how do y all cope with depression
my depression is taking a turn for the worst the thought about offing myself are starting to become more frequent again there s barely anything going on in my life yet my anxiety feel so overwhelming that one would think i live a busy life i feel so hollow all the time and i don t like it it s starting to get to the point where i can t even do anything because my depressive thought just intrude on every part of my day that it s preventing me to actually be productive i have essay to write for my uni class but all i do is stare at my laptop because i can t even cry i attend my lecture and join class discussion because everyone say that engaging in those thing will increase the likelihood i ll pas but i barely remember what s going on at all or what i m saying how do i function to live at least until the semester is over
kushaltweetz guddha musko thammudu already depression loki going http t co wchqiqiwk
up with my sick little girl who just came in my room and vomitted on my bed
aw ball the new shirt i got at aerie today doesn t fit i wear a medium but they only had a small in the one
i think today the day i realized my life is over and there s no point in going forward i have nothing and i never will have anything i also don t like life it s horrible people are horrible having to do shit in general is horrible being human is horrible and at my job we have those really strong pipe that could hold my weight so now i m looking for a sturdy rope i work in maintenance and then once the people upstairs leave that s when i make my attempt i hope i pull it off if anything i ll delete this post if i failed but today is the day my life end i refuse another shit day i refuse life wish me luck i m going to need it
imaginarypeach now your leaving me get sad
hey guy i currently need some help figuring out what to do recently i ve been feeling a lot of anxiety it started a week ago when my spring break wa ending and the night before leaving for school i started having major anxiety i am a little worried about school i guess but i know i m good with grade and will be fine till the end of the semester but still i just felt this major anxiety like an aching in my chest and couldn t sleep the whole night when i got back to school i thought everything would be fine but around or 9 pm i started getting that feeling again like i wa panicking and having a tightness in my chest that wouldn t go away i don t think i wa even thinking about anything at the time to cause it that night i didn t fall asleep till or in the morning even during the day sometimes i ll start getting that same anxious feeling but it s ha been consistently happening every night around the same time and i have trouble falling asleep i m in a good place in my life i have friend and family who care about me and i m doing well in school but i can t shake this anxiety i m having any advice would be great
seemesimyyyy eya ndalama ivute zibweziso zivute kunja nkwa depression uku
well isn t that great now i m really sick all coughing and having a sore throat
patrick coate jackposobiec agree 00 the arrogance of the biden administration will sink this country into a huge depression liberal been canceling anything and anyone they don t like soon our standard our living will be canceled by others who hate our gut and the dollar
michael crichton
lately it s been so hard whenever i m by myself driving i just wish i could let go let go of everything and just die i ve cried for so many day now i m tired i m exhausted i feel miserable hopeless i know my life isn t so hard i know there are better thing to look at i try i really do try everyday my heart hurt and i don t know why i feel so much sadness but whyy i wish i knew i wish i didn t always feel this way i catch myself laying down on my bed just staring off thinking of nothing i m trying my best everyday to at least not cry i want to get better i want to feel happy i want to look forward i have a date tomorrow with my boyfriend i ll start with that i miss him so much i m always hopeful and hope i don t drag him down he s so kind to me and ha always seen the best of me word can t describe how much he mean to me i m sorry for venting but it feel strangely nice thank you
nicolerichie i cried so hard when matthew died
i don t really know how reddit work but i just came here to get something off my chest i m a 0yo female who deal with major depression i ve always felt like i have no purpose in this world and that i am a complete waste of a human being i don t even know who i am anymore whenever people are like so tell me about yourself i break down because i honestly have nothing to say about myself i want to kill myself so bad but i don t have the tool to do it so i just live in pain and exhaustion i have no friend or family to talk about what i go through and that hurt medicine doe not help and therapist ive talked to were a joke i have done thing to make me feel better about myself but i always get knocked down but i can honestly say that the day i die i ll finally be happy and at peace
my bf is in a depressive episode atm i m still learning and would like to know more about depression while in an depressive episode is every day the same for you do you have good day in between coming out of depression do you feel much better from one day to the next or is it a slow process with back step too sorry for all the question just want to understand better what my bf is going through
argh finally figured out whats killing inquizitor game on jailbroken device about 0 star review too late though fix on the way
