CLINICAL HISTORY:, Gravida 1, para 0 at 33 weeks 5 days by early dating. The patient is developing gestational diabetes.,Transabdominal ultrasound examination demonstrated a single fetus and uterus in vertex presentation. The placenta was posterior in position. There was normal fetal breathing movement, gross body movement, and fetal tone, and the qualitative amniotic fluid volume was normal with an amniotic fluid index of 18.2 cm.,The following measurements were obtained: Biparietal diameter 8.54 cm, head circumference 30.96 cm, abdominal circumference 29.17 cm, and femoral length 6.58 cm. These values predict a fetal weight of 4 pounds 15 ounces plus or minus 12 ounces or at the 42nd percentile based on gestation.,CONCLUSION:, Normal biophysical profile (BPP) with a score of 8 out of possible 8. The fetus is size appropriate for gestation.radiology, biophysical profile, gestational diabetes, amniotic fluid, bpp, gravida, para, diabetes, fetus, fetalNOTE
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Right suboccipital craniectomy for resection of tumor using the microscope modifier 22 and cranioplasty.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient with a large 3.5 cm acoustic neuroma. The patient is having surgery for resection. There was significant cerebellar peduncle compression. The tumor was very difficult due to its size as well as its adherence to the brainstem and the nerve complex. The case took 12 hours. This was more difficult and took longer than the usual acoustic neuroma.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Right acoustic neuroma.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Right acoustic neuroma.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operating room. General anesthesia was induced in the usual fashion. After appropriate lines were placed, the patient was placed in Mayfield 3-point head fixation, hold into a right park bench position to expose the right suboccipital area. A time-out was settled with nursing and anesthesia, and the head was shaved, prescrubbed with chlorhexidine, prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The incision was made and cautery was used to expose the suboccipital bone. Once the suboccipital bone was exposed under the foramen magnum, the high speed drill was used to thin out the suboccipital bone and the craniectomy carried out with Leksell and insertion with Kerrison punches down to the rim of the foramen magnum as well as laterally to the edge of the sigmoid sinus and superiorly to the edge of the transverse sinus. The dura was then opened in a cruciate fashion, the cisterna magna was drained, which nicely relaxed the cerebellum. The dura leaves were held back with the 4-0 Nurolon. The microscope was then brought into the field, and under the microscope, the cerebellar hemisphere was elevated. Laterally, the arachnoid was very thick. This was opened with bipolar and microscissors and this allowed for the cerebellum to be further mobilized until the tumor was identified. The tumor was quite large and filled up the entire lateral aspect of the right posterior fossa. Initially two retractors were used, one on the tentorium and one inferiorly. The arachnoid was taken down off the tumor. There were multiple blood vessels on the surface, which were bipolared. The tumor surface was then opened with microscissors and the Cavitron was used to began debulking the lesion. This was a very difficult resection due to the extreme stickiness and adherence to the cerebellar peduncle and the lateral cerebellum; however, as the tumor was able to be debulked, the edge began to be mobilized. The redundant capsule was bipolared and cut out to get further access to the center of the tumor. Working inferiorly and then superiorly, the tumor was taken down off the tentorium as well as out the 9th, 10th or 11th nerve complex. It was very difficult to identify the 7th nerve complex. The brainstem was identified above the complex. Similarly, inferiorly the brainstem was able to be identified and cotton balls were placed to maintain this plain. Attention was then taken to try identify the 7th nerve complex. There were multitude of veins including the lateral pontine vein, which were coming right into this area. The lateral pontine vein was maintained. Microscissors and bipolar were used to develop the plain, and then working inferiorly, the 7th nerve was identified coming off the brainstem. A number 1 and number 2 microinstruments were then used to began to develop the plane. This then allowed for the further appropriate plane medially to be identified and cotton balls were then placed. A number 11 and number 1 microinstrument continued to be used to free up the tumor from the widely spread out 7th nerve. Cavitron was used to debulk the lesion and then further dissection was carried out. The nerve stimulated beautifully at the brainstem level throughout this. The tumor continued to be mobilized off the lateral pontine vein until it was completely off. The Cavitron was used to debulk the lesion out back laterally towards the area of the porus. The tumor was debulked and the capsule continued to be separated with number 11microinstrument as well as the number 1 microinstrument to roll the tumor laterally up towards the porus. At this point, the capsule was so redundant, it was felt to isolate the nerve in the porus. There was minimal bulk remaining intracranially. All the cotton balls were removed and the nerve again stimulated beautifully at the brainstem. Dr. X then came in and scrubbed into the case to drill out the porus and remove the piece of the tumor that was left in the porus and coming out of the porus.,I then scrubbed back into case once Dr. X had completed removing this portion of the tumor. There was no tumor remaining at this point. I placed some Norian in the porus to seal any air cells, although there were no palpated. An intradural space was then irrigated thoroughly. There was no bleeding. The nerve was attempted to be stimulated at the brainstem level, but it did not stimulate at this time. The dura was then closed with 4-0 Nurolons in interrupted fashion. A muscle plug was used over one area. Duragen was laid and strips over the suture line followed by Hemaseel. Gelfoam was set over this and then a titanium cranioplasty was carried out. The wound was then irrigated thoroughly. O Vicryls were used to close the deep muscle and fascia, 3-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous tissue, and 3-0 nylon on the skin.,The patient was extubated and taken to the ICU in stable condition.neurology, suboccipital, craniectomy, microscope, cranioplasty, acoustic neuroma, cerebellar peduncle, nerve complex, brainstem, nurolon, cavitron, kerrison, leksell, lateral pontine vein, suboccipital craniectomy, nerve, tumor
REASON FOR VISIT:, This 48-year-old woman returns in followup after a full-night sleep study performed to evaluate her for daytime fatigue and insomnia.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient presented initially to the Pulmonary Clinic with dyspnea on minimal exertion. At that time, she was evaluated and found to have evidence for sleep disruption and daytime fatigue. She also complained of nocturnal choking episodes that have since abated over the past several months. In the meantime, she had been scheduled for an overnight sleep study performed to evaluate her for sleep apnea, returns today to review her study results.,The patient's sleep patterns consist of going to bed between 9.00 and 10.00 p.m. and awakening in the morning between 5.00 and 6.00 a.m. She reports difficulty in initiating sleep and then recurrent awakenings every 1 to 2 hours throughout the night. She reports tossing and turning throughout the night and awakening with the sheets in disarray. She reports that her sleep was much better quality in the sleep laboratory as compared to home. When she awakens, she might have a dull headache and feels tired in the morning. Her daughter reports that she has heard the patient talking during sleep and snoring. There are no apneic episodes. The patient reports that she used to cough a lot in the middle of the night, but has no longer been doing so in recent weeks.,During the daytime, the patient reports spending a lot of sedentary time reading and watching TV. She routinely dozes off during these sedentary activities. She also might nap between 2.00 and 3.00 p.m., and nods off in the evening hours.,The patient smokes perhaps one to two packs of cigarettes per day, particularly after dinner.,She reports that her weight has fluctuated and peaked at 260 pounds approximately 1 year ago. Since that time, her weight is down by approximately 30 pounds.,The patient is managed in Outpatient Psychiatry and at her Maintenance Clinic. She takes methadone, trazodone, and Seroquel.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Depression.,2. Hepatitis C.,3. Hypertension.,4. Inhaled and intravenous drug abuse history.,The patient has a history of smoking two packs per day of cigarettes for approximately 25 pounds. She also has a history of recurrent atypical chest pain for which she has been evaluated.,FAMILY HISTORY: , As previously documented.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient has a history of inhalation on intravenous drug abuse. She is currently on methadone maintenance. She is being followed in Psychiatry for depression and substance abuse issues. She lives with a room-mate.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Not contributory.,MEDICATIONS: , Current medications include the following:,1. Methadone 110 mg by mouth every day.,2. Paxil 60 mg by mouth every day.,3. Trazodone 30 mg by mouth nightly.,4. Seroquel 20 mg by mouth nightly.,5. Avalide (irbesartan) and hydrochlorothiazide.,6. Albuterol and Flovent inhalers two puffs by mouth twice a day.,7. Atrovent as needed.,FINDINGS: , Vital Signs: Blood pressure 126/84, pulse 67, respiratory rate 18, weight 232 pounds, height 5 feet 8 inches, temperature 97.4 degrees, SaO2 is 99 percent on room air at rest. HEENT: Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctivae pink. Extraocular movements are intact. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. The nasal passages show deviation in the nasal septum to the right. There is a slight bloody exudate at the right naris. Some nasal mucosal edema was noted with serous exudate bilaterally. The jaw is not foreshortened. The tongue is not large. Mallampati airway score was 3. The oropharynx was not shallow. There is no pharyngeal mucosa hypertrophy. No tonsillar tissue noted. The tongue is not large. Neck is supple. Thyroid without nodules or masses. Carotid upstrokes normal. No bruits. No jugular venous distention. Chest is clear to auscultation and percussion. No wheezing, rales, rhonchi or adventitious sounds. No prolongation of the expiratory phase. Cardiac: PMI not palpable. Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 normal. No murmurs or gallops. Abdomen: Nontender. Bowel sounds normal. No liver or spleen palpable. Extremities: No clubbing or cyanosis. There is 1+ pretibial edema. Pulses are 2+ in upper and lower extremities. Neurologic: Grossly nonfocal.,LABORATORIES:, Pulmonary function studies reportedly show a mild restrictive ventilatory defect without obstruction. Diffusing capacity is well preserved.,An overnight sleep study was performed on this patient at the end of 02/07. At that time, she reported that her sleep was better in the laboratories compared to home. She slept for a total sleep time of 398 minutes out of 432 minutes in bed (sleep proficiency 92 percent). She fell asleep in the middle of latency of less than 1 minute. She woke up after sleep onset of 34 minutes. She had stage I sleep that was some elevated at 28 percent of total sleep time, and stage I sleep is predominantly evident in the lateral portion of the night. The remainders were stage II at 69 percent, stage III and IV at 3 percent of total sleep time.,The patient had no REM sleep.,The patient had no periodic limb movements during sleep.,The patient had no significant sleep-disordered breathing during non-REM sleep with less than one episode per hour. Oxyhemoglobin saturation remained in the low to mid 90s throughout the night.,Intermittent inspiratory flow limitation compatible with snoring was observed during non-REM sleep.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This patient presents with history of sleep disruption and daytime sleepiness with fatigue. Her symptoms are multifactorial.,Regarding the etiology of difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, the patient has a component of psychophysiologic insomnia, based on reports of better sleep in the laboratory as compared to home. In addition, nontrivial smoking in the home setting may be contributing significantly to sleep disruption.,Regarding her daytime sleepiness, the patient is taking a number of long-acting central nervous system acting medications to sedate her and can produce a lasting sedation throughout the daytime. These include trazodone, Seroquel, and methadone. Of these medications, the methadone is clearly indicative, given the history of substance abuse. It would be desirable to reduce or discontinue trazodone and then perhaps consider doing the same with Seroquel. I brought this possibility up with the patient, and I asked her to discuss this further with her psychiatrist.,Finally, to help mitigate sleep disruption at night, I have provided her with tips for sleep hygiene. These include bedtime rituals, stimulus control therapy, and sleep restriction as well as avoidance of nicotine in the evening hours.nan
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, This 3-year-old female presents today for evaluation of chronic ear infections bilateral.,ASSOCIATED SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS FOR OTITIS MEDIA: , Associated signs and symptoms include: cough, fever, irritability and speech and language delay. Duration (ENT): Duration of symptom: 12 rounds of antibiotics for otitis media. Quality of ear problems: Quality of the pain is throbbing.,ALLERGIES: , No known medical allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, None currently.,PMH:, Past medical history is unremarkable.,PSH: , No previous surgeries.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Parent admits child is in a large daycare.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Parent admits a family history of Alzheimer's disease associated with paternal grandmother.,ROS:, Unremarkable with exception of chief complaint.,PHYSICAL EXAM:, Temp: 99.6 Weight: 38 lbs.,Patient is a 3-year-old female who appears pleasant, in no apparent distress, her given age, well developed, well nourished and with good attention to hygiene and body habitus.,The child is accompanied by her mother who communicates well in English.,Head & Face: Inspection of head and face shows no abnormalities. Examination of salivary glands shows no abnormalities. Facial strength is normal.,Eyes: Pupil exam reveals PERRLA.,ENT: Otoscopic examination reveals otitis media bilateral.,Hearing exam using tuning fork shows hearing to be diminished bilateral.,Inspection of left ear reveals drainage of a small amount.,Inspection of nasal mucosa, septum and turbinates reveals no abnormalities.,Frontal and maxillary sinuses all transilluminate well bilaterally.,Inspection of lips, teeth, gums, and palate reveals no gingival hypertrophy, no pyorrhea, healthy gums, healthy teeth and no abnormalities.,Inspection of the tongue reveals normal color, good motility and midline position.,Examination of oropharynx reveals no abnormalities.,Examination of nasopharynx reveals adenoid hypertrophy.,Neck: Neck exam reveals no abnormalities.,Lymphatic: No neck or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy noted.,Respiratory: Chest inspection reveals chest configuration non-hyperinflated and symmetric expansion. Auscultation of lungs reveal clear lung fields and no rubs noted.,Cardiovascular: Heart auscultation reveals no murmurs, gallop, rubs or clicks.,Neurological/Psychiatric: Testing of cranial nerves reveals no deficits. Mood and affect normal and appropriate to situation.,TEST RESULTS:, Audiometry test shows conductive hearing loss at 30 decibels and flat tympanogram.,IMPRESSION: , OM, suppurative without spontaneous rupture. Adenoid hyperplasia bilateral.,PLAN:, Patient scheduled for myringotomy and tubes, with adenoidectomy, using general anesthesia, as outpatient and scheduled for 08/07/2003. Surgery will be performed at Children's Hospital. Pre-operative consent form read and signed by parent. Common risks and side effects of the procedure and anesthesia were mentioned. Parent questions elicited and answered satisfactorily regarding planned procedure. ,EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL PROVIDED: , Hospital preregistration, middle ear infection and myringtomy and tubes surgery.,PRESCRIPTIONS:, Augmentin Dosage: 400 mg-57 mg/5 ml powder for reconstitution Sig: One PO Q8h Dispense: 1 Refills: 0 Allow Generic: Nonan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at 39 plus weeks gestation.,2. Gestational hypertension.,3. Thick meconium.,4. Failed vacuum attempted delivery.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at 39 plus weeks gestation.,2. Gestational hypertension.,3. Thick meconium.,4. Failed vacuum attempted delivery.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Spontaneous vaginal delivery.,ANESTHESIA: , Epidural was placed x2.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 500 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , Thick meconium. Severe variables, Apgars were 2 and 7. Respiratory therapy and ICN nurse at delivery. Baby went to Newborn Nursery.,FINDINGS: , Male infant, cephalic presentation, ROA. Apgars 2 and 7. Weight 8 pounds and 1 ounce. Intact placenta. Three-vessel cord. Third degree midline tear.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , The patient was admitted this morning for induction of labor secondary to elevated blood pressure, especially for the last three weeks. She was already 3 cm dilated. She had artificial rupture of membranes. Pitocin was started and she actually went to complete dilation. While pushing, there was sudden onset of thick meconium, and she was having some severe variables and several late decelerations. When she was complete +2, vacuum attempted delivery, three pop-offs were done. The vacuum was then no longer used after the three pop-offs. The patient pushed for a little bit longer and had a delivery, ROA, of a male infant, cephalic, over a third-degree midline tear. Secondary to the thick meconium, DeLee suctioned nose and mouth before the anterior shoulder was delivered and again after delivery. Baby was delivered floppy. Cord was clamped x2 and cut, and the baby was handed off to awaiting ICN nurse and respiratory therapist. Delivery of intact placenta and three-vessel cord. Third-degree midline tear was repaired with Vicryl without any complications. Baby initially did well and went to Newborn Nursery, where they are observing him a little bit longer there. Again, mother and baby are both doing well. Mother will go to Postpartum and baby is already in Newborn Nursery.obstetrics / gynecology, thick meconium, cephalic presentation, intrauterine pregnancy, gestational hypertension, spontaneous vaginal delivery, delivery, vaginal, placenta, newborn, meconium, apgars,
MALE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,Eye: Eyelids normal color, no edema. Conjunctivae with no erythema, foreign body, or lacerations. Sclerae normal white color, no jaundice. Cornea clear without lesions. Pupils equally responsive to light. Iris normal color, no lesions. Anterior chamber clear. Lacrimal ducts normal. Fundi clear.,Ear: External ear has no erythema, edema, or lesions. Ear canal unobstructed without edema, discharge, or lesions. Tympanic membranes clear with normal light reflex. No middle ear effusions.,Nose: External nose symmetrical. No skin lesions. Nares open and free of lesions. Turbinates normal color, size and shape. Mucus clear. No internal lesions.,Throat: No erythema or exudates. Buccal mucosa clear. Lips normal color without lesions. Tongue normal shape and color without lesion. Hard and soft palate normal color without lesions. Teeth show no remarkable features. No adenopathy. Tonsils normal shape and size. Uvula normal shape and color.,Neck: Skin has no lesions. Neck symmetrical. No adenopathy, thyromegaly, or masses. Normal range of motion, nontender. Trachea midline.,Chest: Symmetrical. Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No wheezing, rales or rhonchi. Chest nontender. Normal lung excursion. No accessory muscle use.,Cardiovascular: Heart has regular rate and rhythm with no S3 or S4. Heart rate is normal.,Abdominal: Soft, nontender, nondistended, bowel sounds present. No hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, masses, or bruits.,Genital: Penis normal shape without lesions. Testicles normal shape and contour without tenderness. Epididymides normal shape and contour without tenderness. Rectum normal tone to sphincter. Prostate normal shape and contour without nodules. Stool hemoccult negative. No external hemorrhoids. No skin lesions.,Musculoskeletal: Normal strength all muscle groups. Normal range of motion all joints. No joint effusions. Joints normal shape and contour. No muscle masses.,Foot: No erythema. No edema. Normal range of motion all joints in the foot. Nontender. No pain with inversion, eversion, plantar or dorsiflexion.,Ankle: Anterior and posterior drawer test negative. No pain with inversion, eversion, dorsiflexion, or plantar flexion. Collateral ligaments intact. No joint effusion, erythema, edema, crepitus, ecchymosis, or tenderness.,Knee: Normal range of motion. No joint effusion, erythema, nontender. Anterior and posterior drawer tests negative. Lachman's test negative. Collateral ligaments intact. Bursas nontender without edema.,Wrist: Normal range of motion. No edema or effusion, nontender. Negative Tinel and Phalen tests. Normal strength all muscle groups.,Elbow: Normal range of motion. No joint effusion or erythema. Normal strength all muscle groups. Nontender. Olecranon bursa flat and nontender, no edema. Normal supination and pronation of forearm. No crepitus.,Hip: Negative swinging test. Trochanteric bursa nontender. Normal range of motion. Normal strength all muscle groups. No pain with eversion and inversion. No crepitus. Normal gait.,Psychiatric: Alert and oriented times four. No delusions or hallucinations, no loose associations, no flight of ideas, no tangentiality. Affect is appropriate. No psychomotor slowing or agitation. Eye contact is notes, male exam, normal, physical exam, normal range of motion, male physical, nontender, lesions, dorsiflexion, sclerae, contour, muscle, erythema, joints, edema, shape,
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS:, Morbid obesity. BMI is 51.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , Morbid obesity. BMI is 51.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic gastric bypass.,SERVICE: , Surgery.,CONSULT: , Anesthesia and pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Ms. A is a 27-year-old woman, who suffered from morbid obesity for many years. She has made multiple attempts at nonsurgical weight loss without success. She underwent a preoperative workup and clearance for gastric bypass and was found to be an appropriate candidate. She underwent her procedure.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , Ms. A underwent her procedure. She tolerated without difficulty. She was admitted to the floor post procedure. Her postoperative course has been unremarkable. On postoperative day 1, she was hemodynamically stable, afebrile, normal labs, and she was started on a clear liquid diet, which she has tolerated without difficulty. She has ambulated and had no complaints. Today, on postoperative day 2, the patient continues to do well. Pain controlled with p.o. pain medicine, ambulating without difficulty, tolerating a liquid diet. At this point, it is felt that she is stable for discharge. Her drain was discontinued.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS:, Liquid diet x1 week, then advance to pureed and soft as tolerated. No heavy lifting, greater than 10 pounds x4 weeks. The patient is instructed to not engage in any strenuous activity, but maintain mobility. No driving for 1 to 2 weeks. She must be able to stop in an emergency and be off narcotic pain medicine. She may shower. She needs to keep her wounds clean and dry. She needs to follow up in my office in 1 week for postoperative evaluation. She is instructed to call for any problems of shortness of breath, chest pain, calf pain, temperature greater than 101.5, any redness, swelling, or foul smelling drainage from her wounds, intractable nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. She is instructed just to resume her discharge medications.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:, She was given a scripts for Lortab Elixir, Flexeril, ursodiol, and Colace.bariatrics, laparoscopic gastric bypass, gastric bypass, morbid obesity, liquid diet, bmi, discharge,
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is here for a follow-up. The patient has a history of lupus, currently on Plaquenil 200-mg b.i.d. Eye report was noted and appreciated. The patient states that she is having some aches and pains of the hands and elbows that started recently a few weeks ago. She denied having any trauma. She states that the pain is bothering her. She denies having any fevers, chills, or any joint effusion or swelling at this point. She noted also that there is some increase in her hair loss in the recent times.,OBJECTIVE:, The patient is alert and oriented. General physical exam is unremarkable. Musculoskeletal exam reveals positive tenderness in both lateral epicondyles of both elbows, no effusion. Hand examination is unremarkable today. The rest of the musculoskeletal exam is unremarkable.,ASSESSMENT:, Epicondylitis, both elbows, possibly secondary to lupus flare-up.,PLAN:, We will inject both elbows with 40-mg of Kenalog mixed with 1 cc of lidocaine. The posterior approach was chosen under sterile conditions. The patient tolerated both procedures well. I will obtain CBC and urinalysis today. If the patient's pain does not improve, I will consider adding methotrexate to her therapy.,Sample Doctor M.D.orthopedic, rheumatology, 1 cc of lidocaine, epicondylitis, kenalog, kenalog mixed with 1 cc of lidocaine, progress note, aches and pains, history of lupus, lidocaine, lupus, methotrexate, kenalog mixed, injected,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,3. Hypermenorrhea.,4. Intermenstrual spotting.,5. Thickened endometrium per ultrasound of a 2 cm lining.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,3. Hypermenorrhea.,4. Intermenstrual spotting.,5. Thickened endometrium per ultrasound of a 2 cm lining.,6. Grade 1+ rectocele.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,D&C and hysteroscopy.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 48-year-old para 2, vaginal delivery. She has heavy periods lasting 7 to 14 days with spotting in between her periods. The patient's uterus is 12.2 x 6.2 x 5.3 cm. Her endometrial thickness is 2 cm. Her adnexa is within normal limits. The patient and I had a long discussion. Consent was reviewed in layman's terms. The patient understood the foreseeable risks and complications, the alternative treatments and procedure itself and recovery. Questions were answered. The patient was taken back to the operative suite. The patient underwent pelvic examination and then carefully placed in dorsal lithotomy position. The patient had excellent femoral pulses and there was no excessive extension or hyperflexion of the lower extremities. The patient's history is that she is at risk for development of condyloma. The patient's husband was found to have a laryngeal papillomatosis. She has had a laparotomy, which is an infraumbilical incision appendectomy, a laparoscopy, and bilateral tubal ligation. Her uterus appears to be mobile by 12-week size. There is a good descend. There appears to be no adnexal abnormalities. Uterus is 12-week sized and has fibroids, it is boggy and probably has a component of adenomyosis. The patient's cervix was dilated without difficulty utilizing Circon ACMI hysteroscope with a 12-degree lens. The patient underwent hysteroscopy. The outflow valve was opened at all times. The inflow valve was opened just to achieve appropriate distension. The patient did have no evidence of trauma of the cervix. No Trendelenburg as we were in room #9. The patient also had the bag held two fingerbreadths above the level of the heart. The patient was seen. There is a 2 x 3 cm focal thickening of the posterior wall of the uterus' endometrial lining, a more of a polypoid nature. The patient also has one in the fundal area. The thickened tissue was removed via sharp curettage. Therefore, we reinserted the hysteroscope. It appeared that there was an appropriate curettage and that all areas of suspicion were indeed removed. The patient's procedure was ended with specimen being obtained and sent to Department of Pathology. We will follow her up in the office.obstetrics / gynecology, pelvic examinatio, abnormal uterine bleeding, enlarged fibroid uterus, hypermenorrhea, intermenstrual spotting, thickened endometrium, intermenstrual, d&c, uterine, bleeding, fibroid, endometrium, hysteroscopy, uterus
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, C4-C5, C5-C6 stenosis.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , C4-C5, C5-C6 stenosis.,PROCEDURE: , C4-C5, C5-C6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS OF PROCEDURE: , The patient is a 62-year-old female who presents with neck pain as well as upper extremity symptoms. Her MRI showed stenosis at portion of C4 to C6. I discussed the procedure as well as risks and complications. She wishes to proceed with surgery. Risks will include but are not limited to infection, hemorrhage, spinal fluid leak, worsened neurologic deficit, recurrent stenosis, requiring further surgery, difficulty with fusion requiring further surgery, long-term hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, medical anesthesia risk.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room on 10/02/2007. She was intubated for anesthesia. TEDS and boots as well as Foley catheter were placed. She was placed in a supine position with her neck in neutral position. Appropriate pads were also used. The area was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Preoperative localization was taken. _____ not changed. Incision was made on the right side in transverse fashion over C5 vertebral body level. This was made with a #10 blade knife and further taken down with pickups and scissors. The plane between the esophagus and carotid artery was carefully dissected both bluntly and sharply down to the anterior aspect of the cervical spine. Intraoperative x-ray was taken. Longus colli muscles were retracted laterally. Caspar retractors were used. Intraoperative x-ray was taken. I first turned by attention at C5-C6 interspace. This was opened with #15 blade knife. Disc material was taken out using pituitary as well as Kerrison rongeur. Anterior aspects were taken down. End plates were arthrodesed using curettes. This was done under distraction. Posterior longitudinal ligament was opened with a nerve hook and Kerrison rongeur. Bilateral foraminotomies were done. At this point, I felt that there was a good decompression. The foramen appeared to be opened. Medtronic cage was then encountered and sent few millimeters. This was packed with demineralized bone matrix. The distraction was then taken down. The cage appeared to be strong. This procedure was then repeated at C4-C5. A 42-mm AcuFix plate was then placed between C4 and C6. This was carefully screwed and locked. The instrumentation appeared to be strong. Intraoperative x-ray was taken. Irrigation was used. Hemostasis was achieved. The platysmas was closed with 3-0 Vicryl stitches. The subcutaneous was closed with 4-0 Vicryl stitches. The skin was closed with Steri-strips. The area was clean and dry and dressed with Telfa and Tegaderm. Soft cervical collar was placed for the patient. She was extubated per anesthesia and brought to the recovery in stable, anterior cervical discectomy, fusion, infection, hemorrhage, spinal fluid leak, anesthesia, foley catheter, teds, anterior cervical, cervical discectomy, anterior, cervical, discectomy, stenosis,
INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, Persistent cough productive of sputum requiring repeated courses of oral antibiotics over the last six weeks in a patient who is a recipient of a bone marrow transplant with end-stage chemotherapy and radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis.,PREMEDICATION:,1. Demerol 50 mg.,2. Phenergan 25 mg.,3. Atropine 0.6 mg IM.,4. Nebulized 4% lidocaine followed by nasal insufflation of lidocaine through the right naris and topical 4% lidocaine gel through the right naris, 4 mg of Versed was given at the start of the procedure and another 1 mg shortly after traversing the cords.,PROCEDURE DETAILS:, With the patient breathing oxygen by nasal cannula, being monitored by noninvasive blood pressure cuff and continuous pulse oximetry, the Olympus bronchoscope was introduced through the right naris to the level of the cords. The cords move normally with phonation and ventilation. Two times 2 mL of 1% lidocaine were instilled on the cords and the cords were traversed. Further 2 mL of 1% lidocaine was instilled in the trachea just distal to the cords, at mid trachea above the carina, and on the right, and on the left mainstem bronchus. Scope was then introduced on to the left where immediately some hyperemia of the mucosa was noted. Upper lobe and lingula were unremarkable. There appeared to be some narrowing or tenting of the left lower lobe bronchus such that after inspection of the superior segment, one almost had to pop the bronchoscope around to go down the left mainstem. This had been a change from the prior bronchoscopy of unclear significance. Distal to this, there was no hyperemia or inspissated mucus or mucoid secretions or signs of infection. The scope was wedged in the left lower lobe posterior basal segment and a BAL was done with good returns, which were faintly hemorrhagic. The scope was then removed, re-introduced up to the right upper lobe, middle lobe, superior segment, right lower, anterior lateral, and posterior basal subsegments were all evaluated and unremarkable. The scope was withdrawn. The patient's saturation remained 93%-95% throughout the procedure. Blood pressure was 103/62. Heart rate at the end of the procedure was about 100. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Samples were sent as follows. Washings for AFB, Gram-stain Nocardia, Aspergillus, and routine culture. Lavage for AFB, Gram-stain Nocardia, Aspergillus, cell count with differential, cytology, viral mycoplasma, and Chlamydia culture, GMS staining, RSV by antigen, and Legionella and Chlamydia culture.cardiovascular / pulmonary, cough, bronchoscopy, olympus, bronchoscope, nasal insufflation, oral antibiotics, pulse oximetry, sputum, ventilation, antibiotics, nocardia, aspergillus, chlamydia, atropine, lidocaine, cords, topical,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, and recurrent biliary colic.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Severe cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis, and morbid obesity.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Laparoscopy, laparotomy, cholecystectomy with operative cholangiogram, choledocholithotomy with operative choledochoscopy and T-tube drainage of the common bile duct.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: , This is a 63-year-old white male patient with multiple medical problems including hypertension, diabetes, end-stage renal disease, coronary artery disease, and the patient is on hemodialysis, who has had recurrent episodes of epigastric right upper quadrant pain. The patient was found to have cholelithiasis on last admission. He was being worked up for this including cardiac clearance. However, in the interim, he returned again with another episode of same pain. The patient had a HIDA scan done yesterday, which shows nonvisualization of the gallbladder consistent with cystic duct obstruction. Because of these, laparoscopic cholecystectomy was advised with cholangiogram. Possibility of open laparotomy and open procedure was also explained to the patient. The procedure, indications, risks, and alternatives were discussed with the patient in detail and informed consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was put in supine position on the operating table under satisfactory general anesthesia. The entire abdomen was prepped and draped. A small transverse incision was made about 2-1/2 inches above the umbilicus in the midline under local anesthesia. The patient has a rather long torso. Fascia was opened vertically and stay sutures were placed in the fascia. Peritoneal cavity was carefully entered. Hasson cannula was inserted into the peritoneal cavity and it was insufflated with CO2. Laparoscopic camera was inserted and examination at this time showed difficult visualization with a part of omentum and hepatic flexure of the colon stuck in the subhepatic area. The patient was placed in reverse Trendelenburg and rotated to the left. An 11-mm trocar was placed in the subxiphoid space and two 5-mm in the right subcostal region. Slowly, the dissection was carried out in the right subhepatic area. Initially, I was able to dissect some of the omentum and hepatic flexure off the undersurface of the liver. Then, some inflammatory changes were noted with some fatty necrosis type of changes and it was not quite clear whether this was part of the gallbladder or it was just pericholecystic infection/inflammation. The visualization was extremely difficult because of the patient's obesity and a lot of fat intra-abdominally, although his abdominal wall is not that thick. After evaluating this for a little while, we decided that there was no way that this could be done laparoscopically and proceeded with formal laparotomy. The trocars were removed.,A right subcostal incision was made and peritoneal cavity was entered. A Bookwalter retractor was put in place. The dissection was then carried out on the undersurface of the liver. Eventually, the gallbladder was identified, which was markedly scarred down and shrunk and appeared to have palpable stone in it. Dissection was further carried down to what was felt to be the common bile duct, which appeared to be somewhat larger than normal about a centimeter in size. The duodenum was kocherized. The gallbladder was partly intrahepatic. Because of this, I decided not to dig it out of the liver bed causing further bleeding and problem. The inferior wall of the gallbladder was opened and two large stones, one was about 3 cm long and another one about 1.5 x 2 cm long, were taken out of the gallbladder.,It was difficult to tell where the cystic duct was. Eventually after probing near the neck of the gallbladder, I did find the cystic duct, which was relatively very short. Intraoperative cystic duct cholangiogram was done using C-arm fluoroscopy. This showed a rounded density at the lower end of the bile duct consistent with the stone. At this time, a decision was made to proceed with common duct exploration. The common duct was opened between stay sutures of 4-0 Vicryl and immediately essentially clear bile came out. After some pressing over the head of the pancreas through a kocherized maneuver, the stone did fall into the opening in the common bile duct. So, it was about a 1-cm size stone, which was removed. Following this, a 10-French red rubber catheter was passed into the common bile duct both proximally and distally and irrigated generously. No further stones were obtained. The catheter went easily into the duodenum through the ampulla of Vater. At this point, a choledochoscope was inserted and proximally, I did not see any evidence of any common duct stones or proximally into the biliary tree. However, a stone was found distally still floating around. This was removed with stone forceps. The bile ducts were irrigated again. No further stones were removed. A 16-French T-tube was then placed into the bile duct and the bile duct was repaired around the T-tube using 4-0 Vicryl interrupted sutures obtaining watertight closure. A completion T-tube cholangiogram was done at this time, which showed slight narrowing and possibly a filling defect proximally below the confluence of the right and left hepatic duct, although externally, I was unable to see anything or palpate anything in this area. Because of this, the T-tube was removed, and I passed the choledochoscope proximally again, and I was unable to see any evidence of any lesion or any stone in this area. I felt at this time this was most likely an impression from the outside, which was still left over a gallbladder where the stone was stuck and it was impressing on the bile duct. The bile duct lumen was widely open. T-tube was again replaced into the bile duct and closed again and a completion T-tube cholangiogram appeared to be more satisfactory at this time. The cystic duct opening through which I had done earlier a cystic duct cholangiogram, this was closed with a figure-of-eight suture of 2-0 Vicryl, and this was actually done earlier and completion cholangiogram did not show any leak from this area.,The remaining gallbladder bed, which was left in situ, was cauterized both for hemostasis and to burn off the mucosal lining. Subhepatic and subdiaphragmatic spaces were irrigated with sterile saline solution. Hemostasis was good. A 10-mm Jackson-Pratt drain was left in the foramen of Winslow and brought out through the lateral 5-mm port site. The T-tube was brought out through the middle 5-mm port site, which was just above the incision. Abdominal incision was then closed in layers using 0 Vicryl running suture for the peritoneal layer and #1 Novafil running suture for the fascia. Subcutaneous tissue was closed with 3-0 Vicryl running sutures in two layers. Subfascial and subcutaneous tissues were injected with a total of 20 mL of 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine for postoperative pain control. The umbilical incision was closed with 0 Vicryl figure-of-eight sutures for the fascia, 2-0 Vicryl for the subcutaneous tissues, and staples for the skin. Sterile dressing was applied, and the patient transferred to recovery room in stable condition.gastroenterology, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, biliary colic, choledocholithiasis, laparoscopy, laparotomy, cholecystectomy, cholangiogram, choledocholithotomy, choledochoscopy, t-tube drainage, cystic duct cholangiogram, common bile duct, peritoneal cavity, gallbladder
