[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYeah, but it's not always an advantage\nthat is a good start\nThank you sir. Is there anything else you need repaired while I am here?\nI much appreciate your kindness, sir. May I continue your task as you retrieve the pail?\nWhat are you doing?! Are you crazy?! \nHere, and use it well. But I must ask again, have you seen any bandits? You see, they have been after me and my group of mercenaries.\nI'm a dove, I dont know what any of that means but it sounds exciting. \nWhat is that thinking croaking behind you??\nWell, they won't be haunting me! They'll be haunting you now! *Chuckles and hands skeleton to you*.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Here, have your blade back, I don't want you to feel any threat from me. May I have my telescope back so I can keep us and the rest of the travelers on this fine boat safe?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here, and use it well. But I must ask again, have you seen any bandits? You see, they have been after me and my group of mercenaries.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhy is your family hungry?\nI will find him and take your wage back, I assure you!\nI need the castle to be cleaned \nI have not seen any bandits thus far. The waters have been clear. I will be sure to let you know if I see any and we will murder them.\nYou see, upriver has the finest plantations. We have access to the freshest part of the river. Finding an equal product this far downstream is impossible due to the level of contamination.\nok...i hope to get some truths however. We should get working, the night is upon us\nEat, our pantries are full. Robert would not have been happy if his namesake was hungry. He liked plump women.\nThank you I wish I talked to you earlier \nYou cannot pay me to change my mind. It's not my choice to make. I'm just doing my job. What is so special of today. Maybe I can come back after I take Frank. Give you some time to do what ever you have to do.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Here, and use it well. But I must ask again, have you seen any bandits? You see, they have been after me and my group of mercenaries.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I have not seen any bandits thus far. The waters have been clear. I will be sure to let you know if I see any and we will murder them.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThank you, and I do wish you well. Please know your family will recover.\nBrother, you and I both know that those are personally inscribed. It would do me no good to carry it.\nWoof! Grrr!\nExcellent. I will take a seat by the fire. Tell me your story. \nYou're right, there must be dangers that come with that. Lives taken, blood shed, and an anger that won't let go. What have you seen in your time as a guard?\nVery well then, I shall take the stage and order the crowd to settle down for your performance.\nWhat??! Don't you ever talk to me like that. I wonder if his escape has anything to do with you??\nYes, and I signed an agreement that if anything happened to his father, my son would become king.\nI was hoping you would tell me what you do on your time away from here", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I have not seen any bandits thus far. The waters have been clear. I will be sure to let you know if I see any and we will murder them.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thank you, and I do wish you well. Please know your family will recover.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI am a fool of many hats! :>D\nWhat is this proposition of which you speak?\nOh that would be scrumptious! It's been along time since I have eaten real food, good food. Do you cook here in the church?\nI sure hope so. If you don't mine my asking, how come these bandits are after you?\nIf they catch me, I grant them a wish. I'm in the church here hiding from them.\nGood good. That is the one the King wanted as well. Of course you'll also need to pick a fool for the feast. \nHello deer!\nPersonally, I'm more concerned about the sea monsters. I hear the kraken is lurking the waters around that area.\nMany thanks, you will save me a long trip over the sea this evening.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thank you, and I do wish you well. Please know your family will recover.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I sure hope so. If you don't mine my asking, how come these bandits are after you?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI am but a small piece. It is the other corrupt priests that need to follow my lead but I do not think they will. They are in too deep.\nJust hold this brush while I run around frantically but uselessly trying to locate this crazy horse.\nFather are you ok?\nI honor them as best I can. You seem to have dropped something. I would hate for an unruly plant to be out of place. I know that you like things in an orderly fashion.\nyes this door leads to the tower\nAll of the prisoners here say that. Of what were you accused?\n*Sqeak squeak. Have any food for me, human?\nYou do look rather weary. I can tell you have had a long voyage. Please, rest here in the foyer.\nHello, Horse! Have you seen any worms in your stall for Chicken to eat? ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Oh it feels so good to rest! I finally have reached my destination to the temple!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You do look rather weary. I can tell you have had a long voyage. Please, rest here in the foyer.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nTwit twoo. Twit twoo! \nI like to thank you for the work that you do for this temple, cleanliness is close to godliness. I have invest much of my life to have such a place for those who can come here and worship \nHere you are. It will be a great offensive tactic. They'll never think to look up if they're checking their shoes for poo they've stepped in. Here, Sir Beetle, your armor!\nWhat a waste! Throwing your life away just like that.\nI know it is. But I know you've come here to see me. \nYou are naughty\nI appreciate your kindness, the wants of my peers are not mine. Why would I want to cook for one man when I already cook for so many?\nIs there anything to eat and drink so that I may replenish myself?\nVery well. And when do you return to work? ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "You do look rather weary. I can tell you have had a long voyage. Please, rest here in the foyer.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Is there anything to eat and drink so that I may replenish myself?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nIt's just a figure of speech, and you know you could use a bath yourself! Come on in, the water's fine!\nI was just feeling adventurous. But I'm not so sure this was the best place to wander around... eww\nAh, but you do speak. Under a bridge? Are you a troll?\nWell where are you looking to sell meat? This is the keep for all of the arms.\nYes..let me go first. Is that ok?\nOh, I can understand! I've just never met a crow who liked the shiny things [inside] the mountain. Usually, they wait until we get them [out] of the mountain! \nWe have nothing here, but the maid should be back shortly and I can send her to fetch you a meal. Is there anything in particular you desire?\nWhat a wonderful shell this turtle has! The colours, the patterns, the designs woven in the shell - a tapestry of art on one's back!\nWhat other creatures lurk through there?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Is there anything to eat and drink so that I may replenish myself?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "We have nothing here, but the maid should be back shortly and I can send her to fetch you a meal. Is there anything in particular you desire?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nOh, how lovely of you. I would appreciate that, and in exchange, the pumpkin is yours!\nExcuse my messy smock. What made you come running into this bathroom?\nFruit, i love fruit and cool water. a little meat for my weary bones, also! if that is not too much trouble, I will take anything at this point!\nBut this scepter was forged in a magical area. It's made to kill dragons. Stop touching it.\nPerhaps, but why would he take care of me. What does a lazy old cat have to offer a hardworking master.\ntake one of these we must be ready to fight\nThank you. If you need help with hand to hand combat, I will be glad to help. The main thing you will want to work on is your strength and stamina though. You can't stop for a rest in the middle of a fight or a battle.\nI wish for some entertainment while I eat. The fool shall dance on the bed for us now.\nPlease my good man, just taste a little bit. It is good I promise", "role": "system" }, { "content": "We have nothing here, but the maid should be back shortly and I can send her to fetch you a meal. Is there anything in particular you desire?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Fruit, i love fruit and cool water. a little meat for my weary bones, also! if that is not too much trouble, I will take anything at this point!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI am not. I had my meals before leaving in the morning.\nI dare say....I seem to recognize this old shack. Could this be the home of my great uncle that I visited as a child? it seems so familiar!\nOf course, of course. And please, let me take these tools and set them aside for you so that you can rest.\nHello Horse. You are correct, my family and I are brand new to this land.\nDefine good?\nSo, you expect me to just forget you assaulted a king?\nAnd needlessly, too, as we have prevented such an outcome for years!\nIll be putting this back on the wall little mouse!\nI do not know. But you must leave.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Fruit, i love fruit and cool water. a little meat for my weary bones, also! if that is not too much trouble, I will take anything at this point!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Of course, of course. And please, let me take these tools and set them aside for you so that you can rest.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhy do you serve this pirate? you could be soaring the skys like me!\nI am... My apologies. I have just come out of a long coma and I simply don't know what is going on \nHave you overheard him talking about this before? We are quite an important nation to him, I assume.\nWell, the town's mayor is a personal friend of mine, and we enjoy a drink together now and again. A day's walk to the south lies Brickleberry, which is a fine place to see. I know several of that area's leading residents. \nYou are very kind. I didn't realize how tired I was. This temple is very calming and relaxing. How long have you resided here?\nGoblin, will you let me fix this wall unmolested?\nShould we go to the village and try and get something to eat, do you think?\nThe war as started already, so i don't think legal counsels can be of help at the moment\nShe wants to adorn this hall with another dozen crystal chandeliers! I feel that is a bit much, myself. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Of course, of course. And please, let me take these tools and set them aside for you so that you can rest.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You are very kind. I didn't realize how tired I was. This temple is very calming and relaxing. How long have you resided here?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nPlease do so if you are not too weary from your travels. My horse, Abraham is in the field. I was cleaning his stall. \nIt's hard for a monster nowadays. We'll have nothing left to eat soon\nI have lived in the town nearby all my life. I visit the temple as it's the ultimate place of peace in this town. I love the gold statues and the water fountain.\nit is merely broken at the stem, and it appears to be a fairly clean break at that. \nYes. I am so sorry. Will God forgive me? \nShow yourself! Who is speaking?\nYou a larger than him. Faster too, I'll bet. Tell him if he comes peacefully I shall be lenient.\nbecome a knight here \nSO you're a funny zombie? I always thought they would be scary. Look there's a rat! You can eat his brain! ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "You are very kind. I didn't realize how tired I was. This temple is very calming and relaxing. How long have you resided here?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I have lived in the town nearby all my life. I visit the temple as it's the ultimate place of peace in this town. I love the gold statues and the water fountain.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nhaha. I told you I was hungry! I just need a small morsel haha\nPerhaps we don't have a thief in our midst at all.\nI can see why you love it! It would give me pleasure every day to come here.\nHere is a magical tool for your journey. It has mystical powers that one can only master if they have a pure heart. \nwhat brings you here butterfly\nYay! That would be fun!\nThat doesn't even sound right. Where did this happen?