coke zero mobile site broken on iphone anyway http twitpic com y xp
my heart my gloom your depression feel like the calm drift of smoke above the rage and fire of battle your extrapolation badmouths like salt i love you like a drifting sycamore seed
being border restricted victim day by day we getting engulfed in frustration depression suicidal attempt and much more that we can t express in word depression fmwangyisaveindianstudents takeusbacktochina
i m a stupid little bitch with a raging coke addiction unemployed have been raped time i ll never amount to anything i grew up thinking i had a lot of potential everyone thought the same thing too but i m a loser i wa wrong and so wa everyone i m now figuring out a way i can finally do it i m done
very very busy not getting a chance to twitter a much a before
ilovedt that s what i thought bummer
jonathanrknight oh did i mention it quot gooooood moooorniiiiiiing quot from germany im back in my cage or better my office
in certain class i constantly have sweaty palm i sweat and blush extremely easily i d like to be able to fake it till i make it so to say but you can t really act confident when your face is a red a a tomato
i have fucking shin splint im in pain drug please i never realised they could be so painful
darn forgot that tonight s shoot wa postponed will be at a loose end now quot
is it a bad thing i cried in front of my friend who s a girl so i m a guy and my best friend who is a girl opened up to me about abuse she faced in the past and i started cry while she wa telling me and i just hugged her the next day i told opened up to her that i experienced the same type of abuse and that s why it broke my heart when she had told me about it i also have opened up to her about me self harming and having severe depression and having a drug problem i ve recently been doing better but i can t help but worry that this changed how she see me she ha remained super supportive and still asks me to hangout and i feel like we have grown closer but i also worry she secretly think i m a bitch now
hi i suffer from mild anxiety not many physical symptom anybody ha tip to deal with anxiety that aren t in the stay positive realm usually the help i find online is about staying positive however that is not my mindset i think life is not meant to be positive always and i genuinely believe it s bad for mental health to try and see the bright side of any situation negative feeling are just meant to be lived thru at the same time i know my brain lie to me about people disliking me about sounding like a fool about my future the most tricky part is that i also can t stop thinking about the truly awful stuff mostly about the world being a terrible place the stay positive people can not tell me the bright side of my shoe being made thru human exploitation in a remote country you know how can i be happy knowing there s all this pain in the world
won t be doing the frank morgan race
hanging in crooner wan na sing can t suck
currently facing lot of family problem my mental health is really suffering i dont know what to do i am in high school i dont think i am able to study more because of my family s financial problem also i dont have any true friend so i did not share my feeling and situation to anyone please help anyone
fuck la circulation ce mat
which came first the chicken or the egg do i hate myself because of the constant rejection i ve experienced my whole life or am i constantly rejected because i hate myself both are true negative experience are what made me doubt myself so much if this keep happening over and over again then it must be because there s something wrong with me that people want to run away from i take it entirely personally but on the other hand people don t want a person who hate themselves in their life so they reject me and distance themselves i can never sustain positive self worth because every single time i m rejected i feel that they ve judged my character in some way and determined me either insignificant or toxic to them it s a never ending loop that ultimately leaf me alone and bitter i don t know how to fix it nothing seems to work it s like my mind is broken i feel like an evolutionary failure a cancerous lump meant to be excised from a healthy society i feel like i ve given up on myself
i am so unsatisfied with life no aspect of life is of any enjoyment to me the thought of getting a job working 9 every day of the week sleeping on the weekend because i m too tired slowly building up money to maybe have a vacation once a year for only a week and then going back into the grind continuing this a my body break down with age and eventually dying with nothing in my hand just sound like actual hell i have a girlfriend who want to marry me and have kid but i genuinely don t believe that i could give my kid or her a good life i doubt i could support a family financially because i have no money and can t afford a good education past high school i doubt i would be able to be a good father due to having to come home from a grind at work everyday too tired to play with them or properly parent and too tired on the weekend to do either why can t life be different i have no plan of suicide but holy fuck this world make me want to
sorry for the depression i have some problem that are long term and i suffer every second of everyday i am so tired of the mental pain of suffering everyday my eye will never be the same again and i only use my right eye i don t want to have such a shameful death but i wa wondering if you people believe this can possibly be a good choice i am about to have exhausted all of my treatment option
