stringlengths 61
###cont###chatting###user sad###oh man, i forgot about that! which episode was that from?###bot sad###i’ll keep that in mind.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###lol. exactly###bot happy###i’m listening.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###it's a careful boundary between them seeing you as "one of those parents" and taking you seriously.###bot happy###i hadn’t thought about it like that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###they seem to be about 1/2 the price anyone else has quoted me, so it`s a good place to start, thank you!###bot neutral###appreciate the clarification.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###what is this trash?###bot neutral###that’s an interesting thought.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###lakers would laugh at that###bot neutral###that’s an interesting thought.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###"i like it when you x", "can you try doing y?" - focus on positive and giving advice###bot happy###i can appreciate that viewpoint.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###her question was theology actually. i wasn't even answering about the rape at all.###bot anger###i’d be angry too.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###excuse me is this an analogy###bot neutral###thanks for bringing that up.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###the lone rangers###bot neutral###that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yeah thankfully i live in mass where it’s legal here too lol###bot happy###it’s always good to get another angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###the girl on the right got glass stuck in her leg poor girl###bot sad###that’s helpful to know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###that’s a fuckin budgie. you gotta be a moron at birds to not know that. that’s like bird basics 101.###bot anger###i’m here if you need to vent.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###in america [...] the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. - [name]###bot neutral###it’s always good to get another angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###i'd rather not be in the 90's kid category anyways.###bot anger###that’s really upsetting to hear.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###yes! tell us e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g! she’s horrible but also very entertaining!###bot anger###i totally understand your anger.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###i hope you’re trolling. anyway, have a good night. ###bot anger###it sounds like you’ve had enough.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###well she will not be able to do it with [name]...###bot neutral###i get your point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###that would...hurt###bot anger###that’s really unfair.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###hitachi magic wand thank me later.###bot happy###thanks for breaking that down.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yay, another second tier free agent over 30. thank god we're making a market for these players. go mets!###bot happy###good to know!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###glad we agree.###bot happy###i’ll keep that in mind for the future.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###it sucks being unattractive. it pisses me off that there are so many beautiful people in the world, and i ain't one of them.###bot happy###thanks for breaking that down.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###meh, whenever i travel with someone who can't walk fast, i just wait for the next train.###bot happy###interesting angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i'm jealous. i'm in california###bot neutral###hmm, i see.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###there is no god. *[name] is content in own company. .: if there was a god it is definitely not an [name].###bot neutral###that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###the best answer is simply don’t do it. having said that, good luck my friend. ###bot happy###i hear you.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###what’s worse is that the judge and businessman are old college buds.###bot anger###i can see why you’re angry.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i wouldn't say age would stop it just lessen the affect of it but probably start to notice it around mid to late 30's.###bot neutral###that’s helpful to know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###agree. not sure why you are being downvoted.###bot neutral###that’s a solid observation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###nope, works just fine. was just there.###bot neutral###that’s helpful to know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i must of not fully understood what you meant... damn tired redditing###bot neutral###i get it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###just want to say you are not alone, i have all of those same ideas. you will succeed again, without her.###bot happy###thanks for letting me know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###congratulations on your relationship! i got a girlfriend too! she is imaginary right now but hopefully she will materialize soon enough!###bot happy###i get it, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i think the comment is highly relevant, thank you for posting it.###bot happy###okay, i understand now.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###this is what he has to say about this 'natural' physique###bot neutral###hmm, i see.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###they visit. but they don't stay###bot neutral###that’s a reasonable take.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###he did not finish the eeason. rbs get injured more than any other position. the list goes on but we need another rb.###bot neutral###appreciate the context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###“those floors with *that* paneling? ugh! disgusting!”###bot anger###it’s understandable you’d feel this way.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###oh [name]....###bot neutral###that clears things up a bit.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###okay will try to contact the restaurant owner/manager###bot neutral###thanks, that adds some clarity.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###slap her hand if she is trying to force you to do anything! tell her not to put her hands on you, and enforce it every time. ###bot neutral###i get your point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###r/unbgbbichidicticbg pretty sure i got that wrong but i think you guys know what i mean edit: i can't spell###bot anger###i’m sorry things are this way.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###why they don't just stream these games with autodirector on is beyond me. plenty of people would be happy to watch that...###bot happy###that’s worth considering.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i find it really strange how people align themselves with or against a politician so strongly.###bot happy###i hadn’t thought about it like that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###what's so special with 144hz?###bot neutral###i can see where you're coming from.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###aww that's so sweet !###bot happy###i hadn’t considered that angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###internal h265 yifi acs eztv###bot neutral###thanks for the heads-up.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###because you see me like a ufo, that’s like nevvvvveeeerrrrr brings me to tears every time ###bot neutral###that clears things up a bit.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###it would definitely suck!!