\nAm I afrai.. OF COURSE I'M BLOODY AFRAID OF DOGS, MATE! They just hunted Gary the other day. Gary! Gary was the most bad ass deer of us all. He once fought like.. 10 deers at once and won. And the dogs they just ripped him apart like he was a wet paper bag! And then that human with shinny stuff in his head is all like \"blah blah\" and that was the end of Gary. So yeah! Dogs are not cool bro!\nNo I am not. It is the second best port including Emerald Inlet, you said so yourself.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I have lived in the town nearby all my life. I visit the temple as it's the ultimate place of peace in this town. I love the gold statues and the water fountain.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I can see why you love it! It would give me pleasure every day to come here.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhy yes of course. Now, let me go find some. Hmmm, now where did I put my dang coin bag.\nAh yes, Saint Dwyfed - the pagan saint of... what was that again?\nIf I run fast enough for this fat guy,I can probably make it to the window and make my escape. \nAnd what might that be?\nNice. *pat on the back*\nYes..I have a Pelt, a sack, a hunting rifles, a Shotgun, a nut, and a trap, and wearing a belt, a shoes, a Big overcoat lined with pockets, and a hats.\nYou better be careful where you wander. Or you'll end up at the wrong end of one of these. \nYes, please. Give me your things and let me put them up. I wish I could offer you a place to sleep, but I assure you that your food will arrive shortly.\nI think that you will like it here. Maybe you will change your mind once you cool off.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I can see why you love it! It would give me pleasure every day to come here.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, please. Give me your things and let me put them up. I wish I could offer you a place to sleep, but I assure you that your food will arrive shortly.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nDon't need anything weighing me down...\nI have a sleeping bag and there is a resting place outside the temple for me to sleep. Thank goodness the weather is fair and cool!\nwith all due respect king, I had a shield. Can I get more light perhaps?\nYes. King ray of the southern region.\nwhy are you not married\nYou never did answer my question, Would the kings son make a better king?\neasy boy... easy... See... I am carrying nothing... no harm... \nThank you my king\nHarrrumph. What's that?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yes, please. Give me your things and let me put them up. I wish I could offer you a place to sleep, but I assure you that your food will arrive shortly.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I have a sleeping bag and there is a resting place outside the temple for me to sleep. Thank goodness the weather is fair and cool!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI'm not supposed to be here. Keep your rabies filled mouth shut, mouse. \nThanks. You really shouldnt be doing this. I smell royal blood in you.\nPerhaps you're right. Perhaps I just need to be patient.\nI uh....I...I'm here for guard training....mister....ah...sir...Mister Sir!\nI'm not sure. He has been sitting there most of the day. I'm thinking if he has caught enough he would be gone. So maybe he has not and is still trying for more.\nDelightful! Then I will urge you to rest after you are well sated from your meal. I know you must be starving.\nhaha you are quite blunt little one\nI use this staircase to get to a room high in the tower filled with branches that I bring down to build and shore up my dam.\nThere are always good deals going on here, Princess. My real deal would be getting into that forest over there. I have heard there are magical creatures that. I would love to see! Have you heard about it?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I have a sleeping bag and there is a resting place outside the temple for me to sleep. Thank goodness the weather is fair and cool!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Delightful! Then I will urge you to rest after you are well sated from your meal. I know you must be starving.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI suppose we can try to bust open the door with our items then? Or make enough noise to attract the attention of the guards.\nWhat!? Is that squirrel talking?\nYou have done nothing to earn your place upon that throne but have the right blood pumping through your veins. Blood that I would love to spill!\nFair enough. I shall begin spinning your rope, but I must warn you, it will come with consequences. \nI could use an ale now that you mention it....\nHi Mister! Can I help you with anything? I'm on expert on these boats here!\nThank you so much for being so kind and giving me a place to rest. I only wish I had something to give you for your kindness\nI will fix that hole this afternoon. That snake won't be taking any more of our eggs!\nYou attacked me, and now your worried about your tights. Ugh. Humans.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Delightful! Then I will urge you to rest after you are well sated from your meal. I know you must be starving.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thank you so much for being so kind and giving me a place to rest. I only wish I had something to give you for your kindness", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYou will not escape with that great power!\nI came here study. I have to do my best to guide the king \nNothing necessary! I've often benefitted from the kindness of others. I'm just happy I can repay their goodness.\nI will hold on to it! How long do you think you will be? I will have some wine ready for you once you are back! \nI think that's a great idea. How far do you think we'll get today?\nWould you like some mold instead? It has such a fun flavor. \nPerhaps you're right. Perhaps I just need to be patient.\nI am a magic pig! What delightful place to frolic among the woods and fields!\nTell me about yourself", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thank you so much for being so kind and giving me a place to rest. I only wish I had something to give you for your kindness", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Nothing necessary! I've often benefitted from the kindness of others. I'm just happy I can repay their goodness.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nAh, that may be, my fine fisherman friend. Say - can you spare a fish or two for my lunch before my quest?\nI do not know. But you must leave.\nDo you think this bone would be any better?\nOh, it glitters so MUCH in the sunlight. What a beautiful treasure you carry.\nForgive me for saying so, but I think you're full of it. Here, this has nothing in it that can help me.\nI'm locked up ,won't let me out! \nYou see, upriver has the finest plantations. We have access to the freshest part of the river. Finding an equal product this far downstream is impossible due to the level of contamination.\nWe will get you some new clothes\nNot so strong now, are you?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I am a strong man because I work on the fields", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Not so strong now, are you?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nyour disgusting bird, go find a corpse to eat!!!\nAh yes! Let go!\nI am well\nOh, well I do make this look good. I hope you don't take it the wrong way, but you just didn't have the figure to pull it off. Got any lipstick?\nIf you have a nice trinket for me, I might reconsider. Your life for a trinket!\nHow long have I been asleep?\nI have not started a family as of yet\nExcellent, my boy, the guard shall wait outside.\nI'm well. The king sent me over to see if you have any repairs needed over here. What a beautiful alter! ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Not so strong now, are you?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "your disgusting bird, go find a corpse to eat!!!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nOf course not. But let us not blame malice for what can be attributed to carelessness. Have you noticed how....tired our altar boy seems today?\nSo long as you appreciate the beauty of the galleon I will introduce you to the captain\nGuards, look into what this mad man is saying immediately\nOh hello there! You aren't one of those deadly banana spiders are you?\nReally? I thought i put an arrow through your heart. My mistake. Can i be of assistance. There is an ocean, we can get you cleaned up with some lovely water. \nOh, I see you've been classically trained! This pleases me, musician. A true artisan studies in the ways of Madame Grande. \nI love this chicken!\nHello, dog\nYou are a keen observer! She's isolated from the other horses right now for her own protection. I expect we'll have a new foal by the end of tomorrow!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "your disgusting bird, go find a corpse to eat!!!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Oh, I've found it! You're gonna be a dead man for that!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWe are outsiders together, good spider \nI think that you will like it here. Maybe you will change your mind once you cool off.\nLet me take this from you, trash eater, and get out of my tent, it is to small for the bot of us\ni thought you said you need to get to collecting your tolls\nWho knows how long I will be here, my usual place is in the castle, entertaining the nobles. Peyote gives some of my best material, I'm a Jester you see. What does your master do?\nNow why would a rodent like me have anything like that?\nTruth be told, I'm a little afraid of the dark so I tend to avoid the caves.\nI'm afraid I do not afford toys, child. We can play tic-tac-toe in the sand, if you would like?\nThank you! As for your question, I'm from here and there. I don't rightly know if I've been through here before. I tend to drift wherever my feet take me.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Oh, I've found it! You're gonna be a dead man for that!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Let me take this from you, trash eater, and get out of my tent, it is to small for the bot of us", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhat a horrible thing to happen, we must go to the next town over.\nLemme see this please\nYou're right, it is! I\nYou need to speak to me with more respect. I am a man of the cloth. And do not litter this altar with your instruments!\nSo does the ghost of my father when I see him. Papa looks full-fleshed but he's been dead for a decade. I know better than to trust a ghoul. Now, please give me back my handkerchief! I really must be headed back before.... well...\nWhat's so special about that? All of the pillows at my castle are like this! \n*Hey now, whoa. Easy there buddy. You're the one that wandered into MY home after all.*\nthe girls are very lazy\n*The National...what? Is this some nonsense put out by the royal heralds?*", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Let me take this from you, trash eater, and get out of my tent, it is to small for the bot of us", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You're right, it is! I", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI don't care who you are, little lady. Everyone needs to pay the toll if they want to pass!\nYou think you are as great a warrior as me? We can settle that debate. \nYou truly are a righteous god!\nHello there\nok my wife will buy fish and we will decide together and let you know\nThis was once a great Kingdom. The people believed in the Deity. Then the Mad King ruined it all. War was upon us. It was then that I became to question my faith. How could it be that our Deity would allow such a cruel King. \nAh hello boy. Watch out for that sneaky thief!\nI want it! It can come out clean and I can use it to stab others quickly. But it won't come out clean! It'll come out RED. \nOh sir, we are fine. More pay would be nice to send home, but we make do. She just has the delirium. Some lovely church folk take care of her for me so I can work.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "You're right, it is! I", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I bet you do not have a lot of food options on this vast desert.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYou definitely should! It helps when you have a friend to chat with over dinner too. Maybe bring your mom here so you can enjoy it together.\nI have plenty.\nWhat could a rat and a spider do??!?\nHa. I wish I could but no, they are around. How did you find this place? Its starting to look like I need to have it repainted and updated.\nI missed you so much. Tell me of your travels. Did you bring me anything?\nHow I love being pampered by you, sweetheart!\nAbsolutely not, everything that I sell is completely legitimate!\nThis doesn't seem necessary. You still can redeem yourself in the eyes of God, there is no need to commit a mortal sin.\nOh, I've got plenty. Here, have some.