2 values
2 values
import math import threading from django.core.cache import caches from .settings import CACHE_HELPERS_ALIAS CACHE_HELPERS_KEY = 'cache_helpers_key' def set_cache_bust_status(bust_key=None): cache = caches[CACHE_HELPERS_ALIAS] cache.set(CACHE_HELPERS_KEY, bust_key) def get_bust_key(): cache = caches[CACHE_HELPERS_ALIAS] return cache.get(CACHE_HELPERS_KEY, None) def mark_response_as_processed(response): setattr(response, '_already_cahed', True) def check_response_has_been_processed(response): return getattr(response, '_already_cahed', False) def check_bust_header(request): bust_key = request.META.get('HTTP_BUST', '') return False if (not bust_key or bust_key != get_bust_key()) else True # TODO avoid list user generator def threaded_cue(cue, callback, threads): def process_chunk(begining, end, worker_num): for index, item in enumerate(cue[begining:end]): real_index = (begining + index) if begining > 0 else index result = callback(item) if result: cue[real_index] = result CHUNK_SIZE = math.ceil(len(cue) / threads) end = 0 threads_refs = [] for i in range(threads): begining = end end = begining + CHUNK_SIZE t = threading.Thread(target=process_chunk, args=(begining, end if end < len(cue) else len(cue), i)) t.start() threads_refs.append(t) for i in threads_refs: t.join() return cue def get_ref_from_func(func): if hasattr(func, '__self__'): return func.__self__.__class__ return func def get_func_from_func(func): if hasattr(func, '__wrapped__'): return func.__wrapped__ return func def func_to_string(func): func = func.func if hasattr(func, 'func') else func ref = get_ref_from_func(func) chunks = [ ref.__module__, ref.__name__, ] func = get_func_from_func(func) if func.__name__ != chunks[-1]: chunks.append(func.__name__) return '.'.join(chunks) def invalidate_cache(cache_key, cache=None): cache = caches[cache if cache is not None else CACHE_HELPERS_ALIAS] cache.delete(cache_key)
""" Provides the functionality to feed TF templates with Jerakia lookups """ import sys import os from jerakia import Jerakia from terraform_external_data import terraform_external_data def retrieveLookupInfo(query,item): lookitem = query[item] lookuppath =lookitem.split('/') key = lookuppath.pop() namespace = lookuppath if not namespace: raise Exception("No namespace given %s" % item ) return namespace,key @terraform_external_data def lookupJerakia(query,variables=None): jerakia = Jerakia(configfile=os.path.abspath('utils/jerakia.yaml')) resdict = {} for item in query: namespace,key = retrieveLookupInfo(query,item) ret = [] response = jerakia.lookup(key=key, namespace=namespace, variables=variables) ret.append(response['payload']) resdict.update({item: str(ret)}) return resdict if __name__ == '__main__': lookupJerakia()
"""Internal helpers for dataset validation.""" from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd from biopsykit.utils._types import _Hashable, path_t from biopsykit.utils.exceptions import FileExtensionError, ValidationError, ValueRangeError def _assert_is_dir(path: path_t, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if a path is a directory. Parameters ---------- path : path or str path to check if it's a directory raise_exception : bool, optional whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``path`` is a directory, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ ValueError if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``path`` is not a directory """ # ensure pathlib file_name = Path(path) if not file_name.is_dir(): if raise_exception: raise ValueError("The path '{}' is expected to be a directory, but it's not!".format(path)) return False return True def _assert_file_extension( file_name: path_t, expected_extension: Union[str, Sequence[str]], raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if a file has the correct file extension. Parameters ---------- file_name : path or str file name to check for correct extension expected_extension : str or list of str file extension (or a list of file extensions) to check for raise_exception : bool, optional whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``file_name`` ends with one of the specified file extensions, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.FileExtensionError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``file_name`` does not end with any of the specified ``expected_extension`` """ # ensure pathlib file_name = Path(file_name) if isinstance(expected_extension, str): expected_extension = [expected_extension] if file_name.suffix not in expected_extension: if raise_exception: raise FileExtensionError( "The file name extension is expected to be one of {}. " "Instead it has the following extension: {}".format(expected_extension, file_name.suffix) ) return False return True def _assert_is_dtype( obj, dtype: Union[type, Tuple[type, ...]], raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if an object has a specific data type. Parameters ---------- obj : any object object to check dtype : type or list of type data type of tuple of data types to check raise_exception : bool, optional whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``obj`` is one of the expected data types, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``obj`` is none of the expected data types """ if not isinstance(obj, dtype): if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The data object is expected to be one of ({},). But it is a {}".format(dtype, type(obj)) ) return False return True def _assert_has_multiindex( df: pd.DataFrame, expected: Optional[bool] = True, nlevels: Optional[int] = 2, nlevels_atleast: Optional[int] = False, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if a :any:`pandas.DataFrame` has a :any:`pandas.MultiIndex` as index. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` The dataframe to check expected : bool, optional Whether the df is expected to have a MultiIndex index or not nlevels : int, optional If MultiIndex is expected, how many levels the MultiIndex index should have nlevels_atleast : bool, optional Whether the MultiIndex has to have at least ``nlevels`` (``True``) or exactly match the number of levels (``False``) raise_exception : bool, optional whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``df`` meets the expected index format, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``df`` does not meet the expected index format """ return _multiindex_check_helper( df=df, idx_or_col="index", expected=expected, nlevels=nlevels, nlevels_atleast=nlevels_atleast, raise_exception=raise_exception, ) def _assert_has_index_levels( df: pd.DataFrame, index_levels: Iterable[_Hashable], match_atleast: Optional[bool] = False, match_order: Optional[bool] = False, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if the dataframe has all index level names. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` The dataframe to check index_levels : list Set of index level names to check match_atleast : bool, optional Whether the MultiIndex columns have to have at least the specified column levels (``True``) or exactly match the column levels (``False``) match_order : bool, optional Whether to also match the level order raise_exception : bool, optional whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``df`` has the expected index level names, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``df`` does not have the expected index level names """ return _multiindex_level_names_helper( df, level_names=index_levels, idx_or_col="index", match_atleast=match_atleast, match_order=match_order, raise_exception=raise_exception, ) def _assert_has_columns( df: pd.DataFrame, columns_sets: Sequence[Union[List[_Hashable], List[str], pd.Index]], raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if the dataframe has at least all columns sets. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` The dataframe to check columns_sets : list Column set or list of column sets to check raise_exception : bool, optional whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``df`` has the expected column names, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``df`` does not have the expected index level names Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame() >>> df.columns = ["col1", "col2"] >>> _assert_has_columns(df, [["other_col1", "other_col2"], ["col1", "col2"]]) >>> # This raises no error, as df contains all columns of the second set """ columns = df.columns result = False for col_set in columns_sets: result = result or all(v in columns for v in col_set) if result is False: if len(columns_sets) == 1: helper_str = "the following columns: {}".format(columns_sets[0]) else: helper_str = "one of the following sets of columns: {}".format(columns_sets) if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The dataframe is expected to have {}. Instead it has the following columns: {}".format( helper_str, list(df.columns) ) ) return result def _assert_has_column_multiindex( df: pd.DataFrame, expected: Optional[bool] = True, nlevels: Optional[int] = 2, nlevels_atleast: Optional[int] = False, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if a :any:`pandas.DataFrame` has a :any:`pandas.MultiIndex` as columns. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` The dataframe to check expected : bool, optional Whether the df is expected to have MultiIndex column or not nlevels : int, optional If MultiIndex is expected, how many levels the MultiIndex columns should have nlevels_atleast : bool, optional Whether the MultiIndex has to have at least ``nlevels`` (``True``) or exactly match the number of levels (``False``) raise_exception : bool, optional Whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``df`` meets the expected column index format, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception` is ``True`` and ``df`` does not meet the expected column index format """ return _multiindex_check_helper( df=df, idx_or_col="column", expected=expected, nlevels=nlevels, nlevels_atleast=nlevels_atleast, raise_exception=raise_exception, ) def _assert_has_columns_any_level( df: pd.DataFrame, columns_sets: Sequence[Union[List[_Hashable], List[str], pd.Index]], raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if the dataframe has the expected set of column names at any level of a :any:`pandas.MultiIndex`. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` The dataframe to check columns_sets : list Column set of list of column sets to check raise_exception : bool, optional whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``df`` has the expected column names at any :any:`pandas.MultiIndex` level, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``df`` does not have the expected column names Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame() >>> df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("Name", "col1"), ("Name", "col2")]) >>> _assert_has_columns_any_level(df, [["col1", "col2"]]) >>> # This raises no error, as df contains all columns in the seconds level """ _assert_has_column_multiindex(df, expected=True, nlevels_atleast=True) column_levels = [np.array(df.columns.get_level_values(i)) for i in range(df.columns.nlevels)] result = False for columns in column_levels: for col_set in columns_sets: result = result or all(v in columns for v in col_set) if result is False: if len(columns_sets) == 1: helper_str = "the following columns: {}".format(columns_sets[0]) else: helper_str = "one of the following sets of columns: {}".format(columns_sets) if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The dataframe is expected to have {} at any level of the MultiIndex. Instead it has the " "following MultiIndex columns: {}".format(helper_str, column_levels) ) return result def _assert_has_column_levels( df: pd.DataFrame, column_levels: Iterable[_Hashable], match_atleast: Optional[bool] = False, match_order: Optional[bool] = False, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if the dataframe has all column level names of a MultiIndex column. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` The dataframe to check column_levels : list Set of column level names to check match_atleast : bool, optional Whether the MultiIndex columns have to have at least the specified column levels (``True``) or exactly match the column levels (``False``) match_order : bool, optional Whether to also match the level order raise_exception : bool, optional Whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``df`` has the expected column level names, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``df`` does not have the expected index level names """ return _multiindex_level_names_helper( df, level_names=column_levels, idx_or_col="column", match_atleast=match_atleast, match_order=match_order, raise_exception=raise_exception, ) def _assert_value_range( data: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], value_range: Sequence[Union[int, float]], raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if all values are within the specified range. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` data to check values value_range : tuple of numbers value range in the format [min_val, max_val] raise_exception : bool, optional Whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if all values in ``data`` are within ``value_range``, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValueRangeError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and any value of ``data`` is not within ``value_range`` """ max_val = np.nanmax(data) min_val = np.nanmin(data) if not (min_val >= value_range[0] and max_val <= value_range[1]): if raise_exception: raise ValueRangeError( "Some of the values are out of the expected range. " "Expected were values in the range {}, got values in the range {}. " "If values are part of questionnaire scores, " "you can convert questionnaire items into the correct range by calling " "`biopsykit.questionnaire.utils.convert_scale()`.".format(value_range, [min_val, max_val]) ) return False return True def _assert_num_columns( data: pd.DataFrame, num_cols: Union[int, Sequence[int]], raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if dataframe has (any of) the required number of columns. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` data to check num_cols : int or list of int the required number of columns (or any of the required number of columns in case ``num_cols`` is a list) raise_exception : bool, optional Whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``data`` has the required number of columns, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``data`` does not have the required number of columns """ if isinstance(num_cols, int): num_cols = [num_cols] if not any(len(data.columns) == num for num in num_cols): if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The dataframe does not have the required number of columns. " "Expected were any of {} columns, but has {} columns.".format(num_cols, len(data.columns)) ) return False return True def _assert_len_list(data: Sequence, length: int, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if a list has the required length. Parameters ---------- data : list list to check length : int the required length or the list raise_exception : bool, optional Whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``data`` has the required length, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``data`` does not have the required length """ _assert_is_dtype(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) if len(data) != length: if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The list does not have the required length. " "Expected was length {}, but it has length {}.".format(length, len(data)) ) return False return True def _assert_dataframes_same_length( df_list: Sequence[pd.DataFrame], raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if all dataframes have same length. Parameters ---------- df_list : list list of dataframes to check raise_exception : bool, optional Whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if all dataframes in ``df_list`` have same length, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ :exc:`~biopsykit.exceptions.ValidationError` if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and ``data`` does not have the required length """ if len(set(len(df) for df in df_list)) != 1: if raise_exception: raise ValidationError("Not all dataframes have the same length!") return False return True def _multiindex_level_names_helper_get_expected_levels( ac_levels: Sequence[str], ex_levels: Sequence[str], match_atleast: Optional[bool] = False, match_order: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> bool: if match_order: if match_atleast: ac_levels_slice = ac_levels[: len(ex_levels)] expected = ex_levels == ac_levels_slice else: expected = ex_levels == ac_levels else: if match_atleast: expected = all(level in ac_levels for level in ex_levels) else: expected = sorted(ex_levels) == sorted(ac_levels) return expected def _multiindex_level_names_helper( df: pd.DataFrame, level_names: Iterable[_Hashable], idx_or_col: str, match_atleast: Optional[bool] = False, match_order: Optional[bool] = False, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: if isinstance(level_names, str): level_names = [level_names] ex_levels = list(level_names) if idx_or_col == "index": ac_levels = list(df.index.names) else: ac_levels = list(df.columns.names) expected = _multiindex_level_names_helper_get_expected_levels(ac_levels, ex_levels, match_atleast, match_order) if not expected: if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The dataframe is expected to have exactly the following {} level names {}, " "but it has {}".format(idx_or_col, level_names, ac_levels) ) return False return True def _multiindex_check_helper( df: pd.DataFrame, idx_or_col: str, expected: Optional[bool] = True, nlevels: Optional[int] = 2, nlevels_atleast: Optional[int] = False, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[bool]: has_multiindex, nlevels_act = _multiindex_check_helper_get_levels(df, idx_or_col) if has_multiindex is not expected: return _multiindex_check_helper_not_expected(idx_or_col, nlevels, nlevels_act, expected, raise_exception) if has_multiindex is True: if nlevels_atleast: expected = nlevels_act >= nlevels else: expected = nlevels_act == nlevels if not expected: if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The dataframe is expected to have a MultiIndex with {0} {1} levels. " "But it has a MultiIndex with {2} {1} levels.".format(nlevels, idx_or_col, nlevels_act) ) return False return True def _multiindex_check_helper_get_levels(df: pd.DataFrame, idx_or_col: str) -> Tuple[bool, int]: if idx_or_col == "index": has_multiindex = isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex) nlevels_act = df.index.nlevels else: has_multiindex = isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex) nlevels_act = df.columns.nlevels return has_multiindex, nlevels_act def _multiindex_check_helper_not_expected( idx_or_col: str, nlevels: int, nlevels_act: int, expected: bool, raise_exception: bool ) -> Optional[bool]: if not expected: if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The dataframe is expected to have a single level as {0}. " "But it has a MultiIndex with {1} {0} levels.".format(idx_or_col, nlevels_act) ) return False if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "The dataframe is expected to have a MultiIndex with {0} {1} levels. " "It has just a single normal {1} level.".format(nlevels, idx_or_col) ) return False def _assert_has_column_prefix( columns: Sequence[str], prefix: str, raise_exception: Optional[bool] = True ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check whether all columns start with the same prefix. Parameters ---------- columns : list of str list of column names prefix : str expected prefix of all columns raise_exception : bool, optional Whether to raise an exception or return a bool value Returns ------- ``True`` if ``columns`` all start with ``prefix``, ``False`` otherwise (if ``raise_exception`` is ``False``) Raises ------ ValidationError if ``raise_exception`` is ``True`` and one of ``columns`` is not a string or does not start with ``prefix`` """ if prefix is None or len(prefix) == 0: if raise_exception: raise ValidationError("'prefix' is None or empty!") return False for col in columns: return _check_has_column_prefix_single_col(columns, col, prefix, raise_exception) return True def _check_has_column_prefix_single_col( columns: Sequence[str], col: Any, prefix: str, raise_exception: bool ) -> Optional[bool]: if not _assert_is_dtype(col, str, raise_exception=False): if raise_exception: raise ValidationError("Column '{}' from {} is not a string!".format(col, columns)) return False if not col.startswith(prefix): if raise_exception: raise ValidationError( "Column '{}' from {} are starting with the required prefix '{}'!".format(col, columns, prefix) ) return False return True
from terminaltables import SingleTable import requests import os from dotenv import load_dotenv def predict_salary(min_salary, max_salary): if min_salary == None or min_salary == 0: average_salary = max_salary*0.8 elif max_salary == None or max_salary == 0: average_salary = min_salary*1.2 else: average_salary = ((max_salary+min_salary)/2) return average_salary def get_vacancies_hh(profession): hh_vacancies = [] page = 0 pages = 1 while page < pages: url = '' user_request = {'text': profession, 'area': '4', 'period': '30', 'per_page': '10', 'page': page} page_response = requests.get(url, params=user_request) pages = page_response.json()['pages'] page += 1 page_answer_hh = page_response.json() hh_vacancies.append(page_answer_hh) return hh_vacancies def predict_rub_salary_hh(hh_vacancies, profession): total_vacancies = hh_vacancies[0]['found'] total_salary = 0 total_number = 0 for vacancy in hh_vacancies: prepare_vacancies = vacancy['items'] number = 0 sum_salary = 0 total_average_salary = 0 for prepare_vacancy in prepare_vacancies: if prepare_vacancy['salary'] is not None: salary = prepare_vacancy['salary'] if salary['currency'] == 'RUR': number += 1 min_salary = salary['from'] max_salary = salary['to'] average_salary = predict_salary(min_salary, max_salary) sum_salary += average_salary total_salary += sum_salary total_number += number try: total_average_salary = int(total_salary/total_number) except ZeroDivisionError: pass hh_response = [profession, total_vacancies, total_number, total_average_salary] return hh_response def get_vacancies_sj(profession, secret_key_sj): sj_vacancies = [] page = 0 pages = 1 while page < pages: url = '' headers = {'X-Api-App-Id': secret_key_sj} user_request = {'keyword': profession, 'town': 4, 'period': 30, 'count': 10, 'page': page} page_response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=user_request) page_response.raise_for_status() more_vacancies = page_response.json()['more'] if more_vacancies: page += 1 pages += 1 if not more_vacancies: break page_answer_sj = page_response.json() sj_vacancies.append(page_answer_sj) return sj_vacancies def predict_rub_salary_sj(sj_vacancies, profession): total_vacancies = sj_vacancies[0]['total'] total_salary = 0 total_number = 0 for vacancy in sj_vacancies: prepare_vacancies = vacancy['objects'] number = 0 sum_salary = 0 total_average_salary = 0 for prepare_vacancy in prepare_vacancies: if prepare_vacancy['currency'] == 'rub': min_salary = prepare_vacancy['payment_from'] max_salary = prepare_vacancy['payment_to'] if min_salary or max_salary != 0: number += 1 average_salary = predict_salary(min_salary, max_salary) sum_salary += average_salary total_salary += sum_salary total_number += number try: total_average_salary = int(total_salary/total_number) except ZeroDivisionError: pass sj_response = [profession, total_vacancies, total_number, total_average_salary] return sj_response def get_table(table, title): table_template = [['Язык программирования', 'Вакансий найдено', 'Вакансий обработано', 'Средняя зарплата'], ] for line in table: table_template.append(line) table_instance = SingleTable(table_template, title) table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' table_result = table_instance.table return table_result def main(): load_dotenv() secret_key_sj = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY') table_hh = [] table_sj = [] professions = ("C#", "Objective-C", "Ruby", "Java", "C", "Typescript", "Scala", "Go", "Swift", "C++", "PHP", "JavaScript", "Python") for profession in professions: hh_vacancies = get_vacancies_hh(profession) hh_response = predict_rub_salary_hh(hh_vacancies, profession) table_hh.append(hh_response) title_hh = 'HEADHUNTER_MOSCOW' sj_vacancies = get_vacancies_sj(profession, secret_key_sj) try: sj_response = predict_rub_salary_sj(sj_vacancies, profession) table_sj.append(sj_response) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass title_sj = 'SUPERJOB_MOSCOW' print (get_table(table_hh, title_hh)) print() print (get_table(table_sj, title_sj)) print() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt teilnehmer = int(input("Teilnehmer: ")) a = list() x = np.arange(1, teilnehmer+1) y = np.zeros(teilnehmer) a.append(float(input("Geheimnis: "))) for i in range(teilnehmer-1): a.append(float(input(f"Koeffizient a{i+1}: "))) for i in range(teilnehmer): for j in range(len(x)): y[i]+=a[j]*x[i]**j for i in range(teilnehmer): print(f"Punkt für Teilnehmer {i+1}: x{i+1} = {x[i]}, y{i+1} = {y[i]}") berechnetes_geheimnis = 0 for i in range(teilnehmer): lagrange = 1 for j in range(teilnehmer): if i != j: print(f"((0 - {x[j]})/({x[i]} - {x[j]})) * ", end = '') lagrange *= (0 - x[j])/(x[i] - x[j]) print(f"{y[i]} = {lagrange * y[i]}") berechnetes_geheimnis += lagrange * y[i] print(f"Berechnetes Geheimnis: {berechnetes_geheimnis}") p = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, teilnehmer-1)) x_plot = np.linspace(-2, 6, 100) _ = plt.plot(x, y, '.', x_plot, p(x_plot), '-') plt.ylim(0, 20)
#/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import # Charge transfer efficiency by EPER, now as a pipe task! import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase import sys import numpy as np import argparse from .MaskedCCD import MaskedCCD import lsst.geom as lsstGeom import lsst.afw.math as afwMath from lsst.eotest.Estimator import Estimator class SubImage(object): """Functor to produce sub-images depending on scan direction.""" def __init__(self, ccd, amp, overscans, task): geom = ccd.amp_geom self.ccd = ccd self.imaging = geom.imaging self.image = ccd[amp] # This is the masked image for the desired amp. if task.config.direction == 'p': self._bbox = self._parallel_box llc = lsstGeom.Point2I(geom.parallel_overscan.getMinX(), geom.parallel_overscan.getMinY() + overscans) urc = geom.parallel_overscan.getCorners()[2] self._bias_reg = lsstGeom.Box2I(llc, urc) self.lastpix = self.imaging.getMaxY() elif task.config.direction == 's': self._bbox = self._serial_box llc = lsstGeom.Point2I(geom.serial_overscan.getMinX() + overscans, geom.serial_overscan.getMinY()) urc = geom.serial_overscan.getCorners()[2] # # Omit the last 4 columns to avoid the bright column in the # last overscan column in the e2v vendor data. # urc[0] -= 4 self._bias_reg = lsstGeom.Box2I(llc, urc) self.lastpix = self.imaging.getMaxX() else: task.log.error("Unknown scan direction: " + str(direction)) sys.exit(1) def bias_est(self, statistic=afwMath.MEAN, gain=1): subim = self.image.Factory(self.image, self._bias_reg) bias_estimate = Estimator() bias_estimate.value = \ gain*afwMath.makeStatistics(subim, statistic).getValue() num_pix = len(subim.getImage().getArray().flatten()) bias_estimate.error = \ gain*afwMath.makeStatistics(subim, afwMath.STDEV).getValue()/np.sqrt(float(num_pix)) return bias_estimate def __call__(self, start, end=None): if end is None: end = start my_exp = self.image.Factory(self.image, self._bbox(start, end)) return my_exp def _parallel_box(self, start, end): llc = lsstGeom.PointI(self.imaging.getMinX(), start) urc = lsstGeom.PointI(self.imaging.getMaxX(), end) return lsstGeom.BoxI(llc, urc) def _serial_box(self, start, end): llc = lsstGeom.PointI(start, self.imaging.getMinY()) urc = lsstGeom.PointI(end, self.imaging.getMaxY()) return lsstGeom.BoxI(llc, urc) class EPERConfig(pexConfig.Config): """Configuration for the EPERTask.""" direction = pexConfig.Field("Select either parallel or serial direction", str, default="p") verbose = pexConfig.Field("Turn verbosity on", bool, default=True) cti = pexConfig.Field('Return CTI instead of CTE', bool, default=False) class EPERTask(pipeBase.Task): """Task to calculate either parallel or serial charge transfer efficiency via EPER.""" ConfigClass = EPERConfig _DefaultName = "eper" @pipeBase.timeMethod def run(self, infilename, nframes, amps, overscans, gains=None, mask_files=(), linearity_correction=None): if not infilename: self.log.error("Please specify an input file path.") sys.exit(1) if gains is None: gains = dict([(amp, 1) for amp in amps]) ccd = MaskedCCD(infilename, mask_files=mask_files, linearity_correction=linearity_correction) # iterate through amps cte = {} bias_estimates = {} for amp in amps: subimage = SubImage(ccd, amp, overscans, self) lastpix = subimage.lastpix # find signal in last image vector (i.e., row or column) last_im = Estimator(subimage(lastpix), ccd.stat_ctrl, gain=gains[amp], var_wt=nframes) if self.config.verbose:"Last imaging row/column = " + str(last_im)) # find signal in each overscan vector overscan_ests = [] for i in range(1, overscans+1): overscan_ests.append(Estimator(subimage(lastpix+i), ccd.stat_ctrl, gain=gains[amp], var_wt=nframes)) if self.config.verbose:"Overscan values = " + str(overscan_ests)) # sum medians of first n overscan rows summed = sum(overscan_ests) if self.config.verbose:"summed overscans = " + str(summed)) # Find bias level. bias_est = subimage.bias_est(gain=gains[amp], statistic=afwMath.MEAN) bias_estimates[amp] = bias_est if self.config.verbose:"bias value = " + str(bias_est)) # signal = last - bias sig = last_im - bias_est # trailed = sum(last2) - bias trailed = summed - overscans*bias_est # charge loss per transfer = (trailed/signal)/N chargelosspt = (trailed/sig)/(lastpix + 1.) if self.config.cti: cte[amp] = chargelosspt cte[amp].set_format_str("{0:.5e}") else: cte[amp] = 1. - chargelosspt cte[amp].set_format_str("{0:.16f}") if self.config.verbose: if self.config.cti:'cti, amp ' + str(amp) + " = " + str(cte[amp]) + '\n') else:'cte, amp ' + str(amp) + " = " + str(cte[amp]) + '\n') return cte, bias_estimates if __name__ == '__main__': #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calculate either parallel or serial CTE via EPER.') parser.add_argument('infilename', help="image file to be used for analysis") parser.add_argument('-o', '--overscans', help="number of overscan rows/columns to use", type=int, default=3) parser.add_argument('-d', '--direction', help="specify either parallel ('p') or serial ('s') direction", default='p') parser.add_argument('-a', '--amps', help="amps to be analyzed, separated by a space", type=int, nargs='+', default=list(range(1, 17))) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="turn verbosity on", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-i', '--cti', help='return CTI (not CTE)', action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() task = EPERTask() task.config.direction = args.direction task.config.verbose = args.verbose task.config.cti = args.cti, args.amps, args.overscans)
from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, DateTime from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import as_declarative, declared_attr from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session from config.config import SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI) Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) @as_declarative() class Base: @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): return cls.__name__.lower() id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) created_at = Column(DateTime, updated_at = Column(DateTime, @classmethod def count(cls): session = Session() return session.query(cls).count()
from typing import List class Solution: def plusOne(self, digits: List[int]) -> List[int]: N = len(digits) for i in reversed(range(N)): digit = digits[i] if digit == 9: digits[i] = 0 else: digits[i] += 1 return digits digits[0] = 1 digits.append(0) return digits
import timeit import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP def time_check(N, h, p, TTSE = False, mode = 'TTSE'): if TTSE: if mode =='TTSE': setup = "import CoolProp; import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP; CP.enable_TTSE_LUT('Water'); CP.set_TTSE_mode('Water','TTSE'); CP.Props('T','H',500,'P',10000,'Water'); IWater = CP.get_Fluid_index('Water'); from CoolProp.param_constants import iT,iH,iP,iD" elif mode =='BICUBIC': setup = "import CoolProp; import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP; CP.enable_TTSE_LUT('Water'); CP.set_TTSE_mode('Water','BICUBIC'); CP.Props('T','H',500,'P',10000,'Water'); IWater = CP.get_Fluid_index('Water'); from CoolProp.param_constants import iT,iH,iP,iD" else: raise ValueError() else: setup = "import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP; IWater = CP.get_Fluid_index('Water'); CP.disable_TTSE_LUT('Water'); from CoolProp.param_constants import iT,iH,iP,iD" time = timeit.Timer("CP.IProps(iD,iH,"+str(h)+",iP,"+str(p)+",IWater)",setup).timeit(N)/N*1e6 value = CP.Props('D','H',h,'P',p,'Water') return time, value values = dict(subcooled = (500,10000), twophase = (2000,10000), superheated = (3000,10000), supercritical = (2000,30000)) N = 10000 for k in ['subcooled','twophase','superheated','supercritical']: h, p = values[k] time_EOS, value_EOS = time_check(N, h, p, TTSE = False) time_TTSE, value_TTSE = time_check(N, h, p, TTSE = True) time_BICUBIC, value_BICUBIC = time_check(N, h, p, TTSE = True, mode='BICUBIC') print("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (k, h, p, (value_TTSE/value_EOS-1.0)*100, (value_BICUBIC/value_EOS-1.0)*100, time_EOS/time_TTSE, time_EOS/time_BICUBIC))
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def approximate_curve(data, bin_number): binned = pd.cut(data.capacity_factor, bin_number) # bins = np.arange(1, len(data.datetime) / bin_number + 1) # logger.debug("bins: {}".format(bins)) # digitized = np.digitize(data, bins) # bin_means = [data[digitized == i].mean() # for i in range(1, len(bin_number))] return binned
"""There is a vehicle obscuring a pedestrian that conflicts with your path.""" from flow.envs.multiagent import Bayesian0NoGridEnv from flow.networks import Bayesian1Network from flow.core.params import SumoParams, EnvParams, InitialConfig, NetParams from flow.core.params import SumoCarFollowingParams, VehicleParams from flow.core.params import PedestrianParams from flow.controllers import SimCarFollowingController, GridRouter, RLController from flow.utils.registry import make_create_env from flow.utils.rllib import FlowParamsEncoder # Experiment parameters N_ROLLOUTS = 20 # number of rollouts per training iteration N_CPUS = 8 # number of parallel workers # Environment parameters # TODO(@klin) make sure these parameters match what you've set up in the SUMO version here V_ENTER = 30 # enter speed for departing vehicles INNER_LENGTH = 50 # length of inner edges in the traffic light grid network # number of vehicles originating in the left, right, top, and bottom edges N_LEFT, N_RIGHT, N_TOP, N_BOTTOM = 0, 1, 1, 1 def make_flow_params(): """ Generate the flow params for the experiment. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- dict flow_params object """ pedestrian_params = PedestrianParams() pedestrian_params.add( ped_id='ped_0', depart_time='0.00', start='(1.0)--(1.1)', end='(1.1)--(1.2)', depart_pos='40') # we place a sufficient number of vehicles to ensure they confirm with the # total number specified above. We also use a "right_of_way" speed mode to # support traffic light compliance vehicles = VehicleParams() vehicles.add( veh_id="human", acceleration_controller=(SimCarFollowingController, {}), car_following_params=SumoCarFollowingParams( min_gap=2.5, max_speed=V_ENTER, decel=7.5, # avoid collisions at emergency stops speed_mode="right_of_way", ), routing_controller=(GridRouter, {}), num_vehicles=2) vehicles.add( veh_id='rl', acceleration_controller=(RLController, {}), car_following_params=SumoCarFollowingParams( speed_mode="aggressive", ), routing_controller=(GridRouter, {}), num_vehicles=1) ''' vehicles.add( veh_id="human_1", acceleration_controller=(SimCarFollowingController, {}), car_following_params=SumoCarFollowingParams( min_gap=2.5, max_speed=V_ENTER, decel=7.5, # avoid collisions at emergency stops speed_mode="right_of_way", ), routing_controller=(GridRouter, {}), num_vehicles=1) ''' n_rows = 1 n_columns = 1 # define initial configs to pass into dict initial_config = InitialConfig( spacing='custom', shuffle=False, sidewalks=True, lanes_distribution=float('inf')) flow_params = dict( # name of the experiment exp_tag="bayesian_1_env", # name of the flow environment the experiment is running on env_name=Bayesian0NoGridEnv, # name of the network class the experiment is running on network=Bayesian1Network, # simulator that is used by the experiment simulator='traci', # sumo-related parameters (see flow.core.params.SumoParams) sim=SumoParams( restart_instance=False, sim_step=0.1, render=False, ), env=EnvParams( horizon=500, # environment related parameters (see flow.core.params.EnvParams) additional_params={ # maximum acceleration of autonomous vehicles 'max_accel': 2.6, # maximum deceleration of autonomous vehicles 'max_decel': 4.5, # desired velocity for all vehicles in the network, in m/s "target_velocity": 25, # how many objects in our local radius we want to return "max_num_objects": 3, # how large of a radius to search in for a given vehicle in meters "search_veh_radius": 50, # how large of a radius to search for pedestrians in for a given vehicle in meters (create effect of only seeing pedestrian only when relevant) "search_ped_radius": 22, # whether or not we have a discrete action space, "discrete": False, # whether to randomize which edge the vehicles are coming from "randomize_vehicles": False, # whether to append the prior into the state "inference_in_state": False, # whether to grid the cone "search_veh_radius" in front of us into 6 grid cells "use_grid": False }, ), # network-related parameters (see flow.core.params.NetParams and the # network's documentation or ADDITIONAL_NET_PARAMS component) net=NetParams( additional_params={ "speed_limit": V_ENTER + 5, # inherited from grid0 benchmark "grid_array": { "inner_length": INNER_LENGTH, "row_num": n_rows, "col_num": n_columns, "cars_left": N_LEFT, "cars_right": N_RIGHT, "cars_top": N_TOP, "cars_bot": N_BOTTOM, }, "horizontal_lanes": 1, "vertical_lanes": 1, "randomize_routes": True, }, ), # vehicles to be placed in the network at the start of a rollout (see # flow.core.params.VehicleParams) veh=vehicles, ped=pedestrian_params, # parameters specifying the positioning of vehicles upon initialization # or reset (see flow.core.params.InitialConfig) initial = initial_config ) return flow_params # define callbacks for tensorboard
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional from utils.utils import format_date class Event: """Event object to store data about a Google Calendar event""" def __init__( self, event_id: str, link: str, title: str, location: Optional[str], description: Optional[str], all_day: bool, start: datetime, end: datetime, ): self.__id = event_id self.__link = link self.__title = title self.__location = location self.__description = description self.__all_day = all_day self.__start = start.replace(tzinfo=None) self.__end = end.replace(tzinfo=None) @property def id(self) -> str: """Returns the event id""" return self.__id @property def link(self) -> str: """Returns the link to the event in Google Calendar""" return self.__link @property def title(self) -> str: """Returns the title of the event""" return self.__title @property def location(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the location of the event""" return self.__location @property def description(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the description of the event""" return self.__description @property def all_day(self) -> bool: """Returns whether or not the event is an all day event""" return self.__all_day @property def start(self) -> datetime: """Returns the start date as a datetime object""" return self.__start @property def end(self) -> datetime: """Returns the end date as a datetime object""" return self.__end @property def __one_day(self) -> bool: """Returns whether or not the event is a one day event""" return self.all_day and self.end - self.start <= timedelta(days=1) def relative_date_range_str(self, -> str: """Returns a formatted string of the start to end date range""" start_str = self.__relative_start_str(base=base) end_str = self.__relative_end_str(base=self.start) # all day event if self.__one_day: return f"{start_str} - All day" # include end time if it is not the same as the start time return f"{start_str} - {end_str}" if end_str else start_str def __relative_start_str(self, -> str: """Returns a formatted string of the start date""" return format_date(self.start, all_day=self.all_day, base=base) or "Today" def __relative_end_str(self, -> str: """Returns a formatted string of the end date""" end_date = self.end # use previous day if end of multi-day, all-day event if self.all_day and not self.__one_day: end_date -= timedelta(days=1) return format_date(end_date, all_day=self.all_day, base=base)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from cctbx.array_family.flex import ( # noqa: F401; lgtm abs, acos, arg, asin, atan, atan2, bool, ceil, compare_derivatives, complex_double, condense_as_ranges, conj, cos, cosh, cost_of_m_handle_in_af_shared, double, double_from_byte_str, double_range, empty_container_sizes_double, empty_container_sizes_int, exercise_versa_packed_u_to_flex, exp, extract_double_attributes, fabs, first_index, flex_argument_passing, float, float_range, floor, fmod, fmod_positive, get_random_seed, grid, hendrickson_lattman, histogram, imag, int, int_from_byte_str, int_range, integer_offsets_vs_pointers, intersection, last_index, linear_correlation, linear_interpolation, linear_regression, linear_regression_core, log, log10, long, long_range, mat3_double, max, max_absolute, max_default, max_index, mean, mean_and_variance, mean_default, mean_sq, mean_sq_weighted, mean_weighted, median, median_functor, median_statistics, mersenne_twister, miller_index, min, min_default, min_index, min_max_mean_double, nested_loop, norm, order, permutation_generator, polar, pow, pow2, product, py_object, random_bool, random_double, random_double_point_on_sphere, random_double_r3_rotation_matrix, random_double_r3_rotation_matrix_arvo_1992, random_double_unit_quaternion, random_generator, random_int_gaussian_distribution, random_permutation, random_selection, random_size_t, reindexing_array, rows, select, set_random_seed, show, show_count_stats, sin, sinh, size_t, size_t_from_byte_str, size_t_range, slice_indices, smart_selection, sort_permutation, sorted, split_lines, sqrt, std_string, sum, sum_sq, sym_mat3_double, tan, tanh, tiny_size_t_2, to_list, union, vec2_double, vec3_double, vec3_int, weighted_histogram, xray_scatterer, ) from dials.array_family.flex_ext import ( # noqa: F401; lgtm real, reflection_table_selector, ) from dials_array_family_flex_ext import ( # noqa: F401; lgtm Binner, PixelListShoeboxCreator, int6, observation, reflection_table, reflection_table_to_list_of_reflections, shoebox, )
# @Author: BingWu Yang <detailyang> # @Date: 2016-03-29T17:47:44+08:00 # @Email: # @Last modified by: detailyang # @Last modified time: 2016-04-10T16:54:56+08:00 # @License: The MIT License (MIT) import ply.yacc as yacc import eslast as ast from esllexer import ESLLexer tokens = ESLLexer.tokens def p_request(p): '''request : URL | URL METHOD | URL METHOD OPTIONS''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = ast.RequestNode(ast.MethodNode('GET'), ast.URLNode(p[1]), None) elif len(p) == 3: p[0] = ast.RequestNode(ast.MethodNode(p[2]), ast.URLNode(p[1]), None) else: p[0] = ast.RequestNode(ast.MethodNode(p[2]), ast.URLNode(p[1]), p[3]) def p_options(p): '''OPTIONS : | OPTION | OPTIONS OPTION''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = ast.OptionListNode([p[1]]) else: p[0] = p[1].append(p[2]) def p_option_empty(p): ' OPTION : empty ' p[0] = p[1] def p_option_header(p): ' OPTION : HEADERVALUE ' p[0] = p[1] def p_option_querystring(p): ' OPTION : QUERYSTRINGVALUE ' p[0] = p[1] def p_option_body(p): ' OPTION : BODYVALUE ' p[0] = p[1] def p_empty(p): 'empty :' p[0] = [] def p_querystring_value(p): '''QUERYSTRINGVALUE : QUERYSTRING VALUE ''' p[0] = ast.OptionNode(ast.QueryStringNode(p[1]), ast.ValueNode(p[2])) def p_querystring_shell(p): '''QUERYSTRINGVALUE : QUERYSTRING SHELL ''' p[0] = ast.OptionNode(ast.QueryStringNode(p[1]), ast.ShellNode(p[2])) def p_header_value(p): '''HEADERVALUE : HEADER VALUE ''' p[0] = ast.OptionNode(ast.HeaderNode(p[1]), ast.ValueNode(p[2])) def p_header_shell(p): '''HEADERVALUE : HEADER SHELL ''' p[0] = ast.OptionNode(ast.HeaderNode(p[1]), ast.ShellNode(p[2])) def p_body_value(p): '''BODYVALUE : BODY VALUE ''' p[0] = ast.OptionNode(ast.BodyNode(p[1]), ast.ValueNode(p[2])) def p_body_shell(p): '''BODYVALUE : BODY SHELL ''' p[0] = ast.OptionNode(ast.BodyNode(p[1]), ast.ShellNode(p[2])) def p_error(p): print("Syntax Error") print("ESL format: {URL} {METHOD} {OPTIONS}") print("{URL}:||/api/endpoints") print("{METHOD}: GET|get|POST|post|DELETE|delete|PUT|put") print("{OPTIONS}: --hContent-Type=application/json") print("{OPTIONS}: --qper_page=1") print("{OPTIONS}: --busername=xxxx") def parse(text): parser = yacc.yacc(debug=True) ast = parser.parse(text, ESLLexer().build()) return ast if __name__ == '__main__': ast = parse("/api/cmdb/peoples/ get --qhost_ip=!(ifconfig eth0) --qhost_name=bj-sdf --hContent-Type=abcd --bslkjsdf=123") # Test it print(ast.left) print(ast.method) for option in ast.right.options: key = option.key value = option.value
from discord.ext import commands import config class Bot(commands.Bot): async def invoke(self, ctx): if self.user.mentioned_in(ctx.message): # Mention was processed in on_message. return if ctx.invoked_with: await ctx.send(config.response) async def on_message(self, message): # bot? if return # mention? if self.user.mentioned_in(message): await return # invoke command await self.process_commands(message)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import altair as alt import pandas import selenium def vegaGraphics( cmdTag, id1, id2, parameters, sql, transformedData, verbose,): """Create interactive charts for specified data""" # making function more explicit cmdTag = cmdTag id1 = id1 id2 = id2 parameters = parameters sql = sql transformedData = transformedData verbose = verbose if verbose >= 1: print( "Creating Vega Graphics" ) transformedData = transformedData.rename( columns = { id1 : "id1", id2 : "id2", sql : "sql", cmdTag : "cmdTag", parameters : "parameters"}) dataInfo = transformedData.copy() data = transformedData[["total_duration", "cmdTag", "id1", "id2", "sql", "parameters"]].copy() data = data.sort_values(by = ["total_duration"], ascending = True, inplace = False).dropna().reset_index(drop = True) data["length"] = data["sql"].str.len() + data["parameters"].str.len() alt.data_transformers.disable_max_rows() brush = alt.selection_interval() # -----> create the scatter plot graph line = alt.Chart(data.reset_index()).mark_point().encode( x = alt.X( "length:Q", axis = alt.Axis(title = "Query Length")), y=alt.Y( "total_duration:Q", axis = alt.Axis(title = "Latency (ms)")), color = alt.condition( brush, "cmdTag:N", alt.value("lightgray")), shape = "cmdTag:N", tooltip = ["index:O", "total_duration:Q", "length:Q", "log_time_with_tz:N", "sql:N", "parameters:N", "cmdTag:N", "id1:N", "id2:N"] ).properties( width = 500, height = 500, title = "Einherjar Queries" ).add_selection( brush ).interactive() # -----> display the mean via a line across our chart rule = alt.Chart(data).mark_rule(color = "red").encode( y = "median(total_duration):Q", size = alt.value(2) ) alt.Chart(data).configure_title( fontSize = 30 ) # -----> display number of interations per table insert dog = dataInfo[["inserted_data", "cmdTag"]].dropna() bars1 = alt.Chart(dog).mark_bar().encode( y = "inserted_into:N", color = "cmdTag:N", x = "count(inserted_into):Q" ).transform_filter( brush ) # -----> display number of interations per table select cat = dataInfo[["selected_from", "cmdTag"]].dropna() bars2 = alt.Chart(cat).mark_bar().encode( y = "selected_from:N", color = "cmdTag:N", x = "count(selected_from):Q" ).transform_filter( brush ) # -----> add the line and rule charts to the base chart chart = line + rule chart = chart & bars1 & bars2"results/data.json")"results/data.html") if verbose >= 1: print( "Vega Graphics have been completed" )
from ark.thread_handler import ThreadHandler from factory import Factory import time class GuiTasks(object): @classmethod def loop(cls): time.sleep(1) GuiTasks.get_active_threads() @classmethod def get_active_threads(cls): GUI = Factory.get('GUI') max_threads = len(ThreadHandler.activethreads) active_threads = 0 for key,timestamp in ThreadHandler.activethreads.items(): if timestamp > (time.time()-30): active_threads += 1 GUI.active_threads['text'] = "{} / {}".format(active_threads,max_threads)
import inject from flask import Flask, Response, send_from_directory, send_file class StaticRoute: @staticmethod @inject.autoparams() def init(flask: Flask) -> None: @flask.route("/static/<path:path>") def send_static(path: str) -> Response: return send_from_directory(f"static", path) @flask.route("/") def index() -> Response: return send_file("static/html/index.html")
# Exercise 31: Making Decisions print "You enter a dark room with two doors. Do you go through door #1 or door #2?" door = raw_input("> ") if door == "1": print "There's a giant bear here eating a cheese cake. What do you do?" print "1. Take the cake." print "2. Scream at the bear." print "3. Turn back quietly" print "4. Look around" bear = raw_input("> ") if bear == "1": print "The bear eats your face off. Good job!" elif bear == "2": print "The bear eats your legs off. Good job!" elif bear == "3": print "One plank creaked and bear eats you. Good job!" elif bear == "4": print "There have rifle. Will you get it?" print "1. Yes!" print "2. No!" rifle = raw_input("> ") if rifle == "1": print "Did you want to shoot the bear?" print "1. Yes, of course!" print "2. No!" choice = raw_input("> ") if choice == "1": print """ The rifle isn't loaded! You look around and see bullets on the table. You are going to get them, but the bear see you and eat you!!! Good job! :D """ elif choice == "2": print "While you thinking what to do the bear see you and eat you! Good job!" else: print "You can't choice other, for that you die! Good Job!" elif rifle == "2": print """ This is stupid decision and what will do now? Okey, just die. Good job! """ else: print "You can't choce other, for that you die! Good Job!" else: print "Well, doing %s is probably better. Bear runs away." % bear elif door == "2": print "You stare into the endless abyss at Cthulhu's retina." print "1. Blueberries." print "2. Yellow jacket clothespins." print "3. Understanding revolvers yelling melodies." insanity = raw_input("> ") if insanity == "1" or insanity == "2": print "Your body survives powered by a mind of jello. Good job!" else: print "The insanity rots your eyes into a pool of muck. Good job!" else: print "You stumble around and fall on a knife and die. Good job!" # Study Drills: # 1. Make new parts of the game and change what decisions people # can make. Expand the game out as much as you can before it get # ridiculous. # 2. Write a copletely new game. Maybe you don't like this one, so # make your own. This is your computer, do what you want.
