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तथापि तु नयज्ञेन जयमाकाङ्क्षता रणे।।आत्मा रक्ष्यः प्रयत्नेन युद्धसिद्धिर्हि चञ्चला। | "Even then, you should safeguard yourself with great effort adopting warstrategies in an intelligent manner to be victorious, for success in war is uncertain. |
ततःशत्रुञ्जयंनामकुञ्जरंपर्वतोपमम् ।आरुरोहमहातेजास्सुग्रीवःप्लवगर्षभः ।। | Then resplendent Sugriva, the bull among Vanaras, ascended the mountain like elephant by the name Satrumjaya. |
दृष्ट्वैव तु तदा रामं ते सर्वे सहसोत्थिताः।जयेन जयतां श्रेष्ठं वर्धयन्ति स्म राघवम्।। | On seeing Rama, all the eminent among the victors got up immediately and greeted him, saying, Victory to you. |
येन देवास्त्रयस्त्रिंशद्देवराजश्च निर्जिताः।।तस्य त्वं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हसि। | You ought to be the wife of the lord of ogres who has vanquished thirty three crores of gods including Indra, their king. |
हस्त्यश्वरथसम्बाधे युद्धे शस्त्रसमाकुले।मा स्म कार्षीत्सतां धर्मं यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः।। | May the one who counselled the exile of my esteemed brother acquire the demerit in the same way as a person, who having gone to the battleground abundantly provided with elephants, horses, chariots and weapons fails to discharge the duty of a fighter |
अपतिश्चास्मि भद्रं ते भार्या चास्मि न कस्यचित्।ब्राह्मेणोपगतायाश्च दातुमर्हसि मे सुतम्।। | I am without a husband, my sire. I am not a wife to any one. Since I have taken refuge in you, you are competent to bestow on me a son with the power of your penance". |
लोकस्वभाव एवैष ययातिर्नहुषात्मजः।गतश्शक्रेण सालोक्यमनयस्तं समस्पृशत्।। | It is the go of the world. Yayati, son of Nahusa, shared heaven with Indra but because of his curse for his bad conduct suffered misfortune. |
एवं सम्बोधितस्तत्र शोकोपहतचेतनः। त्यज्य शोकञ्च मोहञ्च ततो धैर्यमुपागमत्।। | Thus persuaded by Lakshmana, Rama who was hitherto besieged by grief and delusion, could set them aside and regain patience. |
स हि मे समयः सौम्य प्राप्तोऽद्य तव दर्शनात्।।स्वयंभू विहितः सत्यो न तस्यास्ति व्यतिक्रमः। | "O gentle one the time ordained by Brahma has come today with your presence here. The truth revealed by Brahma, the selfborn, cannot be proved otherwise. |
सम्पूर्णमपि चेदद्य प्रविशेयं महोदधिम्।सोऽपि नूनं ममालक्ष्म्या विशुष्येत्सरितांपतिः।। | Now if I enter even the great sea, the lord of the rivers filled with water, it will also dry up due to my misfortune. |
शब्दं दुर्मर्षणं श्रुत्वा निष्पपात ततो हरिः।वेगेन चरणन्यासैर्दारयन्निव मेदिनी।। | Unable to tolerate Sugrivas roar, Vali stepped out hurriedly, taking long strides as if breaking the earth. |
तस्यातिथ्येन दुर्वुत्ते लोभमोहविवर्जिता।।मत्सकाशे मुदा युक्ता स्वं वपुर्धारयिष्यसि। | O Wickednatured one by offering hospitality to Rama, without covetousness and passion, you will happily live with me by regaining your present form. |
शतंशतसहस्राणांकोटिमाहुर्मनीषिणः ।शतंकोटिसहस्राणांशङ्कु: इत्यभिधीयते ।। | "It is said by wise men that hundred thousand crores multiplied by hundred thousand crores as Sankha." |
