FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 6 A pilgrimage town in Karnataka 7 Vision, auspicious sight 8 Southernmost point of India 14 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam am pleased with the sacred devotion in your heart. Go to Kuruvapuram1
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => and take the dārshan of Srīpāda Srīvallabha and obtain fulfilment of your birth. By the mere dārshan of Srīpāda Srīvallabha, an undefinable experience will accrue to your mind, ātma2 and all your organs.”
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Thus, I received the grace of Mother Goddess and started from that holy place. On my way, I reached a village called Marutva Malai, which was at a short distance from Kanya Kumari. I learnt that while Hanuman
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => was carrying the Sanjīvini Mountain from the Himalayas, a small piece of it had fallen down here and therefore this village is called Marutva Malai3. The hill in the village of Marutva Malai is beautiful to behold. There
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => are some caves in it. I learnt that the area is a hilly tract inhabited by siddha purushās4 undertaking penance in an invisible form. I was looking into those caves with the hope of seeing any great person. I
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => was hoping to get lucky by seeing one of them. However, a tiger was standing at the entrance of one cave. At the sight of the tiger, trembling and tremor started in all my limbs. Agitated with great fear, I cried aloud at once,
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => “Srīpāda! Srīvallabhā! Datta Prabhū!” in despair. The tiger stood still like a domestic animal. An aged sage emerged from the cave. The entire area of Marutva Malai reverberated with the name of Srīpāda Srīvallabha all at once.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Then the old sage said, “My son, you are a fulfilled one. Only great siddhas, great yogis, wise men, and paramahamsas who dwell in nirvikalpa samādhi5 realize that Lord Datta has incarnated as Srīpāda Srīvallabha in
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => this Kali Yuga. You could come here only because you are lucky. This is a land of spiritual pursuit. It is siddha bhūmi6. Your desire will get satisfied. You will certainly be rewarded with the meeting of Srīpāda. The tiger at
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => the entrance of the cave is a jnāni7. I advise you to salute him.”
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Then I saluted that wise person who was in the form of a tiger. Immediately, the tiger roared the sound Oum. The whole of Marutva Malai re1 Also called Kurungadda; an island in the Krishna River at the village of Atkur near Raichur, Karnataka
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 2 The self, the soul 3 Sanskrit: Maruti = Hanuman, Malai = mountain/hill; the mountain carried by Hanuman 4 Beings who have reached perfection and have super-human powers 5 Highest absorption in the Self 6 Land of siddhas and land of fulfillment
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 7 Wise person 1. The Encounter between Shankar Bhatt and Vyāghreswara Sarma 15 sounded with that roaring sound. It had also melodiously sung the prayer Srīpāda Rājam Saranam Prapadye!1 I was watching this wonderful scene. All
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => the atoms in the form of the tiger disintegrated and a man with a lustrous celestial body manifested there. That celestial person paid obeisance to the old sage and flew into the sky with his luminous body. The old sage who was
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => before me smiled. He invited me into the cave. I entered the cave silently. A stream of compassion was flowing from the eyes of the aged sage. He created fire2 by the power of his will. He created sacred materials, some
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => sweets and fruits for offering them as an oblation to the sacred fire. He offered those things into the sacred fire while chanting Vedic hymns. That aged sage observed, “All righteous rituals like yagna and yāga3 are
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => getting extinct in the world. Man, who is benefitted from the five elements, is forgetting the deity who is the embodiment of the five elements. Yagnas are to be performed for the gratification of the deities. Deities get gratified
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => from the sacrifices. Nature becomes favourable because of their grace. Man cannot survive when any force in nature turns virulent. Calamities occur if the forces of nature are not appeased. If man departs from the righteous
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => path, dangerous developments are caused by the forces of nature. I performed this sacrifice for the welfare of the world. Yagna or yajana means fusion. Fortunately, you have witnessed this sacrifice. As a result of
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => witnessing this sacrifice you will get the dārshan of Srīpāda Srīvallabha who is an incarnation of Srī Datta. This is a very rare fortune. The merit earned in many births will suddenly fructify and give such unattainable fortune.”
