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{"id": "Conlang:14", "jb": "le ninmu poi la argail pacna lo nu speni cu du da poi le nanmu poi da pacna lo nu speni cu pacna lo nu speni", "jb_tok": "le ninmu poi la a rga i l pacna lo nu speni cu du da poi le nanmu poi da pacna lo nu speni cu pacna lo nu speni", "en": "The woman Argyle hoped to marry was the woman the man she hoped to marry hoped to marry.", "en_tok": "the woman argyle hoped to marry was the woman the man she hoped to marry hoped to marry .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:57", "jb": "su'o mobyterle'i ctuca cu jibri sidju ije su'o dusygu'a jitro cu ctuca ije ku'i no jitro cu jibri sidju", "jb_tok": "su'o mo'a## te## pleji ctuca cu jibri sidju i je su'o dukse## gunka jitro cu ctuca i je ku'i no jitro cu jibri sidju", "en": "Some underpaid professors are also secretaries, and some overworked administrators are professors, but no administrator is a secretary.", "en_tok": "some under ##pa ##id professors are also secretaries , and some over ##work ##ed administrators are professors , but no administrator is a secretary .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:55", "jb": "su'o prenu naku se sinma su'o da", "jb_tok": "su'o prenu na ku se sinma su'o da", "en": "Someone is not respected by anyone.", "en_tok": "someone is not respected by anyone .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:37b", "jb": "ga do ka'e kansa le se prami be do gi ko prami le se kansa be do", "jb_tok": "ga do ka'e kansa le se prami be do gi ko prami le se kansa be do", "en": "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.", "en_tok": "if you can ' t be with the one you love , love the one you ' re with .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:39", "jb": "le ropa bersa be le nolraitru be le sfero cu speni pa le tixnu be la xerbert", "jb_tok": "le ro pa bersa be le nobli## traji## turni be le sfero cu speni pa le tixnu be la xenru## berti", "en": "The king of Sweden's only son is married to one of Herbert's daughters.", "en_tok": "the king of sweden ' s only son is married to one of herbert ' s daughters .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:58", "jb": "ganai lo tadni joi lo ctuca be ty cu tolzdisi'u gi lo rore da cu malxaksu lo ri temci", "jb_tok": "ga nai lo tadni joi lo ctuca be ty cu to'e## zdile## simxu gi lo ro re da cu mabla## xaksu lo ri temci", "en": "If a student and his or her professor bore each other, then both are wasting their time.", "en_tok": "if a student and his or her professor bore each other , then both are wasting their time .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:25", "jb": "ganai su'ore prenu cu banli gi no prenu cu du lo ropa banli prenu", "jb_tok": "ga nai su'o re prenu cu banli gi no prenu cu du lo ro pa banli prenu", "en": "If at least two people are great, then no one is the one great person.", "en_tok": "if at least two people are great , then no one is the one great person .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:32", "jb": "ganai su'o re prenu cu banli gi no prenu cu ropamoi fi lo banli prenu", "jb_tok": "ga nai su'o re prenu cu banli gi no prenu cu ro pa moi fi lo banli prenu", "en": "If at least two people are great, then no one is the one great person.", "en_tok": "if at least two people are great , then no one is the one great person .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:63", "jb": "la rebekas cu se tixnu su'o re da", "jb_tok": "la re be ka s cu se tixnu su'o re da", "en": "Rebecca has at least two daughters.", "en_tok": "rebecca has at least two daughters .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:29", "jb": "le xunre zdani cu du le zdani poi la djak ba'o zbasu ke'a", "jb_tok": "le xunre zdani cu du le zdani poi la djak ba'o zbasu ke'a", "en": "The red house is the house that Jack built.", "en_tok": "the red house is the house that jack built .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:40", "jb": "la karlas cu du lo ropa cfatadni poi ke'a traji snada ro tercu'e be fi ke'a", "jb_tok": "la kalri## slasi cu du lo ro pa cfari## tadni poi ke'a traji snada ro te## ckule be fi ke'a", "en": "Carla is the one freshman who aced every course in which she enrolled.", "en_tok": "carla is the one freshman who ace ##d every course in which she enrolled .