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Hamulec najazdowy (bezwładnościowy) jest to hamulec, w którym wykorzystuje się siłę powstającą między pojazdem, a przyczepą pod wpływem najeżdżania przyczepy na hamujący pojazd. Może występować w przyczepie o dopuszczalnej masie całkowitej nieprzekraczającej 3,5 t (Rozp. Min. Infrastruktury z dn. 31 grudnia 2002 r) Im większe jest opóźnienie hamowania pojazdu, z tym większą siłą napiera na niego przyczepa. Siłę tę wykorzystuje się do uruchomienia jej hamulców. Mechanizmy uruchamiające stanowi układ dźwigni, przekazujących siłę na szczęki hamulca. Układ kinematyczny tych dźwigni zwykle zapewnia także zahamowanie przyczepy w razie opadnięcia jej dyszla. Hamulce te wychodzą z użycia, gdyż mają wiele wad, np.: opóźnienie w czasie działania hamulca przyczepy w stosunku do hamulca pojazdu, konieczność blokowania mechanizmu przy jeździe do tyłu, kłopotliwe rozwiązanie mechanizmu uruchamiającego hamulce tylnej osi. Zaletą tych hamulców jest prosta konstrukcja oraz niski koszt. Hamulce najazdowe stosuje się w niedużych lekkich przyczepach oraz w starszej konstrukcji przyczepach średniej ładowności. Hamulce
A horrible crash-out Brexit is looking increasingly unlikely. It seems like a big deal to everyone who works at Westminster or in the media, but for the purposes of this column at least we must distinguish between the political effects of the UK's near-1,000 days of bickering and the economic effects. The former may turn out to have been significant. So far, the latter simply haven't. Look at UK GDP growth rates — 1.5% a year isn't bad. It might have been better without the investment-delaying uncertainty surrounding Brexit. But against the backdrop of a global economic slowdown, it's hard to tell — particularly as the rest of the EU is doing little better. Ah, you will say, but there is much worse to come, obvious economic disaster lies ahead. But is it really so obvious? A second referendum is much discussed, as is a full-on cancellation of Brexit, and both are possible — if unlikely without an interesting offer from the EU. It is worth remembering that in past second referendums, in Ireland and Denmark for example, the EU has offered a change of deal for a different result. Barring that, you still have what look like hordes of other options – or suggestions, at least: a general election; asking for an extension; cancelling and then a bad faith re-triggering of Article 50 to buy a couple of years; sticking with the PM's deal, but with a sunset clause defaulting to "no deal" after a year of backstop. There are more. Agreeing to take "no deal" off the table by retracting Article 50 if there is indeed no deal by the end of March. Holding out for a last-minute concession on the backstop, on the basis that EU discipline is likely to crack close to the wire. And leaving the EU politically in March (with the long-term economic deal still to be arranged, of course). And then there is Norway; Norway plus; a commitment to a customs union; or a return to discussing the free trade deal apparently on the table before Mrs May produced her deal. But look at all these things and, different as they might seem to those deeply in the know, you will see that to the casual observer they come down to much the same thing: a special Brexit version of extend and pretend — or what Capital Economics calls "delay and fudge". Even the dreaded "no deal" itself is well on the way to becoming a version of this. It isn't particularly likely now that May is in compromise and conversation mode. Oddschecker puts no deal at 10%; Capital Economics puts it at 25%; Franklin Templeton puts it at 30%-35%. But even if it happens, the horrible crash-out Brexit that the hysterical end of Remain like to fantasise about is increasingly unlikely. The more we prepare, the less risky the whole thing becomes. UK companies have massively stepped up their preparations — note the regular stories of stockpiling. EU and UK governments are doing the same. We know that mitigating action has been taken on haulage and aviation; that sector-specific agreements are being prepared; and that the UK is able to not charge tariffs on incoming goods, regardless of reciprocation, in the short term. It is also possible, according to the WTO, says Netwealth's Gerard Lyons, that "we could leave with 'no deal' and still maintain existing tariff arrangements with the EU for a long time while a free trade agreement is negotiated, provided both sides agreed — which they likely would." How's that for delay and fudge? I paraphrase their argument somewhat. "Two and a half years ago, with all the options for a negotiated Brexit on the table, a hard Brexit seemed to be the worst-case scenario," they say. Now with proper preparation under way "markets may feel that it's preferable to bring an end to the uncertainty and accept the short-term pain" and exporters might feel the same — assuming that in the short term, the fall in the value of the pound helps sales. Back in 2016, I wrote that in the end — in economic terms at least — leaving the EU would end up being such a massive fudge that it would be remarkably similar to staying in the EU. That looks increasingly likely — which is why, as Killik & Co put it, UK assets have been "largely unmoved" by the shenanigans of the past few days — although sterling rallied on Thursday as Jeremy Corbyn seemed to warm to a second referendum. You can argue the politics of this forever, and many will. But the point for investors is that too much misery may now be embedded in the price of UK assets and in sterling. Given this lack of disaster, turmoil and chaos (economically at least), what should you do? The world is fraught with danger for investors: Germany and China are slowing, US monetary policy is tightening and most valuations feel far too high. Now is the time to look again at possibly mispriced UK opportunities. One to consider might be something I have suggested before — the Aurora Investment Trust (LSE: ARR) run by Gary Channon (disclosure — I hold this trust myself, and so do family members). Its portfolio is jammed with the kind of domestic stocks no one terrified of a "no deal" Brexit would dare to own: think Lloyds, Redrow, Bellway and JD Wetherspoon. Channon reckons that due in part to the over extrapolation of Brexit worries far into the future, their "intrinsic value" is a good 100% more than their current market price. If you don't mind looking like you're going against the flow in the short term in order to have the last laugh in the long term, he says, now is the "time to be adding money, not taking it away". I think he's probably right.
> use the new information returned from the repository. > after sending the original revision. > (svn_repos_get_logs4): Pass extra parameters fo send_change_rev(). Should the doc string go here, with the function decl? we might have a clue as to how many there'll be. since we eventually discard all the memory they alloc. convention in the Subversion code base for this type of loop variable. We typically put a space between cast and variable name. ...and destroy the subpool here. Again, I suggest using 0 rather than 1. go into the spec(s), too. than how you did it. and the loop. "revs" could potentially be a very large list. > * not NULL, or if DISCOVER_CHANGED_PATHS is TRUE. See it for details. > + * RECEIVER for any revisions which were merged in a result of REV. Next message: Daniel L. Rall: "[bug] Inconsistent path output from 'svn mkdir --parents'" Previous message: Karl Fogel: "Re: svn commit: r25149 - trunk/notes/commit-access-templates" Next in thread: Hyrum K. Wright: "Re: svn commit: r25140 - branches/merge-sensitive-log/subversion/libsvn_repos" Reply: Hyrum K. Wright: "Re: svn commit: r25140 - branches/merge-sensitive-log/subversion/libsvn_repos"
© WFP/Alejandro Chicheri WFP School Feeding Strategy 2020-2030 Every day, millions of children around the world go to school on an empty stomach—hunger affects their concentration and ability to learn. There are also millions of children—particularly girls—who simply do not go school because their families need them to help in the fields or perform domestic duties. In conflict-affected countries, where children are twice as likely to be out of school than their peers in stable countries – 2.5 times more likely in the case of girls. The World Food Programme (WFP) has six decades of experience supporting school feeding and health initiatives and working with more than 100 countries to set up sustainable national school feeding programmes. WFP's ultimate goal is to encourage and facilitate national government ownership of these programmes - a transition that has already happened in 44 countries. In 2019, 17.3 million schoolchildren received nutritious meals and snacks from WFP in 59 countries. Working with governments to build capacity, WFP helped bolster the national school feeding programmes of 65 countries, benefitting a further 39 million children. Better health and nutrition allow children to learn and perform better, broadening their educational opportunities. School feeding and health programmes empower girls by dissuading parents from marrying them off early, which halts their education and can result in child pregnancies. School feeding programmes act as an incentive for families to enrol and keep children in school. Relieving parents from having to budget for lunches, they boost incomes and help to alleviate poverty—school meals represent 10 percent of the income of poor and vulnerable households, a significant saving for families with more than one child. In benefitting children and their families, school feeding and health help build what is known as 'human capital'—the sum of a population's health, skills, knowledge, experience and habits. When school feeding programmes are linked to local smallholder farm production, they benefit local economies as well. In certain contexts, they can help build trust in national education systems and foster social inclusion. Currently 73 million children living in extreme poverty in 60 countries need urgent nutritional assistance. WFP's new school feeding strategy, published in January 2020, reaffirm the organization's commitment to ensuring that all primary schoolchildren have access to nutritious meals at school. WFP works with partners to ensure that meals are accompanied by a broader package of health and nutrition services, such as deworming, health screenings, vaccinations and WASH (water, hygiene and sanitation training). WFP works with governments to tailor its responses: in emergency settings where countries do not have the capacity to meet the nutritional and educational needs of all vulnerable children, WFP will scale up its coverage and operations; within more stable contexts, WFP helps to strengthen systems and provides technical assistance, improving the scale and quality of national programmes and supporting governments in innovating and testing new approaches. school children benefitting from nutritious WFP meals and snacks return of a US$1 investment in school meals (measured by education, health and productivity gains) national governments have fully taken over school meal programmes from WFP since 1990 WFP and UNICEF joint response to COVID-19 UN agencies join forces to fight against the impact of pandemic-related school closures on millions of children Learn more about the initiative Global Education Monitoring Report 2020 The impact of school feeding programmes Home-Grown School Feeding Resource Framework Re-imagining School Feeding - A High Return Investment in Human Capital & Local Economies Beyond the Annual Performance Report 2018 Series 2017 - Smart school meals - Nutrition-sensitive national programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean Podcast: Taking school meals home World Food Programme gears up to support children left without meals due to COVID-19 school closures New digital map shows terrible impact of COVID-19 on school meals around the world School Meals puts a spring in the step of women and girls in Bangladesh Beyond the Annual Performance 2019 series Global School Feeding Sourcebook Re-Imagining School Feeding Feeding a nation's future: the transformative power of school feeding programmes Home-grown school feeding Linking school meals programmes with local smallholder farmers to provide millions of schoolchildren with safe, diverse, nutritious and local food Policies, insurance and social services designed for protecting people from shocks and stresses Promoting equal opportunities, equal access to resources and equal voice in decision-making Ensuring not just access to food, but good nutrition Advocacy for Zero Hunger WFP actively advocates for changes in policy and practice to promote quick and appropriate humanitarian response Transform a child's life through school feeding
The Global Article 9 Conference (May 4-5 in Japan) is approaching! We are going to hold a potluck event on May 4th, happening simultaneously with the VSA9's workshop at the Global Conference in Makuhari, Chiba. It will be held at Audrey Howatson's house in North Vancouver. The purpose of this event is to show support to the Vancouver delegates to the Global Conference and really for us in Vancouver to celebrate the first-ever international conference on the peace constitution. In fact,we will attempt to live-link between Makuhari and Vancouver using SKYPE. All are welcome, and there will be activities for children as well. The host of the evening Audrey Howatson has done Peace Boat's global cruise 5 times and has been involved with numerous environment and peace initiatives including the across-nation bike ride from Hokkaido to Okinawa in Japan. Thank you Audrey for kindly offering your place for this event! Time: 5 -8 PM, May 4th (Sunday) Place: Audrey's house in North Vancouver - email event@peacephilosophy.com for details. Dinner: Potluck please. We tend to get too many desserts, so please bring something other than desserts, thank you. Please bring your own cup, place, cutlery - it is a garbage-free event. For the environment, please use transit or carpool. Drivers of carpooled vehicles will get a present (limit 10, first-come, first-served) at Theodor! Please let us know if you would like to carpool, whether offering or requesting a ride. There is no fee, but small donations will be welcome, for future peace activities in Vancouver. RSVP by May 3rd to Chizu Kanada event@peacephilosophy.com. Let us know how many adults and children are coming. Ages of children requested as well. Peace Philosophy Centre, an organization established January 2007 to promote education for peace and sustainability, hosted a peace education event, "Be a Participant in History, not a Bystander" on March 8, 2008 at the Roundhouse Community Centre in Vancouver. Guest speaker Misako Iwashita shared her 35-year experience as a history teacher and peace educator at junior high schools in Japan, and presented a condensed version of one of her special lesson cycle pioneered by her in which she discusses Japanese war resisters active during the Asia Pacific War. In order to address these concerns, Misako introduced a three-step peace education course for all grade 9 students at her school. In the first class, students learnt about the realities of Japanese atrocities in China and beyond, including the Nanjing Massacre. In the second class, emphasis was placed on how ordinary citizens were brainwashed by the militaristic education and were made to believe that it was a good thing to fight and die in the name of the Emperor. In the third lesson, she introduced the fact that there were many people in Japan who courageously opposed the war of invasion. Misako's event was particularly significant because it took place in Vancouver where immigrants and students from all over Asia live, work and study together. Misako, an ESL student herself during her post-retirement stay in the multicultural city, says she has often observed gaps she wanted to help fill in the disparate historical views held by students from Japan and those from China and Korea. As Japanese students are generally not taught much about modern history, they don't even know why some of their fellow Asian students don't like Japan, and don't know how to respond when confronted by such emotions. Misako invited many of her fellow ESL classmates to the event, believing a glimpse of her history lesson would help them build peaceful collaborations among Asian youths. For more information on this event and other Peace Philosophy Centre activities, visit www.peacephilosophy.com. successful runs of *The Lady Aoi *in 2007 at venues including the Nanaimo Japanese Festival and UVic's Student Alternative Theatre Co.Ayumi Hamada has been studying and performing theatre in Victoria for three years. She has received numerous awards at theatre festivals in Kochi,including Best Actress. Ayumi designed costumes and acted in *The Face of Jizo* as part of a directed studies program at the University of Victoria.Working with Ayumi on *The Face of Jizo* was a Canadian team including actor David Christopher, artist and sound designer Min Huh, lighting designers Emily Kevis and Darcy Stoop, director Alyssa Knox, stage manager Aya Walraven as well as numerous volunteers.*Vancouver Saving Article 9* displayed an exhibition of historical photographs and paintings in the theatre. Members of *Vancouver Save Article 9*, a group which advocates for the preservation of the article in Japan's constitution which renounces war, was present at the show. Futarikko presented *The Face of Jizo* in solidarity with Peace Philosophy Centre and Vancouver Save Article 9's efforts to remind the public about the tragedy of the atomic bombs and to advocate peace.*The Face of Jizo* was performed twice at Metro Studio, in Victoria. There were 183 guests in total. On March 19th, I was invited as a guest speaker to Hosono Elementary School, where was located in Kobayashi City, Miyazaki, Japan. Masayo Shimono, a homeroom teacher of its one of sixth grade classes, arranged this event, hoping that her students would expand their horizons and move forward to make their dreams come true. I told them about Canada and Vancouver, peace activities that I worked on, and some important things to make a dream come true. Finally, I told three important things to make dreams come true, telling to myself, too. First, "Do not give up. Believe yourself!" Second, "Do not compare yourself with others. Appreciate every thing you have!" Third, "Talk to yourself. Listen to voice from your heart!" As one of my examples to talk to myself, I told that I sit down under trees and talked to them when I took a walk, so I felt better and got some good ideas. Surprisingly, most children said that they would like to talk to trees when they lost their confidence or their ways to achieve their goals. I would like to say big thanks to the principal, the vice-principal, Shimono-sensei, and Muranakata-sensei in Hosono Elementary School. I appreciate to be given such a great opportunity. And thank you so much for students who cheered me up and gave me a lot of energy. I will work on finding ways to tell not only hope but also future to create peace in the world, which one of students gave me as homework! The first international conference on Article 9 will be held at Makuhari, Japan on May 4, 5 and 6, 2008. Vancouver Save Article 9 (VSA9) and Peace Philosophy Centre are among the supporting organizations of this Conference. VSA9, with the funds that they raised through February 29th's fundraising event, will send four young and ambitious delegates to this Conference - Tomoyo Mitsuhisa, Ellen Clague, Joshua Cox, and Yashar Keramati. On May 5th, VSA9 and the Geneva Peace Group will co-host a workshop to talk about how we can spread the Article 9 movement throughout the world. One of the co-facilitators is Eiichiro Ochiai, President of VSA9. Here in Vancouver, we will hold a concurrent event to celebrate the Global Conference and to virtually participate in the Conference. Peace-loving people in Vancouver, please mark your calendar now! Despite the previous warning of dismissal that Kimiko Nezu had been given, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education decided not to fire her. On March 31st, the Tokyo Board of Education gave the 57 year-old teacher of home economics a 6-month suspension without pay, the fourth suspension and the ninth disciplinary measure that they have issued her for not standing up for the song Kimigayo during school ceremonies. Kimiko Nezu and her supporters cheered outside the gate of Minamiosawa Gakuen School, saying it was a victorious event that the Board did not, or could not fire her with the rising public opinion and media attention. Here is the link to the TBS news on April 1 compiled by members of Committee to Stop Firing of Nezu and Kawarai with English subtitles. Here is a Japan Times article that covered the event on March 31st. For those who are not familiar with the Kimigayo/Hinomaru controversy at Japanese schools, see this Japan Times article. For updates in English, check the blog site of the Committee. I cannot be prouder of the tireless efforts of Ms. Nezu, Ms. Kawarai and their supporters. I joined their actions at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Buildings on March 24, the day of the graduation ceremony, only for half a day. They stand in rain handing out flyers, making speeches, going up to the reception of the Board knowing that they will only be blocked, and they argue for hours with the security guards and the Board employees. I could not believe that they did this every day, every single day. I think this persistance and resilience of these teachers and their supporters is what really moved the Board to reverse its direction of punishment. Still, the Tokyo Board issued punitive measures to 20 teachers this time, including two to whom they denied re-hiring after retirement. We need to continue to encourage the Board and Tokyo Government to make right decisions, ones that comply with our Constitution that guarantees freedom of thought and conscience.
YouTube Music to Now Come Preinstalled on Android 9 and Android 10 Devices Published on: September 27, 2019 by Valerie Google has just announced a major addition to its list of preinstalled apps on Android phones – YouTube Music. This appears to be Google's way of increasing adoption of the service, as it's barely managing to keep up with the likes of Spotify and Apple Music. While Google Play Music will continue to function, the idea eventually is to replace it with YouTube Music. However, Google assures customers that they will be able to download Play Music on their phones after the Android 10 update, suggesting that a merging of the two services is not imminent. The upcoming Pixel 4 and the recently launched OnePlus 7T are expected to feature Android 10 out of the box, so we won't have to wait too long to find out what's new with the update. Among the notable changes with Android 10 is the inclusion of a Dark theme, much like Apple did with iOS 13 a few days ago. Google has offered exciting promos including bundling YouTube Music with YouTube Premium subscriptions in some markets. However, the company has struggled to build traction in the audio streaming business. The arrival of YouTube Music as a default app will help Google resolve this issue as more users are inclined to give it a try if they see it on their phones. While this practice of preinstalling select apps has been massively panned in the past, it's now routine in the industry as pretty much every manufacturer has a bunch of apps on their own. Fortunately, for Pixel owners, the only apps you find on the device are from Google, thus offering a clean and uncluttered version of Android. Source: YouTube Blog Categories Tech News Tags Android 10, android apps, Google, Youtube Post navigation Samsung Galaxy Fold and the Galaxy Watch Active2 Now Available in the U.S. How To Fix The Not Receiving Texts Android Issue
A good diet is key to a healthy pregnancy. Here are some reasons why what you eat is so vital to you and your developing baby. Birth defects such as spina bifida have been found to have links to the mother's diet. Good nutrients are the building blocks of healthy development. When you are on a good diet, your body is healthier and in better shape. Certain nutrients such as protein and zinc have shown to have a direct influence on labor and the health of the uterus. Your baby and placenta are also healthier. This can all work together for better labor and delivery. Vitamins such as C can strengthen you and your baby's immune systems. A good diet will enable the placenta to grow properly and better meet the needs of the developing baby. A healthy placenta is also less likely to detach from the uterus before labor which can also cause miscarrage. Diet can positively influence your baby's birth weight and heath after birth. Not having enough iron is usually caused by a poor diet. Low iron is often the cause for fatigue and can lead to other complications. If the placenta is not healthy, then it may break away from the uterus too early before labor begins. This can cause bleeding and about half of the time causes death to the baby. Metabolic Toxemia of Late Pregnancy is a condition caused by a lack of protein and minerals. This can affect proper liver functioning which can result in toxemia. "Folic Acid for Healthy Babies," The Center for Disease Control, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. phppo.cdc.gov. 1999. "Recommendations to Prevent and Control Iron Deficiency in the United States," The Center for Disease Control, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. phppo.cdc.gov. 1998.
Home > Actors > Sanz, Horatio Eddie Griffin D.J. Qualls Photo "The New Guy" Signed Autograph Movie Scene Horatio Sanz Eddie Griffin D.J. Qualls Photo "The New Guy" Signed Autograph Movie Scene Sanz, Horatio Eddie Griffin D.J. Qualls Photo "The New Guy" Signed Autograph Movie Scene Item# hosaedgrdqup This item is an 8" X 10",black and white movie scene from the 2002 Movie-"The New Guy".The New Guy is a 2002 American teen comedy directed by Ed Decter. The film tells the story of high school loser Dizzy Gillespie Harrison.Dizzy is an unpopular, high school band geek going through a hellish senior year.In an attempt to make a new identity for himself, Dizzy gets himself expelled from his high school, learns how to be cool from a prison inmate, and enrolls at a new high school under the alias Gil Harris. He is quick to make new friends and soon gains respect from jocks and geeks alike, uniting a once divided school and greatly improving its football team. Eventually, Gil has to face his demons from his old school when they face each other in a football game.The photo has been autographed on the front cover by Horatio Sanz,Eddie Griffin and D.J. Qualls...BOTH PHOTO AND AUTOGRAPHS ARE IN VERY GOOD CONDITION.
Whether you are a first-time home buyer or a seasoned real estate savant, finding a realtor with whom you can effectively work with is very, very important – and akin to selecting a doctor, lawyer, dentist, contractor, accountant, and/or financial planner. For in order for a good, solid working relationship to occur, both mutual trust and open communication are critical. And, having anything less is suboptimal, to say the least. Seek out a realtor with whom you can really, truly, get along. As stated above, relationships – including professional business relationships – are important. Find a real estate agent whom you genuinely like and can get along with – for a good relationship facilitates (if not ensures) that the real estate transaction will go as smoothly as possible. I have worked with numerous first time home condos and townhouse buyers in the Seattle area and I truly enjoying with them!
Nearly 30 ideologically diverse organizations joined the Sunlight Foundation on a letter urging Members of Congress to cosponsor the Earmark Transparency Act, S. 3335 in the Senate and H.R. 5258 in the House. The bipartisan bill would require Congress to create an online, searchable database for all earmark requests, strengthening the public's ability to know how lawmakers are directing federal spending. Currently, information on earmarks is scattered across more than 559 websites. To remedy that, the Earmark Transparency Act would require Congress to post a public searchable website that lists all earmark requests, including detailed information such as the bill in which the request is made, who originally asked the lawmaker to make the spending request, the amount of the earmark request and more. This allows anyone to search, sort, aggregate, and download all available earmark to better determine for themselves the value of an earmark. Sunlight has long advocated for technological solutions to make earmarks more transparent. We first proposed an online, searchable database of earmark request disclosures in March of 2008 and we worked to ensure that an earmark database provision was included in the Transparency in Government Act. The Earmark Transparency Act improves upon measures taken last year by Congressional leadership that required lawmakers requesting earmarks to post their requests on their official websites. Because these requests were not disclosed in a standard method or location, they were difficult to track. The Earmark Transparency Act will provide an increased level of accountability and public access to the earmark process, and is another example of a legislative fix to ensure that Public=Online. If you agree, you should join us by signing the pledge here and calling your Senators and Representatives and asking them to cosponsor the Earmark Transparency Act.
Blush 2X is a new formulation that provides the same benefits as Blush in a higher-concentrated, easier-to-handle package. Featuring the active ingredient prohydrojasmon (PDJ), Blush 2X promotes red fruit coloration by increasing anthocyanin, the naturally occurring red pigment found in apples. The result: redder, more marketable apples, allowing you to harvest a higher percentage of premium first-pick fruit.
This annual nineteen week, CISI accredited, course teaches the basics of technical analysis in Part 1 of the course and then provides in-depth knowledge and practical application of the theories in Part 2 of the STA Diploma Course. It is taught by market professionals, authors and Fellows of the STA and also prepares students for the STA Diploma Part 1 and 2 examinations. These are internationally recognised qualifications, which are equivalent to the International Federation of Technical Analysts' (IFTA) CFTe I and CFTe II accreditation. The course takes place from October to April each year. Lectures are held once a week, from 6.15pm-8.30pm, at the London School of Economics and are followed by the Part 1 examination in early December and the Part 2 examination in April. The cost of this course is £2895 (at the early bird rate) and £3895 thereafter. This combined package offers a very significant saving as it includes all nineteen evening lectures (inc exam preparation sessions) as well as the Diploma Part 1 & 2 examinations. For 2019/20 lecture dates please visit the Diploma Part 1 and Diploma Part 2 Course web pages. To take the course you must be a member of the STA. The cost for 12 months membership for an Associate Member is £70.00. Traders, brokers, dealers, fund managers, portfolio managers, market analysts, other investment professionals, private investors, academics and students. This twenty week course prepares students for the STA Diploma Part 1 & 2 examinations which are internationally recognised qualifications accredited by the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA). The course objective is to give participants a thorough grounding in the core aspects of technical analysis before progressing to develop in-depth understanding and mastering practical application. It is to confirm that a candidate possesses the professional knowledge, understanding and skills to pursue a career in technical analysis within the investment community. In particular, at the end of their training period qualified technicians are expected to have a good understanding of, and practical experience in, the major techniques taught on the course, together with a wide range of timing and analytical tools and indicators to enable them to select the most advantageous portfolios, trades, hedges etc. for their clients, their employers or their own trading systems. The syllabus is therefore designed primarily to ensure that students will gain the necessary skills to pursue their careers to a more advanced level in a professional manner, and also to provide investors with the knowledge and confidence in technical analysis that will enable them to make better informed trading or investment decisions. In order to gain the MSTA designation (Member of the Society of Technical Analysts) students will need to pass the STA Diploma Part 1 and Part 2 examinations and be a current member of the STA. The STA Diploma Part 1 Examination is a two hour, 120 question, multiple choice examination and the STA Diploma Part 2 Examination is a three hour paper based exam.
Procurement | Stakeholder Engagement | About Us | NIKKISO CO., LTD. Nikkiso manufactures and sells a wide array of environment-related products, such as pumps, power plant systems, industrial systems and equipment, as well as dialysis-related products and other advanced medical devices with an eye to making the world a better place to live in. We comply with relevant laws, regulations, and rules. We procure from a wide range of sources (including overseas sources). We select suppliers through comprehensive competitive evaluation of prices, quality, lead time, and technological capability (including R&D capability). We always select suppliers in an open, fair, and equitable manner. We eliminate excessive specifications and basically buy standard products.
Who Will Speak Up for the Myanmar's Unwanted Rohingya People? Pope Francis and Myanmar's Cardinal Bo have again highlighted the plight of the Southeast Asian country's oppressed Muslim minority. YANGON, Myanmar — Numbering around 1 million people living in western Myanmar, along with several hundred thousand refugees and migrants in neighboring countries, there are few peoples in the world as marooned as the Muslim Rohingya. Most are stateless, denied citizenship by Myanmar due to a 1982 law dictated while the country, then known as Burma, was run by the army. But the end of dictatorship in 2011 and the rise to power of an elected government last year — headed by one of the world's best-known former political prisoners Aung San Suu Kyi — has done little to help the Rohingya. "They have been suffering, they are being tortured and killed, simply because they uphold their Muslim faith," said Pope Francis in his latest weekly audience Feb. 8. Over the decades, several hundred thousand have fled Myanmar to Bangladesh, where they stay in squalid border camps. Tens of thousands more made it to Malaysia and Thailand in recent years, where many are refugees and cannot officially work. And those roughly 1 million Rohingya left inside Myanmar have faced several bouts of violence at the hands of Buddhist mobs since 2012, resulting in the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya from towns in Rakhine state in the west of the country. Accounts given by refugees in Bangladesh fleeing a recent "clearance operation" by the Myanmar army suggested that around half the women had been sexually assaulted, some after seeing male family members executed. In a report released Feb. 3, the U.N. contends that it is "very likely" that crimes against humanity have been taking place in Myanmar since October, when the Myanmar army retaliated against the killing of nine border police by militants claiming to be fighting back after decades of oppression. Most of Myanmar's population is hostile to the Rohingya, inasmuch as can be gauged in a country that lacks opinion surveys but where social media commentary is something of a yardstick — including it seems many in Myanmar's small Christian population. Aye Maung, leader of the biggest party in Rakhine, the western region where most of the Rohingya live, said in an interview that "Myanmar people do not accept the term Rohingya" — effectively denying the existence of a Rohingya ethnic group. The mostly Buddhist politicians in Myanmar call the Rohingya "Bengali," implying they are interlopers from Bangladesh, which in turn does not want the Rohingya, not only confining refugees to camps but demanding that Myanmar take them back, and suggesting that more recent refugee arrivals would be taken to an island vulnerable to flooding at high tide. Cardinal Bo is Myanmar's first cardinal, receiving his red hat from Francis in 2015, and leads the country's roughly 800,000 Catholics — out of a total population of 51 million. And while Suu Kyi, Myanmar's de facto head of government, does not control the army, she refuses to acknowledge the Rohingya's plight and ministries under her control have been pumping out propaganda questioning refugee accounts of army brutality and telling outsiders not to interfere. "Nobody can deny us to call ourselves by our name, that is our right," said Tun Khin, president of the Burmese Rohingya Organization U.K. Last week's remarks were not the Holy Father's first comments on the Rohingya, but they were his most pointed. In August 2015, after thousands of Rohingya were found adrift at sea on rickety boats and rafts, hoping to get ashore in neighboring Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand — all of which were reluctant to assist — the Pope spoke up.
Miriam Defensor Santiago becomes 6th recipient of PH's highest civil service award Dharel Placido, ABS-CBN News Posted at Dec 03 2018 06:13 PM MANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday posthumously conferred on late senator Miriam Defensor Santiago the Quezon Service Cross, the highest award the republic accords its civil servants. Duterte's conferment makes Santiago the sixth and only woman to have received the award. In his speech during the conferment ceremony, Duterte recalled his brief moments with the late senator, adding the latter was an exemplary citizen. "Throughout her life, Senator Santiago profoundly stirred our nation, especially the youth, to challenge preconceived notions on political and social issues," Duterte said. "I am hopeful that as we recognize her exemplary contributions to society, she will serve as an inspiration to a generation of Filipinos who will use their talents for the benefit of the country and their fellowmen." Santiago's widower, Narciso, accepted the posthumous award. He thanked the President for bestowing the award to the late senator. "I would like to express our regrets for the early passing of Miriam because she could have done much more for the Filipino people and the country," Narciso said. According to the Official Gazette, the Quezon Service Cross is unique in that the President nominates Filipino citizens for the award, and the conferment has to be approved by Congress. Duterte, who had amiable interactions with Santiago during the May 2016 presidential campaign where they stood as opponents, nominated the late senator for the award last year. Duterte nominates Miriam Santiago for highest civil service award There have been at least five recipients of the Quezon Service Cross since its creation in 1946: revolutionary Emilio Aguinaldo, diplomat Carlos P. Romulo, the late President Ramon Magsaysay, slain Senator and martial law opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr., and the late Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo. Santiago, known for her fiery and impassioned interpellations at the Senate and funny pickup lines in speeches, spent much of her life in public service. She launched another presidential bid in the 2016 polls but lost to Duterte. She passed away September last year after a bout with lung cancer. Before entering politics, Santiago served as presiding judge of the Quezon City Regional Trial Court, immigration commissioner, and agrarian reform secretary. She then served as senator from 1995 to 2001 and from 2004 to 2016. Among the laws Santiago authored were the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act, The Data Privacy Act, The Cybercrime Prevention Act, The Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act, The Anti-Bullying Act, An Act Restructuring the Excise Tax on Alcohol and Tobacco Products, The Fair Competition Law, The Intellectual Property Code, The Oil Pollution Compensation Act, The Biofuels Act, The Anti-Torture Act, and the The Magna Carta of Women. Santiago was the first Filipino to be elected judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC), based in The Hague, Netherlands, in 2011. She, however, let go of her post in 2014 due to chronic fatigue syndrome. The tough-talking senator also received the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Government Service, the Asian equivalent of the Nobel Prize, in 1988 when she was chief of the Bureau of Immigration "for bold and moral leadership in cleaning up a graft-ridden government agency." Rodrigo Duterte, Miriam Defensor Santiago, Quezon Service Cross, civil service, senate Read More: Rodrigo Duterte Miriam Defensor Santiago Quezon Service Cross civil service senate /news/10/17/18/roque-gets-miriam-santiagos-party-nod-thanks-to-sara-duterte /news/11/30/18/duterte-to-confer-highest-civil-service-award-on-the-late-miriam-defensor-santiago /video/news/10/17/18/susunod-tayo-sa-imahe-ni-sen-miriam-roque
The days are counting down for the official public launch of Arrays in March, and our team is growing more and more excited to discover what our customers will do with the platform's state-of-the-art visual and sharing capabilities. We truly believe that the possibilities for what Arrays has to offer are endless—and the various organizations that have already utilized its potential certainly have demonstrated the versatility of its many features. Early Arrays customers have already proved this on numerous occasions, each time dazzling us with their creativity in turning their own data into unique, living visualizations. In anticipation of our upcoming launch, I'd like to share a fun use that we found for our accessible interfaces, stunning and interactive visuals, and unique sharing capabilities. When Rolling Stone magazine announced their list for the top 500 albums of all time, it seemed like a great opportunity to show just what Arrays can do. Not only did Arrays' user-friendly design help to arrange the list itself into a beautiful, interactive display, but going a few steps further, demonstrates just how useful Arrays can be for researchers. With Arrays' color-coded and unique visual display, it becomes brilliantly clear that rock largely dominated the Rolling Stone selections by a large margin, blowing contemporary musical styles—such as jazz, folk, funk and soul—way behind. Of particular interest to music lovers, the Arrays graph is able to go one step further, breaking down the sub-genres that define rock's long-reaching influence into popular culture. Finally, with The Beatles coming ahead as the most popular of 20th century rock 'n' roll artists, it is possible to bring to life visually a comprehensive deconstruction of their forays into different forms of rock.
The latest Information about COVID-19 University of Miami Division of Continuing and International Education Registration & Policies Business and Communications Certified Professional Coach Coding Boot Camp Certificate Cyber Security Boot Camp Programs Bachelor of General Studies Credit Certificates Home > About DCIE > Message from the Dean Welcome to the Division of Continuing and International Education at the University of Miami. What's next in your life? A new career, a path towards promotion? Earning a bachelor's degree while working? Pursuing your curiosity about a particular subject? Learning a new skill? Studying a foreign language? From high school through retirement, our innovative courses and programs will prepare you for whatever is next, giving you the skills you need to live the life you want. Learn with the University of Miami online, on campus, or through a combination of both - we've disrupted traditional educational structures to bring learning to people where they can best take advantage of it. We're constantly seeking out new ways to disseminate knowledge. We collaborate with both outside industry experts and UM faculty members to create new course offerings, which implement new ways of teaching and make knowledge accessible to people who may not have had access to it in the past. Pursue the next chapter in your career with intensive, career-oriented certification programs; micro-credentials and badges for specific skills; our versatile, online or on-campus Bachelor of General Studies degree; or classes that grant continuing education units (CEUs). Start a new journey in your life with customized language programs, our Intensive English Program for students from all over the world, or classes and programs from our Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - designed for learners over 50. If you want, you can have the full University of Miami student experience, whatever your age or life situation. As part of a mid-sized top tier university, our goal is to ensure that each learner's experience is meaningful. Our passionate staff will work closely with you to make sure you achieve your goals through the programs you choose. We're devoted to our students, checking on each person's progress, connecting them to appropriate resources, and being there to help with anything else they need to take the next steps in their lives when they complete their work. If you're looking to follow a passion, to define your life, change your life, or enrich your life, your journey begins with us. Rebecca MacMillan Fox, Ph.D. Dean, Division of Continuing and International Education About DCIE Join Continue.Miami.edu Allen Hall, 5050 Brunson Drive Office of Professional Advancement Visit our Registration and Policies page for more information concerning your rights and policies for refunds, privacy notice and equality administration policies. Copyright © University of Miami
I'll come back over the next couple days to talk about the baby, ASP.Net 2.0, the new car, phone/mp3 player, etc., etc. Hopefully with the baby site I won't be posting to a crowd of no one! .NET hosting providers are consistently more expensive, especially if you want a database. I'm sure this is due to an MS tax, but also makes me wonder about TCO for .NET. ASP.Net 2.0, which really does do a good job of killing off most of the hand-coding that used to be needed. Typical Microsoft evolution means that figuring out/controlling what it's doing is more difficult if you don't want the packaged behavior. My phone has a web browser, which I will need when the baby is born and I need to call people. One of the most difficult/time consuming parts of the site was getting the infrastructure to understand that my phone can accept cookies. Not absolutely necessary, but I did not want to have to log in (which is necessary for the admin interface) during all the excitement. This entry was posted on 10:45 AM You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Editor's Note: The First Lady of fashion definitely portrayed herself with her own modern stature, abiding by her own personal styles while having the public gaze in awe over her beautifully crafted gowns and glossy pearls. Luckily, Ben-Amun has played a role in this Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis legendary wardrobe. In 1989, Jackie O attended a dinner at the Kennedy Library with her own personal addition, the gold ball-embellished cuff that has made headlines since the day it debuted. The cuff demanded worldwide attention as it graced the covers of newspapers and magazines, the public infatuated over what she was wearing and wondered where they could get one of their own. The cuffs from her estate later sold in auction by Sotheby's for $29,000.
Face masks are a staple in my skin care routine. I always love using clay masks in particular, although they are a bit drying I find that using clay masks have helped my skin be free from acne. So when I got the chance to try out the Liz Earle Deep Cleansing Mask I knew I would be expecting similar effects. My skin has become familiar with the effects of clay masks, they are not meant for everyone. They leave your skin really dry. Face masks are great to remove dirt and excess oil. Liz Earle have 3 face masks in their range, the Deep Cleansing Mask promises to remove excess oil and eliminating impurities. Problem: oily, combination and problem-prone skin. Solution: this highly concentrated clay and manuka honey mask helps draw out impurities and excess oil to leave skin balanced, calm and clear. Smooth over face and neck as an all over face treatment, or to target specific problem areas. Naturally active ingredients include green clay to draw out impurities, soothing manuka honey and propolis and rose-scented geranium to help tone and balance. Apply after cleansing skin, smooth a generous layer of the mask over face and neck, avoiding eyes, lips and hairline. Leave on for 5 – 10 minutes. Wipe away residue with thoroughly rinsed sponges. Splash face with cool water. Use as often as needed: either as an all over face treatment, or to target specific blemishes or problem areas. I really like how some of Liz Earle's products come in a zip pouch, I like to keep my washcloths and sponges sanitary so I always store them in the pouch after they dry. The pouch is great for travelers as well. The kit comes with 2 sponges to cleanse the mask off with, I find that using the sponges really buff's the skin really nicely leaving you with supple skin. The mask has a strange scent, I can not pinpoint what it is but it is a bit odd. Looking at the ingredients I can guess that it is aloe vera mixture. I don't mind the scent but it is an just odd smell. Most of the clay masks I have used have a thick consistency, this mask has a liquidy texture which means you have to use more of the product to fully cover your skin. Which in the long run the tube will not last you very long if you use it more than once a week. I find that using approximately 3/4 of a teaspoon covers my skin and neck with a thin layer. It works really well with just a thin layer, it will dry a lot faster this way. The product gives a nice tingly sensation and after about 5 minutes it begins to dry. It completely dries in about 10 minutes which is exacting what they promise so you don't have to sit and wait for 20 minutes for this mask to dry. When it does dry I begin to run the sponges under hot water and use it in a circular motion to remove the mask, rinsing masks is tedious so you have to rinse your face a couple of times to completely remove the product. It is suggested for oil, combination and problem prone skin type, if your skin becomes really dry during the winter I would not suggest this product. This product recommends to use it after the Cleanse & Polish then after you rinse off the product use the Skin Boosting Tonic which is exactly what I did and it gave my skin the most supple and soft feeling skin! Even without the Tonic I feel that my skin was clean from impurities. Moisturizing is a must with this product. I really enjoyed using this product, I have never felt my skin feel so soft after using a mask which is a great addition to the product. For more Information Liz Earle Can be found on Facebook and Twitter along with their website. Wow another fab product by Liz Earle :D Great review!!! How cool we did the same review :P I totally love this mask. Sounds good! :) I am sure it would work for me too. [NAILS] Essence Colour & Go in What Do U Think? I won a piCture pOlish Giveaway!
There is a great deal of information within those documents not listed here. Due to the size of the release, the 4.7gb Install media is discontinued. We have retained the Dual Layer Install media. raw image to a USB device. There is a new Scientific Linux End User License Agreement (EULA). under which Fermilab produces Scientific Linux. Booting SL7 with Secure Boot enabled works but requires a manual step. This is because the "shim" has not been signed by the UEFI CA. Instructions are included within the SL7 Release Notes.