just woke up apple gig wa ace last night seriously tired now work begin in one hour
ahhh the drafthouse had a surprise world premiere screening of the new star trek last night and i wa at torchys
diljan sidhu samhaig90 9 figenabler his severe depression say otherwise
wa recently hit with a major wave of depression and memory i cant seem to get it out of my head and the thought of oding sound so enticing to me right now year of religious indoctrination is the only thing holding me back is there any way i can quickly overcome this fear of burning for eternity so i can just rest peacefully in the void
stephenkruiser you poor spunky it so sad my rotti made it to 0 and i had to go down the same path i know how you feel
you know a monday s really bad when it spill over to tuesday
my friend use to hear voice she would hear voice in her head of people talking to her but the voice have gone away or at least that is what she think say she think that her neighbour are out to get her she think that her neighbour are plotting to kill her she also think that her neighbour have killed someone else because she said that she heard them admit it and she recorded them admitting that they killed someone she said that her neighbour talk shit about her and want to harm her and say sexual thing to and about her she life in an apartment building and they live right underneath her so she will sit by her window and she will record them because she think that they are talking crap about her and saying that they want to kill and harm her so she will record them trying to get a much evidence a she possible can so she can go to the police the thing is though that nobody else can hear these recording only she can she wa at my house yesterday and she wa playing these recording to u and a the video wa playing she wa like see they just said this and then she would tell u what they said but we don t hear nothing it is completely quiet my boy friend literally had the phone up to his ear and didn t hear anything and she wa a few foot away from him and she supposedly heard it so loud me my boyfriend and other people have listened to these recording and no one else heard anything but her and she say that she hears them talking so loudly when to u it is completely quiet and she is so positive and confident that these recording are real because every video that she ha anytime that she listens to it she always hears the exact same thing on each video so it is not like every single time that she listens to the video she hears something different she ha like video of her neighbour talking about her and every video she hears the same thing like every video say something different but no matter how many time she listens to each video it always say that same thing that it said last time that is why she belief that it is true but again nobody else hears anything the video she show up is completely quiet and no one is talking ha anyone experienced this do you know anyone that ha experience this it is so hard and difficult to watch her go through this because i have been so supportive to her ever since i met her year ago and i will continue being supportive but when i tell her that we don t hear anything she get fraustrated and mad because she hears it i understand why she is fraustrated though because hearing voice that other people don t hear i get can be very stressful and frustrated but i am just stuck it s hard watching someone you love go through this i need advice
lizchavez i can t set my foot on the ground the missing eyelid people might get me
would anyone rlly care if i killed myself
just been given ma marching order got ta go do some work yay
not sure if anyone can relate i feel like probably not on this subreddit so i do apologise if it s rude to post here but i want to die i just don t want to kill myself i can t wait for life to be over but i don t want to just end it i want to smoke to speed up the process and i just feel a little nihilistic i wouldn t really call myself suicidal but i don t think i ll be sad when i die either
if depression wa a garden
i am officially banning godaddy com from my comp my head hurt from the small print and i wasted 0 that could ve happily gone to boba
the swanage fieldtrip is legendary for carnage it s the only reason i chose geography pity my uni doesn t run it theinbetweeners
i m trying to take a sick mental health day but it s not working i m so paranoid i won t get to graduate eighth grade for having absence yeah our school give u 9 per semester but i m scared and yeah my principle ha been pretty lenient and let people with f s pas i have good grade but i always think everything is going to turn out horribly for me no matter what i do i feel so useless my friend don t seem like they even like me i m pretty much down to one friend that actually like me and it s an older girl i met online and that s pretty much it i want to die everyone and everything end up hurting me
rooxxy i ve got tonne over here going to have to donate some i think i just can t eat any more
masithoko dlomo mizzzidc you and that depression should be buried inside a casket since you ll want to pin everything on depression now no accountability
where is my phone amp good food aaaaaaaaah