तदस्त्रंज्वलितंघोरंलक्ष्मणश्शरमाहितम् ।।अतिकायायचिक्षेपकालदण्डमिवान्तकः । | Lakshmana placed that fierce, glowing missile looking like the staff of God of death on Atikaya. |
सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा परुषं राक्षसाधिपः।प्रत्युवाच ततः सीतां विप्रियं प्रियदर्शनाम्।। | Hearing the sharp words of pleasing Sita, the lord of demons replied in unpleasant terms |
वृक्षे वृक्षे च पश्यामि चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरम्।गृहीतधनुषं रामं पाशहस्तमिवान्तकम्।। | I see Rama in every tree, clad in bark and deerskin, wielding the bow, holding a noose in hand like the god of death. |
अद्यप्रभृतिलोकांस्त्रीन् सर्वेदानवराक्षसाः ।।भयेनप्रावृतानित्यंविचरिष्यन्तिशाश्वतम् । | "From now ,all Danavas and Rakshasas will range the three worlds every day permanently in fear." |
अनुवालिसुतस्यापिबलेनमहताऽवृतः ।वीरस्तिष्ठतिसङ्ग्रामेसेतुहेतुरयंनलः ।। | "Behind this Valis son is Nala surrounded by a huge army force. He is heroic in war. He is the cause of construction of the bridge." |
रुदन्नार्तः प्रियं पुत्रं सत्यपाशेन संयतः।कैकेय्या चोद्यमानस्तु मिथो राजा तमब्रवीत्।। | The king who was bound by the cord of truth and instigated by Kaikeyi said, wailing in distress |
यन्मन्यसे नरव्याघ्र प्राप्तकालं तदुच्यताम्।तत्सैन्यं त्वद्वशे युक्तमाज्ञापयितुमर्हसि।। | O tiger among men announce the proper time for action. This army is at your command. Command them. |
षष्टि: कोट्योऽभवंस्तासाम् अप्सराणां सुवर्चसाम्।असङ्ख्येयास्तु काकुत्स्थ यास्तासां परिचारिका:।। | O Kakutstha there appeared sixty crore highly lustrous apsarasas. Their attendants were countless in number. |
एवमुक्त्वातुवैदेहीपरिक्रम्यहुताशनम् ।विवेशज्वलनंदीप्तंनिःशङ्केनान्तरात्मना ।। | Having spoken in that way, Vaidehi went round fire fearlessly, absorbed with in herself and entered the flaming and burning fire. |
किं वक्ष्यामो महाबाहुरनसूयः प्रियंवदः।नीत स्स राघवोऽस्माभिरिति वक्तुं कथं क्षमम्।। | What shall we say to the people? How can we say, We have conducted him to the forest, that scion of the Raghus, that mightyarmed Rama, who is of gentle speech and free from malice? |
एतस्मिन्नन्तरेवीराहरयःकुमुदोनलः ।।मैन्दश्चपरमक्रुद्धाश्चक्रुर्वेगमनुत्तमम् । | In the meantime, in the midst Kumuda, Nala, Mainda, heroic vanaras became furious and went |
एकमेकेनबाणेनत्रिभिस्त्रीन् दशभिर्दश ।लक्ष्मणस्य प्रचिच्छेद दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम् ।। | Exhibiting his skill by hand, he split the arrows of Lakshmana with only one arrow, three with three and ten with ten. |
किं मां वक्ष्यति सुग्रीवो हरयो वा समागताः।।किष्किन्धां समनुप्राप्तं तौ वा दशरथात्मजौ। | "What will Sugriva or even the vanaras and the two sons of Dasaratha say when I reach Kishkinda? |
रौक्मेषु च विशालेषु भाजनेष्वर्धभक्षितान्।।ददर्श हरिशार्दूलो मयूरान् कुक्कुटांस्तथा। | The tiger among vanaras also saw there meat of peacocks and chicken placed in large golden vessels, some half eaten. |
तस्यतद्वचनंश्रुत्वाबलाध्यक्षोनिशाचरः ।स्यन्दनं च बलंचैवसमीपंप्रत्यपादयत्।। | Upon hearing those words, the commanderinchief of the Rakshasas responded and placed the army near him. |