Box.net Shakes Hands With iPad's App Store Friday, 30 March 2012 by Yonah File-sharing service Box.net, founded by Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith in 2005, has recently developed an application for iPad and iPhone to let you share, view, and edit your content. The new application blends in with several third-party mobile tools that help you manage file on your mobile device. Among them we find Quickoffice, Adobe AppleBox.netfile-sharingiphone Protect Your Online Privacy with TorGuard Thursday, 29 March 2012 by Yonah Downloading torrents can quickly become a dangerous business, and receiving a letter from your ISP or worse isn't on anyone's wishing list. TorGuard.net offers solutions to preserve your anonymity on the web. The Big Brother is always watching, and your privacy is starting to become a privilege, rather than a right. However, there are still BitTorrentfile sharing servicefile sharing sitesfile-sharingISPsp2pvpn services ACTA Near Boiling Point In Europe While ACTA is still to pass (and let's hope to God it doesn't), the European Parliament's international trade committee has rejected a proposal by David Martin, who wanted to find out the European Court Of Justice position on ACTA. Karel De Guch – EU trade chief – said on February that ACTA would be referred ACTAanti-piracycopyrightcopyright infringementlegal Published in Announcements & Events, Entertainment Industry, Legal P2P News & Issues Rapidshare Appeals To German Supreme Court For Justice Despite Rapidshare's efforts to prove its willingness to discourage piracy, the company is still having a hard time staying out of trouble, as the music rights association GEMA is accusing them of copyright infringement. GEMA is a music rights association, very similar to BREIN, and it has been doing some hard battling with Rapidshare on anti-piracyfile sharing sitesfile-sharinglegal Published in Announcements & Events, File-Sharing Programs, Networks & Services, Legal P2P News & Issues Top 10 Most Downloaded Movies on BitTorrent Wednesday, 28 March 2012 by Yonah TorrentFreak has published the data they collected with the top 10 most shared movies on BitTorrent for the week ended March 25. All the films included in this chart are DVDrips (unless mentioned otherwise). 'Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol' remains #1 this week while 'We Bought a Zoo' and 'The Grey' switch places. This week's BitTorrentfile-sharingfree downloadsmovie downloadstop movies Published in Announcements & Events, Downloads, Movies, MP3, Digital Audio & Games, Tops
Jen Lewin's "The Laser Chandelier," a sculpture that makes music when laser beams are interrupted. Colorado artist Jen Lewin will install two interactive light and sound sculptures — "The Pool" and "The Laser Chandelier" — starting at 5 p.m. tomorrow, Oct. 3, at the University of Central Arkansas's Alumni Circle and Simon Park. The installations are part of the city's ArtsFest this week. "The Pool," which is going up at the UCA campus, is made up of lighted circular platforms that respond to movement. Live DJs, light-up LED hula hooping performances by Re-Creation Studios and Southern Lights, and two dance performances by the CORE Performance Company will accompany the installation. "The Laser Chandelier," which is going in Simon Park, features beams of light that make music when interrupted. Installation events run through 10 p.m ., and the sculptures will remain in place through Saturday, Oct. 5. Lewin will talk about the work at 1:40 p.m. tomorrow at McCastlain Hall 143 at UCA. The Baum Gallery of Fine Art in collaboration with UCA's Artists in Residence Program, UCA's Student Government Association, The Conway Chamber of Commerce, and the Conway Advertising and Promotion Commission are sponsors.
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Step1: Create a new node project folder and package.json using npm init command. Above command will ask some names and creates package.json file. Step 2: Create a new module and add the following code into it. In the above code, we have written a public method and public variables which are accessible in another JS file or main file "index.js" due to exports keyword. in this code, we have used require function to import the custom module into the current file. Using require we have created an object of the custom module.
When Cornelia begins a new story, she writes the first draft by hand. In A4 notebooks. For her book "The Griffin's Feather", for example, she had one book for notes, thoughts, and sketches before she started, and then another six for the handwritten first draft and the print out of the second draft. She more and more sketches characters and places while she is writing. It can be so inspiring for her (and makes much more beautiful notebooks ).
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Ah, the MTV Movie Awards: an awards show that basically functions as an opportunity for the stars of the summer's anticipated blockbusters to promote their films—and try their best to look engaged in the audience as awards like "Best Fight" are handed out. The dress code is . . . open to interpretation, with some celebrities opting for a full red-carpet look, while others look more like they've just come from brunch. Let's take a look at some of the most notable outfits from the night! MICHAEL B. JORDAN. Can you imagine trying to have a normal conversation with Michael B. Jordan in this suit? How could you talk about the weather or whatever, without shouting, "WHAT IS THIS SUIT?!??!?"? ROBERT DOWNEY JR. Robert Downey Jr.'s glasses are the kind of glasses you can only get away with if you are Robert Downey Jr. BAI LING. You know how they do those "Get Naomi Watt's dress for $25!" segments the morning after the Oscars? We want that kind of information for this look. REBEL WILSON. This is like the bizzaro-world version of the white Tom Ford cape dress Gwyneth wore to the Oscars. SHAILENE WOODLEY. Shailene, looking as though she has just gotten off the L train in Williamsburg (or, in the West coast translation: just ordered a kale smoothie in Silverlake).
The First Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the Tax Court in Burke v. Commissioner , 99 AFTR 2d 2007-941. In so doing, the courts underscored the IRS's position that distributed income from a partnership must be recognized as taxable income even when it is held in escrow by the partners because of a legal dispute. For a description of the case, see " Tax Matters ," JofA , May 06, page 82.
⬅ Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and... Tales from the Crypt Episode 72: The Pit ➡ The War of the Worlds (1953) Director: Byron Haskin Writer: Barré Lyndon Cast: Gene Barry, Ann Robinson, Les Tremayne, Bob Cornthwaite, Sandro Giglio, Lewis Martin, Housely Stevenson Jr., Paul Frees, Bill Phipps, Vernon Rich, Henry Brandon, Jack Kruschen, and Sir Cedric Hardwicke Composer: Leith Stevens MPAA Rating: G When a meteor crashes into a small California town, Dr. Forrester (Gene Barry)—a former member of the Manhattan Project—decides to investigate. Shortly thereafter, a spaceship emerges from the impact site and vaporizes all who stand in its path. Unable to penetrate the craft using conventional weapons, Dr. Forrester—now enamored of a local woman named Sylvia Van Buren (Ann Robinson)—attempts to defeat the aliens, revealed to have originated from the planet Mars, by exploiting a weakness in their biology. The quintessential alien invasion film of the 1950s, The War of the Worlds is a phenomenal—albeit unfaithful—adaptation of the most popular science fiction novel ever written. Thus, for those who enjoy the works of H. G. Wells, this offering will make for an entertaining and inspirational viewing experience. The action sequences in The War of the Worlds highlight a variety of top-notch visual effects that, when used to illustrate the skeleton beam and heat ray weapons housed in every alien fighting machine, realistically convey the overwhelming force with which the Martians intend to devastate mankind—an aspect that contributes to the mood of defeat, helplessness, and vulnerability required for the twist ending to impact the viewer on an emotional level. Also worth commending is the air of suspense generated during Sylvia and Dr. Forrester's personal encounter with the Martians, who possess many creepy, skin-crawling attributes as demonstrated during the farmhouse scene. Specifically, a common horror cliché is employed to harrowing effect when a Martian explorer—apparently determined to make physical contact with its victim—places an elongated, three-fingered appendage on the shoulder of Sylvia, alerting her to the present danger in a fashion that will likely revolt, disturb, and terrify the audience in a subtle but effective manner. Despite benefiting from the gravitas of narrator Sir Cedric Hardwicke (whom creature feature buffs may recognize from The Ghost of Frankenstein), the opening monologue contains a number of scientific inaccuracies that undermine, if not entirely, an otherwise convincing depiction of two worlds locked in a war of self-preservation. Though occasionally condemned by fans of the source material for its "preachy" subtext, The War of the Worlds deserves praise for emphasizing themes of self-sacrifice, good triumphing over evil, and faith in a higher power providing inspiration for those in desperate need of salvation—much in contrast to the nihilistic undertones that mar Steven Spielberg's interpretation of the same story. Possibly the most poignant example of religious symbolism in this film concerns the martyrdom of Pastor Matthew Collins (Lewis Martin), the unwavering courage of whom sets an example for others to trust in the divine—a definitive source of strength and resolution—over the uncertain technology of human scientists when combating the invaders from another planet. The War of the Worlds is a haunting, rousing, and visually spectacular science fiction film. Especially incredible are the representations of alien technology in this production, which will likely impress the majority of viewers. Overall Quality: 10/10 Posted on Saturday, October 7, 2017
Book of Katherine Setting People Free Tag: gop What Really Happened Nov 8th 2018 On November 29, 2018 June 14, 2019 By bookofkatherine18In Landmark Moments, Politics What Would Another Surprise Cost? When Donald J. Trump was elected into office on Nov 8th 2016, it truly shocked, and cost, Globalists, Wall Street investors, the mainstream media, pollsters and campaign managers. Billions of dollars had flowed through long-standing industries in order to cinch big payoffs. They expected booms in bank accounts (George Soros famously lost a billion in Wall Street bets that day), major business contracts and a whole slew of promised connections through promised wins. Those wins would control the purse strings to trillions of taxpayer dollars. There was another hidden cost. It was near deadly to the trillion dollar "Election Network," the fleet of industries investors have traditionally relied on to ensure their candidate's or Proposition's success. They include everyone from campaign managers, consultants, Crowds on Demand (the paid crowds that come with a promised TV connection, run by a Democrat who won CA Governor Jerry Brown's race with these on-demand actors), right on up to the News Media. The American people know nothing about the Election Network, which is exactly why they've been able to guarantee a candidate's success for nearly 25 years now. But make no mistake: investors and donors have continuously relied on these Election Networks to deliver. They do not lose. But on Nov 8th 2016, those donations, and the Wall Street bets based on those predictions, tanked. And more importantly, they tanked to a name that didn't spend a dime on those networks. At all. It threatened their very existence. It exposed the truth: money just might not be needed… to win an election. It might just take something else. Something that doesn't cost anything. Billions lost. Trillions in investments. On November 8th 2016, a Global Empire of money and investments were asking: Are the Election Networks over? Globalists Lost Their Wall Street Bets It's one thing to lose billions in investments. It's another to lose faith in the industry that guarantees you'll secure trillions in investments, for years to come. But when the Globalists turned their gaze to the Elections Networks in anger, their gaze fell hardest on one section: the News Media. The News Media's number one job is to convince Americans that, no matter what their politics, they get unbiased facts from them. "We may have different politics, but we'd never lie about where to get the best hair dye." And Americans believe them because of Election Night. Election Night is when, no matter Blue or Red, all the stations report the outcomes fairly. Right? So the Globalists have their trust, and their unmitigated buying power, for the rest of the year. But what happens when the the Media gets all the polls wrong? When they don't get any of the stats right? What happens when the outcome reveals that their politics are actually affecting data? "What does that say about the other data they are giving us? Is that data tainted too?" Elections are the key. But on Nov 8th 2016, the whole sales model wobbled. That could not happen again. This is the story of what the News Media was willing to do, to keep America's buying power, I mean, trust… …on Nov 8th 2018. The Secret Sauce In order to understand what happened two years later, you need to understand what happened one month after Donald Trump was elected, far far away, on another November night: November 27th 2016. Reeling from an election they didn't understand, the heads of global media outlets, worried about their jobs, needing a solution, gathered at their global conference, the News Xchange in Copenhagen, and titled the event: "Are We Out of Touch?" Determined not to lose again, they hired their arch nemesis as their Keynote Speaker to answer that question for them. And boy, did he ever. Nigel Farage was the head of Britain's UKIP Party, which was responsible for leading the Brexit vote to victory. They hated Brexit. They were Globalists, pure #UN21 to the core. Brexit was a nation-state movement. It was a hard pill to swallow asking him to speak, especially less than a month after Trump's victory. But they had a feeling he just might spill the beans on the secret sauce to this "populist movement" in his elation. And they were right. That's exactly what he did. What did he say the Secret Sauce to this amazing "nation-state" movement was? "If it weren't for YouTube, the UKIP Party wouldn't even exist! So thank you!" said Nigel Farage. Oh. My. God. They listened. And they listened good… Four weeks later: The Conservative Sweeps began. The Conservative Sweeps People think they know what the Conservative Sweeps are. They don't. From a technical standpoint, Conservative Sweeps are basically censorship campaigns across all online platforms. They attacked any and all forms of "unwanted thought patterns" from appearing online. That included WordPress, Reddit Boards, YouTube Channels, Twitter accounts, Google search results and more. In 2017 they began with demonitization, Shadowbanning and downranking. By 2018 they were simply deleting pages, accounts and Channels before they were even launched. The tactical definition: the Conservative Sweeps were designed to prevent a new populist political party from forming in the United States. You see, in America, congressmen are always re-elected. They are never replaced. Once a congressmen gets in? They are in for life. They are the most corrupt, and most valuable players on the planet… And Nigel Farage – in one speech – told them it might all be gone, on Nov 6th 2018. Coming into Nigel Farage's speech, the Media and Globalists may have been worried about a Republican win in both the House and the Senate, that they couldn't call in the exact numbers they were looking for. But instead, Nigel presented them with a much larger, and darker picture. If you've watched my How They Fooled Us Video, or even my Rand Paul video, you'll know that the Establishment GOP is nearly as communist as the Democratic Party. The idea of a whole new party of independent candidates flooding the Primaries was a nightmare scenario worse than they had imagined. Not only could they not predict the numbers… But they might- might! Not own the candidates. They had not expected that. And so they prepared. Hard. You can tell just how high the stakes were, by the utter devastation they caused. The Online Companies rolled out the Sweeps. And the Media refused to report the Primaries. That is… until Clean the GOP began. Clean the GOP The Conservative Sweeps worked- almost. Candidates across the country complained to the GOP Chairwoman that their media campaigns were shut down before they could begin: Click Here. The GOP itself sued, and in some terrible cases, cruely tricked candidates off the primary ballots. But it didn't work. There were too many. And in the end, most incumbants found themselves face to face with contenders for the first time in a long time during their GOP Primaries. The media tried to keep it a secret. They focused on the Midterms during their coverage all 2018. My videos reflect it. "Save the Vote!" I said, in April of that year. And I talked about the Midterms in November instead. But then I saw Nigel Farage's video in May of 2018. And the gig was up. I began #CleantheGOP. With 39 states left in the Primaries to go. I jumped online, read off all 50 states Primary Election dates, and said "Hey- you probably better look at what your incumbent is doing, and compare them with who is running." And it was all over. 4 to 1 incumbents overturned. I didn't say to vote for Trump candidates. I said to vote for Freedom of Speech, because that was under threat. And a lot of different political beliefs fall under that… except for communism. We can all fight that as one. Did the media report any of these wins? NO. But thankfully, since that April video, I had been pushing voters who cared about a trustworthy vote, considering what we learned from the Project Veritas 2016 Election Videos, to man the polls and be on the lookout. So you were there. You saw the counts. You saw the candidates. You knew the results in each district. But the media didn't say anything. That should have prepared us for what happened on Nov 8th 2018. If you haven't seen my video recap of the Midterms yet, you should. I coin the term Freedom Fighters, which went mainstream at the Restoration Weekend. Good. In the meantime, here is the thread I wrote on Twitter that caused some shock waves. Enjoy. (Reads from bottom to top.) Get in a car. Hop on a plane. Travel to DC. Travel to your State Capitol. See for yourself in person. Trust what you can see, touch and talk to. Never trust the Matrix. Support Real News. Donate: https://www.paypal.me/bookofkatherine Copyright @BookofKatherine To the NeoCons: How the Bank Fooled You On July 23, 2018 December 1, 2018 By bookofkatherine18In Landmark Moments, Politics, UN Agenda 21 To the NeoCons, History is our greatest teacher. Read the history books. Not the ones written by the bankers – the Rothchilds, JP Morgans and Rockefellers who secretely set up the Federal Reserve and then also set up our education system through non-profit education foundations for the last 100 years… But the real history books. The ones that didn't shy from original sources, or blank out entire chapters of history. They focused on these original sources only. Quoted them. Cited them. Tracked them. Dedicated themselves to a honest history, no matter where it lead, instead of steering it into a certain bent. It is not just one person who has written real history, studied it or collected it. It has been numerous names in short bursts of time. Insider elites, FBI and Treasury whistle blowers, historians, judges, writers and even today's freedom fighters. I've tried to include as many as I could in my Reading List. Yes, curators are starting to destroy those documents…. But it turns out people have been documenting it for the last 100 years. History is extremely bright shining and clear, no matter how much Google tries to hide it. The key is knowing to look for it. Because it was never taught in schools. Let's correct that now. Wars make money. People don't know that most of JP Morgan's fortune was actually owned by the Rothchild's. That was only discovered upon his deathbed. They don't know that George Soros' very first loan came from the Rothchilds, which means they own part of him as well. Most people simply know that the Rothchilds own the Federal Reserve. Yes. They are the world bank. But they have been the world bank long before the Federal Reserve. Starting in the early 1800's the Rothchild's became the bankers of the world… by lending money to countries for war. It is a lesson they learned well. When they bought Reuters, at its very inception, what do you think they did with it? Use it for good? Or use it for gold? Gold. News plus war equals gold. Oh yes, wars make money. And people say they make money for countries and companies, but history says bankers. For it is bankers who learned in WWI that only through war can your control over countries grow, as countries look to them more and more for gold. The result? The Federal Reserve. World money control. Right now you're thinking that these wars the CIA is pushing you towards – Iran, then North Korea, now Russia… basically anyone to start a war, is good for business. You thought the exact same thing with 9/11. Don't think I didn't find all the contracts Rumsfeld had lined up with his contractors before 9/11 happened. We all found them. We know exactly what he did. We know exactly what you did. We know you traded world fear for 16 years of bloody war. For contracts. We watched the movie War Dogs. We know how much every gun costs. We know how expensive the game is. We get the billion dollar tags. It's a wonderful, wonderful little scam you have going. And now you have the CIA running around doing your bidding for contracts around the world. Good for you. But you're not seeing the bigger picture. You missed it. You missed it all. You see, they know you, these liberal elite bankers, at the very very top. Rothchild, Rockefeller and the royal clans. They know you. They know how to pull your strings. Haven't you noticed? That as you rage these wars? You've been pilfered behind your backs, with secret plans they never shared with you. They let you play war games, to tie your money to them… and slowly, but slowly, as you earn? It always, always pours back to them. Your kids are theirs. Your homes are theirs. Your senators are theirs. Your laws are theirs. They gave them to the UN. When America is a socialist country, which it dam* near now is, because – if you do your homework – just even a little bit – read that thing. Buy it. Buy Agenda 21. It's on Amazon.com. Or go to the UN. Ask for a copy. The real copy. Read it and highlight it with a pen. Then go down to your city council or your town hall and read the laws. Go out to the farm lands or the EPA and see if there's any difference at all. Or pick up your local newspaper, columnist or recycler and see just how many columnist are writing about it all. Urging, urging, urging every day, while you're off playing – urging the people to change their ways, into the UN's hands. Green, green, green they chant, like they chanted Red in China. But it's all the same. In business codes, building codes, farm codes, water codes, tax codes, all of it – they say "let the community decide" instead of voting on it. So go to your cities. Go to your towns. See what's left of your laws. See and compare with what the UN Dictatorships planned, with China's communism at the helm. Why They Want War You know why the bankers let you play your war games? You know why they let you have fun playing with the CIA? Because at the end of the day… you'll be GONE. Unless you're one of the very, very few who are actually in on the scheme, and bought your wife or mistress a bunker deep underground. We didn't miss it. No we didn't. We didn't miss how – when the Iran deal was signed – you finally let all the research companies release their T-Cell research, and Wall Street set to work on it. We didn't miss it. No we didn't. Because we did not miss what else the UN wants – an elimination of 95% of the world's population. And doesn't nuclear war just solve that problem nice and neatly. "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." -Ted Turner (Donated over 1 billion dollars to United Nations "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" (IPCC)) I wonder how the UN managed to make their nuclear disarmament program actually give out uranium to countries. Did you think we'd miss that??? We didn't. And doesn't that sound crazy? Well- so does a socialist USA society – yet here we are. Look at our laws. See what the UN's Agenda 21 did to farmer's thru EPA: As you saw Duarte lay out, those are ridiculous restrictions on farming land. Five inches tall – FIVE INCHES TALL! is all a land bump needs to be? To be called a "wetland." Do you understand what that means? It's exactly as the Law Professor says. It goes way beyond what the Supreme Court ever ruled. "The broad trend of environmental regulation during the Obama administration was to use the coercive threat or reality of regulation… Simply to try and shut down entire industries and entire types of economic activity." – Jason Scott Johnson, Professor of Law (Why again, are you asking your Republicans to block the unmaking of these laws?) Yes, these laws are ludicrous – evil and anti-US. Designed to wipe out what's left of us, and make us move out in desperation. This goes beyond environment. This goes beyond saving the land. Because it doesn't help the land, but simply makes us abandon it. But when you understand what these laws are designed for – to eliminate farmland and turn it over to the state and federal system, just like the UN Agenda 21 plan outlines, it suddenly makes a lot of sense. The Current EPA Plan Congress Has Refused to Roll Back And when I say "Donald Trump" is only here for a few years. I mean it. The UN Plan moves on. Meanwhile, we're being herded through the CIA's controlled press (I know you think you've got them, but you're wrong)- to put us here in these "megacities" by 2050 through REGULATION. UN Population Control & Megacity Plan by 2050 Because while you're blocking POTUS with your Republicans? These regulations keep working! And working, working, working on-not for you-but for the UN – just like the Democrats designed them to do. Bc we do it through law. China? Just SHOVED them in 2013: And before you think this is about Green, don't be fooled for a second. The MOMENT the poor were shoved off their lands, do you know what their government did with it??? The elites moved in. They are building high rises on it. As we speak. What do you think they'll do… with our farmland? When their plan is finally in place, here in the US? When you look at those giant megacities in the US that they are building? I know Charles Murray thinks it's "so funny" about Colorado's "belt" they built- but look at that map, and you'd figure out? IT WAS FOR SOMETHING ELSE! The Elite's "Capitol City" of the United States… Colorado: The Elite's Planned Capitol, Like the Hunger Games I have to say – they really got you. I know in war, you learned the "power of distraction." Well. I wonder if you didn't learn the most important lesson of all "power is corruption." I'm going to tell you a story I told, but it was long ago- but it's really relevant today. Lobbyists don't get their way because they hand out money. They hand out favors too. They hand out power. It's tasty. It's like a glowing orb. And people take it. But here's the thing no one tells you about that power. Where Your Power Comes From There's an old book that was written about WWII. It was written to ensure it might not happen again. Here's what it said about power: A mighty leader bestowed gifts of power to leaders of different lands. One land was given three gifts to wield over their people. Another five. Another seven. And the Lords and Ladies of these lands used these gifts to care for their people, change their people, direct their people all… Kind of like you do, with the money, power, information and contracts these bankers yield to you through the CIA. But! The book says- "They were all of them, deceived." For the mighty master had built a ring that bound these gifts to it. The gifts served not their masters, but yielded- all – to the one ring. And when the mighty master moved, they were crushed beneath his feet. You may believe the United States is the World Power, for it won in WWII. But that was then, and this is now. Those history books wrote us a very, very clear path. They said the same masters of this ring paid for the mobs of the Lenin wars, that made Soviet Russia fall. We know that. We learned that, from our history. Money, not the people, created Communist Russia, just as money, not the people, now create Communist America. Learn the history. And how did Germany get the money? How do you think? Don't forget how Communist Russia was lost. By Reagan. And how did the CIA and the Press and Democrats handle HIM then??? Oh. The same as you handle him now. I wonder exactly why that is? Now, we also learn from those history books, that these elites also paid for China's fall into Communism too. All one single plan. So don't you dare tell me the US was the hero there. No. We only won because Hitler "magically" decided to war against Russia. What if he hadn't? No. It was in the bankers best interest, for the US to get in the game. And now? What comes now? Let me tell you: A world ONE BANK philosophy. All communist governments with China as the World Power. If you haven't watched the freakin' China's Silk Road Documentary yet, where are you??? China has used all that WTO money for good use – to build up and become a world power – and over take us. That's world communism. And if- IF- you crack open the books at the Federal Reserve and Wall Street banks and take a look at the US finances??? Exactly what do you think you'll find? Where's the money? What's left? Not one thing is made here. We only buy. That's ALL we do. We give money away. That's it. The banks own our houses. Have you SEEN what Florida did with Foreclosure law? They completely raped the US of all our homes – no one is a homeowner anymore! You know what that means??? All their investment in those lands… gone. They spent it on their kids. They gave it to their colleges – the ridiculous $100K for crap education that teaches them – literally- puppeteering!?!? And teachers that you see every day on TV that you laugh at… but you send them to college any way! For what!? And trade school? You know- the one thing kids can actually earn money doing? From being a Vet, to being a Barber, to being a Computer Tech? Oh! You didn't know? George Soros ELIMINATED all of those from the schools! So let me say this one more time. Let me be so dang clear. They gave you a gift. They gave you a glowing beautiful orb. It's mesmerizing and clear. But it makes you THINK you control your troops. It makes you THINK you protect America. It makes you THINK you're big and bad, but in the background, their burning down your fields. Because while you're out their warring, their raping your kids in school, and your CIA and ad paid media doesn't say crap about it. The MS-13 gangs that sell your drugs and kids and traffic all of it, they are also raiding old folks homes, killing them and selling the stuff on Ebay. Nice job. Bravo. Meanwhile, little local stations make stories and headlines about the elderly being drugged, dragged and beaten – but what do you care??? You've got that orb!!! And it glows oh so pretty. And the kids in school? So what if their new school books the UN brought in TEACH THEM HOW TO MASTURBATE AT 9&10!??! But what's that got to do with you??? You still look good in that $5,000 suit. But ohhh-the kids attached to it… across the US being groomed: You may think you're powerful. But you're not. You're a slave. Because you took a gift controlled by the master – the master of them all. And that master works with the UN now, not the USA – not at all. The Congo matters more than you. Iran much more too. When the time comes, they'll enjoy feasting on your carcass most of all. Because you helped them, served them, big and small. Because you accepted the glowing orb as a gift and stared into it, instead of standing tall on the graves of those who died for the words: "Freedom for All." A Choice I do that. I do that every day. And because I do? Is the very reason why – I will always be more powerful than you. Because I am not a slave. Neither are any of we. But isn't that the glory of freedom? We have a choice. We can choose it day by day. I have friends that saw the light, more and more each day. For evil loves to lie and say "you're free" as they tie you down. So my challenge, if you accept it, is to join the fight again. The fight for Democracy. That means backing character. Freedom of men. Not slaves. Not that gruesome history… of 2050. And a Communist USA. 10:47 AM – 23 Jul 2018 Donations: Buy me a coffee! ICE Centers Better than Schools A New Type of School (and it's Free) How the CIA Developed the Internet to Replace Democracy with Communism Landmark Moments Click to Donate! Mr. Tiberius eyes a blade of grass. #summer #mycats #tiberius #tiberiuscat
houston neighborhoods near medical center Spring Branch is just a quick drive from Downtown Houston, and it's also near great jobs at the Memorial City Medical Center and awesome schools within the Spring Branch Independent School District. For condos in the Museum District area, see our Museum District Condos page. Find Apartments for rent in Medical Center South, Houston, TX by bedroom, cheap to luxury, pet friendly, with utilities included and more. Architectural styles vary. She will tell you the 'bad' and 'ugly' of a property and help you make a good purchase.", "As first time buyers in the US, we are delighted to have worked with Paige. The neighborhood is located along major thoroughfares including Highway 6, US 90 Alt, Grand Parkway, and Highway 59 (Southwest Freeway). Multiple hospitals, medical schools, and specialized clinics serve patients and doctors from all over the world. Students in the area are served by the Baylor College of Medicine Academy, a top-rated school in Houston. Each of the following 16 luxury neighborhoods…, These neighborhoods have created the most wealth for their owners. Right in the middle of Downtown and the Medical Center. Having sold over $500M of Houston homes, we've seen the good, bad & ugly and can help you avoid problems. As opposed to West University's standard lot size of 50 by 120 foot, Bellaire's lots are noticeably more spacious at 75 by 130 feet. All dimensions are approximate. This can be attributed to the fact that more people are moving to the Medical Center, as well as the increasing number of the newly constructed and under construction condos and townhomes in the neighborhood. All homes in Riverstone are zoned to the award-winning Fort Bend ISD. Flooding Info: Texas Medical Center is located on both 100 and 500-year floodplains. Residents are granted great access to some of Houston's main employers including Downtown Houston and Texas Medical Center. Stroll the grounds of Rice University – With 300 acres of beautiful, tree-lined campus to cover, Rice University is worth the visit, whether you're catching a Rice Owls game or simply walking along the 2.92-mile Rice University Loop. If you work in the Texas Medical Center or enjoy that area and what it has to offer, give me a call, your neighborhood specialist to find your new home today. The neighborhood is one of the hottest in the Inner Loop with great real estate appreciation and land value appreciation rates. The Texas Medical Center in Houston is the largest medical center in the world. Oak Forest is home to Oak Forest Elementary, of Houston's top rated schools. 19 Homes For Sale in Medical Center Area, Houston, TX. Compare the Medical Center to Houston's Best Neighborhoods. All homes in Fall Creek are zoned to the Humble Independent School District. Today, the Medical Center includes 21 hospitals, 8 specialty institutions, 3 medical schools, 8 academic and research institutions, 6 nursing schools, and other health-related institutions. GREAT ACCESSIBILITY: Residents enjoy having easy access to the … Distance / Commute Time: 3.7 miles / 12 mins. It really is the new social hang out for young professionals in Houston. The city offers a good commute to Houston's main job centers: Galleria, Downtown, Energy Corridor, and Texas Medical Center. Summary Houston Properties Team listings sell for…. Southgate boasts of great accessibility to key districts: Museum District (2.1 miles), Hermann Park (2.6 miles), and Downtown Houston (>5 miles). East Downtown (more popularly known as EaDo) is a vibrant historical neighborhood with a thriving business and entertainment scene. Save on popular hotels in Texas Medical Center, Houston: Browse Expedia's selection of 131 hotels and places to stay near Texas Medical Center. No representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, are made to the accuracy of the information herein, or with respect to suitability, usability, feasibility, merchantability or condition of any property described herein. When you include the Best Houston…, Looking to buy a home? Uptown Houston and Downtown Houston are easily reachable via Beltway 8 and Interstate 10. Midtown homes are zoned to the Houston ISD. Homes in the Medical Center area have become quite popular, selling better in recent years. Pearland real estate prices have been steadily increasing over the past decade due to new construction master-planned communities and developments. Today, the district features more than 50 institutions in the field of medicine. All homes in Nottingham Forest are zoned to the awarded Spring Branch ISD. Flooding Info: River Oaks is not located on a floodplain and most houses have no history of flooding. Located near the Texas Medical Center, our hotel features 354 upscale guest rooms and suites, a rooftop pool, and state-of-the-art fitness center. A variety of dining, retail, and outdoor recreational establishments surround the neighborhood, including City Centre, Memorial City, and Town & Country Village. Montrose has a great art scene and nightlife. Other areas are zoned to Houston, Clear Creek, Pasadena, Alvin, and Fort Bend Independent School Districts. It's simple to book your hotel with Expedia! Upper Kirby is one of one of the most accessible neighborhoods in Houston, with convenient access to the Southwest Freeway, Buffalo Speedway, Shepherd Drive, and Westheimer Road. Sizes can range from 650 to 2,000 square feet. Flooding Info: Pearland has a number of flood-prone areas, but the worst and most frequent flooding occurs along Clear Creek. Summary The Houston Properties…, Over 134,000 people move to Houston each year. The community offers a mix of townhomes, condos, and single-family homes. CENTRAL LOCATION: Living in the medical center affords a fantastic commute to anyone working in the complex.In addition, the Medical Center is a few minutes away from Downtown Houston.Other Loop 610 neighborhoods are conveniently accessible from the district, including Rice University, Museum District, and West University. Medical Center Restaurants - Houston, Texas Gulf Coast: See 507 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 507 restaurants in Houston Medical Center and search by cuisine, price, and more. It sits along Houston's major freeways (Southwest and Gulf) and is beside major thoroughfares (Main Street, Fannin Street, and Alabama Street). Search Filters. The neighborhood is one of the most affordable in the Inner Loop, with home prices starting at $370,000 up to more than $1,000,000. Established in 1954 and previously the site of Houston's Main Street Airport, the neighborhood now consists of around 622 homes split into 11 different neighborhood sections with each section having its own deed restrictions. Apart from having three METRORail Red Line Stations, residents also have direct access to three major freeways: Southwest, South, and Loop 610. Around 116 homes were inundated by Hurricane Harvey while 17 sustained structural damage. It's easy to get around and one of the most walkable areas in Houston. Built over fifteen years, our network of experts can help you through each step of the process plus help making living in your new home more enjoyable. Anderson Cancer Center. The Buffalo Bayou hike and bike trails, as well as the Terry Hershey Park, are just a short walk away. Find Apartments for rent in Medical Center, Houston, TX by bedroom, cheap to luxury, pet friendly, with utilities included and more. Contemporary Main Plaza (under construction), Trevisio Restaurant and Conference Center, "One of Houston's Top 25 Realtors," Houston, "One of America's Best Realtors," RealTrends.com / WSJ, Over $500 Million in Houston residential home sales. All homes in the Wilchester neighborhoods are zoned to the Spring Brand ISD, featuring some of the best schools in Houston. A number of prestigious schools are zoned to Southgate: Lamar High School and Roberts Elementary School, two IB World Schools. Medical Center neighborhood, Houston, Texas (TX), 77030 detailed profile Our promise is to always give you the most candid advice on any property, to help you make the best decision for your family. The NRG Stadium, formerly known as Reliant Center, is a multi-purpose stadium. Spring Branch is just a quick drive from Downtown Houston, and it's also near great jobs at the Memorial City Medical Center and awesome schools within the Spring Branch Independent School District. Residents enjoy easy access to the state's largest medical complex. Distance / Commute Time: 2.9 miles / 10 mins. Distance / Commute Time: 4.5 miles / 12 mins. The Texas Medical Center is the largest medical center in the world. Nottingham Forest is located within Energy Corridor, allowing residents easy access to one of Houston's major employment centers. If you are still deciding, explore areas near Medical Center South, including nearby neighborhoods, counties, and zip codes in Houston, TX. The METRORail Red Line runs through the Houston Medical Center and has three stations in and around the district: TMC Transit Center, Dryden/TMC Station, and Memorial Hermann Hospital/Houston Zoo Station. Townhomes are the most common residential option in the neighborhood. Your browser either doesn't support Javascript or you have it turned off. Restaurants, cafes, retail areas, and nightlife options are available at Beltway 8. Multiple hospitals, medical schools, and specialized clinics serve patients and doctors from all over the world. Residents are also in close proximity to Downtown Houston and Texas Medical center, which are accessible via a 5-minute MetroRail ride, bike, or Uber. A number of developments followed suit, including the naval hospital Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Memorial Hermann-Medical Center, Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center, Houston Academy of Medicine-Medical Center Library, Texas Children's Hospital, and Houston Methodist Hospital, among others. Typical homes offer 3-4 bedrooms with living spaces ranging from 1,000 to around 4,000 square feet. Distance / Commute Time: 2.1 miles / 8 mins. The Texas Medical Center area also has three METRORail Red Line stations, as well as direct access to three major freeways: South, Southwest, and Loop 610. Southampton is one of Houston's most expensive neighborhoods and one of the 14 Hottest Inner Loop Neighborhoods in real estate appreciation. #2 Best Value of 8 places to stay in Medical Center (Houston). The neighborhood boasts of great accessibility with easy access to Bissonnet Street, Kirby Drive, Montrose Boulevard, and Shepherd Drive. Apartment List's personalized search, up-to-date prices, and photos make your apartment search easy. Though there were no records of homes flooding, streets were still inundated. Highly popular for its variety of homes, green spaces, amenities, and top schools, this best-selling neighborhood has been included in the independent top seller lists of RCLCO, John Burns Real Estate Consulting, and Robert Charles Lesser & Co. With 52 Apartments for rent in the Medical Center neighborhood of Houston, ForRent.com can guide you throughout your apartment search. Available homes for sale include patio homes, traditional single-family homes, and lakeside estates. Located near Rice University , Hermann Park, and the Museum District , Houston Medical Center apartments are perfect for just about anyone moving to Houston. Oak Forest offers easy access to Houston's main arteries, including N Shepherd Dr, TC Jester Blvd, North Fwy, and Katy Fwy. Distance / Commute Time: 4.2 miles / 15 mins. Disclaimer: School attendance zone boundaries are supplied by Pitney Bowes and are subject to change.Check with the applicable school district prior to making a decision based on these boundaries. According to Niche, the Texas Medical Center is #13 out of 88 for one of the "Best Neighborhoods to Live in Houston Area." It is also regarded to be one of the best places for millennials in the Houston area. Distance / Commute Time: 18.5 miles / 29 mins. The community is 80% residential, with a variety of retail, dining, entertainment options within its borders. We'll tell you the "bad' and the "ugly" about any property we show you. The Telfair Central Hall is a 9,545-square foot hub with multi-purpose rooms, a fitness center, three tennis courts, a canoe launch, and a swimming pool. Distance / Commute Time: 21.3 miles / 30 mins. Fall Creek is mostly residential and offers a variety of home types and sizes at varying price points, including patio homes, bungalows, custom homes, and luxury estates. Bonus: Also see how this area compares with nearby top neighborhoods. EaDo real estate has been one of the best performers over the past one, five and 10-year periods. The Texas Medical Center is a realistically priced area, with condos starting a $50,000 to homes priced various price points from $200,000 to $2 million plus. The neighborhood offers a rich mix of traditional homes, grand mansions, luxury condos, and townhomes within gated communities. On the average rent for a studio apartment in this neighborhood is $1,548, and has a range from $1,050 to $2,150. It sits just a few minutes away from Downtown, south of Museum District and west of the Texas State Highway 288. Home prices begin at $400,000 up to more than $1,500,000. Browse photos, see new properties, get open house info, and research neighborhoods on Trulia. An apartment unit in this part of town is as an average $2,667. To see this page as it is meant to appear please use a Javascript enabled browser. However, areas located near water channels that flow to the South Outfall Station are more vulnerable to flooding. An active civic club (the Knollwood Village Civic Club) enforces deed restrictions and manages the neighborhood's security. Distance / Commute Time: 4.9 miles / 13 mins. Data is presented for informational purposes only and does not represent a listing of a building, property or entity. Real estate in the neighborhood is highly sought after due to great accessibility, spacious lots, gorgeous tree-lined streets, and relatively affordable home prices. (Data sourced from the Houston Association of Realtors Multiple Listing Service and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.). "Paige Martin is the best realtor in Houston. The community's location offers residents easy access to major thoroughfares including the Southwest Freeway (Hwy 59), Beltway 8, Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road, and Highway 90 Alt. Medical Center homes typically offer 3- to 4-bedroom floor plans, with sizes ranging from 1,000 to more than 3,500 square feet. Flooding Info: Boulevard Oaks does not sit on a floodplain. Homes closer to the Buffalo Bayou are more susceptible to flooding. Specific methodology and calculations are listed at the bottom of this article. As called the Texas Medical Center, the Medical Center neighborhood is home to Houston's major healthcare facilities. The Texas Medical Center is surrounded by some of Houston's top Inner Loop neighborhoods and best suburbs with a wide variety of homes, close proximity to top schools, and short commute times in and out of the district. Residents don't need to venture far for retail, recreational, and entertainment options. With its various amenities, livability rankings, and great schools, Sugar Land in Fort Bend County is one of Houston's Best Suburbs. Lot sizes range from 6,000 to 10,000 square feet. Over 10,000 Yelp-rated establishments are located in the area, along with parks, nature centers, hike-and-bike trails, and three golf courses. Real estate in the area typically consists of single-family patio homes, upscale townhomes, and mid and high-rise condos. This page is having a slideshow that uses Javascript. Many of these are small and only have less than a dozen homes each. Distance / Commute Time: 8.4 miles / 17 mins. ... Houston Neighborhoods. Flooding Info: Some areas of Knollwood Village are located in a floodplain. Public Elementary Schools zoned to Medical Center include: Public Middle Schools zoned to Medical Center include: Public High Schools zoned to Medical Center include: The Medical Center area has a number of early childhood and kindergarten schools. Browse photos, see new properties, get open house info, and research neighborhoods on Trulia. Hermann Park is one of the city's most visited public parks. Anderson Cancer Center's $248.6-million project. Most often, we talk our clients into NOT BUYING. Medical Center real estate has posted good appreciation rates over the last decade, thanks to new residential developments in the area. Visit… 21. Located 5 miles southwest of Downtown Houston and north of Rice University, Southampton is an upscale neighborhood featuring luxury homes and vintage bungalows. Residents may choose between traditional and modern designs, but also have the freedom to customize their interiors. West University Elementary School, a highly-rated public school, is located within the neighborhood. Around $5 billion worth of health-care related projects are currently underway in the Texas Medical Center, and health care jobs are projected to double within the next decade. Shepherd Drive and Bagby Street flank the community on both sides. Wheatley High School and Austin High School are a few of the schools that serve the neighborhood. Disclaimer: School attendance zone boundaries are supplied by Pitney Bowes and are subject to change.Check with the applicable school district prior to making a decision based on these boundaries. Some of the area's old homes from the 1940s have since been replaced with new construction townhomes. With options for 3 or 4 bedrooms with 4 to 5 bedroom layouts accurate. 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Home / Figure Skating News / Sui and Han working to tackle quad throw despite injury Sui and Han working to tackle quad throw despite injury Photo © Robin Ritoss China's Wenjing Sui and Cong Han perform their free skate at 2015 Cup of China. China's Wenjing Sui and Cong Han had a strong start for the 2015-16 figure skating season beginning with Skate America last month. In Milwaukee, Wis., the reigning world silver medalists added their first gold to a collection of nine Grand Prix medals which they have earned in the past six years on the senior circuit. Two weeks later, they followed up with a second place finish at 2015 Cup of China, a placement good enough to secure them a ticket to Barcelona, Spain, for the Grand Prix Final. At Skate America, despite a costly mistake in the pair combination spin in the short program, as well as fall on a triple Salchow in the free skate, the pair from Harbin pulled together two decent performances and won the event overall with 202.00 points. "This is our first time to win a Grand Prix event," Han, 23, acknowledged. "America is a very lucky place for us." Two weeks later in the Beijing Capital Stadium, the three-time junior world champions delivered an even stronger short with 74.40 points, placing first heading into the free skate. "It was good, but there was a little error on the side by side jump," noted Sui, who had a wobbly landing on the triple toeloop. "After Skate America, we worked on the details to make sure we get the levels," said Han. "We particularly paid more attention to the pair combination spin which we failed." "I would give us 80 points out of 100 for that performance," he added, regarding their improvement. "Overall it was not bad, but there were three elements we didn't get a level four on which shows we still have work to do. There are more points to get." Compared to Skate America, Sui felt that skating on their home rink helped them to improve. "We were more relaxed in front of the home audience," said the 20-year-old. "Competing at home makes you both more nervous and more excited at the same time, but for us, we were able to transform the pressure into motivation and enjoy being on the stage." The following day, the two-time Four Continents champions delivered another strong free skate for a season's best of 141.22 points, however, it was not enough to beat the reigning European champions Yuko Kavaguti and Alexander Smirnov. The Russians landed two quad-throw jumps and scored 216 points—less than half a point from Sui and Han's total score of 215.62. Coach Hongbo Zhao revealed the reason for not performing the throw quad after the performance. "We were planning to add the quad-throw, but Wenjing hurt her Achilles tendon of the right foot this Tuesday (November 3rd)," he explained. "It is her landing foot, which impacts training a lot, so we decided to change the plan." "Since the injury, I had been taking painkillers and wrapping bandage those days," offered Sui. "We could hardly practice any throw jump in training." Nevertheless, she felt happy about the result. "Although we feel a bit regrettable because we were skating in front of the home audience, I am quite happy about the performance because we did all we could do at that moment," she said. The Cup of China silver medalists' next competition will be the Grand Prix Final which will be held in December in Barcelona, Spain. The bronze medalists from last season revealed the plan regarding the big event. "We will tackle the quads," said Han. "I think we are pretty consistent in all other elements, so from now on we want to spend more efforts on our stamina and the quad-throw. At the same time, we want to do more run-throughs so as to get more used to our programs, get all the levels, and improve the overall presentation." "I think we have what it takes to challenge the top of the podium," Sui added, "but at this point we also need a bit of luck." Patience is also a learning key as Zhao pointed out. "The first thing is to get her healthy as soon as possible," he said regarding Sui. "You can't really exert your strength when you injured your Achilles tendon. I know because I used to have the same experience. So we won't rush. I believe this pair has a lot of room to grow, both technically and mentally, but at the moment, let's get the things done step by step (towards the Final)." FeaturedWenjing Sui and Cong Han ← Previous Story No rest for Japan's Yuzuru Hanyu Next Story → ISU makes decision on 2015-16 GPF selections Dick Button (USA) became the first skater to ever land a triple jump (a triple loop) at the 1952 Olympics. He was also the first skater to land a double Axel in competition (1948 Olympics) and is credited with inventing the Flying Camel Spin, which was originally known as the Button Camel.
