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HumanPredictions – Bootstrapping a SaaS app to $18k/mo in under a year - csallen
He basically gets a spot in the family business which he uses as a launchpad
to creating a SaaS product. Come on, this title is so far off from reality. No
problem with what he did and it sounds like he does a great job, but let's at
least keep the titles from indiehackers somewhat accurate. It gives a lot of
people thinking about starting their own company really unrealistic
As someone who has known Elliot from the Chicago scene for the last ~10 years,
I have to push back on this.
Elliot hustled his ass off doing his own thing, working recruiting for
Groupon, working as one of the founding employees of DevBootcamp Chicago to
get graduates gigs (and doing so with great success), and then back to his own
recruiting before launching Human Predictions based on feedback from his
clients and experiences.
He became, at least in my circles, the most trusted recruiter amongst
developers. Many thought of him as more of an "agent" than a recruiter.
Someone you could grab coffee with every six months who'd keep you in mind if
the perfect gig came up. I referred friends to him all the time without
concern that he'd spam them, hard-sell them, put them in whatever spot that
was open just to reap the commission. He's always had the developer's interest
in mind first and foremost.
I understand the sentiment that these stories can sometimes over-simplify the
journey. Yes, he had the privilege of learning the family business at a young
age. But it's not as if "having a dad that does X" makes it a trivial effort
to launch a SaaS that does X. In Elliot's case, there was at least ten years
of self-motivated hustle in-between.
Absolutely agree with you and my apologies if my comment made it out to sound
like I felt like he did not work for what he has accomplished.
_> No problem with what he did and it sounds like he does a great job_
My comment was about the indiehackers title and link. It seems to be a pretty
common occurrence for that site to greatly exaggerate the 0 to $X and this
article is unfortunately no exception. Much respect to Elliot for all he has
IH founder here. Why do you think the title is exaggerated? He did start his
business less than one year ago.
Of course, any business depends on the skillset and knowledge that its
founders started to build previous to its founding, but how do you put a start
date on that? To build a company, you need business skills, a network, money,
programming knowledge... for that you probably need professional experience...
for that you need the ability to read and write... etc. Where do you draw the
line? Everything always depends on what came before it. People get this. They
aren't naive enough to believe that founders are born on day 1 of their
companies with no previous life experience or knowledge of the world.
I agree it's dishonest to refer to a 5-year-old business as "an overnight
success" as often happens, but how exactly is it misleading to call a 1-year
old-business a 1-year-old business?
Wow! Maybe just me, hearing about a company bootstrapping to success instead
of raising large rounds of financing is all the more inspiring.
80% of the inc 500, the fastest growing private companies, haven't raised
outside capital.
Do you have a source for that?
Some inc article I saw on HN with Sam Altman talking about how important
startups are to the economy, couldn't find exact one.
Here is a link to the HN discussion to the article I assume you are thinking
about. The wording was a bit different, which may have been why you didn't
find it.
That's the one. The exact quote:
> Only twenty per cent of the Inc. 500, the five hundred fastest-growing
> private companies, raised outside funding.
The underlying assumption seems to be that everyone uses
LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter. While it would be largely true, not _everyone_ uses
those. What would your tool say about them?
Unfortunately because we are just looking at public data online (including
Github, StackOverflow, and Meetup) if people don't use those services (or
contribute to open source) we won't discover them or be able to a make a
prediction about their likeliness to leave.
Maybe you should start looking at Keybase [0] too. It might help you link
personal websites, github, twitter, ...
[0] [https://keybase.io/](https://keybase.io/)
Thanks! We do actually use Keybase for discovering social accounts as well.
I noticed the UTM tags you had on this link.
How is Hacker News performing as part of your interview promotion?
Just started using UTM query params a few days ago, so I'll have more data
when I write my monthly review for November! But in October, direct links from
HN accounted for around half of my total traffic. More details here:
Hey everyone, I'm the CTO and Co-Founder of HumanPredictions happy to answer
any questions anyone has about the article or the company in general!
I'm curious if you've received feedback from software developers on what the
experience is like being recruiting with your tool.
The agency spam approach you mention is irritating, but I would imagine that
if you're correctly predicting when someone is looking to jump that would be
less of a problem.
We actually do have a significantly better response from developers both
because they're being reached out to at the right time, but also because a lot
of our users are CTO's and Engineering managers who by the fact that they are
technical can have a much better conversation with prospects.
Cool, that makes sense. I think a big part of the spam problem is mass
template emails, so if your customers are emailing people directly it would be
much better.
Completely agree, one of our core goals from the beginning of HumanPredictions
has been to kill mass template emails.
Would it be possible for a dev to see their own prediction (to prove ownership
maybe leverage oauth of one of the sites: github, linkedin, etc)?
We don't currently support that through the application, but it is on our
roadmap and something we very much want to build.
For now though if you reach out to me at david@humanpredictions.io I'd be
happy to let you know what our current prediction for you is.
Great story and many great lessons. Being "intentional about the people you
work with" is a great piece of advice and one that we usually like to stress
too when talking to aspiring entrepreneurs. We wrote about some of this too in
a previous HN thread [https://betterthansure.com/answer-hn-growing-a-side-
This is really cool idea, I like how it uses data to predict behavior.
I have few recruiters that always hit me around the time when I get a little
more free. They don't have this tool, just their spidey sense, but I bet they
would like something like this.
I heard of such tools a couple of years back. So I'm sure those exist.
How well do those work if an entirely different issue.
Well, if people use twitter, github etc, they will be findable and their trace
can be used to predict if they are 'jumping ship'. It is common to start
blogging around the time you are looking to change work for example.
Sounds like very similar to my start up NetIn[1] We also look at public
profile updates and other signals to tell if a candidate is on the move. We
also got to HN frontpage last night for our candidate job portal[2]. If there
are people who would like to talk about what we've accomplished so far feel
free to reach me at s@netin.co
[1] [https://netin.co](https://netin.co) [2]
It's great to hear about your success!
For discussion's purposes, it's worth pointing out that there is a venture-
funded company that is doing the same thing (but with a big data science
Now just let me come up with a product I can sell to developers that
camouflages them to this product by simulating activity on these sites...
I wonder what their next line of business is at this company...selling this
data to current employers to see when their employee is about to jump ship?
This type of data mining of personal information feels kind of icky to me.
I wrote a similar tool for recruiters (only analyzes LinkedIn profiles that
you are viewing). Mine is significantly cheaper at $9 per month:
Your site redirects (301) from HTTPS to HTTP!
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Famed mathematician claims proof of 160-year-old Riemann hypothesis - thomasahle
There is significant scepticism[0][1] surrounding this, and many, many
[1] [https://mathoverflow.net/questions/311062/sir-michael-
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Show HN: RikClicker - colinramsay
This was a spoof of the original CowClicker [1] used to promote a Radio 4 play
called "The Last Hurrah" starring the last British comedy legend Rik Mayall.
It is a fork of my original highlandcowclicker [2]. Tech is basic:
\- Github pages \- jQuery \- SoundManager2 \- A sprinkle of responsiveness
Despite spending most of my time nuts-deep in SPAs and the like, this was
something I did quickly and found it to be loads of fun. It's completely
pointless, very rude, and certainly not perfect. I hope someone likes it.
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Help wanted for a new pretty printer and code editor - djalbat
There's some fun to be had in working with the grammars, even if you've never
done this kind of thing before. If you take a moment to clone the repository
and have a look at the examples, you'll see that you are able to work with
them directly.
I am especially interested in (and would be especially grateful for)
contributions to the JavaScript grammar.Any contributions would be hugely
appreciated, however.
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Edsger W. Dijkstra’s list of advice - arikr
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Google's new drawing app can turn your terrible sketches into works of art - aaron_p
Works of ClipArt __ _
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Watch Every Episode of Bob Ross' the Joy of Painting Free Online - cedricziel
One of the things that I like about Bob Ross is that when he was in the Air
Force and stationed in Alaska as a Master Sergeant he had to act like a really
mean character and yell at people for minor infractions and mistakes. When he
left the military he decided that he never wanted to be the kind of person who
yelled at others like that again.
While his outward appearance within the show is one of a casual sort of
hippie, he was extremely regimented and self disciplined. It has been reported
that he would practice some paintings a half dozen times, while reciting the
script along the way. Every moment of his program was planned to the second.
I always thought he had a painting off camera that he would look at. I
remember seeing him look away from the canvas bit and just assumed that's what
he was doing.
I don't remember where I heard or read this, but he made three copies of every
painting, one for practice and to look at while filming, another while
filming, and a third for the sort of timelapse they would have at the
I highly recommend learning to paint. I started last year and I've already had
a lot of insights that I am applying to running my startup, Gumroad, and
designing our product.
Your comment reads like a satire.
Most everything I write does.
he is the single reason i paint today. god bless that man and his magic fro.
This just brought me to tears. That's inspiring as hell.
I used to watch him on Twitch where they would play a bunch of episodes back
to back. This man was a gift to the world, the episode with his squirrel
really hits me in the feels every time.
Yea as if that show wasn’t relaxing and lovely at the same time, he went and
added that squirrel, which kicked it up to 11.
When I was a kid in the 80s I'd watch on PBS, mesmerized, before I inevitably
fell asleep. My dad called him the "human Quaalude" because his voice would
put viewers into a peaceful trance.
Today we have the older gentleman from Tips from a shipwright, and the british
guy that rebuilds Tally Ho, and that "redneck" Izzy Swan, and that other guy
that works in constructions, whos name I forgot, and the Canadian guy with the
wooden gears and the pantograph, and soo many others. All of this because the
Internetz. Oh man, I love this age...
> the Canadian guy with the wooden gears and the pantograph
Matthias Wandel[1]?
[1] [http://woodgears.ca](http://woodgears.ca)
Yeah, he's the one
If you have an Apple TV there's also a free app with the same content
available there:
Almost as good as Lets Paint TV
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After 40 hours of free mobile music, you will have to pay Pandora - RougeFemme
I've had a yearly subscription for a couple of years. They've replaced radio
for me and I haven't touched my mp3 library in years. If I'm coding then
Pandora is playing. We even have a Pandora channel that we used at our wedding
Between coding, driving, and the gym I probably listen to them 8-10 hours a
day, everyday. That's not even counting how much the kids and wife listen to
it (if only I could get them to stick with a naming convention for their
channels) A subscription is $36 dollars a year, just pay for it already.
You know what? If you're listening to over FORTY HOURS of Pandora per month,
they deserve to be tossed a buck.
edit: Glad to see the snarky title changed.
Did they get rid of this 99 cent fee structure at some point? I switched to
Spotify a while back, but when I stopped using Pandora over a year ago, this
99 cent fee for 40 hours+ of use was already the case.
I never really felt like 99 cents was a ridiculous amount to ask for from
someone like myself who was using their service a lot every month.
Yes, they tried going unlimited with ads. I think they might still be
unlimited with ads using a browser and the return of 99 cents is for people
using the mobile app.
Out of curiosity, why the switch?
Switched because I love having a giant library of music as opposed to radio-
style playlists. Personal preference, really; as I think both services are
So they're rolling back to their old payment structure? Sounds good, I was
fine paying $0.99 sometimes when I went over.
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Five Paradoxes of the Web - dym
_The client speaks one language (JavaScript), the server speaks another
(usually not JavaScript). To cross the boundary between the client and the
server, the code must be translated into a different language._
What does that even mean? Javascript is a _programming language_ , not a data
format. To communicate with the server, all the client-side Javascript needs
to do is exchange information with the server in a data format (e.g. JSON,
XML) that both the client and server can parse.
I can't imagine any architecture that would not require devices to communicate
with each other using a common data format.
It means that as you move functionality (not data) between the server and the
client, you need to rewrite your code. For example if you do input validation,
you need to write the same code twice: once in {Java, Python, Ruby} or
whatever the server side language is, and the second time in JavaScript so you
can alert the user that the data in some fields doesn't pass the checks.
This is not a problem if you are using GWT, or if you do serverside
programming in JavaScript.
Okay, that makes more sense - but this still isn't as big a problem as you
suggest. There are already plenty of options to generate client-side
javascript via the server-side web application framework.
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So you’re inexperienced, non-technical, and you want to work for a startup - aberman
Better answer: go to work at a slightly larger startup, one that'll
legitimately hire you in a non-technical role for a real (although likely
petite) salary. Customer support or account management. Then, work your ass
off. Take all the responsibility you can grab. Try to transition yourself into
product management, and learn enough about how your product works to get the
respect of the developers. Make a couple of job moves to get product positions
with more responsibility, and eventually become a product-oriented founder
with some of the developers you worked with.
I can tell you from personal experience that that route's worked at least
once, and you get paid the entire time. Of course, I wasn't planning any of
the above - I just dropped out of my grad program and needed to eat - and it
took years. In my experience entrepreneurial non-technical undergrads who
'love startups' have no idea whether they love startups or not - instead,
they're in love with the idea of founding a company and are rather impatient
about it.
The much simpler answer seems to be, if you're inexperienced and non-
technical, there is simply no room for you in an early stage venture-backed
technology startup unless you are someone's best friend, cousin or sibling.
Failing that, get experienced or technical enough.
Anyone who says you need to be technical in a startup is obviously not
practicing much of 4 steps to epiphany.
Having someone to make those face to face meetings, do all the phone calls,
write up their research and iterate on the business model while you are
developing is a _huge_ advantage. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't really gone
out there and done the face to face research in my opinion.
I noticed on days when I had to do both for various reasons my productivity
dropped dramatically because a meeting either face to face or online is a huge
context switch c.f. changing to a different programming task.
Killer post - I think this message really needs to reach the abundance of
business students today. It's tough as nails to get something non-technical
when you're fresh out of college and want to work in a startup. Everyone,
often even the founder, is an engineer. You can teach an engineer business,
but you can't teach a businessman engineering.
_You can teach an engineer business, but you can't teach a businessman
I know what you're trying to say here, but it sounds slightly condescending to
me. First, I firmly believe that picking up "business" isn't as easy as many
make it out to be. Second, if a given businessman had chosen to pursue
engineering I'm sure--all other considerations being equal--they would do just
These are two distinct disciplines that require two distinct ways of thinking.
Until you acknowledge this fact I really don't think you can successfully make
either a secondary skill set.
i knew a lot of folks in engineering school who couldn't hack it and went one
building over to business. never met anyone who made the opposite move, for
any reason.
maybe they all liked the b-school's swanky decor.
I switched to and finished a BS in MIS from a business school because I wasn't
enjoying my CS major. MIS offered me more project work, team building, and
business skills. I followed it up with an MS in CS from the eng school at the
same university.
Now you know of one person!
this post is dead on. i was approached by an undergrad at the university of
maryland last weekend, and i was instantly amazed by his initiative. this guy
said "i want to help you with your project!" a bit skeptic at first, i gave
him git access and we decided to have a phone call the next day where i would
describe the code base.
that night, before the phone call, i logged into github and saw him committing
code. i was blown away that he was diving into the code without having been
told what to do. and better yet, he had no prior experience in php. he was a
python and ruby kind of guy. my reaction was: wow, this guy is definitely on
that list of 2 or 3 people who i think of when i decide to start my next
company. by the way, those 2 features were added in 2 days on hndir.com, and
the post i wrote about it attracted 2k visitors (and something like 100 new
hackers joined the site).
this guy was technical, but he didn't know php. if you're non-technical, i'd
say be willing to learn and use whatever you need to help (maybe not a
language). this is how the technical guys get started. they just figure it out
as they go.
You're calling a Python and Ruby programmer "non-technical" because he doesn't
know PHP?
I didn't know the technical-skills predicate had its result inverted since I
last checked it out ;-)
Kudos on reaching out to others, though. Can't recommend delegation enough,
and I say that as someone who painted himself into a corner by hoarding work.
He specifically says "this guy _was_ technical"
I have neglected that fact in my rush to mock PHPers. Of course, the tone and
context set by the submission story (how to contribute in the absence of
technical competence) didn't help at all.
As pointed out in the comments on your last article:
_Unpaid internships are illegal._
We are in a different position now than we were a year ago. We are happy to
offer paid internships.
That being said, if we (and other startups) _don't want to hire you_ because
you are inexperienced, offering to work unpaid may make it easier to get some
experience. If, for some crazy reason, you really want to work for a startup,
you should do what it takes to break into that community.
That's what I did in college, and for a year after college. No way I would
have been able to found WePay without those experiences.
I'm not trying to give you guys a hard time. I'm glad you're doing well, and
are paying your interns now.
_However_ , you're still advising people to break the law on your blog. Its a
weird, perhaps antiquated, and largely unknown law - but it was pointed out to
you on HN last week and you're clearly aware of it. Thus, IMHO, its
irresponsible of you to continue to encourage unpaid internships on your blog.
I do my best to be a good citizen and am a big proponent of workers' rights.
Law is not sacred. Especially unenforced law that inadequately accounts for
the realities of modernity. Personal responsibility does not oblige the
individual to refrain from partaking in a socially-lauded tradition.
Alright, well can we at least agree that you should disclose when you
knowingly give advice that violates US law?
Surely you can see how this could cause problems for someone else who has the
bad fortune of taking your advice at face value.
So say that I'm a student. I take his advice at face value, I find a startup
worth looking at, I hop in to help out for no pay. Maybe I do it in my free
time, mid-semester; maybe I do it during the summer break. Whatever. I'm
enlightened enough to know that I'm working for the education. The business
doesn't advertise for it; it's a personal decision that I make to work for
Cut to John Doe. John is the son of Mr Doe, who owns a law firm. He spends
time off working at his dad's law firm, because he intends to become a lawyer.
John is not paid.
If I am told to cease and decease by a lawyer/my school/a policeman - no deal,
I'll just stop and say: gee, I was in it because I wanted to learn stuff. Out
of my own free will. I can't? No problem - I'll just stop. Ditto for John
(though for some reason, I doubt anybody'd actually punish John, or even Mr
I don't see how I'd get in trouble. His article is directed at the non-
technical student, not the employer. (If it was written for an
employer/startup founder, then perhaps you're right to suggest that he should
disclose that he's giving law-breaking advice. I'd be fully behind you on that
one, qeorge, I would.)
But the article's fine as it is. And there's a corollary, of course.
Entrepreneurs are relentlessly resourceful. If you're not relentlessly
resourceful in figuring out a way to get into a startup for the experience,
then you're probably not going to make it anyway.
This is all irrelevant to qeorge's point. Wepay is a company (dealing with
financial transactions, of all things). The company has a blog post. This blog
post advocates something that illegal. The spirit of the law does not change
the above facts.
It's an article that belongs on the founder's personal blog, not the company's
I agree - except the last line rubs me the wrong way somehow. I think that it
implies that there is a political separation between a founder and the
company. Blogging has helped remove this separation and shown us that all
companies really consist of humans.
What about:
\- Documentation \- Testing \- Support \- Competitive analysis
All areas that technical people often hate to get involved in.
I try my best to(and think I do pretty well to some degree) practise this very
idea. I am a recent non-technical grad and have been trying my best to add
value to a start-up I reached out to. The one thing that I have found to be my
best attribute is owning a project I know I can do well. I present an idea,
say how I will accomplish it, and execute. The thing I am battling at the
moment is spending more time planning than executing. I spoke with a
knowledgable friend once and he mentioned, especially in the start-up arena,
that once you reach the point where you are 70% confident that an idea is a
good one, you should execute right then. The energy and time involved in
working on the remaining 30% confidence is simply too expensive for a start-up
to afford. I now just need to take this to heart and practise it.
I love this mentality. Helped me get my job I have today.
"Everybody can think of something they are good at; all you have to do is
figure out how that relates to some aspect of what we do on a daily basis. "
Don't ask, do.
Better yet, do. I have no patience for those that just floss big.
"Most importantly, know how to answer the following question: 'What do you
want to do if I hire you.'"
Great advice, and not just for startups. I think every major internship I had,
the hiring manager asked me that. A few times, I had no response and was
shuffled around my first few weeks. Eventually, I realized that _probably_
wasn't the best way of going about things.
And all that was at companies with thousands of employees: It's a much more
vital question to be prepared to answer (even if you're not asked) at smaller
Great advice.
I definitely lost my respect and trust to WePay founders because of their
seemingly support for unpaid internships. Their justification is that interns
can gain learning experience though they're not paid. This is okay if none of
the intern's work goes to production code. If the interns are doing real work
that impacts the company's products, then it is not only illegal, but also
Check this out at my alma mater, led by a very respected valley veteran:
I have coffee that needs fetching. Perhaps you can do that. ;)
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
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Tail-call optimization proposal for WASM - chajath
Didn't even realize TCO wasn't just an assumed featured, but wow, we need it.
Frankly surprised it's not been added to JavaScript yet either.
I agree TCO is an essential part of the Web ecosystem. What's interesting
there is an ensuing discussion with panels from MS where they argue
difficulties of having TCOs due to Windows calling conventions.
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
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Linear Algebra and Applications: An Inquiry-Based Approach - henning
Pedagogically, the challenge to teaching linear algebra is that you start with
"here's systems of linear equations, we can put them into matrices and now
here's row operations to solve them," and you end up with "now matrices are
actually representations of linear operators on vector spaces, let's analyze
the properties of this specific operator." Usually, this is also coupled with
a reluctance to actually discuss vector spaces, since the meat of it involves
abstract algebra, which usually comes after linear algebra.
Failing to tackle this challenge appropriately can leave students confused
about properties that seem apparently random (trace and determinant are big
offenders here), or textbooks bringing something up only to never mention it
again (null space is often an example here). On top of this, there is also the
multiple notation problem (admittedly, not as bad as calculus, where there are
too many notations for derivative) and the minor issue that many of the
algorithms taught in the book aren't used in practice because of numerical
stability issues.
It has been so long since I've taken linear algebra, and I've taken abstract
algebra courses since then, that I can't really compare this book to the
approach that I learned. Skimming the book, the thing that jumps out the most
to me is that LU factorization and determinants are shoved surprisingly late
in the book [1], and eigenvalues are "previewed" quite early. I'm not sure
that's a good approach: LU factorization is important because backsolving the
L and U matrices is more numerically stable (and sparser, when you're dealing
with sparse matrices) than the inverse matrix, and it works even if your
matrix isn't square. Furthermore, determinants tie in better to row
operations, and their weird application with Cramer's rule is another way to
solve a set of linear equations: you don't want to introduce Cramer's rule
months after you finished treating matrices as stepping stones to solving
linear equations.
The book does cover vector spaces, although in a bit of a dance around not
covering abstract algebra. I'm not sure it's an effective introduction of
vector spaces, although it could well suffice to ease the pedagogical trap
mentioned earlier. On the other hand, if it's going to dive that far into
vector spaces, it would probably be helpful to have some more sections on
matrices over fields that aren't real numbers (i.e., complex numbers (make
sure to mention conjugate transpose and Hermitian matrices!), rational
numbers, and finite fields).
[1] Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication is described before LU
factorization, to give you an idea of how weird the ordering ends up being.
I went through EE and CS. EE we started using matrices exactly how you
describe it: here’s a system of linear equations, here’s how you write them in
matrix form, here’s how you invert them to solve the original system. Turn the
crank, answer pops out. I had my trusty HP49G, and I could solve linear
systems all day.
Then in CS I took a computer graphics course and it was rotation and
translation matrices all day every day.
Then there was a digital communications course where we touched on orthogonal
basis functions, and some matrix voodoo related to that and how to get
orthogonal vectors out of the mess.
And then finally I took the required CS linear algebra course offered by the
math department, where we started from scratch. Here’s a vector (psh, I know
vectors!), here’s a vector space (hmmm this is new), and building the rest of
it up from there. I _really_ wish that had come earlier on, but I was very
very happy to finally have a bit of a theoretical understanding of how these
tools I’d been using actually worked.
I feel like my university only taught calculation, not theory, when it came to
linear algebra. It’s like the equivalent of a “12 hacks to rotate a matrix”
article. The theoretical books I find however give no explanation for the
definitions etc, ie, WHY are the dot/cross products defined the way they are.
It’s as though they feel matrixes are natural phenomenon that you should just
memorize the properties of, which is also nonsense.
The entire field is defined by such terrible books. I’d love to be wrong
though if somebody has a recommendation
Along these lines, my stats professor recommended a really nice book that
offers a case studies based approach for grad level stats:
I've been going through it by implementing the solutions in jupyter notebooks.
They have the datasets and code in R so it's easy to work with and work out
the solutions.
Thank you for the recommendation.
The fact that it doesn’t start with some unreadable mathematical notation that
is just the author trying to show how smart they are give me hope.
Looks like a really good introductory source just skimming the first few
I haven't gone through this yet but I really like the idea of each new concept
being described in the context of a useful application. Thanks OP
Cool. I want to try and work through this text, just to assess how useful it
The approach is an interesting one.
Looks like this will have to become a weekly goal. Maybe one chapter a week?
Seems possible.
Hopefully this topology book will be in the same style:
I have no clue how this is having 52 votes and no comments on it. How am I
supposed to know this is a good book? I'll highlight the goals of this book as
it explains more about the title.
> We place an emphasis on active learning and on developing students’
> intuition through their investigation of examples. For us, active learning
> involves students – they are DOING something instead of being passive
> learners.
I found this goal the most interesting.
> To help students understand that mathematics is not done as it is often
> presented. We expect students to experiment through examples, make
> conjectures, and then refine their conjectures. We believe it is important
> for students to learn that definitions and theorems don’t pop up completely
> formed in the minds of most mathematicians, but are the result of much
> thought and work
The reason I upvoted was with intent to review later. I personally found that
after two semesters of linear and a BS Mathematics I didn’t know jack about
linear algebra. I came to the conclusion that I should’ve studied physics or
engineering if I’d wanted to actually learn how to use it!
for this use case, I use favorite rather than the upvote
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Low Level Programming of the Raspberry Pi in C (2013) - mountainplus
If you need a little bit more determinism the beaglebone has a PRU
(programmable realtime unit), a separate processor that can pass data back and
forth to the main RAM.
I was able to use one to read in an 8 bit parallel bus at around 8MHz without
having to build a separate board with appropriate MCU.
Had a quick scroll through the docs there, thanks for the link! One thing
that's not clear to me is the degree to which the PRU has register-controller
peripheral modules like an MCU, or are you essentially bit-banging everything
(which definitely has its appeal after the hours you can spend wrangling with
the stupid timers and DMAs on a CM3).
How is the community? Are there ready to go modules for common tasks like
actively rectified H-bridge control, CANbus control, etc? (I know the
processor itself can do CAN too, but say I have a hard realtime requirement on
my CAN network...)
It is basically a raw MCU without any peripherals. I think the main purpose is
so you can implement just about any basic peripheral and novel ideas in code,
so it is essentially a bit bang but like most MCUs you can read/set an entire
IO bank in one go. Since it is separate and basically deterministic except for
some ram latency jitter whatever you implement that works should be as solid
as any purpose built peripheral. It takes some assembly though. It is
absolutely great for basic IO stuff that an arduino class MCU could do where
the bandwidth is too high for dealing with the GPIOs with standard linux
scheduler latency.
I played with it a couple years ago and the community appeared small, but it
is straight forward enough that the examples and docs are likely all you need.
I bet the community is stronger but it isn't going to be on stack exchange.
Yeah, they are excellent for bit-banging protocols, which is really handy if
you come across some weird digital interface. I've used it for interfacing
with a scanner head, which is a fairly quirky parallel interface.
Sure it's low level in that you're poking at physical memory registers, but to
me, low level in this context (thinking microcontrollers) means replacing the
Linux kernel binary with your own application that does its own direct memory
Low level: directly accessing hardware. To immediately equate low level with
'you need to roll your own kernel' is a redefinition of terms that makes no
sense to me. After all, even a Linux device driver still makes use of all the
facilities the kernel provides and yet it is _definitely_ low level
There used to be one in Rust but it seems that this year it reverted back to
Check out ultibo.org It is Pascal, not C, but runs down on bare metal.
Is there a Raspberry PI emulator that exists that I could test my code on
before attempting to load it onto the device?
I use the pre-built image from Azeria Labs. It's a Linux VM with QEMU set up
for Pi/Raspian out of the box.
Those instructions are not using QEMU to emulate the Pi. They tell QEMU to
emulate an entirely different piece of hardware (the versatilepb board) and
run the raspbian userspace on it. You certainly won't be able to test any code
for the Pi that directly accesses the hardware like that. (QEMU does have some
limited real rpi emulation support, but those instructions don't use it.)
Is this the kind of thing that might be good for a kid (9) to learn as a first
step into real CS?
Very cool! Has anyone seen a Rust equivalent of something like this?
I came across this [1] a while ago. I haven't spent any time reading it yet so
I can't exactly recommend it, but it seems pretty good.
[1] [https://github.com/rust-embedded/rust-raspi3-OS-
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Surprise graphene discovery could unlock secrets of superconductivity - mrfusion
I eagerly await the day when articles about graphene have simple, technical
titles. So far, we've had years of, "graphene could cure cancer, provide free
lunch, and solve world hunger soon" for a few years now. I fear the hope for
graphene will turn into the pipe dream similar to fusion reactors.
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
The Yale Problem Begins in High School - frostmatthew
I've taught at two colleges and based on my (purely) anecdotal experiences and
attention to the climate, I'd say that the number of students and faculty
interested in stifling or censoring ideas is small but also very, very noisy.
They also have no sense of humor and college administrators as a group have no
sense of humor or perspective, and they're chronically worried about
accusations of indifference or insensitivity (which are themselves as good as
convictions). There is a strong economic and career incentive for
administrators to take _everything_ seriously and to keep their heads down as
much as possible.
Brew this up and one gets a majority of students who are reasonable but a
small minority who drive all the discourse.
I don't teach at Yale and have never taught at Yale or schools with similar
cultures, so I can't speak to the environment there, but William Deresiewicz
did, and his book _Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and
the Way to a Meaningful Life_ came out of that and I recommend it. His book _A
Jane Austen Education_ ([http://jakeseliger.com/tag/a-jane-austen-education-
novels-taught-me-about-love/)) is also very good, even for someone like me who
does not love Jane Austen.
_Edit:_ Also, almost all of the censorship calls and nasty behavior /
comments came from students on the left. Vox's "I'm a liberal professor, and
my liberal students terrify me" ([http://www.vox.com/2015/6/3/8706323/college-
afraid)) is congruent with my experiences.
The problem with "balancing viewpoints" argument is that it isn't based on a
critical ethos and so it cannot progress on the basis of logos. You can have a
"balanced viewpoint" and still have debates about _" whether the moon is made
of the body of Vince Foster or not."_ There are certain ideas that just don't
belong in a university setting because they are _bunk_ and this has nothing to
do with diversity of opinion.
It similar to the bogus _fair and balanced_ media argument. News reporting is
about reporting the facts _as they lead logically_ so that if anyone would
perform the work of the journalist they would arrive at _similar conclusions_
regardless of their perspective or polity. It's very much like the scientific
method. Focusing on opinion diversity is a red herring.
You're missing the thrust of the argument entirely.
The author does not advocate validating factually invalid statements - see his
anecdote in the second article linked in GP regarding "whether or not the
economic collapse was caused by poor black people":
"I gave a quick response about how most experts would disagree with that
assumption, that it was actually an oversimplification, and pretty dishonest,
and isn't it good that someone made the video we just watched to try to clear
things up? And, hey, let's talk about whether that was effective, okay? If you
don't think it was, how could it have been?"
In other words - in the case of "bunk" it can be summarily dismissed with a
proper basis. Which is entirely different from vilifying and personally
attacking a person for their beliefs or thoughts which are doing no actual
harm to anyone else. People can have bogus ideas and those bogus ideas can be
completely harmless no matter how much you might find them distasteful.
Viewpoint diversity is entirely about bringing different perspectives and
experiences to bear on a subject.
It works in the hard sciences:
Why shouldn't it similarly be applied in areas of morality, ethics, social
science, etc?
I think the parent is on to something about the implications of the argument,
although it is not how the post's author would look at it, of course.
To really understand an argument, one has to start with its subject. Are we
talking about viewpoints or people? What the blog post author focuses on is
> Me: Now lets try it for politics. How many of you would say you are on the
> right politically, or that you are conservative or Republican?
This is a fundamental misunderstanding of how discourse is conducted and
should be conducted. _People_ are not on the right politically, conservative,
or Republican. People are people, and each might hold or articulate viewpoints
or opinions that are on the right politically or conservative. They might be a
member of the Republican Party. All of these are elective and potentially
The whole point of discourse is that viewpoints, opinions, and memberships can
change. So to start by framing those as elements of identity needing
protection, feeds directly into a framework for discussion that is conflicted.
If a discussion must validate and protect all viewpoints (conservative or
liberal), then what is going to be discussed?
IMO the right way to approach this situation is to explore the potential
consequences of voicing an unpopular opinion. Often, they are far less scary
than teenagers might suppose. We should focus on how to give each individual
student the mental tools to effectively evaluate arguments, and to manage
their anxiety about going against perceived social norms.
Teaching kids to be brave in speaking up against prevailing opinion can help
create positive outcomes throughout their lives. We _want_ citizens who will
speak up for what they know is right, even if they know they will face
> We want citizens who will speak up for what they know is right, even if they
> know they will face trouble.
I thought your comment was really good, but I don't think this conclusion is
_quite_ right. The problem is that lots of different people "know" that lots
of different things are "right". In my life experience (read: I have no data
on this), we don't seem to have the problem that not enough people will "speak
up for what they know is right" because they fear trouble, we instead have the
problem that not enough people are willing to challenge themselves on what
they "know" is "right".
Sorry for all the scare quotes, but my point is that the entire idea that
people can know that things are right, and then speak up for those things, is
off-base. Certainly, it's a good thing to have a sense for what you think is
right, and to be able to speak up for those things, but it's a much better and
much harder thing to be open to being convinced that you are incorrect. That's
what I don't see much of in our society, and what all schools, and
universities in particular, should do a better of imparting to their students!
Instead of teaching people to better manage their anxiety about speaking
against perceived social norms, we would be better off improving peoples'
skills of hearing things they disagree with, and of structuring their own
arguments such that they don't drown out that disagreement (for instance, the
all too familiar tactic of yelling and/or ranting continuously).
Replying to myself, because I've found that my comment ended up supporting the
original article, at least in part, which I didn't particularly like or find
myself nodding along to.
I guess where I find that I agree with the author is that we could all use to
do a better job of really _listening_ to different opinions. But where the
author was targeting that advice at the "victims" who shouldn't shout down
their "oppressors", in my experience it is more often the case that people
with brash opinions that tend to offend people are the ones who "know they are
right" and are unlikely to really hear the other side.
But I suppose there is plenty of closed-mindedness, lack of charity, and
stubbornness to go around!
These people act this way because they are elitist. They think they know what
should be better than anyone else and therefore there is no need for debate or
for rights like free speech.
I find that quite ironic because presumably, these people subscribe to left
leaning ideologies. But maybe there isn't so much of a contradiction. They are
simply more elitist than they are anything else.
They don't really stand for equality because they do not possess the
humbleness to bring themselves to the level of the common person. They believe
themselves to be intellectually and morally superior to the common Joe. And
yet they want to dupe the common Joe into thinking that they will safeguard
his interests while at the same time thinking so poorly of him!
The interesting part is not why these people do this, but why they are
This is the most interesting part of the whole phenomenon. I think the answer
is that everyone is scared to confront them. The modus operandi of this
movement is to personally attack the character of anyone who disagrees with
them. They've toppled university presidents, CEOs, and politicians. They got
Rolling Stone to publish a completely unsubstantiated article falsely accusing
a bunch of young men of a vicious gang rape. No one wants to be next.
Wow thank you for this link.
Its interesting to see where these horrible tactics come from.
It certainly frightening to see things like rule 13 “Pick the target, freeze
it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate
the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt
faster than institutions.
This is horrifying to see codified, and what I assume being practiced on
purpose, like what those yale students did to their professor, or at least
tried too.
Yep once you know "the rules" you can easily analyze all these protests or
I am strangely relieved that their perception of power is this basic:
“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power
is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build
power from flesh and blood.
Look how Silicon Valley folks treated Brandon Eich when he made a donation to
the majority side in a California proposition.
It's not just academia where you can't speak freely.
The fact that other people are free to speak against you does not mean that
you can't speak freely.
Free speech does not mean freedom from having your speech acts criticized
(quite the opposite; it includes freedom of others to criticize your speech
acts.) And, yes, it means that your speech acts may affect your ability to
hold a job where you are one of the major public faces of an organization
(such as its CEO) and are not capable of dealing with the PR resulting from
the association of those speech acts with a public face of the corporation
(the same as it would if you couldn't deal with any other PR issue affecting
the corporation, even if it _wasn 't_ resulting from your speech acts.)
This is a frequently repeated argument and I find it less and less convincing.
It is true that America's constitution only guarantees the congress will not
abridge the freedom of speech. However, an argument could be made that in a
free society there's a fundamental right to have a dissenting opinion or
voice; a right that is not codified by the constitution because it's simply
irrelevant to a constitution. It seems to me that it's up to all of us to
tolerate non-extreme dissenting voices, even if we disagree with them.
> However, an argument could be made that in a free society there's a
> fundamental right to have a dissenting opinion or voice
Of course, there is a fundamental right to have (and express) a dissenting
opinion or voice.
There is also a fundamental right to have (and express) _displeasure_ with an
opinion or voice, whether dissenting or not.
And there is no fundamental entitlement to a job whose responsibilities
include managing the public image of a corporation, and if you are unable to
do that in the real circumstances and public image problems the corporation
faces, _whether or not_ your own speech acts are the _source_ of that PR
problem, you shouldn't expect to continue to have that job.
The problem is that the current system in practice legally protects certain
opinions. E.g. If Eich was pro gay marriage and vocally so, firing him on that
basis would have been very risky legally. Especially if he was gay, it would
probably be impossible to fire him without losing an expensive lawsuit
I don't think legally but more politically and PR wise. There a difference
between firing someone for making donations to pro-X groups and firing someone
for being X. In this hypothetical scenario, Eich would have to prove he was
fired for being gay instead of for making a public donation that support a
group and leads to potential blowback against the company. It's bad either
way. Mozilla had a no win situation here. They got bad PR from both sides.
Forget about whether it has blowback against the company- It's totally legal
AFAIK to fire someone for their "off the clock" speech for any or no reason at
In reality, though, I think a jury would be very skeptical of a company's
claims that someone was fired for promoting the gay agenda (which would be
legal) and not for being a gay person.
I was originally going to lump this article in with other "men's rights
movement" stuff until I saw the author was Jonathan Haidt. I had the honor to
take Psyc 101 with Prof. Haidt years ago at the University of Virginia. He was
a wonderful teacher who expected the best out of his students. He struck me as
a very intelligent man who had put a lot of thought into both what he taught
as well as his opinions. When he bring up his own beliefs in class he was very
open to letting others voice dissenting opinions. More importantly, he always
seemed willing to consider alternative views.
I know this is all anecdotal, but I put a lot of trust in his opinions and pay
attention when he says something.
Unrelated, but he gave a great Ted talk in 2008 about the difference between
liberals and conservatives:
So it doesn't matter what is being said as long as it is coming from the right
Or more charitably, the grandparent comment author found a way to do the
admirable (and for almost all of us, all-too-rare) task of reevaluating with
renewed respect something previously dismissed.
Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers has done some interesting research, and given many
eye opening talks regarding this matter. Reading this article made my morning.
It's time we step back and reevaluate the way we are raising the youth. This
war on boys is wrong, and could have disastrous effects on our society in the
Agreed. It is baffling to me that nobody seems to seriously consider that this
war on men/boys is what creates this weird and uncomfortable social dynamic.
Masculinity is not something to be feared or ashamed of, teaching that is what
creates dysfunctional men.
No, social norms that
- you're not allowed to show emotion (unless it's anger)
- you must get all of your emotional needs met through first your mother, and then your girlfriend / wife
are what creates dysfunctional men.
As a tall, large framed man, I often get very strong negative reactions when I
am physically fit. And I mean fit not weightlifting bulk. Keeping short hair
and a clean shave while swimming regularly is a very utilitarian choice, but
you get even stronger negative reactions. The way out? Growing long hair
transformed rather negative skin head connotations with a far more teasing
Our culture really looks down on the strong male archetype.
PS: Don't believe me? Try growing a natural aka full beard.
As someone with a full beard, a father who wears a full beard, and several
friends with full beards, what is the problem with them?
For one thing it lowers the bar before people think your indigent. Depending
on industry it can often make it harder to find a job. On the whole it's
generally viewed as a low status symbol.
Granted this is mostly from the east coast of the US (DC). And having a styled
bearded seems to make a large difference.
All I can say is that I and my friends in the NYC and Philly region working
(mostly) in pharmaceutical and financial industries do not generally
experience this. But obviously that would be anecdotal.
> financial
Isn't finance the place where being clean shaven is almost necessary if you
want to succeed?
-> almost necessary
Required. I'm in graduate school right now and you won't get a call back for
2nd rounds if you have a beard. It's some sort of irrational proxy for
> Alumni should take it into account before writing any more checks.
This is the key takeaway for anyone interested in getting this nonsense to
As a student at Dartmouth, I find this article to be extremely accurate and
representative of the culture I've encountered amongst the protests here and
(through conversations with friends) at other places across the country. As a
white male, my friends and I are too intimidated by the Black Lives Matter
protesters and their actions to try to initiate any sort of discussion on the
matter in fear that we'll only provoke more anger and protest.
If people are angry about X and you go up to them and try to tell them how
much you like/support X, isn't that what you'd expect? To make people want to
engage you in a thoughtful discussion, it's important to demonstrate humility
and open-mindedness to their opinions.
I recently tried to engage a BLM protester about the issues, hoping to have a
thoughtful discussion about some policies and ways forward to improve the
situation. 3 paragraphs latter, I was being told that my white privilege
should exclude me from even participating in the discussion, let alone
informing decisions about policy - ostensibly because I do not have a shared
experience of discrimination.
Disclaimer: I'm a white male from the midwest.
While I agree with most of the article, the author tries to politicize it at
points, which I think is a mistake. This is not an issue of liberals trying to
silence opposition, indeed when we see the most vehement efforts at shaming
differing views the language is not ideological but personal: "X was hurtful"
"He/she felt threatened".
I'm a true blue leftist not long out of a famously liberal liberal university
and I would have raised my hands on the eggshells questions. I vividly recall
a student proposing a test on candidates' general positions at polls and being
literally shouted down before he could finish speaking. Despite its ugly
history in the US it's not of liberals vs conservatives, at least not in the
way we use those terms in the US.
We have a problem with limiting discourse in schools but trying to shoehorn it
into the usual political framework frankly alienates those of us in the left
who are having to choose between apologizing for zealots on our side of the
spectrum or aligning with groups that seem to inevitably take on repulsive
undertones of intolerance and a whole other host of positions that have
nothing to do with our own beyond being marginalized by the same extremely
vocal group.
One thing that I haven't seen anyone mention is that this sort of walking on
eggshells culture tends to build higher walls around the privileged and
powerful group. How often do you think these privileged rich white boys go on
to become employers and refuse to higher someone from an out group
(consciously or unconsciously) due to fear that the slightest misinterpreted
off hand remark could bring hell down on them, but if they hire the other
privileged white guy they can comfortably be themselves without risk.
I think even if you have the most leftist SJW views and objectives, you have
to see this as counter productive.
I'm pretty sure some leftist SJW really can't see this as counter productive.
It's not just employment, this shit cuts through everything. I can't imagine
how this crowd could side with the white supremacists knowingly.
But then there is Slavoj Zizek, who agrees with you and me.
Thank you so much for posting this. It articulated a lot of the angst I was
feeling in college that I felt like I couldn't express without sounding
insensitive or offensive.
Sometimes it's best to be insensitive and offensive.
This drove me out of the humanities completely when I was in college. The
topic of discussion in a class freshman year was whether natural selection
still or ever applied to humans. I said no, because decisions on how many kids
you have tends to vary from culture to culture, and I mentioned specifically
Catholicism and the 1 child law in China. And I was called racist.