# Generated by Django 3.1.1 on 2020-10-08 02:15 from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ('rameniaapp', '0009_auto_20201002_0243'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Edit', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('image', models.ImageField(blank=True, upload_to='')), ('change', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)), ('editor', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ('noodle', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='rameniaapp.noodle')), ], ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*- ############################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Daniel Rodriguez # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################### from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) tableau20 = [ 'steelblue', # 0 'lightsteelblue', # 1 'darkorange', # 2 'peachpuff', # 3 'green', # 4 'lightgreen', # 5 'crimson', # 6 'lightcoral', # 7 'mediumpurple', # 8 'thistle', # 9 'saddlebrown', # 10 'rosybrown', # 11 'orchid', # 12 'lightpink', # 13 'gray', # 14 'lightgray', # 15 'olive', # 16 'palegoldenrod', # 17 'mediumturquoise', # 18 'paleturquoise', # 19 ] tableau10 = [ 'blue', # 'steelblue', # 0 'darkorange', # 1 'green', # 2 'crimson', # 3 'mediumpurple', # 4 'saddlebrown', # 5 'orchid', # 6 'gray', # 7 'olive', # 8 'mediumturquoise', # 9 ] tableau10_light = [ 'lightsteelblue', # 0 'peachpuff', # 1 'lightgreen', # 2 'lightcoral', # 3 'thistle', # 4 'rosybrown', # 5 'lightpink', # 6 'lightgray', # 7 'palegoldenrod', # 8 'paleturquoise', # 9 ] tab10_index = [3, 0, 2, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] class PlotScheme(object): def __init__(self): # to have a tight packing on the chart wether only the x axis or also # the y axis have (see matplotlib) self.ytight = False # y-margin (top/bottom) for the subcharts. This will not overrule the # option plotinfo.plotymargin self.yadjust = 0.0 # Each new line is in z-order below the previous one. change it False # to have lines paint above the previous line self.zdown = True # Rotation of the date labes on the x axis self.tickrotation = 15 # How many "subparts" takes a major chart (datas) in the overall chart # This is proportional to the total number of subcharts self.rowsmajor = 5 # How many "subparts" takes a minor chart (indicators/observers) in the # overall chart. This is proportional to the total number of subcharts # Together with rowsmajor, this defines a proportion ratio betwen data # charts and indicators/observers charts self.rowsminor = 1 # Distance in between subcharts self.plotdist = 0.0 # Have a grid in the background of all charts self.grid = True # Default plotstyle for the OHLC bars which (line -> line on close) # Other options: 'bar' and 'candle' = 'line' # Default color for the 'line on close' plot self.loc = 'black' # Default color for a bullish bar/candle (0.75 -> intensity of gray) self.barup = '0.75' # Default color for a bearish bar/candle self.bardown = 'red' # Level of transparency to apply to bars/cancles (NOT USED) self.bartrans = 1.0 # Wether the candlesticks have to be filled or be transparent self.barupfill = True self.bardownfill = True # Wether the candlesticks have to be filled or be transparent self.fillalpha = 0.20 # Wether to plot volume or not. Note: if the data in question has no # volume values, volume plotting will be skipped even if this is True self.volume = True # Wether to overlay the volume on the data or use a separate subchart self.voloverlay = True # Scaling of the volume to the data when plotting as overlay self.volscaling = 0.33 # Pushing overlay volume up for better visibiliy. Experimentation # needed if the volume and data overlap too much self.volpushup = 0.00 # Default colour for the volume of a bullish day self.volup = '#aaaaaa' # 0.66 of gray # Default colour for the volume of a bearish day self.voldown = '#cc6073' # (204, 96, 115) # Transparency to apply to the volume when overlaying self.voltrans = 0.50 # Transparency for text labels (NOT USED CURRENTLY) self.subtxttrans = 0.66 # Default font text size for labels on the chart self.subtxtsize = 9 # Transparency for the legend (NOT USED CURRENTLY) self.legendtrans = 0.25 # Wether indicators have a leged displaey in their charts self.legendind = True # Location of the legend for indicators (see matplotlib) self.legendindloc = 'upper left' # Location of the legend for datafeeds (see matplotlib) self.legenddataloc = 'upper left' # Plot the last value of a line after the Object name self.linevalues = True # Plot a tag at the end of each line with the last value self.valuetags = True # Default color for horizontal lines (see plotinfo.plothlines) self.hlinescolor = '0.66' # shade of gray # Default style for horizontal lines self.hlinesstyle = '--' # Default width for horizontal lines self.hlineswidth = 1.0 # Default color scheme: Tableau 10 self.lcolors = tableau10 # strftime Format string for the display of ticks on the x axis self.fmt_x_ticks = None # strftime Format string for the display of data points values self.fmt_x_data = None def color(self, idx): colidx = tab10_index[idx % len(tab10_index)] return self.lcolors[colidx]
#!/usr/bin/env python #Creates an instance in /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart which will autolaunch the server on the pi user account. import time print "Copy the path of the shortcut file by right clicking it and clicking 'copy path(s)'." print "Paste the path when prompted by right clicking in the terminal and clicking 'paste'." dspath = raw_input("Paste the full path to the server shortcut: ") atspath = "/home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart" desktopentry = open(dspath, "r") desktopcnt = desktopentry.readlines() desktopentry.close() workingline = "failsafe" for line in desktopcnt: if line[0:4] == "Exec": workingline = line if workingline == "failsafe": print "no Exec line was found in the file you specified." print "The program will terminate" time.sleep(5) exit() workingline = workingline.strip() workingline = workingline[6:len(workingline)] autostartline = "@"+workingline+"\n" readcurrent = open(atspath, "r") readcnt = readcurrent.readlines() readcurrent.close() memory = [] for line in readcnt: if len(line) > 2: memory.append(line) memory.insert(0, autostartline) print memory overwritecurrent = open(atspath, "w") lenmem = len(memory) for x in range(lenmem): overwritecurrent.write("%s" %(memory[x])) overwritecurrent.close() print "Autostart entry created." print "Program will terminate" time.sleep(5) exit()
class Book(): ''' Creates a book object that can be used to populate a web page Inputs: - title: the title of the book [str] - author: the author of the book [str] - series: the series the book belongs to or None [str] - review_text: a short blurb about the book [str] - image_url: a place to find the cover image of the book [str] ''' def __init__(self, title, author, series, review_text, image_url): self.title = title = author self.series = series self.review_text = review_text self.image_url = image_url def create_book_info(self): if self.series == None: self.series = 'This is a stand alone book.' else: self.series = 'This book is part of the series {}'.format(self.series) return { 'title': self.title, 'author':, 'series': self.series, 'review_text': self.review_text, 'image_url': self.image_url } class Movie(): ''' Creates a book object that can be used to populate a web page Inputs: - title: the title of the book [str] - author: the author of the book [str] - series: the series the book belongs to or None [str] - review_text: a short blurb about the book [str] - image_url: a place to find the cover image of the book [str] ''' def __init__(self, title, image_url, trailer_url): self.title = title self.poster_image_url = image_url self.trailer_youtube_url = trailer_url def create_movie_info(self): return { 'title': self.title, 'image_url': self.image_url, 'trailer_url': self.trailer_url }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from .base import Smoother __all__ = ['Smoother']
from os.path import join, dirname from textx import metamodel_for_language def test_example(): mm = metamodel_for_language('questionnaire') questionnaire = mm.model_from_file(join(dirname(__file__), 'example.que')) assert len(questionnaire.questions) == 6 assert questionnaire.questions[3].text == 'Author name' assert questionnaire.questions[2].type.__class__.__name__ == 'Free' assert questionnaire.questions[0].type.__class__.__name__ == 'Choice' assert questionnaire.questions[5].text == \ 'This question is to test multiline feature and indenting.' opt = questionnaire.questions[5].type.options assert len(opt) == 2 assert opt[0].num == 1 assert opt[0].text == 'Working' # Multiline assert opt[1].text == \ 'Not working. This is also to test multiline in choices.'
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import threading import json import re from datetime import datetime from flask import current_app from flask_jwt import current_identity, jwt_required from flask_restful import Resource, request from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, ValidationError from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError from common.utils import paginate_parse, pretty_response from common.tasks import analysis_dataset, analysis_dataset_block, fetch_collection, delete_collection from models.dataset import DatasetModel, DatasetSchema from models.blockset import BlocksetModel, BlocksetSchema class DatasetList(Resource): @jwt_required() def get(self): """ Query all instances """ if current_identity.roles not in ['super']: return pretty_response(403) title = request.args.get('title', '') page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) per_page = request.args.get('per_page', 10, type=int) paginate = DatasetModel.query.filter('%' + title + '%')).paginate( page, per_page, max_per_page=100) data = paginate_parse(paginate) data['items'] = DatasetSchema(many=True).dump(paginate.items) return pretty_response(200, data) @jwt_required() def post(self): """ Insert multi-instances """ if current_identity.roles not in ['super']: return pretty_response(403) jsondata = request.get_json() if DatasetModel.query.filter_by(title=jsondata['title']).first(): return pretty_response(40002) headers = jsondata.get('header', []) catalog = jsondata.get('catalog', None) if '数值' not in headers \ or (catalog == 'block' and '板块' not in headers) \ or (catalog == 'point' and '标题' not in headers): return pretty_response(40001) try: dataset_instance = DatasetSchema().load(jsondata, unknown=EXCLUDE) dataset_instance.add(dataset_instance) blocksets = BlocksetModel.query.all() data = json.loads( re.sub(r'[\s+]', '', json.dumps(jsondata.get('data', [])))) if catalog == 'block': # 导入板块数据 t = threading.Thread(target=analysis_dataset_block, args=( 'T' + dataset_instance.uuid, data, blocksets, headers)) t.start() else: # 导入集合数据 t = threading.Thread(target=analysis_dataset, args=( 'T' + dataset_instance.uuid, data, blocksets, headers)) t.start() dataset_dump = DatasetSchema().dump(dataset_instance) return pretty_response(200, dataset_dump) except ValidationError as e: current_app.logger.error(e.messages) return pretty_response(40003) except SQLAlchemyError as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return pretty_response(50001) def put(self): """ Update multi-instances """ return pretty_response(405) def delete(self): """ Batch-delete instances """ return pretty_response(405) class Dataset(Resource): @jwt_required() def get(self, uuid): """ Query specific instance """ if current_identity.roles not in ['super']: return pretty_response(403) dataset_instance = DatasetModel.query.get_or_404(uuid) dataset_dump = DatasetSchema().dump(dataset_instance) result = fetch_collection('T' + dataset_instance.uuid, []) dataset_dump['data'] = result return pretty_response(200, dataset_dump) @jwt_required() def post(self, uuid): """ Update specific instance """ if current_identity.roles not in ['super']: return pretty_response(403) dataset_instance = DatasetModel.query.get_or_404(uuid) jsondata = request.get_json() if not jsondata: return pretty_response(40001) catalog = jsondata.get('catalog', '') match = jsondata.get('match', {}) pipeline = [] aggregate_items = [] aggregate_max = 0 if catalog == 'block': pipeline = [{ '$match': match }, { '$group': {'_id': "$板块", 'value': {dataset_instance.mode: '$数值'}} }] result = fetch_collection('T' + dataset_instance.uuid, pipeline) blockset_list = BlocksetModel.query.all() for blockset in blockset_list: temp = { 'title': blockset.title, 'area': blockset.area, 'centroid': json.loads(blockset.centroid), 'coordinates': json.loads(blockset.coordinates), 'org_value': 0, 'value': 0, } for item in result: if blockset.title == item.get('_id', ''): if not item.get('value', None): break item_value = item.get('value', 0) temp['org_value'] = item_value temp['value'] = round( item_value / float(blockset.area), 4) if dataset_instance.inc_area else item_value if temp['value'] > aggregate_max: aggregate_max = temp['value'] break aggregate_items.append(temp) else: pipeline = [{ '$match': match }] result = fetch_collection('T' + dataset_instance.uuid, pipeline) for item in result: aggregate_item = { 'title': item.get('标题', ''), 'address': item.get('地址', ''), 'lng': item.get('经度', ''), 'lat': item.get('纬度', ''), 'value': item.get('数值', 0), } if aggregate_item['value'] > aggregate_max: aggregate_max = aggregate_item['value'] aggregate_items.append(aggregate_item) return pretty_response(200, {'max': aggregate_max, 'items': aggregate_items}) @jwt_required() def put(self, uuid): """ Update specific instance """ if current_identity.roles not in ['super']: return pretty_response(403) dataset_instance = DatasetModel.query.get_or_404(uuid) try: jsondata = request.get_json() DatasetSchema().load(jsondata, unknown=EXCLUDE) for key, val in jsondata.items(): setattr(dataset_instance, key, val) dataset_instance.updatetime = dataset_instance.update() dataset_dump = DatasetSchema().dump(dataset_instance) return pretty_response(200, dataset_dump) except ValidationError as e: current_app.logger.error(e.messages) return pretty_response(40003) except SQLAlchemyError as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return pretty_response(50001) @jwt_required() def delete(self, uuid): """ Delete specific instance """ if current_identity.roles not in ['super']: return pretty_response(403) dataset_instance = DatasetModel.query.get_or_404(uuid) delete_collection('T' + dataset_instance.uuid) try: dataset_instance.delete(dataset_instance) return pretty_response(20003) except SQLAlchemyError as e: current_app.logger.error(e) pretty_response(50001) class DatasetFree(Resource): def put(self, uuid): """ Update specific instance """ dataset_instance = DatasetModel.query.get_or_404(uuid) try: jsondata = request.get_json() DatasetSchema().load(jsondata, unknown=EXCLUDE) for key, val in jsondata.items(): setattr(dataset_instance, key, val) dataset_instance.updatetime = dataset_instance.update() dataset_dump = DatasetSchema().dump(dataset_instance) return pretty_response(200, dataset_dump) except ValidationError as e: current_app.logger.error(e.messages) return pretty_response(40003) except SQLAlchemyError as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return pretty_response(50001)
""" Discovering structure in heatmap data ===================================== _thumb: .4, .2 """ import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns sns.set(font="monospace") # Load the brain networks example dataset df = sns.load_dataset("brain_networks", header=[0, 1, 2], index_col=0) # Select a subset of the networks used_networks = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17] used_columns = (df.columns.get_level_values("network") .astype(int) .isin(used_networks)) df = df.loc[:, used_columns] # Create a custom palette to identify the networks network_pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(len(used_networks), light=.9, dark=.1, reverse=True, start=1, rot=-2) network_lut = dict(zip(map(str, used_networks), network_pal)) # Convert the palette to vectors that will be drawn on the side of the matrix networks = df.columns.get_level_values("network") network_colors = pd.Series(networks, index=df.columns).map(network_lut) # Create a custom colormap for the heatmap values cmap = sns.diverging_palette(h_neg=210, h_pos=350, s=90, l=30, as_cmap=True) # Draw the full plot sns.clustermap(df.corr(), row_colors=network_colors, linewidths=.5, col_colors=network_colors, figsize=(13, 13), cmap=cmap)
from django.db import models class Position(models.Model): w = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True) x = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True) y = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True) z = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True) time_received = models.DateField()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Copyright 2016-2018 Rumma & Ko Ltd # License: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ A library of `invoke <>`__ tasks. See :doc:`/invlib`. .. autosummary:: :toctree: tasks utils """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import six from importlib import import_module from invoke import Collection from unipath import Path import atelier def setup_from_tasks( globals_dict, main_package=None, settings_module_name=None, **kwargs): """ This is the function you must call from your :xfile:`` file in order to activate the tasks defined by atelier. """ if '__file__' not in globals_dict: raise Exception( "No '__file__' in %r. " "First parameter to must be `globals()`" % globals_dict) tasks_file = Path(globals_dict['__file__']) if not tasks_file.exists(): raise Exception("No such file: %s" % tasks_file) # print("20180428 setup_from_tasks() : {}".format(root_dir)) from atelier.invlib import tasks from atelier.projects import get_project_from_tasks prj = get_project_from_tasks(tasks_file.parent) atelier.current_project = prj if kwargs: prj.config.update(kwargs) if settings_module_name is not None: os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = settings_module_name from django.conf import settings prj.config.update( languages=[ for lng in settings.SITE.languages]) if isinstance(main_package, six.string_types): main_package = import_module(main_package) if main_package: prj.set_main_package(main_package) self = Collection.from_module(tasks) prj.set_namespace(self) return self
from flask import request, jsonify, current_app, make_response, session import random from info.libs.yuntongxun import sms from . import passport_blue from info.utils.response_code import RET from info.utils.captcha.captcha import captcha from info import redis_store,constants,db # 导入模型类 from info.models import User import re from datetime import datetime """ json.loads:把json字符串转成字典 json.dumps: 把字典转成json字符串 json.load/json.dump(操作的是文件对象) var data={ "mobile":mobile, "image_code":imagecode, ... } a='123'; json的概念:本质字符串,基于键值对的字符串;轻量级的数据交互格式; json的作用:实现跨语言,跨平台的数据交互; xml 格式: 作用是用来传输数据;都是闭合标签 XML: xmltodic模块,xmltodict.parse()/unparse() 微信, html用来展示数据; <xml> <mobile>12223234</mobile> <image_code>12223234</image_code> </xml> JSON { "mobile":mobile, "image_code":imagecode, } JSON.Stringify(data) 前端把对象转成json字符串; """ @passport_blue.route('/image_code') def generate_image_code(): """ 1.获取前端生成的uuid,/image_code?image_code_id=uuid request.args.get('image_code_id') 2. 判断参数是否存在,如果不存在uuid,直接return 3.调用工具生成图片验证码, 4.存储redis图片验证码的text文本,构造redis数据实例,用来存储业务相关的数据比如 :图片验证码 5. 返回图片给浏览器, 状态码: return jsonify(errno=666,errmsg='uuid未获取到') 1. 自定义的状态码: 用来实现前后端的数据交互. $.ajax({ url:'/image_code, type:'get' data:data, contentType:'application/json' success:function(resp){ if (resp == 666){ alert(成功) }else{ alert(失败) } } }) :return: """ # 获取参数 image_code_id=request.args.get('image_code_id') # 校验参数是否存在,如果UUID不存在,返回错误信息 if not image_code_id: return jsonify(errno=RET.PARAMERR,errmsg='参数缺失') # 调用工具captcha生成图片验证码 name,text,image=captcha.generate_captcha() # 保存图片验证码的文本 try: redis_store.setex('ImageCode_'+image_code_id,constants.IMAGE_CODE_REDIS_EXPIRES,text) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return jsonify(errno=RET.DBERR,errmsg='保存图片验证码失败') else: response=make_response(image) # 默认的响应报文Content-Type:text/html,应该修改默认的响应报文 response.headers['Content-Type']='image/jpg' return response @passport_blue.route('/sms_code',methods=['POST']) def send_sms_code(): """ 发送短信验证码 获取参数---校验参数---业务处理(查询数据)---返回结果 1、获取post请求的三个参数;前端使用ajax传入的参数,前端如何传入json? mobile/image_code/image_code_id request.json.get() 2、检查参数的完整性 3、检查手机号的格式是否符合要求,使用正则 4、比较图片验证码,从redis数据库中获取真实的图片验证码 get() 5、判断图片验证码是否过期 6、需要先删除Redis中真实存在的图片验证码,因为图片验证码只能获取一次,比较一次. 7、比较图片验证码,如果图片验证码正确 **检查手机号是否注册过??? 8、生成短信的随机数,六位数的随机数 random 9、保存短信随机数到Redis数据库中, 10、调用云通讯接口,发送短信,保存发送结果 11、返回发送结果 :return: """ mobile=request.json.get('mobile') image_code=request.json.get('image_code') image_code_id=request.json.get('image_code_id') # 检查参数的完整性 if not all([mobile,image_code,image_code_id]): return jsonify(errno=RET.PARAMERR,errmsg='参数不完整') # 检查手机号的格式,13012345678 if not re.match(r'1[3456789]\d{9}$',mobile): return jsonify(errno=RET.PARAMERR,errmsg='手机号格式错误') # 尝试从redis数据库中获取真实的图片验证码 try: real_image_code=redis_store.get('ImageCode_'+image_code_id) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return jsonify(errno=RET.DBERR,errmsg='获取图片验证码数据失败') # 判断图片验证码是否过期 if not real_image_code: return jsonify(errno=RET.NODATA,errmsg='图片验证码已过期') # 删除Redis数据库中的图片验证码 try: redis_store.delete('ImageCode_'+image_code_id) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) # 比较图片验证码是否一致,忽略大小写 if real_image_code.lower() != image_code.lower(): return jsonify(errno=RET.DATAERR,errmsg='图片验证码错误') # 确认用户是否注册过? try: # User.query.filter_by(mobile=mobile).first() user=User.query.filter( except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return jsonify(errno=RET.DBERR,errmsg='查询用户数据失败') else: # 判断查询结果是否存在 if user is not None: return jsonify(errno=RET.DATAEXIST,errmsg='用户已存在') #生成6位数短信随机数,使用随机数模块 sms_code='%06d' % random.randint (0, 999999) print(sms_code) try: redis_store.setex('SMSCode_'+mobile,constants.SMS_CODE_REDIS_EXPIRES,sms_code) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return jsonify(errno=RET.DBERR,errmsg='保存短信数据失败') # 调用云通讯扩展,发送短信 try: ccp=sms.CCP() result=ccp.send_template_sms(mobile,[sms_code,constants.SMS_CODE_REDIS_EXPIRES/60],1) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return jsonify(errno=RET.THIRDERR,errmsg='发送短信异常') # 判断发送是否成功 if result==0: return jsonify(errno=RET.OK,errmsg='发送成功') else: return jsonify(errno=RET.THIRDERR,errmsg='发送失败') @passport_blue.route('/register',methods=['POST']) def register(): """ 用户注册 1、获取参数,mobile,sms_code,password 2、检查参数的完整性 3、检查手机号的格式 4、检查短信验证码,尝试从Redis数据库中获取真实的短信验证码 5、判断获取结果是否过期 6、先比较短信验证码是否一致 7、删除Redis数据库中的短信验证码 8、构造模型类对象 user=User() user.password=password 9、提交数据到数据库中,mysql 10、把用户基本信息缓存到Redis数据库中 session['user_id'] session['mobile']=mobile session['nick_name']=mobile 11、返回结果 :return: """ mobile=request.json.get('mobile') sms_code=request.json.get('sms_code') password=request.json.get('password') # 检查参数完整性 if not all([mobile,sms_code,password]): return jsonify(errno=RET.PARAMERR,errmsg='参数缺失') # 检查手机号格式 if not re.match(r'1[3456789]\d{9}$',mobile): return jsonify(errno=RET.PARAMERR,errmsg='手机号格式错误') # 尝试从Redis中获取真实的短信验证码 try: real_sms_code=redis_store.get('SMSCode_'+mobile) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return jsonify(errno=RET.DBERR,errmsg='查询短信验证码失败') # 判断查询结果 if not real_sms_code: return jsonify(errno=RET.NODATA,errmsg='短信验证码已过期') # 比较短信验证码是否正确 if real_sms_code !=str(sms_code): return jsonify(errno=RET.DATAERR,errmsg='短信验证码不一致') # 删除redis数据库中存储的短信验证码 try: redis_store.delete('SMSCode_'+mobile) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) # 构造模型类对象 user=User() user.nick_name=mobile # 调用了模型类中的generate_password_hash实现了密码 加密储存,sha256 user.password=password # 提交用户注册信息数据到mysql数据库中 try: db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) # 存储数据如果发生异常,需要进行回滚 db.session.rollback() return jsonify(errno=RET.DBERR,errmsg='保存用户数据失败') # 返回用户信息到Redis数据库中 session['user_id'] session['mobile']=mobile session['nick_name']=mobile # 返回结果 return jsonify(errno=RET.OK,errmsg='注册成功') @passport_blue.route("/login",methods=['POST']) def login(): """ 用户登录 1、获取参数:mobile,password 2、检查参数完整性 3、检查手机号的格式 4、根据手机号查询数据库,确认用户user存在 5、调用模型类检查密码是否正确的方法 6、记录用户的登录时间 7、提交数据库,如果发生异常需要回滚 8、缓存用户信息session,昵称要换成user.nick_name 8、返回结果 :return: """ # 获取参数 mobile=request.json.get('mobile') password=request.json.get('password') # 检查参数的完整性 if not all([mobile,password]): return jsonify(errno=RET.PARAMERR,errmsg='参数缺失') # 检查手机号格式 if not re.match(r'1[3456789]\d{9}$',mobile): return jsonify(errno=RET.PARAMERR,errmsg='手机号格式错误') # 根据手机号查询数据库,确认用户已注册. try: user=User.query.filter_by(mobile=mobile).first() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return jsonify(errno=RET.DBERR,errmsg='查询用户数据失败') # 判断用户是否注册,以及密码是否正确. if user is None or not user.check_password(password): return jsonify(errno=RET.DATAERR,errmsg='用户名或密码错误') # 记录用户的登录时间 # 提交数据到数据库中 try: db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) db.session.rollback() return jsonify(errno=RET.DBERR,errmsg='保存数据失败') # 缓存用户信息到redis数据库中 session['user_id'] session['mobile']=mobile # 缓存的用户昵称和注册时要有区别,因为登录可以登录多次,昵称有可能会修改 session['nick_name']=user.nick_name # 返回结果 return jsonify(errno=RET.OK,errmsg='ok') @passport_blue.route("/logout") def logout(): """ 如果是前后端分离,以及符合RESTful风格,(表现层状态转换),退出的请求方法为delete get/post/put/delete 获取/新建/修改/删除 退出登录 1、本质是清除服务器缓存的用户信息 :return: """ session.pop('user_id',None) session.pop('mobile',None) session.pop('nick_name',None) return jsonify(errno=RET.OK,errmsg='OK') pass
from mpf.tests.MpfGameTestCase import MpfGameTestCase from mpf.core.rgb_color import RGBColor class TestBlinkenlight(MpfGameTestCase): def get_config_file(self): return 'config.yaml' def get_platform(self): return 'smart_virtual' def get_machine_path(self): return 'tests/machine_files/blinkenlight/' def test_add_color_to_one_blinkenlight(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.post_event('add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') def test_add_color_to_two_blinkenlights(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.post_event('add_color_to_all_blinkenlights') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') def test_remove_color_from_one_blinkenlight(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') self.post_event('add_color_to_second_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.post_event('remove_color_from_first_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.post_event('remove_color_from_second_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') def test_remove_all_colors_from_all_blinkenlights(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') self.post_event('start_mode2') self.post_event('add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('add_color_to_second_blinkenlight') self.post_event('add_color_to_third_blinkenlight') self.post_event('add_color_to_all_blinkenlights') self.post_event('mode2_add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(3, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(2, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight3.num_colors') self.post_event('remove_all_colors_from_all_blinkenlights') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight3.num_colors') def test_remove_mode_colors_from_one_blinkenlight(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') self.post_event('start_mode2') self.post_event('add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('mode2_add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('mode2_add_color2_to_first_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(3, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.post_event('mode2_remove_mode_colors_from_first_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') def test_remove_mode_colors_when_mode_ends(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') self.post_event('start_mode2') self.post_event('add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('add_color_to_second_blinkenlight') self.post_event('mode2_add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('mode2_add_color2_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('mode2_add_color_to_second_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(3, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(2, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.post_event('stop_mode2') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') def test_flashing_cycle(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') self.post_event('add_color_to_all_blinkenlights') self.post_event('add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('add_color_to_second_blinkenlight') self.post_event('add_color_to_third_blinkenlight') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(2, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(2, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight3.num_colors') blinkenlight1 = self.machine.blinkenlights['my_blinkenlight1'] blinkenlight2 = self.machine.blinkenlights['my_blinkenlight2'] blinkenlight3 = self.machine.blinkenlights['my_blinkenlight3'] blue = RGBColor('blue') green = RGBColor('green') red = RGBColor('red') yellow = RGBColor('yellow') purple = RGBColor('purple') cyan = RGBColor('cyan') off = RGBColor('off') self.assertEqual(blue, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(green, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(purple, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(red, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(green, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(yellow, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(purple, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(blue, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(yellow, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(red, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(green, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(purple, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(green, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(blue, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(yellow, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(purple, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.post_event("remove_color_from_third_blinkenlight") self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(red, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(yellow, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(green, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight3.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(blue, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.assertEqual(green, blinkenlight2.light._color) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight3.light._color) def test_priority_order(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') self.post_event('start_mode2') blinkenlight1 = self.machine.blinkenlights['my_blinkenlight1'] red = RGBColor('red') orange = RGBColor('orange') off = RGBColor('off') self.post_event('add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('mode2_add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.assertEqual(orange, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(red, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.post_event('remove_all_colors_from_all_blinkenlights') self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.post_event('mode2_add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.post_event('add_color_to_first_blinkenlight') self.assertEqual(orange, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(red, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) def test_replace_existing_color(self): self.post_event('start_mode1') blinkenlight1 = self.machine.blinkenlights['my_blinkenlight1'] blue = RGBColor('blue') darkred = RGBColor('darkred') off = RGBColor('off') self.post_event('add_color_to_all_blinkenlights') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertEqual(blue, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1.5) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1.5) self.assertEqual(blue, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1.5) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1.5) self.post_event('add_color_to_first_blinkenlight_with_duplicate_key') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight1.num_colors') self.assertEqual(darkred, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1.5) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1.5) self.assertEqual(darkred, blinkenlight1.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(1.5) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight1.light._color) def test_show_with_tokens(self): self.post_event('start_mode2') blinkenlight = self.machine.blinkenlights['my_blinkenlight2'] gray = RGBColor('gray') off = RGBColor('off') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(0, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.post_event('play_blinkenlight_token_show') self.assertPlaceholderEvaluates(1, 'device.blinkenlights.my_blinkenlight2.num_colors') self.assertEqual(gray, blinkenlight.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(2) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(2) self.assertEqual(gray, blinkenlight.light._color) self.advance_time_and_run(2) self.assertEqual(off, blinkenlight.light._color)
import mysql.connector mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host = 'localhost', user = "root", #passwd = "ant904", database = "spl" #auth_plugin='mysql_native_password' ) myCursor = mydb.cursor() qusTimeList=list() qusTimeList.append("0:00:03") qusTimeList.append("0:00:02") qusTimeList.append("0:00:05") qusTimeList.append("0:00:06") qusTimeList.append("0:00:08") qusTimeList.append("0:00:02") qusTimeList.append("0:00:03") qusTimeList.append("0:00:03") qusTimeList.append("0:00:04") qusTimeList.append("0:00:05") qusTimeList.append("0:00:08") gameTimeList=list() gameTimeList.append("0:00:13") gameTimeList.append("0:00:19") gameTimeList.append("0:00:24") gameTimeList.append("0:00:08") gameTimeList.append("0:00:09") gameTimeList.append("0:00:13") gameTimeList.append("0:00:08") gameTimeList.append("0:00:09") gameTimeList.append("0:00:13") gameTimeList.append("0:00:14") gameTimeList.append("0:00:12") #myCursor.execute("CREATE database test222") sql="INSERT into controlGroup(questionTime , gameTime) VALUES (%s, %s)" val=(qusTimeList[9],gameTimeList[9]) myCursor.execute(sql,val) mydb.commit() myCursor.close() mydb.close()
from toee import * def OnBeginSpellCast( spell ): print "Vampiric Touch OnBeginSpellCast" print "spell.target_list=", spell.target_list print "spell.caster=", spell.caster, " caster.level= ", spell.caster_level game.particles( "sp-necromancy-conjure", spell.caster ) def OnSpellEffect( spell ): print "Vampiric Touch OnSpellEffect" dice = dice_new("1d6") dice.number = min(10, (spell.caster_level) / 2) spell.duration = 600 target = spell.target_list[0] if not (target.obj == spell.caster): attack_successful = spell.caster.perform_touch_attack( target.obj , 1) if attack_successful & D20CAF_HIT: old_hp = target.obj.stat_level_get( stat_hp_current ) target.obj.spell_damage_weaponlike( spell.caster, D20DT_NEGATIVE_ENERGY, dice, D20DAP_UNSPECIFIED, 100, D20A_CAST_SPELL,, attack_successful, 0 ) new_hp = target.obj.stat_level_get( stat_hp_current ) damage = old_hp - new_hp if damage > (old_hp + 10): damage = old_hp + 10 #spell.caster.condition_add_with_args( 'Temporary_Hit_Points',, spell.duration, damage ) spell.caster.condition_add_with_args( 'sp-Vampiric Touch',, spell.duration, damage ) spell.caster.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', 20005, 0 ) else: #target.obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', 30021 ) game.particles( 'Fizzle', target.obj ) spell.target_list.remove_target( target.obj ) game.particles( 'sp-Vampiric Touch', spell.caster ) def OnBeginRound( spell ): print "Vampiric Touch OnBeginRound" def OnEndSpellCast( spell ): print "Vampiric Touch OnEndSpellCast"
from django.contrib import admin from .models import District, Quarter, Community
# Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=W1203,C0411,C0413,no-value-for-parameter import argparse import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile from mmcv.utils import Config import yaml from eval import main as evaluate sys.path.append(f'{os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))}/../../') from tools.misc import train, get_work_dir def parse_args(): """ Parses input args. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('config', help='A path to model training configuration file (.py).') parser.add_argument('gpu_num', type=int, help='A number of GPUs to use in training.') parser.add_argument('out', help='A path to output file where models metrics will be saved (.yml).') parser.add_argument('--update_config', help='Update configuration file by parameters specified here.' 'Use quotes if you are going to change several params.', default='') parser.add_argument('--show-dir', '--show_dir', dest='show_dir', help='A directory where images with drawn detected objects will be saved.') return parser.parse_args() def is_clustering_needed(cfg): if cfg.total_epochs > 0: return False if not hasattr(cfg.model, 'bbox_head') or not cfg.model.bbox_head.type == 'SSDHead': return False if not cfg.model.bbox_head.anchor_generator.type == 'SSDAnchorGeneratorClustered': return False return True def cluster(cfg, config_path, update_config): mmdetection_tools = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/../../../../external/mmdetection/tools''Clustering started...') widths = cfg.model.bbox_head.anchor_generator.widths n_clust = 0 for w in widths: n_clust += len(w) if isinstance(w, (list, tuple)) else 1 n_clust = ' --n_clust ' + str(n_clust) group_as = '' if isinstance(widths[0], (list, tuple)): group_as = ' --group_as ' + ' '.join([str(len(w)) for w in widths]) config = ' --config ' + config_path tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) out = f' --out {}' if 'pipeline' in img_shape = [t for t in if t['type'] == 'Resize'][0][ 'img_scale'] else: img_shape = [t for t in if t['type'] == 'Resize'][0][ 'img_scale'] img_shape = f' --image_size_wh {img_shape[0]} {img_shape[1]}''python {mmdetection_tools}/' f'{config}' f'{n_clust}' f'{group_as}' f'{update_config}' f'{img_shape}' f'{out}'.split(' '), check=True) with open( as src_file: content = json.load(src_file) widths, heights = content['widths'], content['heights'] if not update_config: update_config = ' --update_config' update_config += f' model.bbox_head.anchor_generator.widths={str(widths).replace(" ", "")}' update_config += f' model.bbox_head.anchor_generator.heights={str(heights).replace(" ", "")}''... clustering completed.') return update_config def main(): """ Main function. """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) args = parse_args()'Commandline:\n{" ".join(sys.argv)}') cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) update_config = f' --update_config {args.update_config}' if args.update_config else '' if is_clustering_needed(cfg): update_config = cluster(cfg, args.config, update_config)'Training started ...') training_info = train(args.config, args.gpu_num, update_config)'... training completed.') work_dir = get_work_dir(cfg, args.update_config)'Evaluation started ...') evaluate(os.path.join(work_dir, ""), os.path.join(work_dir, "latest.pth"), args.out, '', args.show_dir)'... evaluation completed.') with open(args.out, 'a+') as dst_file: yaml.dump(training_info, dst_file) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import os import codecs from io import StringIO from pytest import fixture from rave import filesystem class DummyProvider: def __init__(self, files): self.files = files; def list(self): return self.files def has(self, filename): return filename in self.list() def open(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): if not self.has(filename): raise filesystem.FileNotFound(filename) if not self.isfile(filename): raise filesystem.NotAFile(filename) return DummyFile(self, filename) def isfile(self, filename): return self.has(filename) and '.' in filename def isdir(self, filename): return self.has(filename) and not self.isfile(filename) class FaultyProvider(DummyProvider): def __init__(self, files, faulty_files, err=filesystem.FileNotFound): super().__init__(files) self.faulty_files = faulty_files self.error_class = err def open(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): if filename in self.faulty_files: raise self.error_class(filename) return super().open(filename, *args, **kwargs) class DummyFile(filesystem.File): def __init__(self, parent, filename, content='merry saltmas'): self.parent = parent self.filename = filename self._buffer = StringIO(content) self._closed = False def close(self): if self._closed: raise filesystem.FileClosed(self.filename) self._closed = True def opened(self): return not self._closed def readable(self): return True def writable(self): return True def seekable(self): return True def read(self, amount=None): if self.closed: raise filesystem.FileClosed(self.filename) return def write(self, buffer): if self.closed: raise filesystem.FileClosed(self.filename) return self._buffer.write(buffer) def seek(self, offset, mode=os.SEEK_CUR): return, mode) def tell(self): return self._buffer.tell() class DummyTransformer: CONSUME = False RELATIVE = False def __init__(self, filename, handle): self.filename = filename self.handle = handle self.files = [ self.filename + '.rot13' ] def list(self): return self.files def has(self, filename): return filename in self.list() def open(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): if not self.has(filename): raise filesystem.FileNotFound(filename) return ROT13File(self, filename, self.handle) def isfile(self, filename): return self.has(filename) def isdir(self, filename): return False def relative(self): return self.RELATIVE def consumes(self): return self.CONSUME def valid(self): return True class FaultyTransformer: def __init__(self, filename, handle): raise FileNotFound(filename) class InvalidTransformer(DummyTransformer): def valid(self): return False class ROT13File(filesystem.File): def __init__(self, parent, filename, handle): self.parent = parent self.filename = filename self.handle = handle def close(self): return self.handle.close() def opened(self): return self.handle.opened() def readable(self): return self.handle.readable() def writable(self): return self.handle.writable() def seekable(self): return self.handle.seekable() def read(self, amount=None): return codecs.encode(, 'rot13') def write(self, buffer): return self.handle.write(codecs.encode(buffer, 'rot13')) def seek(self, offset, mode=os.SEEK_CUR): return, mode) def tell(self): return self.handle.tell() @fixture def fs(): return filesystem.FileSystem() @fixture def dummyfs(): fs = filesystem.FileSystem() fs.mount('/x', DummyProvider({ '/a.txt', '/b.png' })) return fs @fixture def nestedfs(): fs = filesystem.FileSystem() fs.mount('/x', DummyProvider({ '/y', '/y/c.txt', '/y/p.png', '/y/z' })) return fs @fixture def parentlessfs(): fs = filesystem.FileSystem() fs.mount('/x', DummyProvider({ '/z/k.txt' })) return fs @fixture def doublefs(): fs = filesystem.FileSystem() fs.mount('/x', DummyProvider({ '/a.txt', '/b.png' })) fs.mount('/y', DummyProvider({ '/c.exe', '/d.jpg' })) return fs @fixture def mergedfs(): fs = filesystem.FileSystem() fs.mount('/x', DummyProvider({ '/a.txt', '/b.png' })) fs.mount('/x', DummyProvider({ '/c.exe', '/d.jpg' })) return fs @fixture def transfs(): fs = dummyfs() fs.transform('\.txt$', DummyTransformer) return fs