कल्माषपादपुत्रोऽभूच्छङ्खणस्त्विति विश्रुतः।यस्तु तद्वीर्यमासाद्य सहसैन्यो व्यनीनशत्।। | Shankhana was the famous son of Kalmashapada. Whoever challenged his prowess was routed with his entire army. |
स लिलङ्घयिषुर्भीमं सलीलं लवणार्णवम्।।कल्लोलास्फालवेलान्तमुत्पपात नभो हरिः। | Eager to leap the terrific ocean lashed by huge waves hitting the shore Hanuman rose up effortlessly and jumped into the sky. Thus ends the fiftysixth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
आरोहन्तश्च शृङ्गाणि गिरीणां गिरिगोचराः ।महानादान्प्रमुञ्चन्ति क्ष्वेळ्वामन्ये प्रचक्रिरे ।। | Vanaras, being the inhabitants of mountains, climbed on peaks of mountains and made loud noises like snapping and roaring like lions. Some went round and round. |
यदि दृष्टिपथं प्राप्तो जीवन्स विनिवर्तते।ततो दोषेण मा गच्छेत्सद्यो गर्हेच्च मा भवा।। | If Vali appears before me I will not let him go with life.Then you will not blame me and find fault with me. |
लङ्का दृष्टा मया स्वप्ने रावणेनाभिरक्षिता।।
दग्धा रामस्य दूतेन वानरेण तरस्विना।
| In my dream I saw this city of Lanka protected by Ravana burnt down by a powerful vanara, a messenger of Rama. |
मुखं नासिकया तस्य ताम्रया ताम्रमाबभौ।।सन्ध्यया समभिस्पृष्टं यथा तत्सूर्यमण्डलम्। | By the reflection of his copperyred nose, his face looked red like the Suns orb coming close at twilight. |
रोचयस्यभिरामस्य रामस्य शुभलोचने।तव शुश्रूषमाणस्य किमर्थं विप्रवासनम्।। | O woman with attractive eyes, why do you want Rama who is so charming and serving you to be exiled to a distant place? |
ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वाः सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः।अब्रुवन् सूर्यसङ्काशां सुरसां नागमातरम्।। | Then the gods, gandharvas, siddhas and great sages approached Surasa, the mother of nagas, who was glowing like the Sungod and said. |
आयान्तं सरथं दृष्ट्वा तूर्णमिन्द्रजितं कपिः।विननाद महानादं व्यवर्धत च वेगवान्।। | Hanuman of very high speed enlarged his body and roared, perceiving Indrajits chariot coming swiftly. |
ऊचुश्च परमप्रीतास्सर्वे दशरथं वच:।सम्भारास्सम्भ्रियन्तां ते तुरगश्च विमुच्यताम्।। | Highly pleased, they all said to king Dasaratha, "Requisite articles be collected for the sacrifice and the horse be released." |
गजश्च बलवान् वीर: कोटिभिस्तिसृभिर्वृतः।आजगाम महातेजा सुग्रीवस्य समीपतः।। | Strong and powerful Gaja also reached Sugriva with three crore vanaras. |
तं च देशमतिक्रम्य महानृषभसंस्थितः।।सर्वरत्नमयः श्रीमान् ऋषभो नाम पर्वतः। | With this place passed, you will see a huge mountain named Rishaba of the size of a bull filled with all gems. |
तत्र राजासनं दिव्यं व्यजनं छत्रमेव च।भरतो मन्त्रिभिस्सार्धमभ्यवर्तत राजवत्।। | There where stood an exquisite throne, a fan and a parasol Bharata stayed in the company of ministers. |
जनस्थाने हतस्थाने तव राक्षस मच्छरैः।निर्भया विचरिष्यन्ति सर्वतो मुनयो वने।। | O demon, when my arrows destroy your hold over Janasthana the sages will move freely without fear all over this forest. |
अन्योन्यंपातयामासुःपरस्परजयैषिणः ।।रिपुशोणितदिग्धाङ्गास्तत्रवानरराक्षसाः | Their limbs stained with the blood of foes, both Vanaras and Rakshasas eager to conquer one another started striking one another. |