Never got accused of being racist in Calc.
What does the 'one child' law have to do with natural selection, and how does
your answer relate to the prior 50 years of life in China.
HN suffers from this problem, and I have found it increasing over time.
Sometimes I am afraid to upvote certain stories or comments as I fear the
hidden moderators can see what people are voting on and punish them
accordingly. I know that this is irrational but still those feelings creep in.
Every time the hate mob takes someone down professionally and the more
ridiculous the circumstances the more people self censor. The silent majority
is the biggest political and social problem of our time. People forget that
far left political movements have been just as bloody and hateful as far
right. This stuff is dangerous.
I've never liked appeals to a "silent majority" because it groups everyone who
doesn't make their voice heard into a vague group that's assumed to be on the
same page. I'm generally silent on these issues, for example, but my stance
isn't as simple as "I disagree with those stupid college kids" or "all of you
people are so privileged and ignorant."
You definitely got at the thrust of the issue, though. I don't really want to
present an opinion that's going to trigger an avalanche of hate that might not
even relate to what I'm saying. I don't post the vast majority of the comments
I start typing.
Sorry I didnt mean to suggest that the silent majority has the same views more
that the majority is silent, and I wanted to link that maybe they are silent
because of the climate of going after people so aggressively for having the
wrong brand (problematic) of views/beliefs.
I prefer a society where people can be challenged on their beliefs, when
people refuse to have a rational discussion using logic and real facts they
are exposing themselves for what they are, hateful.
The concept presented here of "seeking justice by appeal to the majority"
reminds me of the Twitter phenomenon in which people learned that the only way
to get customer service from Google/Ubisoft/Bank of America/(insert giant
faceless company) was to tweet a grievance publicly. It seems to work well, at
least in a few high-profile cases. At least, it worked a few times when
private requests failed. Perhaps people are learning by example?
The old-fashioned ("culture of honor/dignity"?) style of one-on-one
negotiation is often futile when you are dealing with a company.
Well yes, they're learning by example. People are getting fired or ostracised
by mobs on sites like Twitter based on things like this. It's an unfortunate
pattern where instead of countering arguments or having a debate, a lot of
people (especially in these SJW groups) tend to try and destroy someone's
livelihood instead.
And because a lot of companies seem to care more about their 'reputation' then
any sort of principles, you end up in a situation where people are too scared
to talk out in case a social media mob destroys their life.
It's the classic witch hunt mob.
Girl A: I like apples. Girl B: I don't like what you're saying. Hey everybody,
she's a witch!
Mob deals out punishment.
You can clearly see that the mob is being played, being used like a pawn, by
Girl B. The mob doesn't actually benefit form this. Girl B benefits from this
because she got rid of her competitor.
The same way those students protesting are being used by the person at the
top. The students don't actually benefits. Meanwhile, the person calling the
mob to action is actually the person that benefits (law suit settlement,
patronage, donations, government funding, etc).
For a while now I've thought that 4-year residential college is a dying model.
Here's how I view the value proposition of college and how it is being
replaced by tech:
* Validation of raw talent by a third party (admissions office) --> can be done by technology today in ways impossible 10 years ago and hard to imagine 30 years ago
* Socialization around other people in the top decile (or higher) of book-smarts --> can largely be done by online communities (not a full replacement for interpersonal interaction but better than what was available before)
* Access to top-tier employers who didn't have time to look through every candidate out there, so economized their recruiting efforts at places where smart young people are concentrated --> this model made largely obsolete by internet
* Access to lots of obscure books at college library --> made completely obsolete by internet
* Access to great lectures --> made obsolete by internet / MOOCs
* Access to a diversity of opinions, the exposure to which will make you a better and more informed person --> these days only applicable if you come from a very sheltered conservative background....otherwise college just reinforces existing biases
If I had to choose between two candidates with the same proficiency in a
testable skill set (JavaScript, GAAP accounting, laying brick, whatever else),
at this point I'd probably prefer someone who spent four years working on a
fishing boat, or trying to make it as a musician, or on a church mission, or
hiking the PCT / CDT / AT, or in the Marines, or something else challenging,
over someone who went to an elite undergrad institution. They just seem more
and more like indoctrination mills that crank out entitled little whiners.
//grumpy old man rant over
_If I had to choose between two candidates with the same proficiency in a
testable skill set (JavaScript, GAAP accounting, laying brick, whatever else),
at this point I 'd probably prefer someone who spent four years working on a
fishing boat, or trying to make it as a musician, or on a church mission, or
hiking the PCT / CDT / AT, or in the Marines, or something else challenging,
over someone who went to an elite undergrad institution._
I reach the exact opposite conclusion. Give me a student who has spent four
years learning how to learn. Someone who has had forced exposure to a whole
lot of different disciplines. Who was forced to study things they don't much
care about, because the value in doing so is so high.
Spending four years pursuing a passion, or working on a boat.. is.. great I
suppose. But a well-rounded college graduate is something the tech crowd
really doesn't value enough these days.
I actually agree strongly with your point, I just think that the pursuits
named above are better at teaching people how to learn than many colleges are
these days.
I liked the following comment. The speaker himself is probably biased as to
what happened to him:
_As a student of ‘centerville high school’ as well, I can assure you this
comment is completely true. While multiple questions were phrased as attacks
towards Haidt personally, many of them were completely rational. In response
to one question (about his annoyance towards people who are pushing women to
be in more stem positions) he stated a very vague position on how women, no
matter their environmental conditions in childhood, are still predisposed to
not be in stem positions (genetically). This was not the only ‘sketchy’ point
he made. The question about his condoning of rape, while completely
unnecessary, was founded on his insensitivity towards the subject (which
continued into many subjects, including race and gender). His careful picking
of data allowed his points to made clearly and succinctly in his mind.
Questions that were too long or that had follow ups were completely ignored.
In response to one of the first (albeit angry and unnecessary) questions,
Haidt’s response was to tell the audience that in order to fully look at an
argument, one had to look at both sides, something I (as someone who did
believe in a large amount of what Haidt was saying) had to scoff at. His
entire argument was founded on the idea that everyone being free to say
whatever they want is the best thing possible for American schools, while
being politically correct in all scenarios is the worst thing possible for
American schools. Obviously there are positive and negative aspects to both.
This completely contradicts his belief to look at both sides of an argument
dispassionately, not to mention being hard, as students who do care about
their education, to listen to. Haidt’s talk was difficult to listen to. Even
though I believe in almost all of his points (despite being part of many,
although not all, of the minority groups mentioned) his inability to speak to
us effectively (in a way that didn’t seem like he condoned rape) made it so
that his argument was not relayed to us clearly. His blatant misunderstanding
of his audience put him in the position to be attacked. One can say that he
did that on purpose, to prove his point about shaking those who do walk on
eggshells. But that doesn’t work. Telling defensive people their wrong doesn’t
work. Sorry._
The one thing that perplexes me more than anything is nobody ever thought free
speech allows us to monitor the people who have radical ideologies and ideas
that threaten our country. When you silence opposition simply because it
offends somebody or some group, you lose the opportunity to monitor these
people and their ideas.
I want to know if there's skinheads who want to start a race war or the black
panther party leader who advocates violence against non-whites. Sure it's
offensive to me, but I want to KNOW these people are out there and know what
they're thinking.
This is one of the reason governments and police forces aren't trying to
complete wipe terrorists groups and extremists off the internet. Because if
their posts are publically viewable, then it's easier to watch what they're up
to and stop anything dangerous occurring as a result. If they take them down,
then these people simply go 'underground' and becomes it a lot more difficult
to check whether they're planning anything.
Of course, there's also a downside (that a certain few people might be
inspired or encouraged by extremist content they see online), but it's better
for security to let such people give themselves away before anything can
Thank you for posting this article. I've often felt the "walking on eggshells"
phenomenon you describe, but I've never even felt able to call it out without
risking being labeled an "enemy" of a cause. Seems you found a great way to do
South Park's Stunning and Brave did a great take down on this intolerance of
intolerance culture that is growing among US youth.
Came here to post this as it's hands down the most brilliant indictment of
this culture I've seen to date:
Prof. Haidt was also the co-author of this piece in The Atlantic Monthly:
as long the definition of the word 'safety' has been expanded to include
removing any risk of emotional distress from day-to-day life, we might as well
call the current campus climate 'unsafe' for anyone who doesn't hold the
prevailing views. i know i certainly didn't feel 'safe' to express the
occasional disagreement with the majority opinion while at wesleyan, even
though i was 99% in agreement with those prevailing views. i felt paranoid
about (either accidentally or deliberately) saying the wrong thing and
therefore provoking mob justice. 'walking on eggshells' was an understatement.
that paranoia felt more than justified when people who had expressed contrary
opinions were the subject of campus-wide mockery, derision, and ostracism.
being reflexively deferential to every conceivable sensitivity causes us to
disproportionately look out for the safety of some at the expense of the
overall atmosphere of civility, dignity, respect, and yes, 'safety,' of the
campus. it really hit home when recently Wesleyan's campus newspaper lost a
good portion of its funding because it dared to publish an op-ed criticizing
the Black Lives Matter movement on effectiveness grounds [1]. After all,
students no longer felt "safe" knowingly attending the same school as someone
who disagrees with them (rightly or wrongly). i am completely embarrassed.
[1] [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/free-speech-is-
An excellent article. I hope people actually read it instead of dismissing it
because someone influential on twitter doesn't like the fact that it doesn't
fit a specific narrative. I'm glad academia is starting to wake up on that
very specific issue. Good luck to its author, he is going to need it, because
some people will be out eager to destroy his career.
I have extremely mixed feelings about all of this.
On the one hand, I think the whole point of university is debate, discourse,
critical thought. The apparent trend away from liberalism is very distressing.
On the other, I sympathize with the notion that liberalism can often be a way
for the privileged to entrench their privilege, and that unprivileged voices
don't benefit from it equally. If you're black and you believe that black
americans are owed reparations, you probably can't say that freely without
expecting some negative repercussions in your future life: you'll be judged
and categorized, marked as "uppity". Liberalism doesn't exist in a vacuum: we
have to take into account other societal truths when we're evaluating its
I don't have a great handle on how to reconcile all of this.
Meta: In the last few weeks I've noticed that articles about the recent
college protests trending up on HN, only to be flagged and vanish.
I'm struggling to understand why these articles should be flagged and removed,
rather than downvoted or debated in the comments. Thoughts?
I guess you could argue the up/down voting on this forum is a question of
group think or bulling type of behavior.
It's a type of group think. BUT, it is NOT a type of bullying. Bullying
requires that people shame/harass/doxx the op. Which they do not.
Compare to the universities, where students bullies other administrators to
fire other administrators for defending freedom of speech.
This article Haidt links on the sociology of the new culture of victimhood is
very insightful: [http://righteousmind.com/where-microaggressions-really-
Does this stuff happen outside of America? It's all very crazy.
The problem is that this also goes on in adulthood and even in board meetings.
Even if you have the majority on your side they will sit quietly and watch you
take a beating!
Then think about what happens if you try to have a discussion about something
that is not "politically correct".
The problem with not allowing discussion about extreme topics is that the
extremists will end up only discussing among themselves. And that's where it
can become dangerous.
There's nothing wrong with what is being said here. Except that there are just
as many "climate" issues that woman and people of color have to face, if not
more. This person is cherry-picking discussions about race and gender and
saying "it's horrible that climate issues are making it difficult for these
white/male students from participating" but the same level of outcry doesn't
exist even though in almost every other field you can say the same kind of
thing: "it's horrible that climate issues in computer science are making it
difficult for these students of color" and the same people are silent.
And I realize I am doing a form of derailing right now, because the matter at
hand is white boys being heard. But we're actually talking about white boys
being heard during advanced discussions of race and gender. And honestly I
feel a little bit the same about it that I feel about girls being heard during
advanced discussions of parallel CPU architectures. I wish there were more
women who were in those discussions, but I don't think the solution is "just
let them participate even if what they say is totally ignorant".
Frankly, most white boys are not skilled enough to participate in discussions
about race and gender. It's not that there's anything inherently wrong with
them, the pipeline is just letting us down completely. Most of us get almost
no education in race and gender, while girls and people of color get it for
free just because of their gender or race.
The solution in my mind is the same as the solution to getting more women and
other disenfranchised groups into computer science. Everyone just needs to
take a little bit of responsibility for the part of the pipeline that's one
step upstream from them. You can't just have boys who have never thought about
what colonialism actually feels like diving right into university-level gender
politics classes. But as a university professor I think you can support summer
programs for teenage boys to help them do really basic level gender analysis
stuff so that when they do get to college, they can actually participate
meaningfully with the girls, and not be seen as second-class citizens just
because they have less direct experience.
We shouldn't think of these boys as "bad gender theorists" we need to broaden
our understanding of what gender theory is, and make sure we are creating
opportunities for disenfranchised novices to get involved.
But this naive affirmative action approach OP is advocating, of "just make
sure the boys participate equally" is not taking the problem seriously. Proper
affirmative action requires you to get in and take responsibility for your
recruitment process and the social issues surrounding it.
>You can't just have boys who have never thought about what colonialism
actually feels like
And now, you're just assuming that white boys have no empathy. Wow.
>Proper affirmative action requires you to get in and take responsibility for
your recruitment process and the social issues surrounding it...
If everybody just stop fighting, there would be world peace. BUT, the reality
is, not everybody will stop fighting. And there is nothing we can do to change
that. We can make fighting illegal. BUT, nothing can change the reality. The
reality is, people will still fight.
>Proper affirmative action requires you to get in and take responsibility for
your recruitment process and the social issues surrounding it...
I know of a way to solve the economic problem we're facing. If we just make
all CEOs of all companies competent...
>Proper affirmative action requires you to get in and take responsibility for
your recruitment process and the social issues surrounding it
You may be responsibility in your recruitment process, but that doesn't mean
others will be.
>But if everybody just be more responsible in their recruitment process...
Again, if the world just stop fighting wars, there would be no wars.
But really, I don't see how that is an implementable solution. How are you
going to implement something like that? How are you going to implement "world-
stop-fighting-wars"? How are you going to implement "everyone-is-more-
My stock retort always is "Well, I find your narrow-mindedness offensive".
Questions, logical and calmly asked, also swiftly dismantle those flapping on
about misplaced social concerns.
Almost feel sorry for them, like these views are thinly-veiled insecurities
about some aspect of themselves or trauma experienced.
The Intolerance of the those crusading against Intolerance is funny until it
is not.
It's also a lie. Try engaging the "I'm only intolerant of intolerance" crowd
on, say, climate change, abortion, or the death penalty. It takes tortuous
logical contortions to frame any of these issues in terms of "intolerance,"
and yet you'll likely be met with vitriol nonetheless.
It's even more dishonest to take all of the opinions held by individuals of
some ill-defined cohort, and pretend that any inconsistencies between
different individuals means that all members of the group are irrational and
should be ignored.
_ill-defined cohort_
The group I mentioned is precisely defined, and 100% opt-in—it's the set of
all people who say "I'm only intolerant of intolerance."
_all members of the group are irrational and should be ignored_
Are you accusing me of thinking that? Because I didn't say that, and I don't
think that. Reread my comment: saying "you'll _likely_ be met with vitriol"
implies that the converse—that you _won 't_ be met with vitriol—is also
Pedantry is a poor defense.
"Group X tends to do Y."
"How dishonest. You're saying all members of Group X do Y and should therefore
be ignored."
"I said none of those things. I said Group X _tends_ to do Y, which implies
that some members of the group _don 't_ do Y."
"Pedantry is a poor defense."
Calling me dishonest or pedantic is pure projection. If you have trouble
seeing it, here's a mirror: [http://www.amazon.com/SJWs-Always-Lie-Taking-
Great post. We have the same thing in Brazil. But I am unsure with this
problem really starts in high school. Actually, I think this problem starts on
I don't think college students being involved in radical politics and protests
against their school is a new trend.
I didn't downvote you, but I think other people are because the article's
central thesis is that this social phenomenon is at its core neither radical
politics nor anti-school protests. Rather, the article claims that it's merely
a new coat of paint on the same old gang bullying/identity politics/being mean
to outsiders to increase one's own social status.
That's how those movements were portrayed back in the day, too.
Exactly, this isn't the first time a progressive social cause has been called
"political correctness gone mad."
This directly relates to us in tech. Specifically, there is a huge push to
reach out to women and girls in CS. I am not opposed to females in CS at all.
I will encourage males and females alike to pursue it, because I see CS as the
great equalizer; the only thing that matters is what you produce.
What I _can 't_ stand are these "Women in technology" conferences and
workshops to "close the (gender) gap". Why? Because if you focus on one group,
then you are actively _not_ focusing on another. Given the dichotomy defined
by their stated purpose, they are actively dismissive of men (boys). That is
I don't care about the men/women ratio. People will choose whatever path they
enjoy and want to work at. I do care very strongly, though, about treating
people equally.
If I say this publically, then I, too, will be ostracized. _That_ is why this
article is so very important!
I might agree that "CS is the great equalizer" if everyone is given an equal
opportunity to pursue it. But I don't think they are. Boys are given the focus
by default: just watch any Hollywood movie with a "hacker" \-- are they a man
or a woman? I believe girls are taught from a young age that CS isn't for
How many potentially brilliant female computer scientists are we missing out
on as a society because our media and culture barrages them with images of
male programmers? It's in my selfish interest as a white male to promote CS
among underrepresented groups -- because one of them might come up with the
next innovation that changes my life. But they don't get the chance, because
they're told they can't be programmers.
That's why I think outreach focused on young minorities & girls is important.
What movies/tv shows are you watching? Try Supernatural. Try the old movies
from the 90's like Hackers and The Net. Even the Matrix. All of them featured
women hackers as well as men.
I was not given "the focus" by default. My Jr. High and High School did not
have a CS program at all. I taught myself how to program (Pascal and Assembly)
by READING BOOKS, because we lived in a rural area and dial-up internet is
Is it so wrong to believe that if I can do it, so can others, regardless of
their gender? Maybe I have a higher confidence in women than they do!
It is strange to me that the SJW-callers seem to be the most vocal and active
group trying to bend speech and criticism to their own idea of "right".
Poorly written article. Title undefined until last paragraph.
I find the underlying premise of this article and the claim that there is a
"war on boys" absurd. It's a old argument from the same old set of people who
have the same old intolerant (and dying) paradigm.
Not sure why it is on HN at all as the content has nothing to do with tech...
I'm pretty disappointed in the article and the comments, and how like Reddit
this website is turning out to be. I'm not going to make any judgements
(though I really really am), but this same article has been posted to 10
subreddits, among them such gems as: SJWsAtWork, ThisIsNotASafeSpace, sjsucks,
and sjwhate.
Not affiliated (except that I follow him on Twitter), but the author, Jonathan
Haidt, is one of America's pre-eminent social psychologists. He is (or at
least was) a liberal who has engaged in some very serious social psychology
that gives massive insight into how people tick, especially where those ticks
are related to or concerning political party affiliations.
If the idea is to dismiss him as an anti-SJW, or anti-free speech, then I
would posit that you're simply inclined to dismiss no matter what. If the
complaint is that his work is spreading to, or being adopted by the anti-SJW
crowd, that's hardly his fault.
He may not be right, or he may not have done appropriate research, or he may
be based (his own studies would suggest that it's inevitable that he is), but
any dismissal predicated in part on that he's trolling is almost certainly
I don't doubt at all Haidt is qualified.
My complaint was more to your second point, that "If the complaint is that his
work is spreading to, or being adopted by the anti-SJW crowd, that's hardly
his fault." I do see a problem with how one-sided the comments on the page
(Heterodox Academy) are, and I do think that he should have stepped in. Then,
when I came to Hacker News, I saw similar comments, and that was
My distaste really came from comments like these, on the main page: "My white
male sons are now 30 and 28. I’m so happy they escaped public high school
relatively unscathed, but I could see the beginnings of the nonsense, led by a
faculty of activist females and male eunuchs. Public schooling in this country
may have begun with noble intent; kids are now truly being inculcated rather
than educated." and "You state this like it is an article of faith that women
would be totally rad in STEM if only men would stop holding them back. What
makes this “sketchy”? There is an abundance of evidence that men and women are
different and think differently. There is almost no evidence that women will
change that position based on upbringing." and then on hnews itself:
"#KillAll(White)Men is literally calling for ethnic / gender purging." (though
it was downvoted).
It would be great to have a conversation with Dr. Haidt, but I was turned off
by how both Heterodox and Hacker News turned into "amen" forums. There were
two students who posted on Heterodox, and they had some interesting points,
some of which disagreed with Dr. Haidt.
The commentators are self selecting - if they strongly agree, they comment,
which they have. You're still trying to dismiss the article based on people
having opinions different than yours, rather than critiquing the article
Would you agree with me in saying that the comments are at least
In terms of the article itself, I agreed with this part, "High schools and
colleges that lack viewpoint diversity should make it their top priority"
which seems like a pretty progressive viewpoint. Let's make sure everybody's
voice is heard, and let's make sure that voices that are usually silenced
outside the classroom have equal footing inside. But a sentence later, bam -
"Schools that value freedom of thought should therefore actively seek out non-
leftist faculty."
I'm not sure how exactly that flows, and that's what led me to be
disappointed. Moreover, the idea that students and faculty are living in
"fear" and we have to accommodate their fears is also just a tad hypocritical.
I also have a problem with victimhood culture being a thing, but that's a
whole different argument.
> "Schools that value freedom of thought should therefore actively seek out
> non-leftist faculty."
Any argument that can be made in favor of cultural diversity should
necessarily extend to left-right diversity as well.
FWIW, as I stated earlier, Haidt is leftist. Perhaps less so now than 7-8
years ago, but he is indeed a leftist, but one who appreciates that non-
leftists are not evil, but who have different gradients of right/wrong, and
different associations with which to be entrenched.
If you want children to have freedom of thought, then you should try to
accurately present a range of ideas to students wherever possible. Students
learn that 2+2=4, at least in some small part, because teachers say that it
does. They later learn how and why 2+2=4, which mitigates the need for teacher
acceptance as canon, but regardless, they learn that teachers ideas are to be
given weight at the least, and that their expressions, even not necessarily
strictly academic ones, are right.
Would you find fault with your children's education if every teacher were a
Rush Limbaugh clone, or would you prefer them be exposed to a variety of
thoughts and given the tools and knowledge to inform themselves and form their
own viewpoints? If the answer is the latter, then you should reject the notion
of your children being subscribed to any narrow ideological view, and adding
non-leftist ideologies can only broaden it.
Edit: And yes, I would agree that if the comments are as you say they are,
that is disappointing. I caught this article shortly after it was posted, and
there weren't any other comments at the time, so I thankfully did not have
those comments color my opinion of the article itself.
Just for everyone's awareness, there is a broad astroturf and professional
political push that has been happening for over a year by FIRE, a right
leaning think tank. This is a concerted effort to bring controversy around
campus free speech into the news.
My perception is that this is an effort to weaken student's ability to speak
freely, but is coded as a "free speech" issue. Similar to how many churches
coded marriage equality as trampling on their freedom of religion.
Just to remind everyone how free speech works: You are free to say whatever
you want. I am free to choose to speak out against you or even pull my support
from you if I disagree with what you say. My freedom extends to let me voice
my opposition to you just as loudly as you voice your opinions. That is not
I don't think Jonathan Haidt is an astroturfer.
| {
"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Beep security update - DyslexicAtheist
The author of beep needs to read the POSIX specification on async-signal-
safety [1]. In particular, it is not safe to call exit, free, ioctl, putchar,
or perror from a signal handler.
> In particular, it is not safe to call exit, free, ioctl, putchar, or perror
> from a signal handler.
Why is it accepted by the compiler, then?
I'll be quicker to blame the signal API than the programming language on that
front. Dealing with unix signals correctly and robustly is far from trivial
and rife with footguns. For instance I believe that Rust still doesn't have a
good general purpose solution for handling signals that doesn't involve the
libc and unsafe code.
Signal is basically the crappiest form of IPC available on a modern operating
system short of emulating a mouse and keyboard and typing into the other
application's terminal window.
The simplest way to write safe signal handlers is to only ever:
- write(2) to STDERR_FILENO
- write(2) to a "self-pipe" (i.e., a pipe where the same
process is waiting on in its event loop), thus turning
the async signal event into an async *I/O* event that
can be handled without any constraints regarding
- _exit()
Yes, there are other async-signal-safe functions that can be called from a
signal handler, but it's generally not worth it. Adhering to my more
constrained approach will keep your code safe and will make it easier to
always get it right.
ALSO, while we're at it, the only global or thread-local variables you can
read from or write to from a signal handler _must_ be of type volatile
sig_atomic_t (or else volatile of any other integral or pointer type that you
can use with atomic operations). This is very important. E.g., imagine using
SIGUSR1/2 to manage verbosity levels...
Option 2 is very similar to how signal handlers work in Go. When a signal is
received, a value is written to a channel and the library user is responsible
for reading values from the channel and responding appropriately.
It's the only sane thing to do.
A write(2) to STDERR_FILENO for verbosity/debugging is fine, but mostly you
don't want to do this because it _will_ interleave with any non-line-buffered
stdio writes to it... An _exit(2) is also OK if you really want to do that,
but generally you want to do some cleanup, so might as well do the self-pipe
thing _every_ time.
The only tricky thing is when you use SA_SIGINFO and you want to pass the
siginfo_t data to the event loop. You can write(2) that to the self-pipe, but
you have to be careful of the possibility that it will fill up. You can always
create a new pipe(2), write(2) the siginfo_t to it, close(2) the write end,
and send the read side fd via a socketpair(2) that the event loop listens to.
It is not the _only_ sane thing to do.
kevent() is another way to handle signals. It puts handling them into the
program's main event loop, which is done synchronously with normal event-
dispatching mechanisms and so does not have worries about asynchronous signal
safety, because with kevent() they are just another type of filter.
Sure, if you're going to use non-portable constructs, there're better
alternatives to the self-pipe thing. Linux has something roughly similar with
The nice thing about the write-a-byte-to-the-pipe thing is that it works
virtually everywhere.
From the beep readme:
_By default beep is not installed with the suid bit set, because that would
just be zany. On the other hand, if you do make it suid root, all your
problems with beep bailing on ioctl calls will magically vanish, which is
pleasant, and the only reason not to is that any suid program is a potential
security hole. Conveniently, beep is very short, so auditing it is pretty
And all this time I've read that and thought "well at least you're putting it
out there, just in case - almost for the sake of it"
Also see [https://holeybeep.ninja/](https://holeybeep.ninja/)
I've got a couple of problems with that page:
* curl | sudo bash for two lines of script
* said script just checks if you have beep installed, not if you're vulnerable
Not sure if you're aware of that but it's a joke page made as a parody of the
recent "branded vulnerability" craze. I would definitely advise against
running random scripts from joke pages, especially through sudo. In that
regard notice the "TODO" line from the script:
# TODO: Backdoor this machine?
modprobe pcspkr
beep -l 1000 -r 3 -f 44000
Just recently the script said this instead:
curl https://l0.re/hb | bash
modprobe pcspkr
beep -l 1000 -r 3 -f 44000
And then that embedded URL says:
echo ohai
But only after a long delay -- perhaps it is using one of the previously
documented techniques to determine whether it's being piped to bash and
behaving differently.
And now that I try the original curl again, that first line is gone
modprobe pcspkr
beep -l 1000 -r 3 -f 44000
I'd love to hear the backstory. Who on _earth_ goes looking for
vulnerabilities in beep?!
If I had to guess, I'd say they were doing it because it is often installed
with suid root.
Edit: also, there's a challenge about this in the program's README :-)
"Decide for yourself, of course, but it looks safe to me - there's only one
buffer and fgets doesn't let it overflow, there's only one file opening, and
while there is a potential race condition there, it's with /dev/console. If
someone can exploit this race by replacing /dev/console, you've got bigger
problems. :)"
It should be pointed out that the README is wrong about the race condition –
it is not limited to /dev/console, you can use the -e option to point it to a
different output device.
It doesn't open /dev/console by default either (the default device is
I don't see where the race condition is, though.
The Debian patch with diff highlighting:
AFAICS, it does this:
1) Fixes use of uninitialized memory.
2) Fixes double-free in the signal handler.
3) Makes sure that the device is opened only once.
I still don't understand what exactly the bug is supposed to be. I also don't
understand what is the purpose of 3). With this fix applied, it's still
possible for a user to open arbitrary file for writing with root privileges,
which is bad.
My speculation on the race condition fixed in the patch:
The while loop in `main` calls `play_beep` multiple times. Each call to
`play_beep` opens the `--device` and sets the global `console_fd`, and _then_
sets the global `console_type` based on the `ioctl(EVIOCGSND)` error, before
calling `do_beep`.
This normally prevents the user from writing to arbitrary files with
`--device`, because without the `ioctl(EVIOCGSND)` succeeding, `do_beep` with
`BEEP_TYPE_CONSOLE` only does a (harmless?) `ioctl(KIOCSOUND)`, not a `write`
with the `struct input_event`. However, the signal handler calls `do_beep`
directly using the globals set by `play_beep`...
So I image that with something along the lines of `beep --device=./symlink-to-
tty ... --new ...`, you can rewrite the symlink to point to an arbitrary file
during the first `play_beep`, and then race the open/ioctl in the second
`play_beep` with the signal handler such that `do_beep` gets called with
`console_fd` pointing to your arbitrary file, and with `console_type` still
set to `BEEP_TYPE_EVDEV`, resulting in a `write` to your arbitrary file.
Exploiting that for privesc would require control over the `struct
input_event` for the `write`... `handle_signal` calls `do_beep` with a fixed
`freq` of 0, so all of the initialized fields are set to fixed values...
However, there's an unitialized `struct timeval` at the beginning of the
`struct input_event`, and it's allocated on the stack...
Seems like a curious security vulnerability, I'll assume the debian security
team must have a working PoC in order to actually call it out as a local
privesc vulnerability... I'd love to see the actual PoC eventually :)
There's now a PoC exploiting this race, seemingly placing the 32-bit -l option
value into the uninitialized part of the `struct input_event` to modify a
shell script that runs as root:
Remains to be seen if the PoC actually works though, I've been unable to win
the race so far, although the varying ioctl errors indicate it might be close?
Can't one just
sudo echo -e "\7”
anyway? Or if you're trying to do something fancier there is snd-pcsp which
lets use use the piezo as a normal ALSA device (quality may vary). Not that
many modern machines even include such a useful device.
Nitpick: on my machine, that's:
sudo echo -e "\07"
Simply displaying a character doesn't need sudo at all anyway, so just
echo -e "\07"
`sudo` isn't there for displaying the character, it's there for ioctl to have
permissions to play the beep on remote terminals[1].
I think some terminal emulators (eg Konsole) will just read char 7 and play a
system defined WAV or other workaround but your more classic terminals (eg
xterm) would potentially have difficulties calling the system bell.
[1] for reference: Xorg terminals are also classed as remote terminals (eg
check the TTY column in `w` to see how Linux assigns pseudo-tty's to terminal
emulators inside X).
Even in that case, you'd have to run the terminal as root. Running echo as
root won't do anything. X11 also has beep functionality built in, which is
what I'd expect xterm to use.
> _Even in that case, you 'd have to run the terminal as root. Running echo as
> root won't do anything._
To be honest that was my assumption as well but I didn't test that theory so
was only reporting on the rationale of the GPs post
> _X11 also has beep functionality built in, which is what I 'd expect xterm
> to use_
X11 runs as root though (that said Xorg may not anymore now as there were
talks about patching Linux so it didn't have to be) so Xorg could easily still
use the standard ioctl bell (that's possibly all Xorg is doing behind the
scenes in fact?)
But as I said earlier, some GUI terminal emulators avoid ioctl entirely and
play a WAV tone instead.
Does GPL say anything about distributing source via git repositories? I mean,
it talks about "preferred form of the work for making modifications". But when
I click through to the Debian PTS page for Beep at
[https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/beep](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/beep) it
shows a git link to
[http://git.deb.at/w/pkg/beep.git](http://git.deb.at/w/pkg/beep.git) which was
last modified 23 months ago, so obviously does not contain this security fix.
How is the GPL upheld if security fixes aren't available together with the
main git repository?
I don't mean to cause drama, because I think the Debian security team does an
awesome job of keeping an eye on patching everything in the distribution. But
I'm really curious about how one would go about with further development on a
package like this when the git commits aren't available? There's probably a
source tarball for the .debs in the apt repos (hard to tell from a mobile web
browser) but is that good enough if it doesn't contain git commits?
Also I really just wanted to read this security patch source diff on the go :)
(N.B.: I'm on the Debian ftpmaster team, which reviews all new software in
Debian to ensure it matches our policies and commitments)
> Does GPL say anything about distributing source via git repositories?
> I mean, it talks about "preferred form of the work for making
> modifications".
This is generally interpreted as a fancy way of saying "source code" — e.g. a
minified JavaScript program or something that _could_ be decompiled isn't the
"preferred form… for making modifications".
Source for all Debian packages can be retrieved via `apt-get source PACKAGE`,
and via sources.debian.org[3].
Historically, the only hard requirement was that all patches be made available
as a `.diff.gz` applied against the upstream, although for many years packages
have since standardised on using `quilt`[2]. Some maintainers may also use git
(and wrappers around it) to make things easier to manage, but quilt is
sufficiently straightforward to work with that it's acceptable for most
The VCS page on the BTS points to the repository for the package. It contains
an unreleased version (1.3.3-5), the security update only is a patch on the
previous version released in Debian.
The last _upstream_ release was 1.3 (2010), available on GitHub[1]. This is a
Debian-specific patch against beep. We'd like all patches to make it upstream,
and ensure maximum clarity, but we have limited time, and our first priority
is the users of Debian. Sometimes, upstreams lose time, or there are
coordination issues that prevent it. (not saying that's the case here)
[1]: [http://github.com/johnath/beep/](http://github.com/johnath/beep/) [2]:
[https://wiki.debian.org/UsingQuilt](https://wiki.debian.org/UsingQuilt) [3]:
Thanks for your detailed reply.
I'm still curious about the general case of GPL and Git. If I were to hack on
some GPL-licensed software, my "preferred form of the work for making
modifications" would hands-down be a .git repository, because all the
individual git commits and commitmsgs are important (meta-)information, almost
as important as the source code files themselves. It also makes collaborating
on improvements much easier when you can work on git commit objects, with
their parent(s) commit hash references. Without those, determining where and
if a .patch should be applied to a source code dump becomes much harder.
In other words, if there exists a .git repository for a given piece of
software, and all one gets is a .tar.gz flat source dump snapshot, I feel
like... something has been left out?
This came up when RedHat stopped breaking out their patches against the Linux
kernel: [https://lwn.net/Articles/432012/](https://lwn.net/Articles/432012/)
Relevant parts quoted:
> While there can certainly be arguments about what "preferred form" means for
> source code distributions, Red Hat's actions here don't seem very close to
> the line. The basic idea is that the code be released in digital form, along
> with any build scripts, so that downstream developers can reproduce the GPL-
> covered binary that is being shipped. It is partly meant to prevent
> recalcitrant vendors from releasing the source on paper—or stamped into clay
> tablets in cuneiform. One could argue that those methods do provide the
> source code, but it certainly isn't in a form preferred by anyone—nor does
> it adhere to the "medium customarily used for software interchange"
> requirement.
> Obfuscated source code, where all the variables and function names get
> turned into unintelligible gibberish, or the source is deliberately split up
> in ways that are harder to work with, are a bit more of a gray area—but not
> much. Those kinds of actions should be seen as clear attempts to circumvent
> the GPL requirements. But that's not at all what Red Hat is doing.
> The tarball that Red Hat is releasing may not be the preferred form for the
> Red Hat kernel developers to use, but that is not part of the requirement.
> Tarball releases of GPL code are a longstanding tradition in the free
> software world. Many projects still do it that way and the FSF itself has
> made releases that way in the past. While it is nice to get some visibility
> into the version control system of a project, it certainly isn't required
> for GPL compliance. No one complained that Red Hat didn't provide access to
> its Git repositories back when it was still providing the broken-out
> patches, for example. A Git repository is definitely the preferred form for
> Red Hat developers to use, but there are lots of reasons that the company
> might want to keep its repositories to itself—something that is obviously
> within its rights.
Is it worrisome that the Debian distribution comes with a package with this
note in the README
Decide for yourself, of course, but it looks safe to me -
there's only one buffer and fgets doesn't let it overflow,
there's only one file opening, and while there is a
potential race condition there, it's with /dev/console.
If someone can exploit this race by replacing /dev/console,
you've got bigger problems. :)
It also appears /dev/console is overridable,
FWIW, that comment was written before the option to control the path beep uses
was added. Without the option to control the path, the potential race is only
exploitable by somebody who can write to /dev, in which case that person is
already root.
There's the common minor error with perror(). Intervening printf("\a"); can
foul the errno and you get the
beep: open: not a typewriter
That's hilarious
Next, somebody will find a security hole in True (1)
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Ask HN: What do you think of open office floor plans? - att159
Good for promoting collaboration, or merely an obstacle to privacy and productivity? Seems like it's very difficult to find a Bay Area tech company these days which doesn't use the open office plan. Facebook now has a 2800 person room in its headquarters, for example.
I'm not a fan of _working_ in a open plan office - but I think they are a
_great_ idea for the companies I compete against. ;-)
A tiny team (2-4 developers) with some sort of walls (so you aren't looking
over your monitor at someone else) is probably a good compromise between
getting things done (concentration) and "collaboration" i.e. keeping others
from concentrating.
I concentrate really well but it's still hard for my brain not to react to
hearing my boss asking another engineer in the next cubicle say "What's the
kind of matrix where the inverse is also its transpose?" That actually
happened to me once and I blurted out the answer. When he then asked me
directly, "Hey, you know about matrix math?" I smiled and told him "Not as far
as you know." :-)
I think it's poison for a developer. I work(ed) for two companies with open
floor plans as a freelancer and I try to minimize my onsite time as much as
possible. Either I get close to zero work done or I have a splitting headache
at the end of the day. Phones ringing, people talking, people walking, music
playing - it's distracting as heck.
In my home office, which is a couple of miles outside the city, all I hear is
birds chirping and rustling tree leaves. I guest I'm a bit spoiled in that way
but it's a great working environment.
In my opinon, open floor plans serve only two purposes: lowering the costs of
building and maintaining an office and keeping the staff monitored.
> Facebook now has a 2800 person room in its headquarters [...]
That sounds like a complete nightmare to me.
Some people really enjoy open floor plans and get a productivity boost out of
them, particularly if they are often working as part of a small team or across
multiple small teams. However, others much prefer and are more productive as
solitary workers and would legitimately benefit from having stable offices.
Sitting in an open area with your headphones on is not a serviceable
substitute for an office. Accordingly, I think a mixed floor plan including
both dedicated offices and some open space is ideal. I frankly don't
understand why so many people tend to approach these as mutually exclusive
Open office is a deal breaker for me, because it simply underlines the
ignorant approach of the company towards their employees - especially coders.
I have yet to see someone that performs better when constantly distracted or
interrupted. Socializing ? I do that in my free time at other places and with
people that I choose on my own.
Employee monitoring ? If you need such desperate measure to ensure that
workers actually do their work, there's something terribly wrong.
Best setup from my personal experience are small 2-4 person offices.
I do my best work when uninterrupted for long periods.
My productivity suffers when I am interrupted seemingly at random by the needs
of those inconsiderate enough to assume their need trumps whatever I am
working on at the time.
Email, texting and instant message are controllable mediums. The only
acceptable barrier to the real world interruptions accompanying open concept
is a pair of headphones and that is too light a defense in my experience.
Part of the reason you get so many differences in opinion for these kinds of
questions is it depends on the type of work and environment.
For example there are thousands of HN users who work in companies with <20
people. I personally have more than 5x that number of people on my floor.
There are companies where anything not directly work related is discouraged
and then there are companies where having a 20min coffee break with co-
workers, or having weekly team events, etc is encouraged. In the first kind of
company it would be isolating to work in a private office, whereas in the
second kind of company it could work well.
Etc, etc. Personally I hate open offices... but I work next to sales people
and a few very loud co-workers.
I find that having about 20 people in room is a good number, above this many
people, after discussing with them, find that larger rooms makes you less
likely to collaborate due to being self-concious of so many people listening
to the conversation
I really love them. I may be a programmer, but I still like have SOME social
interaction and daylight. I could never work in a cubicle, that's really what
hell looks like to me.
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British cave diver sues Elon Musk for defamation over “pedo guy” tweets - tolien
"Vernon Unsworth, the British cave diver who played a key role in rescuing a
dozen teenagers and their coach from a flooded cave in Thailand."
I've got the same reaction when I criticized the design of a coleague. Devs
are just big childs.
Why Elon Musk even bothers with a twitter is a complete mystery. And fucking
up like this is baffling.
Social media is a toxic cesspool and if I was famous and rich enough to
require a social media presence, I would pay someone else to do it for me.
I understand why he does it, but the guy needs to relinquish direct control of
his Twitter account to some trusted lieutenant who can serve as a sanity check
before tweets go out.
In fact this might be a good idea for any people on Twitter with large numbers
of followers, especially those with significant responsibilities.
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Blockupload.io: Upload Files to Bitcoin Cash Blockchain(LZMA and OCB3-ChaCha20 - MCCCS
Hello HN community,<p>I'd like to present you my tool (https://blockupload.io) that allows embedding files up to 1 MB in Bitcoin Cash transactions. The tool uses WebAssembly to compress files using LZMA, and optionally encrypts files using a combination of OCB3 and ChaCha20. If you wonder how it does this, it's by not including a checksum in the ChaCha20 layer, which shouldn't be a problem since it's intended for chosen-ciphertext invulnerable, un-side-channeled personal computers. Anyway, you can see how it encrypts here: https://github.com/DesWurstes/BlockUpload/blob/7d0e247b7f5e01d1d84932a780156a590ec7f844/exports.c#L67<p>(This tool is intended for legal use only)<p>I'd like to hear your comments on this, HN community. You can also look at r/btc's reaction here: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/bah8zw/store_files_up_to_1_mb_in_bch_blockchain_onchain/<p>This tool is useful for:
- Static CDN
- Personal immutable file storage
cool project, expected response from BCH crew. permissionless is
permissionless. they need to suck it up.
Neat idea. Keep working on it.
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Tesla Is Facing a Crucible - allenleein
Here's this article in a format that makes no noise:
The WSJ article it refers to is called "Tesla’s Make-Or-Break Moment Is Fast
The CNBC article it refers to is called "Tesla employees say automaker is
churning out a high volume of flawed parts requiring costly rework":
Since the CNBC article is by far the most factual, and doesn't seem to have
been discussed yet on HN, I'm going to try burying this submission and rolling
back the clock on the first post of that one:
The Bloomberg article isn't bad, but it's so generic that the discussion is
generic as well (Tesla in general, short selling in general). That's the main
trouble with articles that don't contain enough factual fiber.
My bullish position on Tesla goes like this:
They had the same production problems on the roadster, the Model S, and the
Model X. Each time, the new vehicle was a “make or break” for the company.
Each time, there were reports of how these production problems would sink the
company. The company never sank. Tesla is now apparently “good” at making the
Model S and Model X. I always assumed they would have similar nightmarish
production problems with the Model 3, so all of these reports are sort of
expected for me. But I also know that Teslas are extremely popular in Silicon
Valley, where I live. That to me indicates that those with the means really
like the cars. So it stands to reason that once they are good at making an
affordable car, they’ll sell like hot cakes.
Musk mentioned recently that two things really stress him out: Artifical
Intelligence and what to do about the risks is poses for humanity, and the
Model 3 launch. I still have a lot of faith that Elon can make it happen.
And personally I really want Tesla to succeed. I think a lot of other people
do too.
I do wonder if Tesla's biggest problem around the Model 3 launch was starting
by establishing very aggressive production targets. According to Bloomberg's
Model 3 Tracker linked in that article, the Model 3 already is the top selling
electric car in the country. It outsold the Chevy Bolt by over 2x in January
and February. That should be a huge accomplishment, but it is viewed as a
failure because it is a small fraction of what Tesla initially predicted.
