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Lilia ne savait pas combien de temps elle avait couché là-bas, ça aurait pu être quelques minutes ou quelques heures. L'incendie qui traversait ses veines l'occupait tellement que le temps qui passait sur elle était perdu. Tout ce qu'elle savait, c'était qu'elle était blessée et qu'elle avait peur parce qu'elle ne comprenait ni comment ni pourquoi. A-t-on tiré sur elle? Dégusté? Elle a essayé de traiter ce qui s'était passé, mais son esprit était de plus en plus flou, essayant de se protéger de l'agonie qu'elle éprouvait. Elle était loin de savoir que sa bouche brûlait aussi, la pression sur ses deux canines, mais que de petites douleurs se perdaient au milieu de la douleur plus grande qui poussait son corps à trembler. Elle était vaguement consciente de quelqu'un qui l'écoperait, mais dans son état, elle ne pouvait que gémir alors que ses mains s'accrochaient inconsciemment à la chemise de la personne qui la portait. Les paroles qu'ils ont prononcées ont été perdues, noyées par les rugissements dans ses oreilles. Si elle avait été dans un bon état d'esprit, elle aurait échoué pour échapper aux bras la tenant. Elle a été posée sur une surface et elle a recourbé vers le haut, de petits cris l'échappant alors que les larmes continuaient à couler sur ses joues. Qu'est-ce qui lui arrivait?Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
Name: Lilia Colette Galton Nickname: Lily Age: 22 years old Gender: Female Preferred Weapon: Don't let the size fool you; upset her and you'll receive a tongue-lashing of the century. Personality: Lilia is always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. She is always trying to take care of the people around her but in doing so Lilia sometimes forgets to take care of herself as well. Normally, Lilia comes across as a little shy, emanating a calm and reserved aura. But given the right circumstances and Lilia's inner flame can shine through and she can become a feisty little thing with a tongue to match. Lilia listens to her heart and her actions are ruled by her desire to lend a hand rather than what she would get out of the situation by helping. Her caring nature knows no bounds and she holds a place for everyone in her heart. When given the task of helping someone, she comes out of her shell and gives them a shoulder to lean on, an ear to talk to, and a voice to comfort them. Lilia is also open-minded and tries to look for the good things in life rather than focusing on the bad. When she puts her mind to it, Lilia can be a little ball of energy, especially surrounded by those she cares for. She is also not one for giving up until she's given it her all and even then she's very hard-pressed to quit. But life is a double-edged sword. At times her caring nature leads her to trouble with people who do not want to be helped and may show violence in resisting. There is also a possibility of someone exploiting her kind nature to manipulate her. Short Bio: Lilia never knew her birth parents, she was told they died in a car accident. But she didn't let that get her down. She was adopted by a very loving family who took care of her. She was happy. When she discovered her love for art and painting, her parents supported her and even offered to pay for her to get into an art school. Lilia declined, determined to pay her own way. She worked hard, got a few part-time jobs. There times when life seemed to try and push her down but Lilia pushed back and eventually her hard-work paid off. She's now eagerly awaiting a response from her chosen art school where she submitted her application. Theme Song: The Dark - Beth Crowley
Vischous pouvait dire qu'elle n'allait pas arriver au manoir à ce rythme. Il a déchiré sa manche sur sa chemise et est monté sur le siège du conducteur. Il tenait son poignet devant ses lèvres. "Ne vous interrogez pas... faites ce qu'il vous faut." Il a dit de savoir qu'elle allait lui mordre et boire. C'est la raison pour laquelle son corps est en feu. "Boire maintenant et ça ira mieux." Il a dit qu'il s'était envolé dans la voiture et qu'il allait aussi vite qu'il le pouvait en leur attirant l'attention.
Name: Vischous Dimitri Age: 29 (human years) Preferred Weapon: Katana strapped to his back 9mm Baretta P90 only for emergencies or if being overrun kept in his car Personality: He keeps to himself and never opens up to anyone. He figures anyone he gets close to will be a target or will leave him. He tries to show emotion every now and can when he drinks but not usually when he is sober. When he is with its brothers its easier but it sure isn't a cake walk for him. He is a very determined fighter and willing to put his life on the line to defend his family. Brief Background: He was named after his father Vischous in order to live out his legacy. He was trained from a young age to become one of the best fighters for the brotherhood. He was on his own training with just a teacher up until his 18th birthday. He joined the Brotherhood a week after his father died. He has been working his best to get rid of the lessers no matter if he loses his life in the process. He has incredible strength and is learning more and more abilities the more he trains. He has never found mate yet and hopes to one day chose the right girl.
Zsadist soupirait. Il n'était pas le moindre, mais surpris par la réaction de la femme. Ça l'a coupé, qu'elle pensait si peu de lui après qu'il l'ait sauvée. "Je vous ai amené ici parce qu'un moindre a votre adresse. Tu ne peux pas rentrer chez toi en toute sécurité. Ce n'est pas sûr pour toi de rentrer à la maison. Vous auriez mis votre ami en danger. Votre sécurité ici. Je suis désolé. Vous allez devoir rester jusqu'à ce que votre portefeuille puisse être récupéré." Il lui a fait un sourire triste. "Il y a beaucoup d'espace ici. Vous n'aurez aucun problème à éviter en moi. Vous serez en sécurité ici. Je te donnerais ma parole en tant qu'homme de valeur, mais... il se haussa. C'était un discours pour lui. Mais il n'y avait personne d'autre pour lui expliquer. En plus, elle était ici parce qu'il avait amené ici. Certes, c'était nécessaire, mais elle était toujours sa responsabilité. Du moins pour l'instant. "Le Doggen peut vous montrer une chambre."
Name: Zsadist Age: 30 (human about 150 vampire) Preferred Weapon: knife Personality: Zsadist is very quiet. He sees things that others do not. He can read a situation better then most. He's very violent when threatened. He doesn't like to be touched and tends to keep everyoneat arms length. Brief Background: Zsadist was kidnapped when he was 6. He was kept as a blood slave until he came of age when his owner started using and selling him for other things. This continued until he was rescued as a young adult.
Juni sourit avec un léger rire."Pas son bien." Elle a dit qu'après avoir bégayé une réponse à son annonce. Juni n'a jamais été un pour la pitié et "Désolé". Elle n'a jamais été impolie à ce sujet mais elle essaie d'appuyer la conversation loin de tout ça. Juni a été plus que soulagé qu'elle n'ait pas à expliquer cela parce qu'il a passé à un autre sujet. Sentant une main géante sur son épaule, elle le regarde l'écouter silencieusement avant de regarder loin en pensant. Elle s'est sentie encore plus mal à l'aise qu'elle doit rester dans une maison d'étrangers complète, mais c'est soit rester avec lui, soit être sans abri. Avec un soupir qu'elle dit."Mon nom est Juniper ou Juni." Elle entendit des cris et des gémissements et regarda la porte se souvenir d'une autre vie qu'elle avait quittée grâce à son père."Je peux amener mon cheval? C'est un cadeau que mon père m'a donné et je ne veux pas le laisser ici." Elle demande à l'homme."Et ça ne prendra pas longtemps, j'ai déjà au moins 2000 dollars plus. Mon père l'a fait mettre ailleurs. Juniper dit avant de ricaner." Si ça ne dérange pas qui reste avec toi. Bien sûr."
Name:Juniper Rose Nicknames:Juni Age: 21 Personality: Despite having a very Kind and sweet woman she has a tendency to be very quiet and likes being a bit of a loner. Juniper was also very brave and would not hesitate to take a bullet for a family member or a complete and total stranger. Determination has always been the strongest suit for her because of how she was raised by her father. She is also very adventurous always wandering away and being curious about the world around her. Brief Background: Juniper was raised with just a father. She had been raised to be tougher than she lets on and always be cautious since her mother was killed by a Lesser. Juniper had known what she was but she just continued to just lie life as she saw fit at the time. Her father had a friend who was like a brother to him who had a son. Hoping they would grow to love each other they pushed them to hang out. Juniper and Michelangelo (Or Michel) would learn to love each other as brother and sister not as mates. They did get into trouble though. Growing up on a farm was one of the most fun things the young and older friends enjoyed. Getting into trouble and running around the farm with their dogs. When they got older Michel and Juniper had been hanging out when Juniper went into transition. Painful and crying ensued then she blacks out. When she came back the woman gasps when she felt her teeth inside someone that someone being her bestfriend. She cried when she let him go. Now she is still on the small farm and remains there with Michel as a helper around the farm. ____
Marisol La culpabilité l'a piquée comme une guêpe, tellement qu'elle s'est cognée. "Je suis..." elle a dit et s'est arrêtée. Il n'avait pas l'air de bien s'excuser. Ses amis lui avaient déjà dit qu'elle s'excusait toujours trop, surtout pour des choses qui n'étaient pas de sa faute. Ses mains tremblaient encore et elle avait froid. L'adrenline s'éteignait, la laissant avec les effets secondaires désagréables. Elle voulait juste un endroit où elle pouvait être seule, pour se briser et pleurer. Ses bras se sont serrés les bras, essayant de le retenir jusqu'à ce qu'elle puisse être seule. La porte s'ouvrit pour trouver un jeune homme, environ une trentaine, debout sur l'atterrissage dans l'uniforme traditionnel d'un majordome. "Maître Zsadiste. Vous êtes le premier à revenir. J'ai préparé votre repas préféré », a-t-il déclaré avant que son attention ne soit allée au vampire féminin. « Nous n'avons normalement pas d'invités. Si vous me suivez, Maîtresse, je vous emmènerai dans une pièce. » Alors qu'elle avançait pour suivre le Doggen, elle s'arrêta alors qu'elle passait devant le frère. « Mon nom est Marisol », dit-elle tranquillement avant de continuer à l'intérieur. "Je suis le chef Doggen de la maîtresse de maison. Mon nom est Noah. Que puis-je faire pour vous?" le Doggen a demandé, la conduisant à une chambre en haut de l'escalier et la regardant à l'avance. "Oh non, vraiment il n'y a rien-" elle a regardé mais s'est arrêtée une fois qu'elle a remarqué le visage abattu du Doggen. Doggen était le plus heureux au service de leurs maîtres ou invités. C'était un sentiment de plein-filtrage qu'ils savouraient dans leur vie. "Si vous pouviez m'apporter des vêtements? Et du thé?" Le visage de Noé s'éclairait immédiatement dans le bonheur. "Tout de suite Maîtresse. Quel genre de thé? Voulez-vous du miel ou du citron? Du lait? "Le sucre?" Marisol s'est ébranlée la tête. "Si vous avez du thé Hibiscus, j'aime ça." "Tout de suite Maîtresse", a-t-il dit avant de se dépêcher avec presque un saut dans son pas. Mari ouvrit la porte de la chambre d'amis et remarqua à peine à quel point elle était décorée. Un lit queen avec des draps qu'elle pensait être le meilleur cotten. Elle aimait cotten sur la soie. La soie était trop froide au toucher. Les murs étaient un bleu clair apaisant. Il y avait une salle de bains adjacente avec une grande douche et baignoire. Mari se tenait devant la porte, regardant comme un enfant ayant perdu sa mère. Maintenant qu'elle était seule, son tremblement devint plus prononcé. Son corps se préparait à se briser, à libérer l'énergie laissée par l'expérience de mort imminente qu'il avait enduré. Elle est arrivée sur le tapis à côté du lit avant d'aller à genoux. Curling dans une balle, tirant ses genoux jusqu'à son menton, elle s'est assise à côté du lit et s'est laissée aller. Les larmes ont coulé librement et elle a étouffé ses sobs le mieux qu'elle pouvait. Ce n'était pas longtemps avant qu'il y ait eu un coup doux à la porte. "Maître?" La voix de Noé s'interroge. "Puis-je entrer?" Mari s'est essuyée sur son visage et s'est tenue sur les jambes tremblantes. Le pire de ses pleurs était fini, mais il y avait encore des larmes accrochées. En ouvrant la porte, elle a essayé de donner au Doggen un sourire aqueux. "Merci Noah," dit-elle, maudit le tremblement dans sa voix. Le Doggen, qui n'avait pas l'habitude de pleurer les femelles dans une maison pleine de Frères, semblait très mal à l'aise. "Voici des vêtements pour vous, Maîtresse. J'ai bien peur que nous n'ayons pas de vêtements féminins pour le moment, mais il ne faut pas les manquer tant que nous n'en aurons pas pour vous. Toutes mes excuses. Aussi votre thé est préparé », lui a-t-il offert un plateau avec une tasse et une théière, deux délicates porcelaines. "J'ai pris la liberté d'ajouter quelques biscuits au plateau au cas où vous auriez faim." "Merci Noah," dit-elle encore, prenant le plateau et les vêtements. "J'apprécie votre service." Il la regarda comme si elle lui avait donné la lune. "Le plaisir est ma propre Maîtresse. Le téléphone près du lit est relié au reste de la maison. Composez 162 pour me joindre au cas où vous auriez besoin d'autre chose." Après son départ, elle a placé le plateau et les vêtements sur le lit. Les vêtements comprenaient une chemise noire impressionnantement grande qui tomba à ses cuisses moyennes. L'odeur dessus lui disait qu'elle appartenait au mâle qui l'avait amenée ici. Elle ferma les yeux, hésitant à le porter sans sa permission, mais fit confiance au Doggen de la maison pour connaître son Maître. Pendant que son thé refroidissait, elle prenait une douche rapide avant de glisser sur la chemise. Il n'y avait pas de sous-vêtements, ce qui la rendait très mal à l'aise. Le thé rouge tanné a été parfaitement fait. Il lui a fallu un peu de calme. C'est la première fois qu'il y a un problème. Rhume Il aimait son nom. C'était mignon et énergique, comme elle. Le cheval était une complication. Il pensait qu'il faudrait rester dans le garage jusqu'à ce qu'une écurie convenable puisse être érigée. Il s'est frotté l'arrière du cou en pensant. "C'est bon. Notre Doggen sera ravi d'avoir quelqu'un d'autre pour s'amuser. Il a du mal avec moi et mes frères parce qu'on n'aime pas qu'on l'attende. Brisez le cœur du pauvre à chaque fois qu'on lui dit non. Et quant à mes Frères..." il s'arrêta un moment avant de la regarder sérieusement. "Vous restez loin de Zsadist. En fait, ne quittez pas ma vue si vous n'êtes pas avec un Doggen. Vischous est un malin arrogant mais il ne vous fera pas de mal. Zsadist n'est pas le mal qu'il est juste... imprévisible parfois. Ils se ficheront que vous soyez là parce que je vous veux là-bas », a-t-il ajouté, surpris de savoir à quel point il voulait dire cette dernière phrase. Il voulait vraiment qu'elle y soit. Il voulait prendre soin d'elle, la garder en sécurité et nourrir et... Il secoua la tête brusquement, frappant l'appartement de sa main contre son temple. "J'ai vraiment besoin de nourriture", a-t-il dit alors que son estomac a organisé une manifestation. "Et si je connais Noé, il va avoir un festin qui m'attend," dit-il, souriant à la pensée de la nourriture. "Je suis trop faible pour nous matérialiser là-bas donc nous allons devoir marcher. Ou vous pouvez monter et me suivre," dit-il en hurlant au cheval. C'était un long chemin jusqu'au manoir en marchant. Rhage ressentait de la douleur à chaque pas. Ce n'était pas plus qu'il ne pouvait supporter, c'était juste fatigant et ennuyeux à ce stade. Son estomac grondait encore, sonnant comme une bête elle-même. Il savait que Juniper pouvait voir le tatouage le long de sa colonne vertébrale nue, pouvait sentir ses yeux dessus. "Oui, c'est moi," a-t-il dit pour répondre à la question non parlée. "Half-Dragon, Half-Tiger, toute mauvaise attitude. Je suis vraiment désolé que tu aies dû voir ça. Normalement, les seuls à me voir de cette façon sont mes Frères, donc ils sont habitués. Je suis vraiment contente de ne pas t'avoir blessé dans mon... Forme de bête », a-t-il dit, ne sachant pas vraiment comment l'appeler autrement. Lorsqu'ils atteignirent finalement le manoir Noé, sans doute alerté par les détecteurs de mouvement, ils se tenaient déjà sur le chemin de la porte. "Maître Rhage, bienvenue à la maison. Et nous avons des invités. Comme c'est beau », a-t-il dit sincèrement, se frottant les mains ensemble en prévision de s'occuper de leurs besoins. "Vous avez l'habitude de manger dans la salle à manger. Je vais m'occuper de cette noble bête et ensuite chercher de la nourriture pour la nouvelle Maîtresse." -- Non, c'est bon, dit Rhage, elle peut manger avec... attends quoi? Nouvelle maîtresse?" Noah hoche la tête, il est clairement ravi. "Maître Zsadist est rentré chez lui il n'y a pas longtemps avec une maîtresse en remorquage." -- Bon Dieu, dit Rhage, se frottant le visage. "Est-ce qu'elle était en un seul morceau?" "Oh oui, très joli je pourrais ajouter. Elle est dans la chambre d'amis à côté de la chambre de Maître Zsadist," Noah a dit avant de passer à Juniper. "Je suis Noah. S'il vous plaît appelez-moi Maîtresse pour tout ce que vous pourriez désirer. C'est mon privilège de vous servir. » Rhage prit son avant-bras doucement, aussi doucement que possible pour lui, et la conduisit à l'intérieur du grand manoir. La table de la salle à manger était couverte de nourriture. Tacos, rôti de pot, purée de pommes de terre, poulet, spaghetti, fettucine alfredo, crevettes grillées, pommes de terre cuites au four, steak, légumes cuits à la vapeur et rôtis, rouleaux... ça continue. Rage sourit comme un gamin dans un magasin de bonbons. "Noah, je t'aime!" Il a crié avant d'attraper une assiette et de plonger dedans. Il venait de remplir sa grande assiette à la jante quand il a gelé et a regardé Juniper. Il s'est assis et lui en a remis un vide. "Obtenez ce que vous voulez," a-t-il dit. "Je ne mangerai pas tant que tu ne seras pas prêt." C'était les manières qu'il avait presque oublié qu'il avait, permettant à la femelle de manger d'abord. Elle recevrait les meilleurs choix de tout. Et pour une raison quelconque, ça ne lui dérangeait pas du tout. En fait, il se sentait vraiment bien.
Name - Marisol Harrison Age - 26 Perferred Weapon - Her mate, once she gets one Personality - Marisol (Mari for short) is kind and warm but no pushover. She is an open book. You never have to guess what she is thinking or feeling. People tend to feel instantly as ease around her, which helps in her line of work. While she tends to be a little too kind at times Mari has a temper and can be stern, but of course feels guilty afterward. If she thinks she's hurt someone she immediately hurries to apologize, something that many people have taken advantage of in the past. Brief History - Marisol grew up without a father. Her mother didn't even know his name, just that he was tall and dark and she met him in a bar. Her mother died when she was a child and Marisol was raised by her maternal grandmother, who found fault with everything Mari did. No matter how hard she tried, there was no pleasing the woman. She learned in her late teens it was because her grandmother saw her as a sin, an illegitimate child of fornication. Mari went to college and graduated as a therapist. Having people sit and tell her their problems helps her ignore her own. The transition came as a shock to say the least. By the grace of The Scribe Virgin a male vampire happened to be near enough to sense a female in distress and came running to help. He got her through her transition, but as he was actually gay they never had a romantic relationship but still keep in touch as friends, him providing her with blood when she needs it and vice versa. It has taken Marisol a year to come to terms with what she is. She hasn't met that many others like her. But a sense of unease has guided her and others like her towards the last known city the Brotherhood were known to inhabit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name - Rhage Age - over 400 Preferred Weapon - His Beast Personality - He is pretty easy going and doesn't have many buttons to push, preferring to laugh than to take offense. But if you do find his button and push it... even his Brothers know that's a suicidal idea. When he is being serious, you KNOW he means business and would do well to pay attention. He LOVES food. Seriously he could wipe out a buffet restaurant in one sitting. But he savors everything he eats like it's his last meal. Brief History - Back when he was a pretrans he made the mistake of pissing off the Scribe Virgin. How did he do this unheard of task? No one knows and no one dares ask. All anyone knows for sure is that Rhage is cursed with a creature tattooed on his back. If he gets angry he transforms into the Beast, devouring everything in his path. The problem is he doesn't know friend from foe when this happens so the only thing his brothers can do is stand back and wait for him to power down. Once he returns to normal he is completely depleted of energy.
Lilia était à peine consciente à ce stade, la voix masculine lui parlant comme s'il était sous l'eau. Ou peut-être qu'elle était sous l'eau. Cela expliquerait pourquoi elle avait du mal à respirer. Ses paupières fluctuaient quand un parfum lui chatouillait le nez. Elle ne savait pas ce que c'était, mais ça sentait vraiment bon. Inconsciemment penchée vers elle, son nez brossé contre la peau et elle s'est rendue compte que c'était d'où provenait l'odeur. Ses gencives s'agrippaient, lui faisaient un peu mal quand ses mains tiraient sur le bras des hommes sans que Lilia comprenne vraiment ce qui se passait. Elle a pressé son nez plus fermement contre la peau, la langue s'éclaboussant brièvement pour goûter la région. En un éclair, deux canines tranchantes de rasoir ont grandi à partir de ses dents canines humaines, la douleur perdue sur elle comme elle a instinctivement mordu vers le bas et la saveur la plus merveilleuse a éclaté à travers sa langue. Le liquide s'est précipité dans sa bouche et elle l'a glissé vers le bas, une partie de lui coulant le menton. Alors qu'elle buvait, le feu et la douleur commençaient à reculer petit à petit. Quand tout ce qu'elle ressentait était engourdi, elle s'éloignait la bouche avec une bouffée, un instinct à l'intérieur l'incitant à lécher les plaies jusqu'à ce qu'elles se ferment. Elle a lâché le bras et s'est effondrée dans le siège, les yeux fluctuant comme une sensation endormie lava sur elle. Elle s'est effondrée dans l'obscurité et s'est vite évanouie dans le siège passager.
Name: Lilia Colette Galton Nickname: Lily Age: 22 years old Gender: Female Preferred Weapon: Don't let the size fool you; upset her and you'll receive a tongue-lashing of the century. Personality: Lilia is always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. She is always trying to take care of the people around her but in doing so Lilia sometimes forgets to take care of herself as well. Normally, Lilia comes across as a little shy, emanating a calm and reserved aura. But given the right circumstances and Lilia's inner flame can shine through and she can become a feisty little thing with a tongue to match. Lilia listens to her heart and her actions are ruled by her desire to lend a hand rather than what she would get out of the situation by helping. Her caring nature knows no bounds and she holds a place for everyone in her heart. When given the task of helping someone, she comes out of her shell and gives them a shoulder to lean on, an ear to talk to, and a voice to comfort them. Lilia is also open-minded and tries to look for the good things in life rather than focusing on the bad. When she puts her mind to it, Lilia can be a little ball of energy, especially surrounded by those she cares for. She is also not one for giving up until she's given it her all and even then she's very hard-pressed to quit. But life is a double-edged sword. At times her caring nature leads her to trouble with people who do not want to be helped and may show violence in resisting. There is also a possibility of someone exploiting her kind nature to manipulate her. Short Bio: Lilia never knew her birth parents, she was told they died in a car accident. But she didn't let that get her down. She was adopted by a very loving family who took care of her. She was happy. When she discovered her love for art and painting, her parents supported her and even offered to pay for her to get into an art school. Lilia declined, determined to pay her own way. She worked hard, got a few part-time jobs. There times when life seemed to try and push her down but Lilia pushed back and eventually her hard-work paid off. She's now eagerly awaiting a response from her chosen art school where she submitted her application. Theme Song: The Dark - Beth Crowley
Vischous s'est cognée quand elle a mordu sur son bras. "C'est ça... ça aidera à promettre." Il a dit qu'elle buvait. Quand elle a fini, il a senti des bosses d'oie quand elle a léché les blessures fermées. Cela n'aurait pas d'importance car il guérit très rapidement mais c'était un sentiment agréable. Alors qu'elle s'est évanouie dans le siège, il a appelé Noah au téléphone en espérant qu'il décrocherait. Il aurait besoin d'aide pour l'amener dans une pièce et il aurait besoin de manger beaucoup de nourriture pour continuer à la nourrir pendant sa transition. "Venez sur Noah... grouillez-vous." Il a dit attendre qu'il conduise un peu plus vite pour arriver au domaine.
Name: Vischous Dimitri Age: 29 (human years) Preferred Weapon: Katana strapped to his back 9mm Baretta P90 only for emergencies or if being overrun kept in his car Personality: He keeps to himself and never opens up to anyone. He figures anyone he gets close to will be a target or will leave him. He tries to show emotion every now and can when he drinks but not usually when he is sober. When he is with its brothers its easier but it sure isn't a cake walk for him. He is a very determined fighter and willing to put his life on the line to defend his family. Brief Background: He was named after his father Vischous in order to live out his legacy. He was trained from a young age to become one of the best fighters for the brotherhood. He was on his own training with just a teacher up until his 18th birthday. He joined the Brotherhood a week after his father died. He has been working his best to get rid of the lessers no matter if he loses his life in the process. He has incredible strength and is learning more and more abilities the more he trains. He has never found mate yet and hopes to one day chose the right girl.
Noé était en train de se préparer à sortir chercher des vêtements pour la maîtresse Marisol quand le téléphone de la maison a commencé à sonner. Il a reconnu le numéro. « Maître Vischous », dit-il chaleureusement mais respectueusement. "Les autres Maîtres et leurs invités sont déjà rentrés chez eux, monsieur. Dois-je attendre votre repas habituel? Devrais-je aussi attendre un invité de votre part?" La voix du Doggen sonnait presque rose chatouillé, il était si content. Pour un Doggen, servir leurs maîtres était leur accomplissement dans la vie, leur plus grand plaisir. Si leur maison était heureuse, saine et bien nourrie, un Doggen était à leur plus heureux.
Name - Marisol Harrison Age - 26 Perferred Weapon - Her mate, once she gets one Personality - Marisol (Mari for short) is kind and warm but no pushover. She is an open book. You never have to guess what she is thinking or feeling. People tend to feel instantly as ease around her, which helps in her line of work. While she tends to be a little too kind at times Mari has a temper and can be stern, but of course feels guilty afterward. If she thinks she's hurt someone she immediately hurries to apologize, something that many people have taken advantage of in the past. Brief History - Marisol grew up without a father. Her mother didn't even know his name, just that he was tall and dark and she met him in a bar. Her mother died when she was a child and Marisol was raised by her maternal grandmother, who found fault with everything Mari did. No matter how hard she tried, there was no pleasing the woman. She learned in her late teens it was because her grandmother saw her as a sin, an illegitimate child of fornication. Mari went to college and graduated as a therapist. Having people sit and tell her their problems helps her ignore her own. The transition came as a shock to say the least. By the grace of The Scribe Virgin a male vampire happened to be near enough to sense a female in distress and came running to help. He got her through her transition, but as he was actually gay they never had a romantic relationship but still keep in touch as friends, him providing her with blood when she needs it and vice versa. It has taken Marisol a year to come to terms with what she is. She hasn't met that many others like her. But a sense of unease has guided her and others like her towards the last known city the Brotherhood were known to inhabit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name - Rhage Age - over 400 Preferred Weapon - His Beast Personality - He is pretty easy going and doesn't have many buttons to push, preferring to laugh than to take offense. But if you do find his button and push it... even his Brothers know that's a suicidal idea. When he is being serious, you KNOW he means business and would do well to pay attention. He LOVES food. Seriously he could wipe out a buffet restaurant in one sitting. But he savors everything he eats like it's his last meal. Brief History - Back when he was a pretrans he made the mistake of pissing off the Scribe Virgin. How did he do this unheard of task? No one knows and no one dares ask. All anyone knows for sure is that Rhage is cursed with a creature tattooed on his back. If he gets angry he transforms into the Beast, devouring everything in his path. The problem is he doesn't know friend from foe when this happens so the only thing his brothers can do is stand back and wait for him to power down. Once he returns to normal he is completely depleted of energy.
Vischous a été soulagé qu'il ait répondu au téléphone. "Dieu merci. Oui, j'ai un invité. J'ai besoin d'aide pour la porter chez mon invité... Elle est au milieu du changement... J'ai besoin d'aide pour l'amener dans ma chambre. » Il a dit qu'il s'était tourné vers le domaine. "J'aurai besoin de beaucoup de nourriture. Je vais devoir la laisser se nourrir de moi et je dois garder ma force. » Il a dit qu'il s'était arrêté à la maison. "Je suis dehors maintenant. Je vous verrai dans un instant." Il a dit qu'il avait raccroché le téléphone et garé sa voiture. Il est déjà sorti sentir la tension sur son corps. Il a pris une profonde respiration alors qu'il s'arrêtait lentement à la porte de passanger l'ouvrant et s'appuyait contre elle. Ça va m'en coûter beaucoup, mais ça vaut la peine de sauver une vie. Il pensait à lui-même.
Name: Vischous Dimitri Age: 29 (human years) Preferred Weapon: Katana strapped to his back 9mm Baretta P90 only for emergencies or if being overrun kept in his car Personality: He keeps to himself and never opens up to anyone. He figures anyone he gets close to will be a target or will leave him. He tries to show emotion every now and can when he drinks but not usually when he is sober. When he is with its brothers its easier but it sure isn't a cake walk for him. He is a very determined fighter and willing to put his life on the line to defend his family. Brief Background: He was named after his father Vischous in order to live out his legacy. He was trained from a young age to become one of the best fighters for the brotherhood. He was on his own training with just a teacher up until his 18th birthday. He joined the Brotherhood a week after his father died. He has been working his best to get rid of the lessers no matter if he loses his life in the process. He has incredible strength and is learning more and more abilities the more he trains. He has never found mate yet and hopes to one day chose the right girl.
Zsadist a vu la femme s'en aller. Il n'avait même pas eu son nom. Ce n'était pas important qu'elle l'évite autant que possible. Il ne lui en voulait pas. Il n'était pas un homme de valeur. Il s'est ébranlé la tête en essayant de l'effacer. Son esprit était partout. Avoir une femme près de lui commençait à l'affecter. Il avait besoin d'espace. Il savait que Noé prendrait soin d'elle. "Avez-vous besoin de quelque chose de maître Zsadiste?" Il s'est branlé au son de la voix de Noé. "Noah, je t'ai demandé de ne pas m'appeler comme ça." Il détestait ce mot. Il savait que le Doggen ne voulait pas dire la façon dont il avait été utilisé la plupart de sa vie. Mais ça ne l'a pas empêché de détester le son de ce mot. "Demande aux autres de vérifier mon invité plus tard. Elle pourrait les amener à mieux la surveiller." "Je suis désolé sire. Vischous et Rhage ont aussi des invités. Je m'assurerai que votre invité a ce dont elle a besoin." Noah a expliqué. Il a hurlé. Le Doggen s'occuperait bien de la femelle. Il s'assurerait qu'elle avait tout ce qu'elle voulait.
Name: Zsadist Age: 30 (human about 150 vampire) Preferred Weapon: knife Personality: Zsadist is very quiet. He sees things that others do not. He can read a situation better then most. He's very violent when threatened. He doesn't like to be touched and tends to keep everyoneat arms length. Brief Background: Zsadist was kidnapped when he was 6. He was kept as a blood slave until he came of age when his owner started using and selling him for other things. This continued until he was rescued as a young adult.
Juni avait été pris en arrière par le regard de la maison et Noé, qui semblait être l'homme le plus gentil qu'elle ait connu autre que Michel. Elle sentit une main sur son bras la guidant de l'homme et regarda ensuite sur un rayon de nourriture sur une table. Les Frères sont soit les plus gros gaspilleurs connus du genre vampire, soit ils ont d'énormes estomacs. En regardant la taille de Rhage elle devine l'autre option qu'elle regarde Rhage et pointée à la table. "Tous les trois de ton frère mangent ça?" Elle a demandé avec surprise son accent qui sortait un peu plus qu'avant. Juniper se promène à la table alors que son estomac grondait."Avez-vous tous," Juni a vu ce qu'elle cherchait elle presque criblée quand elle a attrapé les côtes."Je resterai peut-être plus longtemps à cause des côtes." Elle dit en riant au moins cinq fois."Je vais vous en laisser. Je peux prendre toute l'assiette. " Juni dit shuffling loin.
Name:Juniper Rose Nicknames:Juni Age: 21 Personality: Despite having a very Kind and sweet woman she has a tendency to be very quiet and likes being a bit of a loner. Juniper was also very brave and would not hesitate to take a bullet for a family member or a complete and total stranger. Determination has always been the strongest suit for her because of how she was raised by her father. She is also very adventurous always wandering away and being curious about the world around her. Brief Background: Juniper was raised with just a father. She had been raised to be tougher than she lets on and always be cautious since her mother was killed by a Lesser. Juniper had known what she was but she just continued to just lie life as she saw fit at the time. Her father had a friend who was like a brother to him who had a son. Hoping they would grow to love each other they pushed them to hang out. Juniper and Michelangelo (Or Michel) would learn to love each other as brother and sister not as mates. They did get into trouble though. Growing up on a farm was one of the most fun things the young and older friends enjoyed. Getting into trouble and running around the farm with their dogs. When they got older Michel and Juniper had been hanging out when Juniper went into transition. Painful and crying ensued then she blacks out. When she came back the woman gasps when she felt her teeth inside someone that someone being her bestfriend. She cried when she let him go. Now she is still on the small farm and remains there with Michel as a helper around the farm. ____
Marisol Mari était assise et regardait le mur. L'allégresse de ses mains s'était pour la plupart apaisée. L'horloge disait qu'il était presque 3h du matin. Gage attendrait toujours que Will rentre à la maison. En prenant le téléphone à côté du lit, elle a appelé. Après quatre anneaux, le répondeur a ramassé. "H-hey les gars," a-t-elle dit, en essayant de garder le carquois de sa voix. "C'est moi. Je voulais... Le téléphone a été pris avant qu'elle ne puisse plus dire. "Mari?" Un soulagement sur un visage familier l'a emportée. Elle a embrayé le téléphone avec les deux mains comme une ligne de vie. "Gage..." "Que fait la citrouille? D'où appelez-vous? Le numéro est bloqué." "Mon portable a été détruit. J'étais... "Détruite?! Où es-tu? Que s'est-il passé? Ça va? Vous avez eu un accident? Vous avez besoin d'argent? Est-ce que tu... "Gage", Mari a brisé le barrage des questions, un léger sourire sur ses lèvres. Gage et Will étaient comme un deuxième ensemble de parents, même s'ils avaient presque le même âge qu'elle. "Je suis..." elle a presque dit ok, mais ne voulait pas mentir. "Je suis en sécurité maintenant. J'ai été attaqué il y a une heure. Les moins." "Oh mon dieu! Où es-tu petite fille? Je viendrai te chercher." « Je ne sais vraiment pas où je suis », a-t-elle avoué. "Je ne suis pas blessé. J'ai été sauvé. Gage... c'était La Fraternité." Il y avait une pause enceinte sur l'autre ligne, suivie d'un serment chuchoté. "C'est une grosse merde de Mari." "Je sais. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'un des Lessers a volé mon portefeuille. Je ne peux pas rentrer chez moi. L'un des Frères m'a donc amené dans une sorte de manoir." "Vous me dites qu'un guerrier-mâle a emmené une seule femme chez lui?" La voix de Gage était passée du silence au cri avec chaque mot. "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce sale con de bâtard?" « Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît », a-t-elle plaidé. "Il ne m'a pas fait de mal. Il a disparu après notre arrivée. Le Doggen est la seule autre personne que j'ai vue." "Je m'en fiche! Je prends contact avec la glymère et je vous demande d'être remis en garde à vue. Tu resteras avec Will et moi." "Gage non, s'il vous plaît n'apportez pas la glymère dans ce," a plaidé Mari. "Je t'ai appelé pour te dire que je vais bien. Je ne sais pas combien de temps je serai là, mais... "Je sais combien de temps: environ cinq minutes après que j'aie la main sur ce bâtard! Ce sont des guerriers Mari! Savez-vous ce que font les guerriers? Ils se battent et ils baisent! Et devinez lequel ils voudront faire avec vous! Pensez-vous vraiment que "non" les arrêtera?" Mari a cogné les cris. Elle n'a pas bien hurlé. Ça l'a bouleversée. Elle avait grandi avec sa grand-mère humaine qui lui criait dessus constamment. "Gage, s'il te plaît... arrête..." Mari a pleuré, essayant de ne pas pleurer. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. Rhume Rhage a lâché. "Nah, mes frères mangent quand ils veulent. C'est tout pour moi. Après que j'ai... eh bien, après que la Bête soit sortie, je reviens fatiguée et affamée en enfer. J'ai besoin de tout ça pour récupérer d'avoir tous les muscles, les organes et les os dans mon corps se casser et se réarranger. Deux fois. Dans un court laps de temps." Ça lui a plu de la voir manger. Il est passé et a arraché l'assiette de ses mains. Débarrassez les côtes, il les regarda méticuleusement, ne choisissant que les meilleurs pour elle avant de remettre l'assiette. Il a ignoré le fait qu'une telle action était insupportablement proche du besoin d'un homme lié de ne donner à sa femme que le meilleur. « J'ai un bon œil pour la viande », a-t-il dit, essayant de sortir comme occasionnel. Il a repris sa propre assiette chargée avant de s'asseoir et de commencer à inhaler la nourriture. Un pureur satisfait dans sa gorge, comme un tigre savourant quelque chose de délicieux. Des tas de nourriture ont disparu dans sa gorge sans qu'il soit rempli. La seule fois où il s'est arrêté était de choisir les meilleures parties de chaque type de nourriture et de les mettre de côté pour elle. C'était effrayant comment il l'a fait si impensable, comme si c'était une chose naturelle qu'il faisait depuis des années. Noé est venu au bout d'un moment, en se débarrassant de la gorge pour attirer l'attention de Rhage. "Excusez-moi Maître Rhage, mais je crois que Maître Vischous a besoin d'une partie du prix. Il amène un invité à lui : une femme qui passe par la transition. » Rhage jura mûrement, puis regarda Juniper. "Pardonne mon français", a-t-il dit. "Ça ne va pas être bon." Trois femmes dans la maison? « Je crois qu'elle souffre d'une forme de stress post-traumatique », a poursuivi Noé, regardant avec insouciance Juniper. "Peut-être que la compagnie d'une autre femme pourrait l'aider à la calmer?"
