Fantasy Book Critic: Spotlight on January Books
Fantasy Book Critic: Spotlight on January Books This month we are featuring 24 books. There are more than twice as many new sff and related releases this month in traditional publishing not to speak of the countless indies from Amazon and Smashwords but we are limiting ourselves to books that will be reviewed here or are similar with such. For the full schedule of January 2012 titles known to us, you can consult the Upcoming Releases page. “The Man Who Rained” by Ali Shaw. UK Release Date: January 1, 2012. Published by Atlantic. (SF/FAN). “Seven Princes” by John R. Fultz. Release Date: January 3, 2012. Published by
David Waugh Winner, Best New Teacher in a Secondary School, 1999 - Pearson Teaching Awards
David Waugh Winner, Best New Teacher in a Secondary School, 1999 - Pearson Teaching Awards is by far the greatest challenge and barrier that our young people face. Self-worth, resilience and confidence are the key areas for focus. Social media can be a very powerful learning tool. It depends on who is using it and for what reasons. It is the root cause of a great deal of bullying between students. It also has a hugely negative impact on the morale of the teaching profession. There is not one moment specifically, but my career is filled with such wonderful moments…winning the award was a recognition of the great work of the students I was teaching
sunflowers | The Desert Path
sunflowers | The Desert Path depicted with Apollo Grannus or Apollo Borvo. She was particularly worshipped by the Treveri in the Moselle Valley. Read more…. MNN: 19 weird and wonderful turtle and tortoise species It’s not hard to love turtles and tortoises. They’re often cute in their own weird, sometimes freaky way and always fascinating. But despite how much we think we know about these reptiles, many species can take us by surprise with particularly strange adaptations and remarkable abilities. Here, we celebrate many species of strange and adorable turtles and tortoises. EarthSky News: 2019’s closest far-moon on May 26 On May 26,
A View from the Beach: If You Want to Know About the Democratic Debates
A View from the Beach: If You Want to Know About the Democratic Debates chance of beating Trump? If the system is broken, you can’t fix it with someone from inside the system. I can’t get inside the minds of Democrat primary voters, but there’s actual evidence that Williamson caught people’s attention: She was the most-searched candidate on Google after Thursday’s debate. Here’s a video clip of her debate highlights: Labels: debates, medicare, politics
May | 2008 | Life as we know it
May | 2008 | Life as we know it decide its done after six miles! But really, I know that won’t happen. I did multiple runs of 10 miles or more, some of them several weeks apart. My body didn’t stop. And I’m sure whoever came up with any of the multiple marathon and half marathon training programs is smarter than me. People have been training this way long before I started running. There’s obviously merit to the taper. Unfortunately that doesn’t stop the crazy thoughts rolling around in my head! Doug and I went to the race expo today to pick up my race number, chip, T-shirt and
No Other Gospel | thegreatprivilege
No Other Gospel | thegreatprivilege you still have honest questions, leave a comment and perhaps we can shed more light or point you in the right direction for a satisfactory answer.
HEALTH PLANS/TECHNOLOGY: AHIP impressed with itself yet again, with UPDATE – The Health Care Blog
HEALTH PLANS/TECHNOLOGY: AHIP impressed with itself yet again, with UPDATE – The Health Care Blog Long term THCB readers will know the the term “AHIP report” tends to put me in a just a little bit of a tizzy, given the generally shoddy “research” they’ve been foisting on those of us who bother to read the PR wires. For that matter the mention of AHIP’s President’s name tends to drive me equally bat-shit, given the tissue of half-truths, crass ill-informed generalizations and self-serving platitudes that tend to emerge from any document with “Ignagni” as author. And it looks like they’ve done it again. You may believe that America’s health plans aren’t exactly hotbeds of delightful
An Obamacare November Surprise? – The Health Care Blog
An Obamacare November Surprise? – The Health Care Blog was one of the three “market stabilization” programs that it used to entice insurers to cover the new exchange populations for which there was NO DATA. This is described in Modern Healthcare’s article, “Feds Short Insurers $2.5 Billion on Exchange Plan Losses.” The risk corridor program was to limit how much money an insurer could lose (or gain) on its exchange plans. Mind you, there were political issues here, with a Republican Congress and Candidate Rubio calling this a “bailout.” But a deal is a deal. And this was a significant contributor to the tanking of many co-ops. And some
Podcast Episode #54 – Building Your Legacy in Real Estate with Glenn McQueenie and Jhannell Edwards – Glenn McQueenie
Podcast Episode #54 – Building Your Legacy in Real Estate with Glenn McQueenie and Jhannell Edwards – Glenn McQueenie create your own real estate investment trust that would then run the whole operation, right? Now you corporate structure the thing, and now you might have 25 properties with 25 shareholders. And now you’ve got a real estate investment trust for the rest of your life. Jhannell: Awesome! Brilliant! Jhannell: Yeah, it would be fun! However, I am so curious to know, how would you suggest I now begin my marketing strategy to find these women who are willing to joint venture? It would be great if you know each other already, but in circumstances where you potentially may not
Podcast Episode #54 – Building Your Legacy in Real Estate with Glenn McQueenie and Jhannell Edwards – Glenn McQueenie
Podcast Episode #54 – Building Your Legacy in Real Estate with Glenn McQueenie and Jhannell Edwards – Glenn McQueenie of content creation and content marketing, but it’s useless unless you’re going to put some type of offer for them to reach out. Maybe they reach out to you to go on a tour. Maybe they reach out to you to meet up for a coffee at Starbucks. Maybe they join you for the Women’s Investment Network webinar that you record, and then they can listen to it at any time. Jhannell: Oh, I love it! Jhannell: Absolutely. And then I do know, with Facebook, the next biggest thing (or the biggest thing right now) is, of course, creating Facebook
WikiLeaks | SO IT GOES - John Fleming's blog
WikiLeaks | SO IT GOES - John Fleming's blog other. I didn’t have full coverage. It wasn’t as if I was officially working for the East German secret service. I was working for the Network but the complete implications of that were uncertain. I knew my network was handled by part of a section of East Germany’s security system and was linked to the Soviet Union, but things had changed when Erich Apel ‘committed suicide’ in 1965. When Apel was made to die in 1965, it sent a signal to all marginal people like me. Apel had been one of the masterminds and controllers of our subversion operation and
LGBTIQ Archive - The Good. The Bad. The Asinine.
