houston Olberholtzers’ old F-250 likely made dealership eastern Europe, Africa Middle East, within months changed hands several times finally reached jihadist sympathizer. The truck likely passed Turkey’s porous border, lies hours’ drive Aleppo chaotic battles far removed south-eastern Texas. About erasing logo, elder Olberholtzer told Galveston Daily News AutoNation one middlemen “were supposed done looks like didn’t it”. The plumber 32 years said family received death threats callers “are really ugly”. “We secretary here, she’s scared death. We families,” son told KHOU. “We nothing terror all.” His father message broader world: “I want go away, tell truth.” A representative Mark-1 Plumbing told CBS News plan pursue legal action force Twitter remove photo. The person said sold vehicles would “most definitely” logo removed henceforth. Auction houses, make profit faster turn products, usually sell used cars quickly, exporters often keen pick unwanted vehicles lots. Those exporters ship used cars sizeable market developing nations, battered Ford find long second life, scavengers resurrect lemon dismantle parts.
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa
A man genitals chopped thrown street angry mob India allegedly sexually assaulting young woman. It happened Ganganagar north-western state Rajasthan, graphic scenes captured video. According local authorities, extreme action response high-profile incidences sexual attacks India. World-wide condemnation greeted gang-rape student bus two years ago, shook image country. Alleged attacker Suresh Kumar, 40, molested teenager street, screams help alerted crowd came aid. Kumar dragged nearby butcher's shop beaten heavily sticks nearly hour, according reports. Vigilantes hacked genitals meat cleaver, throwing street. The incident left Kumar critical condition. A reported witness said action intended send message sexual assault tolerated. Aamir Dhawan, 30, said: "We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, time stopped. "This sends strong message anyone like - punished." A police spokesman, called attackers hand in, said: "As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice." Related2015 UN Millennium Development Goals: Brazil Hits Target But Others Failing Poverty EducationIndia: Girl Burned Alive For Refusing Stop Using Mobile PhoneIndia: Consider Husband Son Under Sharia, Clerics Tell Woman Raped Father-in-LawIndia: Girl Raped Killed Defending Father BeatingIndia Independence Day Speech: PM Narendra Modi Says 'Our Heads Hang Shame' Over RapesOver Half Indian Children Have Faced Sexual AbuseIndia: Fashion Shoot Depicting 2012 Delhi Gang Rape Murder Sparks Global Outrage
Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them
Jose Canseco injured accidental shooting home, 8 News Now reporting. The former Oakland Athletics slugger house east Las Vegas shooting occurred. This story developing... SEE ALSO: Police Are Investigating Sexual Assault Allegations Against Jose Canseco After A Series Of Bizarre Tweets
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney
A new rumor making rounds today claims recent trip Germany Apple CEO Tim Cook overheard telling retail employee waterproofing Apple Watch improved since unveiled last year, apparently even worn shower, device shown first time company didn’t say waterproof enough worn swimming taking shower. The rumor iGen.fr claims Cook speaking employees retail store Berlin told wears Apple Watch everywhere, “even shower.” It kept mind though Apple Watch unveiled last year company said device good wearing rain, getting sweaty workout washing hands. There mention showers swimming pools. While possible Apple tweaked watch enough good tasks well, one can’t discount possibility Cook might simply misheard, we’ll really wait device arrives find resistant water. The Apple Watch start shipping customers April. Filed Apple >Gadgets. Read Apple Watch tim cook.
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?
The Indian government sacked civil servant went leave 1990 never came back work. Urban development minister M Venkaiah Naidu said case "wilful absence" proved electrical engineer AK Verma. Mr Verma investigation since 1992, refused co-operate, minister said. Correspondents say absenteeism pervasive problem government-run offices India. Mr Naidu said statement Mr Verma joined Central Public Works Department 1980. He risen rank executive engineer 1990, went leave. An inquiry set 1992, formal proceedings dismiss begun 2007. It took seven years department reach decision dismiss him. It clear whether paid time off. Falling absenteeism India's bureaucracy become notorious high levels absenteeism. A report 2012 labelled India's government machinery worst Asia. Schools also faced problems, teachers failing turn work huge numbers. Last August, state school Madhya Pradesh sacked teacher absent 23 years 24-year career. Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised curb slack working practices took office last year. The AFP news agency reports makes unannounced visits government offices, absenteeism since plummeted.
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals
Judicial Watch reported ISIS members crossed Mexican border.
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament
A prominent Saudi Arabian cleric reportedly issued fatwa building snowmen, arguing practice goes Islamic teachings. “It permitted make statue snow, even way play fun,” declared Sheikh Mohammed Saleh al-Munajjid, Reuters reported. Ads Adblade Don't resigned weight gain holiday season. This customized approach could work you. How I learned 9 languages learning even more, could too. Ancient New Testament passage aligns modern cure deadliest disease [VIDEO] Quoting Muslim scholars, Sheikh Munajjid argued build snowman create image man, action considered sinful kingdom’s strict interpretation Sunni Islam, Reuters reported. “God given people space make whatever want soul, including trees, ships, fruits, buildings on,” reportedly wrote ruling. No date set implementation fatwa government comment, The Telegraph reported. Anyone trained Islamic law issue fatwa, formal legal opinion, based knowledge law.
Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says
On day Michael Brown buried, Ferguson man released claims new evidence case. CNN reporting audio unnamed man says video chat woman shots rang August 9. In recording, man speaks woman, quick series shots heard background, followed 4-second pause another quick succession shots. CNN reports forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg analyzed recording said detected least 10 gunshots—a cluster six, followed four. Twelve shell casings—all police weapons—were recovered scene. Lopa Blumenthal attorney man made recording. “At time, didn’t really realize importance hearing afterwards,” says. CNN says unable independently verify authenticity tape, turned investigators.
Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial
WOBURN, Mass. (AP) — A 113-year-old, shoebox-sized time capsule removed Thursday head lion statue long sat, hidden plain sight, atop one Boston's famous landmarks. When copper box carefully pried open, revealed least one mystery: red, hardcover book visible title markings. The contents book — rest items box — remain mystery bit longer, deemed fragile remove immediately. The time capsule's presence Old State House recently confirmed. The Bostonian Society, oversees building, expected contain potpourri photographs newspaper clippings period, along missive future generations penned group Boston journalists. "I'm absolutely delighted conditions inside box," said Brian LeMay, society's president, noting little sign mold water damage. Historians feared contents could destroyed box improperly sealed. The time capsule placed inside lion's head 1901 forgotten, even waves tourists visited building served fulcrum British rule northern colonies later first seat Massachusetts state government. In 1770, British soldiers opened fire crowd protesters outside building, killing five came known Boston Massacre. The society first learned possible existence time capsule three years ago great-great-granddaughter Samuel Rogers, craftsman worked renovations building believed placed box lion's head catalogued contents. A 1901 article The Boston Globe surfaced later, alluding contents copper box "which prove interesting box opened many years hence." The box removed Thursday Robert Shure, president Skylight Studios suburban Woburn, copper gold-leaf lion statue brought refurbishing. Shure placed box table used drill tools cut open. The bright red book first object seen inside. Elizabeth Roscio, archivist Bostonian Society, speculated book could Rogers' family history, LeMay less certain. "I'm anxious anyone room grab look inside," said. But Roscio explained avoid possible damage, contents must removed examined temperature-controlled setting. They could go public display Old State House later year. In accepting gift past, society also decided leave one future. A new time capsule, made titanium, inserted back head lion. Suggestions include still solicited, LeMay said, one item medal 2013 Boston Marathon, symbol future generations city's resiliency face tragedy.