Name - Marisol Harrison Age - 26 Perferred Weapon - Her mate, once she gets one Personality - Marisol (Mari for short) is kind and warm but no pushover. She is an open book. You never have to guess what she is thinking or feeling. People tend to feel instantly as ease around her, which helps in her line of work. While she tends to be a little too kind at times Mari has a temper and can be stern, but of course feels guilty afterward. If she thinks she's hurt someone she immediately hurries to apologize, something that many people have taken advantage of in the past. Brief History - Marisol grew up without a father. Her mother didn't even know his name, just that he was tall and dark and she met him in a bar. Her mother died when she was a child and Marisol was raised by her maternal grandmother, who found fault with everything Mari did. No matter how hard she tried, there was no pleasing the woman. She learned in her late teens it was because her grandmother saw her as a sin, an illegitimate child of fornication. Mari went to college and graduated as a therapist. Having people sit and tell her their problems helps her ignore her own. The transition came as a shock to say the least. By the grace of The Scribe Virgin a male vampire happened to be near enough to sense a female in distress and came running to help. He got her through her transition, but as he was actually gay they never had a romantic relationship but still keep in touch as friends, him providing her with blood when she needs it and vice versa. It has taken Marisol a year to come to terms with what she is. She hasn't met that many others like her. But a sense of unease has guided her and others like her towards the last known city the Brotherhood were known to inhabit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name - Rhage Age - over 400 Preferred Weapon - His Beast Personality - He is pretty easy going and doesn't have many buttons to push, preferring to laugh than to take offense. But if you do find his button and push it... even his Brothers know that's a suicidal idea. When he is being serious, you KNOW he means business and would do well to pay attention. He LOVES food. Seriously he could wipe out a buffet restaurant in one sitting. But he savors everything he eats like it's his last meal. Brief History - Back when he was a pretrans he made the mistake of pissing off the Scribe Virgin. How did he do this unheard of task? No one knows and no one dares ask. All anyone knows for sure is that Rhage is cursed with a creature tattooed on his back. If he gets angry he transforms into the Beast, devouring everything in his path. The problem is he doesn't know friend from foe when this happens so the only thing his brothers can do is stand back and wait for him to power down. Once he returns to normal he is completely depleted of energy.
Juni ne pouvait s'empêcher de rire de la couverture de Rhage. Elle l'a pris bien que Mutter un "merci" avant fondamentalement de le haling elle-même..pas parce qu'elle avait faim mais parce qu'il a goûté presque aussi bon que ses pères. Juni était à mi-chemin avec sa côte quand Noé est venu parler à Rhage alors elle a rapidement essuyé n'importe quel accès Barbecue avec une serviette. Juni continue à manger un peu plus quand la mention de 'entreprise féminine' et elle a failli laisser tomber son assiette. "Moi? Tu es sûr que je veux dire... Elle se fourre la bouche avec une côte et des points."Ahk kin'a e'e." Juni dit qu'elle n'a pas vraiment l'air stupide. Juni a personnellement vu ce qui arrive à un vampire quand ils se tournent et si vous ajoutez sur le stress? Juni préférerait affronter le Dragger, ce que Juni a décidé d'appeler Rhages bestial, puis de s'occuper d'une femelle qui traverse ça. En plus, elle n'est pas exactement le type de confort 'Oh son bon'. Elle s'avance tout droit et peut parfois être un peu émoussée.
Name:Juniper Rose Nicknames:Juni Age: 21 Personality: Despite having a very Kind and sweet woman she has a tendency to be very quiet and likes being a bit of a loner. Juniper was also very brave and would not hesitate to take a bullet for a family member or a complete and total stranger. Determination has always been the strongest suit for her because of how she was raised by her father. She is also very adventurous always wandering away and being curious about the world around her. Brief Background: Juniper was raised with just a father. She had been raised to be tougher than she lets on and always be cautious since her mother was killed by a Lesser. Juniper had known what she was but she just continued to just lie life as she saw fit at the time. Her father had a friend who was like a brother to him who had a son. Hoping they would grow to love each other they pushed them to hang out. Juniper and Michelangelo (Or Michel) would learn to love each other as brother and sister not as mates. They did get into trouble though. Growing up on a farm was one of the most fun things the young and older friends enjoyed. Getting into trouble and running around the farm with their dogs. When they got older Michel and Juniper had been hanging out when Juniper went into transition. Painful and crying ensued then she blacks out. When she came back the woman gasps when she felt her teeth inside someone that someone being her bestfriend. She cried when she let him go. Now she is still on the small farm and remains there with Michel as a helper around the farm. ____
Zsadist dépouillé quand il est arrivé dans sa chambre. Comme d'habitude, sa chambre était sombre. Il s'est rarement ennuyé à allumer la lumière. Il n'en avait pas besoin, alors il n'a pas vu le but de gaspiller l'électricité. Il est entré dans les toilettes. Il se douche dans le noir. Il a laissé la lumière éteinte donc il y avait moins de chance qu'il voie sa réflexion. Il détestait l'apparence de son corps. Il s'essuyait quand il a entendu la femme qu'il avait amenée au manoir parler au téléphone. Les murs étaient assez épais, mais il y avait des endroits où le son voyageait très bien. Il se demandait qui elle appelait. Depuis qu'elle parlait à n'importe qui à l'extérieur du manoir était dangereux, il s'habillait rapidement et se dirigeait vers sa chambre. Il écoutait comme elle expliquait où elle était. Ce n'était pas la meilleure idée, mais comme le manoir était caché au monde par le roi et la Vierge Scribe, il n'était pas trop inquiet. En plus, c'était probablement mieux pour ses amis de savoir où elle était. Au moins de cette façon, la glymère ne la chercherait pas. Quand il entendit les larmes dans sa voix, elle entra dans la pièce. Hr lui a pris le téléphone. "J'espère que vous êtes heureux. Tu l'as fait pleurer."
Name: Zsadist Age: 30 (human about 150 vampire) Preferred Weapon: knife Personality: Zsadist is very quiet. He sees things that others do not. He can read a situation better then most. He's very violent when threatened. He doesn't like to be touched and tends to keep everyoneat arms length. Brief Background: Zsadist was kidnapped when he was 6. He was kept as a blood slave until he came of age when his owner started using and selling him for other things. This continued until he was rescued as a young adult.
Rhume Noah a hurlé. "Oui. L'invité du maître Zsadist. Elle est assez secouée », a-t-il regardé de Juni à Rhage. "Je n'oserais pas prétendre dépasser ma place..." "Non jamais", dit Rhage. "-mais il semble qu'elle ne veuille pas être ici, mais Maître Zsadist insiste." Les sourcils de Rhage sont tombés dans une fronce, son expression qui ferait revenir John Cena. "Vraiment? C'est... ce n'est pas génial », a-t-il dit, s'amusant à lui-même. On ne s'est pas contenté de monter contre Zsadist. S'il gardait la femme ici, il devait y avoir une raison. Mais tout ce qu'il a trouvé, c'est une mauvaise nouvelle pour la femme. « Garde un œil et une oreille dehors Noé », a-t-il finalement dit, essuyant sa bouche avant d'atteindre plus de pâtes. "Si vous entendez quelque chose... Eh bien, à l'improviste, venez me chercher." Noé a hurlé et s'est prosterné avant de se retirer. Rhage regarda Juni en arrière et sentit qu'il devait expliquer. "Mon frère Zsadist... il est..." il a frotté l'arrière de son cou, à la recherche de mots. "Il est... difficile. Il a vécu beaucoup de choses dans sa vie et ça ne l'a pas laissé avec les meilleurs traits de personnalité. Alors que je ne veux pas penser qu'il ferait du mal à une femme... on ne peut jamais le dire avec lui." Noé revint peu après, se prosternant devant Juniper. "Madame, j'ai pris la liberté de vous préparer une chambre. Il surplombe la maison d'hôtes où votre cheval est logé pour l'instant, jusqu'à ce que d'autres logements puissent être faits pour lui. » Rhage n'a pas pu arrêter le grincheux de l'école. Sa chambre surplombait la maison d'hôtes. La chambre vide à côté de la sienne aussi. Rhage adorait leur Doggen. Noah a continué. « J'ai bien peur que nous n'ayons pas de vêtements féminins dans le manoir », a-t-il dit, rougissant un peu incomfortablement. "Mais je vais voir ce que je peux..." Rhage a dit : « Faites quelques trucs de ma chambre, dit-il, un peu trop grincheux si l'expression de Noé n'était qu'une indication. "Elle peut porter mes affaires jusqu'à ce qu'elle aille faire ses courses." Elle ne portait aucun vêtement de son frère. C'est pas vrai. Il lui fournirait des vivres. La mienne. La pensée possessive est venue si vite et si fortement qu'il a effectivement arrêté de manger pour le traiter. Et pour couronner sa Bête intérieure purée à la pensée. Merde, il était dans la merde. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. Marisol Mari s'est évanouie quand le téléphone lui a été enlevé. À sa surprise, c'était le Frère d'avant. La cicatrice qui l'avait amenée ici. Gage a immédiatement commencé à crier sur le frère. Mari a clin d'œil et s'est enfuie du téléphone, de mauvais souvenirs qui reviennent. "Je suis désolé," a-t-elle dit, à peine entendu parler des cris venant du téléphone. "C'est un ami. Il s'inquiète pour moi. Il est juste contrarié. Je suis désolé. Je suis désolé." Elle n'avait jamais voulu tout ça. Elle voulait juste entendre une voix familière, laisser les seules personnes qui se souciaient d'elle savoir où elle était avant qu'elles ne puissent s'inquiéter. "Écoutez ici votre sac à merde à pomper la nuque," dit Gage, la colère claire dans sa voix. "Je m'en fiche si tu es frère, si tu la touches, je t'arracherai tes entrailles et je les porterai pour une cravate! Quand la glymère apprendra que tu gardes une femme sans défense dans ta maison, tu seras forcée de la libérer. Sauf si vous la laissez venir chez moi en ce moment, vous serez pris dans tant de ramifications légales vos petits-fils auront besoin d'une pelle!" Marisol a couvert son visage de ses mains, embarrassée au-delà de toute mesure. "C'est ma faute. S'il vous plaît, ne le tuez pas. Tout est de ma faute. Je suis désolée."
Name - Marisol Harrison Age - 26 Perferred Weapon - Her mate, once she gets one Personality - Marisol (Mari for short) is kind and warm but no pushover. She is an open book. You never have to guess what she is thinking or feeling. People tend to feel instantly as ease around her, which helps in her line of work. While she tends to be a little too kind at times Mari has a temper and can be stern, but of course feels guilty afterward. If she thinks she's hurt someone she immediately hurries to apologize, something that many people have taken advantage of in the past. Brief History - Marisol grew up without a father. Her mother didn't even know his name, just that he was tall and dark and she met him in a bar. Her mother died when she was a child and Marisol was raised by her maternal grandmother, who found fault with everything Mari did. No matter how hard she tried, there was no pleasing the woman. She learned in her late teens it was because her grandmother saw her as a sin, an illegitimate child of fornication. Mari went to college and graduated as a therapist. Having people sit and tell her their problems helps her ignore her own. The transition came as a shock to say the least. By the grace of The Scribe Virgin a male vampire happened to be near enough to sense a female in distress and came running to help. He got her through her transition, but as he was actually gay they never had a romantic relationship but still keep in touch as friends, him providing her with blood when she needs it and vice versa. It has taken Marisol a year to come to terms with what she is. She hasn't met that many others like her. But a sense of unease has guided her and others like her towards the last known city the Brotherhood were known to inhabit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name - Rhage Age - over 400 Preferred Weapon - His Beast Personality - He is pretty easy going and doesn't have many buttons to push, preferring to laugh than to take offense. But if you do find his button and push it... even his Brothers know that's a suicidal idea. When he is being serious, you KNOW he means business and would do well to pay attention. He LOVES food. Seriously he could wipe out a buffet restaurant in one sitting. But he savors everything he eats like it's his last meal. Brief History - Back when he was a pretrans he made the mistake of pissing off the Scribe Virgin. How did he do this unheard of task? No one knows and no one dares ask. All anyone knows for sure is that Rhage is cursed with a creature tattooed on his back. If he gets angry he transforms into the Beast, devouring everything in his path. The problem is he doesn't know friend from foe when this happens so the only thing his brothers can do is stand back and wait for him to power down. Once he returns to normal he is completely depleted of energy.
Juni s'est sentie devenir un peu plus sur l'audition défensive sur le frère de Rhage. On lui a appris à ne jamais rouler pour qui que ce soit, mais à connaître ses batailles. Elle peut gérer les taureaux, les vaches et les chevaux bien et se battre assez décent pour être quelqu'un qui n'a jamais vraiment combattu personne avant. Elle s'est sentie pour son couteau sur la hanche et a soupiré quand elle l'a senti. Sudden a perdu l'appétit, elle a posé son assiette vers le bas et essuyé sa bouche. Juni sourit légèrement à Noé alors qu'il lui racontait sa chambre donnant sur l'endroit où se trouverait Opal, son cheval. Elle ne pouvait être que reconnaissante pour le Doggen. Au Doggen a continué à dire qu'ils n'avaient pas de vêtements féminins alors elle a dû porter Rhage's. Ça lui a causé des papillons dans l'estomac. Elle n'a jamais senti ça avant que Juni ne parle."C'est bon, j'ai des vêtements à ma remise, j'ai oublié de les mettre en route. J'irai demain pour en avoir un peu. " Elle dit avec un sourire."Et il n'y a pas besoin de m'appeler Maîtresse Noah. Appelez-moi Juni ou Juniper." La maîtresse s'est sentie sale avec Juni. Elle a aussi travaillé et se fait appeler Maîtresse lui fait se sentir gâtée ; cela lui a fait peur. Parce que son père avait... la maîtresse quand elle était plus jeune. Ils ont fini en fumée à chaque fois parce qu'ils essayaient de l'amener à les aimer plus qu'il n'aime Juni.
Name:Juniper Rose Nicknames:Juni Age: 21 Personality: Despite having a very Kind and sweet woman she has a tendency to be very quiet and likes being a bit of a loner. Juniper was also very brave and would not hesitate to take a bullet for a family member or a complete and total stranger. Determination has always been the strongest suit for her because of how she was raised by her father. She is also very adventurous always wandering away and being curious about the world around her. Brief Background: Juniper was raised with just a father. She had been raised to be tougher than she lets on and always be cautious since her mother was killed by a Lesser. Juniper had known what she was but she just continued to just lie life as she saw fit at the time. Her father had a friend who was like a brother to him who had a son. Hoping they would grow to love each other they pushed them to hang out. Juniper and Michelangelo (Or Michel) would learn to love each other as brother and sister not as mates. They did get into trouble though. Growing up on a farm was one of the most fun things the young and older friends enjoyed. Getting into trouble and running around the farm with their dogs. When they got older Michel and Juniper had been hanging out when Juniper went into transition. Painful and crying ensued then she blacks out. When she came back the woman gasps when she felt her teeth inside someone that someone being her bestfriend. She cried when she let him go. Now she is still on the small farm and remains there with Michel as a helper around the farm. ____
Vischous a vu quelques aides sortir et l'aider à amener la femme à la maison. Il ne savait pas où l'amener, alors il pensait que sa chambre serait le meilleur endroit. Emmenez-la dans ma chambre. Il a dit qu'il se dirigeait vers l'escalier avant eux pour nettoyer le sol un peu pour le rendre plus facile. Il a fait ce qu'il pouvait pour faire place à eux quand ils l'ont couchée sur son lit. Il l'a regardée pour voir qu'elle dormait encore. Il savait qu'elle irait bien pendant quelques instants alors qu'il courait à la cuisine voir Rhage et une femme bavarder. "Bon de voir que tu es un bon frère." Il a dit d'essayer d'être sarcastique mais il était très évident qu'il était complètement hors de lui. Il a attrapé du poulet et du bœuf sachant que les protéines seraient la meilleure chose pour le maintenir en route. « Je ne pourrai pas beaucoup quitter ma chambre... Si Noé ne vous l'a pas dit, j'ai réussi à trouver une femme au milieu du changement et j'ai essayé d'attaquer un groupe de moins. » Il a dit qu'il était encore incapable de comprendre comment cela s'est produit et pourquoi cela s'est produit. Il a fini d'attraper sa nourriture et était sur le point de sortir de la porte pour retourner dans sa chambre. "Désolé de manger et de courir. Si vous avez besoin de moi, vous savez où me trouver." Il a dit qu'il remontait rapidement jusqu'à l'escalier jusqu'à sa chambre. Il espérait qu'elle se réveillerait bientôt pour pouvoir lui expliquer ce qui se passait. Il ne voulait pas qu'elle panique quand il n'était pas dans la pièce et pense qu'elle a été kidnappée. Cela causerait trop de problèmes surtout si elle avait décidé d'appeler la police. Cela signifierait beaucoup de paperasserie et de pots-de-vin pour que tout s'en aille. Il est entré dans sa chambre assise sur le lit à côté d'elle. Il a vu qu'elle dormait encore et a placé sa nourriture sur la table de chevet en lui gardant un œil sur elle. Il ne pouvait s'empêcher de remarquer à quel point elle était belle maintenant qu'il n'avait pas à s'inquiéter des moindres à ce moment-là. Il a ébranlé la pensée en sachant que cela ne ferait qu'assombrir son jugement. Il ne voulait pas être trop attaché à elle au cas où elle le quitterait. Il craignait de ne pas pouvoir supporter la rupture du cœur si cela devait se produire.
Name: Vischous Dimitri Age: 29 (human years) Preferred Weapon: Katana strapped to his back 9mm Baretta P90 only for emergencies or if being overrun kept in his car Personality: He keeps to himself and never opens up to anyone. He figures anyone he gets close to will be a target or will leave him. He tries to show emotion every now and can when he drinks but not usually when he is sober. When he is with its brothers its easier but it sure isn't a cake walk for him. He is a very determined fighter and willing to put his life on the line to defend his family. Brief Background: He was named after his father Vischous in order to live out his legacy. He was trained from a young age to become one of the best fighters for the brotherhood. He was on his own training with just a teacher up until his 18th birthday. He joined the Brotherhood a week after his father died. He has been working his best to get rid of the lessers no matter if he loses his life in the process. He has incredible strength and is learning more and more abilities the more he trains. He has never found mate yet and hopes to one day chose the right girl.
Zsadist détestait entendre les larmes dans la voix de la femme alors qu'elle s'excusait pour quelque chose qui n'était pas de sa faute. Il détestait les larmes. Ils ont réveillé des souvenirs qu'il voulait garder enterrés. Il ne pensait pas qu'il réagissait. Sans ses frères pour l'empêcher de faire quelque chose de stupide. C'est pour ça qu'il a fait ça. Il a utilisé la ligne téléphonique ouverte pour passer à l'endroit où se trouvait l'ami de la femme. Il a attrapé l'homme par sa gorge et l'a relevé du sol. Il s'est barré les dents à l'homme. "Tu es un terrible ami. Elle a failli mourir aujourd'hui. Elle a peur et voit la rassurance. Et tu lui cries dessus. Quel genre d'ami crie sur quelqu'un qui a besoin de réconfort." Il s'est moqué. Il ne connaissait peut - être pas beaucoup le monde ou l'amitié, mais il savait que ses frères ne traiteraient jamais personne de cette façon. Surtout une femme. "La vie de votre ami est en danger. Un moindre peut avoir ses informations pensez-vous vraiment que vous pouvez mieux la protéger alors que je peux? Pensez-vous que vous pouvez la garder à l'abri des Petits?"
Name: Zsadist Age: 30 (human about 150 vampire) Preferred Weapon: knife Personality: Zsadist is very quiet. He sees things that others do not. He can read a situation better then most. He's very violent when threatened. He doesn't like to be touched and tends to keep everyoneat arms length. Brief Background: Zsadist was kidnapped when he was 6. He was kept as a blood slave until he came of age when his owner started using and selling him for other things. This continued until he was rescued as a young adult.
Lilia était immobile et silencieuse sur le lit, un contraste avec la façon dont elle était plus tôt dans la voiture. Sa peau était plus pâle que la normale et se démarquait contre ses cheveux roux ardents, qui étaient enroulés sur l'oreiller sous sa tête. Les minutes passèrent et bientôt ses cils commencèrent à flutter. Au bout de quelques instants, ses yeux regardaient ouvert, étourdi et non focalisé. Elle s'y est posée, regardant le plafond tandis que son esprit bégaiait et trébuchait sur elle-même pour recommencer à travailler correctement. Elle s'est souvenue du combat, puis elle s'est sentie absolument terrible et s'est effondrée alors qu'elle essayait de quitter la région. Puis... tout était noir. Alors qu'elle tentait de traiter les souvenirs qui flétrissaient dans son esprit, une pensée sonnait bien plus clairement que tout le reste. Ce n'était pas le plafond de sa chambre. Son cœur s'est ébranlé alors qu'elle tirait dans une position assise, les yeux larges. Cependant, un sentiment nauséeux l'a balayée et elle s'est balayée, étourdie, avant de retomber contre les oreillers. Elle a serré les yeux pour ne pas voir la pièce tourner autour d'elle alors qu'elle se concentrait sur son corps. L'horrible douleur d'avant était absente mais elle pouvait sentir les bords de celle-ci, attendant de retomber sur elle à tout moment. Elle attendit que son estomac se résolvât avant d'ouvrir les yeux et de se précipiter faiblement sur ses coudes, orbes bleues balayant autour de la pièce. Ils ont atterri sur un visage quelque peu familier et ils se sont élargis encore plus. "Vous!" Elle s'est exclamé d'une voix rauque qu'elle ne pouvait pas reconnaître comme étant la sienne. "Où suis-je?"
Name: Lilia Colette Galton Nickname: Lily Age: 22 years old Gender: Female Preferred Weapon: Don't let the size fool you; upset her and you'll receive a tongue-lashing of the century. Personality: Lilia is always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. She is always trying to take care of the people around her but in doing so Lilia sometimes forgets to take care of herself as well. Normally, Lilia comes across as a little shy, emanating a calm and reserved aura. But given the right circumstances and Lilia's inner flame can shine through and she can become a feisty little thing with a tongue to match. Lilia listens to her heart and her actions are ruled by her desire to lend a hand rather than what she would get out of the situation by helping. Her caring nature knows no bounds and she holds a place for everyone in her heart. When given the task of helping someone, she comes out of her shell and gives them a shoulder to lean on, an ear to talk to, and a voice to comfort them. Lilia is also open-minded and tries to look for the good things in life rather than focusing on the bad. When she puts her mind to it, Lilia can be a little ball of energy, especially surrounded by those she cares for. She is also not one for giving up until she's given it her all and even then she's very hard-pressed to quit. But life is a double-edged sword. At times her caring nature leads her to trouble with people who do not want to be helped and may show violence in resisting. There is also a possibility of someone exploiting her kind nature to manipulate her. Short Bio: Lilia never knew her birth parents, she was told they died in a car accident. But she didn't let that get her down. She was adopted by a very loving family who took care of her. She was happy. When she discovered her love for art and painting, her parents supported her and even offered to pay for her to get into an art school. Lilia declined, determined to pay her own way. She worked hard, got a few part-time jobs. There times when life seemed to try and push her down but Lilia pushed back and eventually her hard-work paid off. She's now eagerly awaiting a response from her chosen art school where she submitted her application. Theme Song: The Dark - Beth Crowley
Vischous sentit son crétin monter puis atterrir sur les oreillers. Il s'est tourné vers elle en lui demandant où elle était. Ça va être vraiment difficile à lui expliquer, j'imagine... Il a pris une profonde respiration alors qu'il pensait à ce qu'il fallait lui dire. Comment dire à quelqu'un qu'ils ne savaient pas qu'ils étaient nés vampire et maintenant ils doivent terminer leur changement. "D'accord... les premières choses d'abord. Mon nom est Vischous... Quel est votre nom?" Il a demandé à essayer de la calmer. Rester calme rendrait la douleur moins intense. Il savait qu'elle allait bientôt devoir se nourrir à nouveau, mais avec son réveil, il serait plus difficile pour elle de comprendre le besoin de sang dans son système.
Name: Vischous Dimitri Age: 29 (human years) Preferred Weapon: Katana strapped to his back 9mm Baretta P90 only for emergencies or if being overrun kept in his car Personality: He keeps to himself and never opens up to anyone. He figures anyone he gets close to will be a target or will leave him. He tries to show emotion every now and can when he drinks but not usually when he is sober. When he is with its brothers its easier but it sure isn't a cake walk for him. He is a very determined fighter and willing to put his life on the line to defend his family. Brief Background: He was named after his father Vischous in order to live out his legacy. He was trained from a young age to become one of the best fighters for the brotherhood. He was on his own training with just a teacher up until his 18th birthday. He joined the Brotherhood a week after his father died. He has been working his best to get rid of the lessers no matter if he loses his life in the process. He has incredible strength and is learning more and more abilities the more he trains. He has never found mate yet and hopes to one day chose the right girl.
Rhume Rhage a un peu froncé. « Les vêtements de votre remise ne suffiront pas, à moins que vous ne cachiez toute une garde-robe là-dedans », a-t-il dit, étouffant un grand bol de purée de pommes de terre dans de la sauce chaude avant de pratiquement l'inhaler. "Je vais t'acheter des vêtements. Croyez-moi, le Roi nous donne plus d'argent que nous ne savons quoi faire, puis il est offensé quand nous ne le dépensons pas. Tu me rendras service. Vous dépensez une partie de l'argent et je n'aurai pas à m'occuper de ses pleurnichers." Il a salué le frère qui est venu quelques instants plus tard. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a en V? Tu as l'air d'une merde qui a été écrasée par un camion-poubelle », a-t-il dit de sa bonne façon naturelle de taquiner. Il a fait rire un cœur léger avant d'agiter une main vers la femelle. "C'est Juniper. Sa famille et sa maison ont été détruites par Lesser alors je l'ai amenée ici », le ton sous-jacent dans sa voix a dit à son frère de ne pas discuter avec lui sur la question. "Juni, c'est mon smart-ass know-it-all frère Vischous. Si c'est sur un ordinateur, il peut le trouver, le pirater, le scanner, le changer... quoi qu'il fasse." Pendant ce temps, Noé fixait Juniper comme elle lui avait donné le diamant d'espoir. En donnant une permission de Doggen pour vous appeler par votre nom, vous leur donniez le don ultime. Il s'inclina profondément devant elle. "Merci, mademoiselle," a-t-il dit de façon presque révérende avant de sortir de la pièce. Rhage a ri. "Maintenant tu l'as fait. Il marchera sur un nuage pour la semaine prochaine », a-t-il dit. Enfin plein, il se tint debout et offrit à Juniper sa main. "Je t'emmène dans ta chambre. Il y a des baignoires et des douches dans chaque chambre. Avec des jets », a-t-il dit, brandissant ses sourcils, mais pas d'une manière flirte. Plus de taquineries et de jeux. Eh bien... peut-être un peu flirt... La chambre n'était pas petite, mais pas trop grande non plus. Un lit queen size s'est assis contre un mur. Un salon de vanité et de chaise était assis au sommet d'un beau tapis qui avait l'air d'une cinquantaine d'années. Des fleurs fraîches, des roses roses, avaient été placées dans un vase sur la table à côté du lit. Un grand T-shirt rouge avait été placé plié sur le lit. "Donc... euh... nous n'avons pas de trucs de fille jusqu'au savon," a-t-il dit, frottant l'arrière de son cou. "Mais Irish Springs n'est pas si mauvais, n'est-ce pas? Quoi qu'il en soit, vous avez besoin de tout ce que ma chambre est à côté », a-t-il dit. Avant que Juni puisse entrer dans une femelle frénétique est venu courir dans le hall. "S'il vous plaît! À l'aide! Il va le tuer!" Rhage a juré fortement. "Damn it Z!" Il s'est envolé comme un coup de feu vers la chambre d'où elle venait. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. - C'est pour ça qu'on est là. Marisol Gabe a essayé désespérément de sucer dans l'air tout en essayant d'arracher la main du frère de sa gorge. C'était comme essayer d'ouvrir un vis en acier. « Elle a besoin d'être avec des gens qui la connaissent », a-t-il lutté pour sortir. "Mari est innocent, dans tous les sens du mot. Tu ne sais pas ce qu'elle a vécu, ce que sa propre famille lui a fait. Quoi que tu veuilles lui faire, elle n'y survivra pas. Je me fiche que tu me tues mais j'aime cette fille comme si c'était ma propre sœur et tu ne vas pas lui faire de mal. Vous m'entendez?" Il était très difficile d'être intimidant et menaçant pour un mâle avec facilement cinq fois votre force et actuellement vous tenir hors du sol avec très peu d'effort. Au manoir, Mari s'est évanouie quand le frère a disparu. Les cris du téléphone s'étaient soudainement arrêtés et les bruits de luttes pouvaient être entendus. Mari a essayé l'étape mais a été trop secouée pour le faire. Au lieu de cela, elle est allée avec la seule option qu'elle connaissait. Course à l'extérieur de la porte, elle a trouvé un couloir éclairé et un homme et une femme parlant. "S'il vous plaît! À l'aide! Il va le tuer!" Le mâle est parti et Mari est restée debout avec la femelle. Elle avait l'air proche de l'âge de Mari et très jolie, exotique. Mari a enveloppé ses bras autour d'elle, tremblant. "Tout est de ma faute! Je n'aurais pas dû l'appeler! Mais je ne voulais pas qu'il s'inquiète pour moi! Et maintenant, il va le tuer et ce sera de ma faute! »
Name - Marisol Harrison Age - 26 Perferred Weapon - Her mate, once she gets one Personality - Marisol (Mari for short) is kind and warm but no pushover. She is an open book. You never have to guess what she is thinking or feeling. People tend to feel instantly as ease around her, which helps in her line of work. While she tends to be a little too kind at times Mari has a temper and can be stern, but of course feels guilty afterward. If she thinks she's hurt someone she immediately hurries to apologize, something that many people have taken advantage of in the past. Brief History - Marisol grew up without a father. Her mother didn't even know his name, just that he was tall and dark and she met him in a bar. Her mother died when she was a child and Marisol was raised by her maternal grandmother, who found fault with everything Mari did. No matter how hard she tried, there was no pleasing the woman. She learned in her late teens it was because her grandmother saw her as a sin, an illegitimate child of fornication. Mari went to college and graduated as a therapist. Having people sit and tell her their problems helps her ignore her own. The transition came as a shock to say the least. By the grace of The Scribe Virgin a male vampire happened to be near enough to sense a female in distress and came running to help. He got her through her transition, but as he was actually gay they never had a romantic relationship but still keep in touch as friends, him providing her with blood when she needs it and vice versa. It has taken Marisol a year to come to terms with what she is. She hasn't met that many others like her. But a sense of unease has guided her and others like her towards the last known city the Brotherhood were known to inhabit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name - Rhage Age - over 400 Preferred Weapon - His Beast Personality - He is pretty easy going and doesn't have many buttons to push, preferring to laugh than to take offense. But if you do find his button and push it... even his Brothers know that's a suicidal idea. When he is being serious, you KNOW he means business and would do well to pay attention. He LOVES food. Seriously he could wipe out a buffet restaurant in one sitting. But he savors everything he eats like it's his last meal. Brief History - Back when he was a pretrans he made the mistake of pissing off the Scribe Virgin. How did he do this unheard of task? No one knows and no one dares ask. All anyone knows for sure is that Rhage is cursed with a creature tattooed on his back. If he gets angry he transforms into the Beast, devouring everything in his path. The problem is he doesn't know friend from foe when this happens so the only thing his brothers can do is stand back and wait for him to power down. Once he returns to normal he is completely depleted of energy.
Si Lilia n'a pas eu de réponses bientôt, elle s'est sentie comme si elle allait hyperventiler. Elle était dans une maison étrange, avec un homme étrange, qui l'avait apparemment ramassée après qu'elle se soit effondrée de la douleur. Mais pourquoi? S'il avait de bonnes intentions, il l'aurait emmenée à l'hôpital, pas dans cette pièce au hasard! Elle a réussi à monter la tête de lit et à croiser les bras au-dessus de sa poitrine, le mettant à niveau avec un éblouissement. "Mon nom est Lily. Pourquoi m'avez-vous amené ici? Qu'est-ce qui m'est arrivé plus tôt, est-ce que tu m'as drogué ou quelque chose dans le combat?" Elle ne se sentait pas à l'aise de lui donner son nom complet. D'ailleurs, avec un nom comme Vicious, il n'était pas vraiment une présence réconfortante en ce moment. Elle a brièvement débattu si elle pouvait se rendre à la porte de la chambre puis à la porte d'entrée et à l'extérieur.
