5 values
Talk about forbidden desires! Dirty Little Secret is hot, provocative, and sinfully delicious. When I first read the blurb I couldn't wait to read Dirty Little Secret, and once I read that first page I was hooked. I connected with Emma with her shyness and her curiosity. The fact that she is brave enough to enter into Gavin's world is titillating. She is really a lot stronger that she thinks she is and that makes her my hero. Gavin you are one naughty, dirty, sexy man. He's dark and broody and makes panties melt with just one look. Watching these two meet, connect, and seduce each other is brilliant, I seriously couldn't love it more. Several cold showers are needed after their sultry encounters. But it's that cliff hanger that will have you questioning everything! If you enjoy a little risqu in your reads that will get your heart pumping and ovaries exploding, then I highly recommend you pick Dirty Little Secret today and get lost in some forbidden desires.
When I first read the blurb I was intrigued and once I picked up Sin I was hooked. This book was sinfully delicious and Damien Fox is sinfully delectable. I love how strong, smart, and sassy Dahlia Lloyd is, she gives just as good as she gets. Her feistiness is stunning and I just fell in love with her. Damien a man with a troubled past and never wants to talk about it, but the way he starts to open up to Dahlia is fascinating. He's a man with different layers that if you take the time to peel them back, you get to see the man inside. Sin is an intense and passionate read that you won't be able to put down. The sparks that fly between Damien and Dahlia will heat your ereader, make your knees weak, and melt your panties. This is a story that will excite your sense and cause your heart to race. I highly recommend you pick up this sinfully bewitching read. Emma writes a story that is hot, sexy, and thrilling. I can't wait to see what will happen next in this spellbinding series.
What do you do when the person you've been crushing on and desire to make a move but that person lives on the other side of the continent? You decide if the person is worth it to make a long distance relationship work no matter how difficult it may be. Patrick Milligan wants more than friendship with the stunning Mia Summers, but the distance between them seems too daunting for him. But the longer he spends in her company the harder it becomes to keep her in the friend zone. Mia wants to see where things can go with Patrick but she's scared. Not because of the distance, although that weighs on her mind, but because of a previous experience with guy that used to be her brother's friend. The sexual tension continues to grow between the two until it combusts into a burning inferno. The sparks fly when these two finally come together. Patrick proves to Mia that being hard is so, so good. But no matter how great that are in the bedroom, and out of the bedroom, their living arrangements is still substantial. Can they find a way to make this work or will the distance just be too great? Hard Wood is fun, sexy, sassy read that will keep you entertained from start to finish. Patrick is hero that knows his way around the wilds of the city and of the woods. A guy you want to have around when you get yourself into a jam. Mia is spunky, hilarious, smart, talented, and a down-to-earth woman. She works hard and dedicated to helping others. There isn't anything she wouldn't do for her family and friends. The chemistry between Patrick and Mia is electric. I love how they navigate through the bumps to build a strong and lasting relationship. I loved every second of this friends-to-loves rom-com. It's witty banter, gripping storyline, and sexiness can't be missed. But I would be remised if I didn't mention that start of the show.... Zeus. I promise that if by chance you don't fall in love with Patrick and Mia, you will undoubtedly fall for the most enchanting cat ever.
For my first M.E. Carter book, Getting A Grip was a hilarious, laugh out loud choice. Elena Monroe is getting her life back into order after her husband left her a newer, younger version. After years of snide comments from her ex, Elena is having to work through all her insecurities, and it's not always it the easiest of tasks. But she vows to get a grip and start accepting who she is and what she looks like. Greg is a single dad that catches Elena's eyes and he seems to be taken with her as well. But just like Elena, he's got insecurities that have caused him grief in the past. However, he knows he wants to at least try to have a relationship with Elena, so he'll take the risk and open himself up to her. These two start slow but the more they are together, the hotter they become. And when push comes to shove and the moment of truth is upon, they realize that they are a match made in heaven. But just as their relationship is ready to be taken to another level, as sudden surprise will leave them speechless. Will they be able to make things work out or will they be parted just as they realize how much the other means to them? I seriously love when the hero and heroine are mature adults who know that they want and have lived through some of life's biggest trials and tribulations. Elena is a brilliant heroine because she has the same insecurities as many woman today. She could let them get her down but she chooses to embrace them and become a stronger person. Her children are her whole life and there is nothing that she wouldn't do for them. I love her strengthen and admire her loyalty to those closest to her. Greg is a hero I am happy to swoon for. He's got the looks, but it's his heart that wins you over. I adore that he doesn't pressure Elena to move their relationship faster that she is ready for. He know he wants her, so he'll do whatever it takes and how ever long it takes to make it happen. The children are priceless and Elena's best friend Callie is sensational. They really make this book that much better. And I will never look at hot dogs the same way again. Getting A Grip is great book about starting over and learning to embrace who you are just they way you are. It's funny, lighthearted, entertaining, and romantic. I was glued to the pages because I couldn't wait to see what happens next. But I must warn you, there is a bit of a cliffhanger in the end.
Oh my goodness... what an exciting and sultry read Swink turned out to be. Camilla Landry has always the done the right thing, walked the line, been the good girl. However, lately she'd been seeing a man from the wrong side of the tracks. He's given her the courage to stand on her own two feet and get out from under her family's constant control. Dominic Hughes is man that has had a tough life. He knows what it takes to make ends meet and take care of his family. He's rough, tough, and alpha all the way. These two should never have crossed paths, but they did and the sparks flew. They've kept their relationship on the down low but words has been getting around town about their dating. Will their differences prove to be detrimental to their budding relationship? Or will that be what brings them closer together? I love, love, love this book and the sexiness of Dom. When I picked up Swink because of the blurb and couldn't put it down because of the intriguing storyline. I love how Cam doesn't back down when her family and Dom try to push her. She's a lot stronger than people give her credit for just because of who her family it. Dom may have had a hard life, but he protects those he cares about even if it makes him seem like a stubborn mule. He's edges may be rough, but his heart is pure. Swink is a fun, sultry, intriguing, and fascinating read that captures the reader from start to finish. If you haven't read any of the previous Landry Family series, you will still be able to enjoy this book. If you have enjoyed the previous book, you will love this continuing story about this fascinating family.
Maxwell O'Rourke is older and wiser, no longer one to go looking for trouble as was his want in his younger years. He's got a job in the family business and helping out Pop's at the gym. He's got everything he needs, but there's something is missing he can't put his finger on. Malee isn't you're normal twenty year-old, she has disability that her family has used to shelter and protect her. However, she's feeling restless and wants to get out and experience all that life has to offer. A chance encounter brings these two together and the attraction is instant and intense. The two enter into a clandestine affair, but when things turn serious the time to let her family know about their relationship becomes necessary. So when opposition to their relationship surfaces, will they allows others to keep them apart or will they fight for what their heart yearns for? Maxwell is an incredible journey of two people from vastly different background that find a way to come together and make a lastly connection. Right from the start I was taken with Max. He's got a huge heart and fiercely loyal to those he's closest to. And from the moment he lays eyes on Malee, he knows she's his other half. Despite all the obstacles that would stand in their way, he never let that stop him. He knows what he wants and will whatever it takes to make those dreams come true. I love how Malee sees the man behind the ink, she sees Max's heart. With her family and her disability, she could have been closed off to those not in her immediate circle, but she's open and willing to try new things. She grows stronger and more independent thanks to Max's love and support. I really loved this read and feel hard for Max. Watching these two fall in love, along with the ups and downs of them being together, made this a book I couldn't put down. It just goes to show that can't judge people by their outward appearance. If you love a story with heart, soul, romance, and hero that will surprise you, then I highly recommend you pick up Maxwell.
You married that one person that makes your life complete. You share many happy years together, raise a child, and an enchanting sexual relationship. Life couldn't be better in your eyes. But fate decides to throw you a curveball... your spouse is diagnosed with cancer and slowly is taken away. It's heart wrenching to say the least. Your spouse's last wish is for you to find love again, but it's something that's too hard to accomplish. You miss the life you once had, beside the point that no one strikes your fancy. That is until your best friend and brother consiper you to join them at a local bar. One look, one simple conversation and that person is the only one that captures your imagination. That spark you thought died is now on fire. You want to know more about this person, but something is keeping you at bay. The age difference for starters is a bit much, in your opinion. This is Jack Archer's dilemma, he's ready to start moving on but the person he wants isn't someone that is about the same age as his son. Lilly Sterling is attracted to Jack in more ways than one. She recently moved to Boston after a recent break up. The breakup was hard and life changing, but more importantly, it destroyed her self-esteem. One night, Jack approaches her with a proposition that is too hard to resist. Their relationship will take place within the guidelines outlined in the contract, it's the perfect arrangement. At least on paper. The more time the pair play together, the more they want from the relationship. The only problem is that Jack isn't ready for more and he feels she deserves someone closer to her age. Lilly wants Jack, but after he pushes her away, a blast from the past shows up that makes an offer she wasn't expecting. Will she take the offer? Will Jack see realize his feelings for Lilly before it's too late? Or will Lilly surprise everyone and make a decision least imagined? This is a captivating story that offers a second chance at love. Our hero gets a chance to love again after the death of his wife. Our heroine gets a real chance to discover the lifestyle that nearly broke her at the hands of her last boyfriend. Together they grow and learn that life is at their fingertips if they just take the jump. And I loved that Jack and Lilly have a group of family and friends that are there for them in good times and bad. This is a very enjoyable read that captures your heart from beginning to end. I loved this couple and the journey they took. Theirs may not be a conventional relationship, but the passion they share is something anyone can relate to.
Sweet Baby Jesus!! I knew going into The Theory of Deviance that it was going to be good, but I wasn't expecting it be this good. The dynamic between Mikey, Rafe, and Krissy is stunning. I was able to relate to each individual's person demons, and how they worked together to battle those issues. This book showcases how no one is perfect, everyone has problems. I love how each come to terms with their growing feelings for each other. They are scared of hurting each other, but still want to see where this new relationship can go. I really loved how Mikey took charge in the end and was able to let his embrace his feelings. I haven't read the pervious books in this series, but was able to jump right into this story. I love how Rebecca is able to draw the reader in and keep them captivated until the end. The Theory of Deviance is deliciously kinky, engaging, and enchanting.
Many years ago Ella Shaw did something that has haunted her for years. She may have acted on her deep feelings for the one man she's always been in love with, but the way things ending couldn't have been worse. Now she compares every man to him only to find them lacking. Can she ever find someone that will mend her heart and ignite the fire within. Tyler Dare did something years ago that changed everything. Although he's vowed not to ever go there again, he's never forgotten her. He's kept his distance, but everytime she's around he can't help but remember what he felt like under him. He's got commitment issues not just for what he's done to her, but for other things as well. But a situation has occurred that will bring these two together again. Will the continue fighting their attraction or finally succumb to the inevitable? Either way, each have deep issues to confront in order to move forward with their lives. This book is a seductive page turner that will leave the reader swooning for Tyler and in dire need of a cold shower. The mystery that surrounds the events happening to Ella will have guessing what's next until the end. The journey Ella and Tyler take to address their issues will resonate within the reader. And the passion that flows between the two is electric, sparks fly off the pages. This is a one-sitting, not stopping until the end, book. I dare you not to fall in love Tyler Dare!
When I first read this blurb I thought "Wow this sounds like something I would like" and now that I've read it, I can't get enough of it. I read it from cover to cover in one sitting and loved every juicy minute of it. Jocelyn is a woman in a man's world and because of it she's had to appear stand offish. She may have an "Ice Queen" reputation, but she works hard and gives her all to her clients. Now she's after the catch of catches, Landon Boxer. Landon is a simple man and his number one priority is his adorable daughter. His career is important but it's not his whole world. His agent is retiring and he's fielding calls from every agent trying to sign him, but Jocelyn Jones is one agent that gets under his skin and he can't stay away. Mixing business and pleasure has never been Jocelyn's thing but Boxer makes her want to break all the rules. And the more time they spend together, them more she wants to be with him and his daughter. Can these two find a way to make their personal relationship work along side their business relationship? Or will they have to choose one over the other? Or worse lose them both? Boss Girl is a fun, humorous, sexy read that captives the reader and leaves them satisfied and with a smile. I love a strong, independent heroine that isn't afraid to stand up for herself. A hero that knows what's important in life and does whatever it takes to preserve it. The chemistry between Jocelyn and Boxer is phenomenal and I loved their banter. What I love most about them is their slow burn, they take the time to get to know each other before jumping into bed. Charli is priceless and really delightful. I loved her sweetness and innocence, she's steals the show. I enjoyed Boss Girl and highly recommend you pick up this enchanting book.
The one that got away doesn't always come back, but when it does you have to decide either to let that one get away again or grab hold and never let go. A misunderstanding causes Maguire and Samantha to part ways several years ago. Now that both are back in Holly they get thrown together unexpectedly by a meddling but well intention mother. The sparks fly and long dormant feeling ignite. Will Maguire and Sam be able to pick up where they left off or has too much time passed to start over? Or will a danger present itself that will take the decision out of their hands? It's Me Again, Baby is quick, sultry, spellbinding read that has heat and filled with heart. I loved how Maguire 'salpha-ness takes over when it comes to Sam. Even though he was hurt when she ghosted him, he knew in his heart that she was the one for him. I adore how Sam is the same way, she loves Maguire and takes the risk at a second chance. The danger that surrounds Sam is high, but I love how that doesn't hinder Sam's ability to live her life the way she wants. She'll do what she has to to stay safe, but she won't let it deter her from her goals. I loved the dynamic Maguire and Sam and loved getting to know they and watching them fall in love. Their family add a fun, witty dimension to their story. It's Me Again, Baby is saucy, intriguing, and passion filled novella that make for an entertaining read.
What do you do when your mother is getting married on a cruise ship and wants you to finally learn how to swim? If you're Annie Plymouth you suck it up and cave to her demands. When you've gained a reputation as a "bad boy" and your publicist tells you it's time to clean up your act? If you're Cohen James you suck it up and do what it takes. Neither expected the local YMCA to be the place where their whole lives would change. But when life doesn't go quite as planned, will they stop long enough to think their way out of their relationship? Or will the realize they love each other and want to spend the good and the bad times together? Birthday Girl is a fun, sexy, romantic love story that will grip you from page one until the fabulous end. I love how Cohen never give up to get that first date, and after that date he knew he wanted Annie in his life for as long as she'd let him. And despite the fact that Annie has trust issues, Cohen doesn't pressure her move the relationship faster then she's ready for. Annie is scared, a that is understandable, but she still takes the risk to see where a relationship with Cohen can go. She's smart, witty, sassy, and loyal. She's someone that the reader can relate to and would love to have as a friend. The more I read from Lily Kate, the more in love I become with her words. Birthday Girl is a brilliant read that I didn't want to put down and slightly cried because I didn't want it to end. I love the passion, the thoughtfulness, the kindness, and the love that was contained between the pages. Cohen James is definitely a hero you want to swoon over and maybe even want to pretend to be drowning so that he can rescue you and give you mouth to mouth. So if you need a romantic comedy that will have you laughing, crying, and falling in love, then I highly recommend you pick up Birthday Girl.