"""Forward measurements from Xiaomi Mi plant sensor via MQTT. See for more details. """ ############################################## # # This is open source software licensed under the Apache License 2.0 # # ############################################## from enum import Enum import os import logging import json import time from datetime import datetime from typing import List, Optional import yaml import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from miflora.miflora_poller import MiFloraPoller, MI_BATTERY, MI_LIGHT, MI_CONDUCTIVITY, MI_MOISTURE, MI_TEMPERATURE, MI_FWVERSION from btlewrap.bluepy import BluepyBackend from plantgw import __version__ class MQTTAttributes(Enum): """Attributes sent in the json dict.""" BATTERY = 'battery' TEMPERATURE = 'temperature' BRIGHTNESS = 'brightness' MOISTURE = 'moisture' CONDUCTIVITY = 'conductivity' TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp' FIRMWARE = 'firmware' # unit of measurement for the different attributes UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT = { MQTTAttributes.BATTERY: '%', MQTTAttributes.TEMPERATURE: '°C', MQTTAttributes.BRIGHTNESS: 'lux', MQTTAttributes.MOISTURE: '%', MQTTAttributes.CONDUCTIVITY: 'µS/cm', MQTTAttributes.TIMESTAMP: 's', MQTTAttributes.FIRMWARE: '', } # home assistant device classes for the different attributes DEVICE_CLASS = { MQTTAttributes.BATTERY: 'battery', MQTTAttributes.TEMPERATURE: 'temperature', MQTTAttributes.BRIGHTNESS: 'illuminance', MQTTAttributes.MOISTURE: None, MQTTAttributes.CONDUCTIVITY: None, MQTTAttributes.TIMESTAMP: 'timestamp', MQTTAttributes.FIRMWARE: None, } # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-instance-attributes class Configuration: """Stores the program configuration.""" def __init__(self, config_file_path): with open(config_file_path, 'r') as config_file: config = yaml.load(config_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) self._configure_logging(config) self.interface = 0 if 'interface' in config: self.interface = config['interface'] self.mqtt_port = 8883 # type: int self.mqtt_user = None # type: Optional[str] self.mqtt_password = None # type: Optional[str] self.mqtt_ca_cert = None # type: Optional[str] self.mqtt_client_id = None # type: Optional[str] self.mqtt_trailing_slash = True # type:bool self.mqtt_timestamp_format = None # type: Optional[str] self.mqtt_discovery_prefix = None # type: Optional[str] self.sensors = [] # type: List[SensorConfig] if 'port' in config['mqtt']: self.mqtt_port = config['mqtt']['port'] if 'user' in config['mqtt']: self.mqtt_user = config['mqtt']['user'] if 'password' in config['mqtt']: self.mqtt_password = config['mqtt']['password'] if 'ca_cert' in config['mqtt']: self.mqtt_ca_cert = config['mqtt']['ca_cert'] if 'client_id' in config['mqtt']: self.mqtt_client_id = config['mqtt']['client_id'] if 'trailing_slash' in config['mqtt'] and not config['mqtt']['trailing_slash']: self.mqtt_trailing_slash = False if 'timestamp_format' in config['mqtt']: self.mqtt_timestamp_format = config['mqtt']['timestamp_format'] self.mqtt_server = config['mqtt']['server'] self.mqtt_prefix = config['mqtt']['prefix'] for sensor_config in config['sensors']: fail_silent = 'fail_silent' in sensor_config self.sensors.append(SensorConfig(sensor_config['mac'], sensor_config.get('alias', None), fail_silent, sensor_config.get('cache_timeout', 600), sensor_config.get('cache_retries', 3))) if 'discovery_prefix' in config['mqtt']: self.mqtt_discovery_prefix = config['mqtt']['discovery_prefix'] @staticmethod def _configure_logging(config): timeform = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' logform = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' loglevel = logging.INFO if 'debug' in config: loglevel = logging.DEBUG if 'logfile' in config: logfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(config['logfile'])) logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=loglevel, datefmt=timeform, format=logform) else: logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, datefmt=timeform, format=logform) class SensorConfig: """Stores the configuration of a sensor.""" def __init__(self, mac: str, alias: str = None, fail_silent: bool = False, cache_timeout: int = 600, cache_retries: int = 3): if mac is None: msg = 'mac of sensor must not be None' logging.error(msg) raise Exception('mac of sensor must not be None') self.mac = mac self.alias = alias self.fail_silent = fail_silent self.cache_timeout = cache_timeout self.cache_retries = cache_retries def get_topic(self) -> str: """Get the topic name for the sensor.""" if self.alias is not None: return self.alias return '0x' + self.short_mac def __str__(self) -> str: if self.alias: result = self.alias else: result = self.mac if self.fail_silent: result += ' (fail silent)' return result @property def short_mac(self): """Get the sensor mac without ':' in it.""" return self.mac.replace(':', '') @staticmethod def get_name_string(sensor_list) -> str: """Convert a list of sensor objects to a nice string.""" return ', '.join([str(sensor) for sensor in sensor_list]) class PlantGateway: """Main class of the module.""" def __init__(self, config_file_path: str = '~/.plantgw.yaml'): config_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(config_file_path)) self.config = Configuration(config_file_path) # type: Configuration'PlantGateway version %s', __version__)'loaded config file from %s', config_file_path) self.mqtt_client = None self.connected = False # type: bool def start_client(self): """Start the mqtt client.""" if not self.connected: self._start_client() def stop_client(self): """Stop the mqtt client.""" if self.connected: self.mqtt_client.disconnect() self.connected = False self.mqtt_client.loop_stop()'Disconnected MQTT connection') def _start_client(self): self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(self.config.mqtt_client_id) if self.config.mqtt_user is not None: self.mqtt_client.username_pw_set(self.config.mqtt_user, self.config.mqtt_password) if self.config.mqtt_ca_cert is not None: self.mqtt_client.tls_set(self.config.mqtt_ca_cert, cert_reqs=mqtt.ssl.CERT_REQUIRED) def _on_connect(client, _, flags, return_code): self.connected = True"MQTT connection returned result: %s", mqtt.connack_string(return_code)) self.mqtt_client.on_connect = _on_connect self.mqtt_client.connect(self.config.mqtt_server, self.config.mqtt_port, 60) self.mqtt_client.loop_start() def _publish(self, sensor_config: SensorConfig, poller: MiFloraPoller): self.start_client() state_topic = self._get_state_topic(sensor_config) data = { MQTTAttributes.BATTERY.value: poller.parameter_value(MI_BATTERY), MQTTAttributes.TEMPERATURE.value: '{0:.1f}'.format(poller.parameter_value(MI_TEMPERATURE)), MQTTAttributes.BRIGHTNESS.value: poller.parameter_value(MI_LIGHT), MQTTAttributes.MOISTURE.value: poller.parameter_value(MI_MOISTURE), MQTTAttributes.CONDUCTIVITY.value: poller.parameter_value(MI_CONDUCTIVITY), MQTTAttributes.FIRMWARE.value: poller.parameter_value(MI_FWVERSION), MQTTAttributes.TIMESTAMP.value:, } for key, value in data.items(): logging.debug("%s: %s", key, value) if self.config.mqtt_timestamp_format is not None: data['timestamp'] = json_payload = json.dumps(data) self.mqtt_client.publish(state_topic, json_payload, qos=1, retain=True)'sent data to topic %s', state_topic)'payload: %s', data) def _get_state_topic(self, sensor_config: SensorConfig) -> str: prefix_fmt = '{}/{}' if self.config.mqtt_trailing_slash: prefix_fmt += '/' prefix = prefix_fmt.format(self.config.mqtt_prefix, sensor_config.get_topic()) return prefix def process_mac(self, sensor_config: SensorConfig): """Get data from one Sensor."""'Getting data from sensor %s', sensor_config.get_topic()) poller = MiFloraPoller(sensor_config.mac, BluepyBackend, sensor_config.cache_timeout, sensor_config.cache_retries) self.announce_sensor(sensor_config) self._publish(sensor_config, poller) def process_all(self): """Get data from all sensors.""" next_list = self.config.sensors timeout = 1 # initial timeout in seconds max_retry = 6 # number of retries retry_count = 0 while retry_count < max_retry and next_list: # if this is not the first try: wait some time before trying again if retry_count > 0:'try %d of %d: could not process sensor(s) %s. Waiting %d sec for next try', retry_count, max_retry, SensorConfig.get_name_string(next_list), timeout) time.sleep(timeout) timeout *= 2 # exponential backoff-time current_list = next_list retry_count += 1 next_list = [] for sensor in current_list: try: self.process_mac(sensor) # pylint: disable=bare-except, broad-except except Exception as exception: next_list.append(sensor) # if it failed, we'll try again in the next round msg = "could not read data from {} ({}) with reason: {}".format( sensor.mac, sensor.alias, str(exception)) if sensor.fail_silent: logging.error(msg) logging.warning('fail_silent is set for sensor %s, so not raising an exception.', sensor.alias) else: logging.exception(msg) # print(msg) # return sensors that could not be processed after max_retry return next_list def announce_sensor(self, sensor_config: SensorConfig): """Announce the sensor via Home Assistant MQTT Discovery. see """ if self.config.mqtt_discovery_prefix is None: return self.start_client() self_name = 'plantgateway' device_name = '0x{}'.format(sensor_config.short_mac) for attribute in MQTTAttributes: unique_id = '{}_{}_{}'.format(self_name, device_name, attribute.value) topic = '{}/sensor/{}_{}/{}/config'.format(self.config.mqtt_discovery_prefix, self_name, device_name, attribute.value) payload = { 'state_topic': self._get_state_topic(sensor_config), 'json_attributes_topic': self._get_state_topic(sensor_config), 'unit_of_measurement': UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT[attribute], 'value_template': '{{value_json.'+attribute.value+'}}', 'unique_id': unique_id, 'device': { 'identifiers': [ '{}_{}'.format(self_name, device_name), ], 'name': device_name, 'sw_version': 'plantgw dev', 'model': "MiFlora compatible plant humidity, brightness, conductivity, temperature sensor", 'manufacturer': 'to be deternmined', } } if sensor_config.alias is not None: payload['name'] = '{}_{}'.format(sensor_config.alias, attribute.value) else: payload['name'] = '{}_{}'.format(device_name, attribute.value) if DEVICE_CLASS[attribute] is not None: payload['device_class'] = DEVICE_CLASS[attribute] json_payload = json.dumps(payload) self.mqtt_client.publish(topic, json_payload, qos=1, retain=False)'sent sensor config to topic %s', topic)'payload: %s', payload)
# # This file contains the Python code from Program 6.2 of # "Data Structures and Algorithms # with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python" # by Bruno R. Preiss. # # Copyright (c) 2003 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved. # # # class StackAsArray(Stack): def __init__(self, size = 0): super(StackAsArray, self).__init__() self._array = Array(size) def purge(self): while self._count > 0: self._array[self._count] = None self._count -= 1 #...
print('----->DESAFIO 48<-----') print('Vou te mostrar a soma de todos os números impares múltiplos de 3 que estão no intervalo de 1 a 500!') soma = 0 for c in range(0, 501): if c > 0 and c % 2 != 0 and c % 3 == 0: soma += c print(soma)
################################################################# # Name: # # Authors: Michael Battaglia # # Function: Program simulates diffusion limited aggregation # # using Monte Carlo Methods. # ################################################################# #essential modules import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #function: 2D diffusion limited random walk def randDLA(lims, sink=False, source=False, periodic=True, N=False): """ sink: position vector for aggregation sink if False, then boundary is sink source: position vector for particle source if False, then particles randomly appear on Free spaces lims: vector of dimension lengths if False, then periodic boundaries N: number of participating particles if False, then spawn particles until source or boundary is taken """ if sink is False: if periodic: #there will be no aggregate print("No aggregate can form") return float("NaN") if N is False: if source is False: if not periodic: #aggregate will never end print("No end condition for aggregate") return float("NaN") #initialize list of occupied positions occupied_pos = [] anchored=np.zeros(lims,dtype=int) #generate particles generate = True while generate: if source: #specified source pos = pos_0 else: #random source particle pos = np.array([np.random.randint(0,lim) for lim in lims],dtype=int) if not anchored[pos[0]][pos[1]]: #take each step if position is not in a stuck position while not isStuck(pos, lims, sink, periodic, anchored): #take a random step in a random direction with a random orientation step = np.zeros(len(pos)) step[np.random.randint(0,len(pos))] = 1-2*np.random.randint(0,2) pos = pos + step #impose periodic boundary pos = np.mod(pos,lims).astype(int) if len(occupied_pos)==0: print("Position:", pos) occupied_pos.append(pos) anchored[pos[0],pos[1]] = 1 print("Anchored:",len(occupied_pos)) print("Anchor pos:",pos) if N: #generate until N particles if len(occupied_pos) == N: #generated N particles generate = False else: #generate until if source: #source covered triggers end if all(pos == source): #occupied source generate = False if periodic: #boundary covered triggers end if any(pos==lims-1) or any(pos==0): #occupied boundary generate = False #return list of occupied positions return anchored, np.array(occupied_pos) #function: check if particle is stuck (to edge, or other particle) def isStuck(pos, lims, sink, periodic, anchored): xp = pos[0] yp = pos[1] if not periodic: #not periodic, gets stuck on wall if any(pos==lims-1) or any(pos==0): #if the particle has reached a wall return True if all(pos==sink): #if particle hits sink return True if anchored[xp-1:xp+2,yp-1:yp+2].any(): #if particle is adjacent to an anchored particle return True else: #particle is free return False #function: animated plot of 2D random walk def D2plot(pos, animate=0.01): if animate: for i in range(len(pos)): plt.cla() plt.title('diffusion limited aggregation') plt.scatter(pos.T[0][:i+1],pos.T[1][:i+1]) plt.xlabel('x position') plt.ylabel('y position') plt.draw() plt.pause(animate) else: plt.title('diffusion limited aggregation') plt.scatter(pos.T[0],pos.T[1]) plt.xlabel('x position') plt.ylabel('y position') #function: evaluate fractal dimension def fracDim(image): print(image.shape) cen = (np.array([image.shape[0],image.shape[1]])-1)/2 r = range(1, min(cen)+1) m = np.zeros(len(r)) for i in range(len(r)): subimage = image[cen[0]-r[i]:cen[0]+r[i]+1,cen[1]-r[i]:cen[1]+r[i]+1] m[i] = subimage.sum() plt.title("fractal dimension") plt.plot(r,m) plt.ylabel('mass') plt.xlabel('radius') plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') #function: main if __name__ == '__main__': #size of box L = np.array([201,201]) #central position central = (L-1)/2 #take a random walk until aggregation reaches edge image, pos = randDLA(L, central) #plot path D2plot(pos, animate=True) #plot fractal dimension fracDim(image)
#import import random import os import numpy dic = {} with open("points3D.txt","r") as n: for line in n: a = line.split(" ") temp = [] temp.append(float(a[1])) temp.append(float(a[2])) temp.append(float(a[3])) dic[a[0]] = temp[:] print(dic["1"]) #end
def getone(coll, key, default=None): try: value = coll[key] except [IndexError, KeyError, TypeError]: return default; else: return value;
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import itertools import json import os import sys SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) SCRIPTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR) FUCHSIA_ROOT = os.path.dirname(SCRIPTS_DIR) # The maximum number of size percentage points a binary is allowed to drop. # A greater amount will raise a flag. MAX_SIZE_DECREASE = 10 # The maximum number of size percentage points a binary is allowed to gain. # A greater amount will raise a flag. MAX_SIZE_INCREASE = 1 class Type(object): AUX = 'aux' IMAGE = 'image' TESTS = 'tests' @classmethod def all(cls): return [cls.AUX, cls.IMAGE, cls.TESTS] class Origin(object): LEGACY = 'legacy' MIGRATED = 'migrated' @classmethod def all(cls): return [cls.LEGACY, cls.MIGRATED] class Manifest(object): '''Lists the contents of a manifest file''' def __init__(self, origin, type, contents): self.origin = origin self.type = type self.contents = contents def __repr__(self): return 'M[%s-%s]' % (self.origin, self.type) class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): '''A JSON encoder that handles sets and sorts lists.''' def default(self, object): if isinstance(object, FileDataSet) or isinstance(object, FileData): return object.to_json() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, object) class FileData(object): '''Represents a file referred to in a manifest.''' def __init__(self, path, size=None): self.path = path self.size = size if size else os.path.getsize(path) def __eq__(self, other): return self.path == other.path def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return len(hash(self.path)) def __repr__(self): return 'F[' + self.path + ']' def to_json(self): return { 'path': self.path, 'size': self.size, } @classmethod def from_json(cls, input): return FileData(input['path'], input['size']) class FileDataSet(object): '''Represents a set of files.''' def __init__(self): # map { name --> FileData } self.files = {} def add(self, name, file): if name == 'lib/': # libdriver is a complicated hydra whose many heads we don't need to # worry about here. return if name in self.files and file != self.files[name]: print('Error: different file under path ' + name + ':') print(' - ' + str(file)) print(' - ' + str(self.files[name])) return self.files[name] = file def filenames(self): return set(self.files.keys()) def get_file(self, name): return self.files[name] def __len__(self): return len(self.files) def to_json(self): return self.files @classmethod def from_json(cls, input): result = FileDataSet() for name, data in input.iteritems(): result.add(name, FileData.from_json(data)) return result class Summary(object): '''Data for a particular state of the build.''' def __init__(self): # map { type --> FileDataSet } self.objects = {} def add_objects(self, type, objects): dataset = self.objects.setdefault(type, FileDataSet()) for name, path in objects.iteritems(): dataset.add(name, FileData(path)) def get_objects(self, type): return self.objects[type] def __repr__(self): items = ['%s=%s' % (t, len(o)) for (t, o) in self.objects.iteritems()] return 'S[' + ', '.join(items) + ']' def to_json(self, output): json.dump(self.objects, output, cls=CustomJSONEncoder, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')) @classmethod def from_json(cls, input): result = Summary() data = json.load(input) for type in Type.all(): result.objects[type] = FileDataSet.from_json(data[type]) return result def generate_summary(manifests, base_dir): '''Generates a summary based on the manifests found in the build.''' result = Summary() for type in Type.all(): for manifest in filter(lambda m: m.type == type, manifests): contents = manifest.contents.copy() contents = dict([(n, os.path.join(base_dir, p)) for (n, p) in contents.iteritems()]) result.add_objects(type, contents) return result def report(manifest, is_error, message): type = 'Error' if is_error else 'Warning' print('%s%s%s' % (type.ljust(10), manifest.ljust(8), message)) def compare_summaries(reference, current): '''Compares summaries for two states of the build.''' match = True for type in Type.all(): reference_objects = reference.get_objects(type) current_objects = current.get_objects(type) reference_names = reference_objects.filenames() current_names = current_objects.filenames() # Missing and new files. if reference_names != current_names: match = False removed = reference_names - current_names if removed: for element in removed: report(type, True, 'element removed: ' + element) added = current_names - reference_names if added: for element in added: report(type, True, 'element removed: ' + element) # Size changes. for name in reference_names & current_names: reference_size = reference_objects.get_file(name).size current_size = current_objects.get_file(name).size if current_size == reference_size: continue is_diff_positive = current_size > reference_size diff_percentage = 100 * (current_size - reference_size) / reference_size is_error = False if (diff_percentage < -MAX_SIZE_DECREASE or diff_percentage > MAX_SIZE_INCREASE): match = False is_error = True report(type, is_error, 'size change for ' + name + ': ' + ('+' if is_diff_positive else '-') + str(abs(diff_percentage)) + '%') return match def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Performs verifications after moving an element from ' 'ZN to GN.') parser.add_argument('--build-dir', help='path to the GN build dir', default=os.path.join(FUCHSIA_ROOT, 'out', 'default')) parser.add_argument('--summary', help='path to the summary file to generate') parser.add_argument('--reference', help='path to the summary file to compare against') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.summary and not args.reference: print('At least one of --summary or --reference needs to be set.') parser.print_help() return 1 # Load up manifests from the current build. manifests = [] for origin in Origin.all(): for type in Type.all(): path = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'obj', 'build', 'unification', 'images', '%s-%s.unification.manifest' % (origin, type)) with open(path, 'r') as manifest_file: contents = dict(map(lambda line: line.strip().split('=', 1), manifest_file.readlines())) manifests.append(Manifest(origin, type, contents)) # Generate a summary for the current build. summary = generate_summary(manifests, args.build_dir) # If applicable, save the current build's summary. if args.summary: dirname = os.path.dirname(args.summary) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(args.summary, 'w') as output_file: summary.to_json(output_file) # If applicable, compare the current summary to a previously-saved one. if args.reference: with open(args.reference, 'r') as input_file: reference = Summary.from_json(input_file) if not compare_summaries(reference, summary): print('Error: summaries do not match!') return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())
#!/usr/bin/env python import vtk from vtk.test import Testing from vtk.util.misc import vtkGetDataRoot VTK_DATA_ROOT = vtkGetDataRoot() # Create renderer stuff # ren1 = vtk.vtkRenderer() renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renWin.AddRenderer(ren1) iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin) # create pipeline # cow = vtk.vtkBYUReader() cow.SetGeometryFileName("" + str(VTK_DATA_ROOT) + "/Data/Viewpoint/cow.g") cowMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() cowMapper.SetInputConnection(cow.GetOutputPort()) cowActor = vtk.vtkActor() cowActor.SetMapper(cowMapper) cowActor.GetProperty().SetDiffuseColor(0.9608,0.8706,0.7020) cowAxesSource = vtk.vtkAxes() cowAxesSource.SetScaleFactor(10) cowAxesSource.SetOrigin(0,0,0) cowAxesMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() cowAxesMapper.SetInputConnection(cowAxesSource.GetOutputPort()) cowAxes = vtk.vtkActor() cowAxes.SetMapper(cowAxesMapper) ren1.AddActor(cowAxes) cowAxes.VisibilityOff() # Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size # ren1.AddActor(cowActor) ren1.SetBackground(0.1,0.2,0.4) renWin.SetSize(320,240) ren1.ResetCamera() ren1.GetActiveCamera().Azimuth(0) ren1.GetActiveCamera().Dolly(1.4) ren1.ResetCameraClippingRange() cowAxes.VisibilityOn() renWin.Render() # render the image # # prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop # def RotateX (__vtk__temp0=0,__vtk__temp1=0): cowActor.SetOrientation(0,0,0) ren1.ResetCameraClippingRange() renWin.Render() renWin.Render() renWin.EraseOff() i = 1 while i <= 6: cowActor.RotateX(60) renWin.Render() renWin.Render() i = i + 1 renWin.EraseOn() def RotateY (__vtk__temp0=0,__vtk__temp1=0): cowActor.SetOrientation(0,0,0) ren1.ResetCameraClippingRange() renWin.Render() renWin.Render() renWin.EraseOff() i = 1 while i <= 6: cowActor.RotateY(60) renWin.Render() renWin.Render() i = i + 1 renWin.EraseOn() def RotateZ (__vtk__temp0=0,__vtk__temp1=0): cowActor.SetOrientation(0,0,0) ren1.ResetCameraClippingRange() renWin.Render() renWin.Render() renWin.EraseOff() i = 1 while i <= 6: cowActor.RotateZ(60) renWin.Render() renWin.Render() i = i + 1 renWin.EraseOn() def RotateXY (__vtk__temp0=0,__vtk__temp1=0): cowActor.SetOrientation(0,0,0) cowActor.RotateX(60) ren1.ResetCameraClippingRange() renWin.Render() renWin.Render() renWin.EraseOff() i = 1 while i <= 6: cowActor.RotateY(60) renWin.Render() renWin.Render() i = i + 1 renWin.EraseOn() RotateX() RotateY() RotateZ() RotateXY() renWin.EraseOff() # --- end of script --
from collections import defaultdict with open('day10/input.txt', 'r') as file: data = sorted([int(x.strip()) for x in file.readlines()]) data = [0] + data data.append(data[-1] + 3) jolt_1, jolt_3 = 0, 0 for i in range(len(data)): current = data[i - 1] if (data[i] - current) == 1: jolt_1 += 1 elif (data[i] - current) == 3: jolt_3 += 1 jumps = [1, 2, 3] routes = defaultdict(int) # default value is 0 routes[0] = 1 for i in data[1:]: routes[i] = sum([routes[i - j] for j in jumps]) print(f"Result 1: {jolt_1 * jolt_3}\nResult 2: {routes[data[-1]]}")
from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password from rest_framework import serializers from .models import User from rest_framework_simplejwt.serializers import TokenObtainPairSerializer from rest_framework import response, status class RegisterSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = User fields = ('username', 'email', 'password') def validate_password(self, value: str) -> str: return make_password(value) class MyTokenObtainPairSerializer(TokenObtainPairSerializer): @classmethod def get_token(cls, user): token = super(MyTokenObtainPairSerializer, cls).get_token(user) return token class UsersSerializers(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = User fields = ('id', 'username', 'email', 'phone_number') class UserUpdateSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = User fields = ('username', 'email', 'phone_number')
import tensorflow as tf # GPU版Tensor Flowを、特定のGPUで実行する GPU_INDEX = 2 tf.config.set_soft_device_placement(True) tf.debugging.set_log_device_placement(True) gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') if gpus: try: logical_gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_logical_devices('GPU') print(len(gpus), "Physical GPUs,", len(logical_gpus), "Logical GPUs") print(gpus) print(logical_gpus) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) try: with tf.device('/device:GPU:{}'.format(GPU_INDEX)): # GPUの番号を指定する # MNIST mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() x_train, x_test = x_train / 255.0, x_test / 255.0 model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([ tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)), tf.keras.layers.Dense(512, activation=tf.nn.relu), tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.2), tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.softmax) ]) model.compile( optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'] ), y_train, epochs=5) model.evaluate(x_test, y_test) except RuntimeError as e: print(e)
import pytest from package_one.module_one import IntegerAdder @pytest.fixture def adder(): print("Test set-up!") yield IntegerAdder() print("Test tear-down") def test_integer_adder(adder): assert adder.add(1, 2) == 3 """ In case you'd like to declare a fixture that executes only once per module, then declare a fixture like this: @pytest.fixture(scope="module") """ @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operand_one, operand_two, expected_result", [ (1, 2, 3), (10, 20, 30), (-5, -10, -15) ] ) def test_integer_adder_complex( adder, operand_one, operand_two, expected_result ): assert adder.add(operand_one, operand_two) == expected_result
def snail(array): results = [] while len(array) > 0: results += array[0] del array[0] if len(array) > 0: for i in array: results += [i[-1]] del i[-1] if array[-1]: results += array[-1][::-1] del array[-1] for i in reversed(array): results += [i[0]] del i[0] return results
import os from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template from base_controller import CacheableHandler from models.event import Event class EventWizardHandler(CacheableHandler): CACHE_VERSION = 1 CACHE_KEY_FORMAT = "event_wizard" def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(EventWizardHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.cache_expiration = 60 * 60 def _render(self, *args, **kw): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../templates/eventwizard.html") selected_event_key = self.request.get('event', '') if selected_event_key and Event.validate_key_name(selected_event_key): selected_event = Event.get_by_id(selected_event_key) if selected_event: self.template_values['selected_event'] = selected_event return template.render(path, self.template_values) class ReactEventWizardHandler(CacheableHandler): CACHE_VERSION = 1 CACHE_KEY_FORMAT = "event_wizard_react" def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(ReactEventWizardHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.cache_expiration = 60 * 60 def _render(self, *args, **kw): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../templates/react-eventwizard.html") return template.render(path, self.template_values)
""" MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 martinpflaum Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ #%% import torchvision import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import lightly import pandas as pd from data.data_utils import get_train_val_test_split,open_image,\ post_load_default,post_load_scene_depth,post_load_normal,\ post_load_lightning,load_edge_tensor,load_pickle,save_pickle from perceptual_loss import PerceptualLoss from import Dataset class GaussianNoise: """ this is from lightly Applies random Gaussian noise to a tensor. The intensity of the noise is dependent on the mean of the pixel values. See for more information. """ def __call__(self, sample: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: mu = sample.mean() snr = np.random.randint(low=4, high=8) sigma = mu / snr noise = torch.normal(torch.zeros(sample.shape), sigma) return sample + noise def depth_calc_std_mean(img_data_set_root): train,val,test = get_train_val_test_split("./data_splits/train_test_split.csv") out = [] for name in train: scene_depth = post_load_scene_depth(open_image(name,"scene_depth",img_data_set_root)).reshape(-1) out += [scene_depth] out = return torch.std_mean(out, unbiased=False) def get_all(file_name): df = pd.read_csv(file_name) df = df[["train_val_test"]] split = np.array(df) return split class BrainDatasetSceneDepth(Dataset): def __init__(self,img_data_set_root,indicies) : super().__init__() self.img_data_set_root = img_data_set_root self.indicies = indicies self.size = len(indicies) def __len__(self): #print("get_len") return self.size def __getitem__(self, index): name = self.indicies[index] return post_load_scene_depth(open_image(name,"scene_depth",self.img_data_set_root)) img_data_set_root="D:/ImageDatasetBig" indicies = get_all("./data_splits/train_test_split.csv") indicies #%% dset = BrainDatasetSceneDepth(img_data_set_root,indicies) #%% num_workers = 0 batch_size = 128 seed = 1 epochs = 50 input_size = 64 # dimension of the embeddings num_ftrs = 512 # dimension of the output of the prediction and projection heads out_dim = proj_hidden_dim = 512 # the prediction head uses a bottleneck architecture pred_hidden_dim = 128 # use 2 layers in the projection head num_mlp_layers = 2 mean,std = torch.tensor(0),torch.tensor(1) mean,std = depth_calc_std_mean(img_data_set_root) mean,std = mean.item(),std.item() mean,std = (mean,mean,mean),(std,std,std) transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose([ torchvision.transforms.Grayscale(num_output_channels=3), torchvision.transforms.RandomResizedCrop(size=(64,64), scale=(0.2, 1.0)), torchvision.transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5), torchvision.transforms.RandomVerticalFlip(p=0.5), torchvision.transforms.GaussianBlur(21), torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(), torchvision.transforms.Normalize(mean,std), GaussianNoise(), ]) collate_fn = torch.manual_seed(0) np.random.seed(0) # set the path to the dataset path_to_data = 'C:/Users/Martin/Downloads/test' dataset_train_simsiam = input_dir=path_to_data ) dataloader_train_simsiam = dataset_train_simsiam, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_fn, drop_last=True, num_workers=num_workers ) resnet = torchvision.models.resnet18() backbone = nn.Sequential(*list(resnet.children())[:-1]) # create the SimSiam model using the backbone from above model = lightly.models.SimSiam( backbone, num_ftrs=num_ftrs, proj_hidden_dim=pred_hidden_dim, pred_hidden_dim=pred_hidden_dim, out_dim=out_dim, num_mlp_layers=num_mlp_layers ) # SimSiam uses a symmetric negative cosine similarity loss criterion = lightly.loss.SymNegCosineSimilarityLoss() # scale the learning rate lr = 0.05 * batch_size / 256 # use SGD with momentum and weight decay optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( model.parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4 ) device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' avg_loss = 0. avg_output_std = 0. for e in range(epochs): for (x0, x1), _, _ in dataloader_train_simsiam: # move images to the gpu x0 = x1 = # run the model on both transforms of the images # the output of the simsiam model is a y containing the predictions # and projections for each input x y0, y1 = model(x0, x1) # backpropagation loss = criterion(y0, y1) loss.backward() optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() # calculate the per-dimension standard deviation of the outputs # we can use this later to check whether the embeddings are collapsing output, _ = y0 output = output.detach() output = torch.nn.functional.normalize(output, dim=1) output_std = torch.std(output, 0) output_std = output_std.mean() # use moving averages to track the loss and standard deviation w = 0.9 avg_loss = w * avg_loss + (1 - w) * loss.item() avg_output_std = w * avg_output_std + (1 - w) * output_std.item() # the level of collapse is large if the standard deviation of the l2 # normalized output is much smaller than 1 / sqrt(dim) collapse_level = max(0., 1 - math.sqrt(out_dim) * avg_output_std) # print intermediate results print(f'[Epoch {e:3d}] ' f'Loss = {avg_loss:.2f} | ' f'Collapse Level: {collapse_level:.2f} / 1.00') model = PerceptualLoss(model.backbone.cpu(),mean,std).cpu() save_pickle(model,"perceptual_loss.pth") # %%
__author__ = "Jeremy Nelson" import csv import datetime import json import urllib2 from json_ld.utilities.creator import JSONLinkedDataCreator class JohnPeabodyHarringtonJSONLinkedDataCreator(JSONLinkedDataCreator): CC_URI = '' LOC_URI = '' def __init__(self, creator_id=None, csv_filename=None): """Initializes instance of John Peabody Harrington JSON-LD creator Parameters: creator_id -- LOC ID of creator, defaults to Colorado College csv_filename -- Filename of CSV file, defaults to None """ if creator_id is None: creator_id = self.CC_URI super(JohnPeabodyHarringtonJSONLinkedDataCreator, self).__init__( **{'creator_id': creator_id}) self.title_prefix = 'John P. Harrington Papers 1907-1959 (some earlier)' jph_csv_reader = csv.DictReader(open(csv_filename, 'rb')) for row in jph_csv_reader: self.records.append(row) def __generate_topics__(self, lcsh_subjects, work_dict): """Internal function generates a list of topics from a list of LCSH uri Parameters: lcsh_subjects -- list of subject uri work_dict -- Dictionary of properties for the Creative Work """ if len(lcsh_subjects) > 0: work_dict['bf:subject'] = [] for subject_uri in lcsh_subjects: uri = subject_uri.replace('"','').strip() if not self.topics.has_key(uri): loc_uri = json.load( urllib2.urlopen('{0}.json'.format(uri))) loc_key = u"<{0}>".format(uri) self.topics[uri] = { '@type': 'bf:Topic', 'prov:Generation': self.__generate_provenance__(), 'bf:label': loc_uri[loc_key].get( u'<>', [{'value':uri},])[0].get('value'), 'bf:identifier': uri, 'bf:hasAuthority': self.LOC_URI} lcc_classification = loc_uri[loc_key].get( u'<>', None) if lcc_classification is not None: class_value = lcc_classification[0].get('value') if not work_dict.has_key('bf:class-lcc'): work_dict['bf:class-lcc'] = [class_value, ] else: work_dict['bf:class-lcc'].append(class_value) work_dict['bf:subject'].append(self.topics[uri]) return work_dict def generate(self): "Linked Data Cataloging for John Peabody Harrington Collection" for row in self.records: work_dict = self.__generate_work__( creative_work_class='bf:Manuscript') instance_dict = self.__generate_instance__('online resource') instance_dict['bf:publication'] = { 'providerName': 'National Anthropological Archives', 'identifier': ''} if len(row.get('Part')) > 0: title_prefix = '{0} {1}'.format(self.title_prefix, row.get('Part')) else: title_prefix = self.title_prefix title_str = '{0} Microfilm {1}, Reel {2}'.format( title_prefix, row.get('Microfilm #'), row.get('Reel #')) title_parts = row.get('Title').replace('"','').split(",") if len(title_parts) > 1: sub_titles = [] for sub in title_parts: sub = sub.strip() sub_titles.append(sub) title_str = '{0} "{1}'.format(title_str, '", "'.join(sub_titles)) title_str += '"' elif len(title_parts) == 1: title_str = "{0} {1}".format(title_str, title_parts[0]) work_dict['bf:title'] = {'@type': 'bf:TitleEntity', 'bf:titleValue': title_str, 'bf:label': title_str} instance_dict['schema:contentUrl'] = '/pdf/{0}'.format( row.get('Filename')) work_dict['bf:hasInstance'] = [instance_dict,] work_dict['rda:dateOfPublicationManifestation'] = row.get('Publication Date') subjects = row.get('LCSH').split(",") work_dict = self.__generate_topics__(subjects, work_dict)
from .algo.algo_endpoints import AlgoEndpoints from .graph.graph_endpoints import GraphEndpoints from .query_runner.query_runner import QueryRunner class IndirectEndpoints(AlgoEndpoints, GraphEndpoints): def __init__(self, query_runner: QueryRunner, namespace: str): super().__init__(query_runner, namespace)