ततस्तमप्यतिक्रम्य वैद्युतो नाम पर्वतः।सर्वकामफलैर्वृक्षै स्सर्वकालमनोहरैः। | Beyond that mountain lies Vaidyuta, a hill with trees yielding lovely fruits in all seasons which can satisfy all desires. |
वनानि सरितश्चैव व्यतिक्रम्य शनैश्शनै:।अभिचक्राम तं देशं यत्र वै मुनिपुङ्गव:।। | Crossing forests and rivers slowly, the king reached the place where that foremost of ascetics lived. |
ततःक्रोधसमाविष्टोरामोदशरथात्मजः ।उवाचरावणंवीरःप्रहस्यपरुषंवचः ।। | Then Rama, the heroic son of Dasharatha, overcome by anger, laughing at Ravana, spoke these words. |
गुप्त: कुशिकपुत्रेण कौसल्यानन्दवर्धन:।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा विदेहेषु वसत्यसौ।। | "The enhancer of the joy of Kausalya Rama along with hs brother Lakshmana under the protection of Viswamitra is now staying in the coutry of the Videhas." |
वनानि सरितश्शैलांत्सरांसि च विहायसा।।स क्षिप्रं समतीयाय शरश्चापादिव च्युतः। | Like an arrow released from the bow, Ravana went through the sky, at once crossing forests, rivers mountains and tanks. |
ततोरामोमहातेजाधनुरादायवीर्यवान् ।किरीटिनंमहाकायंकुम्भकर्णंददर्श ह ।। | On taking up a bow Rama saw Kumbhakarna of extraordinary energy, prodigious, and of large body, adorned with a crown. |
उपगम्य खरं सा तु किञ्चित्संशुष्कशोणिता।।पपात पुनरेवार्ता सनिर्यासेव सल्लकी। | Her blood slightly dried up, she came back afflicted to Khara and fell down like a sallaki tree, its sap oozing. |
गमिष्यति महारण्यं तं पश्य जगतीपते।वृतं राजगुणै स्सर्वैरादित्यमिव रश्मिभिः।। | O Lord of the world behold him embellished with all princely virtues like the Sun encircled with its rays, now leaving for the forest. |
रावणस्य गृहे रुद्धामस्माभिस्तु सुरक्षिताम्।न त्वां शक्तः परित्रातुमपि साक्षात्पुरन्दरः।। | You are in Ravanas house, wellguarded by us. It is not possible even for Indra, destroyer of citadels, to come to your rescue let alone Rama. |
तमब्रवीन्महातेजालक्ष्मणस्योपशृण्वतः ।विमृश्यराघवोवाक्यमिदंस्नेहपुरस्कृतम् ।। | Highly brilliant Raghava was thinking and spoke in a friendly manner while Lakshmana was listening closely. |
अहो रूपमहो लक्ष्मीस्स्वरसम्पच्च शोभना।मृगोऽद्भुतो विचित्राङ्गो हृदयं हरतीव मे।। | Oh what a beauty, Oh what rich call what delightful, wonderful, graceful limbs This deer captivates my heart. |
उपधिर्न मया कार्यो वनवासे जुगुप्सितः।युक्तमुक्तं च कैकेय्या पित्रा मे सुकृतं कृतम्।। | As far as living in the forest is concerned it is reprehensible to keep a subsitute for me and it shall not be done. Kaikeyi has acted rightfully and my father has taken the proper decision. |
शीघ्रमेतान् सुसन्त्रस्तान्बहुधाविप्रधावितान् ।पर्यवस्थापयाख्याहिविभीषणमुपस्थितम् ।। | "Call them back who are running in different directions quickly. Tell them Vibheeshana has come here." |
अस्मिन्प्रव्राजिते राजा न चिरं वर्तयिष्यति।विधवा मेदिनी नूनं क्षिप्रमेव भविष्यति।। | After Rama is exiled, king Dasaratha will not survive for long and surely the earth will soon be widowed. |
ततोऽस्य सशरं चापं मुक्तामणिविभूषितम्।चरणाभ्यां महातेजा बभञ्ज पतगेश्वरः।। | The glorious lord of birds crushed with his feet the bow and arrow of Ravana with pearls and gems encrusted. |