No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin
Islamic State brutes fed distraught woman searching kidnapped son meat rice – told eaten son, according British man joined fight ISIS. Yasir Abdulla, 36, Yorkshire left wife four kids battle maniacal extremists Kurdish homeland, The Sun reported. “I hate IS happened old Kurdish woman nearby tribe,” said. “Her son captured IS fighters taken prisoner Mosul. She determined find son went IS headquarters asked see him.” He said thugs told rest long journey offered food taking son. “They brought cups tea fed meal cooked meat, rice soup. She thought kind,” said.“But killed chopped finished meal asked see son laughed said, ‘You’ve eaten him,’” Abdulla told The Sun. Abdulla decided take murderous group came within six miles home Kurdistan. He said bought combat fatigues online assault rifle Kurdish hometown – joined volunteers front lines. “We want attack IS drive forever can’t unless Peshmerga Americans say can,” said, referring military forces Iraqi Kurdistan. Abdulla described jihadists’ terror tactics, including slaughtering prisoners bonfires. “They dig trench, put dry tree branches leaves there, set alight throw prisoners burn alive,” said. “IS good making people scared. If make one person scared person make another person scared soon everyone scared IS.” “But Kurds scared them. Someone stand fight. We got thousands people many villages towns behind us. If fall places fall, can’t happen.” Yasir, returned UK last week, remains confident vows return Iraq help rebels defeat fanatics.
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire
14.3K 3077reddit70 32 (RNS) When Pope Francis recently sought comfort distraught boy whose dog died, pontiff took sort pastoral approach famous — telling youngster worry, would one day see pet heaven. “Paradise open God’s creatures,” Francis said reassuringly. Pope Francis greets crowd way meeting cardinals Vatican Feb. 21, 2014. RNS photo David Gibson Show caption Pope Francis greets crowd way meeting cardinals Vatican Feb. 21, 2014. RNS photo David Gibson This image available Web print publication. For questions, contact Sally Morrow. It sparkling moment rainy November day, setting St. Peter’s Square burnished Francis’ reputation kindly “people’s pope.” The story naturally lit social media, became instant promotional material vegetarians animal rights groups, Friday even made front page The New York Times. There’s one problem: apparently none ever happened. Yes, version quotation uttered pope, said decades ago Paul VI, died 1978. There evidence Francis repeated words public audience Nov. 26, widely reported, boy mourning dead dog. So could fable quickly become taken fact? Part answer may topic pope’s talk crowd day, centered End Times transformation creation “new heaven” “new earth.” Citing St. Paul New Testament, Francis said “the annihilation cosmos everything around us, bringing things fullness being.” The trail digital bread crumbs appears lead Italian news report extended Francis’ discussion renewed creation question whether animals go heaven. “One day see pets eternity Christ,” report quoted Paul VI telling disconsolate boy years ago. The story titled, somewhat misleadingly: “Paradise animals? The Pope doesn’t rule out.” It wasn’t clear pope writer meant, however. The next day, Nov. 27, story Italian daily Corriere della Sera veteran Vaticanista Gian Guido Vecchi pushed headline further: “The Pope pets: “Paradise open creatures.” Vecchi faithfully recounted pope’s talk new creation, also cited Paul VI’s remark. But headline put words Francis’ mouth, became story. The Italian version Huffington Post picked next ran article quoting Francis saying “We go heaven animals” contending pope quoting St. Paul – Pope Paul – making statement console boy lost dog. (That story, way, nowhere Bible.) The urban legend became unstoppable week later translated English picked British press, cited St. Paul saying “One day see animals (the) eternity Christ,” Francis adding phrase: “Paradise open God’s creatures.” Fueling meme fact Francis photographed accepting gift two donkeys company promoting use donkey milk infants allergic cow’s milk – Francis said mother gave donkey’s milk baby. Social media media outlets picked story, conflating statements chronology. It became hot mess story also sparking another theological debate pope known prompting controversy. The New York Times biggest several outlets relating apparently apocryphal tale pets, paradise, Pope Francis. Show caption The New York Times biggest several outlets relating apparently apocryphal tale pets, paradise, Pope Francis. When The New York Times went story, along input ethicists theologians, became gospel truth. Television programs discussed pope’s theological breakthrough, news outlets created photo galleries popes cute animals, others used jumping point discuss religions think animals afterlife. At America magazine, Rev. James Martin wrote essay discussing theological implications Francis’ statements level authority may have. It interesting illuminating, based misunderstanding. A number factors probably contributed journalistic train wreck: The story much going it: Francis took papal name St. Francis Assisi, patron saint environmentalism famously greeted animals brothers sisters. Pope Francis also preparing major teaching document environment, almost since day elected 2013 stressed Christian duty care creation. Francis also blessed blind man’s guide dog shortly elected, affecting image often used connection latest reports concern animals. Moreover, media public primed Francis say novel things disregard staid customs story good check out; fit pattern. In accounts, Francis’ comments also set statements predecessor, Benedict XVI, insisted animals souls. That apparent contrast fit common narrative pitting conservative Benedict ostensibly liberal Francis. That may true areas, probably comes animals. Adding insult injury, Times article cited St. John Paul II saying 1990 animals souls “as near God men are.” But that, too, misquote, media critic Dawn Eden explained website GetReligion. On hand, warnings signs: Francis frowned modern tendency favor pets people, criticized vast amounts money spent wealthy societies animals even children go hungry. In addition, pope’s huge popularity led least one instance myth-making: news reports last year said Francis sneaking Vatican night feed homeless around Rome. The pope personally debunked rumor interview last March, saying idea “has never crossed mind” “depicting pope sort superman, type star, seems offensive me.” Maybe he’ll give another interview deflate latest story, offer real thoughts pets paradise. KRE END GIBSON
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Burrowing Into His Skin Through A Scar
To victor go spoils, Tiger Woods, winner 14 major golf championships one richest athletes planet, spoils include, among things, private island Sweden. Woods, expected make 2015 debut Phoenix Open later month, put 62-acre island near Stockholm market $7.1 million. Hot Property: Tiger Woods CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de Situated Lake Mälaren, private island features villa, hunting lodge, guest quarters, horse stables, dock landing strip propeller planes, well structure historical significance: 11th century Viking stronghold. The main villa, fashioned log cabin style, spans 2,475 square feet chef’s kitchen, dining area living room fireplace. Adjacent villa spa pool built around rock outcrop. Elsewhere grounds six golf tee boxes. lRelated PGA golfer Jim Furyk asks $6 million Maui estate HOT PROPERTY PGA golfer Jim Furyk asks $6 million Maui estate SEE ALL RELATED 8 Two smaller islands 494-acre water area hunting fishing included sale. What’s included furniture; property marketed unfurnished, according Vladi Private Islands, real estate agency holds listing. Woods, whose career earnings eclipsed $1.3-billion mark last year, announced would take part Waste Management Phoenix Open starting Jan. 29, followed Torrey Pines La Jolla February. He limited seven PGA Tour events last year due injury.
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures
Finally, Pope Francis confirms we've always known: All dogs go heaven! During weekly address St. Peter's Square, Catholic leader tried console little boy heartbroken death beloved pup. According multiple reports, Pope Francis told boy, "One day, see animals eternity Christ. Paradise open God's creatures." Of course, viewpoint goes conservative Catholic ideology animals souls (! ), can't go heaven. Some theologians cautioned, per New York Times, Pope Francis "had spoken casually, made doctrinal statement." PHOTOS: The last surviving 9/11 search dog returns memorial site Others within faith, however, took pontiff's words were. "He said paradise open creatures," Rev. James Martin, Jesuit persist editor large America, Catholic Magazine, told Times. "That sounds pretty clear me." It's pretty clear, too, Pope Francis friend four-legged. In fact, took papal name St. Francis Assisi, patron saint animals. NEWS: Hero dog saves owner's life snowmobile crash But, back debate whether furry feathered friends souls not—the late Dr. James Herriot, veterinarian author, tackled head-on story, "The Card Over Bed." In it, wrote encounter "an old woman whose fear may never reunited animals death people say animals soul." Dr. Herriot held old woman's hand told reassuringly, "If soul means able feel love loyalty gratitude, animals better lot humans. You've nothing worry there." Amen.