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import generate_chat import seq2seq_model import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import os os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" if __name__ == '__main__': _, _, source_vocab_size = generate_chat.get_vocabs(generate_chat.vocab_encode_file) _, _, target_vocab_size = generate_chat.get_vocabs(generate_chat.vocab_decode_file) train_set = generate_chat.read_data(generate_chat.train_encode_vec_file, generate_chat.train_decode_vec_file) test_set = generate_chat.read_data(generate_chat.test_encode_vec_file, generate_chat.test_decode_vec_file) train_bucket_sizes = [len(train_set[i]) for i in range(len(generate_chat._buckets))] train_total_size = float(sum(train_bucket_sizes)) train_buckets_scale = [sum(train_bucket_sizes[:i + 1]) / train_total_size for i in range(len(train_bucket_sizes))] with tf.Session() as sess: model = seq2seq_model.Seq2SeqModel(source_vocab_size, target_vocab_size, generate_chat._buckets, generate_chat.units_num, generate_chat.num_layers, generate_chat.max_gradient_norm, generate_chat.batch_size, generate_chat.learning_rate, generate_chat.learning_rate_decay_factor, use_lstm=True) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state('.') if ckpt and tf.train.checkpoint_exists(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path): print("Reading model parameters from %s" % ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) model.saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) else: print("Created model with fresh parameters.") loss = 0.0 step = 0 previous_losses = [] run = True while run: random_number_01 = np.random.random_sample() bucket_id = min([i for i in range(len(train_buckets_scale)) if train_buckets_scale[i] > random_number_01]) encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights = model.get_batch(train_set, bucket_id) _, step_loss, _ = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights, bucket_id, False) print("step:%d,loss:%f" % (step, step_loss)) loss += step_loss / 2000 step += 1 if step % 1000 == 0: print("step:%d,per_loss:%f" % (step, loss)) if len(previous_losses) > 2 and loss > max(previous_losses[-3:]): previous_losses.append(loss), "./../../datas/model/share/rebot/chatbot.ckpt", global_step=model.global_step) loss = 0.0 if step % 5000 == 0: for bucket_id in range(len(generate_chat._buckets)): if len(test_set[bucket_id]) == 0: continue encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights = model.get_batch(test_set, bucket_id) _, eval_loss, _ = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights, bucket_id, True) print("bucket_id:%d,eval_loss:%f" % (bucket_id, eval_loss))
import tkinter as tk from src.ui.core import SortableTable from src.library.model import PlaylistModel class Table(SortableTable): def __init__(self, parent, logger, library): SortableTable.__init__(self, parent, logger) self.library = library self.add_column('Playlist Name', sortable=True) self.init_treeview() self.on_playback_event = None self.context_view_switcher = None def get_unsorted_item_list(self): return self.library.session.query(PlaylistModel).all() def create_column_values_for(self, item): return (,) def compare_items(self, a, b): from src.utility import compare_strings multiplier = -1 if self.sort_in_reverse else 1 return compare_strings(, * multiplier def set_on_playback_event(self, on_playback_event): self.on_playback_event = on_playback_event def dispatch_playback_event(self, event): if self.on_playback_event is not None: self.on_playback_event(event) def display_context_menu(self, event): context_menu = tk.Menu(master=self.frame, tearoff=0) context_menu.add_command(label='Set as Queue', command=self.play_playlist) context_menu.add_command(label='Set as Queue (Shuffled)', command=self.play_playlist_shuffled) context_menu.add_command(label='More Info', command=lambda: self.view_playlist_info(event.x_root, event.y_root)) context_menu.add_command(label='Delete', command=self.delete_playlist), event.y_root) def play_playlist(self): from src.backend.event import PlayPlaylist self.dispatch_playback_event(PlayPlaylist(self.get_selected_item(), shuffled=False)) def play_playlist_shuffled(self): from src.backend.event import PlayPlaylist self.dispatch_playback_event(PlayPlaylist(self.get_selected_item(), shuffled=True)) def view_playlist_info(self, x, y): from import PlaylistInfo if self.context_view_switcher is not None: info = PlaylistInfo(self.context_view_switcher, self.logger, self.library) info.set_item(self.get_selected_item()) self.context_view_switcher.open_page(info) def delete_playlist(self): item = self.get_selected_item() self.library.session.delete(item) self.library.session.commit() self.refresh()
from slicegan import preprocessing, util import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn import torch.optim as optim import time import matplotlib import wandb # 1. Start a new run wandb.init(project='SuperRes', name='SliceGAN train', entity='tldr-group') def train(pth, imtype, datatype, real_data, Disc, Gen, nc, l, nz, sf): """ train the generator :param pth: path to save all files, imgs and data :param imtype: image type e.g nphase, colour or gray :param datatype: training data format e.g. tif, jpg ect :param real_data: path to training data :param Disc: :param Gen: :param nc: channels :param l: image size :param nz: latent vector size :param sf: scale factor for training data :return: """ if len(real_data) == 1: real_data *= 3 isotropic = True else: isotropic = False print('Loading Dataset...') dataset_xyz = preprocessing.batch(real_data, datatype, l, sf) ## Constants for NNs matplotlib.use('Agg') ngpu = 1 num_epochs = 30 # batch sizes batch_size = 32 D_batch_size = 8 # optimiser params for G and D lrg = 0.0001 lrd = 0.0001 beta1 = 0 beta2 = 0.9 Lambda = 10 critic_iters = 5 cudnn.benchmark = True workers = 0 lz = 4 ##Dataloaders for each orientation device = torch.device("cuda:0" if(torch.cuda.is_available() and ngpu > 0) else "cpu") print(device, " will be used.\n") # D trained using different data for x, y and z directions dataloaderx =[0], batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=workers) dataloadery =[1], batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=workers) dataloaderz =[2], batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=workers) # Create the Genetator network netG = Gen().to(device) if ('cuda' in str(device)) and (ngpu > 1): netG = nn.DataParallel(netG, list(range(ngpu))) optG = optim.Adam(netG.parameters(), lr=lrg, betas=(beta1, beta2)) # Define 1 Discriminator and optimizer for each plane in each dimension netDs = [] optDs = [] for i in range(3): netD = Disc() netD = (nn.DataParallel(netD, list(range(ngpu)))).to(device) netDs.append(netD) optDs.append(optim.Adam(netDs[i].parameters(), lr=lrd, betas=(beta1, beta2))) disc_real_log = [] disc_fake_log = [] gp_log = [] Wass_log = [] print("Starting Training Loop...") # For each epoch start = time.time() for epoch in range(num_epochs): # sample data for each direction for i, (datax, datay, dataz) in enumerate(zip(dataloaderx, dataloadery, dataloaderz), 1): dataset = [datax, datay, dataz] ### Initialise ### Discriminator ## Generate fake image batch with G noise = torch.randn(D_batch_size, nz, lz,lz,lz, device=device) fake_data = netG(noise).detach() # for each dim (d1, d2 and d3 are used as permutations to make 3D volume into a batch of 2D images) for dim, (netD, optimizer, data, d1, d2, d3) in enumerate( zip(netDs, optDs, dataset, [2, 3, 4], [3, 2, 2], [4, 4, 3])): if isotropic: netD = netDs[0] optimizer = optDs[0] netD.zero_grad() ##train on real images real_data = data[0].to(device) out_real = netD(real_data).view(-1).mean() ## train on fake images # perform permutation + reshape to turn volume into batch of 2D images to pass to D fake_data_perm = fake_data.permute(0, d1, 1, d2, d3).reshape(l * D_batch_size, nc, l, l) out_fake = netD(fake_data_perm).mean() gradient_penalty = util.calc_gradient_penalty(netD, real_data, fake_data_perm[:batch_size], batch_size, l, device, Lambda, nc) disc_cost = out_fake - out_real + gradient_penalty disc_cost.backward() optimizer.step() #logs for plotting wandb.log({'out real': out_real.item()}) wandb.log({'out fake': out_fake.item()}) wandb.log({'wass': out_real.item() - out_fake.item()}) ### Generator Training if i % int(critic_iters) == 0: netG.zero_grad() errG = 0 noise = torch.randn(batch_size, nz, lz,lz,lz, device=device) fake = netG(noise) for dim, (netD, d1, d2, d3) in enumerate( zip(netDs, [2, 3, 4], [3, 2, 2], [4, 4, 3])): if isotropic: #only need one D netD = netDs[0] # permute and reshape to feed to disc fake_data_perm = fake.permute(0, d1, 1, d2, d3).reshape(l * batch_size, nc, l, l) output = netD(fake_data_perm) errG -= output.mean() # Calculate gradients for G errG.backward() optG.step() # Output training stats & show imgs if i % 25 == 0: netG.eval() with torch.no_grad():, pth + '') + ''), pth + '') noise = torch.randn(1, nz,lz,lz,lz, device=device) img = netG(noise) ###Print progress ## calc ETA steps = len(dataloaderx) util.calc_eta(steps, time.time(), start, i, epoch, num_epochs) ###save example slices util.test_plotter(img, 5, imtype, pth) # plotting graphs # util.graph_plot([disc_real_log, disc_fake_log], ['real', 'perp'], pth, 'LossGraph') # util.graph_plot([Wass_log], ['Wass Distance'], pth, 'WassGraph') # util.graph_plot([gp_log], ['Gradient Penalty'], pth, 'GpGraph') netG.train()
from typing import List from ..error import GraphQLError from ..language import DocumentNode from ..type import GraphQLSchema __all__ = ["find_deprecated_usages"] def find_deprecated_usages( schema: GraphQLSchema, ast: DocumentNode ) -> List[GraphQLError]: # pragma: no cover """Get a list of GraphQLError instances describing each deprecated use. .. deprecated:: 3.1.3 Please use ``validate`` with ``NoDeprecatedCustomRule`` instead:: from graphql import validate, NoDeprecatedCustomRule errors = validate(schema, document, [NoDeprecatedCustomRule]) """ from ..validation import validate, NoDeprecatedCustomRule return validate(schema, ast, [NoDeprecatedCustomRule])
from .target_generators import HeatmapGenerator from .target_generators import ScaleAwareHeatmapGenerator from .target_generators import JointsGenerator __all__ = ['HeatmapGenerator', 'ScaleAwareHeatmapGenerator', 'JointsGenerator']
import re from typing import Annotated, Any, Optional import pytest from arti import ( Annotation, Artifact, Fingerprint, PartitionDependencies, Producer, StoragePartitions, ) from arti import producer as producer_decorator # Avoid shadowing from arti.internal.models import Model from arti.internal.utils import frozendict from arti.producers import ValidateSig from arti.types import Collection, Int64, Struct from arti.versions import String as StringVersion from arti.views import python as python_views from tests.arti.dummies import A1, A2, A3, A4, P1, P2, DummyStorage Int64Artifact = Artifact.from_type(Int64()) class DummyProducer(Producer): a1: A1 @staticmethod def build(a1: dict) -> tuple[Annotated[dict, A2], Annotated[dict, A3]]: # type: ignore pass @staticmethod def map(a1: StoragePartitions) -> PartitionDependencies: pass def check_model_matches(a: Model, b: Model, *, exclude: set[str]) -> None: assert a.dict(exclude=exclude) == b.dict(exclude=exclude) def test_Producer() -> None: a1 = A1() producer = DummyProducer(a1=a1) assert producer.a1 == a1 assert len(list(producer)) == 2 expected_output_classes = [A2, A3] for i, output in enumerate(producer): assert isinstance(output, expected_output_classes[i]) def test_producer_decorator() -> None: @producer_decorator() def dummy_producer(a1: Annotated[dict, A1]) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore return {} assert dummy_producer.__name__ == "dummy_producer" assert dummy_producer._input_artifact_types_ == frozendict(a1=A1) assert len(dummy_producer._output_metadata_) == 1 assert dummy_producer._output_metadata_[0][0] == A2 assert dummy_producer(a1=A1()).annotations == Producer.__fields__["annotations"].default assert dummy_producer(a1=A1()).version == Producer.__fields__["version"].default class MyAnnotation(Annotation): pass def mapper() -> PartitionDependencies: return PartitionDependencies() @producer_decorator( annotations=(MyAnnotation(),), map=mapper, name="test", version=StringVersion(value="test") ) def dummy_producer2(a1: Annotated[dict, A1]) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore return {} assert dummy_producer2.__name__ == "test" assert == mapper assert dummy_producer2(a1=A1()).annotations == (MyAnnotation(),) assert dummy_producer2(a1=A1()).version == StringVersion(value="test") def test_producer_input_metadata() -> None: @producer_decorator() def dummy_producer( a1: Annotated[dict, A1], *, a: int, b: Annotated[int, "non-Artifact"] # type: ignore ) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore return {} assert dummy_producer._input_artifact_types_ == frozendict( a1=A1, a=Int64Artifact, b=Int64Artifact ) def test_Producer_partitioned_input_validation() -> None: class A(Artifact): type = Collection(element=Struct(fields={"x": Int64()}), partition_by=("x",)) class P(Producer): a: A @staticmethod def build(a: list[dict]) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore pass assert P._input_artifact_types_ == frozendict(a=A) assert P._build_input_views_ == frozendict(a=python_views.List) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="dict.* cannot be used to represent Collection"): class SingularInput(Producer): a: A @staticmethod def build(a: dict) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=re.escape("list[int] cannot be used to represent Collection") ): class IncompatibleInput(Producer): a: A @staticmethod def build(a: list[int]) -> Annotated[dict, A]: # type: ignore pass def test_Producer_output_metadata() -> None: assert DummyProducer._output_metadata_ == ((A2, python_views.Dict), (A3, python_views.Dict)) class ImplicitArtifact(Producer): a1: A1 @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict) -> tuple[int, Annotated[dict, A2]]: # type: ignore pass assert ImplicitArtifact._output_metadata_ == ( (Artifact.from_type(Int64()), python_views.Int), (A2, python_views.Dict), ) class ExplicitView(Producer): a1: A1 @staticmethod def build(a1: dict) -> Annotated[dict, A2, python_views.Dict]: # type: ignore pass assert ExplicitView._output_metadata_ == ((A2, python_views.Dict),) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=re.escape(" 1st return (A2) - multiple Views set") ): class DupView(Producer): a1: A1 @staticmethod def build(a1: dict) -> Annotated[dict, A2, python_views.Dict, python_views.Int]: # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=" 1st return - multiple Artifacts set"): class DupArtifact(Producer): a1: A1 @staticmethod def build(a1: dict) -> Annotated[dict, A1, A2]: # type: ignore pass def test_Producer_string_annotation() -> None: # This may be from `x: "Type"` or `from __future__ import annotations`. class StrAnnotation(Producer): a1: "A1" @staticmethod def build(a1: "dict") -> "Annotated[dict, A2]": # type: ignore pass assert isinstance(StrAnnotation(a1=A1()).out(), A2) def test_Producer_fingerprint() -> None: p1 = P1(a1=A1()) assert p1.fingerprint == Fingerprint.from_string( f'P1:{{"a1": {p1.a1.fingerprint.key}, "version": {p1.version.fingerprint.key}}}' ) def test_Producer_compute_input_fingerprint() -> None: p1 = P1(a1=A1(storage=DummyStorage(key="test"))) assert p1.compute_input_fingerprint( frozendict(a1=StoragePartitions()) ) == Fingerprint.from_string(p1._class_key_).combine(p1.version.fingerprint) storage_partition = update={"content_fingerprint": Fingerprint.from_int(10)} ) assert p1.compute_input_fingerprint( frozendict(a1=StoragePartitions([storage_partition])) ) == Fingerprint.from_string(p1._class_key_).combine( p1.version.fingerprint, storage_partition.content_fingerprint ) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=re.escape("Mismatched dependency inputs; expected {'a1'}, got {'junk'}") ): p1.compute_input_fingerprint(frozendict(junk=StoragePartitions())) def test_Producer_out() -> None: a1, a2, a3, a4 = A1(), A2(), A3(), A4() # single return Producer p1 = P1(a1=a1) a2_ = p1.out(a2) # multi return Producer p2 = P2(a2=a2) a3_, a4_ = p2.out(a3, a4) for (producer, inp, out, type_, position) in ( (p1, a2, a2_, A2, 0), (p2, a3, a3_, A3, 0), (p2, a4, a4_, A4, 1), ): assert inp is not out assert isinstance(out, type_) assert out.producer_output is not None assert out.producer_output.producer == producer assert out.producer_output.position == position check_model_matches(inp, out, exclude={"producer_output"}) assert list(p1) == [a2_] assert list(p2) == [a3_, a4_] def test_Producer_map_artifacts() -> None: class P(Producer): a1: A1 @staticmethod def build(a1: dict) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore pass @staticmethod def map(a1: StoragePartitions) -> PartitionDependencies: pass assert P._map_input_metadata_ == frozendict(a1=A1) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=" a1 param - type hint must be `StoragePartitions`", ): class BadMapParam(P): @staticmethod def map(a1: list) -> PartitionDependencies: # type: ignore pass def test_Producer_validate_output() -> None: positive, negative = (True, "Positive"), (False, "Negative") def is_positive(i: int) -> tuple[bool, str]: return positive if i >= 0 else negative @producer_decorator(validate_outputs=is_positive) def p(x: int) -> int: return x assert p.validate_outputs( == positive assert p.validate_outputs( == negative def test_Producer_validate_output_hint_validation() -> None: def validate_any(i: Any) -> tuple[bool, str]: return bool(i), "" def validate_vargs_any(*vals: Any) -> tuple[bool, str]: return bool(vals), "" def validate_int(i: int) -> tuple[bool, str]: return bool(i), "" for validate_outputs in list[ValidateSig]( [ lambda x: (True, ""), validate_any, validate_vargs_any, validate_int, ] ): @producer_decorator(validate_outputs=validate_outputs) def single_return_build(x: int) -> int: return x assert single_return_build.validate_outputs(5) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="i param - type hint must be `Any` or "): def accepts_vargs_float(*i: float) -> tuple[bool, str]: return bool(i), "" @producer_decorator(validate_outputs=accepts_vargs_float) def bad_vargs(x: int) -> int: return x with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="validate_output - must match the `.build` return"): @producer_decorator(validate_outputs=validate_int) def too_few_arg(x: int) -> tuple[int, int]: return x, x + 1 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="validate_output i param - must not have a default."): @producer_decorator(validate_outputs=lambda i=5: (True, "")) def bad_default(x: int) -> int: return x with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="validate_output i param - must be usable as a positional argument." ): def validate_kwarg(*, i: int) -> tuple[bool, str]: return bool(i), "" @producer_decorator(validate_outputs=validate_kwarg) def kwarg_only(x: int) -> int: return x with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="validate_output i param - type hint must match the 1st `.build` return" ): def accepts_float(i: float) -> tuple[bool, str]: return bool(i), "" @producer_decorator(validate_outputs=accepts_float) def mismatched_hint(x: int) -> int: return x def test_Producer_build_outputs_check() -> None: class A(Artifact): type = Int64() class B(Artifact): type = Int64() class C(Artifact): type = Collection(element=Struct(fields={"a": Int64()}), partition_by=("a",)) class D(Artifact): type = Collection(element=Struct(fields={"a": Int64(), "b": Int64()}), partition_by=("b",)) class NoPartitioning(Producer): @staticmethod def build() -> tuple[Annotated[int, A], Annotated[int, B]]: pass class MatchingPartitioning(Producer): @staticmethod def build() -> tuple[Annotated[list[dict], C], Annotated[list[dict], C]]: # type: ignore pass @staticmethod def map() -> PartitionDependencies: return PartitionDependencies() for first_output in [Annotated[int, A], Annotated[list[dict], C]]: # type: ignore with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="all output Artifacts must have the same partitioning scheme" ): class MixedPartitioning(Producer): @staticmethod def build() -> tuple[first_output, Annotated[list[dict], D]]: # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r" - must be implemented when the `build` outputs are partitioned", ): class BadProducer(Producer): # noqa: F811 @staticmethod def build() -> Annotated[list[dict], C]: # type: ignore pass def test_Producer_bad_signature() -> None: # noqa: C901 # pylint: disable=function-redefined # Ensure no error if _abstract_ class OkProducer(Producer): _abstract_ = True with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=" - must be implemented"): class BadProducer(Producer): pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r" - the following parameter\(s\) must be defined as a field: {'a1'}", ): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r" - the following parameter\(s\) must be defined as a field: {'a1'}", ): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 @classmethod def build(cls) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore pass @classmethod def map(cls, a1: StoragePartitions) -> PartitionDependencies: pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r"BadProducer - the following fields aren't used in `.build` or `.map`: {'a2'}", ): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 a2: A2 @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict) -> Annotated[dict, A3]: # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must have a type hint"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 @classmethod def build(cls, a1): # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="type hint must be an Artifact subclass"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: str @classmethod def build(cls, a1: str) -> tuple[A2, A3]: pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must not have a default"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict = A1()): # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be usable as a keyword argument"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict, /): # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be usable as a keyword argument"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 @classmethod def build(cls, *a1: dict): # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be usable as a keyword argument"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 @classmethod def build(cls, **a1: dict): # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="a return value must be set"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict): # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="missing return signature"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict) -> None: # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="BadProducer.a1 - field must not have a default nor be Optional." ): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 = None # type: ignore @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict): # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="BadProducer.a1 - field must not have a default nor be Optional." ): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: Optional[A1] @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict): # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r"BadProducer.a1 - field must not have a default nor be Optional.", ): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 a1: A1 = A1() @classmethod def build(cls, a1: dict) -> A2: # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"str.* cannot be used to represent Struct"): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 @classmethod def build(cls) -> Annotated[str, A2]: pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r" - must be a @classmethod or @staticmethod", ): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 def build(cls) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore pass with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r" - must be a @classmethod or @staticmethod", ): class BadProducer(Producer): # type: ignore # noqa: F811 @classmethod def build(cls) -> Annotated[dict, A2]: # type: ignore pass def map(cls) -> PartitionDependencies: pass def test_Producer_bad_init() -> None: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot be instantiated directly"): Producer() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="extra fields not permitted"): DummyProducer(junk=5) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="field required"): DummyProducer() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="expected an instance of"): DummyProducer(a1=5) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="expected an instance of"): DummyProducer(a1=A2()) def test_Producer_bad_out() -> None: producer = DummyProducer(a1=A1()) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="expected 2 arguments of"): producer.out(1) # type: ignore with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r"DummyProducer.out\(\) 1st argument - expected instance of" ): producer.out(1, 2) # type: ignore with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r"DummyProducer.out\(\) 2nd argument - expected instance of" ): producer.out(A2(), A2()) output = producer.out(A2(), A3()) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="is produced by"): producer.out(*output)
from pathlib import Path from fhir.resources.valueset import ValueSet as _ValueSet from oops_fhir.utils import ValueSet from oops_fhir.r4.code_system.feeding_device_codes import ( FeedingDeviceCodes as FeedingDeviceCodes_, ) from oops_fhir.r4.code_system.snomed_ct import SNOMEDCT __all__ = ["FeedingDeviceCodes"] _resource = _ValueSet.parse_file(Path(__file__).with_suffix(".json")) class FeedingDeviceCodes(ValueSet): """ Feeding Device Codes Materials used or needed to feed the patient. Status: draft - Version: 4.0.1 """ # TODO: fix this template issue1 pass class Meta: resource = _resource
import time import os import numpy as np from perform.constants import REAL_TYPE class RomSpaceMapping: """Base class for mapping to/from the state/latent space.""" def __init__(self, sol_domain, rom_domain, rom_model): rom_dict = rom_domain.rom_dict model_idx = rom_model.model_idx self.latent_dim = rom_model.latent_dim self.sol_shape = rom_model.sol_shape # all mappings require scaling by default, specific methods may include additional scalings model_dir = rom_dict["model_dir"] self.cent_prof = self.load_feature_scaling( os.path.join(model_dir, rom_dict["cent_profs"][model_idx]), default="zeros" ) self.norm_fac_prof = self.load_feature_scaling( os.path.join(model_dir, rom_dict["norm_fac_profs"][model_idx]), default="ones" ) self.norm_sub_prof = self.load_feature_scaling( os.path.join(model_dir, rom_dict["norm_sub_profs"][model_idx]), default="zeros" ) if callable(getattr(rom_domain.rom_method, "load_extra_scalings", None)): rom_domain.rom_method.load_extra_scalings(model_idx, sol_domain, rom_domain) # specific mapping loading functions implemented by child classes self.load_mapping() # TODO: initialize decoder Jacobian memory once def load_feature_scaling(self, scaling_input, default="zeros"): """Load a normalization or centering profile from NumPy binary. Args: scaling_input: String path to scaling profile NumPy binary. default: String indicating default profile if loading fails due to size mismatch or load failure. Returns: scaling_prof: NumPy array of scaling profile loaded (or default, if load failed). """ try: # Load single complete standardization profile from file scaling_prof = np.load(scaling_input) assert scaling_prof.shape == self.sol_shape return scaling_prof except AssertionError: print("Standardization profile at " + scaling_input + " did not match solution shape") if default == "zeros": print("WARNING: standardization load failed or not specified, defaulting to zeros") time.sleep(1.0) scaling_prof = np.zeros(self.sol_shape, dtype=REAL_TYPE) elif default == "ones": print("WARNING: standardization load failed or not specified, defaulting to ones") time.sleep(1.0) scaling_prof = np.zeros(self.sol_shape, dtype=REAL_TYPE) else: raise ValueError("Invalid default: " + str(default)) return scaling_prof def scale_profile( self, arr_in, normalize=True, norm_fac_prof=None, norm_sub_prof=None, center=True, cent_prof=None, inverse=False ): """(De-)centers and/or (de-)normalizes solution profile. Depending on argument flags, centers and/or normalizes solution profile, or de-normalizes and/or de-centers solution profile. If inverse is False: arr = (arr_in - cent_prof - norm_sub_prof) / norm_fac_prof If inverse is True: arr = arr_in * norm_fac_prof + norm_sub_prof + cent_prof Args: arr_in: NumPy array of solution profile to be scaled. normalize: Boolean flag indicating whether arr_in should be (de-)normalized. norm_fac_prof: NumPy array of divisive normalization profile. norm_sub_prof: NumPy array of subtractive normalization profile. center: Boolean flag indicating whether arr_in should be (de-)centered. cent_prof: NumPy array of centering profile. inverse: If True, de-normalize and de-center. If False, center and normalize. Returns: (De)-centered and/or (de)-normalized copy of arr_in. """ arr = arr_in.copy() assert normalize or center, "Must either (de-)center or (de-)normalize." if normalize: assert norm_fac_prof is not None, "Must provide normalization division factor to normalize" assert norm_sub_prof is not None, "Must provide normalization subtractive factor to normalize" if center: assert cent_prof is not None, "Must provide centering profile to center" # de-normalize and de-center if inverse: if normalize: arr = self.normalize(arr, norm_fac_prof, norm_sub_prof, denormalize=True) if center: arr =, cent_prof, decenter=True) # center and normalize else: if center: arr =, cent_prof, decenter=False) if normalize: arr = self.normalize(arr, norm_fac_prof, norm_sub_prof, denormalize=False) return arr def center(self, arr_in, cent_prof, decenter=False): """(De)center input vector according to provided centering profile. Args: arr_in: NumPy array to be (de-)centered. cent_prof: NumPy array of centering profile. decenter: If True, decenter profile. If False, center profile. Returns: (De-)centered copy of arr_in. """ if decenter: arr = arr_in + cent_prof else: arr = arr_in - cent_prof return arr def normalize(self, arr_in, norm_fac_prof, norm_sub_prof, denormalize=False): """(De)normalize input vector according to subtractive and divisive normalization profiles. Args: arr_in: NumPy array to be (de-)normalized. norm_fac_prof: NumPy array of divisive normalization profile. norm_sub_prof: NumPy array of subtractive normalization profile. denormalize: If True, denormalize profile. If False, normalize profile. Returns: (De-)normalized copy of arr_in. """ if denormalize: arr = arr_in * norm_fac_prof + norm_sub_prof else: arr = (arr_in - norm_sub_prof) / norm_fac_prof return arr def encode_decode_series(self, sol_series_in): """Compute encoding and decoding of a list of solution arrays""" if isinstance(sol_series_in, np.ndarray): sol_series_in = [sol_series_in] code_series_out = [] sol_series_out = [] for sol in sol_series_in: code_series_out.append(self.encode_sol(sol)) sol_series_out.append(self.decode_sol(code_series_out[-1])) return code_series_out, sol_series_out def encode_sol(self, sol_in): sol = self.scale_profile( sol_in, normalize=True, norm_fac_prof=self.norm_fac_prof, norm_sub_prof=self.norm_sub_prof, center=True, cent_prof=self.cent_prof, inverse=False, ) code = self.apply_encoder(sol) return code def decode_sol(self, code_in): """Compute full decoding of solution, including de-centering and de-normalization. Maps low-dimensional code to full-dimensional state, and de-centers and de-normalizes. Note that the apply_decoder is implemented within child classes, as these are specific to a given mapping. Args: code_in: low-dimensional code to be decoded. Returns: Full-dimensional solution NumPy array resulting from decoding and de-scaling. """ sol = self.apply_decoder(code_in) sol = self.scale_profile( sol, normalize=True, norm_fac_prof=self.norm_fac_prof, norm_sub_prof=self.norm_sub_prof, center=True, cent_prof=self.cent_prof, inverse=True, ) return sol
from dl.nn.Module import Module import dl.graph.op as OP from dl.graph import variable class DropoutLayer(Module): """ Dropout layer object. """ def __init__(self, rate: float): """ Dropout layer object. Parameters ---------- rate: Dropout rate. """ super().__init__() self.op = OP.Dropout(rate) def forward(self, x) -> variable.Variable: """ Process the dropout operation. See details at dl.graph.op.Dropout Parameters ---------- x: Input Returns ------- out: output """ return self.op(x) def eval(self): """ Set the layer to evaluation mode. in this mode, dropout will not be performed. Returns ------- out: None """ self.op.eval = True def train(self): """ Set the layer to evaluation mode. in this mode, dropout will be performed. Returns ------- out: None """ self.op.eval = False
import torch.distributed as dist from .trainer import Trainer from ..util import DDP def average_gradients(model): """ Gradient averaging. """ size = float(dist.get_world_size()) for param in model.parameters(): if param.grad is not None: dist.all_reduce(, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) /= size class DistTrainer(Trainer): """ Distributed trainer for multi-gpu training. (not finish yet) """ def run_step(self, model, batch, mode='train'): output, loss, loss_stats = model.module.forward_train(batch) loss = loss.mean() if mode == 'train': self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() average_gradients(model) self.optimizer.step() return output, loss, loss_stats def set_device(self, batch_per_gpu, rank, device): """ Set model device for Distributed-Data-Parallel :param batch_per_gpu: batch size of each gpu :param rank: distributed training process rank :param device: cuda """ self.rank = rank self.model = DDP(batch_per_gpu, module=self.model.cuda(), device_ids=[rank], output_device=rank)
from .answer import Answer, CalculatedAnswer, DragText, NumericalAnswer from .enums import * from .questions import (QCalculated, QCalculatedMultichoice, QCalculatedSimple, QCloze, QDescription, QDragAndDropImage, QDragAndDropMarker, QDragAndDropText, QEssay, QMatching, QMissingWord, QMultichoice, QNumerical, QRandomMatching, QShortAnswer, QTrueFalse) __author__ = "Lucas Wolfgang" __version__ = "0.0.1" __all__ = ["GUI", "main", "Answer", "DragText", "NumericalAnswer", "CalculatedAnswer", "QDescription", "QCalculated", "QCalculatedSimple", "QCalculatedMultichoice", "QCloze", "QDragAndDropText", "QDragAndDropImage", "QDragAndDropMarker", "QEssay", "QMatching", "QRandomMatching", "QMissingWord", "QMultichoice", "QNumerical", "QShortAnswer", "QTrueFalse"]
