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2 | But not a whit more |
3 | What a great way to spend units of your day |
3 | The movie is hardly a masterpiece but it does mark Ms Bullock 's best work in some time |
3 | As simple and innocent a movie as you can imagine |
4 | This is a movie you can trust |
3 | Passionate irrational longsuffering but cruel as a tarantula Helga figures prominently in this movie and helps keep the proceedings as funny for grownups as for rugrats |
2 | It 's all about the image '' |
4 | Vividly conveys the passion creativity and fearlessness of one of Mexico 's most colorful and controversial artists a captivating drama that will speak to the nonconformist in us all |
3 | Hollywood Ending is not showstoppingly hilarious but scathingly witty nonetheless |
2 | Maybe Thomas Wolfe was right You ca n't go home again |
3 | A compelling yarn but not quite a ripping one |
3 | On the Granger Movie Gauge of to The Powerpuff Girls is a fast frenetic funny even punny aimed specifically at a gradeschool audience |
3 | The film has several strong performances |
3 | I 've never bought from telemarketers but I bought this movie |
4 | Perfectly pitched between comedy and tragedy hope and despair About Schmidt instead comes far closer than many movies to expressing the way many of us live someplace between consuming selfabsorption and insistently demanding otherness |
2 | The funny thing is I did n't mind all this contrived nonsense a bit |
3 | LRB Shyamalan RRB turns the goosepimple genre on its empty head and fills it with spirit purpose and emotionally bruised characters who add up to more than body count |
4 | A sexy peculiar and always entertaining costume drama set in Renaissance Spain and the fact that it 's based on true events somehow makes it all the more compelling |
3 | An entertaining documentary that freshly considers arguments the Bard 's immortal plays were written by somebody else |
4 | A highly spirited imaginative kid 's movie that broaches neoAugustinian theology Is God stuck in Heaven because He 's afraid of His bestknown creation |
4 | Call it magic realism or surrealism but Miss Wonton floats beyond reality with a certain degree of wit and dignity |
4 | Raimi and his team could n't have done any better in bringing the story of SpiderMan to the big screen |
3 | The director explores all three sides of his story with a sensitivity and an inquisitiveness reminiscent of Truffaut |
4 | Wellacted welldirected and for all its moodiness not too pretentious |
3 | It 's a satisfying summer blockbuster and worth a look |
3 | Boomers and their kids will have a Barrie good time |
3 | Real Women Have Curves wears its empowerment on its sleeve but even its worst harangues are easy to swallow thanks to remarkable performances by Ferrera and Ontiveros |
3 | Ultimately MIB II '' succeeds due to its rapidfire delivery and enough inspired levity that it ca n't be dismissed as mindless |
3 | Stage director Sam Mendes showcases Tom Hanks as a depression era hitman in this dark tale of revenge |
3 | Sitting in the third row of the IMAX cinema at Sydney 's Darling Harbour but I sometimes felt as though I was in the tiny two seater plane that carried the giant camera around Australia sweeping and gliding banking and hovering over some of the most not |
2 | The real charm of this trifle is the deadpan comic face of its star Jean Reno who resembles Sly Stallone in a hot sake halfsleep |
4 | What 's so fun about this silly outrageous ingenious thriller is the director 's talent |
1 | Watching a Brian DePalma movie is like watching an Alfred Hitchcock movie after drinking twelve beers |
3 | Strip it of all its excess debris and you 'd have a minute fourstar movie |
0 | As it is it 's too long and unfocused |
4 | An immensely entertaining look at some of the unsung heroes of th century pop music |
3 | This familiar riseandfall tale is long on glamour and short on larger moralistic consequences though it 's told with sharp ears and eyes for the tenor of the times |
4 | This beautifully animated epic is never dull |
4 | Brian Tufano 's handsome widescreen photography and Paul Grabowsky 's excellent music turn this fairly parochial melodrama into something really rather special |
4 | It makes compelling provocative and prescient viewing |
4 | A thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses Grant 's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos |
3 | Using a stock plot About a Boy injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable minutes in a movie theater |
2 | What Eric Schaeffer has accomplished with Never Again may not strictly speaking qualify as revolutionary |
3 | But it 's defiantly and delightfully against the grain |
4 | The hardtopredict and absolutely essential chemistry between the downtoearth Bullock and the nonchalant Grant proves to be sensational and everything meshes in this elegant entertainment |
3 | A positively thrilling combination of ethnography and all the intrigue betrayal deceit and murder of a Shakespearean tragedy or a juicy soap opera |
3 | Mr Clooney Mr Kaufman and all their collaborators are entitled to take a deep bow for fashioning an engrossing entertainment out of an almost surefire prescription for a critical and commercial disaster |
3 | Definitely funny stuff but it 's more of the laughing at ' variety than the laughing with ' |
4 | Easily the most thoughtful fictional examination of the root causes of antiSemitism ever seen on screen |