Dearly Beloved, a Match Made in Heaven Romance by Award-Winning @peggy_jaeger #romance #bookreview # Title: Dearly Beloved, a Match Made in Heaven Romance Author: Peggy Jaeger Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy Colleen O'Dowd manages a thriving bridal business with her sisters in Heaven, New Hampshire. After fleeing Manhattan and her cheating ex-fiancé, Colleen still believes in happily ever afters. But with a demanding business to run, her sisters to look after, and their 93-year-old grandmother to keep out of trouble, she's worried she'll never find Mr. Right. Playboy Slade Harrington doesn't believe in marriage. His father's six weddings have taught him life is better as an unencumbered single guy. But Slade loves his little sister. He'll do anything for her, including footing the bill for her dream wedding. He doesn't plan on losing his heart to a smart-mouthed, gorgeous wedding planner, though. When her ex-fiancé comes back into the picture, Colleen must choose between Mr. Right and Mr. Right Now. Colleen has a successful wedding planning business. Little did she know when she agreed to plan socialite Isabella's wedding, her life would change forever. Upon meeting her brother, billionaire playboy Slade, Colleen fell for him and fell hard. The chemistry between them are white-hot yet it can't go anywhere, can it? He's told her over and over how he's never getting married. But he keeps popping by where she least expects it. Is it a passing fling or is Slade her own ever after groom? I love wedding romances. There's something so kismet about couples who meet while planning a wedding. Dearly Beloved is a heartfelt romance with a loving family, humorous dialogue and two independent people who appear to be wrong for each other (he lives in NYC and she lives in Heaven, NH) yet it feels so right. Both hero and heroine have obstacles to face not to mention walls built around their hearts. It takes a great deal to tear those walls down but when it comes to love, nothing can stand in its way. What makes this a must read? Peggy Jaeger's immense talent for dialogue and emotional depth. I found myself reading Colleen's inner dialogue, laughing hysterically and thinking to myself how Colleen sounds like me. Emotional depth is in each character and the more I read, the more I understood a character's motivation. The backdrop of Heaven, New Hampshire is simply delightful and could be any small town in America/Canada. The minor characters are not flat, quite the opposite in fact. They create a family atmosphere I found irresistible to read and can't wait to read more in this series. Confession: I got so caught up in the last 20% of the book, my husband came come from work to find me sitting in the dark reading. Yes, I couldn't stop for a moment to turn on a light. Fans of Susan Mallery and Jamie Beck will love this romance! Favorite Character/Quote: "Is orgasmalicious a word?" Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HT4B95T Amazon CA https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07HT4B95T Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07HT4B95T Nook https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dearly-beloved-peggy-jaeger/1129689535?ean=2940161598023 Publisher https://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/all-titles/6294-dearly-beloved.html Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42109254-dearly-beloved Peggy Jaeger is a contemporary romance writer who writes about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can't live without them. Family and food play huge roles in Peggy's stories because she believes there is nothing that holds a family structure together like sharing a meal…or two…or ten. Dotted with humor and characters that are as real as they are loving, Peggy brings all topics of daily life into her stories: life, death, sibling rivalry, illness and the desire for everyone to find their own happily ever after. Growing up the only child of divorced parents she longed for sisters, brothers and a family that vowed to stick together no matter what came their way. Through her books, she has created the families she wanted as that lonely child. Tying into her love of families, her children's book, THE KINDNESS TALES, was illustrated by her artist mother-in-law. Peggy holds a master's degree in Nursing Administration and first found publication with several articles she authored on Alzheimer's Disease during her time running an Alzheimer's in-patient care unit during the 1990s. In 2013, she placed first in two categories in the Dixie Kane Memorial Contest: Single Title Contemporary Romance and Short/Long Contemporary Romance. In 2017 she came in 3rd in the New England Reader's Choice contest for A KISS UNDER THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS and was a finalist in the 2017 STILETTO contest for the same title. In 2018, Peggy was a finalist in the HOLT MEDALLION Award and once again in the 2018 Stiletto Contest. A lifelong and avid romance reader and writer, she is a member of RWA and her local New Hampshire RWA Chapter. Website/Blog: http://peggyjaeger.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/peggy_jaeger Amazon Author page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00T8E5LN0 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Peggy-Jaeger-Author/825914814095072?ref=bookmarks Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/peggyjaeger/ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13478796.Peggy_Jaeger Instagram: https://instagram.com/mmj122687/ BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/peggy-jaeger The Wild Rose Press
Working with CREST Guides, Resources 1st September 2020 2nd September 2020 How do terrorists make decisions? This guide focuses on the insights criminology can provide into terrorist decision-making. It looks at what terrorists do and how they do it. How do men and women decide to commit an act of terrorism? Do they plan wisely? How do they choose their targets? How do they evaluate the risk of a single operation? How is decision-making affected by the emotions felt during planning and operational phases? Can law enforcement be usefully informed by what we know about the behaviours of those who commit other kinds of crimes? Terrorist actions are rational. Deliberate choices are made regarding target, weapons, clustering attacks, and potential victims. The level of planning may depend on the complexity of the attack, the appearance of sudden, unanticipated opportunity, or perceptions of law enforcement. Sometimes planning is extensive. "The priority should be to develop and plan … [and collect] the information which unit commanders would need to mount successful operations against enemy personnel or to sabotage enemy installations … I issued instructions to Intelligence Officers (IO) that they should study the daily and local newspapers carefully, and indeed read every serious magazine and periodical they could lay their hands on …" (Member of the Provisional IRA). Sometimes attacks are spontaneous and 'planning' develops only in the course of daily activities. A Weathermen Underground attack on a United Fruit warehouse was planned on the same day it took place because one of the group passed "it lots of times". Over the course of the previous couple of days, he had "been checking it out" in more detail for the purpose of an attack, observing it "deserted after six o'clock at night". A member of the Provisional IRA recalled an open-back British Army jeep driving unaccompanied into their stronghold. "At this time the British Army would never come in unless heavily armed and in armoured cars. This particular day we weren't expecting anything like this … Here was something that just came out of the blue … We were so confident and in such control of the area at that time that instinct took over: 'There's a target' and 'Hit it.'" Similar variance is found for other kinds of crimes. Sometimes planning is extensive, especially for more complicated crimes (e.g. bank robberies are planned more often than muggings). Other times crimes are more spontaneous and the same criminal may sometimes plan and sometimes not. Choice of target The types of targets attracting terrorist attention are typically highly guarded. Anders Breivik considered assassinating a member of government but decided not to because such individuals are often well protected. From an operational perspective, he saw Utøya Island as ideal because it was "isolated" and "police would have problems" accessing the site. Whether or not to attack sometimes depends on perceptions of the effectiveness of security. Eric Rudolph described the security in the Atlanta Olympics Park: "Hundreds of security guards and cops patrolled the park. They eyeballed me going through the entrances. But there were no metal detectors, and bags were searched selectively. After sundown the crowds grew enormous … Security at the park became overwhelmed. They stopped searching bags altogether, and the entrances flew wide open. I knew then that I could smuggle in a bomb." Whether or not to attack sometimes depends on perceptions of the effectiveness of security. Although variable, other criminals report assessing informal/natural surveillance, formal surveillance, CCTVs and alarm systems. They also may be more affected by how the security is deployed than whether or not is it present. Third parties not involved in the actual crime sometimes spot opportunities and pass this information to an eventual offender. This has been noted for captive takers, burglars, robbers, and drug dealers. What distinguishes terrorism from other criminal acts is that it is deployed for its impact not just on the victims of an attack but on the general public; it is considered an effective political strategy. Public impact therefore is part of the cost/benefit analysis. According to Ann Hansen, of Direct Action, there was ambivalence about whether or not to attack the Cheekye-Dunsmuir electrical line in Canada. "We did not want to sabotage the project after it went on-line, because we wanted to avoid causing power blackouts to residential areas. Ordinary people would feel the brunt of the action if hospitals, traffic lights, or other essential services were shut down, and we didn't want that." Perceived consequences matter, and perceptions that there is greater risk sometimes leads to both reconnaissance (which increases vulnerability) and attempting larger attacks. Multiple targets may be considered. Ann Hansen of Direct Action noted that the group "decided to keep the actions small and simple so that people could get involved without having to fear serious prison time as a consequence." The Atlantic City bomber, Eric Rudolph, said, "I had spent a week earlier that month casing [the target] … There was no hideout near the target, no place of concealment where I could sit and scope it out, so I did my scouting on the move. After parking a mile away, I made three passes … each day. I strolled past it at different times of the day, approaching from a different angle and wearing a slightly different disguise on each pass." "There may be a general unawareness or blindness to risk amongst some offenders due to intoxication or because co-offenders actively downplay the risk." An IRA member reported that "operations were becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous, with … forensics, surveillance, ubiquitous helicopters, the security forces' more sophisticated understanding of IRA methods, quicker reaction by police and army, fewer opportunities because of better field craft by the security forces. There[fore], while operations became less frequent, they tended to become larger set-pieces …" A member of the Weather Underground reported that "we agreed to investigate other targets as well … One team went to each of the possible sites to do reconnaissance … [once completed] … The conversation focused on which of the targets we had investigated were feasible. Then we discussed the logistical details required for each action." Cost-benefit analyses also differ among other criminals. For example, inexperienced commercial robbers pay more attention to potential benefits at the expense of focusing upon risks. There may be a general unawareness or blindness to risk amongst some offenders due to intoxication or because co-offenders actively downplay the risk. Previous successes leads to downplaying immediate situational risks. Sometimes risk is accepted and circumvented by predetermined plans to display an illusion of normalcy. Does fear deter? In their own words, men and women who have committed acts of terrorism report fear and anxiety: "For days beforehand, the nerves would burn the inside of your stomach. There would be plenty of sleepless nights spent tossing and turning as you went over and over what was going to happen." "There was nothing to show I had been rumbled, but some inborn sense of danger was whispering warnings in my ear. I forced myself to go on, repeating silently to myself 'Don't panic!'" Fear sometimes is ameliorated by drugs. Upon being apprehended, Breivik announced that he had taken a combination of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin in order to enhance his performance. Feelings of fear, nerves, stress, tension, worries, apprehension, anxiety, physical sickness and uncertainty are also reported among various kinds of criminals, including street robbers, first-time sex offenders, card fraudsters, thieves, muggers, and armed robbers. These individuals also self-report substance abuse during the crime commission in order to help overcome fear and nervousness. Implications for law enforcement The successful conduct of a terrorist attack requires not only a motivated offender, but also a lack of capable guardianship and the presence of an appropriate victim. In other words, it needs opportunity. As can be seen, terrorists make cost-benefit decisions in much the same way as other criminals. The field of crime prevention evaluation shows that we should focus on the settings in which offences take place rather than underlying motivation or criminal disposition of the individual actor. Reducing the opportunities for terrorism via environmental design is therefore a valid and worthwhile pursuit. Reducing the opportunities for terrorism via environmental design is therefore a valid and worthwhile pursuit. Each type of terrorist attack, be it a vehicular assault or a bombing, depends on a crystallisation of multiple opportunities. In turn, each specific attack type offers its own set of particular opportunities that can be manipulated with the intention of impacting the terrorist cost-benefit calculus. Such endeavours are target hardening, controlling access to facilities, and controlling access to the necessary weapons. Such actions include extending guardianship, assisting with natural surveillance, reducing anonymity, utilising place management, strengthening formal surveillance, and concealing or removing potential targets. Fear is a factor in all phases of a terrorist attack, just as it is a factor in other kinds of crimes. Interventions that aim to increase such fear therefore should be beneficial. The sources of fear include fear of detection by police/security and fear of detection by conscientious bystanders. Making these more obvious should increase this fear. Interventions that hide the security details from the general public should increase uncertainty and either lead to full disruption or the planner taking ever greater risks to minimise their uncertainty. Fear of the 'unknown' is also paramount. Such feelings can be multiplied if the would-be offender believes the ability of security to detect suspicious behaviour is high. Interventions that highlight, embellish and evidence the ability of security, staff, and/or bystanders to detect suspicious behaviour should have a positive net benefit. Download the guide as a PDF Gill, P., Marchment, Z., Corner, E. and Bouhana, N. (2020). Terrorist decision making in the context of risk, attack planning, and attack commission. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 43(2), 145–160. Marchment, Z. and Gill, P. (2019). Modelling the spatial decision making of terrorists: The discrete choice approach. Applied geography, 104, 21–31. Gill, P., Corner, E., McKee, A., Hitchen, P. and Betley, P. (2019). What do closed source data tell us about lone actor terrorist behavior? A research note. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1–18. Robinson, A., Marchment, Z. and Gill, P. (2019). Domestic extremist criminal damage events: behaving like criminals or terrorists?. Security Journal, 32(2), 153–167. Marchment, Z. and Gill, P. (2020). Spatial Decision Making of Terrorist Target Selection: Introducing the TRACK Framework. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1–19 This guide was produced as part of the CREST commissioned Applying Criminological Paradigms to Terrorist Decision Making Regarding Security and Risk project. The project, led by Dr Paul Gill at University College London, looks at understanding how terrorists make judgements about risk and security, and how this informs their actions. Paul Gill, Professor, Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London Zoe Marchment, Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London Emily Corner, Centre for Social Research and Methods, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Noemie Bouhana, Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London. As part of CREST's commitment to open access research this guide is available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence. For more details on how you can use our content see here. IMAGE CREDITS: Copyright ©2020 R. Stevens / CREST (CC BY-SA 4.0) CREST guide, crime, Decision making, Emily Corner, Noemie Bouhana, Paul Gill, Terrorism, Zoe Marchment Decision making during emergencies: what have we learned and where do we go from here? Managing Terrorism-Related Offenders in Prison Introductory Guide: Messaging Applications Previous articleSource Handler telephone interactions with covert human intelligence sources: An exploration of question types and intelligence yield Next articleHow do criminals make decisions? CREST @crest_research NEW REPORT: Inoculating Against The Spread Of Islamophobic And Radical-Islamist Disinformation ➡️ https://t.co/6ZdZA5VQ5o #disinformation #misinformation #extremism #YouTube @STWorg @M_Yesilada https://t.co/qlWWeeMc1h Based at @CSTPV, supervised by Dr Sarah Marsden, and getting to be a part of the CREST family. We're biased, but think this is a great opportunity - come join us! https://t.co/wxPDfQYP4F CSTPV @CSTPV We are offering two PhD Studentships with @crest_research starting in October 2021. The roles include UK fees and an estimated £15,582 grant a year for three years. Visit https://t.co/O0kC5882H5 to find out how to apply. #NewJob #Research #phdopportunity #CSTPVxCREST https://t.co/4XcFnCHTaV NEW REPORT: Memetic Irony And The Promotion Of Violence Within Chan Cultures ➡️ https://t.co/Hbh003UmZW #Memes #FarRight #radicalisation #racism #Antisemitism #misogyny @FlorenceKeen @Blyth_Crawford https://t.co/iIDUUuzXeC NEW GUIDE: How And Why Ideologies Are Shared And Learned ➡️ https://t.co/ucrWYz9TT6 @nebulon82 @Kim_Knott #ideology #radicalisation https://t.co/JEYx5lMXlb JOB ALERT: Senior Research Associate with CREST, at Lancaster University Developing knowledge on best practice in risk assessment & violent extremism where mental health and neurodiversity is a factor. https://t.co/mPDTks963g https://t.co/w6xm50PVYH ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://t.co/5JhF2RAFKa In reply toP3P @platinum3p @ProfPaulTaylor @AndrewPSilke @univofstandrews @UCLan @uclnews @LancasterUni @UniofBath @portsmouthuni ➡️ https://t.co/FzQyDl0vWO Follow @crest_research Core-Programme, People Zarah Vernham © 2020 Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats
Liberty, Sedition & Jailed Dissidents in M'sia The recent arrests of student activist Adam Adli, three other prominent opposition figures, and 18 people holding a peaceful candlelight vigil outside the Jinjang Police Detention Centre have understandably fuelled negative sentiments. Regardless of where we stand on the political spectrum, we all expect the space to voice our opinions and express dissent within a democratic framework. Personally, I do not agree with the authorities decision to arrest Adli and others, if anything, it only legitimises the accusations of Barisan Nasional's opponents. At the same time, one must attempt to view this situation through the lenses of the government. Whether we'd like to admit it or not, the authorities have been extremely soft on public gatherings, candlelight vigils, and opposition rallies held after the May 5 election. Rallies were met with no resistance; few if any security personnel were in attendance, and attendees were not infringed upon or prevented from exercising their freedom of expression. As far as I am aware, the police did not exercise force upon any rally-goer, nor did authorities block access to print or digital media that is favourable to the opposition prior to the recent arrests of Adli and others. Read the full story on FMT.com Nile Bowie is a Malaysia-based political analyst and a columnist with Russia Today. He also contributes to PressTV, Global Research, and CounterPunch. He can be reached at nilebowie@gmail.com. Slave Labor, Wal-Mart and Wahhabism: Bangladesh in turbulence The Bangladeshi elite are facing tough decisions in the wake of the Rana Plaza factory to curb the rampant abuse of the work force. Support for the government has been weakening and there has been a disturbing rise in radical Islam. The streets of Dhaka have been awash with protests, violence, and killing in recent times as the Bangladeshi public expresses its resentment to the exploitation of garment workers in the aftermath of the country's worst industrial disaster in its history, and the rising tide of Islamists demanding an end to the nation's secular identity. The public relations departments of major retail transnationals like H&M, Gap, Wal-Mart, and Benetton have been in full defensive mode following the late-April collapse of Rana Plaza, a shoddily constructed building where sweatshop laborers toiled producing all the latest western fashions for export. The collapse took the lives of a shocking 1,127 workers, and still, Wal-Mart and Gap remain opposed to introducing broad agreements that would improve fire and safety regulations in factories, in fear of becoming entangled in legal liabilities; some corporations have refused to pay direct compensation to family members of the victims. Cost-benefit analysis yielded few benefits for the dead, unsurprisingly. Tens of thousands of protesting Bangladeshi garment workers attempted to make their voices heard in the Ashulia industrial belt on the outskirts of the capital; worker demands for a fairer wage and safe working conditions were met with rubber bullets, stoking opposition and resentment against the ruling Awami League party, which is increasingly seen as a kleptocratic purveyor of the 'Poverty Industrial Complex' that promotes retail multinationals setting up shop in the dusty slums of Dhaka. Most garment workers make a miserable $38 per month, hourly wages between 17 and 26 cents. Anyone who has browsed the hangers of H&M or Benetton knows that a single piece of merchandise can pay the monthly wage of a Bangladeshi worker two or three times over. Behind the slick marketing campaigns of these retail giants, and the well-oiled cleavage and abdomens on their billboards, it is impoverished people that bear the burden of vapid consumerism and globalization. Washington's love affair with Myanmar: It's the resources, stupid! The ramshackle streets of Myanmar's capital Yangon, with its ancient Buddhist pagodas and dilapidated colonial-era buildings, are one of the last places in the world where you'd expect to find Colonel Sanders. If the democratic reforms recently undertaken by Myanmar, a once dysfunctional and paranoid socialist state turned hardcore military pariah, could be attributed to a smell, it would probably resemble a bucket of KFC chicken. Since the dramatic thawing of US-Myanmar relations following the political ascent of President Thein Sein and his quasi-civilian regime in 2010, diplomatic figures such as Hillary Clinton, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, and even President Obama have dropped by – and corporate America came along for the ride too. Multinational players from Ford and Hilton, to Coca-Cola and Google are now trying to find their place in what the IMF calls the "next economic frontier in Asia". Many have questioned Washington's fast embrace of this long-isolated Southeast Asian state, which is still accused of overseeing vast human rights violations and employing discriminatory policies toward ethnic minorities. Are we to believe that after decades of crippling US-EU sanctions and trade embargoes, which nearly collapsed Myanmar's manufacturing base and made anti-retroviral drugs and other medicines unaffordable, the West is now enthusiastically emboldened to extend a hand in genuine support for peace and the rights of the population and minorities? 'Assad must go': Western-Gulf intransigence bulwarks peace in Syria For anyone who has been critical of the Western narrative on Syria, the ongoing diplomatic circus begs a very basic question: How can countries which have bankrolled and armed the insurgency honestly broker a meaningful peace deal? Well, they can't. The joint effort recently announced by Moscow and Washington to bring the government and insurgents to an international conference in line with the Geneva Communiqué is a welcoming development, but some major issues have already come to the forefront. Firstly, there is ongoing disagreement over who should represent the opposition in a Syrian peace process. In addition to the blatant Qatari proxies in the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), Russia has requested that the National Coordinating Body (NCB) also be present. In stark contrast to the foreign-based SNC, which is lined with figures who have spent the past few decades in the West, the NCB is the internal opposition - and it has caught a lot of flak because it opposes the armed uprising and talks to the Syrian government. The SNC has maintained it could not accept an invitation to dialogue unless Assad's removal was guaranteed. Russia will not allow for Assad's departure to be a precondition of talks, and Kerry looks to have shifted the US position by saying Assad's exit should be the outcome of negotiations on a transitional government, rather than a starting point. Let's be clear – before this conflict started in 2011, Assad oversaw a political system which was certainly authoritarian. The economy was stagnant, the state poorly handled overpopulation issues, and the agricultural sector was suffering from long periods of drought. When Bashar took over from his father, he granted more political breathing space to dissidents, and then backpedalled on reforms when popular movements quickly took shape. In combating the insurgency, Syrian forces killed many of their own citizens in the crossfire. But no matter what anybody thinks of Assad, it is not the place of Washington, London, or Doha to decide his political fate. Riding waves on the M'sian tsunami The mood was jubilant at the Kelana Jaya mass rally held on the evening of May 8, as some 50,000 to 70,000 participants filled the stadium and crowded the highway. The national anthem was sung, slogans were changed, flags were waved, and people dispersed peacefully. I cannot recall witnessing any police presence at the event or along the highway. Participants honked horns and carried around placards that read "Save Malaysia", "1Bangla", and my personal favorite, "Bangla Nasional (BN)". For one thing, the multi-ethnic crowd was a testament to Najib's misstep with the "Chinese Tsunami" statement. The thrust of his statement isn't incorrect; Chinese voters by and large abandoned BN and voted for the opposition. Really, the outpouring of support for Pakatan reflects an "Urban & New-Media User Tsunami," which doesn't exactly role off the tongue, so better or for worse, let's call it a "Malaysian Tsunami". The swathes of discontent (predominately) young and middle-aged participants at the rally are indicative of the massive trust deficit the BN is faced with. While it's evident that many have lost faith in the government and the electoral authorities, the vast majority of opposition supporters are hostile to legitimate criticism of the Pakatan coalition and unwilling to scrupulously scrutinize hearsay and social-media rumours. As questionable pictures float around social-media purporting to show "foreigners" standing in line to vote as definitive proof of BN being engaged in fraud, the DAP has condemned social network users for spreading rumours and allegations that a massive blackout took place in Bentong during the tallying of votes, at which time EC officials brought in "dubious ballot boxes" that favoured BN. The opposition leader's claims of 40,000 foreign nationals being flown into Malaysia to vote for BN remain unsubstantiated. The dust settles on BN's victory Facebook profile pictures have gone black in protest of the prevailing status quo, following Barisan Nasional's weakest electoral performance in history. The results have yielded a tremendous mood of disappointment communicated over social media, which represent the urban middle-class constituencies that came out in full force for Pakatan Rakyat. This election proves that the two coalition system is now firmly entrenched and that the opposition's core principles of fighting corruption and creating more equitable wealth distribution resonate deeply with the electorate; the message has never been clearer to those in Putrajaya. DAP delivered its strongest performance at the polls to date, retaining Penang while the opposition coalition made significant inroads in Sabah, Sarawak, and Johor. The results are reflective of real demographics, and for the most part, these were reasonably fair elections that passed with no major incident. Barisan retained Putrajaya thanks to support from the rural electorate who felt like the development projects and populist policies on offer were the safest bet. Emotional refutations of the poll results have gone viral, along with slogans such as "R.I.P. Democracy". The reality is that Pakatan is now in a position where it can more effectively keep BN on its toes; it has convincingly denied the BN its customary two-thirds majority and major opposition figures have retained their seats with solid majorities. BN's Ali Rustam fell in Malacca whilst Abdul Ghani Othman lost decisively in Johor; candidates like Raja Zainal Abidin, Saifuddin Abdullah, Kong Cho Ha, and Raja Nong Chik were also defeated. Although the Barisan retained the Federal government, the doom and gloom seen on social media is not warranted as the opposition asserted itself compellingly. Some would argue Najib's weak mandate might prove problematic for him in internal party elections, but it's clear that the rural vote was garnered heavily by the PM's personal appeal. Najib is an asset to the Barisan, but his failure to acquire support from the Chinese community will have long-term implications. Heroin, cash & plastic bags: America's mess in Afghanistan If the lawlessness, poverty, and endemic corruption of Afghanistan are indicative of anything, it is that the multi-billion dollar efforts to restore stability in the region have been an abject failure. As the scheduled 2014 reduction of American-led NATO troops moves closer, the occupying forces leave behind a state where none of their initial goals have been realized. The Afghan central government is weak and hopelessly corrupt, the national armed forces are disorganized and resentful of foreign presence, the Taliban still wield notable influence, women remain extremely marginalized, Afghans are trapped in abject poverty, and the occupiers themselves continue to shoulder the responsibility for heavy civilian causalities. Tens of billions have been poured into Afghanistan over the past decade, but the fact is that official figures of aid and financial resources spent in the country on paper do not come close to what was actually doled out to US proxies. Reports confirm that tens of millions of US dollars in cash were delivered by the CIA in suitcases, backpacks and plastic shopping bags to the office of Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai since his installation in 2004. The report states that the 'ghost money' paid to Karzai's office was not subject to oversight and restrictions placed on official American aid or the CIA's formal assistance programs, and much of it went to "warlords and politicians, many with ties to the drug trade and in some cases the Taliban." The report also cites an anonymous US official who claimed, "The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan was the United States." These revelations should not only raise the eyebrows of US taxpayers – the disingenuous reality of American funds finding their way into the pockets of the Taliban should raise blood pressures. Anwar's politicization of 'fraud' There is no doubt that social-media commentators will not take kindly to the message of this article. Regardless of our political persuasions, those in the electorate should not abandon objectivity when assessing the claims of political orators on both sides of the divide. According to recent polling evaluations conducted by the Merdeka Center, the country is nearly spilt down the middle with respect to May 5th's decision; the result is too close to call for anyone to make a definitive conclusion. Therefore, some would call Anwar Ibrahim's recent assertion that only 'massive fraud' would prevent his victory, to be deeply disingenuous and politically irresponsible. This statement presupposes that any election result that yields anything other than Anwar's victory is: invalid, illegitimate, and fraud. This and other statements made by the opposition leader alienate anyone who votes for Barisan Nasional (nearly half the country, according to independent polls). For a man who has spoken at length to foreign press about turning Malaysian into a 'mature democracy', such a scathing statement utterly fails to communicate these aspirations by demonstrating his willingness to politicize hearsay and disregard polls that claim Barisan has about the same level of support that he enjoys. Anwar and the Pakatan have built their campaign upon the perception that the electoral system is rigged in favor of the incumbent, and in doing that, speculation on opposition news portals has become unquestionable truth for many who get their news through social media. Momentary hysteria ensued following recent allegations that the Electoral Commissions' indelible ink can be washed off, which was used allege that BN would cheat its way into power by allowing people to submit multiple ballots. This was shortly after debunked by the EC in front of reporters, proving that the indelible ink could not be removed from ones finger despite washing several times using various chemicals and solutions. In the context of surfacing reports that the ink is easily washed off, the EC has previously laid the blame on polling officers for not shaking the ink bottles properly before applying them to the voters. Fork in the road of Malaysian story Political passions and campaign fervour abound as the clock continues ticking down the seconds until Malaysians take part in polls that may ultimately empower a new generation of political leaders, for better or for worse. The explosion of social media users, up 45% from 2008, will be a critical factor in this general election. Although it often rails against perceived media "unfreedom", the opposition has dominated the new media and has made its voice heard through various campaigns that have swayed a large portion of young voters. Taken by the fiery rhetoric of Malaysia's opposition leaders, many have perhaps overlooked the reality that these orators are politicians too, with their own interests, agendas, and careers at stake. The nation – especially the online-savvy middle class – is extremely polarised and many feel disillusioned with the main issues which have been raised ad nauseum: elite corruption, citizen equality, freedom of expression, the rising cost of living, among other concerns. Among the poor and in the Malay kampungs that have traditionally been Barisan Nasional-strongholds, there is a fear of unknown political terrain that may adversely affect low-income communities, who are most vulnerable to feeling the burn if the economy is mismanaged following a political transition. Of course, the question of safeguarding one's cultural and racial identity is a key factor to personal political decisions made by the majority of individuals, irrespective of whatever egalitarian rhetoric masks these sentiments. Malaysians generally tend to agree on what the major shortcomings are, and that these issues have to be addressed more meaningfully, with more action than words. One segment of society feels it's time to challenge the infallibility of the BN by empowering a coalition of ideologically divided parties to finally wash the country free of corruption, while the other has placed their confidence in the promise of BN's transformation agenda, which has began steering the country in a more equitable, representative, and democratic direction. Read the full story at FMT.com Slave Labor, Wal-Mart and Wahhabism: Bangladesh in... Washington's love affair with Myanmar: It's the re... 'Assad must go': Western-Gulf intransigence bulwar... Heroin, cash & plastic bags: America's mess in Afg...
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Victor Stange Lind, född 12 juli 2003, är en dansk fotbollsspelare (anfallare). Lind inledde sin seniorkarriär för superligalaget FC Midtjylland 2021. Hösten 2022 lånades han ut till det norska eliteserielaget Hamarkameratene och i januari 2023 gick flytten till IFK Norrköping, återigen som lån. Källor Transfermarkt Noter Män Födda 2003 Levande personer Danska fotbollsspelare Spelare i IFK Norrköping Spelare i FC Midtjylland Danska idrottare under 2000-talet Personer från Tønders kommun
Rachel Maclean may refer to: Rachel Maclean (artist) (born 1987), Scottish artist Rachel Maclean (politician) (born 1965), British politician See also Murder of Rachel McLean, a 1991 UK murder case
Manono je jedan od samoanskih otoka, nalazi se u tjesnacu Apolima, koji se nalazi između glavnih otoka Savai'i i Upolu, 3,4 km ZSZ od Lefatu Cape rta, najzapadnije točke Upolua. Postoje četiri sela na otoku s ukupno 889 stanovnika (prema popisu iz 2006.). Struja je na otok uvedena tek 1995. godine, a na otoku se nalazi i nekoliko trgovina te smještaja za turiste. Putovanje brodom od otoka Upolu do Manonoa traje oko 20 minuta. Susjedni otok je otok Apolima. Otok Manono je dio političkog okruga Aiga-i-le-Tai. Od četiri naseljena otoka Samoe, Manono ima populaciju treću po veličini, nakon mnogo većih otoka Upolu i Savai'i. Na otoku nema automobila ili ceste. Glavni prolaz je staza koja prati obalu. Psi i konji su zabranjeni iz razloga zaštite okoliša. U ranom 19. stoljeću, otok je ponekad naziva ravan otok. Tijekom 1800-ih, otok Manono bio je uporište za Metodističku crkve i njihove rane misije na Samoi. Sela Manonou pripadaju četiri sela, u zagradama se nalazi broj stanovnika: Apal, zapad (111) Faleu, jug (354) Lepuia'i, jugozapad (223) Salua, sjever (201) Izvor Samoanski otoci
These cookies are so tempting! They are classy and tastes just as yummy as they look. They are a must-have in your picnic box, on your party trays and they are just best for all those moments you long for something to munch on. It doesn't cost much too. Combine the butter, sugar, milk, cocoa powder and salt in a saucepan and bring to a rapid boil. Allow to boil for a minute. Stir in the vanilla essence, peanut butter and oats. Scoop the mixture onto a parchment-lined baking sheet using a medium cookie spoon. Let it cool until set, this will take about 30 minutes. Serve immediately or store in an air-tight container at room temperature/in a refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
In this report, we present our implementation of a cascaded Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) based pedestrian detector. Most human detection algorithms can be implemented as a cascade of classifiers to decrease computation time while maintaining approximately the same performance. Although cascaded versions of Dalal and Triggss HOG detector already exist, we aim to provide a more detailed explanation of an implementation than is currently available. We also use Asymmetric Boosting instead of Adaboost to train the cascade stages. We show that this approach reduces the number of weak classifiers needed per stage. We present the results of our detector on the INRIA pedestrian detection dataset and compare them to the results provided by Dalal and Triggs.