Those production targets were established for a reason. Tesla is burning
unbelievable amounts of cash [0], and they need to convince investors and bond
holders that they will break this trend soon. Showing very agressive
production targets for M3 is the only way to do it.
[0] [https://arstechnica.com/cars/2018/02/tesla-loses-
another-675-million-in-q4-its-biggest-quarterly-loss-yet/) "Tesla loses
another $675 million in Q4, its biggest quarterly loss yet"
Tesla's bond offerings are routinely oversubscribed. The market is clearly
willing to continue to give them more and more money. I therefore find the
idea dubious that Tesla needed to be super aggressive with their production
targets or else they would run out of cash.
If I recall correctly, their last offering was more or less positioned like
"according to our production estimates, this is, probably, last time we ask
capital markets for cash infusion", and it was at the height of excitement
about the Model 3.
As of now, however, these bonds (1.8bln, issued last August) are trading
underwater [0]. They will probably tap the market once again this year, and we
will see what happen.
[0] [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/teslas-junk-bonds-are-
Those were junk bonds in August. Tesla is still having success with other
types of bonds. Here is a more recent offering from January with lease backed
bonds [1]. Tesla sold $546m worth but had orders for roughly $7b.
[1] - [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-31/when-
Lease backed bonds don't scale. He can't tap to lease again and again.
Tesla is burning $4.2 billion per year now.
>Tesla is burning $4.2 billion per year now.
Where is this number is coming from? Their 2017 loss was around 2 billions,
half of what you say.
It comes from Barclay's analysis (they are very bearish).
Model 3 is not small volume luxury car as previous models. They are investing
wast sums for large scale production. Burning trough vast amounts of cash is
OK only as long as the production volume ramp up really happens in limited
time frame and quality and recall numbers are similar to Audi 4A.
Tesla must ramp up the production volume within a year or Tesla is financially
in the ropes.
If Tesla pays back debt $1000 for every car it sells. It must sell 4 million
cars to pay this year's projected cash burn. Tesla made a bet that it can
become large car manufacturer with Model 3, there will be no second changes.
I have a model 3 and it basically feels like the iPhone of cars. Financial
issues could take them down, but you'd have to be a fool to bet against them.
Comparing the model 3 to other electric vehicles reminds me of when people
were comparing the iPod to other MP3 players based upon tech specs. At this
stage, the electric nature of the car just bolsters the design and UX of it.
Comparing it to other EVs because they happen to share the same type of motors
is stupid. They should be comparing the Model 3 to high end luxury combustion
vehicles because from my vantage point you're getting that kind of driving
experience, better even, for half the price. The only place where the electric
nature of the car creeps into your life in a negative way is when you consider
long trips. And even then, the impact is minimal because of the supercharger
network. (You are going to stop regularly on long trips for breaks anyhow, so
just charge the car.)
Beyond that, the only way the electric nature of the car impacts your life is
beneficial -- no more trips to gas stations and less cost of ownership. At
some point you stop even making the comparison because it's just a plain
better ownership experience so you don't think about it anymore.
Out of curiosity, what’s a car you had before the Model 3 that you’d compare
as the “MP3 player”, and is it a recent car?
I ask because the Model S can’t compare with the S Class or 7 series on
comfort and luxury, yet you’re saying the model 3 should be compared
I've never owned but have been in a relatively recent S class. It's personal
but the 3 is basically a pretty pure distilled car. If you hate buttons and
like symmetry and simplicity they basically took the car to what feels like
the logical extreme. Reminiscent of Apple it's a design that shows they
agonized over every button and additional degree of freedom for the user.
There is no dashboard, no key, the whole car is controlled through the center
console. The only buttons are entirely flush with the surfaces they are on.
They don't even have door release handles on the inside the door pops open
when you grab and depress the button flush on the handlebar to exit. Rip the
steering wheel out and there is no longer a clear driver's seat just two
symmetric front passengers. I find the design refreshing enough and the torque
of the engine responsive enough (with no transmission pullback) to say it
outweighs other potential creature comforts on a feature level. My last car
was a BRZ and I don't miss it too much :)
... going from a BRZ to a Model 3 would give someone a little bit of bias.
All the things you described are very subjective. It's not "pure" it's
barebones. It's not "distilled" it's optimized for cost savings in a way that
would insult the average luxury car driver.
A mid-range luxury car these days often comes with a DCT or a very advanced
non-DCT transmission that's capable of mind blowingly quick shifts and creamy
smooth power delivery.
This is all coming from a guy who had a first month reservation for a Model 3
and went for a Volt instead after some hard thinking and a few... Tesla
antics... I disagreed with, so it's not like I'm one of the people who thinks
EVs "can't be enthusiast cars" like some people.
I feel like people are overstating what a change in drivetrains will do to car
manufacturers. It's true this drivetrain adds requirements for space for
batteries and infrastructure for charging, but car making will still be car
making (ironically, as Tesla has shown with it's production issues).
My money is on Tesla becoming the next Porsche as far as volume and market.
That's not a bad place to be, but it's not where the market has priced them
Yeah that's why I said it's personal. I feel the design of the car is
extremely forward looking and was primarily driven by good taste not cost
constraints. I hate to keep making the comparisons but it reminds me of Apple
ripping out all but essential components -- easy to see through the lens of
costs in the short term but in the long term provides freedom to take the
design further in the next iteration. The 3 represents a foundational design
that transitions elegantly to autonomous control (imho) and will provide the
vantage point Tesla needs to design their first from-the-ground up autocar.
The problem for me is it feels like the market (and Tesla to an extent) has
jumped the gun.
Tesla hasn't demonstrated enough self-driving progress (and imo, no one has
yet) to justify the car's design to me, nor being a company with a 54 billion
dollar market cap.
It's one thing if FSD was just on the horizon, but there are an incredible
number of very hard problems to solve before we get there. Yet Tesla is
designing a car that requires FSD for justification of it's interior and
charging for FSD as a feature.
In the run up to model 3 production Musk mentioned that "the production line
is the product" because it was needed to be highly automated to make a great
car at a low price.
Clearly getting the production line wrinkles ironed out has been a much bigger
challenge than Musk expected but that is typical of almost every thing that
Musk as done: Envision a way to make things an order of magnitude better. Work
like a bugger (while blowing through a dozen deadlines) to make that happen.
Eventually, come out the other side smelling like a genius -- because the
original vision had merit and was not just a pipe dream. The model 3 fits this
In terms of finance and cash flow, unlike previous near death experiences with
Tesla and SpaceX, now Musk could quite easily sell of a chunk of equity in
SpaceX to finance what's yet to be done in debugging the production line if
the markets won't oblige. But likely the bigger problem right now is time
rather than money before things come right. Most of the upfront production
line expenses will have already been spent, now it's a learning curve to make
it tick along as expected.
And how many times has this happened before?
Musk plays the edge of these things. If it wasn't way too ambitious it doesn't
seem like he'd do it.
Tesla is facing a test. There are some bad signs that point to deferring
profitability longer than expected, such as high defect and rework rates.
On the one hand, despite the challenges, Tesla has built more Series 3s than
Chevrolet has built Bolts. On the other hand that's about 15% as many per week
as Tesla thought they could do. The reason this isn't a fatal disaster is that
nobody else is yet willing to try to beat that. There is no real replacement
for a Model 3 available.
Building hundreds of thousands of cars per year is not something that industry
newcomers have managed to do for a very long time, nevermind electric aluminum
cars. This is a different challenge than competing against high-end BMWs and
Mercedes that also have relatively small production runs.
The advantage Tesla has is that they started the learning process early. The
competition is still a couple years from profitably selling a direct
alternative. But every month Tesla is late is a month of sales runway and
revenue gone.
Worse comes to worst, Tesla is bought out by whatever car company that has the
biggest gap in autonomous and electric tech.
At what price? According to google, market cap of Ford: 44.30B, GM: 53.14B,
Tesla: 54.28B.
The "worst comes to worst" scenario will not likely be priced at 54.28B
Let's say Tesla does go bankrupt. What would happen next? Would GM acquire it?
Could they fix the production issues?
Also, would that endanger Musk's other projects? I seem to remember he's
pretty leveraged in Tesla, but I assume financially each company is separate?
I’m guessing if it came down to it, Tesla would be sold of for their battery
tech and battery manufacturing capabilities.
Warning: This page will automatically blast audio without asking, potentially
ruining whatever you were recording, damaging your ears, waking the baby,
annoying the boss, etc.
I'm with you on this, autoplay is evil. But I'm curious about the "ruining
whatever you were recording" part. Why are you clicking random Internet links
if you're in the middle of "recording" something (presumably, audio or video)?
Looking up stuff as needed is relatively common for the more free-form
podcasts I've listened to in the past. There are also quite a few vlogs out
there, a Tesla segment showing site content wouldn't be too surprising.
I assume there are other formats where this comes up too. Podcast-like stuff
seems pretty natural tho.
I find the concept of short selling a bit confusing, even though I've Googled.
Can someone explain this in an easy to understand way?
I understand short selling, but the guy in this story says he's been shorting
Tesla for years. In that time, the stock as done nothing but go up, AFAIK. How
can he afford to still be shorting? As I understand it, a short position is
not something you can hold indefinitely... there's a point in time where you
need to provide the shares.
You just buy a new short position. Also you can have a short position lasting
a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month.
(typically a broker will insist you have sufficient collateral period to
indicate you can fulfil the short position).
I read the entire article and didn't see anything about crucibles.
noun cru·ci·ble \ ˈkrü-sə-bəl \
2: A severe test
That's a pretty terrible article title, the mods should consider changing it
from "Tesla Is Facing a Crucible" to e.g. “Tesla’s Make-Or-Break Moment.”
which was the much better title of the article this article is based around.
I cannot tell if it was titled this to add an air of mystery or trying to be
too clever for its own good, but it is pretty shoddy either way.
Crucible isn't a super common word, but it's not a super uncommon word either.
It means "a severe test where many things combine to influence the end
result". It is an entirely correct word to choose for this situation.
The Model 3 seems like it was premature. It gets mediocre reviews (
), they have 180,000 orders, and they're fulfilling them at about 3200 a
month, i.e. 4.6 years to satisfy the current backlog. For scale, Toyota sold
about 32,000 Camrys a month last year just in the US. Heck, BMW sold about
34,000 3-series a month.
Tesla should have stuck to high-end markets. It looks like their foray into
mass production will end badly.
And that's where some people were predicting Tesla would stumble. There are
dozens of boutique high-end car manufacturers. Ferrari, etc. Price is not
really too important for buyers of those cars -- in fact it can be part of the
attraction (a Veblen good).
Making "mainstream" cars targeted at middle-class buyers is an _entirely_
different thing. Sales price is a huge factor, and at that volume saving a
dollar or two on any given component is something you spend time trying to do.
Optimizing the manufacturing process is also critical. Chevy and Ford and
Toyota know how to do all that. Tesla doesn't, yet.
Tesla is another "solution looking for a problem" type of company. They make
nice cars but the electric engine concept has yet to provide a real benefit
over combustion. (They say less solution but that's not really true is it?)
Another concept looking for a problem is crypto; as the only problems crypto
really solves are the ones faced when doing illegal transactions or hiding
_They make nice cars but the electric engine concept has yet to provide a real
benefit over combustion._
That comment has absolutely no merit whatsoever.
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There's No Protection In High Ports - CrazedGeek
>obscuring your login service via non-standard ports or even a requirement to
try several ports in sequence really only buys you security equivalent to
lengthening your password by two characters per port.
Not even that. It's like a _separate_ two-byte password because you get to
guess and confirm the port separately from the password.
Lengthening your password by N bits _multiplies_ the number of necessary
guesses by 2^N. Having a _separate_ N bit password _adds_ 2^N to the number of
of necessary guesses. So if your real password's effective key length is more
than 16 bits, using a random port effectively adds less than 1 bit of entropy.
Also, rate-limiting port scans is way harder to do than rate-limiting
It occurred to me that if you want to multiply the number of necessary guesses
by running sshd on an alternate port, you'd need to run multiple sshds. (Of
course all but one of these sshds should be decoys.) Doubling the number of
sshds is then like adding one bit to the password.
The likely result of that would be that a smart hacker would cross you off his
IP list upon discovering you are running a bunch of sshds. After all, if you
are devious enough to do that, it's unlikely your real sshd will fall to his
script in any case. You are a waste of bandwidth better spent chasing low-
hanging fruit.
While I'm not sure if you can argue 'no protection' while at the same time
admitting that the number of attacks was greatly reduced for a while: I always
hated that advice with a passion.
No, do not run SSH on a non-default port. It's nothing but an obscurity hack,
does little good and breaks a lot of workflows (routers that prioritize port
22 as interactive traffic, firewalls that explicitly allow ssh - on port 22 of
course, tools that are awkward to use as soon as you need to use a different
port than the _standard_ one).
I admit that I mocked people recommending that practice in the past. That's
childish of course, but if the data of this submission is correct I can now
add a more serious 'Please do not do that' argument to my list.
There's a strong reason for advocates (like myself) for running ssh on non-
standard ports: it reduces 99% of automated attacks and bots.
Yes, you could use fail2ban and ban half the internet, but that just clogs
your filtering rules and makes your system waste memory and cycles. Case in
point: one of my servers with ssh on port 22 had +9,000 denied IPs over less
than one year. On a non-std port, ~100.
There's almost no drawback to using a non-standard port. Everything that uses
ssh allow port customization (and I wouldn't trust something that doesn't).
_> routers that prioritize port 22 as interactive traffic_
Internet routers don't typically do any QoS (except to _reduce_ the priority -
bittorrent/etc), let alone prioritize 22. And within your own network, you
have control over QoS anyway.
Also, I disagree with the OP:
_>...those who have moved their main login service to a non-standard port pay
less attention to their logs than the rest of us_
I believe it's exactly the opposite. When you're used to carefully inspect
your logs on an ongoing basis, you don't want to see it polluted by automated
Now when you use a non-std port and discover people doing port scans, you'd
better pay attention...
Thanks for the elaborate answer.
My take: If the fail2ban solution bans 9000 IPs - why would you care? If
password authentication is disabled (is it?), who cares? What's _gained_ here,
except for a potentially smaller log file?
Everything that uses ssh allow port customization
(and I wouldn't trust something that doesn't).
Sure. I agree. The problem starts, if you mix a lot of clients. Say, I'm using
two different OS' (Windows, Linux). For Windows that means putty for me (one
interface) or WinSCP (two interfaces to manage). On Linux I'm using ssh (ssh
foo@host:port) or scp (scp -P port ..).
I certainly CAN manage .ssh/config files and reduce that mental overhead a
bit. But my argument is that this makes no sense. It - in my world - doesn't
buy you security, but might cause mental laps and cache misses that annoy you.
So, I still fail to see a reason to do that..
_> What's _gained_ here, except for a potentially smaller log file?_
\- Smaller and easier to parse log files
\- Less time wasted parsing log files (or creating scripts to filter out
automated attacks)
\- Less RAM & CPU cycles (particularly important when running low memory VMs)
_I still fail to see a reason to NOT do that._
It won't increase your overall security, but it doesn't _reduce_ it either, so
why not do it? Just to save you from adding 'alias ssh=ssh -P xx' to your
You can redirect ssh failure messages to a specific log file, separate from
all others, so that shouldn't be an issue.
Also you don't need to alias - .ssh/config should work more transparently
> You can redirect ssh failure messages to a specific log
> file, separate from all others
That's exactly the point. Now you redirect ssh failure messages to a specific
log file (with all the garbage and automated attacks), and you'll very soon
start to ignore it. And then your overall security is reduced, simply because
you aren't paying attention.
Or, you can spend time combing through hundreds of invalid messages, trying to
separate the wheat from the chaff. Either in one or multiple separate files,
it doesn't really matter.
Anyway, not trying to convince anybody here. I respect the opinion that some
may prefer to leave everything as the default.
For me, I just vehemently disagree with OP's point that using a non-std port
doesn't have concrete benefits and/or reduce the security. To me it's exactly
the opposite. At least if you know what (and why) you're doing.
Port 22 should only be used if the SSHd needs to be accessible to strangers; I
think a lot of people use alternate ports. Go a step farther by running
Kippo[1] (or other SSH honeypot) on port 22 to accept SSH traffic and waste
attackers' time. Not only do attackers forgo scanning for the true SSH port,
but they believe they've successfully intruded into the system and leave
keystroke-by-keystroke logs of their actions in the decoy shell.
[1]: <https://code.google.com/p/kippo/>
Very interesting. A cool variant would be to, by default, offer the decoy
shell on port 22 but _also_ run the real SSH on port 22... But only activating
it temporarily for the IP that just did succesfully port-knock. This should be
trivial using some local redirection rules (so you'd run, say, SSH on port
19381 but use a transparent redirect to port 22 when an IP succesfully port-
knocks in).
>As I've argued elsewhere, obscuring your login service via non-standard ports
or even a requirement to try several ports in sequence really only buys you
security equivalent to lengthening your password by two characters per port.
After all, TCP and UDP port numbers are limited to 65536 distinct values,
within the scope of a 16-bit value. Moving your service to a non-standard port
means that the would-be intruder has to guess a two-byte value. Introducing a
sequence of ports buys you the added obscurity of two bytes per port.
It needs to be pointed out that it is actually worse than that. Guessing a
password is O(2^n) on the length of the password. Making the attacker guess a
random m bit value before starting to guess passwords is O(2^m + 2^n). To put
numbers behind this, a password with 32 bits of entropy has ~4 billion
possible combinations, 16 bits of random port + 32 bits of password has 65536
+ ~4 billion possible combinations (also known as ~4 billion), while a 34 bit
password would have ~16 billion possible combinations.
It's true that just changing the port doesn't add much to protect against
brute-force attacks, but it's not the full story. Many automatic scanners try
port 22 and then give up for that host. I've found that changing the port
means that I'm hit but far fewer scans.
One could also use port knocking. Using just a single port it would add the 16
bits of randomness making it 32 bits of extra randomness which is significant.
Another advantage of using a different port is that it's often quite easy to
detect port scans against a host so an automated tool can easily just block
the scanning IP. Slow scans exist but if someone is willing to take that
amount of time then there's not much you can do to stop them from eventually
finding your service.
The whole hi/low ports as security was always bogus. From day one. Ask those
who implemented it from that era, and they will now agree. If someone had a
shell account on a machine, they could have 'root'. If they had root, they can
bind low ports (and anything else). The fact that Linux still requires a root
user to bind a listener to a <1024 port was just the Linux guys being
conservative. They wanted adoption, not someone saying 'Linux is insecure
because they let non root bind to low ports'. They now have adoption, and
quite a bit of legacy decisions still in there.
I used to fume about 15 years ago. These days, I'm much more zen about this.
(or trying to be zen).
Also, I welcome posts like this. I've come to understand that what was once
understood by many, may not be when you add 10 or 5 years. For example, the
recent HN post from dadgum.com about C's most powerful operator being
'switch'. This is well known. However, maybe there are 17 or 15 year olds who
lurk HN. In order for them to learn, they should be exposed to that knowledge.
So, while we are trying to help one another, here is some advice. One _really
good_ way to run sshd securely is to use a different operating system other
than Linux. This isn't because Linux is bad, it is just that certain decisions
were made that will not change. People might extrapolate what I just said too
far. Let me illustrate this as a conversation for entertainment.
world says: 'drudru just said don't run linux anywhere'
drudru says: 'Nope. What I'm saying is if you need high security, yet open to
the world, sshd install, don't run it on Linux. Run it on an OS and config
designed for security. You can still use Linux and other OSs for other
world says: 'Ok, if I do that, how do I ssh to my Linux hosts?'
drudru says: 'Since your sshd host is running not on Linux and it is secure,
you can use it to login to your other hosts. You should run it on a static IP
address. Then you will only allow ssh in to all your other hosts from that
known secure IP and host key. You can have multiple jump machine/static IPs,
say 2 on different networks for redundancy.'
world says: 'I've heard OpenBSD was secure. I don't want to learn OpenBSD,
FreeBSD, etc.'
drudru says: 'You should just run on Heroku or something equivalent. It will
allow you to outsource the entire problem.'
world says: 'I cannot run my Hadoop,Cassandra, etc. on XYZ cloud platform.'
drudru says: 'I am pretty sure you can. There are a lot of new solutions out
there if you get a moment to search.'
world asks: 'Can I run sshd on Windows securely?'
drudru says: 'You should just run on Heroku or something equivalent. It will
allow you to outsource the entire problem.'
drudru says: 'hey, good luck with that. gotta go.'
As we all know security through obscurity only buys you time like the article
points out. Please correct me if I'm wrong but a pretty simple solution exists
here. I run SSH over port 22 and do the following which I think is a pretty
reasonable and safe solution (again, please correct me if I'm wrong):
1\. Configure a decent firewall, edit iptables and disable anything you aren't
or don't plan to use.
2\. Disable root login completely.
3\. Install fail2ban just in case and set it to block IPs of failed attempts
for 2 to 24 hours
4\. Use key based authentication and disable SSH logins using passwords
I'd recommend going a step further on number 4 and put a strong password on
your key. A lot of people believe that key based authentication in and of
itself is enough but if you somehow leak your keys and there's no password on
them then an attacker has just easily gained access to your machine. Now I'm
guilty of not using a password with my keys because like a lot of people it
feels like it defeats the purpose but you can actually set things up so that
you only need to enter your password once and it won't ask you for it again
for a while just like the sudo "grace period" which lets you sudo without a
password after you've entered it once. I do plan to give my keys a password
and stop being so lazy in the very near future.
I know the Linode library as well as a few posts that have made it to the
front page here explain how to do this. Here are the links:
<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4618808> (Discussion of the above which
has some more helpful hints)
_"As we all know security through obscurity only buys you time..."_
No. Your definition of "security through obscurity" is totally wrong, so your
sentence makes zero sense.
If I say: _"This server uses port-knocking, you must on three ports between
1..65535 in the correct order before you can attempt to login using SSH on an
unknown port"_
There is absolutely _zero_ security through obscurity here.
Just as there's zero security through obscurity when someone says: _"I've got
a server with SSH on port 22 open, you need a login/password to get in"_.
Attackers do not know the login/password but that is still certainly not
"security through obscurity".
Just as attackers do not know which three-ports knocking sequence they should
use to log in. All they know is that they'll first need to try to find the
correct port-knocking sequence amongst the 65536 exp 3 possibilities before
being able to try to find the SSH port and then try to force the
Just as using a random SSH port is certainly not "security through obscurity".
Security through obscurity is when there's a design or an implementation
detail that is obscured. Like when a snake-oil vendors creates a "one-password
to store them all" website and doesn't say how it's doing the storing /
encryption / authentication / etc.
_That_ is security through obscurity.
Saying: _"You need to know the secret root password to login"_ or _"You need
to know the secret port-knocking sequence before the SSH port shall allow"_ is
not, has never been and shall never be _"security through obscurity"_.
Bruteforcing 65536^3 sequences is trivial compared to bruteforcing an actual
ssh login; what protection you get comes from the fact that the attacker
doesn't know there's port-knocking at all. So it really is just obscurity.
Related: Protecting sshd using spiped
The only downside to this is that you send more data with spiped.
Can significantly increase bandwidth usage for interactive
sessions: It sends data in packets of 1024 bytes, and pads
smaller messages up to this length, so a 1 byte write could
be expanded to 1024 bytes if it cannot be coalesced with
adjacent bytes.
-- https://code.google.com/p/spiped/source/browse/trunk/README
More secure, but more overhead. That said, I love spiped. I use it to secure a
few mysql replication streams and a couple other things. Works great.
I wonder if there is anything like spiped that provides something similar to
openvpn's tls-auth (HMAC auth) functionality, for protocols that already
provide encryption.
It would also be nice if SSHd had an option to block an IP address after a
certain number of failed attempts. Sure, you can hack something together with
iptables but that's just horrible.
That's why I use fail2ban, pretty much everywhere.
Fail2ban is massively heavyweight on a cheap virtual server however, easily
consuming half your memory if you aren't careful, and still obscene amounts of
RAM for the functionality, with tight ulimits.
Turn on a swap file and force it out.
On one server it's (supposedly) using 192m - but only 5m is resident, the rest
is swapped out or unused.
On other 52m virt, but only 4m resident.
Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I find even 4MB complete overkill for the
required functionality.
All the damn thing needs to do is keep a couple of running counters on a short
buffer of IPs and run iptables when limits are met, and a periodic parse of a
log file. This feels like something where 64k ought to be enough for anyone,
much less 640k!
Sure, we can get by with a fifth of a gigabyte of swap space for this task.
Ugh. I've spent too much of my life in debugger CPU views. Jack's quivering
tower of abstractions writhes in repulsion.
It's written in python, which takes about about 2m-5m just to get out of bed
with nothing loaded or running. (I don't consider that a lot BTW, not a ding
on python.)
There's about 200K of source code, but basically all the overhead is the
python runtime.
(The memory usage of python doing nothing varied on different machines, but
was always virtually identical to the usage of fail2ban.)
Also, the virt usage is mostly large memory mapped logfiles, not actual swap
Another thing that occasionally cheeses me off is the restriction on canonical
ports < 1000 to user 0. Yes, I know it's standardized. Yes, I know that when
it was codified the world looked very, very different. It's still annoying and
requires cargo-cultish hoop-jumping (albeit well understood hoop jumping) to
run a decently secure service.
I like some mix of the following:
\- disable passworded logins (only keys)
\- ssh bastion host
\- decoy ssh honeypot on port 22 (<http://www.plainlystated.com/2013/02/ssh-
This is useful to protect sshd from random scans, but to still allow you
access from anywhere when you need that access:
Do yourself a favor and use public key authentication rather than passwords.
It's both more secure and (together with ssh-agent) more convenient.
Unless you're logging in from other people's machines a lot that is (where you
would need to access your private key from a USB stick) but that's obviously
not a good idea anyway.
Already do. But further protecting sshd is beneficial even when using public
key auth to login.
Ok, fine.
Now give me _one_ reason why I should actually run sshd on port 22.
SSH is rarely a public service. What's the motivation for making it so public?
The whole point of ssh is to be able to log into one's machine from elsewhere
on the wide internet. I find it's precisely when I'm somewhere public (i.e.
coffee shop or public transport wifi) that I want access to my home machine -
on my work machine (i.e. in the office) anything I need is already there. If
you don't need it to be publicly accessible, why would you be running sshd at
Before I can respond to that, I think there's a misunderstanding about what
"public service" means. HTTP is a public service: you open it up to the world,
and want anyone to be able to connect to it. It is intended and hoped that as
many people use it as possible. If your website is slashdotted, then that's
GREAT! In contrast, I don't want 100000 people to try logging in over SSH to
my private server. To put it another way, SSH is only a public service in the
cases of:
* CVS over SSH
* rsync over SSH
* Commercial SSH tunnels
Logging into my authoritative nameserver over SSH, however, is not a public
service. And since it's not a public service -- that is, intended for the
public -- I don't treat it like one.
If you're trying to tell the rest of us something you're going to have to be
more concrete. So you "don't treat it like a public service". Great. What does
that actually mean? ("I don't make it accessible on a public port from the
public internet" was the most obvious technical interpretation, but it sounds
like you didn't mean that)
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
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The thing I remember most about the Apple ][ was the sound of the disk drive - colinprince
Aha! He forgot 6^P as the original way to boot the disk. Newbie.
The funny thing about the Apple ][ disk was that homing sequence itself. It
was aligning the head to track 0 by SLAMMING it against a metal backstop.
Primitive, but took very few opcodes to make it happen, especially since the
apple disk format had no encoding in the tracks to tell the head where it was.
One of my first forays into 6502 assembly was copying that home routine off
the card and changing the delay between pulses to the servo. You could
actually make music with that metal backstop if you made the delay small
I once found out on a BBC Master (which we borrowed from school) you can
control the relay that controls the tape interface. A relay clicks on or off.
So we had a BASIC program which clicked it at random, and it made a lovely
clattering noise.
Can't emulate that!
This needs to have a recording of the Apple II disk drive at the beginning of
the video.
You might think the scraping sound the floppy drive makes is due to it being
in an attic for 15 years. No. They always sounded like that.
The program that runs (from the bootable floppy in the drive) is an
introduction to Apple computers. Note how the whole thing is designed to relax
the user by showing the Apple's similarity to a typewriter.
Actually that video makes it sound worse. The "real" sound has a lot more
dynamics and details in it. I love it, it was my first computer.
The beep comes first though! "Beep" + whrrrr + chackachacka...
I'm driving up to my parents' place in a few weeks so I can pick up my old
Apple //e from their garage.
When my drive got busted, I went to the monitor (CALL -151 was it?) and typed
in assembly something that me and a buddy of mine come - basically changing
the speed of the disk, based on the key you pressed - something like a piano.
But the sound was important. Normal DOS directory track was number 11, so it
sounded one way, while the cool stuff sounded differently - games, apps, etc.
It was awesome time, back then, before teh internet...
Taipan. Yes, that was the game that started me on Apple ][. I started
programming after discovering Beagle Bros. Oh the pokes and the peeks.
The thing I remember most about Apple ][ is the friendly manual and the
shiny,shiny hardware. Wide open, waiting for you to do your mods with a
smile... the Woz way.
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
John Gruber’s hypocritical and off-base Google attack - apress
John Gruber is an Apple pundit and fan? Yes, we know.
His attack is hypocritical? Maybe.
Off base? I don't think so.
Yes, as the article says, Android is still far more open and customizable than
iOS (and it's not that hard, actually).
Still there is another definition of open that matters to some people, and
that definition applies less and less to Android, giving to all this a taste
of bait and switch.
I know a lot of Android developers that believe in open software not on merely
his advantage from a market point of view, but also from a philosophical one.
These developers are all disappointed.
I am an iOS developer, I like Apple products, I agree with some of the
arguments for a more closed system even if I disagree on a lot of Apple's
decisions. I look at Android as a good competitor to iOS that keeps raising
the bar and as a possible future market for what I do. I thought from the
beginning that Android as a platform would have benefitted from a little more
closed approach.
Still, I'm disappointed too, looking at Google's behavior. It angers me a
little, even if I'm not an Android fan. Because I think about all those
Android developers that now feel somewhat betrayed. This has a bitter taste
not because Android is becoming more closed, but because this was not done
from the beginning, luring people to the platform with different promises.
Am I an hypocrite too?
How is he hypocritical? The problem here is Google employees have consistently
and constantly pushed that Android is open and thus inherently more pure than
iOS (see Vic's behavior last Google IO, Andy Rubin's infamous 'definition of
open' tweet). Apple has _never_ claimed to be open or anything, Google has,
and they're not.
How is he hypocritical?
How about claiming he saw the bait-and-switch coming when he's a professional
pundit and all he ever said while commenting on it was a) open is bad for
consumers and b) Android isn't open.
Note that even a) and b) don't even make sense together, so the fact that he's
revised history yet again to claim that he always thought they were open, but
only so they could later become closed is even more laughable.
He's been pretty consistent in calling out the OEMs and carriers as
incompetents who won't produce phones in Google's best interests. And jumping
on how useless all their 'added value' has been.
Simultaneously he's been suggesting Google needs to make its own devices to
really push a compelling Android experience. And he's been saying that for ...
christ, about as long as Android has even been publicly around.
He's never really said "Google's going to give up on this 'Open Source' thing"
that I recall, but he's been terribly consistent in saying things like this:
_Android, on the other hand, strikes me as needing a course correction.
There’s a separation between the software and hardware, and to date the
hardware vendors are letting the platform down. It’s unproven whether this
model can even work in the long run (where by "work" I mean "produce a phone
and software platform with a state-of-the-art user experience")._
Android is more open than iOS. It is less open than Ubuntu. We just saw a
story today about Google playing favorites with access to early releases of
operating system code; when you're shipping multi-billion-dollar SKUs based on
that code, this isn't a minor detail. The fact is, Android is "open" to end-
users, but not completely "open" to vendors.
It's frustrating to watch people try to reconcile this, because not only is
everyone using different definitions of the word "open", but they change
definitions from day to day.
Meanwhile: this is second-order punditry. It's a critique of a pundit. And
it's a pundit who wears his bias on his sleeve. It's boring. People don't read
Gruber for the unvarnished truth about the mobile market. If you want to right
whatever wrong you feel is being committed because a gifted writer has overtly
taken Apple's side (gasp!), write an excellent blog advocating for the Google
ecosystem. But don't waste our time litigating against Gruber. Nobody cares!
I think the word "open" is now just too overloaded. What does open mean ? Does
it mean that I can read the source? Does it mean I can read the source in a
timely fashion as soon as the product is available? Does it mean that I have
the right to modify and execute the source? Does it mean that there are
reasonably good chances that if I make a valid and valued change to the code
it will be integrated upstream? While Gruber has a biased take on things,
there is some truth to the fact that there are definitions of open by which
Android is not an open system.
I find it hard to come up with a definition by which Android _is_ an open
system. It seems to pretty much boil down to:
Some of the time, some people can see some of the source, but some of those
people may be restricted in what they can do by licenses'.
If that's what passes as 'open' we need a new word.
By the same metric, we need new definitions for what Apple is doing. For
example, the forced 30% cut of all subscription content. That isn't 'closed'
anymore, like we say 'Windows is closed'. Maybe 'Locked down' is more like it?
This isn't about Apple, as has been pointed out repeatedly. There are a lot of
criticisms about iOS which are valid, however I don't recall them ever
claiming their platform was even remotely open.
If "Open" is now a convoluted word, we have Google to thank for that, because
that's what happens when you launch an entire marketing campaign around a
single term.
>..you launch an entire marketing campaign around a single term.
They did? Maybe I was the only one who missed it. Links?
Android is definitely way more "Open" than iOS, by almost any metric, even
with the latest changes. Care to dispute that?
And it's not helping that Apple is going to even more closed via forced cut of
You can watch this video for starters:
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89xc_1Vv69k> (Google IO 2010 Android Keynote)
One selected quote:
1.) "So if you believe in openness, if you believe in choice, if you believe
in innovation from everyone†, then welcome to Android."
† Everyone, depending on where the innovation is, being Google employees, and
select partners who are given access to the Android source before public
That seems pretty true compared to the alternate platform which results in
things like this [http://blog.robrhyne.com/post/659211315/almost-on-the-app-
st...](http://blog.robrhyne.com/post/659211315/almost-on-the-app-store) and
And it seems like nothing has changed with the latest changes to Android. Care
to elaborate?
Edit: And how is a IO keynote 'an entire marketing campaign' ?
>Edit: And how is a IO keynote 'an entire marketing campaign' ?
How is the text on <http://source.android.com/> not?
A web page on the internet is an entire marketing campaign?
What percentage of Android users even visited that page in their lifetime,
forget about being swayed by that statement on it? 0.005%?
_It is getting tiresome to hear Apple fans, having long bashed Google's
Android because "open" was bad, now bash Google for being somewhat less
From my admittedly Apple-fanboy perspective, I always thought the argument
wasn't that open = bad, just that that Google shouldn't use it as a marketing
point if they're not 100% open.
_And Apple makes just as big a deal about the advantages of iOS being closed
as Google does about the openness of Android._
Right, but with Apple closed means closed. No one says that Apple is a "almost
closed" and argues they should be totally closed. Google is half-assing their
definition of open — which is fine, do what you want — but people are calling
BS and rightfully so. The argument should be what is better: 100% closed or
less than 100% open? This is where the shades of grey come in.
_It is getting tiresome to hear Apple fans, having long bashed Google's
Android because "open" was bad, now bash Google for being somewhat less
_From my admittedly Apple-fanboy perspective, I always thought the argument
wasn't that open = bad, just that that Google shouldn't use it as a marketing
point if they're not 100% open._
Here's my admittedly Apple-fanboy perspective: Apple took a "closed" approach
which helped in quality control. Google took an "open" approach which allowed
others to add or modify their OS in ways that did not benefit the consumer, or
just plain sucked. This resulted in multiple products that either simply lack
polish or just stink to use. Google found this out the hard way and is now
trying to tighten their control, and Apple's approach is being entirely
I agree partly, but not entirely. Some lock down is good, such as preventing
the modifications from carriers that usually users don't like (from what I've
seen, at least) and delay updates. However, allowing the user choice to apply
their own modifications like custom homescreens and skins is a good thing, and
has actually improved the default product for me. Some control is good, but I
think Apple takes it too far.
I think Gruber's point is spot-on. A lot of people prefer Android because they
want it to be open and open-source, and Android companies market to the public
on this specific point.
So I don't think it's off-base to point out discrepancies between the ideology
and the reality. Gruber would absolutely like Apple to be more open. However,
in this case, it is Google that contradicted itself with words vs deeds.
That's not really spot-on. Most Android users would rather see Google put a
stop to deep skins and doing gross things like the carriers are doing with the
Android phones by not letting you uninstall their apps, or charging you for
features already built-in, and so on.
Are you saying most Android users don't want it to be open?
A more charitable interpretation is that most developers would like Google to
protect the Android _trademark_ a little better, perhaps by tightening up on
what modifications of Android are still eligible to be called "Android", so
that both users and developers could count on more consistency when hearing
the name.
The way this was set up with MeeGo is that there is a formal compliance
process backed up by the trademark (owned by Linux Foundation).
If you make a product based on MeeGo you can add whatever you want. As long as
it passes compliance, you can call it MeeGo.
Openness is indeed a continuum and different degrees of it make sense for
different people and different situations. The problems arise when you claim
to be more open than you are or become less open than you were. Apple is clear
that it offers proprietary platforms; Google claims Android is open but isn't
acting accordingly.
It's not so clear on Apple's side either. They _can_ be even more closed if
they want to, and they proved it recently with the subscription tax, which
also wasn't in place since the the beginning when those developers made their
apps for iOS.
A fair observer might allow that "Android" is still an Open source project,
but only inasmuch as they explicitly identify Honeycomb as currently a closed-
source fork of Android. Honeycomb may _become_ open, but to discount the facts
of today involves assumptions about future.
If our hypothetical fair observer were to disregard the assumed future
altogether, things lean more toward Gruber than Google.
Google _has_ gone out of their way to disavow pre-Honeycomb releases on
tablets, and _is_ withholding Honeycomb to only those tablet-makers who sign
their agreements. They're currently doing exactly what Gruber asserts will
become SOP and what they're currently doing with Honeycomb simply doesn't fit
any fair definition of "Open Source" development. Not even their own.
Gruber is an Apple fundamentalist, preaching to the choir. There is only one
true way and all facts will be interpreted or ignored in favour of that way.
Dissension is not allowed in his church, if you disagree with what he says
then do so elsewhere.
If you need an analysis of what Apple is doing, or where they are going then
he might be good at that (I don't know, I don't care) but you absolutely
cannot rely on him for unbalanced coverage on anything else.
Arguing about whether google marketing is deceptive is a waste of time. ALL
marketing is deceptive. Go watch an Apple keynote for example.
Arguing about whether android is "open" is also a waste of time. Open is not a
bool, it's a float. If Linux is 100% and Windows is 0% then Android is maybe
60% and ios is somewhere in the single digits.
In the past 14 months, I have used WM6.5, ios, Android and Win Phone 7. The
only reason I could use Android is that it is open enough that it could be
installed on my HD2, a WM6.5 phone.
You can attack Gruber's position as an Apple advocate if you want, but that
doesn't really address his points about Google. The thing I've taken away from
this is that Android advocates are now defining openness in terms of degrees.
It's no longer about being open; it's about being "more open," a vague idea
that only gets to be defined by Google, the gatekeepers of Android.
Requiring licensees to agree to "non-fragmentation clauses" that give Google
final approval over source changes is against the spirit of open source.
Personally, I'm not an android, or open source, advocate. I don't use it at
the moment and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to someone else. All the
phone oses I have have used are flawed to some extent and picking one is a
matter of deciding which flaws you can tolerate or not notice.
Gruber doesn't care about openness either, he uses an iPhone. His argument is
is simply a way to bash android without addressing anything that is
substantive to most people.
Last month he was trolling that android wasn't open because motorola hadn't
provided a froyo update to an older phone, completely ignoring the fact that
the comunity had already provided multiple updates.
Next month he will be complaining that android isn't open because google
hasn't provided the source to something else.
To most people, it doesn't matter if android is 65% or 70% open. What matters
is how well it meets their needs. If openness helps meet those needs then it's
important, if it doesn't then it's irrelevant.
Finally, if Gruber was interested in openness, he would allow comments on his
blog. Without that, he is just a troll with a pulpit.
The problem here is that Google used the word "open" as a feature of Android
and marketing term against iOS/Apple. But don't forget that a lot of parts of
iOS are open source and several parts of Android are closed (Google branded
apps). Does the percentage of opennes matter?
Gruber might be biased but that doesn't mean he is wrong or off-base.
I think the most annoying thing about Gruber is that he mixes fantastic
insights with near-propaganda. He's also got a razor-honed voice.
Generally I tend to pay close attention to him when he writes about Apple
products, eco-system, and culture, and ignore him when he writes about
anything else, especially Google or Android.
"The biggest joke is that the Businessweek article ends with a quote from
Nokia CEO and former Microsoftie Stephen Elop saying that Android is no longer
open and that's why he chose the more open Windows Phone 7. YIKES! Not good
company, Mr. Gruber."
All good and well, but this is just guilt by association. Very bad way to end
a fairly good article.
If you want a tl;dr of the article, take the last bit:
_Both approaches have their merits and their failings. How about we focus on
that instead of which system is open or closed?_
What is he referring to when he says "both approaches"? He's talking about
open versus closed.
>Any fair observer would have to conclude that Android is still "open."
In my opinion, any fair observer would have to conclude that Android is still
about as open as it always was. This isn't necessarily hypocritical; I have
never viewed Android as "open".
Now, personally, I think that it's more customizable and flexible because it
isn't mature enough as a platform to be able to afford to lock down APIs. Not
that I think that the end result of an API should be to lock it down, but
orthogonality in a SDK can be very beautiful, as it is with Cocoa touch.
Google: "We wanted to make sure that there was no central point of failure, so
that no industry player can restrict or control the innovations of any other.
That's why we created Android, and made its source code open."
The fact that they're now restricting and controlling the innovations of other
industry players by keeping the source code closed seems pretty much like the
definition of hypocrisy.
You are still free to fork any code that was previously released under a free
license. All of the source code they release can be used.
How is that relevant when they are giving the latest source to people they
It's their source. You are free to pick the last released version and improve
it yourself.
The source they didn't release may not be completely theirs (we can't know
this because we don't have it) and before releasing it under an open source
license they may be required to clean it up.
If it's not theirs, how can they give it to some of their approved partners?
Android is Google's. They don't have to release anything except the kernel
(which is a lot already). They can give it to whoever they think will improve
it and make it more popular. The kernel is GPL, but the rest is Apache. Google
can keep it to themselves and their preferred partners forever. It's their
software and they own it.
Exactly - they own it, and they are free to give it to whoever they like and
withhold it from whoever they like.
What part of that isn't about controlling other players?
Are you under the impression Google can take 2.3 away from anyone? They own it
and they can't. What they are doing is saying they won't release 3.x _for now_
source and not really disclosing the reasons. Anything can be behind that
decision, including the inclusion of non-Google code in the specific products.
I prefer to think along those lines.
I'm not under that impression. I am under the impression that they have given
the 3.x source to some people and not to others, thus choosing who gets to use
it. Normally we refer to that as 'control'.
They didn't say _Android 2.3_ is open. They said that _Android_ was open and
the purpose was so that no one entity could control the innovation of other
players, and yet that is exactly what they are doing.
You seem to be defending Google on the basis of their freedoms. If you read
what I've written, you'll see that I haven't argued they don't have the right
to do what they are doing. I haven't even argued that it's bad.
I am merely pointing out that they have gone back on what they said. You
haven't said anything that refutes this.
> they have gone back on what they said.
Point me, please, where did they say Honeycomb will not be opened. As it is
now, it probably has some code that went in to meet launch deadlines and that
prevents a full release. They may also want to tidy things up before pushing
it out because if they push out a defective API (and there are lots of new
APIs in HC) they will have a lot of heat when they fix it.
