jbo-corpus / data /train /aspect_train.jsonl
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{"id": "Aspect:22", "jb": "la brest co'a se jibri ca lo cedra be lo nu lo clani lenjo cu jai zabna tcaci i ku'i by ca'o pilno ly za'o lo nu ly co'u jai zantcaci", "jb_tok": "la bredi s## t co'a se jibri ca lo cedra be lo nu lo clani lenjo cu jai zabna tcaci i ku'i by ca'o pilno ly za'o lo nu ly co'u jai zabna## tcaci", "en": "Brest started his career during an era when long lenses were all the rage, but he's kept using them beyond the point where they ceased to be fashionable.", "en_tok": "brest started his career during an era when long lenses were all the rage , but he ' s kept using them beyond the point where they ceased to be fashionable .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:6", "jb": "la mark pu bredi lo nu klama kei co'a lo pamoi djedi", "jb_tok": "la mark pu bredi lo nu klama kei co'a lo pa moi djedi", "en": "Mark had been ready to go from the first day.", "en_tok": "mark had been ready to go from the first day .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:3", "jb": "la berger cu cliva le kumfa ba'o lo nu la klark sepi'o la pauerpoint cu jarco lo se pensi be ky la rais", "jb_tok": "la berti## gerku cu cliva le kumfa ba'o lo nu la klama k se pi'o la paue rpo i n## t cu jarco lo se pensi be ky la rai s", "en": "Berger had left the room by the time Clarke, using a Powerpoint presentation, outlined his thinking to Rice.", "en_tok": "berger had left the room by the time clarke , using a power ##point presentation , outlined his thinking to rice .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:16", "jb": "ko'a pluka citka ro stasu muclai e ro molylai pe le toknu bo seljukpa je selpilka nanba mo'u lo nu va'ucmo", "jb_tok": "ko'a pluka citka ro stasu smuci## klani e ro moklu## klani pe le toknu bo se## jukpa je se## pilka nanba mo'u lo nu vasxu## cmoni", "en": "He savoured every spoonful of his soup and every mouthful of the roast and crusty bread until he finished it with a sigh.", "en_tok": "he sa ##vo ##ured every spoon ##ful of his soup and every mouthful of the roast and crust ##y bread until he finished it with a sigh .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:10", "jb": "ko curmi lo nu lo mikce be do cu jdice lo du'u xukau do nitcu lo velmicyxukmi i ganai my cusku zo ja'a gi ko di'i citka vy co'u lo nu my minde do lo nu sisti", "jb_tok": "ko curmi lo nu lo mikce be do cu jdice lo du'u xu kau do nitcu lo ve## mikce## xukmi i ga nai my cusku zo ja'a gi ko di'i citka vy co'u lo nu my minde do lo nu sisti", "en": "Let your doctor decide if you need medication. If he says 'yes', take it regularly until he tells you to stop.", "en_tok": "let your doctor decide if you need medication . if he says ' yes ' , take it regularly until he tells you to stop .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:13", "jb": "ta'e ji'ireroi ritli lo traji smaji pu lo nu la garofalos di'a tavla lo vitke", "jb_tok": "ta'e ji'i re roi ritli lo traji smaji pu lo nu la ga ro fa lo s di'a tavla lo vitke", "en": "There's usually a beat or two of deadly silence before Garofalo resumes talking to the guest.", "en_tok": "there ' s usually a beat or two of deadly silence before ga ##ro ##fa ##lo resume ##s talking to the guest .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:17", "jb": "da'i le ninmu cu ponse le pano rijno sicni gi'e cirko pa ri i xu ny na cikygau lo tergu'i gi'e lumci lo zdani gi'e junri sisku mo'u lo nu facki", "jb_tok": "da'i le ninmu cu ponse le pa no rijno sicni gi'e cirko pa ri i xu ny na cikna## gasnu lo te## gusni gi'e lumci lo zdani gi'e junri sisku mo'u lo nu facki", "en": "Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?", "en_tok": "or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one . does she not light a lamp , sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it ?", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:20", "jb": "mi'o za'ure'u ru'u cadzu i mi'o ca lo nu le te batci za'o se cortu cu co'a xanka", "jb_tok": "mi'o za'u re'u ru'u cadzu i mi'o ca lo nu le te batci za'o se cortu cu co'a xanka", "en": "We walked around some more and when the bite kept hurting, we began to worry.", "en_tok": "we walked around some more and when the bite kept hurting , we began to worry .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:7", "jb": "lo nu ko'a vlipa cu revgau lo gugde be lo elfe bei bu'u la midju terdi co'u lo nu co'i daspo la turni djine", "jb_tok": "lo nu ko'a vlipa cu renvi## gasnu lo gugde be lo e lfe bei bu'u la midju terdi co'u lo nu co'i daspo la turni djine", "en": "Their power maintained the realms of the Elves in Middle-earth until the destruction of the Ruling Ring", "en_tok": "their power maintained the realms of the elves in middle - earth until the destruction of the ruling ring", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:14", "jb": "la skot cu se jibri di'a lo nu lo panzi be sy cu nanca li bi e li pano", "jb_tok": "la skoto cu se jibri di'a lo nu lo panzi be sy cu nanca li bi e li pa no", "en": "Scott resumed her career when her children were eight and 10.", "en_tok": "scott resumed her career when her children were eight and 10 .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:19", "jb": "mi tolji'a lo samci'e nunkei pu'o lo nu mi cpacu lo norji'a pinka", "jb_tok": "mi to'e## jinga lo skami## ciste nu## kelci pu'o lo nu mi cpacu lo no'e## jinga pinka", "en": "I was about to lose a network game, when I got a Tiebreaker notice.", "en_tok": "i was about to lose a network game , when i got a tie ##breaker notice .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:15", "jb": "ro tcidu cu frica fi lo ka mo'u finti le lisri", "jb_tok": "ro tcidu cu frica fi lo ka mo'u finti le lisri", "en": "Each reader completes the novel in a different way.", "en_tok": "each reader completes the novel in a different way .", "source": "aspect"}
{"id": "Aspect:11", "jb": "ja'e lo xlamau mi ze'a lo masti be li ji'ixa cu de'a sai lumci lo mi flira fo lo mokau jisygau", "jb_tok": "ja'e lo xlali## zmadu mi ze'a lo masti be li ji'i xa cu de'a sai lumci lo mi flira fo lo mo kau jinsa## gasnu", "en": "To make things worse, I pretty much stopped washing my face with any kind of cleanser for about six months", "en_tok": "to make things worse , i pretty much stopped washing my face with any kind of clean ##ser for about six months", "source": "aspect"}