LGBTIQ Archive - The Good. The Bad. The Asinine. Even if it leaves them exactly where they were before, playing soccer and believing a child should be raised by their mother and father, I’m pretty sure they all stand around during games thinking about children not being raised by their mothers and fathers instead of thinking about whether they’re in an off-side position, and it will make them sad to think that the governing body wants to change the definition of marriage, and much sadder than the thousands of gay, trans and intersex players who stay in the closet because they think the governing body and society in general
The Long and The Short Of It — 38. Priorities
The Long and The Short Of It — 38. Priorities actually get there that is more important than whether, than whether or not you actually get there - I think this process of asking yourself what your priorities are and asking yourself what's important to you and what are you willing to make space for is probably more important than the things on your to-do list themselves. And when life throws you an opportunity that you never saw coming, of course you want to have the flexibility and agility to say "yes" to something that wasn't previously part of your priority because you didn't know that it was coming. And
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017 their bigger worry should be the growing number of progressives who consider Israel lobby attacks a mark in favour of a politician. Russia: Answering Western Propagandists Lavrov Gives Quick History Lesson to Journalist Who Suggests Russia Has Violated NATO's Trust by Russia Insider Russia's Foreign Minister gives misinformed journalist an earful Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov regularly crosses swords with journalists, television pundits and other parasites. It's never a fair fight—but is that really Lavrov's fault? Nein. What we find so endearing about Sergey is that he's not your typical diplomat who mutters something incoherent and then pulls the fire
Global guidance: the evolution of college counselling
Global guidance: the evolution of college counselling right for the school, but it’s the counsellor's job to see if that school is right for the kid" This figure dropped to just 28 per cent in public schools – where resources are limited at best – and staff members are often required to juggle a variety of different tasks. “Most of these counsellors have extensive experience in international education” And while the number of college counsellors working in schools around the globe varies greatly, across China, India, and the Middle East where a US education is held in high esteem, school-based college counsellors employed solely to help students
Global guidance: the evolution of college counselling
Global guidance: the evolution of college counselling counsellor and most that don’t are now moving into that space, because they know the counsellor will bring a level of expertise and ‘handholding’, which is very important in Indian culture,” he says, adding that he now plans to create a similar business model in the Middle East. But given the competitive nature of the modern academic environment, coupled with the increasing stress and societal pressures young people are facing, few school-based college counsellors around the globe would say their job is solely focused on helping their final year students select a suitable institution and navigate its application process. It’s
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017 can only be dissuaded by knowing his loved ones will suffer harsh retribution. Or put another way, Israel is prepared to use any means to crush the motivation of Palestinians to resist its brutal, five-decade occupation. All evidence, however, indicates that when people reach breaking-point, and are willing to die in the fight against their oppressors, they give little thought to the consequences for their families. That was the conclusion of an investigation by the Israeli army more than a decade ago. In truth, Israel knows its policy is futile. It is not deterring attacks, but instead engaging in complex
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017 displacement activity. Ever-more sadistic forms of revenge shore up a collective and historic sense of Jewish victimhood while deflecting Israelis’ attention from the reality that their country is a brutal colonial settler state. If that verdict seems harsh, consider a newly published study into the effects on operators of using drones to carry out extrajudicial executions, in which civilians are often killed as “collateral damage”. A US survey found pilots who remotely fly drones soon develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress from inflicting so much death and destruction. The Israeli army replicated the study after its pilots operated drones over Gaza
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017 another potential kind of apocalypse, however, we’re not even willing to take the simplest actions. Quite the opposite, when it comes to climate change -- what we used to call “the weather” and now “extreme weather” -- our new president and his crew are unlocking doors everywhere and welcoming doomsday to take up residence in our land, our streets, our houses. Tom Preparing for Doomsday: A Shelter-in-Place Mentality Is the New American Normal The E-4B and its crew of up to 112 stand ready, as STRATCOM puts it, to enable America’s leaders to “employ” its “global strike forces” because... well,
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017 our mountain couldn’t be sent aloft. My tour of duty lasted three years (1985-1988), the specifics of which I’ve mostly forgotten. But what you don’t forget -- believe me, you can’t -- is the odd feeling of having 2,000 feet of granite towering over you; of seeing buildings mounted on huge springs intended to dampen the shock and swaying caused by a nuclear detonation; of looking at those huge blast doors that cut you and the command center off from the rest of humanity (and nature, too), theoretically allowing us the option both of orchestrating and surviving doomsday. I sometimes
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017 Let’s bury them under all that granite. Let’s close the blast doors behind us as we walk out of that dark tunnel toward the light. For sheltering in place shouldn’t be the American way. Nor should we lock ourselves down for life. It would be so much better to lockdown instead what should be truly unthinkable: doomsday itself, the mass murder of ourselves and the destruction of our planet. A retired lieutenant colonel (USAF) and history professor, William Astore is a TomDispatch regular. He blogs at Bracing Views. Majority Wrongs: A Canadian Media Lynching of Omar Khadr Omar Khadr: The
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017
Gorilla Radio blog: July 09, 2017 majority isn’t always right by Toula Drimonis, The Rule of Law - The Ricochet So what if 71 per cent of Canadians don’t support the Khadr settlement? According to those who oppose it, the government’s decision to settle out of court was wrong and hasty. The image of our Prime Minister “handing out” a significant “payout” to a “terrorist” circulated in a few editorial cartoons and was evoked by more than a few politicians and pundits. The truth is far from those damaging optics. The Canadian government didn’t willingly “hand out” anything. Omar Khadr, who as a child had been
Voice of God, Voice of Man :: YouVersion Event
Voice of God, Voice of Man :: YouVersion Event they kept their sense of distinction between God's voice and man's voice. You can tell a godly leader - not by how good a speaker he is, or how authoritatively (or loud) he speaks, or by how large the crowd is that follows him - the measure of success for a godly leader is how much they follow God! How do they refer back to God? What is their humility in regards to God? They didn't have the benefit of the Bible then as we have it now, but I would add here: How much / often do they teach
Aluminium Windows & Doors Sussex | Britannic Bi-Folds, Free Quotes
Aluminium Windows & Doors Sussex | Britannic Bi-Folds, Free Quotes to ensure that continues. Stunning Range We are proud of our beautiful and extensive range of Aluminium Bi-Fold Doors, Residential Doors and Windows. We are sure that we have the right product to suit you and your property. Our aluminium double glazing products are available in a vast array of colours and finishes, with a choice of handles and accessories, meaning that your final product will be truly bespoke. We offer free, no obligation quotes, meaning that you can get a price tailored to suit your needs with no commitment. Contact us today! Our products, manufactured by Origin, come with
17th Century | The British Association of Urological Surgeons Limited
17th Century | The British Association of Urological Surgeons Limited Urologically, this was the era of "travelling lithotomists" who toured the country removing bladder stones through incisions in the perineum without any form of anaesthesia (pictured). Lithotomists of this era included Thomas Hollier who, in 1662, operated on the diarist Samuel Pepys to remove his stone. Pepys was one of the lucky ones - few patients survived this procedure and those that did often suffered from incontinence due to sphincter damage and/or a urinary fistula. bladder stones four humors leeches lithotomy maggots microscope Sydenham thermometer William Harvey