Brussels-based AppTweak raises $22 million in series B round Dan Taylor 01 April 2021 Brussels-based app store optimisation tool AppTweak has raised $22 million from early investor Groupe Rossel in a series B round. This fresh round of funding is expected to expand international presence, most notably through the additional office openings in the APAC region. "The biggest challenge that we have is to manage customers in over 70 countries. The quality of relationships and support requires us to be closer to all our customers," comments AppTweak CEO and co-founder Olivier Verdin. Founded in 2014 by Sébastien Dellis and Olivier Verdin, AppTweak continues to set the standard for app store optimisation (ASO) and has been profitable since 2017. They reported a 956.76% growth in sales revenues between 2016 and 2019, and currently count offices in four cities, Brussels, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Bengaluru with 47 full time employees speaking 16 languages. Unless you're specifically working in app development, the term app store optimisation might not be ringing any bells, but let's rephrase it, shall we? Search Engine Optimisation for apps. I.e. a function that can make or break a developer or publisher in the highly saturated field. And thus, app store optimisation. When asked questioned the efficacy of ASO, Verdin comments, "Doing ASO for a mobile game in a new country (localisation, keyword optimisation, etc.) brings in average an improvement of +34% in visibility. It is also important to understand that ASO is not a one shot process, but an iterative process that you must keep doing, in order to get the best results." AppTweak offers ASO, ad, app, and market intelligence to clients including Amazon, Jam City, Zynga, HBO Max, Adobe, and Yelp. The ASO service tracks over 3 million keywords everyday and to date has provided over 400 keyword audits and recommendations to Enterprise level customers including those mentioned above. "The track record of AppTweak is impressive. We are convinced that this investment will allow AppTweak to become a worldwide organisation, and develop the best ASO tool for apps and games," comments Bernard Marchant, CEO of Rossel. 92% of VCs say they offer value beyond capital; founders reply, "mmm yeah no" A new report published by Forward Partners and Landscape VC reveals that almost half (47%) of…
Woods to work with Dallas-based teacher Golfer Tiger Woods walks the sideline during an NCAA college football game between Stanford and Washington State on Friday, Oct. 10, 2014, in Stanford, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) NAPLES, Fla. (AP) Tiger Woods has hired a swing consultant as he prepares to return to competition. Woods announced Saturday on Twitter that Dallas-based Chris Como, a specialist in biomechanics of the golf swing, will be working and consulting with him. Woods did not identify Como as his swing coach. ''Happy to have Chris Como consulting and working with me on my swing. I'm excited to be back competing,'' Woods said. He is to return Dec. 4-7 at his Hero World Challenge, an 18-man field of top 50 players at Isleworth. Not long after the tweet, Como's website was unavailable because it exceeded its bandwidth. He works at Gleneagles Country Club outside Dallas and was listed among the best young teachers by Golf Digest magazine last year. The magazine said on its website that Como is completing a master's degree in biomechanics at Texas Woman's University. He is studying under Kwon Young-Hoo, an expert on how sports movements impact the body. Woods said good friend Notah Begay introduced him to Como this summer. ''Subsequently, we had several good conservations about the golf swing,'' Woods said in a statement. ''I've worked with him about a month since I started practicing. Chris will consult and work with me during the year.'' Woods already has had three swing coaches and four swings during a career that already has brought him 14 majors among his 79 PGA Tour titles. He most recently worked with Sean Foley, whom he dismissed in August after three years and no majors. Woods last won a major in 2008 at the U.S. Open. This is the first time in his career he failed to register a top-10 finish. Woods missed most of the year with back issues. He had surgery on his back a week before the Masters, forcing him to sit out three months to recover. He last played in the PGA Championship, where he missed the cut, and then said he would take more time off to get stronger. Como also works with Aaron Baddeley, Trevor Immelman and Jamie Lovemark. More Golf
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He qualified as a medical doctor at the university of stellenbosch in 1991, obtaining his mb chb degree. Join facebook to connect with lynette van schalkwyk and others you may know. Choose a newsletter customer subscribers lecturer subscribers. He accepted an associate professorship at the university of the free state in 1996 and two years later was appointed as a full professor and head of the department of agricultural economics. View lynette van schalkwyks profile on linkedin, the worlds largest professional community. He did his internship in george provincial hospital and then spent a year working in the united kingdom. Lynette van schalkwyk researcher phd student university of. See the complete profile on linkedin and discover lynette s connections and jobs at similar companies. Van schaik\ bookstore\s legendary academic book knowledge and instore service has been extended online. 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Theunis jacobus van schalkwyk 14 september 1929 27 august 2005 was a boxer from south africa, silver medalist at the 1952 summer olympics in helsinki. This foundation lead me to study art at university and also to teach art. View the profiles of people named noelle van schalkwyk. Afrikaans teach yourself books paperback january 1, 1994 by helena van schalkwyk author visit amazons helena van schalkwyk page. Andries johannes van schalkwyk born 21 december 1984 is a south africanborn rugby union player who played internationally for italy in 2016 and 2017. Dane beisheim northwest university rector prof herman van schalkwyk today, along with his coauthors and editors, launched their book titled unlocking smallholders to markets. With areas of experience in domestic and international patent and design matters. The book documents the main findings of a study designed to investigate institutional and technical barriers to smallholder agriculture in south. She said the city would have an 80 percent chance of rain on. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Because gold is honest money, it is disliked by dishonest men. See the complete profile on linkedin and discover lynettes connections and jobs at similar companies. Lauren van schalkwyk real estate intern kent homes. David schalkwyk david schalkwyk is director of research at the folger shakespeare library, washington d. Fashion poses outdoor photography photoshoot inspiration portrait photography fashion fashion high fashion shoots photography books. View the spoor and fisher website and get to know herman van schalkwyk. An urgent appeal for the sale of books during lockdown stage 4. Smashwords about thea van schalkwyk, author of lucy and. Dr ij van schalkwyk, general practitioners, pretoria. Climatological characteristics of fog at cape town. Aramex south africa pty limited v van schalkwyk and. 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Backes-Oshie-Steen line playing 'terrific' for red-hot Blues By Mike HalfordJan 19, 2015, 1:28 PM EDT The St. Louis Blues are 6-0-1 in their last seven and have scored an impressive 33 goals over that stretch. A big reason for the offensive output? The play of the club's top line, featuring T.J. Oshie, Alex Steen and team captain David Backes. "They're a terrific line when they play predictable to each other," Blues head coach Ken Hitchcock said, per the Post-Dispatch. "The look faster when they play that way, they are faster, and you've got to have a real disciplined group of five to play against them because they're willing to work for that one good chance and not give you very much in the meantime. "My feeling is, with their work ethic, if they stay with it, it's going to turn out fine." Combined, the trio has scored 49 points since being reunited 11 games ago. Steen is currently on a nine-game point streak, Backes has seven goals in his last six and Oshie 12 points in eight games in January. What's frightening about this is none of them sit atop the Blues' scoring board; the top two spots belong to Vladimir Tarasenko and Kevin Shattenkirk. So it comes as no surprise, then, to see St. Louis sitting second in the NHL with 3.1 goals per game. The Blues also boast the NHL's top power play, something we wrote about last week. That, along with the recent offensive surge, are two things St. Louis will need to carry over to the postseason in order to avoid another early exit; against Chicago last spring, the Blues could only muster five goals over the final four games of their opening-round loss and their power play finished a woeful 2-for-29 for the series. Part of avoiding a repeat will be the continued success between Backes, Steen and Oshie — a unit the captain hopes Hitchcock will keep in place. "I think he realizes when we're playing well, when we're doing all the little things, it's leading by example," Backes explained. "The rest of the other guys seem to follow." Tags: Alex Steen, David Backes, Kevin Shattenkirk, St. Louis Blues, T.J. Oshie, Vladimir Tarasenko
Check Registers Menu 2018 Compliance Audit Approved Budget Investment Disclosure April 2018 Check Register 3D MECHANICAL PLUMBING INC Construction 04/19/2018 $74,292.87 3I CONTRACTING LLC Construction Management 04/19/2018 $8,016.00 4 COLOR PRESS Printing-Brochures 04/26/2018 $1,121.71 4 COLOR PRESS Printing-Brochures 04/17/2018 $734.00 4-L ENGINEERING COMPANY INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $5,991.50 A & W BEARINGS & SUPPLY CO INC HVAC Supplies 04/03/2018 $348.67 A BETTER TREE SERVICE, INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $659.00 A COTTAGE FLORIST Miscellaneous 04/05/2018 $105.00 A LA CARTE CATERING & CAKES IN Refreshments 04/12/2018 $956.15 A LA CARTE CATERING & CAKES IN Miscellaneous 04/19/2018 $199.63 A LA CARTE CATERING & CAKES IN Official Functions 04/24/2018 $296.27 A LIGHT CONSTRUCTION Repairs-Buildings 04/19/2018 $5,801.60 A TOUCH OF HEAVEN FLORAL DESIG Miscellaneous 04/12/2018 $61.50 A-1 EXPRESS DELIVERY SERVICE I Postage & Freight 04/17/2018 $251.02 A.C.I.S. Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $2,009.22 A.C.I.S. Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $17,115.00 A.C.I.S. Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $617.50 A.C.I.S. Construction 04/17/2018 $49,295.00 A.C.I.S. Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/19/2018 $3,380.00 AA TIGER STRIPE INC Repairs-Grounds 04/24/2018 $1,932.00 AACA PARTS & SUPPLIES Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $140.69 AACRAO Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/12/2018 $116.60 AAF INTERNATIONAL HVAC Supplies 04/05/2018 $941.28 AAHHE Memberships 04/19/2018 $2,000.00 ABADI ARCHITECTURE AND ACCESSI Consultant 04/19/2018 $465.00 ABC-CLIO, LLC Bound Periodicals & Papers 04/10/2018 $56.52 ABILENE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $900.00 ABM JANITORIAL SERVICES - SOUT Service Contracts-Custodial 04/12/2018 $1,541.43 ABM JANITORIAL SERVICES - SOUT Service Contracts-Custodial 04/12/2018 $51,815.68 ABM JANITORIAL SERVICES - SOUT Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $74.25 ABM JANITORIAL SERVICES - SOUT Service Contracts 04/24/2018 $35,335.50 ABM JANITORIAL SERVICES - SOUT Service Contracts-Custodial 04/24/2018 $992.71 ACCO BRANDS USA LLC Service Contracts 04/03/2018 $620.99 ACME-SOUTHWEST LOCK SUPPLY INC Maintenance Supplies 04/12/2018 $32.69 ACT INC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $425.00 ACT INC Tests & Testing Services 04/19/2018 $184.00 ADESTRA INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $250.00 ADESTRA INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $1,634.16 ADRIAN AGUIRRE Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $400.00 ADRIAN MARTINEZ Athletic Officials 04/10/2018 $395.00 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $46.16 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS Minor Equipment 04/19/2018 $8,936.12 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES CONSULTA Minor Equipment 04/24/2018 $2,291.00 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES CONSULTA Equip.-Instructional 04/26/2018 $42,856.00 ADVANCENET TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $2,075.00 AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC Construction Management 04/12/2018 $5,766.19 AEQUALIS INC Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/17/2018 $2,500.00 AGAVE PLUMBING INC Repairs-Buildings 04/17/2018 $310.00 AGAVE PLUMBING INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $310.00 AGAVE PLUMBING INC Repairs-Other 04/05/2018 $1,360.00 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC Service Contracts 04/17/2018 $4,536.00 AHEAD Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $139.00 AHEAD Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $1,190.00 AIA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $1,420.00 AIA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $300.00 AIRCAT AERIAL ARTS Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $151.00 AIRGAS USA LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $152.16 AIRGAS USA LLC Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $1,474.80 AIRGAS USA LLC Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $83.64 AIRGAS USA LLC Rental/Lease-Other 04/10/2018 $4.41 AIRGAS USA LLC Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $137.25 AIRGAS USA LLC Departmental Supplies 04/17/2018 $4.25 AIRGAS USA LLC Rental/Lease-Other 04/19/2018 $29.32 AIRGAS USA LLC Rental/Lease-Other 04/19/2018 $450.00 ALERE ESCREEN Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $100.00 ALL STARS PROJECT INC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $1,000.00 ALLIANCE GEOTECHNICAL GROUP IN Architects & Engineers 04/19/2018 $3,020.55 ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $23.33 ALLIED FLOW SPECIALISTS INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $1,424.00 ALONTI CAFE & CATERING Refreshments 04/10/2018 $357.50 ALONTI CAFE & CATERING Staff Development 04/12/2018 $371.47 ALONTI CAFE & CATERING Official Functions 04/17/2018 $163.60 ALONTI CAFE & CATERING Official Functions 04/17/2018 $1,100.00 ALPS DALLAS Repairs-Office Equipment 04/03/2018 $270.00 ALPS DALLAS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $505.00 ALPS DALLAS Repairs-Office Equipment 04/12/2018 $90.00 ALREADY GEAR INC Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $234.00 ALREADY GEAR INC Grant Participant Supplies 04/12/2018 $8,950.00 ALTEX ELECTRONICS LTD Non-Inv Equipment 04/12/2018 $499.77 ALYSSA R HARRINGTON Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $200.00 AMARILLO JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRI Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $150.00 AMAZON.COM LLC Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $28.40 AMAZON.COM LLC LRC Supplies-Audio-Visual 04/03/2018 $34.28 AMAZON.COM LLC LRC Supplies-Audio-Visual 04/03/2018 ($45.00) AMAZON.COM LLC LRC Supplies-Audio-Visual 04/03/2018 $387.08 AMAZON.COM LLC Cloud Based Services 04/10/2018 $1.28 AMAZON.COM LLC Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/17/2018 $1,782.80 AMAZON.COM LLC Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 $219.90 AMAZON.COM LLC Books-Specialized Book Purchases 04/19/2018 $67.95 AMBIUS, LLC (21) Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $351.72 AMERICAN ASSN OF COMMUNITY COL Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $805.00 AMERICAN ASSN OF COMMUNITY COL Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $1,005.00 AMERICAN ASSN OF COMMUNITY COL Promotional Activities 04/10/2018 $25,000.00 AMERICAN COLLEGE HEALTH ASSOCI Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $680.00 AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION Memberships 04/26/2018 $4,201.00 AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION Memberships 04/19/2018 $1,925.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS Miscellaneous Fees 04/03/2018 $147.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS Clearing 04/12/2018 $951.58 AMERICAN IMMIGRATION LAWYERS A Seminar/Registration Fees 04/19/2018 $855.00 AMERICAN RED CROSS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $95.00 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE INTRPIN Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $3,645.00 AMERICAN STEAM INC Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/19/2018 $593.00 AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL AS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $300.00 AMERICAN VOLLEYBALL COACHES AS Memberships 04/26/2018 $165.00 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES, Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $2,700.00 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES, Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $11,152.41 AMERSOL INC Repairs-Buildings 04/17/2018 $1,368.00 ANALISE MINJAREZ Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/03/2018 $931.50 ANDREW PEREZ Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $250.00 ANDREWS KURTH, LLP Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $2,082.50 ANIMAL SERVICES INC Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $650.00 ANIMAL SERVICES INC Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $1,050.00 ANIXTER INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/19/2018 $352.00 ANTHONY P. PATERNITI Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $2,000.00 APEX SUPPLY COMPANY Plumbing Supplies 04/03/2018 $1,780.63 APPERSON, INC Departmental Supplies 04/19/2018 $57.06 APPLE INC Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/19/2018 ($749.00) APPLE INC Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/19/2018 $299.00 APPLE INC Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/19/2018 $1,563.00 APPLE INC Service Contracts 04/24/2018 $182.00 APPLE INC Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/26/2018 $182.00 APPLE INC Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/26/2018 $2,258.00 ARC/STSA Memberships 04/05/2018 $2,000.00 ARCHIVE SUPPLIES INC Departmental Supplies 04/26/2018 $1,799.91 ARCHIVE SUPPLIES INC Departmental Supplies 04/26/2018 $771.39 ART & FRAME WAREHOUSE Departmental Supplies 04/19/2018 $276.00 ART ENHANCEMENT INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $411.50 ARTICULATE GLOBAL INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/10/2018 $649.00 ASCEND LEARNINGS HOLDINGS LLC Non-Inv Software 04/24/2018 $9,600.00 ASE EDUCATION FOUNDATION Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $450.00 ASEL ART SUPPLY INC Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $149.21 ASHLEY A. GRUNEWALD Consultant 04/05/2018 $1,200.00 ASPEN CATERING Staff Development 04/03/2018 $416.00 ASPEN CATERING Clubs 04/05/2018 $4,345.75 ASPEN CATERING Refreshments 04/10/2018 $300.50 ASPEN CATERING Food & Related Supplies 04/12/2018 $683.00 ASPEN CATERING Food & Related Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,496.75 ASPEN CATERING Official Functions 04/24/2018 $419.75 ASSEMBLY UNLIMITED INC Repairs-Other 04/10/2018 $674.00 ASSEMBLY UNLIMITED INC Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/17/2018 $552.29 ASSEMBLY UNLIMITED INC Service Contracts 04/24/2018 $150.00 ASSN FOR INSTITUTIONAL RESEARC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $530.00 ASSN FOR INSTITUTIONAL RESEARC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/19/2018 $1,030.00 ASSN GOVERNING BDS OF UNIV AND Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $990.00 ASSN OF AMERICAN COLLEGES & UN Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $7,200.00 ASSOCIATION FOR TALENT DEVELOP Seminar/Registration Fees 04/12/2018 $2,200.00 ASSOCIATION FOR TALENT DEVELOP Memberships 04/19/2018 $319.00 ASSOCIATION FOR TALENT DEVELOP Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $800.00 AT ONCE PARTY RENTAL Clubs 04/10/2018 $828.40 AT YOUR SERVICE CATERING Refreshments 04/24/2018 $3,950.00 AT&T Telephone-Local Service 04/03/2018 $1,537.59 AT&T Telephone-Local Service 04/10/2018 $528.50 AT&T Telephone-Local Service 04/10/2018 $84.43 AT&T Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $3,039.52 AT&T Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $274.16 AT&T Telephone-Local Service 04/17/2018 $11,938.44 ATIXA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $399.00 ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION Utilities-Gas 04/03/2018 $3,257.09 ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION Utilities-Gas 04/03/2018 $993.36 ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $78.73 AUDIO DAWG Minor Equipment 04/17/2018 $13,259.00 AUDIO VISUAL INNOVATIONS INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $1,366.52 AUSTIN CLASSICAL GUITAR Seminar/Registration Fees 04/19/2018 $480.00 AUSTIN TURF & TRACTOR Maintenance Supplies 04/03/2018 $62.69 AUSTIN TURF & TRACTOR Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 $482.39 AUSTIN TURF & TRACTOR Repairs-Vehicles 04/12/2018 $1,883.96 AUSTIN TURF & TRACTOR Repairs-Vehicles 04/17/2018 $188.79 AUTOMATIC ACCESS DOORS INC Repairs-Buildings 04/03/2018 $330.00 AUTOMATIC ACCESS DOORS INC Repairs-Buildings 04/05/2018 $70.00 AUTOMATIC ACCESS DOORS INC Repairs-Other 04/19/2018 $864.14 AUTOMATIC SYNC TECHNOLOGIES LL Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $645.74 AVES AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS INC Minor Equipment 04/26/2018 $15,817.49 AVID CENTER Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $5,565.00 AVIS RENT A CAR SYSTEM, INC Special Travel 04/05/2018 $1,981.01 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/03/2018 $99.79 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/03/2018 $381.61 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $55.31 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/17/2018 $229.70 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $850.00 BAER INSTITUTE Instructional Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $1,600.00 BALLOONS AND MORE Departmental Supplies 04/10/2018 $169.00 BANDAN KORO AFRICAN DRUM AND D Staff Development 04/05/2018 $200.00 BARBIZON LIGHT OF THE ROCKIES Departmental Supplies 04/03/2018 $191.85 BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSELLERS, IN Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/10/2018 $239.60 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS #147 Repairs-Buildings 04/12/2018 $909.00 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $195.00 BELO MEDIA GROUP Advertising 04/10/2018 $1,691.05 BELO MEDIA GROUP Advertising 04/12/2018 $16,549.31 BELO MEDIA GROUP Periodicals & Newspapers 04/24/2018 $408.08 BEN E KEITH COMPANY Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $2,277.68 BEN E KEITH COMPANY Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $337.61 BERT GARDNER Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $230.00 BEST SOUTHWEST PARTNERSHIP Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $35.00 BIG HIT PRODUCTIONS INC Promotional Activities 04/05/2018 $110.00 BIG HIT PRODUCTIONS INC Promotional Activities 04/19/2018 $5,550.00 BILLOR MCDOWELL Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/24/2018 $1,935.00 BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC. Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $159.00 BITY MOLD SUPPLY LLC Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $427.61 BLACKBIRD STUDIO ARCHITECTS PC Service Reimbursables A/E 04/12/2018 $47,337.85 BLACKBIRD STUDIO ARCHITECTS PC Architects & Engineers 04/17/2018 $28,591.08 BLACKBIRD STUDIO ARCHITECTS PC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $1,756.57 BLACKBIRD STUDIO ARCHITECTS PC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $12,427.58 BLACKBIRD STUDIO ARCHITECTS PC Consultant 04/26/2018 $3,285.14 BLICK ART MATERIALS Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $811.63 BLICK ART MATERIALS Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $328.50 BLICK ART MATERIALS Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $85.01 BLUE MESA GRILL Refreshments 04/12/2018 $715.00 BLUE MESA GRILL Staff Development 04/26/2018 $466.40 BMI Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/24/2018 $2,604.30 BOETTCHER BREWERY CONSULTANT L Instructional Service Contracts 04/24/2018 $12,600.00 BOSTICK & SULLIVAN INC Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $108.59 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC Departmental Supplies 04/17/2018 $77.90 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC Departmental Supplies 04/26/2018 $9,522.50 BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF GRTR DAL Promotional Activities 04/12/2018 $1,500.00 BREAD WINNERS CATE & BAKERY IN Staff Development 04/03/2018 $112.20 BRENTON MICHAEL WEST Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 BRETT KOEHLER Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $140.00 BRIANNA N. WILLIAMS Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $100.00 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $565.45 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $1,995.00 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $19,450.00 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $1,464.00 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $500.00 BROWN INDUSTRIES INC Clubs 04/17/2018 $320.99 BROWNING TROPHIES AND AWARDS I Awards 04/03/2018 $222.00 BROWNING TROPHIES AND AWARDS I Awards 04/05/2018 $50.00 BRUCE MILLER NURSERY INC Non-Inv Site Improvements 04/24/2018 $150.00 BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/12/2018 $350.00 BRYAN F. ERICSON Tests & Testing Services 04/10/2018 $495.00 BSN SPORTS LLC Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $381.89 BSN SPORTS LLC Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $80.00 BSN SPORTS LLC Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 ($240.00) BSN SPORTS LLC Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $4,395.00 BSN SPORTS LLC Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $506.91 BSN SPORTS LLC Miscellaneous 04/19/2018 $169.98 BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $940.00 BUFFALO CONTRACT INC Repairs-Buildings 04/05/2018 $237.00 BUFFALO CONTRACT INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $528.00 BUSINESS INTERIORS Non-Inv Furniture 04/05/2018 $4,808.05 BUSINESS INTERIORS Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $954.51 BUSINESS INTERIORS Non-Inv Furniture 04/26/2018 $141.37 BUZZ PRINT Copying-Print Shop 04/03/2018 $1,110.00 BUZZ PRINT Printing-Brochures 04/05/2018 $245.00 BUZZ PRINT Copying-Print Shop 04/10/2018 $728.00 BUZZ PRINT Printing-Brochures 04/19/2018 $82.00 C&T SUBS INC Refreshments 04/05/2018 $158.00 C&T SUBS INC Refreshments 04/05/2018 $63.99 C&T SUBS INC Staff Development 04/12/2018 $82.00 C&T SUBS INC Staff Development 04/12/2018 $210.00 C&T SUBS INC Official Functions 04/26/2018 $484.00 C&T SUBS INC Official Functions 04/26/2018 $52.00 C2ER Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $2,100.00 CAHIIM Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $450.00 CALDWELL COUNTRY CHEVROLET Equipment-Special-Inventoriable 04/26/2018 $44,136.00 CANDI'S CREATIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $400.00 CAREER TECH SERVICES INC Instructional Service Contracts 04/19/2018 $3,625.00 CARINA SALCEDO GALVAN Clubs 04/03/2018 $38.43 CARL BUSBY, JR. Athletic Officials 04/24/2018 $140.00 CARLOS OFOSU Official Functions 04/10/2018 $250.00 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $160.94 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $2,017.10 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $35.42 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $5.65 CASSI LEA SOUTHERLAND Clubs 04/24/2018 $245.65 CAVALLO ENERGY TEXAS LLC Utilities-Electricity 04/03/2018 $62,855.10 CAVALLO ENERGY TEXAS LLC Utilities-Electricity 04/05/2018 $6,820.43 CBMI Seminar/Registration Fees 04/19/2018 $595.00 CDW GOVERNMENT Non-Inv Equipment 04/03/2018 $55.00 CDW GOVERNMENT Non-Inv Equipment 04/03/2018 $1,235.49 CDW GOVERNMENT Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/05/2018 $217.55 CDW GOVERNMENT Non-Inv Equipment 04/12/2018 $173.46 CDW GOVERNMENT Minor Equipment 04/17/2018 $1,949.00 CDW GOVERNMENT Minor Equipment 04/17/2018 $169.00 CDW GOVERNMENT Minor Equipment 04/17/2018 $81.00 CDW GOVERNMENT Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/24/2018 $45.00 CDW GOVERNMENT Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/26/2018 $1,390.03 CDW TECHNOLOGIES INC Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/03/2018 $544.00 CDW TECHNOLOGIES INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/26/2018 $470.04 CEC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LLC Rental/Lease-Building 04/26/2018 $15,967.04 CENGAGE LEARNING, INC Instructional Service Contracts 04/03/2018 $1,695.00 CENTRAL ENGINEERING SUPPLY HVAC Supplies 04/17/2018 $92.06 CHEFS PRODUCE DALLAS INC Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $65.72 CHEFS PRODUCE DALLAS INC Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $493.85 CHEM CAN SERVICES LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $475.00 CHILD CARE RESOURCES INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $164.13 CHOICE SPECIALISTS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $531.93 CHOICE SPECIALISTS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $1,013.20 CHORUS AMERICA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/19/2018 $620.00 CHRISTOPHER A. BEATY Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/03/2018 $375.00 CHRISTOPHER J. GALVIN Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/17/2018 $720.00 CINCO DE MAYO GARLAND Promotional Activities 04/17/2018 $1,500.00 CINTAS CORPORATION Office Supplies 04/10/2018 $60.05 CINTAS CORPORATION Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $58.62 CINTAS CORPORATION Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $267.26 CITIBANK N A Miscellaneous Fees 04/03/2018 $1,372.99 CITIBANK N A Travel-Out of Area 04/03/2018 $2,632.29 CITIBANK N A Advertising 04/19/2018 $590.00 CITY OF COPPELL Utilities-Water 04/12/2018 $21.00 CITY OF DALLAS Utilities-Water 04/03/2018 $1,050.69 CITY OF DALLAS Utilities-Water 04/03/2018 $940.09 CITY OF DALLAS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $84.08 CITY OF DALLAS Utilities-Water 04/03/2018 $93.17 CITY OF DALLAS Utilities-Water 04/12/2018 $1.13 CITY OF DESOTO TEXAS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $4,118.40 CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH Utilities-Water 04/24/2018 $2,450.05 CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH Utilities-Water 04/24/2018 $895.15 CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH Utilities-Water 04/24/2018 $19.75 CITY OF GARLAND Utilities-Water 04/10/2018 $433.59 CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE TEXAS Reduction for TIFs 04/03/2018 $292,639.00 CITY OF IRVING, TEXAS Utilities-Water 04/05/2018 $109.65 CITY OF LANCASTER Utilities-Water 04/17/2018 $15.04 CITY OF MESQUITE UTILITIES Utilities-Water 04/26/2018 $161.56 CITY OF MESQUITE UTILITIES Utilities-Water 04/26/2018 $1,127.67 CITY OF MESQUITE UTILITIES Utilities-Water 04/26/2018 $61.46 CITY OF MESQUITE UTILITIES Utilities-Water 04/26/2018 $12,031.41 CITY OF RICHARDSON Promotional Activities 04/03/2018 $3,125.00 CITY TO CITY MUSIC Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/17/2018 $2,200.00 CLAY COOLEY CHEVROLET DALLAS Repairs-Vehicles 04/26/2018 $61.90 CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR Advertising 04/05/2018 $7,000.00 CLIA LABORATORY PROGRAM Miscellaneous Fees 04/10/2018 $150.00 CLOWN AROUND PARTY RENTAL Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/10/2018 $1,500.00 COCKRELL ENOVATION Printing-Other 04/03/2018 $50.00 COCKRELL ENOVATION Advertising 04/03/2018 $590.00 COCKRELL ENOVATION Printing-Other 04/05/2018 $100.00 COCKRELL ENOVATION Office Supplies 04/10/2018 $528.00 COCKRELL ENOVATION Office Supplies 04/10/2018 $48.00 COCKRELL ENOVATION Printed Materials 04/19/2018 $50.00 COCKRELL ENOVATION Printed Materials 04/19/2018 $100.00 COCKRELL ENOVATION Printing-Other 04/26/2018 $1,506.71 CODY A. JACKSON Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/12/2018 $200.00 CODY W. CLOWER Athletic Officials 04/10/2018 $140.00 COGENT COMMUNICATIONS INC Telephone-Local Service 04/12/2018 $5,000.00 COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE SERVICE Staff Development 04/05/2018 $500.00 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $62,500.00 COLLIN CNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $50.00 COLLIN COUNTY COURT CAFE Refreshments 04/03/2018 $338.00 COMBASE Prepaid Expenditures 04/10/2018 $450.00 COMM-FIT LP Departmental Supplies 04/17/2018 $1,587.47 COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF GREATER D Promotional Activities 04/10/2018 $250.00 COMPANSOL Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/17/2018 $399.00 COMPLETE BOOK AND MEDIA SUPPLY Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $179.20 COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Accounts Payable-TX Sales Tax 04/05/2018 $962.90 COMPUTER COMFORTS INC Minor Furniture 04/26/2018 $7,356.60 CONCORD MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHU Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $400.00 CONCUR TECHNOLOGIES INC Cloud Based Services 04/26/2018 $14,047.16 CONFERENCE ON CRIMES AGAINST W Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $490.00 CONSTANT CONTACT INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/24/2018 $2,363.56 CONSTRUCTION EDUCATION FOUNDAT Instructional Service Contracts 04/03/2018 $16,878.29 CONSTRUCTION EDUCATION FOUNDAT Instructional Service Contracts 04/03/2018 $8,634.00 CONVERGEONE INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/03/2018 $1,076.40 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES LLC Repairs-Other 04/03/2018 $3,637.71 CONWAY INC Advertising 04/24/2018 $3,520.00 COPPELL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Official Functions 04/10/2018 $1,000.00 COPPELL WOMEN'S CLUB Miscellaneous-Income Refund 04/26/2018 $300.00 CORE LABORATORY SUPPLIES, INC Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $468.58 CORGAN ASSOCIATES Consultant 04/19/2018 $28,717.51 CORNERSTONE ONDEMAND INC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $1,025.00 CORPORATE CARE CLEANERS Promotional Activities 04/10/2018 $50.00 COWBOY TOYOTA AG LLC DBA Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $79.20 CRAIG VAN HAMERSVELD Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $35.96 CRAIG WILSON Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 CRITICAL MENTION INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/24/2018 $700.00 CRO CATERING Official Functions 04/05/2018 $400.29 CRO CATERING Promotional Activities 04/17/2018 $657.17 CROSSPOINT COMMUNICATIONS Non-Inv Equipment 04/19/2018 $69.00 CROSSROADS AUDIO INC Clubs 04/17/2018 $179.07 CROWN TROPHY #95 Office Supplies 04/26/2018 $25.00 CSCC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $420.00 CURTIS MCMINN Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $110.00 D&A BUILDING SERVICES INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $450.00 D&A BUILDING SERVICES INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $1,390.00 D&H DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $497.20 DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD, INC Advertising 04/10/2018 $99.00 DALLAS BAR ASSOCIATION Memberships 04/03/2018 $105.00 DALLAS BLACK DANCE THEATRE Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/10/2018 $1,500.00 DALLAS BUSINESS JOURNAL Periodicals & Newspapers 04/03/2018 $115.00 DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTR Tax Appraisal Fee 04/05/2018 $289,419.00 DALLAS CHAPTER OF ARMA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $1,025.00 DALLAS COUNTY Vehicle Operating Expense 04/03/2018 $8.25 DALLAS COUNTY Vehicle Operating Expense 04/10/2018 $14.25 DALLAS EVENT CENTER INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $4,350.00 DALLAS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST Instructional Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $81,965.36 DALLAS MAIN LP Rental/Lease-Building 04/26/2018 $9,194.31 DALLAS MISENHIMER Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $230.00 DALLAS OBSERVER LP Advertising 04/03/2018 $2,833.33 DALLAS OBSERVER LP Advertising 04/26/2018 $20,000.00 DALLAS ORGAN SERVICE Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/17/2018 $984.00 DALLAS TAVERN GUILD Promotional Activities 04/12/2018 $350.00 DANIEL R. GRUNEWALD Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $500.00 DANNY PEARCE Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $255.00 DATA SHREDDING SERVICES OF TEX Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $192.50 DATA SHREDDING SERVICES OF TEX Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $61.25 DAVID GRISWALD Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/03/2018 $100.00 DAVID MICHAEL WOOLDRIDGE Athletic Officials 04/24/2018 $230.00 DCC INC Water Treatment Chemicals 04/17/2018 $352.80 DCC INC Fertilizers & Chemicals 04/26/2018 $547.04 DCCCD FOUNDATION INC Clearing 04/10/2018 $600.00 DCMM RENTAL ONE LTD DBA Rental/Lease-Other 04/05/2018 $499.50 DEAF ACTION CENTER Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $5,967.50 DEAF CELEBRATION Promotional Activities 04/19/2018 $100.00 DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO Light Bulbs & Tubes 04/26/2018 $485.00 DECKER MECHANICAL Repairs-Buildings 04/19/2018 $6,602.50 DELL MARKETING LP Minor Equipment 04/10/2018 $1,943.09 DEMAURIA L. HAYWOOD Athletic Officials 04/03/2018 $75.00 DENNIS N. VALDES Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/26/2018 $1,350.59 DENNIS WYATT Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SER Memberships 04/05/2018 $50.00 DESHEA DESIGNS INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $1,500.00 DESOTO MAC HAIK FORD LTD Repairs-Vehicles 04/12/2018 $631.80 DFW INTL AIRPORT BOARD Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $620.66 DFW INTL AIRPORT BOARD Rental/Lease-Building 04/17/2018 $3,043.67 DFWAPPA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/26/2018 $220.00 DIGITAL AIR CONTROL INC Minor Equipment 04/26/2018 $1,747.50 DIRECTV Telephone-Local Service 04/10/2018 $59.99 DIRECTV LRC Supplies 04/17/2018 $159.99 DIRECTV Miscellaneous Fees 04/24/2018 $38.24 DISH NETWORK Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $148.89 DISH NETWORK Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $115.01 DIVERGENCE ACADEMY Instructional Service Contracts 04/03/2018 $6,006.00 DLA PIPER LLP Legal Fees 04/12/2018 $5,352.50 DLS CO UTILITY & RECLAMATION D Utilities-Water 04/17/2018 $117.58 DLT SOLUTIONS LLC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/17/2018 $186.20 DNP-PNJ CONSULTANTS LLC Instructional Service Contracts 04/19/2018 $2,000.00 DOLLAMUR SPORT SURFACES Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,090.95 DOLPHIN DEBIT ACCESS LLC Bank Service Charge 04/12/2018 $3,500.00 DOLPHIN POOL SUPPLY & SERVICE Repairs-Buildings 04/19/2018 $395.00 DOMINO'S PIZZA Refreshments 04/03/2018 $232.99 DOMINO'S PIZZA Promotional Activities 04/17/2018 $218.29 DOMINO'S PIZZA Promotional Activities 04/17/2018 $95.51 DOMINO'S PIZZA Clubs 04/19/2018 $64.99 DOMINO'S PIZZA Official Functions 04/24/2018 $559.69 DOUBLE M PLUMBING INC Repairs-Buildings 04/12/2018 $927.95 DOWDEN ASSOCIATES INC Consultant 04/12/2018 $7,500.00 DRC/CTB Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $4,800.00 DSS/FIRE INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $105.00 DSS/FIRE INC Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $105.00 DUNBAR ARMORED INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $355.07 DUSTINA D. THOMAS Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/24/2018 $14.75 DWAYNE PHILLIPS Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 DWIGHT & DON'S AUTOCARE, INC Repairs-Vehicles 04/03/2018 $242.01 DWIGHT & DON'S AUTOCARE, INC Vehicle Operating Expense 04/10/2018 $1,710.27 EAST DALLAS/LAKEWOOD PEOPLE IN Advertising 04/24/2018 $1,919.00 EASTRIDGE ACADEMY LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $400.00 EBSCO INFORMATION SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $6,862.00 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES Periodicals & Newspapers 04/03/2018 $1.54 ECLIPSE SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/10/2018 $8,945.00 ECOLAB EQUIPMENT CARE Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $2,398.48 EDUCAUSE INC Memberships 04/03/2018 $13,327.95 EH MEDIA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $299.00 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Electrical Supplies 04/03/2018 $22.85 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Electrical Supplies 04/03/2018 $178.45 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Electrical Supplies 04/03/2018 ($239.00) ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Electrical Supplies 04/03/2018 $1,119.50 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Light Bulbs & Tubes 04/12/2018 $323.76 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Light Bulbs & Tubes 04/12/2018 $1,172.67 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Maintenance Supplies 04/17/2018 $371.04 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Maintenance Supplies 04/17/2018 $58.56 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Light Bulbs & Tubes 04/19/2018 $13.15 ELLIS JUNCTION JAZZ ORCHESTRA Clearing 04/24/2018 $100.00 ENCORE PRODUCTIONS Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/19/2018 $499.00 END2END Software-Capt-Operating 04/24/2018 $61,300.00 ENGLISH COLOR & SUPPLY, INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,265.04 ENGLISH COLOR & SUPPLY, INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $135.34 ENTECH SALES & SERVICE, INC Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $405.00 ENTECH SALES & SERVICE, INC Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/24/2018 $672.00 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST Rental/Lease-Furn. & Equip. 04/03/2018 $584.66 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST Rental/Lease-Furn. & Equip. 04/03/2018 $1,092.30 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST Vehicle Operating Expense 04/05/2018 $22.50 ERIC DAVIS Athletic Officials 04/24/2018 $140.00 ERIC I. WILLIS Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/03/2018 $500.00 ESC REGION 11 Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $40.00 EUGENE WALLEN LANG, II Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $750.00 EVENTPOWER Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $850.00 EXPANSION SOLUTIONS Consultant 04/03/2018 $1,500.00 EXXONMOBIL Vehicle Operating Expense 04/17/2018 $566.27 FABRICATORS & MANUFACTURERS AS Memberships 04/26/2018 $250.00 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT EXPRESS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $6,000.00 FACILITY INTERIORS INC Non-Inv Furniture 04/05/2018 $170.08 FACILITY INTERIORS INC Non-Inv Furniture 04/05/2018 ($1,960.54) FACILITY INTERIORS INC Non-Inv Furniture 04/05/2018 $18,926.56 FACILITY INTERIORS INC Repairs-Other 04/12/2018 $1,456.20 FACILITY INTERIORS INC Repairs-Other 04/12/2018 $72.40 FACILITY INTERIORS INC Non-Inv Furniture 04/17/2018 $7,829.28 FACILITY INTERIORS INC Furniture-Modular 04/26/2018 $10,212.48 FACILITY INTERIORS INC Furniture-Modular 04/26/2018 $895.04 FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP Repairs-Other 04/12/2018 $5,854.90 FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP Repairs-Other 04/12/2018 $17,559.04 FAIRWAY SUPPLY INC Maintenance Supplies 04/03/2018 $980.48 FAIRWAY SUPPLY INC Office Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,008.88 FAIRWAY SUPPLY INC Office Supplies 04/12/2018 $50.44 FAIRWAY SUPPLY INC Office Supplies 04/12/2018 $112.55 FAIRWAY SUPPLY INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $503.25 FANNING, HARPER, MARTINSON Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $1,605.30 FANNING, HARPER, MARTINSON Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $245.30 FANNING, HARPER, MARTINSON Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $20.00 FARMERS BRANCH CHAMBER OF COMM Miscellaneous 04/05/2018 $160.00 FAST SIGNS Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $250.00 FAST SIGNS Repairs-Buildings 04/12/2018 $170.00 FASTENAL COMPANY Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $74.07 FASTENAL COMPANY Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $100.37 FASTENAL COMPANY Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $26.28 FASTSIGNS Promotional Activities 04/03/2018 $868.56 FASTSIGNS Printing-Brochures 04/03/2018 $35.00 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Postage & Freight 04/03/2018 $35.23 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Postage & Freight 04/05/2018 $215.94 FERGUSON, BRASWELL & FRASER, P Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $52.50 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS INST'L OP Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $4,350.00 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS INST'L OP Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $61,260.65 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS INST'L OP Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $144,212.76 FILTER SYSTEMS HVAC Supplies 04/05/2018 $324.35 FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE Repairs-Vehicles 04/10/2018 $659.52 FIRST BAPTIST LEARNING CENTER Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $400.00 FIRST INVESTORS CORPORATION Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $1,975.00 FIRST SOUTHWEST ASSET MGMT LLC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/26/2018 $450.00 FISDAP Clearing 04/24/2018 $1,811.25 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $204.24 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $67.68 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY LLC Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $1,252.26 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY LLC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 ($45.00) FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY LLC Clearing - AP 04/17/2018 $15.00 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 $71.96 FM GLOBAL Prepaid Insurance 04/26/2018 $839,300.00 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Departmental Supplies 04/10/2018 $5,000.00 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/12/2018 $524.55 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Clearing 04/12/2018 $1,418.56 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Office Supplies 04/26/2018 $23.96 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Office Supplies 04/26/2018 $6.98 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $301.40 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Graduation Regalia Supplies 04/26/2018 $208.35 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Office Supplies 04/26/2018 $2,975.00 FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP Office Supplies 04/26/2018 $237.19 FORT WORTH JAPANESE GARDENS Clubs 04/26/2018 $48.00 FORT WORTH JAPANESE GARDENS Clubs 04/26/2018 $8.00 FORT WORTH SCOTTISH PIPES & DR Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $800.00 FRANKLIN TEMPLETON BANK & TRUS Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $3,030.00 FREE DAPS LLC Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/24/2018 $975.00 FRISCO STADIUM Clubs 04/24/2018 $330.40 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Telephone-Local Service 04/10/2018 $157.58 G&K SERVICES CO. Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $211.88 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $10,498.98 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $1,061.32 GABRIELA LEODIOU Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/19/2018 $750.00 GAFF TECH LLC Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $444.00 GAIL'S FLAGS, INC Clearing 04/12/2018 $504.00 GALE Bound Periodicals & Papers 04/10/2018 $592.80 GALIC DISBURSING CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $7,169.00 GALIC DISBURSING CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $15,724.51 GARLAND CAMERA AND REPAIR INC Repairs-Other 04/05/2018 $175.00 GARLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Promotional Activities 04/03/2018 $750.00 GARLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Miscellaneous 04/24/2018 $500.00 GARLAND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIS Rental/Lease-Other 04/24/2018 $495.20 GARLAND STEEL INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,723.00 GARLAND SUMMER MUSICALS INC Promotional Activities 04/03/2018 $300.00 GAS AND SUPPLY NORTH TEXAS LLC Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $742.35 GAS AND SUPPLY NORTH TEXAS LLC Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $27.84 GAS AND SUPPLY NORTH TEXAS LLC Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $1,049.94 GAS AND SUPPLY NORTH TEXAS LLC Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 ($110.50) GASCO Promotional Activities 04/19/2018 $96.53 GEMINI STAGE LIGHTING & EQUIP Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $277.90 GEMINI STAGE LIGHTING & EQUIP Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $56.00 GEORGE A. DRISCOLL Clearing 04/17/2018 $27.86 GFC CONTRACTING INC Construction 04/05/2018 $30,875.00 GFC CONTRACTING INC Repairs-Buildings 04/10/2018 $1,282.88 GFC CONTRACTING INC Repairs-Buildings 04/19/2018 $19,347.54 GFC CONTRACTING INC Construction 04/26/2018 $129,238.17 GLASS DOCTOR OF NORTH TEXAS Repairs-Buildings 04/05/2018 $260.00 GLASS DOCTOR OF NORTH TEXAS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $33,274.50 GLINT ADVERTISING & DESIGN LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $350.00 GLOBAL ASSET Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/24/2018 $3,335.00 GLOBAL CHAMBER LLC Memberships 04/05/2018 $1,250.00 GLOBAL FINANCIAL AID SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $38,828.00 GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE TRAINING Staff Development 04/17/2018 $6,019.95 GLOBALMINDED Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $495.00 GLOCK PROFESSIONAL INC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $250.00 GLORY HOUSE CATERING Miscellaneous 04/17/2018 $130.14 GOD'S INHERITANCE ACADEMY Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $400.00 GOODSON ACURA OF DALLAS Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 $46.80 GOODSON ACURA OF DALLAS Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 ($68.28) GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS AS Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/24/2018 $287.00 GRACE EVANGELISTA Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/17/2018 $425.00 GRACE HULA DANCE COMPANY Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $770.00 GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF ARLIN Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $320.00 GRACELAND COLLEGE CENTER FOR P Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $199.00 GRACELAND COLLEGE CENTER FOR P Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/17/2018 $34.53 GRAINGER HVAC Supplies 04/03/2018 $136.54 GRAINGER Maintenance Supplies 04/03/2018 $224.08 GRAINGER Maintenance Supplies 04/03/2018 $1,627.31 GRAINGER Maintenance Supplies 04/03/2018 ($31.25) GRAINGER Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 $68.43 GRAINGER HVAC Supplies 04/05/2018 ($5.11) GRAINGER HVAC Supplies 04/12/2018 $55.00 GRAINGER HVAC Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,281.80 GRAINGER Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $59.54 GRAINGER Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $956.08 GRAINGER Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $8.20 GRAINGER Electrical Supplies 04/26/2018 $27.20 GRAINGER Non-Inv Equipment 04/26/2018 $931.50 GRAINGER Non-Inv Equipment 04/26/2018 $87.52 GRANT THORNTON, LLP Audit Fees-Financial Statement 04/05/2018 $5,000.00 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC Electrical Supplies 04/12/2018 $339.00 GREATER DALLAS CHAPTER AFP Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $210.00 GREENWOOD/ASHER & ASSOCIATES, Consultant 04/24/2018 $22,667.00 GREENWOOD/ASHER & ASSOCIATES, Consultant 04/24/2018 $1,137.03 GREENWOOD/ASHER & ASSOCIATES, Consultant 04/24/2018 $778.20 GREGORY HOLBROOK Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 GREY HOUSE PUBLISHING Books-Specialized Book Purchases 04/24/2018 $229.50 GREY HOUSE PUBLISHING Bound Periodicals & Papers 04/26/2018 $199.00 GREY HOUSE PUBLISHING Books-Specialized Book Purchases 04/26/2018 $1,440.00 GROUPONE HR SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $41.57 GROUPONE HR SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $1,704.37 GROUPONE HR SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $166.28 GROVES ELECTRICAL SERVICE INC Repairs-Buildings 04/12/2018 $3,750.00 GS DALLAS WEST LLC Field Trips 04/03/2018 $140.00 GS DALLAS WEST LLC Official Functions 04/12/2018 $139.09 GS DALLAS WEST LLC Official Functions 04/17/2018 $35.99 GS DALLAS WEST LLC Clearing 04/26/2018 $84.98 GS DALLAS WEST LLC Clearing 04/26/2018 $280.44 GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. Minor Equipment 04/10/2018 $54,413.51 GTS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/24/2018 $71,089.23 HAAS MACHINE TOOLS OF TEXAS IN Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/05/2018 $6,839.27 HAAS MACHINE TOOLS OF TEXAS IN Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/05/2018 $222.00 HAGAR RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT SER Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/19/2018 $179.49 HAGAR RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT SER Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/24/2018 $740.33 HAGAR RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT SER Service Contracts 04/26/2018 $170.00 HAMILTON GROUP Telecom/Data Installation 04/26/2018 $30,326.00 HAMILTON GROUP Telecom/Data Installation 04/26/2018 $2,400.00 HAMILTON GROUP Telecom/Data Installation 04/26/2018 $225.00 HAMILTON PARK UMC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $400.00 HCBECK LTD Architects & Engineers 04/05/2018 $23,100.55 HCBECK LTD Architects & Engineers 04/26/2018 $8,662.50 HEART TO HEART INTERNATIONAL I Clubs 04/05/2018 $2,565.00 HEENEY HOLDINGS LLC Staff Development 04/24/2018 $80.00 HEENEY HOLDINGS LLC Clubs 04/24/2018 $199.50 HEMISPHERE TRAVEL INC Special Travel 04/03/2018 $461.76 HEMISPHERE TRAVEL INC Rental/Lease-Other 04/17/2018 $700.00 HEMISPHERE TRAVEL INC Special Travel 04/26/2018 $1,574.88 HENRY SCHEIN INC Vet. Tech. Supplies 04/12/2018 $545.92 HENRY SCHEIN INC Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $727.23 HENRY SCHEIN INC Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $34.85 HIGHTECH SIGNS Promotional Activities 04/19/2018 $135.00 HILLTOP SECURITIES INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $3,500.00 HILTON GARDEN INN LONGVIEW Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $1,409.90 HIPPA TRAINING Staff Development 04/19/2018 $399.84 HOCUTT INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $50.00 HOLT ANATOMICAL INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/12/2018 $769.00 HOME DEPOT Departmental Supplies 04/03/2018 $169.00 HOME DEPOT Departmental Supplies 04/03/2018 $59.98 HOME DEPOT Departmental Supplies 04/03/2018 $9.62 HOME DEPOT Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $251.19 HOME DEPOT Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $63.40 HOME DEPOT Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 ($11.96) HOME DEPOT Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 $41.94 HOME DEPOT Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 $287.77 HOME DEPOT Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $159.01 HOME DEPOT Repairs-Buildings 04/17/2018 $74.82 HOME DEPOT Maintenance Supplies 04/17/2018 ($135.60) HOME DEPOT Maintenance Supplies 04/17/2018 $5.72 HOME DEPOT Maintenance Supplies 04/24/2018 ($2.31) HOUCHEN BINDERY LTD Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $94.60 HOUCKDESIGN Consultant 04/10/2018 $4,500.00 HOWARD TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $510.00 HOWARD TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Non-Inv Equipment 04/05/2018 $166.00 HOWARD TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $2,119.00 HTS TEXAS HVAC Supplies 04/10/2018 $665.60 HTS TEXAS HVAC Supplies 04/12/2018 $93.00 HTS TEXAS Grant Participant Supplies 04/17/2018 $17,442.50 HTS TEXAS Grant Participant Supplies 04/17/2018 $288.00 HTS TEXAS Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 $23,977.85 HUITT-ZOLLARS INC Architects & Engineers 04/19/2018 $2,962.50 HUMPHREY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $450.00 HURST REVIEW SERVICES INC Tests & Testing Services 04/17/2018 $8,125.00 HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP Legal Fees 04/12/2018 $9,873.30 HYPERSIGN LLC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/17/2018 $275.00 IBM CORPORATION Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/12/2018 $581.25 ICONIC CONSULTING GROUP INC Architects & Engineers 04/19/2018 $5,000.00 IDENTISYS INC Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $352.90 IDENTISYS INC Departmental Supplies 04/24/2018 $65.00 IHEART MEDIA, KDMX, RDMX, KEGL Advertising 04/03/2018 $500.00 IHEART MEDIA, KDMX, RDMX, KEGL Advertising 04/03/2018 $3,360.00 IIX - INSURANCE INFORMATION EX Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $198.85 IIX - INSURANCE INFORMATION EX Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $56.75 IMAGING SPECTRUM INC Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $1,501.44 IMMERSIVE ENGINEERING INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $123,000.00 INCEPTIA Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $1,226.05 INCEPTIA Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $671.35 INDEPENDENT ELECTRICAL CONTRAC Consultant 04/17/2018 $225.00 INDEPENDENT ELECTRICAL CONTRAC Consultant 04/17/2018 $1,050.00 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CO OF HOU HVAC Supplies 04/19/2018 $377.08 INFINITY CONTRACTORS INTL LTD Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/12/2018 $1,917.12 INFINITY CONTRACTORS INTL LTD Repairs-Buildings 04/17/2018 $543.15 INFINITY CONTRACTORS INTL LTD Repairs-Buildings 04/19/2018 $7,467.88 INFOBASE LEARNING Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $2,447.25 ING/AETNA LIFE INSURANCE AND A Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $1,000.00 ING/AETNA LIFE INSURANCE AND A Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $19,894.00 INNO TECH Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $965.25 INNOVATION HVAC SERVICES LLC Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/19/2018 $9,050.00 INNOVATION HVAC SERVICES LLC Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/24/2018 $295.00 INSPIRE SCHOOL PROGRAMS Promotional Activities 04/12/2018 $600.00 INSPIRING BODY OF CHRIST CHURC Rental/Lease-Other 04/10/2018 $15,000.00 INSPIRING BODY OF CHRIST CHURC Commencement Exercises 04/19/2018 $15,000.00 INSTITUTE FOR CAREER RESEARCH Books-Specialized Book Purchases 04/24/2018 $369.75 INTEGRALITY INC Consultant 04/10/2018 $4,300.00 INTEGRALITY INC Instructional Service Contracts 04/17/2018 $1,500.00 INTEGRITY CONTROL SERVICES Instructional Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $5,700.00 INTERQUEST DETECTION CANINES O Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $520.00 INTERSECTION MEDIA LLC Advertising 04/19/2018 $16,316.20 INTERSECTION MEDIA LLC Advertising 04/24/2018 $2,705.05 INTL BUSINESS INNOVATION ASSN Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $1,990.00 IRON MOUNTAIN INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $122.40 IRRIGATORS SUPPLY INC Plumbing Supplies 04/05/2018 $1,001.88 IRVING HISPANIC CHAMBER OF COM Promotional Activities 04/10/2018 $25.00 IRVING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $7,012.75 ISAIAH NELSON Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $200.00 IT SOLUTIONS & TRAINING SERVIC Instructional Service Contracts 04/24/2018 $912.00 J & J SUBWAY HOLDINGS INC Official Functions 04/05/2018 $109.00 J & J SUBWAY HOLDINGS INC Clubs 04/05/2018 $151.01 J & J SUBWAY HOLDINGS INC Official Functions 04/24/2018 $45.50 J W PEPPER & SON INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $25.00 J W PEPPER & SON INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 ($27.45) J W PEPPER & SON INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 ($245.47) J W PEPPER & SON INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 ($3.95) J W PEPPER & SON INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $343.94 J W PEPPER & SON INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $9.00 J&S TESTING SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $125.00 JAMES E. ANDREWS Athletic Officials 04/10/2018 $230.00 JAPAN-AMERICA SOCIETY DALLAS/F Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/03/2018 $160.00 JASON FOWLER Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/05/2018 $1,250.00 JEAN F. KATZ Athletic Officials 04/10/2018 $110.00 JEFFREY W. SWINNEY Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 JEREMIAH P. DELEON Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $250.00 JEREMY LAMPKIN Athletic Officials 04/10/2018 $280.00 JERRY GOOLSBY Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 JERRY SUE THORNTON Consultant 04/03/2018 $10,819.08 JIM'S TROPHY SHOP Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $117.00 JIM'S TROPHY SHOP Office Supplies 04/10/2018 $58.30 JIM'S TROPHY SHOP Departmental Supplies 04/17/2018 $13.70 JIM'S TROPHY SHOP Office Supplies 04/24/2018 $154.20 JM CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $3,004.38 JM CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $13,568.47 JOE L. SALAS Athletic Officials 04/03/2018 $140.00 JOEL BROWN & CO LLC Repairs-Buildings 04/19/2018 $31,940.35 JOHN I. GELDER Consultant 04/03/2018 $1,500.00 JOHN P. PEREZ Athletic Officials 04/10/2018 $395.00 JOHN R. BUCKINGHAM Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $200.00 JOHNNIE BELLAMY Postage & Freight 04/10/2018 $13.40 JOHNSON CONTROLS INC Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $5,614.00 JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLE Minor Software 04/19/2018 $1,000.00 JOHNSON PLASTICS Maintenance Supplies 04/17/2018 $365.88 JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING LLC Clearing 04/26/2018 $670.40 JOSSEY-BASS Periodicals & Newspapers 04/05/2018 $196.00 JULIE ERICKSON Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $5,000.00 JUST LIKE HOME CHILD CARE & LE Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $170.00 KANOPY LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $8,000.00 KARL QUEBE Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 KATHY KOSINS Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/10/2018 $4,000.00 KELLEY JOHNSON ENTERPRISES LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $875.00 KELLY-MOORE PAINT COMPANY INC Painting Supplies 04/12/2018 $62.82 KELLY-MOORE PAINT COMPANY INC Painting Supplies 04/24/2018 $133.59 KEMPER INVESTORS LIFE Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $8,489.00 KEMPER INVESTORS LIFE Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $12,139.32 KENNETH A. DAVIS, JR. Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/24/2018 $100.00 KEVIN BAZE Athletic Officials 04/24/2018 $270.00 KEVIN BOWENS PHOTOGRAPHY Official Functions 04/24/2018 $1,000.00 KEVIN BRIAN EDWARDS Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $230.00 KEY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC Miscellaneous Fees 04/12/2018 $124.50 KIDS COUNTRY Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $200.00 KNOWLEDGECONNEX Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $80.00 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTI Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $7,345.08 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTI Copying-Departmental 04/05/2018 $4,635.40 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTI Service Contracts-Copiers 04/17/2018 $587.25 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTI Postage & Freight 04/24/2018 $1,761.28 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTI Clearing 04/26/2018 $6,629.66 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTI Service Contracts 04/26/2018 $4,213.14 KONICA MINOLTA PREMIER FINANCE Rental/Lease-Furn. & Equip. 04/17/2018 $29,659.34 KORE TECHNOLOGIES LLC Service Contracts 04/26/2018 $5,929.50 KWIK KAR TUNE & LUBE Repairs-Vehicles 04/03/2018 $89.98 KWINTON GRAY Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/10/2018 $500.00 L & M INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC Custodial Supplies 04/17/2018 $1,856.25 LA PETITE ACADEMY - LEARNING C Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $400.00 LABATT FOOD SERVICE Food & Related Supplies 04/17/2018 $652.94 LABATT FOOD SERVICE Food & Related Supplies 04/24/2018 $20.82 LABATT FOOD SERVICE Food & Related Supplies 04/24/2018 $1,228.82 LAERDAL MEDICAL CORPORATION Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $4,750.00 LAERDAL MEDICAL CORPORATION Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $30,496.00 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 $93.48 LAKEWOOD BIOCHEMICAL CO INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $428.00 LAKEWOOD BIOCHEMICAL CO INC Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $61.30 LANCE BARNES Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 LAS COLINAS MUSIC INC Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/12/2018 $2,000.00 LATIN FEVER Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/10/2018 $325.00 LAUREN PUBLICATIONS DBA DALLAS Advertising 04/10/2018 $250.00 LAWTON REPROGRAPHIC CENTERS IN Printing-Other 04/03/2018 $21.00 LAWTON REPROGRAPHIC CENTERS IN Printing-Other 04/12/2018 $128.00 LAWTON REPROGRAPHIC CENTERS IN Copying-Print Shop 04/17/2018 $57.00 LAWTON REPROGRAPHIC CENTERS IN Printing-Brochures 04/19/2018 $28.50 LEAGUE FOR INNOVATION Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $800.00 LEE COLLEGE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $1,375.00 LEE COLLEGE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $275.00 LENARD C. WALKER Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $230.00 LERCH BATES INC Architects & Engineers 04/19/2018 $1,896.62 LERN Instructional Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $440.00 LESIA A. SCOTT Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $400.00 LEVENGER Office Supplies 04/12/2018 $28.17 LEXISNEXIS, A DIV OF REED ELSE Non-Inv Software 04/19/2018 $417.00 LIFE INSURANCE CO OF SOUTHWEST Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $5,556.70 LIFEBOUND, LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $36,770.00 LIGHTNING PREDICTION SALES & S Repairs-Other 04/03/2018 $325.00 LIGHTNING PREDICTION SALES & S Service Contracts 04/17/2018 $275.00 LINCOLN INVESTMENT PLANNING IN Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $4,075.00 LINCOLN INVESTMENT PLANNING IN Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $64,696.32 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $1,100.00 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $45,426.50 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $164,584.64 LIQUID ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $193.75 LISA MCGAW Consultant 04/03/2018 $1,500.00 LOGMEIN INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/10/2018 $3,117.60 LONE STAR COACHES INC Special Travel 04/12/2018 $1,120.00 LONGHORN INC Maintenance Supplies 04/10/2018 $1,033.50 LONGHORN INC Plumbing Supplies 04/12/2018 $597.74 LONGHORN PIZZA INC Refreshments 04/26/2018 $620.71 LOVERS LANE UNITED METHODIST C Rental/Lease-Other 04/10/2018 $400.00 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 $45.24 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 $118.20 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 $1.70 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 ($28.44) LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 ($0.75) LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 ($22.37) LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $569.61 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/26/2018 $1,052.65 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/26/2018 $289.01 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/26/2018 $21.38 M&H SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $285.00 MACARIO G. VEYNA Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $230.00 MAGNA PUBLICATIONS INC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $679.00 MAGNOLIA FISHERIES INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $2,015.00 MANGO LANGUAGES Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/12/2018 $3,675.00 MANUEL RODRIGUEZ, JR. Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $350.00 MANUFACTURING SKILL STANDARDS Tests & Testing Services 04/26/2018 $910.00 MARISSA N. OPPEL-SUTTER Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $73.47 MARK DOBBS Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 MARK STEVEN KARONKA Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 MARSHALL ARTS MEDIA Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $11,000.00 MARSHALL'S CATERING & SPECIAL Refreshments 04/03/2018 $478.12 MARSHALL'S CATERING & SPECIAL Refreshments 04/03/2018 $1,152.00 MARSHALL'S CATERING & SPECIAL Staff Development 04/05/2018 $560.25 MART INC Repairs-Buildings 04/10/2018 $2,550.00 MART INC Repairs-Buildings 04/12/2018 $19,514.00 MART INC Clearing - AP 04/17/2018 $5,550.00 MART INC Clearing - AP 04/17/2018 ($5,550.00) MARTIN EAGLE OIL COMPANY Vehicle Operating Expense 04/03/2018 $1,487.96 MARTIN EAGLE OIL COMPANY Gas-Fuel Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,785.17 MARTIN EAGLE OIL COMPANY Gas-Fuel Supplies 04/12/2018 ($6,683.40) MARTIN EAGLE OIL COMPANY Diesel-Fuel Supplies 04/17/2018 $6,683.40 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Clubs 04/03/2018 $364.65 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $525.00 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Awards 04/10/2018 $266.00 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Awards 04/10/2018 $3,045.00 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Awards 04/10/2018 $38.08 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,150.00 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Promotional Activities 04/17/2018 $247.50 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Staff Development 04/24/2018 $75.45 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Staff Development 04/24/2018 $138.00 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Clubs 04/26/2018 $4,882.04 MASTERCRAFT PRINTED PRODUCTS & Clubs 04/26/2018 $53.60 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $54.50 MATTHEW E. POSTON Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $450.00 MAYOR'S INTERN FELLOWS FUND Consultant 04/03/2018 $1,000.00 MCGEE ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC Repairs-Buildings 04/10/2018 $1,900.00 MCGRAW-HILL SCHOOL EDUCATION H Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/19/2018 $34.94 MCGUIRE, CRADDOCK & STROTHER, Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $1,147.50 MCLEMORE BUILDING MAINTENANCE Service Contracts-Custodial 04/19/2018 $65,755.00 MCLEMORE BUILDING MAINTENANCE Service Contracts-Custodial 04/19/2018 $5,699.00 MCLEMORE BUILDING MAINTENANCE Service Contracts-Custodial 04/19/2018 $117,952.00 MCLEMORE BUILDING MAINTENANCE Service Contracts-Custodial 04/19/2018 $374.00 MCSHAN FLORIST INC Miscellaneous 04/17/2018 $76.70 MEP CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC Architects & Engineers 04/19/2018 $2,362.50 MERCHANTS BAKERY SUPPLIES INC Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $117.70 MERCHANTS BAKERY SUPPLIES INC Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $20.15 METLIFE SECURITIES INC Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $9,233.33 METLIFE SECURITIES INC Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $211,612.23 METROCREST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Miscellaneous 04/05/2018 $680.00 METROCREST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/26/2018 $10.00 MEZA ENGINEERING INC Consultant 04/05/2018 $3,396.32 MEZA ENGINEERING INC Consultant 04/26/2018 $428.68 MFAC LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/12/2018 $103.95 MG TRUST COMPANY Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $300.00 MG TRUST COMPANY Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $5,804.00 MG TRUST COMPANY Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $18,681.32 MICHAEL D. CARROLL Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/10/2018 $1,000.00 MICHAEL DUERSON Athletic Officials 04/03/2018 $140.00 MICHAEL E. COPELAND Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $140.00 MICHAEL J. ANDERSON Athletic Officials 04/12/2018 $140.00 MICHAEL W. WATERS Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/05/2018 $1,000.00 MICHELE E. LOCKHART Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/05/2018 $250.00 MICRO CENTER SALES CORPORATION Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/19/2018 $188.97 MICRO CENTER SALES CORPORATION Departmental Supplies 04/26/2018 $169.99 MICRO DISTRIBUTION CENTER LRC Supplies 04/05/2018 $239.93 MICROSERVICE SOUTHWEST Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $175.00 MIDWAY PRESS LTD Printing-Schedules/Newspaper 04/10/2018 $1,528.12 MIDWAY PRESS LTD Printing-Schedules/Newspaper 04/12/2018 $476.31 MIDWEST DENTAL AND EQUIPMENT S Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $2,173.50 MINORITY BUSINESS NEWS Advertising 04/12/2018 $8,217.00 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY Rental/Lease-Other 04/03/2018 $92.04 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY Rental/Lease-Other 04/17/2018 $314.35 MISTER SWEEPER LP Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $229.46 MISTER SWEEPER LP Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $62.58 MITEC Repairs-Buildings 04/03/2018 $631.50 MNK INFOTECH INC Instructional Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $2,240.00 MOBILE MINI I INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $166.72 MOBILE MINI I INC Rental/Lease-Other 04/05/2018 $115.00 MOBILE MINI I INC Rental/Lease-Other 04/24/2018 $83.35 MOORE MEDICAL LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $58.33 MOORE MEDICAL LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $1,080.73 MOORE MEDICAL LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $240.26 MOORE MEDICAL LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 ($240.26) MOORE MEDICAL LLC Minor Equipment 04/05/2018 $1,589.63 MOORE MEDICAL LLC Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $260.75 MOORE MEDICAL LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/19/2018 $453.99 MOORE MEDICAL LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/24/2018 $1,367.33 MPI LABEL SYSTEMS Instructional Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $5,610.00 MS. ALICE R. COMER Athletic Officials 04/10/2018 $110.00 MSDSONLINE INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $3,549.00 MU ALPHA THETA Clubs 04/17/2018 $70.00 MYELYN CONTRACTORS Repairs-Buildings 04/17/2018 $3,999.00 NACADA Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/24/2018 $338.00 NACE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $1,470.00 NACE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $225.00 NACE Memberships 04/19/2018 $630.00 NACEP, INC Memberships 04/10/2018 $560.00 NACUBO Prepaid Expenditures 04/10/2018 $3,689.00 NACUBO Prepaid Expenditures 04/10/2018 $250.00 NACUBO Memberships 04/19/2018 $4,710.00 NACUBO Memberships 04/19/2018 $250.00 NAEYC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $395.00 NAEYC Miscellaneous Fees 04/10/2018 $550.00 NAFSA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $915.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $17.27 NAPA AUTO PARTS Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $860.05 NAPA AUTO PARTS Repairs-Vehicles 04/24/2018 $124.24 NASCO Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $32.12 NASCO Vet. Tech Supplies-Farm Animals 04/17/2018 $334.23 NASPA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $690.00 NASRO Seminar/Registration Fees 04/12/2018 $400.00 NATIONAL BLACK POLICE ASSOCIAT Seminar/Registration Fees 04/12/2018 $295.00 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RE Books-Specialized Book Purchases 04/03/2018 $10.00 NATIONAL COATINGS & SUPPLIES I Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $155.72 NATIONAL COLLEGE TESTING ASSOC Prepaid Expenditures 04/24/2018 $250.00 NATIONAL EDUCATORS LAW INSTITU Seminar/Registration Fees 04/12/2018 $185.00 NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORPORATI Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/17/2018 $5,636.75 NATIONAL ONLINE TRAINING Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/17/2018 $69.86 NATURAL AWAKENINGS DALLAS METR Advertising 04/24/2018 $799.00 NC3 Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $2,285.00 NCCHC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $2,500.00 NCCT Tests & Testing Services 04/05/2018 $240.00 NEOCON Seminar/Registration Fees 04/26/2018 $585.00 NEOPOST USA INC Rental/Lease-Other 04/12/2018 $280.05 NETOP TECH INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/19/2018 $396.00 NETOP TECH INC Non-Inv Software 04/24/2018 $150.00 NETSYNC NETWORK SOLUTIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $4,950.00 NETSYNC NETWORK SOLUTIONS Minor Equipment 04/17/2018 $7,116.48 NEWS FOR MY SCHOOL Advertising 04/05/2018 $3,150.00 NICOLIS LUMPP Athletic Officials 04/03/2018 $140.00 NINA M. NORMAN Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $110.00 NOAH'S ARK EARLY DEVELOPMENT C Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $400.00 NODA Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/05/2018 $35.00 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $370.00 NORTH DALLAS CHAMBER COMMERCE Promotional Activities 04/12/2018 $1,500.00 NORTH TEXAS COMMISSION Memberships 04/03/2018 $16,088.50 NORTH TEXAS CONTRACTING INC Construction 04/26/2018 $38,711.35 NORTH TEXAS CONTRACTING INC Construction 04/26/2018 $118,750.00 NORTH TEXAS EVALUATION CENTER Consultant 04/17/2018 $9,937.00 NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY Special Travel 04/05/2018 $15.06 NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY Vehicle Operating Expense 04/19/2018 $2.34 NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY Special Travel 04/24/2018 $4.50 NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY Travel-In Area 04/26/2018 $9.64 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $331.51 NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRITERS AGE Fidelity Bonds 04/17/2018 $101.50 NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRITERS AGE Miscellaneous Fees 04/19/2018 $102.75 NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRITERS AGE Miscellaneous Fees 04/24/2018 $97.50 NOVOM GROUP INC Architects & Engineers 04/17/2018 $39,260.00 NTCCC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $95.00 NTCCC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $380.00 NUVI LLC Advertising 04/10/2018 $198.00 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Vehicle Operating Expense 04/03/2018 $46.55 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $223.45 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 ($48.70) O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $48.70 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Maintenance Supplies 04/17/2018 $270.13 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Maintenance Supplies 04/17/2018 $10.89 OAK CLIFF EMPOWERED INC Promotional Activities 04/12/2018 $10,000.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CTRS OF TH Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $433.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CTRS OF TH Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $77.50 OGLETREE DEAKINS NASH SMOAK & Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $352.00 OGLETREE DEAKINS NASH SMOAK & Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $59.00 OGLETREE DEAKINS NASH SMOAK & Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $3,323.00 ON THE CUTTING EDGE ENGRAVERS Awards 04/03/2018 $167.00 ONE MAIN PLACE OFFICE LLC Rental/Lease-Building 04/12/2018 $90,288.00 ORACLE AMERICA INC Info. Tech.-Software 04/26/2018 $8,698.42 ORACLE ELEVATOR COMPANY Repairs-Buildings 04/12/2018 $24,905.00 ORACLE ELEVATOR COMPANY Service Contracts 04/17/2018 $819.00 ORACLE ELEVATOR COMPANY Service Contracts 04/19/2018 $1,719.00 ORANGE COMPASS LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $125.00 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY Departmental Supplies 04/03/2018 $207.67 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY Clearing 04/05/2018 $66.77 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY Promotional Activities 04/19/2018 $297.86 PAC SYSTEMS INC Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $635.88 PAC SYSTEMS INC Service Contracts 04/12/2018 ($845.00) PAC SYSTEMS INC Repairs-Other 04/17/2018 $1,010.00 PAC SYSTEMS INC Repairs-Other 04/17/2018 $825.25 PARAGON ROOFING INC Construction 04/26/2018 $286,500.92 PARK CITIES FORD Repairs-Vehicles 04/05/2018 $2,914.53 PARK PLACE PUBLICATIONS LP DBA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $410.00 PARKER UNIVERSITY Clearing 04/03/2018 $1,860.00 PASCO SCIENTIFIC Postage & Freight 04/10/2018 $28.00 PASCO SCIENTIFIC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $119.00 PASCO SCIENTIFIC Non-Inv Equipment 04/19/2018 $2,158.00 PASSPORT HEALTH Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $980.00 PATRICK BROWN Athletic Officials 04/03/2018 $140.00 PEDRO PEREZ Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $300.00 PENDER'S MUSIC COMPANY Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $165.97 PEOPLEFLUENT INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/19/2018 $27,165.00 PEROT MUSEUM OF NATURE AND SCI Field Trips 04/17/2018 $472.00 PETALS & STEMS FLORIST Official Functions 04/19/2018 $360.00 PETER VENTERS Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $230.00 PHI THETA KAPPA Clubs 04/05/2018 $64.00 PHI THETA KAPPA Clubs 04/05/2018 $244.99 PHI THETA KAPPA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $4,407.00 PHI THETA KAPPA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $339.00 PHI THETA KAPPA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $64.00 PHILIP PARISH Athletic Officials 04/12/2018 $140.00 PIECES TECHNOLOGIES INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/24/2018 $21,600.00 PIERCE PUMP COMPANY Minor Equipment 04/10/2018 $1,310.00 PIERCE PUMP COMPANY Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/19/2018 $7,770.90 PINNACLE TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/24/2018 $4,246.00 PITNEY BOWES INC Rental/Lease-Furn. & Equip. 04/03/2018 $773.28 PITNEY BOWES INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/03/2018 $295.00 PITNEY BOWES INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $220.98 PITNEY BOWES INC Service Contracts 04/24/2018 $171.00 PLATINUM EDUCATIONAL GROUP LLC Miscellaneous Fees 04/17/2018 $500.00 PLATINUM PARKING Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $3,464.25 PLENOM AMERICAS LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/26/2018 $161.96 POCKET NURSE Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $623.62 POCKET NURSE Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 $67.99 POLLOCK PAPER DISTRIBUTORS Custodial Supplies 04/24/2018 $7,174.55 POLLOCK PAPER DISTRIBUTORS Custodial Supplies 04/24/2018 $738.53 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $138.15 POTTER ARCHITECTURE Consultant 04/19/2018 $4,357.90 PPG ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES INC Painting Supplies 04/05/2018 $108.50 PPG ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES INC Painting Supplies 04/05/2018 $36.22 PPG ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES INC Painting Supplies 04/05/2018 ($150.77) PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $8.99 PRE-EMPLOY.COM Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $5,071.10 PREMIERE INSTALL MOVERS LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $261.00 PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS I Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $14,600.00 PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS I Non-Inv Equipment 04/05/2018 $2,232.00 PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS I Non-Inv Equipment 04/05/2018 $38,910.40 PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS I Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/10/2018 $140.00 PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS I Non-Inv Equipment 04/19/2018 $926.90 PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS I Non-Inv Equipment 04/19/2018 $35.00 PRESSMAN PRINTING INC Printing-Brochures 04/05/2018 $1,672.14 PRESSMAN PRINTING INC Printing-Forms 04/12/2018 $258.64 PRESSMAN PRINTING INC Printing-Other 04/24/2018 $305.52 PROQUEST Books 04/03/2018 $389.34 PROQUEST Books 04/03/2018 $32.60 PROQUEST Books 04/19/2018 ($120.00) PROQUEST Books 04/26/2018 $1,048.89 PROTECTION ONE SECURITY SOLUTI Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $619.35 PROTECTION ONE SECURITY SOLUTI Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $48.97 PROTHRO CENTER AT LAKE TEXOMA Clearing 04/12/2018 $15,180.00 PS BUSINESS PARKS LP Rental/Lease-Building 04/19/2018 $37,152.72 PUBLIC BROADCASTING SVC (PBS) Revenue Shared 04/05/2018 $1,074.41 QBQ INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $1,125.00 QM QUALITY MATTERS INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $200.00 QM QUALITY MATTERS INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $50.00 QM QUALITY MATTERS INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $1,000.00 QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE-ASQ Instructional Service Contracts 04/17/2018 $2,728.75 RADIATION DETECTION COMPANY Clearing 04/19/2018 $200.00 RADIATION DETECTION COMPANY Clearing 04/19/2018 $10.00 RADIATION DETECTION COMPANY Clearing 04/19/2018 ($5.00) RADIATION DETECTION COMPANY Clearing 04/19/2018 $7.00 RADIATION DETECTION COMPANY Clearing 04/19/2018 ($35.00) RANDY CLAY Athletic Officials 04/03/2018 $140.00 REBECCA A. MCDONALD Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $2,000.00 REBECCA JANE HARDIN Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/03/2018 $100.00 RED RIVER PAPER INC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $624.06 RED ROCKS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $325.00 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $254.97 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $5,792.10 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $2.95 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR Departmental Supplies 04/12/2018 $22.00 REED, WELLS, BENSON & COMPANY Consultant 04/17/2018 $301.88 REED, WELLS, BENSON & COMPANY Architects & Engineers 04/19/2018 $7,542.50 REFEREE ENTERPRISES INC Periodicals & Newspapers 04/24/2018 $81.95 REGENCY LIGHTING Electrical Supplies 04/17/2018 $2,137.50 REPUBLIC SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $772.24 REPUBLIC SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $2,847.83 RESCUE SIMULATION PRODUCTS INT Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $8,750.00 RESERVE ACCOUNT Postage 04/03/2018 $3,500.00 RESERVE ACCOUNT Postage 04/10/2018 $10,000.00 RICHARD BONO Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $525.00 RICHARDSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Promotional Activities 04/12/2018 $1,500.00 RICHARDSON READY ELECTRIC INC Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/24/2018 $16,100.00 RICHARDSON SAW AND LAWN MOWER Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/03/2018 $104.48 RICHARDSON SAW AND LAWN MOWER Maintenance Supplies 04/10/2018 $206.20 RICHARDSON SAW AND LAWN MOWER Maintenance Supplies 04/12/2018 $10.14 RICHARDSON SAW AND LAWN MOWER Maintenance Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,085.09 RICKY COX FINISH LINE Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $2,000.00 ROACH HOWARD SMITH & BARTON IN Prepaid Insurance 04/26/2018 $2,500.00 ROADRUNNER CHARTERS INC Field Trips 04/05/2018 $1,250.00 ROADRUNNER CHARTERS INC Field Trips 04/10/2018 $380.00 RON A. MERRITT Athletic Officials 04/10/2018 $280.00 RONNIE ANDERSON AUTOMOTIVE INC Repairs-Vehicles 04/05/2018 $125.00 ROSE FOOD SERVICE Refreshments 04/10/2018 $750.00 ROTO-ROOTER SERVICE AND PLUMBI Repairs-Other 04/05/2018 $250.00 ROTO-ROOTER SERVICE AND PLUMBI Repairs-Buildings 04/26/2018 $775.00 ROWLETT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Miscellaneous 04/03/2018 $600.00 ROYAL CATERING INC Official Functions 04/03/2018 $258.35 ROYAL CATERING INC Staff Development 04/12/2018 $313.00 ROYAL CATERING INC Refreshments 04/12/2018 $227.00 ROYAL CATERING INC Refreshments 04/19/2018 $1,758.00 RUFFALO NOEL LEVITZ LLC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $515.00 RUFFALO NOEL LEVITZ LLC Cloud Based Services 04/17/2018 $206.12 RUIBALS PLANTS OF TEXAS INC Official Functions 04/19/2018 $243.05 S DALLAS FAIR PARK INNERCITY C Rental/Lease-Building 04/03/2018 $4,250.00 SACSA Memberships 04/19/2018 $50.00 SACSCOC Memberships 04/24/2018 $500.00 SACSCOC Miscellaneous Fees 04/24/2018 $2,500.00 SACSCOC Miscellaneous Fees 04/24/2018 $500.00 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS Repairs-Vehicles 04/26/2018 $273.94 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $219.25 SAINT ANSELM COLLEGE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $429.00 SALOME HEYWARD & ASSOCIATES Staff Development 04/19/2018 $250.00 SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $250.00 SAM PACK'S FIVE STAR FORD Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 ($28.78) SAM PACK'S FIVE STAR FORD Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $103.86 SAMUEL CHARLES MCCARTER Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/05/2018 $150.00 SAMUEL FRENCH INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/24/2018 $600.00 SAMUEL L. KAYEA Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $140.00 SARAH WESTRUP Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/03/2018 $931.50 SCALABLE SOLUTIONS LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $74,107.98 SCALABLE SOLUTIONS LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $7,894.12 SCALABLE SOLUTIONS LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $415.48 SCALABLE SOLUTIONS LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $75.00 SCANTRON CORPORATION Classroom Supplies 04/05/2018 $253.21 SCANTRON CORPORATION Tests & Testing Services 04/26/2018 $296.93 SCARBOROUGH RENAISSANCE FESTIV Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $724.85 SCHENDEL PEST SERVICES Service Contracts 04/03/2018 $43.00 SCHENDEL PEST SERVICES Repairs-Buildings 04/05/2018 $43.00 SCHENDEL PEST SERVICES Repairs-Buildings 04/05/2018 $750.00 SCHENDEL PEST SERVICES Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $223.00 SCHENDEL PEST SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $43.00 SCHENDEL PEST SERVICES Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $210.00 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BUILDINGS Repairs-Other 04/05/2018 $820.00 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BUILDINGS Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/10/2018 $1,281.88 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BUILDINGS Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/10/2018 $472.50 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BUILDINGS Service Contracts 04/19/2018 $147.00 SCHOOLDUDE.COM Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/24/2018 $2,560.00 SE DALLAS HISPANIC CHAMBER OF Miscellaneous 04/03/2018 $500.00 SEAFOOD SUPPLY CO, LP Food & Related Supplies 04/17/2018 $57.53 SEAFOOD SUPPLY CO, LP Food & Related Supplies 04/17/2018 $210.90 SECURADYNE SYSTEMS TEXAS LLC Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $6,170.59 SECURADYNE SYSTEMS TEXAS LLC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/19/2018 $24,677.18 SECURE CAM INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $317.50 SECURITY BENEFIT LIFE INS CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $16,493.00 SENSEABILITY INC Instructional Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $10,335.00 SENSEABILITY INC Instructional Service Contracts 04/17/2018 $7,155.00 SENTINEL THE ALARM CO Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $25.00 SHANITA M. MITCHELL Evening Child Care Receivables 04/24/2018 $30.00 SHELL FLEET Vehicle Operating Expense 04/17/2018 $737.71 SHELL OIL COMPANY Vehicle Operating Expense 04/17/2018 $1,464.42 SHEM G. MARTIN Athletic Officials 04/19/2018 $140.00 SHERMCO INDUSTRIES INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $5,250.00 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $521.73 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $1,673.95 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Minor Equipment 04/05/2018 $1,151.51 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $507.53 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $3,117.92 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $66.64 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,154.16 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $187.49 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $24,370.00 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 $44.19 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/24/2018 $3,488.96 SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/24/2018 $421.60 SHRM LEARNING SYSTEMS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/19/2018 $1,620.00 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC Fertilizers & Chemicals 04/10/2018 $1,461.93 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC Fertilizers & Chemicals 04/10/2018 $7.45 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC Plumbing Supplies 04/17/2018 $32.99 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC Fertilizers & Chemicals 04/26/2018 $258.00 SIX FLAGS OVER TEXAS Clearing 04/17/2018 $99.98 SKC COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $6,024.10 SKC COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $208.65 SKC COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $24,822.93 SKILLPATH SEMINARS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $298.00 SKILLPATH SEMINARS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $84.15 SKY RANCHES, INC Clubs 04/12/2018 $1,510.00 SMITH PIANO SERVICING Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $475.00 SMITH TRANSPORTATION Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $114.75 SMITH TRANSPORTATION Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $96.80 SNAPPY POPCORN COMPANY Refreshments 04/12/2018 $351.00 SONSHINE DESIGNS FLORIST Miscellaneous 04/10/2018 $50.00 SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE IN Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/05/2018 $34.88 SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE IN Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/05/2018 $239.59 SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE IN Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/10/2018 $282.72 SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE IN Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/19/2018 $1,492.40 SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE IN Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/26/2018 $46.94 SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE IN Non-Inv Computer Peripherals 04/26/2018 ($305.59) SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY Seminar/Registration Fees 04/12/2018 $77.49 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS GROUP INC Furniture-Special-Inventoriable 04/12/2018 $8,633.27 SPARKFUN ELECTRONICS Official Functions 04/17/2018 $485.30 SPECTRUM Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $62.29 SPECTRUM Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $495.38 SPECTRUM Telephone-Local Service 04/12/2018 $95.86 SPECTRUM Telephone-Local Service 04/17/2018 $432.26 SPECTRUM Departmental Supplies 04/26/2018 $92.32 SPIRIT WEAR SPECIALITIES Advertising 04/19/2018 $250.00 SPOK INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $8.00 SPRING CREEK BARBEQUE CATERING Refreshments 04/12/2018 $1,025.00 SPRINGHILL RETREAT CENTER Staff Development 04/26/2018 $150.00 SPRINT SOLUTIONS INC Mobile Phone - Local Service 04/24/2018 $799.01 STAN L. HOLDEN Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $230.00 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $10.56 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $114.62 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $9.99 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $199.98 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $21.19 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $4.95 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 ($135.00) STAPLES ADVANTAGE Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 ($38.52) STAPLES ADVANTAGE Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 ($4.54) STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 04/10/2018 ($39.00) STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 04/10/2018 ($7.01) STAPLES ADVANTAGE Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 ($19.99) STAPLES ADVANTAGE Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $762.77 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $26.45 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 04/19/2018 ($141.64) STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 04/19/2018 $1,361.79 STARLITE SIGN LP Repairs-Buildings 04/19/2018 $286,585.00 STARR TURFGRASS AND FIREWOOD I Maintenance Supplies 04/05/2018 $825.00 STERIS CORPORATION Service Contracts 04/19/2018 $950.00 STEVAN JAMES Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $140.00 STEVEN SIEGEL Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/24/2018 $100.00 STUDENT AFRICAN AMERICAN BROTH Special Travel 04/03/2018 $480.00 STUDENT AFRICAN AMERICAN BROTH Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $800.00 SUBWAY 28903 NLC Official Functions 04/17/2018 $311.50 SUBWAY 43097 Refreshments 04/03/2018 $94.00 SUBWAY 43097 Refreshments 04/03/2018 $103.90 SUBWAY 43097 Official Functions 04/10/2018 $106.99 SUBWAY 43097 Refreshments 04/12/2018 $1,567.50 SUBWAY, CVC Official Functions 04/03/2018 $78.35 SUBWAY, CVC Promotional Activities 04/03/2018 $450.00 SUEZ WTS SERVICES USA INC Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $30.00 SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORIES Advertising 04/19/2018 $299.00 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/17/2018 $369.58 SUNBELT RENTALS INC Rental/Lease-Other 04/03/2018 $1,224.12 SUNBELT RENTALS INC Rental/Lease-Other 04/19/2018 $383.28 SUNNY SEWING MACHINE INC Repairs-Classroom Equipment 04/17/2018 $60.00 SUNNYVALE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Miscellaneous 04/12/2018 $300.00 SUNY CTR FOR PROFESSIONAL DVLP Clearing 04/03/2018 $1,992.80 SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS Books-Direct Book Purchases 04/12/2018 $400.00 SUPPLYWORKS Custodial Supplies 04/05/2018 $39.60 SUPPLYWORKS Departmental Supplies 04/10/2018 $76.96 SUPPLYWORKS Departmental Supplies 04/10/2018 $274.56 SUPPLYWORKS Custodial Supplies 04/12/2018 $817.92 SUPPLYWORKS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $108.00 SURSCAN INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $1,480.00 SURSCAN INC Miscellaneous Fees 04/17/2018 $468.00 SURVEYMONKEY INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/03/2018 $840.00 SUSAN A. WHITE Consultant 04/05/2018 $2,250.00 SUSAN AYCOCK Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $4,000.00 SUSTAINABLE PURCHASING LEADERS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/26/2018 $1,300.00 SWANK MOTION PICTURES INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/05/2018 $160.00 SWASFAA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $200.00 SWELLS LLC Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $614.54 SWELLS LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/17/2018 $612.94 SYDNEE MOWERY Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $480.00 SYNETRA INC Office Supplies 04/17/2018 $149.14 SYSCO NORTH TEXAS Classroom Supplies 04/10/2018 $1,258.53 SYSCO NORTH TEXAS Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $34.27 SYSCO NORTH TEXAS Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $126.31 T SMITH INSPECTION AND TESTING Architects & Engineers 04/26/2018 $1,170.00 T-MOBILE USA INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $512.06 TACCBO Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $250.00 TACCHRP Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $150.00 TACE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $550.00 TACE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $1,925.00 TACRAO Memberships 04/05/2018 $120.00 TACRAO Seminar/Registration Fees 04/26/2018 $125.00 TACTE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $300.00 TACTE Memberships 04/24/2018 $100.00 TACTYC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/12/2018 $425.00 TANDUS CENTIVA INC Repairs-Buildings 04/26/2018 $8,926.17 TANYA JANSMA & ASSOCIATES, TRA Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $2,175.00 TANYA JANSMA & ASSOCIATES, TRA Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $232.00 TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY Clubs 04/05/2018 $150.00 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE DISTRIC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $105.00 TASBO Periodicals & Newspapers 04/03/2018 $545.88 TCEQ Postage & Freight 04/24/2018 $1,951.00 TD AMERITRADE TRUST COMPANY Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $1,566.58 TEACHERS INSURANCE & ANNUITY A Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $5,400.00 TEACHERS INSURANCE & ANNUITY A Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $22,341.67 TEAM PHILLIPS INC Service Reimbursables A/E 04/19/2018 $318.93 TEAMLINE Departmental Supplies 04/19/2018 $922.00 TEAMSOFTWARE SOLUTIONS INC Info. Tech.