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => I saluted that great personage and said, “Great one among siddhas! I am not a scholar or a yogi. I am not a devotee. I am an ignoramus4. Kindly take complete mercy on me and clear some of my doubts.” The old hermit agreed to it.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Then I prayed, “Oh, great siddha, when I visited Goddess Mother Srī Kanyaka Parameswari, She directed me to go to Kuruvapuram for the dārshan of Srīpāda Srīvallabha. Here I saw you and the great one in the form
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => of a tiger. Who is that great person in the guise of a tiger? Who really is Srīpāda Srīvallabha? Kindly clarify my doubts and favour me.” 1 May Lord Srīpāda protect us! 2 Yagna Homam, sacrificial fire 3 Holy sacrifices 4 Ignorant person
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 16 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam That aged sage began his narration, “My son, in the Godavari region of Andhra Pradesh there is an ancient village called Atreyapuram, which was famous as a land where sage Atri conducted austerities1. In that village, a
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Brahmin was born in the gotra2 of Kāsyapa in an orthodox family. His parents named him Vyāghreswara Sarma. Even though his father was a great scholar, the son became an incorrigible idiot. In spite of educational training for a long
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => time, he could not even perform the Gayatri mantra prayer at the prescribed times of the day. He could only utter the Sanskrit words to the effect that it was Vyāghreswara Sarma who was saluting. He became disturbed by the
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => taunting words of others. The ill-treatment by his parents had also increased. As a Brahmin priest, he was not called to attend any auspicious functions. He was only asked to accept gift of gingelli3 seeds or attend death anniversary
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => ceremonies in case of extreme emergencies when no one else was available. These acts are considered very mean and are performed only by the lowest among the Brahmins, who have not mastered any education. So, a feeling of
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => inferiority complex developed in him. He heard that great ascetics live in the Himalayas and by their grace one can realize the knowledge of self. “Once during dawn, he had a dream. In that dream he saw a celestial
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => body radiating with divine effulgence. That body was descending to the earth from the firmament. As soon as His divine feet touched, the earth was filled with heavenly illumination. That divine child approached
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Vyāghreswara Sarma with slow steps and asserted, ‘Why fear when I am here? There is bondage of debt between Me and this village. Without the
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => bondage of indebtedness even a dog cannot come to us. Go to the Badarikāranya4 in the Himalayan region and you will be blessed with auspiciousness.’ Saying so, the celestial disappeared. “Vyāghreswara Sarma reached Badarikāranya. He was getting food on
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => the way without much effort. However, a dog was following him from the beginning of the journey. He was wandering, along with the dog, in the Badarikāranya. In his wanderings he took a holy bath in the Urvasi Kunda5. 1 Living in a penance 2 Lineage
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 3 Sesame 4 Badrinath; a holy place in the state Uttarakhand in India and an important pilgrimage centre 5 Island in the Brahmaputra River; place where the celestial nymph Urvasi was created by Vishnu
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 1. The Encounter between Shankar Bhatt and Vyāghreswara Sarma 17 The dog also took a holy bath along with him. At that time, a great sage accompanied by his disciples came to Urvasi Kunda for religious ablutions.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Vyāghreswara prostrated at the feet of the great personage and prayed to accept him as a disciple. The great person kindly consented. The dog disappeared immediately when the great one accepted Vyāghreswara as his
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => disciple. That great person averred, ‘Vyāghreswara, that dog which followed you is the personification of the merit earned by you in previous births. Goaded by time, you could come here and you could take bath in
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Urvasi Kunda. You are attracted towards the land of penance by Nava Narayanas1. All this is the grace of Srīpāda Srīvallabha.’ “Vyāghreswara Sarma bowed down and asked, ‘Master, who is Srīpāda
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srīvallabha? How did His grace shower on me?’ The siddha replied at length to the questions posed to him. ‘My son, Srīpāda Srīvallabha is Lord Datta Himself. In Tretā Yuga2, Bharadwaja Maharshi conducted a huge
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => sacrifice known as Sāvitrakāthaka Chayanamu3 in Pithapuram. He invited Shiva and Parvati4 to that function. In Pyamgya Brāhmana5 text, it was