Presentation skills
Presentation skills the soft stuff too, remember! The issue is that you almost certainly think of a presentation as something you do. It isn’t. A presentation is something you do so that… And there’s the rub. The vast majority of presentations are designed (badly?) to do things like “explain the new insurance policy”. What you should be doing is a presentation to “get everyone on board with the new insurance policy and using it”. Of course that means they have to know what it is, but knowing what it is isn’t the end game - it’s just means, not an end. That’s
Presentation skills
Presentation skills the key thing - presentations are a means, not an end. And if your presentation is all wrapped up in the wrong things wrong thing like that, how can you hope to make it work? It’s like giving your car a bigger engine. Good idea, right? Nope. What you mean is Giving your car a bigger engine so it goes faster. The last bit of that sentence is the killer for most leaders. By now the penny’s either dropped or you’re thinking you’re wasting your time to read on, but even if you agree with me (of course, you’re entirely
Presentation skills
Presentation skills at liberty to be wrong) but the key question now is what you can do about it. To be honest, the answer is surprisingly simple - even embarrassingly so. For a start, just by being aware of the problem you’re well on course to sorting it out. Start by asking yourself “what change is the presentation supposed to make happen?”. Then follow it up with “How will I know when this has been achieved?” and the often-overlooked “What’s the cost-benefit situation?”. In other words, know what you’re trying to change, how you’ll know you’ve managed it and how much effort/time/money
Binghamton University - Chris Lynn
Binghamton University - Chris Lynn ritual, and recreation. He has worked in Costa Rica, the U.S., and American Samoa. He is editor of Evolution Education in the American South: Culture, Politics, and Resources in and Around Alabama (Palgrave Macmillan 2017) and has published in Anthropology of Consciousness, Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, Evolutionary Psychology, Religion, Brain and Behavior, Anthropology Now, Journal of Cognition and Culture, Ethos, Annals of Anthropological Practice, and American Journal of Human Biology. David Sloan Wilson, Director Susan Ryan, Program Coordinator evos @
What to Do If You Suffer a Head Injury — California Injury Blog — January 11, 2011
What to Do If You Suffer a Head Injury — California Injury Blog — January 11, 2011 have an associated spinal injuries so you want to take precautions when dealing with the person. If they are unconscious and you are able, stabilize their head in line with their back. Prevent choking. After a traumatic brain injury it is not uncommon for victims to vomit and put themselves in danger of choking on their own fluids. Try to move their head, neck, and body as one. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious head injury, call a Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys Los Angeles traumatic brain injury lawyer for a free professional evaluation of your
William Thomas Burrows - Takodah YMCA
William Thomas Burrows - Takodah YMCA enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; so help me God. Bill was immediately was notified he would be deploying overseas to combat operations in the European theater of the war. 2Lt. William Thomas Burrows, Jr., Navigator, United States Army Air Forces After briefly being sent to Drew Airfield in Tampa, Florida, for replacement processing and training, he
William Thomas Burrows - Takodah YMCA
William Thomas Burrows - Takodah YMCA spent a furlough with his parents at home in Walpole from September 2-9. During that time, he caught up on his rest, ate some homecooked meals, and enjoyed just being a small-town boy, even if only for a short time. He and his parents spent many hours talking about his training and, soon enough, he revealed that he would soon be deployed for war duty. William and Edna shared their outward pride for his accomplishments and willingness to serve his country and yet they were quietly concerned about the risks faced by their first-born son. While they did not know
William Thomas Burrows - Takodah YMCA
William Thomas Burrows - Takodah YMCA General William “Billy” Mitchell, also believed bombers could attack enemy ships far out to sea, preventing any invasion and reducing the need for a Navy, which might increase Congressional funding for the AAF. B-17G performing at the 2014 Chino Airshow With those strategic and budgeting ideas in mind, the AAF began building larger bombers in the for use in a future war. The era was one of rapid technological change, especially in aerodynamic engineering and engine technology. The B-17 was actually an old design, originally drawn in 1934, but much improved as technology and experience allowed. Equipped with four modern
William Thomas Burrows - Takodah YMCA
William Thomas Burrows - Takodah YMCA I wish to extend our sincere sympathy. The task of the Eighth Air Force is one of vital important. If we do our job well., the War will be noticeably shorted. William was buried in an American Military Cemetery. It is located in a lovely part of the country. I conducted the service which was simple but dignified and appropriate. Christmas for the Burrows family would never be the same again. They were devastated. But, the news kept coming. On 3 January 1945 a “Casualty Message Telegram” was delivered to his mother. The Secretary of War desires me to express
Camping Atlantique, Angles, Vendee, France | Canvas Holidays
Camping Atlantique, Angles, Vendee, France | Canvas Holidays Close to the seaside resort of la-Tranche-sur-Mer, this pine forest campsite has a great pool complex. Superb pool complex Near to La-Tranche-sur-Mer 3 miles from the beach Overview of Atlantique Set near a pine forest, Camping Atlantique is located in Angles, close to the renowned seaside resort of La-Tranche-sur-Mer. The campsite features a superb pool complex with a heated indoor pool, an outdoor swimming pool, a children’s pool, water slides and a Jacuzzi. There’s plenty of on-site activities available to keep the children happy including a sports grounds for playing volleyball or football as well as a games room, boules
Print Page - Jurors in Bill Cosby's trial say they are deadlocked
Print Page - Jurors in Bill Cosby's trial say they are deadlocked emotional reaction by a jury than to parade a stream of other women accusing Cosby of having inappropriate sexual contact with them," defense lawyers wrote in court papers. ( They have also raised numerous other issues, including that O'Neill should not have allowed the jury to hear Cosby's testimony in a previous civil case admitting he had given Quaaludes, a sedative, to women in the 1970s with whom he wanted to have sex. (
Amerikansk påverkan på svensk nyhetsmedia - en studie av två svenska tidningar vid Irakkrigets början
Amerikansk påverkan på svensk nyhetsmedia - en studie av två svenska tidningar vid Irakkrigets början the newspapers sources? Is there a majority of articles supporting the matter of the USA? Does “Aftonbladet” distinguish from “Dagens Nyheter” in the above mentioned questions? The analysis has been accomplished both in a qualitative and a quantitative way as well as headlines, introduction, pictures and captions concerning the Iraqi War. We have found that the War is reported clinical and bloodless. It brings to mind that the War is described in terms of performing surgery. Not much is mentioned about people being hurt in connection with the bombing. A constant feature of reporting is that the USA is more
Amerikansk påverkan på svensk nyhetsmedia - en studie av två svenska tidningar vid Irakkrigets början
Amerikansk påverkan på svensk nyhetsmedia - en studie av två svenska tidningar vid Irakkrigets början positively described than Iraq. This can be seen in the pictures the newspapers have chosen to publish, but also in choice of words and phrases. The American photo-departments are in majority. Few of all articles in “Aftonbladet” and “Dagens Nyheter” was made in Iraq. A great deal of our analysed material was produced by reporters living in other parts of the world. “Aftonbladet” had at the beginning of our analysis given the greater part of its material an American angle. “Dagens Nyheter” was more balanced during the whole period. The conclusion we have come to is that the American interests
Amerikansk påverkan på svensk nyhetsmedia - en studie av två svenska tidningar vid Irakkrigets början
Amerikansk påverkan på svensk nyhetsmedia - en studie av två svenska tidningar vid Irakkrigets början have an effect on what is reported in Swedish media. Herbert I Schiller’s thoughts and theories from the 1970’s also have some relevance in our time.