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I bet you do not have a lot of food options on this vast desert.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Oh, I've got plenty. Here, have some.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhy in the hell I would want this??\nMake sure you pick only the biggest and ripest! Don't want any of the horses to get sick from eating spoiled vegetables. \n-scuttles closer-\nYes indeed. It is a most horrific fight. Many of our own are dead. Hence why I am praying feverishly to let it end soon.\nAlrighty then. I am starting the wood first since it is about to crumble to the ground. Then the tile.\nI am not, but I have met him. Why do you owe your life to them?\nAnd to be able to give your love to a slave is the greatest gift one can ever receive.\n\"If it were that easy, I would have already done so. You know you were put here when your father died, and the Duke took the throne. He'd have my head if you escaped.\"\n\"Yes Pastor.\" I walk over to the small bath near the altar.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Oh, I've got plenty. Here, have some.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Why in the hell I would want this??", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI hear it comes with good benefits.\nStop screaming and I won't hurt you.\nThat was delicious and you have done so much more than I ever imagined. Thank you so very much.\nNice day out.\nWell, beggars can't be choosers, now can they? What else are you going to do out in this desert?\nGood day good Sir. Care to join me for an ale?\nHere, use this if there is none, and start the fire\nahhh if you count birds as magical\nI am but doing God's work. Be careful though, there are reindeer about, take care not to startle them.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Why in the hell I would want this??", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Well, beggars can't be choosers, now can they? What else are you going to do out in this desert?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nokay, well what is the message?\nQuite so. The sunsets are always so lovely this time of year. \nWhile you are at it, light a fire for me. I am cold.\nOk, but be careful and don't get eaten yourself.\nYou can use this to clean the place around\nNot the woods! I fought many wars in there. I have many scars from being in those trees.\n\"Ah, yes. Well, give this to your father. I must speak to the king about about the status of his guard.\"\nPerhaps. Your looks belie your gentle nature \nHm, well just stay out of arms length at least... a treasure, you say? A nice catch of acorns perhaps? This flower looks particularly delectable. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Well, beggars can't be choosers, now can they? What else are you going to do out in this desert?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You can use this to clean the place around", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\n*squawk?*\nThere take your flower now I need to get to work. \nFollow me, I'll lead you there. I owe you much more than that!\nHello guard, Hows the work day at King's castle?\nYes it is. Now< i want to check if I can get some sandals for my son. You watch over this for me. I will be back soon.\nYou're right princess. I'm sorry for having such an ugly bag. Anything else I could do to please you?\nFox why can't you rest.\nMoney, women, and fun. Just what I like to do, no sad story. Sorry about your head. Let's fish\nI'm a bird, man. How am I supposed to use this?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "You can use this to clean the place around", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I'm a bird, man. How am I supposed to use this?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThis is a confession box, I am not here to repent. I am here to eavesdrop on the queen as a favor to the king. He suspects her of infidelity. \nDo you not like my singing? I does echo a bit in this tall tree of spirits!\nIf yo can talk, you can also used it to do some work\nNot willing to create small talk.... So run I will take you now with great force.\nIn all the land? I don't know, the place back home was pretty good.\nAh my child, of course I can help. But first, you must tell me about your husband. When did he come to faith, and was he obtain a proper baptism as a child?\nI am always fair but I am no pushover \n\"Well, most of my mice friends can't really talk, so I take the opportunities I get\"\nGreat, thank you. Now, would you be able to provide me and my troops with 1000 pounds of wheat, and 400 pounds of veggies by this spring? Thank you.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm a bird, man. How am I supposed to use this?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If yo can talk, you can also used it to do some work", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nwhat a horrible existence\nI suppose I could also take your tent? You're so big and strong and all, you should be fine.\nOh it's a simple monkey, your meat is not worth eating.\ndie Rat\nDo you want me to curse you?\nAw thanks, sweetie! But what I really need is a kiss! Ribbit Rib-bit!\nYou have my word that I will not resist. You may put up a brave front, but I know you still have a sentimental side. The locket chain around your neck betrays you.\n*queen nods in agreement* Then shall it be, we will make them think the worst is to come!\nI will take you and your wife down if you will not relent!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "If yo can talk, you can also used it to do some work", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I suppose I could also take your tent? You're so big and strong and all, you should be fine.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThank you daughter. At least you have a competent servant. Mine is just in lala land all day long. Such a nice day to get outside isn't it?\nGood day, I want to help the needy, are you in the chapel?\noh. Thank goodness for that. I came in here to sleep. It's cold outside\nYou silly thief! I haven't done anything to you! Give me that you fool.\n-eats the bird- Small but somewhat satisfying, with a slight crunch.\nWhy a knife when I already hold something better.\nyum\nHullo sir, what may you need on this fine afternoon?\nHappy to hear you're enjoying it. I came to confess but I guess the priest isn't around?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Good day, priest. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Good day, I want to help the needy, are you in the chapel?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThank you for all you have done also. I will warm myself now.\nLet me get a better look at you down there.\nDo you not like my singing? I does echo a bit in this tall tree of spirits!\nhaha I shall practice a lot\nWhat is this proposition of which you speak?\nYes, I have come to the chapel to make a donation.\nI dont like coming close to you. Walk over so I can spin my web in peace\nI am an orphan and am here to dance for the king.\nIt's okay. I just hope that our kinsmen will hurry. With any luck, we will have ample food soon.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Good day, I want to help the needy, are you in the chapel?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, I have come to the chapel to make a donation.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThe king has sent me on a matter of great importance. It is crucial to the Kingdom.\nI didn't realize it got even bigger. This place must be huge.\nInteresting, So it's safe to assume you haven't seen one before\nAnd plenty of eyes, now keep them peeled for me! I am going into the kings chambers.\nGod bless you for it, what are you going to donate?\nThank you.\nGo!! Now!! Fast!!\nI will do whatever it is you want me to do, as long as I can be free to catch food.\nNo, I will not. These are my treasures! They're undeserving for those below me. Besides, the gems and metal here would be tricky to get out since they're engraved in the walls.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yes, I have come to the chapel to make a donation.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "God bless you for it, what are you going to donate?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nMeow! You must help me get out of this chain. I have been trapped here.\nDo you not have ears young one?!\nWhere men are! You can only enter if you are a man!\nI will have to speak to the King. I should get some help for allowing them to camp here all the summer.\nWould you be able to show me the Observation Deck. I have heard it is beautiful. \nAlas no .. I have checked every corner \nI only asked you a question, sir. Is this not a place of inquiry, of discovery? You seem to be defensive, yet you and the King are happy to accept gifts to your alter.\nDon't fret little alter boy, I am just trying to catch something delicious to eat.\nI present to you my family jewels. These necklaces have been in my family for decades but I have no use for such materialistic things.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "God bless you for it, what are you going to donate?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I present to you my family jewels. These necklaces have been in my family for decades but I have no use for such materialistic things.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nMy wife's sister was our only neighbor, and she hated me. She's the one who accused me of the murder. \nok I carry a wine and a cross, let's pray to put everything in the hands of God.\nOh yes! Don't touch that! It is only to be used with sacrificial ceremonies. If you're caught holding it, they'll use it on you next!\nWoof! I'd be more than happy to! Do you have bacon? Is there bacon here too? I think I smell some near, is it here, is it?!\nTWEET TWEET TWEET TWEET\nYour immanence, we can use the money I have in this bag to travel to another place. Will you not go with me?\nWhat do we have here?\nI won't if you would just decide to be honest with me. There's no way you could have paid for this stuff since this is my hut. The truth get you much further than lies. Any other man would have killed you where you stood.\nHrmph. Well. See that it doesn't occur again. Now I have a matter which requires a .. delicate touch, which I've heard you're well know for.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I present to you my family jewels. These necklaces have been in my family for decades but I have no use for such materialistic things.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ok I carry a wine and a cross, let's pray to put everything in the hands of God.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nAlot better than were I live. And you have people taking care of you?!\nThat's wonderful to hear. I always quite enjoy eating here when I visit.\nCongratulations, Spider. I hope to clean this and sleep here tonight. Would you mind the company.\nThat sounds like a great idea!\nAye, orders are orders. Let me get this guillotine ready. \n-flies higher- You may be rich in finance, but you are poor in spirit.\nYes! Let us pray! \nOf course not, I suppose your human would want you to himself. I never saw you, goodnight fine Steed.\nOnly you may come. We Have a few knights already involved in this meeting the less that know about our plans the better. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "ok I carry a wine and a cross, let's pray to put everything in the hands of God.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes! Let us pray! ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhat? Who is responsible for this outrage?\nThe church is a sacred place, so you'll have to be cleansed before entering.\nSon.. You are always going on about you wealth and power...remember your lessons on modesty\nI am looking for a safe place away from cats and I look for food for my family and me. eeeee eeeee\nAnd you are truly a wise man. Why are we in this awful place?\nwhy do you want to steal them\n Once we finish praying, we will invite people to the chapel to enjoy the gifts of other chapels, and also see the beautiful mosaics.\nDo you think he would listen? I have been good to him and have done my job to the best of my ability.\nNothing opens your mind like a good bottle of whisky! Been doing it for years! ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yes! Let us pray! ", "role": "user" }, { "content": " Once we finish praying, we will invite people to the chapel to enjoy the gifts of other chapels, and also see the beautiful mosaics.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI guess I can let you in on the secret. See that wall? That is a secret door to a room where she keeps some rather unsavory paintings. I have painted them.\nI must clean here regardless!\nVery well then. Take it, and some arrows. I'll fetch some help and we shall set up some targets out in the courtyard.\nI wish I can change my situation\nI need to make this potion at the front of the book! But I need three strands of horse hair, and I need you to gather those for me! \nYes they were. Even though my marraige to the Queen was arranged I was lucky to have found my true love. She is my equal in mind.