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram
An alleged attempted rapist India received grisly punishment alleged attack young teenager – angry mob dragged butcher’s shop penis severed meat cleaver. Suresh Kumar, 40, set upon locals city Ganganagar India’s north-western Rajasthan state heard girl’s screams. A mob dragged Kumar away found alley allegedly pinning victim wall – group held vigilante community meeting decide him. He beaten sticks hour, dragged local butcher’s shop organ severed meat cleaver. It thrown street. Kumar still critical condition attack. Local man Aamir Dhawan, 30, said: ‘No one went help man could see penis ground knew punishment sex crime.’ MORE: Masked gang filmed smashing jewellers daring daylight robbery ‘We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, it’s time stopped. ‘This sends strong message anyone like – punished.’ .A police spokesman said: ‘People cannot take law hands. ‘As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice. We ask men carried attack hand find them. The girl treated shock.
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's broken ankles
Late last month, Apple fans joyously spending first days brand new iPhone 6 Plus, rumours began swirl putting phone pocket could irreversibly bend it. Twitter called "#bendgate," ensuing panic-storm got millions people talking perils skinny jeans, phablets, buying Apple products. As turns out, however, #bendgate bust. According Apple, instances phones bending users' pockets "extremely rare," nine customers actually contacting company curved iPhone 6 Plus within first six days sale. So, naturally, little bit skeptical reports seam iPhone 6's body camera lens pulling people's hair (and beards) began surface. #Hairgate #beardgate everywhere week, mainstream news outlets social media users alike fanning fire Apple's latest perceived blunder. Many are, fact, referring #hairgate new #bendgate — we'd agree, based simple fact appear equally legit. "Having reviewed iPhone 6 currently possession iPhone 6 Plus... I report gap front glass aluminium exist," writes Gordon Kelley Forbes. "There bevel, glass front panel actually fused aluminium tiny gap see significantly narrower human hair." Mashable conducted experiment conclude "hairgate bust" article called "The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not Thing." At least 10 people rubbed iPhone 6 hair beards vigorously Mashable's video piece, none getting much snag. "After exhaustive amounts research — we've gone beards, curly hair, long hair, short hair, hair, hair — hairgate thing," concluded Mashable's Christina Warren. "Sorry guys, maybe next time." #Hairgate Not Thing | Mashable MASHABLE·A DAY AGO Many backing website's claims experiences Twitter. While others simply making fun panicked masses trolling jokes #hairgate photos own. And also pointing important flaw argument #hairgate's legitimacy: Who actually uses smartphone make take calls anymore?
See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]
New York (CNN) -- When war reporter James Foley writing GlobalPost recording video AFP appearing PBS "NewsHour," occasionally shared stories blog, aptly titled "A World Troubles." For subtitle, chose famous Carl von Clausewitz sentence "War fought human beings." And exactly Foley sought show reporting: humanity amid horror war. Foley abducted reporting trip northern Syria November 2012. He never heard again. A video published Tuesday extremist group ISIS showed Foley beheaded. It known video recorded. For Foley's family friends, recording answer hoped they'd never hear questions disappearance. "We never prouder son Jim. He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people," mother, Diane, said Tuesday night, She called "an extraordinary son, brother, journalist person." Courageous, generous Foley oldest child Diane John Foley Rochester, New Hampshire. He four siblings. Foley -- Jim friends -- reporting war-torn countries better part four years disappeared Syria. On Tuesday, fellow journalists remembered courage generosity. One friends, Alex Sherman Bloomberg News, wrote Twitter "funny, warm, Big Lebowski-loving guy." Another friend, Max Fisher Vox, praised "dedication truth understanding." Fisher also wrote "Jim's faith something agreed discuss publicly held Syria, wellspring generosity," He recalled Foley helped organize memorial fund photographer, Anton Hammerl, killed Libya 2011. Foley traveling Hammerl two journalists time, three survived wound Libyan jail. Beheading American journalist James Foley recalls past horrors Front-line journalist Foley freed six weeks later. Afterward, video interview Boston Globe, hesitated make story himself, remarking one point "you want defined 'that guy got captured 2011.'" "I believe front-line journalism important, know -- without photos videos first-hand experience, can't really tell world bad might be," said. One journalists detained Foley Libya, Clare Morgana Gillis, said fundraising Hammerl's family "the impulse compelled cut short much-needed break reporting Syria colleague went missing last summer, raise money ambulance Aleppo's Dar al-Shifa field hospital, spent weeks filming plight doctors struggled save lives minimal space equipment." His time teacher For Foley, acts service, entirely unlike time spent Teach America program. He began teaching Phoenix 1996. "He'd promise students he'd take Castles Coasters amusement park would come class everyday," fellow Teach America alum, Sarah Fang, recalled essay 2013. Foley later "taught reading writing inmates Cook County Sheriff's Boot Camp Chicago," according Columbia Journalism Review feature him. Would watch video? His journalism career In mid-2000s decided pursue journalism career, first enrolling Northwestern University's well-respected Medill School Journalism embedding American troops Iraq Afghanistan. While preparing first embed, started blog. Foley freelanced number news media outlets, including GlobalPost, world news Web site founded 2009. In 2012, gravitated toward spiraling conflict Syria. Fang, kept touch Foley years teaching Phoenix, wrote interest story surprise her. "He's always willing step zone one else wants go," wrote. "Jim feels society needs reporters willing bear witness report back facts history-in-the-making. And loyalty colleagues meant wanted frontlines." BuzzFeed Middle East correspondent Sheera Frenkel said last saw Foley week final trip Syria. Drinking beers lobby hotel popular among journalists, talked, said, "how hard move job, life would allow marriage family." "He generous colleague, never holding back tip, phone number, detail could help, could spend hours talking ins outs story get right," Frenkel wrote email message. "Jim great journalist, I think he'd like remembered way, first foremost." After news Foley's killing spread Tuesday, CBS News foreign correspondent Clarissa Ward changed profile picture Twitter photo Foley wearing helmet, flak jacket holding camera. This, said, "is I chose remember James -- brave tireless journalist passion Syrian cause." READ: ISIS beheads U.S. journalist, threatens another Iraq READ: Who's Haider al-Abadi, man lead Iraq?