Commerce and industry | Kew Historical Society
Commerce and industry | Kew Historical Society High Street. Read more … Glass’s Creek Pound (PDF, 86Kb). The Skinny Dog Hotel, known for most of its existence as the Greyhound Hotel, was built sometime between 1873 and 1874. It is, together with the Hotel Kew (Clifton Hotel) and the Harp of Erin, one of three survivors. Read more … Greyhound Hotel (PDF, 109 Kb). Jellis’ Bakeries In 1947, a fire destroyed the upper storey of Jellis’ Bakeries in Princess Street, Kew. An article in The Argus describes the fire; the number of customers supplied with bread by the bakery (4,000); and lists the Bakeries’ other outlets in
Omega V8 - The Corvette-Powered Opel That Almost Was A Thing #blogpost
Omega V8 - The Corvette-Powered Opel That Almost Was A Thing #blogpost scrapped and the Opel Omega would remain the last car Opel has dropped a V8 into to this day. More Opel posts
The Prophet (Vintage International) (Paperback) | Changing Hands Bookstore
The Prophet (Vintage International) (Paperback) | Changing Hands Bookstore One of the most beloved spiritual classics of our time, Gibran’s masterpiece, The Prophet, has sold millions of copies in more than forty languages since it was first published in 1923. The Prophet contains powerful words of wisdom on such essential subjects as marriage, children, friendship, work, and pleasure—words that readers from around the world have found inspirational and life-changing. A poet, artist, and mystic, Gibran was born to a poor Christian family in Lebanon and emigrated to the United States as an adolescent, where he began studying art. The twenty-eight poetic essays collected in The Prophet are illustrated with
Accretive CEO to seek relisting as it rebuilds - Chicago Tribune
Accretive CEO to seek relisting as it rebuilds - Chicago Tribune 2015 reports, which Rizk said will be midyear. The most recent financials were delayed because the company poured resources into completing earnings restatements for 2011 through 2013. "We've built a company that is ready to scale," said Rizk, who took the CEO post in July after serving as president of McKesson Health Solutions. "It's not like when we were going through this restatement for seven months that that's all we did. I would say the biggest focus that I had was to actually make sure that our operational infrastructure is solid, that our technological infrastructure is up to scale.'' Accretive's
ChooseATL parks and trails connects dozens of Atlanta neighborhoods.
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers a fantastic motivator. His sessions are varied, very friendly (great banter!) & everyone can work at a level that suits them, so whether you're new or an old timer you're able to work at a level that suits you, obviously with the encouragement of Pete! Thank you for keeping us fit & making it fun! Alison Y In 2014. after a previous gruelling year having surgery and chemotherapy to treat breast cancer, I was aware that I needed to take positive steps to look after my health and restore my sense of well being. I have never been particularly fit
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers or active and my previous attempts to take up exercise had been half hearted and short lived. I contacted Pete to see if he was prepared to work with me and was encouraged by his positive response. We have been working together since July 2014 and I have no hesitation in saying that it has been one of the best investments of time and money that I have ever made. Any worries that I had about feeling self conscious and/ or inadequate were put to rest very quickly since Pete is always immensely encouraging and supportive . He is also
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers very knowledgeable and observant and his suggestions on posture and movement have made such a positive difference to my everyday life. The sessions themselves, whilst they can be challenging, are never boring, since Pete structures each one differently. We work hard and we have fun. And like a skilled midwife Pete knows when to hold back and when to push! The work that I have done with Pete has been such an important part of strengthening my commitment to look after my physical and mental well being. My energy levels, my strength and my flexibility have all improved and my
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers confidence in my ability to sustain this improvement is growing. I know that I could not and would not have achieved this without Pete's professional and personal help and support. Celia R I have been going to Lateral Fitness circuits for over a year now. Circuits is a good full body workout as well as aerobic and good for keeping the weight down. Pete, who runs the sessions, as well as knowledgeable on physiology and the correct use of exercise equipment, is also a good motivator. He doesn't allow clients to be lazy and will push you hard, but that's
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers
Lateral Fitness, Pete James & Roxana Mendiblez-James - some words from satisfied customers exactly what you need from a good circuits session, 'no pain, no gain'. Once Pete has inflicted the 'pain', you can always book in to Roxy (his wife) to be fixed again. Roxy is a trained sports masseur and did a good job of relieving a sports injury (not Pete's fault this time). Pete runs several sessions during the week and his classes have become very popular. I thinks it's Pete's mission to get the whole village of Atworth fitter. He runs adults classes and youth sessions too. Pete's workouts - brilliant! His calm, patient and encouraging approach gets the
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Resumes Operations in New England, Mid-Atlantic Regions | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Resumes Operations in New England, Mid-Atlantic Regions | U.S. Customs and Border Protection of the trade community should continue to monitor for updates on port operations and on CBP's efforts to minimize disruptions. Airline and cruise ship passengers are encouraged to check their carrier's website or travel agents for more information. Please visit CBP's Hurricane Sandy webpage continuing updates of CBP response and business resumption efforts following Hurricane Sandy.
CDC Federal Credit Union - Blog
CDC Federal Credit Union - Blog at least technology-aided, schooling.