-Software 04/24/2018 $125.00 TEKNI-KUT CORPORATION Maintenance Supplies 04/12/2018 $20.00 TERRY F.KAY Athletic Officials 04/05/2018 $140.00 TESTEQUITY LLC Non-Inv Equipment 04/10/2018 $64,319.20 TETER'S FAUCET PARTS CORPORATI Plumbing Supplies 04/03/2018 $282.92 TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING EXPERIME Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $100.00 TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING EXPERIME Seminar/Registration Fees 04/19/2018 $50.00 TEXAS ASSN OF COMMUNITY COLLEG Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $400.00 TEXAS CRAFT BREWERS GUILD Advertising 04/17/2018 $1,500.00 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING Miscellaneous Fees 04/10/2018 $70.00 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING Miscellaneous Fees 04/12/2018 $210.00 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $140.00 TEXAS DEPT OF INFORMATION RESO Telephone-Local Service 04/24/2018 $10,701.59 TEXAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COU Memberships 04/17/2018 $500.00 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $770.00 TEXAS ENERGY MANAGERS ASSOCIAT Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $50.00 TEXAS ENERGY MANAGERS ASSOCIAT Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $400.00 TEXAS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP Rental/Lease-Other 04/10/2018 $1,070.00 TEXAS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP Rental/Lease-Other 04/12/2018 $455.00 TEXAS HEALTH BEN HOGAN SPORTS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $7,833.33 TEXAS HIGHER EDUC COORD BOARD Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $50,000.00 TEXAS HIGHER EDUC COORD BOARD Unearned Revenue-Agency Prepayments 04/19/2018 $360.00 TEXAS HIGHER EDUC COORD BOARD Federal Receivables 04/30/2018 $4,212.50 TEXAS INTERPRETING SERVICES LL Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $336.00 TEXAS LEGISLATIVE SERVICE Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $191.25 TEXAS PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $428.11 TEXAS RANGERS LLC Advertising 04/24/2018 $25,000.00 TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $225.00 TEXAS SUMO GAME RENTAL Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/10/2018 $690.00 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION Clearing 04/03/2018 $395.31 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION State Receivables 04/26/2018 $49.00 TEXO Instructional Service Contracts 04/17/2018 $8,126.00 THE ASPEN INSTITUTE Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $5,000.00 THE BARBER SHOP MARKETING Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $24,868.75 THE BARBER SHOP MARKETING Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $981.25 THE BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP IN Consultant 04/05/2018 $355,333.00 THE CHAIR ACADEMY Memberships 04/17/2018 $100.00 THE CHAIR ACADEMY Seminar/Registration Fees 04/19/2018 $700.00 THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCAT Periodicals & Newspapers 04/05/2018 $166.00 THE CLAMPITT COMPANIES LLC Office Supplies 04/17/2018 $278.65 THE CLAMPITT COMPANIES LLC Classroom Supplies 04/19/2018 $118.20 THE COLLEGE BOARD Tests & Testing Services 04/26/2018 $9,999.40 THE COPELAND COMPANIES Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $200.00 THE COPELAND COMPANIES Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $4,710.22 THE DANCING IMAGE Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $400.00 THE EMPLOYMENT GUIDE LLC Advertising 04/05/2018 $798.00 THE EQUITABLE Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $7,580.00 THE EQUITABLE Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $109,714.00 THE EQUITABLE Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $31,648.08 THE GARLAND CLUB OF NANBPWC Promotional Activities 04/10/2018 $1,000.00 THE GREENSHEET Advertising 04/05/2018 $816.00 THE GREENSHEET Advertising 04/12/2018 $7,851.92 THE MEDALCRAFT MINT INC Minor Equipment 04/17/2018 $2,484.50 THE NCHERM GROUP LLC Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/10/2018 $379.00 THE PLANT PLACE INC Commencement Exercises 04/03/2018 $300.00 THE PLAYWELL GROUP INC Minor Furniture 04/26/2018 $4,762.52 THE REYNOLDS COMPANY Electrical Supplies 04/12/2018 $562.50 THE REYNOLDS COMPANY Electrical Supplies 04/26/2018 $1,266.96 THE SAXTON GROUP DBA MCALISTER Refreshments 04/05/2018 $269.31 THE SAXTON GROUP DBA MCALISTER Refreshments 04/05/2018 $48.25 THE SAXTON GROUP DBA MCALISTER Official Functions 04/10/2018 $157.36 THE SAXTON GROUP DBA MCALISTER Staff Development 04/24/2018 $384.98 THE SAXTON GROUP DBA MCALISTER Official Functions 04/26/2018 $93.99 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY Painting Supplies 04/17/2018 $582.45 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY Painting Supplies 04/17/2018 $1,586.79 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $2,069.91 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $557.39 THE SOCCER CORNER Departmental Supplies 04/17/2018 $4,197.00 THE THOMAS AND MEANS LAW FIRM Seminar/Registration Fees 04/03/2018 $250.00 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $12,200.00 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS Advertising 04/10/2018 $625.00 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS Advertising 04/12/2018 $1,800.00 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS Books, Booklets & Tapes 04/17/2018 $60.00 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $267.00 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $1,095.00 THEMINE.COM Non-Inv Furniture 04/17/2018 $311.70 THERMAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/12/2018 $1,961.36 THINK LIMITLESS LLC Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/12/2018 $499.00 THOMAS BUCK STUDIO Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $3,210.00 THOMPSON & HORTON LLP Legal Fees 04/03/2018 $2,199.86 THOMPSON MEDIA GROUP LLC DBA Staff Development 04/03/2018 $1,997.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/03/2018 $635.20 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST Non-Inv Software 04/24/2018 $607.28 THORNHILL CATERING Official Functions 04/03/2018 $298.00 THORNHILL CATERING Staff Development 04/12/2018 $231.75 THORNHILL CATERING Official Functions 04/26/2018 $87.00 TM TELEVISION Service Contracts 04/24/2018 $13,769.75 TODAY'S CLASS Minor Software 04/26/2018 $4,500.00 TORRES ENGINEERING SERVICES IN Consultant 04/17/2018 $3,361.88 TOUCHNET INFORMATION SYSTEMS Prepaid Expenditures 04/10/2018 $950.00 TOUCHNET INFORMATION SYSTEMS Non-Inv Computer Equipment 04/26/2018 $38,525.00 TOWN EAST FORD II, LP Vehicle Operating Expense 04/17/2018 $922.01 TOWN EAST FORD II, LP Vehicle Operating Expense 04/19/2018 $1,246.58 TRACY EVERBACH Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/12/2018 $250.00 TRADELINE INC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $1,740.00 TRAINERANGIE.COM LLC Instructional Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $1,200.00 TRAINERANGIE.COM LLC Instructional Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $560.00 TRANE Service Contracts 04/05/2018 $1,340.00 TRANE Repairs-Physical Plant Equipment 04/24/2018 $2,692.00 TRENT ROBINSON Athletic Officials 04/17/2018 $140.00 TRINITY CERAMIC SUPPLY INC Classroom Supplies 04/17/2018 $207.05 TRINITY CERAMIC SUPPLY INC Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $52.00 TRINITY CERAMIC SUPPLY INC Classroom Supplies 04/26/2018 $17,484.00 TRIPOD TEXAS Advertising 04/26/2018 $37,500.00 TRISTAR RISK MANAGEMENT Self-Funded Ins Liab-Barron's 04/16/2018 $21,591.17 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $465.20 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/19/2018 $2,843.45 TRUGREEN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Fertilizers & Chemicals 04/19/2018 $362.00 TSA CONSULTING GROUP INC Consultant 04/10/2018 $1,400.00 TWENTIETH CENTURY INVESTORS Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $325.00 TWIN OAKS PRIVATE SCHOOL Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $500.00 TWOWAYRADIO.COM Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $10,242.00 TWOWAYRADIO.COM Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/26/2018 $1,138.00 TX ASSN COMM COLL MARKETERS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $1,250.00 TXDLA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/24/2018 $110.00 TXDOT Travel-Out of Area 04/12/2018 $20.28 UJAMMAA EVENTS LLC Instructional Service Contracts 04/24/2018 $150.00 UNIFIRST Service Contracts-Linen Service 04/03/2018 $60.58 UNIFIRST Rental/Lease-Other 04/05/2018 $153.29 UNIFIRST Service Contracts 04/10/2018 $41.76 UNIFIRST Service Contracts-Linen Service 04/10/2018 $197.91 UNIFIRST Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $42.40 UNIFIRST Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $153.29 UNIFIRST Rental/Lease-Other 04/24/2018 $30.49 UNITED LINEN & LAUNDRY SERVICE Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $248.47 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA) Rental/Lease-Furn. & Equip. 04/24/2018 $976.97 UNITED SPECIALTY ADVERTISING, Advertising 04/17/2018 $599.00 UNITED STATES DEPT OF VETERANS Unearned Revenue-Agency Prepayments 04/03/2018 $233.10 UNITED STATES DEPT OF VETERANS Clearing 04/05/2018 $444.00 UNITED STATES DEPT OF VETERANS Unearned Revenue-Agency Prepayments 04/10/2018 $88.50 UNITED STATES DEPT OF VETERANS Unearned Revenue-Agency Prepayments 04/17/2018 $1,847.00 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Postage & Freight 04/05/2018 $173.25 UNITED STATES TREASURY Guest Lecturer/Performer 04/24/2018 $500.00 UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Seminar/Registration Fees 04/10/2018 $475.00 UNIVERSITY ATHLETE INC Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $50.00 UNIVERSITY MISSOURI - KANSAS C Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $650.00 UPS Postage & Freight 04/03/2018 $15.45 UPS Postage 04/17/2018 $95.28 UPS Departmental Supplies 04/19/2018 $132.00 US POSTMASTER Bulk Mail 04/12/2018 $225.00 US WATER SERVICES INC Water Treatment Chemicals 04/26/2018 $2,564.65 USAA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $14,341.50 USAA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $9,866.77 VA CONSTRUCTION INC Construction 04/19/2018 $154,451.47 VANTAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Architects & Engineers 04/26/2018 $1,600.00 VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE INS CO Payroll Deductions 04/30/2018 $16,797.00 VERIZON WIRELESS Telephone-Local Service 04/03/2018 $227.94 VERIZON WIRELESS Telephone-Local Service 04/24/2018 $42.05 VIDEO GENERAL INC Tests & Testing Services 04/12/2018 $39.00 VITAL MEDIA SECURITY INC Rental/Lease-Furn. & Equip. 04/05/2018 $5,492.90 VOSS LIGHTING Light Bulbs & Tubes 04/05/2018 $168.36 VOSS LIGHTING Light Bulbs & Tubes 04/10/2018 $1,175.75 VWR INTERNATIONAL, LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $253.43 VWR INTERNATIONAL, LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 ($30.89) VWR INTERNATIONAL, LLC Classroom Supplies 04/03/2018 $88.24 VWR INTERNATIONAL, LLC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $1,189.80 VWR INTERNATIONAL, LLC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 ($131.22) VWR INTERNATIONAL, LLC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 ($3.45) WASEA Seminar/Registration Fees 04/05/2018 $778.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT RECYCLE AMERI Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $124.83 WAVES Seminar/Registration Fees 04/17/2018 $400.00 WC OF TEXAS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $264.50 WC OF TEXAS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/10/2018 $51.96 WC OF TEXAS Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $23.38 WC OF TEXAS Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $155.88 WC OF TEXAS Service Contracts 04/12/2018 $1,117.14 WC OF TEXAS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/24/2018 $1,091.16 WEATHERPROOFING TECHNOLOGIES I Consultant 04/12/2018 $78,660.75 WEAVER INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS I Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/19/2018 $6,000.00 WELDER'S WAREHOUSE Departmental Supplies 04/17/2018 $158.15 WELLSPRING CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/05/2018 $240.00 WESTERN-BRW PAPER CO INC Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $26.90 WESTERN-BRW PAPER CO INC Office Supplies 04/12/2018 $161.40 WESTLAKE HARDWARE INC Classroom Supplies 04/12/2018 $6.59 WESTLAKE HARDWARE INC Classroom Supplies 04/24/2018 $119.70 WEX BANK - EXXONMOBIL FLEET Vehicle Operating Expense 04/05/2018 $673.14 WILKS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LL Construction Management 04/19/2018 $6,984.00 WILLIAM L. MCDOWELL Athletic Officials 04/19/2018 $110.00 WILSON AWARDS Office Supplies 04/03/2018 $18.00 WILSON AWARDS Departmental Supplies 04/05/2018 $20.00 WILSON OFFICE INTERIORS LLC Non-Inv Furniture 04/24/2018 $594.51 WINDSTREAM COMMUNICATIONS Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/12/2018 $12,549.87 WINGFIELD SIGN & GRAPHICS Maintenance Supplies 04/17/2018 $66.50 WINSTON WATER COOLER LTD Plumbing Supplies 04/03/2018 $59.72 WINSTON WATER COOLER LTD Plumbing Supplies 04/26/2018 $625.00 WOMEN'S ENTERPRISE Advertising 04/12/2018 $8,217.00 WORLD AFFAIRS CNCL DALLAS/FORT Memberships 04/17/2018 $2,500.00 WRIGHT RESOURCE GROUP Other Contracted Svces/Labor 04/17/2018 $3,200.00 YUMI ICE CREAM CO, INC Official Functions 04/17/2018 $379.32 ZENDESK INC Copyrights, Royalties & Licens 04/12/2018 $1,353.66 ZONES INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/17/2018 $589.56 ZONES INC Non-Inv Equipment 04/17/2018 $45.36 ZONES INC Minor Equipment 04/17/2018 $5,207.96 Accounts Payable Total $10,598,109.22 Accounts Payable Wires Comptroller of Public Accounts State Sales Tax $962.90 Texas Higher Ed Coord Board Student Return of Funds $4,572.50 Tristar Workman's Compensation $21,591.17 Bond Payments $0.00 Accounts Payable Wires Total $27,126.57 DCCCD Gross Payroll $24,031,234.04 State of Texas Benefits $4,210,902.48 Payroll Total $28,242,136.52 Grand Total $38,867,372.31
New Zealand's Lydia Ko and South Korea's Eun-Hee Ji each shot 5-under-par 66 on Saturday to grab a share of the lead going into the final round of the LPGA's Diamond Resorts Tournament of Champions. The elite 26-player field competing in the tour's season opener at the Four Seasons Golf and Sports Club in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., is made up of LPGA winners from the past two seasons. "It was a bit windy out there. I played really solid, so I'm really happy with today," said Norda, the 2017 rookie of the year who won her first LPGA title last October. "Just staying patient and working on the same things with my coach, Dave Whelan. We really made a goal this year to stay consistent and take it shot by shot and see how this year goes. Rounding out the top five going into Sunday was Mirim Lee of South Korea, who shot 69 on Saturday to finish tied for fifth place at 9-under 204 with China's Shanshan Feng, who carded a bogey-free 66. Thailand's Ariya Jutanugarn, the reigning LPGA Player of the Year and current world No. 1, started the day tied for second but stumbled to a 75 and dropped into a tie for 13th with American Lexi Thompson (73) at 4 under.
Mark Creamer is the chief extruder operator at Cambrian Pet Foods in Wales, where a six tons/hour PLC-controlled C2TX 8.1 has been installed as part of a complete makeover of the dry foods business. "From our point of view, the idea of controlling our own manufacturing has at times seemed more a dream than a plan. We had always wanted to own an extruder, but the cost seemed out of reach for a relatively young company. The fact that we have achieved it is still hard to believe. It is, however, the result of over twenty years of hard work and long hours. And it is testimony to the commitment and perseverance shown by all the team at Cambrian." The speaker is Jonathan Davies, standing on the site of a former farm at Pencader in the southwest of Wales. As he looks around, he sees the fruits of a multi-million-dollar project that has rocketed Cambrian Pet Foods into the 21st Century as the owner and operator of one of the newest dry-food production sites in Europe. The contrast is extraordinary from the company's status of only a few years ago. Officially founded in 1982, it had been based on earlier petfood activities by David Davies, Jonathan's father, who, when the company was first founded, operated from a 1,500-square-foot rented industrial unit in a neighboring town. Then came the project, bringing a new dryer and extruder from Wenger, in addition to a purpose-built rectangle of manufacturing center, administrative offices and warehousing. Since the extruder's commissioning in early 2005, the company has had a production capacity of six tons/hour in its dry foods department managed by Jonathan. Another son, Richard, manages the canned product business. He also takes care of logistics for deliveries throughout the UK, in the companies own modern fleet of delivery vehicles. David Davies is the founder of the business and its managing director. He explains that the expansion project has involved a total expenditure of approximately UK £3 million, equivalent to about US$5.5 million on 2004 currency exchange values. "We have worked with the development authority for Wales and with the Welsh Assembly, who had the vision to look at encouraging investments by Welsh companies within Wales," Davies comments. "Their help enabled us to secure the grant from the EU program in recognition of the fact that we were developing a food company. "This project that has prevented a production bottleneck which we foresaw as early as 2000, allows us to keep pace with sales, manage our growth and has also given us the capability to plan five years ahead." The installation of the C2TX allows flexibility to manufacture a very wide range of product types and formulations to exacting standards". "In all, the project timetable was to complete in 2½ years. The Cambrian team, working closely with a number of long standing suppliers, achieved completion in 2 years. This was done with no disruption to manufacturing or to customer service levels, and while also managing a business with a consistently healthy annual growth rate. The hours were long, but the result was well worth it!" By 2000 it was clear that capacity could soon be over-stretched. The reality in mid-2003 was that the intention of working a single 10-hour daily shift had become an unending series of 24-hour runs from Monday until Friday every week. But the Davies family members were resolutely against any outsourcing of production because they feared it could loosen their grip on product quality. The obvious solution was to invest in another extruder and all the peripherals. The company's extruder is a PLC-controlled C2TX 8.1 with 300kW motor that the manufacturer's documents rate at up to eight tons/hour. Extrusion is followed by drying in a direct-fired version of a Wenger Series VII, using gas. "Our production house alone measures 45,000 square feet," Jonathan comments. "The new warehouse is 80,000 square feet, the total site now is around 200,000 square feet of industrial development. With the ancillary services and utilities, it has been a huge undertaking. As an example of what was involved, the electricity supply into the site had to be increased threefold. We are also fortunate in that this is a large site and there is plenty of available land here for further development in the longer term." "The dryer was the first machine to be installed. That was in March 2004; it was commissioned the following June. By the final months of the same year we had also taken delivery of the C2TX extruder, and its commissioning was completed in April 2005. In other words, we have had little more than a year to adjust to the new working environment. Development has not stopped even now, and the company has also, since the extrusion facility upgrade, invested very heavily in retail packaging capability which will come on line in the Autumn of 2006." Superpremium rice-based chicken and lamb hypoallergenic diets have been the mainstay of the Gelert range of dry dog foods. The manufacturer insists its Unique Selling Point has been the high quality of the raw materials employed. Whole-grain cereals, along with quality long-grain basmati rice and meat meals, were sourced from only 2-3 selected suppliers. Jonathan reveals that there will be an extension to the dry foods range, now that the manufacturing and packaging capability are in place to produce it. Cambrian so far has been known mainly as the producer of Gelert foods for dogs. Soon, however, it will introduce a number of innovative new lines, in addition to the private-label work that has proved a strong separate area of activity. As David Davies comments, "we have always been fortunate with regards to the people we've had working with us in Cambrian, and also we have always had long-standing and quality suppliers and customers. I am now confident that we have the physical infrastructure and foundation firmly in place for a further period of continued growth and development." Cambrian managing director David Davies shows examples of the dog foods his company manufactures and sells throughout the United Kingdom.
The urban place manager emphasizes efforts on the built environment because of the significant impacts they have on the quality of life and one's authentic experience of a place. Every place is different; therefore, place management strategies should respond to a myriad of place-based identifiers including, the place's specific scale, status, culture, climate, community vision, goals, and mission, keeping at the forefront considerations of sustainability and resilience. Through numerous approaches, such as land and real estate development, zoning and land-use, streetscape improvements, transit-oriented development, multi-modal connections, sustainable infrastructure, attainable housing initiatives and historic preservation among others, place managers enhance the quality of life for all stakeholders of a place. Sub Topics Active Transportation and MobilityResilienceSustainabilityUrban Planning Type Advisory PanelAwardBest PracticeCase StudyMaster TalkPresentationPress ReleasePublicationSample/TemplateToolkitWebinar Facilitated Forum: Parking & Mobility September 22, 2022 Presentation Review the presentation from this open discussion forum and share experiences to gain insight into everyday challenges. We'd love for you to see this member-only resource to help make a difference in your district. Make sure you are logged in or join IDA to learn more about how members get sh*t done! Mayor Sandra Masters Master Talk September 21, 2022 Master Talk Sandra Masters was sworn in as Regina's 35th Mayor on November 23, 2020. She made Regina's history by becoming the first woman elected and defeating a two-time incumbent Mayor during a global pandemic. Ojay McDonald Master Talk Ojay McDonald works with Government Ministers, parliamentarians, economic development professionals, business leaders and place-makers across the UK and Ireland to support town and city centres. Opa-Locka Downtown Master Plan September 16, 2022 Best Practice Despite a 2016 bankruptcy, political instability, and widespread stakeholder skepticism, the Opa-locka Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) launched a 2020 Downtown Master Plan to reverse downtown's decline. The plan started to overcome past failures by creating public/private partnerships (P3). Bear Street Shared Street Reconstruction September 16, 2022 Award The Bear Street Reconstruction project created a pedestrian-priority street in the heart of the Town of Banff. Running parallel to Banff Avenue, Bear Street is home to a mix of services. The reconstruction transformed the street into a pedestrian-friendly space where people live, shop, dine, enjoy culture and community amenities, or relax and take in the mountains. The reconstruction project has increased visitation to Bear Street and created more economic opportunity for area businesses. Gilbert Heritage District Design Guidelines Gilbert's Heritage District (HD) is approximately 0.3 square miles in size, serving as the community's downtown, entertainment district, and the cultural/historical center of the community. The intent of the HD Design Guidelines is to foster design excellence that encourages a pedestrian-oriented and adaptive environment that serves as the community's historic living room. Gilbert initiated a review of the 2010 guidelines by holding meetings which included staff and a diverse steering Imagine Downtown KC 2030 Strategic Plan The Downtown Council of Kansas City, Missouri (DTC) had just begun a strategic planning process when COVID-19 brought things to a standstill. The events of 2020, including economic uncertainty and the elevated recognition of racial and social inequities, allowed the DTC and its partners to ask critical questions: how can we fully engage the community, and how do we ensure that the strategic plan ensures that downtown's opportunities provide meaningful and tangible benefits for everyone? Lake Eola Park Master Plan Located in the core of downtown, Lake Eola Park serves as centerpiece for downtown and for Orlando. The Community Redevelopment Agency worked to master plan this valuable asset, re-envisioning it for the next 50 years. The process leading to the final master plan considered the place of the park in the context of the downtown, city, and region, along with a thorough analysis its surroundings, and an evaluation of how Lake Eola Park compares to other iconic parks throughout the country. Parramore Asset Stabilization Fund: New Directions in Affordable Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization In 2018, the Parramore Asset Stabilization Fund (PASF) was formed as a collaboration of three high-performing nonprofits with the goal to transform affordable rental housing into sustainable quality homes. PASF purchased 83 residential units across 44 properties in Orlando's African American Parramore neighborhood, with a commitment to renovate units and keep rents affordable for existing tenants. While delayed due to COVID-19, the project was successfully completed by December 2021. Reading Downtown Strategic Plan The confluence of a rich architectural legacy; vibrant downtown communities; and the advent of unparalleled change unlocked an unprecedented opportunity for downtown to again lead its region toward a more economically competitive, equitable, livable, and resilient future. Marketing, Communications and Events IDA's virtual community provides members the opportunity to share resources, ideas and best practices.
https://www.ourmidland.com/entertainment/article/Elecricity-puns-aside-Volt-shockingly-cool-6957872.php Elecricity puns aside, Volt shockingly cool Published 5:55 am EDT, Thursday, April 14, 2011 Chevrolet caused a lot of, well, buzz, when they first started talking about their electric vehicle, the Volt, a few years ago. I found the technology promising, but I became pretty skeptical when I heard the $40,000-plus price point. However, after a recent test drive with Garber in Midland, I'm back on team "looks promising." First off, the car was a bit bigger than I expected. It's a full-fledged compact car with four doors. Yes, it's compact, but passengers in the back seat said they had enough room. It also blends into Chevy's lineup and, as Tony Lascari put, "looks like a Chevy." It's not some strange looking spaceman car or anything, it's a nice looking hatchback. It does feel a little futuristic sitting in the driver's seat. It has Chevrolet's newer in-dash computer and sound system featuring built-in GPS, XM Radio, a hard drive and a DVD player for audio or video (more on this later). Keys? Where we're going, we don't need keys. The vehicle has push button start (as long as the remote is on your person). It makes a power-up noise as if it were turning into a robot (cross promotion with "Transformers 3?") when it starts, but that's about the extent of the noise -- it's eerily silent. With seat belts buckled, mirrors adjusted and robot mode engaged, it was time to take this thing on the road. The car accelerates smoothly and the transmission shifts with no audible or physical signs. Otherwise, it drives like, well, a standard car. It didn't feel underpowered. This was apparent on the highway where, on battery power, I was able to get up to speed to merge and pass slower trucks with minimal effort. The Volt also teaches the driver how to handle it to get the most out of its charge (GM promises around 35 miles on the battery, I didn't get a chance to really stress test it). A meter on the dash reports how economically the driver is accelerating or braking (my braking needs work). When the battery ran dry (which it did after the highway test as the higher speeds are a bit out of the on-dash optimal range) the gas kicks in. According the website, a gas generator creates electricity and sends that juice through the Volt's electric motor -- meaning technically, it's always running on electricity. The gas power lasts a few hundred miles, making the car viable for longer trips. Need to go farther? Pull into a gas station. Chevy also reports a charge (they say it takes 10 hours on a standard outlet, less with a dedicated charging station) costs about $1.50 in electricity. That's pretty impressive considering how volatile gas prices are -- that $1.50 would last me more than a day on my commute and errands here in Midland. I'm also impressed with some of the other features in the Volt, as GM seems to be showcasing its best ideas here. The sound and GPS system, while a little overwhelming at first, are top notch. The DVD player will play videos, that is, until the car is in gear. At this point, the video stops and the audio keeps playing. There's also a slew of information so a driver can see how efficiently a trip was, adding to the Volt's mission of teaching people how to drive it effectively. Pretty smart. There also were a few other advanced features. A backup camera (not standard) shows the vehicle's path with a red grid. I was also able to easily sync up my phone for hands-free dialing. Back to the price. Yes, it's expensive. The one I drove was around had a $43,000 sticker, before a maximum $7,500 tax credit. It would take a while to recover that cost in gas. However, technology usually gets better -- and cheaper. Chevrolet is on to something. If they can keep tweaking the battery range and bring the price down, the Volt could be a hit with drivers of all classes. But for now, it's quite a bit out of my price range. At the very least, it's nice to see an automaker try something completely different -- and cool.
A mysterious disappearance leaves HK's credibility in tatters JAMIL ANDERLINI It reads like the plot of a bad thriller — a Chinese billionaire sits with his entourage of female bodyguards in his apartment in the Hong Kong Four Seasons in the early hours of Chinese New Year's Eve. The women are employed not only to protect him but also to wipe the sweat from his brow and back. Suddenly, half-a-dozen public security agents from mainland China burst in, overpower the bodyguards, bundle the billionaire out of the hotel and take him across the border to face the wrath of the Communist party. But this is not the script for a kung fu potboiler. The billionaire is Mr Xiao Jianhua, one of China's most politically connected and wealthy men, and his abduction from the heart of Hong Kong's financial district last Friday has shaken the city to its core. When the United Kingdom handed the former colony back to China in 1997, Beijing guaranteed Hong Kong a "high degree of autonomy" for 50 years and left the territory's independent courts, free press and efficient bureaucracy mostly untouched. One of the cardinal rules of the arrangement is that no law enforcement agencies from outside Hong Kong, including those from mainland China, are allowed to operate inside the territory. Coming a little over a year after Chinese agents abducted five Hong Kong booksellers for publishing embarrassing books on the private lives of Chinese leaders, this latest breach of Hong Kong law is a terrible blow to the city's credibility. Either the Hong Kong government and security services were complicit in the snatching of Mr Xiao or they were negligent in allowing it to happen right under their noses. Hong Kong's status as a global financial centre has now been damaged, even more than it was by the case of the missing booksellers. In that situation, international businesspeople, bankers and even journalists could perhaps console themselves with the fact these were small-time publishers scraping a living from unproven rumours about Chinese politicians. But Mr Xiao is worth US$6 billion (S$8.5 billion) and his political connections include close ties with at least three "princelings" (as the children of Communist party leaders are known). At one point, he even bought a company from the sister of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Senior executives from numerous Western companies, including GlaxoSmithKline, Rio Tinto and Crown Casino in Australia, have been detained in mainland China in recent years on sometimes dubious charges that were clearly aimed at pressuring their companies and setting an example to others in their industries. Until now, Hong Kong has been regarded as a haven from arbitrary police and judicial action, but global companies will have to reconsider this in the wake of Mr Xiao's disappearance. In mainland China itself, his abduction will send a chilling message to the super-wealthy, who already believe Mr Xi has launched a war against them. It will also accelerate the pace of capital flight. Several years before Mr Donald Trump, the blue-collar billionaire, took power in Washington, Mr Xi launched his "populism with Chinese characteristics", targeting corrupt officials and the billionaire class that nestled beside them under the carapace of crooked Leninism. The son of a top party official, Mr Xi has presented himself as a blue-collar princeling and his war on the wealthy has gone down well with the masses. Mr Xiao appears to have known the potential danger he was in. He was ranked last year as the 32nd-richest person in China by a prominent annual rich list, which some refer to as the "death list" because of how many people on it end up in prison. (Compilers of that list say they initially calculated Mr Xiao as the richest person in China but he responded by arguing he was much poorer than he appeared.) It is unclear exactly why Mr Xiao was taken from Hong Kong in such a brazen operation. It is possible he will reappear in a few days and claim it was all a misunderstanding. But there is no question that already this incident has sent the message that nobody is safe from the long arm of the Chinese state. Some who know Mr Xiao believe his abduction is a warning to one of the political factions he was close to, or that he knew too much about the business dealings of top Chinese leaders. Others believe the party may try to nationalise his significant holdings in major financial institutions. As one person familiar with this case put it: "Most Chinese billionaires are like geese — they get fat on their political connections and close ties to party leaders — but at some point the emperor decides he wants to eat foie gras." FINANCIAL TIMES Jamil Anderlini is Asia editor for Financial Times. Labels: China, Law/Justice, Politics Address wider questions raised over CFE report Future economy needs future-ready social safety ne... Singapore Budget 2017: 7 things about water price ... Women's life expectancy on track to hit 90 in some... Taxing e-commerce players such as Amazon one way t... China finishing South China Sea buildings that cou... Budget 2017: The main points Is WWIII imminent? Speculations. Debating the real cost of drinking water Three shifts in education beliefs to become the fu... The daring night raid that vindicated Japanese Ame... Explaining the CFE (or making excuses?) Can Singapore companies be globally competitive? Sino-American War - not wanted. Opposition parties criticise Future Economy report... Regulations in place to ramp up driverless vehicle... China's forex reserves fall below S$4.3 trillion, ... Don't play, play - Singlish is studied around the ... PM Lee sends condolences to PAP founding member Fo... A mysterious disappearance leaves HK's credibility...
Artist in Focus: Grant Wood by delacybrown on January 12, 2017 Two weeks over the Christmas period in London and Paris provided the perfect opportunity to play catch-up on some of the incredible exhibitions which have been popping up in both cities, and for which I have been pining from afar. Whether it be Picasso Portraits at the National Portrait Gallery in London or Bazille at the d'Orsay in Paris, I have been literally itching to get inside the galleries to discover artists both familiar and new, set within the context of a new curatorial manifestation. Out of these exhibitions, I walked away struck by certain paintings and by certain artists whose work I am keen to share on The Daily Norm. For life is a continuing learning curb, and even behind the most famous work lies an entire portfolio of unknown paintings coming from a relatively un-talked of artist. American Gothic, Grant Wood (1930) This is the case with Grant Wood, who is far more famous for his emblematic 1930 painting, American Gothic, than he is for fame in his own name. Usually housed in the Art Institute of Chicago, which recognised the piece for its iconic depiction of life in the rural American midwest in the pre-Depression age and bought the work, American Gothic is one of the most iconic paintings of the 20th Century, and is currently making its first European visit. For me, it was clearly the highlight of the exhibition currently running at the Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris, American Painting in the 1930s (although I gather that the work, and the show built around it, will soon make its way to London's Royal Academy too). Highlights of Grant Wood's oeuvre Young Corn (1931) Parson Weem's Fable (1939) Spring in the Country (1941) The Birthplace of Herbert Hoover (1931) However, having swooned over my first face-to-face encounter with this iconic work and taken note of the name of its artist, what I wasn't expecting was to find how prolific an artist lay behind the painting. For as we made our way around the exhibition, exploring its historically captivating theme of art before, during and immediately after the great American Depression, the name Grant Wood kept on popping up under all of the paintings to which I was instantaneously attracted upon entering each exhibition space. Born in 1891 and painting until his death in the 40s, Wood's early work shows the clear influence of impressionism and post-impressionism with more hesitant lines and a play on depicting realistic light. However, by the time he reached the 1930s, the artist had fallen upon a truly unique form of naive reality, depicting in beautifully bold colours and sharp, well rounded lines and figurative forms, the rolling rural landscape around his Cedar Rapids home. Death on the Ridge Road (1935) Fall Plowing (1931) The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (1931) Stone City Iowa (1930) Without a doubt, my favourites of his works are his exquisite landscapes, painted so idyllically as to be charged with a kind of fantasy-land quality, albeit recognising in their carefully executed details the depiction of agriculture and industry. Reducing trees into rounded, wooly forms, and using idealised shadow to round-off the land like the voluptuous flesh of a Rubens nude, these landscapes are pure works of genius, and why the artist Grant Wood will now remain lodged in my artist consciousness for all time. Tags: 1930s, American Gothic, American Painting, Art, Grant Wood, Landscape, Orangerie, Painting, Paris, Royal Academy From: Art, Review ← Paris by Day Paris by Night → Great post! Thanks, Nic.
We have just created a new DJbooth.net DJ Equipment Youtube channel that will bring you all of the first impressions, reviews, and feature videos for the most popular DJ Gear on the scene. Brought to you by yours truly, you can simply log into your Youtube account and subscribe to us under the "RealDJblaze" username. Now you can get the new video notifications sent directly to your inbox as soon as we hit the upload button. We've added almost 50 videos in the last six months of 2010 and for 2011 we will be doing so much more! (Links inside). We have just created a new DJbooth.net DJ Equipment Youtube channel that will bring you all of the first impressions, reviews, and feature videos for the most popular DJ Gear on the scene. Brought to you by yours truly, you can simply log into your Youtube account and subscribe to us under the " " username. Now you can get the new video notifications sent directly to your inbox as soon as we hit the upload button. We've added almost 50 videos in the last six months of 2010 and for 2011 we will be doing so much more! Check out our youtube DJ Equipment channel below and subscribe today! Traktor Kontrol F1 Out Now! The newest controller from Native Instruments for DJ's is the new Traktor Kontrol F1 that can control the Traktor 2.5 Remix decks perfectly has now been released worldwide and is available on store shelves everywhere. We are currently hard at work on the F1 video review and we'll be sure to bring it out as soon as it's ready. Check out the full press release and see how to download your 1.4GB of Remix samples, loops, and one-shots for free with your copy of Traktor 2.5 regardless if you get the F1 or not. A few weeks ago, we brought you the story of Styleflip.com which is an online retailer where users of DJ Equipment and other electronics can stop by and create a durable vinyl skin to add more style and customization to your tired and boring gear. Now DJbooth and Styleflip has teamed up to bring you the full styleflip design widget which will allow everyone to customize their gear right from the DJbooth.net website. Details within. [Video] Orbit Concepts Jetpack Remix Out Now! The new Orbit Concepts Jetpack Remix DJ Backpack is now available on the official Orbit Concepts Website for DJ's everywhere to purchase for the great price of only $149. The new Jetpack Remix is made by DJ's and for DJ's which means it's seriously durable, can hold almost all the items DJ's on the go will need, and its also customizable. Check out the full rundown video by Mr. Choc of the Beatjunkies as he takes you through each and every nook and cranny of the newest Jetpack Remix Backpack.
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Convenors: Liesbeth Corens (Queen Mary), Ulrich Tiedau (UCL), Anne Goldgar (KCL), Benjamin Kaplan (UCL). The Low Countries Seminar is an interdisciplinary group with wide-ranging interests in the history of the Netherlands and Belgium. We include historians of art and literature as well as 'straight' historians, and are welcoming to students and the general public as well as scholars. The topics of the papers we hear range chronologically from the Middle Ages to the present, with a majority focusing on the Golden Ages of Flanders and Holland in the early modern era.
British Democrats White indigenous British will become a minority by 2060 in our lifetime; losing control of our NHS, civil rights and becoming second class citizens in our homeland. We must stop and reverse immigration General Leaflet Loughborough – Leaflet 1 Wyke – Leaflet 1 Wyke Ward election leaflets 2019 Social Welfare and Housing When suitable jobs are available, claimants must be expected to seek them. Neither the state nor the claimants can be complacent about the problem of the long-term unemployed. However, it serves no purpose for state officials to harass claimants to apply for jobs that do not exist. The state has a duty to ensure that work is provided to satisfy real needs, so there are no long term unemployed. The present perceived need to build more and more houses on precious green field sites is fuelled by endless large scale immigration. If we were to stop immigration and put the process into reverse, the housing crisis would disappear. In the meanwhile, people with local roots must receive statutory preference over recent arrivals. 'National' Health Service (NHS) We are completely committed to the National Health Service. However, we are concerned that the National Health Service has become international, both in its service providers and in patients. Medical practitioners and nurses are often looted from Third World countries that can ill afford to train them. It is utterly immoral for the developed world to recruit health care staff from poor countries, when those workers are needed to care for their compatriots at home. We need to help poor countries to train their brightest and best to become medical practitioners and nurses, with distance learning packages managed by volunteers – especially by those with ties to the countries in question. The beneficiaries of this help would be contractually bound to devote their careers to the care of their own people. Britain has talented and conscientious people within our own populations who can easily be educated and trained to provide the full range of medical services. The GMC has revealed that doctors trained abroad are disproportionately likely to be struck off or suspended for misconduct or incompetence. The National Health Service was established on the assumption that it would provide care for the British people and not the peoples of the whole world. Health tourists must not be allowed to use the services of the NHS. The administrative costs of the health service are disproportionately high. There must be a shift of funding towards those providing health services directly to the patient. -Reproduced for our policy leaflet 2 thoughts on "Health & Welfare" Slightly off-topic but according to the BBC "Ex-South Yorkshire Police drugs analyst Angie Heal said she "cannot fathom" why her reports did not lead to action" in respect of the estimated 1400 victims of largely Muslim paedo grooming in Rotherham. Come now – really? Can she be serious? Perhaps the very next sentence in the BBC's report may afford Ms Heal a clue "last year an inquiry found 1,400 children were abused by gangs of men, mainly of Pakistani origin." Labour, police, BBC etc all putting "good community relations" before the welfare of our children. Similarly isn't it sickening how the BBC, not immune itself from child abuse scandal, now reports the offenders as "men of mainly Pakistani origin", whilst continuing to describe the Muslim traitors going out to fight for ISIS as "British"! Sorry BBC, these traitors, perhaps "mainly of of Pakistani origin", are no more British in my eyes than are their paedo cousins in Rotherham and scores of other British towns and cities. johnshaw says: ( Party Member ) Housing is a major factor in Health and Welfare. Under Nationalism, Britain would improve the lot of our People, beyond recognition. Without Immigration Britain would have had Millions of surplus homes. We would have undertaken major slum clearance in our Cities and without the Immigrant Financial burden, the minimum Housing standard for the poorest would have been a three bedroom Semi-detached with a drive, garage and front and rear gardens.
The Moon and Mercury will share the same right ascension, with the Moon passing 1°52' to the north of Mercury. The Moon will be 28 days old. From Fairfield, the pair will be difficult to observe as they will appear no higher than 10° above the horizon. They will be visible in the dawn sky, rising at 05:35 (EDT) – 1 hour and 29 minutes before the Sun – and reaching an altitude of 10° above the south-eastern horizon before fading from view as dawn breaks at around 06:43. The Moon will be at mag -8.6, and Mercury at mag 0.5, both in the constellation Libra. The coordinates above are given in J2000.0. The pair will be at an angular separation of 17° from the Sun, which is in Ophiuchus at this time of year.