sorry about the structure being bad in this i just need to write down my thought i genuinely don t see the point in living anymore i might a well just kill myself now and save myself from the bleak future that is coming with climate change war famine and all this other stuff that is going to happen and show no sign of stopping i might a well just kill myself now before it all go horrible the only thing really keeping me from doing it is the thought of my family and how devastating it would be for them to lose their son i m still young i haven t got a guaranteed future what s the point
you re easily replaceable and trust me they will replace you if you re lucky you ll be born into a loving and sweet family but that s often not the case for most people you re alone and will be alone for most of your time on this earth you ll reach an expiration date for your usefulness and they ll kick you to the curve it doesn t matter if you re really struggling and barely hanging on or if they re aware of what you re going through and they ll give you every excuse in the book but the simple matter of the fact is that they don t care about you anymore what do you have to offer now
my parent split when i wa i lived with my dad and my sister moved with my mom my father wa a super alcoholic and abusive he used to whip me with cordage punch me while i wa naked because i wa taking a shower to long and basically hit me when ever he wa in the mood when i wa the neighbor kid who wa older than me molested me and i told my dad about it he asked me if i wa some kind of homosexual slang word and did nothing about it he used to wash my clothes and hang dry them above trash and i wa very limited on the amount of time i wa allowed to bathe because of this i got picked on for being the dirty kid fast forward a few year i became the bully a i wa psychically stronger than kid my age i also started stealing food and laundry detergent from the gas station i would put my clothes in trash bag and bike them to the laundry mat when i wa i got a girl pregnant i also started hanging out with people older than me i got into fight alot and started robbing place to eat i got caught and did time in juvenile hall afterwards i wa court ordered to move in with my mom she knew nothing about what wa going on at my dad s house the whole time i felt like if i said anything i would be forced to move and that made me feel guilty because i wa all my dad had left at i wa diagnosed with a nasty skin disorder called hidradenitis suppurativa basically i get boil in my armpit and on my butt there is no cure and surgery usually doesn t work it just come right back this made me skidish when it came to dating and i wa also dealing with my molestation the whole time throughout my whole teenage year i thought i wa gay because of what happened a a child when i wa i met a i fell head over heel for her and vice versa about year in i became extremely possessive gave her zero space and never did anything fun with her we broke up i could see she wasn t happy and asked her one day if she needed to leave and she said yes it wa over throught my late 0 i would check in on her to make sure she wa ok she would get in a relationship but then break up and we would start chatting again this happened time but i never fully pursued her i could tell we had unfinished business and that she had the same feeling for me a i did for her i knew she could get better so i let her go it ha now been year and i haven t dated serious since i have relived our break up 000s of time i will dream of her and wake up and it start all over again that mixed in with my past my skin disorder my job that i hate even though it s good money my addiction my dying mother ha me to the point where i don t want to live i ve also recently learned that my dad s house burnt down and he ha been homeless living out of his car for the past few year i don t know how to react to that for year now i have told myself that when my mother go i m going to kill myself i ve decided to wait until she go because she ha been through a lot a well and i want her to not be alone when she doe my dad wasn t good to her then wa abused by step father he died and all while dealing with severe kidney problem and vitamin deficiency i don t really have a relationship with my daughter i wa a bad father a a teenager i ve tried to do better but i don t think she would ever forgive me for not being there my mom s health is steadily declining so my time is approaching i ve recently bought a gun and now it s all up to my mom to those of you who made it this far i m sorry this post is so long i needed somewhere to vent because a lot of this stuff i have never told anyone thanks for reading
i wa on the edge of killing myself i wa dissociating and experiencing derealization on a daily basis i didn t think i would ever make a decision to pull the trigger but i wa convinced one day i would sleepwalk into doing it it wa strange but maybe some of you know what that feel like i quit drinking and doing all drug i wa depressed for a week but now i have not felt this good in year five year maybe i feel like myself again i tell joke i think clearly about thing and find enjoyment in life nothing else ha changed in my life but the weight of my emotional problem just doe not feel a heavy and it is not something that i am burdened by every minute of every day like it wa before i don t care what anyone else doe with their life i ll probably have a drink when i go out again starting in a few week but before anyone take drastic measure please try cleaning up just to see what your mind feel like in it natural state it ha worked for me and i did not ever think i would feel normal again it is working and i really really hope it can work for some of you too nobody should have to feel the way we have felt