17 | June | 2014 | LibertyVoter.Org
17 | June | 2014 | LibertyVoter.Org massively out-gunned. It is not better strategy or the alleged razor-sharp efficiency of well-trained forces. It is, in fact, the air support, drones, armored vehicles, limitless ammunition, limitless gasoline, and overwhelming wealth of the military that makes military operations far less deadly for American soldiers than for anyone else. This in turn makes endless militarism more politically palatable because it keeps casualties, even in full-blown wars, so relatively low. The fact that it is all made possible by the the American worker, who slaves away at his humdrum job to send a third of his income to the feds, is
17 | June | 2014 | LibertyVoter.Org
17 | June | 2014 | LibertyVoter.Org of course totally ignored on Memorial Day, Veterans …read more Lew Rockwell on the Military Domination of the American Mind Tom Woods writes: Lew and I spoke on my show again today, this time focusing primarily on war, the military culture in American society, state propaganda, and other juicy topics. Click here for the audio of the show, and below is the show on YouTube. (N.b.: My last public event before heading to the Mises Institute for the summer Mises University program is this Thursday in St. Paul, Minnesota.) Legislators Amend Medical Marijuana Bill to Address Concerns of Gov. Cuomo
17 | June | 2014 | LibertyVoter.Org
17 | June | 2014 | LibertyVoter.Org of Americans were justifiably stunned and angry at how they had been misled and by the degree to which their privacy rights had been routinely violated. Inflated claims about the program’s value have burst under public scrutiny, and there is now a groundswell of public support for reform. Benjamin Franklin once warned that a society that trades essential liberties for short-term security risks losing both. That is still true today, and even the staunchest defenders of mass surveillance concede that reforms are inevitable. The debate over exactly what reforms should be made is likely to continue for …read more U.S.
Words 2012 | Coach Aina Love
Words 2012 | Coach Aina Love You are always supported. Knowing that, even when life isn't as you would desire it to be, you are exactly where you need to be, doing and experiencing exactly what you need to experience to move you to the next place, phase, level of your existence is where you may need to start shifting your viewpoint. Your feeling of security and safety, when taken from the outside world, is always tentative. When you find that security and safety from within it is untouchable. You will be able to take on any sunny day or perfect storm feeling as ok as
The Job of the Comic Book Editor | Mark Waid
The Job of the Comic Book Editor | Mark Waid to how they respond, negotiate the best fix if theirs is different, politic it out if they don’t acknowledge a problem, and be ready to dismiss your concern if they make a good case that they’re right and you’re wrong, because if you’re working with talented folks, that will happen. For years, I had a very good editor with one infamous trait: his bomb sights were off by about five pages. Without fail, every single time he’d call me up to talk about something in a script that bothered him, the problem was never exactly where he thought it was.
Bitcoin Core Development Falling Behind, Warns Mike Hearn
Bitcoin Core Development Falling Behind, Warns Mike Hearn entirely and then blamed the bitcoin software is perhaps a good example of a company that treated bitcoin as if it was a perfect black box, and became so disconnected they weren’t even reading the mailing lists or release notes,” he says. In the meantime, Hearn says, enhanced payments are one of the main thrusts for bitcoin development. This added feature, destined for the bitcoin client software rather than the core protocol, have been on the table for a while, but haven’t yet made it into a release. They promise an easier way to make payments than dealing with long
Bitcoin Core Development Falling Behind, Warns Mike Hearn
Bitcoin Core Development Falling Behind, Warns Mike Hearn addresses, and they will also include support for memos. Some people have also been working on subscription billing in the payment protocol, he says – this feature is badly needed in bitcoin. There has been some initial design work on this, which he would like to see turned into working code. Smart transaction fees are also high on the agenda. Transaction fees today are not dynamic enough, he says. Instead, they are based on a set of arbitrary rules set by a core development team. This needs to be changed, (and is). Smart fees are an attempt to make the
Bitcoin Core Development Falling Behind, Warns Mike Hearn
Bitcoin Core Development Falling Behind, Warns Mike Hearn fees float, and to formalise some of the rules about when fees are paid, explains Hearn. “It’s not very dynamic today. It’s just some magic numbers chosen by Gavin and so on. It’s very inflexible. The bitcoin dollar price moves, but the fees don’t. “And the second problem is that it’s centralized, because they’re just some magic numbers chosen by the developers, which is not very feasible in the long run.” This didn’t make it into the latest version of the core protocol, however, which Hearn takes as another example of lag in a resource-constrained project, while the commercial bitcoin
Deloitte sees fine over MG Rover dealings slashed - Business Live
Deloitte sees fine over MG Rover dealings slashed - Business Live and of deliberate serious misconduct had been overturned, but accepted “findings that aspects of our client engagement processes could have been better”.
Rap Mogul Suge Knight Shot At MTV Awards Pre-Party | Business Insider
Rap Mogul Suge Knight Shot At MTV Awards Pre-Party | Business Insider Rap Mogul Suge Knight Shot At MTV Awards Pre-Party REUTERS/Jim Ruymen/FilesRap mogul Marion ‘Suge’ Knight, the head of Death Row Records, is shown at the premiere of ‘Half Past Dead’ in Los Angeles in this November 7, 2002 file photograph. Knight has filed for bankruptcy in Los Angeles April 4, 2006 to avoid losing control of his record label in a $US107 million civil court judgement, his lawyers said. WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Rap mogul Marion “Suge” Knight has been injured in an early morning shooting at a West Hollywood nightclub but is expected to survive. Sgt. C. Tatar,
Designed with patients in mind: At Mary Bird Perkins-Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center, architecture and design are part of the treatment. - Baton Rouge Business Report
Designed with patients in mind: At Mary Bird Perkins-Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center, architecture and design are part of the treatment. - Baton Rouge Business Report lifetime,” Stevens says. Stevens claims that he does not have an estimate of the expected return on investment to the Cancer Center for the renovation project, which he expects to cost a bit less than $25 million. “My board will be not real happy if you print my answer, but the ROI is better patient care,” he says. And not just better care for today’s patients. The Cancer Center’s partnership with the Lake, which hosts LSU’s graduate medical education program, means the next generation of cancer doctors can utilize the improved facility. The Cancer Center’s extended campus includes LSU’s North
Designed with patients in mind: At Mary Bird Perkins-Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center, architecture and design are part of the treatment. - Baton Rouge Business Report
Designed with patients in mind: At Mary Bird Perkins-Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center, architecture and design are part of the treatment. - Baton Rouge Business Report Baton Rouge Clinic and a team of hematology-oncology physicians on Picardy Avenue. But while he may not have calculated a financial return, Stevens does expect to attract more patients from outside the greater Baton Rouge area. He mentions meeting a Cancer Center patient from Alexandria who was advised to go to Houston for treatment, but realized he could get what he needed a little closer to home. “The hotels are a lot cheaper here than in Houston, so I came to Baton Rouge,” the man told him.