###bot neutral###i appreciate the explanation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###guess [name] back hurts more than [name] neck, a comeback insues.###bot neutral###that’s an interesting thought.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###please tell me the area of nyc that is like the dtes. i'll wait.###bot neutral###that clears things up a bit.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###keep on hmmm-ing toots. maybe you’ll put yourself to sleep###bot neutral###noted!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###the hand break isn't going to make already locked tires lock any more. just sayin'.###bot neutral###thanks for the insight.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###his mom is indeed half black, [name] brother [name] confirmed it years ago in an interview. doesn't fit the white supremacist narrative.###bot neutral###i appreciate the info.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###he got caught stealing luggage and got arrested for a felony. that’s the general story. what kinda emotion could i add?###bot neutral###i can understand where you're coming from.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i guess i’ll stay friends with her. heck i’m a guy i can take a hit if she wouldn’t date###bot neutral###thanks for the background.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###of course. i'm glad you were able to revisit in a healthy manner.###bot happy###thanks for the insight.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###you here to admit you are fine with existence once born? i thot so###bot neutral###i see where you’re coming from now.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###ahaha it's his mother's fault!###bot happy###i hadn’t thought about it that way.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i just came###bot neutral###it’s always good to have more info.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###like... how is that possible? holy shit###bot happy###it’s always good to have more info.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yep. they'll declare a national emergency and use army troops to seize all the plastic straws from chick fil a restuarants in the country###bot happy###that’s a valid observation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###you are on bud!###bot neutral###appreciate the context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###i took swimming lessons for a while and my fingerprint thing didn't work for months###bot sad###i can see your point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###that's hilarious.###bot happy###i’ll keep that in mind for the future.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###you forgot to put "armchair" in front of your name.###bot happy###i hadn’t considered that angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###brain dead clearance. honestly deserved lead. they have been better.###bot happy###i’ll keep that in mind for the future.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###a bag of pita chips is really $8?###bot neutral###that’s a good way of looking at it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###books are good###bot happy###i’ll keep that in mind for the future.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###so proud of you!###bot happy###i appreciate that feedback.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###>[name] wars benefit nobody. actually, my stock portfolio is looking pretty great since he took over.###bot happy###that’s a valid observation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###name and shame###bot neutral###that’s a reasonable take.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###he looked like he fell in love###bot neutral###it’s nice to get more context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###no consistency in any of our rotations and it’s january...###bot anger###anyone would feel the same in your place.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###very true.###bot happy###i see what you mean.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###was about to say, if that guy is going to remember the amazing kansas 2007 season, can't leave out our 06.###bot neutral###i get it, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###this guy fucking gets it.###bot anger###that really isn’t fair to you.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###the junkies that hang around there can make some good jokes about getting blitz'd###bot neutral###noted, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i completely agree they got fucked on that no call. and i absolutely love it.###bot happy###that’s good context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###!remindme 4 days "stupid entitled parent, sunglasses"###bot anger###you deserve better than that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###you should definitely stop using to meet men!###bot neutral###that’s a fair point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###my coffee burned its way through my nostrils. thank you!###bot happy###i hear you.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###not sure why people are downvoting you saying youre a hurricane fan###bot neutral###that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i will never be able to comprehend that beautiful flick into a headshot hanzos seem to do.###bot neutral###that’s worth considering.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###haters gonna hate that which they don't understand.###bot sad###it’s always good to have more info.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###a fork and spoon could be a fapoon?###bot neutral###it’s always good to get another angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yeah. im not an incel or nothing but i wouldve liked to see that get addressed haha###bot happy###got it, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i am only sharing what my friends said, what their experience was. i found that a bit surprising.###bot neutral###that’s a good way of looking at it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###we should urge him to run, put our sorosbux to some good use.###bot neutral###that’s definitely something to consider.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###buying bitcoin at it's peak is the equivalent of people buy fyre festival tickets. i'm glad i did neither###bot happy###noted, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###yeah i am seeing a therapist. i should probably talk this out with them next week.###bot neutral###that’s a helpful point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###it's still not something i'd jump to and i'm currently in a closed relationship really.###bot neutral###that’s a fair assessment.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###just grip it and rip it!###bot neutral###got it, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###have you ever, you know, tried not reading something that pisses you off? just downvote and move on.###bot anger###i’d be angry too.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###you’re welcome###bot happy###thanks for explaining that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###saint and eagles was the only interesting game.###bot neutral###thanks for the insight.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###hey thanks! happy new year to you too!###bot happy###that’s worth considering.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###just be yourself lol. some girls find awkward/goofy cute 🤷🏻♂️###bot neutral###it’s nice to get more context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###ah, this may explain all the untimely heart attack deaths we hear about for those who opposed the state or whatnot ###bot sad###okay, i understand now.###end### |