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Plantar fascitis, left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Plantar fascitis, left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Partial plantar fasciotomy, left foot.,ANESTHESIA:, 10 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain with TIVA.,HISTORY: ,This 35-year-old Caucasian female presents to ABCD General Hospital with above chief complaint. The patient states she has extreme pain with plantar fascitis in her left foot and has attempted conservative treatment including orthotics without long-term relief of symptoms and desires surgical treatment. The patient has been NPO since mid night. Consent is signed and in the chart. No known drug allergies.,Details Of Procedure: An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area. The patient was transported to the operating room and placed on the operating table in supine position with a safety belt across the stomach. Copious amounts of Webril were placed on the left ankle followed by blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 10 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected into the surgical site both medially and laterally across the plantar fascia. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. An Esmarch bandage was applied for exsanguination and the pneumatic ankle tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg. The foot was then reflected on the operating, stockinet reflected, and the foot cleansed with a wet and dry sponge. Attention was then directed to the plantar medial aspect of the left heel. An approximately 0.75 cm incision was then created in the plantar fat pad over the area of maximal tenderness.,The incision was then deepened with a combination of sharp and blunt dissection until the plantar fascia was palpated. A #15 blade was then used to transect the medial and central bands of the plantar fascia. Care was taken to preserve the lateral fibroids. The foot was dorsiflexed against resistance as the fibers were released and there was noted to be increased laxity after release of the fibers on the plantar aspect of the foot indicating that plantar fascia has in fact been transacted. The air was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The skin incision was then closed with #3-0 nylon in simple interrupted fashion. Dressings consisted of #0-1 silk, 4 x 4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted throughout all digits of the left foot. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported to the PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the left foot. Intraoperatively, an additional 80 cc of 1% lidocaine was injected for additional anesthesia in the case. The patient is to be nonweightbearing on the left lower extremity with crutches. The patient is given postoperative pain prescriptions for Vicodin ES, one q3-4h. p.o. p.r.n. for pain as well as Celebrex 200 mg one p.o. b.i.d. The patient is to follow-up with Dr. X as, foot, plantar fasciotomy, plantar fascitis, plantar fascia, plantar, fasciotomy, ankle, medially, fascitis, fascia
PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,While in the holding area, the patient received a peripheral IV from the nursing staff. In addition, pilocarpine 1% was placed into the operative eye, two times, separated by 10 minutes. The patient was wheeled to the operating suite where the anesthesia team established peripheral monitoring lines. Through the IV, the patient received IV sedation in the form of propofol and once somnolent from this, a retrobulbar block was administrated consisting of 2% Xylocaine plain. Approximately 3 mL were administered. The patient then underwent a Betadine prep with respect to the face, lens, lashes, and eye. During the draping process, care was taken to isolate the lashes. A Vicryl traction suture was placed through the superior cornea and the eye was reflected downward to expose the superior temporal conjunctiva. Approximately 8 to 10 mm posterior to limbus, the conjunctiva was incised and dissected forward to the limbus. Blunt dissection was carried out in the superotemporal quadrant. Next, a 2 x 3-mm scleral flap was outlined that was one-half scleral depth in thickness. This flap was cut forward to clear cornea using a crescent blade. The Ahmed shunt was then primed and placed in the superior temporal quadrant and it was sutured in place with two 8-0 nylon sutures. The knots were trimmed. The tube was then cut to an appropriate length to enter the anterior chamber. The anterior chamber was then entered after a paracentesis wound had been made temporally. A trabeculectomy was done and then the tube was threaded through the trabeculectomy site. The tube was sutured in place with a multi-wrapped 8-0 nylon suture. The scleral flap was then sutured in place with two 10-0 nylon sutures. The knots were trimmed, rotated and buried. A scleral patch was then placed of an appropriate size over the two. It was sutured in place with interrupted 8-0 nylon sutures. The knots were trimmed. The overlying conjunctiva was then closed with a running 8-0 Vicryl suture with a BV needle. The anterior chamber was filled with Viscoat to keep it deep as the eye was somewhat soft. A good flow was established with irrigation into the anterior chamber. Homatropine, Econopred, and Vigamox drops were placed into the eye. A patch and shield were placed over the eye after removing the draping and the speculum. The patient tolerated the procedure well. He was taken to the recovery in good condition. He will be seen in followup in the office tomorrow.ophthalmology, cornea, ahmed shunt, nylon sutures, trabeculectomy, conjunctiva, chamberNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Carcinoma of the prostate, clinical stage T1C.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carcinoma of the prostate, clinical stage T1C.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Cystoscopy, cryosurgical ablation of the prostate.,FINDINGS: ,After measurement of the prostate, we decided to place 5 rows of needles--row #1 had 3 needles, row #2 at the level of the mid-prostate had 4 needles, row #3 had 2 needles in the right lateral peripheral zone, row #4 was a single needle directly the urethra, and in row #5 were 2 needles placed in the left lateral peripheral zone. Because of the length of the prostate, a pull-back was performed, pulling row #2 approximately 3 mm and rows #3, #4 and #5 approximately 1 cm back before refreezing.,OPERATION IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia was obtained, the patient was positioned in the dorsal lithotomy position. Full bowel prep had been obtained prior to the procedure. After performing flexible cystoscopy, a Foley catheter was placed per urethra into the bladder. Next, the ultrasound probe was placed into the stabilizer and advanced into the rectum. An excellent ultrasound image was visualized of the entire prostate, which was re-measured. Next, the probe template was positioned over the perineum and the template guide brought up on the ultrasound screen in order to guide needle placement. Then 17-gauge needles were serially placed into the prostate, from an anterior to posterior direction into the prostate. Ultrasound guidance demonstrated that these needles, numbering approximately 14 to 15 needles, were well placed and spaced throughout the prostate to obtain excellent freezing of the entire gland while sparing the urethra. Repeat cystoscopy demonstrated a single needle passing through the urethra; and due to the high anterior location of this needle, it was removed. The CMS urethral warmer was then passed per urethra into the bladder, and flow instituted. After placing these 17-gauge needles, the prostate was then frozen down to minus 150 degrees for 10 minutes in sequential fashion from anterior to posterior. The ice ball was monitored and was seen to extend through the capsule of the prostate toward the rectum but not through the rectal wall itself. Active warming was then performed before refreezing the prostate again and then passively warming it back to room temperature. The urethral warmer was left on after the needles were removed and the patient brought to the recovery room. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in stable condition.urology, carcinoma of the prostate, ablation, cystoscopy, cryosurgical ablation, prostate, ultrasound, cryosurgical, urethra,
NASAL EXAM: , The nose is grossly in the midline with no evidence of fractures or dislocations. The nasal septum is roughly in the midline with pale boggy mucosa and moderately enlarged inferior turbinates. There is no pus or polyps in the nose on anterior rhinoscopy. The airway appears adequate. No external valve prolapses are observed.,THROAT EXAM: , The oral cavity is clear. The tongue is clear with no lesions noted and with good symmetrical movement. The parotid and submaxillary ducts are producing clear mucus with no evidence of stones or infection. Palate is clear. The tonsils are not prominent.,No overt neoplasms in the mouth are noted. Lips are clear. The voice is adequate no deficits or hoarseness. The saliva is clear.,EARS: ,Canals are clear. Eardrums are clear, moving on insufflation and swallowing. No discharge is noted in the canals. Hearing appears adequate in normal tonal conversations.,NECK EXAM: , Neck is supple with no palpable masses. No lymphadenopathy. The thyroid gland is not palpable. The trachea is in the midline. The parotid and submaxillary glands are not enlarged, are symmetrical and are not tender. The neck movement is adequate.,GROSS NEUROLOGICAL EXAM: , Cranial nerves II-XII are intact. Extraocular movements are full with no restrictions. Patient is alert and responsive.,EYE EXAM: , Sclerae are clear. Conjunctivae are clear. Pupils respond symmetrically to light. Extraocular movements are complete and full.ent - otolaryngology, ent exam, boggy mucosa, inferior turbinates, nasal septum, nose, oral cavity, rhinoscopy, submaxillary ducts, tongue, neck, submaxillary, parotid, parotid and submaxillary, extraocular movements, ent, nasal
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Large left adnexal mass, 8 cm in diameter.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Pelvic adhesions, 6 cm ovarian cyst.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED: ,1. Pelvic laparotomy.,2. Lysis of pelvic adhesions.,3. Left salpingooophorectomy with insertion of Pain-Buster Pain Management System by Dr. X.,GROSS FINDINGS: ,There was a transabdominal mass palpable in the lower left quadrant. An ultrasound suggestive with a mass of 8 cm, did not respond to suppression with norethindrone acetate and on repeat ultrasound following the medical treatment, the ovarian neoplasm persisted and did not decreased in size.,PROCEDURE: ,Under general anesthesia, the patient was placed in lithotomy position, prepped and draped. A low transverse incision was made down to and through to the rectus sheath. The rectus sheath was put laterally. The inferior epigastric arteries were identified bilaterally, doubly clamped and tied with #0 Vicryl sutures. The rectus muscle was then split transversally and the peritoneum was split transversally as well. The left adnexal mass was identified and large bowel was attached to the mass and Dr. Zuba from General Surgery dissected the large bowel adhesions and separated them from the adnexal mass. The ureter was then traced and found to be free of the mass and free of the infundibulopelvic ligament. The infundibulopelvic ligament was isolated, entered via blunt dissection. A #0 Vicryl suture was put into place, doubly clamped with curved Heaney clamps, cut with curved Mayo scissors and #0 Vicryl fixation suture put into place. Curved Heaney clamps were then used to remove the remaining portion of the ovary from its attachment to the uterus and then #0 Vicryl suture was put into place. Pathology was called to evaluate the mass for potential malignancy and the pathology's verbal report at the time of surgery was that this was a benign lesion. Irrigation was used. Minimal blood loss at the time of surgery was noted. Sigmoid colon was inspected in place in physiologic position of the cul-de-sac as well as small bowel omentum. Instrument, needle, and sponge counts were called for and found to be correct. The peritoneum was closed with #0 Vicryl continuous running locking suture. The rectus sheath was closed with #0 Vicryl continuous running locking suture. A DonJoy Pain-Buster Pain Management System was placed through the skin into the subcutaneous space and the skin was closed with staples. Final instrument needle counts were called for and found to be correct. The patient tolerated the procedure well with minimal blood loss and transferred to recovery area in satisfactory, lysis of pelvic adhesions, salpingooophorectomy, pain-buster pain management system, adnexal mass, pelvic laparotomy, pelvic adhesions, rectus sheath, vicryl sutures, adhesions, pelvic
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, ,1. Spondylosis with cervical stenosis C5-C6 greater than C4-C5, C6-C7, (721.0, 723.0).,2. Neck pain with left radiculopathy, progressive (723.1/723.4).,3. Headaches, progressive (784.0).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, ,1. Spondylosis with cervical stenosis C5-C6 greater than C4-C5, C6-C7, (721.0, 723.0).,2. Neck pain with left radiculopathy, progressive (723.1/723.4).,3. Headaches, progressive (784.0).,PROCEDURES:, ,1. Anterior cervical discectomy at C5-C6 for neural decompression (63075).,2. Anterior interbody fusion C5-C6 (22554) utilizing Bengal cage (22851).,3. Anterior cervical instrumentation at C5-C6 for stabilization by Uniplate construction at C5-C6 (22845); with intraoperative x-ray x2.,SERVICE: , Neurosurgery,ANESTHESIA:,neurosurgery, spondylosis, neck pain, headaches, decompression, uniplate, anterior cervical discectomy, neural decompression, cervical stenosis, prevertebral space, antibiotic solution, cervical discectomy, interbody fusion, bengal cage, interbody, anterior, cervical, discectomy,
CT ANGIOGRAPHY CHEST WITH CONTRAST,REASON FOR EXAM: ,Shortness of breath for two weeks and a history of pneumonia. The patient also has a history of left lobectomy.,TECHNIQUE: , Axial CT images of the chest were obtained for pulmonary embolism protocol utilizing 100 mL of Isovue-300.,FINDINGS: , There is no evidence of any acute pulmonary arterial embolism.,The main pulmonary artery is enlarged showing a diameter of 4.7 cm.,Cardiomegaly is seen with mitral valvular calcifications.,Postsurgical changes of a left upper lobectomy are seen. Left lower lobe atelectasis is noted. A 7 mm and a 5 mm pulmonary nodule are seen within the left lower lobe (image #12). A small left pleural effusion is noted.,Right lower lobe atelectasis is present. There is a right pleural effusion, greater than as seen on the left side. A right lower lobe pulmonary nodule measures 1.5 cm. There is a calcified granuloma within the right lower lobe.,IMPRESSION:,1. Negative for pulmonary arterial embolism.,2. Enlargement of the main pulmonary artery as can be seen with pulmonary arterial hypertension.,3. Cardiomegaly with mitral valvular calcifications.,4. Postsurgical changes of a left upper lobectomy.,5. Bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left with bilateral lower lobe atelectasis.,6. Bilateral lower lobe nodules, pulmonary nodules, and interval followup in three months to confirm stability versus further characterization with prior studies is advised.cardiovascular / pulmonary, shortness of breath, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, isovue-300, axial ct images, ct angiography, lower lobe, pulmonary, lobectomy, isovue, angiography, arterial, atelectasis, pleural, ct, embolism,
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,There was no weight loss, fevers, chills, sweats. There is no blurring of the vision, itching, throat or neck pain, or neck fullness. There is no vertigo or hoarseness or painful swallowing. There is no chest pain, shortness of breath, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, or chest pain with exertion. There is no shortness of breath and no cough or hemoptysis. No melena, nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation or blood in the stools. No dysuria, hematuria or excessive urination. No muscle weakness or tenderness. No new numbness or tingling. No arthralgias or arthritis. There are no rashes. No excessive fatigability, loss of motor skills or sensation. No changes in hair texture, change in skin color, excessive or decreased appetite. No swollen lymph nodes or night sweats. No headaches. The rest of the review of systems is notes, weight loss, fevers, chills, sweats, melena, nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, itching throat, neck fullness, painful swallowing, breath, loss, neckNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Surgical absence of left nipple areola with personal history of breast cancer.,2. Breast asymmetry.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Surgical absence of left nipple areola with personal history of breast cancer.,2. Breast asymmetry.,PROCEDURE,1. Left nipple areolar reconstruction utilizing a full-thickness skin graft from the left groin.,2. Redo right mastopexy.,ANESTHESIA,General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS,None.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL,The patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the table in the supine position and after suitable induction of general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was placed in a frog-leg position and prepped and draped in usual fashion for the above-noted procedure. The initial portion of the procedure was harvesting a full-thickness skin graft from the left groin region. This was accomplished by ellipsing out a 42-mm diameter circle of skin just below the thigh, peroneal crease. The defect was then closed with 3-0 Vicryl followed by 3-0 chromic suture in a running locked fashion. The area was dressed with antibiotic ointment and then a Peri-Pad. The patient's legs were brought out frog-leg back to the midline and sterile towels were placed over the opening in the drapes. Surgical team's gloves were changed and then attention was turned to the planning of the left nipple flap.,A maltese cross pattern was employed with a 1-cm diameter nipple and a 42-mm diameter nipple areolar complex. Once the maltese cross had been designed on the breast at the point where the nipple was to be placed, the areas of the portion of flap were de-epithelialized. Then, when this had been completed, the dermis about the maltese cross was incised full thickness to allow mobilization of the flap to form the neonipple. At this point, a Bovie electrocautery was used to control bleeding points and then 4-0 chromic suture was used to suture the arms of the flap together creating the nipple. When this had been completed, the skin graft, which had been harvested from the left groin was brought onto the field where it was prepared by removing all subcutaneous tissue from the posterior aspect of the graft and carefully removing the hair follicles encountered within the graft. At this point, the graft was sutured into position in the defect using 3-0 chromic in an interrupted fashion and then trimming the ellipse to an appropriate circle to fill the areola. At this point, 4-0 chromic was used to run around the perimeter of the full-thickness skin graft and then at this point the nipple was delivered through a cruciate incision in the middle of the skin graft and then inset appropriately with 4-0 chromic. The areolar skin graft was pie crusted. Then, at this point, the area of areola was dressed with silicone gel sheeting. A silo was placed over the neonipple with 3-0 nylon through the apex of the neonipple to support the nipple in an erect position. Mastisol and Steri-Strips were then applied.,At this point, attention was turned to the right breast where a 2-cm wide ellipse transversely oriented and with its inferior most aspect just inferior to the transverse mastopexy incision line was made. The skin was removed from the area and then a layered closure of 3-0 Vicryl followed by 3-0 PDS in a running subcuticular fashion was carried out. When this had been completed, the Mastisol and Steri-Strips were applied to the transverse right breast incision. Fluff dressings were applied to the right breast as well as the area around the silo on the left breast around the reconstructed nipple areola. The patient was then placed in Surgi-Bra and then was taken from the operating room to the recovery room in good, nipple areola, breast asymmetry, general endotracheal, peri-pad, surgi-bra, breast cancer, frog-leg position, full-thickness skin graft, general endotracheal anesthesia, mastopexy, nipple areolar complex, nipple areolar reconstruction, nipple flap, prepped and draped, transverse mastopexy, areolar reconstruction, skin graft, graft, nipple, areolar, breast
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Trauma/ATV accident resulting in left open humerus fracture.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Trauma/ATV accident resulting in left open humerus fracture.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS:, None.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , For complete details, please see dictated history and physical by Dr. X dated July 23, 2008. Briefly, the patient is a 10-year-old male who presented to the Hospital Emergency Department following an ATV accident. He was an unhelmeted passenger on ATV when the driver lost control and the ATV rolled over throwing the passenger and the driver approximately 5 to 10 meters. The patient denies any loss of consciousness. He was not amnestic to the event. He was taken by family members to the Iredell County Hospital, where he was initially evaluated. Due to the extent of his injuries, he was immediately transferred to Hospital Emergency Department for further evaluation.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , Upon arrival in the Hospital Emergency Department, he was noted to have an open left humerus fracture. No other apparent injuries. This was confirmed with radiographic imaging showing that the chest and pelvis x-rays were negative for any acute injury and that the cervical spine x-ray was negative for fracture malalignment. The left upper extremity x-ray did demonstrate an open left distal humerus fracture. The orthopedic surgery team was then consulted and upon their evaluation, the patient was taken emergently to the operating room for surgical repair of his left humerus fracture. In the operating room, the patient was prepared for an irrigation and debridement of what was determined to be an open type 3 subcondylar left distal humerus fracture. In the operating room, his upper extremity was evaluated for neurovascular status and great care was taken to preserve these structures. Throughout the duration of the procedure, the patient had a palpable distal radial pulse. The orthopedic team then completed an open reduction and internal fixation of the left supracondylar humerus fracture. A wound VAC was then placed over the wound at the conclusion of the procedure. The patient tolerated this procedure well and was returned to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for postsurgical followup and monitoring. His diet was advanced and his pain was controlled with pain medication. The day following his surgery, the patient was evaluated for a potential for closed head injury given the nature of his accident and the fact that he was not wearing a helmet during his accident. A CT of the brain without contrast showed no acute intracranial abnormalities moreover his cervical spine was radiographically and clinically cleared and his C-collar was removed at that point. Once his C spine had been cleared and the absence of a closed head injury was confirmed. The patient was then transferred from the Intensive Care Unit to the General Floor bed. His clinical status continued to improve and on July 26, 2008, he was taken back to the operating room for removal of the wound VAC and closure of his left upper extremity wound. He again tolerated this procedure well on his return to the General Pediatrics Floor. Throughout his stay, there was concern for compartment syndrome due to the nature and extent of his injuries. However, frequent checks of his distal pulses indicated that he had strong peripheral pulses in the left upper extremity. Moreover, the patient had no complaints of paresthesia. There was no demonstration of pallor or pain on passive motion. There was good capillary refill to the digits of the left hand. By the date of the discharge, the patient was on a full pediatric select diet and was tolerating this well. He had no abdominal tenderness and there were no abdominal injuries on exam or radiographic studies. He was afebrile and his vital signs were stable and once cleared by Orthopedics, he was deemed appropriate for discharge.,PROCEDURES DURING THIS HOSPITALIZATION:,1. Irrigation and debridement of open type 3 subcondylar left distal humerus fracture (July 23, 2008).,2. Open reduction and internal fixation of the left supracondylar humerus fracture (July 23, 2008).,3. Negative pressure wound dressing (July 23, 2008).,4. Irrigation and debridement of left elbow fracture (July 26, 2008).,5. CT of the brain without contrast (July 24, 2008).,DISPOSITION: ,Home with parents.,INVASIVE LINES: , None.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: ,The patient was instructed that he can return home with his regular diet and he was asked not to do any strenuous activities, move furniture, lift heavy objects, or use his left upper extremity. He was asked to followup with return appointment in one week to see Dr. Y in Orthopedics. Additionally, he was told to call his pediatrician, if he develops any fevers, pain, loss of sensation, loss of pulse, or discoloration of his fingers, or paleness to his hand.orthopedic, humerus fracture, trauma, irrigation and debridement, atv accident, upper extremity, humerus, fracture,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Erythema of the right knee and leg, possible septic knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Erythema of the right knee superficial and leg, right septic knee ruled out.,INDICATIONS: , Mr. ABC is a 52-year-old male who has had approximately eight days of erythema over his knee. He has been to multiple institutions as an outpatient for this complaint. He has had what appears to be prepatellar bursa aspirated with little to no success. He has been treated with Kefzol and 1 g of Rocephin one point. He also reports, in the emergency department today, an attempt was made to aspirate his actual knee joint which was unsuccessful. Orthopedic Surgery was consulted at this time. Considering the patient's physical exam, there is a portal that would prove to be outside of the erythema that would be useful for aspiration of the knee. After discussion of risks and benefits, the patient elected to proceed with aspiration through the anterolateral portal of his knee joint.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient's right anterolateral knee area was prepped with Betadine times two and a 20-gauge spinal needle was used to approach the knee joint approximately 3 cm anterior and 2 cm lateral to the superolateral pole of the patella. The 20-gauge spinal needle was inserted and entered the knee joint. Approximately, 4 cc of clear yellow fluid was aspirated. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,DISPOSITION: , Based upon the appearance of this synovial fluid, we have a very low clinical suspicion of a septic joint. We will send this fluid to the lab for cell count, crystal exam, as well as culture and Gram stain. We will follow these results. After discussion with the emergency department staff, it appears that they tend to try to treat his erythema which appears to be cellulitis with IV, knee and leg, anterolateral portal, emergency department, spinal needle, septic knee, knee joint, knee, emergency, department, gauge, spinal, needle, aspiration, anterolateral, portal, aspirated, fluid, septic, erythema, joint, aspiraion,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Congenital chylous ascites and chylothorax.,2. Rule out infradiaphragmatic lymphatic leak.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Diffuse intestinal and mesenteric lymphangiectasia.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATION: ,The patient is an unfortunate 6-month-old baby boy, who has been hospitalized most of his life with recurrent chylothoraces and chylous ascites. The patient has been treated somewhat successfully with TPN and voluntary restriction of enteral nutrition, but he had repeated chylothoraces. Last week, Dr. X took the patient to the operating room in hopes that with thoracotomy, a thoracic duct leak could be found, which would be successfully closed surgically. However at the time of his thoracotomy exploration what was discovered was a large amount of transdiaphragmatic transition of chylous ascites coming from the abdomen. Dr. X opened the diaphragm and could literally see a fountain of chylous fluid exiting through the diaphragmatic hole. This was closed, and we decided that perhaps an abdominal exploration as a last stage effort would allow us to find an area of lymphatic leak that could potentially help the patient from this dismal prognostic disease. We met with his parents and talked to them about this, and he is here today for that attempt.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: ,The patient's abdomen was relatively soft, minimally distended. Exploration through supraumbilical transverse incision immediately revealed a large amount of chylous ascites upon entering into the peritoneal cavity. What we found which explains the chronic chylous ascites and chylothorax was a diffuse lymphangiectatic picture involving the small bowel mesentery approximately two thirds to three quarters of the distal small bowel including all of the ileum, the cecum, and the portion of the ascending colon. It appeared that any attempt to resect this area would have been met with failure because of the extensive lymphatic dilatation all the way down towards the root of the supramesenteric artery. There was about one quarter to one third of the jejunum that did not appear to be grossly involved, but I did not think that resection of three quarters of the patient's small bowel would be viable surgical option. Instead, we opted to close his abdomen and refer for potential small intestine transplantation procedure in the future if he is a candidate for that.,The lymphatic abnormality was extensive. They were linear dilated lymphatic channels on the serosal surface of the bowel in the mesentery. They were small aneurysm-like pockets of chyle all along the course of the mesenteric structures and in the mesentery medially adjacent to the bowel as well. No other major retroperitoneal structure or correctable structure was identified. Both indirect inguinal hernias were wide open and could be palpated from an internal aspect as well.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was brought from the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit to the operating room within an endotracheal tube im place and with enteral feeds established at full flow to provide maximum fat content and maximum lymphatic flow. We conducted a surgical time-out and reiterated all of the patient's important identifying information and confirmed the operative plan as described above. Preparation and draping of his abdomen was done with chlorhexidine based prep solution and then we opened his peritoneal cavity through a transverse supraumbilical incision dividing both rectus muscles and all layers of the abdominal wall fascia. As the peritoneal cavity was entered, we divided the umbilical vein ligamentum teres remnant between Vicryl ties, and we were able to readily identify a large amount of chylous ascites that had been previously described. The bowel was eviscerated, and then with careful inspection, we were able to identify this extensive area of intestinal and mesenteric lymphangiectasia that was a source of the patient's chylous ascites. The small bowel from the ligament of Treitz to the proximal to mid jejunum was largely unaffected, but did not appear that resection of 75% of the small intestine and colon would be a satisfactory tradeoff for The patient, but would likely render him with significant short bowel and nutritional and metabolic problems. Furthermore, it might burn bridges necessary for consideration of intestinal transplantation in the future if that becomes an option. We suctioned free all of the chylous accumulations, replaced the intestines to their peritoneal cavity, and then closed the patient's abdominal incision with 4-0 PDS on the posterior sheath and 3-0 PDS on the anterior rectus sheath. Subcuticular 5-0 Monocryl and Steri-Strips were used for skin closure.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. He lost minimal blood, but did lose approximately 100 mL of chylous fluid from the abdomen that was suctioned free as part of the chylous ascitic leak. The patient was returned to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with his endotracheal tube in place and to consider the next stage of management, which might be an attempted additional type of feeding or referral to an Intestinal Transplantation Center to see if that is an option for the patient because he has no universally satisfactory medical or surgical treatment for this at this time.gastroenterology, intestinal, mesenteric, lymphangiectasia, ascites, chylothorax, lymphatic leak, infradiaphragmatic, abdominal exploration, congenital chylous, mesenteric lymphangiectasia, peritoneal cavity, chylous, abdominal, congenital, abdomen, lymphatic
EXAM:, Lexiscan Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Scan.,INDICATION:, Chest pain.,TYPE OF TEST: ,Lexiscan, unable to walk on a treadmill.,INTERPRETATION: , Resting heart rate of 96, blood pressure of 141/76. EKG, normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific ST-T changes, left bundle branch block. Post Lexiscan 0.4 mg injected intravenously by standard protocol. Peak heart rate was 105, blood pressure of 135/72. EKG remains the same. No symptoms are noted.,SUMMARY:,1. Nondiagnostic Lexiscan.,2. Nuclear interpretation as below.,NUCLEAR MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION SCAN WITH STANDARD PROTOCOL:, Resting and stress images were obtained with 10.4, 32.5 mCi of tetrofosmin injected intravenously by standard protocol. Myocardial perfusion scan demonstrates homogeneous and uniform distribution of the tracer uptake. There is no evidence of reversible or fixed defect. Gated SPECT revealed mild global hypokinesis, more pronounced in the septal wall possibly secondary to prior surgery. Ejection fraction calculated at 41%. End-diastolic volume of 115, end-systolic volume of 68.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2. Ejection fraction 41% by gated SPECT.cardiovascular / pulmonary, lexiscan nuclear myocardial perfusion scan, treadmill, bundle branch block, mci, tetrofosmin, nuclear myocardial perfusion scan, blood pressure, gated spect, ejection fraction, myocardial perfusion, ejection, fraction, myocardial, lexiscan, nuclear,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left distal radius fracture, metaphyseal extraarticular.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left distal radius fracture, metaphyseal extraarticular.,PROCEDURE: , Open reduction and internal fixation of left distal radius.,IMPLANTS: ,Wright Medical Micronail size 2.,ANESTHESIA: , LMA.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 49 minutes.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PATHOLOGY: , None.,TIME OUT: , Time out was performed before the procedure started.,INDICATIONS:, The patient was a 42-year-old female who fell and sustained a displaced left metaphyseal distal radius fracture indicated for osteosynthesis. The patient was in early stage of gestation. Benefits and risks including radiation exposure were discussed with the patient and consulted her primary care doctor.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Supine position, LMA anesthesia, well-padded arm, tourniquet, Hibiclens, alcohol prep, and sterile drape.,Exsanguination achieved, tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg. First, under fluoroscopy the fracture was reduced. A 0.045 K-wire was inserted from dorsal ulnar corner of the distal radius and crossing fracture line to maintain the reduction. A 2-cm radial incision, superficial radial nerve was exposed and protected. Dissecting between the first and second dorsal extensor retinaculum, the second dorsal extensor compartment was elevated off from the distal radius. The guidewire was inserted under fluoroscopy. A cannulated drill was used to drill antral hole. Antral awl was inserted. Then we reamed the canal to size 2. Size 2 Micronail was inserted to the medullary canal. Using distal locking guide, three locking screws were inserted distally. The second dorsal incision was made. The deep radial dorsal surface was exposed. Using locking guide, two proximal shaft screws were inserted and locked the nail to the radius. Fluoroscopic imaging was taken and showing restoration of the height, tilt, and inclination of the radius. At this point, tourniquet was deflated, hemostasis achieved, wounds irrigated and closed in layers. Sterile dressing applied. The patient then was extubated and transferred to the recovery room under stable condition.,Postoperatively, the patient will see a therapist within five days. We will immobilize wrist for two weeks and then starting flexion-extension and prosupination exercises.orthopedic, distal radius fracture, dorsal extensor, locking guide, radius fracture, extraarticular, metaphyseal, guidewire, fracture, dorsal, distal,