Nostalgic Movies Leaving Netflix In August 2018 Are Going To Be Just As Hard To Say Goodbye To As The Summer
Nostalgic Movies Leaving Netflix In August 2018 Are Going To Be Just As Hard To Say Goodbye To As The Summer your hard-working air conditioner. Cherish this final month of being able to complain about the heat, because in no time at all, the days will be crisping up and you'll be missing a young Patrick Dempsey along with your sweaty upper lip. As they always say, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, so here are the nostalgic classics you're about to be missing come August. This Disney classic — and one of Patrick Dempsey's earliest movies — came out all the way back in 1987, so get your kicks while you can. Leaving Aug. 1 Adventures in
Ethmia semiombra Dyar, 1902 | Butterflies and Moths of North America
Ethmia semiombra Dyar, 1902 | Butterflies and Moths of North America Ethmia semiombra Dyar, 1902 Region: Duval County, Texas, United States
The Real Housewives of Orange County - Season 5 Premiere - The CLAWS Are OUT (Video)
The Real Housewives of Orange County - Season 5 Premiere - The CLAWS Are OUT (Video) The Real Housewives of Orange County - Season 5 Premiere - The CLAWS Are OUT (Video) The Real Housewives of Orange County season five had an explosive start last night (November 5th) on Bravo. Holy DRAMA. Those woman can’t be in the room together for more than a second without the nasty claws coming out.
Elizabeth Warren Is Setting A Goal Of Reducing Gun Deaths By 80%
Elizabeth Warren Is Setting A Goal Of Reducing Gun Deaths By 80% for the purchase of any type of firearm or ammunition. Warren has released a long list of policy plans in her seven months as a presidential candidate, but Saturday’s proposal is her first on the subject of gun violence in America. It was prepared by her campaign in the wake of last week’s deadly shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, and ahead of a forum organized here this weekend by the gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety. “In 2017, almost 40,000 people died from guns in the United States,” the Massachusetts senator wrote in a Medium post
In Which Courts can a Decision be Appealed? — C2 Global Law LLP
In Which Courts can a Decision be Appealed? — C2 Global Law LLP Court of Appeals hears Appeals arising from decisions of the superior courts and provincial/territorial courts. They also hear constitutional questions that may be raised in Appeals involving individuals, governments, or governmental agencies. WHAT TYPES OF APPEALS ARE HEARD BY THE CANADIAN FEDERAL COURT OF APPEALS? The Federal Court of Appeals deals only with matters specified in federal statutes (laws). The jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Appeals includes tax, interprovincial and federal-provincial disputes, intellectual property proceedings, citizenship appeals, Competition Act cases, and cases involving Crown corporations or departments of the Government of Canada. They may review decisions, orders and other
CAIR Applauds Introduction of Senate Resolution Blaming Mohammed bin Salman for Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder - CAIR
CAIR Applauds Introduction of Senate Resolution Blaming Mohammed bin Salman for Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder - CAIR to stand up to the Trump administration and assert the truth,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. “There will be no justice for Jamal until all those responsible for his murder are held accountable and all political prisoners are released.” Awad called on the government to take even stronger action to than that advocated in the Senate resolution. The resolution, along with Senate bill S. 3658 introduced last week requiring the Director of National Intelligence to submit a report on Khashoggi’s death to Congress, marks a sharp divide between Congress and the Trump administration. In November, President Trump released
CAIR Applauds Introduction of Senate Resolution Blaming Mohammed bin Salman for Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder - CAIR
CAIR Applauds Introduction of Senate Resolution Blaming Mohammed bin Salman for Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder - CAIR a statement falsely claiming “we may never know” who is responsible for the Oct. 2 gruesome murder of the journalist.
Dramatic Landscape Photography Tips — Chris Corradino Photography
Dramatic Landscape Photography Tips — Chris Corradino Photography addition, the magic hour can have a desirable effect on the amount of color saturation in your image. While it is still OK to photograph during the day, try to avoid shooting landscapes when the sun is highest in the sky around mid day. This will normally cause harsh shadows and contrast which is not favorable for photographers seeking to create dramatic images. Another benefit of the magic hour is that most birds and animals are quite active before bedding down for the day. Weather: Rainbows, lightning, ominous clouds, fog, and snow can all add considerable impact to your landscapes.
Dramatic Landscape Photography Tips — Chris Corradino Photography
Dramatic Landscape Photography Tips — Chris Corradino Photography not meant to be the only way to photograph a scene. The key is to explore all the possibilities. Before putting the camera on the tripod, bring it to your eye, and walk around to “compose with your feet”. Does the horizon line look better at the bottom or the top of the frame? How about the middle? Also, consider what you would like to include in the foreground. Does the overall mood of the photo change from various vantage points? When you are surrounded by natural beauty, it’s tempting to include everything you see in the photo. Try to
My Year In Review – Nikki Sullivan
My Year In Review – Nikki Sullivan wanted the #togetherwearestronger. I wanted an intense training environment, and I wanted to be pushed as far as I could go. I definitely had some fears holding me back. Would I be able to find an affordable place to live? What if I couldn’t make enough money? What if I wasn’t good enough? And worst of all, what if I put everything I had into training and pursuing this dream, and it still wasn’t enough? What if I failed? I finally decided, despite my fears, that I would always regret it if I didn’t try. Worst case scenario, I run
J-LINE – Metropolis Management
J-LINE – Metropolis Management various styles of dance into his high energy, interactive set which leaves audiences buzzed and electrified. An artist with a cause, J-LINE’s Anti-Bullying campaign has been seen by over 1 million people nationwide and encourages young people to take pride in who they are and stand up to bullying. J-LINE’s music and visuals have been featured in over 100 music blogs and magazines since 2016.