अभिषेचनिकं भाण्डं कृत्वा रामः प्रदक्षिणम्।शनैर्जगाम सापेक्षो दृष्टिं तत्राविचालयन्।। | Rama circumambulated the vessels meant for the consecration ceremony and steadily glancing at them with attention slowly moved away. |
तं दीनमनसो दीनमासेदुर्मृगपक्षिणः।सव्यं कृत्वा महात्मानं घोरांश्च ससृजुस्स्वरान्।। | Dejected at heart, the birds and animals piteously kept the great soul Rama to the left and produced a dreadful cacophony. |
भर्तृजेन तु दुःखेन ह्यभिभूता वनौकसः।।शिरांस्यभिहनिष्यन्ति तलैर्मुष्टिभिरेव च। | "The grief due to the death of their king will make the vanaras hit their heads with their palms and fists. |
चतुर्दशसमद्वन्द्वश्चतुर्दंष्ट्रश्चतुर्गतिः।महोष्ठहनुनासश्च पञ्चस्निग्धोऽष्टवंशवान्।। | "He is a person with his pairs of eyebrows, nostrils, eyes, ears, lips, nipples, elbows, wrists, knees, testicles, loins, arms, legs and buttocks in good symmetry he has four sharp teeth. He walks in different gaits like a lion, leopard, elephant and bull as occasion demands he has sharp nose, charming lips and jaws. He has smooth hair, eyes, skin, teeth and feet and his eight parts of his body namely back, trunk, limbs, fingers, toes, eyes and testicles are long. |
पादुकेतेतुरामस्यगृहीत्वाभरतस्स्वयम् ।।चरणाभ्यांनरेन्द्रस्ययोजयामासधर्मवित् । | Taking the sandals given to Bharata, the knower of dharma put on the sandals on Ramas feet by himself. |
तेनमामद्यसम्युक्तंरथस्थमिहसम्युगे ।।प्रतीयात्कोऽद्यमामाजौसाक्षादपिपुरन्दरः । | Today if I, with that shield mounted the chariot go for battle, who can dare to withstand me openly? Even Indra cant. |
देवदानवगन्धर्वैर्यक्षराक्षसपन्नगैः ।अवध्यत्वंमयाप्राप्तंमानुषेभ्योनयाचितम् ।। | "I sought protection from Devas, Danavas, Gandharvas, Rakshasas and serpents but not asked for protection from humans." |
यथैते नियमं पौराः कुर्वन्त्यस्मन्निवर्तने। अपि प्राणान्न्यसिष्यन्ति न तु त्यक्ष्यन्ति निश्चयम्।। | On seeing the peoples resolve to take us back, it appears they are prepared to give up their lives rather than abandon their determination. |
न चेयं मम काकुत्स्थ व्रीडा भवितुमर्हति।त्वया त्रैलोक्यनाथेन यदहं विमुखीकृत:।। | I have been defeated by you, O Descendant of Kakustha lord of the three worlds. Therefore, it is not right for me to feel ashamed. |
नूनं प्राप्ताः स्म सम्भेदं गङ्गायमुनयोर्वयम्।तथा हि श्रूयते शब्दो वारिणो वारिघट्टितः।। | We have surely reached the confluence of Ganga and Yamuna which can be ascertained from the sounds of clashing water. |
बाष्पपूर्णमुखी मन्दं चक्षुषी परिमार्जती।लक्षिताऽहं त्वया नाथ वायसेन प्रकोपिता।। | O lord when I was angered by the crow and my face was filled with tears, you marked me wiping my eyes. |
अपरे च हनूमन्तं वानरा वारणोपमम्।आप्लुत्य गिरिशृङ्गेभ्यस्संस्पृशन्ति स्म हर्षिताः।। | A few vanaras jumped down from the mountain top and hugged the elephantlike Hanuman. |
सचतुर्दशभिर्बाणैश्शितैर्देहविदारणैः ।निर्बिभेदहनूमन्तंमहावीर्यमकम्पनः ।। | With fourteen pointed powerful arrows, Akampana tormented and split the body of Hanuman. |