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:19", "jb": "ca da le merko ba cuxna lo ninmu jatna i la'e di'u ba na melbi", "jb_tok": "ca da le merko ba cuxna lo ninmu jatna i la'e di'u ba na melbi", "en": "Someday the USA will elect a woman president, and it won't be pretty.", "en_tok": "someday the usa will elect a woman president , and it won ' t be pretty .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:38b", "jb": "le ctuca be le lankyboi selkei bende cu sisku le clarai tadni", "jb_tok": "le ctuca be le lanka## bolci se## kelci bende cu sisku le clani## traji tadni", "en": "The coach of the basketball team is looking for the tallest student.", "en_tok": "the coach of the basketball team is looking for the tallest student .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:77", "jb": "la aristoteles jo'u la dekart cu se steci lo ka ke'a mencremau ro se ctuca be ke'a", "jb_tok": "la a rismi## tot e le s jo'u la de kart cu se steci lo ka ke'a menli## certu## zmadu ro se ctuca be ke'a", "en": "Aristotle and Descartes are the only philosophers who are smarter than all of their disciples.", "en_tok": "aristotle and des ##car ##tes are the only philosophers who are smarter than all of their disciples .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:73b", "jb": "la keis cu sinma da'apa prenu enai ky", "jb_tok": "la kei s cu sinma da'a pa prenu e nai ky", "en": "Kay respects everyone but herself.", "en_tok": "kay respects everyone but herself .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:42", "jb": "ro remna cu jilra le remna poi ro vulko cu sinma ke'a", "jb_tok": "ro remna cu jilra le remna poi ro vulko cu sinma ke'a", "en": "Every human envies the human admired by every Vulcan.", "en_tok": "every human en ##vies the human admired by every vulcan .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:62", "jb": "la daniel cu ropamoi panzi la iakob", "jb_tok": "la da nie l cu ro pa moi panzi la ia ko b", "en": "Daniel is the only child of Jacob.", "en_tok": "daniel is the only child of jacob .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:18", "jb": "ro remna cu jilra le remna poi ro vulko cu jilra ke'a", "jb_tok": "ro remna cu jilra le remna poi ro vulko cu jilra ke'a", "en": "Every human envies the human admired by every Vulcan.", "en_tok": "every human en ##vies the human admired by every vulcan .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:60", "jb": "ro da poi ke'a sinma ke'a cu se sinma ro de poi ke'a sinma di", "jb_tok": "ro da poi ke'a sinma ke'a cu se sinma ro de poi ke'a sinma di", "en": "Everyone who respects oneself is respected by everyone who respects someone.", "en_tok": "everyone who respects oneself is respected by everyone who respects someone .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:68", "jb": "ro ricfu prenu cu ponse su'o re karce", "jb_tok": "ro ricfu prenu cu ponse su'o re karce", "en": "Every affluent person owns at least two cars.", "en_tok": "every affluent person owns at least two cars .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:79", "jb": "no prenu cu sinma su'o prenu poi ke'a sinma da'apa prenu enai ke'a", "jb_tok": "no prenu cu sinma su'o prenu poi ke'a sinma da'a pa prenu e nai ke'a", "en": "No one respects anyone who respects everyone but him or herself.", "en_tok": "no one respects anyone who respects everyone but him or herself .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:8", "jb": "no zdani cu se nenri pa po'o jalra", "jb_tok": "no zdani cu se nenri pa po'o jalra", "en": "No house has only one roach in it.", "en_tok": "no house has only one roach in it .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:31", "jb": "lo prenu poi ke'a catra JFK cu te pleji fi CIA", "jb_tok": "lo prenu poi ke'a catra J## F## K cu te pleji fi C## I## A", "en": "The person who shot JFK worked for the CIA.", "en_tok": "the person who shot j ##fk worked for the cia .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:64", "jb": "la kain na kurji lo bruna be ky", "jb_tok": "la kai n na kurji lo bruna be ky", "en": "Cain was not his brother's keeper.", "en_tok": "cain was not his brother ' s keeper .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:61b", "jb": "ro da go du zei kikeron gi du zei tulius", "jb_tok": "ro da go du zei ki ke ro n gi du zei tu liu s", "en": "Cicero is Tully", "en_tok": "cicero is tully", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:38a", "jb": "le ctuca be le lankyboi selkei bende cu sisku lo clarai tadni", "jb_tok": "le ctuca be le lanka## bolci se## kelci bende cu sisku lo clani## traji tadni", "en": "The coach of the basketball team is looking for the tallest student.", "en_tok": "the coach of the basketball team is looking for the tallest student .