The Critical Importance of Patient Advocacy | Civilian Exposure
The Critical Importance of Patient Advocacy | Civilian Exposure system today that do an outstanding job of treating a patient like a human being. The best ones pay particular attention to each individual and their personalities in order to deliver customized care. They pay attention to the little details that make a difference. This may include bringing you that cup of coffee in the morning because it makes you feel good to have it. It may include getting you up and out of the bed to ensure that you are active and progressing toward recovery. Perhaps they take the time to get you outside of the room or even
Disneyland Timeline Year
Disneyland Timeline Year help Disneyland mark its 50th anniversary with a prolonged celebration. "If there is one year to be at Disneyland, this is it," said Disneyland Resort spokesman Tim O'Day, pitching events that will, in fact, run for 18 months. Some customers have been given sneak peeks of what's ... Disneyland Alters Ride After Boy Is Injured Disneyland has made state-ordered adjustments to its Storybook Land Canal Boats and reopened the attraction Friday, two days after a 4-year-old severed the tip of his thumb on the ride. The boy, who had gripped the edge of the boat when it docked, was injured
CADIndia appears to be a concession, Shah moved yet another amendment to allow for the President to invite members of the Rajya Sabha to attend the Lok Sabha during the presentation of the budget. Rajya Sabha members, however, would have no say in the proceedings. There was no response to Shah and his amendment was rejected by the Assembly. Shah seemed to have erected a straw man: the Draft Constitution, in other provisions, gave primacy to the House of People in matters of finance; A money bill could only originate in the Lok Sabha, and it was only the Lok Sabha
Section 5 of the Competition Act 2002: Combination
Section 5 of the Competition Act 2002: Combination (B) in sub-clause (i) in clause (b) was substituted; o item (B) in sub-clause (ii) in clause (b) was substituted; o item (B) in sub-clause (i) in clause (c) was substituted; o item (B) in sub-clause (ii) in clause (c) was substituted.
Beyonce to wed soon?
Beyonce to wed soon? Beyonce to wed soon? Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z take out marriage licence as rumours circulate of an immanent wedding According to sources close to the Knowles camp, pop superstar Beyonce, 26, and her 38-year-old rapper boyfriend Jay-Z could tie the knot as early as May after secretly taking out a marriage... Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z take out marriage licence as rumours circulate of an immanent wedding According to sources close to the Knowles camp, pop superstar Beyonce, 26, and her 38-year-old rapper boyfriend Jay-Z could tie the knot as early as May after secretly taking out a marriage licence yesterday.
Disneyland Timeline Year
Disneyland Timeline Year ( Opened ) Tomorrowland Terrace Stage ( Closed ) Walt Disney Story Featuring Great Moments With Mr Lincoln ( Closed ) March 16, 2005: 4-Year-Old Boy Broke A Finger On A Boat (Injury) March 16, 2005:--A 4-year-old boy broke a finger and severed the tip of his thumb, forcing the Storybook Land Canal Boats to close for state authorities to investigate the accident. The boy, who had gripped the edge of the boat when it docked, was injured when an adult stepped on the edge of the boat while disembarking, causing it to rock and pinching the boy's thumb between
Disneyland Timeline Year
Disneyland Timeline Year the dock and boat, said Dean ... June 27, 2005: 62-Year-Old Woman Sick After Ride (Injury) June 27, 2005 6:00 p.m.:--A woman said that she felt sick after the Matterhorn Bobsled ride. The woman was taken to a hospital after experiencing dizziness and nausea. The 62-year-old woman from Peru remained hospitalized Tuesday (6/28/2005) night in critical condition. ''She did go over to guest First Aid and asked if she could lie down,'' said Maria Sabol of the Anaheim Fire Department. ''She did for ... December 17, 2005: Castmember Exposed To Smoke (Injury) December 17, 2005 2:30 p.m.:--A Disneyland employee was
The Midland Will Company - Professional Home Will Writing Service
The Midland Will Company - Professional Home Will Writing Service for 3 years and neither of them wants to get married. However they now have baby Samantha and are concerned to avoid problems between their families over who would look after her if they were to be killed. They have taken the precaution to increase their Life Cover, but they want to be sure Samantha will be looked after by the people they want. Also, Mr Green’s occupation is hazardous and he is anxious to ensure that Ms Red will inherit all his money. They can appoint Guardians to look after Samantha in their Wills, and they can leave all
The Midland Will Company - Professional Home Will Writing Service
The Midland Will Company - Professional Home Will Writing Service their money to each other and then to Samantha. Their Wills can also state who would inherit if all three of them were to die in an accident 4. We want our money to stay in our family Mr & Mrs Magenta’s estate is worth £300,000, they are not in the best of health. They have 3 grown up children, John , James and Sally. John is happily married, James marriage has always been stormy and may end in divorce, whilst his children are from a previous relationship. Sally is mentally and physically disabled and is in receipt of State
Roosevelt girls track and field rallies to win CIF-SS Division 1 title – Daily Bulletin
Roosevelt girls track and field rallies to win CIF-SS Division 1 title – Daily Bulletin Saturday, capturing the 800 meters (2:11.66) and 1,600 meters (4:50.35) in Division 1. Duarte was able to fend off Great Oak’s Fatima Cortes (2:12.24, 4:51.32) in both of those races. “Fatima is a great runner with a little more experience than me,” said Duarte, who is a sophomore. “She pushes me to be better, and that is something you always want.” Orange Vista claimed the Division 2 girls 4×100 relay crown, as sophomores Zyaire Billew, Talayah Wright and Dana Jackson combined with senior anchor Dorothy Jackson to post a winning time of 47.25. The North 4×400 girls relay team —
Obama Must Show Russia That the United States Supports Ukraine
Obama Must Show Russia That the United States Supports Ukraine right side of history
Powering the World's First Smart Nation - Singapore - Asia IoT Business Platform
Powering the World's First Smart Nation - Singapore - Asia IoT Business Platform serve as the framework for future development. Minister for Communications and Information Yaacob Ibrahim earlier this month highlighted that the Infocomm Media Masterplan will put in place the necessary infrastructure and that the three areas of focus would be Smart Health-Assist, Smart Nation Tech Challenges and Smart Logistics. Smart Logistics will leverage on technologies such as the IoT to provide near real-time actionable visibility and improve decision-making capabilities for businesses large and small. Smart Health-Assist will use sensors to allow patients to better manage their conditions from the comfort of home while allowing them to remain independent and active in
Powering the World's First Smart Nation - Singapore - Asia IoT Business Platform
Powering the World's First Smart Nation - Singapore - Asia IoT Business Platform the community. Smart Nation Tech Challenges will involve the wider community to co-innovate solutions to tackle urban challenges. One of the challenges is on video analytics, and how audiovisual data can be used in public safety, resource utilisation and situational awareness. Ms. Mui Hoon Poh, CEO of SP Telecommunications (A member of the Singapore Power Group) will be delivering a presentation at 5th edition of Asia IoT Business Platform in Jakarta this August on the nation's vision and also describe how Singapore Power as a group is supporting this vision. SP Telecommunications owns and operates a key communications network in
News | Concept Infoway - Part 4
News | Concept Infoway - Part 4 to support growing staff... Diwali Bang – Started with a Team Lunch at Zazil Diwali, “the festival of lights” the most auspicious and one of the most important festivals celebrated all across the India. Every year the Concept Infoway Team celebrates it with great joy and laughter. And, just like each year, a small treat was arranged by the MD, Mr. Rikin Shah for the team at one... The Colours of Rangoli at Concept Infoway Rangoli is one of the oldest folk art of India. They are the decorative designs made on floors of the living rooms or courtyards during
Real Estate Buzz
Real Estate Buzz it to similar income-producing properties in the same area. Another popular way to finance a second home purchase is by using an equity line of credit based on the value of one’s first home. Banks typically charge more interest for these loans, but you are able to avoid many of the closing costs that are associated with originating a separate mortgage. And regardless of whether you apply for a mortgage or an equity loan, you may be eligible for tax deductions of interest payments and other related expenses.