import warnings from collections import OrderedDict import pandas as pd from . import dtypes, utils from .alignment import align from .variable import IndexVariable, Variable, as_variable from .variable import concat as concat_vars def concat( objs, dim=None, data_vars="all", coords="different", compat="equals", positions=None, indexers=None, mode=None, concat_over=None, fill_value=dtypes.NA, join="outer", ): """Concatenate xarray objects along a new or existing dimension. Parameters ---------- objs : sequence of Dataset and DataArray objects xarray objects to concatenate together. Each object is expected to consist of variables and coordinates with matching shapes except for along the concatenated dimension. dim : str or DataArray or pandas.Index Name of the dimension to concatenate along. This can either be a new dimension name, in which case it is added along axis=0, or an existing dimension name, in which case the location of the dimension is unchanged. If dimension is provided as a DataArray or Index, its name is used as the dimension to concatenate along and the values are added as a coordinate. data_vars : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional These data variables will be concatenated together: * 'minimal': Only data variables in which the dimension already appears are included. * 'different': Data variables which are not equal (ignoring attributes) across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as all for which dimension already appears). Beware: this option may load the data payload of data variables into memory if they are not already loaded. * 'all': All data variables will be concatenated. * list of str: The listed data variables will be concatenated, in addition to the 'minimal' data variables. If objects are DataArrays, data_vars must be 'all'. coords : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional These coordinate variables will be concatenated together: * 'minimal': Only coordinates in which the dimension already appears are included. * 'different': Coordinates which are not equal (ignoring attributes) across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as all for which dimension already appears). Beware: this option may load the data payload of coordinate variables into memory if they are not already loaded. * 'all': All coordinate variables will be concatenated, except those corresponding to other dimensions. * list of str: The listed coordinate variables will be concatenated, in addition to the 'minimal' coordinates. compat : {'equals', 'identical'}, optional String indicating how to compare non-concatenated variables and dataset global attributes for potential conflicts. 'equals' means that all variable values and dimensions must be the same; 'identical' means that variable attributes and global attributes must also be equal. positions : None or list of integer arrays, optional List of integer arrays which specifies the integer positions to which to assign each dataset along the concatenated dimension. If not supplied, objects are concatenated in the provided order. fill_value : scalar, optional Value to use for newly missing values join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional String indicating how to combine differing indexes (excluding dim) in objects - 'outer': use the union of object indexes - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension - 'exact': instead of aligning, raise `ValueError` when indexes to be aligned are not equal - 'override': if indexes are of same size, rewrite indexes to be those of the first object with that dimension. Indexes for the same dimension must have the same size in all objects. indexers, mode, concat_over : deprecated Returns ------- concatenated : type of objs See also -------- merge auto_combine """ # TODO: add ignore_index arguments copied from pandas.concat # TODO: support concatenating scalar coordinates even if the concatenated # dimension already exists from .dataset import Dataset from .dataarray import DataArray try: first_obj, objs = utils.peek_at(objs) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("must supply at least one object to concatenate") if dim is None: warnings.warn( "the `dim` argument to `concat` will be required " "in a future version of xarray; for now, setting it to " "the old default of 'concat_dim'", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) dim = "concat_dims" if indexers is not None: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "indexers has been renamed to positions; the alias " "will be removed in a future version of xarray", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) positions = indexers if mode is not None: raise ValueError( "`mode` is no longer a valid argument to " "xarray.concat; it has been split into the " "`data_vars` and `coords` arguments" ) if concat_over is not None: raise ValueError( "`concat_over` is no longer a valid argument to " "xarray.concat; it has been split into the " "`data_vars` and `coords` arguments" ) if isinstance(first_obj, DataArray): f = _dataarray_concat elif isinstance(first_obj, Dataset): f = _dataset_concat else: raise TypeError( "can only concatenate xarray Dataset and DataArray " "objects, got %s" % type(first_obj) ) return f(objs, dim, data_vars, coords, compat, positions, fill_value, join) def _calc_concat_dim_coord(dim): """ Infer the dimension name and 1d coordinate variable (if appropriate) for concatenating along the new dimension. """ from .dataarray import DataArray if isinstance(dim, str): coord = None elif not isinstance(dim, (DataArray, Variable)): dim_name = getattr(dim, "name", None) if dim_name is None: dim_name = "concat_dim" coord = IndexVariable(dim_name, dim) dim = dim_name elif not isinstance(dim, DataArray): coord = as_variable(dim).to_index_variable() dim, = coord.dims else: coord = dim dim, = coord.dims return dim, coord def _calc_concat_over(datasets, dim, data_vars, coords): """ Determine which dataset variables need to be concatenated in the result, and which can simply be taken from the first dataset. """ # Return values concat_over = set() equals = {} if dim in datasets[0]: concat_over.add(dim) for ds in datasets: concat_over.update(k for k, v in ds.variables.items() if dim in v.dims) def process_subset_opt(opt, subset): if isinstance(opt, str): if opt == "different": # all nonindexes that are not the same in each dataset for k in getattr(datasets[0], subset): if k not in concat_over: # Compare the variable of all datasets vs. the one # of the first dataset. Perform the minimum amount of # loads in order to avoid multiple loads from disk # while keeping the RAM footprint low. v_lhs = datasets[0].variables[k].load() # We'll need to know later on if variables are equal. computed = [] for ds_rhs in datasets[1:]: v_rhs = ds_rhs.variables[k].compute() computed.append(v_rhs) if not v_lhs.equals(v_rhs): concat_over.add(k) equals[k] = False # computed variables are not to be re-computed # again in the future for ds, v in zip(datasets[1:], computed): ds.variables[k].data = break else: equals[k] = True elif opt == "all": concat_over.update( set(getattr(datasets[0], subset)) - set(datasets[0].dims) ) elif opt == "minimal": pass else: raise ValueError("unexpected value for %s: %s" % (subset, opt)) else: invalid_vars = [k for k in opt if k not in getattr(datasets[0], subset)] if invalid_vars: if subset == "coords": raise ValueError( "some variables in coords are not coordinates on " "the first dataset: %s" % (invalid_vars,) ) else: raise ValueError( "some variables in data_vars are not data variables " "on the first dataset: %s" % (invalid_vars,) ) concat_over.update(opt) process_subset_opt(data_vars, "data_vars") process_subset_opt(coords, "coords") return concat_over, equals def _dataset_concat( datasets, dim, data_vars, coords, compat, positions, fill_value=dtypes.NA, join="outer", ): """ Concatenate a sequence of datasets along a new or existing dimension """ from .dataset import Dataset if compat not in ["equals", "identical"]: raise ValueError( "compat=%r invalid: must be 'equals' " "or 'identical'" % compat ) dim, coord = _calc_concat_dim_coord(dim) # Make sure we're working on a copy (we'll be loading variables) datasets = [ds.copy() for ds in datasets] datasets = align( *datasets, join=join, copy=False, exclude=[dim], fill_value=fill_value ) concat_over, equals = _calc_concat_over(datasets, dim, data_vars, coords) def insert_result_variable(k, v): assert isinstance(v, Variable) if k in datasets[0].coords: result_coord_names.add(k) result_vars[k] = v # create the new dataset and add constant variables result_vars = OrderedDict() result_coord_names = set(datasets[0].coords) result_attrs = datasets[0].attrs result_encoding = datasets[0].encoding for k, v in datasets[0].variables.items(): if k not in concat_over: insert_result_variable(k, v) # check that global attributes and non-concatenated variables are fixed # across all datasets for ds in datasets[1:]: if compat == "identical" and not utils.dict_equiv(ds.attrs, result_attrs): raise ValueError("dataset global attributes not equal") for k, v in ds.variables.items(): if k not in result_vars and k not in concat_over: raise ValueError("encountered unexpected variable %r" % k) elif (k in result_coord_names) != (k in ds.coords): raise ValueError( "%r is a coordinate in some datasets but not " "others" % k ) elif k in result_vars and k != dim: # Don't use Variable.identical as it internally invokes # Variable.equals, and we may already know the answer if compat == "identical" and not utils.dict_equiv( v.attrs, result_vars[k].attrs ): raise ValueError("variable %s not identical across datasets" % k) # Proceed with equals() try: # May be populated when using the "different" method is_equal = equals[k] except KeyError: result_vars[k].load() is_equal = v.equals(result_vars[k]) if not is_equal: raise ValueError("variable %s not equal across datasets" % k) # we've already verified everything is consistent; now, calculate # shared dimension sizes so we can expand the necessary variables dim_lengths = [ds.dims.get(dim, 1) for ds in datasets] non_concat_dims = {} for ds in datasets: non_concat_dims.update(ds.dims) non_concat_dims.pop(dim, None) def ensure_common_dims(vars): # ensure each variable with the given name shares the same # dimensions and the same shape for all of them except along the # concat dimension common_dims = tuple(pd.unique([d for v in vars for d in v.dims])) if dim not in common_dims: common_dims = (dim,) + common_dims for var, dim_len in zip(vars, dim_lengths): if var.dims != common_dims: common_shape = tuple( non_concat_dims.get(d, dim_len) for d in common_dims ) var = var.set_dims(common_dims, common_shape) yield var # stack up each variable to fill-out the dataset (in order) for k in datasets[0].variables: if k in concat_over: vars = ensure_common_dims([ds.variables[k] for ds in datasets]) combined = concat_vars(vars, dim, positions) insert_result_variable(k, combined) result = Dataset(result_vars, attrs=result_attrs) result = result.set_coords(result_coord_names) result.encoding = result_encoding if coord is not None: # add concat dimension last to ensure that its in the final Dataset result[] = coord return result def _dataarray_concat( arrays, dim, data_vars, coords, compat, positions, fill_value=dtypes.NA, join="outer", ): arrays = list(arrays) if data_vars != "all": raise ValueError( "data_vars is not a valid argument when " "concatenating DataArray objects" ) datasets = [] for n, arr in enumerate(arrays): if n == 0: name = elif name != if compat == "identical": raise ValueError("array names not identical") else: arr = arr.rename(name) datasets.append(arr._to_temp_dataset()) ds = _dataset_concat( datasets, dim, data_vars, coords, compat, positions, fill_value=fill_value, join=join, ) return arrays[0]._from_temp_dataset(ds, name)
import re import os try: from urlparse import urlparse except: from urllib.parse import urlparse from .exceptions import FieldValidationException from .universal_forwarder_compatiblity import UF_MODE, make_splunkhome_path from .contrib.ipaddress import ip_network try: from .server_info import ServerInfo except ImportError: ServerInfo = None class Field(object): """ This is the base class that should be used to for field validators. Sub-class this and override to_python if you need custom validation. """ DATA_TYPE_STRING = 'string' DATA_TYPE_NUMBER = 'number' DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 'boolean' def get_data_type(self): """ Get the type of the field. """ return Field.DATA_TYPE_STRING def __init__(self, name, title, description, none_allowed=False, empty_allowed=True, required_on_create=None, required_on_edit=None): """ Create the field. Arguments: name -- Set the name of the field (e.g. "database_server") title -- Set the human readable title (e.g. "Database server") description -- Set the human readable description of the field (e.g. "The IP or domain name of the database server") none_allowed -- Is a value of none allowed? empty_allowed -- Is an empty string allowed? required_on_create -- Is this field required when creating? required_on_edit -- Is this field required when editing? """ # Try to set required_on_create and required_on_edit to sane defaults if not defined if required_on_create is None and none_allowed: required_on_create = False elif required_on_create is None and not none_allowed: required_on_create = True if required_on_edit is None and required_on_create is not None: required_on_edit = required_on_create if name is None: raise ValueError("The name parameter cannot be none") if len(name.strip()) == 0: raise ValueError("The name parameter cannot be empty") if title is None: raise ValueError("The title parameter cannot be none") if len(title.strip()) == 0: raise ValueError("The title parameter cannot be empty") if description is None: raise ValueError("The description parameter cannot be none") if len(description.strip()) == 0: raise ValueError("The description parameter cannot be empty") = name self.title = title self.description = description self.none_allowed = none_allowed self.empty_allowed = empty_allowed self.required_on_create = required_on_create self.required_on_edit = required_on_edit def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): """ Convert the field to a Python object. Should throw a FieldValidationException if the data is invalid. Arguments: value -- The value to convert session_key- The session key to access Splunk (if needed) """ if not self.none_allowed and value is None: raise FieldValidationException("The value for the '%s' parameter cannot be empty" % ( if not self.empty_allowed and len(str(value).strip()) == 0: raise FieldValidationException("The value for the '%s' parameter cannot be empty" % ( return value def to_string(self, value): """ Convert the field to a string value that can be returned. Should throw a FieldValidationException if the data is invalid. Arguments: value -- The value to convert """ return str(value) class BooleanField(Field): """ A validator that converts string versions of boolean to a real boolean. """ def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value in [True, False]: return value elif str(value).strip().lower() in ["true", "1"]: return True elif str(value).strip().lower() in ["false", "0"]: return False raise FieldValidationException("The value of '%s' for the '%s' parameter is not a valid boolean" % (str(value), def to_string(self, value): if value == True: return "1" elif value == False: return "0" return str(value) def get_data_type(self): return Field.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN class ListField(Field): """ A validator that converts a comma seperated string to an array. You can use the instance_class argument to convert individual items in the array to particular type. That way, you can have a list of Python objects that are already converted to the values you want. Consider this example that will include a list of parsed IP network ranges: list_field = ListField('name', 'title', 'description', instance_class=IPNetworkField) parsed_ip_ranges = list_field.to_python(u',,') """ def __init__(self, name, title, description, none_allowed=False, empty_allowed=True, required_on_create=None, required_on_edit=None, instance_class=None, trim_values=False): """ Create the field. Arguments: name -- Set the name of the field (e.g. "database_server") title -- Set the human readable title (e.g. "Database server") description -- Set the human readable description of the field (e.g. "The IP or domain name of the database server") none_allowed -- Is a value of none allowed? empty_allowed -- Is an empty string allowed? required_on_create -- Is this field required when creating? required_on_edit -- Is this field required when editing? instance_class -- The name of the class to use for constructing individual objects trim_values -- Trim whitespace off of the ends of the values in case that spaces between the list are not included """ super(ListField, self).__init__(name, title, description, none_allowed, empty_allowed, required_on_create, required_on_edit) self.instance_class = instance_class self.trim_values = trim_values # Create an instance for converting the values if self.instance_class is not None: self.instance = self.instance_class(, self.title, self.description) else: self.instance = None def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) # Convert the value into an array values_list = None if value is not None: values_list = value.split(",") else: values_list = [] # Trim the values if requested if self.trim_values: values_list = [value.strip() for value in values_list] # If we have no instances class, then just return the plain list if self.instance_class is None: return values_list # Otherwise, convert the instances accordingly else: # Convert the value instances_list = [] for instance_value in values_list: instances_list.append(self.instance.to_python(instance_value)) return instances_list def to_string(self, value): if value is not None: # Use the instance to_string if we have an instance if self.instance is not None: values_list = [] for individual_value in value: values_list.append(self.instance.to_string(individual_value)) return ",".join(values_list) # Otherwise, process it as a string else: return ",".join(value) return "" class StaticListField(Field): """ This allows you to specify a list of field values that are allowed. All other values will be rejected. """ _valid_values = None def __init__(self, name, title, description, none_allowed=False, empty_allowed=True, required_on_create=None, required_on_edit=None, valid_values=None): super(StaticListField, self).__init__(name, title, description, none_allowed, empty_allowed, required_on_create, required_on_edit) self.valid_values = valid_values @property def valid_values(self): return self._valid_values @valid_values.setter def valid_values(self, values): self._valid_values = values def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is None: return None elif value not in self.valid_values: raise FieldValidationException('The value of the "' + + '" field is invalid, it must be one of:' + ','.join(self.valid_values)) else: return value class RegexField(Field): """ A validator that validates input matches a regular expression. """ def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is not None: try: return re.compile(value) except Exception as exception: raise FieldValidationException(str(exception)) else: return None def to_string(self, value): if value is not None: return value.pattern return "" class WildcardField(Field): """ Much like a regular expression field but takes wildcards. This will return a regular expression. """ def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is not None: try: regex_escaped = re.escape(value) regex_escaped = regex_escaped.replace('\*', ".*") return re.compile(regex_escaped) except Exception as exception: raise FieldValidationException(str(exception)) else: return None def to_string(self, value): if value is not None: return value.pattern return "" class IntegerField(Field): """ A validator that converts string input to an integer. """ def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is not None: try: return int(value) except ValueError as exception: raise FieldValidationException(str(exception)) else: return None def to_string(self, value): if value is not None: return str(value) return "" def get_data_type(self): return Field.DATA_TYPE_NUMBER class FloatField(Field): """ A validator that converts string input to a float. """ def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is not None: try: return float(value) except ValueError as exception: raise FieldValidationException(str(exception)) else: return None def to_string(self, value): if value is not None: return str(value) return "" def get_data_type(self): return Field.DATA_TYPE_NUMBER class RangeField(Field): """ A validator that converts string input to a pair of integers indicating a range. """ def __init__(self, name, title, description, low, high, none_allowed=False, empty_allowed=True, required_on_create=None, required_on_edit=None): super(RangeField, self).__init__(name, title, description, none_allowed, empty_allowed, required_on_create, required_on_edit) self.low = low self.high = high def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is not None: try: tmp = int(value) if tmp < self.low: raise FieldValidationException("The value of '%s' for the '%s' parameter must be greater than or equal to '%r'" % (str(value),, self.low)) if tmp > self.high: raise FieldValidationException("The value of '%s' for the '%s' parameter must be less than or equal to '%r'" % (str(value),, self.high)) return tmp except ValueError as exception: raise FieldValidationException(str(exception)) else: return None def to_string(self, value): if value is not None: return str(value) return "" def get_data_type(self): return Field.DATA_TYPE_NUMBER class URLField(Field): """ Represents a URL. The URL is converted to a Python object that was created via urlparse. """ require_https_on_cloud = False def __init__(self, name, title, description, none_allowed=False, empty_allowed=True, required_on_create=None, required_on_edit=None, require_https_on_cloud=False): super(URLField, self).__init__(name, title, description, none_allowed, empty_allowed, required_on_create, required_on_edit) self.require_https_on_cloud = require_https_on_cloud @classmethod def parse_url(cls, value, name): """ Parse a URL and generation an exception if it is invalid.BaseException Otherwise, return a parsed URL (via urlparse). """ parsed_value = urlparse(value) if parsed_value.hostname is None or len(parsed_value.hostname) <= 0: raise FieldValidationException("The value of '%s' for the '%s' parameter does not contain a host name" % (str(value), name)) if parsed_value.scheme not in ["http", "https"]: raise FieldValidationException("The value of '%s' for the '%s' parameter does not contain a valid protocol (only http and https are supported)" % (str(value), name)) return parsed_value def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) parsed_value = URLField.parse_url(value.strip(), if self.require_https_on_cloud and parsed_value.scheme == "http" and session_key is not None and ServerInfo.is_on_cloud(session_key): raise FieldValidationException("The value of '%s' for the '%s' parameter must use encryption (be HTTPS not HTTP)" % (str(value), return parsed_value def to_string(self, value): return value.geturl() class DurationField(Field): """ The duration field represents a duration as represented by a string such as 1d for a 24 hour period. The string is converted to an integer indicating the number of seconds. """ DURATION_RE = re.compile("(?P<duration>[0-9]+)\s*(?P<units>[a-z]*)", re.IGNORECASE) MINUTE = 60 HOUR = 60 * MINUTE DAY = 24 * HOUR WEEK = 7 * DAY UNITS = { 'w' : WEEK, 'week' : WEEK, 'd' : DAY, 'day' : DAY, 'h' : HOUR, 'hour' : HOUR, 'm' : MINUTE, 'min' : MINUTE, 'minute' : MINUTE, 's' : 1 } def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) # Parse the duration duration_match = DurationField.DURATION_RE.match(value) # Make sure the duration could be parsed if duration_match is None: raise FieldValidationException("The value of '%s' for the '%s' parameter is not a valid duration" % (str(value), # Get the units and duration match_dict = duration_match.groupdict() units = match_dict['units'] # Parse the value provided try: duration = int(match_dict['duration']) except ValueError: raise FieldValidationException("The duration '%s' for the '%s' parameter is not a valid number" % (match_dict['duration'], # Make sure the units are valid if len(units) > 0 and units not in DurationField.UNITS: raise FieldValidationException("The unit '%s' for the '%s' parameter is not a valid unit of duration" % (units, # Convert the units to seconds if len(units) > 0: return duration * DurationField.UNITS[units] else: return duration def to_string(self, value): return str(value) class DeprecatedField(Field): """ Represents a field that is no longer used. This should be used when you want the input to pass validation with arguments that are no longer used. """ def __init__(self, name, title, description, none_allowed=True, empty_allowed=True, required_on_create=False, required_on_edit=False): """ Create the field. Arguments: name -- Set the name of the field (e.g. "database_server") title -- Set the human readable title (e.g. "Database server") description -- Set the human readable description of the field (e.g. "The IP or domain name of the database server") none_allowed -- Is a value of none allowed? empty_allowed -- Is an empty string allowed? required_on_create -- Is this field required when creating? required_on_edit -- Is this field required when editing? """ super(DeprecatedField, self).__init__(name, title, description, none_allowed=none_allowed, empty_allowed=empty_allowed, required_on_create=required_on_create, required_on_edit=required_on_edit) def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): return None def to_string(self, value): return "" class FilePathField(Field): ''' Represents a path to file. ''' def __init__(self, name, title, description, none_allowed=False, empty_allowed=True, required_on_create=None, required_on_edit=None, validate_file_existence=True): """ Create the field. Arguments: name -- Set the name of the field (e.g. "database_server") title -- Set the human readable title (e.g. "Database server") description -- Set the human readable description of the field (e.g. "The IP or domain name of the database server") none_allowed -- Is a value of none allowed? empty_allowed -- Is an empty string allowed? required_on_create -- Is this field required when creating? required_on_edit -- Is this field required when editing? validate_file_existence -- If true, this field will generate an error if the file doesn't exist """ super(FilePathField, self).__init__(name, title, description, none_allowed, empty_allowed, required_on_create, required_on_edit) self.validate_file_existence = validate_file_existence def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) # Don't bother validating if the parameter wasn't provided if value is None or len(value.strip()) == 0: return value # Resolve the file path as necessary resolved_path = None if value is not None: if os.path.isabs(value) or UF_MODE: resolved_path = value else: path = os.path.join(make_splunkhome_path([value])) resolved_path = path # Validate the file existence if requested if self.validate_file_existence and not os.path.isfile(resolved_path): raise FieldValidationException("The parameter '%s' is not a valid path; '%s' does not exist" % (, resolved_path)) return resolved_path def to_string(self, value): return value class DomainNameField(Field): """ A validator that accepts domain names. """ def is_valid_hostname(self, dn): """ Determine if the given hostname is valid. See """ if dn.endswith('.'): dn = dn[:-1] if len(dn) < 1 or len(dn) > 253: return False ldh_re = re.compile('^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?$', re.IGNORECASE) return all(ldh_re.match(x) for x in dn.split('.')) def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is not None: if not self.is_valid_hostname(value): raise FieldValidationException("The value of '%s' for the '%s' parameter is not a valid domain name" % (value, return value else: return None class MultiValidatorField(Field): def __init__(self, name, title, description, none_allowed=False, empty_allowed=True, required_on_create=None, required_on_edit=None, validators=None, default_message=None): """ Create the field. Arguments: name -- Set the name of the field (e.g. "database_server") title -- Set the human readable title (e.g. "Database server") description -- Set the human readable description of the field (e.g. "The IP or domain name of the database server") none_allowed -- Is a value of none allowed? empty_allowed -- Is an empty string allowed? required_on_create -- Is this field required when creating? required_on_edit -- Is this field required when editing? validate_file_existence -- If true, this field will generate an error if the file doesn't exist """ super(MultiValidatorField, self).__init__(name, title, description, none_allowed, empty_allowed, required_on_create, required_on_edit) # Stop if no validators were supplied if validators is None or len(validators) == 0: raise Exception("A list of the validators is required for the MultiValidatorField to test against") # Here is where all of the instances of the validators will be stored self.validators = [] # Construct the validator instances for validator in validators: self.validators.append(validator(, self.title, self.description, self.none_allowed, self.empty_allowed, self.required_on_create, self.required_on_edit)) # This will point to the last validator instance that accepted the last value self.last_used_validator = None # Persist the error message self.default_message = default_message def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is not None: messages =[] for validator in self.validators: try: python_value = validator.to_python(value, session_key) self.last_used_validator = validator return python_value except FieldValidationException as e: messages.append(str(e)) # Generate an exception since the field could not be validated if self.default_message is None: raise FieldValidationException(";".join(messages)) else: raise FieldValidationException(self.default_message) else: return None def to_string(self, value): if value is not None: return self.last_used_validator.to_string(value) return "" class IPNetworkField(Field): """ A validator that accepts IP addresses. """ def to_python(self, value, session_key=None): Field.to_python(self, value, session_key) if value is not None: # Convert the incoming string to bytes # For Python 2, str works fine since it is just bytes. Python 3 defaults to unicode which needs to be converted. try: unicode if not isinstance(value, unicode): value = unicode(value) # The interpreter is Python 2 except NameError: # The interpreter is Python 3, it is unicode already pass try: return ip_network(value, strict=False) except ValueError as exception: raise FieldValidationException(str(exception)) else: return None def to_string(self, value): if value is not None: # Get the main address if this is a single address if value.num_addresses == 1: return str(value.network_address) else: return str(value) return ""
import os import pandas as pd import pytest from probatus.feature_elimination import EarlyStoppingShapRFECV, ShapRFECV from probatus.utils import preprocess_labels from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.metrics import get_scorer from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV, StratifiedGroupKFold, StratifiedKFold from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def X(): """ Fixture for X. """ return pd.DataFrame( { "col_1": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], "col_2": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "col_3": [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], }, index=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], ) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def catboost_classifier_class(): """This fixture allows to reuse the import of the CatboostClassifier class across different tests. It is equivalent to importing the package at the beginning of the file. Importing catboost multiple times results in a ValueError: I/O operation on closed file. """ from catboost import CatBoostClassifier return CatBoostClassifier @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def y(): """ Fixture for y. """ return pd.Series([1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], index=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def sample_weight(): """ Fixture for sample_weight. """ return pd.Series([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], index=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def groups(): """ Fixture for groups. """ return pd.Series(["grp1", "grp1", "grp1", "grp1", "grp2", "grp2", "grp2", "grp2"], index=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) def test_shap_rfe_randomized_search(X, y, capsys): """ Test with RandomizedSearchCV. """ clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1) param_grid = {"criterion": ["gini"], "min_samples_split": [1, 2]} search = RandomizedSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv=2, n_iter=2) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = ShapRFECV(search, step=0.8, cv=2, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, random_state=1) report = shap_elimination.fit_compute(X, y) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() assert report.shape[0] == 2 assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["col_3"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was at least 2 for the verbose (2 generated by probatus + possibly more by SHAP) assert len(record) >= 2 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 def test_shap_rfe(X, y, sample_weight, capsys): """ Test with ShapRFECV. """ clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1, random_state=1) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = ShapRFECV( clf, random_state=1, step=1, cv=2, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, ) shap_elimination = X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, approximate=True, check_additivity=False ) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() report = shap_elimination.compute() assert report.shape[0] == 3 assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["col_3"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was 0 assert len(record) == 0 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 def test_shap_rfe_group_cv(X, y, groups, sample_weight, capsys): """ Test ShapRFECV with StratifiedGroupKFold. """ clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1, random_state=1) cv = StratifiedGroupKFold(n_splits=2, shuffle=True, random_state=1) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = ShapRFECV( clf, random_state=1, step=1, cv=cv, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, ) shap_elimination = X, y, groups=groups, sample_weight=sample_weight, approximate=True, check_additivity=False ) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() report = shap_elimination.compute() assert report.shape[0] == 3 assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["col_3"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was 0 assert len(record) == 0 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 def test_shap_pipeline_error(X, y, capsys): """ Test with ShapRFECV for pipelines. """ clf = Pipeline( [ ("scaler", StandardScaler()), ("dt", DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1, random_state=1)), ] ) with pytest.raises(TypeError): shap_elimination = ShapRFECV( clf, random_state=1, step=1, cv=2, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, ) shap_elimination =, y, approximate=True, check_additivity=False) def test_shap_rfe_linear_model(X, y, capsys): """ Test ShapRFECV with linear model. """ clf = LogisticRegression(C=1, random_state=1) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = ShapRFECV(clf, random_state=1, step=1, cv=2, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4) shap_elimination =, y) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() report = shap_elimination.compute() assert report.shape[0] == 3 assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["col_3"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was 0 assert len(record) == 0 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 def test_shap_rfe_svm(X, y, capsys): """ Test with ShapRFECV with SVM. """ clf = SVC(C=1, kernel="linear", probability=True) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = ShapRFECV(clf, random_state=1, step=1, cv=2, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4) shap_elimination =, y) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() report = shap_elimination.compute() assert report.shape[0] == 3 assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["col_3"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was 0 assert len(record) == 0 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 def test_shap_rfe_cols_to_keep(X, y, capsys): """ Test for shap_rfe_cv with feautures to keep parameter. """ clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1, random_state=1) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = ShapRFECV( clf, random_state=1, step=2, cv=2, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, min_features_to_select=1, ) shap_elimination =, y, columns_to_keep=["col_2", "col_3"]) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() report = shap_elimination.compute() assert report.shape[0] == 2 reduced_feature_set = set(shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(num_features=2)) assert reduced_feature_set == set(["col_2", "col_3"]) # Ensure that number of warnings was 0 assert len(record) == 0 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 def test_shap_rfe_randomized_search_cols_to_keep(X, y, capsys): """ Test with ShapRFECV with column to keep param. """ clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1) param_grid = {"criterion": ["gini"], "min_samples_split": [1, 2]} search = RandomizedSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv=2, n_iter=2) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = ShapRFECV(search, step=0.8, cv=2, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, random_state=1) report = shap_elimination.fit_compute(X, y, columns_to_keep=["col_2", "col_3"]) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() assert report.shape[0] == 2 reduced_feature_set = set(shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(num_features=2)) assert reduced_feature_set == set(["col_2", "col_3"]) _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was at least 2 for the verbose (2 generated by probatus + possibly more by SHAP) assert len(record) >= 2 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 def test_calculate_number_of_features_to_remove(): """ Test with ShapRFECV with n features to remove. """ assert 3 == ShapRFECV._calculate_number_of_features_to_remove( current_num_of_features=10, num_features_to_remove=3, min_num_features_to_keep=5 ) assert 3 == ShapRFECV._calculate_number_of_features_to_remove( current_num_of_features=8, num_features_to_remove=5, min_num_features_to_keep=5 ) assert 0 == ShapRFECV._calculate_number_of_features_to_remove( current_num_of_features=5, num_features_to_remove=1, min_num_features_to_keep=5 ) assert 4 == ShapRFECV._calculate_number_of_features_to_remove( current_num_of_features=5, num_features_to_remove=7, min_num_features_to_keep=1 ) def test_get_feature_shap_values_per_fold(X, y): """ Test with ShapRFECV with features per fold. """ clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1) shap_elimination = ShapRFECV(clf) (shap_values, train_score, test_score,) = shap_elimination._get_feature_shap_values_per_fold( X, y, clf, train_index=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], val_index=[0, 1], scorer=get_scorer("roc_auc"), ) assert test_score == 1 assert train_score > 0.9 assert shap_values.shape == (2, 3) @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_complex_dataset(complex_data, complex_lightgbm): """ Test on complex dataset. """ X, y = complex_data param_grid = { "n_estimators": [5, 7, 10], "num_leaves": [3, 5, 7, 10], } search = RandomizedSearchCV(complex_lightgbm, param_grid, n_iter=1) shap_elimination = ShapRFECV(clf=search, step=1, cv=10, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=3, verbose=50) with pytest.warns(None) as record: report = shap_elimination.fit_compute(X, y) assert report.shape[0] == X.shape[1] assert len(record) >= 2 @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_shap_rfe_early_stopping_lightGBM(complex_data, capsys): """ Test EarlyStoppingShapRFECV with a LGBMClassifier. """ from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier clf = LGBMClassifier(n_estimators=200, max_depth=3) X, y = complex_data with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV( clf, random_state=1, step=1, cv=10, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, early_stopping_rounds=5, eval_metric="auc", ) shap_elimination =, y, approximate=False, check_additivity=False) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() report = shap_elimination.compute() assert report.shape[0] == 5 assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["f5"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was 0 assert len(record) == 0 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_shap_rfe_early_stopping_XGBoost(complex_data, capsys): """ Test EarlyStoppingShapRFECV with a LGBMClassifier. """ from xgboost import XGBClassifier clf = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=200, max_depth=3, use_label_encoder=False, random_state=42) X, y = complex_data X["f1_categorical"] = X["f1_categorical"].astype(float) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV( clf, random_state=1, step=1, cv=10, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, early_stopping_rounds=5, eval_metric="auc", ) shap_elimination =, y, approximate=False, check_additivity=False) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() report = shap_elimination.compute() assert report.shape[0] == 5 assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["f4"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was 0 assert len(record) == 0 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 # For now this test fails, catboost has issues with categorical variables and @pytest.mark.xfail @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_shap_rfe_early_stopping_CatBoost(complex_data, capsys, catboost_classifier_class): """ Test EarlyStoppingShapRFECV with a CatBoostClassifier. """ clf = catboost_classifier_class(random_seed=42) X, y = complex_data with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV( clf, random_state=1, step=1, cv=10, scoring="roc_auc", n_jobs=4, early_stopping_rounds=5, eval_metric="auc", ) shap_elimination =, y, approximate=False, check_additivity=False) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() report = shap_elimination.compute() assert report.shape[0] == 5 assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1)[0] in ["f4", "f5"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was 0 assert len(record) == 0 # Check if there is any prints out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert len(out) == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_shap_rfe_randomized_search_early_stopping_lightGBM(complex_data): """ Test EarlyStoppingShapRFECV with RandomizedSearchCV and a LGBMClassifier on complex dataset. """ from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier clf = LGBMClassifier(n_estimators=200) X, y = complex_data param_grid = { "max_depth": [3, 4, 5], } search = RandomizedSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv=2, n_iter=2) with pytest.warns(None) as record: shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV( search, step=1, cv=10, scoring="roc_auc", early_stopping_rounds=5, eval_metric="auc", n_jobs=4, verbose=50, random_state=1, ) report = shap_elimination.fit_compute(X, y) assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() assert report.shape[0] == X.shape[1] assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["f5"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) # Ensure that number of warnings was at least 3 for the verbose (2 generated by probatus + possibly more by SHAP) assert len(record) >= 3 @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_get_feature_shap_values_per_fold_early_stopping_lightGBM(complex_data): """ Test with ShapRFECV with features per fold. """ from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier clf = LGBMClassifier(n_estimators=200, max_depth=3) X, y = complex_data y = preprocess_labels(y, y_name="y", index=X.index) shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV(clf, early_stopping_rounds=5) (shap_values, train_score, test_score,) = shap_elimination._get_feature_shap_values_per_fold( X, y, clf, train_index=list(range(5, 50)), val_index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], scorer=get_scorer("roc_auc"), ) assert test_score > 0.6 assert train_score > 0.6 assert shap_values.shape == (5, 5) @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_get_feature_shap_values_per_fold_early_stopping_CatBoost(complex_data, catboost_classifier_class): """ Test with ShapRFECV with features per fold. """ clf = catboost_classifier_class(random_seed=42) X, y = complex_data X["f1_categorical"] = X["f1_categorical"].astype(str).astype("category") y = preprocess_labels(y, y_name="y", index=X.index) shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV(clf, early_stopping_rounds=5) (shap_values, train_score, test_score,) = shap_elimination._get_feature_shap_values_per_fold( X, y, clf, train_index=list(range(5, 50)), val_index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], scorer=get_scorer("roc_auc"), ) assert test_score > 0 assert train_score > 0.6 assert shap_values.shape == (5, 5) @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_get_feature_shap_values_per_fold_early_stopping_XGBoost(complex_data): """ Test with ShapRFECV with features per fold. """ from xgboost import XGBClassifier clf = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=200, max_depth=3, use_label_encoder=False, random_state=42) X, y = complex_data X["f1_categorical"] = X["f1_categorical"].astype(float) y = preprocess_labels(y, y_name="y", index=X.index) shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV(clf, early_stopping_rounds=5) (shap_values, train_score, test_score,) = shap_elimination._get_feature_shap_values_per_fold( X, y, clf, train_index=list(range(5, 50)), val_index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], scorer=get_scorer("roc_auc"), ) assert test_score > 0 assert train_score > 0.6 assert shap_values.shape == (5, 5) @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_EarlyStoppingShapRFECV_no_categorical(complex_data): """Test EarlyStoppingShapRFECV when no categorical features are present.""" from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier model = LGBMClassifier(n_estimators=50, max_depth=3, num_leaves=3) shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV( clf=model, step=0.33, cv=5, scoring="accuracy", eval_metric="logloss", early_stopping_rounds=5, ) X, y = complex_data X = X.drop(columns=["f1_categorical"]) report = shap_elimination.fit_compute(X, y, feature_perturbation="tree_path_dependent") assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() assert report.shape[0] == X.shape[1] assert shap_elimination.get_reduced_features_set(1) == ["f5"] _ = shap_elimination.plot(show=False) @pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get("SKIP_LIGHTGBM") == "true", reason="LightGBM tests disabled") def test_LightGBM_stratified_kfold(): """ Test added to check for """ from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier X = pd.DataFrame( [ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105], [-1, -2, 2, -5, -7, 1, 2, 5, -1, 3], ["a", "b"] * 5, # noisy categorical will dropped first ] ).transpose() X[2] = X[2].astype("category") X[1] = X[1].astype("float") X[0] = X[0].astype("float") y = [0] * 5 + [1] * 5 model = LGBMClassifier() n_iter = 2 n_folds = 3 for _ in range(n_iter): skf = StratifiedKFold(n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=42) shap_elimination = EarlyStoppingShapRFECV( clf=model, step=1 / (n_iter + 1), cv=skf, scoring="accuracy", eval_metric="logloss", early_stopping_rounds=5, ) report = shap_elimination.fit_compute(X, y, feature_perturbation="tree_path_dependent") assert shap_elimination.fitted shap_elimination._check_if_fitted() assert report.shape[0] == X.shape[1] shap_elimination.plot(show=False)