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag
Islamic State militants sympathisers triumphantly circulating images 10-year-old boy claim 'martyred' fighting alongside father Syria. Describing child ISIS' youngest jihadist, chilling photographs taken alleged death show smiling camera, wearing military fatigues brandishing huge assault rifle. ISIS sympathisers took social media identify 'cub fighter' alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah, adding father killed clashes Syria recent weeks, specifying exactly died fighting against. Sickening: ISIS sympathisers took social media identify 10-year-old 'cub fighter' alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah. He said died fighting alongside father Syria recent weeks Pose: Another picture shows smiling sweetly wearing ammunition vest stands next van converted armoured vehicle large plank wood bull bars Several images, independently verified, emerged social media week video reporting deaths boy father uploaded YouTube September. The original video - distributed pro-Isis media group Al-A'amaq - understood since removed, number photographs boy since widely shared ISIS militants sympathisers social media. One image shows boy standing inside house, grinning struggles hold assault rifle large threatens topple over. Another picture shows smiling sweetly wearing ammunition vest stands next van converted armoured vehicle large plank wood bull bars. Other images show posing man understood father, militants named 'Baghdadi'. In images boy identified Abu Ubaidah seen calmly holding another large rifle surrounded bearded men wearing military clothing. Support: ISIS sympathisers triumphantly circulating images 10-year-old boy claim 'martyred' fighting alongside father Syria Smiling: Describing child ISIS' youngest foreign jihadist, chilling photographs taken alleged death show grinning camera, wearing military fatigues brandishing huge assault rifle Last week 24-year-old Muslim convert admitted taking infant son live among Islamic State terrorists Syrian city Raqqa believes lead 'better life' brutal regime. Asiya Ummi Abdullah denied children unhappy living oppressive rule ISIS' religious fanatics explained felt three-year-old son's spiritual well-being better served group's de facto capital, public crucifixions beheadings commonplace. Ummi Abduallah - lived Turkey since teens born Kyrgyzstan - said moving militant stronghold Syria part shield young boy sex, crime, drugs alcohol sees rampant home town Istanbul. 'Who says children unhappy?... He know God live rules,' said. Dramatic footage emerged inside Kobane showing brave Kurdish fighters battling militants Islamic State. The clip, appears filmed mobile phone, shows resistance forces Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG) firing assault rifles machine guns mounted back car militants hiding behind buildings Kobane suburbs. The terrorists launched renewed assault Kobane last night, killing dozens Kurds resisted ISIS' advances city's suburbs last three weeks. Defence: ISIS terrorists launched renewed assault Kobane last night, killing dozens Kurds resisted ISIS' advances city's suburbs last three weeks Prepared: A Kurdish fighter takes position fight Islamic State jihadists Islamic State militants control one third besieged Syrian city Kobane despite three days American airstrikes, group monitoring violence country said today. This morning chilling sight group's black flag could clearly seen buildings inside city; brazen display defiance face sustained airstrikes U.S. Arab warplanes. While airstrikes appear slowed militants advance areas city, ISIS fighters appear creeping ever closer centre Kobane, thousands civilians unable unwilling flee homes face rape massacre. News ISIS' gains came Pentagon admitted airstrikes alone enough prevent fall Kobane, raising serious questions U.S.'s wider campaign terror group. Still flying: This morning chilling sight group's black flag could clearly seen buildings inside city; brazen display defiance face sustained airstrikes U.S. Arab warplanes Dramatic: The escalation Kobane seen U.S. Arab coalition carry sustained period bombing raids since campaign destroy Islamic State northern Syria started two weeks ago Rear Admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, said airstrikes 'not going enough save city', amid growing concern without Western ground troops sent Syria, defeat ISIS prove near impossible task. Heavily outgunned Kurdish defenders said Islamic State militants pushed two districts Kobane - mainly Kurdish border city 40,000 residents - late last night. Washington said U.S. military Arab partner nations responded ISIS renewed assault carrying eight air strikes last night, adding city remains Kurdish control. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights morning said despite overnight airstrikes, continued morning, Islamic State fighters managed capture police station east Kobane control one third city.
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?
Is iPhone 6 ripping hair? Maybe. Photo: Courtesy Apple By now, you’ve probably heard #hairgate, people chattering unintended problem iPhone 6. According forum post 9to5Mac, Apple’s latest phone traps hair seam glass aluminum. “When try free out, hurts,” poster laments. Related: 10 Must-Try Beauty Apps Sounds like pain, aside tweets, real evidence iPhone ripping hair? That depends ask. As Mashable demonstrates video, doesn’t seem happening. A variety men women — short hair, others long hair — tested new iPhone taking calls, rubbing device beards, “combing” curls it. Not one experienced pulling snagging. Meanwhile, enterprising YouTubers uploading videos demonstrate exactly opposite effect. (#Hairgate truthers, perhaps?) All adds lot outrage, #hairgate getting thousands tweets well Today segment. It’s true drop hundred new gadget, you’d like think won’t gobble hair. Considering severity alleged injury, though, can’t help think another hashtag: #firstworldproblems.
Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?
Nigeria says struck cease-fire deal Boko Haram, raising hopes 200 schoolgirls kidnapped militant group released. But mystery continues surround identity interlocutor side negotiations. Nigerian officials said deal reached Chad Friday talks Saudi Arabia-based Boko Haram representative named Danladi Ahmadu. The name took many surprise, including people involved previous negotiations Boko Haram. “I failed find anyone ever heard him,” BBC’s Nigeria correspondent wrote. “We've tried verifying authenticity person sources traditionally close Boko Haram militants getting negative feedback,” editors Nigerian news site Sahara Reporters told The WorldPost email. Ahmad Salkida, Nigerian journalist considered close Boko Haram's leaders, said believe Ahmadu part group’s leadership speaks group. “I challenge Danladi Ahmadu open debate [sic] interest Nigeria heart. Who he?" Salkida wrote Twitter. But Mike Omeri, Nigerian government's spokesperson Boko Haram insurgency, told The WorldPost Saturday government confident negotiating right guy. “These talks happen one sunny morning ... They approached president Chad, wasn’t confident [of Ahmadu’s identity] wouldn’t connected president Nigeria,” Omeri said. "The fact contact comes Nigeria’s neighbor gives us confidence." Chad confirmed acting mediator talks free girls, kidnapped Nigerian village Chibok April. Since Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan visited Chad last month, rumors grown Nigeria's government quietly negotiating girls' release via neighbor. It immediately clear long talks taking place. Boko Haram's leadership commented cease-fire. Meanwhile, Ahmadu purportedly made least two statements recent days. On Friday, gave interview Voice America’s Hausa-language service didn’t mention kidnapped schoolgirls vague details cease-fire, Agence France-Presse reported. The news agency also noted Ahmadu referred militant group Boko Haram, name used outsiders insurgents themselves. On Saturday, Sahara Reporters said correspondent northeastern Nigerian city Maiduguri obtained CD recording another statement Ahamdu. This time, precise. “On girls took Chibok, want free girls get justice Nigerian state many members business premises destroyed, killed others detention many oppression,” Ahmadu said, according translation Hausa Sahara Reporters. The news site’s editors said remain skeptical identity. As part deal, Omeri said, talks taking place Chad week address release schoolgirls. Omeri added militants motivated wish reintegrate society. “They working towards peace order chance return normal things -- example, many businesses, " said. Asked whether Nigeria would consider releasing captured Boko Haram militants exchange girls, Omeri said “every asset" directed towards girls' release. "Everything possible done day freed," said. "Boko Haram want peace, ready intend implemented," added. After cease-fire announced, suspected Boko Haram militants continued attack communities northeast Nigeria, leaving several dozen dead weekend. But Omeri insisted violence would deter negotiations. He suggested militants remote areas may heard cease-fire, attacks could perpetrated criminal opportunists, rather Boko Haram members. Boko Haram "deeply fractured," according risk consultancy Stratfor, quoted Reuters Sunday. Nigeria's government "difficult time identifying Boko Haram representative could make compromises guarantee entire group observe them," Stratfor said. "It quite possible Abuja reached agreement legitimate representative specific cell ... holds kidnapped schoolgirls captive," group added. In kidnapped girls’ hometown, community hardly dared hope girls might finally returned. "We know true prove it," said Bana Lawan, chairman Chibok Local Government Area, told The Associated Press.
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry
An attorney representing man says realized inadvertently recorded audio Michael Brown shooting provided audio CNN: Attorney Lopa Blumenthal says recording made video chat. The audio captures seem like 10 gunshot sounds—an initial group six, pause, four more. An autopsy Brown's body performed family's request experienced forensic pathologist named Michael Baden indicated Brown hit least six shots. Eyewitness Dorian Johnson, friend Brown's, said officer Darren Wilson fired several shots Brown Brown turned toward raised hands. The Baden autopsy indicated Brown shot exclusively front body. Blumenthal says man made recording spoken FBI. Read Ferguson.