Nolan knew the moment he laid eyes on Miranda that she was the one. He wants to make a move but her current situation is a bit hectic, maybe the best approach is to wait until things settle down. What he thought would a short wait turned into nearly a year, but he finally gets his opening when Miranda needs to find a fianc asap. What Miranda thought would be quick and simple, turn serious real fast and she falls even deeper for Nolan. But when tragedy strikes, she pushes him away. Will Nolan let Miranda slip through his fingers? Or will he hold on tight and never let go? Mistletoe Me, Baby is a fun, heartwarming, sassy, sexy read that get in the holiday spirit while tugging at your heartstrings. Nolan comes on strong and never lets up. When he says he's all in, that's exactly what he does. Miranda is strong woman that is will anything for her family and those she loves. I love how she embraces her relationship with Nolan even when she tries to push him away. I enjoyed all the side characters, especially how they all just accepted Nolan and Miranda together without blinking an eye. Brilliant. Mistletoe Me, Baby is a quick, saucy, holiday read that goes great with a nice cup of cocoa and leaves a smile on your face. Whether or not you've read any in the O'Connor Family series, you will still enjoy this delightful read on its own.
Is there anything better than filthy, dirty love? Not when it comes from Greyson Crawford. Grey is man that knows what he wants and isn't shy about it. A love 'em and leave 'em has been is motto since forever. But no other woman has ever tempted him as Evie Richards. Landing the contract for Crawford Architecture was a feather in Evie's cap. It doesn't hurt to she gets to see Grey everyday while working with his company, but her contract is up and her days in his company are coming to end. However, Grey is about to make Evie a proposition she can't refuse. Allow him to accompany her to the wedding of her best friend as her boyfriend. What does he get out of it? Evie in his bed as his plaything delivering pleasures she desires and some she never knew she wanted. But what happens when the weekend ends and feelings that never should have developed actually do develop? Will they walk away with pleasurable memories? Or will they take the risk and see if this is just the start of a relationship of a lifetime? Oh my goodness, Skirt Chaser is everything I wanted for Grey and Evie. I loved every second and couldn't put it down. One of the things I love about Grey is that he's a man that goes after what he wants and doesn't give up. And the things in like in bedroom....sizzling! Evie is woman that isn't shy either, she's strong and independent. She's loyal to her family and friends and always puts others first. But being with Grey makes her realize she needs to put herself first sometimes. The connection between Grey and Evie have sparks flying off the pages. They sizzle in and out of the bedroom. And you that every naughty desire Grey promises to deliver will be received. I really love Skirt Chaser with its witty banter, intense passion, and titillating story line. The way Stacey tells this story captives the reader from page one and has the reader waiting on bated breath to see what happen next. I would highly recommend you pick up Skirt Chaser and find out why Grey makes panties melt, knees weak, and hearts flutter.
The Dating Bender is a fun, sassy, witty rom-com that takes it's heroine a intriguing journey of self discovery while embarking on dating. Samantha is a hot mess but you can't help but feel for her situation and that is what keeps the reader riveted to each page. There are some good times, some bad, and some down right hilarious times. And in the end, Samantha get the life she rightly deserves. The Dating Bender is an saucy, entertaining debut release. The writing has a depth that connects the reader to Samantha and her journey. The story line is brilliant and captivating. I found The Dating Bender an enjoyable read and I look forward to seeing what Christina will bring us next.
Does a book about a sexy alpha male falling for the beautiful single mom sound like a perfect way to spend a few hours, then you would be absolutely, unequivocally right. This book is steamy, delectable and downright incredible. Life for Finley didn't end up the way she thought, and having to raise her child only is harder than she could have imagined. When Greyson finds her at her current job, his need to help her grows leaps and bounds. The one thing he wasn't counting on was the feeling that develop from spending more time with Finley and Maple. Finley's pain and rage will have her fighting her feels, but the sexual tension is so thick that there is no escaping it. And the time Greyson and Maple together will pull the reader's heartstrings and make you swoon. This a quick read that has suspense, intrigue, forgiveness, second chances and heart. It is a perfect read for a lazy Saturday, curled up on the couch, relaxing after a long work week.
Raine Thompson has been through the wringer, her health took a scary turn, her mother last a battle with cancer, and her attempts at finding "the one" has been harder than she expected. But she has her dad and great group of friends that love and support her, no matter what. Callum Mac Mackenzie hasn't always felt like he belong anywhere or to anyone. His childhood was less than stellar, so when he joined the Navy he finally felt like he belonged. But something aren't meant to last, so after an injury, he retired and started a new life doing what he always dreamed of doing.... teaching. Raine and Mac are instantly attracted to each other, but neither act on their impulse and instead form a strong friendship. The more time they spend together, the more they enjoy each other's company whether with their friends or alone watching the game. But the underlying sexual tension continues to grow, therefor on that eventful night things escalate and they cross that spoken line. So the make a sort of pact, a temporary arrangement, that will benefit each other while keeping things secret from their friends. However things may have started, the more time they are together, the more they begin to want more. But things from their past haunt their present and in order to move forward, they will have to come to terms with their demons and learn to trust in each other. Mac is everything you could expect from a SEAL, but he's also kind, giving, sensible, tender, and loyal. He'll give the woman he loves everything to make her happy, even if it means breaking his heart. Raine is the girl next door, the one you can borrow a cup of sugar from. Even with her past, she always hopes for a brighter tomorrow. She's not one would call a knockout at first glance, but the more you get to know her, you realize what a beauty she is. I love her attitude and her inner strength. She's the friend you want to hang will and she'll gladly be there to hold your hair back after a long night of drinking. This is the debut book from RC Bolt and what an enchanting story it is. The banter and camaraderie shown between these band of friends is priceless. Seriously, some of the stories they tell about their adventures in teaching and dating are down right hilarious. I was laughing so hard at times that I had tears. And the blazing fire that encompasses Raine and Mac will leave you breathless and wishing for more. The heat radiates off the pages with each kiss, each touch, and each smoldering gaze. Life is hard, but being surrounded by people that love and care about you, prove you are strong enough to face any challenge thrown at you.
Just when you think this series can't get any better, you get Lawson Briggs! I mean, seriously, that man's got move you only wish you had; he's got charm coming out the ying yang. He's got your back and your front. And he's always there with a smile to brighten your day. But there is one thing that's missing from Lawson's charming life, and the minute he laid eyes on Langley Ford, he knew he's life wouldn't be complete without her. And to be on the receiving end of Lawson's undivided attention has got to be something special. In the previous books, we got to see Lawson's funny side but this time we got to see more of man that lies beneath the surface. The reason he's the way he is and the family he came from. He's a man you can't help but fall in love with as you peel back his layers. Langley Ford hasn't had the easiest of childhoods, and given the career choices she made, that wasn't a cake walk either. Therefore, she learned that the only person she can count on is herself. She was warned that once she took the job with Foster, there were certain events she wouldn't be able to get out of. He's got a "family" circle and she would be included within that circle. What she didn't expect was that everyone knows everyone, and everyone is in everyone's business. They are a close knit and loving group. That is something is not used to at all. It will take a strong man to break down the walls she has built, and Lawson believed he's just the man to do. This book is utterly fabulous. It will have you laughing, crying, smiling, and swooning. It's a story that once you start, you can't put down. And why would you when you have Laws there is keep you company. He says things that will take your breath away because you can't believe some of the things that come out of his mouth. But be warned, when he changes the tone of his voice, and says the most delicious things to you, you'll be begging and pleading for him to make all your fantasies come true. But really, this book is everything you have come to love about this series. It's about a group of friends that will be there for you through the good times and the bad. And because of that, you can't help but relate to Langley and her longing to belong to a "family" like this. Laws of Attraction is a heart warming, sensual tale about two people that are different in so many ways, but together they compliment each other. They each have something to give to the other that was missing in their lives. Their's is a love that is worth fighting for.
Are you ready for a read that will have you laughing out loud so much it hurts? Then get comfortable, grab a glass of wine, and get ready to enjoy all that Blue Balls has in stored for you. Sarah and Jack have been dancing around each other for some time and both are more than ready to take it all the way to bed. However, every time they get close something always happens to prevent reach the ultimate goal. After many starts, can they finally reach the end or will they just walk away friends and nothing more? Holy Smokes Batman! What a scintillating tale Ms. Boldt brings us with Blue Balls! I love Sarah and Jack's witty banter and couldn't get enough of it. Watching them develop their relationship despite all the shenanigans that keep them with "blue balls" is fascinating. Jack is sexy for sure, but he's also kind, honest, loyal, and nerdy. He appreciates the little things and it always their for his friends whom he views more as family. And I adore that he never gives up on Sarah and vows to win her heart despite her trying to push him away. Sarah is a nut but what a pretty nut she is. Some of the things that go through her head are down right hilarious. I can totally relate to her addiction to her chocolates. What I love most about her is that she isn't afraid to tell Jack just what she wants and how she wants it. You can't help but love a woman that goes after what she wants. I always love picking up a R.C. Boldt book and know that I'll be getting a rom-com that will tickle my funny bone and make me swoon. Blue Balls is all that wrapped with a pretty little bow. The chemistry between Sarah and Jack will keep you captivated, wanting to see what will happen next. Blue Balls is fun, sassy, romantic read that can't be missed.
Hot damn.... the Phoenix has risen! I'm not gonna lie, I was eagerly awaiting for Out of the Ashes to land on my reader and it was totally worth the wait. RC Boldt really knocked it out of the park with this book and the readers reap the rewards. Hendy is not your typical alpha hero, he's a survivor. He's seen the worst and after a few bumps in the road, he's come out on the other end a better man. Presley is not slouch either. She's a strong, independent woman that works hard to cares deeply. She's been thrown some hard knocks here and there, but she's a kind, loving person despite it. Her heart is pure and made of gold. The chemistry between Hendy and Presley is hot, hot, hot. I love watching them fight their connection because it's clear that they belong together. And when the path was cleared for them to finally be together the temperature rises quickly. There's a lot of sexy goodness contained between the pages of Out of the Ashes. I loved every single minute of Out of the Ashes and couldn't put it down. I have loved all of RC Boldt's heroes, but Hendy is now by far my ultimate favorite. Out of the Ashes is a fun, sexy, captivating book that will keep you glued to the pages from start to finish. The love is intense and the angst intriguing. This is a read that will give you a book hangover that will stay with you long after you've finished.
Holy Cannoli, what an intriguing start to a sensational series! Noah Tate is the man that makes women weak in the knees and plays to the playboy image everyone thinks of him, but there is more to him than what you see. His heart and soul is in the family business and he'll do anything to keep it in the family and protect the employees' livelihood. His father's will is specific and he'll rise to the occasion. Olivia Cane once had a crush on Noah, so much that she throw herself at him so many years ago. Now though, she can't stand to be in the same room with him. So when the details of her father's and Noah's father's wills are revealed, it takes a lot of soul searching to agree to the obligations. The more time she spends with Noah, the more she starts to understand the man behind the image. The man that her childhood crush has become, and it's getting hard to resist him. But what happens when she learns of the lasted bombshell the wills stipulate? How will she react to it? Can she handle it the implications? Oh wow, I really loved this book. It's fun, exciting, and very seductive. I love the dynamic that Noah and Olivia have, the relationship that develops as they get to know each other better. They spent a lot of time together growing up but so much in their adult life, so seeing them reconnect is splendid. The sexual tension that grows between Noah and Olivia is scorching. The little things they do for each other is rather touching. And the ending? Oh my!! I can't wait to see what is going to happen in volume two!
Oh Henry! You are one sexy, naughty royal.... and I love it! I was royally excited when I picked up Royally Matched and Emma Chase doesn't disappoint. This book captivated me from beginning to end, and fell head over feet for the delicious Henry. What I loved about Henry is that he's really not what you would expect from a future king. He's more likely to act from his heart instead of his mind, and that's something special. He wasn't raised to be the future king, but now that he is he's exactly ready for it. But I love that after some mistakes and bumps in the road, he finally starts believing he can be just what his country needs. To say Sarah is shy would be an understatement. She's never been one to take risks, so when she begins to spend time with Henry, she's a little nervous. But I really loved how she begins to go with Henry's attention, and in turn helps Henry grow up. I really loved that although she's shy and timid, she's willing to do whatever it takes to prove that she's stronger than she ever thought possible. She faces her issues head on and I love that. Royally Matched is a fun, exciting, charming, and romantic book that will have you laughing, crying, and swooning. It's light and fun with the angst is minimal, a perfect read for anyone wanting something with lots of heart and electrical passion. Emma's writing is spellbinding and makes you believe in happily ever afters.
When Logan St. James makes a commitment he sticks to it. After his childhood he promised not to go down the same road as the rest of his family. He's worked hard and made a life for himself that had gotten him right where he is now. Ellie Hammond has a good head on her shoulders even if she seems a little flaky at times. She know what she wants and isn't afraid to take risks. From the minute she laid eyes on Logan he's all she's ever wanted. She's acted on her feelings, but all that changes now. They've skirted around their attraction for years, but when an unexpected event occurs there is no longer a reason to fight it. Can two people that have a strong connect make it work even though their backgrounds are vastly different? Or will an outside force make that decision for them? Wow! Wow! Wow! Talk about a slow burn that erupts into an all consuming flame. Logan and Ellie sizzle right from the start. I love Logan comes to Ellie's aide in more ways than one, she's his whole world. The best part is that Ellie would do the same for him without a second thought. Their passion is intense and you can feel it radiate off the page. Royally Endowed is a stunning story about two people that always knew they wanted each other but had to wait until the right time to make it happen. Logan is a protector and will do whatever it takes to make Ellie safe and happy. Ellie is a smart, strong woman that is kind, sweet, and completely lovely. I loved every second the Royally Endowed and couldn't get enough of this spectacular couple. It's fun, witty, and completely captivating. I laughed, I cried, and swooned. I've loved this series and each book just keeps better and better. And I must confess Logan is me favorite. I highly recommend The Royally Series and especially Royally Endowed. Emma has a knack for telling a story that will fascinate the reader from start to finish.
I'm a hug RC Boldt fan and just when I thought she couldn't write anything funnier, she gives us Clam Jam! Once I picked up this hilariously sexy book, I couldn't put it down. And even once I'd finished, I was sad to see these two go. Maggie is priceless and I loved her witty banter, her passion, and her heart. She's a down to earth woman that always lends a helping hand to anyone in need. I loved how she always tried to see the silver lining, the good in the bad. Ry is man that knows what he wants and doesn't think about his actions to get what he wants, but you really can't help but love him. You know he's a good man when those around let him drag them into his plots. I really loved that even though he has a strained relationship with his father, he still tries to make thing right between them. This book really is, hands down, the most amusing book I've read. Right from page one, it's full of laughs that will have you crying from all the laughter. The lengths Ry goes through to make sure no guy catches Maggie is priceless, but what I really loved is all the napkins. Those napkins touched my heart and soul. This book is everything you need to brighten your day. Maggie and Ry may be the main characters, you'll love Sarah and Jack just as much. I can't recommend this book enough if you are looking for something a little lighthearted and full of fun with a huge dose of sexiness. And if it's your first RC Boldt book, you couldn't have picked a better book to pick up.