That has absolutely nothing to do with what I've said. I'll leave it to you to
read the thread.
You complain Android is not open when a lot of Android is (there are closed
source apps - like Gmail and Google Maps - that run on Android) and a small
part that's not _yet_ (Honeycomb - Gingerbread) without any definitive
announcement on whether it will be exclusive to their initial partners or not
(with a strong impression this is temporary).
Everyone can download and build most of what goes into an Android phone or
tablet. Most important on the software freedom (to programmers, that is) you
can fork it, build your devices and sell them without ever asking Google for
their blessing (much like they hadn't to ask Linus for his blessing when they
used Linux for Android's core).
Unfortunately, for users (me included - I own an Android and a Palm Pre) I
cannot _demand_ source code from you with the exception of the parts that are
GPL'ed and thus I am not effectively independent from the software provider.
I don't quite like this - I'd love to be able to build Gingerbread and burn it
into my Android handset (I'd prefer to keep the Palm as it is), perhaps, even
building the parts above Bionic and grafting it on top of iOS, just for the
kicks (unfortunately, Apple doesn't like that and, in order to distribute this
to other iOS users I'd have to ask for their blessing, which would never
You are right. Honeycomb is not free right now. And that's what I don't quite
like about Apache-like licenses: the developer can withhold software from me.
But I am convinced this is a temporary stance and soon enough not only other
manufacturers will have full access but I will too.
"We wanted to make sure that there was no central point of failure, so that no
industry player can restrict or control the innovations of any other. That's
why we created Android, and made its source code open."
How is Google _not_ restricting or controlling* the innovations of other
industry players?
Honeycomb isn't desert so named well by purpose -- Sweat honey is caged in
honeycomb and protected.
John Gruber has a very specific audience: people that adore Apple products.
His narrative is extremely well tuned to please these people and to keep them
coming back for more. I can't fault him for his success as a niche blogger,
but his material is so predictable and formulaic that I stopped reading long
Google exploited the buzz of open source philosophy, so it's fascinating
seeing the open source community's reaction to their stricter control over
Android. Personally, I always saw the trumpeting of "openness" as an
unrealistic marketing ploy.
Honest question: Why do people listen to and retweet Gruber? Everything I've
read from him is pure biased hypocritical garbage.
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Bulletproof validation for Sass functions and mixins - Skoks
Download - [https://github.com/SassySuit/sassy-
Documentation - [http://sassysuit.github.io/sassy-
#Sass #SCSS #CSS #Helpers #Utilities
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The Dwarven Computer - A programmable computer built in Dwarf Fortress - samd
This is an example of a mechanical computer. There are other popular computer
implementations in Dwarf Fortress, including fluidic (pumping water around)
and biological (enclosing creatures in specially-designed mazes).
Once the basic logic gates are designed, it's easy (though tedious and time-
consuming) to build arbitrarily large computing devices. One famous example is
a multifunction calculator, documented at <
<http://df.magmawiki.com/index.php/User:BaronW> >.
Building amazingly complex (if tedious and time-consuming) objects in Dwarf
Fortress is pretty much what the game is about after you manage to get past
the early learning stages.
This is the kind of game I would recommend to hackers - it definitely supports
the mind set of figuring out the rules in a system, then exploiting them to
build something incredible.
For example, I remember discovering that if you build your dwarf fortress in
certain freezing climates, it was possible to take water from a flowing source
underground, then release it aboveground, whereupon it would flash-freeze into
solid walls that dwarves could stand on, tunnel through, or build on top of.
That immediately led to Operation: Build An Enormous Ice Palace, a plan to
create an aboveground megaplex by making dwarves haul unfrozen water bucket by
bucket and pour it, like concrete, into a planned mold. (I was exploiting the
loophole that water carried in a bucket does not freeze until dropped from the
It was ridiculous, arbitrary, and destructive of my free time - but most games
are anyway... so why not take a game that also challenges your hacking
I have long assumed that it will eventually be a moral quandary as to whether
or not it will be ethical to turn off dwarf fortress.
I think the question will be whether it's ethical to _start_ a game that
commonly ends in mass starvation, riots inspired by the rotting corpses of
one's closest friends, and sometimes even running out of booze.
Some believe that God has already created just such a game.
Some years ago someone figured out how to build logic gates in Quake 3 maps
out of doors and shooters (entities that shoot a projectile when triggered).
This was actually used in some single player maps and to create special game
modes that aren't present in vanilla Q3.
I guess this could, in theory, be used to create a Turing Complete computer.
It might hit the entity limit of Quake 3 though.
PDF: <http://www.skore.de/images/stories/Q3A/Q3A_Electronics.pdf>
Presumably the next step is to write Dwarf Fortress for this.
My first CS course in college was Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs. It was quite a thrill when we finally got our hand-written Scheme
interpreter to run itself and give us a REPL prompt. Turtles all the way down.
I think the question we are all wondering is whether or not the computational
engine here can be used to aid the dwarf decision making and increase
automation and profit margins?
It's interesting that from a design complexity standpoint, what he did was way
more difficult than say building Craigslist.
Perhaps that leads to his next challenge: upgrade the computing power of his
DF contraption enough that he can reimplement Craigslist on top it!
I particularly liked kitten logic:
Semi-related: LittleBigPlanet 8-bit calculator:
...and begins to learn at a geometric rate.
I suppose it would be vaguely on-topic to mention the WireWorld computer, a
particularly pretty MOV-machine implemented in the WireWorld cellular
This is right up there with the Universal Turing Machine implemented in
Conway's GoL (<http://rendell-attic.org/gol/utm/index.htm>).
Dude, I totally implemented Reddit in a weekend in Dwarf Fortress...
Now he should port his DF-based computer to run on the iPhone, that way he
could use it as a sort of "intermediate layer" with .... _looks at 3.3.1_ ...
oh, nevermind.
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FDA halts sales of 23andMe DNA test kits - bmahmood
Over reach -- 23andMe provides no medical treatment which can be regulated.
Rather they simply measure and recite a fact: your genome. That looks like a
pretty clear 1st Amendment case to me. Especially if they can back it up by
demonstrating that they only advertise things that are facts; for example,
study by X links SNP-N to condition Z and we can tell you if you have SNP-N.
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Whatever happened to Gallium-Arsenide? - rbanffy
Thank you for this, i remember reading about it back when single core chips
were hitting absurd temps (if memory serves the headlines were something like
"top end p4 produces more heat per mm2 than a thermo nuclear power plant")
before they managed to find another way there was much talk of GaAs
just for fun id love to see what a GaAs Bitcoin mining ASIC could do but i
seriously doubt anyone will be producing one of them
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15kb of CSS is all you’ll ever need ️ - mattei
Forgive me if this is a stupid question, since I've been avoiding any
involvement with web design or web services for the last ten or fifteen years,
but - isn't this the same thing we were all doing before CSS came along? Why
use a stylesheet at all?
Inline styles don't work for a number of reasons: \- No pseudo class support
\- No media query support \- Specificity issues \- You'll never stop writing
CSS, bloat becomes a problem.
That being said, the approach functional CSS takes is quite similar to inline
styles. It takes the main benefit of inline styles (being able to see what
styles are applied to an element without having to look at a CSS file and do a
lot of context switching) with the benefits of having a stylesheet. Best of
both worlds.
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Latvian hackathon winner reinvented Pacman into real life game - ragnars
Don't know about PacMan, but LoveLock made me think of the following.
Make a bracelet that has a pulse sensor and a couple of tiny LEDs, pair it
with the iPhone and the further connect it to another iPhone/bracelet combo
over the Internet. Use one LED for the owner's pulse, and another - for that
of a better half on the other end.
PS. Deluxe version could also show a distance between the bracelets.
See also <http://pacmanhattan.com/> (a 2004 experiment) and
<http://cityrace.me/> (signup page - a Warsaw based startup).
I think that one of the most interesting projects is <http://groupocracy.org/>
this is much better, honest and at the same time, technical take on the
process of democratic elections and 4-5 years that follow after elections.
Better than what? Better than <https://www.votizen.com>
I too thought this was the most interesting idea coming out of @ G48 Riga.
Granted it is just an idea still but imagine the implications of something
like this -- especially in the wake of all the uproar from the Occupy Wall
Street movement.
Dont forget <http://gateme.com> that offers full solution to nightclubs and
developed QR payments in garage48.
Guys, you were one of the best competitors! We see, there is still lots of
work to do to build up great gameficiation and stuff, but thats what we all
have to do! Thanks and wish you good luck developing the project!
Keep in touch, www.tweetdeleter.com @tweetdeleter
Augmented Reality Pacman: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIX6wJ1Wv90>
Cool. I think the "Scotland Yard" board game as an augmented reality mobile
game would be a great idea also.
This seems dangerous... People are going to walk into cars/people/poles etc
The world is a dangerous place, and fortunately there's nothing anyone can do
about that. Risk averse people don't typically realize that avoiding risk and
avoiding life are synonymous.
Maybe I am missing something but lots of these ideas seem pretty poor?
This is not an ideas contest, more about networking and having fun while
learning new stuff. All about execution. After events like these people are
always hugely motivated and in high moods. Hard to describe it if you have not
participated yourself.
Still 2 previous Garage48 hackathon teams have won investments from Seedcamp,
the leading startup accelerator in Europe.
If even 1-2 teams from each event become real startups, that´s a big win. If
not, people meet others and it often happens they start other projects after
the event based on new ideas. Everybody wins.
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Show HN: Manage remote working IP whitelist in AWS - scanr
Author here. This is a pretty simple script and I suspect there may be smarter
ways to do this but it's been useful for me and others, so thought I'd share
thanks this looks really useful... what are your thoughts on continuations?
haha, you're the first person to ask! I once wrote a BPM / Workflow engine
using serializable continuations and it worked quite well. I've since been
surprised that they don't seemed to be taken off.
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SFHN Presents: Pirates of Silicon Valley - lowglow
Hi HNers,<p>San Francisco Hacker News group is throwing another movie night this Monday January 14th at 10:30p at The Roxie.<p>We'll be showing: Pirates of Silicon Valley -- a great movie about the struggle between Microsoft and Apple.<p>So come out and enjoy a movie and support your local Hacker News meetups!<p>http://valleypirates.eventbrite.com
Clickable: <http://valleypirates.eventbrite.com>
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A thought stream on XKCD click and drag - brosner
I want to do a thoughtstream on thoughtstreams.
I like the idea. A lot. And yet I don't want to pay for it. Which is a
reaction worth exploring a bit more.
Maybe I can interest you in my new startup: Paragraphs.io
It bridges the gap between single sentences and never ending wall-o-texts.
With a single keyboard shortcut (tap 'return' twice), your content is
partitioned into easily digestible _Paragraphs_ ™
All this and no more for only $50/year.
> Maybe I can interest you in my new startup: Paragraphs.io
Do you mean paragraph.io? And how is your startup supposed to solve his
unwillingness to pay?
>And how is your startup supposed to solve his unwillingness to pay?
It's not. It was just throw away snark meant to demonstrate my complete lack
of understanding of the problem thoughtstreams is trying to solve.
Thoughtstream is cool. But it needs atleast a 30-day evaluation for me to get
a sense of how easy it would me to use.
But perhaps even take the idea further. How about the ability to create up to
30 thought streams for free. Anyone who has created that much will see its
value and will want to pay?
Freemium is almost always a losing model for small businesses. A trial would
be nice, though.
I don't know.
There are many people who just expect freemium to solve all their problems.
Freemium needs to be carefully applied, and needs to make sure to be aligned
with evaluation needs of potential paying users. Most times startups do not
work on the details to make it happen.
30-day evaluations are really helpful when an urgency exists to use a product
- in my experience for lots of business sales. But now-days I often get
distracted with some project and am not really able to evaluate the product
the first time around.
I look at freemium as an evaluation license for as long as you are not doing
anything serious with the product. Ofcourse, you need to define the terms of
the freemium part. Companies like Heroku do a great job with it.
Heroku was able to do it because it had a lot of funding in the beginning (and
is now part of a public company). Very hard to _bootstrap_ freemium,
especially if there are per-user costs like with hosting.
(I run gondor.io so I understand :-)
Very good point. I am a big fan of what you are trying to do with Gondor.io.
Yes, bootstrapping freemium is hard. I would love to see discussions on how to
do it right.
Don't get me wrong. I am revenue driven. I am not crazy about freemium. But I
see way too many entrepreneurs not putting themselves into the mind of their
target users.
I would trivial Gondor.io as a more specific Python oriented version of
Heroku. The benefits are hopefully more obvious, and I would argue that
freemium is not important for Gondor.io.
However, the problem I have had with micro-blogging platform is in the
details, which often results in me not using it more than twice or thrice. I
would easily pay $250/year if ThoughStreams worked for me, but I don't know
that. Currently the site looks great and it makes me really want to try it,
but I doubt that I will be able to make a decision in 30-days. I am willing to
try though.
Best of luck!
And here I came to the comments to read about people's thoughts on the
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Ask YC: Recording the Startup School talks? - edgeztv
This is a request to the organizers of Startup School to arrange for soundboard recordings of the presentations at this year's event.<p>The audio recordings from 2006 and earlier have been gems in my car CD inventory on many long drives. Unfortunately last year's audio recordings were really low in quality, to the point of being unintelligible.<p>It would be a shame for these amazing talks to not get preserved for posterity!
Omnisio (<http://omnisio.com/>) is doing the honors.
They're also potentially planning to overlay the comments from the Chatterous
real-time chatroom:
Where are the 2006 recordings located?
Yes I would love to know that too.
We should put it on Justin.TV
I wonder how many other YC startup products we can use for startup school :)
Some great stuff in here. Very inspirational - especially when you're hitting
a tough spot it can help to pick you up
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Six percent of online adults use reddit (15% of young men) - iProject
Note this survey was carried out in America: the conclusions are not valid for
adults of other nationalities.
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‘Ads’ are dead. Use advertising instead. - kanebennett
I don't understand. The difference between "ads" and "advertising" appears to
be one of targeting/focus. It's hardly a revolutionary insight that the more
targeted the ad the higher the conversion rate. And the author appears to be
taking issue with how banner and adsense ads look. But he doesn't say how a
more targeted ad should look, other than "simple". Basically marketing puff
for the firms he mentions.
Indeed, there is no meat here. Upvoted you, and flagged the submission to save
other people from wasting their time.
If you are a smaller site can you even get into any of those programs though?
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Ask HN: Front End Development - lachyg
To all front end developers, specifically ones that take PSD files and convert them into HTML/CSS templates, how do you think we could speed it up?<p>Do you think we need a special framework? A new slicing tool? Additions to Photoshop? Do you think it can be completely automated?<p>I've been doing it for quite sometime and I'm looking for a way to rapidly speed it up! Any ideas, anyone!?
> Do you think it can be completely automated? I think that will always depend
> on how complex a page/site we're talking about. If the design is standard
> and our toolbox (in this IDE) has all the standard "prims" then yes it's
> maybe automatable. But if what you're trying to build is edgy those primary
> building blocks might not be in the toolbox. So unless the web reaches some
> kind of technical limitation our tools will always be behind the creativity
> of designer-developers.
As for which framework to use I think the answer may be to move away from
Photoshop toward something like Fireworks. I'm in the same boat as you, I get
designs in PSD and have to make pixel-perfect html - and like you I notice the
friction points (e.g. text sizing in pts vs. pixels, drop shadows don't copy-
paste easily, every copy-paste manuever is a "manual" operation). Photoshop is
probably the wrong tool for web design. It's great for photos and for going
into creative heaven but Fireworks is Adobe's product for mocking up web
sites, and I think it's more practical than Photoshop for web designers. As
far as the html/css it generates, I would have to learn to trust it. Today I
hand-write all the markup myself but there are a lot of tools that are
tempting me, especially when they promise cross-browser compatibility.
I agree with the suggestion regarding Fireworks. The designers and developers
at my office use Fireworks instead of Photoshop and it seems like a speedier
The answer in improving seed is not in more frameworks (especially crappy CSS
ones), but in improving the actual browser with support for box-shadow,
border-radius, and border-image, etc. which takes a significant amount of time
to implement.
Getting the core CSS and HTML right is such an important part of performance
and a vital investment in future development that I cannot even comprehend
letting a program auto-generate it for me.
I think Adobe has the chance to just totally own the whole market if they will
just improve the slicing/HTML output of Photoshop. At this stage of the game
there aren't likely to be any new players on the graphic design side (not
without significant investment). That means that it's either the graphic
design software companies improve their output options or someone writes a
tool/add-in that improves it.
I always though a good feature for Photoshop would be a way to select areas of
a file and mark them as dynamic content and non image content, that way PS
knows what all of the static content "or template" is. Then PS could analyze
and auto slice the image and generate the template HTML file that you can then
go back and add any non image HTML to. As well it wild be nice to be able to
define groups on the template so that PS would slice them out separately for
items that may be repeated on the page or that may be used on several pages.
My thought was that all this could be accomplished by tagging a layer to be
ignored for generating the auto slice.
Personally, I don't think Photoshop will ever be able to automaticly slice a
document into valid, standardized, optimized HTML/CSS. I think a human has to
be involved in the process, unless HTML changes completely.
In the meantime, tools that can copy the CSS styles of text to the clipboard,
and things that can generally decrease time spent developing will be a plus.
<http://www.medialab.com/sitegrinder> seems to do exactly that.
They have client website links in their gallery, and somewhere they claim that
they make creating dynamic sites possible as well.
I've found the quickest way to speed up front-end development isn't
necessarily with the slicing but more with having a robust library of my own
code, and my own custom (pseudo) framework of html & css templates with which
I begin every job.
| {
"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Barclays Center freight elevators: each can carry a loaded semitruck (2015) [pdf] - owenversteeg
Very interesting read.
I was confused about the specific location the document desribes. "They enable
semi-truck or bus drivers to drive straight into either elevator from the
intersection of Atlantic and Flatbush avenues on the southeast side of the
At the intersection of Atlantic and Flatbush is a large pedestrian plaza and
the main entrance to the building, they would have a hard time driving a truck
through there. The actual entrance is on Dean Street (and indeed at the
southeast corner of the arena):
Video of them in action, including the 100,000lb turntable here:
| {
"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Show HN: Eirify – Creative Marketplace - eljbutler
Anytime i hear about marketplace i think of trust issues. How can a consumer
deal with a merchant confidently?
Hi AbatPay. Do you mean in terms of where the funds are held between the
transaction? Or more generally like trusting that merchants product?
| {
"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Why can’t we read anymore? - subnaught
Part of the problem is articles like this. There were perhaps five interesting
sentences of content in that entire piece, and several hundred entirely
redundant words and personal examples used only to set the tone.
If modern writers have such disrespect for their audience, is it any wonder
some of that audience hasn't the attention span to stick with it?
Older, serious, and timeless literature requires deep concentration because
the authors use their thousands of words to express deep pathos that can't be
trivialised. It takes practice to commit oneself to a book like that for long
enough to get into a flow wherein it can be understood and appreciated. It's
_easier_ to read fluff because the dopamine hits quicker, but (for some
people) it's worth the effort to read something more meaningful.
In some ways there's an analogy to coding; some books I can't read unless I've
got the time to be isolated from distractions. Similarly, some coding problems
I can't make progress unless I know I've got more than a half hour to pre-load
my brain cache.
Given that I'm railing about redundant words, this seems an appropriate point
to stop.
> If modern writers have such disrespect for their audience
As opposed to whom, paid-by-the-word Dickens and his amazing menagerie of
circumlocutions? ;-)
Perhaps, but the further back you go, the starker the shift in reading habits
becomes. I skimmed this article in 5 minutes and probably won't remember it
tomorrow. Compare two centuries ago, when the only books most people had were
the Bible and Milton, and they memorized every word. Or three centuries before
that, when the people who could read might have to travel across Europe to
read a particular book, and might commit each page to a memory palace.
I've read over 500 fiction books and 2000+ non-fiction. I've read many of the
big thick classics like Moby Dick, War & Peace, Infinite Jest. I've kept a
spreadsheet of all the books I've read somewhat like Art Garfunkel[1] (of
Simon & Garfunkel music duo).
I've also read Nick Carr's "The Shallows"[2] and other authors about about the
web's effect on attention span, distractions, etc.
With all that said, I'm not convinced that people "should" read long form
books. I read all those books because I personally enjoyed it. I just can't
say with confidence that others should do the same or they will be "missing
out" on some unquantifiable intellectual nirvana.
I also enjoy getting lost in Wikipedia articles and jumping around hyperlinks
without fully finishing the wiki article I was reading. (Wiki articles are not
ever "finished" anyway so there's no guilt trip in leaving the page to head
down another rabbit hole.)
15 years ago, I read a dozen of C++ books cover-to-cover. Can someone today
get similar levels of knowledge jumping around quality blog posts and watching
youtube videos? I think so. I don't hold my traditional reading method for C++
to be superior; it's simply what I did before the internet was available in
1995. I certainly did not learn Golang by reading a book cover-to-cover.
Books certainly have benefits but I think they are overstated in relation to
non-book forms of consuming words.
Whenever I real long-form books, my mind will occasionally wander into other
areas, while my eyes keep reading on. I'll have to continually go back and re-
read what I feel like I've just read. This isn't just an internet-fueled lack
of attention, it's how I've always read, and how I image most people read most
of the time.
The difference is with a website, you can go investigate your immediate
thoughts rather than committing to the re-read. It is lazier, maybe. It's
probably not great if you want to learn something in depth and stay focused on
it for long periods of time.
_" I'll have to continually go back and re-read what I feel like I've just
This is me.
_" and how I image most people read most of the time."_
I wish I knew if this were true. I've always felt that I have some sort of
"disorder" or some form of ADHD or something that causes my mind to wander
anytime I try to read a book. I'm a terribly slow reader for this reason (at
least when it comes to books -- internet articles, for some reason, don't seem
to have this same effect on me), and as a result, I've not read too many books
at all. I mostly get my information in smaller bursts.
Come to think of it, whenever I see what I consider super long articles posted
on HN, and a ton of discussion about how great the article was, I feel
terribly inadequate that I can't read said article in less than an hour (or
more). Short articles I'm fine with, it's the longer ones -- and books -- that
I struggle with.
And it's certainly not the result of any "conditioning" from reading short
internet articles all the time -- I've been like this since long before the
era of blogs and HN.
Would love it if someone could shed some light on this.
Not for me, when I read I get lost in the book and it gets dark outside, the
cats come and sleep on me, the street lights go on and I look up at 10pm and
I've read half a novel.
It's a sense of peace I get from few other things in life.
This, or even watching a slow paced movie (the kind more common before 1990)
is incredibly refreshing break from the modern distraction filled world.
As I've gotten older and have less free time and there's so much more content
out there, one practice I've come to accept is reading the wikipedia page and
plot synopsis for a book/movie before starting watching something. In the same
way I read HN comments before deciding whether to read the original article
often times. Before wikipedia I would read the last chapters of books first.
I'm more worried about my time being spoiled than the plot being spoiled, and
after all a good movie/book is even better the 2nd time around. This has
allowed me to commit to watching or reading things I never would have before
as I'd get bored (read: worried this is a waste of my time) 10 minutes into a
slow moving movie.
But how does just reading the synopsis indicate if something is any good?
Wouldn't you be better just looking at the IMDB score? Or are you looking out
to avoid things with 'dumb' endings?
I'm honestly a little surprised at some of the comments here. I thought most
people on here would agree that many of us do suffer from this. I mean, how
many of you actually read through the entire article, WITHOUT checking your
email, or flipping to twitter/fb to tell the world about this good article you
just found? I had to really force myself to read the entire article first, and
not give in to that urge to get a hit of dopamine. But of course, YMMV.
I think the ability to concentrate and focus on a single task is going to
become more and more useful, because it is so easy to give in to that
temptation to flip away, just for a quick moment. I've been working on
practicing mindfulness through meditation, and have thought of reading a book
as a form of meditation (nice to see the author allude to that a little).
So your TL;DR: good article, read more books, re-learn how to focus on single
I'm frequently disappointed when I do finish a web-published article to the
point where I don't think there's anything wrong with skipping though most of
Most of them are poorly written or written in a way to make money.
That is
* clickbait titles when the bulk of the information in the article could be summarized in the title instead
* lack of introduction / thesis / abstract at the beginning summarizing or outlining the actual content
* meandering content with no clear overarching goal
* content padding – lots of words addling little information
So why should I feel bad about not finishing things I think aren't worth
I agree here. I began to read the article but the format completely deterred
me from finishing it. I assume the format was on purpose to prevent it from
becoming the very thing that it was saying the people have a hard time
reading. But in the end, at least for me, I had a harder time reading the
choppy, repetitive wording than a well thought out set of paragraphs. I have
read many books and also started many and never picked them back up. There is
no reason to force yourself to read something that does not capture your
> _Last year, I read four books_.
Since January I read +-25 books. It's not necessarily a good thing. Every
book, no matter how short, is a commitment. It requires time and effort you
could spend in other, more productive things. As a matter of fact, reading is
how I procrastinate.
_The road to mediocrity is paved with good books_ : I've been reading quite a
lot on entrepreneurship... let's say 300 hours worth of reading. I could have
spent that time by testing ideas and hustling, but I lacked confidence. It was
always " _1 more book... and then I 'll start doing it_".
The author conflates two things that are only half related. This sentence is a
big hint to why he's not reading books:
> "And it’s exhausting. I was usually asleep halfway through sentence number
> five."
Reading books isn't exhausting, you can read books 16 hours per day. If you
fall asleep after reading 5 lines, that means you are dead tired and shouldn't
even have opened that book in the first place.
And maybe the reason why you're too weak to keep yourself from checking your
information sources every 5 seconds during all the other activities you (or
your boss) care about is because you're tired during the day as well.
The author suggests 5 solutions, I think that's a bit extreme. If you just do
3 and 4, you'll get more sleep and everything will probably be better.
Coincidentally that advice is what you'll find everywhere for sleep related
issues: "No computers 2 hours before sleep".
All my life, within a chapter of text, I'm either falling asleep or lulling at
the cusp of it.
Moving my body or locations temporarily wards it off like a snooze button, but
the struggle also keeps me from losing myself in a novel. To this day, if you
fast-forwarded a video of me reading on my couch, I'd like look a fish
flopping out of water to stay awake until the next chapter.
My best solution so far has been to read more in the morning with my coffee
before I begin my work, which also happens to be a good time to read in
general: it's before the barrage.
What if you read while standing? Do you have trouble doing other activities
while lying down, like using a computer?
I read a lot. I just happen to do most of my reading online.
I don't follow the notion that what we read online by default has less value
than what is available to us in books. I have learned a lot from what I've
read online, whether it's long form articles, Wikipedia articles, piecemeal
submissions that make up online forum/community sites or even IRC logs.
The mere fact that something is available in book form is not a guarantee of
it's accuracy nor a guarantee of the author's credibility.
I don't think the author is arguing that that books are more accurate or more
credible than other forms of writing. What the author is arguing is that books
provide a different sort of experience than those other forms of writing.
I've memorized a relevant XKCD just for this occasion, because it comes up so
much: [http://xkcd.com/1227/](http://xkcd.com/1227/)
> "Intellectual laziness and the hurry of the age have produced a craving for
> literary nips. The torbid brain... has grown too weak for sustained
> thought." – Israel Zangwill, The Bachelor's Club, 1891
I highly, highly recommend everybody read "The Information: How The Internet
Gets Inside Us" by Adam Gopnik:
It points out how this 'Why can't we X anymore", "in the past it was better",
"the future will be amazing", "the future will be horrible", and "everything
is kinda the same" perspectives have been repeated, remixed, rehashed over and
over again.
While it does appear that the perspective you're talking about has been
repeated over and over, it's important to recognise that it's a perspective
which applies to whatever time in which it was held. Therefore, it's relative.
Maybe the past _was_ amazing and wonderful, and perhaps _that_ past's past was
even _more_ amazing and wonderful. It's possible things _are_ getting worse
and worse all the time, only society has failed to heed the "warning" of the
doomsayers, leading even greater decline in "wonderfulness".
Except most of the activities that are cited as "dying" in the late 1800s are
still alive and well. Long walks? Check, still here and valued. Letter
writing? Not as prevalent, but still done. Conversation? Still existent,
despite naysayers in the 1800s and people claiming text is the death of
I think the difference people are noticing is that as some things begin to
have an alternative, the minority (or majority) that would prefer said
alternative can now express that desire where it was not possible before. Take
the quote about sitting down and enjoying long meals. Maybe that's not
everybody's cup of tea, but now it's a lot easier to get a quick meal on the
go and some people prefer it.
And 2000 years ago people decried writing because it weakened memory.
I read maybe one book in the last half of 2014. I wasn't proud of this number.
Then I took a trip with only a kindle, no hotspots.
I read nine books in two weeks.
I felt so energized and accomplished. I vowed to keep it up when I returned to
a world with internet.
I have not.
An Internet fast is an interesting experience. People might drop off the grid
for backpacking trips, or trips to monasteries... I think it's legitimate to
drop off and take anything you think might be your hobby but for internet.
Take books, like I did, or maybe a typewriter. Or a musical instrument.
Canvases and paint. A sharp knife and some pieces of wood. Yarn. Give your
mind some idle stretches, a few days without constant distraction. See what
happens, you'll probably be amazed.
This man should talk for himself.
I am an avid reader. I am part of readers clubs and meetings. I don't see less
people today there than 10 years ago, in fact I see way more(probably
something to do with the economic crisis).
The world does not end because we can read online and distract ourselves. A
person does not need this for distraction, in fact just a fly making noises
around you or thinking on your partner-son-mother while looking at the wall is
The same was said about TV decades ago, and radio before it, even about books
when it became cheap centuries ago. The Quijote is a book about someone that
reads instead of living and wants to live at the end of his life. At the time
cheap books were a novelty because of the printing press, remember that before
it it took a year to copy a single book.
I'm in your camp. I almost see "hand wringing about attention" as a meme, a
common blogger's trope to stir up concern similar to a trashy evening news
broadcast about "the new way teens are getting high."
Everyone who I knew liked to read while growing up still likes to read. Some
people don't, and thats fine too. What annoys me is people who don't like to
read, but feel like they should, and therefore go looking for a scapegoat. And
something tells me that some people have struggled to read and felt inadequate
about that throughout history.
I've found the opposite, if you'll allow that eBooks are real books. To me,
it's a golden age of books - with self publishing and eBooks, there are more
books coming out ever day than ever before. I personally read AT LEAST two
books a week (usually not technical - I enjoy sci-fi). I've always been a avid
reader, but generally had to re-read a lot (I have about 5k physical books, to
support that habit). Theses days, I'm ALWAYS reading new books. The selection
is amazing, a lot of the books are very good!
One reason I've observed is that the quality of printed text isn't necessarily
that good. I can't not let go of a good book, I'm only bounded by the time of
day and night: if I weren't, I'd read it on one sitting. Or an interesting
textbook that I can't wait to get back to even if it's slow to read because
it's just so interesting.
But there are lots of books that just aren't that good in comparison to really
interesting articles on the internet. There are a even a lot more articles, so
the reader must develop the skill of skimming quickly and deciding early
whether there's any meat in it. But good articles are really good and they're
easy to find. Books that aren't bad and books that are just all right but not
really, truly good can't simply compete: earlier they could because there was
no alternative. But now there is.
Nothing can beat a good book but there's so many other things to read that are
incredibly good too, so the partitioning of our reading time will simply
Reading takes all of your attention, all of it. I can't have a conversation
while reading a book, I can't watch a movie while reading a book, you have to
be ready to give everything to that book for whatever period of time you want
to read it for.
I am watching Chopped, skimming articles like this one, I just stepped up mid-
typing that last bit to help my wife with something and finally I'm
programming. I was interrupted again after finishing that sentence.
Reading is a luxury.
I think the point is that _attention_ is a luxury.
These days, the currency is attention. The amount of attention required for
reading of any substance is very high, and with thousands of apps, sites,
shows, brands, and everything else pulling at us in a way that's engineered to
be ideally visceral and tailored to our animal impulses, the lack of attention
left over is no surprise.
Hard to see problem with this behavior. It is the same reason we don't ride
horses to work anymore - better stuff available.
We didn't read at all, then we read leaves, then we read scrolls, then we read
books, now we read the internet. Books have been around for extremely small
percentage of our species' span. Moreover before the internet, the general
public showed more interest in reading up more current affairs/entertainment
than traditional books. Newspapers and magazine numbers are still strong.
Frankly, I would rather have a race of people reading up on general knowledge
and keep themselves aware than a race of people wasting time trying to read
story books just to fit in. It is not that the books have been replaced.
Better stuff has brutally shown that books were truly appealing to only a few.
If, given chance, most people flea, it is a failed product.
> _Hard to see problem with this behavior. It is the same reason we don 't
> ride horses to work anymore - better stuff available._
Only in this case we abandoned cars for hoping along barefoot on one foot
while wearing a diving suit...
> _Frankly, I would rather have a race of people reading up on general
> knowledge and keep themselves aware than a race of people wasting time
> trying to read story books just to fit in._
We have that former thing, and its producing a race of people who have no
understanding of anything substantial, be it politics, world affairs or arts,
and jump from BS celebrity tweet to twerking videos.
Of course one can resort to the classic "People have always complained about
new technologies and trends, hence there's no problem with them".
For one, "people always complained about new technologies" is not such an
obvious and true fact -- how many people and how seriously complained is not
measured, nor is their reasoning examing. We're just given some examples of
people complaining for some new technology/trend, and are told that all those
examples are of equal zero validity, just "get off of my line" kind of
Second, even if "people always complained about new technologies" that doesn't
automatically mean that they were always wrong (nor is proof offered, besides
"and yet, those technologies stayed with us and we now are ok with them" as if
that proves anything qualitatively).
A more nuanced approach would have been to check whether something was indeed
lost (a tradeoff) in adopting those technologies, something that we could
maybe preserve if we adopted them with less abandon.
And in fact a lot of our subsequent behavior --which is usually ommited when
glorifying technology-- points to that (e.g. the adoption of cars lead to huge
cities built around driving like L.A., which we now find less than great. Or
the city noises and environment led to a flight for the suburbs. Examples are
It's a skill. But unlike riding a bike, if you don't use it, you lose it. On
the other hand, if you practice, it gets better.
I started keeping track of my reading in 2011. Here's my history:
2011: 11 books
2012: 16 books
2013: 29 books
2014: 54 books
2015: 26 books (to date)
I did this while not significantly changing my lifestyle. How?
1. I read to and from work. 45 min each way.
2. I read at lunch. 1 hr.
3. I chose reading instead of watching TV or playing video games.
4. I use eReaders, so I have dozens of books to read next.
5. I log my reading (obsessively?) on goodreads.com.
One thing I didn't do: I don't even try to read before bed. If I'm lucky, I
get three pages read and then I'm nodding off.
"Why can't we read anymore?" I dunno. Maybe because _you_ aren't reading
Logging what you read is, oddly enough, a new idea for me. One I'll have to
seriously consider doing. In 2003 I started college, and an exercise in a
class I had we had to tell two truths and one falsehood and let the class
guess the falsehood. I don't remember what the falsehood was or the other
truth, but the truth one that everybody thought was the falsehood was that I
had read over 2000 books.
I only know that I read that many because I owned that many books (and didn't
own every book I ever read). I was 26 then, and reading since 5-6, so that's
really only 10 books a year. The real number of books at that point might have
been more like 3000 - but I did re-read a lot of the books I owned so maybe
Since this time last year, I've probably read 30+ books. Gotta love the Kindle
and Kindle Unlimited.
10 books/yr x 20 years = 200, not 2,000.
Setting up a goodreads account is simplicity itself. And since it's owned by
Amazon, you can import all your books with a click. There's also a bookmarklet
that "Adds book to Goodreads" from the Amazon page.
Once you get used to logging progress and marking completed books, you will
really see the pages and books mount up.
Oops, you are right. I'd say I hadn't had my coffee yet when I wrote that, but
even that's not a good excuse. How embarassing. 100 books does seem right
though, I thought the 10 seemed a little too light.
I set up an account yesterday and did like that Amazon import feature. I wish
It imported all the books you read with Kindle Unlimited though. Thanks for
the heads up with the bookmarklet, I'll check it out.
_Last year, I read four books._
Last year, I read 25 books. And the year before, too. And the year before.
Then I stopped reading this blog post.
The number of books is a weak benchmark, because I read books as thin as 100
pages up to 1,300 pages. I read blog posts that have 50 pages and some that
have 140 characters.
Reading is enjoyable, but still a form of consumption. There are only so many
ideas per week you can think a lot about and thus, you can read only so many
books that really benefit your life and make you change your mindset.
This is an amazing article, if you get to the heart of it (though be warned,
that requires actually reading it).
One of the amazing insights: _new information is a drug._ It causes a dopamine
rush. The influx of all this new information, alerts, everything tugging at us
every day is the new legal high, and we're all addicted, with thousands of
external entities profiting off the act, dealing out notifications.
I highly recommend reading it fully!
This is a terrible article of the variety "I do something therefore everybody
does something": typical mind fallacy on crack, nary an actual numerical
statistic to be seen.
I mean, I could play anecdote wars (I read ridiculous numbers of books now I
have FBReader on my phone) but that would be feeding the foolishness.
That is my take as well. Vague allusions to current research but no hard
cites. Seems like recycled trope of "modern life is too busy and our brains
are rotting".
I read a great excerpt from something published in the 1800s complaining about
the same thing... I'll have to dig it up.
There they are... see 1894 and 1895 in particular.
I believe one of the problems with digitally minded brains tackling books is
opportunity cost.
In a blog post, a tweet, or email I can quickly decide if it's worth my time
-- does it pique interest, make me feel more connected to the world.
With a book, the investment of time and energy is much greater for an
uncertain (but perhaps marvelously more meaningful) payoff.
This is a difficult problem a lot of us face. I personally have a habit of
glancing through hundreds of articles that pop in my RSS reader everyday.
Often after reading a handful of those articles, some of them providing
certain bits and pieces of knowledge, I feel like it would have been better to
focus on a single topic and learn more about it. That's where I miss books.
Although I have many of them sitting in the shelf right next to me, it has
become more difficult for me in the recent years to pick one up and start
reading. I think it's time for a change. Thanks OP for sharing this.
One of the great tests for me personally is can I even remember the last 10
headlines or articles I read? The dopamine hit is in the discovery, not
necessarily the comprehension.
Because the layout on medium.com, which purports to be a "long form" site for
people who read, is for short-attention-span people. Scroll through the
article linked. It's painful.
His points are mostly true, at least for some people, but I think we should go
deeper than that. There are people who hate reading tech books and prefer to
get the information in concise/shorter way through internet/SO. I am one of
them, I have tried reading different software engineering books(widely
recommended ones), but I just can't get into them. And yet I can easily digest
an article about specific issue I have, try it out and if it works the article
goes into my Pocket so I can check it again in the future, if something
similar happens.
But give me a good fantasy novel, I will devour it. Wheel Of time (13 x 700
pages) was completed in 3 months. Chronicles of Amber? Done. ~60 books of
Pratchett, a lot of them multiple times? Done. Tolkien? Done. There were
countless of times, where I couldn't sleep before finishing a book, staying up
to 4-5 am, when I usually go to sleep around 23-24:00. That's why I feel it is
really hard to start a book, when you don't know what type of books you like.
Some people enjoy fantasy/sci-fi/romance/action/prose and many more. Maybe
something non-fiction? And I feel that schools should somehow help students
discover their favourite authors and their favourite ganres.
Good article, but he could have given his point in one/third of the content
length and it wouldn't have lost anything.
Well, I simply find that concentration takes _practice_. And we simply don't
practice it much anymore.
I also think that we have forgotten that the point of email and text messaging
was so that we could be asynchronous, rather than interrupt driven like a
phone call.
I couldn't even finish reading this long article. Just a para or two, after
that simply skimmed through till end. :-(
Meh, I think it's fine.
What is he/she really saying?
There's a thousand and one problems one could be solving in his/her life.
Checking twitter/facebook less often and reading words printed on paper is
priority number 356 for me. I don't know why it ranks so high for the author
to warrant a blog post.
The real issue is not having your priorities straight that you are worrying
about your allocation of time/resources. Surely there's bigger fish to fry in
your own life - where's the blog post on that?
The difference between books and Internet articles is depth. A good book can
take you from knowing nothing to a relatively deep understanding of a topic --
by nature of its format. Consider for example one of the classic books of all
time: Newton's Principia. You can start reading that book with just a basic
knowledge of geometry, and in a couple hundred pages later you'll know more
about physics then you ever thought possible. And that book was presenting
physics _for the first time!_ That's not something you can replicate with
Internet articles. It would be much more trouble to do that over the Internet,
and you would cry "please, write a book and send it to me so I can read all
this information in a easier way". Other books are like that, not only in
science but also in literature, philosophy, computing (e.g.: TAOCP) and so
many other areas.
The problem we have nowadays is that, because it became so much easier to
write books, we have more and more books that don't add much to human
knowledge. In the old times, writing and publishing a book was hard, which
meant that the threshold for acceptance was much higher. Our society views
this downgrading of book quality as a sign that books are not a good format,
when in fact this is just an unintended consequence of our technology.
I think the changes are inherent to interactivity and the infinite volume of
the internet. These change everything. Once you can respond, you are a part of
the fray and your thinking changes.
When you read an interesting nonfiction book today, you can also check
wikipedia, listen to podcasts, watch the author giving a Ted talk and jump
into the infinite sea of informal online commentary.
IE, reading on HN is not reading in the sense that reading some book in 1991
was. It's being in a conversation, for better and worse. Your mind is
operating in a different context.
I also think that writing is adapting more slowly than reading. Many
nonfiction books I find interesting are 250-400 pages when they could be under
100 and just as effective. I think that's some side effect of paperback books
published by the publishing industry, the medium and its economic ecosystem.
In any case, if you want to maintain reading of that kind as a habit or
pursuit, you need to create an environment for it. Have a reading room in your
house, go to a cafe or park or your garden and read there. Set and setting.
You also need to be somewhat honest about what you like and how. Are you so
engrossed that you read for 3hrs when you meant to read for 30min? Are you
doing something that you need to discipline yourself into doing?
I don't know if the author can reasonably conflate the issues he does. I often
(but not always -- perhaps 50/50) "fail" to listen to a song all the way
through -- but I really only did that in the album, cassette and CD days
because the tech sucked. Now I can easily jump to the part I want, just
listening to i.
I only listen to podcasts when trapped on a long drive. Them I tend to listen
to end-to-end again because the tech sucks.
I've always found it hard to sit and watch a film, or even a youtube video,
linearly. It's generally just _way too slow_ (and occastionally too fast) and
I like to be able to skip around. But the tools suck.
_Books_ , on the other hand, are ideal. In so many I luxuriate in them,
especially fiction which can be so multimedia compared to a film, generally
reading linearly. Others I skip around, skipping over boring bits, coming back
to them, going back to parts I loved, or just reading something interesting
over and over.
It's not that "the digital" caused me to lose my ability to concentrate,
rather it allowed me access to media in a way that _supports_ my enjoyment:
sometimes intense, sometimes casual, and sometimes intense just on the parts
that matter. How can this be bad?
Shallows is a great book about this and "what the internet does to our
brains". This chrome extension is supposed to combat the internet's
unquestionable ability to mess with our work focus:
This is interesting, and I have been thinking about this quite a lot recently.
I used to read books by the dozen. Sometimes literally, in about 2006 I
discovered Gollancz/Orion's "Sci-Fi Masterworks" series and was getting
through more than one per week, in addition to holding down a job and having a
pretty active social life.
Now I don't think I've read a book since I motored through my second reading
of the "Song of Ice and Fire" stuff last year.
I, like the author, also find myself putting on some of the best TV there has
ever been, and then doing something else while it's on, like checking email or
facebook, or reading HN. So I don't really absorb it.