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- from base import Stock class Uzmanpara(Stock): stockURL = "{0}/" priceQuery = '.realTime > .price-arrow-down, .realTime > .price-arrow-up' volumeQuery = '.realTime table tr td' timezone = "Europe/Istanbul" @classmethod def extractVolume(cls, d): return d(cls.volumeQuery)[7].text[1:].replace(".", "")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import sys from pkg_resources import load_entry_point from subprocess import check_call def main(): check_call([sys.executable, '', 'build_ext', '--inplace']) if '--with-coverage' not in sys.argv: sys.argv.extend(('--with-coverage', '--cover-package=cg')) sys.exit( load_entry_point('nose', 'console_scripts', 'nosetests')() ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""Tests for module.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= # Third Party import pytest # Houdini Toolbox import from import HoudiniEvent from import HoudiniEventGroup from import HoudiniEventItem # ============================================================================= # FIXTURES # ============================================================================= @pytest.fixture def init_manager(mocker): """Fixture to initialize a manager.""" mocker.patch.object(, "__init__", lambda x: None ) def _create(): return return _create # ============================================================================= # TESTS # ============================================================================= class Test_HoudiniEventManager: """Test class.""" def test___init__(self): """Test object initialization.""" manager = assert manager._data == {} assert manager._events == {} assert manager._event_states == {} # Properties def test_data(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test the 'data' property""" mock_value = mocker.MagicMock(spec=dict) manager = init_manager() manager._data = mock_value assert == mock_value def test_events(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test the 'events' property""" mock_event = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) events = {mocker.MagicMock(spec=str): mock_event} manager = init_manager() manager._events = events assert == events # Methods # _disable_events def test__disable_events__all(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test disabling all events.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_event1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_enabled1 = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=False) type(mock_event1).enabled = mock_enabled1 mock_event2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_enabled2 = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=True) type(mock_event2).enabled = mock_enabled2 mock_events.return_value = { mock_event1, mock_event2, } manager = init_manager() manager._event_states = {} manager._disable_events() # Each event should have it's enabled property accessed twice: # once to store the current value and then to set the value to False mock_enabled1.assert_has_calls([,]) mock_enabled2.assert_has_calls([,]) assert not manager._event_states[] assert manager._event_states[] def test__disable_events__specific_names(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test disabling specific events.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_event1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_enabled1 = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=True) type(mock_event1).enabled = mock_enabled1 mock_event2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_enabled2 = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=True) type(mock_event2).enabled = mock_enabled2 mock_events.return_value = { mock_event1, mock_event2, } manager = init_manager() manager._event_states = {} manager._disable_events(names=[]) # Event 1's enabled property should not have been accessed. mock_enabled1.assert_not_called() # Event 2's should have been accessed to get the current value # and once to disable it. mock_enabled2.assert_has_calls([,]) assert manager._event_states[] assert len(manager._event_states) == 1 def test__restore_events(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test restoring disabled events.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_event1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_enabled1 = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=False) type(mock_event1).enabled = mock_enabled1 mock_event2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_enabled2 = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=False) type(mock_event2).enabled = mock_enabled2 mock_events.return_value = { mock_event1, mock_event2, } mock_states = mocker.MagicMock(spec=dict) states = { False, True} mock_states.items.return_value = list(states.items()) manager = init_manager() manager._event_states = mock_states manager._restore_events() # Event 1's enable should have been set to False, 2's True mock_enabled1.assert_has_calls([]) mock_enabled2.assert_has_calls([]) mock_states.clear.assert_called_once() def test_create_event(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test creating an event.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_factory = mocker.patch("") mock_event = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_factory.get_event_type.return_value = mock_event events = {} mock_events.return_value = events manager = init_manager() mock_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) result = manager.create_event(mock_name) assert result == mock_event assert mock_event in list(events.values()) mock_factory.get_event_type.assert_called_with(mock_name) def test_event_disabler(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test the event_disabler context manager.""" mock_disable = mocker.patch.object(, "_disable_events" ) mock_restore = mocker.patch.object(, "_restore_events" ) manager = init_manager() mock_names = mocker.MagicMock(spec=tuple) with manager.event_disabler(names=mock_names): pass mock_disable.assert_called_with(mock_names) mock_restore.assert_called_once() # register_event_group def test_register_event_group__invalid_type(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test registering an event group with an invalid object type.""" # Don't spec so it will fail isinstance(EventGroup) mock_group = mocker.MagicMock() manager = init_manager() with pytest.raises(TypeError): manager.register_event_group(mock_group) def test_register_event_group__single_items(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test registering a group where no event of that name has been created.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_create = mocker.patch.object(, "create_event" ) mock_item1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventItem) mock_item2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventItem) mock_event_name1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_event_name2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) event_map = {mock_event_name1: mock_item1, mock_event_name2: mock_item2} mock_group = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventGroup) type(mock_group).event_map = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=event_map) mock_event1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_event2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) events = {mock_event_name2: mock_event2} mock_events.return_value = events mock_create.side_effect = lambda name: events.setdefault(name, mock_event1) manager = init_manager() manager.register_event_group(mock_group) mock_create.assert_called_with(mock_event_name1) mock_event1.register_item.assert_called_with(mock_item1) mock_event2.register_item.assert_called_with(mock_item2) def test_register_event_group__item_lists(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test registering a group where no event of that name has been created.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_create = mocker.patch.object(, "create_event" ) mock_item1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventItem) mock_item2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventItem) mock_event_name1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_event_name2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) event_map = {mock_event_name1: [mock_item1], mock_event_name2: [mock_item2]} mock_group = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventGroup) type(mock_group).event_map = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=event_map) event_name1 = mock_event_name1 mock_event1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_event2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) events = {mock_event_name2: mock_event2} mock_events.return_value = events mock_create.side_effect = lambda name: events.setdefault(name, mock_event1) manager = init_manager() manager.register_event_group(mock_group) mock_create.assert_called_with(event_name1) mock_event1.register_item.assert_called_with(mock_item1) mock_event2.register_item.assert_called_with(mock_item2) # register_item def test_register_item__invalid_type(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test registering an invalid type.""" # Don't spec so it will fail isinstance(HoudiniEventItem) manager = init_manager() with pytest.raises(TypeError): manager.register_item(None, mocker.MagicMock(spec=str)) def test_register_item__new_event(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test registering an item whose event does not exist yet.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_create = mocker.patch.object(, "create_event" ) mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_event = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) events = {} mock_events.return_value = events mock_create.side_effect = lambda name: events.setdefault(name, mock_event) mock_item = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventItem) manager = init_manager() manager.register_item(mock_item, mock_event_name) mock_create.assert_called_with(mock_event_name) mock_event.register_item.assert_called_with(mock_item) def test_register_item__existing_event(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test registering an item to an existing event.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_create = mocker.patch.object(, "create_event" ) mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_event = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_events.return_value = {mock_event_name: mock_event} mock_item = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventItem) manager = init_manager() manager.register_item(mock_item, mock_event_name) mock_create.assert_not_called() mock_event.register_item.assert_called_with(mock_item) # run_event def test_run_event__no_event(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test running an event where there are no matching events.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_events.return_value = {} scriptargs = {} manager = init_manager() manager.run_event(mock_event_name, scriptargs) assert scriptargs == {} def test_run_event__no_scriptargs(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test running an event with no particular args.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_event = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_events.return_value = {mock_event_name: mock_event} manager = init_manager() manager.run_event(mock_event_name) scriptargs = {"_manager_": manager} def test_run_event__scriptargs(self, init_manager, mocker): """Test running an event while passing in args.""" mock_events = mocker.patch.object(, "events", new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock, ) mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_event = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEvent) mock_events.return_value = {mock_event_name: mock_event} manager = init_manager() scriptargs = {"key": "value"} manager.run_event(mock_event_name, scriptargs) expected_scriptargs = {"key": "value", "_manager_": manager} assert scriptargs == expected_scriptargs def test_register_event_group(mocker): """Test""" mock_manager = mocker.patch("") mock_group = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventGroup) mock_manager.register_event_group.assert_called_with(mock_group) class Test_register_function: """Test""" def test_not_callable(self, mocker): """Test registering a non-callable object.""" mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_item_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_priority = mocker.MagicMock(spec=int) mock_tags = mocker.MagicMock(spec=list) with pytest.raises(TypeError): None, mock_event_name, mock_item_name, mock_priority, mock_tags ) def test(self, mocker): """Test registering a callable object.""" mock_cls = mocker.patch("", autospec=True) mock_register_item = mocker.patch("") mock_func = mocker.MagicMock() mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_item_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_priority = mocker.MagicMock(spec=int) mock_tags = mocker.MagicMock(spec=list) mock_func, mock_event_name, mock_item_name, mock_priority, mock_tags ) mock_cls.assert_called_with( (mock_func,), mock_item_name, mock_priority, stat_tags=mock_tags ) mock_register_item.assert_called_with(mock_cls.return_value, mock_event_name) class Test_register_item: """Test""" def test_not_item(self, mocker): """Test registering an invalid type.""" mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) with pytest.raises(TypeError):, mock_event_name) def test(self, mocker): """Test registering a valid item.""" mock_manager = mocker.patch("") mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_item = mocker.MagicMock(spec=HoudiniEventItem), mock_event_name) mock_manager.register_item.assert_called_with(mock_item, mock_event_name) def test_run_event(mocker): """Test""" mock_manager = mocker.patch("") mock_event_name = mocker.MagicMock(spec=str) mock_scriptargs = mocker.MagicMock(spec=dict), mock_scriptargs) mock_manager.run_event.assert_called_with(mock_event_name, mock_scriptargs)
from .. cupy_utils import to_numpy, trapz, xp from ..utils import powerlaw import numpy as np from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 class PowerLawRedshift(object): """ Redshift model from Fishbach+ Note that this is deliberately off by a factor of dVc/dz """ def __init__(self): self.zs_ = np.linspace(1e-3, 1, 1000) self.zs = xp.asarray(self.zs_) self.dvc_dz_ = ( Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(self.zs_).value * 4 * np.pi) self.dvc_dz = xp.asarray(self.dvc_dz_) self.cached_dvc_dz = None def __call__(self, dataset, lamb): p_z = powerlaw(1 + dataset['redshift'], alpha=(lamb - 1), high=(1 + self.zs_[-1]), low=1) try: p_z *= self.cached_dvc_dz except (TypeError, ValueError): self._cache_dvc_dz(dataset['redshift']) p_z *= self.cached_dvc_dz p_z /= self.normalisation(lamb) return p_z def normalisation(self, lamb): p_z_ = powerlaw(1 + self.zs, alpha=(lamb - 1), high=(1 + self.zs_[-1]), low=1) norm = trapz(p_z_ * self.dvc_dz, self.zs) return norm def _cache_dvc_dz(self, redshifts): self.cached_dvc_dz = xp.asarray(np.interp( to_numpy(redshifts), self.zs_, self.dvc_dz_)) power_law_redshift = PowerLawRedshift()
from flask import Flask from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap app = Flask(__name__) Bootstrap(app) with app.app_context(): import routes import stats if __name__ == "__main__": app.config['DEBUG'] = True
from receptor_affinity.mesh import Mesh from wait_for import TimedOutError import time import pytest @pytest.yield_fixture( scope="function", params=[ "test/perf/flat-mesh.yaml", "test/perf/tree-mesh.yaml", "test/perf/random-mesh.yaml", ], ids=["flat", "tree", "random"], ) def mesh(request): mesh = Mesh.load_mesh_from_file(request.param, use_diag_node=True) try: mesh.start(wait=True) yield mesh except TimedOutError: raise finally: print(f"{time.time()} - Stopping current mesh") print(mesh.nodes['controller']) mesh.stop() def test_pings_perf(mesh): results = mesh.validate_ping_results(results)
# Copyright 2021 Gakuto Furuya # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from sudachipy import tokenizer from sudachipy import dictionary def main(): tokenizer_obj = dictionary.Dictionary().create() mode = tokenizer.Tokenizer.SplitMode.C while True: sentence = input() tokens = tokenizer_obj.tokenize(sentence, mode) pekofied_sentence = '' noun_flag = False final_form_flag = False for t in tokens: if noun_flag: if t.part_of_speech()[1] == '句点': pekofied_sentence += 'ぺこ' + t.surface() elif t.part_of_speech()[1] == '終助詞': pekofied_sentence += 'ぺこ' + t.surface() elif t.part_of_speech()[0] == '助動詞' and t.part_of_speech()[5] == '終止形-一般': pekofied_sentence += 'ぺこ' + t.surface() else: pekofied_sentence += t.surface() noun_flag = False elif final_form_flag: if t.part_of_speech()[0] == '助動詞': pekofied_sentence += t.surface() elif t.part_of_speech()[1] == '終助詞': if t.dictionary_form() == 'じゃん': pekofied_sentence += 'ぺこ' + t.surface() else: pekofied_sentence += t.surface() elif t.part_of_speech()[1] == '接続助詞': if t.dictionary_form() == 'と' or t.dictionary_form() == 'けれど': pekofied_sentence += t.surface() else: pekofied_sentence += 'ぺこだ' + t.surface() else: pekofied_sentence += 'ぺこ' + t.surface() final_form_flag = False elif t.part_of_speech()[0] == '名詞': pekofied_sentence += t.surface() noun_flag = True elif t.part_of_speech()[5] == '終止形-一般': pekofied_sentence += t.surface() final_form_flag = True else: pekofied_sentence += t.surface() if noun_flag: pekofied_sentence += 'ぺこ' if final_form_flag: pekofied_sentence += 'ぺこ' print(pekofied_sentence) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) sys.path.insert(0, path) import django def manage_16ormore(): os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "settings") from import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) def manage_15orless(): from import execute_manager try: import settings # Assumed to be in the same directory. except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file '' in the directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\nYou'll have to run, passing it your settings module.\n(If the file does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError somehow.)\n" % __file__) sys.exit(1) execute_manager(settings) if __name__ == "__main__": if django.VERSION > (1, 6): manage_16ormore() else: manage_15orless()
#Adding python objects to database import sqlite3 from employee import Employee #we are calling in the Employee class from the program which we made earlier, they must be in the same directory conn=sqlite3.connect('sql.db') c = conn.cursor() #c.execute("""CREATE TABLE employees ( # first text, # last text, # pay integer # )""") emp_1 = Employee('John', 'Doe', 80000) emp_2= Employee('Jane','Doe', 80000) c.execute("INSERT INTO employees VALUES (?,?,?)", (emp_1.first,emp_1.last, #here we are inserting the above instances into the database c.execute("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last=?", ('Grasshopper',)) #application of ? placeholder method print(c.fetchall()) c.execute("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last=:last", {'last':'Doe'}) #application of key placeholder method print(c.fetchall()) conn.commit() conn.close() #executing this code will print the data which was inserted into the database #check the output in the image file in this folder
from XTax import Tax import io import unittest import unittest.mock class Test_XTax(unittest.TestCase): def test_TaxInitYear(self): MyTax = Tax(2019,autoload=False) self.assertEqual(MyTax.Year, 2019) @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=io.StringIO) def test_TaxInitLog(self,mock_stdout): MyTax = Tax(2019,loglevel=1,autoload=False) OutputList = mock_stdout.getvalue().split('\n') self.assertEqual(len(OutputList), 4) self.assertEqual(OutputList[0], "Beginning of Init") self.assertEqual(OutputList[2], "End of Init") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import sys try: import threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as threading py32 = sys.version_info >= (3, 2) py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) py2k = sys.version_info <= (3, 0) if py3k: string_types = str, import itertools itertools_filterfalse = itertools.filterfalse if py32: callable = callable else: def callable(fn): return hasattr(fn, '__call__') else: string_types = basestring, import itertools itertools_filterfalse = itertools.ifilterfalse callable = callable
import sys import Heuristic import RandomProblem import SolveProblem def main(): # auto random file if no input if len(sys.argv) != 4: RandomProblem.createRandomProblem('rand_in.txt', 8, 16) pf = SolveProblem.ARA('rand_in.txt', 'rand_log.txt', 3, Heuristic.EuclidDistance, 5) pf.writeSolution('rand_out.txt') else: pf = SolveProblem.ARA(sys.argv[1], 'ARA_log.txt', 3, Heuristic.EuclidDistance, int(sys.argv[3])) pf.writeSolution(sys.argv[2]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""Playbook Create""" # standard library import base64 import json import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union # third-party from pydantic import BaseModel # first-party from tcex.key_value_store import KeyValueApi, KeyValueRedis from tcex.utils.utils import Utils # get tcex logger logger = logging.getLogger('tcex') class PlaybookCreate: """Playbook Write ABC""" def __init__( self, context: str, key_value_store: Union[KeyValueApi, KeyValueRedis], output_variables: list, ): """Initialize the class properties.""" self.context = context self.key_value_store = key_value_store self.output_variables = output_variables # properties self.log = logger self.utils = Utils() @staticmethod def _check_iterable(value: str, validate: bool) -> None: """Raise an exception if value is not an Iterable. Validation: - not a dict (dicts are iterable) - not a string (strings are iterable) - is Iterable """ if validate is True and (isinstance(value, (dict, str)) or not isinstance(value, Iterable)): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for KeyValueArray.') def _check_null(self, key: str, value: Any) -> bool: """Return True if key or value is null.""" invalid = False if key is None: self.log.warning('The provided key was None.') invalid = True if value is None: self.log.warning(f'The provided value for key {key} was None.') invalid = True return invalid def _check_requested(self, variable: str, when_requested: bool) -> None: """Return True if output variable was requested by downstream app.""" if when_requested is True and not self.is_requested(variable): self.log.debug(f'Variable {variable} was NOT requested by downstream app.') return False return True def _check_variable_type(self, variable: str, type_: str) -> bool: """Validate the correct type was passed to the method.""" if self.utils.get_playbook_variable_type(variable).lower() != type_.lower(): raise RuntimeError( f'Invalid variable provided ({variable}), variable must be of type {type_}.' ) @staticmethod def _coerce_string_value(value: Union[bool, float, int, str]) -> str: """Return a string value from an bool or int.""" # coerce bool before int as python says a bool is an int if isinstance(value, bool): # coerce bool to str type value = str(value).lower() # coerce int to str type if isinstance(value, (float, int)): value = str(value) return value def _create_data(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """Write data to key value store.""" self.log.debug(f'writing variable {key.strip()}') try: return self.key_value_store.create(self.context, key.strip(), value) except RuntimeError as e: # pragma: no cover self.log.error(e) return None def _get_variable(self, key: str, variable_type: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Return properly formatted variable. A key can be provided as the variable key (e.g., app.output) or the entire (e.g., #App:1234:app.output!String). The full variable is required to create the record in the KV Store. If a variable_type is provided an exact match will be found, however if no variable type is known the first key match will be returned. Uniqueness of keys is not guaranteed, but in more recent Apps it is the standard. If no variable is found it means that the variable was not requested by the any downstream Apps or could possible be formatted incorrectly. """ if not self.utils.is_playbook_variable(key): # try to lookup the variable in the requested output variables. for output_variable in self.output_variables: variable_model = self.utils.get_playbook_variable_model(output_variable) if variable_model.key == key and ( variable_type is None or variable_model.type == variable_type ): # either an exact match, or first match return output_variable # not requested by downstream App or misconfigured return None # key was already a properly formatted variable return key @staticmethod def _serialize_data(value: str) -> str: """Get the value from Redis if applicable.""" try: return json.dumps(value) except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid data provided, failed to serialize value ({e}).') @staticmethod def _process_object_types( value: Union[BaseModel, dict], validate: Optional[bool] = True, allow_none: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Process object types (e.g., KeyValue, TCEntity).""" types = (BaseModel, dict) if allow_none is True: types = (BaseModel, dict, type(None)) if validate and not isinstance(value, types): raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid type provided for object type ({type(value)}).') if isinstance(value, BaseModel): value = value.dict(exclude_unset=True) return value @staticmethod def is_key_value(data: dict) -> bool: """Return True if provided data has proper structure for Key Value.""" if not isinstance(data, dict): return False return all(x in data for x in ['key', 'value']) def is_requested(self, variable: str) -> bool: """Return True if provided variable was requested by downstream App.""" return variable in self.output_variables @staticmethod def is_tc_entity(data: dict) -> bool: """Return True if provided data has proper structure for TC Entity.""" if not isinstance(data, dict): return False return all(x in data for x in ['id', 'value', 'type']) def any( self, key: str, value: Union[ 'BaseModel', bytes, dict, str, List['BaseModel'], List[bytes], List[dict], List[str] ], validate: Optional[bool] = True, variable_type: Optional[str] = None, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[Union[bytes, dict, list, str]]: """Write the value to the keystore for all types. This is a quick helper method, for more advanced features the individual write methods should be used (e.g., binary). Args: key: The variable to write to the DB (e.g., app.colors). value: The data to write to the DB. variable_type: The variable type being written. Only required if not unique. Returns: (str): Result string of DB write. """ if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, variable_type) if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # get the type from the variable variable_type = self.utils.get_playbook_variable_type(variable).lower() # map type to create method variable_type_map = { 'binary': self.binary, 'binaryarray': self.binary_array, 'keyvalue': self.key_value, 'keyvaluearray': self.key_value_array, 'string': self.string, 'stringarray': self.string_array, 'tcentity': self.tc_entity, 'tcentityarray': self.tc_entity_array, # 'tcenhancedentity': self.tc_enhanced_entity_array, } return variable_type_map.get(variable_type, self.raw)( variable, value, validate, when_requested ) def binary( self, key: str, value: bytes, validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[int]: """Create the value in Redis if applicable.""" if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, 'Binary') if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # quick check to ensure an invalid type was not provided self._check_variable_type(variable, 'Binary') # basic validation of value if validate and not isinstance(value, bytes): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for Binary.') # prepare value - playbook Binary fields are base64 encoded value = base64.b64encode(value).decode('utf-8') value = self._serialize_data(value) return self._create_data(variable, value) def binary_array( self, key: str, value: List[bytes], validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ): """Create the value in Redis if applicable.""" if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # validate array type provided self._check_iterable(value, validate) # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, 'BinaryArray') if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # quick check to ensure an invalid type was not provided self._check_variable_type(variable, 'BinaryArray') # basic validation and prep of value value_encoded = [] for v in value: if v is not None: if validate and not isinstance(v, bytes): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for Binary.') v = base64.b64encode(v).decode('utf-8') value_encoded.append(v) value = value_encoded value = self._serialize_data(value) return self._create_data(variable, value) def key_value( self, key: str, value: Union[BaseModel, dict], validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[int]: """Create the value in Redis if applicable.""" if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, 'KeyValue') if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # quick check to ensure an invalid type was not provided self._check_variable_type(variable, 'KeyValue') # basic validation and prep of value value = self._process_object_types(value, validate) if validate and not self.is_key_value(value): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for KeyValueArray.') value = self._serialize_data(value) return self._create_data(variable, value) def key_value_array( self, key: str, value: List[Union[BaseModel, dict]], validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ): """Create the value in Redis if applicable.""" if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # validate array type provided self._check_iterable(value, validate) # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, 'KeyValueArray') if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # quick check to ensure an invalid type was not provided self._check_variable_type(variable, 'KeyValueArray') # basic validation and prep of value _value = [] for v in value: v = self._process_object_types(v, validate, allow_none=True) if validate and not self.is_key_value(v): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for KeyValueArray.') _value.append(v) value = _value value = self._serialize_data(value) return self._create_data(variable, value) def string( self, key: str, value: Union[bool, float, int, str], validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[int]: """Create the value in Redis if applicable.""" if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, 'String') if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # quick check to ensure an invalid type was not provided self._check_variable_type(variable, 'String') # coerce string values value = self._coerce_string_value(value) # validation only needs to check str because value was coerced if validate and not isinstance(value, str): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for String.') value = self._serialize_data(value) return self._create_data(variable, value) def string_array( self, key: str, value: List[Union[bool, float, int, str]], validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ): """Create the value in Redis if applicable.""" if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # validate array type provided self._check_iterable(value, validate) # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, 'StringArray') if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # quick check to ensure an invalid type was not provided self._check_variable_type(variable, 'StringArray') # basic validation and prep of value value_coerced = [] for v in value: # coerce string values v = self._coerce_string_value(v) # validation only needs to check str because value was coerced if validate and not isinstance(v, (type(None), str)): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for StringArray.') value_coerced.append(v) value = value_coerced value = self._serialize_data(value) return self._create_data(variable, value) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def raw( self, key: str, value: Union[bytes, str, int], validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> str: """Create method of CRUD operation for raw data. Raw data can only be a byte, str or int. Other data structures (dict, list, etc) must be serialized. """ if self._check_null(key, value): return None return self._create_data(key, value) def tc_entity( self, key: str, value: Union[BaseModel, dict], validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Optional[int]: """Create the value in Redis if applicable.""" if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, 'TCEntity') if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # quick check to ensure an invalid type was not provided self._check_variable_type(variable, 'TCEntity') # basic validation value = self._process_object_types(value, validate) if validate and not self.is_tc_entity(value): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for TcEntityArray.') value = self._serialize_data(value) return self._create_data(variable, value) def tc_entity_array( self, key: str, value: List[Union[BaseModel, dict]], validate: Optional[bool] = True, when_requested: Optional[bool] = True, ): """Create the value in Redis if applicable.""" if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # validate array type provided self._check_iterable(value, validate) # convert key to variable if required variable = self._get_variable(key, 'TCEntityArray') if self._check_requested(variable, when_requested) is False: return None # quick check to ensure an invalid type was not provided self._check_variable_type(variable, 'TCEntityArray') # basic validation and prep of value _value = [] for v in value: v = self._process_object_types(v, validate, allow_none=True) if validate and not self.is_tc_entity(v): raise RuntimeError('Invalid data provided for TcEntityArray.') _value.append(v) value = _value value = self._serialize_data(value) return self._create_data(variable, value) def variable( self, key: str, value: Union[ 'BaseModel', bytes, dict, str, List['BaseModel'], List[bytes], List[dict], List[str] ], variable_type: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Alias for any method of CRUD operation for working with KeyValue DB. This method will automatically check to see if provided variable was requested by a downstream app and if so create the data in the KeyValue DB. Args: key: The variable to write to the DB (e.g., app.colors). value: The data to write to the DB. variable_type: The variable type being written. Only required if not unique. Returns: (str): Result string of DB write. """ if self._check_null(key, value) is True: return None # short-circuit the process, if there are no dowstream variables requested. if not self.output_variables: # pragma: no cover self.log.debug(f'Variable {key} was NOT requested by downstream app.') return None # key can be provided as the variable key (e.g., app.output) or # the entire (e.g., #App:1234:app.output!String). we need the # full variable to proceed. variable = self._get_variable(key, variable_type) if variable is None or variable not in self.output_variables: self.log.debug(f'Variable {key} was NOT requested by downstream app.') return None # write the variable return self.any(variable, value)