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , In short, the patient is a 55-year-old gentleman with long-standing morbid obesity, resistant to nonsurgical methods of weight loss with BMI of 69.7 with comorbidities of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, possible sleep apnea, and also osteoarthritis of the lower extremities. He is also an ex-smoker. He is currently smoking and he is planning to quit and at least he should do this six to eight days before for multiple reasons including decreasing the DVT, PE rates and marginal ulcer problems after surgery, which will be discussed later on. ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On physical examination today, he weighs 514.8 pounds, he has gained 21 pounds since the last visit with us. His pulse is 78, temperature is 97.5, blood pressure is 132/74. Lungs are clear. He is a pleasant gentleman with stigmata of supermorbid obesity expected of his size. Abdomen is soft, nontender. No incisions. No umbilical hernia, no groin hernia, has a large abdominal pannus. No hepatosplenomegaly. Lower extremities; no pedal edema. No calf tenderness. Deep tendon reflexes are normal. Lungs are clear. S1, S2 is heard. Regular rate and rhythm. ,DISCUSSION:, I had a long talk with the patient about laparoscopic gastric bypass possible open including risks, benefits, alternatives, need for long-term followup, need to adhere to dietary and exercise guidelines. I also explained to him complications including rare cases of death secondary to DVT, PE, leak, peritonitis, sepsis shock, multisystem organ failure, need for reoperations, need for endoscopy for bleeding or leak, operations which could be diagnostic laparoscopy, exploratory laparotomy, drainage procedure, gastrostomy, jejunostomy for feeding, bleeding requiring blood transfusion, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, atelectasis, respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation, rarely tracheostomy, rare cases of renal failure requiring dialysis, etc., were all discussed. ,All these are going to be at high risk for this patient secondary to his supermorbid obese condition. ,I also explained to him specific gastric bypass related complications including gastrojejunal stricture requiring endoscopic dilatation, marginal ulcer secondary to smoking or antiinflammatory drug intake, which can progress on to perforation or bleeding, small bowel obstruction secondary to internal hernia or adhesions, signs and symptoms of which are described, so the patient could alert us for earlier intervention, symptomatic gallstone formation during rapid weight loss, how to avoid it by taking ursodiol, which will be prescribed in the postoperative period. ,Long-term complication of gastric bypass including hair loss, excess skin, multivitamin and mineral deficiencies, protein-calorie malnutrition, weight regain, weight plateauing, psychosocial and marital issues, addiction transfer, etc., were all discussed with the patient. The patient is at higher risk than usual set of patients secondary to his supermorbid obesity of BMI nearing 70 and also major cardiopulmonary and metabolic comorbidities. Smoking of course does not help and increase the risk for cardiopulmonary complications and is at increased risk for cardiac risk. He will be seen by cardiologist, pulmonologist. He will also undergo long Medifast dieting under our guidance, which is a very low-calorie diet to decrease the size of the liver and also to optimize his cardiopulmonary and metabolic comorbidities. He will also see a psychologist, nutritionist, and exercise physiologist in preparation for surgery for a multidisciplinary approach for short and long-term success. ,Especially for him in view of his restricted mobility, supermorbid obesity status, and possibility of a pulmonary hypertension secondary to sleep apnea, he has been advised to have retrievable IVC filter and also will go home on Lovenox. He also needs to start exercising to increase his flexibility and muscle tone before surgery and also to start getting the habit of doing so. All these were discussed with the patient. The patient understands. He wants to go to surgery. All questions were answered. I will see him in few weeks before the planned date of surgery.consult - history and phy., medifast, medifast dieting, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea, morbid obesity, metabolic comorbidities, weight loss, supermorbid obesity, gastric bypass, bypass,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Left chronic anterior and posterior ethmoiditis.,2. Left chronic maxillary sinusitis with polyps.,3. Left inferior turbinate hypertrophy.,4. Right anterior and posterior chronic ethmoiditis.,5. Right chronic maxillary sinusitis with polyps.,6. Right chronic inferior turbinate hypertrophic.,7. Intranasal deformity causing nasal obstruction due to septal deviation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Left chronic anterior and posterior ethmoiditis.,2. Left chronic maxillary sinusitis with polyps.,3. Left inferior turbinate hypertrophy.,4. Right anterior and posterior chronic ethmoiditis.,5. Right chronic maxillary sinusitis with polyps.,6. Right chronic inferior turbinate hypertrophic.,7. Intranasal deformity causing nasal obstruction due to septal deviation.,NAME OF OPERATION: , Bilateral endoscopic sinus surgery, including left anterior and posterior ethmoidectomy, left maxillary antrostomy with polyp removal, left inferior partial turbinectomy, right anterior and posterior ethmoidectomy, right maxillary antrostomy and polyp removal, right partial inferior turbinectomy, and septoplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 20 cc.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 55-year-old female who has had chronic nasal obstruction secondary to nasal polyps and chronic sinusitis. She also has a septal deviation mid posterior to the left compromising greater than 70% of her nasal airway.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. After adequate endotracheal anesthesia was obtained, the skin was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Lidocaine 1% with 1:100,000 epinephrine was injected into the region of the anterior portion of the nasal septum. Approximately 10 cc total was used.,A #15 blade and the Freer elevator were used to help make a standard hemitransfixion incision. A mucoperichondrial flap was carefully elevated, and the junction with the cartilaginous bony septum was separated with the Freer elevator. The bony deflection was removed using Jansen-Middleton forceps. The cartilaginous deflection was created by freeing up the inferior attachments to the cartilaginous septum, placing it more on the midline maxillary crest. The initial incision was placed in its anatomical position and secured with a 4-0 nylon suture for stabilization effect.,Attention then was directed toward the left side. Lidocaine 1% with 1:100,000 epinephrine was injected in the region of the anterior portion of the left middle turbinate and uncinate process and polyps. Approximately 10 cc total was used. The polyps were removed using the Richards essential shaver to help identify the middle turbinate and uncinate process better. The uncinate process was removed systematically superiorly to inferiorly with back-biting forceps. Next, the maxillary antrostomy was identified and expanded with the back-biting forceps and showed polypoid accumulation in the mucosal disease on its opening site. The sinus linings were edematous but did not have any polyps in the inferior, lateral, or superior aspects.,The anterior and posterior ethmoid air cells were entered primarily and dissected with the Richards essential shaver followed by the use of a 30-degree endoscope and up-biting forceps for the superior and lateral dissection. Bright mucosal disease and small polypoid accumulations were noted through the sinuses also. The inferior turbinates had some polypoid changes on them also and showed marked mucosal irritation and hypertrophy. The mucosal polypoid accumulations were cleared using the Richards essential shaver. The turbinate was partially resected from mucosally but with good shape to it. It was not desirable to remove it in its entirety. Any obvious bleeding points along the edge were controlled with the suction Bovie apparatus.,The same procedure and findings were noted on the right side with 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine injected into the anterior portion of the right middle turbinate, polyps, and uncinate process; 10 cc total were used. The polyps were removed. The Richards essential shaver was used to allow better exposure of the uncinate process. The uncinate process was removed superiorly to inferiorly with back-biting side-biting forceps.,Next, a maxillary antrostomy was identified and expanded with the back-biting and side-biting forceps and showed all plate accumulations there also. The anterior and posterior ethmoid air cells were then entered primarily and dissected with Richards essential shaver followed by the use of the 30-degree scope and up-biting forceps for the superior and lateral resection. The inferior turbinates showed mucosal disease, polypoid accumulations, and changes. These were removed using the Richards essential shaver followed by a submucosal resection of the hypertrophied portion of the turbinate.,Any obvious bleeding points were controlled with the suction Bovie apparatus. A thorough irrigation was then carried out in the nasal cavity, and Gelfilm packing was used to coat the linings in the middle meatal regions. The patient tolerated the procedure well and returned to the recovery room in stable condition.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Foreign body in airway.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Plastic piece foreign body in the right main stem bronchus.,PROCEDURE: , Rigid bronchoscopy with foreign body removal.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This patient is 7-month-old baby boy who presented to emergency room today with increasing stridor and shortness of breath according to mom. The patient had a chest x-ray and based on that there is concern by the Radiology it could be a foreign body in the right main stem. The patient has been taken to the operating room for rigid bronchoscopy and foreign body removal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, placed supine, put under general mask anesthesia. Using a 3.5 rigid bronchoscope we visualized between the cords into the trachea. There were some secretions but that looked okay. Got down at the level of the carina to see a foreign body flapping in the right main stem. I then used graspers to grasp to try to pull into the scope itself. I could not do that, I thus had to pull the scope out along with the foreign body that was held on to with a grasper. It appeared to be consisting of some type of plastic piece that had broke off some different object. I took the scope and put it back down into the airway again. Again, there was secretion in the trachea that we suctioned out. We looked down into the right bronchus intermedius. There was no other pathology noted, just some irritation in the right main stem area. I looked down the left main stem as well and that looked okay as well. I then withdrew the scope. Trachea looked fine as well as the cords. I put the patient back on mask oxygen to wake the patient up. The patient tolerated the procedure, main stem bronchus, bronchoscopy, airway, foreign body removal, rigid bronchoscopy,
HX: ,This 46y/o RHM with HTN was well until 2 weeks prior to exam when he experienced sudden onset dizziness and RUE clumsiness. The symptoms resolved within 10 min. He did well until the afternoon of admission when while moving the lawn he experienced lightheadedness, RUE dysfunction and expressive aphasia (could not get the words out). His wife took him to his local MD, and on the way there his symptoms resolved. His aphasia recurred at his physician's office and a CT scan of the brain revealed a left temporal mass. He was transferred to UIHC.,PMH:, HTN for many years,MEDS:, Vasotec and Dyazide,SHX/FHX:, ETOH abuse (quit '92), 30pk-yr Cigarettes (quit '92),EXAM:, BP158/92, HR91, RR16,MS: Speech fluent without dysarthria,CN: no deficits noted,Motor: no weakness or abnormal tone noted,Sensory: no deficits noted,Coord: normal,Station: no drift,Gait ND,Reflexes: 3+ throughout. Plantars down-going bilaterally.,Gen exam: unremarkable,STUDIES:, WBC14.3K, Na 132, Cl 94, CO2 22, Glucose 129.,CT Brain without contrast: Calcified 2.5 x 2.5cm mass arising from left sylvian fissure/temporal lobe.,MRI Brain, 8/31/92: right temporo-parietal mass with mixed signal on T1 and T2 images. It has a peripheral dark rim on T1 and T2 with surrounding edema. This suggests a component of methemoglobin and hemosiderin within it. Slight peripheral enhancement was identified. There are two smaller foci of enhancement in the posterior parietal lobe on the right. There is nonspecific white matter foci within the pons and right thalamus. Impression: right temporoparietal hemorrhage, suggesting aneurysm or mass. The two smaller foci may suggest metastasis. The white matter changes probably reflect microvascular disease.,3 Vessel cerebroangiogram, 8/31/92: Lobulated fusiform aneurysm off a peripheral branch of the left middle cerebral artery with slow flow into the vessel distal to the aneurysm.,COURSE:, The aneurysm was felt to be inoperable and he was discharged home on Dilantin, ASA, and Diltiazem.consult - history and phy., mca aneurysm, rue clumsiness, white matter, aneurysm, mca, dizziness, aphasia, matter, clumsiness, brain, peripheral,
CLINICAL INDICATIONS: , MRSA bacteremia, rule out endocarditis. The patient has aortic stenosis.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The transesophageal echocardiogram was performed after getting verbal and a written consent signed. Then a multiplane TEE probe was introduced into the upper esophagus, mid esophagus, lower esophagus, and stomach and multiple views were obtained. There were no complications. The patient's throat was numbed with Cetacaine spray and IV sedation was achieved with Versed and fentanyl.,FINDINGS:,1. Aortic valve is thick and calcified, a severely restricted end opening and there is 0.6 x 8 mm vegetation attached to the right coronary cusp. The peak velocity across the aortic valve was 4.6 m/sec and mean gradient was 53 mmHg and peak gradient 84 mmHg with calculated aortic valve area of 0.6 sq cm by planimetry.,2. Mitral valve is calcified and thick. No vegetation seen. There is mild-to-moderate MR present. There is mild AI present also.,3. Tricuspid valve and pulmonary valve are structurally normal.,4. There is a mild TR present.,5. There is no clot seen in the left atrial appendage. The velocity in the left atrial appendage was 0.6 m/sec.,6. Intraatrial septum was intact. There is no clot or mass seen.,7. Normal LV and RV systolic function.,8. There is thick raised calcified plaque seen in the thoracic aorta and arch.,SUMMARY:,1. There is a 0.6 x 0.8 cm vegetation present in the aortic valve with severe aortic stenosis. Calculated aortic valve area was 0.6 sq. cm.,2. Normal LV systolic function.,radiology, endocarditis, aortic stenosis, tee probe, mrsa bacteremia, transesophageal echocardiogram, aortic, echocardiogram, esophagus, vegetation, transesophageal
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 84-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, severe tricuspid regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension, mild aortic stenosis, and previously moderate mitral regurgitation although not seen recently and I was asked to perform cardiology consultation for her because there was concern for atrial fibrillation after a fall. Basically the patient states that yesterday she fell and she is not certain about the circumstances, on her driveway, and on her left side hit a rock. When she came to the emergency room, she was found to have a rapid atrial tachyarrhythmia, and was put on Cardizem with reportedly heart rate in the 50s, so that was stopped. Review of EKGs from that time shows what appears to be multifocal atrial tachycardia with followup EKG showing wandering atrial pacemaker. An ECG this morning showing normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs. Her potassium at that time was 3.1. She does recall having palpitations because of the pain after the fall, but she states she is not having them since and has not had them prior. She denies any chest pain nor shortness of breath prior to or since the fall. She states clearly she can walk and she would be able to climb 2 flights of stairs without problems.,PAST CARDIAC HISTORY: , She is followed by Dr. X in our office and has a history of severe tricuspid regurgitation with mild elevation and PA pressure. On 05/12/08, preserved left and right ventricular systolic function, aortic sclerosis with apparent mild aortic stenosis, and bi-atrial enlargement. She has previously had a Persantine Myoview nuclear rest-stress test scan completed at ABCD Medical Center in 07/06 that was negative. She has had significant mitral valve regurgitation in the past being moderate, but on the most recent echocardiogram on 05/12/08, that was not felt to be significant. She has a history of hypertension and EKGs in our office show normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs versus wandering atrial pacemaker. She does have a history of significant hypertension in the past. She has had dizzy spells and denies clearly any true syncope. She has had bradycardia in the past from beta-blocker therapy.,MEDICATIONS ON ADMISSION:,1. Multivitamin p.o. daily.,2. Aspirin 325 mg once a day.,3. Lisinopril 40 mg once a day.,4. Felodipine 10 mg once a day.,5. Klor-Con 20 mEq p.o. b.i.d.,6. Omeprazole 20 mg p.o. daily presumably for GERD.,7. MiraLax 17 g p.o. daily.,8. Lasix 20 mg p.o. daily.,ALLERGIES: , PENICILLIN. IT IS LISTED THAT TOPROL HAS CAUSED SHORTNESS OF BREATH IN HER OFFICE CHART AND I BELIEVE SHE HAS HAD SIGNIFICANT BRADYCARDIA WITH THAT IN THE PAST.,FAMILY HISTORY:, She states her brother died of an MI suddenly in his 50s.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She does not smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, nor use any illicit drugs. She is retired from Morse Chain and delivering newspapers. She is widowed. She lives alone but has family members who live either on her property or adjacent to it.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , She denies a history of stroke, cancer, vomiting of blood, coughing up blood, bright red blood per rectum, bleeding, stomach ulcers. She does not recall renal calculi, nor cholelithiasis, denies asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sleep apnea, home oxygen use. She does note occasional peripheral edema. She is not aware of prior history of MI. She denies diabetes. She does have a history of GERD. She notes feeling depressed at times because of living alone. She denies rheumatologic conditions including psoriasis or lupus. Remainder of review of systems is negative times 15 except as described above.,PHYSICAL EXAM: ,Height 5 feet 0 inches, weight 123 pounds, temperature 99.2 degrees Fahrenheit, blood pressure has ranged from 160/87 with pulses recorded at being 144, and currently ranges 101/53 to 147/71, pulse 64, respiratory rate 20, O2 saturation 97%. On general exam, she is a pleasant elderly woman who is hard of hearing, but is alert and interactive. HEENT: Shows cranium is normocephalic and atraumatic. She has moist mucosal membranes. Neck veins were not distended. There are no carotid bruits. Lungs: Clear to auscultation anteriorly without wheezes. She is relatively immobile because of her left hip fracture. Cardiac Exam: S1, S2, regular rate, frequent ectopic beats, 2/6 systolic ejection murmur, preserved aortic component of the second heart sound. There is also a soft holosystolic murmur heard. There is no rub or gallop. PMI is nondisplaced. Abdomen is soft and nondistended. Bowel sounds present. Extremities without significant clubbing, cyanosis, and there is trivial to 1+ peripheral edema. Pulses appear grossly intact. Affect is appropriate. Visible skin warm and perfused. She is not able to move because of left hip fracture easily in bed.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES/LAB DATA: , Pertinent labs include chest x-ray with radiology report pending but shows only a calcified aortic knob. No clear pulmonary vascular congestion. Sodium 140, potassium 3.7, it was 3.1 on admission, chloride 106, bicarbonate 27, BUN 17, creatinine 0.9, glucose 150, magnesium was 2 on 07/13/06. Troponin was 0.03 followed by 0.18. INR is 0.93, white blood cell count 10.2, hematocrit 36, platelet count 115,000.,EKGs are reviewed. Initial EKG done on 08/19/08 at 1832 shows MAT, heart rate of 104 beats per minute, no ischemic changes. She had a followup EKG done at 20:37 on 08/19/08, which shows wandering atrial pacemaker and some lateral T-wave changes, not significantly changed from prior. Followup EKG done this morning shows normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs.,IMPRESSION: ,She is an 84-year-old female with a history of hypertension, severe tricuspid regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension and mild aortic stenosis admitted after a fall with left hip fracture and she will require surgery. Telemetry now reviewed, shows predominantly normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs _____ earlier yesterday evening showed burst of multifocal atrial tachycardia and I suspect that was exacerbated by prior hypokalemia, which has been corrected. There has been no atrial fibrillation documented. I do not feel these troponins are significant given the stress or fall in prior multifocal atrial tachycardia with increased rate especially in the absence of chest pain or shortness of breath. She actually describes feeling good exercise capacity prior to this fall. Given favorable risk to benefit ratio for needed left hip surgery, I feel she may proceed with needed left hip surgery from a cardiac standpoint with continued verapamil, which has been started, which should help control the multifocal atrial tachycardia, which she had and would watch for heart rate with that. Continued optimization of electrolytes. The patient cannot take beta-blockers as previously Toprol reportedly caused shortness of breath, although, there was some report that it caused bradycardia so we would watch her heart rate on the verapamil. The patient is aware of the cardiac risks, certainly it is moderate, and wishes to proceed with needed surgery. I do not feel any further cardiac evaluation is needed at this time and the patient may followup with Dr. X after discharge. Regarding her mild thrombocytopenia, I would defer that to hospitalist and continue proton pump inhibitors for history of gastroesophageal reflux disease, management of left hip fracture as per orthopedist.emergency room reports, hypokalemia, shortness of breath, atrial tachycardia, sinus rhythm, hip fracture, atrial, tachycardia, rhythm, apcs, cardiac, regurgitation, aortic, hypertension, pulmonary,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,Mammary hypertrophy with breast ptosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,Mammary hypertrophy with breast ptosis.,OPERATION,Suction-assisted lipectomy of the breast with removal of 350 cc of breast tissue from both sides and two mastopexies.,ANESTHESIA,General endotracheal anesthesia.,PROCEDURE,The patient was placed in the supine position. Under effects of general endotracheal anesthesia, markings were made preoperatively for the mastopexy. An eccentric circle was drawn around the nipple and a wedge drawn from the inferior border of the areola to the inframammary fold. A stab incision was made bilaterally and tumescent infiltration of anesthesia, lactated ringers with 1 cc of epinephrine to 1000 cc of lactated ringers was infused with a tumescent blunt needle. 200 cc was infiltrated on each side. This was followed by power-assisted liposuction and manual liposuction with removal of 350 cc of supernatant fat from both sides utilizing a radial tunneling technique with a 4-mm cannula. This was followed by the epithelialization of skin between the inner circle corresponding to the diameter of the areola 4 cm diameter and the outer eccentric circle with a tangent at the 6 o'clock position. This would result in an elevation of the nipple-areolar complex with transposition. The epithelialization of the wedge inferiorly equalized the circumference distance between the inner circle and the outer circle. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. After the epithelialization was performed on both sides, nipple-areolar complex was transposed to new nipple position and the wedge was closed with transposition of the nipple-areolar complex beneath the transposed nipple. Closure was performed with interrupted 3-0 PDS suture on deep subcutaneous tissue and dermal skin closure with running subcuticular 4-0 Monocryl suture. Dermabond was applied followed by Adaptic and Kerlix in the suturing spaces supportive mildly compressive dressing. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was returned to recovery room in satisfactory, breast ptosis, dermabond, mammary hypertrophy, monocryl, anesthesia, breast tissue, endotracheal anesthesia, lipectomy, mastopexies, mastopexy, nipple, nipple-areolar complex, suction assisted lipectomy, nipple areolar complex, lactated ringers, nipple areolar, areolar complex, epithelialization, areolar, breast,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Cholelithiasis; possible, choledocholithiasis, cholangiogram, co2 insufflation, umbilicus, common bile duct, bile duct, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, cystic duct, intraoperative, laparoscopic, cholecystectomy, cholelithiasis, endotracheal, gallbladder, cystic, duct
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Mental status changes after a fall.,HISTORY: , Ms. ABC is a 76-year-old female with Alzheimer's, apparently is normally very talkative, active, independent, but with advanced Alzheimer's. Apparently, she tripped backwards hitting her head on a wheelchair and, had although no loss consciousness, had altered mental status changes. She was very confused, incomprehensible speech, and was not responding appropriately. She was transported here stable, with no significant changes. She ultimately upon arrival here was unchanged in that she was not responding appropriately. She would have garbled speech, somewhat inappropriate at times, and unable to follow commands. No other history was able to be obtained. All pertinent history is documented within the records. Physical examination also documented in the records, essentially as above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , HEENT: Without any obvious signs of trauma. Pupils are equal and reactive. Extraocular movements are difficult to assess with her eyes closed, but she will open to voice. TMs, canals are normal without any signs of hemotympanum. Nasal mucosa and oropharynx are normal.,NECK: Nontender, full range of motion, was not examined initially, a collar was placed.,HEART: Regular.,LUNGS: Clear.,CHEST/BACK/ABDOMEN: Without trauma.,SKIN: With multiple excoriations from scratching and itching.,NEUROLOGIC: Otherwise she has good sensation, withdrawals to pain. When lifting the arm, she will hold them up and draw, let them down slowly. With movement of the legs, she did straighten them back out slowly. DTRs were intact and equal bilaterally. Otherwise, the remainder of the examination was unable to be done because of patient's non-cooperation and mental status change.,LABORATORY DATA: , CT scan of the head was negative as was cervical spine. She has a history of being on Coumadin. Her INR is 1.92, CBC was with a white count of 3.8, 50% neutrophils, 8% bands. CMP did note a potassium, which was elevated at 5.9, troponin was normal, mag is 2.5, valproic acid level 24.3.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , Ms. ABC is a 76-year-old female with multiple medical problems who has sustained a head injury with mental status changes that on repeat examination now at approximately 1930 hours, has completely resolved. It is likely she sustained a concussion with postconcussive symptoms and syndrome that has resolved. At this time, she has some other abnormalities in her lab work and I recommend she be admitted for observation and further investigation. I have discussed this with her son, he agrees. Otherwise, she has improved significantly. The patient was discussed with XYZ, who will admit the patient for further evaluation and treatment.consult - history and phy., alzheimer's, no loss consciousness, mental status,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Followup of hospital discharge for Guillain-Barre syndrome.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 62-year-old right-handed woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, a silent stroke involving right basal ganglia who was in her usual state of baseline health until late June of 2006 when she had onset of blurred vision, diplopia, and possible weakness in the right greater than left arm and left-sided ptosis. She was admitted to the hospital. The MRI showed only an old right basal ganglion infarct. She subsequently had a lumbar puncture, which showed increased protein, and an EMG/nerve conduction study performed by Dr. X on July 3rd, showed early signs of AIDP. The patient was treated with intravenous gamma globulin and had some mild improvement in her symptoms. Her vital capacities were normal during the hospitalization. Her chest x-ray was negative for any acute process. She was discharged to rehab from July 12, 2006 to July 20, 2006. She made some progress in which she notes that her walking is definitely better. However, she notes that she still has some problems with eye movement and her vision. This is possibly her main problem. She also reports tightness and pain in her mid back.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Documented in the clinic note. The patient has problems with diabetes, double vision, blurry vision, muscle pain, weakness, trouble walking, and headaches about two to three times per week.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. Diabetes mellitus.,3. Stroke involving the right basal ganglion.,4. Guillain-Barre syndrome diagnosed in June of 2006.,5. Bilateral knee replacements.,6. Total abdominal hysterectomy and cholecystectomy.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Multiple family members have diabetes mellitus.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is retired on disability due to her knee replacements. She does not smoke, drink or use any illicit drugs.,MEDICATIONS:, Percocet 5/325 mg 4-6 hours p.r.n., Neurontin 100 mg per day, insulin, Protonix 40 mg per day, Toprol-XL 50 mg q.d., Norvasc 10 mg q.d., glipizide ,10 mg q.d., fluticasone 50 mcg nasal spray, Lasix 20 mg b.i.d., and Zocor 1 mg q.d.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure 122/74, heart rate 68, respiratory rate 16, and weight 228 pounds. Pain scale 5/10. Please see the written note for details. General exam is benign other than mild obesity. On neuro examination, mental status is normal. Cranial nerves are significant for full visual fields and pupils are equal and reactive. However, extraocular movements are very limited. She has some adduction of the left eye and she has minimal upgaze of both eyes, but otherwise the eyes do not move. Face is symmetric. Sensation is intact. Tongue and uvula are in midline. Palate is elevated symmetrically. Shoulder shrug is strong. The patient's muscle exam shows normal bulk and tone throughout. She has no weakness of the left upper extremity. In the right upper extremity, she has only about 2/5 strength in the right shoulder, but is otherwise 5/5. There is no drift or orbit. Reflexes are absent throughout. Sensory exam is intact to light touch, pinprick, vibration, and proprioception is normal. There is no dysmetria. Gait is somewhat limited possibly by her vision and possibly also by her balance problems.,PERTINENT DATA:, As reviewed previously.,DISCUSSION: , This is a 62-year-old woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke who has what sounds like Guillain-Barre syndrome, likely the Miller-Fisher variant. The patient has shown some improvement with IVIG and continues to show some gradual improvement. I discussed with the patient the course of disease, which is often weeks to about a month or so of worsening followed by many months of gradual improvement.,I told her that it is possible she may not recover 100%, but that certainly there is still plenty of time for her to have additional recovery over what she has right now. She is scheduled to see an ophthalmologist. I think it is reasonable for close followup of her visual symptoms progress. However, I certainly would not take any corrective measures at this point as I suspect her vision will improve gradually.,I discussed with the patient that with respect to her back pain certainly the Neurontin is relatively at low dose and this could be increased further. I wanted her to start taking the Neurontin 300 mg per day and then 300 mg b.i.d. after one week. She will call me in approximately three weeks' time to let me know how she is doing and if needed we will titrate up further.,She was apparently given some baclofen by her internist and I think this is not unreasonable. I definitely hope to get her off the Percocet in the future.,IMPRESSION:,1. Guillain-Barre Miller-Fisher variant.,2. Hypertension.,3. Diabetes mellitus.,4. Stroke.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. The patient is to start taking aspirin 162 mg per day.,2. Followup with ophthalmology.,3. Increase Neurontin to 300 mg per day x 1 week and then 300 mg b.i.d.,4. Followup by phone in three to four weeks.,5. Followup in this clinic in approximately two months' time.,6. Call for any questions or problems.nan
Sample Address,RE: Sample Patient,Dear Doctor:,We had the pleasure of seeing Abc and his mother in the clinic today. As you certainly know, he is now a 9-month-old male product of a twin gestation complicated by some very mild prematurity. He has been having problems with wheezing, cough and shortness of breath over the last several months. You and your partners have treated him aggressively with inhaled steroids and bronchodilator. Despite this, however; he has had persistent problems with a cough and has been more recently started on both a short burst of prednisolone as well as a more prolonged alternating day course. ,Although there is no smoke exposure there is a significant family history with both Abc's father and uncle having problems with asthma as well as his older sister. The parents now maintain separate households and there has been a question about the consistency of his medication administration at his father's house. ,On exam today, Abc had some scattered rhonchi which cleared with coughing but was otherwise healthy. ,We spent the majority of our 45-minute just reviewing basic principles of asthma management and I believe that Abc's mother is fairly well versed in this. I think the most important thing to realize is that Abc probably does have fairly severe childhood asthma and fortunately has avoided hospitalization. ,I think it would be prudent to continue his alternate day steroids until he is completely symptom free on the days off steroids but it would be reasonable to continue to wean him down to as low as 1.5 milligrams (0.5 milliliters on alternate days). I have encouraged his mother to contact our office so that we can answer questions if necessary by phone.,Thanks so much for allowing us to be involved in his care. ,Sincerely,pediatrics - neonatal, gestation, bronchodilator, childhood, childhood asthma, cough, father, healthy, letter, mother, pediatric, prematurity, shortness of breath, sister, wheezing, wheezing cough, asthma,
PROCEDURE:, Colonoscopy.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Follow up adenomas.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Two colon polyps, removed.,2. Small internal hemorrhoids.,3. Otherwise normal examination of cecum.,MEDICATIONS: , Fentanyl 150 mcg and Versed 7 mg slow IV push.,INDICATIONS: , This is a 60-year-old white female with a history of adenomas. She does have irregular bowel habits.,FINDINGS: , The patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position and the above medications were administered. The colonoscope was advanced to the cecum as identified by the ileocecal valve, appendiceal orifice, and blind pouch. The colonoscope was slowly withdrawn and a careful examination of the colonic mucosa was made, including a retroflexed view of the rectum. There was a 4 mm descending colon polyp, which was removed with jumbo forceps, and sent for histology in bottle one. There was a 10 mm pale, flat polyp in the distal rectum, which was removed with jumbo forceps, and sent for histology in bottle 2. There were small internal hemorrhoids. The remainder of the examination was normal to the cecum. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complication.,IMPRESSION:,1. Two colon polyps, removed.,2. Small internal hemorrhoids.,3. Otherwise normal examination to cecum.,PLAN: , I will await the results of the colon polyp histology. The patient was told the importance of daily fiber.gastroenterology, colon polyps, internal hemorrhoids, rectum, irregular bowel habits, colon polyps removed, irregular bowel, bowel habits, polyps removed, bowel, habits, colonoscope, hemorrhoids, cecum, forceps, polyps, colonoscopy, adenomas,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bladder tumor.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bladder tumor.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Transurethral resection of a medium bladder tumor (TURBT), left lateral wall.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,SPECIMEN TO PATHOLOGY: , Bladder tumor and specimen from base of bladder tumor.,DRAINS: , A 22-French 3-way Foley catheter, 30 mL balloon.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This is a 74-year-old male who presented with microscopic and an episode of gross hematuria. He underwent an IVP, which demonstrated enlarged prostate and normal upper tracts. Cystoscopy in the office demonstrated a 2.5- to 3-cm left lateral wall bladder tumor. He is brought to the operating room for transurethral resection of that bladder tumor.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , After preoperative counseling of the patient and his wife, the patient was taken to the operating room and administered a spinal anesthetic. He was placed in lithotomy position and prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Using the visual obturator, the resectoscope was then inserted per urethra into the bladder. The bladder was inspected confirming previous cystoscopic findings of a 2.5- to 3-cm left lateral wall bladder tumor away from the ureteral orifice. Using the resectoscope loop, the tumor was then resected down to its base in a stepwise fashion. Following completion of resection down to the base, the bladder was _______ free of tumor specimen. The resectoscope was then reinserted and the base of the bladder tumor was then resected to get the base of the bladder tumor specimen, this was sent as a separate pathological specimen. Hemostasis was assured with electrocautery. The base of the tumor was then fulgurated again and into the periphery out in the normal mucosa surrounding the base of the bladder tumor. Following completion of the fulguration, there was good hemostasis. The remainder of the bladder was without evidence of significant abnormality. Both ureteral orifices were visualized and noted to drain freely of clear urine. The bladder was filled and the resectoscope was removed. A 22-French 3-way Foley catheter was inserted per urethra into the bladder. The balloon was inflated to 30 mL. The catheter with sterile continuous irrigation and was noted to drain clear irrigant. The patient was then removed from lithotomy position. He was in stable condition.urology, turbt, bladder tumor, cystoscopic, resectoscope, hemostasis, foley catheter, tumor, bladder, lithotomy, transurethral, resection, hematuria,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute left subdural hematoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute left subdural hematoma.,PROCEDURE:, Left frontal temporal craniotomy for evacuation of acute subdural hematoma.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , This is a 76-year-old man who has a history of acute leukemia. He is currently in the phase of his therapy where he has developed a profound thrombocytopenia and white cell deficiency. He presents after a fall in the hospital in which he apparently struck his head and now has a progressive neurologic deterioration consistent with an intracerebral injury. His CT imaging reveals an acute left subdural hematoma, which is hemispheric.,The patient was brought to the operating room, placed under satisfactory general endotracheal anesthesia. He had previously been intubated and taken to the Intensive Care Unit and now is brought for emergency craniotomy. The images were brought up on the electronic imaging and confirmed that this was a left-sided condition. He was fixed in a three-point headrest. His scalp was shaved and prepared with Betadine, iodine and alcohol. We made a small curved incision over the temporal, parietal, frontal region. The scalp was reflected. A single bur hole was made at the frontoparietal junction and then a 4x6cm bur hole was created. After completing the bur hole flap, the dura was opened and a gelatinous mass of subdural was peeled away from the brain. The brain actually looked relatively relaxed; and after removal of the hematoma, the brain sort of slowly came back up. We investigated the subdural space forward and backward as we could and yet careful not to disrupt any venous bleeding as we close to the midline. After we felt that we had an adequate decompression, the dura was reapproximated and we filled the subdural space with saline. We placed a small drain in the extra dural space and then replaced the bone flap and secured this with the bone plates. The scalp was reapproximated, and the patient was awakened and taken to the CT scanner for a postoperative scan to ensure that there was no new hemorrhage or any other intracerebral pathology that warranted treatment. Given that this actual skin looked good with apparent removal of about 80% of the subdural we elected to take patient to the Intensive Care Unit for further management.,I was present for the entire procedure and supervised this. I confirmed prior to closing the skin that we had correct sponge and needle counts and the only foreign body was the, subdural, hematoma, temporal craniotomy, craniotomy, subdural space, bur hole, subdural hematoma,
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Loculated left effusion, multilobar pneumonia.consult - history and phy., neck bruits, nasal cannula, rhythm, pneumonia, chest tube, fluid collection, pleural effusion, multilobar pneumonia, pleural, loculations, multilobar,