i can t concentrate
lisalent a part of freeview we don t get the sport channel
mizzzidc imagine making sacrifice just to raise a child and said child flip up at you like this because of a sneaker she s gon na get back an average parent might go into depression
thought it would be interesting to get f update from twitter slightly regretting the decision i can t see anyone el s update
rougeforever i ve just been faffing actually reading which is work but doesn t feel productive
jenmcj will check it out just want a couple to read while away new one at liquid silver just some good read read some rubbish lately
the only thing that s keeping me from ending it all is because it would upset my family i seriously don t know what to do i lack ambition and that lack of ambition go too well with my lazy habit i m stuck taking care of my diabetic mother that doesn t really leave much for a social life my sibling have their own life with their partner my dad is off with his secret family or something i ve deleted my fb account year ago because i wa sick of seeing every one of my h friend being better off but i think i just isolated myself further and ended up worse for it i feel lately like i m just gon na snap i end up cry at night and i don t remember why afterwards trying out new thing is a bit limited with budget and me being ashamed of leeching off my sibling dropped out of college twice since 0 0
i m m on a super low dose of buspar all thing considered i think i like it i ve been on it since mid december and break a mg tablet in half and take that x a day so basically mg a day overall it feel pretty good for me minimal side effect other than i can t drink on it alcohol isn t a huge part of my life but i ve always enjoyed meeting friend or coworkers at a bar for or beer for a couple hour once a week that amount is enough for me to get a little buzz have a more lively conversation but also still wake up without a hangover now with buspar after drink i get drunk but not in a good way in like a very confused dumb clumsy and sleepy kind of way i ve basically just cut alcohol out of my life which doe have some benefit i don t spend a much money i don t eat late night fast food no more groggy hangover no staying out late no beer belly but on the other hand i ve basically become a social recluse part of the reason i started taking buspar wa because of my social anxiety and in day to day life such a work and parenting and just going about my day a normal i feel like it s improved but so much of going out in the evening with friend or coworkers or new friend or new coworkers involves drink and a that s no longer an option i ve just kinda found myself le and le interested in going out with people who i know are going to have a night out of drinking not entirely sure how to proceed
izzy artest miss you too it s been too long come back
life in sc i have been struggling financially for year and faced homelessness on and off i can t do this anymore i m not mentally or emotionally stable at all i fucked up by quitting my last job week ago because i wa committed to ending my life since i had to pay a 00 bill for accidentally causing damage in my apartment luckily my partner who life faraway helped me out and covered it for me for the longest my life been going downhill i have no family to turn to because i m distant from most of them including my own mother because they re toxic or they would never pick up the phone at all my older sister is the only one i talk with but not really at all i have no friend at all the only people i really have is my partner and my older sister sometimes and they ve been helping me through my situation i feel like a complete burden to them i temporarily lived at my cousin s house and experienced verbal physical abuse and destruction of my belonging from his wife then wa kicked out after a couple of month she kicked me out the house every other week because i wa short on my portion of the rent or out of pure pettiness i been homeless either out on the street park area or living in my car from time to time then i wa ultimately kicked out after she randomly decided she doesn t want to see me again even though i paid for my portion of the rent i did managed to get an apartment on short notice with the help of my partner but i had trouble paying for my bill i had different job and the pay wasn t good at all on top of that they were cutting my hour a lot i barely make it to paying my rent multiple time and i wa hit with a late fee every time i ve been attempting to kill myself many time because i m so tired and stressed out with this uphill battle nothing ever work out in my favor i can t do anything right at all i ve been going day without eating having water or electricity because i m way behind on bill and being broke barely have gas to get to the job i had i tried applying for different assistant program but i only get denied or never hear back from them same thing with applying for job online and in person either they re not hiring never called or i have to wait awhile i sold nude and foot pic before but i couldn t get client who s willing to pay i know some of my problem are because of my own irresponsibility i can never catch a break at all i just can t act get right no matter how hard i try i m always stuck
morning all gave the cat his tablet this morning what a mission that is he know what we re up to now and prepares for battle