I'm not gonna lie, I've been dying to read Foster's story so much so that there may have even been some begging. So when I finally got my hands on Out of Love there was a lot of happy dancing and maybe a bit of squealing... okay a lot. So when I sat down to read it, it was in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down. And after I had finished, I really wasn't ready to say to bye to Foster and Noelle. Foster is a man that has more than meets the eye. He's a man that will take on the world for those closest to him with no questions. You need a shirt? He'd give you the one off his back. But he's also a man with a past that continues to haunt him. Because of this he feel's he's not a man that can have the wife, kids, white picket fence, love and happily ever after. However, he's about to meet his mate in the one woman that has caught his eye like no one else before her. Noelle Davis is woman that came to town wanting to start over, leaving the past behind her. I love her witty comebacks, she a woman that stand on her own. A woman that can speak her mind no matter what is always a woman I can admire. She's too busy working in a male dominated workplace and making new friendship that feel more like family to worry about dating. Her last relationship wasn't all that healthy and didn't end well, but her boycott on men won't stand a chance with Foster turns on the charm. The chemistry is undeniable, the banter is out of this world, and the passion is electrifying. They try to fight their attraction, but it's no use. The only thing that could derail this dynamic duo is letting their pasts stand in their way. This journey will be fun, sexy, intense, and dazzling with it's ups and downs. Out of Love is brilliant, humorous, passionate love story that will have you laughing, crying, and begging for more. If RC Boldt is new to you, then you can't go wrong with picking Out of Love as your first. And if you're already a fan of RC Boldt, then you'll love Out of Love for the RC Boldt flare you've come to love.
The Boyfriend Bet is a cute, fun, witty, and delightful romance story. Zoe and Grant are two individuals that strong, independent, fiesty people. Their first meeting is an intriguing setup to their relationship and it also showcases Zoe's high-spirited temper. I love how Grant doesn't let Zoe's brother, Jack, stand in the way of his relationship with Zoe. They have a chemistry that is off the charts, and even with their ups and downs, they still come back to each other. I also loved how their friends, Delia and Aiden, are always there by their side no matter what. Delia is the life of the party, for sure. Aiden is a bit of a mystery at times, but he's a good guy. High school is hard, the mean girls are always out for blood, but I love how Zoe and Grant stay true to themselves. I really enjoyed this story and this series. The Boyfriend Bet has heart, laughter, romance and true friendships.
The Best Friend Bargain is cute, emotional, charming, and sensual love story about best friends. I haven't read the previous books in the series, this book is able to read as a standalone. This story was about Olivia and Danny, reuniting after some time spent apart. Olivia needs help with the predicament she finds herself in. Danny has been friends with Olivia for years and has always been there for her no matter what. They never crossed the line into romance, but now as they face a life with this new arrangement, fighting their feelings will only last so long. This book is an enchanting love story about two people that share a connection that never be broken. Even when life throws them curve balls, they are still there for each other. They are sexy together and I love Danny's dirty mouth. Watching their relationship evolve is seductive and oh so cute. I recommend this book for fans of friends-to-loves genre, it's not just a run of the mill story but a passionate love story that will leave you with smile and warmth in your heart.
Worth the Wait and Jeremy Denning were undoubtedly worth the wait! Jeremy has his heart broken three years ago, and ever since then he's avoid any type of long term relationship. A love 'em and leave 'em is his motto and he sees no reason to think any differently. Grace Bailey is on a cleanse, getting rid of all the toxins in her life in what she eats, drinks, says, and more importantly men. Her last break up opened her eyes and this cleanse promises to remove the bad elements and help her see the good. A chance meeting brings these two together, their attraction is undeniable, but Grace is sticking to her cleanse which means starting something with Jeremy is not possible. This is all just bad timing. But Jeremy isn't going to let her get away that easy, he'll be the friend she needs if that is only way to keep her in his life. But the more time the spend together, the stronger their connection becomes. If Grace wants to stick to her plan, then Jeremy will help her. He'll wait until this cleanse is over and hopefully be the man she needs. I absolutely love the Kingston Ale House series and Worth the Wait is by far my favorite. I loved that they two have a chemistry that is deeper than just physical. I loved watching their friendship grow and deep as the months past. A deep, loyal, and trusting love develops that neither thought was possible given their past. What I especially love is that when they think they have destroyed their relationship, they still fight for each other knowing their love is worth fighting for. Seeing the couples from the previous books was fun, and meeting the new cast of characters was intriguing. Mrs. Abellis was my favorite. I loved this book, it's witty, funny, sassy, and sexy. I didn't want to put it down and I seriously didn't wait to see it end. This sweet and endearing romance story is one I highly recommend. If you are new to AJ Pine, I suggest picking up the Kingston Ale House series today, I promise you'll be pleased you did.
As my first Donna Michael books, In A Ranger's Arms knocked it out of the park, or should I saw the ranch! Stone Mitchum is everything you could ask for in a hero. A former Army Rancher, a Texan, tall, built, down to earth, kind, and super sexy. He saw a need to help his fellow veterans, so got together with his brother and a couple of friends to made the plan a reality. It's been slow going, and he's taken a lot of responsibility on his shoulder, the last thing he thinks he needs a woman taking up any of time. Jovy Larson is a woman on a mission, a set goal, a promise to keep. She never expected to land in Texas, but she's here so she'll whatever it takes to make it work. I really love her attitude, her winning personality and her heart of gold. Her loyalty to her those that mean the most to her is commendable. Personality, I couldn't help but love her relationship with Lula Belle.... priceless. In A Ranger's Arms is hilarious, sensual, and witty read that I couldn't put down until I finished. The chemistry between Stone and Jovy is electric and flies off the pages. The witty banter between all the characters will keep you on the edge of your seat. This is an entertaining read that I would highly recommend and I can't wait to read more from this series.
If you've read the previous Kingston Ale House books, than you are going to love watching Annie get her due. If you're new to the Kingston Ale House books, than you picked a good book to start with. Romance readers always love the happily ever after hangover after reading our beloved books, but when you read a book where the hero and heroine don't end up together it can leave you unsettled. That's what happened when Annie picked up Wes Hartley's book, a book that she wonders how much is based on real life. She knew Wes back in the day when he and her brother became friends. And he's back in town, for no one knows how long, and he's agreed to a book signing in Annie's shop. The years have been good to him, really good. Every woman is falling all over him and she doesn't want to be one of his many admires, but will she able to fight her attraction once he turns on the charm? Wes never thought he'd be back in town, but he's willing to do almost everything to get through his current writer's block. Little does he know, the girl he had a crush in high school is about to rock is world in ways he never saw coming. Three Simple Words is sweet, charming, funny, and sexy all rolled up in an appetizing package. I loved how Annie is romance book lovers and blogs about it, something I relate to. The chemistry between Annie and Wes is electric, off the charts. Getting to know Wes, the man behind the book, was intriguing and captivating. When you first met him, you know is broken with well built walls that he doesn't plan on bring down. But watching Annie break through them is stunning and endearing. Of course they are hot in the bedroom, but it's outside the bedroom that really solidifies their relationship. One person hides in a fictional world waiting for her own true love, and the other hides in his work keeping his pain and torment hidden. I always love watching two broken individuals work through their issues and come together making them stronger than ever. I couldn't put Three Simple Words down once I started, following the yellow brick road to a happy beginning.
I was really looking forward to this book because I loved book one in the series. Her Secret Ranger picks up right after In A Ranger's Arms ends, and this time around we focus on Brick and Beth. Beth is an event planner that has come to town to finalize the last minute details of her best friend's wedding. The last time she was in town she met a sexy cowboy that rocked her world, she hasn't forgotten about him but he was just a one night stand. However, when her friend dares her to kiss the next cowboy that walks in, she is pleasantly surprised to see that it's her cowboy. Brick has been a player for as long as his friends can remember which is why he's called Romeo. He's a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy that doesn't believe in second dates. However all that changes when a green eyed stunner catches his eye. And the more time they spend together, the more their friends take notice of the changes in them. But there is a secret that Beth is keeps that could break this new couple up for good. Or when everything is finally out in the open, can they work past their issues and build a future they both want? Her Secret Ranger is a fun, witty, romantic and passionate book. I especially love that Brick didn't fight his feelings for Beth, even though at times he didn't know what to make of them. He knew deep down that taking the risk was better then not. I like Beth's strong, independent attitude. She's a woman that knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get dirty to get it. The passion between the two is electric, you can feel the sparks fly off the pages. They can't keep their hands off each other, but they also have chemistry out of the bedroom as well. Their personalities. As a reader, it was easy to connect and relate to these characters. I really enjoyed this book and couldn't put it down. I really loved seeing Stone, Jovy and Lula Belle again. I can't wait see what happens next in this sensational series. I highly recommend reading Her Secret Ranger, even if you haven't read the first book you will still enjoy it immensely.
What a tantalizing way to mix a little business with pleasure! Alice, having landing her dream job, get a glimpse of something she wasn't supposed it. But the two, very handsome I might add, men decide to turn the tables on her. They take her on a rollercoaster of kinky pleasures that she didn't know she wanted. I enjoyed this very sensual and exciting book. It was smoking hot and I couldn't put it down until I finished it. Alice is defiantly someone that I could relate to and those two guys are just too yummy for words. At times, I found myself wishing I was Alice! This was another incredibly enjoyable book from Lucy Felthouse!
Matt Easton is a man with a plan and he's not about to be derailed. Lana Kelly is woman that likes her life just the way it is... calm, predictable. But these two are about to meet and their worlds are going to be turned upside down. Can their whirlwind affair handle the pressure when the world finds out about them? Or will their affair be over before it even gets started? Hollywood Scandal is a fun, witty, saucy book that captivates the reader right from the start. The chemistry that is between Matt and Lana sizzles from the first second they meet and only intensifies as the story progresses. I love how they give as much as they take. Lana falls for the Matt the man, not Matt the actor. Matt shows Lana just how special she is and that's she's stronger than she gives herself credit for. Louise gives us another phenomenal story with heart, soul, and a lot of heat. I devoured and savored this book, just couldn't get enough of it. The passion she wrote into Hollywood Scandal is enchanting and warms the reader's heart. Hollywood Scandal is a glamorous romance with a small town feel.
Just when I think I couldn't love Louise Bay's work any more, so goes and gives us Luke Daniels. This story begins with a bang... a sweet, sexy, hot bang! I was already loving Luke, but now that love is out of this world. The things he does to Ash... color me jealous! That man is passionate, naughty, dirty, and downright desirably delicious. Luke wants Ashleigh not just right now, but for the long haul. He also vows to show her his love is true, through and through. His eyes have been opened and there is no going back, just forward. Ash loves Luke, but she needs to know that she is Luke's choice not because she is there, but because his heart is completely hers. I love that she can make a hard decision and stick to her guns. She strong even though at times she may not feel like it. I just want to hug her and then drag her out for a drinks and laughs. This was an sensually delightful love story will take your breath away. Louise always delivers a story that captures a reader's heart and soul and this showcases that. Luke is your brother. Ashleigh is your best friend. Their anguish is your anguish. They laugh, you laugh. They cry, you cry. Their happiness is your happiness. A friends to lovers story can been difficult to properly tell, but Louise's characters are stunningly brilliant, charming, and down to Earth. Because of Luke and Ashleigh, and Louise's spectacular words, I would highly recommend this to every romance loving reader.
Violet King is in need of a restart after the past several years she's had. So when she gets the opportunity to go to London to help her find herself and her purpose, she decides to jump on it. Getting a temp job was an incredible new start for her, but she expected was to find love. Alexander Knightley is a work-a-holic and has no reason to change the way things are. But when that feisty, strong willed, beautiful American walks into his life, everything gets turned upside down. The sexual tension between the two grows more and more with each passing day until it ignites into an inferno. They enter into a relationship knowing it could never amount to anything since Violet is only in London for a few months and Alex will always put his work first. But as the relationship evolves, feeling develop, and promises get broken. Will they be able to work through their issues before it's too late? Or was this only ever supposed to be a passing fling? The British Knight is a witty, sassy, sexy, captivating read that will delight readers everywhere. I love how Violet and Alex connect and push each other out of their comfort zones. Their push and pull is sensational and their passion is hot. I had to stop a couple of time just to cool off. Louise always brings heart and soul into her books and The British Knight is no different. Louise's writing makes the reader feel they too are on the emotional journey she takes Violet and Alex. The British Knight is a book that I would highly recommend with it's delightful banter, intense passion, charming heroine, broody hero, and entertaining storyline. This is one knight in shining armor you don't want to say no to.
It's no secret that I love Louise Bay and get super excited when she has a new release, and with each book my love her just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Park Avenue Prince is a marvelous story about two people each needing something they never realized they needed. Sam Shaw is man that was dealt a terrible blow when he was young, and that blow shaped him into the man he is today. Grace Astor grew up in the lap of luxury, but she's out to make a name for herself without the help of her family's money. Fate steps in and brings these two together, igniting a fire that only seems to heighten the more time they spend together. They are open with each other in ways they have never been able to do in the past. However, just as they seem to be moving into a positive direction with their relationship, an unexpected accident brings things crashing down. Will they be able work through their issues and have a chance at a future? Or will this accident be too monumental to overcome? Park Avenue Prince is stunning, romantic, humorous, and passionate love story that captures the readers imagination from start to finish. I loved watching these two break down each others walls, one sultry kiss at a time. I especially loved how Grace got Sam to purchase new furniture for his apartment, it was brilliant. I love Louise's writing, she makes each character real and makes them seem like friends you can't wait to share your good times and bad with. And I loved getting to catch up with Max, Harper, Amanda, and the babies. I enjoyed this book immensely and highly recommend this remarkable story of a Manhattan Princess finding her Prince Charming.
Hat damn, just when I think I couldn't love Louise Bay enough, she goes and gives us a Duke! A sexy, suit wearing, dirty talking, sultry smirk giving Duke. One that not only has a big package but know how to use it. Not to mention he's very talented with his finger and tongue too. Ryder and Scarlett have a chance meeting one night and decide a delicious one-night stand would do them both good. The only thing they didn't expect was to come face to face the next day in a conference room. Both are in a bit of a jam in their businesses when Ryder comes up with a plan that could help them both out. And although Scarlett is reluctant, she agrees to this unconventional plan. But what started out as a business agreement quickly turns into something neither expected. And when the tides turn and their arrangement is no longer need, will they walk away from their relationship or will they find away to make this a permanent situation? I read this book from cover to cover in one sitting and would gladly do it again. I couldn't put it down and I really didn't want to. I loved they connection Ryder and Scarlett have, it's intense and all encompassing. Their passion is evident right from the start, but their is more to their bond then just what happens in the bedroom. It's all the little things they do for each other that draws the reader in. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of sexiness contained in these pages. Ryder's got game and he knows it. He maybe a little cocky but that works to his advantage. It's easy to see what women swoon and panties melt whenever Ryder comes around. Scarlett is a force to be reckoned with, she isn't some meek woman you can push around. She knows what she wants and is more that willing to do the work to make it happen. She's a strong, independent woman who's smart. kind, and always willing to lend a helping hand. I admire the love she has for her family and friends. Duke of Manhattan is a thrilling, sultry, spellbinding book that will leave you smiling, utterly satisfied, and still yearning for more.