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, This 26-year-old male presents today for a complete eye examination.,ALLERGIES:, Patient admits allergies to aspirin resulting in disorientation, GI upset.,MEDICATION HISTORY:, Patient is currently taking amoxicillin-clavulanate 125 mg-31.25 mg tablet, chewable medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Adrenocot 0.5 mg tablet medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Vioxx 12.5 mg tablet (BID).,PMH: , Past medical history is unremarkable.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Patient admits past surgical history of (+) appendectomy in 1989.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Patient denies alcohol use. Patient denies illegal drug use. Patient denies STD history. Patient denies tobacco use.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unremarkable.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,Eyes: (-) dry eyes (-) eye or vision problems (-) blurred vision.,Constitutional Symptoms: (-) constitutional symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, dizziness.,Musculoskeletal: (-) joint or musculoskeletal symptoms.,EYE EXAM:, Patient is a pleasant, 26-year-old male in no apparent distress who looks his given age, is well developed and nourished with good attention to hygiene and body habitus.,Pupils: Pupil exam reveals round and equally reactive to light and accommodation.,Motility: Ocular motility exam reveals gross orthotropia with full ductions and versions bilateral.,Visual Fields: Confrontation VF exam reveals full to finger confrontation O.U.,IOP: IOP Method: applanation tonometry OD: 10 mmHg Medications: Alphagan; 0.2% Condition: improving.,Keratometry:,OD: K1 35.875K2 35.875,OS: K1 35.875K2 41.875,Lids/Orbit: Bilateral eyes reveal normal position without infection. Bilateral eyelids reveals white and quiet.,Slit Lamp: Corneal epithelium is intact with normal tear film and without stain. Stroma is clear and avascular. Corneal endothelium is smooth and of normal appearance.,Anterior Segment: Bilateral anterior chambers reveal no cells or flare with deep chamber.,Lens: Bilateral lenses reveals transparent lens that is in normal position.,Posterior Segment: Posterior segment was dilated bilateral. Bilateral retinas reveal normal color, contour, and cupping.,Retina: Bilateral retinas reveals flat with normal vasculature out to the far periphery. Bilateral retinas reveal normal reflex and color.,VISUAL ACUITY:,Visual acuity - uncorrected: OD: 20/10 OS: 20/10 OU: 20/15.,REFRACTION:,Lenses - final:,OD: +0.50 +1.50 X 125 Prism 1.75,OS: +6.00 +3.50 X 125 Prism 4.00 BASE IN Fresnel,Add: OD: +1.00 OS: +1.00,OU: Far VA 20/25,TEST RESULTS:, No tests to report at this time.,IMPRESSION:, Eye and vision exam normal.,PLAN:, Return to clinic in 12 month (s).,PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS:nan
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , ICU management.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 43-year-old gentleman who presented from an outside hospital with complaints of right upper quadrant pain in the abdomen, which revealed possible portal vein and superior mesenteric vein thrombus leading to mesenteric ischemia. The patient was transferred to the ABCD Hospital where he had a weeklong course with progressive improvement in his status after aggressive care including intubation, fluid resuscitation, and watchful waiting. The patient clinically improved; however, his white count remained elevated with the intermittent fevers prompting a CT scan. Repeat CT scan showed a loculated area of ischemic bowel with perforation in the left upper abdomen. The patient was taken emergently to the operating room last night by the General Surgery Service where proximal half of the jejunum was noted to be liquified with 3 perforations. This section of small bowel was resected, and a wound VAC placed for damage control. Plan was to return the patient to the Operating Room tomorrow for further exploration and possible re-anastomosis of the bowel. The patient is currently intubated, sedated, and on pressors for septic shock and in the down ICU.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Prior to coming into the hospital for this current episode, the patient had hypertension, diabetes, and GERD.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Included a cardiac cath with no interventions taken.,HOME MEDICATIONS:, Include Lantus insulin as well as oral hypoglycemics.,CURRENT MEDS:, Include Levophed, Ativan, fentanyl drips, cefepime, Flagyl, fluconazole, and vancomycin. Nexium, Synthroid, hydrocortisone, and Angiomax, which is currently on hold.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Unable to be obtained secondary to the patient's intubated and sedated status.,ALLERGIES: , None.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Includes diabetes on his father side of the family. No other information is provided.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Includes tobacco use as well as alcohol use.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is currently intubated and sedated on Levophed drip.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 100.6, systolic is 110/60 with MAP of 80, and heart rate is 120, sinus rhythm.,NEUROLOGIC: Neurologically, he is sedated, on Ativan with fentanyl drip as well. He does arouse with suctioning, but is unable to open his eyes to commands.,HEAD AND NECK EXAMINATION: His pupils are equal, round, reactive, and constricted. He has no scleral icterus. His mucous membranes are pink, but dry. He has an EG tube, which is currently 24-cm at the lip. He has a left-sided subclavian vein catheter, triple lumen.,NECK: His neck is without masses or lymphadenopathy or JVD.,CHEST: Chest has diminished breath sounds bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Abdomen is soft, but distended with a wound VAC in place. Groins demonstrate a left-sided femoral outline.,EXTREMITIES: His bilateral upper extremities are edematous as well as his bilateral lower extremities; however, his right is more than it is in the left. His toes are cool, and pulses are not palpable.,LABORATORY EXAMINATION: , Laboratory examination reveals an ABG of 7.34, CO2 of 30, O2 of 108, base excess of -8, bicarb of 16.1, sodium of 144, potassium of 6.5, chloride of 122, CO2 18, BUN 43, creatinine 2.0, glucose 172, calcium 6.6, phosphorus 1.1, mag 1.8, albumin is 1.6, cortisone level random is 22. After stimulation with cosyntropin, they were still 22 and then 21 at 30 and 60 minutes respectively. LFTs are all normal. Amylase and lipase are normal. Triglycerides are 73, INR is 2.2, PTT is 48.3, white count 20.7, hemoglobin 9.6, and platelets of 211. UA was done, which also shows a specific gravity of 1.047, 1+ protein, trace glucose, large amount of blood, and many bacteria. Chest x-rays performed and show the tip of the EG tube at level of the carina with some right upper lobe congestion, but otherwise clear costophrenic angles. Tip of the left subclavian vein catheter is appropriate, and there is no pneumothorax noted.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, This is a 43-year-old gentleman who is acutely ill, in critical condition with mesenteric ischemia secondary to visceral venous occlusion. He is status post small bowel resection. We plan to go back to operating room tomorrow for further debridement and possible closure. Neurologically, the patient initially had question of encephalopathy while in the hospital secondary to slow awakening after previous intubation; however, he did clear eventually, and was able to follow commands. I did not suspect any sort of pathologic abnormality of his neurologic status as he has further CT scan of his brain, which was normal. Currently, we will keep him sedated and on fentanyl drip to ease pain and facilitate ventilation on the respirator. We will form daily sedation holidays to assess his neurologic status and avoid over sedating with Ativan.,1. Cardiovascular. The patient currently is in septic shock requiring vasopressors maintained on MAP greater than 70. We will continue to try to wean the vasopressin after continued volume loading, also place SvO2 catheter to assess his oxygen delivery and consumption given his state of shock. Currently, his rhythm is of sinus tachycardia, I do not suspect AFib or any other arrhythmia at this time. If he does not improve as expected with volume resuscitation and with resolution of his sepsis, we will obtain an echocardiogram to assess his cardiac function. Once he is off the vasopressors, we will try low-dose beta blockade as tolerated to reduce his rate.,2. Pulmonology. Currently, the patient is on full vent support with a rate of 20, tidal volume of 550, pressure support of 10, PEEP of 6, and FiO2 of 60. We will wean his FiO2 as tolerated to keep his saturation greater than 90% and wean his PEEP as tolerated to reduce preload compromise. We will keep the head of bed elevated and start chlorhexidine as swish and swallow for VAP prevention.,3. Gastrointestinal. The patient has known mesenteric venous occlusion secondary to the thrombus formation at the portal vein as well as the SMV. He is status post immediate resection of jejunum leaving a blind proximal jejunum and blind distal jejunum. We will maintain NG tube as he has a blind stump there, and we will preclude any further administration of any meds through this NG tube. I will keep him on GI prophylaxis as he is intubated. We will currently hold his TPN as he is undergoing a large amount of volume changes as well as he is undergoing electrolyte changes. He will have a long-term TPN after this acute episode. His LFTs are all normal currently. Once he is postop tomorrow, we will restart the Angiomax for his venous occlusion.,4. Renal. The patient currently is in the acute renal insufficiency with anuria and an increase in his creatinine as well as his potassium. His critical hyperkalemia which is requiring dosing of dextrose insulin, bicarb, and calcium; we will recheck his potassium levels after this cocktail. He currently is started to make more urine since being volume resuscitated with Hespan as well as bicarb drip. Hopefully given his increased urine output, he will start to eliminate some potassium and will not need dialysis. We will re-consult Nephrology at this time.,5. Endocrine. The patient has adrenal insufficiency based on lack of stem to cosyntropin. We will start hydrocortisone 50 q.6h.,6. Infectious Disease. Currently, the patient is on broad-spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis imperially. Given his bowel ischemia, we will continue these, and appreciate ID service's input.,7. Hematology. Hematologically, the patient has a hypercoagulable syndrome, also had HIT secondary to his heparin administration. We will restart the Angiomax once he is back from the OR tomorrow. Currently, his INR is 2.2. Therefore, he should be covered at the moment. Appreciate the Hematology's input in this matter.,Please note the total critical care time spent at the bedside excluding central line placement was 1 hour.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Empyema thoracis.,2. Need for intravenous antibiotics.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Empyema thoracis.,2. Need for intravenous antibiotics.,PROCEDURE:, Central line insertion.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , With the patient in his room, after obtaining the informed consent, his left deltopectoral area was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Xylocaine 1% was infiltrated and with the patient in the Trendelenburg position, the left subclavian vein was subcutaneously cannulated without any difficulty. The triple-lumen catheter was inserted and all ports were flushed out and were irrigated with normal saline. The catheter was fixed to the skin with sutures. The dressing was applied and then the chest x-ray was obtained which showed no complications of the procedure and good position of the, thoracis, intravenous, central line insertion, empyema, catheter,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Torn rotator cuff, right shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Torn rotator cuff, right shoulder.,2. Subacromial spur with impingement syndrome, right shoulder.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Diagnostic arthroscopy with subacromial decompression.,2. Open repair of rotator cuff using three Panalok suture anchors.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Approximately 200 cc.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , There was noted to be a full thickness tear to the supraspinatus tendon at the insertion of the greater tuberosity. There is moderate amount of synovitis noted throughout the glenohumeral joint. There is a small subacromial spur noted on the very anterolateral border of the acromion.,HISTORY: , This is a 62-year-old female who previously underwent a repair of rotator cuff. She continued to have pain within the shoulder. She had a repeat MRI performed, which confirmed the clinical diagnosis of re-tear of the rotator cuff. She wished to proceed with a repair. All risks and benefits of the surgery were discussed with her at length. She was in agreement with the above treatment plan.,PROCEDURE: , On 08/21/03, she was taken to the Operative Room at ABCD General Hospital. She was placed supine on the operating table. General anesthesia was applied by the Anesthesiology Department. She was placed in the modified beachchair position. Her upper extremity was sterilely prepped and draped in usual fashion. A stab incision was made in the posterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint. A camera was placed in the joint and was insufflated with saline solution. Intraoperative pictures were obtained and the above findings were noted. A second port site was initiated anteriorly. Through this a probe was placed and the intraarticular structures were palpated and found to be intact. A tear of the inner surface of the rotator cuff was identified. The camera was then taken to the subacromial space. A straight lateral portal was also used and a shaver was placed into the subacromial space. Further debridement of the anterolateral border of the acromion was performed to remove evidence of the subacromial spur, which had reformed. The edges of the rotator cuff were then debrided. The camera was then removed and the shoulder was suction and dried. A lateral incision was made over the anterolateral border of the acromion. Subcuticular tissues were carefully dissected. Hemostasis was controlled with electrocautery. The deltoid musculature was then incised and aligned with its fibers exposing the rotator cuff tear and the edges were further debrided using a rongeur. A trough was then made in the greater tuberosity using the rongeur. Two Panalok anchors were then placed within the trough and weaved through the suture and third Panalok anchor was placed medial to the trough and weaved through the rotator cuff. The ends of the suture were tied down from the fixating the rotator cuff within the trough. The rotator cuff was then further oversewed using the Panalok suture. The wound was then copiously irrigated and it was then suction dried. The deltoid muscle was reapproximated using #1 Vicryl. A continuous infusion pump catheter was placed into the subacromial space to help with postoperative pain control. The subcutaneous tissues were reapproximated with #2-0 Vicryl. The skin was closed with #4-0 PDS running subcuticular stitch. Sterile dressing was applied to the upper extremity. She was then placed in a shoulder immobilizer. She was transferred to the recovery room in apparent stable and satisfactory condition. Prognosis for this patient was guarded. She will begin pendulum exercises postoperative day #3. She will follow back in the office in 10 to 14 days for reevaluation. Physical therapy initiated approximately six weeks postoperatively.orthopedic, subacromial decompression, panalok suture, repair of rotator cuff, torn rotator cuff, diagnostic arthroscopy, subacromial space, subacromial spur, arthroscopy, panalok, shoulder, subacromial,
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is brought in by an assistant with some of his food diary sheets. They wonder if the patient needs to lose anymore weight.,OBJECTIVE:, The patient's weight today is 186-1/2 pounds, which is down 1-1/2 pounds in the past month. He has lost a total of 34-1/2 pounds. I praised this. I went over his food diary and praised all of his positive food choices reported, especially his use of sugar-free Kool-Aid, sugar-free pudding, and diet pop. I encouraged him to continue all of that, as well as his regular physical activity.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient is losing weight at an acceptable rate. He needs to continue keeping a food diary and his regular physical activity.,PLAN:, The patient plans to see Dr. XYZ at the end of May 2005. I recommended that they ask Dr. XYZ what weight he would like for the patient to be at. Follow up will be with me June 13, 2005.soap / chart / progress notes, weight, kool-aid, food diary sheets, diary sheets, physical activity, food diary, dietary, sheets, diary, food
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Fullness in right base of the tongue.,2. Chronic right ear otalgia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Pending pathology.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Microsuspension direct laryngoscopy with biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATION:, This is a 50-year-old female who presents to the office with a chief complaint of ear pain on the right side. Exact etiology of her ear pain had not been identified. A fiberoptic examination had been performed in the office. Upon examination, she was noted to have fullness in the right base of her tongue. She was counseled on the risks, benefits, and alternatives to surgery and consented to such.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the Operative Suite where she was placed in supine position. General endotracheal tube intubation was delivered by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was rotated 90 degrees away where a shoulder roll was placed. A tooth guard was then placed to protect the upper dentition. The Dedo laryngoscope was then inserted into the oral cavity. It was advanced on the right lateral pharyngeal wall until the epiglottis was brought into view. At this point, it was advanced underneath the epiglottis until the vocal cords were seen. At this point, it was suspended via the Lewy suspension arm from the Mayo stand. At this point, the Zeiss microscope with a 400 mm lens was brought into the surgical field. Inspection of the vocal cords underneath the microscope revealed them to be white and glistening without any mucosal abnormalities. It should be mentioned that the right vocal cord did appear to be slightly more hyperemic, however, there were no mucosal abnormalities identified. This was confirmed with a laryngeal probe as well as use of mirror evaluated in the subglottic portion as well as the ventricle. At this point, the scope was desuspended and the microscope was removed. The scope was withdrawn through the vallecular region. Inspection of the vallecula revealed a fullness on the right side with a papillomatous type growth that appeared very friable. Biopsies were obtained with straight-biting cup forceps. Once hemostasis was achieved, the scope was advanced into the piriform sinuses. Again in the right piriform sinus, there was noted to be studding along the right lateral wall of the piriform sinus. Again, biopsies were performed and once hemostasis was achieved, the scope was further withdrawn down the lateral pharyngeal wall. There were no mucosal abnormalities identified within the oropharynx. The scope was then completely removed and a bimanual examination was performed. No neck masses were identified. At this point, the procedure was complete. The mouth guard was removed and the patient was returned to Anesthesia for awakening and taken to the recovery room without, microsuspension, laryngoscopy, otalgia, ear pain, fiberoptic, dedo laryngoscope, epiglottis, direct laryngoscopy, piriform sinuses, tongue, microscope, mucosal, abnormalities, fullness, ear, scope
CC:, Fall with questionable associated loss of consciousness.,HX: ,This 81 y/o RHM fell down 20 steps on the evening of admission, 1/10/93, while attempting to put his boots on at the top of the staircase. He was evaluated locally and was amnestic to the event at the time of examination. A HCT scan was obtained and he was transferred to UIHC, Neurosurgery.,MEDS:, Lasix 40mg qd, Zantac 150mg qd, Lanoxin 0.125mg qd, Capoten 2.5mg bid, Salsalate 750mg tid, ASA 325mg qd, "Ginsana" (Ginseng) 100mg bid.,PMH: ,1)Atrial fibrillation, 2)Right hemisphere stroke, 11/22/88, with associated left hemiparesis and amaurosis fugax. This was followed by a RCEA, 12/1/88 for 98% stenosis. The stroke symptoms/signs resolved. 3)DJD, 4)Right TKR 2-3 years ago, 5)venous stasis; with no h/o DVT, 6)former participant in NASCET, 7)TURP for BPH. No known allergies.,FHX:, Father died of an MI at unknown age, Mother died of complications of a dental procedure. He has one daughter who is healthy.,SHX:, Married. Part-time farmer. Denied tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,BP157/86, HR100 and irregular, RR20, 36.7C, 100%SaO2,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria.,CN: Pupils 3/3 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light. EOM intact. VFFTC. Optic disks were flat. Face was symmetric with symmetric movement. The remainder of the CN exam was unremarkable.,Motor: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: unremarkable.,Coord: unremarkable.,Station/Gait: not mentioned in chart.,Reflexes: symmetric. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,Gen Exam: CV:IRRR without murmur. Lungs: CTA. Abdomen: NT, ND, NBS.,HEENT: abrasion over the right forehead.,Extremity: distal right leg edema/erythema (just above the ankle). tender to touch.,COURSE:, 1/10/93, (outside)HCT was reviewed, It revealed a left parietal epidural hematoma. GS, PT/PTT, UA, and CBC were unremarkable. RLE XR revealed a fracture of the right lateral malleolus for which he was casted. Repeat HCTs showed no change in the epidural hematoma and he was discharged home on DPH.consult - history and phy., loss of consciousness, parietal epidural hematoma, parietal epidural, epidural hematoma, consciousness, epidural, hematoma,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Bladder cancer.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bladder cancer.,OPERATION: ,Transurethral resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT), large.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is an 82-year-old male who presented to the hospital with renal insufficiency, syncopal episodes. The patient was stabilized from cardiac standpoint on a renal ultrasound. The patient was found to have a bladder mass. The patient does have a history of bladder cancer. Options were watchful waiting, resection of the bladder tumor were discussed. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT, PE were discussed. The patient understood all the risks, benefits, and options and wanted to proceed with the procedure.,DETAILS OF THE OR: ,The patient was brought to the OR, anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A 23-French scope was inserted inside the urethra into the bladder. The entire bladder was visualized, which appeared to have a large tumor, lateral to the right ureteral opening.,There was a significant papillary superficial fluffiness around the left ________. There was a periureteral diverticulum, lateral to the left ureteral opening. There were moderate trabeculations throughout the bladder. There were no stones. Using a French cone tip catheter, bilateral pyelograms were obtained, which appeared normal. Subsequently, using 24-French cutting loop resectoscope a resection of the bladder tumor was performed all the way up to the base. Deep biopsies were sent separately. Coagulation was performed around the periphery and at the base of the tumor. All the tumors were removed and sent for path analysis. There was an excellent hemostasis. The rest of the bladder appeared normal. There was no further evidence of tumor. At the end of the procedure, a 22 three-way catheter was placed, and the patient was brought to the recovery in a stable condition.urology, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor, transurethral resection, bladder cancer, bladder tumor, bladder, turbt, insufficiency, tumor
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , "A lot has been thrown at me.",The patient is interviewed with husband in room.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 69-year-old Caucasian woman with a history of Huntington disease, who presented to Hospital four days ago after an overdose of about 30 Haldol tablets 5 mg each and Tylenol tablet 325 mg each, 40 tablets. She has been on the medical floor for monitoring and is medically stable and was transferred to the psychiatric floor today. The patient states she had been thinking about suicide for a couple of weeks. Felt that her Huntington disease had worsened and she wanted to spare her family and husband from trouble. Reports she has been not socializing with her family because of her worsening depression. Husband notes that on Monday after speaking to Dr. X, they had been advised to alternate the patient's Pamelor (nortriptyline) to every other day because the patient was reporting dry mouth. They did as they have instructed and husband feels this may have had some factor on her worsening depression. The patient decided to ingest the pills when her husband went to work on Friday. She thought Friday would be a good day because there would be less medical people working so her chances of receiving medical care would be lessened. Her husband left around 7 in the morning and returned around 11 and found her sleeping. About 30 minutes after his arrival, he found the empty bottles and woke up the patient to bring her to the hospital.,She says she wishes she would have died, but is happy she is alive and is currently not suicidal because she notes her sons may be have to be tested for the Huntington gene. She does not clearly explain how this has made her suicidality subside.,This is the third suicide attempt in the last two months for this patient. About two months ago, the patient took an overdose of Tylenol and some other medication, which the husband and the patient are not able to recall. She was taken to Southwest Memorial Hermann Hospital. A few weeks ago, the patient tried to shoot herself and the gun was fired and there is a blow-hole in the floor. Husband locked the gun after that and she was taken to Bellaire Hospital. The patient has had three psychiatric admissions in the past two months, two to Southwest Memorial and one to Bellaire Hospital for 10 days. She sees Dr. X once or twice weekly. He started seeing her after her first suicide attempt.,The patient's husband and the patient state that until March 2009, the patient was independent, was driving herself around and was socially active. Since then she has had worsening of her Huntington symptoms including short-term memory loss. At present, the patient could not operate the microwave or operate her cell phone and her husband says that she is progressively more withdrawn, complains about anxiety, and complains about shortness of breath. The patient notes that she has had depressive symptoms of quitting social life, the patient being withdrawn for the past few months and excessive worry about her Huntington disease.,The patient's mother passed away 25 years ago from Huntington's. Her grandmother passed away 50 years ago and two brothers also passed away of Huntington's. The patient has told her husband that she does not want to go that way. The patient denies auditory or visual hallucinations, denies paranoid ideation. The husband and the patient deny any history of manic or hypomanic symptoms in the past.,PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , As per the HPI, this is her third suicide attempt in the last two months and started seeing Dr. X. She has a remote history of being on Lexapro for depression.,MEDICATIONS: , Her medications on admission, alprazolam 0.5 mg p.o. b.i.d., Artane 2 mg p.o. b.i.d., Haldol 2.5 mg p.o. t.i.d., Norvasc 10 mg p.o. daily, nortriptyline 50 mg p.o. daily. Husband has stated that the patient's chorea becomes better when she takes Haldol. Alprazolam helps her with anxiety symptoms.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Huntington disease, symptoms of dementia and hypertension. She has an upcoming appointment with the Neurologist. Currently, does have a primary care physician and _______ having an outpatient psychiatrist, Dr. X, and her current Neurologist, Dr. Y.,ALLERGIES: , CODEINE AND KEFLEX.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Strong family history for Huntington disease as per the HPI. Mother and grandmother died of Huntington disease. Two young brothers also had Huntington disease.,FAMILY PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , The patient denies history of depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, or suicide attempts.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient lives with her husband of 48 years. She used to be employed as a registered nurse. Her husband states that she does have a pattern of self-prescribing for minor illness, but does not think that she has ever taken muscle relaxants or sedative medications without prescriptions. She rarely drinks socially. She denies any illicit substance usage. Her husband reportedly gives her medication daily. Has been proactive in terms of seeking mental health care and medical care. The patient and husband report that from March 2009, she has been relatively independent, more socially active.,MENTAL STATUS EXAM: ,This is an elderly woman appearing stated age. Alert and oriented x4 with poor eye contact. Appears depressed, has psychomotor retardation, and some mild involuntary movements around her lips. She is cooperative. Her speech is of low volume and slow rate and rhythm. Her mood is sad. Her affect is constricted. Her thought process is logical and goal-directed. Her thought content is negative for current suicidal ideation. No homicidal ideation. No auditory or visual hallucinations. No command auditory hallucinations. No paranoia. Insight and judgment are fair and intact.,LABORATORY DATA:, A CT of the brain without contrast, without any definite evidence of acute intracranial abnormality. U-tox positive for amphetamines and tricyclic antidepressants. Acetaminophen level 206.7, alcohol level 0. The patient had a leukocytosis with white blood cell of 15.51, initially TSH 1.67, T4 10.4.,ASSESSMENT: , This is a 69-year-old white woman with Huntington disease, who presents with the third suicide attempt in the past two months. She took 30 tablets of Haldol and 40 tablets of Tylenol. At present, the patient is without suicidal ideation. She reports that her worsening depression has coincided with her worsening Huntington disease. She is more hopeful today, feels that she may be able to get help with her depression.,The patient was admitted four days ago to the medical floor and has subsequently been stabilized. Her liver function tests are within normal limits.,AXIS I: Major depressive disorder due to Huntington disease, severe. Cognitive disorder, NOS.,AXIS II: Deferred.,AXIS III: Hypertension, Huntington disease, status post overdose.,AXIS IV: Chronic medical illness.,AXIS V: 30.,PLAN,1. Safety. The patient would be admitted on a voluntary basis to Main-7 North. She will be placed on every 15-minute checks with suicidal precautions.,2. Primary psychiatric issues/medical issues. The patient will be restarted as per written by the consult service for Prilosec 200 mg p.o. daily, nortriptyline 50 mg p.o. nightly, Haldol 2 mg p.o. q.8h., Artane 2 mg p.o. daily, Xanax 0.5 mg p.o. q.12h., fexofenadine 180 mg p.o. daily, Flonase 50 mcg two sprays b.i.d., amlodipine 10 mg p.o. daily, lorazepam 0.5 mg p.o. q.6h. p.r.n. anxiety and agitation.,3. Substance abuse. No acute concern for alcohol or benzo withdrawal.,4. Psychosocial. Team will update and involve family as necessary.,DISPOSITION: , The patient will be admitted for evaluation, observation, treatment. She will participate in the milieu therapy with daily rounds, occupational therapy, and group therapy. We will place occupational therapy consult and social work consults.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left cervical radiculopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Left cervical radiculopathy.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. C5-C6 anterior cervical discectomy.,2. Bone bank allograft.,3. Anterior cervical plate.,TUBES AND DRAINS LEFT IN PLACE: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,SPECIMEN SENT TO PATHOLOGY: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,INDICATIONS: , This is a middle-aged man who presented to me with left arm pain. He had multiple levels of disease, but clinically, it was C6 radiculopathy. We tested him in the office and he had weakness referable to that nerve. The procedure was done at that level.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room at which time an intravenous line was placed. General endotracheal anesthesia was obtained. He was positioned supine in the operative area and the right neck was prepared.,An incision was made and carried down to the ventral spine on the right in the usual manner. An x-ray confirmed our location.,We were impressed by the degenerative change and the osteophyte overgrowth.,As we had excepted, the back of the disk space was largely closed off by osteophytes. We patiently drilled through them to the posterior ligament. We went through that until we saw the dura.,We carefully went to the patient's symptomatic, left side. The C6 foramen was narrowed by uncovertebral joint overgrowth. The foramen was open widely.,An allograft was placed. An anterior Steffee plate was placed. Closure was commenced.,The wound was closed in layers with Steri-Strips on the skin. A dressing was applied.,It should be noted that the above operation was done also with microscopic magnification and illumination.orthopedic, cervical radiculopathy, anterior cervical discectomy, bank allograft, cervical discectomy, anterior, cervical, foramen, discectomy, allograft, radiculopathy,
FINAL DIAGNOSIS/REASON FOR ADMISSION:,1. Acute right lobar pneumonia.,2. Hypoxemia and hypotension secondary to acute right lobar pneumonia.,3. Electrolyte abnormality with hyponatremia and hypokalemia - corrected.,4. Elevated liver function tests, etiology undetermined.,5. The patient has a history of moderate-to-severe dementia, Alzheimer's type.,6. Anemia secondary to current illness and possible iron deficiency.,7. Darkened mole on the scalp, status post skin biopsy, pending pathology report.,OPERATION AND PROCEDURE: , The patient underwent a scalp skin biopsy with pathology specimen obtained on 6/11/2009. Dr. X performed the procedure, thoracentesis on 6/12/2009 both diagnostic and therapeutic. Dr. Y's results pending.,DISPOSITION: , The patient discharged to long-term acute facility under the care of Dr. Z.,CONDITION ON DISCHARGE: , Clinically improved, however, requiring acute care.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Include those on admission combined with IV Flagyl 500 mg every 8 hours and Levaquin 500 mg daily.,HOSPITAL SUMMARY: , This is one of several admissions for this 68-year-old female who over the initial 48 hours preceding admission had a complaint of low-grade fever, confusion, dizziness, and a nonproductive cough. Her symptoms progressed and she presented to the emergency room at Brighton Gardens where a chest x-ray revealed evolving right lobar infiltrate. She was started on antibiotics. Infectious Disease was consulted. She was initially begun on vancomycin. Blood, sputum, and urine cultures were obtained; the results of which were negative for infection. She was switched to IV Levaquin and received IV Flagyl for possible C. diff colitis as well as possible cholecystitis. During her hospital stay, she initially was extremely relatively hypotensive with mild symptoms and she became dizzy with upright positioning. Her systolic blood pressure was 60-70 mmHg despite rather aggressive IV fluid management up to 250 mL an hour. She was seen in consultation by Dr. Y who monitored her fluid and pulmonary treatment. Due to some elevated liver function tests, she was seen in consultation by Dr. X. An ultrasound was negative; however, she did undergo CT scan of the chest and abdomen and there was a suspicion of fluid circling the gallbladder. A HIDA scan was performed and revealed no evidence of gallbladder dysfunction. Liver functions were monitored throughout her stay and while elevated, did reduce to approximately 1.5 times normal value. She also was seen in consultation by Infectious Disease who followed her for several days and agreed with current management of antibiotics. Over her week-stay, the patient was moderately hypoxemic with room air pulse oximetry of 90%. She was placed on incentive spirometry and over the succeeding days, she did have improved pulmonary function.,LABORATORY TESTS: , Initially revealed a white count of 13,000, however, approximately 24 hours following admission her white count stabilized and in fact remained normal throughout her stay. Blood cultures were negative at 5 days. Sputum culture was negative. Urine culture was negative and thoracentesis culture negative at 24 hours. The patient did receive 2 units of packed red cells with the hemoglobin drop to 9 for cardiovascular support, as no evidence of GI bleeding was obtained. Her most recent blood work on 6/14/2009 revealed a white count of 7000 and hemoglobin of 12.1 with a hematocrit of 36.8. Her PT and PTT were normal. Occult blood studies were negative for occult blood. Hepatitis B antigen was negative. Hepatitis A antibody IgM was negative. Hepatitis B core IgM negative, and hepatitis C core antibody was negative. At the time of discharge on 6/14/2009, sodium was 135, potassium was 3.7, calcium was 8.0, her ALT was 109, AST was 70, direct bilirubin was 0.2, LDH was 219, serum iron was 7, total iron unbound 183, and ferritin level was 267.,At the time of discharge, the patient had improved. She complained of some back discomfort and lumbosacral back x-ray did reveal some evidence of mild degenerative disk disease with no obvious compression fracture acute noted and she will be followed by Dr. Z.discharge summary, pneumonia, hypoxemia, hypotension, electrolyte abnormality, anemia, scalp skin biopsy, liver function tests, lobar pneumonia, infectious disease, skin biopsy, white count, cultures