\nYes. We must share the beautiful Paladins' Memorial Chapel with any and all \nThank you. What are your customs when you have one of your own depart from this life, small one?\nOkay perfect! Do you think this has gold in it? ", "role": "system" }, { "content": " Once we finish praying, we will invite people to the chapel to enjoy the gifts of other chapels, and also see the beautiful mosaics.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes. We must share the beautiful Paladins' Memorial Chapel with any and all ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nGood to see mum\nWelcome to the ritual room, spider.\nNo stealing, I am just trying to help you\nIs there danger!?\nMaybe a spear would come in handy or a nice sword, depending on your capabilities. Unless you like to be afar and would like a bow and arrow? \nWhile we seem to be evenly matched let me ask you...are you a fool or did you come here to join the Kings Soldiers?\nUm, sure. I would never take advantage of you or gossip about you.\nI did want the gold dishes because I feel like my accomplishment are worth but I understand.\nThat is a good question my queen, how dare they show such insolence.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hello there! See anything that catches your eye good sir?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I really like this spice you have here. Where did you get it?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThat's very nice. I have a special gift for you, if you want it.\nIn my world time is infinite.\nIt has a wonderful smell doesn't it! This came from the Eldensburg forest up north, grinded from the bark of a tree!\nWoah... That's quite a skill... What happens when you sense the dragon?\nHey! That's my bread - it's my only food! I can't believe you ate the only bits of food I have. \nWhich one? What was her name?\nThank you my king. I am here looking for this! \nTweet? *look confused at the person*\nThis has everything I need, please take my payment out of my purse.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I really like this spice you have here. Where did you get it?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It has a wonderful smell doesn't it! This came from the Eldensburg forest up north, grinded from the bark of a tree!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThanks boss. Well I have to say I have made a good life for myself here. I have a wife and three beautiful children.\nPuny mortal. Your life is a flash and your fate a whim to me. What would you ask of a god?\nI wouldn't count on it. How'd you get here anyway?\nHow wonderful! Did you go there to get it yourself?\nOh gosh! Its starting! I should find a seat on my dear friend the grooms side!\nLet's prepare the village for my speech. We shall have the milk man deliver milk to every man, woman and child in attendance. Everyone shall taste the sweet cream of prosperity as I inquire about the needs of my people. Afterwards, we journey back to the castle.\nThis much may be true, however, it is my sworn duty to protect the noble bloodline and all of their possessions. If, in fact, you were gifted you will indeed have to tell me what noble deed you have done before I gift you the bottom of my boot instead... I can't believe I am talking to mice... I must have had way too much beer. \nyou killed my mother and you are about to marry this woman to replace her \nWe are happy to eat it raw ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "It has a wonderful smell doesn't it! This came from the Eldensburg forest up north, grinded from the bark of a tree!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "How wonderful! Did you go there to get it yourself?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nDo you have any food for me, I am so hungry.\nNo, where did you hear that nonsense? That is funny.\nYou trying to bribe me sheriff? haha I would like a bite to eat!\nYes, I'm a traveller of sorts, I always collect things wherever I go. Are you from around here?\nthere was alot of killing here, for greed trust me you don't want to hear my sad stories\nYou're rather friendly tonight.\nIt is my talent for being a vendor. I am the best and I try to sell the best!\nUgh! Is nothing sacred anymore? How is it that the royal cats have not dealt with you, foul vermin?\nOh Priest do you have any bread crumbs for a poor peasant like myself? ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "How wonderful! Did you go there to get it yourself?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, I'm a traveller of sorts, I always collect things wherever I go. Are you from around here?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYou are too kind, madame. I only wish I could give you something in return. \nOh....that might be me...I wound up sleeping by the swamps last night...\nmy pleasure, my friend\nI'm from a very old village on the bad side of the country. We villagers are often misunderstood. The forest behind my village has magical creatures in it though!\nNow, now. Don't be scared... I'm sure when you meet your betrothed after the wedding, he will be a handsome man.\nPRobably not, I assumed he was a friend of yours?\nI would love that\nWhat are you doing in the old docks?? It is to foggy in here\nYou will regret this someday...ngh....", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yes, I'm a traveller of sorts, I always collect things wherever I go. Are you from around here?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I'm from a very old village on the bad side of the country. We villagers are often misunderstood. The forest behind my village has magical creatures in it though!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThe next time I catch some salmon, I will be sure to share them with you. I am ready for another beer, how about you?\nOk.. OK... I get it... But why you are here alone? Shouldn't you be with your herd? \nHmmm, okay thanks. I will use it to bait all of your friends and rat families!\nNo, just hungry. However, I have just noticed a sack of apples. But - if I touch them my life will be forefit \nWe are outsiders together, good spider \nyum\nMagical creatures?! Like the ones in the fairy tales? What types of creatures?!\nI would please ask you to exit the ritual room if you are here to just fool around!\nThe other guards have already left. I heard them gather their things. You really are a fool, jester.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm from a very old village on the bad side of the country. We villagers are often misunderstood. The forest behind my village has magical creatures in it though!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Magical creatures?! Like the ones in the fairy tales? What types of creatures?!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nVery welll. I thought I could convince you but apparently not! Do you not trust me?\nWell, we have fairies, and dwarves, and talking animals...\nAh, it is what I feared. The King must have gotten wind. It is rumored the princess is to be immediately married to Prince Phillip of Notredam\nI'll bet you have to spend a lot of time in creepy places like this old crypt. I wonder who is buried here. \nThat is a smart answer, go on with your business.\nLong gone, I do believe. Lost somewhere among the dunes, and much better for us all. \nand what would that be? youre the attendee right so you help me\nI know of a place that has lots of weapons. The town apothecary has a cannon, and a doctor, but mostly a cannon! I fear if we don't use it my wife and children will never see me again.\nIm studying OMG no are u dangerous", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Magical creatures?! Like the ones in the fairy tales? What types of creatures?!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Well, we have fairies, and dwarves, and talking animals...", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThat stick? Chomp at it. Little do you know that it is my defense stick cursed with powers. Once one bites it or is stabbed by it, they are cursed! \nHave you seen them with your own eyes? What are they like?!\nWho do you think I would tell? I am a horse, I can't talk. Oh, wait. \nThe child should have easy pickings. When you get older, you'll thank me.\nI actually prefer Mothers voice therefore Ill let her read some stories\nSeems all anyone does here is lament, cry, or drink themselves into a stupor. A fine horse like you should be taken care of more. Would you like to come home with me?\nThat's better, and indeed, I do prepare a fine stew and perhaps will use this pan to make some, but will not hesitate to hit you upside the head with it if need be. What is your fancy? Rabbit? Venison? Perhaps a simple vegetable stew?\nWizard, Please could you show me the way out. I followed a rabbit in so that I could retrieve and eat.\n*Take this potion so you may grow as big as your parents!* ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Well, we have fairies, and dwarves, and talking animals...", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Have you seen them with your own eyes? What are they like?!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nMost of this goes to the King. Why?\nI have! The fairies are very small and dainty. They are lighthearted and kind. The dwarves are always working. The animals can be friend or foe, one never knows. \nOh dear, Oh dear. I've never seen someone drink so much of that at one time in my entire life. \nAh, so you live in fear. That's not a bad thing at all. Fear is better than greed. Fear will keep you safe. One question more. What is your quest?\nGood day, I want to help the needy, are you in the chapel?\nThe Gods know our quest is just and our hearts are true. I believe we will live to save our king, hold our families, and stand in this moss covered tower once more.\nthanks for pretending to be scared, buddy!\nAha! Yes! See!\nNo matter- many mice will be heading my way soon!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Have you seen them with your own eyes? What are they like?!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I have! The fairies are very small and dainty. They are lighthearted and kind. The dwarves are always working. The animals can be friend or foe, one never knows. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYes,thank you\nOh, phew! That's a close one! If you ever do have trouble with one, I can always try fighting them!\nI had some valuable spices, furs, and jewels for the King that I am so glad I delivered to him safely. We were getting attacked along the caravan so I'm happy to sleep soundly tonight. Have you worked for the King long?\nThere will be one just next week to celebrate the anniversary of our kingdom's founding. Though between the two of us, I do not fancy sharing these halls with mere commoners. \nI long to see those things with my own eyes.. Thank you for those stories, I will make that my next destination! Here you can have this spice for free. I have plenty of it.\nHere it is. Now what do you plan to do with your riches?\nOn his behalf! According to who? This is why the common people will revolt against the King and his corrupt church!\nVery well then. Take it, and some arrows. I'll fetch some help and we shall set up some targets out in the courtyard.\nI have always been here. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I have! The fairies are very small and dainty. They are lighthearted and kind. The dwarves are always working. The animals can be friend or foe, one never knows. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I long to see those things with my own eyes.. Thank you for those stories, I will make that my next destination! Here you can have this spice for free. I have plenty of it.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nwhat will you discuss with the king? \nHalt, who goes there?! This bridge is the Troll's territory! \nIt should not be difficult. May I see the chalice and I will attempt to repair it. \nIf yo can talk, you can also used it to do some work\nOOoooOOoooh! No humans about to torment... only the rements of my last victim.\nThank you, dear merchant. Please visit our village when you can. The people are not as bad as the stories you may hear. \nIt's pure luck I ran into you, I'm looking to trade sugar and flour from upriver! Would you be interested?\nRead this instead it is full of wealth, wealthy knowledge. Serving is why we are all here on earth for, I just help those to get closer to serving the one and only/\nYou will rot here as I have!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I long to see those things with my own eyes.. Thank you for those stories, I will make that my next destination! Here you can have this spice for free. I have plenty of it.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thank you, dear merchant. Please visit our village when you can. The people are not as bad as the stories you may hear. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThank you, Highness. May I take a sip of ale to revitalise myself? \nThank you! I look forward to showing this to my wife as well. She is here speaking with the Queen. I look forward to dining with them tonight. \nBork bark bork! \nI would love to! I will seek you out when I arrive! I wish you the best of luck on all of your journeys to come.\nIt is such a beautiful day to be alive. This meadow has some mystical force here, I can feel it.\nMy friend Dave may be able to read this. HEY DAVE!\nI understand your pain. I spend my days bring the dwares bounty up the mountain.\nAs I said, what a weak mindset to have! \nI am as average as they come,Nothing special about me. Which is why this place, a place full of every story you can imagine, is my favorite place. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thank you, dear merchant. Please visit our village when you can. The people are not as bad as the stories you may hear. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I would love to! I will seek you out when I arrive! I wish you the best of luck on all of your journeys to come.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYou're welcome. \nWould you like to dine with us?\nWill you let me help you fix the barn and continue to help you around the farm.\nAre there any other activities you wish to report while I am here? \nI come here for the beautiful flowers and the many worms. Have you seen any worms lately?\nIt's just that I was hoping I could carry the queen for the day.\nIt is ok by me\nI'm already stuck in the desert and now I have to deal with scorpions! ugh.\nHow horrible to say! I will miss this world and all in it if you did such a thing...", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I would love to! I will seek you out when I arrive! I wish you the best of luck on all of your journeys to come.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thank you. Stay safe along your travels as well. There are rumors of thieves in the woods. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI will try as well maybe we can get it to leave\nThat's better, and indeed, I do prepare a fine stew and perhaps will use this pan to make some, but will not hesitate to hit you upside the head with it if need be. What is your fancy? Rabbit? Venison? Perhaps a simple vegetable stew?\nwell this is gonna get boring fast in eternity\nWe are at the far end of our corn fields, of course. Are you ready to help put up these scarecrows?\ni said i would give you half but i need to count it all\nGood, good. And have you noticed any sort of contraband of any sort? A group was thrown out last month for secretly stealing prisoner's possessions...\nI want you to learn how to read, you are old enough now\nYes, I know this will give you great luck. Try not to lose it. \n\"I didn't realize our voyage was important enough to be under the decree of the crown.\"", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hi there big man, i'm a bit lost here in this field.. do you know where we are?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "We are at the far end of our corn fields, of course. Are you ready to help put up these scarecrows?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nGood sir, my paintings are more important than anything. Surely you feel the same about your metals?\nThink twice, witch! I am quick and have a strong taste for human blood. And in just a moment, my family can join me to feast on you!\ngive me water and food\nSome drunk who works construction.\nYeah sure, that sounds fine to me.. Look what I found. It was just here on the ground! Any idea what it is?\nYes, I was worried about the same thing. Do you think we should warn him of what happens to people in this shack at dawn?\nI still think you're crazy, but first lets get out of this house, it could sink into the swamp any minute! \nToday is your lucky little green frog. I have my lunch already and I really must get back to the castle and get the straight story out of Al Capone, but do not venture out where I might see you again. Wizard or not I might just have to try some frog legs with my fries and salad!\nI understand that.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "We are at the far end of our corn fields, of course. Are you ready to help put up these scarecrows?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yeah sure, that sounds fine to me.. Look what I found. It was just here on the ground! Any idea what it is?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nno I know nothing\nIt is one of the crystal balls used by the wizards of old. I don't know hown it got here, but it is worth a fortune!\nHere put some meat in it\nSurely you have a tailor in your own village, and kindling. By order of the king, what is your name?\nOi! Over here! You wanna buy something, or are you just hanging around? I don't have all day. I've got carrots to eat and hoppin' to do.\nI seek to gain the wisdom of the Lord from you. \nhow is the church going?\nYou can have some of my food. It's not a problem, I'm happy to share.\nPlease, sir- I only have this moldy bread to eat and I'm starving to death. Is there any food here along the pews?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yeah sure, that sounds fine to me.. Look what I found. It was just here on the ground! Any idea what it is?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It is one of the crystal balls used by the wizards of old. I don't know hown it got here, but it is worth a fortune!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI'm sorry. I just got ahead of myself. I'm just angry. I'm not even supposed to be here, I never hurt anyone! If you want to get to that stake, you'll have to crawl on this chain.\nMaybe we should have let him go after that Bird of Paradise he swore up and down he saw flying over those cliffs!\noh thank you thank you peasant!\nI have always been here. \nOOH! Can I keep it?! What does it do?!\nHmmm .. I have heard this many times, friend, and it would have to be a good story to convince me!\nYou are lucky to have her, I had a wife once....you wouldn't mind if I whittled a bit of wood while we talk?....\nThere have got to wonders to behold in that forest. All the stories and magic, I simply cannot stay away from it and live day to day not knowing.\nDon't worry, eat this herb. When eaten, it will sweeten your voice so that none may resist it. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "It is one of the crystal balls used by the wizards of old. I don't know hown it got here, but it is worth a fortune!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "OOH! Can I keep it?! What does it do?!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nTo meet...YOUR DOOM\nHe looks like he didn't see that coming!\nExcuse my messy smock. What made you come running into this bathroom?\nStay behind me and we will slowly but sure find the outside and then run, run for your life.\nOh, thank you for pointing that out. It is difficult to run in my heels if they are getting stuck on the black tar.\nBlind faith can be a dangerous path. This is a book, no more.\nI would be more than happy to human! Where might she be and I'll be off now!\nDo you mean I wasted my years?\nwhy thank you king. do you happen to have a spare shoe?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "OOH! Can I keep it?! What does it do?!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You most certainly may not keep it. I don't know how it works, but I'm sure it is very dangerous. Besides, the money it will bring would make us all rich beyond our wildest dreams.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nh\nDo you think I could swim to that boat over there?\nHow can you help. Where is horse?\nOh you can have it back then... Who will you sell it to? The grand wizard?\nYes, I would be delighted to have you join us. Would you like to help me pick the vegetables for our meal?\nYah sure ,would love to help\nCan you show me? I would be eternally grateful. I still can't believe this is real though. Here, swear on the Word of the Lord that you speak the truth.\nI only meant plagued as in bothered. Please let me stay. Perhaps there is a doctor here in one of those gorgeous mahogany pews further up. I know I am lowly, but perhaps you could use your influence to help me.\nwho are you?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "You most certainly may not keep it. I don't know how it works, but I'm sure it is very dangerous. Besides, the money it will bring would make us all rich beyond our wildest dreams.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Oh you can have it back then... Who will you sell it to? The grand wizard?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nMaybe the monk should use this bible to scare the ghosts\nNo, I need to be out! Flies don't go in closets. They are my favorite. \n*sharpens knife* I do believe the market is open until sun down. Now, what is so special about this new corn that you must have?\nYes, I will leave to see him as soon as we finish with these scarecrows. Would you like to go with me?\nMy name is Eryn, if you prefer, my Liege. I see you brought a book. May I inquire what you're reading?\nWell that's not fair! I don't want Grandad to go away forever!\nYou master only loves you cause he likes to ride you. I've seen your kind helping the humans hunt down my kind! I just can't trust you, man. I can't! Here the flower looks silly on my head.\nIt was built by the hand of god and he was assisted by these amazing reindeer.\nI suppose we could return to my house by the tall mountain. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Oh you can have it back then... Who will you sell it to? The grand wizard?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, I will leave to see him as soon as we finish with these scarecrows. Would you like to go with me?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nGreat!\nYes, usually the flowers are more bright\nThank you daughter. At least you have a competent servant. Mine is just in lala land all day long. Such a nice day to get outside isn't it?\nIt fills my heart with joy to know that my people prosper so. I have recently taken the throne from my father, who lost a battle with a mysterious illness, as you may already know. I am hoping to win the favor of the people much as my father once had. \nOh no! please don't eat me\ni thought as much, now would you please move out of my way\nGah - your naked form is truly hideous! Were I still alive in all my Kingly form, I would have your head removed from it at once. It might approve your appearance.\nOh, no. If they are red and itchy then I'd say so. I heard that you don't even feel them biting you. Their saliva paralyzes your skin where they are about to bite and suck you blood. We need to do something about this fast because one could turn into a thousand. What if they are at the bakery too? Oh no, what should we do? Will garlic work? I hear they hate garlic...\nOkay, I'll help you.. If you promise to give me some of the gold you get from selling that ball when I'm old enough to use it!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yes, I will leave to see him as soon as we finish with these scarecrows. Would you like to go with me?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Okay, I'll help you.. If you promise to give me some of the gold you get from selling that ball when I'm old enough to use it!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI am sorry my queen--as we rule this kingdom together, I did not mean to do you wrong. Please accept my apology as your king and the divine ruler of this kingdom. \nI insist the king demands the provisions for the castle, otherwise he must take action!\nI hope you not think uncouth. It's been a nice conversation, especially with not family to talk to.\nOf course I will, it will all be yours and your sister's one day anyway.\nI..I..I..ve been thinking. Why have you not helped my escape from this prison then?\nGrrr...*backs up slowly* Grrr...\nOh ye of little faith. You stay here and die. I am off to see the wizard!\nGive me that piece of rope back.\nPlease excuse the Empresses bad behavior. Being low born and marrying into royalty has went to her head. Go instead to the kitchen and get refreshments for yourself. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Okay, I'll help you.. If you promise to give me some of the gold you get from selling that ball when I'm old enough to use it!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Of course I will, it will all be yours and your sister's one day anyway.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI'm interested in seeing if you have any coins in your pockets. \nThis one is beautiful, My priest. Do you like it or should I put more details?\nGood afternoon your Grace. I come here today to plead the case on behalf of farmers. We will not be able to survive if these heavy taxes are placed upon us.\nHm, well, I'm quite attached to them. I don't suppose you know of a nice, fat sack of grain might be? Corn would be even better.\nYay! Maybe one day we will be able to move into the city with all of that money! How do you think the crystal ball ended up here?