Name: Lilia Colette Galton Nickname: Lily Age: 22 years old Gender: Female Preferred Weapon: Don't let the size fool you; upset her and you'll receive a tongue-lashing of the century. Personality: Lilia is always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. She is always trying to take care of the people around her but in doing so Lilia sometimes forgets to take care of herself as well. Normally, Lilia comes across as a little shy, emanating a calm and reserved aura. But given the right circumstances and Lilia's inner flame can shine through and she can become a feisty little thing with a tongue to match. Lilia listens to her heart and her actions are ruled by her desire to lend a hand rather than what she would get out of the situation by helping. Her caring nature knows no bounds and she holds a place for everyone in her heart. When given the task of helping someone, she comes out of her shell and gives them a shoulder to lean on, an ear to talk to, and a voice to comfort them. Lilia is also open-minded and tries to look for the good things in life rather than focusing on the bad. When she puts her mind to it, Lilia can be a little ball of energy, especially surrounded by those she cares for. She is also not one for giving up until she's given it her all and even then she's very hard-pressed to quit. But life is a double-edged sword. At times her caring nature leads her to trouble with people who do not want to be helped and may show violence in resisting. There is also a possibility of someone exploiting her kind nature to manipulate her. Short Bio: Lilia never knew her birth parents, she was told they died in a car accident. But she didn't let that get her down. She was adopted by a very loving family who took care of her. She was happy. When she discovered her love for art and painting, her parents supported her and even offered to pay for her to get into an art school. Lilia declined, determined to pay her own way. She worked hard, got a few part-time jobs. There times when life seemed to try and push her down but Lilia pushed back and eventually her hard-work paid off. She's now eagerly awaiting a response from her chosen art school where she submitted her application. Theme Song: The Dark - Beth Crowley
Vischous sourit quand elle dit qu'elle s'appelait Lily. Elle était belle comme une fleur de lys. Il secoua la pensée de sa tête et tenta de passer à autre chose. "Je t'ai amené ici parce que... eh bien, pour être honnête. Vous êtes un vampire au milieu du changement." Il a dit savoir qu'elle ne le croirait pas. "Je t'ai emmenée dans ma maison où vivent moi et la Fraternité. Nous sommes tous des vampires ici pour pouvoir vivre ici en toute sécurité. Je ne t'ai pas drogué... mais je t'ai donné un peu de mon sang à boire pour te garder en vie. Je vais devoir continuer à vous faire manger de mon sang pour survivre au changement. Si vous ne le faites pas... vous mourrez." Il a dit d'une voix calme pour l'aider à comprendre à quel point cette situation était grave.
Name: Vischous Dimitri Age: 29 (human years) Preferred Weapon: Katana strapped to his back 9mm Baretta P90 only for emergencies or if being overrun kept in his car Personality: He keeps to himself and never opens up to anyone. He figures anyone he gets close to will be a target or will leave him. He tries to show emotion every now and can when he drinks but not usually when he is sober. When he is with its brothers its easier but it sure isn't a cake walk for him. He is a very determined fighter and willing to put his life on the line to defend his family. Brief Background: He was named after his father Vischous in order to live out his legacy. He was trained from a young age to become one of the best fighters for the brotherhood. He was on his own training with just a teacher up until his 18th birthday. He joined the Brotherhood a week after his father died. He has been working his best to get rid of the lessers no matter if he loses his life in the process. He has incredible strength and is learning more and more abilities the more he trains. He has never found mate yet and hopes to one day chose the right girl.
Juni rit un peu en secouant la tête."C'était probablement la première fois que j'ai entendu quelqu'un dire ça mais d'accord." Elle dit. Juni a visiblement gagné quand Rhage a parlé de sa famille maintenant décédée. Se tourne vers l'autre mâle entre et sourit gentiment à lui et agite avant d'essayer de se rendre invisible pendant qu'ils parlaient. Elle regarde Noé qui la regardait comme si elle lui avait donné le meilleur cadeau jamais. Juni savait ce qu'elle faisait quand elle a dit d'utiliser son nom. Elle sourit à Noé lui donnant un clin d'œil de la tête avant qu'il ne la laisse rire à quel point cela semblait heureux. Juni commençait lentement à aimer cet endroit de plus en plus. Elle avait attrapé la main de Rhage quand il l'a offert et l'avait laissé la conduire à la salle de bains en souriant à sa blague. Malgré ses apparences, il a eu un très bon sens de l'humour et Juni n'a pu s'empêcher de l'aimer. Juni avait été très excitée quand elle a vu la baignoire. Enfin, elle peut se nettoyer et se détendre... Puis une femme est venue leur crier à propos de quelqu'un qui a tué quelqu'un d'autre et elle a presque laissé sortir une malédiction quand la femme l'a fait. Juni a prié pour que RHage ne quitte pas Juni avec la femme alors qu'il était parti. Elle soupire avant de regarder la femme. C'est loin d'être beau de pleurer et d'être triste. "Ce n'est pas ta faute." Elle dit en utilisant doucement la même voix qu'elle utiliserait sur les chevaux pour les calmer de leurs états de panique." Loin de ce que je connais de nos hommes, il t'a fait pleurer. Et pour être honnête, qui est-ce qu'il est n'aurait pas dû te faire pleurer si quelqu'un lui en veut, c'est lui. Juni dit d'embrasser la fille dans un câlin latéral. "Rhage, est-ce qu'il va empêcher Vischous de nuire à 'il'." Elle dit :
Name:Juniper Rose Nicknames:Juni Age: 21 Personality: Despite having a very Kind and sweet woman she has a tendency to be very quiet and likes being a bit of a loner. Juniper was also very brave and would not hesitate to take a bullet for a family member or a complete and total stranger. Determination has always been the strongest suit for her because of how she was raised by her father. She is also very adventurous always wandering away and being curious about the world around her. Brief Background: Juniper was raised with just a father. She had been raised to be tougher than she lets on and always be cautious since her mother was killed by a Lesser. Juniper had known what she was but she just continued to just lie life as she saw fit at the time. Her father had a friend who was like a brother to him who had a son. Hoping they would grow to love each other they pushed them to hang out. Juniper and Michelangelo (Or Michel) would learn to love each other as brother and sister not as mates. They did get into trouble though. Growing up on a farm was one of the most fun things the young and older friends enjoyed. Getting into trouble and running around the farm with their dogs. When they got older Michel and Juniper had been hanging out when Juniper went into transition. Painful and crying ensued then she blacks out. When she came back the woman gasps when she felt her teeth inside someone that someone being her bestfriend. She cried when she let him go. Now she is still on the small farm and remains there with Michel as a helper around the farm. ____
À l'illustre Thym, Que l'on sache que Argent, fils d'Aurum, souhaite inviter votre maison pour célébrer le bal du milieu de l'hiver. Les mots ne peuvent pas exprimer à quel point vous et votre famille Le favoritisme a contribué au succès du Glyter et nous espérons poursuivre cette tradition entre nos les ménages dans l'avenir. Regrets seulement, Argent, fils d'Aurum, premier de son nom. "Le Bugatti a été vendu?" Argent a failli basculer sur l'encre sur l'invitation alors qu'Adamant, son frère, parlait du crépitement du feu dans l'étude de leur père. Le mâle aîné se tenait à l'entrée de la pièce, regardant Argent, un verre de quelque chose dans sa main. Brandy, un seul renif lui a dit ça. Du stock de leur père. Le mâle était vêtu d'une veste et d'une cravate desserrée, qui luttaient tous les deux contre la masse musculaire sous leur tissu. Et si le gonflement sous l'épaule de sa veste disait quelque chose, le mâle était probablement armé. Où irait-il, habillé comme ça et armé pour tuer? Argent le savait. Il savait dans son cœur et son âme, même s'il n'avait pas de preuves. Les lettres scellées de cire arrivant dans le courrier des familles Glymera s'adressaient à Adamant, tandis que les missives d'Argent ne répondaient pas. Le fait était, quand on partageait un toit avec un tueur, qu'on apprenait à garder le silence sur certaines choses. "Le Bugatti", a dit Adamant une fois de plus, prenant une gorgée de son liquide ambre. "Mon Bugatti." Il a fait un pas en avant avec chaque mot prononcé. "Était. Ça. Vendu." Se tenant debout sur Argent, se dirigeant vers lui, il a laissé le silence s'accrocher entre eux. Forçant Argent à combler ce vide. -- Oui, murmura Argent. Il a redressé l'encre et a reposé le stylo à l'intérieur. "Il fallait qu'on le fasse. Il y a quelques années, tu vois... "Tu as vendu ma voiture? Pour quoi, acheter du pain? Nourrir vos chats?" Adamant a riposté avant de prendre une autre gorgée d'alcool. "Tu crois que t'es en train de parler, hein? C'était ma voiture. Ma voiture! Le cadeau du père pour MA transition! Et tu l'as vendu?" Le Veyron valait un million de dollars, et le ménage... -- Petit frère, petit frère, dit Adamant doucement, doucement, dans ce ton trompeur d'amour familial. Celui qui a fait Argent se pencher dans sa chaise toujours si légèrement. "Notre cher père, vous a-t-il dit de vendre la voiture? Est-ce qu'il t'a ordonné de le faire?" Le mâle se pencha un peu plus près, prit une dernière gorgée de son liquide ambre, puis jeta son contenu dans la cheminée. Ce visage trop beau, ces lèvres qui étaient indécis perpétuellement entre sourire et grondement. "Il... il était enveloppé dans son travail. Le collier de la Reine avait besoin de plus de temps. Il m'a dit de liquider le reste de notre portefeuille, mais il ne voulait pas m'écouter. Il avait été vendu des années auparavant. On courait sur des vapeurs! J'ai dû libérer Lora et... "C'est ce qui est arrivé à Lora? Tu as laissé Lora partir? Elle était la plus belle de tous les Dogen! C'est presque aussi radieux qu'un élu! » Adamant s'est enrôlé, son visage se rapprochant de celui d'Argent. "C'est pas bien avec toi?" C'est à ce moment-là que son frère a finalement espionné la pile de lettres sur le bureau. Tout est scellé avec la bague de signature de leur défunt père. -- Qu'est-ce que c'est? Argent a avalé, soulevant la dernière invitation pour l'inspection de son frère. Mais Adamant ne l'avait pas. Il jeta le parchemin offert dans la cheminée, atteignit le bureau et prit la main sur l'ouvre-lettres de leur père, déchira le sceau sur l'une des enveloppes de la petite pile, et lut à travers la chose lui-même. Pendant que Argent était prêt à se pisser dans la peur que son frère avait saisi la note destinée à la Fraternité. Le monde, l'univers, semblait retenir son souffle pendant qu'Adamant lisait la note. Argent s'attendait à ce que cet ouvre-lettres plonge dans son cœur à tout moment. Jusqu'à ce que son frère parle. "Une fête?" Il a ri. J'ai ri avec l'hameçon d'une hyène. "Frère, tu organises une fête pour la glymère après avoir vendu ma voiture pour garder les lumières allumées?" "C'était... dans la volonté de notre père. Il voulait qu'on le fasse. Pour garder les liens familiaux." "Et pourquoi tu te soucierais du testament, mon frère? Bientôt nous vendrons la porcelaine et les meubles! La famille est finie. On ne peut plus vivre de fournir des boules et des bijoux aux sangsues. Tu as été trop stupide pour apprendre à continuer cette profession. Nous avons besoin de trouver une nouvelle façon- avant que vous soufflez tout notre argent sur les cocktails et le vin!" "J'utilise mon argent, mon frère. Je n'utilise pas ta part de l'héritage. Et ce sera une petite chose de toute façon. Personne ne viendra probablement. Je voulais juste remplir nos obligations envers mon père. Et la Vierge Scribe." La lèvre d'Adamant est enroulée, en regardant son frère. La lettre a été placée dans la main d'Argent. "C'est assez beau. Mais tu devrais connaître un frère. C'est une coutume de signer avec une touche plus personnelle... » La lettre a balancé rapidement, glissant sur la peau, à travers les muscles et à peine manquant la veine dans le poignet d'Argent. Le mâle sifflait dans la douleur, tirant la plaie vers ses lèvres pour essayer d'arrêter le flux de sang avec sa salive. "Assure-toi que mes affaires soient en ordre, mon frère." Adamant jeta l'instrument ensanglanté sur le bureau en ajustant son manteau et sa cravate tout en regardant son frère s'arracher dans la douleur sous les yeux noirs de charbon de lourde couche. "J'aimerais m'assurer d'avoir assez à portée de main pour reconstruire cette famille qui s'écroule..." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vénus, coquillan de Reyd, devait faire une poignée de choses dans la maison de Glyter. Reyd s'occupait de la cuisine et de l'entretien quotidien du ménage. Elle était responsable de la gestion des engagements sociaux et des finances de l'ancien maître. Rolodex marchant de la glymère vampire, elle avait également été rendue accessible à certains canaux d'accès au roi et à sa garde- la peur et la peur de Black Dagger Fraternité. Comme tous les autres membres de la course, elle n'était certainement pas au courant de l'endroit où ils ont fait leur maison. Quiconque a trouvé cette information par accident ou par guilde s'est probablement trouvé incinéré à l'aube. Mais, à l'aube de la modernité, il y avait d'autres moyens de les atteindre. Elle avait suivi les instructions du jeune maître et avait quitté la maison pour livrer la pile d'invitations au gala, chacune maintenant marquée par une goutte de sang d'argent, portant son parfum. Mais le dernier, celui avec le sceau à l'envers, elle avait ouvert comme indiqué. Et alors qu'elle était assise dans une cafétéria dingy du centre-ville, le genre rempli de vagabonds, de poètes battus et de baristas avec plus de métal dans leur nez qu'elle n'avait aucun droit d'être là- elle a atteint dans son sac Louis Vuitton, déverrouillé son téléphone, et a composé le numéro listé comme "Sécurité" dans son annuaire téléphonique. Et quand le téléphone a finalement décroché, sa belle voix a porté au-dessus de la ligne avec un murmure. "Bonjour. Puis-je parler avec l'un des Frères au Roi?"
Argent Glyter, Son of Aurum Glyter Age: 33 Preferred Weapon: Checkbook, winning smile, and a Saturday-night Special Personality: Aloof and often afraid, Argent was not trained for the roll he finds himself in. But the collapse of the Glyter household is slowly hardening him to meet the challenges of the future. :Brief Background: Argent Glyter is the second child of the Glyter dynasty, son of the fabled Aurum and his late shellan Lustra Glyter. The Glyter dynasty holds the distinction of being the chief jewellers among the vampire aristocracy. Their wealth and power arose not from blood or divinity, but from leveraging the close ties they cultivated with the different families against one another in the deadly games played by the aristocracy. If a female is wearing any sort of jewelry at a Glymera function that is not of human design, it is undoubtedly of Glyter make. The firstborn child of the household, Adamant, has been on a lengthy hiatus from Glymera life ever since the ascension of Wrath, son of Wrath to the throne of the race. Officially, he is away studying modern human jewelcrafting techniques to modernize the family holdings. Unofficially, Argent knows not where Adamant has gone and Aurum did not seem to care of late- only acknowledging that the lad had a bone to pick with everyone and everything in their world, and caused them nothing but trouble. With the death of his shellan Lustra on the birthing bed, Aurum slowly spiraled into obsessing over his work, building more and more glorious pieces while taking on fewer commissions. Argent took it upon himself to manage the family estate not long after his lengthy and painful Transition, but without his father's guiding hand to help, he has been steering the household to an organized crash rather than smooth sailing. Many Dogen have been released from service, excepting only their chief butler Reyd and his shellan, Venus. Their summer home has been sold to humans. And all the while the Glymera snickers and laughs at the descent of the Glyter family back to lowly tradesmen. The Raids saw to the end of his father- too wrapped up in his work to notice the stench of baby powder overpowering his shop, the man was choked by a length of silver chain until the life in his eyes was snuffed out. Argent survived in the family's panic room with the rest of the staff, but the death of the patriarch has sealed the fate of the Glyter family. And now, with the dissent of the Glymera becoming more and more open, he's heard talk of his brother Adamant's return...
Zsadist a barré ses dents à l'autre homme. Il a entendu Rhage à l'autre bout du téléphone essayer d'obtenir son attention. Mais les larmes de la femme noyaient la voix de son frère. Il a été impressionné par le fait que l'homme était capable de garder la tête unie. Peu de gens auraient pu parler, encore moins faire des menaces, quand il les a eus hors du sol. Ça voulait dire que l'imbécile s'intéressait vraiment à la femelle. Malheureusement, ça n'excuse pas sa stupidité. Au moins pas en ce qui concerne Zsadist. "Je ne sais pas si vous êtes muet ou sourd. Je ne vais pas faire de mal à la femme. Je vous donnerais ma parole en tant qu'homme de valeur, mais vous et moi savons tous les deux que je n'ai aucune valeur. Mais je te jure que ton amie sera en sécurité jusqu'à ce qu'elle revienne à sa vie. Qu'elle appelle ou non encore une amie inconsidérée, c'est à elle. J'essaie de ne pas juger les choix des autres." Le Zsadiste grondait. Il n'avait pas blessé l'homme et n'avait pas prévu de le faire à moins qu'il n'ait fait quelque chose de stupide.
Name: Zsadist Age: 30 (human about 150 vampire) Preferred Weapon: knife Personality: Zsadist is very quiet. He sees things that others do not. He can read a situation better then most. He's very violent when threatened. He doesn't like to be touched and tends to keep everyoneat arms length. Brief Background: Zsadist was kidnapped when he was 6. He was kept as a blood slave until he came of age when his owner started using and selling him for other things. This continued until he was rescued as a young adult.
Marisol Mari a essayé de se composer. "Je suis désolé. D'habitude, je ne fais pas un tel désordre de moi-même », a-t-elle dit à la femme qui essayait de la consoler. Elle se demandait si elle était coquillan à l'un des Frères. Peut-être celui qui venait de les dépasser? Rhage, l'avait-elle appelé comme ça? « J'ai appelé un ami pour lui dire que j'allais bien et il s'est mis en colère que le frère m'ait amené ici », a-t-elle expliqué rapidement. "Je suis Marisol... Mari," a-t-elle ajouté, touchant une main pas très stable pour serrer la main de la femelle devant elle. "Je ne voulais pas commencer tout ça. Pardonnez-moi de vous déranger, vous et votre enfer », a-t-elle dit. C'est la première fois qu'il y a un problème. Noé Le téléphone a sonné deux fois avant d'être ramassé. « Bonsoir Madame, » Noé a parlé avec éloquence dans le téléphone. -- À quoi devons-nous le plaisir de votre appel? Les choses ont été expliquées rapidement et dans des tons brouillés. Noé écoutait avec un visage droit, ses lèvres tirant serrées la seule indication de ses sentiments. "Compris. Je crains que les Maîtres ne soient pas disponibles pour le moment, mais je vous assure que l'information les atteindra dans la maison. Votre appel est très apprécié, Madame. S'il y a quelque chose que vous exigez de nous à l'avenir, n'hésitez pas à rappeler. Oh, et s'il vous plaît, prenez soin de vous-même Madame," a-t-il ajouté dans un ton qui parlait des volumes. Si la mauvaise personne découvrait la source et la raison de l'appel, la femelle de l'autre côté serait en danger mortel. Après avoir raccroché, il a lissé sa veste avant de se redresser et de monter les escaliers. Deux d'entre elles parlaient dans le hall et l'un des maîtres criait sur une autre au-dessus de la ligne téléphonique, une ligne séparée du reste de la maison. Sans battre un œil, comme si tout cela était tout à fait normal, il entra dans la pièce et s'adressa à Rhage. "Maître Rhage, je m'excuse d'avoir interrompu, mais j'ai peur d'avoir des nouvelles très urgentes et pénibles pour la Fraternité." - C'est pour ça que j'ai fait ça. Rhume Rhage voulait arracher le téléphone du mur. Il grandissait profondément dans la frustration. "Z, je ne suis pas dupe frère : GET. Votre. S.A.S. Reculez. Tout de suite. Il se passe quelque chose et on a besoin de toi ici." Il a claqué le téléphone, confiant que Z reviendrait après avoir entendu ça. Le frère était loyal, c'est n'importe quoi. Au-delà de Noé, il est entré dans le hall et a commencé à frapper sur une porte non loin de la leur. "V! Il se passe quelque chose, mon frère. Nous avons besoin de vous ici." C'était une chose merdique, d'interrompre une femme qui traverse la transition, mais elle devrait en subir le pire maintenant et aurait besoin de dormir avant d'avoir besoin de se nourrir à nouveau. J'espère que ce qui avait Noah en sueur ne prendrait pas longtemps. Il a retrouvé Juniper et Mari dans le couloir. "Retourne dans la chambre," a-t-il dit à Mari. "Et n'agressez pas le Zsadiste quand il reviendra. Laisse-le être." Il s'est tourné vers Juniper. "On dirait que cette tournée de la douche va devoir attendre", a-t-il dit avec un clin d'œil ludique. "Profitez-vous et à tout à l'heure. Etre ici à mon retour, vrai? »
Name - Marisol Harrison Age - 26 Perferred Weapon - Her mate, once she gets one Personality - Marisol (Mari for short) is kind and warm but no pushover. She is an open book. You never have to guess what she is thinking or feeling. People tend to feel instantly as ease around her, which helps in her line of work. While she tends to be a little too kind at times Mari has a temper and can be stern, but of course feels guilty afterward. If she thinks she's hurt someone she immediately hurries to apologize, something that many people have taken advantage of in the past. Brief History - Marisol grew up without a father. Her mother didn't even know his name, just that he was tall and dark and she met him in a bar. Her mother died when she was a child and Marisol was raised by her maternal grandmother, who found fault with everything Mari did. No matter how hard she tried, there was no pleasing the woman. She learned in her late teens it was because her grandmother saw her as a sin, an illegitimate child of fornication. Mari went to college and graduated as a therapist. Having people sit and tell her their problems helps her ignore her own. The transition came as a shock to say the least. By the grace of The Scribe Virgin a male vampire happened to be near enough to sense a female in distress and came running to help. He got her through her transition, but as he was actually gay they never had a romantic relationship but still keep in touch as friends, him providing her with blood when she needs it and vice versa. It has taken Marisol a year to come to terms with what she is. She hasn't met that many others like her. But a sense of unease has guided her and others like her towards the last known city the Brotherhood were known to inhabit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name - Rhage Age - over 400 Preferred Weapon - His Beast Personality - He is pretty easy going and doesn't have many buttons to push, preferring to laugh than to take offense. But if you do find his button and push it... even his Brothers know that's a suicidal idea. When he is being serious, you KNOW he means business and would do well to pay attention. He LOVES food. Seriously he could wipe out a buffet restaurant in one sitting. But he savors everything he eats like it's his last meal. Brief History - Back when he was a pretrans he made the mistake of pissing off the Scribe Virgin. How did he do this unheard of task? No one knows and no one dares ask. All anyone knows for sure is that Rhage is cursed with a creature tattooed on his back. If he gets angry he transforms into the Beast, devouring everything in his path. The problem is he doesn't know friend from foe when this happens so the only thing his brothers can do is stand back and wait for him to power down. Once he returns to normal he is completely depleted of energy.
Zsadist a barré le sien à Gage une fois de plus avant de libérer l'homme. Il s'en foutait si l'homme allait à la glymère ou non. Il n'a pas eu le temps de s'en inquiéter. Rhage exigeait son retour. Ce qui n'aurait pas de sens pour lui. Mais il pouvait dire de la voix de son frère que quelque chose n'allait pas au manoir. Il n'aurait jamais manqué d'être là quand ses frères avaient besoin de lui. Ils n'étaient pas frères au sens traditionnel. Mais c'était son monde. Il a utilisé le téléphone pour retourner dans la chambre de la femme. Il espérait ne pas lui faire peur. La colère a toujours rayonné de lui. Ça prendrait du temps de se calmer. Et il ne pensait pas que ça arriverait bientôt. Il a été surpris quand il a vu qu'il y avait plus d'une femme dans la pièce. Super ce qu'il avait besoin de plus de femmes. Il s'est propagé à la nouvelle arrivée.
Name: Zsadist Age: 30 (human about 150 vampire) Preferred Weapon: knife Personality: Zsadist is very quiet. He sees things that others do not. He can read a situation better then most. He's very violent when threatened. He doesn't like to be touched and tends to keep everyoneat arms length. Brief Background: Zsadist was kidnapped when he was 6. He was kept as a blood slave until he came of age when his owner started using and selling him for other things. This continued until he was rescued as a young adult.
C'est bien d'être un désordre mais ne laissez pas ça vous causer plus de douleur alors vous êtes déjà en bon état? Juni dit de tirer un petit sourire. Juni a secoué la femme, celle de Mari, la main."Juni. Ravi de vous rencontrer." Elle dit avant de se rétracter la main de l'autre main."R-Rhage n'est pas mon Hellran. J'ai été sauvé par lui." Elle bégaie avant de respirer." Ma ferme a été attaquée par un petit Rhage qui était venu me sauver. Je reste ici jusqu'à ce que je puisse me remettre sur pied." Juni saute quand elle entend Rhage parler mais elle reste silencieuse comme il a parlé avant de laisser sortir un petit rire."Au mal. J'avais prévu de mettre Mari dans sa chambre pour qu'elle puisse s'allonger, mais je suis sûr que je serai là à ton retour." Juni dit qu'avec un visage droit, il a déjà plaisanté avec Michel. Elle attrape doucement la fille par le bras."A bientôt!" Elle dit d'emmener joyeusement Mari dans sa chambre. Une fois venue dans la pièce, elle laisse Mari aller et sourit à la fille." Si tu as besoin de quelque chose, viens dans ma chambre." Elle dit. Juni sentit la colère avant de le voir tourner un peu la tête, elle vit l'homme qui avait causé tant de stress à Mari. Décider de ne pas être impoli Juni sourit elle-même surprenante en ne se cachant pas à la vue de lui."Bonjour, Zsadiste. Je réconforte Mari pendant ton absence. Je suppose que tu voudrais que je parte ainsi." Juni se tourne vers Mari."A tout à l'heure." Avec ce Juni tournait et s'éloignait de la pièce quand elle était assez loin, elle s'enfonçait dans la salle de bains en fermant rapidement la porte. Juni tremblait un peu, elle ferme les yeux, elle veut cesser de trembler avant de soupirer. Zsadist a fait peur à Juni et elle a fait une note en métal pour garder un œil attentif sur lui et Mari. Après avoir ébranlé sa peur, elle se dépouille de ses vêtements en remerciant la Vierge Scribe qu'elle pourrait enfin en avoir une.
Name:Juniper Rose Nicknames:Juni Age: 21 Personality: Despite having a very Kind and sweet woman she has a tendency to be very quiet and likes being a bit of a loner. Juniper was also very brave and would not hesitate to take a bullet for a family member or a complete and total stranger. Determination has always been the strongest suit for her because of how she was raised by her father. She is also very adventurous always wandering away and being curious about the world around her. Brief Background: Juniper was raised with just a father. She had been raised to be tougher than she lets on and always be cautious since her mother was killed by a Lesser. Juniper had known what she was but she just continued to just lie life as she saw fit at the time. Her father had a friend who was like a brother to him who had a son. Hoping they would grow to love each other they pushed them to hang out. Juniper and Michelangelo (Or Michel) would learn to love each other as brother and sister not as mates. They did get into trouble though. Growing up on a farm was one of the most fun things the young and older friends enjoyed. Getting into trouble and running around the farm with their dogs. When they got older Michel and Juniper had been hanging out when Juniper went into transition. Painful and crying ensued then she blacks out. When she came back the woman gasps when she felt her teeth inside someone that someone being her bestfriend. She cried when she let him go. Now she is still on the small farm and remains there with Michel as a helper around the farm. ____
Mari « Merci », a dit Mari à Juni, reconnaissant pour ces paroles aimables. "J'apprécie-" elle a été coupée par Zsadist réapparaissant dans la pièce. Il ressemblait à un démon qui sortait de l'enfer. Correction : il ressemblait au cauchemar d'un démon tout droit sorti de l'enfer. Sa colère s'est renversée de lui comme une peste noire et elle l'a terrifiée. Juni a évidemment senti la même chose parce qu'elle est sortie rapidement de la pièce après avoir dit quelques mots que Mari n'a pas vraiment compris. Elle était trop occupée à regarder la noirceur qui était les yeux de Zsadist. Elle a avalé fort, sa gorge a mal au mouvement. Sa bouche était sèche et ses mains secouaient encore. « Je... Pardonne-moi, dit-elle, en s'inclinant la tête devant lui dans un spectacle de soumission, pour ne pas l'énerver davantage. "Je n'aurais pas dû l'appeler. Gage veut dire bien que je te le promets. S'il vous plaît, ne le tuez pas." Elle s'aventura un coup d'œil sur lui, ses yeux bleus gris cherchant ses yeux sombres pour même une petite lueur qu'il se calmait. Le fait de parler aux gens en bas faisait partie de son travail. Mais il y avait une différence entre parler à un humain déprimé et à un vampire masculin en colère. Surtout un frère en plus de ça. Et ce n'était pas n'importe quel frère. Il y avait quelque chose à propos de lui... quelque chose de profond, sombre et violent. Mais voir cette violence sombre ne l'a pas fait vouloir fuir. Étrangement, elle a voulu regarder plus près, découvrir la source de cette obscurité et l'apaiser. Mari n'a pas réalisé qu'elle allait le faire. Il semblait que plus elle le regardait, plus son corps semblait bouger de son propre gré. Un instinct qui lui a donné envie de toucher et d'apaiser, comme un baume de guérison à une blessure en colère. Sa main lui toucha le bras et une petite bouffée l'échappa. Il était en acier filé. Il n'y avait pas de douceur à trouver en lui. Elle se demandait ce qu'elle devait ressentir pour lui. Il y a eu une secousse d'électricité où sa peau a rencontré son qui l'a fait geler.
Name - Marisol Harrison Age - 26 Perferred Weapon - Her mate, once she gets one Personality - Marisol (Mari for short) is kind and warm but no pushover. She is an open book. You never have to guess what she is thinking or feeling. People tend to feel instantly as ease around her, which helps in her line of work. While she tends to be a little too kind at times Mari has a temper and can be stern, but of course feels guilty afterward. If she thinks she's hurt someone she immediately hurries to apologize, something that many people have taken advantage of in the past. Brief History - Marisol grew up without a father. Her mother didn't even know his name, just that he was tall and dark and she met him in a bar. Her mother died when she was a child and Marisol was raised by her maternal grandmother, who found fault with everything Mari did. No matter how hard she tried, there was no pleasing the woman. She learned in her late teens it was because her grandmother saw her as a sin, an illegitimate child of fornication. Mari went to college and graduated as a therapist. Having people sit and tell her their problems helps her ignore her own. The transition came as a shock to say the least. By the grace of The Scribe Virgin a male vampire happened to be near enough to sense a female in distress and came running to help. He got her through her transition, but as he was actually gay they never had a romantic relationship but still keep in touch as friends, him providing her with blood when she needs it and vice versa. It has taken Marisol a year to come to terms with what she is. She hasn't met that many others like her. But a sense of unease has guided her and others like her towards the last known city the Brotherhood were known to inhabit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name - Rhage Age - over 400 Preferred Weapon - His Beast Personality - He is pretty easy going and doesn't have many buttons to push, preferring to laugh than to take offense. But if you do find his button and push it... even his Brothers know that's a suicidal idea. When he is being serious, you KNOW he means business and would do well to pay attention. He LOVES food. Seriously he could wipe out a buffet restaurant in one sitting. But he savors everything he eats like it's his last meal. Brief History - Back when he was a pretrans he made the mistake of pissing off the Scribe Virgin. How did he do this unheard of task? No one knows and no one dares ask. All anyone knows for sure is that Rhage is cursed with a creature tattooed on his back. If he gets angry he transforms into the Beast, devouring everything in his path. The problem is he doesn't know friend from foe when this happens so the only thing his brothers can do is stand back and wait for him to power down. Once he returns to normal he is completely depleted of energy.
Zsadist n'a pas été surpris quand une femme s'est enfuie de lui. Tout le monde s'est enfui de lui. Il était dangereux et instable. Les gens ont senti ça. Au moins des gens intelligents l'ont fait. Mari ne l'a pas fait. Elle se tenait là et le regardait. Il s'est déplacé incomfortablement. Il détestait quand les gens le regardaient. La peur était rare pour la race des vampires. Cela ne pouvait se produire que de deux façons. La première était de graves blessures avant la transition. Certaines de ses cicatrices étaient comme ça. Mais la plupart d'entre eux étaient de la deuxième espèce. Blessures qui leur avaient donné du sel. Malheureusement, il avait été grièvement blessé lorsqu'il était tombé dans l'océan au cours de son sauvetage. "Votre ami pourrait bien vouloir dire, mais il est prêt à vous mettre en danger. Ce n'est pas acceptable." Le Zsadiste grondait. Il n'aimait pas que Mari ait l'impression qu'elle devait s'excuser pour quelque chose qui n'était pas de sa faute. Oui, elle avait appelé son amie. Mais elle avait de bonnes intentions. Elle voulait calmer l'inquiétude de l'homme. Au lieu de se soucier du danger, Mari était dans son amie qui avait été énervée parce qu'elle était au seul endroit où rien de moins ne pouvait la toucher. Zsadist s'est effondré lorsqu'il a ressenti une secousse d'électricité. Ce n'est qu'à ce moment-là qu'il s'est rendu compte que Mari le touchait. Il regarda vers le bas où sa main était sur son bras et retourna vers ses yeux gris-bleu. "Vous me touchez." Il chuchotait sous le choc. Il avait peur de la surprendre et elle courait comme tout le monde.
Name: Zsadist Age: 30 (human about 150 vampire) Preferred Weapon: knife Personality: Zsadist is very quiet. He sees things that others do not. He can read a situation better then most. He's very violent when threatened. He doesn't like to be touched and tends to keep everyoneat arms length. Brief Background: Zsadist was kidnapped when he was 6. He was kept as a blood slave until he came of age when his owner started using and selling him for other things. This continued until he was rescued as a young adult.
Juni s'allongeait sur le lit en écoutant le bruit de son cheval à l'extérieur. Au moins, ce petit bout de maison était avec elle. Elle sentait encore sa gorge serrée avec cette maison était partie et son père aussi. La colère se mit à se lever, elle s'assit à la vue du mur. Juni n'a jamais aimé haïr quelqu'un et être honnête, elle veut être amie avec autant de gens que possible. Pourtant, le sentiment de haine qui s'élevait dans son cœur la rendait malade. Essuyant ses yeux, elle respire profondément et se laisse se détendre. "Pensez à quelque chose de bon Juni." Elle mute. Chevaux, animaux, livres... L'idée de Rhage l'a fait sourire un peu. Bien qu'il ait l'air d'un gros dur à cuire. Il est très enfantin et avait rendu la perte de son Père beaucoup plus facile. Elle regarde vers la porte à moitié tentée d'aller voir ce qu'il était aussi. Juni s'est ébranlée la tête."Nah, probablement à occupé..Je me demande si Opal est ouvert pour une visite." Elle dit de se lever et de sortir de la pièce.