CLOTHING: , The body is clad in a light green hospital gown, which is intact, dry and clean. There is no jewelry present.,EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:, The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished white woman appearing the offered age of 39 years. The body measures 71 inches and weighs 178 pounds.,The unembalmed body is well preserved and cool to touch due to refrigeration. Rigor mortis is fully developed in the major muscle groups. Livor mortis is fixed and purple posteriorly except over pressure points. However, during initial examination in the emergency room, there was no rigor and lividity was at a minimum and unfixed. The skin is intact and shows no evidence of trauma except for medical intervention. The scalp hair is blond and measures up to 5 inches in length in the frontal area and up to 19 inches in length in the back and on top of the head. There are multiple blonde hair extensions including several pink strands attached to the natural hair, which shows light brown roots. The irides are hazel and the pupils are equal, each measuring 0.5 centimeter in diameter. The corneae are clear and the sclerae and conjunctivae are free of petechiae. The nasal bones are intact by palpation. The nares are patent and contain no foreign matter. There is a 3-millimeter raised nodule on the right side of the nose. The natural teeth are in good condition. The frenula are intact. The oral mucosa and tongue are free of injuries. The external ears have no injuries. There are bilateral earlobe piercings; no earring or jewelry were present. There are no earlobe creases.,The neck is symmetrical and shows no masses or injuries. The trachea is in the midline. The shoulders are symmetrical and are free of scars.,The chest is symmetrical and shows no evidence of injury. There were bilateral breasts with asymmetry of the left breast due to scarring. The flat abdomen has no injuries. There are piercings above and below the umbilicus. The back is symmetrical. The buttocks have inconspicuous small scars, bilaterally. There is a flat, round scar on the lower aspect of the left buttock approximately 1/2 inch in diameter.,The genitalia are those of a normally developed adult woman. There is no evidence of injury. The anus is unremarkable.,The upper extremities are symmetrical and have no injuries. The fingernails are long and clean. There is a linear 1/2 inch scar on the anterior right forearm. Two parallel linear scars measuring 1 inch and 2 inches are on the anterior surface of the left forearm. The lower extremities are symmetrical. The toenails are short and clean. There is no edema of the legs or ankles. There is no abnormal motion of the neck, the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists, the fingers, the hips and ankles. There is no bony crepitus or cutaneous crepitus present.,EVIDENCE OF INJURY: , A dissection of the posterior neck and upper back show a 2-1/4 x 2-3/4 inch reddish, recent contusion of the subcutaneous and superficial muscle layer of the left posterior shoulder. A recent, reddish, 1-3/4 x 1-1/2 inch reddish contusion is present on the right posterior shoulder involving the superficial muscular layer.,EVIDENCE OF RECENT MEDICAL TREATMENT: , A properly positioned size 8 endotracheal tube retained by a Thomas clamp is present at the mouth with the marker 22 at the anterior teeth. ,Electrocardiogram pads are on the anterior chest in the following order: two on the right anterior shoulder, two on the left anterior shoulder, one on the upper anterior left arm, one each on the anterior side, one each on the anterior leg.,Two defibrillator pads are present: one to the right of the midline, above the right breast, and one to the left of the midline, below the left breast.,There is intravenous line placement at the right anterior neck with hemorrhage into the anterior strap muscles of the neck. One recent needle puncture mark is in the right antecubital fossa and two recent needle puncture marks are at the anterior left elbow with surrounding ecchymoses. There is one recent needle puncture into the medial one-third of the left anterior forearm with surrounding ecchymosis. A recent needle puncture mark is at the left anterior wrist with surrounding reddish ecchymosis, 1 inch in diameter.,OTHER IDENTIFYING FEATURES: , There are multiple scars and tattoos on the body.,SCARS:, A 3/4 x 1/2 inch flat scar is on the upper inner aspect of the right breast quadrant. A 1/2 x 3/8-inch scar is on the medial aspect of the left nipple. There are circular scars adjacent to both areolae. The right inframammary skin has a linear transverse 3/4 inch remote "chest tube" scar. There were bilateral inframammary and transverse linear 3-3/4 inch scars compatible with left and right mammoplasty with breast implants. There are circular scars surrounding piercings above and below the umbilicus. A flat 3/8 inch in diameter scar is present on the middle third of the anterior surface of the right thigh. Lateral to this scar is a 1/2 inch in diameter flat scar. There are several scattered small inconspicuous scars on both buttocks. There is a cluster of multiple, parallel, linear, well-healed scars on the anterior and lateral aspects of the right leg covered by a tattoo.,TATTOOS: , There is a pair of red lips in the right lower abdominal quadrant.,Two red cherries are on the right mid pelvis.,A "Playboy Bunny" is on the left anterior mid pelvis.,The words "Daniel" and "Papas" are on the mid anterior pelvis region.,A mixed tattoo on the right lower leg and ankle represents: Christ's head; Our Lady of,Guadalupe; the Holy Bible; the naked torso of a woman; the smiling face of Marilyn Monroe; a,cross; a heart and shooting flames.,A mermaid on a flower bed with a pair of lips underneath it laying across the lower back.,INTERNAL EXAMINATION: ,The body was opened with the usual Y incision. The breast tissues, when incised, revealed bilateral implants, each containing 700ml of clear fluid. The implants were surrounded by a thick connective tissue capsule with a thick yellow fluid. The content of each capsule was collected for bacteriological cultures.,BODY CAVITIES: , The muscles of the chest and abdominal wall are normal in color and consistency. The lungs are neither hyperinflated nor atelectatic when the pleural cavities are opened. The right lung shows adherence to the parietal pleura and to the diaphragm interiorly. The ribs, sternum and spine exhibit no fractures. The right and left pleural cavities have no free fluid. There are extensive right pleural fibrous adhesions. The mediastinum is in the midline. The pericardial sac has a normal amount of clear yellow fluid. The diaphragm has no abnormality. The subcutaneous abdominal fat measures 3 centimeters in thickness at the umbilicus. The abdominal cavity is lined with glistening serosa and has no collections of free fluid. The organs are normally situated. The mesentery and omentum are unremarkable.,NECK: , The soft tissues and the strap muscles of the neck, aside from the previously described focal hemorrhages, exhibit no abnormalities. The hyoid bone and the cartilages of the larynx and thyroid are intact and show no evidence of injury. The larynx and trachea are lined by smooth pink-tan mucosa, are patent and contain no foreign matter. There is a focal area of reddish hyperemia at the carina associated with the endotracheal tube. The epiglottis and vocal cords are unremarkable. The cervical vertebral column is intact. The carotid arteries and jugular veins are unremarkable.,CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: , The heart and great vessels contain dark red liquid blood and little postmortem clots. The heart weighs 305 grams. The epicardial surface has a normal amount of glistening, yellow adipose tissue. The coronary arteries are free of atherosclerosis. The cut surfaces of the brown myocardium show no evidence of hemorrhage or necrosis.,The pulmonary trunk and arteries are opened in situ and there is no evidence of thromboemboli. The intimal surface of the aorta is smooth with a few scattered yellow atheromata. The ostia of the major branches are of normal distribution and dimension. The inferior vena cava and tributaries have no antemortem clots (See attached cardiopathology report for additional details).,RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: ,The lungs weigh 550 grams and 500 grams, right and left, respectively. There is a small amount of subpleural anthracotic pigment within all the lobes. The pleural surfaces are free of exudates; right-sided pleural adhesions have been described above. The trachea and bronchi have smooth tan epithelium. The cut surfaces of the lungs are red-pink and have mild edema. The lung parenchyma is of the usual consistency and shows no evidence of neoplasm, consolidation, thromboemboli, fibrosis or calcification.,HEPATOBILIARY SYSTEM: ,The liver weighs 2550 grams. The liver edge is somewhat blunted. The capsule is intact. The cut surfaces are red-brown and of normal consistency. There are no focal lesions. The gallbladder contains 15 milliliters of dark green bile. There are no stones. The mucosa is unremarkable. The large bile ducts are patent and non-dilated.,HEMOLYMPHATIC SYSTEM: ,The thymus is not identified. The spleen weighs 310 grams. The capsule is shiny, smooth and intact. The cut surfaces are firm and moderately congested. The lymphoid tissue in the spleen is within a normal range. The lymph nodes throughout the body are not enlarged.,GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: ,The tongue shows a small focus of submucosal hemorrhage near the tip. The esophagus is empty and the mucosa is unremarkable. The stomach contains an estimated 30 milliliters of thick sanguinous fluid. The gastric mucosa shows no evidence or ulceration. There is a mild flattening of the rugal pattern within the antrum with intense hyperemia. The duodenum contains bile-stained thick tan fluid. The jejunum, ileum, and the colon contain yellowish fluid with a thick, cloudy, particulate matter. There is no major alteration to internal and external inspection and palpation except for a yellowish/white shiny discoloration of the mucosa. The vermiform appendix is identified. The pancreas is tan, lobulated and shows no neoplasia, calcification or hemorrhage.,There are no intraluminal masses or pseudomenbrane.,UROGENITAL SYSTEM: nan
OPERATIONS/PROCEDURES,1. Insertion of right internal jugular Tessio catheter.,2. Placement of left wrist primary submental arteriovenous fistula.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. Adequate general endotracheal anesthesia was induced. Appropriate monitoring lines were placed. The right neck, chest and left arm were prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A small incision was made at the top of the anterior jugular triangle in the right neck. Through this small incision, the right internal jugular vein was punctured and a guidewire was placed. It was punctured a 2nd time, and a 2nd guidewire was placed. The Tessio catheters were assembled. They were measured for length. Counter-incisions were made on the right chest. They were then tunneled through these lateral chest wall incisions to the neck incision, burying the Dacron cuffs. They were flushed with saline. A suture was placed through the guidewire, and the guidewire and dilator were removed. The arterial catheter was then placed through this, and the tear-away introducer was removed. The catheter aspirated and bled easily. It was flushed with saline and capped. This was repeated with the venous line. It also aspirated easily and was flushed with saline and capped. The neck incision was closed with a 4-0 Tycron, and the catheters were sutured at the exit sites with 4-0 nylon. Dressings were applied. An incision was then made at the left wrist. The basilic vein was dissected free, as was the radial artery. Heparin was given, 50 mg. The radial artery was clamped proximally and distally with a bulldog. It was opened with a #11 blade and Potts scissors, and stay sutures of 5-0 Prolene were placed. The vein was clipped distally, divided and spatulated for anastomosis. It was sutured to the radial artery with a running 7-0 Prolene suture. The clamps were removed. Good flow was noted through the artery. Protamine was given, and the wound was closed with interrupted 3-0 Dexon subcutaneous and a running 4-0 Dexon subcuticular on the skin. The patient tolerated the procedure, internal jugular tessio catheter, arteriovenous, fistula, submental, tunneled, tessio catheter, internal jugular, radial artery, tessio, jugular, artery, catheterNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
EXAM: , MRI of the brain without contrast.,HISTORY: , Daily headaches for 6 months in a 57-year-old.,TECHNIQUE: ,Noncontrast axial and sagittal images were acquired through the brain in varying degrees of fat and water weighting.,FINDINGS: , The brain is normal in signal intensity and morphology for age. There are no extraaxial fluid collections. There is no hydrocephalus/midline shift. Posterior fossa, 7th and 8th nerve complexes and intraorbital contents are within normal limits. The normal vascular flow volumes are maintained. The paranasal sinuses are clear.,Diffusion images demonstrate no area of abnormally restricted diffusion that suggests acute infarct.,IMPRESSION: , Normal MRI brain. Specifically, no findings to explain the patient's headaches are identified.radiology, mri, diffusion, posterior fossa, axial, brain, contrast, extraaxial, flow, fluid collections, headaches, hydrocephalus, intraorbital, morphology, paranasal, sagittal, sinuses, vascular, weighting, without contrast, mri of the brain, noncontrast,
SUBJECTIVE: , I am following the patient today for multiple issues. He once again developed gross hematuria, which was unprovoked. His Coumadin has been held. The patient has known BPH and is on Flomax. He is being treated with Coumadin because of atrial fibrillation and stroke. This is the second time he has had significant gross hematuria this month. He also fell about a week ago and is complaining of buttock pain and leg pain. We did get x-rays of hips, knees, and ankles. Clearly, he has significant degenerative disease in all these areas. No fractures noted however. He felt that the pain is pretty severe and particularly worse in the morning. His sinuses are bothering him. He wonders about getting some nasal saline spray. We talked about Coumadin, stroke risk, etc. in the setting of atrial fibrillation.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vitals: As in chart. The patient is alert, pleasant, and cooperative. He is not in any apparent distress. He is comfortable in a seated position. I did not examine him further today.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Hematuria. Coumadin needs to be stopped, so we will evaluate what is going on, which is probably just some BPH. We will also obtain a repeat UA as he did describe to me some dysuria. However, I do not think this would account for the gross hematuria. He will be started on an aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily.,2. For the pain we will try him on Lortab. He will get a Lortab everyday in the morning 5/500 prior to getting out of bed, and then he will have the option of having a few more throughout the day if he requires it.,3. We will see about getting him set up with massage therapy and/or physical therapy as well for his back pain.,4. For his sinuses, we will arrange for him to have saline nasal spray at the bedside for p.r.n. use.general medicine, multiple issues, atrial fibrillation, gross hematuria, multiple, bph, fibrillation, hematuria,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Same.,PROCEDURE:,1. Stellate ganglion RFTC (radiofrequency thermocoagulation) left side.,2. Interpretation of Radiograph.,ANESTHESIA: ,IV Sedation with Versed and Fentanyl.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATIONS: , Patient with reflex sympathetic dystrophy, left side. Positive for allodynia, pain, mottled appearance, skin changes upper extremities as well as swelling.,SUMMARY OF PROCEDURE: , Patient is admitted to the Operating Room. Monitors placed, including EKG, Pulse oximeter, and BP cuff. Patient had a pillow placed under the shoulder blades. The head and neck was allowed to fall back into hyperextension. The neck region was prepped and draped in sterile fashion with Betadine and alcohol. Four sterile towels were placed. The cricothyroid membrane was palpated, then going one finger's breadth lateral from the cricothyroid membrane and one finger's breadth inferior, the carotid pulse was palpated and the sheath was retracted laterally. A 22 gauge SMK 5-mm bare tipped needle was then introduced in between the cricothyroid membrane and the carotid sheath and directed inferiomedially. The needle is advanced prudently through the tissues, avoiding the carotid artery laterally. The tip of the needle is perceived to intersect with the vertebral body of Cervical #7 and this was visualized by fluoroscopy. Aspiration was cautiously performed after the needle was retracted approximately 1 mm and held steady with left hand. No venous or arterial blood return is noted. No cerebral spinal fluid is noted. Positive sensory stimulation was elicited using the Radionics unit at 50 Hz from 0-0.1 volts and negative motor stimulation was elicited from 1-10 volts at 2 Hz. After negative aspiration through the 22 gauge SMK 5mm bare tipped needle is absolutely confirmed, 5 cc of solution (solution consisting of 5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine, 1 cc of triamcinolone) was then injected into the stellate ganglion region. This was done with intermittent aspiration vigilantly verifying negative aspiration. The stylet was then promptly replaced and neurolysis (nerve decompression) was then carried out for 60 seconds at 80 degrees centigrade. This exact same procedure using the exact same protocol was repeated one more time to complete the two lesions of the stellate ganglion. The patient was immediately placed in the sitting position to reduce any side effect from the stellate ganglion block associated with cephalad spread of the solution. Pressure was placed over the puncture site for approximately five minutes to eliminate any hemorrhage from blood vessels that may have been punctured and a Band-Aid was placed over the puncture site. Patient was monitored for an additional ten to fifteen minutes and was noted to have tolerated the procedure well without any adverse sequelae. Significant temperature elevation was noted on the affected side verifying neurolysis of the ganglion. ,Interpretation of radiograph reveals placement of the 22-gauge SMK 5-mm bare tipped needle in the region of the stellate ganglion on the affected side. Four lesions were carried out.pain management, sheath, vertebral body, regional pain syndrome, radiofrequency thermocoagulation, stellate ganglion, rftc, radiofrequency, radiograph, cricothyroid, thermocoagulation, ganglion,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Fracture dislocation, C2.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Fracture dislocation, C2.,OPERATION PERFORMED,1. Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of comminuted C2 fracture.,2. Posterior spinal instrumentation C1-C3, using Synthes system.,3. Posterior cervical fusion C1-C3.,4. Insertion of morselized allograft at C1to C3.,ANESTHESIA:, GETA.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 100 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS: , Hemovac x1.,Spinal cord monitoring is stable throughout the entire case.,DISPOSITION:, Vital signs are stable, extubated and taken back to the ICU in a satisfactory and stable condition.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION:, The patient is a middle-aged female, who has had a significantly displaced C2 comminuted fracture. This is secondary to a motor vehicle accident and it was translated appropriately 1 cm. Risks and benefits have been conferred with the patient as well as the family, they wish to proceed. The patient was taken to the operating room for a C1-C3 posterior cervical fusion, instrumentation, open reduction and internal fixation.,OPERATION IN DETAIL: , After appropriate consent was obtained from the patient, the patient was wheeled back to the operating theater room #5. The patient was placed in the usual supine position and intubated and under general anesthesia without any difficulties. Spinal cord monitoring was induced. No changes were seen from the beginning to the end of the case.,Mayfield tongues were placed appropriately. This was placed in line with the pinna of the ear as well as a cm above the tip of the earlobes. The patient was subsequently rolled onto the fluoroscopic OSI table in the usual prone position with chest rolls. The patient's Mayfield tongue was fixated in the usual standard fashion. The patient was subsequently prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Midline incision was extended from the base of the skull down to the C4 spinous process. Full thickness skin fascia developed. The fascia was incised at midline and the posterior elements at C1, C2, C3, as well as the inferior aspect of the occiput was exposed. Intraoperative x-ray confirmed the level to be C2.,Translaminar screws were placed at C2 bilaterally. Trajectory was completed with a hand drill and sounded in all four quadrants to make sure there was no violation of pedicles and once this was done, two 3.5 mm translaminar screws were placed bilaterally at C2. Good placement was seen both in the AP and lateral planes using fluoroscopy. Facet screws were then placed at C3. Using standard technique of Magerl, starting in the inferomedial quadrant 14 mm trajectories in the 25-degree caudad-cephalad direction as well as 25 degrees in the medial lateral direction was made. This was subsequently sounded in all four quadrants to make sure that there is no elevation of the trajectory. A 14 x 3.5 mm screws were then placed appropriately. Lateral masteries at C1 endplate were placed appropriately. The medial and lateral borders were demarcated with a Penfield. The great occipital nerve was retracted out the way. Starting point was made with a high-speed power bur and midline and lateral mass bilaterally. Using a 20-degree caudad-cephalad trajectory as well as 10-degree lateral-to-medial direction, the trajectory was completed in 8 mm increments, this was subsequently sounded in all four quadrants to make sure that there was no violation of the pedicle wall of the trajectory. Once this was done, 24 x 3.5 mm smooth Schanz screws were placed appropriately. Precontoured titanium rods were then placed between the screws at the C1, C2, C3 and casts were placed appropriately. Once this was done, all end caps were appropriately torqued. This completed the open reduction and internal fixation of the C2 fracture, which showed perfect alignment. It must be noted that the reduction was partially performed on the table using lateral fluoroscopy prior to the instrumentation, almost reducing the posterior vertebral margin of the odontoid fracture with the base of the C2 access. Once the screws were torqued bilaterally, good alignment was seen both in the AP and lateral planes using fluoroscopy, this completed instrumentation as well as open reduction and internal fixation of C2. The cervical fusion was completed by decorticating the posterior elements of C1, C2, and C3. Once this was done, the morselized allograft 30 mL of cortical cancellous bone chips with 10 mL of demineralized bone matrix was placed over the decorticated elements. The fascia was closed using interrupted #1 Vicryl suture figure-of-8. Superficial drain was placed appropriately. Good alignment of the instrumentation as well as of the fracture was seen both in the AP and lateral planes. The subcutaneous tissues were closed using a #2-0 Vicryl suture. The dermal edges were approximated using staples. The wound was then dressed sterilely using Bacitracin ointment, Xeroform, 4x4s, and tape, and the drain was connected appropriately. The patient was subsequently released with a Mayfield contraption and rolled on to the stretcher in the usual supine position. Mayfield tongues were subsequently released. No significant bleeding was appreciated. The patient was subsequently extubated uneventfully and taken back to the recovery room in satisfactory and stable condition. No complications arose.orthopedic, fracture dislocation, spinal instrumentatio, comminuted, fracture, morselized, allograft, vicryl suture, mayfield tongues, cervical fusion, internal fixation, orif, cervical, fusion, fixation, spinal, reduction, instrumentation,
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, This 3-year-old female presents today for evaluation of chronic ear infections bilateral.,ASSOCIATED SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS FOR OTITIS MEDIA: , Associated signs and symptoms include: cough, fever, irritability and speech and language delay. Duration (ENT): Duration of symptom: 12 rounds of antibiotics for otitis media. Quality of ear problems: Quality of the pain is throbbing.,ALLERGIES: , No known medical allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, None currently.,PMH:, Past medical history is unremarkable.,PSH: , No previous surgeries.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Parent admits child is in a large daycare.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Parent admits a family history of Alzheimer's disease associated with paternal grandmother.,ROS:, Unremarkable with exception of chief complaint.,PHYSICAL EXAM:, Temp: 99.6 Weight: 38 lbs.,Patient is a 3-year-old female who appears pleasant, in no apparent distress, her given age, well developed, well nourished and with good attention to hygiene and body habitus.,The child is accompanied by her mother who communicates well in English.,Head & Face: Inspection of head and face shows no abnormalities. Examination of salivary glands shows no abnormalities. Facial strength is normal.,Eyes: Pupil exam reveals PERRLA.,ENT: Otoscopic examination reveals otitis media bilateral.,Hearing exam using tuning fork shows hearing to be diminished bilateral.,Inspection of left ear reveals drainage of a small amount.,Inspection of nasal mucosa, septum and turbinates reveals no abnormalities.,Frontal and maxillary sinuses all transilluminate well bilaterally.,Inspection of lips, teeth, gums, and palate reveals no gingival hypertrophy, no pyorrhea, healthy gums, healthy teeth and no abnormalities.,Inspection of the tongue reveals normal color, good motility and midline position.,Examination of oropharynx reveals no abnormalities.,Examination of nasopharynx reveals adenoid hypertrophy.,Neck: Neck exam reveals no abnormalities.,Lymphatic: No neck or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy noted.,Respiratory: Chest inspection reveals chest configuration non-hyperinflated and symmetric expansion. Auscultation of lungs reveal clear lung fields and no rubs noted.,Cardiovascular: Heart auscultation reveals no murmurs, gallop, rubs or clicks.,Neurological/Psychiatric: Testing of cranial nerves reveals no deficits. Mood and affect normal and appropriate to situation.,TEST RESULTS:, Audiometry test shows conductive hearing loss at 30 decibels and flat tympanogram.,IMPRESSION: , OM, suppurative without spontaneous rupture. Adenoid hyperplasia bilateral.,PLAN:, Patient scheduled for myringotomy and tubes, with adenoidectomy, using general anesthesia, as outpatient and scheduled for 08/07/2003. Surgery will be performed at Children's Hospital. Pre-operative consent form read and signed by parent. Common risks and side effects of the procedure and anesthesia were mentioned. Parent questions elicited and answered satisfactorily regarding planned procedure. ,EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL PROVIDED: , Hospital preregistration, middle ear infection and myringtomy and tubes surgery.,PRESCRIPTIONS:, Augmentin Dosage: 400 mg-57 mg/5 ml powder for reconstitution Sig: One PO Q8h Dispense: 1 Refills: 0 Allow Generic: Nonan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,2. Multiple strokes.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,2. Multiple strokes.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Tracheostomy.,2. Thyroid isthmusectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal tube.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal, less than 25 cc.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 50-year-old gentleman who presented to the Emergency Department who had had multiple massive strokes. He had required ventilator assistance and was transported to the ICU setting. Because of the numerous deficits from the stroke, he is expected to have a prolonged ventilatory course and he will be requiring long-term care.,PROCEDURE: , After all risks, benefits, and alternatives were discussed with multiple family members in detail, informed consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the Operative Suite where he was placed in supine position and general anesthesia was delivered through the existing endotracheal tube. The neck was then palpated and marked appropriately in the cricoid cartilage sternal notch and thyroid cartilage marked appropriately with felt-tip marker. The skin was then anesthetized with a mixture of 1% lidocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine solution. The patient was prepped and draped in usual fashion. The surgeons were gowned and gloved. A vertical skin incision was then made with a #15 blade scalpel extending from approximately two fingerbreadths above the level of the sternum approximately 1 cm above the cricoid cartilage. Blunt dissection was then carried down until the fascia overlying the strap muscles were identified. At this point, the midline raphe was identified and the strap muscles were separated utilizing the Bovie cautery. Once the strap muscles have been identified, palpation was performed to identify any arterial aberration. A high-riding innominate was not identified. At this point, it was recognized that the thyroid gland was overlying the trachea could not be mobilized. Therefore, dissection was carried down through to the cricoid cartilage at which point hemostat was advanced underneath the thyroid gland, which was then doubly clamped and ligated with Bovie cautery. Suture ligation with #3-0 Vicryl was then performed on the thyroid gland in a double interlocking fashion. This cleared a significant portion of the trachea. The overlying pretracheal fascia was then cleared with use of pressured forceps as well as Bovie cautery. Now, a tracheal hook was placed underneath the cricoid cartilage in order to stabilize the trachea. The second tracheal ring was identified. The Bovie cautery reduced to create a tracheal window beneath the second tracheal ring that was inferiorly based. At this point, the anesthetist was appropriately alerted to deflate the endotracheal tube cuff. The airway was entered and inferior to the base, window was created. The anesthetist then withdrew the endotracheal tube until the tip of the tube was identified. At this point, a #8 Shiley tracheostomy tube was inserted freely into the tracheal lumen. The balloon was inflated and the ventilator was attached. He was immediately noted to have return of the CO2 waveform and was ventilating appropriately according to the anesthetist. Now, all surgical retractors were removed. The baseplate of the tracheostomy tube was sutured to the patient's skin with #2-0 nylon suture. The tube was further secured around the patient's neck with IV tubing. Finally, a drain sponge was placed. At this point, procedure was felt to be complete. The patient was returned to the ICU setting in stable condition where a chest x-ray is, ventilator-dependent respiratory failure, multiple strokes, thyroid, thyroid isthmusectomy, ventilator dependent, respiratory failure, strap muscles, thyroid gland, endotracheal tube, cricoid cartilage, bovie cautery, tracheostomy, ventilator, strokes, cartilage, tracheal, isthmusectomy
HISTORY:, Reason for ICU followup today is acute anemia secondary to upper GI bleeding with melena with dropping hemoglobin from 11 to 8, status post transfusion of 2 units PRBCs with EGD performed earlier today by Dr. X of Gastroenterology confirming diagnosis of ulcerative esophagitis, also for continuing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation with productive cough, infection and shortness of breath. Please see dictated ICU transfer note yesterday detailing the need for emergent transfer transfusion and EGD in this patient. Over the last 24 hours, the patient has received 2 units of packed red blood cells and his hematocrit and hemoglobin have returned to their baseline of approximately 11 appropriate for hemoglobin value. He also underwent EGD earlier today with Dr. X. I have discussed the case with him at length earlier this afternoon and the patient had symptoms of ulcerative esophagitis with no active bleeding. Dr. X recommended to increase the doses of his proton pump inhibitor and to avoid NSAIDs in the future. The patient today complains that he is still having issues with shortness of breath and wheezing and productive cough, now producing yellow-brown sputum with increasing frequency, but he has had no further episodes of melena since transfer to the ICU. He is also complaining of some laryngitis and some pharyngitis, but is denying any abdominal complaints, nausea, or diarrhea.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 100/54, heart rate 80 and temperature 98.8. Is and Os negative fluid balance of 1.4 liters in the last 24 hours.,GENERAL: This is a somnolent 68-year-old male, who arouses to voice, wakes up, seems to have good appetite, has continuing cough. Pallor is improved.,EYES: Conjunctivae are now pink.,ENT: Oropharynx is clear.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Reveals distant heart tones with regular rate and rhythm.,LUNGS: Have coarse breath sounds with wheezes, rhonchi, and soft crackles in the bases.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender with no organomegaly appreciated.,EXTREMITIES: Showed no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Capillary refill time is now normal in the fingertips.,NEUROLOGICAL: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact with no focal neurological deficits.,LABORATORY DATA:, Laboratories drawn at 1449 today, WBC 10, hemoglobin and hematocrit 11.5 and 33.1, and platelets 288,000. This is up from 8.6 and 24.7. Platelets are stable. Sodium is 134, potassium 4.0, chloride 101, bicarb 26, BUN 19, creatinine 1.0, glucose 73, calcium 8.4, INR 0.96, iron 13%, saturations 4%, TIBC 312, TSH 0.74, CEA elevated at 8.6, ferritin 27.5 and occult blood positive. EGD, final results pending per Dr. X's note and conversation with me earlier, ulcerative esophagitis without signs of active bleeding at this time.,IMPRESSION/PLAN,1. Melena secondary to ulcerative esophagitis. We will continue to monitor the patient overnight to ensure there is no further bleeding. If there are no further episodes of melena and hemoglobin is stable or unchanged in the morning, the patient will be transferred back to medical floor for continuing treatment of his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation. The patient is doing well, taking PO. We will continue him on his oral Omnicef and azithromycin and continuing breathing treatments. We will add guaifenesin and N-acetyl-cysteine in a hope to mobilize some of his secretions. This does appear to be improving. His white count is normalized and I am hopeful we can discharge him on oral antibiotics within the next 24 to 48 hours if there are no further complications.,3. Elevated CEA. The patient will need colonoscopy on an outpatient basis. He has refused this today. We would like to encourage him to do so. Of note, the patient when he came in was on bloodless protocol, but with urging did accept the transfusion. Similarly, I am hoping that with proper counseling, the patient will consent to further examination with colonoscopy given his guaiac-positive status, elevated CEA and risk factors.,4. Anemia, normochromic normocytic with low total iron binding capacity. This appears to be anemia of chronic disease. However, this is likely some iron deficiency superimposed on top of this given his recent bleeding, with consider iron, vitamin C, folate and B12 supplementation and discharge given his history of alcoholic malnutrition and recent gastrointestinal bleeding. Total critical care time spent today discussing the case with Dr. X, examining the patient, reviewing laboratory trends, adjusting medications and counseling the patient in excess is 35 minutes.emergency room reports, anemia, gi bleeding, hemoglobin, ulcerative, esophagitis, obstructive pulmonary disease, icu followup, infection, obstructive, pulmonary, egd, melena, bleeding
REASON FOR REFERRAL: , Facial twitching.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient had several episodes where she felt like her face was going to twitch, which she could suppress it with grimacing movements of her mouth and face. She reports she is still having right posterior head pressure like sensations approximately one time per week. These still are characterized by a tingling, pressure like sensation that often has a feeling as though water is running down on her hair. This has also decreased in frequency occurring approximately one time per week and seems to respond to over-the-counter analgesics such as Aleve. Lastly during conversation today, she brought again the problem of daydreaming at work and noted that she occasionally falls asleep when sitting in non-stimulating environments or in front of the television. She states that she feels fatigued all the time and does not get good sleep. She describes it as insomnia, but upon questioning she works from 4 till mid night and then gets home and cannot go to sleep for approximately two hours and wakes up reliably by 9.00 a.m. each morning and sleeps no more than five to six hours ever, but usually five hours. Her sleep is relatively uninterrupted except for the need to get up and go to the bathroom. She thinks she may snore, but she is not sure. She does not recall any events of awakening and gasping for breath.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Please see my earlier notes in chart.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Please see my earlier notes in chart.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Please see my earlier notes in charts.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Today, she mainly endorses the tingling sensation in the right posterior head often bilateral as well as a diagnosis of depression and persistent somewhat sad mood, poor sleep, and possible snoring; otherwise, the 10-system review is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General Examination: Unremarkable mainly for mild-to-moderate obesity with a weight of 258 pounds. Otherwise, general examination is unremarkable.,NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION: ,As before is nonfocal. Please see note in chart for details.,PERTINENT FINDINGS: , Since the last evaluation, she has had an MRI performed, which was largely unremarkable except for a 1.2 cm lobular T2 hyperintense abnormality at the right clivus and petrous carotid canal, which does not enhance. The nature of this lesion is unclear. Certainly, this abnormality would not explain her left facial twitching and is unlikely to be involved with the right posterior sensory changes she experiences.,LABS: , She was supposed to have Lyme titers and thyroid tests as well as fasting glucose, which were not done; however, in light of her improvement these may not need to be performed at this time.,IMPRESSION:,1. Left facial twitching-appears to be improving. Most likely, this is a peripheral nerve injury related to her abscess as previously described. In light of her negative MRI and clinical improvement, we discussed options and elected to just observe for now.,2. Posterior pressure like headache, also appears to be improving. The etiology is unclear, but as it responds nicely to nonsteroidal antiinflammatories and is decreasing, no further evaluation is needed.,3. Probable circadian sleep disorder related to her nighttime work schedule and awakening at 9.00 a.m. with insufficient sleep. There is also the possibility of consistent obstructive sleep apnea and if symptoms worsen then we should consider doing a sleep study. For the time being, sleep hygiene measures were discussed with the patient including trying to sleep later at least till 10.00 a.m. or 10.30 to get a full-night sleep. She is on vacation next week and is going to try to see if this will help. We also discussed as before weight loss and exercise, which could be helpful.,4. Right clivus and petrous lesion of unknown etiology. We will repeat the MRI at four months to see for interval change.,5. The patient voiced understanding of these plans and will be following up with me in five months.consult - history and phy., grimacing, headache, clivus and petrous, facial twitching, sleep, facial, twitching,
S - ,An 83-year-old diabetic female presents today stating that she would like diabetic foot care.,O - ,On examination, the lateral aspect of her left great toenail is deeply ingrown. Her toenails are thick and opaque. Vibratory sensation appears to be intact. Dorsal pedal pulses are 1/4. There is no hair growth seen on her toes, feet or lower legs. Her feet are warm to the touch. All of her toenails are hypertrophic, opaque, elongated and discolored.,A - ,1. Onychocryptosis.,surgery, onychocryptosis, onychomycosis, great toenail, diabetic foot care, diabetic foot, foot, toenail, ingrown, toenails, diabetic,
INDICATIONS: , This is a 55-year-old female who is having a colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer. There is no family history of colon cancer and there has been no blood in the stool.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Colonoscopy.,PREP: , Fentanyl 100 mcg IV and 3 mg Versed IV.,PROCEDURE:, The tip of the endoscope was introduced into the rectum. Retroflexion of the tip of the endoscope failed to reveal any distal rectal lesions. The rest of the colon through to the cecum was well visualized. The cecal strap, ileocecal valve, and light reflex in the right lower quadrant were all identified. There was no evidence of tumor, polyp, mass, ulceration, or other focus of inflammation. Adverse reactions none.,IMPRESSION:, Normal colonic mucosa through to the cecum. There was no evidence of tumor or, versed iv, colon, tumor, polyp, mass, ulceration, focus of inflammation, tip of the endoscope, evidence of tumor, colon cancer, endoscope, cecum, cancer, colonoscopy,
