stringlengths 7
| sentence1
stringlengths 5
| sentence2
stringlengths 6
| label
stringclasses 4
values | domain
stringclasses 5
values |
train_126600 | Since both prices and quantity are the same as in the two-sided Cournot game, payoffs are also unchanged. | f is an isomorphism. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126601 | The Least Squares technique is not robust in the face of outliers, such as those in heavy tailed distributions, while Least Absolute Deviations is. | the Least Absolute Deviations is more applicable for use with software metrics data. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126602 | This is due to the fact that this systematic mapping focus is on investigation of tools and models that utilize ontologies as a support to distributed software development activities. | it is important to take under consideration that most of the resources allocated in this branch have also been included in other knowledge branches. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126603 | Additionally, the class that becomes a subclass in an inheritance relationship can only be tested in the presence of itssuperclass or a driver. | in an example as the onepresented in Figure 7 the ORD generated consists of twointertype relationships and an inheritance relationship. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126604 | Since the functions in a declarative program are typically very small and consist of a few lines only, it is not suf.cient in practice to cover only the branches of the function to be tested. | we will aim at covering the branches of all the directly and indirectly called functions, too. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126605 | Despite the above observations, the early activities in AD, like deciding on the coarse-grained architecture, are currently mostly guided by the intuition and the experience of the software architects. | those activities tend to be unsystematic, hard to predict or plan and difficult to perform by novices in architectural design. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126606 | */) { state_ = 4; 29 30 } else { state_ = 5; 31 32 } break; 33 case 4: 34 35 /* send message m3 */ 36 // recv message m4 37 ACLMessage msg = myAgent.receive(); 38 Object content = msg.getContent(); 39 40 /* handle the content */ 41 state_ = 3; 42 break; 43 case 5: 44 /* send message m5 */ 45 break; 46 case 6: 47 state_ = 0; 48 break; 49 case 7: 50 /* send message m7 */ 51 isTerminate_ = true; 52 break; 53 54 55 } } public boolean done() { 56 return isTerminate_; 57 585 } } Figure 2: An implementation of Role1 in JADE to modify both of them if some changes to the message exchanges are to be applied. | maintainability of interactions decreases. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126607 | On the other hand, removing the element from the subsystem again does not decrease its streets length. | even currently small subsystems might be represented by long streets which have negative impact on the layout compactness. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126608 | Participants 1Twitter ( has been designed as a pub lic communication service. | users do not assume their conversations private. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126609 | In addition, a series of small changes from version 3 and 6 might contain fixes to the defects made in version 3, so comparing 3 and 6 can help identifying defects. | 4 and 5 might be excluded from the initial inspection. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126610 | Such an approach might be an example were the diversity in the versions to be true diversity.28 What we are concerned about is keeping the autopoietic part of the overall system working. | it is not correctness of result that is important but survivability. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126611 | With static scheduling, where every thread must perform the same amount of work, performance varies from 11.4x speedup with the high tax rate to 8.8x speedup with a low tax rate, because of load imbalance while the N-Queen is running. | the use of tax must consider both the bene.t to sequential programs and the cost to the parallel programs that are preempted. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126612 | Because of the network delay between the sending and receiving players, when a DR vector is received and rendered at a player, the original trajectory of the player/entity may have already changed. | in physical time, there is a deviation at the receiving player between the exported path and the rendered trajectory (which we refer to as placed path). | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126613 | We normalized the drift and volatility to set T = 1. | a time frame of 5 years or 20 quarters yielded a drift rate of µT = -0.572, and a voliatility svT= 0.746. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126614 | 4.1 Basic WUIs In order to support the construction of WUIs for a large class of applications, we only require that the application program supplies the WUI with the current state of the data and an operation to store the data modi.ed by the user. | the main operation to construct a WUI could have the type signature (remember that dynamic web pages are of type IO HtmlForm) mainWUI :: a -> (a -> IO HtmlForm) -> IO HtmlForm so that an expression of the form (mainWUI dstore) evaluates to a web page containing an editor that shows the current data d and executes (store d') when the user submits the modi.ed data d'. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126615 | Taking into account these assumptions, the probability that all n assignments in the sample are contained in the lower (100 - P )% of the population is computed as: P (AI)=( 100-P )n. As A and 100 AI are opposite events, the sum of probabilities that they occur is equal to 1: P (A)+ P (AI)=1. | the probability of the event A can be computed as: I 100-P n P (A)=1 - P (A)=1 - 100 We observe that the probability that a sample of random task assignments contains at least one of the P % of the best-performing assignment is independent of the population size (i.e. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126616 | Unfortunately, the community has not yet developed a multiprocessor scheduling algorithm with .nite speed competitive ratio for tasks that share resources on uniform multiprocessors. | in this paper, we present one and prove its performance. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126617 | The .elds() method of the View feature uses its parameter as the types of the .elds that will be returned. | it is possible to use the method in both ArrayList and LinkedList generators by passing the appropriate type as the argument. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126618 | When d =3, the 3-0, 1-2, and 0-3 cases all entail recursive calls, but only the 2-1 case causes a defective item to be deferred. | 3p2q 2 D3 = p3D3 +3pq +q3D3 = = p. 1 - p3 - q3 For d = 4, the 4-0 and 0-4 cases both entail recursive calls, the 3-1 case entails a 3-defective recursive call and 1 deferral, the 22 case entails 2 deferrals, and the 1-3 case entails a 3-defective recursive call. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126619 | At a particular program statement s, the predicate transparent(E)should be true iff the value of the program expression in the meta-variable E cannot be affected by s.We take the obvious (but slightly conservative) approach of de.ning this to mean that none of the program variables occurring in the expression are changed by s, so for example a :=3 is transparent to b +c, but not to a +c (ignoring aliasing effects). | for the predicate transparent(E)and the statement a :=3, we need to generate a constraint for E that allows it to take on all possible program expressions that do not contain a. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126620 | Since LDPC code can e.ectively correct errors, the length of watermarks or codewords can be minimized. | images can retain high levels of quality. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126621 | Each execution of repOk re-initializes the state of the structure. | the structure is constructed with every repair action, which adds a quadratic effect on the runtime of STARC. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126622 | Therefore, the open-ended structure of the system was of paramount importance. | the front end was to provide information about the program that would be sufficient to support a wide class of SAT methods. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126623 | Their travel patterns are highly predicable and regular. | there is an opportunity to form recurring virtual mobile communication networks and social communities between these travelers or their vehicles in the form of vehicular social networks (VSNs) [1]. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126624 | 2.2 Nonuniform Quantization Schemes The .nite word-length of the soft information directly decides the size of memory, which plays a role to store the intrinsic and extrinsic messages and dominantly determines the overall implementation area in the partially parallel LDPC decoder. | the reduction of .nite word-length without signi.cant performance loss can decrease the hardware size which includes the computation logic and the memory banks. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126625 | Similarly, the introduction of a networking abstraction such as a low power listening MAC introduces a rather unpredictable use of the CPU and the radio device, possibly delaying other tasks. | the developer does not have complete control over the application, which makes it harder to ensure a bug-free program. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126626 | A generalpurpose VMcould embrace any workloads including multimedia, while the hypervisor regards the VM as a resource allocation unit without any knowledge about the tasks running on the VM. | it is hard for the hypervisor to decide how much CPU is allocated to a VM even when a user knows the exact demands for the desired multimedia quality. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126627 | and ) adhere to SQL terminology. | or can be used as well within dynamic .nders. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126628 | Such optimizations are applied (in some cases) to enable vectorization. | the dynamic loop count of a run with and without vectorization are di.erent (refer to Table 8). | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126629 | creating business document models, based on feature models it is necessary to perform a mapping between feature models and Core Components. | we discuss the mapping between CBFM and Core Components. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126630 | what conditions are being changed (variables, context, materials, etc.). | these three axes must be included in any set of terms used to characterize replications. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126631 | This broadcast is essential due to inherent nature of paralleliza tion of the programs, for example, since only one process is reading the data; all other processes must wait until they receive their data portions. | the communication overhead dominated the running time in multi-computers and the gain due to parallelization was limited. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126632 | However, deep expects input in a special .gen format. | we converted points-to constraints from LLVM IR into .gen format using a simple LLVM pass. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126633 | On the contrary, in case of the VF mode, the guest buffer needs to be mapped in Domain0 even before the actual hardware receive event occurs. | netfront driver is modi.ed to provide grants more aggressively i,e,. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126634 | Due to the inability of user-layer components to control components in lower layers, execution times can widely vary. | such estimates are typically gross over-approximations, resulting in underutilization of computing resources. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126635 | To meet this need, we aim to provide a novel architecture mPat, which is uniquely built upon real-time multi-source feeds to abstract human mobility for real-world applications. | for the .rst time, mPat is able to provide insights on not only where and when but also how (e.g., by bus) almost all urban residents move. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126636 | In general, a worker node cannot immediately forward all the new slot information to both its downstream worker nodes because the snowball e.ect would double the message size in each step. | each worker node randomly picks some information and keeps the remainder for its next message. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126637 | a thread, forwards a Start signal to its subtrees before starting its own computation, and forwards a Done signal to its parent node only after receiving all the subtrees Done signals and completing its own task. | the implicit barrier at the end of OpenMP work-sharing constructs takes a time corresponding to the worst-case propagation delay through the tree, which is logarithmic in the number of threads. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126638 | Figure 6: Consistency Agent Migration Time on Concurrent User Number Figure 7: Consistency Agent Migration Time on Entity Number Our experiments show that Consistency Agent migration does not affect the real-time interaction of the CVE users, and so do other types of agents. | our proposed grid-based mobile agent approach will improve the scalability of LCVE without compromising its performance. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126639 | Figure 2 the concept. | a .rst strand indicates that a change of the Communicator whichis usedby the TradeComponent canleadtochanges in the performance which can be measured via the sensor PerfS at the interface PI.A second strand indicates that a change of the Communicator which is used by the TradeComponent canleadtochanges in the communication costs which can be measured via the sensor CostS at the interface CostI.the controller ComSelect is able to manipulate performance and communication costs by exchanging the Communicator which is used by the TradeComponent. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126640 | We have observed that the Internet delay space displays special structural and statistical characteristics in that it adheres to a power-law that extends over a signi.cant range of Internet distances, namely the intra-continental distances. | its dimensionality can be characterized using fractal measures, sensitive to non-linear as well as linear structures in the delay space. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126641 | Second, because we allocate transactional data on a CDU boundary, no two allocations can share a CDU. | increasing the CDU size does not increase the number of con.icts for this benchmark. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126642 | Therefore, it is necessary to go back and run the authUML again to preserve the consistency, complete and conflict-free accesses. | our framework is flex- ible enough that allows changes in access control specifications. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126643 | Moving more than one page Whenatrapoccurs,itimposessomeoverhead.Thus,itmakessensetomovemorethanonepageineachtrap.Wetypicallymovedeightpagespertrap.Thisoptimizationalsoreducesthespaceoverheadofthestatus-table andthe.rst-object table. | double mapping to-virtual-space in the beginning Thetraproutineneedstotouchaprotectedpagewithoutliftingtheprotection.asecondvirtualmappingoftheheapisrequired,whichisnotprotectedandisavailableforusebythetraproutine.Toreducethetraptime,weDoubleMaptheentireto-virtual-space toathirdvirtualspacewhencompactionbegins.Ofcourse,thismappingcanberunconcurrentlywiththeprogramrun. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126644 | The following three file systems are compared against hFS: (1) FFS: Although the original design of FFS was done more than a decade ago, it has received substantial improvements over the years [20]. | fFS is a formidable file system to compare against. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126645 | In contrast, Molhado [8] is an SCM infrastructure that creates unique, persistent IDs for each entity, and treats the name as an attribute that can change. | it can track the history of an entity in spite of it being refactored. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126646 | However, access to the system memory is initiated by the debug port hardware component and not through software instructions executed by the processor. | the timings of the application code are not changed by the JTAG access. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126647 | n .4. ii.1 The reason is that cycle 1 and cycle 2 cannot provide protection for same span, cycle 2 and 3 can t either, so cycle 2,3 and cycle 1,2 can share spare units on span 3-5. | we can anticipate that the shared-p-cycles design can achieve better efficiency than the conventional p-cycles design. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126648 | Note that F(pj) jj S(pj)+v(t)+>v(t). | only the .rst newly j; ; arrived request for fuses formula (23); subsequent requests use formula (24) until fbecomes inactive. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126649 | We denote the set of generators at, a., u., v., w. de.ned above by C. By the product formulas of Table 2, every element of C is a linear combination of 2-long products from A and, conversely, every element of A is in (C). | in order to prove that ((A)) is 2-closed and to give a full description of the algebra operations, it is enough to show that the product of any two elements of C remains in (C)and to compute the product and scalar product of any two elements of C. Step 3. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126650 | In case, the j-th log-likelihood ratio does have the absolute minimum value of all K inputs, the minimum of the K inputs except the j-th one equals the second-to-minimum value. | on the K input LLRs to a given check node, we take the minima of all numbers except one, where we first omit the first one, then the second one, then the third one, etcetera in a check node the set of minima of K values, except the j-th one, can be stored using only 3 values (a dataset) instead of K=30: The overall minimum value, The overall one-but-minimum value, The index j for which the minimum input value occurs. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126651 | The same applies for documents concerning patients and by that also the noti.cations. | sending information about critical results in an analysis over systems which are out of the scope of the hospital would imply a breach of secrecy. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126652 | However, building data context information could be expensive because (a) data accesses are highly frequent, and (b) access patterns among objects are complex. | it is desirable to establish a program paradigm that can collect such information efficiently. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126653 | To avoid this exponential blow-up, we impose a total order on abstract locations such that if ai and aj are aliases, they both point to a common location *ak such that ak is the least element in the alias partition class of ai and aj . | in the init heap rule of Figure 8, ai points to *ak where k = i under constraint: (*ai = *aj ) . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126654 | If the main document and the embedded object are produced by software from different vendors, it is generally impossible for one to know about the metadata in the other. | the data must be purged separately from each object and from the main document. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126655 | It seems like a natural step forward to provide the same degree of .exibility for parameterization of templates. | this can be seen as making the generic constraints of a template .rst class entities of the template, in the same way that classes and interfaces are. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126656 | The macros in the documents ensure consistency with the artifacts stored in the repository. | the user activated macros automatically retrieve and update the artifacts in the database. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126657 | The proposed hardware deadlock detection algorithm makes use of parallelism and can handle multiple requests/grants, making the proposed algorithm faster than the Os~,(1) algorithm[4], which actually has Os,,,(m x n) latency in multiprocessor systems. | the SoC par- allel deadlock detection algorithm/hardware is faster than any previously reported algorithms. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126658 | This is, however, inconsistent with the relation obtained by looking at column two in the FAS, i.e., the relation obtained by this column is s1,2 = 3s2,2/2. | the two vector sets are incompatible, which of course is possible (and also highly likely) since the values in the vector sets are obtained from (expert) opinions and experiences. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126659 | DSM s as used by Baldwin and Clark and in earlier work do not appear to model the environment in which a design is embedded. | we were unable to model the forces that drove the design changes that Parnas hypothesized for KWIC. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126660 | On the other hand, modeling is more than drawing, but using formal languages which are intended to be readable both for humans and machines in most cases. | the problem of wrong data formats has to be tackled from both ends: On the one hand, students must be taught that using diagramming tools is more than drawing on a sketchpad. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126661 | Whenwelook attheBGPinformationavailableinthe .ows, a very large number of pre.xes are announced from multiple ISP-X PoPs. | in many cases ISP-X selects an exit PoP from a list of PoPs where the destination pre.x is announced and in general it prefers the PoP that is geographically closest to the entry PoP. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126662 | Geronimo for example has 177 Javascript .les, 1004 XML con.guration .les, 19 con.guration .les, and 105 image .les. | it is possible that we missed some co-change relations among non-Java based artifacts or between non-Java and Java-based artifacts. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126663 | The virtual camera has a .eld of view of 40 degrees and a 4/3 aspect ratio. | 12 images are needed to build a complete panorama. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126664 | The di.erence is that in interval Ii, we assume device Di is transitioned while in interval Ii-1 we assume Di is not transitioned. | this totally covers at most 2mcases were Ropt = d-Bi,i=1 ...m.Further, we also evaluate the energy consumption when Ropt = c and Ropt = d. an implication of Corollary 1 is that there are at most 2m+ 2 cases that need to be examined to determine the optimal solution. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126665 | A, and is the empty set otherwise. | on the range (1.5, 2), we have µout((1.5, 2)) = µ((0.5, 1.0) n [0.5, 8)) + µ(Ø n (-8, 0.5)) = µ((0.5, 1.0)) = 0.05 and on the range (9, 12), we have µout((9, 12)) = µ((8, 11) n [0.5, 8)) + µ(Rn (-8, 0.5)) = µ((8, 11)) + µ((-8, 0.5)) = 0.25 i.e. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126666 | To move to the root of the tree hit home to move to the last item hit end." | the use of a standard control allows the user to access meaningful information provided by JAWS. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126667 | Since the first eight bits extracted from the final codestream whose decimal value equals 255, which is an un-embeddable index value, this means that it is transformed from an embeddable index value with secret digits embedded. | the decoding procedure falls into Case 2, so the original index value 0 is reversed, and the base-4 secret digit 0 is extracted by mapping Figure 4. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126668 | A process can be a simple process, including only a sequence of activities, or a complex process including a controlled composition of services and activities performed under condition, in parallel, or encapsulated in sub processes. | to define a process, it is necessary to define: activities the basic elements of a process. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126669 | Early completion may eventually cause the CPU to be idle, which, in turn, results in energy waste since the device still consumes energy during the idle time. | there is a potential to save more energy by avoiding or reducing the idle time. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126670 | If there are more than one point on the time axis that correspond to .i × Ui max, we choose the latest point. | ti is probabilistically assured to accrue at least the utility percentage = Ui(Di) Umax .i i , with probability .i. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126671 | Our meta-tools are used to generate complex visual modeling tools, and these modeling tools could benefit from the addition of various critics. | we wanted to extend our Marama meta-tools by embedding a critic design and generation component. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126672 | In frameworks such as EMF, this separation is not supported. | the model conformity is validated against the same metamodel combining the two dimensions. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126673 | By using the proposed description rules, it is possible to relate I/O message elements of a system constructed using CORBA to the message parameters in OWL-S. | we can apply OWL-S to CORBA with our description rules [3]. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126674 | Thus, the potential never increases, and it decreases by at least 1 after every deductible quantum. | the number of deductible quanta is at most 2T8 +log. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126675 | In intentional programming, complete programming language are imple- mented as a set of intentions, whereas ELIDE oniy supports simple modifier definitions for Java. | an in- tentional abstract syntax tree is modelled at a fine level of detail, whereas in ELIDE it is coarse-grained. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126676 | It is also of questionable worth since we expect programmers will often .x one error and recompile. | we extend our algorithm to recursively search for good error messages in one subtree while simultaneously removing one or more other problematic subtrees. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126677 | In that case, DMGexit (cb)= N, a condition that is checked by the out new transfer function given in .gure 11. | the transfer function depends only upon DMGexit . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126678 | The major shortcoming of static schedulers lies in the fact that they assemble a schedule prior to work.ow execution, which is then strictly abided to. | changes in the runtime environment make even elaborate static schedules suboptimal. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126679 | [1] Figure 4: Playlist aspect When implementing CreditsAspect, the programmer assumes a one-to-one relation between the playing of a song and its purchase. | the compositional intentions for its advice are the following: Ignored: NoProceed() After: MultiProceed() These compositional intentions mean that the advice is assumed to not be executed if the join point is ignored by another advice (.rst line), and for each execution of the join point the advice is assumed to be executed as well (second line). | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126680 | In other words, there must exist a function F ' that connects the value of v with the value of v'; i.e., v = F (v). | we consider the following types of data dependency: 1. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126681 | We have: if execution level is in the model then one of { task , ISR } is in the model; if ISR is in the model then one of { ISR1 , ISR2 } is in the model. | if execution level is in the model then one of { task , ISR1, ISR2 } is in the model. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126682 | Each feature is given a cardinality, even mandatory and optional features, which are represented as cardinality [1..1] and [0..1] respectively. | a cardinality cannot be removed or added but only updated which can result in range inconsistencies. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126683 | A recon.guration transaction should take a software from an initial state to a .nal and consistent state. | a recon.guration transaction can be committed only if the resulting system is consistent, i.e., if all integrity constraints on the .nal system are satis.ed. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126684 | However despite the recorded gains, the statistical (paired t-test) p values obtained for the Control and Experimental groups were both greater than the required value of 0.05. | we could conclude that the mean selection score for both groups are not statistically different. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126685 | In our case, where there are only two voters, the set of solutions degenerates to include the two input permutations, as well as any intermediate permutation in the bubble-sort path between them. | the Kendall distance is not useful for our problem. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126686 | After exiting a nested query, it may be necessary to recover the outer query s insertion points, so that code for subsequent operators may be inserted. | we the stack, S, as containing (ai,µj ,.k) triples, where i, j, k = 1 are the nesting levels of each insertion point. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126687 | Especially, for safety consideration, for a train under CTCS-3, RBC can only grant it the MAs before a CO segment, and the train needs to ask the permission of the driver before moving into the CO segment. | both the speed limits for CO segments are initialized to be 0 in CTCS-3. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126688 | An object decides on subscription and APUM frequency based only on local information (derived from PUMs and APUMs). | it may be possible for an object, say Oi, to subscribe to another object s, say Oj s, local channel without Oj subscribing to Oi s local channel. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126689 | The real world auction trace that was considered does not re.ect a high intensity of intervals as may be expected for scenarios such as the online distributed tra.c navigational data broadcasting. | we used synthetic trace data to generate a wide range of problem instances that could re.ect various parameters of di.erent applications. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126690 | However, unlike the communicability evaluation, semiotic inspection does not involve observing users interaction with systems. | the two methods capture different communicability aspects and perspectives. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126691 | The corresponding transfer function does not .nd a loop-level kernel because SCC1 S (h1)represents the computation of the temporary variable h1 associated with the loop index. | the analysis of the structural usedef chain SCC1 A(a1...3) . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126692 | M2 is a schema mapping speci.ed by an st-SO dependency. | m '' is speci.ed by an st-SO dependency. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126693 | However, it differs from them in three aspects: i) lock acquisition and actual writes are shifted to commit time; ii) the validation procedure is modi.ed to satisfy the new transactional requirements; and iii) the necessary information is saved in local semantic read-sets and write-sets. | oTB gains the following bene.ts over pessimistic boosting. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126694 | Finally, the Tightness Coe.cient Tij of nodes ui and uj isde.ned as the 1 ratio of arcs that their neighbors have in common and the maximum numberoflinksbetweentheir neighbors; thegoal of this parameter is exploiting the high average value of the clustering coe.cientinthe a.nity network,in ordertogive priority to items related to most representative neighbors. | relevance reli(sk) is computed as a function of Tij, rate(uj,sk)and A. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126695 | Predictor functions .j are used to predict the property values pj resulting from the composition of individual component properties ci ci pj , where pj represents property pj of component ci in the composition. | we have: ci1 si2 qpj = .j (qp j ,qp j ),j . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126696 | We controlled this learning effect by first performing the functional test case creation and in the second run the code inspection. | the students had no knowledge of the concrete implementation (i.e., the source code) or the defects included (as test execution was not performed by them) when they performed the inspection. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126697 | Since each sweep of u. costs 2. logN moves, the total number of moves is: h X N.(h +1, 1)2. log N. .=0 This quantity is the sum of the sweep costs at each level, until the virtual node needs its .rst rebalance. | the amortized number of element moves is h X 1 N.(h +1, 1)2. log N. (9) N .=0 PROOF OF THEOREM 3: We bound N.(.,1), the number of sweeps of the leftmost child u. at level . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126698 | We argue that this is mainly due to the lack of efficient and clear abstractions that developers can use to incorporate interactivity into their applications. | interaction represents a major overhead for developers, and users are faced with inconsistent interaction models across different displays. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_126699 | We start by considering j1 and showing that aj1 = bsl i . | let us assume that j1 was assigned in phase p, for some p,1 = p = k. If aj1 exceeds the value b· sl i then the a-values for all the remaining l- 1 clients also exceed b· sl i by the timeAlgorithm3 entersphase p. the total payment from S(i)exceeds b· si. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
Subsets and Splits