4 | A real winner smart funny subtle and resonant |
3 | Family portrait of need neurosis and nervy negativity is a rare treat that shows the promise of digital filmmaking |
2 | The pitch must have read like a discarded House Beautiful spread |
4 | Uplifting as only a document of the worst possibilities of mankind can be and among the best films of the year |
2 | Director David Jacobson gives Dahmer a consideration that the murderer never game his victims |
4 | The film has a terrific look and Salma Hayek has a feel for the character at all stages of her life |
0 | A decided lack of spontaneity in its execution and a dearth of real poignancy in its epiphanies |
4 | The performances are remarkable |
3 | It 's Burns ' visuals characters and his punchy dialogue not his plot that carry waydowntown |
3 | As literary desecrations go this makes for perfectly acceptable occasionally very enjoyable children 's entertainment |
0 | You 'll forget about it by Monday though and if they 're old enough to have developed some taste so will your kids |
3 | While I ca n't say it 's on par with the first one Stuart Little is a light fun cheese puff of a movie |
4 | Strange funny twisted brilliant and macabre |
4 | A genuinely moving and wisely unsentimental drama |
2 | Heaven is a haunting dramatization of a couple 's moral ascension |
3 | The Mothman Prophecies is best when illustrating the demons bedevilling the modern masculine journey |
3 | Plays out with a dogged and eventually winning squareness that would make it the darling of many a kidsandfamilyoriented cable channel |
4 | An entertaining British hybrid of comedy caper thrills and quirky romance |
2 | Alain Choquart 's camera barely stops moving portraying both the turmoil of the time and giving Conduct a perpetual sense of urgency which for a film that takes nearly three hours to unspool is both funny and irritating |
2 | Mostly Martha could have used a little trimming or minutes could be cut and no one would notice but it 's a pleasurable trifle |
1 | The only pain you 'll feel as the credits roll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty grub |
4 | Hardly an objective documentary but it 's great cinematic polemic love Moore or loathe him you 've got to admire the intensity with which he 's willing to express his convictions |
4 | The mark of a respectable summer blockbuster is one of two things unadulterated thrills or genuine laughs |
4 | The film is visually dazzling the depicted events dramatic funny and poignant |
3 | A directorial tour de force by Bernard Rose ivans xtc |
4 | is one of this year 's very best pictures |
2 | What makes the movie work to an admittedly limited extent is the commitment of two genuinely engaging performers |
4 | Weaver and LaPaglia are both excellent in the kind of lowkey way that allows us to forget that they are actually movie folk |
3 | Even the digressions are funny |
3 | Mr Spielberg and his company just want you to enjoy yourselves without feeling conned |
3 | And they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor |
2 | Melodrama with a message |
3 | A perfectly pleasant if slightly pokey comedy |
3 | Coppola 's directorial debut is an incredibly layered and stylistic film that despite a fairly slow paced almost humdrum approach to character development still manages at least a decent attempt at meaningful cinema |
3 | At the end when the now computerized Yoda finally reveals his martial artistry the film ascends to a kinetic life so teeming that even cranky adults may rediscover the quivering kid inside |
3 | Wang Xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and wellrealized drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men |
3 | It 's hard to imagine anybody ever being in the mood '' to view a movie as harrowing and painful as The Grey Zone but it 's equally hard to imagine anybody being able to tear their eyes away from the screen once it 's started |
4 | Bogdanovich taps deep into the Hearst mystique entertainingly reenacting a historic scandal |
3 | A moving tale of love and destruction in unexpected places unexamined lives |
3 | Clooney directs this film always keeping the balance between the fantastic and the believable |
3 | Even if you do n't understand what on earth is going on this is a movie that will stimulate hours of post viewing discussion if only to be reminded of who did what to whom and why |
2 | a lesson in prehistoric hilarity |
4 | A fantastically vital movie that manages to invest real humor sensuality and sympathy into a story about two adolescent boys |
3 | Lawrence plumbs personal tragedy and also the human comedy |
1 | Though a capable thriller somewhere along the way K jettisoned some crucial drama |
4 | Just about the surest bet for an allaround good time at the movies this summer |
2 | It would be disingenuous to call Reno a great film but you can say that about most of the flicks moving in and out of the multiplex |
3 | This is a movie that is what it is a pleasant distraction a Friday night diversion an excuse to eat popcorn |
3 | There is a certain sense of experimentation and improvisation to this film that may not always work but it is nevertheless compelling |
3 | The Four Feathers has rewards from the exoticism of its seas of sand to the fierce grandeur of its sweeping battle scenes |
4 | A delicious quirky movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by Michael Gondry |
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