PROCEDURE:, Placement of Scott cannula, right lateral ventricle.,DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION:, The right side of the head was shaved and the area was then prepped using Betadine prep. Following an injection with Xylocaine with epinephrine, a small 1.5 cm linear incision was made paralleling the midline, lateral to the midline, at the region of the coronal suture. A twist drill was made with the hand drill through the dura. A Scott cannula was placed on the first pass into the right lateral ventricle with egress initially of bloody and the clear CSF. The Scott cannula was secured to the skin using 3-0 silk sutures. This will be connected to external drainage set at 10 cm of, coronal suture, twist drill, lateral ventricle, csf, placement of scott cannula, scott cannula, scott, cannulaNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Stenosing tenosynovitis first dorsal extensor compartment/de Quervain tendonitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Stenosing tenosynovitis first dorsal extensor compartment/de Quervain tendonitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Release of first dorsal extensor compartment.,ASSISTANT: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , Bier block.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 30 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS: ,The above patient is a 47-year-old right hand dominant black female who has signs and symptomology of de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis. She was treated conservatively with steroid injections, splinting, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents without relief. She is presenting today for release of the first dorsal extensor compartment. She is aware of the risks, benefits, alternatives and has consented to this operation.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was given intravenous prophylactic antibiotics. She was taken to the operating suite under the auspices of Anesthesiology. She was given a left upper extremity bier block. Her left upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the normal fashion with Betadine solution. Afterwards, a transverse incision was made over the extensor retinaculum of the first dorsal extensor compartment. Dissection was carried down through the dermis into the subcutaneous tissue. The dorsal radial sensory branches were kept out of harm's way. They were retracted gently to the ulnar side of the wrist. The retinaculum was incised with a #15 scalpel blade in the longitudinal fashion and the retinaculum was released completely both proximally and distally. Both the extensor pollices brevis and abductor pollices longus tendons were identified. There was no pathology noted within the first dorsal extensor compartment. The wound was irrigated. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. The wound was infiltrated with _0.25% Marcaine solution and then closure performed with #6-0 nylon suture utilizing a horizontal mattress stitch. Sterile occlusive dressing was applied along with the thumb spica splint. The tourniquet was released and the patient was transported to the recovery area in stable and satisfactory condition.orthopedic, dorsal extensor compartment, de quervain tendonitis, dorsal, extensor, quervain, tendonitis, retinaculum, tenosynovitis, tourniquet,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cervical lymphadenopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Cervical lymphadenopathy.,PROCEDURE: , Excisional biopsy of right cervical lymph node.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,SPECIMEN: , Right cervical lymph node.,EBL: , 10 cc.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,FINDINGS:, Enlarged level 2 lymph node was identified and removed and sent for pathologic examination.,FLUIDS: , Please see anesthesia report.,URINE OUTPUT: , None recorded during the case.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This is a 43-year-old female with a several-year history of persistent cervical lymphadenopathy. She reports that it is painful to palpation on the right and has had multiple CT scans as well as an FNA which were all nondiagnostic. After risks and benefits of surgery were discussed with the patient, an informed consent was obtained. She was scheduled for an excisional biopsy of the right cervical lymph node.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in the supine position. She was anesthetized with general endotracheal anesthesia. The neck was then prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. Again, noted on palpation there was an enlarged level 2 cervical lymph node.,A 3-cm horizontal incision was made over this lymph node. Dissection was carried down until the sternocleidomastoid muscle was identified. The enlarged lymph node that measured approximately 2 cm in diameter was identified and was removed and sent to Pathology for touch prep evaluation. The area was then explored for any other enlarged lymph nodes. None were identified, and hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. A quarter-inch Penrose drain was placed in the wound.,The wound was then irrigated and closed with 3-0 interrupted Vicryl sutures for a deep closure followed by a running 4-0 Prolene subcuticular suture. Mastisol and Steri-Strip were placed over the incision, and sterile bandage was applied. The patient tolerated this procedure well and was extubated without complications and transported to the recovery room in stable condition. She will return to the office tomorrow in followup to have the Penrose drain removed.hematology - oncology, lymphadenopathy, excisional biopsy, fna, mastisol, penrose drain, cervical, cervical lymph node, endotracheal anesthesia, lymph node, sternocleidomastoid, cervical lymph, lymph, anesthesia,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right ureteral calculus.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right ureteropelvic junction calculus.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Cystourethroscopy.,2. Right retrograde pyelogram.,3. Right double-J stent placement 22 x 4.5 mm.,FIRST SECOND ANESTHESIA: , General.,SPECIMEN:, Urine for culture and sensitivity.,DRAINS: , 22 x 4.5 mm right double-J ureteral stent.,PROCEDURE: , After consent was obtained, the patient was brought to operating room and placed in the supine position. She was given general anesthesia and then placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. A #21 French cystoscope was then passed through the urethra into the bladder. There was noted to be some tightness of the urethra on passage. On visualization of the bladder, there were no stones or any other debris within the bladder. There were no abnormalities seen. No masses, diverticuli, or other abnormal findings. Attention was then turned to the right ureteral orifice and attempts to pass to a cone tip catheter, however, the ureteral orifice was noted to be also tight and we were unable to pass the cone tip catheter. The cone tip catheter was removed and a glidewire was then passed without difficulty up into the renal pelvis. An open-end ureteral catheter was then passed ________ into the distal right ureter. Retrograde pyelogram was then performed.,There was noted to be an UPJ calculus with no noted hydronephrosis. The wire was then passed back through the ureteral catheter. The catheter was removed and a 22 x 4.5 mm double-J ureteral stent was then passed over the glidewire under fluoroscopic and cystoscopic guidance. The stent was clear within the kidney as well as within the bladder. The bladder was drained and the cystoscope was removed. The patient tolerated the procedure well. She will be discharged home. She is to follow up with Dr. X for ESWL procedure. She will be given prescription for Darvocet and will be asked to have a KUB x-ray done prior to her followup and to bring them with her to her appointment.urology, ureteropelvic junction, calculus, cystourethroscopy, retrograde pyelogram, double-j stent placement, double j stent, cone tip catheter, ureteral stent, ureteral orifice, ureteral catheter, retrograde, pyelogram, catheter, ureteral
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , I have seen ABC today. He is a very pleasant gentleman who is 42 years old, 344 pounds. He is 5'9". He has a BMI of 51. He has been overweight for ten years since the age of 33, at his highest he was 358 pounds, at his lowest 260. He is pursuing surgical attempts of weight loss to feel good, get healthy, and begin to exercise again. He wants to be able to exercise and play volleyball. Physically, he is sluggish. He gets tired quickly. He does not go out often. When he loses weight he always regains it and he gains back more than he lost. His biggest weight loss is 25 pounds and it was three months before he gained it back. He did six months of not drinking alcohol and not taking in many calories. He has been on multiple commercial weight loss programs including Slim Fast for one month one year ago and Atkin's Diet for one month two years ago.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He has difficulty climbing stairs, difficulty with airline seats, tying shoes, used to public seating, difficulty walking, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. He has asthma and difficulty walking two blocks or going eight to ten steps. He has sleep apnea and snoring. He is a diabetic, on medication. He has joint pain, knee pain, back pain, foot and ankle pain, leg and foot swelling. He has hemorrhoids.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Includes orthopedic or knee surgery.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is currently single. He drinks alcohol ten to twelve drinks a week, but does not drink five days a week and then will binge drink. He smokes one and a half pack a day for 15 years, but he has recently stopped smoking for the past two weeks.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Family history is negative for hypertension and stroke.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Include Diovan, Crestor, and Tricor.,MISCELLANEOUS/EATING HISTORY: ,He says a couple of friends of his have had heart attacks and have had died. He used to drink everyday, but stopped two years ago. He now only drinks on weekends. He is on his second week of Chantix, which is a medication to come off smoking completely. Eating, he eats bad food. He is single. He eats things like bacon, eggs, and cheese, cheeseburgers, fast food, eats four times a day, seven in the morning, at noon, 9 p.m., and 2 a.m. He currently weighs 344 pounds and 5'9". His ideal body weight is 160 pounds. He is 184 pounds overweight. If he lost 70% of his excess body weight that would be 129 pounds and that would get him down to 215.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Negative for head, neck, heart, lungs, GI, GU, orthopedic, or skin. He also is positive for gout. He denies chest pain, heart attack, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, pacemaker, pulmonary embolism, or CVA. He denies venous insufficiency or thrombophlebitis. Denies shortness of breath, COPD, or emphysema. Denies thyroid problems, hip pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, GERD, hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer disease, gallstones, infected gallbladder, pancreatitis, fatty liver, hepatitis, rectal bleeding, polyps, incontinence of stool, urinary stress incontinence, or cancer. He denies cellulitis, pseudotumor cerebri, meningitis, or encephalitis.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,He is alert and oriented x 3. Cranial nerves II-XII are intact. Neck is soft and supple. Lungs: He has positive wheezing bilaterally. Heart is regular rhythm and rate. His abdomen is soft. Extremities: He has 1+ pitting edema.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:, I have explained to him the risks and potential complications of laparoscopic gastric bypass in detail and these include bleeding, infection, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, leakage from the gastrojejuno-anastomosis, jejunojejuno-anastomosis, and possible bowel obstruction among other potential complications. He understands. He wants to proceed with workup and evaluation for laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. He will need to get a letter of approval from Dr. XYZ. He will need to see a nutritionist and mental health worker. He will need an upper endoscopy by either Dr. XYZ. He will need to go to Dr. XYZ as he previously had a sleep study. We will need another sleep study. He will need H. pylori testing, thyroid function tests, LFTs, glycosylated hemoglobin, and fasting blood sugar. After this is performed, we will submit him for insurance approval.bariatrics, laparoscopic gastric bypass, heart attacks, body weight, pulmonary embolism, potential complications, sleep study, weight loss, gastric bypass, anastomosis, loss, sleep, laparoscopic, gastric, bypass, heart, pounds, weight,
PROCEDURE: , Left heart catheterization, left and right coronary angiography, left ventricular angiography, and intercoronary stenting of the right coronary artery.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the Catheterization Laboratory. After informed consent, he was medicated with Versed and fentanyl. The right groin was prepped and draped, and infiltrated with 2% Xylocaine. Percutaneously, #6-French arterial sheath was placed. Selective native left and right coronary angiography was performed followed by left ventricular angiography. The patient had a totally occluded right coronary. We initially started with a JR4 guide. We were able to a sport wire through the total occlusion and saw a very tight stenosis. We were able to get a 30 x 13 mm power saver balloon into the stenosis and dilated. We then attempted to put a 30 x 12 mm stent across the stenosis, but we had very little guide support, the guide kept coming out. We then switched to an AL1 guide and that too did not enable us to get anything to cross this lesion. We finally had to go an AL2 guide, we were concerned that this could cause some proximal dissection. That guided seated, we did have initial difficulty getting the wire back across the stenosis, and we did see a little staining suggesting we did have some tearing from the guide tip. The surgeons were put on notice in case we could not get this vessel open, but we were able to re-cross with a sport wire. We then re-dilated the area of stenosis and with good guide support, we were able to get a 30 x 23 mm Vision stent, where the lesion was and post-dilated it to 18 atmospheres. Routine angiography did show that the distal posterolateral branch seems to be occluded, whether this was from distal wire dissection or distal thrombosis was unclear, but we were able to re-wire that area and get a 25 x12 Vision balloon and dilate the area and re-establish flow to the small segment. We then came back because of the residual dissection proximal to the first stent and put a 30 x15 mm Vision stent at 18 atmospheres. Final angiography showed resolution of the dissection. We could see a little staining extrinsic to the stent. No perforation and excellent flow. During the intervention, we did give a bolus and drip of Angiomax. At the end of the procedure, we stopped the Angiomax and gave 600 mg of Plavix. We did a right femoral angiogram; however, the Angio-Seal plug could not take, so we used manual pressure and a Femostop. We transported the patient to his room in stable condition.,ANGIOGRAPHIC DATA:, Left main coronary is normal. Left anterior descending artery has a fair amount of wall disease proximally about 50 to 60% stenosis of the LAD before it bifurcates into diagonal. The diagonal does appear to have about 50% osteal stenosis. There is a lot of plaquing further down the diagonal, but good flow. The rest of the LAD looked good pass the proximal 60% stenosis and after the diagonal branch. Circumflex artery was nondominant vessel, consisting of an obtuse marginal vessel. The first obtuse marginal had a long 50% narrowing and then the AV groove branch was free of any disease. Some mild collaterals to the right were seen. Right coronary angiography revealed a total occlusion of the right coronary, just about 0.5 cm after its origin. After we got a wire across the area of occlusion, we could see some thrombosis and a 99% stenosis just at the curve. Following the balloon angioplasty, we established good flow down the distal vessel. We still had about residual 70% stenosis. When we had to go back with the AL2 guide, we could see a little bit of staining in the proximal portion of the vessel that we did not notice previously and we felt that the tip of the guide caused a little bit of intimal dissection. We re-dilated and then deployed. Repeat angiography now did show some hang up off dye distally. We never did have the wire that far down, so this was probably felt to be due to distal embolization of some thrombus. After deploying the stent, we had total resolution of the original lesion. We then directed our attention to the posterolateral branch, which the remainder of the vessel was patent giving off a large PDA. The posterolateral branch appeared to be occluded in its mid portion. We got a wire through and dilated this. We then came back and put a second stent in the proximal area of the right coronary proximal and abutting to the previous stent. Repeat angiography now showed no significant dissection, a little bit of contrast getting extrinsic to the stent probably in a little subintimal pouch, but this was excluded by the stent. There were no filling defects in the stent and excellent flow. The distal posterolateral branch did open up, although it was little under-filled and there may have been some mild residual disease there.,IMPRESSION: , Atherosclerotic heart disease with total occlusion of right coronary, successfully stented to zero residual with repair of a small proximal dissection. Minor distal disease of the posterolateral branch and 60% proximal left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis and 50% diagonal stenosis along with 50% stenosis of the first obtuse marginal, heart catheterization, coronary angiography, ventricular angiography, intercoronary stenting, intercoronary, coronary, stenting, stenosis, angiography
PRE AND POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left cervical radiculopathy at C5, C6,OPERATION: , Left C5-6 hemilaminotomy and foraminotomy with medial facetectomy for microscopic decompression of nerve root.,After informed consent was obtained from the patient, he was taken to the OR. After general anesthesia had been induced, Ted hose stockings and pneumatic compression stockings were placed on the patient and a Foley catheter was also inserted. At this point, the patient's was placed in three point fixation with a Mayfield head holder and then the patient was placed on the operating table in a prone position. The patient's posterior cervical area was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. At this time the patient's incision site was infiltrated with 1 percent Lidocaine with epinephrine. A scalpel was used to make an approximate 3 cm skin incision cephalad to the prominent C7 spinous processes, which could be palpated. After dissection down to a spinous process using Bovie cautery, a clamp was placed on this spinous processes and cross table lateral x-ray was taken. This showed the spinous process to be at the C4 level. Therefore, further soft tissue dissection was carried out caudally to this level after the next spinous processes presumed to be C5 was identified. After the muscle was dissected off the lamina laterally on the left side, self retaining retractors were placed and after hemostasis was achieved, a Penfield probe was placed in the interspace presumed to be C5-6 and another cross table lateral x-ray of the C spine was taken. This film confirmed our position at C5-6 and therefore the operating microscope was brought onto the field at this time. At the time the Kerrison rongeur was used to perform a hemilaminotomy by starting with the inferior margin of the superior lamina. The superior margin of the inferior lamina of C6 was also taken with the Kerrison rongeur after the ligaments had been freed by using a Woodson probe. This was then extended laterally to perform a medial facetectomy also using the Kerrison rongeur. However, progress was limited because of thickness of the bone. Therefore at this time the Midas-Rex drill, the AM8 bit was brought onto the field and this was used to thin out the bone around our laminotomy and medial facetectomy area. After the bone had been thinned out, further bone was removed using the Kerrison rongeur. At this point the nerve root was visually inspected and observed to be decompressed. However, there was a layer of fibrous tissue overlying the exiting nerve root which was removed by placing a Woodson resector in a plane between the fibrous sheath and the nerve root and incising it with a 15 blade. Hemostasis was then achieved by using Gelfoam as well as bipolar electrocautery. After hemostasis was achieved, the surgical site was copiously irrigated with Bacitracin. Closure was initiated by closing the muscle layer and the fascial layer with 0 Vicryl stitches. The subcutaneous layer was then reapproximated using 000 Dexon. The skin was reapproximated using a running 000 nylon. Sterile dressings were applied. The patient was then extubated in the OR and transferred to the Recovery room in stable condition.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:,, foraminotomy with medial facetectomy, facetectomy for microscopic decompression, decompression of nerve root, hemilaminotomy and foraminotomy, decompression of nerve, microscopic decompression, medial facetectomy, kerrison rongeur, nerve root, spinous processes, facetectomy, kerrison, hemilaminotomy, foraminotomy,
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 41-year-old man with the AIDS complicated with recent cryptococcal infection, disseminated MAC and Kaposi's sarcoma. His viral load in July of 2007 was 254,000 and CD4 count was 7. He was recently admitted for debility and possible pneumonia. He was started on antiretroviral therapy, as well as Cipro and Flagyl and was also found to have pleural effusion on the right. His history is also significant for pancreatitis and transient renal failure during last hospitalization. He became frustrated since he was not getting better and discontinued all antibiotics. When taken home yesterday, he had symptoms consistent with a partial bowel obstruction. He was vomiting and had no bowel movements for a few days. Last night, was able to have a bowel movement and has not vomited since then. He was able to take small amounts of food. He now has persistent cough productive of clear sputum and some shortness of breath. He also complains of pain at his KS lesions on the right leg and left thigh, especially when touched, although that pain is incidental and not present when he is simply lying down. He has overall weakness.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Unremarkable.,MEDICATIONS: , Acetaminophen 650 mg q.6h. p.r.n. fever, which he has not been using, Motrin 400 mg q.6h. p.r.n. pain, which has not helped. His pain and dexamethasone with guaifenesin 5-10 mL q.4h. p.r.n. cough.,ALLERGIES:, He has no known allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is now staying with his mother. He is the youngest of six children. Code Status: DNR. His brother is the health care proxy.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Blood pressure 140/80, pulse 120, and respirations 28. Temperature 103.9. General Appearance: Ill-looking young man, diaphoretic. PERRLA, 3 mm. Oral mucosa moist without lesions. Lungs: Diminished breath sounds in the right middle lower lobe. Heart: RRR without murmurs. Abdomen: Distended with soft and nontender. Diminished bowel sounds. Extremities: Without cyanosis or edema. There is a large Kaposi's sarcoma on the right medial leg and left medial proximal thigh, which is somewhat tender. Neurological Exam: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact. There is normal tone. Power is 4/5. DTRs nonreactive. Normal fine touch. Mental Status: The patient is somnolent, but arousable. Withdrawn affect. Normal speech and though process.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. AIDS complicated with multiple opportunistic infections with poor performance status, which suggested a limited prognosis of less than six months. He will benefit from home hospice care and he declined any further antibiotic or antiretroviral treatments.,2. Pain, which is somatic nociceptive from KS lesions. The patient has not tolerated morphine in the past. We will start oxycodone 5 mg q.2h. as needed.,3. Cough. We will use oxycodone with the same indication as well.,4. Fever. We encouraged him to use Tylenol as needed.,5. Insomnia. We will use lorazepam 0.25-0.5 mg at bedtime as needed.,6. Psychosocial. We discussed his coping with the diagnosis. He is fully aware of his limited prognosis. Supportive counseling was provided to his mother.,Length of the encounter was one hour; more than half spent on exchange of information.,hospice - palliative care, hospice, aids, cd4 count, code status, dnr, kaposi's sarcoma, length of the encounter, cryptococcal infection, exchange of information, health care proxy, home hospice, home hospice care, hospice care, hospitalization, viral load, bowel, infection
A fluorescein angiogram was ordered at today's visit to rule out macular edema. We have asked her to return in one to two weeks' time to discuss the results of her angiogram and possible intervention and will be sure to keep you apprised of her ongoing progress. A copy of the angiogram is enclosed for your records.ophthalmology, visual acuities, 78-diopter lens, extraocular muscle movement, afferent, angiogram, applanation, detachment, dilated fundus examination, fluorescein, hemorrhages, intraocular, intraocular lenses, left eye, posterior chamber, pupillary, retinopathy, right eye, slit-lamp, lensesNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Multiple metastatic lesions to the brain, a subtentorial lesion on the left, greater than 3 cm, and an infratentorial lesion on the right, greater than 3 cm.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Multiple metastatic lesions to the brain, a subtentorial lesion on the left, greater than 3 cm, and an infratentorial lesion on the right, greater than 3 cm.,TITLE OF THE OPERATION:,1. Biparietal craniotomy and excision of left parietooccipital metastasis from breast cancer.,2. Insertion of left lateral ventriculostomy under Stealth stereotactic guidance.,3. Right suboccipital craniectomy and excision of tumor.,4. Microtechniques for all the above.,5. Stealth stereotactic guidance for all of the above and intraoperative ultrasound.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 48-year-old woman with a diagnosis of breast cancer made five years ago. A year ago, she was diagnosed with cranial metastases and underwent whole brain radiation. She recently has deteriorated such that she came to my office, unable to ambulate in a wheelchair. Metastatic workup does reveal multiple bone metastases, but no spinal cord compression. She had a consult with Radiation-Oncology that decided they could radiate her metastases less than 3 cm with stereotactic radiosurgery, but the lesions greater than 3 cm needed to be removed. Consequently, this operation is performed.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient underwent a planning MRI scan with Stealth protocol. She was brought to the operating room with fiducial still on her scalp. General endotracheal anesthesia was obtained. She was placed on the Mayfield head holder and rolled into the prone position. She was well padded, secured, and so forth. The neck was flexed so as to expose the right suboccipital region as well as the left and right parietooccipital regions. The posterior aspect of the calvarium was shaved and prepared in the usual manner with Betadine soak scrub followed by Betadine paint. This was done only, of course, after fiducial were registered in planning and an excellent accuracy was obtained with the Stealth system. Sterile drapes were applied and the accuracy of the system was confirmed. A biparietal incision was performed. A linear incision was chosen so as to increase her chances of successful wound healing and that she is status post whole brain radiation. A biparietal craniotomy was carried out, carrying about 1 cm over toward the right side and about 4 cm over to the left side as guided by the Stealth stereotactic system. The dura was opened and reflected back to the midline. An inner hemispheric approach was used to reach the very large metastatic tumor. This was very delicate removing the tumor and the co-surgeons switched off to spare one another during the more delicate parts of the operation to remove the tumor. The tumor was wrapped around and included the choroidal vessels. At least one choroidal vessel was sacrificed in order to obtain a gross total excision of the tumor on the parietal occipital region. Bleeding was quite vigorous in some of the arteries and finally, however, was completely controlled. Complete removal of the tumor was confirmed by intraoperative ultrasound.,Once the tumor had been removed and meticulous hemostasis was obtained, this wound was left opened and attention was turned to the right suboccipital area. A linear incision was made just lateral to the greater occipital nerve. Sharp dissection was carried down in the subcutaneous tissues and Bovie electrocautery was used to reach the skull. A burr hole was placed down low using a craniotome. A craniotomy was turned and then enlarged as a craniectomy to at least 4 cm in diameter. It was carried caudally to the floor of the posterior fossa and rostrally to the transverse sinus. Stealth and ultrasound were used to localize the very large tumor that was within the horizontal hemisphere of the cerebellum. The ventriculostomy had been placed on the left side with the craniotomy and removal of the tumor, and this was draining CSF relieving pressure in the posterior fossa. Upon opening the craniotomy in the parietal occipital region, the brain was noted to be extremely tight, thus necessitating placement of the ventriculostomy.,At the posterior fossa, a corticectomy was accomplished and the tumor was countered directly. The tumor, as the one above, was removed, both piecemeal and with intraoperative Cavitron Ultrasonic Aspirator. A gross total excision of this tumor was obtained as well.,I then explored underneath the cerebellum in hopes of finding another metastasis in the CP angle; however, this was just over the lower cranial nerves, and rather than risk paralysis of pharyngeal muscles and voice as well as possibly hearing loss, this lesion was left alone and to be radiated and that it is less than 3 cm in diameter.,Meticulous hemostasis was obtained for this wound as well.,The posterior fossa wound was then closed in layers. The dura was closed with interrupted and running mattress of 4-0 Nurolon. The dura was watertight, and it was covered with blue glue. Gelfoam was placed over the dural closure. Then, the muscle and fascia were closed in individual layers using #0 Ethibond. Subcutaneous was closed with interrupted inverted 2-0 and 0 Vicryl, and the skin was closed with running locking 3-0 Nylon.,For the cranial incision, the ventriculostomy was brought out through a separate stab wound. The bone flap was brought on to the field. The dura was closed with running and interrupted 4-0 Nurolon. At the beginning of the case, dural tack-ups had been made and these were still in place. The sinuses, both the transverse sinus and sagittal sinus, were covered with thrombin-soaked Gelfoam to take care of any small bleeding areas in the sinuses.,Once the dura was closed, the bone flap was returned to the wound and held in place with the Lorenz microplates. The wound was then closed in layers. The galea was closed with multiple sutures of interrupted 2-0 Vicryl. The skin was closed with a running locking 3-0 Nylon.,Estimated blood loss for the case was more than 1 L. The patient received 2 units of packed red cells during the case as well as more than 1 L of Hespan and almost 3 L of crystalloid.,Nevertheless, her vitals remained stable throughout the case, and we hopefully helped her survival and her long-term neurologic status for this really nice lady.neurology, metastatic lesion, biparietal, mayfield head holder, microtechniques, stealth, craniotomy, excision, fiducial, infratentorial, parietooccipital, stereotactic, suboccipital, subtentorial, ventriculostomy, lesions to the brain, removal of the tumor, parietal occipital region, running locking nylon, biparietal craniotomy, posterior fossa, tumor, brain, dura, lesions,
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 62-year-old female who comes for dietary consultation for carbohydrate counting for type I diabetes. The patient reports that she was hospitalized over the weekend for DKA. She indicates that her blood sugar on Friday night was 187 at bedtime and that when she woke up in the morning her blood sugar was 477. She gave herself, in smaller increments, a total of 70 extra units of her Humalog. Ten of those units were injectable; the others were in the forms of pump. Her blood sugar was over 600 when she went to the hospital later that day. She is here at this consultation complaining of not feeling well still because she has a cold. She realizes that this is likely because her immune system was so minimized in the hospital.,OBJECTIVE:, Current insulin doses on her insulin pump are boluses set at 5 units at breakfast, 6 units at lunch and 11 units at supper. Her basal rates have not been changed since her last visit with Charla Yassine and totaled 30.5 units per 24 hours. A diet history was obtained. I instructed the patient on carbohydrate counting at 1 unit of insulin for every 10 g carbohydrate ratio was recommended. A correction dose of approximately 1 unit of insulin to bring the blood sugars down 30 mg/dl was also recommended. The Lilly guide for meal planning was provided and reviewed. Additional carbohydrate counting book was provided.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient was taught an insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio of 1 unit to 10 g of carbohydrates as recommended at the previous visit two years ago, which she does not recall. It is based on the 500 rule which suggests this ratio. We did identify carbohydrate sources in the food supply, recognizing 15-g equivalents. We also identified the need to dose her insulin at the time that she is eating her carbohydrate sources. She does seem to have a pattern of fixing blood sugars later in the day after they are elevated. We discussed the other option of trying to eat a consistent amount of carbohydrates at meals from day to day and taking a consistent amount of insulin at those meals. With this in mind, she was recommended to follow with three servings or 45 g of carbohydrate at breakfast, three servings or 45 g of carbohydrate at lunch and four servings or 60 g of carbohydrate at dinner. Joanne Araiza joined our consultation briefly to discuss whether her pump was working appropriately. The patient was given an 800 number for the pump to contact should there be any question about its failure to deliver insulin appropriately.,PLAN:, Recommend the patient use 1 unit of insulin for every 10-g carbohydrate load consumed. Recommend the patient either use this as a carbohydrate counting tool or work harder at keeping carbohydrate content consistent at meals from day to day. This was a one-hour consultation. Provided my name and number should additional needs arise.consult - history and phy., insulin pump, carbohydrate load, immune system, dietary consultation, carbohydrate ratio, blood sugars, carbohydrate counting, carbohydrate, dietary, blood, counting, insulin
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , I was asked by Dr. X to see the patient in regard to his likely recurrent brain tumor.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient was admitted for symptoms that sounded like postictal state. He was initially taken to Hospital. CT showed edema and slight midline shift, and therefore he was transferred here. He has been seen by Hospitalists Service. He has not had a recurrent seizure. Electroencephalogram shows slowing. MRI of the brain shows large inhomogeneous infiltrating right frontotemporal neoplasm surrounding the right middle cerebral artery. There is inhomogeneous uptake consistent with potential necrosis. He also has had a SPECT image of his brain, consistent with neoplasm, suggesting relatively high-grade neoplasm. The patient was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1999. All details are still not available to us. He underwent a biopsy by Dr. Y. One of the notes suggested that this was a glioma, likely an oligodendroglioma, pending a second opinion at Clinic. That is not available on the chart as I dictate.,After discussion of treatment issues with radiation therapist and Dr. Z (medical oncologist), the decision was made to treat him primarily with radiation alone. He tolerated that reasonably well. His wife says it's been several years since he had a scan. His behavior had not been changed, until it changed as noted earlier in this summary.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He has had a lumbar fusion. I believe he's had heart disease. Mental status changes are either due to the tumor or other psychiatric problems.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He is living with his wife, next door to one of his children. He has been disabled since 2001, due to the back problems.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No headaches or vision issues. Ongoing heart problems, without complaints. No weakness, numbness or tingling, except that related to his chronic neck pain. No history of endocrine problems. He has nocturia and urinary frequency.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure 146/91, pulse 76. Normal conjunctivae. Ears, nose, throat normal. Neck is supple. Chest clear. Heart tones normal. Abdomen soft. Positive bowel sounds. No hepatosplenomegaly. No adenopathy in the neck, supraclavicular or axillary regions. Neurologically alert. Cranial nerves are intact. Strength is 5/5 throughout.,LABORATORY WORK: , White blood count 10.4, hemoglobin 16, platelets not noted. Sodium 137, calcium 9.1.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, Likely recurrent low-grade tumor, possibly evolved to a higher grade, given the MRI and SPECT findings. Dr. X's note suggests discussing the situation in the tumor board on Wednesday. He is stable enough. The pause in his care would not jeopardize his current status. It would be helpful to get old films and pathology from Abbott Northwestern. However, he likely will need a re-biopsy, as he is highly suspicious for recurrent tumor and radiation necrosis. Optimizing his treatment would probably be helped by knowing his current grade of tumor.hematology - oncology, spect, electroencephalogram, middle cerebral artery, brain tumor, inhomogeneous, frontotemporal, neoplasm, recurrent
DIAGNOSES:,1. Pneumonia.,2. Crohn disease.,3. Anasarca.,4. Anemia.,CHIEF COMPLAINT: , I have a lot of swelling in my legs.,HISTORY: ,The patient is a 41-year-old gentleman with a long history of Crohn disease. He has been followed by Dr. ABC, his primary care doctor, but he states that he has had multiple gastroenterology doctors and has not seen one in the past year to 18 months. He has been treated with multiple different medications for his Crohn disease and most recently has been taking pulses of steroids off and on when he felt like he was having symptoms consistent with crampy abdominal pain, increased diarrhea, and low-grade fevers. This has helped in the past, but now he developed symptoms consistent with pneumonia and was admitted to the hospital. He has been treated with IV antibiotics and is growing Streptococcus. At this time, he seems relatively stable although slightly dyspneic. Other symptoms include lower extremity edema, pain in his ankles and knees, and actually symptoms of edema in his entire body including his face and upper extremities. At this time, he continues to have symptoms consistent with diarrhea and malabsorption. He also has some episodes of nausea and vomiting at times. He currently has a cough and symptoms of dyspnea. Further review of systems was not otherwise contributory.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Prednisone.,2. Effexor.,3. Folic acid.,4. Norco for pain.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , As mentioned above, but he also has anxiety and depression.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Small bowel resections.,2. Appendectomy.,3. A vasectomy.,ALLERGIES: ,He has no known drug allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,He does smoke two packs of cigarettes per day. He has no alcohol or drug use. He is a painter.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for his father who died of IPF and irritable bowel syndrome.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As mentioned in the history of present illness and further review of systems is not otherwise contributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: He is a thin appearing man in very mild respiratory distress when his oxygen is off.,VITAL SIGNS: His respiratory rate is approximately 18 to 20, his blood pressure is 100/70, his pulse is 90 and regular, he is afebrile currently at 96, and weight is approximately 163 pounds.,HEENT: Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctivae normal. Nasal and oropharynx are clear.,NECK: Supple. No jugular venous pressure distention is noted. There is no adenopathy in the cervical, supraclavicular or axillary areas.,CHEST: Reveals some crackles in the right chest, in the base, and in the upper lung fields. His left is relatively clear with decreased breath sounds.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Slightly protuberant. Bowel sounds are present. He is slightly tender and it is diffuse. There is no organomegaly and no ascites appreciable.,EXTREMITIES: There is a mild scrotal edema and in his lower extremities he has 2 to 3+ edema at pretibial and lateral feet.,DERMATOLOGIC: Shows thin skin. No ecchymosis or petechiae.,LABORATORY STUDIES: , Laboratory studies are pertinent for a total protein of 3 and albumin of 1.3. There is no M-spike observed. His B12 is 500 with a folic acid of 11. His white count is 21 with a hemoglobin of 10, and a platelet count 204,000.,IMPRESSION AT THIS TIME:,1. Pneumonia in the face of fairly severe Crohn disease with protein-losing enteropathy and severe malnutrition with anasarca.,2. He also has anemia and leukocytosis, which may be related to his Crohn disease as well as his underlying pneumonia.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , At this time, I believe evaluation of protein intake and dietary supplement will be most appropriate. I believe that he needs a calorie count. We will check on a sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, LDH, prealbumin, thyroid, and iron studies in the morning with his laboratory studies that are already ordered. I have recommended strongly to him that when he is out of the hospital, he return to the care of his gastroenterologist. I will help in anyway that I can to improve the patient's laboratory abnormalities. However, his lower extremity edema is primarily due to his marked hypoalbuminemia and I do not believe that diuretics will help him at this time. I have explained this in detail to the patient and his family. Everybody expresses understanding and all questions were answered. At this time, follow him up during his hospital stay and plan to see him in the office as well.nan