नीचस्य क्षुद्रशीलस्य मिथ्यावृत्तस्य रक्षसः।प्राणानहं हरिष्यामि गरुत्मानमृतं यथा।। | You are mean. You have false pride. You are of low behaviour. I shall take away your life, O demon,, Just as Garuda carried off the nectar. |
स वराहस्ततो भूत्वा प्रोज्जहार वसुन्धराम्।असृजच्च जगत्सर्वं सह पुत्रैः कृतात्मभिः।। | Then he assumed the form of a boar and uplifted the earth and created this world with his progeny of purified souls. |
एवं त्वां पापकर्माणं वक्ष्यन्ति निकृता जनाः।।दिष्ट्यैतद्व्यसनं प्राप्तो रौद्र इत्येव हर्षिताः। | "Seeing you, getting ruined this way for your sin, those who were angry with you for their humiliation in your hands will feel glad and say Luckily this terrible fellow has met with his doom . |
तत्रासीत्सुमहद्युद्धंतुमुलंरोमहर्षणम् ।रक्षसांवानराणांचवीराणांजयमिच्छताम् ।। | Fierce war which made hair stand on end happened there, with the heroic Rakshasas and Vanaras longing for victory. |
तन्नियोगे नियुक्तेन कृतं कृत्यं हनूमता ।न चात्मा लघुतां नीतस्सुग्रीवश्चापि तोषितः ।। | "Having done the task assigned to him, Hanuman carried out what had to be done and accomplished without difficulty. This made Sugriva also happy." |
भवांस्तत्राभिषज्येत किंस्यात्कृच्छ्रतरं ततः।।एतस्मिन्नाश्रमे वासं चिरं तु न समर्थये। | What can be more agonizing for you than my killing animals. I therefore do not foresee our long stay in this hermitage. |
सा विसृष्टभुजा भीमा पपात लवणाम्भसि।मया पर्वतसङ्काशा निकृत्तहृदया सती।। | "She who resembled a mountain fell into the ocean with her arms hanging down when I pulled out her heart. |
अफलस्तु कृतो मेष: परां तुष्टिं प्रदास्यति।भवतां हर्षणार्थाय ये च दास्यन्ति मानवा:।। | |
चतुरन्तां महीं भुक्त्वा महेन्द्रसदृशो विभुः।कथमिङ्गुदिपिण्याकं स भुक्ते वसुधाधिपः।। | How can Indralike Dasaratha, having ruled the earth bounded by four oceans, eat a cake of ingudi pulp? |
पुत्रस्ते भविता देवि महात्मा लोकविश्रुतः।।धार्मिकश्च सुशीलश्च वंशकर्ताऽरिसूदनः। | O queen, you will beget a son who will be magnanimous, virtuous, renowned in the world. He will be the perpetuator of the race and destroyer of enemies. |
ततो नारायणो देवो नियुक्तस्सुरसत्तमै:।जानन्नपि सुरानेवं श्लक्ष्णं वचनमब्रवीत्।। | Although Omniscient lord Narayana knew the means to be employed, when he was requested by the best of devatas he spoke to them softly |
राजपुत्रो महारण्यमनभीक्ष्णोपसेवितम्।
भद्रो भद्रेण यानेन मारुतः खमिवात्ययात्।।
| Then with the blessed prince Bharata on an excellent chariot, it the army moved through the vast and uninhabited forest like the god of wind passing through the sky. |
सैषा हि मागधी राम वसोस्तस्य महात्मन:।पूर्वाभिचरिता राम सुक्षेत्रा सस्यमालिनी।। | Rama, this Magadhi river, of great Vasu flows from the east surrounded by fertile crops fields like a garland. |
तेन त्वद्भुतरूपेण यत्तत्तव मनोहरम्।नानामृगगणाकीर्णं प्रमृष्टं प्रमदावनम्।। | "Your beautiful pleasure garden filled with a variety of beasts has been ruined by this wonderful figure. |
एवमेतन्मया दृष्टमिमां रात्रिं भयावहम्।अहं रामोऽथवा राजा लक्ष्मणो वा मरिष्यति।। | I had such a frightful dream last night. Either I, Rama, the king or Lakshmana might die. |