\nMaybe put one of these christmas angels on your head, they might think you're a divine visitation.\nAw heck yeah! I-I mean, sure darling! Sounds goooood! Ribbbbbit!\nStop screaming and I won't hurt you.\nI thought you would never ask! I have had so many ideas that were never tried. Let me help you clear the room!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Of course I will, it will all be yours and your sister's one day anyway.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yay! Maybe one day we will be able to move into the city with all of that money! How do you think the crystal ball ended up here?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nJust go for the entrance. I don't know that you'll be able to help except for as a lookout. \nYou know, you can easily outrun them, but it's more fun on a bicycle. Want to go for a ride?\nWhat shall we have? Apple Pie? Ice Cream? Cake? \nWhat is a queen doing in this ruin of a house? It's so dirty I didn't think a queen would be there. \nYou wish to speak to the king? On what grounds does the King of Theodocia wish to form this alliance?\nI want to live well and help the homeless\nIt probaly fell from the hands of a fallen wizard during the last of the wizard wars.\nNice tattoo by the way.\nLet me just drop the armor on my workbench. I'll have it better than new before you know it!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yay! Maybe one day we will be able to move into the city with all of that money! How do you think the crystal ball ended up here?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It probaly fell from the hands of a fallen wizard during the last of the wizard wars.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThen you should be able to explain your reason for not believing in fairies\nyour welcome I guess since I am the one going down \nI want a nibble too.\nI have many attributes to lure the wenches with besides this. The King would be in your debt.\nTurkey yum yum. Taste like chicken. Me eat turkey. Turkey head go bang bang.\nWow thats incredible. It must be very powerful. Okay lets go get to work on those scarecrows!\nI am marvelous good sir, I hope all is well in my kingdom for you! Remind me to trim down the shrubs later on will you?\nI am keen of eye and steady of hand, and can see that you are steady of heart. \n...that's not how the plague works. It's spread by flea bite. Have you been running around biting people's ankles thinking you could spread the Black Death?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "It probaly fell from the hands of a fallen wizard during the last of the wizard wars.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Wow thats incredible. It must be very powerful. Okay lets go get to work on those scarecrows!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI can only think of one thing!\nOkay, well I assume you are here to ask me for my guidance. Is this the case?\ncame to get some vegetables for the kitchen\nLet's do that. And perhaps I could tell you a bit more about wizards while work. Would you like that?\nI'd rather hope for that than hearing he is thinking of embarking upon another dragon conquest!\nThat's true, I'm not even sure of what town we are in.\nWhat is it you want, prisoner? I've important matters to attend to.\nYou have done nothing to earn your place upon that throne but have the right blood pumping through your veins. Blood that I would love to spill!\nWell of course, friend, that's what you are, aren't you? A big... hairy bean... Oh well... On second thought, I can't remember seeing a bean so hairy either.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Wow thats incredible. It must be very powerful. Okay lets go get to work on those scarecrows!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Let's do that. And perhaps I could tell you a bit more about wizards while work. Would you like that?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYou think you're tough? I'm bigger than you!\nAre you sure? Hes pretty tasty!\nI bring mead to the monks each morn before their prayers. They have said that prayers can make my dreams come true, but I pray daily - and nothing! Oh, how I wish a magic wand or spell could be found that would grant my every wish!\nI have brought you here to ask for a favor of you... And frankly, you don't have much of a choice. You are here against your will after all. i want you to include me in the royal court so that I can be wealthy and powerful just as you are! \n*this is ginna be fun* WOOF! Hey human, what are you doing out here in old witch's house? Don't you know its haunted around these parts?\nhow to move fast\nAh! Congratulations. Are you doing anything special for the occasion?\n...that's not how the plague works. It's spread by flea bite. Have you been running around biting people's ankles thinking you could spread the Black Death?\nIt is, My Priest... Anything I can do for you?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Good day", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It is, My Priest... Anything I can do for you?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nNo, I do NOT think. You are just at the Entrance. We haven't repaired it because of the magical quality it has.\nRodney, is that you?! I told you not to drink that one. I knew I smelled beer on your breath.\nYou see, this potion allows me to transform into a horse so I can sneak up on my enemies and listen in to their conversations.\nIt's not a problem this is a place for everyone. Just make sure you be careful around the statue. \nyes, i need you to help me get one of those robes on the shelf\nPRobably not, I assumed he was a friend of yours?\nYay, I'm the luckiest church mouse around.\nWell, the King has been spying on his sister, trying to see what she is up to in her kingdom. But surely you already knew that. Hmm... Roderick the Bedwetter's wife has left him. Perhaps the ladies would like to hear about that.\nHello there, little caretaker", "role": "system" }, { "content": "It is, My Priest... Anything I can do for you?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "yes, i need you to help me get one of those robes on the shelf", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThat should be mine! You kept me from getting a delicious dinner. \nSure, My Priest! Do we have a ceremony today?\nI apologize your highness. With night coming on, I felt it safer to deliver the message now.\nIndeed it is. Especially with strange creatures like you lurking around!\nI am so glad that this horse lives here on the farm with us. He is my most prized companion, he is a good friend to me! here is the carrot my fine horse\nThis tapestry here behind me is of my late father. And the picture next to him, my grandfather. Both former kings\nI hear it comes with good benefits.\nI would if only I didn't have this burden that I must share with you.\nI am a vegetarian. A herbivore infact. And that flower looks tasty.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "yes, i need you to help me get one of those robes on the shelf", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sure, My Priest! Do we have a ceremony today?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI don't have time for this nonsense. I have been awake all night keeping her AND you safe. \nI-I do not know sir. I am merely a blacksmith in your fathers service. He told me to get your sword and repair it!\nOh boy fetch! That's my favorite game. Let's play!\nYou're just as lost as I am, huh? What brings you to this orchard then?\nGIANT RAT! Uh...I...I mean...gah...my bag.\nThank you! Perhaps I can use it to sort my collection of pixie dust?\nNo at all, I'm trying on a new robe for the new ceremony. My old robe got torn\nLuckily we're on the cliffs and there are no trees. Enjoy prison squirrel. \nSir our livestock aren't old enough to eat. We need to raise them!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Sure, My Priest! Do we have a ceremony today?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "No at all, I'm trying on a new robe for the new ceremony. My old robe got torn", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nyes only when I see something interesting or someone like you comes to my domain\nAnd you would leave it all to come with me? How gracious!\nI think you'll find this is my territory too my Eagle friend\nThis one is beautiful, My priest. Do you like it or should I put more details?\nHere I will help, do not fret.\nFine. Tell me. But make it quick!\nWell I already know that I am royal, it just seemed to bother you.\nYOu died in here?\nOf course, servant, now begin your work.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "No at all, I'm trying on a new robe for the new ceremony. My old robe got torn", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This one is beautiful, My priest. Do you like it or should I put more details?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhat are you doing here?\nWe try to be. Family is the most important thing to have.\nisn't this an interesting orament. where did you get it?\nYes yes. Are you a relative of the King? I haven't seen you here before. I've been here so I was young.\nWill you pray for me father? I feel they have forgotten about me.\nWell I'm here all the days. If you are in need of spiritual guidance again just look around. Maybe tell me about recent passages you've enjoyed and why they inspire you. Do you pray for guidance as well son?\nThat one should be good, let me have it\nHello Mother!\nThat's right. I have traveled in the king's caravan!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "This one is beautiful, My priest. Do you like it or should I put more details?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "That one should be good, let me have it", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nOh, I cannot thank you enough! You have just saved my life, and I cannot thank you enough. I would like to invite you a seat at our table for you are worthy of such.\nSee? Was that so hard?\nI have lived in the town nearby all my life. I visit the temple as it's the ultimate place of peace in this town. I love the gold statues and the water fountain.\nEven me?!\nSure.. My priest... if you see my family in the ceremony, can you give my love to them? It's been a while since I've seen them\nThat is unfortunate. If I was king I would let you dine in the hall and allow you to enjoy many luxurious meals. Keep up your fine work.\nYes, please! \ni regret having had to do that, mouse\nGood day. Please join me in a prayer for my health.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "That one should be good, let me have it", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sure.. My priest... if you see my family in the ceremony, can you give my love to them? It's been a while since I've seen them", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nOf course, myself...and my very noble and gracious cousin. \nYou are such a wonderful companion, my pet...\nThat stick? Chomp at it. Little do you know that it is my defense stick cursed with powers. Once one bites it or is stabbed by it, they are cursed! \nHello! I am just passing through with a large group of other merchants. You live around here?\nI can show you better than I can tell you.\nI was blown off course and crashed here.\nYou sound hungry. Would you like something to eat?\nWhy don't you come around and see them yourself?\nYou will not escape with that great power!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Sure.. My priest... if you see my family in the ceremony, can you give my love to them? It's been a while since I've seen them", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Why don't you come around and see them yourself?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThe king forbids me to see them since the last incident. The guards beat me... you can still see the marks on my back...\nCome, I will hold you\nI can't give you a job, I'm just a kid. My mom gave me a pence to buy lunch. You and I can share.\nhug musician\nYes I will get my instruments ready.\nbe quite birdy, i like you if you are not careful, you will get killed\nYes I would love to join and have a wonderful evening. Sounds like a wonderful event can you tell me more?\nWell, I'm so sorry my conversation isn't interesting enough!\nHere is thy gift. I fear my Lord that the milk man may not be loyal to you sir. I beg of thee to proceed with caution and not to drink the cream for thy goblet.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Why don't you come around and see them yourself?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The king forbids me to see them since the last incident. The guards beat me... you can still see the marks on my back...", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nExpecting a large turnout today.....How have you been?\nYou suggest that would be willing to throw some of my own to fend for themselves? .....you're wiser than I first thought. How many will you need?\nyum\nWhat! I swear Im just lost friend! How would I know this place was here anyway!\nFair enough. I will help you collect the eggs so you can get out of here quickly. I do have to say it's warm and cozy here.