HISTORY: ,We had the pleasure of seeing the patient today in our Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic. He was sent here with a chief complaint of joint pain in several joints for few months. This is a 7-year-old white male who has no history of systemic disease, who until 2 months ago, was doing well and 2 months ago, he started to complain of pain in his fingers, elbows, and neck. At this moment, this is better and is almost gone, but for several months, he was having pain to the point that he would cry at some point. He is not a complainer according to his mom and he is a very active kid. There is no history of previous illness to this or had gastrointestinal problems. He has problems with allergies, especially seasonal allergies and he takes Claritin for it. Other than that, he has not had any other problem. Denies any swelling except for that doctor mentioned swelling on his elbow. There is no history of rash, no stomach pain, no diarrhea, no fevers, no weight loss, no ulcers in his mouth except for canker sores. No lymphadenopathy, no eye problems, and no urinary problems.,MEDICATIONS: , His medications consist only of Motrin only as needed and Claritin currently for seasonal allergies and rhinitis.,ALLERGIES: , He has no allergies to any drugs.,BIRTH HISTORY: ,Pregnancy and delivery with no complications. He has no history of hospitalizations or surgeries.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for arthritis in his grandmother. No history of pediatric arthritis. There is history of psoriasis in his dad.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He lives with mom, dad, brother, sister, and everybody is healthy. They live in Easton. They have 4 dogs, 3 cats, 3 mules and no deer. At school, he is in second grade and he is doing PE without any limitation.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 98.7, pulse is 96, respiratory rate is 24, height is 118.1 cm, weight is 22.1 kg, and blood pressure is 61/44.,GENERAL: He is alert, active, in no distress, very cooperative.,HEENT: He has no facial rash. No lymphadenopathy. Oral mucosa is clear. No tonsillitis. His ear canals are clear and pupils are reactive to light and accommodation.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rhythm and no murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender with no visceromegaly.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Shows no limitation in any of his joints or active swelling today. He has no tenderness either in any of his joints. Muscle strength is 5/5 in proximal muscles.,LABORATORY DATA:, Includes an arthritis panel. It has normal uric acid, sedimentation rate of 2, rheumatoid factor of 6, and antinuclear antibody that is negative and C-reactive protein that is 7.1. His mother stated that this was done while he was having symptoms.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This patient may have had reactive arthritis. He is seen frequently and the patient has family history of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. I do not see any problems at this moment on his laboratories or on his physical examination. This may have been related to recent episode of viral infection or infection of some sort. Mother was oriented about the finding and my recommendation is to observe him and if there is any recurrence of the symptoms or persistence of swelling or limitation in any of his joints, I will be glad to see him back.,If you have any question on further assessment and plan, please do no hesitate to contact us.rheumatology, pediatric, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis, joints, swelling, arthritis,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent bladder tumors.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Recurrent bladder tumors.,OPERATION: , Cystoscopy, TUR, and electrofulguration of recurrent bladder tumors.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,INDICATIONS: , A 79-year-old woman with recurrent bladder tumors of the bladder neck.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, prepped and draped in lithotomy position under satisfactory general anesthesia. A #21-French cystourethroscope was inserted into the bladder. Examination of the bladder showed approximately a 3-cm area of erythema and recurrent papillomatosis just above and lateral to the left ureteral orifice. No other lesions were noted. Using a cold punch biopsy forceps, a random biopsy was obtained. The entire area was electrofulgurated using the Bugbee electrode. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in satisfactory condition.urology, bladder neck, bladder tumors, cystoscopy, tur, electrofulguration, bladder
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral degenerative arthritis of the knees.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral degenerative arthritis of the knees.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Right total knee arthroplasty done in conjunction with a left total knee arthroplasty, which will be dictated separately.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Bilateral procedure was 400 cc.,TOTAL TOURNIQUET TIME: ,75 minutes.,COMPONENTS: , Include the Zimmer NexGen complete knee solution system, which include a size F right cruciate retaining femoral component, a size #8 peg tibial component precoat, a All-Poly standard size 38, 9.5 mm thickness patellar component, and a prolonged highly cross-linked polyethylene NexGen cruciate retaining tibial articular surface size blue 12 mm height.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 69-year-old male who presented to the office complaining of bilateral knee pain for a couple of years. The patient complained of clicking noises and stiffness, which affected his daily activities of living.,PROCEDURE: , After all potential complications, risks as well as anticipated benefits of the above-named procedure was discussed at length, the patient's informed consent was obtained.,Operative extremities were then confirmed with the operating surgeons as well as the nursing staff, Department of Anesthesia, and the patient. The patient was then transferred to preoperative area to operative suite #2 and placed on the operating room table in supine position. All bony prominences were well padded at this time. At this time, Department of Anesthesia administered general anesthetic to the patient. The patient was allowed in DVT study and the right extremity was in the Esmarch study as well as the left. The nonsterile tourniquet was then applied to the right upper thigh of the patient, but not inflated at this time. The right lower extremity was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The right upper extremity was then elevated and exsanguinated using an Esmarch and the tourniquet was inflated using 325 mmHg. The patient was a consideration for a unicompartmental knee replacement. So, after all bony and soft tissue landmarks were identified, a limited midline longitudinal incision was made directly over the patella. A sharp dissection was then taken down to the level of the fascia in line with the patella as well as the quadriceps tendon. Next, a medial parapatellar arthrotomy was performed using the #10 blade scalpel. Upon viewing of the articular surfaces, there was significant ware in the trochlear groove as well as the medial femoral condyle and it was elected to proceed with total knee replacement. At this time, the skin incisions as well as the deep incisions were extended proximally and distally in a midline fashion. Total incision now measured approximately 25 cm. Retractors were placed. Next, attention was directed to establishing medial and lateral flaps of the proximal tibia. Reciprocating osteal elevator was used to establish soft tissue plane and then an electrocautery was then used to subperiosteal strip medially and laterally on the proximal tibia. At this time, the patella was then everted. The knee was flexed up to 90 degrees. Next, using the large drill bit, the femoral canal was then opened in appropriate position. The intramedullary sizing guide was then placed and the knee was sized to a size F. At this time, the three degrees external rotation holes were then drilled after carefully assessing the epicondylar access as well as the white sideline. The guide was then removed. The intramedullary guide was then placed with nails holding the guide in three degrees of external rotation. Next, the anterior femoral resection guide was then placed and clamped into place using a pointed _________________ was then used to confirm that there would no notching performed. Next, soft tissue retractors were placed and an oscillating saw was used to make the anterior femoral cut. Upon checking, it was noted to be flat with no oscillations. The anterior guide was then removed and the distal femoral resection guide was placed in five degrees of valgus. It was secured in place using nails. The intramedullary guide was then removed and the standard distal femoral cut was then made using oscillating saw.,This was then removed and the size F distal finishing femoral guide was then placed on the femur in proper position. Bony and soft tissue landmarks were confirmed and the resection guide was then held in place using nail as well as spring screws. Again, the collateral ligament retractors were then placed and the oscillating saw was used to make each of the anterior and posterior as well as each chamfer cut. A reciprocating saw was then used to cut the trochlear cut and the peg holes were drilled as well. The distal finishing guide was then removed and osteotome was then used to remove all resected bone. The oscillating saw was then used to complete the femoral notch cut. Upon viewing, there appeared to be proper amount of bony resection and all bone was removed completely. There was no posterior osteophytes noted and no fragments to the posterior aspect. Next, attention was directed towards the tibia. The external tibial guide was reflected. This was placed on the anterior tibia and held in place using nails after confirming the proper varus and valgus position. The resection guide was then checked and appeared to be sufficient amount of resection in both medial and lateral condyles of the tibia. Next, collateral ligament retractors were placed as well as McGill retractors for the PCL. Oscillating saw was then used to make the proximal tibial cut. Osteotome was used to remove this excess resected bone. The laminar spreader was then used to check the flexion and extension. The gaps appeared to be equal. The external guide was then removed and trial components were placed to a size F femoral component and a 12 mm tibial component on a size 8 tray. The knee was taken through range of motion and had very good flexion as well as full extension. There appeared to be good varus and valgus stability as well. Next, attention was directed towards the patella. There noted to be a sufficient ware and it was selected to replace the patella. It was sized with caliper, pre-cut and noted to be 26 mm depth. The sizing guide was then used and a size 51 resection guide selected. A 51 mm reamer was then placed and sufficient amount of patella was then removed. The calcar was then used to check again and there was noted to be 15 mm remaining. The 38 mm patella guide was then placed on the patella. It was noted to be in proper size and the three drill holes for the pegs were used. A trial component was then placed. The knee was taken through range of motion. There was noted to be some subluxation lateral to the patellar component and a lateral release was performed. After this, the component appeared to be tracking very well. There remained a good range of motion in the knee and extension as well as flexion. At this time, an AP x-ray of the knee was taken with the trial components in place. Upon viewing this x-ray, it appeared that the tibial cut was in neutral, all components in proper positioning. The knee was then copiously irrigated and dried. The knee was then flexed ___________ placed, and the peg drill guide was placed on the tibia in proper position, held in place with nails.,The four peg holes were then drilled. The knee again was copiously irrigated and suction dried. The final components were then selected again consisting of size F femoral components. A peg size 8 tibial component, a 12 mm height articular surface, size blue, and a 38 mm 9.5 mm thickness All-Poly patella. Polymethyl methacrylate was then prepared at this time. The proximal tibia was dried and the cement was then pressed into place. The cement was then placed on the backside of the tibial component and the tibial component was then impacted into proper positioning. Next, the proximal femur was cleaned and dried. Polymethyl methacrylate was placed on the resected portions of the femur as well as the backside of the femoral components. This was then impacted in place as well. At this time, all excess cement was removed from both the tibial and femoral components. A size 12 mm trial tibial articular surface was then put in place. The knee was reduced and held in loading position throughout the remaining drying position of the cement. Next, the resected patella was cleaned and dried. The cement was placed on the patella as well as the backside of the patellar component. The component was then put in proper positioning and held in place with a clamp. All excess polymethyl methacrylate was removed from this area as well. This was held until the cement had hardened sufficiently. Next, the knee was examined. All excess cement was then removed. The knee was taken through range of motion with sufficient range of motion as well as stability. The final 12 mm height polyethylene tibial component was then put into place and snapped down in proper position. Again range of motion was noted to be sufficient. The knee was copiously irrigated and suction dried once again. A drain was then placed within the knee. The wound was then closed first using #1 Ethibond to close the arthrotomy oversewn with a #1 Vicryl. The knee was again copiously irrigated and dried. The skin was closed using #2-0 Vicryl in subcuticular fashion followed by staples on the skin. The ConstaVac was then _______ to the drain. Sterile dressing was applied consisting of Adaptic, 4x4, ABDs, Kerlix, and a 6-inch Dupre roll from foot to thigh. Department of Anesthesia then reversed the anesthetic. The patient was transferred back to the hospital gurney to Postanesthesia Care Unit. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.orthopedic, degenerative, arthritis, zimmer nexgen, all-poly, cruciate, patellar component, total knee arthroplasty, knee arthroplasty, tibial component, femoral, patellar, tibial, knee, arthroplasty, anesthesia,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Both pancreatic and left adrenal lesions.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This 60-year-old white male is referred to us by his medical physician with a complaint of recent finding of a both pancreatic lesion and lesions with left adrenal gland. The patient's history dates back to at the end of the January of this past year when he began experiencing symptoms consistent with difficulty almost like a suffocating feeling whenever he would lie flat on his back. He noticed whenever he would recline backwards, he would begin this feeling and it is so bad now that he can barely recline, very little before he has this feeling. He is now sleeping in an upright position. He was sent for CAT scan originally of his chest. The CAT scan of the chest reveals a pneumonitis, but also saw a left adrenal nodule and a small pancreatic lesion. He was subsequently was sent for a dedicated abdominal CAT scan and MRI. The CAT scan revealed 1.8-cm lesion of his left adrenal gland, suspected to be a benign adenoma. The pancreas showed pancreatic lesion towards the mid body tail aspect of the pancreas, approximately 1 cm, most likely of cystic nature. Neoplasm could not be excluded. He was referred to us for further assessment. He denies any significant abdominal pain, any nausea or vomiting. His appetite is fine. He has had no significant changes in his bowel habits or any rectal bleeding or melena. He has undergone a colonoscopy in September of last year and was found to have three adenomatous polyps. He does have a history of frequent urination. Has been followed by urologist for this. There is no family history of pancreatic cancer. There is a history of gallstone pancreatitis in the patient's sister.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, asthma, and high cholesterol.,ALLERGIES: , ENVIRONMENTAL.,MEDICATIONS:, Include glipizide 5 mg b.i.d., metformin 500 mg b.i.d., Atacand 16 mg daily, metoprolol 25 mg b.i.d., Lipitor 10 mg daily, pantoprazole 40 mg daily, Flomax 0.4 mg daily, Detrol 4 mg daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily, Advair Diskus 100/50 mcg one puff b.i.d., and fluticasone spray 50 mcg two sprays daily.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, He has not had any previous surgery.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His brothers had prostate cancer. Father had brain cancer. Heart disease in both sides of the family. Has diabetes in his brother and sister.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He is a non-cigarette smoker and non-ETOH user. He is single and he has no children. He works as a payroll representative and previously did lot of work in jewelry business, working he states with chemical.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , He denies any chest pain. He admits to exertional shortness of breath. He denies any GI problems as noted. Has frequent urination as noted. He denies any bleeding disorders or bleeding history.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: Presents as an obese 60-year-old white male, who appears to be in no apparent distress.,HEENT: Unremarkable.,NECK: Supple. There is no mass, adenopathy or bruit.,CHEST: Normal excursion.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,COR: Regular. There is no S3 or S4 gallop. There is no obvious murmur.,HEART: There is distant heart sounds.,ABDOMEN: Obese. It is soft. It is nontender. Examination was done as relatively sitting up as the patient was unable to recline. Bowel sounds are present. There is no obvious mass or organomegaly.,GENITALIA: Deferred.,RECTAL: Deferred.,EXTREMITIES: Revealed about 1+ pitting edema. Bilateral peripheral pulses are intact.,NEUROLOGIC: Without focal deficits. The patient is alert and oriented.,IMPRESSION:, Both left adrenal and pancreatic lesions. The adrenal lesion is a small lesion, appears as if probable benign adenoma, where as the pancreatic lesion is the cystic lesion, and neoplasm could not be excluded. Given the location of these pancreatic lesions in the mid body towards the tail and size of 1 cm, the likelihood is an ERCP will be of no value and the likelihood is that it is too small to biopsy. We are going to review x-rays with Radiology prior with the patient probably at some point will present for operative intervention. Prior to that the patient will undergo an esophagogastroduodenoscopy.nan
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Cataract extraction with lens implantation, right eye.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room. The patient was identified and the correct operative site was also identified. A retrobulbar block using 5 ml of 2% lidocaine without epinephrine was done after adequate anesthetic was assured, and the eye was massaged to reduce risk of bleeding. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. A lid speculum was applied.,A groove incision at the 12 o'clock position was made with a 5700 blade. This was beveled anteriorly in a lamellar fashion using the crescent knife. Then the anterior chamber was entered with a slit knife. The chamber was deepened with Viscoat. Then a paracentesis at the 3 o'clock position was created using a super sharp blade. A cystitome was used to nick the anterior capsule and then the capsulotomy was completed with capsulorrhexis forceps. Hydrodissection was employed using BSS on a blunt 27-gauge needle.,The phaco tip was then introduced into the eye, and the eye was divided into 4 grooves. Then a second instrument was used, a Sinskey hook, to crack these grooves, and the individual quadrants were brought into the central zone and phacoemulsified. I/A proceeded without difficulty using the irrigation/aspiration cannula. The capsule was felt to be clear and intact. The capsular bag was then expanded with ProVisc.,The internal corneal wound was increased using the slit knife. The lens was inspected and found to be free of defects, folded, and easily inserted into the capsular bag, and unfolded. A corneal light shield was then used as the wound was sutured with a figure-of-eight 10-0 nylon suture. Then the Viscoat was removed using I/A, and the suture drawn up and tied.,The 0.2 ml of gentamicin was injected subconjunctivally. Maxitrol ointment was instilled into the conjunctival sac. The eye was covered with a double patch and shield, and the patient was discharged.ophthalmology, lens implantation, anterior chamber, lid speculum, eye, sinskey hook, cataract extraction, capsular bag, cataract, capsular, knife, lens
SUBJECTIVE: ,The patient seen and examined feels better today. Still having diarrhea, decreased appetite. Good urine output 600 mL since 7 o'clock in the morning. Afebrile.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Nonacute distress, awake, alert, and oriented x3.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 102/64, heart rate of 89, respiratory rate of 12, temperature 96.8, and O2 saturation 94% on room air.,HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI.,NECK: Supple.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds are positive, soft, and nontender. EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses present bilaterally.,LABORATORY DATA: ,CBC, WBC count today down 10.9 from 17.3 yesterday 26.9 on admission, hemoglobin 10.2, hematocrit 31.3, and platelet count 370,000. BMP, BUN of 28.3 from 32.2, creatinine 1.8 from 1.89 from 2.7. Calcium of 8.2. Sodium 139, potassium 3.9, chloride 108, and CO2 of 22. Liver function test is unremarkable.,Stool positive for Clostridium difficile. Blood culture was 131. O2 saturation result is pending.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Most likely secondary to Clostridium difficile colitis and urinary tract infection improving. The patient hemodynamically stable, leukocytosis improved and today he is afebrile.,2. Acute renal failure secondary to dehydration, BUN and creatinine improving.,3. Clostridium difficile colitis, Continue Flagyl, evaluation Dr. X in a.m.,4. Urinary tract infection, continue Levaquin for last during culture.,5. Leucocytosis, improving.,6. Minimal elevated cardiac enzyme on admission. Followup with Cardiology recommendations.,7. Possible pneumonia, continue vancomycin and Levaquin.,8. The patient may be transferred to telemetry.gastroenterology, decreased appetite, acute renal failure, urinary tract infection, leucocytosis, clostridium difficile colitis,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Plantar flex third metatarsal, right foot.,2. Talus bunion, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Plantar flex third metatarsal, right foot.,2. Talus bunion, right foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Third metatarsal osteotomy, right foot.,2. Talus bunionectomy, right foot.,3. Application of short-leg cast, right foot.,ANESTHESIA: , TIVA/local.,HISTORY: ,This 31-year-old female presents to ABCD Preoperative Holding Area after keeping herself n.p.o., since mid night for surgery on her painful right third plantar flex metatarsal. In addition, she complains of a painful right talus bunion to the right foot. She has tried conservative methods such as wide shoes and serial debridement and accommodative padding, all of which provided inadequate relief. At this time she desires to attempt a surgical correction. The risks versus benefits of the procedure have been explained to the patient by Dr. X and the consent is available on the chart for review.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After IV was established by the Department Of Anesthesia, the patient was taken to the operating room via cart. She was placed on the operating table in supine position and a safety strap was placed across her waist for retraction. Next, copious amounts of Webril were applied around the right ankle and a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied.,Next, after adequate IV sedation was administered by the Department Of Anesthesia, a total of 10 cc mixture of 4.5 cc of 1% lidocaine/4.5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine/1 cc of Kenalog was injected into the right foot in an infiltrative type block. Next, the foot was prepped and draped in the usual aseptic fashion. An Esmarch bandage was used to exsanguinate the foot and the pneumatic ankle tourniquet was elevated to 250 mmHg. Next, the foot was lowered in the operative field and attention was directed to the dorsal third metatarsal area. There was a plantar hyperkeratotic lesion and a plantar flex palpable third metatarsal head. A previous cicatrix was noted with slight hypertrophic scarring. Using a #10 blade, a lazy S-type incision was created over the dorsal aspect of the third metatarsal, approximately 3.5 cm in length. Two semi-elliptical converging incisions were made over the hypertrophic scar and it was removed and passed off as a specimen. Next, the #15 blade was used to deepen the incision down to the subcutaneous tissue. Any small traversing veins were ligated with electrocautery. Next, a combination of blunt and sharp dissection were used to undermine the long extensor tendon, which was tacked down with a moderate amount of fibrosis and fibrotic scar tissue. Next, the extensor tendon was retracted laterally and the deep fascia over the metatarsals was identified. A linear incision down to bone was made with a #15 blade to the capsuloperiosteal tissues. Next, the capsuloperiosteal tissues were elevated using a sharp dissection with a #15 blade, off of the third metatarsal. McGlamry elevator was carefully inserted around the head of the metatarsal and freed and all the plantar adhesions were freed. A moderate amount of plantar adhesions were encountered. The third toe was plantar flex and the third metatarsal was delivered into the wound. Next, a V-shaped osteotomy with an apex distally was created using a sagittal saw. The metatarsal head was allowed to float. The wound was flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the capsuloperiosteal tissues, which kept the metatarsal head contained. Next, #4-0 Vicryl was used to close the subcutaneous layer in a simple interrupted suture technique. Next, #4-0 nylon was used to close the skin in a simple interrupted technique.,Attention was directed to the right fifth metatarsal. There was a large palpable hypertrophic prominence, which is the area of maximal pain, which the patient complained of preoperatively. A #10 blade was used to make a 3 cm incision through the skin. Next, a #15 blade was used to deepen the incision through the subcutaneous tissue. Next, the medial and lateral aspects were undermined. The abductor tendon was identified and retracted. A capsuloperiosteal incision was made with a #15 blade in a linear fashion down to the bone. The capsuloperiosteal tissues were elevated off the bone with a Freer elevator and a #15 blade.,Next, the sagittal saw was used to resect the large hypertrophic dorsal exostosis. A reciprocating rasp was used to smooth all bony prominences. The wound was flushed with copious amount of sterile saline. #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the capsuloperiosteal tissues. #4-0 Vicryl was used to close subcutaneous layer with a simple interrupted suture. Next, #4-0 nylon was used to close the skin in a simple interrupted technique. Next, attention was directed to the plantar aspect of the third metatarsal where a bursal sac was felt to be palpated under the plantar flex third metatarsal head. A #15 blade was used to make a small linear incision under the third metatarsal head. The incision was deepened through the dermal layer and curved hemostats and Metzenbaum scissors were used to undermine the skin from the underlying bursa. The wound was flushed and two simple interrupted sutures with #4-0 nylon were applied.,Standard postoperative dressing was applied consisting of Xeroform, 4x4s, Kerlix, Kling, and Coban. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to the digits.,A sterile stockinet was placed on the toes just below the knee. Copious amounts of Webril were placed on all bony prominences. 3 inch and 4 inch fiberglass cast tape was used to create a below the knee well-padded, well-moulded cast. One was able to insert two fingers to the distal and proximal aspects of the _cast. The capillary refill time to the digits was less than three seconds after cast application. The patient tolerated the above anesthesia and procedures without complications. She was transported via cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the right foot. She was given standard postoperative instructions to rest, ice and elevate her right foot. She was counseled on smoking cessation. She was given Vicoprofen #30 1 p.o. q.4-6h p.r.n., pain. She was given Keflex #30 1 p.o. t.i.d. She is to follow up with Dr. X on Monday. She is to be full weightbearing with a cast boot. She was given emergency contact numbers to call us if problem, plantar flex, talus bunion, talus bunionectomy, metatarsal osteotomy, osteotomy, short-leg cast, hypertrophic scarring, subcutaneous tissue, sharp dissection, linear incision, foot talus, pneumatic ankle, capsuloperiosteal tissues, plantar, foot, metatarsal, capsuloperiosteal, bunionectomy
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left patellar chondromalacia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left patellar chondromalacia with tight lateral structures.,PROCEDURE:, Left knee arthroscopy with lateral capsular release.,ANESTHESIA: , Surgery performed under general anesthesia.,TOURNIQUET TIME: ,47 minutes.,MEDICATION: ,The patient received 0.5% Marcaine local anesthetic 32 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative complications.,DRAINS AND SPECIMENS: , None.,HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: ,The patient is a 14-year-old girl who started having left knee pain in the fall of 2007. She was not seen in Orthopedic Clinic until November 2007. The patient had an outside MRI performed that demonstrated left patellar chondromalacia only. The patient was referred to physical therapy for patellar tracking exercises. She was also given a brace. The patient reported increasing pain with physical therapy and mother strongly desired other treatment. It was explained to the mother in detail that this is a difficult problem to treat although majority of the patients get better with physical therapy. Her failure with nonoperative treatment is below the standard 6-month trial; however, given her symptoms and severe pain, lateral capsular release was offered. Risk and benefits of surgery were discussed. Risks of surgery including risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion extremity, failure of procedure to relieve pain, need for postoperative rehab, and significant postoperative swelling. All questions were answered, and mother and daughter agreed to the above plans.,PROCEDURE NOTE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed on the operating table. General anesthesia was then administered. The patient received Ancef preoperatively. A nonsterile tourniquet was placed on the upper aspect of left thigh. The extremity was then prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion. A medial suprapatellar portal was marked on the skin as well as anteromedial and anterolateral joint line. The extremity was wrapped in Esmarch prior to inflation of tourniquet to 250 mmHg. Esmarch was then removed. Incisions were then made. Camera was initially inserted into the lateral joint line. Visualization of patellofemoral joint revealed type 2 chondromalacia with slight lateral subluxation. The patient did have congruent articulation about 30 degrees of knee flexion. Visualization of the medial joint line revealed no loose bodies. There was a small plica. Visualization of the medial joint line revealed no significant chondromalacia. Menisci was probed and tested with no signs of tears and instability. ACL was noted to be intact. The intercondylar notch and lateral joint line also revealed no significant chondromalacia or meniscal pathology. Lateral gutter also demonstrated no loose bodies or plica. The camera was then removed and inserted into the anteromedial portal using two 18-gauge needles. The extent of lateral capsular release was marked using a monopolar coblator, lateral capsular release was performed. The patient had significant improvement in anteromedial translation from 25% to 50%. At the end of the case, all instruments were removed. The knee was injected with 32 mL of 0.5% Marcaine with additional epinephrine. Please note, the patient received 30 mL of 1:500,000 dilution epinephrine at the beginning of the case. The portals were then closed using 4-0 Monocryl. The wound was clean and dry, and dressed with Steri-Strips, Xeroform, and 4 x 4s. The kneecap was translated medially under pressure and a bias placed. The tourniquet was released at 47 minutes. The patient was then placed in the knee immobilizer. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was subsequently extubated and taken to the recovery in stable condition.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , The patient will weightbear as tolerated in the knee immobilizer. She will start physical therapy within 1 to 2 weeks to work on patella mobilization as well as reconditioning and strengthening. Intraoperative findings were relayed to the mother. All questions were answered.orthopedic, knee arthroscopy, lateral capsular release, chondromalacia, patellar, lateral joint line, medial joint line, lateral joint, medial joint, capsular release, joint line, arthroscopy, tourniquet, knee,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Recurrent herniation L4-5 disk with left radiculopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Recurrent herniation L4-5 disk with left radiculopathy.,PROCEDURE:, Redo L4-5 diskectomy left.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ANTIBIOTIC (S),: Vancomycin given preoperatively.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 10 mL.,BLOOD REPLACED:, None.,CRYSTALLOID GIVEN:, 800 mL.,DRAIN (S):, None.,DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION:, The patient was brought to the operating room in supine position. General endotracheal anesthesia was administered. He was turned into the prone position on the operating table and positioned in the modified knee-chest position with Andrews frame being used. Care was taken to protect pressure points. The back was shaved, scrubbed with Betadine scrub, rinsed with alcohol, and prepped with DuraPrep, and draped in the usual sterile fashion with Ioban drape being used. A midline skin incision was made, excising scar from previous surgery. Dissection was carried down through the subcutaneous tissue with electrocautery technique. The lumbosacral fascia was split to the left of the spinous process, and subperiosteal dissection of the spinous process and lamina, area of previous laminotomy was identified. Cross-table lateral was also made to confirm position. The scar was then loosened from the inferior portion of 4, superior of L5 lamina, and a portion of the lamina was removed. I did identify normal dura. The scar was then lysed from the medial wall. Dura and nerve root were identified and protected with nerve root retractor. The bulging disk fragment was still contained under the longitudinal ligament. A rent was made with the Penfield and a moderately large fragment was removed. The disk space was then entered with a cruciate cut in the annulus, with additional nuclear material being received. When no other fragments could be removed from the disk space, no other fragments were felt in the central canal under the longitudinal ligament, and a Murphy ball could be passed through the foramen without evidence of compression, the decompression was complete. Check was made for CSF leakage, and no evidence of significant epidural bleeding was present. The wound was irrigated with antibiotic solution. Twenty milligrams of Depo-Medrol was placed over the dura and nerve root. A free fat graft from the subcutaneous tissue was then placed over the dura. Closure was obtained with the lumbosacral fascia being reapproximated with #1, running, Vicryl suture. Subcutaneous closure was obtained in layers with 2-0, running, Vicryl suture. Skin closure was obtained with 3-0 Vicryl subcuticular suture. Proxi-Strips and sterile dressing was applied. The skin had been infiltrated with 8 mL of 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine.,After a sterile dressing was applied, the patient was turned into the supine position on the waiting recovery room stretcher, brought from under the effects of anesthesia, and taken to the recovery room.orthopedic, herniation, andrews frame, csf leakage, depo-medrol, l4-5, proxi-strips, diskectomy, endotracheal anesthesia, lumbosacral fascia, modified knee-chest position, radiculopathy, supine position, nerve root, duraprep,
PREOPERATIVE DX:,1. Menorrhagia,2. Desires permanent sterilization.,POSTOPERATIVE DX:,1. Menorrhagia,2. Desires permanent sterilization.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, Hysteroscopy, Essure, tubal occlusion, and ThermaChoice endometrial ablation.,ANESTHESIA: , General with paracervical block.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,FLUIDS:, On hysteroscopy, 100 ml deficit of lactated Ringer's via IV, 850 ml of lactated Ringer's.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PATHOLOGY: , None.,DISPOSITION: ,Stable to recovery room.,FINDINGS:, A nulliparous cervix without lesions. Uterine cavity sounding to 10 cm, normal appearing tubal ostia bilaterally, fluffy endometrium, normal appearing cavity without obvious polyps or fibroids.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, where general anesthesia was found to be adequate. She was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A speculum was placed into the vagina. The anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with a single-tooth tenaculum and a paracervical block was performed using 20 ml of 0.50% lidocaine with 1:200,000 of epinephrine.,The cervical vaginal junction at the 4 o'clock position was injected and 5 ml was instilled. The block was performed at 8 o'clock as well with 5 ml at 10 and 2 o'clock. The lidocaine was injected into the cervix. The cervix was minimally dilated with #17 Hanks dilator. The 5-mm 30-degree hysteroscope was then inserted under direct visualization using lactated Ringer's as a distention medium. The uterine cavity was viewed and the above normal findings were noted. The Essure tubal occlusion was then inserted through the operative port and the tip of the Essure device easily slid into the right ostia. The coil was advanced and easily placed and the device withdrawn. There were three coils into the uterine cavity after removal of the insertion device. The device was removed and reloaded. The advice was to advance under direct visualization and the tip was inserted into the left ostia. This passed easily and the device was inserted. It was removed easily and three coils again were into the uterine cavity. The hysteroscope was then removed and the ThermaChoice ablation was performed. The uterus was then sounded to 9.5 to 10 cm. The ThermaChoice balloon was primed and pressure was drawn to a negative 150. The device was then moistened and inserted into the uterine cavity and the balloon was slowly filled with 40 ml of D5W. The pressure was brought up to 170 and the cycle was initiated. A full cycle of eight minutes was performed. At no time there was a significant loss of pressure from the catheter balloon. After the cycle was complete, the balloon was deflated and withdrawn. The tenaculum was withdrawn. No bleeding was noted. The patient was then awakened, transferred, and taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.obstetrics / gynecology, menorrhagia, essure, hysteroscopy, thermachoice, uterine cavity, endometrial ablation, endometrium, fibroids, fluffy, lactated ringer, nulliparous, paracervical block, permanent sterilization, polyps, tubal occlusion, tubal ostia, lactated ringer's, ablation, uterine,
SUBJECTIVE:, This 47-year-old white female presents with concern about possible spider bite to the left side of her neck. She is not aware of any specific injury. She noticed a little tenderness and redness on her left posterior shoulder about two days ago. It seems to be getting a little bit larger in size, and she saw some red streaks extending up her neck. She has had no fever. The area is very minimally tender, but not particularly so.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Generic Maxzide, Climara patch, multivitamin, Tums, Claritin, and vitamin C.,ALLERGIES:, No known medicine allergies.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight is 150 pounds. Blood pressure 122/82.,Extremities: Examination of the left posterior shoulder near the neckline is an area of faint erythema which is 6 cm in diameter. In the center is a tiny mark which could certainly be an insect or spider bite. There is no eschar there, but just a tiny marking. There are a couple of erythematous streaks extending towards the neck.,ASSESSMENT:, Possible insect bite with lymphangitis.,PLAN:,1. Duricef 1 g daily for seven days.,2. Cold packs to the area.,3. Discussed symptoms that were suggestive of the worsening, in which case she would need to call me.,4. Incidentally, she has noticed a little bit of dryness and redness on her eyelids, particularly the upper ones’ and the lower lateral areas. I suspect she has a mild contact dermatitis and suggested hydrocortisone 1% cream to be applied sparingly at bedtime only.general medicine, spider bite, injury, tenderness, redness, insect bite, lymphangitis, streaks, spider, neck, bite,