Beth Harrison has always had the best of live, she got into a situation that quickly spiraled out of control. But luckily for her, she has a supportive brother that help her through the dark times. Now several years later she's healthy, happy, and had found a new passion. And this new passion is beginning to take her places she never dreamt of. Flying back and forth from London and Chicago can be tacking, but getting to do what she loves makes it all worth it. Dylan James is a powerful man that is used to women checking him out. He doesn't need to go chasing women, they willing fall at his feet. He the type of man that will takes charge in a boardroom and the bedroom. But on a flight from London there's a woman that catches his attention... Beth Harrison. What was supposed to be a one-night stand starts to turn into something more. The longer they spend time together, the deeper their feeling start to grow. But just as they are figuring out the whole relationship thing, things come to light that can tear them apart. How the handle it will determine their fate. Everything you expect from a Louise book, Indigo Nights has it in spades. Beth is not your typical heroine. She's stronger because of her battles, but on the other hands she timid about the decisions she makes. She's a woman on a mission and she'll do whatever it takes to make her dreams a reality. She has high expectations for herself and those around her. And no matter the trials and tribulations she been through, she still has style and whole lot of sassiness. And Dylan? He's a walking wet dream and I love his no BS attitude. That man knows how to please his woman, making the reader's panties useless and in need of a very cold shower. I appreciate his determination to get what he wants at all costs. When he commits, he commits with his whole heart and soul. That is man after my heart. This is, by far, my favorite Louise Bay book. The story consumed me and I couldn't put it down until I finished it. The heat that radiates off the pages will melt your reading device. This is a brilliant book that will have you wanting to have your own Indigo Nights.
Just when I think I couldn't love Louise's work any more, she goes and knocks me off my feet with the sexy, take no prisoners Max King. That man is seriously one sexy beast that I wouldn't' mind spending some one on one time with. I love how protective he is of those that matter most to him. While most people see the businessman in an expensive suit, not realizing the kind of person he is beneath the suit. When a man like Max King walks into a boardroom, you can tell he's the man in charge. And when he walks into the bedroom, the words he says will make you weak in the knees, but you know that he'll deliver every deliciously naughty things he tells you. Harper Jayne isn't some shrinking violet, she's a woman on a mission and she isn't going to let anyone, let alone Max King, stand in her way. I love her determination in the face of adversity, to succeed when everyone expects her to fail or depend on her father's name. At every turn, she stays true to herself and that is something I can admire. I love her heart, her loyalty, her witty attitude. She a true friend, always there when you need her. I really loved King of Wall Street, more than I expected to. From it witty banter to the wicked dirty talking, this book is a stunning masterpiece. Max and Harper are stunning couple that know exactly how to heat up the night. Louise's writing has a way to draw the reader into the story, holding on to them until the tantalizing end. But be warned, you'll need a very cold shower when you finish this provocative, irresistible book.
"... you have this innate sparkle about you that makes others feel better in your presence. Never, ever let anyone take that away from you again." Skye Summers is trying to prove to everyone that she can be more then the daughter of the mayor. After her breakup, friend Katie takes Skye out for some drinks and fun at a local bar. While there, she has a few drinks and starts having some fun. She notices a very hot guy watching her and it excites her. After a rather drunk guy throws up on her, she runs to the bathroom to clean up as best she can. When she exits the bathroom she runs into the very handsome guy. They share a very steamy kiss but Skye soon realizes what she is doing and runs away. Although she found him extremely attractive, she never expects to see him again. Skye was recently hired as an assistant to a PR entrepreneur Landon Steele. When she started her new job, her boss was out of the office so she did what she could in getting to know her fellow employees and the basics of job. When her new boss finally appears, she is stunned to find out it was the guy from the bar! These two have sparks flying left and right but both are fighting their mutual attraction. But when they can no longer fight it, they become a very hot couple. They keep their relationship quiet at first, but when trouble is up they have decide if their relationship is worth fighting for. I love this continuation on Elisabeth Grace's Limelight series. Landon and Skye are amazing individuals and together they could do anything their hearts desire. An quick and steamy read that could not be out down until the end. I, for one, look forward to book three of this series and any other projects Ms. Grace has to offer!
My anticipation for this book was well worth it! It was intriguing to read about Darcy`s change in the face of Lydia's tragic death. He love for Elizabeth is stead fast and true; he would anything to bring her happiness. I also love the was Mr and Mrs Bennet's relationship grew after such a loss; an how their relationship with their daughters changed for the better. Very well worth staying up all night to finish it an still get up to go to work the next. I highly recommend this book and know that you will enjoy it as much as I!
What a charming story! I loved the concept of this story and how Darcy and Elizabeth overcome their misunderstandings and their love grows. I was disappointed that Mr Bennet didn't approve of the marriage and his prejudice and pride almost lost him his favorite daughter. In the end all works out and the epilogue made cry a little. This is lovely story that any fan of Darcy and Elizabeth would love!! Well written, indeed.
What do you do when you find that someone special only to learn that they have a secret that could change everything? If you're Brody Callahan you except it because living with that person is better than living without them. Brody Callahan never expected to find the woman of his dreams working in his step-mother's house, but once he did he vowed to never let her get away. He'll woo her until he wins her heart. Claudia Samson found herself in a situation that she never expected, however she is drawn to Brody and can't stay away from him. The more she gets to know him, the harder she falls. The only thing that could shake up this couple is the secret Claudia has been keeping. But Brody has a secret of his own... he's in for the long haul and this isn't going to keep him away. Something More is a sweet, sexy, heartwarming romance that will captivate the reader from start to finish. Brody proves over and over again that he's a hero you can fall head over heels for. They way he pursues Claudia is endearing and heartfelt. Claudia is strong woman that will stop at nothing to provide for herself and her family. I love that she didn't wilt under the pressure of having a baby on her own. The passion between Claudia and Brody sizzles of the pages. Their love grows over time and remains strong and true despite outside disruptions. Something More is a brilliant love story that can't be missed. I highly recommend you pick up this stunning read today and find out why Brody Callahan is stealing hearts left and right.
Zane Tucker is happy with his life just the way it is despite everyone around him thinking else wise. He's happy for his siblings, but he doesn't see a reason to rock the boat. But when his pup knocks over the new town librarian, Zane starts to wonder if maybe his life is missing something after all. Harper Grace was in need of a change when she landed in Eagle Ridge. The last thing she was looking for was starting a new relationship, but she can't deny the attraction she feels for Zane. The reason Harper's last relationship ended still ring in her head, can she put those voices to bed and embrace the chance for something special with Zane? Can Zane finally admit that he wants a future a with Harper? Or will they both find reasons to walk away from each other before they even get started? Zane is sexy, fun, heartwarming story about two people that help each other get over their past, embrace their present, and believe in a future they never knew they wanted. The way Zane and Harper first connect is priceless... gotta love that Gambler. Each push each other out of their comfort zones while support each other every step of the way. It's easy to fall for this couple and wish them all the best. I enjoyed this fun, engaging story with it's witty dialogue, charming setting, and compelling storyline. I would recommend Zane us you love stories about two unlikely people coming together and finding a love that changes their life for the better. Zane can be read as a standalone or as part of this sensational series.
Hannah Nichols hasn't always made the best decisions when it comes to men, but something about Jet Crow calls to her. Spending one memorable night together was all she ever though she'd get, but learning a secret brings Jet back into her life and changing her world completely. Jet Crow knew the moment he laid eyes on Hannah that she was something special. When she walked away after their night, he thought he lost her forever. Then she walks back into his life with news that he never saw coming. Jet knew the second he laid eyes on Alfie he'd do whatever it takes to be the father he needs. And he knows he'll do whatever it takes to make Hannah his always. Hannah would love to open her heart again, but her past keeps her walls up. Winning Hannah's heart won't be the only battle Jet must win, he'll have to fight to keep Alfie in his life. But when all is said and done, will Hannah be able to put her past behind her and embrace a future with Jet and Alfie? Or will the odds be stacked too high against and she'll walk away forever? Spark is a fun, sensual, rocking read that features a sensational storyline, a heartthrob hero, a strong heroine, and an exceptional little boy. The wit, charm, and passion contained within the pages of Spark will keep you enraptured from start to finish. And seriously, Alfie is too adorable not to fall in love with. I must warn you, you'll definitely need a cold shower or two by the time you finish Spark. Jet can turn up the heat with just one look, but once his dirty words start... hot damn. And Hannah isn't shy either when it comes to what she wants in the bedroom. These two have desire, passion, and love in spades and it shows through with everything they do. If you love rock and roll bad boys and a story full of heat, passion, heart, and soul, then I highly recommend you pick up Spark today. Jet will charm you in more ways than one.
The heat gets turned up in Sin City!! Nathan's just been given an undercover operation that hits close to home. And the stunning he met at a speed dating event he recently attended as a favor to a friend has just worked her way into his operation. Their connection is off the charts, they can't seem to keep their hands off each other. But when the stakes are raised, can Nathan keep Nicole safe and succeed in his mission or will he have to choose one over the other? Game of Chance is a sizzling, suspenseful, provocative book that will keep you guessing what will happen next. The electricity flies off the pages each sultry look and breath stealing kiss. I loved how each had their own past issues but with each other's help they were able to face them. Their relationship may have started purely physical, but it turned into a something more profound. I would highly recommend Game of Chance with it's seductive hero, strong willed heroine, and excitement filled story line. This is one series you don't want to miss.
Brooke Hamlin has worked hard to get where she is and this deal could make or break her career. She's excited for this opportunity but the twist is throwing her for a loop. Spencer Dean is glad to be back home and he's ready for this next big project that is rather close to his heart. But in order for him to get the green light he's got to revisit the past that walked away from him without a look back. Old feelings good and bad resurface, can they find a way to put their past behind them and start over? Or will they be unable to move past their hurt and walk away from each other forever? Hold On Tight is a second chance romance filled with forgiveness, hope, love, and passion. The connection between Brooke and Spencer is evident right from the start and only intensifies throughout the read. What I love most is how well they still know each other despite all the years apart. Spencer doesn't want to have feelings for Brooke and tries to fight it at first, but once he decides to try again he's all in. And Brooke is more than willing to start again, she never stopped loving Spencer. Their passion is hot and all encompassing and it's the little things that make their heart skip a beat. I loved getting to know Mr. February and his lady love. Their romance is thoughtful, hopeful, and full of heart and soul. I love that even when outside forces tries to pull them apart, they don't give up and fight to stay together. This series is quickly becoming a favorite of mine and I can't wait to see what Mr. March will bring. So if you haven't start this sensational series yet, then I highly recommend you do and get ready to fall in love with Mr. February and Hold Me Tight.
Jenna Montgomery is coming back home after her job ended. While she's happy to be back, she's also nervous how she'll be around Reece. Reece Walker's world changed the second he realized he had feelings for his friend that went beyond friendly. While both are attracted to the other, can they risk their friendship to build a deeper, emotional relationship? Or will they push aside the attraction in order to maintain their life long friendship? Down On Me is a fun, sassy, exciting read that captivates the reader and takes them on a thrilling journey of friends turning into lovers. The connection between Reece and Jenna is phenomenal. They bring out the best in each other while excepting each others faults and weaknesses. Their passion is intense and only magnifies the deeper their relationship grows. I love how Jenna isn't afraid to speak her mind even if it means she'll have to walk away from Reece. Reece didn't believe in happily ever after but for Jenna he'd do everything, and anything, for her. Even before picking up Down On Me I knew this series would be intriguing, but now after reading Down On Me I know for sure this series will be sensational. I'm am looking forward to seeing how this series will unfold. I highly recommend you pick up Down On Me and get to know Mr. January.
I'm not going to lie, I'm slightly in love with Ella Jade and now even more so!! When she said that I was writing this one, I may have been a little impatient. Okay, fine, a lot. Pax was great and all but he was missing something. So when started teasing us with Nic, I was hooked. Finally getting my hands on this one was a dream come true. Holy smokes Batman, Nic blew me away. He's charming, loveable, sweet and persistent in the face of adversity. He's given a second chance with his one true love and he's not taking no for an answer. Frankly, I can't image saying no to him. Yes, I totally swooned over him! I love Sage's independence and witty comebacks. She's perfectly matched for Nic, even if she tries to fight it. Ella has a way with words that suck you into the story and Sliding Into Second is no exception. This story captivates from the beginning and leaves you with a smile at the end. Defiantly one that shouldn't be missed.
Megan Clark came to Austin looking for a fresh start and so far things have been going well, but a blast from the past is about to resurface. Parker Manning has been working hard to reestablish his name and lose the playboy image. Doing this Man of the Month campaign may not be the best things for his new image, but when she walks into his office maybe this is the chance he's been waiting for to claim the woman that captivates him. Their timing was off when they were both in Los Angeles, but maybe their timing is finally right. But will their affair be just one night or will this be the start of something long lasting? In Your Eyes is a fun, sexy, thrilling read that will have the reader engrossed in this sensational storyline. The passion between Megan and Parker is hot, hot, hot. And as they get to know each other better, the hot it gets. I love how strong Parker feels for Megan and wants her to know just how much he wants her in and out of the bedroom. I really enjoyed this read with it's sassy heroine, panty melting hero, and sultry passion. I highly recommend this series and especially In Your Eyes. Mr. June truly delivers on all your needs, wants, and desires, so do yourself a favor and pick up Parker Manning today.
"Darlin', I'm from Texas where everything is bigger." Paxton Hughes is a baseball player from Texas now living in Rhode Island for the Kingston rushers. Pax is OMG handsome and can be quite the player. No one has ever been able to tame this bad boy of baseball. Enter Sophia Ballis! Not your typical girl next door but pretty darn close. She is just trying to make ends meet and establish her teaching career. While out on her daily morning runs, she has been noticing the new guy and thinks that he is handsome, but being shy she would never make a move. Lucky for us, Pax makes it for her! Although they share a few minutes of conversation, Sophia has to run off to get ready for work and leave without giving her name. Both are a little bummed but Sophia's best friend has her best interest at heart and convinces her to go the local bar in hopes of running into Pax. Afterall, the entire team always go there after the home games! Our couple happen to run into each other and the sparks are electrifying. Soon we have a couple that just cannot get enough of each other. But as all love stories go, there must be some trouble ahead. And talk about a complete misunderstanding that spirals way out of control. Time passes, more time then should have but such is life, and the bond these two share can not be denied. Once they talk out their issues and all secrets are out in the open, they finally get back together! And yes, Pax can steal my heart any day of the week!! This was another well told story by the lovely Ella Jade. And lucky for us, there will be another story in this Kingston Heat Series!! That ought to just as hot and steamy as this one. I am a huge fan and she hasn't let me down yet. I cannot wait to see what she will give us next!!
Grace Montgomery ran out of town as fast as she could after graduation without looking back. Several years have past and she taking a long overdue break back home to teach a screenplay writing course, but the last thing she expected to come face to face with a blast from the past. Reed Cross is happy to be back home after been gone so long. Coming home to help his uncle and reconnecting with friends has been everything he's needed, but when he sees the girl that he let get away he vows to not let her get away again. Grace has a life in New York and Reed has a life in Oak Falls, but their attraction can't be denied. Can they find a way to make their relationship work despite the distance, or will they crash and burn and go their separate ways once again? Embracing Her Heart is a witty, sassy, engaging read that captures the reader right from page one until the sensational, heartwarming conclusion. I just loved Grace right from the start. Her love of her family is something that I can relate to and enjoy how close they are no matter how far their lives and careers take them. And when it comes to Reed, she accepts him flaws and all. She loves him just as much as he loves her; she gives just a much as she gets. Reed is man can make a woman swoon with just his smile, but when he turns on the charm... damn! (((fans self))) I love how he that goes after what he wants and doesn't give up. He's got a big heart and isn't afraid to show it. I also love how open he is with his uncle and aunt not just now in the present but also in the past. And when it comes to Grace, there really isn't anything he wouldn't do for her. I enjoyed Embracing Her Heart and devoured it in one sitting. The storyline was outstanding, the hero charming, the heroine sparkling, and the passion superb. Melissa truly has a talent to weave a story that take you on an incredible journey that leaves you smiling and satisfied. So do yourself a favor, pick up Embracing Her Heart and fall in love with Reed, Grace, and embrace a love that will take your breath away.