Name:Juniper Rose Nicknames:Juni Age: 21 Personality: Despite having a very Kind and sweet woman she has a tendency to be very quiet and likes being a bit of a loner. Juniper was also very brave and would not hesitate to take a bullet for a family member or a complete and total stranger. Determination has always been the strongest suit for her because of how she was raised by her father. She is also very adventurous always wandering away and being curious about the world around her. Brief Background: Juniper was raised with just a father. She had been raised to be tougher than she lets on and always be cautious since her mother was killed by a Lesser. Juniper had known what she was but she just continued to just lie life as she saw fit at the time. Her father had a friend who was like a brother to him who had a son. Hoping they would grow to love each other they pushed them to hang out. Juniper and Michelangelo (Or Michel) would learn to love each other as brother and sister not as mates. They did get into trouble though. Growing up on a farm was one of the most fun things the young and older friends enjoyed. Getting into trouble and running around the farm with their dogs. When they got older Michel and Juniper had been hanging out when Juniper went into transition. Painful and crying ensued then she blacks out. When she came back the woman gasps when she felt her teeth inside someone that someone being her bestfriend. She cried when she let him go. Now she is still on the small farm and remains there with Michel as a helper around the farm. ____
Terre - Laboratoire des forces de défense 23 Jeene Quark a essuyé un peu de sueur sur son front alors qu'elle travaillait sur ce qui serait sans doute un équipement révolutionnaire pour la galaxie. Outils en main, elle avait travaillé sur ce contrat, avec d'autres techniciens et aides mécanisés. Il ressemblait à un grand cylindre, avec une porte pour qu'une personne puisse entrer dedans. C'était plutôt un travail terne, du métal gris et tout, mais c'était la théorie et l'utilisation potentielle de la machine qui était passionnante. "Les bobines d'énergie installées, les essais de puissance peuvent maintenant commencer." Un petit droïde circulaire vient de sortir de l'intérieur du contenant. -- Très bien, et j'en ai presque fini de ma part. Jeene répondit alors qu'elle se moquait de certains circuits dans un panneau ouvert à l'extérieur de l'appareil. Avec quelques autres modifications, elle s'est montrée satisfaite et a fermé le panneau. Jeene regarda avec fierté son travail. L'appareil était une tentative de simuler artificiellement ce que seuls quelques combattants spéciaux avaient réussi à apprendre, Transmission instantanée. L'idée derrière cela était que l'on pouvait verrouiller sur une autre signature ki qu'ils pouvaient sentir et puis se retrouver instantanément dans le voisinage de cette source. Le mouvement était essentiellement la téléportation instantanée et cet appareil permettrait, espérons-le, à une personne d'entrer naturellement dans cet état et de se téléporter vers la source liée au téléporteur. Bien sûr, il y avait un problème dans les sources ki situées à une grande distance, le but était d'utiliser la transmission instantanée pour rebondir vers d'autres mondes après tout, très peu de combattants avaient la capacité de sentir ki à une telle distance, mais les gens travaillant sur ce projet ont dû trouver un moyen de contourner. Leur idée avait été de créer un dispositif identique dans un autre endroit, d'harmoniser les signatures d'énergie puis de créer une signature ki artificielle pour que l'appareil se verrouille, permettant à l'utilisateur de se transmettre lui-même à l'autre endroit. Le dispositif dupliqué avait été construit sur Namek pour son premier essai, maintenant ils devaient juste allumer le leur et les essais commenceraient. "Démarrez les gars!" Jeene sourit alors que la machine s'épanouissait, bientôt ils sauront si elle fonctionnait ou non. La Terre - Les Terres Prouvantes Les Proving Grounds étaient le nom d'un lieu d'entraînement pour les combattants sur Terre. Des combattants venus de l'autre côté de la planète sont venus ici pour prouver leur métal, et même certains venus du monde entier. Divers équipements d'entraînement étaient disponibles afin de simuler de nombreux types de conditions de combat. À l'heure actuelle, Rufus Grindstone se frottait glorieusement dans sa victoire contre son adversaire battu. "Ah, comme un amant de grade pourrait espérer me faire tomber dans un combat, même quand je suis handicapé avec ces poids de gravité." Rufus pointait vers les anneaux sur ses chevilles et ses poignets, qui avaient été utilisés pour lui donner un handicap de cinq fois la gravité normale de la Terre. Cela l'avait rendu un peu lugubre en comparaison, mais sa capacité physique naturelle l'avait compensé. Rufus a saisi le devant de l'uniforme de son adversaire humain et l'a élevé dans l'air. "Maintenant, compte tenu de mon handicap, je pense que vous devez payer pour empiler les chances contre moi, son seul juste." Rufus sourit, ses crocs montrant leurs bords tranchants alors qu'il humiliait l'homme. "Je pense que 10 000 Zeni semblent un juste prix." "Comme si j'allais le faire! Je n'ai jamais misé." L'homme a essayé de se disputer et a été jeté au sol, trouvant rapidement son visage frotté dans le rez-de-chaussée Proving par le pied de Rufus. "Ce serait probablement moins cher que la facture d'hôpital que vous pourriez recevoir." Le loup-garou sourit alors qu'il posa son visage plus loin dans le sol. "Pensez-y, ou je vous reverrai plus tard." Rufus murmura dans son oreille, donna rapidement un coup de pied à l'intestin de l'homme qui l'envoya s'étaler et s'en alla avant que les arbitres ne puissent interférer. Rufus jeta ses poids de côté et fut heureux d'avoir le plein règne sur ses mouvements à nouveau. "Tch, ils n'apprennent pas qu'ils le font."
Name: Light Appearance: Light is a 1.65 meter tall pure white humanoid with a skinny neck, overly large head with equally large black/orange eyes (like a majins eyes, just bigger) No nose and a smallish mouth with blue jelly featherlike hair and aquatic looking ears. She had comically large forearms and hand with no visible wrist, wears a white dress with a blue top and blue trim, the front of the dress which is open with a tabard coming from her waist to cover her front. (think lab coat looking tails with a tabard in the front) Her legs end in points with Light having no feet, and her fingers are razor sharp. Age: '24' Race: Void Daemon Gender: Female Personality: Light enjoys fun and freedom more than anything else, and does what she wants to do. She views things as a game, and has a poor grasp of the severity of situations because of this. While this might make her come off as an airhaed, Light is quite intelligent and uses that perceived notion to her advantage. Bio: A being from the Void, Light made her way to Earth through a combination of a rogue cult and her interest in the physical plane. Due to her appearance, she could pass herself off as a Majin very easily and started to enjoy the experiences of the physical realm for herself. Of course the fact that she was from the Void causes lots of problems with the physical realm, most notably in the fact she has to constantly be on the move from city to city as if she stays in one place too long, imprints of her body can be found where she was sleeping which irritates quite a few humans. Aura Color: Void/space black/purple Preferred Fighting Style: Melee. Light is incapable of using Ki blasts. Signature Combat Techniques: -Melee- Void Shield: Light creates a shield of Void energy around herself, absorbing all energy that hits it. While using this shield Light can't move. Energy absorbed by this shield is used to either replenish Light's own energy or used as a short range explosion. Void Siphon: Physical contact with Light causes whatever she is touching to slowly lose energy. Energy lost due to damage Light has inflicted is siphoned to her to use. Given long enough contact, this will cause something to eventually fade from existence. Creatures with a tie to the void are immune to this technique. Reality Step: Light can conjure a void portal to take her between two points in space. The first location is always next to her, the other can be any location that she can sense energy, see, or remember. Others can not interact with the portals, besides overloading them with energy and causing an explosion. Fusion Punch: Light channels energy into her fist, unleashing a massive surge of Void energy to the next thing she punches. This punch has a slow wind up, but is devastating if it hits. Shatter Reality: Light's ultimate ability. She shatters reality in an area around her, causing a tear in space that cuts off whoever is caught in it from using magic, and all energy based moves that are not Void based are greatly weakened. Staying in this area for those who are not bound to the Void will slowly drain their vitality. Energy can not be sensed inside this area, and observers will only see darkness. Attempting to leave the arena or enter it causes whoever is entering or leaving to drastically slow down as their essence reconfigures to the presence of reality or lack of. -Other- Adaptive Regenerative Essence: Light can regenerate from nearly any injury, even supernatural ones such as being turned into candy. Afterwords Light gains a huge amount of resistance to the last thing that hurt her for a few hours, adapting body appendages or skin textures or whatever she needs to in order to adapt to resisting whatever she was hit with. Light can not adapt to an injury caused by Silver, and injuries caused by Iron have a reduced adaptive resistance, however she can still regenerate from both types of injuries. Obviously regeneration takes a good amount of energy, especially if it was inflicted using Silver or Iron. If Light dies, her essence drifts back into the void to reform instead of going to Otherworld. Its cool you're trying to make a new race but a few things seem a little off about this character. First of all you make the character be a melee only fighter, but then give her a Void Shield, which completely negates distance fighting with ki blasts, though I suppose they could still at least throw large heavy objects at her. On top of that she has the nasty Void Syphon ability, which makes close combat fighting fairly hazardous and given the fact that enemies can literally 'fade from existence' on top of syphoning energy when even dealing damage to enemies is way too overpowered. Certain androids had similar abilities, minus the whole 'fade from existence' thing, but even then they were limited in how they could absorb from opponents, such as their absorbers were on their hands only and they had to either grab their opponents or absorb the incoming blast with their hands. Adding on to these rather powerful abilities is Shattered Reality; on its own the Shattered Reality is only a little overpowered, basically making an advantageous environment for the character to fight in, but that in combination with the other abilities makes this bubble of reality super deadly. Basically the character as she is has way too much synergy, also the weaknesses to silver and iron, while interesting do not fit all that well in the dragon ball universe, as only a few characters in the series tend to use weapons. Certainly there are some who use swords, like Trunks, but its not something that occurs that often so the weakness will barely be taken advantage of. An interesting character but too powerful as is. Its up to you rather you want to try to tone her down or if you just want to scrap and change her to a majin like you said at the start.
Le soleil brillait brillamment dans le ciel, ses rayons déformés par la limonade glacée qui était tenue à l'écart par le démon qui avait ses pieds frappés dans les tribunes des Terres Proving. Elle regardait les combats en cours depuis quelques jours maintenant, un temps de passage bien meilleur que regarder la télévision à son avis, après tout le combat était assez bon, sans parler de tous les muscles déchirants et la sueur sur les combattants lors d'une journée si ensoleillée. "Vraiment, je devrais vraiment économiser jusqu'à acheter un endroit comme ça!" Avec une gorgée, elle a apporté le verre à ses lèvres pour prendre une grosse gorgée. Cependant, il semblait que le spectacle qu'elle avait apprécié ait pris un tour plutôt ennuyeux car l'un des concurrents a décidé d'essayer d'extorquer de l'argent de l'autre... Au début, elle pensait juste à le laisser partir, après tout, il semblait qu'il partait, mais après qu'il ait donné un coup de pied au gars, elle a soudainement changé d'avis. Tout simplement parce qu'elle était un démon ne signifiait pas qu'elle était sans honneur, bien que les démons de classe supérieure avaient normalement quelque chose à propos de l'honneur au combat. La glace dans son verre claquait contre le côté lorsqu'elle entrait, en utilisant sa griffe comme des clous pour saisir un des cubes et l'élever devant elle. Avec une puissance surprenante, elle a frappé le cube directement vers Rufus, le cube volant dans l'air droit à sa tête. Un sourire sauvage qui traverse le visage des filles en parlant. "Oi, oi. Je n'aime pas avoir une scène délirante. Alors bougez-vous."
Name: Kira Appearance: Age: 19 Race: Demon Gender: Female Personality: Kira Loves thrill and enjoyment of battle. She even holds back to make the fight last longer, though a small 'kindness' that she tries to show is stopping a fight if a enemy is too injured to fight back, of course this often follows with mentions of how weak they are and not worth killing. People that can keep up with her and push her to her limits gain a deep respect. Despite all this she does have a sort of moral compass and trying to make her actions mean well, though they often fail in a comical way due to how she is. She does have a deep weakness though, as she uses her magic to change her looks to something more 'demon like' as the alternative is more fluffy... and less intimidating... Bio: Born to a human farther and a demon mother, Kira has always been distrusted due to what she was. As she aged her anger rose but so did her power level, growing into something far more than her human teachers could control. Even using the magic taught to her by her mother she changed herself into a more intimidating figure by the time she was only 12. However to control their daughter the pair of warrior parents took their child to learn in the demon realm, learning and evolving into what she is today. Though she still holds some dislike of humans she has grown as a person, and has now return just in time to face this new threat, maybe fate? Aura Color: Crimson Red Preferred Fighting Style: Balanced - Uses swords within close combat though is not limited to just them. Signature Combat Techniques: Bloody Slicer: Channeling her energy into her swords, or something similar, she can either sends out a slice of energy or focus it to greatly enchance the cutting power of the blade. She can also do this with her claw like nails, though of course it is lessened from her former. Mortal Crusher: Using her powerful muscles Kira grabs the enemy and starts to crush them within her arms. Intimidating Roar: Letting out a beast like roar Kira can blow away weaker enemies while maybe stunning people on her level, though she is distracted while using the technique. Oni Bu-ra-su-to: Her main stay beam attack that can be fired from two/one hand or even her mouth. Death Spike: Using her magic Kira can form a gem like lance that she is able to throw and combine with other techniques. A second stage to this weapon can split and set up a spike like trap after it has impacted, that can be used to her advantage. Demon Transformation: "Hair of crimson red, skin as white as snow, and tattoos that marked her right to power..." Unleashing her full demon blood, Kira enters a uncontrolled state of power. In this state she looses all the use of her complex Techniques other than Bloody Slicer but in return gains a huge boost the melee capability. Magic: She is able to use magic, though this is non-combative stuff.
Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre Une jeune femme marchait au milieu du travail occupé de la main-d'oeuvre martiale. Kong Sharong, n'étant arrivée qu'une heure plus tôt, a demandé à son temps de se rendre à la soi-disant « Mecque d'entraînement » de la planète. De la périphérie des plaines et des affleurements bordés d'esprits méditants, à travers les chantiers intérieurs où la force et la vitesse étaient exercées avec une liste d'équipements qu'elle ne pouvait que rarement nommer, elle a fait son chemin vers le sol plus recherché de sanctuaires. Elle a été vue par la plupart des yeux qui l'ont vue, mais les rares salutations qu'elle a reçues ont indiqué que l'hospitalité était quelque chose d'étranger aux méthodes de ce flux de guerriers; elle a fait peu d'amis de cette compréhension, ayant été réprimandée par près d'une douzaine de patrons pour réprimander leur manque de courtoisie d'échanger un arc. Ces gamins idiots, les parents s'élèvent ici, tellement aveugles au décorum. Malheureusement, il n'y a pas eu de temps pour régler ces problèmes immédiatement, ce qui serait fait en temps voulu de toute façon. D'abord, je dois gagner leurs yeux et leurs oreilles. Passant par un bain, une cacophonie d'une férocité incomparable lui ouvrit les oreilles. Le son s'éclairait sur le chemin devant elle. En quelques instants, elle regardait en bas d'une colline, incrustée par des sièges de stade, surplombant une pléthore d'anneaux de tournois. Chaque dernière bague, elle a vu, était déjà l'hôte d'une bagarre. La plupart semblaient frais, et probablement durer un certain temps. Elle pouvait sentir que la majeure partie de la population était comparable en énergie, et par comparaison, loin d'être un défi pour elle. "Silly. Tu ne trouveras jamais quelqu'un qui utilise tes yeux." Sharong a fermé les yeux, se permettant de ressentir les énergies d'elle. Ça n'a pas pris beaucoup de temps. Dans la foule des petits guerriers, les aberrations s'éteignirent comme un arbre dans une plaine herbeuse. Elle a filé quatre-vingt-dix degrés à sa gauche et a forgé son chemin vers deux êtres sans pouvoir ordinaire. Un homme apparemment féminin s'est assis dans la jouissance entre un homme inhumain et un homme visiblement humain. Le dernier de ces trois a été considérablement pire pour l'usure contre son adversaire plus monstrueux. Le jeune Sharong s'effraya alors que le coup d'arrivée fut suivi de difficultés continues de la part de son adversaire vainqueur. En entrant dans un bref vol, elle s'est évanouie plus près du spectateur féminin; voyant un cube de glace déferler dans l'air par ledit spectateur alors qu'elle s'approchait, la jeune fille à trois yeux a détourné son chemin et intercepté le cube avant qu'il n'atteigne l'anneau. À cet endroit, elle planait, aspirant sur le cube jusqu'à ce qu'il fonde à l'eau dans sa bouche. "Vous deux..." Elle a commencé, jetant des regards grondants à la fois le vainqueur dans l'anneau et le spectateur. -- Est-ce une façon d'agir dans un lieu d'honneur?
Name: Kong Sharong Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Triclops/Three-eyed Clan Appearance Things to Disregard from Image: Hair; Sharong has a shaven head. Personality: The sense of pride tends to run through the minds of members of just about every minority race for one reason or another. For Sharong, it is her status as an enlightened warrior, particularly one such who has managed to manifest her third eye, that fuels her sense of self-worth. She carries something of a preacher's diction, envisioning herself as something of a shepherd to the "two-eyed" folks. While no real ill-intention is meant by it, she tends to "kindly" talk down to those that lack the third-eye, even so far as to refer to them as children even when they're much older than she is. Prolonged resistance from those she acts this way towards yields a sort of passive-aggressively abrasive mannerism, emphasized primarily by sarcastic commentary. On the whole, Kong Sharong is the typical vibrant youth, feeling immortal and ready to take on the world beyond the walls of her home. She's a full-in, no holding back type of person, who will put her whole being and everything she has on the line to carve her path. Motivated towards progress and accomplishment, she takes on any challenge in her way with strength and cunning. In any situation calling for mental or physical application, Sharong is focused to the point of being nearly incapable of falling prey to distractions. In fact, once she starts doing anything, it's difficult to get her to stop, such that anything less than achieving her objective(s) will not suffice as a reason to cease in an action. Biography: Born in a more isolated reach of the world, Kong Sharong was bred and raised among the reclusive population of a society of dedicated warrior-monks. As one of the members of this temple commune, Sharong was descended from great warriors through history whose training and discipline yielded the physical manifestation of the much sought after third eye; all of the adults within the commune bore this feature. From a young age, her mind and body were put through the rigorous tests of the martial arts. One of the more astute students, Sharong took more quickly than most in her development, reaching proficiency in many techniques at a pace well-ahead of the typical learning curve. Never once straying from her training under this tutelage, she manifested her own third-eye at the fresh age of 18; an achievement that was relatively rare for one so young, usually only happening to one student every generation or two. In light of her success, she decided to make a pilgrimage to the outside world, to fully test her abilities against others, and possibly learn from other masters. This being a customary practice, the elders of her commune not only approved, but supported her decision. Within days of the decision, Kong Sharong was packed and prepared for the long venture into the world she had never yet seen. With few words, she made her venture, left only with a semi-cryptic piece of advice: to never left her state reach to the darker recesses of her heart. Aura Color: Light Orange Preferred Fighting Style: Mixed Special Techniques: Melee Four Witches; a technique by which Sharong forcibly grows a second pair of arms out from her upper back. Though a somewhat painful, and a bit time consuming, it is an agreeably profitable technique for melee combat, allowing a greater versatility for melee combat. Multiform; the big sister, if you will, of Four Witches, multiform extends the multiplying of mere limbs to the splitting of a whole person into four. This, however, comes at the cost of each clone bearing a quarter of Sharong's power as a single being. Focused Fist; Sharong concentrates her Ki into her fist, shaping it around the appendages in a manner comparable to releasing a standard Ki blast. Rather than releasing the energy, however, the use Focused Fist will hold that energy in place like a glove of sorts, reinforcing Sharong's physical blows for a short period. At any point before the energy is depleted, she may throw the energy in a blast. Ki Projectiles Zidan; a standard Ki exertion concentrated to a higher density, and propelled by a more pronounced kinetic force. Exploiting the greater force exerted against a smaller area upon her target increases the propensity for piercing blows. Penhuo; simply Zidan applied with a high rate of fire. Dapao; a charged blast of Ki, usually preceded by Sharong's charging of Ki through an entire arm. Dapao Weida; the amplified version of Dapao, utilizing a charge of Ki into both of her arms, and releasing them into a single exertion. Latching Needle; Possibly Sharong's most ingenious technique, she has managed to polarize her Ki in such a manner as to stick to other objects, even other beings. Should she find herself making melee contact with another body, she may choose to leave a small imprint of her own Ki upon the point of contact, and exploit it at a later time. However, the imprints are minuscule on their own, usually amounting to little more than the bee stings of Ki techniques; numerous imprints at pivotal locations is necessary for the technique to hold any weight. Support Techniques Heightened Ki Sense; Despite her young age, Sharong is particularly astute in the field of sensing the Ki of others. She's kicked the practice up a notch, having the ability to sense beyond most measures of suppression, thus perceiving the "true" power that others have at their immediate disposal. (*This perception does not prepare her for transformations, hidden potential, or Kaioken-type techniques*). Flight; Sharong is able to exert her Ki as a propellant, allowing for airborne movement and maneuvering. Solar Flare; Emits a split-second flash of intense light directed at its target(s), which, more often than not, leaves them momentarily blinded. I do hope I'm not too late, and that I'm not pushing my luck with any of my techniques, history, etc.; I think most of them are kind of trivial anyways. I'd have avoided including Solar Flare among them, but I had originally had another technique that pretty much served to the same purpose (IE distraction-making). That being said, the techniques that I've crossed out are pretty much just amp-ups to the ones above them that I intend to have Sharong come to later on. If I need to save any other things for later, just let me know.
L'agent M a regardé les matches entre les combattants de The Proving Grounds et il n'a pas été trop impressionné par ce qu'il a vu. Ces guerriers étaient plus comme des enfants qui jouent au combat, pas de vrais guerriers. Il a surtout ennuyé Rufus Grindstone de l'exposition dégoûtante de mauvaise qualité sportive et il voulait briser le visage du combattant. Apparemment, il n'était pas le seul à avoir été ennuyé par l'exposition de la créature. L'agent M s'est levé d'où il était assis et est passé au loup-garou. Il n'aimait pas cette créature et aimerait avoir l'occasion de lui casser la gueule, mais il a gardé un visage complètement droit et ses lunettes de soleil lui ont caché les yeux. L'agent M avait lu et vu assez pour savoir que les combattants arrogants n'avaient jamais duré trop longtemps et ce punk avait besoin d'être enseigné une leçon s'il allait agir comme un enfant. L'agent M avait passé la majeure partie de sa vie à s'entraîner avec les Men in Black et a appris à être puissant et intelligent, mais maintenant il a dû regarder ces punks indisciplinés frapper leur énorme ego. « Si vous voulez paraître plus faible que tout le monde ici, continuez à parler, sinon mettez une muselière sur votre bouche de Mutt », a-t-il dit à Rufus Grindstone d'une voix calme. Il savait que provoquer un ennemi n'était pas une bonne idée, mais il voulait faire savoir à ce pucebag qu'il ne reculerait pas d'enseigner quelques manières à un chien.
Name: Agent M Appearance: He stands at six feet and three inches tall. His body is very athletically built and he wears a black fedora hat and a smart suit, which are all the common dress code of the men in black Age: Unknown, but looks to be in his early thirties. Race: Human Gender: Male Personality: Agent M is very loyal to the Men in Black organization and will follow their orders with almost no problem whatsoever. He is very brave and doesn't fear death. He is incredible tenacious and will never go down without a fight. He has no qualms killing if he deems it necessary. Agent M is incredibly smart and even though he is extremely powerful he prefers to use strategy over just brute strnegth, brute strnegth makes more dead men than victorious ones. Finally he is willing fight for what he believes in and he sticks to his guns even in the face of horrible danger. Bio: Agent M's past before he became a member of the Men in Black is kept a secret, but what is known is that of their many agents he was one of the best. The Men in Black was an organization that was created as a defense against alien threats and to protect earth by any means necessary. They tried to create superhumans with the energy capabilities to go up against powerful aliens and defeat them. How they accomplished this was by collecting the DNA of incredibly powerful aliens and replicating the genetic code that gave the race its great powers and turned it into a formula that would give a human this power. But there was a side-effect, only a small number of test subject's bodies would take the serum without suffering terrible sickness and possibly dying. Agent M was one of the lucky ones and after passes the test, he was put into intense training in fighting and increased gravity to build up his physical body. Once he got to a certain age Agent M was sent out to protect the world from all threats no matter how violent they are. Aura Color: Black Preferred Fighting Style: His fighting style is very balanced. Signature Combat Techniques: Magic Materialization: He uses this technique to create his guns and boomerangs Gun Blast: He can charge up energy in his firearms and fire off powerful blast of energy at his opponents. Black Hammer: Agent M charges up black energy in his fist and he slams against his opponents and the force of the blow send them flying for hundreds of feet. This technique can be used to smash through solid stone and blow apart metal. Boomerang Bomb: By charging up a boomerang with explosive energy Agent M can toss the weapon and when it hits his opponent then it explodes. Eraser Cannon: Agent M uses his energy to create an extremely powerful beam of black energy. This is basically his version of the Kamehameha wave. Bullet Fists: He hits his opponents with insanely fast punches and tries to pound them into the ground with an onslaught of punches. Telekinesis: He can move stuff with his mind and use this power to hit his enemies with a powerful blast of force.
Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre - Terre Rufus a pris le mouvement dans le coin de son œil et quand il s'est tourné pour voir le glaçon offensif une autre personne a intercepté le missile de fortune. Le nouveau venu était une jeune femme assez remarquable avec trois yeux, ce qui était assez rare, et a sucé sur la glace-cube pour le dissoudre dans sa bouche. Il a aussi rapidement remarqué l'individu ennuyé des sièges du spectateur, une autre femme qui a sans doute trouvé son comportement plutôt inconvenant. -- Vous deux... Est-ce une façon d'agir dans un lieu d'honneur? Le snatcher de glace a demandé, Rufus a également entendu l'autre femme dire comment il était voyeur, mais il n'était pas sur le point d'essayer deux conversations à la fois. "Keh, un lieu d'honneur pour mon pied. Cet endroit a été construit pour cultiver les forts, pas pour dorloter des idiots qui ne connaissent pas leur place. » Rufus s'est propagé devant son adversaire précédent qui, à ce moment-là, était rapidement balayé pour le traitement. Le gars ne se pointait pas pour payer la dette, probablement juste s'enfuir dans la peur, ce qui avait été son intention en premier lieu. Certaines personnes n'accepteraient pas l'indice sans une sorte de menace placée contre elles, et s'il avait réellement payé, eh bien, il le frapperait à nouveau et lui dirait de se perdre. "Ce qui est sans doute la raison pour laquelle vous-" Il allait dire plus comme comment elle était ici pour prouver son métal ou quelque chose quand un humain ennuyeux, et assez grand, est venu. Il était très bien construit et grand, même en forme de loup-garou Rufus était encore plus petit que cet homme en noir. C'était aussi un humain très ennuyeux. « Si vous voulez paraître plus faible que tout le monde ici, continuez à parler, sinon mettez une muselière sur votre bouche de Mutt », a-t-il dit, marquant l'homme pour une raclée tôt ou tard. "Pretty smart-mouthed pour un humain." Rufus sourit, et fit un grand spectacle de barder ses dents et de lécher ses griffes avec sa langue longue rose. "J'aimerais vous montrer le vrai pouvoir en vous arrachant la gorge, cependant..." Rufus grondait un peu et regardait autour, "J'ai attiré beaucoup d'attention à moi-même à cause de tous vos antiques. Tch, devine que je vais devoir m'arrêter pour la journée." Alors qu'il ne voulait rien de plus que d'intimider l'homme dans la soumission, Rufus était un crétin pour être sûr, mais pas stupide; il voulait encore être en mesure de se battre dans les terrains de Proving après tout. Un homme enforceur Android, l'une des plus récentes défenses de la Terre et des juges de tournoi assez forts, avait montré où le petit groupe était. "Rufus Grindstone, vos actions dans le dernier match n'étaient pas demandées et vous avez réussi à faire que les spectateurs vous attaquent. Vous serez suspendu pendant une semaine avant d'être autorisé à retourner par terre, s'il vous plaît venez avec moi." "Bien, mais gardez vos mains en métal loin de moi." Rufus a vu l'androïde, qui, bien sûr, n'était pas impressionné et a commencé à marcher avec l'exécuteur hors du terrain. "Keh, je vous battrai tous plus tard et vous enseignerai du respect!" Comme il marchait Rufus a changé, devenant plus petit et décidément moins poilu jusqu'à ce qu'il soit pleinement humain. "Tu vas me supplier, je vais me taire." Il allait dire « mendiant pour la miséricorde » mais l'androïde avait assez de son bluster et a livré un coup écrasant à son estomac, le faisant presque plier de l'impact. Donc, d'une manière moins que gracieuse, il a été expulsé. Terre - Laboratoire des forces de défense 23 La machine est venue à la vie et même sur était plutôt... impraticable de travailler à. La machine bourdonnait, toutes les pièces fonctionnaient comme on le croyait et l'interrupteur artificiellement ki avait été allumé. C'était une sensation assez intéressante de sentir la fausse signature ki, elle était familière mais tout à fait contre nature et avait la capacité unique de « jeter » sa signature ki vers le dispositif dupliqué sur Namek qui à son tour fait la même chose. "Tous les systèmes verts je vois, assez bon." Jeene sourit alors qu'elle regardait son tampon technique qui montrait toutes les différentes parties de la machine en vert, indiquait que tout fonctionnait correctement. "D'accord, permet de donner le signal à nos garçons sur Namek pour envoyer l'un d'entre eux. Il est temps de voir si mon bébé fonctionne! » Avec un clic sur l'écran, le message a été envoyé. Elle a attendu un moment, puis il y avait un flash de lumière à l'intérieur de la machine. Rapidement, elle a sauté sur l'émetteur Ki et a ouvert la porte, ce qu'elle a vu n'était pas du tout ce qu'elle attendait. "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?" Au lieu de trouver un technicien de Namek à l'intérieur, ce qui l'accueillait était plutôt un extraterrestre qu'elle n'avait jamais rencontré auparavant. Un individu semblable à une grenouille habitait le téléporteur, avec de grands yeux et même ce qui semblait être des branchies sur son cou. Alors que l'apparence de l'être était choquante, c'était l'état dans lequel l'être était dans cela plus. L'extraterrestre manquait de son bras droit, sa gauche était intacte et la main en toile était en position sur son front, deux doigts, le signe de transmission instantanée. Le sang coulait d'où le bras avait été et les meurtrissures massives étaient partout sur le corps de la créature, à ce rythme il ne allait pas durer longtemps. "Apportez-moi une trousse d'aide d'urgence, appelez le médecin de laboratoire, et trouvez-moi de l'aide maintenant!" Jeene a ordonné à ses compagnons robotiques qui se sont rapidement empressés de se conformer. "Le signe Ki m'a permis de m'enfuir... et de penser que c'était en fait une source artificielle." La créature a ensuite toussé un peu de sang alors que Jeene a essayé de le calmer avant qu'il ne saigne à mort. "Soyez tranquilles ou vous n'y arriverez pas avant l'arrivée de l'aide." Un robot est revenu avec le kit d'urgence et elle a rapidement commencé à appliquer des bandages et des compresses partout où elle pouvait essayer d'arrêter le saignement. Pendant qu'elle travaillait, elle a noté que apparemment son appareil fonctionnait comme une balise Ki ainsi que pour les utilisateurs de transmission instantanée même d'où cette créature venait. « Je n'ai pas longtemps à vivre », a tenté Jeene de le faire cesser de parler, mais l'être lui a juste serré la tête. "Non, vous avez besoin de savoir, je pensais que nous serions en sécurité après la mort de ce tyran Freiza, mais de penser que ses relations étaient si brutales. Ils ne s'arrêteront à rien pour reprendre ce qui leur a été vendu! Oui, ma planète était une de Freizas, vendue sur le marché au plus offrant, devine qu'ils sont venus pour collecter." La créature a commencé à tousser un peu plus et Jeene a vite trouvé ses premiers soins n'était pas d'arrêter le flux de sang assez rapidement, il n'y avait aucun doute qu'il n'y arriverait pas même si l'aide arrivait à cet instant-là, mais le personnel médical était au moins à 3 minutes. "Bon, peut-être que maintenant tu auras une chance..." Jeene n'arrêtait pas d'essayer de le sauver, mais les aliens ki tombaient rapidement et bientôt seraient partis, "Donnez-moi au moins un nom..." Elle sentait qu'elle devait demander avant de mourir. "Yusi Throsa... venez y penser, votre forme... pourrait-elle être la Terre?" Il semblait y avoir une lueur d'espoir dans la voix de Yusi qui s'estompait. "Oui..." « Eh bien, peut-être que nous pouvons tous être sauvés alors... » Cela dit, les yeux de Yusi se sont obscurcis, et son corps est tombé sans vie dans les bras de Jeene. Un autre flash de lumière est apparu comme l'un des personnages de Namek a réussi à utiliser l'appareil pour traverser de l'autre côté et a dit, d'abord avec enthousiasme. "Oui, nous l'avons fait! Nous pouvons-ce qui se passe ici!" La voix est passée de l'enthousiasme à la terreur au bordel du téléporteur. Jeene a pensé un moment avant de poser doucement le corps, « Je ne sais pas, mais tout le monde dans cette galaxie est peut-être en danger. »
Name: Light Appearance: Light is a 1.65 meter tall pure white humanoid with a skinny neck, overly large head with equally large black/orange eyes (like a majins eyes, just bigger) No nose and a smallish mouth with blue jelly featherlike hair and aquatic looking ears. She had comically large forearms and hand with no visible wrist, wears a white dress with a blue top and blue trim, the front of the dress which is open with a tabard coming from her waist to cover her front. (think lab coat looking tails with a tabard in the front) Her legs end in points with Light having no feet, and her fingers are razor sharp. Age: '24' Race: Void Daemon Gender: Female Personality: Light enjoys fun and freedom more than anything else, and does what she wants to do. She views things as a game, and has a poor grasp of the severity of situations because of this. While this might make her come off as an airhaed, Light is quite intelligent and uses that perceived notion to her advantage. Bio: A being from the Void, Light made her way to Earth through a combination of a rogue cult and her interest in the physical plane. Due to her appearance, she could pass herself off as a Majin very easily and started to enjoy the experiences of the physical realm for herself. Of course the fact that she was from the Void causes lots of problems with the physical realm, most notably in the fact she has to constantly be on the move from city to city as if she stays in one place too long, imprints of her body can be found where she was sleeping which irritates quite a few humans. Aura Color: Void/space black/purple Preferred Fighting Style: Melee. Light is incapable of using Ki blasts. Signature Combat Techniques: -Melee- Void Shield: Light creates a shield of Void energy around herself, absorbing all energy that hits it. While using this shield Light can't move. Energy absorbed by this shield is used to either replenish Light's own energy or used as a short range explosion. Void Siphon: Physical contact with Light causes whatever she is touching to slowly lose energy. Energy lost due to damage Light has inflicted is siphoned to her to use. Given long enough contact, this will cause something to eventually fade from existence. Creatures with a tie to the void are immune to this technique. Reality Step: Light can conjure a void portal to take her between two points in space. The first location is always next to her, the other can be any location that she can sense energy, see, or remember. Others can not interact with the portals, besides overloading them with energy and causing an explosion. Fusion Punch: Light channels energy into her fist, unleashing a massive surge of Void energy to the next thing she punches. This punch has a slow wind up, but is devastating if it hits. Shatter Reality: Light's ultimate ability. She shatters reality in an area around her, causing a tear in space that cuts off whoever is caught in it from using magic, and all energy based moves that are not Void based are greatly weakened. Staying in this area for those who are not bound to the Void will slowly drain their vitality. Energy can not be sensed inside this area, and observers will only see darkness. Attempting to leave the arena or enter it causes whoever is entering or leaving to drastically slow down as their essence reconfigures to the presence of reality or lack of. -Other- Adaptive Regenerative Essence: Light can regenerate from nearly any injury, even supernatural ones such as being turned into candy. Afterwords Light gains a huge amount of resistance to the last thing that hurt her for a few hours, adapting body appendages or skin textures or whatever she needs to in order to adapt to resisting whatever she was hit with. Light can not adapt to an injury caused by Silver, and injuries caused by Iron have a reduced adaptive resistance, however she can still regenerate from both types of injuries. Obviously regeneration takes a good amount of energy, especially if it was inflicted using Silver or Iron. If Light dies, her essence drifts back into the void to reform instead of going to Otherworld. Its cool you're trying to make a new race but a few things seem a little off about this character. First of all you make the character be a melee only fighter, but then give her a Void Shield, which completely negates distance fighting with ki blasts, though I suppose they could still at least throw large heavy objects at her. On top of that she has the nasty Void Syphon ability, which makes close combat fighting fairly hazardous and given the fact that enemies can literally 'fade from existence' on top of syphoning energy when even dealing damage to enemies is way too overpowered. Certain androids had similar abilities, minus the whole 'fade from existence' thing, but even then they were limited in how they could absorb from opponents, such as their absorbers were on their hands only and they had to either grab their opponents or absorb the incoming blast with their hands. Adding on to these rather powerful abilities is Shattered Reality; on its own the Shattered Reality is only a little overpowered, basically making an advantageous environment for the character to fight in, but that in combination with the other abilities makes this bubble of reality super deadly. Basically the character as she is has way too much synergy, also the weaknesses to silver and iron, while interesting do not fit all that well in the dragon ball universe, as only a few characters in the series tend to use weapons. Certainly there are some who use swords, like Trunks, but its not something that occurs that often so the weakness will barely be taken advantage of. An interesting character but too powerful as is. Its up to you rather you want to try to tone her down or if you just want to scrap and change her to a majin like you said at the start.