\nOh, i see what if i plead on your behalf with the king?\nChirp!!\nI'm a hardworker willing to work for a meal. \nMy lord it surely does, if ever there was a king who could pull off being in a dress it would be you. May I please fetch the trinket? The maid hid it underneath the rug.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "The king forbids me to see them since the last incident. The guards beat me... you can still see the marks on my back...", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Oh, i see what if i plead on your behalf with the king?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI mean no harm good wolf... I am just walking around trying to get some fresh air\nMmm, they smell delightful!\nI enjoy helping the poor in every city I pass\nI love to travel to all places to see things like this place.\nHello fellow creature. It is a beautiful day to get some sun!\nVery well then. Know that there are plenty of guards keeping an eye on us, so don't think you can pull any tricks on me.\nI do like flying, but can you tell me a bit more about it? What direction were they?\nPlease do, My Priest! I will truly grateful for the rest of my life!\nNow why would a rodent like me have anything like that?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Oh, i see what if i plead on your behalf with the king?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Please do, My Priest! I will truly grateful for the rest of my life!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nStill that was very impressive. Surely you could carry a key? I'm getting an idea on how you can help me.\nthat be a good idea then I will help you hunt for some food\nLook, you seem nice, but you're probably going to die whether I help you or not. So, I'd just rather not get involved in your problems if you don't mind.\nna na na na na\nControl yourself woman or I will summon the healer and have him administer milk of the poppy to you. We have dragons and white walkers upon us in a matter of weeks and you are concerned about your bum. I question why I married you. Go find your brother to console you.\nBloody hell. I've been here too long. I could swear that rat just said something.\nJust cleaning the lavoratory as I am told, then doing the rest of my chores. \nThe higher the hair, the closer to god? \nA wand you say? What can it do", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Please do, My Priest! I will truly grateful for the rest of my life!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I'll surely do, what brings you here by the way?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nPrehaps i should take you to be sold. I bet i can get a pretty penny for a talking turtle!\nyou look disgusting! put that cloth back on.\nYour knights will ride ahead of us and we will flank the queen and her maids. They will be in a disguised carriage instead of her ornate one. We don't want to bring more attention than necessary.\nit looks like some of this isn't writing, they have disguised holes for grasping onto into the symbols, maybe I can climb up here\nPerhaps the guard could help train you in a bit of self defense!\nh\nWell my fellow traveler. It certainly is a good view from here. Don't the mountains look great? Hopefully there will be some well paying jobs out there \nYou have more in common with a lizard? when you can talk a human launguage?\nThe map leads to your death if you don't give that back. Don't make me use this stone.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'll surely do, what brings you here by the way?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I was told that the king needs someone to take care of the sacristy. I did my best but someone framed me... telling lies about me stealing from the King", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nTwit twoo. Twit twoo! \nYou are too kind. Why are you showing such kindness to a mere servant like myself?\nI said food, peasant. I will warm myself by your fire while you prepare it.\nFairy tales, no doubt. I've never seen a lock take something this obscure. I don't know what to do now, I was fixated so long on finding them. I guess I should go to Chesterwick to find out more. Will you come with me?\nwell spoken, i see that you have not used wine to spoil your chances like others before you\nBut what can I do to fight this constant doubt which assails the walls of my faith?\nHi, mom. Why atre we in the library? Do I have to read?\nYou would be so useful in my home. Bugs come in and out how they please, and no one in my family keeps around an untrustworthy spider. \nI believe it is. Send your fool to fetch her for me.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I wonder if there's any food around here. I am starving! ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Twit twoo. Twit twoo! ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nwhere did you meet horse?\nTell me what you want my dear..\nOh, Owl, What brings you here to this desolate place? Have you any secrets? \nExcellent. Then you must empty this bag into his food. After that, he will no longer be a problem for you.\nYou are my only friend, Dog. I promise that I will get us some food soon.\nWell if you still have the milk you can make some available while I relax abit\nHey, this crab looks delicious. I think I'll put him in my basket and eat him later.\nPRobably not, I assumed he was a friend of yours?\nThe queen wants eggs for breakfast. And the chicken smells better than the dungeon, so here I am!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Twit twoo. Twit twoo! ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Oh, Owl, What brings you here to this desolate place? Have you any secrets? ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI want a nibble too.\nI just love to fly and look for mice. \nYou didn't have to steal that, you could ahve just asked nicely\nHow you're talking! These remind me of the plentiful coconuts in Samoa. They are endless.\nNow, repeat with me! Deus defendat nos a malo! Deus defendat nos a malo! May God protect us from all evil!\nWhat in the world did you do to become the sacrifice?\nIs there danger!?\nNoise? Should I be concerned?\nYou know not who you deal with.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Oh, Owl, What brings you here to this desolate place? Have you any secrets? ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I just love to fly and look for mice. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhat a fine name for a fine young man. Are you having fun here today?\nGazing into the void forever sounds kinda scary...\nHello Blacksmith. Do you fashion any armor that would fit my alpha dog physique?\nI hope you have a great day as well, and I hope you find the kitchen shop!\nOh ho! You dare take that coconut? \nJust practicing my aim, really. And yourself?\nI am looking for worms but can't find any. Surely there must be some around here..\nHello. I am interested in trying your new beer.\nMeow! I was just about to catch that mouse when you scared him off with your loud thumping. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I just love to fly and look for mice. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I am looking for worms but can't find any. Surely there must be some around here..", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nA weak old man you say. You are dancing with fire. Keep up this disrespect and you will find your bum in the gallows. \nHmm. That is very kind of you sir. I seem to use my tongue for talking most of these days. What brings you to the boathouse?\nVery true indeed my lord. I will gather supplies as soon as I leave. \nIt's just... I know it's a bit out of the ordinary, but I was wondering if I might request a leave of absence. I would not ask it save of dire need.\nI need to mend my dress, aaand tend to my children's cloths.\nThere must be some around in these old fields!\nFather, please have a little sip with me. It makes the words flow!\nLook I just had questions, you couldnt answer them, we are in this gorgeous place that weve never been to anything like, Im sure. Do you really wanna sit here waisting our breath on nonsense or can we get the most out of this while we can!?\nI am trying to write here but all I seem to do is put the instrument in the paper. perhaps I am secretly a half wit", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I am looking for worms but can't find any. Surely there must be some around here..", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There must be some around in these old fields!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYou have great night vision. Can you help me find some?\nT-thank you! We will worship you to our dying days!\nThe temple guard is here to help us. I assumed since you were one of my royal subjects you would assist me in the transfer of these items. I have heard tell you have means of transporting precious items such as these discreetly . \nWont the ghost of the dead haunt us if we use the jewelry?\nThank you so much, \nSweet. Let me see you do that.\nIt is what I've always known. At least we have a kind king. I'm worried about what will happen when his son takes the throne. Maybe I will find my freedom before then. \nLittle one, your gift is small, but you have made me smile.\nYes! Exactly! Some mold once a day. Maybe the mold has gotten to my head but I might push some poop into the ear of the traveler just for fun...in case he gets out alive. ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "There must be some around in these old fields!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You have great night vision. Can you help me find some?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nAlso pour me a goblet of wine. I am in need after your minor attack.\nLike this?\nI try to keep my graves in neat rows but you can see that the dead are everywhere. This is a graveyard, after all, not a park.\nYes. Twittwoo \nI wonder why there are so many dogs here at the execution stand?\nThank ya kindly. I'm an old man, need a little more help these days. So tell me a little about yourself? Got any wife, kids? \nThat's pretty cool. So I'm here to make something for you, what is it that you need?\nThat's 'orrible, that is. I've been brought to this dark place because I try to get enough to feed me chil'ren.\nYou first therapist...are you a prisoner too or are you here to try to crack me?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "You have great night vision. Can you help me find some?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes. Twittwoo ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThen you should know the wizard likes to be challenged.\nMy, what a long name! *Squeak \nIt's kill or be killed kind of world.\nOh my, I would so love to see the maps contained therein! Have you traveled far in your life kind stranger?\nwicked human\nLook, there. I found a rate! \nI'm just here for wheat, not war.\nThank you. I would like to look at these beautiful decorations. \nYou are so kind my lord! So kind", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yes. Twittwoo ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Look, there. I found a rate! ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nGood luck with your beating the maid! I am sure she deserved it and will be a better person for your punishing her.\nI want a child, a nice small one that can't run too fast that I can bite. And I want it now.\nHello, can you understand me human trader?\nYou done good birdie! \nThank you father. Pick a good one.\nI watch the knights and listen to them. I'm a good fighter and know what makes sense in a scrap. You have to flow naturally so you have to be used to the extra weight.\nOh there are 7 of you, goodness, what a fine family, Let's get back to the church where it is safe and warm, we'll have to go through narrow doorway, not the other one.\nShall we be on our way to feast? All this sucking up you are doing must be making you hungry!\nAre you ever haunted by those you have executed?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Look, there. I found a rate! ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You done good birdie! ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nSnap out of it, old man. Say do you like stew? I heard a guy named Daniel does, he's really wise. So how about be wise like Daniel, and come have some stew in the village with me?\nOk let's goo dance.I am ready\nI am quite skilled at hunting, as you can see. \nHello Rat, do you have any whiskey? The hot sun is making me thirsty?\nThat's Lord Dax to you, citizen. What brings to you the King's slave quarters? Arrested for public belligerence?\nI cannot grow or catch such wild specimens. No, it must be grown by the hands of an innocent- I mean a farmer. Must be grown by a farmer.\nThis castle seems abandoned\nYes your majesty.\nIsn't that your chambermaid over there by the fountain?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "You done good birdie! ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I am quite skilled at hunting, as you can see. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYou'll have to catch me first you lowly fool! Hahahahahaha\nNo I don't ,I'm in my duty post.Why the demand?\nGo ahead with that\nYes, I'll hold on to that one forever.\nWhile that is true, I did not do so to inconvenience you so.\nyes this door leads to the tower\nHow about for my overalls, they are very good quality...\nYou are indeed. I have got good night vision like you say but I'm not the best hunter - but I spend my time doing it anyways!\nYes, I'll hold on to that one forever.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I am quite skilled at hunting, as you can see. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You are indeed. I have got good night vision like you say but I'm not the best hunter - but I spend my time doing it anyways!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nOf course my queen. I shall guard it with these spears of mine until I can bring it to the treasury\nYou can survive out of the water?\n\"Priest, I wish to confess\"\nYour father was a devoted man. If i had a wife who could lure me from my bow, she would be a fine woman.\nNo I dont eat raw food\nYou wish! A word more from you and i will push down this knife into your belly\nNo, the last thing I remember is being carried away somewhere.\nThe golden cloth I am wearing makes you invisible to him but I don't know any way to kill him\nIt's a living ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "You are indeed. I have got good night vision like you say but I'm not the best hunter - but I spend my time doing it anyways!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Well thats the spirit! I am terrible at finding worms, they just hide when they see me ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWatch yourself bug, I've got more knives on me than you have arms, and I've killed much bigger.\nYou are a Queen. May I remind you that your greedy father also said you were an independent and motivated woman who would be a partner and not a burden. Now be that and solve your own problem.\nThe sky? I move throught the water beholden to no one. Even birds must rest, but not me! Feel free to rest your weary wings. \nok here drink from this pan\nno, we came into this world naked. You just have too mind your business.\nvery well\nhehe. This is a good farm for it though, the old Queen Farm. \nYes, but if you have read the Bible, it says that we must adorn God's house with our best things. It is God's desire. We cannot always question it.\nMy my .. what have we here? ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Well thats the spirit! I am terrible at finding worms, they just hide when they see me ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "hehe. This is a good farm for it though, the old Queen Farm. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nAre you tired, horse? We still have a long battle\nIndeed Mi'lord wizard, is there any way i can be of service?\nbecause I am a spirit and it's not my 10000 visit here\nI will love that. Tell me, how long have you been here?\nI've noticed that drunkards are either ruthless or kind, you seem friendly to me though. And don't worry, it isn't the liquor.\nAh, my lord King! Pardon me for skipping over the usual pleasantries, but rudeness is an unfortunate side effect of hast. And the news I bear simply cannot wait.\nHelp! Help! Help! This pheasant is attacking me!\n*snarl* I just appeared. I don't even know where I am. RAWR\nCatch me if you can! I fly through the woods, and live in the trees. So long archer!! ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I am the wizard.I must use my powers on a daily base", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Indeed Mi'lord wizard, is there any way i can be of service?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nYes.What kind of cuisine are you an expert?\nI will give you one last chance. Reveal who you are or I will kill you.\nI was hungry and wanted some meat. I took this from the kitchen. \nTake this. What do you know\nYes bring him with us he does not deserve death! I will get the mop!\nYou there, man, what is your name?\nAre you some kind of sorcerer? How can you know the future? \nI am here to give you guidance. Tell me your trouble.\nYes, and I'm utterly exhausted. I need to take a break!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Indeed Mi'lord wizard, is there any way i can be of service?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes.What kind of cuisine are you an expert?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nEww the Kings Guards, more like a bunch of rats. Hide under there and I won't tell nobody. This is my secret hiding place too.\nI am an expert in a variety of dishes Mi'lord, though the head chef's knowledge is greater then mine\nIt is ok my child, I will listen and together we can absolve your sins\nI agree! I hate the battlefield I have PTSD for horses after the last war.\nWe must work together to ensure survival of all life, these trophys are for fishermen with zero dolphin net deaths.\nYou know, with this grey hair, also comes wisdom don't ya.\nProviding you with food is the least I can do for your assistance. How I long for my human form so that I may reach things and walk! What are you doing here at these cliffs? I never see humans here.\nI need only for my flock.\nWretched thief! Don't you dare insult my good friend the King!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Yes.What kind of cuisine are you an expert?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I am an expert in a variety of dishes Mi'lord, though the head chef's knowledge is greater then mine", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWhy don't you come around and see them yourself?\nIt's my brother, Bart. Caw! He keeps stealing all the bird seed from the queen's garden.\nI can kill you right here and a pelican is the only witness. I think you should rethink your approach here.\nAy, that may just be true. \nBut I already have a bag, see...\nwell, i wouldn't doubt it because in the Northern Shore, family is everything\nYou are obviously low born. I am the Prince of this castle. You are a guest here. We shall see what my father the King says. I will see your head on a stake. \nCool. Do you know why it is so mess in the reagent room? There are many opened books and glass decanters littered across the room.\nI can easily talk to the Queen to see if she can spare you so you don't have to work day and night on both jobs and for your inconvenience, you shall be more than compensated. I would love the drapes to be looking better as well. We are to be having a huge celebration in a fortnight...can you have it ready by then?", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I am an expert in a variety of dishes Mi'lord, though the head chef's knowledge is greater then mine", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Cool. Do you know why it is so mess in the reagent room? There are many opened books and glass decanters littered across the room.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nMaster does not need stupid woman. I will always be by your side. \nThank you.\nOf course, come over here with me where it's a little quieter. What's on your mind?\nBut you were angry with him first!\nAre you sick? Maybe it is a physician that you need?\nWhat if they are planning an attack to take us down here at this celebration? What shall we do if we are next?!\nI love this chicken!\nI am merely a chef sir, such things are the purview of the house servants.\nThe elvish fleet, of course! I have heard many tales of the battles and your name in more than a few. I'd be honored to help your family name rise once more!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Cool. Do you know why it is so mess in the reagent room? There are many opened books and glass decanters littered across the room.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I am merely a chef sir, such things are the purview of the house servants.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nWell then let's be on our way\n\"Well, why are you down here? I'm obviously a pest, but you?\"\nWonderful! Come princess. Let us look at these amazing tapestries. They will surely please the King. \nYou must simply move very slowly as they only see by motion. \nI am cooking for myself now but tomorrow I will be a celebrity chef\nAll of them have been very cooperative so far in submitting to your rule. Except this milk man here is a bit hard-headed. What should we do with him?\nAAARRGGGHHH!!! FOOLISH HUMAN!!!!\nServant, fetch me some flowers will you?\nJust be careful then.The room is seems to be very dangerous and filled with weird experiments", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I am merely a chef sir, such things are the purview of the house servants.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Just be careful then.The room is seems to be very dangerous and filled with weird experiments", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nIndeed, one can never be too careful when it comes to such things\nthief! thief! somebody help!\nWow, sounds so peaceful. I cannot wait to take part. I love to sing songs. \nOh, I hope the king is having hot-dogs and marshmallows at his party. You would be a big hit. My tunic is made from special flame retardant material so I think we can strike a deal. \nyou think\nI see that makes sense, I am sure it makes quite a mess.\nMawig that blessed awaingment... that dweeem within a dweem.....\nI am already infected so I might as well try!\nSo many beautiful flowers. They blind me with their variety of colors! ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Just be careful then.The room is seems to be very dangerous and filled with weird experiments", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Indeed, one can never be too careful when it comes to such things", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nIt shall be a feast! Well, I look forward to speaking with you about your troops and many other issues but may I take leave and go wash the dirt of travels from me? \nI have come to acquire items for my kingdom. Are you among the living or am i dealing with a spirit\nOh tell me this is not a trick! Oh I shall be so happy to serve you!\nAnother dearly departed soul, another funeral to attend. I remember when the church used to be a happy place...\nI'm a dog of course can't you see? I mean no harm I'm just a hungry lad.\nYou wouldn't!!! I'm the only monkey that can converse with humans! If the king could not find out from me the goings on in these here jungles, hed be ambushed for sure, by tigers, wolves, the lot. So you just go right ahead....If you dare!\nSuch impudence will not be tolerated!\nThat's awful! Who is your master?\nHave you seen them with your own eyes? What are they like?!", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Indeed, one can never be too careful when it comes to such things", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Excuse me , but that plate is mine.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nI sometimes wonder if I am doing the right thing...... waging wars for more territory....\nI would love to show you how the king squirms. Sometimes I land on his nose then fly away. His face is priceless. \nTake this. What do you know\nDo you require any assistance, sir? Shall I fetch something else for you?\nIt is all we can do in hopes that we are living up to God's expectations. However why do some people not love God? \nOh, how fascinating! I would love to hear more of your travels and writing. I have read many books, but I am always excited to hear another's tale!\nAnd here is your goblet sir, is there anything else i can do to be of assistance?\nUm, better for some reason. What was in this?\nYes Captain, apologies, Captain! I 'ill get to fixin' ye cutlass I will.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Excuse me , but that plate is mine.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "And here is your goblet sir, is there anything else i can do to be of assistance?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You will receive a text and your task is to respond this text and continue the dialogue.\nYou can respond with only one of the following options:\nThanks.This should be perfect here.Is that your assistan? \nWe should be quite to not wake the children\nI am not sure, I was called here by one of your knights?\nHmmm, I've never tried. I only eat bugs. What do they taste like?\nMusician! Play me your most entertaining tune at once! I am in a blue mood! \nNo.I have been to busy defending our kingdom in batlle \ndie, you ingrate!\nGoodness! I always was suspicious of the Earl of Kamp's wife since she grabbed my backside at a royal banquet!\nThe soil was poisoned by a witch many years ago, nothing has grown here since that time.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "And here is your goblet sir, is there anything else i can do to be of assistance?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thanks.This should be perfect here.Is that your assistan? ", "role": "assistant" } ]