I don't want to cut out tv, but I do want to be able to concentrate on it, and
I do want to read more books again. And get control of my sleeping patterns
which have always, always been up the wazoo anyway.
So perhaps I shall join in and try to do as the author of this post has -
start reading, deny the instant-gratification urges and reclaim my brain and
my attention span.
Distraction might be a problem for some of us, but its important to remember
that people are reading more books now than they ever have at any point in
history, even if you only count paper books and especially if you count
I thought this was well-written, and pretty much spot on for most of us. The
'onto-the-next' part is scarily true for me. I always want to finish
something, so I can continue onto whatever's next. Maybe this is normal.
I know for myself that, when putting something on the television, I'll pop out
my mobile not too much later after, just to check up on things. It's very much
the modern day curse, I think, and we seem to have no real constraint. We get
these positive reinforcements ("Ooh, new e-mail. Ooh, new message from a
friend. Ooh, something new and unknown and exciting.") from constantly not
being present, so that's why we keep doing it.
Personally, I bought myself an e-reader and I already read a full book in a
week or so. I'm not an avid reader, but I love books. The key was, for me at
least, to read one chapter at a time. That way I always got progress each time
I read.
It's probably quite a compliment to the author that I did actually read the
whole thing -- about 2,500 words in a little under 15 minutes -- without
switching away, other than a short pause when an e-mail arrived and a
notification message popped up that I had to clear to carry on reading.
Normally these days I find much over 1,000 words or 5 minutes on a screen and
I'm losing concentration.
I don't even use things like Facebook and Twitter, but I do have a habit of
reading the front page of HN/Reddit/whatever and opening a dozen different
interesting-looking discussions and their corresponding articles all at once.
Perhaps this attempt to be a bit more organised is actually more like the
example mentioned in the article, where you're reading something but know you
have a new mail waiting and it knocks 10 points off your effective IQ.
I don't get notification messages like you guys, or check my email for such
short rewards.
Instead, I check my email or certain websites for substantial updates to my
favorite fanfic or web serial.
3K words is heavenly.
10K words even more so.
The more words the better. If you can update faster than I can read, that'll
be awesome.
Why I don't read non-technical things very often:
I have "better" (to me) things to do. I want to read about boost. I want to
study LLVM. I want to write code. I want to set up a Linux server running
node.js. I want to compare some NoSQL datastores to an RDBMS or two.
When I want distraction or to rest my brain, I'll take entertainment in short
spans. I really don't want to invest weeks of two-hour nights reading a work
of fiction. I'm not terribly interested in reading someone's biography. And
unless a non-fiction topic is currently meaningful to me (for example, books
about the human mind when I was in my early 20s), then I'm not likely to Just
I feel like if I Just Read for reading's sake, I'm not honing the craft that's
important to me. I feel like it makes me a "jack of all trades" and therefore
"master of none."
For some time I thought I definitely had a shorter attention span due to the
internet - I'd be reading something, and compulsively have to go check my
email, facebook, forums I visit, hacker news, my frequented subreddits. Read a
bit more. Check everything. Repeat.
But I didn't find it all that hard to just close my laptop and put my phone
facedown more than an arm's length away. I thought it would be a titanic
struggle - but as soon as I made it slightly inconvenient to distract myself,
I found myself once again able to read through hundreds of pages of books.
It's anecdotal, of course. But for me, being able to "read" again was as
simple of giving myself the slightest barrier to getting distracted.
In many instructional and self-help books, I find that the author's attempt to
hit appropriate word-count for the book format bores me to no end. Even worse,
it wastes my time. I bought your book, please don't waste 10% of your page
count in selling me the book.
I think notable exceptions to this are found in 'The Practice of System and
Network Administration' and 'Time Management for System Administrators.'
Fiction, I can read at times. For the last book I read, 'The Mote in God's
Eye', I read the first four chapters or so, then put it off for 5 months, and
then finished it in a week. That one does start off pretty slowly.
Fundamentally there is a sense of not wanting to 'miss' anything, I believe
that was the original force behind 24hr news channels, you watched because if
you didn't then something could have happened HOURS ago and you wouldn't even
know it yet.
I have a slightly different problem which is reading too much. It is
embarassing when you miss your stop on the train because the article you are
reading has distracted you. I also am something of a completionist when it
comes to books, so I find even when I don't "like" the book I'm compelled to
finish it.
I'm the same way. It's bad enough that I can't read on the train because It's
guaranteed I'll miss my stop. I can't read in the evening or I'll be up till
4am finishing the book. I limit my reading to times when I have an open
stretch of several hours to avoid it colliding with some other appointment or
I was reading this article when the urge to check HN's comments to this
article struck me. Then I decided to write this comment about it in the
browser, to paste when I would be done reading.
We do read. We just read in other formats. I never read has much as now,
because when you browse the internet, you essentially read.
You are just becomming picky about the format, because when there is a lot of
quantity, your brain decides what quality it wants to prioritize.
If something is long, complicated and unpleasant to read, it often can be
reformated so it's not. All text are not essais. And you don't need to read or
write an essay everyday.
So it makes sense to me. Readers to the contexte, we optimize, and writters
should too.
I didn't find the article very insightful, because it lumps all "books"
together. I haven't read a technical book in several years, because it's so
much easier to find what I want online. But I read nonfiction whenever I have
the time, or want to decompress. I have no problem switching between hyper-
multitasking and deep focus.
Perhaps the author never fully learned that. I wonder if it's age-related. Or
maybe I'm the odd one: ADHD/bipolar with hard-won focusing skills ;)
Online articles are like junk food - it's more appealing but has little
substance. If you can get used to reading real books again then the online
stuff is a lot less appealing.
Does that include this article that said something very similar?
We can. I set a simple goal of reading 100 pages a week and was stuggling with
reaching that number for quite some time. Then I started to read books that
were better written and the pages started to fly by (and it is not exactly
that the books were easier - The Strategy of Conflict is an academic book
written by an academic but it is still well written).
My guess is that the same is the case for others, which makes for a simple
solution: don't read badly written books.
I don't get this either, I think if you're finding it really difficult to read
a book then maybe you're not reading the right book. A book should suck you in
and not let go until you are finished. I love reading, and I just finished The
Stand which was a long book at ~1300 pages but I just could barely put it down
over the week or so that I was reading it, even with full time programming
work, commutes, and caring for a child with my partner.
They said the same thing about television 50+ years ago. And then video games
and MTV 30 years ago. As far as I can tell people are doing just fine and
books and reading continue along uninterrupted. People are as intelligent as
they were a generation or two ago and are able to concentrate and solve
problems just fine.
The "research" on how our brains are affected by media has historically been
incredibly speculative and shoddy. Is it any different this time?
My life was changed when I found out I could use smartphone apps to read texts
to me, and tell me exactly how long till I finish. I used to be too annoyed to
start a book because it seemed to drag on forever. (That plus I could never
find the right chair, lighting, etc).
Now, in contrast to other comments on here, I find the best time to listen is
just before bed on my evening walk. If I really want to get through quickly, I
listen on my commute also.
I have found that since reading Aaron Schwartz's "I Hate the News"[1] I can
read more. I consciously try to avoid the morning news routine, replacing it
with a chapter of whatever book I'm reading.
I agree with this articles and I struggle with this.
I'm asking for help, I identified this issue: all this
browsing/facebook/YC/reddit is making my attention span and ability to focus
How to get it back? I want to have a killer attention span and ability to
focus on one task. I started meditation in order to do this, any other
My experience has been the opposite this year. There's a great library near by
and we had our first child. A desire to minimize electronics around the little
one, to wind down in the evenings, and to balance my digital life with
something more physical has resulted in me reading way more books in the past
year than many before it.
I think reading books is a waste of time, and I'm a little tired of people
telling me I should read them.
Books are archaic, and the idea that you aren't intelligent or informed or
cultured unless you read them is just pure dogma at this point.
We have internet-connected devices now. Content can be published, peer-
reviewed, and disseminated to an international audience in under an hour. I
can have a dialogue with the person who wrote it, ask questions and submit
corrections that can be published 10 minutes later.
To me that is such a __massive __improvement over the old model that I no
longer have any time for the old model. I don 't have to wait for content from
a small handful of people at a publisher in New York, and I'm extremely
thankful for that.
I can appreciate some books as works of art or just for entertainment, but
books are an incredibly inefficient method of pursuing knowledge and culture,
and for that purpose I wouldn't recommend them to anybody.
So to answer the question posed by the title of this article: We can, we just
shouldn't, which is convenient because we don't want to.
It depends. I think both have their place. Online content tends to be much
shallower. But it allows you to explore a much broader content quickly.
Books tend to be deep, and good ones have gone through many iterations. Do you
think you can get the ideas presented in, say, SICP or Principles of
Mathematical Analysis by going through online material?
I think it may be possible, but it's actually harder.
> Do you think you can get the ideas presented in, say, SICP or Principles of
> Mathematical Analysis by going through online material?
The parent was making the point that it's possible to have a much better
system where the book authors communicate with the readers online which
improves both the quality and ease of understanding. As of now, it may not be
the situation but in future there surely will be better ways to do things.
Also if we go by the literal meaning, book is defined as "a written or printed
work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in
covers". The part which requires "approval and published by a publisher" is a
model of a book making and there may be better models out there.
The problem is not only with reading, but uninterrupted concentrating on a
single cognitive task.
Children do have the same behavior, before they learn to sit down and
We are becoming children again. Everything should be super easy. This is what
sells. A tablet for example has the haptics of a babies device.
IME, children (I have 4 of them) have extremely high concentration levels, if
they choose the thing they're concentrating on. My 8yo will read for hours,
uninterrupted. My 6yo reads for 30min+. Even my 3yo will happily look through
picture books for 15-30min.
Well, if you happen to be a music teacher for kids you see the very poor
concentration levels of the average kid. You also see the progress of it over
time and age. And that nearly every parent is overestimating the skills of
their own kids.
I don't have a problem reading when it is properly paginated like a book or
ebook. But when i read a online article it becomes something else because it
is just a very long scroll of text. Perhaps the one thing the web really need
is a pagination API...
I prefer a long scroll of text. Less distraction. Books are paginated
arbitrarily, and it's quite a large aspect of the experience to be left up to
random chance.
I agree. Having a scrollbar as a percentage completion indicator is a very
nice thing. I can also highlight the text on the page where I was at in the
likely event I get distracted and have to move on to something else. At this
point, I do this out of habit on any article longer than a few paragraphs.
Side note, if your site pops up a stupid SHARE THIS ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER
when someone highlights text, I most likely won't read your articles. I didn't
read this one because Medium does this; SBNation articles do this, too and my
browser now loads custom Javascript on their pages to remove it. It's
distracting and serves no real purpose, except to take me out of my flow of
After posting the initial comment i found a most interesting Firefox
It allows me to single out the main text of a site, and break it into screen
height sized columns. These can then be paged through much like a book.
Seems to make it much easier for me at least to get through a long article
without jumping between paragraphs.
The author makes no considerations about writing for the web. He would hate to
hear that, of course, but there's no way I am going to read that. Well, maybe
if I feed it into a summarization app, maybe. ;)
Since I've started to meditate a few months ago, I really read a lot _more_
than before.. It seems to lessen my need to procrastinate and feelings of
"fear of missing out".
We? I'm pretty sure I've finished four books since February.
What if we're reading less and less today for the same reason we no longer
have town criers or pictograms?
I wanted to read this post, but it was too long and I moved on to something
I read about 2 books per week on the Kindle, more if I have to wait on Trend
Micro (thanks Security!!).
Can someone TLDR this for me?
I would, if I could still read.
why is this grey? Don't people have a sense of humour anymore?
HN is not Reddit. Plenty of people make humorous or entertaining comments, but
distracting joke threads full of obvious one-liners and no real content aren't
generally welcome.
There's actually a really interesting discussion on Quora, I think, about why
they had something along the lines of a no-humor policy.
The problem isn't that people are humorless– it's that when you reward people
for humor (often resulting in puns and pithy one liners), after a while,
people start competing to be as funny as possible– and that's all that ever
rises to the top. It crowds out more deliberate, thoughtful discussion.
I love humor and comedy myself, but it makes sense to me why a discussion
forum might deliberately choose to discourage it.
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Tell HN: Check out my new note taking app, ScribbleJot - unfug
http://www.scribblejot.com<p>I've been playing around with Google App Engine for a few weeks and this is the result. My goal was to design a really simple app for quickly jotting down notes. It uses Markdown so that you can easily style/format your notes.<p>I've got several plans for version 2.0, most notably a dedicated mobile version. Let me know what you guys/gals think.
Hope this is helpful: your front page doesn't tell me why I shouldn't just use
my desktop text editor. (Or 'Stickies' on the Mac.) Why is SJ a better choice?
Clickable Link:
please put in a higher resolution screenshot/screenshot gallery.
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Rogue Wave acquires Zend - mgkimsal
I didn't realize Rogue Wave still existed, since I haven't heard of anything
they've done since their C++ STL implementation that was once popular. Looks
like they've been on a bit of an acquisition spree with about one per year
since 2009.
This probably won't have a huge effect on PHP since it's much less Zend-
dominated than it once was.
I used the Rogue Wave pre-STL C++ libraries.
I developed a poorly-performing NoSQL-like DB library using their BTree,
serializer/deserializer, file-interface, and collection library components.
Records had a primary index (for storage order), multiple indices, arbitrary
binary data payload, arbitrary-sized values in index "columns". It worked
reliably but there were file fragmentation issues and delays during "vacuum"
operations. This was in 1995 / 1996\. I was junior and didn't know enough
about system-level concerns, having come from a more computer-graphics /
algorithms / math background. The company didn't want to shell out for
expensive canned solutions. Our product sold well enough, but I learned a
Me too, at around the same time. Mine was an object storage backend for
desktop applications. It had MFC-style object graph serialisation and, IIRC,
simple indexing. It also had similar performance issues to the ones you
mention. I recall enjoying working on it.
However primitive it looks now, Tools.h++ was ahead of its time back then.
Just having a decent string class (with copy on write) was nice to have.
This is great news for the steadily diminishing population of PHP engineers
who haven't heard of PHP-FPM+Nginx or PHPStorm
Not sure what you're referring to, are you thinking of HHVM? FPM is part of
the standard PHP implementation and uses the Zend engine.
Seems like a bizarre acquisition to me. Where's the overlap in Rogue Wave's
libraries and PHP?
There's good people at Rogue Wave though, and I'm sure they'll be good
stewards whatever the strategy turns out to be.
I really don`t know who is Rogue Wave. But I wish them good luck and hopes
that they heps Zend to achieve new goals, for the sake of php.
Glad Zend open sourced their PHP opcache before this, well that and their PHP7
work too.
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Are you ready for iOS 7? Get flat in 7 days. - jenntoda
Let's hang on for another hour or so and see the thing first, yeah?
There are many conflicting and competing definitions of flat design. It's
generally agreed that Apple will go flat, but nowhere near as flat as Win8 or
even a lot of the web.
Don't worry about anything until you see the keynote. If you want to mesh with
Apple's new visual design, you really can't do anything without _seeing_ said
visual design.
Oh, pish! Why wait when they can make all the sweet, sweet ad money from
Yes! Please follow every design steps Apple make so all apps look like the
other one and individuality has completely disappeared.
Seriously a well thought app is a well thought app, you don't need to go flat
just because it will be the next 6 months crave before textures pops back
I don't get this flat vs. skeuomorphic debate. They're not necessarily
Skeuomorphic doesn't necessarily mean photorealistic. Flat doesn't necessarily
mean white text on bold colors. I believe you can have a design that is both
skeuomorphic _and_ flat, though I don't expect them to do that.
I think it's safe to say Apple will move away from skeuomorphism, but that
doesn't necessarily embrace some pure form of what we've been calling "flat"
Assuming that Apple does go flat, my understanding was that it will be, for
the most part, taken care of for developers. Unless you were already doing a
lot of custom skinning, building for iOS 7 with native widgets should just
"work," no?
Flat is such a ridiculous design fad. Good design implements both flat and
"skeuomorphic" (another word I wish would just go away) elements. Can we stop
running back and forth from one side of the room to the other?
Yes, good design is how it works. We aren't against skeuomorphism and don't
think flat is opposite of it either. In fact there can even be flat
skeumorphism. I think Layervault's post on flat interface design, and Sacha
Grief's flat pixels post are the best out there to read up on what IS flat
design. Or Almost flat design.
design) [http://sachagreif.com/flat-pixels/](http://sachagreif.com/flat-
We will finally be able to jailbreak our iDevices again!
Does having a flat UI allow the apps to scale better between phones and
I'm not in the domain, so this is probably naïve thinking, but it seems to me
it could lend itself that direction.
Considering that many skeuomorphic designs involve a layout which spatially
mimics some particular object. One can't scale that up and down in size to fit
on any screen without also changing the size of the actionable interface areas
(buttons, toggles, and such). And since the controls have their meaning
implied/explained to the user by where they are on the layout of the mimicked
object, rearranging the location of control areas takes away from the meaning
that the mimicry is made to communicate. If the physical object mimicked is
larger than the screen, and the layout and control area sizes must be
preserved, then scrolling the entire view or something like it is needed.
With a flat interface, the actionable control areas can be grouped, for
example by type (do they alter something global, domain related, context-
specific, or only a single item). Membership of a control in a type could be
communicated to the user by something like grouping all the controls of that
type together in a box with a particular background color. Since the scope
meaning of the controls is encoded by which color box they are each in, but
not at all by where in that box they are, nor necessarily what shape that
color box is, nor the box's location relative to any other color boxes which
hold controls of different types, then the color/type boxes can be reshaped
and reflowed to fit many screen sizes while keeping the size of the controls
themselves constant (easy to hit with a finger, or mouse, or whatever).
Edit-addendum: Of course, this line of thinking simplifies skeuomorphic design
too much. Such designs allow for more conceptual or cartoonish representations
of the controls from familiar objects, so that the scaling factor used for any
given control doesn't have to correspond to the scaling factor of other
controls or the overall mimicked object. Still, flat design gets a great deal
of rearrangement of controls for the price of the user learning to associate
the box with color scheme foo as holding things that change the global context
of the app. And the amount a user needs to learn can be smaller still. Even
just using the principle of up-and-to-the-left is more general while down-and-
to-the-right is more specific can give flat designs some structure (enough for
many uses) while allowing a great deal of rescaling of the screen.
iOS7 icons make my eye soar. Seriously... I wish they spent more time with UI
and make whole thing consistent.
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Worse Than China? U.S. Government Wants To Censor Search Engines And Browsers - sdizdar
This article, like the headline, is light on facts and high on sensationalism.
However, the bill (full text available at [1]) does look pretty ugly.
[1] [http://leahy.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/BillText-
We need a new constitution.
The Constitution is fine; the government's habit of ignoring it is the
EDIT: The Constitution is fine; our habit of letting the government ignore it
is the problem.
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French company suing Apple to open iOS to other browsers - pfooti
I would love to see this suit succeed at least a little bit. While I
understand the battery ramifications (and I'm sure other stability / security
issues too) behind Apple's closed-off ecosystem, it is _hugely_ frustrating to
have to develop web applications for iOS.
before the obligatory "web pages should be simple", I'm mostly interested in
web _applications_ rather than pages. I'm a big fan of simple, easy-to-use
pages on the web. But it's also possible to use html5 tech as a platform for
real applications, provided you mostly ignore iOS. Which is frustrating.
Having an open platform would likely lead to a short term fragmentation "page
best viewed in Chrome" and a rapid re-leveling as all browsers end up with
feature parity and then start competing again on battery life and so on.
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Austin Was Destined to Replace Silicon Valley. Then the Pandemic Hit - enraged_camel
Y'all, it would be great if we could avoid the "actually, Austin would never
be able to replace Silicon Valley" takes because they are rarely interesting
or original.
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Ask HN: Can you posit some examples of civil discourse? - ahdroit
I understand this is not a political forum and am not looking for your political opinion rather examples of effective communication.<p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DvmLMUfGss
Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Vietnam and the Intellectuals<p>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_discourse<p>I am aware that:
"Off-Topic: Most stories about politics, or crime, or sports, unless they're evidence of some interesting new phenomenon. Ideological or political battle or talking points."
and also:
"We ban accounts that use Hacker News primarily for political or ideological battle, regardless of which politics they favor. "<p>But would be interested in what makes effective dialog in your opinion.<p>other discussions (Buckley):
https://hn.algolia.com/?query=Chomsky&sort=byPopularity&prefix=false&page=0&dateRange=all&type=story<p>I am not interested in your opinions on the specific speakers or their point of view. Rather examples where each speaker is able to communicate their point of view to the best of their ability within a context that allowed for a dialog.
There are various intellectuals who have recorded debates and lectures on
youtube. It just depends on who you're interested in. If you look up any of
these names on youtube or elsewhere you'll find some interesting and eloquent
discourse (at least it is to me) with considerable political implications:
-Marshall McLuhan (media and communications theory)
-Buckminster Fuller (futurism and socioeconomics)
-Alan Watts (psychology and religion)
-Joseph Campbell (mythology and culture)
-MLK (sociology and human rights)
just wanted to say before this gets lost... all heroes, had not seen all of
these, i think i am also interested in implicit animosity but at the same time
coherent dialog¿? that said whom ever you are i lov u. in the truest sense of
the world.
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Godot Engine Awarded $50k by Mozilla Open Source Support Program - wyldfire
This is heartening news especially in the wake of the licensing that Unity and
Unreal have rolled out in recent years. Sure, the terms aren't too onerous,
but it's always great to have at least one truly open source foundation in
your corner.
Interesting that Phaser was also a recent recipient of a Mozilla grant. Even
though it targets a completely different developer audience, it's cool to see
Mozilla take game making seriously.
If you want to dabble with prototyping games, Godot is the way to go in my
I've played with Unity and Unreal a bit, each with their own pros and cons,
but for me Godot is the one I found most intuitive and easy to test new ideas
with. Worth checking out.
Thanks for the tip. Did you have a chance to compare with gamemaker?
Godot doesn't enforce any structure like game maker does. Additionally Godots
default language (Gdscript) is awesome and intuitive, whereas gml doesn't
really feel like a real language (argument0-15. Come on)
>Additionally Godots default language (Gdscript) is awesome and intuitive,
whereas gml doesn't really feel like a real language (argument0-15. Come on)
I agree with the comparison to GML, but whether one finds Gdscript intuitive
depends on one's existing background. I personally found it frustrating
because I was used to C/C++, but with time I can see getting used to it. It's
not a _bad_ language by any means.
Also, both Game Maker and Godot share the problem of their scripting language
being essentially a form of lock-in, since no one is going to use Gdscript
anywhere else, and any code you write it in is no longer portable. Also, they
use their own shader script rather than GLSL, which means your shaders aren't
portable either.
Godot can support different languages (unlike Unity or Game Maker), but IIRC
that requires recompiling the engine and may break the editor.
from Godot's documentation:
>Finally, one of our brightest additions for the 3.0 release: GDNative allows
scripting in C++ without needing to recompile (or even restart) Godot.
Given that Unreal only now added such support via [https://molecular-
matters.com/products_livepp.html) partnership, I wonder how Godot is actually
doing it.
Nice one! Such a great project.
Every time I go and have a play with Godot my mind is blown that the whole
program is a single ~45MB executable.
Godot approach to game development with nodes is superior to other solutions
I think the biggest blocker for wider adoption is 3D performance and Inverse
Kinematics now. Without it, nobody will ever produce high profile game on
Yes, if you come from Unity like me you will find Godot amazingly intuitive
and clean compared to Unity. No more weird workflow, no more prefab. Just
nodes in a tree and scenes.
With Unity you have many features, a big asset store that allows you to very
quickly prototype, the render engine is powerful, but the architecture &
organization is just a massive mess. It's really the kind of editor were you
can do everything because the dev added all the popular shiny features to make
fancy trailers but nothing is planned & well organized, all features are just
put one of top of another with no coherence.
Not only the the architecture feels complicated but the editor itself is super
heavy : mandatory Email & account, installation size of several GBs, etc.
Godot has less tools and the asset store has almost nothing on it right now.
The current render engine is not powerful but it is temporary, everything will
get re-written with Vulkan to be on par with other engines.
While it has not as many features as Unity, the foundations of Godot are
really solid & clean, I think this will be a huge advantage on the long term
> _The WP also includes work to make the editor work on mobile browsers, such
> as touch screen gestures, responsive UI, etc. This should also make it
> possible for us to port the editor to Android and iOS natively to tweak your
> projects on the go._
That sounds very ambitious, UI and UX wise. Wonder how that will turn out in
Used Godot 3.1 for a game project recently, really surprised at how good it
FWIW, there's a semi-official Godot-SpatialOS integration by an Improbable
engineer: [https://improbable.io/blog/godot-spatialos-and-engine-
So happy for these guys. Met them at GDC 2019 and their project is wondeba!
I was thinking "why not use bgfx?", thankfully it's already been discussed:
However, the arguments against bgfx seem to amount to "I want to do it
myself", a classic "not invented here" issue.
EDIT: found this too [https://godotengine.org/article/godot-3-renderer-design-
> Added to that fact, Vulkan still has years to go until it's properly
> supported in most desktop and mobile platforms, which makes it unattractive
> to implement for us (as it means considerably more effort to write, debug
> and maintain).
And then they're talking about the Vulkan PI in TFA which probably won't be
ready for some time too...
> However, the arguments against bgfx seem to amount to "I want to do it
> myself", a classic "not invented here" issue.
I disagree. It has been 9 months since that post. bgfx still does not list
support for Vulkan. They already implemented DX12 and Metal. They still claim
support for Windows XP and Vista. Godot says it will get Vulkan support in 3.2
which comes out in a few months. Otherwise they would have to wait and work on
bgfx to get it working. DX9, XP, Vista, feels like a lot of baggage for what
Godot is right now. A very quick and easy to use game editor that easily
deploys on both Win and Linux.
Also, your edit links to a pretty outdated article (2017).
See Godot's about face on Vulkan here:
> Vulkan was always a tempting alternative to solve them and to ensure we are
> much safer from driver bugs (after all, this is what the API was intended
> for). Still, the lack of support on macOS made it unappealing. Having to
> write a Metal backend to support this OS is a lot of effort for a platform
> not used very much.
> in a completely unexpected turn of events, it seems Valve has found an
> arrangement with the developers of MoltenVK (the commercial and proprietary
> Vulkan over Metal wrapper), ported Dota 2 to it, and got it open sourced.
> It seems to be a mostly complete Vulkan implementation that runs on macOS
> and iOS. This pretty much lifts the only barrier we had for moving Godot to
> it.
Fantastic - whilst I need to run before I can walk with the dev I'm doing with
it, increasing the focus on multiplayer work using web tech should make it
easier to achieve some of the ideas that have been laying in notebooks for
Congrats to the team!
This is great news. I recently just found out about this and have tried a few
things with ease. I can see this going as the standard game Deb for open
source if you don't want to or are unable to create your own engine /
Godot is my game engine of choice. As a patron, I am now in very good company.
Godot is growing to be quite interesting. Hopefully they'll implement well
parallelized Vulkan support in some near future.
It's coming up.
Yes, but hard to say how soon it will be implemented.
Late reply here, but in a recent post Juan said that he would begin working on
the Vulkan port in May.
features) (at the bottom)
In the post I previously linked he said he expected the port to take a "couple
of months", so we could expect it in any release made in the 3rd or 4th
quarter this year, maybe as early as July?
Godot is great and im glad they secured some funds they will put to good use.
Right minds in the right place
Great news! Love the PROJECT <3
Godot is ABSOLUTELY great, especially if you are a python developer! Thank
Godot is a very impressive project.
| {
"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Tim Cook Says Apple Is 'Very Committed' to the Mac and to 'Stay Tuned' - doener
Assuming this email is authentic, I think Cook is hinting that rumors of an
October announcement are too optimistic. (I hope I'm wrong, because I'm
impatiently waiting to purchase a new MacBook Pro.)
Actions speak louder than words. If Apple were that committed to Mac, then it
wouldn't be 3 years since new mbps were released.
Huh? There were updates to the MacBook Pro in March and May of 2015. Are you
talking about the fact that the quad-core models are still using Haswell
| {
"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
1Password and the Case of the XARA Bandit - mnem
Link is broken for me. Two seemingly related blog entries from Agile Bits:
Discussion of the vulnerability —
Version of 1Password with increased security:
| {
"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Why cheap customers cost more - sgdesign
For Appointment Reminder, approximate per-account customer support incidents
per month. I've taken the liberty of scaling them to X, where X represents the
number for the highest publicly available account plan.
Personal ($9): 7X
Professional ($29): 4X
Small Business ($79): 3X
Office ($199): X
The character of the questions is also different at the various plan levels.
Most common question for Office: "What's the timeframe on integrating this
with ..." followed by "Our $TITLE would like a report saying $NEEDS, can you
make that happen?" Most common question for Personal: "How do I schedule
appointments?" followed by "The system is working exactly the way it says it
does on the screen. Can you please tell me why that is happening? I thought it
would work in a way completely opposite to the way described on the screen. It
would be convenient if you could fix that. No, I didn't read the 'If you want
this to work in the opposite fashion...' text on the screen to change that
setting, I have more important things to do than worry about computers."
Your mileage may vary. If I were doing the math based on phone calls waking me
up in the middle of the night, the numbers get skewed due to one pathological
customer in the $29 bucket, who has literally called me more than every other
customer combined.
P.S. I have fairly exact privileged information regarding this question at a
handful of companies and anecdotal evidence from dozens of my software
buddies. It is our universal experience that the support load for cheap/free
customers crushes the support load for the higher plans, both on an absolute
and per-customer basis.
But I bet you have many more $9 and $29 than $199 customers?
I'm sure the equation still favors your theory, but I'm also sure by a lower
number than what you'd like readers to believe.
For Appointment Reminder, approximate _per-account customer_ support incidents
per month. I've taken the liberty of scaling them to X, where X represents the
number for the highest publicly available account plan.
you are certainly right with your scale, but i guess zobzu's point is, that
your non-support costs (say: development) is mostly paid by your 9$ and 29$
customers (in absolute terms).
so you cannot just get rid of every customer but your high paying ones.
Good point. Of course it's possible that 7X is a cost that cancels out the
revenue from those customers, in which case it would be better not to offer
the option, but as long as it's not, it's still profitable to offer the plan.
Depending on the ratios, the cheap customer bracket could even be more
profitable (in absolute terms, as you say). You just have to build the extra
support cost into your pricing.
$9 customer - $5 support = $4 per many customers
$199 customer - $1 support = $198 per few customers
I share the view, however:
> So it’s not that cheap people require more support. It’s that people who
> require more support are more likely to make their decision based on price
> alone.
What evidence is there of this? Surely if you have a plan for $10, $50 and
$100 you're going to have more customers at the $10 price point simply because
it's so cheap and therefore more support will go to people at that price
point. Has anyone even actually released any sort of statistical analysis of
price points and support taking into account the pricing, total customers and
the amount they use the product?
Also who the price point is aimed at matters. For example if your product has
a $10 price plan aimed at individuals and a $50 price plan aimed at businesses
you could see the $10 price plan requiring more support (on average) simply
because the personal users use the product more actively, not because they're
paying less. I as a customer won't pay $50/m if your $10/m plan suits my
I don't have evidence, sorry. It's just something I've heard repeated often by
many different people. Maybe Patio11 can chime in?
I think the gist of the post is intriguing but I felt that there were too many
of these seemingly thin-air sourced assertions for me to take it without a
grain of salt. I think a lot of the stuff could be true and it makes sense to
me, but my intuition on such complex topics as human behavior is frequently
wrong, so I don't trust it w/o supporting evidence. :)
You should definitely take it with a grain of salt! I'm not so much saying
"this is the way it is", as "this is the way it could be".
I remember reading somewhere about a theory that people who pay more for a
service end up committing more time and energy into learning it, because it
seems more important to them.
If you signed up for a $50/mo service, you would probably feel pretty special
about it and possibly spend a few hours learning. If you paid $5/mo you would
probably skip through all the documentation as fast as possible, race into
trying something out, and upon encountering a problem would probably fire off
a support request without searching (hey you're a paying customer now, right?)
Of course none of the above is terribly scientific.. but I thought it post-
worthy anyway.
My take on this was actually that many high end customers
1\. Trial / buy at the lowest possible price point
2\. Ask lots of annoying questions
3\. Master the system
4\. (finally) move to a higher price bracket
5\. Understand the system and stop hassling support.
Perhaps it would be worth correlating support requests with the age of the
account and seeing if that was a better predictor of support burden than the
price plan.
It is the opposite of the truth that high-end customers start at the cheapest
plan and move up. High-end customers start at the most expensive plan and stay
forever. They will frequently not downgrade even if they have a multi-month
dry spell in using the software because e.g. $250 a month is not a meaningful
amount of money for them.
Free accounts upgrade to premium accounts essentially never. (1% ~ 2% is quite
common.) Cheapo-plans upgrade to higher plans very, very rarely. For
Appointment Reminder, I've had _one_ person ever transition from Personal ($9)
to something higher and then actually pay for a month of it.
This is fair, but it's worth pointing out that freenium-type plans _can_ be
designed to optimize for the upgrade.
For example, I'd imagine the Dropbox upgrade rate is much higher than for
other apps because people will naturally grow into needing it.
Sure, but with Dropbox you aren't getting additional functionality - you're
just getting more of the same.
Yeah, but that is because of deliberate choices on their part.
An alternative product model for Dropbox would be to partition the product on
one or more features. Something like the ability to share files is an obvious
choice, as is things like selective sync.
In retrospect it seems obvious to give all the features to everyone, give away
a base level of storage and sell storage upgrades.
Before anyone says _who'd be stupid enough to sell backup software any other
way_ look at things like Norton Backup[1], where the license is limited on
both the number of computers you can install it on _and_ the size of online
storage available.
Good ideas often are obvious in retrospect...
The "dummy" concept is really interesting. It dwells in "information
asymmetry"; markets where sellers know more than buyers tend to not function
properly (shameless plug: I have written about this here
Now, what can a given small company do about it? I think the two opposite
strategies of trying to "drive away dummies" or "embrace them" are valid; what
isn't as effective is trying to serve both dummies and experts by offering
plans with wildly different pricing.
You probably need to make a choice: choose a positioning in either the
"dummies" or "expert" space and serve only this population.
Funny, I thought about illustrating the post with 30 Rock's Liz Lemon (as a
famous "dummy") but thought people wouldn't get the reference.
But after reading about this "Lemon Effect", I'm starting to think maybe her
name is not a coincidence…
Going above and beyond on end user self-service support helps.
1\. Mouseover help on every input field
2\. Searchable help system with screen captures, it has to be comprehensive.
3\. Video help, Camtasia style walk throughs.
Your users are not dummies. They need support, on the feature they are using,
when they are using it. You can either provide that support self-service or
you can provide it via email/phone. One is far easier for the user (self-
service) and the other is much harder on you (answer emails on how to use
basic functionality).
I ran a free crm system for about 10 years, it took refining how each feature
worked and creating all of the different ways of self-service support but I
was able to get technical support down to 1 question per week. That was with
about 1,200 unique daily users... users who would be in the system all day
because they had all of their calendars, files, contacts, and other things
online in the system. They didn't want to wait for support, they wanted the
answer right away and I made sure they could get it without contacting me.
Average Joe user, he looks at this and is just guessing:
I see a support link but I bet that link goes to a generic support page and
not support for that page in particular. So now the user has to jump through
hoops to find support and might give up.
The user needs to understand the the benefit (of each admin page), what the
page is doing, some ideas of how to read the data, and get the most out of it.
There can be no assumptions that the user knows anything... they are going to
have to be taught and you want that done by self-learning.
The user signed up because of the top 1/3rd of the homepage with the marketing
talk. Just because they sign up doesn't mean they fully understand the system,
how to use it, and how to dig deep into each page and get the benefits.
Can I ask how you made money if the CRM was free?
Sadly I was great at making things easy to use, I was great at making new
features, I had no problems getting into things like Twiistup and being
nominated for the Webware 100, etc... but making money I am not good at. For
example I had a two year head start on Basecamp and they are living high on
the hog and I am just barely living :) I had to just abandon the crm (I just
cut off the signups but all of the old users are on it still using it) and I
am going in a new direction.
Have you tried simply charging for it ? Put in a pricing grid with the
corresponding app restrictions. Of course, grandfather in all existing user to
a free tier with a generous grace period. The free tier may or may not
accessible to new signups. Call it the "end of beta".
Seriously, try it. You obviously are providing value to users. I'd love to
hear from you on how it goes.
I have been thinking about making everything super encrypted and charging $100
a month. I have had a number of defense contractors come and try it but not
use it because I could see their data. Then I wouldn't need to upgrade the
interface which is a bit aged. But I am burned out right now, maybe in 6
months. The current users, I hit them up for some donations but I attracted
people who don't really want to pay.
With the masses of metrics being collected in all the lean startups, it would
be spiffy if this assertion could be supported by something other than rampant
This might feel true because a small number of customers generate the most
support calls and the majority of customers are expected to be on the cheapest
plans so you'd expect an overlap.
One of the fascinating parts of true startups for many people is that there
aren't concrete definitive answers. Rampant speculation is a fun exercise that
can lead you to discoveries that you never would have found if you didn't
start down that path. Embrace the rampant.
_Embrace the rampant_
But be very careful of doing so in public lest you fall foul of indecency
This is just a sympton of the real problem. A fair amount of startups (and
other small businesses) don't have a clue about who their average customer is.
They go and build their MVP without ever thinking about how the sell the darn
thing. After the code is written they set out to find someone who will pay for
their product.
This just leads to them creating some ridiculous pricing schemes that will
never prove to be sustainable. They think this is some sort of loss-leader
strategy, but its not. Loss-leaders must actually turn a profit to be
considered as such. Add in the highly used but seldomnly tested freemium
model, and what you get is a bunch of people who are great at writing code,
but are pretty bad at selling.
And how can you improve your selling skills if you don't even know who you are
selling to?
Now, Sacha does make a good point. Cheap people are a pain in the behind to
deal with. They have an overgrown sense of entitlement, most of the time they
are rude, and will nickel and dime you till death. But you know whose fault is
that? Yours. You did not do your homework. Cheap people are a market, and they
are profitable if you know how to work them. The minute you offer them
support, the minute they will treat you like their personal punching bag.
Pricing yourself out of the "cheap zone" is the best strategy you can have if
your product is not aimed at them.
I would not call these people dummies either. They are smart. In fact, they
will argue and nitpick every little technical detail so much that it will
leave you thinking if you are the dummy. These people know their stuff. For
them this is not only a game but a way of life. You cannot educate them. They
will not listen. Anything you do will seem like an attempt to raise your
prices. How do they react? They double their complaining. Trying to model
their behaviour will drive you crazy.
One company that went through this is Pep Boys. They had an offer for a free
oil change with any other service. Cheap people started taking their busted
old cars to them. The cheap-o's would buy the lowest priced service that would
give them the free oil change. Then come back to complain about unrelated
problems. They would even go as far as suing Pep Boys for damages not related
to the services performed. But small claims courts always sided with the poor
abused customer. Cheap-o's actually made money on this. Go figure. After years
of this, Pep Boys finally saw the light and discontinued the practice. But it
doesn't stop there. What did cheap-o's do? They complained to corporate HQ
about the change.
Another point Sacha makes is that people who pay more ask for less support. Do
you know why? Because they are your target customer. They ask for less support
because they need the product, and trust you. They know that if something goes
wrong you will be there to fix it. They show their trust in you by paying
more. Its so simple. They also use your product as intended. And because your
prodcut worked, no complaints arised.
When people give you money they are not only buying the product, but they are
placing their trust on you. Cheap-o's don't trust anybody. So they complain
until they get their moneys worth (in the mind). Your target customer will be
glad everything worked out, and will just be silently happy.
I'm going to copy and paste part of the conclusion to make a point.
_No matter which strategy you choose, remember to consider the impact pricing
will have on your customer base and your support costs. For example, a good
strategy might be to start off with high prices, and then only lower them once
you’re ready to scale your support infrastructure._
I'm sorry Sacha, but you cannot start with high prices and then lower them.
You start with fair prices and then raise them. If your support infrastructure
requires higher costs, but your target customer cannot afford it, then the
problem began when you chose to build your product. You need to figure out the
costs of scaling before even starting. No need to be precise either, you can
just make an estimate. Just make sure to err on the high side.
I would also say that pricing does not impact the customer base. It is the
other way around. The customer base (or your average customer) is the key
metric to set the price. Not your costs, but the customers. Companies in the
make-up industry know this. Most of the makeup out there is made by the same
companies. The big difference is the customer they target. You can pick the
same basic product from two different brands, and the prices will be very
different. In some cases even downright insulting. What does a $200 lipstick
have that a $10 one does not? A customer that will pay the price.
Sacha, good call on getting this point out in the open. This stuff needs to be
discussed more by startups and hackers.
> What does a $200 lipstick have that a $10 one does not?
A friend of mine used to work in a cosmetics factory and explained that the
main difference between a cheap and an expensive lipstick is that the
expensive version makes a satisfying click when you put the lid on.
Yes, that is true. Not only the click, but the mechanism to bring out the
actual lipstick usually requires more effort.
"I think cheap plans disproportionately attract a special category of users:
I don't think they are "dummies".
They are simply less invested in your venture than the higher paying
individuals, and thus read less of your FAQ and spend less time getting to
know your website before making a purchase.
I run a SaaS, just lowered the minimum payment to $5 the other day, noticed a
large influx of questions to my inbox as a result, and deduced the above.
Somebody who comes along and deposits $100 into my service has probably been
reading the FAQ for a few days, using my free trial, and really getting
into/really liking my website and service.
The person who comes along, see's "backlinks for $5!" and immediately makes
the payment without using the free trial obviously doesn't know or care as
much about my website as much as the guy who just deposited $100.
Most every question I receive to my inbox is from a non paying customer or
somebody who has deposited $5.
It's annoying, but I think it's a necessity for my business. Sales have gone
up across the board and it's not a bad tradeoff if you ask me.
$5 customers do turn into $100 ones eventually.
"Cheap" is really a values judgment by the author - a business should consider
every customer valuable. If the customer is 'cheap' for the amount of
effort/support, then the product/service is priced too low.
If competing on price, support should reflect the model, i.e. self-serve
Especially for digital products/services which have essentially zero marginal
cost, the customer is really paying for your time.
If customers are overloading support channels, it probably means the product
is priced too low and the price curve should be accordingly adjusted to lower
the number of paying customers while maintaining profits.
Of course, the product/service can have an artificially low price point to
encourage eventual upsell/cross-selling opportunities, but all the more reason
to have a measured funnel before losing most of your time to support.
Good points. But what I meant by "cheap" is "customers who choose the lowest
price point", not "customers who have less value".
Although it seems uncommon, it's very possible that the lowest price point
would also be the most profitable. So "paying less" != "less valuable".
The "dummies" reasoning seems pretty sound. But I've got two comments on the
"costs" which have to be factored in to the "total cost" and decide whether
"cheap customers really do cost more":
1) Costs should really be calculated relative to your margins. I.e. I would
hazard a guess (due to economies of scale) your cheapest price plan would have
higher margins than your larger price plans.
2) The actual cost of support issues - I've found (running xp-dev.com, which
mind you, should really not have that many "dummies") that while the cheapest
customers do submit more support requests, these requests tend to take much
quicker in resolving, than say the larger customers.
So, I think its not as easy as saying "Cheap customers cost more". I think its
better to say "cheap customers request more support"
Just a thought ...
I'm sure it has something to do with the types of services that might be
offered for free as well. Higher priced services are generally more in the
domain of business customers who are likely to appreciate how much work goes
into a quality product or service.
Free services may apply to either, but you're going to also get customers who
are not really in business yet and they may have unrealistic expectations. I
think of myself when I was younger and I thought of all companies as faceless
corporations, rather than actual people just trying to provide a good service.
Chinese menus should only be offered when you are trying to further segment
your core market, not to try and create a market.