Kira avait l'air confuse par les gens qui interfèrent dans son petit jeer, la faisant pencher et soupirer, tout ce qu'elle voulait, c'était le taquiner un peu, mais ça s'est transformé en une sorte de domination de la foule. Eh bien, elle a deviné que ces gens n'avaient pas le même degré d'honneur qu'elle tenait entre les combattants, bien que cela n'avait pas beaucoup d'importance. "Tech, je suppose qu'il n'y a rien d'autre à voir ici." Elle a commenté avant de terminer sa boisson, plaçant le verre sur le mur de l'arène, ne prenant pas vraiment soin de nettoyer après elle-même. En prenant ses épées, elle a commencé à sortir des stands et à descendre à l'intérieur où elle pouvait prendre quelque chose à manger avant de rentrer chez elle. Regarder les nombreux combats aller-retour des tribunes au sol de l'arène était impressionnant, mais c'était l'âge dans lequel ils vivaient où beaucoup avaient voulu s'améliorer eux-mêmes. Heck humanité avait même conçu des robots qui étaient tout aussi puissants que la plupart des combattants, ce qui était impressionnant pour le moins. Elle a vu quelques démons comme elle, mais comme la plupart des endroits où ils étaient rares et éloignés, peu de gens ont fait confiance à leur espèce, et d'être justes avec de bonnes raisons. Elle a bien regardé pour ce type d'avant, même si c'était juste pour jouer avec lui un peu plus.
Name: Kira Appearance: Age: 19 Race: Demon Gender: Female Personality: Kira Loves thrill and enjoyment of battle. She even holds back to make the fight last longer, though a small 'kindness' that she tries to show is stopping a fight if a enemy is too injured to fight back, of course this often follows with mentions of how weak they are and not worth killing. People that can keep up with her and push her to her limits gain a deep respect. Despite all this she does have a sort of moral compass and trying to make her actions mean well, though they often fail in a comical way due to how she is. She does have a deep weakness though, as she uses her magic to change her looks to something more 'demon like' as the alternative is more fluffy... and less intimidating... Bio: Born to a human farther and a demon mother, Kira has always been distrusted due to what she was. As she aged her anger rose but so did her power level, growing into something far more than her human teachers could control. Even using the magic taught to her by her mother she changed herself into a more intimidating figure by the time she was only 12. However to control their daughter the pair of warrior parents took their child to learn in the demon realm, learning and evolving into what she is today. Though she still holds some dislike of humans she has grown as a person, and has now return just in time to face this new threat, maybe fate? Aura Color: Crimson Red Preferred Fighting Style: Balanced - Uses swords within close combat though is not limited to just them. Signature Combat Techniques: Bloody Slicer: Channeling her energy into her swords, or something similar, she can either sends out a slice of energy or focus it to greatly enchance the cutting power of the blade. She can also do this with her claw like nails, though of course it is lessened from her former. Mortal Crusher: Using her powerful muscles Kira grabs the enemy and starts to crush them within her arms. Intimidating Roar: Letting out a beast like roar Kira can blow away weaker enemies while maybe stunning people on her level, though she is distracted while using the technique. Oni Bu-ra-su-to: Her main stay beam attack that can be fired from two/one hand or even her mouth. Death Spike: Using her magic Kira can form a gem like lance that she is able to throw and combine with other techniques. A second stage to this weapon can split and set up a spike like trap after it has impacted, that can be used to her advantage. Demon Transformation: "Hair of crimson red, skin as white as snow, and tattoos that marked her right to power..." Unleashing her full demon blood, Kira enters a uncontrolled state of power. In this state she looses all the use of her complex Techniques other than Bloody Slicer but in return gains a huge boost the melee capability. Magic: She is able to use magic, though this is non-combative stuff.
L'incident au Labo a eu la Force de Défense de la Terre dans un tizzy une fois qu'ils ont appris à ce sujet. Étonnamment, il n'a pas fallu trop de temps pour qu'ils prennent une décision. La menace était inconnue et ils devaient comprendre ce que c'était le plus tôt possible. Aussi la menace devait être très dangereuse pour qu'ils ne puissent pas envoyer seulement de toute façon, ils ne voulaient pas envoyer leurs propres forces d'élite non plus au cas où la Terre ne serait jamais attaquée, mais il y avait une solution prête à leur disposition. Le Conseil de la planète est rapidement parvenu à un accord et a envoyé des instructions au siège des Proving Grounds, il était temps d'obtenir quelques combats forts sur le terrain. Les fondements de la preuve Comme Rufus était sur le point de quitter les lieux, une voix est venue sur le haut-parleur. "Attention à tous ceux qui se trouvent sur les terrains de prédilection. Tous les combats seront suspendus à mesure qu'un tournoi sera organisé. Ce tournoi est d'une importance vitale, d'où la nécessité d'arrêter tous les autres combats et prendra la priorité. Il est venu à l'attention de la Force de défense de la Terre qu'une menace inconnue terrorise les mondes et il est tout à fait possible que la Terre soit aussi une cible. » Au début, les gens venaient d'être légèrement surpris par l'annonce impromptue, mais une fois qu'ils ont entendu parler d'une menace soudain, tout le monde était dans un tollé. La Terre était proche de la destruction, voire de la destruction, et les nouvelles d'une nouvelle menace imminente ont rapidement mis en avant beaucoup d'émotions différentes. Certains étaient assez effrayés que la Terre pourrait une fois de plus être envahie, bien que les Androids a aidé à soulager la peur un peu. D'autres se sont ridiculisés par la perspective et ont voulu faire un coup de cul extraterrestre le plus tôt possible. Chaque personne a réagi tout à fait différemment de la proclamation soudaine. « La Force a besoin d'un groupe de travail pour localiser et identifier la menace. Ce tournoi est de déterminer qui est le plus digne de combattre la menace et de relayer l'information vers la Terre. Des combattants forts sont nécessaires et nous ne pourrions penser à aucun meilleur endroit pour trouver ceux qui sont capables de mettre fin à cette menace. Inscrivez-vous au tournoi et aidez à protéger la Terre! » Les officiels ont été très rapidement poussés à l'action, arrêtant les combats et préparant les terrains pour le tournoi soudain. Rufus regarda son escorte. "Hé, je veux m'inscrire à ce tournoi. Avant que vous ne vous opposiez, j'ai tout fait pour aider à protéger la Terre. Je pense que vous savez très bien que la demande de la Force de Défense de la Terre trompettes sur tout peu de règles que cet endroit a." Rufus ne pouvait s'empêcher d'éternuer car il savait qu'il avait raison. L'androïde le regarda stoïquement et n'avait d'autre choix que d'être d'accord. "Votre objection est notée et je ne peux pas vous empêcher des affaires de la Force de Défense de la Terre. Rappelez-vous toujours dès qu'il est sur les règles sont en vigueur et vous devez partir." À ce moment-là, Rufus avait déjà commencé à rentrer et a remis une vague nonchalante à l'exécuteur. -- Ouais, j'ai compris l'homme en étain, laisse l'extraterrestre tuer ce loup-garou ici! Rufus a craqué ses doigts et est revenu à l'intérieur. Jeene Quark "Homme je n'arrive pas à croire qu'ils m'aient viré du labo," Jeene a un peu viné alors qu'elle conduisait une voiture de vol stationnaire vers les terrains de preuve. Elle avait voulu rester et travailler plus, mais ils avaient insisté jusqu'à ce que le labo soit désinfecté et nettoyé plus de travail ne pouvait être fait. Ils avaient aussi insisté pour qu'elle se joigne au tournoi pour décider qui quitterait la Terre pour localiser la menace. Elle avait soutenu qu'elle préférait faire des choses, mais que cet argument était dépassé car ils soutenaient qu'un ingénieur qui pourrait se battre se révélerait un véritable atout pour une telle équipe. Il y avait aussi le fait que bien, pour une raison quelconque, elle était assez forte pour un humain et de bons combattants pouvaient être difficiles à trouver. Quoi qu'il en soit, elle avait été contrainte de partir, même si elle s'était portée volontaire pour aider à nettoyer. Jeene a volé dans les airs vers les terrains de Proving, qui était grand et l'état de l'art d'accueillir des combattants forts. Heureusement, Jeene n'a pas eu besoin de trouver un espace de stationnement grâce à la technologie de capsule pratique. En sortant de la voiture, elle l'a mis sous forme de capsule et l'a jetée. "Eh bien, je suis là maintenant... j'ai besoin de tirer le meilleur parti de tout ça." Elle est entrée et a rapidement trouvé son chemin vers l'inscription.
Name: Light Appearance: Light is a 1.65 meter tall pure white humanoid with a skinny neck, overly large head with equally large black/orange eyes (like a majins eyes, just bigger) No nose and a smallish mouth with blue jelly featherlike hair and aquatic looking ears. She had comically large forearms and hand with no visible wrist, wears a white dress with a blue top and blue trim, the front of the dress which is open with a tabard coming from her waist to cover her front. (think lab coat looking tails with a tabard in the front) Her legs end in points with Light having no feet, and her fingers are razor sharp. Age: '24' Race: Void Daemon Gender: Female Personality: Light enjoys fun and freedom more than anything else, and does what she wants to do. She views things as a game, and has a poor grasp of the severity of situations because of this. While this might make her come off as an airhaed, Light is quite intelligent and uses that perceived notion to her advantage. Bio: A being from the Void, Light made her way to Earth through a combination of a rogue cult and her interest in the physical plane. Due to her appearance, she could pass herself off as a Majin very easily and started to enjoy the experiences of the physical realm for herself. Of course the fact that she was from the Void causes lots of problems with the physical realm, most notably in the fact she has to constantly be on the move from city to city as if she stays in one place too long, imprints of her body can be found where she was sleeping which irritates quite a few humans. Aura Color: Void/space black/purple Preferred Fighting Style: Melee. Light is incapable of using Ki blasts. Signature Combat Techniques: -Melee- Void Shield: Light creates a shield of Void energy around herself, absorbing all energy that hits it. While using this shield Light can't move. Energy absorbed by this shield is used to either replenish Light's own energy or used as a short range explosion. Void Siphon: Physical contact with Light causes whatever she is touching to slowly lose energy. Energy lost due to damage Light has inflicted is siphoned to her to use. Given long enough contact, this will cause something to eventually fade from existence. Creatures with a tie to the void are immune to this technique. Reality Step: Light can conjure a void portal to take her between two points in space. The first location is always next to her, the other can be any location that she can sense energy, see, or remember. Others can not interact with the portals, besides overloading them with energy and causing an explosion. Fusion Punch: Light channels energy into her fist, unleashing a massive surge of Void energy to the next thing she punches. This punch has a slow wind up, but is devastating if it hits. Shatter Reality: Light's ultimate ability. She shatters reality in an area around her, causing a tear in space that cuts off whoever is caught in it from using magic, and all energy based moves that are not Void based are greatly weakened. Staying in this area for those who are not bound to the Void will slowly drain their vitality. Energy can not be sensed inside this area, and observers will only see darkness. Attempting to leave the arena or enter it causes whoever is entering or leaving to drastically slow down as their essence reconfigures to the presence of reality or lack of. -Other- Adaptive Regenerative Essence: Light can regenerate from nearly any injury, even supernatural ones such as being turned into candy. Afterwords Light gains a huge amount of resistance to the last thing that hurt her for a few hours, adapting body appendages or skin textures or whatever she needs to in order to adapt to resisting whatever she was hit with. Light can not adapt to an injury caused by Silver, and injuries caused by Iron have a reduced adaptive resistance, however she can still regenerate from both types of injuries. Obviously regeneration takes a good amount of energy, especially if it was inflicted using Silver or Iron. If Light dies, her essence drifts back into the void to reform instead of going to Otherworld. Its cool you're trying to make a new race but a few things seem a little off about this character. First of all you make the character be a melee only fighter, but then give her a Void Shield, which completely negates distance fighting with ki blasts, though I suppose they could still at least throw large heavy objects at her. On top of that she has the nasty Void Syphon ability, which makes close combat fighting fairly hazardous and given the fact that enemies can literally 'fade from existence' on top of syphoning energy when even dealing damage to enemies is way too overpowered. Certain androids had similar abilities, minus the whole 'fade from existence' thing, but even then they were limited in how they could absorb from opponents, such as their absorbers were on their hands only and they had to either grab their opponents or absorb the incoming blast with their hands. Adding on to these rather powerful abilities is Shattered Reality; on its own the Shattered Reality is only a little overpowered, basically making an advantageous environment for the character to fight in, but that in combination with the other abilities makes this bubble of reality super deadly. Basically the character as she is has way too much synergy, also the weaknesses to silver and iron, while interesting do not fit all that well in the dragon ball universe, as only a few characters in the series tend to use weapons. Certainly there are some who use swords, like Trunks, but its not something that occurs that often so the weakness will barely be taken advantage of. An interesting character but too powerful as is. Its up to you rather you want to try to tone her down or if you just want to scrap and change her to a majin like you said at the start.
Neris était arrivé tard sur les lieux, se promenant calmement sur un sentier étroit qui menait à l'extérieur des terrains de prédilection. Autour de lui, il regardait, les yeux se branlant sur le soleil flamboyant au loin, ses rayons battant sur les combattants en bas. Ici, il allait observer des combattants pathétiques du monde entier essayer de se prouver, et s'amuser à s'engager dans une bagarre lui-même. Aucune information ne lui a été donnée avant le début du tournoi, sauf quelques mots entendus par d'autres personnes. Enfin, la tête de Neris s'est mise tout droit avant qu'une transmission instantanée n'ait lieu, faisant apparaître son corps comme s'il se désintégrait sur place alors qu'il se déplaçait rapidement vers l'action. À l'arrivée, Neris scannait la foule, ses yeux vifs se déplaçaient rapidement à travers chaque individu dans la zone générale. Rapidement, il a remarqué qu'un concurrent en particulier tenait un adversaire battu faisant un exemple de lui. Un petit rire sortit des fosses de son corps. "Heh'".. les couilles de ses pieds subhumains grondaient le long des murs supérieurs de la structure du stade. Imbécile. Quelques figures étranges étaient sur le terrain maintenant, et il semblait que l'on parlait à l'autre, mais aucun d'eux n'avait l'air d'appartenir à l'organisation de ces terrains de stade. En fait, Neris pensait qu'ils se disputaient. Soupir. Une querelle a probablement éclaté sur les actions déshonorantes et peu sportives que le premier combattant qu'il a vu a prises. "Mieux vaut mettre fin à son existence." Se référant à l'homme à bûcher, s'écartant comme une tache sur un humain pubescent. Quelques têtes détournées vers Neris, mais il ne leur donna rien de plus qu'un regard, ses yeux rouges paraissant comme s'ils donnaient leur propre lueur, et une aura inconnue, mais pas tout à fait. Par ennui, Neris était prêt à partir, mais tout d'un coup, on entendit une voix émettre des haut-parleurs. Qui que ce soit, en supposant qu'un instructeur de l'événement avait ordonné à tous les combats de cesser immédiatement en raison d'une invasion non identifiée de mondes planétaires voisins. Ce tournoi est devenu un peu plus intéressant. Qu'est-ce que ça pourrait être? Non, c'était important? Neris attendait une circonstance qui le défiait, il n'avait pas été amusé depuis un certain temps maintenant. Sa seule chance de le faire serait de s'inscrire, ce qui a pris des efforts, et n'était vraiment pas le style de Neris. Peu importe. Il s'est ébranlé, faisant un pas lent vers l'avant, ce qui l'a immédiatement fait sortir de l'endroit, passant au-dessus de la foule et sur les terrains de stade où Neris a alors commencé à se déplacer à l'intérieur.
NERIS Age: 784 (Biologically). 38. (Closest estimate physically). Race: ½ Namekian, ½ Cyborg. Gender: Male. Personality: Though usually quite calm focused, Neris tends to be quite a laid back individual with a carefree attitude which may sometimes cause him to appear as arrogant or lazy. Adding onto that, Neris tends to be quite independent and self-confident; doesn't like to work with other people, but may if he believes that it will work in his favor. His thoughts lay somewhere almost sadistic, giving him enjoyment for things like death and destruction, and just doing things as he pleases. Not to be confused with a baby who gets everything that he wants, as Neris has experienced denial on multiple occasions, but this does not stop him from going at things head on. Years of doing so have gave him the skills of accurate decisions with very little timing. Quick thinking is a trait Neris obtains, allowing him to act fast in the heat of a situation. Some have pegged him as bipolar, seeing how from one moment Neris can be so collected, by the next he comes off as blood thirsty. This is part of his manifesting from negative occurrences. It's as if Neris feeds off of this negativity, which is what gives him the enjoyment for certain terrible things. Bio: As far as heritage goes, that is all unknown to Neris. He did not share the love most would with their family, though his ideals were far off from that anyway. In a world where a rumors of a growing threat was coming, Neris wasn't just about to let that smash him down. Never did he have a trainer, and at very young age he began going against his limits. Neris wanted to be the master in all aspects. Relying on one thing was the way to be killed, so in every way he could, Neris started working up his power level to obtain all that he could, and so it rose quickly. Al though he fought for his own ideals, these could be considered ignorant, which introduced him into thievery, and doing whatever he wanted to. Neris believes in strong will, one that can conquer anything. Through his process of slowly evolving into something more evil than he was, he corrupted himself, and there was no one there to change him back. Anyone by his side during this long span was quickly disregarded when he was finished with them. As of now, Neris mainly travels the universe, still waiting for the ongoing threat to soon burst, doing what he pleases, and seeing what he can. Aura Color: Neon Orange. Preferred Fighting Style: Balanced. Signature Combat Techniques: Telekinesis: The ability to move objects regardless of the mass with his brain power, and manipulate their movement with his mind. Kamehameha: A focus of Ki in the palm of the hands to release a pressurized energy that fires a beam with large scale damage capabilities. Destructo Disc: An ability that allows the user to create a razor sharp disk of Ki, traveling at high speeds for immense cutting power, but tends to lack accuracy. Masenko: Also similar to both Galick Gun and Kamehameha, but of a lower scale, mostly used in defense opportunities. The user fires a large blast of energy out from their palms, typically to block another Ki blast. Photon Bomber: Charges up an energy sphere in his hand before firing a large, circular blast of Ki at an enemy to inflict large explosive damage. Wolf Fang Fist: This technique involves a combo attack of both clawing and smacking your opponent in rapid succession, then giving your opponent a final strike, knocking them back to mimic that of a wolf. Dragonthrow: This technique is when the user grabs someone by their feet, leg, arms, or antenna, and begins to make a spiraling motion above their head with the rest of their body. After momentum is built and speed has reached maximum potential, the victim is let loose and sent flying in any random direction at high speeds for maximum damage. Dragon Fist: An incredibly fast punch with a devastating force. The user launches himself straight forward to an opponent at high speeds with his arm out straight towards their chest. Impact will likely cause a breakthrough of the mid section, tearing a wound straight through the chest of the target. Mach Kick: A series of rapid kicks in quick succession rained on top of a target. This multiple kicking process is for a fast, and powerful striking technique. Perfect Barrier: Aura exiting the body rapidly can form a large sphere that acts as an energy shield around the user. This is capable of fending off large attacks unscatched in the process. Neris may release this energy at once, causing a Ki blast in all directions to knock over his opponent, and/or catch them off guard.
Attention, à tous ceux qui se trouvent sur les terrains de prédilection. Tous les combats seront suspendus à mesure qu'un tournoi sera organisé. Ce tournoi est d'une importance vitale, d'où la nécessité d'arrêter tous les autres combats et prendra la priorité. Il est venu à l'attention de la Force de défense de la Terre qu'une menace inconnue terrorise les mondes et il est tout à fait possible que la Terre soit aussi une cible. Android 26 regardé vers le haut de la revue qu'il lisait alors qu'il a entendu l'annonce écho à travers le terrain prouvant. Il soupirait beaucoup en plaçant le magazine. Il aimait lire sur la nouvelle technologie pour sortir de capsule corp et il n'aimait pas vraiment être interrompu. « La Force a besoin d'un groupe de travail pour localiser et identifier la menace. Ce tournoi est de déterminer qui est le plus digne de combattre la menace et de relayer l'information vers la Terre. Des combattants forts sont nécessaires et nous ne pourrions penser à aucun meilleur endroit pour trouver ceux qui sont capables de mettre fin à cette menace. Inscrivez-vous au tournoi et aidez à protéger la Terre! » Android 26 pensé pour un moment. Il savait qu'en tant qu'Android, il avait une immense puissance et il savait qu'avec cette puissance, il serait attendu pour aider. Il n'avait pas confiance en la plupart des gens qu'il avait rencontrés. Souvent quand il est sorti en public, il a attiré plus d'attention qu'il était à l'aise avec et puisqu'il était un Android les gens s'attendaient à ce qu'il se batte avec aucune pensée à sa propre sécurité. Ils pensaient qu'il n'était plus qu'une arme. Mais pourtant, tout le monde ne le traitait pas comme une arme, quelques personnes qu'il avait rencontrées semblaient l'accepter pour ce qu'il était. Il regarda l'entrée du terrain prouvant et sourit un moment alors qu'il se dirigeait vers l'entrée. Il regarda autour de lui et parla d'une voix forte qu'il espérait entendre. "Je souhaite rejoindre le tournoi. Où puis-je m'inscrire?" Il a demandé.
Name: Android 26 Appearance: Android 26 stands at around 6'7 and has long silver hair that goes down to his shoulder. His eyes are light blue and he looks similar in build to Android 16. His current clothing is a black Capsule Corp jacket with blue jeans and black combat boots. Age: Unknown Race: Prototype Tactical Android Gender: Male Personality: Although he was designed mostly for combat, Android 26 has a surprisingly gentle personality and is reluctant to fight unless there is a need to. He is extremely interested in the latest advances in technology and often finds himself examining new technology. He isn't a big fan of the outdoors in general. Bio: Created around ten years ago by Capsule Corp, Android 26 was designed mostly for combat and was programmed for nearly any problem that could be thrown at the planet. Capsule Corp had records of many of the previous threats that the planet faced such as the Sayians, Frieza's race and various others. Android 26 was designed to recognize weaknesses in the fighting style of his opponents although this feature has been acting up since it was first activated. A rather unique prototype feature of Android 26 is that when he is badly damaged he can draw power from the surrounding area and increase his own power level. This feature has not been activated since 26 himself was activated and is largely untested. Since he has been activated he has mostly kept to himself but he can be seen walking around various electronic shops every so often. Aura Color: Silver Preferred Fighting Style: Balanced Signature Combat Techniques: Ranged Attacks Energy Blast ((Self explanatory)) Rapid Energy Blast ((Android 26 fires a rapid barrage of Energy blasts at a target to attempt to overwhelm them or to obstruct their vision so he can hit them with another, stronger attack.)) Energy Beam ((Fires a beam of pure energy at a target, not the most usable attack since a target either has to be unaware of his presence or has to be pinned down for it to be practical.)) Energy Wave ((Android 26 unleashes a massive wave of energy that rapidly expands as it moves across the landscape.)) Final Barrage: ((Android 26 uses this as a bit of a last resort attack since it drains a significant amount of energy. He gets in close to his opponent and unleashes a massive barrage of energy blasts.)) Melee Attacks Crushing strike ((Android 26 punches an opponent towards the ground and slams into them at high speed a second before they make impact which increases the amount of force.)) Crusher Barrage (( Similar to the Crushing Strike, Android 26 grabs an opponent and slams them repeatedly into a mountain or whatever else is handy and proceeds to hit them with everything he has once they dazed or off-guard.))
Ceux qui souhaitent participer au tournoi se rendent directement sur le terrain du stade. En entrant vous serez automatiquement entré dans le tournoi. Pour ceux qui ne s'étaient jamais inscrits pour les Proving Grounds auparavant, un fonctionnaire se présentera et vous enregistrera. N'importe qui ne se joignant pas La voix a dit sur les orateurs a dit, expliquant ce que les participants devraient faire. Les Proving Grounds fonctionnaient sur un système très avancé pour qui utilisait les installations. Personne n'a été autorisé à se joindre aux combats jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient été enregistrés dans le système qui utilisait un système de tag ki propre. Comme une empreinte digitale, les signatures ki sont toutes uniques et ce système a travaillé sur ce principe pour suivre qui est entré dans les tournois et utilisé les installations dans les terrains de preuve. "Keh, ce n'est pas si pratique. Rufus a glissé alors qu'il se rendait à l'endroit où tous les combattants se réunissaient. "Si j'ai de la chance, je serai peut-être jumelé à certains de ces voyous ennuyeux et je peux leur apprendre qui est le vrai combattant." Alors que Rufus s'amusait et se préparait à gronder, Jeene avait la réaction tout à fait opposée. Jeene à ce stade s'était déjà inscrit, n'ayant jamais été aux Proving Grounds comme candidat auparavant. Ce fut un processus très rapide et indolore, tout ce qui était nécessaire était un petit échantillon de son Ki et le reste était de la paperasse. Bien sûr, maintenant qu'elle était toute enregistrée, elle n'avait vraiment d'autre choix que d'entrer. "Je n'ai vraiment pas envie de faire ça. Je préférerais faire des bricolages. Eh bien, j'ai besoin d'en tirer le meilleur parti."
Name: Light Appearance: Light is a 1.65 meter tall pure white humanoid with a skinny neck, overly large head with equally large black/orange eyes (like a majins eyes, just bigger) No nose and a smallish mouth with blue jelly featherlike hair and aquatic looking ears. She had comically large forearms and hand with no visible wrist, wears a white dress with a blue top and blue trim, the front of the dress which is open with a tabard coming from her waist to cover her front. (think lab coat looking tails with a tabard in the front) Her legs end in points with Light having no feet, and her fingers are razor sharp. Age: '24' Race: Void Daemon Gender: Female Personality: Light enjoys fun and freedom more than anything else, and does what she wants to do. She views things as a game, and has a poor grasp of the severity of situations because of this. While this might make her come off as an airhaed, Light is quite intelligent and uses that perceived notion to her advantage. Bio: A being from the Void, Light made her way to Earth through a combination of a rogue cult and her interest in the physical plane. Due to her appearance, she could pass herself off as a Majin very easily and started to enjoy the experiences of the physical realm for herself. Of course the fact that she was from the Void causes lots of problems with the physical realm, most notably in the fact she has to constantly be on the move from city to city as if she stays in one place too long, imprints of her body can be found where she was sleeping which irritates quite a few humans. Aura Color: Void/space black/purple Preferred Fighting Style: Melee. Light is incapable of using Ki blasts. Signature Combat Techniques: -Melee- Void Shield: Light creates a shield of Void energy around herself, absorbing all energy that hits it. While using this shield Light can't move. Energy absorbed by this shield is used to either replenish Light's own energy or used as a short range explosion. Void Siphon: Physical contact with Light causes whatever she is touching to slowly lose energy. Energy lost due to damage Light has inflicted is siphoned to her to use. Given long enough contact, this will cause something to eventually fade from existence. Creatures with a tie to the void are immune to this technique. Reality Step: Light can conjure a void portal to take her between two points in space. The first location is always next to her, the other can be any location that she can sense energy, see, or remember. Others can not interact with the portals, besides overloading them with energy and causing an explosion. Fusion Punch: Light channels energy into her fist, unleashing a massive surge of Void energy to the next thing she punches. This punch has a slow wind up, but is devastating if it hits. Shatter Reality: Light's ultimate ability. She shatters reality in an area around her, causing a tear in space that cuts off whoever is caught in it from using magic, and all energy based moves that are not Void based are greatly weakened. Staying in this area for those who are not bound to the Void will slowly drain their vitality. Energy can not be sensed inside this area, and observers will only see darkness. Attempting to leave the arena or enter it causes whoever is entering or leaving to drastically slow down as their essence reconfigures to the presence of reality or lack of. -Other- Adaptive Regenerative Essence: Light can regenerate from nearly any injury, even supernatural ones such as being turned into candy. Afterwords Light gains a huge amount of resistance to the last thing that hurt her for a few hours, adapting body appendages or skin textures or whatever she needs to in order to adapt to resisting whatever she was hit with. Light can not adapt to an injury caused by Silver, and injuries caused by Iron have a reduced adaptive resistance, however she can still regenerate from both types of injuries. Obviously regeneration takes a good amount of energy, especially if it was inflicted using Silver or Iron. If Light dies, her essence drifts back into the void to reform instead of going to Otherworld. Its cool you're trying to make a new race but a few things seem a little off about this character. First of all you make the character be a melee only fighter, but then give her a Void Shield, which completely negates distance fighting with ki blasts, though I suppose they could still at least throw large heavy objects at her. On top of that she has the nasty Void Syphon ability, which makes close combat fighting fairly hazardous and given the fact that enemies can literally 'fade from existence' on top of syphoning energy when even dealing damage to enemies is way too overpowered. Certain androids had similar abilities, minus the whole 'fade from existence' thing, but even then they were limited in how they could absorb from opponents, such as their absorbers were on their hands only and they had to either grab their opponents or absorb the incoming blast with their hands. Adding on to these rather powerful abilities is Shattered Reality; on its own the Shattered Reality is only a little overpowered, basically making an advantageous environment for the character to fight in, but that in combination with the other abilities makes this bubble of reality super deadly. Basically the character as she is has way too much synergy, also the weaknesses to silver and iron, while interesting do not fit all that well in the dragon ball universe, as only a few characters in the series tend to use weapons. Certainly there are some who use swords, like Trunks, but its not something that occurs that often so the weakness will barely be taken advantage of. An interesting character but too powerful as is. Its up to you rather you want to try to tone her down or if you just want to scrap and change her to a majin like you said at the start.
Alors... ça... règle ça. Le loup escorté par les « gardiens » des terrains de preuve et le démon s'éloigna de la scène de son propre gré, le conflit dans lequel Sharong s'était interjecté prit fin rapidement. Pour sa part, Sharong est restée lévitée dans l'air pendant un court moment, se moulant au-dessus des choses. "Il semble que le monde extérieur soit plus ruffien que je ne l'imaginais." "Attention à tous ceux qui se trouvent sur les terrains de prédilection. Tous les combats seront suspendus à mesure qu'un tournoi sera organisé. Ce tournoi est d'une importance vitale, d'où la nécessité d'arrêter tous les autres combats et prendra la priorité. Il est venu à l'attention de la Force de défense de la Terre qu'une menace inconnue terrorise les mondes et il est tout à fait possible que la Terre soit aussi une cible. » "Hmmmm"? Sharong a regardé autour du stade massif à la voix de l'AP tonnerre sur le ruckus de tous les combats. La question de l'annonce l'intriguait dans le plus haut. Elle n'avait jamais participé à un tournoi auparavant; de tels moyens d'entraînement n'étaient pas courants parmi son peuple... pas à son âge de toute façon. C'est ce dont les anciens ont parlé. Ce sera mon rite de passage. « La Force a besoin d'un groupe de travail pour localiser et identifier la menace. Ce tournoi est de déterminer qui est le plus digne de combattre la menace et de relayer l'information vers la Terre. Des combattants forts sont nécessaires et nous ne pourrions penser à aucun meilleur endroit pour trouver ceux qui sont capables de mettre fin à cette menace. Inscrivez-vous au tournoi et aidez à protéger la Terre! » "Et certainement cette Force de Défense aura besoin de toute l'aide qu'elle peut obtenir." Les pieds de Sharong ont atterri sur un sol ferme. Elle n'avait pas besoin d'autre direction. Déjà dans le stade, elle a suivi la masse de guerriers affluant vers la zone d'enregistrement. La masse des candidats était sûre d'être un grand défi pour elle de surmonter. "Je devrais vraiment voir ce que je suis contre." Malgré que la plupart d'entre eux n'émettaient pas autant d'énergie, le troisième œil de Sharong voyait clairement les pouvoirs auxquels elle devait faire face. Les masses en général n'étaient pas très seules; en fait, la plupart d'entre elles étaient tout à fait insignifiantes lorsqu'elle considérait sa propre force et prouesse. Puis, après des dizaines de combats contre même des gens à moitié sa force, une bataille contre un match égal pourrait finir par un grand ordre. "Oh. Lui." Au milieu des masses de rassemblement, Sharong a clairement fait ressortir le visage familier du loup de l'anneau plus tôt. Elle s'est hurlée, faisant une note mentale. Celui-là a besoin d'apprendre la piété.