from moviepy.editor import * clip = (VideoFileClip("../output_videos/project_video.mp4").subclip(10, 40).resize(0.3)) clip.write_gif("../output_videos/project_video.gif")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ admin security exceptions module. """ from pyrin.core.exceptions import CoreException, CoreBusinessException from import AuthorizationFailedError class AdminSecurityException(CoreException): """ admin security exception. """ pass class AdminSecurityBusinessException(CoreBusinessException, AdminSecurityException): """ admin security business exception. """ pass class AdminAccessNotAllowedError(AuthorizationFailedError, AdminSecurityBusinessException): """ admin access not allowed error. """ pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c), 2018-2019, SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies). # All rights reserved. # This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. # See the file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present # distribution, or # # @author Davide Brunato <> # """ XPathToken and helper functions for XPath nodes. XPath error messages and node helper functions are embedded in XPathToken class, in order to raise errors related to token instances. In XPath there are 7 kinds of nodes: element, attribute, text, namespace, processing-instruction, comment, document Element-like objects are used for representing elements and comments, ElementTree-like objects for documents. Generic tuples are used for representing attributes and named-tuples for namespaces. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import locale import contextlib from decimal import Decimal from .compat import string_base_type, unicode_type from .exceptions import xpath_error from .namespaces import XQT_ERRORS_NAMESPACE from .xpath_nodes import AttributeNode, TypedAttribute, TypedElement, \ is_etree_element, is_attribute_node, elem_iter_strings, is_text_node, \ is_namespace_node, is_comment_node, is_processing_instruction_node, \ is_element_node, is_document_node, is_xpath_node, is_schema_node from .datatypes import UntypedAtomic, Timezone, DayTimeDuration, XSD_BUILTIN_TYPES from .schema_proxy import AbstractSchemaProxy from .tdop_parser import Token from .xpath_context import XPathSchemaContext def ordinal(n): if n in {11, 12, 13}: return '%dth' % n least_significant_digit = n % 10 if least_significant_digit == 1: return '%dst' % n elif least_significant_digit == 2: return '%dnd' % n elif least_significant_digit == 3: return '%drd' % n else: return '%dth' % n class XPathToken(Token): """Base class for XPath tokens.""" comment = None # for XPath 2.0+ comments xsd_type = None # fox XPath 2.0+ schema types labeling def evaluate(self, context=None): """ Evaluate default method for XPath tokens. :param context: The XPath dynamic context. """ return [x for x in] def select(self, context=None): """ Select operator that generates XPath results. :param context: The XPath dynamic context. """ item = self.evaluate(context) if item is not None: if isinstance(item, list): for _item in item: yield _item else: if context is not None: context.item = item yield item def __str__(self): symbol, label = self.symbol, self.label if symbol == '$': return '$%s variable reference' % (self[0].value if self else '') elif symbol == ',': return 'comma operator' if self.parser.version > '1.0' else 'comma symbol' elif label == 'function': return '%r function' % symbol elif label == 'axis': return '%r axis' % symbol return super(XPathToken, self).__str__() @property def source(self): symbol, label = self.symbol, self.label if label == 'axis': return '%s::%s' % (self.symbol, self[0].source) elif label in ('function', 'constructor'): return '%s(%s)' % (self.symbol, ', '.join(item.source for item in self)) elif symbol == ':': return '%s:%s' % (self[0].source, self[1].source) elif symbol == '(': return '()' if not self else '(%s)' % self[0].source elif symbol == '[': return '%s[%s]' % (self[0].source, self[1].source) elif symbol == ',': return '%s, %s' % (self[0].source, self[1].source) elif symbol == '$': return '$%s' % self[0].source elif symbol == '{': return '{%s}%s' % (self[0].value, self[1].value) elif symbol == 'instance': return '%s instance of %s' % (self[0].source, ''.join(t.source for t in self[1:])) elif symbol == 'treat': return '%s treat as %s' % (self[0].source, ''.join(t.source for t in self[1:])) return super(XPathToken, self).source @property def error_prefix(self): for prefix, ns in self.parser.namespaces.items(): if ns == XQT_ERRORS_NAMESPACE: return prefix else: return 'err' ### # Helper methods def get_argument(self, context, index=0, required=False, default_to_context=False, default=None, cls=None): """ Get the argument value of a function of constructor token. A zero length sequence is converted to a `None` value. If the function has no argument returns the context's item if the dynamic context is not `None`. :param context: the dynamic context. :param index: an index for select the argument to be got, the first for default. :param required: if set to `True` missing or empty sequence arguments are not allowed. :param default_to_context: if set to `True` then the item of the dynamic context is \ returned when the argument is missing. :param default: the default value returned in case the argument is an empty sequence. \ If not provided returns `None`. :param cls: if a type is provided performs a type checking on item. """ try: selector = self[index].select except IndexError: if default_to_context: if context is None: self.missing_context() item = context.item if context.item is not None else context.root elif required: raise self.error('XPST0017', "Missing %s argument" % ordinal(index + 1)) else: return else: item = None for k, result in enumerate(selector(context)): if k == 0: item = result elif not self.parser.compatibility_mode: self.wrong_context_type("a sequence of more than one item is not allowed as argument") else: break else: if item is None: if not required: return default ord_arg = ordinal(index + 1) self.missing_sequence("A not empty sequence required for %s argument" % ord_arg) # Type promotion checking (see "function conversion rules" in XPath 2.0 language definition) if cls is not None and not isinstance(item, cls): if self.parser.compatibility_mode: if issubclass(cls, string_base_type): return self.string_value(item) elif issubclass(cls, float) or issubclass(float, cls): return self.number_value(item) if self.parser.version > '1.0': value = self.data_value(item) if isinstance(value, cls): return value elif isinstance(value, UntypedAtomic): try: if issubclass(cls, string_base_type): return str(value) else: return cls(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass code = 'XPTY0004' if self.label == 'function' else 'FORG0006' message = "the %s argument %r is not an instance of %r" raise self.error(code, message % (ordinal(index + 1), item, cls)) return item def atomization(self, context=None): """ Helper method for value atomization of a sequence. Ref: :param context: the XPath context. """ for item in value = self.data_value(item) if value is None: raise self.error('FOTY0012', "argument node {!r} does not have a typed value".format(item)) else: yield value def get_atomized_operand(self, context=None): """ Get the atomized value for an XPath operator. :param context: the XPath context. :return: the atomized value of a single length sequence or `None` if the sequence is empty. """ selector = iter(self.atomization(context)) try: value = next(selector) except StopIteration: return else: try: next(selector) except StopIteration: if isinstance(value, UntypedAtomic): value = str(value) if isinstance(context, XPathSchemaContext): return value if self.xsd_type is not None and isinstance(value, string_base_type): try: value = self.xsd_type.decode(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): msg = "Type {!r} is not appropriate for the context" self.wrong_context_type(msg.format(type(value))) return value else: self.wrong_context_type("atomized operand is a sequence of length greater than one") def get_comparison_data(self, context): """ Get comparison data couples for the general comparison of sequences. Different sequences maybe generated with an XPath 2.0 parser, depending on compatibility mode setting. Ref: :param context: the XPath dynamic context. :returns: a list of data couples. """ if context is None: operand1 = [x for x in self[0].select()] operand2 = [x for x in self[1].select()] else: operand1 = [x for x in self[0].select(context.copy())] operand2 = [x for x in self[1].select(context.copy())] if self.parser.compatibility_mode: # Boolean comparison if one of the results is a single boolean value (1.) try: if isinstance(operand1[0], bool): if len(operand1) == 1: return [(operand1[0], self.boolean_value(operand2))] if isinstance(operand2[0], bool): if len(operand2) == 1: return [(self.boolean_value(operand1), operand2[0])] except IndexError: return [] # Converts to float for lesser-greater operators (3.) if self.symbol in ('<', '<=', '>', '>='): return [ (float(self.data_value(value1)), float(self.data_value(value2))) for value1 in operand1 for value2 in operand2 ] return [(self.data_value(value1), self.data_value(value2)) for value1 in operand1 for value2 in operand2] def select_results(self, context): """ Generates formatted XPath results. :param context: the XPath dynamic context. """ for result in if isinstance(result, TypedElement): yield result[0] elif isinstance(result, AttributeNode): yield result[1] elif isinstance(result, TypedAttribute): yield result[0][1] if hasattr(result[0][1], 'type') else result[1] else: yield result def get_results(self, context): """ Returns formatted XPath results. :param context: the XPath dynamic context. :return: a list or a simple datatype when the result is a single simple type \ generated by a literal or function token. """ results = [x for x in self.select_results(context)] if len(results) == 1: res = results[0] if isinstance(res, (bool, int, float, Decimal)): return res elif isinstance(res, tuple) or is_etree_element(res) or is_document_node(res): return results elif is_schema_node(res): return results elif self.symbol in ('text', 'node'): return results elif self.label in ('function', 'literal'): return res else: return results else: return results def get_operands(self, context, cls=None): """ Returns the operands for a binary operator. Float arguments are converted to decimal if the other argument is a `Decimal` instance. :param context: the XPath dynamic context. :param cls: if a type is provided performs a type checking on item. :return: a couple of values representing the operands. If any operand \ is not available returns a `(None, None)` couple. """ arg1 = self.get_argument(context, cls=cls) if arg1 is None: return None, None arg2 = self.get_argument(context, index=1, cls=cls) if arg2 is None: return None, None if isinstance(arg1, Decimal) and isinstance(arg2, float): return arg1, Decimal(arg2) elif isinstance(arg2, Decimal) and isinstance(arg1, float): return Decimal(arg1), arg2 return arg1, arg2 def adjust_datetime(self, context, cls): """ XSD datetime adjust function helper. :param context: the XPath dynamic context. :param cls: the XSD datetime subclass to use. :return: an empty list if there is only one argument that is the empty sequence \ or the adjusted XSD datetime instance. """ if len(self) == 1: item = self.get_argument(context, cls=cls) if item is None: return [] timezone = getattr(context, 'timezone', None) else: item = self.get_argument(context=None, cls=cls) # don't use implicit timezone timezone = self.get_argument(context, 1, cls=DayTimeDuration) if timezone is not None: timezone = Timezone.fromduration(timezone) if item.tzinfo is not None and timezone is not None: item += timezone.offset - item.tzinfo.offset item.tzinfo = timezone elif item.tzinfo is None: if timezone is not None: item.tzinfo = timezone elif timezone is None: item.tzinfo = None return item def match_xsd_type(self, schema_item, name): """ Match a token with a schema type, checking the matching between the provided schema item and name. If there is a match and the token is already related with another schema type an exception is raised. :param schema_item: an XPath item related with a schema instance. :param name: a QName in extended format for matching the item. :returns: the matched XSD type or `None` if there isn't a match. """ if isinstance(schema_item, AttributeNode): if not schema_item[1].is_matching(name): return try: xsd_type = schema_item[1].type except AttributeError: try: xsd_type = self.parser.schema.get_attribute(name).type except AttributeError: return elif is_etree_element(schema_item): if hasattr(schema_item, 'is_matching'): if not schema_item.is_matching(name, self.parser.default_namespace): return elif schema_item.tag != name: return try: xsd_type = schema_item.type except AttributeError: try: xsd_type = self.parser.schema.get_element(name).type except AttributeError: return else: return if self.xsd_type is None: self.xsd_type = xsd_type elif self.xsd_type is not xsd_type: self.wrong_context_type("Multiple XSD type matching during static analysis") return xsd_type def get_typed_node(self, context, item): """ Returns a typed node if the token is bound to an XSD type. :param context: the XPath dynamic context. :param item: an untyped XPath attribute ot element. """ if isinstance(self.xsd_type, (type(None), AbstractSchemaProxy)): return item if isinstance(context, XPathSchemaContext): primitive_type = self.parser.schema.get_primitive_type(self.xsd_type) try: value = XSD_BUILTIN_TYPES[primitive_type.local_name or 'anyType'].value except KeyError: value = XSD_BUILTIN_TYPES['anyType'].value if isinstance(item, AttributeNode): return TypedAttribute(item, value) else: return TypedElement(item, value) else: try: if isinstance(item, AttributeNode): return TypedAttribute(item, self.xsd_type.decode(item[1])) elif self.xsd_type.is_simple() or self.xsd_type.has_simple_content(): return TypedElement(item, self.xsd_type.decode(item.text)) else: return item except (TypeError, ValueError): msg = "Type {!r} does not match sequence type of {!r}" self.wrong_sequence_type(msg.format(self.xsd_type, item)) @contextlib.contextmanager def use_locale(self, collation): """A context manager for setting a specific collation for a code block.""" locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') default_locale = locale.getlocale() try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, collation) except locale.Error: raise self.error('FOCH0002', 'Unsupported collation %r' % collation) else: yield finally: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, default_locale) ### # XPath data accessors base functions def data_value(self, obj): """ The typed value, as computed by fn:data() on each item. Returns an instance of UntypedAtomic. """ if is_attribute_node(obj) or isinstance(obj, TypedElement): obj = obj[1] if obj is None: return elif not is_xpath_node(obj): return obj elif hasattr(obj, 'type'): return self.schema_node_value(obj) # Schema context return UntypedAtomic(self.string_value(obj)) def boolean_value(self, obj): """ The effective boolean value, as computed by fn:boolean(). """ if isinstance(obj, list): if not obj: return False elif isinstance(obj[0], tuple) or is_element_node(obj[0]): return True elif len(obj) == 1: return bool(obj[0]) else: raise self.error( code='FORG0006', message="Effective boolean value is not defined for a sequence of two or " "more items not starting with an XPath node.", ) elif isinstance(obj, tuple) or is_element_node(obj): raise self.error('FORG0006', "Effective boolean value is not defined for {}.".format(obj)) return bool(obj) def string_value(self, obj): """ The string value, as computed by fn:string(). """ if obj is None: return '' elif is_element_node(obj): return ''.join(elem_iter_strings(obj)) elif is_attribute_node(obj): return unicode_type(obj[1]) elif is_text_node(obj): return obj elif is_document_node(obj): return ''.join(e.text for e in obj.getroot().iter() if e.text is not None) elif is_namespace_node(obj): return obj[1] elif is_comment_node(obj): return obj.text elif is_processing_instruction_node(obj): return obj.text elif is_schema_node(obj): return str(self.schema_node_value(obj)) else: return str(obj) def number_value(self, obj): """ The numeric value, as computed by fn:number() on each item. Returns a float value. """ try: return float(self.string_value(obj) if is_xpath_node(obj) else obj) except (TypeError, ValueError): return float('nan') def schema_node_value(self, obj): """ Returns a sample typed value for the XSD schema node, valid in the value space of the node. Used for schema-based dynamic evaluation of XPath expressions. """ try: if obj.type.is_simple() or obj.type.has_simple_content(): # In case of schema element or attribute use a the sample value # of the primitive type primitive_type = self.parser.schema.get_primitive_type(obj.type) return XSD_BUILTIN_TYPES[primitive_type.local_name].value elif obj.type.local_name == 'anyType': return XSD_BUILTIN_TYPES['anyType'].value else: return UntypedAtomic('') except AttributeError: raise self.wrong_type("the argument %r is not a node of an XSD schema" % obj) ### # Error handling helpers def error(self, code, message=None): """ Returns an XPath error instance related with a code. An XPath/XQuery/XSLT error code is an alphanumeric token starting with four uppercase letters and ending with four digits. :param code: the error code. :param message: an optional custom additional message. """ return xpath_error(code, message, self, self.error_prefix) # Shortcuts for XPath errors def wrong_syntax(self, message=None): if self.symbol == '::' and self.parser.token.symbol == '(name)': self.missing_axis(message or "Axis '%s::' not found" % self.parser.token.value) super(XPathToken, self).wrong_syntax(message) def wrong_value(self, message=None): raise self.error('FOCA0002', message) def wrong_type(self, message=None): raise self.error('FORG0006', message) def missing_schema(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPST0001', message) def missing_context(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPDY0002', message) def wrong_context_type(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPTY0004', message) def missing_sequence(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPST0005', message) def missing_name(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPST0008', message) def missing_axis(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPST0010', message) def wrong_nargs(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPST0017', message) def wrong_step_result(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPTY0018', message) def wrong_intermediate_step_result(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPTY0019', message) def wrong_axis_argument(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPTY0020', message) def wrong_sequence_type(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPDY0050', message) def unknown_atomic_type(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPST0051', message) def wrong_target_type(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPST0080', message) def unknown_namespace(self, message=None): raise self.error('XPST0081', message)
#! /usr/bin/env python3 # Conditions: # * A child is playing with a ball on the nth floor of a tall building # * The height of this floor, h, is known # * He drops the ball out of the window. The ball bounces (for example), # to two-thirds of its height (a bounce of 0.66). # * His mother looks out of a window 1.5 meters from the ground. # * How many times will the mother see the ball pass in front of her # window (including when it's falling and bouncing? # # -- Three conditions must be met for a valid experiment: # 1) Float parameter "h" in meters must be greater than 0 # 2) Float parameter "bounce" must be greater than 0 and less than 1 # 3) Float parameter "window" must be less than h. # == If all three conditions above are fulfilled, return a positive # integer, otherwise return -1. # # Note: The ball can only be seen if the height of the rebounding ball # is strictly greater than the window parameter. # # Example: # 1) h = 3, bounce = 0.66, window = 1.5, result is 3 # 2) h = 3, bounce = 1, window = 1.5, result is -1 (*) # (*) Condition 2 not fulfilled. # def bouncing_ball(h, bounce, window): if h <= 0 or not (0 < bounce < 1) or window >= h: return -1 count = 0 while h > window: count += 2 if count % 2 == 1 else 1 h *= bounce return count def test_bouncing_ball(): assert -1 == bouncing_ball(-1, 0, 0) assert -1 == bouncing_ball(0, 0, 0) assert -1 == bouncing_ball(1, -1, 0) assert -1 == bouncing_ball(1, 0, 0) assert -1 == bouncing_ball(1, 1, 0) assert -1 == bouncing_ball(1, 2, 0) assert -1 == bouncing_ball(1, .5, 1) assert -1 == bouncing_ball(1, .5, 2) assert 3 == bouncing_ball(3, 0.66, 1.5) assert -1 == bouncing_ball(3, 1, 1.5) if __name__ == '__main__': test_bouncing_ball()
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: lbrynet/schema/proto/source.proto import sys _b=sys.version_info[0]<3 and (lambda x:x) or (lambda x:x.encode('latin1')) from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor from google.protobuf import message as _message from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) _sym_db = _symbol_database.Default() DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='lbrynet/schema/proto/source.proto', package='', syntax='proto2', serialized_options=None, serialized_pb=_b('\n!lbrynet/schema/proto/source.proto\"\xde\x01\n\x06Source\x12 \n\x07version\x18\x01 \x02(\x0e\x32\x0f.Source.Version\x12\'\n\nsourceType\x18\x02 \x02(\x0e\x32\x13.Source.SourceTypes\x12\x0e\n\x06source\x18\x03 \x02(\x0c\x12\x13\n\x0b\x63ontentType\x18\x04 \x02(\t\"*\n\x07Version\x12\x13\n\x0fUNKNOWN_VERSION\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06_0_0_1\x10\x01\"8\n\x0bSourceTypes\x12\x17\n\x13UNKNOWN_SOURCE_TYPE\x10\x00\x12\x10\n\x0clbry_sd_hash\x10\x01') ) _SOURCE_VERSION = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Version', full_name='Source.Version', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='UNKNOWN_VERSION', index=0, number=0, serialized_options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='_0_0_1', index=1, number=1, serialized_options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, serialized_options=None, serialized_start=160, serialized_end=202, ) _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_SOURCE_VERSION) _SOURCE_SOURCETYPES = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='SourceTypes', full_name='Source.SourceTypes', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='UNKNOWN_SOURCE_TYPE', index=0, number=0, serialized_options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='lbry_sd_hash', index=1, number=1, serialized_options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, serialized_options=None, serialized_start=204, serialized_end=260, ) _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_SOURCE_SOURCETYPES) _SOURCE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='Source', full_name='Source', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='version', full_name='Source.version', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=2, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='sourceType', full_name='Source.sourceType', index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=2, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='source', full_name='Source.source', index=2, number=3, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=2, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b(""), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='contentType', full_name='Source.contentType', index=3, number=4, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=2, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ _SOURCE_VERSION, _SOURCE_SOURCETYPES, ], serialized_options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto2', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=38, serialized_end=260, ) _SOURCE.fields_by_name['version'].enum_type = _SOURCE_VERSION _SOURCE.fields_by_name['sourceType'].enum_type = _SOURCE_SOURCETYPES _SOURCE_VERSION.containing_type = _SOURCE _SOURCE_SOURCETYPES.containing_type = _SOURCE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['Source'] = _SOURCE _sym_db.RegisterFileDescriptor(DESCRIPTOR) Source = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Source', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _SOURCE, __module__ = 'lbrynet.schema.proto.source_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Source) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Source) # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Aug 9 23:58:12 2021 @author: AKayal """ from collections import namedtuple from typing import List, NamedTuple import datetime from datetime import date class personal_details(NamedTuple): """ Using the typing module, we can be even more explicit about our data structures. """ ssn: str first_name: str last_name: str gender: str language: str
from import create_task from delfick_project.norms import sb, dictobj, Meta from tornado.web import RequestHandler, HTTPError from tornado import websocket import binascii import logging import asyncio import json import uuid log = logging.getLogger("whirlwind.request_handlers.base") class Finished(Exception): def __init__(self, status=500, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs["status"] = status def as_dict(self): return self.kwargs def reprer(o): if type(o) is bytes: return binascii.hexlify(o).decode() return repr(o) class MessageFromExc: def __init__(self, *, log_exceptions=True, see_exception=None): self.see_exception = see_exception self.log_exceptions = log_exceptions def __call__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): if isinstance(exc, Finished): return exc.kwargs else: return self.process(exc_type, exc, tb) def process(self, exc_type, exc, tb): if self.see_exception: self.see_exception(exc_type, exc, tb) if exc_type is asyncio.CancelledError: return { "status": 500, "error": "Request was cancelled", "error_code": "RequestCancelled", } else: if self.see_exception is None and self.log_exceptions: log.error(exc, exc_info=(exc_type, exc, tb)) return { "status": 500, "error": "Internal Server Error", "error_code": "InternalServerError", } class AsyncCatcher(object): def __init__(self, request, info, final=None): = info = final self.request = request async def __aenter__(self): pass async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): if exc is None: self.complete("result"), status=200) return msg = self.request.message_from_exc(exc_type, exc, tb) self.complete(msg, status=500, exc_info=(exc_type, exc, tb)) # And don't reraise the exception return True def send_msg(self, msg, status=200, exc_info=None): if self.request._finished and not hasattr(self.request, "ws_connection"): if type(msg) is dict: msg = json.dumps(msg, default=self.request.reprer, sort_keys=True, indent=" ") self.request.hook("request_already_finished", msg) return if hasattr(msg, "exc_info") and exc_info is None: exc_info = msg.exc_info if is None: self.request.send_msg(msg, status, exc_info=exc_info) else:, exc_info=exc_info) def complete(self, msg, status=sb.NotSpecified, exc_info=None): if type(msg) is dict: result = json.loads(json.dumps(msg, default=self.request.reprer, indent=" ")) else: result = msg self.send_msg(result, status=status, exc_info=exc_info) class RequestsMixin: """ A mixin class you may use for your handler which provides some handy methods for dealing with data """ _merged_options_formattable = True def hook(self, func, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, func): return getattr(self, func)(*args, **kwargs) # def process_reply(self, msg, exc_info=None): # """A hook that provides the msg sent as reply or progress""" # pass # def request_already_finished(self, msg): # """Hook for when we would send a message to an already closed websocket""" @property def reprer(self): if not hasattr(self, "_reprer"): self._reprer = reprer return self._reprer @reprer.setter def reprer(self, value): self._reprer = value @property def message_from_exc(self): if not hasattr(self, "_message_from_exc"): self._message_from_exc = MessageFromExc( see_exception=self.see_returned_exception, log_exceptions=getattr(self, "log_exceptions", True), ) return self._message_from_exc def see_returned_exception(self, exc_typ, exc, tb): if getattr(self, "log_exceptions", True): log.error(exc, exc_info=(exc_typ, exc, tb)) @message_from_exc.setter def message_from_exc(self, value): self._message_from_exc = value def async_catcher(self, info, final=None): return AsyncCatcher(self, info, final=final) def body_as_json(self, body=None): """ Return the body of the request as a json object If there is a special ``__body__`` file in the request, we will consider this to be the body instead of the request body """ if body is None: if "__body__" in self.request.files: body = self.request.files["__body__"][0]["body"].decode() else: body = self.request.body.decode() try: if type(body) is str: body = json.loads(body) except (TypeError, ValueError) as error: self.log_json_error(body, error) raise Finished(status=400, reason="Failed to load body as json", error=error) return body def log_json_error(self, body, error): """ Do any logging for errors parsing the request body as json """ log.error("Failed to load body as json\t%s", body) def send_msg(self, msg, status=sb.NotSpecified, exc_info=None): """ This determines what content-type and exact body to write to the response If ``msg`` has ``as_dict``, we call it. If ``msg`` is a dictionary and has status, we use that as the status of the request, otherwise we say it's a 200. If there is ``html`` in ``msg``, we use that as the body of the request. If ``msg`` is None, we close without a body. * If ``msg`` is a ``dict`` or ``list``, we write it as a json object. * If ``msg`` starts with ``<html>`` or ``<!DOCTYPE html>`` we treat it as html content * Otherwise we write ``msg`` as ``text/plain`` """ if hasattr(msg, "exc_info") and exc_info is None: exc_info = msg.exc_info if hasattr(msg, "as_dict"): msg = msg.as_dict() self.hook("process_reply", msg, exc_info=exc_info) if type(msg) is dict and "status" in msg: status = msg["status"] elif exc_info and exc_info[1]: if hasattr(exc_info[1], "status"): status = exc_info[1].status else: status = 500 if status is sb.NotSpecified: status = 200 self.set_status(status) if type(msg) is dict and "html" in msg: msg = msg["html"] if msg is None: self.finish() return if type(msg) in (dict, list): self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") self.write(json.dumps(msg, default=self.reprer, sort_keys=True, indent=" ")) elif msg.lstrip().startswith("<html>") or msg.lstrip().startswith("<!DOCTYPE html>"): self.write(msg) else: self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8") self.write(msg) self.finish() class Simple(RequestsMixin, RequestHandler): """ Helper for using ``self.async_catcher`` from ``RequestsMixin`` for most HTTP verbs. .. code-block:: python class MyRequestHandler(Simple): async def do_get(): return "<html><body><p>lol</p></body></html>" Essentially you define ``async def do_<verb>(self)`` methods for each verb you want to support. This supports * get * put * post * patch * delete """ log_exceptions = True async def get(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "do_get"): raise HTTPError(405) info = {"result": None} async with self.async_catcher(info): info["result"] = await self.do_get(*args, **kwargs) async def put(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "do_put"): raise HTTPError(405) info = {"result": None} async with self.async_catcher(info): info["result"] = await self.do_put(*args, **kwargs) async def post(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "do_post"): raise HTTPError(405) info = {"result": None} async with self.async_catcher(info): info["result"] = await self.do_post(*args, **kwargs) async def patch(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "do_patch"): raise HTTPError(405) info = {"result": None} async with self.async_catcher(info): info["result"] = await self.do_patch(*args, **kwargs) async def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "do_delete"): raise HTTPError(405) info = {"result": None} async with self.async_catcher(info): info["result"] = await self.do_delete(*args, **kwargs) json_spec = sb.match_spec( (bool, sb.any_spec()), (int, sb.any_spec()), (float, sb.any_spec()), (str, sb.any_spec()), (list, lambda: sb.listof(json_spec)), (type(None), sb.any_spec()), fallback=lambda: sb.dictof(sb.string_spec(), json_spec), ) class SimpleWebSocketBase(RequestsMixin, websocket.WebSocketHandler): """ Used for websocket handlers Implement ``process_message`` .. automethod:: whirlwind.request_handlers.base.SimpleWebSocketBase.process_message This class takes in messages of the form ``{"path": <string>, "message_id": <string>, "body": <dictionary}`` It will respond with messages of the form ``{"reply": <reply>, "message_id": <message_id>}`` It treats path of ``__tick__`` as special and respond with ``{"reply": {"ok": "thankyou"}, "message_id": "__tick__"}`` It relies on the client side closing the connection when it's finished. """ log_exceptions = True def initialize(self, final_future, server_time, wsconnections): self.server_time = server_time self.final_future = final_future self.wsconnections = wsconnections class WSMessage(dictobj.Spec): path = dictobj.Field(sb.string_spec, wrapper=sb.required) message_id = dictobj.Field( sb.or_spec(sb.string_spec(), sb.tupleof(sb.string_spec())), wrapper=sb.required ) body = dictobj.Field(json_spec, wrapper=sb.required) message_spec = WSMessage.FieldSpec() class Closing(object): pass def open(self): self.key = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.connection_future = asyncio.Future() if self.final_future.done(): self.connection_future.cancel() return canceller = lambda res: self.connection_future.cancel() self.final_future.add_done_callback(canceller) self.connection_future.add_done_callback( lambda res: self.final_future.remove_done_callback(canceller) ) if self.server_time is not None: self.reply(self.server_time, message_id="__server_time__") self.hook("websocket_opened") def reply(self, msg, message_id=None, exc_info=None): if msg is None: msg = {"done": True} # I bypass tornado converting the dictionary so that non jsonable things can be repr'd if hasattr(msg, "as_dict"): msg = msg.as_dict() reply = {"reply": msg, "message_id": message_id} reply = json.dumps(reply, default=self.reprer).replace("</", "<\\/") if message_id not in ("__tick__", "__server_time__"): self.hook("process_reply", msg, exc_info=exc_info) if self.ws_connection: self.write_message(reply) def on_message(self, message): self.hook("websocket_message", message) try: parsed = json.loads(message) except (TypeError, ValueError) as error: self.reply({"error": "Message wasn't valid json\t{0}".format(str(error))}) return if type(parsed) is dict and "path" in parsed and parsed["path"] == "__tick__": parsed["message_id"] = "__tick__" parsed["body"] = "__tick__" try: msg = self.message_spec.normalise(Meta.empty(), parsed) except Exception as error: self.hook("websocket_invalid_message", error, parsed) if hasattr(error, "as_dict"): error = error.as_dict() else: error = str(error) self.reply({"error_code": "InvalidMessage", "error": error}) else: path = msg.path body = msg.body message_id = msg.message_id message_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) if path == "__tick__": self.reply({"ok": "thankyou"}, message_id=message_id) return def on_processed(final, exc_info=None): if final is self.Closing: self.reply({"closing": "goodbye"}, message_id=message_id) self.close() else: self.reply(final, message_id=message_id, exc_info=exc_info) try: self.message_done(msg, final, message_key, exc_info=exc_info) except Exception as error: self.handle_message_done_error(error, msg, final, message_key, exc_info) async def doit(): info = {} def progress_cb(progress, **kwargs): for m in self.transform_progress(msg, progress, **kwargs): self.reply(m, message_id=message_id) async with self.async_catcher(info, on_processed): result = await self.process_message( path, body, message_id, message_key, progress_cb ) if isinstance(result, asyncio.Future) or hasattr(result, "__await__"): result = await result info["result"] = result def done(res): if message_key in self.wsconnections: del self.wsconnections[message_key] if not res.cancelled(): self.handle_request_done_exception(res.exception()) t = create_task(doit(), name=f"<process_command: {body}>") t.add_done_callback(done) self.wsconnections[message_key] = t def message_done(self, request, final, message_key, exc_info=None): """ Hook for when we have finished processing a request By default nothing is done. request The original request final The last response to be sent back. message_key The uuid the server generated for this request exc_info The (exc_type, exc, traceback) for any exception that stopped the processing of the request """ def handle_message_done_error(self, error, msg, final, message_key, exc_info): """ Hook for when message_done raised an exception By default we ``log.exception(error)`` error The exception that was raised request The original request final The last response to be sent back. message_key The uuid the server generated for this request exc_info The (exc_type, exc, traceback) for any exception that stopped the processing of the request before message_done had been called """ log.exception(error) def handle_request_done_exception(self, error): """Hook that takes in an exception from the entire request""" if error and self.log_exceptions: log.exception(error, exc_info=(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)) def transform_progress(self, body, progress, **kwargs): """ Hook for transforming progress messages. This must be a generator that yields 0 or more messages So when the ``progress_cb`` is called like ``progress_cb("some message", arg=1)`` we will do: .. code-block:: python for m in self.transform_progress(<request>, "some message", arg=1): # write ``{"reply": m, "message_id": <message_id>}`` where ``<request>`` is the entire message that started this stream. By default kwargs are ignored and we just yield ``{"progress": progress}`` once """ yield {"progress": progress} async def process_message(self, path, body, message_id, message_key, progress_cb): """ Return the response to be sent back when we get a message from the conn. path The uri specified in the message body The body specified in the message message_id The unique message_id for this stream of requests as supplied in the request message_key A unique id for this stream created by the server progress_cb A callback that will send a message of the form ``{"progress": <progress>, "message_id": <message_id}`` where ``<progress>`` is the argument passed into the callback """ raise NotImplementedError def on_close(self): """Hook for when a websocket connection closes""" self.connection_future.cancel()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon May 22 14:33:38 2017 @author: paul """ from weatherTLKT import Weather typ='ens' for ss in range(1,9): if typ=='solo': mydate='20171127' website='' model='gfs' resolution='0p25' url=website+'/'+model+'_'+resolution+'/'+model+mydate+'/'+model+'_'+resolution+'_00z' pathToSaveObj='../data/'+ model+mydate+'_'+resolution else : mydate='20171127' website='' model='gens' resolution='0p25' num_scenario='0'+str(ss) url=website+'/'+model+'/'+model+mydate+'/'+'gep'+num_scenario+'_00z' pathToSaveObj='../data/'+ model+mydate+'_'+num_scenario latBound=[43,50] lonBound=[-10+360, 360],pathToSaveObj,latBound=latBound,lonBound=lonBound,timeSteps=[0,85],ens=True)
from django.views.generic import TemplateView, ListView, DetailView from . import models class DashboardView(TemplateView): template_name = "organizations/dashboard.html" class OrganizationDetailView(DetailView): template_name = "organizations/organization_details.html" model = models.Organization class OrganizationListView(ListView): template_name = "organizations/organization_list.html" model = models.Organization class OrganizationalUnitDetailView(DetailView): template_name = "organizations/organizational_unit_details.html" model = models.OrganizationalUnit class OrganizationalUnitListView(ListView): template_name = "organizations/organizational_unit_list.html" model = models.OrganizationalUnit