ततो भुक्तवतां तेषां विप्राणामिल्वलोऽब्रवीत्।।वातापे निष्क्रमन्वेति स्वरेण महता वदन्। | Then when the brahmins finished eating, Ilvala would call aloud, O Vatapi come out. |
स ददर्शमहात्मानंकिरीटिनमरिन्दमम् ।शोणितावृतरक्ताक्षंकुम्भकर्णंमहाबलम् ।। | Great Rama, endowed with extraordinary might, saw Kumbhakarna, the tamer of enemies covered with blood and having red eyes. |
उत्तिष्ठ तावदाख्याहि प्रमोहं जहि सम्भ्रमम्।व्यक्तमाख्याहि केन त्वमेवं रूपा विरूपिता।। | Get up, give up your confusion and stupefaction. Tell me clearly by whom you have been disfigured like this ? |
ते तु तां रजनीमुष्य ब्राह्मणा वेदपारगाः।उपतस्थुरुपस्थानं सह राजपुरोहिताः।। | The brahmins wellversed in the Vedas stayed waiting all night and assembled at the pavilion for the consecration ceremony along with royal priests. |
ततोऽब्रवीन्महाबाहुर्लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।सन्निवेद्य यथान्याय मात्मानमृषये प्रभुः।। | The mightyarmed elder brother of Lakshmana revealed his identity to the sage by duly introducing himself. And said then to Lakshmana |
कारुण्यात्स महातेजा वाक्यं परमधार्मिक:।इदं जगाद भद्रं ते राजानं घोररूपिणम्।। | Exceedingly energetic and deeply pious, he looked at the king who was frightful in appearance and addressed him with compassion saying, "welfare to you". |
राक्षसाश्चापिमुख्यास्तेरथेषुसमवस्थिताः ।नानाप्रहरणाश्शूराःप्रायुध्यन्तस्तदारणे ।। | Seated firmly on the chariots the chiefs and heroes of Rakshasas also fought steadily with different weapons in the combat. |
तमङ्के भरतं कृत्वा रामो वचनमब्रवीत्।श्यामं नलिनपत्राक्षं मत्तहंसस्वरं स्वयम्।। | Rama took his in his arms Bharata who had a darkblue complexion, whose eyes were like petals of lotus and whose voice was the voice of an amorous swan. |
धर्मज्ञस्सत्यसन्धश्च प्रजानां च हिते रतः ।यशस्वी ज्ञानसम्पन्नश्शुचिर्वश्यस्समाधिमान् ।। | Pious, firm in his vows, he is ever intent on doing good to his subjects. He is, illustrious, wise, and pure at heart. He is obedient to elders or accessible to those who are dependent on him and ever meditating on the means of protecting those who take refuge in him. |
तथेत्युक्त्वातुतेसर्वेपुनरागम्यराक्षसाः ।कुम्भकर्णमिदंवाक्यमूचूरावणचोदिताः ।। | All the Rakshasas taking leave from Ravana said this again approaching Kumbhakarna. |
शक्यमम्बरमारुह्य मेघसोपानपङ्क्तिभिः।कुटजार्जुनमालाभिरलङ्कर्तुं दिवाकर।। | It is possible to climb up to the sky on the stairs formed by the clouds and decorate the Sungod with garlands made of kutaja and arjuna flowers. |
ततो देवगणान् सर्वान् तपसाऽहं प्रसादयम्।ददुश्च परमप्रीता श्चतुरङ्गबलं सुरा:।। | Thereafter, I propitiated the gods by my austerities. Highly pleased, they gave me an army of four divisions chariots, elephants, horses and infantry . |
अर्दितं मम नाराचैर्ध्वस्तभ्रान्तमृगद्विजम्।समाकुलममर्यादं जगत्पश्याद्य लक्ष्मण।। | O Lakshmna now beasts and birds will be confused and destroyed by my darts.You will see them crossing all limits of propriety. |
वनं कुरुषु यद्दिव्यं वासोभूषणपत्रवत्।दिव्यनारीफलं शश्वत्तत्कौबेरमिहैतु च।। | Let Kuberas divine forest situated in the land of Kurus, where leaves serve as raiment and ornaments and celestial women as its fruits come here. |