Name: Kong Sharong Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Triclops/Three-eyed Clan Appearance Things to Disregard from Image: Hair; Sharong has a shaven head. Personality: The sense of pride tends to run through the minds of members of just about every minority race for one reason or another. For Sharong, it is her status as an enlightened warrior, particularly one such who has managed to manifest her third eye, that fuels her sense of self-worth. She carries something of a preacher's diction, envisioning herself as something of a shepherd to the "two-eyed" folks. While no real ill-intention is meant by it, she tends to "kindly" talk down to those that lack the third-eye, even so far as to refer to them as children even when they're much older than she is. Prolonged resistance from those she acts this way towards yields a sort of passive-aggressively abrasive mannerism, emphasized primarily by sarcastic commentary. On the whole, Kong Sharong is the typical vibrant youth, feeling immortal and ready to take on the world beyond the walls of her home. She's a full-in, no holding back type of person, who will put her whole being and everything she has on the line to carve her path. Motivated towards progress and accomplishment, she takes on any challenge in her way with strength and cunning. In any situation calling for mental or physical application, Sharong is focused to the point of being nearly incapable of falling prey to distractions. In fact, once she starts doing anything, it's difficult to get her to stop, such that anything less than achieving her objective(s) will not suffice as a reason to cease in an action. Biography: Born in a more isolated reach of the world, Kong Sharong was bred and raised among the reclusive population of a society of dedicated warrior-monks. As one of the members of this temple commune, Sharong was descended from great warriors through history whose training and discipline yielded the physical manifestation of the much sought after third eye; all of the adults within the commune bore this feature. From a young age, her mind and body were put through the rigorous tests of the martial arts. One of the more astute students, Sharong took more quickly than most in her development, reaching proficiency in many techniques at a pace well-ahead of the typical learning curve. Never once straying from her training under this tutelage, she manifested her own third-eye at the fresh age of 18; an achievement that was relatively rare for one so young, usually only happening to one student every generation or two. In light of her success, she decided to make a pilgrimage to the outside world, to fully test her abilities against others, and possibly learn from other masters. This being a customary practice, the elders of her commune not only approved, but supported her decision. Within days of the decision, Kong Sharong was packed and prepared for the long venture into the world she had never yet seen. With few words, she made her venture, left only with a semi-cryptic piece of advice: to never left her state reach to the darker recesses of her heart. Aura Color: Light Orange Preferred Fighting Style: Mixed Special Techniques: Melee Four Witches; a technique by which Sharong forcibly grows a second pair of arms out from her upper back. Though a somewhat painful, and a bit time consuming, it is an agreeably profitable technique for melee combat, allowing a greater versatility for melee combat. Multiform; the big sister, if you will, of Four Witches, multiform extends the multiplying of mere limbs to the splitting of a whole person into four. This, however, comes at the cost of each clone bearing a quarter of Sharong's power as a single being. Focused Fist; Sharong concentrates her Ki into her fist, shaping it around the appendages in a manner comparable to releasing a standard Ki blast. Rather than releasing the energy, however, the use Focused Fist will hold that energy in place like a glove of sorts, reinforcing Sharong's physical blows for a short period. At any point before the energy is depleted, she may throw the energy in a blast. Ki Projectiles Zidan; a standard Ki exertion concentrated to a higher density, and propelled by a more pronounced kinetic force. Exploiting the greater force exerted against a smaller area upon her target increases the propensity for piercing blows. Penhuo; simply Zidan applied with a high rate of fire. Dapao; a charged blast of Ki, usually preceded by Sharong's charging of Ki through an entire arm. Dapao Weida; the amplified version of Dapao, utilizing a charge of Ki into both of her arms, and releasing them into a single exertion. Latching Needle; Possibly Sharong's most ingenious technique, she has managed to polarize her Ki in such a manner as to stick to other objects, even other beings. Should she find herself making melee contact with another body, she may choose to leave a small imprint of her own Ki upon the point of contact, and exploit it at a later time. However, the imprints are minuscule on their own, usually amounting to little more than the bee stings of Ki techniques; numerous imprints at pivotal locations is necessary for the technique to hold any weight. Support Techniques Heightened Ki Sense; Despite her young age, Sharong is particularly astute in the field of sensing the Ki of others. She's kicked the practice up a notch, having the ability to sense beyond most measures of suppression, thus perceiving the "true" power that others have at their immediate disposal. (*This perception does not prepare her for transformations, hidden potential, or Kaioken-type techniques*). Flight; Sharong is able to exert her Ki as a propellant, allowing for airborne movement and maneuvering. Solar Flare; Emits a split-second flash of intense light directed at its target(s), which, more often than not, leaves them momentarily blinded. I do hope I'm not too late, and that I'm not pushing my luck with any of my techniques, history, etc.; I think most of them are kind of trivial anyways. I'd have avoided including Solar Flare among them, but I had originally had another technique that pretty much served to the same purpose (IE distraction-making). That being said, the techniques that I've crossed out are pretty much just amp-ups to the ones above them that I intend to have Sharong come to later on. If I need to save any other things for later, just let me know.
Était-ce vraiment son intention de sauver la Terre? Je veux dire, allez. Neris n'avait pas beaucoup à penser à celui-ci. La Terre est effacée? Il a d'autres options, des endroits où aller, bien que celui qui peut se livrer à cette agression possible peut également être victorieux, et que la poursuite de l'occupation qu'ils pourraient continuer serait sur son chemin. C'est vraiment difficile. Quoi qu'il en soit, ce serait divertissant, et c'était exactement ce que Neris cherchait, une forme d'excitation. Ce n'était pas le problème en ce moment. Mais c'était constamment dans l'esprit de Neris. Pour l'instant, il devrait s'inscrire à ce tournoi afin d'y accéder. Mais où? Sa peau s'est fléchie, des veines pulsent vers l'extérieur, puis se rétractent rapidement. Il se sentait comme du cuir, bien qu'il soit rigide, mais facile à déplacer en même temps, rapide comme une tige attachée à une boule tournante. Ses yeux se rétrécissent, regardant le mélange d'autres figures humbles à l'intérieur du bâtiment, les personnes en question et la détresse, d'autres qui ne savaient pas quoi faire, y compris Neris. "Bon alors." Ses mains descendirent sur ses côtés et il trouva un siège plutôt dans le coin de la pièce avec très peu de personnes au même endroit. À l'intérieur d'une poche attachée à sa ceinture, il a sorti un roman qu'il avait passé. Neris aimait accélérer la lecture, et alors qu'il ouvrit le livre, ses yeux suivirent quelques personnes "naturelles" entrant à l'intérieur, en gardant un regard sur eux, voyant qu'ils faisaient une sorte de processus ou de rituel. C'était... une sorte d'échantillon? La tension de Neris s'accroissait et il continuait à lire son livre à un rythme incroyable, pages tournant toutes les 8 secondes environ comme il attendait un temps que la ligne était plus claire pour s'inscrire dans le tournoi de combat.
NERIS Age: 784 (Biologically). 38. (Closest estimate physically). Race: ½ Namekian, ½ Cyborg. Gender: Male. Personality: Though usually quite calm focused, Neris tends to be quite a laid back individual with a carefree attitude which may sometimes cause him to appear as arrogant or lazy. Adding onto that, Neris tends to be quite independent and self-confident; doesn't like to work with other people, but may if he believes that it will work in his favor. His thoughts lay somewhere almost sadistic, giving him enjoyment for things like death and destruction, and just doing things as he pleases. Not to be confused with a baby who gets everything that he wants, as Neris has experienced denial on multiple occasions, but this does not stop him from going at things head on. Years of doing so have gave him the skills of accurate decisions with very little timing. Quick thinking is a trait Neris obtains, allowing him to act fast in the heat of a situation. Some have pegged him as bipolar, seeing how from one moment Neris can be so collected, by the next he comes off as blood thirsty. This is part of his manifesting from negative occurrences. It's as if Neris feeds off of this negativity, which is what gives him the enjoyment for certain terrible things. Bio: As far as heritage goes, that is all unknown to Neris. He did not share the love most would with their family, though his ideals were far off from that anyway. In a world where a rumors of a growing threat was coming, Neris wasn't just about to let that smash him down. Never did he have a trainer, and at very young age he began going against his limits. Neris wanted to be the master in all aspects. Relying on one thing was the way to be killed, so in every way he could, Neris started working up his power level to obtain all that he could, and so it rose quickly. Al though he fought for his own ideals, these could be considered ignorant, which introduced him into thievery, and doing whatever he wanted to. Neris believes in strong will, one that can conquer anything. Through his process of slowly evolving into something more evil than he was, he corrupted himself, and there was no one there to change him back. Anyone by his side during this long span was quickly disregarded when he was finished with them. As of now, Neris mainly travels the universe, still waiting for the ongoing threat to soon burst, doing what he pleases, and seeing what he can. Aura Color: Neon Orange. Preferred Fighting Style: Balanced. Signature Combat Techniques: Telekinesis: The ability to move objects regardless of the mass with his brain power, and manipulate their movement with his mind. Kamehameha: A focus of Ki in the palm of the hands to release a pressurized energy that fires a beam with large scale damage capabilities. Destructo Disc: An ability that allows the user to create a razor sharp disk of Ki, traveling at high speeds for immense cutting power, but tends to lack accuracy. Masenko: Also similar to both Galick Gun and Kamehameha, but of a lower scale, mostly used in defense opportunities. The user fires a large blast of energy out from their palms, typically to block another Ki blast. Photon Bomber: Charges up an energy sphere in his hand before firing a large, circular blast of Ki at an enemy to inflict large explosive damage. Wolf Fang Fist: This technique involves a combo attack of both clawing and smacking your opponent in rapid succession, then giving your opponent a final strike, knocking them back to mimic that of a wolf. Dragonthrow: This technique is when the user grabs someone by their feet, leg, arms, or antenna, and begins to make a spiraling motion above their head with the rest of their body. After momentum is built and speed has reached maximum potential, the victim is let loose and sent flying in any random direction at high speeds for maximum damage. Dragon Fist: An incredibly fast punch with a devastating force. The user launches himself straight forward to an opponent at high speeds with his arm out straight towards their chest. Impact will likely cause a breakthrough of the mid section, tearing a wound straight through the chest of the target. Mach Kick: A series of rapid kicks in quick succession rained on top of a target. This multiple kicking process is for a fast, and powerful striking technique. Perfect Barrier: Aura exiting the body rapidly can form a large sphere that acts as an energy shield around the user. This is capable of fending off large attacks unscatched in the process. Neris may release this energy at once, causing a Ki blast in all directions to knock over his opponent, and/or catch them off guard.
Elle s'est cognée et a gonflé pendant qu'elle montait son vélo à l'école.. Je ne peux pas être en retard pour mon premier jour de lycée! C'était assez dur d'aller jusqu'au New Jersey... Ses jambes ont souffert pendant qu'elle a pompé ses jambes plus fort, à deux pâtés de maisons près de l'école. Il y avait un garçon au milieu du trottoir devant elle. C'était un garçon de couleur chocolat foncé avec des reflets apparemment fauves... ou juste le soleil qui reflétait ses cheveux. "Hé petit!!! Déplacez-vous d'un côté! Je suis sur le point de vous dépasser!!!" Elle lui a téléphoné, espérant qu'il l'entendrait sur le trafic bruyant.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
il continue à marcher avec ses écouteurs à l'intérieur, ne pas pouvoir entendre quelque chose jusqu'à ce que vous soyez trop près, entendre la dernière partie du cri qu'il s'est retourné pour vous voir, aveuglé par votre beauté il rougit et ne bouge pas
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle s'arrête brusquement, une barre de poignée vous frappe l'épaule alors qu'elle court dans un lampadaire. "Salut!!! Regarde où tu vas la prochaine fois!!! Êtes-vous complètement aveugle et DEAF?! Je venais droit pour toi et tu t'es juste tenu là et tu as gâché comme un cerf dans les phares!!!! Maintenant, grâce à toi, je vais être en retard pour mon premier jour de lycée dans cette foutue nouvelle ville!!! Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chez toi, enfoiré? Elle lui a crié dessus, essuyant ses genoux écorchés. Quand elle s'est levée, elle s'est emparée de son collier et s'est cognée : « Si je te vois me mettre à nouveau en travers de mon chemin, tu ferais mieux de PRAYER que je ne te tabasserai pas... »
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Il s'en va et s'en va, en remettant ses écouteurs et sa capuche en haut, il va jusqu'à l'arrêt de buste.
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle revient en colère sur son vélo et fait du vélo le reste des 2 pâtés de maisons de l'école et verrouille son vélo. À mesure qu'elle passe la présidente du corps étudiant de l'année dernière, elle obtient son emploi du temps : 1. Le Conseil de l'Europe a adopté une résolution du Conseil de l'Europe sur la situation des droits de l'homme dans le monde. Gymnase (comme l'exigent les lois de l'État) 2. Le Président. — L'ordre du jour appelle le rapport (doc. Classe d'expédition 3. Les droits de l'homme sont garantis par le Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels. Mathématiques 4. Le Président. — L'ordre du jour appelle le rapport (doc. Histoire de la musique 5.a. Choeur Déjeuner 5.b. Choeur 6. Art. 7. Salle d'étude "Merci..." elle murmura tranquillement alors qu'elle arrachait son emploi du temps de leurs mains.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
il était dans sa classe de gym au début, il se transforme en bas de piste et va dans la salle de gym
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle s'est transformée en short de gym et en tank top et est sortie avec un air de confiance et de calme... jusqu'à ce qu'elle voie ce garçon qu'elle a rencontré ce matin-là. À ce moment-là, elle l'a vu, puis a regardé en arrière. Honnêtement, il avait l'air adorable quand elle n'était pas en colère contre lui. Qu'est-ce qu'il fait là?
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
il la remarque et regarde en arrière son sourire, il commence à marcher jusqu'à elle, regardant vers le bas avec son capot encore en haut
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle l'a vu se battre et fait des mouvements subtils pour essayer de l'éviter. Elle a retourné ses cheveux sur son épaule et a mis ses mains dans ses poches, en s'éloignant de l'endroit où il marchait. Dans l'espoir qu'il la laisserait peut-être seule, elle a commencé à chanter "Alphabet Boy" et a regardé l'une des nombreuses affiches sur la santé.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
il monte à côté d'elle et regarde les affiches de santé avec elle, s'approchant lentement de sa main
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle a remarqué qu'il était à côté d'elle et s'est rapidement jeté dans le vestiaire des filles loin des gens. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec ce garçon?! On ne se connaît même pas les uns les autres et il va essayer de marcher avec moi?! UGH!!! Elle a pensé, armant à l'idée de le voir dans la chambre d'un semestre entier.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Je m'arrête devant les vestiaires et je t'attends.
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle part par l'autre sortie dans le vestiaire sportif, maintenant à l'extrémité opposée de la salle de gym de lui. Oui! Je suis à une bonne distance confortable de ce monstre!!! Elle a pensé, se donner un coup de poing mental.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
il marche encore une fois et commence à murmurer quelque chose sous son souffle pour vous
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle a à peine entendu quelque chose et le voit... AH!!! Comment est-il déjà pris avec moi?! Quelle sorcellerie est-il?! Elle pensait que ses yeux s'élargissaient. Elle a toussé et a dit : "Pardon? Qu'est-ce que tu as dit?", espérant que ce n'était rien ou du moins une explication pourquoi il était un monstre.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Désolé pour tout à l'heure, je regarde en bas et je me gratte le bras.
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle s'est cognée et a cherché dans l'autre sens un sort, en se balançant les mains dans le poing. Elle l'a regardé avec un regard froid : « C'est bien, ne le refais plus jamais... » Elle était évidemment encore à la vapeur ce matin-là, mais elle n'allait pas se battre avec un gars qui semblait être un demi-pied plus grand qu'elle-même, ayant un petit cadre et à peine n'importe quel muscle sur ses os. Elle était assez intelligente pour voir que certains des points faibles du gars sont, évidemment, l'aine, le cou, l'arrière de la tête, et le pont de son nez, mais le reste n'était toujours pas clair.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Je venais juste d'arriver au gymnase, j'étais en retard. Après être sorti du vestiaire, j'ai vu deux personnes dehors, en conversant, "Hé, Ben? C'est toi, mon pote?
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Elle l'a regardé de façon suspecte. Hmm, tard et en parlant à ce gars comme si c'était un vieil ami... probablement un problème... elle a pensé, en essayant de paraître occupée elle-même. Elle a timidement coincé ses mains dans ses poches et a regardé autour de lui.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
"Bonjour là-bas" il sourit et lui tendit la main pour la saluer
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Je me tourne vers Nick "ouais, qui es-tu encore?"
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
"Souviens-toi de moi de la 5ème année" il regarda Ben
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
n-pas vraiment il met un écouteur et joue de la musique
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
« OK alors » s'éloigne pour faire quelques tours autour de la salle de gym
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
i sti au coin de la salle de gym avec mes écouteurs dans les jeux de plying sur mon téléphone
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Va dans la salle de change pour "utiliser" la salle de bain mais en fait juste assis là texto son béguin
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Elle a agité, ne prenant pas la forme d'un contact humain qui est une poignée de main. "Salut..." elle grondait, rejetant les pensées de le frapper dans l'estomac. Mais qui est cet autre garçon mystérieux? Une espèce particulière les hommes sont... elle pensait, en regardant ce "ami" de l'homme garçon qu'elle vient à peine d'écraser. Alors que les deux se dissipaient de sa présence, elle se promenait autour de la salle de gym, ne parlant pas aux filles populaires, ni ne s'associant à aucun des gars. Ça va être une année looooooooooong... qu'elle a bousculé mentalement.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Il sort de la salle de bain, juste pour s'asseoir sur un des bancs près des autres gars, juste parler et chier
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Elle passe devant l'autre garçon trainant avec d'autres gars sur le banc et sourit alors qu'elle lui donne un signe de paix et un clin d'œil subtil comme moyen de dire "Sup". et a continué ses tours autour de la salle de gym, chantant "Fur Elise". Finalement, ils ont tous obtenu un tableau des sièges et elle était coincée entre les deux garçons qu'elle avait "met" pour les échauffements de gym.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
s'asseye les esprits amd sa puissesse
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
commence à courir plus vite que tout le monde
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle a commencé à faire des étirements, et finit par passer à l'élévation des jambes. Après 15 reps de chaque côté, elle jogge 10 tours autour de la salle de gym et s'assoit pour s'étirer davantage. Je ne suis plus en forme... J'ai besoin de sauter sur ce vélo plus souvent... elle pensait, timidement agiter son "ami" de nuisance. Elle se branlait fort de ce qu'elle pensait être de l'exercice léger, mais a continué à s'étirer pendant 10 minutes avant de passer à un ping-pong, et marche jusqu'à la compagne sur sa gauche, "Hé, tu veux jouer...?" Elle a demandé, offrant une pagaie à l'ami du garçon qu'elle ne supportait pas.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
C'est quoi, ça? Il s'est demandé quand elle s'est approchée de lui, "Qu'est-ce que tu as besoin?" Elle était belle, mais il ne connaissait même pas encore son nom! "Btw, pourriez-vous me dire votre nom?" comme il lui a pris la pagaie, en acceptant le jeu.
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Je regarde tranquillement et décide de marcher sur "qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?"
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
"Ping pong, c'est fondamentalement c'est" il a dit qu'elle a frappé la balle en retour sur elle. il l'a regardé faire les mouvements qui pourraient le sortir du jeu 'hey ben peut-être que u pourrait jouer gagnant' il manque la balle, son point
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Je hoche la tête "c'est bien par moi" Je me penche sur la table et regarde le jeu
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Elle tenait les mains serrées ensemble en parlant, essayant de se concentrer sur autre chose que son visage, "Oh, comment impoli de moi!!!" "Je m'appelle Roselyn, mais de retour à ze Pari, tout le monde m'a appelé Rose." Elle était gênée de voir sa demi-française, mais ne se souciait pas de la chaleur du ping-pong et frappait la balle de l'autre côté de la table, le ratant. "Hé! C'est ce que je veux dire! »
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
"De toute façon, mon nom est Nikolai" il a senti qu'il appartenait ici. Il a souri et a frappé la balle alors elle a manqué, "point, pas vrai?"
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Elle a essayé désespérément de frapper le ballon, mais il a juste frappé le bord et a rebondi sur le sol. "Oui, pointe-toi vers toi... et es-tu russe? Votre nom sonne certainement comme tel... » Elle avait voyagé à travers la Russie une fois pour visiter un parent au Japon et a vu comment ils étaient habillés si éloquemment. Elle a à peine remarqué la troisième partie debout sur le côté.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Papa, je suis de Sibérie, nous avons emménagé ici. Il a souri et a dit 'encore, je ne suis pas communiste, les communistes sont des gens horribles qu'ils ont tué la plupart de ma famille juste pour aller en Amérique, ils ne nous ont pas balancé ici'il a pensé aux Russes tuant sa famille et beaucoup, beaucoup plus de gens. «Hut thats le passé, aujourd'hui est tue présent, et demain sera l'avenir.»
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Ah... Je vois. Elle a dit, un peu déçue "Mais j'étais assez proche, non? Quoi qu'il en soit, Oui!!! ze passé ez passé ze, aujourd'hui iz ze donné présent, et demain, l'avenir? Qui sait? Elle sourit, ayant une conversation agréable. "Comment était la Sibérie, si iz ok pour moi de demander...?" Elle a frappé le ballon pour qu'il le rate.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Cold, humide, très calme... jusqu'à ce que ces salauds traîtres viennent et commencent à construire des usines. Il a frappé la balle en arrière et tuen a posé sa pagaie comme un signe pour se rendre, 'je pense que j'ai fini, peut-être que je pourrais aller monter sur l'un des vélos'
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Elle était alors très confuse au sujet de la deuxième partie "Uh, c'est toujours la salle de séjour... nous n'avons que 5 minutes jusqu'à ce que la 3ème période commence donc.... Peut-être qu'on peut aller chercher une glace ou quelque chose...~" Elle sourit alors qu'elle s'enfonçait dans les vestiaires des filles pour retourner dans ses vêtements d'école.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Il a riposté et a crié "da, ce serait bien" il a juste pensé au jeu qu'ils venaient de jouer, comment maintenant il doit aller mieux à ce sujet
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Elle sourit alors qu'elle allait à sa 2e classe d'époque, classe Shipping. "Rencontrez-moi après l'école alors! J'espère que vous avez des roues! Je prends mon vélo partout!" Elle a rappelé Nick avec un demi-sourire sur le visage. Elle a deviné qu'il pouvait avoir des ennuis, mais il avait l'air sympa. Cependant, quelques instants après être entrée en troisième période, elle s'est rendue compte qu'elle avait un quart de travail cet après-midi-là, elle soupirait mentalement, je dois annuler... ou du moins la repousser à un moment ultérieur... Elle s'est assise tristement, essayant de décourager l'idée d'annuler sa rencontre avec sa première nouvelle connaissance.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Il est sorti du vestiaire avec un t-shirt rouge, des jeans Carpenter et des bottes de style militaire. "Oi, je suppose que j'ai un petit petit rendez-vous avec cette fille" pour moi elle est plutôt mignonne... J'aime son accent *sourire et rire*
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
Elle a souri en allant à la classe Shipping. C'était la meilleure chose d'essayer au moins d'être heureuse dans cette classe... elle n'aimait pas particulièrement ça, pour ainsi dire. Elle est allée s'asseoir, mais un type comme un jock a sorti sa chaise de dessous d'elle. "Salut!!! Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chez toi? Elle a recueilli ses livres et s'est assise à l'arrière du reste. Pour une fois, elle avait besoin de porter ses lunettes. Elle s'assit là toute l'heure à faire des calculs en couple basés sur des groupes fandom/personnalité et faisant semblant de comprendre chaque mot. Elle soupirait alors qu'elle se rendait à Math... La classe redoutée de tous les temps pour elle. Elle n'aime jamais ça et probablement jamais. Elle s'assit au premier rang pour s'empêcher d'être tentée par son livre d'art et d'améliorer la concentration, mais en vain... le professeur a couru un point de puissance de l'arrière de la classe! Elle ressentait l'envie de dessiner au lieu d'écrire des notes si sévèrement.
(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music
Marçon de cristal Une fille courait à l'école tout comme la période de passage à la troisième heure commençait. Son lourd sac à dos a rebondi le long de son dos alors qu'elle s'est précipitée au bureau pour les avertir d'être en retard. Crystal se précipitait dans son appartement quand une urgence familiale s'est produite avec son frère, donc elle avait déjà une dure journée. Pire encore, quand elle s'est perdue sur le chemin de sa nouvelle école. Elle a déjà manqué ses cours de gym et d'expédition. Heureusement, Christopher, son frère, a imprimé l'horaire à l'avance et n'a pas eu besoin d'obtenir un horaire du bureau. Elle a déjà mémorisé ses cours de toute façon, de sorte que l'horaire de papier n'était pas nécessaire jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Alors qu'elle courait dans le couloir presque vide, Crystal a failli s'écraser sur une fille qui allait au même chemin qu'elle, même si c'était beaucoup d'espace qu'elle aurait pu prendre. S'il n'y avait pas eu de réaction rapide de la jeune fille, ils auraient pris un coup dur au sol. La seule chose que l'on pouvait voir dans le reste du couloir était une figure rapide de cheveux noirs, une flanelle bleue et un jean assorti, et la brillance de nouveaux convers noirs et blancs. Crystal ne voulait pas être en retard à la première classe non officielle qu'elle prendrait ce jour-là, donc juste à temps elle a claqué dans un siège vide avec ses provisions prêtes. Heureusement, les maths - et à peu près tous les autres cours qu'elle a suivis - étaient une tâche facile pour elle. La meilleure partie était qu'ils ne prenaient que des notes de base pour la journée. Elle en a profité en mettant son carnet à côté de ses notes légèrement inclinées sur son classeur. Chaque fois que Crystal a fini d'écrire, elle faisait une partie d'un dessin jusqu'à la prochaine diapositive.
Name: Crystal Marrison Age: 14 1/2-years-old Looks: She's far above average at around 5 feet 8 inches (about 1.73 meters) with light brown skin, a plump face, and flowing black hair that grows down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are a dark chocolate brown to match her stern expression. Her appearance doesn't fit her likes as she seems worked out: slightly muscular with a thin belly. Her outfits are usually masculine like flannels, leather jackets, hoodies, jeans, and converse. Bio: Back all the way to Philippines she grew up with her parents and older brother, but her parents got killed during a camping trip. Her brother took care of her from there until they flew to America. They live in an apartment together and make up music on their free time, mostly in contribute to their parents. Personality: Crystal is an independent girl that keeps to herself, usually talking out in bursts of anger no matter the situation. Although she may be a bit aggressive, pity and kindness can be given but in subtle ways. It's clear she's both strong physically and mentally. However, it's rare for someone to figure out how her emotions work. A person's eyes may be a doorway to someone's soul - but not for her. Fandoms: Music
J'ai frappé par hasard quelques personnes, mais je n'ai jamais voulu blesser personne. Les gens me poussaient dans les couloirs... "Lycée"
Name:Nikolai Dretren Age:15 Looks:Red T-Shirt, Camo cargo pants, tan work boots, brown hair, L. eye is blue, R. eye is grey (he is blind in his right eye) Bio:Orphan, used to live on a military base, parents died in Afghanistan. Now he lives with by himself on the streets Personality: funny, kind, selfless, friendly, strong, and caring Fandoms: Marine Corps
J'ai couru jusqu'à Nick "H-hey, désolé pour tout à l'heure"
Name: Benjamin James Francis Taylor Age: 15 Looks: wears blue Jeans, a red polo shirt and a black hoodie, usually with the hood up and black Nike trainers, has brown hair and eyes Personality: quiet, mysterious, doesn't talk much, kind and caring once you get to know him, thinks about others over himself and takes everything into consideration when making a decision, pretty bold with girls Bio: lives on his own, both parents usually stay at work or with a friend, he lives in a big, modern house and works part time at a video game company with his dad. Fandom: Video Games
Épisode 1 : Lumière dans les ténèbres 35 mai 2250, Installation minière Red Rock, Nouvelle Terre Depuis dix longues années, les humains de la Nouvelle Terre sont sous l'emprise de Galatec, la mégasociété intergalactique. Ils ont été forcés de travailler dans les mines, de travailler dans les usines, et quelques privilégiés précieux ont été recrutés dans le travail de bureau pendant de longues heures sans aucun bénéfice et beaucoup trop peu de salaire. Les corps et les esprits sont brisés du surmenage, et le pire crime de tous est que la plupart des gens ne le réalisent même pas. Galatec est une machine d'esprit vaste et complexe, avec plus de méthodes que même le conseil d'administration ne le sait. Beaucoup de ces méthodes ont été utilisées ici sur la Nouvelle Terre, le lavage de cerveau de la population dans l'acceptation et l'obéissance. Les aliments et l'eau ont des additifs chimiques, les lumières elles-mêmes brillent avec une longueur d'onde qui ternit l'indépendance et la résistance, et la propagande imprègne les médias, les rues et vos maisons. Un très petit pourcentage de personnes sont, pour des raisons inconnues, à l'abri de ce lavage de cerveau, et ont mené le combat à Galatec. Cependant, ils sont complètement dépassés, car non seulement leur ennemi possède beaucoup plus de nombre et de puissance de feu, mais il doit lutter contre les citoyens qu'il tente de libérer, qui les qualifient de terroristes. Leurs efforts sont malheureusement voués à l'échec. Dans un acte de désespoir, la plus grande force de résistants, la Division Alpha, a choisi de jeter tous leurs hommes dans une dernière attaque sur le Red Rock Mining Facility, la plus grande concentration de travail d'esclaves humains sur la Nouvelle Terre. Cependant, le directeur régional de New Earth Space, Ruthalia Troyliant Hertyas Morphento, a repris leurs communications. Elle sait qu'ils ont l'intention de frapper avec tout ce qu'ils ont. En vérité, leurs efforts sont voués à l'échec, mais tout n'est pas perdu. Au fond des mines complexes de Red Rock est un homme, une créature extraterrestre sage, qui se jette avec les voies tyranniques de Galatec, et son assistant. Ensemble, ils conspirent pour apporter un nouvel espoir au monde, une nouvelle équipe de combattants utilisant la technologie volée à Galatec lui-même. Les légendes et les bandes historiques racontent de nombreuses équipes qui ont lutté contre le mal avant, défendant l'humanité et de nombreux mondes extraterrestres pacifiques. Légendes des puissants Power Rangers. C'est aujourd'hui, le 35 mai 2250, qu'une nouvelle équipe se lèvera pour combattre le mal, mais ils auront un combat de montée. Leur victoire sera rencontrée avec autant de perdants, mais s'ils ne peuvent pas persévérer, alors la Nouvelle Terre est condamnée. Aujourd'hui, c'est le soulèvement! Aujourd'hui, nous nous battons! Aujourd'hui est la naissance de... Samara se retrouve dans le repaire secret, un vieux poste minier abandonné. Il avait été prévu pour la désaffectation (lire: soufflé) il y a des mois, mais un peu d'erreur de la paperasse l'a conservé, et maintenant tout le monde qui importe à Galatec croit qu'il est parti. Et bien, tous ceux qui ne devraient pas savoir. Les lumières à l'intérieur avaient été rebranchées par son partenaire, donc maintenant, pendant qu'ils étaient fixés au réseau électrique, ils projetaient seulement la lumière neutre, plutôt que cette longueur d'onde de lavage de cerveau Galatec. Elle était en sécurité ici, et le plan était de commencer. Le partenaire de Samara, mentor vraiment, s'est assis sur une table de travail, portant des lunettes teintées foncées alors qu'il se fichait avec le câblage d'un petit appareil, une sorte de bracelet avec un cristal rouge. Elle avait fait du travail sur eux-mêmes, donc elle savait exactement ce que c'était : le Morpher rouge de Photon. Le dernier des six morphères qu'ils réparaient, et juste à l'heure, aussi. Si tout se passait comme prévu, les cinq spéciales seraient là aujourd'hui, à Red Rock Mining Facility. Puis elle et son partenaire pourraient activer le système de déplacement de réfraction et les téléporter à la base. Recrutez-les. Et ensemble, ils pourraient se battre à Galatec. Samara et son partenaire ont eu le temps de trouver des gens qui seraient... ouverts à l'idée de lutter contre un tel béhémoth. Il a fallu des mois pour chercher, traquer et pirater les systèmes informatiques, mais ils les ont trouvés. Les cinq personnes qui allaient devenir, ça devait devenir ses partenaires. Michael Sonnen. Jonah Fallen. Oliver Johnson. Tommy Reese. Et Clementine Mayweather. Ce ne serait qu'une question de temps avant qu'ils puissent tous être réunis. En supposant que les choses se sont passées selon le plan. "Je l'ai fini!" a appelé l'associé de Samara, en retirant les lunettes teintées et en installant ses outils de câblage. "Le morphère du photon rouge a été restauré, Samara! Juste à temps." Imbéciles. Des idiots, idiots et suicidaires. Ils se sont appelés Alpha Division, et ils ont prévu d'attaquer Red Rock Mining Facility dans une tentative désespérée de libérer les esclaves ici. Comme si l'un des esclaves voulait être libre. Pourtant, la plus grande force de résistance, 300 hommes et femmes, a présenté une opportunité. Les éliminer serait un spectacle fantastique de force pour dissuader tous les autres humains stupides qui étaient immunisés au reconditionnement, ainsi que de débarrasser Galatec Nouvelle Division Terre de leur ennemi le plus fort. Les idiots n'ont même pas utilisé de transmission cryptée pour passer les ordres à leurs équipes. En prévision de cette grande victoire, Ruth, directrice régionale et le général Adelram Drax ont pris la décision de superviser personnellement la sécurité à Red Rock. Leur présence s'avérerait... Influent. Ensemble, ils ont été placés dans la salle de commandement de Red Rock, où le contremaître du site a supervisé toutes les opérations. Foreman Jo'ones, un extraterrestre reptilien de six pieds de haut avec des écailles rouges de feu, s'approcha des deux alors que ses assistants travaillaient à leurs terminaux informatiques. « Monsieur, l'installation fonctionne à un rendement nominal. Les marges bénéficiaires sont en hausse de 0,2 % et la production d'oranium a maintenu un nombre constant. Je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi vous avez choisi de visiter mon établissement. La production est-elle déplaisante d'une manière ou d'une autre?" Le destin a conspiré pour rassembler ces deux inconnus. Bien sûr, le destin. Appelons ça comme ça. En aucun cas il n'y avait une demande de transfert mise en place par quelqu'un dans les coulisses. Tant de paperasserie a été déposée, qui sait même quel but tout cela sert? Quoi qu'il en soit, Clementine a été amenée à Red Rock par son directeur comptable. Le même directeur comptable qui a récemment demandé les services de garde du corps d'un Jonah Fallen. Les trois étaient assis, ou se tenaient, dans une petite salle de réunion à peine assez grande pour tenir la table où ils étaient censés discuter des questions. Deux caméras de sécurité étaient placées dans des coins opposés de la pièce, à peine visibles à moins que vous ne sachiez quoi chercher. Le directeur comptable Shplorn, un extraterrestre ressemblant à une sauvegarde humaine pour les cheveux vert florescents, a sorti quelques documents sur l'écran holo pour le bénéfice de Clementine. Voici les états des profits et pertes pour le trimestre précédent. Maintenant, c'est ton boulot de fouiller tous les détails et de chercher n'importe quelle affaire drôle. On soupçonne quelqu'un de blanchir des fonds. Maintenant assurez-vous de triple vérifier les nombres et-OH SAVOIR SEIGNEUR CE QU'EST-CE?! Tuez-le, tuez-le!" Shplorn a flippé, injustement ainsi, à la vue d'une araignée commune qui rampait à travers la table. Néanmoins, elle donna les ordres à son garde du corps. Jonah avait appris dans les quelques heures qu'il avait été mis dans son emploi qu'elle était une créature plutôt... Jumpy. C'est trop prudent, on pourrait dire. Terrifiée de sa propre ombre, c'était plus comme ça. Au plus profond du niveau treize des mines, deux jeunes hommes se sont retrouvés en train de travailler ensemble. Ils n'avaient été appariés que pendant les trois dernières heures. Oliver n'avait été affecté à Red Rock que pendant trois jours. Trois jours d'avoir été battus et enchaînés, sous la surveillance constante d'au moins trois githkines. Ils connaissaient son immunité de reconditionnement, donc c'était le seul moyen. Son partenaire ne l'avait pas beaucoup mieux, mais pour des raisons complètement différentes. Tommy était brouillé, mal nourri, mais toujours optimiste sur leur situation. En raison des différences dans leur physique, Tommy avait été affecté à ramper dans des espaces restreints et à l'arpentage, tandis qu'Oliver avait été affecté au travail lourd. Si Oliver n'obéissait pas, alors la ganterie serait désagréable. Les deux ont travaillé loin de toute autre équipe, avec un hover-cart rempli d'une sorte de minerai rouge brillant. Tommy avait déjà vu ce minerai, mais ne savait pas ce que c'était. Pour Oliver, c'était une première expérience. Quelle était cette substance qu'ils ont été forcés de déterrer? Galatec ne le dirait pas, mais peut-être que le temps... "Faster!" s'écria l'un des cintres, craquant un fouet en métal dans la direction d'Oliver. Michael est entré dans Red Rock pour la première fois. Pour des raisons qu'il ne savait pas, il avait été transféré ici de son travail minier précédent à Dumas. Le voyage a pris des heures, et était ennuyeux comme tout l'enfer, mais maintenant il était ici, en passant par le traitement et étant donné les outils familiers du commerce. Choisis de la hache, de la corde, de la bouteille d'eau, c'était de la routine pour lui. Ce qu'il ne s'attendait pas, ne pouvait pas s'y attendre, c'était les trois bâtons qu'on lui a donnés. L'agent des réquisitions les lui a fournis comme n'importe quel autre équipement, comme si rien n'était du tout hors de l'ordinaire. C'est là que Michael a remarqué quelque chose sur la paperasse. Le document le détaillait en tant que mineur de classe 2, avec tout l'accès et le privilège qui est venu avec le titre. Chez lui, il n'a jamais progressé au-delà d'un mineur de classe 5. Qu'est-ce qu'il y avait avec le traitement spécial? L'un des avantages d'être de classe 2 était de travailler seul, sans surveillance. On lui a donné une carte et on lui a dit de trouver son chemin jusqu'au niveau 9 de l'arbre de mine 27, où ce serait son travail de chercher de nouvelles veines de minerai et de faire sauter de nouveaux tunnels dans une structure faible. Quelque chose n'allait pas, il n'a jamais reçu ce genre de formation. Ce jour devenait bizarre...