When Desiree received a cryptic message from her mother, the last thing she expected was that it would change her life for the better. A woman needs a plan is about to learn that somethings the best things comes to those that live with a plan. Rick is back in the Cape to help his brother and best friend with the renovations of their new investment. Although being with his family brings him great joy, a past family tragedy has him yearning to escape back to his life in DC. A chance encounter is about to throw these two together. There is a spark between them that has been unable to deny their attraction. And as they spend more time together, they help each other face their past. But what will happen when it's time for Rick to leave? Will their newfound relationship be able to handle the distance? Will Desiree go back to living with a plan, or will she embrace a laid back attitude she's being living over the summer? Will Rick be able to put the past behind him and enjoy a hobby he used to love again? Is this just a summer romance or a romance of a lifetime? Bayside Desires is a fun, saucy, exciting story that will pull at your heartstrings and leave you smiling and contented. Melissa draws the reader in right from the start and weaves an touching story that will have the reader glued to each page. I love that Desiree takes a risk, embraces the changes that comes her way, and grows into a stronger, happier person. I admire how Rick went after Desiree not just she was beautiful but because he saw the beauty within. He opened his heart and let the love in. The chemistry between the two is electric. Rick is a man that knows how to take control and make all your desires come true. I swooned for him right from the start and only kept falling for him with each passing page. I enjoyed Bayside Desires and would highly recommend it. I look forward to catching up with these delightful cast of characters in the next book of the series.
Sophie Roberts has had a crush on a certain Bad boy for a long time but she's always turned down his advances because this bad boy is a playboy. But you can only fight an attraction like they have for so long. Brett Bad has always been a love 'em and leave 'em type of guy, but there's something about Sophie that calls to him. He's been knocked down every time, but he's a man that doesn't give up on what he wants. One night, no questions asked, and then they'll walk away. But when the morning light shines, will they be able to walk away or will this be the start of their forever? Brett is a sensational love story that takes the reader on a journey of hope, forgiveness, and forever kisses. I love how Sophie is strong enough to speak her mind and yet tender enough to see behind the facade that Brett shows the world. Her loving heart is endearing and her thoughtfulness is heartfelt. When she open ups her heart to Brett, she knows that he could one day walk away but hopes for a future with him anyway. I really loved how easy she is able to be this charming person in front of company one second, and a sexy little vixen the next just for Brett. I admire how Brett is willing to become the man Sophie needs even if it means confronting the demons from his past. His ability to love Sophie speaks volumes about how big heart truly is. He may appear rough around the edges, but if you take the time to really get to know him you'll see just how amazing he is. I enjoyed every minute of this captivating book and swooned for Brett over and over again. The connection between Brett and Sophie is electric and flies off the pages straight into the reader's heart. Once the heat gets turned on it only intensifies the deeper Brett and Sophie's relationship gets. So be sure to have a few each panties available because Brett will be melting them off time and time again. I highly recommend you pick up this Bad Boy and let Brett show just how good forever kisses can be. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Oh my!! Melissa Foster has a stunning, captivating, swoon worthy book on her hands. Truman is undeniably seductive and through in a baby and your panties will be melting and ovaries will be exploding. He may be tall, dark, and rough around the edges, but it's his heart that will win you over. He's had a hard past, and just looking to get his life back on track when he's thrown a curve ball. But he's a survivor that will do what it takes to get the job done, and done well. Gemma is the perfect person for Tru. She's soft, sweet, caring, and a bit nosy, but she's good intentions. When she meets Tru, she can't help but to offer him help. As their relationship develops, the passion and fire is intense. I felt connected with Gemma on several levels and enjoyed getting to know her better. I truly loved this couple and supporting characters. I was hooked from page one and a little sad to see their story end. The slight angst will get your heart pumping just as much as the sexiness. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a story with heart, romance, grit, and a sexy dad.
Emery Andrews is ready for a new start and Wellfleet is just the right place. Besides being with Desiree again, Emery is looking forward to connected with Dean after months of phone calls and Skype sessions. But the more time she spends with Dean, the hard it becomes to fight the attraction and pull she feels towards him. Dean Masters is excited about Emery's move to Wellfleet. He was immediately taken with the second he laid eyes on her and now after months of long distance, he can finally make his move to claim his girl. Emery has never lucky when it comes to men. Dean won't take no for answer. Will they be able to find a way to turn their relationship into a love that will last a lifetime? Bayside Passions is a sexy, fun, witty read that captivates the reader right from the start and doesn't let go until the sensational end. I really enjoyed Emery in Bayside Dreams and couldn't wait to start Bayside Passions to see how her story would unfold, and boy does Meslissa deliver. Bayside Passions is full of heart and soul and everything sexy. Emery is a ball of energy that you can't help but love. She's smart, talented, kind, loyal, and funny. Even when she's freaking out, she's adorable. I love that she stay's true to herself, isn't afraid to speak her mind, and loves completely. Dean is man that knows how to show his girl just how special she is to him. He always remembers the little things as well as the big. His devotions knows no bounds. And when he turns on the charm and his cocky smile... hot damn! The passion may start out as a slow burn but once it ignites it's a raging inferno the sends sparks flying off the pages. Be prepared to take a cold shower or two. I really enjoyed Bayside Passions from cover to cover leaving me with a nice little book hangover. I highly recommend any Melissa Foster book, but especially Bayside Passions and the entire Bayside Summers series. Dean Masters is one hero you don't want to miss. He'll take care of all your needs, wants, and desires.
Four years ago Wes Cade let 'the one' slip through his fingers , the reason why she left has always haunted him. Kaylee has a secret she's kept from Wes all these years, and now she's ready to come clean before her upcoming wedding. Feelings both thought were long gone surface but Kaylee is engaged to someone else and Wes isn't looking to rekindle anything with her. But sometimes fate has a way of turning things upside down and take you on a journey neither ever expected. Daring Wes is feisty, saucy, sweet, second chance romance that will leave you believing true love never dies. Wes and Kaylee's past was everything you'd expect from young love and because of their youth they lost their way. But now older and wiser, they face their past and embrace their future. Watching them start over is endearing and intense. Even though there is still a few hurtles they must work overcome, they are a couple you can't help but root for. And when they do finally get together.... prepare to overheat and be in need of a cold shower or two. I love the Cade brothers and Wes is definitely a fine specimen of a man. When he commits, he does it with every fiber of his being. Kaylee has a heart of gold, even when life was throwing her curve balls, she never lost her kindness and her smile. I loved every second of Daring Wes and hated to see it end. I loved watching Wes and Kaylee fall in love and chart a few future together. Daring Wes is another fabulous showcase of the Cade Brothers series and I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves a second chance love story. It's fun, sassy, romantic, and completely brilliant. So grab your club and get ready to play eighteen holes with the ever talented and deliciously handsome Wes Cade and his lucky lady love Kaylee.
If you are looking for a hero that protects those close to him, support his family with everything breath he takes, and loves with his whole heart than Tempting Levi is what you need. This is my first book from Jules Barnard and I know it won't be my last. As soon as I picked up Tempting Levi I couldn't put it down until it was finished. The writing is captivating and the story alluring. I feel hard and fast for Levi Cade and continued to swoon with each passing page. I love Emily and her ability to give just as good as she gets. Her sassy, witting banter with Levi is priceless and I couldn't get enough of it. I adore the dynamic Levi has with his brothers and can't wait to get to know them better as the series continues. Even Emily's relationship with Lisa is intriguing. I really enjoyed Tempting Levi with its hero with a huge heart, heroine with feistiness, and a story line that is enthralling. And the sexiness is just the right amount of hot and saucy. I would highly recommend Tempting Levi whole heartily.
When Carly and Erika get together you know you're about to get a stellar story and an amazing book boyfriend to drool over. Faking It is exactly that and then some. Max and Hailey are a phenomenal couple that you can't help but fall in love with. The attraction between the two causes sparks to fly off the pages and all the dirty talk melts e-readers with its hotness. Hailey is a strong, independent women that runs her business with class and style. Her only problem is the way she feels about her looks. So when she started her business she told a little white lie. What's one little lie when no harm is being done, unless the person you used with your lie finds out and turns the tables on you. When Max turns his attentions to you, it will be like nothing you've ever felt before. It's all encompassing, ultra steamy, and a whole lot of naughtiness. Panties down't stand a chance against is mega sexy smile and passionate kisses. He's the kind of guy that takes your breathe away not just with his looks, but always with all the little things he does that make you feel like you're the most important person in the world. Max and Hailey are alluring, caring, lovable, and everything dirty. Their relationship started with helping each other through a few sticky situations but it quickly turned into something more, something deeper, something stronger. I really loved Faking It and didn't want to let this couple go. I loved getting captivated with this love story. Carly and Erika filled this story with heart and soul that will have you swooning before you even realize it. I highly recommend you pick up Faking It and fall in love with Max and Hailey today.
Sometime the second chance you never knew you wanted shows up at your door. Derek West has made a name for himself while keeping his past private. He's built an empire with his best friends and never wants for lady companions. Never one to let anyone too close, he a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy. But if was honest with himself, there is someone that has always been in the back of his mind. She may have scorned him years ago but that doesn't stop his attraction to her. Cassie Storm knows she did wrong to Derek and has always regretted it, but in an effort to rebuild her family's company she's ready to face him again. She's knows landing this exclusive interview would be huge to the company. She's sees Derek for more than his past, his money, and his good looks, she sees the man inside. Derek thinks he can work Cassie out of his system and walk away, but the more they are together the more he realizes she's never been out of his system. But when the past comes back to haunt them, will they walk away from each other or find a way to leave the past in the past and focus on the future? Going Down Hard is a captivating, charming, seduction second chance romance that have you falling hard for Derek and Cassie. The connection they have started many, many years ago and now it's off the charts. I love how Cassie wants more than fame and money, she wants a love that's true and honest. I loved watching Derek fall for the girl next door, and how he finally was able to move past the hurt and anger. I really enjoyed getting catch up with Kaden, Lexie, Lucas, Maxie, and Kendall again. This group of people are more than friends, they are a family. Going Down Hard is a sweet, sexy, and charming book that I was really sad to see end. Carly writes story with heart and depth, and Going Down Hard is prime example. So be prepared to swoon for Derek, and believe me when I say, he will leave you satisfied yet yearning for more. And now I can hardly wait for the next story in this series with the man we all love to hate... Julian.
Mia Atwood loves her job and the last thing she'd want to do is cause trouble that could jeopardize this job. But it's getting harder and harder to fight the growing attraction to Austin. Austin Rhodes was burned in his last relationship and has no reason give do that again. His main priority is Bailey but Mia is quickly becoming a priority as well. Their attraction is undeniable and once they decide they can no longer fight it, the passion explodes right off the pages. Once will never be enough for these two, but Mia ultimately wants the whole package and Austin doesn't. Will they be able to find a compromise that will benefit both or will Austin's unwavering aversion to relationships make Mia leave forever? Tempt Me is a fun, exciting, sexy read from cover to cover. The connection between Mia and Austin is sensational but so the bond she has with Bailey. Her love of both makes her a kind, loyal person that readers can relate to. I love how she is willing to walkaway from them when danger comes knocking at their door. Austin is a devoted father and a phenomenal bodyguard, but maybe not the best when it comes to relationships. However, Mia makes him want to be a better man and desires to give her everything her heart wishes. I really love that even though Mia tries to keep Austin at arm's length, he doesn't give up his pursuit of her. And when the threat on her life arises, he'll stop at nothing to protect her. Austin is a hero a want to protect your body, heart, and soul. Tempt Me is a sensational read that I would highly recommend. The storyline is dramatic, the hero worthy and sexy, the heroine amazing and alluring, and the passion intoxicating. I highly suggest you pick up Tempt Me and find out why readers are falling in love with Austin for yourself.
What's a girl to do when she has everything except the love and respect from her parents. And to make matters worse, she's being forced into a marriage with a man she doesn't love. So she does the only thing she can think of to make her feelings heard... she walks away from everything. Clay Kincaid is from the wrong side of the tracks and no one thought he'd ever amount to anything. But he did what he had to do to protect his brothers and now he owns his own bar. He's still rough around the edges, but deep down he's got a big heart. When Samantha Jamieson walks into the bar with little cash and the clothes on her back, Clay can't help but be attracted to this cupcake and lend a helping hand. But the more time they spend together, the hard it is to fight the sexual tension. However, when Clay's past comes back to wreck havoc, Samantha makes a decision that will leave Clay reeling. Can he finally put his past firm in the past and while reaching for his future? Saint Clay is tall, dark, handsome, dirty and oh so sexy. I loved that even though his past was hard and challenging, he didn't let that keep him from achieving so much. It may have hardened this bad boy, but he's got a heart of gold. Samantha grew up with a silver spoon, but that's not who she is. She appreciates the little things that come from the heart. I love that she will do anything in her power for the one person that captures her heart. This story is a fast paced thrill ride with lots of sexual tension. I love their quick banter while trying to fight their feelings. But once they give in, they give in completely, heart and soul. Each desire to make the other happy at all costs. They are perfectly matched. The book has it all and I'm loving if and can't wait to see what happens next.
Connor Prescott is ready to get home but from the looks of the weather he won't be leaving tonight. Katie Kaswell made a rash decision coming to Denver and now she's ready to get the heck out of dodge. Two strangers stuck in airport, sexual tension runs high, one night of unbridled passion is exactly what each one need. Katie makes a run for in the morning with no way for Connor to find her again. Their one-night stand rocked his world but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Three years later Katie comes sees the face that's haunted her dreams. Now she knows how to contact the one man that turned her world upside down. She's got a secret that will certainly turn his world upside down. Connor knew the instant he laid eyes on Katie again their connection is just as strong as it was all those years ago. Her secret was a shock but in the moment he knew he wanted to build a life with Katie, he just needed to find a way to get her to believe he was in it for the long haul. Rock Solid is a witty, sensual, sensational read that captivates the reader from start to finish with this panty-melting dad and saucy heroine. I love how devoted Connor is to Katie even after all the years apart. Katie is a spitfire and her love for her daughter knows no bounds. Val is simply adorable and she's got her parents wrapped around her little finger and she doesn't even know it. Connor and Katie sizzle right from the start, but when they get back together and Connor makes his move... be still my beating heart. It's hot, dirty, and so naughty. Just think about those sinfully delicious things Connor whispers in Katie's ear is making have heat flashes and in need of an ice cold bath. I simply enjoyed every seductive moment of Rock Solid and the whole Book Boyfriend series. Connor knocked my socks off and stole my heart right from the start. Conner and Katie may have started as a one-night stand, but reconnecting and igniting their romance into something much more profound is exactly what they never knew they needed. Whether you've read the previous books in this series or not, I highly recommend you pick up Rock Solid today and let Connor make your ovaries explode and your heart skip a beat.