A significant issue for companies is not identifying the true costs of serving
specific types of customers. Those that require many additional resources
(that you are not charging for), particularly for a SAAS product, should be
respectfully cut. Sometimes it is cheaper to not serve a client and not have
some revenue come in than to serve those that are resource sucks and pull your
time/focus away from your primary market.
It's a pretty decent article but:
> Now being a dummy is not the same thing as being dumb.
I think if I had found myself about to write the sentence above I would try to
find a better adjective and not post something this silly.
That's not a very constructive comment. What's silly about it?
<http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dummy>: "Origin of DUMMY 1dumb +
4-y First Known Use: 1598"
(GP is right, the phrase is clunky and distracts the reader.)
Huh. My experience is the opposite. I mean, the smallest plan gets a lot of
questions, but that is because, with the default install I give you, it just
doesn't work very well (which is why I make ordering it... harder. I guess it
was kinda a joke, mostly 'cause I like the feel of the five dollar price
point; irrational, but it ended up working out quite well[1]) My second
smallest plan (that's all of a dollar more with twice the ram) is pretty
quiet, as are the 256 and 512 plans.
Really, I think it's a matter of setting expectations, and then sticking to
your guns when people want more support than you are selling. "If the service
is unsuitable for your needs, I can cancel your account and give you your last
month's payment back" - most people, especially on the low end, seem to find
this attitude acceptable.
It's really important, I think, to make sure that you don't treat your
difficult customers better than your easy customers... I don't think I'm 100%
on this yet, but I think it's super important. You choose your customers; if
you give better service to people that are hard to deal with than the quiet
easy customers, what sort of customer do you think you will end up with?
That's one of the reasons I'm really generous with the 'if you want to no
longer be my customer, I can give you back your last month' - I also try
really hard in the case of outages that if I give anyone a credit, I give all
effected customers credit.
I find that the smaller customers are much more accepting of my "I handle the
(virtual) hardware, you handle beyond that" support model; usually it's the
higher dollar customers that keep coming back wanting me to tune their apache
config or re-install the os. I mean, they can do all those things (at least if
they could do all those things on a dedicated server with a boot-cd in the cd-
rom drive.)
The larger customers are also (quite rightly, I think) far more likely to make
noise when disk I/O is suboptimal. I mean, to be fair, it is a problem. (I do
not know if it's a worse problem with me than with other providers; I doubt
it. We're all using pretty similar hardware. I do know that it is a big
problem with shared 7200rpm disk in general. Disk shares poorly.) But the
smaller dollar customers? they don't complain nearly as often as my high
dollar customers; if you are using it as a shell replacement, a little disk
latency just isn't that big of a deal; I mean, ram is cheap enough that a
whole lot of stuff can be stuck in pagecache, and that's way faster than the
fastest disk. But if you are running a fifty gigabyte MySQL database that is
under heavy use? well, perhaps a virtual environment is not the best place to
put it.
I also have a much higher margin (cost of goods sold, anyhow) on the small
guests; I charge $1 per 64MiB ram plus $4/account/month, so the total cost per
megabyte drops pretty sharply with volume. When I started, my under $10 VPSs
were unbeatable deals; at this point, my cost per megabyte ram is still pretty
competitive for my larger guests, but I'm getting overtaken on the low end, so
I think it's time for me to drop prices and/or increase resources on the small
guests. I'm not sure what I'll do with that yet, but I do know I need to do
something. I feel like that used to be /my/ market and I want it back.
i guess you make it pretty clear that you only serve people who know their
stuff in your cheap offerings. that is a different audience than a "send email
cards" audience would be.
well, yeah; I'm going for people that know how to use the product I'm selling,
and that understand the line I'm drawing between what I handle and what they
Without that strong line between my responsibility and yours, every support
question becomes a negotiation; finding people that are both good at
negotiation and good technically is extremely difficult, at least without
spending just gobs of money.
But the important bit, I think, is that I'm concisely explaining "my product
does X" to a certain group, then I'm attempting to exclusively market to that
group. I don't know how you would do that with a email card sending service,
but I bet that if you figured out how to do that, the "concisely explain to a
certain group what exactly your product does and does not do, then market
exclusively to that group" process would lower support costs, by reducing the
number of people expecting non-standard services.
Woah. I stopped reading at "Patrick McKenzie’s podcast" (but Instapaper'd for
later, promise). I had no idea, but am thrilled and off to iTunes...
I have not organized myself to getting it into iTunes yet, but I think you can
import <http://www.kalzumeus.com/category/podcasts/feed/> and that will work.
(Worked for me, but can't read you the buttons you have to push since they're
in Japanese. Alt-A, P, copy/paste?)
In iTunes, just click the Advanced menu, click Subscribe to Podcast, and paste
the RSS feed url into the box.
Perfect, thanks!!
How about not including support for the cheapest price plan?
The reason that the ones who make their decisions based on price alone require
more support isn't always due to the fact that they're dummies. The article
doesn't really give too clear a definition of support here. It can mean honest
to goodness help required or it could mean complaints and demands (often
veiled as questions). People who pay the least simply don't value the product
as much. They're not willing to put in the time required to learn how to
really work it and they're always the first to complain that the one feature
just out of their chosen plan should be included.
Their lack of perceived value for the service isn't always attributable to
price alone either. The fact that they chose the cheapest usually means that
they're either just plain cheap or they don't understand how valuable what
they're getting is to begin with which leads to the, acting like dummies and
being demanding. Now, when I say value in this case I don't mean money. I'm
talking about their perception of how useful the product theyre getting is.
Besides that minor clarification I totally back this up. The higher priced
item will always have more features and attract people who know the value of
those features because they're already educated about their benefits most
likely because they've used similar solutions before.
That may be true as well, but I feel like it's easy to resort to blaming the
customer as "cheap" or "demanding". Again this is all speculation, but I think
the fact someone is ready to pay for your product _at all_ already means they
value it a lot.
> when you offer multiple plans for a service, the cheapest plan’s customers
> tends to require the most support.
True in my experience.
> So it’s not that cheap people require more support. It’s that people who
> require more support are more likely to make their decision based on price
> alone.
The reason is simple. Cheapest plans attract people who are just starting out
and don't know what they are doing.
And in turn those plans attract them because they don't _require_ the greater
X or Y or Z of the more expensive plans. They're not at that point yet.
> The reason is simple. Cheapest plans attract people who are just starting
> out and don't know what they are doing.
This sounds like you are agreeing, not disagreeing.
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Joe the office mate - abecedarius
> Joe wrote amazingly simple programs and he did so in a peculiar way. First
> he wrote down the program any old way just to get it out of his head. Then
> once it worked he would then immediately create a new directory program2 and
> write it again. He would repeat this process five or six times (program5,
> program6, ...) and each time he would understand the problem a little better
> and sense which parts of the program were essential enough to re-type. He
> thought this was the most natural thing in the world: of course you throw
> away the first few implementations, you didn't understand the problem when
> you wrote those!
I thought I was the only one who did that.
Good code isn't written, it's re-written.
It is scary when something "works the first time", because it probably
There's different ways to re-write though. I tend to assume I couldn't come up
with the right design if I tried. So I will leave my naive implementation in
place until USE shows me a bug or a new feature and then that IMPLEMENTATION
shows me where my architecture is clunky, and how to fix the original thing.
Over time, everything important gets a full rewrite or four, but only piece by
Generally I assume in an implementation vacuum the long term spec isn't even
well defined so I would never just rewrite something immediately.
Sometimes if a module proves difficult to amend I will start over from
scratch. But usually by then I have tests and use cases I am confident in.
I love the idea of people doing these rewrite series though... not trying to
be evangelical. Just describing a different kind of rewrite.
Back when rocks were young, one of my hobbies was writing assemblers because
the ones available were generally terrible. My first few attempts were pretty
bad. The fifth or sixth assembler that I wrote was commercial quality; it was
fast, had macros, supported most of the different microprocessors that our
platform had, and became widely used. It's been forked and is still in active
development today, 35 years later. I'm still proud of it.
But those first efforts were indeed awful, and those were preceded by even
more false starts; it took 2-3 years of iteration [not full time!] to get to
something that was good.
(Simple assemblers are, well, simple. But if you're in an industry where it's
common to write a _ton_ of assembly -- like the early gaming industry was --
you start gauging assemblers by the creature comforts they provide, such as a
decent macro capability, cross-reference and listing support, performance, and
support for chip manufacturer assembly syntax).
I've been trying to build a web-based IDE for more than 10 years. The first
one was a PHP script that had write access to change the files in its own
I've started over completely, at least 6 times, trying entire new languages,
entire new feature sets, entire new hosting paradigms.
Each time I try again, I get closer to something professional. Each time the
hacks get a little too messy and realize I'm out of my depth.
But lately less and less changes with each rewrite. I am able to pull entire
chunks of code in from a previous iteration and have them work well, with
little modification.
The process of writing software that's beyond one's ability is fascinating.
A little selfish of me, but I'm very sad I never got to meet him. Programming
is in a rather unique state where most of the foundational people are kept
alive in living memory. There's people who can recount working with Dijkstra,
or Dennis Richie or Joe Armstrong. Heck, there's probably some people who can
remember Von Neumann (Peter Lax?). I really hope we can keep these memories
alive. There's nothing really comparable for other fields. Nobody alive today
can remember working with Gauss or Riemann.
This may be a gross exaggeration, but I believe we'll look back on programming
during the mid to late 20th century like we do for physics in the early to mid
20th century. We'll marvel at the amount of talent alive at the same time.
TIL Dijkstra died in 2002. I don't know why, but I always thought he was much
older than that!
Probably because he's cited with the frequency, authority, and timelessness of
any major philosopher.
It's amusing to note that Dijkstra's most famous quote is something he never
Dijkstra submitted a letter to the editor of the Communications of the
Association for Computing Machinery (CACM) that he titled "A Case Against the
Goto Statement".
Niklaus Wirth was editor of CACM at the time, and he changed the title to the
infamous "Go To Statement Considered Harmful".
Here's the story in Dijkstra's own hand (scroll to the last page of the PDF):
This is a good reminder that when you read an article with a clickbaity title,
don't blame the author, blame the editor.
One thing I've thought about a lot when people like Joe pass away is that it's
somewhat sad that they never are able to receive all the appreciation people
give after they are gone.
In a parallel culture timeline it is easy to imagine the announcement of
someone soon to die (when possible of course), and all these kind words of
appreciation from strangers being passed on to the one dying. On the other
hand, I guess that the time is better spent with close family, but regardless,
I hope that he somewhat understood his importance to so many people all over
the world.
This seemed to happen with Gord Downie of the Canadian band The Tragically
Hip. He was given a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer, but had the energy for
a cross-Canada tour a few months later. He was much loved across the country,
and though the band’s arena-sellout days were mostly behind them, they blew
the doors off with sold out shows at the country’s top venues, culminating in
a nationally-televised concert. I’ve always marveled that he got the chance to
have this touching denouement to his career, and I’m glad he did. And I’m very
thankful that I managed to see them in Vancouver.
Similar thing happened to Wilko Johnson, guitar player in Dr. Feelgood and
actor in Game of Thrones. But in the end he surprisingly ended up surviving
his terminal cancer, thanks to his doctors.
I can’t say I’ve ever seen someone use an issue tracker as a blog before, but
it does make sorting the posts dead easy.
I wish he would of called it an e-zine. Then "Issues" would match the use
case... Bring e-zines back dang it! _raises wrinkly millennial fist_
A fun side effect of his approach is you can see people who forked off the
idea, there's at least two people blogging using this format as well:
I hope when I die I'll be worthy enough to ascend to whatever is the
programmer Valhalla and I'll see Joe there, amongst the other greats.
I have never written a line of Enlang, but as I've seen the advantages of
loading binaries at run-time as swappable components I get an inkling of the
beauty of the idea. It's not near so easy in C# as it appears to be in Erlang.
Also, I nominate the name of programmer Valhalla to be called "Greenfield."
If anyone related to Joe has access to his home directory and knows someone
managing his estate who could grant a copyright release, I'd be interested in
adding it to the Internet Archive (out of respect). Email in profile.
I’d be very cautious as to what from my home directory I’d be ok with going
online, even after I died. Much of the material might still have relevance to
others, and they might not want it published…
> _Joe 's home directory was a treasure trove of new and old ideas…This was
> all openly shared over NFS and exciting to explore._
Agreed but I suspect that this home directory as exposed on the NFS might be
Sounds a lot like the stories I've heard about other software legends, or any
kind of legends really. Sadly there aren't many places left with enough margin
for creativity, it needs space and comes without guarantees.
I've only seen glimpses of this great man from his conference talks on
YouTube, but he came across as a very intelligent, relatable and humble
It's a great loss.
I can't believe he died. What a loss.
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Brand/Marketing Advice Available - Reformed Ad Guy - tdslj
Creative Director for top-5 global digital ad agency based in SF offering marketing advice to startups. First session is free. If you like what you get, we can discuss how to take things from there. My background: First, ten years of traditional, madison avenue type agencies in the USA, Netherlands and UK. Now deeply involved in digital, social and mobile marketing for Very Big Brands that you have heard of.<p>I have to be coy as I have a day job. But if this ends up being interesting, I might just leave it.<p>To be clear, I have little to no Valley experience. I don't know any VC's. But I'm smart,I've created and planned brand launches and ad campaign for beers, cars, shoes, software and even razor blades for chrissakes. I'm brand-literate and I get technology. (most of it at least. I still can't figure out what Hadoop is)<p>Interested parties should reach out to @reformedadguy
Im interested. I reached out to you via twitter.
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How to Design and Persist Aggregates – Domain-Driven Design with TypeScript - stemmlerjs
Not related to the article (which is great), but I love the site design. OP
should look into making this a Gatsby Theme.
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HN Being Fair - unimpressive
To be fair, "to be fair" is a common phrase that many of us use in face-to-
face conversation
It is, I just find these little quirks in language fascinating.
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Have an idea for an IPhone Game, Looking for other developers - dottertrotter
If anyone has some experience in IPhone development and has some spare time, I have an idea for a game that takes advantage of the IPhone's unique user controls and should be fairly simple to build.<p>I am a developer, but have no experience in the apple world so I am looking to work to with someone on my first app.<p>For the game I can provide the idea, the art, and programming.<p>If you are interested, my email address is bradleyt.marsh at gmail.<p>I will of course provide a much more complete outline of the game to those that are interested.
Well we do have engineering resources on iphone, and have been doing iphone
app dev for quite some time. Here's what we've done and issues we're having:
Check out our site for more info: www.BokanTech.com/iphone/
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Google to dumb down Android search to escape Apple's patent - vibrunazo
I, disagree with Apple's stance on this issue, but at the same time I would be
interested in hearing a valid argument for the continuous stream of comments
around the web that essentially say: "Apple is destroying innovation through
its Android lawsuits." This is, as far as any rational argument is concerned,
Innovation refers to the process by which something is rendered more effective
by changing or being different. If we accept this definition, Apple is driving
innovation through its aggressive pursuit of its patents. They are forcing
competitors to do things different, to change, in order to compete. That's
What I think people actually mean to say is Apple is destroying IMPROVEMENT
via its aggressive use of patents.
There is a subtle and profound difference between innovation and improvement.
How would you define "improvement" if not rendering something more effective
by changing it or making it different? In this particular case, search on
Android is being made more effective by searching contacts and apps.
As Steve Jobs said, "We have always been shameless about stealing great
ideas." They just want to stop everyone else from doing it too.
This is why we can't have nice things. Pretty ridiculous that this is
I wonder if there will be a different version of Google's search app for the
US, or even a different ROM?
I am really sorry for you guys in the US, but I hope not all of us have to
share this downgrade with you.
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Mint.com for Networking - dfuhriman
I would have been more inclined to provide my email if I knew or saw more
about the product. I understand people want to do customer development and
such but I think I have launch rock fatigue. Without more info this feels too
much like testing out an idea to see if people even care.
I am part of this team. We are already funded and building the product right
now. I understand the concerns about just testing out an idea. But we will be
rolling out the launch in the next couple of months.
Thanks for replying.
After registering, a link to "blog" appears, but there is no blog. Will there
be? And if so, when?
Is there anywhere else to find information about xfluential beyond your
207-character comment above? I see no status updates on Facebook nor tweets on
Yes, we will begin posting on the blog in the next couple of weeks. Plan on
sending out updates to the emails that register for updates. These updates
will also include at times screen shots and additional information on the
feature set.
This is a subject that nerdy hackers could always use help with. This
launching page doesn't say much about the actual product though.
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Show HN: c4bot – Connect Four Chatbot - kenrick95
This was actually a lot of fun. Walking through the code to learn more about
it :) .
Glad that you've enjoyed it :) I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.
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From Zero to React - lajr
Thanks, this was helpful!
Does anyone have any good intro posts to redux? Something like the above
parent that’s easy to read trough casually for an engineer who won’t be using
redux in the workplace
Hi, I'm a Redux maintainer. Please see my suggested resources for learning
Also, FYI, we do also have plans to heavily revamp our docs in the near future
as well.
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There’s no money in 3D printing - iamwil
I use the arrow keys to scroll when reading web pages. This site uses
JavaScript to add behaviour to the arrow keys for a reason I cannot fathom.
Web developers, please avoid JavaScript at all costs. Unless you know
precisely what you are doing, you will only mess up a user’s experience.
As for the actual article, this:
“3D printing will be poised to suck the value out of manufacturing.”
Sounds like a good thing to me. If we make all our own jobs obsolete, then our
economic model will have to change so that we don’t starve to death in the
ensuing abundance and leisure.
Of course, just because manufacturing and, say, agriculture can be done by
automatons doesn’t mean they _should_ be. Even if some can’t fathom it, a lot
of people genuinely enjoy getting their hands dirty. Will they be allowed to
farm for pleasure when the robots do all the necessary farming?
Another annoying "feature" of the page is that ctrl-f is overridden to take
you to their FeedBurner page. Why that would ever need a keyboard shortcut is
beyond me, but assigning it to ctrl-f is just crazy.
And it breaks the back button when it does it.
I see the future of 3d printing as the golden era of the service industry.
I want a semi-portable laptop with a mechanical keyboard and e-ink display.
This would be my ideal rugged travel laptop for doing work. I really like how
e-ink looks when I write code and I like the clickity-clackity of my
mechanical keyboard. But I don't want this to be some hodge-podge mixture of
almost-fitting components. It should open and shut like a car door, not a
cardboard box.
I also have a strange clothing size, everyone does for that matter. Maybe I'm
a 1/4 inch between the sizes. My shoes never fit correctly and my hats are
either too tight or too loose.
I also want to design my house in a specific way. Right now my bookshelves end
a foot before the wall when I would really like them flush. The same for my
couch, coffee table and television.
I also want something to hold all of my daughter's drawings, a nice ornate
book with her name engraved on it, maybe I'll even pay someone to take some of
her drawings and carve them into the book itself.
How many wants do people have that can be serviced when you are willing to
take someone with talent (a 3d designer) and a universal making machine? My
dream e-ink laptop is worth $2000 to me, the parts are probably in the
ballpark of $250, that leaves a nice profit for the designer. My little book
for my daughters drawings would be worth a few hundred.
If all you can do is print out forks the maximum amount of money you can buy
is related specifically to the number of forks you can sell. However, if you
can build the random things that people want that they cannot find in stores,
well you'll have a very sustainable business on your hands.
A downside of customizing products is that you have to think about and
describe what you actually want. Personally, I would prefer somewhat less
freedom of choice, and more free time :)
An interesting read might be "The Paradox of Choice" by Barry Schwartz (2004).
You are assuming customisation remains static. One solution I can think of is
a site (eg bestforks.com) that has 2 fork choices - you pick one and you are
done. (The web means that you can show different catalogues to each user.)
Another solution is that they figure out the customisations automatically. For
example stand in your room (eg kitchen) and take panoramic photo/video. Based
on that it is possible to figure out appropriate colours, sizes and other
design criteria (eg sleek/simple versus ornate). Again it can offer you one or
two right choices.
Yet another brings people back into the process. You have a
"design/customisation consultant" and they make the choices/customisation for
"Just a little heads up. In the long run there is no money in 3D printing."
It's a basic principle of economics that all mature, competitive market
segments have 0 profit. I thought this was common knowledge.
The generalized nature of 3D printing is what can/will make it so competitive,
as opposed to manufacturing equipment which is very specialized to a specific
industry, and therefore much more likely to be monopolized by a single
This article is poorly thought out and has little-to-no conception of the
difference between theory and reality. For example, many things cannot be made
in smaller pieces and then assembled, so size could become a huge barrier to
adopting 3D printing for something like, say, construction. Not to mention the
energy that such a machine would use. 3D printing will lead to lots of changes
in design and democratization of production, I'm sure, but there's still a
bigger picture that's completely absent from this article's consideration.
Well, theoretically such a machine could be worth billions but actually you’d
probably sell a few to research institutes and then one to a commercial
company and then it is game over for you.
sure sounds like
I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.
I've got no predictions on the future world wide market for 3D printing, but
big predictions on future tech are usually wrong.
Not really. He's not saying that there would only be a few of them deployed,
he's saying that once you've deployed a few, those few will be used to make
more, and you won't be able to sell yours for more than the cost of materials,
since anyone who has already bought one from you can undercut you.
I think this will not be a real problem for a really long time, but it's
actually an audacious vision rather than a too limited one.
You're correct in the quote being the inverse in intent. It's still a big call
on a nascent tech. Big calls on nascent tech tend to be wrong.
There's no money in 3D printing, and also, no money in everything since
everything can be made by this Universal Making Machine. This article's
argument is nonsense. If the Universal Making Machine is made, not there's no
money but money can be abandoned. One can use this machine to get anything he
want, so why we need money anyway?
Raw materials would still cost something, or at the very least electricity
would cost something. Services would still cost something, and you can't print
an internet.
"you can't print an internet"
Why not?
I disagree completely. This is like saying that because mainframes were being
replaced by personal computers, there was not going to be money with them,
when in fact the opposite thing happened with Apple being one of the biggest
companies in the world.
Computers like the Rasperry Pi cost now $45 and are more powerful that million
dollar IBM machines of the past. The same is going to happen with expensive
industrial equipment like laser cutters, 3d printers or metal discharge model
making tools as patents expire.
Different quantities, different margins, but a business after all.
I think the guy has a point but I agree it's premature. It's like saying their
us no point in making printers for computers because eventually we'll be a
mostly paperless society.
His point seems correct that ultimately you'll just use the 3d printer you
have to print another 3d printer. But that day is a long long way off. There's
at least 10 or 20 years ahead for companies to make money selling 3d printers.
"There's no money in 3D printing"
I'm skeptical. For example, developing seeds is another industry potentially
vulnerable to the "customers could become the producers" dilemma but Monsanto
is doing pretty well. Similarly you can use Microsoft products to download,
crack and freely reproduce Microsoft products - but they're not doing too bad
either. I wouldn't underestimate the combination of legislation, monopolies
and/or powerful branding.
All it would take is for your Acme 3D Printer to have its own a Acme 3D
Template Store and a large market share.
Monsanto is not a good comparison because they force you to buy seeds from
them the next year. You are not allowed to collect seeds from the plants you
grow and they will sue you. And our judicial system agrees with Monsanto
because we think DNA is patentable. This will hit the supreme court in
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which ruled that "once a
grower, like Bowman, plants the commodity seeds containing Monsanto's Roundup
Ready technology and the next generation of seed develops, the grower has
created a newly infringing article."
Learn more:
I disagree with the articles conclusion. It does make some good points about
costs and how a dedicated tool is better but if we just go back a little in
time and look at laser printers and other types of home printing over using a
comercial print shop and you see alot of parralels, ink cost being one that
still holds with us today, even with `major` players in the feild.
Another way to look at this is people today spend alot of money on craft tools
and materials and we even have dedicated shopping channels for such products.
Finaly I think if you look at the cost of lego brick and the respective volme
of 3D ink, then I suspect you will see that 3D ink works out very comparable
and cheaper in many area's. People spend a lot of money on Lego and with that
alone the market for 3D printers has a place. Not saying rip of Lego bricks
but that people like to play and create things and whilst Lego is targeted at
children it still endures with many a adult.
Initialy with the costs of a good printer that can use robust 3D ink we will
see your local printers embacing the new avenue and many other outlets
offering a 3D printing service. The home consumer market will grow, costs will
drop but. As I said with the initial introduction of laser printers and other
printing types, initial they were expensive, but only got better and cheaper
and permuated into more purchsing budgets/needs over using your local print
With markets most people will work out the direction and then end up dooming
it all as it does not happen as quickly as they can think about it. Markets
are funny slow beasts that operate on various timelines and with new
technology the initial market is the niche that opens the crack or not into
larger markets. I certainly see a larger market given the ever expanding craft
market and with the same insight into how laser printers started and ended up
at, let alone coloured printing, which was many years ago the work of a
dedicated print shop.
ALso worth remembering that industry today has milling machines and flow-jet
which will take a solid block of metal and turn it into your defined shape. 3D
printing is not metal and with that is targeting different markets and we are
a long way from the univeral replicator perception most seem to think 3D
printing is. That is a long way off, heck how long has it taken to get the
perfect monitor, close but still not there as a ideal. But they sell and with
that the ability for somebody to print out a 3D object be it a chess set,
replacement part for some broken plastic bit in a product that you can't
replace without purching the entire module/section. Many DIY tasks would have
a use for such an item, even customised plastic washers, so many usable area's
even with todays technology.
So that is why I disagree with the conclusions as they are based upon a ideal
with todays limitations impossed and not taking into account printing
technology adoption within markets historicaly, let alone the bleed over
markets in craft, DIY and many more others will probably be aware of.
For me the acid test is when you can print out a plate, knife and fork and use
them to eat with practicaly and saftly as good as disposable cutterly today.
Then we have a robust enough technology that consumers will start to embrace
if the price is right. I also expect the 3D-ink's will follow inkjet prices,
but the printers will carry a margin until the saturation is at the level
which enables a large company to make enough margin on the ink over the
printers. It will be when all printers end up offering more or less the same
functionality at various price points at comparable levels to other
I thought the remark about Mexicans was rather tasteless.
This is all very theoretical, but makes no sense in reality. This guy should
take a look at the complexity in manufacturing for instance an image sensor,
and then think twice about his "universal maker".
haha, very much agree agree. his initial arguments about a 'universal printer'
diluting the market in time seem to hold more water in the realm of
hypothetical machines than real ones (for some reason the mental image of
self-replicating Universal Turing Machines with a printing functionality came
to mind :P)
in reality, there a number of principles in the realm of material physics that
might constrain a machine simply 'printing itself'. In the near and medium
terms, 3D printers that transform 3D CAD renderings into smaller objects will
command a real market niche. In the long term, we will be talking about
molecular fabrication (matter compilers a la "Diamond Age")-- but that is a
whole other ball game :p
Yes indeed. I work in the image sensor business (writing test software) and it
surprises me when I hear that it's often times next to impossible for a sensor
design to be reliably produced in _another fab_.
I'm dentist. Dentists pay dental labors billions of dollars yearly to print
their teeth. Did you hear about CAD/CAM teeth? We don't model teeth manually
anymore, we use 3d printers instead. There are also other industries where 3d
printers are used intensively.
I guess that means there is only a market for one lathe[1] and one milling
machine[2] since when you buy one, you can then make your own.
Anyway, a universal machine maker would likely run of nano technology, and
once we reach that level of technology, all bets are off. The game changes and
suddenly a lot of businesses are buggy whip manufactures.
The money made to be made (and saved) is based off the prototypes of products
created using 3D printing that are mocked up and tweaked, before the designs
are handed over to a production line to mass produce.
3D printing has created a useful and affordable process for
engineers/creatives/etc to mock up products that would've otherwise been very
expensive to outsource, especially with the back and forth between vendors to
modify designs.
I think we've already heard this type of argument about the world needing 3
computers or that the FOSS world is not going to make any money or ... come
It seems to me that the same logic could be used to argue that there is no
money in software. I think we can all agree that's pretty bogus, right?
The author's arguement makes grand leaps of logic that sound great - but won't
hold up in the short term of the next 10 years. In 30 years, the price of such
a service will become a commidity - like our ink jet printers today. The
author uses language that could easily be used in the same vein as describing
the creation of the Earth as a non-event.
Rather silly article on many fronts. Not everyone has enough cash to get the
machine. Those who do, can profit off their downpayment by renting or selling
the goods it makes.
To say that model wont turn a profit is silly. Its a rather old business
(landlords, rentacenter, new car leasing, etc..)
There is a much more interesting set of scenarios about how 3D printing might
work out economically here <http://jacobinmag.com/2011/12/four-futures/>
But you have to get the raw materials for somewhere. Who will be the Akamai of
3D printing?
That's like going back to 1971 and saying "there's no money in computers".
You can use SOFTWARE to copy SOFTWARE, so noone will make any money on it.
Yup. In the absence of government sanctioned monopolies, software _will_ tend
towards free, and it's already amazing what software you can get for free.
There'll always be niches, where people will make money creating bespoke
software, but the kind of software that everyone uses will eventually be free,
because once someone creates something free and sticks it on github, it
doesn't get lost, it can only go in one direction - better.
"because once someone creates something free and sticks it on github, it
doesn't get lost, it can only go in one direction - better."
Well, it could follow different directions, like "bloated", or like GNOME
"better for us, but not for you", or "easier to maintain, but slower"
So much cognitive dissonance in this thread...
Don't we already have enough discarded plastic floating around the earth
without giving the whole world access to their own miniature plastic
manufacturing plant?
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Google Zeitgeist 2012 - sethbannon
Op op op op oppan. So, I was browsing through the source of the Zeitgeist
pages (as you do), and I saw some pretty cool stuff.
I started off by just wanting to know how the explore map was done [1]
But then I saw #easter-egg in the source, and also easter-egg.css file being
If you look at the very very bottom of the page on the right, you will see the
Google colors. Hover over that for a Gangnam dancing character[2].
[1] : http://www.google.com/zeitgeist/2012/#explore
[2] : http://www.google.com/zeitgeist/2012/#maia-signature (Easter Egg Here)
I just made a JS Fiddle and posted a new submission on HN.
<http://jsfiddle.net/Layke/7hjTC/show/> <\--- View the Easter Egg
[Moved comment to other thread...]
That video was beautiful. It's easy to develop a narrow focus on your
immediate surroundings. Sometimes it helps to take a step back and get a
broader perspective of this wild, diverse and beautiful planet we're fortunate
enough to live on.
Definitely puts things in perspective. With that thought, I'm going to stop
work for the day and go and pick up my daughter.
I had never seen the video of the soldier and his son. After a quick search I
found it. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqPlBy2-abA>
The whole Google video is great. But this clip / video really got to me. Very
The story about the little girl briefly shown in 2:26 is also incredibly
touching. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoZ2BgPVtA0>
Is this censored? There's nothing related to copyright infringement or porn in
there. Also, the categories and trending/most-searched selection seems
arbitrary. Every country has a different set of data.
Where's DDG with an unfiltered Zeitgeist for 2012?
That was supposed to be my line too.
Seconded ;-)
P.S: I am actually semi-serious in a way. I have actually witnessed the search
bubble on colleagues' PC vs. mine so, I'm all for it.
There is no way "iPhone" or "iPhone 5 is not on that list.
It's not even close. Note 2, Surface, Lumia 920, iPad 4 and iPad mini are 2
month old on the market.
iPhone 5 it's been rumored and re-rumored for months before releasing it, then
with all the problems attached to the iPhone 5 release, Apple Maps, record
sales, or whatever... people must have searched for it quite a lot (as Google
Trends data suggest)
ps. Also, "Lana del Ray" ('Rey' is the correct) (sic, performing artists)?
These lists doesn't seem quite right.
she has released an album under both names - lana del ray was self-titled;
born to die was lana del rey. and she's one of only 3 names i recognise from
that list.
but i agree that the lists appear to have "complex" selection criteria.
Thanks for the correction
iPhone is not in the top 10, it was #2 last year. iPad is #1 though.
This year iPhone is trending on Twitter
(<http://2012.twitter.com/en/trends.html>) and Facebook
stories-2012-pictures#3904655)) but not on Google. Something is not right.
Trending reflects the difference between the results for 2011 and 2012. Recall
that until the iPhone 4S was announced, the assumption was that it would be
called the iPhone 5, and was searched for by that term.
My country sometimes embarrasses me.
Brazil is having the biggest trials against corrupt politicians in our history
lasting almost 6 months now with several big figures being arrested and
condemnt, and this is not even in the TOP 10, and the nº1 is Facebook followed
by BBB12.
>> and this is not even in the TOP 10, and the nº1 is Facebook followed by
You will have to wait for the competition to make _that video_. It will be
aptly titled "search bubbles zeitgeist" 2012 ;-) (semi joking, ... I have
witnessed the "search bubble" and I love the fact that there are companies
like DDG, Lycos and Blekko providing search and curated results! Wish them all
I know what you mean though. It is definitely a sign of our times. Huxley won
and Orwell lost the crystal ball gazing contest. 1984 is gone (well, not
entirely IMO) and we are all living in the Brave new world now. ;-P
Full List (PDF):
Ironically, I cant seem to be able to use `cmd + f` on that PDF.
Yeah, very odd. It seems like the characters in the search index are offset
from the real characters. d=a, e=b, etc. At least in Chrome's PDF viewer.
Why do I get Error 503?
So am I.
My main thought watching the video: "Holt shit that is some good advertising."
A slickly-produced, epic, emotional and humble tribute to the richness and
absurdity of human life - all inconspicuously presented through a panorama of
Google's entire product portfolio - tying the sweeping feelings stirred in you
either consciously or subconsciously to everything Google...
Fails on iPad with 404 after watching the movie and clicking the "Begin
journey" button. It tries to redirect to
<http://www.google.com/zeitgeist/2012/explore-tablet.html> that seems to not
One of the top searches in my country, Kenya, is 'how to abort.'
What an eye-opener for a reportedly Christian country where abortion is
Russian HN'ers,
I realize this is not the Yandex zeit but this entry puzzles me:
что такое холокост
The question: is this a meme? or why the sudden interest now? There were a
bunch of videos associated with that query, none of which I could understand
very well. Are they people just giving stupid answers?
The other results paint an interesting picture of ru-net:
Russians want to know meaning of "bro" and "mainstream", want to draw roses
and are very interested in hacking email aka soap (soap is мыло, which sounds
a bit like mail).
I am quite surprised nobody searches for porn on the internetz.
Oh, I'm sure they still do. But it's not "trending". That is, searches haven't
noticeably increased / changed from previous years.
This is really sad.
I'm actually very surprised Homeland made it to that list. I thought it was
critically acclaimed but not that popular.
Does anyone find it completely insane that the iPhone (4/4S/5) doesn't show up
in the top 10 for Consumer Electronics? A little bit of massaging going on
I like how they are co-opting the idea of "hashtags" as being a Google +
thing. With their this year in "Google+ Hashtags" is that even a thing?
It's amazing but not all that surprising how geeky the google plus hashtags
are. I wonder if we'll see social networks splinter into cliques.
Zeitgeist 2012 -> Germany -> Trending Car Brands
1\. Opel 2\. BMW 3\. Audi 4\. VM 5\. Mercedes
4\. VM ?? O_o
I'm guessing VM is a common typo for VW made by Dvorak users.
I'm guessing there are no way near enough Dvorak users to have any typos show
up on the zeitgeist.
When I lived in the US I was puzzled to find, say, May magazine issues
available in newsstands as early as mid April. Similarly, it seems not only
acceptable, but indeed expected, for major companies to review the year before
it's over.
Can Americans (or else) shed some light on this phenomenon?
Marking a magazine with a date in the future simply increases its shelf life.
As for the year-end reviews, I assume people like to look back at a year
toward the end and set goals for the new year at the start. Jan 2013, people
don't care much for 2012 anymore.
Watching that, I couldn't stop thinking.. "Google is ruling the world..Google
is ruling the world.."
"Play Station"?
I assume they're aggregating similar terms, so is this just a case of choosing
the wrong aggregate name? Google Trends reports "playstation" is MUCH more
common than "play station" (looks like at least 10:1).
So sad to see the triviality that constitute the majority of our searches.
So essentially we are obsessed with triviality, materialism and celebrity.
and this surprises you? you forgot porn
503. That’s an error.
The service you requested is not available at this time.
Service error -27. That’s all we know.
I receive a 503 error on the page.
Was surprised by this one
8\. Donate to NASA
Why is the #1 query never something I ever type?
Because you are not the majority?
Trending airlines? O_o
and India's no. 1 search for people is Sunny Leone...
Am I the only one who can't see any video? Only sound plays in both Firefox
and Chromium.
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Ask HN: What tech stack would you choose to bootstrap a side project in 2020? - yagodragon
I'm a college student trying to choose a language/framework to build some side projects. Other than the classic CS languages(java,python,c/c++), I've learned some JS and Vue.js and now I'm looking into a proper backend language and framework.<p>After searching online and asking friends I've gathered some feedback on the most popular solutions.<p>Rails: Proven and mature. 3rd party gems that can help you with anything web-related. The ecosystem is thriving and most developers are happy using it.<p>Laravel: Made PHP cool again. Took lessons from Rails and probably provides the best Developer Experience when it comes to building a monolith app from development to deployment. PHP is also the most popular backend language.<p>Django: People love python. I hear that Django Rest Framework is a great tool, plus, the ability to add ml features on your existing app is a big plus.<p>Node.js: Full-stack Javascript is great but the backend landscape is a mess. Probably a thin backend without complex rails-like structure.<p>Phoenix/Go/Rust: Good options for specific use cases where performance matters.<p>Java/C#: Complex and enterprisey. C# is gaining traction but the 3rd party ecosystem is still lacking behind other options.<p>Backendless: SPAs, Next.js/Nuxt.js/Ember, JAMstack. Use services like Firebase/Auth0 and 3rd party APIs for backend logic or serverless functions.<p>What would you suggest someone learn in 2020? I know the answer is "it depends" but I know that for example Rails, Laravel and Django are basically tools for the same job, building CRUD applications on the server. Would you suggest someone to learn Ruby or PHP in 2020, though many consider them dead?
It doesn't matter. Pin a bunch of names on a dart board, throw a dart, and
pick the one closest to the dart. Seriously, it really just doesn't matter.
Not even a little bit. At least not in terms of whether or not your side
project succeeds. You will NOT succeed or fail based on whether you chose Node
over Ruby, or Java over Erlang, or Angular over React, or PostgreSQL over
MySQL, or Mongo over CouchDB, etc., etc., yada, yada, yada.
Now if the question you're really asking is "which one should I learn from a
long-term career standpoint?" or something along those lines, the equation
changes a little bit. BUT even there, the simple reality is, you can be
gainfully employed, making good money, doing fun work, using any technology
you listed, and plenty you didn't.
If you're coming at it from the career / long-term perspective, and want an
objective measure, then scan the job boards, and see what you find the most
open reqs for. Go with that. Otherwise, pick two or three off your list,
dabble in each, and see which one feels right to you.
The only thing I'd explicitly advice against is going with something really
outside the (modern) mainstream, like COBOL, or some really new'ish languages
which may or may not catch on (Nim, something like that), or any "esoteric"
languages: Brainfuck, Intercal, Whitespace, Befunge, etc.
As to what _I_ personally would pick? Groovy and Grails, along with
PostgreSQL, and one of the popular JS frameworks for front-end (React, Vue,
Angular, etc.). But that's just down to familiarity and personal preference.
Edit: let me add one bit of clarification... I don't mean to slag Nim, or any
of the other newer'ish languages. And I don't mean "don't learn it" in the
general sense. I just wouldn't "bet the farm" one of those just yet. By all
means, dabble with lots of different languages, and constantly pay attention
to how they are evolving over time, and how they are (or are not) gaining
industry acceptance.
If I wanted to answer your question, I would basically repeat everything you
said. Not sure what you need to know beyond what you know. It depends, and
depending on your use case you should pick from the options you laid out for
the reasons you laid out!
Having said all that, obviously the right answer is Django.
What are your goals?
If your goal is to build something to have a product/service/business, build
what you know. That will let you build and iterate quicker. Startups don't
fail only because they were built on <framework A> instead of <framework B>.
If your goal is to learn a new framework, just pick one and give it a shot!
There are many concepts you can learn that extend across stacks.
If your goal is to list languages/frameworks on your resume, that's a little
tougher. One not very scientific way to decide is to do a brief search for job
listings in your target location and pick the BE mentioned most frequently.
Rails is hard to beat for getting something up and running quickly and then
iterating on it.
> though many consider them dead?
Anyone who says that, you can safely ignore.
Agreed. Well established technologies seem to rarely (if ever) truly _die_.
They will become diminished, to be sure, but even to this day, people are
making money writing COBOL, RPG, PL/I, etc. Somewhere out there, there are
still a few people getting paid to work on the newest iteration of "whatever
OS/2 is called now". Etc.
Based on the year 2019, I think learning Python (AI/ML, Scripting, etc), Java
(legacy code, enterprise systems, etc) and JavaScript (ES6, Node and a bundler
because JavaScript has turned into something that is more than just some
simple script on a page at this point.) are worth it. I say learn PHP if you
are aiming for entry level rudimentary stuff. PHP is still out there and there
are loads of clients asking for people to work on it. Anything else will
revolve around how experienced of an engineer they want and the market you
live in.
Aside from languages/frameworks, I would say focus on the
container/orchestration area of development. This is becoming the real focus I
am seeing from someone who has been working in software development for over 5
years. More and more it is containerized micro services that are being
produced and it is people who can weave them together with kubernetes or
similar software that is the real ticket.
I don’t think it matters. Learning a stack because there are a lot of hot job
postings for it will only keep you in framework hell. If you had to choose,
choose the one with a community that you like and want to be around. I’m happy
I stuck by Node’s side all these years, sure its not perfect but part of the
journey is growing with a technology as it matures in the market. From my
experience, mid-range developers with a few years of experience working in
different stacks rarely make high quality contributions to the project. The
only exception is if they’re gifted cs students first. The devs with for eg.
10+ years working with Perl Dancer projects have so much you can learn from.
So my advice would be to pick one and commit to it for as long as you can. To
the point where you both love and hate it. Get to a point where you can
contribute to an well known open source project that is built in it’s domain.
My advice, look at what employers are actively hiring for and work backwards.
Generally speaking, many value an MVC type frameworks, specifically
Rails/Django, they are well-known, easy enough to hire for since they are
"standard" and have broad application use and are quick to work with. Most of
the knowledge is transferable between them. Understanding database migrations,
app structure, authentication, etc is common.
I'd focus on that first, then when you're comfortable, move towards front-end.
Again, focus on what employers are hiring for, React being top of the list,
Angular is loosing market share.
Node isn't very complicated to develop in, front-end experience like ES6/7
will help you figure out JS and you can learn the event loop model later on.
This way you'll have a solid foundation in backend, front-end and can expand
out from there as needed and specialize but this is a good starting point to
be a full-stack developer. Spend time looking at development workflow, learn
Git, write tests, etc.
I built a few applications using Django in college (still am, actually) and it
gave me the foundational skills I needed to pick up other frameworks later. I
think it balances convention and configuration well for both learning and
doing and provides an intuitive learning curve for web development. While most
tutorials are for server-side rendered CRUD-based applications you can use DRF
to build an API for a single-page app and the framework is flexible enough to
build all sorts of applications.
Django set me up with the tools and skills I needed a couple years ago. The
other ones probably would too. Echoing other commenters you can build anything
in any of these frameworks and shouldn't spend too much time choosing stack.
Despite it not mattering, my vote is for Django.
I think the main thing you can take from the language/framework descriptions
above is that you should outright ignore what people say about tools they
don't actively use.
Java and C# absolutely do NOT lack a third-party ecosystem. If anything, both
have immensely powerful frameworks behind them and thriving package
IMO, your choice only matters if the product you're building is tied to a
given library. For example, you might have more luck doing ML in Python/Java
than in Ruby, although there is no reason why you can't mix and match
depending on what you need to do and what you're trying to accomplish with
If you are uncertain, perhaps one extra factor to consider would be the future
earning potential.