Name: Jackson Trent Nickname/Alias: Jack, sex on a stick (imo). Race: Human Age: 25 Ethnicity: Canadian, though no one would know what that means. Gender: Male Appearance: . |height. 6’0” |weight. 176 lbs |hair. brown |eyes. green Though not the most efficient worker in his mine, Jackson is definitely the strongest and most agile. Having to swing a heavy pickaxe all day, coupled with his daily training in his self-made basement, has made him able to lift the heavy tools of a miner with great finesse. This also helps when wielding his greatsword, as he can go for more swift and fluid movements, rather than just be lugging dead weight around. What most people first notice about Jackson, however, is the tired, weary look in his eyes - one of a man burdened by fear and doubt, yet with no reason or understanding of why. There is also another look in his eyes, however, and it is that of a kind, considerate soul, who tries his hardest to support and protect those he holds close to him, even though he may not always show it. It is this kindness, the spark of gold in his eyes, that people are attracted to, and it makes for a good, solid understanding that despite his mood swings, and tendency to say things how they are, Jackson will forever be true to those he cares about. Clothing: Since he’s had to blend in with the other workers in the mine until he finally found his destiny, Jackson hasn’t really adopted much of a clothing style. He can often be seen in plain, un-logoed shirts, ranging from black to white, with 50 (8, actually) Shades of Grey inbetween, paired with plain old denim jeans, and heavy-duty combat boots. All of his clothing is kept in good condition, though, and he’s (fortunately) able to wash them regularly. Personality: Jackson, despite seeming like an optimist, is a down-to-Earth realist. He doesn’t particularly like being too pessimistic, though not so optimistic that he gets people’s hopes up, with the possibility of letting them down. He often surveys the situation in a calm manner, providing his peers with a strategic, thought-out approach. Also, despite being rather strong for someone of his type, he completely hates the idea of someone being classed as the weakest link. Therefore, Jackson includes every single person with him in his approaches to a situation, and exercises all of each person’s skills. Being a man who was once shackled within Galatec’s ideology and idealistic ways has had a toll on Jackson, especially with the painful thought that it might happen again. To believe he was once of enough idiocy to believe that this new dictatorship was all fine, and that Galatec could kiss all of his booboos better is both frightening and sickening to him, and he has tried his hardest to prove to people - despite the fact barely anybody doubts him - that it wasn’t him, and it was just Galatec dragging him along like a dog on a leash. This can sometimes bleed into his handling of situations, causing all his beforehand calm and realistic approach to go down the drain, and sometimes becoming so severe he spirals into a blind rage. Even now and again he has sudden mood swings, be it the same compelling rage, or Galatec’s lighting taking a toll on him. However, he manages to beat all the odds and continue, no matter what obstacles he faces. He also never lets this affect his view on people - everyone is equal, and there will never be a need for labelling one by their skills or limits, simply by good or evil motives. Likes: The Power Rangers White noise - his radio was broken for a few weeks, but he eventually started listening to the static coming from it, and it seemed to calm him, like the waves of the sea. The silent moments that come and go from time to time, where the world seems to slow, and just for one moment, be it a fraction of a second or an entire minute, one can finally find peace where they thought all was lost. Pushing and breaking his limits, and discovering that he can do what he thought impossible before. Protecting people The greater good Dislikes: Galatec His job Being unable to drink publicly without the risk of coming under Galatec’s control His parents being under Galatec’s influence Fears: Slipping back under Galatec’s control Not being able to find the Power Rangers Being unable to save New Earth, especially his parents Galatec defeating the Power Rangers Failing the Rangers, if he ever finds them Dying on the job Quirks: He has a particular, “friendship”, with his tomahawk. Turns out when it’s just you and an old weapon against the world, you start talking to it. It’s not like it talks back to him, so it should be fine, right? History: Freedom. That’s what Jackson was born into. A life before Galatec. One where his mother and father cared about him and actually loved him. Of course, he didn’t know that. His life was just mining rocks, searching for god knows what. Day in, day out, the sound of pickaxes clanging at stone was the norm now. He’d found a few keepsakes down there, one of which looked like a small axe, but never really knew what they were for. Why did people need weapons and all these strange items when they had Galatec? That was the thought planted in his mind, the one he was forced to think constantly. Until the Power Rangers. At first, Jackson was like everyone else - he saw them as nothing more than troublemakers, terrorising the city. But the more and more they expressed their motives and attempted to bring hope to New Earth, the more and more the glimmer of hope that was still embedded in his mind shined through. It got bigger and bigger every day, and he remembered more and more about this once alienated concept - freedom. What was once something he had no clue of was now the very thing he was grasping for, the only thing that mattered for him. His mind was no longer fixated on work, and he was determined to follow suit of the very people that set him free from this faux happiness that was hiding the true world away from everyone. Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to be that easy. With no way of actually contacting the Power Rangers, and no safe or guaranteed way that he’d be able to help them, he had to just wait it out. Though, that was harder than first thought. The great pressure hailing down from his parents to get a job with Galatec’s higher-ups, and the growing paranoia that one slip up would eventually lead to him getting caught. Despite this, however, he had to gulp it all down and train, as well as going to his regular job in the mines to remain under the radar and reduce suspicion. Eventually he’d managed to utilise his mining skills to create a makeshift training ground under the house, and then had the difficult job of keeping it a secret from his parents. Luckily for him, they were all “work work work, Galatec is the greatest, work work work”. That seemed to be it for a while, with Jackson training his tomahawk skills and keeping a low profile in the mines, until one day, his life was changed. It was another day of digging at rocks nonchalantly, pitying all the children slaving away, with their labour unbeknownst to them, when he spotted something shimmering on the floor. He quickly pocketed it, and after taking it home and rubbing it clean of all the dirt and grime, he realised what it was - the Prism Morpher. With that, he packed what few things Galatec allowed him to keep from his past, and set off on a journey to find the Power Rangers, and free New Earth... Talents: Extremely skilled with a tomahawk Animalistic instincts & reflexes Can see multiple approaches to a problem Agile on his feet A linear understanding of science Apparently quite the singer Hindrances: His perpetual mood swings He always sees the good in people Can sometimes be quick to judge Not exactly the one to sugar coat things His hate for labelling people as the “runt” or “weakest link/member” can sometimes lead to him overestimating people Powers: None. Zero. Nil. Equipment: An old mining torch A tomahawk that he found whilst mining one day 10 shirts 4 pairs of jeans A pair of combat boots A pair of old sneakers An old scarf A hiking backpack (that holds all his stuff) 7 bottles of water A sleeping bag 9 MRE kits Quotes: “Cross your fingers.” Aspiration: To understand his place, and free everyone from the shackles they’ve been unknowingly clamped into.
avec: Drax et Insignificance Les communications avaient été claires et Ruthalia avait agi sans hésitation à la nouvelle. Ses yeux balayaient sur le réglage de la pièce de l'Insignificance et reniflaient brusquement. Elle a couru un doigt mince et manucuré le long de la surface d'une table dans le coin de la pièce et a inspecté la poussière qui maintenant enrobait son bout de doigt. Non, pas du tout. Elle s'est brouillée et a continué à faire le tour de la pièce. Ses mains giflant ensemble alors qu'elle dispersait la poussière de son bout de doigt. Ses talons de cinq pouces, rouges, reptiliens, cliquent et se collent le long du sol en marchant, inspectant chaque particule de la pièce au maximum comme si c'était simultanément l'endroit le plus et le moins intéressant qu'elle ait jamais été. Elle était habillée d'une robe gris clair sur mesure avec des accents gris foncé qui s'étendaient dans un ovale de chaque côté. Ses cheveux enroulés et roux rebondissaient à chaque pas qu'elle prenait et ses yeux sombres s'attardaient sur les écrans d'ordinateur en analysant leur contenu. Un sillon est apparu sur son front alors qu'elle a repéré un écran avec les mêmes nombres qui avaient été rapportés sur la production de l'oranium la semaine dernière. C'est là que l'Insignificance a commencé à lui parler. « Monsieur, l'installation fonctionne à un rendement nominal. Les marges bénéficiaires sont en hausse de 0,2 % et la production d'oranium a maintenu un nombre constant. Je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi vous avez choisi de visiter mon établissement. La production est-elle déplaisante d'une manière ou d'une autre?" Ses narines se sont évanouies et elle a cliqué sa langue dans la direction du lézard sans la regarder. Elle a ensuite tourné dans un mouvement fluide et a giflé l'Insignificance à travers le visage avant de placer la même main sur Draxs bras plaqué aussi doucement qu'une feuille tombante atterrit sur la surface de l'eau. Faites savoir à la maggot que leur nombre est insuffisant aux besoins de Galatec. Faites-le également savoir que nous attendons plus que des performances nominales et nous nous attendons certainement à plus de 0,2% dans les marges bénéficiaires. Elle a commencé à s'éloigner de Drax et du Foreman avant de se pencher vers le dos et de frapper Drax sur le bras une fois de plus. Oh et que des nombres réguliers dans la production conduisent à un nombre croissant dans notre destruction des travailleurs Foreman. Merci, Drax. Ruthalia a ensuite allumé son talon et a saisi une télécommande de la surface du bureau de Foreman et de la strate vers le grand écran électronique qui a négligé l'arbre de la mine centrale. Elle a commencé à zoomer sur les travailleurs aléatoires et les groupes de githkins, en étudiant les événements des zones qu'elle avait accès à la vue. Sans se tourner vers Drax ou le Foreman, Ruthalia sourit à elle-même et commença à parler au Foreman pour la première fois depuis son arrivée. Et pour répondre à votre dernière question. Ton visage me déplaît, Maggot. Je pense qu'il pourrait me faire un beau sac à main pour correspondre à mes chaussures, ne diriez-vous pas?.Elle a cliqué ses talons ensemble et aboyé un grand rire alors qu'elle a continué d'arpenter le moniteur avant elle.
Name: Ruthalia Tro’liant Hert’yas Morphento Nickname/Alias: Ruth, ThinkTank, Lady Regional, RM Race: Iki'lek Age: I’ve lived more years than you could possibly ever count, maggot. Ethnicity: Iki'lek Hybrid Gender: Gender is such a primitive thing, but I do have a fondness for the feminine attire your world has. So let’s go with female, for now. Appearance: Ruth has two main appearances that you will see. Her public face is one that you want to give attention to yet makes you feel the need to divert your gaze at the same time as it draws you in. She opts for pale skin, sprinkled with freckles over its entirety. Her body stretches out to a modest 5’8” without the enhancements of high heels. (“These spectacular extensions for your lower appendages are absolutely marvellous!”) Her body type is that of womanly but well taken care of. When you can have any human body that you choose, why wouldn’t you give yourself what you feel is the most desirable body available? Her eyes are generally a dark hazel shade with a very prominent black halo around the iris. Her golden, copper brown hair reaches just below her shoulders and is generally styled in some manner befitting those in the Business profession on Earth. She is a fan of feminine make-up products and has become very proficient in applying it to her face and nails. She has a mass array of different colours that suit her preferred skin tone and hair colour. The second, and most natural, of Ruth’s appearances is not a common sight. Her race has skin that is silvery grey in colour that has a shimmering light to it. Her torso closely resembles that of a human in the sense that it holds the appendages and head together and contains almost all the vital organs. There are not just four appendages, there are fourteen. She has four arms, two at the same area as human arms and then a secondary pair sitting beneath those, protruding from the torso sides. The arms are very similar to human arms but are slightly longer, and there are six fingers on each hand with a thumb making it seven total. He does not have legs or feet, instead she has ten tendrils (see what I did there? I’m so funny…) much like an octopus or squid would have but these are full of muscle and allow her to move at high speeds and very erratically. Her head is slightly more difficult to describe. If you imagine a generic Martian to a human you think of a bulbous upper head, longer chin area and giant, black, and bulbous eyes that are almost as big as the entire head. Well the bulbous upper half is similar to what Iki’lek heads look like. It reaches further out to the back of the cranium though, but not by much. The lower face is longer and more drawn out than a human but not quite as much as a Martian face. Both halves of the race have no nose, instead they have slits much like a snake would. The Brawn half have a large, gaping maw that allows them to bite their targets and to yell out of. The Brain half have no mouth as they communicate telepathically. For Ruth, as she is a hybrid, does not look quite like the two single halves of the Iki’lek race. The Brawn half have smaller, more protruding eyes that face forward and have near tunnel vision while the Brain half have larger and less centralised eyes that rest closer to the sides of the skull to allow them to have a far wider range of vision. Ruth, however, has larger bulbous eyes that are slightly to the sides while still allowing her to see forward only if she so wishes thanks to her secondary set of eyelids which she can use as blinders. Her eyes aren’t black however, they are a deep, dark purple colour and her mouth is not quite as large as her Brawny brethren. She could bite onto you but probably wouldn’t be able to swallow your entire head like they could. The final noteworthy marking of her alien appearance is that of the markings across her entire body. Her head, face, neck and spinal cord (at least what you can see of it) have sky blue markings, like that of a calligraphy pen being dragged across a piece of paper to create weaving lines that crossover and connect like a fluid tapestry. The rest of her body that you could see (basically just her arms at this point) are covered in disjointed and jagged looking maroon coloured markings. They are erratic and seem to have no pattern to them at all. Both of these markings look almost as though they are not actually on the skin, almost like they are floating on the surface of water and are in constant motion. This race has no hair on their body and, their tendrils stretched out fully, stand at around 6’5” in length from head to… toe? Clothing: When in human form, Ruth can be found in a variety of business attire. Be it knee length pencil skirts with fitted blouses and a blazer, or perhaps she felt summery and is merely wearing an A-line skirt with a short sleeved gypsy top with a light jacket? She wears a large variety of clothing as she is so in love with it. She can also be seen in dresses, trousers, suits, shorts; basically everything at one point or another. She also will always be in high heels. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. She will be wearing them even when she’s kicking your ass. When she is not in her human form, Ruth’s alien body is covered in an extremely durable, high density but lightweight battle suit. It covers her entire torso and chest area but leaves her arms exposed from the shoulder areas down. Her tendrils are entirely covered and the material has strong grippers within the material that allow her to walk on any solid surface. Her hands, all four of them, wear different gloves with varying abilities which will be outlined later. The material is a light silvery grey shimmering material that closely resembles the natural skin tone so it almost looks as if she is wearing nothing and that her markings stop at her shoulders and neck area. Personality: Ruth is a very, very, very complex individual who is, technically, not actually an individual. Her core personality is strong, cool-headed, independent, manipulative, coercive, quick thinking, highly frickin' intelligent, tactical, charismatic and determined. She is one force of a woman and if you should find yourself in her path? Be prepared to be knocked the hell down and flattened beneath her immense force of presence. She is not a person to be trifled with and she has the capability to make your life, quite literally, a living hell should she deem it productive for her needs and wants. This is the Brainy variant that you will most commonly hear about when people talk about the Regional Manager. However, there is more than meets the eye with Ruth and it is because of this special trait of hers that she keeps her true face away from the public. She prefers to do her dealings with people from a distance but when left with no other alternative, she will get her hands dirty. This is where the rest of Ruth’s mind comes out to play. She suffers from having a divided mind and as such she has a second personality that brings out the brawn in our villainous Regional Manager. This side of her has the ability to have a very murderous streak and I do mean that literally. If you threaten her or really push her to the brink of her patience and piss her off? Say hello to the afterlife or whatever the hell it is you believe in because you can be fairly certain you will never see this world again. (Unless the glorious leader GM decides that you get to live. Spoil sport.) It is an emotionally unstable personality that can sometimes find it difficult to be reasonable. When in this state of mind, Ruth is very one track minded in the sense that she wishes to destroy you in every single way imaginable and possible. She will make you suffer ten times over and then have you begging for your death. Likes: Feminine Attire Books Stationary Crushing her enemies beneath her feet Getting her own way Slapping people across the face (“How you humans manage to stop yourselves from doing it more often is beyond me!”) Breaking bones Winning arguments Dislikes: Not getting her own way Crushing her enemies between her fingers Ruined books People stealing her stationary Going more than an hour without slapping someone across the face Getting blood on her designer clothing Power Rangers Cats Fears: Losing her status Failing to reach her aspiration Having her mind altered unwillingly Quirks: She clicks her tongue at her subordinates in moments of impatience, her fingers often drum on any hard surface when she is waiting, her eyes narrow when she is judging someone/something and she takes a long, deep breath when she is about to go all Iki’lek on your backside. History: Ruth’s race is one of the dozens of alien species that are part of the conglomerate known as Galatec. It was after Galatec began spreading themselves into dozens of planets that the Iki’lek’s truly realised they were split so purely down the middle in terms of what they can do. So the Brains began to work on finding a way to create the perfect Iki’lek. They used whatever resources became available to them as Galatec spread throughout the galaxy to create the perfect hybrid of the two halves of their race. Ruth was not the first iteration of this hybrid however. Oooh no no no, she was definitely not the first. She was the 42nd attempt and she was a complete accident, at least according to the scientists that created her. That was a long, long time ago so the specifics of it have all been compartmentalised in her mind and isn’t something she likes to dwell on too much. The experiments at that time of her life were hard and unforgiving but they allowed her to discover the powers and abilities that she has now. She was only reluctantly let go by the Iki’lek scientists when they were forced to explain what they were working on to the other alien species that also made up Galatec. It was when she was discovered that Galatec chose to put her through various training regimens to master control over her excessive strengths and courses for business and management due to her increased intelligence. During her rigorous physical training and exhausting mental training it was discovered that Ruth had a very split personality. She was two entirely different people depending on what she was focusing on at the time. This could become a problem for Ruth if she ever completely loses control over herself. It was a stressful time for her as she worked to become the “woman” that she is now. It was during high stress levels and the will to escape the constant work and training that Ruth discovered her ability to shapeshift. She wanted to be someone else and to get away without someone chasing after her. It took her some getting used to but she soon figured she could make herself look like anyone and anything so long as she focused on it in her mind firmly enough and essentially willed herself to be them. She took this opportunity to show Galatec she was useful for more than just her mind and muscles. They began using her to help settle new planets into their phase of “life”. As she could make herself look like one of the home planet species they figured it would be more appealing to hear from a “local” to how wonderful Galatec could be! Galatec gave her the regional management position on New Earth the moment that they set foot on it. She has been there since the beginning and has been working hard to make everything run as smoothly as possible for Galatec. Talents: Talking, feats if brute strength, crushing things, screwing with people’s minds via telepathy, hard worker, doesn’t give in easily, she doesn’t know when to quit in a fight. Hindrances: Dealing with animals, running when she’s not wearing heels in human form, unable to swim, cannot deal with seriously high pitched noises. Powers: Shapeshifting – As far as she knows, she is the only Iki’lek hybrid in existence so she is unsure if this shapeshifting ability is due to her hybrid nature or because of the accident that caused her creation. She can change her entire appearance to anything that she wishes on an organic level but she cannot impersonate an existing person. Her appearances are always an amalgamation of features she has seen on various people/images etc. Pain Inducement – Can induce pain, psychic torture through a mental link from about 10 feet away and the pain is much stronger when she is touching you. Force-Field Generation – Can create telekinetic barriers to block various power attacks and physical weapons. (I won’t abuse this and will always let the GM decide whether or not the barrier does/can block attacks etc.) Telepathy – Is able to read the minds of those around herself. She finds it easier to read the minds of those she has physical contact with but can read minds fairly well within the same room, however she is not limited to just this distance. She can read minds up to a 20 feet radius but the further the subject is to the edges of her zone, the less she can read clearly. Psychometry – The ability to read the past of a non-sentient object through touch. She can see the past 24 hours of an object. Can get a sense for who has touched/used/been around various items/rooms. Brute Strength – Can lift 20x her own weight Telekinesis – Control objects with one's mind. Cannot move anything larger than a car door. Equipment: Power Gloves – Four that look identical but each have their own powers. (They’re pretty damn basic weapons in the grander scheme of things. But considering the powers she has, I didn’t want to go OTT.) Heat Glove – Generates a high temperature on impact with a surface/person. Cold Glove – Generates a low temperature on impact with a surface/person. Vibro Glove – Causes vibrations on impact with a surface/person. Smoke Glove – Allows a smoke cloud to be generated when a small button is pressed. Otherwise it is just an armoured glove that hits a tiny bit harder than a plain old fist. Quotes: “Maggot.” “Take that filth out of my sight before I crush you.” “Watch. My. Lips.” Theme Song: This. :) Aspiration: Complete and utter domination of everything. The setting sun beamed into the executive office space through the opened glass balcony doors. Floor to roof windows matched the doors and made the entire wall seem as though it weren’t even there. A large leather office chair sat at a magnificent mahogany desk. The chair was facing out towards the balcony that was situated right behind it. A small, balding and fairly plump human male was standing in front of the desk, his hands wringing a very sweaty handkerchief out onto his highly polished black shoes. ”I-I… I can only apo-apolo-apologise L-l-lady Re-regional…” The man stumbled over his words as they tumbled from his mouth. The sound of drumming nails on leather came from the office chair that echoed around the now deathly silent room. The chair silently swivelled around to expose its occupant. The drumming abruptly stopped. Ruthalia Morphento, Regional Manager of Galatec on New Earth, sat upon her throne and exuded importance without making a motion or a sound. Her hair was bundled upon her head in a sleek bun that made her face look more severe than usual. Her cherry red lips were pursed with irritation and her brow may not have showed a single frown line but there was most definitely a scowl heading towards the poor man before her. “Apologies are for the pathetic. Are you one of the pathetic, Mr Grant? Don’t answer that.” Mr Grant gulped back his answer, his mouth hanging open until the moment that Ruth swiftly stood from her chair and began to walk around her desk. Her Jimmy Choo’s clicked on the marble flooring with each step until she stopped before the trembling form that was Mr Grant. “Why don’t we get some fresh air? Come, let us stand on the balcony.” She did not wait for a response before she clicked her way out of the office. The balcony was rimmed with waist high, black coloured, steel edged, frosted glass fencing. The sun was low enough that the shadows of the other high rise buildings and skyscrapers were now casting shadows across the building. Mr Grant hurried behind Ruth and huffed as he reached the fence. He swallowed hard and saw how high from the ground they currently were, 55 stories from the ground. “Let me explain what is going to happen, Mr Grant.” Hands clasped in front of Ruth as she rested them on the fence. She glanced to her right, watching Mr Grant as he puffed and panted. “You are going to pay for the mistakes you have made. You are going to thank me for this outcome and be grateful that worse didn’t happen to you.” Her entire body turned towards Mr Grant and a very sweet, unsettling smile spread across her face. ”Thank you for making this decision so easy to make, Mr Grant. I wish you all the best.” Ruth’s right hand sprung forward and grabbed Mr Grant by the neck. He coughed and spluttered, his hands grasping at her delicate looking arm. His face began to turn red when she lifted him from the ground, his stubby legs dangled as she rose his body higher than the topmost edge of the balcony edging. ”Do enjoy your complimentary skydiving lesson, Mr Grant. Consider it part of your severance package.” One fluid swing of her arm and Mr Grant was no longer on the 55th floor. An echoing yell of despair and utter terror rang out and lessened to the smallest whisper before long. Ruth made her way back into her office, closing the glass doors behind herself before settling behind her desk once more. A small yawn left her lips before she looked towards the door of her office. “Please send in my 4 o’clock.” Her thought rang out and the buzzer to her door rang out before the door opened to allow her next appointment to enter. A nervous, bespectacled woman shuffled in and looked around the room. There were no other exits from this office and the fear that spread over the woman’s face made Ruth’s face erupt into an ecstatic smile. “Please take a seat, Mrs Grant.”
Il semblait qu'à chaque autre minute Samara essuyait une accumulation de sueur, dispersant les gouttelettes sur la surface de sa main à la saleté sous ses pieds. Ses mains se sont enfoncées durement sur le traceur de mouvement du cylindre, l'une des nombreuses, qui a fait leur chemin dans la chambre intérieure où elle et son patron se sont laborieuses, jour après jour, se préparant à une révolution. Après un moment de lutte, l'appareil s'est enfermé dans la roche au-dessous de lui, et bientôt une lumière LED verte a commencé à clignoter à sa base pour confirmer son activité. Soupirant avec soulagement que l'épreuve de l'installation de ces traqueurs semblait être conclue, Samara a plongé sa main dans l'une des poches inférieures de son pantalon de chargement. Un petit tapis lui avait permis d'examiner le statut de chaque traceur qu'elle avait placé. À côté de chacun d'eux étaient des couleurs d'état qui indiquaient leurs conditions – puissance, intégrité de la coquille, et s'ils avaient ramassé quelque chose de suffisamment lourd pour être rapporté à son mini-cadre principal. C'est de ça dont je parle. Elle loua silencieusement ses efforts. Comme Samara l'avait espéré, tous les traceurs de mouvement lisent le même feu vert qui indique leur efficacité. Tant qu'elle était devant son ordinateur ou qu'elle l'examinait, elle pourrait avoir un ensemble d'yeux métaphoriques en regardant la façon standard d'entrer dans l'installation abandonnée. Tout comme elle s'est levée, Samara a pris la tête dans la direction de son partenaire dans le tunnel juste derrière elle. Ranger le pad dans la même poche inférieure pour l'instant, elle a hissé dans le tunnel avec un sourire heureux jusqu'à son arrivée. Là, là où elle l'avait quitté avant, c'était l'homme qui rendait tout possible avec elle. - Vous l'avez fait marcher? Grande! » Samara lui donna un sourire denté lorsqu'elle se joignit à lui, examinant le morphère achevé. Avant qu'elle ne l'ait quitté pour aider à sécuriser le périmètre, elle a laissé son téléphone derrière lui pour lui jouer une poignée de chansons classiques du passé pour l'aider à se concentrer et garder son humeur positive. Prenant la main et l'arrêtant au milieu d'un de ses favoris personnels, ses yeux erraient de nouveau dans le morphère final qui a été complété une fois qu'elle a empoché son téléphone. Donc, c'est finalement arrivé, elle s'est rendue compte à haute voix. On aurait dit hier qu'ils discutaient de cet acte de rébellion, alors que c'était en fait des mois. Enfin, être en mesure de prendre le combat à Galatec plutôt que de cower était exaltant, mais encore Samara avait des doutes à son sujet, des doutes qu'elle était très voix à propos. Le sourire qui lui a donné l'apparence lassaire s'est effondré. On est vraiment sûrs pour ce groupe? Je sais que nous sommes désespérés, mais... Sa voix et son train de pensées s'étaient enfuis. Samara était prête à mettre sa foi en ces personnes tout comme son partenaire l'était. Cependant, une partie d'elle voulait encore revoir quelques-uns d'entre eux. Il n'y avait plus de position pour eux pour faire cela, elle était très consciente de cela. Les roues étaient déjà en mouvement et s'arrêter maintenant ne ferait pas de bien Nouvelle Terre. Ce devait être ce groupe, mais même ainsi elle le détesterait si quelque chose arrivait à ceux qui n'étaient pas préparés à ce qu'on attendait d'eux. Ils n'ont pas demandé cela—heck, serait-on vraiment leur donner un choix une fois qu'ils ont été amenés ici? "Oubliez-le," secouant la tête, Samara a creusé dans l'une de ses poches inférieures et a récupéré le petit pad d'avant. En brossant les brins qui s'accrochaient à son front mat, elle l'ouvrit de nouveau devant le Mentor et lui permit de voir comme elle l'avait fait auparavant. Chaque lecture était verte. De toute façon, ils travaillent. Si le système de déplacement n'est pas aussi léché que nous l'espérons, nous aurons une fenêtre pour être prêts à bouger s'ils parviennent à le suivre ici, ce qu'ils ont gagné. Ils avaient passé beaucoup trop de temps à planifier presque tous les scénarios pour ne pas créer de plans d'urgence. Les caméras de sécurité auraient été meilleures, mais les mendiants ne pouvaient pas choisir. Du travail de bureau à la sécurisation d'une mine abandonnée à des fins d'utilisation, elle n'aurait jamais pensé qu'elle finirait couverte de terre et transpirant plus qu'elle ne le pensait possible. Peering vers le bas et remarquer la dentelle de sa botte gauche était en train de se détacher, elle avait agenouillé pour l'attacher en arrière, soupirant fort comme elle l'a fait. L'humidité de cette mine a toujours été un problème. Lorsque le choix est venu entre se déplacer dans les épurateurs d'air avant les ventilateurs, la réponse avait été évidente à l'époque. Mais maintenant elle n'était pas si sûre. Son haut noir était aussi léché que son front, rendant ses vêtements de travail lourds se sentent comme une éponge. "Rappelez-moi d'avoir enfin un fan ici une fois qu'on les aura rassemblés. C'est ridicule, et avec mon ordinateur il va seulement devenir plus chaud. Malgré son anxiété et sa chaleur insupportable, elle ne pouvait nier l'excitation qu'elle ressentait en agissant enfin. Il était temps de voir si ça valait la peine de se faufiler et de comploter.
Samara Morgan Name - Samara Morgan Nickname/Alias - N/A Race - Human Age - 23 Ethnicity - African-American Gender - Female Appearance - Neatness is always the forefront of Samara’s appearance. She stands at 5’9 with long, dark and wavy hair that flows slightly past her shoulders and light-brown eyes to accompany it. Her day-to-day outfits are inconsistent and depend entirely on her mood, but the scent of shampoo and lotion mixed together to make a sweet fragrance is rarely amiss from her person, making her scent stimulating and pleasant. Her skin is the color of caramel with a healthy and attractive sheen, making her appear as soft as her body feels. There is little to no sign of having ever gone through physically-intensive job, yet in spite of that she has more muscle in her legs than her arms thanks to the hobby of jogging and hitting a backboard for tennis. Clothing - Samara does not have a preferential style of clothing or even color, able to go from casual jeans and t-shirt on Monday, to a red carpet premiere-style dress on Tuesday. Since her work often demands an office-girl type of dress, outside of work she can typically be seen in basic jeans ranging from faded to dark, t-shirts of various colors, and long-sleeve form-fitting shirts. Her style has no real bias; whatever is in her reach when she prepares to leave in the morning, she will take it. No ‘trend’ sets her, she sets a trend. In The Mind Personality - Samara is an early-to-bed, early-to-rise type of girl who doesn’t believe in wasting her day. If not passing the time by reading stories or listening to music, she is at work going beyond the necessary quota in order to impress her superiors. Because of this, some might brand her a perfectionist, and in some ways they would be right: Samara doesn’t enjoy failure, or losing. She is encouraging to others and tries to find the best qualities in them, believing that everyone has something that makes them appealing, and that there is no excuse to find yourself lonely. In the middle of being introverted and extroverted, there will be days where she would prefer to be alone, and nights where she’d prefer to live it up and party with friends. She is well-trained in the art of ‘fair-spoken’ and ‘brazenly outspoken’, using both as needed to handle a task before her, able to switch between the two at the press of a mental button. Her ability to tolerate others varies from person to person, but she always does her best to be patient before it begins to wear thin. A bit of a strategist, Samara will often work to find the holes in various plans of action and work to fill them, which she shows through her various projects both at work and on her own time. The professional, straight-A side of her is able to be suppressed when fun is the objective of the day, knowing full well how to separate the two. Some would also call her a bit of a geek when subjects capture her interest. However, in spite of her patience, tolerance, and ability to have fun, Samara can very much hold grudges if she is crossed in a way that she believes belittles her strengths—which is far worse than her own personal failures. Ignoring her in favor of an idea that she already proved wasn’t strong or consistent enough rubs her the wrong way. Because of this, it can be difficult for her to remain friends with someone who has the inability to listen to her. By nature she works to be the best at what it is she does, and often times her grudges can result in a temporary lack of socializing. However, should she be insulted to the point it equals her humiliation, Samara will avoid that individual whenever possible and, should they be unavoidable day-by-day, she will address them as blandly as possible without looking at them directly, preventing further deterioration of her mood. Likes - Success in her tasks, praise for her ideas and solutions, criticizing flawed plans and ideas, scented candles and pleasant aromas, a good sense of humor, reading, music, films, dancing and singing, inspiring others, the sound of rain and quiet thunder, being right. Dislikes - Anyone better than her at her strengths, consistent loud disruptions to a peaceful atmosphere, being ignored, flaws in design or strategy, terrible smells, being wrong, not being taken seriously. Fears - Failing people that count on her, her family being harmed, being unable to accomplish something put before her, being isolated from others for too long, no one caring about her, heights, uncontrolled flames. Quirks - Samara has a habit of singing when she believes she’s alone, typically that of R&B and some hardcore rap, with the lyrics sometimes—not always—reflecting what kind of mood she’s in. When something bothers her, or if she believes that something being done is an inconvenience, she will momentarily smile a little and break eye contact with anyone ahead of her. Where They’ve Been History - Samara is the oldest of three girls born to the Morgan family. The daughter of a successful advertising agent—company-running Henry Morgan—and former tennis star Keisha Morgan—formerly Keisha Young, her early aspirations had always been flexible. By four years old she wanted to play tennis like her mother. By five years old she wanted to run a company of her very own. By six years old, she had wanted to be both of those things at once. Her father had prioritized education and told her that she’d know what she wanted to be when the time came, and Samara had stuck to that ever since. However, even though he gave her all the tools necessary to learn and grow outside of the school system, there was plenty enough room for her to have a healthy social life and make friends at school. The early-to-bed and early-to-rise mentality had been adopted from both parents; when her father had gotten up for work, Samara was often awake too, nose deep in literature with a quiet tune in the background. One day she overheard her father speaking of a major offer being given to him by a company known as Galatec. They wanted his advertising agency to begin spreading news about Galatec’s imminent arrival and the things they intended to bring with them. It wasn’t a surprise that a company needed his help, and what they offered both him and his employees for their services was a significant bonus that he didn’t have the heart to refuse. After a little research and dozens of phone calls made, Henry had agreed and begun to lay the foundation to welcome Galatec’s arrival to New Earth. For reasons unknown to Samara her father had ended up taking a short leave of absence from home, but wasn’t willing to disclose where. Her mother assured her children that he would be back before they knew it. Thankfully, she was right, something Henry often complimented her on. But Henry was different when he returned. Anything brought into the household had to be checked over by him first. If it was any food or water, it had to be examined with care, and the food had to be eaten organically, denying anything processed. It wasn’t until education was no longer required that Samara had begun to ask why, with her father assuring her that he’d explain it to her in time. That time came sooner than expected. Everything was about Galatec; they were all over the news, and the friends Samara made at school had begun to talk about them with more affection than they ever had their math homework. It didn’t take long for her to figure out that Galatec wasn’t what they said they were. The appeal in their products was extremely exaggerated and their marketing strategy was lackluster on their own. Her father wasn’t giving it his all in selling the product, but he was doing just enough to keep his job with them—they had absorbed any other smaller businesses and brought them into the fold. It was her mind that saved her from hard labor. She had begun to work with her father for Galatec, all while gradually understanding that they were doing something to the populace that they couldn’t prevent on their own. Samara was instructed to keep her head down and work diligently to avoid catching their eye, and so she did. To ease the load of pressure off of her father, Samara’s previous ambitions had disintegrated in favor of keeping her family taken care of. Her father was at work with someone within the company (The Mentor) and eventually she was introduced to them personally, being praised for her ability to accomplish anything related to technology, time management, and creative thinking. The days of her early youth, pretending she was a crime fighter, were soon coming to life. Learning of a resistance in the shadows that worked to bring Galatec’s crimes to light were a source of inspiration for her to continue working in a bleak, dream-deprived world that didn’t want her ideas to bolster humanity, but instead keep them kneeling. Samara may not wear a suit, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t fight the battle against Galatec in her own way. Talents - Samara is skilled on electronic devices ranging from portable to supercomputer; she can type quickly, break down information in front of her at a higher-than-average rate, and understand nearly any program or device placed in front of her in record time. Although her ability on a computer is worthy of recognition, she also has a natural knack for public speaking, something she’d credit her father for. Lastly, she’s lithe; none of her tech savvy had prevented her from frequently exercising. Hindrances - Emotionally, Samara can hold on to the worst situations she’s found people in, especially if it has hurt her in some fashion. Because of this, she is absolutely terrible at moving past a bad interaction and has nearly no shame in holding on to it. Physically, Samara is quick on her feet, but when it comes to self-defense she is limited without a weapon in hand, making her extremely vulnerable if unprepared for a worst-case scenario of imminent capture. Powers - N/A Equipment - Samara’s cellular device contains images of things dear to her, also serving as her MP3 device and portable information retriever. It is protected by a red casing that not only stops physical damage, but also prevents water from damaging an already water-proof case. If she has no music, she may as well be another Galatec drone. Bonus Round Quotes - No. Theme Song - Never. Aspiration - Freeing New Earth. Everything else has become secondary.