Wes Sinclair is not only a big shot in the real estate world and big shot in the bedroom too. He's never had a property he couldn't sell and he never met a woman he couldn't land. That is until Natalie Prescott came to rock his world in more ways than one. What started out as a bet quickly turned into something neither saw coming, but secretly always wanted if they can only admit it to themselves. Someone please pass the ice because it's getting hot in here! When it comes to Carly and Erika I always expect them to bring the heat, but they really turned it up with Wes Sinclair. He is definitely a man after my heart with each and every dirty, naughty, sinful thing that comes out of his mouth. I love how Natalie can give as good as she gets and her witty comebacks are priceless. But if I was going to be getting a spanking from Wes, I would undoubtedly pull the stunts she does. I loved Big Shot, couldn't put it down. This page turner is witty, sassy, flirtatious, and down right sinful. I highly recommend anything by Carly and Erika and you can't go wrong when you pick up Big Shot. I look forward to what will come next in this heart warming and steamy series.
The ultimate bad boy is back and he's going after the one that got away. When Kendall first met Julian, she was in a good place and he used that to his advantage. Granted Julian didn't know of Kendall's mental state when he put his plan into motion. After things went down the way they did, Kendall is hurt in more ways than one. Julian was shocked to learn about Kendall's bipolar disorder and they way he used her was when he hit rock bottom. Now he's sober and doing everything he can to lead a better life and he'll everything he can to make things right with the woman that he can't forget. Will Kendall accept his apology? Or will she walk away with giving him a chance? Has Julian really changed? And if he has, will he be able to prove to everyone that his a changed man and deserves a second chance. I really didn't want to like Julian, I tried to fight it with every breathe I took but he won me over, heart and soul. He isn't the same man he once was and it shines off the pages. I loved watching Kendall and Julian get to know each other better and fall in love. Their connection is undeniable and it's easy to understand why these two are drawn to each other. The support they give each other is through good and bad. I really loved these two. This series has been a extraordinary, but Going In Deep is by far my favorite. It's an intense, emotional journey that will pull at your heartstrings. A second chance isn't always easy, but taking the risk could be the best thing you'll ever do.
When the possibility of a second chance is dropped in your lap, you have to decide to either take that chance or walk away forever. Kyle Coleman is back home and about to stir things up in a big way. However, in doing so he puts a damper on the plans his ex girlfriend, Ella Fisher, had designed. Ella never expected to be in the same room with Kyle after their disastrous break up, but here she is. The attraction they had all those years ago is still there and maybe a bit stronger now given how her body reacts to man Kyle turned in to. Their years apart did nothing to demise their passion. Ella desired one night together and then walk away, but Kyle has other plans. He let her get away once and he doesn't plan to let that happen again. But when a situation arises that threaten their budding relationship, will they crash and burn again or find a way to compromise and reach for that future they always dreamed about? Hot damn, the years apart did nothing to demise the passion between Kyle and Ella. They are hot, hot, hot. The fire flies off the pages and heat up the reader inside and out. I love how Kyle pursues Ella despite her hesitations, he's a man that knows what he wants and will stop at nothing to get it. What I love about Ella is her loyalty to her family despite them not appreciating all she's given up for them. He heart is huge and always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. She's also feisty, witty, and honest. She the full package. Well Built was a fun, sassy, titillating story about love and second chances. Carly and Erika weave a story that captures you right from the start and keeps you riveted until the very end. This City Boy and Country Girl love story will have you swooning and your panties melting. I'd advocate a cold shower when you finish this sizzling book to help you cool down after all the sexiness contained within these pages. So if you are looking for second chance love story to escape into after your long and arduous day, then I highly recommend you pick this sweet, saucy, and enthralling book today!
When you find someone that attracts like no other before you sometimes lose your mind may cause a lack in judgement. That seems to be what happened to Ben when he first met Summer Michelle and the last thing he ever expected to be in her presence again. Summer's world was rocked by Ben before all heck broke loose. Despite their abrupt end, she always saw him as the one that got away. Now having to be near each other 24/7, can they a find a way to get over their past and find a way to work together? And more importantly, will they embrace their desire and build a future? Rock Me is a fun, sexy, intriguing story about second chances and love conquering all. Once I cracked open this book, I couldn't put it down. I love how Ben takes his job seriously and try as he might, he can't deny the connection between them. And when Ben promises to keep Summer safe, you know it's a promise he'll keep. And when Ben promises out of the world pleasure, you know he'll deliver every naughty, dirty desire Summer has ever imagines. The intrigue behind the reason that brought these two back together is thrilling. When you think you know what's about to happen someone comes along to leave you scratching your head. I highly enjoyed Rock Me and can't wait to see what Carly bring us with the rest of this series. It's saucy, provocative, and entertaining. So if you need a bodyguard that will keep you safe and love you like you're the most important person in the world, then I recommend you run and pick up Rock Me today.
Lauren Blakely is known to bring the sexiness with each new hero, but she's outdone herself with Gabriel. Not only is he sexy as sin and has the ability to cook divine dishes, he's got a heart made of gold, incredibly loyal, kind to all, sweeter than sugar, and exceptionally lovable. Penny and Gabriel first met years ago, circumstances caused them to part. They set a date and time to meet again, but fate doesn't allow them to reconnect as planned. Years pass and fate throws these two lost lovers together again. Will the love they once shared be reignited, or has the flame completely gone out for good? The Only One tells a story about taking a risk on second chances because true love is worth it. This read is a super sexy, provocative temptation with delicious goodness all wrapped up in a mouthwatering package. A captivating page turner that will heat things up and leave you yearning for more.
Scout and Easton are back and they are back with a home run! The Catch picks up right where The Player left off, Easton has just been blindsided by being traded. And if that wasn't enough, Easton is going to have to deal with a few more curve balls the never saw coming. Scout made a split decision that turned her life upside down, but she knows she did the right thing. However upset Easton may be by her decision, she isn't going to let him just push her away. She'll fight for their relationship for as long as it takes. Easton doesn't know who he can trust, but his heart tells him that Scout is the one person that has his best interest at heart. As the hits keep coming and secrets get revealed, Easton and Scout will have to face them together or risk losing their relationship in the fallout. Wow! Wow! Wow! The Catch is an incredible conclusion to The Player Duet. I adored Easton and Scout in The Player but after finishing The Catch I was head over heels in love with them. Their connection is electric, intense, pure, and profound. Watching them weather the storm only endears them to the reader. The secret that Easton has kept about himself for so many years is stunning. I admire how he took steps to fix the issue, but his confession to Scout and her determination to stand by him and help him pulls at the reader's heartstrings. And that one bombshell that Easton's father drops is jaw-dropping. It throws Easton, but he's won't let that define him. He'll rise above it and move forward. I love how Scout doesn't let anything stand in her way of what she wants. The way she stands up for Easton melts my heart. She also isn't afraid to put Easton in his place when needed, she a badass in my book. And her love and devotion to her family is marvelous. The Catch is a sensational conclusion that keeps you captivated from start to finish. The romance is spectacular, the drama is gripping, and the writing is superb. The hero will steal your heart and melt your panties. The heroine will dazzle you and become your best friend. Overall, The Catch is must read that I would highly recommend. If you are looking for a read that takes you on an incredible journey and leave you with a delightful book hangover, then I highly recommend you pick The Player Duet. It's a home run!
Hot mama, Easton Wylder is hot, hot, hot. He's got the looks, but it's his heart that you can't help but fall in love with. He's a player on the field, but off the field he's so much more. This was my first K. Bromberg book, but it won't be my last. Once I picked up this captivating story I didn't want to put it down, so I stayed up all night to read. Was it worth it? Heck yeah! I love the dynamic between Easton and Scout, it's off the charts electric. Each have things in their past that have shape the way they live their life, but slowly they begin to open up to each other. What I love is that they both realize how hard it is to trust other, so the appreciate the confidence placed in their hands as they get to know each other. And the sexy time? Oh yeah, they know how to heat things up. Easton's sexy smirk alone can make panties melt. They each give as good as they get. These two are just to dang sexy for words. This story was thrilling, pulling reader in from page one. I highly recommend this provocative, exhilarating, sultry book. But be prepared for the ending, it will leave you desperate for the next book in this series, The Catch.
When Emerson Reeves left years ago she never expecting to return, but her now she's back. Her nomad life has then the only thing she's known for years so settling down and growing roots is a new concept for her. Many say Grant Malone has a hero complex and given his career maybe they are right. He takes his job seriously... protect and serve. A chance encounter brings these two long lost friends back together. They have a connection that still stands after all these years, but there also is an attraction neither expected. As they spend time together reconnecting, memories start to surface for Emmy she rather forget. Can they work together to get over the past and embrace a future? Or will the past be too much and cause Emmy to run and never look back? Cuffed is an intense, emotional, passionate, second chance romance that will take the reader on a journey they never will forget. I didn't really know what to expect when I picked up Cuffed, but in the end I was glad I did pick it up. I was enraptured right from the start and didn't want to see it end. I loved Grant's personality, passion, and most of all his heart. Emmy's a stronger woman than she believes she is. Given her past you wouldn't expect that to be case, but she's a fighter and a survivor. Their past brings them together, but it's their present is what their future is built upon. And the sexiness? Hot damn! Grant can make heart stops and panties melt with his sexy smirk and tight abs. He can handcuff me to the bed any time he wants. Cuffed is a story that I would highly recommend not just for the sexiness, but for the deep emotional journey it takes you on. Kristy has a knack for weaving a story that is intense and profound leaving the reader with a serious book hangover.
Dylan McCoy just wanted a place where she could relax, recharge, and decide her next move in her career. Walking into her home and seeing the man she loved with another woman may have shook her, but her time in Sunnyville will change her life completely. Grady Malone may be the baby of the family, but his life has been far from ideal in recent years. The tragedy left him with more scare than those on the outside. He may have adopted a love 'em and leave 'em attitude and is no hurry to change thing, but he's about to meet a woman that make he see life in a whole new way. Their time together was meant to be short with no strings attached, but the more time they spend together the deeper their connection grows. And when push comes to shove, will they be willing to risk it all and try to build a lasting relationship? Or will their past be too hard to overcome and tear these two part forever? Combust is an exciting, heartwarming, sensual read from start to finish. The chemistry between Dylan and Grady sizzle right off the pages. I love their banter is witty and sensational. And when things heat up... be prepared for a cold shower or two. Hot. Hot. Hot. I love how Dylan isn't afraid to speak her mind even if it means pushing Grady out of his comfort zone. She's feisty and saucy and everything nice. Grady may appear rough around the edges, but he's got a heart of gold. He's love for his family, friends, and his job is admirable. And when push comes to shove, he'll always do what needs to be done. I loved Combust and savored every minute of it. Grady is a hero in more ways than one and Dylan is force to be reckoned with. So if you are looking for a book that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon, then I highly recommend you pick up Combust. Grady will light your fire, get your temperature soaring, and leave you satisfied but still yearning for more.
WOW! What a charming and stunning story about friends to lovers. When I first read the blurb about this book, I knew I would like it but once I read it, I loved it! Avery and Drew are phenomenally and perfectly matched. The fact that they've been friends for as long as time, they know all about each other's ways, likes, wishes. And once Avery dropped the bomb about wanting a baby, I loved how Drew took action and propositioned her. Their chemistry is electric and radiates off the pages. This was such a good book that I recommend it to anyone looking for a lovely story of love, friendship, loyalty and realizing sensual desires.
Oh my freaking goodness.,, Meghan you take my breath away. I was equal parts scared and excited when I picked up Take Me Back. Scared because I had to work the next day and feeling like I would be up all night not wanting to put it down. Excited because I always love reading a new Meghan March book. What I really love about this book is that the couple is already together, they just reached a point in their relationship where they must decide to either work through their issues or walk away forever. And the journey Kat and Dane take is an emotional roller coaster for them as well as for the readers. We see their past and their present, and the twists and turns that have lead them to this place. They just have to face their issues and find a way to move past them to build a future. Meghan really has out done herself with this stunning, steamy, angst-y, intense book. Once you pick this gem up, you will be glued to the pages all night long, but it will absolutely worth it. I honestly feel like this could be my most favorite book from Meghan... thus far.
You know that when you pick up a Meghan March book, you know you're going to get a stunning, seductive, and captivating story. Ryker Grant is a tall drink of water sent to quench your every desire. He can get any woman he wants, except the one that he wants. Justine Porter isn't the type of girl that can be easily swayed away from her studies. She's worked her butt off to get where she is, and a destraction in the form of Ryker Grant is not wanted. But when an unfortunate turn of events makes staying away from Ryker impossible. The more time they spend together, they harder it becomes to fight the growing sexual tension. But each are keeping secrets that could derail their budding relationship. Bad Judgment is a sexy, entertaining, witty page turner that you won't be able to put down. You'll find yourself engrossed with Meghan's riving writing and falling in love with both Ryker and Justine. Justine is a force to be reckoned with, a strong heroine that you can relate to know and care about. I love how she stayed true to herself in the face of adversity. Life hasn't been easy for her which could have made her bitter and angry, instead she's a kindhearted, giving, loyal individual. Ryker has always had the best of everything and taking many things for granted. But he changed so that he could be worthy of Justine's heart. A man that would move heaven and Earth for the woman he loves is a man that I can admire. I really loved this book. The way Justine and Ryker push each to be the best person possible is a concept that I adore. It also doesn't hurt that Ryker is not only handsome, but he also says the most deliciously dirty things that make you weak in the knees. I would highly recommend this book is any fan of Meghan March, and if you're new to her, than this is the perfect book to get acquainted with Meghan's writing.
Greer Karas had taken a page out of her brother's book, but it wasn't done on purpose. Drinking always seems to get her into trouble and her best friend didn't help matters. But now that her ad is viral, it's got the attention of the one man that she's always felt that got away. He's back to claim Greer, whether she is ready or not. He's walking away from the one woman that has always been in his heart. But he's on borrowed time until his secret is revealed, the one that he's been hiding and the reason he walked away all those years ago. Ladies, hold onto your panties because Cavanaugh Westman is going to melt them right off! When he decided to win Greer's heart, it was all hold barred. Sure he's tall, dark, and handsome, but he's also a dominate alpha that will take what he wants, when he wants it. Greer isn't one to easily bend to anyone's wishes, but there is something about Cav that she can't deny. And I am so there with her, wow the things he says and does is exceedingly arousing. Several cold showers will be needed after reading this book. This book is extremely provocative and oh so delicious. I couldn't put it down because I was glued to each passing page. Hot doesn't even begin to cover all the seductive things Meghan brings us in this story. I knew Dirty Girl would be sizzling, but what we get is so much more. And the ending?? Did not see that one coming. Wow!! Can't wait to see what will happen next.
Holly Wix has done something no man, woman, or child has ever done.... made Creighton fall in love. But of course Creighton has made some miss steps which has caused Holly to run.... again. But now that he's come to realize what Holly means to him, he'll stop at nothing to win her heart. So, let's get dirty together!! This final book in the Dirty Billionaire Trilogy brings us to Holly's old stomping ground. The place the shaped her into the person she is now. We also get the see where she got her first start, where she learned that she loved being on stage. I loved getting inside her head and why she keeps running from Crey. I also loved Crey's creative ways to prove to Holly that he was serious about her and wouldn't let her walk away from him. And when he makes a statement about breaking things in the process, he means it. And when things get rough for Crey, I love Holly's reaction. Holly and Crey are absolutely perfectly matched. Each giving just as much as they get. Crey will always be the alpha in the relationship, but he's a romantic at heart. Holly grows from a shy, small town girl into a strong, independent woman who accepts where she's from and able to stand up for herself. I really enjoyed this couple and their story and this was a perfect way to wrap up this trilogy.