import csv import xlsxwriter import datetime # Sequence Analysis Data Object # Holds all items needed for analysis class SeqData: its_dict = None seq_config = None num_threads = None output_format = None def __init__(self, its_dict, seq_config, num_threads, output_format): self.num_threads = num_threads self.its_dict = its_dict self.seq_config = seq_config self.output_format = output_format # Sequence Analysis Run Object # Put into queue; used in Perform() class SeqRun: p_id = None path = None def __init__(self, p_id, path): self.p_id = p_id self.path = path # Output Object # sent to output functions class OutData: batch_store = None seq_config = None results = None def __init__(self, batch_store, seq_config, results): self.batch_store = batch_store self.seq_config = seq_config self.results = results # Output to CSV format def output_csv(out_data): "This method outputs the analysis results to a .csv file" # output code print("Output in .csv") # create + write csv file out_file = out_data.seq_config['outputDirPath'] +'//'+ "LC2-"+out_data.batch_store+"-"+out_data.seq_config['seqType']+"-"+str(out_data.seq_config['PauseDur']).replace('.','p')+"-"+str(out_data.seq_config['roundingEnabled'])+"-"'%m%d%y-%H%M')+".csv" with open( out_file, 'wb') as f:#open csv file to be written in csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ',') for line in out_data.results:#loop to write rows to csv file line = line.split(',') csv_writer.writerow(line) # Output to TXT format def ouput_txt(out_data): "This method outputs the analysis results to a .txt file" # output code print("Output in .txt") # create + write txt file out_file = out_data.seq_config['outputDirPath'] +'//'+ "LC2-"+out_data.batch_store+"-"+out_data.seq_config['seqType']+"-"+str(out_data.seq_config['PauseDur']).replace('.','p')+"-"+str(out_data.seq_config['roundingEnabled'])+"-"'%m%d%y-%H%M')+".txt" with open(out_file,'w') as f: for line in out_data.results: f.writelines(line+"\n") # Output to Excel format def output_xlsx(out_data): "This method outputs the analysis results to a .xlsx file" print("Output in .xlsx") # create workbook & add sheet out_file = out_data.seq_config['outputDirPath'] +'//'+ "LC2-"+out_data.batch_store+"-"+out_data.seq_config['seqType']+"-"+str(out_data.seq_config['PauseDur']).replace('.','p')+"-"+str(out_data.seq_config['roundingEnabled'])+"-"'%m%d%y-%H%M')+".xlsx" workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(out_file) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() # start from first cell row = 0 # insert into worksheet for line in out_data.results: col = 0 for cell in str(line).split(","): worksheet.write(row, col, cell) col += 1 row += 1 # close file workbook.close()
import pandas as pd from strategy.astrategy import AStrategy from processor.processor import Processor as p from datetime import timedelta import pytz from tqdm import tqdm from time import sleep pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None class ProgressReport(AStrategy): def __init__(self,start_date,end_date,modeling_params={},trading_params={"value":True,"requirement":5}): super().__init__(f"progress_report", start_date, end_date, {"market":{}},modeling_params=modeling_params,trading_params=trading_params) self.exit_days = 45 self.last_call_day = 90 @classmethod def required_params(self): required = {"timeframe":"quarterly" ,"requirement":5} return required def create_sim(self): if self.simmed: self.db.connect() sim = self.db.retrieve("sim") self.db.disconnect() else: start_year = self.start_date.year end_year = self.end_date.year market = self.subscriptions["market"]["db"] market.connect() self.db.connect() tickers = market.retrieve_tickers("prices") sim = [] for ticker in tqdm(tickers["ticker"].unique(),desc=f"{}_sim"): prices = market.retrieve_ticker_prices("prices",ticker) prices = p.column_date_processing(prices) prices["year"] = [x.year for x in prices["date"]] prices["quarter"] = [x.quarter for x in prices["date"]] for year in range(start_year,end_year): for quarter in range(1,5): try: ticker_data = prices[(prices["year"]==year) & (prices["quarter"]==quarter)].sort_values("date") sp = ticker_data.iloc[0]["adjclose"].item() ticker_data["quarter_start"] = sp ticker_data["delta"] = (ticker_data["adjclose"] - sp) / sp ticker_data = ticker_data[["date","adjclose","delta","ticker"]] for param in self.modeling_params: ticker_data[param]=self.modeling_params[param] sim.append(ticker_data)"sim",ticker_data) except Exception as e: continue sim = pd.concat(sim) self.db.disconnect() market.disconnect() self.simmed = True return sim def create_rec(self,date): self.db.connect() rec = self.db.query("rec",self.modeling_params) self.db.disconnect() if rec.index.size > 1: rec = p.column_date_processing(rec) small_rec = rec[rec["date"]>=date] if small_rec.index.size > 1: return small_rec else: year = date.year month = date.month quarter = int((month-1)/3) + 1 market = self.subscriptions["market"]["db"] market.connect() self.db.connect() tickers = market.retrieve_tickers("prices") sim = [] for ticker in tqdm(tickers["ticker"].unique(),desc=f"{}_sim"): prices = market.retrieve_ticker_prices("prices",ticker) prices = p.column_date_processing(prices) prices["year"] = [x.year for x in prices["date"]] prices["quarter"] = [x.quarter for x in prices["date"]] try: ticker_data = prices[(prices["year"]==year) & (prices["quarter"]==quarter)].sort_values("date") sp = ticker_data.iloc[0]["adjclose"].item() ticker_data["quarter_start"] = sp ticker_data["delta"] = (ticker_data["adjclose"] - sp) / sp ticker_data = ticker_data[["date","adjclose","delta","ticker"]] for param in self.modeling_params: ticker_data[param]=self.modeling_params[param] sim.append(ticker_data.tail(1))"rec",ticker_data.tail(1)) except Exception as e: continue recs = pd.concat(sim) self.db.disconnect() market.disconnect() return recs
from functools import reduce from operator import mul import numpy as onp from numpy.testing import assert_allclose import pytest import scipy.stats as osp_stats import jax from jax import grad, lax, random import jax.numpy as np from jax.scipy.special import logit import numpyro.contrib.distributions as dist from numpyro.contrib.distributions import jax_multivariate, validation_enabled from numpyro.distributions import constraints def idfn(param): if isinstance(param, (osp_stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_generic, osp_stats._multivariate.multi_rv_generic)): return elif isinstance(param, constraints.Constraint): return param.__class__.__name__ return repr(param) @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist', [ dist.beta, dist.cauchy, dist.expon, dist.gamma, dist.halfcauchy, dist.halfnorm, dist.lognorm, dist.pareto, dist.trunccauchy, dist.truncnorm, dist.norm, dist.t, dist.uniform, ], ids=idfn) @pytest.mark.parametrize('loc, scale', [ (1, 1), (1., np.array([1., 2.])), ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('prepend_shape', [ None, (), (2,), (2, 3), ]) def test_continuous_shape(jax_dist, loc, scale, prepend_shape): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) args = [i + 1 for i in range(jax_dist.numargs)] expected_shape = lax.broadcast_shapes(*[np.shape(loc), np.shape(scale)]) samples = jax_dist.rvs(*args, loc=loc, scale=scale, random_state=rng) assert isinstance(samples, jax.interpreters.xla.DeviceArray) assert np.shape(samples) == expected_shape assert np.shape(jax_dist(*args, loc=loc, scale=scale).rvs(random_state=rng)) == expected_shape if prepend_shape is not None: expected_shape = prepend_shape + lax.broadcast_shapes(*[np.shape(loc), np.shape(scale)]) assert np.shape(jax_dist.rvs(*args, loc=loc, scale=scale, size=expected_shape, random_state=rng)) == expected_shape assert np.shape(jax_dist(*args, loc=loc, scale=scale) .rvs(random_state=rng, size=expected_shape)) == expected_shape @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, dist_args, sample', [ (dist.beta, (-1, 1), -1), (dist.beta, (2, np.array([1., -3])), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.cauchy, (), np.inf), (dist.cauchy, (), np.array([1., np.nan])), (dist.expon, (), -1), (dist.expon, (), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.gamma, (-1,), -1), (dist.gamma, (np.array([-2., 3]),), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.halfcauchy, (), -1), (dist.halfcauchy, (), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.halfnorm, (), -1), (dist.halfnorm, (), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.lognorm, (-1,), -1), (dist.lognorm, (np.array([-2., 3]),), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.norm, (), np.inf), (dist.norm, (), np.array([1., np.nan])), (dist.pareto, (-1,), -1), (dist.pareto, (np.array([-2., 3]),), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.t, (-1,), np.inf), (dist.t, (np.array([-2., 3]),), np.array([1., np.nan])), (dist.trunccauchy, (), -1), (dist.trunccauchy, (), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.truncnorm, (), -1), (dist.truncnorm, (), np.array([1., -2])), (dist.uniform, (), -1), (dist.uniform, (), np.array([0.5, -2])), ], ids=idfn) def test_continuous_validate_args(jax_dist, dist_args, sample): valid_args = [i + 1 for i in range(jax_dist.numargs)] with validation_enabled(): if dist_args: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid parameters'): jax_dist(*dist_args) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid scale parameter'): jax_dist(*valid_args, scale=-1) frozen_dist = jax_dist(*valid_args) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid values'): frozen_dist.logpdf(sample) @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, dist_args', [ (dist.categorical, (np.array([0.1, 0.9]),)), (dist.categorical, (np.array([[0.1, 0.9], [0.2, 0.8]]),)), (dist.dirichlet, (np.ones(3),)), (dist.dirichlet, (np.ones((2, 3)),)), (dist.multinomial, (10, np.array([0.1, 0.9]),)), (dist.multinomial, (10, np.array([[0.1, 0.9], [0.2, 0.8]]),)), ], ids=idfn) @pytest.mark.parametrize('prepend_shape', [ None, (), (2,), (2, 3), ]) def test_multivariate_shape(jax_dist, dist_args, prepend_shape): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) expected_shape = jax_dist._batch_shape(*dist_args) + jax_dist._event_shape(*dist_args) samples = jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, random_state=rng) assert isinstance(samples, jax.interpreters.xla.DeviceArray) assert np.shape(samples) == expected_shape assert np.shape(jax_dist(*dist_args).rvs(random_state=rng)) == expected_shape if prepend_shape is not None: size = prepend_shape + jax_dist._batch_shape(*dist_args) expected_shape = size + jax_dist._event_shape(*dist_args) samples = jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, size=size, random_state=rng) assert np.shape(samples) == expected_shape samples = jax_dist(*dist_args).rvs(random_state=rng, size=size) assert np.shape(samples) == expected_shape @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, valid_args, invalid_args, invalid_sample', [ (dist.categorical, (np.array([0.1, 0.9]),), (np.array([0.1, 0.8]),), np.array([1, 4])), (dist.dirichlet, (np.ones(3),), (np.array([-1., 2., 3.]),), np.array([0.1, 0.7, 0.1])), (dist.multinomial, (10, np.array([0.1, 0.9]),), (10, np.array([0.2, 0.9]),), np.array([-1, 9])), ], ids=idfn) def test_multivariate_validate_args(jax_dist, valid_args, invalid_args, invalid_sample): with validation_enabled(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid parameters'): jax_dist(*invalid_args) frozen_dist = jax_dist(*valid_args) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid values'): frozen_dist.logpmf(invalid_sample) @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, dist_args', [ (dist.bernoulli, (0.1,)), (dist.bernoulli, (np.array([0.3, 0.5]),)), (dist.binom, (10, 0.4)), (dist.binom, (np.array([10]), np.array([0.4, 0.3]))), (dist.poisson, (1.,)), (dist.poisson, (np.array([1., 4., 10.]),)), ], ids=idfn) @pytest.mark.parametrize('prepend_shape', [ None, (), (2,), (2, 3), ]) def test_discrete_shape(jax_dist, dist_args, prepend_shape): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) sp_dist = getattr(osp_stats, expected_shape = np.shape(sp_dist.rvs(*dist_args)) samples = jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, random_state=rng) assert isinstance(samples, jax.interpreters.xla.DeviceArray) assert np.shape(samples) == expected_shape if prepend_shape is not None: shape = prepend_shape + lax.broadcast_shapes(*[np.shape(arg) for arg in dist_args]) expected_shape = np.shape(sp_dist.rvs(*dist_args, size=shape)) assert np.shape(jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, size=shape, random_state=rng)) == expected_shape @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, valid_args, invalid_args, invalid_sample', [ (dist.bernoulli, (0.8,), (np.nan,), 2), (dist.binom, (10, 0.8), (-10, 0.8), -10), (dist.binom, (10, 0.8), (10, 1.1), -1), (dist.poisson, (4.,), (-1.,), -1), ], ids=idfn) def test_discrete_validate_args(jax_dist, valid_args, invalid_args, invalid_sample): with validation_enabled(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid parameters'): jax_dist(*invalid_args) frozen_dist = jax_dist(*valid_args) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid values'): frozen_dist.logpmf(invalid_sample) @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist', [ dist.beta, dist.cauchy, dist.expon, dist.gamma, dist.halfcauchy, dist.halfnorm, dist.lognorm, dist.norm, dist.pareto, dist.t, dist.trunccauchy, dist.truncnorm, dist.uniform, ], ids=idfn) @pytest.mark.parametrize('loc, scale', [ (1., 1.), (1., np.array([1., 2.])), ]) def test_sample_gradient(jax_dist, loc, scale): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) args = [i + 1 for i in range(jax_dist.numargs)] expected_shape = lax.broadcast_shapes(*[np.shape(loc), np.shape(scale)]) def fn(args, loc, scale): return jax_dist.rvs(*args, loc=loc, scale=scale, random_state=rng).sum() # FIXME: find a proper test for gradients of arg parameters assert len(grad(fn)(args, loc, scale)) == jax_dist.numargs assert_allclose(grad(fn, 1)(args, loc, scale), loc * reduce(mul, expected_shape[:len(expected_shape) - np.ndim(loc)], 1.)) assert_allclose(grad(fn, 2)(args, loc, scale), jax_dist.rvs(*args, size=expected_shape, random_state=rng)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, dist_args', [ (dist.dirichlet, (np.ones(3),)), (dist.dirichlet, (np.ones((2, 3)),)), ], ids=idfn) def test_mvsample_gradient(jax_dist, dist_args): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) def fn(args): return jax_dist.rvs(*args, random_state=rng).sum() # FIXME: find a proper test for gradients of arg parameters assert len(grad(fn)(dist_args)) == jax_dist.numargs @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist', [ dist.beta, dist.cauchy, dist.expon, dist.gamma, dist.halfcauchy, dist.halfnorm, dist.lognorm, dist.norm, dist.pareto, dist.t, dist.trunccauchy, dist.truncnorm, dist.uniform, ], ids=idfn) @pytest.mark.parametrize('loc_scale', [ (), (1,), (1, 1), (1., np.array([1., 2.])), ]) def test_continuous_logpdf(jax_dist, loc_scale): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) args = [i + 1 for i in range(jax_dist.numargs)] + list(loc_scale) samples = jax_dist.rvs(*args, random_state=rng) if jax_dist is dist.trunccauchy: sp_dist = osp_stats.cauchy assert_allclose(jax_dist.logpdf(samples, args[0], args[1]), sp_dist.logpdf(samples) - np.log(sp_dist.cdf(args[1]) - sp_dist.cdf(args[0])), atol=1e-6) else: sp_dist = getattr(osp_stats, assert_allclose(jax_dist.logpdf(samples, *args), sp_dist.logpdf(samples, *args), atol=1.3e-6) @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, dist_args', [ (dist.dirichlet, (np.array([1., 2., 3.]),)), ], ids=idfn) @pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', [ None, (), (2,), (2, 3), ]) def test_multivariate_continuous_logpdf(jax_dist, dist_args, shape): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) samples = jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, size=shape, random_state=rng) # XXX scipy.stats.dirichlet does not work with batch if samples.ndim == 1: sp_dist = getattr(osp_stats, assert_allclose(jax_dist.logpdf(samples, *dist_args), sp_dist.logpdf(samples, *dist_args), atol=1e-6) event_dim = len(jax_dist._event_shape(*dist_args)) batch_shape = samples.shape if event_dim == 0 else samples.shape[:-1] assert jax_dist.logpdf(samples, *dist_args).shape == batch_shape @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, dist_args', [ (dist.categorical, (np.array([0.7, 0.3]),)), (dist.multinomial, (10, np.array([0.3, 0.7]),)), ], ids=idfn) @pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', [ None, (), (2,), (2, 3), ]) def test_multivariate_discrete_logpmf(jax_dist, dist_args, shape): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) samples = jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, size=shape, random_state=rng) # XXX scipy.stats.multinomial does not work with batch if samples.ndim == 1: if jax_dist is dist.categorical: # test against PyTorch assert_allclose(jax_dist.logpmf(np.array([1, 0]), *dist_args), np.array([-1.2040, -0.3567]), atol=1e-4) else: sp_dist = getattr(osp_stats, assert_allclose(jax_dist.logpmf(samples, *dist_args), sp_dist.logpmf(samples, *dist_args), atol=1e-5) event_dim = len(jax_dist._event_shape(*dist_args)) batch_shape = samples.shape if event_dim == 0 else samples.shape[:-1] assert jax_dist.logpmf(samples, *dist_args).shape == batch_shape @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, dist_args', [ (dist.bernoulli, (0.1,)), (dist.bernoulli, (np.array([0.3, 0.5]),)), (dist.binom, (10, 0.4)), (dist.binom, (np.array([10]), np.array([0.4, 0.3]))), (dist.binom, (np.array([2, 5]), np.array([[0.4], [0.5]]))), (dist.poisson, (4.,)), (dist.poisson, (np.array([1., 4., 10.]),)), ], ids=idfn) @pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', [ None, (), (2,), (2, 3), ]) def test_discrete_logpmf(jax_dist, dist_args, shape): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) sp_dist = getattr(osp_stats, samples = jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, random_state=rng) assert_allclose(jax_dist.logpmf(samples, *dist_args), sp_dist.logpmf(onp.asarray(samples), *dist_args), rtol=1e-5) if shape is not None: shape = shape + lax.broadcast_shapes(*[np.shape(arg) for arg in dist_args]) samples = jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, size=shape, random_state=rng) assert_allclose(jax_dist.logpmf(samples, *dist_args), sp_dist.logpmf(onp.asarray(samples), *dist_args), rtol=1e-5) def fn(sample, *args): return np.sum(jax_dist.logpmf(sample, *args)) for i in range(len(dist_args)): logpmf_grad = grad(fn, i + 1)(samples, *dist_args) assert np.all(np.isfinite(logpmf_grad)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('jax_dist, dist_args', [ (dist.bernoulli, (0.1,)), (dist.bernoulli, (np.array([0.3, 0.5]),)), (dist.binom, (10, 0.4)), (dist.binom, (np.array([10]), np.array([0.4, 0.3]))), (dist.binom, (np.array([2, 5]), np.array([[0.4], [0.5]]))), (dist.categorical, (np.array([0.1, 0.9]),)), (dist.categorical, (np.array([[0.1, 0.9], [0.2, 0.8]]),)), (dist.multinomial, (10, np.array([0.1, 0.9]),)), (dist.multinomial, (10, np.array([[0.1, 0.9], [0.2, 0.8]]),)), ], ids=idfn) def test_discrete_with_logits(jax_dist, dist_args): rng = random.PRNGKey(0) logit_to_prob = np.log if isinstance(jax_dist, jax_multivariate) else logit logit_args = dist_args[:-1] + (logit_to_prob(dist_args[-1]),) actual_sample = jax_dist.rvs(*dist_args, random_state=rng) expected_sample = jax_dist(*logit_args, is_logits=True).rvs(random_state=rng) assert_allclose(actual_sample, expected_sample) actual_pmf = jax_dist.logpmf(actual_sample, *dist_args) expected_pmf = jax_dist(*logit_args, is_logits=True).logpmf(actual_sample) assert_allclose(actual_pmf, expected_pmf, rtol=1e-6)
import os import os.path as osp import sys import numpy.random import torch.nn from deltalogger.deltalogger import Deltalogger from reinforce_modules.utils import ConfusionGame, get_defense_visual_fool_model from utils.train_utils import StateCLEVR, ImageCLEVR_HDF5 sys.path.insert(0, osp.abspath('.')) import random import argparse from modules.embedder import * import seaborn as sns from reinforce_modules.policy_networks import Re1nforceTrainer, PolicyNet sns.set_style('darkgrid') def _print(something): print(something, flush=True) return def PolicyEvaluation(args, seed=1, logger=None): torch.manual_seed(seed) random.seed(seed) numpy.random.seed(seed) effective_range_name = 'all' BS = TRAIN_DURATION = args.train_duration if osp.exists(f'./results/experiment_reinforce_increasing_defense_{args.defense_level}'): pass else: os.mkdir(f'./results/experiment_reinforce_increasing_defense_{args.defense_level}') if args.backend == 'states': load_from = './results/experiment_rn/' else: load_from = './results/experiment_fp/' model, ( model_fool, resnet), val_dataloader, predictions_before_pre_calc, initial_example = get_defense_visual_fool_model( device=args.device, load_from=load_from, scenes_path=args.scenes_path, questions_path=args.questions_path, clvr_path=args.clvr_path, batch_size=BS, defense_level=args.defense_level) rl_game = ConfusionGame(testbed_model=model, confusion_model=model_fool, device='cuda', batch_size=BS, confusion_weight=args.confusion_weight, change_weight=args.change_weight, fail_weight=args.fail_weight, invalid_weight=args.invalid_weight, mode=args.mode, render=args.mode == 'visual', backend=args.backend) if args.backend == 'states': input_size = 512 elif args.backend == 'pixels': input_size = 256 else: raise ValueError(f"Backend must be [states/pixels] you entered: {args.backend}") model = PolicyNet(input_size=input_size, hidden_size=512, dropout=0.0, reverse_input=True) trainer = Re1nforceTrainer(model=model, game=rl_game, dataloader=val_dataloader, device=args.device,, train_duration=TRAIN_DURATION, batch_size=BS, name=effective_range_name, predictions_before_pre_calc=predictions_before_pre_calc, resnet=resnet, fool_model_name='Defense', initial_example=initial_example) best_drop, best_confusion = trainer.train(log_every=-1, save_every=100, logger=logger) return best_drop, best_confusion if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, help='cpu or cuda', default='cuda') parser.add_argument('--scenes_path', type=str, help='folder of scenes', default='data/') parser.add_argument('--questions_path', type=str, help='folder of questions', default='data/') parser.add_argument('--clvr_path', type=str, help='folder before images', default='data/') parser.add_argument('--use_cache', type=int, help='if to use cache (only in image clever)', default=0) parser.add_argument('--use_hdf5', type=int, help='if to use hdf5 loader', default=0) parser.add_argument('--confusion_weight', type=float, help='what kind of experiment to run', default=1) parser.add_argument('--change_weight', type=float, help='what kind of experiment to run', default=0.1) parser.add_argument('--fail_weight', type=float, help='what kind of experiment to run', default=-0.1) parser.add_argument('--invalid_weight', type=float, help='what kind of experiment to run', default=-0.8) parser.add_argument('--train_duration', type=int, help='what kind of experiment to run', default=30) parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, help='what kind of experiment to run', default=5e-4) parser.add_argument('--bs', type=int, help='what kind of experiment to run', default=10) parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, help='state | visual | imagenet', default='visual') parser.add_argument('--range', type=float, default=-1) parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=51) parser.add_argument('--repeat', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--backend', type=str, help='states or pixels', default='states') parser.add_argument('--defense_level', type=int, default=10) args = parser.parse_args() if args.backend == 'states': exp_name = 'DeltaDefense' elif args.backend == 'pixels': exp_name = 'DeltaDefensePixels' else: raise ValueError(f'Backend has to be one of states/pixels, you entered : {args.backend}') if args.repeat == 1: logger = Deltalogger(exp_name, run_tag=[args.defense_level, 0], dummy=True) _print(PolicyEvaluation(args, args.seed, logger=logger)) else: acc_drops = [] cons_drops = [] for seed in range(args.seed, args.repeat + args.seed): experiment_number = seed - args.seed logger = Deltalogger(exp_name, run_tag=[args.defense_level, experiment_number], dummy=False) a, c = PolicyEvaluation(args, seed, logger=logger) acc_drops.append(a) cons_drops.append(c) _print(f'Accuracy: Min: {min(acc_drops)}, Mean: {sum(acc_drops) / len(acc_drops)}, Max: {max(acc_drops)}') _print( f'Consistency: Min: {min(cons_drops)}, Mean: {sum(cons_drops) / len(cons_drops)}, Max: {max(cons_drops)}')
from django.conf import settings from django.urls import path, include from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter from import views # Create a router and register our viewsets with it. router = DefaultRouter() router.register(r"search", views.ProductDocumentView, basename="product_search") urlpatterns = [ path("", include(router.urls)), path("suggest/", views.ProductSuggestDocumentView.as_view(), name="product_suggest"), path("spire/<str:pk>/comment/", views.CommentView.as_view(), name="retrieve_spire_product_comment"), path("lite/<uuid:pk>/comment/", views.CommentView.as_view(), name="retrieve_lite_product_comment"), path("lite/<uuid:pk>/", views.RetrieveLiteProductView.as_view(), name="retrieve_lite_product"), path("more-like-this/<str:pk>/", views.MoreLikeThisView.as_view(), name="more_like_this"), path("more-like-this/<uuid:pk>/", views.MoreLikeThisView.as_view(), name="more_like_this"), ] if settings.ENABLE_SPIRE_SEARCH: urlpatterns += [ path("spire/<str:pk>/", views.RetrieveSpireProductView.as_view(), name="retrieve_spire_product"), ]
import copy import numpy as np # configure matplotlib for use without xserver import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_neuron_features(features, neurons): """ Gets neuron activations from activations specified by `neurons`. Args: features: numpy arraylike of shape `[n,d]` neurons: numpy arraylike of shape `[k]` (where k is the number of neuron activations to select) used to index neuron activations from `features`. `1<=neurons[i]<=d` for all `i` Returns: numpy arraylike of shape `[n,k]` """ return np.reshape(features[:,neurons], [len(features), -1]) def mask_neuron_weights(weights, neurons, inplace=False): """ Zero masks rows of weights specified by neurons Args: weights: numpy array like of shape `[d,num_classes]` neurons: 1D numpy array of shape `[k]`. `1<=neurons[i]<d` for all `i` inplace: Boolean specifying whether to mask `weights` in place in addition to returning masked_vals Returns: masked_vals: zero masked `weights` with mask specified by `neurons` """ mask = np.zeros_like(weights) mask[neurons,np.arange(mask.shape[-1])] = 1 masked_vals = weights*mask if inplace: weights[:] = masked_vals return masked_vals def get_masked_model(log_reg_model, top_neurons): masked_log_reg_model = copy.copy(log_reg_model) masked_log_reg_model.coef_ = mask_neuron_weights(masked_log_reg_model.coef_.T, top_neurons).T return masked_log_reg_model def get_top_k_neuron_weights(weights, k=1): """ Get's the indices of the top weights based on the l1 norm contributions of the weights based off of interpretation of (Radford et. al) Args: weights: numpy arraylike of shape `[d,num_classes]` k: integer specifying how many rows of weights to select Returns: k_indices: numpy arraylike of shape `[k]` specifying indices of the top k rows """ weight_penalties = np.squeeze(np.linalg.norm(weights, ord=1, axis=1)) if k == 1: k_indices = np.array([np.argmax(weight_penalties)]) elif k >= np.log(len(weight_penalties)): # runs O(nlogn) k_indices = np.argsort(weight_penalties)[-k:][::-1] else: # runs O(n+klogk) k_indices = np.argpartition(weight_penalties, -k)[-k:] k_indices = (k_indices[np.argsort(weight_penalties[k_indices])])[::-1] return k_indices def plot_logit_and_save(logits, labels, logit_index, name): """ Plots histogram (wrt to what label it is) of logit corresponding to logit_index. Saves plotted histogram to name. Args: logits: labels: logit_index: name: """ logit = logits[:,logit_index] plt.title('Distribution of Logit Values') plt.ylabel('# of logits per bin') plt.xlabel('Logit Value') plt.hist(logit[labels < .5], bins=25, alpha=0.5, label='neg') plt.hist(logit[labels >= .5], bins=25, alpha=0.5, label='pos') plt.legend() plt.savefig(name+'.png') plt.clf() def plot_weight_contribs_and_save(coef, name): plt.title('Values of Resulting L1 Penalized Weights') plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major') coef = normalize(coef) plt.plot(range(len(coef[0])), coef.T) plt.xlabel('Neuron (Feature) Index') plt.ylabel('Neuron (Feature) weight') plt.savefig(name) plt.clf() def normalize(coef): norm = np.linalg.norm(coef) coef = coef/norm return coef
''' Multiples of 3 and 5 ''' sum = 0 for i in range(1000): if i%3 == 0 or i%5 == 0: sum = sum + i print sum
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, gym, time # # Test yourself as a learning agent! Pass environment name as a command-line argument, for example: # # python SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 # import gym_game import pygame if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('Usage: python ENV_NAME CONFIG_FILE') sys.exit(-1) env_name = sys.argv[1] print('Making Gym[PyGame] environment:', env_name) config_file = sys.argv[2] print('Config file:', config_file) env = gym.make(env_name, config_file=config_file) sleep_time = 0.1 if not hasattr(env.action_space, 'n'): raise Exception('Keyboard agent only supports discrete action spaces') ACTIONS = env.action_space.n print("ACTIONS={}".format(ACTIONS)) print("Press keys 1 2 3 ... to take actions 1 2 3 ... etc.") print("No keys pressed is taking action 0") render_mode = 'human' # render_mode = 'rgb_array' env.use_wall_clock = True env.reset() #env.render(render_mode) def get_action(pressed_keys): action = None if pressed_keys[pygame.K_0] == 1: action = 0 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_1] == 1: action = 1 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_2] == 1: action = 2 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_3] == 1: action = 3 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_4] == 1: action = 4 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_5] == 1: action = 5 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_6] == 1: action = 6 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_7] == 1: action = 7 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_8] == 1: action = 8 elif pressed_keys[pygame.K_9] == 1: action = 9 if action is None: action = 0 return action def rollout(env): observation = env.reset() quit = False total_reward = 0 total_timesteps = 0 while 1: # Check for quit from user events = env.get_events() for event in events: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit = True print('Quit event') # Get selected action from user pressed_keys = env.get_keys_pressed() a = get_action(pressed_keys) # Update the environment observation, reward, done, info = env.step(a) total_timesteps += 1 total_reward += reward # print('Obs: ',str(observation)) # Render the new state img = env.render(mode=render_mode, close=quit) # Render the game # Handle quit request if quit: print('Quitting (truncating rollout)...') break if done: print('Episode (rollout) complete.') env.reset() break # Wait a short time time.sleep(sleep_time) print("Rollout summary: Timesteps %i Reward %0.2f" % (total_timesteps, total_reward)) return quit while 1: quit = rollout(env) if quit: break
import enum import re import string from typing import Text, List from xml.sax import saxutils import emoji from six import string_types from import Iterable from tklearn.preprocessing import TextPreprocessor __all__ = [ 'Normalize', 'TweetPreprocessor', ] @enum.unique class Normalize(enum.Enum): NONE = 0 ALL = 1 LINKS = 2 HASHTAGS = 3 MENTIONS = 4 IMAGES = 5 class TweetPreprocessor(TextPreprocessor): """ Preprocessor for Tweets. Instance of this class can be used to create a preprocessor for tour tweet data. Several options are provided and you might be using them according to your use case. """ RE_LINKS = re.compile(r'(https?://\S+)') RE_IMAGE_LINKS = re.compile(r'(\S+)') RE_MENTIONS = re.compile(r'(@[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,15})') RE_HASHTAGS = re.compile(r'(#\w+)') def __init__(self, normalize=Normalize.NONE, lowercase=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize `TweetPreprocessor` object. Parameters ---------- kwargs Parameters """ super(TweetPreprocessor, self).__init__() self.normalize = [] self.lowercase = lowercase if normalize == Normalize.ALL: self.normalize = [ Normalize.LINKS, Normalize.HASHTAGS, Normalize.MENTIONS, Normalize.IMAGES, ] elif (normalize != Normalize.NONE) and isinstance(normalize, Iterable): for item in normalize: if isinstance(item, string_types): if not item.endswith('s'): item = '{}s'.format(item) item = Normalize[item.upper()] self.normalize.append(item) @staticmethod def _replace(s: List[Text], old: Text, new: Text) -> List[Text]: return [new if x == old else x for x in s if x.strip() != ''] def preprocess(self, s: Text) -> Text: """ Preprocess the input text. Expected input is a Tweet text. Parameters ---------- s Input Tweet text. Returns ------- Preprocessed tweet. """ s = self._clean_tweet(s) if Normalize.LINKS in self.normalize: s = self.RE_LINKS.sub('<link>', s) if Normalize.IMAGES in self.normalize: s = self.RE_IMAGE_LINKS.sub('<image>', s) if Normalize.HASHTAGS in self.normalize: s = self.RE_HASHTAGS.sub('<hashtag>', s) if Normalize.MENTIONS in self.normalize: s = self.RE_MENTIONS.sub('<mention>', s) tokens = s.split() for ns in self.normalize: if isinstance(ns, str): pass elif isinstance(ns, tuple): assert len(ns) == 2, \ 'Required a tuple of size 2 indicating (new_word, old_words) values for the normalization.' assert isinstance(ns[1], list), \ 'Required a list of old values to replace with the new value.' for n in ns[1]: tokens = self._replace(tokens, n, ns[0]) if self.lowercase: return ' '.join(tokens).lower() else: return ' '.join(tokens) @staticmethod def _clean_tweet(x): """ Cleans a given text (tweet) while keeping important characters. Parameters ---------- x Input String. Returns ------- Cleaned Text. """ x = saxutils.unescape(x) x = x.replace('\xa0', ' ') x = emoji.demojize(x) x = ''.join(filter(lambda item: item in set(string.printable), x)) x = emoji.emojize(x) return x
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template from flask_cors import CORS import math import pickle app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) uniq_fire_date = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] uniq_county = ['No Data', 'Skamania', 'Cowlitz', 'Thurston', 'Okanogan', 'Pacific', 'Clark', 'Columbia', 'Grays Harbor', 'Adams', 'Benton', 'Asotin', 'Stevens', 'Chelan', 'Klickitat', 'King', 'Lewis', 'Douglas', 'Franklin', 'Jefferson', 'San Juan', 'Kittitas', 'Garfield', 'Grant', 'Pierce', 'Wahkiakum', 'Ferry', 'Clallam', 'Spokane', 'Mason', 'Skagit', 'Pend Oreille', 'Walla Walla', 'Whatcom', 'Kitsap', 'Lincoln', 'Island', 'Snohomish', 'Yakima', 'Whitman'] uniq_cause = ['Smoker', 'Miscellaneou', 'Under Invest', 'Logging', 'Debris Burn', 'Undetermined', 'Recreation', 'Railroad', 'Lightning', 'Children', 'Arson', 'None'] uniq_binlat = [1, 2, 3, 4] uniq_binlon = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] uniq_binacres = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # def binLat(lat): # print(lat) # if lat > 48: # return 1 # elif 48 >= lat > 47: # return 2 # elif 47 >= lat > 46: # return 3 # elif 46 >= lat > 45: # return 4 # else: # return 5 # def binLon(lon): # if lon < -124: # return 1 # elif -124 <= lon < -123: # return 2 # elif -123 <= lon < -122: # return 3 # elif -122 <= lon < -121: # return 4 # elif -121 <= lon < -120: # return 5 # elif -120 <= lon < -119: # return 6 # elif -119 <= lon < -118: # return 7 # else: # return 8 def unBinAcres(acres_binned): if acres_binned == 1: return "0-2" elif acres_binned == 2: return "2-10" elif acres_binned == 3: return "10-50" elif acres_binned == 4: return "50-100" elif acres_binned == 5: return "100-500" elif acres_binned == 6: return "500-2000" elif acres_binned == 7: return "2000-10000" elif acres_binned == 8: return "10000-50000" elif acres_binned == 9: return "50000-300000" else: return "Failure to Compute..." def acres_to_circle_radius_in_miles(acres): sqft = acres * 43560 radius = math.sqrt(sqft / math.pi) return radius / 5280 @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def main_route(): return render_template('index.html', mth=uniq_fire_date, cnt=uniq_county, cau=uniq_cause, lat=uniq_binlat, lon=uniq_binlon, acr=uniq_binacres) @app.route('/api/predict', methods=["GET"]) def return_prediction(): acres = 10000 cause = request.args.get("cause", "") county = request.args.get("county", "") fire_date = request.args.get("month", "") lat = request.args.get("binlat", "") lon = request.args.get("binlon", "") # lat = binLat(float(lat)) # lon = binLon(float(lon)) instance = [fire_date, county, cause, lat, lon] infile = open("trees.p", "rb") best_trees = pickle.load(infile) infile.close() prediction = predict_acres([instance], best_trees) print(prediction) if prediction is not None: acres_binned = prediction[0] result = {"prediction": unBinAcres(acres_binned)} return jsonify(result), 200 else: # failure!! return "Error making prediction", 400 def predict_acres(X_test, best_trees): header = [] predictions = [] for i in range(0, len(X_test[0])): header.append("att" + str(i)) for instance in X_test: tree_predictions = {} for tree in best_trees: temp = tree['tree'] prediction = tdidt_predict(header, tree['tree'], instance) if prediction in tree_predictions: tree_predictions[prediction] += 1 else: tree_predictions[prediction] = 1 max_key = max(tree_predictions, key = tree_predictions.get) predictions.append(max_key) return predictions def tdidt_predict(header, tree, instance): info_type = tree[0] if info_type == "Attribute": attribute_index = header.index(tree[1]) instance_value = instance[attribute_index] # now I need to find which "edge" to follow recursively for i in range(2, len(tree)): value_list = tree[i] if value_list[1] == instance_value: # we have a match!! recurse!! return tdidt_predict(header, value_list[2], instance) else: # "Leaf" return tree[1] # leaf class label if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8888)
def mallow(y, y_pred, y_sub, k, p): """ Return an mallows Cp score for a model. Input: y: array-like of shape = (n_samples) including values of observed y y_pred: vector including values of predicted y k: int number of predictive variable(s) used in the model p: int number of predictive variable(s) used in the sub model Output: mallow_score: int or float Mallows Cp score of the model and sub model Raise InputError if k is less than p. Raise InputError if y , y_sub and y_pred are not in same length. Raise InputError if length(y) <= 1, length(y_sub)<=1, or length(y_pred) <= 1. Raise TypeError if y , y_sub and y_pred are not vector. Raise TypeError if p is not int. Raise InputError if p < 0. Raise TypeError if k is not int. Raise InputError if k < 0. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd if k<p: raise ValueError("number of predictive variable(s) used in the model must larger than in subset model") if len(y)!=len(y_sub) or len(y_sub)!=len(y_pred) or len(y)!= len(y_pred): raise ValueError("The length of observed y, predicted y, and predicted y in subset model must be same") if len(y)<=1 or len(y_sub)<=1 or len(y)<=1: raise ValueError("The length of observed y, predicted y, and predicted y in subset model must be larger than 1") if isinstance(y, (np.ndarray, list, tuple, pd.core.series.Series)) == False or isinstance(y_pred, (np.ndarray, list, tuple, pd.core.series.Series)) == False: raise TypeError("The observed y, predicted y, and predicted y in subset model must be array-like shape (e.g. array, list, tuple, data column)") else: for i in y: for j in y_pred: if isinstance(i, (int, float)) != True or isinstance(j, (int, float)) != True: raise TypeError("The observed y, predicted y, and predicted y in subset model must be numeric elements") if isinstance(p,int) !=True or isinstance(k,int)!=True: raise TypeError("The number of predictive variable(s) used in the sub model must be integer") if p<=0 or k<=0: raise Exception("The number of predictive variable(s) used in the sub model must be positive") if isinstance(y,list)==True: y=np.array(y) if isinstance(y_sub,list)==True: y_sub=np.array(y_sub) if isinstance(y_pred,list)==True: y_pred=np.array(y_pred) SSE_p=np.sum((y-y_sub)**2) MSE= np.sum((y-y_pred)**2)/(len(y)-k) mallowcp=SSE_p/MSE-len(y)+2*p return mallowcp