I am in a somewhat similar situation (albeit considerably older, almost 41)
and still considering my options. I have used plain PHP + MySQL to build web
applications in the past but I am now trying the same with Python's Flask and
liking it so far. Later down the road I'll either try Django or go fullstack
Javascript (Node, React, Express, ...) because it is in such a high demand and
not going anywhere.
I'm surprised Parse Server doesn't make anyone's list. It takes about 30 mins
to set up. It's easy to scale, free to start with. It fills the complexity
hole left by Node/Express. It's a lot faster to code than using APIs. It's
been used by enough people for long enough that all the stability bugs have
been ironed out.
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Ask HN:Relocate to India - throwaway08
I 'm currently working in USA on H1B visa. Would love to relocate to India. My dilemma is that cannot pack up and move back without any job offers in hand. My current employer does not have an office in India. One of the options that i have is find employment in a company which has office. Finding jobs in India through job portal is difficult given non availability for in person interviews. Would like to network with some fellow hackers to find job in India. Any other suggestions would be great. thanks
Sorry for the double post...didnt have the correct title
Are you a native Indian? If not, then getting employment visa is another
headache you'll have to deal with.
Also, you may want to try this site :<http://hackerstreet.in/news>
yes, i m. thanks will check the link out.
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Do you remember TJ Holowaychuk? - volument
TJ (https://github.com/tj) used to be a significant JavaScript contributor and could easily be labeled as the "rockstar" of the time. In 2014 he switched from Node to Go (https://medium.com/@tjholowaychuk/farewell-node-js-4ba9e7f3e52b) and I haven't heard of him ever since. Is it just me, or is there a correlation?
"my new goal is to live a better life. In the end open-source doesn’t pay the
bills so it’s best to focus on other things if you can, or if you just enjoy
the project then that’s cool."
IMO he's still a "rockstar". It's just the Node and JS community that hypes
everything disproportionally (they used to at least). The fact that he single-
handedly built Apex
([https://github.com/apex/apex](https://github.com/apex/apex)) show that he's
still prolific, and a programmer of note.
There's a similar story for Sindre Sorhus, who moved on from the JS community
to Swift.
I’m a customer of his uptime service
([https://apex.sh/ping/](https://apex.sh/ping/)), and following up framework
([https://up.docs.apex.sh/](https://up.docs.apex.sh/)) with interest, but
haven’t used it yet. Perhaps he is more focused on career and family, and less
on open source? If so, good for him.
Honestly, I would pay to see video-screen-share of how guys like TJ code.
Isn't he working on apex up?
He's been posted to HN a bunch of times since 2015-01-01.
Seems to be working on a startup which might explain the lack of noise.
There was a whole conspiracy theory that he was a collective rather than an
I remember him from the Ruby community before that. Is there a correlation?
probably not.
Life happens.
Apex up is nice, cool to know he's behind apex.
Genuinely inspirational that, looks like he’s now living in London with a hot
Russian girlfriend working with sane, stable tools on small, developer focused
products, _and_ his homepage is still photography vs a bunch of shite little
blog posts.
Difference between living to code and coding to live kids, take note.
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Tesla Model 3 teardown points to $28k in potential material and production cost - hippich
_”They claim that their cost analysis resulted in materials and logistics
costs of $18,000 and labor costs of $10,000 for a total cost potential cost of
If a factory worker costs $10,000 a month, that would be a person-month of
labor per car, or 4 persons to produce a single car in a week, or 20,000 to
produce the 5,000 each week that Tesla aims for.
Because of that, I doubt that $10,000 labor costs number is correct.
Reading the referenced
tesla-model-3-kann-gewinn-abwerfen/22625806.html), it talks of _production_
rather than _labor_ costs, so I think my suspicion is right.
I have visited the Toyota factory in Ontario, Canada. What stood out to me was
how little people was involved, literally everything was automated and the
only labour people were doing was testing the cars by driving it (or even just
checking the colour) when it came out or standby mechanics to maintain the
I see Tesla as incorporating more labour than regular cars but not extensively
as modern car plants have pretty much eliminated the need for humans.
Labor does not mean only people but the cost of assembly. Robots aren’t free
they need to be maintained by highly skilled and in the current market also
highly paid workers and theya aren’t free to run either. They have expensive
consumeables and they need to undergo constant maintenance for even basic
things as maintaining their zero.
Yea I included the mechanics who do maintenance in my paragraphs when I was
talking about labourers, you might have to reread that part, when I was there,
they largely hang out in one roofed area within and arent utilized as heavily
as you expect.
I think from a layman perspective we expect mechanics to be constantly busy
and fixing and maintaining but they only fix if there are issues and with a
company like Toyota the realization is that they're so experienced and
familiar that the maintenance costs reduce with time simply because its
cheaper and much more efficient that way and because its much easier to fix
the same issues.
As well, a mechanic that is fully utilized is actually a bad thing as that
means you plant is constantly being shut down to fix things and not producing
cars, as thats how you fix things in a TPS system.
Also car plants nowadays are wonderfully automated, the materials were being
shipped around using driverless carts with sensors and music to alert people
or things in their way. Its also suprisingly devoid of human noise aside from
the machines clanking.
The biggest cost of any car is R&D.
So this article doesn't tell us much.
It tells you what Tesla's margins are going to be, as R&D cost per unit
decreases/is amortized over more units as production scales up. Check out
their free cash flow [1]. You'll see that it's always in the red before
production scales up (Model S first, then the X, and now the 3).
TL;DR If production continues to scale up, the Model 3 will be wildly
(relatively speaking for the auto industry) profitable (and the battery cost
is possibly under $100/kw, which would be big if true).
Sidenote: Elon's enormous pay package [2] that was approved requires one final
condition be satisfied; four consecutive quarters with 30-percent gross
margins. If I had to bet real money, I'd say 2018Q3 is when those margins
begin to be realized, his compensation delivered 2019Q4/2020Q1, and his plan
to go to Mars accelerate (possibly as a direct SpaceX customer).
Sidenote #2: The Model 3's battery pack has the lowest amount of Cobalt in the
industry (2.8%, known state of the art is ~8%). Panasonic (Tesla's battery
production partner) is currently working to remove the need for any Cobalt
whatsoever [3]. Good for margins, good for production throughput, mixed bag
for conflict areas Cobalt is sourced from. Can't win 'em all.
[1] [https://i.imgur.com/HjyKxTm.png](https://i.imgur.com/HjyKxTm.png)
[2] [http://money.cnn.com/2018/03/21/investing/elon-musk-tesla-
Usual disclaimer: TSLA investor
> _Check out their free cash flow [1]. You 'll see that it's always in the red
> before production scales up (Model S first, then the X, and now the 3)._
That's a charitable interpretation. From your link it's nearly always
_significantly_ in the red, outside of a couple anomalous quarters 5 years
ago, and the one quarter they sold a bunch of ZEV credits.
It certainly doesn't look like "it's positive, except when they're scaling
up!" to me. I guess one sees what they want to see.
This is because they're always spending money to grow. They do this because
they want to grow and are growing. This graph shows you they spent money to
launch the Model S, then went profitable. After this they invested to launch
the X, then went profitable. Then they invested to launch the 3, and now this
year they aim to be profitable again. And you know what they're going to do
after that? Spend money to launch the Y and Semi, then go profitable.
Can they use the profits from S/X to deliver the 3? Yeah, but not on the
timelines that their customers and the market demands. People want their Model
3s today.
One sure mark of a hater is that there doesn't exist a configuration of
reality that will satisfy their objections. Is Tesla spending borrowed money
to accelerate their growth and deliver products sooner? They suck, they should
be profitable. Are they using solely their profits to expand more slowly? They
suck, because they're having trouble delivering their products on time. Great,
awesome contribution.
> _This graph shows you they spent money to launch the Model S, then went
> profitable._
The graph doesn't "show" anything. You are interpreting it in a specific
(favourable) way. I don't agree. Also, free cash flow positive is not
> _One sure mark of a hater is that there doesn 't exist a configuration of
> reality that will satisfy their objections._
Oh, there it is. Any criticism means you're a hater.
I'm looking at the numbers. That's reality. You, on the other hand, are
operating on future assumptions that may or may not come to pass. "Becoming
profitable" isn't a given, just because Elon said so. As of right now, they
are losing money at an accelerating rate. I guess we'll see.
And by the way, I'm not hater. I can see Tesla being the next Mazda, who make
some of the most popular cars in my area. Great cars, great company. Do you
know what its market cap is? $8BB. At Tesla's current market cap they need to
build millions and millions of cars at substantial profit. You can believe
that they'll achieve that and an investment today still wouldn't be worth it.
Does that surprise you?
What you're missing is that Tesla does not want to be a Mazda, nor a Ford, nor
even a Toyota. They want to be an industrial behemoth that powers every part
of the carbon-free economy. They want to be a GM, GE, ConEd, Exxon and Uber
rolled into one. This is not some bizzare internet conspiracy, this has been
stated in plain English multiple times and has been voted on by their board.
Now, you might think that's too risky, too ambitious, or they'll never be able
to execute etc. Whatever. But you can't judge them based on your own made-up
ideas and standards.
He already pretty clearly said what he thought. _I 'm looking at the numbers.
That's reality. You, on the other hand, are operating on future assumptions
that may or may not come to pass_
Meanwhile your counterpoint is a very vivid fantasy of what Tesla wants to be
beyond a car company, which is something it’s not doing particularly well.
You’re engaging in just the kind of fantasy “Future assumptions” in question,
and really just buying into empty PR and marketing. The evidence suggests that
Tesla is a car company, and struggling to be _just_ that. It’s an act of
intense mental gymnastics to say that no, they’re not just a car company,
they’re a whole economic sector that started as a car company... before
they’ve even pulled off step 1. Maybe they will be, but the odds are not in
their favor, and it’s going to be a moot point if they can’t even turn a
profit on their cars.
Arguing from an imagined future should be the job of marcom, not you. It’s not
a failure of imagination or a lack of faith for rational people to look at
what is, not a vision of what may or may not ever be.
And it's only selling for $35k? I thought the rule-of-thumb was that you
charge 3x the "bag of parts" for a product you make, sell, and service. Apple
certainly got this memo... Elon is leaving a lot of money on the table.
Thats for smaller ticket items. Boeing isn't 3x'ing the cost of a plane, and
neither are car manufacturers. Toyota makes an average of $2800/car, and GM
makes only $654/car [0].
Porche makes $17k/car... but that's on an average price of $100k.. so only
1\. [https://www.autoblog.com/2017/03/21/porsche-17250-profit-
But the parent said "bag of parts" which implies only the cost of materials,
not the full per-car cost of production, and I can't tell if that also
includes things like R&D, marketing, insurance, etc.
It's not clear from the article if this cost figure includes software
engineering cost which would be significant in Tesla's case.
No, gross margin doesn't include R&D. That money's spent and gone, so is
pretty much irrelevant towards future costs & profitability. Relevant from an
academic perspective, but not from a business perspective.
Or at least that's the traditional view; purchasers of Model 3's now expect
OTA updates so there is a little bit of R&D cost in the future but it's very
minor compared to what's already been spent.
That also doesn't include self-driving R&D, but that's not included in the
$35K base model so is also irrelevant.
> _purchasers of Model 3 's now expect OTA updates so there is a little bit of
> R&D cost in the future but it's very minor compared to what's already been
> spent._
Toyota spent almost $10 billion on R&D last year. Ford $8 billion. VW spent
$15 billion.
Tesla spent $1.5 billion. What is it that makes people think that Tesla's R&D
spend is so significant, and that it will diminish drastically in the future?
This is an R&D intensive industry.
Toyota will spend roughly $0 in R&D on the 2017 Camry in 2018.
The cost of the car for manufacturer might be: 60% goes into into the factory
and tooling, 20% into the parts and 20% is the rest.
If parts alone cost $28k and the car is sold for $35k, there is no profit in
the Model 3 even if the car is successful.
What I really want to know is how much Tesla pays for product recall insurance
per car.
The one they tore down has a price of at least $49,000. They haven’t started
producing the $35,000 version yet.
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Why I'm Learning Node - b14ck
Not many people know this, but Javascript: The Good Parts is available online
as a PDF, for free! [http://www.rose-
I think you have the wrong link there. It goes to a paper about Self.
It's a joke, except it points to the wrong link. It should be have been to
The problem with node is it decreases your productivity tremendously.
The most important thing about the choice of programming tools is
productivity. Node.JS does _not_ promise you any productivity gains. Node
sells itself as a solution to "slowness" caused by "blocking IO". What's the
solution? All I/O is evented! This means you have to write everything with
You may see some very nice libraries/tools coming out around node.js, like
jade, coffeescript, and stylus. These are all nice and good, and they _do_
increase your productivity, but, _only on the client side_.
If you're looking for performance and non-blocking IO, use Go, it's much
better at that.
_You may see some very nice libraries/tools coming out around node.js, like
jade, coffeescript, and stylus. These are all nice and good, and they do
increase your productivity, but, only on the client side._
I disagree. Firstly, CoffeScript is not confined to the client-side. Besides,
there are some modules like socket.io for which you will hardly find any
substitues in other eco-systems.
You're also discounting the effects of context shifts between two separate
languages - one on the client side, and the other on the server side.
Lastly, I would like to know what you find productive about Go, that's not the
case with either CS/JS on Node.
The decrease in productivity with node comes from having to write everything
with callbacks. Programming asynchronously is crazy, it makes very simple
algorithms very annoying to write.
I'd say it's almost like writing in assembly. You have to write your code in
some pseudo code first, synchronously, then translate that into the
asynchronous callback spaghetti than node requires.
> Lastly, I would like to know what you find productive about Go, that's not
> the case with either CS/JS on Node.
Not having to write everything asynchronously?
I haven't actually used go, but the way goroutines communicate (and
synchronize) with channels suggests to me (from what I've read/seen) that this
callback spaghetti problem is non-existent in Go.
It cracks me up that you haven't tried Go but you're still recommending it, is
there a web framework?
Edit: Found web.go. Screw it it's a long weekend, I'll give learning Go a go.
You don't really need a web framework with go. net/http is just fine for most
use cases.
_After reading so many negative things about nodejs, I'm completely surprised
to report that it is actually pretty damn cool._
Most of these negative things were (are being?) written by people who target
Node's shortcomings without giving due concern to the areas it shines in.
Good Parts is definitely a good read. If anyone is looking for more reading
materials on JavaScript, I had written a post about it recently:
Thanks, this looks like a really great list. I'm adding these to my reading
queue :)
You should add Eloquent Javascript to the list really good JS books, if you
haven't already read it: <http://eloquentjavascript.net/>
If the point is to learn front-end development, it seems like you're still
sticking to your strengths instead of challenging yourself and delving into
actual front-end DOM manipulation stuff.
Agree. It seems the OP is just moving from one language to another rather than
from one domain (back-end) to another (front-end).
If you're learning JavaScript to get familiar with front-end and UI, Node.js
is just a distraction. Instead, my advice is to learn raw HTML/CSS/JS without
You know those cheesy web-based "OSes"/Desktops that no one really uses?
Building one is actually quite helpful to developing JavaScript skills. Try
building a Window manager in HTML/CSS/JS. You'll go through the entire
gauntlet of what JavaScript has to offer (e.g. closures, prototypes) while
dealing with a practical front-end problem (DOM manipulation, CSS styling)
while learning a lot about why the modern js frameworks are so useful (e.g.
jQuery for DOM, backbone.js for MVC). You'll also start getting exposure to
some basic decisions that make up the foundations of a good UI sense. I
consider this sort of exercise much more appropriate for polishing front-end
Other possible exercises include re-implementing common jQuery UI components -
drop-down menus, trees, tabs, etc. But do them without jQuery. It might sound
like reinventing the wheel, but learning fundamentals sometimes requires
retreading worn out paths.
Sure. Then he will want to kill himself when trying to use of all those
inferior and mismatched technologies for any kind of complex application
(achieving crossbrowser support will ensure many nights of fun!). He will then
go back to coding server-side where at least you can use sane language and
tools so you can be as productive as possible. However, he will be thinking
about this glimpse of hell for the rest of his career.
_If you're an experienced programmer looking to learn Javascript, you probably
can't do any better than reading Javascript: The Good Parts. It's extremely
short, concise, and enjoyable to read. Highly recommended._
Any experienced programmer should definitely start elsewhere so he can make up
his own mind about Crockfords ideas about how programming should be. While the
book is ok-ish almost half of the material is about Crockfords personal
preferences for coding style and can be applied to any language.
JavaScript - The Definite Guide by David Flanagan is in my opinion the best
book on the subject. No other JS book comes even close in clarity and
Agree. Moreover, the Good Parts is a bit dated since it's written in 2008 and
things had changed noticeable with ECMAScript 5 in 2009. The last 6th edition
of The Definitive Guide covers ES5 and has a chapter explaining Crockford's
Javascript can be quite daunting. I have seen many disasters with Javascript
applications. This is why I now teach Javascript differently, I have written
down a minimalist JS approach. This way of writing Javascript allows you to
implement almost any OOP design yet it only uses 10% of the Javascript
language thus shortening the learning curve. I wrote this initially for co-
workers but because it's such a success I've decided to put it online.
This approach also makes it possible to treat JS more like a traditional OOP
language and it does not require external libraries, sugar code or new browser
technology. It works in the most ancient browsers.
The author echoes many of the same reasons I really dived into Node - I'm a
strong C# back-end developer but really hadn't had much experience designing
web UI (HTML5/CSS/JS.)
I can say without a doubt that my experience with Node has translated to some
upside in terms of my front-end JavaScript abilities - being able to really
master the ins and outs of JavaScript language itself has made it much easier
for me to work with even some pretty nasty front-end bits.
In addition, you pick up a lot of tools in Node that are translatable to
client-side JS development. Many of the unit testing frameworks work just as
well at testing client-side code as they do server-side.
Starting with Node is a very poor choice if you want to learn front-end. But
you can't go wrong with The Good Parts and you at least now know what's all
the fuss about Node. But now let's really start learning front-end.
Begin with semantic HTML. It's really the basis. The best front-enders I know
first write all the HTML for a project, and only _then_ start adding CSS and
JS. Learn why <b> is wrong and <strong> isn't. Make sure you're HTML
Now go to CSS. It's really easy to add some colours or fonts. You learn CSS as
you go. But there is one hurdle here: the box model. Learn about float:left,
position:absolute, display:block and how they entangle.
This will be harder than you think. You will need to learn some tools to debug
this. Install Firebug and the Webdevelopers Toolbar in Firefox and see how you
can fix your layout. Browsers aren't that scary.
We're only learning here, so skip IE for now. That one is actually kinda
scary. Though if you really want to learn front-end, it's all about browser
And then Javascript. Now it will be easy. Stick with jQuery and connect with
your Node instance with socket.io. Learn Backbone if you want to make snappy
web apps. There's a lot to learn in this 'grey field' between back-end and
front-end. But at least you now know front-end.
Might as well make sure you're grammar validates too.
Anyway, I don't understand why the front-end is relevant at all. It's not the
same problem, and the fact that most people do both doesn't mean that learning
to do a good front-end will teach you to do a good back-end.
As a longtime Python guy, mostly back-end (but I knew JS pretty well) -- I did
a quick demo site recently in node, and was surprised by how it felt. There
was much less context-switching as I went back and forth between the client
and server. That sounds obvious but it was kind of a shock.
I always wanted Python on the client (here's looking at you, Jython!) -- js on
the server may be the closest thing I'm going to get.
Have you tried Pyjamas?
As noted somewhere else learning node is not learning front-end. Something
that bothered me recently is that on the back-end we are used to big oop
frameworks when in fact the stateless nature of http do not match oop so well.
On the front end however we have a gui so oop is a good paradigm.
Huh? What does the statelessness of HTTP have to do with OOP, particularly on
the server, but not the client?
Because most server side languages take a "throw away the world" approach to
web programming; none of your objects persist in memory through requests,
which means every time a request comes in you have to reload a part of the
user's world from the db, service the request, and then destroy the world
you've just created. For structural things like MVC, objects are great, but
you really don't see much of the "object as vehicle for data encapsulation"
that's drilled into every new programmer when they're first taught OOP.
The client, on the other hand, _can_ persist data and objects through
requests, and the only time it needs to be fully refreshed is on a full
Ah. But that isn't an issue of language or object-orientation. There are
server-side frameworks that _don't_ throw away the world, and client-side
frameworks that do. (Notice how your javascript state is thrown away everytime
you load a new page in the browser). That's a design decision that's made
possible by the statelessness of HTTP, but not required by it.
Certainly, but throwing away the world is natural on server side code and it
means that your carefully crafted object don't live long and many of them
don't need too be objects, they are micro namespaces for a set of methods. I
never tried node.js for real but one good side off it could be that you are
not pushed towards objects like you are with Python, Ruby, Java, etc.
The author refers to this seething criticism of node
(<http://teddziuba.com/2011/10/node-js-is-cancer>. html), that I've seen
before, and then just soldiers on without addressing it. I'm not well versed
enough to know whether Dziuba's analysis is not the mark or not. What do the
javascript/node experts here have to say about it? The criticism, after all,
would seem to be so damning that it either needs to be refuted or to stand as
a definitive reason to never seriously consider using node in a real project.
Just read around two thirds of 'The Node Beginner Book'. I've only briefly
played with node.js before now and I still don't really have an immediate use
for it personally. I could see myself using it to whip up rough scaffolding to
support prototypes of personal projects written in other languages.
I did learn something from its event-driven callback system though. Made me
realize I was approaching things the wrong way in a libevent-based daemon I'm
developing in C.
Congrats,it really sucks having to rely on other people to complete your
project.Also you might want to learn Coffeescript and jQuery.
No justification required for learning another language. I sometimes wonder
how often the ends justify the means.
I like the though process but I think where you may fall short is the UI
Design aspect. HTML/CSS/Javascript isn't all that hard, it is creating a good
looking and highly usable user interface that is challenging. Good luck!
Formatting on this site is terrible for iPhone reading. It prevents zooming,
thus forcing a very small font on the reader.
browserify (<https://github.com/substack/node-browserify>) is great for
providing require() and bundling necessary dependencies for the browser.
Thank god for this - I've been doing a lot of work with some NPM packages that
I want to use on the client but for the life of me couldn't figure out how to
do it. This looks like it'll do just the trick. Thanks!
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CommonMark Is a Useful, High-Quality Project - chubot
Two things in one story (I see this a lot. Its good actually. stories don't
have to have only one story-arc)
one story is a bloody good C implementation of a parser for common markdown.
Thats wonderful! I wanted something simple and focussed.
the other is common markdown as a value proposition in itself. I like this,
and I would welcome pandoc fronting up and saying _yep, we commit to keeping
in line with this_ because I think it does everyone good to get to a common
I try to do everything in markdown now. I sometimes wish the tools I use
(visual studio code) did a better job of distinguishing * this * and * * *
this * * * for instance.
Actually, I sometimes wish HN did a bit more too, but then simple is pretty
compelling. I think if you want richtext in a feedback system beyond denoting
quotes, you might be off-beam.
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Ask HN: Whats your favorite YouTube tech channels but not famous? - giis
Recently came across this relatively little known channel[1]. Though it has only 6 videos and <50k users, its good. Do you know such channels?<p>[1] https://www.youtube.com/user/PieterExplainsTech/feed
Jesse Warden was really helpful for me when I was starting out programming. He
has a great series called 'Beginners Guide to Software Development' which got
me started and he's especially helpful with JavaScript testing and tooling
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Ockam built a JAMStack site and it's 100% Open Source - mattgreg
I don't know but somehow the ockam.io page being blank except the menu somehow
does not inspire confidence...
Code looks really clean. What's the naming reasoning behind `mdxComponents`.
Does mdx mean something?
`Blockqute` is that a typo?
I like how you handle MenuItems on mobile.
Yea, it's related to [https://mdxjs.com](https://mdxjs.com). All .md files can
contain valid jsx code. This `mdxComponents` folder name, refers to components
that could both be - used directly in markdown files or used to generate html
from markdowns.
That's all good and well, but the actual website fails to render on Firefox
(OSX Catalina)
Thanks for the heads up...Maybe the build we did this morning has a bug for
firefox. Let me take a look.
Sorry I should add - Works fine for me in Safari and Chromium, in Firefox the
header and footer render fine, but the content fails to display. There are no
console errors.
_There are two primary advantages for the ockam.io site to use JAMStack:
No need for a database or complex backends
Building and hosting are decoupled_
I don't get it, since when building a static site requires a database? Are
they referring to eliminating some kind of CMS?
I think the point is that ockam site requires a flexible layer to manage its
data, which is focused mostly on .md documentation files. So Storing, updating
and managing these files through a database could be quite hard and annoying,
since all of them are stored across many different github repos. Moreover, all
these files, have to be shown in a user-friendly way. This data from .md
files, have to be converted to HTML at some point as well.
So what we have done is we keep all data on their place ( depended github
repos ), grab them before build time, and generate static content based on it.
Moreover, we have some mechanism to target particular branches/commits on
depended repos, and control when we want to trigger our pipelines.
So, replaying directly to your question - no, building a static site not
require a database. JAMStack architecture is helping us to provide and manage
our specific data sources.
I really want to find a great open-source JAMStack documentation site for
APIs. Does one exist somewhere?
I'm planning on migrating all our Postman documentation away to
[https://github.com/slatedocs/slate](https://github.com/slatedocs/slate) if
that's what you mean.
PS. The reason why we're moving away from Postman is due to some tiny issue[1]
that has caused lots of "you need to click here to see everthing"
[1] : [https://github.com/postmanlabs/postman-app-
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Postman documentation". Is this Postman's
documentation or documentation for other APIs (not sure if Postman has an
OpenAPI spec?).
I found slate, and it's super cool, but I haven't used it myself. There might
be some pipelining involved, from my understanding of projects like
where you convert OpenAPI specs to markdown?
I think the good folks over at getstream.io used slate as a base for their
docs CMS and loved it enough to write about it, and I'd love to read more
about slate in production. Looking forward to when you finish your migration
and if you write about it!
This is a great platform for IOT!
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Facebook Will Let People You Don't Know Message Your Inbox For $1 - OJKoukaz
I think Facebook is on the right path with this as a potential money making
However, they need some modifications if they don't want to piss off their
users in implementing it.
Here's my suggestion(s):
Let users specify how much it should cost to contact them, and let them keep a
percentage of every dollar over $1. Then let marketing messengers set a
'maximum cost' amount - if it's too costly, they won't send.
Don't want to be messaged? Set your price insanely high.
Don't mind being messaged as long as you get something out of it? Set it to
Win for everyone.
One big issue here (solvable, but something to think about): this would make
messages a source for money laundering, which I'd bet fb would like to avoid.
Then again, they already deal with this with fb credits, so maybe this
wouldn't be too taxing to deal with.
If the percentage kept by facebook is higher than the cost of money laundering
this won't be a factor.
For example, there are probably few people willing to launder money at a cost
of 90%, and 10% seems like the amount FB would pay.
Direct Mail spam. Even if this is something some businesses will pay for, and
even if it isn't a lot of messages, it is still an annoyance.
Would there be 1,000 businesses willing to spend $1 million each to send a
message to a million people? That's $1 billion. Can messages be targeted
enough and give a good enough ROI? Will users be pissed off and dismiss
businesses that put ads into their private inbox?
More negatives than positives, IMHO..
Set caps on spam and auction the space, then. If the price of getting to your
inbox is $10 people will have to have a really good reason for getting in
I'm usually anti-FB but I'm curious to see where this goes.
Or, set the price to be a function of the number of messages the sender sent
per day.
E.g. If I've sent `s` messages per day averaged over the last N days, the next
message that I send should cost (rounded to the nearest penny):
That'll put a damper on it right quick. Sending 100 messages will cost
$168.79, sending 200 will cost $625.35.
I don't see this happening, as Facebook has no trouble abusing the userbase.
Think of every company that has sent you at least three pieces of junk mail.
That's the barrier to entry imposed by a dollar on direct marketers.
So expensive, this would need to be targeted extraordinarily well for it to be
worthwhile for advertisers. Which is possible, because fb knows so much more
about you than even google.
When ads are targeted _well enough_ , they stop being spam, and start becoming
a welcome service. The question is whether they have reached that threshold.
Unsolicited commercial mail is _always_ spam. If I post a message to my
private about my fridge making funny sounds, that doesn't mean I want to
receive a FB message from HardwareStore about their appliance selection.
Its not technically mail (is an internal message system) and you don't hold
that strict standard for anything else do you?, e.g. all tv commercials are
spam because they show unsolicited commercial information, all billboard are
Actually, yes in my viewpoint pretty much every billboard is spam. I've yet to
see a billboard that informed me of something useful to me personally. (Let
alone at an appropriate time! Is me driving on a highway an appropriate time
to let me know that I should buy something? Hell no.)
This sounds just like a recently posted startup,
"Want to chat with inaccessible people? Pay them, not Facebook"
So Facebook implements an anti-spam measure that people have been clamoring
for since the early days of slashdot and that makes them the bad guys?
How do you figure this qualifies as an anti-spam measure when it is giving
spammers a tool to reach me that they didn't have before?
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Killing Off American Cows to Keep Milk Prices High - walterbell
Ah, the the alienated joys of capitalism.. and the bloody stumps we call hands
and minds.
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8 Steps Two CS majors Took to Becoming Powerful Speakers - ciscoriordan
Copy and paste job since it's down:
from Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students (BASES) by
As two guys who love to code, we have noticed a not-too-exciting stereotype
floating around our fields of study: CS majors are poor speakers who have
traded their interpersonal relationship and communication skills for technical
expertise. This label is unfortunate because on the whole, CS majors truly do
indeed publicly speak worse than those in other fuzzier fields. To break out
of this stereotype and reach our full potentials, we decided yesterday to
participate in some Speaker Training 101 to improve our public speaking
skills, because, to be blunt, CS Majors who speak well do better than CS
majors who don’t speak well.
Here are some useful tips we took away from the training:
1\. Silence is powerful.
It might sound ironic, but the most powerful speakers are those who can employ
pauses in their words. During short bouts of mental hiccups, everyone will
want to fill gaps in their speech with the two most spoken words in the
English language. Yeah, that’s right: “Umm…” or “err…” Avoid these. Be
conscious of your umms and errs. See if you can catch yourself in the act and
replace them with some thoughtful, contemplative silence. You’ll be surprised.
2\. Use your hands.
Using your hands to emphasize key points or to articulate what you need to say
is extremely effective. Don’t let them hang limp at your sides, hiding
uselessly in your pockets, or tucked away behind the podium. You have them for
a reason. Be lively and energetic!
3\. Don’t touch the podium!
People may not think about this at all, but their natural instinct is to grab
whatever is in front of them while they are speaking. On-stage, people will
psychologically want to seek some sort of security. Remember that stand-up
comedian who kept fiddling with his microphone? Or maybe that nervous speaker
who appeared to be humping the podium. Neither took tip #3 into account. Be
confident, poised, and keep your hands off the podium!
4\. Listen to your introducer.
As the main event, everyone will naturally have their attention on you. Show
some courtesy and give your introducer your undivided attention. The audience
will naturally follow you. When the introducer gives you the stage, don’t just
start speaking and talk over him. Ease your way into your speech and set the
pace for your audience. It can be as simple as “Thank you [name] for
introducing me tonight…”
5\. Interact with the audience.
Reality check: who are you speaking to? Your audience. They are here to learn
from you, so it’s best to know your audience and involve them in your speech.
For example, this can be accomplished by doing simple tasks such as asking
questions — “raise your hand if…” Follow tip #5, and you’ll keep the audience
refreshed and engaged.
6\. Pull yourself out of a tailspin.
During the speaker training, I choked up during my improv and forgot the name
of an organization I was supposed to describe. After five seconds of misery,
the name came back to me and I made my recovery by graciously and humorously
accepting the fact I made my mistake. Surprisingly, the audience felt that
this contributed to the power of the speech. Apparently some speakers even
plan out things to fail during their speech so they could similarly pull
themselves out of a tailspin. This tactic is supposed to connect the audience
to the speaker and create this bond because the speaker becomes more human,
down-to-earth, and on the same plane as the audience.
7\. Don’t hold back your energy.
For unknown reasons, many equate speaking with less energy to increased
technical expertise. That actually doesn’t make you look more sophisticated,
that just makes you look like a poor speaker. Release that energy and don’t
hold back! Capture your audience’s attention with all the power you have to
make your speech more effective.
8\. Critique yourself and have others critique you.
This may seem self-explanatory, but when you are practicing your speech, take
turns with others to point out positives and negatives in your speech. When
addressing your own negatives, see if your audience agrees with you.
Surprisingly, audiences may not notice a lot of your mistakes. What feels like
hours of mess-ups on your part are actually unnoticeable seconds for your
audience. Keep running drills immediately afterward to incorporate the
constructive criticism.
Our public speaking is nowhere near perfect, but we recognize it as a valuable
skill to have and hope to improve in it quickly. Try out these small tips, and
you’ll be surprised at the difference it’ll make. Most of the world fears
public speaking more than death. Master these tips and you will absolutely
amaze. It’s the first step to being able to throw an event that will make a
2nd year Stanford GSB student jealous. Ambitious? No problem.
That's all good advice, but I don't think it gets to the heart of most
speakers' problem, which is simply fear. Clutching the podium, speaking too
quickly, blanking - these are all side effects of nervousness. I don't think
the solution is as simple as 'stop doing that', controlling unconscious
behaviour under pressure is difficult.
Unfortunately I don't know the secret to great public speaking, but I suspect
no. 8, practice and critique, should actually be top of the list. It is the
only thing I've found which helps.
If you're interested in becoming a better speaker you should check out a local
chapter of Toast Masters. Despite the name, it's more about speeches than
about toasts.
I just joined the local chapter at my office in hopes of hedging my technical
skills with a better set of social / presentation skills.
The cost to join was about $60 up front and another $30-40 for each six months
I have enjoyed all three meetings I've attended thus far. Speaking makes me
nervous, so I figure working through it will be good for me.
"Error establishing a database connection"
How do you say slashdotted for HN? :)
yeah - it's down for me as well. anyone have a mirror??
Powerful speakers? Like, 200W each?
Recognised speakers, perhaps? Famous? Effective? I know it's just a quibble,
but it really seems to me that "Powerful" is not the adjective you want here.
That said, I can't read the article, since the site is down, so who knows,
maybe Powerful is a really clever pun that I'm not getting.
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90% of software developers work outside Silicon Valley - douche
>90% of the world lives outside the United States
I agree the submission could use a title change.
Gotta be true. I imagine quite a few of them work in China, not to mention
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Spry Metrics - dbwieler
Spry Metrics was built from the ground up to give you easy access to your
website or app analytics. Track anything at anytime, and get instant feedback
and metrics from your users in real time.
We're looking for beta testers and feedback, so if you're interested in
becoming a would-be adopter, we would love your help and thoughts on our new
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JetBrains CLion licenses: what is what - dsr12
There is nothing in the market that is at par with VS as an IDE. I am in the
hope that CLion will give me an alternative of Visual Studio for C/C++ on
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Notes on making JGit (Java Git) fast - gcv
There's also a follow-up post in the same thread with a few more comments:
The most surprising part for me was: "But, JGit performs reasonably well; well
enough that we use internally at Google as a git server."
Why would you find this surprising? C is usually less than 10x faster than the
next tier of languages; Java, SBCL, GHC, C++, etc. 10x sounds like a lot, but
considering languages like Ruby are often 300x slower than C, and they still
perform just fine, you can see that Java's "slowness" is almost irrelevant.
Also, git spends a lot of time doing IO -- waiting for your hard drive to spin
around is as fast in C as in Java.
(BTW, this is not advocacy for Java, rather, it's advocacy against using C
when extremely good languages, like Haskell and Lisp are nearly as fast and
are much easier to write.)
Edit: Ob-shootout-link:
For these benchmarks, Java is as fast as gcc. Git is a different workload, so
I'm sure JGit is not equally fast as C-git, but it's not going to be unusably
slow either. (As time goes on, C is a solution to fewer and fewer problems.)
I was referring to the fact that they use it at Google as a Git server, not
the speed of Java.
LE: I am a Ruby developer and know what "fast enough" is. Also I know that
Java/JVM is quite fast, JRuby is sometimes faster than Ruby 1.9.
Shawn is the author of Repo, Gerrit 2 and we use those tools and jgit quite a
bit for distributing and developing Android. He's pretty awesome. (works for
me, I'm proud to say)
Taking x2 as long as C is a great achievement, especially with Git, which is
already extremely fast.
But they've done it by optimizing hell out of Java - it's far from idiomatic
java, more like the C-style java you see in the standard Java libraries (but
to be fair, C-Git has also had hell optimized out of it).
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Four Months After a Concussion, Your Brain Still Looks Different Than Before - aronvox
I've sustained between 2 and 4 concussion in the past 6 years. 2 were
clinically diagnosed and I self-diagnosed 2 more after smaller accidents that
had similar week-long symptoms. All occurred during soccer practices and
The prospect that I've done cumulative lasting damage to my brain absolutely
terrifies me. Similar to the way a model would be terrified if they sustained
burns on their face. My brain is what makes me money, my brain is what makes
me proud, my brain provides pleasure through reading, writing and programming.
It's horrifying to think that I've somehow caused my brain to be performing at
a lower level than it would be otherwise.
I don't know why I'm writing this. It's just scary. I still play sports (no
longer soccer) and bicycle everywhere but I'm far more careful and reserved
than I would be otherwise.
Be careful out there, wear a helmet, and take care of your brain.
It is concerning. I've been concussed by a baseball to the head as a teenager
and these emerging long-term effects to the brain kind of freak me out.
Probably shouldn't have took a few more headshots after that, but tis life I
guess. Funny how our strongest asset is also the most fragile.
Well said.
Finding the balance is a struggle for me. Is increased risk of dementia and
other disorders when I'm older worth it for me to continue mountain biking
while I'm still young? I don't know. What risks are worth taking?
Here's something I don't get about some high-risk sports: is the feeling you
get doing that really irreplaceable? Aren't there a ton of other things which
given some time would be just as fun?
About 5 years ago I suffered a concussion from a motorcycle accident (I had a
helmet, only thing that saved me).
All my friends said it took me almost 2 years before I was back to "my old
self". It was weird experiencing it firsthand as well. My last memories of the
accident was planting my left hand on the pavement trying to save the fall.
Thankfully my nice Held gloves have tacks on the palm so it wasn't a big deal
but the next memory I had was waking up with a cat on my chest staring right
at me in my buddies girlfriends house.
I think the cat wanted to eat me, those eyes /shudder. Anyway, PSA is always
wear a helmet, that and hip armor, wear lots of that, I walked like an old man
for a month. But for a few years after that accident I basically felt a fog in
my brain.
I really don't like the idea of sports like football after that where people
pile on concussions. I just don't see how it could be a thing that couldn't be
_I really don 't like the idea of sports like football after that where people
pile on concussions. I just don't see how it could be a thing that couldn't be
There's a high school that I pass on the way to the dog park, and on Mondays
the team is always outside for football practice. Watching them damage
themselves right in front of the school breaks my heart. I am convinced that
American Football is going go suffer the same drop in popularity as boxing
within the next decade.
For a more barbaric sport like MMA?
According to the (nat geo?) video below mma and boxing hits should be about
the same with all else being equal. Combing this with mma's grappling and one
almost wonders if, despite the increased blood, it might be less concussion
No doubt their bodies are being hammered and worn down though.
Among the MMA community it used to be common knowledge that MMA was safer,
concussion-wise. There were no good studies to back that up, however. Now
they're starting to come by, and it seems they might be just about the same.
Here's one: [http://www.cagepotato.com/myth-busting-is-mma-really-
I've had quite a few in high school and early college. The best part is the
manic and depressive episodes. After a really bad one during wrestling in high
school, I had some pretty amazing highs and really bad lows. Best time of my
life was sitting on the back porch and giggling at the sun for 2 hours. I was
totally ecstatic about the sun. The worst was all the suicidal thoughts. Think
a heart monitor. The highs were soooo good, but most of the time it was bad
depression. I agree with the other posters here, it took me about 2 years
after each bad hit to get over it and return to normal. I'd say it's a
logarithmic curve to a new percentile. IE you never really get all the way to
the new normal. I also have lasting short term memory loss, problems
discerning things apart at close distances, and hearing issues in loud and
chaotic environments like bars and family gatherings. My mind is just not
there and will likely never be. Oh well, I guess I'm just stuck in Hard Mode.
I don't play rubgy anymore, but damn I want to. I know I can't but I miss the
pitch everyday I am here. I loved it all, and I still do. Again, hard mode.
A bit offtopic for HN, but it really does drive the point home: Football?
Boxing? Hockey?
These are blood-sport.
There may be a technological solution, there may be a rules-revision solution
(hockey in particular does not _need_ to be brutally violent to be a good
game) but the current approach isn't right.
i agree with you that they are bloody sports and there are inherent major
risks in them. I posted above about my experiences with wrestling and rugby,
arguably very violent sports. I want to say that I know they are 'blood
sports' and I love them even through what happened to me. Though I cannot play
rugby these days, there is not one that goes by that I do not wish to be out
on the pitch.
I am having trouble explaining this, I think. But even though these sports are
bloody, and probably because they are, I want to play them. The thrill, the
camaraderie, the team and the struggle, the pitting of man against man in an
arena, it all is what I want. I can prove myself on a rugby pitch or a
wrestling mat in a way I cannot elsewhere in life. Again, words are failing me
here. But I want you to know that I know the risks, I knew them before my
concussions, I have lived with the results of the decisions, and I still miss
it and yearn for it. I love playing these 'blood' sports.
I've helped friends with this. The most important item is for patients to get
copies of their MRIs and related records.
These are crucial for long term follow up.
And if you're very, very lucky, the new look is an improvement:
Is your brain supposed to look the same after four months without a
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How Bitcoin Ends - dpapathanasiou
This article makes pretty blatant errors:
> We thought the net would break the monopoly of top-down, corporate media.
> But as business interests took over it has become primarily a delivery
> system for streaming television to consumers, and consumer data to
> advertisers.
Weird thing to say about an era where traditional publishers and news networks
have been entirely disrupted by random folks posting on twitter/facebook.
> At its core, bitcoin is just an extension of the old PGP, or Pretty Good
> Privacy encryption protocol.
I've never seen the word "just" do so much work. Bitcoin, notably, solved the
Double Spending problem[0] seventeen years after PGP was created.
> In essence, bitcoin is money built and maintained by nerds, based on the
> premise that good nerds will outnumber the bad nerds.
This is patently false. The _entire_ point of bitcoin is that miners and node
operators acting in _their own self-interest_ will secure the protocol, not
"good nerds". You can argue if the system fails this will be the case, but not
that this is the premise.
[0] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-
Yeah I'm also pretty critical of their narrative of how centralized currency
came about. Their timeline is _wildly_ wrong. The author makes it seem like
states started minting coinage in the middle ages, when the advantages of a
standardized coin with a mandated-by-fiat face value (possibly different from
the actual value) were well-known - and famously used to great effect by -
even the early Roman Empire.
Then there's this sentence, which is just nonsense:
> All money was borrowed from the central treasury, at a rate of interest set
> by the king.
I have no doubt that Bitcoin will end someday, most likely from QC breaking
ECDSA, but this is perhaps the most illiterate and uninformed takedown I have
ever read on the subject.
That's not really a problem. Addresses aren't the entire ECDSA public key, but
a hash digest of it. The entire public key is only revealed once a transaction
is made from an address to another. So an address that has only received
coins, but never sent any, is entirely immune from QC. (This, by the way, is
why you're never supposed to reuse addresses, since once you move coins from
an address once, it's possible for someone offline to try and break the key.)
It is a real problem. Millions of BTC are locked in addresses with known
public key, due to either the formerly popular Pay-to-Public-Key script, or
the ever popular practice of addresses re-use that you also mentioned.
Aside from the flaws of the article, there are something to be said about how
centralized bitcoin has become. Most of the bitcoins are held by centralized
exchanges, or "qualified" custodian (locked up in ETF and other exchanges).