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:49", "jb": "la'o zoi Danny DeVito zoi e lo cilce cinfo joi tirxu zo'u xagrai fa lo nu rivbi", "jb_tok": "la'o zoi D a n ny D e V i to zoi e lo cilce cinfo joi tirxu zo'u xamgu## traji fa lo nu rivbi", "en": "Danny DeVito and ferocious lions and tigers are best avoided.", "en_tok": "danny devi ##to and ferocious lions and tigers are best avoided .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:35", "jb": "no da zmarai lo ro nonmau mulna'u", "jb_tok": "no da zmadu## traji lo ro no## zmadu mulno## namcu", "en": "Nothing is the greatest positive integer.", "en_tok": "nothing is the greatest positive integer .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:36", "jb": "le cipra poi ro tadni cu fliba ke'a cu nadmau le cipra poi ro tadni cu snada ke'a", "jb_tok": "le cipra poi ro tadni cu fliba ke'a cu nandu## zmadu le cipra poi ro tadni cu snada ke'a", "en": "The exam that every student failed is harder than the exam that every student passed.", "en_tok": "the exam that every student failed is harder than the exam that every student passed .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:46", "jb": "la bil xebni la djordj inaja la pat xebni la bil", "jb_tok": "la bi l xebni la sadjo d## j i na ja la pa t xebni la bi l", "en": "Bill hates George only if Pat hates Bill.", "en_tok": "bill hates george only if pat hates bill .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:1b", "jb": "da'apa da enai le nolraitru naku sinma le nolraitru", "jb_tok": "da'a pa da e nai le nobli## traji## turni na ku sinma le nobli## traji## turni", "en": "Everyone except the king does not admire the king.", "en_tok": "everyone except the king does not admire the king .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:70", "jb": "ro nonmau mulna'u cu lamli'e pa da", "jb_tok": "ro no## zmadu mulno## namcu cu lamji## lidne pa da", "en": "Every positive integer has exactly one successor.", "en_tok": "every positive integer has exactly one successor .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:11b", "jb": "le nobli be lo elfe ba pagre le xamsi inaja le nobli be la mordor cu se jinga", "jb_tok": "le nobli be lo e lfe ba pagre le xamsi i na ja le nobli be la morko## donri cu se jinga", "en": "The lord of the elves will cross the sea only if the lord of Mordor is defeated.", "en_tok": "the lord of the elves will cross the sea only if the lord of mor ##dor is defeated .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:22", "jb": "ta melbi ke cmalu ke nixli ckule", "jb_tok": "ta melbi ke cmalu ke nixli ckule", "en": "Now that's a pretty little girls' school.", "en_tok": "now that ' s a pretty little girls ' school .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:17", "jb": "e'u censa jamna lo muslo nu stidi lo nu censa jamna", "jb_tok": "e'u censa jamna lo muslo nu stidi lo nu censa jamna", "en": "Jihad Against Islam's Call for Jihad.", "en_tok": "jihad against islam ' s call for jihad .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:44", "jb": "ti du le gerku poi jersi le mlatu poi kalte le smacu poi xabju le zdani poi la djak zbasu", "jb_tok": "ti du le gerku poi jersi le mlatu poi kalte le smacu poi xabju le zdani poi la djak zbasu", "en": "This is the dog that chased the cat that stalked the mouse that lived in the house that Jack built.", "en_tok": "this is the dog that chased the cat that stalked the mouse that lived in the house that jack built .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:43", "jb": "lo pu jatna be le merko cu du lo ro merko poi se slabu ro jatna be lo gugde", "jb_tok": "lo pu jatna be le merko cu du lo ro merko poi se slabu ro jatna be lo gugde", "en": "The former president of the United States is the only American who knows the president of every country.", "en_tok": "the former president of the united states is the only american who knows the president of every country .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:7", "jb": "li pai dilcu lo se mitre be lo korbi be lo cukla lo se mitre be lo ravysirji be cy li no", "jb_tok": "li pai dilcu lo se mitre be lo korbi be lo cukla lo se mitre be lo ragve## sirji be cy li no", "en": "The result of dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter is equal to pi.", "en_tok": "the result of dividing the ci ##rc ##um ##ference of a circle by its diameter is equal to pi .