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => mentioned that many great persons, siddhas and yogis are born in the lineage of Bharadwaja in accordance with the boon granted by Shiva and Parvati to him. Even though they were lost in other parts of the country,
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Pyamgya Brahmanam6 and Sāndra Sindhu Veda7 were carefully preserved in Shamballa village, the land of incarnation of Kalki8. At the end of Kali
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Yuga and the beginning of Satya Yuga9, Srīpāda Srīvallabha – an incarnation of Srī Datta –will arrive in Pithapuram in physical form. Only when the sins committed in many births get diminished and when good deeds
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => start giving results, devotion to Datta will develop. When devotion to Datta becomes perfect, Srīpāda Srīvallabha will grant the wealth of sight, touch and speech in any age and at any time. As the meritorious deeds of
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 1 Nine Narayanas; Narayana: the highest being 2 Silver Age 3 A ritual to the Sun 4 The primordial, universal father and mother forces 5 An ancient text that foretold the future 6 Brahmanas: old Indian texts with comments on the Vedas
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 7 A mystical Sanskrit work written on palm leaves dealing with time and the incidents of the future 8 The 10th Avatar of Lord Vishnu 9 The Golden Age, also called Krita Yuga 18 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => your past lives are strong, the mercy of Srīpāda Srīvallabha showers on you. I am now leaving for meeting my preceptor Mahāvatār Babaji. I will return after one year. Practice kriya yoga1 in the caves reserved for you
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => and attempt for the realization of self-knowledge.’ Thus instructing, the sage left for Dronagiri in the region of Sanjīvini Mountain. “Vyāghreswara Sarma sat in the cave assigned to him. He could not
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => understand the methods of kriya yoga or the preaching on self-knowledge. He was thinking like this: ‘Gurujī used to call me lovingly as vyāghra (tiger). All my co-disciples are sitting on the skin of a tiger and are
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => meditating. When the skin of a tiger is so sacred and benefits the yogi so much, how much greater the tiger should be? Moreover, Gurujī asked me to strive for knowledge of self. Self means myself only. What have I got to
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => do with others? My name is Vyāghreswarudu. Therefore, I should be a tiger only. So, I have to meditate upon the tiger only. That is my ātma2. If I could get the form of a tiger, it amounts to my attaining self-knowledge.’
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => “One year passed easily. The guru visited the place. He went to each cave and observed the progress made by his disciples in their spiritual quest. He could not find Vyāghreswara in his cave; instead, a tiger was
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => resting in the cave. Srī Gurujī analyzed the matter through his yogic insight. He realized that as Vyāghreswarudu meditated intensely upon the form of a vyāghra (tiger), he got transformed into a tiger. Gurujī felt
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => happy at the pure heart and cleanliness of the self of his disciple. He blessed him and taught him to utter Oum. He asked him to constantly repeat the words Srīpāda Rājam Saranam Prapadye3 as a mantra4.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => “Vyāghreswara reached near Kuruvapuram in the form of a tiger. To reach Kuruvapuram, one has to cross a river5. At that time, Srīpāda
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srīvallabha was with the congregation of His devotees. He suddenly announced, ‘A great devotee of Mine is calling Me. I will go and immediately return.’ Saying so, He began walking on the water in His lustrous body.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => When Srīpāda Srīvallabha was walking on the water in this manner, a lotus flower was emerging from the water at every spot where He was plac1 An ancient yoga technique 2 The self, the soul 3 May Lord Srīpāda protect us! 4 Invocation 5 The river Krishna
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 1. The Encounter between Shankar Bhatt and Vyāghreswara Sarma 19 ing His sacred foot. He arrived at the river bank on the other side and saw Vyāghreswara who was incessantly chanting the mantra Srīpāda
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Rājam Saranam Prapadye! Vyāghreswara paid obeisance to the auspicious divine feet of Srīpāda Srīvallabha. Srīvallabha mounted on the tiger and crossed the river floating on the water on the back of the tiger and
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => reached Kuruvapuram. All the people were witnessing this spectacle in utter astonishment. “According to Datta Purāna, Srī Dattatreya incarnated as Dharma Sāsta1. When that Lord took birth as the son of Hari-Hara, He arrived at