there is someone in my life i need to have a conversation with i tell myself i really need to do this to answer the question i keep asking myself and if it doesn t get better then i ll know it s time to cut them out i know i have to do this it will make everything better and solve the problem i got myself ready to start this conversation under the thought that a long a i m trying to communicate it s a win in my book i open the chat and think about typing and i tell myself why even bother it doesn t matter he doesn t care to hear your thought and when you do tell him he s not going to want to fix the problem it s so frustrating because i know what the problem is and how to fix it and i can t i don t know how to take the next step
i m feeling every day more drained not only i have to deal with a job i hate but also my anxiety doesn t make it any better i dread going to work it s like all day i m imagining how tiring it s gon na be the day after it s a vicious cycle i can t seem to get out of what s more troubling it s that i ve never could do anything meaningful with my life to improve my situation i don t have any remarkable skill or something that can allow me to find a better job i feel such a loser don t know how much i m gon na be able to resist this these past two year since the pandemic started also made matter worse i m depressed almost all the time i don t feel like going out meeting with friend going to the movie nothing it s like everything it s piling up on me a few month ago i took the step of starting to follow some online course to gain skill that allow me to find a better job but it feel like i m never gon na make it i have negative thought constantly which lead me to believe i m gon na fail my anxiety also doesn t allow me to find a therapist i had a bad experience in the past that left me kinda scarred in this regard and now just finding professional help feel like a daunting task i m so lost what would you do thanks for reading
i m year old i started university like week ago at that time i wasn t feeling miserable or anything i wa a close to being happy that i have been in a long time but when the class started and i met the stuff that involves university made me feel depressed again i don t have any motivation i m studying something i already know i don t like and if i wanted to start another career i d have to end this year because of my university a regulation i don t really feel motivated i don t feel good and i cry almost everyday it s being super rough to me maybe i m exaggerating or maybe i m not but sometimes i don t wan na be here anymore if u know what i mean i don t know what to do to feel better i have my s o my friend my family but nothing help also i haven t had many good experience at therapy and the medicine make me feel even more depressed that i am
i hate this time i am super bored but everyone is sleeping
strider is a sick little puppy http apps facebook com dogbook profile view
i ve been feeling anxious and stressed out lately which usually cause me to have chest and pain in the middle of my back now i looked up my symptom on google i know i know big mistake and apparently my symptom mostly align with a condition called stable angina this condition can lead to unstable angina which can be fatal i ve gotten at least ekg done in the past month or so and they have all been normal but i m still scared that maybe my body just can t handle stress and is slowly shutting down i don t know ha anyone else here experienced anything like this
kevatkinson my bro and si but very young mum working today so thought i would help out i don t have any sun
amsterdamant unfortunately i didn t dream about shoe
the 0 halsey melanie martinez troye sivan lana to 0 depression pipeline
gooood mooorning world i had a dream last night i fucked my knee again def need to kick start my strengthening ready for bournemouth s
i always issue and now they are catching up with me my blood pressure is dangerously high most day i m dizzy and disoriented worst of all i m tired the last one wa here for a long time but it got to the point where i no longer have the energy to do anything no matter how hard i try to push it i wa passively suicidal for a long time i didn t have the courage to actually kill myself but i wouldn t look both way when i crossed the street i drank and smoked did stuff that i knew wa dangerous and now it seems it worked and now i m scared i don t care about myself but i have man who love me i have a month old little brother and i m terrified what how they would feel if i died but my condition is getting worse and i can t bring myself to do anything about it
hollis death scene will hurt me severely to watch on film wry is director cut not out now
we have avoided it the past two year but just now she showed me her lateral flow test and it looked positive i m worried about getting it i ve been with her most of the day this is my worst nightmare and i don t know what to do last week i did feel extremely fatigued but i chalked it up to my chronic illness i m worried about my mum a well a she ha asthma please if anyone can reassure me that i won t or might not get it or any reassurance would be great thank you
heidimontag i dont know im in the uk so isn t out here yet so jealous
i m not doing well i m suffocating it s hard to breathe and i have to fight the urge to slice open an artery the only way i know how to cope is by telling someone who s actually willing to listen about my favourite comic that s all
not to self licking off pudding from a seafood fork not so enjoyable a slowly licking off of a spoon