Boone Thrasher is back and more determined than ever to win the girl of his dreams. After the surprising cliffhanger in Real Dirty I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. And wouldn't you know it, Meghan delivers big time. After Ripley helps Boone out of his legal issues, she walks away from Boone and her, believed, toxic life. Pushing him away because he's too good to be mixed up in her issues, besides she needs to start thinking about what she wants to do with her life. But an unexpected opportunity arises that will take her life in a direction she never expected. Boone knows that Ripley is one in million and he's not about to let her go. He'll pull out all the stops to win her heart, even if that means using his family. And when Ripley gets that opportunity of a lifetime, he'll do whatever it takes to help her. Will Ripley accept Boone's help? If Ripley tells Boone to leave, will he even if mean it'll break his heart? Or will an accident force Ripley to come to terms with her feelings for Boone and take a leap for a love of a lifetime? Oh my goodness, Boone is all kinds of sexy with a huge heart of gold. Just when you think you can't fall for Boone any more, he goes and does something above and beyond expected. He proves over and over again that Southern gentlemen still exist. What I love most about Ripley is her desire to stand on her own two feet, she doesn't take things for granted. I love how she handles herself in the face of adversity and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. I admire her heart and honesty which you wouldn't expect given her past. Real Sexy is just as the title suggests, real and oh so sexy. Boone is a hero that you can't help but swoon for with his gravely, deep voice, alluring eyes, and pantie melting smile. Ripley is heroine that you want to be friends with with her awe-inspiring kindness and loyalty. I loved this duet, Boone, and Ripley that I'm just a little sad to see end. Meghan has a knack of weaving a story that captivates you from cover to cover and leaves with a smile. I highly recommend readers pick up the Real Dirty Duet and fall in love with Boone and Ripley.
First Lauren gave us the lovable hot shot Smith. Then came the big hearted sexy Becker. With those two incredibly delicious men, what more could you ask for? Well, Lauren came with a most tempting offering... Travis Hansen. Seriously, I don't know how Lauren keeps coming up with all these fine specimen of men. Hot doesn't even begin to describe how great these stories are. Be warned, you'll need an ice cold shower after this book, so enter at your own risk. Travis and Cara have known each other since forever. Everyone around them knows that these two should be together, but Travis and Cara fight their attraction. Cara wants more than Travis is willing to give. Travis isn't interested in settling down but he can't help but want a taste of Cara, even if just one more time. Cara has been looking for the one, except she keep measuring up all potential dates to Travis. There must be something she can do to get him out of her system. So she comes up with plan, now she just needs to convince Travis to go along with it. And once Travis agrees to the plan, will they be able to walk away when the deadline comes or will they both want more? This was, by far, my favorite Fighting Fire book. The intensity that flows between Travis and Cara not only consumes them, but the reader as well. Travis epitomizes what you expect from a fire fighter. He's tall, dark and handsome, but he's also loyal, caring, and a hell of a poker player. Cara has a heart of gold, always willing to help her fellow man and man's best friend. They are both strong willed, independent individuals. They want what they want, no questions asked. Together they burn hot, sizzling hot. Their story began long ago, but it doesn't end here. They tons of potential if only they can stop getting in the way of themselves. I exceedingly recommend this book to any Lauren Blakely fan and to all those love fire fighters. This is an all consuming read that can't be missed.
Just when I thought I couldn't fall more for Creighton, Meghan proves me wrong! So Dirty Pleasures picks up where Dirty Billionaire leaves off. And just when Creighton happy with his business deal, he remembers his promise to Holly and how he has failed her. But he vows to get her back because he's nowhere near done with her. Maybe, just maybe, he could be falling for his wife. Holly is back on the road and doesn't have time to think about how she left New York. Her career is important to her and she'll do what she has to at all cost. She's not entirely sure how she feels for Creighton, but she would love to have him come find her and beg for forgiveness. But is that something he know how to do? And boy, when they do come face to face, the fireworks fly! A cold shower is needed, well, maybe a few cold showers. But just when things start to look up for the couple. someone walks in to stir things up. Can our couple work through the issues, admit their feelings and take a chance? Or are they over before they've even begun? I am loving this trilogy. It's a quick, heart pumping read. The way Creighton uses your mouth, tongue, hands, and body can make any girl fall into a puddle of pure gratification. I love how is alpha, overprotective, and slightly jealous attitude takes over where Holly is concern. Their relationship is ever changing, but neither is ready to admit it. I can't wait to see how Creighton and Holly will deal with the latest turn of events. Holly is defiantly one lucky girl. Creighton is quickly becoming one of my favorite book boyfriends!
When I read the blurb for this book, I was intrigued by it. Since I normally read rather dark or erotic romances, I was looking for a something a tad bit different. A sweet read that could enrapture me just as much as a steamy read. So when I picked up Blackmail Boyfriend I was excited to get to know Haley and Bryce. Oh my goodness. I was expecting enjoy this story but I wasn't expecting to fall in love with Haley and Bryce. This is a bewitching story about a girl who's been under her older brothers' watchful eyes and wants out. They've made it known that she's not to be dated for fear of a beating. You gotta love those protective brothers. And then, lo and behold, a rumor was started that could put an end to her undatable status. Enter Bryce. Now Haley has a plan and all she has to do is get Bryce to go along with it. And if Bryce goes along with the plan, can they ever have a real relationship? I enjoyed this book immensely. I love how Haley was down to Earth and able to call Bryce on his crap. I enjoyed watching Bryce evolve throughout the story. And their best friend add some good laughs along the way. Haley and Bryce come from different sides of the tracks, but they prove that opposites attract. This is was my first Chris Cannon book, but after this delightful book I will be keeping an eye on her. And if the other Entangled Crush books promise more enthralling stories like Blackmail Boyfriend, then sign me up.
Fairytales are what little girls dreams are made of and Katy Regnery brings us another retelling that will have big girls dreaming of fairytales in a whole new light. Laire & Erik's relationship isn't all sunshine and roses, but in the end their passion and strength see them through. I loved how the shouldn't have been together in the first place, but they found a way to makes it happen. The pain and heartache they suffered only made them realize how perfect they really are for each other. Katy puts so much heart into her stories, that it's easy for a reader to connect with the charterers. When they cry, you cry. They laugh, you laugh, They love, you love. The passion and romance is exhilarating and makes you believe that true love will always find a way. Dont Speak is an exquisite love story that will grab you and keep you enchanted until the end. I highly recommend this series and especially Dont Speak. You may want to stop reading with all the angst, but I promise it will be well worth it.
While checking out my news feed on Facebook, I came across Michelle Craig's page. I stopped and read about Perfect Ten and thought it sounded pretty interesting. I marked my calendar and started patiently waiting for the release. As time went on and the release pushed back, it only made me want to read it even more. The concept was captivating and I started craving this book. Then, on one fine late summer day, I finally got my hands on it! Once I got this book, I just had to read it right away because I needed to get to know Joe and Faith! Joe an escort at Perfect Ten for the last six years and starting to think that maybe there is something more out there for him, although he is loving the money and the hours are defiantly great. But fate has something in store for Joe when one of the other guys cannot take one of the clients due to a family emergency taking his out of town. Faith has always let her family put her down due to her curves since her sisters and mother are so skinny. And now that one of her sisters is getting married, the thought of going alone is not the most pleasant of ideas. So, Faith's ever loving friends get together to purchase a date for her from Perfect Ten. When she finds out, she is more then a little angry with her friends but something inside of her tells her to just go with it; she ultimately accepts their "date" but the one that she was supposed to go with cannot go now so she is given another for her inconvenience... Joe! Although she is hesitate, she agrees as long as she can meet him before the event. Coming face to face with Joe sends Faith running for the hills; there is no way her family would ever believe that Joe would ever date her, he is just too good looking. Joe, on the other hand, is completely drawn to Faith and finds her stunning. As Faith tries to walk away, he stops at nothing to get Faith to accept him. Even though her head tells her to walk away, she finally agrees and Joe is thrilled. And that is how their love story starts. The sparks that fly between these two is electric and their banter is stellar. I loved how Joe saw not just her beauty on the outside but also on the inside. The more time he got to know her, the more he fell for her. And in turn, the more Joe told her how beautiful she was, Faith finally began to believe it. Her self confidence grew and she began to believe in herself and was able to stand up for herself against her mother and sisters. While most heroines are model skinny, Michelle chose to be real and use a woman that most resembles reality; and that is something I can stand behind. Thank you for bringing us this uplifting and completely compelling story. I loved the characters and the writing; the story spoke to me on a personal level. I cannot wait to see what Ms. Craig will have for us next!
Evie is woman that knows how to match things... colors, patterns, and couples. So when she is told about the ad that Dylan Parker posted from his sister, she knows she has to intervene. Dylan is ready to settle down and what better way to find that someone special then by using the internet. And why trust the internet? Because it's been good to him in every other aspect of his life. And when these two get together sparks fly, but Evie is there to do set Dylan up with another woman. Can she find another woman that is perfect for him that isn't her? Or will they finally be able to confess that they belong together? Stud Finder is a quick, fun, sassy, sexy read that will captivate you from cover to cover. Dylan is a geek you can't help but swoon over because of his charm, smarts, humor, and sexy glasses. Evie is everything you would want in a best friend with her good heart, unwavering loyalty, and honesty. I loved watching Dylan and Evie get to know each other better and their "dates". And when they finally do stop fighting their attraction... hot damn! I positively enjoyed Stud Finder. I loved the story line, the hero, the heroine, the sneak peak at other characters from previous books, and most of all the romance. So if you are looking for a quick escape with a saucy read, then I recommend you pick up Stud Finder and find your perfect match today.
Finlay Wilson has moved back home and she's looking forward to building her catering company and planting roots. The last thing she expected was the rough around the edges brute to come along and sweep her off her feet. Bullet Whiskey has always been the protector never taking the time for himself. He's been through hell and back but scars he bears not the only ones that mark his skin. The last thing ever expected was a woman to accept and love him, flaws and all. Outward appearance make them an unlikely couple, but you can't judge a book by it's cover. While they may be perfectly matched, can they get over their past and embrace a future? Or will the scar be too deep to heal? Driving Whiskey Wild is sizzling, heartwarming, captivating story filled with hope, forgiveness, and passion. Finlay is a feisty little thing that isn't afraid to stand up for herself and always speaks her mind. She's a woman that is will be there for you no matter what. She loves with her whole heart and soul. Bullet may appear rough and tough, but if you spend just a few minutes with him you'll learn just how kind and caring he is. He's need to protect everyone whether they're family, friends, or strangers is endearing. The connection between Finlay and Bullet is intense and sizzles in and out of the bedroom. And that mouth on Bullet... hot damn. And I love how their passion on deeps the more they get to know each other and help each other heal from their past. I always look forward to reading a Melissa Foster book and Driving Whiskey Wild doesn't disappoint. It's fun, witty, seductive, and bewitching. If you are in need of an alpha hero that's a bit broken but has a heart of gold, then I highly recommend you pick up Driving Whiskey Wild and meet Bullet Whiskey. I dare you not to fall in love with Bullet and Finlay.
Elizabeth Bennett is a strong willed individual that doesn't take crap from anyone. William Darcy is a man that works hard and sees no reason to change things. A chance meeting brings these two together, but things don't go as smoothly as either would like. Both find the other attractive, but can they find a way to put their issues to rest in order to build a lasting relationship? Or will their difference be too much to overcome? Mr. Darcy's Kiss is a fun, witty, saucy retelling of a classic love story. I love the dynamic between Elizabeth and Darcy. How they try to fight their attraction and then ultimately fail will keep the reader glued to each page. Their banter is brilliant even when they are fighting with each other and their passion is off the charts. I really enjoyed this modern retelling and couldn't put it down. The storyline was fresh while staying true to the original. The relationship between all the characters are remarkable. And the love radiates off the pages and into the reader's heart. If you love Pride & Prejudice, then you'll enjoy Mr. Darcy's Kiss as a delightful retelling. If you've never read Pride & Prejudice, then you'll enjoy Mr. Darcy's Kiss as sizzling romance that will leave you with a smile and looking for your own Mr. Darcy.
#MomFail is downright hilarious! Yes being a mom is hard and often a thankless job, so sometimes you just need to get a glass of wine and sit back and enjoy a good book and #MomFail is the perfect escape. These story are brilliant and down right hilarious. I loved them all, but my favorite would have to be Sex Weeks by Piper Rayne. Charlie and Garrett are just as enchanted with each other after a few years of marriage and two kids. I love their connect and their passion. I totally connect with Charlie and how hectic life can get that sometimes you just forget the simplest of things. And Garrett is a sexy beast that will always love his wife and kids, and will do anything and everything he can to make life easier, if possible. I love this family!! If you're a mom and looking for a little something to make your day seem a little more normal, then I highly recommend you pick up #MomFail today. If you're not a mom and looking for a quick laugh, then I highly recommend you pick up #MomFail and get a look at how crazy life can be with kids you love but test your limits from one second to another.
When Bridgewater men find the woman of their dreams, they do whatever it takes to her his. But what happens when he goes about it the wrong way? Can he overcome his mistake and make it up to her? When Matt first saw Rachel she took his breath away. But in his desire to keep her away from all the rowdy cowboys, he goes about it the wrong way. Rachel is taken by Matt but after their first meeting she doesn't believe she could ever catch the eye of a man like him. Ethan couldn't wait to meet Rachel after Matt told him about her. And once he did, he knew she was theirs. Matt and Ethan know Rachel will be theirs, they just have to find a way to let her know. But when they learn her plans to have a baby, they forget all their plans finally make their move. But when an opportunity arises that could separate this trio, will they find a way to make to work or will they let it tear them apart? I loved Hold Me Close with it's alpha males and sassy heroine. Matt may be the one that constantly puts his foot in his mouth, but he always comes back stronger. I love Rachel, she's feisty and determined. She decided what she wanted and takes the steps to make it happen. Ethan is the one that makes this trio happen and he never gives up. I love the passion that exist between these three. It's intense, sultry, and powerful. Even when things didn't look like it would work out, that passion is always there. Hold Me Close is a fun, brilliant, and saucy. I love this trio and their path to love and starting a family. Each individual brings something special to their trio and make them stronger together. If you love a good, romantic, stunning menage, then I highly recommend Hold Me Close.
Jones Beckett has a reputation that is less then stellar, but he's about to get a makeover in more ways than one. Jillian Moore has worked hard to get where she is in her career and she's not gonna let a player stand in her way... maybe. Both are attracted to each other but circumstance kept getting in the way until a project brings them together. The more they spend time together, the more they get to know each other until the tension explodes. What happens blows their mind and rocks their world, but can they find a way to make this a lasting relationship or will this be just a passing fling never to be mentioned again? Most Likely To Score is fun, saucy story that will keep the reader captive with its wit, humor, and romance from start to finish. Jones and Jillian are brilliantly matched in every way possible. I love much they want to learn about the other because they deeply care about each other, and the more they learn the deeper they fall. Their banter is mesmerizing, hilarious, and flirty. When the sexual tension finally breaks, the fire ignites and the sparks fly off the pages. Talk about hot! I loved every moment of Most Likely To Score and watching this couple fall in love. The storyline was brilliant, the characters enthralling, and the love story heartwarming. I really loved that both Jones and Jillian are close to their family, but I especially loved that Jillian was adopted and her parents encouraged her to embrace her heritage. I always look forward to reading a Lauren Blakely book and Most Likely To Score delivers a touchdown. Lauren has an ability to weave a story that is full of heart, soul, heat, and love that will bewitch the reader. Whether you love sports romances or not, you'll enjoy Most Likely To Score with its alluring flirtation, sizzling heat, hilarious situations, swoon worthy hero, delectable heroine, and undeniable love.