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => the capital of the kingdom riding on a tiger. Devendra took the form of that tiger and served as a vehicle for Ayyappa Swamī or Dharma Sāsta2. Some people were of the opinion that Srīvallabha was verily Dharma
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Sāsta Himself. Goddess Amba rides both on a lion and a tiger also. So, some people were of the opinion that Srīvallabha was an inseparable form of the Universal Mother Goddess. “The moment Srīvallabha dismounted from the tiger after reaching
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Kuruvapuram, the tiger fell dead. A great person with divine brilliance came out of the body of the tiger. He prayed to Srīvallabha to use the skin of the tiger form of his previous birth as His seat. Srī Charana consented
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => for that. With overflowing love, Srīvallabha said, ‘My son Vyāghreswara, in one of your births, you were a very strong wrestler. During that life you were indulging in all sorts of cruel acts. Those activities include fighting
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => with tigers, injuring them, capturing them, famishing them, and arranging their exhibitions for the recreation of people.3 On account of the past sinful acts, you are to take animal births in many lives, but with My grace all
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => that accumulated sin is cancelled in this life of a tiger. As you remained in the form of a tiger for a long time, you can assume that form at will at
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => any time. I am granting you this boon. You will meet and obtain the blessings of many siddhas who are carrying out penance in the Himalayas from hundreds of years. May you rise to great heights in the path of yoga.’
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srīpāda blessed Vyāghreswara in the above manner.” 1 A divinity much worshipped in India; a son of Lord Shiva and Mohini 2 Ayyappa is Dharma Sāsta, born out of the union of Shiva and the female Mohini form of Vishnu
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 3 A similar account is given in the “Autobiography of a Yogi, chapter ‘The Tiger Swami’ 20 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam What Shankar Bhatt saw previously was actually the same Vyāghreswara
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Sarma as a tiger. He lives in the Himalayas. Great sages are averse to public contact. This man stands as a sentinel for such yogis and guards against
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => disturbances from common folk. Great hermits have a system of transmitting ideas and news amongst themselves. They need not come out of their places or employ messengers for that purpose. However, for the sake of
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => sport1, they employ Vyāghreswara to exchange news. This is all the divine play of Lord Srī Datta. “My dear Shankar Bhatt, before the Creation, there was the first couple2. When a wife becomes pregnant, she will have some desires. It is the
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => duty of the husband to fulfill her desires. When Sharvani3 became pregnant, Parameswara4 asked Her if She had any desire. Then Sharvani said, ‘Lord, I experienced all pleasures having the body of a female; I do not
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => know how the experience would be when having a male body. Hence, please oblige me’. Parameswara said, ‘Let it be so’. Immediately Sharvani took the form of a male. That was the form of Maha Vishnu5. There was
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => no way for the baby inside Her to come out. Then, a lotus sprouted from the umbilicus of Maha Vishnu. From that lotus, Brahma6 was born and started Creation. Srī Maha Vishnu created the form of Sharvani again
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => from His body. The secrets of gods and their plays are unthinkable. In this way, Srī Maha Vishnu and Parvati became brother and sister.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => “On the full moon day in the month of Sravana7, Parvati Devi tied rakhī8 to Srī Maha Vishnu and said ‘Brother, Srī Bhola Shankar9 grants boons to everyone without thinking about propriety and feasibility. Every such 1 Sanskrit: Līla
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 2 First wife and husband; Shiva and Parvati 3 The goddess Durga or Parvati 4 The highest God 5 The preserver, among the Trinity 6 The creator, among the Trinity 7 The 5th month of the Indian year beginning around the end of July and
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => ending in the 3rd week of August 8 A friendship thread tied at Raksha Bandhan around the wrist of a brother or a sister; Raksha Bandhan is an Indian festival where the love and duties between
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => brothers and sisters are celebrated, also between similar, biologically unrelated relationships. 9 A name given to Shiva for his propensity to grant boons to whomsoever is in distress 1. The Encounter between Shankar Bhatt and Vyāghreswara Sarma 21