Adelram Drax "Le contremaître Jo'ones." Le grand guerrier artificiellement intelligent a fait un long pas en avant, s'élevant sur le reptilien de six pieds de haut. « Les marges bénéficiaires de 0,2 % sont insuffisantes. Galatec a besoin de ressources supplémentaires pour financer nos conquêtes. Si vous ne le faites pas, vous ou l'un des visages de votre compatriote risquez d'être recyclé dans un accessoire de mode pour Madame Ruthalia. S'il vous plaît considérez ce fait que vous augmentez régulièrement et fièrement votre rendement de profit." GD-002-17, communément appelé Adelram Drax, a gardé ses bras massifs en acier poliment derrière son dos pendant qu'il parlait. Sa voix était épanouie et sans malice, mais le message était assez clair. Il n'avait pas à recourir à des tonalités ou à des doubles messages pour être une figure imposante. Sans attendre que le Foreman réponde, le casque en forme de dôme d'Adelram s'est effondré vers Ruthalia. "Madame Ruthalia, j'ai informé le contremaître de vos ordres." Adelram a dûment informé le directeur régional de son succès. Il a pris des informations à une vitesse incroyable, en voyant des petits détails que d'autres ne considéreraient pas. Pendant les quelques brèves secondes qu'il a pu, il a observé la Madame filer à travers les positions de la caméra, grincant sur les mineurs sans nom. Sans nom à quelqu'un d'autre que Drax. Il a connecté un visage avec un nom, une démarche avec une identité. Tout ça, entaillé dans sa tête métallique brillante. James O'hara, Yuri Sokolov, Oliver Johnson, Leelo Sheea, Alvin... Les noms des humbles serviteurs de Galatec clignotaient comme un éclair devant ses yeux. En vérité, ses créateurs ont été l'un de l'expansion ultime. Dominer d'autres créatures vivantes était un but intéressant d'exister.
Name: GD-002-17 Nickname/Alias: Adelram Drax, Goliath Race: Android/Robot Age: 7 Ethnicity: N/A Gender: "Male" Appearance: "Adelram Drax" never comes out of his armor, (nor is he able) but if you were to somehow forcefully remove him, you would find a black exoskeleton standing at about six feet tall. Two lidless life-like human eyes supported by a wire-frame replica of the human skull, and a mass off wires and micro-ships where the brain would be. The rest is simply an empty frame, able to walk, talk, and manipulate objects. No other special qualities exist in Adelram's most basic form. Clothing: The armor is the skin to Adelram's skeleton. It bolsters his hight to a towering 10-feet 8 inches tall. His massive shoulder-plates absorb the lower half of his head, only a small done with two glowing narrow slits for eyes peak over his shoulders. The slits glow a brilliant yellow, and are made of a resillient glass formula. His arms and legs are like stone pillars, impossible to lift to anyone outside the suit. It's plated and reinforced to the point of making Adelram a walking tank. The outer plates are painted a navy blue, while the lower layer of armor is cloud-gray. The gray peaks out every once in a while, mostly at the joints. His feet are large oval-shaped appendages, emitting a small amount of what looks like steam from his ankles whenever he takes one of his massive steps.His hands are also heavily armored on the outside, but both of his palms have yellow circles embedded into them that pulsate and shimmer with energy. The word Galatec is emblazened in white paint on his left breast-plate, and his ID number is marked obscurely on his right shoulder. In The Mind Personality: GD-002-17 is an emotionless and detatched war-machine. His only purpose in existence is to serve Galatec with ultimate and unwavering loyalty. When not in combat, he stands as still as a statue, spoken only when spoken too. He swivels his skull-cap to any noise or event that happens, a silent but all-noticing observer to conversations that happen in his field of view. When he talks, Adelram is respectful and soft-spoken, even if his voice resonates clearly and loudly. It's a monotone voice, with inflections only when appropriate. He speaks efficiently, attempting to get whatever point he wishes to make in as little words as possible. But most of the day, he simply stands on guard, ready and willing to serve his corporate over lords. Likes: Adelram likes anyone or anything that Galatec tells him to like. Dislikes: Adelram dislikes anyone or anything that Galatec tells him to dislike. Fears: He as a programmed fear of disobeying commands. It never really comes up. Quirks: His only quirk is that he does nothing all day long when not fighting or out on a mission. Where They’ve Been History: GD-002-17 is the second Android of the "Galatec Defender" program, started when Galatec was just beginning to become a power-house in the intergalactic community. He's the second and the last Galatec Defender to come out of the program. It was cancelled after the cost of units such as himself began to climb into the hundreds of millions. The scientists had named GD-002-17 as a department injoke, giving him the name most know him as, Adelram Drax. When Adelram awoke in that strange operating cell as a bare exoskeleton, his purpose in his life was clear: Serve Galatec and vanquish it's enemies. Artificial Intelligence, modified to contain undying loyalty to the cause of corporate expansion. The perfect soldier. Still, the project was canned by higher management. It was simply too great of a cost for one warrior. They had greater plans in mind for the Githkin. He was welded into his battle-suit that he remains in today, and was transported to various fronts of Galatec expansion, sent in as an enforcer to subdue any violent uprisings. Most of the time, his appearence calmed the small uprisings as soon as contact was made. Recently, his handlers told him to go to New Earth as the new Regional Manager there may have a use for him. Talents: Adelram's first line of attack is his intimidating stature. All potential enemies he's encountered thus far may have fought against the Githkin, but seeing him lumber forward, weapon in hand, usually causes any .5% of rebels to stand down. Speaking of weapons, his is a well experienced and well progammed fighting machine with melee and ranged weapons. He also contains a history of military tactics and is a capable military commander. He can also run at speeds of up to 40 MPH if given enough room to build up momentum. He can also be an effective construction worker if the need becomes apparent. Hindrances: He'll sink like a rock to the bottom of any water source, and would have to be retrieved from the bottom of he gets stuck. If his combat sensor is destroyed, his situational awareness is greatly limited. Powers: Super Strength: Adelram can lift incredibly heavy objects and weaponry. Painless: Adelram cannot feel pain. Rotate: His upper-half is on an axis, allowing him rotate his upper-body freely. It does have some restrictions though, and if it's damaged he will snap back into front-facing position. Equipment: Energy Manipulators: The source of this awesome power are the discs embedded in the palms of his hand. Making various hand motions, Adelram can activate a multitide of different energy powers. One of them is a large kinetic wave designed to push back enemies. Another is the ability to create a line of energy on the ground that can potentially keep enemies isolated and helpess in the air for a short amount of time. And finally, he can create a half-sphere of protection in front of him that can withstand a certain amount of damage before shattering. He can also transfer this power into his legs, allowing him to make incredibly long jumps as long as he has enough running momentum. Other wise he just goes straight up into the air. Once his energy is used up, it will have to recharge over a long period of time. The discs in his palms will dim and go out. Situational Awareness Sensor: Build into his upper-back is small sensor allowing him to detect movement and enemies in full 360 degrees. Otherwise, he would just have his limited vision. Battle-Axe: He wields a huge double-sided battle axe, more for crushing than slicing. It glows yellow with energy on the tip of each blade, giving it incredible penetrating power to any armored targets. Hand Cannon: Resting in a large holster on his side is an Adelram Drax sized hand cannon. It fires powerful high explosive bolts in clips of 5 before he needs to reload. Rockets: Embedded in his fore-arm is a launcher that can protrude upwards, allowing for anti-personnel rockets to be fired. Bonus Round Quotes: "..." "The simulation has been run a thousand times. Enemy victory chance estimated to be 0%." "..." Theme Song: i dunno Aspiration: File not found. "Citizens, remain calm." The towering Adelram Drax's calm voice penetrated the chaos of the fleeing civilians. The people were like a school of fish, Adelram like a shark, the fleeing civilians dare not come more than six feet near the imposing figure. "The insubordination will be silenced. Remain calm." Eventually, all the citizens were gone, running blindly down the street. The Githkin emplacement was in flames, long plumes of smoke rose lazily from it's block-like structures. Githkin casualties were reported, Adelram had been assigned a squad of Githkin to investigate and dispose of the terrorist attack. He reached a massive hand and gripped the long handle of his Battle-Axe sheathed over his back. He yanked it out and activated it, and the yellow sheen glimmered in the morning sun. "Advance." The Githkin moved in front of him in formation. They reached the middle of the outpost. The Githkin looked impatient, ready for a fight. "This is both a warning and a chance to the proprietors of this attack. Surrender now, and the law may be merciful to you and your compatriots. You have ten seconds to comply." The only response was the crackling of the fire. For ten long seconds, Adelram stood still, staring straight ahead. Suddenly, a large group of rebels made themselves apparent, bursting through the windows of a burning building. There were twelve of them, clad in green glowing armor. The Githkin opened fired at the oncoming squad. Some fell over, others dodged the shots. Adelram noticed something, eleven of the twelve enemy insurgents weren't creating any movement in his combat sensors. He grabbed his handcannon and fired a blazing shot towards the one on the far left. The other soldiers vanished, and the one he shot at went flying backwards. Some Githkin charged towards the green agent. Suddenly, a red beam burst from a nearby house slammed against Adelram's armor. The heat was intense, but the android clenched his left hand then made it flat, a hand motion creating an energy shield. The beam bounced off and went careening into the sky. Following the crimson beam was another enemy, this one in red armor. The red agent kept up the heat, also firing a pistol of some kind at the shield. A few cracks began to appear in the frame of the shield where the red agent concentrated their fire. With another subtle hand-motion, Adelram switched the shield into a powerful blast, firing it towards the red soldier. As if from nowhere, another enemy, clad in blue, dashed in front of the blast and raised a large shield. They took the brunt of the blast, sliding backwards kicking up dust in their trail. Taking advantage of the grouped up enemies, Adelram made a fist and pounded the ground in the direction of the red and blue agents. The ground exploded towards them like a snake in the grass, before beams of light lifted them five feet higher in the air. They tried to gain their balance in mid-air, but to no avail. Adelram hefted his axe and began walking towards them, but another agent interrupted. A bright yellow flash dazzled his vision. His robotic eyes switched to a different spectrum of light a few seconds later, but the red and blue foes were already gone. Switching back to visible light, Adelram was mounted upon by two more enemies, clad in yellow and pink. They embedded blades into his shoulders, hacking at his armor. Instead of whacking at them in vain, Adelram began to rotate. He began to spin on an axis, before long he was picking up a large amount of speed. The yellow agent nimbly dismounted, but the pink agent stayed for too long and was thrown off. They crashed into the ground in a pile of dust, and before they could get up two Githkin descended on them. But the two Githkin soldiers were shot down, and Adelram looked to his left to see the red agent again, pistol smoking. Adelram awaited the arrival of yet another insurrectionist, but the moment did not arrive. The red agent looked expectantly at the towering android, and Adelram attempted to deliver. Raising his left fore-arm, a small box protruded, and two rockets sped towards the red-clad foe. One rocket veered off, but the second their shoulder, sending them spinning to the ground. They looked wounded, and the other agents seemingly materialized from the chaos of battle to protect him. The blue, the pink, the yellow, and five more greens fought off the Githkin, and helped the red agent up. Adelram took the opportunity and charged forward, axe over his head. They all scattered beneath his blade as it crushed the ground. They began peppering him with small arms fire. He returned with his own projectiles, missiles and pistol rounds. It was a long winded fire-fight, the agents dodging, blocking, sometimes tripping from a rocket that got too close. Soon, they all looked as if they had had enough, and began to make their escape. Dodging and slicing through a few Githkin, another brilliant flash of light prevented Adelram from following close behind. When Adelram's vision returned, he saw the green agent, doing a ridiculous dance on a nearby rooftop. Adelram dashed forward, charging up his jump, before rocketing into the air. He slammed into the green agent, crushing him completely. Crushing him so much so as there was no blood or sign of the green terrorist anywhere. If Adelram were capable, he would have felt embarrassed. He looked upon the battlefield, half of his troops a puddle absorbing into the dirt, and the terrorists gone. He registered this as a military defeat, and raised his power estimate of the squad of terrorists to a considerably higher level.
Michael Sonnen La lumière de son casque se manifestait mal à travers la nuance rouillée de la grotte. Il a toujours pris note des petites choses, des détails inconséquents qui semblaient si minuscules qu'il était presque sans valeur à l'époque. À long terme, c'était juste des choses pour le distraire. Une séquence d'observations intuitives pour le garder sain d'esprit, pour l'empêcher d'agir sur ses émotions. Il sillonnait ses sourcils tandis que ses gros doigts sentaient la surface brute de la caverne. Il a évolué mentalement et a décidé de se rappeler ses devoirs. Mineshaft 27... il s'est amusé lui-même, toujours en avance. Le rocher ici est dur, plus dur que Dumas de toute façon. Michael battit le rocher et sentit l'écho de son écoulement d'impact à travers lui. ils avaient travaillé avec politesse pour garder la mine forte, soit cela, soit c'était une nouvelle forteresse de la Terre. Naturel et totalement inébranlable. Les mines Red Rock étaient certainement pour les mineurs de classe 3 et au-dessus, et maintenant il pouvait voir pourquoi. Les novices la ruineraient; ils gaspillaient des veines précieuses, se perdaient dans les tunnels sinueux et éblouissants, ou mouraient d'une chute ou d'une chute inattendue. Il n'était pas là depuis plus de quelques minutes quand il a trébuché sur un lui-même. Presque glissé dans une fosse sombre. Il n'avait pas fallu longtemps pour que les mines s'élargissent. L'entrée avait été massive mais il pouvait dire des murs de loin qu'il serait étroit avant de s'élargir à nouveau. Il se sentait comme si l'eau avait peut-être sculpté son chemin à travers elle une fois, mais son absence était inébranlable à son jugement. Pas un bruit d'une rivière ou tomber n'importe où. Seule la chaleur et l'humidité avaient soufflé de ses salles creuses maintenant. Finalement, il regarda dans l'obscurité, où la lumière de son casque révéla des stalactites qui montent le plafond de la grotte et des stalagmites qui parsemaient le sol en bas et près des murs. Une forte respiration l'a laissé alors qu'il démêlait la carte de sa poche pour se placer lui-même et son but en perspective. Son uniforme était déjà à mi-chemin, les manches attachées autour de sa taille et accrochées près de ses chevilles. Le t-shirt gris qu'il portait était teinté de sueur... le planificateur quotidien de son cousin était coincé dans sa poche arrière. "Pas trop longtemps maintenant," dit-il doucement, avant de glisser la carte dans sa poche. Il a réajusté le cercle de corde au-dessus de son épaule et a ramassé son pickaxe; il a regardé les bâtons d'explosion nerveusement avant de les emballer aussi. Je devrais peut-être y retourner et régler les choses.
Name: Michael Sonnen. Nickname/Alias: Mike, Son (close friends), Mikey, Meeka (mother). Race: Human. Age: 20. Ethnicity: African American. Gender: Male. Appearance: Michael has a overall roguish countenance with boyish features that marks him as a baby-face by most. His cheeks are round and his eyes hazel, a rare mutation inherited from his mother. His thick eyebrows have a almost feral shape to them, melding with his youthful look. However the eyes underneath them are--admittedly--filled with age. His athletic frame is more slim than sturdy and with arms that have sculpted its form in the mine shafts, its quite efficient to say that he looks adequately prepared for a fight. He stands at a semi-average height of 5'11" and can be spotted by the close, dark cut he sports. His hands are calloused from his years of labor and his mahogany skin marked with scars and cuts from injuries. One particular scar cuts across the right side of his nose and stops below his eye. Clothing: Though he works for Galatec like any other person, his reasons are vastly different. It's more so to blend in. This is falls in line with his want for acceptance. Like other youth's his age, he dresses fashionably in urban casual clothing. At times he can be seen wearing solid colored t-shirts beneath flannels, jackets, or hoodies. Other times, he could be seen sporting sweaters or simple tees. Accessories are bit too expensive for him, no watches, rings, or necklaces is worth the meager pay he's getting. Every once-in-awhile, when its chilly, he'll wrap a scarf around himself but that's just about it. His footwear usually consists of boots or sneakers, all of them different shapes. He has no preferences. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In The Mind Personality: Indecision and Resolve, its a contradiction that Michael happens to work with. Torn between his obligations to his family, his chosen path, and his desire to maintain peace; Michael can be quite the closeted person. Before, he had always tried to live a simple life, one that couldn't be pointed out from any other but as time moved on he found his complacency doing more harm than good. And because of this, he found that guilt quickly tore him apart on the inside. He had always been emotional. Even as a boy he could cry at the smallest of things. Because of how others nitpicked at him, he became reserved, holding his emotions in and letting them out in a more refined manner. Often or not, their pointed and strong, if not wholly direct and obvious. Modest as he was, Michael's emotions were still very much wild. His insight and sensitivity allowed him to empathize with those around him. As a mine worker he often looked on his co-workers and family with sadness. The propaganda, the brain-washed like devotion towards Galatec; it all felt very wrong. The conditions of their job was grave too but he bared it to be with them. This being said, his loyalty to those he love is steel-strong. Which can be a bad thing and a good depending on the situation. He also has a knack for being generous, trying to help others needlessly. When socializing he picks and chooses his words, its a habit he picked so as to not arouse suspicion from others that he may be different. In a nutshell, he's only human. Certain things about him could be described as faulty but he knows that everything he does come from a good place and tries to show it through his actions. Likes: Michael enjoys the sounds of smoldering rock music, its dream-like and smoky acoustics tend to uplift him and bring him to clarity. As mentioned below he studies geology a bit, investing himself in learning about the rocks he work around and the fractures that could potentially cause accidents. His favorite dish is enchiladas, the mixture of cheese, meat, and vegetables are a classic for him. It always brings a smile to his face. He also enjoys driving. Whether that be to the store or just to rock out to some music and get some thinking done. When colors are brought into question, his favorite has always been charcoal. Dislikes: On the flipside of his rock fetish, Michael tends to dislike expansive open spaces. The feeling of being vulnerable there makes him queasy and upsets his stomach. He also has a dislike of spiders. This developed when he was younger, working in the mines. He dislikes sweets too, candy or cakes are out of the question for him; his teeth are sensitive. And being around too many people can make him anxious. Judgmental people can lead to unwarranted attention and that could lead to him being discovered as different. Fears: Fears are rampant in a world where one can be perceived as different. MIchael has many fears. Discovery for wanting to remove Galatec's tight grip on New Earth is one of them. He's certain that death or imprisonment would follow if they ever found out. He also has a fear of moles and rats, these were also developed in the dark mines when he was younger. Oddly enough he also fears Galatec, the aliens are mysterious to him, a curtain behind many veils. But more than anything else, he fears that his family will end up like his cousin, thanking the hand that drove the knife into their backs. Quirks: Michael often thumbs the scar across his nose. It itches every once in awhile, causing him to rub the length of it. When he morphs into the Red Ranger he has a habit of saying "We fight for today!" before charging into an open confrontations. And when fighting he tends to swing his pickaxe with a expert skill, though his unarmed combat is sloppy and unrefined. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where They’ve Been History: Average. What could that have been he wondered at a very young age. His birth was unremarkable and his life up until its eleventh year was too. That was when he realized that the things he noticed were vastly different than what others saw. His insight came to life that year and it begun what he liked to call his "blending". His mother: Valerie and father: Patrick was both workers underneath Galatec. So was his elder brother and cousin. When he turned eleven he too was sent to the mines for hard labor. Something about it was off, though he didn't really think much about because his family seemed okay with it. It wasn't until he met a little girl around the same age, who worked in the mines and exhausted herself daily, did he think, This isn't right... Later that year she hurt herself in the mines. To the point that she couldn't life anything over forty pounds. Michael always kept that in the back of his head, for whatever reason it stuck with him. Eventually seeing kids his age and younger became normal, though it was more than normal to the others. It was accepted and morally right. There was nothing wrong with watching a child struggle to lift his pickaxe, to watch him shy away from the smoldering heat and debris, to get injured and carried away. But that was just life in the mines. Outside it seemed perfectly typical. People shopped, people laughed, people even loved. It was life. But at the same time, it was twisted. Galatec was praised and worshipped more than any religion in history. Beliefs were focused on them, trust was given without thought. Michael pondered infinitely, taking notes of the rights and wrong he had observed. Ultimately he convinced himself that as long as his family was happy, that it was fine. So he continued to look at the propaganda that drowned his world, occasionally nudging his father or mother when they did something unethical for Galatec. When they would lash out at him, whether that be tender or agitated, he would always joke it off. His views on Galatec changed when his cousin died in the mines. He was with her when it happened and it was her final words that drove him down his path. As she laid limp beneath a metal canister; rocks toppled over her bleeding body, she uttered. "Don't worry, Mikey... Galatec will take care of you-" It was then that he knew things needed to change. Months after her funeral, as he worked the mines with his father who mourned and brother who withdrew into himself; Michael couldn't help thinking of them. He wanted to free them so badly that simply being quiet about Galatec pained him with guilt. At night he staid up, losing sleep over it. If he had said something, would Courtney be alive now? he thought that often. The bad thing was, his father and brother still thought highly of Galatec. It was as if it was impossible to resist them. He decided he hated them himself. Talents: Michael's talents aren't many, though they are pretty remarkable. In school he was the star of his soccer team, excelling at the sport. In the mines he gained a praticed aptitude with his pickaxe, usuing it for all sorts of labor and knowing its advantages and disadvantages respectfully. He also became a rather seasoned scholar in the rocks around him. He started studying geology so that he could perform his job better and notice the weaknesses in certain structures or walls. His eyes have also become rather sharp due to having to work in the dark tunnels of the mines, along with his instincts for danger. He's come to rely on these often. Hindrances: Unfortunately his talents are met with hindrances as well. He's week in the mathematics departments, many things technical escapes him. Mostly due to the fact that he ignores these things out of . He's also pretty bad with strategies, finding it easier to just go with the flow of things. And perhaps his biggest flaw is his indecision about breaking Galatec's hold on New Earth. At the cost of peace, is it really worth it? Powers: None. Equipment: Morpher, Personal Communicator, His cousin's daily planner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Round Quotes: "We fight for today!" Theme Song: Throne Aspiration: To secure the safety and future of his loved ones. It’s Morphin’ Time! Color Designation: Red Primary Weapon: Pickaxe Scythe. While it resembles a Pickaxe greatly, its length and reach is more scythe-like. The hard-light this weapon is made tends to flare violently when swung. Energy Shield: Kite Shield with a Pick Axe on its face. Like his scythe, this shield flares violently. Blaster Design: A long, crimson revolver with red and black swirling towards the barrel. It is rather archaic in design with a slow fire-rate but powerful bullets. Powers: The Red Ranger possesses the ability to fire beams of concentrated heat energy via hands and feet. This heat is enough to burn through solid rock when concentrated over time and can be utilized in combat through quick strikes. Zords: For now, you won’t start with any zords. In fact, getting them will be among the first few missions. When you get a zord, keep track of it here. Until then, leave this space empty. "Ma, you should think about yourself now. Your job will get done, I promise you." She was bedridden but still thinking of Galatec. It was hard not to scowl or keep his fist from clenching. As she reminded him of their metaphorical debt to them, he had to make himself busy to keep her from noticing the deep scowl that etched his face. He moved to grab the tray of food next to her bed before mentioning his schedule for the next couple of days. They were different from usual for some reason, he was working without his father and brother and that worried him. He didn't tell her that part, she would have only told him to trust them or something like that. By the time he left the hospital dark had suffused with light and opened the door for the stars and moon. Michael sighed as he walked out, his hands tucked in his pockets as he shied away from the cold. His pops and brother should've been home; their shifts over. Unfortunately for him, his night was just getting started. Dressed in his uniform--a sophisticated material that tilted on being overhauls--Michael believed he could make the drive there in an hour. Give or take five minutes depending on traffic. His outdated vehicle rumbled to life once he ignited it. The contrast between his car and everyone else's were obvious. His was outdated even for those that had cars from twenty years ago. He held a grip on the rusty steering wheel, his head nearly touching it as he thought on his mother's condition. Working with upper Galatec meant many things to the working class, it meant she was honest, that she was respectable, worth admiration. But above everything else, it meant she was worth being stepped on. Poisoned... someone poisoned her! Crap! He could feel every muscle of his body tightening. Michael slammed his fist against the steering wheel before siting up and driving off. If he thought about Galatec's crimes right before going to work, he found it hard to act casual if not under their control. So he tried to clear his mind by playing some music. He played an old band, the kind whose music could make you dream and see armies clashing beneath red suns. "Just work your shift and make it home. That's all you have to do" he told himself.
Tommy pouvait sentir le grime monter sur lui alors qu'il montait dans un tunnel particulièrement serré, un tunnel probablement trop serré pour que son nouvel ami puisse ramper à travers. Bien sûr, personne n'avait parlé au cours des trois dernières heures du tout sauf les trois githkines, qui semblaient alterner entre le mot "Faster" et le mot "Work", mais Tommy était sûr que cette personne travaillant avec lui serait son ami de toute façon, tout le monde aime les amis! Il a fait son chemin à travers le tunnel, qui semblait être seulement plus serré au fur et à mesure qu'il traversait. L'estomac de Tommy grondait fort, un indicateur de la faim à laquelle il essayait d'éviter de penser. Mais ce n'était pas grave. Cela voulait seulement dire que ce serait plus satisfaisant quand il aura enfin à manger! Ah, le bon goût de son repas pour la journée l'attendait quand il est rentré à la maison. Cependant, les pensées de la nourriture ont été violemment bannies quand Tommy a frappé sa tête sur le sommet du tunnel. "Owww..." dit-il, frottant les bleus nouvellement formés sur sa tête. Apparemment, il avait perdu la trace de ce qu'il faisait, mais la bosse est venue juste à temps. On aurait dit que le tunnel ici s'élargissait avant de finir dans une petite niche, et qu'il pouvait repérer une veine de minerai fraîche qui attendait d'être minée à l'intérieur. Parfait! Alors qu'il se retournait pour dire à Oliver et au githkin de sa nouvelle découverte, Tommy a commencé à chanter un petit morceau. "300 tas de pierres dans la mine, 300 tas de pierres! Enlevez-en un, le mien, 299 tas de pierres dans la mine... » Ce n'était pas la première fois que Tommy chantait cette chanson aujourd'hui, et ce ne serait probablement pas la dernière. S'il chantait, il pouvait garder l'esprit en l'air et ne pas se laisser abattre par sa situation... n'est-ce pas?
Name: Tommy Reese. Gawd, can't you read the title? Nickname/Alias: The Toy Maker Race: Humany Human of Humaness Age: 21 Ethnicity: Tommy is ancestrally japanese, but this being the future and all he doesn't really know much about what that means except for him looking slightly different. Gender: Male Appearance: Tommy is a tall, lanky guy standing at around 6 feet 1 inch and weighing 140 pounds. He's a bit thinner than he ought to be for his height, and that's due to refusing to ingest foods made by galatec. He has a disorganized, greasy mane of black hair which reaches the back of his neck, and he sometimes ties it in a knot if it gets in the way of his mining work. Tommy's face is somewhat bonier than would be expected for its round build, another unfortunate symptom of undernourishment, but it still has visible smile creases. Clothing: Being a person who is naturally hip to the jive of New Earth, Tommy adheres to the latest fashion trends sweeping the planet! These include, and are very limited to: torn denim, torn shirts, and dirty miner garb. He usually wears a utility belt on his trousers which includes all sorts of scrap metal he finds lying around, tools and other odds and ends. Usually he'll also carry a toy made of scrap metal, something like a little robot with glowing eyes or a toy gun. Tommy also wears a necklace with a sphere on it which emits a certain red wave length of light. This light counteracts some of the effects of galatec's lightning, and is one of the reasons he has been able to maintain his free will throughout the enslavement of New Earth. In The Mind Personality: Tommy is described by his friends as jolly and full of life, even though his appearance would make you think that he is anything but. He's an eternal optimist, always hoping for the best and trying to achieve it if at all possible. This is both his greatest virtue and his most terrible shortcoming, as with such optimism comes a certain naivete' that can be easily manipulated. Despite this, Tommy can still be described as somewhat wise. While he will always expect the best of people, he's also experienced plenty in his relatively short life, and can always be counted on to help a friend in need. Building and creating are both huge components of Tommy's life. He feels that given a bit of raw material and some time, he can always make something that will be useful to someone, or failing that, make them smile. He also has a certain affinity for knowing what makes things tick. He enjoys learning how things work and how they could be made better. This love of creation is why he appreciates all creative pursuits that sentient life can engage in (well, unless it's creating horrible propaganda to enslave the human race at any rate, that kinda sucks), including painting, writing, sculpting and all manner of different things. Likes: Children, Animals, Creative pursuits, the company of others. Dislikes: Negativity, Bare floors/walls, the color black. Fears: While Tommy is an optimist, his worst fear, cultivated for years by his family (and for good reason), is the loss of sanity. He is well aware that everything in his environment has been engineered by galatec for his enslavement and addiction, and as such he tries to deflect this fear by being as overwhelmingly positive as he can. Quirks: With what little raw material Tommy can sneak away from his job, Tommy makes toys on the side. Usually these will be children's toys, meant to make the little ones happy. Adults can appreciate his work too however, as he makes chess sets and other more complex things as well. This is why he is called the toy maker by his friends and family, and during holidays and birthdays, he always gives the most creative gifts. Tommy also has a strange quirk with decorating, namely that he likes doing it all the time, as does his family. This is for two reasons, the first being that he simply hates bare walls and boring rooms. The second is that Tommy is well aware that the environment is specifically crafted by Galatec(tm) for his enslavement, and as such, he rebels by trying to make it his own. Where They’ve Been History: Tommy's life is very much defined by defiance to circumstance. His family, consisting of only his parents; Jenna and Lee were of the 99.5% of humanity that could be affected by galatec drugs and mind altering affects. However, they were lucky enough to understand where everything was going. To be frank, Tommy's parents were hippies to begin with and had a distrust of corporations. At first the family could easily avoid Galatec by raising their own food and simply avoiding Galatec products, but as Galatec became more of a permanent fixture for New Earth life, they also made sure that such resources were no longer available. Soon enough, humanity was working slave shifts in various dangerous positions and all the "1984" references Jenna and Lee constantly made became a reality. Well, with the added bonus of aliens. Tommy's teen years were spent mining with the rest of his family in Red Rock, digging up resources for Galatec and otherwise suffering through it. While Tommy's parents very much despaired, Tommy himself always kept the family happy. For whatever reason, he had been imbued with a certain optimism that neither of his parents possessed, and this allowed them to keep fighting for their freedom. Galatect took the farm? Time to buy food off the black market. Galatec controlled all entertainment? Tommy got into crafting to make sure that he could make his own. As everyone else willingly gave their freedom to Galatec, Tommy, Lee and Jenna made sure that they would never be controlled by the greedy corporation. While food off of the black market was expensive and it was difficult to feed everyone, at least they were free. After 5 years of horrible conditions and undernourishment, Tommy came upon a breakthrough. One of the blue lights that Galatec used had broken down, and Tommy managed to steal it before it could be fixed. Using whatever he could for next few weeks, he managed to understand how it worked and the effects it had on humans. By reverse engineering it, he made a special necklace that could create a reverse effect to the Galatec lights, stimulating alertness in the user rather than submission and depression. Tommy managed to make several of these necklaces and hide them well, but unfortunately, those that had already eaten Galatec food, which was most of his friends, could not be saved from their addictions. They did however, become more aware of the state they were in... and freer than they were previously. It is now the present. Tommy is still undernourished, as his family, but at least they retain their most important asset: their freedom. Even some of his friends, though still addicted to Galatec drugs, are at least aware of what has become of them. Perhaps in due time Tommy, will be able to free his friends... and that's all he hopes for right now. Spreading freedom and happiness to at least the few people closest to him. Talents: While Tommy isn't an engineer per say, he has a certain skill with crafting things from raw materials, and understanding what makes things tick. With his past environment being very limiting in regards to this particular talent, he hasn't been able to craft much more than simply toys. However, given more resources, Tommy would quickly learn how to build more advanced things. Hindrances: Tommy is, unfortunately, very easy to take advantage of. Tommy likes to believe that most people's intentions are pure and innocuous, and unless something literally has the galatec logo on it, he is likely to believe it. Being malnourished for most of his teenage years has also made him weaker to disease, and as such he gets sick fairly often. His frailty also extends to his physical power. Tommy is physically weak, which is not ideal when one is a power ranger. Powers: N to the A biatch. Equipment: Blue Photon Morpher Red-Light-Emitting Necklace Utility belt with a bunch of tools including mining equipment, scrap metal and crafting tools. Ripped up miner clothes. Bonus Round Quotes: "I remember the last time you faced me... it really blew! Get it, because I'm the blue ranger? Get it?!" Aspiration: Tommy would like to make others happy, as much as he can. It’s Morphin’ Time! Color Designation: Blue Primary Weapon: Tommy's primary weapon is a warhammer constrict attached to string. He can always whack a dude with it, which is usually how it goes, but sometimes you just need to hit one guy in the head with a hammer while you shoot another one in the chest with your blaster. The warhammer is naturally made of blue light, but it's shiny and glorious as opposes to Galatec's mellow and pacifying. Energy Shield: The blue shield is rounded with serrated edges, meant for a very lethal attack when it's thrown. It's visibly larger than the other shields, but it also has a slit near the right arm, meant for throwing the hammer through. Blaster Design: The blue blaster is very solid and has plenty of heft to it. Swinging it to someone's head will likely give them a concussion. It's a a bit bulkier than you'd expect from a pistol, but it loads in much the same way. Energy packs go into the place where one would hold it, and the weapon is ready to fire. The grip is very rugged with a slip resistant handle. Its blue light emanates from underneath a small panel on the top which can be pulled back, making the light more brilliant by physical means. Powers: Tommy can throw his mighty shield so all the villains must yield. The shield's shape can change at will (though the default is as described). Also, he can target stuff because his helmet is equipped for it.