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled'
A touching tribute victims Charlie Hebdo shooting posted unofficial Banksy Instagram account shared 100,000 times. Many shared poignant drawing online believed created enigmatic street artist. However spokesman Banksy told Independent: "We confirm Banksy." The drawing actually French illustrator Lucille Clerc, posted tribute official Twitter page shooting, left 12 dead. Several fake Banksy social media accounts attracted thousands followers, however artist confirmed official website Facebook Twitter. .embed-container {position: relative; padding-bottom: 120%; height: 0; overflow: hidden;} .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Break one, thousand rise #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie #raiseyourpencilforfreedom pic.twitter.com/3n5fOEmrwJ— Lucille Clerc (@LucilleClerc) January 7, 2015 Break one, thousand rise #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie #raiseyourpencilforfreedom pic.twitter.com/3n5fOEmrwJ The pencil cartoon circulated Banksy posted Banksy fan account without credit. It's actually @LucilleClerc— Liz Buckley (@liz_buckley) January 8, 2015 The pencil cartoon circulated Banksy posted Banksy fan account without credit. It's actually @LucilleClerc Many Instagram users commenting post called Banksy Instagram page credit Ms Clerc also shared links page. #JeSuisCharlie began trending worldwide shortly attack, cartoonists sharing drawings solidarity victims support free speech. Cartoonists show solidarity #CharlieHebdo attack: http://t.co/8zXyCAeuWB pic.twitter.com/ij29oR0jY3— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) January 8, 2015 Cartoonists show solidarity #CharlieHebdo attack: http://t.co/8zXyCAeuWB pic.twitter.com/ij29oR0jY3
Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says
MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Nicaragua’s government said Sunday loud boom heard overnight residents capital made small meteorite left crater wooded area near city’s airport. Government spokeswoman Rosario Murillo said committee formed government study event confirmed “relatively small” meteorite “appears come asteroid passing close Earth.” Murillo said Nicaragua ask international experts help local scientists understanding happened. The crater left meteorite radius 12 meters (39 feet) depth 5 meters (16 feet), said Humberto Saballos, volcanologist Nicaraguan Institute Territorial Studies committee. He said still clear meteorite disintegrated buried. Humberto Garcia, Astronomy Center National Autonomous University Nicaragua, said meteorite could related asteroid forecast pass planet Saturday night. “It could come asteroid, normal occur. We study could ice rock,” said. Wilfried Strauch, adviser Nicaraguan Institute Territorial Studies, said “very strange one reported streak light. We ask anyone photo something.” Local residents reported hearing loud boom Saturday night, said didn’t see anything strange sky. “I sitting porch I saw nothing, sudden I heard large blast. We thought bomb felt expansive wave,” Jorge Santamaria told The Associated Press. The site crater near Managua’s international airport air force base. Only journalists state media allowed visit it. Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may published, broadcast, rewritten redistributed.
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife'
BEIRUT — Lebanon’s military detained wife child leader Islamic State, security officials said Tuesday. The spouse another senior Islamic State commander also detained army, officials said. The women child might able offer insights activities Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi inner circle. Or could become bargaining chips release hostages held militant group. A Lebanese intelligence official identified Baghdadi’s wife Sagia Dulaimi said detained last week 9-year-old daughter Madfoun checkpoint northern Lebanon. Other media reports, including Associated Press, identified child boy. The reason discrepancy immediately clear. Baghdadi’s wife child carrying false identity papers crossing Syria, said official, involved interrogating detainees. He said Syrian nationals, security officials said could Iraqi. The pair held Defense Ministry compound outskirts Beirut, said official, spoke condition anonymity, citing lack authority discuss issue record. The second woman Chechen origin, said Lebanese military official. The official, also spoke condition anonymity, declined give identity name husband. It immediately clear whether woman detained time wife child Baghdadi, Iraqi whose real name Ibrahim al-Samarrai. It also remains uncertain detainees came Lebanon, Islamic State, radical al-Qaeda offshoot also known ISIS ISIL, opposed country’s Western-allied military powerful Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia. The military official said number family members Islamic State militants taken refuge northern Lebanon, pockets support groups Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda’s affiliate Syria. The three detainees could used bargain release hostages held Islamic State, kidnapped thousands people — including Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Europeans Americans — extract ransoms punish considers guilty religious transgressions. The militants also beheaded captives, including two American journalists well American British aid workers — response airstrikes U.S.-led coalition, Islamic State said. The intelligence official said Dulaimi part prisoner swap year Syrian government rebels Maaloula, city Syria. The government Bashar al-Assad agreed release 150 prisoners exchange Greek Orthodox nuns believed held militants links groups al-Qaeda. In August, militants sympathetic Islamic State attacked northern Lebanese town Arsal captured 20 soldiers withdrawing. They since beheaded two soldiers, demanding Lebanon release number jihadists jailed. The Lebanese daily As-Safir first report detentions Baghdadi’s wife child, identified son. The paper added arrests made “coordination foreign intelligence agencies.” After lightning advances Iraq year Islamic State, Baghdadi declared caliphate land group’s control, extends deep inside Iraq northern Syria. It unclear many wives Baghdadi has, although Islamic law generally allows four. Meanwhile, least six Lebanese soldiers killed gunmen ambush border area Tuesday, AP reported, citing security official. Details assailants immediately known, previous clashes near Syrian border involving security forces militant groups including Jabhat al-Nusra. Brian Murphy Washington contributed report.
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!
North Korean despot Kim Jong-un guzzling pint pint ‘snake wine’, body dead cobra bottle – vain attempt restore life genitals may seen years due vast bulk. Locals believe meaty brew increases size man’s manhood – improves chances pregnancy. Kim piled enormous amounts weight bingeing Emmenthal cheese Johnnie Walker whisky, 31-year-old struggling father child lucky young wife, Ri Joi-Su, 22. Kim believes glugging litres wine, mixed rotting flesh venom could ticket restore virility father sibling daughter Ju-ae, two. MORE: Kim Jong-un: North Korean leader walking unaided following lengthy absence One South Korean ex-pat said, ‘The elite country joke big please wife that’s children.’ ‘One senior official said Kim drinking many bottles snake wine help bedroom department.’ Jong-un first exposed Emmenthal studying Switzerland young man, fondness cheese said rapidly escalated dependence. His ballooning weight thought result daily binges cheese, used fondues, gratins, raclettes sandwiches. MORE: Something photo Kim Jong-un isn’t quite right MORE: Kim Jong-un hiding due Emmental cheese addiction
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants
In quite recent news, J J Abrams reportedly said Visual Effects Society Awards (2015) may release extremely anticipated film, Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens. instead winter may move film line summer release! This extremely brave move (if true) puts Star Wars films like Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron, Ant-Man long awaited Jurassic World would win summer box office happen? In opinion Star Wars got strongest chance box office moved summer release would it? All big films come summer I mean there's Hobbit compete December move Summer? Box office championship. Box office championship. J J's biggest reason reported Star Wars plot leaks pictures characters sent little scare would leaked therefore making film predictable worth watching. For example one photo give away lot instance: (If want spoilers look away!) Sorry J J! Sorry J J! For instance 5 figures reveal character's Kylo Ren, Rey, Fin, BB-8 shows us Kylo Ren (ol' crossguard) look like outer cloak removed. I see pictures leaked could seeing Han, Leia, Luke, C3PO etc. like film seeing company made trailer, would ruin surprise. Disney, owners new Star Wars franchise, taken J J's thoughts consideration deep thought could get film released lot earlier thought going see it! There bad things though... If get wish get see Star Wars 7 6 months thought going to, Disney panic? If thought blockbuster coming December would ordered toy designs, trailers etc. later year? Perhaps paranoia Disney J J lot work get done want merchandise etc. come alongside Star Wars summer. I gathered basis information Votesaxon07 (part following nerd) who's great youtuber want see information watch video also news Frozen fever, A.T.O.M suit, Deadpool movie news awesome snip-its: Thanks reading guys I hope gained information enjoyed reading opinions topic! (Thanks Votesaxon07 following nerd awesome news!)