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => time, you are manifesting in avatars with your Vishnu māya to kill demons thus saving my mangalyam1. Brother, let this practice of tying rakhī remain forever as a symbol of love between brother and sister. Srī Maha
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Vishnu said ‘thathasthu’2. In accordance with this pledge only, when there was trouble from Bhasmasura, Srī Vishnu took the form of Mohini3 and annihilated him. Vishnu māya is unthinkable. It is difficult to guess
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => that it would be like this or that. Dharma Sāsta was born to Mohini and Shankara. After Dharma Sāsta was born, Mohini disappeared. Dharma
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Sāsta later took the avatar of Ayyappa Swamī in Kali Yuga. There is a divine secret in this. Dharma Sāsta is none other than Srī Maha Vishnu. In that form, Brahma and Rudra also merged with Srī Maha Vishnu, so we
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => can say that it is the Lord Dattatreya with those three forms merging. When Parameswari manifested as the daughter of Pandya Bhūpala4 with the name of Mīnakshi5, Parameswar manifested Himself as Sundareswar6.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srī Maha Vishnu performed the marriage of Mīnakshi and Sundareswar. But when Parameswari manifested Herself as Srī Kanyaka Parameswari, the marriage did not take place. But the Srīpāda Srīvallabha manifestation is
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => beyond place and time. Srīvallabha manifested Himself in Pithapuram in Kali Yuga. But that same form of Srīvallabha was there from the very beginning of Creation in divine luminous worlds. The divine plays7 of Srīpāda
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => for thirty years, from 1320 AD when He was born in Pīthikapuram till 1350 AD when He disappeared in Kuruvapuram, cannot be comprehended even by the Seven Rishis. How can we understand?” I questioned, “Swamī, we are now in 1336 AD. Will that mean that
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srīvallabha will remain on earth for the next fourteen years only? Will He end His avatar so early?” Sadguru Dev said, “My dear, if Srīvallabha is born, then there will be retreat. However, His play has no birth or death. He is not affected by
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => time and place.” 1 In the Indian marriage ceremonie a thread or necklace that the groom puts around the bride’s neck. After tying three knots, they are officially married. 2 Let it be so 3 The only female avatar of Vishnu
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 4 A ruler of a kingdom in the south of India 5 The Fish-Eyed One 6 The Handsome One 7 Here: Līlas 22 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam Srī Kanyaka Purāna “King Agrasena, who was a contemporary of Srī Krishna, was ruling a
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => kingdom in the Āryavartam1. He was a Vaishya. Some of the descendents of that king used to do business in the south. Some were staying with the families of king’s relatives in Brihat Sila Nagaram2 in the Andhra region.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => One relative of king Agrasena by name Kusuma Shreshti was ruling that
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => region in accordance with dharma with Brihat Sila Nagaram as his capital. The Kusuma Shreshti couple were righteous people with good conduct. They were doing many good deeds like yajnas and yagas3. Bhaskarācharya4 was the guru of the king and very close to Kusuma Shreshti.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => “Jaganmatha5 took birth in their house as Srī Kanyaka Parameswari. Srīpāda Srīvallabha made a part of Him be born in their house. He was named Virupāksha. In the past, Ravana6 pleased Kailasavasa7 to obtain
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => the Atma lingam8. Ravana then asked for a mean boon. Per the boon, Jaganmatha accompanied him in Bhadrakāli form. The Atma lingam fell on the ground at Gokarna kshetram9 and got established there. My dear, the
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => glory of Gokarna kshetram is great. There is a divine secret relationship among Vaishya caste, Gokarnas10 and Gokarna kshetram. Even though Ravana was killed, one part of him took birth in Kali Yuga as a king who was blinded by lust.
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Amba11 expressed Her Bhadrakāli form in another way in Kali Yuga. Along with Her, some relatives of the king’s family offered themselves to the agni12 and expressed their self-respect according to the tradition of 1 Region in North India
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 2 Name of an ancient kingdom where Vasavī was born to King Kusuma Shreshti and later she immolated herself. Currently the town of Penugonda, with a Vasavī Kanyaka Parameswari temple, is all that remains of the kingdom. 3 Holy sacrifices
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 4 The spiritual guru of the Ārya Vaishya community in the Brihat Sila Kingdom 5 The Mother of the World 6 The demon king of Lanka, from the Ramayana 7 Srī Shankara, Shiva 8 The eternal form of the higher self