Sagittarius September 2021 Horoscope Last month – from the 28th to the 30th – Mercury had his solstice. He paused in the heavens (in latitude) and then changed direction. This is what happened in love and in the career. A short pause, then a change of direction. Health is improving this month. By the 22nd the stress from the short-term planets will have been removed. Health and energy will rebound tremendously. Who or what will get the credit for this? A therapist? A doctor? A pill or herb or supplement? Some health gadget? Probably. But the truth is that the planetary energies shifted in your favour and the health rebounded. The pills and supplements and whatnot could have helped, but they were not the cause of the rebound – they were only cosmic side effects. Retrograde activity among the planets will hit its maximum for the year after the 27th when 60 per cent of the planets will be retrograde. (The percentage is still high before then too, at 50 per cent.) So, patience, patience and more patience. It is unlikely that you will eliminate all the delays and glitches going on, however you can minimize them. Be perfect in all that you do. Dot your 'i's' and cross your 't's'. Attend to the little details of your affairs. Avoid short cuts (which are delusions anyway) and just be perfect. Like the past few months, you're working to balance family responsibilities with career obligations. Many people have this challenge, but now it is very acute. You're still in a yearly career peak until the 22nd. So, success is happening, perhaps more slowly than you would like – perhaps with more glitches – but it is happening. Though your financial planet is still retrograde, the month ahead is prosperous. Saturn receives very nice aspects. There could be some delays but earnings will come. Your health planet Venus moves into your 12th house on the 11th and spends the rest of the month there. Thus, you benefit from detox regimes. More importantly, spiritual-healing methods are very potent during this period. Many of you will explore this subject in more depth. Your 11th house of friends is powerful all month, but especially after the 22nd. The month ahead is social, and perhaps even love can happen for singles as they get involved with friends, groups and group activities. The online world also seems a source for romantic opportunity. Your love planet, Mercury, will go retrograde on the 27th – and this retrograde will be powerful – much stronger than his previous retrogrades. So be patient in love. Avoid making major decisions one way or another. Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23 Best Days for Love: 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 29, 30 Best Days for Money: 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 27, 26 Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27 2021 Aries May 2021 Horoscope It is an eventful month ahead, with many changes. Jupiter will make a move out of Aquarius into… 2021 Virgo August 2021 Horoscope Venus, your financial planet, is having her solstice this month, from the 16th to the 19th. She pauses… 2021 Leo August 2021 Horoscope You're still in a yearly personal pleasure peak until the 23rd so pamper the body and get it… 2021 Aquarius Horoscope 2021 Major Trends With Saturn in your sign all year you are apt to think that things are worse… 2021 Leo March 2021 Horoscope The planetary power shifted to your 8th house last month on the 18th, and the 8th house is… Sagittarius Scorpio and Sagittarius All are keeping a sharp look-out in front, but none suspects that the danger may be creeping up… 2021 Sagittarius February 2021 Horoscope You're in a beautiful period for starting new projects or launching new ventures into the world. You have… 2021 Virgo February 2021 Horoscope A strong 6th house – which we have this month – is usually not considered happy: the month… 2021 Taurus July 2021 Horoscope Planetary retrograde activity increased last month, and it increases even further in the month ahead: 40 per cent… 2021 Cancer October 2021 Horoscope Health still needs attention until the 22nd. Review our discussion of this last month. You should see a… 2021 Scorpio October 2021 Horoscope The planetary power is now at its maximum Eastern position in your chart. (This will be the case… Zodiac Personality Traits The Sagittarius Boss Personality Traits 'Wo, no! the adventures first, said the Gryphon in an impatient tone: Explanations take such a dreadful time.…
Total utilitarians, and other 'atomists', hold that the contributory value of a life depends only on its intrinsic features, and not on what else there is. 'Value holists' (e.g. average utilitarians) think that "big picture" relational features, e.g. how the life affects the shape of the world as a whole, also matter. Recall that holists may avoid Parfit's repugnant conclusion by rejecting the 'Mere Addition' premise that adding worthwhile lives can't (all else equal) make the world worse. The atomist asks, 'Who is harmed?' But to a holist, there is nothing contradictory about the idea that adding an intrinsically good part may make the whole worse. Is there anything deeply objectionable about this move? For any possible worlds x and y, if, from the standpoint of self-interest, x would rationally be preferred to y by every being who would exist in either x or y, then x is better than y with respect to utility. Like 'Mere Addition', this principle is clearly atomistic: it considers each life in isolation ("from the standpoint of self-interest"), and leaves no room for holistic 'big picture' considerations. I don't mean to deny that it is an intuitively appealing principle. It serves well to highlight an intuitive feature of the atomistic view. But because it is so transparently atomistic, it won't have much dialectical force against those of us who find value holism antecedently plausible. We may simply ask: "why restrict our attention to self-interested standpoints?" This claim may be given a more principled grounding by appeal to an independently appealing conception of ethics as fundamentally person-centered -- call this "metaethical individualism". (N.B. This is not merely to reiterate the first-order normative claim that promoting individual welfare is what's desirable. Rather, it is to further specify why - or on whose behalf - it is desirable.) The metaethical individualist objects: holists concern themselves with 'the world as a whole', when really the only entities worth ultimately caring about are particular individuals: Tom, Harry, Sally, etc. "Morality is made for man, not man for morality," they insist. Ethical acts are ultimately called for on behalf of particular persons. To aim at anything "larger" is to miss the point. If this individualistic conception of ethics were correct, it would provide a strong, principled objection to value holism. But my previous post argued that it is not correct. Assuming the arguments in that post succeed, it follows that even atomistic total utilitarians should ultimately conceive of themselves as what I call 'world consequentialists'. They should reject metaethical individualism, even though the content of their axiology is "individualistic" in the sense that they claim that what's good for the world is just to promote individual welfare. Rather than a deep, principled divide between person-centered atomists and world-centered holists, we find that both atomists and holists are ultimately concerned to improve the world. (So we might say that both are "metaethical holists", in this sense.) They simply have different first-order views about what this involves.
These big feet were made for stomping. The Sasquatch is a complete costume and mask set. The Ani-Motion mask mouth moves when you open yours. The brown fur body suit is closed up in the back with Velcro closures. Set also includes a pair of creature hands and feet.
Here we go! A comment and review from Demian Maia vs Jake Shields and Video Replay Highlights to follow through from this UFC event which happened only yesterday of October 9 2013. This is a UFC welterweight bout which is broadcast by UFC Fox Sports. The Maia vs Shields was held at the Ginásio José Corrêa in Barueri, Brazil. If you could see the fight, it was a huge back and forth battle between the two tough MMA fighters. The UFC fight night 29 results of Maia vs Shields was a close decision in which Shields defeated Maia in a split decision. Thank you for watching the video replay highlights of UFC Fight Night 29 - Maia vs Shields 2013. Till for the next video highlights installment. Thank you!
Зів Калонтаров (15 січня 1997) — ізраїльський плавець. Учасник Олімпійських Ігор 2016 року. Посилання Зів Калонтаров на Olympedia.org Зів Калонтаров на Olympics.com Зів Калонтаров на Sports-Reference.com Зів Калонтаров на Swimrankings.net Зів Калонтаров на The-sports.org Примітки Народились 1997 Персоналії:Рішон-ле-Ціон Плавці та плавчині на літніх Олімпійських іграх 2016 Ізраїльські плавці Плавці вільним стилем
Ron Fussell our operations manager has presented this report of the operations and project updates for August 2014. The crew responded to 10 service calls in August, three were markings and the rest were turn offs, turn on calls, inspect customer shut off valves and meter re-reads. There was one company leak this month at 523 West Victoria Court. The AMR system detected 2 leaks again at individual homes in the same route that we detected two in July. Both of the leaks were between 60 – 70 gallons per day and were identified as toilet leaks, which seems to be the common problem. The homeowners were notified and the leaks have been fixed. Wayne has been working diligently on the AMR program finding leaks and fine tuning our program. Juan has been trimming back small trees and shrubs in preparation for winter as well as repairing road signs. Shelbie has been very busy in the office with 13 stock transfers this month, billing, banking, sending out the Newsletter with the water conservation notice and generally keeping up on everything in the office. During the month of August we purchased 1,077,800 gallons of water from CLAWA and during the month of July we purchased 1,041,100 gallons. During August we produced 701,115 gallons of water and in July we produced 894,219 gallons. In August 2013 the total water delivered was 2,206,567 gallons and the August 2014 total is 1,778,915 gallons. The difference is 427,652 gallons which is a reduction of more than 19%. Trinity Construction has completed the replacement of the 8 fire hydrants. We will be installing small retaining walls behind some of them and that work will be done by AVMSC staff. Superior Tank has taken over the project of replacing our water holding tank and all of the permits have been obtained to commence with the project. Demolition of the old tank is scheduled for early October with the new tank scheduled to be installed and on line by the middle of November. Automated Meter Reading project – a total of 188 meters have been installed to date. The streets that have been completed are Sunderland Court, Arrowhead Villas Road, Lords Lane, Knight Court, Dover Court, Bangor Lane and Lake Drive. We have experienced some calibration problems with our shipment in July and we have had some delays in the delivery of the last order, however all of the calibration problems have been addressed and the next delivery of 50 meters will be shipped on October 3rd. We will be ordering another 100 meters in October to be delivered and installed before the end of the year. Well #4 was pumped and the first tests concluded that it may be able to be brought back on line. A final title #22 test will be required by the DOHS (Department of Health Services) before we can officially use it for daily production. This test has been authorized and if successful we hope to bring Well#4 back and have it connected to add to the supply into the new holding tank. Aspen Construction has completed the paving which was budgeted for this year, however you may see them in the area paving patches in the street due to recent water leak repairs.
> > While reading this patch, idea came to my mind - maybe it would be simply better to get rid of partial read handling from pblk in current form at all and use bio_split() & bio_chain() combination instead? > > This would definitely reduce a number of this 'kind of complicated' code inside pblk and let block layer help us with that. Even that the performance of such a requests could be a little worse (few smaller IOs instead of single vector IO), I believe that partial read is more a corner case, then a typical use case, so maybe this would be a path to go. > > Let me know what you think about such an approach - I can make a patch with that if you want. an l2p lookup. I still think it's worth doing though. > I agree with Igor. > the outside or rethinking the whole thing. > approach seems much better.
Newbie from Durham says HI ! & what a coincidence ? Hallo to you guys from forum newbie - but Dandy greybeard- gnev & duchess. Well we have a comfortable Dandy 6. We UPGRADED to it when our 4/5 couldnt cope with 2 dogs & 3kids. door falling off threw it for her! I did get it fixed though! Well you can easily guess. We bought it. We.....ll it was her cash! I've been reading your forum stuff (for the first time ever) and see that we bought your Ian & Allisons unit (Little and Large).! I read a thread that someone has the plans and measurements. That would be REALLY useful. Thanks in advance. Putting a short note in Techie section. Re: Newbie from Durham says HI ! & what a coincidence ?
The United Arab Emirates comprises seven states which united after independence from Britain in 1971: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Fujayrah, Sharjah, Dubai, Quwain and Ras al Khaymah. Abu Dhabi covers almost 97% of the entire area of the UAE, with Ajman being the smallest state. Prior to independence, they were known as the Trucial States, which derives from the word "truce," as the British made several truces with Arab sheikhs in the area to maintain the peace. The area was dubbed "The Pirate Coast" by European powers during the colonial era, owing to the numerous attacks by raiders on ships along the coast, who also harassed foreign navies and shipping industries. Approximately three-quarters of the population of 5.14 million is made up of expatriates and migrant workers. The capital city is currently Abu-Dhabi and the official language is Arabic. The UAE is ruled by seven Emirs, the Supreme Council of Rulers, who are responsible for appointing a Prime Minister and cabinet. Political parties are not allowed. It was the only state in the world not to have elected bodies until December 2006. Legislation is based on Sharia law, and even foreigners may be subject to flogging if convicted on drugs charges, adultery or prostitution. The country obtains a large part of its export income from its natural oil and gas reserves, as well as increasing tourism and large-scale foreign investment in the service sectors. States, such as Dubai, also rely on banking for much of their income, although these have been hit hard in the recent global economic recession. Before oil was discovered in the 1950s, the country's economy was dependent on fishing and a declining pearling industry. Unemployment currently stands at 2.4%, and 18.5% of the population live below the poverty line. The country faces numerous drug-related problems, as it is a central port for African and Asian drug traffickers heading into Europe, although the government has in recent years implemented severe punishments if caught in possession or in the act of selling drugs or alcohol. Only certain states allow the consumption of alcohol, and even within these the sellers are limited to foreign hotels and business centres. The UAE are considered among the most liberal of the Gulf States, because they are relatively lenient on some Sharia laws. Homosexuality, for example, although illegal in practice, does not result in life imprisonment or the death penalty, as it does in various other states. The female adult literacy rate of 82% in the UAE is higher than that of men, 77%, owing to the large numbers of women now attending university. Most radio and TV stations remain government owned and there is much self-censorship. Criticism of the Emirs or the state itself is forbidden.The UAE is ranked 154th in press freedom globally. There is an average of 10 million cellular phones in use in Dubai, one of the largest phone-per-capita ratios in the area, and 3.5 million internet users. According to surveys, around 3.4% of the population watches SAT-7. The UAE is 96% Muslim, with Christians making up an estimated 2%. Islam is the state religion. The government funds all Sunni mosques and monitors all overt religious practices, such as sermons, for political activity and content. Although other religious groups are not formally recognised by the state, they are free to purchase land for places of worship and practise their religion freely within. The UAE continues to insist that churches be registered with the state, although they need to be aligned to an existing embassy or country, which makes it difficult for multi-national congregations to register. Overt evangelism is not permitted by the authorities. Pray for continued tolerance and understanding from the state towards our fellow Christians as they seek to worship. Pray for the unity of the people in the UAE in this time of financial trouble, so that they may rebuild the nation together. Pray for the relatively liberal stance towards Christianity in the UAE to spread to its neighbouring countries in order to permit Christians living in the region to worship freely and openly. Revenge – what would Jesus do?
Laura Damgaard Lund (born 16 September 1996) is a Danish handballer for Viborg HK and the Danish national team. She made her debut on the Danish national team on 26 November 2020, against Norway. She represented Denmark at the 2020 European Women's Handball Championship. Achievements Danish Championship: Bronze Medalist: 2020 Individual awards Top scorer of the Regular season: 2019 All-Star Best player of the Danish 1st Division: 2017/18 References 1996 births Living people People from Lolland Danish female handball players Viborg HK players
A very important study on exercise was conducted that has implications for us all. The study was called the Dallas Bed Rest and Training Study. Researchers recruited 6 college students to literally spend their summer in bed. (D.K. McGuire et al., "A Thirty Year Follow-Up of the Dallas Bed Rest and Training Study", Circulation 104 (2001): 1350-57. After just 3 weeks in bed, the subjects experienced a deterioration in cardiovascular fitness that was equivalent to 20 years of aging. Thirty years later, 5 of the 6 subjects were retested. Only 2 had continued to exercise with any regularity and all had gained weight and body fat. Even so, the declines from 30 years of actually aging were less than those they had suffered during the original 3 weeks of bed rest. Immediately after being tested, the 5 men were put on an aerobic exercise program, which included regular walking, jogging, and cycling. In just 6 months, the declines they had suffered over the previous 30 years were completely reversed. Aerobic exercise is obviously very important. Aerobic exercise has been shown to help with: muscle tone, stroke patients, memory, rheumatoid arthritis, it will inhibit gray matter loss in the brain, can help with panic disorders, stress chemical changes, muscle function, muscle disease, brain function, it decreases pain/changes pain perception, improves sleep, improves quality of life, helps HIV patients, increases cardiopulmonary fitness, improves pain with osteoarthritis, aids the immune system, decreases chronic inflammation, helps migraines, helps heart disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, is just as good as anti-depressants, decreases low back pain, helps fibromyalgia, increases brain size, helps with pregnancy issues, helps diabetic/insulin problems, decreases nerve sensitivity, helps brain injured patients, cystic fibrosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, helps oxygenate the brain, and improves mood! It doesn't take something dramatic. Walking can accomplish some of these improvements. But specificity is important. Studies have shown that exercising at a specific time, on a specific day, at a specific location will increase compliance by quite a bit. Schedule into your day what is most important instead of trying to fit it in. Aerobic exercise/walking should be scheduled in.
Madge wore over-the-knee boots and T Swift wore knee-high boots for their performance of "Ghosttown" — both paired with Wolford hosiery. High-profile hosiery wearers are also propelling the market, increasing visibility and helping to tip the trend. Case in point: Pretty Polly Sales Director Eugene Culhane noted a "spike" in sales when Cara Delevingne was photographed wearing Pretty Polly's Hello Kitty collaboration tights and also when Beyoncé sported its Secret Socks and Jessie J was seen in the Henry Holland suspender and star-print styles. "Our girl delights in fashion statements that don't take themselves too seriously, which is exactly what this was all about," Culhane said. at an iHeartRadio event. But it's not just overt legwear looks that are garnering attention. Both Hue and Commando cite Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton's almost im­per­ceptible hosiery — seemingly a statement of decorum rather than fashion — as highly influential. "Certainly, the sheer trend started with Kate, but it is taking on a life of its own," said Commando President Kerry O'Brien, who added the barely-there Princess and the invisible Gloss styles to her line. "It gives that perfecting, airbrushed look ­— like makeup for your legs," noted O'Brien.
This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Helen_ammf 2 years ago. AMMF's Cholangiocarcinoma Conference and Information Day 2017 will take place on Thursday, 11th May, at The Radisson Blu Hotel, right beside London Stansted Airport. With speakers from around the UK and from Thailand presenting what's new in treatments and clinical trials, updates from scientists and researchers working on AMMF-supported cholangiocarcinoma research, plenty of time for networking, and for one to one conversations with world-class specialists, this promises to be a day no one with an interest in cholangiocarcinoma should miss. The day will begin with registration and coffee at 9.30 ready for a 10.00am start, finish time will be 5.30 pm approx. There is also an optional Buffet Dinner 6.30 – 8.00pm, for those who would like extra time for networking and those one to one conversations.
I have fallen in love with my beloved lord. Lord has tied this love in such a way, that its unbreakable and impossible to let go. please bless me with your mercy, O my God. I have heard unspoken speech and limitless stories. Servant Nanak is slave of His slaves. O my Lord and Master, please bless me with your mercy. This entry was posted in Shabad Kirtan and tagged Shabad Kirtan. Bookmark the permalink. God bless all those who are associated with your organisation in spreading the message of Guru Granth Sahib. Congratulations. That is great !! I am simply spell bound.I am honestly moved while listing this "Gayan shaili" .For the last many days i am only listening the shabads sung by your Group. I don't know how to down load these shabads from the mail but I record them on my I-pod through an attatchment as receiver and only pray for the Chardikala of this group. Actually I am an old guy and i am not wellversed with the operation of the computer except the reading and writing of mails plus ma little more. Its very essay to download the audio file of the Shabads to your computer. Below the Video Player there is an Audio Player. On the right side of this audio player there are 3 icons. Click the 3rd icon from above and it takes you to a Download Link. By clicking this link the audio file of the Shabad starts downloading to the computer. Loved to listen to it. Please do not use term 'lord' as in the Western world it means Jesus Christ. Just a suggestion. Hari means Vishnu. Govind means Karishna. Allah is Arabic name for beloved Father. If somebody identifies Him with the name Lord or Jesus, so be it. Couldn't see the pictures. But the Sabad…What can I say? Perfect. Vaheguru kirpa ka-re and wish your group to be always in Chardi Kla status. I have expand your site to many people and all LOVE it. 1. Keerat Kaur who "is a Computer Engineer and she is presently based in Atlanta, U.S." how she perform it the group now? 2. Is Jasleen Kaur the same person who perform in Bhalo Bhalo Kirtania programme recently? There is no information about her in your site. 3. Is it possible that we invite your group to perform in our country here, Thailand? Thanks for liking the Shabads sung by GurmatGianGroup and for distributing the Bliss of Guru's Bani to others. Keerat Kaur a computer engineer is now in Atlanta US. When she came to India last we recorded few CDs which are gradually being released. We plan to do more recordings during her next visit to India. Yes, its the same Jasleen Kaur of Bhallo Bhallo Kirtania. She is not part of GurmatGianGroup for quite sometime. Yes this group can plan a trip to Thailand taking care of prior engagements.
LAKE MARY, FL–(Marketwired – June 27, 2017) – VUCA Health today announced that Magellan Rx Management, the pharmacy benefit management division of Magellan Health, will be the first company to utilize its new Medication Management video library. VUCA Health, the industry leader in providing video content to inform patients about medications, has created a new library focused on educating consumers on important topics related to ensuring access and achieving optimal results from medications. Some topics covered by this new library include: the importance of medication adherence, the benefits of medication therapy management, the safe use of opioid medications and certain aspects of prescription drug coverage.
i currently trying to access a dataset via the DAC. in a dataset i have the results of a sweeped simulation. so in fact 10 sweeps with each 101 samples. now i want to simulate over these 10 sweeps again. but its is very uncomfortable, because i wanna use this with different dataset, and these datasets have different count of sweeps. in the data-sheet the function sweep-size gives me the number of sweeps, but in the design i was till now not successfull to use this function anyway. my idea was now to get out the number of sweeps of the dataset by the help of the DAC. is this possible? - in which way? Let me first try to describe in my own words what you are trying to do so that you can confirm I understand your problem. 1) You have swept data from some simulation (lets call it A). 2) The number of swept points can be arbitrary. 3) You want to read the swept data in another simulation (lets call it B). 4) Simulation B is also a sweep simulation. 5) Each sweep point in simulation B needs to read the data generated from a single sweep point in simulation A. 6) Since the number of sweep points in simulation A can be arbitrary you need a way to retrieve this information automatically from the dataset so that you can set the number of sweep point in simulation B. I am a very novice user of the DAC but I do not believe you can use expressions like sweep_size with it. You might want to try the following instead. In simulation A, create a variable NumSweepPoints and save it to the dataset (using Output Tab of DF controller). The value of this variable should be constant and equal to the number of sweep points. Then in simulation B use DAC and try to read the value of NumSweepPoints. sweep_size() is a Measurement expression. It can only be used in a MeasEqn in the schematic or in an Eqn in the Data Display. It cannot be used in a VAR eqn.
The Anvers Olympic Games in 1920 gathered together two thousand and six athletes from twenty-nine countries. Four Monegasque athletes from a selected six took part in the event. In athletics, Emile Barral and Edmond Médecin (who came 25th out of 33 competitors in the long jump event); in gymnastics, Joseph Crovetto (22nd out of 25 competitors) and Michel Porasso who finished in 12th place.
Citations and impact? Who says your research is valuable? 1. Not all good journals are indexed by Thomson Reuters. This means that good publication is deemed "not-so-good" simply by virtue of not having the Thomson Reuters special seal of approval. This is funny, since people have been pointing out for years that Google Scholar offers a more accurate, holistic view of scholarly impact. 2. Disciplines are not equally indexed by Thomson Reuters. Way back in 2010, Larsen and von Ins (2010) noted that the Science Citation and related indexes simply do not provide the kind of coverage that open access indexes like GoogleScholar can offer. The traditional sciences have more coverage than the social sciences, and disciplines that use alternative publication venues are highly underrepresented. For example, this means that computer science, which has great traction with conference proceedings AND is ahead of the curve on open access publishing, use of Creative Commons, and innovative strategies for getting research out, is "not valuable" if the lens of Thomson Reuters citation counts and journal impact is the de facto metric. 3. Most people who publish, including some pretty important journal editors, see journal impact factors as a poor way to assess research value. Or, as the DATA PUB blog would say, impact factors are a broken system. All sorts of web-based alternatives exist, but somehow aren't being valued by the administrators, granting agencies, and other people who make decisions based on "research impact". 4. Most frightening, organizations like the Association of American Universities (AAU) are setting a precedent that gives Thomson Reuters power over the kinds of research universities are willing to invest in. AAU is considered to be pretty elite; their website explains that "AAU member universities are on the leading edge of innovation, scholarship, and solutions that contribute to the nation's economy, security, and well-being. The 60 AAU universities in the United States award more than one-half of all U.S. doctoral degrees and 55 percent of those in the sciences and engineering." Getting into or falling out of the AAU is a BIG DEAL. Look what happened when University of Nebraska was kicked out, and the jealousy other schools felt when Georgia Tech was let in. 1. Competitively funded federal research support. 2. Membership in the National Academies (NAS, NAE, IOM). 3. Faculty awards, fellowships, and memberships. 4. Citations: Thomson Reuters InCitesTM. 1. Universities want to be in the AAU, much like college football teams want to play in the Rose Bowl. 2. To be in the AAU, universities have to get lots of federal grants; employ people who are in the National Academies; employee people who receive awards, fellowships, and elite memberships (apparently, there is a list of such things that count); and must be affiliated with publications that are indexed by Thomson Reuters. 3. Universities that want to get into (or stay in) the AAU must increase their metrics. Faculty at research institutions already seek and receive federal funding, National Academy membership, and awards. Faculty also publish – but not necessarily in so called "ISI journals". 3. Thomson Reuters indexes a fraction of all of the articles published each year. 4. Universities seeking to increase AAU ranking may be tempted to treat ISI publications as more valuable than publications in venues not indexed by Thomson Reuters. Which means that: Research universities could fall into a trap of allowing Thomson Reuters to indirectly set research agendas! How on earth did we reach a point where a third-party company has such power to control the types of research that are valued, funded, and supported by our academic institutions? I wonder how things would change if Thomson Reuters dropped the evaluation process for journals and simply started indexing everything? Oh, wait – Google Scholar already does that. I should note that I publish in both ISI and non-ISI journals. Since my work is interdisciplinary, my personal decision on where to publish reflects which communities I want to reach, and I often have to make a judgement call based on where the work will have the most impact. This is not impact as reflected by some outside metric, but impact as I think it should be viewed: Who needs to see my research? What other scholars could be impacted by my research? Which community will have the greatest impact on related future work? In essence, I need to figure out with whom I want to have a scholarly conversation, and publish accordingly. I would be ignoring many valuable colleagues and groups if I limited my publication to ISI journals, so I have always simply refused to allow my publishing decisions to be dictated by an elitist metric.
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Patriots' Super Bowl LIII Championship Ring Is the Largest Ever Created Two years ago, we marveled at the size and opulence of the New England Patriots' fifth Super Bowl ring — a ring set with 283 diamonds weighing 5.1 carats. As expected, the team's sixth edition is even more over the top — with 422 diamonds weighing 8.25 carats and 20 blue sapphires totaling 1.60 carats. Billed as the largest ring ever created in Super Bowl history, the unique football-shaped symbol of the team's winning tradition and championship legacy was presented to Patriots players, coaches, staff and executives by team chairman and CEO Robert Kraft during a private ceremony at his home this past Thursday. The Patriots Super Bowl LIII championship ring, which was designed by Jostens, is likely the largest and most ornate ring ever created for any team in any sport. The 10-karat gold rings are also teeming with symbolism. For example, 38 diamonds surround the iconic blue and red Patriots logo with an additional diamond set in the star. Combined, these 39 diamonds represent two NFL records achieved by the Pats with their Super Bowl LIII win. It was the franchise's 37th playoff victory — more than any other NFL team. In addition, they became the second team in NFL history to win six Super Bowls. Sitting atop the Patriots logo are six Lombardi trophies, represented by marquise-cut diamonds outlined with 123 round diamonds. Providing a glistening background for the trophies are 108 pavé-set diamonds, which represent the number of practices held during the 2018 season. This symbol spotlights the team's focus on preparation — one diamond for every practice. The words "WORLD" and "CHAMPIONS" flank the top of the ring in raised white gold lettering on a black ground. Exactly 76 diamonds — a patriotic nod to the 1776 birth date of the US — adorn the edges of the ring. Completing the intricate design are 20 round blue sapphires, which are emblematic of the Patriots 20 AFC East division championships. The right side of the ring features the team's name above the Super Bowl LIII logo and includes the final score of the championship finale against the Los Angeles Rams, 13-3. The Patriots' rally cry of "STILL HERE," which the team embraced throughout the 2018-2019 playoffs, completes the design of the ring's right side. Appearing on the left side of the ring is the name of each recipient rendered in the official Patriots font. The name sits above a rendering of Gillette Stadium's signature lighthouse and bridge. To the left of the lighthouse is the player's uniform number, encrusted in diamonds. The franchise's sixth Super Bowl title is commemorated with a "6X" and dated 2018. Robert Kraft's iconic quote and the team's foundational motto, "WE ARE ALL PATRIOTS," is inscribed inside the ring, along with Kraft's signature and the date he spoke those famous words. The palm crest features the years of the team's previous five championship seasons. Credits: Images courtesy of Jostens.
The procedure for applying the setting bed is simple. Without covering or disturbing the layout lines or ledger, a sufficient amount of bonding mortar is applied to the substrate using the flat side of the notched trowel first. Scoop out enough mortar to skim coat the whole surface to receive tile. Use the flat side of the trowel to push the mortar firmly into the substrate. Then apply enough mortar to comb out the desired area using the notched side at a 45° angle to a uniform depth. Be careful to come as close to the layout lines as possible without obscuring the lines. This can be accomplished with a little practice.
Paul left the scene before police arrived but was found minutes later and taken into custody. Paul's ex-girlfriend called 911 saying he had forcefully taken her cell phone while she was in a taxi. nedved_42 — 12.05.2013 at 20:52:39 Settle an argument they have been having ?��?7% message that you are not. canavar_566 — 12.05.2013 at 19:35:20 Was spelled incorrect on my fingerprints small fiasco, specifically as the police is now chances are although. Gold — 12.05.2013 at 12:55:37 Assists you to trace the caller who will get in touch with a criminal.
The purpose of my thesis is to examine the importance of characterization in fiction, as well as the methods of characterization itself. The scope of the paper will be primarily limited to three works of fiction: J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles, and Andre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo. The methods employed throughout the thesis will be literary analysis, theory, and criticism. These will be used to show that characterization and its importance in literature can be thoroughly explained.
Before I post the questions for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge (because who has nothing else to do besides hang out online??) I'm going to share a fun little gift idea I found guess where? Ha! Pinterest of course, home to a gillion great ideas. I have overnight house guests arriving tonite and even though we're family (or maybe especially because we're family) I wanted to make a little gift bag filled with Christmas cheer. We won't see this particular branch of the family tree over Christmas so I put a couple of little goodies into a bag and also added a couple of homemade items. One is a cute Snowman canister full of granola. You'll find the recipe here and I'm seriously addicted. It is di-vine! The other homemade item is a container of peppermint cocoa mix. So cute if I do say so myself and really simple to put together. You layer the ingredients in a 1-quart clear container, add the directions for serving, and voila-a yummy comforting chocolate treat. You'll find the recipe here but the layers are powdered milk, cocoa powder, sugar, salt, mini chocolate chips and...get ready for it...today's Photo Challenge Prompt...'a candy cane or five'. Actually this recipe called for 1/2 cup of crushed peppermint and I had about 20 of the mini candy canes in my pantry so I used those. I put them in a baggie and enthusiastically pounded them with the back of a spoon. Pretty and therapeutic! Now on to this week's questions...I know everyone is busy but you need a break from the shopping and the wrapping and the baking, right? Here ya go...be sure to come back tomorrow and link answers with all of Santa's elves. I enjoy your recipes! Thanks! What great ideas Pinterest has.....I'm sure your guest are going to love it! Have a wonderful day! I'm wrapping today! Your house guests are going to love their goodies. What a great hostess you are! have a wonderful family visit! Happy birthday to Disney! And that recipe looks soooo good. Happy Tuesday! I may have to cave and start checking out Pinterest ... I see so many interesting things from Pinterest on everyone's blogs. Your concotion sounds DE-LISH! I am definitely going to give that a whirl! Many thanks! God bless and have a beautiful day sweeite!!! Yummy I love your premade mix of Hot Cocoa and in meeting Susan's photo challenge at the same time! I need to try this in my cocoa mix and will let you know how it goes tomorrow. I'll get my picture up later today after meeting an old friend for lunch and include your Hodge Podge questions too! I would love the peppermint flavored hot cocoa. YUM!! I needed a break after getting home from shopping and before wrapping and the school run and the piano lessons and...thought "bet Joyce has her HP qu's up." Great questions once again. BTW I saw something similar to your cocoa idea. It's the same layering thing but the container is an apothecary jar. Can't wait to make some gifties like you have. that is some delicious looking granola! i'll have to try that, my mom makes pretty good granola too but doesn't add anything sweet. ;o i like adding chocolate chips or peanut butter chips. Have fun with your guests. Those are two great items to make. Thank you for the links. See you tomorrow!
As you might already know, the search engine on this forum often refuse to work because of too common words. I've disabled the common word threshold, so this message should not show up any more. But, on the other hand you may get too many results for the search to be really useful. Right now, the search index is currently being recreated, so searches won't work until it's done. Edit: The search index is now complete and working. "This can take from a few minutes to a few hours depending on your board's size." I can already tell it's not "a few minutes". Oh, good to know. Thank you for your effort in improving the forum! The search function is back! If I had known it would take a FULL day to recreate the index, I wouldn't have done that. Seriously, it literally took 24h ; the forum is not that big. Great job. Double yakuman, double riichi, open pinfu, and many other "too common" words, are now searchable and yielding results. Excellent work. Congratulations. Most credit goes to FelisRandomis for the line-art. Glad to see you're still in the cat club.
A Lima Charlie Review: 'The Wild One' By Nick Petrie. With a BLAST RADIUS of a MOAB! (8/10) 2020-01-08 by limacharlieediting, posted in Reviews Nick Petrie is back with his fifth Peter Ash novel, The Wild One. Peter Ash, a weary Marine Corps veteran that is drifting through life and keeps running into issues which give him a familiar sense of purpose, the purpose he may have lost after his war was done. Having served as a Platoon Commander for eight years in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Peter can't seem to adjust to civilian life. He lives off the grid, no income, not even a valid drivers license. While dealing with his PTSD he spends a lot of time outdoors and alone. The plot and the writing between the current date and the events that led Peter to where he is going which occurred one-year prior is top notch. A husband and wife with their little seven-year-old boy are threatened. A murder occurs, blame is placed. Fast forward to current time and Peter's old war buddy enlists his help in tracking down a little boy. Peter is very hesitant about getting involved, but once he finds out the details of the job he's being asked to do, he gets emotionally involved and cannot say no. This new case takes Peter to Iceland, but as soon as he arrives Peter is threatened with deportation. Someone, unbeknownst to him at the time wants Peter out of Iceland and out of the hunt. As this request is unofficial and the American requesting doesn't utilize proper channels, Peter is given two days to roam free and is ordered to come back when the next flight that leaves for the US is set to take off. Peter, relieved that he isn't spending the next few days in lock up, begins his mission with no intention of reporting back until his missions is complete. The Wild One sees Peter confronting one of the most powerful snowstorms in decades, a group of killers, a family of savage Vikings, and a businessman with practically unlimited resources, funds, and influence. Peter's drive to learn the truth only grows, it allows him to push through when most people would have quit a long time ago. But that is why most people can't be Marines. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Peter uses his training, some connections he picks up along the way and a whole bunch of will power to learn the truth and put an end to a conspiracy. All while avoiding hypothermia, avoiding a kill team, a police commander and the Viking Family. Earning itself a Blast Radius of a MOAB! This novel is a must for your TBR stack. Author: Nick Petrie Series: Peter Ash # 5 Pages: 381 Hardcover Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Follow Nick on Twitter: @_NickPetrie_ Lima Charlie Rating: A BLAST RADIUS OF: A MOAB! (8/10) – Massive Ordnance Air Blast -AKA- Mother of all Bombs. Largely known as the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the US Military inventory. It has a blast radius of one mile, meaning it demolishes everything within 1 square mile. Nick Petrie received his MFA in fiction from the University of Washington and won a Hopwood Award for short fiction while an undergraduate at the University of Michigan. His story "At the Laundromat" won the 2006 Short Story Contest in The Seattle Review, a national literary journal. His first novel, The Drifter, won the ITW Thriller and Barry Awards, and was nominated for Edgar, Anthony, and Hammett Awards. He won the 2016 Literary Award from the Wisconsin Library Association and was named one of Apple's 10 Writers to Read in 2017. Light It Up was named the Best Thriller of 2018 by Apple Books and has been nominated for a Barry Award. His books in the Peter Ash series are The Drifter, Burning Bright, Light It Up, and Tear It Down. A husband and father, he has worked as a carpenter, remodeling contractor, and building inspector. He lives in Milwaukee, where he is hard at work on the next Peter Ash novel. Previous postA Lima Charlie Review: 'Hunter Killer' By Brad Taylor. With a BLAST RADIUS of a NUCLEAR BOMB! (10/10) Next postA SITREP WITH AUTHOR OF THE PETER ASH SERIES NICK PETRIE
As you may know, Local 127 has filed a lawsuit against the City of San Diego to get back underpaid overtime. Arellano v. City of San Diego has developed recently and we would like to fill you in on the details. On August 21, 2018, the judge granted our Motion to Consolidate our case with the Municipal Employees Association (MEA) lawsuit, Mitchell v. City of San Diego. In other words, we've again joined up with our sister union, MEA, in our legal efforts. As a result of this consolidation, the City was compelled to send out notice to every potential class member about their right to join this lawsuit. You may have received this notice already. If you have not joined the lawsuit and would like to, simply fill out the two forms (Consent to Join form and "If You Wish To Join" form) and send them to Rothner, Segall & Greenstone. The law firm must receive these two forms prior to November 13, 2018. If you have already joined the lawsuit, no further action is required and this does not change your involvement in the lawsuit. You've already joined! As always, please feel free to contact your Union Hall with any questions or concerns.