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:33", "jb": "la djerymis cu tolcitrai lo ro bersa be la koris", "jb_tok": "la djer## misno cu to'e## citno## traji lo ro bersa be la ko ri s", "en": "Jeremy is Cory's oldest son.", "en_tok": "jeremy is cory ' s oldest son .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:66", "jb": "lo ropa perli poi stali le tricu cu fusra", "jb_tok": "lo ro pa perli poi stali le tricu cu fusra", "en": "The only pear left on the tree is rotten.", "en_tok": "the only pear left on the tree is rotten .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:2", "jb": "lo clarai e lo toryrai be lo ro nanmu pe le munje cu cmibi'o le tigbe'e", "jb_tok": "lo clani## traji e lo tordu## traji be lo ro nanmu pe le munje cu cmima## binxo le tigni## bende", "en": "The tallest and smallest men in the world both joined the circus.", "en_tok": "the tallest and smallest men in the world both joined the circus .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:15", "jb": "da vi fasnu ije lo nu da mokau cu na klina", "jb_tok": "da vi fasnu i je lo nu da mo kau cu na klina", "en": "Something's happening here, and what it is ain't exactly clear.", "en_tok": "something ' s happening here , and what it is ain ' t exactly clear .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:37a", "jb": "ganai do na ka'e kansa le se prami be do gi ko prami le se kansa be do", "jb_tok": "ga nai do na ka'e kansa le se prami be do gi ko prami le se kansa be do", "en": "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.", "en_tok": "if you can ' t be with the one you love , love the one you ' re with .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:53", "jb": "lo tadni cu snada gi'o gunka", "jb_tok": "lo tadni cu snada gi'o gunka", "en": "The only students who pass are the ones who work.", "en_tok": "the only students who pass are the ones who work .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:21", "jb": "jinga", "jb_tok": "jinga", "en": "Checkmate", "en_tok": "check ##mate", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:47", "jb": "lo nu da kurji je tolylazni cu sarcu gi'enai ku'i banzu lo nu da snada le tercli", "jb_tok": "lo nu da kurji je to'e## lazni cu sarcu gi'e nai ku'i banzu lo nu da snada le te## cilre", "en": "Being careful and diligent is necessary, but not sufficient for passing this course.", "en_tok": "being careful and dil ##igen ##t is necessary , but not sufficient for passing this course .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:23", "jb": "ko'a gunta lo prenu gi'enai lo panpi prenu", "jb_tok": "ko'a gunta lo prenu gi'e nai lo panpi prenu", "en": "They were attacking people, not peaceful people.", "en_tok": "they were attacking people , not peaceful people .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:5", "jb": "me'iro gugde cu cmima la jonsi'u gugde", "jb_tok": "me'i ro gugde cu cmima la jorne## simxu gugde", "en": "Not every country belongs to the U.N.", "en_tok": "not every country belongs to the u . n .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:6", "jb": "ro jatna be lo gugde cu se slabu ro drata jatna be lo gugde", "jb_tok": "ro jatna be lo gugde cu se slabu ro drata jatna be lo gugde", "en": "The president of every country knows the president of every other country.", "en_tok": "the president of every country knows the president of every other country .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:72", "jb": "la batman jo'u la robin se steci lo ka balpre bu'u la gotam", "jb_tok": "la batci## manku jo'u la ro bi n se steci lo ka banli## prenu bu'u la go ta m", "en": "Batman and Robin are the only heros in Gotham.", "en_tok": "batman and robin are the only hero ##s in gotham .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:56", "jb": "ro ctuca poi roda tolzdi ke'a cu tolzdi ro se ctuca be cy", "jb_tok": "ro ctuca poi ro da to'e## zdile ke'a cu to'e## zdile ro se ctuca be cy", "en": "Any professor who is bored by everything bores all of his or her students.", "en_tok": "any professor who is bored by everything bore ##s all of his or her students .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:74", "jb": "ro da du su'o de", "jb_tok": "ro da du su'o de", "en": "Everything is identical to something.", "en_tok": "everything is identical to something .", "source": "conlang"}