Lacey is beginning to feel like after all the hard work and sacrifices haven't given her the joy and satisfaction she had hope to receive. Living under the spot light with no privacy has taken its toll and now, after finding her 'boyfriend' in her bed with another woman was the last straw. Now in hiding on a much needed vacation, she's about to meet two cowboys that will completely change her life. But when the press learns where she is and what's she's been up to, will the pressure be too much for her and her cowboys? Or will her cowboys show her just want it means to be claimed by Bridgewater men? Make Me Yours is a sexy, fun, witty, and dirty read that will have the reader wanting to escape into the countryside with a couple of cowboys. What I love most is how Micah and Colt know the moment they lay eyes on Lacey that she's the one. From that point on they do everything to make sure they can claim her. They see the woman she is on the inside, they want her heart not her fame. They aren't afraid to express their desires and set out to make Lacey's pleasures their utmost priority. Lacey is a woman that knows two men like Micah and Colt don't come around often, so when the opportunity to be with them appears she takes the jump. Even though she's been burned in the past, she's willing to see where this relationship can go. She is smart, witty, and a lot stronger that she appears. I really enjoyed this fast paced, sassy, sultry read with it's dynamic threesome, dirty pleasures, wide open countryside, and all encompassing romance. So if you are looking for a read where two sexy cowboys fall in love and preceed to worship one stunning, and very lucky, woman, then I highly recommend you pick Make Me Yours today and ride off into the sunset with Micah and Colt.
Are you ready for something smooth and sinful? Then sit back, relax and let men at Spiked Roses take care of you. Kenneth Saxon is a walking wet dream, he's tall, dark, and handsome with just a dash of mysterious. And when he first laid eyes on Anita he sensed something different about her. Anita has been waiting for something and now she's about learn things she never knew she wanted. But after signing a contract that changes her life completely, will it be for the better or for the worse? Bastards & Whiskey is provocative, kinky, and sassy read that will melt your panties and your heart pumping. Kenneth is very bit of an alpha that you love with the added bonus of his dirty desires. You know that he can deliver every naughty pleasure he whispers in your ear. I love Anita's sassy attitude and go get 'em perseverance. Even when she knows she's getting in way over her head, she doesn't back down no matter what. I really loved every sinfully delicious minute of Bastards & Whiskey, I couldn't put it down. It's hot, sexy, intense, and down right seductive. So if you are looking for something a little dark, a little taboo, and a whole lot sexy, then I highly recommend you pick up Bastards & Whiskey today!
When someone walks into your life that takes your breath away and makes you believe in love at first sight but disappears shortly thereafter, it can alter you in more ways than one. When Rowen walked into Lark's life she believed all her dreams of happily ever afters and true love were coming true. And when he disappears with no word and no way to find him, she started to let go of your beliefs of love. But the last person she expected to see again is about to walk back into her life. And once Rowen realizes he's found his dream girl again, he vows to win her trust and her heart. He's got a tough road ahead because Lark has some deep issues and has built walls around her heart. But if he can get through those walls, will Lark be able to embrace their connection? Or will she resist Rowen's pursuit and walk away from him forever? Forget You Not is a stunning tale of second chances and the power of true love. I loved how Rowen goes about getting his girl, he never gives up no matter how hard she tries to push him away. He knows deep in his soul that Lark is 'the one' and despite having hurt her in the past, he vows never to put her in that position again. Lark is woman that will protect her heart at all cost after suffering many misfortunes in finding love. What I love about her is that she can't deny her connection to Rowen no matter how hard she tries to fight it. And when she stops fighting it, she jumps in with both feet. The passion that exist between this couple is hot, hot, hot. When Rowen whispers in your ear all the dirty, naughty things he wants to do to you will makes your knees weak and heart race. I thoroughly enjoyed Forget You Not, Rowen, and Lark. Watching them fall in love and embracing their future together is a fascinating journey to witness. If you love a second chance at first love, a hero that commits completely to his love, and heroine that is flawed and feisty, then I highly recommend you pick up Forget You Not today.
Jenna Porter works hard and doesn't have time for a relationship or want one for that matter. The one thing she does want is to have a baby. So she sets out to do just that when she mets a handsome stranger that makes her an offer she can't refuse. Emmett Smith vows to never marry or have children because his career is too all consuming and needs his undivided attention. But he's about to meet a striking woman that will turn his world upside down. Their agreement is simple but the longer they spend in each other's company feelings start to develop that neither saw coming. So when Jenna gets a positive pregnancy test, will they be able to walk away like originally planned or will they take the risk and embrace their feelings? Baby Daddy is a fun, saucy, romantic read that will have you laughing, crying, and swooning. Jenna is strong independent woman that knows what she wants and isn't afraid to make it happen. I love how open and honest she is in just about every area of her life. I admire her ability to open her heart to Emmett and love even though she hasn't always had the best relationships in the past. Emmett is a playboy with a big heart. He loves his friends and family, but avoids any romantic attachments. Sometimes you just want to smack some sense into him and in the next second you just want to eat him right up. And when these two make it to the bedroom... hot dam! I really loved this sexy, witty, delicious read and couldn't put it down. The storyline was brilliant and the passion intense, but it's the connection that Jenna and Emmett create that draws the reader in. So if you are looking for a read to escape into after a long hard day, then I highly recommend you pick up Baby Daddy and let Emmett help you unwind.
Poppy Ellis is a woman with a dream and she's not gonna let anyone or anything stand in her way of achieving it. Zach Austin just has to get through this year so he can make the big move. What neither expected was a chance meeting turning their worlds upside down. The more time they spend together, the deeper their connection grows. But being together isn't easy considering their academic careers and Poppy has a secret that ruin any lasting relationship. Will they be able to find a way to make a long lasting relationship or will there be too many outside forces to overcome? zo, Zach is a touching, heartfelt, sensual read that captives the reader's heart right from the start. I love how Zach and Poppy don't rush things and take the time to really get to know each other. The slow burn is hot and oh so sexy. And when things combust... wow! I admire Poppy's determination in everything that she does. She give it her all and doesn't let anything stand in her way. She could have given up her hopes and dreams after high school consider the turn of events that forever changed her life, but she didn't. She pulled on her big girl pants and made a plan and never gives up. Zach is brilliant as well as handsome. I love that he doesn't mince words when it comes to expressing his desires to Poppy. Even while she is pushing him away, he can't stay away from her. When most men would go running after learning Poppy's secret, he takes the info in stride. He accepts all aspects of Poppy's life because that's how much she means to him. The storyline of zo, Zach is sweet, enchanting, and completely swoon worthy. And I challenge you not to fall head over heals in love with Zach. I would highly recommend zo, Zach if you are looking for a fun, engaging, passionate read that will take you on an emotional journey and leave you with a dazzling book hangover.
Cooper Kingsley has been licking his wounds for the past several months, but now it's time to pull on his big boy underwear and get back to the real world. Lucky for him his brother has a special "gift" waiting for him back at the office. Corinne ONeil needs this job... desperately. The obligations she has take up her whole life and the last thing she needs is a cocky, sexy boss derailing her plans. Cooper makes Corinne an offer that many would slap him instead of actually agreeing to it. Sex without emotions, no strings attached. If anyone can keep their emotions out of it, these two are the ones.... right? What starts off as physical quickly starts to turn into something more, but Corinne has a secret she's been keeping. And when Cooper find out, will he cut and run without a second thought? Or will he stop and listen to Corinne's explanation and find a way to keep her in his life? Or maybe Corinne will be too afraid of change and push Cooper away for good? Torrid Little Affair is a sexy, saucy, thrilling read that will get the reader a little hot under the collar and go looking for their own Cooper to fulfill their own forbidden desires. Cooper is everything you'd want in a arrogant, cocky, charming, caring, thoughtful hero. He's may be handsome on the outside, but he's also pretty sexy on the inside as well. What I love most is that even though he's been hurt he's still open to love. How he treats Corinne is simply endearing. Corinne is a strong, independent woman that does what she has to to provide for the ones she cares for. I love how she's loyal to a fault even while others try to get her break her promises. But what I really love about her is that opens up to Cooper in more way then one. I really am loving this series and can't wait to see what will be in story next. Torrid Little Affair is one story that I can't highly recommend enough. It's hot, sassy, exciting, and swoony, everything you've come to expect from a Kendall Ryan book. So let Cooper make all your forbidden, naughty, desires comes true tonight.
Emma Jane thought she knew Knox Montgomery until that moment everything charged. Walking away broke her heart but she knew she couldn't stay. Eight years have passed and Emma Jane has built a new life, one that doesn't include Knox. Well that was until she walked into the conference room and came face to face with her past. Knox was taken aback by seeing his one time love again, but he has a job to do and seek revenge is at the top of that list. Neither expected those former feelings to surface but they did and grew stronger than ever. Can Emma Jane and Knox find a way to put their past behind them and embrace a future? Or has too much time passed causing both to move on and never look back? He Loves Me... Knot is a second chance romance that will pull at your heartstrings, make you laugh, and swoon with each incredible page. The connection between Knox and EJ is stunning and captivating. Despite the time that has passed and the misunderstandings, it's still just as strong as ever. And when the finally succumb to their sexual tension... wow! When I picked up He Loves Me... Knot I knew it was going to great, but what I got was so much more. The storyline is marvelous, the charters are sublime, and the romance is stellar. If this is your first RC Boldt book, you're in for a real treat. And if you're already a fan of RC Boldt, then you know you're getting sensational love story that will take your breath away. So if you need a second chance romance that will dazzle and delight you, then I highly recommend you pick He Loves Me... Knot today!
CJ Murphy is ready to get rid of her V card and she knows just the person for the job. He's been there for her as a friend for what seems like forever. Her plan is simple and really, what's the worst that could happen? To say Graham Campbell is taken aback by CJ's request is an understatement. However after some thought, he can't deny he's the right man for the job. Besides, if anyone can keep the emotions out of the mix, it's Graham. And better it's him than some stranger that doesn't care about CJ's feelings or pleasure. One week, no holds barred, abundant pleasure, and then walk away as friends and nothing more. But what happens when feelings start to build? Will they decide to make a real go at it? Or will they cut and run before the week is out in order to save their friendship? Or could the unthinkable happen... they lose everything including their friendship? The V Card is a sizzling, saucy, hilarious read from start to finish. I seriously couldn't put it down and I really didn't want to. I connected with this couple and enjoyed their sensational journey. I love how Graham and CJ are friends first, their bond is strong and that is why CJ seeks Graham's help instead of some random stranger. Their banter is a perfect mix of witty and seductive. The passion between them flies off the pages causing the reader to overheat. I really enjoyed the combined writing talents of Lauren and Lili. Their storytelling is entertaining and enraptures the reader from cover to cover. I look forward to reading more books from this duo. This is one book that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a book that will make them laugh, cry happy (and a few sad) tears, swoon. This is a couple that will warm your heart and make you believe in happier ever afters.
Emma Haverford is living the dream. She's opened up her new winery and business is picking up. What more could she ask for? Maybe the one thing her heart has desired more than anything else... a baby. Dylan Hunter works hard day in and day out on the farm. His family has been here generations but he's got an idea that will expand the family business. The last thing he's thinking about is starting a family any time soon. When Emma comes knocking on Dylan's door with an unorthodox proposition, Dylan is flabbergasted to say the least. He can't deny he's attracted to Emma, but is this something he can live with? And if he does, what will happen with feelings start to develop that neither expected? The Baby Maker is a sweet, sexy, seductive read that will tug as the readers heartstrings while swooning for Dylan Hunter. I love how strong and independent Emma is and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She'll give just as good as she gets all with a smile on her face. She's smart, witty, kind, and loyal. I love especially love how she's willing to go after what she wants at all cost. Dylan is yummy, lickable, and everything naughty. When he commits to something, he never gives up. His loyalty to his family is admirable and his heart of gold is endearing. He's definitely a man that will take care your needs in and out of the bedroom. I must warm you, when the sexy time get hot you will be in need of an ice bath or two in order to cool down. Panties and e-readers will melt if within a 50-mile radius of that hot throb that is Dylan Hunter. I really enjoyed The Baby Maker with the witty banter, seduction passion, and compelling storyline. I highly recommend you pick up The Baby Maker today and let this baby maker show you how it's done over and over again.
Avery grew up with a rather dysfunctional family, so when she finally had the opportunity to escape she did. Over the years her visits home have been few and far between. Her visit this time is because her sister is getting married but luckily for her she gets to postpone her arrival by a day due to her flight being delayed. Jackson and Dash are traveling back home after a conference when their luck turns in their favor.. the girl they've crushed on for years is sitting right in front of them. When they make their move, they believe everything they want is finally in their grasp. However, come morning Avery has bolted without a word leaving Jackson and Dash scratching their heads. But now that they've regrouped, they going to go after her and do everything they can to make her see they belong together. Will Avery comes to see things the way Jackson and Dash believe? Or will her nomad lifestyle be too strong to give up? Kiss Me Crazy is a fun, passionate, erotic read that will captivate the reader from start to finish. The chemistry between Jackson, Dash, and Avery is off the charts. I love their connection both in the bedroom and out. Avery is a strong woman that and I love how she is kind, honest, and loyal despite her upbringing. Jackson and Dash are just too yummy for words. Just thinking about them makes my heart skip a beat. I have loved this series and all the sexy cowboys, but I think Jackson and Dash are by far my favorite. So if you are looking for a couple handsome cowboys to sweep you off your feet, then I highly recommend you pick up Kiss Me Crazy and ride off into the sunset in this seductive romance.
Alessandra made a plan and now is just weeks away from finally making that plan a reality. The last thing she expected was the meet a man that could turn world upside down. Quinn Kingsley isn't ready for love and all that jazz, but watching his brothers embrace their happily ever afters has him reconsidering. And when the bewitching Alessandra walks into his office, his world is changed forever. Alessandra is still planing on leaving, can Quinn find a way to get her stay? Or will their little love affair ever meant to a short fling? Tempting Little Tease is a fun, sexy, captivating read that will get reader's heart racing and panties melting with each sultry word. Alessandra is a feisty, strong willed, independent woman that knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it. I love how she always surprises Quinn and appreciates all the little things he does for her. Her ability to adapt to any sistuation she finds herself in is endearing. She's an all-around, down to earth, lovable heroine that will touch your heart. Quinn is man of few words but with a big heart. His family is paramount to him, he'd do anything for them. And when it comes to Alessandra, he'd move heaven and earth for her. He's man that you can't help but fall in love with. And boy does it get hot when these two finally do come together. So be prepared for a cold shower or two by the time this tempting little read is finished. So I recommend that you run, don't walk, to pick up Tempting Little Tease and find out why everyone is falling in love with Quinn and Allessandra. I promise it will be worth it.