Category Archives: Sports Rhode Island Rams at Syracuse Orange (foxsports.com )- RACUSE, N.Y. (AP) Year three of the Scott Shafer era at Syracuse is at hand, and there's nowhere for the Orange to go but up. In the rearview mirror is a 3-9 record after a 2-0 start, only one win in the Atlantic Coast Conference, and five straight losses to end 2014. Time to flip the switch. "I don't even think about last year. I don't speak about it," said senior quarterback Terrel Hunt, who was ejected in the 2014 season opener and missed the last seven games with a broken calf bone. "We're just playing. We don't think we have to put on a show for anybody. Some people are going to like what we do. Some people won't like what we do." The new season begins Friday night in the Carrier Dome against Rhode Island, and Shafer is prepared for a difficult game, even if the Rams do play at Division I's second tier. "Going into the game, they are fired-up and ready to go," said Shafer, an assistant at Rhode Island for three years in the mid-1990s who was Syracuse's defensive coordinator four years ago when the Rams visited the Carrier Dome and lost by only a touchdown. "Playing in the Dome will be a great experience for those kids. We have to have our Ps and Qs together and be ready to roll." Syracuse began last season against Villanova, a solid team from the Football Championship Subdivision, and won by one point – in double overtime – on a touchdown pass from punter Riley Dixon. Hunt watched it all unfold after his ejection in the second quarter and is anxious to begin making amends. "It's my first game back, so I just want to slaughter," he said. "You can't say that, but I want to have a really good game because everybody is so stuck on last year. We're ready to move forward and see what we have this year." Some things to know when Syracuse hosts Rhode Island on Friday night: DEFENSIVE LINE: Syracuse returns only two defensive linemen with significant playing experience at the position, and end Ron Thompson and tackle John Raymon have been hurting. Although both missed a lot of preseason camp, they'll be available against Rhode Island. "We'll have to be careful with the reps because they're obviously not in football shape," DC Chuck Bullough said. "So we'll have to pick and choose when to play them. They can't play the whole game." Bullough expects four freshman defensive linemen to see lots of action, but Thompson and Raymon will be in there if the Orange are behind or it's close. TWO DEEP: Syracuse's lineup includes 11 players who started at least six games in 2014 and 24 who have made at least one career start. It also includes six freshmen, including quarterback Eric Dungey, who will share backup duties with sophomore Austin Wilson. The lone member of Syracuse's front five without starting experience is right guard Seamus Shanley. ORANGE CAPTAINS: Hunt, C Rob Trudo, DE Luke Arciniega and LB Zaire Franklin are the new Syracuse captains, elected by a team vote. Hunt is in his third year as the starter and ranks 10th in school history with 2,621 passing yards. He's also second among active ACC players in total career offense (3,413). Franklin is the Orange's first sophomore captain in 70 years. "That's a long time. That's heavy," he said. RAM POWER: Rhode Island, which finished 1-11 last year, starts junior college transfer QB Paul Mroz, who last year led Victor Valley College in southern California to a 10-0 record, passing for 2,434 yards and 26 touchdowns. Safety Tim Wienclaw recovered four fumbles last season, most in the nation, and also led all Colonial Athletic Association defensive backs by averaging nearly nine tackles per game. STAT OF THE WEEK: Syracuse has not lost to an FCS team since a 14-13 setback at Holy Cross in 1958, a span of 31 games. The Orange are 13-0 in the Carrier Dome against FCS teams. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY: foxsports.com NCAA Rhode Island Rams Rhode Island Rams at Syracuse Orange Syracuse Orange Texas Rangers at Los Angeles Angels Texas Rangers (70-62) at Los Angeles Angels (67-66) MLB Baseball: Friday, September 4, 2015 at 10:05 pm (Angel Stadium) M Perez (2-3) (5.15) vs. G Richards (12-10) (3.80) The Line: Los Angeles Angels -140 / Texas Rangers +130 Garrett Richards (12-10, 3.80 ERA) and Martin Perez (2-3, 5.15 ERA) start in the first of a three-game series between the Los Angeles Angels (67-66) and the Texas Rangers (70-62) at Angel Stadium. Action begins at 10:05 p.m. ET on Friday, Sep. 4. Richards pitched 7.0 innings in his most recent start, surrendering three runs and striking out nine in an 8-3 defeat to the Indians. Mike Trout (.297, 84 Rs, 33 HRs, 74 RBIs, 10 SBs) continued his strong play Wednesday, going 2 for 5 with one run. Perez went 6.1 innings, surrendering three runs and striking out four in a 4-3 win over the Orioles in his last outing. Rougned Odor (.278, 39 Rs, 11 HRs, 43 RBIs, 5 SBs) went 1 for 5 Wednesday. The Texas Rangers are second in the American League West but are playing well and have first in their sights. The Rangers have won six of seven following a 4-3 decision at San Diego on Wednesday. Cole Hamels gave up all three runs on eight hits and whiffed eight through seven frames in a no decision effort. Texas totaled nine hits and walked six times with Chis Gimenez going solo while Adrian Beltre doubled in Elvis Andrus and Prince Fielder. Martin Perez draws the game one start against Los Angeles on Friday night. Perez is coming off of a 4-3 victory versus visiting Baltimore where he gave up all three runs on seven hits over 6.1 frames. The Los Angeles Angels are in need of a prolonged hot streak if they expect to pass Texas for second in the American League West. The Angels have won consecutive contests after knocking off Oakland 9-4 on the road Wednesday. Starter Andrew Heaney improved to 6-2 with three runs allowed on seven hits over seven innings which was easily enough for the offense that launched a 13 hit attack. Albert Pujols went 2-5 with a homer, three RBI's and two runs while CJ Cron and David Freese knocked in two runs apiece. Garrett Richards toes the rubber against the Rangers for the third time this season. Richards threw the ball well in an 8-3 loss (ND) to Cleveland with three runs scored on seven hits in seven innings. The under is 6-1-1 in Texas last 8 Friday games and is 11-4-2 in their last 17 overall while going 11-4-2 in their last 17 on grass. Los Angeles are 4-9 in their last 13 games following a win and are 4-9 in their last 13 overall while going 4-9 in their last 13 games on grass. The Rangers are 7-21 in the last 21 meetings. The Angels lead the season series, 8-4. The Angels have a 19-16 record against left-handed starting pitchers on the year, which is what they'll be facing when Perez takes the mound. Richards (RHP) will be on the hill against the Rangers, who have a 47-38 record against right-handed starting pitchers. Baseball Los Angeles Angels MLB Texas Ranger Texas Rangers at Los Angeles Angels Cincinnati Bengals at Indianapolis Colts in their final matches in the preseason, the Cincinnati Bengals meet the Indianapolis Colts at Lucas Oil Stadium in the National Football League. The match is on September 3, 2015 at 7:00 PM ET. The matchup will mark the 24th all-time meeting between the teams in the preseason, with the Bengals holding a 15-8 advantage. It will mark the 15th consecutive season that the two teams have squared off in the preseason. Because this is Week 4 of the preseason, we rarely see teams play their starters in this game, so don't expect to see guys like Andy Dalton, Andrew Luck, A.J. Green, T.Y. Hilton, Geno Atkins, or Vontae Davis play. Losing any of the aforementioned guys to a silly injury this week would be devastating with the regular season opening next week. That doesn't mean, however, that this game is of no important. Every NFL team must have their final 53-man rosters set by 4 p.m. EST on Saturday. Because this game is played Thursday night, that gives coaches and front-office personnel a full day to evaluate this game and use it to help determine which guys should make up those final 10-12 spots on each roster. Cincinnati had a fairly decent preseason and even if they lose their final game against the Colts, they will end up with a .500 record. However, already at 2-1, expect them to try and end their exhibition games on a high. Meanwhile, the Colts are 1-2 and are also trying to get a big win at home to give the crowd a lot to cheer for heading into the regular season. The Bengals were victorious in the previous game week as they faced the Chicago Bears. AJ McCarron had an excellent game as he went for 12-17 for 149 yards and completed one touchdown. Meanwhile, the Colts picked up their first win of the preseason when they beat the St. Louis Rams 24-14. Prior to the win, the Colts lost to the Bears and the Philadelphia Eagles. The Colts went on an early lead, going up 10-0 after the first quarter but found themselves behind 14-13 at the end of three periods. They were able to recollect themselves and score 11 points in the final frame, with their defence holding up and preventing the Rams to score as they went on to win. Tyler Varga had six rushes for 16 yards and also converted one touchdown. Cincinnati Bengals Cincinnati Bengals at Indianapolis Colts Indianapolis Colts NFL (espn.go.com)- As they look to keep fighting in the AL East chase, the visiting Yankees are hoping Masahiro Tanaka can continue to pitch well Wednesday against the Boston Red Sox. After missing three games at Atlanta and Monday's 4-3 loss at Fenway Park, Teixeira was sent back to New York for further tests on his injured shin. The results weren't positive as the first baseman will miss at least two weeks with a significant bone bruise. Rick Porcello pitched great, which is what mattered most to the Boston Red Sox. The New York Yankees won, which is what mattered most to the New York American League Baseball Club. Porcello struck out a career-high 13 batters and walked just one in eight innings, but a two-run double by Stephen Drew in the fifth and a home run by Brett Gardner that wrapped around the Pesky Pole in the eighth was enough to give the Yankees a 3-1 win over the Red Sox before 35,077 in Fenway Park. Drew's two-out double followed an error by rookie first baseman Travis Shaw, who allowed Didi Gregorius' grounder to skip under his glove with Alex Rodriguez on first with a single. Drew hit a 2-and-0 pitch from Porcello, his first 2-and-0 count of the night. Gardner's home run also came with two out. The Sox scored their only run on a double by Jackie Bradley Jr. and a two-out, opposite-field single by Pablo Sandoval in the third off Yankees starter Michael Pineda. Pineda gave up four hits, did not walk a batter and struck out seven in six innings. The Sox threatened in the eighth against Yankees setup man Dellin Betances on singles by Mookie Betts and Xander Bogaerts, but with David Ortiz at the plate and two out, Betts was called out for oversliding third base on an attempted double steal. The call was reviewed by replay officials in New York, who issued the following ruling: "After viewing all relevant angles, the Replay Official definitively determined that the runner lost contact with third base while the fielder was applying the tag. Additionally, the umpires on the field determined that the fielder did not push the runner off the base, a decision that is not reviewable. The call is CONFIRMED. The runner is out." Ortiz struck out on the next pitch to end the inning, and former Sox left-hander Andrew Miller struck out three batters in the ninth to register his 29th save. Miller has 73 strikeouts in just 47 1/3 innings. The most recent Red Sox pitcher to whiff 13 or more or more while walking one or fewer was Jon Lester, on July 24, 2010, when he K'd 13 and walked one in a 5-1 loss. The last Sox pitcher to do so at Fenway: Curt Schilling, when he walked one and struck out 14 in eight scoreless innings in a 3-2 Red Sox win. Nine of Porcello's 13 strikeouts came on a called third strike. What it means: The Toronto Blue Jays were up 1.5 games on the Yankees coming into Tuesday in the American League East and were tied with the Cleveland Indians as of this writing. If Toronto wins, the two teams will stay dead-locked in the division. A loss brings the Yankees to within a half-game. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY: espn.go.com Baseball Boston Red Sox MLB New York Yankees New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox Cincinnati Reds at Chicago Cubs (espn.go.com)- The Chicago Cubs lost 13-6 to the Cincinnati Reds on Monday. Here's a quick look at the game. Justin Grimm gave up a pair of two-run home runs in the sixth inning, not long after the Cubs scored four in the bottom of the fifth to take a 5-3 lead. Addison Russell's two-run double tied the game 3-3, then Kyle Schwarber and Kris Bryant hit infield singles to drive in two more. The Cubs took a 1-0 lead in the third inning when Dexter Fowler hit a ball into the basket in left field for his 15th home run. But the Reds tied it and then went ahead 3-1 in the fifth. Joe Maddon walked Joey Votto intentionally with men on first and second. This strategy backfired, as Brandon Phillips singled home two runs. It looked like the Cubs took command the next inning, but Eugenio Suarez andAdam Duvall took Grimm deep in the sixth, and the Reds never looked back. The winning hit was Duvall's first home run of the season. The Cubs blew up in the ninth, as Starlin Castro made two errors and James Russell got hit hard, which allowed the Reds to score six runs. Addison Russell homered in the bottom of the inning to finish the scoring. The Cubs played like they partied all night and took a red-eye home from Los Angeles. It got worse as the game progressed. You have to chalk it up to remnants of the previous 24 hours, as there isn't a better explanation right now. It's easier to come down on starter Kyle Hendricks than on Grimm, considering the latter has been good more often than not. Hendricks is a different story. He looked OK for several innings Monday before starting to get hit hard. He simply needs to last longer; five innings is about his max these days. His ERA is 4.15 as we head into the final full month of the season. That's not good enough in a National League pennant race. James Russell is becoming a question mark, though he didn't give up any earned runs. Still, the hard hit balls count, and he has had several appearances with similar outcomes. Maddon made a few decisions worth second-guessing. His walk of Votto with first and second base occupied was unorthodox, but Votto has been the best hitter in the league in the second half. More puzzling was a double steal attempt with two outs and the tying run on base in the eighth. Bryant was thrown out at second base, which ended the threat before Castro had a chance at the plate. The Cubs will have some new faces come Tuesday, when rosters can expand to up to 40 players for the rest of the season. Expect Javier Baez to join the team along with newcomer Austin Jackson. David Ross is expected back from family medical leave, and the Cubs should call up some arms as well. CJ Edwards will probably be one of them, but he has been on paternity leave. Chicago Cubs Cincinnati Reds Cincinnati Reds at Chicago Cubs MLB Robin Deakin is Back in the Win Column August 31, 2015 phnseo Comments Disabled "Rockin" Robin Deakin, cruelly branded 'Britain's worst boxer' by the national press in the UK – before using the tag for his own promotional ends – has taken the first crucial step to regaining his British licence by getting a much needed win on Saturday, defeating Latvia's Deniss Kornilovs by 4 round points decision at London's famous York Hall, winning every round. Having won on his debut in 2006, the 26-year-old proceeded to lose his next 51 fights, and was relieved of his British boxing licence as a result. But Robin, 29, from Tilbury, Essex, proved all his critics wrong by beating Latvian Deniss Kornilovs on points on Saturday night after four gruelling rounds. After 17 months out of the ring, Deakin outpointed Latvia's Deniss Kornilovs over four rounds at London's York Hall on a show licensed by the Malta Boxing Commission. Now Robin, whose speech is slurred because of too many blows to the head, said: "I'm a fighter. I'm going to fight my way back to the top – you'll see. "All those people that called me Britain's worst boxer can eat their words – they just made me punch harder. "People saying I'm the worst made me stronger. "I did everything different this time and worked my hardest – and it showed." The lightweight, who was boxing under a licence from Malta because he wasn't good enough to keep a British Boxing Board of Control licence. He fought and won at York Hall in Bethnal Green, east London, the venue where he emerged victorious in his debut – and lost 13 other bouts. Robin said: "I'm over the moon. My trainers Mike and Dave Jennings of Jennings' Gym got me in the best shape of my life. "They taught me a lot – and they knew I had the ability to turn my career around. "I've been really unlucky in some of my fights – ones I deserved to win but didn't. "Saturday night was tough, don't get me wrong. I got the chance to finally show what I can do." Journeyman Robin won on points at the end of the four, three-minute rounds, 46 to 43. boxing Robin Deakin Tennessee Titans at Kansas City Chiefs Who: Tennessee Titans vs. Kansas City Chiefs When: Friday, August 28, 7 PM CT Where: Arrowhead Stadium; Kansas City, Missouri Last Meeting: The Titans and Chiefs squared off in Week 1 of the 2014 season at Arrowhead Stadium. The Titans defeated the Chiefs 26-10. Alex Smith threw three interceptions in the game, and it was one of only two wins the Titans had in the entire 2014 season. When you glance at the NFL preseason schedule in its entirety, from the first day of training camp until the last day before the regular season begins, the first 45 minutes of the third preseason game could be the most critical. In what has become custom with nearly every team in the league, those minutes serve as the final warm-up, the final run-through that the starters will likely see before Week 1 of the regular season. The Tennessee Titans head to Arrowhead Stadium to take on the Kansas City Chiefs in both teams third preseason game. As Kansas City Chiefs (2-0) head coach Andy Reid confirmed on Wednesday, he plans to play his first team for the majority of the game against the Tennessee Titans (1-1) on Friday night. The Chiefs are 2-0 so far in the preseason. Their most recent win was 14-13 against the Seattle Seahawks. Jeremy Maclin looked more involved in the offense and scored his first touchdown for the Chiefs. The Tennessee Titans are 1-1 so far in the preseason. They are coming off a 27-14 victory over the St. Louis Rams. The Titans are looking to rebuild and rookie quarterback Marcus Mariota is now the cornerstone of the franchise. With a month of preseason work having come and gone, the Chiefs and Titans will hold their final dress rehearsal on Friday night at Arrowhead Stadium. Kansas City Chiefs NFL Tennessee Titans Tennessee Titans at Kansas City Chiefs Detroit Tigers at Toronto Blue Jays Friday, 7:07 p.m. LH Matt Boyd (1-2, 4.88) vs. RH R.A. Dickey (8-10, 4.26) Saturday, 1:07 p.m. RH Buck Farmer (0-2, 7.80) vs. RH Drew Hutchison (12-2, 5.06) Sunday 1:07 p.m. RH Alfredo Simon (11-8, 4.89) vs. LH Mark Buehrle (13-6, 3.45) The Toronto Blue Jays return to the Rogers Centre after an eight-game road trip, having gone 6-2, outscoring their opponents 67–35 in the process. Entering a weekend series against the Detroit Tigers, the Blue Jays are looking to add to their 1.5-game lead in the AL East with victories against a scuffling Tigers squad that has taken losses in six of their last seven outings. Toronto (71-56) totaled 54 runs while batting .347 in a five-game win streak that ended with Thursday's 4-1 defeat to Texas. The Blue Jays went 1 for 8 with runners in scoring position while nearly getting shut out for the first time in seven weeks. Edwin Encarnacion saved his team from that fate with an RBI double in the eighth inning that extended his hit streak to 22 games, the longest in the majors this season. The Blue Jays had their division lead against the idle New York Yankees cut to 1 1/2 games after wrapping up a 6-2 road trip. Toronto, easily the MLB leader with 689 runs and the winner in 21 of 26, will try to get back on track in its first matchup against Matt Boyd (1-4, 7.04 ERA). The left-hander was traded from the Blue Jays to Detroit on July 30 in the David Price deal. The Tigers (60-67) have continued to struggle in close games lately and fell 2-0 to the Los Angeles Angels on Thursday. Detroit has dropped six of seven, with five losses by two runs or fewer. Detroit took two of three from visiting Toronto in early July and dealt R.A. Dickey an 8-3 defeat in the middle game of the series. The knuckleballer gave up five runs and 11 hits in 5 2-3 innings. Detroit Tigers Detroit Tigers at Toronto Blue Jays MLB Toronto Blue Jays Premier Boxing Champions 2015: Leo Santa Cruz vs. Abner Mares Premier Boxing Champions has put together a highly-anticipated matchup between Mexican-born Los Angelinos Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares . One of the most anticipated featherweight showdowns will take place Saturday in Los Angeles. WBC super bantamweight champion Leo Santa Cruz (30-0-1, 17 KO) is stepping up to featherweight to take on former three-division champion Abner Mares (29-1-1, 15 KO) in a battle of respected Mexican fighters. While Santa Cruz and Mares were once darlings of the sport thanks to their potential and penchant for exciting fights, both have come under criticism of late for facing a string of soft opposition. That changes here, as either Santa Cruz or Mares has the opportunity to propel himself back into the fans' good graces. No matter the result, the Santa Cruz-Mares pairing has the potential for fireworks, and at the very least, it will be entertaining to see both boxers face a worthwhile test. The 12-round 126-pound contest takes place at the Staples Center on Saturday night Fighter backgrounds: A two-division world champion with a fan-friendly style, the 26-year-old Santa Cruz won his first world title in 2012 before adding another belt in 2013, which he defended four times. Unbeaten as a pro, Santa Cruz moved up in weight in his last fight and handily defeated Jose Cayetano on the pay-per-view undercard of the record-breaking Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao fight. Born and raised in Los Angeles to Mexican parents, Santa Cruz faces the toughest challenge of his career when he squares off against the Mexican warrior Mares. Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and fighting out of Downey, Calif., Mares first tasted world championship gold in 2011 when he beat Joseph Agbeko to win the bantamweight world title. He continued his rise up the pound-for-pound list with wins over Anselmo Moreno and Daniel Ponce De Leon to win world titles at super bantamweight and featherweight respectively. The 29-year-old has won three straight fights including his first PBC appearance in a victory over Arturo Reyes in March. He will look to add another career milestone and take hometown bragging rights by defeating the unbeaten Santa Cruz. Abner Mares boxing Leo Santa Cruz Premier Boxing Champions 2015
Florida Georgia Line's long-anticipated collaboration with electronic duo the Chainsmokers' latest album was released overnight. The anthemic electro-pop track "Last Day Alive" closes the 2017 Grammy winners' new album Memories. . . Do Not Open, also available today. "[Chainsmokers] gave us a call and it kind of had to be done within 48 hours," FGL's Brian Kelley told Rolling Stone Country in March. "So we spent all day and all night on this track and just put everything in it like we always do."
Authorities released new video Wednesday showing an at-large shooter believed to have ambushed two detectives at a Los Angeles Police Department station earlier this week. Clad in dark-colored clothes, a man is seen on the video (embedded below) quickly walking past cameras set up near the Wilshire Community Police Station about 4:30 a.m. Tuesday. "We consider this individual to be an extreme danger to the community," LAPD Chief Charlie Beck said at a news conference Wednesday afternoon. Beck asked the public to help authorities find the gunman described as a black male with a medium build, mustache and goatee. Police believe a dark object seen in his right hand is a revolver. The images were captured by a surveillance camera set up across the street from the police station, where a pair of detectives was attacked from behind while returning to the station from an investigation in the San Fernando Valley. The detectives exchanged fire with the shooter, but the gunman escaped, prompting the hours-long shutdown of the Mid-City area. Businesses in the 25-square blocks around the Wilshire Community Police Station were closed and residents were ordered to shelter in place while police combed the neighborhood. The early morning shooting in Mid-City Tuesday was the second attack on police officers in Los Angeles in a 15-hour span. During a home probation check, an LAPD officer was shot in the face about 7 p.m. in the 2200 block of East 117th Street. The shooter was hiding in the attic while Los Angeles County probation and LAPD gang unit officers swept through the home. A 12-hour standoff between the shooter and police ended early Wednesday in the gunman's death. The officer who was shot in the jaw was in stable condition Wednesday, Beck said. A county probation officer suffered a graze wound to his leg and was treated at the scene, according to the LAPD. Anyone with information about either shooting is asked to call 1-800-222-8477 or 1-877-LAPD-247.
\ `; showDiv.innerHTML += html; } $('.recents').bxSlider({ slideWidth: 90, minSlides: 5, maxSlides: 10, moveSlides: 1, prevSelector: '.prev', pager:false, nextSelector: ".nxt", nextText: '', prevText: '' }); } else { console.log('error'); } } request.send(); }); About Us Submissions Advertise With Us Links Press Privacy Policy Download "The Mix Up" FREE! Race + Faith Dress Code: Fashion The Argument *Against* the Multicultural Church Posted on June 28, 2015 by BTSF: Our God is a multicultural God. We see this in the Trinity. We see it in whom God chose to write the scriptures. We see it in the people Jesus spent His time with. We see it in the early church. We see it in verses like 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and Revelations 7:9. To worship in such a setting is a great blessing that reveals the fullness of who our God is. I believe in the multicultural Church. But like so many of God's blessings, we often don't deserve it. We fall short. We mess it up. When a white man violated the sacred space of Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, he boldly demonstrated why God's vision for the multicultural church is still so far from our grasp. His violence reminded Black Christians that nowhere is safe, not even their church home. What he did was unconscionable. But in many smaller ways, white Christians send a similar message every single day. You see, one of the best arguments I've heard against the multicultural church is the need for sanctified space for those of God's people who are oppressed, marginalized, or in the minority. All through the week people of color are under the white gaze, immersed in white culture, navigating white power. This takes a great social, emotional, and spiritual toll, and it is important to have a reprieve--a day of rest-- if only once per week, in which to fellowship and worship with folks that share your lived experiences. Historically, the Black church has been such a refuge, allowing for this essential, sacred communion. It's where folks can be themselves, worship as they desire, talk about what is relevant, raise up brilliant leaders...all apart from the oppressive gaze of white supremacy. Indeed it is its role in such subversion that is one of the reasons why Emanuel AME was such a symbolic and grievous target. And the importance of such a setting is also a strong argument against the multicultural church. If we, as the Body of Christ, are to come together in diverse and unified worship, it will require tremendous and disproportionate sacrifice on the part of Christians of color. The multicultural church comes at a great cost for the oppressed and the marginalized, much greater than for those coming from power and privilege. To be sure, white folks will have to sacrifice their comfort and preference to be a part of multicultural worship. But in contrast, Christians of color end up sacrificing their rest, their privacy, their autonomy, their self-care, their safety, their sanity, indeed sometimes their very humanity. The multicultural church is a wonderful vision, but on June 17th, 2015, nine beautiful saints paid the ultimate price for it. By the grace that Christ taught, into their holy space a stranger was welcomed. And he killed them. While it may not always result in direct and immediate death, the ongoing oppression of people of color (even and especially in houses of worship) is emotional, spiritual, and physical violence acted upon them. The consequences are long lasting. The need for sanctuary is real. Thus, there is a strong argument for mono-ethnic and mono-racial churches. If churches do enter into a journey of multicultural worship, it is essential that safe refuge be available for congregants of color. This is also why it is important that when such endeavors are undertaken, they ultimately be headed by people of color, not predominantly by white pastors and leaders as they so often are. It's why we must hedge toward the marginalized culture in planning worship services and events, rather than compromising squarely in the middle. Because there is no 'happy medium' when one group is so disproportionately abused. After tragedies like these, I often hear it suggested that white Christians go visit Black churches for a Sunday or two as an act of reconciliation. But please consider that this act may be perceived as an invasion rather than as a gesture of love. Worship can begin to feel instead like cultural tourism, one that once again centers whiteness for its own edification and entertainment. No doubt, it is good to displace one's self from majority and comfort. It is good to be led by preachers and teachers of color. If invited, please do join a choir or bible study that affords these opportunities. If invited, please do go with your friend to their Black church. If invited, please do embark on the complex journey that is multicultural worship. But I reject the notion that that white people's colonization of Black space is the path to God's multicultural justice and reconciliation. Indeed, too often it is simply a means of assuaging our guilt, a sacred culture co-opted for white people's own sense of redemption. A similar principle applies privileged folks' moving into hard-living neighborhoods, often with a sense of saviorism that is difficult to combat. I say this, knowing the popular values of relocation and incarnation, and having myself moved to the block several years ago. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes it works. But these are often acts of colonization, rather than of reconciliation (see also, Christena Cleveland's 'Urban Church Planting Plantations') Studies show that most multicultural churches tend to be culturally more white than anything else. As power and "default" biases creep into our sanctuaries, racial hegemony kicks in (things to notice: how often does the choir sing? how is the offering collected? How long is the service? How long are the songs? What is the style of preaching?). Too often we are simply perpetuating the cultural dominance of the world around us under the guise of reconciliation. I do love the multicultural Church. I believe it is ultimately where God is calling us as a Body to be. But at what cost? And for whom? We must indeed be prepared to make great sacrifices if this experiment on earth is to succeed. White people will need to sacrifice greatly. But it will always be Christians of color that bear the greatest burden. For Emanuel AME the hope of a reconciled world cost them their lives. ...Read More. Our Mission at a Glance To bridge the cultural gap within by uniting listeners all over the world to join in the diverse listening experience we provide. "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."... READ MORE Robert E. Person Expands His Soulful Sessions... Winner of Sunday Best Season 9 – Melvin Cri... Top 5 Christian Songs We The Kingdom Way Maker (Live) Leeland Above It All- Phillips, Craig & Dean Be The Change- Shuree Love Will Have It's Day- Laura Hackett Park Atmospheres- Justin Jarvis Rend Collective- The Art of Celebration © 2020 Look Up Radio, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Royalties paid through StreamLicensing.com | Admin Login
Oct. 30, 2017 - Harting held its annual media event on October 26 at North Central College in Naperville, Ill., focusing on a business update from the company and several key initiatives. The event began with a business update from Harting Americas president and CEO Jon DeSouza who spoke about the company's success in the Americas in the 2017 fiscal year, which ended in September. He began by stating some key figures for the company over the past year, including 20 per cent growth in North America, 22.4 per cent growth in the opportunity pipeline, 64.2 per cent new product revenue growth, and 15.5 per cent North American manufactured products overall revenue growth. DeSouza said 2018 fiscal year initiatives aim to continue that growth: The first is to capitalize on economic recovery and growth; then to expand digital marketing initiatives. Third is to focus on South American development by enlarging the area Harting serves. Next, is the expansion of the IIoT footprint through smart connectivity and edge computing; fifth is expanding manufacturing footprint and technology development. Finally, he stated the company expects continued growth throughout all major vertical markets. Chairman of the board Philip Harting spoke about global successes and initiatives. Over the past two years, the company has seen "substantial successes," Harting recounted, from winning the Hermes award in 2016, to a 10 per cent global growth in the 2017 fiscal year, to the expansion of new facilities in Mexico, Romania, and India. Next, he announced the partnership with the Robotation Academy in Foshan as one of 21 partner companies in the fields of robotics, automation and Industry 4.0. The Robotation Academy provides trainings, conferences and presentations on future technology trends. He also thanked various company partners, including MIT, Texas Instruments, the Industrial Internet Consortium, IBM Watson and Microsoft, noting that Harting's strategy for success is through partnerships. Following the business update, Harting director of new technology, Dr. Vivek Dave, and IBM business development executive Peter Xu gave a talk on edge devices and Cloud computing. There are three main drivers for edge-computing, they said; the first is that sending all data from real-time devices to the Cloud is not practical. By 2020, there will be an estimated 30 to 50 billion connected devices. Without edge-computing, all data, even unnecessary data, produced by those devices would go to the Cloud resulting in a substantial need for data centre storage, they noted, saying that instead, edge devices can ensure only important information would go to the Cloud by sorting data directly on the device. Third, local processing creates a 'knowledge firewall' and retains proprietary expertise, which is important to many companies and industries. Then Xu took the stage. He is involved in applications for IBM customers on a global basis and discussed the balance between edge and Cloud Computing. The architecture that IBM is adopting is a combined Edge – Cloud architecture that is "very compatible" with the Harting approach. Finally, the talk focused on the convergence of the Cloud and edge devices. Dr. Dave stated that the solution for the projected 30 to 50 billion connected devices by 2020 is utilizing an edge computing front-end to send only important data to the Cloud combined with a Cloud computing back-end to make calculations. To continue on the company's IIoT initiatives, global director of product management and industry segment management Andre Beneke and Americas director of product management Cory Jenkins shared the company's newest evolution of the Han-Modular product line, Smart Han. The Smart Han integrates active components into the connector system allowing connection to the IIoT. These new modules feature the same footprint as all other Han-Modular modules, and can be integrated into any Han-Modular system making the Han-Modular the gateway to the IIoT, describes the company. Next, the company debuted a new short film to reintroduce the Han-Modular product line to the industry. The protagonist of the 90-second movie is an engineer who is struggling with a design, and the solution is Harting's Han-Modular series, which is illustrated as a robot that transforms as the engineer's design changes. The film marks the beginning of a new marketing campaign for the product that focuses on the benefits of the product line, which includes space-savings, design flexibility, IIoT compatibility, and low-maintenance for the end-user.
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Not a particularly good start today. First, the shock of breakfast. It was plentiful and varied to be sure, but I was gobsmacked to discover that it was to cost €17.50 (about £15). I worked out that the bottle of champagne that was at the end of the buffet for those who want a special breakfast, must have been the pretext for charging so much. But I had to drive! (I did pocket an apple to take with me for later). Feeling done over, I collected my belongings in a less than good mood and packed the boot as the snow started to fall in earnest. Next, the arctic weather was one of the unforeseen happenings that did not go through my mind on the first morning. My immediate worry was the drive from Ghent to Valenciennes, in the snow, on the wrong side of the road, in a 10 year old Skoda. To cap the lot, I banged by head on the boot as I closed it. I was relieved when the Oktavia started first time in the sub-zero temperature. I silently thanked the chaps at Lugg's garage who had checked over the car for me last week. My intent had been to drop into Ghent's 'small beguinage' (founded 1235) on the way out of town. Yes, there were lots of these communities in their heyday, full of women who could not afford the dowry to be received into a convent, or were not highly born enough, and who indeed did not wish to be under such rule. No wonder there was ambiguity in the Church hierarchy about these 'holy' women who devoted themselves to prayer and good works. I wonder how far our perception of the past is governed by the most conservative and reactionary eras we have known in our history. What I mean by this, is that we have been given to understand that women were not 'liberationist' till last century, that they did not think about 'feminist' ideas. Feminism is of course a modern ideology, but women have tried to break out many times from the strictures imposed upon them. Then - always - has come the backlash. The draconian measures of the Council of Vienne in 1311-1312, in the wake of Porete's execution for heresy, forced beguines to knuckle under and agree to semi-enclosure and male supervision. It can be no coincidence that they had started to get too successful commercially at that time… and too lippy. The same Council also dealt with the Knights Templar crisis, and there is a definite connection between the demise of the Templar Order and that of Marguerite. 54 Templars were burnt in a field in Paris on the very day that her book was condemned by 21 theologians from the Sorbonne. She was to follow them to the stake only 3 weeks later. I cannot rule out another issue of gender and sexuality that was rumbling in these fraught times. One of the confessions forced out of the Templars (under torture) was that the order encouraged the 'abomination' of male on male relationships. Plus ça change. Anyhow, the snowfall changed my itinerary. I decided to get straight off and take the drive steady. It snowed all the way. I had booked to stay 4 nights in Valenciennes, so there would be time for the weather to change for the better before my next big drive. I was pleased to find that French drivers are in fact very courteous and sensible. No silly speeding. Arriving at the Hotel Notre Dame, it perhaps should have been no surprise to find the Basilica of Notre Dame du Saint-Cordon was directly opposite. And my room looked straight out onto the façade. Parking was a bit of an issue but it amused me to find that there is no charge for parking anywhere in town between the hours of 12 and 2pm. How the French do love their proper dinner break. I cannot fault them. As the snow came down, I connected into the internet and researched the 'miracle' after which the basilica is named. It is a fairly recent building (19th century) but harks back to the story of the terrible plague of 1008. A hermit, Bertholin, had a vision of the Virgin Mary who directed him to tell the people of Valenciennes to witness from the battlements her protection of the city on the eve of the Nativity. Sure enough, she appeared and by holding a cord which surrounded the city, she protected it from pestilence for ever. A procession takes place every year on the Virgin's birthday, 9th September, around the 14km route marked by the holy cord. The shrine built in the Middle Ages was naturally an attraction for pilgrims. Every medieval town needed its pulling power, like Breskens now has its Michelin starred restaurants and the Monasterium Poortackere uses its religious 'concept' to flog expensive breakfasts in its vaulted refectory. I really am not bitter. I also checked on library opening times and embarked on a massive surf of their online manuscript cache. Incredible how much is made available by the 'patrimoine' section. It was also a stark reminder of how massive the Revolution was for the identity of this nation. The vast majority of the medieval holdings had been confiscations from that period. It is possible now to view a 9th century manuscript of the Book of Revelation online (click here). Amazing. Tomorrow would be a foray into the library, but tonight I will try and find a good place to eat as lunch was called off due to snow. On my way to explore the gastronomy of this town, I popped over the street to read the notice on the West door of the basilica. The building is closed due to renovation, but the statue of the Virgin (the one carried around in the September procession) is at the Cathedral of St Géry for safe keeping. I keep bumping into effigies of Mary and no doubt will meet this one another day when I go to visit the said church, the oldest of the city. I did find a lovely old inn, a 16th century building, but a little posh: the Auberge du Bon Fermier. Meat is very much on the menu and a large piece of suckling pig, their speciality, was roasting in the fire. I still feel quite awkward as a single woman dining on my own. I thought about all the older single people I know who have to eat regularly without company. At least when Ian is away I have Ben! So I am looking forward to meeting up with Tom in Paris, but first, I have some research to do in a library. I hope I will be able to make myself understood well enough to find what I am looking for. I have noticed that my spoken French is rather rusty!
"Oh, the weather outside was frightful " was the theme for the Christmas gathering originally scheduled for December 8th. However, at the 11th hour, our club president, Harrell WD4LAR, made the correct call to reschedule the dinner for the following week. A wintry mix of sleet and ice made traveling conditions treacherous. So following another wet weather week, the Reelfoot Amateur Radio Club's annual Christmas holiday gathering was again held at the Old West Steakhouse located in Union City, TN. The establishment was quite understanding for the weather delay. Our host and hostesses were very nice and provided superb service to all in attendance. We had an excellent turnout - Harrell WD4LAR, RARC President and XYL Carrie; Bob K9IL, RARC Vice-President; Noel KJ4UNX , RARC Secretary-Treasurer and XYL Laura; Gene KM4MUN and XYL Pam from Bardwell, KY; Jamie WB4YDL and XYL June; Phillip N4PWG; Glenn N4MJ and XYL Linda; Michael AK4VU and his guest, Peggy, Randall Flowers KN4OPZ and XYL Judy and Steve KK4NNH with Hannah KK4SJF. The surprise was that Samuel KJ4SJE could not be in attendance as he was in the United States Air Force ! Congratulations to Sam and his parents ! Bob K9IL and Rose W9DHD provided their wonderful array of unique door prizes that were constructed expertly and provided much holiday spirit. There were several Santa's and sleighs, many laden with holly and mini-presents, and ham radio themed scenes. There was even a "blue screen" cutout globe with a Christmas home scene with train. All were beautifully constructed and added to the Christmas spirit and tradition of the event. As is normal for this event, no formal business occurred at this 'meeting' . The food was indeed excellent and almost everyone partook in the buffet. There was quite a selection of meat and fish and even someone to cook your steak to order. Very nice ! There was also several impressive desserts if you had room left for them. The year 2018 was an interesting year for Reelfoot Amateur Radio Club. All of the RARC officers were reelected and continued their excellent guidance and leadership. On air activities were dominated by the new digital mode FT8. Because the solar cycle is at its nadir, traditional modes such as CW, SSB, and even RTTY are finding it hard going. Enter this unique way to make contacts, albeit brief and non-conversational, several tens of decibels below the noise floor ! This has opened up a whole new ballgame especially for those with limited stations. This was particularly felt during the VHF contests this year. This coming year will certainly be interesting because of this growth and excitement. The ARRL RTTY Contest in January will be open to this mode (as well as any digital mode), and the WSJT software will be ready for it. What will be truly interesting is how this mode will effect operation, particularly on the high bands, during this coming Field Day. ARES activity with Harrell WD4LAR as Obion County EC has been steady with good participation with the ARES Minute during the Sunday evening nets. Jamie WB4YDL is the Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator (ASEC) for West TN and has been busy working with ARES leadership to provide easier access to reports and new training opportunities. Bobby Richardson W4NWT, who gave a great presentation on NTS traffic and the Radiogram, is now our District 2 Emergency Coordinator. The annual Ides of March Hamfest was the 11th in the club's history and saw increased attendance thanks to some improved weather and the addition of two new vendors. We welcomed John Visage KN4EOV with CT Morgan and Associates out of Chattanooga, TN, dealers of amateur radio gear, and Byrd Songs from Jackson, TN specializing in multiple electronic items. TN07 Engineering out of Eagleville, TN specializing in portable operations gear, continued to be a major vendor. JMR Sales from Altoona, AL was also present and we really appreciated Ron WT4RR and Loretta KJ4ULC making this big drive. We now have a Hamfest Operations Committee headed up by Glenn N4MJ that promises to make the 12th annual event even better ! The annual Field Day event took place during the last full weekend in June. The usual miserably hot weather actually moderated this year, thanks to recent thunderstorms which cooled things a bit. This year there were no new bonus point opportunities, but Noel KJ4UNX continued as our safety officer during the event. We continued to run the simpler antenna setup as in the previous year, so the Spiderbeam was not deployed. Glenn N4MJ had installed an awning at the front of the shop which added new functionality. Band conditions were typical for the bottom of the sunspot cycle and made operating difficult. We did not see great 6M openings as last year, but several contacts were logged. The ISS packet system was inoperable for the event. So Jamie WB4YDL cobbled together a lightweight satellite antenna array and managed to make a QSO through the AO-92 Fox-1D satellite - good for the 100 point satellite QSO bonus. We didn't do as well as in previous years as a result of poor band conditions scoring under 5500 points, as compared to over 7000 points last year. Interestingly, RARC placed 2nd in TN class 3A and 40th nationwide in class 3A. Not as bad as was thought considering we didn't even make 1000 QSO's ! Plans are already in progress for next year's event which promises to be a bit different. Stay tuned ! The year 2018 is nearly in the books with several interesting challenges met and new promise for the coming year. The next Ides of March Hamfest will be upon us very soon and the new committee is working hard to put a quality product out in March. Field Day continues to be the biggest operating event nationwide and new ideas are being developed to make our experience even better. New members were added to the rolls and new folks are interested in giving talks on all matter of ham radio items. The thing about amateur radio is that there is never a lack of interesting facets. Jamie WB4YDL gave a presentation on EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) or moon-bounce and this was well received. Digital modes continue their exciting progress and drawing new hams into the hobby. For 2019, we hope to see new members and excitement for club activities and continued participation and good health for all our members. Have a Very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Good DX!
Dodge and Deliver is the eighteenth episode of Piggy Tales: 4th Street. When it absolutely, positively has to be there on time... Call someone else. A delivery pig is trying to cross the street to deliver a package. Every time he tries to cross, a car zooms by. Then he gets the idea to use the sewer to cross. He goes into a manhole, goes through the sewer, and comes out of a manhole on the other side of the street. Then he realizes that he left the box on the other side, so he goes back through the sewer. Then the stoplight turns red. He excitedly crosses the street, but while he is in the middle of the street, the stoplight turns green. This episode (along with other episodes excluding Scary Fog and Holiday Heist) had been leaked on iTunes. The original title was supposedly "Across The Road".
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SAN LUIS — Carol Carpenter, 71, Blanca, was placed on eight years supervised probation for negligence causing death in the starvation of her disabled son, Corey, 27, whose body was found by law enforcement on Oct. 23, 2015. A tiny woman, under five feet tall, she was living in a trailer on the side of Mt. Blanca and had opted to take care of her disabled son herself, despite some offers of help, and eventually found herself unable to make him eat. Corey ultimately starved to death. While he was attending high school as a younger man, there were no issues, he ate and seemed to enjoy social interaction until his father passed away, she told the judge. Reports provided at a preliminary hearing suggested Corey had basically lost interest in life after his father, Wallace "Buck" Carpenter, died on March 10, 2012. After that death, Corey inherited the property and his mother sought to become conservator, which added to her responsibilities. Following a subsequent evaluation, it was recommended that Corey receive social services. Carol did not cooperate with caseworkers and other persons seeking to assist her. She lost a son, both prosecution and defense attorneys advised the court. Public Defender James Waldo presented a power point recording of the 9-1-1 call Carpenter made alerting law enforcement to her son's final condition. If time could be turned back, Waldo told the court that Carol would have her son back and seek help. The fact that Corey's death was not a result of deliberate acts on his mother's part led to dismissal of a charge of first-degree murder after deliberation by the district attorney on Nov. 14, 2018, along with a charge of violent crime causing death. A plea made the same day was withdrawn and Judge Swift found Carpenter guilty of negligence causing death of an at-risk person. Carpenter admitted guilt, Waldo said. He recommended a probation evaluation and treatment, noting that would provide counseling and help. He said, however, that the cost of probation would seriously affect Carpenter's income and asked that it be waived. While Corey was alive, she struggled to pay his costs and that struggle continues in her own life. Addressing the judge, Carpenter's only audible words were, "I'm horrified." She then wept while trying to explain herself as the judge listened intently. Carol reportedly told them Corey had "been down" a couple of days. The last solid food she saw him eat was a tomato. Around the time of his death his mother said he was drinking vitamin water and taking vitamins. When healthy, he weighed 145 pounds. He was short, not much taller than his diminutive mother, but began to lose weight when he chose only to eat favorite foods. In levying probation, she said Carpenter has been interacting with people and in the community, but that's not enough. She will be in the care of friends and family and will be expected to keep all her appointments and completely comply with requirements set forth after the probation evaluation. A probation review will take place April 24. Carpenter has been free on a $50,000 appearance bond and has complied with all court requests. She was sentenced for a Class 5 felony.
Banasura Sagar Dam Banasura Sagar Dam Photos & Images Banasura Sagar Dam - Overview Banasura is the largest earth dam in India, and second-largest in Asia. The Banasura Sagar Dam is situated at a distance of 20 Km from kalpett, the district headquarters. Banasura Sagar Dam is named after the Asura King Banasura, son of Mahabali. Being an important tourist attraction, the Banasura Sagar dam is situated at the foot of Banasura Hill. The dam provides water for kakkayam reservoir situated in the Kozhikode district. Banasura Sagar Dam supports kakkayam Hydroelectric power project that contributes to irrigation. Banasura Sagar Dam is an ideal place for boating and trekking. Tourists visit this place to enjoy the scenic locations. Banasura Sagar Dam is opened all days including weekends from 9 am to 5 pm. Tourists can also see small islands in the dam's reservoir. Many new islands will be formed upstream of the dam when the dam is full. These islands with the background of the Banasura hill and the classic backdrop offered by the rain-bearing clouds will provide a hypnotizing sight to tourists. The green hills surround the dam nearly all the way and plantations of various kinds- coconut, betel nuts cover the remaining boundaries. A small park with a flower garden also can be seen on the dam top. Banasura Hill Resorts is a nature resort beyond compare. One can also experience thrilling activities such as boating, trekking, horse riding etc. It is said that Banasura hill peak is one of the most challenging treks. The nearest airport is the Calicut International Airport situated 90kms away. One can avail of taxi services at the airport itself. There is no rail route for the Wayanad district. Tourists can opt for a train to Kozhikode which is the nearest railway station to Wayanad. As Banasura Sagar Dam is located 21kms from Kalpetta, tourists can board buses or taxis for travelling. Tourists can reach kalpetta by road easily. If you are planning to visit Banasura Sagar Dam, you should definitely try speed boating which is the best pass time. For photographers, the view from the top of the dam provides a wonderful experience. ALSO SEE - Places To Visit in Kozhikode Want to visit Wayanad and Banasura Sagar Dam? Talk to George Joseph who has designed 2500+ trips in Kerala Wayanad Travel Guide Kerala in September 2023 – Weather and Event Guide 9th Time In A Row-Iris Holidays Wins TripAdvisor Traveller's Choice Award Nilambur Teak Museum | A Guide to Explore Nilambur 15 Best Treehouse Resorts in Kerala Wayanad Tour Packages Wonders of South India(16 Nights) Captivating Kerala(13 Nights) Tourist Attractions in Wayanad Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary Kuruva Island Soochipara Waterfalls Questions on Wayanad