PROCEDURES:, Cystourethroscopy and transurethral resection of prostate.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS:, Difficulty voiding.,HISTORY:, This 67-year old Hispanic male patient was admitted because of enlarged prostate and symptoms of bladder neck obstruction. Physical examination revealed normal heart and lungs. Abdomen was negative for abnormal findings. ,LABORATORY DATA:, BUN 19 and creatinine 1.1. Blood group was A, Rh positive, Hemoglobin 13, Hematocrit 32.1, Prothrombin time 12.6 seconds, PTT 37.1. Discharge hemoglobin 11.4, and hematocrit 33.3. Chest x-ray calcified old granulomatous disease, otherwise normal. EKG was normal. ,COURSE IN THE HOSPITAL:, The patient had a cysto and TUR of the prostate. Postoperative course was uncomplicated. The pathology report is pending at the time of dictation. He is being discharged in satisfactory condition with a good urinary stream, minimal hematuria, and on Bactrim DS one a day for ten days with a standard postprostatic surgery instruction sheet. ,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , Enlarged prostate with benign bladder neck obstruction. ,To be followed in my office in one week and by Dr. ABC next available as an outpatient.urology, tur, bun, cystourethroscopy, difficulty voiding, bladder neck obstruction, creatinine, cysto, enlarged prostate, transurethral resection of prostate, urinary stream, bladder neck, neck obstruction, prostate
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Colovesical fistula.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Colovesical fistula.,2. Intraperitoneal abscess.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Exploratory laparotomy.,2. Low anterior colon resection.,3. Flexible colonoscopy.,4. Transverse loop colostomy and JP placement.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,HISTORY: ,This 74-year-old female who had a recent hip fracture and the patient was in rehab when she started having some stool coming out of the urethra. The patient had retrograde cystogram, which revealed colovesical fistula. Recommendation for a surgery was made. The patient was explained the risks and benefits as well as the two sons and the daughter. They understood that the patient can even die from this procedure. All the three procedures were explained, without a colostomy, with Hartmann's colostomy, and with a transverse loop colostomy, and out of the three procedures, the patient's requested to have the loop colostomy and stated that the Hartmann's colostomy leaving the anastomosis with the risk of leaking.,PROCEDURE DETAILS: , The patient was taken to the operating room, prepped and draped in the sterile fashion and was given general anesthetic. An incision was performed in the midline below the umbilicus to the pubis with a #10 blade Bard Parker. Electrocautery was used for hemostasis down to the fascia. The fascia was grasped with Ochsner's and then immediately the peritoneum was entered and the incision was carried cephalad and caudad with electrocautery.,Once within the peritoneum, adhesiolysis was performed to separate the small bowel from the attachment of the anterior abdominal wall. At this point, immediately a small bowel was retracted cephalad. The patient was taken to a slightly Trendelenburg position and the descending colon was seen. The white line of Toldt was opened all the way down to the area of inflammation. At this point, meticulous dissection was carried to separate the small bowel from the attachment to the abscess. When the small bowel was completely freed of abscess, bulk of the bladder was seen anteriorly to the uterus. The abscess was cultured and sent it back to Bacteriology Department and immediately the opening into the bladder was visualized. At this point, the entire sigmoid colon was separated posteriorly as well as laterally and it was all the way down to sigmoid down to the rectum. At this point, decision to place a moist towel and retract old intestine superiorly as well as to place first self-retaining retractor in the abdominal cavity with a bladder blade was placed. Immediately, a GIA was fired right across the descending colon and sigmoid colon junction and then with peons within the mesentery were placed all the way down to the rectosigmoid junction where a TA-55 balloon Roticulator was fired. The specimen was cut with #10 blade Bard-Parker and sent it to Pathology. Immediately copious amount of irrigation was used and the staple line in the descending colon was brought with Allis. A pursestring device was fired. The staple line was cut. The dilators were used using #25 and #29, then _________ #29 EEA was placed and the suture was tied. At this point, attention was directed down to the rectal stump where dilators #25 and #29 were passed from the anus into the rectum and then the #29 Ethicon GIA was introduced. The spike came posteriorly through the staple line to avoid the inflammatory process anteriorly that was present in the area of the cul-de-sac as well as the uterine was present in this patient. ,Immediately, the EEA was connected with a mushroom. It was tied, fired, and a Doyen was placed above the anastomosis approximately four inches. Fluid was placed within the _________ and immediately a colonoscope was introduced from the patient's anus insufflating air. No air was seen evolving from the staple line. All fluid was removed and pictures of the staple line were taken. The scope was removed at this point. The case was passed to Dr. X for repair of the vesicle fistula. Dr. X did repair down the perforation of the bladder that was communicating with an abscess secondary to the perforated diverticulitis and the colon. After this was performed, copious amount of irrigation was used again. More lysis of adhesions were performed and decision to make a loop transverse colostomy was made to protect the anastomosis in a phase of a severe inflammatory process in the pelvis in the infected area. The incision was performed in the right upper quadrant.,This incision was performed with cutting in the cautery, down into the fascia splitting the muscle and then the Penrose was passed under transverse colon, and was grasped on pulling the transverse colon at the level of the skin. The wire was passed under the transverse colon. It was left in place. Moderate irrigation was used in the peritoneal cavity and in the right lower quadrant, a JP was placed in the pelvis posteriorly to the abscess cavity that was down on the pelvis. At this point, immediately, yellow fluid was removed from the peritoneal cavity and the abdomen was closed with cephalad to caudad and caudad to cephalad with a loop PDS suture and then tied. Electrocautery for hemostasis and the subcutaneous tissue. Copious amount of irrigation was used. The skin was approximated with staples. At this point, immediately, the wound was covered with a moist towel and decision to mature the loop colostomy was made. The colostomy was opened longitudinally and then matured with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl suture through the skin edge. One it was completely matured, immediately the index finger was probed proximally and distally and both loops were completely opened. As previously mentioned, the Penrose was removed and the Bard was secured with a #3-0 nylon suture. The JP was secured with #3-0 nylon suture as well. At this point, dressings were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The stent from the left ureter was removed and the Foley was left in place. The patient did tolerate the procedure well and will be followed up during the hospitalization.gastroenterology, intraperitoneal abscess, colovesical fistula, low anterior colon resection, flexible colonoscopy, transverse loop colostomy, jp placement, exploratory laparotomy, colon resection, descending colon, transverse colon, colostomy, colon, laparotomy, aparotomy, fistula
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Secondary capsular membrane, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Secondary capsular membrane, right eye.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , YAG laser capsulotomy, right eye.,INDICATIONS: , This patient has undergone cataract surgery, and vision is reduced in the operated eye due to presence of a secondary capsular membrane. The patient is being brought in for YAG capsular discission.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was seated at the YAG laser, the pupil having been dilated with 1% Mydriacyl, and Iopidine was instilled. The Abraham capsulotomy lens was then positioned and applications of laser energy in the pattern indicated on the outpatient note were applied. A total ofsurgery, abraham capsulotomy, yag, yag laser capsulotomy, capsulotomy, laser, membrane, eye, capsular,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cellulitis with associated abscess, right foot.,2. Foreign body, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cellulitis with associated abscess, right foot.,2. Foreign body, right foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Irrigation debridement.,2. Removal of foreign body of right foot.,ANESTHESIA:, Spinal with sedation.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,GROSS FINDINGS: , Include purulent material from the abscess located in the plantar aspect of the foot between the third and fourth metatarsal heads.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 61-year-old Caucasian male with a history of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The patient states that he was working in his garage over the past few days when he noticed some redness and edema in his right foot. He notes some itching as well as increasing pain and redness in the right foot and presented to ABCD General Hospital Emergency Room. He was evaluated by the Emergency Room staff as well as the medical team and the Department of Orthopedics. It was noted upon x-ray a foreign body in his foot and he had significant amount of cellulitis as well ________ right lower extremity. After a long discussion held with the patient, it was elected to proceed with irrigation debridement and removal of the foreign body.,PROCEDURE: , After all potential complications, risks, as well as anticipated benefits of the above-named procedures were discussed at length with the patient, informed consent was obtained. The operative extremity was then confirmed with the patient, operative surgeon, the Department of Anesthesia and nursing staff. The patient was then transferred to preoperative area to Operative Suite #5 and placed on the operating table in supine position. All bony prominences were well padded at this time. The Department of Anesthesia was administered spinal anesthetic to the patient. Once this anesthesia was obtained, the patient's right lower extremity was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Upon viewing of the plantar aspect of the foot, there was noted to be a swollen ecchymotic area with a small hole in it, which purulent fluid was coming from. At this time, after all bony and soft tissue landmarks were identified as well as the localization of the pus, a 2 cm longitudinal incision was made directly over this area, which was located between the second and third metatarsal heads. Upon incising this, there was a foul smelling purulent fluid, which flowed from this region. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures were taken as well as gram stain. The area was explored and it ________ to the dorsum of the foot. There was no obvious joint involvement. After all loculations were broken, 3 liters antibiotic-impregnated fluid were pulse-evac through the wound. The wound was again inspected with no more gross purulent or necrotic appearing tissue. The wound was then packed with an iodoform gauge and a sterile dressing was applied consisting of 4x4s, floss, and Kerlix covered by an Ace bandage. At this time, the Department of Anesthesia reversed the sedation. The patient was transferred back to the hospital gurney to Postanesthesia Care Unit. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient will be followed on a daily basis for possible repeat irrigation debridement.orthopedic, removal of foreign body, purulent material, metatarsal, cellulitis, abscess, kerlix, foreign body, foot, irrigation, debridement, purulent,
OPERATION PERFORMED:, Full mouth dental rehabilitation in the operating room under general anesthesia.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Severe dental caries.,2. Hemophilia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Severe dental caries.,2. Hemophilia.,3. Nonrestorable teeth.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,DURATION OF SURGERY: ,1 hour and 22 minutes.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,The patient was first seen by me on 08/23/2007, who is 4-year-old with hemophilia, who received infusion on Tuesdays and Thursdays and he has a MediPort. Mom reported history of high fever after surgery and he has one seizure previously. He has history of trauma to his front teeth and physician put him on antibiotics. He was only cooperative for having me do a visual examination on his anterior teeth. Visual examination revealed severe dental caries and dental abscess from tooth #E and his maxillary anterior teeth needed to be extracted. Due to his young age and hemophilia, I felt that he would be best served to be taken to the hospital operating room.,OTHER PREPARATION: ,The child was brought to the Hospital Day Surgery accompanied by his mother. There, I met with her and discussed the needs of the child, types of restoration to be performed, and the risks, and benefits of the treatment as well as the options and alternatives of the treatment. After all her questions and concerns were addressed, she gave her informed consent to proceed with treatment. The patient's history and physical examination was reviewed. He was given factor for appropriately for his hemophilia prior to being taken back to the operating room. Once he was cleared by Anesthesia, the child was taken back to the operating room.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was placed on the surgical table in the usual supine position with all extremities protected. Anesthesia was induced by mask. The patient was then intubated with an oral tube and the tube was stabilized. The head was wrapped and IV was started. The head and neck were draped with sterile towels and the body was covered with a lead apron and sterile sheath. A moist continuous throat pack was placed beyond tonsillar pillars. Plastic lip and cheek retractors were then placed. Preoperative clinical photographs were taken. Two posterior bitewing radiographs and two anterior periapical films were taken in the operating room with digital radiograph. After the radiographs were taken, the lead shield was removed.,Prophylaxis was then performed using a prophy cup and fluoridated prophy paste. The patient's teeth were rinsed well. The patient's oral cavity was suctioned clean. Clinical and radiographic examination followed and areas of decay were noted. During the restorative phase, these areas of decay were incidentally removed. Entry was made to the level of the dental-enamel junction and beyond as necessary to remove it. Final caries removal was confirmed upon reaching hard, firm and sound dentin.,Teeth restored with composite ___________ bonded with a one-step bonding agent. Teeth restored with amalgam had a dentin tubular seal placed prior to amalgam placement. Non-restorable primary teeth would be extracted. The caries were extensive and invaded the pulp tissues, pulp therapy was initiated using ViscoStat and then IRM pulpotomies. Teeth treated in such a manner would then be crowned with stainless steel crowns.,Upon conclusion of the restorative phase, the oral cavity was aspirated and found to be free of blood, mucus, and other debris. The original treatment plan was verified with the actual treatment provided. Postoperative clinical photographs were then taken. The continuous gauze throat pack was removed with continuous suction with visualization. Topical fluoride was then placed on the teeth. At the end of the procedure, the child was undraped, extubated, and awakened in the operating room, was taken to the recovery room, breathing spontaneously with stable vital signs.,FINDINGS: , This young patient presented with mild generalized marginal gingivitis, secondary to light generalized plaque accumulation and fair oral hygiene. All primary teeth were present. Dental carries were present on the following teeth: Tooth B, OL caries, tooth C, M, L, S caries, tooth B, caries on all surfaces, tooth E caries on all surfaces, tooth F caries on all surfaces, tooth T caries on all surfaces, tooth H, lingual and facial caries, tooth I, caries on all surfaces, tooth L caries on all surfaces, and tooth S, all caries. The remainder of his teeth and soft tissues were within normal limits. The following restoration and procedures were performed. Tooth B, OL amalgam, tooth C, M, L, S composite, tooth D, E, F, and G were extracted, tooth H, and L and separate F composite. Tooth I is stainless steel crown, tooth L pulpotomy and stainless steel crown and tooth S no amalgam. Sutures were also placed at extraction site D, E, S, and G.,CONCLUSION: ,The mother was informed of the completion of the procedure. She was given a synopsis of the treatment provided as well as written and verbal instructions for postoperative care. She is to contact to myself with an event of immediate postoperative complications and after full recovery, he was discharged from recovery room in the care of his mother. She was also given prescription for Tylenol with Codeine Elixir for postoperative pain control.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Visually significant posterior capsule opacity, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Visually significant posterior capsule opacity, right eye.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURES: ,YAG laser posterior capsulotomy, right eye.,ANESTHESIA: , Topical anesthesia using tetracaine ophthalmic drops.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: , This patient was found to have a visually significant posterior capsule opacity in the right eye. The patient has had a mild decrease in visual acuity, which has been a gradual change. The posterior capsule opacity was felt to be related to the decline in vision. The risks, benefits, and alternatives (including observation) were discussed. I feel the patient had a good understanding of the proposed procedure and informed consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was identified and the procedure was verified. Pupil was dilated per protocol. Patient was positioned at the YAG laser. Then, *** of energy were used to perform a circular posterior laser capsulotomy through the visual axis. A total of ** shots were used. Total energy was **. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications. The lens remained well centered and stable. Postoperative instructions were provided. Alphagan P ophthalmic drops times two were instilled prior to his dismissal.,Post-laser intraocular pressure measured ** mmHg. Postoperative instructions were provided and the patient had no further questions.ophthalmology, capsule opacity, yag, ophthalmic, yag laser posterior capsulotomy, capsulotomy, opacity, laser, visually, eye, anesthesia
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Cerebrovascular accident (CVA).,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 56-year-old gentleman with a significant past medical history for nasopharyngeal cancer status post radiation therapy to his pharynx and neck in 1991 who presents to the emergency room after awakening at 2:30 a.m. this morning with trouble swallowing, trouble breathing, and left-sided numbness and weakness. This occurred at 2:30 a.m. His wife said that he had trouble speaking as well, but gradually the symptoms resolved but he was still complaining of a headache and at that point, he was brought to the emergency room. He arrived at the emergency room here via private ambulance at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. Upon initial evaluation, he did have some left-sided weakness and was complaining of a headache. He underwent workup including a CT, which was negative and his symptoms slowly began to resolve. He was initially admitted, placed on Plavix and aspirin. However a few hours later, his symptoms returned and he had increasing weakness of his left arm and left leg as well as slurred speech. Repeat CT scan again done reportedly was negative and he was subsequently heparinized and admitted. He also underwent an echo, carotid ultrasound, and lab work in the emergency room. Wife is at the bedside and denies he had any other symptoms previous to this. He denied any chest pain or palpitations. She does report that he is on a Z-Pak, got a cortisone shot, and some decongestant from Dr. ABC on Saturday because of congestion and that had gotten better.,ALLERGIES: ,He has no known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Multivitamin.,2. Ibuprofen p.r.n.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Nasopharyngeal cancer. Occurred in 1991. Status post XRT of the nasopharyngeal area and his neck because of spread to the lymph nodes.,2. Lumbar disk disease.,3. Status post diskectomy.,4. Chronic neck pain secondary to XRT.,5. History of thalassemia.,6. Chronic dizziness since his XRT in 1991.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Lumbar diskectomy, which is approximately 7 to 8 years ago, otherwise negative.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is a nonsmoker. He occasionally has a beer. He is married. He works as a flooring installer.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Pertinent for father who died of an inoperable brain tumour. Mother is obese, but otherwise negative history.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,He reports he was in his usual state of health up until he awoke this morning. He does states that yesterday his son cleaned the walk area with some ether and since then he has not quite been feeling right. He is a right-handed male and normally wears glasses.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Stable. His blood pressure was 156/97 in the emergency room, pulse is 73, respiratory rate 20, and saturation is 99%.,GENERAL: He is alert, pleasant, and in no acute distress at this time. He answers questions appropriately.,HEENT: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles are intact. Sclerae are clear. TMs clear. Oropharynx is clear.,NECK: Supple with full range of motion. He does have some increased density to neck, I assume, secondary to XRT.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,LUNGS: Clear bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended.,EXTREMITIES: Show no clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: He does have a minimally slurred speech at present. He does have a slight facial droop. He has significant left upper extremity weakness approximately 3-4/5, left lower extremity weakness is approximately a 2-3/5 on the left. Handgrip is about 4/5 on the left, right side is 5/5.,LABORATORY DATA: ,His initial blood work, PT was 11 and PTT 27. CBC is within normal limits except for hemoglobin of 12.9 and hematocrit of 39.1. Chem panel is all normal.,EKG showed normal sinus rhythm, normal EKG. CT of his brain, initially his first CT, which was done this morning at approximately 7 a.m. showed a normal CT. Repeat CT done at approximately 3:30 p.m. this evening was reportedly also normal. He underwent an echocardiogram in the emergency room, which was essentially normal. He had a carotid ultrasound, which revealed total occlusion of the right internal carotid artery, 60% to 80% stenosis of the left internal carotid artery, and 60% stenosis of the left external carotid artery.,MPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Cerebrovascular accident, in progress.nan
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Azotemia.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 36-year-old gentleman admitted to the hospital because he passed out at home.,Over the past week, he has been noticing increasing shortness of breath. He also started having some abdominal pain; however, he continued about his regular activity until the other day when he passed out at home. His wife called paramedics and he was brought to the emergency room.,The patient has had a workup at this time which shows bilateral pulmonary infarcts. He has been started on heparin and we are asked to see him because of increasing BUN and creatinine.,The patient has no past history of any renal problems. He feels that he has been in good health until this current episode. His appetite has been good. He denies swelling in his feet or ankles. He denies chest pain. He denies any problems with bowel habits. He denies any unexplained weight loss. He denies any recent change in bowel habits or recent change in urinary habits.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: A gentleman seen who appears his stated age.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 130/70.,CHEST: Chest expands equally bilaterally. Breath sounds are heard bilaterally.,HEART: Had a regular rhythm, no gallops or rubs.,ABDOMEN: Obese. There is no organomegaly. There are no bruits. There is no peripheral edema. He has good pulse in all 4 extremities. He has good muscle mass.,LABORATORY DATA: , The patient's current chemistries include a hemoglobin of 14.8, white count of 16.3, his sodium 133, potassium 5.1, chloride 104, CO2 of 19, a BUN of 26, and a creatinine of 3.5. On admission to the hospital, his creatinine on 6/27/2009 was 0.9.,The patient has had several studies including a CAT scan of his abdomen, which shows poor perfusion to his right kidney.,IMPRESSION:,1. Acute renal failure, probable renal vein thrombosis.,2. Hypercoagulable state.,3. Deep venous thromboses with pulmonary embolism.,DISCUSSION: , We are presented with a 36-year-old gentleman who has been in good health until this current event. He most likely has a hypercoagulable state and has bilateral pulmonary emboli. Most likely, the patient has also had emboli to his renal veins and it is causing renal vein thrombosis.,Interestingly, the urine protein was obtained which is not that elevated and I would suspect that it would have been higher. Unfortunately, the patient has been exposed to IV dye and my anxiety is that this too is contributing to his current problem.,The patient's urine output is about 30 to 40 mL per hour.,Several chemistries have been ordered. A triple renal scan has been ordered.,I reviewed all of this with the patient and his wife. Hopefully under his current anticoagulation, there will be some resolution of his renal vein thrombosis. If not and his renal failure progresses, we are looking at dialytic intervention. Both he and his wife were aware of this. ,Thank you very much for asking to see this acutely ill gentleman in consultation with you.nephrology, urine output, deep venous thromboses, renal failure, pulmonary embolism, renal, azotemia, hypercoagulable, vein, thrombosis, pulmonary,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left inguinal hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left direct and indirect inguinal hernia.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Repair of left inguinal hernia with Prolene mesh.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation with local.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to Recovery in stable condition.,SPECIMEN: , Hernia sac, as well as turbid fluid with gram stain, which came back with no organisms from the hernia sac.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,This is a 53-year-old male who presented to Dr. Y's office with a bulge in the left groin and was found to have a left inguinal hernia increasing over the past several months. The patient has a history of multiple abdominal surgeries and opted for an open left inguinal hernial repair with Prolene mesh.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient was found to have a direct as well as an indirect component to the left inguinal hernia with a large sac. The patient was also found to have some turbid fluid within the hernia sac, which was sent down for gram stain and turned out to be negative with no organisms.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent, risks and benefits of the procedure were explained to the patient, the patient was brought to the operative suite, prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. The left inguinal ligament was identified from the pubic tubercle to the ASIS. Two fingerbreadths above the pubic tubercle, a transverse incision was made. First, the skin was anesthetized with 1% lidocaine and then an incision was made with a #15 blade scalpel, approximately 6 cm in length. Dissection was then carried down with electro Bovie cautery through Scarpa's fascia maintaining hemostasis. Once the external oblique was identified, external oblique was incised in the length of its fibers with a #15 blade scalpel. Metzenbaum scissors were then used to extend the incision in both directions opening up the external oblique down to the external ring. Next, the external oblique was grasped with Ochsner on both sides. The cord, cord structures as well as hernia sac were freed up circumferentially and a Penrose drain was placed around it. Next, the hernia sac was identified and the anteromedial portion of the hernia sac was stripped down, grasped with two hemostats. A Metzenbaum scissor was then used to open the hernia sac and the hernia sac was explored. There was some turbid fluid within the hernia sac, which was sent down for cultures. Gram stain was negative for organisms. Next, the hernia sac was to be ligated at its base and transected. A peon was used at the base. Metzenbaum scissor was used to cut the hernia sac and sending it off as a specimen. An #0 Vicryl stick suture was used with #0 Vicryl loop suture to suture ligate the hernia sac at its base.,Next, attention was made to placing a Prolene mesh to cover the floor. The mesh was sutured to the pubic tubercle medially along the ilioinguinal ligament inferiorly and along the conjoint tendon superiorly making a slit for the cord and cord structures. Attention was made to salvaging the ilioinguinal nerve, which was left above the repair of the mesh and below the external oblique once closed and appeared to be intact. Attention was next made after suturing the mesh with the #2-0 Polydek suture. The external oblique was then closed over the roof with a running #0 Vicryl suture, taking care not to strangulate the cord and to recreate the external ring. After injecting the external oblique and cord structures with Marcaine for anesthetic, the Scarpa's fascia was approximated with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was closed with a running subcuticular #4-0 undyed Vicryl suture. Steri-Strip with sterile dressings were applied.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to Recovery in stable condition.urology, left inguinal hernia, prolene mesh, hernia sac, gram stain, inguinal hernia repair, inguinal hernial repair, metzenbaum scissors, cord structures, inguinal hernia, sac, inguinal, hernia, metzenbaum, prolene, vicryl, cord, suture, oblique, mesh,
PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After written consent was obtained from the patient, the patient was brought back into the operating room and identified. The patient was placed on the operating room table in supine position and given anesthetic.,Once adequate anesthesia had been achieved, a careful examination of the shoulder was performed. It revealed no patholigamentous laxity. We then placed the patient into a beach-chair position, maintaining a neutral alignment of the head, neck, and thorax. The shoulder was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. We then injected the glenohumeral joint with 60 cc of sterile saline solution. A small stab incision was made 2 cm inferior and 2 cm medial to the posterolateral angle of the acromion. Through this incision, a blunt trocar was placed.,We then placed the camera through this cannula and the shoulder was insufflated with sterile saline solution. An anterior portal was made just below the subscapularis and then we began to inspect the shoulder joint.,We found that the articular surface was in good condition. The biceps was found to be intact. There was a SLAP tear noted just posterior to the biceps. Pictures were taken. No Bankart or Hill-Sachs lesions were noted. The rotator cuff was examined and there were no undersurface tears. Pictures were again taken.,We then made a lateral portal going through the muscle belly of the rotator cuff. A drill hole was made and then knotless suture anchor was placed to repair this. Pictures were taken. We then washed out the joint with copious amounts of sterile saline solution. It was drained. Our 3 incisions were closed using 3-0 nylon suture. A pain pump catheter was introduced into the shoulder joint. Xeroform, 4 x 4s, ABDs, tape, and sling were placed.,The patient was successfully taken out of the beach-chair position, extubated and brought to the recovery room in stable condition. I then went out and spoke with the patient's family, going over the case, postoperative instructions, and followup, laxity, patholigamentous, superior labrum, saline solution, anterior, superior, lesions, repair, sterile, joint, shoulder,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Neck pain with bilateral upper extremity radiculopathy, left more than the right.,2. Cervical spondylosis with herniated nucleus pulposus, C5-C6.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Neck pain with bilateral upper extremity radiculopathy, left more than the right.,2. Cervical spondylosis with herniated nucleus pulposus, C5-C6.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURES,1. Anterior cervical discectomy with decompression, C5-C6.,2. Arthrodesis with anterior interbody fusion, C5-C6.,3. Spinal instrumentation, C5-C6 using Pioneer 18-mm plate and four 14 x 4.0 mm screws (all titanium).,4. Implant using PEEK 7 mm.,5. Allograft using Vitoss.,DRAINS: , Round French 10 JP drain.,FLUIDS: ,1200 cc of crystalloids.,URINE OUTPUT: , No Foley catheter.,SPECIMENS: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 50 cc.,INDICATIONS FOR THE OPERATION:, This is a case of a very pleasant 38-year-old Caucasian female who has been complaining over the last eight years of neck pain and shoulder pain radiating down across the top of her left shoulder and also across her shoulder blades to the right side, but predominantly down the left upper extremity into the wrist. The patient has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and subsequently, has been treated with pain medications, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants. The patient's symptoms continued to persist and subsequently, an MRI of the C-spine was done, which showed disc desiccation, spondylosis and herniated disk at C5-C6, an EMG and CV revealed a presence of mild-to-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient is now being recommended to undergo decompression and spinal instrumentation and fusion at C5-C6. The patient understood the risks and benefits of the surgery. Risks include but not exclusive of bleeding and infection. Bleeding can be in the form of soft tissue bleeding, which may compromise airway for which she can be brought emergently back to the operating room for emergent evacuation of the hematoma as this may cause weakness of all four extremities, numbness of all four extremities, as well as impairment of bowel and bladder function. This could also result in dural tear with its attendant symptoms of headache, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and posterior neck pain as well as the development of pseudomeningocele. Should the symptoms be severe or the pseudomeningocele be large, she can be brought back to the operating room for repair of the CSF leak and evacuation of the pseudomeningocele. There is also the risk of pseudoarthrosis and nonfusion, for which she may require redo surgery at this level. There is also the possibility of nonimprovement of her symptoms in about 10% of cases. The patient understands this risk on top of the potential injury to the esophagus and trachea as well as the carotid artery. There is also the risk of stroke, should an undiagnosed plaque be propelled into the right cerebral circulation. The patient also understands that there could be hoarseness of the voice secondary to injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. She understood these risks on top of the risks of anesthesia and gave her consent for the procedure.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, awake, alert and not in any form of distress. After smooth induction and intubation, the patient was positioned supine on the operating table with the neck placed on hyperextension and the head supported on a foam doughnut. A marker was placed. This verified the level to be at the C5-C6 level and incision was then marked in a transverse fashion starting from the midline extending about 5 mm beyond the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The area was then prepped with DuraPrep after the head was turned 45 degrees to the left.,After sterile drapes were laid out, an incision was made using a scalpel blade #10. Wound edge bleeders were carefully controlled with bipolar coagulation and the platysma was cut using a hot knife in a transverse fashion. Dissection was then carried underneath the platysma superiorly inferiorly. The anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid was identified and dissection was carried out lateral to the esophagus to trachea as well as medial to the carotid sheath in the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The prevertebral fascia was noted to be taken her case with a lot of fat deposition. Bipolar coagulation of bleeders was done; however, branch of the superior thyroid artery was ligated with Hemoclips x4. After this was completed, a localizing x-ray verified the marker to be at the C6-C7 level. We proceeded to strip the longus colli muscles off the vertebral body of the C5 and C6. Self-retaining retractor was then laid down. An anterior osteophyte was carefully drilled using a Midas 5-mm bur and the disk together with the inferior endplate of C5 and the superior endplate of C6 was also drilled down with the Midas 5-mm bur. This was later followed with a 3-mm bur and the disk together with posterior longitudinal ligament was removed using Kerrison's ranging from 1 to 4 mm. The herniation was noted on the right. However, there was significant neuroforaminal stenosis on the left. Decompression on both sides was done and after this was completed, a Valsalva maneuver showed no evidence of any CSF leakage. The area was then irrigated with saline with bacitracin solution. A 7 mm implant with its inferior packed with Vitoss was then laid down and secured in place with four 14 x 4.0 mm screws and plate 18 mm, all of which were titanium. X-ray after this placement showed excellent position of all these implants and screws and _____ and the patient's area was also irrigated with saline with bacitracin solution. A round French 10 JP drain was then laid down and exteriorized through a separate stab incision on the patient's right inferiorly. The catheter was then anchored to the skin with a nylon 3-0 stitch and connected to a sterile draining system. The wound was then closed in layers with Vicryl 3-0 inverted interrupted sutures for the platysma, Vicryl subcuticular 4-0 Stitch for the dermis, and the wound was reinforced with Dermabond. Dressing was placed only at the exit site of the catheter. C-collar was placed. The patient was extubated and transferred to recovery.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Left chest actinic keratosis, 2 cm.,2. Left medial chest actinic keratosis, 1 cm.,3. Left shoulder actinic keratosis, 1 cm.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Left chest actinic keratosis, 2 cm.,2. Left medial chest actinic keratosis, 1 cm.,3. Left shoulder actinic keratosis, 1 cm.,TITLE OF PROCEDURES: ,1. Excisional biopsy of left chest 2 cm actinic keratosis.,2. Two-layer plastic closure.,3. Excisional biopsy of left chest medial actinic keratosis 1 cm with one-layer plastic closure.,4. Excisional biopsy of left should skin nevus, 1 cm, one-layer plastic closure.,ANESTHESIA: , Xylocaine 1% with 1:100,000 dilution of epinephrine totaling 6 mL.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE: , All areas were prepped, draped, and localized in the usual manner. Afterwards, elliptical incisions were placed with a #15-blade scalpel and curved iris scissors and small bishop forceps were used for the dissection of the skin lesions. After all were removed, they were closed with one-layer technique for the shoulder and medial lesion, and the larger left chest lesion was closed with two-layer closure using Monocryl 5-0 for subcuticular closure and 5-0 nylon for skin closure. She tolerated this procedure very well, and postoperative care instructions were provided. She will follow up next week for suture removal. Of note, she had an episode of hemoptysis, which could not be explained prompting an emergency room visit, and I discussed if this continues we may wish to perform a fiberoptic laryngoscopy examination and possible further workup if a diagnosis cannot be made.dermatology, two-layer plastic closure, one-layer plastic closure, skin nevus, actinic keratosis, plastic closures, keratosis, actinic, biopsy, forceps, layer, closures, chest