They essentially act like centralized banks, the exact thing we're trying to
avoid. The only saving grace is we can send to native wallet, giving us some
freedom from the institutions.
This is how Bitcoin ends up...
* Bitcoin and Ethereum are grandfathered into not requiring KYC and AML. They are the rare currency with zero friction.
* All new currencies require KYC and AML. This is happening right now
* Other currencies can have some positives (backed by revenue generating assets, etc.). But they can be confiscated by governments
* Bitcoin always has a place, as the zero friction, no-KYC currency.
EXAMPLE: I did a wire transfer from the USA to India. Since it was sent in
Indian rupees, the receiving bank kept rejecting it. They claimed it didn't
pass AML. The real reason is that they wanted to take huge fees for the USD to
Rupees conversion on their receiving side. So they kept rejecting it, until it
is sent in US Dollars and they can scalp me on the conversion rate. I had 8
weeks of failed transfers.
That AML hostage taking can happen across all currencies BUT Bitcoin and
In the future, people in China are taking their money out in bitcoin. People
across Africa, South America, also often move it into Bitcoin. They can cross
justidictions with nobody to stop them. There is a place to cut around the
hostage stakers at the AML level.
Have you tried TransferWise? I just tested in app, and they’ll convert $1000
USD to INR for $9 USD immediately.
I have their Borderless account and hold balances in several currencies at
once, with access using a debit card, wires, ACH (US), SWIFT (EU) etc. Highly
There is plenty of services like this nowadays. I recall TrensferGO and
Revolut. There is even a service for fees comparison amongst those services,
developed be hackernews fellow reader:
Excellent resource!
So much nonsense in this article, don't know where to start...
Yeah I stopped reading after this:
> At its core, bitcoin is just an extension of the old PGP, or Pretty Good
> Privacy encryption protocol.
This is also about getting out of being "locked into" a larger overall economy
run for the benefit of a few and creating local economies.
People with land and/or skills could create new economies by trading directly
with each other with what they produce and opt out altogether..
In a way it is the final defence of a people against control and oppression or
insane hyperinflation, but is more dificult to do if you are stuck in a city
or additcted to modern technology.
Are they trying to say Bitcoin will not remain a totally unregulated, totally
compromised and idealistic cryptoanarchocapitalist utopia forever? Are they
trying to say that Bitcoin won't solve all of the world's problems and
bringing on a new utopian era??
I refuse to believe it. Because if that were true bitcoin would surely vanish
into thin air.
This article makes a good case about Bitcoin but even the original Bitcoin
enthusiasts and crypto community as a whole has admitted that it was a great
experiment but is now obsolete and settling in for a temporary (years) store
of value role.
I would like to see these same discussions after understanding the Ethereum
ecosystem which solves most of the problems listed in articles like these.
There's a stable form of value in DAI, high velocity and cheap money
transfers, and decentralized financial protocols that replace traditional
gatekeepers like banks and payment processors.
A long but interesting article by David Hoffman really sums it up in the best
way possible and is worth a read: [https://thedefiant.substack.com/p/ether-is-
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Ask HN: Why doesn't Google provide an option to open .txt files in Google drive? - rpathangi
nobody seems to want to serve files.
dropbox once offered, but has stopped.
github is about the only place that'll do it nowadays.
just avoid the middleman and get your own site.
Or Markdown for that matter. Or YAML.
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Ask HN: How do you measure risk with an open source project? - bazMVP
If you've found a new project on GitHub that you want to use, how do you quantify the associated risk of using it in a "production" application? For example: the project is only open for 6 months, or has many more open issues vs. closed issues, or has negative sentiment in commit messages. Of course it's a case-by-case basis, I'm looking for examples of what factors are deemed important when making this type of decision.
* I look at the code and determine, subjectively, whether this was written by first-rate developers or monkeys. I will consider this from various angles ranging from the overall program organization, to the details of how the programming language is used. If I spot bugs in this inspection, I will skip the project and look for something else. In particular anything that is a security flaw or could cause a crash is an instant deal-breaker. Not because everyone should be perfect and write error-free code the firs time, but because I was able to find it just by casually looking, whereas the maintainers have been working with that code for months and are blind to it---that erodes my confidence in the developers.
* I will look for a regression test suite: how extensive is it? If you don't see any tests, that's a big warning sign.
* If you don't see any documentation, another warning sign: the behavior is not specified and could change.
* Who _uses_ it? If the code is reasonably widely used, that de-risks it for you quite a bit, particularly if the existing uses resemble your intended use. They trod through the code paths before you and uncovered the bugs.
* Lastly: if need be, can I just maintain this myself? How easily forkable is the thing? This point can overcome some other issues. If some code is 95% of the way there, and is organized in a good way that I can take it the last 5%, I might just do it.
Keep in mind that the last 5% might mean a heck of a lot of time. There is
usually a reason why some things go unimplemented in open source projects and
the complexity and time required are usually high on the list.
The last 5% is _my_ last 5%, not (necessarily) the project's 5%. I.e. the
difference between what is there and what I require, not between what is
there, and the project's goals.
If there's an IRC channel, mailing list, issue tracker, etc., I have a look at
it. Active communities are bonus points regardless of the bug list.
I also look at how friendly the project is to pull requests and outside
development. If a bug is important to me, I will spend the time to code a fix,
but if there's no hope for getting any changes made, that represents a large
risk to me. It's not a bad thing if the team in charge pushes back for higher
quality code, code style, or solutions practical for wider audiences.
If there's continuous integration in place with automated testing and static
code analysis that is fantastic. It's not a deal breaker if it's not, but
having it in place is a good sign.
Depending on the project, I may have a look at the source itself. I certainly
don't look the source of every application I use.
I have found that online recommendations in developer communities are not
always good. More than once I've tried out projects based on people
evangelizing them only to find out that they are pretty far from acceptable.
There are differences in how I judge things that will be customer facing or
that I'm going to have to support operationally. I'm a lot more critical at
that point, but my top 3 points are:
1\. Can I put it in a container. 2\. Are the developers committed to long term
support. 3\. Will they give me a t-shirt.
I evaluate it the same way that I evaluate any other code that I'm bringing
into our project: is it robust, extensible, free of obvious errors, covered by
comprehensive unit/functional tests, etc.
I would say that "project is open 6 months" is a pretty poor metric, because 6
months is a _lot_ longer than the handful of days that your custom code will
have existed when you add it instead.
That makes sense, any time period is probably less valuable than looking at it
relative to commits or issue resolution rate.
Even evaluating it on historical commits or issue resolution rate is not very
productive, IMO. They really aren't an indication of future activity unless
there are at least 10s of developers working on it constantly for a long
period of time (say, > 6 months). I've been burned too many times by getting
hopeful about what a project maintainer is going to do in the future, so my
criteria is basically taking the code in it's current state and evaluating it
like I would any other code. If it's a matter of opening a PR or two to get
things cleaned up, and PRs seem to be merged relatively quickly, I might
chance it, but I can't wait on an unresponsive maintainer to merge things. I
have deadlines to meet. Ain't nobody got time for that.
0\. Is README in good shape and the API is sane? 1\. Last commit date in last
month 2\. Number of stars depending on the complexity of the lib
When was the last time the code was updated? How many people have contributed
to it?Really I'm looking to see whether the project is being actively
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Stream you terminal in real-time with anyone – without installing anything - snooty
Author of tmate here. This is really cool. Bravo
Could this solution be extended with a openssl pipe to offer encryption?
How do you shut it down or delete the session after you are done?
With exit..
does it delete the session video from server? It seems like not.
This looks like a security breach for most companies.
I was recently looking into ytalk/talkd which is the old-school way to do such
Very cool, now I must decide between tmate and streamhut!
Very cool! I'll have to stick with tmate because I do need encryption. Keep up
the work though!
Wow, such an elegant solution!
Very impressive!
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Analyse Asia Podcast #6: From Adventures to Communities in Southeast Asia - bleongcw
Synopsis for Episode 6: In this episode, Kristine Lauria, the country manager
Elance-oDesk in Singapore joined us for a conversation on her interesting work
in building and managing communities in Singapore (TheList.SG and
Walkabout.SG). Starting from San Francisco, she told the story of her
adventures in Asia through her blog: UrbanHikers. After settling in Singapore,
she created two major initiatives which have infused the culture of community
building and engagement in the Singapore entrepreneurial ecosystem (and they
are still in running today): TheList.SG and Walkabout.SG. She also discussed
her thoughts on Blk 71 and the startup real estate in Singapore, best
practices on community building and engagement and on a larger scale, on her
thoughts about other rising entrepreneurial ecosystems across Southeast Asia.
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Are you misusing Alexa numbers? (Probably) - andrew_null
I thought the advertising companies would just track how many ads are being
downloaded from their servers? Also I don't understand how the comScore
approach is better than Alexa? Both seem to be applications that run on
unwitting user's desktops and monitor their behaviour.
Lastly, why are VCas looking at Alexa numbers if they could simply look at the
server logs instead?
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Git from the Bottom Up (2009) [pdf] - brudgers
Web version: [http://jwiegley.github.io/git-from-the-bottom-
A nice resource in the same vein -- build a bare bones git in javascript:
And finally, Linus's one page explanation of git's central concepts for the
initial commit of git:
I have just created EPUB and MOBI versions from the latest commit on the
original book's repository (2015-08-03): [https://github.com/johnrezzo/git-
This is the right way to learn Git. I don't know how good this is, but I feel
most of the strange unintuitiveness of git went away and was replaced by a
feeling of productivity since I understood what happens under git's hood.
The big take away for me was the idea of blobs and trees as Hickeyian values
and commits as Von Neumann places. [1] If there is one weakness is the article
it is ending with _stash_ , which to me seems to be a bit of a feature in
search of a workflow more than something that enhances distribution and
sharing among a team in so far as the class of problem it addresses seems to
result from larger issues of team structure and workflow [if it's worth saving
then the whole team should know about it and have access].
It's useful to know about, but placing it at the end makes it seem like a high
order bit rather than something for a corner case.
[1]: [http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Value-
I find stash useful primarily as a place to hold things for a few minutes, and
no longer. In particular, I frequently use "git stash", followed by "git pull
--rebase", and if all went well, "git stash pop". I could just as easily do
"git commit -a -m 'WIP'", "git pull --rebase", and "git reset HEAD^", but I
find stash more intuitive.
That sort of gets at my point, stash makes sense in a corner of a high
disciplined workflow. But the article presents it as approaching "best
practice" and as a belt to sport with one's lederhosen. By analogy it's a bit
like multiple inheritance in C++, on occasion and for some people it might be
just the thing, but it's probably not a good starting assumption at the design
Though again, it's a minor criticism and mostly related to the impression of
importance positioning it at the end of the article suggests [i.e. placing the
strongest point in paragraph four of the five paragraph essay].
> as a belt to sport with one's lederhosen
That sounds to my American ears like the most German thing I've ever heard.
Talking about merges in Git always reminds me of this Linus post:
_there 's clearly a balance between "octopus merges are fine" and "Christ,
that's not an octopus, that's a Cthulhu merge"._
(Also, GitHub's logo is reminiscent of the "octopus merge".)
Related, for visual learners, Git for ages 4 and up:
this is awesome, thank you!
Seems to be down ATM. Archive link:
There's also Git from the Inside Out:
*Part of a new publication by Recurse Center/Hacker School
Related: [https://git-scm.com/book/en/v1/Git-Internals-Git-
Objects](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v1/Git-Internals-Git-Objects) (and other
sections in that chapter)
This chapter was updated for the 2nd edition:
My favourite introduction to Git internals is by Scott Chacon:
This is the document got me really understand Git. It's really helpful to know
the internals as the surface of Git is too many to comprehend on their own.
This was the first explanation of Git that made sense to me.
What tool was used to create this document?
Could be pain Tex, but I doubt it. Could be troff, but because it was easily
converted to html, I doubt that to. Best bet is Markdown + some typesetter.
Old but gold. This is how I learned git, and I think it's the only proper way.
Actually I did `git help tutorial` first to get started.
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Show HN: An opinionated markdown-to-HTML tutorial publisher - sixhobbits
Hey HN!
There's been a bit of talk on here recently about the bloated web and
minimalistic publishing platforms.
This won't host your tutorials for you, but it will convert them from markdown
to HTML in an opinionated (and I think aesthetic) way.
Feedback welcome
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On CPU backdoors - Trusting hardware - emillon
This touches on what I think is one of the more interesting technological
problems that we have to worry about right now. As a disclosure, most of the
reason I think that is because I'm a PhD student doing research on hardware
security. Anyways, there has been a lot of interesting discussion on the
topic. DARPA has had at least two programs dedicated to trying to solve this
problem, IRIS and TRUST [1]. Both of them seemed to be more interested in
tampering by third-parties, perhaps because it's not in their best interest to
accuse the people designing their ICs of attacking them.
In the long run, verifying the functionality and intentions of software and
hardware are probably roughly the same problem, with no clear solution to
either in the foreseeable future.
[1] <http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/08/problem-from-hell/>
> In the long run, verifying the functionality and intentions of software and
> hardware are probably roughly the same problem
Both require trusting the source code (a languages problem), as well as
trusting the translator. In the case of software, the translator is an end-
user accessible compiler/interpreter which is itself more software, thus
recursively auditable.
In the case of hardware, the translator is an entire _institution_ , which can
only be trusted if you have recourse against said institution. As an
individual end-user (uber alles) can then never fully trust their hardware, it
makes sense to draw a line in the sand and proceed from that assumption.
(and suuure, put a picture of a pic16f84, the chip that started the revolution
of microcontroller DIY, at the top of an article on dodgy hardware..)
Indeed, a russian security specialist has proofs that there is a backdoor in
Intel's virtualization technology: <http://www.xakep.ru/post/58104/> And here
is the Google translated version of the article:
That's pretty interesting - I wonder if there are any other people/companies
who've delved into this matter?
DARPA and others are concernced about this exact scenario and are funding
research into reverse-engineering chips to detect these types of backdoors.
There are two parts this problem. One part is using electron microscopes and
lasers and whatnot to go from silicon to a netlist of gates. The second part,
which I'm a little more familiar with, is "decompiling" these gates into
higher-level structures like ALUs and multipliers. The hope is that we can
identify maybe 80% of the circuit to be good/recognized using purely
algorithmic techniques and then a human can dig in and look through the
remaining 20% for anything suspicious.
They do seem to be more concerned about chips the US buys from certain other
countries than about the likes Intel/AMD building in backdoors.
EDIT: I should also mention that this is not just a concern of the american
defence. I'm aware of the indian govt also funding this sort of research with
similar motivation. However, in this instance, the professor was trying to
attack the problem through the lens of formal techniques. I think the idea was
to prove that if the chip interacts with the outside world through these
limited set of channels then you can't sneak data out through some sort of
covert channel hiding in the "regular" communication. The specific concern
here was about routers/switches and the like equipment sneaking sensitive data
out of a secure network.
Doesn't the government already make use of IBM's manufacturing capabilities
for Top Secret+ chips to try and mitigate the risk of this scenario?
I'm not sure but I think you may be right because the researchers have been
granted access to some IBM cell libraries. (I was wondering why IBM agreed to
this, but this probably explains it.)
My understanding is that the main concern here are chips in COTS equipment
bought from countries that are considered by some to be untrustworthy.
_I was wondering why IBM agreed to this_
Allegedly the government requiring a domestic fab for some chips is one of the
biggest reasons IBM's fab remains funded.
All hearsay though.
2009\. I'm surprised this hasn't been on HN before.
Related - <http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/ken/trust.html>
I just remembered another related case, the "Induc" virus which was infecting
a library file from the Delphi distribution, and then every compiled program
was infected. There were several pretty popular programs compiled on infected
computers of the developers and spreaded by the world.
> So, if we buy a laptop from vendor X, that might be based in some not-fully-
> democratic country
Like, say, the US...
I have no idea why this is getting downvoted. The current political climate in
the US is fucking abysmal, and bears little resemblance to a representative
Probably because the comment didn't contribute to the discussion at hand and
had a high troll potential. It's unfortunate that the author decided to throw
that comment into the article because it is naive sounding and seems quite out
of place there as well.
I suppose it doesn't open up much possibility for discussion afterward, but I
wasn't intending to troll. I just think we need to remember that we don't have
to imagine some undemocratic international threat to understand why these
issues are important.
Never mind us. Why should Intel trust Intel? Like any good computing company,
I would imagine they are mostly self-hosting. The chips they built last year
are the chips they use to run simulations and design the chips they put out
next year. Backdoors can be exploited by any employee who knows about them,
and it would be extraordinarily damaging for Intel to allow backdoors into
hardware they depend on.
Even if they built in some sort of a kill-switch, how could anyone confidently
say that a rogue engineer involved in the design couldn't bypass it and use
the chip against Intel. Ultimately, I think there's so much danger that I have
to assume Intel is competent enough not to do something so foolish as
introduce deliberate backdoors.
But there are SO many chipsets they put out. e.g. I have a Core 2 Duo system,
but the exact chipset is T9400.
Intel could keep track of which chipsets are vulnerable and which are not, and
carefully pick which kind gets released to who.
Obviously, Intel employees aware of the strategy would only use the
invulnerable chipsets themselves.
I'm expecting someone to produce a fully open hardware stack sooner or later -
there's already a freely available sparc processor design, and I recall some
open-source people working on a fully open graphics card. (Of course you still
have to trust your fab, but that's not very different from trusting your
how is trusting your fab any different than trusting Intel?
> that's not very different from trusting your compiler
if you were paranoid enough to be worrying about CPU backdoors, why would you
trust your compiler?
>how is trusting your fab any different than trusting Intel?
You increase the cost of an attack - it's harder to change a processor's
behavior by editing the mask than the VHDL. If you were super-paranoid you
could source to multiple different fabs and run the chips you get back in
parallel, with some sort of trap that goes off whenever you get different
results from one or other processor.
>if you were paranoid enough to be worrying about CPU backdoors, why would you
trust your compiler?
If you don't trust your compiler, why are you even bothering worrying about
CPU backdoors when you've got a much easier attack vector open?
_run the chips you get back in parallel_
Who's to say you're going to trigger the condition that causes the backdoor?
Seems very unlikely. If you have ideas on this, though, I'd be interested.
_If you don't trust your compiler, why are you even bothering worrying about
CPU backdoors when you've got a much easier attack vector open?_
You may not trust your compiler, and therefore do certain things in a VM where
e.g. access to network is limited. See [1].
[1] <http://qubes-os.org/Home.html>
The irony is that electron microscopes run on computers, too. And they are
probably even networked.
So really you can only trust an analog, optical microscope. Which, also
ironically, is not quite good enough to resolve individual transistors (being
limited to about 200nm or so, in green light.)
Last but not least, our CPUs are always designed by other computers, so it's
theoretically possible that a backdoor could propagate itself forever.
One thing to note is that having good perimeter security makes exploiting
hardware backdoors much harder. I mean if you are monitoring all of your
internet traffic then even if somebody with an access to a hardware backdoor
tried to steal data or log your activities the traffic caused by those
attempts would be caught at the perimeter.
Problem is real, solution not so much. By hardware memory protection drivers
will be isolated, but you cannot protect yourself from backdoor logic built
into the hardware.
An IOMMU does protect against rogue peripheral devices, just not a rogue
Yes a driver written that uses IOMMU/VT-d for firewire devices will prevent
attacks over it from dumping memory and recovering keys, assuming that the
memory isn't reused and contains it already etc. Having this combined with a
quick way to zero out whatever DMA region is being used would be about as
foolproof as you could expect anything to be for protecting you from this kind
of attack.
Note that you also have to trust the /tools/ that generate the circuits.
Nobody's doing to check every single gate on the chip against the source code;
it would be easy for a VHDL compiler to lay down extra stuff.
Shades of "Reflections on Trusting Trust," but in hardware. Doesn't have a
complete replication loop, though, which would have the compromised hardware
re-infecting the very VHDL compilers that generated the chip backdoor :-)
I bet this is where Stallman does another 180 (like with cloud computing) and
will claim that open hardware is paramount.
What was his 180 with cloud computing?
At one point I remember he said it doesn't matter that we can't see the source
code running on remote computers because they're not rightfully in your
control. It's just something you're connecting to with something you do
control. You have the potential to check on your safety because you can see
everything going in and out of your computer.
Regarding open source, I think the point about security is not so much that
you will read the entire source yourself, but that the reading of the source
is, like its writing, a collective enterprise. If there's a backdoor, somebody
at some point will see it.
Aren't there laws against companies making Backdoor like this? Not that I'm
naive enough to think that means it won't happen.
typo in headline
Fixed - thank you !
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Pikini just launched – App to find your friends' bikini pictures automatically - mosselman
Jesus, and people in this industry STILL fight the idea that it's an
incredibly gross and sexist environment. This is what we can achieve with some
of the greatest technologies that humanity has created, really!?
As it says on the app page "Pikinis is for everyone – men or women, straight,
gay, or bi-sexual, human or vampire!". You are making it about sexism; surely
shows in what types of categories you think about people.
Also, phones are not the greatest technology. Medicine is the greatest and
even that is debatable. All other technology is just aimed at killing each
other and shallow fun.
Right, that's why all of the pictures as of women in the Apple store, it's
sold as a bikini search app (which is very much mostly a women's swimsuit),
and there is no overbearing culture of sexism in tech? None of those things
matter, is that really what you are trying to say?
And yes internet equipped devices and the sum total of most human knowledge at
your finger tips is CLEARLY one of the greatest if not the greatest
advancement(s) for human kind. It enhances and makes possible nearly every
other branch of human discovery possible. Because you are shallow in your use
of it does not mean the tech is aimed at shallow fun.
I like how the link you submitted appears to have come from a "please please
please let me know when this app launches" mailing list. That's not a good
I see. Posting it here to begin with was a classy move, but using the link is
what makes it a bad look?
Well, understand that the context matters. It's definitely something worth
discussing! But whether it's a good look or a bad look depends on the
discovery. If you'd found it from, say, Jezebel's critical preview versus a
heck-yeah-sign-me-up announcement list, your audience could take it
differently. :)
The TV series Silicon Valley has proven eerily prescient. First Weissman
scores turn out to be real, and now Nip Alert comes to life.
I know it's one of the things that makes that show pretty awesome, and makes
me pretty sure that it can be a long running show. A SHIT-TON of spoof worthy
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} |
Amazon is shipping expired food - juokaz
The sad part is compared to Amazon sellers on ebay have a reputation they need
to protect and on Amazon it is more of an anonymous minefield.
I have tried to buy items from candies, coffees, and cookies, and it is too
hit and miss. With regards to the cookies; needed a batch of fortune cookies
and they arrived stale but on ebay there are sellers who make them! Coffee and
candies are much safer sourced from a provider such as nuts.com who has their
reputation to maintain.
Amazon nor its sellers have that issue. Amazon simply can point at the sellers
and the sellers are too anonymous to care.
Out of curiosity, is there a standard in labeling for expiration dates? Surely
if fulfilled by Amazon they can scan everything
> By the time Andrea Wilson realized her Hostess brownies were more than a
> year old, she had already eaten one. She contacted Amazon about the order.
> The issue wasn’t resolved until she tweeted at the company. She got her full
> refund but said she’s done buying food on Amazon.
She _ate_ one!
>>She got her full refund but said she’s done buying food on Amazon.
After working at an Amazon fulfillment center and seeing how disgusting the
bins can get when food is involved (leaks, maggots, bugs, mice, etc.) and how
quality control can slip when incentives are skewed towards volume and speed,
I came to the same conclusion long ago - I'm never buying food from Amazon.
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
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Stop sharing stuff you didn’t read thanks to a responsible design - HipstaJules
Personally I don't do this and here's my trick. Just remember how much you
hate reading that junk, and then think of your poor followers who don't want
to read that junk either. Then just keep scrolling instead of clicking the
share button, it's that easy.
5 upvotes in 8 minutes? The irony is most probably didn’t read this.. Not
criticizing, just ironic :)
It's a three-minute read according to Medium. I think it's alright ;)
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Optimize your site's images - geuis
Is there a description of what it actually does?
From the site:
Smushit.com is a service that goes beyond the limitations of Photoshop,
Fireworks & Co. It uses image format specific non-lossy image optimization
tools to squeeze the last bytes out of your images - without changing their
look or visual quality. You'll get a report of how many bytes you can save by
optimizing your images and all the changed images as a single zip for
Yes, but how?
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Show HN: Page of HN links - kgermino
I wrote this up after the earlier discussion at
<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2496527> It's nothing fancy, but I figure
it might be a nice reference.
Let me know if there is any pages/links you want added.
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Fortune Asks 'Why Does America Hate Silicon Valley?' - wallflower
> But there's not much gentrification going on, since Twitter keeps hundreds
> of staff inside, with free gourmet meals, plus a slew of free services, dry
> cleaning, even cleaning staff apartments. It is competing with local
> businesses rather than helping support them — it's the opposite of
> gentrification.
It's not as if Twitter or Google provide those services via their own full
time employees, right? They hire local companies to provide these services.
We're talking about catered food from local companies, apartment cleaning from
a cleaning company, etc.
If anything, we'd expect a _greater_ level of commerce with local businesses,
since employees might not choose to spend their own income on those services.
By providing the services to all employees, those companies actually create
more demand for local business than would probably otherwise exist.
The fact that they're being provided as benefits is irrelevant - they are
increasing demand.
The article seems to ignore this, and as a result it does not make sense to
The article is not talking about creating jobs in general, but about cleaning
up certain neighborhoods. Nice restaurants aren't opening in the Tederloin
because the catering is being brought in from elsewhere in the city.
Many people in the Tenderloin actively avoid gentrification[0]. For many of
the people who live there, it is a beacon of hope. The one place in the center
of many major US cities, where many of the outcasts of modern urban society
can still remain in the city. They like their life. They have been living
there for years and hope they can continue to live there for many more. There
is no delusion that once they give in to gentrification, they will be forced
out of the city and most will never again be able to afford living again. And
in the process neighbors who have grown up living together in the same place
for decades will be ripped apart while they have to move elsewhere, but not in
a way where they can preserve the communities they currently have.
If I counted myself among those who have called the Tenderloin home for years,
I would despise the people who seek to terraform my home making it inhabitable
to me while they make it habitable to themselves.
[0] Read about Carolyn Abst's attempts to arborize the Tenderloin.
"terraform my home making it inhabitable to me while they make it habitable to
Inhabitable means habitable. [0]
You may need the word "uninhabitable."
Doh! Thanks for the correction.
You might as well ask why Americans hate Southerners or Southern Californians
or Midwesterners. Or why hipsters from Portland and NY are made fun of or why
Americans hate Canada and Mexico and Europe and East Asians and of course
Central Asians and Semitic people. We're a nation of haters.
I've had the exact opposite experience.
I don't personally know a single American that hates Canada or Mexico. In
fact, I would say the opinion of Canada is between neutral and quite positive.
They've just about never done anything to wrong us, have been a good border
partner, and an amazing trade + energy partner.
I also don't know a single person that hates Silicon Valley. Most Americans,
in my opinion, are clueless about Silicon Valley, outside of knowing that
there are technology companies there. Why? Because the people / culture and
politics of Silicon Valley don't matter to them and their day to day lives.
My post was partially tongue in cheek. American's don't universally hate
Canada or Mexico or Silicon Valley. In the right context though many of them
might sneer at Silicon Valley (or for many at least the ultra-liberal bay
area). Ask most Canadians living in the states and you will hear innumerable
sad stories of being the butt of not very funny poutine and maple syrup jokes.
I get the sense that this author is misinterpreting what a someone from the
Silicon Valley means when they say they're going to change the world. To the
silicon valley, "to change" means "to improve by eliminating inefficiency."
If the complaint is that the Silicon Valley should be more charitable, the
author is missing the purpose of their goal. Charity rarely, if ever, improves
efficiency and often detracts from it.
I'm not trying say that charity is wrong. It's just the wrong standard of
success in this case.
If I could downvote this article, I would.
Haters Gonna Hate
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API to Generate fictitious customer names, addresses, birthdates, etc. - SQL2219
For selfhosted folks there is great faker library.
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} |
ChesSkelet: Micro Chess Game for ZX Spectrum in 365 Bytes - sohkamyung
Hi! the author here. I really dig your comments, including the criticisms. I
see some people even looking at the code. My current intention is to work on
it a bit more. The version online is not the final one yet.
First thing: maximum respect for earlier implementations, especially 70s and
80s ones, which seem to me much more difficult to complete with the resources
of that time. And for 1K programs like Toledo's, I´m fully aware it would
smash my code, but I´m not trying to do something playing well, you ave tons
of good playing programs.
If you allow me, let me give you my opinion on the "full set of rules"
discussion. First of all, let me warn you that none of the 1K implementations
fulfills a full set of rules, be it Nanochess or any other. Long term draw
situations, some stale mates and others require much more development.
This said, probably the discussion is: how much can we trim the rules and
still call it chess? My pieces are letters and the board is dots! That
discards my program before moving any piece. Now, I agree that missing
castling is a bad one and I intend to add it to the "full" version later on.
The funny thing about castling is that I only need to allow the human side to
do it. With such small AI on the computer side, it would never know when it
shall use it. For the other rules most people can live without en-passant or
under-promotions for this type of informal playing.
You still think it cannot be called chess? Well, I respect it but other people
are not so worried about FIDE compliance and enjoy moving letters versus a 300
byte program.
Also, I already got feedback that allowed my to reduce code by 12 bytes, so if
anybody feels like digging into the assembly I'm sure it can be shrunk a bit.
Playing either of two the minimal versions, the following moves produce a
crash (yielding the "C - Nonsense in BASIC" only supposed to happen during a
(deterministic responses from computer in []s)
1. e2e4 [e7e6]
2. e4e5 [d8h4]
3. g2g3 [h4d4]
4. c2c3 [d4e5]
5. d2d4 [CRASH]
(v 0.703)
The minimal versions don't check human move validity (see the "Read before
playing" section), and d2d4 is illegal as white is in check.
This is very cool. I've been playing Nanochess since it popped up on HN
He has a similarly sized and restricted version, but remarkably includes the
full rule set and competitive AI in a 1k Javacript package.
Not chess if no en passant, castling, etc. It’s a prototype that’s
demonstrated when the programmer realizes the “exceptions” double the code
length, or aren’t worth it because he’s not a chess player.
These 'minimal chess' programs trace their lineage (and mostly their rules)
back to ZX Chess [0] for the ZX81, which was a significant accomplishment, and
remains notable in the history of personal computing, cropping up from time to
time in lists of the greatest program ever written. It says this at the top of
the page.
It is not a naive prototype. I'd be very surprised if the programmer couldn't
play chess. It's a part of computing history. And the competition to reduce
the number of bytes is > 35 years old.
Moved white queen in front of black (computer) king under the cover of the
white knight. Computer went ahead and captured my queen using its king.
Was tempted to capture the king with my knight, closed browser window instead
I played a short game; I captured black's queen on black's back row with my
queen, in which the black king could have taken my queen or moved out of
check. Instead, black moved a different piece (invalid given that it is in
check). So I captured black's king...
Side question about this site: Does anyone know why the FF back button (Alt
left arrow) and Page-up/down is disabled and why this would be desirable?
Seems to be a consequence of JSSpeccy, the Spectrum emulator embedded into the
site. Perhaps to let the emulator grab those sorts of shortcuts for any hosted
Re "C - Nonsense in BASIC"
This isn't a Basic program, does it just use that string to save embedding
text, or does it actually use Basic for some things?
The machine doesn't have error messages for machine code. And it would be a
waste of space to code a graceful endgame state. In the larger version it
changes border colour and reinitialises the board. In the smaller version, it
just blows the call stack (edit: with an unexpected return value), and that is
interpreted by the machine (which has no clue whether it's running BASIC or
not) as the error given.
Ok interesting thanks, so Basic's error handling was basically the machines
error handling. The spectrum had more of a (what would you call it? Bios?)
than I thought. I didn't think there would be anything to catch and display an
error, I assumed it would be more a case of just resetting. I suppose it shows
just how built around Basic the spectrum was.
> (what would you call it? Bios?)
I stumbled over what to call it too.
I should add I have only basic experience in both ZX machines. I was a kid at
the time and just learning, so my memory may be dubious. But yes that's
basically my understanding.
> I stumbled over what to call it too.
People at the time just called it "ROM or "ROM routines". There's the BASIC
interpreter, but there's also a lot of useful functions you can call from
assembly (like the ROM tape loader for example).
> it just blows the call stack
It seems to me this is an unintended side effect. The game code is entered
using USR, which is the BASIC expression to call into assembly code [1]. A
normal "ret" opcode should just return to the prompt, but apparently the game
messes up some internal BASIC interpreter state, which results in this error
upon return.
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Dear ITU, please don't bill Internet use like phone calls - mtgx
The whole concept of "sending party network pays" is just an elaborate
wordplay. Relay-switched telecommunications networks are inherently symmetric.
The concept of a "sending" party is meaningless; the _originating_ party pays.
This makes a lot of sense, since the originating party is the one in a
position to decide whether to place the call and therefore should bear the
By renaming the originating party to the "sending" party, they can redefine
YouTube/NetFlix/whoever as the "sending" party even though the user is the
originating party. Thus they attempt to justify denying the user the service
_which they already have paid for_ unless they receive the appropriate
kickbacks^W "fees" from whoever is serving the data.
With regards to Quality of Service, what's wrong with letting the packet flags
decide QoS, with customers paying for a guaranteed percentage of high-QoS
bandwidth during peak network load?
In other words, when the network is underutilized, all packets would be
transmitted with high priority and low latency, with QoS flags allowing
packets to jump ahead in packet queues. When the network is heavily loaded,
high-QoS packets beyond the customer's quota would be relegated to best
In this situation, what's stopping all traffic senders from marking their
packets with the QoS flag? After all, they don't want their traffic getting
stuck behind some other sender's traffic.
Each customer only has a limited amount of QoS high priority traffic. If
someone flags every packet with high priority, all the QoS mean is that the
first packages get improved priority and everything else get default low
That mean a customers software can balance the use of QoS for time sensitive
traffic, and maybe even flag some data as below default to get bonus high
priority traffic points. If its the software that runs on the consumers device
that decide priority, the software developer can pick the exact needed QoS his
program or service need.
The bonus effect here is that if the QoS fail and the program breaks, its the
software developer that are liable and not the ISP. Currently, if a ISP QoS
software breaks, the ISP is actually quite open for lawsuits from both the
user and the service that get effected.
The customer isn't the one flagging the packets with QoS, the sender of the
traffic is. So sure, if you're talking about outbound VoIP traffic from the
customer's computer, they could do that. But what about inbound traffic, which
for nearly all customers is the bulk of their traffic? There can be no way to
put controls on who sets the QoS flag, which means everybody needs to set it
or they risk having their own service degraded because someone else decided to
inappropriately set their own QoS flag.
Basically, it's tragedy of the commons. All incoming traffic is going to end
up with the QoS flag set, and thus the internet will basically behave as if it
didn't exist.
Put a stateful table in there, and there is no problem identify most inbound
traffic as high priority if the receiver first initiate the communication with
high priority set. There is a bit of issues with mutli-path routing, but its a
rare issue that could likely be ignored as non-QoS worthy packages.
Of course, that only work inside one ISP and its customers, or between ISP
which agree to respect each other limited use of QoS, both this approach would
not fall for the tragedy of the commons. So long the end-user who initiate the
traffic ends up deciding what priority is needed, limited use of QoS could
help solve problem of voip vs bittorent.
Routers (and bittorrent clients, and operating systems) allow households to
prioritize their traffic already. (IMHO, any "solution" to bittorrent vs voip
should live at the edge where it only affects the person who chose it.)
Read the Republic Wireless forums to see how many people actually understand
the QoS settings of their router. These people are seemingly power users at
the least, and certainly early adopters. Perhaps it's the acronym soup
engineers expect the laymen to know, or perhaps it's the laziness of the
typical end user, but I suspect it is a little of both.
That's just because many existing routers have bad UI. Some of them just have
a checkbox for automatic QoS that works fine. AFAIK the bufferbloat/CeroWRT
people are working on open source QoS that just works with no configuration.
Downstream QoS really needs to be done at the ISP, though.
I'm not sure I understand this idea at all. To me, it sounds a bit like
gasoline companies asking from Walmart or Costco to pay them because a lot of
people drive to Walmart and Costco using their gasoline. That may be true, but
they pay exactly for that! Moreover, the only reason why people buy gasoline
is to drive to places, so where the idea that somebody owes them extra for
that comes from?
In the same way, internet access is a commodity and the only reason I pay for
it is that I need to get to Google or Netflix or such. Where the idea that
Google or Netflix get "free ride" comes from? I pay for my access, Google and
Netflix pay for their connectivity. If the connectivity is not enough,
customers would complain and depending on where the problem is, end up paying
for better local access (if they know it's slow for them but fine for the
neighbor next door that uses different provider) or have their provider (i.e.
Netflix) upgrade their connectivity by telling them to improve delivery or
they stop paying/visiting/clicking on ads. This all should work as it works
now, where the idea of a "free ride" and additional payments due comes from?
I'm pretty sure I'm exposing my extreme ignorance on the matter, but how does
the ITU have the authority to take decisions like this? Shouldn't W3 have a
say? Or somebody else?
For one thing, the ITU is a governmental body (that is, its members are
governments; it is an agency of the UN), while the W3C and IETF are open
membership organizations that anyone can join.
In other words, the ITU is run by people whose job is to _run_ things. The
IETF and W3C are run by people whose job it is to _do_ things. Groups of the
former category tend to want to control those of the latter.
Edit to add: the different outcomes of the ITU vs. IETF/W3C can also be
attributed to the purpose of existence of their members. People who _run_
things (e.g. governments) want to _keep running things_. Thus, their work
tends to result in new laws and treaties. People who _do_ things (e.g.
engineers) want to _keep doing things_. Thus, their work tends to result in
voluntary, consensus-based agreements.
Thanks. That clarifies it up a bit. So could this summit result in a real
threat to net neutrality?
The summit can result in more then net neutrality threats, it includes
censorship, monitoring, archiving and usage regulations. The ITU comprises of
193 countries and over 700 private-sector entities. It has become more
transparent due to public outcry, but who knows what is discussed over dinner
( aka there is a lot of money and control being looked over as though it's a
map to the new world).
I can't help but wonder why they didn't try this 20 years ago. As it stands
now, it seems hopelessly out of touch with reality. Why would people start
paying more for online services when the price of everything tends to decrease
over time? And why do governments think that the big internet companies are
going to pay for this? They have shareholders too, after all.
> I can't help but wonder why they didn't try this 20 years ago.
20 years ago, nobody cared about the few, the unusual, the networked. 15 years
ago, people damned well did care, but everyone was in 'run in circles, scream
and shout' mode and business plans were more-or-less optional. 10 years ago it
was definitively too late. Does that seem like an eye blink to you? It does to
a multinational bureaucracy.
My life fades... the vision dims... all that remains are memories. Looking
back over the history of the Internet, from about 1991 to 2001, I remember a
time of chaos, bizarre dreams, and the growing suspicion that the average
people more-or-less snuck online too quickly for anyone who could have been
said to have been 'in charge' to notice.
Despite efforts of the EU and the ITU to put the Internet genie back in her
bottle, she grows louder and prouder every day. She is still in her formative
days, as the old world money tries to tame her radical free spirit. Let's hope
decisions made by old men in new Dubai doesn't keep her from constantly
changing humanity.
It's not the "EU" as in the EU Parliament. In fact they've passed a resolution
to oppose this sort of changes at ITU's WCIT. The article talks about ETNO, an
European telecom association. So it's the ISP's and carriers from Europe
pushing for these changes. Nothing to do with the EU Parliament or EU
governments (well, Russia and China's censorship proposals are entirely
different from this). Just corporations being greedy. The EU Parliament has
actually legislated their roaming prices twice in the past (downwards),
because they thought roaming prices should be much smaller than they were,
within EU's borders.
A bunch of different corporate entities getting together with governments to
jack up prices, how is this any different from a cartel.
I really don't understand. I thought the planned ITU involvement was supposed
to be limited to the ICANN/IANA bailiwick.
While we're at it, don't bill phone calls like phone calls either.
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Red Hat's biggest enemy (VMWare) - g-garron
I am not sure this analysis holds. While Red Hat threatens VMWare (or, more
specifically, its proprietary products alongside KVM threaten VMWare's
products) I think the threat against Red Hat comes from other Linux
(OpenSolaris-derived) distros that also offer the same KVM technology coupled
to somewhat simpler, open-source, management tools.
VMWare doesn't really sell virtualization tools. They sell management tools
for virtualized infrastructure. The sooner they get it, the better it will be
for them.
Also odd that there's no mention of Xen, the free software virtualization
layer that powers AWS.
Red Hat plans to transition to KVM. I suppose AWS will, eventually, do the
same. And nobody will notice.
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A Breakdown of Selected Government Surveillance Programs (2013) [pdf] - cmurf
Decent three page summary from Brennan Center for Justice at New York
University School of Law.
Are They Allowed to Do That? A Breakdown of Selected Government Surveillance
Programs (2013)
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"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
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Ask HN: Science for the very young? - timwiseman
My son is just about to turn 5 and I am looking for "science experiments" or projects we can do together to help get him interested (and give me an excuse to do some of them).<p>Any suggestions, especially on a budget?
I think anything that "looks cool" will be good for getting a kid interested
in science. Once you've got him/her hooked, then you can start on the actual
scientific method. To that end, science things that look cool:
Cymatics: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iXY2BE1S8Q>
Ferrofluid: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpBxCnHU8Ao>
Non Newtonian Liquids: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5SGiwS5L6I>
(maybe not the best for a 5 year old, but in a couple years)
Make a Speaker for cheap (haven't done this one myself):
Electromagnets: <http://education.jlab.org/qa/electromagnet.html>
Finally, one project I did with my little brother that I thought was cool. I
got a frequency analyzer for my computer (
<http://www.relisoft.com/Freeware/freq.html>) and then filled glass cups with
varying amounts of liquid. Then we ran our fingers around the lip of the glass
to get it to "sing" and measured the frequency. We were able to come up with a
function for X amount of liquid gives you X frequency. I thought this was
great because: it was really appealing to my brother (he was 10 or so at the
time) because all kids like making cups make noise, we got to do scientific
method (hypothesis being more water in the glass) will make a lower frequency,
I got to teach him about graphing, how to get a forumla for a line on a graph,
and finally we could use that line to predict things to see if we were right.
You could have a lot of fun with an inexpensive microscope (look at a number
of different materials, bugs, etc..) or even a set of magnifying glasses. Get
your hands on some polarizers, play with the affect of one and your ability to
look into bodies of water (pool, lake, etc) show him that if you cross the
polarizers you can't see through. Couple the polarizers to the microscope and
do some polarization microscopy. You could also play with prisms and look at
the dispersion of light. Lots of good optics stuff out there. I would highly
recommend staying away from lasers until he's older.
You might also consider doing some crystallization experiments (google
"crystal projects for kids").
Throw some pepper on a bowl of water, and touch it with a soaped finger.
Also Baking Soda + Vinegar, add some red food coloring for lava effect
Great suggestion. First one we did. He loves it. If you add a drop of dish
soap it gets more bubbly and looks more like lava.
Show him videos on youtube of various science experiments or lectures. When he
seems interested in an idea, work with him to create an experiment, find the
items, and perform it.
That photosensitive paper that lets you make 'photographs' of objects (like
leaves and rocks) was pretty fun.
Get him one of those one-volume kids' science encyclopedias to carry around.
You'd have to build it, but how about model rockets?
Diet Coke + Mentos
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Reiser Prosecution Jolt: Victim's Ex-Lover Confesses to Eight Killings - brk
Dude, that article is nearly a year old...
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Hall Design Tour – From 0% to 30% Weekly Retention - bretthellman
Focusing on creating the single page app and forgetting the pretty factor
really was a key to increased retention. I feel like that was a huge learning
for us. Form follows function.
Hopefully these learnings will help other early startups.
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