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’
The man known Jihadi John. Photo: Reuters The world knows "Jihadi John," masked man British accent beheaded several hostages held Islamic State taunts audiences videos circulated widely online. But real name, according friends others familiar case, Mohammed Emwazi, Briton well-to-do family grew West London graduated college degree computer programming. He believed travelled Syria around 2012 later joined Islamic State, group whose barbarity come symbolise. "I doubt Mohammed Jihadi John," said one Emwazi's close friends identified interview The Washington Post. American journalist James Foley Syria July, 2012. Photo: AP "He like brother me. . . . I sure him." A representative British human rights group contact Emwazi left Syria also said believed Emwazi Jihadi John, moniker given hostages held. "There extremely strong resemblance," Asim Qureshi, research director rights group, CAGE, said watching one videos. "This making feel fairly certain person." Authorities used variety investigative techniques, including voice analysis interviews former hostages, try identify Jihadi John. James Comey, director FBI, said September — month Briton seen video killing American journalist James Foley — officials believed succeeded. Nevertheless, identity Jihadi John remained shrouded secrecy. Since Foley's killing, appeared series videos documenting gruesome killings hostages, including four Westerners, personally beheaded. In each, dressed black, balaclava covering eyes ridge nose. He wears holster left arm. A spokeswoman British Embassy Washington said: "Our prime minister clear want committed murder behalf ISIL face justice appalling acts carried out. There ongoing police investigation murder hostages ISIL Syria. It appropriate government comment part continues." ISIL another name Islamic State. US officials declined comment report. Emwazi's family declined request interview, citing legal advice. The Kuwaiti-born Emwazi, mid-20s, appears left little trail social media elsewhere online. Those knew say polite penchant wearing stylish clothes adhering tenets Islamic faith. He beard mindful making eye contact women, friends said. He raised middle-class neighbourhood London occasion prayed mosque Greenwich. The friends, spoke condition anonymity sensitivity investigation, believe Emwazi started radicalise planned safari Tanzania following graduation University Westminster. Emwazi two friends — German convert Islam named Omar another man, Abu Talib — never made trip. Once landed Dar es Salaam, May 2009, detained police held overnight. It's unclear whether reason detention made clear three, eventually deported. Emwazi flew Amsterdam, claimed officer MI5, Britain's domestic security agency, accused trying reach Somalia, militant group al-Shabab operates southern part country, according e-mails sent Qureshi provided The Post. Emwazi denied accusation claimed MI5 representatives tried recruit him. But former hostage said Jihadi John obsessed Somalia made captives watch videos al-Shabab, allied al-Qaeda. The episode described Independent, British newspaper, identified Emwazi Muhammad ibn Muazzam. Emwazi friends allowed return Britain, met Qureshi fall 2009 discuss happened. "Mohammed quite incensed treatment, unfairly treated," Qureshi said. Shortly afterward, Emwazi decided move birthplace, Kuwait, landed job working computer company, according e-mails wrote Qureshi. He came back London twice, second time finalise wedding plans woman Kuwait. In June 2010, however, counterterrorism officials Britain detained — time fingerprinting searching belongings. When tried fly back Kuwait next day, prevented so. "I job waiting marriage get started," wrote June 2010 e-mail Qureshi. But "I feel like prisoner, cage, London. A person imprisoned & controlled security service men, stopping living new life birthplace & country, Kuwait." Nearly four months later, court New York sentenced Aafia Siddiqui, al-Qaeda operative convicted attempted murder US personnel Afghanistan, Emwazi expressed sympathy her, saying "heard upsetting news regarding sister. . . . This keep us firmer towards fighting freedom justice!!!" In interview, Qureshi said last heard Emwazi January 2012, Emwazi sent e-mail seeking advice. "This young man ready exhaust every single kind avenue within machinery state bring change personal situation," Qureshi said. In end, felt "actions taken criminalise way something actions." Close friends Emwazi's also said situation London made desperate leave country. It's unclear exactly reached Syria how. One friend said believed Emwazi wanted travel Saudi Arabia teach English 2012 unsuccessful. Soon afterward, friend said, gone. "He upset wanted start life elsewhere," one friends said. "He stage reached point really trying find another way get out." Once Syria, Emwazi contacted family least one friends. It's unclear told activities there. A former hostage debriefed officials upon release said Jihadi John part team guarding Western captives prison Idlib, Syria, 2013. The hostages nicknamed facility "the box." Emwazi joined two men British accents, including one dubbed "George." A former hostage said Emwazi participated waterboarding four Western hostages. Former hostages described George leader trio. Jihadi John, said, quiet intelligent. "He deliberate," former hostage said. Beginning early 2014, hostages moved prison Syrian city Raqqa, Islamic State's de facto capital, visited often trio. They appeared taken powerful roles within Islamic State. About time, Qureshi said, sent e-mail Emwazi. "I wondering could send number," wrote. "Inshallah [God willing] good catch up." There response. The Washington Post
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram
Claim: Eleven passenger planes missing airport Libya. PROBABLY FALSE Example: [Collected via email, September 2014] Seeking truth stir 11 missing / stolen commercial airliners Libyan airport fall Tripoli. Origins: In early August 2014, North African bloggers began spread stories several commercial airliners missing Tripoli International Airport shortly facility taken Zintan militia forces earlier summer. Later month translations blog posts began picked news outlets Western Europe passed fact rather gossip; early September tales translations blogs spread United States guise real news. The use airplanes terrorist weapons 2001 makes easy us anticipate used way again. And despite denials sides — airlines missing planes, Libyan transport ministry, anti-government forces control airport — tales found ready audience among populace already edge anticipation anniversary 9/11 attacks. However, statements State Department, Department Defense, Homeland Security, authority warning stolen airliners. The national threat level raised. Algerian Moroccan military air defense, already high alert due unrest across borders Libya, would undoubtedly noticed multiple flights unidentified passenger aircraft. <!-- google_ad_client = "pub-6608306193529351"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel = "0054321535"; google_color_border = "000000"; //-->
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS
THIS terrible moment desperately poor young woman tries sell son – fund life-saving treatment daughter. Mum Meng Xiangyan faced real-life Sophie's Choice poverty forced decide twins. The distraught 29-year-old said husband loved children. But certain death awaiting daughter unless could get medical treatment, prepared sell son good home would chance life. Pictures published local media show standing Weihai Road Qingdao, major city eastern Shandong Province, Eastern China, placard offering sell highest bidder. He eating appeared candied fruit standing alongside mother appealed someone come forward buy boy. She said: "Up year ago wonderful family thought everything could need wonderful little boy wonderful little girl twins. "But changed daughter diagnosed suffering leukaemia August last year spent savings borrowed everything could friends relatives. It still enough, hoping raise cash sale son." Medics say child suffering acute lymphoblastic leukemia needs urgent medical treatment includes chemotherapy every 10 days Rizhao Municipal Hospital. The family sold apartment everything living tiny 10 square metre flat close therapies carried out. The parents also struggling heat tiny apartment vital prevent child, weakened chemotherapy, suffering cold could fatal. So far, offers son, named. Their desperation follows similar recent story woman spotted trying sell baby daughter streets China order pay husband's £10,000 medical bill. Ni Qiong photographed roadside Fuzhou, southeastern China, written sign imploring pedestrians purchase one-year-old daughter. She husband, Zhou Xinggui, migrant workers, currently hospital needing surgery falling scaffolding. Despite remaining street four hours, pedestrians offered purchase daughter. His wife's sign read: "Please buy daughter. My husband waiting surgery fees hospital boss ran away. I would like sell daughter save husband." In four hours sat sign, no-one bought daughter.
Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed
Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness. Strange natural occurrences happening world today. But nothing magnificent one experience January 4, 2015. According British astronomer Patrick Moore, exactly 9:47 PST AM January 4th, Pluto pass directly behind Jupiter, relation Earth. This rare alignment mean combined gravitational force two planets would exert stronger tidal pull, temporarily counteracting Earth’s gravity making people virtually weightless. Moore calls Jovian-Plutonian Gravitational Effect. Moore told scientists could experience phenomenon jumping air precise moment alignment occurred. If so, promised, would experience strange floating sensation. Astronomers long aware would alignment planets date, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Pluto would side sun, within arc 95° wide. But guaranteeing occurrence gravitational effect planets Earth’s crust maximum even closest approach. But don’t get excited. If think you’ll able float around house, you’re wrong. But, jump air 9:47 AM PST, January 4, 2015, take 3 seconds land back feet instead usual 0.2 seconds. So, mark date calendar share friends! Zero gravity day around corner!
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting
SIS developed new weapon Iraq designed strike fear among victims. The militant group launching bombs live scorpions militants blast towns villages. View Full Image REUTERS/Stringer A man sits sign flag belonging Islamic State Iraq Levant (ISIL) along street city Mosul June 12, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer Related Articles ISIS War: China Offers Military Support To Iraq But Declines Joining U.S.-Led Coalition ISIS Revealed: Top ISIS Commander Abu Ahmed Says 'No US Prison, No ISIS' Americans Believe ISIS May 'Attack US Soon'; ISIS Demands $1 Million James Foley Remains According British military expert returned Iraq, ISIS improvised new weapon putting live scorpions inside bomb canisters. Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, former British army NATO head chemical biological weapons revealed ISIS thought new way spread terror. He described "madness" said ISIS promotes use scorpion bombs create panic. De Bretton-Gordon explained scorpions "robust" creatures survive impact launch even couple miles. When canisters break, thousands scorpions "start crawling around," Mirror reported. Although scorpions poisonous, military expert said ISIS mainly wants incite fear. The 2-ft scorpion bombs meant mass casualties devised maximum "psychological impact." De Bretton-Gordon returned Baghdad last week took advisory role train Iraqi forces fighting ISIS militants. Senior officials Iraq reported scorpions used civilian targets northern part country. Officials said use scorpions weapons dates back 198 AD creatures stuffed pots thrown enemies. Meanwhile, ISIS militants Mosul preparing attack Iraqi government forces cut telephone lines imposed ban residents leave city. The Daily Telegraph told conditions city deteriorated since ISIS constant pressure fight back Iraqi ground troops. A resident Mosul revealed ISIS imposed rule residents follow else face punishment. The militants warned residents secure guarantor wish leave city come back days. The Mosul resident, asked named, said people Iraqi city trying leave. Hospitals shut operations since water electricity. U.S.-led coalition forces continue launch airstrikes ISIS targets President Barack Obama vowed "no safe haven" ISIS. In CNN report, Mr Obama spoke military troops inside New Jersey airplane hangar reported U.S. "hammering" ISIS blasting supply chains disrupting terror group's chain command.
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa
(CNN) -- Boko Haram laughed Nigeria's announcement ceasefire agreement, saying deal schoolgirls abducted spring converted Islam married off. Nigerian officials announced two weeks ago struck deal Islamist terror group. The deal, government said, included release 200 girls whose kidnapping April boarding school nation's north stunned world. In video released Saturday, Islamist group's notorious leader fired series denials. "Don't know 200 Chibok schoolgirls converted Islam?" Abubakar Shekau said. "They memorized two chapters Quran." Shekau slammed reports planned release. "We married off. They marital homes," said, chuckling. The group's leader also denied knowing negotiator government claimed worked deal, saying represent Boko Haram. "We spare slaughter get him," said negotiator. It clear video made. Mike Omeri, coordinator Nigeria's National Information Centre, told CNN Saturday claims contradict made conversations Nigerian government involved. Omeri said Nigeria's government everything possible verify claims made video. Nigerian officials met Boko Haram Chad twice talks mediated Chadian President Idriss Deby, according aide. The ceasefire deal announced October 17 followed month negotiations representatives group, said Hassan Tukur, aide Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. After deal announced, aide said final negotiations girls' release would completed meeting week later Chad. That day passed without signs girls. Boko Haram growing challenge In video, Shekau talked peace violence -- promising "war, striking killing gun." This strategy appears playing parts Nigeria, Boko Haram fighters continued deadly attacks villages despite government claims ceasefire. More people abducted scores killed recent weeks, including one attack day ceasefire left eight dead. Days later, members Islamist terror group abducted least 60 young women girls Christian villages northeast Nigeria, residents said Thursday. Heavily armed fighters left 1,500 naira, $9, kola nuts bride price women abducted, residents said. For part, Nigerian government backing down. Rather, stepping military campaign militants criminals parts West African nation, Nigeria's defense ministry said Saturday. The military claimed airstrikes ground operations repelled attacks civilians Adamawa Borno, two states northeastern Nigeria strongholds frequent targets Boko Haram. Officials "studying" latest video, even military continues recognize talks aimed assuring release kidnapped schoolgirls, ministry said. Boko Haram, whose name translates "Western education sin" Hausa language, trying impose strict Sharia law across Nigeria, split majority Muslim north mostly Christian south. Like ISIS, ambitions caliphate, religious state. The group's attacks intensified recent years apparent show defiance nation's military onslaught. Its ambitions appear expanded destruction government. As part insurgency, bombed schools, churches mosques, kidnapped women children assassinated politicians religious leaders alike. CNN's Isha Sesay, Lillian Leposo, Christabelle Fombu, Greg Botelho Nana Karikari-apau contributed report.
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Overrun Libyan Airport
The Apple Watch unveiled alongside iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus September 9, apart Apple detailing features, many specifications detailed. However, analysts citing supply chain sources claims narrowed significant proportion specifications. According Timothy Arcuri Cowen Company (via AppleInsider), Apple's smartwatch feature 512MB RAM, likely supplied Samsung, Hynix Micron. The Apple Watch also tipped come 4GB 8GB variants, 4GB model standard version. Arcuri says flash-based storage procured "most major NAND suppliers." Arcuri also predicted Broadcom BCM43342 chipset might act wireless combination chip Apple Watch. Interestingly, chipset includes GPS radio functionality, "somewhat odds" Apple's announcement Watch requiring paired iPhone GPS data. The report speculates either Apple used modified version chipset, disabled GPS functionality better battery life. Scheduled arrive early 2015, Apple Watch's wireless charging circuit seems supplied Integrated Device Technology, NFC chips, power management integrated circuits, MEMS sensor, microcontroller, Wi-Fi front-end chips said supplied NXP AMS, Maxim Integrated Products Dialog Semiconductor, Invensense, STMicroelectronics, Skyworks respectively. The Apple Watch launched alongside Apple iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus handsets firm's keynote event earlier month. There three variants Apple Watch - Watch Sport, Watch Edition Watch. Across three variants, total 18 different styles straps available, means users able customise Apple Watch - physically terms software, stand others, Apple given details pricing different designs yet.
Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold
Multiple news outlets including Washington Post BBC duped fake news site posing Chinese public broadcaster CCTV. The Oct. 19 phony story headlined "Tips Chinese choosing English name." It lists good names "'proper' traditional names" like Elizabeth, Michael William. No-no names include "Surprise, Dragon, Fish [and] Lawyer," well "food name" Apple Candy. Other names may want use include "Obama, Einstein Madonna," common celebrity names like Nicole (from Nicole Kidman) OK. Other bad names site lists "Hercules, Satan, Dumbledore Jesus." A screenshot detail article The real CCTV English-language news site web address www.english.cntv.cn. Below see screenshot. When go Chinese language version site click English language version, taken page. The fake site at: www.cctvnews.cn. See screenshot July WayBack Machine. The About Page satire site reads: "Official website CCTV NEWS, An English language news channel China Central Television (CCTV), nation’s largest national broadcasting network." The satirical site pubished numerous stories nearly many real English-language version CCTV site, loaded articles. Other headlines fake site include: "Hunan 'color ride': another fantastic opportunity gratuitous flesh" "Taiwan cooking oil made 'kitchen waste' grease" "Does Buddhist music help crops grow" "How would feel dining prison restaurant" The satire article English names apparently removed. Links article articles go error page. The actual website's homepage says "Our website construction, coming soon." Only One Duped Outlet Corrected, 2 Correct iMediaEthics inquiry The Washington Post duped naming story, posted correction acknowledge tricked. The Oct. 20 Washington Post story's correction reads: "Correction: An earlier version story reported original post CCTV. It was, fact, satirical news site." Its headline reads "Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names" story characterizes CCTVnews.cn story "a humorous report satirical Web site done style China's state broadcater CCTV." iMediaEthics written Post reporter ask learned error. iMediaEthics asked four outlets would follow suit correct articles. The BBC's Oct. 20 story, "China: Don't call Dumbledore." The Telegraph's Oct. 21 story, "Chinese advised choose British-sounding names get ahead" The Atlantic's Oct. 20 story "The Chinese Guide Avoiding Bad English Name" Buzzfeed Oct. 21 story, "Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore," BuzzFeed told IMediaEthics e-mail would correct. The following update atop article now: "This story hoax written site appeared English-language website Chinese state-run broadcaster, CCTV. And fell it. "The original blog post, cited us publishers, published cctvnews.cn. The fake site used CCTV’s logo embedded tweets official @CCTVNEWS Twitter account. "The actual URL CCTV English english.cntv.cn. "However, internet directory search shows fake CCTVNews site – offline – based Hangzhou, 1,300 miles CCTV’s real headquarters Beijing. Dec. 8, 2014, 4:28 a.m." The BBC respond iMediaEthics' inquiry, within days e-mail asking BBC would correct, that. The BBC re-wrote article headlined, "China: Satirical site warns citizens name choices." The following correction added: "Correction 9 December 2014: An earlier version story said post came official CCTV website. The post actually satirical news site."
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera
Young North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s health fine, government said Thursday evening, sister probably running country. It said Kim Yo Jong taken brother underwent medical treatment, So Se Pyong, Democratic People's Republic Korea's ambassador United Nations Geneva, told Reuters Kim bad health. The ambassador sat interview discussed variety matters, including North Korea's nuclear program, possibly negotiations free three detained Americans and, course, Kim’s health. It rumored Kim, 31, might ankle surgery, So said incorrect. The story emerged Kim appear Supreme People's Assembly last month reports said suffered "discomfort.” He also seen walking limp July. "That rumors, fabricated rumors," So said Kim's alleged ailment. Questions Kim’s health rose article Diplomat, magazine based Tokyo, claimed sister making important government decisions Kim treated Bonghwa Clinic North Korea's capital Pyongyang. "Some say Hwang Byong So, director General Political Bureau Korean People's Army, may assumed new No. 2 status, given confirmed time, say Hwang shadow, Kim Yo Jong second-in-command North Korea," Kim Heung Gwang, head North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity, reportedly said. Even So denies health problems, Kim seen people since Sept. 3. The leader also gained significant amount weight, could contribute ailments like gout, diabetes high blood pressure, sources told Associated Press. If suffering gout, cheese eating smoking would worsen condition. Follow Twitter @mariamzzarella
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students
A MYSTERIOUS explosion rocked Nicaragua’s crowded capital Managua, creating large crater, appears caused small meteorite. Amazingly, sprawling city 1.2 million people, impact near international airport cause known injuries, leave crater measuring 12 metres across felt throughout capital late Saturday. Nicaraguan authorities believe piece small asteroid dubbed “2014 RC,” passed close Earth yesterday estimated astronomers 20 metres big, size house. “We convinced meteorite. We seen crater impact,” said Wilfredo Strauss Seismic Institute. The meteorite appeared hurtled wooded area near airport around midnight hit large registered instruments Strauss’s organisation uses size earthquakes. “You see two waves: first, small seismic wave meteorite hit earth, another stronger one, impact sound,” said. Government officials experts visited impact site Sunday. One them, William Martinez, said yet clear meteorite burned completely blasted soil. “You see mirror-like spots sides crater meteorite power-scraped walls,” Martinez said. Government spokeswoman, First Lady Rosario Murillo, said Managua would contact US Geological Service try get information “this fascinating event” Central American nation, one Latin America’s poorest countries. People live near crater told local media heard blast took explosion, liquid, sand dust blown air, smelled like something burned. There reported injuries impact wooded spot, flights airport affected. NASA said last week asteroid 2014 RC, time closest approach, would approximately one-tenth distance centre Earth moon, 40,000 kilometres. It projected roughly New Zealand time closest approach. AFP
Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports
By Benjamin Kang Lim Tony Munroe BEIJING/SEOUL, Oct 9 (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un firm control government hurt leg, source access secretive North's leadership said Thursday, playing speculation 31-year-old's health grip power. North Korea's state media, usually chronicles Kim's whereabouts great detail, made mention activities since attended concert wife Sept. 3. The source said Kim hurt leg inspecting military exercises. "He ordered generals take part drills took part too. They crawling running rolling around, pulled tendon," source told Reuters condition anonymity. "He injured ankle knee around late August early September drilling overweight. He limped around beginning injury worsened," source said. Kim, rapidly gained weight since coming power father died heart attack 2011, seen walking limp since event key officials July, would imply may aggravated earlier injury. Kim needs 100 days recuperate, said source, whose information could independently verified. "Kim Jong Un total control," said source, close ties Pyongyang Beijing. Friday 69th anniversary founding North Korea's Workers' Party, event Kim marked past two years post-midnight visit Pyongyang mausoleum bodies father grandfather interred. If Kim turn up, could fuel speculation state health whether may sidelined power struggle, experts said. "The longer remains public eye, uncertainty him, status regime, grow," said Curtis Melvin, researcher U.S.-Korea Institute Johns Hopkins School Advanced International Studies Washington. NOT KIM'S FIRST ABSENCE North Korean officials denied Kim's public absence since early September health-related U.S. official following North Korea said week indications seriously ill political trouble. It remains unclear leg injury would keep Kim public eye long, although first time missing public view. In June 2012, six months coming power, state media failed report photograph 23 days. He re-surfaced next month dolphinarium. Speculation Kim's unusually long absence public view may due ill health fueled North Korean TV report late last month said suffering "discomfort." Some Pyongyang watchers also suggest Kim may sidelined power struggle, scenario say reinforced unexpected visit Saturday high-level delegation closing ceremony Asian Games Incheon, South Korea. Another interpretation visit holds meant convey stability Pyongyang. The source knowledge Kim Jong Un's health said rumors coup "rubbish." "It would subtle coup indeed disrupt international travel plans," said Andray Abrahamian Choson Exchange, Singapore-based NGO running program North Koreans Southeast Asia. North Korea hereditary dictatorship centered ruling Kim family. Kim's sister, Kim Yo Jong, known official role within ruling party. His brother, Kim Jong Chol, estranged half-brother public eye. Kim absent Sept. 25 meeting Supreme People's Assembly, parliament, first attended since coming power three years ago. However, Kim's name disappeared state propaganda. Thursday's edition Workers' Party newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, carried three letters Kim overseas allies front page, reported returning athletes Asian Games thanked "the Marshal" support competition. Abrahamian said unlikely Kim usurped. "Kim Jong Un always shared power key figures even internal balance power shifted, unlikely would want remove him, given unmatchable symbolic value. Again, though, everyone guessing," said. (Additional reporting James Pearson; Editing Mike Collett-White Raju Gopalakrishnan)