Terms and Conditions - Daycraft UK
Terms and Conditions - Daycraft UK liability for materially defective goods shall be limited to replacing the Goods or giving a refund, providing the Goods are returned within the Seller’s terms. Where the Customer accepts or has been deemed to have accepted any Goods then the Seller shall have no liability whatever to the Customer in respect of those Goods. The Seller shall not be liable to the Customer for late delivery of the Goods and time shall not be of the essence. Proper Law of Contract
Sikh Americans – Reappropriate
Sikh Americans – Reappropriate the attack as a possible hate crime and have reportedly identified a 17-year-old suspect based on Mukker’s description of his assailant and his recollection of the attacker’s license plate. Police have questioned that suspect — who was hospitalized shortly after the crime for an undisclosed reason — and police intend to file charges when he is discharged. Continue reading “No Hate Crime Charges After Sikh American Man Beaten Days Before Anniversary of 9/11” Posted on September 11, 2015 September 14, 2015 Leave a comment on No Hate Crime Charges After Sikh American Man Beaten Days Before Anniversary of 9/11 Categories
7 Great People With the Most Unfortunate Names Possible |
7 Great People With the Most Unfortunate Names Possible | great. That said, with a name like Gaylord Silly, it's impressive that he even made it through high school without changing his name to Fleximus Ironcock. And coming in 90th place in the world championship still makes him better at half marathons than a majority of the population of Earth. The closest we've come to competitive running is sprinting inside the AMC to get good seats for Guardians of the Galaxy. He's also pretty savvy at deflecting jokes from people on Twitter, who apparently believe he has gone his entire life without anyone ever pointing out the fact that he
Top Intelligence Official: Say Goodbye to Your Privacy -
Top Intelligence Official: Say Goodbye to Your Privacy - and should be decided on the State level. Along with prayer in school and other such issues. I'm talking about "our" government moving into things that should be a PRIVATE matter. And whether or not the constitution provides for that privacy or not. And a Happy 4,000 posts to you Isaac. Originally Posted by Intel Official should mean that government and businesses properly safeguards people's private communications and financial information Yeah government and businesses will take care of us... I feel safer already... Our forefathers would roll over in their graves to hear this sort of thing... Your right
CrowdStreet at the Forefront of Next Generation of Non-Traded REITs | CrowdStreet
CrowdStreet at the Forefront of Next Generation of Non-Traded REITs | CrowdStreet non-traded REIT. High front end loads often translate into scenarios in which for every $1 that an investor puts into certain non-traded REITs, as much as $.15 – $.18 is paid out right from the start for fees and commissions. Any time an investment requires a 20+% return just to break even it becomes challenging to meet, let alone exceed, the performance of lower fee alternative investments. Therefore, it is no wonder that the industry has been under intense pressure to reduce fees and improve transparency. That pressure has culminated in regulatory reforms, including FINRA 15-02 that went into effect
Soccer will grow in America | RyJack's Perspective
Soccer will grow in America | RyJack's Perspective Americans went into this World Cup only knowing that Landon Donovan, the greatest USA soccer player ever, was not on the team. Now that the team is having success in a group where we had no chance of advancing, we are getting to know the names of players like Clint Dempsey, Fabian Johnson, Jermaine Jones, and Kyle Beckerman. ESPN is doing a great job in covering this World Cup in a way that even the casual fan that never watches soccer can enjoy. This isn’t the only reason why soccer is growing in America. Younger generations are setting the standard
Soccer will grow in America | RyJack's Perspective
Soccer will grow in America | RyJack's Perspective for what we find entertaining in sports, and this is the main reason why I feel soccer will become one of the top 3 most popular sports in America in the next 10-15 years. These generations aren’t obsessed with high scoring events. They want a game that delivers the most time spent on the edge of their seat watching a fast-paced sport that at any minute could deliver a defining moment. Football gives you this because of the threat of a scoring play on any snap of the ball. Basketball does this because of the flow of the sport, the
Soccer will grow in America | RyJack's Perspective
Soccer will grow in America | RyJack's Perspective offense to defense so quickly that it keeps the fan engaged from start to finish, and when your team scores, it is such a jubilant moment because of the difficulty of actually scoring. Baseball is Americas past time, and I feel that is the perfect way to describe it. Yes, the sport continues to make money through huge television contracts, but the popularity of the sport is dying in the younger generations. The pace of the game is too slow and the season is far too long to actually stay on top on whats going on in the league. With
Welcome to the City of Salina, Kansas - News Releases
Welcome to the City of Salina, Kansas - News Releases 7/3/2018 - Norton Street Pavement Replacement The City of Salina Public Works Department will be replacing sections of pavement at the intersection of Norton Street and Ellsworth Avenue starting Thursday, July 12th. Norton Street will be closed and traffic will be detoured around the construction. Motorists are encouraged to use caution when traveling in the active work area. Weather permitting, the repairs are expected to be complete in one to two weeks.
USA - Determined voters across the nation waited in long lines to cast their ballots Tuesday in perhaps the most closely monitored, most disputed, and most important election in modern times. Election Day also brought a conclusion to the longest and costliest campaign on record. President Bush, who returned to the White House after a grueling, six-state campaign blitz Monday, said the "safety and prosperity of America" was at stake in the first such election since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. For his part, John Kerry, his Democratic opponent, said, "The hopes of our country are on the line." Elections officials
Big West: CSUN ready for test against second-place UCSB; Ron Freeman leaves Long Beach State | California State University, Northridge
Big West: CSUN ready for test against second-place UCSB; Ron Freeman leaves Long Beach State | California State University, Northridge Big West: CSUN ready for test against second-place UCSB; Ron Freeman leaves Long Beach State Wednesday’s road game against UC Santa Barbara will be a benchmark of how much CSUN has grown since the start of the season. -