saw doctor week ago they just gave me a cream they told me to do a blood test however my anxiety wa so serious i had to ditch really scared of needle now the rash is worse i m so scared i have awful thought amp my next appointment is forever away scared i ll just drop dead or worse
nobody would care if i wa dead i don t think my family would even react i starved myself and fasted everyday and looked sick and no one even noticed or remembers
kind of longs for the bus that show up at the end of ghost world right now ugh
i am missing my daughter she went away yesterday for a week on a course to help her teach gymnastics the house is too quiet
i m not strong enough to kill me
gingha it is i have the doc so morning off and then into work freecycling what you getting
should i ask my parent for a therapy session i m scared to ask my parent for therapy and i come seeking opinion on what i should do i m y o and these feeling have been killing me i m sure change in hormone have a part in this but i have been dealing with feeling of poor self worth since i wa i begin slightly shaking clinging and breathing heavily with excessive worry and fear almost daily now but i m worried my parent will say average teenage feeling and leave it at that i also don t want to waste money on something that might be just a phase and so i m asking for thought on this matter now for a little backstory my writing may be a little messy so i apologize in advance thinking back i ve had symptom of anxiety for a while now i wa yelled at a lot a a child for very trivial matter and still to this day ill get hour long lecture for thing that arent that big of a deal after a specific scolding when i wa around i believe that kickstarted thing i started playing what i saw and heard in my mind over and over again until i got night terror for some reason i can still recall this moment and it still scare me i became afraid of a certain speed like m p h a strange thing to be afraid of i know don t know if this is just some sort of trauma type thing or what but it wa always weird to me i start sweating and shaking whenever i think about anything with that specific speed and i don t know what that mean anyways fast forward to early 0 9 and my grandma passed away she wa the only one i truly felt attached to and trusted i have trust issue don t know why so her passing hit me hard a year later when covid started my dad cheated with my best friend s mom ending in a lot of self confidence issue and when my trust issue began showing my parent are still together they just argued and eventually got it worked out since i don t want everything to go downhill again i just bottled up everything and hid what i felt now to the present day this is why i find it so difficult to ask for a therapist i m afraid that my parent will just brush it off or be disappointed and think they did something wrong this hopefully doesn t give the wrong idea about my parent i believe they tried their best and to be honest didn t do a horrible job there were still good time i remember and they ve done a lot for me unfortunately i can t truly say i love you back without my parent telling me and that hurt i know people have it much worse than me and that s another reason that s holding me back from asking either way i m still heavily considering therapy and why i m asking you is it just a phase will i benefit from a professional am i being petty and should just deal with it i m not looking for a diagnosis but would love some thought on the matter and will try my best to answer any question if any thanks p s i hope this wasn t too long i tried to cram a much information a possible without it being accessive apology for any grammar mistake
hopeok but i will be soon dy
courtneybrwn awww thanks i hate being sick
i wa a good kid class president one of those pesky mormon missionary after highschool on scholarship etc then at i snapped and went to prison for ten year i vowed to overcome it got out finished college and married le than five short year of being free i threw it all away and went back for another year on a parole violation finding out that week that my poor unsuspecting wife wa pregnant with our only child i struggled through five more year of incarceration dragging my entire family through the nightmare that is the criminal justice system again while my now ex wife struggled to have our baby and support herself i ve been free again for under two year i ll never have a good job i see my son for two brief hour a month and he barely know my name my family who wa heavily involved in his life while i wa incarcerated is now prevented from seeing him or even knowing about him for my ex everything i have is because of the charity of others and i ve earned nothing on my own other than disdain the direction my life took wa unexpected to everybody i wa expected to be so successful but here i sit year old with no hope of a meaningful life 0 year gone in the blink of an eye hell a a felon many people would just prefer i wa dead anyway to look at me you would never know that all of this is in my past the only friend i have are people i ve met online who don t even know my real name a all of my old friend have long since moved on with their life i would have ended it all already and in fact tried while incarcerated but i m just too damn scared at the heart of all of it i m just a coward
going out with josh of course i broke up with will but wa it the right thing to do i feel so bad so confused
sorry i should say that this vid hit you hard please beware the last minute especially http www youtube com watch v eujsme0torw
where s derrick http ff im xwxs
blip fm is down i m going back to normal tweeting for a while