jbo-corpus / data /validation /conlang_validation.jsonl
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{"id": "Conlang:9", "jb": "lo ropa tixnu be la risna noltruni'u cu se prami ci spedji", "jb_tok": "lo ro pa tixnu be la risna nobli## turni## ninmu cu se prami ci speni## djica", "en": "The Queen of Hearts' only daughter is loved by exactly three suitors.", "en_tok": "the queen of hearts ' only daughter is loved by exactly three suit ##ors .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:75", "jb": "pa tadni cu sinma ro ctuca", "jb_tok": "pa tadni cu sinma ro ctuca", "en": "Exactly one student respects every professor.", "en_tok": "exactly one student respects every professor .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:20", "jb": "noda zmarai lo ro nonzau mulna'u", "jb_tok": "no da zmadu## traji lo ro no## zanru mulno## namcu", "en": "Nothing is the greatest positive integer.", "en_tok": "nothing is the greatest positive integer .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:67", "jb": "re namcrprimu cu jbini li pano bi'i li pavo", "jb_tok": "re nabmi c## r primu cu jbini li pa no bi'i li pa vo", "en": "There are exactly two primes between 10 and 14.", "en_tok": "there are exactly two prime ##s between 10 and 14 .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:41", "jb": "le ralju be IBM cu speni lo zvati", "jb_tok": "le ralju be I## B## M cu speni lo zvati", "en": "The CEO of IBM is the spouse of someone present.", "en_tok": "the ceo of ibm is the spouse of someone present .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:10", "jb": "su'ore da poi misno tepri'apre cu se xebni da'apa de enai da", "jb_tok": "su'o re da poi misno terpa## rinka## prenu cu se xebni da'a pa de e nai da", "en": "At least two known terrorists are hated by everyone except themselves.", "en_tok": "at least two known terrorists are hated by everyone except themselves .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:59", "jb": "le fanmo cu jibni", "jb_tok": "le fanmo cu jibni", "en": "The end is nigh.", "en_tok": "the end is ni ##gh .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:45", "jb": "lo sezypi'i be lo se mitre be lo xiptenuse be lo kurjga cibyselmla cu du lo simsumji be lo sezypi'i be lo se mitre be lo jicmu joi sraji mlana be kycy", "jb_tok": "lo sevzi## pilji be lo se mitre be lo xispo## tcena u se be lo kurfa## jganu ci## se## mlana cu du lo simxu## sumji be lo sevzi## pilji be lo se mitre be lo jicmu joi sraji mlana be k y cy", "en": "The square of the length of the hypotenuse of any right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of its base and vertical sides.", "en_tok": "the square of the length of the h ##yp ##ote ##nus ##e of any right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of its base and vertical sides .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:1a", "jb": "ro na'ebo le nolraitru naku sinma le nolraitru", "jb_tok": "ro na'e bo le nobli## traji## turni na ku sinma le nobli## traji## turni", "en": "Everyone except the king does not admire the king.", "en_tok": "everyone except the king does not admire the king .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:52", "jb": "su'o cinfo poi la'o zoi Bruce Willis zoi jersi cu banli danlu gi'enai ku'i cilce", "jb_tok": "su'o cinfo poi la'o zoi B ru ce W i llis zoi jersi cu banli danlu gi'e nai ku'i cilce", "en": "Some lion Bruce Willis is chasing is a formidable animal, but is not ferocious.", "en_tok": "some lion bruce willis is chasing is a formidable animal , but is not ferocious .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:48", "jb": "su'o ctuca naku jimpe fi le nabmi", "jb_tok": "su'o ctuca na ku jimpe fi le nabmi", "en": "Some professors don't understand this problem.", "en_tok": "some professors don ' t understand this problem .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:78a", "jb": "li re du lo ropa namcrprimu poi lamli'e lo namcrprimu", "jb_tok": "li re du lo ro pa nabmi c## r primu poi lamji## lidne lo nabmi c## r primu", "en": "2 is the only prime whose successor is prime.", "en_tok": "2 is the only prime whose successor is prime .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:54", "jb": "ro fliba cu lazni ijo ro mabla ctuca cu na'arde'a", "jb_tok": "ro fliba cu lazni i jo ro mabla ctuca cu nanca## denpa", "en": "Only slackers fail if and only if the only unfair professors are on sabbatical.", "en_tok": "only slack ##ers fail if and only if the only unfair professors are on sa ##bba ##tical .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:80", "jb": "ro da poi sinma pa selctukansa cu se sinma re selctukansa", "jb_tok": "ro da poi sinma pa se## ctuca## kansa cu se sinma re se## ctuca## kansa", "en": "Everyone who respects exactly one classmate is respected by exactly two classmates.", "en_tok": "everyone who respects exactly one classmate is respected by exactly two classmates .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:50", "jb": "lo flalu prenu e lo tumla vecnu cu ricfu gi'a rigni", "jb_tok": "lo flalu prenu e lo tumla vecnu cu ricfu gi'a rigni", "en": "Lawyers and real estate agents are rich or obnoxious.", "en_tok": "lawyers and real estate agents are rich or ob ##no ##xious .", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:24", "jb": "pe'a mabla kerfa djedi", "jb_tok": "pe'a mabla kerfa djedi", "en": "\"Bad hair day\"", "en_tok": "\" bad hair day \"", "source": "conlang"}
{"id": "Conlang:69", "jb": "su'e pa xabju be la ritcmond ba jinga le cunso", "jb_tok": "su'e pa xabju be la brito## cmoni d ba jinga le cunso", "en": "At most one Richmonder will win the lottery.", "en_tok": "at most one richmond ##er will win the lottery .", "source": "conlang"}